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OF    THE 






AND    A 



BY    THE    REV.    JOSEPH    HAMILTON,    M.  A. 

— a  >■  $/ 

BOSTON^"     ^ 








THE  rapid  sale  of  the  thirteen  former  Editions  or 
this  Dictionary  has  induced  the  Editor  to  comply  with  the 
desires  of  the  public,  in  preparing  another  impression  for 
the  press.  To  copy  the  best  examples  is  not  only  the  ne- 
cessary resource  of  the  writers  of  the  present  age,  but 
it  exhibits,  at  the  same  time,  a  proof  of  their  modesty 
and  discernment.  This  remark  extends  to  authors  in 
almost  every  department  of  science  and  morals  :  but  it 
is  peculiarly  applicable  to  the  Editor  of  a  Dictionary.  If 
a  word  has  been  once  explained  with  accuracy,  and  its 
various  meanings  discriminated  with  critical  acumen, 
nothing  remains  for  a  succeeding  writer,  but  to  collect 
and  arrange  the  labours  of  his  predecessors,  in  a  man- 
ner wnich  coincides  with  his  own  particular  plan.  Such 
is  the  use  which  has  been  made  in  the  present  work  of 
the  laborious  and  celebrated  compilation  of  Dr.  Johnson, 
which  is  the  most  perfect  model  in  its  kind.  And  if  this 
task  has  been  performed  with  only  common  industry 
and  care,  it  will  follow  that  this  small  volume  contains 
in  substance  the  quintessence  of  lexicography,  and  is 
adapted  for  every  purpose  as  a  book  of  reference.  It 
has  also  this  superior  advantage,  that  the  more  obsolete 

A  2 


excressences  of  Johnson,  and  other  eminent  lexicogra- 
phers, are  here  exchanged  for  many  additional  scientific 
and  literary  terms  not  current  in  their  time.  In  fact,  no 
pains  have  been  spared  to  render  this  work  as  complete 
as  its  limits  would  admit. 

An  epitome  of  the  Heathen  Mythology  follows  the 
Dictionary,  more  copious  and  correct  than  has  hitherto 
appeared  in  any  similar  production  ;  and  the  Chronology 
annexed  exhibits  the  general  outlines  of  ancient  and  mod- 
ern history. 

J.  H. 
Hemel  Hemsted, 
June  1,  1799. 


„:..«,.. , ..adjective 

ad M adverb 

con conjunction. 

inter interjection 

part * participle 

,t art.  a ..e,.,*,u......»...participial  adjective 

pr ....preposition 

s „ substantive 

pron.... pronoua 

v verb 

v.  a ........verb  active 

v.  n...... verb  neuter 




A  B   D 

A  B  L 

A    AN  article   set  before  nouns  of  the 
)  singular  number,  as  a  boy,  a  dog. 
When  it  is  placed  before  a  word  beginning 
with  a  vowel,  it  is  changed  into  an,  as  an 
earl,  an  ensign.     It  is  placed  before  a  par- 
ticip!e,  or  participial  noun,  as  a  riding,  a 
walking.     It  also  denotes  proportion,  as  a 
year,  a  month.     It  is  sometimes  used  as  an 
abbreviation  of  the  Latin  word  artittm,  as 
A.  M.  artium  magister;  A.  D.  annodomini 
Aba'ck,  ad.  backwards  ;  back  ;  a  sea  term 
Ab'acot,  s.  an  ancient  kind  of  crown 
Ab'acus,  s.  a  counting  table  ;  in  architecture, 
the  crowningbotn  of  the  capital  and  column 
Aba'ft,  or  Aft,  ad.  towards  the  stern  from  the 

ship's  head ;  a  sea  term 
Abai'sance,  /.  a  bow ;  a  mark  of  respect 
Abal'ienate,  v.  a.  to  make  over  to  another 
Aban'don,  v.  a.  to  resign ;  to  forsake,  desert 
Aban'doned,  a.  deserted ;  given  up ;  wicked 
Abandonment,  /.  the  act  of  forsaking 
Aba'se,  v.  a.  to  humble, to  bringlow,  depress 
Aba'sed, />arr.  depressed...*,  in  heraldry,  so 
called  when  the  tops  of  eagles'  wings  are 
pointed  downwards 
Abatement,/,  the  state  of  being  brought  low 
Aba'sh,  v.  a.  to  confuse,  to  make  ashamed 
Abash'ment, .'.  great  shame  or  confusion 
Aba'te,  v.  a.  to  lessen ;  to  lower  in  price 
Abatement,  s.   the   act  of  lessening,    the 

quantity  abated  ;  extenuation 
Abb,  s.  the  yarn  on  a  weaver's  warp 
AbT)a,  s.  a  scriptural  word  signifying  father 
Abbacy,  s.  the  rights,  possessions,  privileges, 

and  immunities  of  an  abbot 
Ab'bess,  /.  the  governess  of  a  nunnery 
Ab'be,  Aiybey,  Ab^oy,  /.  residence  for  reli- 
gious persons,  whether  men  or  women 
AbTjot,  s.  the  chief  of  a  convent  of  men 
Abbreviate,  v.  a.  to  abridge,  to  shorten 
Abbreviation,  s.  the  act  of  abridging 
Abbrevia'tor,  s.  one  who  shortens  or  abridges 
Abbre'viature,  x.  a  mark  used  for  the  sake  of 
shortening  ;  a  compendium  or  abridgment 
Ab'dfcate,  v,  a.  to  resign  an  office,  to  give  up 

Abdication,  s.  resignation  ;  act  of  giving  up 
Ab'dicative,  a.  that  which  implies  abdication 
Ab'ditive,  a-  hiding  or  concealing 
Abdo'men,  s.  the  lower  part  of  the  belly 
Abdom'inal,  a.  relating  to  the  abdomen 
Abdom'inous,  a.  paunch-bellied  ;  unwieldy 
Abdu'ce,  -v.  a.  to  separate  ;  to  draw  away 
Abdu'cent,  a.  drawing  or  pulling  back 
Abduc'tion,  s.  the  act  of  separating  or  drawing 
Abduc'tor,  s.  any  muscle  that  contracts 
Abecedarian,  s.  a  teacher  of  the  alphabet 
Abecedary,  a.  belonging  to  the  alphabet 
Abe'd,  ad.  in  bed,  on  the  bed 
A'bele-tree,  s.  a  kind  of  white  poplar 
Aber'rance,  s.  a  deviation  from  the  right  way. 
Aber'rant,  a.  wandering  from  the  right  way 
Aberra'tion,  s.  the  act  of  deviating 
Abe't,  v.  a.  to  aid,  to  encourage,  to  set  on 
Abet'ment,  s.  act  of  abetting  or  encouraging 
Abet'tor,  s.  he  that  abets  ;  an  accomplice 
Abey'ance, ;.  in  law,  goods  in  reversion,  but 

not  in  possession 
Abgrega'tion,  /.  separation  from  the  flock 
Abho'r,  v.  a.  to  detest, to  loathe,to  abominate 
Abhor'rence,  /.  aversion,  great  hatred 
Abhor'rent,  a.  struck  with  abhorrence,  odi- 
ous ;  contrary  to;  inconsistent  with 
Abi'de,  v.  n.  to  dwell  in  a  place ;  to  attend  ; 

to  support;  to  persevere  in  any  thing 
Ab'ject,  a.  mean,  base,  vile,  contemptible 
Abjec'tedness,    Abjec'tion,    Ab'jectness,    t, 

meanness  of  mind,  servility,  baseness 
Ab'jectly,  ad.  in  an  abject  manner,  meanly 
Abil'ity,  s.  power ;  skill,capacity,qualification 
Abintestate,  s.  the  heir  of  an  intestate  person 
Ab'jugate,  v.  a.  to  set  free,  to  unyoke 
Abjura'tion,  s.  the  act  of  abjuring;    a  re- 
nouncing on  oath 
Abju're,  v.  a.  to  retract,  or  recant  solemnly ; 
to  renounce  an  opinion :  forsake  the  realm 
Ablac'tatej  v.  a.  to  wean  from  the  breast 
Ablacta'tion,/.  weaning;  a  method  of  grafting 
Ablaquea'tion,  s.  the  opening  of  the  ground 
round  the  roots  oftrees,to  admit  air  or  water 
Abla'tion,  s.  the  act  of  taking  away 



Ablative,  a.  that  which  takes  away;  the  last 

of  the  six  cases  of  the  Latin  nouns 
A'bLe,  a.  capable  to  perform  ;  skilful 
Able-bodied,  a.  strong  of  body,  powerful 
Ablegate,  v.  a.  to  send  abroad  on  some  pub- 
lic business  or  employment  ;  to  send  away 
A'bleness,  s.  strength  of  mind  or  body 
Ab'lepsy,  s.  want  of  sight ;  unadvisedness 
Ab'ligate,  v.  a.  to  bind  or  tie  up  from 
Ab'locate,  v.  a.  to  let  out  to  hire 
Abluent,  a.  having  the  power  of  cleansing 
Ablu'tion,  s.  act  of  cleansing;  the  cup  given 
without  consecration  in  theRomish  church; 
a  religious  purification 
Ab'negate,  v.  a.  to  deny,  to  renounce,  reject 
Abnega'tion,  s.  denial ;  renunciation 
Abnor'mous,  a.  mishapen  ;  vast,  huge 
Abo'ard,  ad.  in,  or  on  board  a  ship 
Abo'de,  s.  an  habitation,  a  dwelling  place 
Abo'de,  v.  a.  to  foretel,  to  prognosticate 
Abo'dement,  /.  a  secret  anticipation  ;  omen 
Abolish,  v.  a.  to  repeal,  to  make  void 
Abollshable,  a.  that  which  may  be  abolished 
Aboli'tion,  s.  the  aft  of  abolishing 
Abominable,  a.  detestable,  hateful;  unclean 
Abomlnableness,  s.  hatefulness,  odiousness 
Abominably,  ad.  extremely  ;   excessively, 

exceedingly ;  in  the  ill  sense 
Abominate,  v.  a.  to  abhor,  to  detest,  to  hate 
Abomination,  s.  detestation,  hatred  ;  pollu- 
tion, or  defilement 
Abori'gines,  s.  the  primitive  or  original  inha- 
bitants of  a  country 
Abortion, ;.  a  miscarriage  ;  untimely  birth 
Abor'tive,  a.  untimely  ;  premature 
Abo've, prep,  higher  in  place;  more  in  quan- 
tity., -ad.  the  regions  of  heaven 
Above'board,  ad.  without  any  trick,  fairly 
Abou'nd,  v.  n.  to  have  in  great  plenty 
Abo'ut,  prep,  round  ;    encircling,  near  to  ; 

engaged  in  ;  relating  every  way 
Abracadab'ra,  s.  a  superstitious  charm 
Abra'de,  v.  a*  to  waste  by  degrees  ;  to  rub  off 
Abra'sion,  s.  the  act  of  rubbing  off 
Abre'ast,  ad.  close  together,  side  by  side 
Abrid'ge,  v.  a.  to  contract,  to  shorten  ;    to 

express  the  same  sense  in  fewer  words 
Abridgment,  s.  a  summary;  any  larger  work 

contracted  into  a  smaller  compass 
Abro'ach,  ad.  being  tapped  ;  in  a  situation 

ready  to  yield  the  liquor  contained 
Abro'ad,    ad.    without    doors ;    in  foreign 

countries;  widely  scattered 
Ab'rogate,  v.  a.  to  disannul,  to  abolish 
Abrogation,  s .  the  aft  of  disannulling 
Abru'pt,  a.  sudden  ;  rough;  unconnected 
Abruptly,  ad.  unseasonably;  hastily 
Abruptness,  s.  an  abrupt  manner,  suddenness 
Ab'scess,  s.  a  tumour  containing  matter 
Absci'nd,  v.  a.  to  cut  off 

Abscis'sa,  s.  that  part  of  the  diameter  of  a 
conic   section,   which   is  intercepted  be- 
tween the  vertex  and  a  semi-ordinate 
Abscis'sion,  s.  the  act  of  cutting  or  lopping-oiT 
Absco'nd,  v.  a.  to  hide  one's  self 
Absco'nder,  s.  the  person  who  absconds 
Ab'sence,  s.  being  absent ;  inattention 
Ab'sent,  a.  not  present;  inattentive 
Abse'nt,  v.  n.  to  keep  away,  to  withdraw 
Absente'e,  s.  one  who  is  absent  from  his  em- 
ployment, station,  or  country 
Absin'thiated,par/.  impregnated  with  bitter 
Absi'st,  v.  n.  to  cease  or  leave  off 
Absolve,1!;,  a.  to  set  free ;  to  acquit ;  to  pardon 
Ab'solute,  a.   complete  ;  not  relative  ;  arbi- 
trary ;  without  any  restriction 
Ab'solutely,  ad.  peremptorily,  positively 
Absolu'tion,  s.  acquittal  ;  the  remission  of 

sins,  or  penance,  by  a  priest 
Absolutory,  a.  that  which  absolves  or  acquits 
Absonant, fl.  contrary  to  reason;   absurd 
Ab'sonate,  v.  a.  to  shun,  to  avoid  ;  to  detest 
Abso'rb,  v.  a.  to  suck  up,  to  swallow  up 
Absorb'ent,  s.  a  medicine  that  draws  away 

superfluous  moisture  in  the  body 
Abso'rpt,  part,  swallowed  up 
Abso'rption,  s.  the  act  of  swallowing  up 
Abstain,  v.  n.  to  forbear,  to  refrain  from 
Abste'mious,  a.  temperate,  abstinent,  sober 
Abste'miously,  ad.  temperately,  soberly 
Abste'miousness,  s.  sobriety,  temperance 
Abstention,  s.  the  act  of  holding  off 
Abste'rge,  v.  a.  to  cleanse  ;  to  wipe  off 
Abster'gent,  a.  having  a  cleansing  quality 
Abster'sion,  s.  the  act  of  cleansing 
Abster'sive,a.that  has  the  quality  of  cleansing 
Ab'stinence,  s.  a  refraining  from ;  temperance 
Abstra'ct,  v.  a.  to  separate  ideas,  to  abridge 
Ab'straft,  s.  an  abridgment,  an  epitome 
Abstracted, part,  separated ;  refined,  abstruse 
Abstractedly,  ad.  simply ;  separately 
Abstraction,  s.  the  aft  of  abstrafting,  &c. 
Abstractive,  a.  having  the  quality  to  abstract 
Abstraftly,  ad.  absolutely  ;  simply 
Abstru'se,«.  hidden,  obscure,  difficult 
Abstru'sely,  ad.  obscurely,  not  obviously 
Abstru'seness,  s.  difficulty  ;  obscurity 
Absu'me,  v.  a.  to  waste  gradually 
Absu'rd,  a.  unreasonable  ;  inconsistent 
Absurdity,  s.  not  agreeable  to  reason  ;  folly 
Absurdly,  ad.  improperly,  foolishly 
Abun'dance,  s.  great  plenty,  exuberance 
Abun'dant,  a.  plentiful ;  exuberant 
Abun'dantly,  ad.  in  plenty ;  amply ;  liberally 
Abu'se,  v.  a.  to  revile  ;  to  impose  on ;  ill  use 
Abu'se,  s.  corrupt  practice ;  unjust  censure 
Abu'ser,  s.  he  that  uses  ill,  or  reproaches 
Abu'sive,  a.  offensive,  injurious,  deceitful 
Abu'sively,  ad.  rudely;  reproachfully 
Abut,  v.  bound  or  border  upon;  to  meet 

A  C  C 


Abut'tal,  Abut'ment,  s.  that  which  joins  to, 

or  borders  upon,  another  object 
Aby'sm,Aby'ss,j.a  fathomless  gulf  or  pit ;  hell 
Academical,  a.  belonging  to  an  academy 
Acade'mian,     Academ'ic,       Academician, 

Acad'emist,  s.  a  student  at  an  academy 
Acad'emy,  s.  a  school  where  the  arts  and 

sciences  are  taught ;  an  university 
Acan'thus,  s.  the  herb  bear's-foot 
Acatalec'tic,  s.  a  verse  exactly  perfect,  hav- 
ing the  complete  number  of  syllables 
Acatalep'tic,  a.  incomprehensible 
Acce'de,  v.  n.  to  comply  with  or  subscribe 

to  a  treaty  ;  to  agree  to 
Accelerate,  v.  a.  to  quicken,  to  hasten 
Accelerated,  part,  quickened,  hastened 
Acceleration,  s.  a  quickening,  hastening 
Acce'nd,  v.  a.  to  kindle,  to  set  on  fire 
Accen'sion,  s.  the  state  of  being  kindled 
Ac'cent,  s.  manner  of  pronunciation  ;  a  mark 

to  direct  the  modulation  of  the  voice 
Acceynt,  v.  a.  to  note  the  accent  or  mark 
Accentuate,  v.  a.  to  place  an  accent  properly 
Accentua'tion,  s.  due  placing  of  the  accent 
Acce'pt,  v.  a.  to  receive,  to  take,  to  admit 
Acceptable,  a .  agreeable,  seasonable 
Ac'ceptably,  ad.  in  an  acceptable  manner 
Acceptance*  s.  reception  with  approbation 
Acceptation,  s.  reception,  either  agreeably 

or  not ;  the  received  meaning  of  a  word 
Accept'er, :.  the  person  who  accepts 
Acceptila'tion,  s.  remission  of  a  debt  by  an 

acquittance  from  a  creditor 
Acce'ss,  s.  admission  to  a  place  or  person 
Ac'cessary,  /.  an.  abettor  ;  an  accomplice 
Accessible,  a.  that  which  may  be  approached. 
Accession,  s.  addition  ;  arriving  at 
Accessory,  a.  additional ;  superadded.../,  an 

accomplice,  not  a  principal 
Ac'cidence,  s.  a  little  book  containing  the 

first  rudiments  of  grammar 
Ac'cident,  /.   property  or  quality  of  a  word 
or  being,  separable  from  it,  at  least  in 
thought ;  casualty  ;  unforeseen  event 
Accidental,  a.  casual  ;  fortuitous 
Accidentally,  ad.  casually,  fortuitously 
Accip'ient,  s.  a  receiver...**,  receiving 
.Acci'te,  v.  a.  to  caW  for  or  upon  ;  to  summon 
Acclaim,  Acclama'tion,  s.  a  shout  of  ap- 
plause ;  praise  ;  exultation 
Accliv'ity,  s.  the  ascent  of  a  hill 
Acclo'y,  v.  a.  to  cloy,  to  satiate,  to  surfeit 
Acco'il,  v.  n.  to  crowd  ;  to  bustle  about 
Accom'modable,  a.  that  which  may  be  fitted 
Accom'modate,  v.  a.  to  supply  ;  to  reconcile 
Accommodation,  j,    composition  of  a  disa- 
greement ;  provision  of  conveniences 
Accompanied,  part,  attended  by 
Aecom'paniment,  s.  something  added  to  an- 
other ;  harmonious  union  of  parts 

Accom'pany ,  v.  a.  to  join  ;  to  associate  with 
Accomplice,  s.  a  partner  ;  an  associate 
Accomplish,  v.  a.  to  complete  ;  to  obtain  } 

to  adorn  the  body,  or  improve  the  mind 
Accomplished,  part.  a.  completed  ;  elegant 
Accomplishment,   s.  completion  ;  full  per- 
formance j  elegance  ;  ornament  of  mind 
Acco'mpt,  s.  an  account,  a  reckoning 
Accompt'aut,  s.  a  calculator,  a  computer 
Acco'rd,  v.  a.  to  adjust ;  unite  ;  agree  with 
Acco'rd,  s.  a  compact. ;  harmony  ;  union 
Accordance,  s.  agreement ;  conformity 
Accord'ant,  a.  willing  ;  consenting 
According, prep,  agreeably  to;  in  proportion, 
Accordingly,  ad.  agreeably  ;  conformably 
Acco'st,  v.  a.  to  address,  to  salute 
Accost'able,  a.  easy  of  access  ;  familiar 
Acco'unt,  v.  a.  to  compute  ;  to  esteem  ;  to 

answer  for,  to  assign  to  ,•  to  give  an  account 
Acco'unt,  s.  a  computation  ;  examination  ; 

narration  ;  dignity,  rank  ;  estimation 
Account'able,  a.  subject  to  an  account 
Account'edjpar/^ valued ;  reckoned,esteemed 
Accou'ple,  v.  a.  to  join  or  link  together 
Accou'tre,  v.  a.  to  attire,  to  dress,  to  furnish 
Accou'trement,  s.  equipage,  trappings 
Accre'tion,  s.  the  act  of  growing  to  another 
Accre'tive,  a.  that  which  by  growth  is  added 
Accru'e,  arise  by  profit ;  to  be  added  to 
Accuba'tion,  s .  the  ancient  posture  of  leaning 

at  meals 
Accu'mulate,  v.  a.  to  pile  up,  to  heap  together 
Accumulation,  s.  a  heaping  up  ;  a  heap 
Accumulative,  a.  that  which  increases 
Accumulator,;,  a  gatherer  or  heaper  together 
Ac'curacy,  s.  exactness,  nicety,  without  error 
Ac'curate,  a.  very  exact  ;  done  with  care 
Accurately,  ad.  without  error;  nicely 
Accur'se,  v.  a.  to  doom  to  destruction 
Accurs'ed,  part,  a-  that  which  is  doomed  to 

misery  ;  execrable,  hateful,  detestable 
Accu'sable,fl.  that  may  be  censured  ;  culpable 
Accusation,  s .  charge,  impeachment 
Accusative,  a.  the  fourth  case  of  a  Latin  noun 
Accu'se,  v.  a.  to  charge  with  a  crime  ;  to 

blame,  to  censure,  to  impeach 
Accu'ser,  s.  one  who  prefers  a  complaint 

against  another  ;  a  censor 
Accus'tom,  v.  a.  to  use  one's  self  to,  to  enure 
Accus'tomable,  a.  habitual,  customary 
Accus'tomably,  Accus'tomarily,  ad.  usually! 

customarily,  long  practised 
Accus'tomary,  a.  common,  usually  done 
Accustomed,  part.  a.  frequent,  usual 
Ace,  s.  an  unit  on  cards  or  dice  ;  a  trifle 
Aceph'alous,  a.  without  a  head 
Ace'rb,  a.  acid,  rough,  bitter  ;  severe 
Acerb'ate,  v.  a.  to  make  bitter  or  sour 
Acerbity,  s.  a  sour  taste  ;  severity  of  temper 


Acer'vate,  v.  a.  to  heap  together 
Acerva'tion,  s.  the  aft  of  heaping  together 
Aces'cent,  a.  tending  to  sourness,  or  acidity 
Ace'tose,  Ace'tous,  a.  having  a  sour  quality 
Ache,  s.  a  continued  pain 
Ache,  v.  n.  to  be  in  continued  pain 
Achie've,  v.  a.  to  perform  ;  to  obtain 
Achievement,  s.  a  deed,  a  performance  ; 

the  escutcheons,  or  ensigns  armorial 
Achie'ver,  s.  he  who  performs  his  intentions 
A'chor,  s.  a  species  of  the  herpes 
A'cid,  a.  sour  ;  sharp  ;  biting 
Acid'ity,  A'cidness,  s.  sharpness,  sourness 
Acid'ulse,  s.   medicinal  springs  impregnated 

with  certain  sharp  particles 
Acid'ulate,  v.  a.  to  make  sour  in  a  degree 
Ackno'wledge,  v.  a.  to  confess ;  to  be  grateful 
Acknowledging,  a.  grateful 
Acknowledgment,  s.  concession  ;  gratitude 
Ac'me,  t.  the  height  or  crisis  of  any  thing 
Acol'othistjX.  a  servitor  in  the  Romish  church 
Ac'onite,  s.  wolf's  bane  ;  poison  in  general 
A'corn,  s.  the  seed  or  fruit  of  the  oak 
Acous'tics,*.  the  theory  of  sounds ;  medicines 

or  instruments  used  to  assist  the  hearing 
Acqua'int,  v.  a.  to  inform  ;  to  make  known 
Acquaintance,  ;.    familiarity  ;  fellowship  ; 

a  person  with  whom  we  associate 
Acquainted,  a.  familiar  j  well  known  to 
Acque'st,  or  Acqui'st,  s.  a  thing  gained 
Acquies'ce,t>.  n.  to  yield,  submit,  comply 
Acquiescence, j.  compliance  ;  rest;  consent 
Acquirable,   a.  that  may  be  had,  or  attained 
Acqui're,  v.  a.  to  gain  by  industry,  &c. 
Acquirement,  s.  that  which  is  gained 
Acquisition,  s.   the  act  of  gaining  ;  the  ad- 
vantage gained  ;  acquirement 
Acquisitive,  a.  that  which  is  acquired 
Acqui't,  v.  a.  to  discharge  ;  set  free  ;  absolve 
Acquit'ment,  s.  the  aft  of  acquitting 
Acquit'tal,  /.  deliverance  from  an  offence 
Acquit'tance,  s.  a  release  ;    a  discharge  in 

writi  ng  for  a  debt 
A'cre,  s.  a  portion  of  land  containing  40 
perches  in  length,  and  four  in  breadth,  or 
484O  square  yards 
Ac'rid,  a.  having  a  hot  biting  taste  ;  bitter 
Acrimo'nious,  a.  sharp  ;  corrosive 
Ac'rimony,  s.  sharpness  ;  corrosiveness  ;  se- 
verity of  temper  or  language 
Ac'ritude,  Ac'rity,  s.  an  acrid  taste  ;  a  biting 

heat  on  the  palate 
Acroamat'ical,  a.  pertaining  to  deep  learning 
Acron'ycal,tf.  a  term  of  astronomy  applied  to 
stars  when  they  appear  above  or  sink  be- 
low the  horizon  at  the  time  of  sun-set 
Acro'ss,  ad.  athwart,  laid  over  any  thing 
Acros'tic,  s.  a  poem  in  which  the  first  letter 
of  every  line  makes  up  the  name  of  the 
person  on  whom  the  poem  i$  written 

Act,  v.  n.  to  do,  to  perform...^,  a.  to  imitate 
Aft,  s.  a  deed,  an  exploit ;  a  part  in  a  play 
Ac'tion,  s.  opposite  to  rest ;  gesture  in  speak- 
ing ;  a  deed  ;  a  battle  ;  a  law  suit 
Ac'tionable,a.that  which  is  punishable  by  law 
Ac'tionary,  s.  a  holder  of  public  stock 
Aft'ive,  a.  nimble,  agile,  quick,  busy 
Aft'ively,  ad.  nimbly,  briskly,  quickly 
Aft'iveness,  Aftiv'ity,  s.  nimbleness 
Aft'or,  s.  one  that  performs  ;  a  stage-playe* 
Aft'ress,  s.  a  female  stage-player 
Aft'ual,  a.  real ;  certain,  not  speculative 
Aft'ually,  ad.  in  aft,  in  effeft,  really 
Aft'ualness,  s.  the  quality  of  being  aftuai 
Aft'uary,  s .  a  register,  or  clerk  of  a  court 
Aft'uate,  v.  a.  to  put  into  aftion  ;  to  move 
Aft'uate,  a.  Aft'uated,  part,  put  into  aftion 
Ac'uate,  v.  a.  to  make  sharp  ;  to  point 
Acu'leate,  a.  having  a  sting  or  sharp  point 
Acu'men,  s.  a  sharp   point ;   quickness   or 

sharpness  of  intelleft 
Acu'minated,  part,  ending  in  a  sharp  point 
Acu'te,  a.  sharp,  keen,  subtle, ingenious 
Acu'te,  s.  an  accent  marked  thus  (')  to  show 

when  the  voice  ought  to  be  raised 
Acu'tely,  ad.  sharply,  keenly,  ingeniously 
Acu'teness,  s.  sharpness,  subtleness 
Ada'fted,  part.  a.  driven  by  force 
Ad'age,  s.  a  maxim  ;  a  common  saying 
Ada'gio,  s.  in  music,  a  term  for  slow  time 
Ad'amant,  s.  a  diamond  ;  a  loadstone 
Adamante'an,  a.  very  hard,  impenetrable 
Adaman'tine,  a.  made  of  adamant  ;  hard 
Ada'pt,  v.  a.  to  fit,  to  suit,  to  proportion 
Adaptation,  Adap'tion,  s,  the  aft  of  fitting 
Add,  v.  a.  to  join  to,  increase,  number  up 
Adde'cimate,  v.  a.  to  take  or  value  tithes 
Adde'em,  -v.  a.  to  esteem  ;  account,  reckon 
Ad'der,  s.  a  poisonous  serpent  ;  a  viper 
Adder's-grass,  s.  the  name  of  a  plant 
Adder's-tongue,  s.  the  name  of  an  herb 
Ad'dible,  a.  that  which  may  be  added 
Ad'dice,  Adze,  s.  a  cooper's  tool ;  an  axe 
Addi'ft,  v.  a.  to  devote,  to  dedicate 
Addift'ed, pari.  a.  devoted  to,  fond  of 
Add'itament,  s.  the  thing  added,  addition 
Addi'tion,  s.  an  adding  to  ;  a  rule  for  adding 
sums  together  ;  in  law,  the  residence,  oc- 
cupation, or  rank  of  any  person 
Additional,  a.  that  which  is  added 
Ad'dle,  a.  barren,  empty  ;  usually  applied 

to  such  eggs  as  are  rotten..^,  dry  lees 
Ad'dle-pated,  a.  empty  headed  ;  weak 
Addre'ss,  v. a.  to  speak  or  apply  to  ;  to  direft 

to  ;  to  prepare  one's  self  for  any  aftion 
Addre'ss,  s.  a  petition  ;  direftion  ;  skill  % 

dexterity  ;  mode  of  behaviour 
Addu'ce,  v.  a.  to  bring  in  ;  allege  :  assign 
Addu'cent,  s.  any  muscle  that  contrafts 
Addu'lce,  v  a.  to  sweeten;  to  pleasant 


A   D  V 

Ademption,  s.  revocation,  privation 
Adenography,  s.  a  treatise  of  the  glands 
Ad'ept,  s.  an  artist,  one  well  versed  in  an  art 
Ad'equate,a.  proportionate,  equal  to 
Adequately,  ad.  in  exact  proportion,  duly 
Ad'equateness,  s.  equality  ;  exact  proportion 
Adfected,  a.  compounded  or  affected 
Adhe're,?;.  n.  to  stick  close  to ;  to  take  part 
with,  to  remain  fixed  to  any  opinion,  &c. 
Adhe'rence,  s.  attachment;  tenacity 
Adhe'rent,  a.  united  with  ;  sticking  to 
Adhe'rent,  Adhe'rer,  s.  a  follower  ;  partisan 
Adhe'sion,  /.  the  act  of  sticking  to  something 
Adhe'sive,  a.  sticking ;  tenacious 
Adhib'it,  v.  a.  to  apply  to ;  to  make  use  of 
Adhibi'tion,  s.  application  ;  use 
Adja'cency,  s .  state  of  being  near  or  close  to 
Adja'cent,  a.  lying  close  to,  bordering  upon 
Adiaph'orous,  a.  neutral,  indifferent 
Adiaph'ory,  s.  neutrality,  indifference 
Adje'ct,  v.  a.  to  add  to,  to  put  to 
Adjec'tion,  s.  the  act  of  adjecting  or  adding 
Adjecti'tious,  a.  thrown  in,  added 
Ad'jective,  s.  a  word  added  to  a  noun  to  de- 
note its  quality,  as  good,  bad,  &c 
Adieu',  ad.  farewel 

Adjo'in,  v.  a.  to  join  to,  to  unite  or  put  to 
Adjoin'ing,/>ar/.  being  close  to,  near  to 
Adjou'rn,  v.  a.  to  put  off,  to  defer 
Adjournment,  s.  putting  off  to  another  day 
Ad'ipose,  Ad'ipous,  a.  fat,  greasy 
A'dit,  a.  a  passage  under  ground  for  miners 
Adju'dge,  v.  a.  to  decree,  to  pass  sentence 
Adju'dicate,  v.  a.  to  determine  by  law 
Ad'jugate,  v.  a.  to  yoke  or  couple  to 
Ad'junct,j.  something  adherent  to  another 
Adjunc'tion,  s.  act  of  joining;  thing  joined 
Adjura'tion,  s.    a  solemn  proposing  of   an 

oath  to  another ;  the  oath  proposed 
Adju're,  v.  a.  to  tender  or  impose  an  oath  to 
be  taken  by  another,  prescribing  the  form 
Adju'st,  v.  a.  to  regulate ;  put  in  order ;  settle 
Adjust'ing,  Adjustment,  s.  the  act  of  regu- 
lating, or  putting  in  method 
Ad'jutant,  s.  a  military  officer,  whose  duty  is 
to  assist  the  major,  by  distributing  pay, 
and  superintending  punishments 
Adju'te,  v.  a.  to  assist,  to  aid,  to  concur 
Adju'tor,  j.  an  helper,  an  assistant 
Ad'juvate,  v.  a.  to  help,  to  forward 
Admeasurement,  s.  the  act  of  measuring 
Admin'ister,  v. a.  to  act  as  an  agent ;  to  supply 
Administration,  s.  act  of  administering 
Administrator,  s.  one  who  manages  the  af- 
fairs of  a  person  dying  without  a  will 
Administra'trix,  s.  a  woman  who  administers 
Ad'mirable,  a.  to  be  admired  ;  good,  rare 
Ad'mirably,  ad.  wonderfully,  excellently 
Ad'miral,  s.  the  chief  commander  of  a  fleet 
Ad'miralsbip,  s.  the  office  of  an  admiral 

Ad'miralty,  s.   the  supreme  office    for  the 

superintendence  of  naval  affairs 
Admira'tion,  s.  act  of  admiring;  wonder 
Admi're,  v.  to  be  surprised  at ;  to  esteem 
Admi'rer,  s.  one  that  admires;  a  lover 
Admis'sible,  a.  that  which  may  be  admitted 
Admis'sion,  s.  the  act  of  admitting ;  the  al- 
lowing of  a  position  not  fully  proved 
Admi't,  v.  a.  to  grant  entrance ;  to  allow  an 
argument,  or  position ;  to  grant  in  general 
Admit'table,  a.  that  which  may  be  admitted 
Admittance,  s.  the  act  of  admitting ;  custom 
Admi'x,  v.  a.  to  mingle,  to  mix  with 
Admix'tion,  s.  the  uniting   or  blending  one 

body  with  another 
Admix'ture,  s.  the  substance  of  bodies  mixed 
Admon'ish,  v.  a.  to  reprove,  caution,  advise 
Admon'isher,  s.  an  adviser,  a  reprover 
Admoni'tion,  /.  advice,  counsel,  reproof 
Admon'itory,  a.  admonishing,warning  gently 
Ado',  s.  trouble,  confusion,  bustle,  tumult 
Adoles'cence,  s.  the  flower  or  prime  of  youth 
Ado'pt,  v.  a.  to  take  a  son  or  daughter  by 
choice,  wha was  not  so  by  birth  ;   to  em- 
brace any  particular  method  or  manner 
Adop'tion,  s.  the  act  or  state  of  adopting 
Ado'rable,  a.  worthy  of  adoration  ;  divine 
Adora'tion,  s.  divine  worship ;  homage 
Ado're,  v.  a.  to  worship  ;  to  honour  highly 
Ado'rn,  v.  a.  to  dress,  decorate,  embellish 
Adorn'ment,  /.  ornament,  embellishment 
Ado'wn,  prep,  down ;  towards  the  ground 
Adri'ft,  ad.  floating  at  random 
Adro'it,  a.  active,  skilful,  dexterous 
Adroit'ly,  ad.  dexterously,  nimbly,  skilfully 
Adroit'ness, ;.  dexterity,  skill,  activity 
Adry',  a.  thirsty,  desirous  of  drink ;  athirst 
Adsciti'tious,  a.  borrowed,  added 
Adstric'tion,  s .  the  act  of  binding  together 
Adva'nce,  v.  a.  to  bring  forward ;  to  aggran- 
dize ;  to  improve  ;  to  grace  ;  to  propose 
Adva'nce,  s.  a  progression  ;  an  improvement 
Advan'ced,  part,  forwarded ;  asserted 
Advance'ment,  /.  preferment ;  progression. 
Advant'age,    s.    superiority ;    convenience ; 

gain ;  benefit  ;  favourable  circumstance 
Advant'age,  v.  a.  to  improve  ;  to  promote 
Advanta'geous,  a.  convenient,  profitable 
Advanta'geously,  ad.  conveniently;    profit- 
ably ;  opportunely 
Advanta'geousness,  s.  usefuIness,convenience 
Adve'ne,  v.  n.  to  be  superadded  to 
Adve'nient,  a.  superadded,  advening 
Ad'vent, /.  a  coming;  the  time  appointed  as 
a  preparation  for  the  celebration  of  Christ's 
nativity,  being  4  weeks  before  Christmas 
Advent'ine,  Adventi'tious,    Adventlve,    a. 
accidental,  casual ;  additional,  supervenient 
Advent'ure,  v.  n.  to  try  the  chance  ;  to  dare 
Advent'ure, s.  an  accident;  an  enterprise 

A  D  V 


Advent'urer,  /.  an  unsettled  person  ;   one 

who  hazards  or  risks  any  chance 
Advent'uresome,  a.  hazardous,  daring 
Advent'urous,  a.  one  who  is  daring,  or  cou- 
rageous ;  full  of  hazard,  dangerous 
Advent'urously,  ad.  boldly,  hazardously 
Ad'verb,  s.  in  grammar,  a  word  joined  to  a 
verb  or  adjective,  to  denote  the  manner, 
time,  &c.  of  an  action 
Adverb'ial,  a.  that  which  relates  to  adverbs 
Adverb'ially,  ad.  in  the  manner  of  an  adverb 
Advers'able,  a.  contrary  to  ;  not  in  use 
Adversa'ria,  s.  a  common-place  book 
Ad'versary,  s.  an  antagonist,  enemy,  foe 
Ad'verse,  a.  contrary  ;  calamitous 
Ad'versely,«rf.  oppositely;  unfortunately 
Adver'sity,  s.  misery,  distress,  affliction 
Adve'rt,  v.  n.  to  attend  to,  to  heed,  to  regard 
Advert'ence,  Advert'ency,  s.  attention  to 
Adverti'se,i>  inform,togive  public  notice 
■  Advertisement,  s.  intelligence,  information  j 

admonition  ;  notice  in  a  public  paper 
Advertiser,  s.  one  who  gives  information 
Advertising,  part,  giving  notice 
Adves'perate,  v.  n.  to  draw  towards  evening 
Advi'ce,  s.  counsel ;  instruction,  intelligence 
Advi'sable,  a.  prudent,  proper,  fit 
Advi'sableness,  s.  fitness,  propriety 
Advi'se,  v.  to  counsel,  to  consult,  to  inform 
Advi'sedly,  ad.  deliberately  ;  prudently 
Advi'ser,  s.  one  who  advises  ;  a  counsellor 
Adula'tion,  /.  high  compliment,  flattery 
Ad'ulator,  s.  a  parasite,  a  flatterer 
Ad'ulatory,«.  flattering,  fawning,  parasitical 
Adu'lt,  s.  a  person  arrived  at  maturity 
Adult'erate,  a.  Adulterated,  part,  corrupted 

with  some  baser  ingredients  ;  debased 
Adultera'tion,  s.  act  of  corrupting  or  debas- 
ing ;  state  of  being  contaminated 
Adult'erer,  s.  a  man  guilty  of  adultery 
Adult'eress,  s.  a  woman  guilty  of  adultery 
Adult'erous,  a.  guilty  of  adultery 
Adult'ery,  s.  violating  the  marriage  bed 
Adumbrate,  v.  a.  to  shadow  out  faintly 
Adumbra'tion,  s.  a  faint  sketch  ;  giving  a 

slight  and  imperfect  representation 
Adima'tion,  *.  an  union  ;  being  joined 
Adun'city,  s.  crookedness,  a  bend  inwards 
Ad'vocate,  s.  a  pleader  ;  an  intercessor  ;  one 

who  defends  the  cause  of  another 
Advocation,  s.  the  act  of  pleading  ;  plea  ; 

apology  ;  excuse  ;  defence 
Advowe'e,  s.  he  that  possesses  the  right  of 

advowson,  or  presentation 
Advow'son,  s.  a  right  to  present  to  a  benefice 
Advow'son  appendant,  s.  a  right  of  presenta- 
tion to  a  church,  depending  on  a  manor  as 
an  appurtenance  thereto 
Advow'son  in  gross,  s.  an  absolute  right  of 
presentation  not  belonging  to  a  manor 

Adu're,  v.  a   to  burn  up,  to  parch 
Adu'st,  Adu'sted,  a.  burnt  up,  scorched 
Adustible,  a.  that  which  may  be  burnt  up 
Adust'ion,  s.  the  act  of  burning,  or  drying 
Ae'rial,  a.  belonging  to  the  air  ;  high  ;  lofty 
A'erie,  s.  a  nest  of  eagles,  or  birds  of  prey 
Aerol'ogy,  s.  the  theory  of  the  air 
A'eromancy,  /.  the  art  of  divining  by  the  air 
Aerom'etry,  s.  the  art  of  measuring  the  air 
A'eronaut,  s.  one  who  sails  thro',&c.  the  air 
Aeros'copy,  /.  the  observation  of  the  air 
Aerostat'ic,  a.  belonging  to  aerostation 
Aerosta'tion,  s.  traversing  the  air  in  balloons 
Afa'r,  ad.  remotely,  from  a  great  distance 
Afe'ard,  a.  afraid,  terrified,  daunted 
Affabil'ity,  s.  courteousness  ;  condescension 
Affable,  a.  easy  of  manners,  benign,  mild 
Af'fableness,  s.  civility  ;  condescension 
Affably,  ad.  courteously,  kindly,  civilly 
AfFa'ir,  s.  business,  concern,  transaction 
Affe'ct,  s.  affection ;  sensation  ;  quality 
Affe'ct,   v.  a.  to  influence  the  passions  j  to 

make  a  show  of  something 
Affecta'tion,  s.  an  artificial  appearance 
Affect'ed,/>tfrf.  a.  moved,  afflicted ;  conceited 
Affect'edly,  ad.  conceitedly,  hypocritically 
Affect'edness,  s.  silly  pride,  conceit 
ASec't'mgy  part,  moving  ;  imitating 
Affec'tion,  s.  love,  kindness,  zeal  ;  habit 
Affec'tionate,  a.  warm,  tender,  benevolent 
Affectionately,  ad.  tenderly,  benevolently 
Affect'ive,  a.  that  which  affects  ;  moving 
AflVance,  s.  a  contract ;  reliance,  hope,  con- 
fidence, generally  in  a  religious  sense 
AflVance,  v.  a.  to  betroth,  to  bind  by  promise 
Affida'vit,  s.  a  deposition  on  oath 
Affi'ed,  part .  a.  joined  by  contract 
Affiliation,  s.  the  adoption  of  a  son 
Aff'inage,  s.  the  act  of  refining  metals 
Affi/ned,  a.  relating  to  another 
Affin'ity,  s.  relation  by  marriage  opposed  to 

consanguinity  ;  resemblance  to 
Affi'rm,  v.  a.  to  declare,  to  tell  confidently 
Affirm'able,  a.  that  may  be  affirmed  ;  true 
Affirma'tion,  s .  confirmation,  declaration 
Affirm'ative,  a.  that  affirms  or  declares 
Affirmatively,  ad.  positively,  absolutely 
Affix',  v.  a.  to  unite,  to  subjoin,  to  fasten 
Affla'tion,  s.  the  act  of  breathing  upon 
Affii'ct,  v.  a.  to  grieve,  trouble,  torment 
Affliction,  s.  sorrow,  calamity,  misery 
Afflictive,  a.  painful,  tormenting 
Affluence,  s.  riches,  plenty,  abundance 
Affluent,  a.  wealthy,  abundant,  exuberant 
Afflu'x,  Afflux'ion,  s.   the  act  of  flowing  ; 
that  which  flows  from  one  place  to  another 
Affo'rd,  v.  a.  to  yield,  or  produce  ;  to  grant  j 

to  be  able  to  bear  certain  expenses 
Affra'nchise,  v.  a.  to  make  free 
Affra'y,  v.  a.  to  strike  with  fear,  to  terrify 

A  G  G 



Affra'y,  s.  a  quarrel,  disturbance,  tumult 
Affri'ght,  v.  a.  to  alarm,  confuse,  terrify 
Affri'ght,  Affrigflt'ment,  s.  terror,  fear 
Affro'nt,  s.  outrage,  insult,  disgrace 
Affro'nt,?;.  a.  to  insult,  to  provoke,  to  offend 
Affront'ive,  a.  injurious,  abusive 
AfFu'se,  v.  a.  to  pour  one  thing  on  another 
Affu'sion,  s.  the  act  of  affusing 
Affy',  v.  a.  to  betroth,  to  trust  in,  to  confide 
Afie'ld,  ad.  to  or  in  the  field,  out  of  doors 
Aflo'at,  ad.  borne  up  by  the  water  ;  moving 
Afoo't,  ad.  on  foot ;   in  action,  in  motion 
Afo're, prep,  before,  sooner  in  time 
Afo'rehand,  ad.  previously  prepared,  or  fitted 
Afo'resaid,  a.  said  before,  named  before 
Afra'id,  part.  a.  struck  with  fear,  terrified 
Afre'sh,  ad.  anew,  over  again,  once  more 
Af'tev,prep.  behind...^,  following  another  ; 
in  pursuit  of  ;  in  imitation  of  ;  in  suc- 
ceeding time 
Aftermath,  j.  the  second  crop  of  grass 
Afternoo'n,  s.  time  from  noon  to  evening 
Af  terpains,  /.  pains  after  child-birth 
Afterthought,  s.   reflections    formed  after 

the  act ;  expedients  formed  too  late 
Afterwards,  ad.  in  succeeding  time 
A'ga,  s.  a  Turkish  military  officer  of  rank 
Aga'in,  ad.  a  second  time,  once  more ;  more- 
over ;  in  return  ;  on  the  other  hand 
Aga'inst,  prep,  in  contradiction  to  ;  in  op- 
position to  ;  to  the  hurt  of  another 
Aga'pe,  ad.  staring  eagerly,  or  with  surprise 
Aga'st,  or  Agha'st,  a.  struck  with   terror, 

frightened  ;  staring  with  amazement 
Ag'ate, ;.  the  lowest  sort  of  precious  stone 
Ag'aty,  a.  partaking  of  the  nature  of  agate 
Age,  f.  any  period  of  time  ;    generation  of 
men  ;  an  hundred  years  ;  maturity  ;  de- 
cline of  life 
A'ged,  a.  advanced  in  years,  old,  ancient 
A'gency,  s.  action  ;  managing  another's  affairs 
A'gent,  j.  a  deputy,  a  substitute,  a  factor 
Aggela'tion,  j.  concretion  of  ice 
Aggenera'tion,  s.  a  growing  to  another  body 
Agglomerate,  v.  a.  to  gather  up  in  a  ball 
Agglu'tinate,  v.  n.  to  unite  together 
Agglutination,  s.  union,  cohesion 
Ag'grandize,  v.  a.  to  enlarge,  to  exalt,  to 

advance  in  power,  honour,  or  rank 
Aggrandizement,*,  bemgexalted  or  preferred 
Aggravate,  v.  a.  to  make  worse  ;  to  provoke 
Aggravation,  s.  a  provocation  ;    exciting  to 

anger  ;  the  act  of  aggravating 
Aggregate,  a.  framed  by  the  collection  of 

sundry  parts  into  one  body  or  mass 
Ag'gregate,  s.  the  collected  sum  of  various 

quantities  ;  the  sum  total  of  an  account 
Ag'gregate,  v.  a.  to  add  or  heap  together 
Aggregation,  s.  the  state  of  being  collected 
Aggre'ss,  v.  a.  to  assault  or  injure  first 

Aggres'sion,  s.  the  commencing  a  quarrel 
Aggress'or,  s.  one  v?ho  first  assaults  another 
Aggrie'vance,  s.  hardship,  injury,  wrong 
Aggrie've,  v.  a.  to  vex,  to  injure,  to  harass 
Aggrieved,  part,  afflicted,  injured 
Aggro'up,  v-  a.  to  bring  into  one  view 
A'gile,  a.  nimble,  ready,  active,  light 
A'gileness,  s.  quickness,  activity,  nimbleness 
Agil'ity,  s.  activity,  speed,  readiness 
Agi'st,  v.   a.  to  let  cattle  feed  in  pasture 

grounds  at  so  much  per  week 
A'gitate,  v.  a.  to  shake  ;  revolve  in  the  mind 
Agita'tion,  s.  the  act  of  shaking  any  thing; 
violent  motion  ;  perturbation  of  the  mind  ; 
controversial  examination 
A'gitative,  a.  having  the  power  to  agitate 
Agna'tion,  s.  descent  from  the  same  father 
Agni'tion,  s.  an  acknowledgment 
Agni'ze,  v.  a.  to  confess  ;  to  acknowledge 
Ago',  ad.  in  time  past ;  as,  long  ago 
Ago'g,  ad.  in  a  state  of  longing  •,  a  low  word 
Ago'ing,  part.  a.  in  action,  moving 
Agonist'es,  s.  a  prize  fighter,  a  gladiator 
Ag'onize,  v.  n.  to  be  in  extreme  pain 
Ag'ony,  s.  pangs  of  death  ;  anguish 
Agrarian,  a.  relating  to  fields  or  grounds 
Agre'e,  v.  to  accord,  to  concur,  to  settle 
Agree'able,  a.  pleasing  ;  conformable  to 
Agree'ableness,  s.  the  quality  of  pleasing 
Agree'ably,  ad  pleasingly  ;  consistently 
Agre'ed, part.  a.  settled  by  mutual  consent 
Agree'ment,  s.  concord  ;  compact  ;  bargain 
Agriculture,  s.  tillage,  husbandry 
Agriculturist,  s.  a  husbandman,  a  farmer 
Ag'rimony,  s.  a  name  for  the  plant  liverwort 
Agro'und.  ad.  run  ashore  ;  stranded 
A'gue,  s.  an  intermitting  fever,  with  cold  fits 
Ah,  Inter,  denoting  contempt,  or  pity 
Aha,  inter,  a  word  intimating  triumph  and 

Ahea'd,  ad.  furthest  on  ;  precipitantly 
Aid,  v.  a.  to  succour,  to  assist,  to  relieve 
Aid,  Aid'ance,  s.  help,  support,  assistance 
A'idant,  A'iding,  a.  helping,  assisting 
Aid-de-ca'mp,  f.  a  military  officer  attendant 

on  a  general,  to  convey  orders,  &c 
A'idless,  a.  friendless,  unsupported 
Ail,  v.  to  be  in  pain,  or  suffer  sickness 
jA'iling,  pari.  a.  disordered,  unhealthy 
|  Ai'lment,  s.  pain,  disease,  affliction 
Aim,  v.  to  direct  towards  a  mark,  to  guess 
Aim,  /.  direction,  endeavour,  design 
Air,  i.  the  element  in  which  we  breathe  ;  a 

tune  or  melody  ;  the  mien  of  a  person 
Air,  v.  a.  to  expose  to  the  air  ;  to  warm 
ij  Air-balloo'n,  s.  see  Balloon 
,  A'inly,  ad.  gaily,  briskly,  merrily 
[  i  A'iriness,  s.  gaiety  ;  exposure  to  the  air 
A'iring,  s.  a  jaunt  or  short  excursion  to  etT- 
joy  the  air 

A  L  I 


■A'irless,  a.  wanting  air,  close 

A'ir-pump,  s.  a  machine  by  which  the  air  is 

drawn  out  of  certain  vessels 
A'iry,  a.  belonging  to  the  air ;  gay,  sprightly 
Aisle,  Aile, :.  a  walk  in  a  church 
Ait,  s.  a  small  island  in  a  river 
Aki'n,  a.  related  to  ;  resembling  ;  alike 
Al'abaster,  s.  a  species  of  soft,  white  marble 
Alac'-rity,  s.  willingness,  readiness,  briskness 
A-la-mo'de,  ad.  according  to  the  fashion 
Ala'rm,  v.  a.  to  call  to  arms  ;  to  surprise 
Ala'rm,  s.  a  notice  of  danger  ;  sudden  terror 
Alarm'ing,  part,  frightful  :  giving  alarm 
Ala'rmpost,  s.  the  spot  to  which  each  regi- 
ment is  to  repair  in  case  of  alarm 
Ala'rum,  s.  a  clock  ;  an  alarm  bell 
Ala's,  Ala'ck,  inter,  denoting  pity  or  grief 
Alb,  s.  a  Romish  priest's  surplice 
Albei't,  ad.  although,  notwithstanding 
Al'bion,  s.  the  ancient  name  of  Britain 
Alca'id,  j.  the  name  of  a  civil  officer  in  Spain 
Alchym'ical,  a.  relating  to  alchymy 
Al'chymist,  s.  a  professor  of  alchymy 
Al'chymy,  s.  occult  chymistry  ;  a  metal 
Al'cohol,  s.  the  substance  of  any  body  re- 
duced into  a  fine  impalpable   powder  ;  a 
pure  rectified  spirit 
Al'coran,   j.  the  book  which  contains  the 
precepts  of  the  Turkish  religion,  as  in- 
stituted by  their  prophet  Mahomet 
Alco've,  s.  a  recess  to  sit  or  lie  in 
Al'der,  s.  a  tree  resembling  the  hazel 
Al'derman,  s.  an  incorporated  magistrate 
Al'dern,  a.  made  of  alder  wood 
Ale,  i.  a  liquid  made  by  infusing  malt  and 

hops  in  hot  water 
A'leconner,  s.  an  officer  whose  duty  is  to 

oblige  publicans  to  use  just  measures 
Al'egar,  s.  sour  ale  which  has  lost  its  spirit 
A'lehoof,  s.  groundivy  ;  once  used  for  hops 
A'lehouse,  j.  a  house  where  malt  liquor  is  sold 
Alem'bic,  s.  a  vessel  used  in  distilling 
Ale'rt,  a.  watchful,  vigilant,  brisk, nimble 
Alert'ness,  s.  sprightliness,  briskness 
Al'etude,  s.  bulkiness  ;  fatness  ;  heaviness 
Alexan'drine,  s.  a  verse  of  twelve  syllables 
Alexiphar'mic,    Alexiter'ic,  a.  that  which 
acts  as  an  antidote  to  poison,  or  infection 
Al'gebra,  s.  a  literal  arithmetic 
Algebra'ic,  Algebra'ical,    a.   pertaining    to 

Algebra'ist,  s.  one  well  versed  in  algebra 
Al'gid,  a.  cold,  extremely  cold,  chill 
Algid'ity,  Al'gor,  s.  dullness,  coldness 
Algorithm,  s.  the  science  of  numbers 
Alguazil,  x.  a  Spanish  bailiff  or  constable 
A'lias,  ad.  otherwise...*,  in  law,  a  writ' 
Al'ible,  a.  nutritive  ;  nourishing 
A'lien,  s.  a  foreigner,  a  stranger 
Al'ienable,  a.  that  may  be  transferred 

Al'ienate,  v.  a.  to  transfer  to   another ;  to 

withdraw  the  affections 
Al'ienate,  a.  estranged  or  withdrawn  from 
Aliena'tion,  s.  the  act  of  transferring  jchange 

of  affection  ;  mental  derangement 
Ali'ght,  v.  n.  to  descend,  to  come  down,  to 

Ali'ke,  ad.  with  resemblance  ;  equally 
Al'iment,  s.  food,  nutriment,  support 
Aliment'al,  a.  nourishing,  nutritive 
Aliment'ary,  a.  that  which  belongs  to  aliment 
Alimo'nious,  a.  that  which  nourishes 
Al'imony,  s.  that  part  of  an  estate  appropri- 
ated to  support  a  wife  when  separated 
from  her  husband,  unless  criminally  so 
Al'iquant,  a.  any  portion  of  a  given  number, 
which  multiplied  or  diversified  in  any  pos- 
sible manner,  will  still  make  more  or  less 
than  that  given  number  exactly,  as  3  is  an 
aliquant  of  ro,thrice3  being  9,  four  times 
3  making  12 
Al'iquot,  s.  any  portion  of  a  given  number 
which,  being  multiplied,  will  amount  to 
that  given  number  exactly 
Ali've,  a.  not  dead  ;  active,  sprightly 
Al'kahest,j.  an  universal  dissolvent,  a  liquor 
Al'kali,  s.  the  fixed  salt  of  any  body 
Al'kaline,  a.  having  the  quality  of  alkali 
Alkal'izate,  v.  a.  to  make  alkaline 
Al'kanet,  s.  the  name  of  a  plant 
Alker'mes,  s.  a  confection  made  of  the  scar- 
let grains  called  kermes 
All,  a.  the  whole  number  or  quantity  ;  eve- 
ry one.     All  is  much  used  in  composition 
Alla'y,  v.  a.  to  temper  one  metaL  with  an- 
other for  coining  ;  to  compose,  to  pacify 
Alla'y,  s.  any  baser  metal  mixed  with  a  su- 
perior kind  to  harden  it ;  any  thing  which, 
being  added,  lessens  the  value  of  that  with 
which  it  is  mingled 
Allecta'tion,  s.  an  alluring  ;  an  enticing 
Allegation,  s.  an  affirmation,  excuse,  plea 
Alle'ge,i>.  a.  to  declare, to  maintain,  to  plead 
Alle'geable,  a.  that  which  may  be  alleged 
Alle'ged,  part,  given,  asserted,  pleaded 
Alle'giance,  s.  the  duty  of  a  subject 
Alle'giant,  a. loyal,  conformable  to  allegiance 
Allegor'ical,  a.  not  real,  not  literal 
Al'legory,  s.  in  rhetoric,  a  figurative  manner 
of  speech,  by  which  instruction  or  infor- . 
mation  is  meant  to  be  conveyed 
Alle'gro,  s.  a  sprightly  motion  in  music  ;  gay 
Allema'nde,  s.  a  grave  or  slow  piece  of  music 
Alle'viate,  v.  a.  to  ease,  to  soften 
Allevia'tion,  s.  that  by  which  any  pain  is  di- 
minished, or  any  fault  extenuated 
Al'ley,  s.  any  narrow  passage,  or  walk 
Alli'ance,  s.   relation  by  marriage,  or  kin- 
dred ;  a  league  or  contract  with  foreign 
powers  j  similarity  of  qualities 

A  L  O 


A  M  A 

Alli'es,  s.  states  who   have   entered  into  a 

league  for  their  mutual  defence 
Aliiga'tion,  s.  the  act  of  tying  together  ;  that 
rule  of  arithmetic  which  teaches  to  adjust 
the  price  of  articles  compounded  of  ingre- 
dients of  different  value 
Alliga'tor,  :.  a  crocodile  ;  a  kind  of  pear 
Alli'sion,  s.  the  act  of  striking  together 
Alliteration,  s.  the  beginning  two  or  more 

words  with  the  same  letter 
Allocation,  s.  act  of  placing  or  adding  to 
Allocu'don, ;.  the  act  of  speaking  to  another 
AUoMial,  Allo'diau,  a.  independent  ;   held 

without  acknowledgment  of  superiority 
Allonge,  s.  in  fencing,  a  pass  or  thrust 
Ailo't,  v.  a.  to  parcel  out,  to  distribute  ;  grant 
Aiiot'ment,  s.  the  part  given  to  any  one 
Allo'w,  v.  a.  to  admit  or  acknowledge  any 
position  ;  to  permit,  yield,  or  grant  ;  to 
make  an  abatement  in  selling 
Allow  able,  a.  that  may  be  permitted,  lawful 
Aliow'ance, /.  indulgence,  pension,  sanction, 
licence  ;  a  rate  or  appointment  for  any  use  ; 
a  deduction 
AUo'y,  s.  more  properly  Alla'y,  which  see 
Aliu'de,?;.  a.  to  hint  at,  to  insinuate,  refer  to 
Allu'minate,  v.  a.  to  decorate  or  adorn 
Allu're,  v.  a.  to  entice,  to  decoy,  to  wheedle 
Allu're,  s.  something  set  up  to  entice  birds 
Allu'rement,  /.  enticement,  temptation 
Allu'sion,  s.  a  reference,  hint,  implication 
Allu'sive,  a.  hinting  at  something 
Ally',  v.  a.  to  unite  by  friendship  or  kindred 
Ally',  s.  a  friend,  a  confederate,  a  relation 
Al'manac,  s.  an  annual  callendar 
Ai'mandine,  j,  a  kind  of  inferior  ruby 
Almi'ghty,  a.  of  unlimited  power,  omnipo- 
tent...*, the  Divine  Being  ;  God 
Alm'ond,;.  the  fruit  of  the  almond  tree 
Alm'onds  of  the  throat,  improperly  called  al- 
monds of  the  ears,  are  two  small  glands 
on  the  sides  of  the  basis  of  the  tongue 
Aim'oner,  s.  the  officer  of  a  prince  employ- 
ed in  the  distribution  of  charity 
Alm'onry,  s.  the  place  where  alms  are  given 
Almc'st,  ad.  nearly,  near,  well  nigh 
Alms,  s.  any  thing  given  to  relieve  the  poor 
Alms'nouses,  s.    houses    built    gratuitously 

for  the  poor 
Al'oes,  s.  a  medicinal  gum  extracted  from  a 
tree  of  that  name  ;  there  are  two  kinds, 
the  best  called  succotrine  aloes  ;  the  infe- 
rior, tone  aloes 
Aloet'ic,  Aloet'ical,  a.  consisting  of  aloes 
Alo'ft,  ad.  on  high  ;  in  the  air  ;   above 
Al'ogy,  s.  absurdity,  unreasonableness 
Alo'ne,  a.  without  company,  solitary 
Along,  ad.  at  length  ;  onward,  forward 
Aloo'f,  ad.   at  a  distance  ;  it  is  sometimes, 
but  erroneously,  said  to  mean,  to  the  'wind  j 

Alo'peey,  /.  the  falling  off  the  hair 
Alou'd,  ad.  loudly,  with  much  noise 
Ai'pha,  s.    the  first  letter  in  the  Greek  al- 
phabet, answering  to  our  A;  it  is  there- 
fore used  to  signify,  theftrjt  or  hlghe:t 
Ai'phabet,  s.  the  letters  of  any  language 
j  Alphabet'icai,  a.  according  to  the  order  of 

the  alphabet 
i  Alread'y,  ad.  now,  at  this  time  ;  so  soon 
i  Al'so,  ad.  likewise  ;  in  the  same  manner 
j  Al'tar,  s.    the   table   in  christian   churches 

where  the  communion  is  administered 
J  Al'ter,  v.  to  change,  to  reform,  to  vary 
I  Al'terable,  a.  that  which  may  be  changed 
Alterant,  a.  that  which  produces  a  change 
Altera'tion,  /.  the  ace  of  altering  or  chang- 
ing ;  the  change  made 
Alt'erative,  a.  medicines  called  alterative^ 
are   such  as   imperceptibly   improve  the 
constitution  from  sickness  to  health 
Alterca'rion,  s.  debate,  controversy,  wrangle 
Alter'nate,  a.  by  turns,  one  after  another 
Aiter'nately,  ad.  by  turns,  mutually 
Aiterna'tion,  /.  reciprocal  succession 
Aiter'native,  s.  the  choice  given  of  one  of 
two  things,  so  that  if  one  is  rejected  the 
other  must  be  taken 
Altho'ugh,  ad.  notwithstanding,  however 
Altirr/etry,  s.  the  art  of  measuring  heights 
Altis'onant,  a.  high  sounding,  pompous 
Altitude,  s.  height  of  a  place  ;  elevation  of 

a  heavenly  body  above  the  horizon 
Alf'o,  s.  the  upper  or  counter-tenor. ..a,  high 
Altogether,  ad.  completely,  entirely 
Ai'um,  s.  a  mineral  salt,  of  an  acid  taste 
Alu'minous,  a.  consisting  of  alum 
Al 'wsys,  ad.  perpetually,  constantly 
Amabil'ity,  s,  loveliness ',  power  of  pleasing 
Ama'in,  ad*  with  vehemence,  fiercely 
Amal'gam,  s.  a  mixture  of  metals 
Amalgamate,  v.  a.  to  mix  or  unite  metals 
Amand'j  v.  to  send  away,  to  remove 
Amanda'tion,  s.  the  act  of  sending  away 
Amanuen'sis,  s.  a  clerk  or  secretary,  who 

writes  what  another  dictates 
Am'aranth,  .?.  the  name  of  a  plant  ;  in  poe- 
try, an  imaginary  flower  that  never  fides 
Amaranthine,  a.  consisting  of  amaranths 
Amar'itude,  Amar'ulence,  s.  bitterness 
Amass'ment,  s.  an  accumulation,  a  heap 
Ama'ss,  v.  a.  to  collect  together,  to  heap  up 
Am  ateur,  s.  a  virtuoso  ;  a  lever  of  the  arts 
Am'atory,  a.  relating  to  or  causing  love 
Amauro'sis,  s.  a  dimness  of  sight  occasion- 
ing the  appearance  of  flies  or  dust  floating 
before  the  eyes 
Ama'ze,v.  a.  to  surprise,astcnish,toccnfu.e 
Arca'ze,  s.  astonishment ;  confusion 
Ama'zement,    s.     confused    apprehension; 
fear,  wonder  at  any  event  ;  admiration 

A  M 



Ama'zing,  part.  a.  wonderful,  astonishing 
Ama'zingly,  ad.  astonishingly,  wonderfully 
Am'azoii,  s.  the   Amazons  v/ere  a  race  of 

women  famous  for  valour  ;  a  virago 
Amba'ges,  s.  circumlocution  ;  tediousness 
Ambassador,  Embassador,  s.  a  person  sent 
as  the  representative  of  a  prince  or  state 
on  any  public  business  to  a  foreign  country 
Ambassadress,  s.  the  lady  of  an  ambassador 
Am'bassage,  Am'bassade,  s.  a  mission 
Am'ber,  s.  a  yellow  transparent  gum  of  a 

resinous  taste  ;  a  kind  of  pale  ale 
Am'bergris,  s.  a  fragrant  drug,  used  as  a  per- 
fume and  a  cordial 
Ambidex'ter,  s.  a  person  that  can  use  both 
hands  alike  ;    a  knave  who  plays  on  both 
sides  ;  in  law,  a  juror  who  receives  a  bribe 
from  both  parties  for  his  verdict 
Ambidex'trcus,  a.  double  dealing,  deceitful 
Am'bient,  a.  compassing;  surrounding,  par- 
ticularly   applied  to  the  air  which  sur- 
rounds all  bodies  ;  investing 
Ambifa'rious,  a.  having  a  double  meaning 
Ambiguity,  s.  obscurity  of   words  *,  double 

meaning  ;  uncertainty  of  signification 
Ambig'uous,  a.  doubtful,  mysterious 
Ambig'uously,  ad.  in  a  doubtful  manner 
Ambig'uousness,  s.  uncertainty  of  meaning 
Ambil'oquy,  s.  use  of  doubtful  expressions 
Am'bit,  s    the  line  that  encompasses  or  en- 
circles any  thing 
Ambi'tion,  ;.  an  earnest  desire  of  prefer- 
ment, honour,  or  power  :  great  pride 
Ambi'cious,  a  aspiring,  proud,  vain 
Am'ble,  v.  n.  to  move  easily*  to  pace,  to  trip 
Ambro'sia,  s.  the  name  of  a  plant ;  in  poeti- 
cal language,  the  food  of  the  gods 
Ambro'sial,    a.  possessing  the  qualities  of 

ambrosia  ;  fragrant,  delicious 
Ambulation,  s.  the  aft  of  walking 
Ambusca'de,    Ambusca'do,    Am'bush,    s.    a 
private  post  in  which  men  lie  to  surprise 
an  enemy  ;    the  act  of  lying  in  wait  to 
surprise  any  enemy 
Am'el,  s.  the  matter  used  for  enamelling 
Ame'n,  ad.  may  it  be  so  ;  verily 
Ame'nable,  a.  responsible,  answerable  to 
Ame'nance,  /.  conduct,  behaviour,  mien 
Ame'nd,  v.  to  reform,  grow  better,  correct 
Amend'ment,  „'.   a  reformation    of  life  ;    a 
change  for  the  better  ;  recovery  of  health 
.Ame'ndsj  s.  recompense,  satisfaction 
Amen'ity,  s.  pleasantness  of  situation 
Araer'ce,  v.  a.  to  punish  by  fine  or  penalty 
Amercement,  Amerciament,  s.  a  pecuniary 

fine  or  penalty 
Am'ethyst,  s.   a  precious  stone  of  a  violet 

colour,  supposed  to  hinder  drunkenness 
A'miable,  a.  lovely,  pleasing,  charming 
A'miableness,  s.  agreeableness,  loveliness 

Amicable,  a.  friendly,  kind,  obliging 

Amicably,  ad.  in  a  friendly  way 

Amice,  s.  the  undermost  part  of  a  Romish 

priest's  shoulder-cloth,  or  alb 
Ami'd,  Ami'dst,  ad.  in  the  middle,  amongst 
Ami'ss,  ad.  faultily,  criminally,  wrong 
Ami'ssion,  s.  loss,  deprivation,  dismission 
Ami't,  v.  n.  to  lose,  to  drop,  to  dismiss 
Amity,  f.  friendship,  love  ;  harmony 
Ammo'niac,  s.  the  name  of  an  Indian  gum 
Ammunition,  s.  military  stores 
Am'nesty,  s.  an  act  of  general  pardon 
Amo'ng,  Amo'ngst,  prep,  mingled  with 
Am'orist,  Amoro'so,  s.  a  gallant,  a  lover 
Am'orous,  a.  disposed  to  love,  enamoured 
Am'orously,  ad.  lovingly,  fondly,  kindly 
Amo'rt,  a.  dull,  heavy,  dejected,  spiritless 
Amo'tion,  s.  the  act  of  putting  away 
Amo'unt,  v.  n.  to  rise  in  value,  to  increase 
Amo'unt,  s.  the  sum  total,  whole,  result 
Amo'ur,  s.  an  affair  of  gallantry ;  an  intrigue 
Amphibious,  a.  that  which  partakes  of  two 

natures,  so  as  to  live  in  air  or  water 
Amphibol'ogy,  s.  a  double  speech 
Amphibolous,  a.  tossed  about ;  doubtful 
Amphis'cii,  /.  those  people  who  inhabit  the 

torrid  zone,  whose  shadows  fall  both  ways 
Amphitheatre,  s.    a  building  in  a  circular  or 

oval  form  for  public  amusements,  with 

seats  one  above  another,  and  an  area  in 

the  middle 
Am'ple,tf.  large,  wide,  liberal,  diffusive 
Am'pleness,  s.  largeness,  extent,  liberality 
Am'pliate,  v.  a.  to  enlarge,  to  extend 
Ampliation,  /.  diffuseness,  enlargement 
Ampriflcate,  v.  a.  to  enlarge,  to  spread  out 
Amplification,  j.  enlargement,  extension 
Am'plify,  v.  a.  to  enlarge,  to  exaggerate 
Am'plitude,  s.  extent,  largeness,  capacity  j 

in  astronomy,  an  arch  of  the  horizon 
Am'ply,  ad.  largely,  liberally,  copiously 
Am'putate,  v.  a.  to  cut  off  a  limb 
Amputa'tion,  s.   the  act  of  cutting  off  a  limb 

or  other  part  of  the  body 
Am'ulet,  s.  an  appendant  remedy  or  preven- 
tive, always  worn  about  the  person 
Amu'se,  v.  a.  to  entertain,  to  divert, deceive 
Amu'sement,  /.  a  pastime  or  entertainment 
Amu'sing,  part,  entertaining,  pleasing 
Amyg'dalate,  a.  made  of  almonds 
A'na,  ad.  in  the  same  quantity,  equally 
Anabap'tist,  s.  one  of  a  religious  sect  who 
assert  that  baptism  is  improper  till  the 

person  is  of  an  age  to  answer  for  himself 
Anacamp'tic,  a.  any  thing  reflected  ;  an  echo 
Anac'horete,  Anac'horite,  s.  an  hermit 
Anac'hronism,  s.  an  error  in  computing  the 

time  of  any  great  event 
Anacla'tics,  s.  the  science  or  doctrine  of  re- 
'     fracted  lights  or  vision  ;  dioptrics 



A  N  N 

Anacreon'tic,  a.  any  thing  having  a  relation 

to  the  ancient  poet  Anacreon 
Anadiplo'sis,  s.  reduplication  }    a  figure  in 

rhetoric,  a  repetition 
Anagoget'ital,  a.  religiously  mysterious 
An'agram,  s.  a  transposition  of  the  letters  of 
a  sentence  or  a  word,  so  as  to  form  other 
Anagram'matist,   s.  a  composer  of  anagrams 
An'alect,  s.  fragments  collected  from  authors 
Analeptic,  a.  restorative,  strengthening 
Anal'ogy,  s.  resemblance,  proportion,  simi- 
larity of  one  thing  to  another 
Anal'ysis,  s.   a  separation  of  any  compound 
body  into  the  parts  of  which  it  is  formed  ; 
the  chymical  reduction  of  metals,  mine- 
rals, &c.  to  their  original  principles 
Analy'tic  a.  belonging  to  analysis 
An'alize,  v.  a.  to  resolve  into  first  princi- 
ples ;  to  reduce  to  its  primitive  parts 
Anamorpho'sis,  s.  a  perspective  projection, 
so  made,  that  in  one  point  of  view  an  ob- 
ject shall  appear  deformed,  and  in  anoth- 
er an  exact  representation 
Ana'nas,  s.  the  pine  apple 
Anaph'ora,    s.    in   rhetoric,    when    several 
clauses  of  a  sentence  are  begun  with  the 
same  word 
An'arch,  s .  an  author  of  confusion 
An'archy,  s.  a  want  of  government ;  disor- 
der, confusion,  chaos,  tumult 
Anasarc'a,  s.  a  kind  of  dropsy 
Anastomo'sis,  j.  the  inosculation  of  vessels 
Anas'trophe,  s.  a  figure  whereby  words  that 

should  have  preceded  are  postponed 
Anath'ema,  1.  an  ecclesiastical  curse 
Anathem'atize,  v.  a.  to  pronounce  accursed 

by  ecclesiastical  authority 
Anat'omist,  s.  one  skilled  in  anatomy 
Anat'omy,  s.  the  art  of  dissecting  any  animal 

body  to  discover  exactly  its  structure 
An'cestors,  s.  predecessors,  forefathers 
An'cestry,  s.  lineage,  descent,  birth 
Anch'or,  s .  an  iron  instrument,  which,  being 
fixed  in  the  ground  by  means  of  the  ca- 
ble, keeps  a  ship  from  driving 
Anch'or,   v.  a.  to  drop  the  anchor,  to  fix  on 
Anch'orage,  s.  ground  for  anchoring  in  ;  a 

duty  paid  for  leave  to  anchor 
Anch'oret,  Anch'orite,  s.  see  Anachorete 
Ancho'vy,  s.  a  small  sea  fish,  pickled 
A'ncient,  a.  old,  of  old  time,  long  since 
A'ncient,  s.  the  bearer  of  a  flag,  an  ensign 
A'nciently,  ad.  in  old  times,  formerly 
A'ncientry,  s.  dignity  of  birth,  high  lineage 
A'ncients,   s.  men  who  lived  in  old  times  ; 

formerly,  certain  flags  in  a  ship 
And,  can.  the  particle  by  which  sentences 

or  terms  are  joined 
Andan'te,^,  in  music,  moderately 

3.  2. 

And'iron,  s.  irons  fixt  to  the  end  of  a  fire- 
grate, in  which  the  spit  turns 
Andro'ginal,  a.  partaking  of  both  sexes 
An'ecdote,  s.  a  biographical  incident 
Anem'one,  s.  the  wind  flower 
An'eurism,  s.  a  disease  of,  or  wound  in,  an 

artery,  by  which  it  becomes  dilated 
Ane'w,  ad.  over  again,  repeatedly 
Anfractuous,  a.  intricate,  winding,  mazy 
A'ngel,  s.  a  celestial  spirit ;    an   heavenly 

being  ;  a  gold  coin  worth  about  lOs. 
Angel'ica,  s.  the  name  of  a  plant 
Angel'ical,  Angel'ic,  a.  heavenly,  like  angels 
An'ger,  s.  resentment,  rage  ;  pain  of  a  sore 
An'ger,  v.  a.  to  provoke,  to  enrage 
Angi'na,  s.  a  disorder  called  the  quinsy 
Angiography,  s.  a  description  of  vessels  in 
the  human  body  ;  the  nerves,  arteries,  &c» 
An'gle,  s.  a  point  where  two  lines  meet ;  an 

instrument  to  take  fish 
An'gle,  v.  n.  to  fish  with  a  fishing-rod 
An'glicism,  /.  an  English  idiom  or  expression 
An'gry,  a.  provoked,  enraged  ;  inflamed 
An'guish,  s   excessive  pain  of  mind  or  body 
An'guiar,  a.  having  corners  or  angles 
Anhela'tion,  s.  the  act  of  panting 
Animadver'sion,  s.  observation,  remark,  re- 
proof, blame,  censure 
Animadve'rt,  v.  a.  to  examine  into,  to  re- 
mark or  criticise,  to  reprove 
An'imal,^.  a  body  endued  with  life,  motion 

and  sense.. .a.  not  spiritual 
Animal'cule,  s.  a  very  small  animal 
An'imate,  v.  a.  to  quicken,  to  give  life  to 
An'imate,  a.  living ;  possessing  life 
An'imated,  part,  lively,  brisk,  vigorous 
Animation,  s.  the  act  of  animating;  tire 

state  of  being  enlivened 
An'imative,  a.  tending  to  animate  ;  brisk 
Animos'ity, ;.  aversion,  hatred,  malignity 
An'ise,  s.  a  species  of  parsley 
Ank'er,  s,  a  vessel  containing  ten  gallons 
An'kle,  s.  the  joint  between  the  foot  and  leg; 
An'nalist,  s.  a  writer  of  annals 
An'nals,  s.  histories  digested  into  years 
An'nats,  s.  first  fruits  ;  annual  masses- 
Anne'al,  v.  a.  to  temper  glass  ;  to  bake 
Anne'x,  v.  a.  to  unite,  to  join,  to  connect 
An'nex,  s.  the  things  subjoined  or  annexed 
Annihilate,  v.  a.  to  annul,  to  destroy 
Annihilation,  s.  the  act  of  destroying 
Anniversary,  s.  an  annual  or  yearly  festiva  T 

or  commemoration. ..a.  annual 
An'no  Dom'ini,  s.  in  the  year  of  our  Lord 
Annotation,  s.  an  explanation,  a  note 
An'notator,  s.  a  commentator,  a  critic 
Anno'unce^-y.  a.  to  publish,  to  proclaim 
Anno'y,  v.  a.  to  injure,  to  molest,  to  vex 
Annoyance,  s.  that  which  hurts  or  aanoys 
Annoy'er ,  x.  one.  who  injures  er  molests 




An'nual,  «.  that  which  comes  once  a-year 
An'nually,  ad.  year  by  year  ;  yearly 
Annuitant,  s.  one  who  has  an  annuity 
Annu'ity,  s.  a  yearly  allowance  for  life 
Anuu'l,  v.  a.  to  abrogate,  to  abolish,  to  repeal 
An'nular,  a.  having  the  farm  of  a  ring 
Annulet,  s.   a  little  ring  ;    a  mark  in  he- 
raldry  ;  in  architecture,  the  small  square 
members  in  the  Doric  capital,  under  the 
quarter  round,  are  called  annulets 
Annu'merate,  v.  a,  to  add  to,  to  include 
Annumera'tion,  s.  addition  to  a  number 
Annun'ciate,  v.  a.  to  relate,  to  bring  tidings 
Annuncia'tion-day,  j.  the  day  celebrated  by 
the  church  in  commemoration  of  the  an- 
gel's salutation  of  the  Virgin  Mary,  being 
the  25th  of  March 
An'odyne,  a.  mitigating  pain,  assuaging 
Ano'int,  v.  a.  to  rub  with  oil,  to  consecrate 
Anom'alism,  Anom'aly,  /.  irregularity 
Anorn'aious,  a.  irregular,  out  of  rule 
Ano'n,  ad.  quickly,  soon,  shortly 
Anon'ymous,  a.  without  a  name,  unknown 
Ano'ther,  a.  not  the  same  ;  one  more 
An'swer,  v.  a.  to  reply  to  ;  to  resolve 
An'swer,  s.  a  reply,  a  confutation,  a  solution 
An'swerable,  a.  that  to  which  a  reply  may 

be  made  ;  obliged  to  give  an  account 
Ant,  s.  an  emmet,  a  pismire,  a  small  provi- 
dent insert 
Antagonist, s.  an  opponent,  an  adversary 
Antarc'tic,  a.   relating  to  the  southern  pole 
An'te,  a  Latin  particle  signifying  before 
Antece'de,  v.  n.  to  go  before,  to  precede 
Antece'dence,  s.  the  act  of  going  before 
Antecedent,  a.  going  before,  preceding 
Antecedent,  s.    that  which  goes  before;  the 

noun  to  which  the  relative  is  subjoined 
An'techamber,  s.   the  chamber  adjoining,  or 

leading  to  the  principal  apartments 
Antedate,  v.  a.  to  date  before  the  real  time 
Antedilu'vian,  a.  existing  before  the  deluge 
An'telope,  s.  a  kind  of  goat  with  curled  or 

wreathed  horns 
Antemeridian,  s.  before  noon,  morning 
Antemun'dane,  a.  that  which  was  before  the 

creation  of  the  world  •,  eternal 
An'tepast,  s.  anticipation,  foretaste 
An'tepenult,  s.  the  last  syllable  but  two  in 

any  word,  as  te  in  antepenult 
Antepilep'tic,  s.  a  medicinal  preparation  a- 

gainst  convulsions 
Ante'rior,  a.  going  before,  previous,  prior 
Anterior'ity,  s.  priority  in  time  or  situation 
Anth'em,  s.  a  holy  song  or  divine  hymn 
Anthol'ogy,j.  a  collection  of  flowers,  poems, 

or  devotions 
Anthropoph'agi,  s.  cannibals,  eaters  of  hu- 
man flesh 
Antic,  a.  whimsical,  odd,  ridiculously  wild 

An'tic,  s.  a  buffoon  ;  he  that  uses  antics 
An'tichrist,  s.  an  adversary  to  Christ 
Antichris'tian,  a.  opposite  to  Christianity 
Anticipate,  v.  a.  to  foretaste,  to  prevent 
Anticipation,  s.  the  aft  of  taking  up  some 

thing  before  its  time>  prevention 
Antic'ly,  ad.  drolly,  with  odd  gestures 
Anticli'max,  a.  a  sentence  in  which  the  last 

part  is  lower  than  the  first 
Anticonvulsive,  a.  good  against  convulsions 
Anticourt'ier,  s.  one  that  opposes  the  court 
Antido'tal,  a.  that  which  counteracts  poison 
An'tidote,  s.  a  medicine  to  expel  poison 
.Antife'briie,  a.  good  against  fevers 
Antimonarch'ical,  a.  against  monarchy 
Antimo'nial,  a.  made  of  antimony 
An'timony,    s.  a  mineral  substance,  which 
destroys  all  metals  fused  with  it  but  gold 
Antino'mians,  s.  a  religious  sect,  who  prefer 

mere  faith  to  practical  morality 
An'tinomy,  j.  a  contradiction  between  two 

laws,  or  two  clauses  in  the  same  law 
Antipathetical,  a.  having  a  natural  contra- 
riety to  any  thing 
Antip'athy,  s.  a  natural  hatred,  aversion,  or 

dislike  to  anything 
An'tiphone,  s.  a  hymn  of  praise 
Antiph'rasis,  s.  the  use  of  words  in  a  sense 

opposite  to  their  proper  meaning 
Antip'odal,  a.  relating  to  the  antipodes 
Antip'odes,  /.  those  people,  who,  living  ex- 
actly  on  the  opposite  part  of  the  globe, 
have  their  feet  pointed  against  ours 
An'tipope,  .>.  one  that  usurps  the  popedom- 
Antiqua'rian,  An'tiquary,  s.  one  who  studies 

antiquity;  a  collector  of  ancient  things 
An'tiquate,  v-  a.  to  make  obsolete 
Anti'que,  a.  ancient,  old  fashioned,  odd 
Antr'que,  s.  a  piece  of  antiquity,  a  relic 
Anti'quity,  s.  time  past  long  ago,  ancient- 

ness  ;  the  people  of  old  times 
Anti'scii,  s.  people  who  live  under  the  same 
meridian  of  latitude,  but  different  sides  of 
the  equator,  being  equally  distant,  the  one. 
to  the  north,  the  other  to  the  south  ;  they 
therefore  have  noon  and  midnight  at  the 
same  time  ;   but  while  the  one  has  sum- 
mer, the  other  has  winter 
Antiscorbutic,  a.  good  against  the  scurvy 
Antisep'tic,  s.  a  medicine  to  prevent  putre- 
Antistrophe,  s.  the  second  stanza  of  an  ode 
Antithesis,  s.  opposition  of  words  or  sen- 
tences ;  contrast 
Antitrinita'rian,  s.  one  who  denies  the  doc- 
trine of  the  Christian  Trinity 
An'titype,  s.   the  original,  which  is  repre- 
sented by  the  type 
Antity'pical,  a.  that  which  explains  the  type 
Antler,  s,  the  branch  of  a  stag's  horn 



A   P  P 

Antoe'ci,  s.   those  inhabitants  of  the  globe 
who  live  under  the  same  longitude  and 
latitude,  but  in  different  hemispheres 
Antonoma'sia,  s.  a  form  of  speech,  in  which, 
instead  of  a  proper  name,  the  dignity  is 
used,  as  a  king  is  called  his  Majesty 
An'tre,  /.  a  cave,  a  den,  a  cavern 
An'vil,  /.  an  iron  block,  which  smiths  use 
Anxi'ety,  Anx'iousness,  s.  perplexity  ;  soli- 
citude about  any  future  event  j  depression 
of  spirits,  uneasiness 
Anx'ious,  a.  solicitous,  much  concerned 
A'ny,  a.  every,  either,  whosoever 
Ao'nian  Mount,  s.  the  fabled  residence  of  the 

Muses  ;  the  hill  Parnassus 
A'orist,  a.  indefinite,  indeterminate 
Aor'ta,j.  the  great  artery  which  rises  immedi- 
ately out  of  the  left  ventricle  of  the  heart 
Apa'ce,  ad.  quickly,  speedily,  with  haste 
Apa'rt,  ad.  separately,  privately,  at  a  distance 
Apart'ment,  s.  a  part  of  a  house,  a  room 
Ap'athy,  s .   a  want  of  sensibility,  coldness5 

indolence,  exemption  from  passion 
Ape,  s .  a  kind  of  monkey,  a  mimic 
Ape,  v-  a.  to  imitate  ludicrously,  to  mimic 
Ape'rient,  a.  that  which  has  the  quality  of 

opening  ;  medicines  gently  purgative 
Apertion, ;.  an  opening,  a  passage,  a  gap 
Ap'erture,  s.  an  open  place,  a  gap  . 
Apet'alous,  a.  without  flower  leaves 
A'pex,  s.  the  tip  or  angular  point  of  a  thing 
Aphelion  or  Aphe'lium,  s.  that  part  cf  a  pla- 
net's orbit  which  is  the  most  remote  point 
from  the  sun 
Ayh'orism,  s.  a  maxim,  precept,  general  rule 
A'piary, ;.  a  place  where  bees  are  kept 
Apie'ce,  ad.  to  each  one  share,  separately 
A'pish,  a.  foppish,  silly,  insignificant 
Apoc'alypse,  s.  a  revelation,  a  vision 
Apocalyptical,  a.  containing  revelation 
Apoc'ope,  s.  cutting  off  the  last  syllable 
Apoc'rypha,  s.  books  whose  authors  are  not 

certainly  known,  adjoined  to  the  bible 
Apoc'ryphal,  a.  not  canonical,  uncertain 
Apoc'ryphally,  ad.  uncertainly,  doubtfully 
Apodic'tical,  a.  evident,  demonstrative 
Ap'ogee,  s.    that  point  in  the  heavens  in 
which  the  sun  or  any  planet  is  at  its  great- 
est possible  distance  from  the  earth  during 
its  revolution 
Apologet'ical,  a.  defending,  excusing 
Apol'ogize,  v.  a.  to  plead  for,  to  excuse 
Ap'ologue,  s.  a  moral  tale,  a  fable 
Apol'ogy,  /.a  defence,  an  excuse,  a  plea 
Ap'ophthegm,;.  a  remarkable  saying 
Apoplectic,  a.  relating  to  an  apoplexy 
Ap'oplexy,  s.  a  sudden   deprivation    of    all 

sense  and  motion  by  a  disease 
Apos'tacy,  s.  departure  from  the  religion  be- 
fore professed  j  dereliction 

Apostate,  s.  one  who  renounces  his  religion 
Apos'tatize,  v.  n.  to  change  one's  religion, 

to  forsake  one's  principles 
Apos'tle,  s.  a  person  sent  to  preach  the  gos- 
pel, particularly  those  dispatched  by  our 
Saviour  for  that  purpose 
Apos'trophe,  s.  in  grammar,  a  mark  thus  (') 
signifying  the  contraction  of  any  word,  as 
can't,  don't  ;  a  sudden  turn  in  a  discourse 
Apoth'ecary,  s.  a  person  whose  business  is  to 

prepare  medicines  for  sale 
Ap'othegm,  s.  see  Apophthegm 
Apothe'osis,  s.   the  consecrating  or  deifying 

any  person  after  death 
Ap'ozem,  s.  a  decoction  or  infusion  of  herbs 
Appa'l,?;.  a.  to  fright,  to  daunt,  to  terrify 
Ap'panage,  s.  lands  for  younger  children 
Apparatus,  s.  any  tools,  furniture,  or  neces- 
sary instruments  for  any  trade,  &c. 
Appar'el,  j.  dress,  clothing,  vestments 
Appar'el,  v.  a.  to  dress,  to  deck,  to  cover 
Appa'rent,  a.  plain,  evident,  certain 
Apparently,  ad.  evidently*  visibly,  openly 
Appari'tion,  s.  appearance,  a  speclre 
Appar'itor,  /.  a  low  ecclesiastical  officer 
Appe'ach,  v.  a.  to  impeach,  to  censure,  to 

reproach,  to  accuse 
Appe'achment,  s.  an  accusation,  a  charge 
Appe'al,  s.  an  application  for  justice 
Appe'al,  v.  n.  to  refer  to  another  as  judge 
Appe'ar,  v.  a.  to  become  visible,  to  be  in 

sight,  to  be  evident 
Appear 'ance,  s.  the  act  of  coming  into  sight  ; 
semblance,  not  reality  ;  show,  probability 
Appea'se,  v.  a.  to  pacify,  to  calm,  to  recon- 
cile, to  put  in  a  state  of  peace 
Appe'asement,  s.  the  state  of  being  at  peace 
Appel'iant,  s.  a  challenger  at  arms ;  one  who 

appeals  to  a  superior  court 
Appellation,  s.  a  name,  title,  term 
Appel'lative,  s.   names  for  a  whole  rank  of 

beings  are  called  appellative! 
Appel'latory,  a.  containing  an  appeal 
Appe'nd,  v-  a.  to  hang  or  join  to,  to  add  to 
Append'age,  x.  something  added 
Appen'dant,  s.  an  adventitious  part 
j  Appendant,  Append'ed,  a.  hanging  to,  an- 
nexed, belonging  to,  concomitant 
Append'icate,  v.  a.  to  join  to,  to  append 
Append'ix,  s.  supplement,  addition  made 
Appertain,  v.  n.  to  belong  to,  to  depend  upon 
Apper'tinentjtf.  belonging  or  relating  to 
I  Ap'petence,  s.  a  strong  or  sensual  desire 
!  Appetibil'ity,  s.  the  state  of  being  desirable 
j  Ap'petible,  a.  engaging,  desirable,  good 
j  Ap'petite,  r.  hunger,  earnest  desire  of  pleas- 
ure, violent  longing 
j  Applau'ri,  v.  a.  to  extol,  praise,  commend 
j  Applau'se,  s.  approbation,  praise 
'  Ap'ple,  s,  a  common  fruit ;  pupil  of  the  eye 

A   O   U 


Applicable,  a.  suitable,  proper,  fit 
Applica'tion,  s.  the  act  of  applying,  intense 

study,  great  industry 
Applicative,  Ap'plicatory,  a.  that  applies 
Appli'er,  Ap'piicant,  j.  a  student 
Apply',  v.  to  put  one  thing  to  another  ;  to 
study ;  to  address  to  ;  to  suit  to  ;  to  agree 
Appo'int,  v.  a.  to  determine,  settle,  equip 
Appointed,  part,  settled,  agreed  on,  chosen 
Appoint'ment,  s.  astipulation,  salary,  post 
Apportion,  v.  a.  to  divide  into  just  parts 
Appo'se,  v.  a.  to  question,  examine,  puzzle 
Ap'posite,«z.  suitable,  fit,  well  adapted  to 
Ap'positely,  ad.  suitably,  fitly,  timely 
Apposition,  j.  addition  of  new  matter 
Appra'ise,  v.  a.  to  value  goods  for  sale 
Appra'isement,  s.  the  act  of  valuing 
Appraiser,  s.  one  who  values  or  appraises 
Apprehe'nd,  v.  a.  to  seize  on,  to  arrest ;  to 

comprehend  or  understand,  to  fear 
Apprehen'sion,  j.fear;  conception  j  seizure 
Appiehen'sive,  a.  fearful  ;  sensible 
Apprentice,  s.   one  bound  by  covenant  to  a 
tradesman  or  artificer,  who  engages  to  in- 
struct him  fully  in  his  art  or  mystery 
Apprenticeship,  s.  the  term  limited  for  the 

service  of  an  apprentice 
Appreciate,  -v.  a.  to  estimate,  to  reckon. 
Appri'ze,  v.  a.  to  inform,  to  acquaint 
Appri'zed,p«r<  informed,  instructed 
Appro'ach,  s.  the  act  of  drawing  near  to 
Appro'ach,  v.  a.  to  draw  or  bring  near  to 
Approbation,  s.  the  act  of  approving 
Appropriate,  v.  a.  to  set  apart,  annex  to, 

consign  to  any  particular  use 
Appropriation,  s.  the  application  of  some- 
thing to  a  particular  use  or  purpose 
Appro'vable,  a.  meriting  approbation 
Appro'val,  Approve'ment,  s.  approbation 
Appro've,  v.  a.  to  like  or  allow  of  ;  to  com- 
mend, to  be  pleased  with 
Appro'ved,  part,  liked,  tried,  examined 
Approximate,  a.  near  to,  going  to 
Approximation,  s.  approach  to  any  thing 
Appu'lse,  s.  the  act  of  striking  against 
Appur'tenance,  s.  that  which  appertains  to 

something  else 
A'pricot,  A'pricock,  s.  a  wall  fruit 
A'pril,  s.  the  fourth  month  of  the  year 
A'pron,  s.   part  of  a  woman's  dress  ;  that 
which  covers  the  touch-hole  of  a  cannon 
to  keep  off  the  wet 
Apt,  s.  fit,  ready,  quick,  qualified,  inclined 
Aptitude,  s.  fitness,  tendency,  disposition 
Apt'ly,  ad.  properly,  justly,  readily,  acutely 
Apt'ness,  s.  quickness  of  apprehension  ;  fit- 
ness, readiness,  tendency,  suitableness 
Aquafor'tis,  s.  a  corrosive  liquor  made  by 

distilling  nitre  with  calcined  vitriol 
Aquatic,  a.  growing  or  living  in  the  water 

A'queduct,  j.  a  conveyance  made  for  carrying 

water  from  one  place  to  another 
A'queous,  a.  watery,  like  water,  thin 
A'quiline,fl.  resemblingan  eagle  ;  applied  to 

the  nose,  curved  or  crooked 
Ar'abic,  /.  the  language  of  the  Arabians 
Ar'able,  a.  fit  for  tillage  or  ploughing 
Ara'neous,  a.  resembling  a  cobweb 
Ara'tion,  Ar'ature,  s.  the  act  of  ploughing 
Ar'atory,  a.  that  which  contributes  to  tillage 
Ar'balat,  Ar'balist, .'.  a  cross  bow 
Ar'hiter,  s.  an  umpire  to  settle  a  dispute 
Arbitrament,  s.  decision,  will,  choice 
Arbitrarily,  ad.  absolutely,  without  control 
!  Arbitrariness,  j.  tyranny,  despotism 
|  Arbitrary,  a    absolute,  despotic,  unlimited 
!  Arbitrate,  v  a.  to  decide,  determine,  judge 
Arbitration,  s-  the  decision  of  a  cause ;  the 
termination  of  aay  dispute  by  persons  mu- 
tually chosen  by  the  parties 
Arbitrator,  s.  an  umpire,  a  judge,  a  president 
Ar'borary,  a.  of  or  belonging  to  trees 
Arbo'reous,  a.  belonging  to  trees 
Ar'boret,  s.  a  small  tree  or  shrub 
Ar'borist,  s.  a  naturalist  who  studies  trees 
Ar'bour,  s.  a  seat  shaded  with  trees,  a  bower 
Ar'buscle,  s.  any  small  tree  or  shrub 
Ar'bute,  s.  the  strawberry-tree 
Arca'de,  s ,  a  continuation  of  arches 
Arca'num,  s.  a  mystery,  a  secret,  a  nostrum 
Arch,  Arc,  s.  part  of  a  circle  ;   the  sky 
Arch,  a.  chief ;  mirthful,  waggish,  lively 
Arch,  v.  a.  to  build  or  cover  with  arches 
Ar'chaism,  s.  an  ancient  phrase 
Archa'ngel,  s.  a  chief  angel ;  a  plant 
Archangel'ic,  a.  belonging  to  archangels 
Archbish'op,  s.  the  principal  of  the  bishops 
Archde'acon,  s.  a  bishop's  deputy 
Archde'aconry,  Archde'aconship,  s.  the  of- 
fice or  jurisdiction  of  an  archdeacon 
Archduch'ess,  s.  the  wife  of  an  archduke 
Archdu'ke,  s.  a  sovereign  prince, grand  duke 
Arch'edj  part,  vaulted,  formed  like  an  arch 
Arch'er,  s.  one  who  fights  with  a  bow 
Arch'ery,  s.  the  art  of  using  a  bow 
Ar'chetypal,  a.  belonging  to  the  original 
Ar'chetype,  s.  the  original,  pattern,  model 
Archiepis'copal,<z.  belonging  to  an  archbishop 
Archipel'ago,  s.  any  sea  which  abounds  with 
small  islands ;  the  most  celebrated  archi- 
pelago is  situated  between  Asia,Macedons 
and  Greece 
Architect,  s .  a  professor  of  the  art  of  build- 
ing ;  a  surveyor,  a  designer 
Architec'tive,  a.  that  performs  the  work  of 

Architec'ture,  s.  the  science  of  building 
Ar'chitrave,  s.  the  main  beam  of  a  building  ; 

ornamental  part  of  a  pillar 
Ar'chivesjJ.  records;  a  place  forr'ecofds 



Archprel'ate,  s.  a  leading  or  chief  prelate 
Archprest>yter,  s.  a  chief  presbyter 
Arc'tic,  a.  northern,  towards  the  north 
Arc'tic  circle,  s.    that  circle  at  which  the 
northern  frigid   zone   commences,  being 
23  degrees  and  307  from  the  North  Pole 
Arc'uate,  v.  a.  to  bend  like  an  arch 
Arcus'tion,  s.  an  arching,  an  incurvation 
Ar'dency,  Ar'dentness,  s.  eagerness,  zeal 
Ar'dent,  a.  zealous,  affectionate  ;  fierce 
Ar'deutly,  ad.  eagerly,  affectionately,   fer- 
vently, zealously 
Ar'dour,  s.  warm  affection,  zeal,  fervency 
Ar'Juous,  a.  difficult,  laborious 
Are,  the  plural  of  the  present  tense  of  the 

verb  to  be 
A'rea,  *-    the   superficial    content    of    any 

thing;  an  open  space  before  a  building 
Arefac'tion,  s.  the  state  of  growing  dry 
Arena'cious,  Arenc'se,  a.  sandy,  full  of  sand  I 
Ar'gent,  a.  silvery,  white,  shining  like  silver 
Ar'gil,  s.  potter's  clay,  fat,  soft  earth 
Argilla'ceous,  Argil'lous,  a.  consisting  of  clay 
Ar'gol,  s.  the  tartar  or  salt  from  wine  lees 
Ar'gonauts,  s.  the  companions  of  Jason  in 

the  ship  ArgOf  on  the  voyage  to  Colchis 
Argosy,  j.  a  large  merchant  ship 
Ar'gue,  v.  a.  to  reason,  to  dispute,  to  debate 
Ar'gument,  s.  a  controversy,  the  subject  of 

any  discourse  or  writing 
Argument'al,  a.  belonging  to  argument 
Argumentation,  s.  the  act  of  reasoning 
Argumentative,  a.  replete  with  argument, 

disputatious,  disposed  to  controversy 
Argu'te,  a.  subtle,  witty,  sharp,  shrill 
A'rianism, '.  the  doctrine  of  Arius,  who  as- 
serted that  Christ  was  not  equal  with  the 
Father,  nor  even  divine,  but  the  first  and 
greatest  of  created  beings 
A'rid,  a.  dry,  parched  up,  ploughed  up 
Arid'ity,/.  dryness  ;  insensibility  in  devotion 
A'ries,  s.  the  ram  ;  a  sign  of  the  zodiac 
Ari'ght,  ad.  rightly,  without  mistake 
Ari'se,  v.  n .  to  rise  up,  to  mount  up 
Aristoc'racy,  s.  a  form  of  government  which 

lodges  the  supreme  power  in  the  nobles 
Aristocrat'ical,  a.  relating  to  aristocracy 
Arith'metic,  s.  the  science  of  computation 
Arithmetical,  a.  according  to  the  rule  or 

method  of  arithmetic 
Arithmetician,   s.   one  who  professes  the 

knowledge  of  arithmetic 
Ark,  s.  the  name  generally  applied  to  that 
vessel  in  which  Noah  was  preserved  from 
the  deluge 
Arm,  j.  the  limb  which  reaches  from  the 
hand  to  the  shoulder  ;  a  branch  of  a  tree  ; 
an  inlet  of  the  sea 
Arm,  v.  to  provide  with  or  take  up  arms 
Arma'daj  s.  a  large  fleet  of  ships 

Armadil'lo,  ;.  a  small  animal  like  a  hog 
Arm'ament,  s.  a  naval  force  ;  a  storehouse 
Armil'lary,  a.  resembling  a  bracelet 
Armin'ianism,  s.  a  doctrine  so  called   from 
its  founder  Arminius,  who  contended  for 
free-will,  and  universal  redemption 
Armip'otentjtf.  mighty  in  war,  brave,  bold 
Arm'istice,  s.  a  short  cessation  of  arms 
Arm'let,  s.  a  small  arm  of  the  sea  ;  a  bracelet 
Aimo'rial,  a.  belonging  to  the  aims   or  es- 
cutcheons of  a  family 
Arm'ory,  s.  a  place   in  which  arms  are  de- 
posited for  use  ;  ensigns  armoiiai 
Arm'our,  Arm'or,  s.  defensive  arms  to  cover 

and  defend  the  body 
Arm'ourer,  s.  one  who  makes  or  sells  arms 
Arms,  /.  warlike  weapons  ;  war  in  general ; 

the  ensigns  armorial  of  a  family 
Ar'my,  s.  a  large  body  of  armed  men 
i  Aromat'ic,  Aromat'ical,  a.  spicy,  fragrant 

Arom'atize,  v.  a.  to  scent,  to  perfume 
J  Aro'und,  ad.  prep,  around,  encompassing 
i  Aro'use.-u.  a.  to  awake,  to  raise  up,  to  excite 
j  Aro'w,  ad.  in  a  row,  in  a  straight  line 
I  Aro'ynt,  ad.  be  gone,  depart,  go  away 
j  Ar'quekuse,  s.  a  hand-gun,  a  fusee 
I  Arra'ck.   s   a  spirit   procured  by  distillation 
from  a  vegetable  juice  called  teddy,  which 
flows  by  incision  out  of  the  cocoa-nut  tree 
i  Arra'ign,  v-  a.  to  indict,  to  charge,  to  accuse 
I  Arraignment,  j.  the  act  of  accusing :  a  charge 
I  Arra'nge,  v.  a.  to  set  in  order  or  place 
'  Arrangement,  s.  the  act  of  putting  iu  order 
Ar'rant,  a.  very  tad,  notorious,  real 
Ar'ras,  s.  rich  tapestry  or  hangings 
Arra'y,  *.  order  of  battle  ;   dress  ;  ranking 
Arra'y,  v.  a.  to  put  in  order,to  deck,  to  dress 
Arre'ar,   Arre'arage,  s-  that  part  of  an  ac- 
count which  remains  unpaid,  though  due 
Arre'st.  r.  a.  to  seize  on  \  to  obstruct..../,  a 

legal  caption  or  seizure  of  the  person 
Arre't,  s.   the  decision  of  a  sovereign  court 
Arrie're,  s.  the  rear  of  an  army 
Arri'val, s.  the  act  of  coming  to  a  place 
Arri've,  v.  n.  to  come  to  a  place,  to  reach  ts 
Ar'rogance,  s.  great  pride,  presumption 
j  Ar'rogant,  a,  very  proud,  presumptuous 
Ar'rogantly,  ad.  haughtily,  saucily,  proudly 
Ar'rogate,   v.   a.   to   exhibit  unjust  claims, 
prompted  only  by  pride  ;  to  assume,  boast 
Ar'row,  s.  a  pointed  weapon  shot  from  a  bow 
Ar'senal,  s.  a  repository-  or  magazine  for  all 

kinds  of  military  stores 
Ar'seuic, ;.  a  poisonous  mineral 
ATt,  s.  science,  skill,  dexterity,  cunning 
Ar'tery,  .<.  a  canal  or    tube  which  conveys 
the  blood  from  the  heart  to  all  parts  of 
the  body 
Art'ful,  a.  cunning,  dexterous,  artificial 
Art'fully,  ad.  cunningly,  slily,  with  art 




Arthrit'ic,  a  gouty,  relating  to  the  joints 
Ar'tichoke, ;.  an  esculent  plant 
Ar'ticle,  s.  one  of  the  parts  of  speech ;  a  con- 
dition of  a  covenant ;  a  stipulation 
Ar'ticle,  v.  to  settle  the  conditions  of  any 

agreement,  to  covenant  with 
Artic'ulate,<z.  distinct,  plain,  divided 
Artic'ulately,  ad.  distinctly,  clearly 
Articula'iion,  s.  a  joint  or  knot ;   the  act  of 

forming  words 
Art'ifice,  s.  trick,  fraud,  art  or  trade 
Artificer,  s.  an  artist  or  manufacturer 
Artificial,  a.  made  by  art,  not  natural 
Artil'iery,  s.  weapons  of  war,  cannon 
Artillery  Company,  j.  a  voluntary  associa- 
tion of  citizens,   who  are  trained  up  in 
military  exercises 
Art'izan,  s.  an  artist,  an  inferior  tradesman 
Art'ist,  s.  a  professor  of  an  art,  a  skilful  man 
Art'less,  a.  unskilful,  without  art  or  fraud 
Art'lessly,  ad.  without  art,  naturally 
As,  con.  in  the  same  manner,  because 
Asafcet'ida,  s.  a  gum  of  an  offensive  smell 
Asbest'os,  s.  a  kind  of    fossil  which  may  be 
split  into  threads  and  filaments,  and  which 
cannot  be  consumed  by  fire 
Asce'nd,  v.  to  mount,  to  rise,  to  move  high- 
er, to  advance  in  excellence 
Ascend'ant,  s.  height,  elevation. ..a.  predo- 
minant, superior,  overpowering 
Ascendency,  s.  influence,  superiority 
Ascen'sion,  s.  the  act  of  ascending  or  rising 
Ascen'sion-day,  s.  a  festival  ten  days  before 
Whitsuntide,  in   commemoration  of    our 
Saviour's  ascension  into  heaven 
Asce'nt,  s.  the  rising  of  an  hill,  an  eminence 
Ascertain,  v.  a.  to  make  certain,  to  establish 
Ascertainment,  s.  a  fixed  rule  or  standard 
Ascetic,  s.  a  hermit,  a  devout  person...«.  em- 
ployed in  devout  exercises 
Asciti'tious,  a.  supplemental,  additional 
As'cribe,  v.  a.  to  attribute  to,  to  impute  to 
Ash,  s.  a  well-known  tree  so  called 
Asha'med,  a.  abashed,  confounded 
Ash'es,  s.  the  dust  of  any  thing  burnt,  as  of 
wood,coals,&c.  the  remains  of  a  dead  body 
Asho're,  ad.  on  shore,  on  the  land,  in  safety 
Ash-lVednesday,  s.  the  first  day  of  Lent 
Ash'y,  a.  pale,'a  whitish  grey  like  ash  colour 
Asi'de,  ad.  to  one  side,  apart  from  the  rest 
As'inary,  As'inine,  a.  belonging  to  an  ass 
Ask,  v.  a.  to  beg,  to  claim,  to  seek,  to  require 
Aska'nce,Aska'nt,  ad.  obliquely,  on  one  side 
Ask'er,  s.  an  inquirer  ;  an  eft,  a  water  newt 
Aske'w,  ad.  contemptuously,  sideways 
Asla'nt,  ad.  obliquely,  on  one  side 
Asle'ep,  ad.  sleeping>  at  rest 
Aslo'pe,  ad.  obliquely,  with  declivity 
Asp,  s.  a  very  venomous  serpent ;  a  tree 
Asparagus,  s.  an  esculent  plant 

)  As'pect,  s.  look,  air,  appearance,  view 
Asp'en,  j.  a  kind  of  poplar  tree,  the  leaves  Of 

which  always  tremble 
As'perate,  v.  a.  to  make  rough  or  uneven 
Asperity,  s.  roughness,  harshness  of  speech 
Aspe'rse,  v.  a.  to  slander,  to  censure 
Asper'sion,  j.  a  sprinkling;  censure, calumny 
Asphal'tic,  a.  gummy,  bituminous 
As'phodel,  s.  a  kind  of  plant,  a  day  lily 
As'pic,  s.  a  very  venomous  serpent 
As'pirate,  v.  a.  to  pronounce  fully  or  strong 
Aspira'tion,  s.  an  ardent  wish  or  desire;  the 

acl  of  pronouncing  with  full  breath 
Aspi're,  v.  n.  to  aim  at,  to  desire  eagerly 
Asqui'nt,  ad.  obliquely,  not  in  the  straight 

line  of  vision 
Ass,  s.  an  animal  of  burden  ;  a  stupid  fellow 
Assa'il,  v.  a.  to  attack,  to  assault ;  to  address 
Assa'ilant,  s.  one  who  attacks  or  invades 
Assass'in,  Assass'inator,  s.  a  secret  murderer 
Assassinate,  <v.  a.  to  waylay,  to  murder 
Assau'lt,  s.  attack,  hostile  onset,  storm 
Assault,  v.  a.  to  attack,  to  invade 
Assa'y,  s.  trial,  examination...^,  a.  to  try 
Assay'er, ;.  one  who  assays  metals,  &c. 
Assemblage,  s.  a  collection  of  things 
Assem'ble,  v.  to  meet  or  call  together 
Assem'bly,  s.  a  company  assembled,  a  ball 
Asse'nt,  v.  n.  to  agree  to, to  yield...*,  consent 
Asse'rt,  v.  a.  to  affirm,  to  maintain,  to  claim 
Assertion,  s.  a  positive  affirmation 
Asse'ss,  v.  a.  to  charge  with  any  certain  sum 
Assess'ment,  s.  the  acl  of  taxing  or  assessing 
Ass'ets,  s.  effects  left  by  a  deceased  person 
with  which  his  executor  is  to  pay  his  debts 
Assevera'tion,  s.  a  solemn  protestation 
Ass'head, ;.  a  dunce,  a  blockhead 
Assidu'ity,  s.  diligence,  close  application 
Assid'uous,  a.  constant  in  application 
Assi'gn,  v.   n.  to  mark  out,  to  appoint,  to 

make  over  a  right  to  another 
Assignable,  a.  that  maybe  transferred 
Assignation,  s.  an  appointment,  the  trans- 
ferring any  thing  to  another 
Assigned,  s.  one  who  is  deputed  to  do  any 

thing  on  behalf  of  others 
Assignment,  s.  an  appointment,  a  transfer 
Assim'ilate,  v.  a.  to  convert  to  the  same  na- 
ture or  use  with  another  thing  ;  to  bring 
to  a  likeness  or  resemblance 
Assi'stj  v.  a.  to  help,  to  succour,  to  aid 
Assistance,  j.  help,  aid,  relief,  support 
Assi'ze.  s.  the  sitting  of  judges  to  determine 
causes;    an  order  respecting    the    price, 
weight,  &c.  of  sundry  commodities 
Asso'ciate,  v.  a.  to  unite,  to  join  with 
Associate,  /.  a  partner,companion,  or  sharer 
Association,  s.  an  entering  into   an  agree- 
ment with  others   in  order  to    perform 
some  aft  ;   a  confederacy,  a  partnership 

A  T  L 



Asso'rt,  v.  a.  to  range  in  order,  to  class 
Assortment,  s.  a  quantity  properly  arranged 
Asso't,  v.  a  .  to  infatuate 
Assua'ge,  v.  a.  to  soften,  to  ease,  to  pacify 
Assua'gement, s.  what  mitigates  or  softens 
Assua'ger,  s.  one  who  pacifies  or  appeases 
Assua'sive,  a.  softening,  mitigating,  mild 
Assub'jugate,  v.  a.  to  subject  to 
Assu'etude,  s.  accustomance,  custom 
Assu'me,i;.  a.  to  take,  to  claim,  to  arrogate 
Assu'ming,  part .  a.  arrogant,  haughty 
Assumption,  s.  the  taking  any  thing  to  one's 

self;  the  thing  supposed  ,•  a  postulate 
Assump'tive,  a.  that  which  is  assumed 
Assu'rance,  s.  confidence  ;  certainty  ;  want 
of  modesty ;  a  contract ;  security;  firmness 
Assu're,  v.  a.  to  assert  positively,  to  secure 
As'terisk,  s.  a  little  star  (*)  signifying,  that 
some  words  or  letters  are  wanting  to  com- 
plete the  sentence,  or  serving  as  a  refer- 
ence to  a  note  at  the  bottom,  or  in  the 
As'terism,  s.  a  constellation  of  fixed  stars 
Aste'rn,  ad.  a  sea  term,  signifying  behind 
Asth'ma,  s.  a  disease  of  the  lungs 
Asthmat'ic,  Asthmat'ical,  a.  troubled  with 

an  asthma 
Aston'ish,  v.  a.  to  amaze,  to  confound 
Aston'ishment,  s.  amazement,  surprise 
As'tragal,  s.  an  ornament  in  architecture 
As'tral,  a.  relating  to  the  stars,  bright 
Astra'y,  ad.  out  of  the  right  way,  wrong 
Astric'tion,  s.  the  act  of  contracting  parts 
Astri'de,  ad.  across,  with  legs  open 
Astri'nge,  v.  a.  to  draw  together,  to  bind 
Astrin'gent,  a.  binding,  contracting,  bracing 
Astrog'raphy,  s.  the  art  of  describing  stars 
As'trolabe,  s.  an  instrument  used  to  take  the 

altitude  of  the  sun  or  stars  at  sea 
Astrol'oger,  s.  one  who  pretends  to  foretel 

events  by  the  aspects,  &c.  of  the  stars 
Astrol'ogy,  s.  the  science  of  foretelling  e- 

vents  by  the  stars,  planets,  &c. 
Astronomical,  a.  belonging  to  astronomy 
Astron'omy,  s.  a  science   that   teaches  the 
knowledge  of  the  heavenly  bodies,  their 
magnitudes,  motions,  distances,  &c. 
As'tro-theol'ogy,  /.  divinity  formed  on  the 

observation  of  the  celestial  bodies 
Asu'nder,  ad.  separately,  in  two  parts 
Asylum*  s.  a  refuge,  a  place  of  protection 
A'theism,  s.  the  disbelief  of  a  God 
A'theist,  s.  one  who  disbelieves  the  exist- 
ence of  a  God 
Atheist'  belonging  to  atheism, impious 
Athir'st,  ad.  dry,  thirsty,  in  want  of  drink 
Athlet'ic,  a.  strong,  lusty,  bony,  vigorous 
Athwa'rt,  ad.  across,  through  ;  wrong 
Atlan'tes,  s.  in  architecture,  the  figures  of 
men  •r-beasts,  supporting  an  edifice 

At'las,  s.  a  collection  of  maps  ;  a  rich  kind 

of  silk  or  stuff  ;  a  mountain  in  Africa 
Afmosphere,  s.  the  air  that  encompasses  the 

solid  earth  on  all  sides 
At'om,  At'omy,  s.  an  extreme  small  particle 
Atom'ical,  a.  consisting  of  atoms,  minute 
At'omist,  s.  one  who  maintains  the  doctrine 

of  the  atomical  philosophy 
Ato'ne,  v.  to  agree,  to  satisfy,  to  answer  for, 

to  appease, to  expiate 
Ato'nement, s.  agreement,  concord,  expiation 
Atrabila'rian,  Atrabila'rlous,  a.  melancholy 
Atrament'al,  Atrament'ous,  a.  inky,  black 
Atro'cious,  a.  wicked,  enormous,  heinous 
Atro'ciously,  ad.  very  wickedly,  heinously 
Atro'city,  s.  horrible  wickedness 
At'rophy,  /.  a  disease  in  which  what  is  taken. 

for  food,  cannot  act  as  nourishment 
Atta'ch,  v.  a.  to  seize  or  lay  hold  on  ;  to 

win  or  gain  over  ;  to  fix  one's  interest 
Attach'ment,  /.  adherence,  fidelity,  regard 
Atta'ck,  s.  an  assault  on  an  enemy,  an  onset 
Atta'ck,  v.  a.  to  assault,  to  encounter,  to 

impugn  in  any  manner 
Atta'in,  n>.  to  gain,  to  overtake,  to  arrive  at 
Attainable,  a.  that  which  may  be  attained 
Attain'der,  t.  the  act  of  attainting  in  law  ; 

taint,  soil,  disgrace 
Attainment,  s.  an  acquisition,  a  quality 
Atta'int,  ix  a.  to  dishonour,  to  corrupt 
Attemper,  Attemp'erate,  v.  a.  to  mingle, 

to  soften,  to  regulate,  to  proportion 
Atte'mpt,  v.  a.  to  try,  to  endeavour,  to  essay 
Atte'ndj-y.  to  wait  for,  or  give  attendance 
to  ;  to  regard  with  attention ;  to  accompany 
Attendance,  s.  the  act  of  waiting  on  another 
Attend 'ant,  s.   one  who  attends   another...*?, 

accompanying  as  consequential 
Attention,  s-  the  act  of  attending,  close  ap- 
plication of  the  mind  to  any  thing 
Attentive,  a.  heedful,  regardful,  intent 
Atten'uant,  a.  making  thin  or  slender 
Atten'uate,  v.  a.  to  make  slender,  to  dilute 
Atte'st,  v.  a.  to  bear  witness  of,  to  invoke 
Attestation,  s.  testimony,  witness,  evidence 
At'tic,  a.  fine,  elegant,  just,  elevated 
Atti're,  s.  clothes,  dress,  habit ;  a  stag's  horns 
Atti're,  -y.  a.  to  dress,  to  habit,  to  array 
At'titude,  5.  posture,  gesture,  action 
Attor'ney,  s.  one  who  is  deputed  to  act  and 
be  responsible  for  another,  particularly  in 
affairs  of  law 
Attra'ct,  v.  a.  to  allure,  draw  to,  to  entice 
Attrae'tion,  s-  the  power  of  drawing 
Attractive,  a.  inviting,  alluring,  enticing 
Attributable,  a.  that  which  may  be  ascribed 

or  imputed 
Attribute,  s.  a  quality  inherent  in  a  person 
or  thing,  as  we  say,  omniscience,  omni- 
presence, are  attribute;  of  God 

A  V  O 


A  W  K 

Attribute,  v.  a,  to  impute  or  ascribe  to 
Attrition,  s.   the  act  of  wearing  things  by- 
rubbing  one  against  another;  slight  grief 
for  sin ;  the  lowest  degree  of  repentance 
Attu'ne,  v.  a.  to  tune,  to  make  musical 
Ava'il,  v.  a.  to  profit,  to  promote,  to  assist 
Available,  a.  profitable,  advantageous,  valid 
Avznt' -guard,  s.  the  van  or  front  of  an  army 
Av'arice,  s.  covetousness,  niggardliness 
Avari'cious,  a.  covetous,  greedy,  mean 
Ava'st,  ad .  hold,  stop,  stay,  enough 
Ava'unt,  inter,  begone  ;  word  of  abhorrence 
Au'burn,  a.  brown,  of  a  fine  tan  colour 
Auc'tion,  s.  a  public  sale  of  goods  by  bidding 
Auctioneer,  s.  the  manager  of  an  auction 
Aucupa'tion,  s.  the  act  of  bird-catching 
Auda'cious,  a.  impudent,  daring,  bold,  saucy 
Auda'ciousness,  Auda'city,  s.  boldness,  im- 
pudence, spirit,  rashness 
Aud'ible,  a.  that  may  be  distinctly  heard 
Aud'ience,j.  an  assemblage  of  persons  to  hear 
any  thing;  the  reception  of,  or  granting  a 
hearing  to  a  person  •,  an  interview 
Au'dit,  s.  a  final  account...!;,  a.  to  take  a  final 

account,  to  examine,  to  scrutinize 
Au'ditors  of  the  Exchequer,  s.   officers  who 

settle  the  Exchequer  accounts 
Au'ditory,  s.  an  assembly  of  hearers ;  a  place 

where  lectures,  &c  are  heard 
Ave'nge,  v.  a.  to  revenge,  to  punish 
Av'enue,  s.  an  entrance  to  a  place  ;  an  alley 

or  walk  of  trees  leading  to  a  house 
Aver',  v.  a.  to  affirm,  to  assert,  to  declare 
Av'erage,  s.   the   mean,  or  medium  of  any- 
given  quantities  in  commerce,  a  duty  paid 
by  merchants 
Aver'ment,  s.  establishment  by  evidence 
Aver'nat,  s.  a  sort  of  grape 
Ave'rse,  a.  contrary  to,  not  favourable  to 
Aver'sion,  s.  hatred,  dislike,  antipathy 
Ave'rt,  v.  a.  to  turn  aside,  to  keep  off 
Aug'er,j.a  carpenter's  tool  to  bore  holes  with 
Aught, pron.  any  thing 

Augment,  v. a.  to  increase,  to  add,  to  enlarge 
Augmenta'tion,  s.  the  act  of  increasing 
Aug'ur,  s.  a  soothsayer  or  diviner....^;,  to 

guess,  to  conjecture  by  signs 
Aug'ury,  s.  the  foretelling  events  to  come  by 

the  flight,  feeding,  &c.  of  birds 
Augu'st,  a.  noble,  grand,  magnificent,  holy 
Au'gust,  s.  the  eighth  month  in  the  year 
A'viary,  s.  a  place  enclosed  to  keep  birds 
Avid'ity,  s. greediness, eagerness, anxiousness 
Aui'ic,  a.  belonging  to  a  court,  royal 
Auln,  s.  a  French  measure  containing  48 

gallons  ;  likewise  in  length  an  ell 
Aunt,  !.  a  father's  or  mother's  sister 
Av'ocate,  v.  a-  to  call  away,  to  call  from 
Avoca'tion,  s.  the  act  of  calling  off  or  aside 
Avo'id,  v.  to  shun,  to  escape,  to  retire 

Avoirdupo'is,  s.  a  weight  most  commonly  in 

use,  containing  16  ounces  to  the  pound 
Avola'tion,  s.  the  act  of  flying  away 
Avou'ch,  v.  a.  to  assert,  to  affirm,  to  justi- 
fy ...s.  declaration,  evidence 
Avo'w,  v.  a.  to  declare,  to  assert,  to  profess 
Avow'al,  s.  a  positive  or  open  declaration 
Aure'lia,  s.  a  term  used  for  the  first  change  of 
a  maggot  before  it  becomes  a  fly ;  chrysalis 
Au'ricle, s.  the  external  ear;  two  appendages 

of  the  heart  covering  its  two  ventricles 
Auric'ula,  /.  a  very  beautiful  flower 
Auric'ular,  a.  within  hearing,  told  in  secret 
Auriferous,  a.  having  or  producing  gold 
Auro'ra,  s.  poetically,  the  morning  ;  an  herb 
Auro'ra  Borea'Hs,  s.  a  luminous  meteor,  fre- 
quently visible  in  the    northern    hemi- 
sphere, generally  called  northern  lights 
Au'spice,  s.  an  omen  ;  prote&ion,  influence 
Auspi'cious,  a.  prosperous,  fortunate,  happy 
Auste're,  a.  severe,  rigid,  harsh,  stern 
Auster'ity,  s.  severity,  cruelty  ;    mortified 

life,  sourness  of  temper,  harsh  discipline 
Au'stral,  a.  tending  to  the  south,  southern 
Authentic,  a.  genuine,  original,  proveable 
Authenticate,  v.  a.  to  establish  by  proof 
Authenticity,  s.  authority,  genuineness 
Au'thor, ;.  the  first  beginner  of  a  thing;  the 

writer  of  a  book,  opposed  to  a  compiler 
Authoritative,  a.  having  authority,  positive 
Authority,  s.  legal  power,  influence,  rule 
Au'thorize,  v.  a.  to  give  authority,  to  justify 
Autog'raphy,  s.  an  original  writing 
Autom'aton,  s.  a  machine  which  possesses 
the  power  of  motion  without  any  continu- 
ed assistance,  as  a  clock,  watch,  &c. 
Autom'atous,  a.  having  the  power  of  motion 

in  itself 
Autop'sy,  s.  ocular  demonstration 
Autop'tical,  a.  perceived  by  one's  own  eyes 
Aut'umn, \r.  the  third  season  of  the  year 
Autum'nal,  a.  belonging  to  autumn 
Avul'sion,  /.  pulling  one  thing  from  another 
Auxiliary,  a.  helping,  aiding,  assisting 
Auxil'iaries,  s.  troops  called  upon,  in  virtue 

of  a  treaty,  to  assist  another  nation,  &c. 
Awa'it,  v.  a.  to  expect,  to  wait  for,  to  attend 
Awa'ke,  v.   to  rouse  from  sleep,  to  put  into 
new  action...a.  not  sleeping,  without  sleep 
Awa'rd,^.  adjudge,  to  determine,  to  give 
Awa'rd,  s.  a  sentence,  a  determination 
Awa're,  a.  vigilant,  attentive,  cautious 
Awa'y,  arf.  absent  ;  let  us  go  ;  begone 
Awe,  s.  dread,  fear,  respect,  reverence 
Aw'ful,  a.  that  which  strikes  with  awe,  or 
fills  with  reverence  ;  terrible  ;  worshipful 
Aw'fulness,  s.  quality  of  striking  with  awe 
Awha'pe;  v.  a.  to  strike,  to  confound 
Awhi'le,  ad.  for  some  space  of  time 
Awk'ward,  a.  uupolite,  clumsy,  unhandy 


2  5 

A  L 

AwL,  /.a  sharp  instrument  to  make  holes 
Awme,  s.  a  Dutch  measure  answering  to 

what  in  England  is   called   a  tierce,  or 

one-seventh  of  an  English  ton 
Awn'ing,  s.  any  covering  spread  over  a  ship 

or  boat  to  keep  off  the  heat  or  wet 
Awo'ke,  the  preterite  from  awake 
Awry',  ad.  obliquely,  asquint,  unevenly 
Axe,  s.  an  instrument  used  to  chop  wood 
Ax'iom,  s.  a  maxim  or  proposition,  which 

being  self-evident,  cannot  be  made  plainer 

by  demonstration 

Ax'is,  /.  a  real  or  imaginary   line,  which 
passes  directly  through  the  centre  of  any 
thing  that  revolves  on  it 
Ax'Le,  Axletree,  s.  the  piece  of  timber  on 

which  the  wheels  of  a  carriage  turn 
Ay,  ad.  yes,  used  to  affirm  the  truth 
Aye,  ad.  always,  forever,  once  more 
Azimuth,  s.  the  azimuth  of  the  sun  or  any 
star  is  an   arch  between  the  meridian  of 
the  place  and  any  given  vertical  line  ;  an 
astronomical  instrument 
A'zure,  s.  light  or  faint  blue  j  sky-coloured 


BTHE  second  letter  in  the  alphabet,  is 
a  frequently  used   as   an   abbreviation, 

as   in  B.  A.  Bachelor  of  Arts,  B.  L.  Bach- 

elor  of  Laws 
Ba'a,  v.  n.  to  bleat  or  cry  like  a  sheep 
Ba'al,  s   a  Canaanitish  idol 
Bab'ble,  v.  n.  to  talk  idly,  to  tell  secrets 
Bab'bler,  s.  an  idle  talkative  person,  a  prattler 
Babe,  Ba'by,  s.  a  young  child  of  either  sex 
Baboo'n, s.  a  large  species  of  monkey 
Bac'cated,a.  beset  with  pearls  ;  having  berries 
Bacchana'lian,  /.  a  drunken  riotous  person 
Bac'chanals,  s.  drunken  riots  or  revels 
Bach'elor,  s.  an  unmarried  man  ;  one  who 

takes  his  first  degree  at  the  university  ;  a 

knight  of  the  lowest  order 
Back,  j.  the  hinder  part  of  a  thing 
Back,  v.  a.  to  mount  a  horse  ;  to  second,  to 

justify,  to  strengthen,  to  maintain 
Back'bite,  v.  a.  to  censure  an  absent  person 
Back'biter,  /.  one  who  slanders  secretly 
Back'ed,ptf7-r.  seconded,  supported,  mounted 
Backgam'mon,  s.  a  game  with  dice  and  tables 
Backsli'der,  s.  an  apostate 
Back'stays,  s.  ropes  which  keep  the  masts 

from  pitching  forward 
Eack'sword,  s.  a  sword  with  one  sharp  edge 
Back'ward,  a.  unwilling,  dull,  sluggish 
Back'wardly,  ad.  unwillingly,  sluggishly 
Ea'con,  s.  the  flesh  of  a  hog,  salted  and  dried 
Bad,  a.  ill,  wicked,  hurtful,  vicious,  sick 
Bad,  or  Bade,  pret.  of  to  bid 
Badge,  s.  a  mark  or  token  of  distinction 
Badg'er,  s.  an  animal  resembling  a  hog  and 

dog  ;  a  man  who  buys  and  sells  corn 
Baffle,  v.  a.  to  elude,  deceive,  to  confound 
Bag,  s.  a  sack  ;  a  purse  ;  an  ornament  ;  an 

udder  ;  a  purse  of  silk,  tied  to  men's  hair 
Bagatelle,  s.  a  thing  of  no  import,  a  trifle 
Engage,  s.  the  luggage  of  an   army   ;     a 

term  for  a  worthless  woman 
Ba^n'io,  /.  warm  bath  j  house  of  ill  famfe 

Bag'pipe,  s.  a  Scotch  musical  instrument 
Bail,  s.  surety  given  for  another's  appearance 
Bail,  v.  a.  to  give  bail,  to  admit  to  bail 
Ba'ilable,  a.  that  maybe  set  at  liberty  by  bail 
Ba'iliff,  s.  an  off  csr  who  puts  in   force  an 

arrest  ;  a  land  steward  ;  a  magistrate 
Ba'iiiwick,  i.  the  jurisdiction  of  a  bailiff 
Bait,  s.  a  temptation,  a  refreshment ;  a  lure 
Bait,  v.  to  bait  the  hook  in  angling  ;  to  take 
refreshment  on  a  journey  ;  to  set  dogs  upon 
Baize,  s.  a  coarse  kind  of  nappy  cloth 
Bake,  v.  to  harden  by  fire  ;  to  dress  victuals 

in  an  oven 
Bal'ance,  i.  a  pair  of  scales  ;  the  difference 
of  an  account ;      the    beating  part  of  a 
watch  ;  in  astronomy,  a  constellation 
J  Bal  ance,  v.  to  make  equal,  to  settle  ;  to 

hesitate,  to  fluctuate 
I  Balco'ny,  /.  a  small  gallery  of  wood  or  stone 
on  the  outside  of  a  house 
Bald,  a.  without  hair  ;  inelegant,  unadorned 
Bal'derdash,  s.  a  rude  mixture  ;  confused  or 

illiterate  discourse 
Bald'ness,  s .  want  of  hair  ;  nakedness 
Bal'dric,  s .  a  girdle,  a  belt  ;  the  zodiac 
!  Bale,  /.  goods  packed  for  carriage  ;  misery 
j  Baleful,  a.  full  of  misery,  sorrowful,  sad 
I  Balk,  j.  disappointment ;   a  great  beam  or 

rafter  ;  a  ridge  of  unploughed  land 
!  Balk,  Baulk,  v.  to  disappoint  of,  to  miss  of 
;  Ball,  s.  any  thing  round  ;  a  globe  ;  an  enter- 
tainment of  dancing 
!  Ballad,  s.  a  common  or  trifling  song  ;  an  air 
|  Ballast,  s.  weight  placed  in  the  bottom  of  a 
ship,  or  any  other  body,  to  prevent  its 
oversetting. ..v.  to  keep  any  thing  steady 
|  Bal'let,  s-  an  historical  dance 
!  Ballo'on,  /.  a  large  vessel  used  in  chymistry  : 
a  ball  on  the  top  of  a  pillar  :  a  globe  made 
of    silk,   &c  which  being  inflated   with 
gas,  rises  into  the  air  with  any  weight 
attached  to  it  proportionate  to  its  ^ize 




Ballot,  s.  a  ball  or  ticket  used  in  giving  votes 

privately..."*;,  a.  to  choose  by  ballot 
Balm,  s.  the  name  of  a  plant...t>.  a.  to  sooth 
Balm'y,  a.  having  the  qualities  of  balm  ; 

soothing,  soft  ;  fragrant,  odoriferous 
Bal'neary,  s.  a  bathing  room,  bath 
Bal'sam,  s.  an  ointment ;  a  shrub 
Balsam'ic,  a.  mitigating,  softening,  healing 
Bal'uster,  s.  a  small  pillar,  or  column 
Balustrade,  s.  a  row  of  small  pillars 
Bamboo', *.  an  Indian  cane,  or  measure 
Bamboo'zle,  v.  a.  to  trick,  deceive,  to  cheat 
Ban,  s .  a  public  notice,  a  curse,  interdiction 
Bana'na-;rrc,  s.  a  kind  of  plantain 
Band,  s.  a  bandage  or  tie  ;    an  ornament 

worn  round  the  neck  ;  a  company 
Band'age,  s.  a  fillet  ;  a  roller  for  a  wound 
Bandbox,  s.  a  thin  slight  box 
Ban'delet,  s.  in  architecture,  a  fiat  moulding 
Bandit'ti,  s.  outlaws,  robbers,  plunderers 
Bandole'ers,  s.  small  wooden  cases,  each  of 
them  containing  powder  that  is  a  sufficient 
charge  for  a  musket 
Ban'dy,  v.  a.  to  toss  to  and  fro,  to  give  and 

take  reciprocally  ;  to  contend  at  a  game 
Ban'dy,  a.  crooked.,.;,  a  crooked  stick 
Bzn'dy-legged,  a.  having  crooked  legs 
Bane,  s.  mischief,  ruin,  poison...i>.  to  poison 
Ba'neful,  a.  poisonous,  hurtful 
Bang,  i.  a  blow,  a  thump...-!*,  to  beat 
Ban'ians,  s.  a  particular  sect  in  India,  who 
hold  a  metempsychosis,  and  abstain  from 
animal  food 
Ban'ish,  v.  a.  to  send  or  drive  away 
Ban'ishment,  s.  transportation,  exile 
Bank,  s.  the  side  of  a  river  $  a  little  hill ;  a 
shoal    in  the  sea  ;    a  repository    where 
money  is  occasionally  lodged 
Bank-fa'//,  s.  a  note  for  money  in  the  bank 
Bank'er,/.  one  who  receives  money  in  trust 
Bank'rupt,  s.  one  who  being  unable  to  satis- 
fy his  creditors,  surrenders  his  effects 
Bankruptcy,  s.  the  state  of  a  bankrupt 
Ban'ner,  ;.  a  military  standard  or  flag 
Ban'neret,  s.  a  knight  created  in  the  field  of 

Eannia'n,  s.  a  light  undress,  a  morning  gown 
Ban'nock,  s.  a  loaf  or  cake  of  oatmeal 
Ban'quet,*.  a  grand  entertainment  of  feasting 
Ban'sticle,  s.  a  very  small  prickly  fish 
Ban'ter,  v. a.  to  rally, play  upon,  ridicule, jeer 
Bant'ling,  s.  a  young  child,  an  infant 
Bap'tism,  s.  the  first  sacrament  of  the  Chris- 
tian church,  by  which  we  are  admitted  to 
partake  of  all  its  privileges 
Baptis'mal,  a.  relating  to  baptism 
Bap'tist,  Bapti'zer,  s.  one  who  christens 
Bap'tistry,  s.  a  font,  or  place  for  baptizing  at 
Bar,  v.  to  secure,  or  fasten  any  thing  with  a ;  to  hinder  or  obstruct 

Bar,  s.   a  long  piece  of  wood  or  iron  ;  the 

place  assigned  for  lawyers  to  plead  ;  a 

partition  at  which  criminals  are  placed 

during  trial  ;  a  shallow  at  the  entrance  of 

an  harbour  ;  a  hinderance  ;  in  music,  a 

perpendicular  line  through  the  note  lines  ; 

a  small  room  in  a  tavern,  &c. 
Barb,  s.  a  Barbary  horse  ;    a  beard  ;    the 

points  which  stand  backward  in  an  arrow 

or  fishing-hook 
Barb,  v.  a.  to  furnish  horses  with  armour  ; 

to  shave  the  beard  ;  to  point  an  arrow 
Bar'bacan,  s.  a  fortification  before  the  walls  of 

a  town,  an  opening  in  the  wall  for  guns 
Barb'acue,  s.  a  hog  dressed  whole  with  spices 
Barba'rian,  s.  a  rude,   uncivilized  person,  a 

savage,  a  person  without  pity 
Barbar'ic,  a.  foreign,  far-fetched 
Barb'arism,  /.  ignorance,  inhumanity  ;    an 

uncouth  manner  of  speaking  or  writing 
Barbar'ity,  s.  inhumanity,  cruelty 
Barb'arous,  a.  rude,   uncivilized,  ignorant, 

inhuman,  cruel ;  unacquainted  with  arts 
Barb'ed,  part.  a.  furnished  with  armour  ; 

bearded  or  jagged  with  hooks 
Barb'el,  s.  a  large  fish  ;  superfluous  fleshy 

knots  growing  in  the  mouth  of  a  horse 
Barb'er,  s.  one  whose  trade  is  to  shave 
Bar'berry-frtt1,  s.  the  name  of  a  prickly  shrub 
Bard,  s .  a  poet 

Bare,  a.  naked,  poor,  lean,  unadorned 
Ba'refaced, «.  shameless,  impudent 
Ba'rely,  ad.  nakedly  ;  openly  ;  merely 
Bar'gain,  s.  a  contract  or  agreement  j  a  thing 

bought  or  sold  ;  stipulation 
Bar'gain,  v.  n.  to  make  a  contract  for  the  sale 

or  purchase  of  any  thing 
Barge,  s.  a  large  boat  for  pleasure  or  trade 
Baril'la,  s.  potashes  used  in  making  glass 
Bark,  j»  the  rind  of  a  tree  ;  a  small  ship 
Bark,  v.  to  make  a  noise  like  a  dog  or  wolf; 
to  clamour  at ;  to  strip  trees  of  their  bark 
Bark'er,  s.  one  that  clamours,  a  snarler 
Bar'ley,  s.  corn  used  in  making  beer 
Bar'ley-a>m,  s.  a  grain  of  barley,  in  meas- 
urement the  third  part  of  an  inch 
Barm,  j.  yeast,  used  to  make  drink  ferment 
Barn,  s.  a  storehouse  for  corn,  &c. 
Barn'acle,  s.  a  kind  of  shell-fish  which  ad- 
heres to  wood,&c.  in  the  water;  a  bird  like 
a  goose ;  an  iron  instrument  to  hold  a  horse 
by  the  nose  during  an  operation  of  farriery 
Barom'eter,  s.   an  instrument    to    measure 
the  weight  of,  and  variations  in,  the  at- 
mosphere, in  order  chiefly  to  determine 
the  changes  of  the  weather 
Baromet'rical,  a.  relating  to  a  barometer  _ 
Bar'on,  s.  a  rank  in  nobility  next  to  a  V&- 

count ;  two  sirloins  of  beef 
Bar'oness,  s.  a  baron's  lady 

B  A  S 


B  E  A 

Bar'onet,  s.  the  lowest  title  that  is  heredita- 
ry, next  in  rank  to  a  baron 
Bar'ony,  s.  the  lordship  whence  a  baron  de- 
rives his  title 
Bar'cscope,  s.  an  instrument  to  shew  the 

weight  of  the  atmosphere 
Ear'racan,  s.  a  strong,  thick  kind  of  camelot 
Bar'rack,  s.  a  building  to  quarter  soldiers  in 
Bar'rator,  s.  an  encourager  of   lawsuits  ;    a 

Bar'ratry,  s.  foul  practice  in  law  ;  a  fraud 
committed  by  seamen  on  merchants'  goods 
Bar'reJ,  s.  a  round  wooden  vessel  ;  the  hol- 
low tube  of  a  gun  ;  a  cylinder 
Bar'ren,  a.  unfruitful,  not  prolific,  steril, 

unmeaning,  uninventive,  dull 
Ear'renness,  s.  sterility,  want  of  invention 
Barrica'de,  -v.  a.  to  secure  a  place,  to  fortify 
B?.r'ricade,  Barrica'do,  s.  a  fortification,  an 

obstruction,  a  bar  to  prevent  admittance 
Bar'rier,  /.  a  boundary,  a  defence,  a  bar  to 

mark  the  limits  of  a  place 
Bar'rister,  s.  a  pleader  at  the  bar,  an  advocate 
Ear'row,  s.  a  small  hand  carriage  to  convey 
fruit,  herbs,  &c.  a  small  mount  of  earth 
under  which  bodies  were  anciently  depos- 
ited ;  a  hog 
Bar'ter,  v.  a.  to  give  any  thing  in  exchange 
Bar'ter,  s.  the  aft  or  practice  of  trafficking 
Base,  s.   the  foundation  of  any   thing  ;   a 

rustic  play  ;  the  pedestal  of  a  statue 
Ease,  a.  vile,  mean,  low  ;  metal  below  the 

standard  ;  in  music,  deep,  grave 
Base'ness,  /.  vileness,  meanness,  bastardy 
Easha'w,  s.  a  governor  or  viceroy  under  the 
grand  seignior  ;  a  proud,  imperious  person 
Eash'ful,  a.  timid,  modest,  coy,  shamefaced 
Ba'sil,  j.  the  name  of  a  plant ;  the  edge  of 

a  joiner's  tool ;  a  kind  of  leather 
Ba'sil,  v.  a.  to  grind  the  edge  of  a  tool 
Basil'icon,  s.  a  kind  of  ointment 
Bas'iiisk,  s.  a  kind  of  serpent,  a  cockatrice, 
said  to  kill  by  looking;  a  piece  of  ordnance 
Ba'sin,  Ba'son,  s.  a  small  vessel  to  hold  wa- 
ter ;  a  deck  where  ships  may  float  in  safe- 
ty ;  a  small  por.d 
Ba'sis,  s.  the  foundation  of  any  thing  ;  the 
lowest  of  the   three   principal  parts  of  a 
column,  which  are  the  basis,  shaft,  and 
capital ;  the  foot,-the  pedestal 
Bask,  v.  to  lie  in  the  heat  of  the  sun,  or  fire 
Bas'ket,  s.  a  vessel  made  of  twigs  or  rushes 
Bass,  s.  a  mat  used  to  kneel  on  in  churches 

...a.  in  music,  grave,  deep 
Bas'set,  s.  a  certain  game  at  cards 
Bassoo'n,  s.  a  musical  wind  instrument 
Bass-relief,  or  Basso-relievo,  ;.  raised  work 
Bas'tard,  s.  a  child  born  out  of  wedlock 
Bas'tardize,  v.  to  declare  a   child  illegiti- 
mate ;  to  beget  a  bastard 

Baste,  v.  a.   to  beat  with  a  stick  ;  to  pour 
butter  on  meat  whilst  roasting  ;  to  sew 
in  a  slight  manner 
Bas'tile,  /.  formerly  a  state  prison  in  France  ; 

it  is  now  destroyed 
Bastina'de,    Bastina'do,  v.    a.  to  punish  a 
person   by  striking  the  soles  of  his  feet 
with  a  cudgel 
Bas'tion,  s.  a  huge  mass  of  earth  standing 

from  a  rampart  ;  a  bulwark,  a  fortress 
Bass-viol,  s.  a  fiddle  for  the  bass 
Bat,  s.  a  flattened  club  to  strike  a  ball  with  ; 
an  animal  resembling  a  mouse,  which  flies 
with  membranes  distended  like  wings 
B3t-fowling,j.  bird-catching  in  the  night-time 
Batch,  s    a  quantity  of  any  thing  baked  at 

one  time  ;  any  quantity  made  at  once 
Bate,  17.  to  lessen,  to  remit,  to  lower  a  price 
Bath,  s.  a  place  to  bathe  in  ;  a  measure 
Bathe,  v.  a.  to  wash  in  a  bath  ;  to  soften 
Bat'let,  s.  a  square  wooden  Instrument  used 

for  besting  linen 
Batoo'n,    s.    a  staff  or  club  ;    a  truncheon 

borne  by  a  marshal  in  an  army 
Battal'ia,  s.  battle  array,  order  of  battle 
Battal'ion,  /.  a  body  of  foot  soldiers, in  num- 
ber from    SOO  to  800  men;  a  division  of 
an  army 
Bat'ten,  s.  a  narrow-  board  ;  a  scantling 
Bat'ten,  v.  to  fatten,  to  fertilize,  to  grow  fat 
Bat'ter,  s.  a  mixture  of  flour,  eggs,  rnilk9 

and  salt.. .a*,  to  beat,  to  beat  dawn 
Bat'tering-ram,    s.  a   military   engine,    for- 
merly used  to  batter  down  Walls,    having 
a  head  resembling  a  ram's 
Bat'tery,  s.   a  raised  work  on  which  cannons 

are  mounted  ;  in  law,  a  violent  assault 
Bat'tle,  s.  a  fight  between  fleets  or  armies 
Bat'tle-flrr«y,  s.  s.  form  or  order  of  battle 
Bat'tleaxe,  s.  a  weapon  like  an  axe  ;  a  bill 
Bat'tledoor,;.  a  flat  instrument  used  to  strike 

shuttlecocks  with 
Bat'tlement,   s.  a  wall   indented  en   the  top 

of  buildings  ;  a  breastwork 
Baube'e,  s.  in  Scotland  a  halfpenny 
Bav'in,  s.  a  bundle  of  small  wood,  a  faggot 
Bau'ble,  ;.  a  trifle,  a  trinket,?,  plaything 
Bawl,  v.   to  call  out,  cry  cut,  to  speak  loud 
Baw'rel,  s.  a  kind  of  hawk 
Bay,/,  a  road  where  ships  may  anchor;  a  tree  ; 
a  term  in  architecture. ...#.  chesnut  colour 
Bay,  -v.  to  batk  as  a  dog  ;  to  surround 
Bay-salt,  s.  salt  made  from  sea-water  expos- 
ed to  the  sun,  so  named  from  its  colour 
Bz.y-tree,  /.  the  female  laurel 
Bay'onet,  s.  a  dagger  fixed  to  a  musket 
Bays,  s.  an  honorary  crown  or  garland 
Bdel'lium, s.  an  aromatic  gum 
Be,  v.  n.  to  have  existence,  to  exit 
Beach,  s.  the  sea  shore,  the  strand,  the  Beast 

B  E  C 

B  E  H 

Be'acon,    s.    an    edifice  on    an    eminence, 

where  signs  are  made  to  direct  seamen 
Bead,  s.  a  small  glass  ornament,  with  which 
necklaces,    and    monkish    rosaries,    are 
made  ;  any  globular  body 
Be'adle,  s.  an  inferior  officer  in  a  parish,  uni- 
versity, or  trading  company 
Be'agle,  s.  a  small  hound  to  hunt  hares 
Beak,  s.  the  bill  of  a  bird  j  a  promontory 
Beak'er,  s.  a  cup  with  a  spout  formed  like 

the  beak  of  a  bird 
Beam,  s.  the  principal  piece  of  timber  which 
supports  a  building  ;  the  balance  of  a  pair 
of  scales  ;    a  ray  of  light ;    the  pole  of  a 
chariot  ;  the  horn  of  a  stag 
Beam,  v.  n.  to  emit  rays  or  beams 
Bean,  s.  a  well  known  kind  of  pulse 
Bear,  s.  a  rough,  savage  animal ;  a  rude  un- 
polished man  ;  the  name  of  two  constella- 
tions, tailed  the  greater  and  /mbearj  in 
the  tail  of  the  less  bear  is  the  pole  star 
Bear,  v.  to  carry  a  load,  to  support,  to  keep 
from  fulling  ;    to  carry  in  remembrance  ; 
to  endure  ;  to  press  ;  to  be  fruitful 
Btard,  s.  hair  which  grows  on  the  chin  and 

lips  ;  the  barb  of  an  arrow  or  hook 
Beard'less,  a.  having  no  beard  j  youthful 
Bear'er,  s.  a  carrier  of  any  thing,  a  supporter 
Bear'-garden,  s.  any  place  of  tumult 
Bear'ing,  s.  the  situation  of  any  place,  both 

as  to  distance  and  direction  ;  gesture 
Beast,  s.  an  irrational  animal  ;  a  brutal  man 
Be'astly,  a.  nasty,  filthy,  obscene 
Beat,  v.  to  strike  ;  to  conquer  ;  to  throb 
Beatific,  Beatifical,  a.  blissful,  the  making 

happy  or  blessed, belonging  to  the  happy 
Bcatifica'tion,  s.  an  acknowledgment  made 
by  the  Pope  and  his  consistory,  that  the 
person  beatified  is  in  heaven,  and  may  be 
reverenced  as  blessed 
Beat'ify,  bless  with  celestial  enjoyment 
Beat'ing,  s.  correction  by  blows 
Beat'itude,  s.  blessedness,  happiness,  felicity 
Beau,  s.  a  coxcomb,  a  fop,  a  man  of  dress 
Be'aver,  s.  an  animal,  otherwise  named  the 
Castor,  amphibious,  and  remarkable  for 
his  art  in  building  his  habitation  ;  a  hat 
made  of  its  fur  ;    the  part  of  a  helmet 
which  covers  the  face 
Eeau'teous,Beau'tiful,<*.  fair,  elegant,  lovely 
Beau'tifully,  ad.  in  a  beautiful  manner 
Beau'tify,  v.  a.  to  adorn,  to  embellish 
Beau'ty,  s.  that  assemblage  of  graces  which 

pleases  the  eye  ;  a  beautiful  person 
Becafi'co,  s.  a  small  bird,  the  fig-eater 
Beca'use,  con.  on  this  account  that,  for  this 

reason  that 
Beca'Im,  v.  a.  to  still,  to  quiet  the  mind 
Beca'me,the  preterite  of  become 
Beck,  s.  a  sign  with  the  hand  or  head,  a  nod 

Beck'on,  v.  n.  to  make  a  sign  with  the  hand 
Beco'me,  v.  to  be  fit,  to  be  suitable  to  the 

person  ;  to  enter  into  some  state 
Becom'ing,  a.  graceful,  pleasing,  elegant 
Becom'ingness,  j.  elegant  congruity 
Bed,  s.  a  place  to  sleep  on  ;  a  division  in  a 

garden  in  which    seeds  are  sown  ;    the 

channel  of  a  river  ;  a  layer,  a  stratum 
Bedabble,  v.  a.  to  besprinkle,  to  wet 
Bedag'gle,Bedrag'gle,  v.  a.  to  trail  in  the  dirt 
Beda'wb,  -v.  a.  to  dawb,  to  besmear 
Bed'ding,  s .  the  materials  belonging  to  a  bed 
Bede'ck,  v.  a.  to  deck,  to  adorn,  to  embellish 
Bede'w,  v.  a.  to  moisten  gently  as  with  dew 
Bede-house,  s.  an  hospital  or  alms-house 
Bed'lam,  s.  an  hospital  for  lunatics 
Bed'lamite,  j.  a  madman,  a  noisy  person 
Bed'rid,  a.  confined  to  the  bed  by  violent 

sickness  or  extreme  old  age 
Bed'stead,  s.  the  frame  which  supports  a  bed 
Bee,  s.  an  insect  which  produces  honey  j  an 

industrious,  careful  person 
Beech,  /.  the  name  of  a  large  tree 
Beecb'en,  a.  consisting  of  the  wood  of  beech 
Beef,  s.  the  flesh  of  an  ox,  bull,  or  cow 
Beef-eater,  s.  a  yeoman  of  the  guard 
Beer,  s.  a  liquor  made  of  malt  and  hops 
Beet, s.  the  name  of  a  garden  plant 
Bee'tle,  s.  an  insect  ;  a  large  heavy  mallet 
Beeves,  /.  black  cattle,  oxen 
Befa'll,  v.  n.  to  happen,  to  come  to  pass 
Befi't,  v.  a.  to  be  suitable  to,  to  become 
Befo're,  prep,  further  onward,  not  behind  ; 

in  the  presence  of ;  prior  to,  sooner 
Befo'rehand,  ad.  in  a  state  of  anticipation, 

previously,  at  first 
Befo'ul,  v.  a.  to  soil,  to  dirty,  to  make  foul 
Befrie'nd,  v.  a.  to  favour,  to  be  kind  to 
Beg,  v.  to  ask  alms,  to  entreat,  to  petition 
Bege't,  v.  a.  to  generate,  to  produce 
Beg'gar,  s.  one  who  lives  by  begging 
Beg'garly,  a.  in  want,  stingy.. .ad.  meanly 
Beg'gary,  s.  great  want,  indigence,  poverty 
Begi'n,  v.  to  enter  upon,  to  commence 
Begin'ning,  s.  the  first  original  or  cause,  the 

first  part,  the  rudiments  or  first  grounds 
Begi'rd,  v.  a.  to  gird,  bind  round,  shut  up 
Bego'ne,  inter,  get  away  !  go  hence ! 
Bego't,  Begot'ten,  part.  pass,  of  to  beget 
Begri'me,  v.  a.  to  soil,  to  dirty  with  soot 
Begui'le,  v.  a.  to  cheat,  to  impose  on,  to 

amuse,  to  deceive  pleasingly,  to  evade 
Begu'n,  part.  pass,  of  to  begin 
Beha'lf,  s.  favour,  support,  vindication 
Beha've,  v.  n.  to  demean,  to  aft,  to  conduct 
Beha'viour,  s.  conduct,  course  of  life 
Behe'ad,  v.  a.  to  kill  by  cutting  off  the  head 
Behe'ld,  part.  pass,  from  to  behold 
Behe'moth,  s.  the  river  horse ;  hippopotamus 
Behe'st,  s.  a  command,  order,  precept 




Behi'nd,  prep,  at  the  back  of  another,  fol- 
lowing another,  remaining  after  another's 
departure  ;  inferior  to  another 
Behindhand, ad.  late  in  time,  in  arrears 
Beho'ld,  v.  a.  to  look  upon,  to  view,  to  see 

...inter,  see  !  lo  ! 
Behold'en,  part.  a.  obliged  in  gratitude 
Behoo'f,  s.  profit,  advantage 
Behoo've,  Beho've,  v.  n.  to  be  fit,  to  become 
Be'ing,  s.  existence  ;    a  particular  state  or 

condition  ;  the  person  existing 
Belabour,  v.  a.  to  beat  soundly,  to  thump 
Bela'ted,  a.  too  late,  benighted 
Bela'y,  v.  a.  to  lay  wait  for;  with  seamen, 

to  make  fast  a  rope 
Belch,  v.  n.  to  eject  wind  from  the  stomach 
Bel'dam,  s .  a  hag,  a  scolding  woman 
Belea'guer,  v.  a.  to  besiege,  to  block  up 
Bei'frey, ;.  a  place  where  bells  hang 
Beli'e,  v.  a.  to  slander,  to  calumniate 
Belie'f,  s.  persuasion,    opinion ;    creed  ;    a 

form  containing  the  articles  of  faith 
Belie've,  v.  to  credit,  to  trust,  to  think  true 
Belie'ver,/.  a  professor  of  Christianity 
Beli'ke,  ad.  probably,  perhaps,  likely 
Bell,  s.  a  hollow  sounding  vessel 
Belle,  s.  a  gay,  dressy  young  woman 
TSelles-Let'tres,  s.  polite  literature 
Belli'gerent,  a.  engaged  in  war 
Bell-metal,  s.  a  mixture  of  copper  and  pewter 
Bel'Iow,  v.  n.  to  roar  like  a  bull,  or  the  sea  ; 

to  clamour,  to  vociferate 
Bel'lows,  s.  an  instrument  to  blow  the  fire 
Bel'ly,  s.  the  lower  part  of  the  body 
Bel'man,  s.  he  whose  business  it  is  to  pro- 
claim any  thing  in  towns,  and  to  gain  at- 
tention by  ringing  his  bell 
Belo'ng,  v.  n.  to  appertain  to,  to  be  the  pro- 
perty of,  to  have  relation  to 
Belov'ed,  a.  lovely,  dear  to,  valued  much 
Belo'w,  ad.,  lower  in  place,  inferior 
Belt,  s.  a  girdle,  a  sash,  a  cincture 
Belwe'ther, ;.  a  sheep  which  leads  the  flock 

with  a  bell  on  his  neck 
Bemi're,  v.  a.  to  soil,  to  daub  with  mire 
Bemo'an,  v.  a.  to  lament,  to  bewail 
Bench,  s.  a  seat  to  sit  on  ;  a  tribunal  of  jus- 
tice ;  justices  sitting  on  the  bench 
Bench'er,  s.  a  senior  in  the  inns  of  court 
Bend,  v.  a.  to  crook,  to  bow  ;  to  subdue 
Bend'able,  a.  that  which  may  be  incurvated 
Bene'ath, /»-£/>.  under,  lower  in  place,  lower 

in  excellence  ;  unworthy  of 
Benedict'ine,  s.  a  monk  of  that  order,  named 

after  its  founder  St.  Benedict 
Benedic'tion,  s.  a  blessing  ;  an  acknowledg- 
ment for  blessings  received 
Benefac'tion,/.  a  charitable  gift,  a  benefit 
Benefac'tor,  Beaefac'tress,  s.  a  man  or  wo- 
man who  does  ads  of  kindness,  a  patron 

C  2 

Ben'efice,  s.  a  church  living,  a  benefit 
Beneficence,  s.  generosity,  active  goodness 
Eenefi'cent,  a.  kind,  obliging,  doing  good 
Benefi'cial,  a.  advantageous,  useful 
Benefi'ciary,  s.  one  who  holds  a  benefice 
Ben'efit,  s.  kindness,  advantage,  use 
Benev'olence,/.  disposition  to  good  ;  charity 
Benev'olent,  a.  kind,  good,  affectionate 
Benga'l,  s.  a  slight  Indian  cotton 
Beni'ghted,prtr/.  overtaken  by  the  night 
Beni'gn,  a.  kind,  generous,  wholesome 
Benig'nity,  s.  graciousness,  kindness 
Ben'ison,  /.  a  blessing,  a  benediction 
Bent,  ;.  the  state  of  being  bent ;  declivity  ; 

inclination,  disposition,  fixed  purpose 
Benu'mb,  v.  a.  to  make  torpid,  to  stupify 
Ben'zoin,  s.  a  medicinal  kind  of  resin,  vul- 
garly called  Benjamin 
Beque'ath,  v.  a.  to  give  by  will,  to  leave 
Beque'st,  s.  something  left  by  will 
Bere'ave,  v.  a.  to  deprive  of;  to  take  away 
Ber'gamot, /.  a  kind  of  pear  ;  an  essence  or 

perfume  ;  a  sort  of  scented  snuff 
Be'rgmote,  s.  a  court  held  to  determine  mat- 
ters relating  to  mines  and  miners 
Ber'lin,  s.  a  coach  of  a  particular  construc- 
tion, first  used  at  Berlin 
Ber'nardines,  s.  an  order  of  monks,  so  named 

from  their  founder  St.  Eernard 
Ber'ry,  s.  a  small  fruit  of  several  kinds 
Ber'yl,  s.  a  precious  stone  of  a  greenish  cast 
Bese'ech,  v.  a.  to  beg,  to  entreat,  to  implore 
Bese'em,  v.  n.  to  become,  to  befit 
Bese't,  v.  a.  to  waylay,  to  perplex,  to  harass 
Beshre'w,  v.  to  curse,  to  happen  ill  to 
Besi'de,  Besi'des,pr.  over  and  above,  near 
Eesie'ge,  v.  a.  to  beleaguer,  to  lay  siege  to 
Besme'ar,  v.  a.  to  soil,  to  daub  or  smear  over 
Besmu't,  v.  a.  to  blacken  with  smut 
Be'som,  s.  a  broom  to  sweep  with 
Beso't,  v.  a.  to  infatuate,  stupify  with  liquor 
Bespan'gle,  v.  a.  to  decorate  with  spangles 
Bespat'ter,  v.  a.  to   splash  with  dirt ;    to 

slander,  to  asperse  with  reproach 
Bespe'akjZ'.  a.  to  order,  to  address,  to  shew 
Bespo't,  v.  a.  to  mark  with  spots,  to  variegate 
Besprin'kle,  v.  a.  to  sprinkle  over,tomoisteu 
Best,  a.  most  good,  most  preferable 
Best'ial,  a.  like  a  beast,  brutish,  carnal 
Besti'r,  v.  a.  to  move  quickly,  to  hastens 
|  Besco'w,  v.  a.  to  apply,  to  confer  upon 
Bestre'w,  v.  a.  to  strew  or  scatter  about 
Bestri'de,  v.  a.  to  get  across  any  thing 
Bet,  s.  a  wager. ..v.  to  lay  a  wager 
Beta'ke,  v.  a.  to  take,  to  have  recourse  to 
Bethi'nk,  v.  n.  to  recollect,  to  reflect 
Beti'de,  v.  n.  to  happen,  to  befall,   to  come 
Beti'mes,  ad.  early,  soon,  seasonably 
Be'tle,  s.  an  Indian  plant,  called  water  pepper 
Beto'ten,  v.  a,  to  signify,  to  fores-hew 



Bet'ony,  s.  the  name  of  a  plant 

Betra'y,  v.  a.  to  deliver  up  treacherously;  to 

divulge  a  secret,  to  discover 
Betro'th,  v.  a.  to  give  or  receive  a  contract 

of  marriage  ;  to  affiance 
Bet'ter,  a.  superior,  improved,  more  good 
Betwe'en,  Betwi'xt,  prep,  in  the  middle 
Bev'el,  s.  in  masonry,  a  kind  of  square  rule 
Bev'erage,  s-  drink,  liquor  to  be  drunk 
Bev'y,  s.  a  fiock  of  birds  ;  a  company 
Bewa'il,  v.  a.  to  bemoan,  to  lament 
Bewa're,  v.  n.  to  be  cautious,  to  take  care  of 
Bewil'der,  v.  a.  to  mislead,  to  puzzle 
Bewi'tch,  v.  a.  to  injure  by  witchcraft,    to 

charm,  to  fascinate,  to  please  irresistibly 
Bewra'y,  v.  a.  to  discover,  to  betray 
Bey,  s.  a  Turkish  governor 
Beyo'nd,  prep,  farther  onward  than,  remote 

from,  on  the  farther  side  of,  above 
Bez'el,  Bez'il,  s.  that  part  of  a  ring  in  which 

the  diamond  or  stone  is  fixed 
Bez'oar,-* .  a  medicinal  stone  from  the  East 
Bezoar'dic,  a.  compounded  with  bezoar 
Bian'gulous,  a.  having  two  corners  or  angles 
Bi'as,  s.  inclination,  bent ;  a  weight  lodged 

on  one  side  of  a  bowl,  propension 
Bi'as,  v.  a.  to  prepossess,  to  incline  partially 
Bib,  s.  a  piece  of  linen  to  pin  before  a  child 
Biba'cious,  a.  much  addicted  to  drinking 
Bib'ber,  s.  a  tippler,  a  toper,  a  sot 
Bi'ble,  s.  the  sacred  volume  in  which  are  con- 
tained the  revelations  of  God 
Bib'lical,  a.  relating  to  the  bible  or  divinity 
Bib'ulous,  s.  spungy,  that  drinks  moisture 
Bice,  s.  a  blue  colour  used  in  painting 
Bick'er,  v.  n.  to  skirmish,  to  wrangle 
Bid,  v.  to  command  ;  to  offer  a  price 
Bid'den,  part,  invited,  commanded 
Bid'der,  s.  one  who  offers  or  proposes  a  price 
Bid'ding,  s.  a  command,  order,  charge 
Bide,  v.  to  dwell,  to  continue,  to  endure 
Bident'al,  a.  having  two  teeth 
Bi'ding, s.  an  abode,  residence,  stop,  stay 
Bien'nial,  a.  continuing  for  two  years 
Bier,  s.  a  frame  used  for  carrying  the  dead 
Bie'stings,  s.  the  first  milk  after  calving 
Bifa'rious,  a.  twofold,  double  ;  doubtful 
Bi'ferous,  a.  bearing  fruit  twice  a  year 
Bifid,  Bif'idated,  a.  opening  with  a  cleft 
Big,  a.  large,  great,  swoln,  pregnant 
Big'amy,  s.  having  two  wives  at  once 
Big'gin,  s.  a  kind  of  cap  for  a  child 
Big'ot,  s-  a  zealot,  one  devoted  to  a  party 
Big'otry,  s.  blind  zeal,  superstition 
Bil'ander,  s.  a  small  vessel,  broad  and  flat, 

used  for  the  carriage  of  goods 
Bil'berries,  s.  small  purple-coloured  berries 
Bil'b  oes,  s.  a  sort  of  stocks  on  board  a  ship 
Sile,  s.  a  thick  bitter  liquor  collected  in  the 

gall-bladder  j  a  painful  swelling 

Bilge,  s.  the  breadth  of  a  ship's  bottom 
Bil'ingsgate,  s.  foul  language,  a  scold 
Bil'ious,  a.  full  of  bile,  choleric 
Bilk,  v.  a.  to  cheat,  to  over-reach,  to  defraud 
Bill,  s.  the  beak  of  a  bird,  a  kind  of  hatchet ; 
an  account  of  money  ;    an  act  of  parlia- 
ment ;  an  advertisement 
Bill  of  exchange,  s.  a  note  which  authorizes 
the  bearer  to  demand  a  sum  of  money  at 
a  certain  place 
Bill  of  parcels,  s.  an  account  delivered  by  the 

seller,  to  the  buyer,  of  goods 
Bill, v.  to  caress  ;  to  kiss  as  doves  ;  topublish 
Bil'let,  s.  a  small  log  of  wood  ;  a  note,  a  let- 
ter ;  a  small  paper 
Bil'let,  v.  a.  to  quarter  soldiers 
Bil'let-^owx',  s.  a  short  love-letter,  a  card 
Bil'iiards,  s.  a  game  with  balls  and  sticks 
Bil'low,  s.  a  large  hollow  rolling  wave 
Bin,  s.  a  repository  for  wine,  corn,  &c 
Bi'nary,  a.  double  ;  two  and  two 
Bind,  v.  to  confine  with  bonds,  to  oblige  by 
stipulation  ;  to  make  costive  ;  to  contract 
Bind,  s.  a  species  of  hops  ;  a  quantity 
Bind'ing,  s.  a  fastening  ;    covering  of  books 

with  leather ;  a  bandage 
Bi'nocle,  s.  a  telescope  with  two  tubes,  thro* 
which  an  object  may  be  seen  with  both. eyes 
Binoc'ular,  a.  having  two  eyes 
Biog'rapher,*.  a  writer  of  persons'  Iive3 
Biog'raphy,  s.  a  history  or  writing  of  lives 
Bi'parous,  a.  bringing  forth  two  at  a  birthv 
Bi'partite  ,a.  divided  or  cleft  in  two  parts 
Bipar'tition,  s .  the  art  of  dividing  in  two 
Bi'ped,  j.  an  animal  having  only  two  feet 
Biped'al,  a.  two  feet  in  length 
Bipen'nated,  a.  having  two  wings 
Bipet'alous,  a.  tonsistingof  two  flower-leaves 
Birch,  s.  2l  tree  common  in  England  ;  a  rod 
Bird,  s.  a  name  applied  to  all  fowls 
Bird'lime,  s.   a  glutinous  substance  used  to 

entangle  the  feet  of  small  birds 
Bir'gander,  j,  a  fowl  of  the  goose  kind 
Birt,  s.  a  fish  resembling  a  turbot 
Birth,  s.  the  act  of  coming  into  life  ;  lineage  j 

extraction  ;  rank  inherited  by  descent 
Birth'right,  s.  the  rights  and  privileges  to 

which  a  person  is  born 
Birth'wort,  s.  the  name  of  a  plant 
Bis'cuit,  s.  a  kind  of  hard  flat  bread,  &c. 
Bise'ct,  v.  a.  to  divide  into  two  equal  parts 
Bish'op,  s.  one  of  the  head  order  of  the  clergy 
who  has  the  charge  of  a  diocess  ;  a  liquor 
composed  of  oranges,  wine,  sugar,  &c. 
Bish'opric,  s.  the  diocess  of  a  bishop 
Bis'muth,  s.  a  hard,  white,  brittle  mineral 
Bissex'tile,  i.  leap  year  ;  every  fourth  year 
Bis'son,  a.  blind,  deprived  of  sight 
Bis'toury,  s.  a  chirurgical  incision  knife 
Bisul'cous,  a.  clovea-footed 



B  L  U 

Bit,  s.  the  iron  mouth-piece  of  a  bridle  :    a 

srAall  piece  of  anything  ;  a  Spanish  silver 

coin,  value  seven  pence  halfpenny 
Bite,  s.  the  act  of  a  fish  that  takes  the  bait ;  a 

Cheat,  trick;  a  sharper;  seizure  by  the  teeth  I 
Bite,?;. a.  to  separate  or  pierce  with  the  teeth  ;  ] 

to  cut,  to  wound  ;  to  cheat ;  to  trick 
Bitt'acle,  s.  a  frame  of  timber  in  the  steer-  j 

age,  where  the  compass  is  placed 
Bit'ter,  a.  of  a  hot,  acrid,  and  biting  taste  ; 

sharp,  cruel,  severe,  keen,  satirical 
Bit'tern,  s.  a  bird  of  the  heron  kind 
Bit'terness,  s.  a  bitter  taste  ;  malice  ;  grief 
Bitu'men,  s.  a  fat,  unctuous  matter 
Bitu'minous,  a.  compounded  of  bitumen 
Bi'zantine,  s.  apiece  of  geld  valued  at  I  si. 

which  the  king  offereth  on  high  festivals 
Blab,  v.  to  tell  a  secret,  to  tattle,  to  tell  tales 
Black,  a.  dark,  cloudy,  mournful,  wicked 
Black,  s.  a  negro  ;  the  dark  colour;  mourning 
Black'en,  v.  a.  to  make  black  ;  to  defame 
Black'guard,  s.  a  dirty  fellow,  a  scoundrel 
Black-rod, ;.  the  usher  belonging  to  the  Order 

of  the  Garter  ;  he  is  usher  of  parliament 
Black'smith,  /.  a  smith  who  works  in  iron 
Blad'der,  s.  urinary  vessel ;  a  bag  ;  a  pustule 
Blade,  s.  the  spire  of  grass  before  it  seeds  ; 

the  green  shoots  of  corn  ;   the  sharp  or 

cutting  part  of  an  instrument ;  a  gay  man 
Blain,  s.  a  pustule,  an  ulcer,  a  boil,  a  blister 
Blame,  s.  imputation  of  a  fault,  offence 
Blame,  v.  a.  to  censure,  to  reproach 
Bla'meable,  a.  deserving  censure,  guilty 
Bla'meless,  a.  innocent,  guiltless,  upright 
Blanch,  v.  to  whiten  ;  to  peel  almonds  ;  to 

evade,  to  shift ;  to  omit,  to  obliterate 
Bland,  a.  soft,  mild,  gentle,  kind 
Bland'ish,*;.  a.  to  smooth  ;  to  wheedle 
Bland'ishment,  s.  soft  speeches,  flattery 
Blank,  s.  a  void  space  ;  a  disappointment 
Blank,  a.  white,  unwritten  ;  dull,  confused 
Blank-verse ,  s.  verse  without  rhyme 
Blank'et,  s.  a  woollen  cover  for  a  bed  ;  a  pear 
Blasphe'me,  v.  a.  to  speak  blasphemy 
Blas'phemous,  a.  very  profane,  very  wicked 
Blas'phemously,  ad.  impiously,  irreverently 
Blas'phemy,  s.  indignity  offered  to  God 
Blast,  j.  a  gust  of  wind;  the  sound  made  by 

a  wind  instrument    of  music ;    a    blight 

which  damages  trees,  corn,  &c. 
Blast,  v.  a.  to  injure,  to  wither,  to  blight 
Bla'tant,  a.  bellowing,  as  a  calf;  noisy 
Blaze,  s.  a  flame,  the  light  of  a  flame  ;  a 

white  mark  on  a  horse  ;  a  publication 
Blaze,  v.  to  flame,  to  publish,  to  blazon 
Bia'zon,  Blaz'onry,  s.  the  art  of  heraldry 
Bla'zon,  v.  a.  to  explain  figures  on  ensigns 

armorial ;  to  deck,  to  embellish  ;  to  make 

public  ;  to  celebrate 
Bleach,  v.  to  whiten,  to  grow  white 

Ble'ached,ptfr/.  whitened,  made  white    . 
Bleak,  a.  cold,  chilly,  pale...j.  a  fish 
Blear,  a.  watery,  dim,  obscure,  weak 
Blear'eyed,  a.  having  sore  eyes  }  inflamed 
Bleat,  v.  n.  to  cry  like  a  sheep 
Bleed,  v.  to  lose  blood  ;  to  let  blood 
Blem'ish,  s.  a  spot  or  stain  ;  a  deformity 
Blem'ish,  v.  a.  to  defame,  to  injure 
Blench,  v.  n.  to  shi  ink  or  fly  off ;  to  obstruct 
Blend,  v.  a.  to  mix,  to  mingle,  to  confound 
Bless,  v.  a.  to  wish  happiness  to  another 
Bless'ed,  Blest,  part,  happy,  tasting  felicity 
Bless'ing,  s.  a  good  wish,  divine  favour 
Blight,  s.  a  mildew.. .v.  a.  to  blast ;  to  hinder 

from  fertility  ;  to  spoil 
Blind,  a.  dark,  deprived  of  sight,  obscure 
Blind,  s.  any  thing  which  is  placed  to  inter- 
cept the  sight  ;  a  false  pretence 
Blind'ness,  j.  a  want  of  sight ;  ignorance 
Blind'fold,  a.  having  the  eyes  covered 
Bli'nd-worm,  s.  a  small  venomous  viper 
Blink,  v.  n.  to  wink  ;  to  see  obscurely 
Blink'ard,  s.  one  who  has  weak  eyes 
Bliss,  j.  the  highest  degree  of  happiness  ; 

happiness  of  blessed  souls  ;  great  joy 
Bliss'ful,  a.  very  happy,  full  of  joy,  glad 
Blis'ter,  j.  a  rising  in  the  skin  ;  a  plaster 
Biis'ter,  v.  to  apply  a  blister  ;  rise  in  blisters 
Blithe,  Blith'some,  a.  gay,  merry,  sprightly 
Bloat,  v.  to  swell,  to  grow  puffy 
Bloat'edness,  s.  turgidness,  swelling 
Block,  s.  a  large  heavy  piece  of  wood  ;    a 
piece  of  marble ;  a  stupid  fellow  ;  a  pulley 
Block,  v.  a.  to  shut  up,  to  enclose 
Blocka'de,  *-  a  siege  carried  on  by  surround- 
ing a  place  to  prevent  any  relief 
Block'head,  s.  a  stupid  person,  a  dunce 
Block'tin,  s.  unadulterated  tin  ;  the  best  tin 
Blood,  s.  the  red  fluid  that  circulates  through 

the  body  ;  kindred,  lineage  ;  a  rake 
Blood'hound,  s.  a  hound  of  an  exquisite  scent" 
Blood'shed,  s.  the  crime  of  murder,  slaughter 
Blood'shot,  a.  filled  with  blood  ;  red 
Blood'y,  a.  stained  with  blood  ;  sanguinary 
Bloom,  /.  the  blossom  or  flower  of  a  tree  ; 
the  prime  of  life  ;    a  native  flush  on  the 
cheek ;  the  blue  that  appears  on  some  fruit 
Bloom,  Bloss'om,  v.  n.  to  produce  blossoms 
Bloom'ing,  Bloom'y,  a.  youthful ;  flowery 
Bloss'om,  j.  the  flowers  of  trees  or  plants 
Blot,  j.  a  blur,  a  spot... v.  to  disgrace,  to  stain 
Blotch,  /.  a  pimple,  a  pustule  on  the  skin 
Blow,  /.  a  stroke  ;  a  sudden  event ;  the  aft 
of  a  fly,  by  which  she  lodges  eggs  in  meat 
Blow,  v.  to  pant  or  breathe  hard ;  to  put  forth 
flowers  ;  to  sound  a  musical  instrument  | 
to  swell ;  to  drive  by  the  force  of  wind 
Blowze,  s.  a  ruddy  fat  wench,  a  slattern 
Blowz'y,  a.  sun-burnt,  ruddy-faced 
Blubber,  /,  the  fat  of  a  whale,  &c 

32  BOO 

Blub'ber,  v.  to  swell  the  cheeks  with  weeping 
Blud'geon,  s.  a  weapon,  a  short  thick  stick 
Blue,  a.  sky-coloured. ..s.  an  original  colour 
Blue'ness,  s.  the  quality  of  being  blue 
Bluff,  a.  stern,  blustering,  fierce  ;  large 
Blun'der,  s.  a  mistake,  a  gross  oversight 
Blun'der,  v.  n.  to  mistake  grossly  ;  to  err 
Blun'derbuss,  s.  a  short  wide  gun  discharged 

with  many  bullets  at  a  time 
Blunt,  a.  dull,  rough,  rude,  impolite,  abrupt 
Blunt,  v.  a.  to  dull  the  edge  of  a  point 
Blunt'ly,  ad.  rudely,  plainly,  roughly 
Blunt'ness,  s.  a  want  of  edge  ;  rudeness 
Blur,  s.  a  spot,  stain,  imperfection 
Blurt,  v.  a.  to  blab  out,  to  speak  heedlessly 
Blush,  v.  to  betray  shame  or  confusion  by  a 

red  colour  in  the  cheeks  ,•  to  colour 
Blush,  s.  colour  of  the  cheeks  raised  by  shame 
&  or  purple  colo#r  ;  sudden  appearance 
Blus'ter,  v.  n.  to  roar,  to  hector,  to  swagger 
Blus'terer,  s.  a  noisy  person,  a  swaggerer 
Blus'trous,  a.  noisy,  tumultuous,  harsh 
Boar,  /.  the  male  of  all  sorts  of  swine 
Board,  s.  a  fiat  piece  of  wood  ;  a  court  held 
Board,  v.  to  pave  with  boards  ;  to  enter  a 
ship  by  force  ;  to  pay  for  lodging  and  eating 
Board'er, ;.  one  who  pays  to  diet  with  another 
Board wa'ges, /.  an  allowance  for  victuals 
Boar'ish,  a.  rude,  rough,  cruel,  brutish 
Boast,  s.  a  proud  speech,  a  brag,  a  bounce 
Boast,  v.  to  brag,  to  glory  in,  to  exult 
Bo'aster,  s.  a  braggart,  a  puffer,  a  swaggerer 
Bo'astful,  a.  proud,  haughty,  vain 
Boast'ingly,  ad.  ostentatiously,  vainly 
Boat,  s.  a  small  vessel  used  on  rivers,  &c. 
Bo'atman,  s.  a  manager  of  a  boat 
Bo'atswain,  s.  an  inferior  officer  who  super- 
intends a  ship's  rigging,  anchors,  &c.  and 
overlooks  the  sailors  in  their  sundry  duties 
Bob,  v.  to  dodge,  to  cheat,  to  dangle 
BoVbin,  s.  a  small  wooden  instrument  with 

which  lace  is  made 
Bob'tailed,  a.  having  the  tail  cut  short 
Bode,  v.  a.  to  foreshew,  portend 
Bo'dement,  s.  an  omen,  a  foreboding 
Bod'ice,  s.  a  sort  of  stays  for  women 
Bod'iless,  a.  without  a  body  ;  spiritual ;  pure 
Bod'ily,  a.  relating  to  the  body  ;  actual,  real 
Bod'kin,  s.  an  instrument  to  draw  thread 

through  a  loop 
Bod'y,  s.  matter  as  opposed  to  spirit ;  a  per- 
son ;  a  collective  mass  ;  a  corporation 
Bod'yclothes,  s.  clothing  for  horses 
Bog,  s.  a  marsh,  a  fen,  a  morass,  a  swamp 
Bog'gle,  v.  n.  to  start,  to  hesitate,  to  waver 
Bog'gler,  s.  a  doubter,  a  timorous  man 
Bohe'a,  s.  a  tea  more  astringent  than  green 
Boil,  v.  to  be  agitated  by  heat  ;  to  dress 
Boil'ed,  part,  dressed  in  boiling  water 
Boi'Ier,  s.  a  vessel  for  boiling  water,  <5cc. 

Bois'terous,  a.  loud,  furious,  stormy 
Bois'terously,  ad.  violently  ;  very  loudly 
Bold,  a.  daring,  impudent,  licentious,  stout 
Bold'en,  v.  a.  to  make  bold  or  confident 
Bold'ly,  ad.  in  a  bold  manner,  bravely 
Bold'ness,  s.  courage,  impudence,  confidence 
Bole,  s.  earth  ;  a  corn  measure  of  six  bushels 
Boll,  s.  round  stalk  or  stem  ;  a  bowl 
Boll,  nj.  n.  to  rise  in  a  stalk  ;  to  swell  out 
Bolster,  s.  a  large  pillow  ;  a  long  cushion 
Bo'lster,  v.  a,  to  support  ;  to  pad  ;  compress 
Bolt,  s.  the  bar  of  a  door  ;  an  arrow 
Bolt,  v.  to  fasten  ;  to  sift  ;  to  spring  out 
Bolt'er,  s.  a  sieve  to  separate  meal  from  bran 
Bo'lus,  s.  a  large  pill  ;  a  kind  of  earth 
Bomb,  s.  a  globe  of  iron  containing  combus- 
tibles, &c.  to  be  discharged  from  a  mortar 
Eom'bard,  s .  a  great  gun  ;  a  barrel  for  wine 
Bomba'rd,  v.  a.  to  attack  with  bombs 
Bombardie'r,  s.  a  bomb  engineer 
Bombard'ment,  s.  an  attack  with  bombs 
Bombasi'n,  s.  slight  black  silken  stuff 
Bomba'st,  a.  high-sounding...;,  fustian 
Bombula'tion,  s.  a  great  sound,  a  hum 
Bomb'ketch,  s.  a  ship  for  bombs 
Bonas'us,  s.  a  kind  of  buffalo 
Bond,  s.  any  written  obligation  ;  captivity 
Bond,  a.  in  a  servile  state ;  enslaved,  a  ptive 
Bond'age,;.  captivity, slavery,  imprisonment 
Bond'man,Bond'maid,;.amale  or  femaleslave 
Bonds'man,  s.  one  bound  for  another 
Bone,  s.  the  most  solid  part  of  the  body 
Bone'lace,  s.  a  coarse  kind  of  lace ;  flaxen  lace 
Bone'less,  a.  having  no  bones  ;  limp,  tender 
Bon'fire,  s.  a  fire  made  for  triumph 
Bon'net,  s.  a  covering  for  the  head,  a  cap 
Bon'nily,  ad.  prettily,  gaily,  handsomely 
Bon'ny,  a.  handsome,  beautiful,  merry,  gay 
Bonum  Magnum,  s.  a  great  plum 
Bo'ny,  a.  strong,  stout,  full  of  bone 
Boo'by,  s.  a  dull  stupid  fellow  ;  a  large  bird 
Book,  s.  a  volume  in  which  we  read  or  write, 

a  particular  part  or  division  of  the  work' 
Book'binder,  s.  one  who  binds  books 
Book'ish,  a.  much  given  to  reading,  studious 
Book'keeper,  s.  one  who  keeps  accounts 
Book'keeping,  s.  the  art  of  keeping  accounts 
Eook'mate,  s.  a  school-fellow 
Book'seller,  s.  a  vender  of  books  by  profession 
Book'worm,  s.  a  close  student ;  a  mite 
Boom,  s.   a  strong  fortification  of  wood  or 
iron  laid  across  the  mouth  of  an  harbour  ; 
a  long  pole  used  to  spread  the  clue  of  the 
studding  sail 
Boon,  s.  a  gift,  a  present,  a  grant  ;  a  prayer 
Boon,  a.  gay,  merry,  pleasant,  cheerful 
Boor,  s.  a  clown,  a  lout,  a  rude  man 
Boor'ish,  a.  rustic,  clownish,  rude 
Boose,  s.  a  stall  for  a  cow  or  ox  to  feed  in 
Boot,  17,  to  profit,  to  gain  j  to  put  on  boots 

B  O  U 



Boot,  s.  profit,  advantage,  booty  ;  part  of  a 

coach  ;  covering  for  the  legs 
Booth,  /.  a  stall  or  tent  erected  in  a  fair 
Bootless,  a.  useless,  unavailing,  vain 
Boot'y,  s.  plunder,  pillage,  spoil 
Bora'cbio,  s.  a  drunkard  ;  a  leathern  bottle 
Bora'mez,  s.  the  vegetable  lamb,  generally 

known  by  the  name  of  Agnus  Scythicus 
Bo'rax,  /.  an  artificial  salt,  prepared  from  sal 

ammoniac,  nitre,  calcined  tartar,  sea  salt, 

and  alum,  dissolved  in  wine 
Bor'der,  s.  3n  edging  ;  a  side,  a  boundary 
Bor'derer,  s.  an  inhabitant  near  the  borders 
Bore,  s.  the  hollow  of  a  pike  or  gun 
Bore,  v.  a.  to  make  a  hole,  to  pierce 
Bo'real,  a.  northern,  tending  to  the  north 
Bo'reas,  /.  tbe  north  wind 
Bore'e,  s.  a  French  dance 
Bo'rer,  s.  a  gimlet ;  one  who  bores 
Born,  part,  brought  into  the  world,  bred 
Borne,  part,  carried,  brought,  supported 
Bor'ough,  /.  a  corporation  town 
Bur'row,  v.  a.  to  ask  a  loan  ;  take  on  credit 
Bor'rower,  s.  one  who  borrows  from  another 
Bos'cage,  s.  a  wood,  a  grove,  woodlands 
Bosk'y,  a.  woody,  rough,  swelled 
Bos'om,  s.  the  breast ;  the  heart ;  an  enclosure 
Bos'om,  v.  a.  to  enclose  in  the  bosom 
Boss,  s.  a  stud,  a  knob,  a  raised  work 
Botan'ic,  Botan'ical,  a.  relating  to  herbs 
Bot'anist,  s.  a  person  skilled  in  herbs 
Bot'any,  s.  the  knowledge  of  plants ;  that  part 
of  natural  history  which  relates  to  vegetables 
Botch,  s.  an  ulcerous  swelling 
Botch,  v.  a.  to  mend  clumsily,  to  patch 
Botch'er, ;.  one  who  mends  old  clothes 
Both,  a.  the  two,  of  two..Md.  as  well 
Bot'tle,  /.  a  vessel  to  contain  iiquids 
Bot'tom,  s.  the  lowest  part  of  any  thing  ;  a 

dale,  a  valley  ;  the  foundation 
Bot'tomless,  <*.unfathomable,without  bottom 
Bot'tomry,  s.  money  borrowed  on  a  ship 
Boud,  s.  an  insect  which  breeds  in  malt 
Bough,  s.  an  arm  of  a  tree,  a  branch 
Bought,  pret.  of  to  buy— s.  a  knot,  a  flexure 
Bougie',  s.   a  wax-taper  ;  an  instrument 
Bounce,  v.  n.  to  leap,  to  spring  ;  to  bully 
Boun'cer,  s.  a  boaster,  a  bully  ;  a  lie 
Bound,  Bound'ary,  s-  a  limit,  a  mark,  an  end 
Bound, v.  to  jump,  spring,  fly  back  ;  to  limit 
Bound,  a.  destined  for,  going  to 
Bound'less,  a.  unlimited,  infinite,  unconfined 
Bound'stone,  s.  a  stone  to  play  with 
Bounteous,  Bount'iful,  a.  liberal,  generous 
Bount'eously,  Bount'ifully,  ad.  liberally 
Boun'ty,  /.  generosity,  munificence 
Bour'geon,  v.  n.  to  sprout,  to  bud,  to  shoot 
Bourn,  /.  a  bound,  limit ;  brook  ;  torrent 
Bouse,  or  Boose,  v.  n.  to  drink  to  excess 
Bous'y,  a.  muddled  with  liquor,  drunk 

Bout,  j.  a  trial,  an  essay,  an  attempt 
Bou'tefeu,  s.  an  incendiary;   a  disturber 
Bow,  s.  an  inclination  of  the  body  in  token  of 
respect  ;  an  instrument  to  shoot  arrows; 
a  knot  made  with  a  ribbon 
Bow,  v.  to  bend,  to  stoop,  to  crush 
Bow'elless,  a.  cruel,  unfeeling,  merciless 
Bow'els,  i.  the  intestinal  parts  of  the  body  ; 

compassion,  tenderness 
BGw'er,  s.  an  arbour  in  a  garden  ;  an  anchor 
Bow'ery,  a.  shady,  retired,  cool 
Bowl,  s.  the  hollow  of  a  cup  or  glass  ;  a  ves- 
sel to  make  punch  in  ;  a  wooden  ball 
Bowl,  v.  to  play  at  bowls  ;  to  roll,  trundle 
Bo'wlegged,  a.  having  crooked  legs 
Bowl'er,  s.  one  who  bowls,  or  plays  at  bowls 
Bow'line,  s.  the  name  of  a  ship's  rope 
Bowl'ing-green,  s.  a  level  green  for  bowlers 
Bow'man,  s.  an  archer  ;  shooter  with  bows 
Bow'sprit,  f.  the  mast  that  projects  in  a  slop- 
ing direction  from  a  ship's  head 
Bow'string,  s.  the  string  used  for  a  bow 
Bow'yer,  s.  an  archer  ;  a  maker  of  bows 
Box,  s.  a  case  made  of  wood  ;  a  blow 
Box,  v.  a.  to  strike  ;  to  pack  in  a  box 
Box'er j  /.  one  who  fights  with  the  fist 
Boy,  s.  a  male  child,  a  youth 
Boy'ish,  a.  childish,  simple,  like  a  boy 
Boy'ishness,  Boy'ism,  s.  childishness,  play 
Brab'ble,  s.  a  clamour,  a  broil ../i>.  n.  to  contest 
Brace,  s.  a  bandage  ;  tightness  ;  pair  ;  a  line 
Brace,  v.  a.  to  bind  ;  to  tighten,  to  strain  up 
Bra'ced,  part,  bound,  made  tight,  strained  up 
Bm'celet,  s.  an  ornament  for  the  wrists 
Bra'cer,  s.  a  bandage ;  any  thing  that  tightens 
Bra'chial,  a.  belonging  to  the  arm 
Brachyg'raphy,x.  the  art  or  practice  of  writ- 
ing in  a  short  compass 
Brack,  s.  a  breach,  a  crack...v.  a.  to  salt 
Brack'et,  s.  a  small  support  made  of  wood 
Brack'ish,  a.  saltish,  like  sea  water 
Brad, ;.  a  thin  sort  of  nails  used  in  floors 
Brag,  /.  a  boast ;  a  game  at  cards 
Brag,  i».  n.  to  boast,  to  swagger,  to  puff 
Braggadc'cio,  /.  a  boaster,  a  swaggerer 
Brag'gart,  Brag'ger,  s.  a  vain,  puffing  fellow 
Braid,  v.  a.  to  weave  together,  to  plait 
Braid,  s.  a  sort  of  lace  ;  a  knot  ;  false  hair 
Brails,  s.  ropes  used  to  draw  up  a  ship's  sails 
Brain,  s.  the  collection  of  vessels  and  organs 
within  the  skull,  fiom  which  sense  and 
motion  arise  ;  sense,  understanding 
Brain,  v.  to  kill  by  beating  out  the  brains 
Brain'less,  a.  silly,  foolish,  weak,  thoughtless 
Brain'pan,  s.  the  skull  containing  the  brains 
Brain'sick,  a.  diseased  in  the  understanding 
Brait,  s.  a  rough,  unpolished  diamond 
Brake,  s.    a  thicket  of  brambles  ;  an  instru- 
ment for  dressing  flax  ;  a  kneading  trough 
Bra'ky,  a.  prickly,  thorny,  foul,  thick 

B  R  E 


B  R  I 

Bram'ble,  s.  a  prickly,  or  thorny  bush 
Bra'min,  /.  a  Gentoo  priest 
Bran,  j.  the  husks  of  ground  corn 
Branch,  s.  a  small  bough,  a  shoot ;  offspring 
Branch,  v.  to  spread  in  branches,  to  adorn 
Brand,  v.  a.  to  mark  with  a  brand,  to  burn 
Brand,  s.  a  mark  of  infamy  ;  a  lighted  stick 
Brand'ed,  part,  burnt  with  iron  ;  disgraced 
Brand'ish,  v.  a.  to  wave,  to  shake,  to  flourish 
Brand'ling,  s.  a  small  worm  ;  the  dew  worm 
Bran'dy,  s.  a  strong  distilled  liquor 
Bran'gle,  s.  a  quarrel,  a  dispute,  a  wrangle 
Brank,  s.  a  sort  of  grain  called  buck  wheat 
Bran'ny,  a.  consisting  of  bran  ;  dry  ;  foul 
Bra'sier,  t.  one  who  works  in  brass 
Brasi'l,  j.  an  American  wood  for  dying  red 
Brass,  s.   a  yellow   metal  made  by  mixing 

copper  and  lapis  calaminaris  ;  impudence 
Brass'y,  a.  hard  as  brass  ;  made  of  brass  ;  bold 
Brat,  s.  a  child,  by  way  of  contempt 
Brava'do,  s.  a  boast,  a  brag,  a  threat 
Brave,  a.  courageous,  gallant,  noble 
Brave,  v.  a.  to  challenge,  to  defy,  to  hector 
Bra'vely,  ad.  gallantly,  nobly,  generously 
Bra'very,x.  courage,  magnanimity,  show 
Bra'vo,  s.  one  who  murders  for  hire 
Brawl,  v.  n.  to  quarrel,  to  speak  loudly 
Brawl'er,x.  a  wrangler,  a  quarrelsome  person 
Brawn,  ;.  the  hard  flesh  of  a  boar 
Brawn'inessjj-.  strength,  hardiness3robustness 
Brawn'y,  a.  fleshy,  strong,  muscular 
Bray,  s.  the  noise  of  an  ass,  harsh  cry 
Bray,  v.  to  bruise  or  pound  in  a  mortar  ;  to 

bray  like  an  ass,  to  make  an  harsh  noise 
Bray'er,  s.  one  that  biays  like  an  ass  ;  with 

printers,  an  instrument  to  stir  up  ink 
Braze,  v.  a.  to  solder  with  brass 
Bra'zen,  a.  made  of  brass  ;  bold,  daring 
Bra'zenface,  s.  a  bold,  impudent  person 
Bra'zenness,*.  appearing  iike  brass,impudence 
Breach,  s.  an  opening,  a  gap  ;  a  quarrel 
Bread,  s.  food  made  of  ground  corn  :  support 
Bread-corn,  s.  corn  of  which  bread  is  made 
Breadth,  s.  the  measure  from  side  to  side 
Break,  v.  to  part  or  burst  by  violence  ;  to 
tame  ;  to  train  to  obedience  ;   to  become 
bankrupt ;  to  fall  out ;  to  discard  from  office 
Break,  s.  an  opening,  a  breach,  a  failure 
Break'ers,  s.    waves   which  break  violently 

over  points  of  sunk  rocks  or  sand  banks 
Break'fast,  s.  the  first  meal...r>.  n.  to  eat 
Bream,  /.  the  name  of  a  fish...i>.  to  burn  filth 

from  a  ship's  bottom 
Breast,  s.  that  part  of  tbe  body  which  con- 
tains the   heart  and   lungs  ;  the  bosom  ; 
the  conscience  ;  the  heart 
Breast-high,  a.  as  high  as  the  breast 
Breast'knot,  s.  ribbons  worn  on  the  breast 
Breast'plate,  s.  armour  for  the  breast 
Bveast'work,  s.  a  guard  raised  bieast-bigh 

Breath,  s.  life  ;  air  drawn  in  and  discharged 

by  the  lungs  ;  moving  air  ;  an  instant 
Breathe,  v.  to  draw  breath  ;  to  live  ;  to  rest 
Bre'athing,  s.  a  vent,  secret  prayer,  respite 
Breath'less,  a.  out  of  breath,  hurried  ;  dead 
Breech,  s.  the  hinder  part  of  a  gun,  &c. 
Breech'es,  s.  part  of  a  man's  apparel 
Breed,  v.  to  hatch,  to  plot  •,  to  cause 
Breed,  s.  a  cast,  sort,  offspring,  number 
Breed'ing,  s.  education,  manners  ;  nurture 
Breeze,  t.  a  gentle  gale  ;  a  stinging  fly 
Breez'y,  a.  fanned  with  gentle  gales,  cool 
Bret,  s.  a  fish  of  the  turbot  kind 
Breth'ren,  s.  the  plural  of  brother 
Breve,  s.  a  note  in  music  ;  a  summons 
Bre'viary,  s.  a  Romish  priest's  office  book 
Bre'viat,  s.  a  short  compendium,  an  extract 
Brevie'r,*.  a  small  kind  of  printing  letter 
Brev'ity,  Briefness,  s.  conciseness,  shortness 
Brew,  v.  to  make  liquors  ;  to  contrive 
Bre  w'er, ;.  one  who  brews  ;  one  who  contrives 
Brew'house, ;.  a  place  appropriated  to  brewing 
Brewi's,  s.  bread  lightly  boiled  in  pottage 
Bribe,  s.  a  reward  given  to  pervert  judgment 
Bribe,  v.  a.  to  gain  by  gifts  ;  to  hire 
Bri'bsry,  s.  the  act  or  crime  of  bribing  ;  hire 
Brick,  s.  a  piece  of  burnt  clay  ;  a  small  loaf 
Brick'bat,  s.  a  broken  piece  of  a  brick 
Brick'dust,  s.  dust  made  by  pounding  bricks 
Brick'kiln,  s.  a  place  where  bricks  are  burnt 
Brick'iayer,  /.  a  brick  mason 
Bri'dal,  a.  relating  to  marriage,  nuptial 
Bride,  s-  a  newly-married  woman 
Eri'dc-cake,  s.  cake  distributed  at  ?.  wedding 
Bri'degroom,  s.  a  newly-married  man 
Bri'demaid,  s.    a  woman  who  attends  th© 

bride  at  the  marriage  ceremony 
Bri'dewelljj.  a  house  of  correction 
Bridge,  *.  a  building  over  water,  for  the  con- 
venience of  passing  ;  the  upper  part  of  the 
nose  ;  supporter  of  the  strings  in  a  violin 
Bri'dle,*.  the  head  reins  of  a  horse,  a  check 
Bri'dle,  v.  to  restrain,  to  guide,  to  check 
Bri-'dle-hand,f  .thehand  which  holds  the  bridle 
Brief,  s.  an  epitome  ;  short  extract ;  letters 
patent  for  charitable  collections. ..a.  short 
Briefness,  t.  conciseness,  shortness 
Biie'fly,«rf.  concisely,  shortly,  in  few  words 
Bri'er,  s.  a  prickly  bush,  a  species  of  rose  tree 
Bri'ery,  a.  full  of  briers,  rough,  prickly 
Briga'de,  s.  a  party,  or  division  of  soldiers 
Brigadie'r-general,  s.  an  officer  next  in  rank 

to  a  major-general 
Briga'nd,  s.  a  thief,  freebooter,  plunderer 
Brig/antine,  /.  a  small  vessel ;  a  coat  of  mail 
Bright,  a.  shining,  clear  ;  witty  ;  famous 
Bright'en,  v.  to  polish,  to  make  bright 
Brightness,  s.  acuteness,  wit ;  bright  state 
Brilliancy,  s.  lustre,  splendour 
Bril'iiant,  a.  sparkling..*;,  a  fine  diamond 

B  R   O 


Brim,  s.  the  edge  ;  lip  ;  bank  of  a  fountain 
Erim'mer,  s.  a  glass  full  to  the  brim 
Brim'stone,  s.  a  yellow  mineral ;  sulphur 
Brin'ded,  or  Brin'dled,  a.  streaked,  spotted 
Brine,  s.  dissolved  salt ;  the  sea  ;  tears 
Bring,  v.  a.  to  fetch,  conduct,  prevail  on 
Bri'nish,  Briny,  a.  saltish,  like  brine 
Brink,  s.  the  edge  of  a  place,  a  precipice 
Brisk,  a.  quick,  lively,  strong,  active 
Brisk'et, ;.  the  breast  of  an  animal 
Brisk'ly,  ad.  actively,  quickly,  nimbly 
Brisk'ness,  s.  liveliness,  quickness,  gaiety 
Bris'tle,  /.  the  hair  on  a  swine's  back 
Bris'tle,  v.  n.  to  stand  erect  as  bristle .- 
Brist'ly,  a.  set  with  bristles,  rough,  angry 
Bris'tolstone,  j,  a  kind  of  soft  diamond 
Brit,  j.  the  name  of  a  fish 
Brit'ish,  a.  belonging  to,  or  made  in,  Britain 
Brit'on,  /.  a  native  of  Great  Britain 
Brit'tle,  a.  apt  to  break,  weak,  frail 
Brit'tleness,  s.  aptness  to  break,  tenderness 
Brize,  s.  the  gad  fly 

Broach,  v.  a.  to  tap  a  vessel,  to  give  out 
Bro'ached,  part,  tapped,  pierced,  uttered 
Bro'acher,  s.  a  teller  of  a  thing  ;  a  spit 
Broad,  a.  wide,  extended,  vulgar,  coarse 
Broad'cloth,  s.  fine  kind  of  woollen  cloth 
Broad'ness,  s.  breadth  ;  extent  from  side  to 

side  ;  coarseness,  fulsomeness 
Broad'side,  s.  the  side  of  a  ship  ;  a  discharge 
of  all  the  guns  from  one  side  of  a  ship  at 
once  ;  a  large  single  sheet  of  paper 
Eroad'sword,  s.  a  sword  with  a  broad  blade 
Broca'de,  s.  a  kind  of  fine  flowered  siik 
Bro'cage,  ;.  profit  gained  by  promoting  bar- 

gains  ;  dealing  in  old  things  ;  hire 
Brock,  j.  a  badger 

Brock'et, s.  a  red  deer  two  years  old 
Broc'oli,  s.  a  species  of  cabbage 
Brogue,  s.  a  kind  of  shoe  ;  corrupt  dialect 
Broil,  s.  a  disturbance,  tumult,  quarrel 
Broil,  -Os  to  roast  on  the  fire,  to  be  hot 
Bro'ken}  part,  destroyed,  shivered,  reduced 
Bro'ker,  s.  one  who  does  business  for  others 
Bro'kerage,  s.  the  pay  or  reward  of  a  broker 
Bronch'ial,tf.  belonging  to  the  throat 
Bron'chocele,  :.  a  tumour  of  that  part  of  the 
aspera  arteria,  called  the  bronchos  ;  gene- 
rally  called  the  Derby  neck 
Bronze,  s.  brass,  brass  colour  ;  a  medal 
Brooch,  s.  a  jewel,  an  ornament  of  jewels 
Erood,  s.  offspring  ;  production ;  the   num- 
ber of  chickens  hatched  at  once 
Brood,  v.  to  sit  on  eggs  ;  to  watch  anxiously 
Brook,  s.  a  little  river,  a  rivulet 
Brook,  v.  to  endure,  to  bear,  to  suffer 
Broom,  i.  a  shrub ;  a  besom  to  sweep  with 
Broom'y,  a.  full  of  or  like  broom 
Broth,  s.  liquor  in  which  flesh  is  boiled 
Erc/ther, ;.  a  male  born  of  the  same  parents 

Bre'therhood,  s.  union,  society,  class 
Bro'therly,  a.  like  brothers,  very  fond 
Brow,  s.  the  forehead  ■,  edge  of  a  place 
Browheat,  v.  a.  to  bear  down,  to  humble,  to 

depress  with  stern  looks  or  angry  words 
Brown,  s.  the  name  of  a  colour 
Brown'ish,  a.  inclined  to  brown,  reddish 
Brownstud*y,  s.  deep  meditation  or  thought 
Browse,  s.  underwood,  sprouts  of  trees 
Browse,  v.  n.  to  feed  on  browse,  to  feed 
Bruise,  -v.  a.  to  hurt  with  blows,  to  crush 
Bruise,  /.  a  hurt  from  a  blow,  a  spot 
Bru'ising,  /.  the  art  of  boxing  ;  a  crushing 
Bruit,  s.  a  report,  a  noise.-.-y.  to  noise  about 
Bru'mal,  a.  cold,  belonging  to  winter 
Brune'tte,  /.  a  brown  complexioned  woman 
Brunt,  s-  a  shock,  an  onset,  violence 
Brush,  s.  aninstrumentforsweeping;  attack 
Brush,  v.  to  rub  with  a  brush,  to  skim  lightly 
Brush'wood,  x.  rough,  shrubby  thickets 
Bru'tal,  a.  savage,  cruel,  inhuman,  churlish 
Brutal'ity,  j.  savageness,  inhumanity 
Bru'taiize,  v.  to  make  savage  or  brutal 
Bru'tally,  ad.  churlishly,  inhumanly 
Brute,  s.  a  creature  without  reason 
Brute,  a.  senseless,  savage,  fierce,  wild 
Bru'tish,  a,  resembling  a  beast  •,  unpolite 
Bry'ony,  /.  the  name  of  a  plant 
Bub,  j.  strong  malt  liquor ;  any  strong  liquor 
Bub'ble,  x.  a  water  bladder;  a  cheat,  a  cully 
Buc'caniers,  s.  pirates  in  America 
Buck,  s.  water  to  wash  clothes  ;  the  male  of 

rabbits,  deer,  &c. 
Buck'bean,  s.  a  plant ;  a  sort  of  trefoil 
Buck'et,  s.  a  vessel  to  draw  up  water  in 
Buc'kle,  s.  a  fastening...?;,  to  fasten  with  a 

buckle  i  to  condescend  ;  to  engage 
Buckler,  s.  a  shield. ..v.  a.  to  defend,  support 
Buck'ram,  /.  cloth  stiffened  with  gum 
Buck'skin,  s.  leather  made  of  buck's  skin 
Buck'thorn,  /.  a  thorn,  a  prickly  bush 
Bucolics,  s.  pastoral  songs,  rural  dialogues 
Bud,  s,  the  first  shoot  of  a  plant,  a  germ 
Bud,  13.  to  put  forth  buds  j  inoculate;  graft 
Budge,  v.  n.  to  stir,  to  go,  to  move  off 
Budg'et,  j.  a  bag,  a  pouch,  store ;  proposal 
Buff,  s.  leather  made  of   a  buffalo's   skin  ; 

colour  resembling  yellow;  a  military  coat 
Buff,  Buffet,  v.  a .  to  box,  to  beat,  to  strike 
Buffalo,  ;.  a  kind  of  wild  bull 
Buffet',  /.  a  kind  of  cupboard  to  hold  china 
Buffet,  s.  a  blow  with  the  fist,  a  stroke 
Buffoo'n,  s.  an  arch  fellow,  alow  jester 
Buffoon'ery,  s.  low  jests,  mimickry 
Bug,  s.  a  disagreeable  insect  bred  in  beds 
Bug'bear,  s.  a  frightful  object;  a  false  terrpr 
Bu'gle,  s.  a  small  bead  of  glass,  a  plant 
Bu'glehorn,  s.  a  hunting  horn 
Build,  v.  to  raise  a  building ;  to  depend  00 
Euild'er,  s,  one  who  builds  houses 




Build'ing, t.  an  edifice  or  fabric  built 
Bulb,  s.  a  round  root,  such  as  tulips,  &c. 
Bulb'ous,  a.  having  round  heads,  large 
Bulge,  v.  n.  to  let  in  water ;  to  jut  out 
Bu'limy,  s.  an  enormous  appetite 
Bulk,  j.  magnitude,  size;  the  mass;  a  bench 
Bulk'head, ;.  a  partition  made  in  a  ship 
Bulk'iness,  j.  greatness  of  stature,  or  size 
Bulk'y,  a.  lusty,  large,  heavy,  of  great  size 
Bull,  s.  the  male  of  black  cattle  ;  an  edict  of 
the  Pope;  a  blunder  ;  a  sign  of  the  zodiac  ; 
at  the  stock  exchange,  a  cant  name  for  one 
who  nominallybuys  stock  for  which  he  does 
not  pay,  but  receives  or  pays  the  amount 
of  any  alteration  in  the  price  agreed  on  ; 
he  who  nominally  sells  is  called  the  Bear 
Bul'lace,  s.  a  wild  sour  plum 
Bull'baiting,  s.  a  fight  of  dogs  with  a  bull 
Bull'dog,  s.  a  strong  dog  of  great  courage 
Bull'et,  s.  a  round  ball  of  lead  or  iron 
Bull'head,  s.  a  heavy  stupid  fellow ;  a  fish 
Bull'ion,  /.  gold  or  silver  in  the  mass 
Bulli'tion,  s.  the  act  or  state  of  boiling 
Bull'ock,  s.  a  young  bull  or  steer 
Bull'y,  s-  a  very  noisy,  quarrelsome  person 
Bull'y,  v.  to  hector,  to  swagger,  to  be  noisy 
Bul'rush,  s.  a  large  rush  growing  by  rivers 
Bul'wark,  s.  a  fortification,  a  defence 
Bumba'iliff,  t.  a  bailiff  of  the  lowest  kind 
Bum'boat,  s.  a  small  boat  in  which  fruit,  &c. 

are  carried  on  shipboard  for  sale 
Bump,  s.  a  swelling,  a  blow,  a  thump 
Bump'er,  s.  a  glass  full  of  liquor  to  the  brim 
Bump'kin,  s.  a  clown,  a  lout,  a  rustic 
Bun,  s.  a  small  kind  of  light  cake 
Bunch,  s.  a  cluster,  knot,  hard  lump 
Bunch'y,  a.  growing  in,  or  full  of  bunches 
Bun'dle,  s.  parcel  of  things  bound  up  together 
Bun'dle,  v.  a.  to  tie  up,  to  put  together 
Bung,  j.  a  stopper  for  a  barrel 
Bun'gle,  v.  to  perform  any  thing  clumsily 
Bun'gled,  part,  done  in  a  clumsy  manner 
Bun'gler,  s.  a  clumsy  awkward  workman 
Bunt'er,  s.  a  mean,  dirty,  vulgar  woman 
Bunt'ing,  s .  a  thin  linen  cloth ;  a  bird 
Buoy,  s.  a  large  body  of  wood  or  cork  fast- 
ened with  a  rope  to  an  anchor  to  discover 
where  it  lies,  or  to  mark  shoals,  sunk 
rocks,  &.c 
Buoy,  v.  to  keep  afloat,  uphold,  support 
Buoy'ancy,  s.  the  quality  of  floating 
Buoy'ant,  a.  that  which  will  not  sink  ;  light 
Buoy'ed,  part,  kept  from  sinking,  supported 
Bur,  s.  the  prickly  head  of  the  burdock 
Bur'bot,  i.  a  fish  full  of  prickles 
Bur'den,  s.  a  load ;  birth  ;  uneasiness 
Bur'den,  v.  a.  to  load,  incumber,  oppress 
Bur'densome,  a.  grievous,  heavy,  severe 
Bur'dock,  s.  a  broad-leaved  prickly  plant 
Bureau',  /.  a  set  of  drawers  with  a  desk 

Bur'gage,  s.  a  tenure  proper  to  cities  and 
towns  conferring  the  privileges  of  a  burgess 
Burgamo't,  s.  a  species  of  pear ;  a  perfume 
Bur'ganet,  s.  an  ancient  kind  of  helmet 
Burgeons,!,  a  citizen  ;  asortof  printing  letter 
Bur'gess, ;.  a  citizen,  a  representative 
Burgh,  s.  a  borough  town,  a  corporation 
Burgh'er,  /.  a  freeman ;  one  who  has  a  right 

to  vote,  and  possesses  certain  privileges 
Bur'glary,  s.  the  crime  of  housebreaking  by 

night,  or  breaking  in  with  intent  to  steal 
Bur'gomaster,  s.  a  principal  citizen  in  Holland 
Bu'rial,  s.  the  act  of  interring  the  dead 
Buri'ni,  $.  a  tool  for  engraving,  a  graver 
Burle'sque,  v.  a.  to  ridicule,  to  lampoon 
Burle'sque,  /.  ludicrous  language,  a  jest 
Burle'sque,  a.  merry,  jocular,  droll,  laughable 
Burlet'ta,  s.  a  ludicrous  musical  farce 
Bur'ly,  a.  blustering,  falsely  great,  swoln 
Burn,  v.  to  consume  by  fire,  to  be  inflamed 
Burn,  s.  a  hurt  or  wound  caused  by  fire 
Burn'et,  s.  the  name  of  a  plant 
Burn'ing,  s.  state  of  inflammation 
Burn'ish ,  v.  to  polish,  to  make  bright 
Burn'isher,  s.  an  instrument  used  for  burn- 
ishing; a  person  that  burnishes  or  polishes 
Burr,  s.  the  lobe  or  lap  of  the  ear 
Bur'rel,  /.  a  sort  of  pear ;   an  insect ;    a  bee 
Buv'relshot,  s.  nails,  &c.  shot  from  a  cannon 
Bur'row,  v.  n.  to  make  holes,  to  mine 
Bur'row,  s.  a  corporate  town  ;  a  rabbit  hole 
Burs'ar,  s.  the  treasurer  of  a  college 
Burse,  s.  an  exchange  where  merchants  meet 
Burst,  v.  to  break  asunder,  to  fly  open 
Burst,  s.  a  sudden  breaking,  an  eruption 
Burst'ness,  s.  a  rupture,  a  tumour 
Burst'wort,  s.  an  herb  good  against  ruptures 
Bur'then,  s.  see  Burden 
Burt,  s.  a  fiat  fish  of  the  turbot  kind 
Bur'y,  v.  a.  to  put  into  a  grave,  to  hide 
Bush,  s.  a  thick  shrub,  a  bough  ;  a  fox-tail 
Bush'el,j.adry  measure  containing  four  pecks 
Bush'y,  a.  thick,  full  of  small  branches,  &c. 
Bu'sily,  ad.  with  hurry  ;  very  actively 
Bus'iness,  s.  an  employment,  trade,  affair 
Busk,  s.  a  piece  of  whalebone,  or  steel  worn 

by  women,  to  keep  down  their  stays 
Busk'in,  s.  a  kind  of  half  boot,  a  high  shoe 

worn  by  the  ancient  a&ors  in  tragedy 
Buss,  s.  a  small  vessel,  a  fishing  boat ;  a  kiss 
Bust,  s.  a  half  statue ;  a  funeral  pile 
Bust'ard,  s.  a  large  bird  of  the  turkey  kind 
Bus'tle,  s.  a  tumult,  a  hurry,  a  great  stir 
Bus'tle,v.  n.  to  be  busy,  to  hurry,  to  stir 
Bus'tler,  s.  an  active  person,  a  busybody 
Bus'y,  a.  employed,  active,  officious 
Bus'ybody,  s.  a  meddling  officious  person 
But,  con.  except,  nevertheless,  however,  &c 
But,*,  a  boundary,  limit,  end  of  a  thing 
Butch'er, ;.  one  who  kills  animals  to  sell 


3  7 

C  A  L 

Butch'er,  v.  a.  to  kill,  to  slay,  to  murder 
Butch'ered, part,  killed,  murdered,  dead 
Butch'erly,  a.  cruel,  bloody,  barbarous,  brutal 
Butch'ery,  s.  murder,  cruelty  ;  a  slaughter- 
But'ler,  s.  one  who  is  entrusted  with  a  gentle- 
man's liquors  and  plate  ;  an  upper  servant 
But'ment,  /.  the  support  of  an  arch 
Butt, ;.  a  mark  ;  object  of  ridicule  ;  a  vessel 

made  to  contain  iz6  gallons 
Butt,  v.  a.  to  strike  with  the  head  like  a 

ram,  &c. 
But'ter,.r.  an  unctuous  food  made  from  cream 
Butter,  v.  a.  to  moisten  with  butter 
But'terflower,  s.  a  bright  yellow  May  flower 
But'terfly,  s.  a  beautiful  winged  insect 
But'teris,  s.  a  farrier's  paring  instrument 
Buttermilk,  s.  the  whey  of  churned  cream 
But'terpump,  s .  a  fowl ;  the  bittern 
But'tertooth,  /.  a  large  broad  fore-tooth 
Buttery,  s.  a  place  where  provisions  are  kept 
Buttock,  s.  the  thick  part  of  the  thigh 

Button ,  v.  a.  to  fasten  with  buttons 
Button,  s.  a  knob  or  ball  used  for  the  fast- 
ening of  clothes  ;  bud  of  a  plant 
Buttonhole,  s.  a  hole  to  fasten  a  button 
Buttress,  s.  a  prop,  a  shore../u.  n.  to  prop 
Bux'om,  a.  lively,  brisk,  gay,  jolly 
Bux'omness,  s.  wantonness,  amorousness 
Buy,  v.  a.  to  pay  a  price  for,  to  treat  for 
Buy'er,  s.  one  who  buys,  a  purchaser 
Buzz,  s.  a  whisper,  humming,  low  talk 
Buzz,  v.  to  hum,  like  bees ;  to  spread  secretly 
Buzz'ard,  s.  a  hawk  •,  dunce,  blockhead 
Buzz'er,  s.  a  secret  whisperer 
Buzz'ing,  s.  humming  noise,  low  talk 
By, pr.  denoting  the  agent;  way,  means 
By-and-by',  ad.  in  a  short  time,  presently 
By-law,  s.  private  rules  or  orders  in  a  society 
By-path,  s.  a  private,  or  obscure  path 
By-room,  s.  a  retired,  private  room 
By-stander,  /.  a  looker  on,  one  unconcerned 
By-street,  s.  a  private  or  obscure  street 
By-word,  /.  a  cant  word,  a  taunt 


CTHE  third  letter  of  the  alphabet ;  it 
•>  is  used  as  an  abbreviation  of  the  Latin 

word,  centum,  an  hundred 
Cab,  s.  a  Jewish  measure  of  three  pints 
Caba'l,  f.  an  intrigue,  private  junto 
Cabal,  Cab'ala,  s.  the  Jewish  traditions 
Caba'l,  v.  n.  to  intrigue  privately,  to  plot 
Cab'alist,  s.  one  skilled  in  Jewish  traditions 
Cabalist'ical,  a.  mysterious,  secret 
Cabal'ier,  s.  an  intriguer,  a  plotter 
Cabal'line,  s.  a  coarse  kind  of  aloes,  used  by 

farriers  to  physic  cattle 
Cab'bage,  s.  a  well  known  vegetable 
Cab'bage,  v.  a.  to  steal  in  cutting  clothes 
Cab'in,  s.  an  apartment  in  a  ship ;  a  cottage 
Cab'inet,  s.  a  set  of  drawers  ;  a  room  in  which 

state  consultations  are  held 
Ca'ble,  s.  a  rope  to  hold  a  ship  at  anchor 
Cachec'tical,  a.  of  a  bad  habit  of  body 
Ca'chet, ;.  a  seal,  a  private  state  letter 
Cachex'y,  j.  disordered  habit  of  body 
Cac'kle,i;.  a.  to  make  a  noise  like  a  hen,  &c. 
Ca'cochymy,  s.  diseased  state  of  the  blood 
Cacode'mon,  s.  an  evil  spirit,  a  demon 
Cadav'erous,  a.  relating  to  dead  bodies, putrid 
Cad'bate,  s.  a  worm,  good  bait  for  trout 
Cad'dis,  s.  a  kind  of  tape ;  a  worm  or  grub 
Cade,  a.  tame,  soft,  tender,  delicate 
Ca'dence,  s.  a  fall  of  the  voice,  a  sound 
Cade't,  s.  a  volunteer,  a  younger  brother 

Ca'dew,  /.  the  straw  worm  ;  an  Irish  mantle 
Ca'di,  s.  a  chief  magistrate  among  the  Turks 
Cadu'ceus,  s.  Mercury's  snaky  staff 
Caftan,  s.  a  kind  of  habit,  Persian  garment 
C?.g,  s.  a  small  barrel,  a  small  cask 
Cage,  s.  place  of  confinement 
Cajo'le,  v.  a.  to  deceive,  to  flatter,  to  beguile 
Cajo'ler,  s.  a  deceiver,  flatterer,  parasite 
Caiss'on,  Caissoo'n,  s.  a  chest  of  bombs  or 

powder  ;  hollow  fabric  of  timber 
Cait'iff,  s.  a  base  fellow,  a  wretch,  a  knave 
Cake,  s.  sweet  bread...?;,  a.  to  harden,  unite 
Calaman'co,  s.  a  kind  of  woollen   stuif 
Cal'amine,  s.  a  kind  of  earth  ;  ore  of  tin. 
Calam'itous,  a.  miserable,  unfortunate 
Calam'ity,*.  misery,  affliction,  loss 
Cal'amus,  s.  a  kind  of  sweet  scented  wood 
Cala'sh,  s.  an  open  carriage,  a  head  dress 
Calca'rious,  a.  relating  to  calx 
Calcination,  s.  the  act  of  pulverizing  by  fire 
Calci'ne,  v.  a.  to  burn  to  a  powder 
Calcog'iaphy,  s.  the  art  of  engraving  on  bra3S 
Cal'culate,  v.  a.  to  compute,  to  reckon 
Calculation,  /.  a  computation,  reckoning 
Calculator,  s.  a  computer,  a  reckoner 
Calculous,  «.  stony,  gravelly,  hard,  gritty 
Cal'dron,  s.  a  boiler,  very  large  kettle 
Cnledo'nian,  s.  a  native  of  Scotland 
Calefactory,  a.  tending  to  warm,  heating 
Cal'efy,  v.  to  make  hot,  to  be  heated 




Cal'endar,/.  an  almanac,  a  yearly  register 
Cal'ender,  v.  a.  to  glaze  linen,  to  smooth 
Cal'ender,  s.  a  hot-press,  engine  to  callender 
Cal'enderer,  s.  the  person  who  callenders 
Cal'ends,  s.  the  first  day  of  every  month 
Cal'enture,  s.  a  sun-fever  frequent  at  sea 
Calf,  s.  thick  part  of  the  leg  ;  young  of  a  cow 
Cal'iber,  s.  the  bore  ;  diameter  of  a  gun  barrel 
Cal'ico,  s.  an  Indian  stuff  made  of  cotton 
Cal'id,  a.  very  hot,  burning,  scorching 
Calid'ity,  Cal'idness,  s.  intense  or  great  heat 
Caliga'tion,  ;.  darkness,  dimness,  obscurity 
Cali'ginous,  a.  obscure,  dark,  dim,  dusky 
Cal'igraphy,  s.  very  fair,  beautiful  writing 
Ca'liph,  s.  the  chief  priest  of  the  Saracens 
Cal'iver,  s.  a  hand  gun,  an  arquebuse 
Ca'lix,  s.  a  cup  ;  a  word  used  in  botany 
Calk,  v.  to  fill  up  the  seams  of  a  ship 
Calk'er,  s.  one  who  stops  a  ship's  seams 
Calls  v.  a.  to  name,  to  invite,  to  summons 
Call,  s.  a  demand,  address,  summons 
Cal'lat,  Cal'let,  s.  a  trull,  worthless  woman 
Callid'ity,  Cal'lidness,  s.  craftiness,  art 
Calling,  s.  an  employment,  trade,  &c. 
Callipers,  s.  compasses  having  bowed  shanks 
Callosity,*,  a  hard  swelling  without  pain 
Cal'lous,  a.  hardened,  brawny,  insensible 
Cal'lousness,  s.  induration  of  the  fibres 
CaI'low,  a.  wanting  feathers,  bare 
Calm,  v.  a.  to  quiet,  pacify,  still,  compose 
Calm,  s.  repose,  quiet,  rest,  peace, serenity 
Calm,  a.  unruffled,  undisturbed,  easy 
Calm'ly,  ad.  quietly,  coolly,  without  passion 
Calm'ness,;.tranquillity,freedomfrom  passion 
Cal'omel,  s.  mercury  six  times  sublimed 
Calorific,  a.  heating,  causing  heat 
Calo'tte,  s.  a  cap  or  coif;  a  circular  cavity 
Cal'trop,  s.  an  instrument  of  war  with  three 
spikes,  thrown  on  the  ground  to  annoy 
the  enemies'  horse  ;  a  plant 
Calvary,  s.  the  name  of  the  mount  on  which 

Christ  was  crucified 
Calve,  v.  n.  to  bear  or  bring  forth  a  calf 
Cal'vinism,  /.  the  doctrine  of  predestination, 

&c .  taught  by  Calvin 
Cal'vinist,  s.  a  follower  of  Calvin 
Calum'ni  ate,  v.  a.  to  accuse  falsely,  to  revile 
Calumnia'tor,  s.  a  false  accuser,  slanderer 
Cal'umny,  s.  slander,  aspersion,  false  charge 
Calx,  s.  a  powder  made  by  fire,  lime,  &c. 
Cal'ycle,  s.  a  small  bud  of  a  plant 
Cam'bering,  a.  rising  like  an  arch 
Ca'mbrick,  s.  fine  linen  from  Cambray 
Cam'el,  s.  a  large  animal,  common  in  Arabia 
Cam'eo,  s.  a  picture  of  only  one  colour 
Cam'era-obscura,  s.  an  optical  machine  used 
in  darkened  chambers,  through  which  the 
rays  of  light  passing,  reflect  outward  ob- 
jects inverted 
Camlet,  s.  a  stuff  made  of  wool  -and  silk 

Cam'omile,  s.  a  fine  physical  herb 
Ca'moys,  a.  flat  of  the  nose,  depressed 
Camp,  s.  the  order  of  tents  for  soldiers 
Campa'ign,  s.  a  large  open  country  ;  the  time 

an  army  keeps  in  the  field  in  one  year 
Campaigner,  s.  an  old  experienced  soldier 
Campes'tral,  a.  growing  in  the  fields,  wild 
Cam'phor,  Cam'phire,  s.  a  white  gum 
Cam'phorate,  a.  impregnated  with  camphor 
Can,  v.  n.  to  be  able  to...x.  a  vessel,  a  cup 
Cana'ille,  /.  the  lowest  of  the  people 
Cana'lv.f.  a  bason  or  course  of  water,  a  duel: 
Cana'1-tort/,  /.  a  very  fine  kind  of  coal 
Canalic'ulated,  a.  made  like  a  pipe  or  gutter 
Cana'ries,  s.  a  cluster  of  islands  in  the  At- 
lantic ocean,  near  the  Barbary  coast 
Cana'ry,  s.  a  wine  brought  from  the  Canaries ; 

a  dance...'*;,  n.  to  dance,  to  frolic 
Cana'ry -bird,  s.  an  excellent  singing  bird 
Can'cel,  v.  a.  to  blot  out,  destroy,  make  void 
Cancellated,  a.  cross-barred ;  crossed  by  lines 
Cancelled,  part,  blotted  out,  erased,  effaced 
Can'cer,  s.  a  crab-fish  ;  one  of  the  twelve  signs 

of  the  zodiac  ;  a  virulent  sore 
Can'cerate,  v.  n.  to  grow  cancerous 
Can'cerous,  a.  inclining  to,  or  like  a  cancer 
Can'crine,  a.  having  the  qualities  of  a  crab 
Can'dent,  a.  hot,  burning,  fiery,  shining 
Can'did,  a.  white  ;  fair,  open,  honest,  kind 
Can'didate,  s.  one  who  sues  for  a  place 
Can'didly,#rf.  uprightly,  fairly,  openly 
Can'dify,  v.  a.  to  make  white 
Can'dle,  s.  a  light  made  of  tallow,  wax,  &c. 
Can'dlemas,  s.  the  feast  of  the  Purification 

of  the  blessed  Virgin  Mary 
Can'dlestick,  s.  an  instrument  to  hold  candles 
Can'dour, ;.  an  open  temper,  integrity 
Can'dy,  v.  a.  to  conserve  with  sugar,  congeal 
Cane,  s.  a  walking  stick ;  a  reed  from  which 

sugar  is  extracted. ..v.  a.  to  beat  with  a  cane 
Candes'cent,  a.  growing  white  or  cold,  hoary 
Canic'ular,  a.  belonging  to  the  dog-star ;  hot 
Cani'ne,  a.  having  the  properties  of  a  dog 
Can'ister,  s.  a  box  to  hold  tea;  a  small  basket 
Cank'er,  s.  aworm;  disease;  eating  humour 
Cank'er,  v.  to  grow  corrupt,  corrode,  pollute 
Cank'erworm,  s.  a  worm  that  destroys  fruit 
Can'nibal,  s.  a  man-eater,  vile  wretch 
Can'non,  s.  a  great  gun  for  cannonading 
Cannona'de,T\  a.  to  batter  with  cannon 
Cannoni'er,  s.  one  who  manages  cannon 
Canoe',  s.  an  Indian  boat 
Can'on,  s.  a  rule,  a  law;  the  book  of  holy 

scripture  ;  a  dignitary  in  cathedrals 
Canonical,  a.  regular,  ecclesiastical 
Canon'ically,  ad.  agreeably  to  the  canons 
Canon'icals,  s.  established  dress  of  the  clergy 
Can'onist,  /.  a  doctor  of  canon  law 
Canoniza'tion,  s.  the  act  of  making  a  saint 
Can'ojiry,  Can'onship,  s.  benefice  of  a  canon 




C3n'opy,  s.  a  cloth  of  state,  spread  over  the 

head';  a  tester  ;  the  sfcy...-w.  a.  to  cover 

with  a  canopy 
Cano'rous,  a.  musical,  tuneful,  loud 
Cant,  s.  obscure,   corrupt  words  ;  wheedling 
Cant,  v. to  wheedle,  to  flatter  ;  to  toss 
Canta'ta,  s.  an  air ;  a  grave  piece  of  music 
Canta'tion,  s.  the  a<ft  of  singing 
Can'ter,  s.  the  gallop  of  an  ambling  horse ; 

an  hypocrite 
Canthar'ides,  /.  Spanish  flies  for  blisters 
Can'thus,  s.  the  corner  of  the  eye 
Cant'icle,  s.  song  of  Solomon,  pious  song 
Can'tie,  v.  a.  to  cut  into  pieces  or  parts 
Can'tle,  Cant'let,  *.  a  piece,  a  fragment 
Cant'o,  u  part  of  a  poem,  section,  division 
Cant'on,  s.  the  division  of  a  country  ;   a  clan 
Cant'on,  Cant'onize,  v.  a.  to  divide  land 
Cant'red,  s.  an  hundred  in  Wales,  a  division 
Can'vas, ;.  a  coarse  stiff  cloth  ;  a  soliciting 
Can'vass,  v.  to  sift,  to  examine,  to  debate, 

to  solicit  votes,  to  sue  for  honours 
Can'zonet, ;.  a  short  song  or  air 
Cap,  s.  a  covering  for  the  head,  a  reverence 
Cap,  v.  a.  to  cover  the  top,  to  puzzle 
Cap-a-pie,  ad.  from  head  to  foot 
Capability,  s.  capacity,  fitness,  adequateness 
Ca'pable,  a.  intelligent,  equal  to,  qualified 
Capa'cious,  a.  wide,  vast,  extended 
Capa'ciousness,  s.  largeness,  width,  a  space 
Capa'citate,  v.  a.  to  enable,  qualify,  make  fit 
Capa'city,/.  ability,  sense;  state,  space 
Capar'ison,  s.  a  superb  dress  for  a  horse 
Capar'ison,  r.  a.  to  dress  pompously 
Cape,  j.  a  headland  ;  the  neck-piece  to  a  coat 
Ca'per,  s.  a  leap, a  jump  ;  a  berry,  a  pickle 
Ca'per,  v.  n.  to  dance  frolicsomely,  to  frisk 
Ca'per-busb,  s.  this  plant  grows  in  the  south 

of  France  ;  the  buds  are  pickled  for  eating 
Ca'pering,  part,  skipping,  jumping  about 
Caph,  s.  a  liquid  measure  of  five  wine  pints 
Ca'pias,  s.  a  writ  of  execution 
Capillary,  a.  small,  minute,  like  a  hair 
Cap'ital,  a.  chief,  principal,  fine  ;    criminal 

in  the  highest  degree,  deserving  death 
Cap'ital,  j.  a  principal  sum ;    a  large  letter ; 

stock ;  upper  part  of  a  pillar  ;  chief  city 
Capita'tion, .'.  numeration  of  heads 
Capit'ular,  s.  a  body  of  statutes  ;  member  of 

a  chapter 
Capit'ulate,  v.  n.  to  yield  by  capitulation 
Capitula'tion,  s.  the  surrendering  a  town  up- 
on certain  terms  ;  stipulations,  conditions 
Ca'pon,  s.  a  castrated  cock 
Capri'ce,  s.  a  whim,  fancy,  humour 
Cap.i'cious,  a.  whimsical,  fanciful,  odd 
Cap'ricorn,  s.  a  sign  of  the  zodiac,  the  goat, 

the  winter  solstice,  a  fly 
Cap'stan,  Cap'stern ,  .f.  an  engine  to  draw  up 

great  weights,  as  anchors,  &c, 

Cap'sular,  Cap'sulary,  a.  hollow  as  a  chest 
Cap'sulate,  Cap'sulated,  a.  enclosed  in  a  box 
Cap'tain,  s.  the  commander  of  a  ship  of  war, 

a  troop  of  horse,  or  company  of  foot 
Captation,*,  the  art  of  catching  favour 
Cap'tivate,  -v.  a  to  subdue,  to  charm 
Cap'tive,j.  one  taken  in  war,  a  sia\e 
Captiv'ity,  s.  slavery,  subjection,  thrall 
Cap'tion,  s.  the  act  of  taking  any  person 
Cap'tious,  a.  snarling,  peevish,  cross,  surly 
Cap'tor,  ;.  one  who  takes  prizes  or  prisoners 
Cap'ture,  s.  a  prize,  the  act  of  taking  a  prize 
Capu'ched,  a.  covered  over,  as  with  a  hood 
Capuchi'n,  s.  a  friar ;  a  woman's  cloak 
Car,  s.  a  cart,  a  chariot ;  Charles's  wain. 
Car'ac,  s.  a  Spanish  galleon,  a  large  ship 
Car'at,/.  a  weight  of  four  grains 
Carava'n,  s.  a  large  carriage  ;  a  body  of  trav- 
elling merchants,  or  pilgrims 
Caravan'sary,  s.  a  public  building  erected  for 
the    conveniency    of   eastern    travellers_, 
where  they  may  repose,  &c. 
Car'avel,  Car'vel,  s.  a  iight  old  fashioned  ship 
Car'away,  s.  a  plant  producing  warm  seed 

used  in  medicine  and  confectionary 
Carbina'de,  v.  a.  to  cut  or  hack,  and  prepare 

meat  for  boiling  or  frying 
Car'bine,  Car'abine,  s.  a  small  musket 
Carbini'er,  Carabini'er,  s.  a  iight  horseman 
Car'buncle,  s.  a  precious  stone  ;  a  red  pimple 
Car'cass,j.the  dead  body  of  an  animal ;  a  bomb 
Card,  s.  a  complimentary  note ;  a  painted 
paper  used  for  games  ;  the  paper  on  whiri. 
the  points  of  the  compass  are  marked  ;  an 
instrument  with  iron  teeth 
Card,  v.  to  comb  wool  ;  to  play  at  cards 
Car'damoms,  s.  medicinal  seeds 
Car'diac,  a.  cordial,  strengthening,  cheering 
Car'dinal,  a.  principal,  chief,  eminent 
Car'dinal,  s.    a  dignitary    of    the    Romish 

church,  a  woman's  cloak 
Car'dinal-points,  s.  east,  west,  north,  south 
Car'dinal-virtues,  s.  prudence,  temperance, 

justice,  and  fortitude 
Care,  i.  solicitude,  anxiety,  charge 
Care,  v.  n.  to  be  affected  with,  to  be  anxious 
Care'en,  v.  to  calk,  to  stop  leaks,  be  laid  up 
Care'er,  s.  a  course,  race,  swift  motion 
Care'ful,  a.  full  of  concern,  anxious,  diligent 
Carefulness,*,  vigilance,  great  care 
Ca'reless,  a.  negligent,  heedless,  unmindful 
Ca'relessness,  s.  heedlessness,  inattention 
Care'ss,  v.  a.  to  fondle,  to  endear 
Ca'ret,  s.  a  mark  in  writing,  thus,  (a)  to  de- 
note thatsomethingwritten  above,or  in  the 
margin,  is  wanting  to  complete  the  sense 
Car'go,  s.  a  ship's  lading,  freight,  great  load 
Caricatu're,  s.  a  ludicrous,  droll  likeness 
|  Ca'ries,  Cario'sity,  s.  rottenness  of  the  bones 
I  Ca'rious,  a.  rotten,  decayed,  putrified 




Cark,  s.  care,  anxiety. ..v.  n.  to  be  anxious 
Cark'ing,  part.  a.  distressing,  perplexing 
Carle,  s.  a  mean,  rude  man,  a  clown,  a  churl 
Carl'ings,  s.  timbers  lying  fore  and  aft  in  a  ship 
Car'man,  s.  one  who  drives  or  keeps  carts 
Car'melite,  s.  a  begging  friar ;  a  pear 
Carmin'ative,  a.  that  which  expels  wind 
Car'mine,  s.  a  bright  red  or  crimson  colour 
Car'nage,  s.  slaughter,  havoc,  devastation 
Car'nal,  a.  fleshly,  lustful,  sensual 
Car'naliy,  ad.  according  to  the  flesh 
Carna'tion,  s.  a  flesh  colour ;  a  fine  flower 
Car'neous,  Car'nous,«.  fleshy,  plump,  fat 
Car'nival,  s.  shrovetide,  a  Popish  feast 
Carniv'orous,  a.  eating  of  flesh,  greedy 
Carnos'ity,  s.  a  fleshy  excrescence 
Car'ol,  s.  a  song  of  exultation  or  praise 
Car'ol,  v.  to  sing,  to  praise,  to  celebrate 
Carous'al,  s.  a  feast,  festival,  drinking-bout 
Caro'use,  v.  n.  to  drink  hard,  to  tope 
Carp,  v.  to  censure,  to  cavil...*,  a  fish 
Carp'enter,  s.  an  artificer  in  wood,  a  builder 
Carp'et,  s.  a  covering  for  a  floor  or  table 
Carriage,  s.  behaviour,  manners  ;  a  vehicle 
Car'rier,  s.  one  who  carries  ;  a  sort  of  pigeon 
Car'rion,  s.  any  flesh  not  fit  for  food 
Car'rot,  s.  a  common  garden  root 
Car'roty,  a.  red  haired,  very  red 
Car'ry,  v.  to  convey,  bear,  gain,  behave 
Cart,  j.  a  carriage  for  luggage...?;,  a.  to  carry 
C^rte-blanche,  s.  a  blank  paper  to  be  filled 
with  conditions,  entirely  at  the  option  of 
p  the  person  to  whom  it  is  sent 
garte'i,  s.  an  agreement  between  nations  at 

war  relative  to  exchange  of  prisoners 
Car'ter,  s.  one  who  drives  a  cart 
Cart'ilage,  s.  a  gristle,  a  tough  substance 
Cartila'ginous,  a.  consisting  of  gristles 
Cartoo'n,  s.  a  painting  on  large  paper 
Carto'uch,  s.  a  case  to  hold  balls 
Cartridge,  s.  a  paper  case  to  hold  powder 
"Cart'ridge-box,  s.  a  box  containing  cartridges 
Cart'wright,  s.  a  maker  or  seller  of  carts 
Carve,  v.  a.  to  cut  wood,  stone,  or  meat 
Carv'ing,  s,  sculpture,  figures  carved 
Casca'de,  s.  a  cataract,  waterfall 
Case,  s.   a  covering,  sheath  ;  the   state  of 
things  ;  outer  part  of  a  house  ;  a  circum- 
stance ;  variation  of  nouns 
Case,  v.  a.  to  cover,  to  strip  off,  to  draw  up 
Ca'seharden,  v.  a.  to  harden  the  out  side 
Ca'seknife,  s-  a  large  kitchen,  or  table  knife 
Ca'semate,  s.  a  kind  of  vault  or  arch  of  stone 
Ca'sement,  s.  a  window  opening  upon  hinges 
Cash,  s.  any  money,  properly  ready  money 
Cashi'er,  s.  a  cash-keeper.. .v.  a.  to  discard 
Cashoo',  s.  the  gum  of  an  East-Indian  tree 
Cask,  Casque,  s.  a  helmet,  a  head-piece 
Cask,  s.  a  barrel,  a  wooden  vessel 
Ca-sk'et,  ;.  a  small  box,  or  chest  for  jewels 

Cass,  Cass'ate,  v.  a.  to  annul,  to  make  void 
Cass'ia,  s.  a  very  fragrant,  aromatic  spice 
Cass'ock,  s.  the  long  undergarment  of  a  priest 
Cast, /.  a  throw  ;  mould;  shade,  squint 
Cast,  v.  to  throw;  condemn  ;  model ;  contrive 
Cas'tanet,  s.  small  shells  of  ivory  or  hard 
wood,  which  dancers  rattle  in  their  hands 
Cast'away,  s.  an  abandoned  or  lost  person 
Cas'tellany,  s.  the  lordship  of  a  castle 
Cas'tellated,  a.  enclosed  within  a  building 
Cas'tigate,  v.  a.  to  chastise,  to  punish,  to  beat 
Castiga'tion,  s.  punishment,  discipline 
Cast'ing-net,  s.  a  net  thrown  by  the  hand 
Cas'tle,  /.  a  fortified  house ;  a  project 
Cas'tor,  s.  the  name  of  a  star  ;  the  beaver 
Castrameta'tion,  /.  the  practice  of  encamping 
Cas'trate,  v.  a.  to  lop  away,  make  imperfect 
Castra'tion,  s.  act  of  gelding,  curtailing,  &c. 
Cas'ual,  a.  accidental,  uncertain,  fortuitous 
Cas'uaity,  s.  accident,  what  happens  by  chance 
Cas'uist,  s.  a  person  who  studies  and  settles 

cases  of  conscience 
Cas'uistry,  s.  the  science  or  skill  of  a  casuist 
Cat,  s.  a  domestic  animal ;  a  kind  of  ship 
Catachrestical,  a.  far-fetched,  forced,  bad 
Cat'aclysm,  s.  a  deluge,  an  inundation 
Cat'acombs,  s.  caverns  for  burial  of  the  dead 
Catacous'tic,  a.  relating  to  reflected  sounds 
Catalogue,  *.  a  list  of  names,  articles,  &c. 
Cat'aphract,i.  a  horseman  in  complete  armour 
Cat'aplasm,  j.  a  poultice,  soft  plaster 
Cat'apult,  s.  an  engine  to  throw  stones,  &c. 
Cat'aract,  s.  a  waterfall ;   disease  in  the  eyes 
Cata'rrh,  s.  a  disease  of  the  head  and  throat 
Catarrhal,  a.  relating  to  the  catarrh 
Catas'trophe,  s.    the  change  or   revolution 
which  produces  the  final  event  of  a  dra- 
matic piece,  a  final  event  generally  un- 
Cat'cal,  s.  3.  small  squeaking  instrument 
Catch,  v.  to  stop,  lay  hold  on,  ensnare,  please 
Catch,  s.  the  act  of  seizing,  any  thing  that 
catches  ;  a  song  in  succession ;  a  contagion 
Catch'ing,  part.  a.  infectious,  apt  to  catch 
Catch'poll,  s.  a  serjeant,  a  bailiff's  follower 
Catch'up,  Cat'sup,  s.  a  kind  of  pickle  usually 

made  from  mushrooms  or  walnuts 
Catechet'ical,  a.  consisting  of  questions  and 

Cat'echise,r\  a.  to  instruct  by  questions 
Cat'echism,  s.  a  form  of  instruction  by  ques- 
tions and  answers  concerning  religion 
Cat'echist,  s.  one  who  teaches  the  catechism 
Catechu'men,  s.  one  who  is  yet  in  the  first 

rudiments  of  Christianity 
Categor'ical,  a.  absolute,  positive,  express 
Cat'egory,  s.  a  class,  an  order  of  ideas 
Catena'rian,  a.  belonging  to  a  chain 
Catena'tion,  s.  a  regular  connexion,  a  link 
Ca'terj  v.  n.  to  provide  food,  to  lay  in.  victual's 

C   E   A 



Ca'ter,  Ca'terer,  s.  a  provider  of  victuals 
Ca'teress,  s.  a  woman  who  provides  food 
Cat'erpillar,  s.  an  insect,  a  grub  ;  a  plant 
Cat'erwaul,  v.  n.  to  cry  like  a  cat 
Cates,  s.  cakes,  dainties,  viands,  nice  food 
Cat'gut,  s.  a  kind  of  canvas,  gut  for  fiddle- 
Cathar'tic,  a.  purging,  cleansing 
Cathe'dral,  s.  an  episcopal  or  head  church 
Cathe'dral,  a.  episcopal,  antique,  venerable 
Cath'olic,  a.  universal...*,  a  papist 
Cathol'icon,  s.  an  universal  medicine 
Cat'ling,  s.  a  surgeon's  knife  ;  fiddle-strings 
Catop'trical,  a.  relating  to  reflected  vision 
Cat'sup,  j.  a  kind  of  pickle.     See  Catchup 
Cat'tle,  s.  beasts  of  pasture,  that  are  not  wild 
Cavalca'de,  s.  a  procession  on  horseback 
Cavali'er,  s.  a  partizan,  knight,  royalist 
Cavali'er,  a.  gay,  brave,  haughty,  proud 
Cavalier'ly,  ad.  haughtily,  arrogantly 
Cav'alry,  s.  horse  troops,  horse  soldiers 
Cava'zion,  s.  hollowing  of  the  earth  for  cel- 
Cau'dle,  s.  a  mixture  of  gruel  or  ale,  with 

spice,  sugar,  &c.  for  women  in  childbed 
Cave,  s.  a  den,  a  cell,  hollow  place 
Ca'veat,  s.  a  law  term,  to  prevent  further 

proceedings  ;  a  caution  ;  admonition 
Cav'ern,  s.  a  cave,  den,  hollow  place 
Cav'erned,  Cav'ernous,  a.  full  of  caverns 
Caves'son,  s.    in  horsemanship,   a   sort  of 

nose-band,  put  into  the  nose  of  a  horse 
Cauf,  s.  a  chest  with  holes  to  keep  fish  in 
Cavia're,  s.  the  spawn  of  sturgeon  pickled 
Cav'il,  v.  n.  to  raise  objections,  to  wrangle 
Cav'iller,  s .  a  captious  disputant 
Cav'ity,  s.  a  hollow  place,  a  cavern 
Cauk, !.  a  coarse  kind  of  spar  found  in  mines 
Caul,  s.  a  part  of  a  woman's  cap  ;  net  work  of 
a  wig  ;  the  integument  enclosing  the  guts 
Caul'ifiower,  s.  a  sort  of  cabbage 
Caus'al,  a.  relating  to  or  implying  causes 
Cause,  s.  a  reason,  motive,  party,  source 
Cause,  v.  a.  to  effect,  to  produce,  to  occasion 
Cause'less,fl.  having  no  just  reason;  original 
Cau'sey,Cause'way,;.  a  raised  and  paved  way 
Caus'tic,  s.  a  burning  application 
Caut'elous,  a.  cautious,  wily,  cunning 
Caut'erize,  v.  a.  to  burn  with  irons  ;  to  sear 
Caut'ery,  s.  an  iron  for  burning  ;  a  caustic 
Cau'tion,  t.  prudence,  care,  warning 
Cau'tion,  v.  a.  to  warn,  give  notice,  tell 
Cau'tionary,  a.  given  as  a  pledge,  or  security 
Cau'tious,  a.  wary,  watchful,  prudent 
Cau'tiously,  ad.  in  a  prudent,  wary  manner 
Cau'tiousness,  s.  vigilance,  circumspection 
Caw,  v.  v..  to  cry  as  a  rook  or  crow 
Cease,  v.  to  leave  off  ;    to  stop  ;  to  fail  : 

to  be  extinct  ;  to  put  a  stop  to 
Ce'aseless,  a.  never  ceasing,  perpetual 
D  2 

Ce'city,  s.  blindness,  loss  or  want  of  sight 
Ce  dar,  s.  a  large  evergreen  tree 
Cede,  v.  a.  to  yield  up,  to  surrender  up 
Ceil,  v.  a.  to  overlay  or  cover  the  inner  roof 
Celling,  s.  the  inner  roof,  the  upper  part 
Cel'ature.  s.  the  art  of  engraving 
Cel'ebrate,  v.  a.  to  praise,  commend  ;  to  dis- 
tinguish by  solemn  rites 
Celebra'tion,  s.  solemn  remembrance  ;  praise 
Celeb'rious,  a.  famous,  renowned,  noted 
Celeb'rity,  s.  fame,  celebration,  renown 
!  Celer'ity,  s.  swiftness,  velocity,  haste,  speed 
i  Cel'ery,  s.  the  name  of  a  salad  herb 
j  Celes'tial^.inhabitantcf  heaven...^,  heavenly 
|  Cel'ibacy,  Cel'ibate,  s.  a  single  life 
j  Cell,  s.  a  small  close  room  ;  cave,  cavity 
i  Cel'lar,  Cel'larage,  s.  a  room  under  ground 

where  liquors  or  stores  are  deposited 
|  Cell'ular,  a.  made  up  of  cavities,  hollow 
Ce'ment,  s.  that  which  unites  ;  mortar 
I  Ceme'nt,  -v.  a.  to  join  together,  to  solder 
j  Cem'etery,  s.  a  burial-place,  a  church  yard 
Cen'otaph,  s.  an  empty  or  honorary  tomb 
Cen'ser,  ;.  a  perfuming  or  incense  pan 
Cen'scr,  s.   a  magistrate  of  Rome  who  had 
the  power  of  correcting  manners  ;    one 
addicted  to  censuring  others 
Censo'rian,  a.  belonging  to  a  censor 
Censo'rious,  a.  addicted  to  censure,  severe 
Cen'surable,  a.  deserving  censure,  culpable 
Cen'sure,  s.  blame,  reproach,  judgment 
Ceii 'sure,  v.  a.  to  blame,  revile,  condemn 
Cent,  s.  an  abbreviation  of  the  Latin  word 

centum^  an  hundred 
Cent'aur,  s.  a  poetical  being,  represented  as 
half  man,  half  horse  ;  a  sign  in  the  zodi- 
ac, Sagittarius  ;   a  monster 
Cent'enary,  s.  the  number  of  an  hundred 
!  Centes'imal,  a.  the  hundredth 
j  Centif'idous,^.  divided  into  an  hundred  parts 
j  Centifo'lious,  a.  having  an  hundred  leaves 
j  Cent'ipede,  s.  a  poisonous  insect,  with  a  con- 
siderable number  of  feet 
Cent'o,  s.  composition,  consisting  of  scraps 
and  fragments  from  various  authors 
i  Cent'ral,  a.  relating  to  the  centre 
;  Cen'tre,  s.  the  middle,  the  chief  place 
I  Cen'tre,  -v.  to  place  on  a  centre,  to  rest  on, 
;  Cen'tric,  a.  placed  in  the  centre 
j  Centrifugal,  a.  flying  from  the  centre 
j  Centrip'etal,  a.  tending  to  the  centre 

Cen'tupie,  a.  an  hundred  fold 
j  Centu'riate,i>.  a.  to  divide  into  hundreds 
j  Centuria'tor,  /.  a  name  applied  to  historians 
who  distinguish  time  by  centuries 
Centu'rion,  /.  a  Roman  military  officer  who 

commanded  an  hundred  men 
Cent'ury,  s.  an  hundred  years 
Cephal'iCj  a.  any  thing  medicinal  for  the 

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Ceras'tes,  s.  a  horned  serpent 
Ge'rate, :.  a  salve  made  of  wax 
Cere,  v.  a.  to  eover  or  smear  over  with  wax 
Ce'recloth,  Ce'rement,  s.    cloth  dipped  in 
melted  wax  in  which  dead  bodies  were 
Ceremo'nial,  Ceremonious,  a.  formal 
Cer'emony,  s.  outward  rite  ;  external  form 

in  religion  ;  forms  of  civility 
Cer'tain,  a.  sure,  resolved,  unfailing ;  some 
Cer'tainly,  ad.  Indubitably,  without  fail 
Cer'taiuty,  Cer'titude,  s.  a  fulness  of  assur- 
ance, exemption  from  doubt 
Certificate,  s.  a  testimony  in  writing 
Cer'tify,  v.  a.  to  give  certain  information 
Certiorari,  s.  a  writ  issued  from  the  court 
of  Chancery  to  call  up  the  records  of  a 
cause  therein  depending 
Cervi'cal,  a.  belonging  to  the  neck 
Ceru'lean,  Ceru'leous,  a.  blue,  sky-coloured 
Cerulif'ic,  a.  producing  a  blue  colour 
Ceru'men,  s.  the  wax  of  the  ear 
Ce'ruse,  s.  white  lead  reduced  to  calx 
Cesa'rian,  a.  the  Cesarian  operation  is  the 

a&  of  cutting  the  child  out  of  the  womb 
Cess,  s.  a  tax  or  rate,  bound  or  limit 
Cessa'tion,  s.  a  stop,  rest,  intermission  of 

hostilities,  respite 
Cess'ible,  a.  liable  to  give  way,  yielding 
Cess'ion,  s.  retreat,  aft  of  gmng  way 
Ces'tus,  s.  the  girdle  or  zone  of  Venus 
Ceta'ceous,  a.  of  the  whale  kind 
Chafe,  v.  to  rage,  fret,  warm,  make  angry 
Chafe,  s.  passion,  violence,  fume,  rage 
Chaff,  s.  the  husks  of  corn  ;  a  worthless  thing 
Chaffer,  v.  to  haggle,  bargain,  exchange 
Chaff  erer,  s.  a  dealer,  hard  bargainer 
Chaffinch,  s.  a  small  common  bird 
Chaffy,  a.  full  of  chaff  ;  foul,  light,  bad 
Cha'fingdish,  s.  a  portable  grate  for  coals 
Chagri'n,  s.  ill  humour,  vexation 
Chagri'n,  v.  a.  to  vex,  to  hurt,  to  tease 
Chagri'ned,  part,  vexed,  fretted,  provoked 
Chain,  s.  a  line  of  links,  a  series  ;  a  fetter 
Chain,  v.  a.  to  fasten  with  a  chain,  enslave 
Cha'inshot,  s.  bullets  fastened  by  a  chain 
Chair,  s.  a  moveable  seat,  a  sedan 
Cha'irman,  s.  the  president  of  any  public 

meeting  ;  one  who  carries  a  sedan 
Chaise,  s.  a  kind  of  light  carriage 
Chalcog'raphy,  /.  art  of  engraving  on  brass 
Chal'dron, ;.  a  measure  of  36  bushels 
Chal'ice,  s.  a  cup  standing  on  a  foot 
Chalk,  s.  a  kind  of  white  fossil 
Chalk,  v.  a.  to  mark  or  manure  with  chalk 
Chalk'cutter,  s.  one  who  digs  chalk 
Chalk'pit,  s.  a  place  where  chalk  is  dug 
Chalk'y,  a.  consisting  of  chalk,  white 
Challenge,  v.  a.  to  accuse,  to  claim,  to  call, 
to  figbtj  &c- 

Challenge, s.  a  summons  to  combat;  demand 
Chalyb'eate,  a.  impregnated  with  steel 
Cham,  Chan,  s.  the  sovereign  of  Tartary 
Chama'de,  s.  the  beat  of  a  drum,  denoting 

a  desire  of  the  besieged  to  parley 
Cha'mber,  s.  an  apartment  in  a  house 
Cha'mberlain,    s.    one    who   takes  care  of 

chambers  ;  the  sixth  officer  of  the  crown 
Cha'mbermaid,  s.  a  servant  who  has  the 

care  of  rooms 
Charn'Metj-y.  a.  to  variegate,  to  streak 
Chame'lion,  s.  an  animal  that  is  said  to  take 

the  colour  of  whatever  it  is  applied  to, 

and,  erroneously,  to  live  on  the  air 
Cham'fer,  s.  the  fluting  in  a  column 
Charn'ois,  s.  an  animal  of  the  goat  kind.; 

leather  made  of  the  goat's  skin 
Champ,  v.  a.  to  gnaw,  to  bite,  to  devour 
Champa'ign,  s.  a  flat  open  country  ;  a  wine 
Champign'on,  s.  a  small  kind  of  mushroom 
Cham'pion,  s.  a  single  combatant,  a  hero 
Chance,  s.  fortune,  even^  luck,  misfortune 
Chan'cel,  s .  the  east  end  of  a  church 
Chan'cellor,  *.  a  great  officer  of  state 
Chan'cery,  s.  a  court  of  equity  and  conscience 
Chan'cre,  s.  an  ulcer,  a  bad  sore 
Chandeli'er,  s.  a  branch  to  hold  candles 
Chan'dler,  s.  a  person  who  sells  candles,  &c. 
Change,  v.  a.  to  alter,  amend,  exchange 
Change, t.  alteration,  novelty  ;  9inali  money 
Changeable,  Ciian'geful,  a.  inconstant,  fickle 
Cha'ngeiing,  s.  a  child  changed  for  another  j 

an  idiot,  a  natural  ;  a  waverer 
Chan'nel,  s.   the  bed  of  running  waters,  a 

narrow  sea  ;  a  furrow  in  a  pilbr 
Chant,  s.  a  song,  a  melody ;  cathedral  service 
Chant,  v.  a.  to  sing  cathedral  service 
Chant'er,  s.  asinger  in  a  cathedral ;  asongster 
Chant'icleer,  s.  the  cock  ;  a  clear  singer 
Ch^n'tress,  s.  a  woman  singer 
Chant'ry,  s.z  chapel  for  priests  to  9ing  mass  in. 
Cha'os,j.a  confused  mass  of  matter ;  confusion 
Chaot'ic,  a.  confused,  indigested,  mixed 
Chap,  s.  a  cleft,  an  opening  ;   a  beasfs  jaw- 
Chap,  t».  a.  to  open,  to  crack,  to  divide 
Chape,  s.  a  thin  plate  of  metal  at  the  point 

of  a  scabbard  ;  part  of  a  buckle 
Chap'el, ;.  a  place  of  worship 
Chap'elry,  s.  the  bounds  of  a  chapel 
Chapero'n,  s,  a  kind  of  hood  or  cap  worn  by 

the  knights  of  the  garter 
Chap'fain,  a.  having  the  mouth  shrunk 
Chap'iter,  s .  the  capital  of  a  pillar 
Chaplain,  s.    a  clergyman    who  performs 
divine  service  in  the  army  or  navy,  or  in 
a  nobleman's  or  a  private  family 
Chap'less,  a.  without  flesh  about  the  mouth 
Chap'let,  s.  a  wreath  or  garland  for  the  head 
Chap'man,/.  a  dealer  in  goods  ;  a  cheapener 
Chap'ped,  Chapt,  fart.  f«« .  cleft,  cracked 

C   H  A 



Chap'ter,  s.  a  division  of  a  book  ;  an  assem- 
bly of  the  clergy  of  a  cathedral 
Char,  s.  work,  done  by  the  day  ;  a  small  fish 
Character,  s.  a  mark  ;  reputation   ;  letter. 
In  botany,  the  circumstances  that  distin- 
guish a  vegetable  from  all  others 
Characteristic,  a.  peculiar  to,  distinguishing 
Characterize,  v.  a.  to  give  a  character  of  a 
person  ;  to  imprint ;  to  mark  with  a  stamp 
Char'coal,  s.  coal  made  by  burning  wood  un- 
der turf 
Charge,  v.  a.  to  entrust ;  to  impute  as  a  debt ; 

to  accuse  ;  to  load  a  gun  ;  to  command 
Charge,  j.  trust  ;  expense  ;  onset ;  command 
Charge'able,  a.  expensive,  costly  ;  accusable 
Char'ger,  s.  a  large  dish  ;  a  war  horse 
Cha'riness,  s.  caution,  care,  nicety,  frugality 
Char'iot,  s.  a  carriage  of  pleasure  or  state 
Chariote'er,  s.  a  chariot  driver,  a  coachman 
Cbar'itable,  a.  kind,  bountiful,  candid 
Char'ity,  s. tenderness,  love,  good-will;  alms 
Chark,  v.  a.  to  burn  wood  to  a  black  cinder 
Char'iatan,  s.  a  mountebank,  quack,  cheat 
Charlatan'ical,  a.  quackish,  ignorant 
Charles's-Wain,  s.  the  northern  constella- 
tion, called  Ursa  Major,  or  the  Great  Bear 
Charlock,  s.   a  weed,  which  grows  among 

corn,  with  a  yellow  flower 
Charm,  v.  a.  to  bewitch,  delight,  appease 
Charm,  s.  a  spell  or  enchantment,  a  philter 
Charm'er,  s.  one  who  charms,  or  enchants 
Charm'ing,  part.  a.  very  pleasing,  delightful 
Char'nel-house,  s.  a  receptacle  for  the  bones 

of  the  dead,  a  vault  for  dead  bodies 
Chart,  si  a  delineation  of  coasts,  &c.  ;  a  map 
Chart'er,  s.   a  privilege,  immunity,  or  ex- 
emption, by  royal  grant,  in  writing 
Chart'ered;,  a.  privileged  ;  granted  by  charter 
Chart'er-party,  s.  a  paper  relating  to  a  con- 
tract of  which  each  party  has  a  copy 
Char'woman,  s.  a  woman  hired  by  the  day 
Cha'ry,  a.  careful,  cautious,  diligent 
Chase,  v.  a.  to  hunt,  to  pursue,  to  drive 
Chase,  s.  a  piece  of  ground  larger  than  a  park, 
where  beasts  are  hunted  ;  hunting  itself ; 
pursuit  of  an  enemy  ;  the  bore  of  a  gun 
Chasm,  /.  a  cleft,  an  opening,  a  vacuity 
Chass'y*  *•  a  window  frame,  a  fastening 
Chaste,  a.  pure,  uncorrupt,  honest 
Cha'sten,  Chasti'se,  v.  a.  to  punish,  correct 
Chastisement,  s.  correction,  punishment 
Chas'tity,  Chas'teness,  s.  purity  of  the  body 
Chat,  v.  n.  to  prate,  to  talk  idly,  to  prattle 
Chat,  s.  idle  talk,  prattle,  conversation 
Chat'ellany,  s.  the  district  under  a  castle 
Chat'tel,  s.  any  moveable  property 
Chat'ter,  v.  n.  to  make  a  noise  like  birds,  or 
with  the  teeth  ;  to  talk  idly  or  carelessly 
Chav'ender,  Chev'in,  s.  the  chub,  a  fish 
ChawMron,  /.  the  entrails  of  a  beast 

Cheap,  a.  to  be  had  at  alowrate...j.  a  bargain 
Che'apen,  v.  a.   to  attempt  to  purchase,  to 

bid  for  any  thing  ;  to  lessen  the  value 
Che'apness,  s.  lowness  of  price 
Cheat,  s.  a  fraud,  a  trick  ;  a  deceiver 
Cheat,  v.  a.  to  impose  on,  to  deceive,  to  gull 
Check,  v.  to  repress,  curb,  chide,  control 
Check,  /.    a  stop,  curb,  restraint,  dislike, 

reproof  ;  a  kind  of  linen 
Check'er,  Chequer,  v.  a.  to  vary,  to  diversify 
Cheek,  r.  the  side  of  the  face,  below  the 
eye  ;  a   name  with  mechanics  for  those 
parts  of  their  machines  that  are  double 
Cheek'tooth,  s.  the  hinder  tooth  or  tusk 
Cheer,  s.  entertainment,  gaiety,  jollity 
Cheer,  v.  to  incite,  to  comfort,  to  grow  gay 
Cheer'er,  s.  one  who  gives  mirth,  a  giaddener 
Cheer'ful,  a.  gay,  full  of  life,  merry 
Cheer'fulness,  s.  alacrity,  liveliness,  mirth 
Cheerless,  a.  sad,  gloomy,  comfortless 
Cheer'ly,  Cheer'y,  a.  sprightly,  gay,  merry 
Cheese,  s.  food  made  from  milk  curds 
Cheese'cake,  s.  cake  made  of  curds,  sugar,  &c. 
Cheese'monger,  s.  one  who  sells  cheese 
Cheese'vat,  /.  the  wooden  case  in  which  the 

curds  are  pressed  into  cheese 
Che'ly,  s.  the  claw  of  a  shell-fish 
Che'rifiF,  s.  the  high  priest  of  the  Moors 
Cher'ish,  v.  a.  to  support,  nurse  up,  shelter 
Cher'isher,  s.  an  encourager,  a  supporter 
Cher'ry,  /.  a  fruit. ..a.  ruddy,  blooming 
Cher'ry-cheeked,  a.  having  blooming  cheeks 
Chert,  s.  a  kind  of  flint,  flint  in  strata 
Cher'ub,  s.  a  celestial  spirit 
Cheru'bic,  Cherubin'ical,  a.  angelical 
Cher'up,  v.  n.  to  chirp  ;  to  use  a  lively  voice 
Ches'nut,  Chest 'nut,  s.  a  sort  of  fruit 
Ches3,  s.  a  difficult  game,  in  which  two  sets 

of  men  are  moved  in  opposition 
Chessboard,  s.  a  board  to  play  chess  on 
Chess'om,  s.  mellow  earth 
Chest, ;.  a  large  box  or  coffer  ;  the  breast 
Chevali'er,/.  a  knight,  a  gallant  man 
Chevaux-de-Fri'se,  s.  a  military  fence  com- 
posed of  a  piece  of  timber,  traversed  with 
wooden  spikes,  pointed  with  iron,  five  or 
six  feet  long,  used  in  defending  a  passage 
or  tourniquet  ;  a  kind  of  trimming 
Chev'en,  /.  a  river  fish,  the  same  with  chub 
Chev'eril,  s.  a  kid  ;  kid  leather 
Chew,  -y.   to  grind  with  the  teeth,  to  masti- 
cate ;  to  meditate  on,  to  ruminate 
Chica'ne,  Chica'nery,j.sophistry  j  wrangling; 

protracting  a  debate  by  artifice 
Chick,  Chick'en,  s.  the  young  of  hens 
Chick'enhearted,  a.  fearful,  timorous 
Chide,  v.  to  reprove,  to  blame,  to  reproach 
Chi'ding,  part,  reproving,  rebuking,  scolding 
Chief,  a.  principal,  eminent...*,  a  leader 
Chrertess,  a.  having  no  leader,  weafc- 

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Chiefly,  ad.  principally,  eminently,  above  ail 
Chieftain,  s.  a  leader,  a  commander 
Chil'blain,  s.  a  sore  made  by  cold  and  frost 
Child,  s.  an  infant  ;  male  or  female  offspring 
Chi'ldbearing,  s.  the  act  of  bearing  children 
Chi'ldbed,  Chi'ldbirth,  s.  the  state  of  a  wo- 
man bringing  a  child  ;  travail,  labour 
Chil'dermas-day,  s.    the  day  of  the  week 
throughout  the  year  answering  to  the  day 
on  which  the  feast  of  the  holy  Innocents 
is  solemnized 
Chi'ldhood,  s.  infancy,  the  state  of  a  child 
Chi'ldish,  a.  trivial,  puerile,  like  a  child 
Chi'ldless,  a,  having  no  children,  barren 
Chi'ldren,.  s.  the  plural  of  child 
Chil'iad,  s.  a  thousand 
Chiliae'dron,  s.  a  figure  of  a  thousand  sides 
Chil'iarch,  s.  a  commander  of  a  thousand  men 
Chill,  a.  cold,  depressed...*,  chillness,  cold 
Chill,  v.  a.  to  make  cold,  discourage,  blast 
Chil'liness,  Chil'ness,  s.  a  sensation  of  shiv- 
ering, cold  ;  want  of  warmth 
Chilly,  a.  somewhat  cold,  frosty,  raw 
Chime,  s.  a  sound  of  bells,  concord  of  sound 
Chime,  v.  n.  to  sound  in  harmony,  to  agree 
Chime'ra,  s.  an  odd  fancy,  a  feigned  monster 
Chimer'ical,  a.  imaginary,  whimsical 
Chim'inage,j.  toll  for  passing  through  a  forest 
Chi'mar,  /.  part  of  a  bishop's  vestment 
Chim'ney,  s.  a  passage  made  for  smoke 
Chim'ney-piece,  s.  an  ornamental  frame  of 

marble,  stone,  &c  round  a  fire-place 
Chin,  s.  the  lowest  part  of  a  human  face 
Chi'na,  s.   a  country  ;  china  ware,  porcelain 
Chin'cough,  s.  a  violent  disease  of  children 
Chine,  s.  the  back  bone.-.-u.  a.  to  cut  in  chines 
Chink,  s.  a  small  aperture  longwise  ;  money 

in  burlesque...^,  a.  to  jingle  like  money 
Chink'y,  a.  full  of  chinks,  gaping,  open 
Chintz,  s.  Indian  printed  callico 
Chip,  v.  a.  to  cut  into  small  pieces,  to  hack 
Chip,  Chip'ping,  s.  a  fragment  cutoff 
Chirog'rapher,   s.  an  officer  in  the  Common 

Pleas  who  engrosses  fines  in  that  court 
Chirog'raphy,  s.  the  act  of  writing 
Chi'romancy,  /.    divination  by  the  hand 
Chirp,  v.  n.  to  imitate  the  noise  of  birds 
Chirp,  s.  the  noise  of  birds  or  inse&s 
Chirur'geon,  s.  a  surgeon,  an  operator 
Chirur'gical,  a.  relating  to  surgery 
Chis'el,  s.  a  carpenter's  tool  to  pare  with 
Chit,  s.  a  baby,  a  child  ;  a  sprout  of  corn 
Chit'chat,  s.  prattle,  common  trifling  talk 
Chitterlings,  /.  the  guts  ;  the  bowels 
Chiv'alry,  s.  military  dignity,  knighthood 
Chives,  1.  the  threads  or  filaments  rising  in 
flowers  with  seeds  at  the  end  ;  a  species 
of  small  onions 
Choc'olate,  s.  a  preparation  of  the  Indian  co- 
coa-nut-shell  ;  the  liquor  made  with  it 

Choice,;,  a  thing  chosen  ;  power  of  choosing; 

variety,  plenty  ;  best  part  of  any  thing 
Choice,  a.  select,  of  great  value  ;  careful 
Choice'ness,  j.  nicety,  of  particular  value 
Choir,  j  part  of  a  church  ;  a  body  of  singers 
Choke,  v.  a.  to  suffocate,  suppress,  block  up 
Choke,  s.  internal  part  cf  an  artichoke 
Cho'kepear,  s.  a  rough,  harsh,  unpalatable 

pear  ;  any  unanswerable  sarcasm 
Chol'er,  s.  the  bile  ;  anger,  rage,  irascibility 
Chol'eric,  a.  full  of  choler,  angry,  offensive 
Choose,  Chuse,  v.  to  select,  to  pick  out 
Chop,  v.  to  cut  with  a  blow,  to  mince  ;  to 

devour  ;  to  change 
Chop,  a.  a  small  piece  of  meat ;  a  cleft 
Chop'house,  s.  a  house  to  eat  provisions  at 
Chop'in,j  the  Scotch  quart,  in  wine  measure 
Chop'ping,  a.  large,  lusty,  healthy,  jolly 
Chop'ping,  s.  a  sort  of  high-heeled  shoe 
Chop'py,  a.  full  of  holes  or  cracks 
Cho'ral,  a.  belonging  to  or  singing  in  a  choir 
Chord,  s.  the  string  of  a  musical  instrument 
Chord,  v.  a.  to  furnish  or  fasten  with  strings 
Chor'ister,  Cho'rist,  s.  a  singer  in  cathedrals 
Chorog'raphy,  s.  the  art  of  describing  partic- 
ular places  ;  teaching  geography 
Cho'rus,  s.  a  number  of  singers  ;  a  concert 
Cho'sen,  part,  made  choice  of,  selected 
Chough,  s.  a  sea-bird  which  frequents  rocks 
Choule,  s.  the  stomach  of  a  bird  ;  a  jowl 
Chouse,  v.  a.  to  cheat,  to  trick.../,  a  fool 
Chrism,  s.  an  holy  unguent  or  oil 
Chris'om,  s.  a  child  that  dies  within  a  month 

after  its  birth  ;  a  cloth 
Chris'ten,  v.  a,  to  baptize,  to  name 
Chris'tendom,  s.  the  whole  collective  body  of 

Chris'tening,  s.  the  act  of  baptizing  infants 
Chris'tian,  s.  a  disciple  of  Christ 
Christianity,  s.  the  religion  taught  by  Christ 
Chris'tianize,  v.  a.  to  make  Christian 
Chris'tian-name,;.  the  name  given  at  baptism 
Christ'mas,  s.  the  festival  of  the  Nativity  of 

Christ,  the  25th  of  December 
Chromat'ic,  a.  relating  to  colours  or  music 
Chron'ic,  Chron'ical,  a.  of  long  continuance 
Chron'icle,  s.  a  history,  register,  record 
Chron'icle,  i>.  a.  to  record  in  history 
Chron'icler,/.  an  historian,  recorder  of  events 
Chron'ogram,  s.  a  kind  of  verse  or  descrip- 
tion, the  numeral  letters  of  which  make 
up  the  date  of  the  action  mentioned 
Chronol'oger,  s.  an  explainer  of  past,  time 
Chronolog'ical,  a.  relating  to  chronology 
Chronol'ogy,  s.  the  art  of  computing  time 
Chrys'alis,  s.  aurelia,  or  the  first  apparent 

change  of  any  species  of  insect 
Chrys'oiite,  s.  a  precious  stone  of  a  dusky 

green,  with  a  yellow  cast 
Chubj  s,  the  name  of  a  fish,  the  chevia 

C   I  1* 



Chub'bed,  a.  big  headed,  like  a  chub,  stupid 
Chuck,  s.  the  voice  of  a  hen;  a  kind  word 
Chuc'kle,  v.  to  laugh  much,  to  fondle 
Chuff,  s.  a  blunt,  clownish  person. ..a.  surly- 
Chum,  s.  a  chamber  fellow  ;  a  messmate 
Chump,  s.  a  short,  heavy  piece  of  wood 
Church,  s.  a  place  of  divine  worship ;  the  col- 
lective body  of  Christians;  congregation 
Church,  v.  a.  solemnly  to  return  thanks  in 

the  church  after  child-birth 
Church'ing,  s.  the  aft  of  giving  thanks  in 

the  church  after  child-birth 
Church'man,  s.  a  clergyman  ;  a  member  of 

the  church  of  England 
Churchwar'den,  s.  a  parish  officer  chosen  by 

the  minister  and  parishioners 
Churchya'rd,    s.  the    ground  adjoining  the 

church,  where  the  dead  are  busied 
Churl,  s.  a  niggard  ;  a  rustic,  rude  person 
Churlish,  a.  untraceable,  provoking,  selfish 
Churl'ishly,  ad.  rudely,  surlily,  brutally 
Churi'ishness,  s.  rudeness,  ill  nature 
Churme,  s.  a  confused  sound,  a  noise 
Churn,  v.  a.  to  make  butter  ;  to  agitate 
Churn,  s.  a  vessel  used  to  coagulate  cream  in 
Chyla'ceous,  a.  belonging  to  chyle 
Chyle,*,  white  juice  of  the  stomach 
Chym'ical,  a. relating  to  chymistry 
Chym'ist,  s.  a  professor  of  chymistry 
Chym'istry,  s.  the  art  of  separating  natural 

bodies  by  fire  ;  preparing  chymicsls 
Cic'atrice,  s.  a  scar  left  by  a  wound 
Cic'atrize,  v.  a.  to  heal  awound,to  skin  over 
Cicero'nian,  a.  like  Cicero;  pure,  elegant 
Cicisbe'o,  s.  a  gallant  attending  a  lady 
Cic'urate,  -v.  a.  to  tame,  to  make  mild 
Ci'der,  s.  a  liquor  made  from  apple  juice 
Ci'derkin,  s.  an  inferior  kind  cf  cider 
Cil'iary,  a.  relating  to  the  eye-iids 
Cili'cious,  a.  made  of  hair,  hairy,  rough 
Cim'eter,  s.  a  Turkish  hanger  ;   a  sort   of 

sword,  short  and  recurvated 
Cinc'ture,  s.  a  belt,  sash,  girdle,  ring 
Cin'der,  s.  a  coal  burnt  till  the  sulphur  is  gone 
Cineri'tious,  a.  having  the  form  cf  ashes 
Cin'gle,.r.  a  girth  used  for  a  horse 
Cin'nabar,  s.  vermilion  ;  red  mineral 
Cin'namon,  s.  the  spicy  bark  of  a  tree 
Cinque,  ;.  five,  the  number  of  five  on  dice 
Cinque-foil,  j.  a  kind  of  five-leaved  clover 
Cinque-pace,  s.  a  grave  kind  of  dance 
Cinque-ports,  s,  five  havens  on  the  eastern 
coast  of  England;  viz.  Hastings,  Dover, 
Hithe,  Ramsey,  and  Sandwich 
Ci'on,  s.  a  sprout ;  the  shoot  cf  a  plant 
Ci'pher,  s,  the  character    [o]  in  numbers  ; 
the  initials  of  a  person's  name  interwo- 
ven ;  a  secret  manner  of  writing...?/,  n-  to- 
cast  accounts 
Ciphering,  s.  the  art  of  casting  accounts 

s  Cir'cinate,?/.  a.  to  make  a  circle;  make  round 

j  Cir'cle,  s.  a  round  body,  an  orb  ;  a  company 
Cir'cle,  <v.  a.  to  move  round  any  thing;  to 

enclose ;  to  confine  ;  to  move  circuiarly 
Cir'clet,  s.  a  small  circle  or  orb 

:  Cir'cuit,  s.  space,  extent,  aft  of  moving  round 
any  thing  ;   visitation  of  the  judges 

;  Cir'cuit,  v.  n.  to  move  in  a  circle 
Circu'itous,  a.  going  round  in  a  circuit 

|  Cir'culav,  a.  like  a  circle,  round  ;  vulgar 

i  Circularity,  s.  a  circular  form 

|  Cir'culate,  v.  a.  to  put  about,  to  move  round 

!  Circulation,  s.  a  circular  motion,  a  return 
Circumam'bient,  a.  surrounding 
Circumam'bulate,  v.  n.  to  pass  round  about 
Cir'cumcise,  v.  a.  to  cut  off  the  foreskin 
Circumci'sion,  s.   the  aft  of  cutting  off  the 

foreskin,  practised  by  the  Jews,  &c. 
Circumduct,  v.  a.  to  nullify,  to  contravene  ; 

to  carry  or  convey  round 
Circurn'ference,  s.  a  compass  ;  a  circle,  the 

periphery  or  limit  of  a  circle 
Circumferent'or,  s.  an  instrument  used   in 

surveying  to  measure  angles 
Circumflex,  s.  an  accent  used  to  regulate  the 
pronunciation  of  syllables,  including  the 
acute  acd  grave,  marked  thus   [a} 
Circum'fiuent,  a.  flowing  round  any  thing 
Circum'fiuous,  a.  environing  with  waters 
Circumfu'se,  v.  a.  to  spread  round,  to  diffuse 
Circumfu'sion,  s.  the  act  of  pouring  round 
Civcumgy'rate,  v.  a.  to  roll  or  wheel  round 
Circumi'tion,  f.  the  act  of  going  round 
Circumjacent,  a.  lying  round  any  thing 
Circumlocution,  s.  the  use  of  indirect  ex- 
pressions, &  circuit  of  words 
Circummu'red,  a.  walled  or  fenced  round 
Circumnavigation,  s.  the  act  of  sailing  round 
Circumnavigator,  s.  one  who  sail3  round 
Circumrota'tion,  s.  the  aft  of  whirling  round 
Circumscribe,  v.  a.  to  enclose,  limit,  confine 
Circumscrip'tion,  s.  a  limitation ;  determina- 
tion of  form  or  magnitude 
Cir'cumspeft,  a.  cautious,  watchful,  wary 
Circumspection,  s.  watchfulness,  caution 
Circumspective,  a.  attentive,  watchful 
Cir'cumstance5;.an  accident,  event,  incident 
Cir'cumstanced,  a.  situated,  or  placed 
Circumstantial,  a.  particular,  minute 
Circumstantiate,  v.  a.  to  describe  exactly 
Circumvalla'tion,  s.  a  fortification  surround- 
ing a  besieged  place 
Circumvention,  s.  the  aft  of  carrying  round 
Circumve'nt,  v.  a.  to  deceive,  to  over-reach 
Circumvention,  s.  fraud,  deceit,  prevention 
Circumve'st,  v.  a.  to  put,  or  garnish  round 
Circumvolve,  v.  a.  to  roil  round  about 
Circumvoiu'tion,  s.  a  turning  round 
Cir'cus,*.  area  for  sports,  with  circular  seats 
Cisslp'ine,  a.  lying  on  this  side  the  Alps 

C  L  A 



Cist,  s.  a  case ;  a  coat  ;  an  angry  tumour 
Cis'tern,  s.  a  vessel  to  catch  or  hold  water 
Cit'adel,  s.  a  fortress,  a  castle,  aplace  of  arms 
Ci'tal,  Cita'tion,  s.  reproof,  impeachment, 
summons  to  appear  before  a  judge;  a  quo- 
tation from  another  author ;  enumeration 
Cite,  v.  a.  to  summon,  to  enjoin,  to  quote 
Cit'ess,  s.  a  woman  residing  in  a  city 
Cith'ern,  s.  an  ancient  kind  of  harp 
Cit'izen,  Cit,  s.  one  inhabiting  a  city  5    a 

freeman...^,  having  qualities  of  a  citizen 
Cit'rine,  a.  like  a  citron  ;  of  a  lemon  colour 
Cit'rine,  s.  a  species  of  crystal  extremely  pure, 
out  of  which  jewellers  cut  stones  for  rings, 
&c.  frequently  mistaken  for  the  topaz 
Cit'ron,  s.  a  fruit  resembling  a  lemon 
Cify,  s.  an  episcopal  town 
Civ'et,  s.  a  perfume  obtained  from  the  civet 
cat.     The  Civet,  or  Civet  Cat,  is  a  little 
animal,  not  unlike  our  cat,  excepting  that 
his  front  is  pointed,  his  claws  less  danger- 
ous, and  his  cry  different 
Civ'ic,  a.  relating  to  civil  honours,  &c. 
Civ'il,  a.  political,  civilized  ;  kind,  polite 
Civil-law,  /.  the  national  law  of  a  country 
Civil-war,  s.  an  intestine  war 
Civilian,  s.  a  professor  of  civil  law 
Civil'ity, ;.  freedom,  kindness,  politeness 
Civ'iiize,  v.  a.  to  polish,  reclaim,  to  instruct 
Civ'ilized,  part,  polished,  improved,  civil 
Cize,  s.  the  surface  of  any  thing 
Clack,  s.  part  of  a  mill ;  a  continued  noise 
Clack,  17.  n.  to  talk  fast,  to  let  the  tongue  run 
Clad,  pret.  and  part,  of  io  clothe 
Claim,  s.  a  demand  of  any  thing  due,  a  title 
Claim,  17.  a.  to  demand  of  tight,  to  require 
Claimable,  a.  that  which  may  be  claimed 
Cla'imant,  s.  one  who  owns  or  demands 
Cla'imed,  part,  demanded,  owned 
Cla'mber,  v.  n.  to  climb  with  difficulty 
Clamm,  17.  a.  to  clog,  to  glue  ;  to  starve 
Clam'miness,  s.  ropiness,  stickiness 
Clam'my,  a.  ropy,  viscous,  sticky,  moist 
Clam'cur,  s.  outcry,  noise,  vociferation 
Clam'orous,  a.  noisy,  loud,  importunate 
Clamp,  s.  a  piece  of  wood  joined  to  another 
Clan,  s.  a  family  ;  a  race  ;  seel  of  persons 
Clan'cular,  a.  clandestine,  private,  hidden 
Clandes'tine,  a.  secret,  hidden,  sly 
Clandestinely,  ad.  secredy,  craftily 
Clang,  Cian'gcur,  Clank,  s.  a  sharp  ncise 
Clan'gous,  a.  making  a  shrill  noise 
Ciank,  i>.  to  clatter  ;  to  make  a  loud  noise 
Clap,  17.  to  strike  together;  to  applaud 
Clap,  s.  a  loud  noise ;  an  explosion  of  thun- 
der; an  aft  of  applause 
Clap'per,  s.  the  tongue  of  a  bell,  &c. 
Clap'perclaw,  17.  a.  to  scold,  beat,  chide 
Clarencie'ux,  s.  the  second  king  at  arms,  so 
named  from  the  duchy  of  Clarence 

1  Cla'ret,  s.  a  light  French  wine 
i  Clarification,  s.  the  act  of  making  clear 
j  Clar'ify,  17.  a.  to  make  clear,  to  purify 
j  Clar'ion,  s.  a  martial  instrument,  a  trumpet 
Clar'itude,  Clar'ity,  s.  brightness ,  clearness 
Cla'ro-obscuro,j.  the  art  of  distributing  lights 

and  shades  to  advantage 
Clash,  17.  to  contradict,  to  oppose,  to  wrangle 
Clash,  s.  a  noisy  collision  of  two  bodies 
Clasp,  17.  a.  to  embrace,  to  hug,  to  hold  fast 
Clasp,  s.  a  kind  of  hook,  a  holdfast 
Clasp'er,  s.  the  thread  of  creeping  plants 
Class,  17.  a.  to  range  or  set  in  order 
Class,  Ciass'is,  s.  a  rank,  order,  a  degree 
Class'ic,  s.  an  author  of  the  first  rank 
Classical,  a.  relating  to  authors  of  the  first 

rank ;  learned,  elegant 
Clat'ter, s.  a  rattling  confused  noise,  clamour 
Clat'ter,  17.  to  make  a  confused  noise 
Clause,  s.  a  sentence,  a  stipulation 
Claus'ure,  s.  a  shutting  up  a  hedge 
Claw,  s.  the  foot  of  a  beast,  bird,  or  fish 
Claw,  17.  a.  to  tear  with  claws,  to  scratch 
Clay,  s.  a  common  sort  of  earth 
Cla'y-cold,  a.  cold  as  earth,  lifeless,  dead 
Clean,  a.  free  from  dirt ;  innocent,  pure 
Clean,  17.  a.  to  free  from  dirt ;  to  purify 
Clean,  ad.  quite,  perfectly,  completely 
Clean'liness,  Cle'anness,  s.  neatness,  purity 
Clean'ly,  a.  free  from  dirt;  neat,  pure 
Cleanse,  17.  a.  to  free  from  dirt ;  to  purify 
Clear,  ad.  clean,  fully,  completely 
Clear,  v.  to  brighten,  to  gain,  to  remove 
Clear,A.bright;  guiltless  ;  plain  ;  unentangled 
Clear'ance,  s.  the  act  of  clearing;  acquittal 
Clear'er,  s.  brightener,  purifier,  enlightener 
Clearly,  ad.  plainly,  evidently,  honestly 
Clearness,  s.  transparency  ;  perspicuity 
Clearsighted,  a.  discerning,  judicious 
Clear'starch,  17.  a.  to  stiffen  with  starch 
Cleave,  17.  to  adhere,  stick  to  ;  split,  divide 
Cle'aver,  s.  a  butcher's  instrument 
Clef,  s.  a  mark  for  the  key  in  music 
Cleft,  s.  a  crack. ..part.  pass,  from  to  cleave 
Clem'ency,  s.  mercy,  humanity,  tenderness 
Ciem'ent,  a.  mild,  merciful,  gentle 
Clench,  v.  a.  to  fasten,  to  pin  down,  to  bend 
Clepe,  17.  a.  to  call,  to  name 
Clepsy'dra,  /.  an  ancient  instrument  to  mea- 
sure time  by  the  running  of  water 
Cler'gy,  s.  the  whole  order  or  body  of  divines 
Cier'gyman,  s.  a  person  in  holy  orders 
Cler-'ical,«.  relating  to  the  clergy,  orthodox 
Clerk,  s.  a  clergyman;  a  scholar;  man  of 

letters ;.  a  secretary,  or  book-keeper 
Clerk'ship,  s.  scholarship,  employ  of  a  clerk 
Clev'er,  a.  skilful,  dextrous,  ready,  fit 
Clev'erness,  s.  skill,  knowledge,  art 
Clew,  s.  a  ball  of  thread,  &c. ;  a  guide 
Clew,  v,  a.  to  draw  up  the  sails  to  be  furled 

C  L  O 



Click,  v.  n.  to  make  a  sharp  noise 
Click'er,  s.  a  caller  in  at  a  shop ;  a  servant 
Click'et,  s.  the  knocker  of  a  door 
Cli'ent,  s.  an  employer  of  an  attorney,  &c. 
Cliff,  or  C lift ,  /.  a  steep  rock,  a  precipice 
Climac'ter,  s.  every  seventh  or  ninth  year 
CHmacter'ic,  a.  containing  a  number  of  years, 
at  the  end  of  which  some  great   change  is 
supposed  to  befall  the  body 
CH'mate,  Clime,  s.  a  tract  of  land  ;  the  air 
Cli'max,*. rhetorical  figure ;  gradation ;  ascent 
Climb,  v.  a.  to  ascend  up  any  place 
Cli'mber,  s.  one  that  climbs ;  a  plant 
Clinch,  s.  a  pun,  a  witty  saying ;  part  of  a  cable 
Clinch ,  v.a.  to  hold  fast ;  to  contract ;  to  bend 
Clinch'er,  s,  a  cramp,  hold  fast ;  full  answer 
Cling,  v.  n.  to  twine  round ;  to  dry  up 
Clin'ic,  s.  a  person  confined  in  bed  by  sickness 
Clin'ical,  a.  bedrid,  sick,  disordered 
Clink,  v.  a.  to  sound  or  jingle  like  metal 
Clink'er,  s.  a  paving  brick  ;  bad  cinders 
Clin'quant,  s.  embroidery,  spangles 
Clip,  v.a.  to  cut  short,  to  embrace,  to  confine 
Clip'per,  s.  a  debaserof  coin  by  clipping  it 
Clip'ping,  s.  the  part  cut  off...part.  cutting 
Cloak,  v.  a.  to  hide,  conceal,  cover  over 
Cloak,  s.  an  outer  garment,  cover,  blind 
Clock,;,  an  instrument  to  shew  time ;  abeetle 
Clock'work^r. movement  by  weights  or  springs 
Clod,;,  a  lump  of  earth  or  clay;  adolt;  a  clown 
Clod'pate,  Clod'pole,  s.  a  stupid  fellow 
Clog,  s.  an  hindeiance  ;  a  sort  of  shoe 
Clog,  v-  to  hinder,  obstruct,  load,  adhere 
Clois'ter,  j.  place  of  religious  retirement ;  a 

square  with  piazzas 
Clois'ter,  v.  a.  to  shut  up  in  a  cloister 
Close,  v.  to  shut,  conclude,  confine,  join 
Close,  s.  a  small  field  enclosed ;  pause,  end 
Close,  a.  shut  fast ;  private  ;  sly  ;  cloudy 
Clo'sebodied,  a.  sitting  close  to  the  body 
Clo'sely,  ad.  secretly,  slily,  without  deviation 
Clo'seness,  s.  nearness,  privacy,  heat 
Clos'et,  s.  a  small  private  room 
Clos'etj-y.  a.  to  shut  up  in  a  closet,  to  conceal 
Clo'sure,  f.  an  enclosure,  end,  period 
Clot,  v.  n.  to  form  clots,  to  coagulate 
Clot,  s.  any  thing  clotted  ;  a  hard  lump 
Cloth,  s.  linen  or  woollen  woven  for  gar- 
ments ;  the  covering  for  a  table 
Clothe,  v.a.  to  cover  with  garments  ;  dress 
Clo'thier,  s.  a  maker  of  woollen  cloth 
Clo'thing,Cloaths,Clothes,  s.  garments, dress 
Cloud,  s.  a  body  of  vapours  in  the  air 
Cloud,  v.  a.  to  darken  with  clouds 
Cloud'capt,  part,  topped  with  clouds 
Cloud'less,  a.  free  from  clouds,  clear,  pure 
Cloud'y,  a.  dark,  obscure,  gloomy,  sullen 
Clove,  s.  a  spice  ;  grain  or  root  of  gar  lick 
Cio'ven,  part,  cleft,  divided,  separated 
Cfo'ver,  s.  a  species  of  trefoil  kind  of  grais 

Clo'vered,tf.  covered  with  clover 
Clough,  s.  a  cliff ;  an  allowance  in  weight 
Clout,  s.  a  cloth  for  any  mean  use  ;  a  patch 
Ciout'ed,  part,  congealed,  curdled 
Clown,  s.  a  rustic,  ill  bred  man  ;  a  churl 
Clown'ish,  a.  uncivil,  awkward,  ill  bred 
Cloy,  v,  a.  to  surfeit,  glut,  sate  ;  to  nail  up 
Cloy'less,  a.  that  cannot  surfeit  or  glut 
Cloy'ment,  s.  satiety,  fulness,  glut 
Club,  j.  a  heavy  stick  ;  a  society  ;  suit  of  cards 
Club,  v.  it.  to  join  in  common  expense 
Ciub'law,  s.  the  law  of  arms,  law  of  force 
Club'room,  s.  the  room  a  club  meets  in 
Cluck,  v.  n.  to  call  chickens  as  a  hen 
Clumps,  s.  a  stupid  fellow,  a  numskull 
Clum'siness,  s.  awkwardness,  unhandiness 
Clum'sy,  a.  awkward,  heavy,  thick,  bad 
Clung,  pre t.  and  part,  of  to  cling...v.  to  dry  as 

wood  does...a.  wasted  with  leanness 
Clus'ter,  s.  a  bunch,  body,  herd,  collection 
Clutch,  s.  a  grasp,  hand,  paw,  talon 
Clutch,  v.  a.  to  gripe,  hold  fast,  clinch 
Clut'ter,  s.  noise,  bustle,  hurry,  clamour 
Clys'ter,  s.  an  injection  into  the  anus 
Coa'cervate,  v.  a.  to  heap  together,  to  add 
Coach,  j.  a  carriage  of  state  or  pleasure 
Coa'ct,  v.  11.  to  act  together,  or  in  concert 
Coac'tion,  s.  compulsion,  restraint 
CoacVive,  a.  having  the  power  of  impelling 
Coadju'tant,  a.  helping, co-operating 
Coadju'tor,  s.  an  assistant,  helper,  ally 
Coagme'nt,  v.  a.  to  heap  together,  to  cement 
Coag'ulate,  v.  a.  to  curdle,  to  run  into  clots 
Coagula'tion,  s.  the  act  of,  or  body  formed  by 

curdling  milk,  &c ;  concretion 
Coal,  s .  a  mineral  used  for  firing 
Coal'ery,  s.  the  place  where  coals  are  dug 
Coale'sce,i\  n.  to  unite,  join  together,  to  close 
Coales'cence,  s.  act  of  uniting  together 
Coali'tion,  s.  an  union  in  one  mass  ;  junction 
Co'aly,  a.  like  coal,  containing  coal 
Coaptation,  s.  the  adjustment  of  parts  to 

each  other 
Coa'rct,  v.  a.  to  straiten,  confine,  press 
Coarse,  a.  vile,  rude,  gross,  not  fine,  large 
Coarse'ness,  s.  meanness,  rudeness,  roughness 
Coast,  s.  an  edge,  bank,  side,  shore 
Coast,  v.  n.  to  sail  along  or  near  to  the  coast 
Co'asting,  s.  sailing  near  the  land 
Coat,  j.  a  man's  upper  garment ;  a  petticoat; 

the  upper  covering  of  all  animals 
Coax,i;.  a.  to  wheedle,  flatter,  entice 
Co'balt,  s.  a  kind  of  marcasite  ;  a  mineral 
Cob'ble,  v.  a.  to  mend  coarsely,  or  clumsily 
Cob'bler,  s.  a  mender  of  shoes ;  a  bungler 
Cob'cal,  s.  a  sandal  worn  by  ladies  in  eastera 

countries  ;  an  open  slipper 
Cob'iron,  s.  an  iron  with  a  knob  at  one  end 
Cob'swan,  s.  the  head  or  leading  swan 
tCob'web,  i ,  a  spider's  web,.»«.  trifling^  weak 




Cochine'al,  t.  an  insect  used  to  die  scarlet 
Cock,  v.  a.  to  set  up  the  hat ;  to  cock  a  gun 
Cock,  s.  the  male  of  birds;  a  spout  to  let  out 
liquids ;  formof  a  hat ;  part  of  a  gun ;  heap 
of  hay  ;  the  needle  of  a  balance 
Cocka'de,  s.  a  ribbon  worn  on  a  hat 
Cock'ahoop,  ad.  in  high  mirth  and  jollity 
Cock'atrice,  s.  a  kind  of  serpent 
Cock'er,  v.  a.  to  fondle,  caress,  indulge 
Cock'er,  s.  one  who  handles  or  fights  cocks 
Cock'erel,  s.  a  young  cock  ;  a  small  cock 
Cock'et,  s.  a  ticket  from  the  custom-house 
Cock'horse,  a.  on  horseback ;  triumphant 
Cock'ing,  Cock'fight,  s.  a  fight  of  cocks 
Coc'kle, s.  a  shell-fish;  the  weed  cornrose 
Coc'kle,  v.  a.  to  contract  into  wrinkles 
Coc'klestairs,  s.  winding  or  spiral  stairs 
Cock'loft,  s.  a  room  over  a  garret 
Cock'match,  s.  a  battle  of  cocks  for  money 
Cock'ney,  s.  a  Londoner ;  a  mean  citizen 
Cock'pit,  s.  a  place  where  cocks  fight 
Cocks'comb,  s.  the  upper  part  of  a  cock's 

head ;  a  plant ;  lobeswort 
Cock'sure,  a.  quite  sure,  very  confident 
Co'coa,  s.  a  kind  of  nut,  liquor  made  from  it 
Coc'tion,  s.  the  a<5t  of  boiling;  digestion 
Cod,  s.  a  sea-fish  ;  the  husk  of  seeds 
Code,  s.  a  book  of  the  civil  law  ;  a  book 
Cod'icil,  s.  addition  or  supplement  to  a  will 
Codi'lle,  s.  a  term  in  playing  at  ombre 
Cod'le,  v.  a.  to  parboil,  to  dress  badly 
Cod'ling,  s.  a  sort  of  early  apple 
Coef'ficacy,  Coeffi/ciency,  s.  co-operation  ; 
the  power  of  several  things  acting  to- 
Coemption,  s.  the  act  of  buying  up  the  whole 
Coe'qual,  a.  equal  with,  in  the  same  state 
Coe'rce,  v.  a.  to  restrain  by  force,  to  check 
Coer'cion,  s.  a  restraint,  force,  check,  &c. 
Coer'cive,  a.  serving  to  restrain,  forcible 
Coessen'tial,  a.  partaking  of  the  same  essence 
Coeta'neous,  a.  coeval;  of  the  same  age 
Coeter'nal,  a.  equally  eternal  with  another 
Coe'val,  s.  a  contemporary,  of  the  same  age 
Coe'val,  Coe'vous,  a.  being  of  the  same  age 
Coexi'st,  v.  n.  to  exist  together  or  at  one  time 
Coexistent,  a.  existing  at  the  same  time 
Coffee,  s.  the  berry  of  an  Arabian  tree  ;  the 

liquor  prepared  from  that  berry 
Coffeehouse,*  .a  housewhere  coffee,&  sold 
Coffer,  s.  a  money  chest,  a  treasure 
Cofferer,  s.  a  principal  court  officer 
Coffin,  s.  the  chest  to  enclose  dead  bodies 
Cog,  v.  to  flatter,  to  wheedle,  to  cheat,  to  lie 
Cog,  s.  tooth  of  a  wheel  by  which  it  acts,  &c. 
Co'gency,  s .  force,  strength,  power 
Co'gent,  a.  forcible,  resistless,  convincing 
Cogita'tion,f.  thought,  meditation,  care 
Cog'nate,  a.  born  together,  alike,  allied 
'tion,  /,  kiadredj  relationship 

Cognise'e,  s.  one  to  whom  a  fine  is  made 
Cogniso'r,  s.  one  who  passes  a  fine  to  another 
Cogni'tion,  $.  knowledge,  conviction,  trial 
Cog'nizable,  a.  proper  to  be  tried  or  examined 
Cog'nizance,  s.  a  judicial  notice  ;  a  crest 
Cogue,  s.  a  small  wooden  vessel  ;  a  dram 
Cohab'it,  v.  n.  to  live  together,  &c. 
Cohab'itant,  ;.  one  living  in  the  same  place 
Cohe'ir,  s.  a  joint  heir  with  other  persons 
Coheir'ess,  s.  a  woman  who  is  a  joint  heiress 
Cohe're,  v.  n.  to  stick  together,  to  agree,  fit 
Cohe'rence,  Cohe'rency,  /.  connexion 
Cohe'rent,  a.  sticking  together,  consistent 
Cohe'sion,  s.  a  state  of  union,  connexion 
Cohe'sive,  a.  having  a  sticking  quality 
Co'hobate,  v.  «.fto  distil  a  second  time 
Cohoba'tion,  s.  a  repeated  distillation 
Co'hort,  s.  a  troop  of  soldiers,  in  number  SCO 
Coif,  s.  a  head  dress,  a  woman's  cap 
Coigne,  s.  a  corner 
Coil,  v.  a.  to  roll  up  a  rope ;  to  wind  in  a  ring 
Coil,  s .  tumult,  noise ;   rope  wound  in  a  ring 
j  Coin,  s.  money  stampt  by  authority 
J   Coin,  v.  a.  to  make  money ;  to  forge ;  invent 
|  Coin'age,  s.  the  practice  of  coining 
j   Coinci'de,  v.  n.  to  agree  with,  to  meet,  to  fit 
I  Coin'cidence,  s.  an  agreement,  concurrence 
j  Coincident,  a.  agreeing  with,  united 
!  Coin'er,  s.  a  maker  of  money  ;  an  inventor 
j  Coi'tion,  s.  the  act  by  which  two  bodies  come 
together,  &c. 
Coke,  s.  a  cinder  made  from  pit-coal 
Col'ander,  s .  a  straining  vessel ;  a  sieve 
Cola'tion,  Col'ature,  s.  the  acl  of  straining 
Colberti'ne,  /.  a  kind  of  lace  for  women 
Cold,  a.  not  hot ;  not  hasty  ;  chaste  ;  coy 
Cold,  s.  cold  weather;  chilness;  a  disorder 
Cold'ish,  a.  rather  cold ;  shy;  reserved 
j  Cold'ly,  ad.  indifferently,  negligently 
|   Cold'ness,  s.  want  of  heat  ;  indifference 
I   Co'lewort,  s.  a  sort  of  cabbage 
j  Col'ic,  s .  a  distemper  affecting  the  bowels 
|  Colla'pse,  v.  n.  to  fall  close,  or  together 
j  Coi'lar,  s.  something  round  the  neck  ;  a  band 
!   Coi'lar,  v.  a.  to  seize  by  the  collar 
I   Col'lar-day,  s.  a  day  on  which  the  knights  ap- 
pear at  court  in  the  collars  of  their  orders 
j   Colla'te,  v.  a.  to  compare  things  similar ;  to 
t       examine  that  nothing  be  wanting;  to  place 
in  an  ecclesiastical  benefice 
Collat'eral,  a.  side  by  side  ;  not  direft 
!   Colla'tion,  s.  a  repast ;  gift ;  comparison 
Colla'tor,*.  one  who  compares, presents,  &< 
Col'league,  s.  a  partner  in  office,  or  employ- 
ment ...v.  a.  to  unite  with 
j   Colle'ct,  i).  a.  to  gather  together,  to  infer 
Col'ledr., ;.  a  short  comprehensive  prayer 
Collec'tion,f-  things  gathered;  a  conclusion 
CollecVive,  a.  accumulative,  apt  to  gather 
Colle&'ively,  ad.  in  a  body ;  wholly 




Collect'or,  s.  a  gatherer  ;  a  tax-gatherer 
College,  j.  a  house  or  school  for  learning 
Colle'gian,  s.  a  member  of  a  college 
Colle'giate,  a.  containing  a  college 
Collet,  s.  the  part  of  a  ring  in  which  the  stone 

is  set  ;  any  thing  worn  round  the  neck 
Collier,  s.  a  digger  of  coals  ;  a  coal-ship 
Colliga'tion,  s.  the  act  of  binding  together 
Colliquate,i/.  a.  to  melt,  to  liquefy,  to  soften 
Colli'sion,  s.  act  of  striking  together,  a  clash 
Col'locate,  v.  a-  to  place,  station,  fix,  &c. 
Colloca'tion,  u  the  act  or  state  of  placing 
Collop,  s.  a  small  cut  or  slice  of  meat 
Collo'quial,  a.  relating  to  conversation 
Col'loquy,  s.  a  conference,  conversation, talk 
Collu'sion,  s.  a  deceitful  agreement 
Collu'sive,  a.  fraudulent,  deceitful,  bad 
Colly,  v.  a.  "to  grime  with  coal,  to  soil 
Co'lon,  s.  this  point  [:],  used  to  mark  a 
pause  greater  than  that  of  a  semicolon, 
and  less  than  that  of  a  period ;  the  greatest 
and  widest  of  the  intestines 
Colonel,  s.  the  commander  of  a  regiment 
Colonise,  v.  a  to  supply  with  inhabitants 
Colonna'de,  s.  a  range  of  pillars  or  columns 
Colony,  s.  a  body  of  people  drawn  from  the 
mother  country  to  inhabit  some  distant 
place  ;  the  country  so  planted 
Colophony,  s.  rosin,  turpentine,  pitch 
Colorate,  a.  coloured,  died,  tinged,  stained 
Colorific,  a.  that  is  able  to  produce  colour 
Colos'sus,  Colos'se,  s.  a  very  large  statue 
Colour,  s.  a  green,  red,  blue,  &c.  a  pretence 
Colour,  v.  to  die;  to  tinge;  to  blush;  to  cloak 
Colourable,  a.  specious,  plausible 
Colouring,  j.  an  art  in  painting  ;  an  excuse 
Colourist,  s.  one  who  excels  in  colouring 
Colours,  /.  a  banner,  flag,  streamer 
Colt,  s.  a  young  horse  ;  inexperienced  person 
Cclumbary,  s.  a  dove,  or  pigeon  house 
Column,  s.  a  round  pillar,  part  of  a  page 
Co'mate,  /.  a  companion,  an  associate 
Comb,  s.  an  instrument  for  the  hair  ;  the 
crest  of  a  cock  ;  the  cavities  in  which  bees 
lodge  their  honey 
Comb,  v.  a.  to  divide,  to  dress,  to  smooth 
Com'bat,  s.  a  battle,  duel,  contest 
Com'bat,  v.  to  fight,  to  oppose,  to  resist 
Com'batant,  s.  one  who  fights  with  another, 

an  antagonist  ;  a  champion 
Com'binate,  a.  betrothed,  settled,  fixed 
Combination,  s.  a  conspiracy,  an  association 
Combine,  -y.  to  unite,  agree,  link,  join 
Combined,  part,  joined  or  united  together 
Combustible,  a.  that  which  easily  takes  fire 
Combus'tion,  s.  a  burning,  hurry^  confusion 
Come,  v.  n.  to  draw  near,  happen,  proceed 
Come'dian,  s.  actor  of  comic  parts,  a  player 
Com'edy,  s.  a  laughable  dramatic  piece 
Come'liaess,  s,  grace,  beauty,  dignity 

Come'ly,  a.  graceful,  decent,  handsome 
Come'ly,  ad.  handsomely,  gracefully 
Com'et,  s .  a  blazing  star 
Com'fit,  s.  a  kind  of  dry  sweatmeat 
Com'fort,  v.  a.  to  ease,  revive,  make  glad 
Com'fort,  /.  assistance,  joy,  ease,  support 
Com'fortable,  a.  pleasing,  dispensing  com- 
fort, giving  satisfaction 
Com'fortless,  a.  without  comfort,  forlorn 
Com'ic,  a.  raising  mirth,  relating  to  comedy 
Com'ical,^    diverting,  merry,  queer 
Com'ing,  /.  an  arrival,  a  drawing  near 
Com'ing,  part,  fond  ;  future  ;  to  come 
Com'ma,  s.  a  point  marked  thus  [,3 
Comma'nd,  v.  a.  to  govern,  order,  overlook 
Comma'nd,  s.  a<ft  of  commanding  ;  order 
Command'er,  s.  a  chief,  a  paving  beetle 
Command'ress,  s.  a  woman  of  chief  power 
Commem'orate,  v.  a  to  preserve  the  memory 
Commemoration,  /.  a£t  of  public  celebration 
Commen'ce,  v.  n.  to  begin,  to  assume 
Commen'cement,  t.  a  beginning,  date 
Comme'nd,  v.  a.  to  recommend,  to  intrust 
Commen'dable,  a.  laudable,  worthy  praise 
Commen'dam,  s.    a  void  benefice  held  by 

some  person  till  a  pastor  is  provided 
Commenda'tion,  s.  praise,  recommendation 
Commend'atory,  a.  containing  praise 
Commen'surable,  a.  reducible  to  some  com- 
mon measure,  as  a  yard  and  a  foot  are 
measured  by  an  inch 
Cornmen'surate,  m.  a.  to  reduce  to  some  com- 
mon measure,,.*?,  equal,  proportionable 
Commensura'tion,  s.   a  reduftion  of  some 

things  to  some  common  measure 
Comme'nt,  v    n.  to  expound,  to  write  notes 
Com'mentary,  s.  an  exposition,  annotation 
Commenta'tor,  s.  one  who  explains 
Commentltious,  a.  invented,  imaginary 
Com'merce,  v.  n.  to  hold  intercourse 
Com'merce,  s.  trade,  traffic  ;  a  game 
Commer'cial,  a.  relating  to  trade,  trading 
Comme're,  s.  a  common  mother 
Commina'tion,  j.  a  threat  of  punishment 
Commin'gle,  i>.  a.  to  mix  or  join  together 
Comminu'te,  v.  a.  to  reduce  to  powder 
Comminu'tion,  s.  act  of  grinding  to  small 

parts,  pulverization,  reduction 
Commis'erable,  a.  deserving  pity,  mean 
Commis'erate,  v.  a.  to  pity ;  to  compassionate 
Comm5sera/tion,  s.  pity,  sympathy 
Com'missary,  s.  a  delegate  or  deputy 
Commission,  s.  a  trust,  warrant,  charge 
Commis'sion,  v.  a.  to  empower,  to  intrust 
Commissioner,  s.  one  empowered  to  act 
Commis'sure,  s.  a  joint,  a  seam,  a  mould 
Commit,  v.   a,  to  intrust ;  to  send  to  pris-* 

on  ;  to  give  in  trust ;  to  do  a  fault 
Commit'lee,  s.  a  certain  number  of  persons 
selected  to  examine  or  manage  any  matte* 


Commi'x,  v.  a.  to  mingle,  to  blend,  to  unite 
Commix'ion,  Commix'ture,  s.  a  compound 
Commo'de,  s.  a  woman's  head-dress 
Commo'dious,  a.  convenient,  suitable,  useful 
Commo'diousness,  s.  convenience,  use 
Commodity,  s.  interest,  profit,  merchandise 
Com'modore,    s.   a  captain    commanding  a 

squadron  of  ships  of  war 
Com'mon,  a.  equal,  vulgar,  usual,  public 
Com'moiij  s.  an  open  country,  public  ground 
Com'rnonalty,  s.  the  common  people 
Com'moner,  s.  a  member  of  parliament  ;  a 
student  of  the  second  rank  at  the  univer- 
sities ;  a  man  not  noble 
Commoni'tion,  s.  advice,  warning 
Com'monly,  ad.  frequently,  usually 
Com'monness,  s.  frequency,  an  equal  share 
Commonpla'ce,  v.  a.  to  reduce  to  general 

heads,  to  make  notes 
Commonplace'-book,   s.    book    for   general 

Com'mons,  s.  the  common  people  ;  the  lower 

house  of  parliament  ;  food  on  equal  pay 
Commonweal'th,  s.  a  republic,  the  public 
Commo'tion,  j.  a  tumult,  a  disturbance 
Commo've,  v.  a.  to  disturb,  to  unsettle 
Gommu'ne,  v.  n.  to  converse,  to  impart 
Commu'nicant,  s.  one  who  receives  the  sa- 
crament of  the  Lord's  Supper 
Commu'nicate,  v.  to  impart,  to  reveal  ;  to 

receive  the  Lord's  Supper 
Communica'tion,  s.   the  aft  of  imparting  or 
exchanging  ;  common  boundary  or  inlet  ; 
conference  ;  conversation 
Gommu'nicative,  a.  free,  ready  to  impart 
Commu'nion,   s.   taking  the  Lord's  Supper  ; 

fellowship,  union,  intercourse 
Commu'nity,    s.    the    commonwealth,    the 

body  politic,  a  common  possession 
Commu'table,  a.  that  may  be  exchanged 
Commutation,  s.  change  of  one  thing  for 

another,  alteration,  ransom,  atonement 
Commu'te,  v.  a.  to  exchange,  to  buy  off 
Com'paft,  s .  a  contract,  mutual  agreement 
Compa'ft,  a.  firm,  close,  solid,  exaft 
Compactness,  s.  closeness,  firmness,  density 
Companion,  s.  partner,  associate,  mate 
Com'pany,  s.  a  number  of  persons  assembled 
together ;  fellowship  ;  a  corporation,  body 
of  merchants  ;  small  body  of  foot  soldiers 
Com'pany,  v.  to  accompany,  associate  with 
Com'parable,  a.  of  equal  regard  or  value 
Comparative,  a.  estimated  by  comparison 
Comparatively,  ad.  in  a  state  of  comparison 
Compa're,   v.  a.  to  liken  or  examine  one 

thing  by  another,  to  estimate 
Compa're,  t.  comparison,  similitude 
Comparison,  s.  the  aft  of  comparing,  a  com- 
parative estimate,  simile  in  writing 
Compa'rt,  v.  a.  to  divide,  arrange,  separate 



Compart'iment,  s.  division  of  a  pifture,  &c. 
Comparti'tion,  s.  the  aft  of  partitioning 
Com'pass,  v.  a.  to  surround,  grasp,  obtain 
Com'pass,  s.  a  circle,  space,  limits,  power  of 

the  voice  ;  an  instrument  composed  of  a 

needle  and  card,  whereby  mariners  steer 
Com'passes,  s.  an  instrument  for  dividing, 

measuring,  or  drawing  circles 
Compas'sion,  s.  pity,  commiseration,  feeling 
Compas'sionate,  a.  merciful,  tender 
Compassionately,  arf.  tenderly,  mercifully 
Compatibility,  /.  consistency,  suitableness 
Compatible,  a.  consistent  with,  agreeable  to 
Compa'triot,  s.  one  of  the  same  country 
Compee'r,  s.  an  equal,  companion,  colleague 
Compee'r,  v.  n.  to  be  equal  with,  to  match 
Compe'l,  v.  a.  to  oblige,  to  constrain,  &c. 
Compella'tion,  s.  the  style  of  address 
Compen'dious,  a.  short,  brief,  summary 
Compen'dium,  s.  an  abridgment,  a  breviate 
Compen'sate,  Compen'se,  v.  a.  to  make  a- 

mends,  to  recompense,  to  counterbalance 
Compensation,  s.  a  recompense,  amends 
Competence,  Competency,  s.  sufficiency 
Com'petent,  a.  fit,  qualified,  adequate 
Competently,  ad.  properly,  reasonably 
Compet'ible,*.  suitable  to,  consistent  with 
Competi'tion,  s.  a  contest,  rivalship 
Competitor,  s.  a  rival,  an  opponent,  a  foe 
Compilation,  s.  a  colleftion,  an  assemblage 
Compi'le,  v.  a.  to  colleft  from  various  authors 
Compi'ler,  s.  one  who  compiles 
Compla'cency,  s.  pleasure,  joy,  civility 
Compla'cent,  a.  civil,  affable,  kind 
Compla'in,  v.  to  murmur,  lament,  inform 
Compla'inant,  s.  a  plaintiff  in  a  lawsuit  . 
Compla'int,  s.  an  accusation  or  impeachment  $ 

a  lamentation  ;  a  malady  or  disease 
Complaisan'ce,  /.  civility,  kind  behaviour 
Complaisa'nt,  a.  civil,  obliging,  kind,  polite 
Compla'nate,  Compla'ne,  v.  a.  to  smooth 
Complement,  s.  the  full  number,  &c. 
Complements,  a.  filling  up,  completing 
Comple'te,  a.  perfeft,  fall,  finished 
Comple'te,  v.  a.  to  perfeft,  to  finish 
Comple'tion,  s.  accomplishment,  fulfilling 
Com'plex,  a.  compounded  of  many  parts 
Complex'ion,  s.  the  colour  of  the  face,  &c. 
Complex'ly,  ad.  intricately,  obscurely 
Compliance,  s.  submission,  aft  of  yielding 
Compli'ant,  a.  yielding,  bending,  civil 
Complicate,  a.  compounded  of  many  parts... 

v.  a.  to  entangle,  to  join 
Complica'tion,  s.  a  mixture  of  many  things 
Com'pliment,  s.  an  aft  of  civility...?;,  to  flatter 
Compliment'al,  a.  expressive  of  respeft 
Com'pline,  s.  evening  service,  vespers 
Complo't,  s.  a  conspiracy,  combination 
Complo't,  v.  a.  to  plot,  conspire,  join  in 
Complot'ter, ;.  a  conspirator 



Comply',  v.  n.  to  yield  or  submit,  to  agree 
Compo'nent,  a  constituting,  forming 
Compo'rt,  v.  to  bear,  to  endure,  to  behave 
Compo'rt,  Comport'ment,  s.  behaviour 
Compo'rtable,  a.  consistent,  suitable,  fit 
Compo'se,  v.  a.  to  quiet,  settle,  put  together 
Compo'sed,  part.  a.  calm,  sedate,  serious 
Compo'ser,  s.  an  author,  a  writer 
Compos'ite,  a.  in  architecture,  the  composite 
order,  is  the  last  of  the  five  orders  of  co-  j 
lumns,  so  named,  because  its  capital   is  J 
composed  out  of  those  of  the  other  orders  < 
Composition,  s.  a  mixture;    an   agreement 
or  accommodation;  a  written  work;  the  aft 
of  discharging  a  debt  by  paying  part 
Compos'itor,  s.  one  who  arranges  the  letters 

for  printing 
Corn'post,  Compos'ture,  s.  manure,  dung 
CompoSt,  v.  a.  to  manure,  to  enrich  earth 
Composure,  s.  order,  form  ;  tranquillity 
Compota'tion,  s.  a  drinking  match 
Compo'und,  v-  to  mingle,  intermix ;  to  come 

to  terms  with  a  debtor 
Com'pound,  s.  a  mass  of  ingredients 
Compounder,  s.  one  who  brings  to  terms,  &c. 
Cornpvehe'nd,  v.  a.  to  include,  to  conceive 
Comprehensible,  a.  intelligible,  conceivable 
Comprehension,  s.  knowledge,  capacity 
Comprehensive,  a.  having  the  power  to  un- 
derstand, capacious,  full,  significant 
Compre'ss,  v.  a.  to  squeeze,  to  embrace 
Com/press,  s.  a  bolster  of  linen  rags 
Compress'ible,  a.  yielding  to  pressure 
Compression,  s.  aft  of  bringing  parts  near 
CompresSure,  s.  the  aft  cf  pressing  against 
Compri'nt,  v.  n.  to  print  another's  copy 
Compri'se,  v.  a.  to  contain,  to  include 
Comproba'tion,  s.  a  full  proof,  attestation 
Compromise,  s.  a  compact  or  bargain. ...v.  a. 

to  settle  a  dispute  by  mutual  concessions 
Compt,  .f.  account,  computation 
Comptro'l,  v.  a.  to  control,  to  oppose 
Comptroller,  s.  a  supervisor,  a  direftor 
Compul'satively,  ad.  by  constraint 
Compul'satory,  a.  compelling,  forcing 
Compulsion,  s.  the  aft  of  compelling,  force 
Compul'sive,  Compul'sory,  a.  forcing 
Compunc'tion,  s.  repentance,  remorse 
Compurga'tion,  s.  a  vouching  for  another 
Compu'table,  a.  that  may  be  numbered  up 
Computation,  s.  a  calculation,  an  estimate 
Compu'te,  v.  a.  to  calculate,  to  reckon 
Compu'ted,  part,  calculated,  estimated 
Com'rade,  s.  a  companion,  an  associate 
Con,  an  abbreviation   of  the    Latin    word 

contra,  against...i>.  a.  to  study,  to  think 
Concam'erate,  v.  a.  to  arch  over,  to  vault 
Concatenate,  v.  a.  to  link  or  join  together 
Concatenation,  s.  a  regular  series  of  links 
Con'cave,  a.  hollow  in  the  inside 

Concav'ity,  s .  the  inside  cavity,  hollowness 

of  a  round  body 
Con'cause,  s.  a  joint  or  mutual  cause 
Conce'al,  -v.  a-  to  hide,  keep  secret,  cover 
Conce'alable,  a.  that  which  maybe  concealed 
Conce'alment,  s.  the  aft  of  hiding,  shelter 
Conce'de,  v.  a.  to  admit,  to  grant,  to  yield 
Conce'it, ;.  a  fancy,  idea,  opinion  ;  pride 
Conce'it,  v.  a.  to  imagine,  fancy,  to  suppose 
Conce'ited,  pt.a.  proud,  opinionative,  affefted 
Conceivable,  a.  that  may  be  conceived 
Conce'ive,  v.  to  become  pregnant ;  to  think, 

to  understand,  to  comprehend 
Conce'iver,  s.  one  who  comprehends 
Conce'nt,  s.  harmony,  consistency 
Concen'trate,  v.  a.  to  drive  into  a  narrower 

compass,  contrary  to  dilate  or  expand 
Concen'tre,  v.  n.  to  bring  to  one  point 
Concen'tric,  a.  having  one  common  centre 
Concep'tible,  a.  intelligible,  conceivable 
Concep'ticn,  s.  the  aft  of  conceiving  in  the 

womb;   a  notion,  idea,  sentiment,  &c. 
Conce'rn,  v.  a.  to  affeft,  to  interest,  belong  to 
Conce'rn,  s.  an  affair,  business,  care 
Concerning,  prep,  relating  to,  or  about 
Concern'ment,  s.  a  concern,  business,  care 
Conce'rt,  v.  a.  to  contrive,  to  settle  privately 
Con'cert,  s.  music  in  several  parts,  harmony 
Concession,  s.  a  thing  yielded,  a  grant 
Conch,  s.  a  shell,  name  cf  a  fish 
Concil'iate,  -j.  a.  to  gain,  reconcile,  to  win. 
Conciliation,  i.  the  aft  cf  reconciling 
Conciliator,  s.  a  peace-maker,  a  friend 
Concin'nity,  s.  neatness,  fitness,  decency 
ConciSe,  a.  brief,  short,  contiafted 
Conciseness,  s.  shortness,  brevity,  force 
Concision,  s.  a  cutting  eff,  excision 
Concita'tion,  s.  a  stirring  up,  disturbance 
Con'clave,  j.  an  assembly  of  Cardinals,  Sec. 
Conclu'de,  v.  a.  to  finish,  close,  determine 
Conclu'dent,  a.  decisive,  convincing 
Conclusion,  s.  the  close,  end,  consequence 
Conclusive,  a.  decisive,  convincing,  strong 
Concoag'ulate,  v.  a.  to  congeal  together 
Conco'ft,  v.  a.  to  digest  by  the  stomach 
Concoc'tion,  s.  digestion  in  the  stomach 
Concomitance,  s.  a  subsisting  together 
Concom'itant,  a.  accompanying,  joined  to 
Concom'itant,  s.  a  companion,  attendant 
Con'cord,  s.  agreement,  harmony,  union 
Concordance,  s.  an  index  to  the  scripture*- 
Conccr'dant,tf.  agreeing,  suitable,  fit 
Concor'date,  s.  a  compact,  a  convention 
Concor'porate,  v.  a.  to  unite  in  one  mass 
Con'course, ;.  a  great  number  of  persons  as- 
sembled together,  a  meeting 
Concrete,  v.  a.  to  form  into  one  mass 
Con'crete,*?.  composed  of  different  matters, 

or  dissimilar  principles 
Concretion,  s.  an  union  of  parts,  a  mass 




Con'cubine, s.  a  woman  kept  in  fornication 
Concu'piscence,  s.  irregular  desire,  sensuality 
Concu'r,  v.  n.  to  agree  in  one  opinion 
Concurrence,  s.  union, help,  joint  claim 
Concurrent,  a.  acting  in  conjunction 
Conuur'rentaess,  s,  a  concurrent  state 
Concus'sion,  s.  the  act  of  shaking,  agitation 
Conde'mn,  v.  a.  to  passsentenceon,to  blame 
Condemnation,  s.  a  sentence  of  punishment 
Condemnatory,  a.  passing  a  condemnation 
Condens-'ate,  v.  a.  to  make  thick  or  dark 
Condensation,.?,  the  aft  of  thickening 
Gonden'se,  v.  to  grow  thick  or  close...fl.  thick 
Condenser,  s.  a  vessel  for  condensing  air 
Oondens'ity,  s.  the  state  of  being  condensed 
Con'ders,  s.  those  who  direct  herring  fishers 
Condescend,  v.  n.  to  yield,  stoop,  bend 
Condescension,  s.  submission,  courtesy 
Cond^'gn,  a.  deserved,  merited,  suitable 
Condiment,  s.  seasoning,  sauce,  zest 
Con'dite,  v.  a.  to  season,  preserve  by  salt 
Condition,  s.  quality,  temper,  disposition, 

circumstances,  rank,  stipulation 
Conditional,  a.  by  way  of  stipulation,  &c. 
Condi'tionary,  a.  stipulated ,  agreed  on 
Condo'Ie,  v.  to  lament,  mourn,  bewail 
Condo'lement,  *.  grief,  mutual  distress 
I '  indolence,  s.  grief  for  another's  loss 
Condona'tion, s.  a  pardoning,  a  forgiving 
Con'dor,  s.  a  large  ravenous  bird 
Condu'ee,  v.  to  help,  to  promote,  to  conduct 
':ibie,  a.  having  the  power  of  conduct- 
ing, promoting  or  accelerating 
Coudu'cive, a,  promoting,  helping,  &c. 
Con'duct,i-  behaviour,  economy 
Condu'ct,  v.  a.  to  guide,  manage,  to  order 
ConducVor,  s.  a  leader,  director,  chief 
Con'duit,  s.  a  water-pipe,  a  canal,  a  duct 
Cone,  s.  a  solid  body,  in  form  of  a  sugar-loaf 
Confab'ulate,  v.  n.  to  converse,  to  chat 
Confabulation,/,  easy  conversation,  chat 
Confec'tion,  s.  a  sweetmeat,  a  mixture 
Confectioner,  s.  one  who  makes  sweetmeats 
Confederacy,  s.  a  league,  an  engagement 
Confederate,-!*,  a.  to  unite,  to  combine 
Confederate,  s.  an  ally,  an  accomplice 
Confederation,/,  close  alliance,  union 
Confe'r,  v,  to  discourse  with,  to  bestow 
Conference,  s.  a  discourse,  a  parley 
Confe's3,"J.  a.  to  acknowledge,  grant,  own 
Confessedly,  ad.  avowedly,  indisputably 
Confes'sion,  s.  profession,  acknowledgment 
Confes'sor,  s.  one  who  hears  confessions 
Confe'st,  a.  open,  known,  plain,  evident 
Confidant,  Con'fident,  s.  a  person  trusted 

with  a  secret,  a  bosom  friend 
ConrVde,  -v.  n.  to  trust  in,  to  rely  upon 
Confidence,/,  assurance,  boldness,  trust 
Con'fident,  a.  positive,  daring,  impudent 
Confidential,  a.  trusty,  faithful 

Configuration, /.  the  form  of  various  parts 

adapted  to  each  other 
Config'ure,  v.  a.  to  fashion,  dispose  into  form 
Con'fine,  /.  limit,  border,  boundary 
Confi'ne,  v.  to  border  upon,  bound,  immure 
Confinement,  j.  restraint,  imprisonment 
Confi'rm,  v-  a.  to  settle,  establish,  to  fix,  to 
perfect,  to  strengthen ;  to  administer  the 
rite  of  ecclesiastical  confirmation 
Confirm'able,  a.  capable  of  being  proved 
Confirmation,  /.  proof,  convincing  testimo- 
ny ;  church  rite  by  which  baptised  persons 
are  confirmed  in  the  faith 
Confiscate,  v.  a.  to  seize  on  private  property 
Confiscation,  /.   the  act  of  seizing  private 

property  when  forfeited  by  crime,  &c. 
Con'fiture,  /.  a  mixture  of  sweetmeats 
Confi'x,  v.  a.  to  fix  down,  to  fasten  down 
Confla'grant,  a.  burning  together 
Conflagration,  s .  a  general  fire  or  burning 
Conflation,  /.  the  act  of  blowing  many  in- 
struments together  ;  a  melting  of  metal 
Conflict,  v.  n.  to  fight,  to  contest,  to  strive 
Con'flict,  /.    a  contest,  struggle,  agony 
Con'fluence,  /.  a  multitude  of  people  \  a  junc- 
tion or  union  of  several  streams 
Con'fluent,  a.  running  into  one  channel 
Con'flux,  /.  a  joining  of  currents,  a  crowd 
Confo'rm,  v.  to  comply  with,  to  yield,  to  suit 
Conformable,  a.  agreeable,  suitable 
Conformation,  /.   a    proper    disposition  of 

parts  as  relating  to  each  other 
Conform'ist,  /.  one  who  complies  with  the 

rites  of  the  established  church 
Confo'rmity,  /.  a  compliance  with,  similitude 
Confortation,  /.  the  act  of  strengthening 
Confo'undj-y.  a.  to  mix,  to  perplex,  to  disturb 
Confound'edly,  ad.  hatefully,  shamefully 
Confounder,  *.  one  who  destroys  or  perplexes 
Confrater'nity,  /.  a  religious  brotherhood 
Confront,  v.  a.  to  face,  to  oppose,  to  compare 
Confronted, part,  brought  face  to  face 
Confu'se,  v.  a.  to  confound,  perplex,  mix 
Confu'sion,  s.  disorder,  hurry,  astonishment 
Confutable,  a.  that  which  may  be  disproved 
Confutation,  /.  disproof,  act  of  confuting 
Confute,  v.  a.  to  disprove,  convict,  baffle 
Congee,  Conge',  /.  a  bow,  act  of  reverence 
Conge'-deiire,  /.  the  king's  permission  to  a 

dean  and  chapter  to  choose  a  bit- hop 
Conge'al,  v.  to  freeze,  harden,  grow  stiff 
Conge'alable,  a.  that  which  may  be  frozen 
Conge'alment,  /.  a  mass  formed  by  frost 
Congenial,  a. partaking  of  the  same  nature 
Con'geon,  /.  a  dwarf,  a  little  person 
Con'ger,  /.  a  fine  kind  of  large  eel,  a  sea  eel 
Conge'ries,  /.  a  mass  of  small  bodies 
Conge'st,  v.  a.  to  heap  or  lay  up,  to  amass 
Congestion,  s.  a  collection  of  humours 
Congla'ciate,  v.  a,  to  turn  into  ice,  &c. 


5  3 


Conglo'bate,  v.  a.  to  gather  into  a  hard  ball 
Congloba'tion,  s.  a  round,  hard  body 
Conglomerate,  v.  a.  to  make  round,  to  wind 

up,  to  gather  into  one  mass 
Conglomeration,  s.  a  collection,  mixture 
Conglutina'tion,  s.  the  act  of  uniting  bodies 
Con'gou,  s.  a  finer  sort  of  bohea  tea 
Congrat'ulant,  a.  rejoicing  in  participation 
Congratulate,  v.  to  wish  joy  to,  to  compli- 
ment on  any  happy  event 
Congratula'tion,  s.  a  wishing  of  joy 
Congrat'ulatory,  a.  expressing  joy 
Congre'e,  v.  n.  to  agree,  to  join,  to  accord 
Congre'et,  v.  a.  to  salute  mutually 
Con'gregate,  a.  collected,  firm,  close 
Congrega'tion,  s.  a  collection,  an  assembly 
Con'gress,  s.  a  meeting,  assembly  ;  combat 
Congress'ive,  a.  meeting,  encountering 
Congru'e,  v.  n.  to  agree,  to  suit,  to  conform 
Congruence,  s.  agreement,  fitness 
Con'gruent,  a.  agreeing,  suitable 
Congru'ity,  s.  fitness,  consistency 
Con'gruous,.a.  fit,  suitable,  meet,  agreeable 
Co'nic,  Con'ical,  a.  like  a  cone 
Co'nics,  s.  the  doctrine  of  conic  sections 
Cohjec'tor,  Conjec'turer,  s.  a  guesser 
Conjectural,  a.  depending  on  conjecture 
Conjec'ture,  s.  a  guess,  supposition,  idea 
Conjec'ture,  v.  n.  to  guess,  to  suppose 
Conjo'in,  v.  a.  to  connect,  to  league,  to  unite 
Conjoin'ed,  part,  united,  connected,  near 
Conjoint'ly,  ad.  in  union,  together,  jointly 
Con'jugal,  a.  belonging  to  marriage 
Conjugate,  a.  that  springs  from  one  original 
Conjugate,  v.  a.  to  join,  to  unite  ;  to  vary 

a  verb  according  to  its  tenses,  &c. 
Conjugation,  s.   couple,  a  pair  ;    the  form 

of  inflecting  verbs  ;  union,  assemblage 
Conju'nct,  a.  connected,  united,  conjoined 
Conjunc'tion,  s.  an  union,  meeting  together  ; 

the  sixth  part  of  speech 
Conjunctive,  a.  closely  united,  joined  toge- 
ther ;  the  mood  of  a  verb 
Conjuncture,  s .  a  critical  or  peculiar  time 
Conjura'tion,  s.  a  plot,  enchantment 
Conju're,  v.  n  to  enjoin  solemnly,  to  conspire 
Con'jure,  v.  ru  to  practise  enchantments,  &c. 
Conju'red,  part,  bound  by  an  oath 
Con'jurer,  s.  an  enchanter,  a  fortune-teller 
Conju'rement,  s.  a  serious  injunction 
Conna'scence,  s .  community  of  birth 
Conna'te,  a.  born  with  another 
Connatural,  a.  suitable  to  nature,  like 
Connat'uially,  ad.  by  nature,  originally 
Conne'ct,  v.  a.  to  join,  to  unite,  to  fasten 
Connected,  part,  joined  together,  united 
Conne'x,  v.  a.  to  unite  together,  to  join 
Connexion,  s.  an  union,  a  relation 
Conni'vance,  s.  the  act  of  winking  at  a  fault 
Conni've,t;.  n.  to  wink  at  a  fault,  &c. 
E  2 

Connoisseu'r,  s.  a  critic,  a  judge  of  letters 
Connu'bial,  a.  relating  to  marriage 
Connutri'tious,  a.  nourished  together 
Con'oid,  s.  a  figure  like  a  cone 
Conquass'ate,  v.  a.  to  shake,  to  disorder 
Con'quer,  v.  a.  to  overcome,  to  subdue 
Conquerable,  a.  possible  to  be  overcome 
Con'quercr,  s.  one  who  overcomes,   a  victor 
Con'quest,  s.  victory,  a  thing  gained 
Consanguineous,  a.  near  of  kin, related 
Consanguinity,  s.  relationship  by  bleed 
Conscience,  s.  the  faculty  by  which  we  judge 
of  the  goodness  or  wickedness  of  our  own 
actions  ;  veracity,  reason,  reasonableness 
Conscientious,  a.  scrupulous,  just,  exact 
ConScionable,  a.  reasonable,  proper 
Conscious,  a.  inwardly  persuaded,  privy  to 
Consciously,  ad.  with  inward  persuasion 
Consciousness,  s.  perception,  internal  sense 

of  the  guilt  or  innocence  of  our  actions 
Con'script,  a.  written,  registered,  enrolled 
Con'secrate,  v.  a.  to  make  sacred,  &c 
Consecra'tion,  s.  the  act  of  making  sacred 
Consentaneous,  a.  following  of  course 
Consect'ary,  s.  a  corollary,  a  deduction 
Consecu'tion,  s.  a  train  of  consequences 
Consecu'tive,  a.  following  in  order,  successive 
Consem'inate,  v.  a.  to  sow  mixed  seeds 
Consen'sion,  Conse'nt,  j.  concord 
Conse'nt,  -v.  n.  to  be  of  one  mind,  to  agree 
Consentaneous,  a.  agreeable  to,  accordant 
Consen'tient,  a.  uniting  in  opinion 
ConSequence;  ;,  an  effect ;  importance 
Consequent,  a.  following  naturally 
Consequential,  a.  conclusive;  important 
Consequently,  ad.  of    or  by    consequence, 

therefore,  necessarily,  inevitably 
Conserv'ancy,  s.  courts  held  for  the  preserva- 
tion of  the  fishery  in  the  river  Thames 
Conservation,  s.  act  of  preserving 
Conservative,  a.  having  power  to  preserve 
Conservatory,  s.  a  place  where  any  thing  :s 

kept,  a  green-house 
Conserve,  s.  a  sweetmeat,  .preserved  fruit 
Conse'rve,  v.  a.  to  preserve  or  candy  fruit 
Conserv'er,  j.  one  who  lays  up  or  preserves 
Consider,  v.  to  examine,  to  regard,  to  doubt 
Considerable,  a.  worthy  of  regard,  great 
Considerably,  ad.  importantly,  very  much 
Considerate,  a.  thoughtful,  prudent 
Considerately,  ad.  calmly,  prudently 
Consideration,    s.    regard,    notice,    serious 

thought,  prudence,  compensation 
Consi'gn,  v.  a.  to  make  over  to  another 
Consignment,  s.  the  act  of  consigning 
Consimil'ity,  s.  a  common  likeness 
Consist,  v.  n.  to  subsist,  to  be  made  of 
Consistence,   Consistency,    s.    the    natural 
state  of  bodies,  agreement,  substance,  form 
Consistent,  a.  conformable,  firm 


Consistently,  ad.  agreeably,  properly 
Consisto'rial,  a.  relating  to  a  consistory 
Consist'ory,  s.  a  spiritual  court 
Conso'ciate,  s.  an  accomplice,  an  ally 
Conso'ciate,  v.  a.  to  unite,  to  join,  to  cement 
Consocia'tion,  j.  alliance,  confederacy 
Conso'lable,  a.  that  v/hich  admits  comfort 
Consola'tkm,  s.  alleviation  of  misery 
Consol'atory,  a.  tending  to  give  comfort 
Console,  v.  a.  to  cheer,  to  revive,  to  comfort 
Conso'ler,  s.  one  who  gives  comfort 
Consolidate,  v.  to  harden,  to  combine 
Consolidation,  s.  uniting  in  a  solid  mass 
Consonance,  s.  an  accord  of  sound,  consist- 
ency, agreement,  friendship,  concord 
Con'sonant,  a.  agreeable,  suitable,  fit 
Consonant,  s.  a  letter  not  sounded  by  itself 
Con'sonous,  a.  harmonious,  musical 
Consopia'lion,  s.  the  act  of  laying  to  sleep 
Con/sort, s.  a  wife  or  husband,  a  companion 
Conso'rt,  v.  to  associate  with,  to  marry 
Conspeclu'ity,  s.  sense  of  seeing,  view 
Conspicu'ity,  j.  brightness,  clearness 
Consoic'uouSjfl.  easy  to  be  seen,  eminent 
Conspicuously,  ad.  remarkably,  eminently 
Conspic'uousness,  s.  clearness,  renown 
Conspiracy,  s.  a  plot,  a  lawless  combination 
Conspir'ator,  Conspi'rer,  s.  a  plotter 
Conspi're,  v.  n.  to  plot,  to  agree,  concert 
Conspurca'tion,  s.  defilement,  pollution 
Con/stable,  s.  a  common  peace  officer 
ConStableship,  s.  the  office  of  a  constable 
Constancy,  s.  firmness,  continuance 
Constant,  a.  firm,  unchangeable,  fixed 
Constantly  ,#d.  certainly,  invariably,  steadily 
Constella'tion,  s.  a  cluster  of  fixed  stars 
Consternation,  s.  fear,  astonishment,  wonder 
Constipate,  y.  a.  to  crowd,  to  stop,  to  thicken 
Constipa'tion,;.  the  act  of  crowding  together 
Constit'uent,  a.  essential, composing 
Constituent,  s.  one  who  deputes,  an  elector 
Constitute,  v.  a.  to  make,  depute,  to  set  up 
Constitution,  j.  the  frame  of  body  or  mind  ; 

law  of  a  country,  form  of  government 
Constitutional,    a.  legal,  according  to  the 

established  government;  radical 
Constitutive,  a.  essential, able  to  establish 
Constrain,  v.  a.  to  compel,  to  force,  to  press 
Constra'inab'.e,  a.  liable  to  constraint 
Constraint,  s.  compulsion,  confinement 
Constric'tion,  s.  contraction,  force 
Constrin'ge,  v.  a.  to  compress,  to  bind 
Coastrin'gent,  a.  of  a  binding  quality 
Constru'ct,  v.  a.  to  build,  to  form,  compile 
Construction, "j,  act  of  building,  fabrication  ; 

meaning,  interpretation  ;  the  syntax 
Constructive,  a.  capable  of  construction 
ConstrucVure,  s.  a  pile,  a  building,  an  edifice 
Cons'true,  -o.  a.  to  explain,  to  translate 
ttoastu/prafce,  v.  a.  to  violate,  to  debauch 



Consubstan'tial,  a.  of  the  same  substance 
Consubstantial'ity,  s.  existence  of  more  than 

one  body  in  the  same  substance 
Consubstan'tiate,  v.  a.  to  unite  into  one  com- 
mon substance  or  nature 
Consubstantia'tion,  s.  the  union  of  the  body 
of  our  Saviour  with  the  sacramental  ele- 
ment, according  to  the  Lutherans 
ConSuI,  x.   the  principal  Roman  magistrate  j 
an  officer  appointed  to  superintend    the 
trade  of  his  nation  in  foreign  parts 
ConSular,  a.  belonging  to  a  consul 
Consulate,  Consulship,  s.  office  of  consul 
Consu'lt,  v.  a.  to  ask  advice,  to  debate,  plan 
Consulta'tion,  s.  the  act  of  consulting,  &c. 
Consu'mable,  a,  capable  of  destruction 
Consu'me,  v.  a.  to  waste,  destroy,  to  spend 
Consu'med,/>#rr.  destroyed,  wasted  away 
Consu'mer,  s.  one  who  destroys,  &c. 
Consum'mate,  v.  a.  to  complete,  to  perfect 
Consummation, j,  completion,perfection,end 
Consump'tion,  s.  the  act  of  consuming  or 

destroying  ;  a  disease 
Consumptive,  a.  destructive,  wasting 
Contab'ulate,  v.  a.  to  floor  with  boards 
Con'tact,  /.  a  touch,  juncture,  close  union 
Contac'tion,  s.  the  act  of  touching 
Conta'gion,  s.  a  pestilence,  an  infection 
Conta'gious,  a.  infectious,  catching 
Ccnta'in,  v.  a.  to  hold,  comprise,  restrain 
Containable,  a.  possible  to  be  contained 
Contaminate,  v.  a.  to  defile,  to  corrupt 
Contaminate,  a.  polluted,  defiled 
Contamination,  s.  defilement,  taint 
Conte'mn,  v.  a.  to  despise,  scorn,  neglect 
Contemp'er,  Contemp'erate,  v.  a.  to  mode- 
rate or  temper  by  mixture 
Contemp'erament,  s.  degree  of  any  quality 
Contempera'tion,  s.  the  act  of  tempering,  a 

proportionate  mixture  of  parts 
Contem'plate,  v.  to  muse,  meditate,  study 
Contemplation,  s.  meditation,  thought 
Contemplative,  a.  studious,  thoughtful 
Contempla'tor, s.  one  employed  in  study 
Contemporary,  s.  one  who  lives  at  the  same 

time  with  another 
Contemporary,  Contemporaneous,  a.  living 

at  the  same  time,  born  in  the  same  age 
Contemp'orise,  v.  a.  to  make  contemporary 
Coute'mpt,  i.  scorn,  disdain,  hate,  vileness 
Contempt'ible,  a.  deserving  scorn,  base 
Contemptibly,  ad.  meanly,  vilely,  basely 
Contemptuous,  a.  scornful,  proud,  insolent 
Conte'nd,  v.  to  strive  with,  to  contest 
Contender,  s.  a  combatant,  a  champion 
Conte'nt,  a.  satisfied,  easy,  willing 
Conte'nt,  s.  moderate  happiness,  satisfaction^ 

extent../y.  a .  to  please,  to  gratify 
Contenta'tion,  s.  satisfaction,  content 
Contented,  part,  satisfied,  not  repining 



Contention,  s.  strife,  debate,  contest,  zeal 
Conten'tious,  a.  quarrelsome,  perverse 
Contentless,  a.  dissatisfied,  uneasy 
Content'ment,  s.  gratification,  satisfaction 
Contents,  s.  the  beads  of  a  book  ;  an  index  ; 

what  is  contained  in  any  thing ;  amount 
Conterminous,  a.  bordering  upon 
Con'test,  s .  a  dispute,  debate,  quarrel 
Conte'st,  v.  to  dispute,  wrangle,  to  vie  with 
Contest'able,  a.  disputable,  uncertain 
Conte'x,  v.  a.  to  weave  together 
Context,  s.  series  of  a  discourse...^,  united 
Context'ure,  s.  an  interweaving  or  joining 

together  of  a  discourse,  the  system 
Contiguity,  /.  actual  contact 
Contiguous,  a.  meeting  so  as  to  touch 
Continence,  or  Con'tinency,  s.  chastity,  re- 
straint, moderation,  forbearance 
Continent,  s.  land  not  disjoined  by  the  sea 

from  other  land 
Continent,  a.  chaste,  abstemious,  temperate 
Contingent,  a.  accidental,  uncertain 
Contingent,  s.  chance,  proportion 
Contin'ual,  a.  incessant,  uninterrupted 
Contin'ualiy,  ad.  without  pausing,  ever 
Continuance,;,  duration, permanence ;  abode 
Contin'uate,  a.  continual,  uninterrupted 
Continuation,  s.  a  constant  succession 
Contin'ue,  v.  to  remain  in  the  same  state  ; 
to  dwell,  to  persevere,  to  last,  to  prolong 
Continuity,  s.  uninterrupted  connexion 
Conto'rt,  v.  a.  to  twist,  to  writhe,  to  torture 
Conto'rtion,  s.  a  twist,  a  strain,  a  flexure 
Con'tour, ;.  the  outline  of  a  figure 
Con'tra,  a  Latin  preposition  used  in  compo- 
sition, which  signifies  against 
Contraband,  a.  unlawful,  forbidden,  illegal 
Contract,  s.  a  bargain,  an  agreement 
Contra'ct,  v.  to  shorten,  to  affiance,  to  be- 
troth ;  to  bargain  ;  to  shrink  up 
Contractlble,  a.  capable  of  contraction 
Contractile,  a.  able  to  contract  itself 
Contraction,  s.  an  abbreviation,  the  act  of 

shortening  or  abridging 
Contractor,  s.  one  who  makes  bargains 
Contradi'ct,  v.  a.  to  oppose  verbally,  to  deny 
Contradictor,  s.  an  opposer,  a  denier 
Contradiction,  s.  opposition,  inconsistency 
Contradictory,  a.  inconsistent  with 
Contradistinction,  s.  a  distinction  by  oppo- 
site qualities 
Contra: egularlty,  s.  difference  from  rule 
Contra'riant,  a.  inconsistent,  cross 
Contraries,  s.  propositions  that  oppose 
Contrariety,  s-  opposition,  inconsistency 
Contrarily,  ad.  in  a  different  manner 
Contra'riwise,  ad.  on  the  contrary 
Contrary,  a.  opposite,  disagreeing,  adverse 
Contrast,  / .  an  opposition  of  figures 
Contra'st,  v.  a.  to  ptece  in  opposition 

Contrasted,  part,  set  in  opposition  to 
Contravallation,  s.  a  fortification  thrown  up 

to  prevent  sallies  from  a  garrison 
Contravene,?;,  a.  to  oppose,  to  hinder 
Contravention,  s.  opposition,  obstruction 
Contrib'utary,  a.  paying  tribute  to  the  same 

Contribute,  v.  to  give,  to  bear  a  part 
Contributing,  part,  assisting,  helping 
Contribution,  j.  the  act  of  contributing;  a 

military  exact ron,  a  levy 
Contristate,  v.  a.  to  make  sorrowful 
Contrite,  a.  truly  penitent,  very  sorrowful 
Contrition,  s.  act  of  grinding  ;  penitence 
Contri'vance,  s.  a  scheme,  a  plot,  an  art 
Contri've,  v.  a.  to  plan,  invent,  project 
Contri'ver,  s.  an  inventor,  a  schemer 
Control,  s.  power,  authority,  restraint 
Control,  v.  a.  to  govern,  restrain,  confute 
Controllable,  a.  subject  to  control 
Controller,  s.  one  who  has  power  to  control 
Controllership,  s  the  office  of  a  controller 
Control'ment,  s.  restraint,  opposition 
Controversial,  a.  relating  to  disputes 
Controversy,  s.  a  dispute,  quarrel,  enmity 
Controvert,  v.  a.  to  debate,  dispute,  quarrel 
Controvertible,  a.  disputable,  dubious 
Controvertist,  r.  a  disputant,  a  reasoner 
Contumacious,  a.  obstinate,  perverse 
Contuma'ciousness,  or  Contumacy,  s.  obsti- 
nacy, stubbornness,  inflexibility 
Contumelious,  a.  reproachful,  rude,  brutal 
Contumely,  j.  rudeness,  contemptuousness 
Contu'se,  v.  a.  to  bruise,  to  beat  together 
Contu'sion,  s.  a  bruise,  act  of  bruising 
Convalescence,  s.  a  renewal  of  health 
Convalestent,  a.  recovering,  &c. 
Conve'nable,  a.  consistent  with,  fit 
Convene,  v.  to  call  together,  to  assemble 
Convenience,  s.  fitness,  propriety,  ease 
Convenient,  a.  fit,  suitable,  well  adapted 
Conveniently,  ad.  commodiously,  fitly 
Con'vent,  s.  a  religious  house,  a  nunnery 
Conventicle,  s.  an  assembly  for  worship,  a 

secret  assembly,  a  meeting  house 
Conventicler,  s.  one  who  belongs  to  or  fre- 
quents a  meeting-house  or  conventicle 
Convention,  s.  an  assembly;  a  contract  or 

agreement  for  a  limited  time 
Conventional,  a.  stipulated, done  by  contract 
Conven'tionary,  a.  settled  by  contract 
Conventtial,  a.  belonging  to  a  convent 
Conve'rge,  v.  n.  to  tend  to  one  point 
Convers'able,  a.  fit  for  conversation,  sociable 
Con'versant,  a.  acquainted  with,  skilled  in 
Conversation,  s.  familiar  discourse,  chat 
Convers'ative,  a.  relating  to  public  life 
Con'verse,  s.  manner  of  discoursing  in  a  fa- 
miliar way,  acquaintance,  familiarity 
I  Conve'rse,  v,  n,  to  discourse,  to  cohabit  with 




Con'verse,  a.  contrary,  directly  opposite 
Conversely,  ad.  by  a  change  of  order  or  place 
Conversion,  s.  change  from  one  state   into 

another;  transmutation;  change  from  one 

religion  to  another 
Con'vert,  s.  one  who  changes  his  opinion 
Conve'rt,  v.  a.  to  change,  turn,  appropriate 
Convert'er,  s.  one  who  makes  converts 
Convertible,  a.  susceptible  of  change 
Con'vex,  a.  rising  in  a  circular  form,  as  the 

outside  of  a  globe ;  opposite  to  concave 
Con'vex,  s.  a  convex  or  spherical  body 
Convex'ity, /.  a  spherical  form,  rotundity 
Conve'y,-y.  a.  to  carry,  send,  make  over 
Conveyance,/,  act  of  removing  anything; 

a  deed   or  writing,  by   which  property  is 

transferred;  juggling  artifice,  &c. 
Convey'ancer,  s.    a   lawyer  who  draws  up 

writings  by  which  property  is  transferred 
Convey'er,  s.  one  who  carries  or  transmits 
Convi'dtj-u.  a.  to  prove  guilty,  to  detect 
Con'vict,  s.  one  convicted  or  detected 
Conviction,  /.  a  detection  of  guilt,  full  proof 
Convict'ive,  a  tending  to  convince 
Convin'ce,  v.  a.  to  make  a  person  sensible  of 

a  thing  by  full  proofs,  to  prove 
Convin'cible,  a.  capable  of  conviction 
Convincingly,  ad.  without  room  to  doubt 
Convi've,  v.  a.  to  entertain,  to  feast,  to  revel 
Conviv'ial,  a.  social,  gav,  festive,  pleasing 
Conun'drum,  s.  a  quibble,  quirk,  low  jest 
Con'vocate,  v.  a.  to  call  or  summon  together 
Convocation,  s.  an  ecclesiastical  assembly 
Convo'ke,  v.  a.  to  summon  or  call  together 
Convol've,  v.  a.  to  roll  together,  wind,  turn 
Convoluted,  a.  rolled  upon  itself,  twisted 
Convolution,  s.  a  rolling  together 
Convo'y,  v.  a.  to  accompany  for  defence 
Con'voy,  s.  an  attendance  for  defence 
Co'nusance,  s.  cognizance  ;  notice 
Convul'se,  v.  a.  to  give  a  violent  motion 
Convul'sion,  s.  an  involuntary  and  irregular 

contraction  of  the  muscles,  fibres,  &c. 
Oon'y,  S'  a  rabbit,  an  animal  that  burrows 

in  the  ground 
Coo,  v.  n.  to  cry  as  a  dove  or  pigeon 
Cook,  s.  one  who  dresses  victuals,  &c. 
Cook,  v.  a.  to  dress  or  prepare  victuals,  &c. 
Cook'ery,  s.  the  art  of  dressing  victuals 
Cool,  v.  to  make  or  grow  cool,  to  quiet 
Cool,  a.  somewhat  cold  ;  not  fond 
Cool'er,  s.  a  brewing  vessel,  used  to  cool  beer 

in  ;  what  cools  the  body 
Cool'ness,  s.  freedom  from  passion,  indiffer- 
ence, want  of  affection;   gentle  cold 
Coom,  s.  soot,  dust,  grease  for  wheels 
Coomb,  s.  a  corn  measure  of  four  bushels 
Coop,  s.  a  wooden  cage  for  poultry  ;  a  barrel 
Coop,  v.  a.  to  shut  up,  cage,  confine,  restrain 
Caope'e,  s.  a  motion  in  dancing 

Coop'er, s.  a  maker  of  barrels,  &c. 
Co-op'erate,  v.n.  to  labour  for  the  same  end 
Co-opera'tion,  s.  the  act  of  contributing  or 

concurring  to  the  same  end 
Co-opta'tion,  s.  election,  assumption,  choice 
Co-or'dinate,  a.  holding  the  same  rank 
Coot,  s.  a  small  black  water  fowl 
Cop,  s.  the  head,  the  top  of  any  thing 
Co'pal,  s.  the  Mexican  term  for  a  gum 
Copar'cenary,  Coparceny,  s.   an  equal  share 

in  a  patrimonial  inheritance 
Copart'ner,  s.  a  joint  partner  in  business 
Copartnership,  s.  the  having  an  equal  share 
Cope,  s.  a  priest's  cloak  ;  a  concave  arch 
Cope,  v.  to  contend  with,  to  strive,  to  oppose 
Co'pesmate,  j.  a  companion,  associate,  friend 
Cop'ier,  Cop'yist,  s.  one  who  copies  or  imitates 
Co'ping,  j.  the  covering  of  a  wall 
Co'pious,  a.  abundant,  plentiful,  full,  &c. 
Cop'ped,Cop'pled,  a.  rising  to  a  top  or  head 
Cop'pel,  s  an  instrument  used  in  chymistry. 

Its  use  is  to  purify  gold  and  silver 
Cop'per,  j.  a  metal ;  a  large  boiler 
Cop'peras,/.  a  sort  of  mineral  or  vitriol 
Cop'per-plate,  s.  an  impression  from  a  figure 
engraved  on  copper;  the  plate  on  which 
any  thing  is  engraved  for  printing 
Cop'persmith,  s.  one  who  works  in  copper 
Cop'pery,a.  tasting  of,  or  mixed  with,  copper 
Cop'pice,  Copse,  s.  a  wood  of  small  low  trees* 
Cop'pledust,  j.  powder  for  purifying  metals 
Cop'ulate,  v.  to  mix,  unite,  conjoin,  &c. 
Copulation,  s.  the  congress  of  the  two  sexes 
Cop'ulative,  a.  joining  or  mixing  together 
Cop'y,  s.  a  manuscript,  an  imitation,  a  pat- 
tern to  write  after ;  duplicate  of  any  ori- 
ginal writing,  or  of  a  picture 
Cop'y,  v.  to  transcribe,  imitate,  write  from 
Cop'y-book,  s.  a  book  in  which  copies  are 

written  for  learners  to  imitate 
Cop'yhold,  s.   a  tenure  under  the  lord  of  a 

manor ,  held  by  the  copy  of  a  court  roll 
Cop'yholder,.r.  one  possessed  of  copyhold  land 
Cop'yright ,  s.  the  sole  right  to  print  a  book 
Coquet,  v.  a.  to  deceive  in  love,  to  jilt 
Coquet'ry,  s.  deceit  in  love,  affectation 
Coquette,  s.  a  gay,  airy  woman,  who  by  va- 
rious arts  endeavours  to  gain  admirers 
Co'racle,  j.  a  boat  used  in  Wales  by  fisher- 
men,   made  by  drawing  leather  or  oiled 
cloth  upon  a  frame  of  wicker-work 
Cor'al,  s.  a  sea  plant,  a  child's  ornament 
Cor'alline,  a.  consisting  of  coral 
Cora'nt,  s.  a  nimble  sprightly  dance 
Corb, ;.  a  basket  used  in  coaleries 
Corb'an,  s.  an  alms-basket,  a  gift,  an  alms 
Cord,  s.  a  rope  ;  a  sinew,  a  measure  of  wood 
Cord,  v.  a.  to  tie,  or  fasten  with  cords 
Cord 'age,  s.  a  quantity  of  ropes  for  a  shipi 
Cordeii'erj*.  a  Franciscan  friar 


5  7 


Cor'dial,  s.  a  cherishing,  comforting  draught 
Cor'dial,  a.  reviving,  sincere,  hearty 
Cordial'ity,  s.  sincerity,  affection,  esteem 
Cor'dially,  ad.  sincerely,  heartily,  truly 
Cord'wain,  s.  fine  Spanish  leather 
Cord'wainer,  Cor'diner,  s.  a  shoemaker 
Cord'wood,  s.  wood  tied  up  for  firing 
Core,  s .  the  heart  or  inner  part  of  a  thing 
Coria'ceous,  a.  consisting  of  or  like  leather 
Corian'der,  s.  a  plant,  a  hot  seed 
Cor'inth,  s.  the  fruit  usually  called  currant 
Corinth'ian.or^r,  s.  the  name  of  the  fourth 

order  in  architecture 
Cork,  s.  a  tree  resembling  the  ilex  •,  its  bark  j 

the  stopple  of  a  bottle. ..v.  a.  to  stop  up 
Cork'screw,  s.  a  screw  to  draw  corks  with 
Cor'morant,  s.  a  bird  of  prey,  a  glutton 
Corn,  s.  a  grain  ;  seeds  which  grow  in  ears, 

not  in  pods  ;  an  excrescence  on  the  feet 
Corn,  v.  a.  to  salt,  to  granulate 
Corn'chandler,  s.  a  retailer  of  corn 
Corn 'el,  /.  a  plant,  the  cornelian  cherry 
Corne'lian,  s.  a  precious  stone 
Cor'neous,  a.  horny,  resembling  horn 
Cor'ner,  s.  an  angle  ;  a  secret  or  remote  place  ; 

the  extremity,  or  utmost  limit 
Cor'net,  s.  a  musical  instrument  ;  the  officer 

who  bears  the  standard  of  a  troop  of  horse 
Cor'neter,  /.  one  who  plays  on  a  cornet 
Cor'nice,  s.  the  uppermost  ornament  of  a 

wall  or  wainscot,  the  top  of  a  column 
Cor'nicle,  s.  a  small  horn 
Corni'gerous,  a.  horned,  having  horns 
Cornuco'pia,  s.  the  horn  of  plenty 
Cornu'ted,  pari,  having  horns,  cuckolded 
Cornu'to,  s.  a  cuckold 

Corollary,  s.  an  inference, deduction,  surplus 
Cor'ollated,  a.  having  flowers  like  a  crown 
Coronal,  s.  a  chaplet,  a  garland...*!,  relating 

to  the  top  of  the  head 
Cor'onary,  a.  relating  to  a  crown 
Corona'tion,  s.  solemnity,  or  act  of  crowning 
Cor'oner,  s.  a  civil  officer,  who,  with  a  jury, 

inquires  into  casual  or  violent  deaths 
Cur'onet,  s.  a  crown  worn  by  nobility 
Cor'poral,  s.  the  lowest  officer  of  the  infantry 
Corpo'real,  Cor'poral,  a  bodily,  material 
Cor'porate,  a.  united  in  a  body 
Corpora'tion,  s.  a  body  politic,  authorized 

by  common  consent  to  grant  in  law  any 

thing  within  the  compass  of  their  charter 
Corps,  s.  a  body  of  soldiers,  a  regiment 
Corpse,  s.  a  dead  body,  a  carcass,  a  corse 
Corpulence,  s.  bulkiness  of  body,  fleshiness 
Cor'pulent,  a.  fleshy,  bulky,  gross 
Corpus'cle,  j.  a  small  body,  an  atom 
Corra'de,  v.  a.  to  rub  off,  to  scrape  together 
Corradia'tion,  s..  an  union  of  rays 
Corre'ct,  v.  a.  to  punish,  chastise,  amend 
Corre'ct,  a.  finished  with  exactness 

Correction,  s.  punishment,  amendment 
Corrective,  a.  able  to  alter  or  corredt,  good 
Correct'ly,  ad.  accurately,  exactly,  neatly 
Correctness,  /,  accuracy,  exactness,  nicety 
Corre-'gidor ,  s.  a  chief  magistrate  in  Spain 
Correlate,  ■/.  what  has  an  opposite  relation 
Correlative,  a.  having  a  reciprocal  relation 
Correp'tion,  s.  reproof,  chiding,  rebuke 
Correspond,  v.  n.  to  suit,  to  fit,  to  agree,  to 
keep  up  a  commerce  with  another  by  letters 
Correspond'ence,  s.  intercourse,  friendship, 
agreement,fitness, interchange  of  civilities 
Correspond'ent,  a.  suitable,  answerable 
Correspondent,  s.  one  who  holds  correspond- 

ence  with  another  by  letter 
Cor'rigible,  a.  punishable,  corrective 
Corrob'orant,  a.  strengthening,  confirming 
Corroborate,  v.  a.  to  confirm,  to  establish 
Corroboration,  s.  the  act  of  strengthening 
Corro'de,  v.  a.  to  eat  away  by  degrees 
Corro'dible,  a.  that  which  may  be  corroded 
Corro'sible,  a.  that  which  may  be  consumed 

by  a  menstruum 
Corro'sion,  /.  the  act  of  eating  away 
Corro'sive,  s.  a  corroding,  hot  medicine 
Corro'sive,  a.  able  to  corrode,  or  eat  away 
Cono'siveness,  s.  the  quality  of  corroding 
Cor'rugate,  v.  a.  to  wrinkle  or  purse  up 
Corru'pt,  v.  to  infect,  to  defile,  to  bribe 
Corru'pt,  a.  vicious,  debauched,  rotten 
Corrupter,  /.  one  who  corrupts  or  taints 
Corrupt'ible,  a.  that  which  may  be  corrupted 
Corruption,  s.  wickedness  ;  matter  or  pus 
Corruptive,  a.  able  to  taint  or  corrupt 
Corrupt/ness,j.  badness  of  morals3putrescence 
Cor'sair,  s.   a  pirate,  a  plunderer  on  the  sea 
Corse,  s .  a  dead  body,  a  carcass 
Cor'selet,  or  Corslet,  s.  a  light  armour  for 

the  fore  part  of  the  body 
Cor'tical,  a.  barky,  belonging  to  the  rind 
Corticated,  a.  resembling  the  bark  of  a  tree 
Cor'vet,  Corvet'to,  s.  the  curvet,  a  frolic 
Corus'caut,  a.  flashing,  glittering,  bright 
Coruscation,  s.  a  quick  -vibration  of  light 
Cosmet'ic,  s.  a  wash  to  improve  the  skin 
Cos'micai,  a.  rising  or  setting  with  the  sun  j 

relating  to  the  world 
Cosmog'ony,  s.  birth  or  creation  of  the  world 
Cosmog'rapher,  s.  one  who  writes  a  descrip- 
tion of  the  world 
Cosmog'raphy,  s.  the  science  of  the  general 
system  of  the  world,  distinct  from  geog- 
r  phy,  which  describes  the  situation  and 
boundaries  of  particular  countries 
Cosmop'olite,  s.  a  citizen  of  the  world 
Cos'set,  s.  a  lamb  brought  up  by  the  hand 
Cost,  /.  price,  charge,  loss,  luxury,  expense 
Cost,  v.  n.  to  be  bought  for,  had  at  a  price 
Cost'al,  a,  relating  to  the  ribs 
Cost'ard,  s.  a  head  ;  a  large  round  apple 



c  o  u 

Cost'ive,  a.  bound  in  the  body,  restringent 
Costliness,  i.  expensiveness,  sumptuousness 
Cost'ly,  a.  expensive,  dear  ;  of  great  price 
Cotem'porary,  see  Contem'porary 
Cot,  Cot'tage,  s.  a  hut,  a  small  house 
Coteri'e,  s.  an  assembly,  club,  society 
Cotil'lon,  s.  a  light  French  dance 
Cot'tager,  s.  one  who  lives  in  a  cottage 
Cot'ton,  s.  a  plant  ;  the  down  of  the  cotton- 
tree  ;  cloth,  or  stuff  made  of  cotton 
Couch,  v.  to  lie  down  ;  to  hide  ;  to  fix 
Couch,  s.  a  seat  of  repose  ;  a  layer 
Couch'ant,  a.  squatting,  lying  down 
Couch'er,  s.  be  that  depresses  cataracts 
Cove,  s.  a  small  creek  or  bay  ;  a  shelter 
Cov'enant,  s.  a  bJHgain,  contract,  deed 
Cov'enant,  v.  to  bargain,  contract,  agree 
Covenanted,  s.  a  party  to  a  covenant 
Cov'enous,  a.  treacherous,  fraudulent 
Cov'er,  v.  a.  to  overspread  ;  conceal ;  hide 
Cov'er,  j.  concealment,  screen,  pretence 
Cov'ering,  s.  dress  ;  any  thing  that  covers 
Cov'erlet,  Cov'erlid,  s.  the  upper  covering  of 

a  bed,  the  quilt  or  counterpane 
Cov'ert,  s.  a  thicket,  a  retreat,  a  hiding-place 
Cov'ert,  a.  sheltered,  secret ;  state  of  a  wo- 
man sheltered  by  marriage 
Cov'et,-y.  a.  to  desire  earnestly  ;  to  long  for 
Cov'etable,  a.  that  which  may  be  desired 
Cov'etous,  a.  avaricious,  greedy 
Cov'ey,  j.  a  brood  of  birds  ;  a  number  of  birds 

together  ;  a  hatch,  a  company 
Cough,  s.  a  convulsion  of  the  lungs 
Cov'in,  s.  a  deceitful  agreement,  a  collusion 
Coui'ter,  or  Cul'ter,  s.  a  ploughshare 
Coun'cil,  s.  an  assembly  for  consultation 
Coun'sel,  s.  advice,  direction  ;  a  pleader 
Coun'sel,  v.  a.  to  give  advice  ;  to  direct 
Counsellor,  s.  one  who  gives  advice 
Count,  s.  number,  reckoning  ;  a  foreign  title 
Count,  v.  a.  to  number,  to  cast  up,  to  tell 
Countenance,  s.  form  of  the  face  ;  air  ;  look ; 

patronage  ;  superficial  appearance 
Count'enance,  °j.  a.  to  patronize,  to  support 
Count'er,  s.  base  money  ;  a  shop  table 
Count'er,  ad.  contrary  to  ;  in  a  wrong  way 
Countera'ct,  v.  a.  to  act  contrary  to  ;  hinder 
Counterbalance,  s.  an  opposite  weight 
Counterbalance,  v.  a.  to  act  against  with  an 

opposite  weight 
Counterbu'ff,  v.  a.  to  repel,  to  strike  back 
Count'erchange,  s.  a  mutual  exchange 
Count'ercharm,    s.   that   which    dissolves  a 

charm...i;.  a.  to  destroy  an  enchantment 
Countercheck,  s.  a  stop  ;  rebuke,  reproof 
Counterev'idence,  s.  opposite  evidence 
Count'erfeit,  a.  forged,  fictitious,  deceitful 
Counterfeit,  v.  a-  to  forge,  to  imitate 
Counterma'nd,  v.  a.  to  contradict  an  order 
Count'ejrmarchj  j.  a  march  backward 

Count'ermine,  s.  a  mine  made  to  frustrate 

the  use  of  one  made  by  the  enemy 
Countermi'ne,  v.  a.  to  defeat  secretly 
Count'ermotion,  s.  a  contrary  motion 
Count'erpane,  s .  upper  covering  of  a  bed 
Count'erpart,  /.  a  correspondent  part 
Count'erplea,  s.  a  replication  in  law 
Counterplead,  v.  a.  to  contradidt,  to  deny 
Count'erplot,  s.  an  artifice  opposed  to  an  ar« 

tifice  ;  plot  against  plot 
Counterpoint,  s.  a  coverlet  woven  in  squares 
Counterpoise,  s.  an  equivalence  of  weight 
Counterpoise,  v.  a  to  counterbalance 
Counterpro'jcct,  j.  correspondent  scheme 
Count'erscarp,  s.  a  ditch  next  a  camp 
Countersign,  t>.  a.  to  undersign  ;  to  confirm 
Countertenor,  s.  a  middle  part  of  music 
Counterti'de,  s.  a  contrary  tide 
Count'erturn,  s.  the  height  of  a  play 
Countervail,  v.  a.  to  be  equivalent  to  ;  to 
have  equal  force  or  value...*,  equal  weight 
Count'erview,  s.  an  opposition,  a  contrast 
Count'ess,  s.  the  lady  of  a  count  or  earl 
Countless,  a.  innumerable,  infinite 
Country,  s.  a  tract  of  land  ;  a  region  ;  one's 

native  soil ;  rural  parts  ;  not  cities 
Coun'try,  a.  rustic,  rural ;  unpolite 
Coun'tryman,  s.  a  rustic  ;  one  born  in  the 

same  country  ;  a  husbandman 
Count'y,  s.  a  shire  ;  an  earldom  ;  a  count 
Count'y,  a.  relating  to  a  county  or  shire 
Coupe'e,  s.  a  motion  in  dancing  ;  a  caper 
Couple,  s.  a  pair,  a  brace,  man  and  wife 
Couple,  v.  a.  to  join  together  ;  to  marry 
Couplet,  s.  two  verses  ;  a  pair 
Cour'age,  s.  bravery,  activity,  valour 
Coura'geously,  ad.  bravely,  daringly,  nobly 
Coura'nt,  s.  a  sprightly  dance,  &c. 
Courier,  s.  a  messenger  sent  in  haste 
Course,  s.  a  race  ;  a  career  ;  a  race-ground  ; 
track  in  which  a  ship  sails  j  order  of  suc- 
cession ;  service  of  meat  ;  method  of  life  ; 
natural  bent 
Course,  v.  to  hunt,  to  pursue,  to  rove  about 
Cours'er,  s.  a  race-horse,  a  horse-racer 
Coursing,  s.  pursuit  of  hares  with  greyhounds 
Court,  s.  the  residence  of  a  prince  ;  a  narrow 

street;  jurisdiction;  seat  of  justice 
Court,  v.  a.  to  make  love  to,  to  solicit 
Court'eous,  a.  elegant  of  manners,  kind 
Courtesa'n,  s.  a  prostitute,  a  lewd  woman 
Court'esy,  s.  civility,  complaisance,  favour, 
kindness  ;  the  reverence  made  by  women 
Courtier,  s.  an  attendant  on  a  court ;  a  lover 
Courtle'et,  s.  court  of  the  lord  of  the  manor 

for  regulating  copyhold  tenures,  &c. 
Courtlike,  a.  polite,  well-bred,  obliging 
Courtliness,  s.  civility,  complaisance 
Courtly,  a.  polite,  flattering,  elegant 
Court'ship,  /.  making  love  to  a  womaa 

C  R  A 


C  R  E 

Cousin,  s.  any  one  collaterally  related  more 

remotely  than  brothers  or  sisters 
Cow,  s.  the  female  of  the  bull...^.  to  depress 
Cow'ard,  i.  a  poltroon  ;  he  who  wants  courage 
Cow'ardly,  a.  fearful,  timorous,  mean 
Cow'er,  v.  n.  to  sink  by  bending  the  knees 
Cow'herd,  s.  one  who  tends  or  keeps  cows 
Cowl,  s.  a  monk's  hood  ;  a  vessel  for  water 
Cow'slip,  s.  a  small  early  yellow  flower 
Cox'comb,  r.  a  cock's  topping  ;  a  fop,  a  beau 
Coxcomlcal,^.  conceited,  foppish,  pert 
Coy,  a.  modest,  decent,  reserved 
Coy'ish,  a.  rather  shy,  modest,  chaste 
Coy'ness,  s.  reserve,  shyness,  modesty 
Coz'en,  v.  a.  to  cheat,  defraud,  impose  on 
Coz'enage,  s.  cheat,  fraud,  deceit,  trick 
Coz'ener,  s.  a  cheater,  a  knave 
Crab,  s.  a  fish  ;  wild  apple  ;  peevish  person 
Crab*bed,  a.  peevish,  difficult,  morose 
Crab'bedness,  j.  sourness  of  taste  ;  asperity 
Crack,  s.  a  sudden  noise  ;  a  chink  :  a  boaster 
Crack,  v.  a.  to  break  into  chinks  ;  to  split 
Crack'brained,  a.  crazy,  whimsical 
Crack'er,  s.  a  kind  of  squib  ;  a  boaster 
Crack'le,  v.  n.  to  make  slight  cracks,  &c. 
Crack'ling,  s.  a  noise  made  by  slight  cracks 
Crack'nel,  s.  a  kind  of  hard,  brittle  cake 
Cra'dle,  s.  a  moveable  bed  on  which  children 
are  rocked  ;  a  case  for  a  broken  bone  ;  a 
frame  of  wood  for  launching  a  ship 
Craft,  s.  cunning ;  trade  ;  small  sailing  ships 
Craft'ily,  ad.  cunningly,  artfully 
Craft'iness,  /.  craft,  cunning,  fraud,  deceit 
Crafts'man,  /.  an  artificer  j  a  mechanic 
Craft'y,  a.  cunning,  artful,  deceitful 
Crag,  *■  a  steep  rock  ;  nape  of  the  neck 
Crag'ged,  Crag'gy,  a.  rough,  rugged 
Crag'gedness,  Crag'giness,  /.  roughness 
Cram,  v-  n.  to  stuff ;  to  eat  greedily 
Cram'b!!,  ;.  a  play  at  which  one  gives  a  word 

and  another  finds  a  rhyme 
Cramp,  s.  a  contraction  of  the  limbs  ;  re- 
striction ;  a  bent  piece  of  iron 
Cramp,  v-  a.  to  confine,  to  hinder,  to  bind 
Cramp,  a.  difficult,  hard,  troublesome 
Cramp'iron,  s.  an  iron  to  fasten  together 
Crane,  s.  a  bird  ;  a  machine  ;  a  crooked  pipe 
Cra'nium,  s.  the  skull 
Crank,  >.  end  of  an  iron  axis  ;  a  conceit 
Crank,  a.  healthy,  lusty,  deep  loaded 
Cran'kle,  r.  a.  to  run  into  angles  ;  to  break 

into  unequal  surfaces 
Cran'nied,  a.  full  of  or  having  chinks 
Cran'ny,  s.  a  chink  ;  a  crevice  ;  a  little  crack 
Crape,  s.  a  thin  stuff  for  mourning 
Crap'ulence,  s.  sickness  by  intemperance 
Crap'ulous,  a.  sick  with  drunkenness 
Crash,  v.  a.  to  break,  to  bruise,  to  crush 
Crash,  s.  a  loud,  mixed  noise 
Crss'sitmie,  /.grossness,  thickness,  heaviness 

Cratch,  /.  a  frame  for  hay  or  straw 
Crate, ;.  a  hamper  to  pack  earthen  ware  ia 
Crava't,  s.  an  ornament  for  the  neck 
Crave,  v.  a.  to  ask  earnestly  ;  to  long  for 
Cra'ven,  ;.  a  conquered  cock  ;  a  coward 
Craunch,  v.  a.  to  crash  with  the  teeth 
Craw,  j.  the  crop  or  stomach  of  birds 
Craw'fish,  Cray'fish,  s.  the  river  lobster 
Crawl,  v.  n.  to  creep  ;  move  slowly  ;  fawn 
Cra'yon,  s.  a  paste  ;  a  pencil ;  a  picture 
Craze,  v.  a.  to  break,  to  crack  the  brain 
Cra'ziness,  s.  weakness,  feebleness  of  body 
Cra'zy,  a.  broken,  feeble,  weak  ;  maddisk 
Creak,  v.  n.  to  mark  a  harsh  noise 
Cream,  u  the  oily,  best  part  of  milk 
Cre'amfaced,  a.  pale,  wan,  cowardly 
Cre'amy,  a.  full  of  cream  ;  luscious,  rich 
Crease,   /.  a  mark  made  by   doubling  any 

thing..."7.'.  a.  to  mark  by  folding 
Crea'te,  v.  a.  to  cause,  to  produce,  to  form 
Crea'tion, ;.  act  of  creating  ;  the  universe 
Crea'tive,  a.  having  the  power  to  create 
Crea'tor,  s.  the  Being  that  bestows  existence 
Cre'ature,  s.  a  being  created  ;  a  word  of  con- 
tempt, or  tenderness  ;   a  dependant  ;  an 
animal  not  human  ;  general  term  for  man 
Cre'dence,  s.  belief,  credit,  reputation 
Creden'da,  x.  articles  of  faith  or  belief 
Cre'dent,  a.  easy  of  belief;    having  credit 
Credea'tials,  s.  letters  of  recommeadation 
Credibility,  Cred'ibleness,  s.  a  claim  to  cred- 
it ;  worthiness  of  belief ;  probability 
Credible,  a.  worthy  of  credit ;  likely 
Cred'it,  j,  belief,  honour  ;  trust  reposed 
Cred'it,  v.  a.  to  believe,  trust,  confide  in 
Creditable,  a.  reputable,  estimable 
Creditably,  ad.  reputably,  without  disgrace 
Creditor,  s.  one  who  trusts  or  gives  credit 
Credulity,  s  easiness  of  belief 
Cred'ulous,  a.  apt  to  believe',  unsuspecting 
Creed,  s.  a  confession  of  faith,  a  belief 
Creek,  s.  a  small  bay  ;  a  nook 
Creep,  v.  n.  to  move  slowly  ;  fawn, bend,  &c 
Creep'er,  s.  a  plant  ;  an  iron  instrument 
Crema'tion,  /.  the  aft  of  burning 
Cre'mor,  s.  a  milky,  or  creamy  substance 
Cre'nated,  a.  notched,  jagged,  rough 
Crepita'tion,  /.  a  low,  crackling  noise 
Crepus'cle,  s.  twilight ;  faint  dim  light 
Crepus'culous,  a.  glimmering,  dim 
Cres'cent, ;.  an  increasing  moon 
Cres'cent,  Cres'cive,  a.  increasing,  growing 
Cress,  s.  the  name  of  a  water  herb 
Cress'et,  s.  a  light  set  on  a  beacon  ;  an  herb 
Crest,  s.  a  plume  of  feathers  on  the  top  of  a 
helmet ;  ornament  of  the  helmet  in  her- 
aldry ;  pride,  spirit,  fire 
Crest'ed,  a.  adorned  with  a  plume  or  crest 
Crest-fallen,  a.  dejected,  low,  cowed 
Crestless,  a.  without  armour }  mean,  poor 

C   R  O 


C  R  U 

Creta'ceous,  a.  chalky,  having  chalk 
Crev'ice,  s.  a  crack,  a  cleft ;  a  fish 
Crew,  s.  a  ship's  company  ;  mean  assembly 
Crew'el,  s.  a  ball  of  worsted  yarn,  &c 
Crib,  /.  a  manger,  a  stall  ;  a  cottage 
Crib,  v.  a.  to  steal  privately  ;  to  shut  up 
Crib'bage,  s.  the  name  of  a  game  at  cards 
Crib'ble,  s.  a  sieve  for  cleaning  corn 
Cribra'tion,  s.  the  aft  of  sifting  or  cleansing 
Crick,*,  noise  of  a  hinge ;  stiffness  in  the  neck 
Crick'et,  s.  an  insect  that  chirps  about  ovens, 

&c. ;  a  game  with  bats  and  balls  ;  a  stool 
Cri'er,  s.  one  who  cries  goods  for  sale 
Crime,  s.  an  offence,  wickedness,  sin 
Crimeless,  a.  innocent,  free  from  guilt 
Crim'inal,  Criminous,  a.  faulty 
Crim'inal,  s.  a  person  accused,  a  felon 
Crimina'tion,  s.  an  accusation,  a  censure 
Crim'inatory,  a.  accusing,  tending  to  accuse 
Criminous,  a.  wicked,  iniquitous,  guilty 
Crim'osin,  s.  a  species  of  red  colour 
Crimp,  a.  brittle,  friable,  crisp 
Crim'ple,  v.  a.  to  contract,  to  corrugate 
Crim'son,  t.  a  very  deep  red  colour 
Crin'cum,  s.  a  whimsy,  a  cramp 
Cringe,  s.  servile  civility,  mean  reverence 
Cringe,  v.  n.  to  bow,  fawn,  flatter,  contract 
Crink,  Crin'kle,  s.  a  wrinkle  ;  winding  fold 
Crin'kle,  v.  to  run  in  wrinkles,  &c. 
Cri'nose,  Crini'gerous,  a.  hairy,  rough 
Crip'ple,  s.  a  lame  person,..?;,  a.  to  make  lame 
Cri'sis,  s.  a  critical  time  or  turn 
Crisp,  v.  a.  to  curl,  to  twist,  to  indent 
Crisp,  Crisp'y,  a.  curled,  brittle,  winding 
Crispa'tion,  s.  the  act  or  state  of  curling 
Crisp'ness,  Cfisp'itude,  s.  crispy  state 
Criterion,  s.  a  standard  whereby  any  thing 

is  judged  of,  as  to  its  goodness  or  badness 
Crit'ic,  s.  one  skilled  in  criticism 
Crit'ical,  a.  judicious,  accurate,  nice 
Crit'icise,  v.  a.  to  censure,  to  judge,  to  blame 
Crit'icism,  s.  censure  ;  the  art  of  judging 
Criti'que,  s.  act  of  criticism  ;  a  criticism 
Croak,  s.  the  cry  of  a  frog,  raven  or  crow 
Cro'ceous,  a.  yellow,  like  saffron 
Crocita'tion, ;.  the  croaking  of  frogs  or  ravens 
Crock,  s.  an  earthen  pot ;  an  earthen  vessel 
Crock'ery,  s.  all  kinds  of  earthen  ware 
Croc'odile,  s.  a  large,  voracious,  amphibious 

animal,  in  shape  resembling  a  lizard 
Cro'cus,  s.  an  early  flower  ;  saffron 
Croft,  s.  a  small  home  field,  a  close 
Crone,  s .  an  old  ewe  ;  an  old  woman 
Cro'ny,  s.  an  intimate  acquaintance,  a  friend 
Crook,  s.  a  hooked  stick,  a  sheep-hook 
Crook,  v.  a.  to  bend,  to  pervert 
Crook'ed,  a.  bent,  curved,  untoward 
Crop,  s .  the  harvest,  produce  ;  a  bird's  craw 
Crop,  v.  a.  to  lop,  cut  short ;  to  mow ;  to  reap 
Crop'ful,  s.  quite  full,  satisfied,  crammed 

Cro'sier,  s.  the  pastoral  staff  used  by  the  bi- 
shops in  the  church  of  Rome 
Cros'let,  s.  a  small  cross  ;  a  head  cloth 
Cross,  /.  one  straight  body  laid  at  right  aa- 

gles  over  another ;  a  misfortune,  vexation 
Cross,  a.  athwart,  oblique  ;  peevish,  fretful 
Cross,  v.  a.  to  lay  athwart,  to  pass  over,  to 

cancel  ;  to  sign  with  the  cross  ;  to  vex 
Cross'bite,  s.  a  deception....-!;,  a.  to  cheat 
Cross'bow,  s.  a  weapon  for  shooting 
Cross-grained,  a.  troublesome,  ill-natured 
Cross'ness,  s.  perverseness,  peevishness 
Crotch,  s.  a  hook  ;  the  fork  of  a  tree 
Crotch'et,  s .  one  of  the  notes  in  music,  equal 

to   half  a  minim  ;    a  mark  in  printing, 

formed  thus  []  ;  a  fancy,  whim,  conceit 
Crouch,  v.  to  stoop  low,  to  fawn,  to  cringe 
Croupa'de,  s.  a  high  leap  ;  a  summerset 
Crow,  s.  a  bird  ;  an  iron  lever  ...v.  to  make  a 

noise  like  a  cock  ;  to  boast,  to  vapour 
Crowd,  /.  confused  multitude  ;  the  populace 
Crowd,  v.  to  press  close,  to  swarm 
Crown,  ;.  a  diadem  worn  on  the  heads  of 

sovereigns  ;  the  top  of  the  head  ;  a  silver 

coin  ;  regal  power  ;  a  garland 
Crown,  v.  a.  to  invest  with  a  crown  ;  to  a" 

dorn,  to  complete,  to  finish 
Crown'glass,  s.  finest  sort  of  window-glass 
Cru'cial,  a.  transverse,  running  across 
Cru'ciate,  v.  a.  to  torture,  to  torment 
Cru'cible,  s.  a  pot  used  for  melting  metals 
Cru'cifix,  s.  a  representation  in  statuary  or 

painting,  &c  of  our  Saviour  on  the  cross 
Crucifix'ion,  s.  the  act  of  nailing  to  the  cross 
Cru'cify ,  v.  a.  to  nail  or  fasten  to  a  cross 
Crude,  a.  raw,  harsh,  unripe,  undigested 
Cru'deness,  Cru'dity,  s.  indigestion 
Cru'dle,  v.  to  coagulate,  to  curdle 
Cru'el,  a.  hard-hearted,  inhuman,  fierce 
Cru'clty,  s.  inhumanity,  barbarity 
j  Cru'et,  s.  a  small  phial  for  vinegar  or  oil 
Cruise,  v.  n.  to  sail  in  quest  of  an  enemy 
Cruis'er,  s.  a  ship  that  sails  in  quest  of  all 

enemy ;  one  that  roves  in  search  of  plunder 
Crumb,  s.  the  soft  part  of  bread  ;  a  small 

piece  or  fragment  of  bread 
Crum'ble,  v.  a  to  break  or  fall  into  pieces 
Crum'my ,«.  soft,  full  of  crumbs,  plump 
j  Crum'ple,  v.  a.  to  wrinkle,  ruffle,  disorder 
Cruaip'ling,  s.  a  small  green  codling 
Crup'per,  s.  a  leather  to  keep  a  saddle  right 
Cru'ral,  a.  belonging  to  the  leg 
Crusa'de,  Croi'sade,  s.  an  expedition  against 

infidels  ;  a  Portugal  coin,  value  2s.  Cd. 
Cru'set,  s.  a  goldsmith's  melting  pot 
Crush,  v.  a-  to  squeeze,  to  bruise  ;  to  ruin 
Crush,  /.  a  falling  down,  a  collision 
Crust,  s.  any  shell  or  external  coat  j  outward 

part  of  bread  ;  case  of  a  pye 
Crasta'ceous?  a,  shelly,  with  joints 



c  u  s 

Crus'ty,  a.  morose,  snappish,  surly 
Crutch,  s.  a  support  used  by  cripples 
Cry,  v.  to  call,  to  weep,  exclaim,  proclaim 
Cry,  s.  a  weeping,  shrieking,  &c. 
Cryp'tic,  Cryp'tical,  a.  secret,  hidden 
Cryptog'raphy,  s.  art  of  writing  in  ciphers 
Crys'tal,i.  a  mineral,  transparent  stone 
Crys'talline,  a.  transparent,  clear,  bright 
Crys'tallize,  v.   a.  to  form  salts  into  small 

transparent  bodies  ;  to  congeal 
Cub,  s.  the  young  of  a  beast,  generally  of  a 

bear  or  fox  ...v.  a.  to  bring  forth 
Curatory,  a.  recumbent,  lying  down 
Cu'bature,  s.  the  solid  contents  of  a  body 
Cube,  s.  a  square  solid  body  ;  a  die 
Cu'bic,  Cu'bical,  a.  formed  like  a  cube 
Cu'bit,  s.  a  measure  of  eighteen  inches 
Cu'bital,  a.  containing  a  cubit's  length 
Cuck'ing-stool,  s.  an  engine  invented  for  the 

punishment  of  scolds,  and  unquiet  women 
Cuck'old,  s.  the  husband  of  an  adulteress 
Cuck'old,  v.  a.  to  commit  adultery 
Cuck'oldy,  a.  poor,  mean,  despicable 
Cuck'oo,  s.  a  bird  ;  a  word  of  contempt 
Cu'cumber,  s.  a  plant,  and  its  fruit 
Cu'curbite,  s.  a  chymical  vessel,  called  a  body 
Cud,  s.  food  reposited  in  the  first  stomach  of 

an  animal,  in  order  for  rumination 
Cud'den,  Cud'dy,  /.  a  clown,  a  stupid  dolt 
Cud'dle,  v.  n.  to  lie  close,  to  hug 
Cud'gel,  s.  a  fighting  stick...?;,  a.  to  beat  or 

fight  with  sticks 
Cue,  s.  the  end  of  a  thing  ;  hint,  intimation 
Cuff,  s.  a  blow,  box  ;  part  of  a  sleeve 
Cuir'ass,  s.  a  breastplate  of  leather  or  steel 
Cuirassi'er,  s.  a  soldier  in  armour 
Cuish,  s.  armour  that  covers  the  thighs 
Cu'linary,  a.  relating  to  the  kitchen 
Cull'ender,  s.  a  draining  vessel.  See  Colander 
Cul'ly, ;.  a  man  deceived  by  a  woman 
Culm,  s.  a  kind  of  small  coal,  soot,  &c. 
Cul'minate,  v.  n.  to  be  in  the  meridian 
Cul'pable,  a  criminal,  blameable 
Cul'prit,*.  a  man  arraigned  before  a  judge 
Cultivate,  v.  a.  to  till,  manure,  improve 
Cultivation,  t.  act  of  improving  soils,  &c. 
Cul'ture,  s.  act  of  cultivation,  improvement, 

melioration...?;,  a.  to  till,  to  manure 
Cul'ver,  s.  a  pigeon,  a  wood  pigeon 
Cui'verin,  s.  a  species  of  ordnance 
Cum'ber,  v.  a.  'o  embarrass,  to  entangle 
Cum'bersome,    Cum'brous,  a.  burdensome, 

embarrassing,  oppressive,  vexatious 
Cu'mulate,  v.  a.  to  heap  or  pile  up,  to  amass 
Cund,  v.  n.  to  give  notice,  to  show,  inform 
Cu'neated,  a.  formed  like  a  wedge 
Cun'ning,  a.  skilful,  artful,  crafty,  subtle 
Cun  ning,  Cun'ningness,  s.  artifice,  slyness 
Cup,  s.  a  drinking  vessel :  part  of  a  flower 
ffup,  v.  a,  to  draw  blood  by  scarification 

Cup'bearer,  s.  an  officer  of  the  household 
Cup'board,  <-.acase  where  victuals, &c.  are  rJut 
Cu'pel,  Cup'pel,  s.  a  refining  vessel 
Cupid 'ity,  s.  unlawful,  sensual  desire 
Cu'pola,  s.  a  dome,  an  arched  roof 
Cur,  j.  a  dog  ;  a  snappish  or  mean  man 
Cu'rable,  a.  that  may  be  remedied 
Cu'racy,  s.  the  employment  of  a  curate 
Cu'rate,  s.  a  parish  priest ;  one  who  officiates 

in  the  room  of  the  beneficiary 
Curb,  v.  a.  to  restrain,  to  check,  to  bridle 
Curb,  s.  part  of  a  bridle;  inhibition,  restraint 
Curd,  s.  the  coagulation  of  milk 
Curd,Cur'dle,  v.  to  coagulate,  concrete 
Cure,  s.  a  remedy,  restorative  ;  act  of  heal- 
ing ;  benefice  or  employment  of  a  curate 
Cure,  v.  a.  to  restore  to  health  ;  to  salt 
Cur'ed,  part,  healed,  restored,  preserved 
Cu'reless,  a.  having  no  remedy,  incurable 
Cur'few,  y.  eight  o'clock  bell ;  a  fire  plate 
Curios'ity,  s.  inquisitivenees  ;  a  rarity 
Cu'rious,  a.  inquisitive,  rare,  nice,  accurate 
Curl,  s.  a  ringlet  of  hair  ;  a  wave 
Curl,  v.  a.  to  turn  into  ringlets,  to  twist 
Cur'lew,  s.  a  kind  of  water  and  land  fowl 
Curmud'geon,?.  an  avaricious  fellow, a  churl, 

a  miser,  a  niggard,  a  griper 
Cur'rant,  s.  the  name  of  a  tree,  and  its  fruit 
Cur'rency,  s.  circulation,  general  reception  ; 
paper  established  as,  and  passing  for,  the 
current  money  of  the  realm 
Cur'rent,  a.  circulatory,  general,  popular 
Cur'rent,  s .  a  running  stream 
Cur'ricle,  s.  a  chaise  of  two  wheels,  calcula- 
ted for  expedition,  drawn  by  two  horses 
Cur'rier,  J.  a  dresser  of  tanned  leather 
Cur'rish,  a.  quarrelsome,  brutal,  sour 
Cur'ry,  'v.  a.  to  dress  leather  ;  to  beat 
Cur'rycomb,  s.  an  iron  comb  for  horses 
Curse,  s.  a  bad  wish  ;  vexation,  torment 
Curse,  v.  a.  to  wish  evil  to  ;  to  afflict 
Cur'sedly,  ad.  miserably,  shamefully 
Cur'sitor,  s.  a  clerk  in  Chancery 
Cur'sorary,  Cur'sory,  a.  hasty,  careless 
Cur'sorily,  ad.  hastily,  without  care 
Curta'il,  v.  a.  to  cut  off,  cut  short,  abridge 
Cur'tain,  s.  furniture  of  a  bed,  or  window  ; 
fortification. ..v.n.  to  enclose  with  curtains 
Curta'tion,  s.  the  distance  of  a  star  from  the 

ecliptic  ;  a  term  in  astronomy 
Curv'ature,  s.  crookedness,  bent  form 
Curve,  17.  a.  to  bend,  tocroolc.a.  crooked 
Curv'et,  s.  a  leap,  a  bound,  a  frolic 
Curv'et,  v.  a.  to  leap,  bound,  prance,  frisk. 
Curvilin'ear,  a.  consisting  of  crooked  lines 
Cush'ion,  s.  a  soft  seat  for  a  chair 
Cusp,  s.  the  horns  of  the  moon  ;  a  point 
Cusp'ated,  a.  terminating  in  a  point,  pointed 
Cusp'idate,  v.  a.  to  sharpen,  to  point 
Cus'tard,  s.  a  sweet  food  made  of  milk,  &c 



Cus'tody,  ;.  imprisonment,  security,  care 
Custom,;,  habitual  practice,  fashion,  usage  ; 

king's  duties  on  exports  and  imports 
Cus'tomary,  a.  common,  general 
Customer,  ;.  one  who  buys  any  thing 
Cus'tom-house,  s.  a  house  where  duties  are 

received  on  imports  and  exports 
Cut,  v.  a.  to  carve,  hew,  shape,  divide 
Cut,  s.  a  cleft  or  wound  made  with  an  edged 

tool ;  a  printed  picture  ;  fashion,  shape 
Cuta'neous,  a.  relating  to  the  skin 
Cu'ticle,  ;.  a  thin  skin  ;  the  scarf  skin 
Cutic'ular,  a.  belonging  to  the  skin 
Cut'lass,  ;.  a  broad  cutting  sword 
Cut'ler,  ;.  one  who  makes  knives,  &c. 
Cut'ter,  ;.  a  fast  sailing  vessel ;  one  who  cuts 
Cut'throat,  ;.  a  murderer,  an  assassin 
C  lifting,  r.  a  piece  cut  off,  a  branch 

Cut'tle,  s.  a  fish  ;  a  foul-mouthed  fellow 
Cy'cle,  s .  a  circle  ;  periodical  space  of  time 
Cyc'loid,  ;.  a  figure  of  the  circular  kind 
Cyclopa'dia,  ;.  a  body  or  circle  of  sciences 
Cyg'net,  s.  a  young  swan 
Cyl'inder,  .f.  a  long  round  body  ;  a  roller 
Cylindrical,  a.  resembling  a  cylinder 
Cyma'r,  ;.  a  slight  covering  ;  a  scarf 
Cym'bal,  ;.  a  musical  instrument 
Cynan'thropy,  s.  canine  madness! 
Cyn'ic,  ;.  a  follower  of  Diogenes  ;  a  snarler 
Cyn'ic,  Cyn'ical,  a.  satyrical,  churlish 
Cy'nosure,  ;.  the  north  polar  star 
Cy'press,  ;.  a  tree  ;  an  emblem  of  mourning 
Cy'prus,  ;.  a  thin  silky  gauze  ;  a  rush 
Cyst,  ;.  a  bag  containing  morbid  matter 
Czar,  .;.  the  title  of  the  Emperor  of  Russia 
Czari'na,  *.  title  of  the  Empress  of  Russia 


DIS  used  as  an  abbreviation  of  Doctor 
and   Divinity,    as  M.  D.  Medicinse 

Doctor,  Doctor  of  Physic  ;  D.  D.  Doctor 

in  Divinity  ;  it  is  also  a  numeral  for  500 
pab,  v.  a.  to  strike  gently ;   to  moisten 
Dab,  s .  a  flat  fish  ;  a  gentle  blow  ;  an  artist 
Dab'ble ,  v.  a.  to  meddle  j  to  play  in  water 
Dab'bler,  ;.  a  superficial  meddler  in  sciences, 

&c.  one  that  plays  in  water 
Dab'chick,  ;.  a  water  fowl  j  a  chicken 
Daca'po,  s.  in  music,  signifies  that  the  first 

part  of  a  tune  must  be  repeated 
Dace,  /..a. small  river  fish  resembling  a  roach 
Dac'tyle,  s.  a  poetical  foot,  consisting  of  one 

long  syllable  and  two  short  ones 
Dae'dal,  Daeda'lian,  a.  cunning,  intricate 
Daffodil,  Daffodilly,  ;.  a  flower,  a  lily 
Daft,  v.  a.  to  toss  aside,  to  throw  away 
Dag'ger.,  ;.  a  short  sword,  a  poniard 
Dag'gle,  v.  to  trail  in  the  mire  or  water 
Dag'gletail,  a.  bemired...;.  a  slattern 
Dai'ly,  a.  andarf.  happening  everyday;  often 
Dain'tily,  ad.  delicately,  deliciously 
Dain'ty,  a.  delicate,  nice...;,  a  delicacy 
Da'iry,  s.  ■&  milk  farm  ;  a  house  where  milk 

is  manufactured  into  food 
Da'iry- maid,;,  the  woman  servant  who  man. 

ages  the  dairy 
Dai'sied,  a.  full  of,  or  adorned  with,  daisies 
Da'isy,  s.  a  small  common  spring  flower 
Da'ker,  s.  a  dicker,  a  number  of  ten  hides 
Dale,  s.  a  vale,  a  space  between  two  hills 
Dalliance,  s.  mutual  caresses,  love,  delay 
Dal'lop,  s.  a  tuft  or  clump 
DaWy,  v.  to  trifle,,  fondle,  delay,  amuse 

Dam,  /.  a  mother  of  brutes  ;  a  mole  or  bank 

to  stop  water  ;  a  floodgate 
Dam,  -v.  a.  to  shut  up,  to  confine,  to  obstruct 
Dam'age,  s.  mischief,  loss,  retribution 
Dam'age,  v.  to  injure,  to  hurt,  to  impair 
Damageable,  a.  that  which  may  be  hurt 
Dam'ask,  /.  linen  or  silk  woven  into  regular 

figures...!/,  a.  to  weave  in  flowers 
Damaske'en,  v.  a.  to  inlay  iron  with  gold 
Dame,  s.  an  old  title  of  honour  for  women  ; 

mistress  of  a  family  ;  women  in  general 
Damn,  v.  a.   to  curse,  to  doom  to  torments 
in  a  future  state  ;  to  censure,  to  condemn 
Dam'nable,  a.  most  wicked  ;  destructive 
Damnation,  /.  exclusion  from  Divine  mercy, 

condemnation  to  eternal  punishment 
Dam'ned, />#>-£.  a.  cursed,  detestable 
Dam'nify,  v.  a.  to  injure,  to  hurt,  to  impair 
Damp,  a.  moist,  wet,  foggy  ;  dejected 
Damp,  s.  a  fog,  moisture  ;  dejection 
Damp,  v.  a.  to  moisten,  to  wet ;  to  dispirit 
Dam'sel, ;.  a  young  maiden,  a  country  lass 
Dam 'son,  Damascene,  s.  a  black  plum 
Dance,  v.  n.  to  move  in  measure...;,  a  mo- 
tion of  one  or  more  in  concert 
Dan'cing,  s.  a  motion  of  the  feet  to  music 
Dandeli'on,  s.  the  name  of  a  plant 
Dan'dle,  v.  a.  to  fondle,  to  play 
Dan'druff,  s.  scurf,  &c.  on  the  head 
Da'newort,  s.  the  dwarf  elder,  wall  wort 
Da'nger,  s.  risk,  hazard...-?;,  a.  to  endanger 
Da'ngerless,  a.  without  hazard,  very  safe 
Da'ngerous,  a.  full  of  danger,  unsafe 
Dan'gle,  v.  to  hang  loose,  to  follow 
Dangler,;,  one  who  hangs  about  women 

D  E  A 



Dank,  a.  very  damp,  humid, wet 
Dapatlcal,  t.  sumptuous  in  living,  costly 
Dap'per,  a.  little  and  active,  neat,  tight 
Dap'perling,  x.  a  dwarf,  a  little  person 
Dap'ple,  a.  of  different  colours,  streaked 
Dare,  v.  a.  to  challenge,  to  defy 
Da'ring,  a.  bold,  adventurous,  fearless 
Dark,  a,  wanting  light,  blind >  not  plain 
Dark'en,  v.  to  make  dark,  to  cloud,  perplex 
Dark'ness,  x.  absence  of  light ;  wickedness 
Dark'sorne,  a.  gloomy,  obscure,  not  luminous 
Darling,  x.  a  favourite..^,  dear,  beloved 
Darn,  or  Dearn,  v.  a.  to  mend  holes 
Darliei,  x.  a  common  field  weed 
Dar'rain,  v.  a.  to  range  troops  for  battle 
Dart,  x.  a  weapon  thrown  by  the  hand 
Dart'iugly,  ad.  very  swiftly,  like  a  dart 
Dash,  v.  to  strike  against ;  to  mingle,  to  cross 

or  blot  out ;  to  confound,  to  bespatter 
Dash,  x.  mark  in  writing,  thus  — ;  a  blow 
Das'tard,  x.  a  poltroon,  a  coward 
Das'tardly,  a.  cowardly,  base,  timorous 
Date,  v.  a.  to  note  the  precise  time 
Date,  x.  the  time  at  which  any  event  hap- 
pened, or  a  letter  is  written  ;  a  fruit 
Da'teless,  a .  without  any  fixed  term  or  date 
Da'tive,  a.  in  grammar,  the  case  that  signifies 

the  person  to  whom  any  thing  is  given 
Daub,  v.  a.  to  smear,  paint  coarsely,  flatter 
Daub'er,  x.  a  coarse,  low  painter 
Daugh'ter,  x.  a  female  offspring,  a  woman 
Daunt,  v.  a.  to  discourage,  to  intimidate 
Daunt'ed,  part,  dispirited,  frightened 
Dauntless,  a.  fearless,  bold,  not  dejected 
Daw,  x.  the  name  of  a  bird,  a  jackdaw 
Dawn,  v.  n.  to  grow  light,  glimmer,  ©pen 
Dawn,  x.  the  break  of  day,  beginning 
Dayr  s.  the  time  between  the  rising  and  set- 
ting of  the  sun,  called  the  artificial  day  ; 
the  time  from  noon  to  noon  is  termed  the 
natural  day  ;  light,  sunshine 
Da'y-book,  s.  a  tradesman's  journal 
Daybreak, x.  first  appearance  of  day,  dawn 
Daylight,  x.  the  light  of  the  day 
Day'star,x.  the  morning  star  ;  Venus 
Daz'zle,  v.  a.  to  overpowei  with  light 
Deacon, x.  one  of  the  lowest  of  the  clergy 
De'aconry,  x.  dignity  or  office  of  deacon 
Dead,  a.  deprived  of  life,  spiritless,  dull 
Dead'en,  v.  a.  to  weaken,  to  make  tasteless 
Dead'ly,  a.  destructive,  mortal,  cruel 
Deadly,  ad.  mortally,  irreconcileably 
Dead'ness,  x.  frigidity,  want  of  warmth 
Deaf,  a.  wanting  the  sense  of  hearing 
Deafen,  v.  a.  to  make  deaf,  to  stupify 
Dea'fness,  s.  want  of  the  power  of  hearing 
Deal,  x.  part,  quantity  ;  fir  wood 
Deal,  v.  to  distribute,  to  give  each  his  due 
Dealba'tion,  x.  the  art  of  bleaching 
Deal'er,  x.  one  who  deals  cards  ;  a  trader 

Deal'ing,  x.  practice,  intercourse,  traffic 
Dealt,  pan.  used,  handled,  given  out 
Dean,  x.  the  second  dignitary  of  a  diocess 
Dean'ery,  x.  the  office  or  house  of  a  dean 
Dear,  a.  beloved  ;  valuable,  costly,  scarce 
Dearly,  ad.  with  fondness  ;  at  a  high  price 
Dearth,  x.  scarcity,  want,  barrenness 
Deartic'ulate,  v.  a.  to  disjoint,  to  dismember 
Death,  x.  the  extinction  of  life,  mortality 
Deathless,  a.  immortal,  perpetual 
Death'like,  a.  resembling  death,  still 
Death'watch,  x.  a  small  insedt  that  makes  a 

tinkling  noise,  superstitiously  imagined  to 

be  an  omen  cf  death 
Deaura'tion,  x.  the  act  cf  gilding 
Deba'r,  -v.  a.  to  exclude,  preclude,  hinder 
Deba'rk,  v.  a.  to  leave  the  ship,  to  go  on  shore 
Deba'se,  z>.  a.  to  degrade,  lower,  adulterate 
Deba'sement,  x.  aft  of  debasing  or  degrading 
Deba'te,  x.  a  dispute,  a  contest,  a  quarrel 
Deba'te,  v.  to  deliberate,  to  dispute,  to  argue 
Deba'uch,  x.  excess,  luxury,  drunkenness 
Deba'uch,v.  a.  to  corrupt,  to  vitiate,  to  ruin 
Debauche'e,  x.  a  rake,  a  drunkard 
Debauch'ery,  x.  lewdness,  intemperance 
Debe'l,  Debel'late,  v.  a.  to  conquer  in  war 
Debenture,  x.  a  writ,  or  written  instrument 

by  which  a  debt  is  claimed 
Deb'ile,  a.  weak,  faint,  feeble,  languid 
Debilitate,  v.  a.  to  weaken,  to  enfeeble 
Debility,  x.  weakness,  languor,  faintness 
Debonair,  a.  elegant,  civil,  well-bred,  gay 
Dsbt,  s.  that  which  one  man  owes  to  another" 
Debt'ed,  a.  indebted  to,  obliged  to 
Debt'or,  x.  one  that  owes  money,  &c. 
Decade,  x.  the  sum  or  number  of  ten 
Dec'agon,  x.  a  figure  of  ten  equal  sides 
Dec'alogue,  x.  the  ten  commandments 
Deca'mp,  v.  n.  to  shift  a  camp  ;  to  move  off 
Deca'nt,  v.  a.  to  pour  off  gently 
Decant'er,  x.  a  glass  vessel  for  liquor 
Decapitate,  -v.  a.  to  behead,  to  cut  or  lop  cf? 
Deca'y,  x.  a  decline,  a  falling  away 
Deca'y,  v.  n.  to  decline,  to  consume,  to  rot 
Dece'ase,  x.  departure  from  life,  demise 
Dece'ase,  v  n.  to  die,  to  depart  from  life 
Dece'ased,  part,  departed  from  life,  dead 
Deceit,  x.  fraud,  craft,  artifice,  pretence 
Deceit  ful,  a.  full  of  deceit,  fraudulent 
Deceive,  v.  a.  to  delude,  to  impose  upon 
Deceiver,  x.  one  who  deceives,  an  impostor 
December,  x.  the  last  month  of  the  year 
Decem'v irate,  x.  a  government  by  ten  rulers 
De'cency,  u  propriety,  'modesty,  decorum 
Decen'nial,  a.  of,  or  containing  ten  years 
De'cent,  a.  becoming,  suitable,  modest 
De'cently,  ad.  in  a  proper  manner,  modestly 
Decep'tible,  a.  that  may  be  deceived 
Decep'tion,  x.  a  cheat,  a  fraud,  a  beguiling 
Deceptive,  a.  able  tc  deceive,  false 



D  E  F 

Dect'rpt,  a.  plucked  away,  taken  off 
Decerta'tion,  s.  a  contention,  a  striving 
Decha'rm,  v.  a.  to  counteract  a  charm 
Deci'de,  v.  a.  to  determine,  settle,  conclude 
Deci'dedly,  ad.  absolutely,  positively,  fully 
Deci'der,  j .  one  who  determines  quarrels 
Decid'uous,  a.  falling  off,  not  perennial 
De'cimal,  a.  numbered  by  tens 
Decima'tion,  s.  a  selection  of  every  tenth 
Decipher,  v.  a.  to  explain,  unfold,  unravel 
Deci'sion,  s.  the  termination  of  a  difference 
Decisive,  a.  terminating,  final,  positive 
Decisively,  ad.  conclusively,  positively 
Deck,  v.  a.  to  address,  to  adorn,  to  cover 
Deck,  s.  the  floor  of  a  ship  ;  a  pile  of  cards 
Decla'im,  v.  n.  to  harangue,  to  speak  to  the 

passions,  to  rhetoricate 
Decla'imer,  s.  one  who  declaims 
Declamation,  s.  a  discourse  addressed  to  the 

passions,  an  harangue 
Declam'atory,  a.  pertaining  to  declamation 
.jecla'rable,  a.  capable  of  procf ;  re?.l 
Declaration,  s.  an  affirmation,  publication 
Declarative,  a  explanatory,  proclaiming 
Declaratory,  a.  affirmative,  clear,  expressive 
Decla're,  v.  a.  to  make  known,  to  proclaim 
Decla'red,  pari,  affirmed,  made  known 
Decleii'sion,  s.  declination,  descent  ;  varia- 
tion of  nouns  ;  corruption  cf  morals 
Decli'nable,  a.  capable  of  being  declined 
Declina'tion, ;.  descent  5  the  act  of  bending 
Declina'to^,  s.  an  instrument  of  dialling 
Decli'ne,  v.  to  lean,  to  bend,  to  decay  ;  to 

shun  ;  to  refuse  ;  to  vary  words 
Decli'ne,  s.  a  decay  ;  a  tendency  to  worse 
Decliv'ity,  s.  an  oblique  or  gradutl  descent 
Deco'ct,  v.  a.  to  boii  ;  digest  ;  strengthen 
Decoc'tion,  $.  a  preparation  by  boiling 
Decoc'ture,  s.  what  is  drawn  by  decoction 
Decollation,  /.  the  aft  of  beheading 
Decompou'nd,  v.  a  to  compose  of  things  al- 
ready compounded, to  separate  compounds 
Dec'orate,  v.  a.  to  adorn,  to  embellish 
Decora'cion,  ;.  an  ornament,  added  beauty 
Deco'rous,  a.  decent,  suitable,  becoming 
Decor'ticate,  v.  a.  to  divest  of  bark,  to  peel 
Beco'rum,  s.  decency,  order,  seemliness 
Decou'ple;  a.  uncoupled,  separated,  free 
Deco'y,  v.  a.  to  allure,  to  ensnare,  to  entrap 
Beco'y,  s.  a  place  to  catch  wild  fowl  in 
Decoy-duck,  s.  a  duck  that  leads  others 
Pecre'ase,  v.  to  grow  less,  to  be  diminished 
i3ecre'ase,  s.  a  growing  less,  a  decay 
Decre'e,  v.  a.  to  appoint,  order,  sentence 
Decre'e,  s.  an  edict,  law,  determination 
Decrep'it,  a.  wasted  and  worn  by  age 
Decrepita'tion,  s.  a  crackling  noise 
Decrep'itiuJe,  s.  the  last  stage  of  old  age 
Decres'cent,  a.  growing  less,  decreasing 
Secre'tal,  a.  appertaining  to  a  decree 

Decre'tal,  s.  a  book  of  decrees  or  edicts 
Dec'retory,  a.  judicial,  final,  critical 
Decry',  v.  a.  to  censure,  to  clamour  against 
Decum'bence,  s.  the  act  of  laying  down 
Decum'bent,  a.  laying  on  the  ground  ;  low 
Dec'uple,  a.  tenfold,  repeated  ten  times 
Decu'rion,  s.  a  commander  of  ten  men 
Decur'sion,  s.  the  act  of  running  down 
Decurta'tion,  s.  the  act  of  shortening 
Decuss'ate,  v.  a.  to  intersect  at  acute  angles 
Dedec'orate,  v.  a.  to  disgrace,  to  reproach 
Dedenti'tion,  s.  a  loss  or  shedding  of  teeth 
Ded'Icate,  v.  a.  to  devote  to,  to  inscribe 
Dedicated,  part,  consecrated,  inscribed 
Dedica'tion,  s.  consecration  ;  a  compliment- 
ary address  at  the  beginning  of  a  book 
Bedi'tion,  s.  the  act  of  yielding  up  any  thing 
Dedu'ce,  v.  a.  to  gather  or  infer  from 
Dedu'cement,  s,  the  thing  deduced 
Dedu'cible,  a.  that  which  may  be  inferred 
Dedu'ct,  v.  a.  to  subtract,  to  separate 
Deduction, s.  an  abatement,  an  inference 
Deduc'tive,  a.  that  which  may  be  inferred. 
Deed,  s.  an  action,  exploit,  fact,  writing 
Deed 'less,  a.  inactive,  indolent,  sluggish 
Deem,  v.  n.  to  judge  ;  to  conclude  ;  to  think. 
Deep,  a-  far  to  the  bottom  ;  sagacious 
Deep,  s.  the  sea ;  the  most  solemn  or  still  part 
Deep'ly,  ad.  to  a  great  depth  ;  sorrowfully 
Deer,  s.  a  forest  animal  hunted  for  venison 
Deface,  v.  a.  to  destroy,  to  raze,  to  disfigure 
Defa'cement,  /.  viol?.tion,  injury,  destruction 
Defa'ilance,  j.  failure,  miscarriage 

J    Defalcate,  v.  a.  to  cut  or  lop  off,  to  abridge 
Defalcation,  1.  a  diminution,  a  cutting  off 
Defama'cion,  s.  slander,  reproach,  detraction 
Defam'atory,  a.  calumnious,  scandalizing 
Defa'me,  v.  &.  to  censure  falsely,  to  libel 
Defat  igate,  v.  a.  to  weary,  to  fatigue 
Defa'ult,  s.  an  omission,  defect,  failure 
Default'er,  s.  one  who  fails  in  payment,  &c 
Defeasance,  j.  act  of  annulling  ;  defeat 
Defeasible,  a.  that  which  maybe  annulled 
Defe'at,  v.  a.  to  overthrow,  frustrate,  rout 
Defe'at,  s.  an  overthrow,  a  deprivation 
Defe'ated,  part,  routed,  disappointed 
Defe'ature,  s.  an  alteration  o'f  countenance 
Defecate,  7>.  a.  to  cleanse,  purify,  brighten 
Defeca'tion,  s.  purification 
Defe'ct,  s.  a  fault,  a  blemish,  an  imperfection 
Defec'tible,  a.  imperfect,  deficient,  wanting 
Defection,  s.  failure, apostacy,  revolt 
Defective,  a.  full  of  defects,  imperfect 
Defe'nce,  ;.  a  guard,  vindication,  resistance 
Defenceqess,  a.  naked,  unguarded,  impotent 
Defe'nd,  v.  a.  to  protect,  vindicate,  forbid 
Defend'ant,j.  the  person  prosecuted 
Defend'er,  s.  a  protector,  a  vindicator 
Defensible,  a.  that  may  b£  defended,  right 

j    Defensive j  /.  safeguard,  state  of  defence 




Defe'r,  v.  to  put  off,  to  delay  ;  to  refer  to 
Deference,  s.  regard,  respect,  submission 
Deferent,  s.  that  which  carries  or  conveys 
Defi'ance,  s.  a  challenge  ;  an  expression  of 

abhorrence  or  contempt 
Deficiency,  s.  a  defect,  want,  imperfection 
Deficient,  a.  failing,  wanting,  defective 
Defi'le,  v.  a.  to  make  foul,  pollute,  vitiate 
Defile,  s.  a  narrow  passage,  a  lane 
Defiled,  part,  polluted,  corrupted,  tainted 
Defilement,  s.  pollution,  corruption 
Defiler,  s.  a  corrupter,  a  violator 
Definable,  a.  that  which  may  be  ascertained 
Deft'ne,  v.  to  explain  ,•  circumscribe,  decide 
Defi'ner,  j.  one  who  describes 
Definite,  a.  certain,  limited,  precise 
Definite,  s.  a  thing  explained  or  defined 
Definiteness,  s.  certainty,  limitedness 
Defini'tion,  s.  a  short  description  of  a  thing 

by  its  properties  ;  a  decision 
Definitive,  a.  determinate,  express,  positive 
Deflagrabil'ity,  s.  an  aptness  to  burn 
Deflagration,  s.  act  of  consuming  by  fire 
Defle'ct,  v.  n.  to  turn  aside,  to  deviate 
Deflec'tion,  s.  deviation,  a  turning  aside 
Deflex'ure,  s.  a  bending  down,  a  deflection 
Defloration,  s.  selection  of  what  is  best;  rape 
Defio'ur,  v.  a.  to  deprive  a  maiden  of  her 

virginity  ;  to  ravish  ;  to  take  away  the 

beauty  and  grace  of  any  thing 
Defluous,  a.  that  flows  down,  or  falls  off 
Defluxlon,  s.  flow  of  humours  downwards 
Defceda'tion,  s.  a  defilement,  pollution 
Deforcement,  s.  withholding  of  lauds,  &c. 

by  force  from  the  right  owner 
Defo'rm,  v.  a.  to  disfigure,  to  dishonour 
Deform'ed,  a.  ugly,  disfigured,  crooked 
Deformity,  s.  ugliness,  crookedness 
Defra'ud,  v.  a.  to  rob  by  a  trick  ;  to  cozen 
Defraud'er,  s.  one  who  defrauds  or  cheats 
Defra'y,  v.  a.  to  bear  charges  or  expenses 
Deft,  a.  neat,  handsome,  proper,  ready 
Deft'ly,  ad.  neatly,  dexterously 
Defu'nct,  a.  dead,  extinct-..?,  a  dead  man 
Defunc'tion,  s.  a  decease,  extinction 
Defy',  v.  a.  to  challenge,  to  slight 
Degen'eracy,  s.  departure  from  virtue  ;  vice 
Degen'erate,  v.  n.  to  decay  in  virtue  or  kind 
Degeneration,  s.  the  act  of  degenerating 
Degen'erous,  a.  degenerated,  vile,  base 
Deglu'tinate,  v.  a.  to  unglue  ;  undo,  slacken 
Degluti'tion,  s.  the  act  of  swallowing 
Degradation,  j.  a  placing  lower  ;  baseness 
Degra'de,  v.  a.  to  lessen,  to  place  lower 
Degre'e,  s.  quality,  class,  station  ;  the  360th 

part  of  a  circle  ;  60  geographical  miles 
Deho'rt,  v.  a.  to  dissuade,  to  discourage 
Dehorta'tion,  s.  dissuasion 
De'icide,  s.  the  death  of  our  Saviour 
"Deje'ct,  v.  0.  to  cast  down,  afflict,  grieve 
F  % 

Dejection,  s.  lowness  of  spirits  ;  weakness 
Deject'ure,  s.  excrement,  refuse 
Deification,  s.  the  act  of  making  a  god 
De'ify,  v.  a.  to  make  a  god  of,  to  adore 
Deign,  v.  a.  to  vouchsafe,  to  grant, 
De'ism,  s.  the  opinion  of  those  who  acknow- 
ledge one  God,  but  deny  revealed  religion 
De'ist,  s.  one  who  believes  in  the  existence 
of  Gcd,  but  follows  no  particular  religion 
Deistlcal,  a.  belonging  to  deism 
De'ity,  s.  the  Divine  Being  ;  God 
Delacta'tion,  s.  a  weaning  from  the  breast 
Delap'sed,  a.  bearing  or  falling  down 
Delate,  v.  a.  to  carry,  to  convey,  to  accuse 
Delation,  s.  a  conveyance  ;  an  accusation 
Dela'y,  v.  to  put  off,  to  frustrate,  to  stop 
Dela'y,  s.  a  deferring  ;  a  stop,  a  hinderance 
Delectable,  a.  pleasing,  delightful 
Delectation,  /.  pleasure,  delight 
Del'egate,  v.  a.  to  send  away  ;  to  intrust 
Delegate,*,  a  deputy,  a  commissioner,  a  vicar 
Delegates,  /.  pi.  a  court  of  appeal 
Delete'rious,  a.  deadly,  destructive 
Deletion,  s.  act  of  blotting  out ;  destruction 
Delf,  Delfe,  Delph,  s.  a  quarry  ;  a  mine }  a 

kind  of  counterfeit  china  ware 
Deliba'tion,  jr.  an  essay,  an  attempt  ;  taste 
Delib'erate,  v.  n.  to  think,  hesitate,  muse 
Deliberate,  a.  circumspect,  wary,  slow 
Deliberation,  s.  circumspection,  thought 
Del'icacy,  s.  daintiness,  nicety,  politeness 
Del'icate,  a.  nice,  dainty,  polite,  pure,  fine 
Del'icateness,  s.  tenderness,  effeminacy 
Deii'cious,  a.  sweet,  grateful,  agreeable 
Delegation,  s.  the  act  of  binding  up 
Deli'ght,  s.  joy,  pleasure,  satisfaction 
Deli'ght,  v.  to  content,  to  please,  to  satisfy 
Delightful,  a.  pleasant,  charming 
Delin'eate,  v.  a.  to  design,  sketch,  paint 
Delineation,  s.  outlines  of  a  picture ;  a  sketch 
Delinquency,  s.  a  fault  ;  failure  In  duty 
Delinquent,  s.  an  offender,  a  criminal 
Del'iquate,  v.  a.  to  melt,  dissolve,  clarify 
Delirious,  a.  light-headed,  raving,  doting 
Delirium,  s.  alienation  of  mind  ;  dotage 
Deliv'er,  v.  a.  to  resign  ;  rescue ;  pronounce 
Deliv'erance,  s.  freedom  from  ;  utterance 
Deliv'ery,  s.  release  ;  rescue  ;  childbirth 
Dell,  s.  a  pit,  a  cavity,  a  shady  covert 
Delu'de,  v.  a.  to  cheat,  deceive,  disappoint 
Delve,  v.  n.  to  dig,  to  fathom, to  sift 
Delve,  s.  a  ditch,  a  pitfal,  a  den,  a  cave 
Delv'er,  s.  one  who  digs  with  a  spade 
Del'uge,  s.  a  general  inundation 
Del'uge,  v.  a.  to  drown,  to  overwhelm 
Delu'sion,  s.  a  cheat,  a  deception,  an  error 
Delu'sive,  Delu'sory,  a.  apt  to  deceive 
Dem'agogue,  s.  the  ringleader  of  a  faction. 
Dema'nd,  s.  a  claim  ;  a  question  ;  a  call 
Derr.a'nd,  v.  a.  to  claim  with  authority 

D  E  N 


D  E  I> 

Demand'ant,  s.  the  plaintiff  in  an  action 
Demand'er,  s.  one  who  demands  dues 
Deme'an,  v.  a.  to  behave  •,  to  undervalue 
Demean'our,  s.  carriage,  behaviour 
Dementu'tion,  s.  madness,  delirious  state 
Demerit,  s.  the  opposite  to  merit  ;  ill-de- 

serving...i;.  n.  to  deserve  punishment 
DemeSne,  s.  a  patrimonial  estate 
Demi,  a.  half  ;  at  Oxford  a  half  fellow 
Dern'i-devil,  s.  half  devil  ;  a  wicked  wretch 
Demi-god,  s.  half  a  god  ;  a  great  hero 
Demigra'tion,  s.  a  removing  from  place  to 

place,  changing  the  habitation 
Demirep,  t.  a  woman  of  light  fame 
Demise, ;.  death,  decease  ;  will 
DemiSe,  v.  a.  to  bequeath  at  one's  death 
Demis'sion,  s.  degradation,  depression 
Demit,  v.  a.  to  degrade,  to  depress 
Democ'racy,  s.  a  form  of  government,  in 
which  the  sovereign  power  is  lodged  in 
the  body  of  the  people 
Democratical,  a.  relating  to  democracy 
Demolish,  v.  a.  to  destroy,  to  overthrow 
Demolisher,  s.  a  destroyer,  a  layer  waste 

HjSr*tion,  j.  aft  of  demolishing  buildings 
De'mon,  ;.  an  evil  spirit,  a  devil 
Demo'niac,  s.  one  possessed  with  a  demon 
Demonol'ogy,  s.  a  treatise  on  evil  spirits 
Demonstrable,  a.  that  which  may  be  proved 

beyond  doubt  or  contradiction  ;  evident 
Demonstrate,  v.  a.  to  prove  with  certainty 
Demonstration,  s.  an  indubitable  proof 
Demonstrative,  a.  invincibly  conclusive 
Demul'cent,  a.  sofrening,.mollifying 
Demu'r,  v.  to  dtlay,  to  suspend,  to  doubt  of 
Demu'r,  s.  hesitation,  suspense  of  opinion 
Demu're,  a.  decent,  grave,  affectedly  modest 
Demu'rely,  ad.  affecledly,  solemnly 
Demurrage,  s.  allowance  for  delaying  ships 
Demur'rer,  s.  a  stop  in  a  lawsuit 
Demy',  s.  a  paper  so  call£d 
Den, ;.  a  cavern  ;  cave  for  wild  beasts,  &c. 
De'nary,  a.  relating  to,  or  containing  ten 
Dena'y,  s.  a  denial,  a  refusal,  a  rejection 
Deni'able,  a.  that  which  may  be  denied 
Deni'al,  /.  refusal,  negation,  abjuration 
Denigrate,  v.  a.  to  blacken,  to  make  black 
Denization,  /.  the  act  of  making  a  man  free 
Denizen,  s.  a  citizen,  a  freeman 
Denominate,  v.  a.  to  give  a  name  to 
Denomination,  s.  a  name  given  to ;  a  title 
Denominative,  a.  conferring  a  name 
Denotation,  s.  the  act  of  denoting 
Deno'te,  v.  a.  to  mark,  betoken,  point  out 
Denounce,  v.  a.  to  threaten,  to  accuse 
Den>e,  a.  close,  compact,  almost  solid 
Dun'sity,  s.  closeness,  compactness 
Dent,  v-  a.  to  indent,  to  mark  with  notches 
Den'tal,  a.  relating  to  the  teeth 
Dentei'Li,  ;.  modillions  in  architecture 

Deniic'ulated,  a.  set  with  small  teeth 
Dentition,  /.  the  act  of  breeding  the  teeth 
Dentifrice,  s.  a  powder  for  the  teeth 
Denu'date,  Denu'de,  v.  a.  to  strip,  to  divest 
Denunciation,  s.  a  public  menace 
Deny',  -v.  a.  to  contradict ;   to  refuse,  disown 
Deob'strucnt,  a.  removing  obstructions 
De'odand,*.  forfeiture  made  to  God 
Deop'pilative,  a.  clearing  obstructions 
Depaint,  -v.  a.  to  picture,  to  describe 
Depa'rt,  v.  to  go  away  ;  to  die  -,  to  apostatize 
Depa'rt,  Departure,  s.  a  going  away  ;  death 
Depart'menl,  s.  a  separate  office  ;  duty 
Depau'perate,  v.  a.  to  make  poor 
Depec'tible,  a.  tough,  clammy,  tenacious 
Depe'nd,  v.  n.  to  hang  from  ;  to  rely  on 
Dependence,  s.  connexion,  reliance,  trust 
Depend'ant,  a.  in  the  power  of  another 
Dependent,  Depend'ent,  Depend'er,  s.  one 

who  lives  in  subjection  to  another 
Depend'ent,  a.  hanging  from,  or  down 
Dephle'gm,  v.  a.  to  clear  from  phlegm 
Depi'ct,  v-  a.  to  paint,  to  portray,  to  describe 
Dep-;ct'ed,prt;7.  painted,  described,  told 
Depi'lous.  a.  without  hair,  smooth 
Depletion,  s.  act  of  emptying  out  or  from 
Deplo  rable,  a.  sad,  hopeless,  lamentable 
Deplo're,  v.  a.  to  lament,  bewail,  mourn 
Deplu'raed,  a.  stripped  of  the  feathers 
Depo'nent, s.  a  witness  on  oath  ;  in  grammar, 

such  verbs  as  have  no  active  voice 
Depopulate,  v.  a.  to  unpeople,  to  lay  waste 
Depopulation,  s.  havoc,  destruction,  waste 
Depo'rt,  v.  n.  to  carry,  to  demean,  to  behave 
Depo'rt,  Deport'ment,  s.  behaviour,  conduct 
Deportation,  s.  transportation,  exile 
Depo'se,  v.  a.  to  degrade,  to  divest  ;  to  attest 
Depos'ite,  v.  a.  to  lay  up  as  a  pledge,  &c.„, 

s.  a  pledge,  a  pawn,  security  given 
Deposition,  s.  the  act  of  giving  public  testi- 
mony ;  depriving  a  prince  of  sovereignty 
Depository,  s.  the  place  where  any  thing  is 

lodged  ;  a  warehouse,  a  storehouse 
Depravation,  s.  depravity,  defamation 
Depra've,  v.  a.  to  vitiate,  to  corrupt 
Depra'vement,  Depravity,  s.  a  vitiated  state 
Dep'recate,  v.  a.  to  pray  deliverance  from  y 

to  avert  by  prayer  ;  to  implore  mercy 
Deprecation,  s.  a  prayer  against  evil 
Depre'ciate,  v.  a,  to  lessen  in  value 
Dep'redate,  v.  a.  to  rob,  to  pillage,  to  spoil 
Depredation,  /.  a  robbing,  a  spoiling 
Depredator,  i.  a  robber,  a  plunderer 
Deprehe'nd,  v.  a.  to  take  unawares,  discover 
Depre'ss,  v.  a.  to  humble,  deject,  cast  down 
Depression,  s.  the  act  of  humbling  ;  lowness 

of  spirits  ;  act  of  pressing  down 
Depres'sor,  s.  he  that  keeps  or  presses  down 
Deprivation,  s.  the  act  of  depriving 
Depri've,  v.  a.  to  take  from,  debar,  bereave 

D  E  3 


D  E  T 

Depth,  /.  deepness  ;  the  abyss  ;  abstruseness 
Depu'celate,  v.  a.  to  deflour 
Dep'urate,#.  cleansed,  pare,  freed  from  dregs 
Depura'tion,  s.  making  pure  or  clear 
Depu'ratory,  a.  tending  to  cleanse,  or  free 
Deputation,  s.  aft  of  deputing ;  vicegerency 
Depu'te,  v.  a.  to  appoint,  to  empower  to  act 
Dep'uty,  s.  any  one  that  transacts  business 

for  another,  a  substitute,  a  viceroy 
Dera'cinate,  v.  a.  to  pluck  up  by  the  roots 
Dera'ign,  v.  a.  to  prove ;  justify  ;  to  disorder 
Dereliction,  5.  an  utter  forsaking 
Deri'de,  v. a.  to  ridicule,  to  mock,  to  laugh  at 
Deri'sicn,j. contempt, scorn  •,  a  laughingstock 
Deri'sive,  a.  ridiculing,  scoffing,  mocking 
Deri'vabie,  a.  coming  by  derivation 
Derivation,  s.  tracing  from  its  original 
Derivative,  a.  derived  from  another 
Deri've,  -v.  to  deduce  from  its  original ;  to 

owe  its  origin  to  ;   to  descend  from 
Der'nier,  a.  the  last, the  only  remaining 
Der'cgate,  v.  to  disparage,  detract,  lessen 
Der'ogate,  a.  lessened  in  value,  damaged 
Deroga'tion, s.  a  defamation  ;  detraction 
Derog'atory,  Derog'ative,  a.  detractory  ;  that 

lessens  the  honour  of  ;  dishonourable 
Der'vis,  Der'vise,  /.  a  Turkish  priest 
Des'cant,  /.  a  song ;  discourse ;  disputation 
Desca'nt,  v.  n.  to  discourse  at  large  ;  to  sing 
Desce'nd,  v.  n.  to  come  down,  to  sink 
Descendant,  s.  the  offspring  of  an  ancestor 
Descendant ,  a  .proceeding  from 
Dcscen'sion,  s.  the  act:  of  falling  or  sinking  ; 

a  declension ;  degradation 
Desce'nt,  s.  a  declivity;  invasion;  birth 
Descri'be,  v.  a.  to  represent  by  words,  &c. 
Descrip'tion,  s.  the  act  of  describing;  repre- 
sentation ;  delineation 
Descriptive,  a.  tending  to  describe  ;  full 
Descry',  v. a.  to  spy  out,  to  discover  ;  to  detect 
Desecra'tion,  s.  the  abolition  of  consecration 
Des'ert,  s.  merit,  worth,  claim  to  reward 
Des'ert,  s.  a  wilderness  ;  solitude  ;  waste 
Dese'rt,  v.  a.  to  forsake,  to  abandon,  to  quit 
Desert'er,  s.  one  who  forsakes  his  cause  ;   he 

that  quits  his  regiment  clandestinely 
Deser'tion,  s,  act  of  forsaking  or  abandoning 
Desert'less,  a.  without  merit,  worthless 
Dese'rve,  v-  n.  to  be  worthy  of  good  or  ill 
Deserv'edly,  ad.  worthily,  according  to  desert 
Deserv'ing,  part .  worthy  of,  good ;  kind 
Desic'cant,  /.  an  application  to  dry  sores 
Desic'cate,  v.  a.  to  dry  up,  to  exhale 
Desid'erate,  v.  a.  to  want,  to  miss 
Be  nd  era' turn,  s.  somewhat  which  inquiry  has 
not  been  able  to  settle  or  discover  ;  as  the 
longitude  is  the  desideratum  of  navigation 
Desi'gn,  -v.  a.  to  purpose,  to  project,  to  plan 
Desi'gn,  /.  an  intention,  a  plan,  a  scheme 
Designation,;,  appointment;  intention 

Designedly,  ad.  intentionally,  purposely 
Designer,  s.  a  contriver;  an  architect 
Designing,  a.  deceitful,  cunning,  insidious 
Desi'rable,  a.  worthy  of  desire,  pleasing 
Desi're,  s.  wish ;  eagerness  to  obtain  or  enjoy 
Desi're,  v.  a.  to  wish  ;  to  covet;  to  entreat 
Desi'rous,  a.  full  of  desire,  eager,  anxious 
Desi'st,"u.  n.  to  cease  from  any  thing;  to  stop- 
Desis'tive,  a.  ending,  concludent,  final 
Desk,  s.  an  inclining  table  to  write  on 
Des'olate,  v.  a.  to  lay  waste,  to  make  desert 
Des'olate,  a.  laid  waste,  uninhabited,  solitary 
Desola'tion,  s.  destruction,  gloominess 
Despa'ir,  s.  hopelessness,  despondence 
Despa'ir,  v.n.  to  be  without  hope, to  despond 
Despa'tch,  v.  a.  to  send  away  hastily ;  to  kill 
Despatch,  /.  haste,  speed ;  an  express 
Despera'do,  s.  a  furious  person 
Des'perate,  a.  having  no  hope;  rash,  furious 
Des'perately,  ad.  rashly,  furiously,  madly 
Despera'tion, ;.  despair,  rashness 
Des'picable,  a.  contemptible,  worthless 
Despi'sable,  a.  contemptible,  mean 
Despi'se,  v.  a.  to  scorn,  to  contemn,  to  slight 
Despi'te,  s.  malice,  malignity  ;  defiance 
Despite,  v.  a.  to  vex,  to  affront,  to  distress 
Despi'teful,  a.  malicious,  full  of  spleen 
Despo'il,  v.  a.  to  rob,  to  plunder,  to  deprive 
Despolia'tion,  s.  the  act  of  despoiling 
Despo'nd,  v.  n.  to  despair,  to  lose  hope 
Despondency,  j.  despair,  hopelessness 
Despond'ent,  a.  dejected,  despairing 
Despcu'sate,  v.  a.  to  betroth,  to  affiance 
Des'pot,  s.  an  absolute  prince  ;  one  that  go- 
verns with  unlimited  authority 
Despotic,  a.  absolute,  arbitrary,  unlimited 
Des'potism,  s.  absolute  power,  tyranny 
Despuma'tion,  s.  scum,  frothiness 
Desse'rt,  s.  the  last  course  at  a  feast ;  fruit 
Des'tinate,  v.  a.  to  design,  to  intend 
Destina'tion,  s.  the  purpose  intended 
Des'tine,  v. a.  to  doom,  to  appoint,  to  devote 
Destiny, ;.  fate,  doom  ;  invincible  necessity 
Destitute,  a.  forsaken,  in  want,  friendless 
Destitution^  s.  want,  poverty 
Destro'y,  v.  a.  to  lay  waste ;  kill ;  desolate 
Destrcy'er,  s.  the  person  that  destroys 
Destructible,  a.  liable  to  destruction 
Destruc'tion,  s.  ruin,  murder  ;  demolition 
Destructive, «. that  which  destroys ;  wasteful 
Desu'etude,  s.  disuse  of  a  custom 
Des'ultorily,  ad.  in  a  desultory  manner 
Des'ultory,  a.  unsettled,  unconnected 
Desu'me,  v.  a.  to  take  from  any  thing 
Deta'ch,  v.  a-  to  separate,  to  send  off  a  party 
Detach'ed,  part,  sent  off,  disengaged 
Detach'ment,  s.  a  body  of  troops  detached 
Detail,  s.  a  minute,  particular  relation 
Deta'in,  v.  a.  to  withhold  ;  keep  in  custody 
Detaia'der,  s.  a  writ  to  detain  in  custody 




Beta'iner,  s.  one  who  detains,  &c. 
Dete'ct,  v.  a.  to  discover,  to  find  out 
Detection,  s.  discovery  of  guilt  or  fraud 
Detention,  s.  the  act  of  detaining  ;  restraint 
Dete'r,  v.  a.  to  discourage,  to  dishearten 
Dete'rgB,  v.  a.  to  cleanse  a  wound 
Deter'gent,  a.  cleansing,  wiping  off 
Determent,  s.  cause  of  discouragement 
Deter  minable,  a.  that  which  can  be  decided 
Determinate,  -v.  a.  to  limit,  to  fix 
Determinate,  a.  limited,  decisive,  resolute 
Deter'minately,  ad.  resolutely,  decisively 
Determination,  s.  a  decision ;  a  resolution 
Deter'mine,  v.  a.  to  fix,  to  resolve,  to  decide 
Determined,  part,  resolved,  decided 
Deter'sive,  a.  having  power  to  cleanse 
Dete'st,  v.  a.  to  hate,  abhor,  dislike  greatly 
Detest'able,  a.  hateful,  odious,  abominable 
Detestation,  s.  hatred,  abhorrence 
Dethro'ne,  v.  a.  to  divest  of  regality 
Detona'tion,  s.  that  noise  which  happens  on 

mixing  fluids  that  ferment  with  violence 
Detra'ct,  v.  a.  to  derogate,  slander,  defame 
Detraction,  s.  defamation,  slander 
Detract'ive,  a.  tending  to  detract 
Detract 'ory,  a.  defamatory,  derogatory 
Detriment,  s.  loss,  damage,  mischief,  harm 
Detrimental,  a.  hurtful,  injurious 
Detri'tion,  s.  the  act  of  wearing  away 
Detru'de,  v.  a.  to  thrust  down,  to  lower 
Detru'sion,  s.  the  act  of  thrusting  down 
Devastation,  s.  waste,  havoc,  destruction 
Deuce,  j.  the  two  in  cards  or  dice  ;  the  devil 
Devel'op,  v.a.  to  unfold,  to  detect,  to  unravel 
Deve'st,  v.  a.  to  strip  ;  to  annul ;  to  free  from 
De'viate,  -v.  n.  to  wander,  to  go  astray,  to  err 
Deviation,  s,  quitting  the  right  way ;  offence 
Devi'ce,  s.  a  contrivance ;  an  emblem 
Dev'il,  s.  a  fallen  angel;  a  wicked  person 
Dev'ilish,«.  diabolical,  abandoned  ;  excessive 
De'vious,  a  out  of  the  common  track  ;  erring 
Devi'se,  v.  to  contrive,  to  invent,  to  consider 
Devi'sed,  part,  contrived  ;  given  by  will 
Devise'e,  s.  one  to  whom  a  thing  is  devised 
Devoi'd,  a.  empty,  vacant,  destitute  of 
Devo'ir,  s.  service;  an  act  of  obsequiousness 
Devo'lve,  v.  to  fall  by  succession;    roll  down 
Devote,  v.  a.  to  consecrate ;  to  give  up 
Devote'e,  s.  a  bigot,  a  superstitious  person 
Devotion,  s.  piety  ;  worship  ;  power  ;  ardour 
Devo'ur,  v.  a.  to  eat  ravenously,  to  consume 
Devo'ut,  a.  pious,  religious,  sincere 
Devout'iy,  ad.  piously,  with  ardent  devotion 
Deuteros'copy,  s.  the  second  intention 
Dew,  j.  a  thin  cold  vapour. ..v.  a.  to  moisten 
Dew'berry,  s.  a  fruit ;  a  kind  of  raspberry 
Dew'drop,  s.  a  drop  of  dew,  a  spangle  of  dew 
Dew'lap,  s.  the  flesh  hanging  from  the  throats 

of  oxen ;  the  lip  flaccid  with  age 
Dew'y,  a,  reagabling  ox  moist  with  dew 

Dexter'ity,  s .  activity,  readiness,  expertness 
Dex'terous,  a.  expert,  active,  cunning 
Dexterously,  ad.  expertly,  artfully,  skilfully 
Dex'tral,  Dexter,  a.  on  the  right  hand  side 
Dey,  s.  the  title  of  a  Moorish  prince 
Diabe'tes,  j.  an  involuntary  discharge  of  urine 
Diabolical,  a.  devilish,  impious,  nefarious 
Diaco'dium,  s.  the  syrup  of  poppies 
Diacous'tics,  j.  the  dodtrine  of  sounds 
Di'adem,  s.  a  crown,  a  mark  of  royalty 
Dias'resis,  s.  the  division  of  syllables 
Diagnostic,  s.  a  distinguishing  symptom 
Diag'onal,  /.  a  line  from  angle  to  angle 
Di'agram,  s.  a  mathematical  scheme 
Di'al,  s.  a  plate  on  which  a  hand  shews  the 
hour  of  the  day  by  the  progress  of  the  sun 
Di'alect,  s.  manner  of  expression  ;  particular 

style  ;  subdivision  of  a  language 
Dialectical,  a.  logical,  argumental 
Dialectic,  s.  logic ;  the  art  of  reasoning 
Di'alling,  s.  the  art  of  constructing  dials 
Dial'ogist,  s.  a  writer  of  dialogues 
Di'alogue,  /.  a  conversation  between  two  0? 

more  persons  ;  alternate  discourse 
Diam'eter,  s.  a  line  which,  passing  through 

a  circle,  divides  it  into  two  equal  parts 
Diamet'rical,  a.  describing  a  diameter 
Diamet'rically,  ad.  in  a  diametrical  dif^ci 

tion  ;  in  direct  opposition 
Di'amond,  s.  the  most  valuable  of  all  gems 
Diapa'son,  s.  an  octave  in  music  ;  a  concord 
Di'aper,  /.  a  sort  of  fine  flowered  linen 
Diaph'anous,  a.  transparent,  clear,  pellucid 
Diaphoret'ic,  a.  promoting  perspiration 
Di'aphragm,  s.  the  midriff;  a  partition 
Diarrhce'a,  s.  a  flux  of  the  belly  ;  looseness 
Di'ary,  s.  a  daily  account;  a  journal 
Diastole,  s.  the  making  a  short  syllable  long; 

the  dilatation  of  the  heart 
Dib'ble,  s.  a  gardener's  planting  tool 
Dice,  s.  pi.  of  Die..^y.  n.  to  game  with  dice 
Di'cer>  s.  a  player  at  dice,  a  gamester 
Dick'er,  s.  the  number  of  ten  hides 
Dic'tate,  v.  a.  to  tell  what  to  write  ;  instruct 
Dictate,  s.  a  precept,  an  instruction 
Dictator,  s.  a  ruler ;  a  Roman  magistrate 
Dictatorial,  a.  authoritative,  dogmatical 
Dictatorship,  s.  the  office  of  a  dictator 
Diction,  s.  style,  language,  expression 
Dic'tionary,  s.  a  book  explaining  the  words  of 

any  language  alphabetically ;  a  lexicon 
Didactic,  s.  perceptive,  giving  precepts ;  as  a 

didactic  poem  gives  rules  for  some  art 
Didac'tic,  Didactical,  a.  doctrinal 
Didactically,  ad.  in  a  didactic  manner 
Die,  v.  to  tinge,  colour  ;  to  lose  life,  perish 
Die,  s.  a  small  marked  cube    to  play  with ; 
stamp  used  in  coinage ;  colour,  stain,  hua 
Di'er,  s.  one  who  dies  cloth,  &c. 
Di'et, ;.  food ;  an  assembly  of  prince* 

D  J  M 


D  I 

Di'et,  v.  to  supply  with  food;    to  eat  by  rule 
Di'etdrink,  s   a  drink  made  with  herbs,  &c 
Differ,  v.n.  to  be  unlike,  to  vary,  to  disagree 
Difference,  s.  dissimilitude;  a  dispute 
Different,  a.  distinct,  unlike,  dissimilar 
Differently,  ad.  in  a  different  manner 
Difficult,*?,  not  easy,  troublesome,  vexatious 
Difficulty* x.  distress,  perplexity  j  objection 
Diffxdence,  s.  distrust,  want  of  confidence 
Diffluent,  a.  not  confidenc,  distrustful 
Dif  fiuent,  a.  flowing  every  way,  net  fixed 
Diffo'rm,u.  not  uniform,  irregular 
Diffu'se,  v.  a.  to  pour  out,  tc  scatter,  to  spread 
Diffu'se,  a.  scattered,  ccpicus,  not  concise 
DifFu'sedly,  ad.  widely,  copiously 
Diffusion,  Diffusiveness,  ; .  dispersion 
Diffusive,  a.  dispersed,  scattered,  extended 
Dig,  v.  a.  to  turn  up,  or  cultivate  land 
Dige'st,  v.  to  dissolve  ;  to  range  in  order 
Di'gest,  s.  a  collection  of  civil  laws 
Digest'ible,  a.  that  which  may  be  digested 
Digest'ion,  s.  the  concocting  or  dissolving  of 
food  in  the  stomach ;  preparation  cf  mat- 
ter by  heat ;  reduction  to  a  regular  plan 
Dig'ger,  s.  one  who  digs  or  turns  up  earth 
Dight,  v.  a.  to  deck,  to  dress,  to  adorn 
Di'git,  s.  three  quarters  of   an  inch  ;    "he 
twelfth  part  of  the  diameter  of  the  sun  or 
moon  ;  auv  number  under  ten 
Di'gital,  a.  relating  to  a  digit  or  the  finger 
Dignified, part,  invested  with  honours 
Dignify,  v.  a.  to  advance,  to  exalt,  to  honour 
Dig'nitary,  s.  a  clergyman  advanced  to  some 

dignity  above  that  of  a  parochial  priest 
Dig/nity,  s.  grandeur,  rank,  honour 
Digre'ss,  v.  r..  to  turn  aside  ;  to  expatiate 
Digression,/,  a  deviation  from  the  subject 
Dike,  s.  a  ditch,  a  channel,  a  bank,  a  mound 
Dila'cerate,  v.  a.  to  tear,  to  force  in  two 
Dilapidate,  v.  n.  to  fall  to  ruin 
Dilapidation,  s.   the    incumbent's   suffering 
any  edifice  of  his  ecclesiastical  living  tc 
decay  for  want  cf  repair 
Dila'table,  a.  capable  of  extension 
Dila'te,  v.  to  extend,  to  widen  ;  to  relate 
Dila'tor,  s.  that  which  widens  or  extends 
Dil'atoriness,  s.  slowness,  sluggishness 
Dil'atory,  a.  tardy,  slow,  loitering 
Dilem'ma,  j.  difficulty,  vexatious  alternative 
Dil'igence,  ;.  industry,  constant  application 
Dii'igent,  a.  persevering,  assiduous,  net  idie 
Dilu'cid,  a.  clear,  plain,  not  opaque 
Diiu'cidate,  v.  a.  to  make  clear,  to  explain 
Dilu'te,  v.  a.  to  make  thin,  tc  weaken 
Dilu'tlon,  /.  the  act  of  diluting 
Dilu'vian,  a.  relating  to  the  deluge 
Dim,  a.  not  clear  in  sight  or  apprehension 
Dimen'sion,  s.  bulk,  extent,  capacity 
Diminish,  v.  to  impair,  to  lessen,  to  degrade 
Dirainu'cion3 ;.  the  act  of  making  less 

Dimin'utive,  a.  small,  little,  contracted 
Di'missory,  a.  a  letter  from  one  bishop  to 

another,  about  conferring  holy  orders 
Dim'ity,  s.  a  fine  fustain,  or  cloth  of  cotton 
Dim'ness,  s.  dulness  of  sight  ;  stupidity 
Dlm'ple, s.  a  hollow  in  the-cheek  or  chin 
Dim'ply,  a.  full  of  dimples 
Din, ;.  a  loud  noise,  a  continued  sound 
Dine,  v.  to  eat,  or  give  a  dinner 
Dinet'ical,  a.  whirling  round  ;  vertiginous 
Ding,?;,  to  dash  with  violence ;  bluster,  huff 
Dingle,  s.  a  hollow  between  two  hills 
Din'gy,  a.  dark,  dirty,  soiled,  foul 
Din'ner,  s.  the  chief  meal  of  the  day 
Dint,  s.  a  blew,  a  mark  ;  violence,  force 
Dinumera'tion,  s.  the  numbering  one  by  one 
Di'nus,  s.  a  whirlwind ;  a  giddiness 
Dioce'san,  f.  a  bishop,  or  head  cf  a  diocess 
Di'ocess,j.  the  jurisdiction  of  a  bishop 
Diep'trics,  s.  a  part  of  optics,  treating  of  the 

different  refractions  of  the  light 
Dip,  v.  to  immerge ;  to  moisten ;  to  engage 
Diph'thong,  s.  two  vowels  joined  together 
Diplo'ma, ;.  a  deed  or  privilege  of  degree 
Dip'sas,  s.  a  serpent  whose  bite  causes  thirst 
Dip'tote,  s.  a  noun  of  two  cases  only 
Dire,  Di'reiul,  a.  dreadful,  dismal,  horrible 
Dire'ct,<2.  straight,  open, plain,  express 
Dire'ct,  v.  a.  to  command;  regulate;  adjust 
DSrec'tion,  s.  an  aim  ;  superscription 
Direct'iy,  ad.  immediately,  apparently  ;  in  a 

straight  line ;  rectilinearly 
Direct'or,  ;.  a  superintendent ;  an  instructor 
Directory,  s.  a  form  of  prayer ;  a  rule 
Di' reness,  s.  dismalness,  horror,  hidecusness 
Direp'tion,  s.  the  act  of  plundering 
Dirge, ;.  a  mournful  or  funeral  ditty 
Dirk,  s.  a  kind  of  dagger  or  short  sword 
Dirt,  j.  mud,  filth,  mire;  meanness 
Dirt'iness,  s.  nastiness  ;  sordidness 
Dirt'y,  a.  foul,  nasty,  sullied  ;  base,  mean 
Dirt'y,  v.  a.  to  foul,  to  soil ;  to  scandalize 
Dirup'tion,  s.  the  act  or  state  of  bursting 
Disability,  s.  want  of  power,  weakness 
Disa'ble,  v.  a.  to  render  incapable,  to  impair 
Disabu'se,  v.  a.  to  undeceive,  to  set  right 
Disadvantage,  /.  loss,  injury  to  interest 
Disadvantageous,  a.  prejudicial,  hurtful 
Disadvanta'ge&usly,  ad.  in  a  manner  contrary 

to  interest  cr  profit 
Disaffe'ct,  v.  a.  to  fill  with  discontent 
DisaifecVed,/w/.  not  wishing  well  to 
Disaffection,  s.  want  of  loyalty  or  zeal 
Disaifirm'ance, ;.  a  confutation  ;  a  negation 
DisagTe/e,?;.  n.  to  differ  in  opinion,  to  quarrel 
Disagre-eabie,  a.  unpleasing,  offensive 
Dii?gre  ement,  s.  difference,  unsuitableness 
Disallow',  v.  to  deny  ;  to  censure,  to  reject 
Disallow'able,  a.  not  allowable,  improper 
Dif  an  imate,  v.  a.  to  deprive  of  life  ;  deject 


D  I  S 

Disanima'tion,  s.  privation  of  life 
Disannu'l,  v.  a.  to  annul,  to  make  void 
Disappear,  v.  n.  to  be  lost  to  view,  to  vanish 
Disappo'int,  v.  a.  to  defeat  of  expectation 
Disappointment,  s.  defeat  of  hopes ;  miscar- 
riage of  expectation;  a  balk 
Disapprobation,  s.  a  censure,  a  dislike 
Disapprove,  v.  a.  to  dislike,  to  censure 
Disa'rm,  v.  a.  to  take  away,  or  divest  of  arms 
Disarm'ed,^?'/.  deprived  of  arms 
Disarra'y,  s.  disorder,  confusion ;  undress 
Disas'ter,  s.  misfortune,  grief,  mishap 
Dias'trous,  a.  unlucky,  calamitous 
Disavou'ch,  Disavo'w,  v.  a.  to  disown 
Disavowal,  Disavow'ment,  s.  a  denial 
Disba'nd,  v.  a.  to  dismiss  from  military  ser- 
vice ;  to  separate,  to  break  up,  to  scatter 
Disba'rk,  v.  a.  to  land  from  a  ship 
Disbelief,  j.  a  refusal  of  belief ;  discredit 
Disbelie've,  v.  a.  not  to  credit  or  believe 
Disbeliev'er,  s.  one  who  refuses  belief 
Disbra'nch,  v.  a.  to  separate  or  lop  off 
Disbur'den,  v.  a.  to  unload,  to  discharge 
Disbu'rse,  v.  a.  to  spend  or  lay  out  money 
Disburse'ment,  s.  a  disbursing  of  money 
Discan'dy,  v.  n.  to  dissolve,  to  melt 
Disca'rd,?;.  a.  to  dismiss  or  eject  from  service 
Discar'nate,  a.  stripped  of  fiesh 
Discern,  v.  a.  to  descry,  judge,  distinguish 
Discernible,  a.  discoverable,  perceptible 
Discern'ing,  part.  a.  judicious,  knowing 
Discern'ment,  s.  judgment,  skill 
Discerp'tible,  a.  frangible,  separable 
Discharge,  v.  a.  to  dismiss  ;  to  emit ;  to  pay 
Discharge,  s.  a  dismission  ;  an  acquittance 
Disci'nct,  a.  ungirded;  loosely  dressed 
Disci'nd,  v.  a.  to  divide ;  to  cut  in  pieces 
Disci'ple,  s.  a  scholar  ;  a  follower 
Disci'pleship,  s.  the  state  of  a  disciple 
Discipline,  s.  a  military  regulation  ;  order 
Discipline,  v.  a.  to  educate ;  to  regulate  ;  to 

keep  in  order;  to  reform;  to  chastise 
Discla'im,  v.  a.  to  disown,  deny,  renounce 
Disclo'se,  v.  a.  to  reveal,  to  tell,  to  discover 
Disclosure,  s.  revealing  a  secret ;  discovery 
Discol'our,  v.  a.  to  stain  or  change  colour 
Discom'fit,  v.  a.  to  defeat,  to  vanquish 
Discom'hture,  s.  overthrow  ;  loss  of  battle 
Discom'fort,  v.  a.  to  grieve,  deject,  sadden 
Discom'fort,  s.  uneasiness,  melancholy 
Discomme'nd,  v.  a.  to  blame,  to  censure 
Discommend'able,  a.  blameable,  censurable 
Discommo'de,  -v.  a.  to  put  to  inconvenience 
DisCompo'se,T/.  a.  to  ruffle,  to  vex,  to  displace 
Disconce'rt,  v.  a.  to  unsettle,  to  discompose 
Disconfor'mity,;.  want  of  agreement 
Discongru'ity,  s.  inconsistency,  disagreement 
Disconsolate,  a.  sad,  hopeless,  sorrowful 
Disconte'nt,  s.  a  want  of  content,  sorrow 
Disccntent'ed,/>a/7.  a.  uneasy,  dissatisfied 

Discontentment,  s.  the  state  of  being  discon- 
tented ;  uneasiness 
Discontinuance,  Discontinua'tion,  s.  a  cessav 

tion,  separation ;  intermission 
Discontinue,  v.  to  leave  off;  to  interrupt 
Dis'cord,  s.  a  disagreement;  opposition 
Discordance,  s.  disagreement,  inconsistency 
Discord'ant,  a.  inconsistent,  incongruous 
Discov'er,  v.  a.  to  disclose,  to  detect,  to  espy 
Discovered,  part,  found  out,  betrayed 
Discov'ery,  s,  the  act  of  finding,  invention 
Disco'unt,  v.  a-  to  draw  back,  to  pay  back 
Dis'count,*.  a  draw  back,  an  allowance 
Discountenance, i;.  a.  to  discourage,  to  abash 
Discountenance,  /.  cold  treatment 
Discour'age,t>.  a.  to  deter,  depress,  dissuade 
Discour'agement,  s.  determent,  cause  of  fear 
Disco'urse,  s.  conversation,  a  treatise 
Discour'teous,  a.  uncivil,  rough,  unpolite 
Dis'cous,  a.  broad,  flat,  wide 
Discredit,  s.  ignominy,  reproach,  disgrace 
Discredit,  v.  a.  not  to  believe;  to  disgrace 
Discre'et,  a.  prudent,  cautious,  modest 
Dis'crepance,  s.  a  difference,  contrariety 
Discre'te,  a.  distinct,  disjointed,  separated 
Discretion,  s.  prudence;   liberty  of  acting 
Discre'tionary,  a.  left  at  large,  unrestrained 
Discriminate,  v.  a.  to  mark ;  select ;  separate 
Discrimination,  s.  a  distinction  ;  act  of  dis- 
tinguishing one  from  another  ;  a  mark 
Discrim'inous,  a.  dangerous,  perilous 
Discu'bitory,  a.  fitted  to  a  leaning  posture 
Dis-cum'bency,  s.  the  act  of  leaning  at  meat 
Discum'ber,  v.  a.  to  unburden,  to  disengage 
Discur'sion,  s.  act  of  running  to  and  fro 
Discur'sive,  a.  progressive,  argumentative 
Discur'sory,  a.  argumentative,  rational 
Dis'cus,  s.  a  quoit  ;  a  round  iron  for  play 
Discu'ss,  v.  a.  to  examine,  to  argue ;  disperse 
Discuss'ion,  s.  examination  of  a  question 
Discu'tient,  s.  a  repelling  medicine 
Disda'in,  /.  contempt,  scorn,  indignation 
Disda'in,  v.  a.  to  scorn,  to  reject,  to  slight 
Disda'inful,  a.  contemptuous,  haughty 
Dise'ase,  s.  distemper,  sickness,  malady 
Dise'ase,  v.  a.  to  afflict,  to  torment,  to  pain 
Dise'ased,  part,  afflicted  with  a  distemper 
Disemba'rk,  v.  to  put  on  shore,  to  land 
Disembit'ter,  v.  a.  to  free  from  bitterness 
Disembod'ied,  a.  divested  of  the  body 
Disembo'gue,  v.  to  discharge  into  the  sea 
Disembro'il,  v.  a.  to  clear  up,  to  disentangle 
Disencha'nt,  v.  a.  to  free  from  enchantment 
Disencum'ber,  v.  a.  to  disburden,  exonerate 
Disenga'ge,  v.  to  quit,  extricate,  free  from 
Disenga'ged,  pari.  a.  at  leisure ;  clear  from 
Disentan'gle,  v.  a.  to  unravel,  to  disengage 
Disenthral,  v.  a.  to  set  free,  to  rescue 
Disenthro'ne,  v.  a.  to  depose  a  sovereign 
Disentra/nce,,'u.  a.  to  awaken  from  a  trance 

D  I   S 

D  I  S 

Disespo'use,  v.  a.  to  separate,  to  divorce 
Disestee'm,  s.  slight  regard,  dislike 
Disfa'vour,  v.  a.  to  discountenance 
Disfigura'tion,  s.  act  of  disfiguring;  deformity 
Disfig'ure,  v.  a.  to  deform,  deface,  mangle 
Disfig'urement,  s.  defacement  of  beauty 
Disfranchise,  v.  a.  to  deprive  cities,  &c.  of 

chartered  privileges  or  Immunities 
Disgo'rge,  v.  a.  to  vomit,  pour  out  with  force 
Disgra'ce,  v.  a.  to  dishonour,  to  dismiss 
Disgra'ce,  s.  dishonour,  loss  of  favour 
Disgra'ceful,  a.  shameful,  ignominious 
Disgra'cious,  a.  unpleasing,  unfavourable 
Disgui'se,  s.  a  dress  to  deceive  ;  a  pretence 
Disgui'se,  v.  a.  to  conceal ;  disfigure,  deform 
Disgu'st,  s.  an  aversion,  dislike  ;  offence 
Disgu'st,  v.  a.'to  offend,  provoke;  to  distaste 
Disgust'ful,  a.  nauseous,  distasteful 
Dish,  s.  a  vessel  used  to  serve  up  meat  in 
Dish,  u.  a.  to  put,  or  serve  up  meat  in  a  dish 
Dishabille,  s.  an  undress,  a  loose  dress 
Disha'bitj-y.  a.  to  throw  out  of  place  ;  expel 
Dishear'ten,i;.  a.  to  discourage,  to  terrify 
Dishe'rit,  v.  a.  to  cut  off  from  inheritance 
Dishev'el,  v.  a.  to  spread  the  hair  disorderly 
Dishev'elled,/>tfrr.  loose,  disordered 
Dishon'est,  a.  void  of  probity,  faithless 
Dishon'esty,  s.  knavery ;  incontinence 
Dishon'our,  v.  a.  to  disgrace,  to  deflour 
Dishonour,  s.  reproach,  disgrace,  censure 
Dishon'ourable,  a.  shameful,  reproachful 
Disho'rn,  v.  a.  to  strip  or  deprive  of  horns 
Disinclination,  s.  dislike,  want  of  affection 
Disincli'ne,^.  a.  to  produce  dislike  to 
Disincorporate,  v.  a.  to  separate,  to  dissolve 
Disingenulty,  s.  insincerity,  unfairness 
Disingen'uouS;  a.  illiberal,  unfair,  mean 
Disinherit,  v.  a.  to  deprive  of  inheritance 
Disinte'r,  v.  a.  to  take  out  of  a  grave 
Disinterested,  a.  void  of  private  advantage 
Disjoin,  v.  a.  to  separate,  to  disunite 
Disjo'int,  v.  to  put  out  of  joint ;  to  fall  in 

pieces  ;  to  make  incoherent 
Disjointed,  part,  separated,  divided 
Disjudica'tion,  /.  the  a£t  of  determining 
Disju'nct,  a.  disjoined,  separate 
Disjunc'tion,  s.  a  disunion,  a  separation 
Disk,  s.  the  face  of  the  sun,  &c.  a  quoit 
Disli'ke,  s.  aversion,  disapprobation 
Disli'ke,  v.  a.  to  disapprove,  to  hate 
Disli'ken, -v.  a.  to  make  unlike;  unusual 
Disli'mn,  v.  to  strike  out  of  a  picture 
Dislocate,  v.  a.  to  disjoint,  to  displace 
Disloca'tion,  s.  act  of  displacing  ;  a  luxation 
Dislo'dge,  v.  to  drive  out ;  to  move  away 
Disloy'al,  a.  not  true  to  allegiance  ;  faithless 
Disloy'alty,  s .  a  want  of  allegiance 
Dis'mal,a.  sorrowful,  uncomfortable  ;  dark 
Dis'mally,  ad.  horribly,  sorrowrully 
Eisman'tiej  v.  a-  to  strip ;  overthrow,  destroy 

Disma'sk,  v.  a.  to  put  off ;  divest;  uncover 
Disma'st,  v.  a.  to  deprive  of,  or  cut  off  masts 
Disma'y,  v.  a.  to  terrify,  to  affright,  to  deject 
Disma'y,  s.  a  fall  of  courage ;  terror 
Dis'me,  s.  a  tenth  part,  a  tithe 
Dismem'ber,  v.  a.  to  cut  off  a  limb,  Sec. 
Dismi'ss,  v.  a.  to  send  away,  to  discard 
Dismiss'ed, part,  sent  away,  discharged 
Dismis'sion,  s.  a  sending  away ;  deprivation 
Dismortgage,  v.  a.  to  redeem  from  mortgage 
Dismo'unt,  v.  to  throw  or  alight  from  ahorse 
Disobe'dience,  s.  a  breach  of  duty 
Disobe'dient,  a.  undutiful,  froward 
Disobe'y,  v.  a.  not  to  obey,  to  transgress 
Disobli'ge,  v.  a.  to  offend,  disgust,  provoke 
Disobli'ging,/>arJ.  a.  disgusting,  unpleasing 
Disor'der,  s.  tumult,  irregularity  ;  sickness 
Disor'der,  v.  a.  to  disturb,  ruffle  ;  make  sick 
Disorderly,  a.  confused,  irregular;  lawless 
Disor'dinate,  a.  vicious,  living  irregularly 
Diso'wn,  v.  a.  not  to  own,  renounce,  deny 
Dispa'nd,  v.  a.  to  display,  to  spread  abroad 
Dispar'age,  v.  a.  to  treat  with  contempt 
Disparagement,  s.  a  disgrace,  a  reproach 
Disparity,  /.  inequality,  dissimilitude 
Dispa'rk,  i/.  a.  to  throw  open  a  park 
Dispa'rt,  v.  a.  to  divide  in  two,  to  separate 
Dispas'sion,  s.  coolness  of  temper 
Dispas'sionate,  a.  cool,  moderate,  impartial 
Dispa'tch.     See  Despa'tch 
Dispel,  v.  a.  to  drive  away,  to  dissipate 
Dispe'nd,  v.  a.  to  spend,  consume,  expend 
j  Dispen'sary,  s.  a  place  where  medicines  are 
dispensed  to  the  public 
Dispensation,  s.  an  exemption ;  a  distribu- 
tion; an  indulgence  from  the  Pope 
Dispen'satory,  s.  the  directory  for  making 

medicines;  a  pharmacopeia 
Dispe'nse,  v.  to  distribute ;  to  excuse 
Dispe'ople,  v.  a.  to  depopulate,  to  lay  waste 
Dispe'rge,  v.  a.  to  sprinkle,  to  scatter 
Disper'se,  v.  a.  to  scatter,  to  drive  away 
Disper'sion,  s.  the  act  of  spreading  abroad 
Dispirit,  v.  a.  to  discourage,  damp,  oppress 
Displa'ce,  v.  a.  to  put  out  of  place,  to  remove 
Displa'cency,  s.  incivility,  disgust 
Displa'nt,  v.  a.  to  remove  a  plant ;  to  drive 

away  a  people  from  their  residence 
Displanta'tion,  s.  the  removal  of  a  people 
Displa'y,  v.  a.  to  spread  wide,  to  exhibit 
Displa'y,  s .  grandeur,  exhibition 
Displea'sant,  a.  unpleasing,  offensive 
Disple'ase,  v.  a.  to  offend,  disgust,  provoke 
Displea'sure,  /.  offence,  anger,  disgrace 
Displo'de,  v.  a.  to  vent  with  violence 
Displo'sion,  s.  a  bursting  with  violence 
Dispo'rt,  s.  play,  sport,  pastime,  merriment 
Dispo'sal,  s.  a  regulation ;  conduct 
Dispo'se,  v.  to  incline  ;  to  adjust ;  to  set  ifl 
order,  to  regulate-;  to  sell 

D  I  S 


D  I  S 

Dispo'sed, part,  placed;  inclined;  sold 
Disposition,  s.  order,  method  ;  quality,  tem- 
per of  mind  ;  situation  ;  tendency 
Disposse'ss,  v.  a.  to  deprive ;  to  disseise 
Disposses'sion,  s.  the  aft  of  putting  out 
Dispo'sure,*.  disposal ;  power;  state  ;  posture 
Dispra'ise,  s.  blame,  censure,  dishonour 
Dispra'ise,  v.  a.  to  blame,  censure,  condemn 
Disprea'd,  v.  a.  to  spread  different  ways 
Disprof'it,  s.  loss,  damage.-?;,  a.  to  injure 
Disproo'f,  s.  a  confutation,  a  refutation 
Disproportion,  v.  a.  to  mismatch 
Disproportion,  s.  want  of  symmetry  ;  un- 

suitableness ;  disparity,  inequality 
Dispropo'rtionable,  Disproportionate,  a.  un- 
suitable in  quantity  ;  unequal 
Dispro've,  v.  a.  to  confute,  to  refute 
Dispunishable,  a.  free  from  penal  restraint 
Disputable,  a.  liable  to  be  contested 
Dis'putant,  t.  a  controvertist,  a  reasoner 
Disputa'tion,  s.  argumental  contest 
Disputa'tious,  Dispu'tative,a.  inclined  to  dis- 
pute ;  captious  ;  argumentative 
Dispu'te,  v.  a.  to  contend,  oppose,  wrangle 
Dispu'te,  s.  a  contest,  controversy,  heat 
Dispute'less,  a.  undisputed,  undeniable 
Di§qualifka'tion,  s.  that  which  disqualifies 
Disqualify,  v.  a.  to  make  unfit,  to  disable 
Disqui'et,  v.  a.  to  disturb,  fret,  vex,  harass 
Disqui'et,  Disqui'etude,  s.  uneasiness 
Disqui'etly,  ad.  without  rest,  anxiously 
Disquisi'tion,  s.  a  disputative  inquiry 
Disregard,  s.  slight  notice,  neglect,  contempt 
Disregard,  v.  a.  to  slight,  negleft,  contemn 
Disregard'ful,  a.  negligent,  contemptuous 
Disrel'ish,;.  bad  taste;  dislike,  nauseousness 
Disrel'ish,  v.  a.  to  make  nauseous,  &c. 
Disrep'utable,  a.  disgraceful,  unbecoming 
Disreputation,  Disrepu'te,  s.  dishonour 
Disrespe'ft,  s.  rudeness,  want  of  reverence 
Disrespeft'ful,  a.  irreverent,  uncivil,  rude 
Disro'be,  v.  a.  to  undress,  to  uncover,  to  strip 
Disrup'tion,  j-.  a  breaking  asunder,  a  rent 
Dissatisfac'tion,  s.  discontent,  disgust 
Dissatisfactory,  a.  not  giving  content 
Dissat'isfy,  v.  a.  to  displease,  to  disoblige 
Disse'ft,  v.  a.  to  anatomize,  to  cut  in  pieces 
Dissec'tion,  s.  anatomy;  nice  examination 
Disse'ise,  v.  a.  to  dispossess,  to  deprive 
Disseise'e,  s.  one  deprived  of  his  lands 
Disse'isin,  s.  an  unlawful  ejectment 
Disseisor,  s.  he  that  dispossesses  another 
Dissem'ble,?;.  to  play  the  hypocrite 
Dissem'bled,  part,  not  real 
Dissem'bler,  s.  an  hypocrite,  a  pretender 
Dissem'inate,  v.  a.  to  scatter,  sow,  spread 
Dissemination,  s.  the  aft  of  scattering 
Dissen'sion,  s.  disagreement,  strife,  discord 
Dissen'sious,  a.  contentious,  quarrelsome 
Disse'nt,  differ  in  opinion  ;  to  differ 

j  Dissent'er,  s.  one  who  dissents  from,  or  does 
not  conform  to,  the  ceremonies  of  the  esta- 
blished church ;  a  nonconformist 
Dissertation,  s.  a  discourse  ;  a  treatise 
Disser've,  v.  a.  to  do  an  injury  to,  to  hurt 
Disser'vice,  s.  injury,  mischief,  ill-turn 
Disser'viceable,  a.  injurious,  mischievous 
Dissev'er,  v.  a.  to  part  in  two  ;  to  disunite 
Dissili'tion,  s.  the  aft  of  bursting  in  two 
Dissim'ilar,  a.  unlike,  heterogeneous 
Dissimilarity,  Dissimilitude,  s.  unlikeness 
Dissimulation,  s.  a  dissembling  ;  hypocrisy 
Dis'sipate,  <v.  a.  to  disperse,  to  spend  lavishly 
Dissipation,  s.  extravagant  spending,  waste 
Disso'ciate,  v.  a.  to  separate,  to  disunite 
Dis'soluble,  a.  capable  of  separation 
Disso'lve,  v.  to  melt ;  disunite,  separate 
Dissol'vent,  a.  having  the  power  of  melting 
Dissol'vible,  a.  liable  to  be  dissolved 
Dis'solute,  a.  loose,  unrestrained,  debauched 
Dissolution,*,  a  dissolving;  death;  destruc- 
tion; the  aft  of  breaking  up  an  assembly 
Dis'sonance,  s.  discord,  harshness 
Dis'sonant,  a,  unharmonious,  harsh 
Dissua'de,  v.  a.  to  advise  to  the  contrary 
Dissua'sive,  a.  apt  or  proper  to  dissuade 
Dissyl'lable,  s.  a  word  of  two  syllables 
Dis'taff,  s.  a  staff  used  in  spinning 
Dista'in,  v.  a.  to  stain,  to  tinge  ;  to  defame 
Distance,  s.  remoteness  in  place ;  space  of 
time  ;  respeft ;  distant  behaviour  ;  reserve 
Dis'tance,  v.  a.  to  leave  behind  in  a  race 
Dis'tanl,  a.  remote  in  time  or  place ;  shy 
Dista'ste,  s.  aversion, dislike,  disgust 
Dista'steful,  a.  nauseous,  malignant 
Distem'per,  s.  a  disease,  malady;  uneasiness 
Distem'per,  v.  a',  to  disease;  ruffle,  disaffeftr 
Distem'perature,  s.  intemperateness  ;   noise 
Distem'pered,/;rtr*.  diseased;  disturbed 
Diste'nd,  v.  a.  to  stretch  out  in  breadth 
Distend'ed,  part,  widened,  swelled 
Diste'nt,  s.  space,  or  length  of  extension 
Distention,  s.  aft  of  stretching  ;  breadth 
Dis'tich,  s.  a  couple  of  lines  ;  a  couplet  ;  an 

epigram  consisting  only  of  two  verses 
Disti'l,  v.  to  drop  ;  to  draw  by  distillation 
Distilla'tion,  s.  the  aft  of  distilling  by  fire 
Distiller,  j.  one  who  distils  spirits 
Disti'nft,  a.  different,  separate  ;  unconfused 
Distinction,  s.  a  difference ;  honourable  note 

of  superiority ;  quality;  discernment 
Distinft'ive,  a.  judicious,  able  to  distinguish 
Distinft'ively,  Distinft'ly,«<i.  not  confusedly 
Distinft'ness,  s.  clearness,  plainness 
Distinguish,  v.  a.  to  discern, mark  ;  honour 
Distinguished,  p#rtfl.  eminent^  transcendent 
Disto'rt,  v.  a.  to  writhe,  twjst,  misrepresent 
Distor'tion,  .f.  grimace  ;  misrepresentation 
Distra'ft,  v.  a.  to  divide,  to  vex ,  to  make  mad 
Distraft'ed,/><*rJ.fl.  perplexed,  wild ;  divided 

D  I  V 


Distraft'edly,  ad.  madly,  franticly 
Distrac'tion,  s.  madness  ;  confusion,  discord 
Distra'in,  v.  a.  to  seize  goods  or  chattels 
Distra'int,  s.  a  seizure  of  goods,  &c. 
Distre'ss,  v.  a.  to  harass,  to  make  miserable 
Distre'ss,  s.  a  distraining  ;  misery,  want 
Distressed,  a.  miserable,  full  of  trouble 
Distribute,  v.  a.  to  divide  among  many 
Distribution,  s.  the  aft  of  distributing 
Dis'trift,  s.  a  circuit ;  region  ;  province 
Distru'st,  v.  a.  not  to  trust,  to  disbelieve 
Distru'st,  .'.  suspicion,  loss  of  confidence 
Distrust'fui,  a.  apt  to  distrust  ;  timorous 
Distu'rb,  v.  a.  to  perplex,  confound,  interrupt 
Disturbance,  s.  perplexity,  confusion,  tumult 
Disturb'er,  s.  a  violater  of  peace 
Disvalua'tion,  s.  disgrace,  loss  of  reputation 
Disval'ue,  v.  a.  to  undervalue,  to  slight 
Disu'nion,  s .  a  separation  ;  disagreement 
Disunite,  v.  a.  to  divide  ;  to  separate  friends 
Disu'nity,  s.  state  of  actual  separation 
Disu'se,  v.  a.  to  disaccustom,  to  leave  off 
Disvo'uchj-y.  a.  to  destroy  the  credit  of ;  deny 
Ditch,  s.  a  moat  in  fortification  ;  a  trench 
Ditch'er,  t.  a  man  who  makes  ditches 
Dithyram'bic,  s.  a  song  in  honour  of  Bacchus 
Dit'tied,e.  sung  ;  adapted  to  music 
Dit'to,  s.  the  aforesaid,  the  same  repeated 
Dit'ty,  s.  a  song  ;   a  musical  poem 
Diva'n,  s.  the  Ottoman  grand  council 
Divar'icate,  v.  a.  to  divide  into  two 
Divarica'tion,  s.  a  division  of  opinions 
Dive,  v.  n.  to  sink  voluntarily  under  water  ; 

to  immerge  into  any  business  or  science 
Di'ver,  s.  one  who  dives  ;  a  water  fowl 
Dive'rge,  v.  n,  to  bend  from  one  point 
Diver'gent,  a.  going  further  asunder 
Di'vers,  a.  several,  sundry,  more  than  one 
Diver'se,  a.  different,  unlike,  opposite 
Diversification,  s.  change,  variation 
Diversify,  v.  a.  to  distinguish,  to  variegate 
Diver'sion,  s.  a  turning  aside  ;  sport,  game 
Diversity,  s.  dissimilitude,  variegation 
Diversely,  ad.  differently,  variously 
Dive'rt,  v.  a.  to  turn  aside  ;  to  entertain 
Diverting,  part-  merry,  pleasing,  agreeable 
Diverti'se,  v.  a.  to  please,  divert,  exhilarate 
Diver'tisement,  /.  diversion,  recreation 
Dive'st,  v.  a.  to  strip  ;  to  dispossess 
Divest'ure,  s.  the  act  of  putting  off 
Divi'dable,  Divi'dant,  a.  separate,  different 
Divi'de,  v.  to  part,  separate  ;  give  in  shares 
Div'idend,/.  a  share  ;  part  allotted  in  division 
Divi'ders,  s.  a  pair  of  compasses     . 
Divid'ual,  a.  divided,  shared  with  others 
Divsna'tion,  s.  a  foretelling  of  future  events 
Divi'ne,  v.  to  foretel,  to  foreknow,  to  guess 
Divi'ne,  a-  godlike,  heavenly,  not  human 
Divi'ne,  s.  a  minister  of  the  gospel,  a  priest 
Divi'ner,  s.  one  who  professes  divination 

Divin'ity,  s.  the  Deity  ;  the  Supreme  Being  ; 

science  of  divine  things  ;  theology 
Divisible,  a.  capable  of  being  divided 
Divis'ion,  s.  the  aft  of  dividing  ;  partition  j 

part  of  a  discourse  ;  just  time,  in  music 
Divi'sor,  s.  the  number  that  divides 
Divo'rce,  v.  a.  to  separate,  to  force  asunder 
Divo'rce,  Divo'rcement,  s.  the  legal  separa? 

tion  of  husband  and  wife  ;  disunion 
Diuret'ic,  Diuret'ical,  a.  provoking  urine 
Diur'nal,  a.  performed  in  a  day,  daily 
Diur'nal,  s.  a  day-book,  a  journal 
Diur'nally,  ad.  daily,  every  day,  day  by  day 
Diutur'nity,  s.  length  of  duration 
Divul'ge,  v.  a.  to  publish,  reveal,  proclaim 
Di'zen,  v.  a.  to  deck  or  dress  gaudily 
Diz'zard,  s.  a  blockhead,  a  fool 
Diz'ziness,  s.  giddiness,  thoughtlessness 
Diz'zy,  a.  giddy,  thoughtless 
Do,  v.  to  aft  any  thing,  either  good  or  bad 
Do'cible,  Do'cile,  a.  easily  taught,  traftable 
Docil'ity,  s.  aptness  to  be  taught 
Dock,  s.  a  shipbuilder's  yard  ;  an  herb 
Dock,  v.  a.  to  cut  short  ;  to  lay  in  a  dock 
Dock'et,  s.  a  direction  tied  upon  goods 
Dock'yard,  s.  a  yard  for  naval  stores,  &c. 
Doc'tor,  s.  a  title  in  divinity,  law,  physic,  &c. 
Doc'torship,  s.  the  highest  academical  degree 
Doc'trinal,  a.  containing  doctrine  ;   pertain- 
ing to  the  aft  or  means  of  teaching 
Doc'trine,  s.  precept,  maxim,  aft  of  teaching 
Doc'ument,  s.  a  precept,  instruction,  direc- 
tion ;  a  precept  magisterially  dogmatical 
Document'al,  a.  relating  to  instruction 
Dod'der,  s.  a  winding  weed  or  plant 
Dodec'agon,  s.  a  figure  of  twelve  sides 
Dodge  ,  use  craft ;  to  follow  artfully  and 
unperceived  ;  to  quibble  ;  to  use  low  shifts 
Doe,  s.  the  female  of  a  buck 
Doff,  v.  a.  to  put  off  dress,  to  strip  ;  to  delay 
Dog,  s.  a  domestic  animal  ;  a  lump  of  iron 
Dog,  v.  a.  to  follow  silly  and  indc-fatigably 
Dog'days,  s.  the  days  in  which  the  dog-star 
rises  and  sets  with  the  sun  ;  from  July  24 
to  August  28 
Doge,  s.  the  chief  magistrate  of  Venice 
Dog'ged,  a.  sour,  morose,  sullen,  gloomy 
Dog'ger,  s.  a  small  ship  with  one  mast 
Dog'gerel,  s.  despicable  verses. ..a.  vile,  mean 
Dog'gish,  a.  brutal,  currish,  snappish 
Dog'ma,  s.  an  established  principle  ;  a  tenet 
Dogmat'ical,  a.  authoritative,  positive 
Dog'matism,  s.  a  magisterial  assertion 
Dog'matist,  s.  a  positive  teacher  or  assertor 
Dog'star,  s.  a  certain  star,  from  which  the 

dog-days  derive  their  appellation 
Dolly,  s,  a  small  napkin  used  after  dinner 
Do'ings,  1.  pi.  feats,  aftions  ;  stir,  bustle 
Doit,  s.  a  small  piece  of  Dutch  money 
Dole,  s.  a  share,  a  part ;  grief3  misery 



D  R  A 

Dole,  v.  a.  to  deal,  to  distribute  ;  to  grieve 
Do'leful,  a.  sorrowful,  dismal,  airlifted 
Do'lesome,  a.  melancholy,  heavy,  gloomy 
Doll,  s .  a  little  girl's  puppet  or  baby 
Dol'lar,  s.  a  foreign  coin  of  different  value, 

from  about  2s.  6d.  to  4s.  6d.  ;  a  counter 
Dolorif'ic,  a.  causing  pain  or  grief 
Do'Iorous,  a.  sorrowful,  painful,  doleful 
Do'lour,  s.  grief,  lamentation,  pain 
Dol'phin,  s.  a  sea-fish,  peculiarly  beautiful 
Dolt,  s.  a  heavy  stupid  fellow,  a  thickscull 
Dolt'ish,  a.  stupid,  mean,  blockish,  dull 
Doma'in,  /.  a  dominion  ;  empire  ;  estate 
Dome,  j.  a  building  ;  cupola  ;  arched  roof 
Domes'tic,  a.  belonging  to  the  house  ;  pri- 
vate, not  foreign  j  intestine 
Domes'tic,  s.  a  servant,  a  dependant 
Domes'ticate,  v.  a.  to  make  domestic 
Dom'inate,  v.  a.  to  prevail  over  ;  to  govern 
Domina'tion,  s.  power  ;  dominion  ;  tyranny 
Domine'er,  v.  n.  to  hector,  to  behave  with 

insolence  ;  to  act  without  control 
Domin'ical,  a.  denoting  the  Lord's  day 
Domin'ion,  s.  sovereign  authority  ;  power  ; 

territory  ;  an  order  of  angels 
Dom'ino,  s.  a  kind  of  hood  or  long  dress 
Don,  /.  a  Spanish  title  for  a  gentleman 
Dona'tion,  s.  a  gift,  a  present,  a  bounty 
Don'ative,  s.  a  gift,  a  largess,  a  benefice 
Done,  part.  pass,  of  the  verb  to  do 
Done  !  inter,  a  word  used  to  confirm  a  wager 
Do'nor,  s.  a  giver,  a  bestower,  a  benefacto? 
Doom,  v.  a.  to  judge ;  to  condemn ;  to  destine 
Doom,  s.  a  judicial   sentence  ;  condemna- 
tion ;  final  judgment  ;  ruin  ;  destiny 
Doom'ed,  part,  fated,  condemned,  destined 
Dooms'day,  s.  the  day  of  judgment 
Dooms'day-book,  /.  a  book  made  by  order  of 
William  the  Conqueror,  in  which  all  the 
estates  in  England  were  registered 
Door,  s.  the  gate  of  a  house  ;  a  passage 
Do'quet,  s.  a  paper  containing  a  warrant 
Dor'ic,  a.  relating  to  an  order  of  architec- 
ture which  was  invented  by  the  Dorians, 
a  people  of  Greece 
Dor'mant,  a.  sleeping  ;  private,  concealed 
Dor'mitory,  s.  a  room  with  many  beds  ;  a 

burial-place  ;  a  family  vault 
Dor 'mouse,  s.  a  small  animal  which  passes  a 

large  part  of  the  winter  in  sleep 
Do'ron,  s.  a  present ;  measure  of  three  inches 
Dorr,  s.  a  flying  inseft:  ;  the  hedge  chafer 
Dor'ture,  s.  a  dormitory  j  a  place  to  sleep  in 
Dose,  s .  enough  of  medicine,  &c  for  one  time 
Dot,  s.  a  small  spot  or  point  in  writing,  &c. 
Do'tage,  s.  imbecility  of  mind ;  silly  fondness 
Do'tal,  a.  relating  to  a  portion  or  dowry 
Do'tard,  Do'ter,  s.  one  whose  age  has  im- 
paired his  intellects  ;  a  silly  lover 
Bote,  v.  rir.  to  love  to  excess  or  extravagance 

Do'ted,  a.  endowed,  gifted,  possessed  of 
Dot'tard,  s.  a  tree  kept  low  by  cutting 
Dou'ble,  a.  twofold,  twice  as  much 
Dou'ble,  v.  to  make  twice  as  much  ;  to  sail 
round  a  headland  ;  to  fold  ;  to  play  tricks 
Dou'ble,  s.  a  plait  or  fold  ;  a  trick,  a  turn, 
Doublede'aler, s.  a  deceitful,  subtle  person 
Doubledeal'ing,*.  dissimulation,  cunning 
Doublemind'ed,  a.  treacherous,  deceitful 
Doub'let,  j.  a  waistcoat ;  a  pair  ;  two 
Doubleton'gued,  a.  deceitful,  false,  hollow 
Doubloo'n,;.  Spanish  coin,  value  two  pistoles 
Doub'ly,  ad.  with  twice  the  quantity  ;  twice 
Doubt,  v.  to  question,  to  scruple,  to  distrust 
Doubt,  s.  suspense,  suspicion,  difficulty 
Doubt'ful,  a.  uncertain,  not  determined 
Doubt/fully,  Doubt'ingly,  ad.  uncertainly 
Doubt'less,  a.  and  ad.  without  doubt  or  fear 
Dou'cet, ;.  a  common  kind  of  custard 
Dou'ceur,  s.  a  sweetener  ;  a  conciliating  bribe 
Dove,  s.  a  sort  of  pigeon,  a  wild  pigeon 
Do'vecot,  Do'vehouse,  s.  a  pigeon-house 
Dove'like,  a.  meek,  gentle,  harmless 
Dove'tail,  s.  a  term  used  by  joiners 
Dough,  s.  unbaked  paste,  kneaded  flour 
Dought'y,  a.  brave,  eminent,  illustrious 
Dough'y,  a.  soft,  not  quite  baked,  pale 
Douse,  v.  to  plunge  suddenly  into  water 
Dow'ager,  s.  a  widow  with  a  jointure 
Dow'dy,  s.  an  awkward,  ill-dressed  woman 
Dow'er,  or  Dow'ery,  s.  a  wife's  portion  ;  a 

widow's  jointure  •,  endowment,  gift 
Dow'erless,  a.  without  fortune,  unportioned 
Dow'lass,  s.  a  kind  of  coarse,  strong  linen 
Down,  s.  a  large  open  plain  ;  the  finest,  soft- 
est feathers  ;  soft  wool  or  hair 
Down,  prep,    along  a  descent...^,  on  the 

ground  ;  into  declining  reputation 
Down'cast,  a.  bent  down,  dejected 
Down'fal,  s.  ruin,  calamity,  sudden  change 
Down'hill,  a.  descending..^,  a  descent 
Downly'ing,  part,  near  time  of  childbirth 
Down'right,  a.  open,  plain,  undisguised 
Down'rightjrtd.  plainly,  honestly,  completely 
Downs,  s.  a  hilly,  open  country  ;  the  sea  be- 
tween Deal  and  the  Goodwin  sands 
Down'ward,  a.  bending  down,  dejected 
Down'ward,   Down'wards,  ad.    toward  the 
centre  ;  from  a  higher  to  a  lower  situation 
Down'y,  a.  covered  with  a  nap  ;  soft,  tender 
Dowse,  s.  a  slap  on  the  face...i>.  a.  to  strike 
Doxol'ogy,  s.  a  form  of  giving  glory  to  God 
Dox'y,  s.  a  loose  wench,  a  prostitute 
Doze,  v.  to  slumber,  to  stupify,  to  dull 
Doz'en,  s.  the  number  twelve 
Do'ziness,  s-  drowsiness,  heaviness 
Drab,  s.  a  thick  woollen  cloth  ;  a  strumpet 
Drachm,  s.  an  old  Roman  coin  ;  the  eighth 

part  of  an  ounce 
-Draff,-  s.  refuse  ;  any  thing  cast  away 

D  R  E 

D  R   O 

Draft, ;.  a  bill  drawn  on  another  for  money 
Drag,  v.  to  pull  along  by  force,  to  trail 
Drag,  /.  a  net  or  hook  ;  a  hand  cart 
Drag'gle,  v.  a.  to  trail  in  the  dirt 
Drag'gled,  pare,  made  dirty  by  walking 
Drag'net,  s.  a  net  drawn  along  the  bottom 
Drag'on, ;.  a  winged  serpent ;  a  constellation 
Drag'onlike,  a.  furious,  fiery,  fierce 
Dragoo'n,  t.  a  horse  soldier  ;  a  bully 
Dragoo'n,  v.  a.  to  force  one  against  his  will 
Drain,  x.  a  channel  to  carry  off  water 
Drain,  v.  to  make  quite  dry,  to  draw  off 
Drake,  j.  a  fowl,  the  male  of  the  duck 
Dram,  s.  in  Troy  weight,  the  eighth  part  of 

an  ounce  ;  a  glass  of  spirituous  liquor 
Dra'ma,  s.  the  action  of  a  play  ;  a  poem 
Dramat'iCj^.  represented  by  action  ;  theatrical 
Dram'atist,  $.  the  author  of  dramatic  compo- 
sitions, a  writer  of  plays 
Dra'per,  :.  one  who  sells  or  deals  in  cloth 
Dra'pery,  s.  clothwork  ;  the  dress  of  a  picture 
Dras'tic,  a.  powerful,  vigorous,  efficacious 
Draught,  ;.  the  act  of  drinking  ;  the  quantity 
of  liquor  drunk  at  once  ;  quantity  drawn  ; 
a  delineation,  or  sketch  ;  a  picture  ;  de- 
tachment of  soldiers  ;  act  of  pulling  car- 
riages ;  a  sink,  a  drain 
Draag^t,  Dr»i"t,  a.  used  for  or  in  drawing 
Draughts,  s.  a  kind  of  play  on  chequers 
Draw,  v.  to  pull  forcibly ;  attract ;  unsheath  ; 
to  represent  by  picture  ;  to  allure,  to  win 
Draw'back,  *.  money  paid  back  on  exports 
Draw'bridge,  s.  a  bridge  made  to  draw  up 
Draw'er,  s.  one  who  draws  ;  a  sliding  box 
Draw'ers,  ;.  a  kind  of  light  under  breeches 
Draw'ing,  s.  a  delineation,  a  representation 
Draw'ing-room,  ;.  the  room  in  whioh  com- 
pany assemble  at  court 
Drawl,  v.  n.  to  speak  slowly,  or  clownishly 
Draw'- well,  s.  a  deep  well  of  water 
Dray,  s.  a  carriage  used  by  brewers 
Dra'zel,  s.  a  mean,  low  wretch  ;  a  drab 
Dread,  s.  great  fear,  terror,  awe,  affright 
Dread,  v.  to  be  in  fear,  to  stand  in  awe 
Dread,  a.  great,  mighty,  awful,  noble 
Dread'ful,  a.  terrible,  frightful,  horrid 
Dread'fuily,  ad,  terribly,  frightfully 
Dread'iess,  a.  fearless,  undaunted,  daring 
Dream,  s.  thoughts  in  sleep  ;  an  idle  fancy 
Dream,  v.  to  rove  in  .sleep  ;  to  be  sluggish 
Dream'er,  t.  one  who  dreams  ;  a  mope 
Dream'iess,  a.  free  from  dreams 
Drear,  Drear'y,  a.  mournful,  gloomy,  dismal 
Drear'iness,  s.  gloominess,  dulness 
Dredge,  s.  an  oyster  net ;  mixture  of  grain 
Dredge,  v.  a.  to  besprinkle  flour  on  meat 

while  roasting  ;  to  catch  with  a  net 
Dredg'ing-box,  s.  a  box  used  for  dredging 
Dreg'gy,  a.  containing  dregs,  not  clear 
Dregs,;,  the  sediment,  of  liquors,,  lees 

Drench,  v.  a.  to  soak,  steep,  fill  with  drink 
Drench,  /.  a  horse's  physical  draught 
Drench'ed,  part,  washed,  soaked,  cleansed 
Dress,  s.  clothes,  ornaments,  finery 
Dress,  v.  a.  to  clothe,  to  deck,  to  adorn  ;  to 
cook  ;  to  cover  a  wound  ;  to  curry  a  horse 
Dress'er,  s.  he  who  dresses  ;  a  kitchen  table 
Dress'ing,  s.  the  act  of  clothing,  Sec. 
Dress'ing-rocm,  $.  a  place  used  to  dress  in 
Drib,  v.  a.  crop,  to  cut  short,  to  lop  off 
Drib'ble,  v.  n.  to  drop  slowly  ;  slaver,  driVel 
Drib/let,  i,  a  small  part  of  a  large  sum 
Dri'er,  s.  that  which  absorbs  moisture 
Drift,  s-  a  design,  tendency  ;  any  thing  driv- 
en at  random  ;  a  heap  ;  a  storm 
Drift,  v.  a.  to  urge  along  ;  to  throw  on  heaps 
Drill,  s.  an  instrument  to  bore  holes  with  ;  a 
small  brook,  an  ape...x>.  to  exercise  troops 
Drink,  s.  a  liquor  to  be  swallowed 
Drink,  v.  to  swallow  liquors,  to  quench  thirst 
Drink'able,  a.  what  mayT  be  drunk 
Drink'er,  s.  one  who  drinks  ;  a  drunkard 
Drip,  v.  n.  to  drop  down.,.;,  what  drops 
Drip'ping,  s.  the  fat  that  drops  from  meat 

while  it  is  roasting  or  baking 
Drip'ple,  a.  weak  ;  rare,  uncommon 
Drive,  v.  to  force  along  ;  to  urge  in  any  di- 

Driv'el,  v.  n.  to  slaver,  to  drop  ;  to  dote 
Driv'el,  s.  slaver,  spittle  ;  a  foci,  an  idiot 
Driv'elier,  s.  a  fool,  an  idiot,  a  slaverer 
Driv'en,  Drc'ven,  part,  of  io  drive 
Dri'ver,  s .  one  who  drives  or  urges  on 
Driz'zle,  v.  n.  to  come  or  fall  in  small  drops 
Driz'zly,  a.  raining  in  small  drops 
Drock,  s.  a  part  of  a  plough 
Dioil,  v.  n.  to  work  idly,  &.C...J.  a  drone 
Droll, ;.  a  farce  j  a  jester,  a  buffoon 
Droll,  v.  n.  to  play  the  buffoon,  to  jest 
Droll,  a.  comical,  humorous,merry,laughable 
Droi'iery,  s.  buffoonery,  idle  jokes 
Drom'edary,  s.  a  swift  kind  of  camel 
Dro'mo,  s.  a  swift  sailing  vessel ;  a  fish 
Drone,  s.    the  bee  which  collects  no  honey  j 

an  idler,  a  sluggard  ;  a  slow  humming 
Drone,  -v.  n.  to  live  in  idleness,  to  dream 
Dro'nish,  a.  idle,  sluggish,  inactive,  dull 
Droop,  v.  n.  to  pine  away,  languish,  faint 
Droop'ing,  part,  fainting,  languishing 
Drop,  j.  a  small  quantity  or  globule  of  any 

liquid  ;  an  ear-ring 
Drop,  v.  to  let  fall,  to  fall  in  drops  ;  to  utter 

slightly ;  to  cease,to  die,  to  come  to  nothing 
Drop'let,  /.  a  little  drop  ;  a  small  ear-ring 
Drcp'pings,  s.  that  which  falls  in  drops 
Drcp'sical,  a.  diseased  with  a  dropsy 
Drop'sy,  s.  collection  of  water  in  the  body 
Dross,  r.  the  scum  of  metals  :  refuse,  dregs 
Dross'y,  a.  full  cf  dross,  worthless,  foul 
Drove,  /.  a  herd  of  cattle  ;  a  crov.  d,  a  tumult 



D  W  A 

Dro'ver,  s.  one  who  drives  cattle  to  market 
Drought,  Drouth,  s.  dry  weather  ;  thirst 
Drought' y,  a.  wanting  rain  ;  thirsty  ;  sultry 
Drown,  v.  to  suffocate  in  water ;  to  over- 
whelm in  water  ;  to  immerge,  to  bury  in 

an  inundation,  to  deluge 
Drow'sily,  ad.  sleepily,  heavily,  lazily,  idly 
Drow'siness,  s.  sleepiness,  idleness 
Drow'sy,  a.  sleepy,  heayy,  stupid,  dull 
Drub,  s.  a  thump,  a  knock,  a  blow 
Drub,  v.  a.  to  thresh,  to  beat,  to  bang 
Drub'bing,  s.  a  beating,  a  chastisement 
Drudge,  v.  n.  to  labour  in  mean  offices 
Drudg'ery,  s.  hard,  mean  labour  ;  slavery 
Drudgingly,  ad.  laboriously,  toilsomely 
Drug,  s.  a  medicinal  simple  j  a  thing  of  little 

value  or  worth  ;  a  drudge 
Drug'gst,  s.  a  slight  kind  of  woollen  stuff 
Drug'gist,  s.  a  person  who  sells  physical  drugs 
Dru'id,  s.  an  ancient  British  priest  and  bard 
Drum,  s.  an  instrument  of  military  music  ; 

the  tympanum  of  the  ear 
Drum,  v.  n.  to  beat  a  drum,  to  beat 
Drum-ma'jor,  s.  chief  drummer  of  a  regiment 
Drum'mer,  s.  one  who  beats  a  drum 
Drum'stick,  s.  the  stick  for  beating  a  drum 
Drunk,  a.  intoxicated  with  liquor 
Drunx'ard,  .r.  one  given  to  excessive  drinking 
Drunk'enness,  s.  intoxication,  inebriety 
Pry,  a.  arid  ;   not  rainy  ;  thirsty  ;   barren 
Dry,  v.  to  free  from  moisture,  to  drain 
Dry'ly,  ad.  coldly,  frigidly  ;  oddly 
Dry'ness,  s.  want  of  moisture 
Dry'nurse,  s.  a  woman  who  brings  up  a  child 

without  sucking  at  the  breast 
Du'al,  a.  expressing  the  number  two 
Dub,  v.  a.  to  confer  knighthood  on  a  person 
Da'bious,  a.  doubtful,  uncertain,  not  clear 
Du'bitable,  a.  doubtful,  very  uncertain 
Du'cal,  a.  pertaining  to  a  duke 
Duca'pe,  s.  a  rich  silk  worn  by  women 
Duc'at,  s.  a  foreign  coin,  in  silver,  valued  at 

about  4s.  gold,  gs.  6d. 
Duck,  s.  a  water-fowl,  female  of  the  drake  ; 

word  of  fondness  ;  declination  of  the  head 
Duck,  v.  to  dive,  or  plunge  under  water 
Duck'ing,  s.  the  act  of  putting  under  water 
Duck'ing-stool,  s.  a  stool  to  duck  persons  in 
Duck'legged,  a.  having  legs  like  a  duck 
Duckling,  s.  a  young  or  small  duck 
Duct,  s.  a  passage,  or  channel  ;  guidance 
Ductile,  a.  flexible,  pliable,  tractable 
Ductility,  s.  flexibility,  compliance 
Dud'geon,  s.  a  small  dagger  j  malice,  ill-will 
Due, a.  owed  ;  proper, fit, exact,  appropriate 
Due,  s.  a  debt  ;  right,  just  title  ;  tribute 
Du'el,  s.  a  fight  between  two  persons 
Du'ellist,  s.  one  who  fights  a  duel 
Duen'na,  s.  an  old  governante 
ftuet',  s.  a  song  or  air  in  two  parts 

Dug,  j.  the  pap  or  teat  of  a  beast 
Duke,  s.  the  dignity  next  below  a  prince 
Du'kedom,  s.  the  possessions,  territories,  or 

title  of  a  duke 
Dul'cet,  a.  sweet,  luscious,  harmonious 
Dul'cify,  Dul'corate,  v.  a.  to  sweeten 
Dul'cimer,  s.  a  kind  of  musical  instrument 
Dull,  a.  stupid,  slow,  dejected,  blunt,  vile 
Dull,  v.  a.  to  stupify,  to  blunt ;  to  sadden 
Dul'ness,  t.  stupidity,  indocility  ;  dimness 
Duloc'racy,  s.  a  predominance  of  slaves 
Du'ly,  ad.  properly,  regularly,  exactly 
Du'mal,  Du'mose,  a.  full  of  bushes  ;  rough 
Dumb,  a.  mute,  silent  ;  incapable  of  speech 
Dumb'ness,  s.  an  inability  to  speak  ;  silence* 
Dumpling,  s.  a  small  boiled  pudding 
Dumps,  s.  melancholy,  sullenness 
Dun,  a.  colour  between  brown  and  black 
Dun,  s.  a  clamorous,  troublesome  creditor 
Dun,  v.  a.  to  press,  to  ask  often  for  a  debt 
Dunce,  s.  a  thickscull,  a  dolt,  a  dullard 
Dung,  s.  soil  ;  the   excrement  of  animals.., 

v.  a.  to  manure,  or  fatten  land  with  dung 
Dun'geou,  s.  a  dark  prison  under  ground 
Dung'hill,  s.  a  heap  of  dung  •„  a  mean  person 
Dun'ner,  s.  one  employed  to  get  in  debts 
Dun'ningj  part,  pressing  often  for  a  debt 
Duodecimo,  a.  a  book  printed  in  duodecimo 

has  twelve  leaves  to  a  sheet 
Dupe,  v.  a.  to  trick,  to  cheat,  to  impose  on 
Dupe,  s.  a  credulous,  simple  man 
Du'ple,  a.  double  ;  one  repeated 
Du'plicate,  s.  an  exact  copy  of  any  thing 
Duplicate,  v.  a.  to  double,  to  fold  together 
Duplication,  s.  the  act  of  doubling  ;  a  fold 
Dupli'city,  s.  deceit  ;  doubleness  of  tongue 
Du'rable,  a.  hard,  strong,  firm,  lasting 
Durability,  s.  the  power  of  lasting 
Du'rably,  ad.  in  a  firm  and  lasting  manner 
Du'rance,  s.  imprisonment ;  continuance 
Dura'tion,  /.  continuance,  length  of  time 
Dure,  v.  n.  to  last,  to  continue,  to  remain 
Du'ring,  prep,  for  the  time  of  continuance 
Durst,  pret.  of  to  dare 

Dusk,  a.  tending  to  darkness,  dark-coloured 
Dusk'ish,  Dusk'y,  a.  inclining  to  darkness  ; 

tending  to  obscurity  ;  gloomy 
Dust,  s.  earth  dried  to  a  powder  ;  the  grave 
Dust,  v.  a.  to  free  or  clear  from  dust ;  to 

sprinkle  with  dust  ;  to  clean  furniture 
Dust'y,  a.  clouded  or  covered  with  dust 
Dutch'ess,  s.  the  lady  of  a  duke 
Dutch'y,  s.  a  territory  giving  title  to  a  duke 
Du'tcous,  Du'tiful,  a.  obedient,  submissive, 

reverential,  obsequious,  respectful 
Du'tifully,  ad.  obediently,  respectfully 
Du'ty,  s.  whatever  we  are  bound  by  nature, 

reason,  or  law,  to  perform  ;  a  tax  ;  service 
Dwarf,  s.  a  man  below  the  usual  size 
Dwarfish,  a.  low,  small,  little 



Dwell,  v.  n.  to  inhabit ;  to  continue  long 
Dwelling,  s.  habitation,  place  of  residence 
Dwin'dle,  v.  n.  to  shrink,  to  grow  feeble 
Dying,  part,  expiring  ;  giving  a  colour  to 

Dy'nasty,  s.  government ;  sovereignty 
Dys'crasy.  s.  a  distemper  in  the  blood 
Dys'entery,  s.  a  looseness,  a  flux 
Dys'ury,  s.  a  difficulty  in  making  mine 


EACH,  pron.  either  of  two  ;  every  one 
of  any  number 
Ea'ger,  a-  ardent,  zealous,  keen,  vehement 
Ea'gerly,  ad.  ardently,  hotly,  keenly 
Ea'gerness,  s.  earnestness,  impetuosity 
Ea'gle,  s,  a  bird  of  prey  ;  the  Roman  standard 
Ea'gle-eyed,  a.  sharp  sighted  as  an  eagle 
Ea'gle-speed,  .f.  swiftness  like  an  eagle 
Eag'let,  j.  a  young  eagle 
Ear,  s.  the  whole  organ  of  hearing  ;  power 

of  judging  of  harmony  ;  spike  of  corn 
Earl,  s.  title  of  nobility  next  to  a  marquis 
Earl'dom,  s.  the  seigniory  of  an  earl 
Ear'less,  a.  wanting  ears 
Ear'liness,  s.  the  state  of  being  very  early 
Ear'ly,  ad.  soon,  betimes...«.  soon 
Earlmar'shal,  s.  the  officer  that  has  the  chief 

care  of  military  solemnities 
Earn,  v.  a.  to  gain  by  labour,  to  obtain 
Earn'ed,  part,  gotten  by  labour,  acquired 
Earn'est,  a.  ardent,  zealous,  warm,  eager 
Earn'est,/.  seriousness  ;  money  advanced 
Earn'estly,  ad.  warmly,  zealously,  eagerly 
Ear'-ring,  i,  an  ornament  for  the  ear 
Earsh,  s.  a  field  that  is  ploughed 
Ear'shot,  /.  within  hearing  ;  space  heard  in 
Earth,  s.  mould,  land  ;  the  terraqueous  globe 
Earth'en,  a.  made  of  earth  or  clay 
Earthly,  a.  not  heavenly,  vile,  corporeal 
Earth'quake,  s.  a  tremor  of  the  earth 
Earth'worm,*.  a  worm;  a  mean  sordid  wretch 
Earth'y,  a.  consisting  of  earth  ;  gross,  foul 
Ear'wax,  s   wax  that  gathers  in  the  ear 
Ear'wig,  s.  an  insect  ;  a  whisperer    - 
Ease,  s.  quiet,  rest  after  labour  ;  facility 
Ease,  v.  n.  to  free  from  pain,  relieve,  slacken 
Ea'sel,  s.  a  painter's  frame  for  canvas 
Ease'ment,  s.  assistance,  ease,  refreshment 
Easily,  ad.  gently,  without  difficulty 
Easiness,  s.  readiness  ;  liberty  ;  quiet 
East,  s.  the  quarter  where  the  sun  rises 
East'er,  s.  the  festival  in  commemoration  of 

the  resurrection  of  our  Saviour 
East'erly,  a.  and  ad.  towards  the  east 
Eas'tern,  a.  belonging  to  the  east ;  oriental 
East'ward,  ad.  towards  the  east 
Ea'sy,  a.  not  difficult ;  quiet  *,  credulous 
Eat,  v.  to  take  food,  to  swallow,  to  consume 
EaVable9  a.  that  which,  may  be  eaten 
G  z- 

"£.?,{.' en,  part,  devoured,  consumed,  swallowed 
Eaves,  s.  the  edges  of  the  roof  which  over- 
hang the  house 
Eaves'riropper,  s.  a  listener  under  windows 
Ebb,  v.  n.  to  flow  back  to  the  sea  ;  to  decay 
Ebb,  s.  a  flowing  back  to  the  sea  ;  waste 
Eb'on,  Eb'ony,  s.  a  hard  black  valuable  wood 
Ebri'ety,  s.  drunkenness,  intoxication 
Ebulli'tion,  s.  act  of  boiling  or  bubbling  up 
Eccen'tric,  a.  deviating  from  the  centre  j 

irregular,  incoherent,  anomalous 
Eccentri'city,  s.  deviation  from  the  centre 
Ecclesias'tic,  s.  a  clergyman,  a  priest 
Ecclesiastical,  a.  relating  to  the  church 
Ech'o,  /.  the  reverberation  of  a  sound 
Eclairciss'ement,  s.  an  explanation't,  s.  lustre,  splendour,  show,  renown 
Eclec'tic,<z.  selecting,  choosing  at  will 
Ecli'pse,  s.  an  obscuration  of  the  sun,  moon, 
&c.  from  the  intervention  of  some  other 
boAy...v.  a.  to  cloud  ;  to  disgrace 
Eclip'tic,  s.  the  apparent  orbit  of  the  earth, 
so  called  because  eclipses  take  place  there 
Eclogue,  s.    a  pastoral  or  rural  poem  ;  so 
called  because  Virgil  named  his  pastorals 
Economical,  a.  frugal,  thrifty,  saving 
Econ'omist,  s.  one  that  is  thrifty  or  frugal 
Econ'omize,  v.  a.  to  retrench,  to  save 
Econ'omy,  s.  frugality  ;  disposition  of  things 
Ec'stasy,;.  excessive  joy,  rapture,  enthusiasm 
Ecstatic,  a.  enrapturing,  transporting 
Eda'city,  s.  voracity,  ravenousness 
Ed'der, ;.  wood  on  the  tops  of  fences 
Ed'dy,  j  .a  turn  of  the  water  ;  a  whirlpool' 
Ed'dy,  a.  whirling,  moving  circularly 
Eden'tated,  a.  deprived  of  teeth 
Edge,  s.  the  sharp  part  of  a  blade  ;  a  brink 
Edging,  s.  a  fringe,  an  ornamental  border 
Edge'less,  a.  unable  to  cut,  blunt,  obtuse 
Edge'tool,  s.  a  tool  made  sharp  to  cut 
Edge'wise,  ad.  in  a  direction  of  the  edge 
Edible,  a.  fit  to  be  eaten,  eatable. 
E'dict,  s.  a  proclamation,  an  ordinance 
Edifica'tion,  s  improvement,  instruction 
Ed'ifice,  s.  a  building,  a  fabric 
Edify,  v.  a.  to  instruct,  improve,  persuade 
E'dile,  s.  the  title  of  a  Roman  magistrate 
Edi'tion,  j.  the  impression  of  a  book 

E  G  R 


E  L   E 

Ed'itor,  s.  one  who  revises  or  prepares  any 

literary  work,  for  publication 
Ed'ucate,  v.  a.  to  instruct,  to  bring  up 
Education,  s.  the  instruction  of  children 
Edu'ce,  v.  a.  to  bring  out,  to  extract 
Educ'tion,  s.  the  act  of  bringing  into  view 
Edulcora'tion,  j.  the  act  of  sweetening 
Eel,  s.  a  serpentine,  slimy  fish 
Ef'fable,  a.  that  may  be  spoken  ;  expressive 
EfFa'ce,  v.  a.  to  blot  out,  to  destroy 
Effe'ct,  s.  event  produced  ;  issue  ;  reality 
Effe'ct,  v.  a.  to  bring  to  pass,  to  produce 
Effec'tion,  s.  a  deduced  construction ;  problem 
Effective,  a.  operative,  active,  serviceable 
Effectively,  ad.  powerfully,  with  effect 
Effectless,  a.  without  effect,  useless 
Effe'cts,  s.  goods,  moveables,  furniture 
Effectual,  a.  powerful,  efficacious 
Effect'uate,  v.  a.  to  bring  to  pass,  to  fulfil 
Effem'inacy,  ;.  unmanly  delicacy 
Effem'inate,  a  .womanish,  tender ;  voluptuous 
Efferves'cence,  s.  the  act  of  growing  hot  ; 

production  of  heat  by  intestine  motion 
EfHca'cious,  a.  productive  of  effects  ;  power- 
ful to  produce  the  consequences  intended 
Efficacy,  s.  ability  or  power  to  effect 
Efn'cience,  /.  a  producing  of  effects  ;  agency 
Efficient,  a.  causing  or  producing  effects 
Effigy,  s.  representation  in  painting,  &c. 
Efflorescence,  s.  production  of  flowers 
Emores'cent,  a.  shooting  out  in  flowers 
Effluence,  s.  that  which  issues  or  derives  it- 
self from  some  other  principle 
Effluent,  a.  flowing  from,  issuing  out  of 
Efflu'via,  s.  those  small  particles  which  are 

continually  flying  off  from  all  bodies 
Elflu'x,  v.  n.  to  flow.../,  an  effusion 
Effort,  s.  a  struggle,  a  strong  exertion 
Effra'ible,  a.  dreadful,  frightful,  terrible 
Effront'ery,  s.  impudence,  boldness 
Efful'gence,  s.  lustre,  brightness,  splendour 
Effai'gent,  a.  shining,  bright,  luminous 
Effu'se,  v.  a.  to  pour  out ;  to  spill  ;  to  shed 
Effu'sion,  s.  the  act  cf  pouring  out ;  waste 
Eft,  s.  a  newt  ;  an  evet...«^.  quickly,  soon 
Egg,  s.  that  which  is  laid  by  feathered  ani- 
mals and  various  kinds  of  insects,   &c. 
from  which  their  young  are  produced 
Egg,  v.  a.  to  incite,  to  instigate,  to  spur  on 
Eglantine,  s.  a  species  of  rose  ;  sweetbriar 
E'gotism,  ;.  frequent  self-commendation 
E'gotist,  s.  one  who  talks  much  of  himself 
E'gotize,  v.  n.  to  talk  much  of  one's  self 
Egre'gious,  a.  remarkable,  eminently  bad 
Egre'giously,  ad.  eminently  ;  shamefully 
E'gress,  Egres'sion,  s.  the  act  of  going  out  of 

any  place  ;  departure 
E'gret,  s.  a  fowl  of  the  heron  kind 
E'grette,  s.  a  flower  for  a  lady's  hei.d 
E'griol,  j.  a  species  of  sour  cherry 

Ejac'ulate,  v.  a.  to  throw  out,  to  shoot  out 
Ejaculation,  s.  a  short  fervent  prayer 
Ejac'ulatory,  a.  hasty  ;  fervent  ;  darted  out 
Eje'ct,  v.  a.  to  throw  out,  expel,  cast  forth 
!  Ejedt'ed.  pari,  cast  or  turned  out,  rejected 
Ejec'tion,  s.  the  act  of  casting  out,  expulsion 
Eject'ment,  s.  a  legal  writ ;  commanding  the 
tenant  wrongfully  holding  houses,  lands, 
&c.  to  restore  possession  to  the  owner 
Eightee'n,  s.  ten  and  eight  united 
Eight' fold,  a.  eight  times  the  number,  &c. 
Eignth'ly,  ad.  in  the  eighth  place 
Eight'score,  «.  eight  times  twenty 
Eight'y,  a.  eight  times  ten 
Ei'sel,  ;.  vinegar  ;  any  thing  very  acid 
Ei'ther,  pron.  one  or  the  other 
Ejula'tion,  s.  a  lamentation,  an  outcry 
Eke,  or  Eek,  v.  a.  to  protract  ;  to  supply 
Eke,  ad.  also,  likewise,  besides,  moreover 
Elaborate,  a.  finished  with  great  labour  and 

exactness  ;  any  thing  studied 
Elab'orately,tfd.  laboriously,  with  much  study 
Ela'nce,  v.  n.  to  throw  out,  so  dart  out 
Ela'pse,  v.  a.  to  pass  away,  to  glide  away 
Elas'tic,  a.  springing  back,  recovering 
Elasticity,  *.  the  quality  in  bodies,  by  which 
on  being  bent  or  compressed,  they  spring 
back  and  make  efforts  to  resume  their  ori- 
ginal form  and  tension 
Ela'te,  a.  flushed  with  success  ;  haughty 
Ela'te,  v.  a.  to  puff  up,  to  exalt,  to  heighten 
Ela'tion,  s.  haughtiness,  great  pride 
El'bow,  s.  the  bending  of  the  arm  ;  an  angle 
El'bow-chair,  s.  a  chair  with  arms 
Eld,  s.  old  people,  old  age,  old  times 
Eld'er,  a.  exceeding  another  in  years 
EUl'er,  s.  the  name  of  a  well-known  tree 
Eld'erly,  a.  somewhat  in  years,  rather  old 
Ekl'ers,  s.  ancient  rulers  ;  ancestors 
Eld'ership,  s.  seniority  ;  primogeniture 
Eld'estj  a.  the  oldest,  the  first  born 
Elecampa'ne,  s.  the  plant  starwort 
Ele'ct,  v.  a.  to  choose  for  any  office,  &c. 

to  select  as  an  object  of  eternal  mercy 
Ele'ct,  Elect'ed, part .  a.  chosen,  preferred 
Elec'tion,  s.  the  act  or  power  of  choosing 
Elective,  a.  exerting  the  power  of  choice 
Elect'or,  s<  he  that  has  a  vote  in  the  election 
of  any  officer  ;  a  prince  who  has  a  voice 
in  the  choice  of  the  German  emperor 
Elect'oral,  a.  of,  or  belonging  to  an  elector 
Electorate,  s.  the  territory,  &c  of  an  elector 
Elec'tre,  s.  amber  ;  a  mixed  metal 
Elec'trical,  a.  power  of  producing  electricity 
Electri'city,  j.that  property  in  bodies  where- 
by, when   rubbed,  they  attract  or  repel 
light  bodies,  emit  flame,  and  produce  sin- 
gular and  extraordinary  phenomena 
Elec'tuary,  s.  a  soft  compound  medicine 
Eieemos'ynary,  a.  living  on  charity 

E  M  B 

El'egance,  s.  beauty  without  grandeur 
El'egant,  a.  beautiful,  pleasing,  neat 
El'egantty,  ad.  in  a  pleasing  manner  ;  neatly 
Elegi'ac,  a.  used  in  elegies;  sorrowful 
El'egy,  I.  a  mournful,  pathetic  poem;  a  dirge 
El'ement,    s.   constituent  principle  of    any- 
thing; the  four  elements, according  to  the 
Aristotelian  philosophy,  are  earth,  fire, 
air,  water  ;  proper  habitation,  &c.  of  any 
thing  ;  rudiments  of  literature  or  science 
Elemental,  a.  produced  by  elements 
Element'ary,  a.  not  compounded,  simple 
El'ephant,  s.  the  largest  of  quadrupeds  ;  ivory 
ELephant'ine,  a.  pertaining  to  the  elephant 
El'evate,  v.  a.  to  exalt,  dignify  ;  make  glad 
El'evate,  El'evated,  part.  a.  exalted,  elated 
Eleva'tion,  s.  a  raising  up,  exaltation,  height 
Elev'en,  a.  ten  and  one 
Elf,  5.  a  fairy,  a  wandering  spirit,  a  demon 
Elf  lock,  s.  knots  of  hair  twisted  by  elves 
Eli'cite,  v.  a.  to  strike  out,  to  fetch  out 
Eli'cit,  a.  brought  into  aft,  drawn  out 
Elicita'tion,  s.  the  will  excited  to  action 
Eli'de,  v.  a.  to  destroy  or  dash  in  pieces 
El'igible,  a.  fit  to  be  chosen  ;  preferable 
Eliminate,  v.  n.  to  turn  out  of  doors  ;  reject 
EHmina'tion,  s.  act  of  banishing  ;  rejection 
Elin'guid,  a.  tonguetied  ;  speechless,  dumb 
Eliqua'tion,  s.  separation  by  fusion 
Eli'sion,  s.  act  of  cutting  off;  separation 
Elixa'tion,  s.  the  act  of  boiling  out 
Elix'ir,  s.  the  liquid  extract  or  quintessence 

of  any  thing;  a  medicine,  a  cordial 
Elk,  s.  a  large  wild  animal  of  the  stag  kind 
Ell,  s.  a  measure  of  one  yard  and  a  quarter 
Ellipsis,  /.  an  oval  figure;  a  defect,  a  chasm 
Elliptical,  a.  formed  like  an  ellipsis 
Elm,  s.  the  name  of  a  tall  timber  tree 
Elocution,  s.  eloquence,  fluency  of  speech 
E'loge,  El'ogy,  Eu'logy,  /.  praise,  panegyric 
Ei'oigne,-!;.  a.  to  put  at  a  distance,  to  remove 
Elon'gate,  v.  to  lengthen,  draw  out ;  go  off 
Elonga'tion,  ;.  the  act  of  lengthening 
Elo'pe,  v.  a.  to  run  away  ;  to  get  loose  from 

confinement ;  to  go  off  clandestinely 
Elo'pement,  s.  a  departure  from  friends  and 

family  without  their  consent 
E  lops,  s.  a  fish ;  a  kind  of  serpent 
El'oquence,  s.  speaking  with  fluency,  &c 
El'oquent,  a.  having  the  power  of  oratory 
Else,  pron.  other;  onebesides...«rt\  otherwise 
Elsewhe're,  ad.  in  another  place 
Elv'ish,  a.  relating  to  elves  or  fairies 
Elu'cidate,  v.  a.  to  explain,  to  clear  up 
Elucidation,  s.  an  explanation,  exposition 
Eiucida'tor,  /.  an  explainer,  a  commentator 
Elu'de,  v.  a.  to  escape  by  stratagem  ;  to  shun 
Elu'dible,  a.  that  which  may  or  can  be  eluded 
Elum'bated,  a.  weakened  in  the  loins 
Elu'sion,j.  artifice,  escape  from  examination 

Elu'sive,  Elu'sory,  a.  tending  to  elude 
Elu'te,  v.  a.  to  wash  off,  to  cleanse 
Elu'triate,  v.  a.  to  decant,  or  strain  out 
Elux'ate,  v.  a.  to  strain  or  put  out  of  joint 
Elys'ian,  a.  pleasant,  exceedingly  delightful 
Elys'ium,  s.  in  the  heathen  mythology,  the 
place  appointed  for  the  souls  of  the  virtu- 
ous after  death  ;  any  pleasant  place 
Ema'ciate,  v.  to  lose  flesh ;  to  pine,  to  waste 
Emacula'tion,  s.  the  act  of  clearing  any  thing 

from  spots  or  foulness 
Em'anant,  a.  flowing  from,  issuing  out  of 
Emana'tion,  s.  the  act  of  issuing  or  flowing 
from  any  other  substance  ;  that  which  flows 
Eman'ative,  a.  issuing  from  another 
Emancipate,  v.  a.  to  free  from  slavery 
Emancipation,  s.  a  deliverance  from  slavery 

or  servitude  ;  restoration  to  liberty 
Emas'culate,  v.  a.  to  deprive  of  virility 
Emba'Le,T>.  a.  to  bind  or  pack  up  ;  to  enclose 
Emba'lrrr,  v.  a.   to  impregnate  a  body  with 

aromalics,  that  it  may  resist  putrefaction 
Emba'r,  v.  a.  to  shut  in,  to  hinder,  to  stop 
Embar'go,  s.  a  prohibition  to  sail 
Emba'rk,  v.  to  go-  on  ship  board ;  to  engage 
Embarkation,  s.  a  putting  or  going  on  ship- 
board ;  engaging  in  any  affair 
Embar'rass,  v.  a.  to  perplex,  to  distress 
Embar'rassment,  ;.  perplexity,  trouble 
Emba'se,  v.  a.  to  vitiate,  degrade  ;  impair 
Embassage,  Em'bassy,  s.  a  public  message 
Embattle,  v.  a.  to  range  in  order  of  battle 
Emba'y,  v.  a.  to  enclose  in  a  bay ;  to  bathe 
Embel'lish,  v.  a.  to  adorn,  to  beautify 
Embel'lishment,  s.  ornament,  decoration 
Em'bers,  s.  hot  cinders  or  ashes 
Em'ber-week,  s.  one  of  the  four  seasons  of 
the   year  appropriated  by  the   church  to 
implore  divine  favour  on  the  ordination 
of  ministers,  performed  at  these  seasons 
Embez'zle,  v.  a.  to  steal  privately;  to  waste 
Embez'zleraent,  s.  a  misapplying  of  a  trust 
Embla'ze,  v.  a.  to  blazon,  to  adorn,  to  paint 
Embla'zon,  v.  a.  to  adorn  with  ensigns  armo- 
rial ;  to  set  off  pompously ;  to  deck 
Em'blem,  s.  a  moral  device ;  a  representat- 
ion; an  allusive  picture;  enamel 
Emblemat'ical,  a.  allusive,  using  emblems 
Emblematically,  ad.  allusively 
Embo'ss,  v.  a.  to  engrave,  with  relief  or  ris- 
ing work  ;  to  enclose,  to  hunt  hard 
Emboss'ing,  s.  the  art  of  making  figures  in 

relievo,  embroidery,  &c. 
Emboss'ment,  s.  relief,  rising  work 
Embow'el,  v.  a.  to  take  out  the  entrails 
Embra'ce,  v.  a.  to  bold  fondly  in  the  arms  ; 

to  comprise,  to  contain,  to  include 
Embra'ce,  s.a  clasp  ;  fond  pressure 
Embrasu're,  s.  a  battlement ;  an  aperture  in 
fortifications  far  cannon 

E  M  P 


E  N  C 

Embrocate,  v.  a.  to  foment  a  part  diseased 
Embroca'tion,  s.  a  fomentation,  a  lotion 
Embroid'er,  v.  a.  to  adorn  with  figure-work 
Embroid'erer,  /.  one  who  embroiders 
Embroid'ery,  s.  variegated  needle-work 
Embro'il,  v.  a.  to  disturb.,  confuse,  distract 
Embru'ted,  a.  reduced  to  brutality 
Em'bryo,  s.  the  child  in  the  womb  before  it 

has  perfect  shape  ;  any  thing  unfinished 
Embu'rse,  v.  a.  to  restore  money  owing 
Emenda'tion,  s.  a  correction,  an  alteration 
Em'erald,  s.  a  green  precious  stone 
Eme'rge,  v.  n.  to  rise  out  of ;  to  issue  from 
Emergency,  s.  a  rising  out  of ;  any  sudden 

occasion,  or  unexpected  casualty 
Emer'gent,  a.  rising  into  view  ;  sudden 
Em'erods,  s.  painful  swellings  of  the  he- 
morrhoidal veins  ;  piles 
Emer'sion,  s.  act  of  rising  into  view  again 
Em'ery,  s.  an  iron  ore  ;   a  glazier's  diamond 
Emet'ic,  a.  provoking  vomits. ..y.  a  vomit 
Emica'tion,  s.  a  sparkling  or  glittering 
Em'igrant,    a.  going  from  place  to  place... 

s.  a  Frenchman  banished  from  his  country 

for  refusing  to  acknowledge  the  authority 

of  the  National  Convention 
Em'igrate,  v.  n.  to  move  from  place  to  place 
Emigration,  s.  a  change  of  habitation 
Em'inence,  s.  loftiness ;  summit ;  a  part  rising 

above  the  rest ;  a  conspicuous  situation ; 

distinction  ;  a  title  given  to  cardinals 
Em'inent,  a,  high,  dignified,  conspicuous 
Eminently,  ad.  conspicuously,  highly 
Em'issary,  s.  a  spy,  a  secret  agent 
Emis'sion,  s.  act  of  throwing  or  shooting  out 
Emi't,  v.  a.  to  send  forth,  to  discharge 
Em'met,  /.  an  ant,  a  pismire 
Emme'w,  v.  a.  to  coop  up,  to  confine 
Emol'lient,  a,  softening,  suppling 
Emoli'tion,  s.  the  act  of  softening 
Emolument,  s.  profit,  advantage,  gain 
Emo'tion,r.  disturbance  of  mind;  vehemence 

of  passion  ;  a  sudden  motion 
Empa'le,  v.n.  to  enclose,  to  fence  with  pales ; 

to  put  to  death  by  fixing  on  a  stake 
Empan'nelj-y.  a.  to  swear,  &c.  a  jury 
Emparlance,  s.  a  petition,  a  conference 
Empas'sion,  v.  a.  to  move  with  passion 
Em'peror,  s .  a  monarch  superior  to  a  king 
Em'phasis,  s.  a  remarkable  stress  laid  oa  a 

word  or  sentence 
Emphat'ic,  Emphat'ical,  a,  forcible 
Emphatically,  «<i.  strongly,  forcibly 
Em  pire,  s.  imperial  power  ;  command 
Empir'ic,  s.  a  pretended  physician  ;  a  quack 
Empiricism,  s.  dependance  on  experience, 

without  the  rules  of  art ;  quackery 
Emplas'tic,  a.  viscous,  glutinous 
Emplea'd,  v.  a.  to  indict,  to  prefer  a  charge 
Em'plo'y,  v.  a.,  to  keep  at  work  ;  to  use 

Emplo'y,  Employment,  s.  business,  office, 

or  post  of  business  ;  business  intrusted 
Employ'er,  s.  one  who  sets  others  to  work 
Empo'rium,  s.  a  place  of   merchandize,    a 

mart  ;  a  commercial  city 
Empov'erish,  v.  a.  to  make  poor,  to  exhaust 
Empow'er,  v.  a.  to  authorize,  to  enable 
Em'press,  s.  the  wife  of  an  emperor ;  the  fe- 
male sovereign  of  an  empire 
Empri'se,  s.  an  attempt  of  danger 
Emp'tiness,  s.  a  void  space,  vacuity;  want  of 

substance,  want  of  knowledge 
Emp'ty,  a.  not  full;  unfurnished;  ignorant 
Empur'ple,  v.  a.  to  make  of  a  purple  colour 
Empu'sa,  s.  a  hobgoblin,  a  ghost,  a  sprite 
Empuz'zle,  v.  a.  to  perplex,  to  puzzle 
Empyr'eal,  a.  refined,  aerial,  heavenly 
Empyre'an,  s.  the  highest  heaven,  where  the 

pure  elemental  fire  is  supposed  to  subsist 
Empy'reum,  Empyreu'ma,  s.  the  burning  of 

any  matter  in  boiling  or  distillation 
Empyro'sis,i.  a  conflagration,  or  general  fire 
Em'ulate,  v.  a.  to  rival ;  to  imitate 
Emulation, ;.  rivalry;  envy;  contention 
Em'ulative,  a.  inclined  to  emulation 
Emula'tor,  s.  a  rival,  a  competitor 
Emu'lge,  i).  a.  to  milk  out ;  drain,  empty 
Emul'gent,  «.  milking  or  draining  out 
Em'ulcus,  a.  rivalling,  desirous  to  excel 
Emul'sion, .'.  an  oily,  lubricating  medicine 
Ena'ble,  v.  «..  to  make  able,  to  empower 
Ena'ct,  v.  a.  to  decree,  establish,  represent 
Enact'ed,  part,  decreed,  established 
Enam'el,  v. a.  to  inlay, variegate  with  colours 
Enam'el,  s.  substance  used  in  enamelling 
Enam'eller,  s.  one  who  enamels  or  inlays 
Enam'our,  v.  a.  to  inspire  with  love 
Enca'ge,  v.  a.  to  coop  up,  to  confine  in  a  cage 
Enca'mp,  v.  to  pitch  tents,  to  form  a  camp 
Encamp'ment,  s.  tents  pitched  in  order 
Encha'fe,  v.  a.  to  enrage,  irritate,  provoke 
Encha'in,  v.  a.  to  fasten  with  a  chain 
Encha'nt,  v.  a.  to  bewitch,  to  delight  highly 
Enchant'er,  ;.  a  magician,  a  sorcerer 
Enchantment,  t.  magical   charms ;    spells.; 

irresistible  influence;  high  delight 
Enchant'ress,  s.  a  sorceress ;    a  woman  of 

extreme  beauty  or  excellence 
Encha'se,  v.  a.  to  infix  ;  set  in  gold  ;  to  adorn 
Enchirid'ion,  s.  a  small  pocket  volume 
Encir'cle,  v.  a.  to  surround,  to  environ  ;  to 

enclose  in  a  ring  or  circle 
Enclit'ics,  s.  particles  which  throw  back  the 

accent  upon  the  preceding  syllable 
Enclo'se,  v.  a.  to  surround  ;  to  fence  in 
Enclo'sure,  s.  ground  enclosed  or  fenced  in 
Enco'mium,  s.  a  panegyric,  praise,  elogy 
Encom'pass,  v.  a.  to  encircle,  to  shut  in,  te 

surround  ;  to  contain,  to  include,  to  envirqn 
Enco're,  ad.  again,  once  moie  ;  yet 

E  N  G 



Encoua'ter,  s.  a  duel,  a  battle  ;  sudden  meet- 
ing; engagement;  casual  incident 
Encoun'ter,  v.  to  fight,  to  attack ;  to  meet 
Encour'age,  v.  a.  to  animate,  to  embolden 
Encour'agement,  s.  incitement,  support 
Encro'ach,  v.n.  to  invade  ;  advance  by  stealth 
Encroach'ment,  s.  an  unlawful  intrusion 
Encum'ber,  v.  a.  to  clog,  to  embarrass 
Encum'brance,  t.  an  impediment,  a  clog 
Encyclopedia,  /.  complete  circle  of  sciences 
End,  s.  a  design,  point,  conclusion  ;  death 
Endam'age,  v.  a.  to  hurt,  to  prejudice 
Endan'ger,  v.  a.  to  bring  into  peril,  hazard 
Ende'ar,  v.  a.  to  render  dear  or  beloved 
Endear'ment,  s.  the  cause  and  state  of  love 
Endeav'our,  /.  a  labour  for  some  end 
Endeav'our,  v.  to  strive,  attempt,  labour 
Endc'mial,  Endem'ic ,  a.  peculiar  to  a  coun- 
try or  place,  as  applied  to  general  diseases 
Ende'w,  v.  n.  to  disgovge;  to  cleanse 
Endi'ft,  Endi'te,  v.  a.  to  charge  with  some 
crime  ;  to  compose  ;  to  write,  to  draw  up 
Endi'ftment,  s.  a  legal  accusative  declaration 
End'ing,  part,  finishing...*,  the  end 
End'ive,  s.  a  common  salad  herb  ;  succory 
Ead'less,  a.  without  end,  infinite,  incessant 
Endo'rse,i>.a.  to  superscribe  ;  to  accept  a  bill 
Endorsed,  part,  signed  upon  the  back 
Endorsement,  j.  superscription;  acceptance 
Endo'w,  v.  a.  to  give  a  portion ;  to  endue 
Endow'ment,  s.  wealth  given ;  a  natural  or 

acquired  accomplishment 
Endu'e,  v.  a.  to  supply  with  grace  ;  to  invest 
Endu'rance,  s.  continuance,  sufferance 
Eudu're,  v.  to  bear,  sustain  ;  brook  ;  last 
En'emy,  s.  a  foe,  an  adversary,  an  opponent 
Energet'ic,  a.  forcible,  strong,  active 
En'ergy,  s.  power,  force,  efficacy 
Ener'vate,  Ene'rve,  v.  a.  to  weaken  ;  to  crush 
Enfe'eble,  v.  a.  to  weaken,  to  render  feeble 
Enfe'off,  v.  a.  to  invest  with  possessions 
Enfet'ter,  v.  a.  to  put  in  chains,  to  confine 
Enfila'de,  s.  a  straight  passage. ..v.  a.  to  pierce 

in  a  straight  line 
Enfo'rce,  v.  to  force,  to  strengthen  ;  to  urge 
Enforcement,  s.  compulsion,  exigence 
Enfranchise,  v.  a.  to  make  free,  to  liberate 
Enfranchisement,  s.  the  aft  of  making  free  ; 

release  from  slavery  or  prison 
Enga'ge,  v.   to  embark  in  an  affair;  to  in- 
duce ;  to  win  by  pleasing  means  ;  to  bind  ; 
to  employ  ;  to  fight,  to  encounter 
Engagement,  s.  an  obligation,  a  bond;  em- 
ployment of  the  attention ;  a  battle 
Engar'rison,  v.  a  to  defend  by  a  garrison 
Engen'der,  v.  a.  to  beget ;  produce  ;  excite 
En'gine,x.  any  machine  ;  an  agent 
Engine'er,  s.  one  who  manages  engines,  or 

direfts  the  artillery  of  an  army 
Engi'rd,  v.  a.  to  encircle}  to  surround 

En'glish,  a.  any  thing  belonging  to  England 
Englu't,  v.  a.  to  swallow  up  ;  to  pamper 
Engo'rge,  v.  to  swallow,  to  gorge 
Engra'il,  v.  a.  to  indent  in  curve  lines 
Engra'in,?;.  a.  to  die  deep,  to  die  in  grain 
Engrap'ple,  v.  n.  to  close  with;  to  contend 
Engra've,  v. a.  to  cut  characters  on  copper,&'c. 
Engra'ver,  s.  one  who  engraves  metals,  &c. 
Engra'ving,  ;.  a  picture  engraved 
Engro'ss,  v.  a.  to  purchase  or  monopolize  the 
whole  of  any  commodity,  to  sell  it  at  an 
advanced  price  ;  to  copy  in  a  large  hand 
Enha'nce,  v.  a.  to  raise  the  price ;  to  raise  in 

esteem ;  to  lift  up  ;  to  aggravate 
Enig'ma,  s.  a  riddle,  an  obscure  question 
Enigmat'ieal,  a.  obscure,  doubtful 
Enjo'in,  v.  a.  to  direct,  to  order,  to  prescribe 
Enjoin'ment,  s.  a  direction,  a  command 
Enjo'y,  v.a.  to  obtain  possession  of ;  to  please, 

to  exhilarate ;  to  delight  in 
Enjoy'ment,  s.  happiness,  fruition,  pleasure 
Enkin'dle,  v.  a.  to  set  on  frre,  to  inflame 
Enia'rge,  v.  to  increase  ;  to  expatiate 
Enlarge'ment,  s.  an  increase  ;  a  release 
Enli'ghten,  v.  a.  to  illuminate;  to  instruct 
Enli-nk,  v.  a.  to  chain  to,  to  bind  together 
Enli'ven,  v.  a.  to  make  lively,  to  animate 
Enme'sh,  v.  a.  to  net,  to  entangle 
En'mity,  s.  malevolence,  malice,  ill  will 
Enno'ble,  v.  a.  to  dignify,  to  elevate 
Enoda'tion,  s.  the  act  of  untying  a  knot 
Enor'mity,  s.  great  wickedness,  villany 
Enor'mous,  a.  irregular,  disordered  ;  wicked 
in  a  high  degree;   very  large,  out  of  rule 
Enor'mously,  ad.  beyond  measure 
Eno'ugh,  a.  sufficient....?,  a  sufficiency 
Enra'ge,  v.  a.  to  irritate,  to  provoke 
Enra'nge,  v.  a.  to  place  regularly,  to  range 
Enrapt'ure,  v.  a.  to  transport  with  pleasure 
Enri'ch,  v.  a.  to  make  rich  ;  to  fertilize 
Enri'dge,  v.  a.  to  form  with  ridges 
Enri'pen,  -u.  a.  to  ripen,  to  mature 
Enro'be,  v.  a.  to  dress,  to  clothe,  to  adorn 
Enro'l,  v.  a.  to  register,  to  record,  to  enwrap 
Enrol'ment,  s.  a  register,  a  record 
Ens,  s.  any  being,  or  existence 
Ensam'ple,  s.  an  example,  a  pattern 
Ensched'ule,  v.  a.  to  insert  in  a  schedule 
Ense'am,  v.  a.  to  sew  up,  to  close  up 
Ense'ar,  v.  a.  to  stop  with  fire;  to  cauterise 
Enshie'ld,  v. a.  to  cover, to  defend,  to  protect 
Enshri'he,  v.  a.  to  preserve  as  a  holy  relic 
En'sign,  s.  a  flag,  or  standard  of  a  regiment; 

the  officer  who  carries  it  ;  a  signal 
Ensla've,  v.  a.  to  deprive  of  liberty 
Ensla'vement,  s.  state  of  slavery,  bondage 
Enstee'p,  v.  to  put  under  water,  to  soak 
Ensu'e,  v.  to  follow,  to  pursue,  to  succeed 
Ensu'rance,  s.  exemption  from  hazard 
Ensu're,  v.  a.  to  ascertain  ;  to  indemnify 

E  N  U 


E   P  U 

Entab'lature,  Entab'lement,*.the  architrave, 

frieze,  and  cornice  of  a  pillar 
Enta'il,  s.  an  estate  settled  with  regard  to 

its  descent  ;  engraver's  work 
Enta'il,  v.  a.  to  settle  an  estate  so  that  it 
cannot  be  bequeathed  at  pleasure  by  any 
subsequent  possessor 
Enta'rne,  v.  a.  to  tame,  to  subjugate 
Entan 'gle,  v. a.  to  twist,  to  puzzle,  to  ensnare 
En'ter,  v.  to  go  or  come  into  ;  to  set  down  in 
writing ;  to  be  engaged  in  ;  to  be  initiated  in 
En'tering,  s.  a  passage  into  a  place,  entrance 
Enterla'ce,  v.  a.  to  intermix,  to  interweave 
Enterpar'lance,  s.  mutual  talk  ;  a  treaty 
Enterple'ad,  v.   n-  to  discuss  an  incidental 
point  arising  in  dispute,  before  the  princi- 
pal cause  can  be  decided 
Enterprise,  s.  a  hazardous  undertaking 
Enterta'in,  v.  a.  to  talk  with  ;  to  treat  at  ta- 
ble ;  to  amuse ;  to  foster  in  the  mind 
Enterta'imng,£«;-f.  a.  treating,  pleasing 
Entertainment,  s.  treatment  at  the  table  ; 
hospitable  reception.;    amusement;    dra- 
matic performance  ;  conversation 
Enthro'ne,  v.  a.  to  set  on  a  throne,  to  exalt 
Enthu'siasm,  s.  heat  of  imagination 
fc.itiiuj.irts?,  t.  one  of  a  hot,  credulous  imagin- 
ation ;  one  who  thinks  himself  inspired  ; 
one  greatly  fond  of  any  thing 
Enthusiastic,  a.  over  zealous  in  any  thing 
En/thymerne,   s.    an    imperfect    syllogism, 

wanting  the  major  or  minor  proposition 
Enti'ce,  v.  a.  to  allure,  to  attract,  to  invite 
Enti'cement,  s.  an  allurement,  a  bait 
Enti're,  a.  whole,  undivided,  unmingled 
Enti'rely,  ad.  completely,  fully,  wholly 
Enti'tle,  v.  a.  to  give  a  title  or  right  to 
Enti'tled,  part,  having  a  right  to  ;  named 
En'tity,  s.  a  real  being,  real  existence 
Ento'il,  v.  a.  to  ensnare,  to  perplex,  to  take 
Ento'mb,  v.  a.  to  put  in  a  tomb,  to  bury 
En'trails,  s.  the  intestines,  the  bowels 
En'trance,  s.  a  passage  ;  the  act  of  entering 
Entra'nce,  v.  a.  to  put  into  a  trance 
Entra'p,  v.  a.  to  ensnare,  to  take  advantage  of 
Entre'at,  v-  to  beg  earnestly,  to  importune 
Entreat'y,  s.  a  petition,  solicitation 
En'try,  s.  the  act  of  entrance  ;  a  passage 
Enu'bilous,  a.  free  from  clouds,  fair 
Enu'cleate,  v.  a.  to  solve,  clear,  disentangle 
Envel'op,  v.  a.  to  cover,  to  surround,  to  hide 
Enven'om,  v.  a.  to  poison  ;  to  enrage 
En'viable,  a.  exciting  envy ;  excellent 
En'vious,  a.  full  of  envy, malicious 
En'viously,  ad.  with  envy,  with  malignity 
Envi'ron,  v.«.  to  surround,  encompass,  invest 
Envi'rons,  s.  places  adjacent,  neighbourhood 
Enu'merate,  v.  a.  to  reckon  up  singly 
Enumeration j  s.  the  act  of  counting  over 
Enan'ciate,  v.  a.  to  declare,' to  proclaim 

Enunciation,  s.  declaration,  information 
Enun'ciative,  a.  declarative,  expressive 
En'voy,  s.  a  public  minister  sent  from  one 
power  to  another,  in  dignity   below  an 
ambassador  ;  a  public  messenger 
En'vy,  v.  a.  to  repine  at  the  happiness  of 
others  ;    to  hate  another  for  any   excel- 
lence ;  to  impart  unwillingly 
En'vy,  s.  vexation  at  another's  good 
E'pact,  s.  eleven  days  of  the  solar  above  the 

lunar  year ;  a  Hebrew  measure 
Epainet'ic,^.  praising,  extolling,  applauding 
Epaulett'e,  s.  a  shoulder  knot  of  lace,  &c. 
Epaul'ment,  s.  in  fortification,  a  side  work 
of  earth  thrown  up,  or  bags  of  earth,  ga- 
bions, fascines,  &c. 
Ephem'era,  s.  a  fever  that  terminates  in  One 

day ;  an  insect  that  lives  but  a  day 
Ephem'eral,  a.  diurnal,  done  in  a  day 
Ephem'eris,  s.  an  account  of  the  daily  mo- 
tions and  situations  of  the  planets 
Ephem'erist,  s.  one  who  studies  astrology 
E'phod,*.an  ornament  worn  by  Jewish  priests 
Ep'ic,  a.  containing  narrative  ;  heroic 
Epice'dium,  s.  an  elegy,  a  funeral  poem 
Ep'icene,  a.  common  to  both  sexes 
Ep'icure,  /.  one  wholly  given  to  luxury 
Epicure'an,  a.  luxurious,  contributing  to  lux- 
ury...;, a  follower  of  Epicurus 
Epidem'ic,  Epidem'ical,  a.  general,  universal 
Epider'mis,  s.  the  outer  skin  of  the  body 
Ep'igram,  s.  a  short  pointed  poem 
Epigrammat'ic,  a.  dealing  in  epigrams 
Epigram'matist,  s.  a  writer  of  epigrams 
Ep'ilepsy,  s.  a  convulsion  of  the  whole  Or 

part  of  the  body,  with  loss  of  sense 
Epilep'tic,  a.  affected  with  epilepsy 
Ep'iiogue,  s.  a  speech  at  the  end  of  a  play 
Epiph'any,;.  a  festival  in  commemoration  o£ 
our  Saviour's  being  manifested  to  the  world 
by  a  star,  the  twelfth  day  after  Christmas 
Epis'copacy,  /.  a  government  by  bishops 
Epis'copal,  a.  relating  to  a  bishop 
Ep'isode,  s.  a  narrative,  or  digression  in  a 

poem,  separable  from  the  main  plot 
Episod'ical,  a.  contained  in  an  episode 
Epis'tle,  j.  a  letter ;  a  message  under  cover 
Epis'tolary,  a.  relating  to  letters,  transacted 

by  letters  ;  suitable  to  letters 
Ep'itaph,  s.  a  monumental  inscription 
Epithala'mium,  s.  z  nuptial  song 
Ep'ithet,  s.  an  adjective  denoting  a  quality 
Epit'ome,  s.  an  abridgment,  an  abstract 
Epit'omise,  v.  a.  to  abstract,  abridge,  reduce 
E'poch,  Epo'cha,  s.  the  time  from  which 
dates  are  numbered,  or  computation  began 
Ep'ode,  j.  the  stanza  following  the  strophe 

and  antistrophe  in  an  ode 
Epope'e,  j.  an  epic  or  heroic  poem 
Ep'ulary,  a.  belonging  to  a  banquet,  jolly 


8  3 


Epula'tion,  s.  a  feast,  a  banquet,  jollity 
Epulot'ic,  s.  a  healing  medicament 
Equability,  /.  evenness, uniformity 
E'quable,  a.  equal  to  itself,  even,  uniform 
E'qual,  s.  one  of  the  same  rank  and  age 
E'qual,  a.  like  another;  even,  uniform,  just 
E'qual,  E'qualize,  v.  a.  to  make  one  person 

equal  to  another,  to  make  even 
Equal'ity,  s.  likeness,  uniformity 
E'qually,  ad.  in  the  same  degree,  impartially 
Equanimity,  j.  evenness  of  mind,  composure 
Equa'tion,  s.  bringing  things  to  an  equality 
Equator,  s.  a  great  circle,  equally  distant 
from  the  poles  of  the  world,  dividing  the 
globe  into  equal  parts,  north  and  south 
Equato'rial,  a.  pertaining  to  the  equator 
E'querry,  /.  one  who  has  the  care  of  the 

horses  belonging  to  a  king  or  prince 
Eques'trian,  a.  pertaining  to  a  horseman  or 
knight ;  belonging  to  the  2d  rank  in  Rome 
Equidis'tant,  a.  being  at  the  same  distance 
Equifor'mity,  s.  uniform  equality 
Equilat'eral,  a.  having  all  sides  equal 
Equili'brate,  v.  a.  to  balance  equally 
Equilibrium,  s.  equality  of  weight,  equipoise 
Equinoctial,  a.  pertaining  to  the  equinox 
Equinoc'tial,  s.  an  imaginary  circle  in  the 
heavens,  under  which  the  equator  moves 
in   its    diurnal    motion  ;    when   the  sun 
cresses  this  line,  it  makes  equal  days  and 
nights  all  over  the  world 
E'quinoxes,  s.  the  precise  times  when  the 
sun  enters  the  equinoctial,  making  equal 
day  and  night ;  equality  ;  even  measure 
Equinu'merant,  a.  having  the  same  number 
Equi'p,  v.  a.  to  dress  or  fit  out,  to  furnish 
E'quipage,  s.  attendance  ;   horses  and  car- 
riages ;  a  woman's  watch  and  trinkets 
Equip'ment,  s.  the  thing  equipped  or  fitted  out 
E'quipoise,  s.  an  equality  of  weight 
Equipol'lent,  a.  of  equal  force  or  power 
Equipon'derant,  a.  of  equal  weight 
Equipon'derate,  v.  n.  to  weigh  equally 
E'quitable,  a.  just,  impartial,  candid,  fair 
E'quitably,  ad.  impartially,  justly 
E'quity,  j.JusticeJr'gnt>hl0nesty>irnPartiality 
Equivalence,  s.  equality  of  worth  or  power 
Equivalent,  s.  a  thing  of  the  same  value 
Equivalent,  a.  equal  in  value  or  force  - 
Equiv'ocal,  a.  uncertain, doubtful, ambiguous 
Equiv'ocally,  ad.  uncertainly,  doubtfully 
Equiv'ocate,  v.  n.  to  use  doubtful  expressions 
Equivocation,  s.  ambiguity  of  speech  ;  delu- 
sive words,  double  or  doubtful  meaning 
Fquiv'ocator,  s.  one  who  equivocates 
E'ra,  s.  an  epoch ;  a  point  of  time 
Eradia'tion,  s.  a  sending  forth  brightness 
Eradicate,  v.  a.  to  pull  up  by  the  roots 
Eradication,  s.  the  act  of  rooting  up 
Era'se,  v.  a.  to  destroy,  to  root  up,  to  rub  out 

Era'sed,p«r,?.  expunged,  scratched  out 
Ere,  ad.  before,  sooner  than 
Ere'ct,  v.  a.  to  build  or  set  up ;  to  exalt 
Ere'ct,  a.  upright  ;  bold,  confident 
Erec'tion,  s.  a  building  or  raising  up 
Erect'ness,  s.  an  upright  posture 
Erelo'ng,  ad.  before  a  long  time  passes 
E'remite,  s.  an  hermit;  a  retired  person 
Eremit'ical,  a.  religious,  solitary,  retired 
Ereno'w,  ad.  before  this  time 
Erewhi'le,  ad.  some  time  ago,  heretofore 
Erin'go,  s.  the  plant  called  sea-holly 
Eris'tical,  a;  controversial ;  relating  to  dispute 
Er'meline,  Er'mine,  /.  a  beast,  or  its  skin. 
Er'mined,  a.  clothed  with  ermine 
Ero'de,  v.  a.  to  canker,  to  eat  away 
Eroga'tion,  s.  a  giving  or  bestowing 
Ero'sion,  s .  the  act  of  eating  away 
Err,  v.  n.  to  go  out  of  the  way ;  to  mistake 
Er'rand,  s.  a  message 
Er'rant,  a.  wandering;  vile,  very  bad 
Er'rantness,  Er'rantry,  s.  an  errant  state 
Erra'ta,  s.  pi.  faults  made  in  printing,  &c. 
Errat'ic,  a,  wandering,  irregular 
Er'rhine,  a.  occasioning  sneezing 
Erro'neous,  a.  subject  to,  or  full  of  errors 
Erro'neously,  ad.  by  mistake ;  falsely 
Er'ror,  s.  a  mistake,  blunder ;  sin,ofFence 
Erst,  ad.  when  time  was  ;  first,  formerly 
Erubes'cence,  s.  redness  ;  a  blush 
Eructation,  s.  a  belch,  asudden  burst  of  wind 
Erudition,  s.  learning,  knowledge 
Eru'ginous,  a.  copperish,  rusty,  brassy 
Eruption,  s.   an  issuing  or  breaking  forth 

with  violence  ;  a  pustule  ;  a  humour 
Eruptive,  a.  bursting,  or  tending  to  burst 
Escala'de,  s.  the  scaling  of  walls 
Escal'op,  s.  a  shell  fish  ;  oysters  broiled 
Esca'pe,  v.  to  get  out  of  danger,  to  avoid 
Esca'pe,  s.  a  getting  clear  from  pursuit  6> 

danger  ;  precipitate  flight ;  oversight 
Esca'ped,  part,  got  out  of  danger,  &c. 
Escar'gatoire,  s.  a  nursery  of  snails 
Eschalot,  s.  a  kind  of  small  onion 
Es'char,  s.  a  mark  upon  a  wound  healed 
Escharot'ic,  a.  burning,  searing ;  caustic 
Esche'at,  s.  any  thing  that  falls  to  the  lord  of 

the  manor  as  a  forfeit,  or  on  the  death  Q$ 

a  tenant  leaving  no  heir 
Esche'w,  v.  a.  to  fly,  to  avoid,  to  shun 
Esco'rt,  s .  a  convoy  ;  a  guard  to  a  place 
Esco'rt,  v.  a.  to  convoy  ;  to  guard  to  a  place 
Esco't,  v.  a.  to  pay  a  reckoning  ;  to  support 
Escout,  s.  a  listener ;  a  spy  ;  a  scout 
Escrito'ir,  s.  a  kind  of  desk  upon  drawers 
Es'culent,  a.  eatable  ;  good  for  food 
Escut'cheon,  /.  a  shield  with  arms 
Espal'ier,  s.  a  dwarf  tree  planted  in  rails 
Espe'cial,  a.  principal,  chief,  leading 
Espi'al, ;.  one  seat  out  to  espy  %  a  scetit 


8  + 

E  V  O 

Espous'al,  a.  relating  to  espousals 
Espous'als,  s.  pi.  the  aft  of  contracting  or  af- 
fiancing a  man  and  woman  to  each  other 
Espou'se,  v.  a.  to  engage  for  marriage,  to 

marry  ;  to  take  upon  ;  to  defend 
Espy',  v.  to  see  at  a  distance  ;  to  watch 
Esqui're,  s.  a  title  next  below  a  knight 
Essa'y,  v.  a.  to  try,  to  attempt,  to  endeavour 
Es'say,  s.  a  trial,  endeavour,  experiment 
Es'sence,*.  the  nature,  substance,  or  being  of 
any  thing;  existence ;  a  perfume ;  a  smell 
Es'sence,  v.  a.  to  perfume,  to  scent 
Essen'tial,  a.  necessary,  very  important 
Essen'tial,  s.  existence  ;  a  chief  point 
Essentially,  ad.  constitutionally,  necessari- 
ly ;  by  the  constitution  of  nature 
Esso'ine,  s.  an  excuse  for  non  appearance 
Establish,  v.  a.  to  settle  ;  to  make  firm 
Established,  part,  settled,  firmly  fixed 
Establishment,  s.  a  settlement,  a  salary 
Esta'te,  s.  a  fortune;  rank,  condition  of  life 
Este'em,  v.  a.  to  value  ;  to  think  well  of 
Esteem,  s.  high  value  in  opinion  ;  regard 
Es'timable,  a.  worthy  of  esteem 
Es'timate,  v.  a.  to  rate,  to  set  a  value  on 
Es'timate,  s.  a  calculation;  a  set  price  or  va- 
lue ;  computation  ;  assignment  of  value 
Estima'tion,  s.  esteem,  opinion  ;  a  valuing 
Es'tival,  a.  relating  to  the  summer 
Estra'de,  s.  a  level  place  ;  a  public  road 
Estra'nge,  v.  to  alienate  ;  to  become  strange 
Estra'ngement,  s.  distance  ;  a  removal 
Estre'at,  s.  a  true  copy  of  an  original  writing 
Es'tuary,  s.  an  arm  of  the  sea  ;  a  frith 
Es'ture,  s.  violence,  commotion 
Es'urine,  a.  corroding,  eating,  consuming 
Et'ching,  s.   a  way  of  making  or  preparing 
copperplates,  for  printing,  by  eating  in  the 
figures  with  prepared  aqua-fortis 
Eter'nal,  a.  perpetual,  endless,  everlasting 
Eter'nalize,  Eter'nize,  v.  a.  to  immortalize, 

to  make  eternal ;  to  beatify 
Eter'nity,  s.  duration  without  end 
E'ther,  s.  pure  air,  a  pure  element 
Ethe'real,  a.  heavenly,  refined,  pure 
Eth'ic,  Eth'ical,  a.  moral,  relating  to  morals 
Eth'ics,  s.  pl.  the  doctrine  of  morality 
Eth'nic,  a.  heathenish...  s.  a  heathen,  a  pagan 
Etiol'ogy,  s .  account  of  the  causes  of  any  thing 
Et'wee-case,  s.  a  case  for  pocket  instruments, 

as  knife,  scissars,  &c. 
Etymolo'gical,  a.  relating  to  etymology 
Etymol'ogy,  s.  the  derivation  of  words 
Et'ymon,  /.  an  origin  ;  a  primitive  word 
Evac'uate,  v.  a.  to  make  void  ;  empty  ;  quit 
Evacua'tion,  /•  a  discharge,  an  abolition,  an 

emptying  ;  an  ejectment,  &c 
Eva'de,  v.  to  avoid,  to  equivocate,  to  shift  off 
Evanes'cent,  a.  imperceptible,  vanishing 
Evangel'ical,  a.  agreeable  to  the  gospel 

Evan'gelist,  s.  a  writer  or  preacher  of  the 

gospel ;  a  bringer  of  good  tidings 
Evan'gelize,  v.  n.  to  preach  the  gospel 
Evan'id,  a.  faint,  weak,  vanishing 
Evap'orate,  -v.  to  resolve  into  vapours,   to 

breathe  or  steam  out  ;  to  fume  away 
Evapora'tion,  s.  a  flying  away  in  fumes 
Eva'sion,  s.  an  excuse,  equivocation,  artifice 
Eva'sive,  a.  equivocating,  shuffling,  elusive 
Euch'arist,  s.  the  act  of  thanksgiving;  the 

sacrament  of  the  Lord's  Supper 
Eucharist'ical,  a.  of  or   belonging    to   the 

Lord's  Supper ;  relating  to  the  Eucharist 
Eu'crasy,  s.  a  good  habit  of  body 
Eve,  /.  the  contraction  of  evening ;  close  of 

the  day  ;  the  day  before  a  festival 
E'ven,  a.  level, parallel;  calm,  uniform 
Evenhand'ed,  a.  impartial,  just,  equitable 
E'vening,  E'ven,  s.  the  close  of  the  day 
E'venly,  ad.  impartially,  uniformly  ;  levelly 
E'venness,  s.  regularity,talmness,  uniformity 
E'ven-song,  s.  the  evening  worship 
Eve'nt,f.  an  end,  issue,  consequence,  incident 
Event'ful,  a.  full  of  incidents  or  changes 
E'ven-tide,  s.  the  time  of  the  evening 
Even'tilate,-y.  a.  to  winnow  ;  to  sift  out ;  to 

examine  ;  to  discuss  ;  to  investigate 
Event'ual,  a.  consequential ;  accidental 
Ev'er,  ad.  at  any  time  ;  eternally,  always 
Everbub'bling,  part,  always  boiling  up 
Everburn'ing,  part,  unextinguished 
Ev'ergreen,  s.  a  plant  all  the  year  green 
Everlast'ing,  a.  perpetual,  without  end 
Everlast'ing,  Everlast'ingness,  s.  eternity 
Everliv'ing,  a.  living  always,  immortal 
Evermo're,  ad.  eternally,  without  end 
Ever'sion,  s.  the  act  of  overthrowing 
Eve'rt,  v.  a.  to  overthrow,  to  destroy 
Ev'ery,  a.  each  one  of  all,  belonging  to  all 
Everywhere,  ad.  in  every  place 
Evi'ct,  v.  a.  to  dispossess,  to  take  away 
Evict'ed,  part,  taken  away,  proved 
Evic'tion,  s.  a  proof,  evidence,  conviction 
Ev'idence,  s.  a  testimony ;  a  witness 
Ev'ident,  a.  plain,  apparent ;  notorious 
Evidently,  ad.  apparently,  plainly,  certainly 
E'vil,  a.  wicked,  mischievous,  bad,  corrupt 
E'vil,  E'vilness,  s.  wickedness;  calamity 
Evilmind'ed,  a.  malicious,  wicked 
Evilspeak'ing,  s.  defamation,  slander 
Evi'nce,  v.  a.  to  prove,  to  make  plain 
Evis'cerate,  v.  a.  to  embowel  ;  to  search 
Ev'itable,  a.  that  may  be  avoided 
Ev  itate,  v.  a.  to  avoid  ;  to  shun  ;  to  escape 
Eul'ogy,  see  El'ogy 
Eun'uch,  s.  one  who  is  emasculated 
Evoca'tion,  s.  a  calling  out  or  from 
Evo'ke,  v.  a.  to  call  out,  summon,  invoke 
Evola'tion,  s.  the  act  of  flying  away 
Evo'lve,-y.  a.  to  unfold^  to  disentangle 

E  X  C 

6  5 


Evolu'tion,  s.  an  unfolding  ;  a  displaying  ; 

extracting  ;  doubling ;  wheeling,  6tc 
Euph'rasy,  s.  the  herb  eyebright 
Euroc'lydon,  s.  a  tempestuous  N.  E.  wind 
Europe'an,  a.  belonging  to  Europe 
Evul'sion,  s.  a  plucking  out  or  away 
Ewe,  s.  a  female  sheep 
Ew'er,  s.  a  vessel  in  which  water  is  brought 

for  washing  the  hands 
Exacerbation,  s.  the  height  of  a  disease 
Exa'ct,  a.  nice,  accurate,  methodical 
Exa'ct,  v.  a.  to  force  ;  to  extort  ;  to  enjoin 
Exact'ed,  part,  demanded,  imposed 
Exac'tion,  s.  extortion,  a  severe  tribute 
Exacl'ly,  ad.  accurately,  nicely,  fitly 
Exactness,  s.  accurateness,  regularity 
Exaggerate,  v.  a.  to  heighten,  to  aggravate, 

to  enlarge  or  amplify  ;  to  heap  up 
Exaggeration,  s.  the  act  of  heaping  up  ;  ag- 
gravation ;  an  enlarging,  amplification 
Exa'gitate,  v.  a.  to  stir  up,  to  disquiet 
Exa'lt,  v.  a.  to  lift  up,  to  extol,  to  magnify 
Exalta'tion,  s.  the  act  of  raising  up 
Examination,  Exa'men,  s.  critical  disquisi- 
tion ;  a  questioning  ;  a  trial  or  proof 
Exam'ine,  v.  a.  to  ask  questions ;  to  consider 
Exam'iner,  s.  one  who  examines 
Exam'plary,  a.  serving  for  example 
Exam'ple,  s.  a  pattern,  or  model,  precedent 
Exan'imate,  a.  lifeless,  spiritless,  dead 
Exant'late,  v.  a.  to  draw  out ;  to  exhaust 
Exas'perate,i>.  a.  to  vex,  provoke,  enrage 
Exaspera'tion,  s.  a  strong  provocation 
Exauc'torate,  v.  a.  to  deprive  of  a  benefice 
Excar'nate,  v.  a.  to  clear  from  flesh 
Ex'cavate,  v.  a.   to  cut  into,  or  make  hollow 
Exce'ed,  v.  to  surpass,  to  excel,  to  go  too  far 
Exceeding,  part.  a.  great  in  quantity,  &c 
Exceedingly,  c.rf.  to  a  great  degree 
Exce'l,  v.  to  surpass,  outdo  ;  to  be  eminent 
Excellence,  :.  eminency,  dignity  j  purity, 

goodness  ;  a  title  of  honour 
Ex'cellent,  a.  being  of  great  virtue  ;  notable 
Extellently,  ad.  well ;  to  an  eminent  degree 
Exce'pt,  v.  to  leave  out,to  exempt,to object  to 
Exce'pt,  Excepting, />?-£/> .  unless  ;  with  ex- 
ception of  ;  without  inclusion  of 
Exception,  s.  an  exclusion  ;  objection,  cavil 
Exceptionable,  a.  liable  to  objection 
Excep'tious,  a.  peevish,  froward 
Excep'tive,  a.  including  an  exception 
Except'less,  a.  omitting  all  exceptions 
Except'or, ;.  one  who  objects 
Exce'rn,  v.  a.  to  strain  out,  to  separate 
Exce'rpt,  a.  plucked  off  ;  chosen,  culled  out 
Excerption,  .f.  act  of  gleaning  ;  selecting 
Exce'ss,  s.  superfluity,  intemperance 
Excess'ive,  a.  beyond  due  bounds 
Excessively,  ad.    exceedingly  ;  in   a  great 
degree,  eminently 


Excha'nge,  v.  a.  to  give  one  thing  for  anoV 

ther  ;  to  barter  ;  to  truck 
Excha'nge,  s,  the  act  of  bartering  ;  the  place 

where  merchants  meet  ;  the  balance  of 

money  of  different  nations 
S  Excne'quer,  s.  the  court  where  the  public 

revenues  are  received  and  paid 
Exci'se,  s.  a  tax  levied  upon  commodities 
Exci'seable,  a.  liable  to  the  excise 
Excl'seman,  s-  an  inspector  of  excised  goo<J$ 
Exci'sion,  s.  extirpation  ;  destruction 
Excitation,  s.  the  act  of  stirring  up 
Exci'te,  v.  a.  to  rouse,  to  animate,  to  stir  up 
Excitement,  s.  the  motive  that  excites 
Excla'im,  v.  n.  to  cry  out,  to  make  an  outcry 
Exclama'tion,  s.  a  clamour,  an  outcry  ;  a  note 

thus  [!  J  subjoined  to  a  pathetical  sentence 
Exclam'atory,  a.  pertaining  to  exclamation 
Exciu'de,  v.  a.  to  shut  out ;  debar  :  prohibit 
Exclu'sicn,  s.  a  rejection  ;  act  of  shutting  out 
Exclusive,  a  debarring,  excepting 
Exclu'siveiy,«;i.  without  admission  of  another 
Exco'gitate,  v.  a.  to  invent ;  to  hit  off 
Excogitation,  s.  an  invention,  a  device 
Excommu'nicate,^.  a.  to  censure  ;  to  exclude 
Excommunication,  s.  an  ecclesiastical  inter- 
dict, or  exclusion  from  the  fellowship  of 

the  church  ;  an  anathema 
Exco'riate,  v.  a.  to  strip  off  the  skin 
Excoriation,  s.  loss  of  skin  ;  plunder,  spoil 
Excortica'tion,  s.  pulling  off  the  bark 
Ex'crement,  s.  human  soil,  dung,  &c. 
Excrement'al,  a.  voided  as  excrement 
Excres'cence,  s.  a  tumour;  superfluous  flesh* 

&c.  growing  on  any  part  of  the  body 
Excretion,  s.  ejection  of  animal  substance 
Ex'cretive,  a.  able  to  eject  excrements 
Excru'ciate,  v.  a.  to  torture,  to  torment 
Excru'ciate,  Excru'ciated,  part,  tormented 
Excuba'tion,  s.  act  of  watching  all  night 
Excul'pate,  v.  a.  to  clear  from  imputation 
Excursion,  s.  a  digression  ;  ramble  ;  inroad 
Excu'sabie,  a.  pardonable 
Excu'se,  v.  a.  to  extenuate,  remit,  pardon 
Excu'se,  s.  an  apology  ;  a  plea  ;  a  pardon 
Excu'seless,  a.  without  excuse,  inexcusable 
Excu'ss,  v.  a.  to  seize  and  detain  by  law 
Ex'ecrable,  a.  hateful,  detestable 
Ex'ecrably,  ad.  cursedly,  abominably 
Ex'ecrate,  v.  a.  to  curse,  to  wish  ill  to 
Execration,  /.  a  curse ;  an  imprecation  of  evil 
Exe'ct,  v.  a.  to  cut  out  or  away 
Ex'ecute,  v.  a.  to  perform,  to  put  to  death 
Ex'ecuter,  s.  one  who  executes,  or  performs 
Execution,  s.  a  performance  ;  a  seizure  5 

death  inflicted  by  forms  of  lav/ 
Executioner,  s.  he  that  inflicts  punishments 
Exec'utive,  a.  having  power  to  act 
Exec'utor,  s.  he  that  is  intrusted  to  perfOrri* 
th#  will  of  the  testator 




txec'utrix,j.  a  female  executor 
Exem'plar,  s.  a  pattern,  a  copy,  an  example 
Exemplary,  a.  worthy  of  imitation 
Exem'plify,  v.  a.  to  illustrate,  to  copy 
Exe'mpt,  v.  a.  to  privilege,  to  free  from 
Exemption,  s.  immunity,  privilege 
Exen'terate,  v.  a.  to  take  out  the  bowels 
Ex'equies,  /.  funeral  rites 
Exer'cent,  a.  practising,  following  a  calling 
Ex'ercise,  v.  to  employ,  to  practise,  to  exert 
Ex'ercise,  s.  labour  ;  practice  ;  performance 
Exercita'tion,  s.  exercise,  practice,  use 
Exe'rt,  v.  a.  to  thrust  out,  enforce  ;  perform 
Exertion,  s.  the  aft  of  exerting,  an  effort 
Xxe'sion,  s.  the  aft  of  eating  through 
Exestua'tion, ;.  state  of  boiling,  ebullition 
Exfo'liate,  v.  n.  to  shell  off,  to  peel  off 
Exhalation,  s.  evaporation,  fume,  vapour 
Exha'le,  v.  a .  to  send  or  draw  out  vapour 
Exha'lement,  s.  matter  exhaled  ;  a  vapour 
Exhau'st,  v.  a.  to  draw  out  totally,  to  waste 
Exhaust'less,  a.  not  to  be  emptied 
Exhib'it,  v.  a.  to  produce,  show,  offer  to  view 
Exhibited,  part,  shown,  produced 
Exhib'iter,  s.  he  that  offers  any  thing 
Exhibition,  s.  display  ;  allowance,  pension 
Exhil'arate,  v.  a.  to  make  cheerful 
Exho'rt,  v.  a.  to  incite  to  any  good  action 
Exhortation,  t.  an  incitement  to  good 
Exhortative,  Exhortatory,  a.  encouraging 

to  good  ;  serving  to  exhort 
Ex'igence,  s.  demand,  want,  necessity 
Ex'igent,  /.  a  pressing  business  ;  a  writ 
Exig'uous,  a.  small,  diminutive,  slender 
"ix'ile,  v.  a.  to  banish,  to  transport 
Ex'ile,  s.  banishment,  a  person  banished 
Exi'st,  v.  n.  to  be ,  to  have  a  being,  to  live 
Exist'ence,  Exist'ency,  s.  a  state  of  being 
Exist'ent,  a.  in  being,  possessed  of  existence 
Ex'it,  s.  a  departure,  a  going  out ;  death 
Ex'odus,  s.  a  journey  from  a  place  ;  the  2nd 
book  of  Moses,  so  called  because  it  describes 
the  journey  of  the  Israelites  from  Egypt 
Exonerate,  v.  a.  to  unload,  to  disburden 
Exoneration,  s.  the  act  of  disburdening 
Exoptation,  s.  an  earnest  wish  or  desire 
Ex'orable,  a.  that  which  may  be  prevailed  on 
Exorbitance,  s .  enormity,  great  depravity 
Exorbitant,  a.  excessive,  extravagant 
Ex'orcise,  v.  a.  to  cast  out  evil  spirits 
Ex'orcist,  s.  a  caster  out  of  evil  spirits 
Exor'dium,  s.  introduction  to  a  discourse 
Exot'ic,  a.  foreign...;,  a  foreign  plant 
Expa'nd,  v.  a.  to  spread,  to  dilate,  to  enlarge 
Expa'nse,  s.  an  even,  wide,  extended  body 
Expansion,  s.  act  of  spreading  out,  extent 
Expan'sive,  a.  extensive,  spreading 
Expatiate,  v.  n.  to  range  at  large,  enlarge  on 
Expatriated,  part,  banished  from  home 
fc  i-oc'ct,  v.  n-  to  wait  for,  to  attend  for,  to  stay 

Expect'ancy,  s.  something  expected  ;  hope 
Expect'ant,  a.  waiting  in  expectation 
Expectation,  *  the  act  of  expecting 
Expectorate,  v.  a.  to  eject  from  the  breast 
Expectoration,  s.  a  discharge  by  coughing 
Expedience,  s.  fitness,  propriety  ;  haste 
Expedient,  a.  proper,  convenient  ;  quick 
Expe'dient,  s.  a  .method,  a  way,  a  device 
Ex'pedite,  v.  a.  to  facilitate,  hasten,  despatch. 
Ex'pedite, «.  quick,  ready,  agile,  nimble 
Expedition,  s.  activity  ;  warlike  enterprise 
Expeditious,  a.  quick,  nimble,  alert 
Expeditiously,  ad.  quickly,  nimbly 
Expe'l,  v.  a.  to  drive  out,  to  banish,  to  eject 
Expe'nd,  v.  a.  to  lay  out,  spend,  consume 
Expe'nse,  s.  cost,  charges,  money  expended 
Expe'nse'less,  a.  without  cost  or  charge 
Expensive,  a.  given  to  expense,  costly 
Expedience,  s.  practical  knowledge 
Expedience,  v.  a.  to  try,  to  know  by  practice 
Experienced,  part.  a.  skilful  by  experience 
Experiment,  j.  essay,  trial,  proof  of  any  thing 
Experimental,  a.  formed  by  observation 
Expe'rt,  a.  skilful,  ready,  dexterous 
Expert'ly,  ad.  skilfully,  readily,  dexterously 
Expert'ness,  s.  skill,  art,  readiness 
Ex'piable,  a.  that  which  may  be  atoned  for 
Ex'piate,  v.  a.  to  atone  for  a  crime 
Expiation,  s.  the  act  of  atoning  for  a  crime 
Ex'piatory,  a.  having  the  power  of  expiation 
Expiration,  s.  respiration  ;  an  end  ;  death 
Expi're,  v.  to  breathe  out,  to  exhale  ;  to  die 
Expla'in,  -v.  a.  to  expound,  to  illustrate 
Explanation,  s.  act  of  making  plain  ;  a  note 
Explanatory,  a.  containing  explanation 
Ex'ptetive,  s.  a  word  or  syllable  used  merely 

to  fill  up  a  vacancy 
Explicable,  a.  that  which  may  be  explained 
Explicate,  v.  a.  to  unfold,  expand,  explain 
Explica'tion,  s.  act  of  opening  or  explaining 
Expli'cit,  a.  unfolded,  clear,  plain,  distinct 
Explicitly,  ad.  plainly,  distinctly,  clearly 
Explo'de,  v.  a.  to  treat  with  scorn  and  disdain 
Explo'it,  s.  a  great  action,  an  achievement 
Explo're,  v.  a.  to  search  into,  to  examine 
Explo'sion,  s.   the  act  of  driving  out  with 

noise  and  violence 
Explo'sive,  a.  driving  out  with  noise,  &c. 
Ex'port,  s.   a  commodity  sent  to  a  foreign 

Expo'rt,  v.  a.  to  send  out  of  a  country 
Exportation,  s.  sending  of  goods,  &c.  abroad 
Expo'se,  v.  a.  to  lay  open,  to  make  bare  5  to 

put  in  danger  ;  to  censure 
Exposition,  s.  an  explanation  ;  situation 
Expos'itor,  j.  an  explainer,  an  interpreter 
Expostulate,  v.  n.  to  debate,  to  argue 
Expostulation,  s.  discussion  of  an  affair  with. 

out  anger  •,  debate,  altercation 
Expo'sure,  s.  an  exposing  to  sight ;  situation 



E  X  U 

Expo'und,  v.  a.  to  explain,  unfold,  lay  open 
Expound'er,  s.  an  explainer,  an  interpreter 
Expre'ss,  v.  a.  to  declare,  to  pronounce,  to 

represent,  to  denote  ;  to  squeeze  out 
Express,  a.  plain,  manifest,  clear 
Expre'ss,  s.  a  courier  ;  a  message  sent 
Express'ible,  a.  that  may  be  uttered 
Expression,  s.  a  phrase ;  mode  of  speech ;  act 
of  representing  any  thing  ;  act  of  squeez- 
ing or  forcing  out  any  thing,  as  by  a  press 
Expres'sive,  a.  proper  to  express  •,  strong 
Express'ly,  ad.  in  direct  terms,  clearly 
Expres'sure,  s.  expression,  utterance 
Exprobra'tion,  s.  reproachful  accusation 
Expropriate,  v.  a.  to  part  with,  to  give  up 
Expugn,  v.  a.  to  overcome,  to  take  by  assault 
Expu'lse,  v,  a.  to  expel,  drive  out,  force  away 
Expul'sion,  s.  act  of  expeiiing  or  driving  out 
Expul'sive,  a.  having  power  to  expel 
Expu'nge,  v.  a.  to  blot  out,  to  efface 
Expur'gatcry,  a.  used  in  purifying  or  purging 
Ex'quisite,  a.  excellent,  choice,  curious 
Ex'quisitely,  ad.  perfectly,  completely 
Ex'quisiteness,*.  curiousncss,  perfection 
Exsibila'tion,  s.  act  of  hissing  off  the  stage 
Exsic'cant,  a.  drying,  having  power  to  dry 
Exsic'cate,  v.  a.  to  dry,  to  dry  up 
Exsuda'tion,  s.  a  sweating,  an  extillation 
Ex'tancy,  s.  parts  rising  above  the  rest 
Ex'tant,  a.  now  in  being,  standing  in  view 
Extem'porary,  a.  not  premeditated 
Extem'pore,  ad.  without  premeditation 
Extem'porize,  -v.  n.  to  speak  extempore 
Exte'nd,  v.  a.  to  stretch  out,  widen,  enlarge 
Extendible,  a.  capable  of  extension 
Extension,  s.  the  act  of  extending 
Exten'sive,  a.  wide,  large,  general,  capacious 
Exten'sively,  ad.  widely,  largely 
Exten'siveness,  s.  largeness,  diffusiveness 
Exte'nt,  s.  the  circumference  of  any  thing  ; 

in  law,  a  seizure 
Exten'uate,  v.  a.  to  lessen,  palliate,  diminish 
Extenuation,  s.  mitigation,  palliation 
Exte'rior,  a.  outward,  external 
Exterminate,  v.  a.  to  root  out,  drive  away 
Extermination,  s.  destruction,  excision 
Exte'rn,  Extern'al,  a.  visible,  outward 
txtern'ally,  Exte'riorly,«rf.  outwardly 
Exter'sion,  s.  the  act  of  rubbing  off 
Extil',  v.  n.  to  drop  from,  to  distil  from 
Extilla'tion,  $.  the  act  of  falling  in  drops 
Extim'ulate,  v.  a.  to  incite  by  stimulation 
Exti'nct,  a.  extinguished,  put  out ;  dead 
Extinction,  s.   act  of  quenching  or  extin- 
guishing ;  destruction,  suppression 
Extinguish,  v.  a.  to  put  out,  to  destroy,  to 

obscure,  to  suppress 
Extin'guishable,  a.  that  may  be  quenched 
Extin'guisher,  s.  a  hollow  cone  placed  on  a 
burning  candle  to  extinguish  it 

Extirp'ate,  v.  a.  to  root  out,  to  destroy 
Extirpation,  s.  act  of  rooting  out,  excision 
Exto'l,  v.  a.  to  praise,  to  magnify,  to  laud 
Exto'rt,   v.  a.  to  draw  by  force,  to  wrest  or 

wring  from  one,  to  gain  by  violence 
Extortion,  s.  an  unlawful  exaction  of  more 

than  is  due  ;  oppression 
Extortioner,  s.  one  who  practises  extortion 
Extra'ct,  v.  a.  to  draw  out  of,  to  select 
Extract,  s .  the  substance  extracted  ;  the  chie  f 

heads  of  a  book  ;  an  epitome  ;  a-tructation 
Extraction,  s.  act  of  drawing  out  ;  lineage 
Extrajudicial,  a.  out  of  the  course  of  "law 
Extramis'sion,  s.  an  emitting  outwards 
Extramund'ane,  a.  beyond  the  limits  of  the 

universe  ;  in  the  infinite  void  space 
Extra'neou35«.  foreign, of  different  substancej 

irrelevant,  unconnected 
Extraordinarily,  ad.  remarkably,  eminently 
Extraordinary,  a.  eminent,  not  common 
Extraparo'chial,  a.  out  of  the  parish  bounds 
Extrareg'ular,  a.  not  subject  to  rule 
Extrav'agance,  s.  prodigality,  irregularity 
Extrav'agant,  a.  wasteful,  wild,  irregular 
Extrav'agantiy,  ad.  wildly,  in  an  unreason- 

able  degree  ;  luxuriously,  wastefully 
Extrav'asated,  a.  out  of  its  proper  vessel- 
Extrave'nate,  a.  let  out  of  the  veins 
Extre'me,  a.  greatest,  utmost,  last,  very  ur^ 

gent,  immoderate,  of  the  highest  degree 
Extre'me,  s.  the  utmost  point,  highest  de- 
gree of  any  thing,  extremity,  end 
Extre'mely,  ad.  greatly,  in  the  utmost  degree 
Extrem'ity,  s.   remotest  parts  ;  necessity  ; 

rigour  ;  emergency,  violence  of  passion 
Extricate,  v.  a.  to  disembarrass,  to  clear 
Extrication,  s.  the  act  of  disentangling 
Extrin'sic,  a.  external,  outward 
Extru'ct,  v.  a.  to  build,  to  raise,  to  form 
Extru'de,  v.  a.  to  throw  out,  to  thrust  off 
Extru'sion,  s.  act  of  thrusting  out  or  from 
Extu'berance,  s-  a  swelling  or  bunching  outf 

a  knob  or  protuberant  part 
Exu'berance,  s.  overgrowth,  luxuriance 
Exu'berant,  a.  overabundant,  luxuriant 
Exuc'cous,  a.  without  moisture,  dry 
Exudation,  s.  a  sweating  cut,  perspiration 
Exu'date,  Exu'de,  v.  n.  to  discharge  by  sweat 
Exul'cerate,?;.  a.  to  make  sore  with  an  ulcer  * 

to  corrode  ;  to  irritate  with  virulence 
Exu'lt,  v-  n.  to  rejoice,  to  triumph,  to  glory 
Exult'ance,  Exultation,  s.  joy,  transport 
Exundation,  s.  overflow,  abundance 
Exu'perabie,  a.  conquerable,  vincible 
Exu'berant,  a.  overbalancing,  exceeding 
Exus'citate,  v.  a.  to  rouse  from  sleep,  stir  Up 
Exustion,  s.  consumption  by  fire 
Exu'vi<2,  .'.  the  cast  skins  or  shells  of  ani. 

ma!s  ;  whatever  is  thrown  off,  or  shed ; 

the  scum  ;  the  refuse 


Ey'as,  s.  a  young  hawk  taken  from  the  nest 
Eye,  s.  the  organ  of  sight  ,•  aspect,  regard 
Eye,  v.  a.  to  watch,  to  keep  in  view 
Eye'ball,  s.  the  pupil  or  apple  of  the  eye 
Eye'brow,  j.  the  hairy  arch  over  the  eye 
Eye'lash,  s.  hair  on  the  edge  of  the  eyelid 
Eye'Iess,  a.  without  eyes,  sightless,  blind 
Eyelet,  s.  a  small  hole  for  the  light,  &c. 
Eyelid,  j.  the  membrane  covering  the  eye 


Eye'shot,  s .  a  sight,  glance,  transient  view 
Eye'sight,  s .  the  sight  of  the  eye 
Eye'sore,  s.  something  offensive  to  the  sight 
Eye'tooth,  s    the  tooth  next  the  grinders 
Eyewit'ness,  s.  an  ocular  evidence 
Eyre,  s.  the  court  of  justices  itinerant,  so 

called  from  their  going  tda  circuits  afld 

holding  assizes 
Ey'ry,*.  a  place  where  birds  of  prey  build 


FTFiE  sixth  letter  in  the  alphabet  ;  in 
?  music,  it  expresses  a  note  ;  also  one  of 
the  keys  of  the  gamut ;  it  stands  likewise 
as  an  abbreviation  for  forte,  strong,  and 
loud  ;  in  medical  prescriptions,  it  stands 
ibr  fiat,  let  it  be  done  ;  after  a  person's 
name,  it  means  fellow,  as  F.  R.  S.  Fellow 
of  ihe  Royal  Society 
Faba'ceous,  a.  having  the  nature  of  a  bean 
Fable,  s.  an  instructive  fiction  ;  a  falsehood 
Fatfte,  v.  to  feign,  to  tell  falsely 
Fatle<i,pM?t.  told  in  fables  or  romances 
Fab'ric,  s.  a  building,  an  edifice  ;  a  system 
Fab'rieate,  v.  a.  to  build;  to  frame,  to  forge 
Fab'ulist,  /.  one  who  writes  fables 
Fab'ulous,  a.  feigned,  full  of  fables,  forged 
Face,  s.  the  visage  ;  front ;  superficies  of  any 

thing  ;  appearance  ;  boldness 
Face,  v.  a.  to  meet  in  front,  to  oppose  bold- 
ly ;  to  stand  opposite  to  ;  to  cover  with  an 
additional  surface 
Fa'cet,  s.  a  small  irregular  surface 
Facetious,  a.  gay,  cheerful,  witty,  lively 
Face'ticusness,  s.  gaiety,  drollery 
Fa'cile,  a.  easy,  not  difficult ;  pliant,  flexible 
Facilitate,  t>.  a.  to  make  clear  or  easy 
Facil'ity,  s.  easiness,  readiness,  affability 
Fa'cing,  part,  set  over  against,  opposite  to 
Fa'cing,  s.  an  ornamental  covering 
Facin'orous,  a.  villanous,  detejtable,  bad 
Fact,  s.  action  or  deed  ;  thing  done  ;  reality 
Fac'tion,  s.  a  party  or  cabal  ;  a  tumult 
Fac'tious,  a  given  to  faction,  seditious 
Factitious,  a.  made  by  art,  artificial 
Factor, ;.  an  agent  for  another,  a  deputy 
Fac'tory,  s.  a  district  inhabited  by  traders  in 

a  foreign  country  ;  mercantile  agents 
Factotum,  s.  a  servant  employed  alike  in  all 

kinds  of  business 
Faculty,  i.  ability ;  power  of  mind ;  dexterity 
Facun'dity,  /.  eloquence,  easiness  of  speech 
Fad'dle,  v.  n.  to  trifle,  to  toy,  to  play 
Fade,  v.  to  wither,  grow  weak,  wear  away 
Fadge3  v.  n.  to  suit,  to  fit  ;  not  to  quarrel 

Fse'ces,  4.  excrements  ;  dregs,  dross 
Fag,  v.  a.  to  grow  weary,  to  labour 
Fag,  Fag'end,  s.  the  worst  end  of  a  thing 
Fag'ot,  s.  a  bundle  of  wood  for  fuel,  &c. 
Fail,  v.  to  become  a  bankrupt ;  to  desert ;  to 

omit,  to  neglect  ;  to  decay,  perish,  die 
Failing,  Fai'lure,  s.  a  deficiency,  a  lapse,  a 

becoming  insolvent  ;  omission  ;  slip 
Fain,  a.  glad,  forced,  obliged...^,  gladly 
Faint,  a.  languid,  weak,  cowardly 
Faint,  i>.  n.  to  decay  ;  to  sink  motionless 
Faindieart'ed,  a.  cowardly,  timorous 
Fainting,  s.  temporary  loss  of  animal  motion 
Faint'ish,  a.  rather  faint  or  low 
Faint'iy,  ad.  languidly,  timorously,  feebly 
Faint'ness,  s.  feebleness,  dejection 
Fair,  a.  beautiful ;  clear  ;  favourable  ;  just 
Fair,  ad.  gently,  civilly  ;  successfully 
Fair,  s.  the  female  sex  ;  a  free  market 
Fair'ing,  s.  a  present  given  at  a  fair 
Fair'ly,  ad.  honestly,  plainly,  beautifully" 
Fair'ness,  s.  honesty,  candcur  ;  beauty 
Fairy,  j.  an  enchantress,  an  elf,  a  fay 
Fa'iry,  a.  given  by  or  belonging  to  fairies 
Faith,  s.  belief,  fidelity,  confidence 
Faithful,  a.  firm  to  the  truth,  sincere,  loyal 
Faithfully,  ad.  sincerely,  honestly 
Faith'fulness,  s.  honesty,  veracity,  loyalty 
Faithless,  a.  unbelieving  ;  perfidious 
Fal'cated,  a.  hooked,  bent  like  a  scythe 
Fal'chion,  s.  a  kind  of  short  crooked  sword 
Fal'con,  s-  a  small  hawk  trained  for  sport 
Fal'coner,  s.  one  who  trains  falcons 
Fal'conet,  s.  a  small  piece  pf  ordnance 
Fall,  v.  n.  to  drop  down  ;  decrease  ;  happen 
Fall,  j.  act  of  falling  ;  ruin,  downfall 
Falla'ciousja.  producing  mistake ;  sophistical, 

deceitful,  false  ;  mocking  expectation 
Fallacy,  s.  sophism,  deceitful  argument,  craft 
Fallibility,  s.  liableness  to  be  deceived 
Fallible,  a.  liable  to  error,  frail 
Falling,  s.  an  indenting  ;  a  sinking  ;  sin 
Falllng-sick'ness,  s.  the  epilepsy 
Fallow,  v.  n.  to  plough  in  ar<2er  to  replough 

A    R 


A   T 

Fal  low,  a.  uncultivated,  neglected 
False,  a.  not  true,  not  just,  counterfeit 
Falsehe'arted,tf.  treacherous,  perfidious 
False'iy,  ad.  not  truly,  erroneously 
False-hood,  Fal'sity,  /.  a  lie,  an  untruth 
Falsif'ic,  a.  making  false,  dealing  falsely 
Fal'sify,t>.  to  counterfeit,  to  forge,  to  tell  lies 
Fal'ter,  v.  n.  to  hesitate  in  speech  ;  stumble 
Fai'tering,  :ari.  a.  stammering  :  stumbling 
Fame,  s.  honour,  renown,  glory,  report 
Famed,  a.  renowned,  celebrated 
Fa'mcless,  a.  without  fame,  obscure 
Familiar,  <<.  domestic,affaole,  unceremonious 
Famil'iar,  s.  an  intimate  ;  a  demon 
Familiarity,  s.  intimate  correspondence,  ea- 
sy intercourse,  acquaintance 
Familiarize,  v.  a.  to  make  easy  by  habit 
Familiarly,  ad.  unceremoniously,  easily 
Fam'ily,  s.  a  household  ;  race,  generation 
Famine,  s.  scarcity  of  food,  dearth 
Fam'ish,  v.  to  starve,  to  die  of  hunger 
Fa'mous,  a.  renowned,  celebrated 
Fa'mously,  ad   renowiiedly,  with  celebrity 
Fan,  j.  an  instrument,  made  of  silk,  paper, 
&c   used  by  ladies  to  cool  themselves  •> 
an  utensil  to  winnow  corn 
Fan,  v.  a.  to  winnow  corn,  to  cool  by  a  fan 
Fanatic,  s.  an  enthusiast,  a  visionary 
Fanatic,  Fanai  ical,  a.  enthusiastic 
Fanaticism,/,  a  religious  frenzy,  enthusiasm 
Fan'ciful,  a.  imaginative,  whimsical 
Fan'cifuliy,  ad.  capriciously,  imaginariiy 
Fan'cy, ;.  imagination,  thought  ;  taste  ;  ca- 
price, frolic  ;  inclination,  idle  scheme 
Fan'cy,  v.  to  imagine  ;  to  like,  to  be  pleased 

with  ;  to  portray  in  the  miad,  to  in 
Fane,  s.  a  temple  ;  a  weathercock 
Fan'faron,  s.  a  bully,  a  hector,  a  blusterer 
Fanfarona'de,  s.  a  bluster  ;  parade,  boast 
Fang,  s.  the  long  tusk  of  an  animal,  a  talon 
Fang'ed,  part,  furnished  with  fangs 
Fan'gle,  s.  a  silly  attempt,  a  trilling  scheme 
Fan'gied,  a.  vainly,  fond  of  novelty 
Fan'nel,  s.  a  sort  of  scarf  worn  about  the  left 

arm  of  a  mass  priest  when  he  officiit-e ; 
Fantas'tic,  Fantastical,  a.  irrational,  imag- 
inary, capricious,  whimsical 
Fantasy,  s.  imagination,  idea,  humour 
Far,  a.  distant,  remote...^,  to  great  extent 
Farce,  ;.  a  ludicrous  dramatic  representation 
Far'cical,  a.  relating  to  a  farce  ;  droll 
Far'cy,  *.  the  leprosy  of  horses 
Far'dei,  s.  a  bundle,  a  pack,  a  burden 
Fare,  *.  previsions  ;  hire  of  carriages,  Sec. 
Fare,  v.  n.  to  go,  to  travel  ;    to  happen  to 

any  one  well  or  ill  ;  to  feed,  to  eat 
Farewell,  ad.  the  parting  compliment,  adieu 
Fa'rfetchcd,  a.  brought  from  places  distant  ; 

elaborately  strained  ;  unnatural 
Farina'ceousr  a.  mealy,  tasting  like  meal 

li   2 

Farm,  j.  land  occupied  by  a  farmer 
Farm'er,  ;.  one  who  cultivates  ground 
Far'most,  a.  most  distant,  most  remote 
Farra'gincus,  a.  made  of  different  ingredients 
Farra'gc,  s.  a  medley,  a  confused  mass 
Far'rier,  s.  a  horse-doctor  ;  a  shoer  of  hci-ses 
Far'row,  s.  a  litter  of  pigs...v.  a.  to  pig 
Far'ther,  a.  more  remote,  longer 
Far'ther,  v.  a.  to  promote,  to  facilitate 
Far'thermcre,  ad.  besides,  moreover 
Far'thest,  a.  at  or  to  the  greatest  distance 
Far'thing,  j.  the  fourth  part  of  a  penny 
Far'thingale,  /.  a  hoop  to  spread  the  pettiest 
Fas'ces,  s.  a  bardie  cf  rods  anciently  carried 

befoie  the  F.oman  consuls 
Fascia'tion,  ;.  a  bandage,  a  tying  up 
Fascic'ular,  a.  of  or  belonging  to  a  curdle 
Fas'cinate,  -v.  a.  to  bewitch,  to  enchant 
Fascina'ticn,  j.  enchantment,  witchcraft 
Fasci'ne,  *.  a  faggot  or  bavin 
Fas'cincus,  a.  acting  by  enchantment 
Fashion, :   form,  manner,  custom,  mode 
Fashion,  v.  a.  to  form,  fit,  mould,  shape 
Fashionable,  a.  approved  by  custom,  pa 
Fashionably,  ad.  cc  iforru  .  ly  ia  custom 
Fashioned,  parf.  "  -d, adapted 

Fast,  -j,  it.  to  abstain  from  all  food 
Fa;:,  r.  anabsti  ron 

Fait,  a.  firm,  sti    ags  fia  :d,  sound  ;  swifc 
Fast'en,  v.  a.  to  make  fast,  to  cc:  ant 
Fast'ener,  s.  one  that  makes  fast  or  firm 
Fasfhandc      a    ~lose-handed",  niggardly 

ious,  .:.  disdainful,  squeamish 
7,::  aess  :  v.:  i  ::.-;. strength  ;  a  strong pla  e 
Fas'tuous,  a,,  proud,  hauggirty 
Fat,  a.  plump,  fleshy,  coarse  ;  ri 
Eat,  s.  an  oily  and   sulphureous  part  cf  the 

blood  ;  a  vessel  in  which  any  thing 

to  ferment,  commonly  written  -vat 
Fat,  i\  to  make  fat,  to  fatten,  to  grow  fat 
Fatai,  a.  deadly,  mortal,  hiOYkalle 
Fatalist,  s  one  who  maintains  that  al!  I 

happen  by  inevitable  necessity 
Fatality, ...  predestination,  a  decree  of  fate 
Fa'taily,  ad.  mortally,  destructively 
Tate, ;.  destiny  ;  death  ;  cause  of  death 
Fa  :ed;  a.  decreed  by  fate  ;  determined 
Father,  s.  one  who  begets  a  child 
Father,  v.  a.  to  adopt  a  child  ;  to  as : 
Fa'therht;od,  :.  the  character  of  a  father 
Fa'ther-in-law,  /.father  cf  one's  husband.eir, 
Fa'therless,  a.  without  a  father  ;  des:i-._>_ 
Fa'therly,  a.  paternal,  tender,  ca 
Fa 'thorn, ;.  a  measure  of  six  fe  .: 
Fa'thom,  v.  a.  to  penetrate  into  ;  to-sound 
Fa'thomless,  a.  bottomless:  impenetrable 
Fatidical,  a.  having  the  power  to  foreiel 
Fa;::  t-rcus,  a.  deadly,  mortal 
Fati'gue,  t.  weariness,  labour,  lassitude 
Fat;  r.;e,  v.  a.  to  tire,  to  weary,  tc  perplex 


r  e  o 

Fatling,  s.  a  young  animal  fed  for  slaughter 
Fat'ness,  s.  plumpness,  fertility 
Fat'ten,  v.  to  make  fleshy,  to  grow  fat 
Fatu'ity,  s.  foolishness,  weakness  of  mind 
Fat'uous,  a.  stupid,  foolish,  impotent 
Fau  cet,  s.  a  small  pipe  for  a  barrel 
Favil'lous,  a.  consisting  of  ashes 
Fault,  s.  an  offence,  a  slight  crime  ;  a  defect 
Fault'er,  s.  an  offender,  a  defaulter 
Fault'ily,  ad.  not  rightly,  blameably 
Faultless,  a.  without  fault,  perfect,  blameless 
Fault'y,  a.  guilty  of  a  fault,  wrong,  bad 
Fau'nic,  a.  wild,  rustic,  rude 
Fa'vour,  v.  a.  to  support,  assist,  conduce  to 
Fa'vour,  s.  kindness,  support,  lenity  ;  a  knot 
of  ribbons ;  good-will;  feature,countenance 
Favourable,  a.  kind,  propitious,  tender 
Fa'vourably,  ad.  kindly,  with  favour 
Fa'voured,  part.  a.  featured  well  or  ill ;  re- 
garded with  kindness  or  partiality 
Ta'vourite,  s.  a  person  or  thing  beloved 
Fawn,  v.  n.  to  flatter,  cringe...;,  a  young  deer 
Fawn'ing,  part,  cringing,  flattering 
Fay,  s.  a  fairy,  an  elf  ;  faith 
Fe'alty, ;.  homage,  loyalty,  submission 
Fear,  s.  dread,  terror,  anxiety,  awe 
Fear,  v.  to  dread,  to  be  afraid  of,  to  be  anxious 
Fear'ful,  a.  timorous,  afraid,  awful 
Fear'fully,  ad.  timorously,  terribly  ;  in  fear 
Fear'fulness,  s.  timorousness,  dread  ;  awe 
Fear'less,  a.  free  from  fear,  intrepid 
Feasibility, s.  the  practicability  of  a  thing 
Feasible,  a.  practicable,  that  may  be  done 
Feast,  s.  a  festival,  a  sumptuous  treat 
Feast,  v.  a.  to  entertain  sumptuously,  pamper 
Feat,  s.  an  act,  a  deed  ;  trick  or  slight 
Feac,  a.  neat,  quick,  ready 
Fea'ther,  s.  the  plume  of  birds;  an  ornament 
Fea'ther,  v.  a.  to  dress  or  fit  with  feathers 
Fea'ther-bed,  s.  a  bed  stuffed  with  feathers 
Fea'thered,  a.  clothed  with  feathers 
Fea'therless,  a.  without  feathers,  naked 
Feat'ly,  ad.  neatly,  nimbly,  readily 
Teat'ure,  /.  the  cast  01  make  of  the  face ;  any 

lineament  or  single  part  of  the  face 
Feaze,  v.  a.  to  untwist  a  rcpe  ;  to  beat 
Feb'rifuge,  j.  a  medicine  to  cure  fevers 
Fe'brile,  a.  relating,  or  belonging  to  a  fever 
Feb'ruary,  s.  the  second  month  of  the  year 
Februation,  s,  a  sacrifice,  &c  for  the  dead 
Fec'ulence,  s.  muddiness,  lees,  dregs 
Fec'ulent,  a.  dreggy,  foul,  excrementitious 
Fecu'nd,  a.  fruitful,  prolific,  rich 
Fecunda'tion,  s.  the  act  of  making  fruitful 
Fecundity,  s.  fertility,  fruitfulness 
Fed.  pret .  and  part,  of  to  feed 
Fed'ary,  s.  a  partner,  or  a  dependant 
Fed'eral,  a.  relating  to  a  league  or  contract 
Fed'erary,  s-  a  confederate,  an  accomplice 
Fee,  v.  a.  to  reward  ;  to  pay  ;  to  bribe ;  to  hire 

Fee, f.  a  reward  ;  wages  ;  gratification  ;  lands, 
&c.  held  by  any  acknowledgment  of  su- 
periority to  a  higher  lord 
Feeble,  a.  weak,  sickly,  debilitated 
Fee'bied,/><37^.  enfeebled,  made  weak 
Feebleness,  s.  weakness,  infirmity 
Feed,  v.  to  supply  with  food,  to  cherish 
Feed,  j.  pasture  for  cattle,  food 
Feeder,  s.  one  who  gives  or  eats  food 
Feel,  v.   to  perceive  by  the  touch,  to  be  af- 
fected by  ;  to  know  ;  to  try,  to  sound 
Feel,  s.  the  sense  of  feeling,  the  touch 
Feeling,  s.  sensibility,tenderness,  perception 
Feelingly,  ad.  with  great  sensibility 
Feet,  s.  the  plural  of  foot 
Feet'less,  a.  without  feet 
Feign,  v.  to  invent,  dissemble,  relate  falsely 
Feign'ed,/w/.  dissembled,  pretended 
Feint,  s.  a  false  appearance,  a  mock  assault 
Feii'citate,  v.  a.  to  make  happy  ;  congratulate 
Felicitation,  s.  congratulation 
Feli'city,  i.  happiness,  prosperity jblissfulness 
Feline,  a.  belonging  to,  or  resembling  a  cat 
Fell,  a.  cruel,  fierce,  savage,  bloody 
Fell,  -v.  a  to  knock  down,  to  cut  down 
Fell'monger,  /.  a  dealer  in  hides  or  skins 
Felloe,  s.  the  circumference  of  a  wheel 
Fellow,  s.  an  associate, equal ;  a  mean  person 
Fellow,  v.  a.  to  suit  with,  to  pair  with 
Fellowship,     s.    companionship,     society, 

equality  ;  establishment  in  a  college 
Fe'lo-de-se,  s.  a  self-murderer,  a  suicide 
Fel'on,  s.  one  guilty  of  a  capital  crime 
Felo'nious,  a.  wicked,  villanous,  malign 
Felo'niously,  ad.  in  a  felonious  manner 
Fel'ony,  .r.  a  capital  offence  or  crime 
Felt,  v.  a.  to  unite  stuff  without  weaving 
Felt,  /.  stuff  used  in  making  hats  ;  a  skin 
Fel'tre,  v.  a.  to  clot  together  like  felt 
Feluc'ca,  s.  a  small  open  boat  with  six  oars 
Fe'male,  Feminine,  a.  not  masculine,  soft, 

effeminate,  tender,  delicate,  emasculated 
Fe'male,  Feminine,  s   one  of  the  sex  that 

brings  forth  young 
Fem'e-eovert,  *.  a  married  woman 
Feminallty,  s.  female  nature 
Fen,  s.  a  marsh,  a  moor,  low  moist  ground 
Fence,  ;.  a  guard,  enclosure,  mound,  hedge 
Fence,  11.  to  enclose,  to  guard  ;  to  use  the  foil 

scientifically  ;  to  act  on  the  defensive 
Fen'celess,  a.  without  enclosure,  open 
Fen'cer,  $.  one  who  practises  fencing 
Fen'cible,  a.  capable  of  defence 
Fen'clng,  s.  the  art  of  defence  by  weapons 
Fend,  v.  to  keep  off,  to  shut  out  ;  to  dispute 
Fend'er,  s.  a  fence  to  keep  in  the  cinders 
Fen'ny,  a.  marshy,  inhabiting  the  marsh 
Feo'dal,  a.  held  from  another 
Fe'odary,  s.  one  who  holds  an  estate  under 
tenure  of  service,  &c  t©  a  superior  lord 



Fe'off,  v.  a.  to  put  in  possession,  to  invest 
Fecrfe'e,  s.  one  put  in  possession 
FeorF'er,  $.  one  who  gives  possession 
Feoffment,  /.  the  act  of  granting  possession 
Fera'city,  s.  fruitfulness,  fertiiity 
Fe'ral,  a.  mournful,  funereal,  deadly 
Feria'tion,  s.  the  act  of  keeping  holiday 
Fe'rine,  a.  wild,  savage,  fierce,  barbarous 
Fer'iner.ess,  Fei'ity,  /.  barbarity,  wildness 
Ferment,  v.  a.  to  exalt,  or  rarify  by  intestine 

motion  of  its  parts 
Ferment,  /.  intestine  motion, tumult 
Fermeata'tion,  ..  an  intestine  motion  of  the 

small  particles  of  a  mixt  body,  from  the 

operation  of  some  active  acid  matter 
Fennent'ative,  a.  causing  fermentation 
Fern,  s.  a  plant  growing  on  heaths,  &c 
Fern'y,  a   overgrown  with  fern 
Fero'cious,  a.  savage,  fierce,  rapacious 
Fero'city, ;.  fierceness,  cruelty,  wildness ^ 
Fer'reous,  a.  made  of  iron,  or  containing  iron 
Fer'ret,  i.aa  ;  a  kind  of  tape 

Fer'ret,  v.  a.  to  tease  or  vex  one  ;  drive  out 
Fc-rru'giiious,  a.  partaking  of  iron 
Fer'rule,  s.  an  iron  ring  at  the  end  of  a  stick 
Fer'ry,  s.  a  boat  for  passage ;  the  passage  over 

which  the  boat  passes. ..v. to  convey  in  a  boat 
Ferryman,  s-  one  who  keeps  or  rows  a  ferry 
Fer'tile,  a.  fruitful,  abundant,  plenteous 
Fertil'ity,  t.  abundance,  fruitfulness 
Fer'iiliz'e^  make  plenteous,  to  fecundate 
Fer'vency,  s.  ardour,  eagerness,  zeal 
Fer'vent,  a.  hot,  vehement,  ardent,  zealous 
Fer'vently,  ad.  eagerly  ;  with  pious  ardour 
Ferves'cent,  a.  growing  hot 
Fer'vid,  a.  vehement,  zealous,  burning 
Fer'uia,  s.  an  instrument  with  which  young 

scholars  are  beaten  en  the  hand 
Fervour,  t.  heal  of  mind,  zeal,  warmth 
Fes'cue^f.awire  topointout  letters  to  learners 
Fes'ter,-y.  n.  to  corrupt,  rankle,  grow  virulent 
Fes'tinate,  a.  hasty,  hurried 
Fes'tival,  s.  a  day  of  civil  or  religious  joy 
Fes'tive,  a.  joyous,  gay,  pertaining  to  feasts 
Festiv'ity,  s.  a  festival,  a  time  of  rejoicing 
Festoon,  s.  an  ornament  cf  twisted  flowers 
Festu'cous,  a.  formed  of  straw 
Fetch,  v.  a.  to  go  and  bring  a  thing,  to  draw 
Fetch,  s.  a  stratagem,  an  artifice,  a  trick 
Fet'id,  a.  stinking,  having  an  offensive  smell 
Fetif'erous,  a.  bringing  forth  fruit  or  young 
Fet'lock,  x.  a  tuft  of  hair  that  grows  behind 

a  horse's  pastern,  or  ankle  joint 
Fet'ter,  v.  a.  to  enchain,  to  shackle,  to  tie 
Fet'ters,  /.  chains  for  the  feet 
Fet'tle,  v.  n,  to  do  trifling  business 
Fe'tus,  or  FceTus,  s.  any  animal  in  embryo 
Feud,  s.  a  quarrel,  contention,  opposition 
Feud'al,  a.  dependant,  held  by  tenure 
Fetfd'atory,  r.  one  who  holds  of  a  lord  or  chief 

Fever,  s.  a  disease,  accompanied  with  thirst 
and  a  quickened  puise,in  which  sometimes 
heat,  sometimes  cold,  prevails 
Fe'verish,Fe'verous,  Fe'very,  a.  troubled  wifti 
a  fever,  tending  to  a  fever,  hot,  burning 
j  Feu'ill2ge,  s.  a  bunch  or  row  of  leaves 
!  Few,  a.  a  small  number,  net  many 
i  Few'ness,  s.  smallness  of  number,  brevity 
j  Fib, ;.  a  falsehood „.v.  n.  to  tell  lies,  to  lie 
j  Fib'ber,  ;.  a  teller  of  lies 
j  Fi'bre,  s.  a  small  thread  or  string 
i  Fi'brousjfl.  full  of,  or  composed  of  fibres 
Fic'kle,  a.  changeable,  inconstant, unfixed 
Fic'kleness,  s.  inconstancy,  unsteadiness 
:   Fic'tion,  s.  a  story  invented  ,•  a  falsehood 
\  Fic'tious,    Ficti'tious,    a.  imaginary,   false, 

counterfeit,  not  real,  not  true,  allegorical 
;  Fictitiously,  ad.  falsely,  counterfeitly 
i  Fid'dle,  s.  a  musical  instrument,  a  violin 
;  Fid'dle,  v.  play  upon  the  fiddle  ;  to  trifle 
I  Fid'dlefaddle,  s.  a  trifle,  a  trifler 

Fiddler,  s.  one  who  plays  on  the  fiddle 
j  Fid'dle-string,  s.  the  string  of  a  fiddle 
\  Fidel'ity,  s.  honesty,  veracity,  faithfulness 
|  Fidg'et,  v  n.  to  move  nimbly  or  irregularly 
■  Fidu'cial,  a.  confident,  undoubting 
:  Fidu'ciary,  s.  one  who  holds  in  trust 
•  Fief,  s.  a  manor;  possession  held  by  tenure 
Field,  s.  a  cultivated  tract  of  ground ;  the 
ground  of  battle  ;  a  wide  expanse  ;  space, 
compass,  extent 
;  Field'hook,  s.  a  book  used  by  surveyors 
',  Fieldfare,  j.  a  bird;  a  kind  of  thrush 
I  Fieid'piece,  /.  a  small  cannon  used  in  battle 

Fiend,  s.  an  infernal  being,  an  enemy 
I  Fierce,  a.  savage, outrageous,  furious,  strong 
;  Fie'rcely,arf. violently, furiously, vehemently 
i  Fierceness,  s.  ferccity,  fury,  violence 
Fi'ery,  a.  consisting  cf  fire;  passionate,  bs£ 
Fife, ;,  a  small  pipe  blown  to  the  drum 
r  Fi'fer,  j.  one  who  plays  on  a  fife 
j  Fifteen,  a.  five  and  ten  added 
;  Fifty,  a.  five  tens  added 
;  Fig, ;.  a  tree  that  bears  figs  ;  its  fruit 
!  Fight,  v.  to  contend  in  battle,  to  combat 
i  Fight, ;.  a  battle,  an  engagement,  a  duel 
;  Fight'er,  s.  a  warrior,  a  duellist 
\  Fig'ment,  s.  a  fiction,  an  invention 
I  Fig'ulate,  a.  made  of  potter's  earth  or  ctay 
i  Fig'urable,  a.  capable  of  being  formed 
i  Fig'ural,  Fig'urate,  a,  of  a  certain  form 
|  Figurative,  a.  not  literal,  metaphorical 
'  Figuratively,  ad.  by  a  figure,  not  literally 
■  Fig'ure,  s.  shape ;  external  form  ;  eminence^- 
an  image ;  a  character  denoting  a  number 
Fig'ure,  v.  a.  to  form  into  any  shape 
'  Fig'ured,  part.  a.  represented  ;  adorned 
Fiia'ceous,  a.  consisting  cf  threads 
Fjl'acer,  s.  an  officer  in  the  Common  Pleas 
Fii'ameat,  u  a  slender,  thread  j  a  fibre 




Fil'bert,  s.  a  fine  hazle  nut  with  a  thin  shell 
Filch,  v.  a.  to  steal,  to  pilfer,  to  cheat,  to  rob 
Fjlch'er,  s.  a  petty  thief,  a  robber 
File,  s.  a  steel  tool  to  polish  iron,  &c.  with  ; 

a  wire  for  papers  ;  a  line  of  soldiers 
Fil'emot, ;.  a  brown,  or  yellow  brown  colour 
Fil'ial,  a.  pertaining  to,  or  beseeming  a  son 
Fil'igree,  s.  a  kind  of  delicate  work  on  gold 

or  silver  in  manner  of  threads  or  grains 
Fi'lings,  s.  particles  rubbed  off  by  a  file 
Fill,  v.  a.  to  make  full,  to  satisfy,  to  surfeit 
Fill,  s.  fulness,  satiety;  part  of  a  carriage 
Fil'let,  s.  a  band  tied  round  the  head,  &c. ;  a 

bandage  ;  the  fleshy  part  of  the  thigh 
Fil'lip,  v.  a.  to  jerk  with  the  finger 
Fil'lip,  s.  ajerk  of  the  finger  from  the  thumb 
Fil'ly,  s.  a  young  mare ;  opposed  to  colt 
Film,  s.  a  thin  skin  or  pellicle 
Film'y,  a.  composed  of  thin  membranes 
Fil'ter,  v.  a.  to  strain,  to  percolate 
Filth,  s.  dirt,  nastiness  ;  grossness,  pollution 
Filth'iness,  s.  dirtiness  ;  impurity 
Filth'y,  a.  dirty,  nasty;  gross,  obscene 
Fil'trate,  v.  a.  to  strain,  to  filter,  to  percolate 
Fin,  s.  the  wing  of  a  fish,  by  which  he  swims 
Fi'nable,  a.  that  which  may  be  fined 
Fi'nal,  a.  ultimate,  conclusive,  mortal 
Fi'nally,  ad.  ultimately,  completely,  lastly 
Fina'nce,  s.  revenue,  income,  profit 
Financier,  j.  an  officerwho  superintends  the 

state  finances,  or  public  revenue 
Find,  v.  a.  to  discover,  to  detect ;  to  furnish 
Fine,  a.  not  coarse,  pure,  thin,  clear ;  elegant 
Fine,  s.  a  pecuniary  forfeit,  penalty,  mulct 
Fine,  v.  a.  to  refine,  purify ;  inflict  a  penalty 
Fi'nely,  ad.  elegantly  ;  keenly,  subtlely 
Fineness,  s.  elegance,  show  ;  purity,  subtilty 
Fi'ner,  s.  one  who  purifies  metals 
Fi'nery,  /.  show,  gaiety  in  attire,  splendour 
Fine'sse,  s.  an  artifice,  a  stratagem 
Fin'ewed,  a.  mouldy,  musty,  dirty,  nasty 
Fin'ger,  s.  a  part  of  the  hand 
Fin'ger,  v.  a.  to  touch  lightly  ;  to  pilfer 
Fin'ical,  a.  nice,  foppish,  affecled,  conceited 
Fin'ically,  ad.  foppishly,  superfluously  nice 
Fi'ning-pot,  s.  a  pot  for  refining  metals 
Fi'rris,  s.  the  end,  the  conclusion 
Fin'ish,  v.  a.  to  end,  to  perfect,  to  complete 
Fin'isher,  s.  one  who  completes  or  perfects 
Fi'nite,   a.    limited,  bounded,    terminated  ; 

created  ;  it  is  opposed  to  infinite 
Fi'niteness,  s.  limitation,  confinement 
Fin'less,a.  without  fins 
Fiii'ny,  a.  furnished  with  fins 
Fir,x.  the  tree  of  which  deal  boards  are  made 
Fire,  s.  that  which  has  the  power  of  burning ; 

flame,  light,  lustre  ;  ardour,  spirit 
Fire,  -v.  to  discharge  fire-arms  ;  to  kindle 
Fl're-arms,  s.  guns,  muskets,  &c. 
Fi'redrake,  /.  a  fiery  serpent,  or  meteor 

Fi'rebrand,  s.  a  piece  of  wood  kindled  ;  an 

incendiary,  one  who  inflames  factions 
Fi'relock,  s.  a  soldier's  gun,  a  musket 
Fi'reman,  /.  one  who  is  employed  to  extin- 
guish burning  houses  ;  a  violent  man 
Fi'repan,  s.  a  pan  for  holding  fire 
Fi'rework,  s.  a  beautiful  display  of  fire 
Fi'reship,  s.  a  ship  filled  with  combustibles 
Fi'ring,  s.  fuel,  something  used  for  the  fire 
Fir'kin,  s.  a  vessel  containing  nine  gallons 
Firm,  a.  fast,  strong,  hard,  constant,  steady 
Firm,  j.  the  name  or  names  under  which  the 
business  of  any  trading  house  is  carried  on 
Firm'ament,  s.  the  sky,  the  heavens 
Firmament'al,  a.  celestial,  belonging  to  the 

firmament;  etherial;  elementary 
Finna'n,j.  a  permission  to  trade,  &c. 
Firm'ly,rtrf.immoveably,  steadily,  constantly 
Firm'ness,  s.  steadiness,  stability,  solidity 
First,  a.  earliest  in  time  ;  chief,  primary 
First'fruits,  j.  the  first  produce  of  any  thing ; 
one   year's   produce  of  a  spiritual  living 
given  to  the  king 
First'ling,  s.  the  first  produce  or  offspring 
Fis'cal,  s.  the  exchequer,  the  revenue 
Fish,  s.  an  animal  existing  only  in  water 
Fish,  v.  to  catch  fish ;  to  sift,  to  catch  by  art 
Fish'er,Fish'erman,  u  one  whose  employment 

is  to  catch  fish  with  nets,  or  by  angling 
Fish'ery,  s.  trade  or  employment  of  fishing, 
Fish'-hook,  s.  a  hook  to  catch  fish  with 
Fish'ify,  v.  a.  to  turn  to  fish 
Fish'ing,f.  the  art  or  practice  of  catching  fisli- 
Fish'meal,  s.  a  meal  made  of  fish 
Fish'monger,  s.  one  who  sells  or  deals  in  fish 
Fish'y,  a.  consisting  of,  or  like  fish 
Fis'sure,  s.  a  cleft,  an  opening,  a  small  chasm 
Fist,  s.  the  hand  clenched  or  closed 
Fist'icuffs,  s.  a  battle  with  fists 
Fist'ula,  s.  a  sinuous  ulcer  callous  within 
Fist'ulous,  a.  pertaining  to  a  fistula 
Fit,  s.  a  paroxysm  of  any  distemper;  disorder 

of  the  animal  spirits ;  distemperature 
Fit,  a.  qualified,  proper,  convenient,  meet 
Fit,  v.  a.  to  suit,  to  accommodate,  to  adapt 
Fitch,  s.  a  small  kind  of  wild  pea  ;  a  vetch 
Fit'ly,  ad  aptly,  properly,  commodiously 
Fit'ness,  s.  propriety,  convenience,  nieetness 
Fi'vefold,  a.  five  times  as  much 
Fives,  j.  a  game  at  balls;  a  disease  of  horses 
Fix,  v.  to  fasten;  settle,  determine  ;  rest 
Fixa'tion,  Fix'edness,  s.  stability,  solidity 
Fix'ed,  part,  appointed,  determined 
Fixid'ity,  Fix'ity,  s.  coherence  of  parts 
Fix'ture,  s.  any  article  fixed  to  the  premises, 

as  fire-grates-  dressers,  &c. 
Fix'ure,  .f.  position  ;  firmness;  pressure- 
Fiz'gig,  s.  a  kind  of  harpoon  to  strike  fish 
Flab'biness,  s.  limberness,  softness 
Fiab'by,  a,  soft3  not  firm,  limber,  not  stiff 



Fla'bile,  a.  subject  to  be  blown  by  wind 
Flaccid,  a.  weak,  limber,  not  stiff,  not  tense 
Flaccid'ity,  s.  laxity,  limberness 
Flag,  v.n.  to  grow  dejecitti, droop, lose  vigour 
Flag,  s.  the  colours  of  a  ship  or  land-forces  ; 

a  water  plant ;  a  fiat  stone  for  paving 
Fla'gelet,  j.  a  small  flute,  a  musical  pipe 
Flagella'tion,  /.  the  act  of  scourging 
^ag'gy>  «•  weak,  limber,  not  tense  ;  insipid 
Flagi'tious.  a.  wicked,  atrocious,  vile 
Fla'gon,  s.  a  drinking  vessel  of  two  quarts 
Flag'-officer,  /.  the  commander  of  a  squadron 

or  part  of  a  fleet  of  ships 
Fla'grancy,  s.  burning  heat ,  fire,  inflammation 
Fla'grant,  a.  ardent,  glowing  ;  notorious 
Flagship,  s.  the  admiral's  ship 
Flail,  s.  an  instrument  to  thresh  corn  with 
Flake,  s.  any  thing  that  appears  ioosely  put 

together  ;  a  stratum,  a  layer,  a  lamina 
Fla-'ky,  a.  lying  in  layers  or  strata 
Flam,  s.  a  falsehood,  a  lie,  an  illusory  pretext 
Flam'beau,  s.  a  lighted  wax  torch 
Flame,  s.  light  emitted  from  fire  ;  fire;  the 

passion  of  love  ;  brightness  of  fancy 
Flame,  v.n.  to  shine  as  fire,  shine  like  flame 
Fla'men,  s.  an  ancient  Pagan  priest 
Fla'ming, part,  blazing,  burning;  notorious 
Flammabil'ity,  s.  an  aptness  to  take  fire 
Flamma'tion,  s.  the  act  of  setting  on  flame 
Flam'medj/w-/.  deceived,  imposed  on 
Fia'my,  a.  inflamed,  burning,  flaming 
Flank,  /.  the  side  ;  pnrt  of  a  bastion...^,  a.  to 

attack  the  side  of  a  battalion,  or  fleet 
Flan'nel,  s.  a  soft  nappy  stuff  made  of  wool 
Flap,  s.  any  thing  that  hangs  broad  and  loose  ; 

a  blow  with  the  hand  ;  a  disease  in  horses 
Flap,  v.  to  beat  with  a  flap ;  to  ply  the  wings 

with  a  noise ;  to  fall  with  flaps 
Flap'dragon,  v.  a.  to  devour., .j.  a  game 
Flare,  v.  n.  to  glitter  offensively  ;  to  flutter 

with  a  splendid  show;  to  give  a  glaringlight 
Flash,;,  a  sudden  blaze  ;  a  sudden  burst  of  wit 
Fiash'y,  a.  empty,  showy,  insipid 
Flask,  s.  a  bottle,  a  vessel ;  a  powder-horn 
Flask'et,  /.  a  large  basket ;  a  kind  of  tray 
Flat,  s.  a  level ;  even  ground  ;  a  shallow 
Flat,rt.  smooth,  level ;  insipid,  dull ;  not  shrill 
Flat,  •?;.  to  make  level ;  to  make  vapid 
Flat'ly,  ad.  peremptorily  ;  dully,  frigidly 
Flat'ness,  s.  evenness  ;  insipidity,  dulness 
Flat'ten,  v.  to  make-even  ;  deject,  dispirit 
Flat'Ler,  v.  a.  to  praise  falsely;  to  raise  false 

hopes  ;  to  sooth,  to  caress,  to  adulate 
J'iat'terer,  s.  a  wheedler,  a  fawner 
Flat'iery,  s.  fawning  ;  false,  venal  praise 
Fist'tish,  a.  somewhat  flat ;  dull 
Flat'ulency,  s.  windiness  ;  vanity,  levity 
Flat'uh-nt,  Flat'uous,  a  windy ;  empty,  vain 
Flaunt,  v.   n.  to  make  a  fluttering  show  in 

apparel ;  to  give  one's  self  airs 

Flaunt,  /.  any  thing  loose  and  airy 
Fla'vour,  s.  a  taste,  relish  ;  sweet  smell 
Fla'vourous,  a.  fragrant,  odorous,  palatable 
Flaw,  s.  a  crack,  a  breach  ;  a  fault,  a  defect 
Flax,  s.  a  fibrous  plant,  of  which  the  finest 

thread  is  made ;  the  fibres  of  flax  cleansed 
Flax'-dresser,  s.  he  who  prepares  flax 
Flax'en,  a.  made  of  flax,  like  flax ;  fair 
Flay,  v.  a.  to  strip  off  the  skin 
Fiea,  s.  a  small  insect  remarkable  for  agility 
Fleabit'ten,  a.  stung  by  fleas  ;  worthless 
Fleak,  s.  a  small  lock,  thread,  or  twist 
Fleam,  s.  an  instrument'used  to  bleed  cattle 
Fleck,  v.  a.  to  spot,  to  streak,  to  dapple 
Fledge,  v.  a.  to  supply  with  feathers  or  wings 
Flee,i>.  run  from  danger,  or  for  shelter 
Fleece,  s.  the  wool  from  one  sheep 
Fleece,  v.  a.  to  strip  or  plunder  a  person 
Flee'ced,  part,  stripped,  plundered 
Flee'cy,  a.  woolly,  covered  with  wool 
Fleer,  v.  n.  to  mock,  to  jest  with  contempt 
Fleet,  a.  swift  of  pace^  nimble,  a<ftive 
Fleet,  s.  a  company  of  ships  ;  a  creek 
Fleet,  v.  to  fly  swiftly,  vanish  ;  live  merrily- 
Fleet'ing,  part,  passing  away  continually  ,&c. 
Fleet'ly,  ad.  with  swift  pace,  nimbly 
Fleet/ness,  s.  swiftness,  celerUy,  velocity 
Flesh,  s.  a  part  of  the  animal  body 
Flesh,  v.  a.  to  initiate  ;  to  harden  ;  to  glut 
Flesh-fly,  s.  a  fly  thatffeeds  upon  flesh 
Fiesh'iness,  s.  fulness  of  flesh,  plifrrpness 
Flesh'iiness,  s-  carnal  passions  or  appetites 
Flesh'ly,  a.  corporeal,  human,  not  celestial 
Flesh'meat,  /.  animal  food,  flesh  of  animals 
Flesh'y,  a.  full  of  flesh,  musculous,  plump 
Flet,  part,  skimmed,  deprived  of  the  cream 
Fletch'er,  s.  a  maker  of  bows  and  arrows 
Flew,  preterite  of  to  fly 
Flew'ed,  a.  chapped  ;  deep  mouthed 
Flexibility,  s.  pliancy,  ductility,  facility 
Flex'ible,  Flex'ile,  a.  pliant,  manageable 
Flex'ion,j.tkeact  of  bending;  a  joint,  a  turn 
Flex'uous,  a.  winding,  variable,  not  straight 
Flex'ure,  s.  the  part  bent,  the  joint 
Flick'er,  v.  a.  to  flutter,  to  play  the  wings 
Fli'er,  s.  a  fugitive,  a  runaway;  part  of  a  jack 
Flight,  s.  the  act  of  flying  or  running  away  ; 

a  flock  of  birds  ;  heat  of  imagination  ;  the 

stairs  from  one  landing-place  to  another 
Flight'y,  a.  wild,  full  of  imagination  ;  swift 
Flim'sy,  a.  weak,  slight,  spiritless ;  mean 
Flinch,  v.  n.  to  shrink  from  pain,  &c. 
Flinch'er,  s.  he  who  shrinks  or  fails 
Fling,  v.  to  throw,  dart  ;  scatter  ;  flounce 
Fling,/,  a  throw;  a  contemptuous  remark 
Flint,  s.  a  hard  kind  of  pebble 
Flint'y,  a.  made  of  flint;  inexorable,  cruel 
Flip,  s.  a  drink  made  of  beer,  spirits,  and 

sugar  ;  a  liquor  much  used  in  ships 
Flip'pant,  a,  nimble,  pert,  talkative 


F  O  M 

Flip'pantly,  ad.  in  a  flippant,  pert  manner 
Flirt,  v.  to  jeer ;  to  run  about  idly,  &c. 
Flirt,  s.  a  pert  hussey ;  a  sudden  trick 
Flirta'tion,  s.  a  quick,  sprightly  motion 
Flit,  v.  n.  to  fly  away;  to  flutter,  to  remove 
Flitch,  s.  the  side  of  a  hog  salted  and  cured 
Flit'ter,  s.  a  rag  or  tatter,  garment  rent 
Fiix,  s.  down,  fur,  soft  hair 
Float,  /.  the  cork  or  quill  fastened  to  a  fish- 
ing line  ;  la/ge  pieces  of  timber  fastened 
together  to  convey  goods  with  the  stream  ; 
the  act  of  flowing 
Float,  v.  n.  to  swim  on  the  surface  of  water 
Flock,  s.  a  company  of  birds,  sheep,  &c. 
Flock,  v.  n.  to  assemble  in  crowds 
Flog,  v.  a.  to  whip  or  scourge,  to  chastise 
Flood,  s.  an  inundation,  a  deluge;  influx  of 

the  tide  ;  a  body  of  water ;  the  sea 
Flood,  v.  a.  to  deluge,  to  cover  with  waters 
Fiood'gate,  /.  a  gate  to  stop,  or  let  out  water 
Flood'mark,  s.  a  mark  left  by  the  flood 
Flook.     See  Fluke 

Floor,  s.  the  bottom  of  a  room ;  a  story 
Flop,  v.  a.  to  clap  the  wings  with  noise 
Flo'ral,  a.  relating  to  Flora,  or  to  flowers 
Florid,  a.  flushed  with  red,  blooming,  rosy 
Flor'idness,  s.  freshness  of  colour ;  elegance 
Florin,  s.  a  coin  of  different  value  ;  in  Ger- 
many 2s.  4d.  in  Spain  4s.  4d.  halfpenny, in 
Palermo  and  Sicily  2s. <5d. and  in  Holiand2s. 
Flo'rist,  s.  one  who  cultivates  flowers 
Flos'culous,<2.  composed  or  formed  of  flowers 
Flo'ta,  Flotii'la,  s.  the  Spanish  fleet  that  sails 

annually  from  the  West  Indies 
Flot'son,  s.  goods  casually  drifting  on  the  sea  j 
Flounce,  v.  to  move  with  violence  in  water ;  ] 

to  be  in  anger  ;  to  deck  with  flounces 
Flounce,  s.  a  loose,   full  trimming  sewed  to  j 

women's  apparel,  so  as  to  swell  and  shake 
Flound'er,  v.  n.  to  struggle  with  violent  and 

irregular  motion;  to  plunge  in  water 
Flound'er,  s.  a  small  flat  river  fish 
Flour,  s.  the  fine  part  of  ground  wheat 
Flour'ish,  v.  to  thrive  ;  brag,  boast ;  adorn 
Flour'ish,  s.  bravery  ;  ostentatious  embellish- 
ment ;  a  short  musical  overture 
Flout,  v.  to  mock,  insult,  practise  mockery 
Flow,  v.  to  run  as  water;  to  overflow 
Flow,  s.  the  rise  of  water,  not  the  ebb 
Flow'er,  /.  the  blossom  of  a  plant,  the  prime 
Flow'er,  v.  n.  to  be  in  flower,  to  blossom 
Flow'eret,  Flow'ret,  s.  a  small  flower 
Flow'ery,  a.  adorned  with  flowers 
Flow'ingly,  ad.  with  plenty  ;  with  volubility 
Flown,  part,  of  to  flee,  gone  away  ;  elate 
Fluctuant,  a.  wavering,  uncertain 
Fluctuate,  v.  n.  to  be  irresolute  or  uncertain 
Fluctuation,  s.  uncertainty,  indeterrnination 
Flue,  s.  soft  down  or  fur;  pipe  of  a  chimney 
Flu'ency, ;.  volubility,  copiousness  of  speech 

Flu'ent,  a.  eloquent,  flowing ;  liquid 
Flu'ently,  ad.  flcwingly;  volubly;  copiously 
Flu'id,  3.  any  animal  juice  ;  a  liquid 
Flu'id,  a.  running  as  water,  not  solid 
Fluidity,  s.  the  quality  of  flowing  easily 
Fluke,  s.  the  broad  part  or  arm  of  an  anchor 
Flum'mery ,  s .  a  food  made  of  flour,  wheat,&c. 
Flung,  part,  and  pret.  of  to  fling 
Flu'or,  s.  a  fluid  state  ;  catamenia 
Flur'ry,^.  flutter  of  spirits  ;  gust  of  wind 
Flush,  v.  a.  to  colour  ;  to  redden ;  to  elate 
Flush,  s.  violent  flow  ;  cards  all  of  a  suit 
Flush'ed,  pari,  elated,  encouraged ;  heated 
Flus'ter,  v.  a.  to  put  in  confusion,  &c. 
Flute,  s.  a  musical  pipe  ;  a  channel  or  furrow 

cut  in  columns  or  pillars 
Flu'ting,  *.  fluted  work  on  a  pillar,  &c. 
Flut'ter,  v.  to  fly  with  agitation  of  the  wing3 
Flut'ter,  s.  hurry,  tumult ;  disorder  of  mind 
Flux,  s.  the  tide  or  flowing  of  the  sea;   a 

dysentery  ;  concourse  ;  confluence 
Fiux'ion,  s.  act.  of  flowing,  matter  that  flows 
Fly,  v.  to  move  with  wings  ;  to  run  away,  t& 

shun  ;  to  spring  suddenly;  break,  shiver 
Fty,  s.  a  winged  insect ;  balance  of  a  jack 
Fly'blow,  v.  a.  to  All  with  maggots 
Fly'flsh,  •v.n.X.o  angle  with  a  fly  upon  a  hodk 
Foal,  v.  a.  to  bring  forth  a  foal 
Foal,  1.  the  offspring  of  a  mare,  &c 
Foam,  v.  n.  to  froth,  to  be  violently  agitated 
Foam,  s.  froth,  spume 
Foam'y,a.  covered  with  foam,  frothy 
Fob,  s.  a  small  pocket  for  a  watch,  &c. 
Fob,  v.  a.  to  cheat,  to  trick,  to  defraud 
Fo'cal,  a.  belonging  to  a  focus 
Fo'cus ,  s.  the  place  where  rays  meet 
Fod'der,  s .  dry  food  for  cattle...^,  a.  to  feed 
Foe,  s.  an  enemy,  a  persecutor,  an  opponent 
Fce'tus, ;.  a  child  in  the  womb 
Fog,  s.  thick  mist,  moist  vapour;  aftergrass 
Fog'gy,  a.  misty,  cloudy,  dark,  dull 
Foi;ble,  s.  a  weakness,  a  failing 
Foil,  v.  a.  to  defeat,  to  put  to  the  worst 
Foil,;,  a  defeat;  a  blunt  sword  used  in  fen- 
cing ;  a  glittering  substance 
Fois'on,  s.  plenty,  abundance 
Foist,  v.  a.  to  insert  by  forgery ;  to  cram  in 
Foist'y,  a.  fusty,  mouldy,  smelling  bad 
Fold,  s.  a  pen  for  sheep  ;  a  double  or  plait 
Fold,  v.  to  double  up  ;  to  enclose,  to  shut 
Fo'liage,  s.  the  leaves,  or  tufts  of  trees 
Fo;liate,  a.  leaved,  or  having  leaves 
Folio,  s.  a  large  book,  cf  which  the  pages  are 

formed  by  a  sheet  of  paper  once  doubled 
Folk,  s.  people,  nations,  mankind 
Fol'low,  v.  to  go  after,  to  attend,  to  obey 
Follower,  s.  an  attendant,  a  dependant 
Folly,  s.  foolishness,  simplicity,  weakness 
Fome'nt,t>.  a.  to  cherish  with  heat ;  to  bathe 
with  lotions  ;  to  encourage,  to  abet 




Fomentation,/,  the  application  of  hot  flannels 
to  any  part, dipped  in  medicated  decoctions 
Fond,  a.  tender;  indiscreet,  foolish,  silly 
Fond,  Fon'dle,?;.  to  caress,  to  be  fond  of 
Fond'iing,  s.  one  much  caressed  or  doated  on 
Fond'ly,  ad.  with  extreme  tenderness 
Fond'ness,  ;.  foolishness,  tender  passion 
Font,  /.  a  baptismal  bason 
Font'anel,  s.  an  issue,  a  place  of  discharge 
Fonta'nge,  s.  a  knot  or  ornament  of  ribbons 

on  the  top  of  the  head-dress 
Food,  j.  victuals  ;  any  thing  that  nourishes 
Fool,  s.  a  natural,  an  idiot ;  a  buffoon 
Fool,  v.  to  trifle,  to  toy  ;  deceive,  disappoint 
Fool'ed,  part,  treated  as  a  fool ;  cheated 
Fool'ery,  s.  habitual  folly  ;  an  act  of  folly 
Fooi'hardy,  a.  madly  adventurous  ;  daring 
Fool'ish,  a.  weak  of  intellect,  imprudent 
Fool'ishness,  s.  silliness,  want  of  reason 
Foot,  /.  that  on  which  any  animal  or  thing 

stands ;   a  measure  of  12  inches 
Foot,  v.  to  dance,  to  walk,  to  tread  ;  spurn 
Foofball,  s.  a  bladder  in  a  leathern  case,  &c. 
Foofboy,  s.  a  menial,  an  attendant  in  livery 
Foot'ed,  a.  shaped  in  the  foot,  danced 
Footing,  s.  ground  for  the  foot;  foundation, 
basis  ;  tread,  dance  ;  entrance  ;  condition 
Foot'man,  /.  a  low  servant  in  livery  ;  a  stand 
Foot'pad,  s.  a  highwayman  that  robs  on  foot 
Foot/path,  s.  a  narrow  way  for  passengers 
FooVstep,  s.  a  trace,  a  track,  a  mark  of  a  foot 
Foot'stool,  f .  a  stool  to  put  the  feet  on 
Fop,  s.  a  vain  fellow,  a  coxcomb,  a  simpleton 
Fop'pery,  s.  folly,  affectation  of  show 
Fop'pish,  a.  affected,  foolish,  idle,  vain 
Fop'pishness,  s.  over  nicety,  vain  affectation 
For'age,  t.  provisions  in  general 
For'age,  v.  to  wander  in  search  of  provisions  ; 

to  ravage,  to  feed  on  spoil,  to  plunder 
Forasmu'ch,  con.  whereas,  because,  since 
Forbe'ar,  v.  to  pause,  to  abstain,  to  intermit 
Forbear'ance,  s.  lenity,  command  of  temper 
Forbiyd,  v.  to  prohibit,  to  interdict,  to  oppose 
Forbid'ding,p^rf.  a.  raising  abhorrence,  caus- 
ing aversion  ;  austere,  imperious 
Force,  /.  strength,  violence ;  an  armament 
Force,**;,  to  compel ;  to  violate  ;  to  urge 
For'ceps,  s.  a  surgical  instrument 
For'cible,  a.  strong,  impetuous,  powerful 
For'cibly,  ad.  powerfully,  impetuously 
Ford,/,  the  shallot  part  of  a  river  ;  the  current 
Ford,  v.  a.  to  pass  a  river  without  swimming 
Ford'able,  a.  passable  without  swimming 
Ford'ed,  part,  passed  without  swimming 
Fore,  a.  anterior...rtd.  before 
Forebo'de,*;.  n.  to  foretel,  to  prognosticate 
Fo'recast,  v.  to  scheme,  to  contrive,  to  foresee 
Forecast,  s.  contrivance,  antecedent  policy 
Forecastle,  s.  the  foredeck  of  a  ship 
Fo'recited,  part,  quoted  or  cited  before 

Foreclose, t>.  a.  to  shut  up  ;  to  preclude 
Fo'redeck,  s.  the  anterior  part  of  a  ship 
Foredo',  v.  a.  to  ruin  ;  to  overdo,  to  fatigue 
Foredo'om,  v.  a.  to  predestinate,  &c. 
Fo'refather,  Fo'regoer,  s.  an  ancestor 
Forefe'nd,  v.  a.  to  hinder,  to  avert ;  to  secure 
Fo'refront,  s.  the  front;  the  forehead 
Forego',  v.  a.  to  resign ;  to  go  before ;  to  lose 
Foreground,  s.  that  part  of  the  ground  of  a 
picture  which  seems  to  lie  before  the  figures 
Fo'rehand,  s.  the  part  of  a  horse  which  is  be- 
fore the  rider...«.  done  too  soon 
Fo'rehead,  /.  the  upper  part  of  the  face 
For'eign,  a.  not  domestic  ;  alien;  foreign  to 

the  matter  in  question  ;  extraneous 
For'eigner,  s.  one  of  another  country 
Foreju'dge,z>.a  .to  be  prepossessed,  to  prejudge 
Forekno'w,  v.  a.  to  know  previously 
Foreknowledge,  s.  prescience,  knowledge  of 

that  which  has  net  yet  happened 
Fo'reland,/.  a  promontory,  a  headland,  a  cape 
Fo'relay,  v.  a.  to  lay  wait  for,  to  entrap 
Fo'relock,  /.  ths  hair  on  the  forehead 
Fo'reman,  s.  the  first  or  chief  person 
Fo'remast,  s.  the  first  or  head  mast  of  a  ship 
Foremen'tioned,  a.  mentioned  before 
Fo'remost,  a.  first  in  place,  first  in  dignity 
Fo'renamed,  a.  nominated  before 
Fo'renoon,  s.  the  time  before  mid-day 
Foren'sic,  a.  belonging  to  courts  of  judicature 
Foreordain,  v.  a.  to  ordain  beforehand 
Fo'repart,  /.  the  anterior  part 
Fo'rerank,  /.  the  first  rank ,  the  front 
Forere'ach,  v.  n.  to  sail  faster,  to  get  first 
Foreru'n,  v.  a.  to  come  before,  to  precede 
Forerun'ner,  s.  an  harbinger,  one  sent  before^ 

a  messenger  ;  a  prognostic,  a  presage 
Foresa'y,  <v.  a.  to  predict,  to  prophesy 
Forese'e,  v.  a.  to  see  beforehand,  to  foreknow 
Foresho'w,  v.  a.  to  discover  before  it  happens, 

to  prognosticate,  to  predict 
Fo'resight,  s.  foreknowledge,  penetration 
For'est,  s.  a  woody,  untitled  tract  of  ground 
Foresta'l,  v.  a.  to  buy  up  goods  or  cattle  before 
they  come  to  market,  in  order  to  sell  them 
at  an  advanced  price  ;  to  anticipate 
Forestal'ler,  s.  one  who  forestals  the  market 
For'ester,  s.  a  keeper  of  a  forest 
Foreta'ste,  s.  a  taste  before,  anticipation  of 
Forete'l,  v.  to  utter,  to  prophesy,  to  predict 
Forethi'nk,  v.  a.  to  anticipate  in  the  mind 
Fo'rethought,    s.    prescience,  anticipation  ; 

provident  care,  caution 
Foreto'ken,  v.  a.  to  foreshow...;,  sign,  omen 
Fo'retop,  s.  the  front  of  a- peruke,  &c. 
Forewa'rnj-y.  a.  to  admonish, caution  against 
Forewarning,  s.  caution  given  beforehand 
Forewi'sh,  v.  a.  to  desire  beforehand 
For'feit,  s.  a  penalty,  a  fine  for  an  offence 
Forfeiture,  s.  act  of  forfeiting ;  a  fine,  a  mulct 



F  R  A 

Forfe'nd,  v.  a.  to  prevent,  to  forbid 

Forge,  s.  a  fire  or  place  in  which  metals  are 

made  malleable;  a  furnace 
Forge,  v,  a.  to  form  by  the  hammer  ;  to  coun- 
terfeit, to  falsify,  to  invent 
For'gery,  s.  the  crime  of  falsification 
Forge't,  v.  a.  to  lose  memory  of,  to  neglect 
Forget'ful,  a.  inattentive,  apt  to  forget 
Forget'f ulness,  s.  loss  of  memory ;  negleft 
Forgi've,  v.  a.  to  pardon,  to  remit,  to  excuse 
Forgiv'en,  pari,  pardoned,  abated 
Forgive'ness,  s.  the  aft  of  forgiving;  pardon 
Forgo't,  Forgot'ten,  part,  not  remembered 
Fork,  v.  n.  to  shoot  into  blades  or  branches 
Fork,  s.  an  instrument  with  two  or  more 

prongs  for  various  domestic  or  other  uses 
Fork'ed,  Fork'y,a.  opening  into  two  or  more 

parts,  like  the  prongs  of  a  fork 
Forlo'rn,  a.  deserted,  helpless,  lost,desperate 
Forly'e,  v.  n.  to  lie  across  or  athwart 
Form,  s.  shape,  figure;  beauty ;  order  ;  emp- 
ty show,  ceremony;  a  class  ;  a  bench 
Form,  v.  a.  to  fashion,  to  model,  to  arrange 
Formal, «.  ceremonious,  affefted, methodical 
For'malist,  /.  a  lover  of  formality 
Formality,  s.  ceremony,  preciseness 
For'mally,  ad.  according  to  rule,  precisely 
Formation,  /.  the  aft  of  forming,  &c. 
For'mative,  a.  having  the  power  of  forming 
For'mer,  a.  before  another  in  time  ;  past 
Formerly,  ad.  in  time  past 
Formidable,  a.  terrible,  dreadful,  terrific 
Formidably,  ad.  dreadfully  tremendously 
Form'less,  a.  having  no  form,  shapeless 
Form'ula,  ;.  a  prescribed  rule  or  pattern 
Form'ulary,  s.  a  book  of  stated  models,  &c. 
For'nicate,  v.  n.  to  commit  lewdness 
Fornica'tion,  s  concubiuage,  unchastity  be- 
tween singlepersons ;  the  crime  of  idolatry 
For'nicator,  s.  one  that  has  commerce  with 

unmarried  women  ;  an  idolater 
Fornicatress,  j.  a  woman  who  without  mar- 
riage cohabits  with  a  man 
Forsa'ke,  v.  a.  to  leave,  to  desert,  to  negleft 
Forsa'ken,  part,  neglected,  deserted 
For  so' ok,  part,  of  to  forsake 
Forsoo'th,  ad.  in  truth,  certainly,  very  well 
Forswea'r,  v.  to  renounce  upon  oath,  to  swear 

falsely,  to  commit  perjury 
Fort,  s.  a  fortified  house,  a  castle 
Fort'ed,  a.  guarded  by,  or  having  forts 
Forth,  ad.  forward,  abroad,  out  of  doors 
Forthcoming,  part,  ready  to  appear 
Forthri'ght,  ad.  straight  forward,  directly 
Forthwi'th,  ad.  immediately,  without  delay 
For'tieth,  a.  the  tenth  taken  four  times 
Fortification,  s.  the  science  of  military  archi- 
tecture ;  a  place  built  for  strength 
For'tify,  v.  a.  to  strengthen,  to  encourage 
Fort'ilage,  Fort'ui}  Fort'let,  s.  a  little  fort 

Fortitude, s.  courage, bravery  ;  strength, force 
Fort'night,  s.  the  space  of  two  weeks 
Fort'ress,  s.  a  strong  hold,  a  fortified  place 
Fortuitous,  a.  accidental,  casual 
For'tunate,  a.  happy,  lucky,  successful 
Fortunately,  ad.  happily,  prosperously 
Fortune,  s.  the  good  or  ill  that  befalls  man- 
kind ;  chance  ;  estate,  portion  ;  futurity 
For'tune-hunter,  s.  a  man  who  endeavours  to 

marry  a  woman  only  for  her  fortune 
Fortuneteller,  s.  one  who  imposes  on  people 

by  a  pretended  knowledge  of  futurity 
For'ty,  a.  four  times  ten 
Forward,  a.  warm,  ardent,  eager;  anterior; 

bold,  confident ;  early  ripe 
For'ward, i;.<2. to  hasten,  accelerate,  patronize 
Forwardly,  ad.  eagerly,  hastily,  readily 
Forwardness,  s.,  eagerness  ;  immodesty 
Fosse,  s.  a  ditch,  moat,  or  entrenchment 
Fos'sil,  s.  a  mineral...^,  what  is  dug  up 
Foss'road,  Foss'way,  s.  a  Roman  road 
Fos'ter,  v.  a.  to  nurse,  to  cherish,  to  bring  up 
Fos'terage,  s.  the  office  of  nursing 
Fos'terbrother,  s.  one  bred  at  the  same  breast 
Fos'terchild,  s.  a  child  brought  up  by  those 

that  are  not  its  natural  parents 
Fos  tered,  part,  nouiished,  cherished 
Fought,  pret.  and  part,  of  to  Jight 
Foul,  a.  not  clean,  impure ;  wicked  ;  ugly 
Foul ,  v.  a.  to  daub,  to  dirty,  to  make  foul 
Foul'faced,  a.  having  an  ugly,  hateful  face 
Foully,  ad.  filthily,  nastily,  odiously 
Fcul'mouthed,  a.  using  scurrilous  language 
Foul'ness,  s.  nastiness,  ugliness,  odiousness 
Found,  pret.  and  part.  pass,  of  to  find 
Found, v.  a.  to  build,  establish;  cast  metals 
Foundation,  *.  the  basis  of  an  edifice;  the 

first  principles  or  grounds ;  establishment 
Found'er,  s.  a  builder,  anestablisher;  a  caster 
Found'er,  v.  to  grow  lame ;  sink  to  the  bottom 
Found'ery,  Found'ry,  s.  a  casting  house 
Found'ling,  ;.a  deserted  infant 
Fount,  Fount'ain,  s.  a  spring,a  spout  of  water 
Fount'ful,  a.  full  of  springs 
Fourfold,  a.  four  times  as  many 
Four'fboted,  a.  quadruped 
Foursco're,  a.  four  times  twenty ;  eighty 
Fourte'en,  a.  four  and  ten 
Fowl,  s.  a  winged  animal ;  a  bird 
Fow'ler,  s.  a  sportsman,  a  bird-catcher 
Fowl'ingpiece,  s.  a  gun  for  shooting  birds 
Fox,  s.  a  beast  of  chase  of  the  canine  kind"; 

remarkable  for  his  cunning  ;  a  knave 
Fox'case,  s.  the  skin  of  a  fox 
Fox'chase,  s.  pursuit  of  a  fox  with  hounds 
Fox'hunter,  s.  one  who  hunts  foxes 
Fox'trap,  s.  a  gin  or  snare  to  catch  foxes 
Fract,  v.  a.  to  break,  to  violate,  to  infringe 
Frac'tion,  s.  the  act  of  breaking;  dissension, 

strife ;  a  broken  part  of  ao  integral 

F  R  E 


F  R   1 

Fractional,  a.  belonging  to  a  fraction 
Frac'tious,  a.  cross,  peevish,  quarrelsome 
Frac'ture,  v  a.  to  break  a  bone...*,  a  breach; 

separation  of  continuous  parts 
Fra'gile,  a.  brittle,  easily  broken,  weak 
Fragility,  j.  brittleness,  weakness,  frailty 
Frag'ment,  s.  an  imperfect  piece,  a  part 
Frag'mentary,  a.  composed  of  fragments 
Fra'grance,  Fra'grancy,  s.  sweetness  of  smell, 

grateful  odour,  pleasing  scent 
Fra'grant,  a.  odorous,  sweet  of  smell 
Frail,  a.  weak,  feeble,  liable  to  error 
Frail,  s.  a  basket  made  of  rushes  ;  a  rush 
Frail'ty,  s.  weakness,  instability  of  mind 
Frame,  v.  a.  to  form,  to  fabricate,  to  com- 
pose ;  to  regulate ;  to  contrive,  plan,invent 
Frame,  s.  any  thing  made  so  as  to  enclose  or 
admit  something  else ;  regularity,  order ; 
contrivance,  construction  ;  shape,  form 
Franchise,  v.  a.  to  make  free...*,  an  exemp- 
tion, privilege,  immunity  ;  a  district 
Fran'gible,  a.  easily  broken,  fragile,  brittle 
Fra'nion,  s.  a  paramour;  a  boon  companion 
Frank,  a.  liberal,  ingenuous,  unreserved 
Frank,  s.  a  free  letter;  a  French  coin 
Frank,  if,  a.  to  exempt  from  payment 
Frank'incense,  s.  an  odoriferous  drug 
Frank'ly,  ad.  freely,  plainly,  without  reserve 
Frank'ness,  s.  open  heartedness,  liberality 
Frant'ic,  a.  mad,  distracted, transported 
Frater'nal,  a.  brotherly,  becoming  brothers 
Frater'nity,  s.  a  corporation,  a  society 
Frat'ricide,  s.  the  murder  of  a  brother 
Fraud,  s.  deceit,  trick,  artifice,  cheat 
Fraud'ulence,  Fraud'ulency,  s.  deceitfulness, 

trickishness,  proneness  to  artifice 
Fraudulent,  Fraud'fui,  a.  full  of  artifice,  de- 
ceitful, trickish,  subtle 
Fraudulently,  ad.  by  fraud,  treacherously 
Fraught,  jr.  a  freight,  a  car  go. ..part,  laden 
Fray ,  s.  a  duel,  a  quarrel,  a  battle ;  a  defect 
Fray 'ed,  part,  worn  by  rubbing;  terrified 
Freak,  s.  a  sudden  fancy,  a  whim,  a  humour 
Freak'ish,  a.  capricious,  humoursome 
Freck'Ie,  s.  a  spot  in  the  skin...-v.  n.  to  spot 
Freck'led.  a.  full  of  spots  or  freckles 
Free,  a.  at  liberty  ;  licentious  ;  liberal,  frank 
Free'booler,  s.z  robber,  a  plunderer 
Free'born,  a.  inheriting  liberty 
Free'cost,  s.  without  charge  or  expense 
Free'dorn,  s.  liberty,  privilege,  unrestraint 
Freeheart'ed,  a.  liberal,  generous,  kind 
Free'hoid,  s  land  held  in  perpetual  right 
Freeholder,  s.  one  who  has  a  freehold 
Free'Xy, ad.  at  liberty;  lavishly ;  spontaneously 
Free'man,  s.  one'  not  a  slave ;  one  entitled  to 

particular  rights,  privileges,  &c. 
Free'minded,  a.  unconstrained,  without  cave 
Free'ness,  s.  ingenuousness,  liberality 
Freespo'ken,«.  speaking  without  reserve 

Free'stone,  s.  a  stone  so  called,  because  it  may 

be  cut  in  any  direction,  having  no  grain 
Freethinker,  /.  a  contemner  of  religion. 
Freeze,  v.  n.  to  be  congealed  with  cold 
Freight,  s.  the  lading  of  a  ship  ;  the  money 

due  for  transportation  of  goods 
French,  a.  of  or  belonging  to  France 
Fren'etic,  a.  mad,  distracted,  frantic 
Fren'zy,  a.  madness,  distraction  of  mind 
Fre'quency,  s.  condition  of  being  often  seen 

or  done;  usualness;  a  full  assembly 
Fre'quent,  a.  often  done,  seen,  or  occurring 
Freque'nt,  v.  a.  to  visit  often,  to  resort  to 
Frequently,  ad.  repeatedly,  not  rarely 
Fresc'o,  s.  coolness,  shade,  duskiness 
Fresh,  a.  cool ;  not  salt ;  not  stale ;  recent, 

new  ;  florid,  vigorous,  brisk  ;  not  vapid 
Fresh'en,  u.  to  make  or  grow  fresh 
Fresh'et,  /.  a  pool  of  fresh  water 
Fresh']  y,  ad.  coolly  ;  newly;  ruddily 
Fresh/ness,  s.  newness;  spirit,  bloom 
Fret,  s.  agitation  or  commotion  of  the  mind; 

agitation  of  liquors  by  fermentation 
Fret,  v.  to  rub,  wear  away;  to  vex  ;  to  corrode 
Fret'ful,  a.  angry,  peevish,  dissatisfied 
Fret'fulness,  /.  peevishness,  passion 
Fret'work,  s.  raised  work  in  masonry 
Fri'able,  a.  easily  reduced  to  powder 
Fri'ar,  s.  a  religious  brother  of  some  order 
Fri'arlike,  Fri'arly,  Fri'ary,  a.  unskilled  in 

the  world  ;  monastic,  recluse 
Fri'ary,  s.  a  monastery  or  convent  of  friars 
Frib'ble,  s.  a  fop,  a  trifler,  a  coxcomb 
Fricasse'e,  s.  a  dish  of  chickens,  &c.  cut  small 

and  dressed  with  strong  sauce 
Fric'tion,  s.  the  act  of  rubbing  bodies  together 
Fri'day,  s.  the  sixth  day  of  the  week 
Friend,  s.  an  intimate,  a  confidant,  a  favourer 
Friend'ed,  part,  befriended,  aided,  assisted 
Friend'less,  a.  without  friends,  forlorn 
Friend'liness,  s.a  disposition  to  friendship  or 

benevolence ;  kind  behaviour 
Friendly,  a.  kind,  favourable,  salutary 
Friendship,  s.   highest  degree  of  intimacy : 
favour;  personal  kindness ;  assistance,  help 
Frieze,  Frize,  s.  a  warm  coarse  kind  of  cloth ; 

a  term  in  ornamental  architecture 
Frig'ate,  s.  a  small  ship  of  war 
Fright,  i.  a  sudden  terror,  a  panic 
Fright,  Fright'en,  v.  a.  to  terrify,  to  daunt 
Fright'ful,  a.  causing  fright,  dreadful 
Fright'fully,  ad.  terribly,  horridly,  dreadfully 
Fri'gid,  a.  cold,  impotent,  dull,  unmoved 
Frigid'ity,  s.  coldness,  dulness 
Fri'gidly,  ad.  coldly,  dully,  unfeelingly 
Frigorif'ic,  a.  causing  or  producing  cold 
Frill,  v.  n.  to  quake.../,  a  kind  of  ruffle 
Fringe,  s.  ornamental  trimming...i>.« .to  trim 
Frip'pery,  s.  old  clothes,  tattered  rags ;  paltry 
ridiculous  finery  ;  dresses  vamped  up 

F  R  U 



Frisk,  v.  n.  to  leap,  to  skip,  to  dance 
Frisk'iness,  s.  gaiety,  liveliness 
Frisk'y,  a.  gay,  airy,  frolicsome,  wanton 
Frit,  s .  ashes  or  salt  to  make  gla3S  with 
Frith,  s.  a  strait  of  the  sea ;  a  kind  of  net 
Frit'ter,  v.  a.  to  crumble  away  in  small  par- 
ticles...*, a  small  pancake 
Frit'tered,  part,  divided  into  small  pieces 
Friv'olous,  a.  slight,  trifling,  of  no  moment 
Friv'olously,  ad.  vainly,  insignificantly 
Friz'zle,  v.  a.  to  turl  in  short  curls 
Fro,  ad.  contraction  of  from^  to  and  fro 
Frock,  s.  a  dress  ;  a  coat ;  a  gown  for  children 
Frog,  s.  a  small  amphibious  animal 
Frol'ic,  s.   a  wild  prank,  a  flight  of  whim... 

v.  n.  to  play  pranks,  to  be  merry 
Frol'ic,  Frol'icsome,  a.  gay.  jocund,  wild 
From,  pr.  away  ;  out  of  ;  noting  privation 
Front,  s.  the  face,  the  forehead ;  fore  part  of 

any  thing ;  van  of  an  army 
Front,  v.  to  stand  foremost,  to  be  opposite  to 
Front'ed,  part,  formed  with  a  front 
Frontier, ;.  a  limit,  a  verge  of  territory 
Frontinia'c,  s.  a  luscious  French  wine 
Front'ispiece, ,-.  an  engraving  to  face  the  title 

page  of  a  book ;  that  part  of  any  thing  that 

directly  meets  the  eye 
Front'less,  a.  without  shame,  impudent 
Front'let,  s.  a  bandage  worn  on  the  forehead 
Frost,  s.  the  power  or  act  of  congelation ;  the 

effect  of  cold  producing  ice 
Frostbit'ten,  part,  nipped  or  withered  by  frost 
Frost'ed,  a.  made  in  imitation  of  frost 
Frost'y,  a.  excessively  cold,  hoary 
Froth,  s.  foam  ;  empty  show  of  words,  &c. 
Froth'iness,  s.  lightness,  emptiness,  vanity 
Froth'y,  a.  full  of  foam ;  empty,  trifling 
Frouz'y,  a.  fetid,  strong,  musty;  dim 
Frow'ard,  a.  peevish,  ungovernable,  angry 
Frow'ardly,  ad  peevishly,  perversely 
Frown,;,  a  wrinkled  look  ;  look  of  displeasure 
Frown,  v  n.  to  knit  the  brows 
Fro'zen,  part.  pass,  of  to  freeze 
Fructiferous,  a.  bearing  fruit 
Fruc'tify,  v.  a.  to  make  fruitful,  to  fertilize 
Fruc'tuous,rt.  fruitful,  fertile 
Fru'gal,  a.  thrifty,  sparing,  parsimonious 
Frugality,  s .  thrift,  good  husbandry 
Fru'gally,  ad.  sparingly,  parsimoniously 
Fruit,  s.  the  produce  of  the  earth,  trees,  and 

plants  ;  the  offspring  of  the  womb 
Fruit'age,  s.  fruit  collectively ;  various  fruits 
Fruifbearing,  part,  producing  fruit 
Fruit'erer,  s.  one  who  trades  in  fruit 
Fruit'ery,  s.  a  fruitloft ;  fruit  collectively 
Fruit'ful,  a.  fertile,  prolific,  plenteous 
Fruitfully,  ad.  abundantly,  plenteously 
Fruit'ful ness,  s.  fertility,  plentiful  production 
Frui'tion,  s.  enjoyment,  possession 
Fru'itive,#.  enjoying;  possessing 

Fruitless,  a.  barren,  unprofitable,  idle 
Fruitlessly,  ad.  vainly,  unprofitably 
Fruit'loft,  s.  a  loft  to  preserve  fruit  in 
Fruit'tree,  s.  a  tree  that  produces  fruit 
Frumenta'cious,  a.  made  of  grain 
Frumenta'rious,  a.  pertaining  to  corn 
Fru'menty,/  food  made  of  wheat  boiled  in 

milk,  and  sweetened 
Frump,  v.  a.  to  mock,  to  brow  beat 
Frush,  v.  a.  to  break,  bruise,  or  crush 
Frustraneous,  a.  useless,  unprofitable 
Frustrate,  a.  vain,  ineffectual,  void 
Frustrate,  v.  a.  to  disappoint,  to  defeat 
Frustration,  s.  disappointment,  defeat 
Fry,  s.  a  swarm  of  little  fishes,  &c. 
Fry,  v.  a.  to  dress  food  in  a  frying-pan 
Fub,  v.  a.  to  put  off,  to  delay  by  false  pretences 
Fu'cus,  s.  a  paint,  &c.  for  the  face 
Fud'dle,  v.  to  tipple,  to  make  drunk 
Fu'el,  s  the  matter  or  aliment  of  fire 
Fuga'ciousness,  /.  volatility,  uncertainty 
Fu'gitive,  a.  unsteady,  volatile,  flying 
Fu'gitive,  s.  a  runaway,  a  deserter 
Fu'gitiveness,  s.  instability,  volatility 
Ful'ciment,  s.  a  prop,  an  underset,  a  stay 
Fulfi'l,  v.  a.  to  accomplish,  to  perform 
Fulfra'ught,  a.  fully  or  completely  stored 
Ful'gent,  Ful'gid,  a.  shining,  glittering 
Fuli'ginous,  a.  sooty,  smoky 
Fu'limart,  s.  a  kind  of  stinking  ferret 
Full,  a.  replete,  stored,  saturated,  perfect 
Full,  s.  complete  measure ;  the  total 
Full,  ad.  without  abatement ;  exactly 
Fullblo'wn,  Fullsprea'd,  a.  spread  to  the  ut- 
most extent,  fully  expanded 
Fullbot'tomed,  a.  having  a  large  bottom 
Ful'ler,  s.  one  who  cleans  or  whitens  cloth 
Ful'lers '-earth,  s.  a  soft,  unctuous  marl,  used 

by  fullers  for  cleaning  cloth,  &c. 
Fulley'ed,  a.  having  large  prominent  eyes 
Fullfe'd,  a.  sated,  fat,  plump 
Ful'ly,  ad.  completely,  without  vacuity 
Ful'minant,  a.  thundering  very  loud 
Ful'migate,  v.   to  thunder,  to  make  a  loud 
noise ;  to  issue  out  ecclesiastical  censures 
Fulmina'tion,  s.  the  act  of  thundering,  &c. 
Ful'ness,  s.  completeness,  satiety,  plenty 
Fiil'some,  a.  nauseous,  rank,  offensive 
Fuma'do,  s.  a  smoked  or  dried  fish 
Fum'ble,  v.n.  to  attempt  any  thing  awkwardly 
Fumb'ler,  s.  an  awkward  person 
Fume,  s.  smoke,  vapour  ;  rage,  conceit 
Fume,  v.  n.  to  smoke,  to  be  in  a  rage 
Fu'mid,  a.  smoky,  vaporous 
Fu'migate,  v.  a.  to  smoke,  to  perfume 
Fumiga'tion,  s.  a  scent  raised  by  fire 
Fu'mingly,  ad.  angrily,  in  a  rage 
Fu'mous,  Fu'my,  a.  producing  fumes 
Fun,  s.  sport,  high  merriment 
Function,  s,  an  employment,  an  occupation 




Fund,  s.  a  repository  of  public  money 
Fundament,  s.  the  hinder  part  or  breech 
Fundament'al,  a.  serving  for  the  foundation; 

essential ;  not  merely  accidental 
Fundamentally,  ad.  essentially,  originally 
Fu'neral,  s.  the  solemnization  of  a  burial 
Fu'neral,  a.  used  on  interring  the  dead 
Fune'real,  a.  suiting  a  funeral ;  dismal,  dark 
Fun'gous,  a.  spongy,  excrescent 
Funic'ular,  a.  consisting  of  small  fibres 
Fun'nel,  s.  a  vessel  for  pouring  liquor  into  a 

bottle  ;  the  hollow  of  a  chimney 
Fun'ny,  a.  merry,  laughable,  comical 
Fur,  s.  the  soft  hairy  skins  of  several  beasts  ; 
a  substance  sticking  to  the  sides  of  vessels 
Fura'city,  s.  a  disposition  to  theft 
Fur'below,  s.  fur,  or  other  ornamental  trim- 
ming, on  the  lower  part  of  a  garment 
Fur'bish,  v.  a.  to  burnish,  to  polish 
Fu'rious,  a.  mad,  raging,  violent,  passionate 
Fu'riously,  ad.  madly,  violently,  vehemently 
Furl,  v.  a.  to  draw  up,  to  contact 
Fur'long,  ;.  eighth  part  of  a  mile  ;  ZIO  yards 
Fur'lough,  s.  a  temporary  leave  of  absence 

from  military  service 
Fur'menty,  s.  wheat  boiled  in  milk 
Fur'nace,  s.  an  enclosed  fireplace 
Fur'nish,  v.  a.  to  supply, to  equip,  to  decorate 
Fur'niture,  s.  goods  put  into  a  house  for  use 

or  ornament ;  equipage ;  appendages 
Fur'rier,  s.  a  dealer  in  furs 

Fur'row,  s.  any  long  trench  or  hollow 
Fur'ry,  a.  covered  with  or  made  of  fur 
Fur'ther,  ad.  to  a  greater  distance 
Fur'ther,  v. a.  to  forward,  to  promote,to  assist 
Furthermore,  ad.  moreover,  besides 
Furthermost,  Fur'thest,  a.  the  most  distant 
Fu'ry,  s.  madness,  passion,  frenzy,  rage 
Furze,  s.  a  prickly  shrub,  used  for  fuel ;  gorse 
i  Fur'zy,  a.  overgrown  with  furze 
|  Fuse,  v.  to  melt,  put  into  fusion,  be  melted 
Fuse'e,  s.  a  kind  of  light,  neat  musket,  pro- 
perly spelt  fusil ;  part  of  a  watch  on  which 
the  chain  is  wound  ;  a  wooden  pipe  filled 
with  wildfire,  and  put  into  the  touch-hole 
of  a  bomb,  to  cause  the  explosion 
Fu'sible,  Fu'sil,  a.  capable  of  being  melted 
Fusili'er,  j.  a  soldier  armed  with  a  fusil 
Fu'sion,  s.  the  state  of  being  melted 
Fuss,  s.  a  bustle,  a  tumult,  a  noise,  a  hurry 
Fus'tian,/.  a  kind  of  cloth  made  of  linen  and 

cotton  ;  a  bombast  style 
Fustila'rian,  s.  a  low  fellow,  a  scoundrel 
Fus'tiness,  s.  mustiness,  mouldiness 
Fus'ty,  a.  ill  smelling,  mouldy,  musty 
Fu'tile,  a.  talkative,  trifling,  worthless 
Futil'ity,  i.  loquacity,  silliness,  vanity 
Fu'ture,  a.  that  which  is  to  come  hereafter 
Fu'ture,  Futu'rity,  s.  the  time  to  come 
Fuzz,  v.  n.  to  fly  out  in  small  particles 
Fy,or  Fie,  inter,  a  word  of  blame  or  censure 


G^  IS  used  as  an  abbreviation  of  gratia,  as 
g"  e.  g.  exempli  gratia,   for  example  ; 

Dei  gratia,  by  the  grace  of  God  ;  G.  R. 

Georgius  Rex,  &c. 
Gab'ardine,  s.  a  coarse  frock 
Gab'ble,  v.  n.  to  prate  loudly  and  noisily 
Gab'ble,  s.  loud  talk  without  meaning 
Gab'bler,  s.  a  prater,  a  chattering  fellow 
Gabe'l,  s.  an  excise,  a  tax 
Ga'bion,  s.  a  wicker  basket  filled  with  earth, 

and  placed  upon  the  bastions 
Ga'ble,  /.  the  sloping  roof  of  a  building 
Gad,  s.  an  ingot  of  steel ;  a  still ;  a  graver 
Gad,  v.  n.  to  ramble  about  without  business 
Gad'der,  /.  one  that  gads  or  runs  abroad 
Gad'fly,  s.  the  breeze  fly  that  stings  cattle 
Gaff,  s.  a  harpoon,  or  large  hook 
Gaffer,  s.  an  old  country  word  for  master 
Gaf'fles,  s.  artificial  spurs  upon  cocks 
Ga  g,v.n.  to  stop  the  mouth 
Gag,  j.  something  applied  to  hinder  speech 
Gage,  s.  a  pledge,  a  caution,  a  pawn 

Gage,  v.  a.  to  wager,  to  impawn  ;  to  measure 
Gag'gle,  v.  n.  to  make  a  noise  like  a  goose 
Gai'ly,  ad.  cheerfully,  airily,  splendidly 
Gain,  s.  profit,  advantage,  interest 
Gain,  v.  to  obtain,  to  procure,  to 
Gain'er,  s.  one  who  receives  advantage 
Gain'ful,  a.  advantageous,  lucrative 
Gain'ly,  ad.  handily,  readily 
Gain'say,  v.  a.  to  contradict,  to  controvert 
Gainsta'nd,  v.  a.  to  withstand,  to  oppose 
Gair'ish,  a.  gaudy,  splendid,  fine,  flighty 
Gair'ishness,  s.  finery,  extravagant  joy 
Gait,  s.  manner  and  air  of  walking 
Ga'la,  s.  a  grand  festivity  or  procession 
Gal'angal,  s.  an  Indian  medicinal  root 
Gal'axy,*.  along,  luminous  tract,  composed  of 

an  infinite  number  of  stars  ;  the  milky  way 
Gal'banum,  s.  a  strong  scented  gum  or  resin 
Gale,  s.  a  wind  not  tempestuous,  yet  stronger 

than  a  breeze 
Gal'eas,*.a  low  built  vessel,  with  oars  and  sails 
Gal'eated,  a.  covered  as  with  a  helmet 


G  A   U 

Gal'iot,  s.  asmall  galley,  or  sort  of  brigantine 
Gall,  s.  bile  ;  malignity,  rancour,  anger 
Gall,  v.  a.  to  rub  off  the  skin ;  to  teaze,  harass 
Gal'lant,  a.  gay,  brave,  fine,  specious 
Galla'nt,  s.  a  gay,  sprightly  man  ;  a  lover 
Gallantly,  ad.  bravely,  nobly,  generously 
Gal'iantry,  t.  bravery  ;  splendour  ;  courtship 
G&ll'ed,  part,  hurt,  fretted,  vexed 
Galleo'n,  s.  a  iarge  Spanish  ship,  usually  em- 
ployed in  bringing  treasure  from  America 
Gallery,  s.  a  passage  leading  to  several  apart- 
ments ;  a  balcony  round  a  building 
Gal'ley,  s.  a  small  vessel  both  for  sails  and  oars 
-Galley-slave,  x.  a  person  condemned  for  some 

crime  to  row  in  the  gallies 
GaMiard,  s-  a  gay,  brisk  man;  a  lively  dance 
Gal'iicism,  s.  a  mode  of  speaking  after  the 

manner  of  the  French;  a  French  idiom 
Galligas'kins,  s.  large,  open  hose 
Gallimaufry,  s.  a  hotch-potch,  a  medley 
Gal'lipot,  s.  a  pot  painted  and  glazed 
Gal'ion,  s.  a  measure  of  four  quarts 
Gal'lop,  i).  n.  to  move  by  leaps,  or  very  fast 
Gai'lop,  s.  a  horse's  full  or  swiftest  speed 
Gal'low,  v.  a.  to  terrify,  to  fright 
Galloway,  s.  a  horse  not  more  than  14  hands 

high,  much  used  in  the  north 
Gal'iows,  j.  a  tree  for  executing  malefactors 
Gamba'dos,  s.  spatterdashes ;  a  kind  of  boots 

fixed  to  a  saddle  instead  of  stirrups 
Gairi'bler,  s.  a  cheating  gamester 
Gam'bol,  s.  a  skip,  a  frolic,  a  wild  prank 
Gam'bol,  v.  n.  to  dance,  to  skip,  to  leap 
Gam'brel,  s.  the  leg  of  a  horse 
Game,  s.  sport  of  any  kind  ;  insolent  merri- 
ment; mockery;  animals  pursued  in  the 
field  ;  contests  exhibited  to  the  people 
Game,  v.  n.  to  play  extravagantly  for  money 
Ga'mecock,  s.  a  cock  bred  to  fight 
Ga'mekeeper,  ;.  one  who   looks  after  game, 

and  prevents  it  from  being  destroyed 
Ga'mesorae,  a.  frolicsome,  sportive,  gay 
Ga'mester,  s.  one  viciously  addicted  to  play 
Gam'mer,   s.  a  country  appellation  for  mis- 
tress, mother,  &c.  corresponding  to  gaffer 
Gam'mon,  s.  the  thigh  of  a  hog  salted  and 

dried  ;  a  kind  ef  play  with  dice 
Gam'ut,  j.  the  scale  of  musical  notes 
Gan'der,  s.  the  male  of  the  goose 
Gang,  s.  a  number  herding  together ;  a  troop 
Gan'grene,  s.  a  mortification,  a  putrefaction 
Gan'grenous,  a.  mortified,  putrified 
Gang'way,  s.  the  passage  in  a  ship 
Gant'let,  s.  a  military  punishment,  in  which 
the  criminal  runs  through  the  whole  regi- 
ment, and  receives  a  lash  from  each  soldier 
Gan'za,  s.  a  kind  of  wild  goose 
Gaol,  s.  a  prison,  a  place  of  confinement 
Gaol'er,  s .  the  keeper  of  a  prison 
Gap,  j.  an  opening,  a  breach,  an  avenue,  a  hole 

Gape,  v.  a  to  yawn;  to  crave;  to  stare 
Garb,  s.  dress,  attire,  exterior  appearance 
Gar'bage,  Garfish,  s.  offals ;  the  entrails 
Gar'ble,  v.  a.  to  sift,  to  part,  to  separate 
Gar'boil,  s.  trouble,  disturbance,  tumult 
Gar'den,  v.  n.  to  cultivate  a  garden 
Gar'den,j.  ground  enclosed  for  fruit,herbs,&c. 
Gar'dener,  s.  one  who  attends  a  garden 
Gardening,  jr.  the  act  of  planning  out  and 

cultivating  gardens 
Gar'garism,  Gar'gle,  s.  a  liquid  medicine  to 

wash  the  throat  or  mouth  with 
Gar'gle,  v.  a.  to  wash  the  throat;  to  warble 
Gar'gol,  j.  a  distemper  among  hogs 
Garland,  s,  a  wreath  of  branches  or  flowers 
Garlic,  s.  a  well-known  plant 
Gar'ment, /.  any  covering  for  the  body 
Gar'ner,  s.  a  granary  for  threshed  corn 
Gar'ner,  v.a.  to  store  as  in  garners 
Gar'net,  s.  a  red  gem,  of  various  sizes 
Gar'nish,  v.  a.  to  decorate,  to  embellish 
Gar'nish,  Gar'niture,  s.  embellishment 
Gar'ran ,  /.  a  small  horse ;  a  hobby 
Gar'ret,  s.  the  uppermost  room  of  a  house 
Garrette'er,  s.  one  that  lives  hi  a  garret 
Gar'rison,  s.  soldiers  to  defend  a  castle,  &c. 
Gar'rison,  v.  a.  to  secure  by  fortresses,  &c 
Garrulity,  -f.  loquacity,  talkativeness 
Gar'rulous,  a.  prattling,  talkative 
Gar'ter,  j\  a  string  or  ribband  to  hold  up  the 

stocking ;  mark  of  the  order  of  the  garter 
Gas, ;.  a  spirit  not  capable  of  coagulation 
Gascona'de,  ;.aboast,abravado...i;.  n.  to  brag 
Gash,  j.  a  deep  cut  or  wound 
Gas'kins,  s.  wide  hose  or  breeches 
Gasp,  s.  catch  of  breath  in  the  last  agonies 
Gasp,  v.  n.  to  pant  for  breath 
Gate,  i.  a  large  door,  an  opening,  an  avenue 
Ga'ther,  v.  to  collect,  pick  up,  assemble  ;   to 

crop  ;  to  pucker ;  to  fester ;  to  thicken 
Gath'ers,  s.  plaits  in  a  garment,  &c 
Gath'erer,  s.  one  who  gathers  ;  a  collector 
Gath'ering,  s.  a  collection  ;  a  tumour 
Gaude,  Gaud'ery,  s.  an  ornament,  finery 
Gaude,  v.  n.  to  exult,  to  rejoice  at  any  thing 
Gaudily,  ad.  showily,  gayly,  splendidly 
Gaudlness,  s.  showiness,  tinsel  appearance 
Gaud'y,  a.  showy,  splendid,  pompous 
Gaud'y,  s.  a  festival  in  colleges  ;  a  feast 
Gave,  pret.  of  to  give 
Gav'elkind,  s.  an  equal  division  of  land 
Gav'eloc,  s.  an  iron  bar,  a  pick  javelin 
Gavelocs,  s.  javelins,  warlike  instruments 
Gauge,  v.   a.  to  measure  the  contents  of  a 

vessel...;,  a  measure,  a  standard 
Ganger, ;.  one  who  measures  quantities 
Gaunt,  a.  lean,  thin,  slender,  meagre 
Gauntlet,  s.  an  iron  glove  for  defence,  &c, 
Gav'ot,  /.  a  kind  of  brisk  dance 
Gauze,  t.  a  thin,  transparent  silk,  &c. 


G  H   A 

Gawk'y,  a.  awkward,  foolish,  rustic 
Gay,  a.  airy,  cheerful,  merry,  frolicsome 
Gay'ety,  or  Gai'ety,  j.  cheerfulness  ;  pomp 
Gay'ly,  or  Gai'ly,  ad.  merrily,  showily 
Gaze,  v.  n.  to  U»'s  earnestly  or  steadily 
Gaze'tte,  s.  an  authentic  newspaper 
Gazette'er,  *,  a  writer  of  Gazettes,  &c . 
Ga'zingstock, ;.  one  gazed  at  with  scorn 
Ga'zon,  s.  in  fortification,  pieces   of  fresh 

earth  covered  with  grass,  cut  in  form  of 

a  wedge 
Gear,  or  Geer,  s.  furniture,  dress,  harness 
Gear,  v.  n.  to  put  harness  on  horses,  &c. 
Geese,  i.  plural  of  Goose 
Gel'able,  a.  what  may  be  congealed 
Gel'atine,  Gelat'inous,  a.  made  into  a  jelly 
Geld,  v.  a.  to  cut,  to  deprive,  to  castrate 
Geld'er,  s.  one  who  performs  castration,  &c 
Geld'ing,  /.  a  horse  that  has  been  gelded 
Gel'id,  a.  extremely  cold,  frozen 
Gem,  j.  a  jewel,  or  precious  stone  ;  first  bud 
Gemination,  s.  repetition,  reduplication 
Gem'ini,  s.  twins  ;  a  sign  in  the  zodiac 
Gem'inous,  a.  double,  twofold 
Gem'mary,  a.  pertaining  to  gems  or  jewels 
Gen'der,  s.  a  sex,  a  kind,  a  sort 
Gen'der,  v.  to  beget,  to  cause,  to  produce 
Genealo'gical,  a.  pertaining  to  pedigrees 
Genealogist,  t.  one  skilled  in  genealogy 
Geneal'ogy,  s.  history  of  family  succession 
Gen'eval,  a.  usual,  common,  extensive 
Gen'eral,  s.  one  that  commands  an  army 
Generalis'simo,  s.  a  commander  in  chief 
Generality,  s.  the  main  body,  the  bulk 
Generally,  ad.  in  general,  frequently 
Gen'erate,  v.  a.  to  beget,  to  cause,  to  produce 
Gen'erated,  part,  caused,  produced 
Genera'tions  *■  offspring,  progeny,  race 
Generative,  a  fruitful;  prolific,  productive 
Gener'ical,  a.  comprehending  the  genus 
Gener'ically,  ad.  with  regard  to  the  genus 
Generos'ity,  Gen'erousness,  s.  liberality 
Gen'erous,  a.  liberal,  munificent,  noble 
Gen'erously,  ad.  nobly,  bountifully,  liberally  J 
Gen'esis,  s.  the  first  book  of  Moses,  which  | 

treats  of  the  formation  of  the  world 
Gen'et,  t.  a  small  well-made  Spanish  horse     i 
Gene'va,  s.  the  spirit  cf  juniper 
Ge'nial,  a.  that  gives  cheerfulness  ;  festive;  ' 

contributing  to  propagation,  natural 
Ge'niaily,  ad.  cheerfully,  merrily,  gayly 
Genic'ulated,  a.  knotted,  jointed 
Ge'nio,  .'.  a  man  of  peculiar  mind 
Genitals,  s.  the  parts  belonging  to  generation 
Gev.'iung,  s.  an  early  apple,  in  June 
Genitive,  a.  in  grammar,  one  of  the  cases  of 

nouns  by  which  property  or  possession  is 

chiefly  implied 
Ge'nius,  ;.  intellectual  power;  nature;  dis- 

position  ;  a  spirit  either  good  or  evil  I 

I   2 

Gente'el,  a.  polite,  elegant,  graceful,  civil 
Genteel'ly,  ad.  elegantly,  gracefully,  politely 
Genteei'ness,  s-  elegance,  politeness,  grace- 
fulness; qualities  befitting  a  man  of  rank 
Gen'tian,  s.  felwort,  or  baldmony  ;  a  plar.t 
Gen'tile,  s.  a  pagan,  a  heathen 
Gentile'sse,  s.  complaisance,  civility 
Gen'tilism,  s.  paganism,  heathenism 
Gentil-'ity,  s.   good  extraction;     dignity   of 

birth;  elegance  of  behaviour ;  paganism 
Gen'tle,  a.  soft,  mild,  meek  ;  well  born 
Gentle,  j.  a  maggot  used  in  fishing 
Gen'tieman,  s.  a  man  of  birth,  not  noble 
Gentlemanlike,  a.  becoming  a  gentleman 
Gen'tleness,  s.  meekness,  tenderness 
Gen'tlewoman,  s.  a  woman  well  descended, 

though  not  of  noble  birth 
Gent'ly,tf^.  softly,  meekly,  inoffensively 
Gentry,  s.  a  class  of  people  above  the  vul- 
gar ;    a  term  of  civility 
Genuflection,  s.  the  act  of  kneeling 
Gen'uine,  a.  true,  ieal,  natural,  not  spurious 
Ge'nus,  s.  a  class  of  being,  comprehending 
under  it  many  species  ;    as  quadruped  is  a 
genus  comprehending  under  it  almost  all 
terrestrial  beasts 
Geocentric,  a.  in  astronomy,  is  a  planet's 

having  the  earth  for  its  centre 
Geog'rapher,  j.  one   who  describes  the  earth 

according  to  its  different  parts 
Geographical,  a.  pertaining  to  geography 
Geog'raphy,  s.  the  knowledge  of  the  earth 
Ge'omancer,  s.  a  fortuneteller 
Ge'omancy,j.  the  act  of  foretelling  by  figures 
Geoman'tic,  a.  pertaining  to  geomancy 
Geom'eter,  Geometrician,  s.  one  skilled  in 

the  science  of  geometry 
Geometrical,  a.  pertaining  to  geometry 
Geometrically,  ad.  according  to  geometry 
Geom'etry,  s.  the  science  cf  quantity,  exten- 
sion^ magnitude,  abstractedly  considered 
George,  s.  an  ornament  worn  by  knights  of 
the  garter,  on  which  is  the  figure  of  St. 
George  on  horseback ;  a  brown  loaf 
Geor'gic,  s.  a  rural  poem 
Ger'man,  s.  a  brother,  a  near  relation 
Germe,  Ger'min,  t.  a  sprouting  seed 
Ger'minate,  v.  n.  to  sprout,  to  shoot,  to  bud 
Ger'und, .'.  a  kind  of  verba!  noun 
Gest,  s.  an  action,  show,  representation 
Gesta'tion, :.  the  act  of  bearing  young 
Gestic'ulate,  v.  n.  to  play  antic  tricks,  &c. 
Gesticula'tion,  s.  antic  tricks  ;  various  pos- 
tures ;  too  much  gesture  in  speaking 
Ges'ture,  s.  posture,  movement  of  the  body 
Get,  v.  to  obtain,  to  acquire,  to  win,  to  learn 
Gew'gaw,  s.  a  toy,  a  bauble.../*,  trifling 
Ghast'liness,  s.  frightful  aspect,  paleness 
Ghast'ly,  a.  like  a  ghost,  pale,  horrible 
Ghast'neas.  t,  ghastliness,  iorror  of  lock 

G  I   Z 


G  L  I 

Gher'kin,  s.  a  small  cucumber  for  pickling 
Ghost,  s.  the  soul  of  man ;    a  spirit 
Ghost'ly,  a.  spiritual,  relating  to  the  soul 
GiamTjeux,  s.  armour  for  the  legs;  greaves 
Gi'ant,  s.  one  unnaturally  large  and  tall 
Gi'antlike,  Gi'antly,  a.  gigantic,  vast 
Gibbe,  u  an  old  worn-out  animal 
Gib'berish,  s.  unintelligible  talk  ;  cant  words 
Gib'bet,  s.  a  gallows...?;,  n.  to  hang  up 
Gib'bier,  s.  game,  wild  fowl 
Gib'bous,fl.  convex,  crooked-backed 
Gib'cat,  s.  an  old  worn  out  cat 
Gibe,  s.  a  sneer,  scoif,  word  of  contempt 
Gib'lets,  s.  the  pinions,  gizzard, &c.  of  agoose 
Gid'dily,arf.  unsteadily,  heedlessly  ,carelessly 
Gid'diness,  s.  state  of  being  giddy  ;  incon- 
stancy, wantonness,  frolic,  unsteadiness 
Gid'dy,  a.  whirling,  heedless,  changeful 
Gid'dybrained,  a,  thoughtless,  careless 
Gift,  j.  a  thing  given  ;  power  ;  a  bribe 
Gift'ed,  a.  endowed  with  eminent  powers 
Gigj  s.  any  thing  that  is  whirled  round  in 

play;  a  kind  of  chaise;   a  fiddle 
Gigan'tic,  a.  giantlike,  big,  enormous,  bulky 
Gig'gle,  v.  n.  to  laugh  idly,  to  titter 
Gild,  v.  a.  to  overlay  with  gold ;  to  adorn 
GiWef ,  s.  one  who  gilds;  a  coin,  from  is. 

6d.  to  2s.  value 
Gilding,  j.  gold  laid  on  a  surface  for  ornament 
Gill,  s.  a  measure  containing  a  quarter  of  a 
pint;  the  apertures  at  the  side  of  a  fish's 
head  ;  the  flesh  under  the  chin  ;  ground  ivy 
Gillyflower,  s.  the  July  flower 
Gilt,  j.  golden  show,  gold  laid  on  the  surface 

of  any  thing...the  participle  of  to  gild 
GJm,Gim'my,  a.  neat,  spruce,  smart 
Gim'crack,  j.  a  slight  or  trivial  mechanism 
Gim'let,  s.  a  nail-piercer,  or  borer 
Gimp,  s.  a  kind  of  silk  twist  or  lace 
Gin,  s.  a  snare,  the  spirit  drawn  from  juniper 
Gin'ger, ;.  a  warm,  spicy,  Indian  root 
Gin'ger-bread,  s.  a  kind  of  bread  made  of 

flour,  ginger,  treacle,  &c.  &c. 
Gin'gerly,  ad.  cautiously,  nicely,  softly 
Gin'gival,  a.  belonging  to  the  gums 
Gin'gle,  t.  a  shrill,  resounding  noise 
<?in'gle,  v.  to  make  a  tinkling  noise 
Gip'sy,  /.  a  vagrant  who  pretends  to  tell  for- 
tunes by  palmistry  or  physiognomy 
Girando'le,  s.  a  branched  candlestick 
Gird,  v.  to  bind  round,  to  dress,  to  reproach 
Gird'er,  *.  the  largest  timber  on  a  floor 
Gir'dle,  *.  any  thing  tied  round  the  waist 
Girl,  s.  a  female  child  or  young  woman 
Gir'lish,  a.  acting  like  a  girl,  youthful 
Girt,  Girth,  s.  a  broad  belt,  by  which  the  sad- 
dle is  fixed  upon  the  horse  ;  a  bandage 
Give,  v.  a.  ta  bestow,  yield,  allow,  permit 
Giv'er,  s.  one  that  gives,  a  donor,  a  granter 
Giz'zardj  j.  the  muscalous  stomach  of  a  fowl  ' 

Gla'cial,  a.  icy,  made  of  ice,  frozen 
Giacia'tion,  s.  act  of  freezing,  ice  formed 
Gla'cis,  s.  in  fortification,  a  sloping  bank 
Glad,  a.  cheerful, gay,  exhilarating 
Glad,  Glarf'den,^.  a.  to  ch^er,  to  make  glad 
Glade, .'.  a  lawn  or  opening  in  a  wood 
Gladia'tor,  s.  a  prize  fighter,  a  sword-player 
Glad'ly,  ad.  joyfully,  with  merriment 
Glad'ness,  j-.  joy,  exultation,  cheerfulness 
Glad'some,  a.  gay,  delighted,  pleasing 
Glaire,  s.  the  white  Gf  an  egg  ;  an  halbert 
Glaire,  v.  a.  to  smear  with  the  white  of  eggs 
Glance, ;.  a  snatch  of  sight,  quick  view,  sud- 
den shoot  of  light  or  splendour 
Glance,  v.  n.  to  censure  by  oblique  hints 
Gland,  s.  a  part  of  the  human  body 
Glandiferous,  a.  bearing  acorns  and  mast 
Glandulos'ity,  s.  a  collection  of  glands 
Gland'ulous,  a.  pertaining  to  the  glands 
Glare,;,  overpowering  lustre,  splendour 
Glare,  v.  to  shine  so  as  to  dazzle  the  eyes 
Gla'ring, 'a.  blazing  out;  barefaced 
Glass,  s.  an  artificial  transparent  substance 
Glass,  a.  made  of  glass,  vitreous 
Glass,  v.  a.  to  see  in  a  glass ;  cover  with  glass 
Glass'furnace,  s.  a  place  for  making  glass  in 
Glass'grinder,  s.  one  who  polishes  glass 
Glass'house,  s.  a  house  where  glass  is  made 
Glass'man,  s.  one  who  sells  glass 
Glass'metal,  s.  glass  in  fusion 
Glass'work,  s.  manufactory  of  glass 
Glass'y,  a.  made  of  glass,  resembling  glass 
Glau'cous,  a.  of  a  pale  green  colour 
Glave,  s.  a  broad  sword,  a  falchion 
Glaze,  v.  a.  to  furnish  or  cover  with  glass 
Gla'zier,  s.  one  who  glazes  windows 
Gleam,  s.  a  sudden  shoot  of  light ;  lustre 
Gleam'ing,  a.  shining,  flashing,  darting 
Gleam'y,  a.  flashing,  darting  light 
Giean,T>  gather  any  thingthinly  scattered 
Glean'er,  s.  one  who  gleans  after  reapers 
Glean'ing,  s.  the  ait  of  gleaning,  the  thing 

gleaned  or  picked  up 
Glebe,  s.  turf,  soil ;  land  possessed  as  part  of 

the  revenue  of  an  ecclesiastical  benefice 
Glebos'ity,  s.  fulness  of  clods,  turfiness 
Gle'bous,  Gle'by,  a.  turfy,  cloddy 
Glee,  s.  joy,  merriment,  gaiety,  cheerfulness 
Glee'ful,  a,  gay,  merry,  cheerful 
Gleek,  s.  music ;  a  musician...?;,  a.  to  sneer 
Gleen,  v.  n.  to  shine  with  heat  or  polish 
Gleet,  s.  a  thin  matter  issuing  from  ulcers 
Glen,  s.  a  valley,  a  dale 
Glib,  a.  smooth,  voluble,  slippery 
Glib'ly,  ad.  smoothly,  volubly 
Glib'ness,  s.  smoothness,  slipperiness 
Glide,  v.  n.  to  flow  gently,  to  move  smoothly 
Glike,  s.  a  sneer,  a  scoff,  a  flout 
Glim'mer,  v.  n.  to  shine  or  appear  faintly 
Glim'meringjj.  a  weak,  faint  light 

G   O 


G  O   R 

Glimpse,  s.  a  faint  tight  ;  a  short  view 
G'.is'ten,  v.n.  to  shine,  to  sparkle  with  light 
Glitter,  ■«.  n.  to  shine,  gleam  ;  to  be  specious 
Glit'ter,  Glittering,  s.  lustre,  brightness 
Gloar,  v.  n.  to  look  askew,  to  squint 
Gloat,i>.n.  to  cast  side  glances  as  a  timid  lover 
Gk/bated,  Globed,  a.  farmed  like  a  globe 
Globe,  s.  a  sphere  ;  the  terraqueous  ball 
G'.obo'se,  Glob'ular,  Glob'ulous,  a.  spherical, 

round,  formed  like  a  sphere 
Globosity,  s.  roundness  of  fo-m,  sphericity 
Globules,  .'•  small  particles  of  a  round  figure 

ice,  v.  a.  to  gather  into  a  ball 
Gloom,  j.    imperfect  darkness  ;  obscurity  ; 

heaviness  of  mind,  cloudiness  of  aspect 
Gloom'iness,  s.   want  of  light,   obscurity  ; 

want  of  cheerfulness  ;  cloudiness  of  look 
Gloom'ily,  ad.  dimly,  dismally,  sullenly 
Gloom'y,  a.  obscure,  melancholy,  cloudy 
Glo'ried,  a.  illustrious,  honourable 
Glorification,  s.  the  act  of  giving  glory 
Glo'rify ,  v.  a.  to  honour,  to  extol,  to  worship 
Glo'rious,  a.  noble,  illustrious,  excellent 
Glo'riously,  ad.  nobly  ,renownedly, splendidly 
Glo'ry,  s.  honour,  praise,  renown,  fame 
Glo'ry,  v.  n.  to  boast  in,  to  be  proud  of 
Gloss,  s.  a  superficial    lustre  •,  a  comment  ; 

a  specious  representation 
Gloss,  v.  to  comment,  to  explain,  to  palliate 
Glos'sary,  s.  a  dictionary  explaining  obscure 

or  antiquated  words  ;  explanatory  notes 
G!os'sing,  s.  an  explanation  by  glosses 
Glos'sy,  a.  shining,bright, smoothly  polished 
Glove,  s.  a  cover  for  the  hands 
Glov'er,  /,  one  who  makes  or  sells  gloves 
Glout,  v.  n.  to  pout,  to  look  sullen 
Glow,-y.  to  be  heated  ;  to  feel  activity  of  fancy 
Glow,  j.  shining  heat,  vividness  of  colour 
Glow'worm,   s.   a  small  creeping  grub,  that 

shines  in  the  dark  by  a  luminous  tail 
Gloze,  t.  flattery,  specious  show,  gloss 
Glue,  s.   a  thick,  viscous  cement,  made  by 

boiling  the  skins  of  animals  to  a  jelly 
Glue, -p.  a.  to  join  together  with  glue, to  unite 
Glum,  a.  sullen,  stubbornly  grave 
Glut,  v.  a.  to  devour,  to  cloy,  to  saturate 
Glut,  j.  overmuch,  more  than  enough 
Glutinous,  a.  gluy,  viscous,  tenacious 
Glutted,  part,  devoured,  sated,  over-gorged 
Glut'ton,  s.  one  who-eats  to  excess 
Gluttony,  s.  excess  ;  luxury  of  the  table 
Gnar,Gnarl,  v.  n.  to  growl,  to  snarl 
Gnar'Led,  a.  knotty,  rough 
Gnash,  -v.  to  grind  the  teeth  in  a  rage 
Gnashing,  s.  a  grinding  of  the  teeth 
Gnat,  s.  a  small  winged  stinging  insect 
Gnaw,  v.  a.  to  pick  with  the  teeth  ;  to  corrode 
Gno'mon, ;.  the  hand  cr  pin  of  a  dial 
Gnomon'ics,  t.  the  science  or  art  of  dialling 
Go,  v.  n.  to  walk,  to  proceed,  to  travel,  to  pass 

Goad,  s.  a  pointed  stick  to  drive  oxen  with 
Goad,  v.  a.  to  prick,  to  stimulate,  to  incite 
Goal,  s.  a  starting-post  ;  final  purpose 
Goar, ;.  any  edging  sewed  upon  cloth 
Goat,  /.  a  ruminant  animal,  that  seems  of  a 

middle  species  between  deer  and  sheep 
Goat'herd,  s.  one  who  tends  goats 
Goatish,  a.  resembling  a  goat ;  lustful 
Gcb'bet,  v.  a.  to  swallow  at  a  mouthful 
GobT>le,  v.  a.  to  eat  voraciously  and  hastily 
Goblet,  s.  a  bowl  or  large  cup 
Goblin,  s.  an  evil  spirit,  a  fairy,  a  phantom 
Go'cart,  s.  a  thing  to  teach  children  to  walk 
God,  ;.  the  Supreme  Being 
God'child,  /.  a  child  for  whom  one  became 

sponsor  at  baptism 
God'dess,  s.  a  female  ethnic  divinity 
God'dess-like,  a.  resembling  a  goddess 
God'father,  s.  a  male  sponsor  in  baptism 
Gcd'head,  s.  the  Deity,  the  divine  nature 
Godless,  a.  wicked, impious,vile,  atheistical 
Godlike,  a.  divine,  supremely  excellent 
Godliness,  s.  piety  to  God,  real  religion 
Godly,  a.  pious,  righteous,  religious 
God'mother,  s.  a  female  sponsor  in  baptism 
God'son,  s.  a  boy  for  whom  one  was  sponsor 
Gog'gle,  v.  n.  to  look  asquint 
Gog'gie-eyed,<z.havinglargeeye3;  squint-eyed 
Going,  s.  the  aft  of  walking,  departure 
Gold,  s.  the  heaviest  of  all  metals  ;  money 
GbWbeater,  :.  one  who  beats  or  foliates  gold 
Goldliound,  a.  encompassed  with  gold 
Gold'en,  a.  made  of  gold  ;  bright,  happy 
Gold'finch,  s.  a  small  singing  bird 
Gold'smith,  /.  one  who  manufactures  gold 
Gome,  /.  the  black  grease  of  a  cart  wheel 
Gon'dola,  s.  a  boat  much  used  at  Venice 
Gondoli'er,  s.  a  boatman 
Gone,  part.  pre:,  from  to  go,  p^st,  lest,  dead 
Gonfalon,  s.  a  standard,  an  ensign 
Gonorrhce'a,  s.  a  morbid  venereal  discharge 
Good,  a.  proper,  wholesome,  sound,  not  evil 
Good,  ;.  the  contrary  to  evil  ;  virtue 
Goodliness,  s.  beauty,  grace,  elegance 
Goodly,  a.  beautiful,  graceful,  gay,  splendid 
Good'ness,  s.  desirable  qualities 
Goods, ;.  furniture,  freight,  merchandise 
Good'y,  j .  a  lew  term  of  civility 
Goose,  s.  a  large  water-fowl  ;  a  tailor's  iron 
Goose'berry,  s.  a  small  tree  and  its  fruit 
Gooseberryfool,  ;     a  food   made  of  boiled 

gooseberries,  with  milk,  sugar,  &c. 
Gor'bellied,  a.  fat,  big-bellied,  prominent 
Gord,  s.  an  instrument  of  gaming 
Gor'dian-knot,  s.  an  inextricable  difficulty 
Gore,  s.  clotted  blood,  congealed  blood 
Gore,  nj.  a.  to  stab,  to  pierce  with  horns 
Gorge,  s.  the  throat,  the  sw3?low 
Gorge,  v.  n  to  glut,  to  satiate,  to  swallow 
Gor'geous,  a.  fine,  splendid,  glittering 

G  R  A 


G  R  A 

Gor'geously,  ad.  magnificently,  finely 
Gor'geousness,  s.  magnificence,  show 
Gor'get,  s.   a  breast  plate  worn  by  military 
officers  ;  formerly,  armour  for  the  throat 
Gor'gon,  >.  any  thing  ugly  or  horrid 
Gor'mandize,  v.  n.  to  feed  ravenously 
Gor'mandizci ,  s.  a  voracious  eater,  a  glutton 
Gormandizing, />ar*.  eating  greedily 
Gorse,  s.  furze,  a  thick  prickly  shrub 
Gory,  a.  covered  with  blood  •  murderous 
Gos'hawk,  s.  a  hawk  of  a  large  kind 
Gos'ling,  s.  a  goose  not  yet  full  grown 
Gos'pel,  s.    the  holy  book  of  the  christian 
revelation  \  God's  word  ;  divinity, theology 
Gos'pel,  v.  n.  to  fill  with  religious  thoughts 
Gos'pelled,  £#>-£.  instructed  in  Christianity 
Gos'samer, ;.  the  fine  down  of  plants 
Gos'sip,  j.  a  sponsor  in  baptism  ;  a  tattler 
Gos'sip,  v.  n  to  prate,  to  chat  ;  to  be  merry 
Got,  Got'ten,  pari.  pass,  of  to  get 
Goth'ic,  a.  in  manner  of  the  Goths,  antique 
Goths,    s.  an  ancient  people  of  Gothia,  an 

island  in  the  Baltic  sea 
Gove,  v.  n.  to  mow,  to  put  in  a  goff  or  mow 
Gov'ern,  v.  to  rule,  to  manage,  to  direct 
Gov'ernable,  a.  submissive  to  authority 
Governance,  s.  government,  rule,  control 
Governa'nte,  s.  a  governess  of  young  ladies 
Gov'erness,  s.  a  tutoress,  a  directress 
Government,  s.  an  establishment  of  legal  au- 
thority ;  executive  power ;  manageableness 
Governor,  /.  a  ruler,  a  commander,  a  tutor 
Gouge,  s.  a  chissel  with  a  round  edge 
Gourd,/,  a  plant  resembling  a  melon  ;  a  bottle 
Gourd  V,  a.  swelled  in  the  legs,  &c. 
Gout, ;.  a  periodical,  painful  disease  ;  a  drop 
Gout'y,  a.  afflicted  or  diseased  with  the  gout 
Gown,  s.  a  long  upper  garment 
Gowns'man,  s.  a  man  devoted  to  the  arts  of 

peace  ;  a  student  in  divinity,  law,  &c. 
Grab'ble,  v.  to  grope  ;  to  lie  prostrate 
Grace,  s.  favour,  kindness,  virtue,  privilege, 
pardon  ;  beauty,  ornament ;  a  short  prayer 
Grace,  v.  a.ta  dignify, to  embellish,  to  favour 
Gra'cecup,  s.  the  cup  of  health  after  grace 
Gra'ceful,  a.  beautiful  with  dignity,  comely 
Gra'cefully,  ad.  elegantly,  with  dignity 
Gra'cefulness,  s.  elegance  of  manner 
Gra'celess,  a.  without  grace,  abandoned 
Gra'cile,  a.  slender,  small,  lean 
Gra'cious,  a.  benevolent,  virtuous,  graceful 
Gra'ciously,  ad.  kindly,  in  a  pleasing  manner 
Gra'eiousness,  s.  kind  condescension 
Grada'tion,  ;.  a  regular  advance,  order 
Grad'atory,  s.  a  flight  of  steps 
Gra'dient,  a.  walking,  moving  by  steps 
Grad'ual,  a.  done  by  degrees,  step  by  step 
Gradual'! ty.  Graduation,   t.   a  regular  pro- 
gression by  succession  of  degrees 
Gradually,  «<*•  by  degrees,  step  by  steP 

Grad'uate,  v. a.  to  mark  with  degrees ;  height- 
en; dignify  with  a  degree  in  the  university 
Grad'uate,  s.  one  who  has  taken  a  degree  in 

an  university  ;  an  academician 
Graduation,  s.  regular   progression  by  suc- 
cession of  degrees  ;  conferring  degrees 
Graff,  or  Graft,  s.  a  young  cion,  &c 
Graff,  or  Graft,  v.  a.  to  insert  a  cion  or  branch 

of  one  tree  into  the  stock  of  another 
Grain,  s.  all  kinds  of  corn  ;  the  seed  of  any 
fruit  j  the  24th  part  of  a  penny-weight  ; 
with  apothecaries,  the  20th  part  of  a  scru- 
ple ;  direction  of  the  fibres  of  wood,  &c; 
the   form  of  the  surface  with  regard  to 
roughness  or  smoothness;  a  minute  particle 
Grain'ed,  a.  rough,  made  less  smooth 
Grains,  s.  the  husks  of  malt  in  brewing 
Gramin'eal,  Gramin'eous,  a.  grassy 
Graminiv'orous,  a.  grass-eating 
Gram'mar,  s.   the  science  of   speaking  or 
writing  a  language  correctly  and  with  pre- 
cision j  the  book  which  teaches  it 
Gramma'rian,  s.  one  who  teaches  grammar 
Grammatical,  a.  belonging  to  grammar 
Grammatically,  ad.  according  to  grammar 
Gramp'us,  s.  a  large  fish  of  the  whale  kind 
Gran'ary,  s.  a  storehouse  for  threshed  corn 
Gran'ate,  Gran'ite, s.  a  kind  of  fine  speckled 

marble  ;  a  species  of  gem 
Grand,  a.  great,  illustrious,  high  in  power 
Grand'child,  s.  the  child  of  a  son  or  daughter 
Granddaughter,  s.  the  daughter  of  a  son,  &c. 
Grande'e,  s.  a  man  of  high  rank  or  power 
Grand'eur,  s.  state,  magnificence 
Grandfather,  s.  father's  or  mother's  father 
Grandil'oquous,  a.  using  a  lofty  style 
Grand'mother, ;.  father's  or  mother's  mother 
Grand'sire,  s.  a  grandfather,  an  ancestor 
Grand'son,  s.  the  son  of  a  son  or  daughter 
Grange,  s.  a  farm-house,  a  lone  house 
Graniv'orous,  a-  eating  or  living  on  grain 
Gran'am,  Grand'am,  s.  a  grandmother 
Grant,  v.  a.  to  admit,  to  allow  ;  to  bestow 
Grant,  s.  the  thing  granted  ;  a  gift,  a  boon 
Grante'e,  s.  he  to  whom  a  grant  is  made 
Grant'or,  s.  he  by  whom  any  grant  is  made 
Gran'ulary,  a.  resembling  grains  or  seeds 
Gran'ulate,  v  to  form  into  small  grains 
Granula'tion,  s.  a  breaking  into  small  masses 
Gran'ule,  s.  a  small  compact  particle 
Gran'ulous,  a.  full  of  little  grains 
Grape,  -.  fruit  of  the  vine  growing  in  clusters 
Graphical,  a  well  delineated 
Graphically,  ad.  in  a  picturesque  manner 
Grap'nel,  s.  an  iron  hook  to  catch  hold  of  and 

secure  an  enemy's  ship  ;  a  small  anchor 
Grap'ple,?>.  to  contest  in  close  fight ;  to  seize, 

to  lay  fast  hold  of,  to  fasten,  to  fix 
Grass'hopper,  s.  a  small  chirping  insect  that 
hops  in  the  summer  grass 

G  R   E 


G  R  I 

Grasp,  v.  to  hold  in  the  hand,  to  seize 
Grasp,  s.  seizure  of  the  hand,  possession 
Grass,  /.  the  common  herbage  of  fields,  &c. 
Grass'y,  a.  covered  with  grass 
Grate,  s.  an  enclosure  made  with  bars,  the 
range  of  bars  within  which  fires  are  made 
Grate,  v.  to  rub  or  wear  away  ;  to  offend 
Gra'teful,a.  willing  to  acknowledge  and  repay 

benefits  ;  agreeable,  pleasant,  acceptable 
Gra'tefully,  ad.  with  gratitude,  pleasingly 
Gra'ter, ;.  a  rough  instrument  to  grate  with 
Gralifica'tion,  s.  pleasure,  delight  ;  reward 
Grat'ify,  v.  a.  to  indulge,  to  please,  to  requite 
Gra'ting,  part.  a.  rubbing  ;  disagreeable 
Gra'tingly,  ad.  harshly,  offensively 
Gra'tis,  ad.  for  nothing,  without  reward 
Gratitude, Gra'tefulness,  s.  a  desire  to  return 

benefits  ;  duty  to  benefactors 
Gratuitous,  a.  voluntary,  bestowed  without 

claim  or  merit,  asserted  without  proof 
Gratuity,  s.  a  free  gift,  a  recompence 
Grat'ulate,  v.  a.  to  congratulate,  to  wish  joy 
Gratula'tion,  s.  the  aft  of  rejoicing  on  behalf 
of  another  ;  expression  of  joy,  salutation 
Grat'ulatory,  a.  expressing  congratulation 
Grave,  s.  the  place  in  which  the  dead  are  re- 
posited  ;  the  name  of  an  accent 
Grave,  a.  solemn,  serious,  sober,  not  showy 
Grave,  v.  to  carve  in  any  hard  substance 
Gra'veclothes,  I.  the  dress  of  the  dead 
Grav'el,  s.  hard  sand  ;  sandy  matter  concret- 
ed in  the  kidnies  and  bladder 
Grav'el,  t».  a.  to  cover  with  gravel  ;  puzzle 
Grav'elly,  a.  abounding  with  gravel 
Gra'vely,  ad.  seriously,  without  tawdry  show 
Gra'vev,  s.  one  that  engraves  ;  a  graving  tool 
Gra'vestone,  /.  a  stone  placed  over  the  grave 
Gravidity,  s.  state  of  being  with  child 
Grav'itate,  -v.  n.  to  weigh  or  press  down- 
wards ;  to  tend  to  the  centre  of  attraction 
Gravita'tion,  s.  aft  of  tending  to  the  centre 
Gravity,  Gra'veness,  s.  seriousness  ;  weight 
Gra'vy,  s.  the  juice  of  roasted  meat,  &c. 
Graze,  v.  to  feed  on  grass  ;  to  touch  lightly 
Gra'zier,  s.  one  who  feeds  cattle 
Gra'zing,  s.  the  aft  of  feeding  on  grass 
Grease,  s.  the  soft  part  of  the  fat 
Grease,  v-  a  to  smear  with  fat ;  to  bribe 
Greas'iness,  s.  fatness,  oiliness,unftuousness 
Greas'y,  a.  oily,  fat,  smeared  with  grease 
Great,  a.  large,  eminent,  illustrious 
Great-bel'lied,  a.  pregnant,  teeming 
Great'ly,  ad.  in  a  great  degree,  illustriously 
Great'ness,  s.  largeness,  power,  dignity,  state 
Greaves,  s.  armour  for  the  legs 
Gre'cian,  a.  of  or  belonging  to  Greece 
Gie'cism,  s.  idiom  of  the  Greek  language 
Greece,  s.  the  name  of  a  country 
Greedily ,  ad.  eagerly,ravenously,voraciously 
Greediness,  s.  ravenousness,  voracity 

Greed'y,  a.  ravenous,  eager,  voracious 
Green,  a.  not  ripe,  young,  fresh,  new 
Green,  s.  a  colour  ;  a  grassy  plain  ;  leaves 
Green-cloth,  s.  a  board,  or  court  of  justice 

held  in  the  king's  household 
Green'eyed,  a.  having  greenish  eyes 
Green'finch,  s.  a  small  singing  bird  }  a  fish 
Green'gage,  s-  a  species  of  plum 
Green'house,j.  a  conservatory  for  plants,  &c. 
Greenish,  a.  inclining  to  a  green  colour 
Green'ness,  s.  a  green  colour  ;  unripeness 
Greensick'ness,*. a  disease  incident  to  virgins, 

so  cailed  from  the  paleness  it  produces 
Green'sward,  s.  turf  on  which  grass  grows 
Greet,  i>.  to  address,  to  congratulate 
Greeting,  s.  a  kind  salutation  at  meeting 
Greeze,  s.  a  flight  of  3teps,  a  step 
Grega'rious,  a.  going  in  flocks  or  herds 
Grena'de,  Grena'do,  s.  a  little  hollow  ball  of 
iron  used  in  battle,  commonly  two  inches 
in  diameter,  which,  being  filled  with  fine 
powder,  is  set  on  fire  by  means  of  a  fusee, 
and,  bursting,  does  considerable  damage 
wherever  it  is  thrown  to  all  around 
Grenadi'er,  s.  a  tail  foot  soldier 
Grey,  a.  white  and  black  mixed  ;  hoary 
Greybeard,  s.  an  old  man 
Grey'hound,  s.  a  tall,  fleet,  hunting  dog 
Grice,  s.  a  little  pig  ;  a  flight  of  steps 
Grid'elin,  s,  a  colour  mixed  of  white  and  red 
Gridiron,  s.  a  grate  to  broil  meat  on 
Grief,  s.  sorrow,  trouble  of  mind,  disease 
Griev'ance,j\  the  state  of  uneasiness;hardship 
Grieve,  v.  to  afflict,  hurt,  mourn,  lament 
Griev'ous,  a.  afflictive,  painful,  atrocious 
Griev'ously,  ad.  painfully,  calamitously 
Griffin,  Griffon,  s.  a  fabulous  creature,  hav- 
ing the  head  and  paws  of  a  lion,  and  the 
body  and  wings  of  an  eagle 
Grig,  s.  a  small  eel  ;  a  merry  creature 
Grill,  v.  a.  to  broil  on  a  gridiron 
Grim,  a.  ill-looking,  ugly,  hideous,  horrible 
Grima'ce,  s.  a  distortion  of  the  countenance 
from  habit  or  contempt ;  air  of  affeftatioa 
Grimal'kin,  s.  an  old  cat,  &c. 
Grime,  s .  dirt...-y.  to  dirty,  to  daub,  to  sully 
Grimly,  ad.  sourly,  crabbedly,  horribly 
Grin,  s.  an  affected  laugh  ;  a  snarl  ;  a  trap 
Grin,  v.  n.  to  shew  the  teeth  set  together 
Grind,  v.  to  reduce  any  thing  to  powder } 

to  sharpen  ;  to  harass,  to  oppress 
Grind'er,  s.  one  that  grinds ;  the  instrument 

of  grinding  ;  one  of  the  back  teeth 
Grind'stone,  s.  a  stone  for  grinding  on 
Gripe,  v.  to  clutch,  to  squeeze,  to  pinch 
Gripe,  s.  a  grasp  ;  oppression  ;  the  colic 
Gri'per,  s-  an  oppressor,  an  usurer 
Gris'amber,  s.  used  by  Milton  for  Ambergris 
Gris'kin,  s.  the  backbone  of  a  hog 
Grisly,  a.  dreadful,  horrible,  hideous 

G  R  U 

1 06 

G   U  L 

Grist,  s.  corn  to  be  ground;  provision,  supply 
Gris'tle,  s.  a  cartilaginous  substance 
Grist'ly,  a.  full  of  gristles,  cartilaginous 
Grit,  s.  the  coarse  part  of  meal  ;  sand 
Grit'tiness,  s.  sandiness,  abounding  in  grit 
Grit'ty,  a.  full  of  hard  particles 
Griz'zle,  s.  a  mixture  of  white  and  black 
Griz'zled,  Griz'zly,  a.  somewhat  grey 
Groan,  v.  n.  to  breathe  with  a  hoarse  noise 
Groan,  s.  a  deep  sigh  from  sorrow  or  pain  . 
Groan'ing,  part.  a.  fetching  deep  sighs 
Groat,  s.  four-pence. ..pi,  hulled  oats 
Gro'cer,  1.  a  dealer  in  teas,  sugar.  &c. 
Gro'cery,  s.  vcares  which  are  sold  by  grocers 
Gro'gram,  s.  a  kind  of  sili;en  stuff  with  pile 
Groin,  s.  the  part  next  the  thigh 
Groom,  s.  one  who  tends  horses,  a  servant 
Groom'-porter,  s.  an  officer  of  the  king's 

household  who  ha;,  the  direction  of  games 
Grocm  of  the  Stole,  s.    an  officer  who  has 

charge  of  rhe  king's  wardrobe 
Groove,  s.  a  hollow  channel,  cut  with  a  tool 
Grope,  v.  n.  to  feel  wh'  re  one  cannot  see 
Gross,  a.  thick,  fat;  stupid,  palpable 
Gross5  s'  the  bulk,  main  body  ;   \i  dozen 
Gross'ly,  ad  bulky,  without  delicacy 
Gross'ness,  .».  coarseness,  want  of  delicacy 
Grot,  Grot'to,  s.  a  cavern  made  for  coolness 
Grotes'.iue,  a    distorted  of  figure,  unnatural 
Grove,  s.  a  walk  shaded  by  trees 
Grov'el,  v.  n.  to  be  mean  and  low-minded  ; 

to  lie  or  creep  on  the  ground 
Grov'eller,  s.  an  abject,  mean  wretch 
Ground,  s.  land  ;  floor  ;  dregs  ;  first  principle 
Ground,  v.  a.  to  lay  on  the  ground,  &c. 
Ground, pre?,  and  part .  of  to  grind 
Groundi'vy,  s.  the  plant  alehcof  or  tunhoof 
Groundless,  a.  void  of  reason  or  truth 
Groundling,  5.  a  fish,  one  of  the  vulgar 
Ground'piot,  s.    the  plot  or  space  of  ground 

on  which  a  building  is  placed 
Ground'rent,  /.  the  rent  paid  for  the  ground 

on  which  a  house  is  built,  &c. 
Ground'sel,  Grun'sel,    s.    timber  next  the 

ground  ;  lower  part  of  a  building  ;  a  plant 
Grouud'work,  s.   the  ground  ;   first  principle 
Group,  s.  a  crowd,  a  cluster,  a  huddle 
Grouse,  /.  a  kind  of  wild  fowl  ;  a  moorcock 
Grout,  s.  coarse  meal,  pollard  ;  dregs 
Grow,  v.  n.  to  vegetate,  increase,  improve 
Growl,  v.  n.  to  snarl,  to  murmur,  to  grumble 
Grov/1'ing,  s.  the  act  of  snarling,  grumbling 
Grown,  part .  of  to  grow,  advanced  in  growth 
Growth,  s.  vegetation  ;  increase  of  stature  ; 

advancement  ;  thing  produced 
Grub,  v.  a.  to  destroy  by  digging,  to  dig  out 
Grub,  /.  a  small  destructive  worm  ;  a  dwarf 
Grub'ble,  v.  n.  to  feel  in  the  dark 
Grudge,  v.  to  envy,  repine,  give  unwillingly 
Grudge,  s.  an  old  quarrel,  ill  will,  envy 

Grudg'ing,  s.  reluctance,  malignity 

Grudg'ingly,  ad.  unwillingly,  malignantly 

Gru'el,  s.  oatmeal  boiled  in  water 

Gruff,  Grum,  a.  sour  of  aspect,  surly,  harsh 

Gruffly,  ad.   harshly,  ruggedly,  sourly 

Grum'ble,  v.  n.  to  growl,  to  murmur,  to  snarl 

Grum'Mer,  t.  one  who  grumbles,  a  murmurer 

Giumb'ling,  s.  a  murmuring,  discontent 

Gru'mous,  a.  thick,  clotted  like  blood 

Grunt, ,  the  noise  of  a  hog 

Grunt,  Grunt'le,  v.  n.  to  murmur  like  a  hog  } 

to  make  a  grumbling  noise 
Grunt'er,  s.  he  who  grunts  ;  a  kind  offish 
Guai'acum,  s.  a  physical  wood  used  as  a  pu- 
rifier ;  also  called  lignum  sanftum 
Guarante'e,  s.  a  power  who  undertakes  to  see 

stipulations  faithfully  performed 
Guaranty',  v.  a.  to  answer  for  performance 
Guard,j.  a  state  of  caution,  defence,  vigilance 
GuzriVedypart.  watched,  defended 
Guard'ian,  >.  one  who  has  the  care  of  an  or- 
phan ;   a  superintendant 
Guard'ian,  a.  defending,  superintending 
Guurd'ianship, ;.  the  office  of  a  guardian 
Guard'less,  a.  without  defence  or  care 
Guard'ship,  s.  a  ship  that  guards  an  harbour 
Guberua'tion,  s.  government 
Gud'geon,  s.  a  fish  ;  a  man  easily  cheated 
Guer'don,  s.  a  reward,  a  recompence 
Guess,  v.  to  conjecture  rightly,  to  find  out 
Guess,  s.  a  conjecture,  a  supposition 
Guest, ;.  one  who  is  entertained  by  another 
Gui'dage,  s.  the  reward  given  to  a  guide 
Gi<,i'd2nce,  s.  direction,  government 
Guide,  v.  a.  to  direct,  to  instruct,  to  regulate 
Guide,  s.  one  who  directs  another, a  regulator 
Gui'deless,  a.  without  a  guide 
Guild,  j.  a  society,  a  corporation, a  fraternity 
Guile,  j.  deceitful  cunning,  insidious  artifice 
Gui'leful,  a.  treacherous,  artful,  insidious 
Gui'lefully,  ad.  treacherously,  deceitfully 
Gui'leless,  a.  free  from  deceit,  innocent 
Guilt,  i.  an  offence,  a  crime,  a  fault 
Guilt'ily,  ad.  without  innocence,  criminally 
Guilt'iness,  s.  the  state  of  being  guilty 
Guilt'less,  a.  free  from  crime,  innocent 
Guilt'y,  a.  not  innocent,  wicked,  corrupt 
Guin'ea,  j.a  gold  coin,  value  21  shillings 
Guise,  s.  manner,  habit,  custom,  dress 
Guita'r,  s.  a  stringed  musical  instrument 
Gules,  s.   in  heraldry,  a  red  colour 
Gulf,  s.  a  large  bay,  an  abyss,  a  whirlpool 
Gulf'y,  a.  full  of  gulfs  or  whirlpools 
Gull,  v.  a.  to  cheat,  to  trick,  to  defraud 
Gull,  s.  a  sea  bird  ;  one  easily  cheated 
Gul'let,  1.  the  throat,  the  meat  pipe 
Gul'lyhole,  s.  the  hole  where  the  gutters 

empty  themselves  into  the  sewers 
Gulos'ity,  s.  greediness,  gluttony,  voracity 
Gulp,  v.  a,  to  swallow  eagerly  with  noise 

H  A  C 



Gulp,  s.  as  much  as  is  swallowed  at  once 
Gum,  s.  the  viscous  juice  of  trees  ;  the  fleshy 

covering  that  contains  the  teeth 
Gum,  v.  a.  to  close  or  smear  with  gum 
Gum'miness,  s.  the  state  of  being  gummy 
Gu  m'my,  a.  consisting  of  gum,  full  of  gum 
Gun, ;.  general  name  for  fire-arms  ;  a  flagon 
Gun'ner,  /.   a  cannonier,  he  who  directs  the 

artillery  of  a  ship  in  battle 
Gun'nery,  s.  the  science  of  artillery 
Gun'powder,  s.  a  composition  of  saltpetre,sul- 

phur,  and  charcoal,  which  easily  takes  fire  ) 
Gun'shot*  /.  the  reach  or  range  of  a  gun 
Gun'smith,  s.  a  man  who  makes  guns 
Gun'stock,  s.  the  wood  for  fixing  a  gun  in 
Gun'stone,  s.  the  shot  of  a  cannon 
Gun'wale,  Gun'nel,  s.  that  piece  of  timber 

which  on  either  side  of  a  ship  reaches 

from  the  half  deck  to  the  forecastle 
Gurge,  s.  a  whirlpool,  a  gult 
Gur'gle,  v.  n.  to  fall  or  gush  with  noise 
Gur'net,  Gur'nard,  /.  a  kind  of  sea-fish 
Gush,  v.  n.  to  flow  or  rush  out  with  violence 

Gust,  /.  sudden  blast  of  wind  ;  taste,  liking 
Gus'set,  s.  a  small  square  piece  of  cloth  used 

in  shirts  and  other  garments 
Gusta'tion,  s.  the  act  of  tasting 
Gust'ful,  a.  well  tasted,  tasteful,  relishing 
Gust'o,  s.  the  relish  of  any  thing  ;  liking 
Gust'y,  a.  stormy,  tempestuous,  rough 
Gut,  j.  the  internal  passage  for  food 
Gut,  v.  a.  to  draw  out  the  guts  ;  to  plunder 
Gut'ter,  s.  a  passage  for  water 
Gut'tle,  v.  a.  to  gormandize,  to  eat  greedily 
Gut'tler,  s.  a  greedy,  ravenous  eater 
Gut'tulous,  a.  in  the  manner  of  a  small  drop 
Gut'tural,  a.  pronounced  in  the  throat 
Guy,  s.  a  rope  to  hoist  things  into  a  ship,&c. 
Guz'zle,  v.  to  drink  greedily 
Guz'zler,  s.  a  toper  ;  a  gormandizer 
Gymnas'tic,  a.  relating  to  athletic  exercises 
Gymnas'tically,  ad.  athletically 
Gyneco'cracy, s.  petticoat  government 
Gyra'tion,  s.  the  act  of  turning  a  thing  round 
Gyre,  s.  a  circle,  a  ring 
Gyves,  s.  fetters,  chains  for  the  legs 


HA  !  inter,  an  expression  of  wonder, 
surprise,  sudden  exertion,  or  laughter 
Ha'beas-cor'pus,  s.  a  writ,  which  a  man,  in- 
dicted and  imprisoned  for  some  trespass, 
may  have  out  of  the  king's  Bench,  to  re- 
move himself,  at  his  own  costs,  to  the  bar 
of  that  prison,  to  answer  the  cause  there 
Hab'erdasher,  s.  a  dealer  in  small  wares 
Hab'erdashery,  s.  goods  sold  by  a  haberdash- 
er, as  pins,  thread,  lace,  tape,&c. 
Hab'erdine,  s.  a  dried  salt  cod 
Haber'geon,  s.  armour  for  neck  and  breast 
Habil'iment,  s.  dress,  clothes,  apparel 
Habil'itate,  v.  n.  to  qualify,  to  entitle,  to  fit 
Habil'ity,  s.  faculty,  power 
Hab'it,  s.  state  of  any  thing  ;  dress  ;  custom 
Hab'itable,  a.  fit  to  be  inhabited 
Hab'itant,  s.  an  inhabitant,  a  dweller 
Habitation,  s.  place  of  abode,  dwelling 
Habit'ual,  a.  customary,  accustomed 
Habit'ually,  ad.  customarily,  by  habit 
Habit'uate,  i».  a.  to  accustom  to  ;  to  use  often 
Habit'uated,  part,  accustomed  to,  often  used 
Hab'itude,  s.  familiarity,  relation,  habit 
HabnaT),  a.  at  landom,  by  chance 
Hack,  v.  a.  to  cut  into  small  pieces,  to  chop 
Hack, ;.  any  thing  used  in  common 
Hack'le,  v.  a.  to  dress  flax 
Hack'ney,  s.  a  hired  horse,  a  hireling 
Hack'neyed,  part,  used  in  common 

Had'dock,  s.  a  small  sea  fish  of  the  cod  kind 
Haft,  s.  a  handle. ..v.  a.  to  set  in  a  haft 
Hag,  s.  a  witch,  an  ugly  old  woman,  a  fury 
Hag'gard,  s.  auy  thing  wild  ;  a  hawk 
Hag'gard,  Hag'gardly ,  a.  deformed,  ugly 
Hag'gess,  s.  a  sheep's  maw  filled  with  mince 

meat,  spices,  &c.  a  favourite  Scotch  dish 
Hag'gish,  a.  deformed,  horrid 
Hag'gle,  v.  to  beat  down  the  price  in  buy- 
ing ;  to  carve  awkwardly,  to  mangle 
Hag'gler,  s.  one  who  is  tardy  in  buying 
Hagiog'rapher,  s.  a  holy  writer 
Hail,  5.  frozen  rain. ..inter,  health  be  to  you 
Hail,  v.  n.  to  pour  down  hail  ;  to  call  to 
Hail'shot,  s.  small  shot  scattered  like  hail 
Hail'stone,  s  a  particle  or  single  ball  of  hail 
Hair,  s.  one  of  the  integuments  of  the  body 
Hair'brained,  a.  wild,  irregular,  giddy 
Hair'bel,  s.  a  flower  ;  the  hyacinth 
Hair'breadth,  s.  a  very  small  distance 
Hair'cloth,  s.  a  prickly  stuff  made  of  hair 
Hair'iness,  s   the  state  of  being  hairy 
Hair'less,  a.  without  hair,  bald 
Hair'y,  a.  covered  with,  or  consisting  of  hair 
Hal'berd,  s.  a  soldier's  battle-axe 
Hal'cyon,  a.  placid,  quiet,  calm...;,  a  sea  bird 
Hale,  a.  healthy,  hearty,  robust,  sound 
Hale,  v.  a.  to  drag  by  force,  to  pull  violently 
Half,  s.  a  moiety,  an  equal  part...di*.  equally 
Half'heard,  a.  imperfectly  heard 



H  A  R 

Half-blooded,  a.  mean,  degenerate,  base 
Halfpenny,  s.  a  common  copper  coin 
Half  sighted,  a.  having  a  weak  discernment 
Halfway,  ad.  in  the  middle 
Halfwit,  s.  a  foolish  fellow,  a  blockhead 
Hal'ibut,  s.  a  large,  flat  sea  fish 
Hal'imass,  s.  the  feast  of  All  Saints,  Nov.  I. 
Hall,  s.  a  court  of  justice  ;  a  large  room 
Hallelu'jah,  s.  praise  ye  the  Lord 
Halloo',  v.  a.  to  incite  by  shouts,  to  shout  to 
Hal'iow,  v.  a.  to  consecrate,  to  make  hoiy 
Hallucina'tion,  s.  a  blunder,  a  mistake 
Ha'lo,  s.  a  circle  round  the  sun  or  moon 
Hal'ser,  Haw'ser,  s.  a  rope  less  than  a  cable 
Halt,  v.  n.  to  limp  ;  to  stop  in  a  march 
Halt,  s.  act  of  limping  ;  a  stop  in  a  march 
Hal'ter,  s.  a  rope  to  tie  about  the  neck  of  a 
horse  or  malefactor  ;  a  cord  ;  a  strong  string 
Halve,  v.  a.  to  divide  into  two  parts 
Ham,  s.  a  leg  of  pork  cured  j  the  thigh 
Ha'mated,  a.  hooked,  set  with  hooks 
Ham'let,  s.  a  small  village 
Ham'mer,  s.  an  instrument  to  drive  nails 
Ham'mer,  v.  to  beat  or  form  with  a  hammer 
Ham'mock,  s.  a  swinging  bed  in  a  ship 
Hamp'er,  s.  a  large  basket  for  carriage 
Hamp'er,  v.a.  to  embarrass,entangle,perplex 
Ham'string,  s.  the  tendon  of  the  ham 
Ham'stringj-y.  a.  to  cut  the  tendon  of  the  ham 
Han'aper,  s.  a  treasury  ;  an  exchequer 
Hand,  /.  the  palm  with  the  fingers  ;  a  mea- 
sure of  four  inches  ;  cards  held  at  a  game 
Hand,  v.  a.  to  give,  to  deliver  down  ;  to  guide 
Hand'basket,  s.  a  portable  basket 
Hand'bell,  s.  a  bell  rung  by  the  hand 
Hand'breadth,  s.  a  measure  of  four  inches 
Hand'cuff,  v.  a.  to  confine  the  hands  of  pris- 
oners with  irons...*,  the  instrument 
Hand'ed,  a.  with  hands  joined,  using  hands 
Hand'ful,  s.  as  much  as  the  hand  can  grasp 
Handgal'lop,  s.  a  gentle,  easy  gallop 
Handicraft,  s.  a  manual  occupation 
Hand'ily,  ad.  with  skill,  with  dexterity 
Haud'iness,  /.  readiness,  dexterity 
Hand'iwork,  s.  work  done  by  the  hand 
Hand'kerchief,  s.  a  piece  of  silk  or  linen  used 

to  wipe  the  face  or  cover  the  neck 
Han'dle,-u.  a.  to  touch,  to  handle,  to  treat  of 
Han'dle,  s.  that  part  of  a  thing  held 
Hand'maid,  s.  a  maid  that  waits  at  hand 
Hand'mill,  s.  a  small  mill  for  grinding 
Hand'sel,  v.  a.  to  use  a  thing  the  first  time 
Hand'sel,or  Han'sel,  s.  the  first  act  of  sale 
Hand'some,  a.  beautiful,  graceful,  generous 
Hand'somely,  ad.  beautifully,  liberally 
Hand'writing,  s.  a  cast  or  form  of  writing 

peculiar  to  each  hand 
Hand'y,  a.  ready,  dexterous,  convenient 
Hand'y-dand'y,  s.  a  childish  play 
Hang,  v.  to  suspend  ;  to  choke  j  to  dangle 

Hang'er,  s.  a  short  broad  sword 
Hang'er-on,  s.  a  dependant,  a  spunger 
Hang'ings,  s.  ornaments  of  silk,  stuff,  paper 

&c.  hung  against  walls 
Hang'man,  s.  the  public  executioner, 
Hank,  s.  a  skein  of  thread,  &c    a  ring 
Hank'er,  v.  n.  to  long  importunately 
Hap,  s.  chance,  casual  event...!;,  n.  to  happen 
Haphaz'ard,  j   mere  chance,  accident 
Hap'less,  a.  unhappy,  unfortunate,  luckless 
Hap'ly,  ad.  peradventure,  by  accident 
Hap'pen,  v.  n.  to  fall  out,  to  come  to  pass 
Hap'piiy,  ad.  successfully,  prosperously 
Hap'piness,  s.  felicity,  good  fortune 
Hap'py,  a.  felicitous,  lucky,  addressful 
Hara'ngue,  s.  a  speech,  a  public  oration 
Ha'rass,  v.  a.  to  weary,  to  fatigue,  to  vex 
Ha'rassed,parf.  wearied,  fatigued,  tired 
Har'binger,  s.  a  forerunner,  a  messenger 
Har'bour,  v.  to  entertain,  sojourn,  shelter 
Har'bour,  Har'bourage,  s.  a  port  or  haven 
Hard,  a.  firm,  close  ;  severe,  difficult 
Hard,  ^.laboriously;  nimbly, diligently 
Hard'en,  v.  a.  to  make  obdurate,  to  indurate 
Hardfa'voured,  a.  coarse  of  feature 
Hardheart'ed,  a.  inexorable,  merciless,  cruet 
Hard'iness,  s.  hardship,  fatigue  ;  boldness 
Hard'ly,  ad.  with  difficulty,  oppressively 
Hardmouth'ed,  a.  disobedient  to  the  rein 
Hard'ness,  s.  a  hard  quality  ;  obduracy 
Hard'ship,  s.  injury,  oppression,  fatigue 
Hard'ware,  s.  ware  made  of  iron,  steel,  &c. 
Hard'wareman,  s.  a  maker  of  hardware 
Hard'y*  a.  bold,  brave,  daring  ;  strong,  firm 
Hare,  s.  a  well-known,  swift,  timid  animal 
Ha'rebrained,  a.  wild,  unsettled,  giddy 
Ha'rem,  s.  apartments  appropriated  for  the 

women  in  eastern  countries 
Har'rier,  s.  a  small  dog  for  hunting  hares 
Hark  !  inter,  hear  !  listen  !  attend  ! 
Har'lequin,  s.  a  buffoon,  a  merry-andrew 
Har'lot,  s.  a  strumpet,  a  prostitute 
Har'lotry,  s.  the  trade  of  a  harlot ;  fornication 
Harm,  s.  injury,  crime,  wickedness,  mischief 
Harm'ful,  a.  hurtful,  noxious,  mischievous 
Harm'less,  a.  innocent,  innoxious,  unhurt 
Harm'lessness,  s.  harmless  disposition 
Harmon'ic,  Harmon'ical,  a.    pertaining    to 

harmony  ;  adapted  to  each  others 
Harmon'ics,  s.  the  doftrine  of  sounds 
Harmo'nious,  a.  musical,  well  adapted 
Harmo'niously,  ad.  musically,  with  concord 
Har'monize,  v.  a.  to  adjust  in  fit  proportions 
Har'mony,  s.  concord,  correspondent  senti~ 

ment,  just  proportion  of  sound 
Kai'ness,  s.  armour  ;  furniture  for  horses 
Harp,  s.  a  lyre  ;  a  constellation 
Harp,  v.  n.  to  play  on  the  harp  ;  to  dwell  on 
Harp'er,  s.  one  who  plays  on  the  harp 
Harpoce'er,  u  he  that  throws  the  harpoon 

H  A  U 


Harpoon ,  s.  a  dart  to  strike  whales  with 
Har'py,  s.  a  bird  ;  a  ravenous  wretch 
Har'ridan,  s.  a  decayed  strumpet 
Har'row,  s.  a  frame  of  timber  set  with  iron 

teeth,  to  break  the  clods  of  earth,  &c. 
Har'row,  v.  a.  to  break  with  the  harrow  ;  to 

tear  up,  to  pillage,  to  lay  waste,  to  disturb 
Harsh,  a.  austere,  peevish,  rough,  rigorous 
Harsh'ly,  ad.  austerely,  morosely,  violently 
Harsh'ness,  s .  roughness  to  the  ear ;  sourness 
Hars'let,  Has'let,  s.  the  entrails  of  a  hog 
Hart,  s.  the  male  of  the  roe,  a  stag 
Harts'horn,  s.  spirit  drawn  from  horn ;  a  plant 
Hardest,*,  the  season  of  reaping,  &c.  the  corn 
Har'vest-home,  s.  the  feast  or  song  at  the  end 

of  harvest ;  time  of  gathering  in  harvest 
Hash,  v.  a.  to  mince,  chop  into  small  pieces 
Hasp,  s.  a  clasp  for  a  staple...*;,  a.  to  shut 
Kas'sock,  t.  a  mat  or -cushion  to  kneel  on 
Haste,  Ha'sten,  v.  a.  to  hurry,  to  urge  on 
Haste,  Ha'stiness,  s.  quickness,  passion 
Ha'stily,  ad.  speedily,  rashly,  passionately 
Ha'stiness,  s.  speed,  hurry,  angry  testiness 
Ha'stings,  s.  pease  that  come  early 
Ha'sty,  a.  sudden,  quick,  vehement,  rash 
Hastypud'ding,  s.  milk  and  flour  boiled 
Hat,  s.  a  covering  for  the  head 
Hatch,  v.  to  produce  young  from  eggs  ;  to 

plot,  to  contrive,  to  form  by  meditation 
Hatch,  s.  an  opening  in  a  ship's  decks;  a  sort 

of  half  door  ;  a  brood  of  young  birds  ; 

disclosure,  discovery 
Hatch'el,  v.  a.  to  beat  fiai„j.  the  instrument 
Hatch'et,  s.  a  small  axe 
Hatch'et-face,  t.  an  ugly,  deformed  face 
Hatch'ment,  ;.  an  escutcheon  for  the  dead 
Hatch'way,  s.  the  place  over  the  hatches 
Hate,  v.  a.  to  detest,  to  abhor,  to  abominate 
Hate,  Ha'tred,  s.  great  dislike,  ill-will 
Ha'teful,  a.  malignant,  malevolent 
Ha'tefully,  ad.  odiously,  abominably 
Hat'ter,  s.  a  maker  of  hats 
Have,  v.  a.  to  possess,  enjoy,  receive,  hold 
Ha'ven,  s.  an  harbour,  port,  shelter 
Ha'vener,  s.  an  overseer  of  a  port 
Hav'ing,  j.  possession,  hold,  fortune 
Haugh,  s.  a  little  low  meadow  ;  a  close 
Haught'ily,  ad.  proudly,  contemptuously 
Haughtiness,*,  pride, arrogance 
Haught'y,  a.  proud,  lofty,  arrogant 
Haul,  v.  a.  to  pull,  to  drag  by  violence 
Haum,  s.  straw 

Haunch,  s.  the  thigh, the  hip,  the  hind  part 
Haunt,  v.  to  frequent  troublesomely,  to  ap- 
pear frequently ...s.  a  place  of  resort 
Haunt'ed,  part,  frequented,  followed 
Hav'oc,?;.  a.  to  lay  waste.../,  devastation,  spoil 
Haufboy,  s.  a  wind  instrument  resembling 

a  clarionet  j  a  kind  of  large  strawberry 

Haw,  s.  the  berry  of  the  hawthorn 

Hawk,  s.  a  voracious  bird  of  prey 

Hawk,  v.  n.  to  fly  hawks  at  fowls  ;  to  forcfc 

up  phlegm  with  a  noise  ;  to  cry  goods 
Hawk'ed,  part.  a.  carried  about  for  sale 
Hawk'er,  s.  a  pedlar,  a  newscarrier 
Haw'thorn,  s.  the  thorn  that  bears  haws 
Hay,  s.  grass  dried  in  the  sun  ;  a  dance 
Hay'maker,  s.  one  employed  in  making  hay 
Hay'rick,  Hay'stack,  s.  a  quantity  of  hay 

stacked  up  and  thatched 
Haz'ard,  /.  chance,  danger  ;  a  game  at  dice 
Haz'ard,  v.  a.  to  expose  to  chance  or  danger 
Haz'ardable,  a.  liable  to  chance,  dangerous 
Hazardous,  a.  dangerous,  exposed  to  chance 
Haze,  s.  a  thick  fog  ;  a  mist  ;  rime 
Ha'zel,  s.  the  nut-tree 
Ha'zel,  Ha'zelly,  a.  light  brown,  like  hazel 
Ha'zy,  a.  foggy,  misty,  dark,  rimy 
Head,  s.  that  part  of  the  body  which  contains 

the  brain  ;  a  chief,  principal  ;  the  top 
Head,  v.  a.  to  command,  influence  j  behead 
Head'ach,  s .  a  pain  in  the  head 
Head'band,  s.  a  fillet  for  the  head  ;  a  topknot 
Head'borough,  /.  a  subordinate  constable 
Head'dress,  s.  the  dress  of  a  woman's  head 
Head'iness,/.  strong  quality  in  liquors ;  hurry 
Head'land,  /.  a  promontory,  a  cape 
Head'less,  a.  without  a  head,  inconsiderate 
Head'long,  a.  rash,  precipitate,  thoughtless 
Head'most,  a.  most  advanced,  first 
Head'piece,  s.  armour  ;  force  of  mind 
Head'stone,  s.  the  first  or  capital  stone 
Head'strong,  a.  ungovernable,  unrestrained 
Head'y,  a.  rash,  precipitate,  violent,  strong 
Heal,  v.  to  cure  a  wound  }  to  reconcile 
Heal'ing,  part.  a.  mild,  sanative,  gentle 
Health,  s.  freedom  from  pain  or  sickness 
Health'ful,  Health'some,  a.  free  from  sick. 

ness,  well  disposed,  wholesome,  salutary 
Healthily,  ad.  without  sickness  or  pain 
Healthiness,  s.  a  state  of  health 
Health'less,  a.  sickly,  infirm,  weak 
Health'y,  a.  free  from  sickness,  in  health 
Heap,  s.  a  pile,  a  confused  jumble,  a  cluster 
Heap,  v.  a.  to  pile,  to  accumulate,  to  heap  up 
Hear,  v.  to  perceive  by  the  ear,  to  listen  to 
Hear'er,  s.  one  who  attends  to  any  discourse 
Hearing,  s.  the  sense  by  which  sounds  are 

perceived  ;  judicial  trial  ;  audience 
Heark'en,  v.  n.  to  listen,  to  attend,  to  regard 
Hear'say,  j.  report,  rumour,  common  talk 
Hearse,  s.  a  close  carriage  to  convey  the  dead 
Heart,  s.  the  seat  of  life  in  an  animal  body 
Heart'ach,  s.  sorrow,  anguish  of  mind 
Keart'burning,  s.  a  pain  in  the  stomach 
Heart'dear,  a.  sincerely  beloved 
Heart'easing,  a.  giving  quiet 
Heart'en,  v.  a.  to  encourage,  to  animate  I  Co 

strengthen  j  to  manure  ia»4 

H   E   E 


Heart'felt,  a.  felt  in  the  conscience 
Hearth,  s.  the  place  on  which  a  fire  is  made 
Heart'ily,  ad.  sincerely,  fully  from  the  heart  • 
Heart'iness,  s.  sincerity,  freedom  from  hy- 
pocrisy ;  vigour,  diligence,  strength 
Heartless,  a.  spiritless ,  wanting  courage 
Heartsick,  a.  pained  in  mind,  mortally  ill 
Heart'strings,  s.  the  tendons  or  nerves  sup- 
posed to  brace  and  sustain  the  heart 
Heart'whole,  a.  with  the  affections  unfixed ; 

with  the  vitals  yet  unimpaired 
Heart'y,  a.  healthy,  strong,  cordial,  sincere 
Heat,  s.  the  sensation  caused  by  fire  ;  hot 
weather  ;  violent  passion  ;  party  rage  ;  a 
course  at  a  race  ;  a  flush  in  the  face 
Heat,  v.  a.  to  make  hot ;  to  warm  with  passion 
Heat'er,  s.  an  iron  made  hot  and  put  into  a 

box-iron,  to  smooth  and  plait  linen 
Heath,  s.  a  plant  ;  common  ground 
Heath'cock,  s.  a  fowl  that  frequents  heaths 
He'athen,  s.  a  gentile,  a  pagan,  an  idolater 
He'athen,  He'athenish,  a.  pagan,  savage 
He'athenism,  s.  paganism,  gentilism  ;  the 

principles  or  practices  of  heathens 
Heave,  /.  a  lift ;  an  effort  to  vomit 
Heave,  v.  to  lift,  to  raise  ;  to  pant  ;  to  keck 
Heav'en,  s.  the  regions  above  ;   the  expanse 

of  the  sky  ;  the  residence  of  the  blessed 
Heav'en-born,  a.  descended  from  heaven 
Heav'enly,  a.  supremely  excellent,  celestial 
Heav'ily,  ad.  sorrowfully,  affliftively 
Heaviness,  s.  depression  of  mind  ;  weight 
Heav'y,  a.  weighty,  dejedted,  sluggish 
Keb'domad,  s.  a  week,  a  space  of  seven  days 
Hebdom'adal,  Hebdom'adary,a.  weekly 
Heb'etate,  v.  a.  to  dull,  to  blunt,  to  stupify 
Heb'etude,  /.  bluntness,dulness,  obtuseness 
He'braism,  s.  a  Hebrew  idiom 
Hebri'cian,  s.  one  skilled  in  Hebrew 
He'brew,  s.  the  Jewish  language 
Hec'atomb,  s.  a  sacrifice  of  an  hundred  cattle 
Hec'tic,  Hec'tical,  a.  habitual,  constitutional, 

troubled  with  morbid  heat.../,  a  fever 
Kec'tor,  i.  a  bully,  a  noisy  fellow...?;,  to  vaunt 
Hed'eral,  a.  made  of  or  resembling  ivy 
Hedge,  v.  to  make  a  hedge  ;  enclose  ;  shift 
Hedge,  s.  a  fence  made  of  thorns,  shrubs,  6cc. 
Hedge'born,  a.  meanly  born,  low,  obscure 
Hedge'hog,  s.  a  quadruped  set  with  prickles 
Hedg'er,  s.  one  who  makes  hedges 
Hedglngbili,  s.  a  bill  used  in  making  hedges 
Hedge'pig,  s.  a  young  hedgehog 
Heed,  v.  a.  to  mind,  to  regard,  to  attend  to 
Heed,  s.  care,  caution,  seriousness 
Heed'ful,  a.  cautious,  attentive,  careful 
Heed'fulness,  s.  caution,  vigilance 
Heed'less,  a.  negligent,  inattentive,  careless 
Heedlessness,  s.  negligence,  carelessness 
Heelj  s.  the  hind  part  of  the  foot 
Heel'piece,  v,  <*.  to  mend  the  heel  of  a  shoe 

Heft,  s.  a  handle,  an  effort,  a  heave 
He'gira,*.  theepocha of  the  lurks, reckoned 

from  the  day  Mahomet  fied  from  Mecca 
Heifer,  s .  a  young  cow 
Heigh'ho,  inter,  denoting  languor,  &c. 
Height,  s.  elevation  or  extension  upwards  ; 

elevation  of  rank  ;  utmost  degree 
Height'en,  v.  a.  to  raise,  to  improve,  to  exalt 
Hein'ous,  a.  very  wicked,  atrocious 
Hein'ously,  ad.  wickedly,  atrociously 
Hein'ousness,  j.  great  wickedness 
Heir,  s.  one  who  inheiits  by  law,  a  successor 
Heir'ess,  j.  a  female  who  inherits  by  law 
Heirless,  a.  having  no  heir 
Heirloo'm,  s.  what  descends  with  a  freehold 
Heir'ship,  s.  the  state,  &c.  of  an  heir 
Held,  pre!,  of  to  hold 
Heli'acal,  a.  pertaining  to  the  sun 
Hel'ical,d.  spiral,with  many  circumvolutions 
Heliocen'tric,  a.  belonging  to  the  sun 
Heliog'raphy,  /.  a  description  of  the  sun 
Hell,  s.  the  residence  of  wicked  spirits 
Hell'doomed,  a.  consigned  to  hell 
Hei'lebore,  s.  the  Christmas  flower  ;  a  plant 
Hell'enism,  s.  an  idiom  of  the  Greek 
HeU'hound,  s.  an  agent  or  dog  of  hell,a  wretch 
Hell'ish,  a.  infernal,  wicked,  sent  from  hell 
Hell'ishly,  ad.  infernally,  very  wickedly 
Hell'kite,  s.  a  kite  of  infernal  breed ..i>ell 

prefixed  to  any  word  denotes  detestation 
Helm,  /.  the  rudder  ;  a  headpiece 
Helm'ed,  a.  furnished  with  a  headpiece 
Helm'et,  s.  a  covering  for  the  head  in  war 
Help,  v.  to  assist,  to  support,  to  cure,  to  aid 
Help,  s.  assistance,  remedy,  succour,  support 
Help'ful,  a.  useful,  salutary,  assisting 
Helpless,  a.  destitute  of  help,  wanting  pow- 
er to  succour  one's  self,  irremediable 
Hel'ter-skel'ter,  ad.  confusedly,  in  a  hurry 
Helve,  s.  the  handle  of  an  axe 
Helvetic,  a.  of  or  relating  to  the  Swiss 
Hem,  s.  the  edge  of  a  garment  folded  down 

and  sewed  ;  a  sudden  expulsion  of  breath 
Hem,  v.  a.  to  close  with  a  hem  j  to  shut  in 
Hemisphere,  s.  the  half  of  a  globe 
Hemispherical,  a.  being  half  round 
Hemlstic,  i.  half  a  verse 
Hemlock,  s.  a  narcotic  plant  used  in  physic 
Hem'orrhage,  s.  a  violent  flux  of  blood 
Hem'orrhoids,  s.  the  piles,  the  emrods 
Hemp,  s.  a  plant  of  which  ropes  are  made 
Hemp'en,  a.  made  of  hemp 
Hen,  s.  the  female  of  any  land  fowl 
Hence  !  ad.  or  inter,  away,  at  a  distance  j 

from  this  cause,  for  this  reason 
Hencefo'rth,  Hencefor'ward,  ad.  from  this 

time  forward,  from  this  time  to  futurity 
Hend,  v.  a.  to  seize,  to  crowd,  to  surround 
Hen'harm,  Henhar'rier,  s.  a  kind  of  hawk 
Hen'pecked,  a,  governed  by  a  wife 

H  E   T 

H   I  N 

Hen'roost,  j.  a  place  where  poultry  rest 
Hepat'ical,  a.  belonging  to  the  liver 
Heo'tagon,  s.  a  figure  of  seven  equal  sides 
Hep'tarchy,  s.  a  sevenfold  government 
Her,  pron.  belonging  to  a  female 
Her'ald,  s.  an  officer  whose  duty  is  to  pro- 
claim peace,  and  denounce  war,  to  be  em- 
ployed in  martial  messages,  and  to  judge 
and  examine  coats  of  arms  ;  a  precursor 
Her'aldry,  s .  the  art  or  office  of  a  herald 
Herb,  s.  a  plant,  chiefly  of  the  esculent  kind 
Herba'ceous,  a.  relating  to  heri>3 
Herb'age,  r.  pasture,  grass,  herbs  in  general 
Herb'al,  s.  a  treatise  or  book  of  plants 
Kerb'alist,  s.  one  skilled  in  herbs 
Herb'y,  a.  having  the  nature  of  herbs 
Hercu'lean,  a.  very  great  or  difficult 
Herd,  s.  a  flock,  a  drove,  a  company 
Herd,  v.  to  associate  ;  to  put  into  a  herd 
Kerds'man,  r.  one  employed  in  tending  herds 
Here,  ad.  in  this  place  or  state 
Hereabou'ts,  ad.  about  this  place 
Herea'iter,  ad.  in  a  future  state 
Hereby',  ad.  by  this  ;  by  these  means 
Kered'itable,  a.  whatever  may  be  inherited 
Hereditament,  s.  an  inheritance 
Eered'itary,  a.  descending  by  inheritance 
Here'in,  Hereinto',  ad.  in  or  into  this 
Hereo'f,  ad.  of,  from,  or  by  means  of  this 
Hereo'n,  Hereupo'n,  ad.  upon  this 
Her'esy,  s.  a  fundamental  error  in  religion  ; 

differing  from  the  orthodox  church 
Here'siarch,  s.  a  leader  in  heresy 
Her'etic,*.  one  who  propagates  heretical  opin- 
ions in  opposition  to  the  Christian  religion 
Heret'ical,  a.  relating  to  heresy 
Hereto',  Hereunto',  ad.  to  this  ;  unto  this 
Heretofore,  ad.  formerly,  anciently 
Herewi'th,  ad.  with  this 
Her'iot,  s.  a  fine  to  the  lord  of  the  manor 
Her'itage,  s.  inheritance,  estate  by  succession 
Hermaph'rodite,  s.  animal  uniting  two  sexes 
Hermet'ic,  Hermet'ical,  a.  chymical 
Her'mit,  s.  a  solitary,  devout  person 
Herm'itage,  /.  an  hermit's  cell 
Hern,  or  Her'on,  s.  a  large  water  fowl 
He'ro,  s.  a  brave  man,  a  great  warrior 
Her'oess,  Her'oine,  $  a  female  hero 
Hero'iCjHero'ica!,  a.  brave,  noble 
Hero'ically,  ad.  bravely,  courageously 
Her'oism,  s.  the  qualities  of  a  hero 
Her'ring,  ;.  a  small  sea  fish 
Herse'lf,  pron.   the  female  personal  pronoun 
Hes'itate,  v.  n.  to  pause,  to  delay,  to  doubt 
Hesita'tion,  j.  rJoubt,  intermission  of  speech 
Hest,  s.  a  command,  injunction,  precept 
Het'eroclites,  s.  pi.  in  grammar,  ail  nouns 

which  vary  in  the:r  gender  or  declension 
Het'erodox,  a.  deviating  from  the  establish- 
ed church  opinion  j  not  orthodox 

Heteroge'neal,  Keteroge'neous,  a.   unlike  ; 

of  a  nature  diametrically  opposite 
Keterop'tics,  s.  pi.  false  optics,  deception 
Hew,  v.  a.  to  cut  with  an  axe,  chop,  labour 
b'ex'agon,  s.  a  figure  of  six  equal  sides 
Hexag'onal,  a.  having  six  sides  or  angles 
Hexam'eter,  s.  a  verse  of  six  feet 
Hey  !  inter,  a  word  expressive  of  joy 
Hey'day  !  infer,  expression  of  exultation 
Hia'tus,  s.  an  aperture,  a  breach,  an  opening 
Hiber'nal,  a.  belonging  to  the  winter 
Hic'cius-doc'cius,  s.  a  juggler 
Kick'up,  j.  a  convulsion  of  the  stomach 
Hid,  Hid'den,  part.  pass,  of  to  hide 
Hide,  v.  to  conceal,  to  cover,  to  lie  hid 
Hide,  j.  the  skin  of  an  animal,  &c. 
Hid'eous,  a.  horrible,  dreadful,  frightful 
Hid'eously,  ad.  horribly,  dreadfully 
Hie,  v.  k.  to  hasten,  to  go  quickly 
Hi'erarch,  s.  the  chief  cf  a  sacred  order 
Hierarchy, :.  an  ecclesiastical  government 
Kieroglyph'ics,  s.  pi.  the  symbolical  charac- 
ters used  by  the  ancient  Egyptians 
Hieroglyph'ical,  a.  emblematical,  allusive 
Hig'gle,  v.  n.  to  use  many  words  in  bargain- 
ing ;  to  carry  about  ;  to  chaffer 
Hig'gledy-pig'gledy,  ad.  confusedly 
Hig'gler,  s.  one  who  hawks  about  provisions 
High,  a.  elevated,  proud,  great,  exorbitant 
Kighblo'wn,  part,  much  swelled  with  wind 
Highbo'rn,  part,  of  noble  extraction 
High'flier,  s.  one  extravagant  in  opinion 
High'land,  s.  a  mountainous  country 
Highlander,  s.  a  mountaineer 
Highly,  ad.  in  a  great  degree  ;  arrogantly 
Highmet'tled,  a.  proud  or  ardent  of  spirit 
Highmind'ed,  a.  proud,  haughty 
Hjgh'ness,  s.  dignity  of  nature  ;  a  title 
Highseas'oned,  part,  hot  to  the  taste 
Highspir'ited,  part.  a.  bold,  daring,  insolent 
High'tytighty,  a.  giddy,  thoughtless 
Higbwro'ught,ptfr2.  splendidly  finished 
Hjghwa'ter,  s.  the  utmost  flow  of  the  tide 
Highwa'y,1  s.  a  great  road,  a  public  path 
High'wayman,  s.  a  robber  on  the  highway 
Hilar'ity,  s.  gaiety,  mirth,  cheerfulness 
Hil'ary?  s.  a  term  that  begins  in  January 
Hild'ing,  s.  a  mean,  cowardly  wretch 
Hill,  s.  elevation  of  ground,  a  high  land 
Hiil'ock,  s.  a  small  hill 
Hiil'y,  a.  full  of  hills,  unequal  in  surface 
Hilt,  #.  the  handle  of  a  sword 
Him,  pron.  the  oblique  case  of  he 
Hind,  s.  a  she  stag  ;  a  boor,  a  peasant 
Hin'der,  v.  a.  to  obstruct,  to  stop,  to  impede 
Hin'derance,  s.  an  impediment,  a  stop 
Hin'dermost,  Hind'most,  a.  the  last 
Hinge,  s.  a  joint  on  which  a  door  turns ;  a  rule 
Hint,  v.  n.  to  allude,  to  bring  to  mind 
Hint,  /.  a  remote  suggestion,  an  intimation 


H  O  O 

Hip,  s.  a  joint  of  the  thigh  ;  ihe  fruit  of  the 

brier  ;  a  lowness  of  spirits 
Hip'pish,  a.  much  dejected,  low  in  spirits 
Hip'pogriff,  s.  a  winged  or  fabulous  horse 
Hippopot'amus,  s.  the  river  horse ;  an  animal 

found  in  the  Nile 
Hip'shot,  a.  sprained  in  the  hip 
Hire,i;.  a.  to  engage  for  pay.../,  wages 
Hi'reling,  s.  one  who  serves  for  wages  ;  a 

mercenary  and  unprincipled  writer 
Hiss,  v.  to  cry  like  a  serpent  ;  to  explode  by 

hisses,  to  testify  disapprobation 
Hist,  inter,  exclamation  commanding  silence 
Histo'rian,  s.  a  writer  of  fafts  and  events 
Histor'ical,  a.  pertaining  to  history 
Historically,  ad.  in  the  manner  of  history 
His'tory,  s.  a  narration  of  facts 
Histrion'ic,  a.  befitting  a  stage  or  player 
Hit,  v.  to  strike,  to  clash,  to  succeed,  to  reach 
Hit,  s.  a  stroke,  a  lucky  chance 
Hitch,  v.  n.  to  catch,  to  move  by  jerks 
Hitch,  s.  a  kind  of  knot  or  noose 
Hitch'el,  ;.  a  tool  on  which  flax  is  combed 
Hithe, ;.  a  landing  place  for  goods,  &c. 
Hith'ei,  ad.  to  this  places,  nearer 
Hith'ermost,  a.  nearest  on  this  side 
Hith'erto,  ad.  to  this  time  ;  yet  ;  till  now 
Hive,  s.  a  place  for  bee3  ;  a  company 
Hoarfro'st,  s.  frozen  dew ;  a  white  frost 
Hoard,  v.  to  lay  up  privately 
Hoar d'ed, part,  laid  up  in  private 
Hoar'iness,  s.  state  of  being  hoary  or  whitish 
Hoarse,  a.  having  a  rough  deep  voice 
Ho'arsely,  ad.  with  a  rough  harsh  voice 
Ho'arseness,  s.  roughness  of  voice 
Hoar'y,  Hoar,  a.  grey  with  age,  whitish 
Hob'ble,  v.  n.  to  walk  lamely  or  awkwardly 
Hob'by,  /.  a  species  of  hawk  ;  a  stupid  fellow 
Hob'byhorse,  s.  a  small  horse  ;  a  plaything  ; 

a  favourite  thing  or  amusement 
Hob'goblin, ;.  a  sprite,  a  fairy,  an  apparition 
Hob'naii,  s.  a  nail  used  in  shoeing  horses 
Hock,  s .  the  small  end  of  a  gammon  of  ba- 
con ;  a  sort  of  German  wine 
Hoc'kle,  v.  a.  to  hamstring  ;  to  lame 
Ho'cus-po'cus,  s.  a  juggler,  a  cheat 
Hod,  s.  a  bricklayer's  trough 
Hodge'podge,  s.  a  confused  mixture,  a  medley 
Hodier'nal,  a.  of  or  relative  to  this  day 
Hoe,  /.  a  garden  tool  for  weeds,  &c. 
Hoe,  v.  a.  to  cut  or  dig  with  a  hoe 
Hog,  s.  the  general  name  of  swine 
Hog'cote,  Hog'sty,  s.  a  house  for  hogs 
Hog'geral,  s.  an  ewe  of  two  years  old 
Hog'gish,  a.  selfish,  brutish,  greedy 
Hog'herd,  s.  a  keeper  of  hogs 
Ho'goo,  s.  a  mess  of  high  relish  ;  a  stink 
Hogs'head,  /.  a  measure  of  63  gallons 
Hog'wash,  s.  draff  which  is  given  to  swine 
Haiu'en,  s.  an  awkward  country  girl 

Hoist,  v.  a.  to  raise  up  on  high 

Hold,  v.  to  keep,  to  have  within,  to  detain 

Hold,  s.  a  support  ;  custody,  power 

Hold,  inter,  stop  !  forbear  !  be  still 

Hold'er,  j.  one  who  holds  any  thing 

Hold'fast,  s.  an  iron  hook,  a  catch 

Hole,  s.  a  hollow  place  ;  a  mean  habitation  ; 

a  rent  in  a  garment ;  a  subterfuge 
Ho'lily,  ad.  piously,  religiously,  inviolably 
Ho'liness,  s.  the  Pope's  title  ;  piety 
Holl'a,  or  Hollo,  v.  n.  to  call  to  any  one 
Holland,  s.  fine  linen  made  in  Holland 
Hol'low,  a.  having  a  void  within  ;  deceitful 
Hol'low,  /.  a  cavity,  a  hole,  an  opening 
Hol'lowness,  s.  the  state  of  being  hollow 
Hol'ly,  x.  a  tree  ;  an  evergreen  shrub 
Hol'lyhock,  s.  the  rose  mallow 
Holme,  s.  a  river  island  ;  the  evergreen  oak 
Hol'ocaust,  s.  a  burnt  sacrifice 
Holp,  Holp'en,  part.  pass,  of  to  help 
Hols'ter,  s.  a  case  for  a  horseman's  pistols 
Holt,  s.  a  wood,  particularly  of  willows 
Ho'ly,  a.  pure,  religious,  sacred,  immaculate 
Hol'yday,  s.  an  anniversary  feast,  a  day  Of 

gaiety  and  mirth  •,  a  time  of  festivity 
Hom'age,  s.  duty,  fealty,  respect,  service 
Home,;.country  ;  place  of  constant  residence 
Ho'mebred,  a.  native,  plain,  artless 
Ho'meliness,  s.  plainness,  coarseness 
Ho'mely,  a.  not  elegant,  coarse 
Ho'memade,  a.  made  at  home  ;  plain 
Ho'mer,  s.  a  measure  of  about  three  pints 
Ho'mespun,  a.  made  at  home  ;  inelegant 
Ho'meward,  ad.  towards  home 
Hom'icide,  s.  murder  ;  a  murderer 
Hom'ily,  s.  a  discourse  read  in  churches 
Homoge'neous,  a.  of  the  same  nature 
Homon'ymous,  a.  equivocal,  ambiguous 
Homot'onous,  a.  equable,  correspondent 
Hone,  s.  a  stone  to  whet  razors,  &c. 
Hon'est,  a.  sincere,  upright,  chaste,  just,  true 
Hon'estly,  ad.  uprightly,  justly,  sincerely 
Hon'esty,  s.  justice,  truth,  purity,  virtue 
Hon'ey,  s.  the  sweet  concoction  of  bees,  &«?• 
Hon'eybag,  s.  the  stomach  of  a  bee 
Hon'eycomb,  s .  cells  of  wax  for  honey 
Hon'eydew,  s.  a  sweet  dew  on  plants 
Hon'eyless,  a.  without  honey,  empty 
Hon'eymoon,  t.  first  month  after  marriage 
Hon'eysuckle,  s.  an  odoriferous  woodbine 
Hon'ied,  part.  a.  covered  with  honey 
Hon'our,  ;.  dignity,  reputation,  virtue 
Hon'our,  v.  a.  to  reverence,  to  dignify,  exalt 
Hou'ourable,  a.  illustrious  ,generous,equitable 
Hon'ourably,  ad.  reputably,  nobly 
Honorary,  a.  done  or  instituted  in  honour, 

conferring  honour  without  gain 
Hood,  i .  an  upper  covering  for  the  head 
Hood'wink,  v.  a.  to  blind,  to  hide,  to  deceive 
Hoof,  /.  the  horny  pa;t  of  n  horse's  foot 

H  O  R 


11  O  Y 

Hook,  s.  a  bent  piece  of  iron,  wood,  &c. 
Hook,  v.  a.  to  catch,  to  ensnare,  to  fasten 
Hook'ed,  a.  bent,  curvated 
Hoop,  s.  any  thing  circular 
Hoop,  v.  to  bind  with  hoops  ;  to  shout 
Hoop'ingcough,  s.  a  Convulsive  cough 
Hoot,  s.  a  shout  of  contempt...^,  n.  to  shout 
Hop,  s.  a  plant ;  a  jump,  a  mean  dance 
Hop,  v.  to  leap  on  one  leg,  walk  lame,  &c 
Hope,  s.  confidence  in  a  future  event 
Hope,  v.  to  expect  with  desire 
Ho'peful,  a.  full  of  expectation,  promising 
Ho'peless,  a.  without  hope  ;  left,  abandoned 
Hop'ground,  s.  ground  set  apart  for  hops 
Hop'per,  s.  a  part  of  a  mill  ;  a  basket 
Hop'ple,  v.  n.  to  tie  the  feet  together 
Ho'ral,'  Ho'rary,  a.  relating  to  an  hour 
Horde, s.  a  clan,  a  migratory  crew 
Hore'hound,  s.  a  medicinal  herb 
Hori'zon,  s.  a  great  imaginary  line  or  circle, 
which  divides  the  heavens  and  earth  into 
two  parts  at  hemispheres 
Horizontal,  a.  near  the  horizon  ;  level 
Horn,  s.  defensive  weapon  of  an  ox  ;  an  in- 
strument of  wind  music 
Horn'book,  s.  the  first  book  for  children 
Horn'ed,  a.  furnished  with  horns 
Horn'er,  s.  one  who  deals  in  horns 
Horn'et,  /.  a  large  strong  stinging  fly 
Horn'pipe,  s.  a  kind  of  single  dance 
Horn'y,  a.  made  of  horns,  callous,  hard 
Hor'ologe,  s.  an  instrument  denoting  time 
Hor'oscope,  s.  the  configuration  of  the  plan- 

ets  at  the  hour  of  a  person's  birth 
Hor'rible,  a.  dreadful,  shocking,  terrible 
Hor'ribly,  ad.  dreadfully,  hideously 
Hor'rid,  a.  hideous,  enormous 
Hor'ridly,  ad.  hideously,  shockingly 
Horrific,  a.  causing  horror  or  dread 
Hor'ror, ;.  terror  mixed  with  detestation 
Horse,  s.  an  animal  ;  a  wooden  machine 
Ho'rseback,  s.  the  seat  or  state  of  riding 
Ho'rsebean,  s.  a  small  kind  of  bean 
Ho'rsebreaker,  s.  one.  who  tames  horses 
Ho'rsefly,  s.  a  fly  that  stings  horses 
Ho'rsehair,  s.  the  hair  of  horses 
Ho'rselaugh,  s.  a  loud,  violent,  rude  laugh 
Ho'rseleeth,  s.  a  leech  that  bites  horses 
Ho'rseman,  s.  one  skilled  in  riding 
Ho'rsemanship, s.  the  art  of  managing  a  horse 
Ho'rsemarten,  j-.  a  large  kind  of  bee 
Ho'rsemeat,  s.  provender  for  horses 
Ho'rseplay,  s.  rough  play,  rudeness 
Ho'rsepond,  s.  a  pond  to  water  horses  at 
Horserad'ish,  s    a  root  acrid  and  biting,  a 

species  of  scurvy-grass 
Ho'rseshoe,  s.  a  shoe  for  horses  ;'an  herb 
Ho'rseway,  s.  a  broad  open  way 
Horta'tion,  s.  the  act  of  exhorting,  advice 
Hortative,  a.  tending  to  exhort,  animating 
K  Z 

Hort'ulan,  a.  belonging  to  a  garden 
Hosan'na,  s.  an  exclamation  of  praise  to  God 
Hose,  jr.  stockings  ;  breeches 
Ho'sier,  s.  one  who  sells  stockings,  &c. 
Hos'pitable,  a.  kind  to  strangers,  friendly 
Hos'pitably,  ad.  in  an  hospitable  manner 
Hos'pital,  s.  a  receptacle  for  the  sick  and  poor 
Hospital'ity,  ;.  the  practice  of  entertaining 

strangers  $  liberality  in  entertainments- 
Host,  s.  a  landlord  ;  an  army  ;  a  number 
Hos'tage,  s.  a  person  left  as  a  pledge  for  se- 
curing the  performance  of  conditions 
Ho'stess,  s.  a  female  host,  a  landlady 
Hostile,  a.  adverse,  opposite  ;  warlike 
Hostility,  s.  open  war,  a  state  of  warfare 
Hostler,  s.  the  manager  of  horses  at  an  inn 
Hot,  a.  having  heat,  furious,  eager,  lustful 
Hot'bed,  s.  a  bed  of  earth  made  hot  by  the 
fermentation  of  dung  and  manure 
j  Hot'cockles,  s.  a  species  of  childish  play 
J  llote'l,  s.  a  genteel,  public  lodging-house 
i  Hot'headed,a.  passionate,  violent 
Hot'house,  s.  a  building  contrived  for  ripen- 
ing exotics,  &c  by  means  cf  heat 
Hot'spur,  s.  a  violent,  precipitate  man  ;  a  pea 
Hove,  Ho'ven^part.  pass,  raised,  swelled 
Hov'el, ;.  a  shed,  a  shelter  for  cattle 
Hov'er,  v.  n.  to  hang  over  head,  to  wander 
Hough,  s.  the  lower  part  of  the  thigh 
Hough,  v.  a.  to  hamstring,  to  cut  up 
Hound,  j\  a  dog  who  hunts  by  scent 
Hour,  s.  the  24th  part  of  a  day 
Hour'glass,  s.  a  glass  filled  with  sand,  for  tb,e 

purpose  of  measuring  time 
Hour'iy,  a.  done  every  hour,  frequent 
House, ;.  a  place  of  human  abode 
House,  v.  to  put  under  shelter,  to  harbour 
House'breaker,  /.  one  who  robs  houses 
Housebreaking,  s.  robbing  of  houses 
House'hold,  s.  a  family  living  together 
House'holdstuff,  s.  furniture,  goods,  utensi?s 
House'keeper,   s.    a  superintending  femaJe 

servant ;  one  who  keeps  a  house 
House'keeping,  s.  domestic  management 
House'less,  a.  destitute  of  abode 
House'maid,  s.  a  female  menial  servant 
House'room,  s.  convenient  apartments 
House'warming,  s,  a  feast  usual  on  taking 

possession  of  a  house 
House'wife,  s.  a  female  economist 
House'wifery,  s.  frugality  in  domestic  affairs 
How  ?  ad.  in  what-manner  or  degree 
Howbe'it,  ad.  nevertheless,  notwithstanding 
Howev'er,  ad.  notwithstanding ;  yet,  at  least 
j  How'i'tzer,  s.  a  kind  of  bomb 
Howl,  v.  n.  to  utter  cries  in  distress,  as  a  dog 
Howl'ing,  j.  the  noise  of  a  dog,  &c. 
Howsoev'er,  ad.  in  whatever  manner 
Hox,  v.  a.  to  hamstring,  to  hough 
Hoy, ;.  a  coasting  vessel,  a  small  shi? 

H  U  R 



Hub'bub,  s .  a  tumult,  confusion,  great  noise 
Huck'aback,  s.  a  kind  of  figured  linen 
Huc'klebone, s.  the  hipbone 
Huck'ster,  /.  a  retailer  of- small  wares 
Hud'dle,  v.  to  do  a  thing  in  a  flurry  ;  to  crowd 

together  in  a  confused  manner 
Hudibras'tic,  a.  doggerel,  like  Hudibras 
Hue,.*,  shade  of  colour,  tint;  clamour,  pursuit 
Huff,  v.  to  chide  with  insolence 
Huff'ish,  a.  arrogant,  insolent,  hectoring 
Hug,  v.  a.  to  embrace  fondly,  to  hold  fast 
Huge,  a.  vast,  immense,  large,  enormous 
Hu'gely,  ad.  immensely,  greatly,  very  much 
Hug'ger-mug'ger, ;.  a  bye-place  ;  secresy 
Hulk,  s.  the  body  of  a  ship  ;  a  clown 
Hull,  s.  the  body  of  a  ship  ;  a  shell  or  husk 
Hum,  v.  n.  to  sing  low,  to  buzz  ;  to  deceive 
Hum,  s.  a  buzzing  noise  ;  a  deception 
Hu'man,  a.  having  the  qualities  of  a  man 
Huma'ne,  a.  kind,  goodnatured,  tender 
Human'ity,  s.  benevolence,  compassion,  gen- 
erosity ;  the  nature  of  man 
Hu'mankind,  s.  the  race  of  man 
Hum'ble,  a.  modest,  submissive 
Hum'ble,  v.  a.  to  subdue  ;  to  condescend 
Hum'bles,  s.  pi.  the  entrails  of  a  deer 
Hum'bly,  ad.  submissively,  lowly 
Hum'dium,  s.  a  stupid  person. ..a.  dull 
Humecta'tion,  s.  a  moistening  or  wetting 
Hu'meial,  a.  belonging  to  the  shoulder 
Hu'mid,  a.  wet,  moist,  watery,  damp 
Humidity, s.  moisture,  dampness 
Humiliation,  t.  the  act  of  humility 
Humil'ity,  s.  freedom  from  pride,  modesty 
Hum'mingbird,  s.  the  smallest  of  all  birds 
Ha'mour,  ;.  moisture  ;  whim,  jocularity 
Hu'mour,  v.  a.  to  qualify,  to  sooth 
Hu'mourist,  s,  one  who  gratifies  his  humour 
Hu'morous,  a.  jocular,  whimsical,  pleasant 
Humpback,  s.  a  crooked  back 
Hunch,  v.  n.  to  jostle  ;  to  crook  the  back 
Hun'dred,  s.  ten  multiplied  by  ten  ;  part  of  a 

shire  or  county 
Hung,  pret.  and  part.  pass,  of  to  bang 
Hun'ger,  /.  a  desire  of  food  ;  violent  desire 
Hun'gry,  a.  in  want  of  food 
flunks,  t.  a  covetous  sordid  wretch,  a  miser 
Hunt,  v.  to  chase,  to  pursue,  to  search  for 
Hunt,  s.  a  pack  of  hounds ;  a  chase,  a  pursuit 
Hunt'er,  s.  one  who  chases  animals 
Hunts'man,  s.  one  who  manages  the  dogs 

for,  r.nd  one  who  delights  in,  hunting 
Har'dle,  s.  a  grate ;  sticks  wove  together  for 

various  uses  ;  a  sort  of  sledge,  c^c. 
Hurd3,  s.  pi.  the  refuse  of  hemp  or  flax 
Hurl,  v.  a.  to  throw  with  violence 
Hurl'bat,  s.  whirlbat ;  a  weapon 
Hur'ly-bur'iy,  /.  bustle,  tumult,  confusion, 
Hur'ricane,  /.  a  violent  storm,  a  tempest 
H«.u'ry,a\  t©  hasten,  to  move  with  haste 

Hur'ry,  s .  precipitation,  haste  ;  a  tumult 
Hurt,  s.  harm,  mischief,  wound,  or  bruise 
Hurt,  v.  a.  to  injure,  to  wound,  to  harm 
Hurt'ful,  a.  pernicious,  mischievous 
Hur'tle,  v.  to  skirmish,  to  move  violently 
Hurt'less,  a.  harmless,  innocent,  innoxious 
Hus'band,  s.  a  married  man  ;  an  economist 
Hus'band,  v.  a.  to  manage  frugally  ;  to  till 
Hus'bandless,  a.  without  a  husband 
Hus'bandman,  s.  one  who  works  in  tillage 
Husbandry,  s.  tillage  ;  thrift,  care,  frugality 
Hush} v.  to  still,to  appease,to  quiet ;  to  forbid 
Hush'money,  s.  a  bribe  to  induce  secresy 
Husk,j.  the  outward  integument  of  fruits,&c> 
Husk'y,  a.  abounding  in  husks,  dry 
Hus'sar,  s .  a  kind  of  horse-soldier 
Hus'sy,  s.  a  sorry  or  bad  woman  ;  a  bag 
Hus'tings,j.  pi.  a  council,  a  court  held 
Hus'tle,  v.  a.  to  shake  together 
Hus'wife,  v.  a.  to  manage  with  frugality 
Hut,  j.  a  poor  cottage,  a  mean  abode 
Hutch,  s.  a  corn-chest ;  a  rabbit-box 
Hux,  v.  n.  to  catch  pike  with  a  bladder,  &6 
Huzza' !  inter,  a  shout  of  joy  or  acclamation 
Hy'acinth,  s.  a  flower  ;  a  colour 
Hyacinth'ine,  a.  like  hyacinths 
Hy'ades,  s.  pi.  the  seven  stars 
Hy'aline,  a.  glassy,  crystalline,  clear 
Hy'dra,  s .  a  monster  with  many  heads 
Hy'dragogues,  s.  pi.  medicinal  preparations 

for  the  purgation  of  watery  humours 
Hydrau'lical,  a.  relating  to  hydraulics 
Hydraul'ics,  s.  pi.  the  science  of  that  philoso- 
phy which  treats  of  the  motion  of  fluids, 
and  the  art  of  conveying  water 
Hydrocele,  s.  a  watery  rupture 
Hydrocephalus,  s.  a  dropsy  in  the  head 
Hydrog'rapher,  s.  one  skilled  in  the  art  of  hy- 
drography ;  a  teacher  of  hydrography 
Hydrog'raphy,  t.  the  art  of  measuring  and 

describing  the  sea  and  its  boundaries 
Hy'dromancy,  s .  a  prediction  by  water 
Hy'dromel,  x.  honey  and  water  ;  mead 
Hydrom'eter,  or  Hygrom'eter,  s.  an  instru- 
ment to  measure  the  extent  of  water 
Hydrophobia,  s.  a  distemper  occasioned  hy 

the  bite  of  a  mad  dog  j  dread  of  water 
Hydrop'ical,  a.  dropsical,  watery 
Hydrostat'ical,  a.  relating  to  hydrostatics 
Hydrostat'ics,  s.  pi.  the  science  of  the  gravi- 
tation of  fluids  ;  weighing  fluids 
Hye'na,  /.  a  fierce  animal,  like  a  wolf 
Kym,  s.  a  species  of  very  fierce  dog 
Hymene'al,  a.  pertaining  to  marriage 
Hymn,  z\  a.  to  praise  in  songs  of  adoration 
Hymn,  s.  a  divine  song,  a  song  of  praise 
Hym'nic,  a.  relating  to  hymns 
Hyp,  v.  a.  to  make  melancholy,  to  dispirit 
Hypal'lage,  s.  a  change  of  cases,  &c. 
Hyperbol'ical,  <*.  exaggerating  beyond,  fajft. 

J  A  S 


I  D  O 

Hyperbole,  s.  a  rhetorical  figure,  which  con- 
sists in  representing  things  much  gveatei 
or  less  than  they  really  are 
Hyperbo'rean,  a.  northern  ;  cold 
Hypercrit'ic,  s.  an  unreasonable  critic 
Hypercritical,  a.  critical  beyond  use 
Hy'phen,  s.  a  short  line  thus  (-)  put  between 
two  words  or  syllables,  to  shew  that  they 
are  to  be  joined  together 
Hypnot'ic,  s.  a  medicine  causing  sleep 
Hypochon'driac,  s.  one  affected  with  melan- 
choly j  or  disordered  in  the  imagination... 
a.  melancholy,  dispirited 
Hypoc'risy,  s.  dissimulation,  a  pretence 

Hyp'ocrite,  s.  a  dissembler  in  religion,  &c. 
Hypocrit'ical,  a:  dissembling,  insincere,  false 
Hypocritically,  ad.  without  sincerity 
Hypostasis,  /.  a  distinct  substance  ;    person- 
ality ;   a  term  more  particularly  used  in 
the  doctrine  of  the  Holy  Trinity 
Hypostat'ical,  a.  constitutive  ;  distinct 
Hypoth'esis,  /.  a  system  upon  supposition 
Hypothetical,  a.  supposed,  conditional 
Hypothet1cally,«d.  upon  supposition 
Hyrst,  or  Herst,  s.  a  wood  or  thicket 
Hys'sop,  s.  the  name  of  a  purgative  plant 
Hysteric,  Hysterical,  a.  troubled  with  fits 
Hysterics,  s.  fits  peculiar  to  womea 


IIS  used  as  an  abbreviation  for  id,  as  i.  e. 
id  est,  or,  that  is ;  it  is  a  numeral  for  one ; 
and  is  sometimes  an  abbreviation  for  Je- 
sus, as  J.  H.  S.  Jesus  Hominum  Salvator, 
that  is,  Jesus  the  Saviour  of  men 
Jabtjer,  v.  n.  to  talk  much  or  idly,  to  chatter 
Jab'berer,  s.  one  who  talks  inarticulately 
Ja'cent,  a.  lying  at  length,  extended 
Ja'cinth,  s.  a  precious  gem  ;  the  hyacinth 
Jack,  /.  John  ;  an  engine ;  a  young  pike 
Jack'al,*.  a  beast  somewhat  resembling  a  fox, 

said  to  hunt  or  start  prey  for  the  lion 
Jack'alent,  s.  a  simple,  sheepish  fellow 
Jack'anapes,  s.  a  monkey  ;  a  coxcomb 
Jack'daw,  s.  a  black  chattering  bird 
Jack'et,  s.  a  close  waistcoat,  a  short  coat 
Jac'obite,  s.  a  partizan  of  James  II. 
Jacula'tion,  s .  the  act  of  throwing  or  darting 
Jade,  s.  a  worthless  horse ;  a  sorry  woman 
Jade,  v.  a.  to  tire,  to  weary,  to  ride  down 
Ja'dish,  a.  unruly,  vicious  ;  unchaste 
Jagg,  v.  a.  to  notch.../,  a  denticulation 
Jag'gy,  a.  uneven,  notched,  ragged 
Jal'ap,  s.  a  purgative  root  from  New  Spain 
Jam,  s.  a  conserve  of  fruit;  a  child's  frock 
Jam,  v.  a.  to  confine  between,  to  wedge  in 
Jamb,  s.  the  upright  post  of  a  door 
lam'bic,  /.  verses  which  are  composed  of  a 

long  and  short  syllable  alternately 
Jan'gle,  v.  to  wrangle,  to  be  out  of  tune 
Janizary,  s.  a  Turkish  soldier;  a  guard 
Jant'y,  or  Jaunt'y,  a,  showy,  gay,  giddy 
Jan'uary,  s.  the  first  month  of  the  year 
Japa'n,  s.  a  varnish  made  to  work  in  colours 
Japan'ner,  s.  one  skilled  in  japan  work 
Jar,  v.  n.  to  clash,  to  disagree,  to  differ 
Jar,  s.  a  harsh  sound ;  an  earthen  vessel 
Jar'gon,  /.  gibberish,  gabble,  nonsensical  talk 
Jsa'perj  s,  a  precious  greea  stone* 

Jav'elin,  /.  a  spear,  or  half  pike 
Jaun'dice,  s.  a  distemper  caused  by  the  ob- 
structions of  the  gall  in  the  liver 
Jaun'diced,  a.  affected  with  the  jaundice 
Jaunt,  -v.  n.  to  walk  or  travel  about 
Jaunt, ;.  a  ramble,  a  flight,  an  excursion 
Jauntlness,  s.  airiness,  flutter,  briskness 
Jaw,  s.  the  bone  in  which  the  teeth  are  fixed 
Jay,  /.  a  bird  with  gaudy  feathers 
Ja'zel,  s.  a  precious  azure  or  blue  stone 
Ice,  s.  frozen  water ;  sugar  concreted 
Ichnog'raphy,  s .  a  groundplot,  a  platform 
I'chor,  s .  a  humour  arising  from  ulcers 
I'chorous,  a.  sharp,  thin,  indigested 
I'cicie,  s.  dripping  water  frozen,    hanging 

from  the  eaves  of  a  house,  &c. 
I'con, ;.  a  picture,  a  representation 
Idterlcal,  a.  afflicted  with  the  jaundice 
I'cy,  a.  full  of  ice,  cold  ;  frigid,  backward 
Ide'a,  /.  mental  imagination ;  a  notion 
Ide'al,  a.  mental,  intellectual,  conceived 
Ide'ally,  ad.  intellectually,  mentally 
Iden'tic,  Iden'tical,  a .  the  same 
Identical  ness,  Iden'tity, /.  sameness 
Ides,  s.  pi.  a  term  of  time  amongst  the  an. 
cient  Romans.     It  is  the  1 3th  day  of  each 
month,  except  March,  May,   July,   and 
October,  in  which  it  is  the  15th 
Idiom,  j.  a  particular  mode  of  speech 
Idiot,  s.  a  fool,  a  changeling,  a  natural 
Id'iotism,  s.  folly;  natural  imbecility  of  mind 
I'dle,  a.  lazy,  unemployed,  worthless 
I'dle,  v.  n.  to  spend  time  in  inactivity 
Idlehead'ed,  a.  foolish,  unreasonable 
I'dleness,  s.  sloth,  laziness,  folly 
I'dler,  s.  a  lazy  person,  a  sluggard 
I'dly,  ad.  lazily,  carelessly,  foolishly 
I'dol,  s .  an  image  worshipped  as  a  god 
Wol'ater,  s.  a  worshipper  of  idoft 



I  M  I 

Idol'atrize,  v.  n.  to  worship  idols 
Idol'atrous,  a.  tending  or  given  to  idolatry 
Idol'atry,  s.  the  worship  of  images 
I'dolize,  v.  a.  to  worship  as  a  deity 
I'dyl,  s.  a  small  short  poem  ;  an  eclogue 
Jeal'ous,  a.  suspicious,  fearful,  cautious 
Jeal'ousy,  s.  suspicion,  in  love  especially 
Jeat,  s.  a  fossil  of  a  fine  black  colour 
Jeer,  v.  to  treat  with  scorn,  to  scoff,  to  flout 
Jeho'vah,  s.  the  appropriate  name  of  God  in 

the  Hebrew  language 
Jeju'ne,  a.  hungry;  unaffecting ;  trifling 
Jeju'neness,  s.  poverty,  a  want  of  matter 
Jel'ly,  s.  a  light,  transparent,  sizy  broth  ;  a 

sweetmeat  of  various  species 
Jen'net,  s.  a  Spanish  or  Barbary  horse 
Jen'neting,  s.  a  species  of  forward  apple 
Jeop'ard,  v.  a.  to  hazard,  to  put  in  danger 
Jeop'ardous,  a.  hazardous,  dangerous 
Jeop'ardy,  s.  danger,  peril,  hazard 
Jerk,  s.  a  quick  smart  lash ;  a  quick  jolt 
Jer'kin,  s .  a  jacket ;  a  kind  of  hawk 
Jer'sey,  s.  a  fine  yarn  of  wool 
Jes'samine,  s.  a  fragrant  flower 
Jest,  /.  any  thing  ludicrous ;  a  laughing  stock 
Jesting,  j.  talk  to  raise  laughter 
Jesuitical,  a.  shuffling,  artful,  deceitful 
Jet,  s.  a  curious  black  fossil ;  a  spout  of  water 
Jet,  v.  n.  to  shoot  forward,  to  protrude 
Jet'sam ,  s .  goods  thrown  ashore  by  shipwreck 
Jet'ty,  a.  made  of  jet,  black  as  jet 
Jew'el,  s.  a  precious  stone,  a  gem 
Jew'eller,  s.  one  who  deals  in  precious  stones 
Jew's-harp,  s.  a  small  musical  instrument 
Ig'neous,  a.  containing  or  emitting  fire 
Ig'nis-fat'uus,  s.  a  kind  of  fiery  vapour,  call- 
ed Will-with-a-wisp ;  a  delusion 
Igni'tion,  s.  the  a£t  of  setting  on  fire 
Ignit'ibie,  a.  inflammable,  easily  set  on  fire 
Igno'ble,  a.  mean  of  birth ;  worthless 
Igno'bly,  ad.  disgracefully,  ignominiously 
Ignominious,  a.  mean, disgraceful,  shameful 
Ignominiously,  ad.  meanly,  scandalously 
Ig'nominy,  s.  disgrace,  reproach,  shame 
Ignora'mus,  s.  a  foolish  fellow, vain  pretender 
Ig'norance,  s.  want  of  knowledge 
Ig'norant,  a  illiterate,  without  knowledge 
Jig,  s.  a  light  careless  dance  or  tune 
Jilt,  s.  a  deceiving  woman...?;,  a.  to  deceive 
Jin'gle,  s.  any  thing  sounding;  a  rattle 
lie,  s.  a  walk  or  alley  in  a  church 
Il'iac,  a.  belonging  to  the  lower  bowels 
Il'iad, :.  an  heroic  poem  by  Homer 
111,  a.  sick,  disordered,  not  in  health 
111, ;.  wickedness,  misery,  misfortune 
Illab'orate,  a.  done  without  much  labour 
Illa'pse,  s.  a  sliding,  or  gently  falling  in  or 

upon ;  a  sudden  attack,  casual  coming 
Illa'queate,  v.  a.  to  entangle,  to  ensnare 
Ilta'tion, ;.  an  inference,  a  conclusion 

Illa'tive,  a.  that  which  may  be  inferred 
Illaud'able,  a.  unworthy  of  commendation 
Hlaud'ably,  ad.  unworthily,  meanly 
Ille'gal,  a.  contrary  to  law,  unjust 
Illegality,  s.  a  contrariety  to  law 
Ille'gally,  ad.  in  a  contrary  manner  to  law 
Illegible,  a.  what  cannot  be  clearly  read 
Illegitimacy,  s.  a  state  of  bastardy 
Illegitimate,  a.  born  out  of  wedlock 
lllfa'voured,  a.  of  a  bad  countenance 
Illib'eral,  a.  sparing,  mean,  disingenuous 
IUib'erally,  ad.  meanly,  disingenuously 
Illi'cit,  a.  unlawful,  unfit;  contraband 
Illimitable,  a.  that  which  cannot  be  bounded 
Illiterate,  a.  unlearned,  ignorant,  untaught 
Illit'erateness,  s.  a  want  of  learning 
Illna'ture,  s.  peevishness,  malevolence 
Illna'tured,  a.  peevish,  untraceable,  cross 
Ill'ness,  s.  sickness,  disorder,  weakness 
Illo'gical,  a.  contrary  to  rules  of  reasoning 
Illu'de,  v.  a.  to  mock,  to  play  upon,  deceive 
Illu'me,  Illu'mine,  lllu'minate,  v.  a.  to  en- 
lighten, to  adorn,  to  illustrate 
Ulumina'tion,   s.    the   act  of   giving  light, 
brightness ;  lights  set  forth  as  a  mark  of  joy 
Illu'sion,  s.  a  false  show,  error,  mockery 
Illu'sive,  a.  deceiving  by  false  show 
Illu'sory,  a.  deceiving,  fraudulent 
Illus'trate,  v.  a.  to  brighten  with  light ;  to 

explain,  to  clear,  to  elucidate 
Illustration,  s.  explanation,  exposition 
Illustrative,  a.  able  or  tending  to  explain 
Illus'trious,  a.  conspicuous,  noble,  eminent 
Illus'triously,  ad.  conspicuously,  eminently 
Im'age,  s.  a  picture,  a  statue,  an  idol ;  an  ide» 
Im'agery,  s.  sensible  representation ;  show 
Imaginable,  a.  possible  to  be  conceived 
Ima'ginary,  a.  fancied,  visionary,  ideal  » 

Imagina'tion,  s.  fancy,  conception,  scheme 
Ima'gine,  v.  a.  to  fancy,  to  contrive 
Imbe'cile,  v.  a.  to  lessen  a  fortune  privately 
i  Imbecility,  s.  weakness,  feebleness 
|  Imbi'be,  v.  a.  to  drink  in,  to  admit  into 
i  Imbit'ter,-!;.  a.  to  make  bitter;  to  exasperate- 
|  Imbo'dy,  i>.#.  to  condense  to  a  body;  to  enclose 
I  Imbold'en,  v.  a.  to  make  bold,  to  encourage 
!  Imbo'som,  v.  a.  to  hold  in  the  bosom 
i  Imbo'w,  v.  a.  to  arch,  to  vault 
|  Imbow'er,  v.  a.  to  shelter  with  trees 
!  Imbrica'tion,  s.  a  concave  indenture 
J  Imbro'wn,  v.  a.  to  make  brown,  to  obscure 
!  Irnbru'e,  v.  a.  to  steep,  to  soak,  to  wet  much 
|  Imbru'ed,  part,  soaked,  dipt,  wetted 
j  Imbru'te,  v.  a.  to  degrade  to  brutality 
!  Imbu'e,  v.  a.  to  tincture  deep,  to  tinge 
!  Imbu'rse,  v.  a.  to  stock  with  money 
j  Imitable,#.  worthy  or  possible  to  be  imitated, 
|  Imitate,  v.  a.  to  follow  the  manner,  way, or 
j       aftion  of  another  person  ;  to  copy 
i  Imitative,  a.  inclined  or  tending  to  copy 


Imita'tion,  s.  the  act  of  copying;  an  attempt 

to  make  a  resemblance  ;  a  copy 
Imita'tor,  s.  he  who  copies  or  imitates 
Imita'trix,  s.  she  who  imitates,  &c. 
Immac'ulate,  a.  spotless,  pure,  undented 
Imman'acle,  v.  a.  to  fetter,  to  confine 
Im'manent,  a.  inherent,  intrinsic,  internal 
Imman'ifest,  a.  not  plain,  doubtful,  uncertain 
Imman'ity,  s.  barbarity,  savageness,  brutality 
Immarces'sible,  a.  unfading,  perpetual 
Immar'tial,  a.  not  warlike,  weak,  impotent 
Immaterial,  a.  trifling ;  incorporeal 
Immatu're,  a.  not  ripe,  not  perfect ;  hasty 
Immatu'rely,  ad.  too  soon,  too  early 
Immaturity,  s.  unripeness,  incompleteness 
Immeasurable,  a.  not  to  be  measured 
Imme'diate,  a.  instant;  acting  by  itself 
Immediately,  ad.  presently,  instantly 
Immed'icable,  a.  not  to  be  healed,  past  cure 
lmmemo'rial,  a.  past  time  of  memory 
Imme'nse,  a.  unlimited,  infinite,  huge 
Immensely,  ad.  without  measure,  infinitely 
Immen'sity,  s.  unbounded  greatness,  infinity 
Immer'ge,  Imme'rse,  v.  a.  to  sink  or  plunge 

under  water  ;  to  dip  in  water 
Immer'ged,  Immer'sed,  part,  sunk  deep 
Immer'sion,  s.  dipping  under  water 
Immeihod'ical,  a.  confused,  irregular 
Immethod'ically,  ad.  without  method 
Im'minence,  /•  an  immediate  danger 
Im'minent,  a.  impending,  threatening 
Imminu'tion,  s.  a  diminution,  a  decrease 
Immis'sion,  s.  a  sending  in,  an  injection 
Iromi'x,  Immin'gle.  v.  a.  to  mix,  to  unite 
Immix'able,  a.  impossible  to  be  mixed 
Immobility,  s.  immoveabieness 
Immoderate,  a.  excessive,more  than  enough, 

exceeding  the  due  means 
Immod'erately,  ad.  in  an  excessive  degree 
Immod'est,  a.  shameless,  obscene,  impure 
Immod'estly,  ad.  without  modesty 
Immod'esty,  s.  a  want  of  purity  or  delicacy 
Im'molate,  v.  a.  to  sacrifice,  to  offer  up 
Immola'tion,  s.  the  act  of  sacrificing 
Immo'ment,  a.  trifling,  of  little  value 
Immor'al,  a.  dishonest,  irreligious,  vicious 
Immoral'ity,  s.  want  of  virtue ;  vice 
Immortal,  a.  perpetual,  never  to  die 
Immortal'ity,  s-  an  exemption  from  death 
Immor'talize,  v.  to  make  or  become  immortal 
Immoveable,  a.  unshaken,  firm,  stable 
Immo'veably,  ad.  not  to  be  shaken,  firmly 
Immu'nity,  s.  privilege,  ^emption,  freedom 
Immu're,  v.a.  to  enclose,to  shut  in,  to  confine 
Immu'sical,  a.  harsh,  inharmonious 
Immutability,  s.  invariableness,  constancy 
Immu'table,  a.  invariable,  unalterable 
Imp,  s.  an  offspring ;  a  puny  devil 
Imp,  v.  a.  to  lengthen ;  to  enlarge 
Jmpa'ct,  v.  a.  to  drive  close  or  hard 

Impa'int,  v.  a.  to  paint,  to  adorn,  to  decorate 
Impa'ir,  v.  to  lessen,  to  injure,  to  make  worse 
Impal'pable,  a.  not  perceptible  by  touch 
Impar'ity,  s.  disproportion,  inequality 
Imparlance,  s.  dialogue,  conference 
Impa'rt,  v.  a.  to  communicate ;  to  grant  unto 
Impart'ance,  j.  a  grant,  a  communication 
Impartial,  a.  equitable,  equal,  just 
Impartiality,  s.  equitableness,  justice 
Impartially,  ad.  equitably,  without  bias 
Impassable,  a.  that  which  cannot  be  passed 
Impas'sioned,  a.  seized  with  passion 
Impa'tience,  s.  uneasiness  under  sufferings; 

vehemence  of  temper,  eagerness 
Impa'tient,  a.  eager,  not  able  to  endure 
Impa'tiently,  ad.  eagerly,  passionately 
Impa'wrij'u.  a.  to  pawn,  to  give  as  a  pledge 
Impe'ach,  v.  a.  to  accuse  by  public  authority 
Impeach'ment,  s.  a  legal  accusation  ;  an  im- 
pediment, hinderance,  obstruction 
Impe'arl,  v.  a.  to  form  like  pearls,  to  adorn 
Impec'cable,  a.  not  subject  to  sin,  perfect 
Irnpe'de,  v.  a.  to  hinder,  to  obstruct,  to  let 
Impediment,  s.  hinderance,  obstruction 
j  Impe'l,  v.  a.  to  urge  forwards,  to  press  on 

Impel'lent,  s.  a  power  to  drive  forward 
I  Impe'nd,  v.  n.  to  hang  over,  to  be  at  hand 
Impendent,  a.  hanging  over  or  near 
Impending,  a.  hanging  ready  to  fall 
Impenetrable,  a.  that  which  cannot  be  pene- 
trated or  discovered  ;  not  to  be  pierced 
Impendence,  s.  a  hardness  of  heart,  or  a 

continuance  in  evil  courses ;  obduracy 
Impen'itent,  a.  obdurate,  remorseless 
Impen'itently,  ad.  without  repentance 
Im'perate,  a.  done  with  consciousness 
Imperative,  a.  commanding,  ordering 
Imporcep'tible,  a.  not  to  be  perceived 
Impercep'tibly,  ad.  in  a  manner  not  to  bs 

perceived  ;  not  subject  to  perception 
Imper'fect,  a.  frail,  not  complete,  defective 
Imperfec'tion,  s.  a  defect,  a  failure,  a  fault 
Imper'fectly,  ad.  not  completely,  not  fully 
Imperforate,  a.  not  pierced  through 
Impe'rial,  a.  belonging  to  an  emperor 
Imperialist,  s.  one  belonging  to  an  emperor 
Impe'rious,  a.  haughty,  arrogant,  lordly 
Impe'riously,  ad.  insolently,  arrogantly 
Imper'ishable,  a.  not  to  be  destroyed 
Imper'sonal,  a.  having  no  person 
lmperspic'uous,  a.  not  sufficiently  clear 
Impersua'sible,  a.  not  to  be  persuaded 
Imper'tinence,  s.  folly,  intrusion  ;  a  trifle 
Imper'tinent,  a.  intrusive,  meddling 
Impertinently,  ad.  officiously,  intrusively 
Imper'vious,  a .  impassable,  inaccessible 
Im'petrate,  v.  a.  to  obtain  by  entreaty 
Impetuos'ity,  s.  violence,  fury,  vehemence 
Impet'uous,  a.  violent,  forcible,  fierce 
Im'petus,  /.  a  violent  efforts  force,  stroke 


I  N  A 

Impi'ety,  s.  wickedness,  irreverence 
Impig'norate,  v.  a.  to  pawn,  to  pledge 
Impi'age,  v.  to  fall  or  strike  against,  to  clash 
Impin'guate,  v.  a.  to  fatten,  to  make  fat 
Im'picus,  a.  wicked,  profane,  irreligious 
Im'picusly,  ad.  profanely,  wickedly 
Impla'cable,  a.  malicious,  not  to  be  appeased  ; 

inexorable,  constant  in  enmity 
Impla'cabiy,  ad.  with  constant  enmity 
Irapla'nt,  •».  a.  to  ingraft,  to  infix,  to  insert 
Implausible,  a.  not  specious,  impersuasive 
Imple'ad,  v.  a.  to  prosecute,  to  sue  at  law 
Im'piement,  s.  a  tool ;  instrument ;  vessel 
Imple'tion,  s.  the  act  of  filling  up 
Im'plex,  a.  intricate,  entangled,  complicated 
Im'plicate,  v.  a.  to  entangle,  to  embarrass 
Implication,  s.  involution,  a  tacit  inference  ; 

a  necessary  consequence 
Impli'cit,  a.  tacitly  understood;  founded  on 

the  authority  of  others  ;  involved 
Impli'citly,  ad.  dependency,  by  inference 
Implode,  v.  a.  to  ask ,  beg,  beseech,  entreat 
Imply',  v.  a.  to  comprise,  to  infold,  suggest 
Impois'on,  v.  a.  to  corrupt  with  poison 
Impoli'te,  a.  unpolite,  rude,  ungenteel 
Impolitic,  a.  imprudent,  indiscreet 
Impon'derous,  a.  void  of  weight,  light 
Impo'rous,  a.  free  from  pores,  compact 
Impo'rt,  v.  a.   to  bring  commodities  from 

abroad;  to  signify  or  denote,  to  concern 
Im'port,  s.  importance ;  things  imported 
Importance,  s.  a  matter,  subject,  moment 
Important,  a  momentous,  of  consequence 
Importation,  s.  act  of  bringing  from  abroad 
Jrnpori'er,  s.  one  who  brings  from  abroad 
Importless,  a.  trifling,  of  no  consequence 
Impor'tunate,  a.  incessant  in  solicitation 
Importu'ne,  v.  a.  to  teaze  with  solicitations 
Importu'nely,  ad.  incessantly,  unseasonably 
Importu'nity,  s.  incessant  solicitation 
Import'uous,  a.  having  no  harbour 
Impo'se,  7).  «.  to  enjoin  as  a  duty ;  to  deceive 
Impo'seable,  a.  that  may  be  laid  by  obligation 
Impo'ser,  s.  one  who  imposes,  or  enjoins 
Imposi'tion,  s.  an  injunction  ;  a  tax  or  tri- 
bute ;  an  oppression ;  a  cheat  or  fr?v.d 
Impossibility,  s.  that  which  cannot  be  done 
Impossible,  a.  impracticable 
Im'post,  j.  a  tax,  a  custom  to  be  paid 
Impos'thumate,  v.  n.  to  form  an  abscess 
Impos'thume,  s.  any  swelling  or  gathering  of 

corrupt  matter  in  an  abscess 
Impo'stor,  s.  a  false  pretender,  a  cheat 
Im'potence,  Im'potency,  s.  want  of  power, 

incapacity,  feebleness 
Im'potent,  a.  weak,  feeble,  wanting  power 
Im'potently,  ad.  without  power,  weakly 
Impo'und,  v.  a.  to  shut  up  in  a  pinfold 
Impracticable,  a.  impossible,  unattainable 
Im'precate ,  v.  a.  to  invoke  evil,  to  curse 

Impreca'tion,  j.  an  invocation  of  evil 
Im'precatory,  a.  containing  wishes  of  evil 
Impreg'nable,  a.  not  to  be  taken,  unmoved 
Impregnate,  v.  a.  to  make  prolific 
Impreju'dicate,  a.  unprejudiced,  impartial 
lmprepara'tion,  s.  a  want  of  preparation 
j  Impre'ss,  v.  a.  to  print,  to  stamp  ;  to  force 
J  Impress'ible,  a.  what  may  be  impressed 
l  Impres'sion,  s.  the  print  of  a  stamp  or  seal; 
an  edition  of  a  book  ;  image  fixed  in  the 
mind,  or  influence  made  on  it 
Impres'sure,  s.  a  mark  made  by  pressure 
Impri'mis,  ad.  in  the  first  piace 
Impri'nt,  v.  a.  to  print,  to  fix  on  the  mind 
Impris'on,  v.  a.  to  confine,  to  shut  up 
Imprisonment,  s.  a  confinement  in  prison 
Improbability,  s.  unlikelihood 
Improvable,  a.  incredible,  unlikely 
Im'probate,  v.  a.  to  disapprove,  to  disallow 
Improba'tion,  s.  the  act  of  disallowing 
Improb'ity,  s.  dishonesty,  baseness 
Improliflcate,  v.  a.  to  make  fruitful 
Improp'er,  a.  unfit,  unqualified,  not  just 
Impropriate,  v.  a.  to  convert  to  private  use 
Impropriation,  s.  an  ecclesiastical  benefice, 
or  church  lands  in  the  immediate  occupa- 
tion of  a  layman 
Impropria'tor,  s.  a  layman    having  church 

lands  wholly  at  his  own  disposal 
Impropriety,  s.  unfitness,  inaccuracy 
Impros'perous,  a.  unsuccessful,  unfortunate 
Improvable,  a-  capable  of  improvement 
Impro've,7;.  to  raise  from  good  to  better 
Improvement,  s.  progress  from  good  to  bet- 
ter ;  education  ;  the  act  of  improving 
Improvidence, s.  a  want  of  forethought 
Improvident,  a.  wanting  care  to  provide 
Impru'dence, s.  indiscretion,  negligence,  folly 
Impru'dent,  a.  wanting  prudence,  injudicious 
Impru'dently,  ad.  indiscreetly,  carelessly 
lm'pudence,  s.  shamelessness,  immodesty 
Im'pudent,  a.  shameless,  wanting  modesty 
Im'pudently,  ad.  shamelessly,  saucily 
Impu'gn,  v.  a.  to  attack,  to  assault 
Im'pulse,j  a  communicated  force;  an  inward 

indignation  ;  motive,  Idea 
Impul'sive,  a.  having  power  to  impel 
Impu'nity,  s.  exemption  from  punishment 
Impu're,  a.  unholy;  unchaste;  drossy 
Impu'rely,  ad.  in  an  impure  manner 
Impu'rity,  /.  lewdness,  filthiness 
Impur'ple,  v.  a.  to  colour  as  with  purple 
Impu'table,  a.  chargeable  upon  any  one 
Imputation,  s.  an  accusation  or  charge 
Imputative,  a.  that  which  may  be  imputed 
Impu'te,  v.  a.  to  charge  upon,  to  attribute 
Imputres'cible,  a.  not  to  be  corrupted 
Inability,  s •  a  want  of  power,  impotence 
Inaccessible,  a.  not  to  be  come  at 



1  N  C 

Inac 'curacy,  s.  a  want  of  exactness 
Inac'curate,  a.  not  exact,  not  accurate 
Inac'tion,/.  a  cessation  from  labour  ;  idleness 
Inac'tive,  a.  indolent,  sluggish,  not  diligent 
Tnac'tively,  ad.  without  labour,  sluggishly 
Inactivity,  s.  idleness ;  rest ;  sluggishness 
Inadequate,  a.  defective,  disproportionate 
Inadequately,  ad.  defectively,  impeifectly 
Inadvert'ence,  s.  negligence,  inattention 
Inadvert'ent,  a.  inconsiderate, Xareless 
Inadvertently,  ad.  negligently,  carelessly 
Inal'ienable,  a.  that  cannot  be  alienated 
Inaliment'al,  a.  affording  no  nourishment 
Inamora'to,  s.  a  lover,  a  fond  person 
Ina'ne,  a.  void,  empty,  useless 
Inanimate,  a,  void  of  life,  without  animation 
Inani'tion,  s.  an  emptiness  of  body 
Inap'petence,  s.  a  want  of  stomach  or  appetite 
Inapplicable,  a.  not  to  be  particularly  applied 
Inapplica'tion,  s.  inactivity,  indolence 
Inap'posite,  a.  unfit,  unsuitable,  improper 
Inar'able,  a.  not  capable  of  tillage 
luartic'ulate,  a.  not  uttered  distinctly 
Inartic'ulately,  ad.  indistinctly,  confusedly 
Xnartifi'cial,  a.  done  contrarily  to  art 
Inartifi'cially,  ad.  immethodically,  badly 
Inatten'tion,  s.  disregard,  carelessness 
Inatten'tive,^.  regardless,  negligent 
Inattentively,  ad.  carelessly,  heedlessly 
Inaud'ible,  a.  not  to  te  heard,  void  of  sound 
Inaug'uiate,  v.  a  to  invest  with  solemnity 
Iuaugun/tion,  >.  investiture  with  solemnities 
Inaura'tion,  s.  the  act  of  covering  with  gold 
Inauspi'cious,  a.  unlucky,  unfortunate 
InCeing,  s.  inherence,  inseparableness 
In'born,  a.  implanted  by  nature,  innate 
Inbre'd,  a.  bred,  or  hatched  within 
Incales'cence,  s.  an  increased  warmth 
Incanta'tion,  s.  an  enchantment,  a  charm 
Incan'tatory,  a.  dealing  by  enchantment 
Incan'ton,  v.  a.  to  join  to  a  canton 
Incapability,  s.  a  disqualification,  inability 
Inca'pable.  a.  unable,  disqualified,  unfit 
Incapa'cious,  a.  narrow,  of  small  content 
Incapacitate,  v.  a.  to  disable,  to  disqualify 
Incapacity,  s.  inability,  a  want  of  power 
Incar'cerate,  v.  a.  to  imprison,  co  confine 
Inca'rn,  v.  to  cover  with,  or  breed  flesh 
Incarn'adine,  v.  a.  to  die  or  tinge  with  red 
Incarn'ate,  a.  clothed  or  embodied  in  flesh 
Incama'tion,  /.  the  act  of  assuming  a  body 
Inca'se,  v.  a.  to  cover,  to  enclose,  to  infold 
Inc'avated,  a.  made  hollow  ;  bent  in 
Incau'tious,  a.  unwary,  heedless,  careless 
Incau'tiously,  ad.  unwarily,  heedlessly 
Incen'diary,  s.  one  who  sets  houses  or  towns 

on  fire ;  a  sower  of  strife  and  sedition  | 

In'cense,  s.  a  perfume  offered  to  images 
Incen'se,  v.a.  to  provoke,  to  enrage,  to  stir  up  j 
lacens'edj/w/.  provoked,  exasperated 

Incen  sory,  /.  a  vessel  for  burning  incense  ia 
Incentive,  s.  an  incitement  or  motive 
Incentive,  a.  enticing,  encouraging 
Incep'tion,  s.  a  beginning,  a  commencing 
Incer'titude,  s.  uncertainty,  doubtfulness 
Inces'sant,  a.  continual,  unceasing 
Inces'santly,  ad.  without  intermission 
In'cest,  s.  unnatural  and  criminal  conjunction 

of  persons  too  nearly  related 
Incest'uous,#. guilty  of  unnatural  cohabitation 
Inch, ;.  a  measure,  the  twelfth  part  of  a  foot 
Inch'ipin,  s.  part  of  a  deer's  inside 
Inch'meai,  s.  a  piece  of  an  inch  long 
In'choate,  v.  a.  to  begin,  to  commence 
Inchoa'tion, ;.  a  beginning  of  any  work 
Inci'de,  v.  a.  to  cut,  to  cut  into,  to  divide 
Incidence,  In'cident,  s.  an   accidental   cir- 
cumstance, an  event,  a  casualty 
In'cident,  Incidental,  a.  casual,  happening 

by  chance,  fortuitous;  occasional 
Incin'erate,  -v.  a.  to  burn  to  ashes 
Incip'ient,  a.  beginning,  arising 
Incircumspec'tion,  /.  a  want  of  caution 
Inci'sed,  a.  cut,  made  by  cutting 
Inci'sion,  Inci'sure,  /.  a  cut,  a  wound  made 
Inci'sive,  a  having  the  quality  of  cutting 
Inci'sor,  s.  a  tooth  so  called,  the  cutter 
Incita'tion,  Inci'tement,  s.  an  incentive 
Inci'te,  v.  a.  to  stir  up,  to  spur,  to  animate 
Incivil'ity,  s.  rudeness,  a  want  of  courtesy 
Inclem'ency,  s.  cruelty,  harshness 
Inclem'ent,  a.  unmerciful,  rough,  harsh 
Inclinable,  a.  favourably  disposed,  willing 
Inclination,  s.  tendency  to  a  point;  affec- 
tion ;  propension  of  mind ;  natural  aptness 
Incli'ne,  v.  to  bend,  to  lean ;  to  be  disposed 
Incli'p,  v.a.  to  grasp, to  enclose,  to  surround 
Inclois'ter,  v.  a.  to  shut  up  in  a  cloister 
Inclo'ud,  v.  a.  to  darken,  to  obscure 
Inclu'de,  vm.  to  enclose,  to  shut ;  to  comprise 
Inclu'sion,  s.  the  act  of  including 
Inclu'sive,  a.  comprehending,  enclosing 
Incoag'ulable,  a.  incapable  of  concretion 
Incoexist'ence,  s.  the  not  existing  together 
Inco'gitancy,  s.  a  want  of  thought 
Inco'gitative,  a.  wanting  power  of  thought 
Incog'nito,  ad.  in  a  state  of  concealment 
Incoherence,  s.  incongruity;  want  of  con- 
nexion; inconsequence;  want  of  cohesion 
Incohe'rent,  a.  inconsistent,  disagreeing 
Incoherently,  ad.  inconsistently,  loosely 
Incombustible,  a.  not  to  be  consumed  by  fire 
In'come,  t.  profit,  rent,  revenue 
Incommensurable,  a.  not  to  be  measured 
Incbmmis'cible,  a.  not  to  be  mixed 
Incommo'de,  v.  a.  to  trouble,  to  embarrass 
Incommodious,  a.  vexatious,  unsuitable 
Incommodiously, £rf.  inconveniently,  unfitly 
Incommu'nicable,  a.  not  to  be  communicat- 
ed, imparted,  or  dissevered 



Incommu'table,  a.  not  to  be  exchanged 
Incompa'ct,  a.  not  joined,  not  adhering 
Incom'parable,  a.  excellent,  matchless 
Incomparably,  ad.  beyond  comparison 
IncompasSionate,  a.  void  of  pity,  cruel 
Incompatible,  a.  inconsistent  with  another 
Incompetency, ;.  inability,  insufficiency 
Incom'petent,  a.  not  adequate,  unsuitable 
Incompetently,  ad.  unsuitably,  unfitly 
Incomplete,  a.  not  finished,  not  perfect 
Incompliance,  *,  untractableness,  refusal 
IncompoSed,«.  disturbed,  discomposed 
Incompos'ite,  a.  uncompounded,  simple 

s .  the  quality  of  being  inconceivable 
Incomprehensible,  a.  not  to  be  conceived 
Incomprehensibly,  ad.  inconceivably 
Incompressible,  a.  not  capable  of  being  forc- 
ed into  a  less  space,  not  to  be  pressed 
Inconceal'able,  a.  not  to  be  hid  or  kept  secret 
Inconceivable,  Inconcep'tible,  a.  not  to  be 
conceived  or  imagined,  incomprehensible 
Inconceivably,  ad.  beyond  comprehension 
Inconclu'dent,  a.  inferring  no  consequence 
Inconclusive,  a.  not  conclusive,  not  convinc- 
ing, not  exhibiting  cogent  evidence 
InconcluSiveness,  s .  a  want  of  rational    con- 
viction, want  of  proof  or  cogency 
Inconco'ct,  a.  unripened,  immature 
Inconcoc'tion,  s.  the  state  of  being  undigested 
Inconcur'ring,<z.  not  agreeing  or  uniting 
InconcusSible,  a.  not  to  be  shaken 
Incon'dite,  a.  irregular,  rude,  unpolished 
Incondi'tional,  Incondi'tionate,  a.  unlimited, 

unrestrained  ;  without  condition 
Inconfor'mity,  s.  incompliance  with  practice 
Incongruence,  Incongruity, s.  inconsistency, 

disagreement,  absurdity 
Incon'gruous,  a.  inconsistent,  not  fitting 
Inconnex'edly,  ad.  without  any  connexion 
Incon'sequence,  s.  inconclusiveness 
Inconsequent,  a.  without  regular  inference 
Inconsid'erable,  a.  unworthy  of  notice 
Inconsid'erableness,  s.  small  importance 
Inconsid'erate,  a.  careless,  thoughtless 
Inconsiderately,  ad.  thoughtlessly 
Inconsid'erateness,  Inconsidera'tion,  s.  a  want 

of  thought,  inattention,  rashness 
Inconsistency,  s.  unsteadiness,  incongruity 
Inconsistent,  a.  contrary,  incompatible 
Inconsistently,  ad.  absurdly,  incongruously 
Inconsist'ing,  a.  disagreeing  with 
Inconso'lable,  a.  not  to  be  comforted 
Incon'sonancy,  s .  disagreement  with  itself 
Inconspic'uous,  a.  not  discernible 
Inconstancy,  s.  unsteadiness,  mutability 
Inconstant,  a.  not  firm,  unsteady,  variable 
Inconsumable,  a.  not  to  be  wasted 
Incontestable,  a.  not  to  be  disputed ;  certain 
lacoatest'ably,  ad>  indisputably 

Incontig'uous,  a.  not  joined  together 
Incontinence,  s.  intemperance,  unchastity 
lncon'tinent,  a.  unchaste,  loose  ;  immediate 
Incon'tinently,  ad.  unchastely;  directly 
Incontrovertible,  a.  indisputable,  certain 
Incontrovert'ibly,  ad.  indisputably,  certainly, 

to  a  degree  beyond  controversy 
Inconvenience,  s.  unfitness, disadvantage 
Inconve'nient,  a.  incommodious,  unfit 
Inconveniently,  ad.  unfitly,  unseasonably 
Inconversable,  a.  stiff,  formal,  unsocial 
Inconvertible,  a.  not  to  be  changed 
Inconvin'cibly,  ad.  obstinately 
Incor'poral,  Incorpo'real,  Incorporate,  a.  im- 
material, spiritual,  distinct  from  body 
Incorporate,  v.  to  form  into  one  body,  to 

mix,  to  unite,  to  associate,  to  embody 
Incorpore'ity,  s  immateriality 
Inco'rpse,  v.  a.  to  form  into  a  body 
lncorre'ct,  a.  not  exatt,  not  accurate 
Incorrect'ly,  ad.  not  in  a  correct  manner 
Incorrect'ness,  s.  inaccuracy,  carelessness 
Incorrigible,  a.  bad  beyond  amendment 
Incor'rigibleness,  s.  hopeless  depravity 
Incor'rigibly,  ad.  to  a  degree  of  depravity  be- 
yond all  means  of  amendment 
Incorru'pt,  a.  honest,  free  from  corruptioa 
Incorruptible,  a.  not  admitting  decay 
Incorrup'tion,  s.  a  state  of  purity 
Incorrupt'ness,*.  purity  of  conduct ;  integrity 
IncrasSate,  v.  a.  to  thicken,  to  make  thick 
Incrassa'tion,  s .  the  act  of  thickening 
IncrasSative,  s.  that  which  thickens 
Increase,  v.  to  grow,  to  make  more 
In'crease,  s.  augmentation,  produce,  &c. 
Incredibility,  s .  an  incredible  quality 
Incred'ible,  a.  not  to  be  believed 
Incredu'lity,  s.  hardness  of  belief 
Incred'ulous,«  •  hard  of  belief,  refusing  credit 
Incre'mable,  a.  not  consumable  by  fire 
In'crement,  s.  an  increase,  a  produce 
Increpa'tion,  s.  the  act  of  chiding,  reproof 
Incres'cent,  IncresSant,  a.  increasing 
Incrim'inate,  v.  a.  to  accuse  another 
Incru'st,  v.  a.  to  cover  with  a  hard  coat 
Incrusta'tion,  s.  something  superinduced 
Inc'ubate,  v.  n.  to  sit  upon  eggs,  to  hatch 
Incuba'tion,  s .  the  act  of  sitting  upon  eggs 
In'cubus,  s.  a  disorder ;  the  night-mare 
Incul'cate,  v.  a.  to  impress  by  admonitions 
Inculca'tion,  s.  the  act  of  inculcating 
Inculpable,  a.  unblameable,  just,  upright 
Incul'pably,  ad.  unblameably 
Incu'ltjtf.  uncultivated,  untitled,  rude 
Incumbency,  s .  the  keeping  a  benefice 
IncunVbent,  s.  one  who  possesses  a  benefice 
Incum'bent,  a.  imposed  as  a  duty  ;  necessity 
of  attention  ;  lying  or  leaning  upon 

Ilncu'r,  v.  a.  to  become  liable  to,  to  deserve 
Incu'rab  le,  a.  hopeless,  not  to  be  cured 

I  N  D 

I  N  D 

Incu'rably,  ad.  without  remedy  or  cure 
Incu'rious,  a.  inattentive,  careless 
Incur'sion,  s.  an  invasion,  attack,  inroad 
Incur'vate,  v.  a.  to  bend,  to  make  crooked 
Incurva'tion,  ;.  the  act  of  bending ;  flexion 

of  the  body  in  token  of  reverence 
Incurvlty,  s.  crookedness ;  state  of  bending 
in'dagate,  v.  a.  to  search  diligently 
Indaga'tion,  s.  a  diligent  search,  an  inquiry 
Indaga'tor,  s.  a  searcher,  an  examiner 
Inda'rt,  v.  a.  to  dart  in,  to  strike  in 
Indebted,  a.  in  debt;  obliged  to  or  by 
Inde'cency,  Indeco'rum,    s.  any  thing    im- 
proper or  unbecoming;  unseemliness 
Inde'cent,  a.  unfit  to  be  known,  unbecoming 
Inde'cently,  ad.  without  decency 
Indecid'ucus,  a.  not  falling,  not  shed 
Indecli'nable,  a.  not  varied  by  terminations 
Indeco'rous,  a.  indecent,  unbecoming 
Indeed,  ad.  in  truth,  in  reality,  in  verity 
Indefatigable,  a.   unwearied   with  labour  ; 

unexhausted  by  attention  or  application 
Indefat'igabiy,  c.d.  without  weariness 
Indefectible,  a.  not  subject  to  defect 
Indefeasible,*?,  not  to  be  cutoff;  irrevocable 
Indefen'sible,  a.  what  cannot  be  defended 
Indefinite,  a.  unlimited,  undeterminate 
Indefinitely,  ad.  in  an  unlimited  manner 
Indefinltude,  s.  an  unlimited  quantity 
Indeliberate,  a.  unpremeditated,  rash 
Indel'ible,  a.  not  to  be  erased,  or  annulled 
Indelicacy,  s.  a  want  of  elegant  decency 
Indelicate,  a.  wanting  decency,  rude 
Indem'nify,  v.  a.  to  maintain  unhurt 
Indem'nity,  s.  exemption  from  punishment 
Indemon'strable,  a-  not  to  be  proved 
Inde'nt,  v.  to  scollop;  to  make  a  compact 
Inde'nt,  Indentation,  s.  an  inequality 
Indenture,  s.  a  covenant  or  deed  indented 
Independence,  Independ'ency,  s.  freedom  ; 

an  exemption  from  reliance  or  control 
Independent,  a.  free,  not  controllable 
Independents,  s.  pi.  a  se£t  of  dissenters,  who 
in  religious  affairs  hold  that  every  congre- 
gation is  a  complete  church 
Independently,  ad.  without  dependance 
Indese'rt,  s.  a  want  of  worth  or  merit 
Indes'inently,  ad.  without  cessation 
Indestructible,  a.  not  to  be  destroyed 
Indeter'minable,  a.  not  to  be  fixed  or  defined 
Indeter'minate,  a.  indefinite,  not  defined 
Indeter'mined,  a.  unfixed,  unsettled 
Indevo'tion,  s .  a  want  of  devotion,  irreligion 
Indevo'ut,  a.  irreligious,  not  devout 
In'dex,  s.  a  mark  or  hand  thus  (ft^p),  to  di- 
rect to  something  remarkable;   table  of 
contents  to  a  book  ;  the  pointer  out 
Indexter'it", ;.  awkwardness,  sluggishness 
1  .Vdieant,  £•  -snowing,  pointing  out 
*.e,  fh  a  to  po:r,t  out,  to  shew 


Indica'tion,  s.  a  mark  or  sign,  a  symptom 
Indicative,  a.   shewing,  pointing  out;    in 
grammar,  a  certain  modification  of  a  verb, 
expressing  affirmation  or  indication 
Imlic'tion,  s.  a  declaration,  a  proclamation  ; 
in  chronology,  the  space  of  fifteen  years, 
appointed   by  Constantine  the   Great,  in 
the  room  of  the  Olympiads 
Indifference,  s.  impartiality  ;  negligence 
Indifferent,  a.  of  little  concern ;    careless  ; 
passable;  impartial, unbiassed  ; regardless 
Indifferently,  ad.  impartially,  tolerably 
In'digence,  s.  want,  poverty,  great  need 
Indi'genous,  a.  native  to  a  country 
In'digent,  a.  needy,  poor,  in  want  ;  empty 
Indigested,  a.  not  formed,  not  concocted 
Indigestible,  a.  not  to  be  digested 
Indigestion,  f  .the  state  of  meats  unconcoctec 
Indi'gitate,  v.  a.  to  point  out,  to  show 
Indigita'tion,  s.  the  act  of  pointing  out 
Indi'gn,  a.  unworthy,  bringing  indignity 
Indig'nant,  a.  angry,  ragmg,  inflamed 
Indigna'tion,  s.  anger  mixed  with  contempt 
Indig'nity,  s.  contume!y,contemptuous  injury 
In'digo,  s.  a  plant  used  for  dying  blue 
Indirect,  a.  not  straight,  not  fair,  not  honest 
Indirectly,  ad.  obliquely,  net  in  express  terms 
Indiscernible,  a.  not  discernible 
Indiscerptlble,  a.  not  to  be  separated 
Indiscreet,  a.  imprudent,  injudicious 
Indiscreetly,  ad.  imprudently,  foolishly 
Indiscretion,*,  imprudence,  inconsideration 
Indiscriminate,  a.  not  separated,  confused 
Indiscriminately,  ad.  without  distinction 
Indispen'sable,  a.  not  to  be  remitted 
Indispen'sably,  ad.  without  remission 
Indispo'se,  v.  a.  to  make  unfit,  to  disorder 
Indispo'sedjparr.  disordered,  disqualified 
Indisposition,*,  a  disorder  of  health  ;  dislike 
Indisputable,  a.  uncontrovertible 
Indis'putably,  ad.  without  controversy 
Indissolv'able,  a.  that  cannot  be  dissolved 
Indissolubility,  s.  firmness,  stableness 
Indissoluble,  a.  binding  forever;  firm,  stable 
Indis'solubly,  ad.  forever  obligatory 
Indisti'nct,  a.  not  plainly  marked,  confused 
Indistinctly,  ad.  uncertainly,  disorderly 
Indisturb'ance,  s.  calmness,  quiet,  peace 
Individual,  a.  undivided;  numerically  one 
Individual,  s.  every  single  person 
Individually,  ad.  with  distinct  existence 
Individuality,*,  separate  or  distinct  existence 
Indivisible,  a.  what  cannot  be  divided 
Indo'cible,  Indoeile,  a.  unsusceptible  of  in- 
struction, stupid,  dull,  untraceable 
Indocillty,  s.  untractableness,  dulness 
Indoctrinate,  -v.  a.  to  instruct,  to  teach 
In'dolence,  s.  laziness,  inattention 
In'dolent,  a.  lazy,  careless,  inattentive 
In  latently,  e</,  heedlessly,  inattentively 

I  N  E 


Indra'ught,  s.  an  inlet,  a  passage  inwards 
Indre'nch,  v.  a.  to  soak,  to  drown 
Indu'bious,  Indubitable,  a.  not  doubtful 
Indu'bitably,  ad.  unquestionably,  certainly 
Indu'bitate,  a.  undoubted,  certain,  evident 
Indu'ce,  v.  a.  to  persuade,  influence,  bring  on 
'Indu'cement,  s.  motive  for  doing  a  thing 
Indu'ct,  v.  a.  to  put  into  actual  possession  of 

an  ecclesiastical  benefice  ;  to  bring  in 
Induction,  s.  taking  possession,  entrance 
Indu'e,  v.  a.  to  invest,  to  furnish  with 
Indul'gej-u.  a.  to  favour,  to  humour,  to  gratify 
Indulgence ,s.  fondness,  favour  granted,  kind- 
ness, gentleness,  tenderness,  forbearance 
Indul'gent,  a.  kind,  gentle,  mild,  favouring 
Indul'gently,  ad.  without  severity  or  censure 
Indu'lt,  Indult'o,  s.  privilege,  or  exemption 
In'durate,i>.  to  make  hard,  to  harden  the  mind 
Indura'tion,  s.  obduracy,  hardness  of  heart 
Industrious,  a.  diligent,  laborious  ;  designed 
Indus'triously,  ad.  laboriously,  diligently 
In'dustry,/.  diligence,  assiduity 
Ine'briate,  v.  to  intoxicate,  to  grow  drunk 
Inebriation, j.  drunkenness,  intoxication 
Ineffable,  a.  unspeakable,  inexpressible 
Ineffably,  ad.  in  a  manner  not  to  be  expressed 
Ineffective,  a.  that  which  produces  no  effect 
Ineffectual,  a.  without  power,  weak 
Ineffectually,  ad.  without  effect,  in  vain 
Inefficacious,  a.  ineffectual,  feeble,  weak 
Inef  ficacy,  s.  want  of  power,  want  of  effect 
Inel'egance,  s.  want  of  elegance  or  beauty 
Inel'egant,  a.  not  becoming,  mean,  despicable 
lnel'oquent,  a.  not  persuasive,  not  oratorical 
Ine'pt,  a.  unfit,  incapable,  useless,  foolish 
Ineptly,  ad.  triflingly,  unfitly,  foolishly 
Ineptitude,  s.  unfitness,  unsuitableness 
Inequality, s.  unevenness,  disproportion 
Iner'rable,  a.  exempt  from  error 
Ine'it,  a.  sluggish,  motionless,  dull 
Inertly,  ad.  sluggishly,  dully,  heavily 
Inesca'tion,  j.  the  act  of  baiting 
Ines'timable,  a.  above  all  price,  invaluable 
Inev'ident,  a.  not  plain,  obscure 
Inevitable,  a.  unavoidable,  not  to  be  escaped 
Inexcusable,  a.  not  to  be  excused  or  palliated 
Inexha'lable,  a.  that  which  cannot  evaporate 
Inexhaust'ed,  a.  unemptied,  unspent 
inexhaustible,  a.  not  to  be  drained 
Inexist'ent,  a.  not  in  being,  not  existing 
Inex'orable,  a.  not  to  be  moved  by  entreaty 
Inexpe'dience,  s.  want  of  fitness  or  propriety 
Inexpedient,  a.  improper,  inconvenient 
Jnexpe'rience,  s.  a  want  of  experience 
Inexpe'rt,  a.  unskilful,  unskilled,  unhandy 
Inex'piable,  a.  not  to  be  atoned  for 
Inexplicable,  a.  incapable  of  being  explained 
Inexpressible,  a.  not  to  be  told;  unutterable 
hiexpug'nable,  a.  impregnable  ;    not  to  be 
takes  by  assault;  not  to  be  subdued 

Inextin'guishable,  a.  unquenchable 
Inextricable,  a.  not  to  be  disentangled 
Ine'ye,  v.  n.  to  inoculate,  to  ingraft 
Infallibility,  s.  exemption  from  error 
In'famous,  a.  notoriously  bad,  shameless 
In'famously,  ad.  shamefully,  scandalously 
Infamy,  s.  notoriety  of  bad  character 
Infancy,  s.  the  first  part  of  life  ;  the  beginning 
In'fant,  s.  a  child  under  seven  years  of  age  ; 

in  law,  a  person  under  twenty-one  years 
Infan'ta,  s.  a  princess  descended  from  the 

blood  royal  of  Spain  or  Portugal 
Infanticide,/,  the  murder  of  infants  by  Herod 
In'fantile,  a.  pertaining  to  an  infant 
In'fantry,  s.  the  foot  soldiers  of  an  army 
Infat'uate,  v.  a.  to  strike  with  folly,  bewitch 
Infatuation,  s.  the  act  of  striking  with  folly 
Infeaslble,  a.  impracticable 
Infe'ct,  v.  a.  to  taint,  to  poison,  to  pollute 
Infection,  s.  a  contagion,  a  corrupt  effluvium 
Infectious,  a.  contagious,  apt  to  infect 
Infective,  a.  Having  the  quality  of  contagion 
Infecun'dity,  s.  want  of  fertility 
Infeli'city,  s.  misery,  calamity,  unhappiness 
Infe'r,  v.  a.  to  conclude  from,  to  indute 
In'ference,  s.  a  conclusion  from  premises 
Infer'ible,  a.  deducible  from  premised  grounds 
Infe'rior,  s.  one  lower  in  rank  or  station 
Infe'rior,  a.  lower  in  place,  value,  or  station 
Inferiority,  j.  lower  state  of  dignity  or  value 
Infer'nal,  a.  hellish,  tartarean,  very  bad 
Infertile,  Infecu'nd,  a.  unfruitful,  barren 
Infertility,  s.  unfruitfulness,  barrenness 
Infe'st,  v.a.  to  annoy,  harass.,  plague,  disturb 
In'fidel,  s.  an  unbeliever,  a  pagan,  a  miscreant 
Infidelity,  s.  a  want  of  faith,  treachery 
Infinite,  a.  unbounded,  immense,  unlimited 
ln'finitely,  ad.  without  limits,  immensely 
In'finiteness,  Infinitude,  s.  immensity 
Infinitive,  a.  in    grammar,    the  infinitive 
moed  affirms,  or  intimates  the  intention 
of  affirming,  but  does  not  do  it  absolutely 
Infinity,  /.  immensity,  endless  number 
Infi'rm,  a.  weak  of  body  or  mind,  not  solid 
Infirm'ary,  s.  a  residence  for  the  sick 
Infirmity,  s.  weakness,  failing,  disease 
Infirm'ness,  s.  weakness,  feebleness 
Infi'x,  v.  a.  to  drive  in;  to  fasten 
Infia'me,  v.  a.  to  set  on  fire  ;  to  irritate 
Inflam'mable,  a.  easy  to  be  set  on  fire 
Inflammation,  s.   the   state  of  being  in  a 

flame  ;  an  unnatural  heat  of  the  blood 
Inflam'matory,  a.  having  power  to  inflame 
Inflate,  i>.  a.  to  swell  or  puff  up  with  wind 
Inflation,  s.  act  of  being  swelled :  flatulence 
Infle'ct,  v.  a.  to  bend,  bow,  change,  vary 
Inflection,  s.  the  act  of  bending ;  modulation 
of  the  voice  ;  variation  of  nouns  or  verbs 
Inflexibility,  s.  stiffness,  obstinacy 
Inflexible,  a.  not  to  be  bent,  immoveable 

I  N  G 



Inflexibly,  ad.  inexorably,  invariably 
Infli'ct,  v.  a.  to  lay  a  punishment  upon 
Infliction,  s.  the  act  of  using  punishments 
Inflictive,  a.  that  which  imposes  punishment 
Influence,  s.  an  ascendant  power 
In'fiuence,  v.  a.  to  have  power  over,  to  bias 
In'fluent,  a.  flowing  or  running  into 
Influential,  a.  exerting  influence  or  power 
Infiuen'ga,  s.  an  epidemic  disease 
Ir.'flux, s.  act  of  flowinginto  j  infusion  ;  power 
Infold,  v.  a.  to  wrap  up,  to  enclose 
Info'liate,  v.  a.  to  cover  with  leaves 
lnfo'rm,  v.  a.  to  tell,  to  instruct,  to  animate 
Inform'al,fl.  irregular,  disorderly 
Informant,  s.  one  who  prefers  an  accusatian 
Information,  s.  intelligence  given  ;  charge 

of  accusation  preferred  ;  instruction 
Inform'er,  s.  one  who  gives  intelligence 
Inform'idable,  a.  not  to  be  feared 
I-nform'ity,  s.  shapelessness,  irregularity 
Infortunate,  a.  unhappy,  unlucky 
Infra'ct,  v.  a.  to  break  in  pieces 
Infraction,  s.  the  act  of  breaking  ;  violation 
Iiiframund'ane,  a.  below  the  world 
Infrangible,  a.  not  to  be  broken,  strong 
lnfre'quenty,  s.  rarity,  uncommonness 
Infre'quent,  a.  rare,  uncommon,  unusual 
Infri'gidate,  v.  a.  to  chill,  to  make  cold 
Infri'nge,  v.  a.  to  violate,  to  break  a  contract 
Infringement,  s.  a  violation,  a  breach 
Infu'mate,  v.  a.  to  dry  with  smoke 
Infu'riate,  a.  enraged,  raging 
Infusca'tion,  s.  the  act  of  making  dark 
Infu'se,  v.  a.  to  pour  in,  to  instil,  to  inspire 
Infu'sible,  a.  possible  to  be  infused 
Infu'sion,  s.  the  act  of  pouring  in  or  steeping 
Infu'sive,  a.  having  the  power  of  infusion 
Ingannation,  s.  a  cheat,  a  fraud.,  a  juggle 
Ingathering,  s.  the  getting  in  the  harvest 
Ingem'inate,  v.  a.  to  double  ;  to  repeat  often 
Ingen'erate,  Ingen'erated,  a.  unbegotteai 
Iage'nious,  a.  witty, inventive 
Inge'niously,  ad.  in  an  ingenious  manner 
Ingen'ite,  a.  inborn,  innate,  native 
Ingenu'ity, ;.  openness,  candour  ;  genius 
Ingen'uous,  a.  fair,  open,  generous,  noble 
Ingeniously,  ad.  openly,  fairly,  candidly 
Inge'st,  v.  a.  to  throw  into  the  stomach 
Inglo'rious,  a.  dishonourable,  mean 
Inglo'riously,ad.  with  ignominy 
In'got,  s.  a  wedge  of  gold  or  silver,  &c. 
Ingra'ff,  Ingra'ft,  v.  a.  to  plant  the  sprig  of 

one  tree  in  the  stock  of  another  j  to  fix  deep 
Ingrate,  s.  an  ungrateful  person 
Ingratiate,  v.  a.  to  get  into  favour,  &c. 
Ingratiating,  s.  the  act  of  getting  favour 
Ingrat'itude,  s.  unthankfulness 
Ingre'dient,  s.  a  part  of  any  compound 
In'gress,  s.  entrance,  power  of  entrance 
Tngres'sion,  s.  the  act  of  entering 

In'guinal,  a.  belonging  to  the  groin 
Ingu'lf,  v.  a.  to  swallow  down  as  a  gulf 
Ingur'gitate,  v.  a.  to  swallow  greedily 
Ingust'able,  a.  not  to  be  tasted,  insipid 
Inhabit,  v.  to  dwell,  to  occupy 
Inhabitable,  a.  that  may  be  inhabited 
Inhabitant,  s.  one  who  dwells  in  a  place 
Inha'le,  v.  a.  to  draw  in  with  the  air 
Inharmo'nious,  a.  unmusical,  not  sweet 
Inherence,  s.  quality  of  that  which  adheres 
Inhe'rent,  a.  existing  in  something  else  j  in- 
nate, inborn ;  cleaving  to 
Inherit,  v.  a.  to  possess  by  inheritance 
Inheritable,  a.  obtainable  by  succession 
Inheritance,  s.  an  hereditary  possession 
Inheritor, ;.  an  heir,  one  who  inherits 
Inheritress,  Inheritrix,  s.  an  heiress 
Inhe'rse,  v.  a.  to  enclose  in  a  monument 
Inhibit,  v.  a.  to  prohibit,  hinder,  repress 
Inhibition,  s.  a  prohibition,  an  embargo 
Inhold,  v.  a.  to  contain  in  itself 
Inhos'pitable,  a.  unkind  to  strangers 
Inhospitallty,  s.  a  want  of  hospitality 
Inhu'man,  a.  barbarous,  savage,  cruel 
Inhumanity,  s.  cruelty,  savageness 
Inhu'manly,  ad.  cruelly,  barbarously 
Inhu'mate,  Inhu'me,  -v.  a.  to  bury,  to  inter 
Inje'ct,  v.  a.  to  threw  in  or  up ;  to  dart  in 
Injection,  s.  the  act  of  injecting 
Inimical,  a.  hostile,  adverse,  unkind 
Inimitable,  a.  above  imitation 
Inimitably,  ad.  very  excellently 
Ini'quitous,  a.  unjust,  wicked,  sinful 
Ini'quity,  s.  injustice,  wickedness,  sin 
Initial,  a.  placed  at  the  beginning 
Initiate,  v.  a.  to  admit,  to  instruct 
Initiation,  j.  the  act  of  admitting  a  person 

into  any  order  or  faculty 
Injudicial,  a.  not  according  to  law 
lnjudi'cious,  a.  void  of  judgment 
Injunction,  s.  a  command,  a  precept 
In'jure,  v.  a.  to  wrong,  to  hurt  unjustly 
Injurious,  a.  unjust,  hurtful  destructive 
In'jury,  /.  mischief,  outrage,  annoyance 
Injustice,  /.  unfair  dealing,  iniquity 
Ink,  s.  a  black  liquid  for  writing,  &c. 
In'kle,  j.  a  kind  of  narrow  fillet,  a  tape 
Inkling,  s.  a  hint,  a  whisper,  an  intimation 
Ink'y,  a.  black  as  ink,  resembling  ink 
Inland,  a.  remote  from  the  sea,  interidr 
Inlapldate,  v.  a.  to  turn  to  stone 
Inla'y,  v.  a.  to  variegate  wood,  &c. 
Inla'w,  v.  a.  to  clear  of  outlawry 
Inlet,  s.  an  entrance,  a  passage  into 
Inly,  ad.  internally,  secretly,  in  the  heart 
In'mate, ;.  a  lodger,  an  indweller 
In'most,  In'nermost,  a-  deepest  within 
Inn,  s.  a  house  of  entertainment  for  travel- 
lers ;  a  college  for  students,  &.c 
Innate,  a,  inborn,  ingenerate,  natural 


J2  + 

I  N  S 

Innav'igable,  a.  not  to  be  passed  by  sailing 
In'ner,  a.  interior,  more  inward 
Inn'hoider,  Inn'keeper,  s.  one  who  keeps  a 

house  of  entertainment  for  travellers 
In'nocence,*.  purity ,  harmlessness,simplicity 
In'nocent,  a.  pure,  harmless,  innoxious 
In'nocently,  ad.  without  guilt,  harmlessly 
Innoc'uous,  a.  harmless  in  effects 
In'novate,  v.  a.  to  introduce  novelties 
Innovation,  s.  the  introduction  of  novelty 
Innova'tor,  s.  one  who  introduces  novelties 
Innox'ious,  a.  not  hurtful,  harmless 
Innuen'do,  s.  an  oblique  hint 
Innumerable,  a.  not  to  be  numbered 
Inobserv'able,  a.  unworthy  of  observation 
Inoc'ulate,  v.  a.  to  propagate  by  insertion 
Inocuia'ticn,  s.  a  grafting  in  the  bud ;  a  me- 
thod of  giving  the  sma!!-pox,  by  infusing 
matter  from  ripened  pustules  into  the  veins 
cf  the  uninfected 
Idod'orous,  a.  without  the  quality  of  scent 
Inoffeu'sive,  a.  harmless,  innocent,  hurtless 
Inoffen'sively,  ad.  innocently,  harmlessly 
Inop'inate,  a.  not  expected,  sudden 
Inopportu'ne,  a.  unseasonable,  inconvenient 
Icor'dinate,  a-  irregular,  disorderly 
I norgan'kal,  a.  without  proper  organs 
Inos'culate,  v.  n.  to  unite  by  contact 
Inoscula'tion,  s.  an  union  ;  a  kiss 
In'quest,  /.  a  judicial  inquiry  or  examination 
Inqui'etude,  s.  uneasiness,  disquiet 
In'quinate,  v.  a.  to  pollute,  to  corrupt,  defile 
Inquina'tiou,  s.  a  pollution,  a  corruption 
Inqui're,  v.  a.  to  ask  about;  to  seek  out 
Inqui'ry,  s.  an  examination,  a  search 
inquisi'tion,  j.  a  judicial  inquiry  ;  a  court  in 

Spain,  &c.  for  the  detection  of  heresy 
Inquis'itive,  a.  prying,  curious,  &c 
Inquis'itor,  s.  a  judge  of  the  inquisition 
In'road,  s.  an  incursion,  a  sudden  invasion 
Jnsalu'brious,  a.  unhealthy,  bad 
Insa'nable,  a.  incurable,  irremediable 
Insa'ne,  a.  mad,  making  mad 
Insa'neness,  Insan'ity,*.  madness 
Insa'tiable,  Insa'tiate,  a.  not  to  be  satisfied 
insatisfac'tion,  s.  an  unsatisfied  state 
Insat'urable,  a.  that  cannot  be  glutted 
Tnscri'be,  v.  a.  to  write  upon;  to  dedicate 
Inscription,  s.  a  title,  name,  or  character, 

written  or  engraved  upon  any  thing 
Inscru'table,  a.  unsearchable,  hidden 
Inscu'lp,  v.  a.  to  engrave,  to  cut  on 
Insculp'ture, ;.  any  thing  engraved 
Inse'am,  v.  a.  to  marfc  by  a  seam  or  scar 
In'sect,  s.  a  small  creeping  or  flying  animal 
InsecVile,  a.  having  the  nature  of  insects 
lusec'tion,  f.  the  act  of  cutting  into 
Insecure,  a.  not  secure,  not  safe 
Insecurity,  s.  unsafely,  hazard,  danger 
iasen'sate^  «.  stupid,  wanting  thought 

Jnsensibil'ity,  s.  stupidity,  torpor 
Insen'sibie,  a.  void  of  sense,  imperceptible 
Inseparable,  a.  not  to  be  disjointed 
Inseparably,  ad.  with  indissoluble  union 
Inse'rt,  v.  a.  to  place  among  other  things 
Insertion,  s.  the  act  of  inserting 
Inser'vient,  a.  conducive  to  some  end 
Inshi'p,  v.  a.  to  shut  or  stow  up  in  a  ship 
Inshri'ne,  v.  a.  to  enclose  in  a  shrine 
Insicca'tion, ;.  the  act  of  drying  in 
In'side,  s.  the  inward  or  internal  part 
Insid'ious,  a.  treacherous,  sly,  deceitful 
Insid'iously,  ad.  treacherously,  slily 
lnsid'iousness,  s.  craftiness,  deceit 
ln'sight,  s.  an  inspection  ;  a  deep  view 
Insignificance,  s.  a  want  of  meaning 
Insignificant,  a.  unimportant,  trifling 
Insince're,  a.  not  hearty,  unfaithful 
lnsincer'ity,  s.  dissimulation,  want  of  truth 
Insin'ew,  v.  a.  to  strengthen,  to  confirm 
Insin'uant,  a-  able  to  gain  favour 
Insin'uate,  v.  to  hint  artfully,  to  wheedle 
Insinuation,  s.  the  act  of  insinuating 
Insip'id,  a.  without  taste ;  fiat,  dull 
Insipid'ity,  s .  want  of  taste  or  spirit 
Insip'ience,  s.  silliness,  foolishness 
Insi'st,  v.  n.  to  persist  in,  to  urge 
Insistent,  a.  standing  or  resting  upon 
Insi'tiency,  s.  an  exemption  from  thirst 
Insi'tion,  s.  the  act  of  grafting,  a  graft 
Insi'tive,  a.  ingrafted,  not  natural 
Insna're,  v.  a.  to  entrrp,  to  inveigle 
Insobri'ety,  s.  drunkenness,  intemperance 
Inso'ciable,  a.  averse  from  conversation 
Insola'tion,  s.  exposition  to  the  sun 
In'solence,  s.  haughtiness,  pride 
In'solent,  a.  haughty,  overbearing,  proud 
In'solently,  ad.  haughtily,  rudely 
Insolv'able,  a.  not  to  be  solved  or  paid 
Insol'uble,  a.  not  to  be  dissolved  or  cleared 
Insolvency,  s.  an  inability  to  pay  debts 
Insolv'ent,  a.  not  able  to  pay  debts 
Insom'nious,  a.  troubled  with  dreams 
Insomu'ch,  ad.  so  that,  to  such  a  degree 
Inspe'ct,  v.  a.  to  look  narrowly  into,  &c. 
Inspec'tion,  s.  a  close  examination 
Inspector,  s.  a  superintendant 
Insper'sion,  s.  a  sprinkling  upon 
Insphe're,  v.  a.  to  place  in  an  orb 
Inspira'tion,    s.    a  drawing  of    the  breath; 

an  infusing  of  supernatural  ideas 
Inspi're,  v,  to  breathe,  or  infuse  into 
Inspir'it,  v.  a.  to  animate,  to  encourage 
Iiispis'sate,  v.  a.  to  thicken,  to  make  thick 
Inspissa'tion, /.  the  act  of  thickening  liquids 
Instability,  s.  fickleness,  mutability 
Insta'ble,  a.  inconstant,  changing 
Insta'Il,  v.  a.  to  put  into  possession,  invest 
Installation,  .<.  a  putting  into  possession 
Instalment,  /.  the  ad  of  iustgUSng 



In'stance,  s.  importunity,  earnestness  ;  mo- 
tive ;  process  of  a  suit  ;  example 
In'stant,  s.  the  present  moment  or  month 
In'stant,  a.  urgent,  immediate,  quick 
Instanta'neous,  a.  done  in  an  instant 
In'stantly,  ad.  immediately,  momentarily 
Insta'te,  v.   a.  to  place  in  a  certain  rank 
Instaura'tion,  s.  a  restoration,  a  renewal 
Instea'd,  ad.  in  place  of,  equal  to 
Jnste'ep,  v.  a.  to  soak,  to  lay  in  water,  &c 
In'step,  s.  the  upper  part  of  the  foot 
In'stigate,  v.  a.  to  tempt  or  urge  to  ill 
Instigation,  s.  an  incitement  to  a  crime 
Instigator,  /.  an  inciter  to  ill 
Insti'l,  v.  a.  to  infuse  by  drops  ;  to  insinuate 
Instillation,  s.  the  aft  of  pouring  in  by  drops ; 

the  act  of  infusing  into  the  mind 
Instimula'tion,  s.  an  urging  forward 
Insti'r.ct,  a.  moved,  animated 
In'stinct,  /.  a  natural  desire  or  aversion 
InstincVive,  a.  acting  without  the  direction 

of  choice  or  reason 
Instinctively,  ad.  by  the  call  of  nature 
Institute,  v.  a.  to  fix,  to  establish,  to  appoint 
5n'stitute,  s.  an  established  law,  a  precept 
Institution,  s.  an  establishment,  a  law 
In'stitutor,  s.  an  establisher  ;  an  instructor 
Instruct,  v.  a.  to  teach,  to  direct,  to  train  up 
Instructor,  s.  a  teacher,  an  institutor 
Instruction,*,  the  act  of  teaching  ;  informa- 
tion j  mandate,  precept 
Instructive,  a.  conveying  knowledge 
In'strument,  s.  a  tool  ;  a  deed  or  contract 
Instrumental,  a.  conducive  to  some  end 
Insufferable,  a.  insupportable,  intolerable 
Insufficiency,  s.  inadequatencss,  inability 
Insufficient,  «.  inadequate  to  any  purpose 
Insufficiently,  ad.  without  skill,  unfitly 
Insufflation,  ;.  the  act  of  breathing  upon 
In'sular,  a.  belonging  to  an  island 
2n'sulated,«.  not  contiguous  on  any  side 
ia'sult,  s.  act  of  insolence  or  contempt 
Insu'lt,  v.  a.  to  treat  with  insolence 
Insuperability,  s.  quality  of  being  invincible 
Insu'perable,  a.  insurmountable,  invincible 
Insupport'able,  a.  not  to  be  endured 
Insupport'ably,  ad.  beyond  endurance 
Insurmountable,  a.  unconquerable 
Insurrec'tion,  s.  a  rebellion,  a  sedition 
Intac'tible,  a.  not  perceptible  to  the  touch 
Intag'lio,  s.  what  has  figures  engraved  on  it 
Inta'stable,  a.  not  to  be  tasted,  insipid 
Integer,  s.  the  whole  of  any  thing 
Integral,  a.  whole,  not  fractional,  complete 
Integrity,  s.  honesty,  purity  of  mind 
Integ'ument,  s.  a  covering 
Intellect,  s.  perception,  understanding 
Intellective,  a.  able  to  understand 
Intellectual,  a.  belonging  to  the  mind 
Intelligence,  s.  notice  y  spirit  ;  skill 

L    2 

Intelligent,  a.  knowing,  instructed,  skilful 
Intelligible,  a.  easily  understood 
Intel'ligibly,  ad.  clearly,  plainly,  distinctly 
Intem'perance,  s.  excess,  irregularity 
Intem'perate,  a.  immoderate,  ungovernable 
Intem'perature,  s.  a  disorder  in  the  air,  or  of 

the  body  ;  excess  of  some  quality 
Inte'nd,  v.  a.  to  mean,  to  design,  to  regard 
Intend'ant,  s-  an  officer  who  superinte7.ds 
lnten'erate,  v.  a.  to  make  tender,  to  soften 
Inten'ible,  a.  that  which  cannot  be  held 
Inte'nse,  a.  vehement,  ardent,  attentive 
Intensely,  ad.  to  a  great  or  extreme  degree 
Intense'ness,  /.  eagerness,  closeness 
Intensive,  a .  intent,  full  of  care 
Inte'nt,  a.  anxiously  and  unceasingly  diligent 
Inte'nt, /.  a  design,  purpose,  drift,  view- 
Intention,  i.  a  design,  a  purpose 
Intentional,  a.  designed,  done  by  design 
Intentive,  a.  diligently  applied,  attentive 
Intent'ively,  Intently,  ad.  closely 
Inte'r,  v.  a.  to  bury,  to  put  under  ground 
Inter'calary,  a.  inserted  out  of  the  common 

order  to  preserve  the  equation  of  time,  as 

the  2,9th  of  February  in  a  leap-year  is  an 

intercalary  day 
Intercalation, ;.  insertion  of  a  day 
Interce'de,  v.  n.  to  mediate,  to  pass  between 
Interce'uent,  a.  mediating,  going  between 
Intercept,  -v.  a.  to  stop,  to  seize,  to  obstruct 
Intercession, ;.  mediation,  interposition 
Interces'sor,  s.  a  mediator,  an  agent 
Intercha'in,  v.  a.  to  chain,  to  link  together 
Interchange,  v.  a.  to  exchange,  &c 
Interchange,  s.  an  exchange,  a  bargain 
Interchangeable,  a.  given  and  taken  mutually 
Intercip'ient,  a.  that  which  intercepts 
Interclu'de,  -v.  n.  to  shut  out,  to  intercept 
Iutercolumniation,  s.  the  space  or  distance 

between  the  pillars 
Intercostal,  a.  placed  between  the  ribs 
Intercourse,  s.  communication,  exchange. 
Intercur'rence,  s.  a  passage  between 
Intercurrent,  a.  running  between 
Interdict,  v.  a.  to  prohibit,  to  forbid 
Interdiction,  s.  a  prohibition,  a  curse 
Interdictory,  a.  belonging  to  an  interdiction 
Interest',  v.  to  concern,  affect,  influence 
Interest,  s.  a  concern,  influence  ;  usury 
Interfe're,  v.  n.  to  interpose,  to  intermeddle 
Inter'ftuent,  a.  flowing  between 
Interful'gent,  a.  shining  between 
Interfu'sed,  a.  poured  forth,  in,  or  among 
Interjacent,  a.  intervening,  lying  between 
Interjection,  s.  a  sudden  exclamation 
Interim,  s.  mean  time,  or  while 
Interjo'in,  v.  a.  to  join  mutually,  intermarry 
Inte'rior,  a.  internal,  not  outward 
Interknow'ledge,  s.  a  mutual  knowledge 
Interlace,  v.  a.  to  intermix,  to  put  t< -gethes 




Interla'pse, s.  the  time  between  two  events 
Interla'rdj'u.rt.  to  insert  between  ;  to  diversify 
by  mixture  ;  to  mix  meat  with  bxcon,  &c. 
Interleave,  v.  a,  to  insert  blank  leaves 
Interli'ne,  v.  a,  to  write  between  lines 
Interlinea'tion,  s.  a  correction  made  by  writ- 
ing between  the  lines 
Jnterli'nk,  v.  a.  to  join  chains  together 
Interlocution, s.  interchange  of  speech 
Interloc'utor,  s.  one  that  t3lks  with  another 
Interlocal  tor  y,  a.  consisting  of  a  dialogue 
Interlo'pe,  v.  n.  to  intrude  in  or  between 
Interloper,  s.  one  who  engages  in  3  trade  to 

which  he  has  no  right  ;  an  intruder 
Interlu'cent,  a.  shining  between 
Interlude,  s.  a  short  prelude  or  farce 
Interlu'nar,  a.  between  old  moon  and  new 
Intermarriage,  s.  a  marriage  in  two  families, 

where  each  takes  one,  and  gives  another 
Intermed'die,  v.  n.  to  interpose  officiously 
Interme'diacy,  s.  interposition,  intervention 
Intermedial,  Intermediate,  a.  intervening, 

lying  between,  intervenient 
Intermedium,  s.  a  distance  between 
Inter'ment, ;.  sepulture,  burial 
Intermigra'tion,  s.  an  exchange  of  place 
Interminable,  Incer'minate,  a.  unbounded 
Intermin'gle,  v.  mingle,  to  mix  together 
Intermis'sion,  ;.  a,  cessation  for  a  time 
later cais'sive,  Intermittent,    a.  not  conti- 
nual ;  leaving  off  for  a  while 
Intermit,  v.  to  grow  mild  between  fits 
Intermi'x,  v.  to  mingie,  to  join  together 
Intermix'ture, ;.  a  mixture  of  ingredients 
I»termun''dane,#.  subsistingbetween  worlds, 

or  between  orb  and  orb 
Intermu'ral,  a.  lying  between  walls 
.(ntermu'tual,  a.  mutual,  interchanged 
Tntern'al,  a.  inward,  not  external,  intrinsic 
i'ntern'ally,  ad.  inwardly,  mentally 
lnterne'cion,j.  massacre,  slaughter 
Internun'cio,  ;.  a  messenger  passing  and  re- 
passing between  two  parties 
Inierpeila'tion,  s.  a  summons,  a  call 
Tster'pOiate,  v.  a.  to  insert  words  improperly 
/.Interpolation,  s.  something  foisted  in,   or 

added  to  the  original  matter 
Interpolator,  s.  one  who  falsifies  a  copy  by 

foisti2ig  in  counterfeit  passages- 
Interpo'sal,  Interposi'tion,   s.    intervention, 

agency  between  parties,  mediation 
laterpo'se,  v.  to  mediate,  to  intervene 
Interpret,  v.  a.  to  explain,  to  translate 
Tnterpreta'tion, ;.  an  explanation 
Interpreter,  j.  an  expositor,  a  translator 
fnterreg'num,Jnterre'ign,;.the  time  in  which 
a  throne  is  vacant  between  the  death  of 
one  prince  and  the  accession  of  another 
Interrogation,  s.  a  question,  an  inquiry;  a 
•>jpoint  marked  thus  (?)  denoting  a  question 

Interrogate,  v.  to  examine  by  questions 
Interrogative,  s.  a  pronoun  used  in  asking 

questions,  as  who  ?  what  ?  which  ? 
Interrogatory,  s.  a  question,  an  inquiry 
Interrupt, -y.rt.  to  hinder;  divide,  separate 
Interruption,  * .  hinderance,  intervention 
Interse'cant,  a.  dividing  into  parts 
Interse'ot,  v.  to  cut,  to  cross  each  other 
Intersection,  s.  a  point  where  lines  cross 
Intersem'inate,  v.  a.  to  sow  between 
Iuterse'rt,  v.  a.  to  put  in  between 
Intersection,  j.  an  insertion,  a  thing  inserted 
Interspe'rse,  v.  a.  to  scatter  here  and  there 
Interstel'lar,  a.  placed  between  the  stars 
Interstice.,  s.  a  space  between  things 
Intertex'ture, ;.  a  weaving  between 
Intertwi'ne,  v.  a.  to  unite  by  twisting 
Interval,*,  interstice,  vacuity  ;  time  elapsing 

between  two  assignable  poir 

of  a  distemper,  or  delirium 
Intervene,?;.*!,  to  come  between  persons, &c. 
Interve'nient,«.  passingbetween,  intervening 
Intervention,  s.  interposition,  agency 
Interve'rt,  v.  a.  to  turn  another  way 
Interview,  s.  a  sight  of  one  another 
Intervo'lve,  v.  a.  to  involve  one  in  another 
Interwe'ave,  v.  a.  to  mix  one  with  another 
Intestable,  a.  disqualified  to  make  a  will 
Intes'tate,  a.  dying  without  a  will 
Intes'tinal,  a.  belonging  to  the  bowels 
Intes'tine,  a.  internal,  inward  ;  domestic 
lntes'tines,  s.  the  bowels,  the  entails 
Inthra'l,  ?>.  a.  to  enslave,  to  shackle 
Inthral'ment,  s.  servitude,  slavery,  difficulty 
Intimacy,  s.  close  familiarity 
In'timate,  v.  a,  to  hint,  to  suggest 
Intimate,  a.  inmost,  inward,  familiar 
In'timate,  s.  a  familiar  friend,  a  confidant 
In'timately,  ad.  closely,  familiarly,  nearly 
Intima'tion,  s.  a  hint ;  an  obscure  or  indirect 

declaration  or  direction 
Intim'idate,  v.  a.  to  frighten,  to  dastardize 
In'to,  prep,  noting  entrance 
Intolerable,  a.  unsufferable,  very  bad 
Intol'erably,  ad.  to  a  degree  beyond  sufferante 
Intolerant,  a.  not  able  to  endure 
Intona'tion,  s.  the  act  of  thundering 
Into'rt,  v.  a.  to  twist,  wreath,  wring 
Intoxicate,  v.  a.  to  make  drunk,  to  inebriate 
Intoxication,  s.  inebriation,  ebriety 
Intracl'able,  a.  unmanageable,  unruly 
Intractably,  ad.  ungovernably,  stubbornly 
Intran'sitive,  a.  not  passing  into  another 
Intransmutable, ^unchangeable  in  substance 
Intreas'ure,  v.  a,  to  lay  up  as  in  a  treasury 
Intre'nch,  v.  n.  to  fortify  with  a  rampart,  &c. 

to  encroach,  to  break  with  hollows 
Intrench'ant,  a.  not  to  be  divided,  indivisible 
Intrench'ment,   s.    a    fortification,    with    * 

trench  to  defend  against  an  attack 


J   O  B 

Intrepid,  a.  fearless,  resolute,  brave 
Intrepidity,;,  fearlessness,  courage, boldness 
Intrepidly,  ad.  boldly,  daringly,  fearlessly 
In'tricacy,  s.  perplexity,  difficulty 
Intricate,  a.  perplexed,  involved,  obscure 
Intri'gue,  s.  a  plot,  cabal  ;  an  amour 
Intri'gue,  v.  n.  to  carry  on  private  designs 
Intri'guingly,  ad.  with  secret  plotting 
Iatrin'sic,  lntrin'sical,  a.  inward,  true,  real, 

natural,  not  accidental ;  closely  familiar 
Introduce,  v.  a.  to  bring  or  usher  in 
Introduc'tion,  s.  a  bringing  in  ;  a  preface 
Introduc'uve,    introductory,    a.    previous, 

serving  as  preparatory  to  something  else 
Jntrogres'sion,  s.  the  act  of  entering 
Intro'it,  s.  the  beginning  of  mass,  the  begin- 
ning of  public  devotions 
Tntromis'sion,  s.  act  of  sending  in,  <&c. 
Iutromi't,  v.  a.  to  send  or  let  in,  to  admit 
Introspection,  s.  a  view  of  the  inside 
Introve'nient,  a.  entering,  coming  in 
Intru'de,  v.  n.  to  intermeddle,  to  thrust  one's 

self  rudely  into  company,  to  encroach 
Intru'der,  s.  an  encroacher,  an  interloper 
Intrusion,  s.  the  adt  of  intruding 
Intru'st,  v .  a.  to  put  in  trust  witb,  &c. 
Intuition, s .  immediate  knowledge 
Iijtu'itive,  a.  seen  by  the  mind  immediately 

without  the  intervention  of  reason 
Intuitively,  «rf.  without  deduction  of  reason, 

by  immediate  perception 
Intumes'cence,  s.  a  swelling,  a  tumour 
Inturges'cence,  s.  the  a<ft  or  state  of  swelling 
Intwi'ne,  v.  a.  to  twist  or  wreath  together 
Inva'de,  v.  a.  to  enter  in  a  hostile  manner 
Inva'der,  s.  an  assailant,  intruder, encroacher 
Invales'cence,  /.  health  ;  strength 
Inval'id,  a .  weak,  of  no  force  or  weight 
Invali'd,  $.  a  soldier  or  other  person  disabled 

by  sickness  or  wounds 
Invalidate,  v.  a.  to  weaken  ;  to  make  void  ; 

to  deprive  of  force  or  efficacy 
Invalidity,  t.  weakness,  want  of  strength 
Invaluable,  a.  precious  above  estimation 
Invariable,  a.  unchangeable,  constant 
Inva'riably,  ad.  constantly,  steadfastly 
Inva'sion,  s.  a  hostile  entrance,  an  attack 
Inva'sive,  a.  entering  in  a  hostile  manner 
Invec'tive,  s.  railing,  sharp  expressions 
Invec'tively,  ad.  satirically,  abusively 
Invei'gh,  v.  a.  to  rail  at,  declaim  against 
Invei'gle,  v.  a.  to  allure,  to  entice 
Invei'gier,  s.  a  deceiver,  an  allurer 
Inve'nt,  v.  a.  to  discover,  to  "forge,  to  feign 
Invention, s.  a  fiction,  discovery,  forgery 
Invent'ive,  a.  apt  to  invent,  ingenious 
Invent'or,  s.  a  contriver,  a  finder  out 
In'ventory,  s.  a  catalogue  of  goods,  &c. 
Inve'rse,  a.  inverted,  opposed  to  direct 
I  aversely,  ad.  in  an  inverted  order 

Inver'sion,  s.  change  of  order,  time,  place,&c. 
Inve'rt,  v.  a.  to  turn  upside  down  ;  place  the 

last  first  ;  turn  into  another  channel 
Invert'edly,  ad.  in  contrary  or  reversed  order 
Inve'st,  v.  a.  to  confer  ;  to  array  ;  to  enclose 
Inves'tigable,  a.  that  may  be  searched  out 
Investigate,  v.  a.  to  trace  or  search  out 
Investigation,  s.  an  examination 
Invcst'iture,  s.  the  act  of  giving  possession 
Invest'ment,  s.  clothes,  dress,  habit 
Invet'eracy,  s.  long  continuance  of  any  thing 

bad,  as  disease,  &c.  obstinacy  of  mind 
Invet'erate,  a.  long  established,  obstinate 
Invet'eratencss,  s.  continuance,  obstinacy 
Invetera'tion,  /.  the  a£t  of  hardening  or  corr- 

firming  by  long  experience 
Invidious,**,  envious,  malignant 
Invid'iousness,  s.  quality  of  provoking  envy 
Invid  iously,  ad.  enviously,  malignantly 
Invig'crate,  v.  a.  to  strengthen,  to  animate 
Invigora'tion, s.  the  act  of  invigorating 
Invin'cible,  a.  unconquerable 
Invin'cibly,  ad.  insuperably,  unconquerably 
Inviolable,  a.  not  to  be  profaned  or  broken 
Invi'olate,  a.  uninjured,  unbroken 
Invis'cate,  v.  a.  to  slime,  to  entangle  with 

glutinous  matter 
Invisibility,  s.  the  state  of  being  invisible 
Invisible,  a.  not  to  be  seen,  imperceptible 
Invis'ibiy,  ad.  imperceptibly  to  sight 
Invita'tion,  s.  an  inviting,  a  bidding 
Invite,  v.  to  bid,  call,  persuade,  entice 
Inviter,  s.  one  who  invites  or  allures  others 
lnvi'tingly,  ad.  in  an  enticing  manner 
InunVbrate,  v.  a.  to  cover  with  shades 
Inunction,  s.  the  a6t  of  anointing 
Inunda'tion,  s.   an  overflow  of  water,  deluge 
In'vocate,  v.  a.  to  implore,  to  call  upon 
Invocation,  s.  a  calling  upon  in  prayer 
In'voice,  s.  a  catalogue  of  a  ship's  freight 
Invo'ke,  v.  a.  to  call  upon,  to  pray  to 
Invo'lve,  v.  «.to  inwrap ;  comprise  j  entangle 
Involuntarily,  ad.  not  by  choice 
Invol'untary,  a.  not  done  willingly 
Involution,  s.  a  complication,  rolling  up 
Inu're,  v.  a.  to  habituate,  to  accustom 
Inu'rement,  s.  custom,  use,  frequency 
Inu'rn,  z>.  a.  to  intomb,  to  bury 
Inus'tion,  s.  the  a€t  of  marking  by  fire 
Inu'tile,  a.  useless,  unprofitable 
Inutility,  s.  unprofitableness,  uselessness 
Invulnerable,  a.  that  cannot  be  wounded 
In'ward,  In'wardly,  ad.  within  ;  privately 
In'ward,  a.  placed  within  ;  reflecting 
In'wardness,  s.  intimacy,  familiarity 
Inwe'ave,  v.  a.  to  mix  in  weaving,  to  entwine 
Inwra'p,  v-  a.  to  involve,  perplex,  puzzle 
Inwre'athe,  v.  a.  to  surround  with  a  wreath 
Inwro'ught,  a.  adorned  with  work 
Job,  ;ca  piece  of  chance  work,  &c- 

I  P  E 


IR  R 

Job,  v.  to  buy  and  sell  as  a  broker,  to  strike 

suddenly  with  a  sharp  instrument 
Jobber,  s.  one  who  does  chance  work 
Jobbernowl,  s.  a  loggerhead,  a  dunce 
Jobe,  v.  a.  to  rebuke,  to  reprimand 
Jock'ey,  s.  one  who  rides  or  deals  in  horses 
Jock'ey,  v.  a.  to  jostle,  to  cheat,  to  trick 
Joco'se,  Joc'ular,  a.  merry,  waggish 
Joco'seness,  Jocos'ity,  jocular'ity,  s.  merri- 
ment ;  disposition  to  jest 
Joco'sely,  ad.  waggishly,  in  jest,  in  game 
Joc'und,  a.  merry,  blithe,  lively,  airy 
Joc'undly,  ad.  merrily,  sportfully,  gaily 
Jog,  Jog'gle,  v.  to  shake,  to  push 
Jog'ger,  s.  one  who  moves  heavily  and  dully 
Join,  v.  to  unite  together,  combine,  close 
Join'der,  s.  a  conjunction,  a  joining 
Join'er,  s.  one  who  makes  wooden  utensils 
Joint,  s.  the  articulation  where  bones  meet 
Joint,  v.  a.  to  divide  a  joint,  to  join 
Joint,  a.  shared  among  many,  combined 
Joint'ed,  a.  full  of  joints,  knots,  &c. 
Joint'er,  ;,  a  kind  of  long  plane 
Joint'ly,  ad.  together,  not  separately 
Joint'ress,  s.  she  who  has  a  jointure 
Joint'ure,  s.  an  income  settled  on  a  wife  to 
be  enjoyed  after  her  husband's  decease,  in 
consideration  of  her  dowry 
Joist,  s.  the  secondary  beani  of  a  floor 
Joke,  v.  n.  to  jest,  to  be  merry... s.  a  jest 
Jo'ker,  s.  a  jester,  a  merry  fellow 
Jole,  s.  the  face  or  cheek  ;  the  head  of  a  fish 
Jollily,  ad.  in  a  very  merry  manner 
Jol'lity,  s.  merriment,  festivity,  gaiety 
Jolly,  a.  brisk,  merry,  cheerful,  plump,  like 

one  in  good  health 
Jolt,  v.  to  shake  or  jostle  to  and  fro 
Joit'head,  s.  a  great  head,  a  blockhead,  a  dolt 
Ionic,  a.  in  architecture,  an  order  so  called 

from  Ionm,a  city,  of  Lesser  Asia 
Jonqui'lle,  s.  a  species  of  daffodil 
Jor'den,  s.  a  pot,  a  chamber  pot 
Jos'tle,  v.  a.  to  push  with  the  elbows,  &c. 
Jot,  Io'ta,  s.  a  point,  a  tittle 
Jo'vial,  a.  jolly,  merry,  airy,  gay 
Jo'vially,  ad.  merrily,  gaily 
Jo'vialness,  s.  gaiety, merriment,  jollity 
Jour'nal,  s.  a  diary,  a  paper  published  daily 
Journ'alist, ;.  a  writer  of  journals 
Jour'ney,  s.  travel  by  land  or  by  sea 
Journeyman,  s.  a  hired  workman 
Joust,  s.  a  tilt,  a  tournament ;  mock  fight 
Joy,  j.  gladness,  mirth,  happiness,  festivity 
Joy,  v.  to  rejoice,  gladden,  exhilarate 
Joy'ful,  a.  full  of  joy,  merry*  exulting 
Joy'fully,  ad.  merrily,  gladly,  with  joy 
Joy'fulness,  s.  joy,  gladness,  exultation 
Joyless,  a.  destitute  of  joy  or  pleasure 
Joy'ous,  a.  glad,  merry,  giving  joy 
pecacuan'ha.  j.  a-n  cradle  Indiaa  plant 

Iras'cible,  a.  apt  to  be  easily  provoked 
Iras'cibleness,  s.  aptness  to  be  angry 
Ire,  s.  anger,  rage,  passionate  hatred 
I'reful,  a.  very  angry,  raging,  furious 
I'ris,  s.   the  rainbow  j  the  circle  round  the 

pupil  of  the  eye  ;  the  fleur-de-lys 
Irk'some,  a.  tedious,  wearisome 
I'ron,  s.  a  common  useful  metal...rt.  harsh 
I'ron,  n.  a.  to  smooth  with  a  hot  iron 
Iron'ical,  a.  expressing  one  thing  and  mean- 
ing another  ;  pertaining  to  irony 
Ironically,  ad.  in  an  ironical  manner 
I'ronmor.ger,  s.  a  dealer  in  iron 
I'ronmould,  s.  a  yellow  stain  in  linen 
I'rony,  s.  a  manner  of  speaking  quite  contra- 
ry to  what  we  mean 
Irra'diance,  Irra'diancy,  s.  emission  of  rays 

or  beams  of  light  upon  any  object 
Irra'diate,  v.  a.  to  brighten,  to  illuminate 
Irradia'tion,  s.  an  enlightening,  &c. 
Irra'tional,  a.  contrary  to  reason,  absurd 
Irrationality,  s.  want  of  reason 
Irrationally,  ad.  unreasonably,  absurdly 
lrreclaim'able,  a.  not  to  be  reclaimed 
Irreconcilable,  a.  not  to  be  reconciled 
Ir recoverable,  a.  not  to  be  regained 
Irrecov'erably,  ad.  beyond  recovery 
Irredu'cible,  a.  that  which  cannot  be  reduced 
Irrefragabillty,  s.  strength  of  argument  not 

to  be  refuted  ;  undeniabieness 
Irrefragable,  a.  not  to  be  confuted 
Irref'ragably,  ad.  above  confutation 
Irrefutable,  a.  that  which,  cannot  be  refuted 
Irreg'ular,  a.  immethodical,  disorderly 
Irregularity,  ;.  neglect  of  method  and  order 
Irreg'ularly,  ad.  in  an  irregular  mariner 
Irreg'ulate,  v.  a.  to  make  irregular 
Irrel'ative,  a.  single,  unconnected 
Irreli'gion,  s.  contempt  of  religion,  impiety 
Irreli'gious,  a.  ungodly,  impious 
Irreligiously,  ad.  impiously,  with  impiety 
Irreme'able,  a.  admitting  no  return 
lrreme'diabie,  a.  admitting  no  cure,  incurable 
Irremis'sible,  a.  not  to  be  pardoned 
Irremo'vable,  a.  net  to  be  moved 
Irrep'arable,  c.  not  to  be  repaired  or  recovered 
Irrep'arably,  ad.  without  recovery  or  amends 
Irrepleviable,  a.  not  to  be  redeemed 
Irreprehen'sible,  a.  exempt  from  blame 
Irrepresent'able,  a.  not  to  be  represented 
Irreproachable,  a.  free  from  reproach 
Irrepro'veable,  a.  not  to  be  blamed 
Irresistible,  a.  that  which  cannot  be  resisted- 
Irresistibility,  s.  force  above  opposition 
Irresistibly,  ad.  in  an  irresistible  manner 
Irres'oluble,«.  not  to  be  broken,  or  dissolved 
Irres'olute,  a.  not  determined,  not  steady 
Irres'olutely,  ad.  without  firmness  of  mind 
Irresolution,  s.  want  of  firmness  of  mind 
Irretrievable,  a.  irrecoverable)  irreparat-1.*  . 

JUG  129 

Irreverence,  s.  a  want  of  veneration 
Irrev'erent,  a.  not  paying  due  respect 
Irrev'erently,  ad.  without  due  veneration 
Irreversible,  a.  not  to  be  changed  or  recalled 
Irrevocable,  a.  not  to  be  recalled,  &c. 
Irrevocably,  ad.  without  recall 
Ir'rigate,  v.  a.  to  moisten,  to  water,  to  wet 
Irrig'uous,  a.  watery,  dewy,  moist,  wet 
Irri'sion,  s.  the  act  of  laughing  at  another 
Ir'ritate,  v.  a.  to  provoke,  fret,  agitate 
Irrita'tion,  s.  provocation,  stimulation 
Irrup'tion,  /.  an  inroad,  entrance  by  force 
Js'chury,  Is'cury,  /.  a  stoppage  of  urine 
I'singlass,  s.z  lightish,  firm  ghie,  prepared 

from  the  intestines  of  certain  fish 
I'sland,  Isle,  s.  land  surrounded  by  water 
i'slander,  s.  an  inhabitant  of  an  island 
Isochro'nal,  a.  being  of  equal  duration 
Isos'celes,  /.  a  triangle  with  two  equal  sides 
Is'sue,  s.  an  ev«nt;  termination;    offspring: 

a  fontanel;  a  vent  made  in  a  muscle  for 

the  discharge  of  some  humours 
Is'sue,  v.  to  send  out,  come  out,  arise 
Is'sueless,  a.  without  any  descendants. 
Isth'mus,  s.  a  neck  or  jut  of  land 
Itch,  s.  a  disease  ;  a  teaming  desire 
l'tem,  s.  a  hint,  innuendo,  new  article 
It'erant,  a.  repeating 
It'erate,  v.  a.  to  repeat,  to  do  over  again 
Itera'tion,  s.  a  recital  over  again,  repetition 
Itin'erant,  a.  wandering,  unsettled 
Itin'erary,  s.  a  diary,  or  book  of  travels 
Itself,  pronoun,  it  and  self 
Jubilant,  a.  uttering  songs  of  triumph 
Jubila'tion,  s.  the  aft  of  declaring  triumph 
JuOiiee,  j.  a  public  festivity 
jfucun'dity,  /.  pleasantness,  agreeableness 
Ju'daism,  s.  the  religion  of  the  Jews 
Ja'daize,  v.  n.  to  conform  to  Judaism 
Judge,  s.   an  officer  who  presides  in  a  court 

of  judicature ;  one  who  has  authority  to 

decide  upon  the  merit  of  any  thing 
Judge,  v.  a.  to  pass  sentence,  decide,  discern 
Judg'ment,  s.  an  opinion,  sentence,  &c. 
Judicatory,  s.  a  court  of  justice,  &c. 
Judicature,  s.  a  power  to  distribute  justice 
Judi'cial,  Judi'ciary,  a.  done  in  due  form  of 

justice,  &c  ;  passing  judgment 
Judicially,  ad.  in  the  forms  of  legal  justice  ; 

in  a  judiciary  manner 
Judi'cious,  a.  prudent,  wise,  skilful 
Judi'ciously,  ad.  skilfully,  wisely 
Jug,  s.  a  large  drinking  vessel 
Ju'gated,  a.  yoked  or  coupled  together 
Jug'gle  ,v.  n.  to  play  tricks  by  slight  of  hand 
Jug'gle,  s.  a  trick,  imposture,  deeeption 
Jug'gler,  s.  a  cheat,  one  who  juggles 
Jug'gling,  part,  playing  tricks,  deceiving 
Ju'gular,  a.  belonging  to  the  throat 
J#u'gulate,  v.  a.  to  cut  the  throat 


Jugula'tion, ;.  a  cutting  of  the  throat 
Juice, ;.  sap  in  vegetables ;  fluid  in  animals 
Juice'less,  a.  dry,  without  moisture 
Jui'ciness,  s.  plenty  of  juice,  succulence 
Ju'icy,  a.  moist,  full  of  juice,  succulent 
Juke,  v.  n.  to  perch  upon  any  thing,  as  birds 
Ju'lap,  i.  a  pleasant  liquid  medicine 
July',/,  the  seventh  month  of  the  year 
Ju'rnart,  s.  the  mixture  of  a  bull  and  a  mare 
Jum'ble,  v.  a.  to  mix  confusedly  together 
Junvhle,  s.  a  confused  mixture 
Ju'ment,  /.  a  beast  of  burden 
Jump,  v.  n.  to  leap,  skip,  jolt,  leap  suddenly 
Junc'ate,  s.  a  cheesecake  ;  an  entertainment 
Junc'ous,  a.  full  of  bulrushes 
Junc'tion,  s.  an  union  5  a  cealition 
Junc'ture,  s.  a  joint ;  union  ;  critical  timfi 
June,  j.  the  sixth  month  of  the  year 
Ju'nior,  a.  one  younger  than  another 
Ju'niper,  s.  a  plant  which  produce5  a  berry- 
Junk,  s.  a  sntall  Chinese  ship  ;  an  old  cable 
Junk'et,  s.  a  sweetmeat... v.n.  to  feast  secretly 
Jun'to,  s.  a  cabal,  a  faction 
I'vory,  s.  the  tooth  of  the  elephant 
I',  s.  a  fine  kind  of  blacking 
Juppa'n,  s.  ?.  short  close  coat 
Ju'rat,  s.  a  magistrate  in  some  corporations 
Ju'ratory,  a.  giving  an  oath 
Juridical,  a.  used  in  courts  of  law,  &c. 
Juridically,  ad.  with  legal  authority 
Ju'risconsult,  s.  one  who  gives  law  opinions 
Jurisdiction,  s.  legal  authority ;  a  district 
Jurisprudence,  /.  the  science  of  law 
Ju'rist,  s.  a  civil  lawyer,  a  civilian 
Ju'ror,  Ju'ryman,  s.  one  serving  on  a  jury 
Ja'ry,  s.  a  certain  number  of  persons  sworn 

to  declare  the  truth  upon  such  evidence  as 

shall  be  given  before  them 
Ju'rymast,  s.  a  sea  term  for  whatever  is  set 

up  instead  of  a  mast  lost  in  fight,  &c. 
Just,  a.  upright,  honest,  regular,  virtuous 
Just,  s.  a  mock  fight  on  horseback,  a  tilt 
Just,  ad.  exactly,  accurately,  nearly 
Just'ice,  s.  equity,  right  law  ;  an  officer 
Justiceship,  s.  rank  or  office  of  a  justice 
Justiciary,  s.  one  who  administers  justice 
Justifiable,  a.  conformable  to  justice 
Justifiably,  ad.  in  a  justifiable  manner 
Justification,  /.  a  defence,  vindication 
Justifica'tor,  s.  one  who  justifies 
Just'ifier,  s.  one  who  justifies  or  defends 
Just'ify,  v.  a.  to  clear  from  guilt,  defend 
Jus'tle,  v.  to  encounter,  to  clash  ;  to  push 
Just'ly,  ad.  uprightly,  honestly,  properly 
Just'ness,  s.  justice,  reasonableness 
Jut,  v.  n.  to  push,  to  shoot  out 
Ju'venile,  a.  youthful,  young 
Juvenility,/,  youthfulness  of  temper,  &c. 
Juxtaposition,  s.  a  placing  by  each  other 
I'vy,  /.  a  common  pljtnt 

K  1  D 


K  N  A 


KAL'ENDAR,  j.  an  ephemeris  or  alma- 
nac ;  an  account  of  time 
Ka'li,  s.  a  sea  weed,  of  the  ashes  of  which 

glass  is  made,  whence  the  word  Alkali 
Sam,  a.  crooked,  thwart,  awry 
Kaw,  v.  to  cry  as  a  raven,  crow,  or  rook 
Kaw,  s.  the  cry  of  a  raven  or  crow 
Kayle, s.  ninepin,  kettlepins,  nine  holes 
Keck,  v.  n.  to  retch  at  vomiting,  to  heave 
Reekie,  v.  a.  to  tie  a  rope  round  a  cable 
Kecks,  Keck'sy,  s.  dry  hollow  stalks 
Ked'ger,  *.  a  small  anchor  used  in  a  river 
Keel,  s,  the  bottom  of  a  ship 
Keel'fat,  s.  a  vessel  for  liquor  to  cool  irt 
Keei'haie,  v.  a.  to  drag  under  the  keel 
Keen,  a.  sharp,  eager,  acrimonious 
Keenly,  ad.  sharply,  eagerly,  bitterly 
Keen'ness,  /.  sharpness,  asperity, vehemence 
Keep,  v.  a.  to  retain,  preserve,  maintain 
Keep,  s .  custody,  restraint,  guard 
Keep'er,  s.  one  who  keeps  or  holds  any  thing 
Keep'ing,  s.  custody,  support 
Keg,  or  Kag,  s.  a  small  barrel  for  fish,  &c. 
Kell,  s.  a  sort  of  pottage  ;  the  omentum 
Kelp,  s.  a  salt  from  calcined  sea- weed 
Kel'son,  Keel'son,  s.  a  piece  of  timber  in  the 

ship's  hold,  lying  next  the  keel 
Ken,  11.  a.  to  see  at  a  distance,  descry,  know 
Ken,  j.  view,  the  reach  of  sight 
Ken'nel,  t.  a  cot  for  dogs  ;  a  water  course 
Kept,  pret.  and  part-  pass,  of  to  keep 
Ker'chief,  s.  a  kind  of  head-dress 
Kern,  s.  an  Irish  foot  soldier  ;  a  hand-mill 
Kern,  v.  to  form  into  grains  ;  to  granulate 
Ker'nel,  s.  the  substance  within  a  shell 
Ker'sey,  s.  a  kind  of  coarse  stuff 
Ketch,  s.  a  heavy  ship 
Ket'tle,  s.  a  vessel  to  boil  liquor  in 
Ket'cle-drum,  s.  a  drum  with  a  body  of  brass 
Key,  s.  an  instrument  to  open  a  lock,  &c.  ;  a 

tone  in  music  j  a  wharf  for  goods 
Key'age,  f,  money  paid  for  wharfage 
Key'hole,  s.  the  hole  to  put  a  key  in 
Key'stone,  s.  the  middle  stone  of  an  arch 
Kibe,  s.  a  chap  in  the  heel,  a  chilblain 
Kick,  v.  a.  to  strike  with  the  foot 
Kick,  s.  a  blow  with  the  foot 
Kick'shaw,  s.  a  fantastical  dish  of  meat 
Kid,*,  the  young  of  a  goat;  a  bundle  of  furze 
Kid,  v.  a.  to  bring  forth  kids 
Kid'der,  /.  an  ingrosser  of  corn 
Kid'nap,  v.  a.  to  steal  children,  &c 
Kid'napper,  s.  one  who  steals  human  beings 
Kid'neybean,  s.  a  garden  herb 

Kid'ney9,  j,  certain  parts  of  an  animal  which 

separate  the  urine  from  the  blood 
Kil'derkin,  s.  a  beer  measure  of  18  gallons 
Kill,  v.  a.  to  deprive  cf  life,  to  destroy  ' 
Kil'ler,  s.  one  who  deprives  of  life 
Kil'iow,  s.  a  blackish  kind  of  earth 
Kiln,  s.  a  stove  for  drying  or  burning  in 
Kim'bo,  a.  crooked,  bent,  arched 
Kin,  s.  a  relation,  kindred,  the  same  kind 
Kind,  a.  benevolent,  favourable,  good 
Kind,  /.  general  class,  particular  nature 
Kin'dle,  v.  to  set  on  fire  ;  to  exasperate 
Kind'ly,  ad.  benevolently3  with  good  will 
Kind'ly,c.  homogeneal,mild,  softening 
Kind'ness,  s.  benevolence,  good  will,  love 
Kin'dred,  s.  relation,  affinity,  relatives 
Kin'dred,  a.  congenial,  related,  allied 
Kine,  s.  the  plural  of  Cow 
King,  s.  a  monarch,  a  chief  ruler 
Klng'craft,  s.  the  a6t  or  art  of  governing 
King'dom,  s.  the  dominion  of  a  king 
King'nsherj  s.  a  beautiful  small  bird 
King'ly, a.  royal, august,  noble,  monarchical 
Kings'evil,  s .  a  scrophulous  disease 
King'ship,  s.  royalty,  monarchy 
Kins'folk,  s.  relations,  persons  related 
Kins'mati,  s.  a  man  of  the  same  family 
Kins'woman,  s.  a  female  relation 
Kirk,  s.  a  church  ;  the  church  of  Scotland 
Kir'tle,  /.  an  upper  garment,  a  gown 
Kiss,  v.  a.  to  touch  with  the  lips 
Kiss,  s.  a  salute  given  by  joining  lips 
Kiss'ing-crust,  s.  a  crust  formed  in  the  oven 

by  one  loaf  touching  another 
Kit,  s.  a  small  fiddle  ;  a  wooden  vessel 
Kitch'en,  s.  a  room  used  for  cookery,  dec. 
Kitch'en-garden,  s.  a  garden  for  roots,  6cc. 
Kitch'en-maid,  s.  an  under  cook  maid 
Kitch'enstuff,  s.  the  fat  scummed  off  pots,&c. 
Kite,  s.  a  bird  of  prey  ;  a  fictitious  bird  of  pa- 
per, serving  as  a  plaything  for  boys 
Kit'ten,  s.  a  young  cat...v.  n.  to  bring  forth 

young  cats 
Klick,  v.  n.  to  make  a  small  sharp  noise 
Klick'ing,  j,  a  regular  sharp  noise 
Knab,  v.  a.  to  bite  with  noise 
Knack,  /.  dexterity,  readiness  ;  a  toy 
Knag,  s.  a  hard  knot  in  wood,  a  wart 
Knag'gy,«.  knotty,  set  with  hard  rough  knots 
Knap,  j.  prominence  upon  cloth,  &c. 
Knap,  v.  to  bite,  to  break  in  sunder 
Knap'sack,  Ha'versack,  s.  a  soldier's  bag 
Knare,  Knur,  Knurle,  s.  a  hard  knot 
Knave,  s .  a  petty  rascal,  a  scoundrel 




Kna'very,  j.  dishonesty,  craft,  deceit 
Kna'vish,  a.  fraudulent,  waggish,  wicked 
Kna'vishly,  ad.  fraudulently,  mischievously 
Knead,  v.  a.  to  work,  dough  with  the  fist 
Knead'ing-trough,  s.  a  trough  to  knead  in 
Knee,  j.  a  joint  between  the  leg  and  thigh 
Knee'deep,  a.  rising  or  sunk  to  the  knees 
Knee'pan,  s.  a  small  round  bone  at  the  knee, 

a  little  convex  on  both  sides 
Kneel,  v.  n.  to  bend  or  rest  on  the  knee 
Knell,  s.  the  sound  of  a  funeral  bell 
Knew, preterite  of  to  know 
Knife,  s.  a  steel  utensil  to  cut  with 
Knight,  s.  a  title  next  in  dignity  to  a  baron- 
et ;   a  champion...t>.  a.  to  create  a  knight 
Knighter'rant,  s.  a  wandering  knight 
Knighter'rantry,  s.  the  feats,  character,  or 

manners  of  a  knighterrant 
Knight'hood,  s.  the  dignity  of  a  knight 
Knight'ly,  a.  befitting  a  knight 
Knit,  v.  n.  to  weave  without  a  loom  ;  close 

Knit'ter,  /.  one  who  knits  or  weaves 
Knlt'ting-needle,  s.  a  wire  used  in  knitting 
Knit'lle,  j-.  a  string  that  gathers  a  purse  round 
Knob,  s.  the  protuberance  of  a  tree,  <5rc. 
Kncbtjed,  Knobby,  a.  full  of  knobs,  hard 
Knock,  s.  a  sudden  stroke,  a  blow 
Knock,  v.  to  clash,  to  strike  with  noise 
Knock'er,  s.  a  hammer  hanging  at  the  dooT 
Knoll,  v.  to  ring  or  sound  as  a  bell 
Knot,  /.  a  part  which  is  tied  ;  a  difficulty- 
Knot,  v.  to  make  knots  ;  unite  ;  perplex 
Knot'ted,  Knot'ty,  a.  full  of  knots  ;  hard 
Know,  v.  to  understand,  to  recognize 
Know'ing,  a.  skilful,  intelligent,  conscious 
Know'ingly,  ad.  with  skill ;  designedly 
Knowledge,  s.  skill,  learning,  perception 
Knub'ble,  v.  a.  to  beat  with  the  knuckles 
Knuc'kle,  v.  n.  to  submit,  to  bend 
Knuc'kled,  a.  jointed  ;  having  knuckles 
Knuc'kles,  s.  the  joints  of  the  fingers 
Knuff,  s.  an  awkward  person,  a  lout 


LIS  used  as  a  numeral   for   50 ;  it  also 
stands  for    libra,    a  pound  ;    when 
placed  after  a  name,  it  signifies  legum,  as 
LL.  D.  Legum  Do5or}  Doctor  of  Laws 
La  !   inter,  look,  behold,  see 
Lab'danum,  s.  a  resin  of  the  softer  kind 
Labefac'tion,  s.  the  act  of  weakening 
Lab'efy,  v.  a.  to  weaken,  to  impair 
La'bel,  s.  a  short  direction  upon  any  thing 
La'bent,  a.  sliding,  gliding,  slipping 
La'bial,^.  uttered  by,  or  relating  to  the  lips 
Lab'orant,  s.  a  chymist 
Laboratory,  s.  a  chymist's  work-room 
Labo'rious,  «.  diligent  in  work  ;  tiresome 
Laboriously,  ad.  with  labour  or  toil 
La'bour,  s.  pain,  toil,  work  ;  childbirth 
La*bour,  v.  to  toil,  to  work  ;  be  in  travail 
Labourer,  s.  one  who  toils  or  takes  pains 
Labouring,  a.  striving  with  effort 
Lab'yrinth,  s.  a  maze  full  of  windings 
Lace,  ;.  a  platted  cord  of  gold,silver,or  thread 
Lace,  v.  a.  to  fasten  with  a  lace  ;  to  adorn 
La'ceman,  s.  one  who  deals  in  lace 
La'cerable,  a.  that  may  be  rent  or  torn 
La'cerate,  v.  a.  to  tear  in  pieces,  to  rend 
Lacera'tion,  s.  the  act  of  tearing  or  rending 
Lach'rymal,  a.  generating  tears 
Lach'rymary,  a.  containing  tears 
Lach'rymatory,  s.  a  vessel  to  preserve  tears 
Lacin'iated,  a.  adorned  with  fringe 
Lack,  v.  to  be  in  want,  to  need,  be  without 
Lack'brain,  s.  one  that  wants  wit 

Lack'er.  s.  a  kind  of  yellow  varnish 
Lack'er,  v.  a.  to  cover  with  lacker 
Lack'ey,  s.  a  footboy,  an  attending  servant 
Lack'ey,  v.  a.  to  attend  servilely 
Lack'lustre,  a.  wanting  brightness,  dull 
Lacon'ic,  a.  short,  brief,  concise 
Laconically,  ad.  briefly,  concisely 
Lac'onism,  s.  a  concise,  pithy  style 
Lac'tant,  a.  suckling,  giving  milk 
Lac'tary,  a.  milky.../,  a  dairy  house 
Lafta'tion,  /.  the  aft  of  giving  suck 
Lac'teal,  /.  a  vessel  that  conveys  chyle 
Lac'teal,  Lac'teous,  a.  conveying  chyle 
Ladtes'cent,  Ladtif  ic,  a.  producing  milk 
Lad,  s.  a  boy,  a  stripling 
Lad'der,  s.  a  frame  with  steps  for  climbing 
Lade,  v.  a.  to  load,  freight  ;  throw  out 
La'ding,  s.  a  freight,  cargo  of  a  ship 
La'dle,  s.  a  large  spoon  ;  a  vessel ;  a  handle 
La'dy,  s.  a  female  title  of  honour  ;  a  woman 
La'dybird,  La'dycow,  s.   a  small  red  insect 
Ladyda'y,  s.  the  25th  of  March,  the  An- 
nunciation of  the  blessed  Virgin  Mary 
La'dylike,  a.  soft,  delicate,  elegant 
La'dyship,  s.  the  title  of  a  lady 
Lag,  « .  coming  behind,  sluggish,  last 
Lag,  v.  n.  to  loiter,  to  stay  behind 
La'ic,  La'ical,  a.  pertaining  to  the  laity 
Laid,  preterite  participle  of  to  lay 
Lain,  preterite  participle  of  to  lie 
Lair,  s.  the  couch  of  a  boar,  or  wild  beast 
Laird,  j.  a  Scotch  lord  of  a  manor 


L  A  T 

La'ity,  s.  the  people,  as  distinguished  from 

the  clergy  ;  the  state  of  a  layman 
Lake,  s.  a  large  inland  water  ;  a  colour 
Lamb,  s.  the  young  of  a  sheep 
Lam'bative,  a.  taken  by  licking 
Lambent,  a.  playing  about,  gliding  over 
Lamb'kin,  s.  a  little  or  young  lamb 
Lamb'like,  a.. meek,  mild,  gentle 
Lamb'swool,  /.  ale  and  apple  pulps 
Lame,  a.  crippled,  hobbling,  imperfect 
Lame,  v.  a.  to  make  lame,  to  cripple 
Lam'eilated,  a.  covered  with  plates 
La'mely,  ad.  like  a  cripple,  imperfectly 
La'meness,  s.  the  state  of  a  cripple 
Lame'nt,  v.  to  mourn,  grieve,  bewail 
Lamentable,  a.  mournful,  sorrowful 
Lam'entably,  ad.  mournfully,  pitifully 
Lamenta'tion,  j   an  expression  of  sorrow 
Lament'er,  j.  he  who  mourns  or  laments 
Lam'ina,  s.  a  thin  plate  or  scale 
Lam'inated,  a.  plated,  covered  with  plates 
Lam'mas,  s.  the  first  of  August 
Lamp,  s.  a  light  made  with  oil  and  a  wick 
Lampbla'ck,  s.  a  black  made  by  holding  a 

lighted  torch,  under  a  basin 
Lampoo'n ,  s.  a  personal  satire ;  abuse,  censure 
Lampoo'n,  v.  a.  to  abuse  personally 
Lampoon'er,  s.  a  writer  of  personal  satire 
Lam'prey,  s.  a  fish  like  an  eel 
Lana'rious,  a.  pertaining  to  wool 
Lance,  s.  a  long  spear...-y.  a.  to  pierce,  to  cut 
Lan'cet,  s.  a  small  pointed  instrument 
Lan'cinate,  v.  a.  to  tear,  to  rend 
Land,  j.  a  country,  region,  earth,  estate 
Land,  v.  to  set  or  come  on  shore 
Land'ed,  a.  having  a  fortune  in  land 
Land'fall,  s.  a  sudden  translation  of  property 

in  land  by  the  death  of  a  rich  man 
Land'flood,  s.  inundation  by  rain 
Land'grave,  s.  a  German  title  of  dominion 
Landholder,  s.  one  who  possesses  land 
Land'ing,  s.  a  place  to  land  at  ;  the  stair  top 
Land'jobber,  s.  one  who  buys  and  sells  land 
Land'lady,  s.  the  mistress  of  an  inn,  &c. 
Landlocked,  a.  shut  in  or  enclosed  by  land 
Land'lord,  s.  the  master  of  as  inn,  &c. 
Land'mark,  s.  a  mark  of  boundaries 
Landscape,  s.  the  prospect  of  a  country 
Land'tax,  s.  a  tax  upon  land  and  houses 
Land'waiter,  s.  an  officer  of  the  customs 

who  watches  the  landing  of  goods 
Lane,  s.  a  narrow  street  or  alley 
Lan'guage,  s.  human  speech  in  general 
Lan'guet,  s.  any  thing  cut  like  a  tongue 
Lan'guid,  a.  weak,  faint,  heartless 
Lan'guidness,  s.  feebleness,  weakness 
Lau'guish,  v.  n.  to  grow  feeble,  to  pine 
Lan'guishingly,  ad.  weakly,  tenderly 
Lan'guishment,  /.  a  softness  of  mien 
TLan'saor,  s,  want  of  strength  or  epir-t 

Lan'ifice,  s.  a  woollen  manufacture 
Lanigerous,  a.  bearing  wool 
Lank,  a.  loose,  not  fat,  slender,  languid 
Lank'ness,  s.  a  want  of  plumpness 
Lansquene't,  s.  a  game  at  cards ;  a  foot  soldier 
Lan'tern,  s.  a  case  for  a  candle...a.  thin 
Lap,  s.  that  part  of  a  person  sitting  which 

reaches  from  the  waist  to  the  knees 
Lap,  v.  to  wrap  round,  to  lick  up 
Lap'dog,  s.  a  little  dog  for  the  lap 
Lap'ful,  j.  as  much  as  the  lap  can  hold 
Lap'idary,  s.  a  polisher  of  precious  stones 
Lap'idate,  v.  to.  to  stone,  to  kill  by  stoning 
Lapid'eous,  a.  6tony,  of  the  nature  of  stone 
Lapides'cence,  s.  stony  concretion 
Lapidif'ic,  a.  forming  stones 
Lap'idist,  s.  a  dealer  in  stones  or  gems 
Lap'per,  /.  one  who  wraps  up  or  laps 
Lap'pet,  s.  a  loose  part  of  a  head-dress 
Lapse,  s.  a  small  error  or  mistake  ;  fall 
Lapse,  v.  n.  to  fall  from  perfection,  truth,  or 

faith  ;  to  glide  slowly  ;  to  slip  by  mistake 
Lap'wing,  s.  a  swift  and  noisy  bird 
Lar'board,  /.  the  left  hand  side  of  a  ship 
Lar'ceny,  s.  petty  theft  or  robbery 
Lard,  s.  the  fat  of  swine  melted 
Lard,  v.  a.  to  stuff  with  bacon  ;  to  fatten 
Lard'er,  s.  a  place  where  meat  is  kept 
Large,  a.  big,  wide,  copious,  abundant 
Large'ly,  ad.  extensively,  liberally,  widely 
Large'ness,  s.  bulk,  greatness,  extension 
Lar'gess,  s.  a  present,  bounty,  gift 
Lark,  s.  a  small  singing  bird 
La'rum,  s  an  alarm  ;  a  machine  contrived  to 

make  a  noise  at  a  certain  hour 
Lasciv'ious,  a.  lewd,  lustful,  wanton,  soft 
Lasciv'iously,  ad.  lewdly,  wantonly,  loosely 
Lasciv'iousness,  s.  wantonness 
Lash,  s.  part  of  a  whip  ;  a  stroke 
Lash,  v.  a.  to  scourge,  to  strike,  to  satirize 
Lass,  s.  a  girl,  maid,  young  woman 
Las'situde,-  s.  fatigue,  weariness,  languor 
Lass'lom,  a.  forsaken  by  a  mistress 
Last,  a.  latest,  hindmost,  utmost 
Last,  s .  the  wooden  mould  on  which  shoes 

are  formed  ;  a  certain  measure  or  weigh%  the  last  time  ;  in  conclusion 
Last,  v.  n.  to  endure,  to  continue 
Last'age,  /.  customs  paid  for  freightage 
Last'ing,  part .  a.  durable,  perpetual 
Last'ly,  ad.  in  the  last  time  or  place 
Latch,  s.  a  fastening  of  a  door,  &c. 
Latch'et,  /.  a  shoe-string  ;  a  fastening 
Late,  a.  slow,  tardy  ;  deceased 
Late,  ad.  far  in  the  day  or  night ;  lately 
La'tely,  Lat'terly,  ad.  not  long  ago 
La'teness,  s.  time  far  advanced 
La'tent,  a.  secret,  hidden,  concealed 
Lat'eral,  a.  growing  out  on  the  side,  &c. 
Lst'eratly,  ad.  by  the  side,  sidewise 




Lat/eran,  s.  the  Pope's  palace  at  Rome 
Lath,  s.  a  long  thin  slip  of  wood  ;  a  division 

of  a  country,  usually  containing  three,  and 

sometimes  more  hundreds 
Lath,  v.  a.  to  fit  up  with  laths 
Lathe,  s.  a  turner's  tool 
Lath'er,  s.  the  froth  of  water  and  soap 
Lat'in,  /.  the  ancient  Roman  language 
Lat'inism,  s.  an  idiom  of  the  Latin  tongue 
Lat'inist,  s.  one  well  versed  in  Latin 
Lat'inize,  v.  to  make  or  use  Latin 
La'tion,  s.  removal  of  a  body  in  a  right  line 
La'tish,  a.  somewhat  late 
Lat'itancy,  s.  the  state  of  lying  hid 
Lat'itant,  a.  concealed,  delitescent 
Lat'itude,  s.  breadtn,  width,  extent,  liberty, 

diffusion  ;  the  distance,  north  or  south, 

from  the  equator 
I  atitudina'rian,  a.  unlimited,  not  confined 
La'trant,  a.  barking,  snarling 
Latri'a,  /.  the  highest  kind  of  worship 
Lat'teh,  s.  brass  ;  iron  tinned  over 
Lat'ter,  a.  modern  ;  the  last  of  two    • 
Lat'termath,  s.  a  second  mowing 
Lat'tice,  s.  a  window  formed  of  grate  work 
Lava'tion,  s.  the  act  of  washing 
Lav'atory,  s.  a  wash  ;  a  bathing  place 
Laud,  s.  praise...^,  a.  to  praise,  to  extol 
Laud'able,  a.  praiseworthy  ;  salubrious 
Laud'ably,  ad.  deserving  praise 
Laudanum,  s.  the  tincture  of  opium 
Lave,  v.  to  wash,  bathe,  lade  out 
Lav'ender,  s.  a  fragrant  herb 
La'ver,  s.  a  washing  vessel 
Laugh,  v.  to  make  that  noise  which  sudden 

mirth  excites  ;  to  deride,  to  scorn 
Laugh'able,  a.  exciting  laughter,  droll 
Laugh'er, ;.  one  who  laughs  much 
Laugh 'ing-stock,  s.  an  object  of  ridicule 
Laugh'ter,  s.  a  convulsive  meny  noise 
Lav'ish,  v.  a   to  waste,  to  scatter  profusely 
Lav'ish,  a.  indiscreetly  liberal,  wild 
Lav'ishly,  ad.  profusely,  prodigally 
Launch,  v.  to  put  to  sea  ;  to  dart  forward 
Laun'dress,  s.  a  washerwoman 
Laun'dry,  s.  a  room  to  wash  clothes  in 
Lavo'lt,  or  Lavo'lta,  s.  an  old  brisk  dance'rcat,  s.  the  royal  poet 
Lau'reate,  a.  decked  with  laurel 
Lau'rel,  s.  an  evergreen  tree 
Lavv'reled,  a.  crowned  with  laurel 
Law,  s.  a  rule  of  action  ;  a  decree,  edict,  or 

statute  ;  a  judicial  process 
Lavv'ful,  a.  conformable  to  law,  legal 
Law'fully,  ad.  in  a  lawful  manner 
Lawfulness,  s.  the  allowance  of  law 
Law'giver,  s.  one  who  makes  laws,  legislator 
Law'less,  a.  illegal,  unrestrained  by  law 
Lawn,  s.  a  plain  between  woods  ;   fine  linen 
Law'suit,  s,  a  process  in  law,  a  litigation 

Law'yer,  s.  professor  of  law,  an  advocate 
Lax,  a.  loose,  vague,  slack  ;  loose  in  body 
Lax,  s.  a  looseness,  a  diarrhoea  ;  a  fish 
Lax'ative,  a.  relieving  costiveness 
Lax'ity,  Lax'ness, ;.  looseness,  openness 
Lay,-y.  to  place  along;  to  beat  down  ;  to  calm  ; 

to  settle;  to  wager;  to  protrude  eggs;  impose 
Lay,  s.  a  row  ;   a  stratum  ;  grassy  ground  ; 

a  meadow  ;  a  song  or  peem 
Lay,  a.  not  clerical  ;  belonging  to  the  people 

as  distinct  from  the  clergy 
Lay'er,  s.   a  stratum  ;  a  sprig  of  a  plant 
Lay'man,  :.  one  of  the  laity  ;  an  image 
La'zar,  s.  one  infected  with  filthy  diseases 
La'zarhouse,  or  Lazaret'to,  s.  a  house  to  re- 
ceive lazars  in  ;  an  hospital 
La'zily,  ad.  idly,  sluggishly,  heavily 
La'ziness,  s.  idleness,  slothfulness 
La'zy,  a.  idle,  sluggish,  unwilling  to  work 
Lea,  Lee,  Ley,  ;.  ground  enclosed 
Lead,  j.  the  heaviest  metal,  except  go!d 
Lead,  v.  to  guide,  to  conduct,  to  induce 
Lead'en,  a.  made  of  lead  ;  heavy,  dull 
Le'ader,  s.  a  conductor,  a  commander 
Le'ading,  part.  a.  principal,  going  before 
Leaf,  s.  the  green  parts  of  trees  and  plants   ; 

part  of  a  book,  a  door,  or  table 
Leafless,  a.  naked,  or  stripped  of  leaves 
League,  s.  a  confederacy  ;  three  miles 
League,?;,  n.  to  confederate,  to  unite 
Leak,  v.  n.  to  let  water  in  or  out,  to  drop 
Leak'age,  /.  allowance  for  loss  by  leaks 
Leak'y,  a.  letting  water  in  or  out 
Lean,  a.  thin,  meagre...*,  meat  without  f:t 
Lean,  v.  n.  to  rest  against,  tend  towards 
Lean'ness,  s.  a  want  of  flesh,  meagerness 
Leap,  v.  to  jump  ;  to  bound  ;  to  spring 
Leap,  s.  a  bound,  jump,  sudden  transition 
Leapfrog,  s .  a  play  of  children 
Leap'year,  s.  every  fourth  year 
Learn,  7'.  to  gain  knowledge,  to  teach 
Learn'ed,  a.  versed  in  science,  skilled 
Learn'er,  s.  one  who  is  learning  any  thing 
Learning,  s.  skill  in  any  thing,  erudition 
Lease, ;.  a  temporary  contract  for  possessicn 

of  houses  or  lands  ;  any  tenure 
Lease,  v.  to  glean,  to  gather  up 
Leas'er,  s.  a  gleaner 

Leash,  s.  a  leathern  thong,  a  band  to  tie  v.  ith 
Leas'ing,  s.  lies,  falsehood,  deceit 
Least,  a.  superlative  of  little,  the  smalies :  in  the  lowest  degree 
Leas'y,  a.  flimsy,  of  weak  texture 
Leath'er,  s.  an  animal's  hide  dressed 
Leath'ercoat,  s  an  apple  with  a  tough  rind 
Leath'er-dresser,  s.  he  who  dresses  leather 
Leath'ern,  a.  made  of  leather 
Leath'er-seller,  s.  he  who  deals  in  leather 
Leave,  j,  permission,  licence  ;  a  farev.c;". 
Leave,  v,  to  quit,  abandcn}  bequeath 




Lea'ven,  or  Le'ven,  s.  ferment ;  that  which 
being  mixed  in  any  body  makes  it  rise  and 
Lea'ven,  v.  a.  to  ferment,  taint,  imbrue 
Lea'ver,  or  Le'ver,  s.  a  bar  for  raising  a 
heavy    weight  ;    the   second  mechanical 
Leaves,  s.  the  plural  of  Leaf 
Leav'ings,  s.  a  remnant,  relics,  offals 
Lech,  v.  a.  to  lick  over 
Lech'erous,  a.  lewd,  lustful 
Lech'erously,  ad.  lewdly,  lustfully 
Lech'ery,  s.  lewdness,  lust 
Lec'tion,  s.  a  reading  ;  a  variety  in  copies 
Lec'tionary,  s.  the  Romish  service-book 
Lec'ture,  v.  to  read  lectures  ;  to  reprimand 
Lec'ture,  s.  a  discourse  on  any  subject 
Lec'turer,  s.  an  instructor,  a  preacher 
Led ,  part.  pret.  of  to  lead 
Ledge,  s.  a  small  moulding  on  the  edge 
Ledg'er,  s.  the  chief  book  of  accounts 
Lee,  s.  dregs  ;  the  side  opposite  the  wind 
Leech,  s.  a  small  water  bloodsucker 
Leek,  s.  a  common  pot  herb 
Leer,  s.  an  oblique  cast  of  the  eye 
Leer,  v.  n.  to  look  obliquely  or  archly 
Lees,  s.  dregs,  sediment 
Leet,  s.  a  court  held  by  lords  of  manors 
Lee'ward,  ad.  toward  the  shore  or  side  on 

which  the  wind  blows 
Lee'way,  s .  the  lateral  movement  of  a  ship 

to  leeward  of  her  course 
Left,  part.  pret.  of  to  leave 
Left,  a.  opposite  to  the  right ;  sinister 
Left' handed,  a.  using  the  left  hand 
Leg,  s.  the  limb  between  the  knee  and  foot 
Leg'acy,  s.  a  bequest  made  by  will 
Le'gal,  a.  not  contrary  to  law,  lawful 
Legal'ity,  Le'galness,  s.  lawfulness 
Le'galize,  v.  a.  to  make  lawful,  to  authorize 
Le'gally,  ad.  lawfully,  according  to  law 
Le'gate,  s.  an  ambassador  from  the  Pope 
Legate'e,  s.  one  who  has  a  legacy  left  him 
Leg'atine,  a.  pertaining  to  a  legate 
Lega'tion,  s.  a  deputation,  an  embassy 
Lega'tor,  s.  one  who  makes  a  will 
Le'gend,j-.  a  chronicle,  or  register  j  a  fabulous 

narrative  ;  an  inscription 
Le'gendary,  a.  fabulous,  unauthentic      • 
Legerdema'in,  s.  slight  of  hand,  a  juggle 
Leger'ity,  s.  lightness,  nimbleness 
Le'gible,  a.  easy  to  be  read,  apparent 
Le'gibly,  ad.  in  a  manner  easy  to  be  read 
Le'gion,  j.  a  body  of  soldiers;  a  military  force  3 

a  great  number 
Legislation,  s.  the  act  of  giving  laws 
Legislative,  a.  lawgiving,  making  laws 
Legislator,  s.  one  who  makes  laws 
Legislature,  s.  the  power  that  makes  laws 
Legitimacy,  s.  a  lawful  birth,  genuineness 

Legit'imate,  a.  born  in  marriage 
Legitimately,  ad.  lawfully,  genuinely 
Leg'ume,  Leg'umen,  s.  seeds  or  pulse 
Legu'minous,  a.  belonging  to  pulse 
Leis'urable,  a.  done  at,  or  having  leisure 
Leis'ure, ;.  freedom  from  business  or  hurry 
Leis'urely,  a.  not  hasty,  deliberate,  slow... 

ad.  not  in  a  hurry,  slowly 
Le'man,  s .  a  sweetheart,  or  gallant 
Lem'ma,  s.  a  proposition  previously  assumed 
Lem'on,  s.  the  name  of  an  acid  fruit 
Lemona'de,  s.  water,  sugar,  and  lemon  juice 
Lend,  v.  a.  to  grant  the  use  of  any  thing 
Lend'er,  s.  one  who  lends  any  thing 
Length,  s.  extent  from  end  to  end  ;  distance 
Length'en,  v.  to  make  longer,  to  protract 
Le'nient,  a.  assuasive,  mitigating,  emollient 
Le'nient,  s.  an  emollient  application 
Len'ify,  v.  a.  to  assuage,  mitigate,  soften 
Len'itive,  a.  assuasive...;.  a  palliative 
Len'ity,  s.  mildness,  mercy,  tenderness 
Lens,  j.. a  glass  spherically  convex 
Lent,  s.  the  quadragesimal  fast  ;  time  of  ab- 
Lent'en,  a.  such  as  is  used  in  Lent  ;  sparing 
Lentic'ular,  a.  doubly  convex  ;  like  a  lens 
Len'til,  s.  a  sort  of  pulse  or  pea 
Len'titude,  s.  sluggishness,  slowness 
Len'tor,  s.  tenacity,viscosity ;  slowness,delay 
Lent'ous,  a.  viscous,  tenacious,  glutinous 
Le'onine,  a.  belonging  to  a  lion 
Leop'ard,  s.  a  spotted  beast  of  prey 
Le'per,  /.  one  infected  with  a  leprosy 
Lep'erous,  Lep'rous,  a.  having  the  leprosy 
Lepo'rean,  Lep'crine,  a.  belonging  to  a  hare ; 

having  the  nature  of  a  hare 
Lep'rosy,  s.  a  distemper  of  white  scales 
Less,  Les'ser,  ad.  in  a  smaller  degree 
Lesse'e,  s.  one  who  takes  a  lease  of  another 
Les'sen,  v.  to  grow  less  ;  degrade  ;  shrink 
Les'son,  s.  a  task  to  learn  or  read  ;  a  precept 
Les'sor,  s.  he  who  grants  a  lease  to  another 
Lest,  con.  that  not,  in  case  that 
Let,  v.  a.  to  allow,  to  permit,  to  hire  out 
Let,  j,  an  hinderance,  obstruction,  obstacle 
Lethar'gic,  a.  sleepy,  drowsy,  heavy 
Leth'argy,  s.  a  morbid  drowsiness,  sleepiness 
Le'the,  s.  oblivion,  a  draught  of  oblivion 
Lethiferous,  a.  deadly,  fatal 
Let'ter,  s.  a  written  message  ;  one  of  the  cha- 
racters of  the  alphabet ;  a  printing  type  , 
one  who  lets  or  permits 
Let'tercase,  s.  a  case  to  put  letters  in 
Let'ters,  s.  literature,  learning 
Let'tered,  a.  learned,  educated  to  learning  ; 

marked  with  letters 
Let'terfounder,  s.  one  who  casts  letters 
Let'tuce,  s.  a  common  salad  plant 
Leva'nt,  a.  eastern 
Leva'nt,;,  eastern  parts  of  the  Mediterranean 



L  I  M 

Leve'e,  s.  a  crowd  of  attendants  ;  a  toilet 
Lev'el,  s.  a  plane  ;  standard  ;  an  instrument 

whereby  masons  adjust  their  work 
Lev'el,  a.  even,  plain,  fiat,  smooth 
Lev'el,  v.  to  make  even  ;  to  lay  flat  j  to  aim 
Lev'eller,  /.  one  who  destroys  superiority 
Lev'elness,  /.  an  equality  of  surface 
Le'ver.     See  Leaver 
Lev'eret,  s.  a  young  hare 
Lev'et,  t.  a  blast  on  the  trumpet 
Lev'iable,  a.  that  may  be  levied 
Levi'athan,  s-  by  some  supposed  to  mean  the 

crocodile,  but,  in  general,  the  whale 
Lev'igate,  v.  a.  to  rub,  to  grind,  to  smooth 
Le'vite,  s.  one  of  the  tribe  of  Levi 
Levit'ical,  a.  belonging  to  the  Levites 
Lev'ity,  s.  lightness,  inconstancy,  vanity 
Lev'y,  v.  a.  to  raise,  collect,  impose 
Lev'y,  s.  the  aft  of  raising  money  or  men 
Lewd,  a.  wicked,  lustful,  not  clerical 
Lewd'ness,  s.  lustfulness,  wickedness 
Lexicog'rapher,  ;.  a  writer  of  dictionaries 
Lex'icon,  /.  a  dictionary,  a  word-book 
Li'able,  a.  subject  to,  not  exempt 
Li'ar,  s.  one  who  tells  falsehoods 
Li'ard,  a.  roan...j.  a  French  farthing 
Liba'tion,  s.  an  offering  made  of  wine 
Li'bel,  s.  a  defamatory  satire,  a  lampoon 
Li'beller,  s.  a  defamatory  writer,  lampooner 
Li'bellous,  a.  defamatory,  abusive 
Lib'eral,  a.  free,  bountiful,  generous 
Liberal'ity,  s.  munificence,  bounty 
Lib'erate,  v.  a.  to  set  free,  to  release 
Lib'ertine,  s.  a  dissolute  liver,  a  rake 
Lib'ertine,  a.  licentious,  irreligious 
Liber'tinism,  s.  irreligion,  licentiousness 
Lib'erty,  s.  freedom,  exemption,  leave 
Libiri'inous,  a.  lewd,  licentious 
Li'bra,  s.  one  of  the  signs  of  the  zodiac 
Librarian,  s.  one  who  has  the  care  of  books 
Li'brary,  s.  a  large  collection  of  books 
Li'brate,  v.  a.  to  poise,  to  balance 
Libra'tion,  s.  the  state  of  being  balanced 
Lice,  s.  the  plural  of  Louse 
Li'cence,  s.  a  permission,  liberty 
Li'cense,  v.  a.  to  grant  leave  ;  to  permit  by 

a  legal  grant  ;  to  set  at  liberty 
Licen'tiate,  s.  one  who  has  a  licence  to  prac- 
tise any  art  or  faculty 
Licen'tious,  a.  unrestrained,  disorderly 
Licen'tiousness,   s.  boundless  liberty,  con- 
tempt of  just  restraint 
Lick,  v.  a.  to  touch  with  the  tongue,  to  lap 
Lick'erish,  a.  nice,  delicate,  greedy 
Lic'orice,  s.  a  root  of  a  sweet  taste 
Lic'tor,  s.  a  beadle  amongst  the  Romans 
Lid,  s.  a  cover  for  a  pan,  box,  &c. 
Lie,  s.  a  fiction,  a  falsehood  ;  any  thing  im- 
pregnated with  another  body,  as  soap,  &c. 
Lie,  v.  n.  to  tell  a  lie  ;  to  lean  upon  ;  to  rest 

Liege,  ;.  a  sovereign  ...a.  subject ;  trusty 
Lie'ger,  s.  a  resident  ambassador 
Lieu,  s.  place,  room,  stead,  behalf 
Lieuten'ancy,  s.  the  office  of  a  lieutenant 
Lieuten'ant,  s.  a  deputy,  a  second  in  rank 
Lieuten'antship,  s.  the  rank  of  lieutenant 
Life,  s.  animal  being  ;  conduct,  condition 
Li'feguard,  s.  guard  of  a  prince's  person 
Li'feless,  a.  dead  ;  without  force  or  spirit 
Li'fetime,  s,  the  duration  of  life 
Lift,  v.  a.  to  raise  up,  elevate,  support 
Lift,  s.  the  act  of  lifting  up  ;  a  struggle 
Lig'ament,  s.  a  band  to  tie  parts  together 
Lig'ature.  s.  a  bandage^  any  thing  bound  on  ; 

the  act  of  binding 
Light,  j.  the  transparency  of  air  caused  by 
the  rays  of  the  sun,  &c.  -,  mental  knowl- 
edge ;  situation  ;  a  taper 
Light,  a.  not  heavy  ;  active  ;  bright ;  not  dark 
Light,  v.  to  kindle,  to  lighten  ;  to  rest  on 
L^ght'en,  v.  to  flash  with  lightning 
Light'er,  s.  a  boat  for  unloading  ships 
Light  erman,  ;.  one  who  manages  a  lighter 
Lightfin'gered,  a.  thievish,  dishonest 
Lightfoot'ed,  a.  nimble,  swift,  active 
Lighthead'ed,  a.  delirious,  thoughtless 
j  Lightheart'ed,  a.  gay,  merry,  cheerful 
I  Light'ly,  ad.  without  reason,  nimbly 
j  Light'ness,  u  a  want  of  weight  ;  levity 
J  Light'ning,  s.  the  flash  before  thunder 
i  Lights,  s.  the  lungs  ;  organs  of  breathing 
j  Light-'some,  a.  luminous,  gay.  airy 
I  Lig'neous,  a.  made  of  wood,  like  wood 
Lig'ure,  s.  a  kind  of  precious  stone 
Like,  a.  resembling,  equal,  likely 
Like,  ad.  in  the  same  manner,  probably 
Like,  "J.  to  chuse  ;  approve,  be  pleased  with 
Livelihood,  s.  appearance,  probability 
Li'kely,tf<i.  probably...^,  probable 
Li'ken,  v.  a.  to  make  like,  to  compare 
Li'keness,  /.  a  resemblance,  similitude,  form 
Li'kewise,  ad.  in  like  manner,  also 
Li'king,  s.  plumpness  ;  state  of  trial 
Lil'ied,  a.  embellished  with  lilies 
Lil'y,  s.  a  beautiful  flower 
Lil'ylivered,  a.  whitelivered,  cowardly 
Li'mature,  ;.  the  filings  of  any  metal 
Lima'tion,  *,  the  act  of  filing  or  polishing 
Limb,  s.  a  member,  bough,  border,  edge 
Limb,  v.  a.  to  tear  asunder,  dismember 
Lim'bec,  s.  a  still  ;  a  vessel  to  distil 
Limb'ed,  a.  formed  with  regard  to  limbs 
Lim'ber,  a.  flexible,  easily  bent,  pliant 
Lim'bo,  s.  a  place  of  restraint,  a  prison 
Lime,  j.  a  stone,  a  fruit../v.  a.  to  ensnare 
Li'mekiin,  s.  a  kiln  for  burning  limestone 
Lim'it,  s.  bound,  border,  utmost  reach 
Lim'it,  v.  a.  to  restrain,  to  circumscribe 
Lim'itary,  a.  placed  at  the  boundaries 
Liruita'tion,  s.  restriction  ;  a  boundary 



L   O  A 

Limn,  v.  n.  to  draw,  to  paint  any  thing 
Lim'ner,  s.  a  painter,  a  picture  maker 
Li'mous,  a.  muddy,  slimy,  miry 
Limp,  v.  n.  to  halt,  to  walk  lamely 
Limp,  a.  vapid,  weak,  pliant 
Lim'pet,  s.  a  kind  of  shell-fish 
Lim'pid,  a.   clear,  pure,  transparent 
Lim'pidness,  s.  clearness,  purity 
Ls'my,  a.  viscous  ;  containing  lime 
Linch'pin,  s.  the  iron  pin  of  an  axletree 
Linc'tus,  s.  a  medicine  to  be  licked  up 
Lin'den,  s.  the  lime  tree 
Line,  v.  a.  to  guard  within  ;  to  cover 
Line,  /.  a  string  ;  z\»  angler's  string  ;  the  e- 
quinoctial  circle;  extension  ;  limit ;  prog- 
eny ;  lineaments  ;  tenth  of  an  inch 
Lin'eage,  s.  a  family,  race,  progeny 
Lin'eal,  a.  descending  in  a  right  line 
Lineally,  ad,  in  a  direct  line,  duly 
Lin'eament,   s.   a  feature  ;  a  discriminating 

mark  in  the  form 
Lin'ear,  a.  composed  of  lines,  like  lines 
Linea'tion,  s.  a  draught  of  a  line  or  lines 
Lin'en,  s.  cloth  made  of  hemp  or  flax 
Lin'en-draper,  s.  one  who  deals  in  linen 
Ling,  s.  a  kind  of  sea  fish  ;  heath 
Lin'ger,  v.   to  remain  long  ;  pine  ;  hesitate 
Lin'get,  s.  a  small  mass  of  metal  ;  a  bird'go,  s.  a  language,  tongue,  speech 
Lingua'cious,  a.  full  of  tongue,  talkative 
Lin'guist,  s.  one  skilful  in  languages 
Lin'iraent,  /.  an  ointment,  a  balsam 
Li'ning,  s.  that  which  is  within  any  thing 
Link,  s.  a  ring  of  a  chain  ;  a  torch  of  pitch 
Link,  v.  a.  to  unite,  to  join,  to  connect 
Lin'net,  s.  a  small  singing  bird 
Lin'seed,  s.  the  seed  of  flax 
Lin'seywoolsey,  a.  made  of  linen  and  wool 
Lin'stock,  s.  a  staff  with  a  match  at  the  end 
Lint,  /•  linen  scraped  soft  ;  flax 
Lintel,  s.  the  upper  part  of  a  door  frame 
Li'on,  s.  the  most  magnanimous  of  beasts 
Li'oness,  s.  a  she  lion 
Lip,  s.  the  outer  part  of  the  mouth  ;  the 

edge  of  any  thing,  &c 
Lipoili'ymous,  a.  swooning,  fainting 
Lipoth'ymy,  s.  a  swoon,  a  fainting  fit 
Lip'pitude,  s.  blearedness  of  eyes 
Liqua'tion,  s.  art  or  capacity  of  melting 
Liquefac'tion,  s.  state  of  being  melted 
Li'quefiable,  a.  such  as  may  be  melted 
Li'quefy,  v.  to  melt,  to  dissolve 
Liques'cent,  a.  melting,  dissolving 
Li'quid,  a.  not  solid,  fluid,  dissolved 
Li'quid,  s.  a  fluid  substance,  a  liquor 
Li'quids,  s.  these  four  letters, /,  m,  «,  r 
Liquidate,  v.  a.  to  lessen  debts,  to  clear 
Li'quor,  ;.  any  thing  liquid  ;  any  strong  drink 
Lisp,  v.  n.  to  clip  words  in  pronunciation 
List,  v.  to  chase ;  to  enlist  soldiers  j  to  listen 

List,  s.  a  roll ;  a  catalogue  ;  place  for  fight- 
ing; desire;  outer  edge  of  cloth 
List'ed,  a.  striped,  party-coloured 
List'en,  v.  to  hearken,  hear,  attend  to 
List'less,  a.  careless,  heedless,  indifferent 
List'lessly,  ad.  without  thought,  heedlessly 
List-'lessness,  s.  inattention 
Lit,  the  preterite  of  to  light 
Lit'any,  s.  a  form  of  supplicatory  prayer 
Lit'eral,  a.  not  figurative,  exact 
Lit'erary,  a.  respecting  letters,  or  learning 
Litera'ti,  s.  men  of  learning 
Lit'erature,  j.  learning,  skill  in  letters 
Lith'arge,  s.  lead  vitrified,  either  alone  or 

with  a  mixture  of  copper 
Lithe,  Li'thesome,  a.  limber,  flexible 
Lithog'raphy,  s.  an  engraving  on  stone 
Lith'omancy,  s.  a  prediction  by  stones 
Lithot'omist,  s.  one  who  cuts  for  the  stone 
Lit'igant,  s.  one  engaged  in  a  lawsuit 
Lit'igate,  v.  a.  to  contest  in  law,  to  debate 
Litiga'tiou,  s.  a  judicial  contest,  lawsuit 
Liti'gious,  a.  quarrelsome,  disputable 
Liti'giousness,  ;.  a  wrangling  disposition 
Lit'ter,  /.   a  kind  of  vehiculary  bed  ;  a  birth 
of  animals  ;  things  thrown  skittishly  a« 
bout  i  straw  laid  under  animals 
Lit'ter,  v.  a.  to  bring  forth  ;  to  scatter  about 
Lit'tle,  a.  small  in  quantity,  diminutive 
Lit'tle,  s.  a  small  space,  not  much 
Lit'tle,  ad.  in  a  small  quantity  or  degree 
Lit'ioral,  a.  belonging  to  the  sea  shore 
Lit'urgy,  s.  the  public  form  of  prayer 
Live,  v-  rt.  to  be  in  a  state  of  life  ;  to  feed 
Live,  a.  quick,  active  ;  not  extinguished 
Li'velihood,  s.  the  means  of  living,  support 
Liveliness,  ;•  sprightliness,  vivacity 
Li'velong,  a.  tedious,  lasting,  durable 
Li'vely,  a.  brisk,  gay,  strong,  energetic 
Liv'er,  s.  one  of  the  entrails  ;  one  who  lives 
Liv'ercolour,  s.  a  very  dark  red 
Liv'ergrown,  a.  having  a  great  liver 
Liv'ery,  s.    clothes  with  different  trimmings 

worn  by  servants 
Liv'eryman,  /    one  who  wears  a  livery  ;  a 

freeman  in  a  company,  &c. 
Liv'ery- stable,  s.  a  public  stable 
Lives,  s.  plural  of  Life 
Liv'id,  a.  discoloured,  as  with  a  blow 
Livid'ity,  s.  discoloration,  as  by  a  blow 
Liv'ing,  x.  maintenance,  support  ;  a  benefice 
Li'vre,  s.  the  sum  by  which  the  French  reck- 
on their  money,  value,  iOd.  sterling 
Lixiv'ial,  a.  impregnated  with  salts 
Lixiv'iate,  a.  making  a  lixivium 
Lixiv'ium,  s.  lie  made  of  ashes,  water,  &c. 
Liz'ard,  s.  a  small  creeping  animal,  a  serpent 
Lo  1  inter,  look,  see,  behold 
Load,  s.  a  burden  ;  leading  vein  in  a  mine 
Load,  v.  a,  to  burden  ;  freight  -?  charge  a  gun 

L    O   N 

3  7 


Load'stone,  s.   the  magnet,  a  stone  with  an 

attracting  and  repellent  power 
Loaf,  :.  a  mass  of  bread  or  sugar,  &c 
Loam,  s.  a  fat  unctuous  earth,  marl 
Loam'y,  a.  of  the  nature  of  loam,  marly- 
Loan,  s.  any  thing  lent,  interest 
Loath,  a.  unwilling,  disliking,  not  ready 
Loathe,  v.  a.  to  hate,  to  nauseate 
Loath'ful,  a.  hating,  abhorred,  odious 
Loath'ing,  /.  hatred,  abhorrence,  disgust 
Loath'some,  a.  abhorred,  causing  dislike 
Loathsomeness,  s.  the  quality  of  hatred 
Loaves,  s.  plural  of  loaf 
Lob,  s.  a  clumsy  person  5  a  prison  ;  a  worm 
Lob'by,  s.  an  opening  before  a  room 
Lobe,  s.  a  part  of  the  lungs  ;   a  division 
Lob'ster,  s.  a  crustaceous  shell-fish 
Lo'cai,  a.  relating  to,  or  being  of  a  place 
Locality,  s.  existence  or  relation  of  place 
Lo'cally,  ad.  with  respect  to  place 
Loca'tion,  s.  the  act  of  placing  ;  a  situation 
Lock,  s.  an  instrument  to  fasten  doors,  &c. 
Lock,  v-  to  fasten  with  a  lock,  to  close 
Lock'er,  s.  a  drawer,  a  cupboard,  &c. 
Ljck'et,  j.  an  ornamental  lock,  &c. 
Lock'ram,  s.  a  sort  cf  coarse  linen 
Locomo'iion,  s.  power  of  changing  piace 
Locomo'tive,  a.  able  to  change  place 
Lo'cust,  /.  a  devouring  insect 
Lodge,  v.  to  place,  settle,  reside  ;  lie  fiat 
Lodge, /.small  house  in  a  park  ;  porter's  room 
Lodgement,  j.  an  encampment ;  possession  of 

the  enemy's  works 
Lod'ger,  s.  one  who  hires  a  lodging 
Lodg'ing,  t.  a  temporary  abode ;  rooms  hired 
Loft,  s.  a  floor  ;  the  highest  floor 
Loft'ily,  ad.  on  high,  haughtily,  sublimely 
Loftiness,  s.  height,  pride,  sublimity 
Lof'cy,  a.  high,  sublime,  haughty,  proud 
Log,  s.  a  piece  of  wood,  a  Hebrew  measure 
Logarithms,  s.  a  series  of  artificial  numbers 

for  the  expedition  of  calculation 
LogTbook,  s.  journal  of  a  ship's  course,  &c. 
Log'gats,  s.  an  old  play  or  game 
Log'gerhead,  j.  a  dolt,  a  thickscull 
Lo'gic,  s.  the  art  of  using  reason  well,  in  our 

inquiries  after  truth 
Lo'gkal,  a.  of  or  pertaining  to  logic 
Lo'gically,  ad.  by  the  laws  of  logic 
Logi'cian,  s.  one  versed  in  logic 
Logis'tic,  a.  relating  to  sexagesimals 
Log'line,  s.  a  line  to  measure  a  ship's  way 
Logom'achy, ;.  a  contention  about  words 
Log'wood,/.a  wood  brought  from  Campeachy 

Bay,  used  in  dying  dark  colours 
Loin,  j.  the  reins,  the  back  cf  an  animal 
Loi'ter,  v.  n.  to  linger,  to  spend  time  idly 
Loi'terer,  s.  a  lingerer,  idler,  a  lazy  wretch 
Loll,  v.  to  lean  idly,  to  hang  out 
Lone,  a.  solitary 3  single,  lonely 

31   2 

Lo'neliness,  Lo'neness,  s.  solitude 
Lo'nely,  Lo'nesome,  a.  solitary,  dismal 
Long,  a.  not  short, either  as  applied  to  time, 

ph.te,  or  dimensions  ;  desirous 
Long,  v.  n.  to  wish  or  desire  earnestly 
Longanim'ity,  s.  forbearance,  patience 
Longboat,  ;.  the  largest  boat  of  a  ship 
Longe,  s.  a  thrust  or  push  in  fencing 
Longevity,  s.  great  length  of  life 
Longe'vous,  a.  long  lived, living  long 
Longim'anous,  a.  having  long  hands 
Longim'etry,  s.  art  cf  measuring  distances 
Long'ing,  s.  an  earnest  wish  or  desire 
Long'ingly,  ad.  with  incessant  wishes 
Lon'gitude,  s.  length  ;   the  distance  of  any 
part  cf  the  earth,  east  or  west  from  Lon- 
don, or  any  other  given  piace  ;  the  French 
reckon  their  longitude  from  Paris 
Longitu'dinal,  a.   running  in  the  longest  di- 
rection ;  extended  lengthwise 
Long'some,  a.  tedious,  tiresome,  long 
Longsuf'feriiig,  a.  patient...-,  clemency 
Long'ways,  Long'wise,  ad.  in  length 
Longwind'ed,  a.  tedious,  longbreathed 
Loo,  .f.  the  name  of  a  game  at  cards 
Lco'bily,  ad.  awkwardly,  clumsily 
Loo'by,  s.  a  lubber,  a  clumsy  clown 
Loof,  *.  a  part  of  a  ship 
Look,  v.  to  seek  for,  expect,  behold 
Look,  s.  the  air  of  the  face,  mien 
Look  !   inter,  see  !  heboid  !    observe 
Look'ing-glass,  s.  a  reflecting  mirror 
Loom,  v.  n.  to  appear  indistinctly  at  sea 
Loom,  s.  a  weaver's  frame  for  work 
Loon,  s.  a  mean  or  simple  fellow,  a  scoundrel 
Loop,  s.  a  noose  in  a  rope,  &c. 
Lcop'hole,  s.  an  aperture  ;  shift,  evasion 
Loose,  v.  to  unbind,  relax,  set  free 
1  Loose,  a.  unbound,  wanton. ..s.  liberty 
Loosely,  ad.  not  fast,  irregularly,  unchasiely 
Loos'en,  v.  to  relax  any  thing,  to  part 
Loose'ness,  s.  a  flux  ;  irregularity,unch^stity 
Lop,  v.  a.  to  cut  or  chop  short 
Loqua'cious,  a.  full  of  talk,  blabbing 
Loqua'city,  s.  too  much  talk,  prate 
Lord,  s.   a  monarch;  a  supreme  person  ;  a 

ruler  ;  a  nobleman  ;  a  title  of  honour 
Lord,  11.  n.  to  domineer,  to  rule  despotically 
Lord'ing,  Lord'ling,  s.  a  lord  in  contempt 
Lord'liness,  s.  dignity,  high  station,  pride 
Lordly,  a.  proud,  imperious,  lofty 
Lord'shipjj.  dominion  ;  a  title  given  to  lores 
Lore,  s.   doctrine,  instruction,  learning 
Lor'icate,  v.  a.  to  plate  over 
Lor'imer,  Lor'iner,  s.  a  bridle-cutter 
Lorn,  a.  forsaken,  lost,  forlorn 
Lose,  v.  to  suffer  loss,  not  to  win  ;  to  fail 
Los'el ,;.  a  mean  worthless  fellow.a  scoundrel 
Lo'ser,  j.  one  who  has  suffered  a  loss 
Loss,  s.  damage  ;  forfeiture  ;  puzzle 

L  O  Y 

L  U  R 

Lost,  part.  a.  perished,  gone  ;  imperceptible 

JLot,  s.  fortune,  state  assigned,  portion 

Lote,  s.  a  tree 

Lo'tion ,  s.  a  medicinal  wash 

Lot'tery,  s  a  distribution  of  prizes  by  chance  ; 

a  game  of  chance  ;  a  sortilege 
Loud,  a.  noisy,  clamorous,  turbulent 
Loudly,  ad.  noisily,  clamorously 
Loud'ness,  s.  noise,  clamour,  turbulence 
Love,  v.  a.  to  regard  with  affection 
Love,  s.  the  passion  between  the  sexes  ;  good 

will ;  courtship  ;  liking,  fondness,  concord 
Lo've -letter,  s.  a  letter  of  courtship 
Lo'velily,  ad.  amiably,  in  a  lovely  manner 
Lo'veliness,  s.  amiableness 
Lo'velorn,  a.  forsaken  by  one's  love 
Lo'vely,  a.  amiable.,  exciting  love 
Lov'er,  s.  one  who  is  in  love  ;  a  friend 
Lo'vesick, a. disordered  with  love,  languishing 
Lo'vesong,  s.  a  song  expressing  love 
Lo'vesuit,  s.  courtship 
Lo'vetale,  s.  narrative  of  love 
Lo'vetoy,  s.  a  small  present  made  by  a  lover 
Lo'vetrick,  s.  the  art  of  expressing  love 
Lough,  or  Loch,  s.  a  lake  ;  standing  water 
IsOv'ing, part.  a.  kind,  affectionate 
Lovingkind'ness,  s .  tenderness,  mercy 
Lovingly,  ad   affe&ionately,  with  kindness 
Louis-d'or,  s.  a  French  gold  coin,  the  old 

ones  worth  17s.  and  the  new  about  I/. 
Lounge,  v.  n.  to  idle  or  live  lazily 
Loun'ger,  s.  an  idler,  an  indolent  man 
Louse,  s.  a  small  animal,  of  which  different 

species  live  on   the    bodies  of  men,    of 

beasts,  and  perhaps  of  all  living  animals 
Louslly,  ad.  in  a  paltry,  mean,  scurvy  way 
Lousiness,  s.  the  state  of  being  lousy 
Lous'y,  a.  swarming  with  lice  ;  mean 
Lout,  1,  an  awkward  fellow,  a  clown 
Loutish,  a.  clownish,  bumpkinly 
Lou'ver,  s.  an  opening  for  the  smoke 
Low,  a.  not  high,  humble,  dejected,  mean 
Low,  v.  to  sink,  to  make  low  ;  to  bellow 
Low,  ad.  with  a  low  voice,  abjectly 
Low'er,  s.  cloudiness  of  look,  gloominess 
Low'er,  -v.  to  humble,  depress,  sink,  fall 
Low'eringly,  ad.  gloomily,  cloudily 
Low'ermost,  a.  lowest,  deepest 
Lowing,  s.  the  bellowing  of  oxen,  &c. 
L'-Jwland,  s.  a  low  country,  a  marsh 
Lowliness,  s.  humility,  want  of  dignity 
Lowly,  a.  humble,  meek,  not  lofty 
Low'ness,  s.   absence  of  height,  meanness  of 

condition  ;  want  of  rank  ;  dejection 
Lowspirlted,  a.  dejected,  not  lively 
Loxodrom'ic,  s.  the  art  of  oblique  sailing  by 

the  rhomb,  which  always  makes  an  equal 

angle  with  every  meridian 
Loy'al,  a.   true  to  a  prince,  a  lady,  or  a  lover 
I-'jy'alict.  s.  one  faithful  to  his  king 

Loy'ally,  ad.  with  fidelity  or  adherence 

Loy'alty,  s.   fidelity,  adherence 

Loz'enge,  s.  a  medicine  made  in  small  pieces 

to  melt  gradually  in  the  mouth 
Lub'ber,  Lubl>ard,  s.  a  lazy  idle  fellow 
Lub'berly,  ad.  awkwardly,  clumsily 
Lu'bric,  Lubricous,  a.  slippery,  unsteady 
Lu'bricate,  v.  to  make  smooth  or  slippery 
Lubri'city,  s.  slipperiness  ;  wantonness 
Luce,  *.  a  pike  full  grown 
Lu'cent,  a.  shining,  bright,  splendid 
Lu'cern,  s.  a  remarkably  quick  growing  herb 
Lu'cid,  a.  shining,  bright,  pellucid,  clear 
Lucidity,  j.  splendour,  brightness 
Lu'cifer,  s.  the  devil  ;    the  morning  star 
Lucif'erous,  Luciflc,  a.  giving  light 
Luck,  s.  chance  ;  fortune,  good  or  bad 
Luckily,  ad.  fortunately,  by  good  hap 
Luckiness,  s.  good  hap,  casual  happiness 
Luckless,  a.  unfortunate,  unhappy 
Luck'y,  a.  fortunate,  happy  by  chance 
Lu'crative,  a.  profitable,  gainful 
Lu'cre,  s.  gain,  profit,  pecuniary  advantage 
Lucta'tion,  /.  a  struggle,  effort,  contest 
Lactiferous,  Ludtiflc,  a.  causing  sorrow 
Lu'cubrate,  -v.  n.  to  study  by  night 
Lucubra'tion,  s.  a  nightly  study  or  work 
Lu'cubratory,  a.  composed  by  candle-light 
Lu'culent,  a.  clear,  lucid,  certain,  evident 
Lu'dicrous,  a.  sportive,  merry,  burlesque 
Lu'dicrously,  ad.  in  burlesque,  sportively 
Ludifica'tion,  s.  the  act  of  mocking 
Luff,  v.  n.   to  keep  close  to  the  wind 
Lug,  v.  to  pull  with  violence,  to  drag 
Lug,  s.  a  fish  ;  a  pole  or  perch  ;  an  ear 
Lug'gage,  s.  any  cumbrous  heavy  thing 
Lug'sail,  s.  a  kind  of  square  sail 
Lu'kewarms«.  moderately  warm;  indifferent 
Lu'kewarmness,  s.  moderate  heat,  &c. 
Lull,  v.  a.  to  compose  to  sleep,  put  to  rest 
Lullaby,  s.  a  song  to  quiet  infants 
Lumba'go,  s.  pains  about  the  loins 
Lum'ber,  s.  old  useless  furniture,  &c. 
Lu'minary,  s.  any  body  that  gives  light 
Lu'minous,  a.  shining,  enlightened,  bright 
Lump,  s.  a  shapeless  mass  ;  the  gross 
Lumping,  Lumpish,  a.  large,  gross 
Lumplshly,  ad-  with  stupidity,  heavily 
Lump'y,  a.  full  of  lumps  ;  dull,  heavy 
Lu'nacy,  /.  madness  in  general 
Lu'nar,  Lu'nary,  a.  relating  to  the  moott 
Lu'natic,  s.  a  mad  man  ...a.  mad 
Luna'tion,  s»  the  revolution  of  the  moon 
Lunch,  Lunch'eon,  s.  a  handful  of  food 
Lune'tte,  s.  a  half  moon  in  fortification 
Lungs,  s.  the  parts  for  respiration 
Lunt,  s.  a  match  cord  to  fire  guns  with 
Lu'pine, /.  a  sort  of  pulse 
Lurch,  v.  to  shift,  play  tricks,  lurk,  devour 
Lurch,  s,  a  forlorn  or  deserted  state 




Lurch'er,  s.  a  hunting  dog;  a  glutton 
Lure,  /.  an  enticement...-^,  to  entice 
Lu'rid,  a.  pale,  gloomy,  dismal 
Lurk,  v.  n.  to  lie  in  wait,  to  lie  close 
Lurk'er,  s.  a  thief  that  lies  in  wait 
Lurk'ing-place,  s.  hiding  place,  secret  place 
Lus'cious,  a.  sweet,  pleasing,  cloying 
Lush,  a.  of  a  dark,  deep  colour 
Lusk,rt.  idle,  lazy,  worthless 
Lusk'iness,  s.  a  disposition  to  laziness 
Luso'rious,  Lu'sory,  a.  used  in  play,  sportive 
Lust,  s.  carnal  desire...-u.  n.  to  long  for 
Lust'ful,  a.  having  irregular  desires 
Lus'tily,  ad.  stoutly,  with  vigour 
Lus'tiness,  s.  stoutness,  vigour  of  body 
Lus'trate,  v.  a.  to  cleanse,  to  purify 
Lustra'tion,  3.  a  purification  by  water 
Lus'tre,   /.   brightness ;    renown  ;    a  sconce 

with  lights  ;  the  space  of  five  years 
Lus'tring,  s.  a  kind  of  shining  silk 
Lus'trous,  a.  bright,  shining,  luminous 
Lus'ty,  a.  stout,  healthy,  able  of  body 
Luta'rious,  a.  living  in  mud,  like  mud 
Lute,  /.   a  musical  instrument ;  a  clay  with 

which  chymists  close  up  their  vessels 
Lute,  vi  n.  to  close  with  lute  or  clay 

Lutheran,  s.  a  follower  of  Luther 
I.u'theranism,  s.  the  doctrine  of  Luther 
Lu'tulent,  a.  muddy,  foul,  turbid 
Lux,  Lux'ate,  v.  a.  to  put  out  of  joint 
Luxation,  s.  a  disjointing  ;  thing  disjointed 
Luxu'riance,  Luxu'riancy,    s.    exuberance  ; 

abundant  plenty  or  growth 
Luxuriant,  a.  superfluously  plenteous 
Luxu'rious,    a.    voluptuous  ;    softening  by 

pleasure  ;  enervating  ;  exuberant 
Luxuriously,  a^.  voluptuously,  deliciously 
Luxu'riousness,  s.  voluptuousness 
Lux'ury,  s.  delicious  fare  ;  profuseness  ;  ad- 

dictedness  to  pleasure 
Lycan'thropy,  s.  a  species  of  madness 
Lydian  mood,  s.  in  music,  a  doleful  and  la- 
menting kind  of  it 
Lye,  j.  See  lee  and  lie 
Ly'ing,  part,  of  to  lie 
Lymph,  s.  a  pure  transparent  fluid 
Lymph'edu<5l,  s.  a  vessel  to  convey  lymph 
Lynx,  s.  a  sharp-sighted  spotted  beast 
Lyre,  s.  a  harp,  a  musical  instrument 
Lyr'ic,  Lyr'ical,  a.  pertaining  to  a  harp,  or 

to  odes  or  poetry  sung  to  a  harp 
Lyr'ist,  s .  one  who  plays  on  the  harp 


MHAS  in  English  one  unvaried  sound 
by  compression  of  the  lips;  as,  mine; 
it  is  a  numeral  for  IOOO  ;  it  is  an  abbrevi- 
ation of  ma^iiter,  or  master,  as  M  A.  Mas- 
ter of   Arts ;   M.  S.  stand  for  manuscript, 
and  M.  S.  S.  for  manuscripts 
Mac,  .f.  an  Irish  and  Scotch  word  for  son 
Macaro'ni,  /.  a  fop,  a  coxcomb 
Macaron'ic,j.  a  confused  mixture 
Macaroo'n,  s.  a  sweet  cake  or  biscuit 
Maca'w,  s.  a  West  Indian  bird 
Mace,  s.  an  ensign  of  authority  ;  a  spice 
Ma'cebearer,  s.  one  who  carries  the  mace 
Ma'cerate,  v.  a.  to  make  lean ;  to  steep 
Macera'tion,  s.  a  making  lean  ;  steeping 
Ma'chinal,  a.  relating  to  machines 
Ma'chinate,  v.  a.  to  plan,  contrive,  invent 
Machina'tionj  s.  an  artifice,  contrivance 
Machi'ne,  s.  an  engine ;  a  stage  coach 
Machinery,  /.  enginery  ;    any  complicated 

workmanship;   decoration  in  a  poem 
Machinist,  s.  a  constructor,  &c.  of  engines 
Ma'cilent,  a.  lean,  lank,  thin 
Mac'kerel,  ;.  a  small  sea  fish 
Ma'crocosm,  s.  the  whole  world,  or  visible 
system,  opposed  to  microcosmj  the  world 
of  man 

Macta'tion,  s.  the  act  of  killing  for  sacrifice 
Mac'ula,  Macula'tion,  s.  a  spot,  a  stain 
Mac'ulate,  Mac'kle,  <v.  a.  to  stain,  to  spot 
Mad,  a.  disordered  in  the  mind,  fui-ious 
Mad,  Mad'den,  v.  to  make  mad  ;  to  enrage 
Mad'am,  s.  a  term  of  address  to  a  lady 
Mad'brained,  a.  hotheaded,  wild,  disordered 
Mad'cap,  s.  a  wild,  hot  brained  fellow 
Mad'der, ;.  a  plant  much  used  in  dyeing 
Made,  part.  pret.  of  to  make 
Mad'efy,  v.  a.  to  moisten,  to  make  wet 
Mad'house,  s.  a  house  for  madmen 
Mad'ly,  ad.  foolishly,  furiously,  rashly 
Mad'mau,  s.  a  man  deprived  of  his  senses 
Mad'ness,  s.   loss  of  understanding;    fury, 

rage,  distraction,  wiidness 
Mad'rigal,  s.  a  pastoral  air  or  song 
Maere,  a.  famous,  great,  renowned 
Maf  fle,  v.  n.  to  stammer,  to  stutter 
Magazi'ne,   f.  a  store  house  for  provisions, 

&c.  ;  a  miscellaneous  pamphlet 
Mag'got,  s.  a  small  grub ;  awhim,  caprice 
Mag'gotty,  a.  full  of  maggots  ;  capricious 
Ma'gi,  s.  eastern  astrologers  and  priests 
Ma'gic,  Magical,  a.  performed  by  magic 
Ma'gic,  s.  a  dealing  with  spirits,  &C 
Magi'cian,  s.  ohe  skilled  in,  magic 

M  A  L 



Magisterial,  a.  lofty,  arrogant,  proud 
Magisterially,  ad.  arrogantly,  proudly 
Ma'gistery,  s.  a  fine  chymical  powder 
Magistracy,  s.  the  office  of  a  magistrate 
Magistrate,  s.  one  vested  with  authority 
Magnal'ity,  s.  a  great  thing 
Magnanim'ity,  s.  greatness  of  mind 
Magaati'imous,  a.  great  of  mind,  brave 
Magne'sia,  s.  a  powder  gently  purgative 
Mag'net,  s.  a  stone  that  attracts  iron 
Magnet'ic,  Magnet'ical,  a.  attractive 
Mag'netism,  s.  the  power  of  attraction 
Magnif'ic,  Magnif'ical,  a.  illustrious 
Magnificence,  s.  grandeur,  splendour 
Magnificent,  a.  fine,  splendid,  pompous 
Magnif  ico,  s .  a  grandee  of  Venice 
Mag'nifier,  s.  a  glass,  that  increases  the  bulk 

of  any  objedt  ;  an  extoller 
Mag'nify,  v.  a.  to  make  great,  to  extol 
Magnitude,  s.  greatness,  comparative  bulk 
Mag'pie,  s.  a  bird  ;  a  talkative  person 
Mahog'any,  s.  a  valuable  brown  wood 
Maid,  s.  a  virgin  ;  a  woman  servant ;  a  fish 
Maid'en,  s.  a  virgin  ;   an  instrument    with 

which  criminals  are  beheaded  in  Scotland 
Maid'en,  a.  fresh,  new,  unpolluted 
Maid'enhead,  s.  virginity,  newness 
Maid'hood,  Maid'enhood,  ;.  virginity 
Maidma'rian,  s.  a  kind  of  dance 
Majestic,  Majes'tical,  a.  august,  grand 
Ma'jesty,  ;.  dignity,  grandeur,  elevation 
Mail,  s.  armour,  a  postman's  bag 
Maim,  -j.  a.  to  hurt,  to  wound,  to  cripple 
Maim,  s.  lameness,  injury,  defect 
Main, a.  principal,  chief ;  forcible;  gross 
Main,  s.  the  gross,  the  whole  ;  the  ocean 
Main'land,  s.  a  continent 
Main'ly,  ad.  chiefly,  powerfully 
Main'mast,  s.  the  chief  or  middle  mast 
Main'prize,  s.  a  bail,  pledge,  or  surety 
Main'sail,  j.  the  sail  of  the  mainmast 
Mainta'in,  v.  to  defend,  justify,  support 
Maintainable,  a.  defensible,  justifiable 
Maintenance,  s.  sustenance,  defence 
Main'top,  s.  the  top  of  the  mainmast 
Main'yard,  s.  the  yard  of  the  mainmast 
Ma'jor,  a.  greater,  senior,  elder 
Ma'jor,  s.  an  officer  in  the  army  ;  in  logic, 

the  first  proposition  of  a  syllogism 
Majora'tion,  s.  enlargement,  increase 
Major'ity,  s.  the  greater  number  ;  the  office 

of  a  major  -,  full  age  ;  end  of  minority 
Maize,  s.  a  sort  of  Indian  wheat 
Make,  v.  to  create,  force,  gain,  reach 
Make,  j.  form,  structure,  nature 
Ma'ker,  /.  the  Creator  ;  he  who  makes 
Ma'kepeace,  s.  a  peace-maker,  reconciler 
Ma'king,  s.  the  act  of  forming 
Mal'ady,.j.  a  distemper,  a  sickness 
Mal'apeit,  a,  saucy,  impertinent,  bold 

Malax'ate,  v.  a.  to  make  soft,  to  moisten 
Male,  s.  the  he  of  any  species 
Maieadministra'tion,  s.  behavir.g    ill  in  any 

public  employ  ;  bad  management 
Male'content,  a.  discontented. ..s.  a  rebel 
Maledic'ted,  a.  accursed  or  banned 
Maledic'tion,  s.  a  curse,  an  execration 
J  Malefaction,  s.  a  crime,  an  offence 
Malefactor,  s.  an  offender  against  law 
Malefic,  a.  mischievous,  hurtful 
Maleprac'tice, ;.  bad  practice  or  conduct 
Malev'olence,  u  ill  will,  malignity,  spite 
Malev'olent,  a.  illnatured,  malignant 
Mal'ice,  ;.  badness  of  design,  ill  will 
Mali'cicus,  a.  full  of  malice,  malignant 
Mali'ciously,  ad.  with  intention  of  mischief 
Maliciousness,  s.  malice,  intention  of  mis- 
chief to  another 
Mali'gn,  a.  unfavourable,  infectious,  fatal 
Malig'nancy,  Malig'nity,  s.  malevolence 
Malig'nant,  a.  malicious,  mischievous 
Mafkin,  s.  a  dirty  wench  ;  a  mop 
Mall,  s.  a  public  walk  ;  a  beater  or  hammer 
Mall,  v.  a.  to  strike  or  beat  with  a  mall 
Mal'lard,  s.  a  wild  drake 
Malleability,  s.  the  quality  of  enduring  the 
hammer,  and  spreading  without  breaking 
Mal'leable,  a.   capable   of  being  spread   by 

beating  ;  gold  is  eminently  so 
Mal'leate,  v.  a.  to  beat  with  a  hammer 
Mal'let,  s.  a  wooden  hammer 
Malm'sey,  s.  a  sort  of  grape  ;  a  kind  of  wine 
Malt,  s.  barley  steeped  in  water,  and  dried 
Maltfloor,  s.  a  floor  for  drying  malt  on 
Malt'house,  s.  a  house  for  making  malt  in 
Maltre'at,  v.  a.  to  treat  ill  or  amiss 
Malt'ster,  /.  one  who  deals  in  malt 
Malversation,  s.  misbehaviour  in  any  office; 

mean  artifices  or  shifts 
Mam,  Mamma',  s.  a  fond  word  for  mother 
Mam 'met,/,  a  puppet ;  artificial  figure 
Mammil'lary,  a.  belonging  to  the  paps 
Mam'moc,  v.  to  tear  or  pull  in  pieces 
Mam'moc, ;.  a  shapeless  piece 
Mam'mon,  s.  riches,  wealth 
Man, s.  human  being;  the  male  ;  not  a  boy 
Man,  v.  a.  to  furnish  with  men,  &c 
Man'acles,  s.  chains  for  the  hands 
Man'age,  Management,  Man'agery,  ;.  con- 
duct, frugality  ;  government  of  a  horse 
Man'ageable,  a.  governable,  tractable 
Man'ager,  s.  a  frugal  person  ;  a  conductor 
Mana'tion,  s.  the  act  of  issuing  item 
Manch'et,  s.  a  small  white  loaf 
Man'cipate,  v.  a.  to  enslave,  bind,  tie 
Man'ciple,  s.  a  purveyor,  a  steward 
Manda'mus,  s.  a  writ  in  the  king's  bench 
Mandari'n,  ;.  a  Chinese  magistrate  or  noble 
Man'date,  s.  a  command,  a  precept 
Mandatory, «.  preceptive,  diredory 




Man'dible,  s.  the  jaw...a.  eatable 
Ma-.'dil,  s.  a  Persian  cap  or  turban 
Man'drake,  s.  a  plant  with  singular  roots 
Man'ducate,  v.  a.  to  chew,  to  eat 
Mane,  s.  the  hair  on  the  neck,  of  a  horse 
Man'eater,  s.  one  who  eats  human  flesh 
Ma'nes,  s.  a  ghost,  shade,  departed  soul 
Man'ful,  a.  bold,  stout,  daring,  valiant 
Man'fully,  ad.  boldly,  stoutly,  valiantly 
Mange,  s.  a  filthy  disease  in  cattle 
Man'ger,  s.  a  long  wooden  trough  for  animals 

to  eat  out  of 
Man'gle,  v.  a.  to  lacerate  ;  to  cut  or  tear  in 

pieces ;  to  smooth  linen 
Mun'gler,  s.  a  hacker,  one  that  mangles 
Man'go,  i.  an  Indian  fruit  and  pickle 
Man'gy,  a.  infected  with  the  mange 
Man'hood,  s-  courage,  bravery,  virility 
Ma'niac,  a.  affected  with  madness 
Man'ifest,  a.  plain,  evident,  clear 
Man'ifest,  v.  a.  to  shew  plainly,  Sec. 
Manifesta'tion,  s.  discovery,  publication 
Manifestly,  ad.  plainly,  evidently 
Manifes'to,  s.  a  public  protestation 
Man'ifold.  a.  many  in  number,  divers 
Man'ikin,  s.  a  little  man 
Mani'lle,  s.  a  ring  or  bracelet  v  a  card 
Man'iple, s.  a  handful ;  a  band  of  soldiers 
Man'kind,  s.  the  human  race 
Man'like,  Man'ly,  a.  firm,  brave,  stout 
Man'liness,  s.  bravery,  stoutness,  dignity 
Man'na,  s.  a  physical  drug,  &c. 
Man'ner,  s.  form,  habit,  mien,  kind 
Mau'nerly,  a.  civil,  well  behaved 
Man'ners,  s.  polite  behaviour,  morals 
Manceu'vre,  s.  skilful  management 
Man'or,  ;.  a  lord's  jurisdiction 
Manse,  s.  a  parsonage  house 
Man'sion,  s.  a  dwelling-house,  an  abode 
Man'slaughter,  s.  murder  without  malice 
Man'tel,  s.  raised  work  over  a  chimney 
Mantele't,  s.  a  kind  of  short  cloak ;    in  for- 
tification, a  pent-house  for  shelter 
Man'tiger,  s.  a  large  monkey  or  baboon 
Man'tle,  s.  a  cloak...T'.  to  ferment,  to  cover 
Mantol'ogy, ;.  the  gift  of  prophecy 
Man'tua,  s.  a  woman's  gown 
Man'tua-maker,  s.  one  who  makes  gowns 
Man'ual,  a.  performed  by  the  hand 
Man'ual,  s.  a  small  book  of  prayer,  &c. 
Manu'bial,  a.  taken  as  spoils  in  war 
Manuduc'tion,  s,  a  guidance  by  the  hand 
Manufac'ture,  s,  any  thing  made  by  art 
Manufacture,  v.  a.  to  make  by  art 
Manufacturer,  s.  an  artificer,  a  workman 
Manumis'sion,  s.  the  act  of  freeing  slaves 
Manumi't,  v.  a.  to  release  from  slavery 
Manu'rable,  a.  capable  of  cultivation 
Manu're,  v.  a.  to  enrich...*,  soil  for  land 
Man'uscript, *.  a  written  book,  not  printed 

Ma'ny,  a.  numerous,  several 
Manycol'oured,  a.  having  many  colours 
Manyhead'ed,  a.  having  many  heads 
Manylan'guaged,  a.  having  many  languages 
Map,  s.  a  delineation  of  countries,  &c. 
Ma'ple,  s.  a  tree 

Map'pery,  s.  the  art  of  planning,  &c. 
Mar,  v.  a.  to  injure,  to  spoil,  damage 
Marana'tha,  .<.  a  form  of  anathematizing 
Maras'mus,  s.  a  consumption 
Marau'der,  /.  a  plundering  soldier 
Marauding,  s.  ranging  in  quest  of  plunder 
Marave'di,  /.  a  small  Spanish  copper  coin 
Mar'ble,  s.  a  stone  of  a  fine  polish 
Mar'ble,  a.  made  of  or  like  marble 
Marblehearted,  a.  cruel,  hard-hearted 
Mar'casite,  s.  a  hard,  bright  fossil 
Marces'cent,  a.  growing  withered 
Marces'cibie,  a.  liable  to  wither  or  fade 
March,  s.  the  third  month  of  the  year  ?  a 

journey  of  soldiers  ;  a  solemn  procession 
March'es,  s.  the  limits  of  a  country 
Marchioness,*,  the  wife  of  a  marquis 
March'pane,  s.  a  kind  of  sweet  bread 
Mar'cid,  a.  lean,  withered,  faded,  rotten 
Mare,  s.  the  female  of  a  horse  ;  a  kind  of 

torpor  or  stagnation  called  the  night-mare 
Ma'reschal,  s.  a  commander  of  an  army 
Mar'garite,  s.  a  pearl  j  an  herb 
Mar'gent,  Mar'gin,  s.  an  edge,  a  border 
Marginal,  a.  placed  in  the  margin 
Mar'grave,  s.  a  German  title  of  sovereignty 
Margra'viate,  s.  the  territory  of  a  margrave 
Margravi'ne,  s.  the  wife  of  a  margrave 
Mar'igold,  s.  a  yellow  flower,  a  pot  herb 
Mar'inate,  v.  a.  to  preserve  fish  in  oil,  &c. 
Mari'ne,  a.  belonging  to  the  sea 
Mari'ne,  s.  a  sea  soldier  ;  sea  affairs 
Mar'iner,  s.  a  seaman,  a  sailor 
Mar'joram,  /.  a  sweet  smelling  herb 
Mar'ish,  a.  moorish,  fenny,  boggy 
Mar'itai,  a.  pertaining  to  a  husband 
Maritime,  a.  performed  on  the  sea,  relating 

to  the  sea,  bordering  on  the  sea 
Mark,  s.  a  stamp,  an  impression,  a  proof;  a 

silver  coin  worth  13s.  4d. 
Mark,  v.  to  make  a  mark,  to  note 
Mar'ket,  s.  the  place  for  and  time  of  sale 
Marketable,  a.  fit  for  sale  at  market 
Marks'man,  s.  one  who  can  hit  a  mark 
Marl,  s.  a  sort  of  fat  clay  or  manure 
Mar'line,  s.  hemp  dipped  in  pitch 
Marl'pit,  s.  a  pit  out  of  which  marl  is  dug 
Marl'y,  a.  abounding  with  marl 
Mar'malade,  s.  quinces  boiled  with  sugar 
Marmo'iean,  a.  made  cf  marble 
Mar'moset,  s.  a  small  kind  of  monkey 
Marque,  s.  licence  for  reprisals 
Marque'e,*.  an  officer's  field  tent 
Mar'quis,  s.  a  title  next  to  a  duke 



M  A  U 

Mar'quisate,  s.  dignity  or  power  of  a  marquis 
Mar'riage,  s.  the  act  of  uniting  a  man  and 

woman  together  according  to  law 
Marriageable,  a.  of  age  to  be  married 
Mar'ried,  part.  a.  joined  in  wedlock 
Mar'row,  s.  an  oily  substance  in  bones 
Mar'rowfat,  s.  a  fine  large  species  of  pea 
Mar'rowless,  a.  void  of  marrow,  dry 
Mar'ry,  -v.  to  join  in,  or  enter  into  marriage 
Marsh,  Ma'rish,  s.  a  bog,  a  fen,  a  swamp 
Mar'shal,  s.  the  chief  officer  of  arms 
Mar'shal,  -o.  a.  to  arrange,  rank  in  order 
Mar'shalsea,  s.  a  prison  in  Southwark 
Mar's halship,  /.  the  office  of  a  marshal 
Marshmal'low,  s.  the  name  of  a  plant 
Marshmar'igold,  s.  the  name  of  a  flower 
Marsh'y,  a.  boggy,  wet,  swampy,  fenny 
Mart,  s.  a  place  of  public  sale  ;  a  bargain 
Mar'ten,  s.  a  large  weazel,  a  swallow 
Mar'tial,  a.  warlike,  valiant,  brave 
Mar'tialist,  s.  a  warrior,  a  fighter 
Mar'tingal,  s.  a  leathern  thong  for  a  horse 
Mar'tinmas,  s.  the  feast  of  St.  Martin 
Mar'tinet,  Mart'let,  s.  a  kind  of  swallow 
Martyr,  s.  one  who  dies  for  the  truth 
Mar'tyrdom,  s.  the  death  of  a  martyr 
Martyrol'ogy,  s.  a  register  of  martyrs 
Mar'vel,  s.  a  wonder  ...v.  n.  to  wonder  at 
Mar'vellous,  a.  astonishing,  strange 
Mar'vellously,  ad.  wonderfully,  strangely 
Mas'culine,  a.  male,  like  a  man,  manly 
Mash,  s.  a  mixture  of  water,  bran,   &c.  for 
cattle;  space  between  the  threads  of  a  net 
Mash,  v.  a.  to  break,  bruise,  or  squeeze 
Mask,  s.  a  disguise ;  an  entertainment 
Mask'er,  s.  one  who  revels  in  a  mask 
Ma'son,  s.  one  who  works  in  stone 
Ma'sonry,  s.  the  craft  or  work  of  a  mason 
Masquera'de,  s.  an  assembly  of  maskers 
Masquera'der,  s.  a  person  in  a  mask 
Mass,  s.  a  lump  ;  Romish  church  service 
Mas'sacre,  s.  butchery,  slaughter,  murder 
Mas'sacre,  v.  a.  to  butcher  indiscriminately 
Mas'siness,  Mas'siveness,  s.  weight,  bulk 
Mas'sive,  Mas'sy,  a.  weighty,  bulky 
Mast,  s.  the  beam  raised  above  the  ship,  to 
which  the  sail  is  fixed  ;  the  fruit  of  beech 
and  oak;   two  pounds  and  a  half  of  amber 
Ma'ster,  s.  the  chief  of  any  place  or  thing  ; 

one  who  teaches;  a  title  in  universities 
Ma'ster,  v. a.  to  rule,  to  govern,  to  conquer 
Ma'sterless,  a.  having  no  master,  unruly 
Ma'sterly,  a.  skilful,  artful;  imperious 
Ma'sterpiece,  s.    chief    excellence ;  a    per- 
formance done  with  extraordinary  skill 
Ma'stership,  /.  power,  pre-eminence,  skill 
Ma'sterstroke,  s.  a  capital  performance 
Ma'stery,/.  dominion,  superiority,  skill 
Mastica'tion,  s.  the  act  of  chewing 
Mas'ticatory, ;.  a  medicine  to  be  chewed 

Mas'tich,  s.  a  sweet  scented  gum  ;  cement 
Mas'tiff,  s.  a  large,  fierce  species  of  dog 
Mast'less,  <z.  bearing  no  mast 
Mast'lin,  Mes'lin,  s.  mixed  corn 
Mat,  s.  a  texture  of  rushes,  sedge,  or  flags 
Mat'achin,  s.  an  old  kind  of  dance 
Matado're,  /.  a  term  at  ombre  or  quadrille 
Match,/,  a  contest;  an  equal  ;  marriage  ;  b 

strip  of  wood  tipped  with  brimstone 
Match,  v.  to  be  equal  to  ;  suit ;  marry  ;  tally 
Match'able,  a.  suitable,  equal,  correspondent 
Match'less,  a.  having  no  eq~ual 
Match'maker,  s.  one  who  makes  matches 
Mate,  s.  a  companion  ;  the  second  in  subor- 
dination, as,  the  master's  mate 
Mate'rial,  a.  important,  essential ;    corpo- 
real; consisting  of  matter,  not  spiritual 
Mate'rialist,  j.  one  who  denies  the  doctrine 

of  spiritual  substances 
Materiality,  s.  material  existence,  corporeity 
Materially ,  ad.  in  the  state  of  matter  ;  essen- 
tially, importantly,  momentously 
Mate'rials,  s.  what  any  thing  is  made  of 
Mater'nal,  a.  motherly,  fond,  kind 
Mathemat'ic,  Mathematical,  a.  considered 

according  to  the  doctrine  of  mathematics 
Mathematically,  ad.  according  to  the  laws  or 

rules  of  the  mathematics 
Mathematician,  s.  one  skilled  in,  or  a  teacher 

of,  the  mathematics 
Mathematics,  s.  that  science  which  teaches 
to  number  and  measure  whatever  is  capa- 
ble of  it,  comprised  under  lines,  numbers, 
superficies,  solids,  &c. 
Mathe'sis,  s.  the  doctrine  of  mathematics 
Mat 'in,  a.  used  in  the  morning 
Mat'ins,  s.  morning  worship 
Mat'rass,  s.  a  chymical  glass  vessel 
Ma'trice,  or  Ma'trix,  s.  the  womb ;  a  mould ; 
that  which  gives  form  to  what  is  enclosed 
Mat'ricide,  s.  the  murdering  of  a  mother 
Matric'ulate,  v.  a.  to  admit  to  a  membership 

of  the  universities  of  England 
Matricula'tion,  s.  the  act  of  matriculating 
Matrimo'nial,  a.  pertaining  to  marriage 
Mat'rimony,  s.  marriage,  wedlock 
Ma'tron,  ;.  a  prudent,  motherly  woman 
Ma'tronly,  a.  elderly,  ancient,  motherly 
Matro'ss,  s.  a  soldier  in  the  artillery 
Mat'ter,  ;.  body  or  substance  ;  affair  ;  occa- 
sion ;  subject ;  purulent  running 
Mat'toc.  s.  a  pickaxe,  a  tool  to  grub  weeds 
Mat'tress,  s,  a  quilted  bed  to  lie  on 
Matura'tion,  s.  suppuration,  ripening 
Matura  tive,  a.  ripening,  digesting 
Matu're,  a.  ripe,  perfect,  well  disposed 
Matu'rely,  ad.  with  counsel  well  digested 
Matu'rity,  s.  ripeness,  completion 
Maud'lin,  a.  drunk, fuddled.../,  a  plant 
Mau'gre3  ad.  in  spite  of,  notwithstanding- 

M  E  A 



Maul,  v.  a.  to  bruise  or  beat  soundly,  &c. 
Maul,  s.  a  heavy  wooden  hammer 
Maund,  s.  a  hamper  with  bandies 
Maund'er,  v.  n.  to  grumble,  to  murmur 
Maund'y-Thursday,     s.    Thursday     before 
Good-Friday,  when    the  king's  almoner 
distributes  benefactions  to  the  poor 
Mausole'um ,  s.  pompous  funeral  monument 
Maw,  s.  the  stomach,  the  craw  of  birds 
Maw'kish,  a.  apt  to  cause  a  loathing,  &c. 
Maw'met,  /.  a  puppet,  anciently  an  idol 
Mawm'ish,  a.  foolish,  idle,  nauseous 
Maw'worm,  s.  a  worm  in  the  stomach 
Max'illary,  a.  pertaining  to  the  jaw  bone 
Max'im,  s.  a  general  principle,  an  axiom 
May,  s.  the  fifth  month  of  the  year 
May,  v.  aux.  to  be  permitted,  to  have  power 
May'flower,  s.   the  name  of  a  flower 
May'fly,  s.  an  insect  peculiar  to  May 
May'game,  s.  a  sport,  diversion,  play 
May'ing,  s.  gathering  May  flowers 
Maylily,  s.  the  lily  of  the  valley 
May'or,  /.  chief  magistrate  of  a  corporation, 

in  London  and  York,  called  Lord  Mayor 
May'oralty,  s.  the  office  of  a  mayor 
May'oress,  s.  the  wife  of  a  mayor 
May'pole,  s.  a  pole  danced  round  in  May 
May 'weed,  s.  a  species  of  chamomile 
Maz'zard,  s.  a  jaw,  the  jaw-bone 
Maze,  s.  confusion  of  thought ;  a  labyrinth 
Ma'zy,  a.  intricate,  confused,  perplexed 
Mea'cock,  a.  tame,  timorous,  cowardly 
Mead,  s.  a  drink  made  of  honey  and  water 
Mead,  Mead'ow,  s.  pasture  land 
Me'ager,  a.  lean,  poor  in  flesh,  hungry 
Mea'gerness,  s.  leanness, scantiness,bareness 
Meak,  s.  a  hook  with  a  long  handle 
Meal,  s.  edible  part  of  corn  ;  a  repast 
Meal'iness,  j.  a  mealy  quality 
Meai'man, ;.  one  that  deals  in  meal 
Meal'y,  a.  of  the  taste  or  softness  of  meal 
Mealymouth'ed,  a.  bashful  of  speech 
Mean,  a.  of  low  rank,  base,  contemptible 
Mean,  s.  medium,  measure,  revenue 
Mean,  v.  to  intend,  design,  signify 
Mean'der,  s.  a  serpentine  winding,  maze 
Mean'ing,  s.  a  signification,  intention 
Mean'ly,  ad.  without  dignity,  ungenerously 
Mean'ness,  t.  lowness  of  mind,  sordidness 
Meant,  part.  pass,  of  to  mean 
Mease,  s.  a  measure  of  5OO  herrings 
Meas'led,  Measly,  a.  spotted  with  measles 
Me'asles,  s.  a  kind  of  fever,  attended  with 

inflammation,  eruptions,  &c. 
Mea'surable,  a.  that  may  be  measured 
Mea'sure,  v .  a.  to  compute  or  allot  quantity 
Mea'sure,  s .  that  by  which  any  thing  is  mea- 
sured j  musical  time  ;  metre ;  proportion  ; 
allotment,  limit,  boundary,  degree 
Mea'sureless,  a.  immense,  boundless 

Measurement,  s.  act  of  measuring 
Mea'surer,  s.  one  that  measures 
Mea'sures,  /.  ways,  means,  &c. 
Meat,  s.  flesh  to  be  eaten  ;  food  in  general 
Meat'ed,  a.  fed,  foddered 
Meat'offering,  s.  an  offering  to  be  eaten 
Mechan'ic,  s.  a  manufacturer,  artificer 
Mechan'ic,  Mechan'ical,  a.  skilled  in  me- 
chanics ;  servile ;  of  mean  occupation 
Mechanician,  s.  one  professing  or  studying 

the  construction  of  machines 
Mechanics,  s.  the  geometry  of  motion 
Mec'hanism,  s.  artificial  construction 
Meco'nium,  s.  expressed  juice  of  poppies 
Med'al,  s.  an  ancient  coin ;  a  piece  stamped 

in  honour  of  some  victory,  &c. 
Medal'lion,  s.  a  large  medal  or  coin 
Med'allist,  s.  one  curious  in  medals 
Med'dle,  v.  to  interpose,  to  have  to  do 
Med'dler,  s.  an  officious  busybody 
Me'diate,  v.  to  interpose  as  an  equal  friend 

to  both  parties ;  to  be  between  two 
Mediation,  s.  an  interposition,  agency 
Media'tor,  /.  an  intercessor,  an  adviser 
Media'torship,  /.  the  office  of  a  mediator 
Media'trix,  s.  a  female  mediator 
Medicable,  a.  that  may  be  healed 
Med'ical,  Medicinal,  a.  physical 
Med'ically,  Medi'cinally,  ad.  physically 
Med'icament,  s.  any  thing  used  in  healing 
Med'icate,  v.  a.  to  tincture  with  medicines 
Med'icine,  s.  a  remedy  jn  physic 
Medi'ety,  s .  a  middle  state ;  half 
Me'din,  s.  a  small  coin  ;  a  measure 
Medioc'rity,  s .  a  middle  state  ;  small  degree 
Med'itate,  v.  to  plan,  scheme,  contemplate 
Medita'tion,  s.  deep  thought,  contemplation. 
Me'ditative,  a.  given  to  meditation,  serious 
Mediterranean,  Mediterra'neous,  a.  encir- 
cled with  land ;  remote  from  the  sea 
Mediterranean- Sea,  s.  so  called  from  its  sit- 
uation, having  Europe  on  the  north,  Afri- 
ca on  the  south,  and  Asia  on  the  east 
Me'dium,  s.  a  mean  or  middle  state 
Med'lar,  s.  the  name  of  a  tree  and  its  fruit 
Med'ley,  s.  a  mixture,  mingled  mass 
Medul'lar,  a.  pertaining  to  marrow 
Meed,  s.  a  reward,  a  recompense,  gift 
Meek,  a.  mild  of  temper,  gentle,  soft 
Meek'ness,  s.  gentleness,  quietness,  mildness 
Meer,  s.  a  boundary,  a  lake 
Meet,  v.  to  encounter,  find,  join...a.  proper 
Meet'ing,  s.  an  assembly  ;  a  conventicle 
Meet'ly,  ad.  properly,  fitly 
Meet'ness,  s.  fitness,  propriety 
Me'grim,  s.  a  painful  disorder  of  the  head 
Melancho'lic,     Mel'ancholy,     a.     fanciful, 

gloomy,  hypochondriacal,  dismal 
Mel'ancholy,  s.  sadness,  pensiveness 
Meliorate,  v.  a.  to  make  better,  to  improve 

M  E   R 

M   E   T 

Meliora'tion,  Melior'ity,  s.  improvement 
Melliferous,  a.  producing  honey 
Mellifica'tion,  /.  the  act  of  making  honey 
Mellifluence,  s.  a  flow  of  sweetness 
Mellifluent,  Mellifluous,  a.  flowing  with 

honey,  sweet;  eloquent 
Mel'low,  a.  soft  in  sound  j  full  ripe  j  drunk 
Mel'lowness,  s.  lipeness,  maturity 
Melo'dious,  a.  harmonious,  full  of  melody 
Mel'ody,  s.  music,  harmony  of  sound 
Mel'on,  s.  a  plant  and  its  fruit 
Melt,  v.  to  make  or  become  liquid,  to  dissolve 
Melt'er,  s.  one  that  melts  metals 
Mem'ber,  s.  a  limb,  part,  clause ;  one 
Mem'brane,  s.  a  web  of  many  fibres 
Membra'neous,  a.  consisting  of  membranes 
Memen'to,  s.  a  hint,  notice,  memorial 
Memo'ir,  j.  a  history  written  by  persons  in- 
terested in,  or  eye  witnesses  to,  the  events 
Mem'orable,  a.  worthy  of  remembrance 
Memorandum,  s.  a  note  to  help  memory 
Memo'rial,  s.  a  monument  ;    something  to 
preserve  memory ;  a  writing  about  public 
business  by  a  public  minister,  &c. 
Memo'rialist,  s.  one  who  writes  memorials 
Mem'ory,  s.  the  power  of  retaining  or  recol- 
lecting things  past ;  that  faculty  by  which 
we  call  to  mind  any  past  transaction 
Men,  s.  plural  of  Man 
Men'ace,  v.  a.  to  threaten...;,  a  threat 
Mena'ge,  or  Mena'gerie,  s.   a  collection  of 

Mend,  v.  a.  to  repair,  correct,  improve 
Menda'city,  s.  a  falsehood 
Mend'er,  s  one  who  mends  or  improves 
Men'dicant,  a.  begging..^,  a  beggar 
Men'dicate,  v.  a.  to  beg,  to  ask  alms 
Mendi'city,  s.  the  life  of  a  beggar 
Me'nial,  s.  a  servant...**,  domestic 
Menol'ogy,  s.  a  register  of  months 
Men'strual,  a.  monthly,  lasting  a  month 
Men'struum,  s.  any  liquid  used  in  infusions 
Men'surable,  a.  that  may  be  measured 
Men'surate,  v.  a.  to  measure  any  thing 
Mensura'tion,  s.  the  aTct  of  measuring 
Men'tal,  a.  intellectual ;  in  the  mind 
Mention,  s.  oral  recital  of  any  thing 
Men'tion,  v.  a.  to  express  in  words,  &c. 
Mephit'ical,  a.  ill  savoured,  stinking 
Mercantile,  a.  trading,  commercial 
Mer'cat,  ;.  the  time  or  place  of  trade 
Mer'cenary,  s.  a  hireling...«.  venal,  selfish 
Mer'cer,  s.  one  who  sells  silk,  &c 
Mer'cery, ;.  the  trade  of  mercers 
Merchandise,  s.  trade,  commerce,  wares 
Merchant,,;,  a  dealer  by  wholesale 
Merchantman,  s.  a  ship  of  trade 
Mer'ciful,  a.  compassionate,  tender,  kind 
Mer'cifully,  ad.  tenderly,  with  pity 
Mer'ciless,  a.  void  of  mercy,  pitiless 

Mercu'rial,  a.  consisting  of  mercury 
Mer'cury,  s.  quicksilver  ;  sprightliness 
Mer'cy,  /.  clemency,  pardon,  mildness 
Mere,  a.  that  or  this  only,  nothing  else 
Me'rely,  ad.  simply,  only,  in  this  manner 
Meretri'cious,  a.  whorish,  lewd,  gaudy 
Merid'ian,  s.  mid-day  ;  the  line  drawn  from 
north  to  south,  which  the  sun  crosses  at 
noon  ;  highest  point  of  glory  and  power 
Merid'ional,  a.  southern,  southerly 
Mer'it,  s.  desert,  due,  reward,  claim,  right 
Merito'rious,  a.  deserving  of  reward 
Mer'lin,  s.  a  sort  of  hawk 
Mer'maid,  s.  a  fabulous  sea  creature,  with 
the  upper  parts  described  like  those  of  a 
woman,  and  the  lov/er  like  a  fish 
Mer'rily,  ad.  with  gaiety,  cheerfully 
Mer'riment,  s.  cheerfulness,  laughter,  gaiety 
Mer'ry,  a.  cheerful,  causing  laughter 
Merry-an'drew,  s.  a  buffoon,  a  jack-pudding 
Mer'rythought,  s.  a  bone  of  a  fowl 
Mer'sion,  s.  the  a<5l  of  dipping  or  plunging 
Mesenteric,  a.  relating  to  the  mesentery 
Me'sentery,  s.  that   membranous  part  round 

which  the  guts  are  convolved 
Mesh,  s.  a  space  between  the  threads  of  a  net 
Mess,  s .  a  dish  or  portion  of  food 
Mess,  v.  n.  to  eat,  to  feed  together 
Mes'sage,  s.  an  errand,  advice  sent 
Mes'senger,  s.  one  who  carries  a  message 
Messi'ah,  s.  the  Saviour  of  the  world,  Christ 
Messi'eurs,  pi.  of  monsieur,  gentlemen 
Mess'mate,  s.  one  who  eats  with  another 
Mes'suage,  s.  a  dwelling  house,  &c. 
Met,  pret.  and  part,  of  io  meet 
Me'tage,  s.  the  measuring  of  coals 
Met'al,  s.  metals  are  six  in  number,  viz.  gold, 
silver,  copper,  tin,  iron,  and  lead  ;  courage 
Metalep'tic,  a.  atting  transversely 
Metal'lic,  a.  pertaining  to  metal 
Metal'line,  a.  impregnated  with  metal 
Met'allist,  s.  a  worker  in  metals 
Metallurgy,  s.  the  act  of  working  metals 
Metamor'phosis,  s.  a  transformation 
Met'aphor,  s.  the  application  of  a  word  to  a 
use,  to  which,  in  its  original  import,  it 
cannot  be  put,  as,  he  bridles  his  anger  j 
the  golden  harvestj  &c 
Metaphor'ical,  a.  figurative,  not  literal 
Met'aphrase,  s.  a  verbal  translation 
Metaphysical,  a.  relating  to  metaphysics 
Metaphysics,  s.  the  science  which  considers 
beings  as' abstracted  from  all  matter,  par- 
ticularly beings  purely  spiritual,  as  God, 
angels,  and  the  human  soul 
Metastasis,  s.  a  translation  or  removal 
Metath'esis,  s.  a  transposition,  change 
Mete,  v.  a.  to  measure,  &c 
Metempsycho'sis,  s.  a  transmigration  of  souls 
from  one  body  to  another  at  death 



M  I   L 

Me'teor,  s.  a  body  in  the  air  or  sky,  of  a  lu- 
minous, transitory  nature 
Meteorological,  a.  relating  to  meteors 
Meteorol'ogist,  s.  a  man  skilled  in  meteors 
Meteorol'ogy,  s.  the  doctrine  of  meteors 
Me'ter,  s.  a  measurer 
Me'tewand,  Me'teyard,  ;.  a  staff  wherewith 

measures  are  taken 
Metheglin,  s.  a  drink  made  of  honey,  spices, 

water,  &c.  boiled  together 
Methi'nks ,  v.  imp.  I  think,  it  seems  to  me 
Meth'od,  s.  convenient  order,  regularity 
Method'ical,  a.  ranged  in  due  order, exact 
Methodically,  ad.  according  to  method 
Meth'odise,  v.  a.  to  bring  into  good  order 
Meth'odism,  s.  a  term  of  reproach  attached 
to  a  system  of   religious  opinions,    the 
professors  of  which  are  divided  into  two 
classes  ;   the  one  subscribes  to  the  doc- 
trines of  Calvin,  and  the  other  embraces 
the  tenets  of  Arminius 
Metho'ught,  pret.  of  methinks,  I  thought 
Meton'omy, s.  a  figure  in  rhetoric,  when  one 

word  is  used  for  another 
Metopos'copy,  s.  the  study  of  physiognomy 
Me'tre,  s.  verse,  harmonic  measure 
Met'rical,  a.  pertaining  to  metre 
Me'trice,  s.  a  musical  measure  of  syllables 
Metrop'olis,  s.  the  chief  city  of  a  country 
Metropolitan,  s.  an  archbishop 
Met'tle,  s.  fire,  briskness,  spirit,  courage 
Met'tled,  a.  sprightly,  courageous 
Met'tlesome,  a.  lively,  brisk,  courageous 
Mew,  s.  a  cage,  enclosure  ;  a  sea  fowl 
Mew,  v.  a.  to  cry  as  a  cat  ;  moult  ;  shut  up 
Mewl,  v.  n.  to  squall  as  a  young  child 
Mezzotin'to,  s.  a  kind  of  engraving  on  copper 
Mi'asm,   /.  such  particles  or  atoms  as    are 
supposed  to  arise  from  distempered,  pu- 
trefying or  poisonous  bodies 
Mice,  s.  plural  of  mouse 
Mich'aelmas,  s.  the  feast  of  St.  Michael 
Miche,  v.  n.  to  skulk,  absent  one's  self 
Mich'er,  s.  a  lazy  loiterer,  a  skulker 
Mich'ing.  part,  lying  hid,  loitering 
Mi'crocosm,  s.  the  little  world  ;  the  body  of 

man  is  so  called 
Microm'eter,  s.  an  astronomical  instrument 

to  measure  small  spaces 
Mi'croscope,  s.    an  optical   instrument,  by 

which  the  smallest  objects  are  described 
Mid,  Midst,  a.  between  two ;  equally  distant 
Mid'-day,  s.  noon,  meridian 
Mid'die,  a.  equally  distant  from  the  two  ex- 
tremes ;  intermediate 
Mid'dle-aged,  a.  about  the  middle  of  life 
Mid'dlemost,  Mid'most,  a.  in  the  midst 
Mid'dling,  a.  of  middle  rank  ;  moderate 
Midge,  s.  a  gnat,  an  insect 
Midvheav'enj  s,  the  middle  of  the  sky 

]  Midland,  a.  surrounded  by  land 
Midleg,  s.  the  middle  of  the  leg 
I  Mid'night,  s.  twelve  o'clock  at  night 
\  Mid'rifF,  s.  the  diaphragm  ;  a  skin  separating 

the  heart,  &c.  from  the  lower  belly 
\  Mid'shipman,  s.  a  naval  officer  next  in  rank 

to  a  lieutenant 
Mid'stream,  s.  the  middle  of  the  stream 
Mid'summer,  s.  the  summer  solstice 
Mid'way,  ad.  in  the  middle  of  a  passage 
Mid'wife,  s.  a  woman  who  assists  women  ia 

Mid'wifery,  s.  the  aft  of  delivering  women 
Mid'winter,  s.  the  winter  solstice 
Mien,  s.  air,  look,  manner,  appearance 
Might,  preK  of  may..j.  power,  force 
Mightily,  ad.  powerfully,  efficaciously 
Mightiness,  r.  power,  height  of  dignity 
Might'y,  a.  powerful. .uxd.  in  a  great  degree 
Mi'grate,  v.  n.  to  remove,  to  change  place 
Migra'tion,  s.  the  act  of  removing 
Milch,  a.  giving  or  yielding  milk 
Mild,  a.  kind,  gentle,  soft,  easy,  tender 
Mil'dew,  s.  a  disease  in  plants,  Sec.  ;  certain 

spots  on  cloth,  paper,  &c. 
MiYdewed, pa7t.  a.  damaged  with  mildew 
Mildly,  ad.  tenderly,  not  severely 
Mild'ness,  s.  gentleness,  clemency 
Mile,  s.  a  land  measure  of  1 76O  yards 
Milestone,  u  a  stone  set  to  mark  the  miles 
Mil'foil,  s.  an  herb  with  many  leaves 
Miliary,  a.  small,  like  millet  seeds 
Militant,  a.  fighting  ;  engaged  in  warfare 
Military,  a.  warlike,  suiting  a  soldier 
Militate,  v.  n.  to  differ  from,  to  oppose 
Mili'tia,  s.  a  national  force  ;  trainbands 
Milk,  s.  the  liquor  %vith  which  females  feed 

their  young  from  the  breast  or  teats 
Milk,  v.  a.  to  draw  milk  from  a  cow,  &c 
Milk'en,  a.  consisting  of  milk 
Milk'er,  /.  one  that  milks  animals 
Milklness,  s.  softness  like  that  of  milk 
Milk'maid,  /.  a  woman  employed  in  the  dairy 
Milk'sop,  j.  a  soft  feeble-minded  man 
Milk'white,  a.  white  as  milk 
Milk'y,  a.  yielding  milk  ;  soft,  gentle 
Milky-wa'y,  s.   a  broad  white  track  in  the 

heavens,  caused  by  the  light  of  an  infinity 

of  fixed  stars  ;  the  galaxy 
Mill,  s.  an  engine  to  grind  corn,  &c. 
Mill,  v.  a.  to  grind,  comminute  ;  stamp 
Mill'cog,  s.  a  tooth  of  a  wheel 
Millena'rian,  s.  one  who  holds  the  doctrine 

of,  or  expects  the  millennium 
Millenary,  c.  consisting  of  a  thousand 
Millennium,    /.  the  space  of  1COO  yeirs, 

during  which  some   imagine  Christ  wi'.l 

reign  on  earth  after  the  resurrection 
Millepedes,  s,  woodiice  ;  insects 
Miller, ;,  one  who  attetufs  mills ;  a  fly 

M  I  N 



Millesimal,  a.  a  thousandth 
Mil'let,  s.   the  name  of  a  fish  and  a  plant 
Mill'horse,  s.  a  horse  that  turns  a  mill 
Milliner,  s.  one  who  sells  ribbands,  bonnets, 

caps,  &c.  for  women 
Millinery,  /.  goods  sold  by  a  milliner 
Million,  s.  ten  hundred  thousand 
Mill'pond,  s.  a  bed  of  water  near  a  mill 
Mill'stone,  j.  a  stone  for  grinding  corn 
Mill^teeth,  s.  large  teeth  ;  the  grinders 
Milrea',  or  Milree',  s.   a  measure  containing 

about  17  gallons  ;  IOOO  Portugal  rees 
Milt, .'.  the  soft  roe  of  fishes  ;  the  spleen 
Mil'ter,  s.  the  male  of  fishes 
Mim'ic,  s.  a  ludicrous  imitator  of  the  ges- 
tures or  voice  of  others,  a  buffoon 
Mim'ic,  Mimical,  a.  apish,  imitative 
Mimicry,  s.  a  burlesque  copying 
Mimog'raplier,  s.  a  writer  of  farces 
"Mi'natory,j  a.  threatening,  denouncing 
Mince,  v.  a.  to  cut  very  small ;  to  palliate 
Miu'cingly,  a.  in  small  parts,  not  fully 
Mind,  s.  intelligent  faculty,  opinion 
Mind,  v.  a.  to  mark,  to  attend,  to  remind 
"Mind'ed,  a.  inclined,  affected,  disposed 
Mind'ful,  a.  regardful,  attentive 
Mindfulness,  s .  attention,  watchfulness 
Mindless,  a.  regardless,  inattentive 
Mine,£?-orc .  possess,  belonging  to  me 
Mine,  s.  a  place  where  minerals  are  dug  ;  a 
cavern  under  a  fortification  filled   with 
gunpowder...^,  to  sap  or  ruin  by  mines 
Min'eral,  s.  matter  dug  out  of  mines 
Min'eral,  a.  consisting  of  fossil  bodies 
Min'eraiist,  s .  one  skilled  in  minerals 
Mineral'ogist,  s.  a  discourser  on  minerals 
Mineral'ogy, s.  the  doctrine  of  minerals 
Min'gle,  v.  a.  to  mix,  to  compound,  to  unite 
Min'gle,  s.  mixture,  confused  mass 
1     Miniature,   s.   a  painting  in  water-colours, 
7         very  small  and  delicate 
J     Minikin,  a.  small...;,  a  small  pin 
Minim,  s.  a  dwarf  ;  a  note  in  music 
Minimus,  s.  a  being  of  the  least  size 
Minion,  s.  a  favourite  ;  a  low  unprincipled 

dependant  ;  a  darling 
Minlsh,  v.  a.  to  lessen,  lop,  impair 
Minister,  s.  an  officer  of  the  state,  or  the 

church  ;  an  agent ;  a  delegate 
Minister,  v.  to  give,  to  supply,  to  attend  on 
Ministerial,  a.  pertaining  to  a  minister  of 

the  church  or  state  ;  attendant 
Minlstery,  s.  office,  service,  administration 
Ministra'tion,  s.  agency,  service,  office 
Ministry,  s.  office  ;  agency  of  the  state 
Min'now,  s.  a  very  small  fish,  a  pink 
Mi'nor,«.  less,  smaller,  inconsiderable 
Mi'nor,  s.  one  not  of  age  ;  in  logic,  the  se- 
cond proposition  in  the  syllogism 
Mi'rjcrate,  v,  a.  to  diminish,  to  lessen 

Minora'tion,  s.  the  aft  of  lessening 
Minority,  /.    nonage  ;  state  of  being  under 

age  ;  the  smaller  number 
Min'otaur,   s.    a  monster,   invented  by  the 

poets,  half  a  man,  and  half  a  bull 
Min'strel,  s.  a  cathedral  church,  a  monastery 
Min'strelsy,  s.  music  ;  a  band  of  musicians 
Mint,  s.  a  plant  ;  a  place  for  coining 
Min'uet,  s.  a  stately,  regular  dance 
Min'um,  s.  a  note  of  slow  lime 
Minu'te,  a.  small,  little,  tender,  trifling 
Min'ute,  s.  the  60th  part  of  an  hour 
Miu'ute,  v.  a.  to  set  down  in  short  hints 
Min'ute-book,  s.  a  book  of  short  hints 
Min'ute-gun,  s.  a  gun  fired  every  minute 
Minu'tely,  ad.  exadtly,  to  a  small  point 
Minx,  s.  a  young,  pert,  wanton  girl 
Mir'acle,  s.  something  above  human  power 
Mirac'ulous,  a.  done  by  miracle 
Mirac'ulously,  ad.  by  miracle  ;  wonderfully 
Mirado'r,  s.  a  balcony,  a  gallery 
Mire,  s.  mud,  dirt,  filth  ;  an  ant,  a  pismire 
Mire,  v.  a.  to  whelm  in  the  mud 
Mir'ror,  s.  a  looking  glass  ;  a  pattern 
Mir'rorstone,  s.  a  clear  transparent  stone 
Mirth,  s.  jollity,  merriment,  laughter 
Mirth'ful,  a.  gay,  cheerful,  merry 
Mi'ry,  a.  deep  in  mud,  muddy,  filthy 
Misadven'ture,  s.  mischance,  bad  fortune 
Misadvi'se,  v.  a.  to  give  bad  counsel 
Misadvi'sed,  a.  ill-counselled,  ill-diretted 
Misaim'ed,  a.  not  aimed  rightly 
Mis'anthrope,  s.  a  hater  of  mankind 
Misan'thropy,  s.  the  hatred  of  mankind 
Misapply',  v.  a,  to  apply  to  wrong  purposes 
Misapprehe'nd,  v.  a.  not  to  understand  right- 
ly, to  misunderstand,  to  mistake 
Misapprehension,  s.  not  right  apprehension 
Misassi'gn,  v.  a.  to  assign  erroneously 
Misbeco'me,  v.  a.  not  to  become,  not  to  suit 
Misbecoming,  part.  a.  indecent,  unseemly 
Misbegot'ten,  part.  a.  unlawfully  begotten 
Misbeha've,  v.  n.  to  att  improperly  or  ill 
Misheha'viour,  s.  ill  conduct,  bad  practice 
Misbelie'f,  s.  a  wrong  faith  or  belief 
Misbelie'ver,  s.  one  that  holds  a  false  religion 
Misca'l,  v.  a.  to  name  improperly 
Miscalculate,  v.  a.  to  reckon  wrong 
Miscar'riage,  s.  abortion  ;  ill  success 
Miscar'ry,  v.  n.  to  have  an  abortion  ;  to  fail 
Miscellaneous,     a.     composed    of   various 

kinds,  mixed,  without  order 
Mis'cellany,  /.  a  mass  or  mixture  formed  of 

various  kinds 
Mischa'nce,  /.  ill  luck,  ill  fortune 
Mis'chief,  s.  harm,  hurt,  injury 
Mis'chiefmaker,  s.  one  who  causes  mischief 
Mis'chievous,  a.  hurtful,  malicious 
Mis'cible,  a.  possible  to  be  mingled 
Miscita'tion,  s.  a  false  or  unfair  quotation 




Miscla'im,  s.  an  improper  or  mistaken  claim 
Misconception,  s.  a  false  opinion 
Miscon'duft,  s.  ill  management,  ill  behaviour 
Misconstruction,  s.  a  wrong  interpretation 
Miscon'strue,  v.  a.  to  interpret  wrong 
Misco'unt,  v.  a.  to  reckon  wrong 
Mis'creance,  s.  unbelief,  suspicion,false  faith 
Mis'creant,  s.  an  infidel,  a  vile  wretch 
Miscrea'te,Miscrea'ted,tf.  formed  unnatural- 
ly, or  illegitimately,  ill  shapen 
Misde'ed,  s.  an  evil  action,  crime 
Misde'em,  v.  a.  to  judge  ill  of  ;  to  mistake 
Misdeme'an,  v.  a.  to  behave  ill 
Misdemean'or,  s.  an  offence,  ill  behaviour 
Misdevo'tion,  s.  mistaken  piety 
Misdo',  v.  to  do  wrong,  to  commit  crimes 
Misdo'ubt,  v.  a.  to  suspect.../,  suspicion 
Misemplo'y,  v.  a.  to  use  to  wrong  purposes 
Misemploy'ment,  s.  improper  application 
Mi'ser,  s.  a  wretch,  one  covetous  to  excess 
Mis'erable,  a.  unhappy,  wretched  ;  stingy 
Mis'erably,  ad.  unhappily  5  meanly 
Mis'ery,  s.  wretchedness,  calamity,  avarice 
Misfash'ion,  v.  a.  to  form  wrong 
Misfo'rm,  v.  a.  to  form  badly 
Misfor'tune,  s.  calamity,  evil  fortune 
Misgi've,  v.  a.  to  fill  with  doubt 
Misgov'ern,  v.  a.  to  rule  amiss 
Misgui'de,  v.  a.  to  direct  ill,  to  lead  wrong 
Misguid'ance,  s .  false  direction 
Mishap',  s.  a  mischance,  ill  luck 
Misinfe'r,  v.  a.  to  infer  wrong,  to  mistake 
Misiufo'rm,  v.  a.  to  give  a  false  account 
Misinterpret,  v.  a.  to  interpret  wrong 
Mi?jo'in,  v.  a.  to  join  unfitly  or  improperly 
Misju'dge,  t>.  a.  to  judge  wrong 
Misla'y,  v.  a.  to  lay  in  a  wrong  place 
Mis'le,  v.  n.  to  rain  in  small  drops 
Misle'ad,  v.  a.  to  guide  in  a  wrong  way 
Mis'letoe,  s.  the  name  of  a  plant 
Misli'ke,  v.  a.  to  disapprove,  not  to  like 
Mis'ly,  a.  raining  in  very  small  drops 
Mismanage,  v.  a.  to  manage  ill,  to  misapply 
Mismanagement,  s.  ill  conduct 
Misma'tch,  v.  a.  to  match  unsuitably 
Misname,  v.  a.  to  call  by  a  wrong  name 
Misno'mer,  s.  in  law,  an  indictment  vacated 

by  a  wrong  name  ;  a  miscalling 
MisobseVve,  v.  a.  not  to  observe  accurately 
Miso'gyny,  s.  hatred  of  women 
Mispe'1,1).  a.  to  spell  wrong 
Mispe'nd,  v.  a.  to  spend  ill,  waste,  lavish 
Mispersua  sion,  s.  a  false  opinion 
Mispla'ce,  v.  a.  to  put  in  a  wrong  place 
Mispo'int,  v.  a.  to  point  or  divide  wrong 
Mispri'ze,  v.  a.  to  mistake,  slight,  scorn 
Misprision,  i.  contempt,  negligence,  scorn  ; 
misprision  of  treason  is  the  concealment 
of  known  treason 
Mispropor'tion,  v.  to  join  without  symmetry 

Mispro'ud,  a.  viciously  proud 
Misquote,  v.  a.  to  quote  falsely 
Misreci'te,  v.  a.  to  recite  or  repeat  wrong 
Misreck'on,  v.  a.  to  compute  wrong 
Misrela'te,  v.  a.  to  relate  falsely 
Misrepo'rt,  v.  a.  to  give  a  false  account 
Misrepresent,  v.  a.  to  represent  not  as  it  is, 

to  falsify  to  disadvantage 
Misru'le,  s.  tumult,  disorder,  revel 
Miss,  s.  a  young,  unmarried  woman 
Miss,  -v.  not  to  hit,  mistake,  fail,  omit- 
Mis'sal,  s.  the  Romish  mass  book 
Mis'sen-gross,  s.  a  small  Saxon  coin 
Missha'pe,  v.  a.  to  shape  ill,  to  deform 
Mis'sile,  a.  thrown  by  the  hand 
Mis'sion,  s.  a  commission,  legation 
Missionary, ;.  one  sent  to  preach  the  gospel, 

and  propagate  religion 
Mis'sive,  a.  such  as  may  be  sent  or  flung 
Mis'sive,  s.  a  letter  sent ;  a  messenger 
Misspe'ak,  v.  a.  to  speak  wrong 
Missta'te,  v.  a.  to  s'tate  wrong  or  falsely 
Mist,  s,  a  low  thin  cloud  ;  a  fog  ;  dimness- 
Mista'kej-y.  to  conceive  wrong,  to  err 
Miste'ach,  v-  a.  to  teach  wrong 
Miste'rm,  v.  a.  to  term  erroneously. 
Misti'me,  v.  a.  not  to  time  right 
Mist'iness,  s.  cloudiness,  being  overcast 
Mis'tion, s.  the  state  of  being  mingled 
Mis'tress,  s.  a  woman  teacher  ;  a  concubine 
Mistru'st,  s.  diffidence,  suspicion 
Mistrust'ful,  a.  suspicious,  doubting 
Mistrust'less,  a.  confident,  not  suspecting 
Mist'y,  a.  cloudy,  obscme,  not  plain 
Misundersta'nd,  v.  a.  to  misconceive,  to  err 
Misunderstanding,  s.  a  misconception,  error 
Misu'sage,  Misu'se,  s.  bad  treatment,  abuse 
Mite,  s.  a  small  insect ;  any  small  tiling 
Mith'ridate,  s.  a  medicine  against  poison/ 
Mit'igate,  v.  a.  to  alleviate,  to  assuage 
Mitigation,  s.  the  act  of  assuaging  ;  abate- 
ment of  any  thing  harsh  or  painful 
Mi'tre,  s.  a  kind  of  episcopal  crown 
Mi'tred,  a.  adorned  with  a  mitre 
Mit'tens,  s.  gloves  without  fingers 
Mit'tent,  a.  sending  forth,  emitting 
Mk'timus,  s.  a  warrant  by  which  a  justice  of 

peace  sends  an  offender  to  prison 
Mix,  v.  a.  to  unite,  join,  mingle 
Mix'ture,  t,  aft  of  mixing*  things  mixed 
Miz'maze, ;.  a  labyrinth,  a  maze 
Miz'zen,  s.  the  mast  in  the  stern  of  a  ship 
Mnemonics,  s.  the  art  or  act  of  memory 
Moan,  v.  to  grieve,  deplore...*,  lamentation 
Moat,  s.  a  canal  round  a  castle,  &c. 
Mobj  s.  a  woman's  cap  ;  a  crowd,  rabble 
Mob,  v.  a.  to  scold  vulgaily,  to  riot 
Mob'ble,  v.  a.  to  dress  inelegantly 
Mob'by,  s.  a  drink  made  of  potatoes 
Mobii'ityv.  the  populace  j  activity ;  fickleness 

M  O  L 


M  O  N 

Mo'cho-stone,  s.  a  stone  nearly  related  to 
the  agate  kind,  of  a  clear  horny  grey,with 
delineations  representing  mosses,  &c. 
Mock,  v.  a.  to  mimic,  ridicule,  tantalize 
Mock,  a.  false,  counterfeit,  not  real 
Mock'able,  a.  exposed  to  mockery 
Mocka'does,  s.  a  kind  of  woollen  stuff 
Mock'ery,  s.  ridicule,  scorn,  vain  show 
Mo'dal,  a.  relating  to  the  form  or  mode 
Modal'ity,  s.  accidental  difference 
Mode,  s.  form,  state,  method,  fashion 
Mod'el,  s.  a  representation,  copy,  standard 
Mod'el,  v.  a.  to  mould,  shape,  delineate 
Mod'erate,  a.  temperate,  mild,  sober 
Mod'erate,  v.  a.  to  regulate,  to  restrain 
Mod'erately,  ad.  temperately,  mildly 
Moderation,  s.  calmness  of  mind,  equanim- 
ity ;   keeping  the  passions,  &c.   within 
due  bounds  ;  frugality  in  expense 
Modera'tor,  s.  one  who  rules  or  restrains 
Mod'ern,  a.  late,  recent,  not  ancient,  mean 
Mod'erns,  ;.  persons  of  late  times 
Mod'ernise,  v.  a.  to  adapt  ancient  composi- 
tions to  modern  persons  or  things 
Mod'est,  a.  diffident,  chaste,  discreet 
Mod'estly,firf.  not  arrogantly,  chastely 
Mod'esty,  s-  chastity,  decency,  humility 
Mod'icum,  .'.  a  small  portion,  a  pittance 
Mcd'ifiable,  a.  that  may  be  diversified 
Modification,  s.  the  act  of  modifying 
Modify,  v.  a.  to  qualify,  soften,  shape 
Modii'lion,  *,  a  sort  of  bracket 
Mu'dish-  a.  fashionable,  tasty,  gay 
Mod'ulate,  -v.  a.  to  form  sounds  to  a  certain 

key,  or  to-certain  notes 
Modulation,  s.  an  agreeable  harmony 
Moduia'tor,  ;.  one  who  forms  sounds  to  a  cer- 
tain key  ;  a  tuner  of  instruments 
Mo'dule,  s.  an  empty  representation 
Mo'dus,  s.  a  compensation  in  lieu  of  tithes 
Mcgu'l,  s.  an  emperor  of  India 
Mo'hair, ;.  a  thread  or  stuff  made  of  hair 
Mo'hoc,  s,  a  barbarous  Indian,  a  ruffian 
Moid'ered,  a.  cra2^,  bewildered 
Moido're,  s.  a  Portugal  coin,  value  11.  js. 
Moi'ety,  s.  half,  one  of  two  equal  parts 
1  Irli,  v.  to  daub,  to  toil,  drudge,  weary- 
Moist,  a.  wet,  not  dry,  damp,  juicy 
Moist 'en,  v.  a.  to  make  damp,  to  wet 
fvloist'ness,  s.  dampness,  wettishness 
Moist'ure,  s.  a  small  quantity  of  water,  &c. 
Mole,  s.  a  natural  spot ;  an  animal 
Mo'lecatcher,  s.  one  who  catches  moles 
Molehill,  s.  a  hillock  made  by  a  mole 
Mole'st,  v.  a.  to  disturb,  vex,  disquiet 
Molesta'tion,  s.  disturbance,  vexation 
Mo'lewarp,  Mould'warp,  s.  a  mole 
Mol'Hent,  a.  softening,  assuaging 
M  .rlifuib'e,  a.  that  may  be  softened 
Mollifica'tionj  u  the  aft  of  mollifying 

Mol'lify,  v.  a.  to  soften,  assuage,  pacify 
Molos'ses,  or  Molas'ses,  s.  treacle ;  the  spume 

or  scum  of  the  juice  of  the  sugar-cane 
Molt'en,  part.  pass,  from  to  melt 
Molt'ing,  or  Moult'ing,  part.  a.  the  falling 

off,  or  change  of  feathers,  horns,  &c« 
Mo'ly,  s>  a  kind  of  wild  garlic 
Mome,  s.  a  dull  blockish  person ;  a  post 
Mo'ment,  s.  an  indivisible  part  of  time ;  d>fl* 

sequence,  importance,  value 
Mo'mentary,  a.  lasting  for  a  moment 
Moment'ous,  a.  important,  weighty 
Mom'mery,  s.  a  farcical  enter tainmeflt 
Mon'achal,  a.  monastic,  monkish 
Mon'achism,  s.  a  monastic  life 
Mon'ad,  Mon'ade,  s.  an  indivisible  thing 
Mon'arch,  s.  a  sovereign,  a  king 
Monar'chial,  a.  suiting  a  monarch,  regal 
Monarchical,  a.  vested  in  a  single  ruler 
Mon'archy,  s.  a  kingly  government ;  empire 
Monastery,  s.  a  convent,  a  cloister 
Monas'tic,  a.  pertaining  to  a  convent 
Monas'tically,  ad.  reclusely 
Mon'day,  s.  the  second  day  of  the  week 
Mon'ey,  s.  any  metal  coined  for  traffic 
Mon'eyed,  a.  rich  in  money,  wealthy 
Mon'eyless,  a.  wanting  money,  poor 
Mon'eyscrivener,  s.  one  who  raises  money 

for  others 
Mon'ger,  /.  a  trader,  dealer,  seller 
Mon'grel,  s.  an  animal  of  a  mixed  breed 
Mon'ish,  -v.  a.  to  admonish,  counsel 
Mon'isher,  s.  an  admonisher,  a  monitor 
Moni'tion,  s.  information,  document 
Mon'itor,  r.   one  who    warns  of  faults,  or 

gives  necessary  hints 
Mon'itory,  a.  admonishing...*,  a  warning 
Monk,  /.  one  who  lives  in  a  monastery 
Monk'ey,  *.  an  ape,  a  baboon  ;  silly  fellow 
|  Monkish,  a.  monastic ;  pertaining  to  monks 
I  Mon'ochord,  s.  an  instrument  of  one  string 
1  Monoc'ular,  Monoc'ulous,  a.  one-eyed 
j  Mon'ody,  s.  a  poem  sung  by  one  person 
Monog'amy,  s.  a  marriage  of  one  wife  only 
Mon'ogram,  s.  a  cipher,  or  character,  com- 
posed of  many  letters  interwoven 
Mon'ologue,  s.  a  soliloquy 
Monoma'chy,  s.  a  single  combat,  a  duel 
Monopet'alous,  a.  having  but  one  leaf 
Monop'olist,  s.  one  who  engrosses  a  trade  or 

business  entirely  to  himself 
Moaop'olize,  v.  a.  toengross  all  of  a  comma, 

dity  into  a  person's  own  hands 
Monop'oly,  s.  the  sole  privilege  of  selling- 
Monop'tote,  s.  a  noun  of  but  one  case 
Monosyl'lahle,  s.  a  word  of  one  syllable 
Monot'ony,  s.  want  of  variety  in  cadence 
Monsoo'n,  s.  a  periodical  trade  wind    ' 
Mon'ster, .?.  a  thing  unnatural  or  horrible 
Mon'strousj  a,  unnatural,  shocking 

M  O  R 


M   O  U 

Monte'ro, ;,  a  horseman's  cap 
Monte'th,  s.  a  vessel  to  wash  glasses  in 
Month,  s.  a  space  of  time,  four  weeks 
Month'ly,  a.  happening  every  month 
Mon'ument,  s.  any  thing  to  perpetuate  me- 

mory,  as  a  tomb,  pillar,  statue,  &c. 
Monument'al,  a.  preserving  memory 
Mood,  s.  a  term  in  grammar  ;  disposition 
Mood'y,  a.  angry,  out  of  humour  ;  mental 
Moon,  s.  the  great  luminary  of  the  night 
Moon'beam,  s.  a  ray  cf  lunar  light 
Moon'caif,  s.  a  monster  ;  a  stupid  fellow 
Moon'eyed,  a.  dim  eyed,  purblind 
Moonless,  a.  not  illuminated  by  the  moon 
Moon'light,  s.  light  afforded  by  the  moon 
Moon'shine,  s.  the  lustre  of  the  moon 
Moon'shiny,  a.  enlightened  by  the  moon 
Moon'y,  a.  like  the  moon,  lunated 
Moor,  s.  a  negro  ;  a  marsh,  fen,  bog 
Moor,  v.  to  fasten  by  anchors,  to  be  fixed 
Moor'hen,  s.  name  of  a  water  fowl 
Moor'ing,  s.  place  where  a  ship  anchors 
Moor'ish,  Moor'y,  a.  marshy,  fenny 
Moor'land,  s.  a  marsh,  watery  ground 
Moose,  s.  a  large  American  deer 
Moot,  -y.  a.  to  exercise  in  law  pleadings 
Moot-case,  or  point t  s.  a  disputable  point 
Moot'ed,  a.  plucked  up  by  the  roots 
Mop,  s.  an  utensil  to  clean  floors,  &c. 
Mope,  v.  n.  to  be  spiritless  or  drowsy 
Mope,  Mo'pus,  s.  a  drone,  a  dreamer 
Mcp'pet,  Mop'sey,  s.  a  puppet,  a  doll 
Mor'al,  a.  relating  to  human  life,  as  it  is 

virtuous  or  criminal,  good  or  bad 
Mor'al,  /.  the  instruction  of  a  fable,  &c. 
Mor'alist,  s.  one  who  practises  morality 
Moral'ity,  s.  doctrine  of  the  duties  of  life 
Mor'alize,  v.  to  write,  &c.  on  moral  subjects 
Mor'alizer,  s.  he  who  moralizes 
Mor'ally,  ad.  honestly,  justly  ;  probably 
Mor'ais,  s.  the  practice  of  moral  duties 
Mora'ss,  s.  a  fen,  a  bog,  a  moor,  a  swamp 
Mor'bid,  a.  diseased,  corrupted 
Mor'bidness,  s.  the  state  of  being  diseased 
Morbific,  a.  Causing  diseases 
Morbo'se,  a.  proceeding  from  disease 
Morda'cious,  a.  biting,  apt  to  bite 
More,  a.  in  greater  number  or  degree 
More'l,  s.  a  kind  of  cherry  ;  a  plant 
Moreo'ver,  ad.  more  than  yet  mentioned 
Mori'gerous,  a.  obedient,  obsequious 
Mor'ion,  s.  armour  for  the  head,  a  casque 
Moris'co,  s.  a  dancer  of  the  raorris-dance 
Morn,  Morn'ing,  s.   first  part  of  the  day 
Moro'se,  a.  cross,  peevish,  surly,  sour 
Moro'seness,  s.  peevishness,  sourness 
Mor'phew,  s.  a  scurf  on  the  face 
Mor'ris-dance,  s.  an  antic  dance  performed 

by  men  with  bells  on  their  legs,  which 

was  learned  from  the  Moors, 


Mor'row,  s.  the  day  following  the  present 
Morse,  s.  an  animal  called  the  sea-horse 
Mor'sel,  j.  a  small  piece,  a  mouthful 
Mort,  s.  a  tune  at  the  death  of  game 
Mor'tal,  a.  deadly,  destructive,  violent 
Mor'tal,  s.  a  human  being,  man 
Mortality,  s.  frequency  of  death,  power  cf 

destruction  ;  human  nature 
Mor'tally,  ad.  irrecoverably  ;  deadly 
Mor'tar,  s.    a  cement  for  building  j  a  vessel 

to  pound  in  ;  a  bomb  cannon 
Mort'gage,  v.  a.  to  pledge  lands,  &c. 
Mortgage'e,  s.  one  who  takes  a  mortgage 
Mortgager,  s.  one  who  gives  a  mortgage 
Mortif'erous,  a.  fatal,  deadly,  destructive 
Mortification,  s.  a  gangrene  ;  humiliation 
Mor'tify,  v.  to  gangrene  ;  humble,  vex 
Mor'tise,  s.  a  hole  cut  in  one  piece  of  wood 

to  admit  the  tenon  of  another 
Mort'main,  /.  an  unalienable  estate 
Mort'ress,  s.  a  dish  of  various  meats 
Mort'uary,  s.  a  gift  left  to  the  church 
Mosa'ic,  a.  a  kind  of  painting  in  pebbles., 

cockles,  and  other  shells 
j  Mosche'to,  s.  a  West-Indian  stinging  gn£t 
Mosque,  s.  a  Mahometan  temple 
Moss,  s.  a  substance  growing  on  trees,  &c. 
Moss'y,  a.  overgrown  with  moss 
Most,  a.  greatest  in  number  or  quantity 
Most,  s.  the  greatest  number  or  value 
Mos'tic,  j.  a  painter's  staff 
Most'ly,  ad.  for  the  most  part 
Mota'tion,  s.  the  act  of  moving 
Mote,  j-.  a  very  small  particle  of  matter  5- a 

court  of  judicature 
Motet'to,  s.  a  sort  of  church  music 
Moth,  s.  a  small  insect  that  eats  cloth 
Moth'eaten,  part,  eaten  by  moths 
Mo'ther,  s.  a  woman  that  has  borne  a  child  1 

a  sort  of  mouldiness  on  liquors 
Mo'ther,  a.  native,  had  at  the  birth 
Mo'therless,  a.  having  lost  a  mother 
Mo'therly,  a.  suiting  a  mother,  fond 
Mo'thery,  a.  dreggy,  concreted,  mouldy 
Moth'y,  a.  full  of- moths 
Mo'tion,  s.  the  act  of  moving  ;  a  proposal- 
Mo'tionless,  a.  being  without  motion 
Mo'tive,  s.  the  reason  of  an  action 
Mot'ley,  a.  mingled  of  various  colours 
Mot'to,  s.  the  sentence  added  to  a  device 
Move,  v.  to  change  place,  stir,  persuade 
Mo'veable,  a.  that  may  be  moved 
Mo'veables,  s.  personal  goods,  furniture 
Mo'veless,  a.  fixed,  unmoved 
Mo'vement,  /.  motion,  manner  of  moving 
Mo'ving,  part.  a.  affecting,  pathetic 
Mould,  s.  mouldiness,  earth,  cast,  form 
Mould,  v.  a.  to  knead,  to  model,  to  shape 
Mould'er,  v.  to  turn  to  dust  ;  to  perish 
Mouid'eringj  part,  a,  crumbling  into  dust 

M  U   F 


M   U  N 

Mould'iness,  s.  the  state  cf  being  mouldy 
Mould'ing,  s.  ornaments  of  wood,  stone,  &c. 
projeclures    beyond  the    nakedness  of  a 
wall,  column,  &c. 
Mould'y,  a.  overgrown  with  concretions 
Moult,  -v.  n.  to  shed  or  change  feathers 
Mound,  s.  a  rampart,  a  fence 
Mount,  s.  an  artificial  hill,  a  mountain 
Mount,  v.  to  get  on  horseback,  ascend 
Jvlount'ain,  s.  a  vast  bulk  of  earth 
Mountaineer,  j.  a  rustic,  a  highlander 
Mount'ainous,  a.   full  of  mountains,  hilly 
Mount'ebank,  s.  a  quack,  a  stage  doctor 
Mount'er,  s.  one  that  mounts 
Mount'y,  s.  the  rise  of  a  hawk 
Mourn,  v.  to  grieve,  lament,  bewail 
Moum'er,  j.   one  that  mourns 
Mout  n'ful,  a.  causing  sorrow,  sorrowful 
Mourn'fulness,  s.  sorrow,  grief 
Mourn'ing,  s.  the  dress  of  sorrow,  grief 
Mouse,/,  a  small  quadruped 
Mous'er,  s.  one  that  catches  mice 
Mouse'trap,  s.  a  trap  to  catch  mice  with 
Mouth,  i,  the  aperture  in  the  head, at  which 

food  is  received  ;  an  entrance,  &c. 
Mouth,  v.  to  vociferate,  to  grumble 
Mouth'ful,  s.  what  the  mouth  can  hold 
Mouth'less,  a.  being  without  a  mouth 
Mow,  s.  a  heap  of  hay  or  corn 
Mow,  v.  to  cut  with  a  scythe  ;  make  mows 
Mox'a,  or  Mox'o,  s.  an  Indian  moss 
Moyie,  /.  a  mule  ;    a  graft  or  cion 
Much,  ad.  nearly  ;  often  ;  in  a  great  degree 
Much,;,  a  great  deal  j  something  strange 
Mu'cid,  a.  hoary,  musty,  mouldy,  slimy 
Mu'cidness,  s.  sliminess,  mustiness 
Mu'cilage,  s.  a  slimy  or  viscous  body 
Mucila'ginous,  #.  slimy,  viscous,  ropy 
Muck,  s.  dung  ;  any  thing  filthy 
Muck,  v.  a.  to  manure  with  dung 
Muck'ender,  s.  a  handkerchief 
Muck'hill, ;.  a  dunghill,  a  heap  of  dirt 
Muck'iness,  s.  nastiness,  filth,  dirtiness     ' 
Ivluck'worm,  s.  a  worm  bred  in  dung  ;  a  cur- 
mudgeon ;  a  miser 
Muck'y,  a.  nasty,  filthy,  dirty 
Mu'cous,  Mu'culent,  a.  slimy,  viscous 
Mu'cronated,  a.  narrowed  to  a  point 
Mu'cus,  s.  any  slimy  liquor  or  moisture 
Mud, ;.  filth  or  mire  ;  wet  dirt 
Mud'diiy,  ad.  with  foul  mixture,  dirtily 
Mud'diness,  s.  state  of  being  muddy 
Mud'dle,  v.  a.  to  make  tipsy  ;  to  foul 
Mu-i'dled,  part.  a.  half  drunk,  tipsy 
Mud'dy,  a.  turbid,  dark,  cloudy 
Mud'dy,  v.  a.  to  make  muddy 
Mud'sucker,  s.  a  sea-fowl 
Mud'wall,  s.  a  wall  built  with  mud 
Mutfj  s.  a  cover  of  fur  for  the  hands 
Muffin,  s,  a  kind  of  light  spungy  cafce 

Muffle,  v.  to  wrap  up,  to  blindfold,  to  hide 

Muffler,  s.  a  cover  for  the  face 

Mufti,  s.  the  Mahometan  high  priest 

Mug,  s .  a  cup  to  drink  out  of 

Mug'gish,  Mug'gy,  a.  moist,  damp,  close 

Mug'house,  s.  an  ale-house 

Mu'gient,  a.  lowing  or  bellowing 

Mulat'to,  s.  one  born  of  parents  of  whom  the 

one  is  black,  and  the  other  white 
Mul'berry,  s-  a  tree  and  its  fruit 
Muldr,  v.  a.  to  punish  by  fine  or  forfeiture... 

s.  a  penalty,  a  pecuniary  fine 
Mule,    s.   an  animal  generated  between  a 

horse  and  an  ass,  or  an  ass  and  a  mare 
Mulieb'rity,  s.  womanhood,  tenderness 
Mull,  v.  a.  to  heat  and  sweeten  wine,  &c. 
Mul'lar,  s.  a  grinding  stone  for  colours 
Mui'let,  s.  a  sea-fish 
Mul'ligrubs,  s.  twisting  of  the  gut* 
Mul'lock,  s.  dirt  or  rubbish 
Multan'gular,  a.  having  many  corners 
Multifa'riouSjfl. having  great  multiplicity5&C. 
MultiP idous,  a.  divided  into  many  parts 
Mul'tiform,  a.  having  various  shapes 
Multip'arous,  a.  having  many  at  a  birth 
Mul'tipede,  s.  an  insect  with  many  feet 
Mul'tiple,  s.  what  contains  another  several 

Multiplicand ,  s.  number  to  be  multiplied 
Multiplication,  s.  the  aft  of  multiplying 
Multiplica'tcjr,  s.  that  which  multiplies 
Multipli'cious,  a.  manifold 
Multiplicity,  s.  a  great  variety 
Multiplier,  s.  the  multiplicator 
Mul'tiply,  v.  a.  to  increase  in  number 
Multitude,  s.  many  ;  a  crowd  or  throng 
Multitu'dinous,  a.  manifold 
Mul'ture,  s.  a  toll  for  grinding  corn 
Mum,  inter,  hush...;,  a  kind  of  ale 
Mum'ble,  v.  to  mutter,  to  chew 
Mum'bier, ;.  a  mutterer,  a  slow  speaker 
Mum'mer,  ;.  a  masker,  a  player 
Mum'niery, ;.  masking,  buffoonery 
Mum'rny,  ;.  a  dead  body  preserved  by  the 

Egyptian  art  of  embalming  ;  a  kind  of  wax 
Mump,  v.  a.  to  nibble,  to  bite  quick  ;  to  beg 
Mump'er,  s.  a  beggar 
Mump'ish,  a.  sullen,  obstinate 
Mumps,  f.  suilenness, silent  anger, squinancy 
Munch,  Mounch,  v.  n.  to  chew  eagerly 
Mund,  s.  peace,  quiet 
Mun'dane,  a.  belonging  to  the  world 
Munda'tion,  s.  the  acl  of  cleansing 
Mun'datory,  a.  of  power  to  cleanse 
Mun'dic,  ;.  a  kind  of  marcasite 
Mun'dify,  v.  a.  to  cleanse  or  make  clean 
Mundun'gus, ;.  stinking  tobacco 
Mu'nerary,  a.  belonging  to  a  gift 
Mun'grel,  a.  of  a  mixed  breed,  base-born 
Municipal,  a,  belonging  to  a  corporation 

N   A  C 


N  A  K 

Munificence,  s.  liberality,  generosity 
Munificent,  a.  bountiful,  liberal 
Mu'niment,  s.  a  jollification  ;  support 
Muni'tion,  s.  fortification  ;  ammunition 
Mu'ral,  a.  pertaining  to  a  wall 
Mur'der,  s.  tbe  aft  of  killing  unlawfully 
Mur'der,  v.  a.  to  kill  unlawfully,  to  destroy 
Mur'derer,  s.  one  who  kills  unlawfully 
Mur'derous,  a.  bloody,  gu'rlcy  of  murder 
Mure,  v.  a.  to  enclose  in  walls...*,  a  wall 
Muriat'ic,  a.  having  the  nature  of  brine 
Mu'ricated,  a.  full  of  sharp  points 
Murk, s.  husks  of  fruit  ;  darkness 
Murk'y,«.  dark,  cloudy,  wanting  light 
Mur'mur,  it.  n.  to  grumble,  to  mutter 
Mur'mur,  /.  a  complaint,  a  grumbling 
Mur'murer, ;.  a  grumbler,  a  repiner 
Mur'rain,j.  a  plague  amongst  cattle 
Mur'rey,  a.  darkly  red 
Mus'cadine,  s.  sweet  grapes  ;  sweet  wine 
Mus'cle,  s.  a  fleshy  fibre  ;  a  shell  fish 
Musco'seness,  Muscos'ity,  s.  mossiness 
Mus'cular,  a.  full  of  muscles,  brawny 
Muse,  s.  the  power  of  poetry  ;  thought 
Muse,  v.  n.  to  study,  to  ponder,  to  think  close 
Mu'sea,  or  Mu'sia,  s.  mosaic  work 
M^i'seful,  a.  deep  thinking 
Muse'um,  s.  a  repository  of  curiosities 
Mush'room,  s.  a  spungy  plant ;  an  upstart 
Mu'sic,  s.  the  science  of  sounds  ;  harmony 
Mu'sical,  a.  harmonious,  sweet  sounding 
Musi'cian,  s.  one  skilled  in  harmony 
Mu'sic-master,  s.  one  who  teaches  music 
Musk,  j.  a  perfume  ;  a  flower  ;   a  grape 
Mus'ket,  s.  a  soldier's  hand-gun  :  a  hawk 
Musketee'r,  or  Musquetee'r,  /.  a  soldier  arm- 
ed with  a  musket 
Musketoo'n,  s.  a  blunderbuss,  a  short  gun 
Musk'melon,  s.  a  fragrant  melon 
Musk'rese,  s.  a  very  fragrant  rose 
Musky,  a.  sweet  of  scent,  fragrant 
Mus'liu,  /.  fine  stuff  made  of  cotton 
Mus'sack,  s.  a  liquor  much  used  in  China 
Mus'sulman,  s.  a  Mahometan  believer 
Must,  verb  imperf.  to  be  obliged 
Must,  v.  to  make  or  grow  mouldy 
Musta'ches,  Musta'choes,  s.  whiskers 
Mus'tard,  s.  a  plant  and  its  seed 

Mus'ter,  v.  to  assemble,  to  review,  to  collect 
Mus'ter,  s.  a  review  and  register  of  forces 
Mus'ter-master,  s.  one  who  superintends  the 

muster  to  prevent  frauds 
Mus'ter-roll,  s.  a  register  of  forces 
Mus'tiness,  s.  mould,  damp,  foulness 
Musty,  a.  mouldy,  spoiled  with  damp  ;  dull 
Mutabil'ity,  s.  changeableness,  inconstancy 
Mutable, «.  alterable,  inconstant,  unsettled 
Muta'tion,  s.  the  act  of  changing,  alteration 
Mute,  a.  silent,  dumb,  not  vocal 
Mute,  s.  one  that  has  no  power  of  speech 
Mute,  v.  n.  to  dung  as  birds 
Mu'tely,  ad.  with  silence,  not  vocally 
Mu'tilate,  v.  a.  to  maim,  to  cut  off 
Mu'tilated,  a.  maimed,  defective 
Mutila'tion,  s.  deprivation  of  a  limb,  &e. 
Mu'tine,  Mutinee'r,  s.  a  mover  of  sedition 
Mucinous,  a.  seditious,  tumultuous 
Mu'tiny,  v.  n.  to  rise  against  authority 
Mu'tiny,  s.  sedition,  revolt,  insurrection 
Mut'ter,  v.  to  grumble,  to  utter  imperfectly 
Mut'ton,  s.  the  flesh  of  sheep,  a  sheep 
Mut'ton-fist,  /.  a  hand  large  and  red 
Mutual,  a.  reciprocal,  acting  in  return 
Mutuality,  s.  reciprocation 
Mu'tually,  ad.  reciprocally,  in  return 
Muz'zle,  s.  the  mouth  of  any  thing 
Muz'zle,  v.  to  bind  the  mouth 
Myography,  s.  a  description  of  the  muscles 
Myol'ogy,  s.  the  doctrine  of  the  muscles 
Myr'iad,  s.  the  number  of  ten  thousand 
Myr'midon,  s.  any  rude  ruffian 
Myrrh,  s.  a  strong  aromatic  gum  ;  it  is  brought 

from  Ethiopia,  but  the  tree  which  produces 

it  is  wholly  unknown 
Myrrh'ine,  a.  made  of  myrrhine  stone 
Myr'tle,  s.  a  fragrant  kind  of  shrub 
Myse'lf,  pron.  I  myself,  not  another 
Mys'tagogue,  s.  an  interpreter  of  mysteries 
Myste'rious,  a.  full  of  mystery,  obscure 
Myste'riously,  ad.  enigmatically,  obscurely 
Mys'terize,  v.  a.  to  turn  to  enigmas 
Mystery, ;.  something  secret  or  hidden 
Mys'tic,  Mystical,  a.  obscure,  secret,  dark 
Mythological,  a.  relating  to  fables 
Mythol'ogist,  s.  an  explainer  of  fables 
Mythol'ogy,  s.  a  system  of  fables 



NTKE  13th  letter  of  the  alphabet,  is 
5  used  as  an  abbreviation,  as    N.    B. 
nota  bene,  take  notice  ;  N.  S.  new  style 
Nab,  v.  a.  to  catch  unexpectedly 
^T-ack/er,  or  Na'ker,  s,  mother  of  pearl 

Na'dir,  s.  the  point  opposite  to  the  zenith 

Nag,  s.  a  small  or  young  horse 

Nail,  s.  horn  on  fingers  and  toes  ;    an  iron 

spike ;  the  1 6th  part  of  a  yard  ;  a  stud 
Na'kedness, ;,  a  want  of  covering 

N  A  U 

5  2 


Na'ked,  a.  uncovered,  bare ;   unarmed,  de- 
fenceless;  plain,  evident,  nor  hidden 
Na'maz,  s.  the  Turk's  common  prayer 
Name,  s.  an  appellation,  reputation,  fame 
Name,  v.  a.  to  give  a  name  to,  to  mention  by 

name,  to  specify,  to  nominate,  to  utter 
Na'mely,  ad.  particularly,  specially 
Na'mesake,  s.  one  of  the  same  name 
Nap,  s.  a  short  sleep,  slumber  ;  down  on  cloth 
Nape,  s.  the  joint  of  the  neck  behind 
Naph'tha,  s.  an  unctuous  mineral  acid  of  the 
bituminous  kind,  extremely  ready  to  take 
fire.     It  is  principally  used  externally  in 
paralytic  cases 
Nap'kin,  s.  a  cloth  to  wipe  the  hands,  &c. 
Nap'less,  a.  threadbare,  wanting  nap 
Nap'py,  a.  frothy,  spumy;  having  a  nap 
Narcis'sus,  s.  the  daffodil  flower 
Narcot'ic,  a.  causing  torpor  or  stupefaction 
Nard,  s.  an  odorous  shrub  ;  an  ointment 
Nare,  s.  a  nostril 

Nar'rable,  a.  that  which  may  be  told 
Narra'tion,  Nar'rative,  s.  a  history,  a  relation 
Narra'tor,  s.  a  relater,  a  teller,  an  historian 
Nar'row,  a.  of  small  breadth  ;  near,  covetous 
Nar'rowly,  ad.  contractedly,  nearly 
Nar'rowminded,  a.  mean  spirited,  avaricious 
Nar'rowness,  s.  want  of  breadth  ;  meanness 
Na'sal,  a.  belonging  to  the  nose 
Nas'tily,  ad.  dirtily,  filthily,  grossly 
Nas'tiness,  s.  dirt,  filth,  obscenity,  grossness 
Nas'ty,  a.  dirty,  filthy,  sordid,  lewd,  obscene 
Na'tal,  a.  relating  to  nativity,  native 
Natali'tious,  a.  relating  to  a  birth-day 
Nata'tion,  s .  the  act  of  swimming 
Na'tion,  s.  a  people  distinct  from  others 
Na'tional,  a.  public,  general,  not  private 
Na'tive,  s.  one  born  in  any  country,  offspring 

...a.  natural,  not  artificial,  original 
Nativ'ity,  s.  birth,  state  or  place  of  birth 
Nat'ural,  a. produced  by  nature  ;  tender,  easy 
Na'tural,  s.  a  fool,  an  idiot ;  native  quality 
Nat'uralist,  s.  a  student  in  physics 
Naturalization,  s.  the  admission  of    a  for- 
eigner to  the  privileges  of  a  native 
Nat'uralize,  v.  a.  to  invest  with  the  privi- 
leges of  native  subjects  ;  to  make  easy 
Nat'uraliy,  ad.  unaffectedly,  spontaneously 
Na'ture,  s.  the  system  of  the  world,  or  the 
assemblage  of  all  created  beings  ;  the  reg- 
ular course  of  things  ;  native  state  of  any 
thing;  disposition  of  mind;    compass  of 
natural  existence  ;  species  ;  physics 
Na'val,«.  consisting  of,  or  relating  to  ships 
Nave,  s.  part  of  a  church  or  a  wheel 
Na'vel,  s.  a  part  of  the  body  ;  the  middle 
Naught,  a.  bad,  corrupt...;,  nothing 
Naught  ily,  ad.  wickedly,  corruptly,  basely 
Naught'iness,  s.  badness,  wickedness 
Naught'y,  a.  had,  wicked,  corrupt,  viciods 

Nav'igable,  *.  passable  by  ships  or  boats 
Nav'igate,  v.  a.  to  pass  by  ships  or  boats 
Navigation,  /.  the  act  of  passing  by  water; 

the  art  of  conducting  a  ship  at  cea. 
Naviga'tor,  *.  a  seaman,  a  traveller  by  water 
Naum'achy,  / .  a  mock  sea-fight 
Nau'sea,  s.  a  propensity  to  vomit;  disgust 
Nau'seate,  -v.  to  grow  squeamish,  to  loathe 
Nau'seous,  a.  loathsome,  disgustful 
Nau'tical,  a.  pertaining  to  ships  or  sailors 
Naut'ilus,  s.   a    shell-fish,    furnished    with- 

something  resembling  oars  and  a  sail 
Na'vy,  s.  a  company  of  ships  of  war,  a  fleet 
Nay,  ad.  no  ;  not  only  so,  but  more 
Neaf,  s.  a  fi3t 

Neal,  v.  a.  to  temper  by  gradual  heat 
Neap,  a.  low,  scanty ;  used  only  of  the  tide 
Neap'tide,  s.  low  tides  in  the  2nd  and  4th 
quarters  of  the  moon,  not  so  high  or  swift 
as  spring  tides 
Near,  a.  close,  not  distant;  parsimonious 
Near,  Near'ly,  ad.  at  hand  ;  closely  ;  meanly 
Near'ness,  s.  closeness,  niggardliness 
Neat,  a.  elegant,  clean,  pure...;,  oxen 
Neat'herd,  s.  a  cow-keeper 
Neat'ly,  ad.  cleanliiy,  trimly,  artfully 
Neat'ness,  s.  cleanliness,  spruceness 
Neb,  s.  the  nose,  beak,  mouth,  bill  of  a  bird 
Neb'ulous,  a.  misty,  cloudy,  overcast 
Ne'cessaries,  s.  things  not  only  convenient 

but  needful  for  human  life 
Ne'cessarily,  ad.  indispensably,  inevitably 
Ne'cessary,  a.  needful,  fatal,  unavoidable 
Necessitarian,  s.  one  denying  free  agency 
Neces'sitate,  v.  a.  to  make  necessary 
Necessitated,. part.  a.  forced,  in  want 
Neces'sitous,  a.  in  want,  needy,  poor 
Neces'situde,  s.  want,  need,  poverty 
Necessity,  s.  compulsion  ;  fatality,  indispen- 

sableness;  want,  poverty  ;  cogency 
Neck,  s.  part  of  the  body,  of  land,  &c. 
Neck'cloth,  s.  a  cloth  for  men's  necks 
Neck'lace,  s.  a  woman's  neck  ornament 
Ne'cromancer,  s.  a  conjurer,  a  wizard 
Ne'cromancy,  s.   the  art  of  revealing  future 

events  by  communicating  with  the  dead 
Necroman'tic,  a.  relating  to  necromancy 
Nec'tar,  s.  the  feigned  drink  of  the  gods 
Necta'reous,  Nec'tarine,a.  sweet  as  nectat 
Nec'tarine,  s.  a  fruit  of  the  plum  kind 
Need,  Need'iness,  s.  exigency,  want 
Need,  v.  to  want,  to  lack,  to  be  necessitated 
Need'ful,  a.  indispensably  requisite 
Nee'dle,  s.  a  small  instrument  for  sewing  ; 
the  small  steel  bar  which  in  the  mariner's 
compass  points  to  the  North  Pole 
Nee'dlemaker,  s.  one  who  makes  needles 
Nee'dlework,  s.  work  done  with  a  needle 
Need'less,  a.  unnecessary,  not  requisite 
Needs,  ad,  indispensably,  inevitably 

N  E   X 

N  I  S 

Need'y,  a.  distressed  by  want,  poor 

Nef,  s.  the  body  of  a  church 

Nefa'rious,  a.  heinous,  wicked,  abominable 

Nega'tion,  s.  denial,  contrary  to  affirmation 

Negative,  s.  a  proposition  that  denies 

Neg'atively,  ad.  in  the  form  of  denial 

Negle'ct,  v.  a.  to  omit  by  carelessness,  slight 

Negle'ct, ;.  inattention,  negligence 

Negle'clful,  a.  heedless,  careless,  inattentive 

Neg-'ligence,  s.  remissness,  carelessness 

Negligent,  a.  careless,  heedless,  inattentive 

Negotiable,  a.  that  which  may  be  negotiated 

Negotiate,  v.  n.  to  traffic,  to  treat  with 

Negotiating, «.  trading,  managing 

Negotia'tion,  s.  a  treaty  of  business,  &c. 

Ne'gro,  s.  a  blackmoor 

Neif,  s.  the  Sst ;  a  bondwoman 

Neigh,  ;.  the  voice  of  a  horse...*;,  n.  to  make 

a  noise  like  a  horse 
Ncigh'bour,  s.  one  who  lives  near  another 
Neighbourhood,  s.  the  people,  &c  adjoining 
Neighbourly,  a.  friendly,  civil,  kind 
Ne'ither,  con.  not  either,  no  one 
Nem'ine-contradicen'te, ;.  part,  no  one  con- 
tradicting or  opposing,  without  opposition 
Nem'orai,  a.  pertaining  to  a  grove 
Neoter'ic,  a.  modern,  novel,  kite 
Nepenthe,  /.  an  herb  that  drives  away  sad- 

ness ;  also  a  drug  that  expels  all  pains 
Neph'ew,  s.  the  son  of  a  biother  or  sister 
NephriL-'ic,  s.  a  medicine  for  the  stone 
Nep'otism,  s.  a  fondness  for  nephews 
Nerve,  s.  an  organ  of  sensation 
Nerve'less,  a.  without  strength  •,  insipid 
Ner'vous,  Ner'vy,  a.  sinewy,  vigorous;  also 

having  diseased  or  weak  nerves 
Nes'cience,  s.  the  state  of  not  knowing 
Nest,  /.  a  bed  of  birds  ;  drawers ;  an  abode 
Nest'egg,  s.  an  egg  left  in  the  nest 
Nes'tle,  i>.  to  settle,  to  lie  close,  to  cherish 
Nest'iing,  s,  a  bird  just  hatched 
Net,  ;.  a  texture  for  catching  fish,  birds,  &x\ 
Neth'er,  a.  lower,  not  upper ;  infernal 
Neth'ermost,  a.  lowest 
Net't'.e,  ;.  a  common  stinging  herb 
Net'tle,  v.  a.  to  vex,  provoke,  to  irritate 
Nev'er,  ad.  at  no  time,  in  no  degree 
Nevertheless,  ad.  notwithstanding  that 
Neu'ter,  Neu'tral,  a.  of  neither  party 
Neutrality,  s.  a  state  of  indifference 
New,  a.  fresh,  modern,  not  ancient 
Newfan'gled,  a.  formed  with  love  of  novelty 
Newfash'ioned,  a.  lately  come  in  fashion 
New'el,  s.  the  upright  post  in  a  staircase 
New'grown,£rtr/.  lately  grown  up 
Newly,  ad.  lately,  freshly 
New'ness, ...  freshness,  recemness,  lateness 
News,  s.  fresh  accounts  of  transactions 
Newt,  s.  an  eft,  a  small  lizard 
Next,  a.  nearest  in  place  or  gradation 

Nib,  /.  a  point  of  a  pen  ;  the  bill  of  a  bird 
Nib'bed,  a.  having  a  nib 
Nibble,  i>.  to  eat  slowly  ;  to  find  fault  with 
Nice,  a.  accurate,  scrupulous, delicate 
Nice'ly,  ad.  accurately,  minutely,  delicately 
Ni'cety,  /.  minute  accuracy,  punctilious  dis- 
crimination ;  effeminate  softness  ;  a  dainty 
Niche,  /.  a  hollow  to  place  a  statue  in 
Nick,;.  exact  point  of  time*  anotch;  aseore 
Nick,  v.  a.  to  cut  in  notches  ;  to  hit ;  cozen 
Nick'name,  s.  a  name  in  scoff  or  contempt 
Nick'name,  -,'.  to  call  by  an  opprobrious  name 
Nictate,  v.  n.  to  wink 
Nide, ;.  a  brood,  as  a  brood  of  pheasants 
Ni'dorous,  a.  having  the  smell  of  roast  fat 
Neice,  j.lhe  daughter  of  a  brother  or  sister 
Njg'gard, ;.  a  sordid,  covetous  person 
Nig'gard,  Nig'gardly.rt.  sordid,  parsimonious 
Niggardly,  ad.  avariciously,  meanly 
Njgh,  a.  near  to,  allied  closely  by  blood 
Nigh,  Nigh'Iy,  ad.  nearly,  within  a  little 
Njght,  j.  time  from  sun-set  to  sun-rise 
Night'cap,  s.  a  cap  worn  in  bed 
Night'dew,  s.  dew  that  falls  in  the  night 
Night'ed,  a.  darkened,  clouded,  black 
Njght'faring,  a.  travelling  in  the  night 
Night'fire.  s.  an  ignis  fatuus,  a  vapour 
Night 'gown,  s.  an  undress,  a  gown 
Night'ingale,  s.  a  bird  that  sings  at  night 
Nightly,  a.  cone  or  acting  by  night 
Night'man,  $.  one  who  empties  privies 
Night'mare,  /.  a  morbid  oppression  during 
sleep,  resembling  the  pressure  pf  weight 
upon  the  breast 
Night'piece,  s .  a  picture  so  coloured  as  to  be 

supposed  to  be  seen  by  candlelight 
Night'rail,  /.  a  light  kind  of  night-dress 
Night'warbling,  a.  singing  in  the  night 
Night-watch,  s.   a  period  of  night  as  distin- 
guished by  change  of  the  watch 
Nigres'cent,  a.  growing  black 
Nihil'ity,  $. nothingness;  non-existence 
Nill,  v.  a.  not  to  will ;  to  refuse,  to  reject 
Nill'ing,  part,  a    refusing,  unwilling 
Nirn,  v.  a.  to  steal,  to  Mich 
Nim'ble,  a.  quick,  active,  ready,  lively 
Nim'blefcoteri,  a.  active,  nimble 
Nim'blewitted,  a.  not  at  a  loss  for  words 
Nim'biy,  ad.  quickly,  speedily,  with  agility 
Nim'ious,  a.  being  too  much,  vast,  huge 
Nine,  s.  one  more  than  eight 
Nine'fold,  a.  nine  times  repeated 
Ni'nety,  *,  nine  times  ten 
Nin'ny,  Nin'nyhammer,.;.  a  fool,  asimpieton 
Ninth,  a.  what  precedes  the  tenth 
Nip,  -o.  a.  to  pinch  ;  to  blast ;  to  ridicule 
Nip'per,  s.  one  who  nips  ;  a  satirist 
Nip'pers,  s.  small  pincers 
Nip'ple,  s.  a  teat;  a  dug;  an  orifice 
Nisi-prj'usj  s.  a  law  term  for  civil  causes. 


Nit,  s.  the  egg  of  a  louse,  bug,  &c. 
Nit'id,  a.  bright,  shining,  luminous 
^i'tre, s.  saltpetre 
Ni'trous,  a.  impregnated  with  nitre 
Nit'ty,  a.  abounding  with  the  eggs  of  lice 
Nj'val,  a.  abounding  with  snow 
Niv'eous,  a.  snowy,  resembling  snow 
Ni'zy,  ;.  a  dunce,  a  simpleton,  a  booby 
No,  ad.  the  word  of  denial—a.  not  any 
Nobil'ity,  s.  persons  of  high  rank  ;  dignity 
NorDle,  a.  illustrious,  exalted,  generous 
No'ble,  s.  one  of  high  rank  ;  greatly  exalted  ; 

an  ancient  gold  coin,  valued  at  6s.  8d 
No'bleman,  s.  one  who  is  ennobled 
No'bleness,  s.  greatness,  dignity,  splendour 
Noble'sse,  s.  the  body  of  nobility,  dignity 
No'bly,  ad.  greatly,  illustriously,  splendidly 
No'body,  s.  no  one,  not  any  one 
No'cent,  No'cive,  a.  criminal,  hurtful 
Noctam'bulist,  s.  one  who  walks  in  sleep 
Noclid'ial,  a.  comprising  a  day  and  a  night 
Noc'tuary,  s.  an  account  of  night  affairs 
Noc'turn,  s.  devotion  performed  by  night 
Nocturn'al,  a.  nightly. ...c.  an  instrument 
.Nod,  v.  n.  to  bend  the  head,  to  be  drowsy 
Ncd'dle,  s.  the  head,  in  contempt 
Nod'dy,  Noo'dle,  s.  a  simpleton,  an  idiot 
Node,  s.  a  knob;  a  swelling ;  an  intersection 
No'dous,  a.  knotty,  full  of  knots 
Nog'gin, ;.  a  small  cup  or  mug 
Noise,  s.  any  sound,  outcry ,  clamour 
Noise'less,  a.  silent,  without  sound 
Nois'iness,  s.  loudness  of  sound 
Nois'ome,  a.  noxious,  offensive,  stinking 
Nois'y,  a.  sounding  loud,  clamorous 
Noli'tion,  s.  unwillingness,  reluctance 
Nom'bles,  /.  the  entrails  of  a  deer 
Nomencla'tor,  s.  one  who  gives  names 
Nomenclature,  s.  a  vocabulary  ;  a  naming 
Nom'inal,  a.  only  in  name,  not  real 
Nominally,  ad.  by  name,  titulary 
Nom'inate,  v.  a.  to  name,  entitle,  appoint 
Nomination,  s.  the  power  of  appointing 
Nom'inative,  s.  in  grammar,  the  first  case 

that  designates  the  name  of  any  thing 
Non'age,  s.  minority  in  age,  immaturity 
Non-appear'ance,  s.  a  default  in  not  appear- 
ing in  a  court  of  judicature 
Nonce,  s.  a  purpose,  intent,  design 
Nonconformist,  s.  one  who  refuses  to  join 

the  established  worship  of  the  church 
Nondescri'pt,  a.  not  yet  described 
None,  a.  not  one,  not  any,  not  another 
Nonen'tity,  s.  non-existence,  an  ideal  thing 
None'such,  s.  an  extraordinary  person,  &c. 
Non-exis'tence,  s.  state  of  not  existing 
Nonju'ring,  a.  refusing  to  swear  allegiance 
Nonju'ror,  s.  one  who,  conceiving  a  monarch 
unjustly  deposed,  refuses  to  swear  alle- 
giance to  his  successors 

Nonnat'urals,  a.  are  the    more   immediate 
causes  of  diseases,   as  air,  meat,  drink, 
sleep  and  watching,  &c. 
Nonpare'il,  s.  a  small  printing   letter;   an 

apple  of  unequalled  excellence 
Non'plus, ;.  a  puzzle...*;,  a.  to  confound 
Nonregard'ance,  /.  want  of  due  regard 
Nonres'idence,  s.  a  failure  of  residence 
Nonres'ident,  s.  one  who  does  not  reside 
Nonresist'ance,  s.  passive  obedience 
Non'sense,  /.  unmeaning  language ;  trifles 
Nonsen'sical,  a.  unmeaning,  foolish 
Nonsolu'tion,  s.  a  failure  of  solution 
Non'suit,  v.  a.  to  quash  a  legal  process 
Nook,  s.  a  corner,  a  covert  j  part  of  lurid 
Noon,  j-.  the  middle  of  the  day 
Noon'day,  Noon'tide,*.  mid-day 
Noose,  v.  a.  to  knot...*,  a  running  knot 
Nor,  con.  a  negative  particle 
Nor'mal,  a.  perpendicular,  upright 
Norroy',  s.  a  king  at  arms,  whose  ofnce  is  on 
the  north  side  of  the  river  Trent,  as  Clar- 
encieux's  is  on  the  south  side 
North,  s.  opposite  the  south;     the  point  op- 
posite to  the  sun  in  the  meridian 
Northerly,  North'ern,  North'ward,  a.  being 

in,  or  towards  the  north 
North'star,  s.  the  pole  star 
North'ward,  ad.  towards  the  north 
Nose,  /.  part  of  the  face...i>.  to  smell 
No'segay,  s.  a  posy,  a  bunch  of  flowers 
Nos'le,  s.  the  extremity  of  any  thing 
Nos'tril,  x.  the  cavity  in  the  nose 
Nos'trum,  s.  a  medicine  not  made  public 
Not,  ad.  the  particle  of  negation 
Not'able,  a.  remarkable  ;  careful,  bustling 
Not'ableness, ;.  diligence,  remarkableness 
No'tary,  s.  a  scrivener  that  takes  notes,  or 

makes  draughts  of  obligations,  &c. 
Nota'tion,  s.  the  act  of  noting,  signification 
Notch,  s.  a  nick,  a  hollow  cut  in  any  thing 
Note, ;.  a  mark ;  notice  ;  written  paper;  stig- 
ma; sound  in  music;  annotation  ;  symbol 
Note,  v.  a.  to  observe,  to  remark,  set  down 
No'ted,  part.  a.  remarkable  ;  eminent 
Noth'ing,  s.  non-existence,  not  any  thing 
No'tice,  s.  remark,  heed,  information 
Notification,  s.  the  act  of  making  known 
No'tify,  v.  a.  to  declare,  to  make  known 
Nc'tion,  s.  a  sentiment,  opinion,  thought 
No'tional,  a.  imaginable,  ideal,  visionary 
Notori'ely,  s.  public  knowledge  or  exposure 
Notorious,  a.  publicly  known,  manifest 
Nott,  v.  a.  to  shear,  to  crop 
Notwithstanding,  con.  nevertheless 
No'tus,  s.  the  south  wind 
Nova'tion,  s.  introduction  of  something  new 
Nov'el,  a.  new,  not  ancient ;  unusual 
Novel,  s.  a  feigned  story  or  tale 
Nov'elist,  /.  an  innovator ;  a  writer  cf  novels 



O   B  £ 

Nov'elty,  s.  newness,  innovation 
November,  s.  the  I  ith  month  of  the  year 
Novercal,  a.  pertaining  to  a  step-mother 
Nought,  s.  nothing,  not  any  thing 
Nov'ice,  s.  an  unskilful  person,  &c. 
Novi'tiate,  s.  the  state  of  a  novice  ;  the  time 

in  which  the  rudiments  are  learned 
Nov'ity,  j.  newness,  novelty 
Noun,  s.  the  name  of  any  thing  in  grammar 
Nour'ish,  v.  to  support  with  food,  to  foment 
Nour'ishable,  a.  susceptive  of  nourishment 
Nourishment,  /.  food,  nutrition,  support 
Nous'el,  1/.  a.  to  nurse  up 
Now,  ad.  at  this  time..j.  present  moment 
Now'adays,  ad.  in  the  present  age 
Now'ed,  a.  knotted,  inwreathed 
Nowes,  s.  the  marriage  knot 
No'where,  ad.  not  in  any  place 
No'wise,  ad.  not  in  any  manner  or  degree 
Nox'ious,  a.  hurtful,  baneful,  offensive 
Nub'ble,  v.  a.  to  bruise  with  fighting 
Nubiferous,  a,  bringing  clouds 
Nu'bilate,  v.  a.  to  cloud 
Nu^biie,*?.  marriageable,  fit  for  marriage 
Nu'bilous,  a.  cloudy,  overcast 
Nuciferous,  a.  nut-bearing 
Nu'cleus,  j..  the  kernel  of  a  nut;  any  thing 

about  which  matter  is  gathered 
Nu'drty,  s.  nakedness  ;  a  picture 
Nuga'city,  or  Nugal'ity,  s.  trifling  talk 
Nu'gatory,  a.  trifling,  futile,  ineffectual 
Null,  /.  a  thing  of  no  force  or  meaning 
Null'ity,  s.  want  of  force  or  existence 
Numb,  a.  torpid,  chill,  benumbing 
Numb,  v.  a.  to  make  torpid,  to  stupify 
Num'ber,  v.  a.  to  count,  to  tell,  to  reckon 
Num'ber,  s.  many...p/.  harmony;  poetry 
Num'berer,  s.  he  who  numbers 
Num'berless,  a.  more  than  can  be  reckoned 
Numb'ness,  s.  stupefaction,  torpor 
Nu'merable,  a.  capable  to  be  numbered 

Nu'meral,  a.  pertaining  to  number 
Nu'merary,  a.  belonging  to  a  number 
Numeration,  s.  the  art  of  numbering 
Numerator,  s.  he  that  numbers;  that  num- 
ber which  measures  others 
Numerical,  a.  denoting  number,  numeral 
Nu'merist,  s.  one  who  deals  in  numbers 
Nu'merous,  a.  containing  many ;  musical 
'  Num'mary,  a.  relating  to  money 
Num'skull,  s.  a  dunce,  a  dolt,  a  blockhead 
Nun,  /.  a  religious  recluse  woman 
Nunch'ion,  s.  food  eaten  between  meals 
Nun'cio,  s.  envoy  from  the  Pope  ;  messenger 
Nuncupative,  a.  verbally  pronounced 
Nun'nery,  s.  a  convent  of  nuns 
Nup'tia?,#>  pertaining  to  marriage 
I  Nup'tials,  s.  marriage  or  wedding 
'  Nurse,  s.  a  woman  who  has  the  care  of  an- 
other's child,  or  of  a  sick  person 
i  Nurse,  v.  a.  to  bring  up  a  child,  to  feed 
I  Nurse'pond,  s.  a  pond  for  young  fish 
I  Nurs'ery,/.  a  place  where  children  are  nursed 
and  brought  up  ;  a  plot  of  ground  for  rais- 
ing young  trees  for  transplantation 
Nurs'ling,  s.  one  nursed  up,  a  fondling 
Nur'ture, s.  food ;  diet ;  education,  institution 
Nus'tle,  v.  a.  to  fondle,  to  cherish 
Nut,  u  a  fruit ;  part  of  a  wheel 
Nuta'tion,  s.  a  kind  of  tremulous  motion 
Nut'gall,  s.  the  excrescence  of  an  oak 
Nut'meg,  s.  a  warm  Indian  spice 
Nutrica'tion,  /.  the  manner  of  feeding 
Nu'triment,  s.  nourishment,  food,  aliment 
Nutriment'al,  a.  having  the  qualities  of  food 
Nutri'tion,  s.  the  quality  of  nourishing 
Nutri'tious,  Nu'tritive,  a.  nourishing 
Nu'triture,  s.  the  power  of  nourishing 
Nut'tree, ;.  a  tree  that  bears  nuts;  a  hazel 
Nuz'zle,  v.  a.  to  hide  the  head  as  a  child  does 
in  its  mother's  bosom  ;  to  nurse,  to  foster 
Nymph,  s.  a  goddess  of  the  woods ;  a  lady 


OI3  used  as  an  abbreviation,  as,  O.  S. 
denotes  Old  Style,  &c 
Oaf,  s.  a  changeling,  foolish  fellow,  an  idiot 
Oafish,  a.  dull,  stupid,  doltish 
Oak,  ;.  a  tree,  and  the  wood  of  it 
Oak'apple,  s.  a  spongy  excrescence  on  oaks 
Oak'en,  a.  made  of,  or  gathered  from  oak 
Oak'um,  s.  cords  untwisted,  reduced  to  hemp 
Oar,  /.    an  instrument  to  row  with...u.  to 

row,  to  impel  by  rowing 
Oatca'ke,  s.  a  cake  made  of  oatmeal 
Cit'edj  a,  made  of,  or  besring,  oats 

Oath,  s.  a  solemn  affirmation,  corroborated 

by  the  attestatiou  of  the  Divine  Being 
Oat'malt,  s.  malt  made  of  oats 
Oat'meal,  s.  flour  made  by  grinding  oats 
Oats,  s.  a  grain  generally  given  to  horses 
Obambula'tion,  s.  the  act  of  walking  about 
Obdu'ce,  v.  a.  to  draw  over,  as  a  covering 
Obduc'tion,  s.  a  covering  or  overlaying 
Ob'duracy,  s.  hardness  of  heart,  &c. 
Ob'durate,  a.  hard-hearted,  impenitent 
Ob'durately,  ad.  inflexibly,  stubbornly 
Obe'dience, ;.  submission,  obrequiousness 

O  B  S 

O  C   C 

Gbe'dient,  a.  submissive  to  authority 
Obediential,  a.  pertaining  to  obedience 
Obe'isance,  s.  an  act  of  reverence,  a  bow 
Ob'elisk,  s.  a  pyramid  of  marble  or  stone ; 

a  marginal  mark  in  a  book,  &c.  thus  (t) 
Oberra'tion,  s   the  act  of  wandering  about 
Obe'se,a.  fat,  gross,  loaden  with  flesh 
Obey',  v.  a.  to  pay  submission  to,  comply  with 
Ob'ject,  s.  that  on  which  we  are  employed 
Obje'ct,  v.  to  urge  against,  to  propose  r 
Objection, s.  an  adverse  argument ;  a  charge 
Objective,  a.  relating  to  the  object 
Object'or,  s.  one  who  objects  or  oppos«s 
O'bit,  s.  funeral  obsequies 
Obit'uary,  s .  a  register  of  the  dead 
Objura'tion,  s.  act  of  binding  by  oath 
Objur'gate,  v.  a.  to  chide,  rebuke,  reprove 
Objurga'tion,  s.  a  chiding,  reprehension 
Obla'te,  a.  flatted  at  the  poles 
Obla'tion,  s.  an  offering,  a  sacrifice,  a  toll 
Oblecta'tion,  s.  recreation,  delight 
Obligation,  s.  engagement,  contract,  bond 
Obligatory,  a.  binding,  imposing  obligation 
Obli'ge,  v.  a.  to  bind,  to  compel,  to  gratify 
Oblige'e,  s.  one  bound  by  a  contract 
Obli'ging,  part.  a.  complaisant,  binding 
Obli'que,  a.  not  direct,  not  perpendicular 
Obli'queness,  Obli'qui$y,  s.    deviation  from 

moral  rectitude  ;  not  direct,  crookedness 
Oblit'erate,  v.  a.  to  efface,  to  destroy 
Oblitera'tion,  s.  effacement,  extinction 
Obliv'ial,  a.  causing  forgetfulness 
Obliv'ion,  s.  forgetfulness  ;  amnesty 
Obliv'ious,  a.  causing  forgetfulness 
Ob'long,  a.  longer  than  broad 
Ob'loquy,  s.  blame,  slander,  disgrace 
Obmutes'cence,  s.  loss  of  speech 
Obnox'ious,  a.  accountable  j  liable  ;  exposed 
Obnu'bilate,  v.  a.  to  cloud,  to  obscure 
Ob'ole,  s.  in  pharmacy,  twelve  grains 
Obrep'tion,  s.  the  a<t  of  creeping  on 
Obsce'ne,  a.  immodest,  disgusting,  offensive 
Obsce'nely,  ad.  in  an  immodest  manner 
Obscen'ity,  s.  lewdness,  unchastity 
Obscura'tion,  s.  the  act  of  darkening 
Obscu're,  a.  dark,  gloomy,  abstruse,  difficult 
Obscu're,  v.  a.  to  darken,  to  perplex 
Obscu'rely,  ad.  darkly,  privately 
Obscu'reness,  Obscu'rity,  s.  darkness,  want 

of  light ;  unnoticed  state,  privacy 
Obsecra'tion,  s.  a  supplication,  an  entreaty 
Ob'sequies,  s.  funeral  solemnities 
Obse'quious,  a.  compliant,  obedient 
Observ'able,  a.  remarkable,  eminent 
Observance,  s.  respect,  attention 
Observ'ant,  a,  attentive,  diligent,  watchful 
Observa'tion,  s.  a  noting,  a  remark,  a  note 
Observa'tor,  Observ'er,  /.  a  remarker 
Observ'atory,  s.  a  place  adapted  for  making 

astronomical  observations 

Obse'rve,  v.  to  watch  ;  note,  regard,  obey 
Obses'sion,  s.  the  act  of  besieging 
Ob'solete,  a.  disused,  grown  out  of  use 
Ob'stacle,  s.  a  let,  hinderance,  obstruction 
Obstet'ric,  a.  doing  a  midwife's  office 
Ob'stinacy,  s.  stubbornness,  persistency 
Ob'stinate,  a.  stubborn,  contumacious,  fixed 
Ob'stinately,  ad.  stubbornly,  resolutely 
Obstipa'tion,  s.  act  of  stopping  chinks,  &c. 
Obstrep'erous,  a.  noisy,  loud,  vociferous 
Obstric'tion,  s.  an  obligation,  a  bond 
Obstru'ct,  v.  a.  to  hinder,  to  block  up,  to  bat 
Obstruction,  /.  an  hinderance,  an  obstacle 
Obstructive,  a.  hindering,  impeding 
Ob'struent,  a.  blocking  up,  hindering 
Obstupefac'tion,  s.  act  of  inducing  stupidity 
Obta'in,  <v.  to  gain,  to  acquire  ;  to  prevail 
Obtainable,  a.  that  which  may  be  obtained 
Obtain'ment,  s.  the  aft  of  obtaining 
Obte'nd,  v.  a.  to  oppose ;  to  pretend  ;  to  offer 
Obtenebra'tion,  s.  darkness,  making  dark 
Obten'sion,  s.  opposition,  denial 
Obte'st,  v.  to  beseech,  to  supplicate 
Obtesta'tion,  s.  supplication,  entreaty 
Obtrecta'tion,  s.  slander,  detraction 
Obtru'de,  v.  a.  to  thrust  into  a  place  by  force; 

to  offer  with  unreasonable  importunity 
Obtru'sion,  /.  forcing  in  or  upon 
Obtru'sive,  a.  inclined  to  obtrude  on  others 
Obtu'nd,  v.  a.  to  blunt ;  to  quell ;  to  deaden 
Obtu'se,  a.  not  pointed,  dull,  obscure 
Obtu'sely,  ad.  without  a  point,  dully 
Obtu'seness,  s.  bluntness,  stupidity,  dulness 
Obtu'sion,  s.  the  act  of  dulling 
Obve'rt,  v.  a.  to  turn  towards,  &c. 
Ob'viate,  v.  a.  to  prevent,  to  hinder,  oppose 
Ob'vious,  a.  easily  discovered,  plain,  open 
Ob'viously,  ad.  evidently,  plainly 
Ob'viousness,  s.  the  state  of  being  evident 
Occa'sion,  s.  a  casualty,  opportunity,  incident 
Occa'sion,  v.  a.  to  cause,  to  influence 
Occa'sional,  a.  incidental,  casual 
Occeca'tion,  s.  a<5t  of  blinding  or  making  blind 
Occident,  j.  the  west...a.  western 
Occidental,  a.  western 
Oc'ciput,  s.  the  hinder  part  of  the  head 
Occlu'de,  v.  a.  to  shut  up 
Occlu'se,  a.  shut  up,  closed 
Occu'lt,  a.  unknown,  hidden,  secret 
Occulta'tion,  s.  the  act  of  hiding;  in  astron- 
omy, the  time  that  a  star  or  planet  is  hid 
from  sight  in  an  eclipse 
Occupancy,  s.  the  act  of  taking  possession 
Oc'cupant,  j.  he  that  takes  possession 
Oc'cupate,  v.  a.  to  possess,  hold ;  take  up 
Occupa'tion,  s.  a  taking  possession,  trade 
Occupier,  s.  a  possessor  one  who  occupies 
Occupy,  v.  a.  to  possess  ;  to  fill  or  take  up  ; 

to  employ,  to  use,  to  expend 
Occu'r,  v.  n.  to  be  remembered  ;  to  appear 



O  N  C 

Occur'rence,  s.  incident,  casual  event 
Occur'sion,  s.  a  clash,  a  mutual  blow 
O'cean,  s.  the  main  ;  any  immense  expanse 
Ocel'lated,  a.  resembling  the  eyes 
Och'imy,  or  Ock'amy,  5.  a  mixed  base  metal 
Cchre,  s .  a  rough,  yellow,  or  blue  earth 
O'chreous,  a.  consisting  of  ochre 
Oc'tagon,  s.  a  figure  of  eight  sides  and  angles 
Octan'gular,  a.  having  eight  angles 
Oc'tant,  a.  is  when  a  planet  is  in  such  po- 
sition to  another,  that  their  places  are  only 
distant  an  eighth  part  of  a  circle,  or  45 
Oc'tave,  s.  the  eighth  day  after  some  festival ; 

the  interval  of  an  eighth  in  music 
Odta'vo,  s.  a  sheet  folded  into  eight  leaves 
Octen'nial,  a.  done  or  happening  every  eighth 

year,  lasting  eight  years 
Otto'ber,  s.  the  tenth  month  of  the  year 
Oc'ular,  a.  known  by  the  eye 
Oc'ulist,  s.  one  who  cures  distempered  Cyes 
Odd,  a.  not  even  ;  particular,  strange 
Odd'ly,  ad.  not  evenly  ;    strangely,  unac- 
countably, uncouthly 
©dd'ness,  s.  particularity,  strangeness 
Odds,  s.  more  than  an  even  wager  or  number ; 

advantage  ;  superiority  ;  dispute 
Ode,  s.  a  poem  to  be  sung  to  music 
O'dious,  a.  hateful,  heinous,  abominable 
O'dium,  s.  invidiousness  ;  hatred  •,  blame 
Odoriferous,  a.  fragrant,  perfumed, sweet 
O'derous,  a  fragrant,  perfumed 
O'dour,  s.  scent,  good  or  bad  ;  fragrance 
Oeconomy,  s.     See  Economy 
Oecumen'ical,  a.  general,  universal 
Oeil'iad,  s.  a  wink,  token  of  the  eye 
O'er,  ad.  contracted  from  over 
Off,  ad.  signifying  distance ;  from,  not  toward 
Off'al,  s.  waste  meat,  refuse,  carrion 
Offe'nce,  s.  a  transgression  ;  injury  ;  anger 
Offenceless,  a.  unoffending,  innocent 
Offe'nd,  v.  to  make  angry,  to  injure,  to  attack 
Offend'er,  s.  one  who  commits  an  offence 
Offensive,  a.  displeasing,  injurious,  hurtful 
Offensively,  ad.  displeasingly,  injuriously 
Offer,  v.  to  present ;  to  attempt ;  to  sacrifice 
Offer,  s.  a  proposal  ;  endeavour  ;  price  bid 
Offering,  s.  sacrifice  or  oblation 
Offertory,  s.    act  of  offering,  thing  offered  ; 
place  where  offerings  are  kept ;  part  of  the 
Popish  mass 
Office,/,  public  employment,  agency 
Officer,  s.  a  commander,  one  in  office 
Officered,  a.  supplied  with  commanders 
Offi'cial,  a.  pertaining  to  an  office 
Offi'cial,  s.  an  archdeacon's  deputy 
Offi'cialty,  /.  the  charge  of  an  official 
Offi'ciate,  v.  to  perform  another's  duty 
Offi'cinal,  a.  used  in,  or  relating  to,  shops 
Offi'ciousjtf,  importunately  forward  5  kind 

Offi'ciously,  ad,  with  unasked  kindness 
Offi'ciousness,  s.  over- forwardness  ;   service 
Offing,  ;.  the  act  of  steering  to  a  distance 

from  the  land 
Offset,  s.  a  sprout,  the  shoot  of  a  plant 
Offspring,  s.  propagation  ;  children 
Offus'cate,  v.  a.  to  darken,  to  cloud,  to  dim 
Oft,  Oft'en,  Oft'entimes,  Oft'times,  ad.  fre- 
quently, many  times,  not  rarely 
Oge'e,  O'give,  s.  a  sort  of  moulding  in  archi- 
tecture, consisting  of  around  and  a  hollow 
O'gle,  v.  a.  to  view  with  side  glances 
O'gling,  s.  a  viewing  slily  or  obliquely 
O'glio,  /.  a  dish  of  mixed  meats,  a  medley 
Oh  !  inter,  denoting  sorrow  or  surprise 
Oil,  s.  the  expressed  juice  of  olives,  &c. 
Oil'iness,  s.  unctuousness,  greasiness 
Oil'man,  ;.  one  who  sells  oils,  pickles,  &c. 
Oil'y,  a.  consisting  of  oil ;  fat,  greasy 
Oint'ment,  ;.  an  unguent,  a  salve 
Old,  Old'en,  a.  not  new,  ancient,  long  used 
Oldfash'ioned,  a.  obsolete,  out  of  fashion 
Olea'ginous,  O'leose,  a.  oily,  unftuous 
Olfac'tory,  a.  having  the  sense  of  smelling 
Oliba'num,/.  a  sweet-scented  gum 
Oligarch'ical,  a.  relating  to  an  oligarchy 
Oligarchy,  /.  a  form  of  government  which 
places  the  supreme  power  in  the  hands  of 
few  ;  an  aristocracy 
Ol'itory,  a.  belonging  to  a  kitchen  garden 
Olivas'ter,  a.  darkly  brown,  tawny 
Ol'ive,  s.  a  plant ;  its  fruit ;  emblem  of  peace 
Olym'piad,  s.  the  space  of  four  years,  where- 
by the  Greeks   reckoned  their  time,  so 
named  from  the  games  celebrated  every 
4th  year  in  honour  of  Jupiter  Olympus 
Om'bre,  /.  a  game  at  cards  played  by  three 
Ome'ga,  s.  the  last  letter  of  the  Greek  alpha* 
bet,  therefore  taken  in  the  Holy  Scripture 
for  the  last 
Om'elet,  s.  a  pancake  made  with  eggs 
O'men,  s.  a  good  or  bad  sign,  a  prognostic 
O'mer,  s.   a  Hebrew    measure,    containing 

about  three  pints  and  an  half  English 
Om'inous,  a.  foreshewing  ill,  inauspicious 
Omis'sion,  Omit'tance,  s.  a  neglect  of  duty 
Omi't,  v.  a.  to  leave  out  ;  to  neglect 
Omnifa'rious,  a.  of  all  kinds  and  sorts 
Omnific,  a.  all-creating 
Omnip'otence,    Omnip'otency,  s.    almighty 

power,  unlimited  power 
Omnipotent,  a.  almighty,  all-powerful 
Omnipres'ence,  s.  the  quality  of  being  every 

where  present ;  ubiquity 
Omnipres'ent,  a.  present  in  every  place 
Omnis'cience,  s.  infinite  knowledge 
Omnis'cient,  a.  infinitely  wise,  all-knowing 
Omol'ogy,  s.  likeness  ;  agreeable ness 
On,  prep.  upon..^rf.  forward,  not  off 
Oace,  ad,  one  time,  a  single  time  ;  formerly 

O  P  P 


O  R  D 

One,  a.  one  of  two,  single...;,  a  single  person 
One'eyed,  a.  having  only  one  eye 
Oneirocrit'ic,  s.  an  interpreter  of  dreams 
On'erary,  a.  fitted  for  carriage  or  burdens 
On'erate,  v.  a.  to  load,  to  burden 
On'erous,  a.  burdensome,  oppressive 
On'ion,  ;.  a  plant  with  a  bulbous  root 
O'nly,  ad.  simply,  barely. ..«.  single,  this  only 
On'omancy,  s.  divination  by  names 
On'set,  j.  an  attack,  an  assault ;  a  storm 
Ontol'ogy,  s.  metaphysics  ;  the  science  of 

beings  or  ideas  in  general 
On'ward,W.  progressively  ;  forward 
O'nyx,  s.  a  clear,  elegant,  and  valuable  gem 
Ooze,  s.  soft  mud  ;  slime  ;  soft  flow  ;  spring 
Ooze,  v.  n.   to  run  gently,  to  flow  by  stealth 
Ooz'y,  a.  miry,  muddy,  slimy 
Opa'cate,  v.  a.  to  shade,  to  cloud,  to  darken 
Opa'city,  s.  darkness,  obscureness 
Opa'cous,  Opa'que,  a .  dark,  not  transparent 
O'pal,  s.  a  precious  stone 
O'pen,  v.  to  unclose,  unlock  ;  divide  ;  begin 
O'pen,  a.  unclosed,  plain,  clear,  exposed 
Openey'ed,  a.  watchful,  vigilant,  attentive 
Openhand'ed,  a.  generous,  liberal,  bountiful 
Openheart'ed,  a.  generous,  candid 
Openheart'edness, ;.  liberality,  munificence 
O'pening,  s.  a  breach,  an  aperture  ;  the  dawn 
O'penly,  ad.  publicly,  evidently,  plainly 
Openmouth'ed,  a.  greedy,  clamorous 
O'penness,  s.  freedom  from  disguise 
Op'era,  s.  a  musical  entertainment 
Op'erant,  a.  active  ;  able  to  produce 
Op'erate,  v.  n.  to  act  ;  to  produce  effects 
Operat'ical,  a.  relating  to  an  operation 
Operation,  s.  agency,  influence,  effect 
Op'erative,  a.  having  the  power  of  acting 
Opera'tor,  s.  one  that  performs  any  act  of  the 

hand  ;  one  who  produces  any  effect 
Opero'se,  a.  laborious  ;  full  of  trouble 
Operta'neous,  a.  secret,  done  in  secret 
Ophioph'agous,  a.  serpent-eating 
Ophthal'mic,  a.  relating  to  the  eye 
O'piate,  s.  a  medicine  that  causes  sleep 
Opin'iative,  a.  stubborn  ;  imagined 
Opin'ion,  s.  a  sentiment  ;  notion 
Opin'ionative,  a  fond  of  preconceived  notions 
Opip'arous,«.  sumptuous 
Opitula'tion,  s.  an  aiding,  a  helping 
O'pium,  s-  the  juice  of  Turkish  poppies 
Op'pidan,    s.    a  townsman  ;  an  appellation 
given  to  the  youth  who  belong  to   the 
King's  college,  Westminster 
Oppig'nerate,  v.  a  to  pledge,  to  pawn 
Oppila'tion,  s.  an  obstruction  or  stoppage 
Op'pilative,  a.  obstructive,  apt  to  obstruct 
Oppo'nent,  a.  opposite,  adverse 
Oppo'nent,  s.  an  adversary,  an  antagonist 
Opportu'ne,  a.  seasonable,  convenient,  fit 
Opportunity,  s,  fit  place;  time  j  convenience 

Oppo'se,  act  against,  to  resist,  to  hinder 
Oppo'seless,  a.  irresistible,  not  to  be  opposed 
Op'posite,  a.  placed  in  front,  adverse 
Op'posite,  s.  an  adversary,  an  antagonist 
Opposi'tion,  s.  hostile  resistance  ;  contraries 

ty  of  interest,  conduct,  or  meaning 
Oppre'ss,  v.  a.  to  crush  by  hardships,  subdue 
Oppres'sion,  s.  cruelty,  severity  ;  dulness 
Oppressive,  a.  cruel,  inhuman  ;  heavy 
Oppress'or,  s.  one  who  harasses  others 
Opprobrious,  a.  reproachful,  disgraceful 
Oppro'briousness,  s.  scurrility,  abuse 
Oppu'gn,  v.  a.  to  oppose,  attack,  refute 
Oppu'gnancy,  s.  opposition, resistance 
Opsim'athy,  s.  late  education  ;  late  erudition 
Op'tative,  a.  expressive  of  desire 
Op'tic,  a.  visual,  relating  to  vision 
Op'tic,  s.  an  instrument  or  organ  of  sight 
Op'tical,  a.  relating  to  the  science  of  optics 
Opti'cian,  s.  one  skilled  in  optics 
Op'tics,  s.  the  science  of  vision 
Op'timacy,  s.  nobility,  the  body  of  nobles 
Op'tion,  s.  a  choice,  power  of  choosing 
Op'ulence,  Op'ulency,  s.  wealth,  affluence 
Op'ulent,  a.  rich,  wealthy,  affluent 
Or,;,  gold,  in  heraldry  ...con.  either 
Or'acle,  s.   something  delivered  by  superna- 
tural wisdom  ;  one  famed  for  wisdom 
Orac'ular,  Orac'ulous,  a.  uttering  oracles 
O'ral,  a.  delivered  verbally,  not  written 
Or'ange,  ;.  a  well-known  fruit 
Or'angery, ;.  a  plantation  of  orange  trees 
Ora'tion,  ;.  a  public  discourse  or  speech 
Or'ator,  /.  an  eloquent  public  speaker 
Orator'ical,  a.  rhetorical  ;  befitting  an  orator 
Orato'rio, ;.  a  kind  of  sacred  drama 
Or'atory,  ;.  rhetorical  skill ;  eloquence 
Orb,  /.  a  sphere  ;  a  circle  ;  a  wheel ;  the  eye 
Or'bate,  a.  childless,  fatherless  ;  poor 
Orba'tion,  ;.  the  act  of  deprivation 
Orb'ed,  a.  circular,  formed  in  a  circle 
Orbic'ular,  a.  spherical,  circular 
Or'bit,  s.  the  path  in  which  a  planet  moves 
Or'chard,  ;.  a  garden  of  fruit  trees 
Or'chestra,  or  Or'chestre, ;.  a  gallery  or  place 

for  musicians  to  play  in 
Orda'in,  v.  a.  to  appoint,  establish,  invest 
Or'deal,  ;.  a  trial  by  fire  or  water 
Or'der,  s.  a  method,  a  mandate,  a  rule 
Or'der,  v.  a.  to  regulate,  command,  ordain 
Or'derless,  a.  disorderly,  out  of  rule 
Or'derly,  a.  methodical,  regular 
Or'ders,  ;.  admission  to  the  priesthood 
Or'dinable,  a.  such  as  may  be  appointed 
Or'dinal,  ;.  a  ritual...a.  noting  order 
Ordinance,  s.  a  law  ;  rule  ;  appointment 
Or'dinary,  s.  a  judge  ;  a  stated  chaplain  ;  a 
place  for  eating,  where  a  certain  price  is 
paid  for  each  meal  ;  settled  establishment 
Or'dinary,  a.  common,  usual  j  mean  j  ugTy 



O  V  E 

Or'dinate,  a.  methodical...?;,  a.  to  appoint 
Ordination,  s.  the  act  of  ordaining 
Ord'nance,  s.  cannon,  heavy  artillery 
Or'donnance,  s.  disposition  of  figures  in  a 

Or'dure,  s.   animal  dung,  filth 
Ore,  s.  metal  yet  in  its  mineral  state 
Or'gal,  s.  the  lees  of  wine,  &c. 
Or'gan,  s.  a  natural  or  musical  instrument 
Organ'ic,  Organ'ica!,  a.  instrumental 
Or'ganism,  s.  organical  structure 
Or'ganist,  s.  one  who  plays  on  the  organ 
Organization,  s.  a  due  construction  of  parts 
Or'ganize,  v.  a.  to  form  organically 
Or 'gas  m,  s.  a  sudden  vehemence 
Or'gies,  /.  frantic  revels,  rites  of  Bacchus 
Orgil'lous,  a.  proud,  haughty,  lofty 
O'rient,  a-  rising  as  the  sun  ;  eastern ;  bright 
Oriental,  a.  eastern,  placed  in  the  east 
Or'ifice,  s.  an  opening  or  perforation 
Origin,  s.  beginning,  source,  descent 
Ori'ginal,  s.  first  copy...«.  pristine 
Ori'ginaliy,  ad.  primarily,  at  first 
Ori'ginary,  a.  productive,  primi  tiye~ 
Ori'ginate,  v.  a.  to  bring  into  existence 
Or'ison,  or  Or'aison,  s.  a  prayer,  verbal  sup- 
plication, or  oral  worship 
Or'lop,  s.  the  lowest  deck  of  a  ship 
Or'nament,  s.  decoration,  embellishment 
Or'nament,  v.  a.  to  adorn,  to  embellish 
Ornament'al,  a.  giving  embellishment 
Or'namented,  a.  embellished,  decorated 
Or'nate,  a.  bedecked,  decorated,  fine 
Ornithol/ogy,  s.  a  discourse  on  birds 
Or'phan,  s.  a  chiid  bereaved  of  father  or  mo- 

ther,  or  both  ...a.  bereft  of  parents 
Or'piment,  s,  a  mineral,  yellow  arsenic 
Or'rery,  s.   an  instrument  which  represents 

the  revolutions  of  the  heavenly  bodies 
Or'ris,  s.  gold  and  silver  lace  ;  a  plant 
Or'thodox,  a.  sound  in  opinion  and  doctrine 
Orthodoxy,  s.  soundness  in  doctrine,  &c. 
Or'thogon,  s.  a  rectangled  figure 
Orthog'rapher,  s.  one  who  spells  rightly 
Orthographical,  a.  rightly  spelled 
Orthograph'ically,  ad.  according  to  rule 
Orthog'raphy,  s.  the  part  of  grammar  which 
teaches  how  words  should  be  spelled  ;  the 
elevation  of  a  building  delineated 
Or'tive,  s.  rising  of  ajplanet  or  star 
Ortolan,  s.  a  delicate  small  bird 
Orts,  s.  fragments,  mere  refuse 
Oscillation,  s.  the  moving  like  a  pendulum 
Os'citancy,  Oscita'tion,  s.  the  act  of  yawn- 
ing ;  unusual  sleepiness  ;  carelessness 
Os'citant,  a.  yawning,  sleepy,  sluggish 
Osculation,  s.  the  act  of  kissing 
O'sier,  s.  a  tree  of  the  willow  kind 
Os'seous,  a.  bony,  like  bone  ;  hard 
Os'sicle,  i.  a  small  bone. 

Ossification,  s.  a  change  into  bony  substance 
Os'sifrage,  s.  a  kind  of  eagle 
Os'sify,  v.  a.  to  change  to  bone 
Ossiv'orous,  a.  devouring  bones 
Os'suary,  s.  a  charnel-house 
Ost,  or  Oust,  s.  a  vessel  to  dry  malt  on 
Ostensible,  a.  that  may  be  shown,  apparent 
Osten'sive,  a.  showing,  betokening 
Oste'nt,  s.  air,  manner,  show  ;  a  portent 
Ostentation,  s.  an  outward  or  vain  show 
Ostentatious,    a.     boastful,   vain,   fond   of 

show,  fond  to  expose  to  view 
Osteol'ogy,  /.  a  description  of  the  bones 
Os'tiary,  s.  the  mouth  of  a  river 
Ost'ler,  s.  one  who  takes  care  of  horses 
Ostracism,   s.  a  passing  sentence  by  ballot  ;,- 

banishment ;  public  censure  by  shells 
Ost'rich,  s.  a  very  large  African  fowl 
Otacous'tic,  x.  an  instrument  to  facilitate  or 

improve  the  sense  of  hearing 
Other,  pron.  not  the  same  ;  not  I,  nor  he 
Otherwise,  ad.  in  a  different  manner 
Otter,  s.  an  amphibious  animal 
Ottoman,  a.  belonging  to  the  Turks 
O'val,  a.  oblong,  shaped  like  an  egg 
Ova'rious,  a.  consisting  of,  or  like,  eggs 
O'vary,  s.  the  seat  of  eggs,  or  impregnation 
Ovation,  s.  a  lesser  kind  of  Roman  triumph 
Ov'en,  s.  an  arched  place  for  baking  in 
O'xer,  prep,  and  ad.  above  ;  across 
Overa'ct,  v.  a.  to  act  more  than  enough 
Overanx'ious,  a.  too  careful 
Overa'rch,  v.  a.  to  cover  as  with  an  arch 
Overa'we,  v-  a.  to  keep  in  awe,  to  terrify 
Overbalance,  v.  a.  to  preponderate 
Overbe'ar,  v.  a.  to  subdue,  to  bear  downA 
Overbi'd,  v.  a.  to  offer  more  than  the  value 
Q'verboard,  ad.  off  or  out  of  the  ship 
Overbo'il,  v.  a.  to  boil  too  much 
O'verbold,  a.  impudent,  daring,  audacious 
Overbur'den,  v.  a.  to  load  too  much 
Overcar'ry,  v.  a.  to  hurry  too  far 
Overca'st,  a.  clouded  ...v.  a.  to  darken 
Overcharge,  v.  a.  to  charge  too  high  ;  to 

cloy  ;  to  crowd  too  much  ;  to  burden 
Overclo'ud,  v.  a.  to  cover  with  clouds 
Overco'me,  v.  a.  to  subdue,  to  vanquish 
Overco'unt,  v.  a.  to  rate  above  the  true  value 
Overdo',  v.  a.  to  do  more  than  enough 
Overdri've,  v.  a.  to  drive  too  hard  or  fast 
Overey'e,  v.  a.  to  superintend  ;  to  remark 
Overfe'ed,  v.  a.  to  feed  too  much,  to  crarr* 
Overflow',  v.  to  be  full  ;  to  deluge 
Overflowing,  s.  exuberance,  copiousness 
O'vergrown  }part.  a  grown  too  big 
O'vergrpwth,  s.  exuberant  growth 
O'verhale,  ?j,  a.  to  examine  over  again 
O'verhead,  ad.  aloft,  above  in  the  zenith 
Overhe'ar,  v. a.  to  hear  privately, or  by  chance 
Overhe/at,  v.  a.  to  hear  too  much 

O  V  E 

1 60 


Overjo'y,  v.  a.  to  transport— s.  ecstacy 
Overla'de,  v.  a.  to  overburden,  to  overload 
Overla'y,  v.  a.  to  smother,  to  cover  over 
Overle'ap,  v.  a.  to  leap  or  jump  over 
Overlo'ad,  v.  a.  to  burden  with  too  much 
Overlo'ng,  a.  too  long,  longer  than  is  meet 
Overloo'k,  v.  a.  to  superintend  ;  view  from  a 
higher  place  ;  pass  by  indulgently  ;  peruse 
Overmasted,  a.  having  too  much  mast 
O'vermatch,  v.  a.  to  be  too  powerful 
Overmu'ch,  a.  too  much,  more  than  enough 
O'vernight,  s.  night  before  bed  time 
Overpa'ss,  v.  a.  to  omit,  overlook,  cross 
Overpa'y,  11.  a.  to  pay  more  than  the  price 
Overpe'er,  v.  a.  to  overlook  ;  hover  above 
O'verplus,  s.  what  is  more  than  sufficient 
O'verpoise,  v.  a.  to  outweigh,  preponderate 
Overpow'er,  v.  a.  to  oppress  by  power 
Overpre'ss,  v.  a.  to  crush,  to  overwhelm 
Overpri'ze,  v.  a.  to  value  at  too  high  a  price 
Overra'nk,  a.  too  rank 
Overra'te,  v.  a.  to  rate  at  too  much 
Overre'ach,  v.  to  deceive  ;  to  go  beyond 
Overri'pen,  v.  to  make  too  ripe 
Mverro'ast,  v.  a.  to  roast  too  much 
Overru'le,  v.  a.  to  superintend,  to  supersede 
Overru'n,  v.  a.  to  ravage ;  outrun  ;  overspread 
Overse'e,  v.  a.  to  superintend,  to  overlook 
Cverse'er,  s.  one  who  overlooks  ;  a  parish 

officer  who  has  the  care  of  the  poor 
Overse't,  v.  to  turn  the  bottom  upwards,  to 
throw  off  the  basis,  to  overturn,  to  subvert 
Oversha'de,  v.  a.  to  cover  with  darkness 
Overshad'ow,  v.a.  to  shelter,  cover,to  protect 
Overshoo't,  v.  n.  to  fly  beyond  the  mark 
Oversight,  1.  mistake  ;  superintendence 
Oversi'ze,  v.a.  to  surpass  in  bulk  ;  to  plaster 
Overski'p,  v.  a.  to  pass  by  leaping ;  to  neglect 
Oversle'ep,  v.  a.  to  sleep  too  long 
Oversli'p,  v.  a.  to  pass  undone,  to  neglect 
Overspre'ad,  v.  a.  to  cover  over,  scatter  over 
Oversta'nd,  v.aXo  stand  too  much  upon  terms 
Overstock,  v.  a.  to  fill  too  full,  to  crowd 
Overstra'in,  v.  to  stretch  too  far 
Overswa'y>  v.  a.  to  overrule,  to  bear  down. 
Overswe'll,  v.  a.  to  rise  above 
O'vert,  a.  open,  manifest,  public,  apparent 
Overta'ke,  v.  a.  to  come  up  with  in  a  pursuit 
Overthro'w,  v.a.  to  ruin,  defeat,  overturn 
Overthwa'rt,  a.  opposite,  perverse,  adverse 
Overthwart'ness,  /.  pervicacity,  perversenes$ 
O'vertly,  ad.  openly,  publicly,  manifestly 
Overtoo'kjpm.  and  part.  pais,  of  to  overtake 
Overto'p,  v.  a.  to  rise  above  ;  excel,  surpass 
Overtri'p,  v.  a.  to  walk  lightly  over 
O'verture,  s-  an  opening,  disclosure,  discove- 
ry, proposal  ;  a  flourish  of  music  before 
the  scenes  are  opened  in  a  play 
Overtu'rn,  v.  a.  to  throw  down  ;  overpower 
Overvalue,  v.  a.  to  rate  at  too  high  a  price 

Overve'il,  v.  a.  to  veil  or  cover  over 
Overwe'ak,  a.  too  weak,  too  feeble 
Overwe'en,  v.  n.  to  think  too  highly 
O'verweight,  s.  more  than  weight 
Overwhe'lm,  v.  to  crush  ;  to  fill  too  much 
Overwi'se,  a.  wise  to  affectation 
Overwrought,  part,  laboured  too  much 
Overwo'rn,/><m.  worn  out,  spoiled  by  time 
Ought,  s.  any  thing,  something.     This  word 

is  more  properly  written,  aught 
Ought,  pre t.  of  to  trwe  }  should  ;  to  be  fit 
Ovip'arous,  a.  bringing  forth  eggs 
Ounce,  s.  a  weight  ;  a  lynx,  a  panther 
Our,  pron.  pass,  pertaining  to  us 
Ourse'lves,p?-<w.  recip.  we,  us,  not  others 
Oust,  v.  a.  to  vacate  ;  take  away  ;  to  cast  out 
Out,    ad.  not  within,  not  at  home  ;  not  in 

affairs  j  to  the  end  ;  loudly  ;  at  a  loss 
Outa'cl,  v.  a.  to  do  beyond,  to  exceed 
Outbalance,  v.  a.  to  overweigh3preponderate 
Outbi'd,  v.  a.  to  bid  more  than  another 
Oufbound,  a.  destined  to  a  distant  voyage 
Outbra've,  v.  a.  to  silence  or  outdo  by  a 

more  splendid  or  insolent  appearance 
Outbra'zen,i>.  a.  to  bear  down  by  impudence 
Out'break,  s.  an  eruption,  a  breaking  out 
Out'cast,  /.  an  exile,  one  rejected 
Outcraf't,  v.  a.  to  excel  in  cunning 
Out'cry,  s.  a  cry  of  distress,  noise,  clamour 
Outda're,  v.  a.  to  venture  or  dare  beyond 
Outdo',  v.a.  to  excel,  to  surpass,  to  go  beyon<J 
Out'er,  a.  that  which  is  without,  outward 
Out'ermost,  a.  remotest  from  the  midst 
Outfa'ce,  v.  a.  to  brave  or  stare  down 
Out'fal,  s .  a  canal  ;  a  fall  of  water  ;  a  quarrel 
Outfly',  v.  a.  to  leave  behind  ;  to  fly  beyond 
Out'gate,  s.  an  outlet,  a  passage  outward 
Outgi've,  v.  a.  to  surpass  in  giving 
Outgo',  v.  a.  to  surpass,  to  excel,  circumvent 
Outgro'w,  v.  a.  to  surpass  in  growth 
Out'guard,  s.  the  advanced  guard 
Outkna've,  v.  a.  to  surpass  in  knavery 
Outland'ish,  a.  foreign,  not  native 
Out'law,  s.  one  excluded  from  the  benefit  of 

the  law  ;  a  plunderer,  a  robber,  a  bandit 
Out'law ry,  s.  a  decree  by  which  a  man  is  cut 

off  from  the  community,  the  law,  &c 
Outle'ap,  v.  a.  to  surpass  in  leaping 
Out'let,  s.  a  passage  or  discharge  outward 
Out'line,  s.  the  line  by  which  any  figure  is 

defined  ;  contour  ;  extremity 
Outii've,  v.  a.  to  survive,  to  live  beyond 
Outloo'k,  v.  a-  to  face  down,  to  browbeat 
Out'lying,  part.  a.  not  in  the  course  of  order 
Outmar'ch,  v.  a.  to  march  quicker 
Outmeas'ure,  v.  a.  to  exceed  in  measure 
Out'most,  a.  the  most  outward 
Outnum'ber,  v.  a.  to  exceed  in  number 
Outpa'ce,  v.  a.  to  outgo,  to  leave  behind 
Oui'parishj  s.  a  parish  without  the  walls 

P  A  C 


Outpri'ze,  v.  a.  to  prize  or  value  too  highly 
Out'rage,  s.  violence,  tumultuous  mischief 
Out'rage,  v.  to  commit  exorbitances  j  to  in- 
sult roughly  and  contumeiiously 
Cutra'geous,  a.  violent,  furious,  excessive 
Outre'ach,  v.  a.  to  go  beyond,  exceed  ;  cheat 
Cutri'de,  v.  a.  to  pass  by  riding 
Outri'ght,  ad.  immediately  ;  completely 
Outro'ar,  v.  a.  to  exceed  in  roaring 
Out'rode.  s.  an  excursion 
Outro'ot,  v.  a.  to  root  up,  to  eradicate 
Oulru'n,  v.  a.  to  leave  behind  in  running 
Outsa'il,  v.  a.  to  leave  behind  in  sailing 
Outsco'rn,  v.  a.  to  bear  down  by  contempt 
Outsell,  v.  a.  to  sell  for  a  higher  price 
Outshi'ne,  v.  a.  to  emit  lustre,  excel  in  lustre 
Outshoo't,  v.  a.  to  exceed  in  shooting 
Out'side,  j.  external  part,  outer  part  ;  show 
Outsi't,  -v.  a.  to  sit  beyond  the  due  time 
Outsle'ep,i>.  to  sleep  beyond  proper  time 
Outspre'ad,  v.  a.  to  extend,  to  diffuse 
Outsta're,  v.  a.  to  browbeat,  to  face  down 
Outstretch,  v.  a.  to  extend,  to  spread  out 
Outstri'p,  v.  a.  to  outgo,  to  leave  behind 
Outswe'ar,  v.  a.  to  overpower  by  swearing 
Outta'ik,  v.  a.  to  overpower  by  talk 
Outto'ngue,  v.  a.  to  bear  down  by  noise 
Outval'ue,  v.  a.  to  transcend  in  price 
Outvi'e,  v.  a.  to  exceed,  to  surpass,  to  excel 
Outvo'te,  v.a.  to  conquer  by  plurality  of  votes 

Outwa'lk,  v.  a.  to  leave  one  in  walking 
Out'wall,  s.  outward  part  of  a  building 
Out'w3rd,  a.  external,  foreign,  apparent 
Out'ward,  ad.  to  foreign  or  cuter  parts 
Out'wardlyjfl^.  in  appearance, not  sincerely ; 

externally,  opposed  to  inwardly 
Out'wards,  ad.  towards  the  out  parts 
Outwe'ar,i>.  a.  to  pass  tediously 
Outwe'igh,  v.  a.  to  exceed  in  weight,  &c. 
Outwi't,  v.  a.  to  overcome  by  stratagem 
Out'works,  s.  externals  uf  a  fortification 
Outwo'rn,  part,  destroyed  by  use  or  age 
Owe,  v.  a.  to  bs  indebted  ;  to  be  obliged 
Owl,  Owi'et,  s.  a  bird  that  fiies  by  night 
Owl'er,  s.   one  who  exports  wool  or  other 

goods  contrary  to  the  law  of  the  land 
Own,  pron.  my  own,  his  own 
Own,  v.  a.  to  acknowledge,  to  avow 
Own'er,  s.  one  to  whom  a  thing  belongs 
Ow'nership,  s.  property,  rightful  possession 
Owse,  s.  bark  of  young  oak  beaten  small 
Ows'er,  s.  bark  and  water  mixed  in  a  tanpit 
Ox,  s.  pi.  Ox'en,  a  castrated  bull  or  bulls 
Ox'gang,  of  land,  s.  twenty  acres 
Ox'lip,  i.  the  cowslip,  a  vernal  flower 
Ox'ycrate,  s.  a  mixture  of  vinegar  and  water 
Ox'ymel,  s.  a  mixture  of  vinegar  and  honey 
Oy'er,  v.  n.  to  hearty,  a  court,  a  commission 
Oye's,  s.  hear  ye 
Oy'ster,  s.  a  bivalve  shell-fis> 


PIS  used  as  an  abbreviation  ;  in  physi- 
cal recipes   it  signifies  pugil,  or  the 

eighth   part  of  a  handful  ;    P.  M.  with 

astronomers,  for  post  meridiem,zfternooii  ; 

P.  in  music  books,  for  piano,  soft  j  P.  P. 

for  piupiano,z  little  more  soft  than  piano ; 

P.  P.  P.  for  pianissimo,  extremely  soft  or 

PabAilar,  Pab'ulous,  a.  affording  provender 
Pa'cated,  a.  appeased,  made  placable 
Pace,  s.  step,  gait ;  measure  of  five  feet 
Pace,  v.  to  move  slowly  ;  to  measure  by  steps 
Pa'cer,  s.  one  who  paces,  a  horse 
Pacific,  a.  mild,  gentle,  appeasing 
Pacinca'tion,  s.  the  aft  of  making  peace 
Pacifica'tor,  s.  a  mediatoi,  or  peacemaker 
Pa'cifier,  j.  one  who  pacifies  or  appeases 
Pa'cify,  v.  a.  to  appease,  to  compose 
Pack,  s.  a  bundle  tied  up  for  carriage  ;  a  set 

of  cards  ;  a  number  of  hounds,  &c. 
Pack,  v.  to  bind  or  tie  up  goods ;  to  sort  cards 
Pack'age,  s.  a  charge,  or  wrapper  for  packing 
Psck'cloth,;.  cloth  in  which  goods  are  tied 

Pack'er,  s.  one  who. binds  up  bales,  &c.    * 
Pack'et,  s.  a  small  pack  ;  a  mail  of  letters 
Pack'horse,  /.  a  horse  of  burden 
Pack'saddle,  ;•  a  saddle  to  carry  burdens 
|  Pack'thread,  s.  a  thread  used  in  packing 
Pact,  Paction,  s.  a  bargain,  a  covenant 
Pad,  s.  an  easy-paced  horse  ;  a  foot  robber 
Pad,  v.  n.  to  travel  gently  ;  to  rob  on  foot 
Pad'ar,  s.  grouts,  coarse  flour 
Pad'dle,  v.  n.  to  play  in  the  water  ;  to  row 
Pid'dle,  s.  an  oar  used  by  a  single  rower 
Pad'dcck,  /.  a  toad  or  frog,  small  enclosure 
Pad'lock,  s.  a  pendent,  or  hanging  lock 
Pad'lock,  v.  a.  to  fasten  with  a  padlock 
Pas'an,  /.  a  song  of  triumph  or  praise 
Psedobap'tism,  s.  infant  baptism 
Pa'gan,  s-  a  heathen...^,  heathenish 
Pa'ganism,  /.  heathenism 
Page,  s.  one  side  of  the  leaf  of  a  book  ;  a  boy 

attending  on  a  great  person 
Page,  v.  a.  to  mark  the  pages  of  a  book 
1'a'geant,  s.  any  show  ;  a  spectacle  of  enter* 

ta-wimerjt'j  a  statue  m  a  show 



Pa'geant,  a.  showy,  pompous,  ostentatious 
Pa'geantry,  s.  pomp,  ostentation,  show 
Pa'ginal,  a.  consisting  of  pages 
Pa'god,  s.  an  Indian  idol,  or  its  temple 
Vaid,  pret.  and  part.  pass,  of  to  pay 
Pail,  s.  a  wooden  vessel  for  water,  &c. 
Pain,  s.  sensation  of  uneasiness,  punishment 
Pain,  v.  a.  to  afflict,  torment,  make  uneasy 
Pain'ful,  a.  full  of  pain,  afflictive,  difficult 
Pain'fully,  ad.  with  great  pain,  laboriously 
Pain'fulness,  s.  affliction,  laboriousness 
Pain'im,  s.  an  infidel,  a  pagan 
Pain'less,  a.  without  pain  or  trouble 
Pains'taker,  s.  a  laborious  person 
Pains'taking,  a.  laborious,  industrious 
Paint,  s.  colours  for  painting 
Paint,  v.  a.  to  represent,  colour,  describe 
Paint'er,  s.  one  who  professes  painting 
Paint'ing,  .f.  the  art  of  representing  objects 

by  delineation  and  colours  ;  a  picture 
Pair,  s.  two  things  suiting  one  another 
Pair,  v.  a.  to  join  in  couples,  to  suit,  to  unite 
Pal'ace,  s.  a  royal  or  splendid  house 
Pala'cious,  a.  royal,  noble,  grand 
Palanqui'n,  s.  an  Indian  sedan  or  chair 
Pal'atable,  a.  pleasing  to  the  taste 
Pal'ate,  s.  instrument  of  taste,  mental  relish 
Palat'ic,  a.  belonging  to  the  palate 
Palat'inate,  s.  a  large  province  of  Germany, 
divided  into  the  upper  and  lower  ;  the  up- 
per is  called  the  palatinate  of  F>avaria,  and 
the  lower  the  palatinate  of  the  Rhine ;  the 
jurisdiction  of  a  Count  Palatine 
Pal'atines,  s.  the  inhabitants  of  a  palatine 
Pale,  a.  wan,  whitish...;,  a  jurisdiction  ;  an 
enclosure ;  a  flat  stake  stuck  in  the  ground  •, 
the  third  and  middle  part  of  a  scutcheon 
Pale,  v.  a.  to  enclose  with  pales,  encompass 
Pa'lefaced,  a.  having  the  face  wan,  pale 
pal'endar,  s,  a  kind  of  coasting  vessel 
pa'leous,  a.  husky,  chaffy 
Pa'leness,;.  wanness,  want  of  colour 
Pal'ette,  s.  a  light  board  for  painter's  colours 
Pal'frey,  s.  a  small  horse  trained  for  ladies 
Pal'freyed,  a.  riding  on  a  palfrey 
Pal'inode,  Pal'inody,  s.  a  recantation 
Palisa'de,  Palisa'do,  s.  pales  set  for  enclosure 
Pa'lish,  a.  somewhat  pale,  sickly 
Pall,  s.  a  cloak  or  mantle  of  state  ;  a  cover- 
ing thrown  over  the  dead 
Pall,  v.  to  become  insipid,  to  cloy  ;  weaken 
Pal'lat,  s.  a  nut  of  a  watch 
Pallet,  /.  a  small  or  mean  bed 
Parliament,  f.  a  robe,  a  dress,  a  garment 
Palliate,  v.  a.  to  excuse,  to  extenuate,  ease 
Pallia'tion,  s.  a  mitigating,  imperfect  cure 
Palliative,  a.  extenuating,  mitigating 
Pal'lid,  a.  pale,  not  high  coloured 
Pallmall,  s .  a  game  with  a  ball  and  mallet 
Palm,  s.  a  tree;  triumph  ;  part  of  the  hand 

Palm,  v.a.  to  hide  in  the  hand,  cheat,  impose 
Palm'ar,  a.  relating  to  a  hand's  breadth 
Palm'er,  s.  a  pilgrim  ;  deer's  crown  ;  cheat 
Palmet'to,  s.  a  species  of  the  palm-tree 
Palmif'erous,  a.  bearing  palms 
Pal'mipede,  a.  webfooted,  as  swans,  &c. 
Palmistry,  s.  the  cheat  of  fortune-telling  by 

lines  in  the  palm  of  the  hand 
Palm'y,  a.  bearing  or  having  palms 
Palpability,  s.  a  palpable  quality 
Palp'able,  a.  that  may  be  felt ;  plain  ;  gross 
Pal'pahly,  ad.  plainly,  evidently 
Pal'pitate,  v.  a.  to  beat  as  the  heart,  flutter 
Palpita'tion,  s.  a  throbbing  of  the  heart 
Pals'grave,  s.  a  German  title  of  honour 
Pal'sical,  Pal'sied,  a.  afflicted  with  the  palsy 
Pal'sy,  s.  a  privation  of  the  sense  of  feeling 
Pal'ter,  v.  to  shift,  to  dodge,  to  squander 
Pam,  s.  the  knave  of  clubs 
Pam'per,  v.  a.  to  feed  luxuriously,  to  glut 
Pam/phlet,  s.  a  small  stitched  book 
Pamphlete'er,  s.  a  writer  of  pamphlets 
Pan,  /.  a  vessel  of  various  metals,  &c. 
Panace'a,  s.  an  universal  medicine  ;  an  herb 
Pana'da,  Pana'do,  s.  bread  boiled  in  water 
Pan'cake,  s.  thin  batter  fried  in  a  pan 
Pancrat'ical,  a.  excelling  in  all  the  gymnas- 
tic exercises 
Pan'creas,  s.  the  sweetbread  of  an  animal 
Pan'cy,  or  Pan'sy,  s.  a  kind  of  violet 
Pan'dect,  s.  a  complete  treatise  on  any  science 
Pandemo'nium,  s.  the  great  hall,  or  council 

chamber  of  devils 
Pandemic,  a.  incident  to  a  whole  people 
Pan'der,  s.  a  pimp,  a  male  bawd,  a  procurer 
Pandiculation,  s.  a  yawning  and  stretching 
Pan'durated,  a.  having  furrowed  stalks 
Pane,  s.  a  square  of  glass,  wainscot,  &c. 
Panegyr'ic,  s.  an  eulogy,  encomium,  praise 
Panegyrical,  a.  bestowing  praise 
Panegyrist,  s.  a  writer  of  panegyrics 
Pan'el,  s.  a  square  of  wainscot,  &c.  a  roll  of 

jurors'  names  provided  by  the  sheriff 
Pang,  s.  violent  and  sudden  pain 
Panic,  a.  violent  fright  without  cause 
Panic,  j.  sudden,  causeless  consternation 
Panna'de,  s.  the  curvet  of  a  horse 
Pan'nel,  s.  a  kind  of  rustic  saddle 
Pan'nier,  s.  a  basket  carried  on  horses 
Pan'oply,  s.  complete  armour  or  harness 
Pantj-u.  n.tobeat  as  the  heart ;  wish  earnestly 
Pantaloo'n,  s.  a  man's  garment ;  a  buffoon 
Panthe'on,  s.  a  temple  of  all  the  gods 
Pan'ther,  s.  a  spotted  wild  beast,  a  pard 
Pan'tile,  or  Pen'tile,  s.  a  gutter  tile 
Pantler,  s.  one  who,  in  a  great  family,  keeps 

the  bread 
Pan'tomime,  s.  a  tale  exhibited  only  in  ges- 
ture and  dumb  show  ;  a  scene 
Pan'tofle,  /.  a  slipper 




Pan'try,  s.  a  room,  &c.  for  provisions 
Pap,  s.  the  nipple;  food  for  infants  ;  pulp 
Papa',  s.  a  fond  name  for  father 
Pa'pacy,  s.  the  popedom,  popish  dignity 
Pa'pal,  a.  belonging  to  the  pope,  popish 
Papav'erous,  a.  resembling  poppies 
Pa'per,  j.  a  substance  made  from  rags 
Pa'per,  v.  a.  to  hang  a  place  with  paper 
Pa'permaker,  s.  one  who  makes  paper 
Pa'permill,  s.  a  mill  to  make  paper  in 
Pa'perstainer,  s.  one  who  colours  paper 
Papil'io,  s  a  moth  of  various  colours 
Papillary,  Papil'lous,  a.  resembling  paps 
Pa'pist,  s.  one  who  adheres  to  popery 
Papistical,  a.  popish,  adhering  to  popery 
Pap'py,  a.  soft,  succulent,  easily  divided 
Par,  s.  a  state  of  equality,  equivalence 
Par'able,  s.  a  similitude;  figurative  speech 
Parab'ola,  /.  one  of  the  conic  sections 
Parabolical,  a.  expressed  by  a  parable,  &c. 
Parabolical ly,  ad.  allusively 
Parab'olism,  s.  in  algebra,  the  division  of  the 
terms  of  an  equation,  by  a  known  quanti- 
ty involved  or  multiplied  in  the  first  term 
Paracen'trical,  a.  deviating  from  circularity 
Parachronism,  s.  an  error  in  chronology 
Par'aclete,  s.  a  comforter,  an  intercessor 
Para'de, ;.  military  order,  guard,  show 
Par'adise,  s.  the  blissful  regions,  heaven 
Paradisi'acal,  a.  suiting,  or  making  paradise 
Par'adox,  j.  a  proposition  seemingly  wrong 
or  absurd,  but  not  really  so  ;   an  assertion 
contrary  to  appearance 
Paradoxical,  a.  inclined  to  new  tenets,  &c. 
Par'adrome,  ;,  an  open  gallery  or  passage 
Par'agon,  s.  something  supremely  excellent; 

a  model,  pattern  ;  companion,  fellow 
Par'agraph,  s.  a  distinct  part  of  a  discourse 
Parallactic,  a.  pertaining  to  a  parallax 
Par'allax,  s.  the  distance  between  the  true 

and  apparent  place  of  any  star,  &c. 
Par'allel,  s,  lines  continuing  their  course  and 
still  preserving  the  same   distance  from 
each  other  ;  resemblance  ;  conformity 
Par'allel,  a.  in  the  same  direction,  equal 
Par'allelism,  s.  state  of  being  parallel 
Parallel'ogram,  s.  a  right  lined  quadrilateral 
figure,  whose  opposite  sides  are  parallel 
and  equal 
Paralogism,  Paralogy, ;.  false  argument 
Paralysis,  s.  a  palsy 
Paralytic,  a.  palsied,  inclined  to  palsy 
Paramo'unt,  s.  the  chief...a.  superior 
Par'amour,  s.  a  lover  or  mistress 
Par'anymph,  s.  a  brideman  ;  a  supporter 
Par'apet,  s.  a  wall  breast  high 
Paraphernalia,  s.  goods  in  a  wife's  disposal 
Par'aphrase,    s.    an    explanation    in    many 

words...?;,  a.  to  translate  loosely 
Par'aphrast, ;.  a  lax  or  loose  interpreter 

Paraphras'tical,  a.  not  literal,  not  verbal 
Par'asang,  s.  a  Persian  measure  of  length 
Par'asite,  s.  a  flatterer  of  rich  men 
Parasitical,  a.  flattering,  wheedling 
Par'asol,  j.  a  small  canopy  carried  over  the 

head  to  guard  against  the  sun 
Parboil,  v.  a.  to  half  boil 
Par'cel,  s.  a  small  bundle,  lot,  quantity 
Par'cel,  v.  a.  to  divide  into  portions 
Par'cenery,  s.  a  joint  tenure  or  inheritance 
Parch,  v.  to  burn  slightly,  to  scorch,  dry  up 
Parch'ment,  s.  skins  dressed  for  writing  on 
Pard,  Par'dale,  s.  a  leopard,  a  spotted  beast 
Par'don,  s.  forgiveness,  remission 
Par'don,  -v.  a.  to  excuse,  to  forgive,  to  remit 
Par'donable,  a.  that  may  be  pardoned 
Par'donably,  ad.  excusably,  venially 
Pare,  v.  a.  to  cut  off  the  surface,  to  cut  off 

by  little  and  little,  to  diminish 
Paregoric,  or  Paragorlc,  a.  having  the  power 

in  medicine  to  mollify,  assuage,  &c. 
Parenchymatous,  a.  spongy,  soft 
Pa'rent,  s.  a  father  or  mother 
Pa'rentage,  s.  birth,  extraction,  descent 
Parent'al,  a.  pertaining  to  parents 
Paren'thesis,  /.  the  marks  thus  (  ),  that  in~ 
elude  a  clause  that  is  put  into  a  sentence, 
which  may  be  left  out  in  reading,  and  thfr 
sense  remain  entire 
Parenticide,  s.  a  killing  a  father  or  mother 
Pa'rer,  s.  a  tool  to  cut  away  the  surface 
Par'ergy,  s.  something  unimportant 
Par'get,  s.  a  plaster.  ...v.  a.  to  plaster 
Parhelion,  s.  a  mock  sun 
Pa'rian-marble,  s.  an  excellent  white  marble 
Pari'etal,  a.  constituting  sides  or  walls 
Parillty,  s.  resemblance,  proportion 
Paring,  s.  what  is  pared  off,  the  rind 
Parish,  s.  a  district  or  division  of  land  under 

a  priest  having  the  cure  of  souls 
Parishioner,;,  one  that  belongs  to  the  parish 
Parisian,;,  a  native  or  inhabitant  of  Paris 
Parisyllablcal,  a.  having  equal  syllables 
Parity,  1.  equality,  resemblance,  likeness 
Park, ;.  an  enclosure  for  beasts  of  chase 
Parley,  or  Parle, ;.  conversation,  oral  treaty 
Parley,  v.  n.  to  treat  by  word  of  mouth 
Parliament, ;.  the  assembly  of  the  three  es- 
tates, the  King,  Lords,  and  Commons 
Parliamentary,  a.  enacted  by    parliament, 

suiting  or  pertaining  to  parliament 
Parlour,  ;.  a  lower  room  for  entertainments 
Parlous,  a.  shrewd,  subtle,  waggish 
Paro'chlal,  a.  pertaining  to  a  parish 
Par'ody, ;.  change  of  another's  words 
Par'ody,  v.  a.  to  copy  by  way  of  parody 
Parole,  ;.  word  given  as  an  assurance 
Paron'ymous,  a.  resembling  another  word 
Paroque't,  ;.  a  small  species  of  parrot 
Psrot'ii,  a.  salivary ;  near  the  ears 



Par'oxysm,  s.  periodical  return  of  a  fit,  &c 
Parrici'dal,  a.  relating  to  parricide 
Par'ricide,  s.  one  who  murders  his  father 
Par'rot,  s.  a  well-known  bird 
Par'ry,  v.  n.  to  put  by  thrusts,  to  ward  off 
Parse,  v.  a.  to  resolve  by  grammar  rules 
Parsimo'nious,  a.  covetous,  saving,  frugal 
Parsimo'niously,  ad.  frugally,  covetously 
Par'simony,  .■.  niggardliness,  covetousness 
Par'sley,  s.  a  well-known  herb 
Par'snip,  s.  an  edible  root 
Par'son,  s.  a  clergyman,  priest,  minister 
Par'sonage,  s.  a  parson's  benefice  or  house 
Part,  s.  a  portion,  something  less  than  the 

whole,  share,  concern,  party,  member 
Part,  v.  to  separate,  keep  asunder ;  go  away 
Part'age,  s.  division,  aft  of  sharing 
Parta'ke,  v.  to  participate,  have  part  in 
Parta'ker,  s.  an  associate,  a  sharer 
Parte'rre,  s.  a  level  ground,  a  flower  garden 
Par'tia!,  a.  inclined  to  favour  one  party  more 

than  the  other;  affecting  only  one  part 
Partial 'ity,  /.  an  unequal  judgment 
Par'tialize,  v.  a.  to  make  partial 
Par'tially,  ad.  with  unjust  favour 
Participant,  a.  having  share  or  part 
Participate,  <u.  to  partake,  to  share 
Participation,  s.  a  sharing  of  something 
Particip'ial,  a,,  of  the  nature  of  a  participle 
Par'ticiple,  s.  a  word  partaking  at  once  of 

the  qualities  of  a  noun  and  a  verb 
Par'ticle,  s.  a  small  portion  of  a  great  sub- 
stance ;  a  small  undeclinable  word 
Particular,  a.  individual,  singular,  odd 
Particular,  s.  a  single  instance  or  point 
Particularity,  s.  something  particular 
Fartic'ularize,  v.  a.  to  mention  distinctly 
Particularly,  ad.  distinctly,  peculiarly 
Partisa'n,  s.  an  adherent  to  a  party;  a  pike 
Partition,  j.  the  act:  of  dividing,  division 
Partition,  v.  a.  to  divide  into  distinct  parts 
Part'let,  s.  a  hen ;  a  ruff  or  band 
Part'ly,  ad.  in  part,  in  some  measure 
Part'ner,  s.  a  sharer  ;  a  dancing  mate,  &c. 
Partnership,  s.  a  joint  interest  or  property 
Partoo'k,  pret.  of  to  partake 
Par'tridge,  /.  a  bird  of  game 
Parts,/,  qualities,  faculties, districts 
Partu'rient,  a.  about  to  bring  forth 
Parturi'tion,  s.  a  parturient  state 
Par'ty,  s.  an  assembly ;  cause;  detachment 
Par'tycoloured,  a.  having  different  colours 
Par'ty-jury, ;.  a  jury  in  some  trials,  half  fo- 
reigners and  half  natives 
Par'vitude,  Par'vity,  s.  minuteness 
Pas,  s.  the  right  of  precedence  or  priority 
Pas'chal,  a.  relating  to  the  passover 
Pas'quin,  Pasquina'de,  s.  a  lampoon 
Pass,  v.  to  go  beyond  ;  to  vanish  ;  to  enact 
a  law  j  to  omit;  to  thrust;  to  be  current 

Pass,  s.  a  narrow  entrance  ;  licence  to  go 
Pass'able,  a.  possible  to  be  passed,  tolerable 
Passa'de,  Passa'do,  s.  a  push,  a  thrust 
Pass'age,;.  act  of  passing;  journey,  incident  j 

road  ;  narrow  street ;  part  of  a  book 
Pass'enger,  s.   a  traveller,  a   wayfarer,  one 

who  hires  a  place  in  a  carriage 
Passibil'ity,  s.  the  quality  of  receiving  im- 
pressions from  external  agents 
Pas'sible,  a.  that  may  be  impressed 
Pass'ing,  part.  a.  supreme,  eminent 
Passing-be'll,  s.  the  death  beil  for  a  person 
Pas'sion,  s.  anger,  love,  ardour,  suffering 
Pas'sion.week,  j.  the  week  before  Easter 
Pas'sionate,  a.  easily  moved  to  anger 
Pas'sionately,  ad.  with  desire,  angrily 
Pas'sive,  a.  unresisting,  suffering 
Pas'siveness,  Passiv'ity,  s.  passibility 
Pass'over,  /.  a  solemn  festival  of  the  Jews 
Pass'port,  s.  permission,  in  writing,  to  pass 
Past,  part.  a.  not  present,  not  to  come,  un- 
dergone, gone  through,  spent 
Paste,  s.  any  viscous,  tenacious  mixture 
Pasteboard,  s.  a  thick  kind  of  paper 
Pas'tern,  s.  the  knee  of  a  horse,  the  leg 
Pas'tilj  s.  a  roll  of  paste,  a  crayon 
Pas'time,  s.  sport,  recreation,  diversion 
Pas'tinate,  v.  n.  to  dig  in  a  garden 
Pas'tor,  s.  a  shepherd,  a  clergyman  who  has 

the  care  of  a  flock 
Pas'toral,  a.  rural,  rustic,  like  shepherds 
Pas'toral,  /.  a  rural  poem,  a  bucolic 
Pa'stry,  s.  pies  or  baked  paste 
Pa'strycook,  s.  one  who  makes  pastry 
Pas'turable,  ^r.  fit  for  pasture 
Pas'turage,  s.  grounds  grazed  by  cattle 
Pas'ture,  s.  land  on  which  cattle  feed  :  food 
Pas'ty,  s.  a  pie  of  crust  raised  without  a  dish 
Pat,  a.  fit,  convenient,  exactly  suitable 
Pat,  v.  a.  to  strike  lightly...*,  a  light  blow 
Pataco'on,  s.  a  Spanish  coin  value  4s.  8d. 
Patch,  v.  to  mend,  to  piece,  put  on  patches 
Patcb'work>  s.  small  pieces  of  different  co* 

lours  sewed  interchangeably  together 
Pate,  s.  the  head 

Patefac'tion,  s.  the  act  or  state  of  opening 
Fat'en,  s.  a  plate  used  for  bread  at  the  altar 
Pat'ent,  a.  open  to  the  perusal  of  all 
Pa'tent,  s.  an  exclusive  right  or  privilege 
Patentee',  f.  one  who  has  a  patent 
Pater'nal,  a.  fatherly,  hereditary 
Pater-nos'ter,  s.  the  Lord's  prayer 
Fath,  Path'way,*.  way,  road,  track 
Pathet'ic,  Pathet'ical,  a.. moving  the  passions 

or  affections,  passionate 
Pathet'ically,  ad.  in  a  moving  manner 
Path'less,  a.  untrodden,  not  known 
Pathol'ogy,  s.  a  part  of  physic  which  con- 
siders   diseases,    their    natures,    causes, 
symptoms,  &c 



Pa'thos,  s.  warmth,  passion,  feeling 
Pat'ible,  a.  sufferable,  tolerable 
Pa'tience, /.  calmness  of  mind,  endurance 
Pa'tient,  a.  not  easily  moved  or  provoked 
Pa'tient,  s.  a  diseased  person,    under  the 

care  of  another 
Pa'tiently,  ad,  with  patience,  quietly 
Patlne,  s.  the  cover  of  a  chalice 
Fat'ly,  ad.  fitly,  opportunely,  suitably 
Pa'triarch,  s.  a  head  of  a  family  or  church 
Patriarch'al,  a.  pertaining  to  patriarchs 
Patriarchate,  s.  jurisdiction  of  a  patriarch 
Patri'cian,  a.  senatorial...*,  a  nobleman 
Patrimo'nial,  a.  possessed  by  inheritance 
Pat'rimony,  s.  an  estate,  &c.  possessed  by 

inheritance  from  a  father  or  mother 
Pat'riot,  s.  a  real  lover  of  his  country 
Patriot'ic,  a,  having  patriotism 
Patriotism,  s.  love  or  zeal  for  one's  country 
Patro'cinate,  v.  a.  to  patronize,  to  protect 
Patrol,  s.  a  guard  to  walk  the  streets 
Pa'tron,  s.  an  advocate,  a  supporter 
Pat'ronage,  s.  protection,  support,  defence 
Patro'nal,  a.  protecting,  supporting 
Pat'roness,  s.  a  female  patron 
Pat'ronize,  v.  a.  to  support,  to  defend 
Patronym'ic,  s.  a  name  from  father,  &c. 
Pat'ten,  s.  a  clog  shod  with  an  iron  ring 
Pat'tepan,  s.  a  pan  to  bake  small  pies  in 
Pat'ter,  v.  n.  to  make  a  noise  like  hail 
Pat'tern,*.  a  specimen,  archetype,  m^del 
Pav'an,  or  Pav'in,  s.  a  kind  of  light  dance 
Pau'city,  s.  smallness  of  number,  &c. 
Pave,  v.  a.  to  floor  with  stones,  &c. 
Pa'vement,  s.  a  stone  or  brick  floor,  &c 
Pa'ver,  or  1'a'vier,  s.  one  who  lays  stones 
Pavilion,  s.  a  tent,  a  temporary  house 
Paunch, ;.  the  belly,  abdominal  regions 
Pau'per,  s.  a  poor  person  who  receives  alms 
Pause,  j.  a  stop,  a  break../y.  n.  to  consider 
Paw,  s.  the  foot  of  a  beast;  hand 
Paw,  v.  a.  to  handle  roughly,  fawn,  flatter 
Pawn,  v.  a.  to  pledge,  to  give  in  pledge 
Pawnbroker,  s.  one  who  lends  on  pawns 
Pay,  s.  wages,  hire,  money  for  services 
Pay,  v.  a.  to  discharge  a  debt,  reward,  beat 
Pay'able,  a.  due,  that  ought  to  be  paid 
Pay'ment,  s.  the  aft  of  payment;  a  reward 
Pea,  s.  a  well-known  kind  of  pulse 
Peace,  j.  respite  from  war,  rest,  silence 
Peace,  inter,  silence,  stop 
Peace'able,  a.  not  turbulent,  free  from  war 
Peace'ableness,  s.  a  quiet  disposition 
Peace'ably,  ad.  without  tumult  or  war 
Peace'ful,  a.  pacific,  mild,  undisturbed 
Peacefully,  ad.  quietly,  mildly,  gently 
Peach,  s.  a  delicious  fruit...-u.  n.  to  accuse 
Peach'coloured,  a.  of  a  colour  like  a  peach 
Pea'chick,  s.  the  chicken  of  a  peacock 
Pea'cock,  s.  a  fowl  of  beautiful  plumage 

Pea'hen,  s.  the  female  of  the  peacock 
Peak,  j.   the  top  of  a  hill ;  any  thing  point* 

ed;  the  fore  part  of  a  head-dress 
Peak,  v.  n.  to  look  sickly  or  weakly ;  to  sneak 
Peak'ing,  part.  a.  sickly,  poorly  ;   sneaking 
Peal,  s.  a  loud  soud,  as  of  bells,  &c. 
Pear,  s.  a  fruit  of  84  different  species 
Pearl,  s.  a  precious  gem  ;  a  film  on  the  ey£ 
Pear'ly,  a.  abounding  with  or  like  pearls 
Pear'main,/.  a  kind  of  apple 
Pear'tree,  s.  the  tree  that  bears  pears 
Peas'ant,  s.  one  who  lives  by  rural  labour 
Peas'antry,  s.  peasants,  country  people 
Pease,  or  Peas,  s.  plural  of  pea 
Pease'-cod,  s.  the  shell  or  husk  of  peas 
Peat,  s.  a  species  of  turf  for  firing 
Peb'ble,  Peb'blestone,  s.  a  sort  of  stone 
Peb'bly,  a.  full  of  pebbles 
Peccability,  s.  a  being  subject  to  sin. 
Pec'cable,  a.  incident  or  liable  to  sin 
Peccadillo,  s.  a  small  fault,  a  crime 
PeCcancy, s.  bad  quality 
Pec'cant,  a.  criminal,  ill-disposed,  bad 
Pecca'vi,  s.  acknowledging  a  fault 
Peck,  s.  the  fourth  part  of  a  bushel 
Peck,  v.  a.  to  pick  up  food  with  the  beak 
Peck'er,  s.  one  that  pecks ;  a  bird 
Pec'tinated,  a.  formed  like  a  comb 
Pec'toral,^.  pertaining  to  the  breast 
Pectoral,  s.  a  medicine  proper  to  strengthen 

the  stomach,  &c.  ;  a  breast  plate 
Pec'ulate,  v.  n.  to  defraud  the  public 
Peculation,  s.  theft  of  public  money 
Pecu'liar,  /.  the  exclusive  property 
Peculiar,  a.  particular,  proper,  appropriate 
Peculiarity,  s.  particularity,  oddness 
Peculiarly,  ad.  particularly,  singly 
Pecu'niary,  a.  pertaining  to  money 
Ped,  s .  a  small  pack-saddle,  hamper,  basket 
Ped'agogue,  /.  a  schoolmaster,  a  pedant 
Pe'dal,  a.  pertaining  to  a  foot 
Pe'dals,  s.  the  large  pipes  of  an  organ 
Ped'ant,  s.  one  awkwardly  ostentatious  of' 

literature,  one  vain  of  low  knowledge 
Pedant'ic,  a.  like  a  pedant,  conceited 
Ped'antry,  s.  ostentation  of  shewing  needless. 

literature,  pedanticness 
Ped'dle,  v.  n.  to  be  husy  about  trifles 
Pedere'ro,  Patere'ro,  s.  a  small  ship  gun 
Ped'estal,  s.  the  basis  or  foot  of  a  statue 
Pedes'trial,  Pedes'trious,  a.  going  on  foot 
Ped'icle,  1.  the  foot  stalk  of  fruit,  &c 
Pedicular,  Pediculous,  a.  lousy 
Ped'igree,  s.  genealogy,  lineage,  descent 
Pediment,  s.  an  ornamental  projection,  &c. 
Pedler,  s.  one  who  travels  about  the  country 

to  sell  petty  commodities 
Pedlery,  s.  wares  sold  by  pedlers 
Pedling,  s.  trifling,  petty  or  paltry  dealing 
Peel,  v,  a.  to  pare,  take  the  rind  off}  to  job 




Peel,  s.  the  rind;  a  board  used  by  bakers 
Peep,  s.  a  sly  look,  first  faint  appearance 
Peer, ;.  an  equal,  fellow ;  nobleman 
Peer,  v.  n.  to  come  just  in  sight,  to  peep 
Peer'age,  Peer'dom,  s.  dignity  of  a  peer 
Peer'ess,  s.  wife  of  a  peer,  a  lady  ennobled 
Peer'lessness,  s.  universal  superiority 
Peer'Iess,  a.  unequalled,  having  no  peer 
Pee'vish,  a.  irritable,  easily  offended 
Pee'vishly,tfrf.  angrily,  querulously,  morosely 
Peevishness,  /.  irascibility,  fretfulness 
Peg,  r.  a  wooden  pin  or  fastener 
Peg,  v-  a.  to  fasten  with  a  peg 
Pelf,  s.  money,  riches,  paltry  stuff 
Pel'ican,  s.  there  are   two  sorts  of  pelicans; 
one  lives  upon  fish,  and  the  other  keeps  in 
deserts,  and  feeds  upon  serpents  ;  the  peli- 
can is  supposed  to  admit  its  young  to  suck 
blood  from  its  breast 
Pell,  s.  the  skin  cf  a  beast 
Pel'let,  s.  a  little  ball,  a  bullet 
Pel'licle,  s.  a  thin  skin,  a  film 
Pellme'Il,  ad.  confusedly,  tumultuously 
Pells,  s.  an  office  in  the  Exchequer 
Pellu'cid,  a.  transparent,  clear,  bright 
Pelt,  s.  a  skin,  a  hide.-.-y.  a.  to  throw  at 
Pelt'ing,parf.  a.  throwing  stones,  &c.  ;  paltry 
Pelt'monger,  s.  a  dealer  in  new  hides 
Pen,  s.  an  instrument  for  writing;  a  fold 
Pen,  v.  a.  to  coop,  to  shut  up  ;  to  write 
Pe'nal,  a.  enacting  punishment,  vindictive 
Pen'alty,  s.  a  punishment,  forfeiture 
Pen'ance,  s.  an  atonement,  a  mortification 
Pence,  s.  the  plural  of  penny 
Pen'cil,  s.  a  tool  for  drawing  and  painting 
Pen'dant,  s.  an  ear-ring,  ornament,  flag 
Pen'dence,  s.  slopeness,  inclination 
Pen^dency,  s.  suspense,  delay  of  decision 
Pen'dent,  a.  hanging,  jutting  over 
Pen'ding,  a.  depending,  undecided 
Pen'dulous,  a.  hanging,  not  supported  below 
Pen'dulum,  s.    any   weight  hung  to  swing 

backwards  and  forwards,  fee. 
Pen'etrable,  a.  that  which  may  be  penetrated 
Pen'etrail,  /.  interior  parts ;  the  entrails 
Pen'etrant,  a.  having  power  to  pierce 
Pen'etrate,  v.  to  pierce,  affect,  understand 
Penetra'tion,  s.  sagacity,  a  piercing  through 
Pen'etrative,  a.  piercing,  acute,  discerning 
Pen'guin,  s.  a  bird  like  a  goose  ;  a  fruit 
Penin'sula,  s.  land  almost  surrounded  by  wa- 
ter, but  joined  by  a  neck  of  land  to  the 
main  continent 
Pen'itence,  s.  repentance,  sorrow  for  sin 
Pen'itent,  a.  repentant,  contrite  for  sin 
Pen'itent,  s.  one  sorrowful  for  sin 
Peniten'tial,  a.  expressing  penitence 
Pen'itenlial,  s.  a  book  directing  penance 
Peniten'tiary,  ;.  a  confessor,  one  who  does 
'  penance;  a  place  for  hearing  confession 

Pen'knife,  s.  a  knife  used  to  cut  pens 
Pen'man,  s.  an  author,  a  writer 
Pen'manship,  s.  the  aft  or  art  of  writing 
Pen'nated,  a.  having  wings 
Pen'nant,  s.  a  rope  to  which  a  tackle  is  at- 
tached to  hoist  up  boats,  &c.  ;  a  flag 
Pen'niless,  a.  moneyless,  poor,  distressed 
Pen'non,  s.  a  small  flag  or  banner 
Pen'ny,  s.  the  twelfth  part  of  a  shilling 
Pen'nyweight,  s.  24  grains  troy  weight 
Pennyworth,  s.  a  good  purchase,  &c. 
Pen'sile,  a.  hanging,  supported  above  ground1 
Pen'sion,  s.  a  settled  annual  allowance 
Pen'sionary,  s.  a  magistrate  in  Dutch  cities 
Pen'sionary,  a.  maintained  by  a  pension 
Pensioner,  s.  one  who  receives  a  pension 
Pen'sive,  a.  sorrowfully  thoughtful,  serious 
Pen'siveness,  s.  gloomy  thoughtfuiness 
Pent,  part.  pass,  of  to  pen,  shut  up 
Pentacap'sular,  a.  having  five  cavities 
l-en'tachord,  s.  a  five-stringed  instrument 
Pentae'drous,  a.  having  five  sides 
Pentagon,  s.  a  figure  with  five  angles 
Peutag'onal,  a.  having  five  angles 
Pentam'eter,  s.  a  verse  of  five  feet 
Pentan'gular,  a.  five  cornered 
Pentap'tote,  s.  a  noun  that  has  five  cases 
Pen'tateuch, ;.  the  five  books  of  Moses 
Pen'tecost,  s .  a  feast  of  the  Jews,  so  called 
from  its  being  50  days  after  Easter,  trans^- 
ferred  among  Christians  to  the  festival  of 
Pentecostal,  a.  belonging  to  Whitsuntide 
Pent'house, ;.  a  sloping  shed  or  roof 
Penul'tima,  s.  the  last  syllable  but  one 
Penum'bra,  s.  an  imperfect  shadow 
Penu'rious,  a.  sordidly  mean,  scant 
Penu'riousness,  s.  niggardliness,  parsimony 
Pen'ury,  s.  poverty,  indigence 
Pe'ople,  s.  a  nation,  persons  in  general 
Pe'ople,  v.  a.  to  stock  with  inhabitants 
Pepas'tic,  s.  a  medicine  to  help  digestion 
Pep'per,  s.  an  aromatic  warm  spice 
Pep'percorn,  s.  any  thing  of  trifling  value 
Pep'permint,  s.  mint  eminently  hot 
Pep'tic,  a.  serving  to  concoct  or  digest 
Peracu'te,  a.  very  sharp,  very  violent 
Peradven'ture,  ad.  perhaps,  may  be 
Per'agrate,  v.  a.  to  wander  over 
Peram'bulate,  v.  a.  to  walk  through 
Perambulation,  s.  a  wandering  survey 
Perceiv'able,  a.  that  may  be  perceived 
Perce'ive,  v.  a.  to  discover,  know,  observe 
Perceptibility,  s.  the  power  of  perceiving 
Perceptible,  a.  that  may  be  observed 
Perception,  s.  the  power  of  perceiving,  idea 
Perceptive,  a.  able  or  tending  to  perceive 
Perch,  s.  a  fish ;  a  measure  of  5  yards  and  a 

half ;  a  bird's  roost 
Perch,  v.  to  sit  or  roost  as  a  bird 





Percha'nce,  ad.  perhaps,  perad venture 
Percip'ient,  a.  perceiving,  having  the  faculty 

or  power  of  perception 
Per'colate,  v.  a.  to  strain  through  a  sieve 
Percola'tion,  /.  the  aft  of  straining 
Percu'ss,  v.  a.  to  strike 
Percus'sion,  j.   the  aft  of  striking;  stroke; 

efFeft  of  sound  in  the  ear 
Percu'tient,  a.  striking,  able  to  strike 
Perdi'tion,  s.  destruction,  ruin,  death 
Perdu'e,  ad.  close,  lying  in  ambush 
Per'dulous>  a.  lost,  thrown  away 
Perdura'tion,  /.  long  continuance 
Per'egrinate,  v.  n.  totravel  into  far  countries 
Peregrina'tion,  s.  a  travel  to  foreign  lands 
Per'egrine,  a.  foreign,  not  domestic 
Pere'mpt,  v.  a.  to  kill,  to  crush 
Peremption,  s.  crush,  extinftion  ;  law  term 
Per'emptorily,  ad.  absolutely,  positively 
Peremptory,  a.  dogmatical,  absolute 
Peren'nial,  a.  lasting  a  year ;  perpetual 
Peren'nity,  s.  perpetuity,  lastingness 
Per'feft,  a.  complete,  pure,  immaculate 
Per'feft,  v.  a.  to  finish,  complete,  instruft 
Perfec'tion,  s.  the  state  of  being  perfect 
Perfec'tive,  a.  conducing  to  perfection 
Fer'feftly,  ad.  totally,  exaftly,  accurately 
Per'feftness,  s.  completeness, goodness 
Perfid'ious,  a.  treacherous,  false  to  trust 
Perfidiously,  ad.  by  breach  of  faith 
Perfid'iousness,  Perfidy,  s.  treachery 
Perflate,  -v.  a.  to  blow  through 
Perforate,  v.  a.  to  pierce  through,  to  bore 
Perforation,  s.  the  aft  of  piercing;  a  hole 
Perforator,  s.  the  instrument  of  boring 
Perfo'rce,  ad.  by  force,  violently 
Perfo'rm,  v.  to  execute,  to  do,  to  achieve  an 

undertaking,  to  succeed  in  an  attempt 
Performance,  s.   completion   of  something 

designed,  composition,  aftion 
Perform'er,  s.  one  who  performs  or  plays 
Per'fricate,  v.  n.  to  rub  over 
Perfu'me,  /.  a  sweet  odour,  fragrance 
Perf u'mer,  • .  one  who  sells  perfumes 
Perfunc'tory,  a.  slight,  caieless,  negligent 
Perfu'se,  v.  a.  to  tinfture,  to  overspread 
Perha'ps,  ad.  peradventure,  it  may  be 
Pericranium,  s.  the  pericranium  is  the  mem- 
brane that  covers  the  skull 
Perigee,  Perige'um,  s.  that    point  of    the 

heaven  wherein  the  sun  or  any  planet  is 

nearest  the  centre  of  the  earth 
Perihelium,  /.  that  point  of  a  planet's  orbit 

wherein  it  is  nearest  the  sun 
Per'il,  s.  danger,  hazard,  denunciation 
Perilous,  a.  hazardous,  dangerous 
Perim'eter,/.  circumference  of  a  figure 
Pe'riod,  s.  a  circuit ;  epocha  ;  full  stop 
Periodical,  a.  regular,  at  stated  times 
Periodically,  ad,  at  stated  periods 

Peripatetic,  a.  relating  to  Aristotle 

Periphery,  s.  circumference 

Periphrasis,  s.  circumlocution  ;   the  use  of 

many  words  to  express  the  sense  of  one 
Peripneu'mony,  s.  inflammation  of  the  lungs 
Per'ish,  v.  to  die,  to  be  destroyed,  to  decay 
Perishable,  a.  subject  to  decay  or  perish 
Peristal'tic,  a.  worm-like,  spiral 
Peristyle,  s.  a  circular  range  of  pillars 
Per'jure,  Per'jurer,  s.  a  forsworn  person 
Perjury,  s.  the  aft  of  swearing  falsely 
Periwig,  /.  a  wig,  covering  for  the  head 
Periwinkle,  s.  a  kind  of  fish-snail 
Perk,  v.  to  hold  up  the  head  affectedly 
Permanence,  Perman'sion,  s.  duration 
Permanent,  a.  lasting,  unchanged 
Permanently,  ad.  durably,  lastingly 
Per'meable,  a.  that  may  be  passed  through 
Per'meant,  a.  passing  through 
Permissible,  a.  such  as  may  be  mingled 
Permis'sible,  a.  what  may  be  permitted 
Permis'sion, ;.  grant  of  leave  or  liberty 
Permis'sive,  a.  granting  mere  liberty 
Permi't,  v.  a.  to  allow,  to  suffer,  to  give  up 
Permi't,  s.  a  warrant  from  officers  of  excise 

for  the  removal  of  tea,  spirits,  &c. 
Permuta'tion,  s.  an  exchange,  a  barter 
Perni'cious,  a.  destructive,  very  hurtful 
Perni'ciously,  ad.  hurtfully,  destruftively 
Perni'city,  /.  swiftness,  celerity 
Perora'tion,  ;.  the  close  of  an  oration,  &c. 
Perpe  nd,-u.  a.  to  consider  attentively 
Perpendic'ular,  a.  that  falls,  hangs,  or  is  di« 

reftly  downwards 
Perpendic'ular,  s.  a  level  or  plumb-line 
Perpen'sion,  s.  consideration 
Perpetrate,  v.  a.  to  commit  a  crime 
Perpetra'tion,  s.  the  commission  of  a  crimp 
Perpet'ual,  a.  never-ceasing,  continual 
Perpetually,  ad.  continually,  incessantly 
Perpet'uate,  7;.  a.  to  make  perpetual 
Perpetuity,  s.  duration  to  all  futurity 
Perple'x,  -v.  a.  to  disturb  with  doubts,  vex 
Perple'x,  a.  intricate,  difficult 
Perplex/ed,  part.  a.  confused,  difficult 
Perplexity,  /.  anxiety, intricacy 
Per'quisite,  s.  a  gift  free  of  office,  &c. 
Per'ry,  s.  wine  or  drink  made  of  pears 
Per'secute,  v.  a.  to  oppress,  vex,  trouble 
Persecu'tion,  s.  the  aft  of  persecuting 
Persecutor,  s.  an  oppressor 
Perseve'rance,  s.  firmness,  resolution 
Perseve're,  v.  n.  to  be  steadfast,  to  persist 
Persian,  a.  of,  from,  or  like  Persia 
Persi'st,  v.  n.  to  persevere,  to  continue  firm 
Persist'ence,  *,  obstinacy,  contumacy 
Per'son,  s.  an  individual;   human  being;  the 

shape  of  the  body  ;  exterior  appearance 
Per'sonable,  a.  handsome,  graceful 
Per'sQnage,  s.  a  considerable  person 



Per'sonal,  a.  pertaining  to  a  person 
Personality,  s.  individuality  of  any  one 
Personally,  ad.  in  person,  particularly 
Per'sonate,  v.  a.  to  counterfeit, to  represent 
Personifita'tion,  s.  prosopopoeia,  the  change 

of  things  to  persons 
Perspective,  a.  relating  to  vision,  optical 
Perspec'tive,  s .  a  spying-glass,  view,  visto 
Perspica'cious,  a.  quick*sighted,  sharp 
Perspicacity,  s.  quickness  of  sight,  &c. 
Fer'spicil,  s.  a  glass  through  which  things 

are  viewed  ;  an  optic  glass 
Perspicu'ity,  s.  clearness*  transparency 
Perspic'uous,  a.  transparent,  not  ambiguous 
Perspi'rable,  a.  emitted  by  the  pores 
Perspira'tion,  s.  excretion  by  the  pores 
Perspi're,  v.  n.  to  sweat  or  steam 
Persua'de,  v.  a.  to  bring  to  an  opinion 
Persua'sible,  a.  that  may  be  persuaded 
Persua'sion,  s.  the  act  of  persuading 
Persua'sive,  Persua'sory,  a.  able  to  persuade 
Persulta'tion,  s.  an  eruption  of  the  blood 
Pert,  a.  brisk,  lively,  saucy,  petulant 
Perta'in,  v.  n.  to  belong,  to  relate 
Pertinacious,  a.  obstinate,  stubborn,  wilful 
Pertinaciously,  ad.  obstinately,  stubbornly 
Pertina'city, /.  obstinacy,  resolution 
Per'tinence,  s.  fitness,  appositeness 
Pertinent,  a.  apt  to  the  purpose,  fit 
Pertin'gent,  a.  reaching  to,  touching 
Pert'ly,  ad.  briskly,  lively,  saucily 
Pert'ness,  s.  brisk  folly,  sauciness,  petulance 
Pertur'bate,  v.  a.  to  disturb,  to  disorder 
Perturba'tion,  s.  a  disquiet  of  mind 
Pertur'bed,  a.  disturbed,  disquieted 
Pertu'sed,  a.  punched,  pierced  with  holes 
Pertu'sion,  s.  the  act  of  piercing 
Perva'de,  v.  a.  to  pass  through,  permeate 
Perva'sion,  s.  the  act  of  passing  through 
PerverCe,  a.  obstinate,  stubborn,  petulant 
Perverse'ly,  ad.  vexatiously,  crossly 
Perverse'ness,  ft  petulance,  perversion 
Perver'sion,  s.  turning  to  a  wrong  sense 
perve'rt,  v.  a.  to  distort,  corrupt,  mislead 
Pervert'ible,  a.  that  may  be  perverted 
Pervica'cious,  a.  spitefully  obstinate 
Per'vious,  a.  admitting  passage 
Per'uke,  s.  a  cap  of  false  hair,  a  wig 
Per'ukemakei,  s.  a  wig  maker 
Peru'sal,  s .  the  act  of  reading  over 
Peru'se,  v.  a.  to  read  over,  to  observe 
Pesa'de,  s.  motion  of  a  horse  in  rearing 
Pest,  s.  a  plague,  pestilence,  mischief 
Pes'ter,  v.  a.  to  plague,  to  disturb,  to  harass 
Pest'house,  s.  a  plague  hospital 
pestiferous,  a.  deadly,  malignant,  infectious 
Pes'tilence,  s .  plague,  contagious  distemper 
Pes'tilent,  a.  producing  plagues,  malignant 
Pestilen'tial,  a.  infectious,  contagious 
fes'tle,  f.  a  tool  to  beat  in  a  mortar 

Pet,  /.  a  slight  displeasure  ;    a  fondling  lamb 
Pet'al, ;.  the  leaf  of  a  flower 
Peta'rd,  s.  an  engine  to  blow  up  places 
pete'chial,  a.  pestilentially  spotted 
pet'it,  a.  small,  inconsiderable 
peti'tion,  s.  a  request,  prayer,  entreaty 
Peti'tion,  v.  a.  to  supplicate,  to  solicit 
Petitionary,  a.  supplicatory,  petitioning 
Petitioner,  /.  one  who  offers  a  petition 
Petres'cent,  a.  becoming  stone,  hardening 
Petrifac'tion,  s.  act  of  turning  to  stone 
Petrifac'tive,  a.  able  to  turn  to  stone 
Pet'rify,  v.  to  change  to  or  become  stone 
Pet'ronal,  s.  a  pistol  or  small  gun 
Petticoat,  s.  a  woman's  lower  vestment 
Pettifogger,  /.  a  petty  small  rate  lawyer 
Pettifogging,  a.  low,  mean 
Pettish,  a.  apt  to  be  peevish,  froward 
Pet'tishness,  s.  fretfulness,  peevishness 
Pettitoes,  s.  the  feet  of  a  sucking  pig 
Petto,  s.  the  breast;  figuratively >  privacy 
Petty,  a.  small,  inconsiderable,  little 
Pet'ulance,  s.  sauciness,  peevishness 
Pet'ulant,  a.  saucy,  perverse,  wanton 
Pew,  s.  a  seat  enclosed  in  a  church 
Pew'et,  s.  a  water-fowl,  the  lapwing 
Pewter,  s.  a  compound  of  metals 
Pewterer,  s.  one  who  works  in  pewter 
Pha'eton,  s.  a  high  open  carriage 
Phagede'na,  s.  an  ulcer  where  the  sharpnes.s 

of  the  humours  eats  away  the  flesh 
Pha'lanx,  s.  a  troop  of  men  closely  embodied 
Phantasm,  :.  vain  imagination,  a  vision 
Phantom,  s .  a  spectre,  a  fancied  vision 
Pharisaical,  a.  externally  religious,  &c 
Pharmacol'ogy,  s.  the  knowledge  of  drugs 
Pharmacope'ia,  s .  a  dispensatory 
Pharmacop'olist,  s.  an  apothecary 
Phar'macy,  s.  the  trade  of  an  apothecary 
Pha'ros,  s.  a  light-house,  a  watch-tower 
Pha'sels,  s.  French  beans 
Pha'ses,  s.  appearances  of  the  moon,  &c. 
Pheas'ant,  s.  a  kind  of  wild  cock  or  hen 
Pheese,  v.  a.  to  comb,  to  fleece,  to  curry 
Phe'nix,  s.  the  bird   which  is  supposed  to 

exist  single,   and  to  rise  again    from  its 

own  ashes 
Phenom'enon,  j.  an  extraordinary  appearance 

in  the  works  of  nature 
Phi'al,  s.  a  small  bottle 

Philanthropy,;,  love  of  mankind,  kindness 
Phil'ibeg,  s.  a  kind  of  short  petticoat 
Philip'pic,  s.  any  invective,  declamation 
Philol'oger,  Philol'ogist,  s.  a  grammarian 
Philolo'gical,  a.  critical,  grammatical 
Philol'ogy,  s.  grammatical  learning,  criticism 
Phi'lomath,  s.  a  lover  of  learning 
Phil'omel,  s.  the  nightingale 
Phil'omot,  a.  coloured  like  a  dead  leaf 
Philos'opheme,  /.  a  principle  of  reasoning 



P  I   M 

Philos'opher,  x.  a  man  deep  in  knowledge 
Philos'opher's-stone,  x.    a  stone  dreamed  of 
by  alchymists,  which,  it  is  pretended,  by 
its  touch  transmutes  metals  into  gold 
Philosophical,  a.  belonging  to  philosophy 
Philos'ophy,  ;.  knowledge  natural  or  moral, 
the  hypothesis  upon  which  natural  effects 
are  explained 
Phil'ter,  x.  something  to  cause  love 
Phiz,  t,  the  face,  the  countenance 
Phlebot'omise,  -v.  a.  to  let  tlood 
Phlebot'omy,  x.  the  aft  of  blood-letting 
Phlegm,  x.  a  watery  humour  of  the  body 
Phlegmat'ic,  a.  troubled  with  phlegm,  dull 
Phleg'mon,  x.  a  tumour,  an  inflammation 
Phleg'monous,  a.  inflammatory,  burning 
Phleme,  x.  an  instrument  to  bleed  cattle 
Phlogis'tic,  a.  inflammatory,  hot 
Phlogis'ton,  x.   chymical  liquor  very  inflam- 
mable ;  the  inflammable  pait  of  the  body 
Phcenix,     See  Phenix 
Phonocamp'tic,£.  able  to  alter  sounds 
Phos'phorus,  x.  a  chymical  substance  which, 

exposed  to  air,  takes  fire  ;  morning  star 
Phrase,  x.  an  idiom  or  mode  of  speech 
Phraseol'ogy,  x.  style,  diction,  phrase-book 
Phrenet'ic,  a.  inflamed  in  the  brain,  frantic 
Phren'itis,  x.  inflammation  of  the  brain 
Phren'sy,  x.  madness,  franticness 
Phthis'ic,  x.  a  consumption  of  the  body 
Phthis'ical,  a.  wasting  by  disease 
Phylac'tery,  x.  a  bandage  on  which  was  in- 
scribed some  memorable  sentence 
Phys'ic,  x.  the  art  of  curingvdiseases  ;  medi- 
cines, remedies,  a  purge 
Physical,  a.  relating  to  natural  philosophy, 

not  moral,  medicinal 
Physi'cian,  x.  one  who  professes  physic 
Physics,  s.  natural  philosophy 
Physiognomist,  x.  a  judge  of  faces 
Physiog'nomy,  x.  the  art  of  discovering  the 
temper,  &c  by  the  features  of  the  face  \ 
the  face,  the  cast  of  the  look 
Physiolo'gical,  a.  relating  to  physiology 
Physiol'ogy,  x.  the  doctrine  of  nature 
Phytiv'orous,^.  that  eats  grass,  or  vegetables 
Phytoi'ogy,  x.  the  doftrine  of  plants 
Pi'acle,  x.  an  enormous  crime 
Piac'ular,  a.  expiatory,  criminal 
Pia-ma'ter,  x.  a  skin  covering  the  brain 
Pi'anet,  x.  a  magpie  ;  the  lesser  woodpecker 
Pias'ter,  x,  a  foreign  coin,  value  about  5s. 
Piaz'za,  t.  a  walk  under  a  roof  supported  by 

Pi'ca,  x.  a  kind  of  printing  letter 
Picaroo'n,  x.  a  robber,  a  plunderer 
Pick,  v.  to  choose,  select,  take  up,  clean, 

peck,  rob,  open  a  lock,  eat  slowly 
Pick'apack,  ad.  in  manner  of  a  pack 
PiOk'axe,  x.  an  axe  vrith  a  sharp  point 

Pick'back,  a.  on  the  back 
Pick'ed,  or  Pi'ked,  a.  sharp,  smart,  pointed 
Pick'er,  x.  one  who  picks,  a  pickaxe 
Pic'kle,  x.  a  salt  liquor,  a  thing  pickled 
Pic'kle,  v.  <x.  to  preserve  in  pickle 
Pic'kle-herring,  x.  a  jack-pudding,  a  zany 
Pick'lock,  x.  a  tool  to  pick  locks  with 
Pick'pocket,  x.  one  that  steals  from  pockets 
Pick'thank,  x.  a  talebearer,  a  flatterer 
Pitts,  x.    a  colony  of  Scythians  or  Germans 
who  settled  in  Scotland,  called  P/<3x,  from 
the  custom  of  painting  their  bodies 
Picto'rial,  a.  produced  by  a  painter 
Pic'ture,  x.  resemblance  of  things  in  colours 
Pid'dle,  v.  n.  to  feed  squeamishly,  to  trifle 
Pie,  x.  a  crust  baked  with  something  in  it 
Pi'ebald,  a.  of  various  colours,  diversified 
Piece,  x.  a  patch,  fragment,  gun,  coin,  &v. 
Piece,  v.  to  enlarge,  to  join,  to  unite 
Piece'meal,  a.  separate.. .ad.  in  pieces 
Pi'ed,  a.  partycoioured,  variegated 
Pier,  x.  the  column  or  support  of  an  arch 
Pierce,  v.  to  penetrate,  to  affect ;  to  bore 
Pier'cer,  x.  who  or  what  pierceth, 
Pier'cingly,flrf.  sharply 
Pi'etism,  x.  an  affectation  of  piety 
Pi'ety, ;.  discharge  of  duty  to  God 
Pig,  x.  a  young  sow  or  boar ;  mass  of  lead,  &c 
Pi'geon,  x.  a  well-known  bird 
Pi'geon-livered,  a.  mild,  soft,  gentle 
Pig'gin,  x.  a  small  wooden  vessel 
Pight,  part.  pass,  of  to  pitch,  pitched,  fixed 
Pig'ment,  x.  paint,  colours  for  painting 
Pig'my,  x.  a  very  little  person,  a  dwarf 
Pignoration,  x.  the  act  of  pledging 
Pig'nut,  x.  an  earth  nut 
Pike,  x.  a  fish,  a  lance  used  by  soldiers 
Pi'kestaff,  x.  the  wooden  handle  of  a  pike 
Pilas'ter,  x.  a  small  square  column 
Pilch'er,  x.  a  cloak  lined  with  fur  ;   a  fish 
Pile,  x.  a  heap,  edifice,  pieij^Df  wood 
Pile,  v.  to  heap  or  lay  upon 
Pil'fer,  v.  #>  to  steal,  practise  petty  theft 
Pil'ferer,  x.  one  who  steals  petty  things 
Pilgar'lic,  s.  a  name  of  ridicule 
PiFgrim,  x.  a  traveller,  a  wanderer,  one  who 

travels  to  sacred  places  for  devotion 
Pil'grimage,  x.  a  journey  for  devotion 
Pill,  x.  a  small  round  ball  of  physic 
Pil'lage,  x.  plunder ...-y.  a.  to  plunder,  spoil 
Pillar,  x.  a  column,  supporter,  maintainer 
Pil'lared,  a.  supported  by  or  like  pillars 
Pil'lion,  x.  a  woman's  saddle,  a  pad 
Pil'lory,  x.  an  instrument  of  punishment 
Pillow,  x.  a  bag  of  feathers  to  sleep  on 
Pillowbee'r,  x.  the  cover  of  a  pillow 
Pilos'ity,  s.  hairiness,  roughness 
Pi'lot,  x.  one  who  directs  a  ship's  cours.e 
Pi'lotage,  x.  the  pay  or  office  of  a  pilot 
Piment'aj  x.  all-Spice,  Jamaica  pep??r 



P  L  A 

Pimp, ;.  a  procurer,  a  he-bawd 
Pimp'ing,  a.  little,  small,  petty 
Pim'ple,  /.  a  small  red  pustule  on  the  skin 
Pin,  s.  a  short  pointed  wire,  a  peg,  a  bolt 
Pin'cers,  .<•.  an  instrument  to  draw  nails,  &c. 
Pinch,  v.  to  squeeze,  gripe,  be  frugal 
Pinch,  s.  a  painful  squeeze  with  the  fingers 
Pinch/beck,  /.  a  kind  of  yellow  metal 
Pin'cushion,  s.  a  stuffed  bag  to  stick  pins  in 
Pindar'ic,  a.  like  Pindar,  lofty,  sublime 
Pine,  v.  to  languish,  grieve  for...*,  a  tree 
Pi'neapple,  s.  a  fruit,  the  anana 
Pin'fold,  j.  a  place  to  pen  cattle  in 
Pin'guid,  a.  fat,  unctuous,  greasy,  plump 
Pin'ion,  s.  the  wing  of  a  fowl  ;  fetters 
Pinion,  v.  a.  to  bind  the  wings,  to  shackle 
Pink,  s.  a  flower  ;  any  thing  supremely  em- 
inent ;  a  fish,  the  minnow 
Pink,  s.  a  stamp  with  small  holes 
Pin'maker,  s.  one  who  makes  pins 
Pin'money,  s.  a  wife's  pocket  money 
Pin'nace,  s.  a  man-of-war's  boat 
Pin'nacle,  s.  a  turret,  a  high  spiring  point 
Pinner,  „<.  part  of  a  head-dress  ;  a  pinmaker 
Pint,  s.  half  a  quart,  twelve  ounces 
Pionee'r,  s.  a  soldier  to  level  roads,  &c. 
Pi'ous,  a.  devout,  godly,  religious 
Pi'ously,  ad.  in  a  pious  manner 
Pip,  s.  a  spot  on  cards  ;  a  disease  of  fowls 
Pip,  v.  n.  to  chirp  or  cry  as  a  bird 
Pipe,  s.  a  musical  instrument  ;  a  tube  ;  a  li- 
quid measure  containing  two  hogsheads  ; 
the  key  of  the  voice,  &c. 
Pipe,  v.  n.  to  play  on  a  pipe,  to  whine 
Pi'per,  s.  one  who  plays  on  a  pipe 
Pi'ping,  a.  weak,  sickly,  feeble  ;  hot 
Pip'kin,  s.  a  small  earthen  boiler 
Pip'pin,  s.  a  small  apple 
Pi'qu2nt,  a.  stimulating,  sharp,  pungent 
Pique,  s.  ill-will,  petty  malice,  grudge 
Pique,  v-  a.  to  offend,  to  irritate 
Pique't,  s.  a  game  at  cards 
Pi'racy,  s.  the  act  of  robbing  on  the  sea 
Pi'rate,  /.  a  sea-robber  ;  a  plagiary 
Pirat'ical,  a.  predatory,  robbing 
Pis'cary,  .'.  a  privilege  of  fishing 
Pisca'tion,  s.  the  act  or  practice  of  fishing 
Pis'catory,  a.  relating  to  fish  or  fishing 
Pisciv'orous,  a.  fish-eating,  living  on  fish 
Pish  !  inter,  of  slighting  or  contemning 
Pis'mire,  s.  an  ant,  or  emmet 
Piss'burnt,  a.  stained  with  urine 
Pista'chio,  s.  a  fragrant  Syrian  nut 
Pis'tol,  s-  the  smallest  of  fire-arms 
pisto'le,  s.  a  foreign  coin,  value  I  7s. 
Pis'ton,  s .  part  of  a  pump,  or  a  syringe 
Pit,/,  a  hole  ;  abyss  ;  the  grave ;  hollow  part 
Pit'apat,  s.  a  flutter,  a  palpitation 
Pitch,  s.  the  resin  of  the  pine  ;  size  ;  rate 
^iteh,  z\  to  fix  ;  light ;  smear  with  pitch 

I  Pitch'er,  s.  an  earthen  pot ;  an  iron  bar 
1  Pitch'fork,  s.  a  fork  to  load  dung,  &c. 
I  Pitch'y,  a.  black,  dark,  dismal  ;  smeared 
j  Pit'coal,  /.  fossile  coal 
J  Pit'eous,  a.  sorrowful ;  tender  ;  mean 
■  Pit'eously,  ad.  after  a  piteous  manner 
I  Pit'fal,  s.  a  pit  dug  and  covered  over 
Pith,  s.  the  marrow  of  a  plant ;  energy 
Pith'iness,  /.  energy,  strength,  force 
Pithless,  a.  wanting  pith,  wanting  energy 
Pith'y,  a.  consisting  of  pith  j  forcible 
Pit'iable,  a.  deserving  pity 
Pit'iful,  a.  tender,  melancholy,  mean ;  paltry 
Pit'ifully,  ad.  mournfully,  despicably 
Pit'iless,  a.  wanting  compassion,  merciless 
Pit'man,  s.  one  who  works  in  a  pit 
Pit'saw,  s.  a  large  saw  for  two  men 
Pit'tance,  s.  an  allowance,  a  small  portion 
Pitu'itous,  a.  consisting  of  phlegm 
Pit'y,  s.  sympathy  with  misery  or  pain 
Pit'y,  v.  a.  to  compassionate  misery 
Piv'ot,  s.  a  pin  on  which  any  thing  turns 
Pix,  s.  the  box  for  the  consecrated  host 
Pla'cable,  a.  that  which  maybe  appeased 
Pl-aca'rd,  Placa'rt,  s.  an  edict,  a  manifesto 
Pla'cate,  v.  a.  to  appease,  to  reconcile 
Place,  s.  locality,  space  in  general  ;  a  man- 
sion, existence,  rank,  priority,  office 
Place,  v.  a.  to  put  in  a  place,  fix,  settle 
Pla'cid,  a.  gentle,  quiet,  kind,  mild,  soft 
Pla'cidness, ;.  peaceableness,  quietness 
Pla'cit,  s.  decree,  determination 
Plack'et,  s.  the  open  part  of  -a  petticoat 
Pla'giarism,  s.  literary  theft,  adoption  of  the 

thoughts  or  works  of  another 
Pla'giary,  s.  a  thief  in  literature 
Plague,  s.  a  pestilence,  trouble,  vexation 
Plague,  v.  a.  to  infect  with  pestilence  ;  teaze 
Pla'guily,  ad.  vexatiously,  horribly 
Pla'guy,  a.  vexatious,  troublesome,  harassing 
Plaice,  s.  a  common  kind  of  flat  fish 
Plaid,  s.  a  variegated  stuff,  a  Scotch  dress 
Plain,  a.  smooth  ;  artless,  clear,  simple 
Plain,  Plainly,  ad.  distinctly,  flatly,  fairly 
Plaindeal'ing,  s.  acting  without  art 
Plain'ness,  s.  levelness,  want  of  show 
Plaint,  s.  a  lamentation,  a  complaint 
Plaintiff,  s.  he  that  commences  a  suit 
Plaintive,  a.  expressive  of  sorrow,  lamenting 
Plain'work, ;.  common  needle-work 
Plais'ter,  s.  a  salve  spread  on  linen,  &c. 
Plait,  /.  a  fold,  a  double...?;,  a.  to  fold 
Plan,  i.  a  scheme,  form,  draught,  model 
Plan,  v.  a.  to  scheme,  to  form  in  design 
Planch'ed,  a.  made  of  boards 
Planch'er,  s.  a  board,  a  plank 
Plane,  s.  a  level,  a  tool...v-  to  level 
Plan'et,  s.  an  erratic  or  wandering  star 
Plan'etary,  a.  pertaining  to  the  planets 
Plan'etstruck,  a,  blasted,  amazed 



P  L   U 

Plan'ish,  v.  a,  to  polish,  to  smooth 
Plan'isphere,  s.  a  sphere  projected  on  a  plane 
Plank,  s.  a  brard...i>.  a.  to  lay  with  planks 
Planoco'nical,  a.  level  on  one  side  and  coni- 
cal on  the  other 
Planocon'vex,  a.  fiat  on  the  one  side  and 

convex  on  the  other 
Plant,  j.  an"  vegetable  production 
Plant,  v.  a.  to  set,  cultivate,  fix,  settle 
Pian'tain,  s.  an  herb,  a  tree  and  its  fruit 
Plan'tal,  a.  pertaining  to  plants 
Plantation,  s.  a  colony,  a  place  planted 
Planted,  a.  settled,  established 
Planter,  s.  one  who  sows  or  cultivates 
Plash,  s.  a  small  puddle  of  water 
Plash,  v.  a.  to  dash  with  water 
Plash'y,  a.  watery,  filled  with  puddles 
Plasm,  s.  a  mould,  a  matrix  for  metals 
Pla'ster,  s.  lime  to  cover  walls  ;  a  salve 
Pla'ster,  v.  a.  to  cover  with  plaster,  &c. 
Pia'sterer,  s.  one  who  plasters  walls,  &c. 
Plas'tic,  a.  having  power  to  give  form 
Plas'tron,  s.  a  piece  of  stuffed  leather 
Plat,  s.  a  small  piece  of  ground. ..-j.  to  inter- 
Plate,  s.  wrought  metal,  a  dish  to  eat  on 
Plat'en,  ;.  part  of  a  printing  press 
Pfat'form,  s.  a  horizontal  plane,  a  level 
Platon'ic,rt.  relating  to  Plato,  pure 
Platoo'n,  s.  a  square  body  of  musqueteers 
Plat'ter,  s.  a  large  earthen  or  wooden  dish 
Plau'dit, ;.  applause,  approbation 
Plau'ditery,  a.  praising,  commending 
Plausibility,  s.  appearance  of  right 
Plaus'ibie,  a.  superficially  pleasing,  specious 
Plaus'ibly,  ad.  speciously,  seemingly  fair 
Plaus'ive,  a.  applauding,  plausible 
Play,  s.  amusement,  sport,  game  ;  a  drama 
Play,  v.  to  sport,  game,  trifle,  perform 
Player,  ;.  one  who  plays  or  performs 
Play'fellow,  s.  a  companion  in  youth 
Play 'ful,  a.  sportive,  full  of  levity 
Play'game,  s.  play  of  children 
Play'house,  s.  a  house  for  acting  plays  in 
Play'thing,  s.  a  toy,  a  thing  to  play  with 
Play'wright,  ;.  a  maker  or  writer  of  plays 
Plea,  s.  a  form  of  pleading,  an  apology 
Pleach,  v.  a.  to  bend,  to  interweave 
Plead,  v.  a.  to  defend,  to  discuss,  to  argue 
Plead 'able,  a.  that  which  may  be  pleaded 
Plead'er,  s.  one  who  speaks  for  or  against 
Plead'ing,  s.  the  act  or  form  of  pleading 
Pleas'ant,  a.  delightful,  cheerful,  merry 
Pleas'antly,  ad.  merrily,  in  good  humour 
Pleas'antness,  s.  delightfulness,  gaiety 
Pieas'antry,  s.  gaiety,  merriment,  lively  talk 
Please,  v.  to  delight,  content,  like,  choose 
Pleas'ingly,  ad.  so  as  to  give  delight 
Pleas'urable,  a.  delightful,  pleasant 
Pleas'ure,  *.  delight,  gratification,  choice 

Plebeian,  a.  popular,  vulgar,  low,  common 
Plebe'ian,  s.  one  of  the  lower  people 
Pledge, .'.  a  pawn...?;,  a.  to  invite  to  drink 
Pledg'et,  ».  a  small  mass  cf  lint 
Plei'ades,  t.  a  northern  constellation 
Pien'arily,  ad.  fully,  entirely,  perfectly 
Plen'ary,  a.  full,  entire,  perfect 
Plenilu'nary,  a.  relating  to  the  full  moon 
Pleuip'otence,  s.  fulness  of  power 
Plenip'otent,  a.  invested  with  full  power 
Plenipotentiary,  s.  a  negociator  for  a  princer- 
or  state,  invested  with  power  to  treat,  <Scc. 
Ple'nist,  /.  a  philosopher  who  holds  that  alt 

space  is  full  of  matter 
Plen'itude,  s.  fulness,  repletion,  abundance 
Plen'teous,  a.  copious,  abundant,  fruitful 
Plen'teously,  ad.  copiously,  abundantly 
Plen'tiful,  a.  copious,  exuberant,  fruitful 
Plen'ty,  u  abundance,  fruitfulness 
Ple'onasm,  s.  a  redundancy  of  words 
Pleth'ora,  Pleth'ory,  *.  a  fulness  of  habit 
Plev'in,  s.  in  law,  a  warrant  or  assurance 
Pleu'ra,  ;.  a  skin  that  covers  the  chest 
Pleu'risy,  s.  an  inflammation  of  the  pleura 
Pleuritic,  a.  diseased  with  a  pleurisy 
Pli'able,  a.  flexible,  apt  to  bend 
Pli'ableness,  s.  easiness  to  be  bent 
Pli'ant,  a.  flexible  ;  easily  persuaded 
Pli'antness,  ;.  flexibility,  toughness 
Pii'ers,  /.  a  kind  of  small  pincers 
Plight,  s.  condition,  state,  good  case,  gage 
Plight,  v.  a.  to  pledge,  give  as  surety,  weave 
Plinth,  j.  the  lowermost  part  of  a  pillar 
Plod,  v.  n.  to  toil,  to  drudge,  to  study  dully 
Plod'der,  s.  a  dull,  heavy,  laborious  man    - 
Plod'ding,  s.  close  drudgery  or  study 
Plot,  /.  a  small  extent  of  ground,  a  scheme,, 

conspiracy,  stratagem,  contrivance 
Plot,  v.  to  scheme  mischief,  plan,  contrive 
Plov'er, ;.  the  name  of  a  bird,  a  lapwing 
Plough,  s.  an  instrument  of  husbandry 
Plough,  v.  a.  to  turn  up  with  a  plough 
Plough'man,  s.  one  that  attends  the  plough 
Ploughmon'day,  s .  the  Monday  after  Twelfth 
Day  ;  in  the  north  of  England  the  plough- 
men draw  a  plough  from  door  to  door,  and 
beg  money  to  spend  in  rural  festivity 
Plough'share,  /.  the  iron  of  a  plough 
Pluck,  j.   a  pull  ;  the  liver  and  lights,  &c. 
Pluck,  v.  a.  to  snatch,  draw,  strip  feathers 
Plug,  s.  a  stopple...i>.  a.  to  stop  with  a  plug 
Plum,  s.  a  fruit ;  dried  grapes  ;  lOO,GCCl. 
Plu'mage,  s.  feathers,  a  suit  of  feathers 
Plumb,  /.  a  leaden  weight  on  a  line 
Plumb,  v.  a  to  sound,  to  regulate 
Plumb,  ad.  perpendicularly  to  the  horizon 
Plumb'er,  *.  one  who  works  upon  lead 
Plume,  !.  a  feather  ;  pride,  towering  mien 
Plume,  v.  a.  to  pick  and  adjust  feathers,  to 
adorn,  to  make  proud  ;  to  strip 

P  O  I 



Piumi'gerous,  a.  having  feathers 
Plum'met,  s.  a  leaden  weight  or  pencil 
Plu'mous,  a.  feathery,  like  feathers 
Plump,  a.  somewhat  fat,  not  lean,  sleek 
Plump,  v.  to  fall  like  a  stone  in  water  j  to 

fatten,  to  swell,  to  make  large 
Plump'er,  s.  sudden  stroke,  what  plumps  out 
Plump'ness,  s.  fulness,  comeliness 
Plumpud'ding,  s.  pudding  made  with  plums 
Plu'my,  a.  covered  with  feathers 
Plun'der,  s.  pillage,  spoils  gotten  in  war 
Plun'der,  v.  a.  to  pillage,  to  rob  by  force 
Plun'derer,  s.  a  hostile  pillager,  a  thief 
Plunge,  v.  to  put  or  sink  suddenly  under  wa- 
ter ;  to  fall  into  any  hazard  or  distress 
Plunge,  s.  t  he  act  of  putting  under  water 
Plunk'et,  s.  a  kind  of  blue  colour 
Plu'ral,  a.  implying  more  than  one 
Piu'ralist,  s.   a  clergyman  who  holds  more 

benefices  than  one,  with  cure  of  souls 
Plurality,  s.  a  number  more  than  one 
Plush,  s.  a  kind  of  shaggy  cloth 
Plu'vial,  Plu'vious,  a.  rainy,  wet 
Plu'vial,  s.  a  priest's  vestment  or  cope 
Ply,  v.  to  work  closely  ;  to  solicit ;   to  bend 
Ply,  s.  bent,  turn,  form,  bias,  fold 
Pneumat'ic,  a.  relative  to  wind 
Pneumat'ics,  s.  the  doctrine  of  the  air 
Poach,  v.  to  boil  slightly  ;  to  steal  game 
Poach'er,  /.  one  who  steals  game 
Poach'y,  a.  damp,  marshy,  moist 
Pock,  s.  a  pustule  of  the  small  pox 
Poc'ket,  s.  a  small  bag  inserted  into  clothes 

...7;.  a.  to  put  in  the  pocket 
Poc'ketglass,  s.  a  glass  for  the  pocket 
Pock'hole,  s.  a  scar  made  by  the  small  pox 
Poc'uient,  a.  fit  for  drink,  drinkable 
Pod,  j.  the  husk  or  shell  of  pulse,  seeds,  dec. 
Pod'der,  s.  a  gatherer  of  peasecods 
Podge,  s.  a  puddle,  a  plash,  a  watery  place 
Po'em,  s.  a  composition  in  verse 
Po'esy,  s.   the  art  of  writing  poems 
Po'et,  s.  a  writer  of  poems,  an  inventor 
Poetas'ter,  s.  a  vile  petty  poet 
Po'etess,  Po'etress,  s.  a  female  poet 
Poet'ical,  a.  pertaining  to  poetry 
Poet'ically,  ad.  by  the  fiction  of  poetry 
Po'etry,  s.  metrical  composition,  poems 
Poign'ancy,  s.  sharpness,  asperity 
Poign'ant,  a.  sharp,  irritating,  satirical 
Point,  s.    a  sharp  end  ;   indivisible  part  of 
time  or  space  ;  punctilio  ;  degree  ;  aim  ; 
instance  ;  a  cape  ;  a  stop 
Point,  v.  to  sharpen,  direct,  note,  level 
Point'ed,  part.  a.  sharp,  epigrammatical 
Point'el,  s.  any  thing  on  a  point 
Point'er,  s.  any  thing  that  points  ;  a  dog 
Point'Iess,  a.  blunt,  not  sharp,  obtuse 
Pois'on,  5.  what  destroys  life,  venom 
Pois'on,  v.  a,  to  infect  with  poison,  corrupt 

Pois'onous,  a.  venomous,  destructive 

Poit'rel,  s.  a  graving  tool,  a  breast-plate 

Poize,  s.  a  weight,  balance,  equipoize 

Poize,  v.  a.  to  balance,  to  weigh  mentally 

Poke,  s.  a  small  bag  or  pocket 

Poke,  v.  a.  to  feel  in  the  dark,  search  out 

Po'ker,  s.  an  iron  bar  used  to  stir  the  fire 

Po'lar,  a.  pertaining  to  the  poles 

Polar'ity,  s.  tendency  to  the  poles 

Pole,  s.  either  extremity  of  the  axis  of  the 

earth;  a  staff;  a  measure  of  five  yards  and 

a  half  ;  a  piece  of  timber  erected 
Po'leaxe,  s.  an  axe  fixed  to  a  long  pole 
Po'lecat,  s.  a  stinking  animal,  the  fitchew 
Po'ledavies,  s.  a  sort  of  coarse  canvas 
Polem'ic,  a.  controversial,  disputative 
Polem'ic,  j.  a  disputant,  a  controvertist 
Po'lestar,  s.  a  star  near  the  pole  ;  any  guide 
Poli'ce,  s.  the  regulation  of  a  city,  &c. 
Pol'icy,  s.  art  of  government ;  prudence 
Pol'ish,  s.  artificial  gloss,  elegance 
Pol'ish,  v.  to  smooth,  brighten  ;  to  civilize 
Pol'isher,  s.  what  refines  or  polishes 
Poli'te,  a.  elegant  of  manners,  glossy 
Polite'ness,  s.  gentility,  good  breeding 
Pol'itic,  Polit'ical,    a.     relating  to  politics, 

prudent,  cunning,  artful,  skilful 
Polit'ically,  ad.  with  policy,  artfully 
Politi'cian,  .f.  one  skilled  in  politics 
Politics,  s.  the  science  of  government 
Poi'ilure,  s.  the  gloss  given  by  polishing 
Pol'ity,  s.  form  of  government  of  any  city  of 

commonwealth,  civil  constitution 
Poll,  s.  the  head,  list  of  those  that  vote 
Poll,  v.  a.  to  lop  the  tops  of  trees ;  to  mow  ; 

take  a  list  of  voters  ;  to  shear,  clip  shor': 
Pol'lard,  s.  a  tree  lopped,  a  fine  sort  of  bran 
Poi'lenger,  s.  brushwood 
Pollu'te,  v.  a.  to  defile,  to  taint,  to  corrupt 
Pollu'tion,  s.  act  of  defiling,  defilement 
I'oltroo'n,  s.  a  coward,  dastard,  scoundrel 
Polyacous'tic,  a.  multiplying  sound 
Polyan'thus,  s.  the  name  of  a  flower 
Pol}  car'pous,  a.  bearing  much  fruit 
Polye'drous,  a.  having  many  sides 
Polyg'amy,  s.  a  plurality  of  wives 
Poi'yglot,  a.  that  is  in  many  languages 
Poi'ygona  s.  a  figure  of  many  angles 
Polyg'onal,  a.  having  many  angles 
Pol'ygram,  s.  a  figure  of  many  lines 
Polyg'raphy,  s.  art  of  writing  in  ciphers 
Polyph'onism,  s.  a  multiplicity  of  sounds 
Poi'ypus,  s.  a  sea  animal  with  many  feet  j  a 

disease  or  swelling  in  the  nostrils 
Polysyllable,  .<.  a  word  of  many  syllables 
Poly 'theism,  s.  belief  of  a  plurality  of  gods 
Poma'ceous,  a.  consisting  of  apples 
Poma'de,  s.  a  fragrant  ointment 
Poma'tum,  s.   an  ointmen.t  made  of  hog's 

lard,  sheep's  suet,  &c. 

P  O  R 


P  o  s 

Poman'der,  s.  a  perfumed  ball  or  powder 
Pome'granate,  *.  a  tree  and  its  fruit 
Po'meroy,  s.  a  large  kind  of  apple 
Pomiferous,  a.  bearing  apples 
Pom'mel,  *.  a  knob  on  a  sword  or  saddle 
Pom'mel,  v.  a.  to  beat,  to  bruise,  to  punch 
Pomp,  s.  splendour,  pride,  ostentation 
Pom'pion,  Pump'kin,  s  a  kind  of  melon 
Pomp'ous,  a.  stately,  magnificent,  grand 
Pomp'ously,  ad.  magnificently,  splendidly 
Pond,  s.  a  small  pool  or  lake  of  water 
Pon'der,  v.  to  weigh  mentally,  to  muse 
Pon'derable,  a.  capable  to  be  weighed 
Pon'deral,  a.  estimated  by  weight 
Ponderosity,  s.  weight,  gravity,  heaviness 
Pon'derous,  a.  heavy,  momentous,  forcible 
Po'neut,  a.  western 
Pon'iard,  s.  a  small  pointed  dagger 
Pon'tage,  s.  bridge  duties  for  repairs 
Pon'tiff,  s.  a  high  priest,  the  Pope 
Pontifical,  a.  belonging  to  a  high  priest 
Pontifical,  s.  a  book  of  ecclesiastical  rites 
Pontificate,  s.  papacy,  the  popedom 
Pon'tifice,  s.  bridge  work,  edifice  of  a  bridge 
Pon'ton,  s.  a  floating  bridge  of  boats 
Po'ny,  s.  a  small  horse 
Pool,  s.  a  standing  water  ;  a  term  at  cards 
Poop,  s.  the  hindmost  part  of  a  ship 
Poor,  a.  not  rich  ;  trifling  ;  mean  ;  dejected 
Poor'ly,  ad.  without  spirit,  indisposed 
Pop,  s.  a  small,  smart,  quick  sound  " 
Pop,  v.  to  move  or  enter  quickly  or  slily 
Pope,  /.  the  bishop  of  Rome  ;  a  fish 
Po'pedom,  s.  jurisdiction  of  the  Pope 
Po'pery,  Pa'pistry,  s.  the  popish  religion 
Po'peseye,  s.  a  part  of  the  thigh 
Pop'gun,  Pot'gun,  s.  a  child's  gun 
Popina'tion,  s.  a  frequenting  of  taverns 
Pop'injay,  s.  a  parrot,  woodpecker  ;  a  fop 
Po'pish,  a.  taught  by  the  Pope,  Romish 
Pop'lar,  /.  a  tree 
Pop'py,  s.  the  name  of  a  plant 
Pop'ulace,  /.  the  multitude,  the  vulgar 
Pop'ular,  a.  pleasing  to  the  people,  vulgar 
Popularity,  s.  the  favour  of  the  people 
Pop'ulate,  v.  n.  to  breed  people 
Popula'tion,  s.  the  number  of  people 
Pop'ulous,  a.  full  of  people,  well  inhabited 
Por'celain,  /.  China  ware  ;  an  herb 
Porch,  j.  a  portico,  an  entrance  with  a  roof 
Por'cupine, ;.  a  sort  of  large  hedgehog 
Pore,  v.  n.  to  look  close  to,  or  intensely 
Pores,  s.   certain  imperceptible  holes  in  the 
body,  where  the  hairs  grow,  and  through 
which  sweat  and  humours  evaporate 
Po'rism,  ;.  a  general  theorem  or  rule 
Pork,  s.  swine"s  flesh  unsalted 
Por'ker,  Pork'iing,  s.  a  young  pig 
Poros'ity,  s.  quality  of  having  pores 
Po'rous,  Po'ry,  a.  full  o,f  pores 
P  2 

Por'poise,  Por'pus, :.  the  sea  hog 
Porra'ceous,  a.  greenish,  like  a  leek 
Por'ret,  s.  a  scallion,  a  leek 
Por'ridge,  Pot'tage,  s.  a  kind  of  broth 
Por'ringer,  s.  a  vessel  for  spoon  meat 
Port,  s.  a  harbour,  aperture  ;  air,  mien 
Port'able,  a.  that  which  may  be  carried 
Port'age, ;.  price  of  carriage,  a  porthole 
Port'al,  5.  a  gate,  the  arch  of  a  gate 
Port'ance,  s.  air,  mien,  port,  demeanour 
Povtcul'lis,  j-.  a  sort  of  drawbridge 
Porte,  s.  the  court  of  the  Turkish  emperor 
Port'ed,  a.  borne  in  a  regular  order 
Porte'nd,  v.  a.  to  forebode,  to  foreshow, 
Porten'sion,  s.  the  act  of  foretokening 
Porte'nt,  s.  an  omen,  or  foretokening  of  ill 
Portent'ous,  a.  monstrous,  ominous 
Port'er,  s.   one  who  has  charge  of  a  gate  ;  a 

carrier  :  a  kind  of  strong  beer 
Port'erage,  j.  the  hire  of  a  porter 
Port'glaive,  Porfglave,  s.  a  sword-bearer 
Port'hole,  s.  a  hole  to  point  cannon  through 
Port'ico, ;.  a  covered  walk,  a  piazza 
Por'tion,  s.  part,  allotment  ;  wife's  fortune 
Port'liness,  s.  grandeur  of  demeanour 
Port'ly,  a.  majestical,  grand  of  mien 
Portman'teau,  t.  a  bag  to  carry  clothes  in 
Por'trait,  s.  a  picture  drawn  from  life 
Portra'y,  v.  a.  to  paint,  to  adorn 
Port'ress,  s.  the  female  guardian,  of  a  gate 
Pose,  v.  a.  to  puzzle,  appose,  interrogate 
Pos'ited,  a.  placed,  ranged,  put 
Posi'tion, !.  a  situation  ;  an  assertion 
Positional,  a.  respecting  position 
Pos'itive,  a.  absolute,  assured,  certain 
Positively,  ad.  certainly,  peremptorily 
Pos'se,  s.  an  armed  power,  a  large  body 
Posse'ss,  v.  a.  to  have  as  an  owner,  to  obtain 
Posses'sion,  s.  a  having  in  one's  own  power 
Possess'ive,  Possess'ory,  a.  having  possession 
Possessor,  5.  an  owner,  master,  proprietor 
Pos'set,  j.  milk  curdled  with  wine,  &c. 
Possibility,  /.  the  power  of  being  or  doing 
Pos'sible,  a.  having  the  power  to  be  or  do 
Pos'sibly,  ad.  by  any  power,  perhaps 
Post,  s.  a  messenger,  piece  of  timber,  office 
Post,  v.  to  travel  with  speed,  to  place,  to  fix 
Po'stage,  s.  money  paid  for  a  letter 
Postcha'ise,  s.  a  light  body-carriage 
Postda'te,r.a.  to  date  later  than  the  realtime 
Postdilu'vian,  a.  living  since  the  flood 
Po'ster,  s.  a  courier,  one  that  travels  hastily 
Poste'rror,  a.  happening  after,  backward 
Posteriority,  s.  the  state  of  being  after 
Poste'riors,  s.  the  hinder  parts,  the  breech 
Posterity,  /.  succeeding  generations 
Po'stern,  s.  a  small  gate,  a  little  door 
Postexist'ence,  s.  a  future  existence 
Postha'ste,  ad.  very  fast  or  quick 
Po'sthouse, ;.  a  house  to  take  in  letters 

P  o  w 



Po'sthumous,  a.  done,  had,  or  published  af- 
ter one's  decease 
Postil'lion,  s.  one  who  guides  a  chaise, or  the 

first  pair  of  a  set  of  six,  in  a  coach 
Postmerid'ian,  a.  being  in  the  afternoon 
Po'st-office,  s.  a  posthouse,  place  for  letters 
Postpo'ne,  v.  a.  to  put  off,  delay,  undervalue 
Po'stscript,  s.  a  writing  added  to  a  letter 
Postulate,  s.  a  position  assumed  or  supposed 

without  proof  ...v.  a.  to  assume 
Postula'tion,  s.  a  supposing  without  proof 
Postula'tum,  s.  an  assumed  position 
Pos'ture,  /.  position,  place,  disposition 
Pos'turemaster,  s.  one   who  practises,  &c. 

artificial  contortions  of  the  body 
Po'sy,  s.  a  motto  on  a  ring  ;  a  nosegay 
Pot,  s.  a  vessel  to  hold  liquids  or  meat 
Pot,  v.  a.  to  preserve  seasoned  in  pots 
Po'table,  Pot'ulent,  a.  fit  to  drink 
Potar'go,  s.  a  West-Indian  pickle 
Pot'ash, ;.  ashes  from  burnt  vegetables 
Puta'tion,  s.  a  drinking-bout,  a  draught 
Pota'toe,  s.  an  esculent  root 
Pofbellied,  a.  having  a  swoln  paunch 
Potch,  v.  a.  to  thrust,  to  push,  to  poach 
Pot'companion,  s.  a  fellow-drinker 
Po'tency,  s.  power,  influence,  efficacy 
Po'tent,  a.  powerful,  efficacious,  mighty 
Potentate,  j,  a  monarch,  sovereign,  prince 
Poten'tial,  a.  existing  in  possibility,  not  in 

act  ;  powerful,  efficacious 
Po'tently,  ad.  powerfully,  forcibly 
Po'ther,  ;.  a  bustle,  stir,  tumult 
Pot'hook,  s.  a  hook  to  hang  pots,  <kc.  on 
Po'tion,  s.  a  draught,  commonly  in  physic 
Pot'sherd, s.  a  fragment  of  a  broken  pot 
Pot'ter,  s.  a  maker  of  earthen  vessels 
Pot'tery,  s.  the  work,  &c.  of  a  potter 
Pot'tle,  s.  a  measure  of  four  pints 
Potval'iant,  a.  heated  to  courage  by  liquor 
Pouch,  s.  a  small  bag,  pocket,  purse 
Pov'erty,  s.  indigence,  meanness,  defect 
Poult,  s.  a  young  chicken 
Poult'erer,  s.  one  who  sells  fowls 
Poul'tice,  s.  a  mollifying  application 
Poult'ry,  /.  all  kinds  of  domestic  fowls 
Pounce,  s.  the  talon  of  a  bird  of  prey  j  the 

powder  of  gum  sandarach  for  paper 
Poun'cet-box,  s.  a  small  box  perforated 
Pound,  s.  a  weight  ;  20  shillings  ;  a  pinfold 
Pound,  v.  a.  to  beat  with  a  pestle 
Pound'age,  s.  an  allowance  of  so  much  in  the 

pound  ;   payment  rated  by  weight  ;  fees 

paid  to  the  keeper  of  a  pound 
Pound'er,  s.  a  cannon  of  a  certain  bore 
Pour,  v.  to  empty  liquids  out  of  any  vessel  j 

to  flow  ;  to  rush  tumultously 
Pout,  s.  a  kind  of  fish  ;  a  kind  of  bird 
Pout,  v.  n.  to  look  sullen,  to  frown 
Pow'der,  s.  dust ;  dust  of  starsh  ;  gunpowder 

Pow/der-box,  s.  a  box  for  hair-powder 
Pow'der-horn,  s.  a  horn  for  gunpowder 
Pow'dering-tub,  s.  a  vessel  for  salting  meat 
Pow'der-mill,j.  a  mill  to  make  gunpowder  in 
Pow'dery,  a.  dusty,  friable,  soft 
Pow'er,     s.    command,    authority,    ability, 

strength,  force,  influence,  military  force 
Pow'erful,  a.  potent,  mighty,  efficacious 
Pow'erfully,^/.  potently,  efficaciously 
Pow'erless,  a.  weak,  impotent,  helpless 
Poy,  /.  a  rope-dancer's  or  waterman's  pole 
Practicable,  a.  performable  ;  assailable 
Practical,  a.  relating  to  action,  &c. 
Prac'ticallyj  ad.  by  practice,  in  real  fact 
Prac'tice,  s.  habit,  use,  dexterity,  method 
Prac'tise,  v.  a.  to  do,  to  exercise,  to  transact 
Practi'tioner,  /.  one  engaged  in  any  art 
Pras'cipe,  s.  a  writ,  a  command 
Praecog'nita,  j.  things  previously  known 
Pragmat'ic-mntfitfw,     s.    a     settlement     of 
Charles  VI.   emperor  of  Germany,  who, 
in  the  year  1 722.,  having  no  sons,  settled 
his   hereditary   dominions   on  his   eldest 
daughter,  the  archduchess  Maria  Theresa 
Pragmat'ical,  a.  meddling,  impertinent 
Pragmatically,  ad.  impertinently 
Praise,  s.  ienown,  laud,  commendation 
Praise,  v.  a.  to  commend,  to  applaud 
Praise'worthy,  a.  deserving  praise 
Prame,  s.  a  flat-bottomed  boat 
Prance,  v.  n.  to  spring  or  bound 
Prank,  s.  a  frolic,  trick,  wicked  act 
Prate,  v.  n.  to  talk  carelessly,  to  chatter 
Prat'tique,  s.  a  licence  for  a  ship  to  traffic  in 
the  ports  of  Italy,  &c.   upon  a  certificate 
that  the  place  she  sailed  from  is  not  an- 
noyed with  any  infectious  disease 
Prat'tle,  v.  n.  to  talk  lightly,  to  chatter 
Prat'tler,  s.  a  trifling  talker,  a  chatterer 
Prav'ity,  s.  corruption,  badness,  malignity 
Prawn,  s.  a  sheli-fish  like  a  shrimp 
Pray,  v.  to  entreat,  to  supplicate,  to  implore 
Pray'er,  s.  a  petition  to  Heaven  ;  entreaty 
Pray'erbook,  s.  a  book  of  prayers 
Preach,  v.  n.  to  pronounce  a  public  discourse 

on  religious  subjects...*,  a  discourse 
Preach'er,  s.  one  who  preaches,  a  minister 
Pream'ble,  s.  an  introduction,  a  preface 
Preb'end, ;.  a  stipend  in  cathedrals 
Preb'endary,  s.  a  stipendiary  of  a  cathedral 
Preca'rious,  a.  dependant,  uncertain 
Precariously,   ad.  uncertainly,  by  depend- 

ance  ;  at  the  pleasure  of  othei-3 
Precaution,  s.  a  preservative  caution 
Preceda'neous,  a.  previous,  antecedent 
Prece'de,  v.  a.  to  go  before  in  rank  or  time 
Prece'dence,  /.  priority,  the  foremost  place 
Prece'dent,  a.  going  before  ;  former 
Pre'cedent,  s.  example,  thing  done  before 
Precent'or,  t .  he  that  leads  the  choir 




Pre'cept,  s.  a  command,  injunction,  mandate 
Precep'tial,  a,  consisting  of  precepts 
Precept'ive,  a.  containing  or  giving  precepts 
Piecep'tor,  s.  a  teacher,  a  tutor 
Preces'sion,  s.  the  aft  of  going  before 
Pre'cinct,  s.  an  outward  limit,  boundary 
Pre'cious,  a.  valuable,  costly,  of  great  price 
Pre'cipice,  s.  a  perpendicular  declivity 
Precip'itance,  s.  rash  haste,  headlong  hurry 
Precipitant,  a.  falling  headlong,  hasty 
Precip'itantness,  s.  hastiness,  rashness 
Precip'itate,  s.  corrosive  mercurial  medicine 
Precip'itate,  v.  to  cast  down  ;  to  hurry 
Precip'itate,  a.  headlong,  hasty,  violent 
Precip'itately,  ad.  hastily  ;  in  blind  fury 
Precipitation,  s.  hurry,  blind,  rash  haste 
Preci'se,  a.  formal,  affected,  finical,  exact 
Preci'sely,  ad.  exactly,  nicely,  formally 
Precision,  s.  exact  limitation,  nicety 
Preci'sive,  a.  exactly  limiting 
Preclu'de,  v.  a.  to  shut  out  or  hinder  by  some 

Precocious,  a.  ripe  before  the  time 
Preco'city,  s.  ripeness  before  the  time 
Precogita'tion,  s.  previous  consideration 
Preccgni'tion,  s.  previous  knowledge 
Preconce'it,  j.  opinion  antecedently  formed 
Preconce'ive,  v.  a.  to  form  an  opinion  be- 
forehand ;  to  imagine  beforehand 
Preconcep'tion,  s.  a  previous  opinion 
Precontract,  s.  a  previous  contract 
Precu'rse,  s.  a  forerunning;  going  before 
Precur'sor,  s.  a  forerunner ;  a  harbinger 
Preda'ceous,  a.  living  by  prey  or  plunder 
Pre'dal,fl  robbing;  practising  robbery 
Preda'tion,  s.  the  act  of  plundering 
Preda'tious,  a.  plundering,  rapacious 
Pre'datory,  a.  practising  rapine  ;  ravenous 
Predecessor,  s.  one  going  before 
Predestina'riau,  Predestina'tor,  s.  one   who 

maintains  the  doctrine  of  predestination 
Predestinate,  -u.  to  decree  beforehand 
Predestination,  s.  according  to  the  opinions 
of  some,  is  a  judgment  of  God,  whereby 
he  has  determined,  from  all  eternity,  to 
save  a  certain  number  of  persons,  hence 
called  ele3  ;  it  is  also  used  to  signify  a 
supposed  decree  of  Providence,  by  means 
whereof  things  are  brought  to  pass  by  a 
fatal  necessity,  and  maugre  all  opposition 
Predes'tine,  v.  a.  to  decree  beforehand 
Predetermina'tion,  s.  previous  resolution 
Pre'dial,  a.  consisting  of  farms 
Pred'icable,  s .  a  logical  term  of  affirmation 
Pred'icable,  a.  such  as  may  be  affirmed 
Predic'ament,  s.  a  class,  arrangement,  kind 
Pred'icant,  s.  one  that  affirms  any  thing 
Predicate,  s.  what  is  affirmed  of  a  subject 
Predicate,  v.  a.  to  affirm  or  declare 
Predication,  u  affirmation,  declaratijm 

Predi'ct,  v.  a   to  foretel ;  to  foreshow 
Prediction,  s.  a  prophecy  ;  a  foretelling 
Predictor,  s.  one  who  foretels  or  prophesies 
Predilection,  s.  a  prepossession  in  favour  of 

any  particular  person  or  thing 
Predispo'se,  v.  a.  to  dispose  beforehand 
Predisposition,  s.  previous  adaptation 
Predominance,  s.  prevalence,  superiority 
Predominant,  a.  prevalent,  ascendant 
Predominate,  v.  n.  to  prevail  in,  or  over 
Pre-ele'ct,  v.  a.  to  choose  beforehand 
Pre-em'inence,  j.  superiority,  precedence 
Pre-em'inent,  a.  excellent  above  others 
Pre-emp'tion,.f.  right  of  buying  before  others 
Preen,  v.  a.     See  Preening 
Pre-enga'ge,  v.  a.  to  engage  beforehand 
Pre-enga'gement,  s,  precedent  obligation 
Preen'ing,  s.  the  action  of  birds  in  cleaning 

and  trimming  their  feathers 
Pre-estab'lish,  v.  a.  to  settle  beforehand 
Pre-exi'st,  v.  a.  to  exist  beforehand 
Pre-exist'ence,  s.  existence  beforehand 
Pre-exist'ent,  a.  preceding  in  existence 
Preface,  tj  an  introduction  to  a  book,  &c. 
Preface,  v.  to  say  something  introductory 
Prefatory,  a.  introductory 
Pre'fect,  s.  a  governor,  a  commander 
Prefecture,  s.  the  office  of  government 
Prefe'r,  v.  a.  to  regard  mere ;  advance,  raise 
Preferable,  a.  eligible  before  another 
Preference,  :.  estimation  above  another 
Prefer'ment,  s.  advancement,  preference 
Prefiguration,  s.  antecedent  representation 
Prefig'ure,  v.  a.  to  exhibit  beforehand 
Prefl'ne,  v.  a.  to  limit  beforehand 
Prefi'x,  v.  a.  to  appoint  beforehand  ;  settle 
Prefi'x,  s.  a  particle  placed  before  a  word 
Prefo'rm,  v.  a.  to  form  beforehand 
Preg'nancy,  s.  the  state  of  being  with  young; 

fertility;  power;  acuteness 
Preg'nant,  a.  breeding,  teeming,  fruitful 
Pregusta'tion,  s.  the  act  of  tasting  first 
Preju'dge,  v.  a.  to  judge  beforehand  ;  gene- 
rally, to  condemn  beforehand 
Preju'dicate,  a.  formed  by  prejudice 
Prejudication,  s.  a  judging  beforehand 
Prejudice,  s.  prepossession,  mischief,  huft 
Prejudice,  v.  to  fill  with  prejudice ;  hurt 
Prejudicial,  a.  hurtful,  injurious  ;  opposite 
Prel'acy,  s.  the  dignity  or  office  of  a  prelate 
Prel'ate,  s.  a  bishop;   a  high  ecclesiastic 
Prelat'ical,  a.  relating  to  prelates  or  prelacy 
Prelation,  s.  a  preference  ;  a  setting  above 
Prelection,  s.  reading  ;  lecture 
Preliminary,  a.   previous,  introductory,  an- 
tecedently preparatory 
Prel'ude,  s.  a  flourish  of  music  before  a  fall 

concert ;  something  introductory 
Prelu'de,  v.  n.  to  serve  as  an  introduction 
Prelu'sive,  <?,  introductory,  proemtal 




Prematu're,  a.  ripe  too  soon  ;  too  soon  said 

or  done  ;  too  early  ;  too  hasty 
Premed'itate,  v.  a  to  think  beforehand 
Premedita'tion, /.  a  meditating  beforehand 
Premer'it,  v.  a.  to  deserve  before  another 
Pre'mier,  a.  first,  chief,  principal 
Pre'mier,  /.  a  chief  person ;  a  first  minister 
Premi'se,  v.  a.  to  explain  previously 
Prem'ises, ;.  lands,  &c.  before  mentioned  in 
a  lease,  &c. ;  in  logic,  the  two  first  propo- 
sitions of  a  syllogism  ;  in  law,  houses,  &c. 
Prem'iss,  /.  an  antecedent  proposition 
Pre'mium,  s.  something  given  to  invite  a  loan 

or  a  bargain 
Premon'ish,  v.  a.  to  warn  beforehand 
Premoni'tion,  s,  previous  intelligence 
Premon'itory,  a.  previously  advising 
Premon'strate,  v.  a.  to  show  beforehand 
Premuni're,  s.  a  writ,  a  penalty,  a  distress 
Prenom'inate,  v.  a.  to  forename 
Prenuncia'tion,  s.  act  of  telling  before 
Preoc'cupancy,  s.  taking  possession  before 
Preoc'cupate,  v.  a.  to  anticipate,  prepossess 
Preoc'cupy,  v.  a.  to  seize  before  another 
Preopin'ion,  s.  prepossession,  prejudice 
Preorda'in,  v.  a.  to  ordain  beforehand 
Preor'dinance,  s.  antecedent  decree 
Prepara'tion,  s.  act  of  preparing  any  thing 
to  any  purpose  ;  previous  measures  ;  any 
thing  made  by  process  ;  accomplishment 
Prepar'ative,  a.  serving  to  prepare 
Preparatory,  a.  introductory,  antecedent 
Prepa're,  v.  to  make  ready,  qualify,  form 
Prepa're,  s.  preparation,  previous  measures 
Prepe'nse,  a.  forethought,  preconceived 
Prepon'der,  Preponderate,  v.  a.  to  outweigh  ; 

to  exceed  by  influence 
Preponderance,  s.  superiority  of  weight 
Preposi'tion,  s.  in  grammar,  a  particle  set  be- 
fore a  noun,  and  governing  a  case 
Preposse'ss,  v.  a.  to  prejudice,  to  bias 
Preposses'sion,  s.  first  possession  ;  prejudice, 

preconceived  opinion 
Prepos'terous,  a.  wrong,  absurd,  perverted 
Preposterously,  ad.  absurdly,  strangely,  &c. 
Pre'potency,  s.  predominance;  superiority 
Pre'puce,  s.  the  foreskin  of  the  glans 
Prerequi're,  v.  a.  to  demand  beforehand 
Prerequisite,  a.  that  is  previously  necessary 
Prerogative,  s.  exclusive  privilege  or  right 
Prerog'atived,  a.  having  an  exclusive  privi- 
lege or  right ;  having  prerogative 
Pres'age,  Presa'gement,  s.  a  prognostic 
Presa'ge,  v.  a.  to  forebode,  to  foreshow 
Pres'byter>  s.  a  priest,  a  presbyterian 
Presbyte'rial,  a.  pertaining  to  a  presbyter 
Presbyte'rian, ;.  a  follower  of  Calvin 
Pres'bytery,  s.  eldership ;  priesthood  ;    also 

church  government  by  lay  elders 
Pres'cieiice,  s.  a  knowledge,  of  futurity 

Pres'cient,  a.  foreknowing,  prophetic 
Presci'nd,  v.  a.  to  cut  off,  to  abstract 
Prescin'dent,  a.  abstracting  ;  cutting  off 
Prescribe,  v.  to  order ;,  to  direct  medically 
Pre  script,  /.  a  direction,  precept,  order 
Prescription,  u  a  rule  produced  and  author- 
ized by  long  custom  till  it  has  the  force  of 
law  ;  a  medical  receipt 
Pres'eance,  s.  priority  of  place 
Pres'ence,  s.  a  being  present  ;    mien  ;  de* 

meanour ;  quickness  at  expedients 
Pres'ent,  a.  not  absent;  not  past;  ready 
Pres'ent,  s.  a  gift,  a  donative  ;  a  mandate 
Prese'nt,  v.  a.  to  exhibit,  to  give,  to  prefer, 

to  offer,  to  favour  with  gifts 
Present'able,  a.  what  may  be  presented 
Presenta'neous,  a.  ready,  immediate 
Presenta'tion,  s.  the  gift  of  a  benefice 
Presente'e,  s.  one  presented  to  a  benefice 
Presen'tial,  a.  supposing  actual  presence 
Presential'ity,  s.  state  of  being  present 
Presently,  ad.  at  present,  soon  after 
Presentment,  s.  the  act  of  presenting 
Preservation,  s.  the  act  of  preserving 
Preservative,  ;.  that  has  power  to  preserve 
Prese'rve,  v.  to  save,  keep,  season  fruits,  &c-. 
Prese'rve,  s.  fruit  preserved  in  sugar 
Preserver,  j.  one  who  preserves  or  keeps 
Presi'de,  v.  n.  to  be  set  over,  direct,  manage 
Presidency,  s.  superintendence 
President,  5.  one  at  the  head  of  a  society 
Press,  v.  to  squeeze  ;  distress ;  urge,  force 
Press,  j.  an  instrument  for  pressing;  a  crowd, 
case  for  clothes  ;  instrument  for  printing  - 
a  forcing  of  men  to  military  service 
Press'gang,  s.  a  gang  of  sailors  that  go  about 

to  press  men  into  naval  service 
Press'ing,  part.  a.  very  urgent ;  squeezing 
Press'ingly,  ad.  with  force;  closely 
Press'man,  s.  a  printer  who  works  at  a  press; 

one  who  forces  away 
Press'money,  s.  money  for  pressed  soldiers 
Press'ure,  s.  force  ;  affliction;  an  impression 
Prest,  a.  ready—parr,  pressed...;,  a  loan 
Pres'to,  s.  in  music,  quick  ;  without  delay 
Presu'mable,  a.  that  may  be  presumed 
Presumably,  ad.  without  examination 
Presu'me,  v.  n.  to  suppose  ;  affirm  ;  venture 
Presu'ming,j)flr/.  a.  supposing;  confident 
Presump'tion,  Presump'tuousness,  s.  a  con- 
jecture ;    confidence  ;    supposition  previ- 
ously formed  ;  arrogance  ;  pride 
Presumptive,   a.    presumed  ;    supposed,  as 
the  presumptive  heir;  confident,  arrogant 
Presump'tuous,  a.  haughty  ;  irreverent 
Presumptuously,  ad.  haughtily;   proudly 
Presuppo'sal,  s.  supposal  previously  formed 
Presuppo'se,  v.  a.  to  suppose  beforehand 
Presurmi'se,  s.  surmise  previously  formed 
Prete'nce, ;.  a  pretext  j  an  assumption 

P  R  i 


P  R   I 

Prete'nd,  v,  to  allege  falsely ;  to  shew  hy- 
pocritically ;  to  claim  ;  to  presume 
Pretend'er,  j,  one  who  claims  or  arrogates 

to  himself  what  does  not  belong  to  him 
Pretention,  s.  a  claim  ;  a  false  appearance 
Preterimper'fect,  a.  in  grammar,  denotes  the 

tense  not  perfectly  past 
Pret'erit,  a.  in  grammar,  is  the  past  tense 
Preterlap'sed,  a.  past  and  gone 
Pretermit,  v.  a.  to  pass  by,  omit,  neglect 
Pretermis'sion,  ;.  the  act  of  omitting 
Preternat'ural,  a  not  natural  ;  irregular 
Preterper'fect,  a.  absolutely  past 
Preterplu'perfect,  a.  time  relatively  past,  or 

past  before  some  other  past  time 
Prete'xt,  s.  a  pretence,  false  allegation 
Pre'tor, ;.  a  Roman  judge  ;  a  mayor 
Preto'rian,  a.  judicial;  exercised  by  a  pretor 
Pret'tily,  ad   neatly,  elegantly  ;  agreeably 
Pret'tiness,/.  beauty  without  dignity 
Pret'ty,  a.  neat,  elegant,  handsome 
Pret'ty,  ad.  in  some  degree,  nearly 
Preva'il,  v.  a.  to  be  in  force,  overcome,  per- 
suade, to  have  influence  ;  to  have  power 
Prevailing,  a.  having  most  influence 
Prevalence,  s.  superiority  ;   influence 
Prevalent,  a.  powerful,  predominant 
Preva'ricate,  v.  n.  to  cavil  ;  to  quibble 
Prevarica'tion,  s.  double  dealing;  shuffle 
Prevarica'tor,  s.  a  caviller,  a  shuffler 
Preve'nient,  a.  preceding ;  preventive 
Preve'nt,  v.  to  hinder,  to  obstruct  ;to  guide 
Prevention,  s.  act  of  going  before  ;  anticipa- 
tion, hinderance,  prejudice 
Preventive,  a.  preservative,  hindering 
Pre'vious,  a.  antecedent,  going  before 
Previously,  ad.  beforehand  ;  antecedently 
Prey,  s.  something  to  be  devoured  ;  spoil 
Prey,  v.  to  feed  by  violence ;  plunder  ;  corrode 
Pri'apism,  s.  a  preternatural  tension 
Price,  /.  value ;  estimation  ;  rate ;  reward 
Prick,  v.  to  pierce,  to  spur..^.  a  puncture 
Prick'et,  ;.  a  buck  in  his  2d  year;  a  basket 
Pric'kle,  s.  a  small  sharp  point;  a  thorn 
Prick'ly,  a.  full  of  sharp  points 
Pride,  s,   inordinate  self-esteem  ;    haughti- 
ness ;  insolrnt  exultation  ;  ostentation 
Pride,  v.  a.  to  rate  himself  high  ;  make  proud 
Priest,  s.  one  who  officiates  at  the  altar 
Priest'craft,  s.  religious  fraud 
Priest'ess,  s.  a  female  priest 
Priest'hood,  s.  the  office  of  a  priest 
Priest'liness,  s .  the  manner,  &c.  of  a  priest 
Priest'ly,  a.  belonging  to  a  priest;  sacerdotal 
Priest'ridden,  a.  managed  by  priests 
Prig,  s.  a  pert,  conceited,  little  fellow 
Prim,  a.  formal,  precise,  affectedly  nice 
Pri'macy,  ;.  dignity  or  office  of  a  primate 
Pri'mage,  s.  a  duty  paid  to  a  master  of  a  ship 
for  the  use  of  his  stores,  &c. 

Pri'matily,  ad.  in  the  first  intention 
Pri'mary,  a.  first  in  order,  chief,  principal 
Pri'mate,j.  the  chief  ecclesiastic 
Prime,  Pri'mal,  a.  early;  first  rate  ;  first 
Prime,  s.  the  dawn ;  the  morning  ;  best  part; 
spring  of  life  ;  the  flower  or  choice  ;  height 
of  health,  beauty,  or  perfection 
Prime,  v.  a.  to  put  powder  into  the    touch 
pan  or  hole  of  a  gun,  &c. ;  to  lay  the  first 
colours  on  in  painting 
Pri'mely,  ad.  originally,  excellently,  well 
Pri'mateship,  s.  dignity,  &c.  of  a  primate 
Prim'er,  s.  a  small  book  for  children 
Prime'ro,  s.  an  ancient  game  at  cards 
Pri'mest,  a.  best,  most  excellent 
Prime'val,  a.  original  ;  such  as  was  at  first 
Primitive,  a.  ancient,  original,  formal 
Prime'ness,  s.  state  of  being  first ;  excellence 
Prim'itively,  ad.  originally,  primarily,  at  first 
Prim'ness,  s.  formality,  demureness 
Primoge'nial,  a.  first-born  ;  original 
Primogeniture,  s.  state  of  being  first  born 
Primordial,  a.  existing  from  the  beginning 
Prim'rose,  s.  the  name  of  a  flower 
Prince,  .r.  a  sovereign  ;  a  king's  son  ;  chief 
Prince'dcm,  s.  the  rank,  estate,  &c.  of  a 

prince  ;  sovereignty 
Prince'iike,  a.  becoming  a  prince 
Prince'ly,  a.  royal,  august,  generous 
Prin'cess,  s.  a  sovereign  lady  ;  the  daughter 

of  a  king ;  a  prince's  consort 
Prin'cipal,  a.  chief,  capital,  essential 
Principal,  s.  a  head,  a  chief  ;  one  primarily 

engaged  ;  a  sum  placed  out  at  interest 
Principality,  s.  a  prince's  domain 
Principally,  ad.  chiefly  ;  above  the  rest 
Principia'tion,  jr,    analysis    into   constituent 

or  elemental  parts 
Principle,  s.  primordial  substance  ;  constitu- 
ent part ;  original  cause,  motive ;  opinion 
Print,  s.  mark  made  by  impression  ;  form, 
size,  &c.  of  the  types  used  in  printing  ; 
formal  method. ..v.  to  mark  by  impressions 
Print'er,  s.  one  who  prints  books,  &e. 
Print'less,  a.  that  leaves  no  impression 
Pri'or,  a.  former,  antecedent,  anterior 
I  Pri'or,  s.  the  head  of  a  priory  of  monks 
!  Pii'oress,  s.  superior  of  a  convent  of  nuns 
!  Prior'ity,  s.  precedence  in  time  or  place 
j  Pri'orship,  s.  office  or  dignity  of  a  prior 
|  Pri'ory,  s.  a  convent  inferior  to  an  abbey 
I  Pri'sage,  s.  duty  of  a  tenth  upon  lawful  prize 
I  Prism,  s.  a  kind  of  mathematical  glass 
!  Prismat'ic,  a.  formed  like  a  prism 
\  Prismat'ically,  ad.  in  the  form  of  a  prism 
Prismo'id, .-.  a  solid  body  like  a  prism 
Pris'on,  s.  a  gaol,  place  of  confinement 
P'-isouba'se,  s.  a  kind  of  rural  play 
Pris'oned,  part,  shut  up  in  piison 
Pris'onerj  s.  a  captive,  one  under  arrest 




Pris'tine,  a.  first,  ancient,  original 
Pri'thee,  abbrev.  for  I  pray  thee 
Pri'vacy,  s.  secrecy,  retreat,  taciturnity 
Priva'do,  s.  a  secret  or  intimate  friend 
Pri'vate,  a.  secret,  alone,  particular,  not  re- 
lating to  the  public,  not  open 
Private'er,  s.  a  private  ship  of  war 
Pri'vately,  ad.  secretly,  not  openly 
Priva'tion,  s.  absence  or  loss  of  any  thing  ; 

obstruction,  &c. 
Priv'ative,  a.  causing  privation,  negative 
Privilege,  s.  immunity,  public  right 
Privilege,  v.  a.  to  grant  a  privilege,  exempt 
Privily,  ad.  privately^  secretly 
Privity,  s.  private  concurrence 
Priv'y,  a.  private,  secret,  acquainted  with 
Prize,  s.  a  reward  gained,  booty 
Prize,  -v.  a.  to  rate,  to  esteem,  value  highly 
Probability,    s.    likelihood,    appearance    of 

truth,  evidence  of  argument   . 
Prob'able,  a.  likely,  or  like  to  be 
Prob'abiy,  ad.  likely,  in  all  likelihood 
Pro'bat,  or  Pro'bate,  s.  the  proof  of  wills,  &c. 
Proba'tion,  x.  a  proof,  trial,  noviciate 
Probationer,.;,  one  upon  trial ;  a  novice 
Proba'tum-est,  Lat.  tried  and  proved 
Probe,  s.  a  surgeon's  instrument 
Probe,  v.  a.  to  search,  to  try  with  a  probe 
Prob'ity,  s.  uprightness,  honesty,  veracity 
Problem,  s.  a  question  proposed  for  solution 
Problematical,  a.  uncertain,  disputable 
Probos'cis,  s.  the  trunk  of  an  elephant,  &c. 
Proca'city,  ;.  sauciness,  petulance 
Procatarc'tic,  a.  forerunning,  antecedent 
Proce'dure,  s.  manner  of  proceeding 
Proce'ed,  v.  ?3.  to  go  on ;  to  arise  from  ;  to 

prosecute ;  to  make  progress,  to  advance 
Proceeding,  ?.  a  transaction,  legal  process 
Procer'ity,  s.  tallness,  length  of  stature 
Pro'cess,  /.  course  of  law;   order  of  things 
Proces'sion,  s.  a  train  marching  in  solemnity 
Pro'chronism,  s.  an  error  in  chronology 
Procla'im,  v.  to  publish  solemnly,  to  tell 

openly,  to  outlaw  by  public  denunciation 
Proclamation,  s.  a  public  notice  given  by 
authority,  a  declaration  of  the  king's  will 
Proclivity,  .f.  propensity,  readiness 
Procli'vous,  a.  inclined  downwards 
Procon'sul,  s.  a  Roman  governor 
Procon'sulship,  s.  the  office  of  a  proconsul 
Pror.ras'tinate,  v.  to  defer,  delay,  put  off 
Procrastination,  s.  delay,  dilatoriness 
Pro'creant,  a.  productive,  pregnant 
Pro'create,  v.  a.  to  generate,  to  produce 
Procrea'tion,  s.  generation,  production 
Pro'creative,  a.  generative,  productive 
1'rocrea'tor,  /,  a  generator,  begetter 
Proc'tor,  s,   an  advocate  in  the  civil  law  ;  an 
attorney  in  the  spiritual  court ;    the  ma- 
gistrate of  the  university 

Proc'torship,  j.  the  office  of  a  proftor 
Procum'bent,  a.  lying  down,  prone 
Procurable,  a.  obtainable,  acquirable 
Procurator,  s.  a  manager,  agent,  faftor 
Procu're,  v.  to  obtain,  to  manage,  to  pimp 
Procu  rer,  s.  an  obtainer,  pimp,  pander 
Procu'ress,  s.  a  bawd,  a  seducing  woman 
prodigal,  a.  profuse,  wasteful,  lavish 
Prod'igal,  s.  a  spendthrift,  a  waster 
Prodigality,  /.  extravagance,  profusion 
Prodi'gious,  a.  amazing,  monstrous,  vast 
Prodi'giously,  ad.  amazingly,  enormously 
Prod'igy,  s.  a  preternatural  thing  ;  a  muir- 

ster  ;  any  thing  astonishing 
Piodi'tion,  s.  treason,  treachery 
Produ'ce,  v.  a.  to  bring  forth,  yield,  cause 
Prod'uce,  /.  amount,  profit,  product 
Produ'cent,  /.  one  who  exhibits  or  offers 
Prod'nct,  j.  the  thing  produced,  work,  effed 
Production, ;.  whatever  is  produced 
Productive,  a-  fertile,  generative,  efficient 
Pro'em, s.  a  preface,  an  introduction 
Profana'tion,  s.  the  aft  of  profaning,  pollut- 
ing, or  violating  any  thing  sacred 
Profa'ne,  a.  not  sacred  ;  irreverent ;  polluted 
Profa'ne,  v.  a.  to  violate,  to  pollute,  to  put 

to  wrong  use,  to  misapply 
Profa'nely,  ad.  irreverently,  wickedly 
Profa'neness,  /.  irreverence,  impiety 
Profa'ner,  s.  one  who  profanes  or  pollutes 
Profe'ss,?;.  to  declare  openly  and  plainly 
Profess'edly,  ad.  openly,  avowedly 
Profes'sion,  s.  a  vocation  ;  known  employ- 
ment;  calling;  declaration,  opinion 
Professional,  a.  relating  to  a  particular  pro- 
Profes'sor,  s.  a  public  teacher  of  some  art 
Professorship,  s.  the  office  of  a  public  teacher 
Proffer,  v.  a.  to  propose,  offer,  attempt 
Proffer,  s.  an  offer  made,  essay,  attempt 
Profi'cience,  s.  improvement  gained,  &c. 
Piofi'cient,  s.  one  who  has  made  good  ad- 
vancement in  any  study  or  business 
Profile,  s.  the  side-face,  a  half  face 
Profit,  s.  gain,  advantage,  improvement 
Profit,  v.  to  gain  advantage,  improve 
Profitable,  a.  lucrative,  beneficial 
Profitableness,  s.  gainfulness,  usefulness 
Profitably,  ad.  advantageously,  gainfully 
Profitless,  a.  void  of  gain  or  advantage 
Profligacy,  s.  profligate  behaviour 
Profligate,  a.  wicked,  abandoned,  debauch- 
ed, lost  to  virtue  and  decency,  shameless 
Profligate,  s,  an  abandoned  wretch 
Prnf'luence,  s.  progress,  course 
Prof  luent,  a.  flowing  forward,  or  plentifully 
Profou'nd,  a.  deep,  learned,  humble,  lowly 
Profun'dity,  s.  depth  of  place  or  knowledge 
Profu'se,  a.  lavish,  wasteful,  overabcunding 
Profu'seness,  s.  lavishness,  prodigality 





Profusion,  j.  prodigality,  exuberance,  plenty 
Prog,  s.  victuals,  provisions  of  any  kind 
Prog,  v.  n.  to  shift  meanly  for  provisions 
Progen'itor,  s.  an  ancestor  in  a  direct  line 
Pro'geny,  s.  offspring,  issue,  generation 
Prognos'tic,  s.  a  prediction,  a  token  forerun- 

ning...«.  foretokening 
Prognos'ticate,  v.  a.  to  foretel,  to  foreshow 
Prognosiica'tion,  ;.  the  act  of  foretelling 
Prognostica'tor,  s.  one  who  foretels 
Pro'gress,  s.  a  course  ;  improvement 
Progression,  /.  regular  advance,  course 
Progres'sional,  a.  advancing,  increasing 
Progressive,  a.  going  forward,  advancing 
Progressively,  ad.  by  a  regular  course 
Prohib'it,  v.  a.  to  forbid,  debar,  hinder 
Prohibition,  s.  an  interdiction,  &c. 
Prohibitory,  a   implying  prohibition 
Pro'ject,  s.  a  scheme,  contrivance,  design 
Proje'ft,  v.  to  scheme,  contrive ;  jut  out 
Projec'tile,  s.  a  body  put  in  motion 
Projection,  s.  act  of  shooting  forwards,  de- 
lineation ;  scheme,  plan 
Project'or,  s.  one  who  forms  schemes,  &c 
Project'ure,  s.  a  jutting  out 
Prola'pse,  v.  a.  to  extend  out  too  much 
Prola'te,  v.  a.  to  pronounce,  to  utter 
Prola'te,  a.  oblate,  fiat 
Prola'tion,  s.  pronunciation,  delay 
Prolep'sis,  s.  an  anticipation  of  objections 
Prolep'tical,  a.  previous,  antecedent 
Proletarian,  a   wretched,  vile,  vulgar 
Prolific,  Prolif  ical,  a.  fruitful,  generative 
Proli'x,  a.  tedious,  not  concise,  dilatory 
Prolix'ity,  s.  tediousness,  want  of  brevity 
Prolocu'tor,  s.  the  speaker  of  a  convocation 
Prolocu'torship,  s.  the  office  of  a  prolocutor 
Pro'logue,  s.  a  speech  before  a  stage  play 
Piolo'iig,  7».  a.  to  lengthen  out,  to  put  off 
Prolongation,  s.  a  delay  to  a  longer  time 
Prolu'sion,  s.  a  diverting  performance 
Promenr-'f' ■,  s.  a  walk,  walking 
jProm'ine-.  :e,  s.  a  jutting  out,  protuberance 
.Prom'inent,  a.  jutting  or  standing  out 
promiscuously,  ad.  with  confused  mixture 
promis'cuous,  a.  mingled,  confused 
prom'ise,  v.  to  give  one's  word,  to  assure 
prom'iser,  ;.  one  who  promises 
promising, part.  a.  giving  hopes 
Promissory,  a.  containing  a  promise 
From'ontory,  s.  a  headland,  a  cape 
promo'te,  v.  a.  to  forward,  advance,  exalt 
Promo'ter, s.  an  advancer,  encourager 
Proino'tion,  s.  encouragement,  preferment 
Promo've,  v.  a.  to  forward,  to  promote 
Prompt,  a.  quick,  ready,  prepense,  acute 
Prompt,  v.  a.  to  assist,  to  incite,  to  remind 
Prompt'er,  s.  one  who  helps  a  public  speaker, 

by  suggesting  the  word  to  him,  &c. 
Promp'titude,  s.  readiness,  quickness 

/  Promp'tuary,  /.  a  magazine,  a  repository 
I  Promulgate,  Promul'ge,  v.  a.  to  publish,  to 

teach  openly 
!  Promulgation,  j.  publication,  exhibition 
|  Promulgator,  s.  a  publisher,  open  teacher 
j  Prone,  a.  bending  downward,  inclined 
;  Pro'neness,  s.  an  inclination  ;  a  descent 
!  Prong,  /.  a  fork,  a  pitch-fork 
Pronom'inal,  a.  belonging  to  a  pronoun 
Pvo'noun,  s.  a  word  used  for  a  noun 
Pronou'nce,  v.  to  speak,  to  utter,   to  pais 

judgment,  to  utter  sentence 
Pronoun'cer,  /.  one  who  pronounces 
Pronunciation,  s.  the  mode  of  utterance 
Proof, ;.  trial,  test,  evidence ;  impenetrabili- 
ty ;  a  rough  sheet  of  print  to  be  corrected 
Proof,  a.  impenetrable,  able  to  resist 
Proofless,  a.  wanting  evidence,  unproved 
Prop,  /.  a  support,  that  which  holds  up 
Prop,  v.  a,  to  support,  to  sustain,  to  keep  up 
Prop'agate,  v.  to  generate,  increase,  extend 
Propaga'tion,  s.  a  generation,  production 
Prope'l,  17.  a.  to  drive  forward 
Prope'nd,  17.  n.  to  incline  to  any  part  or  side 
Propen'dency,  s.  inclination  of  desire 
Prope'nse,  a.  inclined,  disposed,  prone  to 
Propensity,  s.  inclination,  tendency 
Prop'er,  a.  peculiar,  fit,  exact  j  one's  own, 
Prop'erly,  ad.  fitly ;  in  a  strict  sense 
Prop'erty,  s.  peculiar  quality  ;  possession 
Proph'ecy,  s.  a  prediction,  declaration 
Proph'esy,  17.  n.  to  predict,  to  foretel 
Proph'et,  s.  a  foreteller  of  future  events 
Proph'etess,  s.  a  female  prophet 
Prophet'ic,  a.  foretelling  future  events 
Prophylac'tic,  a.  preventive,  preservative 
Propin'quity,  j,  proximity,  kindred 
Propi'tiate,  v.  a.  to  induce,  to  favour,  to  gain 
Propitia'tion,  s.  an  atonement  for  a  crime 
Propi'tiatory,  a.  serving  to  propitiate 
Propi'tious,  a.  favourable,  kind,  merciful 
Propi'tiously,  ad.  favourably,  kindly 
Pro'plasm,  s.  a  mould,  a  matrix 
Propo'nent,  s.  one  who  makes  a  proposal 
Propor'tion,  s.  an  equal  part,  ratio,  size 
Propor'tion,  v.  a.  to  adjust  parts,  to  fit 
Propor'tionable,  a.  adjusted,  such  as  is  fit 
Propor'tional,  a.  having  due  proportion 
Propor'tional,  s.  a  quantity  in  proportion 
Proportionally,  ad.  in  a  stated  degree 
Proportionate,  a.  adjusted  to  something  else 

that  is  according  to  a  certain  rate 
Propo'sal,  s.  a    proposition  or    design  pro- 
pounded to  consideration  or  acceptance 
Propo'se,  17.  a.  to  offer  to  the  consideration 
Proposi'tion,  s.  a  thing  proposed  ;  a  sentence 

in  which  any  thing  is  affirmed  or  decreed 
Proposi'tional,  a   considered  as  a  proposition 
Propo'und,  17.  a.  to  propose,  offer,  exhibit 
Proprietary,  s,  an  owner  in  his  own  right 



Proprietor,  s>  a  possessor  in  Ms  own  right 
Propriety, ;.  an  exclusive  right,  accuracy 
Propu'gn,  v.  a.  to  defend,  to  vindicate 
Propul'sion,  s.  the  act  of  driving  forward 
Prore,  s.  the  prow  or  fore  part  of  a  ship 
Prorogation,  s.  a  prolongation,  continuance 
Proro'gue,  v.  a.  to  protract,  put  off,  delay 
Prorup'tion,  s.  the  act  of  bursting  out 
Prosa'ic,  a.  belonging  to  or  like  prose 
Proscribe,  v.  a.  to  censure  capitally 
Proscription,  s.  a  doom  to  destruction,  out- 
lawry; confiscation  of  property 
Prose,  s  the  usual  way  of  speaking  or  writ- 
ing, in  opposition  to  verse 
Pros'ecute,  v.  a.  to  pursue,  continue,  sue 
Prosecution,  /.  a  pursuit ;  a  criminal  suit 
Pros'ecutor,  s.  one  who  pursues   any  purpose 
Pros'elyte,  s.  a  convert  to  a  new  opinion 
Prosemina'tion,  s.  propagation  by  seed 
Proso'dian,  s.  one  skilled  in  prosody 
Pros'ody,  s.  that  part  of  grammar  that  teach- 
es the  sound  and  quantity  of  syllables,  and 
the  measures  of  verse 
Prosopopce'ia,    s.    a  figure    in  rhetoric,  by 
which  things  are  made  persons  ;  personi- 
Pros'pect,  s.  a  view,  an  object  of  view 
Prospective,  a.  viewing  at  a  distance 
Pros'per,  v.  to  be  successful,  to  thrive 
Prosperity,  s.  good  success,  good  fortune 
Prosperous,  a.  successful,  fortunate 
Prospi'cience,  s.  the  act  of  looking  forward 
Prosterna'tion,  s.  dejection,  depression 
Pros'titute,  a.  vicious  for  hire 
Prostitute ,  s.  a  public  strumpet,  a  hireling 
Prostitution,  s.  the  act  of  prostituting 
Prostrate,  a.  laid  flat  along,  lying  at  mercy 
Prostrate,  v.   a.  to  throw  down,  to  lay  flat, 

to  cast  one's  self  at  the  feet  of  another 
Prostration,  s.  the  act  of  falling  down  in  ad- 
oration; dejection,  depression 
Prote'ct,  v.  a.  to  defend,  to  save,  to  shield 
Protection,  s.  a  defence,  a  shelter 
Protective,  a.  defensive,  sheltering 
Protect'or,  s.  a  defender,  supporter,  regent 
Prote'nd,  v.  a.  to  hold  out,  to  stretch  forth 
Prote'st,  v.  to  give  a  solemn  declaration,  &c. 
Protest,  s.  a  declaration  against  a  thing 
Prot'estant,  s.  one  of  the  reformed  religion, 

who  protests  against  popery 
Protestation,  j.  a  solemn  declaration,  a  vow 
Prothon'otary,  s.  a  head  register  or  notary 
Protocol,  /.  the  original  copy  of  a  writing 
Protomartyr,  s.  the  first  martyr,  St.  Stephen 
Prototype,  s.  the  original  of  a  copy 
Protra'ct,  v.  a.  to  draw  out,  delay,  lengthen 
Protraction,  /.  a  delay,  a  lengthening  out 
Protract'ive,  a.  dilatory,  delaying 
Protru'de,  thrust  forward 
P:otru'sion3  s.  the  act  of  thrusting  forward 

Protuberance,  j.  a  swelling  above  the  rest 
Protuberant,  a.  prominent,  swelling 
Proud,  a.  elated,  arrogant,  lofty,  grand 
Proud'ly,  ad.  arrogantly,  ostentatiously 
Prove,  v.  to  evince,  to  try  ;  to  experience 
Pro'veable,  a.  that  may  be  proved 
?roved'itor,  Provedo're,  s.  one  who  under, 

takes  to  procure  supplies  for  an  army 
Prov'ender,  s.  food  for  brutes,  hay,  corn ,  &c# 
Prov'erb,  s.  a  maxim  ;  a  common  saying 
Proverb'ial,  a.  mentioned  in  a  proverb 
Provi'de,  v.  to  prepare ;  supply  ;  stipulate 
Prov'idence,  s.  the  care  of  God  over  created 
beings  ;  divine  superintendence;  prudence, 
frugality,  foresight 
Prov'ident,  a.   forecasting ;   cautious  ;    pru- 
dent with  respect  to  futurity 
Providential,  a.  effected  by  Providence 
Providentially,  ad.  by  the  care  of  Providence 
Prov'ince,  s.  a  conquered  country ;    a  coun- 
try governed  by  a  delegate ;  office ;  busi- 
ness ;  region  ;  tract 
Provincial,  a.  relating  to  a  province  ;  rude 
Provincial,  s.  a  spiritual  or  chief  governor 
Provin'ciate,  -o.  a.  to  turn  to  a  province 
Provi'sion,  s.  a  providing  beforehand  ;  vict- 
uals, food  ;  measures  taken  ;  terms  settled 
Provisional,  a.  temporarily  established 
Provi'so, ;.  a  stipulation  ;  a  caution 
Provocation,  s,  a  cause  of  anger 
P  rovo'cative,  s.  any  thing  which  revives  a 

decayed  or  cloyed  appetite 
Provo'ke,  v.  a.  to  rouse,  enrage,  challenge 
Provo'kingly,  ad.  so  as  to  raise  anger 
Prov'ost,  s.  the  chief  of  any  corporate  bodyj 

a  military  executioner 
Prow,  s .  the  head  or  fore  part  of  a  ship 
Prow'ess,  s.  bravery,  military  courage 
Prowl,  v.  to  rove  over;  wander  for  prey 
Prox'imate,  a.  next,  near;  immediate 
Prox'ime,  a.  immediate,  next 
Proxim'ity,  s.  nearness ;  neighbourhood 
Prox'y,  s.  a«ubstitute  or  agent  for  another 
Pruce,  s .  Prussian  leather 
Prude,  j.  a  woman  over-nice  and  scrupulous 
Pru'dence,  s.  wisdom  applied  to  practice 
Pru'dent,  a.  practically  wise,  discreet 
Prudential,  a.  upon  principles  of  prudence 
Prudentials,  s.  maxims  of  prudence 
Pru'dently,  ad.  wisely,  discreetly 
Pru'dery,  s.  overmuch  nicety  in  conduct 
Pru'dish,«.  affectedly  grave 
Prune,  s.  a  dried  plum...?;,  to  lop  trees,  &c. 
Prunei'lo,  s.  a  kind  of  silken  stuff ;  a  plum 
Pru'rience,  s.  an  itching  or  great  desire 
Pru'rient,  a.  itching,  hot,  eager 
Pry,  v.  n.  to  inspect  officiously,  &c. 
Psalm,  s.  a  holy  song,  a  sacred  hymn 
Psalm'ist,  s.  a  writer,  &c.  of  psalms 
Psal'mody,  i.  a  singing  of  psalms 

P  U  L 



Psal'ter,  s .  a  psalm  book,  book  of  psalms 
Psal'tery,  s.  a  kind  of  harp  for  psalms 
Pseu'do,  a.  false,  counterfeit,  pretended 
Pseudol'ogy,  s.  false  speaking,  lying 
Pshaw  !  inter,  expressing  contempt,  &c. 
Pti'san,  s.   a  cooling  medical  drink  made  of 

barley,  decocted  with  raisins,  &c 
Pu'berty,  s.   ripeness  of  age,  time  of  life  in 
which  the  two  sexes  begin  first  to  be  ac- 
Pubes'cent,  a.  arriving  at  puberty 
Public,  a.  common,  not  private,  manifest 
Pub'lic,  s.  the  body  of  a  nation  ;  the  people 
Publican,  i.  a  toll -gatherer  ;  a  victualler 
Publica'tion,  s.  the  act  of  publishing 
Pub'liclv,  ad.  openly,  in  full  view 
Publish,  v.  a.  to  make  known,  to  set  forth 
Publisher,  s.  one  who  publishes  a  book 
Pu'celage,  s.  a  state  of  virginity 
Puck,  s.  a  supposed  sprite  or  fairy 
Puck'er,  v.  a.  to  gather  into  plaits  or  folds 
Pud'der,  s.  a  noise,  bustle,  tumult 
Pud'ding,  s.  a  sort  of  food  ;  a  gut 
Pud'dle,  ;.  a  small  dirty  lake,  a  dirty  plash 
Pu'dency,  Pudi'city,  s.  modesty,  chastity 
Pu'erile,  a.  childish,  boyish,  trifling 
Puerility,  /.  childishness,  boyishness 
Pu'et,  /.  a  kind  of  water  fowl 
Puff,  s.  a  small  blast  or  breath  of  wind  ;  an 
utensil  used  in  powdering  the  hair  ;  any 
thing  light  or  porous  ;  undeserved  praise 
Puff,  v.  a.  to  swell  with  wind  ;  to  pant 
Puffin,  s.  a  water  fowl  ;  a  fish 
Puffy,  a.  windy  ;  flatulent ;  tumid  ;  turgid 
Pug,  /.  a  small  Dutch  dog ;  a  monkey 
Pugh  !    inter,  denoting  contempt 
Pu'gil,  s.  a  small  handful 
Puisne,  a.  young,  younger  ;  later  in  time  ; 

petty,  small,  inconsiderable 
Puis'sance,  s.  power,  force,  might 
Puis'sant,  a.  powerful,  mighty,  forcible 
Puke,  Pu'ker,  s.  a  medicine  causing  a  vomit 
Pul'chritude,  s.  bpauty,  grace,  comeliness 
Pule,  v.  n.  to  whine,  to  cry,  to  whimper 
Pulkha',/.  a  Laplander's  travelling  sledge 
Pull,  s.  the  act  of  pulling,  a  pluck 
Pull,  v.  a.  to  draw  violently,  to  pluck,  to  tear 
Pullet,  s.  a  young  hen 
Pulley,  s.  a  small  wheel  for  a  running  cord 
Pullulate,  v.  n.  to  germinate  ;  to  bud 
Pul'monary,  a.  pertaining  to  the  lungs 
Pulp,  s.  any  soft  mass,  soft  part  of  fruit 
Pul'pit,  s.  an  exalted  place  to  speak  in 
Pul'py,  a.  soft,  pappy,  full  of  pulp 
Pulsa'tion,  s.   act  of  beating  or  moving  with 
quick  strokes  against  any  thing  opposing  ; 
also  the  beating  of  the  pulse  or  arteries 
Pulse,  s.   motion  of  the  blood  ;  all  sorts  of 

grain  contained  in  pods 
Pul'sion,  /.  the  act  of  driving  forward 

Pul'verize,  v.  a.  to  reduce  to  powder  or  dust 
Pul'vil,  s.  sweet  scents.-.-u.  a.  to  perfume 
Pumice,  /.  a  spungy  stone,  full  of  pores 
Pump,  s.  a  water  engine  ;  a  sort  of  shoe 
Pump,  v.  to  work  a  pump,  to  throw  out  wa- 
ter by  a  pump  ;  to  examine  artfully 
Pun,  s.  an  equivocation,  a  quibble 
Pun,  v.  n.  to  quibble,  to  play  upon  words 
Punch,  s.  an  instrument ;  a  buffoon  ;  liquor 
Punch,  v.  a.  to  bore  a  hole  with  a  punch 
Punch'bowl,  s.  a  bowl  to  make  punch  in 
Pun'cheon,  s.  a  tool  ;  a  cask  of  84  gallons 
Punchinello, .'.  a  buffoon  ;  a  puppet 
Punctilio,  s.  a  nicety  of  behaviour 
Punctilious,  a.  exact,  nice,  ceremonious 
Punc'to,  s.  ceremony  ;  the  point  in  fencing 
Punc'tual,  a.  exact,  nice,  punctilious 
Punctuality,  Punc'tualness,  /.exactness 
Punctually,  ad.  exactly,  scrupulously 
Punctuation,  j.  the  method  of  pointing 
Punc'tulate,  v.  to  mark  with  small  spots 
Punc'ture,  s.  a  hole  made  with  a  sharp  point 
Pun'dle,  s.  a  short  and  fat  woman 
Pun'gency,  s.  power  of  pricking  ;  acridness 
iPun'gent,  a.  pricking,  sharp,  acrimonious 
Pu'nic,  a.  false,  treacherous 
Pu'niness,  /.  smallness,  tenderness 
Punish,  v.  a.  to  chastise,  to  correct,  to  afflict 
Punishable,  a.  worthy  of  punishment 
Punishment,   s.   any  infliction  imposed  in 

vengeance  of  a  crime  ;  chastisement 
Puni-'tion,  /.  punishment 
Punk,  s.  a  strumpet  ;  a  prostitute 
Pun'ster,  s.  one  who  is  fond  of  puns 
Punt,  v.  n.  to  play  at  basset  or  ombre 
Pu'ny,  a.  young;  inferior  ;  peaking  ;  weakly 
Pup,  -v.  n.  to  bring  forth  puppies 
Pu'pil,  /.  the  apple  of  the  eye  ;  a  scholar 
Pu'pilage,  s.  minority  ;  wardship  ;  the  state 

of  being  a  scholar 
Pu'pillary,  a.  pertaining  to  a  pupil 
Pup'pet,  s.  a  small  doll  ;  a  wooden  image 
Pup'petshow,  s.  a  mock  play  by  images 
Pup'py,  5.  a  whelp  ;  a  saucy,  ignorant  fellow 
Pur'blind,  a.  short-sighted,  near-sighted 
Pur'chase,  s.  any  thing  bought  for  a  price 
Pur'chase,  v.  a.   to  buy,  to  obtain  at  an  ex- 
pense •,  to  expiate  by  a  fine,  &c. 
Purchaser,  s.  one  who  makes  a  purchase 
Pure,  a.  not  sullied  ;  chaste  ;  unmir.gled 
Pu'rely,  ad.  in  a  pure  manner  ;   merely 
Purgation,  ;.  the  act  of  cleansing,  &c, 
Pur'gative,  a.  cleansing  downwards 
Pur'gatory,  s.  a  place  in  which  the  Papists 
suppose  that  souls  are  purged  by  fire  from 
carnal  impurities,  before  they  are  received 
into  heaven 
Purge,  /.  a  medicine  causing  stools 
Purge,  v.  to  cleanse,  clear,  evacuate  by  stqfel 
Pur'ging,  s.  a  cleansing  ;  a  looseness 




Purification,  s.  the  a<t  of  purifying,  &c. 
Pu'rifier,  s.  a  cleanser,  a  refiner 
Pu'rify,  v.  to  make  or  grow  pure  ;  to  clear 
Pu'rjtan,  s.  a  sectary  pretending  to  eminent 

sanctity  of  religion 
Puritart'ical,  a.  relating  to  puritans 
Pu'ritanism,  s.  the  doctrine  of  the  puritans 
Pu'rity,  s.  cleanness,  chastity,  innocence 
Pari,  s.  a  kind  of  lace  ;  a  bitter  malt  liquor 
Purl,  v.  n.  to  flow  with  a  gentle  noise 
Pur'lieu,  s.  an  enclosure>  district,  border 
Pur'ling,  part.  a.  running  with  a  murmuring 

noise,  as  a  stream  or  brook  does 
Purlins,  s.  inside  braces  to  rafters 
Purlo'in,  v.  a.  to  steal,  to  pilfer,  to  filch 
Pur'party,  s.  a  share,  a  part  in  a  division 
Pur'ple,  a.  red  tinctured  with  blue 
Pur'ples,  s.  purple  spots  in  a  fever 
Pur'plish,  s.  somewhat  purple  ;  like  purple 
Pur'port,  s.  a  design,  tendency,  meaning 
Pur'port,  v.  a.  to  intend,  to  tend  to  shew 
Pur'pose,  /.  intention,  design,  effect 
Pur'pose,  v.  a.  to  design,  intend,  resolve 
Purr,  v.  n.  to  murmur  as  a  cat  or  leopard 
Purse,  s.  a  small  bag  to  contain  money,  &c 
Pur'ser,  s.  an  officer  on  board  a  ship  w»o  has 

the  care  of  the  provisions,  &c 
Pursu'able,  a.  what  may  be  pursued 
Pursu'ance,  s.  in  process  ;  in  consequence 
Pursu'ant,  a.  done  in  consequence  or  prose- 
cution of  any  thing 
Pursu'e,  v.  to  chase,  to  continue,  to  proceed 
Pursu'it,  s.  the  act  of  following ;  a  chase 
Pur'suivant,  /.  an  attendant  on  heralds 
Pur'sy,  a.  short-breathed  and  fat 
Pur'tenance,  s.  the  pluck  of  an  animal 
Purvey',  v.  to  buy  in  provisions  ;  to  procure 
Purveyance,  s.  providing  victuals,  corn,  &c. 
Purvey'or,  s.  one  who  provides  victuals 
Pur'view,  s.  a  proviso  ;  a  providing  clause 

Pu'rulence,  s.  generation  of  pus  or  matter 
Pu'rulent,  a.  full  of  corrupt  matter  or  pus 
Pus,  s.  corruption,  or  thick  matter  issuing 

from  a  wound  or  sore 
Push,  v.  to  thrust,  to  push  forward,  to  urge 
j  Push,  s.  a  thrust  ;  attack  ;  trial  ;  pimple 
(  Push'ing,  a.  enterprising ;  vigorous 
i  Pusillanimity,  s.  cowardice,  timidity 
J  Pusillanimous,  a.  mean-spirited,  cowardly 
I  Puss,  s.  the  term  for  a  hare  or  cat 
j  Fus'tule,  s.  a  little  pimple  or  wheal ;  a  push 

Pus'tulous,  a.  full  of  pustules,  pimply 
j  Put,  v.  to  lay,  place  ;  repose  ;  urge ;  state  ; 
unite  ;  propose  ;  form  ;  regulate 
Put,  s.  an  action  of  distress  ;  a  game 
Pu'tative,  a.  supposed  ;  reputed 
Pu'tid,  a.  mean,  low,  worthless 
Putrefac'tion,  s.  rottenness 
Putrefac'tive,  a.  making  rotten 
Pu'trefy,  v.  to  rot,  to  make  rotten 
Putrescent,  a.  growing  rotten 
Pu'trid,  a.  rotten,  corrupt,  offensive 
Put'toc,  s.  a  bird,  the  buzzard 
Put'ty,  s .  a  cement  used  by  glaziers 
Puz'zle,  v.  a.  to  embarrass,  to  perplex 
Pyg'my,  s.  a  dwarf ;  a  fabulous  person 
Pyr'amid,  s.  a  pillar  ending  in  a  point 
Pyramidlcal,  a.  in  the  form  of  a  pyramid 
Pyre,  s.  a  pile  on  which  the  dead  are  burnt 
Pyretlcs,  s.  medicines  which  cure  fevers 
Pyri'tes,  s.  a  marcasite  ;  a  firestone 
Py'romancy,  s.  a  divination  by  fire 
Pyrotech'nical,  a.  relating  to  fireworks 
Py'rotechny,  /.  the  art  of  making  fireworks 
Pyr'rhonism,  s.  scepticism  ;  universal  doubt 
Pythagore'an,  a.  relating  to  the  doctrines  of 
Pythagoras,  on  the  transmigration  of  souls, 
and  the  situation  of  the  heavenly  bodies 
Pyx,  s.  the  box  in  which  the  Roman  Catho- 
lics keep  the  host 


QIS  frequently  used  as  an  abbreviation 
for  question,  queen,  and  quere 
Quack,  v.  n.  to  cry  like  a  duck  ;  to  brag 
Quack,  /.  a  tricking  practitioner  in  physic 
Ouack'ery,  s.  mean  or  bad  acts  in  physic 
Quadragesimal,  a.  pertaining  to  Lent 
Quad'rangle,  >.   a  figure  that  has  four  right 

sides,  and  as  many  angles 
Ouadran'gular,  a   having  four  right  angles 
Quad'rant,  s.  the  fourth  part ;  an  instrument 

with  which  altitudes  are  taken 
Ouadrant'al,  a.  in  the  fourth  part  of  a  circle 
Ouad'rate,  a,  having  four  equal  side3 
Quadratic,  a,  belonging  to  a  square 

Quadren'nial,  a.  comprising  four  years 
Quad'rible,  a.  that  may  be  squared 
Quadrif'id,  a.  cloven  into  four  divisions 
Quadrilat'eral,  a.  having  four  sides 
Quadrille,  s.  a  game  at  cards 
Quadripartite,  a.  divided  into  four  parts 
Quad'ruped,  s.  a  four-footed  animal 
Quadru'ple,  a.  fourfold,  four  times  told 
Quaff,  v.  to  drink  luxuriously,  or  largely 
Quag'gy,  a.  boggy,  soft,  not  solid 
Quag'mire,  s.  a  shaking  marsh, a  bog 
Quail,  s.  a  bird  of  game 
Quail'pipe,  s.  a  pipe  to  allure  quails  with 
Quaint,  a.  nice,  superfluously  exact 




Quaint'ly,  ad.  nicely,  exactly  ;  artfully 
Quake,  v.  n.  to  shake  with  cold  or  fear 
Qualification,  s.  an  accomplishment,  &c. 
Qual'ify,  v.  a.  to  make  fit  ;  soften,  modify 
Qual'ity,  /.    nature    relatively   considered  ; 

property  ;  temper  ;  rank  ;  qualification 
Qualm,  s.  a  sudden  fit  of  sickness  ;  a  tempo- 
rary rising  of  the  conscience 
Qualm'ish,  a.  seized  with  sickly  languor 
Ouanda'ry,  s.  a  doubt  ;  a  difficulty 
Quantity,  j.  bulk  ;  weight;   portion;  mea- 
sure of  time  in  pronouncing  syllables 
Quan'tum,  s.  the  quantity,  the  amount 
jQuar'antine,  ;.  the  space  of  40  days,  during 
which  a  ship,  suspected  of  infection,  is  o- 
bliged  to  forbear  intercourse  or  commerce 
Ouar'rel,  s.  a  brawl,  scuffle,  contest 
Ouar'rel,  v.  n.  to  debate  ;  scuffle  ;  find  fault 
Quar'relsome,  a.  inclined  to  quarrels 
Quar'ry,  s.  an  arrow  ;  game  ;  stone-mine 
Ouar'ry,  v.  n.  to  prey  upon  ;  to  feed  on 
Quart,  s.  the  fourth  part  of  a  gallon 
Ouart'an-ag-zie,  s.  an  ague  whose  fit  returns 

every  fourth  day 
Quarta'tion,  s.  a  chymical  operation 
Quarter,  s.  a  fourth  part  ;  mercy  ;  station  ; 

region  ;  a  measure  of  eight  bushels 
Quarter,  v.  a.   to  divide  into  four  parts  ;  to 
station  soldiers  ;  diet  ;  to  bear  as  an  ap- 
pendage to  the  hereditary  arms 
Quarterage,  s.  a  quarterly  allowance 
Quarterde'ck, s.  the  short  upper  deck 
Quarterly,  a.  once  in  a  quarter  of  a  year 
Quartermaster,  s.  an  officer  who  regulates 

the  quarters  for  soldiers 
Quartern,  s.  the  fourth  part  of  a  pint 
Quarterstaff,  s.  an  ancient  staff  of  defence 
Quarto,  s.  a  book  of  which  every  leaf  is  a 

quarter  of  a  sheet 
Quash,    v.    to  crush,  to  squeeze  ;  to  subdue 

suddenly;  to  annul,  to  make  void 
Quash,  s,  a  pompion,  a  kind  of  melon 
Quater'nion,  ;.  the  number  four 
Quat'rain,*.  four  lines  rhyming  alternately 
Oua'ver,  v.n.  to  shake  the  voice  ;  to  vibrate 
Quay,  s.  a  key  for  landing  goods 
Quean,  s.  a  worthless  woman,  a  strumpet 
Queas'y,  a.  fastidious,  squeamish,  sick 
Queck,  v.  n.  to  shrink  ;  to  show  pain 
Quean,  s.  the  wife  of  a  king 
Queer,  a.  odd,  strange  ;  original ;  awkward 
Queer'ly,  ad.  particularly  ;  oddly  ;  strangely 
Quell,  v.   to  crush  ;  subdue  ;  appease  ;  kill 
Quench,  -v.  to  extinguish  fire,  allay,  cool 
Quench'less,  a.  unextinguishable 
Ouer'ele,  s.  a  complaint  to  a  court 
Que'rist,  ;.  an  asker  of  questions 
Quer'po.  s.  a  dress  close  to  the  body 
Quer'ulous,  a.  habitually  complaining 
Que'ry,  4.  a  question,  an  inquiry 

Quest,  t.  a  search  ;  an  empannelled  jury 
Question,  s.  interrogatory,  dispute,  doubt 
Question,  v.  to  inquire,  examine,  doubt 
Questionable,  a.  doubtful,  suspicious 
Questionless,  ad.  without  doubt,  certainly 
Quest'man,  s.  a  starter  of  lawsuits;  an  in- 
quirer into  misdemeanors,  &c. 
Quest'or,  s.  a  Roman  public  treasurer 
Quest'uary,  a.  studious  of  profit,  greedy 
Quib,  5.  a  sarcasm,  a  bitter  taunt 
Quib'ble,  v.  n.  to  equivocate,  to  pun 
Quib'bler, /.  a  punster,  an  equivocator 
Quick,  a.  living  ;  swift,  speedy,  ready 
Quick,  s.  living  flesh  ;  any  sensible  part 
Quick'enj-y.  to  make  or  become  alive ;  excite 
Ouick'lime,  s.  lime  unslaked 
Quick'ly,  ad.  speedily,  actively,  nimbly 
Ouick'ness,  s.  speed,  activity,  sharpness 
Quick'sand,  j.   a  shifting  or  shaking  sand 
Quick'set,  s.  a  sort  of  thorn  of  which  hedges 

are  made  ;  a  living  plant,  set  to  grow 
Quicksight'ed,  a.  having  a  sharp  sight 
Quick'silver,  s.  mercury,  a  fluid  mineral 
Quid'dany,j.marmalade,confection  of  quinces 
Quid'dity,  s.  a  quirk,  cavil,  essence 
Quies'cence,  Quies'cency,  s.  rest,  repose 
Quies'cent,  a.  resting,  lying  at  repose 
Qui'et,  a.  still,  smooth...*,  rest,  repose 
Qui'et,  v.  a.  to  calm,  pacify,  put  to  rest 
Oui'etist,  s.  one  who  places  religion  in  quiet 
Oui'etism,  s.  tranquillity  of  mind 
Qui'etly,  ad.  calmly,  peaceably,  at  rest 
Oui'etude,  s.  rest,  repose,  tranquillity 
Quietus,  5.  a  full  discharge  ;  rest,  death 
Quill,  s.  the  strong  feather  of  the  wing 
Quillet,  s.  a  subtilty  ;  nicety  ;  quibble 
Quilt,  x.  the  cover  of  a  bed...i>.  a.  to  stitch 
one  cloth  upon  another  with  something 
soft  between  them 
Quince,  s.  a  tree  and  its  fruit 
Quin'cunx,  s.  a  plantation  ;  a  measure 
Quinquages'ima,  s.  Shrove- Sunday  - 
Quinqui'na,  s.  the  drug  Jesuit's  bark 
Quin'sey,  s.  a  disease  in  the  throat 
Quint,  s.  a  set  or  sequence  of  five 
Quint'al,  s.  a  hundred  pound  weight 
Quintes'sence,  s.  the  spirit,  chief  force,  0/ 

virtue  of  any  thing  ;  a  fifth  being 
Quintuple,  a.  five-fold,  five  times  told 
Quip,  5.  a  jest,  a  taunt. ..v.  a.  to  rally 
Quire,  s.  twenty-four  sheets  of  paper 
Quir'ister,  s.  a  chorister 
Quirk,  s.  a  subtilty  ;  pun,  smart  taunt 
Quit,  v.  a.  to  discharge,  requite,  give 
Quite,  ad.  completely,  perfectly 
Quittent,  /.  a  small  reserved  rent 
Quits,  ad.  even  in  bet,  upon  equal  terms 
Quittance,  s.  a  receipt,  a  recompense 
Quiv'er,  s.  a  case  for  arrows. ..-p.  n.  to  quake 
Quod'libet,  t.  a  subtilty  ;  a  nice  point 

R  A  I 



Ouoif,  Ouoif'fure,  s.  a  cap,  a  head-dress 
Quoin,  s.  a  corner  ;  wedge  ;  instrument 
Quoit,  s.  an  iron  to  pitch  at  a  mark 
Qaon'dam,  a.  having  been  formerly 
Ouo'rum, ;.  a  special  commission  of  justices 
of  the  peace,  &c.  before  whom  all  matters 
of  importance  must  be  transacted 
§uo'£a,  s.  a  share,  rate,  proportion 

Quotation,  /.  a  citation,  a  passage  quoted 
Quote,  v.  to  cite  an  author,  to  adduce  the; 

words  of  another 
Quoth,  v.  imperf.  for  say  or  said 
Quotid'ian,  a.  daily,  happening  everyday 
Quo'tient,  s.   in  arithmetic,  is  the  number 

produced  by  tbe  division  of  the  two  given 

numbers  the  one  by  the  other 


RTS  frequently  used  as  an  abbreviation  ; 
in  physicians'  bills  it  stands  for  re- 
cipe ;  it  is  also  put  for  Rev,   the  king  ; 
ami  Rrgi>ia,the  queen 
Raba'te,  v.  n.  to  recover  a  hawk  to  the  fist 
Kab'bet,  s.  a  joint  in  carpentry,  a  groove 
Rafo'bi,  or  Rab'bin,  s.  a  Jewish  doctor 
Rabbin'icbl,  a.  relating  to  rabbies 
Rab'bit,  s.  a  four-footed  furry  animal 
Rab'ble,  s.  an  assemblage  of  low  people 
Rab'id,  a.  mad,  furious,  raging 
Race,  s.   a  family,   generation  ;   particular 

breed  ;  running  match,  course  ;  train 
Ra'ciness,  /.  the  state  of  being  racy 
Rack,  s.  an  engine  to  torture  with  ;  extreme 

pain  ;  a  frame  for  hay,  bottles,  &c. 
Rack,  v.  a.  to  torment,  harass  ;  defecate 
Rnck'rent,  s.  rent  raised  to  the  utmost 
Rack'et,  j.  a  noise  ;  a  thing  to  strike  a  ball 
Racoo'n,  s.  an  American  animal 
Ra'cy,  a.  strong,  flavourous  ;  also,  what  by 

age  has  lost  its  luscious  quality 
Ra'diance,  s.  a  sparkling  lustre,  glitter 
Ra'diant,  a.  shining,  brightly  sparkling 
Ra'diate,  v.n.  to  emit  rays  ;  to  shine 
Ra'diated,  a.  adorned  with  rays 
Radia'tion,  s.  an  emission  of  rays 
Rad'ical,  a.  primitive  ;  implanted  by  nature 
Radically,  ad.  originally,  primitively 
Rad'icate,  v.a.  to  root,piant  deeply  and  firmly 
Rad'ish,  s.  a  root  which  is  eaten  raw 
Ra'dius,  s.  the  semidiavneter  of  a  circle 
Raff,  v.  a.  to  sweep,  to  huddle 
Raffle,  v.  n.  to  cast  dice  for  a  prize 
Raffle,  s.  a  casting  dice  for  prizes 
Raft,  s.  a  float  of  timber 
Raft'er,  s.  the  roof  timber  of  a  house 
Rag,  /.  worn  out  clothes,  a  tatter 
Ragamuffin,  s.  a  paltry,  mean  fellow 
R  ige,  s.  violent  anger,  fury,  passion 
Rag'ged,  a.  rent  into,  or  drestinrags  ;  rugged 
Ra'gingly,  ad.  with  vehement  fury 
RagOu't,  /.  meat  stewed  and  high  seasoned 
Rail,  s.  a  sort  of  wooden  or  iron  fence 
Rail,  v.  to  enclose  with  rails  ;  to  insult 

Rail'lery,  s.  slight  satire,  satirical  mirth 
Ra'iment,  s.  vesture,  garment,  dress 
Rain,  s.  water  falling  from  the  clouds 
Rain'bow,  s.  an  arch  of  various  colours  which 
appears  in   showery  weather,  formed  by 
the  refra&ion  of  the  sun-beams 
Rain'deer,  s.  a  large  northern  deer 
Rain'y,  a.  showery,  wet 
Raise,  v.  a.  to  lift,  to  erett,  to  exalt,  to  levy 
Rais'in,  j.  a  dried  grape 
Rake,  s.  a  tool  with  teeth  ;  a  loose  man 
Rake,  v.  to  gather  or  clear  with  a  rake  ;  to 

scour  ;  to  heap  together  ;  to  search 
Ra'ker,  s.  one  who  rakes  ;  a  scavenger 
Ra'kish,  a.  loose,  lewd,  dissolute 
Ra'kehell,  s.  a  wild,  worthless,  debauched 

Ral'ly,  v.  to  treat  with  satirical  merriment  5 

to  put  disordered  forces  into  order 
Ram,  s.  a  male  sheep 
Ram,  v.  a.  to  drive  with  violence 
Ram'ble,  s.  an  irregular  excursion 
Ram'ble,  v.  n.  to  rove  loosely,  to  wander 
Ram'bler,  s.  a  rover,  a  wanderer 
Ram'bling,  s.  the  acT:  of  rambling 
Rrimifica'tion,  s.  division,  or  separation  into 

branches  ;  a  branching  out'ify,  v.  to  separate  into  branches 
Ram'mer,    s.    an  instrument  to  force  the 
charge  into  a  gun,  or  drive  piles,  &c  into 
the  ground 
Ra'mous,a.  consisting,  or  full  of  branches 
Ramp,  /.  a  leap,  spring 
Ramp,  v.  n.  to  climb,  to  leap  about 
Ramp'ant,  a.  exuberant,  frisky,  wanton 
j  Ramp'art,  Ram'pire,  s.  the  wall  round  forti- 
fied places  ;  platform  behind  the  parapet 
j  Ran,  preterite  of  to  run 
j  Ran'cid,  a.  strong  scented  •,  stinking 
Ran'corous,  a.   malignant,  malicious  in  the 

utmost  degree 
Ran'cour,  s.  inveterate  malignity 
Ran'dom,  a.  done  by  chance,  without  plan 
Ran'dom,  s.  want  of  direction,  rule,  or  me- 
thod ;  chance,  hazard,  roving  motion 



R  E   A 

Rand,  s.  a  border  ;  the  seam  of  a  shoe 
Rang,  preterite  of  to  ring 
Range,  s.  a  rank  ;  excursion  ;  kitchen  grate 
Range,  v.  to  place  in  order  or  ranks  ;  rove 
Ra'nger,  s.  a  rover,  a  forest  officer 
Rank,  a.  rancid  ;  coarse  ;  high  grown 
Rank,  s.  a  line  of  men  ;  class  ;   dignity 
Rank,  v.  to  place  in  a  row,  to  arrange 
Ran'kle,  v  n.  to  fester,  to  be  inflamed 
Ran'sack,  v.  a.  to  plunder,  to  search 
Ran'som,  ,-.  a  price  paid  for  liberty 
Rant,  s.  2n  extravagant  flight  of  words 
Rant,  v.  n.  to  rave  in  high  sounding  language 
Rant'ipole,  a.  wild,  roving,  rakish 
Ranun'culus,  s.  the  flower  crowfoot 
Rap, ;.  a  quick,  smart  blow 
Rapa'cious,  a.  seizing  by  violence,  greedy 
Rapa'city,  s.  addictedness  to  plunder 
Rape,  s.   a  violent  (feneration  of  chastity  ; 

snatching  away  ;  a  plant 
Rap'id,  a.  quick,  swift,  violent 
Rapid'ity,  s.  celerity,  velocity,  swiftness 
Ra'pier,  s.  a  small  sword  for  thrusting 
•Ra'pier-fish,  ;.  the  fish  called  ziphias 
Rap'ine,  s.  act  of  plundering,  violence 
R.apt,  v.  n.  to  ravish,  to  put  in  ecstasy 
Rap'ture,  ;.  ecstasy,  transport  ;  rapidity 
Rap  turous,  a.  ecstatic,  transporting 
Rare,  a.  scarce  ;  excellent ;  subtle  ;  raw 
Ra'reeshow,  s.  a  show  carried  in  a  box 
Rarefac'tion,  t.  an  extension  of  the  parts  of 

any  body 
Ra'refy,  v.  to  make  or  become  thin 
Ra'rely,  ad.  seldom  ;  finely  ;  accurately 
Ra'reness,  Ra'rity,  s.  uncommonness 
Ras'cal,  f.  a  mean  fellow,  a  scoundrel 
Rascal'ion,  /.  one  of  the  lowest  people 
Rascal'ity, ;.  the  scum  of  the  people 
Ras'cally,  a.  mean,  worthless 
Rase,  v.  a.  to  skim,  to  root  up,  to  erase 
Rash,  a.  precipitate..^,  a  breaking  out 
Rash'er,  s.  a  thin  slice  of  bacon 
Rash'ly,  ad.  violently,  without  thought 
Rash'ness,  s.  a  foolish  contempt  of  danger 
Rasp,  s.  a  berry  ;  a  large  rough  file 
Rasp,  v.  a.  to  rub  or  file  with  a  rasp 
Rasp'atory,  s.  a  surgeon's  rasp 
Rasp'berry, ;.  a  berry  of  a  pleasant  flavour 
Ra'sure, ;.  scraping  out  of  writing 
Rat,  s.  an  animal  of  the  mouse  kind 
Ra'table,  a.  set  at  a  certain  value 
Ratafi'a,  s.  a  delicious  cordial  liquor 
Rata'n,  s.  a  small  Indian  cane 
Rate,  s.  a  price  ;  degree  ;  quota  ;  parish  tax 
Rate,  v.  a.  to  value  ;  to  chide  hastily 
Rath,  a.  early,  before  the  time...j.  a  hill 
Rath'er,  ad.  more  willingly  ;  especially 
Ratification,  s.  a  confirmation 
Rat'ify,  v.  a.  to  confirm,  settle,  establish 
Ra'uOj  :.  a  proportion,  a  rale 

Ratiocination,  s.  a  reasoning,  a  debate 
Ra'tional,  a.  agreeable  to  reason  ;  endowed 

with  reason,  wise  ;  judicious 
Rationality,  s.  the  power  of  reasoning 
Ra'tionally,  ad.  reasonably,  with  reason 
Rats'bane,  s.  arsenic,  poison  for  rats 
Rat'tle,  s.  empty  talk  ;  a  child's  plaything 
Rat'tle,  v.   to  rail,  to  scold,  to  make  a  noise 
Rat'tleheaded,  a.  giddy,  not  steady 
Rat'tlesnake,  s.  a  kind  of  serpent 
Rattoo'n,  /.  a  West-Indian  fox 
Rav'age,  v.  a.  to  lay  waste,  ransack,  pillage 
Rau'city,  s.  hoarseness,  a  harsh  noise 
Rave,  ?;.  n.  to  be  delirious  ;  to  be  very  fond 
Rav'el,  v.  a.  to  entangle  ;  to  untwist 
Rav'elin,  s.  a  half  moon,  in  fortification 
Ra'ven,  s.  a  large,  black  carrion  fowl 
Rav'encus,  a.  voracious,  hungry  to  rage 
Rav'in,  s.  prey,  rapine,  rapaciousness 
Ra  vingly,  ad.  with  distraction,  or  frenzy 
Rav'ish,    v.    a.    to  violate,    to   defiour  by 
force  j  to  delight   to  rapture,  to  transport 
Rav'isher,  s .  he  who  ravishes 
Rav'ishment,  s.  violation  ;  transport 
Raw,  a.  not  subdued  by  fire  ;  sore  ;  chill 
Raw  boned,  a.  having  large  or  strong  bones 
Ray,  s   a  beam  of  light  ;  a  fish  ;  an  herb 
Raze,  s.  a  root  of  ginger 
Raze,  v.  a.  to  overthrow  ;  efface  ;  extirpate 
Ra'zor, :.  a  tool  used  in  shaving 
Ra'zure,  s.  the  act  of  erasing 
Reacce'ss,  s.  readmittance 
Reach,  s.  power,  ability,  extent,  fetch 
Reach,  v.  to  arrive  at,  extend  to  ;  vomit 
Reac'tion,  s.   the   reciprocation  of  any  im- 
pulse, or  force  impressed 
Read,  v.  to  peruse,  to  learn  or  know  fully 
Read,  part.  a.  skilful  by  reading 
Readep'tion,  s.  act  of  regaining,  recovery 
Read'er,  s.  one  who  reads  ;  a  studious  man 
Read'ily,  ad.  with  speed  ;  expeditely 
Read'iness,  s.  promptitude  ;  facility 
Read'ing,  s.  study,  a  lecture,  a  public  lecture, 

prelection  •,  variation  of  copies 
Readmis'sion,  s.  the  act  of  admitting  again 
Readmi't,  v.  a.  to  admit  or  let  in  again 
Read'y,  a.  prompt,  willing  ;  near,  at  hand 
Reaffirm'ance,  s-  a  second  confirmation 
Re'al,  a.  true,  certain,  genuine 
Real'ity,  s.  truth,  verity,  real  existence 
Re'alize,  v.  a.  to  bring  into  being  or  act 
Re'ally,  ad.  with  actual  existence,  truly 
Realm,  s.  a  kingdom,  a  state 
Ream,  s.  twenty  quires  of  paper 
Rean'imate,  -v.  a.  to  restore  to  life 
Rea:ine'x,  v.  a.  to  annex  or  join  again 
Reap,  v.  a.  to  cut  down  corn- ;  to  obtain 
Reap'er,  s.  one  who  reaps  and  gathers  corn 
Rear,  s.  the  hinder  troop,  last  class 
Rear,  v.  u,  to  raise  up.  to  elevate,  to  roufcS 

R  E   C 


R  E  C 

Rear-ad'miral,    ;.    the  admiral  who  carries 

his  flag  at  the  mizen  topmast  head 
Rear'mouse,  Ra'remouse,  s.  a  bat 
Reasce'nd,  v.  to  climb  or  mount  up  again 
ReasOn,    j.    a  faculty,  or  power  of  the  sou!, 
whereby  it  distinguisheth  good  from  evil ; 
cause,  principle,  motive 
Reas'on,  v.  to  argue  or  examine  rationally 
Reasonable,  a.  endued  with  reason  ;  just 
Reasonableness,;. moderation,fairness,equity 
Reas'oning,  s .  argument 
Reassem'ble,  v.  a.  to  collect  anew 
Reassu'me,  v.  a.  to  resume,  to  take  again 
Reassump'tion,;.  act  of  reassuming 
Reave,  v.  a.  to  take  by  stealth  or  violence 
Rebapti'ze,  v.  a.  to  baptize  again 
Reba'te,  v.  to  blunt  ;  lessen.../,  discount 
Re'bec,  s.  a  three-stringed  fiddle 
Reb'el,  s.  one  who  opposes  lawful  authority 
Rebel'lion,   .'.   an  insurrection  or  taking  up 

arms  igainst  lawful  authority 
Rebellious,  a.  opposing  lawful  authority 
Reboa'tion,  s.  the  return  of  aloud  bellowing 

Rebo'und,  v.  to  spring  back,  to  reverberate 
Rebu'ff,  s.  a  quick  and  sudden  resistance 
Rebu'fF,  v.  a.  to  beat  back,  to  disencourage 
Rebui'ld,  v-  a.  to  build  again  ;  to  repair 
Rebu'ke,  v.  a.  to  reprehend  ;  to  chide 
Re'bns,j.a  word  represented  by  a  pic~ture,&c. 
Reca'l,  s.  a  calling  over  or  back  again 
Reca'nt,  v.  a.  to  retract  an  opinion 
Recanta'tion,  j.a  retracting  an  opinion 
Recapitulate,  v.  a.  to  repeat  again  distinctly 
Recapitulation, ;.  a  detail  repeated 
Recap'tion,  s.  a  second  distress  or  seizure 
Rece'de,  v.  n.  to  fall  back,  retreat,  desist 
Rece'ipt,  s.  a  reception  j  an  acquittance 
Receivable,  a.  capable  of  being  received 
Rece'ive,  v.  a.  to  take,  to  admit,  to  allow,  to 

entertain  ;  to  embrace  intellectually 
ReceivOr,  s.  one  who  receives 
Recession,  s.  an  enumeration,  review 
Re'cent,  a.  new,  late,  not  long  passed 
Re'cently,  ad.  newly,  freshly,  lately 
Reeept'acle,  s.  a  place  to  receive  things  in 
Recept'ary,  s.  the  thing  received 
Receptibil'ity,  s.  possibility  of  receiving 
Recep'tion,   s.    act  of  receiving,  admission  ; 

treatment  ;  welcome  ;  entertainment 
Recep'tive,  a.  capable  of  receiving 
Hece'ss,  s.  a  retirement ;  departure  ;  privacy 
Recession,  s.  the  act  of  retreating 
Recha'nge,  v.  a.  to  change  again 
Recha'rge,  v.  a.  to  accuse  in  return,  reattack 
Reche'at,  ;.   recalling  hounds  by  winding  a 

norifwhen  they  are  on  a  wrong  scent 
Re'cipe,  f.  a  medical  prescription 
Recipient,  s.  a  receiver  ;  a  vessel  to  receive 
Hecij?'rQcal»  «•  m«tual?  alternate 

Recip'rocate,  v.  n.  to  act  interchangeably 
Reciproca'tion,  s.  aftion  interchanged 
Reci'sion, i.  a  cutting  off,  a  making  void 
Reci'tal,  Recita'tioiij  s.  rehearsal,  repetition, 

Recitati've,  Recitati'vo,  s.   a  kind  of  tuneful 
pronunciation  more  musical  than  common 
speech,  and  less  than  song 
Reci'te,  v.  a.  to  repeat,  to  enumerate 
Reck,  v.  to  heed,  to  mind,  to  care  for 
Retk'lessjfl.  heedless,  careless,  mindless 
Reck'on,  v.  to  number  ;  esteem  ;  compute 
Reckoning,  s.  an  estimation,  calculation 
Recla'im,  v.  a.  to  reform,  correct,  recal 
Recli'ne,  v.  n.  to  lean  sideways  or  back 
Reclo'se,  v.  a.  to  close  again 
Reclu'de,  v.  a.  to  open,  unlock 
Reclu'se,  a.  shut  up,  retired 
Recoagula'tion,  s.  a  second  coagulation 
Recog'nisance,/.  a  bond  of  record  ;  a  badge 
RecOgnise,  v.  a.  to  acknowledge  ;  to  review 
Recognition,  s.  acknowledgment 
Reco'il,  v.  n.  to  rush  back,  fall  back,  shrink 
Recoin'age,  s.  the  act  of  coining  anew 
Recolie'ct,  <v.  a.  to  recover  to  memory,  &c. 
Recollec'tion,  s.  a  revival  in  the  memory  of 

former  ideas  ;  recovery  of  notion 
Recomme'nce,  v.  to  begin  anew 
Recomme'nd,  v.  a.  to  commend  to  another 
Recommendation, ,s.  the  act  of  recommend- 
ing -,  the  terms  used  to  recommend 
Recommend'atorys,a.  recommending 
Recommi't,  v.  a.  to  commit  anew 
Recompense,  s.  a  requital,  an  amends 
Recompense,  v.  a.  to  repay,  to  requite 
Recompi'lement,  s.  a  new  compilation 
Recompo'se,  v.  a.  to  settle  or  adjust  anew 
Reconcile,  v.  a.  to  make  things  agree,  &c. 
Reconci'leable,  a.  that  may  be  reconciled 
Reconcilement,  s.  a  reconciliation 
Reconciliation,  s.  renewal  of  friendship 
Reconcil'iatory,  a.  tending  to  reconcile 
Reconde'nse,  v.  a.  to  condense  anew 
Recon'dite,  a.  profound,  abstruse  ;  secret 
Recon'ditory^/.  a  storehouse,  a  repository 
Reconduct,  v.  a.  to  conduct  back  again 
Reconno'itre,  v.  a.  to  view,  to  examine 
Reconve'ne,  v.  a.  to  assemble  anew 
Reco'rd,  v,  a.  to  register,  to  celebrate 
RecOrd,/.  an  authentic  enrolment 
RecordOr,  s.  a  law  officer  ;  a  sort  of  flute 
Recov'er,  v.  to  regain  ;  to  grow  well  again 
RecovOrable,  a.  that  may  be  restored,  &c» 
Recov'ery,  s.  a  restoration  from  sickness 
RecoOnt,  v.  a.  to  relate  in  detail 
Reco'urse,  s.  an  application  for  help,  &C. 
Rec'reant,  a.  cowardly,  mean-spirited 
Recreate,  v.  a.  to  refresh,  delight,  revive 
Recrea'tinn,  s.  relief  after  toil,  diversion 
&ee'rement,  ;.  dross,  filth,,  spu^ 



R  E   F 

Recrim'inate,  v.  a.  to  accuse  in  return 
Recrimina'tion,  s.  an  accusation  retorted 
Recrudes'cent,  a.  growing  painful  again 
Recru'it,  v.  a.  to  repair,  replace,  supply 
Recru'it,  s.  a  new  enlisted  soldier  ;  supply 
Rect'angle,    s.   a  right  angle  made   by  the 
falling  of  one  line  perpendicularly  upon 

another,  and  which  consists  exactly  of  go 
Redtan'gular,  a.  having  right  angles 
Rec'tifiable,  a.  capable  of  being  set  right 
Rectifier,  s.  one  who  rectifies 
Rectify,  v.  a.  to  make  right,  reform  ;  to 

exalt  and  improve  by  repeated  distillation 
Recti  Ungear,  a.  consisting  of  right  lines 
Rec'titude,  j.  straightness  ;  uprightness 
Rec'tor,  5.  a  minister  of  a  parish  j  a  ruler 
Rectorship,  s .  the  office  of  a  rector 
Rec'tory,  s.  a  parish  church,  or  spiritual  liv- 
ing, &c.  with  all  its  rights,  glebes,  &c. 
R^cum'bency,  s.  a  lying  down,  repose 
Recum'bent,  a.  lying  down,  leaning 
Recu'r,  v.  n.  to  have  recourse  to,  &c. 
Recurrence,  Recur'rency,  s.  a  return 
Recur'rent,  a.  returning  from  time  to  time 
Recurva'tion,  s.  a  bending  backwards 
Rec'usant,  s.  one  that  refuses  any  terms  of 

communion  or  society 
Recu'se,  v.  a.  to  refuse,  to  reject 
Red,  a.  of  the  colour  of  blood 
Recursion,  5   the  act  of  beating  back 
Redar'gue,  v.  a.  to  refute 
Red'breast,  s.  a  small  bird,  a  robin 
Red'den,  v.  to  make  or  grow  red,  to  blush 
Red'dishness,  s.  a  tendency  to  redness 
Reddi'tion,  s.  restitution 
Red'dle,  s.  a  sort  of  mineral  ;  red  chalk 
Rede,  s.  counsel,  advice...^/,  a.  to  advise 
Redee'm,  v.   a.  to  ransom,  to  relieve  from 

any  thing  by  paying  a  price,  to  recover,  to 

atone  for 
Redeemable,  a.  capable  of  redemption 
Redeem'er,  s.  one  who  ransoms  or  redeems, 

in  particular,  the  Saviour  of  the  world 
Redeliv'er,  -v.  a.  to  deliver  or  give  back 
Redemption,  s.  a  ransom,  the  purchase  of 

God's  favour  by  the  death  of  Christ 
Redemp'tory,  a.  paid  for  ransom 
Red'lead,  s.  a  kind  of  coarse  red  mineral 
Jled'olence,  Red'olency,  s.  a  sweet  scent 
Red'olent,  a.  sweet  of  scent,  fragrant 
Redo'uble,  v.  a.  to  double  again 
Redo'ubt,  s.  the  outwork  of  a  fortification 
Redoubt'able,  a.  formidable,  much  feared 
Redoubled,  a.  much  feared,  awful,  dread 
Redo'und,  v.  n.  to  be  sent  back  by  reaction 
Redre'ss,  -v.  a.  to  set  right,  amend ;  to  relieve 
Redre'ss,  s.  amendment  ;  relief;  remedy 
Red'streak,  s.  a  sort  of  apple,  and  cider 
Redu'te,  v.  a.  to  make  less,  degrade j  subdue 

Redu'cement,  s  a  subduing  ;  a  diminishing 
Redu'cible,  a.  possible  to  be  reduced 
Reduction,  j -.  the  aft  of  reducing 
Reductive,  a.  having  the  power  to  reduce 
Redundance,  Redundancy,  s.  a  superfluity, 

superabundance,  &c 
Redun'dant,  a.  overflowing,  superfluous 
Redu'plicate,  v.  a.  to  double  over  again 
Reduplica'tion,  s.  the  act  of  doubling 
Redu-'plicative,  a.  doubling  again 
Ree,  v.  a.  to  sift,  to  riddle...;,  a  small  coin 
Reed,  s.  a  hollow,  knotted  stalk  ;  a  pipe 
Re-edify,  v.  a.  to  rebuild,  to  build  again 
Reed'y,  a.  abounding  with  reeds 
Reef,  v.  a.  to  reduce  the  sails  of  a  ship 
Reek,  s.  smoke,  vapour...-y.  n.  to  smoke 
Reel,  s.  a  frame  on  which  yarn  is  wound 
Reel,  v.  to  wind  on  a  reel ;  to  stagger 
Re-eleCtion,  s.  a  fresh  or  repeated  election* 
Re-emba'rk,  13.  a.  to  take  shipping  again' 
Re-enfo'rce,  v.  a.  to  send  fresh  forces 
Re-enfo'rcement, /.  fresh  assistance     * 
Re-enjoy',  v.  a.  to  enjoy  again  or  anew 
Re-en'ter,  v.  a.  to  enter  again  or  anew 
Re-estab'lish,  v.  a.  to  establish  anew 
Reeve,  or  Reve, ;.  a  steward 
Re-exam'ine,  v.  a.  to  examine  anew 
Refec'tion,  /.  refreshment  after  hunger,  &c. 
RefecVory,  s.  an  eating-room 
Refe'l,  v.  a.  to  refute,  to  repress 
Rcfe'r,  v.  a.  to-  yield  to  another's  judgment 
Reference,  s.  relation  ;  view  toward  ;   allu- 
sion to  ;  arbitration  ;    mark  referring  to 
the  bottom  of  a  page 
Refi'ne,  v.  a.  to  purify,  to  clear  from  dross 
Refinement,  s.  an  improvement,  &c. 
Refi'ner,  s.  a  purifier,  one  who  refines 
Refi't,  v.  a.  to  repair,  to  fit  up  again 
Refle'ct,  v.  a.  to  throw  back  ;    to  reproach 
Reflection,  s.  attentive  consideration  ;  cen<- 

sure  ;  the  act  of  throwing  back 
Reflective,  a.  considering  things  past 
Refiect'or,  s.  one  who  reflects 
Refle'x,  /.  reflection..^!,  directed  backward 
Reflexibil'ity,  s.  quality  of  being  reflexible 
Reflex'ible,  a.  capable  of  being  thrown  back 
Reflexive,  a.  respecting  something  past 
Reflour'ish,  v.  «•  to  flourish  anew 
Reflo'w,  v.  n.  to  flow  back,  to  flow  again 
Refluent,  a.  reflowing,  flowing  back 
Re'flux,  s.  a  flowing  back,  ebb  of  the  tide 
Refo'rm,  v.  to  change  from  worse  to  better" 
Refo'rm,  ;.   a  reformation 
Reformation,  s.  change  from  worse  to  better 
Refra'ft,  v.  «.  to  break  the  course  of  rays 
Refraction,  x.  variation  of  a  ray  of  light 
RefracVive,  a.  having  power  of  refraction 
Refractoriness,  s.  a   sullen  obstinacy 
Refract'ory,  a.  obstinate,  contumacious 
Ref'ragable,  «»  capable  of  confutation^  &c» 

R  EG 

R  EL 

Refrain,  v.  to  hold  back,  forbear,  abstain 
Refran'gible,  a.  such  as  may  be  turned  out  of 

its  course 
Refre'sh,  v.  a.  to  recreate,  improve,  cool 
Refreshment,  s.  food,  rest,  relief  after  pain 
Refri'gerant,  a.  cooling,  refreshing 
Refri'gerate,  v.  a.  to  cool,  to  mitigate  heat 
Refi  i'gerative,  a.  able  to  make  cool 
Refuge,  s.  shelter  from  danger  or  distress 
Refugee',  s.  one  who  flies  for  protection 
Reful'gence,  s.  splendour,  brightness 
Reful'gent,   a.  bright,  shining,  glittering 
Refu/nd,  v.  n.  to  pour  back,  repay,  restore 
Refu'sal,  s.  a  denial  ;  right  of  choice  ;  option 
Refu'se,  v.  to  deny,  to  reject,  not  to  accept 
Refuse,  s.  worthless  remains  ;    dross 
Refu'ser,  s.  he  who  refuses  or  rejects 
Refutation,  s.  a  refuting  of  an  assertion 
Jtefu'te,  v.  a.  to  prove  false  or  erroneous 
.Rega'in,  v.  a.  to  recover,  to  gain  anew 
Re'gal,  a.  royal,  kingly 
Rega'le,  v.  a.  to  refresh,   to  gratify,  to  feast 
Jlega'lement,  s.  entertainment,  refreshment 
Rega'lia,  s .  the  ensigns  of  royalty 
Regal'ity,  s    royalty,  sovereignty,   kingship 
JRega'rd,  v.  a.  to  value,  to  observe,  to  respect 
Rega'rd,  s.  attention,  respect,  reverence 
Regard'ful,  a.  attentive,  taking  notice  of 
Regard'less,  a.  negligent,  inattentive 
Re'gency,  s.  the  government  of    a  kingdom 

during  the  minority,  &c.   of  a  prince 
Regenerate,  -v.  a.  to  reproduce,  to  produce 

anew,  to  make  to  be  born  anew 
Regenerate,  a.  born  anew  by  grace 
Regeneration,  s.   a  new  birth  by  grace 
Regen'erateness,  s.  state  of  being  regenerate 
Re'gent,  ;.  a  governor,  a  deputed  ruler 
Re'gent,  a.  governing,  ruling 
Regermination,  s.  a  budding  out  again 
Re'gicide,  s.  the  murderer,  or  murder  of  a  king 
Re'gimen,  s.  a  diet  in  time  of  sickness 
Re'giment,  s.  a  body  of  soldiers  ;  rule,  polity 
Regiment'al,  a.  belonging  to  a  regiment 
Re'gion,  s.  a  country  ;  trail  of  land ;  space  ; 

place  ;  rank  ;  part  of  the  body 
Re'gister,  s.  a  list,  a  record 
Re'gister,  v.  a.  to  record  in  a  register 
Reg'nant,  a.  predominant,  prevalent 
Rego'rge,  v.  a.  to  vomit  up,  to  swallow  back 
Regre'ss,  v.  n.  to  go  back,  to  return 
Regres'sion,  s.  a  returning  or  going  back. 
Regre't,  v.  a.  to  repent,  to  be  sorry  for 
Regre't,  s.  vexation  at  something  past 
Reg'ular,  a.  orderly,  agreeable  to  rule 
Regularity,  s.  a  certain  order5  a  method 
Reg'ularly,  ad.  constantly,  methodically 
Reg'ulate,  v.  a.  to  adjust  by  rule  ;    to  direft 
Regulation,  s.  a  method  ;  order,  rule 
Regulator,  /.  that  part  of  a  machine  which 

makes  the  motion  equal 

Reg'ulus,  s.  the  finest  part  of  metals 
Regur'gitate,  v.  to  throw  or  be  poured  back 
Rehe'ar,  v.  a.  to  hear  again 
Rehears'al,  s.  a  previous  recital 
Pvehe'arse,  v.  a.  to  recite  previously,  to  tell 
Reje'cl,  v.  a.  to  refuse,  to  discard,  to  cast  off 
Rejection,  s.  the  afl  of  casting  off,  or  aside 
Reign,  j.  the  time  of  a  king's  government 
Reign,  v.  n.  to  rule  as  a  king  ;  to  prevail 
Reimbod'y,  v.  to  embody  again 
Reimburse,  v.  n.  to  pay  back  again,  to  repair 
Reimpres'sion,  s.  a  repeated  impression 
Rein,  s.  part  of  a  bridle...i/.  a.  to  curb 
Reins,  s-  the  kidneys  ;    the  lower  back 
Reinse'rt,  v.  a.  to  insert  a  second  time 
Reinspi're,  v.  a.  to  inspire  anew 
Reinsta'l,  v.  a.  to  put    again    in   possession 
Reinstate,  v.  a.  to  restore  to  its  former  state 
Reinve'st,  -v.  a.  to  invest  anew 
Rejo'ice,  v.  to  be  glad,  exult ;    exhilarate 
Rejo'in,  v.  to  join  again  ;  to  meet  one  again  ; 

to  answer  to  an  answer 
Rejoin'der,  s.  reply  to  an  answer  ;     reply 
Reit'erate,  v,   a.  to  repeat  again  and  again 
Reitera'tion,  s.  a  repetition 
Reju'dge,  v.  a.  to  re-examine,  to  review 
Rekin'dle,  v.  a.  to  set  on  fire  again 
Rela'pse,  v.  fall  back  into  sickness,  &c. 
Rela'pse,  s.  a    fall  into  vice   or  error,   &c. 

once  forsaken  ;    regression    from  a  state 

of  recovery  to  sickness 
Rela'te,  11.  to  recite  ;   to  have  reference 
Rela'tion,  /.  a  narration  ;  kindred  ;  reference 
Rel'ative,  s.  a  relation,  a  kinsman 
Rel'ative,  a.  having  relation  ;  respecting 
Relatively,  ad.  as  it  respedls  something  else 
Rela'x,  v.  to  be  remiss,    to  slacken,  to  remit 
Rela'x,  Relax'ed,  part,  loosened,  slackened 
Relaxation,  s.  remission,  diminution 
Rela'y,  s.  horses  placed  to  relieve  others 
Relea'se,  v,  a.  to  set  free  from  restraint,  &c. 
Rel'egate,  v.  a.  to  banish,  to  exile 
Relegation,  /.  exile,  judicial  banishment 
Rele'nt,  v.  to  feel  compassion  j   to  mollify 
Relent'less,  a,  uupitying,  unmerciful 
Rel'evant,  a.  relieving ;   relative 
Reli'ance,  s.  trust,  dependence,  confidence 
Rel'ics,  s.  the  remains  of  dead  bodies 
Rel'ictjj.  a  widow 

Relie'f,  s.  succour,  alleviation  ;  relievo 
Relie've,  v.  a.  to  succour  ;to  change  a  guard 
Relie'vo,  s.  the  prominence  of  a  figure,  &c. 
Reli'gion,  s.  a  system  of  faith  and  worship 
Reli'gionist,  s.  a  bigot  to  any  religion 
Reli'gious,  a.  pious,  devout,  holy,  exa<5l 
Relinquish,  *y.  a.  toforsake,quit,  depart  from 
Relinquishment,  s.  the  ac~l  of  forsaking 
Rel'ish,  s.  a  taste  ;  liking  ;  delight 
Rel'ish,  v.  to  season,  to  have  a  flavour 
Relutent,  a,  shining,  transparent 




Reluct'ance,  /.unwillingness,  repugnance 
R.eluct'ant,  a.  unwilling,  averse  to 
Relu'me,  Relu'mine,  v.  a.  to  light  anew 
Rely',  v.  n.  to  put  trust  in,  to  depend  upon 
Rema'in,  v.  to  continue  ;  await ;  to  be  left 
Remaind'er,  s.  what  is  left,  remains 
Rema'ins,  s.  relics  ;  a  dead  body 
Rema'nd,  v.  a.  to  send,  or  call  back 
Rema'rk,  s.  observation,  note,  notice 
Rema'rk,  v.  a.  to  note,  distinguish,  mark 
Remark/able,  a.  observable,  worthy  of  note 
Remark'ably,  ad.   observably,   uncommonly 
Reme'diable,  a.  capable  of  remedy 
Remed'iless,  a.  not  admitting  remedy 
Rem'edy,  s.  a  medicine  ,•    reparation  ;  cure 
Rem'edy,  v.  a.  to   cure,  to  heal ;    to  repair 
Remem'ber,  v.    a.  to  bear  in  or  call  to  mind 
Remem'berer,  s.  one  who  remembers 
Remembrance,  s.  retention  in  memory 
Remembrancer,  s.  one  who  reminds 
Rem'igrate,  v.  n.  to  remove  back  again 
Remigra'tion,  s.  a  removal  back  again 
Remi'nd,  v.  a.  to  put  in  mind 
Reminis'cence,  s.  the  power  of  recollecting 
Remi'ss,  a.  slothful,  slack,  careless 
Remiss'ible,  a.  admitting  forgiveness 
Remis'sion, s.  abatement,  forgiveness,  pardon 
Remiss'ly,  ad.  carelessly,  negligently 
Remi't,  v.  to  relax  ;    pardon  a  fault ;    send 
money  to  a  distant  place^    slacken,  abate 
Remit'tance,  s.  a  sum  sent  to   a  distant  place 
Rem'nant, ;.  a  residue  ;  what  is  left 
Remon'strance,  s.  a  strong  representation 
Remon'strate,  v.  n.  to  show  reason  against 
Rem'ora, ;.   an  obstacle  ;    a  let  ;    a  fish 
Remo'rse,  s.  sorrow  for  a  fault,  tenderness 
Remorse'ful,«.  tender,  compassionate 
Remorse'less,  a .  cruel,  savage,  unpitying 
Remo'te,  a.  distant  in  time,  place,  or  kin  ; 

foreign  ;    not  closely  connected 
Remo'teness,  s.  distance,  not  nearness 
Remo'tion,  s.  the  aft  of  removing 
Remo'vable,  a.  such  as  may  be  removed 
Remo'val,  s.  a  dismission  from  a  post,  &c. 
Remo've,  v.  to  put  from  its  place,  to  change 
place  ;  to  place  at  a  distance  ;  to  go  from 
place  to  place 
Remo'ved,  part.  a.  separate  from  others 
Remo'unt,  v.  n.  to  mount  again 
Remu'nerable,  a.  fit  to  be  rewarded 
Remunerate,  v.  a.  to  reward,  requite,  repay 
Remunerative,  a.  giving  rewards,  &c. 
Remur'mur,  v.  to  utter  back  in  murmurs 
Ren'ard,/.  the  name  of  a  fox 
Renas'cent,  a.  rising  or  springing  anew 
Renas'tible,  a.  possible  to  be  produced  again 
Rencoun'ter,  s.  a  personal  opposition  ;   sud- 
den combat ;  casual  engagement,  &c 
Rend, -a.  a.  to  tear  with  violence  j  lacerate 
Ren'der,  v.  a.  to  return,  repay  $  to  translate 

Rendezvous,  j.  a  meeting  appointed 
Rendition,  s-  the  act  of  yielding 
Ren'egade,  Renega'do,  s.  an  apostate 
Rene  w,r.  a.  to  renovate,  repeat,  begin  again 
Renew'able,  a.  capable  to  be  renewed 
Renew'al,  s.  act  of  renewing,  renovation 
Ren'itency,  s.  resistance,  opposition 
Ren'itent,  a.  resisting,  opposing,  repelling 
Ren'net,  s.  an  apple  ;  the  juice  of  a  calf's 
maw,  used  in  turning  milk  into  curds 
Ren'ovate,  v.  a.  to  renew,  to  restore 
Renova'tion,  s.  the  act  of  renewing 
Reno'unce,t;.  to  disown  ;   to  abnegate 
Reno'wn,  s.  fame,  celebrity,  merit 
Renown'ed,  part.  a.  famous,  eminent 
Rent,  s.  a  laceration  ;  annual  payment 
Rent,  v.  a.  to  tear  ;  to  hold  by  paying  rent 
Rent'al,  s.  schedule  or  account  of  rents 
Rent'charge,  *.  a  charge  on  an  estate 
Rent'er,  /.  he  that  holds  by  paying  rent 
Renu'merate,  v.  a.  to  pay  back  ;  to  recount 
Renuncia'tion,  s.  the  act  of  renouncing 
Reorda'in,  v.  a.  to  ordain  again,  or  anew 
Reordina'tion,  s.  a  being  ordained  again 
Repa'id,/>fl*v.  of  to  repay 
Repa'ir,  v.  to  amend,  to  refit  ;  to  go  unto 
Repa'ir,  s.  a  reparation,  a  supply  of  loss 
Repair'able,  or  Rep'arable,  a.  capable  o£  ue> 

ing  amended  or  retrieved 
Repan'dous,  a.  bent  upwards 
Reparation,   s.  act  of  repairing  ;  amends 
Repartee',;,  a  smart  or  witty  reply 
Repa'ss,  v.  to  pass  again,  to  pass  back 
Repa'st,  s.  the  act  of  taking  food  ;    a  meal 
Repa'y,  v.  a.  to  recompense,  to  requite 
Repe'al,  v.  a.  to  recal,  to  abrogate,  to  revoke 
Repe'al,  s.  revocation,  recal  from  exile 
Repeat,  v.  a.  to  recite,  to  do  again 
Repeat'edly,  ad.  over  and  over,  frequently 
Repeat'er,  /.  one  who  repeats  ;  a  watch 
Repe'l,  v.  to  drive  back,  to  act  with  force 
Repel'lent,  s.  an  application  that  has  a  repel- 
ling power 
Repe'nt,  v.  to  be  sincerely  sorry 
Repent'ance,  s.  a  penitent  sorrow  for  sins 
Repent'ant,  a.  sorrowful  for  sin 
Repercu'ss,  v.  a.  to  beat  or  drive  back 
Repercus'sion,j.  the   act  of  driving  back 
Repercus  sive,  a.  rebounding,  driven  back 
Reperti'tious,  a.   found,  gained  by  finding 
Rep'ertory,  s .  a  book  of  records  ;    a  treasury 
Repetition,  s.  a  recital  ;  repeating 
Repi'ne,  v.  n.  to  fret,  to  be  discontented 
Repi'ner,  s.  one  that  frets  or  murmurs 
Repla'ce,  v.  a.  to  put  again  in  place 
Repla'nt,  v.  a.  to  plant   anew 
Replenish,  v.  a.  to  stock,  to  fill  :  to  finish 
Replete,  a.  full,  completely  filled 
Reple'tion,  s.  the  state  of  being  too  full 
Replev'iable,  a.  what  may  be  replevied 




Replev'in,  Replev'y,  v.  a.   to  set  at  liberty 

any  thing  seized,  upon  security  given 
Replication,  s  a  repercussion  ;    a  reply 
Reply',  v.  a.  to  answer,  to  rejoin 
Reply',  s.  an  answer,  return  to  an  answer 
Repol'ish,  v.  a.  to  polish  again 
Repo'rt,  s.  a  rumour,  account,  loud  noise 
Repo'rt,  v.  a.  to  tell,  relate,  noise  abroad 
Repo'se,  s.  rest,  sleep,  quiet,  peace 
Repo'se,  v.  to  lay  to  rest,  to  lodge,  to  lay  up 
Repos'ite,  v.  a.  to  lodge  in  a  place  of  safety 
Reposi'tion,  s.  the  aft  of  replacing 
Repository, ;.  a  storehouse,  or  place  where 
any  thing  is  safely  laid  up  ;    a  warehouse 
Reposse'ss,  v.  a.  to  possess  again 
Reprehe'nd,  v.  a.  to  reprove,  to  blame,  chide 
Reprehen'sible,  a.  culpable,  censurable 
Reprehen'sion,  s.  reproof,  open  blame 
Reprehen'sive,  a.  given  to  reproof 
Represent,  -v.  a.  to   exhibit ;    describe  ;  ap- 
pear for  another  ;  tell  respectfully 
Representation,  /.  an  image  ;  description 
Represen'tative,  s.  a  substitute  in  power 
Represent'ment,  s.  an  image  ;     a  likeness 
Repress,  Repres'sion,  s.  the  act  of  crushing 
Repre'ss,  v.  a.  to  crush,  subdue,  compress 
Repressive,  a.  able,  or  tending  to  repress 
Reprie've,  s.  a  respite  after  sentence  of  death 
Reprie've,  i>.  a.  to   respite  from  punishment 
Reprima'nd,  /.  a  rebuke,  reprehension 
Reprimand,  v.  a.   to  chide,  check,  reprove 
Repri'nt,  v.  a.  to  print  a  new  edition 
Repri'sal,  s.  seizure  by  way  of  retaliation 
Repro'ach,  v.  a.  to  censure,  to  upbraid 
Repro',  s.  censure,  shame,  disgrace 
Reproach'able,  a.  deserving  reproach 
R.eproach'ful,  a.  scurrilous,  shameful,  vile 
Rep'robate,  a.  lost  to  virtue,  abandoned 
Rep'robate, s.  one  abandoned  to  wickedness  ; 

a  man  lost  to  virtue 
Rep'robate,  v.  a.  to  disallow,  to  reject 
Reproduce,  v.  a.  to  produce  again,  or  anew 
Reproduction,  s.  the  act  of  producing  anew 
Reproo'f,  s.  blame  to  one's  face  ;  rebuke 
Repro'vable,  a.  deserving  reproof  or  blame 
Repro've,  v.  a  to  blame,  to  chide,  to  check 
Repru'ne,  v.  a.  to  prune  a  second  time 
Rep'tile,  s.  a  creeping  thing  ;   a  mean  person 
Republic, ;.  a  commonwealth 
Republican,  *.  one  who  thinks  a  common- 
wealth without  monarchy  the  best  gov- 
Republican,  a.  placing  the  government  in 

the  people 
Repu'diate,  v.  a.  to  divorce,  to  put  away 
Repudiation,  s.  a  divorce,  rejection 
Repug'nance,  s.  reluctance  ;    contrariety 
Repug  nant,  a.  disobedient ;  contrary 
Repul'iulate,  v.  n.  to  bud  again  or  anew 
Repu'lse,  /.  a  being  driven  off,  or  put  aside 

Repu'lse,  v.  a.  to  beat  back,  to  drive  off 
Repul'sion,  s.  act  of  driving  off  from    itself 
Repul'sive,  a.  having  power  to  beat  back 
Repurchase,  v.  a.  to  buy  again 
Rep'utable,  a.  honourable  ;  of  good  repute 
Reputation,  s.  honour  ;  character  of  good 
Repute,  v.  a.  to  account,  to  think,  to  hold 
Repute,  s.   character,  reputation,  credit 
Reque'st,  /.  an  entreaty,  demand  ;  repute 
Reque'st,  v.  a.  to  ask,  solicit,  entreat 
Re'quiem,  s.  a  hymn  or  prayer  for  the  dead 
Requi're,  v.  a.  tc  demand,  to  ask  a  thing  as 

of  right  ;  to  make  necessary  ;  to  need 
Re'quisite,  a.  necessary,  needful,  proper 
Re'quisite,  s.  any  thing  necessary 
Requital,  s.  a  retaliation,  a  recompense 
Requite,  v.  a.  to  repay,  to  recompense 
Rere'ward,  s.  the  last  troop  of  an  army 
Re'sale,  s.  the  second  or  subsequent  sale 
Resalu'te,  v.  a.  to  salute  or  greet  anew 
Resci'nd,  v.  a.  to  cutoff;    to  abrogate  a  law 
Rescission,  s.  an  abrogation,  a  cutting  off 
Rescri  be,  v.  a.  to  write  back  or  over  again 
Re'script,  s.  the  ediit  of  an  emperor 
Res'cue,  v.  a.  to  set  free   from  danger,  vio- 
lence, or  confinement ;  to  release 
Res'cue,  s.  a  deliverance  from  restraint,  &C. 
Resea'rch,  j.  an  inquiry,  strict  search 
Resem'blance,  s.  a  similitude,  a  likeness 
Resem'ble,  v.  a.  to  be  like  ;  to  compare 
Rese'nt,  v.  a.  to  take  as  an  affront,  &c. 
Resentful,  a.  malignant,  easily  provoked 
Resent'ment,  s.  a  deep  sense  of  injury 
Reservation,  s.  something  kept  back 
Rese'rve,  s.  a  store  untouched  ;  an  exception 
Reser've,  ru.  a.  to  keep  in  store,  retain,  lay  up 
Reserv'ed,  a.  modest,  sullen,  not  frank 
Reservoir, ;.  a  conservatory  of  water ;  a  store 
Resettlement,  s.  the  act  of  settling  again 
Resi'de,  v.  n.  to  live  in  a  place  ;    to  subside 
Residence,  Resi'ance,  s.  place  of  abode 
Res'ident,  Resi'ant,  a.  dwelling  in  a  place 
Res'ident,  s.  an  agent,  a  public  minister 
Residentiary,  a.  holding  residence 
Resid'ual,  a.  relating  to  the  residue 
Resid'uary,  a.  entitled  to  the  residue  of  pro- 
perty, as,  a  residu  -ry  legatee 
Res'idue,  /.  the  remaining  part,  what  is  left 
Resi'gn,  v.  a.  to  give  or  yield  up,  to  submit 
Resignation,  s.  a  resigning,  a  submission 
Resign'ment,  s.  the  act  of  resigning 
Res'ilah,  s.  an  ancient  patriarchal  coin 
Resilience,  s.  a  starting  or  leaping  back 
Resil'ient,  a.  starting  or  springing  back 
Res'in,  or  Ros'in,  s.  the  fat  sulphureous  part 
of  some   vegetable,  &c.  which  is  either 
natural,  or  procured  by  art 
Res'inous,  a.  containing  resin,  or  like  resin 
Resi'st,  oppose,  to  act  against 
Resistance,  s.  the  act  of  resisting,  opposition 




Resist'ible,  a.  that  which  may  be  resisted 
Resist'less,  a.  that  cannot  be  resisted 
Resolv'able,  a.  that  may  be  analyzed 
Res'oluble,  a.  that  which  may  be  melted 
Reso'lve,  v.  to  inform  ;  to  solve  ;  to  melt ; 

to  analyze  ;  to  determine  ;  to  confirm 
Reso'lve,  s.  fixed  determination,  resolution 
Resol'vedty,  ad.  with  firmness  and  constancy 
Resolv'ent,  a.  having  power  to  dissolve 
Res'oiute,  a.  determined,  firm,  steady 
Resolution,  s.  a  fixed  determination  ;  con- 
stancy j  act  of  clearing  difficulties 
Res'onant,  a.  resounding,  echoing 
Reso'rt,  v.  n.  to  have  recourse  ;  to  repair 
Reso'rt,  s .  a  meeting,  assembly,  concourse 
Reso'und,  v.  to  echo,  to  sound  ;  to  celebrate 
Reso'urce,  s.  a  resort,  an  expedient 
Respe'ct,  v.  a.  to  regard ;  to  have  relation  to 
Respe'ct,  s.  regard,  reverence  ;  motive 
Respect'able,  a.  deserving  of  respect 
Respect'ful,  a.  full  of  outward  civility 
Respect 'fully,  ad.  with  a  degree  of  reverence 
Respective,  a.  particular,  relative 
Resper'sion,  s.  the  act  of  sprinkling 
Respira'tion,  s.  the  aft  of  breathing,  relief 
Respi're,  v.  n.  to  breathe  ;   to  rest  from  toil 
Res'pite,  s.  a  reprieve,  pause,  interval 
Resplen'dence,  s.  lustre,  brightness 
Resplen'dent,  a.  bright,  shining 
Resplen'dently,  ad-  brightly,  splendidly 
Respo'nd,  v.  n.  to  correspond,  to  answer 
Respond'ent,  /.  one  who  answers  in  a  suit 
Respo'nse,  s.  an  alternate  answer,  a  reply 
Responsible,  a.  answerable,  accountable 
Respon'sion, /.   the  act  of  answering 
Respon'sive,  Respon'sory,  a.  answering 
Rest,  s.  sleep,  repose,  quiet,  peace  ;   support 
Rest,  a.  others,  those  not  included 
Rest,  v.  to  sleep  ;  die  ;  be  still ;  lean  ;  remain 
Restag'nant,  a.  remaining  without  flow,  &c. 
Restag'nate,  v.n.  to  stand  without  flow 
Restaura'tion,/.  the  act  of  recovering  to  the 

former  state  ;  restoration 
Reste'm,  v.  a.  to  force  against  the  current 
Rest'iff,  Rest'ive,  Rest'y,  a.  unwilling  to  stir 
Rest'ifness,  s.  obstinate  reluctance 
Restitution,  j.  the  act  of  restoring 
Rest'less,  a.  without  sleep,  unquiet,  unsettled 
Resto'rable,  a.  what  may  be  restored 
Restoration,  s.  replacing  in  a  former  state 
Resto'rative,  a.  able  to  recruit  life,  &c. 
Resto're,  v.  a.  to  relieve  :  to  give  back 
Restra'in,  v.  a.  to  withhold,  repress,  limit 
Restrain'able,  a.  capable  to  be  restrained 
Restraint,  /.  an  abridgment  of  liberty,  &c. 
Restri'ct,  v.  a.  to  limit,  to  confine 
.Restriction,  s.  confinement,  limitation 
Restrictive,  a.  expressing  limitation 
Restrin'gent,  a.  having  power  to  bind 
Result}  v,  n.  to  fly  back  j  to  arise  from 

Resu'lt,*.  the  act  of  flying  back ;  consequence 
Resu'mable,  a.  what  may  be  taken  back 
Resu'me,  v.  a.  to  take  back  ;    to  begin  again 
Resump'tion,  s.  the  act  of  resuming 
Resumptive,  a.  taking  back 
Resurrection,  s.  revival  from  the  dead 
Resurve'y,  v.  a.  to  review  or  survey  again 
Resus'citate,  v.  a.  to  raise  up  again,   renew 
Resuscita'tion,  s.  the  act  of  raising  up  again 

from  either  sleep  or  death,  &c. 
Reta'il,  v.  a.  to  divide  into,  or  sell,  in  small 
quantities,  or  at  second  hand...;,  sale  by 
small  quantities 
Retail'er,  j .  one  who  sells  by  small  quantities 
Reta'in,  v.  to  keep,  to  hire,  to  continue 
Reta'ke,  v.  a.  to  take  again 
Retaliate,  v.  a.  to  return,  repay,  requite 
Retaliation,  s.  return  of  like  for  like 
Reta'rd,  v.  to  hinder,  to  delay,  to  stay  back 
Retch,  v.n.  to  strain,  to  vomit 
Retention,  s.  act  of  retaining,  memory 
Retent'ive,  a.  having  power  to  retain 
Retic'ular,  Ret'iform,  a.  in  form  of  a  net 
Retic'ulated,  a.  made  of  net- work 
Reti'nue,  s.  a  train  of  attendants 
Reti're,  v.  to  retreat,  to  withdraw 
Reti'red,  part.  a.  secret,  solitary,  private 
Retirement,  s.  a  private  abode,  or  habitation 
Keto 'Id,  part,  related  or  told  again 
Reto'rt,  s .  a  glass  vessel ;  a  censure  returned 
Reto'rt,  v.  a.  to  throw  back  ;  to  return 
Reto'ss,  v.  a.  to  toss  or  throw  back  again 
Retou'ch,  v.  a.  to   improve  by  new  touches 
Retra'ce,  v.  a.  to  trace  back,  or  over  again 
Retra'ct,  v.  a.X.o  recal,  recant,  resume 
Retractation,  s.  a  recantation  ;    change  of 

Retraction,  s.  a  withdrawing  a  question 
Retre'at,  s.  a  place  of  retirement  or  security 
Retre'at,  v.  n.  to  retire,  to  take  shelter 
Retre'nch,  v.  to  cut  off,  confine,  reduce 
Retrenchment,  s.  a  reduction  of  expense 
Retrib'ute,  v.  a.  to  pay  back,  make  repayment 
Retribution,  /.  a  repayment,  a  requital 
Retrie've,  v.  a.  to  recover,  repair,  regain 
Retriev'able,  a.  that  may  be  retrieved 
Retroces'sion,  s.  the  act  of  going  back 
Retroduc'tion,  s.  a  leading  back,  &c. 
Retrograde,  a.  going  backwards  ;  contrary 
Retrogression,  s.  the  act  of  going  back 
Ret'rospect,  s.  a  looking  on  things  past 
Retrospection,  s.  a  looking  backwards 
Retrospective,  a.  looking  backwards 
Retu'nrt,  v.  a.  to  blunt,  to  turn  the  edge 
Retu'rn,  v.  to  come  or  go  back  ;  to  retort  ; 

to  repay  ;  to  send  back  ;    to  transmit 
Retu'rn,  s.  the  act  of  coming  back  ;  profit  j 

repayment, restitution,  relapse 
Returnable,  a.  allowed  to  be  returned 
Reve'al,  v.  a.  to  disclose,  lay  open,  impart 




Rev'el,  v.  n.  to  carouse...*,  a  noisy  feast 
Revel,  7;.  a.  to  retract,  to  draw  back 
Revela'tion,  s.   a  communication  of  sacred 

truths,  &c.  by  a  teacher  from  heaven 
■Rev'eller,  s.  one  who  feasts  with  jollity 
Rev'elrout,  s.  a  mob,  an  unlawful  assembly 
Rev'elry,  s.  loose  jollity,  festive  mirth 
Reven'ge,*.  return  of  an  injury  or  affront 
Reven'ge,  v.  a.  to  return  an  injury,   &c. 
Revenge'ful,  a .  vindictive,  given  to  revenge 
Rev'enue,  s .  an  income  ;  annual  profits 
Reve'rb,  v.  a.  to  reverberate,  to  resound 
Reverb'erate,  v.  to  be  driven  back  ;  to  bound 

back  ;  to  resound 
Reverbera'tion,  s.  a  beating  or  driving  back 
Reverb'eratory,  a.  returning;  beating  back 
Reve're,  v.  a.   to  reverence,  to  venerate,  to 

honour  with  an  awful  respect 
Rev'erence,  s.  veneration,  respect  ;  a  bow 
Rev'erence,  v.  a.  to  regard  with  respect 
Rev'erend,  a.  venerable  ;     deserving  rever- 
ence ;  the  honorary  title  of  the  clergy 
Rev'erent,  a.  humble,  testifying  veneration 
Reveren'tial,  a.  expressing  reverence 
Reverie',  Revery',  s.  irregular  thought 
Rever'sal,  s.  a  change  of  sentence 
Reve'rse,  v.  to  subvert,  repeal,  contradict 
Rever'se,  s.  the  opposite  side,  contrary 
Revers'ed,  part.  a.  repealed,  inverted 
Revers'ible,  a.  that  which  may  be  reversed 
Rever'sion,  s.  succession,  right  of  succession 
Revers'ionary,  a.  to  be  enjoyed  in  succession 
Reve'rt,  v.  to  change,  to  return 
Revert'ible,  a.  that  may  be  returned 
Reve'st,  v.  a.  to  put  again  in  possession 
Revest'iary,  s.  a  place  for  vestments 
Revifarate,  v.  n.  to  vibrate  back 
Revict'ual,  it.  a.  to  stock  with  victuals  again 
Revie'w,  v.  a.  to  look  back,  survey, examine 
Revie'w,  s.  a  survey,  re-examination 
Review'er,  s.  one  who  reviews 
Revi'le,  v.  a.  to  reproach,  to  abuse,  to  vilify 
Revi'sal,  Revis'ion,  s.  a  re-examination 
Revi'se,  v.  a.  to  review,  to  overlook 
Revi'se,  s.  a  proof  of  a  sheet  corrected 
Revis'it,  v.  a.  to  visit  again 
Revi'val,f.  recal  from  obscurity,  &c. 
Revi've,  v.  to  return  to  life  ;  renew  ;   rouse 
Revi'ving, part,  comforting,  recovering 
Revivi'ficate,  v.  a.  to  recal  to  life 
Reu'nion,  /.  reuniting  ;  a  rejoining  ;  cohesion 
Reuni'te,  v.  a.  to  join  again,  to  reconcile 
Rev'ocable,  a.   that  may  be  recalled 
Rev'ocate,  v  a.  to  recal,  to  call  back 
Revocation,  s.  a&  of  recalling  ;  a  repeal 
Revo'ke,  v.  a.  to  repeal,  reverse,    draw  back 
Revo'lt,  v.  n.  to  fall  off  from  one  to  another  ; 

to  rise  against  a  prince  or  state 
Revo'lve,  v.  to  perform  a  revolution  ;  to  con- 
sider, to  meditate  oa 

Revolu'tion,  s.  a  returning  motion  ;  a  change 

of  government  in  a  state  or  country 
Revul'sion, /.  the  turning  of  a  flux  of  hu- 
mours from  one  part  of  the  body  to  another 
Rewa'rd,  v.  a.  to  recompense,  to  repay 
Rewa'rd,j,  recompense  given  for  good 
Rewo'rd,  v  a.  to  repeat  in  the  same  words 
Rhab'domancy,  s.  divination  by  a  wand 
Rhap'sodist,  s.  one  who  writes  rhapsodies 
Rhap'sody,  s.  irregular  writings,  &c. 
Rhet'oric,  s.  oratory,  the  art  of  speaking 
Rhetorical,  a.  pertaining  to  rhetoric 
Rhetorically,  ad.  figuratively  ;  like  an  orator 
Rhetori'cian,/.   one  who  teaches  rhetoric 
Rheum,    s.  a  thin,   watery  humour,  occa- 
sionally oozing  out  of  the   glands  of  the 
mouth,  &c. 
Rheumat'ic,  a.  relating  to  the  rheumatism 
Rheu'matism,  s.  a  painful  distemper 
Rheu'my,  a.  full  of  sharp  moisture 
Rhino'ceros,^.  a  large  beast  in  the  East-In- 
dies, armed  with  a  horn  on  his  nose 
Rhomb,  s.  a  quadrangular  figure 
Rhom'bic,  a.  shaped  like  a  rhomb 
Rhomboi'd,    s.  a    figure  approaching  to  a 

rhomb  ;  a  kind  of  muscle  fish 
Rhu'barb,  s .  a  medicinal  purgative  root 
Rhumb,  s.  a  kind  of  spiral  line 
Rhyme,  s.  the  consonance  of  verses,  poetry 
Rhyme,  v.  n ,  to  agree  in  sound  ;  make  verses 
Rhyth'mical,  a.  harmonical,  musical 
Rib,  s.  a  bone  ;  a  piece  of  timber  in  ships 
Rib'ald,  s.  a  loose,  rough,  mean  wretch 
Rib'aldry,  s.  mean,  brutal,  obscene  talk 
Rib'and,   or  Rib'bond,   /.   a  fillet  of    silk 
Rice,  s.  a  kind  of  esculent  grain 
Rich,  a.  wealthy  ;  precious  ;  fertile  ;  copious 
Rich'es,  /.  plenty  of  money  or  possessions 
Rich'ly,  ad.  wealthily,  splendidly 
Rich'ness,  s.  opulence,  splendour  ;   fertility 
Rick,  s.  a  pile ,  or  heap  of  corn,  hay,  &c 
Rick'ets,  s.  a  distemper  in  children 
Rick'ety,  a.  diseased  with  the  rickets 
Rid,  v.  a.  to  set  free,  clear,  drive  away 
Rid'dance,  s.  a  deliverance,    disencumbrance 
Rid'den,  part,  of  to  ride 
Rid'dle,  s .  an  enigma,  any  thing  puzzling 
a  dark  problem  ;  a  coarse  or  open  sieve 
Rid'dle,  v.  to  solve  ;  tosiftby  a  coarse  sieve 
Ride,  v.  to  travel  on  horseback,   &c. 
'  Ri'der, ;.  one  who  rides  a  horse,  &c. 
I  Ridge,  s.  the  upper  part  of  a  slope,  &c. 
I  Ridg'el,  Ridg'ling,  s.  a  ram  half  castrated 

Ridg'y,  a.  rising  in  a  ridge 
i  Rid'icule,  s.  wit  that  provokes  laughter 
i'icule,  v.  a.  to  expose  to  laughter 
Ridic'ulous,  a.  fit  to  be  laughed  at 
Ri'ding,  s.  a  district  visited  by  an  officer 
Ri'dinghood,  s.  a  woman's   riding  coat 
Ridot'to,  /.  an  entertainment  of  music,  &•: 

R  I  V 


R  O 

Rife,  a.  prevalent  ;  abounding 
Ri'fle,  v.  a.  to  rob,  to  pillage,  to  plunder 
Rift,  /.  a  cleft,  a  breach...^,  to  split 
Rig,  v.  a.  to  dress  ;  to  fit  with  tackling 
Rigadoo'n,  s.  a  kind  of  French  dance 
Rig'ging,  s.  the  tackling,  &c.  of  a  ship 
Rig'gish,  a.  wanton,  lewd,  whoiish 
Right,  a.  fit,  suitable  ;  straight ;  true 
Right,  ad.  properly,  justly,  in  truth,  very 
Right,  i.  justice  ;  just  claim  ;  privilege 
Right,  v.  a.  to  relieve  from  wrong 
Right'eous,  a.  just,  virtuous,  equitable 
Right'fuJ,  a.  having  a  just  claim  ;  honest 
Rightly,  ad.  properly,  honestly,  exactly 
Ri'gid,  a.  stiff  ;  severe,  sharp,  cruel 
Rigid'ity,  s.  stiffness,  want  of  easy  elegance 
Ri'gidness,  s.  severity,  inflexibility 
Rig'let,  ;.    a  flat,  thin  piece  of  wood  com- 
monly used  by  printers 
Rig'our,  s.  cold  ;  severity  ;  strictness  ;  rage 
Rig'orous,  a.  severe,  over-harsh 
Rig'orously,arf.  severely,  without  mitigation 
Rill,  Ril'let,  i.  a  small  brook  or  stream 
Rim,  ;.  a  border,  a  margin,  an  edge 
Rime,  s.  a  hoar  frost ;  a  hole,  a  chink 
Ri'my,  a.  steamy,  foggy,  misty 
Rind,  s.  bark,  husk  ...v.  n.  to  husk,  to  bark 
Rin'dle,  j.  a  small  watercourse  or  gutter 
Ring,  ;.  a  circle  ;  a  sound,  as  of  a  bell 
Ring,  v.  a.  to  strike  bells,&c.  ;  fit  with  rings 
Ring'dove,  /.  a  kind  of  pigeon 
Ring'er,  /.  one  who  rings 
Ringleader,  s.  the  head  of  a  mob  or  riot 
Ringlet,  /.  a  small  ring  ;  a  circle  ;  a  curl 
Ring'streaked,  a.  circularly  streaked 
Ring'tail,  s.  a  kind  of  kite 
Ring'worm,  s.  a  circular  tetter  ;  a  disease 
Rinse,  v.  a.  to  cleanse  by  washing,  &c. 
Ri'ot,  /.  an  uproar,  sedition,  tumult 
Ri'ot,  v.  n.  to  revel,  to  raise  an  uproar 
Ri'oter,  i.  one  who  makes  a  riot 
Ri'otous,  a.  licentious,  turbulent 
Rip,  v.  a.  to  tear,  to  lacerate  ;  to  disclose 
Ripe,  a  complete,  mature,  finished 
Ripe,  Ri'pen,  v.  n.  to  grow  ripe  ;  be  matured 
Ri'peness,  s.  maturity,  perfection,  fitness 
Rip'ple,  v.  n.  to  lave  or  wash  lightly  over 
Ript, part.  pass,  unsewed,  cut  open 
Rise,  v.  n.  to  get  up,  ascend  ;  grow ;  increase 
Rise,  s.  a  beginning  ;  ascent  ;  increase 
Risibility,  ;.  the  quality  of  laughing 
Ris'ible,  a.  exciting  laughter  ;  ridiculous 
Risk, ;.  hazard,  danger,  chance  of  harm 
Risk,  v.  a.  to  hazard,  to  put  to  chance 
Rite,  *.  a  solemn  act  of  religion 
Rit'ual,  s.  a  book  of  religious  ceremonies 
Rit'ual,  a.  solemnly  ceremonious 
Ri'val,  s.  a  competitor,  opponent 
Ri'val,  v.  a.  to  emulate  ;  to  oppose 
Ri'valry, ;.  competition  ;  emulation 

Rive,  v.  to  split,  to  cleave,  to  be  divided 
Riv'el,  v.  a.  to  contract  into  wrinkles 
Riv'er,  s.  a  land  current  of  water  bigger  thf.r 

a  brook 
Riv'erdragun,  s.  a  crocodile 
Riv'ergod,  s.  the  tutelar  deity  of  a  river 
Riv'erhorse,  /.  the  hippopotamus 
Riv'et,  j.  a  fastening  pin  that  is  clenched 
Riv'et,  v.  a.  to  fasten  strongly  with  rivets 
Riv'ulet,  s.  a  small  river,  a  brook 
Rixdol'lar,    s.  a  German  coin,  value  4s.  Ci. 
Roach,  s.  the  name  of  a  fish 
Road,  s.  a  large  way  for  travelling  ;  path 
Ream,  -v.  to  wander,  ramble,  rove 
Roan,  a.  bay,  soTrel,  or  black  spotted 
Roar,  v.  n.  to  make  a  loud  noise 
Roar,  s.  the  cry  of  a  wild  beast,  &c. 
Roast,  v.  a.  to  dress  meat ;  to  banter 
Roast,  s.  any  thing  roasted 
Rob,  v.  a.  to  steal,  to  plunder 
Robber,  s.  a  thief,  a  plunderer 
Rot/bery,  s.  theft  by  force  or  with  privity 
Robe,  s .  a  dress  of  dignity 
Robe,  v.  a.  to  dress  pompously  ;  to  invest 
Robu'st,  a.  strong,  sinewy,  violent 
Roc'ambole,  s.  a  kind  of  wild  garlic 
ROche-al'um,  s.  a  pure  sort  of  alum 
Roch'et,  j.  a  surplice  ;  a  fish 
Rock,  s.  a  vast  mass  of  stone  ;  a  defence 
Rock,  v.  to  shake  ;  to  move  a  cradle 
Rock'et,  j.  an  aitificial  firework  ;  a  plant 
RockruT>y,  s.  a  sort  of  garnet 
Rock 'salt,  /.  a  mineral  salt 
Rock'work,  s.  a  building  imitating  rocks 
Rock'y,  a.  full  of  rocks  ;  hard,  stony 
Rod,  s.  a  twig,  instrument  of  correction 
Rode,  pret.  of  to  ride 

Rodomonta'de,  s.  an  empty,  noisy  bluster 
Roe,  s.  the  female  of  the  hart  ;  eggs  of  fish 
Rogation,  s.  the  litany  ;  supplication 
Roga'ticn-week,     s.     the    week    preceding 

Rogue,  s.  a  vagabond,  a  knave,  a  wag 
Ro'guery,  s.  villany,  knavery,  waggery 
Ro'guish,  a.  fraudulent,  knavish,  waggish 
Roist,  v.  n.  to  act  at  discretion  ;  to  bluster 
Roll,  v.  to  move  in  a  circle  ;  to  enwrap 
Roll,  s .  the  act  of  rolling  j  mass  made  round  ; 

a  register  ;  catalogue,  warrant 
Roller,    /.  any  thing   turning  on  its  cwn 

axis  ;  a  bandage  ;  a  fillet 
Roll'ingpin,    s.    a    round    smooth  piece  of 

wood,  to  mould  paste,  &c. 
Roll'ingpress,  s.  a  press  for  printing  pictures 

&c.  on  copper  plates 
Rom'age,  s.  a  tumult,  a  bustle 
Ro'man,  s.  a  native  of  Rome 
Ro'man,  a.  pertaining  to  the  Romans 
Roma'nce,  s.  a  fable,  a  fiction,  a  lie 
Rcman'cer,  s.  a  forger  of  tales,  a  liar 



R  U  F 

Ro'manist,  s.  one  who  professes  popery 
Ro'raanize,  v.  a.  to  latinize 
Roman'tic,  a.  wild,  improbable,  fanciful 
Ro'mish,  a.  popish  ;  belonging  to  Rome 
Romjj,  s.  a  rude,  untaught  girl  ;  rude  play 
Romp,  v.  n.  to  play  rudely  and  noisily 
Romp'ing,  s.  rude,  noisy  play 
Rondea'u,    s.    a  kind  of  ancient  poetry  ;  a 
name  applied  to  all  songs  and  tunes  which 
end  with  the  first  part  or  strain  repeated 
Ron'ion,  s.  a  fat,  bulky  woman 
Ront,  s.  an  animal  stinted  in  growth 
Rood,  s.   the  fourth  part  of  an  acre,  contain- 
ing 1ZO  yards  ;  a  pole  ;  an  old  name  for 
the  holy  cross 
Roof,  s.  the  cover  of  a  house  ;  the  inside  of 
the  arch  that  covers  a  building;  the  palate 
Roof,  v.  a.  to  cover  with  a  roof 
Rook,  s.  a  bird  ;  a  cheat ;  a  piece  at  chess 
Rook,  v.  n.  to  rob,  to  cheat, to  deceive 
Rook'ery,  s.  a  nursery  of  rooks 
Room,  s.  space,  extent  ;  stead  ;  chamber 
Room'age,  s .  space,  place 
Room'y,  a.  spacious,  wide,  large 
Roost,  s.  a  perch  on  which  birds  rest 
Roost,  v.  n.  to  sleep  as  a  bird  ;  to  lodge 
Root,    s.   that  part  of  the  plant,  &c  which 
rests  in  the  ground, and  supplies  the  stems 
with  nourishment  ;  the  first  cause 
Root,  v.  to  take  root ;  radicate  ;  destroy 
Roofed,  a.  fixed,  deep,  radical 
Root'edly,  ad.  deeply,  strongly 
Rope,  s.  a  thick  hempen  cord,  string,  halter 
Rope,  v.  n.  to  concrete  into  filaments 
Ro'pedancer,  s.  one  who  dances  on  ropes 
Ro'pemaker,  s.  one  who  makes  ropes 
Ro'pewalk,  s.  a  place  where  ropes  are  made 
Ro'piness,  x.  a  ropy  or  glutinous  quality 
Ro'py,  a.  viscous,  glutinous,  tenacious 
Ro'quelaure,  Ro'quelo,  s.  a  man's  cloak 
Ro'sary,  s.  a  set  of  beads  containing  is  ave- 
marias,  and  1 5  pater-nosters  ;   a  particu- 
lar devotion  addressed  to  the  Virgin  Mary 
Ros'cid,  a.  abounding  with  dew 
Rose,  s.  a  fragrant  flower 
Ro'seate,  a.  rosy,  blooming,  fragrant 
Ro'semary,  s.  a  plant 
Ro'set,  s.  a  red  colour  used  by  painters 
Ro'sewater,  s.  water  distilled  from  roses 
Ros'in,  s.  inspissated  turpentine 
Ros'trum,  s.  the  beak  of  a  bird  ;  a  pulpit 
Ro'sy,  a.  like  a  rose  in  bloom,  fragrance,  &c. 
Rot,  v.  to  putrefy,  to  make  putrid 
Rot,  s.  a  distemper  in  sheep  ;  putrefaction 
Ro'tary,  a.  whirling  as  a  wheel 
Ro'tated,  a.  whirling  round 
Rota'tion,  s-  a  turning  round  ;  succession 
Rote,  s.  words  uttered  by  mere  memory  ;  a 

harp,  lyrc.-u.  a.  to  fix  in  the  memory 
Rot'oco, ;.  an  eastern  weight  of  5^. 

Rot'ten,  a.  putrid,  not  firm,  not  sound 
Rotu'nd,  a.  round,  circular,  spherical 
Rotund'ity,  j.  roundness,  circularity 
Rotund'o,  or  Rotond'o,  s.  a  round  building 
Rove,  v.  to  ramble,  to  range,  to  wander 
Ro'ver,  s.  a  wanderer,  a  pirate ;  fickle  person 
Rouge,  s.  a  red  paint 

Rough,  a.  not  smooth,  harsh,  severe,  stormy 
Rough'cast,  s.  a  form  in  its  first  rudiments 
Rough'draw,  v.  a.  to  draw  or  trace  coarsely" 
Rough'en ,  v.  to  make  or  grow  rough 
Rough'ly,  ad.  rudely,  severely,  boisterously 
i    Rough'ness,  s.  unevenness,  harshness 
I    Roun'ceval,  s.  a  kind  of  pea 
I    Round,  a.  circular  ;  plain  ;  smooth  ;  brisk 
!    Round,  s.  a  circle,  sphere,  district  ;  rundle 
Round'about,  a.  ample  ;  indirect  ;  loose 
Round'elay,  s.  a  kind  of  ancient  poetry 
Round'house,  s.  the  constable's  prison 
Round'ly,  ad.  in  a  round  form,  plainly 
Rouse,  v.  to  wake  from  slumber  ;  excite 
Rout,    s.    a  multitude,  a  rabble,  tumultuous 
crowd  ;  the  confusion  of  an  army  defeated 
Rout,  v.  to  defeat  ;  assemble  in  crowds 
Route,/,  a  road,  way  ;  march,  journey 
Row,  s.  a  range  of  men  or  things 
Row,  v.    to  impel  a  vessel  in  the  water 

with  oars 
Row'el,  s.  the  point  of  a  spur  ;  an  issue 
Row'el,  v.  a.  to  keep  open  with  a  rowet 
Row'er,  s.  one  who  manages  an  oar 
Roy'al,  a.  kingly,  becoming  a  king,  regal 
Roy'alist,  s.  an  adherent  to  a  king 
Roy'ally,  ad.  in  a  kingly  manner,  regally 
Roy'alty,  s.  the  office  or  state  of  a  king 
Rub,  v.  to  scour,  polish  ;  fret  ;  get  through 
Rub,  s.  friction  ;  hinderance  ;  difficulty 
Rub'ber,  s .  one  that  rubs  ;  a  coarse  file  ;  two 

games  out  of  three  ;  a  whetstone 
Rub'bish,  s.  ruins  of  buildings  ;  refuse 
Ru'bify,  v.  a.  to  make  red 
Ru'bric,     s.    directions  printed   in   prayer- 
books  and  books  of  law 
Ru'by,  s.  a  precious  red  stone  ;  a  blotch 
Ructa'tion,  s.  a  breaking  wind  upwards 
Rud'der,  s.  the  part  that  steers  a  ship 
Rud'diness,  s.  approaching  to  redness 
Rud'dy,  a.  approaching  to  red  ;  yellow 
Rude,  a.  rough,  harsh  ;  ignorant,  artless 
Ru'dely,  ad.  in  a  rude  manner,  violently 
Ru'deness,  s.  incivility,  boisterousness 
Rudiment,  s.  the  first  elements  of  a  science ; 

the  first  part  of  education 
Rudiment'al,  a.  relating  to  first  principles 
Rue,  v.  a.  to  grieve  for,  lament.../  an  herb 
Rue'ful,rt.  mournful,  woful,  sorrowful 
Ru'elle,  s.    an  assembly  at  a  private  house  ; 

a  circle,  a  street 
Ruff,  s.  a  puckered  linen  ornament  j  a  fish 
RufF,  v.  a.  to  trump  at  cards 



A  C 

Ruffian,  a.  brutal,  savagely  boisterous 
Ruffian,  j.  a  brutal  fellow,  a  robber 
Ruffle,  v.  to  disorder,  to  fret  ;  to  plait 
Ruffle,  s.  an  ornament  for  the  wrists 
Rug,  ;.  a  coarse,  nappy,  woollen  cloth 
Rug'ged,  a.  rough  ;  brutal, surly  ;  shaggy 
Rug'gedly,  ad.  in  a  rugged  manner 
Rug'gedness,  /.  roughness  ;  asperity 
Ru'gine,  s.  a  surgeon  s  rasp 
Rugo'se,  a.  full  of  wrinkles 
Ru'in,  s.  fall,  destruction,  overthrow 
Ru'in,t>  to  subvert,  destroy,  impoveiish 
Ru'inate,  v.  a.  to  bring  to  poverty,  &c. 
Ruina'tion,  ;.  subversion  ;  demolition 
Ru'inous,  a.  fallen  to  ruin  ;  mischievous 
Ru'inously,  ad.  with  ruin,  destructively 
Rule,  j.  government  ;  sway  ;  regularity 
Rule,  v.  to  govern,  to  control,  to  settle 
Ru'ler,    j.    a  governor  ;  an  instrument  by 

which  lines  are  drawn 
Rum,  s.  a  spirit  drawn  from  sugar 
Rum'ble,  v.  n.  to  make  a  hoarse  low  noise 
Ru'minant,  a.  chewing  the  cud 
Ru'minate,  v.  to  chew  the  cud  ;  to  muse 
Rumina'tion, s.  a  chewing  the  cud  $  medita- 
tion, reflection 
Rum'mage,  v.  to  search  places,  plunder 
Rum'mer,  s.  a  large  glass  ;  a  drinking  cup 
Ru'mour,  s.  flying  or  popular  report 
Ru'mour,  v.  a.  to  report  abroad  ;  to  bruit 
Rump,  t.  the  buttock,  end  of  the  back  bone 
Rum'ple,  /.  a  rough  plait  ;   a  wrinkle 
Run,  v.  to  move  swiftly,  flee,  go  away,  van- 
ish ;  melt  ;  smuggle 
Run,  s.  cadence  ;  course,  continued  success 
Ran'agate,  s.  a  fugitive,  a  coward 

Run'dle,  s.  the  step  of  a  ladder  ;  a  round 
Rund'let,  or  Run'let,  s.  a  small  barrel 
Rung,  prtt.  and  part .  of  10  ring 
Run'nel,  s.  a  rivulet,  a  small  brook 
Run'ner,  s.  one  who  runs  ;  a  shoot 
Run'nion,  s.  a  paltry,  scurvy  wretch 
Runt,  s.  a  dwarf  animal  ;  a  small  cow 
Rupe'e,  s.  an  Indian  coin,  value  2s.  3d. 
Rup'tion,  s.  breach  ;  solution  of  continuity 
Rup'ture,  s.  a  breach  of  peace  ;  eruption 
Ru'ral,  a.  belonging  to  the  country 
Rush,  i.  a  plant  ;  a  worthless  thing 
Rush,  v.  n.  to  enter  or  move  with  violence 
Rush'light,  s.  a  candle  with  a  rush  wick 
Rusk,   s.  a  kind  of  biscuit  or  hard  bread 
Rus'set,  a.  reddishly  brown  ;  coarse  ;   rustic 

...s.  a  country  dress 
Rus'seting,  s.  a  rough  kind  of  apple 
Rust,  s.  a  red  crust  grown  upon  iron,  &c. 
Rus'tic,  a,  rural,  rude,  simple,  plain 
Rus'tical,  a.  rough,  savage,  brutal,  rude 
Rus'ticate,  d.  to  banish  into  the  country 
Rusti'city,  s.  rural  appearance,  simplicity 
Rust'iiy,  ad.  in  a  rusty  manner  ;  shabbily 
Rus'tle,  v.  n.  to  make  a  low  rattling  noise 
Rust'y,  a.  covered  with  rust  ;  impaired 
Rut,  s.  the  track  of  a  cart  wheel,  &c.  ;  the 

copulation  of  deer,  wild  boars,  &.c. 
Ruth,  s.  mercy,  pity,  tenderness 
Ruth'ful,  a.  rueful,  woful,  compassionate 
Ruth'less,  a.  cruel,  pitiless,  barbarous 
Rut'tish,  a.  wanton,  libidinous,  lustful 
Ry'al,    s.    a  Spanish  coin  worth    sixpence 

three  farthings 
Rye,  s.  a  coarse  kind  of  bread  corn 
Ry'egrass,  s .  a  kind  of  strong  grass 

SIS    an  abbreviation,  as  S.  \V.   south 
west  ;  S.  S.  S.  stratum  super  stratum , 
layer    upon    layer  ;    S.   (in  music)  solo, 
alone  ;    S.   N.   secundum  naturam,   ac- 
cording to  nature  ;  S.  N.  Salvator  noster, 
our  Saviour  ;  and  S.  for  Societatts,  of  the 
society,  as   F.  R,  S.  Fellow  of  the  Royal 
Sala'oth,  s.  hosts  or  armies 
Sab'bath,  s.  the  day  of  rest  and  worship 
Sabbat'ical,  a.  resembling  the  sabbath 
Sa'ble,  j.  a  dark  fur...rt.  black,  dark 
Sa'bre,  s.  acimeter,  short  broad  sword 
Sabulos'ity,  s.  grittiness,  sandiness 
Sab'ulous,  a.  gritty,  sandy,  gravelly 
Sac'eharine,  a.  having  the  taste,  &c.  of  sugar 
Sacerdo'c^',  c.  belonging  to  the  priesthood 

Sa'chem,  s,  the  chief  of  an  Indian  tribe 
Sack,  s.   a  bag  containing  three  bushels  ;  e 

woman's  loose  robe  ;    plunder,  pillage  j 

Canary  wine 
Sack,  v.  a.  to  take  by  storm  ;  pillage,  plunder 
Sack'but,  s.  a  kind  of  pipe 
Sack'cioth,  s.  a  cloth  for  sacks 
Sackpos'set,  s.  a  posset  made  of  milk,  sack, 

and  some  other  ingredients 
Sac'rament,  /.  an  oath  ;  the  Lord's  supper 
Sacrament'al,  a.  constituting  or  pertaining  to 

a  sacrament 
Sa'cred,  a.  holy,  consecrated,  inviolable 
Sa'credness,  s.  holiness,  sanctity 
Sac'rifice,  v.  a.  to  offer  up  ;  destroy  ;  devote 
Sac'rifice,  s.   an  offering  made  to  God  ;  atiy 

thinp  destroyed  or  finally  quitted 



Sacrifi'cial,  a.  pertaining  to  sacrifice 
gac'rilege,  s.  the  robbery  of  a  church 
Sacrile'gious,  a.  violating  things  sacred 
Sacrile'giously,  ad.  with  sacrilege 
Sa'cring-bell,  s.  a  bell  rung  before  the  host 
Sa'crist,  Sa'cristan,  s.  a  sexton  ;   a  vestry- 
keeper  ;  a  church  officer 
Sa'cristy,  ;.  the  vestry  room  of  a  church 
Sad,  a.  sorrowful,  heavy,  gloomy  ;  bad 
Sad'den,  v.  a.  to  make  sad  or  gloomy 
Sad'dle,  s.  a  seat  to  put  on  a  horse's  back 
Sad'dle,  v.  a.  to  put  on  a  saddle  ;  to  load 
Sad'dler,^.  one  who  makes  saddles 
Sad'ly,  ad.  sorrowfully,  miserably 
Sad'ness,  /.  mournfulness,  melancholy 
Safe,  a.  free  from  danger...;,  a  buttery 
Safecon'duct,  s.  a  convoy,  passport,  guard 
Safeguard,  j.  a  defence,  convoy,  passport 
Sa'feiy,  ad.  without  danger,  without  hurt 
Sa'fety,  s.  freedom  from  danger  ;  custody 
Saffron,  s.  a  plant...a.  yellow 
Sag,  v.  to  hang  heavy  ;  to  load,  to  burden 
Saga'cious,  a.  quick  of  thought  or  scent 
Saga'city,  s.  acuteness,  keenness 
Sage,  s.  a  plant  ;  a  man  of  wisdom...a.  wise 
Sa'gely,  ad.  wisely,  prudently 
Sa'gittary,  s.  a  centaur 
Sa'go,  s.  a  nourishing  sort  of  grain 
Saick,  s.  a  kind  of  Turkish  vessel 
Said,  pret.  and  part.  past,  of  to  say  ;  afore- 
said, declared,  showed 
Sail,  s.  a  canvass  sheet  ;  ship  ;  wing 
Sail,  v.  to  move  with  sails  ;  pass  by  sea 
Sail'or,  s.  a  seaman,  one  used  to  the  sea 
Sail'yard,  s.  a  pole  to  extend  a  sail  with 
Saim, ;.  hog's  lard 
Sain'foin,  s.  a  sort  of  herb,  trefoil 
Saint,  f.  a  person  eminent  for  piety,  &c. 
Saint,  v.  to  canonize  ;  to  appear  very  pious 
Saint'ed,  a.  holy,  pious  ;  canonized 
Sa'tnt'iy,  Saint'like,  a.  holy,  devout 
Sake,  s.  final  cause  ;  purpose  ;  account 
Sa'ker,  s.  a  kind  of  cannon  ;  a  hawk 
Sala'cious,  a.  lustful,  lecherous,  wanton 
Sala'city,  s.  lechery,  wantonness 
Sal'ad,  s.  a  food  composed  of  raw  herbs 
Sal'amander,  s.  an  animal  like  a  lizard 
Salaman'drine,  a.  like  a  salamander 
Sal'ary,  s.  annual  or  periodical  payment 
Sale,  s.  the  act  of  selling,  vent,  market 
Sa'leable,  a.  fit  for  sale,  marketable 
Sa'lesman,  /.  one  who  sells  made  clothes 
Sa'lework,  s.  work  for  sale  ;  careless  work 
Sal'ient,  a,  leaping  ;  panting  ;  springing 
Sali'ne,Sali'nous,  a.  consisting  of  salt, brinish 
Sal'ique-law,  s.  a  law  by  which  females  were 

excluded  from  the  crown  of  France 
Sali'va,  s.  spittle  separated  by  the  glands 
Pal'ivate,  v.  a.  to  cause  a  spitting,  &c, 
S&Hva'tion,  s,  a  curing  by  spitting 

Sal'low,  a-  sickly  5  yellow...*,  a  willow 
Sal'ly,  s.  a  frolic  ;  flight ;  an  eruption 
Sal'ly,  v.  n.  to  make  an  eruption  ;  issue  out 
Sallyport,  s.  a  port  to  make  sallies  from 
Salmagun'di,  s.  a  mixture  of  chopped  meat, 
pickled  herrings,  oil,  onions,  vinegar,  &c. 
Sal'mon,  /.  a  delicious  well-known  fish 
Salmontro'ut,  s.  a  trout  of  the  salmon  kiad 
Saloo'n,  s.  an  elegant,  lofty  hall 
Salt,  s.  a  well-known  seasoning  ;  wit 
Salt,  a.  having  the  taste  of  salt 
Salt'cellar,  s.  a  sort  of  cup  to  hold  salt 
Salt'er,  s.  one  who  salts,  or  sells  salt 
Salt'ern,  s.  a  place  where  salt  is  made 
Sal  fish,  a.  somewhat  salt,  brinish 
Saltpe'tre,  s.  a  mineral  salt,  nitre 
Salvabif ity,  s.  possibility  to  be  saved 
Sal'vable,  a.  possible  to  be  saved 
Sal'vage,   s.  a  reward  allowed  for  saving 

goods  out  of  a  wreck...a.  wild  ;  cruel 
Salva'tion,  s.  reception  to  the  happiness  of 

heaven  ;  preservation  from  eternal  death 
Sal'vatory,  1.  a  place  where  any  thing  is  pre- 

served,  a  repository 
Salu'brious,  a.  wholesome,  promoting  health 
Salu'brity,  s.  wholesomeness,  healthfulness 
Salve,  s.  an  emplaster ;   remedy,  cure 
Sal'ver,  s.  a  piece  of  plate  with  a  foot 
Sal'vo,  /.  an  exception  ;  reservation  ;  excuse 
Sal'utary,  a.  wholesome  ;  healthful  ;  safe 
Saluta'tion, ;.  act  of  saluting,  greeting 
Salu'te,  v.  a.  to  greet,  to  hail,  to  kiss 
Salu'te,  s.  a  salutation,  greeting,  a  kiss 
Salutiferous,  a.  bringing  health,  healthy 
Same,  a.  identical,  of  the  like  kind,  &c. 
Sa'meness,  s.  identity,  not  different 
Sam'let,  s.  a  little  salmon 
Sam'phire,  s.  a  plant  preserved  in  pickle 
Sam'ple,;.  a  specimen  ;  part  of  a  whole 
Sam'pler,  s.  a  piece  of  girl's  needle  work 
San'able,  a.  remediable,  curable 
San'ative,  a.  of  a  healing  quality,  &c. 
Sanctifica'tion, ;.  the  aft  of  making  holy 
Sanc'tify,  v.  a.  to  make  holy  or  virtuous 
Sanctimo'nious,  a.  saintly,  appearing  holy 
Sanc'timony,  s.  holiness,  devoutness 
Sanc'tion,  s.  ratification  ;  confirmation 
Sanc'titude,  Sanc'tity,  s.  holiness,  goodness 
Sanc'euary,  s.  a  holy  place,  an  asylum 
Sand,  s.  gravelly  earth  ;  barren  land 
San'dal,  s.  a  sort  of  slipper  or  loose  shoe 
Sand'ers,  /.  a  precious  kind  of  Indian  wood 
Sand'ever,  j.  the  superfluous  salt  or  recce- 

ment  cast  up  in  making  glass 
Sand'stone,  s.  a  stone  easily  crumbled 
Sand'y,  a.  full  of  sand,  gritty  ;  unsolid 
Sane,  a.  sound  in  mind  ;  healthy 
Sang,  £;"£=/.  of  to  sing 

Sanguifica'tion,  s.  production  of  blood  ;  ^con- 
version of  the  chyle  into  blood 



S  C  A 

Sanguiferous,  a.  conveying  blood 
Si;n'guifier,  s.  a  producer  of  blood 
Sanguif  lucus,  a.  flowing  with  blood  • 

San'guinary,  a.  bloody,  cruel,  murderous 
San'gu'.ne,  a.  blood  red  ;  warm,  ardent 
Sanguin'eous,  a.  full  of  blood 
Sanguin'ity,  s.  ardour,  heat,  confidence 
San'hedriin,  s.  the  chief  council  among  the 

jews,  consisting  of  70  eiders 
Sa'nies,  s.  a  watery,  serous  excretion 
Sa'nious,  a.  running  with  thin  matter 
San'ity,  s.  soundness  of  mind  or  body 
Sank,  pret.  of  to  sink 
Sans, prep,  without,  destitute  of 
Sap,  i.  the  vital  juice  of  plants 
Sap,  v.  to  undermine,  subvert,  destroy 
Sap'id,  a.  tasteful,  palatable,  savoury 
Sa'pience,  s.  wisdom,  knowledge,  sageness 
Sa'pient,tf.  wise,  sage,  prudent 
Sap'iess,  a.  wanting  sap  ;  dry  ;  old  ;  husky 
Sapling,  s.  a  young  tree  full  of  sap 
Sapona'ceous,  Sap'onary,  a.  soapy,  like  soap 
Sa'por,  s.  taste  ;  a  stimulating  quality 
Sapph'ire,  s.  a  precious  blue  stone 
Sapph'irine,  a.  made  of  or  like  sapphire 
Sap'piness,  s.  succulence  ;  simpleness 
Sap'py,  a.  juicy,  succulent  \  weak 
Sar'aband,  s.  a  Spanish  dance 
Sar'casm,  /.  a  keen  rep-oach,  taunt,  gibe 
Sarcastic,  Sarcast'ical,  a.  keen,  taunting 
Sar'cenet,  *•  fine,  thin  woven  silk 
Sar'cie,  v.  a.  to  weed  corn 
Sarcoph'agous,  a.  eating  or  feeding  oa  flesh 
Sarcoph'agus,  s.  a  tomb 
Sarcot'ic,  a.  producing  new  flesh 
Sar'dine,  Sardon'yx,  s.  a  precious  stone 
Sarsaparella,  s.  the  name  of  a  plant 
Sarse,  s.  a  sort  of  fine  lawn  sieve 
Sash,  s.    a  silk  belt  ;  a  window  that  lets  up 

and  down  by  pulleys 
Sasho'on,  s.  a  leather  stuffing  in  a  boot 
Sas'safras,  ;.  a  tree  used  in  physic 
Sat,  the  preterite  of  to  sit 
Sa'tan,  $,  the  prince  of  hell,  the  devil 
Satanic,  Satanlcal,  a.  devilish,  infernal 
Satuh'el,  r.  a  small  bag  used  by  schoolboys 
Sate,  Sa'tiate,  v.  a.  to  glut,  to  satisfy 
Sat'eilite,  s.  a  small  or  secondary  planet  re- 
volving round  a  larger,  as  the  moon  round 
the  earth 
Satellitious,  a.  consisting  of  satellites 
Sa'tiate,  a.  glutted,  full  to  satiety 
Sati'ety,  s.  the  state  of  being  filled,  fulness 
Satin,  s.  a  soft,  close,  and  shining  silk 
Satire,  s.  a  poem  censuring  vice,  folly,  &c. 
Satiric,  Satirical,  a.  belonging  to  satire 
Satirist,  s.  one  who  writes  satires 
Satirize,  v.  a.  to  censure  as  in  a  satire 
Cutisfac'tion,  s.   the  state  of  being  plessed  cr 
eittisSed  }  atonement,  amends 


Satisfac'tive,  a.  giving  satisfaction 
Satisfactorily,  ad.  to  satisfaction 
Satisfactory,  a.  giving  satisfaction  or  content 
Satisfy,  v.  to  content,  please  ;  convince 
Sat'urant,  a.  impregnating  to  the  fill 
Sat'urate,    v.  a.    to  impregnate  till  no  more 

can  be  received  or  imbibed 
Sat'urday,  s.  the  last  day  in  the  week 
Satu'rity,  s.  fulness,  repletion 
Sat'urn,  /.  a  planet ;   in  chymistry,  lead 
Saturnlan,  a.  happy  ;  golden 
Sat'urnine,  a.  gloomy,  grave  ;  severe 
Sa'tyr,  s.  a  silvan  god  ;  a  lustful  man 
Sav'age,  a.  wild,  cruel,  uncivilized 
Sav'age,  s.  a  barbarian,  a  man  uncivilized 
Sav'agely,  ad.  barbarously,  cruelly 
Savan'na,  s.  an  open  meadow  without  wood 
Sauce,  i.  something  to  give  relish  to  food 
Saucebox,  s.  an  impertinent  fellow 
Sauce'pan, ;.  a  pan  to  make  sauce,  &c.  in 
Sau'cer,  s.  a  small  plate  for  a  teacup,  &c 
Sau'cily,  ad.  impudently,  petulantly 
Sau'ciness,  j.  impudence,  petulance 
Sau'cy,  a.  pert,  petulant,  insolent 
Save,  v.  to  preserve  from  danger  or  ruin  ;  to 

keep  frugally ..uid.  except 
Sa'veall,  s.  a  pan  to  save  candle-ends  on 
Sa'ving,  a.  frugal...^,  excepting 
Sa'viour,  s.  the  Redeemer  ;  he  who  saves 
Saun'ter,  v.  n.  to  wander  about  idly,  loiter 
Sa'vory,  s.  the  name  of  a  plant 
Sa'vour,  s.  a  scent,  odour,  taste 
Sa'vour,  v.  to  have  a  smell  or  taste  ;  to  like 
Sa'voury,  a.  pleasing  to  the  smell  or  taste 
Savoy',  /.  a  sort  of  colewort 
Saus'age,  s.  a  composition  of  meat,  spice,&c. 
Saw,  s.  an  instrument  with  teeth  for  cutting 

boards  or  timber  ;  a  saying,  a  proverb 
Saw,  v.  a.  to  cut  timber,  &c.  with  a  saw 
Saw'dust,  s.  a  dust  arising  from  sawing 
Saw'pit,  /.  a  pit  where  wood  is  sawed 
Savv'yer,  /.  one  who  saws  timber 
Saxifrage,  s.  a  plant  good  against  the  stone. 
Saxif  ragous,  a.  dissolvent  of  the  stone 
Say,  v.  to  speak,  utter,  allege,  tell 
Saying,  s.  an  expression  ;  an  opinion 
Scab,  s.  an  incrustation  over  a  sore 
Scabbard,  s.  the  sheath  of  a  sword 
Scab'by,  a.  diseased  with  scabs 
Sca'brous,  a.  rough,  rugged,  harsh 
Scaffold,    s.   a  temporary  gallery,  a  kind  of 

stage  erected  on  certain  occasions 
Scaffolding,  /.  a  support  for  workmen 
i  Scala'de,  Scala'do,    /.    storming  a  place  by 

raising  ladders  against  the  walls 
Scald,  v.  a.  to  burn  with  hot  liquor 
Scale,    s.    a  balance  :  the  sign  Libra  in  the 

zodiac  ;  part  of  the  covering  of  a  fish  ;  c. 

ladder;  means  of  ascent  •  line  of  distances 

the  gamut  ;  a  &*tade 

S  C  E 



Scale,  v.  n.  to  mount  ;  scrape  off  scales 
Sca'led,  a.  having  scales  like  a  fish-,  squamous 
Sca'liness,  s.  the  state  of  being  scaly 
Scali,  s.  leprosy  ;  morbid  baldness 
Scal'lion,  s.  a  kind  of  onion 
Scal'lop,  s.  a  shellfish  j  indentation 
Scal'lop,  v.  a.  to  indent  the  edge,  &c. 
Scalp,  s.  the  integuments  of  the  head 
Sca'ly,  a.  covered  with  scales 
Scam'ble,  v.  to  scramble  ;  shift  awkwardly 
Scam'mony,  s.  a  concreted,  resinous  juice 
Scam'per,  v.  n.  to  run  with  fear  and  speed 
Scan,  v.  a.  to  examine  nicely  ;  to  canvass 
Scan'dal,  s.  a  reproachful  assertion,  infamy 
Scan'dalize,     v.  a.    to    disgrace,    reproach, 

defame  ;  offend  by  some  action 
Scan'dalous,  a.  opprobrious,  shameful,  vile 
Scan'dent,  a-  climbing,  creeping 
Scan'ning,  s.    in  poetry,  is  the  measuring  a 

verse  to  ascertain  its  number  of  feet,  &c 
Scant,  a.  parsimonious  ;  scarce,  not  enough 
Scant'iness,  s.  want  of  space,  compass,  &c. 
."cant'Iet,  s.  a  small  quantity  or  piece 
Scant'ling,  s.  timber  cut  to  a  small  size 
Scant'y,  a.  narrow,  small  ;  poor,  niggardly 
Scape,  v.  to  escape...;,  a  flight,  evasion 
Scap'ular,  a.  relating  to  the  shoulders 
Scar,  s.  the  mark  of  a  cut ;  a  cicatrix 
Scar'amouch,  s.  a  buffoon  in  motley  dress 
Scarce,  a.  not  plentiful,  rare,  uncommon 
Scarce,  Scarce'ly,  ad.  hardly,  scantly 
Sca'rceness,  Sca'rcity,  s.  want  of  plenty 
Scare,  v.  a.  to  frighten,  affright,  terrify 
Sca'recrow,  s.  an  image  set  to  frighten  birds 
Scarf,  s.  a  loose  covering  for  the  shoulders 
Scarf'skin,/.  the  outer  skin  of  the  body 
Scarifka'tion,  s.  an  incision  of  the  skin 
Scar'ify,  v.  a.  to  lance  or  cut  the  skin 
Scarlet]  s.  a  deep  red  colour 
Scar'let,  a.  of  the  colour  of  scarlet 
Scarletbe'an,  s.  a  garden  plant 
Scarp,    j.    the  slope  on  that  side  of  a  ditch 

which  is  next  to  a  fortified  place 
Scate,  s.  an  iron  to  slide  with  ;  a  flat  fish 
Scath,  v.  a.  to  waste,  damage,  destroy 
Scath'ful,  a.  mischievous,  destructive 
Scat'ter,  v.  to  spread  thinly,  to  disperse 
Scav'enger,  s.  a  cleaner  of  the  streets 
Scel'erat,  s.  a  villain,  a  wicked  wretch 
Scene,  s.  part  of  a  play  ;  an  appearance 
Sce'nery,  s.  imagery  ;  representation 
Sce'nic,  a.  dramatic,  theatrical 
Sceuog'raphy,  s.  the  art  of  perspective 
Scent,  s.  smell,  odour  ;  chase  by  smell 
?cep'tic,  j.  one  who  doubts  of  all  things 
Soep'tical,  a.  doubting  every  thing 
Scep'ticism,  s.  universal  doubt 
Scep'tre,    s.    the  ensign  of  royalty  borne  in 

the  hand 
Scep'tredj  a,  bearizg  a  sceptre 

Sched'ule,  s.  a  small  scroll  ;  an  inventory 
Scheme,  s.  a  plan, project,  design 
Sche'mer,  a.  a  projector,  a  contriver 
Schism,  /.  a  division  in  the  church 
Schismat'ic,  s.  one  guilty  of  schism 
Schismat'ical,  a.  implying  schism 
Schismat'ically,<?rf.  in  a  schismatical  manner 
Schol'ar,;.  a  disciple,  a  man  of  letters 
Scholarship,  s.  learning,  literature 
Scholastic,**,  pertaining  to  the  school 
Scholas'tically,  ad.  according  to  the  schools 
Scho'liast,  s.  one  who  makes  notes  upon  2a 

author,  a  commentator 
Scho'lium,  s.  an  explanatory  note 
Scho'ly,  v.  n.  to  write  expositions 
School,  s.  a  place  for  education 
School'fellow,  j.  a  fellow  student 
School'man,  t.  one  skilled  in  the  niceties  of 

academical  disputation,  and  in  divinity 
School'master,  s.  he  who  teaches  in  a  school 
SchooI'mistress,  s.  she  who  keeps  a  school 
Sciag'raphy,    s.    the  section  of  a  building  to 
show  the  inside  thereof  j  the  art  of  dialling 
Sciather'ic,  a.  belonging  to  a  sun-dial 
Sciat'ical,  a.  troubled  with  the  hip-gout 
Sci'ence,  t.  knowledge,  art  attained  by  pre- 
cepts ;  the  seven  liberal  arts  are  grammar, 
rhetoric,    logic,  arithmetic,   music,  geo- 
metry, astronomy 
Scien'tial,  a.  of,  or  pertaining  to  science 
Scientific,  a.  what  promotes  knowledge,&c. 
Scim'itar,  s.  a  sword  with  a  convex  edge 
Scin'tillate,  v.  n.  to  sparkle,  to  emit  sparks 
Scintillation,  s.  the  act  of  sparkling 
Sci'olist,  j.  one  of  superficial  knowledge 
Sci'olous,  a.  knowing  superficially 
Sciom'achy,  s.  a  battle  with  a  shadow 
Sci'on,  s.  a  small  twig  or  shoot ;  a  graft 
Scirrhos'ity,  s.  an  induration  of  the  glands 
Scirrhous,  a.  having  an  indurated  gland 
Scis'sible,  Scis'sile,  a.  that  may  be  divided 
Scis'sion,  /.  the  act  of  cutting 
Scis'sars,  s.  a  small  pair  of  shears 
Scis'sure,  s.  a  crack,  rent ;  fissure  ;  chap 
Sclerot'ic,  a.  hard  ;  rough 
Scoat,  v.  n.  to  stop  the  wheel  of  a  carriage 
Scoff,  v.  n.  to  deride  or  mock,  to  ridicule 
Scof'fingly,  ad.  in  contempt,  in  ridicule 
Scold,  v.  n.  to  chide  ;  quarrel  clamorously 
Scol'lop,  s.  a  fish  ;  an  indenting 
Sconce,  s .   a  branched  candlestick  ;  a  small 

fort  ;  a  bulwark  ;  the  head 
Sconce,  •v.  a.  to  mulct,  to  fine 
Scoop,  s.  a  large  ladle  ;  a  sweep 
Scoop,  v.  a.  to  lade  out ;  to  cut  hollow 
Scope,  s.  intention  ;  drift ;  aim  ;  space 
Scorbu'tic,  a.  diseased  with  the  scurvy 
Scorch,  v.  to  burn,  to  be  dried  up 
Score,  s.  a  long  incision  ;  line  drawn  ;  ac- 
count ;  motive  ;  the  number  twenty 




Sco'rious,  a.  drossy,  foul,  worthless 
Scorn,  s.  contempt...^,  to  scoff,  to  despise 
Scorn'ful,  a.  contemptuous,  insolent,  proud 
Scorn'fully,  ad.  contemptuously,  insolently 
Scor'pion,  j.  a  reptile  with  a  very  venomous 

sting  ;  a  sign  of  the  zodiac 
Scot,  j.  a  Scotchman  ;  shot  ;  payment 
Scotch,  v-  a.  to  cut  slightly 
Scotch,  a.  of,  or  belonging  to  Scotland 
Scot'free,  a.  excused  from  paying  his  scot 
Scot'omy,  s.  a  swimming  in  the  head 
Scov'el,  s.  mops  for  sweeping  an  oven 
Scoun'drei,  s.  a  mean   rascal, a  villain 
Scour,  -v.  to  cleanse  ;  scamper  ;  purge 
Scour'er,  s.  one  who  scours  ;  a  pa.  ge 
Scourge,  s.  a  whip  ;   a  lash  ;    punishment 
Scourge,  v.  a.  to  whip,  punish,  chastise 
Scout,  s.  one  who  is  sent  privately  to  observe 

the  motions  of  an  enemy 
Scout,  v   n.  to  go  out  privately  to  observe 
Scow]  yv.  n.  to  frown,  to  look  angry  or  sullen 
Scrag,  /.  any  thing  lean  or  thin  ;  the  neck 
Scrag'gy,  /.  lean,  thin  ;  rough,  rugged 
Scramble,  v.  n.  to  catch  eagerly  ;  to  climb 
Scramble,  s.  eager  contest    for  any  thing 
Scranch,  v.  a.  to  grind   between  the  teeth 
Scran'nel,  a.  vile,  worthless,  grating 
Scrap,;,  a  small  particle,  fragment,  bit 
Scrape,  v.  to  pare  lightly  ;  erase  ;  shave 
Scrape,  s.  difficulty,  perplexity,  distress 
Scra'per,  s.  an  iron  utensil ;  a  vile  fiddler 
Scratch,  v.  a.   to  tear   with  the  nails  ;    to 

wound  slightly  ;  to  draw  awkwardly 
Scratch'es,  s.  a  disease  in  horses 
Scraw,  s.  the  surface  or  scurf 
Scrawl,  v.  a.  to  draw  or  write  badly 
Screak,  v.  n.  to  make  a  loud,  shrill  noise 
Scream,  v.  n.  to  cry  out,  as  in  terror,  &c. 
Screech,  v.  n.  to  shriek,  to  cry  as  an  owl 
Screech'owl,  s.  an  owl  that  hoots  by  night 
Screen,  v.  a.  to  shelter,  hide,  sift,  riddle 
Screw,  s.  one  of  the  mechanical  powers 
Scrib'ble,  s.  worthless,  bad  writing 
Scribbler,  s.  a  petty  author,  a  bad  writer 
Scribe,  s.  a  writer  ;  secretary  ;   public  notary 
Serine,  j.  a  repository  for  writings 
Scrip, ;.  a  small  bag;  schedule  ;  small  writing 
Scrip'tory,  a.  written  ;  not  delivered  orally 
Scrip'tural,  a.  contained  in   the  Bible 
Sctip'ture,  /.  the  Bible,  the  sacred  writings 
Scriv'ener,  s.  one  who  draws   contracts,  <3cc. 
Scrofula,  s.  the  disease  commonly  called  the 

Scrofulous,  a.  diseased  with  the  scrofula 
Scroll,  s.  a  writing  rolled  up 
5cro  'turn,  /.  the   membrane  which  contains 

the  seminal  organs 
Scrub,  s.  a  mean  fellow../u.  a.  to  rub  hard 
Scrub'bed,  Scrub'by,  a.  mean,  vile,  sorry 

J,  r.  a  doubt ;    a  weight  of  ZQ  gr:;Tns 

Scru'ple,  v.  n.  to  doubt,  to  hesitate 
Scru'pulousjfl.  nicely  doubtful  ;  vigilant 
Scru'tabie,  a.  that  may  be  searched 
Scrutineer,  s.  an  examiner,  an  inquirer 
Scru'tinize,  v.  a.  to  examine  thoroughly 
Scru'tinous,  a.  captious  ;  full  of  inquiries 
Scru'tiny,  s.  a  strict  search  or  inquiry 
Scruto'ire,  j.  a  case  of  drawers  for  papers 
Scud,  v.  n.  to  sail  before  a  hard  gale,  &c. 
Scuffle,  s.  a  confused  quarrel  or  broil 
Sculk,  v.  n.  to  lurk  secretly  ;  to  lie  close 
Scull,  s.  the  brain-pan  ;  a  small  oar 
Scul'ler,  s.  a  small  boat  with  one  rower 
Scul'lery,  s.  a  place  to  clean  and  keep  uishe3 
Scullion,  j.  a  kitchen  drudge 
Sculp,  v-  a.  to  carve  ;   to  engrave.../,  a  print 
Sculp'tile,  a.  made  by  engraving 
Sculp'tor,  s.  a  carver  or  engraver 
Sculp'ture,  s.  art  of  carving,  carved  work 
Scum,  s.  what  rises  to  the  top  of  any  liquor 
Scum,  v.  a.  to  clear  off  the  scum 
Scurf,  s.  a  dry  scab  ;  scale  ;  adherent  staia 
Scurfy,  a.  full  of  or  having   scurf 
Scurrility,  s.  grossness  of  reproach,  oppro- 
brious language,  lewdness  of  jocularity 
Scur'rilous,  a.  railing,  saucy,  abusive 
Scur'vily,  ad.  vilely,  basely,  coarsely 
Scur'viness,  s.  meanness,  sorriness,  baseness 
Scur'vy,  ;.  a  disease..^,  scabbed,  vile 
Scur'vy-grass,  s.  a  plant  ;  spoonwort 
Scut,  j.  the  tail  of  a   hare  or  rabbit,  &c. 
Scutch'eon, /.  the  field  or   ground  on  which 
a  coat  of  arms  is  painted  ;  pieces  of  brass 
placed  over  locks 
Scut'tle,  s.  a  wide  shallow  basket  for  coals  ; 

a  small  grate  ;  a  quick  pace 
Scythe,  /.  instrument  for  mowing  grass,  &c» 
Sea,  s.  the  ocean,  a  large  lake 
Sea'beat,  a.  dashed  by  the  waves  of  the  sea 
Sea'born,  a.  produced  by  the  sea 
Sea'boy,  s.  a  boy  employed  on  shipboard 
Sea'beach,  s.  the  sea  shore 
Sea'calf,  s.  the  seal,  a  sea  animal 
Sea'chart,  s.  a  map  of  the  sea-coast 
Sea'coal,  s.  pit-coal  brought  by  sea 
Sea'compass,  s.  the  mariner's  compass 
Sea'faring,  a.  employed  or  living  at  sea 
Sea'giit,  a.  encircled  by  the  sea 
Sea'gull,  j.  a  water-fowl 
Seal,  s.  the  sea-calf;  a  stamp  ;  a  confirmation 
Seal,  v.  to  fasten  with   a   seal,  ratify,  close 
Seal'ing-wax,  s.  wax  used  to  seal  letters,  &c, 
Seam,  s.  what  joins  two  pieces  together  ;  a 
measure  of  eight  bushels  ;  a  scar  ;   tallow 
Seam,  v,  a.  to  join  together  ;  mark,  scar 
Sea'maid,  /.  the  mermaid 
Sea'man,  s.  a  sailor,  mariner  ;    merman 
Sea'mew,  s.  a  fowl  that  frequents  the  sea 
Seam'less,  a.  having  no  seam 
Seam'stress,  s.  one  who  lives  by  sewing 


S  E   I 

Sean,  or  Siene,  /.  a  fcnid  of  large  fishing  net 
Sea'nymph,  s,  a  goddess  of  the  sea 
Sea'piece,  ;.  representation  of  any  thing  at  sea 
Sea'port,  ; .  a  harbour  or  port  for  ships 
Sear,  v.  a.  to  burn...'*  dry  j  no  longer  green 
Searce,  v.  a.  to  sift  finely...;,  afinesieve 
Search,  ;.  an  inquiry,  quest,  pursuit 
Search,  v.  to  examine,  to  inquire,  to  seek 
Sear'cloth,  ;.  a  large    strengthening  plaster 
Sea'room, ;.  room  at  sea  j  far  from  the  shore 
Sea' rover,  ;.  a  pirate 
Sea'service,  ;  duty  at  sea 
Sea'shore,  ;.  the  coast  of  the  sea 
Sea'sick,  a.  sick  by  the  motion  of  the  sea 
Sea'son,;.  one  of  the  four  parts  of  the  year, 
spring,  summer,  autumn,  winter  ;    a  fit 
time  ;  a  time  not  very  long 
Sea'son,?;.  to  give  a  relish  to  ;  to  mature 
Seasonable,  a.  opportune, at  a  proper  time 
Seasoning,  ;.  that  which  gives  relish  to 
Seat,  ;.  a  chair  ;  mansion  ;  situation 
Seat,  v.  a.  to  place  on  seats  ;    fix,  place  firm 
Sea' ward,  ad.  towards  the  sea 
Se'cant,  a.  dividing  into  two  parts...;,  a  line 
Sece'de,  v.  n.  to  withdraw  from  ;    to  leave 
Secession,  ;.  the  act  of  withdrawing  from 
Se'cle,  ;.  a  century,  an  age 
Seclu'de,  v.  a.  to  shut  up  apart,  to  exclude 
Seclu'sion,  ;.  a  secluding,  a  separating 
Sec'ond,  a.  the  next  to  the  first ;  inferior 
Sec'ond,  j.  one  who  accompanies  another  in 
a  duel  •,  supporter  ;  60th  part  of  a  minute 
Sec'ond,  v.  a.  to  support  ;  to  follow   next 
Secondarily,  ad.  in  the  second  order  or  de- 
gree ;  not  primarily  or  originally 
Sec'ondary,  a.  not   primary...;,  a  delegate 
.Secondhand,  a.  not  original  ;  not  primary 
Secondly,  ad.  in  the  second  place 
Sec'ondrate, ;.  the  second  order  in  dignity  9 

value,  or  strength 
Se'crecy, ;.  privacy,  solitude,  close  silence 
Se'cret,  a.  concealed,  private,  unknown 
Se'cret,  ;.  a  thing  unknown,  privacy 
Sec' retariship,  ;.   the'office  of  a  secretary 
Sec'retary,  ;.  one  who  writes  for  another 
Secre'te,  v.  a .  to  hide,  conceal  ;  separate 
Secre'tion,  ;.  a  separation  of  animal  fluids 
Secreti'tious,  a.   parted  by  animal  secretion 
Se'cretly,  ad.  privately,  in  secret 
Secretness, ;.  quality  of  keeping  a  secret 
Secre'tory,  a.  performing  the  office  of  secre- 
Sect,  ;.  men  united  in  certain  tenets 
Sedt'ary, :.  a  follower  of  a  particular  sect 
Sedta'tor,  i.  a  follower  ;  an  imitator 
Section,  ;.  a  distinct     part   of  a  writing  or 

book  ;  a6t  of  cutting  ;   the  part  divided 
Sec'tor,  :.  a  geometrical   instrument 
"SeCular,  a.  not  bound  by  rales,  worldly 
■Secularize,  v.  a.  to  convert  to  common  use 

Secularly,  ad.  in  a  worldly   manner 
Sec'undine,  ;.  the  after-birth 
Secu're,  a.  free  from  fear  or  danger,  safe 
Secu're,  v.  a.  to  make  certain,  protect,  insure 
Secu'rely,  ad.  without  danger  j    carelessly 
Secu'rity, ;.  protection,  defence,  pledge 
Seda'n,  ;.  a  neat,  close  chair  for  carnage 
Seda'te,  a.  calm,  quiet,  still,  serene 
Seda'tely,  ad.  calmly,  without  disturbance 
Seda'teness,  ;.  calmness,   tranquillity 
Sed'enlary,  a.  sitting  much,  inactive 
Sedge,  j.  a  growth  of  narrow  flags 
Sedg'y,  a.  overgrown  with   narrow  flags 
Sed'iment,  ;.  what  settles  at  the  bottom 
Sedi'tion,  ;.  a  tumult,  an  insurrection 
Sedi'tious,  a.  factious,  mutinous,  turbulent 
Sedu'ce,  v.  a.  to  tempt,  corrupt,  mislead 
Sedu'cement, ;.  the  act  of  seducing 
Sedu'cible,  a.  capable  of  being  deceived 
Seduction,  ;.  the  act  of  seducing 
Sedu'lity,  ;.  assiduity,  application,  industry 
Sed'ulous,  a.  assiduous,  industrious  }  painful 
See,  i.  the  diocess  of  a  bishop 
See,  v.  to  perceive  by  the  eye,  to  descry,  to 

behold,  to  attend  ;  to  converse  with 
Seed,;,  the   organised  particle  produced  by 

plants  and  animals,  from  which  new  ones 

are  generated  -,  original ;  race 
Seed,  v.  n.  to  bring  forth  seed 
Seed'cake,  ;.  a  kind  of  sweet  seed  cake 
Seed'ling,  ;.  a  plant  just  risen   from  the  seed 
Seed'pearl,  ;.  small  grains  of  pearl 
Seeds'man,  ;.  a  sower,  he  who  sells  seed 
Seed'time, ;.  the  season  for  sowing 
Seed'y,  a.  abounding  with  seed 
SeCing,.;.  sight ;<i.  since  that 
Seek,  v.  to  look  for  ;  solicit ;  make  search 
Seel,  v.  a.  to  close  the  eyes 
Seem,  v.  n.  to  appear,  to  have  semblance 
Seem'ing, ;.  appearance,  show,  opinion 
Seem'ingly,  ad.  in  appearance,  in  semblance 
Seem'liness,  ;.  decency,  grace,  beauty 
Seem'ly,  a.  decent,  becoming,  proper,  fit 
Seen,  part.  a.  perceived,  skilled,  versed 
Seer, ;.  one  who  foresees  events  ;  a  prophet 
See'saw,  ;.  a  reciprocating  motion 
Seeth,  «y.  to  boil ;  to  stew  ;    to  decoct  in  hot 

liquor  ;  to  be  hot 
Seg'ment,  ;.  a  part  of  a  circle  comprehended 

between  anarch  and  a  chord    thereof 
Seg'rejjate,  v.  a.   to  separate  or  to  set  apart 
Segregation,  ;.  a  separation   from  others 
Seigneu'rial,  a.  invested  with  large  powers 
Seign'ior,  ;.  an  Italian  title  for  lord 
Seignviory,  ;.  a  lordship  ;  a  jurisdiction 
Semper, ;.  a  fisher  with  nets 
Seiz'able,  a.  that  is  liable  to  be  seized 
Seize,  v.  to  take  by  force  ;  to  fasten  on 
Seiz'in, ;.  the  act  of  taking  possession 
Seiz'ure3  s.  act  of  seizing,  the  thing  seized 


S  E  R 

Sel'dom,  ad.  rarely,  not  frequently  | 

Sele'ct,  v.  a.  to  choose  in  preference  to  others 
Sele'dl,  a.  nicely  chosen  ;  culled  out 
Selection,  s.  the  act  of  choosing 
Selenog'ra[)hy,  s.  a  description  of  the  moon 
Self,  pron.  one's  self,  the  individual 
Sel'fish,a.  void  of  regard  for  others 
Selfsame,  s.   numerically  the  same 
•Sel'ion,  s.  a  ridge  of  land  between  furrows 
Sell,  v.  a.  to  part  with  for  a  price 
Sel'lander,  j.a  scab  in  a  horse's  pastern 
Sel'ler,  s.  one  who  sells,  a  vender 
Sel'vage,  s.  the  edge  of  cloth,  &c. 
Selves,  s.  the  plural  of  self 
Sem'blance,  s.  resemblance,  appearance 
Sem/ble,v.  n.  to  represent,  to  make  a  likeness 
Se'mi,  a.  in  composition,  signifies  half 
Semian'nular,  a.  half  round  ;  a  ring 
Semlbreve,  s.  a  note  in  music 
Semicircle,  s.  half  a  circle 
Semicir'cular,  a.  half  round 
Semico'lon,  s.  a  point  made  thus  [;] 
Semi.diam'eter,  s.  half  a  diameter 
Semidiaphane'ity,  s.  half  transparency 
Semidiaph'anous,  a.  half   transparent 
Semifluid,  a.  imperfectly  fluid 
Semilu'nar,  a.  resembling  a  half  moon 
Seminal,  a.  belonging   to  seed  ;   radical 
Sem'inary,  s.  a  seed  plot ;   original  ;  school 
Semination,  /.  the  act  of  sowing 
Seminiflc,  a.  productive  of   seed 
Semipellu'cid,  a.  imperfectly  clear 
Semiperspic'uous,  a.  not  quite  plain 
Semiquaver,  s.  in  music,  a  note  containing 

half  the  quantity  of  a  quaver 
Sem'ilone,  s.  half  a  tone  or  note  in  music 
Sem'ivowel,  s.  a  consonant  which  makes  an 

imperfect  sound  ;  semivowels   are  six  in 

number,  f,  1,  m,  n,  r,  s 
Sempitei'nal,  a.  everlasting,  perpetual 
Sempiter'nity,  s.  duration  without  end 
Se'nary,  a.  containing  the  number  six 
Sen'ate,  s.   an  assembly  of  counsellors  who 

share  in  the  government,   a  parliament 
Sen'ator,  s.  a  member  of  the  senate 
Send,  v.  a.  to  despatch  ;  to  commission 
Senec'tude,  s.  old  age,  ancientness 
Senes'cence,  s.  a  growing  old  ;    decay 
Sen'eschal,  s.  a  steward  ;    high  bailiff 
Se'nior,  a.  older  than  another 
Seniority,  /.  priority  of  birth,  eldership 
Sen'na,  s .  a  physical  purge 
Sensation,  s.  perception  by  the  senses 
Sense,  s.  faculty  of  perceiving  ;  meaning 
Senseless,  a.  wanting  sense,  stupid 
Sensibility,  s.  quickness  of  sensation 
S'^n'sible,  a.  having  quick    intellectual  feel- 

ing  ;  convinced,  persuaded  ;  of  good  sense 
Sen'sibly,  ad.  with  sense  ;  judiciously 
5en'sitive,  a.  having  sense,  but  not  reason 

Sen'sual.a.  pleasing  to  the  senses;      carnal 
Senso'rium,  Sen'sory,  /.  the  seat  of  sense, 

the  organ  of  sensation 
Sensuality,  s.  addiction  to  carnal  pleasures 
Sen'sualize,  v.  a.  to  render  sensual 
Sen'sually,  ad.  in  a  sensual  manner 
Sent,  part. pass,  of  to  send 
Sen'tence,  s.  a  determination  ;   a  period 
Sentence,  v.  a.  to  condemn,  to  judge 
Sententious,  a.  short  and  energetic 
Senten'tiously,<  witty  or  pithy  sentences 
Sentient, a.  perceiving...*,   one  perceiving 
Sen'timent,  s.  thought,  notion,  opinion 
Sentiment'al,  a.  reflecting,  thoughtful 
Sen'tinel,  Sen'try, ;.    a  soldier  on  guard 
Separable,  a.  that  may  be  separated 
Sep'arate,  v.  a.  to  break,  disunite 
Separate,  a.  divided,  disunited  from 
Separately,  ad.  apart,  singly,  distinctly 
Separation,  s.  a  disjunction,  divorce 
Sept,  s.  a  clan,  race,  generation 
September,  s.  the  ninth  month  of  the  year 
Septenary,  a.  consisting  of  seven 
Septennial,  a.  lasting  seven  years 
Septen'trion,  s.  the  north  ;  Charles 's-wain 
Septentrional,  a.  relating  to  the  north 
Septentrionate,  i>.  n.  to  tend  northerly 
Sep'tic5a.  tending  to  produce  putrefaction 
Septilateral,  a.  having  seven  sides 
Septuagen'ary,  Septuages'imal,  a.  consisting 

of  seventy 
Septuagint,  s.   the  old  Greek  version  of  the 
Old  Testament,    so  called,  as  being  sup- 
posed the  work  of   70  interpreters 
Sep'tuple,  a.  seven  times  as  much 
Sepul'chral,  a.  relating  to  burial,  &c. 
Sep'ulchre,  *.  a  tomb,  grave,  monument 
Sep'ulture,  r.  interment,  burial 
Sequa'cious,  a.  following ;  attendant ;  duiSlile 
Sequa  city,  ;.  ductility  ;    toughness 
Se'quel,  s.  a  conclusion  ;   consequence 
Sequence,  j.  a  following  order 
Se'quent,  a.  following  ;  consequential 
Sequester,  v.  a.  to  put  aside  ;    deprive  of 
Sequestrable,  a.   that  may  be  separated 
Sequestration,  s.  deprivation  of  profits 
Sequestrator,  s.  he  into  whose  custody  the 

thing  in  dispute  is  committed 
Serag'lio,  s.   the  house  where  the  eastern 

concubines,  tec.  are  kept 
Ser'aph, ;.  one  of  the  orders  of  angels 
Seraphic,  a.  angelic,  angelical 
,(Ser'aphim,  s.  one  of  the  orders  of  angels 
Sere,  Seer,  a.  withered  ;  no  longer  green 
Serena'de,  s.  music  by  lovers  in  the  night 
Sere'ne,  a.  calm,  placid,   quiet,   unruffled 
Sere'nely,  ad.  calmly,  quietly,  coolly 
Serene'ness,  Serenity,  s.   calmness,  peace 
Serenltude,  /.  calmness,  coolness  of  mind 
Serf,  s.  a  slave  employed  in  husbandry 

E   X 

S   H   A 

Serge, ;.  a  kind  of  thin  woollen  cloth 
Ser'geaut,  s.  a  petty  officer   in   the  army  ;  a 

degree  in  law  next  below  a  judge 
Se'ries,  s.  sequence,  succession,  order 
Se'rious,a.  grave,  solemn,  important 
Se'riously,  ad.  gravely,  solemnly,   in  earnest 
Ser'mon,  s.  a  pious,  instructive  discourse 
Ser'monize,  v.  n.  to  preach  a  sermon 
Seros'ity,  s.  thin,  watery  part  of  the  blood 
Se'rous,  a.  thin,  watery,    adapted  to  serum 
Ser'pent,  s.  a  snake  ;  a  musical  instrument 
Ser'pentine,  a.  winding  like  a  serpent 
Serpiginous,  a.  diseased  with  a  tetter 
Serpigo,  /.  a  kind  of  tetter 
Serr'ate,  Serr'ated,  a.  jagged  like  a  saw 
Ser'ring,  s.  the  act  of  driving  close 
Ser'vant,  s.  one  who  serves  another 
Serve,  -v.  to  attend  at  command,  to  assist 
Sar'vice,  s.  an  office  ;   obedience,  favour 
Serviceable,  a.  active,  diligent,  useful 
Servile,  a  slavish,  mean,  fawning 
Ser'vilely,  ad.  meanly,  slavishly,  pitifully 
Servil'ity,  s.  slavishness,  meanness 
Ser'vingman,  s.  a  menial  servant 
Ser'vitor, ;.  the  lowest  rank  in  a  college 
Ser'vitude,  s.  slavery,  dependance 
Se'rum,  s.  the  watery  part  of  the  blood 
Sesquilat'eral,  a.  one,  and  a  half  more 
Sess, ;.  a  rate,  a  tax  ;  cess  charged 
Ses'sion,  s .  a  sitting  of  magistrates 
Set,  v.  to  place,  to  fix,  to  frame,  to  plant 
Set,  part.  a.  regular,  in  a  formal  manner 
Set,  s.  a  complete  suit  or  assortment 
Seta'ceous,  a.  bristly,  set  with  strong  hairs 
Se'ton,  s.  an  issue,  or  rowel 
Sette'e,  s .  a  long  seat  with  a  back 
Set'ter,  s.  one  who  sets  ;  a  kind  of  dog 
Set'tle,  s.  a  seat,  a  bench  with  a  seat 
Set'tle,  v.  to  fix,   confirm,  determine,  sink 
Set'tled,«.  confirmed,  determined 
Settlement, j.  act  of  settling;    legal  posses- 
sion ;  subsidence  ;  a  colony  ;  a  jointure 
Sev'en,  a.  four  and  three  j  one  more  than  six 
Sev'enfold,  a.  repeated    seven  times 
Sev'ennight,  or  Se'nnight,  s.  a  week 
-Seven te'en,  a.  ten  and  seven 
Sev'enthly,  ad.  in  the  seventh  place 
Sev'enty,  a.  seven  times  ten 
Sev'er,  v.  to  force  asunder,  divide,  disjoin 
Sev'eral,  a.  divers,  many,  distinct 
Severally,  ad.  distinctly,  separately 
Seve're,a.  sharp,  austere,  cruel,  painful 
Seve'rely,  a^. painfully,  afflictively,  horridly 
Severity,  s.  cruel  treatment,  rigour 
Sew,  v.  a.   to  join  with  a  needle  and  thread 
Sew'er,  s.  an  officer  ;  passage  for  water 
Sex,  s.  the  distinction  of  male  and  female 
Sexagen'ary,  a.  aged  sixty  years 
Sexages'ima,  s.  second  Sunday  before  Lent 
Sexagesimal,  <?.  numbered  by  sixties 

Sexan'guiar,  a.  having  six  angles 
Sexen'nial,  a.  lasting  six  years 
Sex'tant,  s.  the  sixth  part  of  a  circle 
Sex'tile,  i.  the  distance  of  Co  degrees 
Sex'ton,  s.  an  under  officer  of  the  church 
Sex'tonship,  s.  the  office  of  a  sexton 
Sex'tuple,  a.  six  fold,  six  times  told 
Shab'bily,  ad.  meanly,  reproachfully 
Shab'biness,  s.  meanness,  raggedness 
Shab'by,  a.   ragged,  mean,  slovenly,    paltry 
Shac'kle,  v.  a.  to  chain,  to  fetter,  to  link 
Shac'kles,  s.  fetters,  chains,  gyves 
Shade,  s.a  shadow  ;  screen,  shelter 
Shade,  v.  a.  to  cover  from  light  or  heat 
Shad'ow,  !.  a  shade,  faint  representation 
Shad'ow,  -v.  a.  to  cloud,  darken  ;  represent 
Shad'owy,  a.  full  of  shade,  gloomy 
Sha'dy,  a.  secure  from  light  or  heat  ;  cool 
Shaft,/,  an  arrow  ;  narrow,  deep  pit  ',  aspire 
Shag,  s.  rough  hair  ;  rough  cloth  ;  a  bird 
Shag'ged,  Shag'gy,  a.  rough,  rugged,  hairy 
Shagre'en,  s-  a  fish-skin  remarkably  rough 
Shagre'en,  v.  a.  to  provoke,  to  irritate 
Shake,  v.  to  tremble,  to  totter,  to  be  agitated 
Shake,  s.  a  vibratory  motion  ;  concussion 
Shall,  v.  defeSive,  it  has  no  tenses  but  shall9 

future,  and  should,  imperfect 
Shallo'on,  s.  a  slight  woollen  stuff 
Shal'lop,  or  Shallo'op,  s.  a  small  vessel 
Shal'low,  a.  not  deep  ;  futile  ;  silly 
Shal'low,  s.  a  sand  ;  a  flat  ;  a  shoal 
Shallowness,  s.  a  want  of  depth  or  thought 
Shalo  't,  j.  a  kind  of  small  onion 
Shalt,  second  person  of  shall 
Sham,  v.  n.  to  counterfeit,  trick,  cheat 
Sham, ;.  a  delusion,  imposture,  trick 
Sham,  a.  false,  counterfeit,   fictitious 
Sham'bles,  s.  a  butchery,  place  to  sell  meat 
Shambling,  a.  moving   awkwardly 
Shame,  s.  reproach,  ignominy,  disgrace 
Shame,  v.  to  make  ashamed,  to  disgrace 
Sha'mefaced,  a.  modest,  bashful,  sheepish 
Sha'meful,  a.   disgraceful,  ignominious 
Sha'mefully,  ad.  disgracefully,  infamously 
Sha'meless,  a.  impudent,  audacious 
Sham'ois,  or  Cham'ois,  ;.  a  wild  goat 
Sham'rock,  s.  a  three- leaved  Irish  grass 
Shank,  s.  middle  joint  of  the  leg  ;  the  handle 
Shape,  v.  a.  to  form,  mould,  image,  create 
Shape,/,  a  form,  make,  proportion 
Sha'peless,  a  .wanting  regularity  of  form 
Sha'peliness,  s  -  beauty  of  proportion  or  form 
Sha'pely,  a.    well  formed,  symmetrical 
Shard,  s.  a  piece  of  a  pot  ;  plant  ;  fish  ;  frith 
Shard'ed,  a.  inhabiting  shards 
Share,  s.  a  portion  ;    dividend  ;  plough  blade 
Share,  v.  a.  to  divide,  to  partake  of,  cut 
Sha'rer,  s.  one  who   divides,  a  partaker 
Shark,  s.  a  voracious  sea-fish  ;    a  sharper 
Sharp,  a.  keen,  piercing,  acute,  sour 


S  H  O 

Sharp'en,-y.  a.  to  make  keen;   make  quick 
Sharp'er,  s.  a  cheating,  tricking  fellow 
Sharp'ly,^.  severely,  keenly,  afllictively 
Sharp'ness,  s.  keenness  ;  ingenuity  ;  severity 
Sharp'set,  a.  eager,  vehemently  desirous 
Sharpsight'ed,  a.  having  quick  sight 
Shat'ter,  v.  to  break  into  pieces  ;  to  impair 
Shat'terbrained,  a.  inattentive,  giddy 
Shave,  v  a.  to  pare  close  with  a  razor,  &c. 
Sha'ver,  s-  one  who  shaves  ;  a  sharp  dealer 
Sha'ving,  s.  a  thin  slice  pared  off  any  thing 
Shaw,  s.  a  thicket,  a  small  wood 
5he,  the  female  protioun  personal 
Sheaf,  s.  a  bundle  of  new  cut  corn  :  a  heap 
Shear,  v.  a.  to  strip  or  cut  off  with  shears 
Shear'er,  s-  one  that  shears  sheep,  &c. 
Shears,  s.  an  instrument  with  two  blades 
Shear'man,  s.  he  that  shears 
Sheath,  s.  a  scabbard,  the  case   of  any  thing 
Sheath,  or  Sheathe,  v.  a.  to  put  into  a  sheath 
Sheath'y,  a.  forming  a  sheath 
Shed,  s.  a  shelter  made  of  boards,  &c. 
Shed,  v.  to  spill,  to  scatter,  to  let  fall 
Sheen,/,  brightness,  splendour... a.  bright 
Sheep,  s.  a  well-known  animal 
Sheep'cot,  Sheep'fold,  s.  an  enclosure  to  pen 

sheep  in 
Sheep'ish,  a.  over-modest,  bashful,  timorous 
Sheep'shearing,    s.    the    time    of    shearing 

sheep  ;  a  feast  made  when  sheep  are  shorn 
Sheep's-eye,  s.  a  loving,  sly  look 
Sheep'walk,  s.  a  pasture  for  sheep 
Sheer,  a.  clear,  pure,  unmingled 
Sheet,  s.  linen  for  a  bed  ;   a  sail  ;  paper,  &c. 
Sheet-anch'or,  s.  the  largest  anchor 
She'kel, ;.  a  Jewish  coin,   value  2s.  6d. 
Shelf,  s.  aboard  fastened  against  a  wall,  &c. 

to  place   things  on  ;   a  sand  bank  in  the 

sea  ;  a  rock  under  shallow  water 
Shell,  s .  the  hard  covering  of  any  thing,  &c 
Shell,  v.  to  strip  off,  or  cast  the  shell 
Shell'flsh,  /.  a  fish  covered  with  a  shell 
Shel'ly,  a.  abounding   with  shells 
Shel'ter,  /.  a  cover  from  injury  ;  protection 
Shel'ter,  v.  to  defend,  protect,  give  shelter 
Shelv'ing,  a.  sloping,  slanting 
Shelv'y,  a.  shallov.- ;  full  of  banks  ;    rocky 
Shep'herd,  /.  one  who  tends   sheep 
Shep'herdess,  x .  a  lass  that  tends  sheep 
Shep'herdy,  s.  the  work  of  a  shepherd 
Sherbet',  s.  mixture  of  acid,  water,  and  sugar 
Sher'iff,  s.  a  chief  annual  county  officer 
Sheriffalty,  /.  the  office  of  the  sheriff 
Sher'ry,  s.  a  kind  of  Spanish  white  wine 
Shield,  s.  a  buckler,  defence,  protection 
Shield,  v.  a.  to  cover,  to  defend,  to  secure 
Shift,  s.  an  evasion  ;  a  woman's  body  linen 
Shift,  v.  to  change,  alter,  practise  evasions 
Shift'er,  s.  an  artful  person,  a  trickster 
Shiftless,  a.  wasting  expedients  to  act,  &c. 

Shil'ling,  s.  a  silver  coin,  value    1 2d. 
Shi'lishalli,  a.  wavering,  hesitating 
Shi'ly,  a.  not  frank,  not  familiarly 
Shin,  j.  the  fore  part  of  the  leg 
Shine,  v.  n.  to  glisten,  glitter,  to  be  conspic- 
uous, to  be  glossy,  be  gay,  be  splendid 
Shine,  s.  fair  weather,  lustre,  splendour 
Shi'ness,  /.  unwillingness,  reservedness 
Shin'gles,/.  a  disease  ;  a  kind  of  tetter  ;  thin 

boards,  &c.  to  cover  houses 
Shi'ny,  a.  bright, luminous,   splendid 
Ship,  s.  a  large  vessel  to  sail  on  the  sea 
Ship,?;,  a.  to  put  on  board  a  ship 
Shipboard,  ad.  on  board  or  in  a  ship 
Ship'man,  s.  a  sailor,  a  seafaring  man 
Shipping,  j.  vessels  for  navigation 
Ship'wreck,  s .  loss  of  a  ship  by  rocks,  &c. 
Shipwright,  s.  a  ship  carpenter  or  builder 
Shire,  /.  a  division  of  the  kingdom,  a  county 
Shirt,  s.  a  man's  under  linen  garment 
Shirt  'less,  a.  wanting  a   shirt 
Shit'tlecock,  s.  a  plaything  for  children 
Shive,  s.  a  slice  of  bread  ;  a  thick  splinter 
Shiv'er,  v.  to  quake,  to  tremble,  to  shatter 
Shoal,  s.  a  crowd  ;  shallow  ;  sand  bank 
Shoal 'y,  a .  full  of  shoals  or  shallows 
Shock,  t.  a  conflict;  aconcussion  ;an  offence 
Shock,  v.  to  shake  violently  ;  to  disgust  ;  to 

offend,  to  be  offensive 
Shock'ing,  a.  disgusting,  dreadful,  violent 
Shod,^m.  and  part.  pass,  of  io  shoe 
Shoe,  s.  the  outer  cover  of  the  foot 
Shoe'boy,  s.  a  boy  that  cleans  shoes 
Shoe'inghorn,  s.  a  horn  to  draw  on  shoes 
Shoe'maker,  /.  one  who  makes  shoes 
Shoe'string,  /.  a  ribband,  &c.  to  tie  the  shoes 
Shone,  the  pret.  of  to  shine 
Shook,  the  pret.  of  to  shake 
Shoot,  v.  to  discharge  a  gun,  &c. ;  to  germi- 
nate ;  to  push   forward  ;    to  jet  out ;    to- 
move  swiftly  ;   to  feel  a  quick  pain 
Shoot'er,  s.  one  that  shoots,  an  archer 
Shop,  s.  a  place  for  sale  or  for  work 
Shop'board,  s.  a  bench  or  table  to  work  oa 
Shop'keeper,  s.  one  who  sells  in  a  shop 
Shop'man,  s.  a  foreman,  &c  in  a  shop 
Shore,  Shorn,  pret.  of  to  shear 
Shore,  s.  coast  of  the  sea,&c.a  drain  jbuttress 
Sho'reless,  a.  having  no  shore 
Short,  a.  not  long  ;  scanty  ;  brittle 
Short'en,  v.  a.  to  make  short,  contract,  lop 
Short'hand,/.  a  writing  in  characters,  &c. 
Short'Iived,  a.  not  living  or  lasting  long 
Short'ly.arf.  quickly,soon  ;  concisely ;  briefly 
Short'ness,  s.  the  quality  of  being  short 
Shortsight'ed,  a.   defective  in  the  sight 
Shot,  pre',  and  part.  pass,  of  to  shoot 
Shot,  s.  balls  for  guns,  &c.  ;  a  reckoning 
Shot  free,  a.  clear  of  the  reckoning 
Shot'ten,  a.  having  ejetted  the  spawn 



Shove,  v.  to  push  by  main  strength,  to  push 
Shove,  /.  the  act  of  shoving,  a  push 
Shov'el,  s.  an  instrument  for  digging,  &c. 
Shov'elboard,  s.  a  game  and  table  to  play  on 
Shough,  s.  a  species  of  shaggy  dog 
Should,  verb  auxiliary  in  sub.  mood 
Shoul'der,  s.  the  joint  that  connects  the  arm 

to  the  body  ;  a  prominence 
Shoul'der,  v.  a.  to  put  on  the  shoulder  ;  jostle 
Shoul'derbelt,  s    a  belt  for  the  shoulder 
Shoul'derknot,  s.  a  knot  of  lace,  &c.  worn 

on  the  shoulders  of  footmen,  &c. 
Shout,  /.  a  loud  huzza  of  triumph,  &c. 
Shout,  v.  n.  to  cry  in  triumph,  &c. 
Show,  v.  to  exhibit  ;  prove  ;  direct  ;  teach 
Show,  s.  an  exhibition  ;  semblance  ;  pomp 
Show'er,  s.  rain,  moderate  or  violent 
Show'er,  v.  a.  to  wet  ;  scatter  with  liberality 
Show'ery,  a.  rainy,  inclinable  to  showers 
Shown,  pret .  and  part.  pass,  of  to  sbonv 
Show'y,  a.  splendid,  gaudy,  ostentatious 
Shrank,  pret.  of  to  shrink 
Shred,  s.  a  small  piece,  a  fragment 
Shrew,  /.  a  peevish,  clamorous  woman 
Shrewd,  a.  cunning,  smart,  turbulent 
Shrewdly,  ad.    cunningly,     wittily,  slily, 

with  strong  suspicion 
Shriek,  v.  n.  to  scream...*,   an  inarticulate 

cry  of  anguish  or  horror 
Shrift,  s.  confession   made  to  a  priest 
Shrill,  a.  sounding  with  an  acute,  tremulous 

or  vibrating  sound 
Shril'ness,  s.  sharpness  of  sound 
Shrimp,  s.  a  small  sea  shellfish  ;  a  dwarf 
Shrine,*,  a  cabinet  or  case  to  hold  relics,  &c. 
Shrink,  v.  to  contract  itself  ;  to  express  fear, 

pain,  &c.  by  contracting  the  body 
Shrive,  v.  a-  to  hear  at  confession 
Shriv'el,  v.  a. to  contract  into  wrinkles 
Shroud,  s-  dress  for  the  dead ;  a  shelter 
Shroud, v.  to  shelter,  to  conceal,  to  harbour 
Shro'vetide,  s.  the  Tuesday  before  Lent 
Shroud,  s.  a  shelter,  a  cover  ...v.  to  cover 
Shrouds,  s.  large  ropes  extended  from  the 

mast-head  to  the  sides  of  a  ship,  to  support 

the  masts,  and  enable  them  to  carry  sail 
Shrub,  s.  a  bush  ;  spirit  with  acid  and  sugar 
ShnuVby,  a.  full  of  or  like  shrubs 
Shrug,  v.  a.  to  contract  or  draw  up 
Shrug,  /.  a  contracting  of  the  shoulders  to 

signify  contempt,  pity,  or  aversion 
Shrunk,  Shrunk 'en,  part,  of  to  shrink 
Shud'der,  v.  n.  to  quake  with  fear,  &c. 
Shuffle,  v.  to  dodge  ;    to  shift  ;  to  play 
mean  tricks  ;  to  change  the  position  of 

the  cards  ;  to  move  with  an  irregular  gait 
Shuffle,  s.  a  disordering  of  things  ;    a  trick 
Shuf  fiecap,  s.  a  kind  of  play  or  game 
Shuffler,  s.  he  who  plays  tricks  or  shuffles 
Shun,  v.  a.  to  avoid,  to  endeavour  to  escape 

Shut,  v.  to  close,  confine,  exclude,  contract 
Shut'ter,  s.  a  cover  for  a  window,  &c. 
Shut'tle,  s.  an  instrument  used  in  weaving 
Shy,  a.  reserved, cautious,  suspicious 
Sib'ilant,  a.  hissing 
Sibila'tion,  s.  a  hissing  sound 
Sicca'tion,  s.  the  act  of  drying 
Sic'city,  s.  dryness,  want  of   moisture 
Sice,  s.  the  number  six  at  dice 
Sick,  a.  afflicted  with  disease  ;  disgusted 
Sick,  v.  n.  to  sicken  ;  to  take  a  disease 
Sick'en,  <y.  to  make  sick  ;  disgust ;  decay 
Sick'le,  s.  a  hook  for  reaping    corn 
Sick'ly,  a.  not  healthy,  faint,  weak 
Sick'ness,  s.  a  disease,  disorder  of  the  body 
Side,  s.  the  rib  part  of  animals  ;  the  edge 
Side,  a.  not  direct...?;,  n.  to  join  with 
Si'deboard,  s.  a  side  table  on  which  conve» 

niences  are  placed 
Si'delong,  a.  lateral,  oblique,  not  direct 
Sid'eral,  Side'real,  Side'rean,  a.  starry 
Sid'erated,  a.  planet-struck  ;  blasted 
Sidera'tion,  s.  a  mortification,  a  blast 
Si'desaddle,  s.  a  woman's  seat  on  horseback 
Si'desman,*.  an  assistant  to  a  churchwarden 
Si'deways,  Si'dewise,  ad.  on  one  side 
Si'dle,  v.  n.  to  go  the  narrowest  way 
Siege,  s.  the  besieging  a  fortified  place 
Sieve,  s.  hair  or  lawn  strained  on  a  hoop 
Sift,  v.  a.  to  put  through  a  sieve  ;  to  examine 
Sift'er,  s.  he  who  sifts  ;  a  sieve 
Sigh,  s.  a  mournful  breathing,  a  sob 
Sight,  s.  the  sense  of  seeing  ;    a  show 
Sight'less,  a.blind,  not  sightly  ;  offensive 
Sight'liness,  s.  handsomeness,  seemliness 
Sight'ly,  a.  comely,  seemly 
Si'gil,  s.  a  seal  ;  a  kind  of  charm 
Sign,  s.  a  token,  miracle,  symbol,  device 
Sign,  v.  a.  to  mark,  to  ratify  by  writing 
Sig'nal,  s.  a  sign  that  gives  notice,  mark 
Sig'nal,  a.  memorable,  remarkable 
Sig'nalize,  v.  a.  to  make  remarkable 
Sig'naliy,  ad-   remarkably,   memorably 
Sig'nature,  s.  a  mark,  sign  ;  among  printers, 

a  letter  to  distinguish  different  sheets 
Sig'net,  j.  a  seal,  especially  the  king's 
Significancy,  s.  meaning,  force,  energy 
Significant,  a.  expressive,  important 
Significantly,  ad.  with  force  of  expression 
Signification,  s.  a  meaning  by  sign  or  word 
Significative,  a.  strongly  expressive 
Sig'nify,  v.  to  declare,  to  mean,  to  import 
Si'lence,  s.  stillness,  taciturnity,  secrecy 
Si'lence,  inter,  commanding  silence 
Si'lent,  a.  mute,  still,  quiet,  not  speaking 
Si'lently,  ad.  without  speech  or  noise 
Sili'cious,  a.  made  of  hair  :   flinty 
Sil'iquose,  Sil'iquous,  a.  having  a  pod 
Silk,  s.  a    fine  soft  thread,    spun  by  silk- 
worms ;  any  thing  made  of  it 


20  5 


Silk'en,  a.  made  of  silk.  ;  soft  ;  tender 
Silk/mercer,  s.  a  dealer  in  silk. 
Silk'weaver,  s.  a  weaver  of  silken  stuffs 
Silk'worm,  s.  the  worm  that  spins  silk 
Silk'y,  a.  made  of  silk,  soft,  pliant 
Sill,  /.  the  foot  of  a  door-ease,  &c. 
Sil'labub,  or  Sil'litmb,  s.    a  liquor  made  of 

milk,  cider  or  wine,  sugar,  &c. 
Sii'liness,  s.  simplicity  ;  weakness 
Sit'ly,  a.  harmless,  weak,  simple,  foolish 
Sil'van,  a.  woody,  full  of  woods 
Sil'ver,  j.  a  white  hard  metal 
Sil'ver,  a.  made  of,  or  like  silver 
Silversmith,/,  one  who  deals  in  silver,  &c. 
Simar',  or  Sima're,  s.  a  woman's  loose  robe 
Sim'ilar,  a.  of  a  like  form  or  quality 
Similarity,  s.  likeness,  resemblance 
Sim'ile,  s.  a  comparison  for  illustration 
Simil'itude,  s.  likeness*  comparison 
Sim'mer,  v.  n.  to  boil  gently  or  slowly 
Sim'nel,  s.  a  kind  of  sweet  bread  or  cake 
Sim'ony,  /.   the  crime  of  buying  or  selling 

church  preferments 
Si'mous,  a.  having  a  flat  or  snubbed  nose 
Sim'per,  v.  n.  to  smile  or  look  pleasantly 
Sim'per,  s.  a  kind  of  pleasant  smile 
Sim'ple,  a.  plain,  artless  ;  unmingled  ;  silly 
Sim'ple,  /.  a  single  ingredient  ;  an  herb,  &c. 
Sim'ple,  v.  n.  to  gather  simples 
Sinip'ler,  Simplist,  s.  an  herbalist 
Sim'pleton,  s.  a  silly  or  simple  person 
Simplicity,  s,  plainness,  weakness 
Simp'ly,  ad.  without  art,  foolishly 
Sim'ular,  s.  one  that  counterfeits 
Simulation,  /.  a  dissembling,  feigning 
Simultaneous,  a.  acling  together 
Sin,  j.  a  violation  of  the  laws  of  God 
Sin,  v.  n.  to  violate  the  laws  of  God 
Since,  ad.  because  that,  before  this  ;  ago 
Since're,  a.  pure,  honest,  uncorrupt 
Sincerity,  s.  purity  of  mind,  honesty 
Sin'don,  s .  a  fold,  a  wrapper 
Sine,  s.  a  kind  of  geometrical  line 
Si'necure,   s".    an  office  which  has  revenue 

without  any  employment 
Sln'ew,  s.  a  tendon,  muscle,  or  nerve 
Sin'ewed,  a.  furnished  with  sinews,  strong, 

firm,  vigorous 
Sin'ewy,  a.  nervous,  strong,  forcible 
Sin'ful,  a.  not  holy,  wicked,  profane 
Sing,    v.    to  form  the  voice  to  melody  ;  to 
celebrate  ;  give  praises  to  ;  to  tell  in  poetry- 
Singe,  v.  a.  to  scorch,  to  burn  slightly 
Sing'er,  s.  one  skilled  in  singing 
Sin'gle,  a.  alone,  unmarried,  individual 
Sin'gleness,  s.  not  duplicity  ;  sincerity 
Sin'gly,  ad.  individually,  only,  by  himself 
Sin'gular,  a.  only  one  ;  particular;  rare 
Singularity,  s.  any  thing  remarkable  j  a  cu- 
riosity j  a  distinguished  character 

Sin'gularly,  ad.  particularly  ;  strangely 

Sin'gult,  s.  a  sigh 

Sin'ister,  a.  on  the  left  hand  ;  bad  ;  unlucky 

Sink,  v.  to  fall  gradually,  settle,  decline 

Sink,  s.  a  drain,  jakes,  place  of  filth 

Sin'Iess,  a.  exempt  from  sin,  innocent 

Sin'ner,  s.  an  offender,  a  criminal 

Sin'offering,  s.  an  expiation  for  sin 

Sin'oper,  Sin'opie,  s.  a  kind  of  red  earth 

Sin'uous,  a.  bending  in  and  out 

Si'nus,  s.  a  bay  of  the  sea  ;  gulf;  opening 

Sip,  v.  to  drink  by  small  draughts 

Sip,  s.  a  small  draught,  small  mouthful 

Si'phon, ;.  a  pipe  to  convey  liquors  thro',&.c. 

Sip'pet,  s.  a  small  sop 

Sir,  s.  a  word  of  respect  to  men  ;  a  title 

Sire,  s.  a  father  ;  a  male 

Si'rens,  s.  sea  monsters  who  enticed  men  by 

singing,  and  then  devoured  them 
Sir'ius,  s.  the  great  dog  star 
Sir'name,  s.  the  family  name 
Siroc'co,  s.  the  south-east,  or  Syrian  wind 
Sir'rah,  s.  a  name  of  reproach  and  insult 
Sir'up,  s.  vegetable  juice  boiled  with  sugar 
Sis'ter,  s.  a  woman  born  of  one's  parents 
Sis'terhood,  s.  women  of  the  same  society 
Sis'terly,  a.  like  or  becoming  a  sister 
Sit,  v.  to  repose  on  a  seat,  to  incubate 
Site,  s.  situation,  local  position 
Sith,  ad.  since  ;  seeing  that 
Sifting,  s.  the  acl:  of  resting  on  a  seat 
Sit'uate,  Sit'uated,  a.  placed  ;  lying 
Situa'tion,  s.  a  position  ;  condition  ;  state 
Six,  a.  twice  three,  one  more  than  five 
Six'pence,  s.   half  a  shilling 
Six-sco're,  a.  six  times  twenty 
Sixte'en,  a.  six  and  ten 
Sixth,  a.  the  next  after  the  fifth 
Sixth'ly,  ad.  in  the  sixth  place 
Six'tieth,  a.  the  tenth  six  times  repeated 
Six'ty,  a.  six  times  ten 
Size,  s.  bulk  ;  a  glutinous  substance 
Si'zeable,  a.  reasonably  bulky 
Si'zer,  s.  a  student  of  the  lowest  rank  at  the 

university  of  Cambridge 
Si'zy,  a.  glutinous,  viscous,  ropy 
Skate,  s.  a  flat  sea-fish  ;  a  sliding  shoe 
Skate,  v.  n.  to  slide  on  ice  with  skates 
Skean,  s.  a  short  sword  ;  a  knife 
Skein,  s.  a  hank  of  silk,  thread,  &c. 
Skel'eton,  s.  the  bones  of  the  body  preserved 

as  in  their  natural  situation 
Skel'lum,  s.  a  villain,  a  scoundrel 
Sketch,  s.  an  outline  ;  rough  draught 
Sketch,  v.  n.  to  trace  the  outlines  ;  to  plan 
Skew,  v.  n.  to  squint  ;  to  look  disdainfully 
Skew'er,  s.  a  sort  of  pin  to  truss  meat 
Skiff, ;.  a  small  light  boat 
Skil'faY,  a.  knowing,  experienced 
Ski! 'fully,  <?<£  with  skiilj  dexterously 



S  L  O 

Skill,  s.  knowledge,  experience,  dexterity 
Skil'led,  a.  knowing,  acquainted  with 
Skil'let,  s.  a  small  kettle  or  boiler 
Skim,  v.  to  take  off  the  scum  ;  pass  lightly 
Skim'mer,  s.  a  ladle  to  take  off  the  scum 
Skim'milk,  s.  milk  deprived  of  its  cream 
Skin,  s.  the  hide,  pelt  ;  rind  of  fruit 
Skin,  v.  a.  to  flay  ;  to  uncover  ;  to  heal 
Skink'er,  s.  one  that  serves  drink 
Skin'ner,  s.  a  dealer  in  skins 
Skin'ny,  a.  wanting  flesh,  thin,  lean 
Skip,  "v.  to  pass  by  quick  leaps  ;  to  miss 
Skip,  s.  a  light  leap  or  bound 
Skip'jack, ;.  an  upstart ;  a  lackey 
Skip'per,  s.  a  ship-master,  or  ship-boy 
Skir'mish,  s.  a  slight  fight,"a  contest 
Skirt,  s.  the  edge,  margin,  extreme  part 
Skit,  s.  a  whim  ;  lampoon  ;  insinuation 
Skit'tish,  a.  easily  frighted  ;  wanton  ;  fickle 
Skreen,  s.  a  coarse  sieve  ;  a  shelter 
Skreen,  v.  a.  to  sift  ;  to  shade  ;  to  shelter 
Skue,  a.  oblique,  sidelong 
Skulk,  v.  n.  to  hide  ;  lurk  in  fear  or  malice 
Skull,  j.  the  bone  that  encloses  the  head 
Sky,  s.  the  heavens,  the  firmament 
Sky'lark,  s.  a  bird  that  soars  and  sings 
Sky'light,  s.  a  window  in  the  roof 
Sky'rocket,  s.  a  kind  of  rising  firework 
Slab,  s.  a  plane  of  stone  ;  a  puddle 
Slab'ber,  v.  to  drivel,  to  shed  ;  to  spill 
.-lab'by,  a.  plashy,  dirty,  thick,  viscous 
Slack,  a.  not  tense,  loose,  remiss,  relaxed 
Slack,  Slack'en,  v.  to  be  remiss,  abate,  flag 
Slack,  s.  coal  broken  into  small  parts 
Slack'ness,  s.  looseness  ;  negligence 
Slag,  s.  the  dross  or  recrement  of  metals 
Slain,  part.  pass,  of  to  slay 
Slake,  v.  to  quench,  extinguish,  be  relaxed 
Slam,  s.  winning  all  the  tricks  at  cards 
Slam,  v.  a.  to  win  all  the  tricks  ;  shut  hard 
Slan'der,  s.  false  invective  ;  reproach 
Slan'der,  v.  a.  to  backbite,  to  scandalize 
Slan'derer,  s.  one  who  belies  another 
Slan'derous,  a.  falsely  abusive 
Slant,  v.  a.  to  cast  obliquely  or  sideways 
Slant,  Slant'ing,  s.  oblique,  sloping 
Slap,  v.  a.  to  strike  with  the  open  hand 
Slap'dash,  ad.  all  at  once,  suddenly 
Slash,  v.  to  cut  ;  lash  ;  strike  at  random 
Slash,  s.  a  wound,  cut  in  cloth,  &c. 
Slate,    s.   grey  fossile  stonc.-u.  a.  to  cover 

the  roof 
Sla'ter,  s.  one  who  covers  with  slates 
Siat'tern,  s.  a  negligent,  careless  woman 
Slave,  j.  one  deprived  of  freedom 
Slave,  v.  n.  to  drudge,  to  moil,  to  toil 
Slav'er,  v-  to  emit,  or  smear  with,  spittle 
Sla'very,  s.  the  condition,  &c.  of  a  slave 
Slaughter,  s.  destruction  with  a  sword 
Slaugh'ter,  v.  a.  to  massacre,  to  slay 

Slaughterhouse,  s.  a  house  in  which  beasts 

are  killed  by  the  butcher 
Slaugh'terman,  s.  one  employed  in  killing 
Sla'vish,  a.  servile,  mean,  base,  dependant 
Sla'vishness,  s.  servility,  meanness 
Slay,  v.  a.  to  kill,  butcher,  put  to  death 
Sleaz'y,  a.  thin,  slight,  wanting  substance 
Sled,  or  Sledge,  s.  a  carriage  without  wheels, 

a  smith's  large  hammer 
Sleek,  a.  smooth,  glossy,  delicate,  nitid 
Sleek'ness,  u  smoothness,  glossiness 
Sleep,  s.  repose,  rest,  slumber...?;,  n.  to  rest 
Sleep'iness,  s.  drowsiness,  heaviness 
Sleep'ing,  s.  the  act  of  taking  rest  in  sleep 
Sleep'less,  a.  without  sleep  ;  watchful 
Sleep'y,  a.  drowsy,  sluggish,  causing  sleep 
Sleet,  /.  a  kind  of  smooth,  small  snow,  &c. 
Sleet'y,  a.  bringing  sleet 
Sleeve,  s.  the  dress  covering  the  arm 
Sleeve'button,  s.  a  button  for  the  sleeve 
Sleeve'less,  a.  having  no  sleeves 
Sleight,  s.  dexterous  practice,  art,  trick 
Slen'der,  a.  thin,  small,  not  bulky, sparing 
Slept,  pret.  of  to  sleep 
Slew,  pret.  of  to  slay 

Slice,  v.  to  cut  into  thin  pieces,  to  divide 
Slide,  v.  to  glide  on  ice  ;  pass  unnoticed 
Slide,  s.  a  frozen  place  to  slide  on 
Slight,  a.  small  ;  worthless  ;  not  strong 
Slight,  s.  neglect  ;  contempt ;  artifice  ;  scorn 
Slight,  v.  a.  to  neglect,  to  disregard 
Slight'ingly,a<2.  with  disdain,  negligently 
Slight'ly,«d.  negligently,  scornfully  ;  weakly 
Slight'ness,  s.  weakness  ;  negligence 
Slim,  a.  slender,  thin  of  shape 
Slime,  s.  any  glutinous  substance,  mud 
Slim'ness,  s.  slenderness,  thinness  of  shape 
Sli'my,  a.  viscous,  glutinous,  ropy 
Sli'ness,  s.  low  cunning,  craftiness,  artifice 
Sling,  s.  a  missive  weapon  for  stones  ;  a  stroke 
Sling,  v.  a.  to  throw  by  a  sling,  &c. 
Slink,  v.  to  sneak  away  ;  to  cast,  its  young 
Slip,  v.  to  slide  ;  fall  into  error  ;  to  fall  out 

of  the  memory  ;  convey  secretly 
Slip,  s.  a  false  step  ;  mistake  ;  twig  ;  escape 
Slip'board,  s.  a  board  sliding  in  grooves 
Slip'knot,  s.  a  bow-knot,  a  knot  easily  untied 
Slip'per,  s.  a  morning  shoe  ;  a  loose  shoe 
Slip'pery,  Slip'py,^.  glib  ;  uncertain 
Slip'shod,  a.  not  having  the  shoe  pulled  up 
Slip'slop,  s.  bad  or  insipid  liquor 
Slit,  v.  a.  to  cut  any  thing  lengthwise 
Slit,  s.  a  long  cut  or  narrow  opening 
Sli'ver,  v.  a.  to  split...*,  a  branch  torn  off 
Sloats,  s.  the  under  parts  of  a  cart 
Slcb'ber,  v.  to  slaver,  to  wet  with  spittle 
j  Sloe,  s.  the  fruit  of  the  blackthorn 
!  Sloop,  s-  a  small  sea-vessel 
!  Slop,  v.  a.  to  dash  with  water  ;  drink  hastily 
•  Slope,  s,  a  declivity,  an  oblique  direction 



Slope,  a.  oblique,  not  perpendicular 

Slope,  Slo'pewise,  Slo'pingly,  ad.  obliquely 

Slop'py,  a.  miry  and  wet,  plashy 

Sloth,  s.  slowness,  idleness  ;  an  animal 

Sloth'ful,  a.  idle,  lazy,  sluggish,  inactive 

Stoth'fuliy,  ad.  with  sloth,  lazily 

Slouch,  /.    a  downcast  look  j    a  man  who 

looks  heavy  and  clownish 
Slouching,  a.  walking  awkwardly 
Slov'en,  s.  one  dirtily  or  carelessly  dressed 
Slov'enly,  a.  negligent,  not  neat  ;  dirty 
Sov'enly,  ad.  in  a  coarse,  inelegant  manner 
Slough,    s.    a  deep,  miry  place  ;  the  skin 

which  a  serpent  casts  off  periodically 
Slough'y,  a.  miry,  boggy,  muddy 
Slow,  a.  not  swift  ;  late  ;  dull  ;  tardy 
Slowly,  ad.  not  speedily,  not  rashly 
Slow'ness,  s.  want  of  velocity  ;  deliberation 
Slo'worm,  s.  a  small  worm  or  viper 
Slub'ber,  v.  a.  to  do  a  thing  lazily,  to  daub 
Slubberdegul'lion,  s.  a  mean,  dirty  wretch 
Sludge,  s.  mire,  dirt  mixed  with  water 
Slug,  s.  an  idler,  a  drone  j  a  slow  snail 
Slug'gard,  s.  a  drone,  an  idle,  lazy  fellow 
Slug'gish,  a.  dull,  drowsy,  lazy,  slothful 
Slug'gishly,  ad.  dully,  not  nimbly,  idly 
Sluice,  s.  a  water-gate,  a  flood-gate 
Sluice,  v.  a.  to  emit  by  flood-gates 
Slum'ber,  tj.  to  sleep  lightly,  to  doze 
Slum'ber,  s.  light  sleep,  repose 
Slum'berous,  a.  causing  sleep,  sleepy 
Slung,  pret.  and  part,  of  to  sling 
Slunk, pret.  and  part,  of  to  slink 
Slur,  s.  a  slight  disgrace...?;,  a.  to  sully,  soil 
Slut,  s.  a  dirty  woman  ;  a  word  of  contempt 
Slut'tish,  a.  nasty,  not  cleanly,  dirty 
Slut'tishness,  s.  nastiness  ;  dirtiness 
Sly,  a.  meanly  artful,  secretly  insidious 
Sly'ly,  ad.  with  secret  artifice,  insidiously 
Smack,  s.  taste,  savour  j  a  loud  kiss 
Small,  a.  little,  slender  ;  minute  ;  petty 
Small'coal,  s.  small  wood  coals  used  in  light- 
ing fires 
SmaU'craft,  5.  vessels  less  than  ships 
Small'ness,  s.  minuteness  ;  weakness 
Small'pox,  s.  an  eruptive  malignant  distem- 
per, very  contagious 
Smalt,  s.  a  beautiful  blue  substance 
Smarag'dine,  a.  made  of,  or  like  emerald 
Smart,  a.  pungent, quick,  acute,  brisk 
Smart,  v.  n.  to  feel  quick,  lively  pain 
Smartly,  ad.  sharply,  briskly,  wittily 
Smart'ness,  s-  quickness  ;  liveliness  ;  vigour 
Smatch,  s.  a  taste  ;  tincture  ;  a  bird 
Smat'ter,  s.  superficial  knowledge 
Smat'tering,  s.  a  slight  knowledge 
Smear,  v.  a.  to  soil,  to  daub,  to  contaminate 
Smear'y,  a.  dauby  ;  adhesive 
Smeeth,  v.  a.  to  blacken  with  smoke 
Smell,  v.  to  perceive  by  the  nosea  &c. 

Smell,  s.  the  power  of  smelling,  scent 
Smelt,  pret.  and  part.  pass,  of  to  smell 
Smelt,  >.  a  small  sea-fish 
Smelt,  v.  a.  to  extract  metal  from  ore 
Smelt'er,  s.  one  who  melts  ore 
Smerk,  v.  n.  to  smile  amorously,  &c. 
Smerk,  Smirk,  a.  nice,  smart,  jaunty,  gay 
Smick'et,  s.  a  woman's  under  garment 
Smile,  v.  n.  to  look  gay,  &c.  be  propitious 
Smile,  s.  a  look  of  pleasure  or  of  kindness 
Smilingly,  ad.  with  a  look  of  pleasure 
Smit,  Smit'ten,  part.  pass,  of  to  smite 
Smite,  v.  to  strike  j  kill  ;  destroy  ;  blast 
Smith,  s.  one  who  works  in  metals 
Smith'ery,  Smith'y,  s.  a  smith's  shop 
Smock,  s.  the  under  garment  of  a  woman 
Smock'faced,  a.  beardless,  maidenly,  pale 
Smoke,  s.  a  sooty  exhalation  ;  a  steam 
Smoke,  v.  to  emit  smoke,  to  burn  ;  discov- 
er ;  use  tobacco  ;  dry  in  smoke  ;  sneer  or 
ridicule  ;  smell  out,  find  out 
Smo'kedry,  v.  a.  to  dry  in  the  smoke 
Smo'ky,  a.  emitting,  or  full  of  smoke,  fuming 
Smooth,  a.  even  ;  plain  ;  bland  ;  mild 
Smooth,  v.  a.  to  level  ;  make  easy  ;  soften 
Smooth'en,  v.  a.  to  make  even  and  smooth 
Smoothly,  ad.  evenly  ;  easily  ;  calmly 
Smooth'ness,j.  evenness  of  surface  ;  mildness 
Smote,  pret.  of  to  smite 
Smoth'er,  v.  to  suffocate  ;  to  suppress 
Smoth'er,  s.  a  smoke,  thick  dust;  suppression 
Smug,  a.  nice,  spruce,  neat 
Smug'gle,  v.  a.   to  import  or  export  goods 

without  paying  the  customs 
Smug'gler,  s.  one  who  cheats  the  revenue 
Smugly,  ad.  neatly,  sprucely,  nicely 
Smug'ness,  s.  spruceness,  neatness 
Smut,  s.  spot  with  soot ;  mildew  ;  obscenity 
Smutch,  v.  a.  to  black  with  smoke 
Smut'tily,  ad.  smokily,  blackly  ;  obscenely 
Smut'ty,  a.  black  with  smoke  ;  obscene 
Snack,  ;.  a  share,  a  part  taken  by  compadt 
Snaffle,  /.  a  bridle  that  crosses  the  nose 
Snag,  s.  a  jagg  ;  a  protuberance  ;  a  tooth 
Snag'ged,  Snag'gy,  a.  full  of  jaggs 
Snail,  s.  a  testaceous  animal ;  a  drone 
Suake,  s.  a  serpent  of  the  oviparous  kind 
Sna'keroot,  s.  the  name  of  a  medicinal  root 
Sna'ky,  a.  serpentine  ;  having  serpents 
Snap,  v.  to  break  at  once,  brcfak  short ;  bite 
Snap'dragon,  s .  a  plant ;  a  kind  of  play 
Snap'per,  s.  one  who  snaps 
Snap'pish,  a.  eager  to  bite,  surly,  cross 
Snap'pishly,  ad.  crossly,  peevishly,  tartly 
Snap'sack,  s.  a  soldier's  bag,  a  knapsack 
Snare,  s.  a  gin,  net,  trap,  engine 
Snare,  v.  a.  to  entrap,  to  entangle 
Snarl,  v.  to  growl  like  a  dog,  &c.  ;  to  speak 

roughly  ;  to  entangle 
Snarl'er,  s.  a  surly,  captious  fellow 

s  o  c 



Snatch,  v.  to  seize  hastily...?,  a  hasty  catch 
Snatch'block,  s.  a  kind  of  pulley  in  a  ship 
Snatch'er,  s.  one  who  snatches  hastily 
Sneak,  v.  n.  to  creep  -slyly,  to  crouch 
Sneak'er,  s.  a  large  vessel  of  drink 
Sneak'ing,  a.  servile,  mean,  niggardly 
Sneak'up,  s.  a  cowardly,  creeping  scoundrel 
Sneap,  s.  a  reprimand. ..v.  a.  to  check  ;  nip 
Snecfc,  s.  a  latch,  or  fastening  to  a  door 
Sneer,  s.  contempt...-!;.  ¥t.  to  show  contempt 
Sneeze,  s.   emission  of  wind  audibly  by  the 
nose,  occasioned  by  an  irritation  of   the 
nostrils...t>.  n.  to  emit  wind  by  the  nose 
Snick  and  Snee,  s .  a  combat  with  knives 
Snick'er,  v.  a.  to  laugh  wantonly  or  slyly 
Sniff,  v.  n.  to  draw  breath  by  the  nose 
Snig'gle,-y.  n.  to  fish  for  eels  with  a  bait 
Snip,  ^'.  a.  to  cut  at  once  with  scissurs,&c. 
Snipe,  s.  a  small  feu  fowl  ;  a  fool 
Snip'pet, .'.  a  small  part,  a  share 
Snlp'snap,  j.  tart  dialogue 
Smv'e!,i>.  n.torunatthenos    ;cry  childishly 
Snivelling,  a.  peaking,  whining,  pitiful 
Snore, ;.  a  noise  through  the  nose  in  sleep 
Snort,  v.  n.    to  blow  through  the  nose  as  a 

high-mettled  horse 
Snout,  s.  the  nose  of  a  beast,  the  nozel 
Suow^  s-  water  frozen  in  flakes  ;  a  small  ship 
Siiow'ball,  s.  a  lump  of  congealed  snow 
Snow'drop,  /.  a  small  white  spring  flower 
Saow'y,  a.  white  as  snow,  full  of  snow 
Snub,  s.  a  knot  in  wood  ;  a  jagg,  a  snag 
Snub,  v.  a.  to  check,  to  reprimand  ;  to  nip 
Snuff,  s.  the  burnt  wick  of  a  candle  ;  pow- 

.dered  tobacco  taken  up  the  nose 
Snuff,  v.  to  crop  ;  to  scent  ;  to  draw  breath 
Snuffbox,  s.  a  box  in  which  snuff  13  carried 
Snuffers,  s.  an  utensil  to  snuff  candles 
Snuffle,  v.  n.  to  speak  through  the  nose 
Snug,  a.  close,  hidden,  concealed,  sly 
Snug'gle,  v.  n.  to  lie  close  ;  to  lie  warm 
So,  ad.  in  like  manner  ;  thus  ;  provided  that 
..Soak,  v.  to  steep  in  any  liquid  ;  to  imbibe  ; 

to  drain  ;  to  exhaust 
Soap,  s.  a  substance  used  in  washing 
Soap'boiler,  s.  one  who  makes  soap 
Soar,   v.  n.   to  fly  aloft,  to  rise  high,  to  aim 

high,  to  be  aspiring 
Sob,  v.  n.  to  sigh  convulsively  in  weeping, 

-  &c....f.  a  convulsive  sigh 
Sober,  a.  temperate,  regular,  serious 
So'berly,  ad.  temperately,  moderately,  cool- 
ly, calmly  ;  gravely,  seriously 
Sobvi'ety,  s.  temperance  in  drink  ;  calmness 
Soc'cage, »-.  an  ancient  tenure  of  lands 
So'ciable,  a.  inclined  to  company  ;  familiar 
So'ciableness,  f.  inclination  to  company,  &c. 
So'cial,  a.  familiar,  fit  for  society 
Soci'ety,  t.  fraternity  ;  company ;  partnership 
Socin'ian, ;,  a  follower  of  Bocims 

Socin'ianism,  s.  the  opinions  of  Faustus  So- 
cinus,  who  asserted,  that  Christ  had  no 
pre-existent  state  before  his  being  born  of 
Mary  ;  and  that  original  sin,  predestina- 
tion3  and  reprobation,  were  mere  chimeras 
Sock,  s.  something  put  between  the  shoe  and 

stocking  ;  the  shoe  of  the  ancient  adtors 
Sock'et,  s.   any  hollow  that  receives  some- 
thing inserted  ;  the  receptacle  of  the  eye 
Sod,  s.  a  turf,  a  clod 
Sodal'ity,  s.  fellowship,  fraternity 
Sod'den,  part.  pass,  of  to  seeth  ;  boiled 
So'der,  or  Sol'der,  s.  a  metallic  cement 
Sod'omite,  s.  one  guilty  of  sodomy 
Sod'omy,  s.  a  very  unnatural  crime 
So'fa,  s.  a  splendid  seat  covered 
Soft,  a.  not  hard,  or  rough,  simple,  gentle 
Soft,  inter,  hold,  stop,  not  so  fast 
Sofi'en,  v.  to  make  soft  or  easy,  to  mollify 
Soft'ly,  ad.  gently,  slowly,  mildly,  tenderly 
Soft'ness,j.  quality  of  being  soft ;  effeminacy 
Soho  !  inter,  form  of  calling  to  one  afar  off 
Soil,  /.  dung  ;  compost  ;  earth,  dirt 
So'journ,  v.  n.  to  dwell  awhile  in  some  place 
Sojourner,  s.  a  temporary  dweller 
Sol'ace,  s.  comfort,  pleasure  ;  alleviation 
So'lar,  So'iary,  a.  pertaining  to  the  sua 
Sold,  pret.  and  part .  pass,  of  to  sell 
Soi'dan, ;.  a  Mahometan  prince,  or  Sultan 
Sol'dier,  s.  one  who  fights  for  pay  ;  a  warrior 
Sol'diery,  /.  a  body  of  soldiers,  soldicrsuip 
Sole,  s.  the  bottom  of  the  foot  or  shoe  ;  a  fish 
Sole,  v.  a.  to  furnish  shoes  with  new  soles 
Sole,  a.  single,  aione  ;  in  law,  unmarried 
Sol'ec'rem,  &  an  impropriety  of  speech 
So'lely,  ad.  9l»g!f  ;  only  ;  separately 
Sol'emn,  a.  awful ;  religiously  grave  ;  serious 
Solem'nity,  s.  a  ceremony  ;  affected  gravity 
Solemnization,  s.  the  act  of  celebration 
Solemnize,  v.  a.  to  dignify  by  formalities 
Sol'emnTy,  ad.  in  a  solemn  manner 
Soli'clt,  v.  a.  to  excite  ;  implore,  ask 
Solicita'tion,  s.  importunity,  an  entreaty 
Solicitor,  s.  one  who  a&s  for  another 
Soli'citous,  a.  anxious  ;  careful  ;  concerned 
Soii'citress,  s.  a  woman  who  solicits 
Soli'citude,  s.  anxiety  ;  carefulness 
Sol'id,  a.  not  fluid,  firm,  true,  compact 
Solid'ity,  s.  fulness  of  matter,  firmness 
Soiifid'ian,  s.  one  who  holds  faith  only,  not 

works,  necessary  to  salvation 
Soiil'oquy,  s.  a  discourse,  &c  to  one's  self 
Solita'ire,  s.  a  neck  ornament  ;  a  hermit 
Sol'itary,  a.  retired  ;  gloomy  -,  single 
Sol'itude,  s.  a  lonely  life  or  place  ;  a  desert 
So'lo,  s.  a  tune  played  by  one  person 
Sol'stice,  s.  the  tropical  point  of  the  sun 
Solsri'tial,  a.  belonging  to  the  solstice 
Soiv'abie,  a.  possible  to  be  cleared  by  reason 
or  inquiry  ;  able  to  pay 

S  O  R 



Sol'uble,  a.  capable  of  dissolution 
Solubil'ity,  s.  susceptiveness  of  separation 
Solve,  i>.  a.  to  clear,  explain,  resolve 
Solv'ency,  s.  an  ability  to  pay  debts 
Solv'ent,  a.  able  to  pay  debts  ;  dissolving 
Solu'te,  a.  loosened  ;  disengaged  ;  fluent 
Solu'tion, /.  a  separation  ;  explanation 
Sol'utive,  a.  laxative,  causing  relaxation 
Somatology,  s.  the  doctrine  of  bodies 
Some,  a.  more  or  less  j  certain  persons 
Some'body,  s.  an  indiscriminate  person 
Som'erset,  s.  a  leap  from  a  beam,  &c. 
Some'how,  ad.  one  way  or  other 
Something,  s.  not  nothing,  part 
Some'time,  ad.  once,  formerly 
Some'times,  ad.  now  and  then,  not  never 
Some'what,  s.  something,  more  or  less 
Some'where,  ad.  in  one  place  or  other 
Somniferous,  Somnific,  a.  causing  sleep 
Som'nolency,  s.  sleepiness,  drowsiness 
Son,  s.  a  male  child,  native,  descendant 
Son-in-law,  s.  one  married  to  one's  daughter 
Sona'ta,  s.  a  tune  for  instruments  only 
Song,  s.  a  composition  in  verse  to  be  sung 
Songs'ter,  s.  a  singer  of  songs 
Songs'tress,  s.  a  female  singer 
Son'net,  s.  a  short  poem  of  14  lines  only 
Sonnettee'r,  s.  a  small  or  petty  poet 
Soniferous,  a.  giving,  or  bringing  sound 
Sonorif  ic,  Sonoriferous,  a.  giving  sound 
Sono'rous,  a.  loud,  or  high  sounding 
Soon,  ad.  before  long,  early,  readily 
Soot,  j.  condensed  or  embodied  smoke 
Soot'ed,  a.  smeared  or  covered  with  soot 
Soot'erkin,    s.   a  kind  of  false  birth,  fabled 
to  be  produced  by  Dutch  women  from  sit- 
ting over  their  stoves 
Sooth,  s.  truth,  reality...^,  pleasing 
Socth,  v.  a.  to  flatter,  to  ca!m,  to  gratify 
Sooth'say,  v.  n.  to  predict,  to  foretel 
Sooth'sayer,  s.  a  foreteller,  predictor 
Sooth'saying,  s.  foretelling  future  events 
Soot'y,  a.  smeared  with  soot,  black,  dark 
Sop,  j.  any  thing  steeped  in  liquor 
Sop,  v.  a.  to  steep  in  liquor 
Soph, ;.  an  under  graduate  of  two  years 
So'phi,  s.  the  emperor  of  Persia 
Soph'ism,  s.  a  fallacious  argument 
Soph'ist,  s.  a  subtle,  cavilling  disputer 
Soph'ister,  s.  a  fallacious  disputant 
Sophist'ical,  a.  fallacious,  deceitful 
Sophist'ieally,  ad.  with  fallacious  subtilty 
Sophisticate,  v.  a.  to  adulterate,  to  debase 
Soph'istry,  s.  a  fallacious  reasoning 
Soporif'erous,  Soporific,  a.  causing  sleep 
Sor'cerer,  s.  a  conjurer,  magician,  wizard 
Sor'ceress,  s.  a  female  magician,  enchantress 
Sor'cery,/.  magic, enchantment,  conjuration 
Sord,  s.  turf,  grassy  ground 
Sordes,  s.  foulness,  dregs 

S  2 

Sor'did,  a.  foul,  dirty,  base,  mean,  covetous 
!   Sor'didly,  ad.  meanly,  poorly,  covetously 
Sore,  s.  a  place  tender  and  painful,  an  ulcer 
So'rel,  s.  a  buck  of  the  third  year 
So'rely,  ad  with  great  pain  or  vehemence 
Sor'rel,  s.  an  acid  plant  ;  a  reddish  colour 
Sor'rily,  ad.  meanly,  poorly,  despicably 
Sor'row,  s.  grief,  sadness,  mourning 
Sor'rowful,  a.  mournful,  grieving,  sad 
Sor'ry,  a.  grieved  ;  vile,  worthless 
Sort,   s.  a  kind,  species,  manner  ;    class  ; 
degree  of  any  quality  ;  lot  ;  set ;  suit 
I   Sort>  v.   to  separate,  cull  ;  suit,  conjoin,  fit 
Sort'ance,  s.  suitableness  ;  agreement 
Sort'ilege,  s.  the  act  of  drawing  lots 
Sort'ment,  s.   distribution,  a  parcel  sorted 
Soss,  v.  n.  to  fall  plump  into  ;  to  sit  lazily 
Sot,  j.  a  drunkard  ;  dolt,  blockhead 
Sot'tish,  a.  addicted  to  liquor;    doltish 
Sov'ereign,  a.   supreme  in  power  or  efficacy 

..^f.  a  monarch,  a  king,  supreme  lord 
Sovereignty,  s.  state,  &c.  of  a   sovereign 

prince,  supremacy,  highest  place 
Sought,  pret.  and  part.  pass,  of  to  seek 
Soul,  s.  the  immaterial,  immortal  part   of 

man  ;  spirit  ;  essence, ;  vital  principle 
Sound,  a.  healthy  ;  right  ;  stout,  hearty 
Sound,  s.  any  thing  audible  ;  a  shallow  sea 
Sound,  v.  to  try  depth  with  a  plummet ;  ex- 
amine ;  celebrate  by  sound  ;  make  a  noise 
Sound'ing,  a.  of  a  loud  or  magnificent  sound 
Sound'ings,  s.  places  fathomable  at  sea 
Sound'ly,  ad.  heartily  ;  stoutly  ;  rightly 
Soup,  s.  a  decoction  of  flesh  for  the  table 
Sour,  a.  acid  ;  austere  ;  painful  ;  cross 
Source,  s.  a  spring  ;  head  ;  original  cause 
Sour'ish,  a.  somewhat  scur 
Sour'ly,  ad.  with  acidity,  or  acrimony 
Sous,  s.  a  small  French  coin,  value  id. 
Souse,  s.  a  pickle  made  of  salt  and  water 
Souse,  ad.  all  at  once,  with  sudden  violence 
Souse,  v.  to  steep  in  pickle  ;  to  plunge  into 

water  ;  to  fall,  as  a  bird  on  its  prey 
South,  s-  one  of  the  four  cardinal  points  ;  the 
part  where  the  sun  is  to  us  at  noon  ;  the 
southern  regions  ;  the  south  wind 
South, a.  southern...^,  toward  the  south 
South'ing,  a.  approaching  to  the  south 
South'erly,  a.  from  or  toward  the  south 
South'ernwood,  s.  a  plant 
South'ward,  ad.  toward  the  south 
Sow,  s.  a  female  pig  ;  a  large  mass  of  lead 
Sow,  v-  to  scatter,  to  spread  ;  to  propr.gate 
Sow'ins,  s.  flummery  ;  oatmeal  soured 
Sown,  part,  of  to  soiv 
Space,  s.  extension  ;  quantity  of  time 
Spa'cious,  a.  wide,  extensive,  roomy 
Spade,  s.  a  sort  of  shovel ;  suit  of  cards 
Spadi'ceous,  a.  of  a  light  red 
Spadi'Ue, ;,  ace  of  sxades  at  quadrille,  &c. 

S   P  E 

3   P  I, 

Spa'gyric,  Spagyr'ical,  a.  chymicat 
Spa'gyrist,  s.   one  who  professes  chymi'stry 
Spake,  the  pret.  of  to  spe^k 
Spallj  s.  the  shoulder 
Span,  s.  nine  inches  ;  any  short  duration 
Span,  v- a.  to  measure  with  the  hand  extended 
Span'gle,  s.  a  small  plate  of  shining  metal 
Span'gle,  v.  a  to  besprinkle  with  spangles 
Span'iel,  s.  a  dog  for  sport  ;  a  sycophant 
Span'ish,  a.  of,  or  pertaining  to  Spain 
Span'ish,  j.  a  kind  of  earth  used  in  bricks 
Spank,  v.  a.  to  slap  with  the  open  hand 
Spank'er,  s.  a  small  coin 
Spank'ing,  a.  large  ;  jolly  ;  strong  ;  fine 
Span'ner, s.  the  lock  of  a  fusee  or  carabine 
Spar,  i.  marcasite  ;  a  small  beam  ;  a  bar 
Spar,  v.  to  shut, close  ;  fight  ;  quarrel 
Spar'abie,  s.  a  small  nail  used  in  shoe-heels 
Spare,  v.  to  be  frugal,  to  forbear,  to  forgive 
Spare,  a.  scanty  ;  lean  j  superfluous 
Spa'rerib,  s.  ribs  of  pork  with  little  flesh 
Spa'ring,  a.  frugal,  scanty,  parsimonious 
Spark,  s.  a  small  particle  of  fire  ;  a  gay  man 
Spar'kle,  i.  a  small  particle  of  fire  or  light 
Spar'kle,  v.  n.  to  emit  sparks,  shine,  glitter 
Spar'row,  s.  a  small  kind  of  bird 
Spar'rowhawk,  s.  a  kind  of  small  hawk 
Spasm,  s.  a  convulsion  ;  a  cramp 
Spasmodic,  Spasmod'ical,  a.  convulsive 
Spat,  ;.  the  young  of  shell-fish...the  pret.  of 

to  spit 
Spa'tiate,  v.  n.  to  range,  to  ramble  at  large 
Spat'ter,  v.  to  sprinkle  ;  asperse  -,  spit 
Spat'terdashes,  s.  covering  for  the  legs 
Spat'ula,  s.  an  instrument  used  by  apotheca- 
ries for  spreading  plasters 
Spav'in,  s.  a  disease  in  horses 
Spaw,  s.  a  place  famous  for  mineral  water 
Spawl,  f.  spittle,  saliva 
Spawn,  s.  the  eggs  of  fish,  &c.  ;  an  offspring 
Spay,  v.  a.  to  castrate  female  animals 
Speak,  v.  to  talk  ;  celebrate  ;  pronounce 
Speak'able,  a.  having  power,  or  fit  to  speak 
Speak'er,  s.  one  who  speaks,  or  proclaims 
Speak'ing,  part .  a.  talking,  uttering  words 
Spear, ;.  a  long  pointed  weapon,  a  lance 
Spear'mint,  s.  a  plant,  a  species  of  mint 
Spe'cial,  a.  particular  ;  uncommon  ;  chief 
Spe'cies,  s.  a  kind,  sort ;  class  of  nature 
Specific,  a.  that  which  distinguishes  one  sort 

rom  another ;  a  particular  quality 
Specific,  s .  a  remedy  for  one  disease 
Specifically,  ad.  according  to  the  species 
Spe'cify,  v.  a.  to  particularize,  to  express  in 

particular,  to  mention  in  express  terms 
Specimen,  s.  an  example,  pattern  ;  essay 
Spe'cious,  a.  showy  ;  plausible  ;  striking 
Spe'ciously,  ad.  with  fair  appearance 
Speck,  s.  a  spot  of  dirt,  &c..t/.  a.  to  spot 
Spec'kle,  v.  a.  to  mark  with  small  spots 

Speck/led,  a.  full  of  small  spots 
Spcc'tacie,  s.   a  sho-.v,  a  gazing-stock,  exhi- 
bition ;  glasses  to  help  the  sight 
Specta'tor,  s.  a  looker  on,  a  beholder 
Specla'torship,  s.  the  act  of  beholding 
Spec'tre,  s.  a  frightful  apparition,  a  ghost 
Spec'ulate,  v.  to  meditate,  to  contemplate 
Speculation,    s.    view  ;    contemplation  ;  a 

mental  scheme  not  reduced  to  practice 
Speculative,  a.  contemplative  ;  ideal 
Speculator, ;.  one  who  forms  theories 
Spec'ulum,  s.  a  mirror,  a  looking-glass 
Sped,  pret.  and  part.  pass,  of  to  speed 
Speech,  s.  articulate  utterance,  talk 
Speech'less,  «.  deprived  of  speech,  dumb 
Speed,    s.   quickness,  celerity,  hastc.-y.  to 

make  haste  ;  to  have  success  ;  to  hasten 
Speed'ily,  ad.  quickly,  hastily,  readily 
Speed'y,  a.  quick,  swift,  nimble,  ready 
Spell,  s.  a  charm  ;  a  turn  at  work 
Spell,  v.  to  form  words  of  letters  ;  charm 
Spel'ter,  s.  a  kind  of  semi-metal 
Spend,  v.  to  consume,  to  expend,  to  waste 
Spendthrift,  s.  a  prodigal,  a  lavisher 
Sperm,  /.  the  seed  of  animals 
Spermace'ti,  s.  an  undtuous  substance  drawn 

from  the  oil  of  large  whales 
Spermat'ic,  a.  seminal,  consisting  of  seed 
Spew,  v.  to  vomit,  to  ejett,  to  cast  forth 
Spha'celus,  /.  a  mortification,  a  gangrene 
Sphere,  s.  a  globe,  orb  ;  circuit,  province 
Spher'ic,  Spher'ical,  a.  round,  globular 
Spher'icalness,  Spheri'city,  s.  rotundity 
Spher'oid,  s.  a  body  approaching  to  the  fornl 

of  a  sphere,  but  not  exattly  round 
Spheroid'ical,  a.  of  the  form  of  a  spheroid 
Spher'ule,  s.  a  small  globe  or  sphere 
Spice,  s.  an  aromatic  substance,  as  nutmegs, 

mace,  pepper,  ginger,  &c. 
Spi'cery,  s ■  a  repository  of  spices 
Spick  and  Span,  ad.  quite  fresh,  quite  new 
Spfcy,  a.  producing  spice,  aromatic 
Spi'der,  s.  a  well-known  spinning  insect 
Spig'ot,  s.  a  peg  put  into  the  faucet 
Spike,  s .  an  ear  of  corn  ;  a  great  nail 
Spike,  v.  a.  to  fasten  or  set  with  spikes,  &e, 
Spi'kenard,  s.  a  fragrant  Indian  plant 
Spill,  s.  a  small  quantity  ;  thin  bar,  &c. 
Spill,  v.  to  shed,  destroy,  waste,  lavish 
Spil'ler,  s.  a  kind  of  fishing-line 
Spin,?/,  to  make  yarn,  thread,&c  by  twisting 

any  filamentous  matter  ;  to  protract,  draw 

out  tediously,  exercise  the  art  of  spinning 
Spin'ach,  or  Spin'age,  s.  a  garden  plant 
Spi'nal,  a.  belonging  to  the  back  bone 
Spin'dle,  s-  an  instrument  used  in  spinning; 

any  thing  long  and  slender 
Spin'dle-shanked,  a.  having  slender  legs 
Spine,  s.  the  back  bone  ;  a  thorn 
Spinet',  j.  a  small  harpsichord 

S  PO 


Spinif'erous,  a.  bearing  thorns,  thorny 
Spin'ner,  s.  one   that  spins,  a  spider 
Spinos'ity,  s.  crabbedness,  thoruy  perplexity 
Spi'nous,  a.  thorny,   full  of  thorns 
Spin'ster,  s.  a  woman  that  has  not  been  mar- 

ried  j  a  woman  that  spins 
Spi'ny,«.  thorny,  briary  ;  perplexed 
Spi'racle,  s.  a  breathing-hole,  a  vent 
Spi'ral,  a.  turning  round  like  a  screw 
Spi'rally,  ad.  in  a  spiral  form 
Spire,  s .  a  curve  line  ;  a  wreath  ;   a  steeple 
Spire,  v.  n.  to  shoot  up  pyramidically 
Spir'it,  /.  the  soul ;  a  ghost ;  ardour  ;  genius 
Spir'it,-y.  a.  to  animate,  to  excite 
Spir'ited,  a.  lively,  vivacious,  full  of  fire 
Spir'its,  s.  inflammable  liquors,  as   brandy, 

rum,  &c,  ;  liveliness,  gaiety 
Spiritless,  a.  dejected,  depressed,  low 
Spir'itous,  a.  refined,  fine,  ardent,  active 
Spiritual,  a.  incorporeal  ;    ecclesiastical 
Spirituality,  s.  incorporeity  ;  devotion 
Spiritualiza/tion,  s.  act  of  spiritualizing 
Spir'itualize/w.fl.  to  apply  to  a  religious  sense 
Spir'itualty,  s.  ecclesiastical  body 
Spir'ituous,  a.  vivid,  airy,  gay  ;  distilled 
Spirt,  v.  to  stream  ;   to  throw  out  in  a  jet 
Spi'ry,  a.  pyramidical ;  wreathed,  curled 
Spis'sated,  a.  thickened,  firm,  gross 
Spis'situde,  s.  grossness  ;  thickness  ;  firmness 
Spit, ;.  an  utensil  to  roast  meat  with 
Spit,  v.  to  put  upon  a  spit ;  to  thrust  thro'  ; 

to  eject  from  the  mouth 
Spitch'cock , /.  an  eel  cut  up  and  roasted 
Spite,  j.  malice,  rancour,  malignity 
Spite,  v.  a.  to  mischief,  to  vex,  to  offend 
Spi'teful, «.  malicious,  malignant,  cross 
Spi'tefully,  ad.  maliciously,  malignantly 
Spit'tle,  s.  the  moisture  of  the  mouth 
Splash,  v.  a.  to  daub  with  water  or  dirt 
Splash'y5  «•  wet ;  dirty,  apt  to  daub 
Splay'foot,  a.  having  the  foot  turned  inward 
Spleen,  s.  the  milt ;    spite,  ill  humour 
Spleen'ed,  a.  deprived  of  the  spleen 
Spleen'ful,  a.  angry,  fretful,  peevish 
Splen'dent,  a.  shining,  glossy 
Splen'did,  a.  showy,  magnificent,  sumptuous 
Splen'dour,  s.  lustre,  magnificence,  pomp 
Splen'etic,  a.  fretful,  peevish,  angry 
Splen'itive,  a.  hot,  fiery,  passionate 
Splice,  v.  a.  to  join  ropes  without  a  knot 
Splint,  s  a  thin  wood  used  by  surgeons 
Splint'er,  s.  a  thin  piece  of  wood,  bone,  &c. 
Split,  v.  a.  to  cleave,  divide,  part ;  crack 
Splut'ter,  s.  bustle",  tumult 
Spoil,  s.  pillage,  plunder,  booty 
Spoil,  v.  to  rob,  to  plunder  ;  to  corrupt 
Spoil'er,  s.  a  robber,  a  plunderer,  a  pillager 
Spoke,  s.  the  bar  of  a  \vheel...pret .  of  to  speak 
Spo'ken,  part.  pass,  of  to  speak 
Spo/kesman,  s,  he  who  speaks- for  anothe  r 

Spolia'tion,  s.  act  of  robbery  or  privation 
Spon'dee,  /.  a  foot  of  two  long  syllables 
Spon'sal,  a.  relating  to  marriage 
Spon'sion,  s.  a  becoming  surety  for  another 
Spon'sor,  ;.  a  surety  ;   godfather,  proxy 
Spontaneous,  a.  voluntary,  not  compelled 
Spontaneously,  ad  voluntarily,  freely 
Spool,)-,  a  weaver's  quill..,7>.  to  wind  yarn,&c. 
Spoom,  v.  n .  to  pass  swiftly 
Spoon,  s.  a  vessel  used  in  eating  liquids,  &c. 
Spoon'ing,  /.  scudding  ;  a  sea  phrase 
Spoon'ful,  s.  as  much  as  a  spoon  can  hold 
Sport,  s.  diversion  of  the   field,  as  hunting, 

&c.  ;  merriment,  mock,  mirth,  play 
Sport,  v.  to  divert,  frolic,  game,  trifle 
Sport'ful,«.  merry,  ludicrous,  done  in  jest 
Sport'ive,  a.  gay,  merry,  playful,  wanton 
Sports'man,  s.  one  who  loves  hunting,  &c. 
Spot,  s.  a  blot ;  taint,  disgrace  ;  certain  place 
Spot,  v.  a.  to  corrupt ;  disgrace  ;  maculate 
Spot'less,a.  pure,  holy,  immaculate 
Spous'al,  a.  nuptial,  bridal,  conjugal 
Spouse,  s.  a  husband  or  wife,  married  person 
Spout,  s.  a  wooden  gutter,  pipe,  cataract 
Spout,  v.  to  pour  or  issue  out  with  force 
Sprain,  s.   a  violent  extension  of  the  liga- 
ments without  dislocation  of  the  joint 
Sprang,  the  preterite  of  to  spring 
Sprat,  s.  a  small  sea-fish 
Sprawl,  v.  n.  to  struggle  ;  to  tumble,  or  creep 
Spray,  s    the  extremity  of  a  branch  ;   foam 

of  the  sea,  commonly  written  srry 
Spread,!;,  to  extend  ;  cover  over  ;  stretch; 

disseminate  ;  divulge 
Spread,  s.  extent, compass  ;  expansion 
Sprent,  part,    sprinkled 
Sprig,  j.  a  small  branch  or  spray 
Spright,  s.  a  spirit,  shade,  apparition  ;  arrow 
Spright'liness,  s.  liveliness,  gaiety,  vivacity 
Spright'ly,  a.  gay,  lively,  vivacious 
Spring,  v.  to  grow ;  start;;  bound  ;  fire  a  mine 
Spring,  s.  a  season  of  the  year  *,  elastic  force  ; 

bound  ;  fountain  ;  cause  ;  original 
Springe,  s.  a  gin,  a  noose  to  catch  by  a  jerk 
Spring'halt, ;.  a  lameness  by  which  a  horse 

twitches  up  his  legs 
Sprin'gle,  s.  a  springe,  an  elastic  noose 
Spring'tide, ;.  high  tide  at  the  new  moon 
Sprin'kle,  v.   to  scatter  in  small    drops,  to 

scatter  in  small  masses,  to  wash,  to  wet 
Sprit,  s.  a  shoot,  a  sprout 
Sprite,  s.    a  spirit,  an  incorporeal  agent 
Sprit'sail,  s.  the  sail  on  a  ship's  bowsprit 
Sprout,  v.n.  to  shoot  by  vegetation 
Sprout,  s.  a  shoot  of  a  vegetable 
Spruce,  a.  neat,  trim...;,  a  kind  of  fir 
Sprucebe'er,  /.  a  kind  of  physical  beer 
Spru'ceness,  s.  neatness  without  elegance 
Sprung,  pret.  and  part .  of  to  spring 
Spud,  ;.  a  short  knife 

S  T  A 


s  t  a 

Spume,  s.  foam,  froth. ..v.  n.  to  foam 
Spu'mous,  Spu'my,  a.  frothy,  foamy 
Spun,  pret.  and  part.  pass,  of  to  spin 
Spunge,  s.  a  soft,  porous  substance,  remark- 

ble  for  sucking  up  water 
Spun'ging-house,  s.   a  bailiff's  house 
Spun'gy,  a.  soft  and  porous  like  a  spunge 
Spunk,/,  touchwood,  rotten  wood 
Spur,  v.  to  prick  with  a  spur  ;  to  incite 
Spur,  s.  a  sharp  point  fixed  to  the  heel ;  sti- 
mulus, incitement,  instigation 
Spu'rious,  a.  counterfeit,  not  legitimate 
Spur'ling,  s.  a  small  sea-fish 
Spurn,  v.  to  kick  ;   reject,  treat  with  con- 
tempt.../, kick,  insolent  treatment 
Spur'rier,  /.  one  who  makes  spurs 
Spurt,  v.  fly  out  with  a  quick  stream 
Spurt,  s.  a  start  or  sudden  fit  ;  a  hurry 
Sputa'tion,  s.  the  act  of  spitting 
Sput'ter,  v.  to  speak  hastily  ;  to  spit  much 
Spy,  j.  one  who  watches  another's  motions 
Spy, v.  to  discover  at  a  distance  •,  search 
Spy'boat,  /.  a  boat  sent  out  for  intelligence 
Squab,  /.  a  kind  of  sofa  or  couch 
Squab,  a.  unfeathered  ;  thick  and  short 
Squab'bish,  Squab'by,  a.  heavy  ;  fleshy 
Squab'ble,  s.  a  low  brawl,  a  petty  quarrel 
Squad'ron,  /.  a  part  of  an  army  or  fleet 
Squal'id,  a.  foul,  nasty,  filthy  ;    ill-favoured 
Squall,  /.  sudden  gust  of  wind  ;   loud  scream 
Squall,  Squeal,  v.  a.  to  scream  suddenly 
Squall'y,fl.  windy,  gusty,  stormy 
Squa'mose,  Squa'mous,  a.  scaly  ;   rough 
Squan'der,  v.  a.  to  spend  profusely  ;  scatter 
Square,  a.   having  right   angles,  cornered  ; 

strong  ;  stout ;  equal  ;  honest ;    fair,  &c. 
Square,  /.  a  regular  figure  ;  an  instrument 
Square,  v.  to   form  with   right   angles  ;  fit 
Squash,  /.  any  thing  soft ;   a  sudden  fall 
Squat,  v.  n.  to  sit  close  to  the  ground 
Squat,  o,.  cowering  down  ;  thick  and  short 
Squeak,  v.  n.  to  make  a  shrill  noise,  cry  out 
Squeak,  /.  a  shrill,  quick  cry 
Squeam'ish,  a.  weak-stomached,  nice 
Squeeze,  v.  a.  to  press,  crush,  oppress 
Squelch,  /.  a  heavy  fall 
Squib,  /.  a  small  paper  pipe  with  wild-fire 
Squill,  /.  a  sea-onion  ;  a  fish  ;  an  insect 
Squi'nancy,  /.  inflammation  in  the  throat 
Squint,  v.  n.  to  look  obliquely  or  awry 
Squire,  v.  a.  to  conduct  a  person.../,  a  title 
Squir'rel,  /.  a  small  active  animal 
Squirt,  /.  a  pipe  to  eject  liquor 
Squirt,  v  to  throw  out  in  a  quick  stream 
Stab,  v.  a.  to  pierce  with  a  pointed  weapon  ; 

to  wound  mentally  by  calumny 
Stab,  /.  a  wound  with  a  sharp  weapon  ;  a  blow 
Stabil'ity, /.  steadiness,  fixedness,  firmness 
Sta'ble,  a  fixed,  constant  ;  strong,  firm 
Sta'ble,  s.  a  house  for  horses,  &c. 

Stack,  /.  a  pile  of  hay,  corn,  or  wood  ;  a  row 

of  chimnies,  or  funnels 
Sta'dle,   .  a  staff,  a  crutch  ;  a  young  tree 
Stadt'holder,  /.   the  chief  magistrate  of  the 

united  provinces  of  Holland 
Staff,  /.  a  stick  ;  a  prop  ;  an  ensign  of  office 
Stag,/,  a  red  male  deer,  five  years  old 
Stage,/,  a  theatre,  place  where  anything 
public  is  transacted  ;  that  part  of  a  journey 
where  a  person  takes  fresh  horses,  &c. 
Sta'ge- coach,  /  a  coach  that  travels  by  stages 
Stag'gard,  / .  a  four   year  old  stag 
Stag'ger,  v.  to  reel ;  faint  ;  hesitate  ;  alarm 
Stag'gers, /.vertigo  in  horses  ;  madness 
Stag'nant  a.  not  flowing  or  agitated 
Stag'nate,  v.  n.  to  have  no  course  or  stream 
Stagnation,  /.  a  stop  of  course  or  motion 
Staid,  part.  a.  sober,  grave,  regular 
Stain,  v.  a.  to  blot,  maculate  ;  disgrace 
Stain,/,  a  blot,  taint  of  guilt,  shame 
Stair,  /.  a  step  to  ascend  a  house,  &c.  by 
Stair'case,/.  a  whole  set  of  stairs 
Stake,  /.  a  post ;  wager  ;  pledge  ;  hazard 
Stake,  v.  a.  to  defend  with  stakes  ;  wager 
Stalac'tites,  /.  spar  in  the  form  of  icicles 
Stalac'tical,  a.  resembling  an  icicle 
Stale,  a.  not  fresh,  old,  worn  out  of  notice 
Stale,  v.  n.  to  make  water 
Sta'leness,    /.  oldness,  not  freshness 
Stalk,  v.  walk  stately.../,  a  stem 
Stalk 'ing-horse,  /.    a  horse  used    by  fowlers 

to  conceal  themselves  from  the  game 
Stall,  /.  a  crib  for  horses,  &c.  ;  a  booth 
Stallion, /.  a  horse  not   castrated 
Stam'ina,  /.  first  principles    of  any  thing; 
solids  of  a  human  body  ;    threads  of  plants 
Stamir.'eous,  a.  consisting  of  threads 
Stam'mer,  v.  n.  to  falter  in  one's  speech 
Stam'mering,  /.  an  impediment  in  speech 
Stamp,  /.  any  instrument  to   make   an  im- 
pression ;  character,  good  or  bad  ;  a  mark 
set  upon  things  that   pay  customs 
Stamp,  v.  to  strike  with  the  foot  ;  to  mark 
Stanch,  a.  sound,  firm  ;  trusty  ;  hearty 
Stanch,  v.  a.  to  stop  blood,  &c.  running 
Stanch'ion,  /.  a  prop,  a  support 
Stanch'less,  a.  that  cannot  be  stopped 
Stand,  v.  to  be  upon  the  feet,  remain  erect  ; 
halt  ;  offer  as  a  candidate  ;   persist  ;   abide 
Stand,  /.  a  station,  post ;  halt  ;  perplexity 
Stand'ard,    /.   an  ensign    in    war  ;  a  fixed 
weight ;  a  measure  ;  undoubted  authority 
Stand'el,  /.  a  tree  of  long  standing 
Stand'ing,  /.  continuance  ,•  station  ;    rank 
Stand'ing,paW.  a.  established,  settled,  last- 
ing; stagnant  ;  not  transitory 
Stand'ish,  /.  a  case  for  pen  and  ink 
Stang,/.  a  measure  of  lard,  a  perch 
Stan'nary,  /.  the  mines  and   places  where  tk» 
is  digged  and  refined 

S  T  E 



Stan'za,  s.  a  set  of  verses 
Sta'ple,  s.  a  settled  mart,  an  established  em- 
porium ;  a  loop  of   iron 
Sta'ple,  a.  settled,  established  in  commerce 
Star,  s.  a  luminous  globe  in  the  heavens 
Star'board,  s.  the  right  side  of  a  ship,  &c. 
Starch,  s.  a  substance  made  of  flour  or  pota- 
toes to  stiffen  linen  with 
Starch,  v.  a.  to  stiffen  with  starch 
Starch'ed,   a.  stiffened  with  starch  ;  formal 
Starch'ly,  ad.  stiffly  ;     precisely 
Stare,  v.  n.  to  look  with  wonder,  &c. 
Star'gazer,  s.  an  astronomer,  or  astrologer 
Stark,  a.  stiff  ;  strong  ;  full  ;  simple,  plain 
Stark'ly,  ad.  stiffly,  strongly 
Star'less,  a.  having  no  light  of  stars 
Star'light,  s.  lustre  of  the  stars 
Star'like,  a.  bright ;    pointed  as  a  star 
Ctar'ling,  s.z  bird;     a  defence  to   the  piers 

cf  bridges  in  a  river 
Star'red,  a.  decorated  with  stars 
Star'ry,  a.  consisting  of,  or  like  stars 
Start,  v.  to  rise  or  move  suddenly  ;  propose 
Start,/,  a  motion  of  terror,  quick  spring 
Start'er,  s.  one  that  shrinks  from  his  purpose 
Starfish,  Start'lish,  a.  apt  to  start 
Star  tie,  v.  to  start  by  surprise  or  fright  ;  to 
fright,  shock  ;  impress  with  sudden  terror 
Starve,  v.  to  kill  with  hunger  or  cold 
Starv'ing,  part,  dying  with  hunger 
Starv'ling,  5.  a  lean  meagre  person 
Sta'tary,  a.  fixed,  settled,  determined 
State,  s.  a  condition,  dignity  ;  a  republic 
State,  v.  a.  to  settle,  separate,  represent 
Sta'teliness,  t.  grandeur,  dignity,  pride 
Sia'tely,  a.    pompous,  august,  elevated 
Sta'tely,  ad.  majestically,  proudly 
Statesman,  s.  one  employed  in  public  affairs, 

one  versed  in  the  arts  of  government 
Stat'ic,  Stat'ical,  a.  relating  to  weighing 
Stat'ics,  s.  the  science  of  weighing  bodies 
Sta'tion,  s.  act  of  standing,  post,  rank 
Sta'tion,  v.  a.  to  place  in  a  certain  post,  &c  . 
Stationary,  a.  fixed,  not   progressive 
Sta'tioner,/.  a  dealer  in  paper,  &c. 
Stat'ist,  s.  a  statesman,  a  politician 
Stat'uary,  s.  a  carver  of  images 
Stat'ue,  s.  an  image  of  metal,  stone,  &c. 
Stat'ure, s.  the  height  of   any  animal 
Statutable,  a.  acting  according  to  statute 
Stat'ute,  s.  an  act  of  parliament,  law,  edict 
Stave,  v.  to  break  in  pieces  ;  push  off  ;  fi-gh  t 
Staves,  s.  the  plural  of  naff 
Stay,  v.  to  continue  in  a  place  ;   stop  ;  prop 
Stay,  t.  continuance  in  a  place  ;  stop  ;  prop 
Stay'ed,a.  settled,   fixed,  serious,  grave 
Stays,  1.  bodice  for  women  ;  any  support,  &c. 
Stead,  s.  place,  room  ;   use  ;  help  ;  frame 
Stead,  v.  a.  to  help,  to  support,  to  assist 
Stead'fast,  a.  firm,  fixed,  constant,  resolute 

Steadfastly,  ad.  firmly,  constantly 
Stead'iness,  s.  firmness,  unvaried  conduct 
Stead'y,  a.  firm,  not  fickle,  not  wavering 
Steak,  Stake,  t.  a  slice  of  flesh,  a  coliop 
Steal,  v.  to  take  by  theft  ;  to  pass  silently 
Stealth,  s.  the  act  cf  stealing,  secret  act 
Steam,  s.  the  vapour  of  hot  liquor,  &c. 
Steed ,;  a  horse,  horse  for  state,  war,  &c. 
Steel,  s.  iron  refined  by  fire  ;  a  weapon 
Steel,  v.  a.  to  point  with  steel  ;  to  harden 
Steel'y,  a-  made  of  steel,  hard,  firm 
Steel'yard,  s.  a  kind  of  balance  for  weighing 
Steen,  s.  a  fictitious  vessel  of  clay  or  stone 
Steep,  a.  rising  or  descending  with  great  in- 
clination ;  of  a  difficult  ascent 
Steep,  t .  a  precipice...i>.  a.   to  soak  in  liquor 
Stee'ple,  s.  a  turret  of  a  church,  a  spire 
Steep'y,  a.  steep,  perpendicular,  inclining 
Steer,  s.  a  young  ox...-r.  to  guide  a  ship 
Steer'age,  s.   the  act  of  steering;  an  apart- 
ment before  the  great  cabin    of  a  ship, 
from  which  it  is  separated  by  a  partition 
Steers'man,  s.  he  who  steers   a  ship 
Steganog'raphy,  s.  the  art  of  secret  writing 
Stegnot'ic,  a.  binding,  making  costive 
Stel'lar,  Stel'lary,  a.  relating  to  the  stars 
Stel'late,  Stellated,  a.    pointed  as  a  star 
Stellif'erous, «.  having  stars 
Stellion,  s.  a  iK.wt  ;  a  spotted  lizard 
Stem,  /.  a  stalk  ;  twig  ;  facaily  ;  race,  gen- 
eration ;  a  ship's  prow  or  forepart 
Stem,i>.  a.  to  oppose  a  current,  to  stop 
Stench,  s.  a  stink;   a  bad  smell 
Stenography,  s.  short-hand   writing 
Stentorophon'ic-fu&e,  s.  a  speaking  trumpet 
Step,  v.  n.  to  move  with  the  feet,  to  walk 
Step,  .f.  a  footstep  ;  action  ;  round  of  a  ladder 
Step'dame,  Step'mother,  s.  a  mother-in-law 
Step'daughter,  s.  a  daughter-in-law 
Stercora'ticn,  s.  the  act   of  dunging 
Stereog'raphy,  s.  the  art  of  drawing  the  form  s 

of  solids  upon  a  plane 
Stereom'etry,  s.  the  art  of  measuring  solid 

bodies  to  find  thejr  contents 
Ster'il,  a.  barren,  unfruitful,  dry 
Steril'ity,  s.  barrenness,  unfruitfulness 
Ster'ling,  t.  English  coin  ;    standard  rate 
Sterling,  a   genuine  ;  lawful  English  coin 
Stern,  a-  severe  of  look  or  manners,  harsh 
Stern,  s.  the  hindermost  part  of  a  ship 
Sternly,  ad.  severely,   harshly,  rigidly 
Siem'on,or  Stern'um,  s.  the  breast  bone 
oternuta'tion,  s.  the  act  of  sneezing 
Sternutative,  a.  apt  to  cause  sneezing 
Stew,  v  to  seeth  slowly...;,  a  hot  house 
Stew'ard, /.a  manager  of  another's  affairs 
Stew  'ardship,  s   the  office  of  a  steward 
Stib'ial,fl.  antimonial 
Stick,  s.  a  small  piece  of  wood,  a  staff 
Stick,  v.  to  fasten  on  ;  adhere  ;  scruple  j  slab 

S  T   O 


S  T  R 

Stic'kle,  v.  n.  to  contend  with  obstinacy,  &c 
Stick'ler,  s.   a   busybody  ;  a  zealot  in   any 

public  affair ;  an  obstinate  contender 
Stick'y,  a.  viscous,  adhesive,  glutinous 
Miff,  a.  inflexible,  harsh,  formal,  strong 
Stiff'en,  v.  to  make  or  grow  stiff,  be  hard- 

ened,  grow   obstinate,  become  unpliant 
Stiffly,  ad.  rigidly,  inflexibly,  stubbornly 
Stiffnecked,  a.  stubborn,  contumacious 
Suff'ness,  s.  obstinacy,  inflexibility 
Sti'fle,  -».  to  suffocate,  suppress,  extinguish 
t>tig  ma,  s.  a  brand,  a  mark  of  infamy 
Stig'matize,  v.  a.  to  mark  with  infamy 
Stiaar,«.  belonging   to  the  stile  of  a  dial 
Stiie,  s.  steps  into  a  field  ;  pin  of  a  sun-dial 
^tilet'to,  s.  a  small  dagger  or  tuck 
Still,  v.  a.  to  silence,  quiet,   appease,  distil 
still,  a.  silent,  cd\  nevertheless 
Still,  s.  a  vessel  for  distillation  ;  silence 
Stillati'tious,  a.  drawn  by  a  still 
Still'atory,  s.  a  still  ;  a  laboratory 
Still' born,  a.  dead  in  the  birth,  born  lifeless 
Still'ness,  s.  calmness,  quietness,  silence 
Stilts,  /.  walking  supports  used  by  boys 
Stimulate,  v.  a.  to  excite,  urge,  spur  on 
Stimulation,  /.  an  excitement,  pungency 
Sting,  v.  a.  to  pierce  or  wound  with  a  sting 
Sting,  s.  a  sharp  point  with  which  some  ani- 
mals  are  armed   ;   any  thing  that   gives 
Pain  ;  the  point  in  the  last  verse 
Stin'giness,  s.  covetousness,  niggardliness 
Stm'go,  s.  fine  old  strong  beer 
Stin'gy,  a.  covetous,  niggardly,  avaricious 
Stink,  s.  an  offensive  smell,  a  stench 
Stink'pot,  j.  a   kind   of  hand  grenade,  filled 

with  a  stiuking  composition 
Stint,  v.  a.  to  bound,  to  limit,  to  restrain 
Sti'pend,  s.  wages,  salary,  settled  pay 
Stipendiary,  s.  one  who  serves  for  a  stipend 
Stip'tic,  a.  apt  to  stop  blood  ;  astringent 
Stipulate,  v.  n  to  contract,  to  settle  terms 
Stipulation,  j.a  bargain,  a  contract 
Stir,  v.  to  move,  agitate,  incite,  rise 
Stir,  j.  tumult,  bustle,  commotion 
Stir'ious,  a.  resembling  icicles 
Stir'rer,  s.  one  in  motion  ;  an  early  riser 
Stir'rup,  s.  an  iron  for  a  horseman's  foot 
Stitch,  v.  to  sew  with  a  needle  ;  join, unite 
Sdtch,  s.  a  sharp  pain  in  the  side,  &c. 
Stive,  v.  a.  to  put  up  close ;    to  make  hot 
Stocca'do,  s.  a  thrust  with  a  rapier 
Stock,  s.  the  trunk  or  body  of  a  plant ;     a 
log  ;  linen  for  the  neck  -,  lineage  ;  quanti- 
ty ;  fund  of  money  ;  frame  of  a  gun,  &c . 
Stock,  v.  a.  to  store,  to  lay  in  store 
Stock'dove,  s.  a  kind  of  wild  pigeon 
Stock'fish,  s.  a  cod  dried  without  salt 
Stocking,  s.  a  covering  for  the  leg 
Stock'jebber,  s.  one  who  deals  in  stock 
Stock'lock,  s.  a  lock  fixed  in  wood 

Stocks,;,  a  prison  for  the  legs  ;  a  frame  of 

timber,  &c.  on  which  ships  are  built 
Sto'ic, ;.  a  philosopher  of  the  sect  of  Zeno 
Sto'kal,  a.  pertaining  to  the  Stoics 
Sto'icism,  s.  the  opinion,  &c.  of  the  Stoics 
Stole,  s.  a  long  vest,  a  royal  robe 
Sto  ".en,  part.  pass,  of  to  steal 
Stom'ach,  s.  the  ventricles  of  digestion  ;  ap- 
petite ;  anger  ;  sullenness  ;    pride 
Stom'ach,  v.  to  resent,  to  be  violently  angry 
Stom'acher,  s.  an  ornament  for  the  breast 
Stomach'it,  a.  relating  to  the  stomach 
Stone,  s.  a  mineral  not  ductile  or  malleable  ; 
a  gem  ;  a  concretion  in  the  bladder  or  kid- 
neys ;  a  weight  of  141b.  &c.  ;  the  case 
which  contains  the  seeds  of  some  fruits 
Stone,  a.  made  of  or  like  stone 
Stone,  v.  a.  to  pelt  or  kill  with  stones 
Sto'necutter, /.  a  hewer  of  stones 
Sto'nefruit,  s.  plums,  apricots,  peaches,  &c. 
Sto'nehorse,  s.  a  horse  not  castrated 
Sto'nepit,  s.  a  quarry  where  stones  are  dug 
Sto'nepitch,  s.  hard,  inspissated  pitch 
Sto'ny,  a.  made  of  or  full  of  stones,  hard 
Stood,  preterite  of  to  stand 
Stool,  s.  a  seat  without  a  back  ;  an  evacuation 
Stool'ball,j.  a  kind  of  game  with  balls 
Stoop,  v.  n.  to  bend,  to  yield,  to  submit 
Stoop,  s .  a  measure    of  two  quarts 
Stop,  v.  a.  to  hinder,  to  close  up,  to  obstruct 
Stop,  s.  a  pause  or  stand  ;  prohibition  ;  point. 

in  writing  ;  regulation  in  music,  &c 
Stop'cock,  s.  a  pipe  made   to  let  out  liquor, 

stopped  by  turning  a  cock 
Stop'page,  s.  an  obstruction,  hinderance 
Stop'ple,  or  Stop'per,  s.    that  by  which  the 

mouth  or  hole  of  a  vessel  is  stopped 
Sto'rax,  s.  the  name  of  a  tree,  and  its  gum 
Store,  s.  plenty,  abundance  ;  a  warehouse 
Store, v.  a.  to  furnish,  replenish,  lay  ap 
Storehouse,  s.  a  magazine,  a  treasury 
Stork,  s.  a  bird  of  passage 
Storm,  s.  a  tempest ;    assault ;  sedition 
Storm,  v.  to  attack  by  open  force  j  to  rage 
Storm'y,#.  violent,  tempestuous 
Sto'ry,  s.  a  narrative,  a  tale  ;  flight  of  rooms 
Stove,  j.  a  hot-house  ;  a  place  to  make  fire  in 
Stout,  a.  strong,  brave,  firm,  intrepid,  lusty 
Stout'ly,  ad.  boldly,  lustily,  obstinately 
Scout'ness,  s.  strength,  fortitude,  obstinacy 
Stow,  v.  a.  to  lay  up  in  order,  and  close 
Stow'age,  s.  a  place  where  goods   may  be 

stowed  or  laid  up  ;  a  being  laid  up 
Stra'bism,/. a  squinting;  act  of  lookingasquint 
Strad'dle,  v.  n.  to  walk  wide  and  awkwardly 
Strag'gle,    v.  n.  to   wander  dispersediy,  to 

rove,  to  ramble  ;  to  exuberate 
Straight,  a.  not  crooked  ;  right ;  narrow 
Straight,  Straight'ways.  ad.   immediately 
Straight'en,  v.  a.  to  make  straight 

S  T  K 


S  T   U 

Strain,  v.  to  squeeze  through  something  ■, 

sprain  ;  make  ;  turn  ;  tendency 
Strain,  ;.   style   of  speaking  ;  song  ;  note  ; 

rank  ;  character  ;  turn  ;  tendency 
Strain'er,  s.  an  instrument  for  filtration 
Strait,  a.  narrow,  close,  difficult,  not  wide 
Strait,  s.  a  narrow  pass  or  frith  ;  difficulty 
Strait'en,  v.  a .  to  make  narrow,  to  confine 
Strait'ly,  ad.  narrowly,  strictly,  rigorously 
Strait'ness,  s.  narrowness,   rigour,  distress 
Strake,  s.  a  plate  of  iron  ;  seam  ;  breadth 
Strand,  f.  the  sea-beach,  verge  of  any  river 
Strand,  v.  to  drive  or  force  on  the  shallows 
Strange,  a.  foreign,  wonderful,  odd 
Strange,  inter,  an  expression  of  wonder 
Stra'ngely,  ad.  wonderfully,  uncommonly 
Stra'nger,  s.  a  foreigner,  one  unacquainted 
Stran'gle,-u.  a.  to  choke,  suffocate,  suppress 
Stran'gles, /.  a  disease  in  horses 
Stran'gury,  r.  a  difficulty   of  urine  with  pain 
Strap,  /.  a  long  narrow  thong  of  leather 
Strappa'do,  s.  chastisement  with  a  strap 
Strap'ping,  a.  large,  vast,  well-growa 
Stra'ta,  s.  beds  or  layers  of  different  matter 
Strat'agem,  s.  an  artifice  in  w^r  ;  a  trick 
Stra'tum,  s.  a  bed  or  layer  of  earth,  &c. 
Straw,  s.  the  stalk  on  which  corn  grows 
Straw'berry,  s.  a  fine   summer  fruit 
Straw  colour,  a.  of  a  light  yellow  colour 
Stray,  v.  n.  to  wander,  rove,  err,  deviate 
Stray,  s.  any  creature,  &c.  lost  by  wandering 
Streak,  s.  a  line  of  colour,  stripe,  track 
Streak,  v.   a.  to  stripe,  variegate,  dapple 
Streaky,  a.  striped,  variegated  by  lines 
Stream,  s.  a  running  water,  a  current 
Stream,  v.  to  flow,  issue   continually,  streak 
Stream'er,  /.  an  ensign, flag,  pennon 
Street,  s.  a  paved  way  between  houses 
Strength,  s.  force,  vigour,  armament 
Strengthen,  v.  to  make  strong,  to  confirm 
Strength'ener,  s.  that  which  makes  strong 
Stren'uous,  a.  bold,  active,  brave,  zealous 
Stren'uously,  ad.  vigorously,  zealously 
Strep  ent,  a.  making  a  loud  hoarse  noise 
Strep'erous,  a.  noisy,  jarring,  hoarse 
Stress,  s.  importance  ;  violence,  force 
Stretch,  v.  a.  to  extend,  expand,  draw  out 
Stretch, j  .  extension,  reach,  struggle 
Stretch'er,  s.  any  thing  used  for  extension  ; 
the  wood  against   which    rowers  set  their 
feet :  one  who  stretches  ;    a  support 
Strew,  v.  a.    to  spread  by  scattering 
Stri'se,  s.  small  channels  in  cockle-shells,&c. 
Stri'ate,  Stri'ated,  a.  formed  in  strise 
Strick'en,  part,  beaten,  smitten,  advanced 
Strickle,  s.  that  which  strikes    the  corn  in  a 

measure  to  level  it 
Strict,  a.  exact,  rigorous,    severe,  confined 
Strict'ly,  ad.  exactly,  rigorously,  accurately 
5trk'ture,£.  a  contraction  ;  a  slight  touch 

Stride,  s.  a  long  step...i'.  to  make  long  steps 
Strife,  s.  contention,  contest,  discord 
Strig'ment,  s.  scrapings,  dross,  filth 
Strike,?;. to  hit  with  a  blow;  impress  ;  stamp; 

lower  ;  make  a  bargain  ;  be  stranded 
Strike,  s.  a  bushel  ;   a  dry  measure 
Stri'kingjpar,'.  a.  affecting,  surprising 
String,  s.  a  slender  rope  ;  cord  ;   series 
String,  v.  a.  to  furnish  with  strings  ;  to  file 
String'ed,  a-  having  or  produced  by  strings 
I  Strin'gent,  a  binding,  contracting 

!String'halt,  s.  a  disorder  in  horses 
String'y,  a  fibrous,  consisting  of  threads 
Strip,  v.  a-  to  make  naked,  to  rob,  to  divest 
Strip,  j.  a  narrow  shred,  a  slip 
Stripe,  s.  a  streak  in  silk,  cloth,  &c.  ;  a  lash 
with  a  whip  ;   a  blow...?;,    a.  to  variegate 
with  lines  of  different  colours 
Stripping,  s.  a  youth 

Strive,  v.  n.  to  struggle,  labour,  contend,  vie 
I  Stroke,  s.  a  blow,  knock  ;  sound  of  a  clock 
j  Stroke,  v.  a.  to  rub  gently  or  tenderly 
I  Stroll,  v.  n.    to  wander,  to  rove,  to  gad  idly 
|  Stroll'er,  s.  a  vagrant,  wanderer,  vagabond 
:  Strong,  a.  vigorous,  hale,  potent,  cogent 
!  Strong'ly,  ad.  powerfully,  vehemently 
!  Stro'phe,  s.  the  first  stanza  of  a  poem 
j  Strove,  pre?,  of  to  strive 
\  Struck,  pret.  and  part.  pass,  of  te  strike 
!  Structure,  s.  an  edifice,  building  ;  form 
Strug'gle,  v.  n.  to  labour,  to  strive,  to  contest 
Strug'gle,  s.  labour,  effort,  contest,  agony 
Stru'mous,  a.  having  swellings  in  the  glands; 

relating  to  the  king's  evil 
Strum'pet,  s.  a  prostitute,  a  harlot 
Strung,  pret.  and  part.  pass,  of  to  string 
Strut,  v.  n.  to  walk  affectedl}^  to  swell 
Stub,  /.  a  log,  a  block...?;,  a.  to  root  up 
Stubbed,  a.  short  and  thick  ;    truncated 
'  Stub'ble, /.  stalks  of  corn  after  reaping 
\  Stubborn,  a.  obstinate,  inflexible  ;  rugged 
I  Stubbornly,  ad.  obstinately,  contumaciously 

Stub'nail,  s.  a  nail  broken  off 
j  Stuc'co,  s.  a  fine  plaster  for  walls 
j  Stuck,  pret.  and  part.  pais,  of  to  stick 
'  Stud, ;.  a  stock  of  breeding  mares  ;  a  button 
j  Stu'dent,  s.  a  scholar,  a  bookish  man 
|  Studied,  a.  learned,  versed  in  any  study 
:  Stu'dious,  a.  diligent,  contemplative 

Stu'diously,  ad.  diligently,  carefully 
i  Stud'y,j.  application  to  books  and  learning; 

deep  thought ;  an  apartment  for  books 
!  Stud'y,  v.  to  muse,  to  contrive,  to  consider 
1  Stuff,  ;.  furniture,  goods  ;   medicine,  cloth 
!  Stuff,  v.  to  fill,  to  swell,  to  feed  gluttonously 
!  Stuffing,  s.  that  by  which  any  thing  is  filled; 

relishing  ingredients  put  into  meat 
I  Stultil'oquence,  s.  foolish  talk 
!  stul'tify,  v.  a.  to  make  foolish 
■  stum'ble,  v.  to  trip  in  walking,  to  err}to  slip 




Stum,  s.  new  wines  used  to  raise  fermenta- 
tion in  dead  and  vapid  wines 
Stum'bler, ;.  one  that  stumbles  or  mistakes 
Stump,  s.  the  part  of  any  solid  body  remain- 
ing after  the  rest  is  taken  away 
Stump'y,  a.  full  of  stumps,  hard,  strong 
Stun,  v.  a.  to  render  stupid  by  a  noise  or  blow 
Stung,  pret.  and  part.  pass,  of  to  sting 
Stunk,  pret.  of  to  stink 
Stunt,  v.  a.  to  hinder  from  growth 
Stupe,  j.  warm  medicaments  for  a  sore,  &c. 
Stupe,  v.  a.  to  foment ;  to  dress  with  stupes 
Stupefac'tion,  s.  insensibility,    stupidness 
Stupefat'tive,  a.  causing  insensibility 
Stupendous,  a.  prodigious,  wonderful 
Stu'pid,  a.  dull,  heavy,  sluggish 
Stupidity,  s.  heaviness  of  mind,  dulness 
Stu'pify,  v.  a.  to  make  stupid,  to  benumb 
Stu'por,  s.  a  suspension  of  sensibility 
Stu'prate,  v.  a.  to  violate,  to   ravish,  deflour 
Stur'diness,  s.  stoutness,  hardiness 
Stur'dy,  a.  hardy,  obstinate, strong,  stout 
Stur'geon,  s.  the  name  of  a  fish 
Sturk,  s.  a  young  ox  or  heifer 
Stut'ter,  v.  n.  to  stammer,  to  speak  badly 
Stut'terer,  s.  one  that  stutters 
Sty,  s.  a  hovel  for  hogs 
Sty'gian,a.  hellish, infernal 
Style,  s.  manner  of  writing,  or  speaking ;  ti- 
tle 5  method  of  reckoning  the  year,  &c. 
Style,  v.  a.  to  call,  to  term,  to  name 
Styp'tic,  f.   an  astringent  medicine  or  lotion 
Styp'tic,  a.  astringent ;    able  to  stop  blood 
Sua'sible,  a.  easy  to  be  persuaded 
Sua'sive,  a.  having  power  to  persuade 
Suav'ity,  s.  sweetness,  pleasantness 
Suba'eid,  a.  sour  in  a  smalt  degree 
r  Subac'rid,  a.  pungent  i-n  a  small  degree 
Subac'tion,/.  the  act  of  reducing 
Sub'attern,  a.  subordinate,  inferior 
Sub'altern,  s.  an  inferior  officer  or  judge 
Subaltern'ate,  a.  succeeding  by  turns 
Subchant'er,  s.  the  deputy  of  a  precentor 
Subcla'vian,  a.  lying  under  the  arm-pit 
Subcuta'neous,  a.  lying  under  the  skin 
Subdea'con,  /.in  the  Romish   church  is  the 

deacon's  servant 
Subde'an,  s.  the  vicegerent  of  a  dean 
Subdec'uple,  a.   containing  one  part  of  ten 
Subdiver'sify,  v.  a.  to  diversify  over  again 
Subdivide,  v.  a.  to  divide  again 
Sub'dolous,  a.  cunning,  artful,  sly 
S'jbd'u'ce,  Subdu'et,  -v.   a.  to  withdraw,  to 

take  away,  to  subtract 
Subduc'tion,  s.  the  act  of  taking  away 
Subdu'e,  v.  a.  to  conquer,  to  crush,  to  tame 
Subdu'pte,  Subdu'plicate,  a.    half,  one  in  two 
Subja'cent,  a.  lying  under 
Subje'ctj-y.  a.  to   reduce  to  submission,  to 
enslave,  to  make  liable,  to  expose 

Sub'ject,  a.  placed  under  ;   liable,  apt 
Sub'ject,  s.  one  who  is  under  the  dominionof 

another  ;  the  matter  treated  of 
Subjec'tion,  /.  state  of  being  under  a  superior 
Subjective,  a.  relating  to  the  subject 
Subingress'ion,  s.  secret  entrance 
Subjo'in,  v.  a.  to  add  at  the  end  or  after 
Subita'neous,  a.  sudden, hasty 
Sub  'jugate,  v.  a.  to  conquer,  to  subdue 
Subjuga'tion,  s.  a  taming  or  subduing 
Subjunc'tion,  s.  the  act  of  subjoining 
Subjunc'tive,  a.  subjoined  to  something 
Sublap'sary,  a.  done  after  the  fall  of  man 
Subli'mable,  a.  that  may  be  sublimed 
Sub'limate,  v.  a.  to  raise  by    chymical  fire 
Sub'limate,  s.  quicksilver  sublimated 
Sublima'tion,  s.  a  chymical    operation'which 
raises  bodies  in  the   vessel  by  force  of  fire 
Subli'me,  a.  high  in  place  or  style,  lofty 
Subli'me,  s.  the  grand  or  lofty  style 
Subli'mely,  ad.  in  a  lofty  manner,  grandly 
Sublhn'ity,  /.  height  of  place,  style,  or  ex.. 

cellence  ;  loftiness  of  style  or  sentiment 
Sublingual,  a.  placed  under  the  tongue 
Sublu'nar,  Sub'lunary,  a.  under  the  orb  of 

the  moon,  terrestrial,  earthly 
Submarine,  a.  lying  or  acting  under  the  sea 
Submer'sion,  s.  the  act   of  drowning 
Submi'ss,  Submissive,  a.  humble,  obsequious 
Submission, ;.  a  yielding  to,  obedience 
Submissively,  ad.  humbly,  &c. 
Submi't,  v.  to  refer  to  judgment,  to  yield,  to 
resign  to  authority  ;  to  let  down,  to  sink 
Subrrtu  1'tiple,  s.  an  even  part 
Subnas'cent,  a.  growing  out  underneath 
Suboc-'tave,  Suboc'tuple,  a.  one  part  of  eight 
Subor'dinaey,  Subor'dinancy,  t.  the  state  of 

being  subject  ;  series  of  subordination 
Subordinate,  a.  inferior  in  order,  subject 
Subor'dinately,  ad.  in   a  series  regularly  de- 
scending ;   in  an  inferior  degree 
Subordination,  s.  a  state  of  being  inferior 
Subo'rn,  v.  a.  td  procure  by  false  means 
Suborna'tion,  s.  the  crime  of  procuring  any 

one  to  do  a  bad  action 
Subpce'na,*.  a  writ  commanding  attendance 
Subquad'ruple,  a.  containing  a  fourth  part 
Subquin'tuple,  a.  containing  a  fifth  part 
Subrepti'tious,  a.  fraudulently  obtained 
Subscribe,  v.  to  sign,  to  attest,  to  consent  to 
Subscriber,  s.  one  who  subscribes,  &c. 
Subscription,  s.  any  thing  underwritten  ;  at- 
testation or  consent  by  underwriting  the 
name  ;  money,  &c.  subscribed   for   carry- 
ing on  any  undertaking  ;   submission 
Subsec'utire,  a.  following  in  train 
Sub'sequence,  j.the  state  of  following 
Sub'sequent,  a .  following,  not  preceding 
Subsequently,  ad.  so  as  to  follow  in  train 
Subse'rve,  v.  a.  to  promote,  to  help  forward 



S    U   I 

Subser'viency,  /.  instrumental  fitness  or  use 
■S-bser'vient,  a.,  instrumental ;  serviceable 
Subsi'de,  v.  n.  to  sink  or  tend  downwards 
SubSidency,  s.  tendency  downward 
Subsidiary,  a.  assistant  ;  brought  in  aid 
Sub'sidy,  s.  an  aid,  tax,  or  tribute 
Subsi'gn,  v.  a.  to  sign  under 
S'ubsi'st,v.n. to  continue  ;  have  means  of  living 
Subsist'ence,  s-  real  being  ;  competence 
Subsist'ent,  a.  having  real  being,  existent 
Substance,  s.  something  existing  ;  essential 

part  ;  something  real  ;  body  ;  wealth 
Substantial,  a.  real,  solid,  corporeal,  strong 
Substantiality,  s.  corporeity,  materiality 
Substan'tialize,  v.  a.  to  reduce  to  reality 
Substantially,  ad.  strongly,  solidly,  truly 
Substantiate,  v.  a.  to  make  to  exist 
Sub'stantive,  s.  a  noun  betokening  a  thing 
Substantive,  a.  solid  ;  denoting  existence 
Substitute,  v.  a.  to  put  in  the  place  of  another 
Sub'stitute, ;.  one  acting  for  another 
Substra'tum,  s.  a  layer  of  earth,  or  any  other 

thing  that  lies  under  another 
Substruction,  s.  an  under  building 
Subsul'tive,  SubSultory,  a.  moving  by  starts 
Subte'nd,  v.  a.  to  extend  underneath 
Subte'nse,  s.  the  chord  of  an  arch 
Subter'fiuent, «.  running  under 
Sub'terfuge,  s.  an  evasion,  shift,  trick 
Subterra'nean,Subterra'neous,  a.  lying  under 

the  earth,  placed  below  the  surface 
Subterranlty,  s.  a  place  under  ground 
Sub'tile,  a.  thin  ;  nice,  acute,  cunning 
Sub'tilely,  ad.  finely,  artfully,  cunningly 
Subtleness,  s.  fineness,  rareness  ;  cunning 
Subtillate,  v.  a.  to  make  thin 
Subtilia'tion,  s.  the  act  of  making  thin 
Sub'tilty,  *.  thinness  ;  cunningness  ;  slyness 
Subtilize,  v.  to  make  thin,  to  refine 
Subtiliza'tion,  s.  superfluous  acuteness 
Subtle,  a.  sly,  artful,  cunning 
Subtra'ct,  v.  a.  to  take  away  part 
Subtraction,  s.  a  taking  part  from  the  whole 
Subvention,  s.  a  supply,  aid,  relief 
Subversion,  /.  overthrow,  ruin,  destruction 
Subversive,  a.  tending  to  overturn 
Subve'rt,  v.  a.  to  overthrow,  overturn,  ruin 
Sub'uibs,  s.   buildings,  &c  belonging  to  a 

city,  but  without  the  walls 
Succeda'neous,  a.  in  the  room  of  another 
Succeda'neum,  /.  that  which  is  put  to  serve 

for  something  else 
Succe'ed,  v.  to  follow  in  order  ;  to  prosper 
Succe'ss,  s.  happy  termination  of  any  affair 
Successful,  a.  prosperous,  fortunate 
Successfully,  ad.  prosperously, luckily 
Succession,  s.   a  series  of  things  or  persons 

following  one  another  ;  lineage  j  inherit- 
ance ;  order  of  descendants 
Successive,  a-,  following  in  order 

Successively,  ad.  in  uninterrupted  order 
Suc'cesscr,  s.  one  who  succeeds  to  another; 
Succi'nct,  a.  tucked  up  ;  concise,  brief 
Succinctly,  ad.  briefly,  concisely 
Suc'cory,  s.  a  plant,  wild  endive 
Suc'ccur,  v.  a.  to  relieve,  assist  in  distress 
Suc'cour, .'.  aid,  assistance,  relief 
Suc'culent,^.  juicy,  moist,  full  of  juice 
Suc'cumb,  v.  n.  to  sink  under  difficulty,  yiel 
SuccusSion,  s   the  act  of  shaking 
Such,  pron.  of  that,  or  the  like  kind 
Suck,  v.  to  draw  in  ;  to  extract  moisture 
Suck'er,  s.   any  thing  that  draws  ;  part  of  3 

pump  ;  a  young  twig  or  shoot 
Suck'et, ;.  a  sweetmeat,  a  conserve 
Suc'kle,  v.  a.  to  nurse  at  the  breast 
Suckling,  s.  a  sucking  child,  lamb,  &c. 
Suction, ;.  the  act  of  sucking  up 
Sudation,  s.  sweating 
Su'datory,  a.  sweating...;,  a  sweating  bath 
Sud'den,  a-  without  notice,  hasty,  violent 
Sud'den,  s.  any  unexpected  occurrence 
Sud'denly,  ad.  in  an  unexpected  manner 
Sudorific,  a.  provoking  or  causing  sweat 
Suds,  s.  a  lixivium  of  soap  and  water 
Sue,  v.  to  prosecute  by  law  ;  beg,  entreat 
Su'et,  s.  fat,  hard  fat  about  the  kidneys 
Su'ety,  a.  consisting  of,  or  like  suet 
Suffer,  v.  to  bear,  endure,  permit,  underg® 
Suf  ferable,  a.  that  may  be  borne 
Sufferance,;,  pain, patience,  permission 
Sufferer,  s.  one  who  endures  or  suffers 
Suffering,  ;.  pain  suffered 
Suffi'ce,  v.  to  be  enough,  or  sufficient 
Suffi'ciency,  s .  a  being  sufficient,  competen- 
cy, supply  equal  to  want 
Sufficient,  a.  equal  to  ;  qualified  for 
Sufficiently,  ad.  enough  ;  tolerably 
Suffocate,  v.  a.  to  smother,  stifle,  choke 
Suffocation, ;.  the  act  of  choking 
Suffragan,  s.  a  term  applied  to  a  bishop,  as 

subject  to  his  metropolitan 
Suffrage, ;.  a  vote,  voice,  approbation 
Suffu'migate,  v.  to  smoke  underneath 
Suffumigation,  s.  fume  raised  by  fire 
Suffu'mige,  j.  a  medical  fume 
SuffuSe,  v.  a.  to  spread  over  with  a  tincture 
Suffusion, ;.  a  spreading  over  ;  a  dimness 
Su'gar, s.  the  native  salt  of  the  sugar-cane 
Su-'garplum,  ;.  a  kind  of  sweetmeat 
Su'gary,  a.  sweet,  tasting  of  sugar 
Suggest,  v.  a.   to  hint,  to  prompt,  to  put  in 

oneS  mind,  to  inform  secretly 
Suggestion,  ;.  a  hint,  intimation,  notice 
Sug'gilate,  v.  a.  to  beat  black  and  blue 
Suicide, ;.  self-murder,  a  self-murderer 
Sulllage,  ;.  a  drain  of  filth 
Suing, ;.  the  act  of  soaking  through 
Suit,  s.  a  petition  ;  set ;  courtship  j  retinvie 
Suit,  v.  to  fit,  to  become,  to  agree,  to  accorf 



U  P 

Suit'able,  a.  agreeable  to,  according  with 
Suit'ably,  a.  agreeably,  according  to 
Suiter,  Suit'or,  s.  a  petitioner  ;  a  wooer 
Suit'ress,  s.  a  female  petitioner 
Sul'len,  a.  gloomy,  dismal ;  obstinate 
Sul'lenly,  ad.  gloomily,  angrily,  intractably 
Sul'lenness,  s.  moroseness,  malignity 
Sul'ly,  v.  a.  to  soil,  to  tarnish,  to  dirt,  to  spot 
Sui'phur,  j.  brimstone,  a  fat,  unctuous  miner- 
al substance,  inflammable  by  fire 
Sulphu'reous,  a.  containing,  or  like  sulphur 
Sul'phury,  a.  partaking  of  sulphur 
Sul'tan,  s.  the  Turkish  emperor 
Sulta'na,  Sul'taness,  s.  the  Grand  Seignior's 

Sul'try,  a.  hot  and  close,  hot  and  cloudy 
Sum,  s.  the  whole  of  any  thing  ;  a  certain 

quantity  of  money  ;  a  compendium 
Sum,  v.  a.  to  compute,  to  comprise  ;  collect 
Sum'less,  a.  not  to  be  computed 
Sum'marily,  ad.  briefly,  the  shortest  way 
Sum'mary,  a.  concise...*,  an  abridgment 
Sum'mer,  s.  the  second  season 
Sum'mer-house,  s.  a  pleasure  house  or  arbour 

in  a  garden,  used  in  the  summer 
Sum'merset,  s.  a  leap  heels  over  head 
Sum'mit,  s.  the  top,  the  utmost  height 
Sum'mon,  v.  a.  to  call  with  authority,  cite 
Sum'moner,  s.  one  who  summons  or  cites 
Sum'mons,  s.  a  call  of  authority,  citation 
Sump'ter,  s.  a  horse  of  state  ;  a  packhorse 
Sump'tion, ;.  the  aft  of  taking 
Sumptuary,  a.  of  or  pertaining  to  expenses 
Sump'tuous,  a.  costly,  expensive,  splendid 
Sump'tuously,  ad.  expensively,  splendidly 
Sump'tuousness,  s.  expensiveness 
Sun,  s.  the  luminary  that  makes  the  day 
Sunbeam,*,  the  ray  of  the  sun 
Sun'burnt,  a.  tanned  by  the  sun 
Sun'day,  s.  the  Christian  Sabbath 
Sun'der,  v.  a.  to  divide  or  part  asunder 
Sun'dial,  s.  a  marked  plate  on  which  the 

shadow  points  the  hour 
Sun'dry,  a.  several,  various,  more  than  one 
Sun'flower,  s.  a  large  yellow  flower 
Sung,  pret.  and  part.  pass,  of  to  sing 
Sunk,  pret.  and  part.  pass,  of  to  sink 
Sun'less,  a.  wanting  sun,  wanting  warmth 
Sun'ny,  a.  bright,  clear,  exposed  to  the  sun 
Sun'rise,  s .  the  beginning  of  the  morning 
Sun'set,  j.  the  close  of  the  day,  evening 
Sun'shine,  s .  the  radiant  light  of  the  sun 
Sun'shiny,  a.  bright  with,  or  like  the  sun 
Sup,  v.  to  drink  by  sups  ;  to  eat  supper 
Sup,  /.  a  small  draught  of  liquor 
Su'perable ,  a.  that  may  be  conquered 
Superabo'und,  v.  n.  to  be  exuberant 
Superabundance,  s.  more  than  enough 
Superabundant,  a.  being  more  than  enough 
Supera'dd,  v.  n.  to  add  over  and  above 

Superaddi'tion,  s.  act  of  adding  to  something 
Superadve'nient,  a.  coming  unexpectedly 
Superannuate,  v.  to  impair  by  age,  &c. 
Superannuated,  a.  disqualified  by  age 
Supe'rb,  a.  grand,  pompous,  stately 
Superb'ly,  ad.  in  a  superb  manner,  proudly 
Supercar'go,  s.  a  sea-officer  to  manage  trade 
Superceles'tial,  a.  above  the  firmament 
Supercil'ious,  a.  proud,  haughty,  arbitrary 
Superciliously,  ad.  contemptuously 
Superem'inence,  s .  superior  excellence 
Superem'inent,  a.  eminent  in  a  high  degree 
Superer'ogate,  v.  n.  to  do  more  than  duty 
Supererogation,  s.  doing  more  than  duty 
Superex'cellent,  a.  uncommonly  excellent 
Su'perfice,  s.  the  surface,  the  outside 
Superficial,   a.   lying  on  the  surface  ;  con- 
trived to  cover  something  ;  shallow 
Superfi'cies,  s.  the  outside,  or  surface 
Superfine,  a.  eminently  fine 
Superflu'itant,  a.  floating  on  the  top 
Superfluity,  s.  more  than  enough 
Superfluous,  a.  exuberant,  unnecessary 
Su'perflux,  s.  what  is  more  than  is  wanted 
Superincumbent,  a.  lying  or  leaning  on  the 

top  of  something  else 
Superindu'ce,  v.  a.  to  bring  in  as  an  addition 
Superintend,  v.  a.  to  oversee  ;  to  manage 
Superintend'ency,  s.  the  act  of  overseeing 
Superintendent,  s.  a  chief  overseer 
Superiority,  s.  a  being  greater,  or  higher,&c. 
Supe'rior,  a.  higher,  greater,  preferable 
Superla'tion,  s.  an  exaggeration,  excess 
Superlative,  a.  implying  the  highest  degree 
Superlu'nar,  a.  placed  above  the  moon 
Super'nal,  a.  coming  from  above  ;  celestial 
Supernatant,  a.  swimming  above 
Supernatural,  a.  above  nature  ;  miraculous 
Supernumerary,  a.  above  a  stated  number 
Superpurga'tion,  s.  an  over-purging 
Superscribe,  v.  a.  to  write  over  or  on  the 

outside  of  a  letter,  deed,  writing,  &c. 
Superscrip'tion,  s.  a  writing  on  the  outside 
Superse'de,  v.  a-  to  make  void  j  to  suspend 
Supersti'tion,  s.  false  devotion  or  religion 
Superstitious,  a.  addicted  to  superstition 
Superstra'in,  v.  a.  to  overstrain 
Superstru'ct,  v.  a.  to  build  upon  any  thing 
Superstruc'tion,  s.  edifice  raised  on  any  thing 
Superstructure,  s.  wbat  is  built  on  another 
Supervacaneous,  a.  needless  ;  superfluous 
Supervene,  v.  n.  to  come  unexpectedly 
Supervenient,  a.  added,  additional 
Superven'tion,  s.  a  coming  on  a  sudden 
Supervise,  v.  a.  to  overlook,  to  oversee 
Supervisor,  s.  an  overseer,  an  inspector 
Su'pine,  a.  lying  with  the  face  upwards 
Supi'ne,  s.  a  verbal  noun,  in  grammar 
Supinely,  ad.  drowsily,  indolently 
Supi'neness,  s.  drowsiness,  indolence 

S  U  R 



Sup'per,j.  eveningrepast,lastmealof  the  day 
Sup'perless,  a.  without  a  supper 
Suppla'nt,  v.  a.  to  displace  by  stratagem 
Sup'ple,  a.  pliant,  yielding,  fawning 
Supplement,  ;.  an  addition  to  supply  defects 
Supplemental,  Supplementary,  a.  addition- 
al ;  such  as  may  supply  the  place  of  what 
is  lost 
Sup'pleness,  s.  pliantness,  flexibility 
Sup'pletory,  s.  what  fills  up  deficiencies 
Sup'pliant,  a.  entreating,  submissive 
Sup'pliant,  Sup'plicant,  s.  a  petitioner 
Sup'plicate,  v.  n.  to  implore,  to  entreat 
Supplica'tion,  s.  an  humble  petition 
Supply',  v.  a.  to  relieve,  to  serve  instead  of 
Supply',  ;.  a  relief  of  want,  aid,  support 
Suppo'rt,  v.  a.  to  sustain,  endure,  maintain 
Suppo'rt,  /.  a  prop,  maintenance,  supply 
Support'able,  a.  tolerable  ;  moderate 
Support'er,  s.  one  that  supports  ;  a  prop 
Suppo'se,  v.  a.  to  imagine  or  believe  without 
examination  ;  to  lay  down  without  proof  ; 
to  admit  without  proof 
Supposi'tion,  s.  position  laid  down  ;  hypo- 
thesis ;  imagination  yet  unproved 
Supposititious,  a.  counterfeit,  not  genuine 
Suppositi'tiousness,  s.  a  being  counterfeit 
Suppos'itory,  s.  a  kind  of  solid  clyster 
Suppre'ss,  v.  a.  to  crush,  subdue  j  conceal 
Suppression,  s.  the  act  of  suppressing 
Sup'purate,  v.  a.  to  generate  pus  or  matter 
Suppuration,  s.  a  ripening  to  pus  or  matter 
Suppurative,  a.  digestive;  generating  matter 
Supputa'tion,  s.  a  reckoning,  calculation 
Suppu'te,  v.  a.  to  reckon,  to  calculate 
Supramun'dane,  a.  above  the  world 
Supremacy,  5.  the  height  of  authority,  &c. 
Supre'me,  a.  highest  in  dignity,  &c. 
Supre'mely,  ad.  in  the  highest  degree 
Su'ral,  a.  being  in  the  calf  of  the  leg 
Su'rance,  s.  a  warrant,  a  security 
Surce'ase,  v.  to  stop,  to  cease,  to  leave  off 
Surcharge,  v.  a.  to  overburden,  &e. 
Sur'cingle,  s.  a  girth,  a  girdle  of  a  cassock 
Sur'cle,  s.  a  shoot,  a  twig,  a  sucker 
Sur'coat,  s.  a  short  coat  worn  over  the  dress 
Surd,  a.  deaf,  unheard  ;  incommensurable 
Sur'dity,  s.  deafness  ;  dulness,  heaviness 
Sure,  a.  certain,  confident ;  safe  ;  firm 
Sure,  Su'rely,  ad.  certainly,  undoubtedly 
Su'rety,  s.  certainty,  security,  hostage,  bail 
Sur'face,  s.  the  superficies  ;  the  outside 
Sur'feit,  v.  to  make  sick  with  eating,  &c. 
Surge,  s.  a  swelling  sea../u.  n.  to  rise  high 
Sur'geon,  s.  one  who  professes  surgery 
Sur'gery,  s.  curing  by  manual  operation 
Sur'gy,  a.  rising  in  billows  ;  swelling 
Sur'liness, ;.  gloomy  moroseness,  sour  anger 
SuT'ly,  a.  morose,  rough,  uncivil,  sour 
Surmi'se^  ;,  .an  imperfect. notion,  a  suspicion 

Surmo'unt,  v.  a.   to  rise  above  ;  to  conquer, 

to  overcome,  to  surpass,  to  exceed 
Surmount'able,  a.  conquerable  -;  superable 
Sur'name,  s.  a  family  name,  appellation 
Surpa'ss,  v.  a.  to  excel,  exceed,  go  beyond 
Surpassing,  part.  a.  excellent  in  a  degree 
Sur'plice,  s.  a  clergyman's  white  garment 
Sur'p'.us,  s.  an  overplus,  a  remainder 
Surpri'se,  s.  a  sudden  confusion  or  perplexity 
Surpri'se,  v.  a.  to  take  unawares,  astonish 
Surprising,  part.  a.  wonderful,  astonishing 
Surren'der,  -v.  to  yield,  to  give  one's  self  up 
Surrender,  s.  the  act  of  yielding,or  resigning 
Surrep'tion  ,  s.  a  surprise,  sudden  invasion 
Surrepti'tious,  a.  done  by  stealth  or  fraud 
Surrogate,  s.  a  deputy  ;  a  delegate 
Surro'und,  v.  a.  to  encompass,  to  enclose 
Sursol'id,  s.  the  fourth  power  of  any  root 
Surtou't,  s.  a  large  upper  coat,  a  great  coat 
Surve'ne,  v.  a.  to  supervene,  to  be  added 
Survey',  v.  a.  to  overlook,  to  oversee,  view 
Sur'vey,  s.  a  view,  a  prospect  ;  measure 
Survey'or,  ;.  an  overseer  ;  a  measurer 
Survi've,  v.  to  live  after,  to  remain  alive 
Survi'ver,  Survi'vor,  s.  the  longest  liver 
Survivorship,  s.  the  state  of  a  survivor 
Susceptibility,  s.  the  quality  of  admitting 
Suscep'tible,  Susceptive,  a.  apt  to  take  an 

impression  ;  capable  of  admitting 
Suscep'tiou,  s.  the  act  of  taking,or  admitting 
Suscip'iency,  s.  reception,  admission 
Suscip'ient,  s.   one  who  admits  or  receives 
Sus'citate,  ■y.  n.  to  rouse,  to  excite 
Suspe'ct,  v.  to  fear,  mistrust,  think  guilty 
Suspe'nd,  v.  a.  to  hang,  to  delay,  to  put  off, 

to  debar,  to  make  to  stop  for  a  time 
Suspe'nse,  s.  an  uncertainty,  doubt  ;  stop 
Suspension,  s.   a  hanging  up  ;  a  being  sus- 
pended from  an  office  ;  ceasing  for  a  time 
Suspen'sory,  a.  suspended,  hanging  by 
Suspicion,  s.  the  act  of  suspecting 
Suspi'cious,  a.  inclined  to  suspect,  liable  to 

suspicion  ;  giving  reason  to  imagine  ill 
Suspira'tion,  s.  a  sigh,  a  breathing  deep 
Suspi're,  v.  n.  to  sigh,  to  breathe  hard  or  deep 
Susta'in,   v.  a.  to  bear,  to  support,  to  main- 
tain, to  help  j  to  defend  a  position 
Sustenance,  s.  maintenance  ;  victuals 
Susur'rate,  v.  n.  to  whisper,  to  speak  Igw 
Susurration,  s.  a  whisper,  a  soft  murmur 
Sut'ler,  s.  one  who  sells  victuals,  liquors,&Ci 
Sut'tle,  j.  the  neat  weight  of  commodities 
Suture,  /.  a  sewing  of  wounds  ;  a  joining 
Swab,  j.  a  kind  of  mop...*!/,  a.  to  mop 
Swab'ber,  s.  a  cleaner  of  a  ship's  deck,  &c. 
Swad'dle,  v.  a.  to  swathe,  to  bind  in  clothes 
Swad'dle,  s.  clothes  bound  round  the  body 
Swag,  v.  n.  to  sink  down  by  its  weight 
Swag'ger,  v.  n.  to  bluster,  to  bully,  to  brag 
Swain,  /.  a  country  servant,  a  clowa. 

S  W  I 

S  Y  N 

Swal'low,  s.  a  small  bird  ;  the  throat 

Swal'low,  v.  a.  to  take  down  the  throat 

Swam,  the  pret.  of  to  sivim 

Swamp,  s.  a  marsh,  a  fen,  watery  ground 

Swamp'y,  a.  boggy,  fenny,  marshy 

Swan,  s.  the  name  of  a  large  water  fowl 

Swan'skin,  s.  a  kind  of  fine  soft  flannel 

Swap,  ad.  hastily...?;,  to  exchange 

Sward,  s.  a  green  turf ;  the  skin  of  bacon 

Sware,  the  pret.  of  to  swear 

Swarm,  s.   a  great  number  of  bees,  &c.  ;  a 

crowd..„i>.  n.  to  breed  multitudes 
Swarth'y,  a.  dark  of  complexion,  tawny 
Swash,  v.  n.  to  make  a  clutter  or  great  noise 
Swathe,  v.  a.  to  bind  with  rollers  or  bands 
Sway,  i).  to  bias,  to  govern,  to  have  weight 
Sway,  s.  power,  rule,  influence,  direction 
Sweal,  Swale,  v.  a.  to  waste  away,  to  melt 
Swear,  v.  to  utter  an  oath,  declare  upon  oath 
Sweat,  v.  to  emit  moisture  ;  toil,  labour 
Sweat'y,  a.  moist  with  sweat,  toilsome 
Sweep,  v.  to  clean  with  a  besom  ;  to  carry 

with  pomp  ;  to  carry  off  with  violence 
Sweep,  s.  the  compass  of  any  motion 
Sweep'ings,  s.  what  is  swept  away 
Sweep'net,  s.  a  large  kind  of  net 
Sweep'stake,  s.  a  man  that  wins  all 
Sweet,  a.  luscious  to  the  taste,  mild,  soft, 

grateful,  not  stale,  pleasing  to  any  sense 
Sweet'bread,  s.  the  pancreas  of  a  calf 
Sweefbriar,  s.  a  fragrant  shrub 
Sweet'en,  v.  to  make  or  grow  sweet 
Sweet'ner,  s.  one  who  palliates,  &c. 
Sweet'heart, ;.  a  lover,  or  mistress 
Sweeping,  /.  a  word  of  endearment 
Sweet'ish,  a.  somewhat  sweet 
Sweet'meat,  /.fruits,  &c. preserved  with  sugar 
Sweet'scented,  a.  having  a  sweet  smell 
Sweetwil'liam,  s.  a  garden  flower 
Sweetwil'low,  s.  gale  or  Dutch  myrtle 
Swell,  v.  to  grow  bigger,  look  big  ;  heighten 
Swell,  s.  extension  of  bulk  ;  anger 
Swell'ing,  s.  protuberance,  prominence 
Swelt'er,  v.  to  be  pained  or  dried  with  heat 
Swelt'ry,  a.  suffocating  with  heat 
Swept,  pret.  and  part,  of  to  sweep 
Swerve,  v.  n.  to  wander,  to  rove,  to  deviate 
Swift,  a.  quick,  nimble,  ready,  prompt 
Swift'ness,  s.  speed,  rapidity,  quickness 
Swig,  v.  a.  to  drink  by  large  draughts 
Swill,  v.  a.  to  drink  luxuriously,  inebriate 
Swim,ffc,  to  float  on  water  ;  to  glide  along 
Bwim'ming,  s.  moving  on  water  ;  dizziness 
Swim'mingly,  ad.  smoothly,  unobstructedly 
Swine,  s.  a  hog,  a  pig 
.Swine'herd,  s.  a  keeper  of  hogs 
Swing,  v.  to  wave  loosely  in  the  air 
gwing,     s.     motion  of  any  thing  hanging 

loosely  ;  unrestrained  liberty 
§y/hige,  v.  a.  to  whip,  bastinade,  punish 

Swing'ing,  a.  great,  huge 
Swin'gle,  v.  n   to  dangle  ;  swing  ;  beat  ftar 
Swi'nish,  a.  resembling  swine  ;  gross 
Switch,  s.   a  small  flexible  twig 
Swiv'el,  s.  a  thing  to  run  upon  ;  a  gun 
Swob'ber,  s.  a  sweeper  of  a  ship's  decks 
Swol'len,  Swoln, part,  pass-  of  to  swell 
Swoon,  v.  n.  to  faint.../,  a  fainting  fit 
Swoop,  v.  a.  to  fly  down  hastily  like  a  hawfc 

on  its  prey  ;  prey  upon,  catch  up 
Swop,  or  Swap,  v.  a.  to  exchange  for  another 
Sword,  /.  a  well-known  military  weapon 
Sword'cutler,  s.  one  who  deals  in  swords 
Sword' law,  /.  violence,  force 
Svvord'man,  /.  a  soldier,  a  fighting  man 
Sword'player, /.  a  gladiator,  a  fencer 
Swore,  the  pret.  of  to  swear 
Sworn,  part.  pass,  of  to  swear 
Swum,  pret.  and  part.  pass,  of  to  swim 
Swung,  pret.  and  part.  pass,  of  to  swi?ig 
Syc'ophant,  /.  a  parasite,  a  flatterer 
Syl'lable,   5.   as  much  of  a  word  as  is  utterefl 
by  the  help  of  one  vowel,  or  one  articula- 
tion ;  any  thing  proverbially  concise 
Syl'labus,  /.  the  heads  of  a  discourse 
Syl'logism,  /.  an  argument  of  three  proposi- 
tions ;  as,  every  animal  has  life,  George  is 
an  animal,  therefore  George  has  life 
Syllogis'tical,  a.  consisting  of  a  syllogism 
Sylphs,  /.  a  kind  of  fairy  nymphs, elves 
Syl'van,  (better  Silvan)  a.  woody,  shady 
Syl'van,  /.  a  wood-god,  a  satyr 
Sym'bol,/.  an  abstract  ;  compendium  ;  type 
Symbolical,  a.  representative,  typical 
Sym'boiize,  v.  to  represent,  to  resemble 
Symme'trian,  s.  one  studious  of  proportion 
Symmet'rical,  Sym'metral,  a.  proportionate 
Sym'metry,  s.  a  due  proportion  or  relation  of 

parts  to  the  whole  ;  harmony 
Sympathetic,  a.  having  mutual  sensation 
Sympathize,  v.n.  to  feel  with  or  for  another 
Sym'pathy,    s.    mutual   sensibility,  fellow- 
feeling,  compassion 
Sympho'nious,  a.  harmonious,  musical 
Sym'phony,  /.  harmony  of  mingled  sounds 
Symp'tom,  /.  a  sign,  a  token,  an  indication 
Symptomat'ic,  a.  happening  concurrently 
Syn'agogue,  /.  a  place  of  Jewish  worship 
Synale'pha,  /.  a  contraction,  &c.  of  a  syllable 
Synchronism,  /.  a  concurrence  of  events 
Syn'cope,  /.  a  fainting  fit  ;  a  contraction 
Syn'copist, /.  a  contractor  of  words 
Syn'dic,  s.  a  deputy  ;  magistrate,  alderman 
Syn'dicate,  -v.n.  to  pass  sentence  on,  to  judge 
Syn'drome,  /.  a  concurrent  action 
Synec'doche,  /.  a  figure  of  rhetoric,  by  which 
part  is  taken  for  the  whole,  or  the  whole 
for  a  part 
Syn'od,  /.  an  ecclesiastical  assembly 
Synod'ical,  a.  pertaining  to  a  synod 

T  A    I * 

Synon'ymous,  a.  of  the  same  signification 
Synop'sis,  s.   a  short  view,  or  epitome  ;  an 

abridgment  ;  a  general  view 
Syn'tax,  s.  a  system  ;   that  part  of  grammar 

which  teaches  the  construction  of  words 
Syr'inge, ;.  a  pipe  to  squirt  liquor  with 

T   A  N 

Syr'tis,  s  .  a  quicksand,  a  bog 
Sys'tem,  s.  a  method,  theory,  scheme 
Systematic,  s.  one  who  observes  system 
Systematical,  a.  methodical,  connected 
Sys'tole,  *,  the  contraction  of  the  heart ;  the 
shortening  of  a  long  syllable 


TIS  used  as  an  abbreviation,  as  T.  D. 
Theologize  Do8or,  Doctor  of  Divinity; 
S.  T.  P.   SanSa  Iheologite  Professor,  Pro- 
fessor of  Divinity  ;  in  music,  T.  denotes 
the  Tenor,  and  is  also  an  abbreviation  for 
Tutti,  or  all  together 
Ta^by,  s-  a  kind  of  sil&...£.  brindled 
Tab'ard,  Tab'erd,  s.  a  herald's  coat 
Tab'efy,  v.  n.  to  waste  •,  be  extenuated 
Tabernacle,  ;.    a  sacred  place,  a  place  of 

worship  ;  a  temporary  habitation 
Tab'id,  a.  consumptive,  wasted  by  disease 
Tab'lature,  s.  painting  on  walls  or  ceilings 
Ta'ble,  r.  any  flat  surface  ;  an  index 
Ta'ble,  v.  to  board  ;  to  set  down  regularly 
Ta'blecloth,  s.  linen  spread  on  a  table 
Ta'bleman,  s.  a  man  at  draughts 
Tallies,  s.  boards  used  for  backgammon 
Tab'let,  s.  a  small  table  ;  a  small  level  sur- 
face ;  a  medicine  in  a  square  form 
Ta'bour,  /.  a  small  drum,  a  drum  beaten 

with  one  stick,  to  accompany  a  pipe 
Tab'ular,  a.  formed  in  squares  or  laminae 
Tab'ulated,  a.  having  a  flat  surface 
Tachy'graphy,/.  the  art  of  quick  writing 
Ta'cit,  a.  silent ;  implied  or  meant,  though 

not  expressed  by  words 
Ta'citly,  ad.  silently  ;  by  implication 
Taciturnity,  s.  habitual  silence 
Tack,  v.  to  join,  to  unite  ;  to  turn  a  ship 
Tack,  ;.  a  small  nail  ;  rope  ;  turn  of  a  ship 
Tac'kle,  s.  ropes  of  a  ship  ;  an  arrow 
Tack'ling,  s.  ropes  and   furniture  of  ships  ; 

instruments  of  action 
Tac'tic,  a.  relating  to  the  art  of  war 
Tac'tics,  /.  the  art  of  disposing  any  number 

of  men  into  a  proper  form  of  battle 
Tac'tile,  a.  that  which  may  be  felt 
Tad'pole,  s.  a  young  shapeless  frog 
Taffeta,  or  Taf'fety,  s.  a  sort  of  thin  silk 
Tag,  s.  a  metal  at  the  end  of  a  lace,  &c. 
Tag,  v.  a.  to  fix  on  a  tag  ;  to  join  together 
Tail,  s.  the  hinder  or  lower  part,  end 
Tail'or, ;.  one  who  makes  men's  clothes 
Taint,  v.  to  stain,  sully,  infect,  corrupt 
Taint,  s.  a  tincture,  stain,  soil,  infection 
Taiat'ure,;.  tinge  jUint,  defilement 

Take,  v.  to  receive;  seize  ;  surprise  ;  catch.  ; 

exact  ;  procure  ;  suppose  ;  captivate 
Ta'ken,  part.  pass,  of  to  take 
Ta'king,  s.  seizure  ;  distress,  calamity 
Taltiot,  s.  a  kind  of  spotted  dog 
Tale,  s.  a  story,  narrative,  fable  ;  reckoning 
Ta'lebearer,  s.  a  malignant,  officious  telltale 
Tal'ent,  t.  a  certain  weight  or  sum  ;  faculty 
Tal'isman,  s.  a  magical  character 
Talk,  v.  n.  to  speak,  prattle,  reason  ;  confer 
Talk'ative,  a.  full  of  prate  ;  loquacious 
Talk'ativeness,  s.  loquacity  ;    garrulity 
Talk'er,    s.    one   who  talks,  a  prattler,  a 

boaster  ;  a  loquacious  fellow 
Talk'ing,  ;.  the  act  or  power  of  speaking 
Tall,  a.  high  in  stature,  lofty  ;  lusty 
Tal'Low,  s.  the  fat  of  beasts  melted,  suet 
Tal'lowchandler,  s.  one  who  makes  and  sells 

tallow  candles 
Tal'lowish,  a.  having  the  nature  of  tallow 
Tal'ly,  ;.  two  sticks  equally  notched 
Tal'iy,  v.   to  fit  ;  to  conform,  to  be  suitable 
Tallyman,  ;.   one  who  sells  clothes,  &c  to 

be  paid  by  weekly  payments 
Tal'mud,  or  Thal'mud,  s.   the  book  contain. 

ing  the  Jewish  traditions 
Tal'ness, ;.  height  of  stature  ;  procerity 
Tal'on,  s.  the  claw  of  a  bird  of  prey 
Tam'arind,  ;.  an  acid  Indian  fruit 
Tambari'ne,  s.  a  tambour  ;  a  fine  sieve 
Tame,  a.  not  wild  ;  depressed  ;  spiritless 
Tame,  v.  a.  to  subdue  ;  make  gentle  ;  crush 
Ta'mely,  ad.  not  wildly  ;  meanly 
Ta'meness,  /.  gentleness,  want  of  spirit 
Tam'my,  Tam'iny,  s.  a  sort  of  worsted  stuff 
Tam'per,  v.  a.  to  meddle  with  ;  to  practise 
Tan,  v.  to  prepare  skins  ;  become  tawny 
Tang,  s.  a  strong  taste,  relish  ;  sound  ;  tone 
Tan'gent,  s.  a  line  perpendicular  to  a  radius 
Tan'gible,  a.  perceptible  to  the  touch 
Tan'gle,   v.  to  knit  together  ;  entrap,  em- 
broil, embarrass,  ensnare 
Tank,  s.  a  reservoir  of  water  ;  a  large  bason 
Tank'ard,  s.  a  drinking  vessel  with  a  lid 
Tan'ner,  s.  one  who  tans  hides  for  leather 
Tan'- pit,  s.  a  pit  for  a  tanner's  work 
Tan'sy,  /,  the  name  of  a  plant 


Tan'talize,  v.  a.  to  torment  with  false  hopes 
Tantamount,  a.  equivalent,  worth  as  much 
Tantiv'y,  ad.  with  haste,  with  full  speed 
Tap,  s.  a  gentle  blow  ;  a  small  pipe 
Tap,  v.  a.  to  touch  lightly,  pierce,  broach 
Tape,  s.  a  sort  of  ribband  made  of  linen  and 

yarn  ;  a  narrow  fillet  or  band 
Ta'per,  s.  a  wax  candle...«.  sloping 
Ta'per,  v.  n.  to  grow  smaller 
Tap'estry,  s.  cloth  woven  with  figures 
Tap'ster,  s.  one  who  draws  beer,  &c. 
Tar,  s.  the  juice  of  pines  or  firs  ;  a  sailor 
Tarantel'la,  s.  a  vulgar  Italian  dance 
Tarant'ula,  s.  a  venomous  insect,  whose  bite 

is  cured  only  by  music 
Tar'digradous,  a.  moving  slowly 
Tar'dily,  ad.  slowly,  sluggishly,  heavily 
Tardiness, ;.  slowness,  sluggishness 
Tar'dy,  a.  slow  ;  late  ;  unwary  ;  criminal 
Tare,  s.  a  weed  ;  an  allowance  in  weight 
Tar'get,  s.  a  kind  of  buckler  or  shield 
Tar'gum,  s.  a  paraphrase  on  the  Pentateuch, 

in  the  Chaldee  language 
Tar'iff,  s.  a  cartel  of  commerce 
Tar'nish,  v.  to  sully,  soil,  lose  brightness 
Tarpaul'ing,  s.  tarred  canvas  ;  a  sailor 
Tar'riance,  s.  stay,  delay  ;  sojourn 
Tar'rier,  s.  a  small  dog  ;  one  that  tarries 
Tar'ry,  v.  to  stay,  to  loiter,  to  wait  for 
Tart,  a.  sour  ;  severe...;,  a  small  fruit  pie 
Tar'tan,  s.  a  kind  of  woollen  stuff 
Tar'tane,  s.  a  small  single-masted  ship 
Tar'tar,  s.  a  native  of  Tartary  ;  wine  lees 
Tartarean,  Tarta'reous,  a.  hellish,  infernal 
Tarta'reous,  a.  consisting  of  tartar  ;  hellish 
Tart'ly,  ad.  sharply,  sourly,  severely 
Tart'ness,  s.  sharpness,  acidity  ;   ill-nature 
Task,  s.  employment ;  business  imposed 
Tas'sel,    s.    an  ornamental  bunch  of  silk, 

&c  a  male  hawk  ;  an  herb 
Tas'ses,  Ta'ces,  s.  armour  for  the  thighs 
Taste,  v.  to  try  the  relish  ;  to  feel  ;  to  enjoy 
Taste,  s.  the  act  of  tasting  ;  discernment  j 

experiment  ;  intellectual  discernment 
Ta'steless,  a.  insipid,  having  no  taste 
Ta'ster,  s .  one  who  tastes  ;  a  dram  cup 
Tat'ter,  v.  a.  to  tear,  to  rend...;,  a  rag 
Tatterdemal'ion,  s.  a  ragged  fellow 
Tat'tle,  v.  n.  to  prate,  to  talk  idly 
Tatt'ler,  s.  an  idle  talker,  a  prater 
Tattoo',  s.  a  beat  of  drum  by  which  soldiers 

are  warned  to  quarters 
Tav'ern,  s.  a  house  where  wine  is  sold 
Taught,  pret .  and  part,  pass-  of  to  teach 
Taunt,  v.  a.  to  reproach,  insult,  revile 
Taunt,  s.  an  insult,  scoff,  reproach 
Taunt'ingly,  ad.  in  a  reproachful  manner 
Tautolo'gical,  a.  repeating  the  same  thing 
Tautology,  s.  a  repetition  of  the  same  words 
Taw,  v.  a.  to  dress  white  leather...;,  a  marble 

Taw'dry,  a.  ridiculously  or  meanly  showy 
Taw'ny,  a.  yellow,  like  things  tanned 
Tax,  /.  an  impost,  tribute,  charge,  censure 
Tax,  v.  a.  to  lay  a  tax  ;  censure  ;  charge 
Tax'able,  a.  that  which  may  be  taxed 
Taxation,  s.  the  act  of  loading  with  taxes 
Tea,  s.  a  Chinese  shrub,  liquor  made  thereof 
j  Tea'board, ;.  a  board  for  teacups,  &c. 
Teach,  v.  to  instruct,  to  inform,  to  show 
Teach'er,  s.  an  instructor  ;  a  preacher 
Tea'cup,  s.  a  small  cup  to  drink  tea  from 
Tead,  or  Tede,  ;.  a  torch,  a  flambeau 
Teague,  s.  name  of  contempt  for  an  Irishman 
Teal, ;.  a  wild  fowl  of  the  duck  kind 
Team,  ;.  a  farmer's  waggon  ;  flock,  number 
Tear,  ;.  water  from  the  eye  ;  rent  ;  fissure 
Tear,  v.  to  rend  in  pieces  ;  to  rave ;  to  fume 
Tear'ful,  a.  weeping,  full  of  tears 
Tease,  v.  a.  to  comb  wool  ;  to  scratch,  vex 
Teas'el,  s.  a  plant  useful  in  dressing  cloth 
Teat,  s.  the  dug  of  an  animal 
Tech'nical,  a.  belonging  to  arts, not  common 
Tech'y,  or  Tetch'y,  a.  peevish,  captious 
Tecton'ic,  a.  pertaining  to  building 
Ted,  v.  a.  to  lay  newly-mown  grass  in  rows 
Te  Deum,  s.  a  hymn  used  in  the  liturgy 
Te'dious,  a.  wearisome,  irksome  ;  slow 
Te'diously,  ad.  in  a  slow,  irksome  manner 
Teem,  v.  to  bring  forth  young  ;  to  abound 
Teem'ful,  a.  pregnant,  prolific,  brimful 
Teem'less,  a.  unfruitful,  not  prolific 
Teens,  ;.  the  years  between  12  and  20 
Teeth,  s.  plural  of  Tooth. ..v. a.  to  breed  teeth 
Teg'ument, ;.  a  cover,  the  outward  part 
Teint,  s.  colour  ;  shade  ;  touch  of  a  pencil 
Te'lary,  a.  spinning  webs 
Tel'egraph,  s.    a  machine  invented  by  the 
French,  for  the  rapid  conveyance  of  intel- 
ligence by  signals 
Tel'escope,  /.  a  glass  used  for  distant  views 
Tell,  v.  to  utter,  relate,  count,  betray 
Tel'ler,  j.  one  who  tells  or  counts,  or  relates 
Tell'tale,  s.  an  officious  talebearer 
Temera'rious,  a.  rash,  careless,  heedless 
Temer'ity,  .<.   rashness,  unadvisedness,  un- 
reasonable contempt  of  danger 
Tem'per, ;.  calmness  of  mind,  moderation  ; 

due  mixture  of  contrary  qualities 
Tem'per,  v.  a.  to  soften,  to  mingle,  make  fit 
Tem'perament,  ;.  constitution  ;  a  medium 
Tem'perance,  s.  moderation,  patience 
Tem'perate,  a.  moderate,  calm,  not  excessive 
Tem'perately,  ad.  moderately,  calmly 
Tem'perature,    s.    constitution  of  nature  ; 

moderation,  mediocrity,  temperament 
Tem'pest,  ;.  a  violent  wind  \  a  commotion 
Tem'pest-tost,  a.  driven  about  by  storms 
Tempest'uous,  a.  stormy,  boisterous 
Tem'plar,  ;.  a  student  in  the  law 
Temple,  s,  g_ church  ;  the  side  of  the  he£d 



T  E  T 

Tem'poral,  a.  measured  by  time  :  uct  eter- 
nal; secular;  not  spiritual 
Temporally,  ad.  with  respect  to  this  life 
rem'poralty,.f.  the  laity;  secular  possessions 
Tem'porary,  a.  lasting  only  for  a  time 
Tem'porize,  v  n .  to  delay  ;  to  procrastinate ; 

to  comply  with  the  times  or  occasions 
Tempt,  v.  a.  to  entice  to  ill  ;  to  provoke 
Tempta'tion,  s.  the  acl  of  tempting  to  ill 
Tempt'er, ;.  one  who  tempts,  an  enticer 
Tem'ulent,  a.  intoxicated,  inebriated 
Ten,  s.  the  decimal  number  ;  twice  five 
Te'nable,  a.  that  which  may  be  held  or  kept 
Tena'cious,  a.  retentive  ;  cohesive  ;  grasping 

h3rd  ;  holding  fast  an  opinion  or  privilege 
Tena'ciously,  ad.  in  a  tenacious  manner 
Tena'city, :.  a  stiffness  in  opinion 
Ten'ancy,  s.    any  temporary    possession  of 

what  belongs  to  another 
Ten'ant,  *■.  one  who  rents  of  another 
Ten'antable,  a.  fit  to  be  inhabited 
Ten'antless,  a.  unoccupied,  unpossessed 
Tench, .'.  a  river  or  pond  fish 
Tend,  v.  to  watch  ;  move  towards  ;  to  aim  at 
Tend'ance,  s.  attendance,  a  waiting  upon 
Tend'ence,  Tend'ency,  s.  a  course ;  a  drift 
Ten'der,  a.  soft;   easily  pained  ;   kind 
Ten'der,  v.  a.  to  offer,  to  exhibit ;  to  esteem 
Ten'der,  s.  a  proposal  for  acceptance 
Ten'derhearted,  a.  compassionate,  kind 
Ten'derling,  s.  the  first  horns  of  a  deer 
Ten'derly,  ad.  gently,  mildly,  kindly 
Ten'derness,  s.  susceptibility  of  impression  ; 

kind  attention  ;  scrupulousness  ;  caution 
Ten'dinous,  a.  sinewy,  containing  tendons 
Ten'don,  s.  a  sinew,  a  ligature  of  joints 
Ten'dril,  s.  the  clasper  of  a  vine,  &c. 
Tene'brious,  a.  dark,  gloomy 
Ten'ement,  s.  any  thing  held  hy  a  tenant 
Tenes'mus,  s.  continual  need  to  go  to  stool 
Te'net,  s.  a  position  ;  principle  ;  opinion 
Ten'nis,  s.  a  play  with  a  racket  and  a  ball 
Ten'on,  s.  a  term  in  carpentry 
Ten'or,  or  Ten'our,  s.  continuity  of  state  ; 

sense  contained  ;  purport;  sound  in  music 
Tense,  s.  a  variation  of  the  verb  to  signify 

time...3.  stretched,  not  lax 
Tense'ness,  s.  contraction,  tension 
Ten'sible,  Ten'sile,  a.  capable  of  extension 
Ten'sion,  /.  the  acl  of  stretching;  not  laxity 
Ten'sive,  a.  giving  a  sensation  of  stiffness 
Tent,  s.  a  pavilion,  moveable  habitation  ; 

roll  of  lint  put  into  a  sore  ;  a  red  wine 
Tenta'tion,  s.  trial,  temptation 
Tentative,  a.  essaying,  experimental 
Tent'ed,  a.  covered  with  tents 
Tent'er,  ;.  an  iron  hook  to  stretch  things  on 
Tenth,  /.  a  yearly  tribute  from  clergymen  to 

the  king  ;  ecclesiastical  tithes 
Tenuity,  s,  thinness,  slendemess,  exility 

Ten'uous,  a.  thin,  small,  minute 
Te'nure,  s.   the  manner  or  condition  where- 
by tenements  are  holden 
Tep'idj  a.  lukewarm,  warm  in   a  small  de- 
gree ;  not  zealous 
Terce,  s.  a  vessel  containing  42  gallons 
Tercema'jor,  s .  a  sequence  of  three  best  cards 
Tergem'inous,  a.  three  fold 
Tergiversation,  s.  a  shift,  evasion  ;   change 
Term,  s.  a  boundr.ry,  limit ;  a  limited  or  set 
time;    word  by  which  any  thing  is  ex- 
pressed ;  stipulation  ;    time    for  seats   of 
justice,  and  exercises  at  an   university  ; 
word  :  language...^,  a.  to  name,  to  call 
Ter'magant,  s.  a  scolding,  brawling  woman 
Terminable,  a.  admitting  of  bounds  or  limits 
Tei'minate,  v.  to  bound,  to  limit,  to  end 
Termination,  j.  a  limit,  bound,  conclusion 
Ter'miner,  s.  a  trial  for  malefactors 
Term'less,  a.  boundless,  unlimited,  undefined 
Ter'race,  s.  a  small  grassy  mount 
Terra'queous,  a.  composed  of  land  and  water 
Terre'ne,  Terres'trial,  a.  earthly  ;  worldly 
Ter'reous,  Terres'trious,  a.  earthy 
Ter'rible,  a.  dreadful,  formidable,  frightful 
Ter'ribly,  ad.  dreadfully,  violently 
Ter'rier,  /.  a  survey  of  lands;  a  dog;  auger 
Terrific,  a.  dreadful,  causing  terror 
Ter'rify,  v.  a.  to  fright,  to  make  afraid 
Territorial,  a.  belonging  to  a  territory 
Territory,  s.  land,  country,  dominion 
Terror,  ;.  great  fearrdread,  cause  of  fear 
Terse,  a.  smooth  ;  cleanly  written  ;  neat 
Ter'tian,  a.  returning  every  third  day 
Tes'selated,  a.  variegated  by  squares 
Test,  /.  a  vessel  to  try  metals  ;  examination 
Testa'ceous,  a.  consisting  of  shells 
Testament,  s.  a  will  ;  each  cf  the  volumes 
of  the  scriptures,    as,  the  old  and   new 
Testament'ary,  a.  relating  to  a  will 
Tes'tate,  a.  having  made  a  will 
Testa'tor,  s.  one  who  leaves  a  will 
Testa'trix,  /.  a  woman  who  leaves  a  will 
Test'ed,  a.  tried  by  a  test  ;  witnessed 
Test'er,  t.  a  sixpence  ;  the  cover  of  a  bed 
Tes'ticle,  t.  stone 
Tes'tifier,  s.  one  who  testifies 
Tes'tify,  v.  to  witness,  to  certify,  to  prove 
Tes'tily,  ad.  fretfully,  peevishly,  morosely 
Testimo'nial, ;.  a  certificate  or  attestation 
Testimony,  s.  evidence,  proof  ;  profession 
Tes'tiness.  s.  moroseness,  peevishness 
Tes'ty,  a.  fretful,  peevish,  apt  to  be  angry 
Tete,  s.  a  woman's  false  hair  for  the  head 
Tete-a-Tete,  /.  face  to  face  ;  a  private  con- 
versation between  two 
Teth'er,  s.  a  restraint  for  horses  at  pasture 
Tet'ragon, ;.  a  square  :  a  four-sided  figure 
Te'trarch,  ;.  a  Roman  governor 



T  H  I 

Tetr arch/ate,  s.  a  fourth  part  of  a  province 
Tetras'tic,  s.  an  epigram  or  stanza  of  4  verses 
Tet'rical,  a.  froward,  perverse,  sour 
Tct'ter,  s.  a  scab,  a  scurf;  a  ring-worm 
Tew'el,  s.  a  pipe  at  the  back  of  a  forge 
Tew'taw,  or  Tow'tow,  v.  a.  to  beat,  break 
Text,  s.  a  sentence   of  scripture  ;    original 
writing  ;    that  on    which  a  comment  is 
Text'hand,  s.  a  large  kind  of  writing 
Tex'tile,  a.  woven,  that  may  be  woven 
Text'uary,  s.  a  divine  well  versed  in  scrip- 
ture ;  one  ready  in  the  text  of  scripture 
Text'ure,  s.  a  web ;  manner  of  weaving 
Than,  ad.  a  particle  used  in  comparison 
Thane,  s.  an  old  title  of  honour 
Thank,  v.  a.   to  return  acknowledgments  for 

any  favour  or  kindness 
Thank'ful,  a.  full  of  gratitude,  grateful 
Thanks,  s.  acknowledgment  paid  for  favours 
Thank'less,  a.  ungrateful,  unthankful 
Thanksgiv'ing,  s.  a  celebration  of  mercy 
That,  pron.  which;  who;  the  thing...c-on. 

Thatch,  s.    straw,  &c.  laid  on  the  tops  of 

houses  to  keep  out  the  weather 
Thatch'er,  s.  one  who  covers  with  straw 
Thaw,  v.  to  melt,  to  dissolve 
Thaw,  /.  the  dissolution  of  a  frost 
The,  article,  denoting  a  particular  thing 
The'atre,  s.  a  place  in  which  shows  are  ex- 
hibited ;  a  play-house 
Theat'ric,  Theat'rical,  a.  suiting  a  theatre 
Thee,  the  oblique  case  singular  of  thou 
Theft,  s.  the  act  of  stealing;  thing  stolen 
Their,  pron.  possessive  of  they 
Thelyph'thora,  s.  seduction  of  women 
Them,  pron.  pi.  the  oblique  case  of  they 
Theme,  s.  a  subject,  short  dissertation,  talk 
Themse'lves,  pron.  pi.  these  very  persons 
Then,  ad.  at  that  time,  in  that  case 
Thence,  ad.  from  that  place,  for  that  reason 
The'nceforth,  ad.  from  that  time 
Thencefor'ward,  ad  on  from  that  time 
Theoc'racy,  s.  divine  government 
Theocrat'ical,  a.  relating  to  theocracy 
Theod'olite,  s.  a  mathematical  instrument 

used  in  surveying,  taking  heights,  &c. 
Theog'ony,  s.  the  generation  of  the  gods 
Theolo'gian,  s.  a  professor  of  divinity 
Theolo'gical,  a.  relating  to  theology 
Theol'ogist,  The'ologue,  s.  a  divine 
Theol'ogy,  s.  the  science  of  divinity 
Theor'bo, ;.  a  large  lute,  used  by  the  Italians 
The'orem,  s .  a  position  laid  down  as  an  es- 
tablished truth  ;  a  given  principle 
Theoret'ic,  Theoret'ical,  a.  speculative 
The'orist, s.  one  given  to  speculation 
The'ory, s.  a  speculation,  a  scheme,  a  plan 
Therapeu'tie,  a.  teaching  the  cure  of  diseases 

There,  ad.  in  that  place  ;  at  tnat  time 
Thereabout,  ad.  near  that  place,  nearly 
Thereafter,  ad.  according  to  that 
Tberea't,  ad.  at  that,  at  that  place 
Thereby',  ad.  by  that,  by  means  of  that 
The'refore,  ad.   for  this   reason,    in  conse- 
quence ;  in  recompense  for  this  or  that 
Therefro'm,  ad.  from  that,  from  this 
There'in,  c.d.  in  that,  in  this 
Thereinto',  ad.  into  that,  into  this 
Thereo'f,  ad.  of  that,  of  this 
Thereo'n,  Thereupo'n,  ad.  on  that,  on  this 
Thereto',  Thereunto',  ad.  to  that  or  this 
Therewith,  ad.  with  that;  immediately 
Therewithal,  ad.  over  and  above  ;  also 
Theri'acal,  a.  medicinal,  physical 
Thermom'eter,  ;.  an  instrument  for  measur- 
ing the  heat  of  the  air,  &c 
These, />row.  pi.  of  t his 

The'sis,  s.  a  position  ;   proposition  ;  subject 
The'urgy,  s.  the  power  of  doing  supernatu- 
ral things  by  lawful  means,  as  by  prayer 
to  God 
They,  pron.  men,  women,  persons 
Thick,  a.  not  thin ;  gross,  muddy,  close 
Thick,  ad.  frequently,  closely,  deeply 
Thick'en,  v.  to  make  or  grow  thick  ;  to  corf- 

crete,  to  condense,  to  be  consolidated 
Thick'et,  s.  a  close  knot  or  tuft  of  trees 
Thick'ish,  a.  somewhat  thick,  dull 
Thick'ness,  s.  density,  closeness,  dulness 
Thick'set,  a.  close  planted 
Thief,  s.  one  who  steals  another's  property 
Thief'catcher,  s.  one  who  takes  thieves 
Thieve,  v.  n.  to  steal,  to  practise  theft 
Thiev'ery,  s   the  practice  of  stealing 
Thiev'ish,  a.  given  to  stealing ;  secret,  sly 
Thigh,  s.  a  limb  of  the  body,  including  all 

between  the  groin  and  the  knee 
Thil,  s.  the  shafts  of  a  waggon  or  cart 
Thill'horse,  s.  a  horse  between  the  shafts 
Thim'ble,  /.  a  cap  for  the  needle-finger 
Thin,  a.  not  thick  ;  lean,  slim,  rare,  small 
Thine,  pronoun,  relating  to  thee 
Thing,  s.  whatever  is  ;  not  a  person 
Think,  v.  to  have  ideas  ;  to  fancy,  to  muse 
Think'ing,  s.  imagination,  judgment 
Thin'ly,  ad.  not  thickly,  not  numerously 
Thin'ness,  s.  tenuity,  scarcity,  rareness 
Third,  a.  the  first  after  the  second 
Third'ly,  ad.  in  the  third  place 
Thirl,  v.  a.  to  pierce,  to  perforate 
Thirst,  /.  the  pain  suffered  for  want  of  drink  : 

eagerness,  vehement  desire,  drought 
Thirst,  i?.  to  feel  want  of  drink,  to  be  dry 
Thirs'ty,  a.  suffering  want  of  drink 
Thirte'en,  a.  ten  and  three  added 
Thirte'enth,  a.  the  third  after  the  tenth. 
Thirty,  a.  thrice  ten,  twenty  and  ten 
This, pron.  that  which,  is  present 

T  H   R 


T  I  C 

This'tie,  s.  a  prickly  weed  growing  in  fields 
Thist'ly,  a.  overgrown  with   thistles 
Thith'er,  ad.  to  that  place,  point  or  end 
Thith'erto,  ad.  to  that  end,  so  far 
Thith/erward,  ad.  toward  that  place 
Thole,  v.  n.  to  wait  a  while 
Thom'ists,  s.  divines  who  follow  the  doc- 
trines of  Thomas  Aquinas,  but  chiefly  with 
respect  to  his  opinion  as  to  predestination 
and  grace 
Thong,  s.  a  strap  or  string  of  leather 
Thora'cic,  a.  belonging  to  the  breast 
Tho'ral,  a.  relating  to  the  bed 
Tho'rax,  s.  the  inward  part  of  the  breast 
Thorn, ;.  a  prickly  tree  ;  a  difficult  point 
Thorn'back,  Thorn'but,  s .  a  sea  fish 
Thorn'y,  a.  full  of  thorns  ;  perplexing 
Thor'oughjfl.  complete;  passing  through 
Thor'oughfare,  s.  a  passage  through  a  place 
Thoroughly,  ad.  completely,  fully 
Thor'oughpaced,  a.  perfect,  complete 
Thor'oughstitch,  ad.  completely,  fully 
Thorp,  ;.  signifies  a  village 
Those,  pron.  pi.  of  that 
Thou,  the  second  pron.  personal 
Though,  con.  although,  however 
Thought,  pre?,  and  part.  pass,  of  to  think 
Thought,  j.  the  act  of  thinking;  idea,  sen- 
timent, reflection,  solicitude,  concern 
Thoughtful,  a.  contemplative,  careful 
Though t'less,  a.  airy, gay,  careless;  dull 
Thought'sick,  a.  uneasy  with  reflection 
Thous'and,  s.  or  a.  the  number  ten  hundred 
Thowl,  j.  a  place  or  pin  for  oars  to  turn  in 
Thral'dom,  s.  slavery,  servitude 
Thrall,  s.  a  slave  ;  slavery,  bondage 
Thrap'ple,  s.  the  windpipe  of  any  animal 
Thrash,  v.  to  beat  corn ;  to  beat  or  drub 
Thrash'er,  s.  one  who  thrashes  ;  a  fish 
Thrason'ical,  a.  boastful,  bragging 
Thread,  s.  a  small  line  or  twist  of  silk,  ftax, 

&c.  ;  uniform  tenour 
Thread,  v.  a.  to  pass  through  with  a  thread 
Thread'bare,  a.  deprived  of  the  nap  ;  trite 
Thread'en,  a.  made  of  thread 
Threap,  v.  a.  to  argue  much,  to  contend 
Threat,/,  a  menace,  denunciation  of  ill 
Threat'en,  v.  a.  to  menace,  denounce  evil 
Three,  a.  two  and  one  added 
Three'cornered,  a.  having  three  corners 
Threefold,  a.  thrice  repeated 
Three'-pile,  s.  an  old  name  for  good  velvet 
Threescore,  a.  thrice  twenty,  sixty 
Thren'ody,  s.  a  song  of  lamentation 
Thresh'old,  /.  an  entrance,  a  gate,  a  door 
Threw,  pret.  of  to  throw 
Thrice,  ad.  three  times,  at  three  times 
Thrift,  s.  profit,  gain,  parsimony 
Thriftily,  ad.  frugally,  parsimoniously 
Thrift'less,  a.  profuse,  extravagant 

Thrift'y,  a.  frugal,  sparing,  not  profuse 
Thrill,  v.  to  pierce,  to  penetrate  ;  to  tingle 
Thrive,  v.  n.  to  prosper,  to  grow  rich 
Throat,  /.  the  fore  part  of  the  neck 
Throb,  v.  n.  to  heave,  to  beat,  to  palpitate 
Throe,  s.  the  pain  of  travail,  &c. 
Throne,  s.  the  seat  of  a  king  or  bishop 
Throng,  s.  a  multitude,  a  crowd 
Throng,  v.  n.  to  crowd,  press  close  together 
Thros'tle,  s.  the  thrush  ;  a  singing  bird 
Throt'tle,  s.  the  wind-pipe 
Throt'tle,  v.  a.  to  choke,  to  suffocate 
Throve,  preterite  of  to  thrive 
Through,  prep,  from  end  to  end 
Througho'ut,  ad.  quite  through,  in  every  part 
Throw,  v.  to  fling,  to  cast,  to  toss ;  repose 
Thrcw'ster,  s.  one  who  twists  or  winds  silk 
Thrum,  s.  the  end  of  a  weaver's  thread 
Thrum,  v.  a.  to  grate  ;  to  play  coarsely 
Thrush,  s.  a  singing  bird;  a  disorder 
Thrust,  v.  to  push,  intrude,  drive,  stab 
Thrust,  j.  an  assault,  hostile  attack,  a  push 
Thry'fallow,  v.  a.  to  plough  a  third  time 
Thumb,  s.  the  first  finger  of  the  hand 
Thumb,  i>.  n.  to  handle  awkwardly 
Thumb'stal,/.  a  cover  for  the  thumb  ;  thimble 
Thump,  s.  a  dull,  hard,  heavy  blow 
Thump'er,  /.  the  person,  &c  who  thumps 
Thump'ing,  /.  beating..^,  large 
Thun'der,  s.  aloud  noise  in  the  air,  &c. 
Thun'der,  v.  to  emit  with  noise  and  terror; 

to  make  thunder  ;  to  publish  any  threat 
Thun'derbolt,  s.  lightning  ;  fulmination 
Thun'derclap,  s.  an  explosion  of  thunder 
Thun'derer,  /.  the  power  that  thunders 
Thun'dering,  a.  loud,  noisy,  terrible 
Thun'derstruck,  a.  hurt  or  blasted  by  light- 
ning ;   amazed,  suddenly  alarmed 
Thurif'erous,  a.  bearing  frankincense 
Thurs'day, ;.  the  fifth  day  of  the  week 
Thus,  ad.  in  this  manner,  to  this  degree 
Thwack,  v.  a.  to  strike,  to  thrash,  to  bang 
Thwack,  s.  a  heavy,  hard  blow 
Thwart,  a.  transverse,  perverse,inconvenient 
Thwart,  v.  a.  to  cross,  traverse,  oppose 
Thy,  pron.  of  thee  ;  belonging  to  thee 
Thyse'lf,  pron.  recip.  belonging  to  thee  only 
Thyme, ;.  a  fragrant  plant 
Ti'ar,  Tia'ra,  s.  a  diadem,  dress  for  the  head 
Tib'ial,  a.  relating  to  a  pipe  or  the  shin 
Tice,  v.  a.  to  draw,  to  allure,  to  tempt 
Tick,  j.  a  score,  account,  trust ;  bed-case 
Tick,  v.  n.  to  run  on  score,  to  trust 
Tick'en,  Tick'ing,  /.  a  cloth  for  bed  cases 
Tick'et,    s.   a  token  of  right,  on  the  de- 
livery of  which  admission  is  granted ;  a 
Tick'le,  v.  to  cause  to  laugh  by  titillation 
Tick'iish,  a.  easily  tickled  ;  unfixed  ;  nice 
Tick'tack,/.  a  game  at  tables  ;  a  noise 



T  O  A 

Tid,  a.  tender,  soft,  nice,  delicate 

Tid'dle,  v.  a.  to  use  tenderly,  to  fondle 

Tide,  s.  ebb  and  flow  of  the  sea ;  season 

Ti'dewaiter, s.  a  custom-house  officer 

Ti'dily,  ad.  neatly,  readily 

Ti'diness,  s.  neatness,  readiness,  spruceness 

Ti'dings,  j.  news,  intelligence,  information 

Ti'dy,  a.  seasonable  ;  neat,  clever,  spruce 

Tie,  s.  a  knot,  fastening  ;  obligation 

Tie,  v.  a.  to  bind,  to  fasten,  to  hinder 

Tier,  s.  a  row  or  rank  ;  a  set 

Tierce,  s.  a  third  part  of  a  pipe  ;  a  thrust 

Tiff,  s.  liquor,  drink ;   a  pet,  a  quarrel 

Tiffany,  s .  a  very  thin  kind  of  silk 

Ti'ger,  s.  a  fierce  beast  of  the  lion  kind 

Tight,  a.  tense,  close,  not  loose 

Tight  en,  v.  a.  to  straighten,  to  make  close 

Tight'ly,  ad.  closely,  neatly  ;  not  idly 

Tightness,  j .  closeness,  not  looseness 

Ti'gress,  s.  the  female  of  the  tiger 

Tike,  /.  a  clown's  name ;  a  dog  ;  a  bullock 

Tile,  s.  burnt  clay  to  cover  houses  with 

Trier,  s.  one  whose  trade  is  to  cover  houses 

with  tiles  ;  a  freemason's  porter 
Ti'ling,  s.  the  roof  covered  with  tile3 
Till,  s.  the  money  box  in  a  shop 
Till,  con.  to  the  time,  to  the  degree  that 
Till,  prep,  to  the  time  of 
Till,  v.  a.  to  cultivate,  to  plough,  husband 
Tillable,  a.  arable  ;  lit  for  the  plough 
Till'age,  s.  the  art  of  ploughing,  or  culture 
Tiller,  s.  a  ploughman  ;  handle  of  a  rudder 
Tilt,  s.  a  cover  of  a  boat  ;  a  military  game 
Tilt,  v.  to  cover  ;  turn  up  ;  fight ;   lift  up 
Tim'ber,  j.  wood  fit  for  building 
Tim'bered,  a.  built,  formed,  contrived 
Tim'ber-yard,  s.  a  place  for  timber 
Tim'brel,  s.  a  kind  of  musical  instrument 
Time,  s.  the  measure  of  duration,  an  age 
Time,  v.  a.  to  regulate,  to  measure,  to  adapt 
Ti'meful,  a.  seasonable,  timely,  early 
Ti'mekeeper,  s.  a  clock  or  watch 
Ti'meless,  a.  unseasonable,  immature 
Ti'mely,  a.  early,  soon 
Ti'mely,  ad.  seasonably,  sufficiently  early 
Timeserving,  a.    meanly    complying   with 

present  power,  mean,  servile,  obsequious 
Tim'id,  a.  fearful,  wanting  courage 
Timid'ity,  s.  fearfulness,  timorousness 
Tim'orous,  a.  fearful,  bashful ;  nice 
Tim'orously,  ad.  fearfully,  with  much  fear 
Tin,  s.  a  kind  of  common  white  metal 
Tin'cal,  or  Tin'car,  s.  a  kind  of  mineral 
Tinft,  s.  a  colour,  stain,  spot,  die 
Tinc'ture,  s.  a  colour  ;  extract  of  drugs 
Tinc'ture,  v.  a.  to  imbue,  tinge,  colour 
Tin'der,  s.  any  thing  very  inflammable 
Tine,  s.  the  tooth  of  a  harrow  ;  trouble 
Tine,  v.  to  kindle,  to  rage,  to  fight 
Ti'neman,  s.  a  night  officer  of  a  forest 

Tinge,  v.  a.  to  impregnate  with  a  colour 
Tin'gent,  a.  able  to  tinge  or  colour 
Tin'gle,  v.  n.  to  feel  a  sharp  pain  ;  to  tinkle 
Tink'er,  s.  a  mender  of  old  brass,  &c. 
Tin'kle,  v.  n.  to  make  a  sharp,  quick  noise 
Tink'ling,  s.  a  kind  of  sharp,  quick  noise 
Tin'man, s.  a  manufacturer  of  tin 
Tin'ner,  s.  one  who  works  in  tin  mines 
Tin'sel,  s.  a  sort  of  shining  silk  or  cloth,  &fC. 
Tint,  s.  a  die,  colour,  hue,  stain 
Ti'ny,  a.  little,  small,  puny,  diminutive 
Tip,  s.  the  top,  end,  point,  extremity 
Tip,  v.  a.  to  cover  on  the  end,  to  top 
Tip'pet,  s.  something  worn  about  the  neck 
Tip'ple,  v.  to  drink  in  luxury  or  excess 
Tip'pler,  /.  a  sottish  drunkard 
Tip'pling,  s.  frequent  drinking,  muddling 
Tip'staff,  s.  an  officer  and  his  staff  of  justice 
Tip'sy,  a.  drunk,  fuddled,  muddled 
Tip'toe,  s.  the  end  of  the  toe 
Tire,  s.  a  rank,  row  ;  furniture  ;  apparatus 
Tire,  v.  to  fatigue,  to  harass ;  to  dress 
Ti'resome,  a.  wearisome,  fatiguing 
Ti'rewoman,  s.  a  woman  whose  business  r» 

to  make  dresses  for  the  head 
Ti'ring-room,  s.  the  room   in  which  players 

dress  for  the  stage 
Tis'sue,  s.  cloth  interwoven  with  gold,  &c. 
Tit,  s.  a  small  horse  ;  a  woman  ;  a  bird 
Tit'bit,  s.  anice  bit,  nice  food,  delicate  morsel 
Tithe,  s.  the  tenth  part ;  the  part  assigned 

to  the  maintenance  of  the  ministry 
Ti'theable,  a.  subject  to  payment  of  tithes 
Ti'ther,  s.  one  who  gathers  or  collects  tithes 
Ti'thing,  s.  a  part  of  a  parish,  a  district 
Ti'thingman,  /.  a  petty  peace  officer 
Tit'iliate,  v.  n.  to  tickle 
Titilla'tion,  s.  the  act  of  tickling 
Ti'tle,    s.  an  appellation,    claim  of    right  $ 

the  first  page  of  a  book,  telling  its  name 

and  its  subject ;  name  of  honour 
Ti'tle,  v.  a.  to  name,  to  entitle,  to  call 
Ti'tlepage,  s.  the  page  containing  the  title 

of  a  book 
Tit'mouse,  or  Tit,  s.  a  small  species  of  bird 
Tit'ter,  v.  n.  to  laugh  with  restraint 
Tit'tle,  s.  a  small  particle ;  a  point,  a  dot 
Tit'tletattle,  s.  idle  talk,  prattle,  gabble 
Tituba'tion,  s.  the  adt  of  stumbling 
Tit'ular,  a.  nominal,  having  only  the  name 
Tiv'y,  a.  a  cant  word  expressing  speed,  from 

Tantivy,  the  note  of  a  hunting  horn 
To,  prep,  noting  motion  towards,  &c. 
Toad,  s.  an  animal  resembling  a  frog,  but 

the  frog  leaps,  the  toad  crawls 
Toad'stone,  s.   a  concretion  supposed  to  be 

found  in  the  head  of  a  toad 
Toad'stool,  /.  a  plant  like  a  mushroom 
Toast,  v.a.  to  dry  at  the  fire ;  propose  a  health 
Toast,  s.  bread  toasted  j  a  health  proposed 



Toast'er,  s.  he  who  toasts  ;  an  utensil 
Tobac'co, ;.  a  plant  used  for  smoking 
Tobac'conist,  s.  a  vender  of  tobacco 
Tod,  s.  a  bush  ;  a  weight  of  28  lb.  of  wool 
Toes,  s.  the  divided  extremities  of  the  feet 
Toft,  s.  a  place  where  a  messuage  has  stood 
Togeth'er,  ad.  not  apart,  in  company- 
Toil,  v.  to  labour,  to  work  at,  to  weary 
Toil'et,  s.  a  dressing-table 
Toil'some,  a.  laborious,  weary,  heavy 
Toil'someness,  /.  weariness,  laboriousness 
To'ken,  s.  a  mark,  a  sign,  a  remembrance 
Told,  part,  mentioned,  related 
Tol'erable,  a.  supportable,  passable 
Tol'erably,  ad.  supportably ;  neither  well  nor 

ill ;  passably ;  moderately  well 
Tol'erance,  s.  the  act  or  power  of  enduring 
Tol'erate,  v.  a.  to  allow,  permit,  suffer 
Tolera'tion,  s.  sufferance,  permission 
Toll,  v.  to  pay  toll ;  to  sound  a  bell ;  to  an- 

nul...r.  an  excise  of  goods 
Toll'booth,  s.  a  market ;  a  prison 
Toluta'tion,  s.  the  act  of  ambling  or  pacing 
Tom'ahawk,  s.  an  Indian  hatchet 
Tomb,  j.  a  sepulchre  for  the  dead,  a  vault 
Tomb'less,  a.  wanting  a  tomb,  unburied 
Tom'boy,  s.  a  romping  girl  ;  a  mean  fellow 
Tomb'stone,  s.  a  stone  laid  over  the  dead 
Tome,  j.  one  volume  of  many  ;  a  book 
Tomti't,  s.  a  titmouse  ;  a  small  bird 
Ton,  s.  a  measure  of    four  hogsheads  ;    a 

weight  of  two  thousand  pounds 
Tone,  s.  a  note  ;  accent ;  whine ;   elasticity 
Tong,  s.  the  catch  of  a  buckle 
Tongs,  s.  an  utensil  to  take  up  fire,  &c. 
Tongue,  s.  the  organ  of  speech  ;  language 
Tongue'tied,  a.  having  a  defect  in  speech 
To'nic,  a.  elastic;  relating  to  sounds 
Ton'nage,  s.  a  duty  upon  every  ton 
Ton'sils,  s.  two  round  glands  placed  on  the 

sides  of  the  basis  of  the  tongue 
Ton'sure,  s.  act  of  clipping  or  shaving  hair 
Tonti'ne,  s.  a  raising  of  money  on  annuities 
Too,  ad.  overmuch,  more  than  enough ;  also 
Took,  pret.  of  to  take 
Tool,  s.  any  instrument;  a  hireling 
Tooth,  s.  a  bone  in  the  jaw  ;  taste  ;  prong 
Tooth'ach,  s.  a  pain  in  the  teeth 
Toothless,  a.  wanting  or  deprived  of  teeth 
Tooth'some,  a.  palatable ;  grateful  to  taste 
Top,  s.  the  highest  part  or  place  ;  surface 
Top,  v.  to  rise  above,  to  tip,  to  outgo 
To'paz,  s.  a  precious  yellow  gem 
Tope,  v.  n.  to  drink  hard,  or  to  excess 
To'per,  s.  a  hard  drinker,  a  sot,  a  drunkard 
Top'ful,  a.  full  to  the  brim  or  top 
Topgal'lant,  s .  the  highest  mast  and  sail 
Topha'ceous,  a.  gritty,  stony,  sandy 
Top'heavy,  a.    having  the  upper  part  too 
weighty  for  the  lower;  drunk 

Top'ic,  s.    a  general    head  ;    something  to 

which  other  things  are  referred 
Top'ical,  a.  local,  confined  to  some  place 
Top'knot,  s.  a  knot  worn  on  the  head 
Top'most,  a.  uppermost,  highest 
Topog'raphy,  s.  a  description  of  particular 

places,  as  of  a  parish,  town,  manor,  &c. 
Top'ping,  a.  fine,  noble,  gallant  ;  wealthy 
Top'ple,  v.  n.  to  fall  forward,  tumble  down 
Top'sail,  s.  the  sail  below  the  topgallant  sail 
Topsytur'vy,  ad.  with  the  bottom  upwards 
Tor,  i.  a  tower,  turret,  high  pointed  hill 
Tore,  pret .  and  sometimes  part.  pass,  of  tear 
Torch,  s.  a  wax  light  larger  than  a  candle 
Torme'nt,  v.  a.  to  put  to  pain,  vex,  harass 
Tor'ment,  s.  misery,  anguish,  torture 
Torment'er,  s.  one  who  gives  pain  to  others 
Torn, part.  pass,  of  to  tear 
Torna'do, ;.  a  hurricane,  a  whirlwind 
Torpe'do,  s.  a  fish  whose  touch  benumbs 
Tor'pent,  a.  motionless,  not  active,  numbed 
Tor'pid,  a.  numbed,  sluggish,  inactive 
Tor'pidness,  s.  the  state  of  being  numbed 
Tor'por,  s.  dulness,  inability  to  move 
Torrefac'tion,  s.  the  act  of  drying  by  the  fire 
Tor'refy,  v.  a.  to  dry  by  the  fire,  to  scorch 
Tor'rent,  s.  a  rapid  stream,  violent  current 
Tor'rid,  a.  violently  hot,  parched 
Tor'sel,  /.  any  thing  in  a  twisted  form 
Tort,  s.  mischief,  injury,  wrong,  calamity 
Tor'tile,  Tor'tive,  a.  twisted,  wreathed 
Tor'toise,  s.  an  animal  covered  with  a  hard 
shell ,  of  which  many  curious  toys  are  man- 
Tortuos'ity,  s.  a  wreath,  flexure 
Tor'tuous,  a.  twisted,  winding;  injurious 
Tor'ture,  s.  pain,  judicial  torments,  anguish 
To'ry,  s.  one  who  adheres  to  the  ancient 
constitution  of  the  state,  and  the  apostoli- 
cal hierarchy  of  the  church  of  England 
Toss,T'.  a.  to  throw,  to  agitate,  to  fling 
Toss'pot,  s.  a  toper,  a  drunken  fellow 
To'tal,  a.  complete...;,  the  whole 
To'tally,  ad.  wholly,  fully,  completely 
Tot'ter,-y.  n.  to  shake  so  as  to  threaten  a  fall 
Touch,  v.  to  join ;  to  affect  ;  mark  out  ;  try 
Touch,  /.  the  sense  of  feeling;  test;  proof 
Touch/hole,  j.  a  small  hole  in  fire-arms 
Touch'stone,  s.  a  stone  to  prove  metals  ;  test 
Touch'wood,  s.  rotten  wood  that  easily  fires 
Touch'y,  a.  peevish,  irritable, cross 
Tough,  a.  stiff ;  not  brittle;  viscous,  ropy 
Tough'en,  v.  n.  to  grow  tough 
Toupee',  Toupe't,  s.  a  kind  of  peruke;  an 

artificial  lock  of  hair  ;  a  curl 
Tour,  s.  a  journey,  travel ;  a  revolution 
Tour'nament,  s.  a  tilt,  a  mock  encounter 
Tourn'iquet,/.  a  bandage  used  in  amputation 
Touse,  v.  a.  to  haul,  to  drag,  to  pull,  to  tear 
Tow, ;.  combed  flax  or  hemp 

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T  R  A 

Tow,  v.  a.  to  draw  by  a  rope,  particularly 

through  the  water 
To'ward,  a.  ready  to  do ;  not  froward 
To'ward,  ad.  near  ;  in  a  state  of  preparation 
To'wards,  frep.  in  a  direction  to  ;  regarding 
Tow'el,  s.  a  cloth  to  wipe  hands,  &c.  on 
Tow'er,  /.  a  high  building  ;  a  fortress 
Tow'er,  v.  n.  to  soar  ;  to  fly  or  rise  high 
Tow'ery,  a.  adorned  or  guarded  with  towers 
Town,  5.  any  large  collection  of  houses 
Town'clerk,  s.  an  officer  who  manages  the 

public  business  of  a  corporate  town 
Town'house,  s .  a  hall  for  public  business 
Towns'man,  s.  one  of  the  same  town 
Tox'ical,  a.  poisonous,  containing  poison 
Toy,  j.  a  plaything,  a  bauble;  folly,  sport 
Toy,  -j.  n.  to  play,  trifle  ;  dally  amorously 
Toy'shop,  s.  a  shop  where  toys  are  sold 
Trace,  i>.  a,  to  follow  by  the  footsteps  ;  to 

mark  out;  to  follow  with  exactness 
Tra'ces,/.  the  harness  of  draught  animals 
Track,  /.  a  mark  left  ;  a  road;  beaten  path 
Track'ingscout,  s.  a  vessel  drawn  by  a  rope 
Trackless,  a.  untrodden  ;  not  marked  out 
Tract,  s.  a  region  ;  quantity  of  land,  conti- 
nuity ;  course  ;  treatise  ;  small  book 
TracVable,  a.  manageable,  docile 
TracVate,  s.  a  small  book  ;  treatise  ;  tract 
Tract'ile,  a.  that  may  be  drawn  out ;  dudlile 
Trade,  s.  traffic,  commerce  ;  occupation 
Trade,  v.  to  traffic,  to  deal,  to  sell 
Tra'der,  s.  a  merchant,  a  dealer 
Tra'desman,  s.  a  shopkeeper,  a  dealer 
Tra'dewind,  s.  the  monsoon  ;  the  periodical 
wind  between  the  tropics,  which  at  cer- 
tain times  blows  regularly  one  way  at  sea, 
and  is  of  great  service  to  navigators 
Tradi'tion,  s.  oral  account  from  age  to  age 
Tradi'tional,  Traditionary,  a.  descending  by 

oral  communication ;  unwritten 
Tradu'ce,  v.  a.  to  censure,  to  condemn,  to 

calumniate,  to  represent  as  blameable 
Tradu'cement,  s.  obloquy  ;  censure,  scandal 
Tradu'cent,  a.  traducing  ;  censuring 
Tradu'cer,  s.  a  slanderer,  a  calumniator 
Tradu'cible,  a.  such  as  may  be  derived 
Traduction,  s.  derivation ;  tradition 
Traffic,  s.  commerce,  merchandise 
Traffic,  v.  n.  to  practise  commerce,  to  trade 
Trag'acanth,  s.  a  sort  of  plant  or  gum 
Trage'dian,  s.  a  writer  or  actor  of  tragedy 
Tra'gedy,  s.  a  dramatic  representation  of  any 

serious  action  ;  any  dreadful  event 
Tia'gic,  Tra'gical,  a.  mournful,  sorrowful 
Tragicomedy,  s.    a  drama  compounded   of 

serious  and  humorous  events 
Tragicomical,  a  relating  to  tragicomedy 
Traje'd,  v.  a.  to  cast  through  ;  to  throw 
Tra'ject,  s.  a  ferry,  a  passage  over 
Trajec'tion, s.  the  act  of  darting  through 

Trail,  i\  to  draw  along  ;  to  hunt  by  track 
Trail,  s.    any  thing    drawn  behind,  or  to 

length  ;  the  track  of  a  hunter 

Train,  v.  a.  to  educate ;  entice  ;  breed  ;  draw 

Train,  s.  an  artifice;    the  tail  of  a  bird;  a 

retinue  ;  a  series ;  a  procession  ;  part  of 

a  garment  that  drags  behind  on  the  ground  ; 

a  line  of  gunpowder 

Train  of  artillery,  s.  the  cannon  and  warlike 

stores  accompanying  an  army 
Trainba'nds,  s.   the  militia ;  the  part  of  a 
community  instructed  in  martial  exercise 
Train'oil,  s.  oil  drawn  from  fat  of  whales 
Traipse,  s.  a  sluttish  woman,  a  slattern 
Trait,  s.  a  stroke,  a  touch ;  the  outline 
Trait'or,  s.  one  who  betrays  his  trust 
Trait'orly,Trait'orous,  a.  perfidious,  deceitful 
Trait'ress,  s.  a  woman  who  betrays 
Tralin'iate,  v.  n.  to  deviate,  to  turn  aside 
Tram'mel,  v.  a.  to  catch;  to  intercept 
Tram'mel,  s.  any  kind  of  net;  shackles  for 

a  horse  ;  an  iron  to  hang  pots  on 
Tram'ple,  v.  to  tread  under  foot,  &c. 
Trana'tion,  s.  the  aft  of  swimming  over 
Trance,  or  Transe,  s.  an  ecstasy  ;  a  rapture 
Tran'ced,  a.  lying  in  a  trance  or  ecstasy 
Tran'quil,  a.  quiet ;  undisturbed 
Tranquil'lity,  s.  peace  of  mind  ;  stillness 
Transa'tt,  v.  a.   to  manage,  to  conduct,  to 

negotiate,  to  perform,  to  carry  on 
Transaction,    s.    negotiation  ;    dealing  be- 
tween man  and  man  ;  affairs  in  hand 
Transce'nd,  v.  to  exceed,  to  outgo,  to  excel 
Transcend'ence,  Transcend'ency,  s.  unusual 

excellence ;  supereminence 
Transcend'ent,  a.  supremely  excellent 
Transcend'ently,  ad.  supereminently 
Transcribe,  v.  a.  to  write  from  an  exemplar 
Trans'cript,  s.  a  copy  from  an  original 
Transcur'sion,  s.  a  ramble  ;  passage  through 
Transfe'r,  v.  a.  to  make  over ;  to  convey  { 

to  move;  to  transport 
Transfiguration,  s.  change  of  form  ;  the  mi- 
raculous change  of  Christ's  appearance  on 
the  mount 
Transfig'ure,  v.  a.  to  change  the  figure 
Transfi'x,  v.  a.  to  pierce  through 
Trans'forate,  v.  a.  to  make  a  hole  through 
Transform,  v.  a.  to  metamorphose,  to  change 
Transformation,  s.  a  change  of  form,  &c. 
Transfreta'tion,  s.  a  passage  over  the  sea 
Transfu'se,  v.  a.  to  pour  into  another 
Transgre'ss,  v.  to  violate  ;  pass  over ;  offend 
Transgression,  s.  a  violation  ;  crime,  fault 
Transgres'sor,  s.  an  offender  ;  a  law-breaker 
Tran'sient,  a.  not  lasting,  momentary 
Transil'ience,  s.  a  leap  from  thing  to  thing 
Tran'sit,  s.  the  passing  of  a  planet,  &c 
Transition,  s.  a  change  ;  removal ;  passage 
Tran'sitory,  a.  passing  away  speedily 

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T  R  I 

Translate,  v.  to  remove  ;  convey  ;  interpret 
Translation,  s.  removal ;  change ;  version 
Translator,  s.  one  that  turns  any  thing  out 

of  one  language  into  another 
Translu'cency,  s.  transparency;  clearness 
Translu'cent,  Trans lu'cid,  s.  diaphanous 
Transmari'ne,  a.  lying  beyond  sea  ;  foreign 
Transme'w,  v.  a.  to  transmute,  to  change 
Transmigrate,  v.  n.  to  pass  from  one  country 

to  another  ;  to  travel 
Transmigration,  s.  passage  from  one  state, 

place,  or  body,  into  another 
Transmis'sion,  s.  the  act  of  transmitting 
Transmis'sive,  a.  transmitted;  sent 
Transmi't,  v.  a.  to  convey  ;  to  make  over  to 

another ;  to  send  from  one  place  to  another 
Transmit'tal,  s.  the  a<ft  of  transmitting 
Transmu'table,  a.  capable  of  being  changed 
Transmutation,  s.  the  changing  of  metals, 

&c.  into  another  nature  or  substance 
Transmu'te,  v.  a.  to  change  from  one  nature 

or  substance  to  another 
Tran'som,  s.  a  beam  over  a  door  or  window 
Transparency,  s.  translucence  ;  clearness 
Transparent,  a.  clear ;  pellucid  ;    pervious 

to  the  light ;  translucent;  not  opaque 
Transpic'uous,  a.  pervious  to  the  sight 
Transpie'rce,  v.  a.  to  pierce  through 
Transpi're,  v.  to  emit  in  vapour ;  to  escape 

from  secrecy  to  notice 
Transpla'ce,  v.  a.  to  remove  to  another  place 
Transplant,  v.  a.  to  plant  in  a  new  place 
Transpo'rt,  v.  a.  to  banish ;  put  into  ecstasy 
Trans'port,  s.  a  vessel  of  carriage  ;  rapture  ; 

ecstasy  ;  conveyance ;  transportation 
Transport'ance,  s.  conveyance  ;  carriage 
Transporta'tion,  s.  banishment  for  felony 
Transporter,  s.  one  that  transports 
Transpo'sal,  s.  a  misplacing,  a  changing 
Transpose,  v.  a.  to  put  out  of   place,   to 

ohange  as  to  order 
Transposi'tion,  s.  the  a£t  of  misplacing 
Transubstantiate,  v.  a.  to  change  substance 
Transubstantia'tion,  s.  change  of  substance 
Transu'de,  v.n.  to  pass  through  in  vapour,  Sec. 
Transver'sal,  a.  running  crosswise 
Trans'verse,  a.  being  in  a  cross  direction 
Trap,/,  a  snare;  ambush;  plaything;  play 
Trap,  v.  a.  to  ensnare  ;  to  catch ;  to  adorn 
Trapdoo'r,  s.  door  in  the  floor  or  roof 
Trap'pings,  s.  ornament,  dress,  finery 
Trap'stick,  s.  a  boy's  plaything;  a  small  leg 
Trash,  s.  dross ;  dress  ;  a  worthless  thing,&c. 
Trav'ail,  v.  to  toil,  to  be  in  labour,  to  harass 
Trav'ail,  s.  labour,  toil,  fatigue,  labour  in 

Trav'el,  v.  n.  to  make  journies,  travel,  go 
Trav'el,  $.  a  journey ;  labour  ;  toil 
Traveller,  s .  one  who  goes  journies 
Trav'erse,  ad.  and  prep,  athwart,  crosswise 

I  Trav'erse,  a.  lying  across,  athwart 
Trav'erse,  v.  to  sail  across,  to  wander  over,to 

use  a  posture  of  opposition  ;  to  examine 
Trav'esty,  a:  ridiculous  ;  burlesqued 
Traumat'ic,  a.  useful  to  wounds ;  vulnerary 
Tray,  s.  a  shallow  trough  of  wood 
Tray'trip,  s.  a  kind  of  play,  game,  pastime 
Treach'erous,  a.  faithless,  perfidious,  false 
Treach'ery,  s.  perfidy,  a  breach  of  faith 
Trea'cle,  1.  a  sort  of  medicine  ;  molosses 
Tread,  s.  a  step  with  the  foot ;  track,  way  . 
Tread,  v.  to  set  the  foot ;  walk  ;  cover ;  beat 
Trea'dles,  s.  pieces  of    wood  belonging  to 

looms,  &c.  moved  with  the  feet 
Trea'son,  s.  disloyalty ;  treachery,  rebellion 
Treasonable,  a.  of  the  nature  of  treason 
Trea'sure,  s.  hoarded  wealth,  riches 
Trea'sure,  v.  a.  to  board,  to  lay  up 
Treas'urer,  :.   one   who  has  charge  of  the 
money  of  a  prince,  state,  corporation,  Sec. 
Treas'ury,  t.  a  place  for  money,  &c. 
Treat,  v.  to  negotiate  ;  handle;  maintain 
Treat,  s.  an  entertainment  given  ;  pleasure 
Treat'ise,  /.  a  discourse,  a  written  discourse 
Treatment,  s.  usage,  good  or  bad 
Treat'y,  s.  a  negotiation,  contract  of  parties 
Tre'ble,  a.  three  fold...*,  a  sharp  sound 
Tree,  s.  a  large  vegetable,  arising,  with  one 

wcody  stem,  to  a  considerable  height 
Treen, ;.  trees...c.  made  of  wood 
Tre'fcil,  s.  a  three- leaved  grass  ;  clover 
Treil'lage,  s.  pales  to  support  espaliers 
Trellis,  s.  a  latticework  of  wood,  &c. 
Trem'ble,  v.  n.  to  shake,  quake,  shudder 
Tremen'dous,  a.  dreadful,  awful,  horrible 
Tre'mour,  s.  a  quivering  or  shaking  motion 
Trem'ulous,  a.  fearful,  trembling,  vibrating 
Tren,  s.  a  spear  to  strike  fish  with 
Trench,  s.  a  ditch  ;  a  defence  for  soldiers 
Trench'ant,  a.  sharp,  cutting,  keen 
Trench'er,  s.  a  wooden  platter 
Trent'als,  s.  thirty  masses  for  the  dead 
Trepa'n,  s.  a  snare ;  a  surgeon's  instrument 
Trepa'n,  v.  a.  to  cut  with  a  trepan;  to  per- 
forate; to  catch,  to  ensnare 
Tre'phine,  s.  a  small  trepan  for  one  hand 
Trep'id,  a.  fearful  ;  trembling;  quaking 
Trepida'tion,  s.  the  state  of  trembling 
Tres'pass,  /.  a  sin,  offence;  unlawful entry 
Tress'es,  s.  knots  or  curls  of  hair 
Tres'tle,  s.  a  frame  to  support  any  thing  on 
Tret,  s.  an  allowance  in  weight  for  waste 
Trev'et,/.  an  iron  with  three  legs 
Trey,  s.  the  three  at  cards  or  dice 
Tri'able,  a.  capable  of  trial  or  examination, 
Tri'ad,  s.  three  united  ;  the  number  three 
Tri'al,  s.  a  test  of  virtue  ;  examination 
Tri'angle,  Tri'gon,  s.  a  figure  of  three  angles 
I  Tvian'gular,  a.  having  three  angles 
Tribe, ;.  a  certain  generation  of  people 

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T  R  U 

Trib'let,  s.  a  tool  for  making  rings  with 
Tribula'tion,  s.  vexation,  distress 
Tribu'nal,  s.  a  court  of  justice  j  judge's  seat 
Trib'une,  s.  a  Roman  officer 
Trib'utary,  a.  paying  tribute ;  subject  unto 
Trib'ute,  s.  a  payment  made  in  acknowl- 
edgment of  dependence,  a  tax 
Trice,  s.  a  short  time,  moment,  instant 
Trick,  v.  a.  to  deceive ;  cheat ;  dress  ;  adorn 
Trick'ing,  s.  dress  ;  ornaments  ;  a  cheating 
Tric'kle,  v.  n.  to  fall  or  run  down  in  drops 
Tride,  a.  short ;  ready ;  swift ;  quick 
Tri'dent,  s.  a  three-forked  sceptre ;  a  curve 
Trieu'nial,  a.  happening  every  three  years 
Tri'fallow,i;  plough  the  land  three  times 
Tri'fle,  v.  n.  to  act  with  levity  ;  be  foolish 
Tri'fle,  s.  a  thing  of  no  moment  or  value 
T ri'fler,  s.  one  who  acts  or  talks  foolishly 
Trilling,  a.  worthless,  mean,  shuffling 
Tri'form,  a.  having  a  triple  form  or  shape, 
Trig'ger,  s.  a  catch  of  a  wheel  or  gun 
Trigonometrical,  a.  relating  or  pertaining 

to  trigonometry,  or  measuring  triangles 
Trigonom'etry,  s.  the  art  of  measuring  tri- 
angles, &c.  either  plain  or  spherical 
irilat'eral,  a.  having  three  sides 
Trill,  r.  a  quaver.-^,  n.  to  quaver, to  trickle 
Trillion,  s.  a  million  of  millions  of  millions 
Trim,  a.  nice  j  neatly  dressed  up ;  spruce 
Trim,  v.  a.  to  dress ;  shave  ;  balance,  &c. 
'Trim, s.  dress  ;  condition  ;  ornaments 
Trim'mer,  s.  a  turncoat ;  a  piece  of  wood 
Trim'ming,  s.  lace,  &c.  on  clothes 
Trine,  a.  belonging  to  the  number  three 
Trine,  j.  an  aspect  of  two  planets  distant  a 

hundred  and  twenty  degrees 
Trinity,  s.  three  persons  in  one  GOD 
rrink'et,  s .  a  toy  ;  thing  of  small  value 
Trip,  v.  to  supplant ;  err  ;  stumble  ;  detect 
Trip,  s.  a  stumble  ;  mistake  ;  short  voyage 
Tripartite,  a.  divided  into  three  parts 
Tripe,  s.  the  intestines,  the  guts 
Triph'thong,  s.  a  coalition  of  three  vowels 
Tri'ple,  a.  treble,  three  times  repeated 
Triplet,  s.  three  of  a  kind,  three  lines 
Triplicate,  a.  thrice  as  much,  trebled 
Tripli'city,  s .  trebleness,  a  threefold  state 
Trip'od,  s.  a  seat  or  stool  with  three  feet 
Trip'oly,  s-  sharp  cutting  sand  or  stone 
Trip'ping,  a.  nimble,  passing  quickly 
Trip'tote,  x.  a  noun  used  only  in  three  cases 
Tripu'diary,  a.  performed  by  dancing 
Trisec'tion,  s.  division  into  three  equal  parts 
Trist'ful,  a.  sad,  melancholy,  gloomy 
Trisyll'able,  a.  consisting  of  three  syllables 
Trite,  a.  stale,  worn  out,  common 
Tri'theism,  s .  the  worship  of  three  gods 
Trit'urable,  a.  possible  to  be  pounded,  &c 
Trituration,  s.  a  rubbing  to  powder 
Trivial,  a.  inconsiderable  ;  worthless 

Tri'umph,  s.  joy  or  pomp  for  success  ;  vitto- 

ry, conquest;  state  of  being  vi&orious 
Tri'umph,  v.   n.  to  rejoice  for  victory,  ob- 
tain victory,  celebrate  a  victory  with  pomp 
Triumph'al,  a.  used  in  celebrating  victory 
Triumphant,  a.  celebrating  victory 
Trium'vir,  s.  one  of  three  in  the  same  office 
Trium'virate,  s.  a  government  by  three  men 
Tri'une,  a.  three  joined  in  one 
Troat,  v.  n.  to  cry  like  rutting  bucks 
Tro'car,  s.  a  chirurgical  instrument 
Trochaic,  a.  consisting  of  trochees 
Troche'e,  s.  a  foot  in  Latin  poetry,  con- 
sisting of  a  long  and  short  syllable 
Tro'chings,  /.  branches  on  a  deer's  head 
Tro'chisch,  Tro'chisk,  s.  a  kind  of  lozenge 
Trod,  Trod'den,  part.  pass,  of  to  tread 
Troll,  v.  to  fish  for  pike,  barbel,  &c.  with  a 

rod  which  has  a  pulley  near  the  bottom 
Trollop,  s.  a  slattern,  a  slovenly  woman 
Troop,  s.  a  body  of  soldiers  ;  a  company 
Troop,  v.  n.  to  march  in  a-body  or  in  haste 
Troop'er,  s .  a  horse  soldier,  a  horseman 
Trope,  j.  a  figure  in  speech;  turn;  change 
Tro'phied,  a.  adorned  with  trophies 
Tro'phy,  s.  something  taken  in  battle 
Tropic,  s.  an  astronomical  line  of  the  sun. 
Tropical,  a.  figurative  ;  near  the  tropics 
Trot,  v.  n.  to  ride  in  a  trot,  to  walk  fast 
Troth,  s.  truth,  faithfulness  ;  a  petty  oath 
Troth'plight,  a.  betrothed,  espoused 
Trouble,  v.  a.  to  perplex,  to  afflict,  to  sue 
Trouble,  /.  disturbance  ;  calamity,  affliction 
Trou'blesome,  a.  vexatious,  tiresome 
Tro'ver,  s.  an  action  for  goods  found  and 

not  delivered  to  the  owner  on  demand 
Trough,  s.  any  long  thing  hollowed 
Troul,t;.  n.  to  move  or  utter  quickly 
Trounce,  v.  a.  to  punish,  beat ;  sue  ;  cheat 
Trous'ers,  s.  breeches ;  hose  ;  sailors' breeches 
Trout,  s.  a  fish  ;  an  honest  silly  fellow 
Trow,  i\  n.  to  imagine,  to  think,  to  trust 
Trow,  inter,  denoting  inquiry 
Trow'el,  s.  a  tool  used  by  bricklayers 
Troy'weight,  s.  a  weight  of  12  oz.  to  the  lb. 
Tru'ant,  s.  an  absenter  from  school,  &c. 
Tru'asit,  a.  idle,  lazy,  loitering,  careless 
Truce,  j.  a  temporary  cessation  of  war 
Trucida'tion,  s.  the  act  of  killing 
Truck,  s.  traffic  by  exchange 
Truck,  v.  a.  to  give  in  exchange 
Truc'kle,  v.  n.  to  be  in  subjection ;  to  creep 
Truc'klebed,  s.  a  bed  with  wheels  to  run  un- 
der another;  a  bed  for  children 
Truc'ulent,  a.  savage,  terrible  of  aspect 
Trudge,  v.  n.  to  jog  on  heavily,  to  labour 
True,  a.  not  false,  certain,  genuine  ;  steady 
Trueheart'ed,  a.  honest,  faithful,  just 
Fruelovekno't,  s.  a  particular  kind  of  knot 
fi-ue'penny,  s.  a  worthy  honest  fellow 

T  U  M 



Truffle,  s.  a  subterraneous  mushroom 
Trug,  s.  a  tray,  hod,  ancient  measure 
Tru'ism,  s.  an  undoubted  truth,  a  certainty 
Trull,  s.  a  vagrant  dirty  strumpet 
Tru'ly,  ad.  certainly,  exactly,  really 
Trump,  s.  a  trumpet ;  the  turn-up  card 
Trump,  v.  a.  to  win  with  a  trump,  devise 
Trum'pery,  /.  trifles,  trash ;  idle  talk 
Trmnp'et,  s.  a  kind  of  musical  instrument 
Trump'et,  v.   a.  to  sound  one's  praise,  to 

Truinp'eter,  s.  one  who  sounds  a  trumpet 
Trunc'ate,  v.  a.  to  cut  short,  to  maim 
Trun'cheon,  s.  a  staff  of  command  ;  a  cudgel 
Trun'cheon,  -v.  a,  to  beat  with  a  truncheon 
Trun'die,  v.  n.  to  roll,  to  bowl  along 
Traii'die,  s.  a  round  rolling  thing 
Trun'dletail,  s.  a  round-tailed  dog 
Trunk,  s.  the  body  of  any  thing  ;    a  sort  of 

chest ;  the  proboscis  of  an  elephant,  &c. 
Trunk'Tiose,  s.  a  kind  of  large  breeches 
Trun'nions,  s.  the  knobs  on  cannon, by  which 

they  are  supported  on  carriages 
Truss,  s.  a  bandage  for  ruptures  ;  a  bundle  of 

hay,  of  56  pounds  weight 
Truss,  v.  a.  to  pack  close  together 
Trust,  s.  confidence,  charge,  care,  credit 
Trust,  7'.  to  confide  in,  to  believe 
Truste'e,  s.  one  entrusted  with  any  thing 
Trust'y,  a.  honest,  true,  faithful,  strong 
Truth,  s.  honesty,  reality,  faithfulness 
Try,  v.  to  examine,  to  essay,  to  attempt 
Tub,  s.  a  vessel  of  wood  of  various  sizes 
Tube,  s.  a  pipe  ;  siphon ;  a  long  hollow  body 
Tu'bercle,  s.  a  small  swelling,  a  pimple 
Tu'berose, ;.  a  sweet-smelling  flower 
Tu'berous,  a.  full  of  knobs  or  swellings 
Tubular,  Tu'bulated,  Tu'bulous,  a.  long  and 

hollow,  like  a  cylinder  ;  fistular 
Tuck,  s.  a  long  narrow  sword ;  a  net 
Tuck,  v.  a.  to  lay  close  ;  to  enclose  under 
Tuck'er,  j.  a  small  piece  of  linen  that  shades 

the  breast  of  a  woman 
Tuck'et,  s.  a  voluntary  in  music 
Tues'day,  s.  the  third  day  of  the  week 
Tuft,  /.  a  cluster  of  grass,  hair,  &c. 
Tuftaf'fety,  s.  a  shaggy  kind  of  silk 
Tuft*y,  a.  adorned  with,  or  having  tufts 
Tug,  v.  to  pull  along,  to  draw  ;  to  contend 
Tug,  s.  a  pull  with  force,  a  great  effort 
Tui'tion,  s.  guardianship  ;  instruction 
Tulip,  s.  the  name  of  a  flower 
Tum'ble,  s.  a  fall,  downfal,  accident 
Tum'bler,  *■  one  who  shows  feats  of  activity 
Tum'brel, s.  a  dunghill;  a  dungcart 
Tumefac'uon,  s.  a  swelling 
Tu'mefy,  v.  <7.-t.o  swell,  to  make  to  swell 
Tu'mid,  a.  puffed  up,  swelled  ;  pompous 
Tu'rnour, ;.  morbid  swelling;   Effected  pomp 
Tu'multj  i.  a  riot,  bustle,  wild  commotion 

Tumult'uous,  a.  turbulent,  full  of  riot 
Tun,  /.  a  cask  of  four  hogsheads3  two  pipes 
Tu'nable,  a.  harmonious,  musical,  sweet 
Tun'bellied,  a.  having  a  large  belly,  fat 
Tune,  s.  harmony:  an  air  ;  order  ;  fit  temped 
Tune,  v.  a.  to  put  into  a  musical  state 
Tu'neful,  a.  musical,  harmonious,  pleasing 
Tu'ner,  ;.  one  who  tunes,  one  who  sings 
Tu'nic,  s.  a  child's  upper  garment 
Tu'nicie,  s.  a  cover,  integument,  skin 
Tun'nage,  s.  contents  of  a  vessel  measured 

by  the  tun  ;  a  duty  of  so  much  per  tun 
Tun'nel,  /.  the  shaft  of  a  chimney  ;  a  funnel 

to  bottle  liquor;  net  to  catch  partridges 
Tun'ny, ;.  the  name  of  a  sea -fish 
Tup,  s.  a  ram„.c.  n.  to  butt  like  a  ram 
Tur'ban,  /.  a  Turkish  cap  made  of  fine  liney 

wreathed  about  the  head 
Tur'bary,  s.  a  right  of  digging  turf 
Tur'bid,  a.  thick,  muddy,  not  clear 
Turbinated,  a.  twisted,  spiral 
Tur'bith,  s.  yellow  precipitate  ;  an  herb 
Tur'bot,  s.  the  name  of  a  delicate  sea-fish 
Tur'bulence,  s.  tumult,  confusion 
Turbulent,  «.  tumultuous,. violent 
Turf,  s.  a  clod  covered  with  grass 
Turfy?  a.  full  of  or  like  turfs;  green 
Tur'gent,  a.  swelling,  protuberant,  tumid 
Tur'gid,  a.  tumid,  swelled,  bloated 
Turk,  s.  a  native  or  inhabitant  of  Turkey 
Tur'key,  s.  a  large  fowl  well  known 
Tur'kois,  or  Tur'cois,  s.  a  kind  of  blue  stone 
Tur'meric,  s.  an  Indian  root  which  makes  s 

yellow  die 
Tur'moil,  v.  a.  to  labour  hard,  toll,  weary 
Turn,  v.  to  transform,  to  change,  to  alter 
Turn,  1.  the  act  of  moving  about,  change 
Turn'coat,i.  a  renegade,  an  apostate 
Turn'er,  s.  one  who  turns  in  a  lathe 
Turn'ing,  s.  a  winding,  bending,  curling 
Tur'nip,  f..a  well-known  esculent  root 
Turn'pike,  s.  a  toll-gate  on  a  road 
Turn'spit,  s.  one  who  turns  a  spit,  a  dog 
Turn'stile,  s.  a  kind  of  whirling  stiie 
Turpentine,  s.  a  gum  from  the  pine,  &c. 
Tur'pitude,  /.  inherent  vileness,  badness 
Tur'ret,  s.  a  small  tower  or  eminence 
Tur'tle,  s.  the  turtle-dove  ;  a  tortoise 
Tur'tle-dove,  s .  a  species  of  dove  or  pigeon 
Tush,  Tut,  inter,  expressing  contempt 
Tusk,  s.  a  fish ;  fang,  very  large  tooth 
Tu'telage,  s.  guardianship,  protection,  care 
Tu'telar,  Tutelary,  a.  guarding,  protecting, 

defensive,  having  guardianship 
Tu'tor,  /.  one  who  instructs,  a  preceptor 
Tu'torage, :.  the  office  of  a  tutor,  education 
Tu'toress,  r.  a  governess,  an  instructress 
Tut'ty,  -••   a  recrement  of  lapis  calarainaris 

which  sublimes  to  the  top  of  the  furnace 

in  the  manufacturing  of  brass 

V  A  L 



Tuz,  or  TuzZj  /.  a  lock  or  tuft  of  hair 
Twain,  a.  two,  in  two,  asunder 
Twang,  /.  a  sharp  quick  sound,  an  accent 
Twang,  v.  n.  to  make  to  sound  sharply 
Twat'tle,  v.  n.  to  prate,  to  gabble,  to  chatter 
Tweak,  v.  a.  to  pinch,  to  squeeze 
Twee'dle,  v.  a.  to  handle  lightly  or  softly 
Twee'zers,  /.  nippers,  small  pincers 
Twelfth,  a.  the  second  after  the  tenth 
Twelfth'tide,  /.  the  Epiphany  or  twelfth  day 
Twelve,  a.  two  and  ten,  twice  six 
Twelve'month,  /.  a  year  of  solar  months 
Twen'ty,  a.  twice  ten,  a  proverbial  number 
Twi'bill,  s.  a  halbert ;  a  pavior's  tool 
Twice,  ad.  two  times,  doubly 
Twid'dle,  v.  a.  to  touch  lightly 
Twig,  /.  a  small  branch,  switch,  sprout 
Twi'iight,  /.  the  dubious  or  faint  light  before 

sun-rise,  and  after  sun-set 
Twi'iight,  a.  deeply  shaded  ;  obscure 
Twin,  /.  one  of  two  produced  together 
Twin'born,  a.  born  at  the  same  birth 
Twine,  v.  to  twist,  wrap  about,  wind 
Twine,  /.  a  twist,  twisted  thread,  embrace 
Twinge,  v.  a.  to  pinch,  tweak,  torment 
Twin'kle,  v.  n.  to  open  and  shut  the  eye 
Twink'ling,  s.  a  motion  of  the  eye  ;  a  light 

that  seems  every  momentTn  and  out 
Twjn'iing,  s.  the  name  of  a  twin -lamb 

Twirl,  v.  a.  to  turn  round  quick 
Twirl,  /.  a  circular  motion,  rotation,  twist 
Twist,  v.  a.  to  form  by  complication 
Twist,  /.  a  thread  made  by  winding  two  to- 
gether; a  single  string  of  cord;  twitch  ;  twig 
Twit,  v.  a.  to  reproach,  to  upbraid,  to  sneer 
Twitch,  v.  a.  to  snatch,  to  pluck  forcibly 
Twit'ter,  v.  n.  to  make  a  noise  like  swallows 
Twit'ter,  /.  a  disorder  of  passion,  laughter 
Two'fold,  a.  <ioub\  doubly,  twice 
Two'handed,  a.  big,  bulky,  enormous 
Two'pence,  /.  a  penny  twice  told,  small  Coin 
Tym'bal,  /.  a  kind  of  kettle-drum 
Tym'pan,/.  a  printer's  frame;  a  pannel 
Tym'panum,  /.  a  drum ;  part  of  the  ear 
Tym'pany,  s.  a  dry  windy  dropsy 
Type,  /.  an  emblem  ;  printing  letter,  stamg 
Typ'ical,  a.  emblematical,  figurative 
Typ'ically,  ad.  in  a  figurative  manner 
Typog'rapher,  /.  a  printer,  one  who  prints    , 
Typographical,  a.  belonging  to  printing 
Typography,  s.  the  art  of  printing 
Tyran'nic,  Tyran'nica!,<z.  like  a  tyrant 
Tyran'nicide,  s.  the  aft  of  killing  a  tyrant 
Ty'rannise,  v.  n.  to  play  or  aft  the  tyrant 
Tyr'annpus,  a.  arbitrary,  cruel,  despotic 
Tyr'anny,  s.  cruel  government;  severity 
Ty'rant,  s.  a  cruel  despotic  ruler  or  master 
Ty'ro,  s.  a  beginner;  student ;  novice 


VA'CANCY,  s.  a  vacuity ;  relaxation 
Va'cant,  a.  empty,  free,  disengaged 
Va'cate,  v.  a.  to  annul,  to  make  vacant 
Vaca'tion,  s.  leisure,  intermission,  a  recess 
Vacua'tion,  s.  an  emptying,  an  evacuation 
Vacu'ity, .;.  an  emptiness,  space  unfilled 
Vac'uum,  s.  space  unoccupied  by  matter 
Va'de-me'cum,  s.  the  title  of  a  little  book 
Vag'abond,  s.  a  vagrant,  a  wanderer 
Vaga'ry,  s.  a  wild  sudden  frolic,  a  freak 
Va'grant,  j.  an  idle  strolling  person 
Va'grant,  a.  wandering,  unsettled,  vagabond 
Vague,  a.  wandering,  unmeaning,  unsettled 
Vail,  s.  a  covering  ;  a  perquisite 
Vail ,  v.  to  cover ;  to  let  fall ;  to  yield 
Vain,  a.  fruitless  ;  meanly  proud  ;  idle 
Vainglo'rious,  a.  vain  without  merit 
Vainglo'ry,  s.  empty  pride,  vanity,  folly 
Vain'ly,  ad.  without  effect ;  foolishly 
Val'ance,  s.  the  hanging  of  a  bed  tester 
Vale,  s.  a  valley  ;  money  given  to  servants 
Val'entine,  s.  a  choice  on  Valentine's  day 
rsle'rian, ;,  the  name  of  a  plant 

Val'et,  s.  a  waiting  servant,  a  footman 
Valetudinarian,/,  a  weak  sickly  person 
Val'iant,  a.  brave,  stout,  courageous,  bold 
Val'iantly,  ad.  with  personal  strength 
Val'id,  a.  conclusive,  prevalent,  efficacious- 
Validity,  s.  certainty;  value;  force 
Val'ley,  s.  a  low  ground  between  two  hills 
Val'our,  s.  personal  bravery,  prowess 
Val'orous,  a.  brave,  stout,  valiant,  heroic 
Val'uable,  a.  piecious,  worthy  of  value 
Valuation,  s.  an  estimate  of  the  value  of  a 

thing;  appraisement;  a  set  value 
Val'ue,  s.  a  price,  worth,  rate,  high  rate 
Val'ue,  v.  a.  to  fix  a  price,  to  appraise 
Valve,  s.    any  thing   that   opens  over    the 

mouth  of  a  tube,  &c.  a  folding  door 
Vamp,  /.the  upper  leather  of  a  shoes  &c. 
Vamp,  v.  a.  to  mend  old  things,  to  piece 
Van,  /.  the  front  line  of  an  army  ;  a  fan 
Van,  v.  a.  to  winnow,  to  fan,  to  sift,  to  clean 
Vane,  /.  a  plate  turned  with  the  wind 
Van'guard,  /.  the  first  line  of  an  army 
Vanil'Ia,  u  the  name  of  a  plant  and.  nut 

V  E   I 


V  E   R 

Van'ish,  v.  n.  to  disappear,  to  pass  away 
Van'ity,  s.  emptiness  ;  arrogance  ;  falsehood 
Vanquish,  v.  a.  to  conquer,  to  subdue 
Vanquisher,  s .  a  conqueror,  a  subduer 
Van'tage,  s.  gain,  profit,  superiority,  parti- 
cular convenience,  opportunity,  &x. 
Vant'brass,  s.  armour  for  the  arms 
Vap'id,  a.  spiritless,  dead,  flat,  palled 
Va'porous,  a.  full  of  vapours,  windy,  fumy 
Va'pour,  i.  fume,  spleen,  wind,  steam 
Va'pours,  s.  hysteric  fits,  fits,  whims 
Va'riable,  a.  changeable,  inconstant,  fickle 
Va'riably,  ad.  inconstantly,  changeably 
Va'riance,  s.  disagreement,  dissention 
Variation,  x.  a  change,  difference,  deviation 
Va'riegate,  v.  a.  to  diversify  with  colours 
Variega'tion,  s.  a  diversity  of  colours 
Vari'ety,  s.  an  intermixture  ;  change 
Va'rious,  a.  different,  manifold,  changeable 
Var'let,  s.  a  rascal,  anciently  a  footman 
Var'nish,  s.  a  shining  liquid  substance 
Var'nish,  v.  a.  to  set  a  gloss ;  to  palliate 
Va'ry,  v.  to  diversify,  to  deviate,  to  change 
Va'ry,  /.  change,  alteration,  deviation 
Vas'cular,  a.  consisting  of  vessels 
Vase,  s.  a  vessel  with  a  foot ;  an  ornament 
Vas'sal,  s.  a  subject,  dependant,  slave 
Vas'salage,  s.  the  state  of  a  vassal,  slavery 
Vast,  or  Vast'y,  a.  very  great,  enormous 
Vast,  s.  an  empty  waste,  an  empty  space 
Vast'ly,  ad.  to  a  great  degree,  greatly 
Vat,  s.  a  brewer's  working  tub,  a  fat 
Vat'icide,  s.  a  murderer  of  poets 
Vati'cinate,  v.  n.  to  prophesy,  to  foretel 
Vav'asour,  s.  a  lord  next  in  rank  to  a  baron 
Vault,  s.  a  cellar  ;  an  arch  ;  a  cave  ;  a  grave 
Vault,  -v.  to  leap,  to  jump,  to  tumble  ;  to  arch 
Vault'age,  s.  an  arched  cellar,  &c. 
Vault'ed,  Vault'y,  a.  arched,  like  an  arch 
Vaun'mure,  /.  a  false  wall,  breastwork 
Vaunt,  v.  to  boast,  to  brag,  to  talk  largely 
Vaunt,  s.  a  boast,  vain  ostentation 
Ubica'tion,  Ubi'ety,  s.  a  relation  to  place 
Ubi'quity,  s.  omnipresence  ;   a  being  in  all 

Ud'der,  s.  the  dugs  of  a  cow 
Veal,  s.  the  flesh  of  a  calf  killed 
Vec'ture,  s.  carriage,  conveyance,  removal 
Veer,  v.  to  turn  about,  to  turn,  to  change 
Ve'getable,  s.  all  sorts  of  plants 
Ve'getate,i;.  n.  to  grow  as  plants 
Vegeta'tion,  /.  growing  like  plants 
Ve'getative,  a.  growing  without  life 
Ve'hemence,  s.  violence,  eagerness,  ardour 
Ve'hement,  a.  forcible,  eager,  earnest 
Ve'hicle,  s.  a  carriage,  a  conveyance 
Veil,  v.  a.  to  cover,  invest,  hide,  conceal 
Veil,  s.  a  cover  to  conceal  the  face  ;  disguise 
Vein,  s.  a  tube  in  the  flesh ;  course  of  metal 
in  mines  ;  current }  turn  of  mind 
U  z 

Vtlle'ity,  s.  the  lowest  degree  of  desire 
Vel'licate,  v.  a.  to  twitch,  pluck,  stimulate 
Vellica'tion,  s.  a  twitching  or  stimulating 
Vel'lum,/.  a  fine  kind  of  parchment 
Velo'city,  i.  speed,  swiftness  of  motion 
Vel'vet,  s.  a  silk  with  a  fur  or  pile  upon  it 
Vel'vet,  a.  made  of  velvet,  soft,  delicate 
Ve'nal,  a.  mercenary,  base  ;  in  the  veins 
Venal'ity,  s.  sordidness,  prostitution 
Venat'ic,  a.  relating  to  hunting  or  chasing 
Vend,  v.  a.  to  sell;  to  set,  or  offer  to  sale 
Veude'e, ;.  one  to  whom  any  thing  is  sold 
Vend'er,  s.  one  who  sells  or  puts  off  goods 
Vend'ible,  a.  saleable,  that  may  be  sold 
Vendition,  s.  a  sale,  the  act  of  selling 
Vene'er,  v-  a.  to  cover  with  thin  wood,  &c. 
Venefi'cial,  a.  poisonous  ;  bewitching 
Ven'emous,  a.  poisonous  ;  malignant 
Vene'nate,  v.  a.  to  poison,  to  kill  by  poisoft 
Ven'erable,  a.  worthy  of  reverence 
Ven'erate,  v.  a.  to  treat  with  veneration 
Venera'tion,  s.  a  reverend  or  awful  regard 
Vene'real,  a.  relating  to  love,  &c. 
Ven'ery,  s.  the  sport  of  hunting  ;  the  plea- 
sures of  the  bed 
Venesec'tion,  /.  blood-letting,  a  bleeding 
Ve'ney,  s.  about,  turn,  push,  thrust 
Venge,  v.  a.  to  avenge,  punish,  chastise 
Venge'ance,  s.  punishment,  revenge 
Venge'ful,  a.  vindictive,  revengeful,  spiteuil 
Ve'niable,  Ve'nial,  a.  pardonable,  allowed 
Ven'ison,  s.  a  beast  of  chase  ;  flesh  of  detr 
Ven'om,  s.  poison,  poisonous  matter 
Ven'omous.     See  Ven'emous 
Vent, s.  a  hole;  passage;    sale;  discharge 
Vent,  r.  a.  to  publish,  sell,  emit,  let  off 
Ven'tiduct,  s.  a  passage  for  the  wind 
Ven'tilate,  v.  a.  to  fan;  examine,  discuss 
Ventilation,  s.  the  act  of  fanning  or  cu^[  . 

ing  ;  vent,  utterance,  refrigeration 
Ventila'tor,  s.  an  engine  to  supply  air  with 
Ven'tricle,  s.  the  stomach  ;  any  small  cavity 

in  an  animal  body,  or  of  the  heart 
Ventril'oquist,  s.  one  who  speaks  so,  as  that 

the  sound  seems  to  issue  from  his  belly 
Ven'ture,  ?>.to  dare,  expose,  send  on  a  venture 
Ven'ture,  /.  a  hazard,  hap,  chance 
Ven'turesome,  Ven'turous,  a.  daring,  bold 
Vera'city,  s.  honesty  of  report,  truth 
Verb,  s.  one  of  the  parts  of  speech,  whicii 

signifies  doing,  suffering,  or  being 
Ver'bal,  a.  spoken,  oral ;  verbose  ;  literal 
Verba'tim,  ad.  word  for  word,  literally 
Ver'berate,  v.  a.  to  beat,  strike,  chastise 
Verbera'tion,  s.  the  act  of  beating,  blows- 
Verbo'se,#.  prolix,  tedious 
Ver'dant,  a.  green  ;  flourishing  ;  beautiful 
Ver'derer,  or  Ver'deror,  s.  a  forest  officer 
Ver'dict,  s.  a  determination  by  a  jury,  &ei 
Ver'digrease,  s.  the  green  rust  of  brass. 

V  E  S 


V  I  L 

Ver'diture,  s.  a  kind  of  pale-green  colour 
Ver'dure,  s.  a  green  colour,  greenness 
Verge,  s.  a  rod ;  a  dean's  mace  ;  brink 
Verge,  v.  n.  to  bend  downwards,  to  tend 
Ver'ger,  s.  a  mace  bearer  in  cathedrals,  &c. 
Ver'ify,  v.  a.  to  justify,  confirm,  prove  true 
Ver'ily,  ad.  in  truth,  certainly,  really 
Verisimilar,  a.  likely,  probable 
Ver'itable,  a.  agreeable  to  fact,  true 
Ver'ity,  s.  truth,  certainty,  a  true  assertion 
Ver'juice,  s.  the  liquor  of  crab  apples 
Vermicel'li,  s.  a  psste  spun  like  threads 
Vermic'ular,  a.  acting  like  a  worm  ;  spiral 
Vermic'ulate,  v.  a.  to  inlay  wood,  &c. 
Ver'micule,  s.  a  little  grub  or  worm 
Vermic'ulous,  a.  full  of  worms  or  grubs 
Vermil'ion,  s.  a  beautiful  red  colour 
Vermina'tion,  s.  a  breeding  vermine 
Ver'mine,  s.  any  noxious  animal 
Vernac'ular,  a.  of  one's  own  country 
Ver'nal,  a.  belonging  to  the  spring 
Vernil'ity,  s.  servile  behaviour,  meanness 
Ver'satile,  a.  turning  round,  variable 
Versatility,  s.  the  quality  of  being  versatile 
Verse,  s.  a  piece  of  poetry ;  lays ;  paragraph 
Ver'sed,  a.  skilled,  well  practised 
Versifica'tion,  s.  the  art  of  making  verses 
Ver'sifier,  s.  a  maker  of  verses 
Ver'sify,  v.  to  make  or  relate  in  verse 
Ver'sion,  s,  the  act  of  translating,  translation 
Vert,  s.  every  green  tree  in  a  forest 
Ver'tebral,  a.  relating  to  the  back-bone 
Ver'tebre, ;.  a  joint  in  the  back-bone 
Ver'tex,  s.  the  zenith ;  the  point  over  head  ; 

the  summit,  or  upper  part  of  any  thing 
Ver'tible,  a.  capable  of  being  turned 
Ver'tical,  a.  relating  to  the  vertex 
Verti'city,  s.  the  aft  of  turning  about 
Vertiginous,  a.  turning  round,  giddy 
Verti'go,  s.  a  giddiness ;  a  whirling  motidn 
Ver'vain, ;.  the  name  of  a  plant 
Ver'vel,  s.  a  label  tied  to  a  hawk 
Ver'y,  a.  real,  true....i^.  in  a  great  degree 
Ves'icate,  v.  a.  to  blister ;  to  puff  up,  to  swell 
Ves'icatory,  s.  a  blistering  medicine 
Ves'icle,  s.  a  small  cuticle  inflated  ;  blister 
Ves'per,  s.  the  evening  star;  the  evening 
Ves'pers,  s.  evening  service,  or  prayers 
Ves'sel,  /.  any  utensil  made  to  contain  li- 
quors ;  a  ship,  bark,  &c. ;  a  pipe  for  the 
blood  or  humours  in  any  animal  body 
Vest,  s.  an  outer  garment,  a  kind  of  coat 
Vest,  v.  a.  to  dress,  deck,  invest,  admit 
Ves'tal,  s.  a  pure  virgin,  a  sacred  virgin 
Ves'tal,  a.  denoting  pure  virginity 
Vest'ibule,  s.  the  entrance  of  a  house 
Ves'tige,  s.  a  footstep,  trace,  mark,  sign 
'Vestment,  s.  a  garment,  part  of  dress 
y  Vest'ry,  s.  a  room  adjoining  to  a  church  ; 
people  legally  assembled  in  it :  meeting 

Vest'ure,  s.  a  garment,  habit,  dress 
Vetch,  s.  a  leguminous  plant ;  a  kind  of  pea 
Vet'eran,  s.  old  soldier ;  man  long  practised 
Veterinarian,  s.  one  skilled  in  the  disease* 

of  cattle 
Vex,  v.  a  to  plague,  to  disquiet,  to  torment 
Vexa'tion,  s.  the  act  or  cause  of  plaguing 
Vexa'tious,  a.  afflictive,  troublesome 
Ugliness,  s-  deformity,  moral  depravity 
Ug'ly,  a.  deformed,  offensive  to  the  sight 
Vi'al,  s-  a  small  bottle...t;.  a.  to  bottle  up 
Vi'and,  s.  meat  dressed,  meat,  food 
Viat'ic,  a.  relating  to  a  journey 
Viat'icum,  s.  provision  for  a  journey ;  a  rite 
Vi'brate,  v.  to  brandish,  move  to  and  fro 
Vibra'tion,  s.  a  moving  with  quick  return 
Vic'ar,  s.  a  minister  of  a  parish  where  the 

tithes  are  impropriated  ;  a  substitute 
Vic'arage,  s.  the  benefice  of  a  vicar 
Vica'rial,  a.  pertaining  or  relating  to  a  vicar 
Vice,  s.  wickedness,  offence;  an  iron  press 
Vice,  in  composition,  signifies  second  in  rank 
Vice-ad'miral,  s.  the  second  in  command 
Vice-a'gent,  s.  one  who  acts  for  another 
Vicege'rency,  s.  the  office  of  a  vicegerent 
Vicegerent,  s.  one  who  is  entrusted  with  the 

power  of  the  superior  ;  a  lieutenant 
Vicechan'cellor,  s.  a  second  magistrate  in  the 

universities  of  Oxford  and  Cambridge 
Vic'eroy,  s.    one  who   governs   a  tributary 
kingdom  with  regal  authority,  and  is  ac- 
countable only  to  the  king  his  master 
Vici'nal,  Vici'ne,  a.  near,  adjoining  to 
Vicin'ity,  s.  neighbourhood,  nearness 
Vi'cious,  a.  addicted  to  vice,  wicked,  base 
Vicis'situde,  s.  change,  revolution 
Vic'tim,  s.  a  sacrifice ;  something  destroyed 
Vic'tor,  s.  a  conqueror,  a  vanquisher  , 
Victorious,  a.  conquering,  vanquishing,  hav- 
ing obtained  conquest 
Victoriously,  ad.  triumphantly,  victoriously 
Vic'tory,  s.  conquest,  success,  triumph 
Vict'uals,;.  provision  of  food,  meat,  stores 
Vict'ual,  v.  a.  to  provide  with  food 
Victualler,  s  a  provider  of  victuals,  &c. 
Videl'icet,  ad.  to  wit;    that  is;   generally 

written,  vise. 
Vie,  v.  n.  to  contend,  contest,  strive  with 
View,  v.  a.  to  survey,  to  examine,  to  see 
View,  s.  a  prospect,  sight,  show,  survey 
Vi'gil,  s.  the  eve  of  a  holiday;  watch 
Vi'gilance,  Vi'gilancy,  s.  watchfulness 
Vi'gilant,  a.  watchful,  circumspect,  diligent 
Vig'orous,tf.  full  of  strength  and  life 
Vig'our,  s.  force,  strength, energy,  efficacy 
Vile,  a.  sordid,  wicked,  worthless,  mean 
Vi'lely,  ad.  shamefully,  meanly,  basely 
Vil'ify,  v.  a.  to  debase,  to  defame,  to  abuse 
Vill,  or  Vill'a,  s.  a  country  seat,  a  village 
Vill'age,  f .  a  small  collection  of  houses 



Vill'ager,  s.  an  inhabitant  of  a  village 
Villain,  s.  a  wicked  wretch  ;  a  servant 
Villanous,  s.  base,  vile,  wicked,  sorry 
Vil'lanously,  ad.  wickedly,  basely 
Villany,  s.  wickedness,  baseness,  a  crime 
Villous,  a.  shaggy,  rough,  hairy 
Vimin'eous,  a.  made  of,  or  like  twigs 
Vin'cible,  a.  conquerable,  tameable 
Vindicate,  v.  a.  to  justify,  to  revenge,  clear 
Vindication,  r.  a  defence,  justification 
Vindicative,  a.  revengeful,  malicious 
Vindictive,  a.  revengeful,  given  to  revenge 
Vine,  i.  the  name  of  a  tree  bearing  grapes 
Vin'egar,  s.  any  real  or  metaphorical  sour 
Vine'yard,  s-  a  ground  planted  with  vines 
Vi'nous,  a.  having  the  quality  of  wine 
Vin'tage,  s.  the  time  of  making  wine 
Vintager,  s.  one  who  gathers  the  vintage 
Vint'ner, ;.  one  who  sells  wine,  &c. 
Vin'try,  s.  the  place  for  selling  wine 
Vi'ol,  j.  a  stringed  musical  instrument 
Vi'olable,  a.  that  may  be  violated  or  hurt 
Viola'ceous,  a.  resembling  or  like  violets 
Vi'olate,  v.  a.  to  injure,  to  infringe,  ravish 
Violation,  s.  infringement  ;  a  devouring 
Vi'olence,  s.  force,  outrage,  injury 
Vi'olent,  a.  forcible,  extorted,  outrageous 
Vi'olet,  s.  the  name  of  a  sweet  flower 
Violi'n,  s.  a  fiddle,  a  musical  instrument 
Vi'olist,  /.  a  player  on  the  viol  or  violin 
Violoncello,  s.  a  musical  instrument 
Vi'per,  s.  a  serpent ;  a  mischievous  person 
Vira'go,  i.  a  bold,  resolute  woman 
Vi'rent,  a.  green  ;  not  faded,  unfaded 
Virge,  s.  a  dean's  mace,  mace,  rod 
Vir'gin,  s.  a  maid,  a  woman  not  a  mother 
Vir'gin,  a.  befitting  a  virgin  ;  maidenly 
Vir'ginal,  s.  a  stringed  musical  instrument 
Vir'ginal,  a.  maidenly,  pertaining  to  a  maiden 
Virginity,  s.  maidenhood,  purity 
Vi'rile,  a.  manly,  bold,  courageous 
Virility,  j.  character  of  manhood  j  the  pow- 
er of  procreating  the  species 
Virtual,  a.  effectual ;  powerful  ;  prevalent 
Virtually,  ad.  effectually,  not  formally 
Vir'tuate,  v.  a.  to  make  efficacious 
Virtue,  s.  moral  goodness,  valour,  efficacy 
Virtuo'so,  s.  one  skilled  in  curiosities,  &c. 
Vir'tuous,  a.  morally  good,  efficacious,  de- 
vout ;  having  medicinal  qualities 
Vir'uience,  s.  poison,  venom,  malignity,  ac- 
rimony of  temper,  bitterness 
Vir'ulent,  a.  malignant,  poisonous,venomous 
Vitus,  s.  stinking  matter  from  ulcers 
Vis'age,  s.  the  face,  countenance,  look 
Vis'cerate,  v.  a.  to  take  out  the  bowels 
Wscount,  s.  degree  of  nobility  next  an  earl 
Viscount'ess,  s.  the  lady  of  a  viscount 
Vis'cous,  a.  clammy,  glutinous,  ropy,  sticky 
Visibility,  Vis'ibleaess, ;.  a  visible  state 

Visible,  a.  apparent,  open,  conspicuous 
Vis'ibly,  ad.  openly,  conspicuously,  clearly 
Vi'sion,  s.  sight,  a  dream,  a  phantom 
Vi'sionary,  a.  imaginary,  seen  in  a  dream 
Vi'sionary,  s.  one  disturbed  in  thought 
Visit,  i.  the  adt  of  going  to  see  another 
Visitant,  /.  one  who  visits  another 
Visitation,  s.  a  judicial  visit  ;  the  act  of  vis- 
iting ;  a  judgment  from  heaven 
Visiter,  s.   one  who  visits  a  neighbour  or 

friend;  an  occasional  judge 
Vi'sne,  s.  a  kind  of  brandy  or  wine 
Vis'or,  s.  mask,  disguise,  concealment 
Vista,  or  Visto,  s.  a  long  view  or  prospect 

between  two  rows  of  trees  ;  an  avenue 
Vis'ual,  a.  used  in  sight,  exercising  sight 
Vital,  a.  necessary  to  life,  essential 
Vitality,  s.  the  power  of  subsisting  in  life 
Vitals,  s.  parts  essential  to  life  ;  essence 
Vi'tiate,  v.  a.  to  deprive  ;  spoil,  corrupt 
Vitiation,  s.  depravation,  corruption 
Vitious,  a.  corrupt,  wicked,  depraved 
Vit'reous,  a.  glassy,  resembling  glass 
j  j  Vit'rify,  v.  to  change  into  or  become  glass 
Vit'riol,  s.  a  kind  of  mineral  salt 
Vittiolate,  a.  impregnated  with  vitriol 
Vitriolic,  a.  containing  or  resembling  vitriol 
Vitu'perate,  v.  a.  to  censure,  to  bl2me 
Viva'cious,  a.  sprightly,  gay,  active 
Viva'city,  s.  sprightliness,  liveliness 
Vi'vency,  s.  manner  of  supporting  life 
Vives,  j.  a  distemper  among  horses 
Vivid,  a.  quick,  active,  lively,  sprightly 
Viviflc,  a.  giving  life,  making  alive 
Vivify,  v.  a.  to  make  alive,  to  animate 
Vivip'arous,  a.  bringing  the  young  alive 
Vix'en,  s.  a  she  fox  ;  a  scolding  woman 
Viz,  ad.  to  wit,  that  is.     See  Videlicet 
Viz'ard,  s.  a  mask  to  cover  the  face 
Vizier,  s.  the  Ottoman  prime  minister 
Ul'cer,  /.  a  dangerous  running  sore 
Ulcera'tion,  s.  a  breaking  into  sores 
Ul'cerous,  a.  afflicted  with  sores 
Ul'cered,  a.  grown  to  be  an  ulcer 
Uli'ginous,  a.  slimy,  muddy,  fenny 
Ultimate,  a.  the  very  last,  final,  ending 
I    Ultimately,  ad.  in  the  last  consequence 
I  Ultirna'tum,  s.  the  final  resolution 
Ultramari'ne,  /.  a  very  fine  blue 
Ultramari'ne,  a.  foreign,  beyond  the  sea 
Um'ber,  s.  a  yellow  colour  ;  a  fish 
UnVbles,  s.  the  entrails  of  a  deer 
Um'bo,  /.  the  point  or  top  of  a  buckle? 
UnVbrage,  s.  shadow  ;  offence,  resentment 
Umbra'geous,  Umbro'se,  a.  shady 
Umbrella,  s.  a  cover  from  the  sun  or  rain 
Um'pire,  s.  one  who  decides  disputes 
Unaba'sed,  a.  not  humbled,  not  abased 
Unbash'ed,  a.  not  ashamed,  undaunted 
Una'ble,  a.  not  able,  weak,  impotent 


U  N  C 

Unabolished,  a.  remaining  still  in  force 
Unacceptable,  a.   disagreeable,  unpleasing 
Unaccepted,  a.  not  accepted,  not  received 
Unaccom'panied,  a.  not  attended,  alone 
Unaccomplished,  a.  unfinished  ;  awkward 
Unaccount'able,  a.  not  to  be  accounted  for, 
not  subject,  not  controlled,  not  explicable 
Unaccountably,  ad.  strangely,  oddly 
Unac'curate,  a.  not  exact,  incorrect 
Unaccus'tomed,  a    new,  not  usual,  strange 
Unacquaint'ed,  a.  not  known,  unusual 
Unadmi'red,  a.  not  regarded  with  honour 
Unado'red,  a.  not  worshipped  ;  neglected 
Unadvi'sed,  a.  indiscreet,  imprudent 
Unaffable,  a.  haughty,  proud,  unsociable 
Unaffect'ed,  a.  not  moved,  open,  real 
Unaid'ed,  a.  not  assisted,  not  helped 
Unalienable,  a.  that  cannot  be  alienated 
Unalli'ed,  a.  having  no  powerful  relation 
Unalterable,  a.  that  cannot  be  altered 
Unamu'sing,  a.  unpleasing  ;  uninstructive 
Unanim'ity,  s.  agreement  in  mind,  ccc. 
Unan'imous,  a.  being  of  one  mind 
Unanswerable,  a.  not  to  be  refuted 
Unappai'led,  a.  not  daunted,  not  dismayed 
Unappeas'able,  a.  not  to  be  pacified 
Una'ptjrt.  dull,  unfit,  improper,  not  qualified  | 
Unar'gued,  a.  not  disputed,  not  censured 
Unarm'ed,  a.  having  no  armour,  or  weapons 
Unart'ful,  a.  wanting  skill  or  cunning 
Unask'ed,  a.  not  asked,  not  desired 
Unaspiring,  a.  not  ambitious,  humble 
Unassailable,  a.  not  to  be  assaulted 
Unassist'ed,  a.  not  assisted,  not  helped 
Unattainable,  a.  not  to  be  gained  or  attained 
Unattempt'ed,  a.  untried,  not  assayed 
Unattended,  a.  having  no  retinue,  alone 
Unavailable,  Unavailing,  a.  useless,  vain 
Unavoidable,  a.  inevitable, not  to  be  shunned 
Unauthorised,  a.  without  authority 
Unawa're,  or  Unawa'res ,  ad.  suddenly 
Unaw'ed,  a.  having  no  fear  or  dread 
Unba'r,  v.  a.  to  unbolt,  to  remove  a  bar 
Unbar'bed,  a.  unshaved,  bare  ;  relieved 
Unbat'tered,  a.  not  injured  by  blows 
Unbeat'en,  a.  not  trodden,  not  beaten 
Unbecoming,  a.  indecent,  unsuitable 
T!.<befit'ting,  a.  unbecoming,  unsuitable 
Unbegot'ten,  a.  not  generated,  eternal 
Unbelie'f,  s.  infidelity,  incredulity,  irreligion 
Unbeliev'er,  s.  an  infidel,  a  wicked  person 
Unben'eficed,  a.  not  enjoying  a  benefice 
Unbenev'olent,  a.  not  kind,  unmerciful 
Unbeni'gn,  a.  malevolent,  malignant 
Unbe'nt,  a.  relaxed,  unslnunk,  unsubdued 
Unbeseem'ing,  a.  unbecoming,  unfit 
Unbewail'ed,  a.  not  lamented 
Unbi'as,  v.  a.  to  remove  prejudice 
Unbld'den,  a.  uninvited,  not  bidden 
Unbig'otted,«.  free  from  bigotry 

Unbi'nd,  v.  a.  to  loose,  untie,  separate 
Unbla'meable,  a.  not  blameable,  innocent 
Unblem'ished,  a.  free  from  blemish,  &c. 
Unble'st,  a.  wretched,  unhappy,  accurst 
Unblo'wn,  a.  not  yet  blown,  unopened 
Unbod'ied,  a.  freed  from  the  body,incorporeal 
Unbo'lt,  v.  a.  to  open  or  remove  bolts 
Unbolt'ed,  a.  coarse,  ndt  refined,  or  sifted 
Unbon'neted,  a.  having  no  hat  or  bonnet 
Unborn,  a.  not  yet  brought  into  life 
Unborrowed,  a.  not  borrowed,  genuine 
Unbos'om,  v.  a.  to  reveal  in  confidence 
Unbo'ught,  a.  obtained  without  money 
Unbo'und,  a.  wanting  a  cover  ;  not  bound 
Unbounded,  a.  unlimited,  unrestrained 
Unbra'ce,  v  a.  to  loose,  relax,  unfold 
Unbre'd,  a.  not  taught,  ill-educated 
Unbri'dled,  a.  not  restrained,  licentious 
Unbro'ke,  a.  not  tamed  or  subdued 
'Unbroth'erly,  a.  not  like  a  brother 
Unbuc'kle,  v.  a.  to  loose  a  buckle 
Unbui'ld,  v.  a.  to  raze,  destroy,  pull  down 
Unbui'lt,  a.  not  yet  erected,  unfinished 
Uubur'ied,^.  not  put  into  a  grave,not  interred 
Unbu'rnt,  a.  not  consumed  by  fire 
Unbur'then,  v.  a.  to  rid  of  a  load,  throw  off 
Unbut'ton,  v.  a.  to  loose  any  thing  buttoned* 
Uncanon'kal,  a.  not  canonical 
Unca'se,  -v.  a.  to  uncover  ;  take  out ;  flay 
Unca'ught,a.  not  yet  catched,  not  taken 
Uncer'tain,  a.  not  certain,  doubtful 
Uncertainty,  s.  dubiousness,  contingency 
Uncha'in,  v.  a.  to  free  from  chains 
Unchangeable,  a.  not  to  be  changed,  fixed 
Unchar'itable,<2.  having  no  mercy  or  charity 
Unchar'itableness,  s.  a  want  of  charity 
Uncha'ste,  a.  lewd,  lustful,  impure 
Unchas'tity,  s.  lewdness,  incontinence 
Unchew'ed,  a.  net  chewed,  not  eaten 
Uncir'cumcised,  a.  not  circumcised 
Uncircumci'sion,  s.  a  want  of  circumcision 
Unch'cumspect,  a.  not  cautious,  careless 
Uncircumstan'tial,  a.  not  important 
Unciv'il,  a.  unpolite,  rude,  unkind 
Uncivilly,  ad.  unpolitely,  not  compiaisantly 
Uncivilized,  a.  barbarous  ;  indecent,  rude 
Unclar'ified,  a.  not  purified,  not  refined 
Unc'.as'sic,  Unclas'sical,  a.  not  classical 
Un'cle,  j.  a  father's  or  mother's  brother 
Uncle'an,  a.  not  clean  ;  wicked,  lewd 
Unciean'liness,  s.  want  of  cleanness  ;  sia 
Unclean'ly,  a.  filthy,  dirty,  unchaste 
Uncleans'ed,  a.  not  cleansed  or  purified 
Uncle'nch,  v.  a.  to  open  the  hand 
Untlo'the,  v.  a.  to  strip,  to  make  naked 
Unclo'g,  v.  a.  to  disencumber,  exonerate 
Uncio'se,  v.  a.  to  open,  set  open,  disclose 
Unci  md'ed,  a.  free  from  clouds,not  darkened 
Unclu'tch,  v.  a.  to  open  the  closed  hand 
Unco'ii^-u,  a.  to  unfold,  unravel,  opeiv 

U  N  D 


U  N  D 

Un collected,  a.  not  collected,  not  recollected 
Unco'mbed,  a.  not  parted  with  a  comb 
Uncome'ly,  a.  not  comely,  not  graceful 
Uncom'fortable,  a.  dismal,  gloomy 
Uncom'mon,  a.  not  frequent,  unusual 
Uncompa'ct,  a.  not  compact,  not  close 
Uncommu'nicated,  a.  not  communicated 
Uncompel'led,  a.  not  forced,  not  obliged 
Uncompound'ed,  a.  simple  ;  not  intricate 
Uncompress'ed,  a.  not  compressed,  loose 
Unconceiv'able,  a.  not  to  be  understood 
Unconceiv'ed,  a.  not  thought,  not  imagined 
Unconce'rn,  s.  negligence,  indifference 
Unconcern'ed,  a.  not  anxious  ;  easy 
Unconfo'rm,  a.  not  conformable,  unlike 
Unconscionable,  a.  unreasonable  ;  unjust 
Unconscionably,  ad.  unreasonably 
Uncontrollable,  a.  not  to  be  controlled 
Uncou'ple,  v.  a.  to  separate,  to  let  loose 
Uncourt'eous,  a.  uncivil,  unpolite,  rude 
Uncourtly,  a.  unpolished,  awkward 
Uncou'th,  a.  strange,  unusual,  odd 
Uncrea'te,  a.  not  created  ;  everlasting 
Uncrea'ted,  a.  not  yet  created,  not  yet  born 
Uncrop'ped,  a.  not  cropped,  not  gathered 
Uncrowd'ed,  a.  not  crowded  ;  at  liberty 
Uncro'wn,  v.  a.  to  deprive  of  a  crown 
Unc'tion,  /.  an  ointment  ;  an  anointing 
Unc'tuous,  a.  fat,  oily,  clammy,  greasy 
Uncull'ed,  a.  not  gathered,  not  selected 
Uncul'pable,  a.  not  deserving  blame 
Uncultivated,  a.  not  cultivated,  not  civilized 
Uncurb'ed,  a.  not  restrained,  licentious 
Uncu'rl,  v.  a.  to  loose  from  ringlets 
Uncurtail'ed,  a.  not  curtailed,  not  shortened 
Uncu't,  a.  not  cut,  whole,  entire 
Unda'm,  v.  a.   to  open  banks  ;  to  loose 
Undaunt'ed,  a.  not  daunted,  not  depressed 
Undaunt'edly,  ad.  boldly,  without  fear 
Undaz'zled,  a.  not  dazzled,  unaffected 
Undebauch'ed,  a.  not  corrupted,  pure 
Undec'agon,  s.  a  figure  of  eleven  sides 
Undecay'ed,  a.  not  decayed,  not  worn 
Undece'ive,  v.  a.  to  inform  justly  ;  set  right 
Undeceiv'able,  a.  not  to  be  deceived 
Undeci'ded,  a.  not  determined,  not  settled 
Unde'ck,  v.  a.  to  undress,  strip,  divest  of 
Undefa'ced,  a.  not  disfigured,  not  blotted  out 
Undefeas'ible,  a.  not  defeasible,  true 
Undefi'led,  a.  not  polluted,  pure  ;  not  vitiated 
Undefi'nable,  a.  not  to  be  marked  out 
Undefined,  a.  not  defined,  unlimited 
Undelib'erated,  a.  not  carefully  considered 
Undelight'ed,  a.  not  pleased,  unfeeling 
Undeni'able,  a.  that  cannot  be  denied 
Undeplo'red,  a.  not  lamented  or  bewailed 
Undepra'ved,  a.  not  corrupted,  innocent 
Un'der,  ad.  and  prep,  beneath,  below 
Underbi'd,  v.  a.  to  offer  less  than  the  worth 
Underdo',  <y.  n.  to  do  less  than  is  requisite 

I  Undergo',  v.  a.  to  suffer,  to  endure,  to  bear 

Underground,  s.  a  subterraneous  place 
I  Un'derhand,  a.  sly,  cunning,  private 
]  Underi'ved,  a.  not  borrowed,  original 
;  Underla'bourer,  s.  a  petty  workman 
;  Underla'y,  v.  a.  to  lay  under  ;  to  support 
i  Underli'ne,  v.  a.  to  draw  a  line  under 
I  Un'derling,  s.  an  inferior  agent ;  sorry  fellow 
;  Undermi'ne,  v.  a.  to  sap  ;  to  injure  secretly 
i  Un'dermost,  a.  lowest,  meanest,  basest 
i  Underne'ath,  ad.  below,  beneath 
Underog'atory,  a.  not  derogatory 
'  Un'derpart,  s.  subordinate  or  unessential  part 
i  Un'derplot,  s.  a  series  of  events  proceeding- 
collaterally  with  the  main  story  of  a  dra- 
matic representation,  and  subservient  to 
it  ;  a  clandestine  scheme 
i  Underrate,  v.  a.  to  rate  or  value  too  low 
|  Un'derrate,  s.  a  price  less  than  the  value 
J  Undersell,  v.  a.  to  sell  cheaper  than  another 
Underso'ng,  s.  chorus,  burden  of  a  song 
Understa'nd,  v.  to  comprehend  fully 
Understanding,  s.  intellectual  powers  ;  skill 
Understanding,  a.  knowing,  skilful 
Understood,  prt??.  from  to  understand 
Un'derstrapper,  s.  an  inferior  agent 
Undertake,  v.  to  engage  in,  to  promise 
Undertaker,  s.  one  who  undertakes  ;  a  man- 
ager ;  one  who  provides  necessaries  for 
the  interment  of  the  dead 
Undertaking,  s.  an  enterprise  ;  business 
Undertenant,  s.  a  secondary  tenant 
Undertoc/k,  part.  pass,  of  to  undertake 
TJnderval'ue,  v.  a.  to  rate  too  low 
Underwe'nt,  pr^f.  of  to  undergo 
Un'derwood,  s.  bushes  under  timber  trees 
Un'derwork,  s.  petty  affairs  ;  a  base  desiga. 
Underwrite,  v.  a.  to  write  under  another 
Underwriter,  s.  an  insurer,  a  subscriber 
j  Undescri'bed,  a.  not  described,  confused 
j  Undeserved,  a.  undiscovered,  not  seen 
;  Undeserv'ed,  a.  not  merited,  not  incurred 
j  Undeserving,  a.  not  deserving,  worthless 
j  Undesign'ed,  a.  not  designed,  not  intended 

Undesign'ing,  a.  sincere,  honest,  upright 
;  Undestroy'ed,  a.  not  destroyed,  not  wasted 
|  Undetermined,  a.  unsettled,  undecided 
j  Undevoted,  a.  not  devoted,  not  given  up 
|  Undiaph'anous,  a  dull,  not  transparent 
•  Undi'd,  pret.  of  to  undo 

Undigested,  a.  not  concocted,  not  digested 
:  Undiminished,  a.  not  lessened,  entire 
Undip'ped,  a.  not  dipped  ;  not  plunged  ;  dry 
Undirected,  a.  not  directed,  not  set  right 
Undiscern'ed,  a.  not  discerned,  unseen 
i  Undiscernlble,  a.  not  to  be  discerned 
:  Undiscern'ing,  a.  injudicious,  silly 

Undis'ciplined,  a  uninstructed,  untaught 
,  Undiscov'erable,  a.  not  to  be  found  out 
Undiscovered,  a.  not  seen,  unknown 

U  N  F 


U  N  G 

Undisgui  sed,  a.  open,  artless,  sincere 
Undisturbed,  a.  not  disturbed,  quiet 
Undo',  v.  a.  to  ruin  ;  to  take  to  pieces 
Undo'ne,  a.  ruined, destroyed, not  performed 
Undoubtedly,  ad.  without  question  or  doubt 
Undre'ss,  v.  a.  to  take  off  the  clothes 
Un'dulate,  v.  a.  to  roll  as  waves 
Undula'tion,  s.  a  motion  like  waves 
Undu'tiful,  a.  disobedient,  perverse 
Uneas'iness,  s.  trouble,  care,  perplexity 
Uneas'y,  a.  not  easy,  disturbed,  painful 
Uneaten,  a.  not  devoured  or  eaten 
Uned'ifying,  a.  not  improving 
Uneleet'ed,  a.  not  elected,  not  chosen 
Unel'igible,  a.  not  worthy  to  be  chosen 
Unemployed,  a.  not  employed  in  work 
Unendowed,  a.  not  endowed,  not  grated 
Unenjoy'ed,  a.  not  enjoyed,  not  possessed 
Unenlar'ged,  a.  not  enlarged,  contracted 
Unenlightened,  a.  not  enlightened 
Unentertain'ing,  a.  giving  no  delight 
Unen'vied,  a.  exempt  from  envy 
Une'qual,  a.  not  even  ;  not  equal  ;  partial 
Unequitable,  a.  not  just,  partial,  unfair 
Unequivocal,  a.  not  equivocal,  plain 
Unerr'ing,  a.  certain,  not  mistaking 
Unessential,  a.  not  essential ;  void  of  life 
Unestab'lished,  a.  not  established,  uncertain 
Une'ven,  a.  not  level,  not  even,  not  equal 
Une'venness,  /.  inequality,  changeabler.ess 
Unexact'ed,  a.  not  exacted,  not  forced 
Unexamined,  a.  not  examined,  not  tried 
Unexam'pled,  a.  without  example 
Unexceptionable,  a.  not  liable  to  objection 
Unexecuted,  a.  not  performed,  not  executed 
Unexem'plified,  a.  not  known  by  example 
Unexercised,  a.  not  exercised  or  practised 
Unexe'mpt,  a.  not  privileged,  not  free 
Unexhausted,  a.  not  spent,  not  drained 
Unexor'cised,  a.  not  exorcised,  not  cast  out 
Unexpand'ed,  a.  not  spread  out  ,•  confused 
Unexpected,  a.  not  expected  ;  sudden 
Unexpe'rienced,  a.  not  versed  or  experienced 
Unexpe'dient,  a.  not  fit,  inconvenient 
Unexpe'rt,  a.  wanting  skill,  awkward 
Unexplo'red,  a.  not  searched  out,  net  tried 
Unexpress'ible,  a.  unutterable,  ineffable 
Unextended,  a.  having  no  dimensions 
Unextin'guishable,  a.  not  to  be  put  out 
Unextinguished,  a.  not  quenched  or  put  out 
Unextir'pated,  a.  not  rooted  out 
Unfa'ded,  a.  not  withered,  not  decayed 
Unfa'ding,  a.  not  liable  to  change  colour 
Unfa'ir,  a,  not  fair,  dishonest,  disingenuous 
Unfaith'ful,  a.  treacherous,  dishonest 
Unfal'lowed,  a.  not  fallowed 
Unfashionable,  a.  not  modish,  obsolete 
Unfas'ten,  v.  a.  to  unloose,  unfix,  open 
Unfathomable,  a.  not  to  be  sounded 
Unfath'omed,  a.  not  fathomed, not  sounded 

Unfati'gued,  a.  not  fatigued,  unwearied 
Unfavourable,  a.  not  favourable,  unkind 
Unfeared,  a.  not  feared  ;  despised 
Unfeas'ible,  a.  impracticable,  not  to  be  done 
Unfeathered,  a.  naked  of  feathers,  bare 
Unfeat'ured,  a.  wanting  regular  features 
Unfe'd,  a.  not  supplied  with  food 
Unfeel'ing,  a.  insensible,  without  feeling 
Unfeign'ed,  a.  real,  sincere,  not  pretended 
Unfe'lt,  a.  not  felt ;  not  perceived 
Unfertile,  a.  not  fruitful,  barren,  bare 
Unfet'ter,  v.  a.  to  free  from  shackles 
Unfil'ial,  a.  unsuitable  to  a  son,  disobedient 
Unfilled,  a.  not  filled,  not  supplied 
Unfinished,  a.  wanting  the  last  hand 
Unfi'rm,  a.  infirm,  weak,  not  stable 
Unfi't,  a.  improper,  unqualified,  unsuitable 
Unfi'x,  v.  a.  to  loosen,  separate,  make  nuid 
Unfixed,  a.  wandering,  not  settled,  vagrant 
Unfledged,  a.  not  covered  with  feathers 
Unfoiied,  a.  not  subdued,  not  conquered 
Unfo'ld,  i'.  a.  to  expand,  discover,  display 
Unforbidden,  a.  not  forbidden,  allowed 
Unforebo'ding,  a.  giving  no  omens  or  sign9 
Unfor'ced,  a.  not  compelled,  not  feigned 
Unforesee'n,  a.  not  seen  or  known  before 
Unfor'feited ,  a.  not  forfeited  ;  preserved 
Unforgiv'ing,  a.  implacable,  inexorable 
Unformed,  a.  not  shaped,  not  modified 
I  Unforsa'ken,  a.  not  deserted  ;  supported 
}  Unfor'tified,  a.  not  fortified, defenceless 
I  Unfortunate,  a.  unprosperous,  unlucky 
Unfortunately,  ad-  without  good  luck 
Unfou'ght,  a.  not  fought  ;  not  determined 
Unfou'nd,  a.  not  found,  not  met  with 
Unfra'med,  a.  not  formed,  not  fashioned 
Unfre^uent,  a.  not  common,  unusual 
Unfrequented,  a.  rarely  visited,  rarely  en- 
Unfriended,  a.  wanting  friends,  destitute 
Unfriend'ly,  a.  not  benevolent,  not  kind 
Unfro'zen,  a.  not  frozen,  not  congealed 
Unfruit'ful,  a.  not  fruitful,  barren,  waste 
Unfu'rl,  v.  a.  to  expand,  unfold,  spread 
Unfur'nish,  v.  a.  to  deprive,  strip,  divest 
Unfur'nished,  a.  without  furniture,  &c. 
Unga'in,  Ungaiu'ly,  a.  awkward,  uncouth 
Ungar'nished,  a.  not  garnished,  unadorned 
Ungar'tered,  a.  without  garters  ;  slovenly 
Ungathered,  a.  not  picked,  not  pulled 
Ungenerative,  a.  begetting  nothing 
Ungenerous,  c,  niggardly,  mean,  not  liberal 
Unge'nial,  a.  not  favourable  to  nature 
Ungenteei,  a.  not  genteel  •,  unbecoming 
Ungen'tle,  a.  harsh,  rude,  rugged 
Ungen'tlemanlike,  a.  mean,  illiberal 
Ungen'tleness,  s.  incivility  ;  harshness 
Ungent'ly,  ad.  harshly,  rudely,  severely 
Ungeomet'rical,  a.  not  geometrical 
1  Ungild'ed,  a.  net  overlaid  with  gold,-  &c. 

U  N{ 


U  N  L 

Ungi'rd,  v.  a.  to  loose  a  girdle  or  girth 
Ungi'rt,  a.  loosely  dressed,  loose,  free 
Unglo'rified,  a.  not  honoured,  not  praised 
Ungod'lily,  ad.  wickedly,  impiously 
Ungod'liness,  s.  impiety,  wickedness 
Ungod'ly,  a.  wicked,  irreligious,  profane 
Ungor'ged,  a.  not  filled,  not  sated 
Ungov'ernable,  a.  not  to  be  ruled  ;  wild 
Ungov'erned,  a.  licentious,  unbridled 
Ungra'ceful,  a.  wanting  beauty  or  air 
Ungra'cious,  a.  wicked,  unacceptable 
Ungrateful,  a.  unthankful,  unpleasing 
Ungratefully,  ad.  with  ingratitude 
Unground'ed,  a.  having  no  foundation 
Unguard'ed,  a.  careless,inattentive,uegligent 
Un'guent,  s .  an  ointment,  a  liquid  salve 
Unhand'some,  a.  ungraceful,  illiberal 
Unhand'y,  a.  awkward,  not  dexterous 
Unhap'py,  a.  unfortunate,  miserable 
Unharm'ed,  a.  unhurt,  uninjured,  safe 
Unharmo'nious,«.  unmusical, harsh 
Unhar'ness,  v.  a.  to  untrace,  to  set  loose 
Unhatch'ed,  a.  not  brought  forth 
Unhealth'ful,  Unhealth'y,  a.  sickly,  morbid 
Unhe'ard,  a.  not  heard,  unknown 
Unheed'ed,  a.  disregarded,  not  minded 
Unheed'ful,  a.  careless,  inattentive 
Unhe'wn,  a.  not  hewn,  not  shaped 
Unhi'nge,  v.  a.  to  throw  from  the  hinges 
Unho'liness,  s.  profaneness,  wickedness 
Unho'ly,  a.  profane,  impious,  wicked 
Unhon'oured,  a.  not  treated  with  respect 
Unho'op,  v.  a.  to  divest  or  strip  of  hoops 
Unho'peful,  a.  having  no  room  to  hope 
Unhos'pitable,  a.  not  kind  to  strangers 
Unho'use,  v.  a.  to  drive  out  of  habitation 
Unhous'ed,  a.  homeless,  driven  out 
Unhous'eled,  a.  without  the  sacrament 
Unhum'bled,  a.  not  humbled,  haughty 
Unhu'rt,  a.  not  hurt,  free  from  harm 
Unhurt'ful,  a.  doing  no  harm  ;  innocent 
Unhurt'fully,  ad.  without  any  harm 
Unhu'sk,  v.  a.  to  take  off  the  husk 
U'nicorn,  s.  a  beast  like  a  horse,  said  to  have 
one  horn  ;  there  is  also  a  fish  called  a  sea 
unicorn,  about  1 8  or  20  feet  long,  with  a 
head  like  a  horse,  and  a  horn  in  the  mid- 
die  of  the  forehead 
U'niform,  a.  similar  to  itself ;  regular 
Uniform'ity,  s.  regularity  ;  similitude 
U'niformly,  ad.  in  an  uniform  manner 
Unimag'inable,  a.  not  to  be  imagined 
Unim'itable,  a.  not  to  be  imitated 
Unimmortal,  a.  not  immortal  ;  frail 
Unimpair'able,  a.  not  liable  to  be  impaired 
Unimpeach'ed,  a.  notimpeached,not  accused 
Unimport'ant,  a.  not  important,  trifling 
Unimportu'ned,  a.  not  solicited,  not  asked 
Unimpro'ved,«.  not  taught,  not  improved 
Uainfla'med,  a.  not  set  on  fire,  not  burnt 

Uninform'ed,  a.  uninstructed,  ignorant 
Uningen'uous,  a.  illiberal,  not  honest 
Uninhab'itable,  a.  not  fit  to  be  inhabited 
Tjninhab'ited,  a.  not  inhabited,  empty 
Uninsured,  a.  not  injured,  unhurt,  safe 
Uninspi'red,  a.  not  canonical ;  not  inspired 
UninstrucVed,  a.  not  instructed,  not  taught 
Unintelligent,  a.  not  knowing,  not  skilful 
Unintelligible,  a.  not  to  be  understood 
Unintentional,  a  not  designed  or  intended 
Uninterested,  a.  not  having  interest 
Unintennix'ed,  a.  not  mingled,  separate 
Uninterrupted,  a.  not  interrupted 
Unintrench'ed,  a.  not  intrenched,  exposed 
Uninvestigable,  a.  not  to  be  searched  out 
Uninvited,  a.  not  invited,  not  asked 
Unjoint'ed,  a.  disjointed,  having  no  joint 
U'nion,  s.  the  act  of  joining  ;  concord 
U'nison,  a.  sounding  alone  or  the  same 
U'nison,  s.  a  string  of  the  same  sound 
U'nit,  s.  one  ;  the  least  number,  or  the  root 

of  numbers 
Unite,  v.  to  join  ;  agree  ;  grow  into  one 
Unitedly,  ad.  with  anion  or  consent 
Unit  ion,  s.  the  a€t  or  power  of  uniting 
U'nity,  s.  the  being  in  concord  ;  tenour 
Unjudg'ed,  a.  not  judicially  determined 
Universal,  a.  general,  total, all ...s.  the  whole 
Universality, j.  an  universal  state  ;  generality 
Universally,  ad.  without  exception 
U'niverse,  s.  the  general  system  of  things 
Univer'sity,  s.  a  general  school  of  liberal  arts 
Unju'st,  a.  partial,  contrary  to  justice 
Unjustifiable,  a.  not  to  be  justified 
Unken'nel,  v.  a.  to  drive  from  a  kennel 
Unke'pt,  a.  not  kept,  not  observed 
Unki'nd,  a.  hot  kind,  not  obliging 
Unkind'ly,  ad.  without  kindness,  &c. 
Unkind'ly,  a.  unnatural,  unfavourable 
Unkind'ness,  s.  want  of  good  will  ;  ill  will 
Unknight'ly,  a.  not  becoming  a  knight 
Unknit,  v.  a.  to  unweave  ;  open  ;  separate 
Unknot,  v.  a.  to  free  from  knots,  to  untie 
Unknow'ing,  a.  ignorant,  not  qualified 
Unkno'wn,  a.  not  discovered,  not  known 
Unlaboured,  a.  not  considered  ;  spontaneous 
Unla'ce,  v.  a.  to  loose  a  thing  laced  up 
Unla'de,  v.  a.  to  unload,  empty,  put  out 
Unla'id,  a.  not  placed,  not  fixed 
Unlament'ed,  a.  not  lamented 
Unlatch,  v.  a.  to  open  a  latch,  to  lift  up 
Unlaw'ful,  a.  contrary  to  law,  unjust 
Unlawfully,  ad.  in  an  unlawful  manner 
Unlearn'ed,  a.  ignorant,  not  learned 
Unleav'ened,  a.  not  fermented,  not  leavened 
Unle'ss,  con.  except ;  if  not  ;  but 
Unles'soned,  a.  not  instructed,  not  taught 
Unlettered,  a.  unlearned,  ignorant 
Unlev'elled,  a.  not  cut  or  made  even 
Unlibidlnous,  a.  not  lustful,  chaste,  pure 

U  N  N 


U  N  P 

Unlicensed,  a.  having  no  licence  or  leave 
Unlick'ed,  a.  not  licked  ;  shapeless 
Unli'ke,  a.  improbable,  unlikely,  not  like 
Unlikelihood,  s.  improbability 
Unli'kely,  a.  improbable...^,  improbably 
Unlimited,  a.  having  no  bounds,  unconfined 
Unli'nk,  v.  a.  to  untwist  ;  open  ;  break 
Unlo'ad,  v.  a.  to  disburden,  to  exonerate 
Unlo'ck,  v.  a.  to  open  a  lock  ;  to  solve 
Unlook'ed-for,  a.  not  expected,  not  foreseen 
Unloo'se,  v.  to  set  loose  ;  to  fall  in  pieces 
Unlove'liness,  s.  unamiableness  ;  ugliness 
Unlove'ly,  a.  unable  to  excite  love 
Unluck'ily,  ad.  unfortunately,  by  ill  luck 
Unluck'y*  a.  unfortunate  ;  mischievous 
Unma'de,  a.  not  created,  deprived  of  form 
Unmaim'ed,  a.  complete,  not  maimed 
Unma'ke,  v.  a.  to  deprive  of  qualities 
Unma'n,  v.  to  deject  j  to  act  unbecomingly 
Unmanageable,  a.  not  manageable,  rude 
Unman'aged,  a.  not  broken,  not  tutored 
Unman'ly,  a.  unbecoming  a  man,  effeminate 
Unman'nered,  a.  rude,  gross,  uncivil 
Unman'nerly,  a.  ill-bred,  uncivil 
Unmanu'red,  a.  not  cultivated  ;  poor 
Unmark'ed,  a.  not  regarded,  unobserved 
Unmar'ried,  a.  not  married,  single 
Unma'sk,  v.  to  take  or  put  off  a  mask 
Unmasfc'ed,  a.  not  masked,  open  to  view 
Unma'stered,  a.  not  conquered,  not  subdued 
Unmatch'ed,  a.  having  no  equal,  matchless 
Unmean'ing,  a.  having  no  meaning 
Unmeas'urable,  a.  unbounded,  infinite 
Unmeas'ured,  a.  not  measured,  plentiful 
Unme'et,  a.  not  worthy,  unfit,  improper 
Unmelt'ed,  a.  not  melted,  not  dissolved 
Unmer'ciful,  a.  cruel,  unconscionable 
Unmercifully,  ad.  without  mercy 
Unmer'itable,  a.  having  no  merit,  worthless 
Unmer'ited,  a.  not  deserved,  unjust,  cruel 
Unmind  ed,  a.  not  heeded,  disregarded 
Unmind'ful,  a.  negligent,  inattentive 
Unmin'gled,  a.  not  mixed,  pure,  separate 
Unmix'ed,  a.  pure,not  mingled  with  any  thing 
Unmoan'ed,  a.  not  lamented 
Unmolest'ed,  a.  free  from  disturbance 
Unmoo'r,  v.  a.  to  heave  up  an  anchor 
Unmortgaged,  a.  not  mortgaged  ;  clear 
Unmo'veable,  a.  not  to  be  removed,  fixed 
Unmo'ved,  a.  not  moved,  not  affected 
Unmoum'ed,  a.  not  mourned  for 
Un  muffle,  v.  a.  to  take  off  a  covering 
Unmu'sical,  a.  not  harmonious  ;  harsh 
Unmuz'zle,  v.  a.  to  take  off  a  muzzle 
Un'named,  a.  not  mentioned,  not  spoken  of 
Unnat'ural,  a.  forced,  contrary  to  nature 
Unnat'urally,  ad.  in  opposition  to  nature 
Unnav'igable,  a.  not  to  be  navigated 
Unne'cessarily,  ad.  without  necessity 
Unnecessary,  a.  needless^  useless1,  trifling 

Unneighbourly,  a.  not  neighbourly 
Unner'vate,  Unner'ved,  a.  weak,  feeble 
Unne'rve,  v.  a.  to  weaken,  to  enfeeble 
Unnum'bered,  a.  innumerable,  not  numbered 
Unobey'ed,  a.  not  obeyed  ;  resisted 
Unobnox'ious,  a.  not  liable,  not  exposed 
Unobserv'able,  a.  not  to  be  observed 
Unobserv'ant,  a.  inattentive,  not  obsequious 
Unobserv'ed,  a.  not  regarded,  not  attended  to 
Unobstructed,  a.   not  hindered,  not  stopped 
Unobtain'ed,  a.  not  acquired,  not  gained 
Unoc'cupied,  a.  not  inhabited,  unpossessed 
Unoffend'ing,  a ■  harmless,  innocent 
Uno'pened,  a.  not  opened,  closely  shut 
Unop'erative,  a.  producing  no  effect 
Unoppo'sed,  a.  not  opposed,  not  withstood 
Unor'ganized,    a.   without  organs  or  parts 
proper  or  instrumental  to  nourish  the  rest 
Unor'thodox,  a.  not  holding  pure  doctrine 
Unpa'ck,  v.  a.  to  open  things  packed  up 
Unpack'ed,  a.  not  packed,  not  collected 
Unpa'id,  a.  not  paid,  not  discharged 
Unpain'ful,  a.  not  painful,  giving  no  paitt 
Unpal'atable,  a.  nauseous,  disgusting 
Unpar'agoned,  a.  unequalled,  unmatched 
Unpar'alleled,  a.  having  no  equal,  &c 
Unpar'donable,  a.  not  to  be  forgiven 
Unpar'donably,  ad.  beyond  forgiveness 
Unpardoned,  a.  not  forgiven  ;  not  discharged 
Unparliament'ary,  a.  contrary  to  the  estab- 
lished regulation  of  a  parliament 
Unpass'able,  a.  admitting  no  passage 
Unpawn'ed,  a.  not  laid  in  pawn 
Unpeace'able,  a.  quarrelsome,  troublesome 
Unpe'g,  v.  a.  to  pull  or  let  out  a  peg 
Unpen'sioned,  a.  not  pensioned  ;  neglected 
Unpe'ople,  v.  a.  to  deprive  of  inhabitants, 

to  depopulate 
Unperceiv'able,  a.  that  cannot  be  perceived 
Unperceiv'ed,  a.  not  observed,  not  seen 
Unper'fedt,  a.  incomplete,  imperfect 
Unperform'ed,  a.  not  performed,  not  done 
Unper'ishable,  a.  lasting,  not  perishable 
Unper'jured,  a.  free  from  perjury 
Unperplex'ed,  a.  not  embarrassed,  easy 
Unpet'rified,  a.  not  turned  to  stone 
Unphilosoph'ical,  a.  not  conformable  to  the 

rules  of  philosophy  or  right  reason 
Unpier'ced,  a.  not  pierced  ;  sound,  whole 
Unpil'lowed,  a.  wanting  a  pillow 
Unpi'n,  v.  a.  to  open  what  is  pinned  or  shut 
Unpink'ed,  a.  not  pinked,  not  set  off 
Unpit'ied,  a.  not  pitied,  not  lamented 
Unpit'ying,  a.  having  no  compassion 
Unpleas'ant,  a.  not  pleasant,  uneasy 
Unpleas'antly,  ad.  uneasily,  uncivilly 
Unpleas'ed,  a.  not  pleased,  not  delighted 
Unpleas'ing,  a.  offensive,  not  pleasing 
Unpli'ant,  a.  not  bending  to  another 
Unplough'ed,  a.  not  ploughed,  not  prepared 

U  N  R 


U  N  S 

'  Unpoet'ical,  a.  not  according  to  the  rules  of 
poetry  ;  not  becoming  a  poet 
Unpolished,  a.  uncivilized  ;  not  smoothed 
Unpoli'te,  a.  not  elegant,  unrefined,  not  civil 
Unpollu'ted,  a.  not  defiled  or  corrupted 
Unpop'ular,  a.  not  popular,  disliked 
Unprac'tised,  a.  not  skilled  by  use 
Unprais'ed,  a.  not  celebrated,  not  praised 
Unprecedented,  a.  not  having  a  precedent 
Unprefer'red,  a.  not  advanced  or  promoted 
Unpreju'dScate,  a.  not  prepossessed 
Unprejudiced,  a.  free  from  prejudice 
Unprelatlcal,a.  not  becoming  a  prelate 
Unpremeditated,  a.  not  studied  beforehand 
Unprepa'red,  a.  not  prepared,  not  fitted 
Unprepossessed,  a.  not  prepossessed 
Unpress'ed,  a.  not  pressed,  not  forced 
Unpretend'ing,  a.  not  claiming  distinction 
Unprevent'ed,  a.  not  previously  hindered 
Un  prevailing,  a.  being  of  no  force,  vain 
Unprincely,d.  unsuitable  to  a  prince 
Unprin'eipled,  a.  not  instructed,  wicked 
Unprint'ed,  a.  not  printed,  not  published 
Unprofa'aed,«.  not  profaned  or  violated 
Unprofitable,  a.  serving  no  purpose,  useless 
Unprofltably,  ad.  uselessly,  to  no  purpose 
Unprohibited,*,  not  forbidden,  lawful 
Unprolific,  a.  not  fruitful,  barren 
Unpronoun'ced,  a.  not  spoken,  not  uttered 
Unpropi'tious,  a.  not  favourable,  inauspicious 
Unpropor'tioned,  a.  not  proportioned 
Unprop'ped,  a.  not  supported  by  props 
Unpros'perous,  a.  unsuccessful,  unfortunate 
Unprotected,  a.  not  protected,  unsupported 
Unprovi'ded,  a.  not  secured;  not  furnished 
Unprovo'ked,  a.  not  provoked  or  incited 
Unpublished,  a.  not  given  to  the  public 
Unpunished,  a.  not  punished  ;  free 
Unpu'rified,  a.  not  cleansed,  not  purified 
Unpursu'ed,  a.  not  pursued,  not  followed 
Unqualified,  a.  not  qualified,  not  fit 
Unqual'ify,  v.  a.  to  divest  of  qualification 
Unquell'ed,  a.  not  quelled,  not  subdued 
Unquench'able,a.  not  to  be  quenched 
Unquench'ed,  a.  not  extinguished 
Unques'tionable,  a.  not  to  be  doubted 
Unquestionably,  ad.  without  doubt 
Unques'tioned,  a.  not  asked,  not  doubted 
Unqui'et,  a.  disturbed,  restless,  dissatisfied 
Unrack'ed,  a.  not  poured  off  the  lees 
Unra'ked,  a.  not  thrown  together 
Unran/saeked,  a.  not  plundered  or  pillaged 
Unrav'el,  v.  a.  to  disentangle;  to  explain 
Unra'zored,  a.  not  shaven;  rough  ;  filthy 
Unreached,  a.  not  reached,  not  attained  to 
Unrea'd,  a.  not  read,  not  learned,  untaught 
Unread'y,  a.  ungain ;  awkward-;  not  fit 
Unre'al,  a.  not  real,  unsubstantial 
Unreasonable,  a.  exorbitant,  immoderate 
Unreasonably,  ad.  not  reasonably 

Unre'ave,  v.  a.  to  disentangle,  to  let  loose 
Unreba'ted,  a.  not  blunted  ;  continued 
Unrebu'kable,  a.  not  blameable,  innocent 
Unreceiv'ed,  a.  not  received,  not  admitted 
Unreclaim'ed,  a.  not  reformed,  not  tamed 
Unrec'ompensed,  a.  not  recompensed 
Unrec'onciled,  a.  not  reconciled 
Unrecorded,  a.  not  recorded  or  registered 
Unrecount'ed,  a.  not  related,  not  told 
UnrecruiVabie,  a.  not  to  be  recruited  ;  lost 
Unredeemed,  a,  not  redeemed 
Unredu'ced,  a.  not  reduced,  not  lessened 
UnrefracVed,  a.  not  refracted,  not  broken 
Unrefresh'ed,  «.  not  cheered  or  relieved 
Unregarded,  a.  not  heeded,  not  respected 
Unregen'erate,  a.  not  regenerate  ;  wicked 
Unreined,  a.  not  restrained  by  the  bridle 
Unrelenting,  a.  cruel,  feeling  no  pity 
Unreliev'ed,  a.  not  succoured,  not  eased 
Unreme'diable,  a.  admitting  of  no  remedy 
Unremitted,  a.  not  remitted,  not  abated 
Unrepent'ed,  a.  not  repented  of 
Unrepent'ing,  a.  not  penitent 
Unreplen'ished,  a.  not  filled  again 
Unreproach'ed,  a.  not  censured  or  upbraided 
Unreprov'ed,  a.  not  censured,  not  blamed 
Unrequest'ed,  a.  not  asked,  not  desired 
Unrequitable,  a.  not  to  be  requited 
Unresent'ed,  a.  not  resented,  forgiven 
Unreserv'ed,  a.  frank,  open,  free 
Unresisted,  a.  not  opposed  ;  obeyed 
Unresisting,  a.  not  making  resistance 
Unresolv'ed,  a.  not  determined,  not  solved 
UnrespecVive,  a.  taking  little  notice 
Unre'st,  s.  disquiet,  want  of  tranquillity 
Unresto'red,  a.  not  restored,  kept 
Unrestrain'ed,  a.  not  confined,  loose 
Unreveaied,  a.  not  revealed,  not  told 
Unxeveng'ed,  a.  not  revenged,  forgiven 
Uareverend,  a.  irreverent,  disrespectful 
Unreversed,  a.  not  revoked  ;  not  repealed 
Unrevo'ked,  a.  not  revoked,  not  recalled 
Unrewarded,  a.  not  rewarded,  unpaid 
Unrid'dle,  v.  a.  to  solve  a  difficulty 
Unri'g,  v.  a.  to  strip  off  the  tackle 
Unrighteous,  a.  unjust,  wicked 
Unrightful,  a.  not  just  or  right,  unjust 
Unrip',  v.  a.  to  cut  open,  to  rip  open 
Unri'pe,  a.  too  early  ;  not  ripe  ;  sour 
Unri'valled,  a.  having  no  rival  or  equal 
Unrivet,  v.  a.  to  free  from  rivets,  to  looses 
Unrol,  v.  a.  to  open  or  unfurl  a  roil 
Un romantic,  a.  not  romantic 
Unroo'f.  v.  a.  to  strip  off  the  roofs  or  cover* 

ings  of  houses 
Unroo't,  v.  a.  to  tear  from  the  root ;  extirpate 
Unrounded,  a.  not  made  round ;  uneven 
Unruf'fle,  v.  n.  to  cease  from  commotion 
Unruly,  a.  ungovernable,  licentious 
Uasa'fe,  a.  not  safe,  hazardous,  dangerous 

U  N  S 


U  N  T 

Unsa'id,  a.  not  uttered,  not  mentioned 
Unsalt'ed,  a.  not  salted,  fresh,  insipid 
Unsanc'tified,  a.  unholy,  not  consecrated 
Unsat'isfied,  a.  not  contented  ;  not  filled 
Unsa'tiable,  a.  not  to  be  satisfied  or  pleased 
Unsatisfactory,  a.  not  clearing  the  difficulty, 

not  giving  satisfaction 
Unsa'voury,  a.  tasteless,  disgustful,  insipid 
Unsa'y,  v.  a.  to  retract,  to  recal,  to  recant 
Unscholas'tic,  a.  not  bred  to  literature 
Unschool'ed,  a.  not  learned,  uneducated 
Unscorch'ed,  a.  not  touched  by  fire 
Unscreen'ed,  a.  not  protected ;  uncovered 
Unscre'w,  v.  a.  to  turn  back  a  screw 
Unse'al,  v.  a.  to  open  any  thing  sealed 
Unseated,  a.  not  sealed,  wanting  a  seal 
Unse'ara,  v.  a.  to  rip  or  cut  open  a  seam 
Unseasonable,  a.  untimely,  unfit,  late 
Unseasoned,  a.  ill-timed ;  not  salted 
Unsec'onded,  a.  not  supported  ;  left  alone 
Unsecu're,  a.  not  secure,  not  safe 
Unseem'ly,«.  indecent,  uncomely 
Unse'en,  a.  not  seen,  invisible;  unskilled 
Unserviceable,  a.  of  no  advantage  or  use 
Unset'tle,  v.  a.  to  make  uncertain 
Unset'tled,  a.  not  steady,  not  fixed 
Unsev'ered,  a.  not  divided,  not  parted 
Unshac'kle,  v.  a.  to  loose  from  chains 
Unsha'keable,  a.  not  to  be  shaken,  firm 
Unsha'ken,  a.  not  moved,  not  shaken 
Unsha'pen,  a.  deformed,  misshapen,  ugly 
Unshe'ath,  v.  a.  to  draw  from  a  scabbard 
Unshel'tered,  a.  wanting  protection 
Unshi'p,  v.  a.  to  take  out  of  a  ship 
Unshock'ed,  a.  not  frighted,  unshaken    . 
Unsho'd,  a.  having  no  shoes,  barefoot 
Unsho'rn,  a.  not  shaven,  not  clipped 
Unshow'ered,  a.  not  watered  by  showers 
Unsifc'ed,  a.  not  tried ;  not  parted  by  a  6ieve 
Unsight'liness,  s.  disagreeableness ;  deformity 
Unsight'ly,  a.  disagreeable  to  the  sight 
Unsin'ew,  v.  a.  to  deprive  of  strength 
Unsin'ning,  a.  having  no  sin ;  perfect 
Unskil'ful,  a.  wanting  art  or  knowledge 
Unskil'fulness,  /.  want  of  art  or  knowledge 
Unskilled,  a.  wanting  skill  or  knowledge 
Unsla'ked,  a.  not  quenched,  not  put  out 
Unsociable,  a.  not  sociable,  not  kind 
Unsoil'ed,  a.  not  polluted,  not  stained 
Unso'ld,  a.  not  sold,  not  disposed  of 
Unsol'dierlike,  a.  unbecoming  a  soldier 
Unsoli'citous,  a.  not  solicitous,  not  anxious 
Unsol'id,^.  not  coherent  or  firm 
Unsophis'ticated,  a.  not  adulterated 
Unsort'ed,  a.  not  properly  separated 
Unso'ught,  a.  not  seen  ;  not  searched 
Unsou'nd,  a.   not  sound ;    corrupted ;    dis- 
honest ;  erroneous  ;  not  true ;  sickly 
Unsour'ed,  a.  not  made  sour,  not  morose 
Unso'wn,  #,  not  sown,  having  no  seed 

Unspeak'able,  a.  not  to  be  expressed 
Unspeak'ably,  ad.  inexpressibly,  ineffably 
Unspe'd,  a.  not  despatched  ;  unsuccessful 
Unspe'nt,  a.  not  wasted,  not  diminished 
Unsphe're,  v.  a.  to  remove  from  its  orb 
Unspi'lt,  a.  not  spilt,  not  shed  ;  preserved 
Unspoi'led,  a.  not  plundered,  not  marred 
Unspot'ted,  a.  not  stained  or  spotted 
Unstable,  a.  inconstant,  not  fixed 
Unsta'id,  a.  not  steady,  changeable 
Unstain'ed,  a.  not  stained,  not  dyed 
Unstatutable,  a.  contrary  to  statute 
Unstaunch'ed,  a.  not  staunched  or  stopped 
Unsteadily,  ad.  inconstantly,  inconsistently 
Unstead'y*  a.  irresolute,  variable,  inconstant 
Unstead'fast,  a.  not  fixed,  not  fast 
Unstint'ed,  a.  not  limited,  not  confined 
Unstir'red,  a.  not  stirred,  not  shaken 
Unstrain'ed,  a.  easy,  not  forced ;  natural 
Unstri'ng,  v.  a.  to  untie,  to  relax  strings 
Unstuff'ed,  a.  unfilled,  unfurnished 
Unsubdu'ed,  a.  not  subdued,  not  conquered 
Unsubstantial,  a.  not  solid,  not  real 
Unsuccessful,  a.  not  successful,  unlucky 
Unsu'gared,  a.  not  sweetened  with  sugar 
Unsuitable,  a.  not  fit,  not  proportionate 
Unsuit'ableness,  s.  unfitness,  incongruity 
Unsuit'ing,  a.  not  fitting,  not  becoming 
Unsul'lied,  a.  not  fouled,  not  disgraced 
Unsu'ng,  a.  not  recited  in  verse  or  song 
Unsun'ned,  a.  not  exposed  to  the  sun 
Unsupported,  a.  not  sustained,  not  assisted 
Unsuscep'tible,  a.  not  liable  to  admit 
Unsuspected,  a.  not  doubted  or  suspected 
Unsuspecting,  a.  not  suspecting 
Unsuspicious,  a.  having  no  suspicion 
Unsustain'ed,  a .  not  supported  or  propped 
Unsway'ed,  a.  not  wielded,  not  swayed 
Unswo'mj  a.  not  bound  by  any  oath 
Untaint'ed,  a.  not  sullied,  not  tainted 
Unta'med,  a.  not  tamed,  not  subdued 
Untan'gle,  v.  a.  to  loose  from  intricacy 
Unta'sted,  a.  not  tried  by  the  palate,  &c. 
Untau'ght,  a.  not  taught,  uninstructed 
Untem'pered,  a.  not  tempered  or  hardened 
Unte'nable,  a.  not  capable  of  defence,  &c. 
Untenanted,  a.  having  no  tenant,  empty 
Untend'ed,  a.  without  attendance,  alone 
Unter'rified,  a.  not  affrighted,  dauntless 
Unthank'ful,  a.  ungrateful ;  displeasing 
Unthank'fully,  ad.  without  thanks 
Unthaw'ed,fl.  not  thawed,  not  dissolved 
Unthink'ing,  a.  thoughtless,  careless 
Unthorn'y,  a.  not  obstructed  by  prickles 
Untho'ught-of,  a.  not  regarded,  not  heeded 
Unthreat'ened,  a.  not  threatened  or  menaced 
Unthvi'ft,  s.  a  prodigal...**,  wasteful 
Unthrift'y,  a.  extravagant,  lavish 
Unthri'ving,  a.  not  thriving,  not  prospering 
Unti'e,  v.  a.  to  unbind,  to  loosen 

U  N  W 



Unti'ed,  a.  not  bound,  not  fastened 
Until,  ad.  to  the  time  that,  &c. 
Untill'ed,  a.  not  tilled,  not  cultivated 
Unti'mely,  a.  happening  before  proper  time 
Untin'ged,  a.  not  stained,  not  infected 
Untitled,  a.  having  no  title 
Un'to,  prep,  the  old  word  for  to 
Untold,  a.  not  related,  not  revealed 
Untouch'ed,  a.  not  touched,  not  affected 
Untow'ard,  a.  froward ;  vexatious 
Untrain'ed,  a.  not  properly  instructed 
Untranspa'rent,  a.  not  transparent,  cloudy 
Untri'ed,  a.  not  attempted,  not  tried 
Untrim'med,  a.  not  trimmed,  plain 
Untro'd,  a.  not  trodden  down  by  the  foot 
Untroubled,  a.  not  disturbed  ;  clear 
Untru'e,  a.  not  true,  false,  not  faithful 
Untru'ly,  ad.  falsely,  not  according  to  truth 
Un'truth,  s.  a  falsehood,  a  false  assertion 
Untu'nable,o.  not  musical,  unharmonious 
Unturn'ed,  a.  not  turned,  not  changed 
Untu'tored,  a.  uninstructed,  untaught 
Untwi'ne,  Untwi'st,  v.  a.  to  separate  things 

involved  ;  to  open  what  is  wrapped 
Cnva'il,  v.  a.  to  throw  off  a  vail,  uncover 
Unvan'quished,  a.  not  conquered  or  overcome 
Unva'ried,  a.  not  changed,  not  varied 
Unvar'nished,  a.  not  covered  with  varnish 
Unveil,  v.  a.  to  disclose,  show,  discover 
Unver'itable,  a*  not  true,  false,  deceitful 
Unvi'olated,  a.  not  injured,  not  broken 
Unu'sed,  a.  not  put  to  use,  unemployed 
Unu'seful,  a.  useless,  serving  no  purpose 
Unu'sual,  a.  not  common,  rare,  unfrequent 
Unut'tersble,  a.  inexpressible,  ineffable 
Unwall'ed,  a.  not  having  walls  ;  open,  bare 
Unwa'rily,  ad.  without  caution,  carelessly 
Unwarlike,  a.  not  like,  or  fit  for  war 
Unwarn'ed,  a.  not  warned,  not  cautioned 
Unwarrantable,*?,  not  defensible, not  allowed 
Unwarranted,  a.  not  ascertained, uncertain 
Unwa'ry,  a.  wanting  caution  ;  precipitate 
Unwash'ed,  a.  not  washed  ;  unclean 
Unwa'sted,  a.  not  diminished,  not  lessened 
Unwearied,  a.  not  tired,  indefatigable 
Unwear'y,  v.  a.  to  refresh  after  weariness 
Unweigh'ed,  a.  not  weighed  ;  not  considered 
Unwel'come,  a.  not  pleasing,  not  grateful 
Unwe'pt,  a.  not  lamented  or  grieved  for 
Unwhi'pt,  a.  not  whipped,  not  corrected 
Unwholesome,  a.  corrupt,  not  wholesome 
Uuwield'y,  a.  unmanageable;  bulky 
Unwilling,  a.  not  willing,  loath,  not  inclined 
Unwi'nd,  v.  a.  to  untwist,  to  untwine 
Unwi'se,  a.  defective  in  wisdom,  weak 
Unwi't,  v.  a.  to  deprive  of  understanding 
Unwit'tingly,  ad.  without  knowledge,  with- 
out consciousness 
Unwit'ty,  a.  destitute  of  wit;  coarse 
Unwonted,  a.  uncommon,  unusual 

Unwor'thily,  ad.  without  due  regard 
Unworthy,  a.  not  deserving;  mean 
Unwre'ath,  v.  a.  to  untwine ;  to  untwist 
Unwrit'ten,  a.  not  written  ;  traditional 
Unwro'ught,  a.  not  manufactured 
Unwru'ng,  a.  not  wrung,  not  pinched 
Unyield'ed,  a.  not  yielded,  not  given  up 
Unyo'ke,  v.  a.  to  loose  from  a  yoke 
Vocab'ulary,  /.  a  small  dictionary  or  lexiebn 
Vb'cal,  a.  of  or  belonging  to  the  voice 
Vo'cally,  ad.  articulately  ;  in  words 
Voca'tion,  /.  a  summons  ;  employment 
Voc'ative,  s.  the  case  of  nouns  in  grammar 

used  in  calling  or  speaking  to 
Vociferous,  a.  clamorous,  noisy,  loud 
Vogue,  i.  fashion,  mode  ;  esteem,  repute 
Voice,  j.  a  vote;  suffrage;  sound  emitted  by 

the  mouth  ;  opinion  expressed 
Void,  a.  empty,  vain  ;  null;  unoccupied 
Void,  s.  an  empty  space,  emptiness 
Void,  v.  a.  to  quit  ;  emit ;  evacuate  ;  annul 
Volant,  a.  flying;  active  ;  passing  through  air 
Vol'atile,  a.  flying  ;  evaporating  ;  lively 
Volca'no,  or  Vulca'no,  s.  a  burning  mountain 

that  emits  flames,  stones,  &c. 
Vole,  t .  a  deal  at  quadrille,  that  draws  the 

whole  tricks  to  one  party 
Volery,  or  Volary,  t.  a  night  of  birds 
Volita'tion,  s.  the  act  and  power  of  flying 
Voli'tion,  s.  the  act  of  willing  or  determining 

any  particular  action  by  choice 
Volley, !.  a  burst  of  shot...7>.  n.  to  throw  cut 
Volt,  i.  a  certain  tread  of  a  horse  ;  a  round 
Volubility,  /.  fluency  of  speech  ;  mutability 
Vol'uble,  a.  fluent  in  words  ;  active,  nimble 
Vol'ume,  s.  a  book;  any  compact  matter 
Volu'minous,  a.  consisting  of  many  volumes 
Voluntarily,  ad.  of  one's  own  accord 
Voluntary,  a.  a<fting  by  choice,  willing 
Voluntary,  s.  music  played  at  will;  volunteer 
Voluntee'r,  s.  a  soldier  of  his  own  accord 
Volup'tuary,  s.  one  given  up  to  luxury 
Volup'tuous,  a.  luxuriant,  extravagant 
Vomit,  v.  a.  to  cast  out  of  the  stomach 
Vomit,  s.  a  medicine  to  cause  to  vomit 
Vora'cious,  a.  ravenous,  greedy  to  eat 
Vor'tex,  s.  a  whirlpool ;  a  whirlwind 
Vortical,  a.  having  a  whirling  motion 
Vo'taress,  Vo'tress,  s.  a  female  votary 
Vo'tary, ;.  one  devoted  to  any  service,  dec. 
Vote,  v.  a.  to  choose  or  give  by  vote 
Vo'ter,  s.  one  who  has  a  right  to  vote 
Vo'tive,  a.  given  or  done  by  vote  ;  vowed 
Vouch,  v.  to  bear  witness,  to  attest ;  to  war- 
rant; to  maintain  ;  to  appear  as  a  witness 
Vouch, ;.  a  warrant,  attestation 
Vouch'er,  s.  who  or  what  witnesseth 
Vouchsafe,  v.  to  condescend,  to  grant 
Vow,  s.  a  solemn  and  religious  promise 
Vow,  v.  to  make  a  vow  ;  to  protest 



Vow'el,  s.  a  letter  utterable  by  itself 
Voy'age,  s.  a  travel  by  sea ;  a  course ;  attempt 
Voy'ager,  s.  one  who  travels  by  sea 
Up,  ad .  aloft ;  out  of  bed ;  above  ;  not  down 
Up,  prep,  from  a  lower  to  a  higher  part 
Upbrai'd,  v.  a.  to  chide,  reproach,  charge 
Upbraid'ingly,  ad.  by  way  of  reproach 
Uphe'ld,  part,  maintained,  sustained 
Up'hill,«.  difficult,  laborious,  troublesome 
Upho'Id,  v.  a.  to  lift  on  high,  to  support 
Uphold'er,  s.  a  supporter,  an  undertaker 
Uphol'sterer,  s.  one  who  furnishes  houses 
Up'land,  s.  higher  ground...«.  higher 
Upla'y,  v.  a.  to  lay  up,  hoard  up,  preserve 
Upli'ft,  v.  a.  to  raise  aloft,  lift  up  on  high 
Up'most,  a.  highest,  topmost,  uppermost 
Vpo'iiyprep.  not  under;  with  respedt  to 
Up'per.  a.  higher  in  place,  superior  to 
Up'permost,  a.  highest  in  place^power,  &c 
Upra'ise,  v.  a.  to  raise  up,  exalt,  advance 
Up'right,  a.  straight  up,  erected  ;  honest 
Upri'se,  v.  n.  to  rise  from  a  seat,  to  ascend 
Up'roar,  s.  tumult,  confusion,  bustle 
Up'shot,  s.  a  conclusion,  end  ;  event 
Upside,  s.  the  upper  side,  the  upper  part 
Up'start,  s.  one  suddenly  raised  to  wealth, 
honour,  &c  and  who  becomes  proud  and 
insolent...^,  n.  to  spring  up  suddenly 
Uo'ward,  a.  direcled  higher  ;  more  than 
Urban'ity,  s.  civility;  elegance  ;  politeness 
Ur'chin,  s.  a  hedgehog  ;  a  brat  ;  a  child 
Urethra,  /.  the  passage  of  the  urine 
Urge,  v.  a.  to  incite,  to  provoke,  to  press 
Ur'gency,  :.  a  pressure  of  difficulty 
Ur'gent,  a.  pressing,  earnest,  importunate 
Ur'ger,  s.  one  who  urges,  one  who  incites 
Urinal, ;.  a  bottle  to  keep  urine  for  inspection 
U'rine,j.  water  coming  from  animals 
Urn,*,  a  vessel  used  for  the  ashes  of  the 

dead ;  a  Roman  measure  of  four  gallons 
Uros'copy,  s.  an  examination,  &c.  of  urine 
Us,  oblique  case  of  ive 
Usage,  s.  treatment,  custom,  fashion 
Usance,  s.  use,  usury,  interest  for  money 
Use,  s.  usage,  habit,  custom,  advantage 
Use,  v.  to  employ  ;  to  frequent ;  to  treat 
U'seful,  a.  convenient, serviceable,  profitable 
Use'iess,  a.  answering  no  end  or  purpose 

Use'lessnes«,  s.  unfitness  to  any  end 
Ush'er,  s.  an  under-teacher ;  an  introducer 
Ush'er,  v.  a.  to  introduce,  to  bring  in 
Usqueba'ugh,  /.  an  Irish  compound  distilled 
spirit,  drawn  from  aromatics  ;  the  High- 
land sort,  by  corruption,  is  called  whiskey 
Us'tion,  s .  in  surgery,  a  burning  or  searing 
with  a  hot  iron  ;  in  pharmacy,  preparing 
ingredients  by  burning  them 
Usto'rious,  a.  having  the  quality  of  burning 
U'sual,  a.  common,  customary,  frequent 
Usually,  ad.  commonly,  customarily 
Usurer,  s.  one  who  practises  usury 
Usu'rious,  a.  exorbitantly  greedy,  griping 
Usur'p,  v.  a.  to  hold  without  right 
Usurpa'tion,  s.  an  illegal  possession 
Usurp'er,  s.  one  who  is  in  possession  of  any 

thing  that  is  another's  right 
U'sury,j.  money  paid  for  the  use  of  money 
Uten'sH,  s.  an  instrument  for  any  use 
U'terine,  a.  belonging  to  the  womb 
Util'ity, s.  usefulness;  profit;  convenience 
U'tis,  s.  a  bustle,  stir,  noise,  prodigy 
Ut'most,  a.  highest,  most  extreme 
Uto'pian,  a-  chimerical  ;  imaginary 
Ut'ter,  a.  outward  ;  extreme  ;  complete 
Ut'ter,  v.  a.  to  speak  ;  to  vend,  to  publish 
Utterable,  a.  that  may  be  uttered  or  told 
Ut'terance,  s.  pronunciation  ;  an  extremity 
Ut'terly,  ad.  perfectly,  completely,  fully 
Ut'termost,  a.  extreme  ;  most  remote 
Ut'termost,  s.  the  greatest  degree  or  part 
Vul'gar,  a.  mean,  low,  common,  ordinary 
Vul'gar,  s.  the  common  or  lower  people 
Vulgar'ity,  s.  meanness,  rudeness 
Vui'gate,  x.  a  Latin  version  of  the  bible  au- 
thorised by  the  church  of  Rome 
Vulnerable,  a.  that  which  may  be  wounded 
Vul'nerary,  a.  useful  in  curing  wounds 
Vul'pinary,  a.  cunning,  crafty,  sly,  subtle 
Vul'pine,  a.  belonging  to  a  fox,  crafty 
Vul'ture,  s.  the  name  of  a  bird  of  prey 
Uvula,  s.  the  little  piece  of  red  spungy  flesh 
suspended  from  the  palate,  between   the 
two  glandules,  and  serving  to  cover  the 
entrance  of  the  windpipe 
Uxo'rious,  a.  submissively  fond  of  a  wife 
Uxo'riousness,  s.  connubial  dotage 


WIS  sometimes  used  as  an  abbreviation 
of  West,  as  N.  W.  north  west 
Wab'ble,  v.  n.  to  move  from  side  to  side 
Wab'blingly,  ad.  totteringly 
Wad'ding,  /.  a  coarse  woollen  stuff 

Wad,  s.  paper,  tow,  &c.  to  stopagun-charge ; 

a  bundle  of  straw  thrust  close  together 
Wad'dle,  v.  n.  to  walk  like  a  duck 
Wade,  v.  n.  to  walk  through  water,  &c. 
Wa'fer,i.  a  thin  dried  paste,  fai  sevesal  uses 



W  A  T 

Waft,  v.  to  beckon  ;  to  carry  over  ;  to  float 
Waft'age,  s.  carriage  by  water  or  air 
Waft'ure,  s.  the  aft  of  waving  or  floating 
Wag,  s.  a  merry,  droll  fellow,  a  low  wit 
Wage,  v.  a.  to  lay  a  wager,  to  engage  ia 
Wa'ger,  s .  a  bet ;  an  offer  upon  oath 
Wa'ges,  s.  hire  or  reward  given  for  service 
Wag'gery,  s.  wantonness,  merry  pranks 
Wag'gish,  a.  frolicsome,  sportive,  merry 
Wag'gle,  v.  n.  to  move  up  and  down 
Wag'gon,  s.  a  four-wheeled  carriage 
Wag'goner,  s.  one  who  drives  a  waggon 
Wag'tail,  s.  the  name  of  a  small  bird 
Waif,  x.  gocds  found  and  not  claimed 
Wail,  v.  to  lament,  to  bewail,  to  grieve 
Wail,  Wail'ing,  s.  lamentation,  grief 
Wail'ful,  a.  mournful,  sorrowful 
Wain,  s.  a  sort  of  cart  or  waggon 
Wain'scot,  s.  a  lining  for  rooms 
Waist,  s.  the  middle  part  of  the  body 
Waist'coat,  i.  a  part  of  a  man's  dress 
Wait,  v.  to  expect,  attend,  stay,  watch 
Wait'er,  s.  an  attendant,  one  in  waiting 
Wait'ing,  part,  attending,  serving 
Waits,  s.  nightly  musicians,  nightly  music 
Wake,  v.  to  watch,  not  sleep,  rouse 
Wake,  s.  a  watch;  merriment;  track 
Wa'keful,  a.  not  sleeping,  watchful 
Wa'ken,  v.  to  wake,  to  rouse  from  sleep 
Wale,  i.  a  rising  part  in  cloth,  tec. ;  the  out- 
er timber  in  the  sides  of  a  ship 
Walk,  v.  to  go  on  foot,  to  pass,  to  travel 
Walk,  s.  the  act  of  walking,  gait ;  a  path 
Walk'er,  s.  one  that  walks  ;  an  officer 
Walk'ingstick,  s.  a  staff  to  walk  with 
Walk'mill,  s.  a  fulling-mill 
Wall,  s.  a  partition  of  brick  or  stone,  &c. 
Wall,  v.  a.  to  enclose  with  a  wall 
Wallet, ;.  a  bag,  knapsack,  double  pouch 
Wall'eyed,  a.  having  white  eyes 
Wal'lop,  v.  n.  to  boil,  to  boil  violently 
Wal'low,  v.  n.  to  roll  in  the  mire,  &c. 
Wal'nut, ;.  a  large  kind  of  nut 
Wal'tron,  s.  the  sea-horse  ;  the  morse 
Wam'ble,  v.  n.  to  roll  with  sickness 
Wan,  a.  pale,  sickly,  languid  of  look 
Wand,  s.  a  small  stick,  a  long  slender  staff 
Wan'der,  v.  to  rove,  to  go  astray,  to  ramble 
Wan'derer,  s.  a  rover,  rambler,  traveller 
Wane,  v.  n.  to  diminish,  to  decrease 
Want,  v.  to  be  without,  to  need ;  to  fail 
Want,  j.  lack,  need,  deficiency  ;  poverty 
Wan'ton,  a.  licentious,  sportive,  jocund 
Wan'ton,  s.  a  strumpet,  a  lascivious  person 
Wan'ton,  v.n.  to  play  lasciviously;  to  revel 
Want'only,  ad.  in  a  lascivious  manner 
Wan'ty,  s.  a  surcingle  ;  a  leathern  girth 
Wa'ped,  a.  dejected,  crushed,  borne  down 
Wap'entake,  s.  a  division  of  a  county,  the 
s§tae  as  a  hundred  or  10  hundreds 

W   2 

War,  /.  hostility,  fighting,  combat 
War,  v.  n.  to  make  or  carry  on  war 
War'ble,  v.  to  quaver  any  sound  ;  to  sing 
War'bler,  /.  a  songster,  a  singing  bird 
Ward,  ;.  a  garrison  ;  district  of  a  town;  cus- 
tody; one  under  a  guardian,  &c. 
Ward,  v.  to  act  on  the  defensive  ;    guard 
Ward'en,  s.  a  head  officer  ;  guardian 
Ward'er,  s.  a  keeper,  guard,  beadle 
Ward-'mote,  s.  a  ward-meeting 
Ward'robe,  /.  a  place  where  apparel  is  kept 
Ward'ship,  /.  guardianship,  pupilage 
Warehouse,  s.  a  house  for  merchandise 
Wares,  j.  goods  or  property  to  be  sold 
War'fare,  s.  military  service  and  life 
War'fare,  v.  n.  to  lead  a  military  life 
W'a'rily, ad.  cautiously,  with  wise  forethought 
War'like,  a.  military,  fit  for  war 
Warm,  a.  a  little  hot,  zealous,  furious 
Warm,  v.  a.  to  heat  moderately 
Warm'ingpan,  ;.  a  pan  to  warm  a  bed 
Warmth,  /.  gentle  heat,  zeal,  passion 
Warn,  -v.  a.  to  caution,  to  give  notice,  to  tell 
Warn'ing,  /.  previous  notice,  a  caution 
Warp,  s.  the  thread  that  crosses  the  woof 
Warp,  ij.  to  turn;  to  contract ;  to  shrivel 
War'rant,  s-  a  writ  of  caption,  authority 
War'rant,  v.  n.  to  justify;  authorise  ;  attest 
Warrantable,  a.  justifiable,  defensible 
War'rantably,  ad.  justifiably,  properly 
War'ranty,  s.  a  deed  of  security  for  the  per- 
formance of  a  contract ;  authority 
Warden,  s.  a  park  or  enclosure  for  rabbits 
War'rener,  s.  a  keeper  of  a  warren 
War'rior,  s.  a  soldier,  a  military  man 
Wart,  s.  a  corneous  excrescence  ;    a  small 

protuberance  on  the  flesh 
Wart'y,  a.  grown  over  with  or  like  warts 
War'worn,  a.  worn  with  war,  battered 
Wa'ry,  a.  cautious,  scrupulous,  nice 
Was,  pret.  of  to  be 
Wash,  v.  a.  to  cleanse  with  water 
Wash,  s.  the  act  of  washing  linen  ;  dish-wa- 
ter, &c.  given  to  hogs  ;  a  watery  place 
Wash/ball,  s.  a  ball  made  of  soap,  &c. 
Washerwoman,  s.  a  woman  who  washes 
Wash'y,  a.  watery,  damp ;  weak 
Wasp,  /.  a  brisk  stinging  insect  like  a  bee 
Wasp'ish,  a.  peevish,  cross,  touchy,  fretful 
Was'sail,  s.  drink  made  of  roasted  apples, 

sugar,  and  ale ;  a  drunken  bout 
Was'sailer,  s.  a  toper,  a  drunkard 
Wast,  second  person  singular  of  to  be 
Waste,  v.  to  diminish ;  spend ;  dwindle 
Waste,  a.  desolate,  uncultivated,  ruined 
Waste,  s.  a  desolate  uncultivated  ground 
Wa'steful,  a.  destructive,  lavish ;  profligate 
Watch,  s.  a  night-guard;    a  pocket-clock; 

the  time  a  seaman,  &c.  is  upon  guard 
WUtcbj-v.  to  keep  guard  j  to  observe 

W  E  A 


W  E  L 

Watch'et,  a.  blue,  pale  or  light  blue 
Watch'ful,  a.  attentive,  careful,  vigilant 
Watch-house,  s.  a  place  where  the  night- 
watch  is  set ;  a  place  of  confinement 
Watch'maker,  s .  one  who  makes  watches 
Watch/man,  j.  a  night-guard,  a  sentinel 
Watch'word,  s.  a  sentinel's  night-word 
Water, ;.  one  of  the  elements  ,  urine ;  lustre 

of  a  diamond ;  gioss  on  died  silk 
Water,  v.  to  supply  with  water ;  to  take  in 

water;  to  shed  moisture;  to  irrigate 
Waterage,  s.  money  paid  for  a  journey  taken 

by  water  or  for  water-carriage 
Watercolours,  s.  colours  of  a  soft  consist- 
ence used  with  gum-water 
Watercourse,  s.  a  channel  for  water 
Watercresses,  /.  a  plant  of  five  species 
Waterfall,  s.  a  cascade,  a  cataract 
Waterfowl,  s.  a  fowl  that  swims  in  the  wa- 
ter, and  lives  or  breeds  near  it 
Watergru'el,  s.  food  of  oatmeal  and  water 
■Waterman,  s.  a  boatman,  a  ferryman 
Watermark,  j.  the  mark  of  the  flood 
Watermill,  s.  a  mill  turned  by  water 
Watersapph'ire,  /.  a  precious  stone 
Wa'terwork,  s.  an  hydraulic  performance 
Watery,  a.  thin  ;  abounding  with  water 
Wattle,  v.  a.  to  bind  or  make  firm  with  twigs 
Wattles,  s.   hurdles  made  of  willows ;  the 

barbs  or  red  flesh  below  a  cock's  bill 
Wave,  v.  to  play  loosely  ;  put  off;  beckon 
Wave,  s.  a  billow  at  sea;  inequality 
Wa'ved,  a.  moved  loosely  ;  variegated 
Wa'ver,  v.  n.  to  be  unsettled,  to  move  loosely 
Wa'vy,  a.  rising  in  waves;  undulating 
Wax,  s.  a  thick  tenacious  substance  extracted 

from  the  honeycomb  of  bees 
Wax,  v.  to  smear  with  wax  ;  to  grow 
Wax'ed,  or  Wax'en,  a.  made  of  wax ;  grown ; 

Way,  /.  a  road,  passage  ;  means,  method 
Way'farer,  s.  a  passenger,  a  traveller 
Way 'faring,  a.  travelling,  journeying 
Way'lay,  v.  a.  to  beset  by  ambush 
Way'ward,  a.  froward,  unruly ;  peevish 
We,  pronoun  plural  of  I 
Weak,  a.  feeble  ;  pliant;  unfortified 
V/eak'en,  v.  a.  to  make  weak,  to  enfeeble 
weak'ness,  s.  a  defect,  feebleness,  failing 
Weal,  s.  republic;  happiness;  prosperity,; 

public  interest ;   mark  of  a  stripe 
Weald,  Wald,  or  Walt,  s.  a  wood  or  grove 
Wealth,  s.  riches,  money  ;  goods,  &c. 
Wealth'y,  a.  opulent,  rich,  abundant 
Wean,  v.  a.  to  deprive  of  the  breast,  &c. 
Weap'on,  s.  an  instrument  pf  offence 
Wear,  v.  to  waste ;  to  have  on  ;  to  hold  out 
Wear,  s.  the  act  of  wearing ;  a  dam  of  water 
Wear'er,  s'.  one  who  wears  any  thing 
Wear'iness,  y.  fatigues  lassitv.ctej  iedkmsness 

Wear'ing, .'.  clothes;  the  act  of  wasting 
Wear'isome,  a.  tedious,  tiresome 
Wear'y,  v.  a.  to  tire,  to  harass. ..a.  tired 
Weas'and,  Weas'on,  s.  the  windpipe 
Weas'el,  s.  the  name  of  a  small  animal 
Weath'er,  s.  the  state  of  the  air ;  a  storm 
Weath'er,  v.  a.  to  pass  with  difficulty 
Weath'erbeaten,  a.  grown  rough  or  tarnished, 

or  harassed  by  bad  weather 
Weath'ercock,  s.  a  vane  on  a  spire 
Weath'ergage,  s.  the  advantage  of  the  wind  ; 

a  thing  that  shows  the  weather 
Weath'erglass,  s.     See  Barometer 
Weath'erwise,  a.  foretelling  the  weather 
Weave,  v.  a.  to  form  by  texture;  to  insert 
Weav'er,  s.  one  who  weaves  cloth,  &c. 
Web,  s.  any  thing  woven ;  a  film  on  the  eye 
Web-footed,  a.   palmipedous ;  having  films 

between  the  toes,  as  swans,  geese,  &c. 
Web'ster,  s.  a  weaver,  one  who  weaves 
Wed,  v.  a.  to  marry,  to  join  in  marriage 
Wed'ded,  a.  married,  attached  to 
Wed'ding,  s.  the  marriage  ceremony 
Wedge,  s.  a  body  with  a  sharp  edge 
Wedge,  *v.  a.  to  fasten  with  wedges 
Wed'lock,  s.  the  married  state,  matrimony 
Wed'nesday,  s.  (he  fourth  day  of  the  week 
Wee,  a.  little,  small,  diminutive,  puny 
Weed,  s.  a  wild  herb;  a  mourning  habit 
Weed'er,  s.  one  who  weeds,  or  takes  away 
Weed'hook,  s.  a  hook  to  root  up  weeds 
Wee'dy,  a.  abounding  with  weeds 
Week,  s.  the  space  of  seven  days 
Week'day,  s.  any  day  except  Sunday 
Week'ly,  a.  done,  &c  every  week 
Weel,  s.  a  whirlpool;  a  kind  of  trsp  for  fish 
Ween,  7;.  n.  to  think,  to  suppose,  to  imagine 
Weep,  v.  to  shed  tears,  to  bewail,  lament 
Weep'er,  s.  a  mourner ;    a  white  border  of 

linen  on  the  sleeve  of  a  mourning  dress 
Weer'ish,  a.  insipid ;  watery ;  sour,  surly 
Weet,  v.  n.  to  know,  to  be  sensible  of 
Wee'vil,  s.  a  grub  injurious  to  corn 
Weft,  s.  a  thing  woven  ;  the  woof  of  cloth  ; 
goods  which  have  no  owner ;  gentle  blast 
Weft'age, ;.  a  texture  ;  the  thing  woven 
Weigh,  v.  to  try  the  weight  of  any  thing  ; 
to  heave  up,  to  examine  nicely  ;  to  judge 
Weigh,  Wey,  s .  a  measure  ;  weight ;  way 
Weigh'ed,  a.  examined  by  weight,  &c. 
Weight,  j.  the  heaviness  of  any  thing;  im- 
portance ;  mass  by  which  bodies  are  weigh- 
ed ;  gravity  ;  pressure,  &c. 
Weight'ily,flrf.  heavily;  solidly ;  importantly 
Weight'iness,  s.  heaviness  ;  importance 
Weight'less,  a.  light ;  having  no  gravity 
Weight'y,  a.  heavy  ;  important ;  strong 
Weird,  a.  fatal ;  predicting;  witchlike 
Wel'come,  a.  received  with  gladness 
Wel'some.  s.  kind  reception. ..v.  a.  to  recede 

W    H    E 


W  II   I 

WeYcome,  inter,  used  to  a  visitor 
Wel'comeness,  s.  the  act  of  making  welcome, 

a  kind  reception  j  gratefulness 
Wel'comer,  i.  one  who  bids  welcome 
Weld,  Would,  s.  a  dyer's  weed  for  yellow 
Weld,  r.  a.  to  beat  one  mass  into  another 
Wel'fare,  ft.  happiness,  prosperity,  success 
Welk'in,  s.  the  visible  regions  of  the  air 
Welk'ing,  a.  clouding  ;  weak,  languishing 
Well,  s.  a  spring,  a  source  ;  a  cavity 
Well,  a.  not  sick  ;  happy  ;  convenient 
Well,  ad  not  amiss  ;  rightly  ;   properly 
Well'aday,  inter,  denoting  grief,  &c. 
Wellbe'ing,  s.  prosperity,  happiness 
Weilbo'rn,  a.  not  meanly  descended 
Welibre'd,  a.  polite,  elegant  of  manners 
Welldo'ne,  inter,  denoting  praise,  &c. 
Wellfa'voured,  a.  beautiful,  handsome 
Wellme't,  inter,  denoting  salutation,  &c. 
Welini'gh,  ad.  almost,  nearly,  adjacent 
Wellset',  a.  well-made  ;  stout  built 
Well'spent,  a.  spent  with  virtue 
Weli'spring,  /.  spring,  fountain  ;  source 
Wellwill'er,  s.  one  who  means  well 
Well'wish,  s.  a  wish  of  happiness,  &c. 
Wellwish'er,  s.  one  who  wishes  good 
Welt,  s.  a  border  ;  a  selvage  ;  an  edging 
Wel'ter,  v.  n.  to  roll  in  blood,  mire,  &c 
Wem,  i.  a  spot ;  scar  ;  fault  ;  the  belly 
Wem'Iess,  a.  uuspotted,  innocent 
Wen,  s.  a  dangerous  fleshy  excrescence 
Wench,  s.  a  young  woman,  a  strumpet 
Wenclv'er,/.  a  fornicator 
Wench'ing,  s.  fallowing  of  bad  women 
Wend,  v.  n.  to  go  ;  turn  round  ;  to  pass  from 
Wen'ny,  a.  having  the  nature  of  a  wen 
Went,  pret .  and  part,  of  to  go 
Wept,  pret.  avApart.  of  to  weep 
Were,  pre'.,  of  the  verb  to  be 
Wert,  second  per.  sing,  of  the  pret.  of  to  be 
West,  s.  the  region  where  the  sun  sets 
West,  ad.  to  the  west  of  any  place 
West'ering,  a.  tending  towards  the  west 
West'erly,  a.  towards  the  west 
West'ern,  a.  westerly,  from  the  west 
West'ward,  ad.  towards  the  west 
Wet,  a.  rainy,  moist...;,  water,  rain 
Wet,  v.  a.  to  moisten  ;  to  make  to  diink 
Weth'er,  s.  a  ram  that  is  castrated 
Wet'ness,  s.  the  state  of  being  wet,  rain 
Wet'tish,  a.  rather  wet,  rather  moist 
Wex,  v.  a.  to  grow,  increase,  grow  large 
Whale,  s.  the  largest  of  all  fish 
Wharf,  j.  a  place  to  land  goods  at 
Whar'fage,  s.  rates  for  landing  at  a  wharf 
Wharfinger,  s.  a  keeper  of  a  wharf 
What,  pron.  that  which  ;  which  part 
Whatev'er,  Whatsoever,  pron.  this  or  that 
Wheal,  s.  a  pustule  ;  body  of  matter  ;  insett 
Wheat,  i,  bread  corn,  the  finest  of  grains 

Wheat'ear,  s.  the  name  of  a  small  bird 
Wheat'en,  a.  made  of  wheat  corn 
Whee'dle,  v.  a.  to  entice  by  soft  words 
Wheel,  s.   a  circular  body  for  various  uses, 
that  turns  round  upon  an  axis  ;  revolution 
Wheel,  v.  to  move  on  wheels  ;  to  turn  round 
Wheel  barrow,  s.  a  carriage  of  one  wheel 
Wheel'wright,  s.  a  maker  of  wheels 
Wheeze,  v.  n.  to  breathe  with  a  noise 
Whelk,  s.  a  protuberance  ;  a  shellfish 
Whelm,  v.  a.  to  cover  ;  turn  down  ;  bury 
Whelp,  s.  the  young  of  a  dog,  lion,  6cc. 
j  When,  ad.  at  the  time  that,  &c 
Whence,  ad.  from  what  place.  Sec. 
Whence'soever,  ad.  from  what  place  soever 
Whenev'er,  ad.  at  whatsoever  time 
Where,  ad.  at  which  place,  at  what  place 
Whereabou'ts,  ad.  near  what  place 
Wherea's,  ad.  when  on  the  contrary  ;  at 

which  place  ;  the  thing  being  so  that 
Wherea't,  ad.  at  which 
Whereby,  ad.  by  which 
Wrherev'er,  ad.  at  whatever  place 
Where'fore,  ad.  for  what  or  which  icason 
Wherei'n,  ad.  in  which 
Wherein'to,  ad.  into  which 
Whereo'f,  ad.  of  which  ;  concerning  which 
Wheresoev'er,  ad.  in  what  place  soever 
Where'unto,  ad.  to  or  unto  which 
Whereupo'n,  ad.  on  or  upon  which 
Wherewithal,  ad.  with  which,  with  what 
Wher'ret,  v.  a.  to  hurry,  to  tease,  &c. 
Wher'ry,  s.  a  light  river  boat 
Wher'ry,  v.  a.  to  convey  over  in  a  boat 
W'het,  "j.  a.  to  sharpen,  to  edge  ;  to  provoke 
Whet  j  ;.  the  act  of  sharpening 
Wheth'er,  pron.  which  of  the  two 
Whet'stone,  s.  a  sharpening  stone 
Whet'ter,  s.  a  sharpener  of  knives,  &c. 
Whey,  /.  the  serous  part  of  milk 
Whey'ey,  Whey'ish,  a.  like  whey  j  waterish 
Which,  pronoun  relative ■,  that 
Whichev'er,  pron.  one  or  the  other 
Whiff,  s.  a  puff,  blast,  breath 
Whiffle,  -v.  n.  to  prevaricate,  shuffle,  play 
Whif'fler,  s.  a  shuffler  ;   fifer  ;  marcher 
Whig,  /.  a  partyman,  opposed  to  a  tory  ;  a& 
appellation  given  to  those  who  were  against 
the  court  interest    in  the  times  of  king 
Charles  II.  and  James  II.  and  to  such  as 
were  for  it  in  the  succeeding  reign 
Whig'gish,  a.  inclined  to  whiggism 
Whig'gism,  s.  the  principles  of  the  whig© 
While,  s.  time  ;  a  space  of  time 
While,  Whiles,  Whilst,  ad.  as  long  as 
While'ere,  ad.  a  little  while  ago 
Whil'om,  ad.  formerly,  since,  of  old 
Whim,  Whim'sey,  s.  an  odd  fancy  ;  caprice 
Whinf  per,  v.  n.  to  cry  lowly  as  a  child 
Whimp'led,  a.  distorted  with  crying 




WhinYsical,  a.  capricious,  freakish,  fanciful 
Whim'wham,  s.  a  gewgaw,  toy,  trifle 
Whin,  s.  furze,  a  shrub,  a  prickly  bush 
Whine,  v.  n.  to  lament  in  low  murmurs  ;  to 
make  a  plaintive  noise  ;  to  moan  effemi- 
Whin'ny,  v.  n.  to  make  a  noise  like  a  horse 
Whin'yard,  s.  a  large  crooked  sword 
Whip,  s.  an  instrument  of  correction 
Whip,  v.  to  cut  with  a  whip  ;  to  lash,  &c 
Whip'cord,  /.  a  cord  for  whiplashes 
Whip'hand,  s.  an  advantage  over  another 
Whip'lash,  s.  the  small  end  of  a  whip 
Whip'per,  s.  one  who  uses  the  whip 
Whip'saw,  s.  a  large  saw  for  two  persons 
Whip'ster,  s.  a  nimble  fellow,  a  sharper 
Whipt,  part,  and  pret.  for  -whipped 
Whirl,  v.  to  turn  or  run  round  rapidly 
Whirl,  s .  a  rapid  turning  or  circumvolution 
Whirl'igig,  s.  a  whirling  plaything 
Whirlpool,  s.  water  moving  circularly 
Whirl'wind,  s.  a  storm  moving  circularly 
Whir'ring,  s.  a  noise  made  by  a  bird's  wing 
Whisk,  s.  a  small  besom  ;  a  child's  tippet 
Whisk,  v.  a.  to  brush  with  a  whisk,  to  run 
Whisk'er,  s.  hair  on  the  lips  ;  a  mustachio 
Whisk'ing,  part.  a.  brushing  j  passing  quick 
Whis'per,  v.  n.  to  speak  with  a  low  voice 
Whis'per,  s.  a  low  voice  •,  a  speaking  softly 
Whis'perer,  s.  one  who  speaks  low 
Whist,  j.  a  game  at  cards...a.  silent,  still 
Whis'tle,  v.  to  form  a  kind  of  musical  modu- 
lation of  the  breath  ;  to  blow  a  whistle 
Whis'tle,  s.  an  inarticulate  musical  sound 
Whit,  s.  point,  jot,  tittle 
White,  a.  snowy,  pale  ;  pure...;,  a  colour 
Whi'telivered,  a.  envious,  malicious 
Whi'ten,  v.  to  make  or  grow  white 
Whi'teness,  s.  the  state  of  being  white 
Whi'tepot,  s.  a  kind  of  food  from  milk,  eggs, 

white  bread,  sugar,  spice,  &c. 
Whi'tethorn,  s.  a  species  of  thorn 
Whitewash,  v.  a.  to  make  white  ;  clear 
Whitewash,  /.  a  kind  of  liquid  plaster  to 
whiten  the  walls  of  houses  ;  a  wash  to 
make  the  skin  seem  fair 
Whith'er,  ad.  to  what  place  or  degree 
Whi'ting,  s.  a  small  fish  ;  a  soft  chalk 
Whi'tish,  a.  somewhat  or  rather  white 
Whit'leather,  s.  a  leather  drest  with  alum 
Whit'low,  s.  a  swelling  at  the  finger's  end 
Whit'ster,  s.  a  bleacher  of  linen,  &c. 
Whit'suntide,  s.  the  feast  of  Pentecost 
Whit'tle,  s.  a  white  dress  for  a  woman  ;  a 

Whiz,  v.  n.  to  make  a  loud  humming  noise 
Who,  pron.  relative,  which  person 
Whoev'er,  pron.  any  one  ;  whatever  person 
Whole,  s.  a  solid  ;  the  total  ;  all  of  a  thing 
Whole,  a.  all,  total  5  restored  to  health 

Wholesale,  s.  the  sale  of    a  considerable 

quantity  at  once  ;  not  in  small  parcels 
Who'lesome,  a.  contributing  to  health 
Whom,  accus.  of  who,  sing,  and  plural 
Whomsoever,  pron.  any  person  whatever 
Whoop,  s.  a  shout  of  pursuit ;  a  bird 
Whore,  s.  a  prostitute  ;  a  fornicatress 
Who'redom,  s.  playing  the  whore,  adultery 
Who'remaster,  s.  one  who  keeps  whores 
Who'reson,  s.  abastard...a.  spurious 
Who'rish,  a.  unchaste,  incontinent,  loose 
Whor'tleberry,  Whurt,  s.  bilberry,  a  plant 
Whose,  pron.  pass,  of  who  and  ivhich 
Whosoev'er, pron.  any  without  exception 
Why,  ad.  for  what  reason  or  cause 
Wick,  s.  the  cotton  of  a  candle  or  lamp 
Wick'ed,  a.  given  to  vice,  cursed 
Wick'edness,  t.  guilt,  moral  ill,  vice 
Wick'er,  a.  made  of  small  willows  or  sticks 
Wick'et,  s.  a  small  door  ^  a  small  gate 
Wide,  a.  broad,  remote,  extended 
Wide,  Wi'dely,  ad.  remotely,  at  a  distance 
Wi'den,  v.  to  make  or  grow  wide    , 
Wid'geon,  s.  the  name  of  a  water  fowl 
Wid'ow,  s.  a  woman  whose  husband  is  dead 
Wid'owcr,  t.  a  man  whose  wife  is  dead 
Wid'owhood,  s.  the  state  of  a  widow 
Width,  s.  breadth  or  wideness 
Wield,  v.  a.  to  use  with  full  power 
Wield'y,  a.  capable  of  being  managed 
Wi'ery,  a.  made  or  drawn  into  wire 
Wife,  s.  a  woman  that  is  married 
Wig,  s.  a  light  cake  ;  a  peiiwig 
Wight,  s.  a  man  or  woman. -a.  swift 
Wig'wam,  s.  an  Indian  cabin 
Wild,  a.  not  tame  j  desert ;  savage,  uncouth 
Wild,  /.  a  desert,  an  uninhabited  country 
Wil'der,  v.  a.  to  close  in  a  wilderness,  &c. 
Wil'derness,  s.  a  wild  uninhabited  tract  of 

land  ;  a  savage  country  ;  a  desert 
Wild'fire,  s.  gunpowder  rolled  up  wet 
Wild'goosechase,  s.  a  vain  foolish  pursuit 
Wild'ing,  s.  the  name  of  a  wild  sour  apple 
Wile,  s.  a  deceit,  fraud,  trick,  shift 
Wil'ful,  a.  stubborn,  tenacious,  designed 
Wil'fully,  ad.  obstinately,  on  purpose 
Will,  s.  a  choice,  command,  bequest 
Will,  v.  a.  to  command,  direct,  desire 
Wil'ling,  a.  inclined  to  any  thing  ;  desirous 
Wil'low,  s.  the  name  of  a  tree 
Will-with-a-wisp,  s.  a  fiery  vapour  appear- 
ing in  the  night ;  an  ignis  fatuus 
Wi'ly,  a.  sly,  cunning,  full  of  stratagem 
Wim'ble,  s.  a  tool  for  boring  h51es...a.  a&ive 
Wim'ple,  s.  ft  hood,  a  veil...v.  a.  to  draw  over 
Win,  v.  to  gain  by  conquest  or  play 
Wince,  or  Winch,  v.  n.  to  shrink  from  pain 
Winch,  s.  a  handle  to  turn  a  mill  or  screw 
Wind,  s .  a  flowing  wave  of  air  ;  breath 
Wind'egg, ;.  an  imperfect  egg 

W  I  T 


w  o  o 

Wind'er,  ;.  who  or  what  winds  ;  a  plant 
Windfall, ;.  fruit  blown  down  by  the  wind  ; 

an  advantage  coming  unexpectedly 
Wind'ftower,  ;.  a  flower  ;  the  anemone 
Wind'gun,  /.  a  gun  to  discharge  a  bullet,  by 

letting  loose  the  air  pent  up  within 
Winding,  s.  a  turning  about  ;  a  following 
Wi'nding-sheet,  s.  a  sheet  in  which  the  dead 

are  enwrapped,  serving  for  a  shroud 
Wind'lass,  s.  a  machine  for  raising  weights 
Win'dle,  s.  a  spindle,  reel,  machine 
Wind'mill, ;.  a  mill  turned  by  the  wind 
Win'dow,  s.  an  opening  in  a  house  for  light 

and  air  ;  the  glass  it  contains 
Wind'pipe,  s.  the  passage  for  the  breath 
Wind'ward,  ad.  towards  the  wind 
Wind'y,  a.  breeding  wind  ;  swelled  •,  stormy 
Wine,  s.  the  fermented  juice  of  grapes,  &c. 
Wing,   J.   that  part  of  a  bird  used  in  flying  ; 

the  side  of  an  army  ;  a  fan  to  a  winnow 
Wing,  v.  to  furnish  with  wings  ;  to  fly 
Wing'ed,  a.  having  wings  ;  swift  ;  wounded 
Wink,  v.  n.  to  shut  the  eyes  :  connive,  hint 
Win'ner,  s.  one  who  wins,  one  who  gains 
Win'mng,  a.  attractive...*,  the  sum  won 
Win'now,  v.  to  fan,  to  sift,  to  examine 
Win'ler,  u  the  cold  season  of  the  year 
Win'ter,  v.  to  pass  or  feed  in  the  winter 
Win'terly,  Win'try,  a.  suitable  to  winter 
Wi'ny,  a.  having  the  taste  of,  or  like  wine 
Wipe,  v.  a.  to  cleanse  by  rubbing  ;  to  clear 
Wipe,   s.   an   act  of  cleansing  ;  a  blow  ;  a 

reproof,  3  rub  ;  a  stroke  ;  a  bird 
Wire,  s.  a  metal  drawn  out  into  threads 
Wi'redrawer,  s.  one  who  makes  wire 
Wis,  v.  n.  to  know.  verily,  truly 
Wis'dom,  s.  knowledge  and  judgment  con- 
ducted by  wisdom  and  discretion 
Wise,«.  judging  right  ;  prudent,  grave 
Wise,  s.  manner  ;  way  of  being  or  acting 
Wi'seacre,  s.  a  fool,  dunce,  simpleton 
Wi'sely,  ad.  judiciously,  prudently,  gravely 
Wish,  s.  a  longing  desire,  a  thing  desired 
Wish,  -a.,  to  have  a  strong  desire,  to  long  for 
Wish'er,  s.  one  who  longs  or  wishes 
Wish'ful,  a.  showing  desire,  longing,  eager 
Wish'fully,  ad.  earnestly,  with  longing 
Wis'fcet,  or  Whis'ket,  s.  a  basket,  a  scuttle 
Wisp,  s.  a  small  bundle  of  straw  or  hay 
Wist,  pre*,  and  part,  of  to  ivis 
Wist'ful,  a.  attentive,  full  of  thought 
Wist'fully,  Wist'ly,  ad.  attentively 
Wit,   s.  quickness  of  fancy  ;  a  man  of  ge- 
nius ;  understanding,  judgment,  sense 
To  wit,  ad.  namely,  or  that  is 
Witch,  s.  a  woman  given  to  unlawful  arts 
Witch'craft,  s.  the  practice  of  witches 
Wit'craft,  s.  invention, contrivance 
Witha'l,  ad.  along  with  the  rest ;  besides 
Withdraw j  v.  to  draw  back,  retire,  retreat 

Withdra'wing-room,  s.  a  room  near  another 
to  retire  to,  usually  called  a  drawing-room 
Withe, ;.  a  willow  twig  ;  a  band  of  twigs 
With'er,  v.  to  fade,  to  pine  or  die  away 
With'ers,  s.  the  joint  uniting  the  neck  and 

shoulders  of  a  horse  ;    the  forehand 
Withho'ld,  v.  a.  to  keep  back,  to  refuse 
Withi'n,  prep,  in  the  inner  part 
Within'side,  ad.  in  the  inward  paTts 
Witho'ut,  prep,  not  within  compass  of 
Withsta'nd,  -v.  a.  to  oppose,  resist,  restrain 
With'y,  s.  a  willow,  the  shoot  of  a  willow 
Wit'less,  a.  wanting  understanding 
Wit'ling, s.  a  petty  pretender  to  wit 
Wit'ness,  s.   testimony  ;  an  evidence 
Wit'ness,  v.  to  bear  testimony,  to  attest 
Wit'ness,  inter,  denoting  an  exclamation 
Wit'ticism,  s.  a  mean  attempt  at  wit 
Wit'tily,  ad.  ingeniously,  cunningly,  artfully 
Wit'tingly,  ad.  knowingly,  by  design 
Wit'tol,  Wit'tal,  /.  a  contented  cuckold 
Wit'tolly,  a.  cuckcidly,  low,  despicable 
Wit'ty,  a.  ingenious,  sarcastic,  smart 
Wive,  i>.  to  marry,  to  take  a  wife 
Wives,  s.  plural  cf  iinfe 
Wiz/ar-d,  1.  a  conjurer,  a  cunning  man 
Woad,  /.  a  plant  used  in  dying  blue 
Woe,  s.  grief,  sorrow,  misery,  calamity 
WcYul,  a.  sorrowful,  calamitous 
Wold,  s.  a  plain  open  country  ;  a  down 
Wolf,  /.  a  fierce  beast  •,  an  eating  ulcer 
Wolf  dog,-  s.  a  large  dog  to  guard  sheep 
Wolfish,  or  Woivlsh,  a.  fierce  like  a  wolf 
Wolfs'bane,  s.  a  poisonous  plant 
Wom'an,  /.  the  female  of  the  human  race 
Wom'anhater,  s .  one  who  hates  women 
Wom'anhood,  s.  the  qualities  of  a  woman 
Wom'anish,  a.  suitable  to  a  wom'an 
Wom'ankind,  *.  female  sex  ;  race  of  women 
Wom'an ly,  a.  becoming  a  woman,nct  girlish 
Womb,;,  place  of  generation  ...i*.  a.  to  enclose 
Wom'en,  s.  plural  of  'woman 
Won,  pret.  and  part.  pass,  of  to  ivin 
Won'der,  v.  n.  to  be  astonished 
Won'der,  s.  amazement,  admiration 
Won'derful,  a.  admirable,  strange 
Won'derfully,  ad.  in  a  wonderful  manner 
Won'derstruck,  a.  amazed,  astonished 
Won'drous,«,  marvellous,  strange,surprising 
Wont,  v.  n.  to  be  accustomed  or  used  to 
Wont'ed,  part.  a.  accustomed,  usual,  used 
Woo,  v.  to  court,  to  make  love,  to  sue 
Wood,  s.  a  forest;  a  place  filled  with  timber* 

trees  ;  the  substance  of  trees 
Wocd'ashes,  s .  ashes  of  burnt  wood 
Wood'bine,  t.  the  honeysuckle 
Wood'cock,  /,  a  bird  of  passage 
Wood'ed,  a.  supplied  or  thick  with  wood 
"Wocd'en,  a.  made  of  wood  ;  clumsy 
VVocd'hole,  s.  a  place  where  wood  is  laid 

W  O  V 


W  R  O 

Wood'land,  /.  land  covered  with  woods 
Wood'louse,  s .  vermin  about  old  wood 
Wood'man,  s.  a  sportsman,  a  hunter,  &c. 
Wood'note,  s.  a  wild  note  ;  wild  music 
Wood'nymph,  s.  a  nymph  of  the  woods 
Wood'offering,  s.  wood  burnt  on  an  altar 
Woodpecker,  s.  the  name  of  a  bird 
Wood'pigeon, ;.  a  wild  pigeon 
Wood'sare,  s.  the  froth  on  herbs 
Wood'y,  a.  abounding  with  woods  ;  ligneous 
"Woo'er,  s.  one  who  courts  women 
Woof,  s.  the  set  of  threads  that  crosses  the 

warp  ;  the  weft ;  texture  ;  cloth 
Wool,  s.  the  fleece  of  sheep ;  short  hair 
Wool'fel,  s.  a  skin  with  the  wool  on 
Wool'len,  a.  made  or  consisting  of  wool 
Wool'lendraper,  s.  a  dealer  in  woollen  goods 
Wool'pack,  s.  a  bag  or  pack  of  wool 
Wool'iy,  a.  composed  of  or  resembling  wool 
Wool'stapler,  s.  one  who  deals  in  wool 
Word,  s.  a  single  part  of  speech  ;  promise 
Word,  v.  to  express  properly  ;  to  dispute 
Wore,  pret.  of  to  wear 
Work,  v.  to  labour  ;  be  agitated  ;  raise,  &c. 
Work,  s.  labour,  toil,  deed,  employment 
Work'house,  t.  a  receptacle  for  parish  poor 
Work'ing-day,  s.  a  day  for  work 
Work'man,  s.  an  artificer,  a  labourer 
Work'manlike,  a.  like  a  workman,  skilful 
Work'manship,  ;.  manufacture,  skill,  art 
Work'shop,  s.  a  shop  to  work  in 
Work'woman,  j.  one  skilled  in  needle-work 
World,  s.  the  earth  ;  mankind  j  universal 

World'ling,  *.  one  who  idolizes  his  money 
World'ly,  a.  human  ;  bent  upon  this  world 
Worm,  s.  an  insect,  grub  ;  any  spiral  thing 
Worm'eaten,  a.  gnawed  by  worms  ;  old 
Worm'wood,  s.  the  name  of  a  bitter  herb 
Worm'y,  a.  full  of  worms  ;  having  worms 
Worn,  pari.  pass,  of  to  wear 
Wor'nil,  s.  a  maggot  ;  a  worm  in  cows 
Wor'ry,  v.  a.  to  tear,  to  mangle,  to  harass 
Worse,  a.  more  bad,  more  ill 
Wor'ship,  i.  dignity,  eminence  j  term  of  ho- 
nour :  a  religious  reverence  ;  adoration 
Wor'shipful,  a.  respected  for  dignity,  &c. 
Worst,  a.  most  bad,  most  ill,  most  wicked 
Worst,  s.  most  calamitous  or  wicked  state 
Wor'sted,  j.  woollen  yarn  ;  wool  spun 
Wort,  s .  an  herb  ;  ale  or  beer  not  fermented 
Worth,  a.  deserving  of,  equal  in  value  to 
Worth,  s.  price,  value,  importance 
Wot'thily,  ad.  suitably,  justly,  deservedly 
Worthiness,  /•  worth,  desert,  excellence 
Worthless,  a.  undeserving,  unworthy 
Wor'thy,  a.  deserving,  valuable,  noble 
Wor'thy,  s.  a  man  deserving  praise 
Wot,  v.  n.  to  know,  to  be  aware  of 
\Vo\eiprst.  aad/«r?7.  .*««■  of  to  weave 

Would, pret.  of  to  ivill 
Wound,  s.  a  hurt...v.  a.  to  hurt  by  violence 
Wound,  pret.  of  to  -wind 
Wrack,  s.  ruin,  destruction  ...v.  a.  to  tor- 
ture ;  to  destroy  in  the  water  ;  to  wreck 
Wrack.     See  Wreck 

Wran'gle,  s.  a  perverse  dispute  ;  a  quarrel 
Wran'gle,  v.  n.  to  dispute  peevishly 
Wrang'ler,  s.  a  peevish  disputative  person 
Wrap,  v.  a.  to  roll  together  ;  to  contain 
Wrap'per,  s.  a  cloth  or  paper  cover,  &c. 
Wrath,  s.  extreme  anger,  vengeance 
Wrath'ful,  a.  angry,  raging,  furious 
Wrath'fully,  ad.  furiously,  passionately 
Wrath'less,  a.  free  from  anger,  meek 
Wreak,  v.  a.  to  revenge  ;  to  execute 
Wreak,  s.  revenge,  vengeance,  passion 
Wreak'ful,  a.  revengeful,  malicious 
Wreak'less,  a.  unrevenging,  impotent 
Wreath,  s.  a  garland  ;  any  thing  twisted 
Wreath,  -y.  a.  to  turn,  to  twist,  to  curl 
Wreath'y,  a.  spiral, twisted, curling 
Wreck,  s.  a  shipwreck  ;  destruction,  ruio 
Wren,  s.  the  name-  of  a  very  small  bird 
Wrench,  v.  a.  to  pull  by  force,  to  wrest 
Wrench,  s .  a  sprain,  violent  twist  ;  trap 
Wrest,  v.  a.  to  twist  by  violence,  to  writhe 
Wrest,  s.  a  distortion,  a  violence 
Wres'tle,  v.  n.  to  struggle  for  a  fall 
Wres'tler,  s.  one  skilled  in  wrestling 
Wres'tling,  ;.  the  exercise  of  wrestling 
Wretch,  ;.  a  miserable  or  worthless  person 
Wretch'ed,  a.  miserable,  despicable 
Wretch'edly,  ad.  despicably,  meanly 
Wretch'edness,  s.  misery,  despicableness 
Wrig'gle,  v.  a.  to  move  to  and  fro 
Wright,  s.  a  workman  ;  an  artificer  in  wood 
Wring,  v.  to  twist,  to  squeeze,  to  press, 
to  writhe,  to  harass,  to  torture,  to  extort, 
to   force  by  violence,  to  turn  round  by 
Wrin'kle,  s.  a  crease  in  cloth,  &c. 
Wrin'kle,  v.  a.  to  cause  creases  or  wrinkles 
Wrist,  s.  the  joint  of  the  hand  to  the  arm 
Wrist'band,  s.  the  fastening  about  the  wrist 
Writ,  s.  scripture  ;  a  legal  process,  &c. 
Writ,  pret.  of  to  write 
Write,  v.  to  express  in  writing,  to  indite 
Wri'ter,  s.  an  author  ;  one  who  writes 
Writhe,  v.  to  distort,  to  twist,  to  wrest 
Wri'ting,  s.  any  thing  written  with  pen  and 

ink  ;  the  art  or  act  of  writing 
Wri'tingmaster,  s.  one  who  teaches  to  write 
Wri'tings,  s.  legal  conveyances,  &c. 
Writ'ten,  part.  pass,  of  to  write 
Wriz'led,  a.  wrinkled, withered, shrunk 
Wrong,  s.  injury,  injustice  ;  an  error 
Wrong,  a.  not  right,  unfit...i>.  a.  to  injure 
Wrong,  Wrong'ly,  ad.  amiss,  improperly 
Wrong'ful,  a.  unjust,  dishonest,  injurious 

y  e  o 

Y  U  X 

Wrong'fully,  ad.  unjustly,  injuriously 
Wrote,  pret.  and  part,  of  to  -write 
Wroth,  a.  angry,  enraged,  provoked 

Wrought,  part,  performed  ;  manufactured 
Wrung,  pret .  and  part,  of  to  wring 
Wry,  a.  crooked,  distorted,  wrested 



is  a  numeral  for  ten  ;  but,  though  found  in  Saxon  words,  begins  no  word  in  the 
English  language 


YACHT,  or  Yatch,  s.  a  small  ship  with 
one  deck,  richly  adorned,  and  contriv- 
ed for  swiftness  and  pleasure 
Yard,    s.    ground  enclosed    adjoining  to  a 
house ;  a  measure  of  three  feet ;  supports 
for  a  vessel's  sails 
Yard'wand,  s.  a  measure  of  a  yard 
Yarn,  /.  spun  wool ;  woollen  thread 
Yawl,  s.  a  ship's  boat../y.  n.  to  bawl 
Yawn,  v.  n.  to  gape  ;  oscitate  ;  open  wide 
Yawn'ing,  a.  sleepy,  slumbering 
Ycla'd,  a.  clad,  clothed,  adorned 
Ycle'ped,  a.  called,  named,  denominated 
Ye,  nominative  plural  of  thou 
Yea,  ad.  yes,  surely,  certainly,  truly 
Yean,  ?;.  n.  to  bring  forth  young  as  sheep 
Yeanling,  s.  the  young  of  sheep 
Year,  s.  the  term  of  twelve  calendar  months 
Yearling,  s.  being  a  year  old 
Yearly,  ad.  once  a  year...a.  lasting  a  year 
Yearn,  v.  n.  to  feel  great  uneasiness 
Yearn'ing,  s.  an  emotion  of  tenderness 
Yelk,  or  Yolk,  s.  the  yellow  part  of  an  egg 
Yell,  v.  n.  to  make  a  howling  noise 
Yell,  s.  a  cry  of  horror  or  distress 
Yel'low,  a.  of  a  bright  glaring  colour,  as  gold 
Yel'lowish,  a.  approaching  to  yellow 
Yel'lows,  /.  a  disease  in  horses 
Yelp,  v.  n.  to  bark  as  a  hound,  &c. 
Yeo'man,  s.  a  gentleman  farmer  ;  a  free- 
holder ;  an  of&ter  in  the  king's  court,  Sec. 

Yeo'manry,  s.  a  collective  body  of  yeomen 
Yerk,  v.  a.  to  throw  out  a  horse's  hind  leg 
Yes,  ad.  a  term  of  affirmation  ;  yea,  truly 
Yest,  or  Yeast,  /.  the  froth  in  the  working  of 
new  ale  or  beer  ;  spume  on  a  troubled  sea 
Yest'y,orYea'sty,rt.frothy;  smeared  with  yest 
Yes'terday,  s.  the  day  last  past 
Yes'ternight,  ad.  on  the  night  last  past 
Yet,  con.  nevertheless,  notwithstanding 
Yet,  ad.  beside,  still,  at  least,  after  all 
Yew,  s.  a  tree  of  tough  wood 
Yew'en,  a.  made  of  or  resembling  yew 
Yield,  v.  to  produce,  to  afford  ;  to  give  up 
Yoke,  j.  a  bandage  for  the  neck  ;  a  mark  of 
servitude  ;  a  chain  ;  bond  ;  couple,  pair 
j  Yoke,  v.  a.  to  couple  together  ;  to  enslave 
!  Yo'kefellow,  s.  a  companion  in  labour 
I  Yon,  Yon'der,  a.  being  within  view 
Yore,  ad.  of  long  time  past,  of  old  time 
You,  pronoun^  oblique  case  oiye 
j  Young,  a.  youthful,  not  old  ;  tender 

Young,  s.  the  offspring  of  any  creature 
!  Young'er,  a.  more  young,  not  so  old 
,  Young'est,  a.  the  most  young  of  all 
Young'ster,  Yonk'er,  s.  a  young  person 
Your,  pronoun,  belonging  to  you 
j  Yourself,  pron.  even  you,  you  only 
!  Youth,  s.  one  past  childhood  ;  tender  age 
;  Youth'ful  a.  young,  frolicsome,  vigorous 
j  Yule,  s.  the  time  of  Christmas 
Yux,  u  the  hiccough 

Z   O  D 




ZAC'CHO,  s.  in  archite&ure,  the  lowest 
part  of  the  pedestal  of  a  column 
Zaf'far,  Zaf'fir,  x.  a  fictitious  mineral 
Za'ny,  s.  buffoon,  silly  fellow,  merry-andrew 
Zar'nich,  s.  a  solid  substance  in  which  or- 

piment  is  frequently  found 
Zeal,  s.  a  passionate  ardour;  warmth 
Zeal'ot, ;.  a  person  full  of  zeal  ;  a  fanatic 
Zeai'ous,  a.  ardently  passionate  in  a  cause 
Zeal'ously,  ad.  with  passionate  ardour 
Ze'bra,  s.  an  Indian  beast  ;  a  kind  of  mule 
Ze'chin,  s.  a  Venetian  gold  coin  of  9s. 
Ze'doary,  s.  the  name  of  a  spicy  plant 
Zen'ith,  s.  that  point  in  the  heavens  direct- 
ly over  our  heads,  opposite  the  Nadir 
Zeph'yr,  Zeph'yrus,  /.  the  west  wind 
Zest,  s.  the  peal  of  an  orange  squeezed  into 

wine  ;  a  relish  ;  a  taste  added 
Zest,  v.  a.  to  heighten  by  added  relish 
Ze'ta,  s.  a  Greek  letter  ;  a  dining  room 
Zetet'ic,  a.  proceeding  by  inquiry  •,  seeking 
Zeug'ma,  s.  a  figure  in  grammar,  when  a  verb 
agreeing  with  divers  nouns,  or  an  adjective 
with  divers  substantives  is  referred  to  one 
expressly,  and  to  the  other  by  supple- 
ment :  as,  lust  overcame  shame,  boldness 
fear,  and  madness  reason 
Zig'zag,  a.  turning  short  ;  winding 
Zinc,  or  Zink,  s.  a  kind  of  fossil  substance 
Zo'cle,  s.  a  small  sort  of  stand  or  pedestal, 
being  a  low  square  piece  or  member,  used 
to  support  a  busto,  statue,  &c 
Zo'diac,  s.  a  great  circle  of  the  sphere,  con- 
taining the  twelve,  signs 

Zone,  s.  a  girdle  anciently  worn  by  virgins 
at  their  marriage,  and  which  the  bride- 
groom untied  the  first  night.  In  geogra- 
phy, a  division  of  the  earth,  a  space  con- 
tained between  two  parallels.  The  whole 
surface  of  the  earth  is  divided  into  five 
zones.  The  first  is  contained  between  the 
two  tropics,  and  is  called  the  torrid  zone. 
There  are  two  temperate  zones,  and  two 
frigid  zones  :  the  northern  temperate  zone 
is  terminated  by  the  tropic  of  Cancer  and 
the  arSic  polar  circle  ;  the  southern  tem- 
perate zone  is  contained  between  the  tro- 
pic of  Capricorn  and  the  antarSic  polar 
circle.  The  frigid  zones  are  circumscri- 
bed by  the  polar  circle,  and  the  poles  are 
in  the  centres  of  them 

Zoog'rapher,  s.  one  who  describes  the  na- 
ture, properties,  and  forms  of  animals 

Zoog'raphy,  s.  a  description  of  the  forms, 
natures,  and  properties  of  animals 

Zool'ogy,  s.  a  scientific  treatise  of  animals 

Zoo'phites,  s.  vegetables  partaking  of  the 
nature  both,  of  plants  and  animals 

.Zoophor'ic,  s.  a  statuary  column,  or  a  column 
supporting  the  figure  of  an  animal 

Zooph'orus,  s.  a  part  between  the  architraves 
and  cornice,  so  called  on  account  of  the 
ornaments  carved  on  it,  among  which  are 
the  figures  of  animals 

Zoot'omist,  s.  one  who  dissects  brute  beasts 

Zoot'omy,  s.  a  dissection  of  the  bodies  of 
brute  beasts 







Heroes  and  Heroines  of  Antiquity. 



AB'ARIS,  a  Scythian,  priest  of  Apollo 
Abeo'na,  a  goddess  of  voyages,  &c. 
Abreta'nus,"  a  surname  of  Jupiter 
A'bron,  a  very  voluptuous  Grecian 
Aby'la,  a  famous  mountain  in  Africa 
Acan'tha,  a  nymph  beloved  by  Apollo 
Acas'tus,  the  name  of  a  famous  hunter 
Ace'tus,  one  of  the  priests  of  Bacchus 
Achse'menes,  the  first  king  of  Persia 
Acha'ten,  a  trusty  friend  of  iEneas 
Acb/eron,  a  son  of  Titan  and  Terra,  changed 
into  a  river  of  hell  for  assisting  the  Titans, 
in  their  war  against  Jupiter 
Achilles,  son  of  Peleus,  king  of  Thrace,  and 
Thetis,  a  goddess  of  the  sea,  who,  being 
dipped  by  his  mother  in  the  river    Styx, 
was  invulnerable  in  every  part  except  his 
right  heel,  by  which  she  held  him;  after 
signalizing  himself  at  the  siege  of  Troy, 
for  his  valour,  as  well  as  cruelty,  he  was 
at  length  killed  by  Paris  with  an  arrow 
Acida'lia,  and  Arma'ta,  names  of  Venus 
Acid'alus,  a  famous  fountain  of  Bceotia 
A'cis,  a  Sicilian  shepherd,  killed  by  Poly- 
phemus, because  he  rivalled  him  in  the 
affection  of  Galatea 
Ac'mon,  a  famous  king  of  the  Titans 
Ac'ratus,  the  genius  of  drunkards  at  Athens 
A&je'on,a  celebrated  hunter,  who,  accident- 
ally discovering  Diana  bathing,  was  by  her 
turned  into  a  stag,  and  devoured  by  his 
own  hounds 
Adme'tus,  a  king  of  Thessaly 
Ado'nis,  the  incestuous  offspring  of  Cinyras 
and  Myrrha,  remarkably  beautiful,  belov- 
ed by  Venus  and  Proserpine 
Adras'tea,  the  goddess  Nemesis 
.TE'acus,  one  of  the  infernal  judges 
TE'ga,  Jupiter's  nurse,  daughter  of  Olenus 
iEge'us,  a  king  of  Attica,  giving  name  to  the 

iEgean  sea  by  drowning  himself  in  it 
iEgi'na,  a  particular  favourite  of  Jupiter 
JK'gis,  a  Gorgon,  whom  Pallas  slew 

iE'gle,  one  of  the  three  Hesperides 

iE'gon,  a  wrestler  famous  for  strength 

JEgyp'tus,  son  of  Neptune  and  Lybia 

iEl'lO;  oae  of  the  three  Harpies 

-ZEne'as,  son  of  Anchises  and  Venus 

iE'olus,  the  god  of  the  winds 

iEo'us,  one  of  the  four  horses  of  the  sua 

iEscula'nus,  a  Roman  god  of  riches 

iEscula'pius,  the  god  of  physic 

iEthal'ides,  a  son  of  Mercury 

iE'thon,  one  of  the  four  horses  of  the  sua 

iEt'nasus,  a  title  of  Vulcan 

iEto'lus,  son  of  Endymion  and  Diana 

Agamem'noH,  brother  to  Menelaus,  chosen 

captain-general  of  the  Greeks  at  the  siege 

of  Troy 
Aganip'pe,  daughter  of  the  river  Permessus, 

which  flows  from  mount  Helicon 
Age'nor,  the  first  king  of  Argos 
Ageno'ria,  the  goddess  of  industry 
Agelas'tus  and  Agesila'us,  names  of  Pluto 
Agla'ia,  one  of  the  three  Graces 
A'jax,  one  of  the  most  distinguished  princes 

and  heroes  at  the  siege  of  Troy 
Albu'nea,  a  famous  sybil  of  Tripoli 
Alci'des,  a  title  of  Hercules 
Alci'nous,  a  king  of  Corcyra 
Alci'oneus,a  giant  slain  by  Hercules 
Aki'ope,  a  favourite  mistress  of  Neptune 
Alcme'na,  the  wife  of  Amphitryon 
Alec'to,  one  of  the  three  Furies 
Alec'tryon,  or  Gal'lus,  a  favourite  of  Mars 
Al'mus,  aud  Alum'nus,  titles  of  Jupiter 
Alo'a,  a  festival  of  Bacchus  and  Ceres 
Alce'us,  a  giant  who  warred  with  Jupiter 
Amalthaj'a,  the  goat  that  suckled  Jupiter 
Ambarva'le,  a  spring  sacrifice  to  Ceres 
Ambro'sia,  the  food  of  the  Gods 
Am'mon,  a  title  of  Jupiter 
Amphiara'us,  son  of  Apollo  and  Hypermnes- 

tra,  a  very  famous  augur 
Amphim'edon,  one  of  the  suitors  of  Penelope 
Amphi'or.j  a  famous  musician 


Amphitri'te,  the  wife  of  Neptune 
Amyn'tor,  a  king  of  Epirus 
Anac'reon,  a  lyric  poet  of  Greece 
Ana'tis,  the  goddess  of  prostitution 
Ancas'us,  a  king  of  Arcadia 
Andro'geus,  the  son  of  Minos 
Androm'ache,  the  wife  of  Hettor 
Androm'eda,  the  daughter  of  Cepheus  and 
Cassiope,  who,  contending  for  the  prize 
of  beauty  with  the  Nereides,  was  by  them 
bound  to  a  rock,  and  exposed  to  be  devour- 
ed by  a  sea  monster ;  but  Perseus  slew  the 
monster,  and  married  her 
Angero'na,  the  goddess  of  silence 
An'na,  the  sister  of  Pygmalion  and  Dido 
Antse'us,  a  giant,  son  of  Neptune  and  Terra  : 

he  was  squeezed  to  death  by  Hercules 
An'teros,  one  of  the  names  of  Cupid 
Antever'ta,  a  goddess  of  women  in  labour 
An'thia,  and  Argi'va,  titles  of  Juno 
An'ubis,  an  Egyptian  God  with  a  dog's  head 
Aon'ides,  a  name  of  the  Muses 
Apatu'ria,  and  Aphrodi'tis,  titles  of  Venus 
A'pis,  son  of  Jupiter  and  Niobe  ;  called  also 
Serapis  and  Osiris  :    he  first  taught  the 
Egyptians  to  sow   corn  and  plant  vines  : 
iifter  his  death  they  worshipped  him  in  the 
form  of  an  ox,  a  symbol  of  husbandry 
Arach'ne,  a  Lydian  princess,  turned,  by  Mi- 
nerva, into  a  spider,  for  presuming  to  vie 
with  her  at  spinning 
Arethu'sa,  the  daughter  of  Nereus  ;  a  river 
Argenti'nus,  and  JEscula'nus,  gods  of  wealth 
Ar'go,  the  ship  that  conveyed  Jason  and  his 
companions  to  Colchis,  and  reported  to 
have  been  the  first  man  of  war 
Ar'gonauts,  the  companions  of  Jason 
Ar'gus,  son  of  Aristor,  said  to  have  had  an 
hundred  eyes  ;  also  an  architect,  who  built 
the  ship  Argo 
Ariad'ne,  daughter   of    Minos,  who,  from 
love,  gave  Theseus   a  clue  of  thread  to 
guide  him  out  of  the  Cretan  labyrinth  ; 
being  afterwards  deserted  by  him,  she  was 
married  to  Bacchus,  and  made  his  priestess 
Arimas'pi,  a  warlike  people  of  Scythia 
Ari'on,  a  lyric  poet  of  Methymna 
Aristas'us,  son  of  Apollo  and  Cyrane 
A  risto'menes,  a  cruel  Titan 
Aristoph'anes,  a  comic  poet,  born  at  Liadus, 

a  town  of  Rhodes 
Ar'temis,  the  Delphic  sybil  ;  also  Diana 
Ascle'pia,  festivals  of  iEsculapius 
Asco'lia,    feasts  of    Bacchus   celebrated  in 

Attica  t 

Aste'ria,  daughter  of  Ceus 
Astrapce'us,  and  Ataby'rus  :  Jupiter 
Astrse'a,  the  goddess  of  justice 
Astrol'ogus,  a  title  of  Hercules 
Asty'anax,  the  only  son  of  Hector 


B  R  O 

Astypalce'a,  daughter  of  Phcenix 
A'te,  the  goddess  of  revenge 
Atlan'tes,  a  savage  people  of  Ethiopia 
At'Ias,  a  king  of  Mauritania 
At'ropos,  one  of  the  three  Fates 
Aver'nus,  a  lake  on  the  borders  of  hell 
Averrunc'us,  a  god  of  the  Romans 
Auge'as,a  king  of  Ellis,  whose  stable  of  300O 
oxen  was  not  cleansed  for  30  years,  yet 
Hercules  cleansed  it  in  one  day 
A'vistuper,  a  title  of  Priapus 
Aur'ea,  a  name  of  Fortuna 
Auro'ra,  the  goddess  of  the  morning 
Auto'leon,  a  general  of  the  Crotonians 
Autum'nus,  the  god  of  fruits 


BACCHUS,  the  god  of  wine 

Bap'ta,  the  goddess  of  shame 

Barba'ta,  a  title  of  Venus  and  Fortuna 

Bas'sareus,  a  title  of  Bacchus 

Bat'tus,  an  herdsman,  turned  by  Mercury 
into  a  loadstone 

Bau'cis,  an  old  woman,  who,  with  her  hus- 
band Philemon,  entertained  Jupiter  and 
Mercury,  travelling  over  Phrygia,  when 
all  others  refused 

Beller'ophon,sonof  Glaucus,kingof  Ephyra, 
who  underwent  numberless  hardships  for 
refusing  an  intimacy  with  Sthenobcea,  the 
wife  of  Prcetus,  king  of  Argos 

Bello'na,  the  goddess  of  war 

Berecyn'thia  Ma'ter,  a  title  of  Cybele 

Bereni'ce,  a  Grecian  lady,  who  was  the  only 
person  of  her  sex  permitted  to  see  the 
Olympic  games 

Ber'gion,  a  giant,  slain  by  Jupiter 

Bib'lia,  the  wife  of  Duillius,  who  first  insti- 
tuted a  triumph  for  a  naval  victory 

Bi'ceps,  and  Bi'frcns,  names  of  Janus 

Bisul'tor,  a  name  of  Mars 

Bi'thon,  a  remarkably  strong  Grecian 

Boli'na,  a  nymph  rendered  immortal  for  her 
modesty  and  resistance  of  Apollo 

Ro'na  De'a,  a  title  of  Cybele  and  Fortuna 

Bo'nus  Dse'mon,  a  title  of  Priapus 

Bo'reas,  son  of  JEstraeus  and  Heribeia,  gene- 
rally put  for  the  north  wind 

Bre'vis,  a  title  of  Fortuna 

Bria'reus,  a  monstrous  giant,  son  of  Titan 
and  Terra  :  the  poets  feign  him  to  have 
had  an  hundred  arms  and  fifty  heads 

Bri'mo,and  Bubas'tis,  names  of  Hecate 

Brise'is, daughter  of  Brises,  priest  of  Jupiter, 
given  to  Achilles  upon  the  taking  of  Lyr- 
nessus,  a  city  of  Troas,by  the  Greeks 

Bron'tes,  a  maker  of  Jupiter's  thunder 

Bro'theus,  a  son  of  Vulcan,  who  threw  him- 

C   E  R 


c  y  p 

self  into  mount  iEtna,  on  account  of  his 

Bruma'lia,  feasts  of  Bacchus 
Bubo'na,  the  goddess  of  oxen 
Busi'ris,  a  son  of  Neptune,  and  a  most  cruel 

tyrant;  he  was  slain  by  Hercules 
Byb'lis,  the  daughter  of  Miletus 


CABAR'NI,  priests  of  Ceres 

Cabi'ri,  priests  of  Cybele 

Ca'hrus,  a  god  of  the  Phaselitse 

Ca'cus,  a  son  of  Vulcan 

Cad'mus,  son  of  Agenor  and  Telephessa, 
who,  searching  i.n  vain  for  his  sister,  built 
the  city  of  Thebes,  and  invented  16  let- 
ters of  the  Greek  alphabet 

Cadu'ceus,  Mercury's  golden  rod  or  wand 

Cas'ca,  and  Conserva'trix,  titles  of  Fortuna 

Cax'ulus,  a  robber,  son  of  Vulcan 

Cae'neus,  a  title  of  Jupiter 

Cal'chas,  a  famous  Greek  soothsayer 

Caiis'to,  the  daughter  of  Lycaon 

Calli'ope,  the  muse  of  heroic  poetry 

Calyp'so,  daughter  of  Oceanus  and  Thetis, 
who  reigned  in  the  island  of  Ogygia, 
where  she  entertained  and  became  ena- 
moured of  Ulysses,  on  his  return  from 

Cam'bles,  a  gluttonous  king  of  Lydia 

Camby'ses,  the  son  of  Cyrus,  and  king  of 
the  Medes  and  Persians 

Camce'na,  and  Car'na,  goddess  of  infants 

Ca'nes,  a  title  of  the  Furies 

Cano'pus,  an  Egyptian  god 

Car'dua,  an  household  goddess 

Carmen'ta,  a  name  of  Themis 

Car'na,  a  Roman  goddess 

Carya'tis,  a  title  of  Diana 

Cas'pii,  a  people  of  Hyrcania,  who  were  said 
to  starve  their  parents  to  death  when  70 
years  old,  and  to  train  up  dogs  for  war 

Cassan'dra,  a  daughter  of  Priam  and  Hecuba, 
endowed  with  the  gift  of  prophecy  by 

Gastal'ides,  the  Muses,  from  the  fountain 
Castalius,  at  the  foot  of  Parnassus 

Ca'tius,  a  tutelar  god  to  grown  persons 

Cas'tor,  son  of  Jupiter  and  Leda,  between 
whom  and  his  brother  Pollux  immortality 
was  alternately  shared 

Ce'crops,  the  first  king  of  Athens 

Celce'no,  one  of  the  three  Harpies 

Cen'taurs,  children  of  Ixion,  half  men,  half 
horses,  inhabiting  Thessaly 

Ceph'alus,  the  son  of  Mercury  and  Hersa 

Ce'pheus,  a  prince  of  Arcadia  and  Ethiopia 

Cerau'nius.,  a, title  of  Jupiter 

Cer'berus,  a  dog  with  three  heads  and  necks, 

who  guarded  the  gates  of  hell 
Cerea'lia,  festivals  in  honour  of  Ceres 
Ce'res,  the  goddess  of  Agriculture 
Ce'rus,  or  Se'rus,  the  god  of  opportunity 
Chal'cea,  festivals  in  honour  of  Vulcan. 
Char'ites,  a  name  of  the  Graces 
Cha'ron,  the  ferryman  of  hell 
Chime'ra,  a  strange  monster  of  Lycia,  which 

was  killed  by  Bellerophon 
Chi'ron,the  preceptor  of  Achilles 
Chro'mis,  a  cruel  son  of  Hercules 
Chrysao'rius,  a  surname  of  Jupiter 
Chry'sis,  a  priestess  of  Juno  at  Argos 
Cir'ce,  a  famous  enchantress 
Cir'rha,  a  cavern  of  Phocis,  near  Delphi, 

whence  the  winds  issued  which  caused  a 

divine   rage,   and  produced  oracular   re- 
Cithoe'rides,  a  title  of  the  Muses 
Oausi'na,  a  name  of  Venus 
Clau'sius,  or  Clu'sius,  a  name  of  Janus 
Cleome'des,  a  famous  wrestler 
Cli'o,  the  muse  presiding  over  history,  and 

patroness  of  heroic  poets 
Clo'tho,  one  of  the  three  Fates 
Clytemnes'tra,  daughter  of  Jupiter  and  Leda, 

killed  by  her  son  Orestes,   on  account  of 

her  adultery  with  iEgisthus 
Cocy'tus,  a  river  of  hell,  flowing  from  Styx,. 
Colli'na,  the  goddess  of  hills 
Compita'lia,  games  of  the  household  gods 
Co'mus,  the  god  of  festivals  and  merriment 
Concor'dia,  the  goddess  of  peace 
Conservator  and  Cus'tos,  titles  of  Jupiter 
Con'sus,  a  title  of  Neptune 
Corti'na,  the  covering  of  Apollo's  tripos 
Coryban'tes  and  Cure'tes,  priests  of  Cybele 
Cre'on  a  king  of  Thebes 
Cri'nis,  a  priest  of  Apollo 
Crinis'sus,    a    Trojan    prince,    who    could 

change  himself  into  any  shape 
Crce'sus,  a  rich  king  of  Lydia 
Cro'nia,  festivals  in  honour  of  Saturn 
Ctes'ibus,  a  famous  Athenian  parasite 
Cu'nia,  the  goddess  of  new-born  infants 
Cu'pid,  son  of  Mars  and  Venus,  the  god  of 

love,  smiles,  &c. 
Cy/clops,  Vulcan's  workmen,  with*  only  one 

eye  in  the  middle  of  their  forehead 
Cyb'ele,  the  wife  of  Saturn 
Cyc'nus,  a  king  of  Liguria ;  also  a  sou  of 

Neptune,  who  was  invulnerable 
Cylie'nius  and  Camil'lus,  names  of  Mercery 
Cynoceph'ali,  a  people  of  India,  said  to  have 

heads  resembling  those  of  dogs 
Cyn'thia,  and  Cyn'thius,  Diana  and  Apollo 
Cyparissaj'a,  a  title  of  Minerva 
Cyp'ria,  Cythere'a,  titles  of  Venus 

D  I  O 


E  T  E 

D-ffiDA'LION,  the  son  of  Lucifer 
Daed'alus,    an    artificer    of    Athens,    who 
formed  the  Cretan  labyrinth, and  invented 
the  auger,  axe,  glue,  plumbline,  saw,  and 
masts  and  sails  for  ships 
Ba'rnon,  the  sincere  friend  of  Pythias 
JDce'mon    Bo'nus,    Dithyram'bus   and    Dio- 
nis'ius,  titles  of  Bacchus 

Da'nae,  the  daughter  of  Acrisius,  king  of  Ar- 
gos,  seduced  by  Jupiter  in  the  form  of  a 
golden  shower 

Bana'ides,  or  Belides,  the  so  daughters  of 
Danaus,  king  of  Argos,  all  of  whom,  ex- 
cept Hypermnestra,  killed  their  husbands, 
the  sons  of  their  uncle  iEgyptus,  on  the 
marriage  night :  they  were  therefore  con- 
demned to  draw  water  out  of  a  deep  well 
with  sieves,  so  that  their  labour  was  with- 
out end  or  success 

Paph'ne,  a  nymph  beloved  by  Apollo 

Dar'danus,  the  founder  of  Troy 

Da'res,  a  very  ancient  historian  who  wrote 
an  account  of  the  Trojan  war 

De'a  Syr'ia,  a  title  of  Venus 

De'cima,  a  title  of  Lachesis 

Deiani'ra,  the  wife  of  Hercules 

Deida'mia,  daughter  of  Lycomedes,  king  of 
Scyros,  by  whom  Achilles  had  Pyrrhus, 
whilst  he  lay  concealed  in  women's  ap- 
parel, in  the  court  of  Lycomedes,  to  avoid 
going  to  the  Trojan  war 

Deiope'a,  a  beautiful  attendant  on  Juno 

Deiph'obe,  the  Cumean  sybil 

Deiph'obus,  a  son  of  Priam  and  Hecuba 

De'lia,  De'lius,  Diana  and  Apollo 

De'los,  the  island  where  Apollo  was  born 

Del'phi,  a  city  of  Phocis,  famous  for  a  tem- 
ple and  an  oracle  of  Apollo 

Del'phicus.  Didymse'us,  titles  of  Apollo 

Dem'ades,  an  Athenian  orator 

Der'bices,  a  people  near  the  Caspian  sea,  who 
punished  all  crimes  with  death 

Beuca'lion,son  of  Prometheus,  and  king  of 
Thessaly,  who,  with  his  wife  Pyrrha,  was 
preserved  from  the  general  deluge,  and  re- 
peopled  the  world 

Dever'ra,  the  goddess  of  breeding  women 

Diag'oras,  a  Rhcdian,  who  died  for  joy,  be- 
cause his  three  sons  had  on  the  same  day 
gained  prizes  at  the  Olympic  games 

Ria'na,  the  goddess  of  hunting,  &c. 

Di'do,  daughter  of  Belus,  the  founder  and 
queen  of  Carthage,  whom  Virgil  fables  to 
have  burnt  herself  through  despair,  be- 
cause iEneas  left  her 

Di'es  and  Dies'piter,  titles  of  Jupiter 

Din'dyme,  Dindyme'ne,  titles  of  Cybele 

Diome'des,  a  king  of  iEtolia,  who  gained 

great  reputation  at  Troy,  and,  accompanied 
by  Ulysses,  carried  off  the  Palladium  j 
also  a  tyrant  of  Thrace 

Dio'ne,  one  of  Jupiter's  mistresses 

Dionys'ia,  feasts  in  honour  of  Bacchus 

Dioscu'ri,  a  title  of  Castor  and  Pollux 

Di'ras,  a  title  of  the  Furies 

Dis,  a  title  of  Pluto 

Discor'dia,  the  goddess  of  contention 

Domidu'ca,  a  title  of  Juno 

Domidu'cus,  and  Domi'tius,  nuptial  gods 

Dom'ina,  a  title  of  Proserpine 

Dry'ades,  nymphs  of  the  woods  and  forests 


ECHI-'ON,  a  companion  of  Cadmus 

Ec'ho,    daughter  of   Aer  and   Tellus,  who 

pined  away  for  love  of  Narcissus 
Edon'ides,  priestesses  of  Bacchus 
Edu'ca,  a  goddess  of  new-born  infants 
Ege'ria,  a  title  of  Juno ;  also  a  goddess 
Elec'tra,  a    daughter   of    Agamemnon   and 
Clytemnestra,  who  instigated  Orestes  to 
revenge  their  father's  death  on  their  mo- 
ther and  her  adulterer  -SEgisthus 
E'leus  and  Eleuthe'rius,  titles  of  Bacchus 
Eleusin'ia,  feasts  in  honour   of  Ceres  and 

Elo'ides,  nymphs  of  Bacchus 
Empu'sas,  a  name  of  the  Gorgons 
Endym'ion,  a  shepherd  of  Caria,  who,  for  in- 
solently soliciting  Juno,  was  condemned  to 
a  sleep  of  30  years  ;  Luna  visited  him  by 
night  in  a  cave  of  mount  Latmus 
Enia'lius,  a  title  of  Mars 
En'yo,  the  same  as  Bellona 
Epe'us,  the  artist  of  the  Trojan  horse 
Epig'ones,  the  sons  of  the  seven  worthies 

who  besieged  Thebes  a  second  time 
Epilae'nea,  sacrifices  to  Bacchus 
Epistro'phia  and  Eryci'na,  titles  of  Venus 
Epizeph'rii,  a  people  of  Locris,  who  punished 
those  with  death  that  drank  more  wine 
than  physicians  prescribed 
Era'to,  the  muse  of  love-poetry 
Er'ebus,  an  infernal  deity,  son  of  Chaos  and 

Nox  ;  a  river  of  hell 
Er'gane,  a  river  whose  waters  inebriated 
Eriotho'nius,  a  king  of  Athens,  who,  being 
lame  and  very  deformed  in  his  feet,  in- 
vented coaches  to  conceal  his  lameness 
Erin'nys,  a  common  name  of  the  Furies 
E'ros,  one  of  the  names  of  Cupid 
Eros'tratus,  the  person  who,  to  perpetuate 
his  name,  set  fire  to  the  celebrated  temple 
of  Diana  at  Ephesus 
Ete'ocles,  and  Polyni'ces,  sons  of  Oedipus, 
who  violently  hated,  and,  at  last,  killed 
each  other 

G   A   N 

H  E 

Evad'ne,  daughter  cf  Wars  and  Thebe,  who 
threw  herself  on  the  funeral  pile  of  her 
husband  Cateneus,  from  affection 

Euc'rates,  a  person  remarkable  for  shuffling, 
duplicity,  and  dissimulation 

Eumen'iries,  a  name  of  the  Furies 

Euphros  yne,  one  of  the  three  Graces 

Euro'pa,  the  daughter  of  Agenor,  who  it  is 
said  was  carried  by  Jupiter,  in  the  form  of 
a  white  bull,  into  Crete 

Eury'ale,  one  of  the  three  Gorgons 

Eurydlce,  the  wife  of  Orpheus 

Eurym'one,  an  infernal  deity 

Euter'pe,  the  muse  presiding  over  music 

Euthy'mus,  a  very  famous  wrestler 


FAB'UL  A,  the  goddess  of  lies 

Fabuli'nus,  a  god  of  infants 

Fa'ma,  the  goddess  of  report,  &c. 

Fas'cinuin,  a  title  of  Priapus 

Fates,  the  three  daughters  of  Nox  and  Ere- 
bus,  Clothos,  Lachesis,  and  Atropos,  en- 
trusted with  the  lives  of  mortals,  &c. 

Fau'na,  and  Fat'ua,  names  of  Cybele 

Fau'nus,  the  son  of  Mercury  and  Nox,  and 
father  of  the  Fauns,  rural  gods 

Feb'rua,  Florida,  Fluo'nia,  titles  of  Juno 

Feb'rua,a  goddess  cf  purification 

Feb'ruus,  a  title  of  Pluto 

Feii'citas,  the  goddess  of  happiness 

Fer'cuius,  a  household  God 

Fere'trius  and  Fulmina'tor,  titles  of  Jupiter 

Fero'nia,  a  goddess  of  woods 

Fesso'nia,  a  goddess  of  wearied  persons 

Fidlus,  the  god  of  treaties 

Flam'ines,  priests  of  Jupiter,  Mars,  &c. 

Flo'ra,  the  goddess  of  flowers 

Fluviales,  or  Potam'ides,  nymphs  of  rivers 

Fornax,  a  goddess  of  corn  and  bakers 

Fortu'na,  or  For'tune,  the  goddess  of  happi- 
ness, &c.  said  to  be  blind 

Fu'ries.  or  Fumenldes,  the  three  daughters 
of  Njx  and  Acheron,  named  Alecto, 
Megsra,  and  Tisiphcne,  with  hair  com- 
posed of  snakes,  and  armed  with  whips, 
chains,  ecu 

GALATE'A,  daughter  cf  Nereus  and  Do- 
ris, passionately  beloved  by  Polyphemus 
Gai'ii,  castrated  priests  cf  Cybele 
Gal'lus,  or  Alec'tricn,  a  favourite  of  Mars, 

and  changed  by  him  into  a  cock 
Game'Iia,  a  title  of  Juno 
Gan;ges,a  famous  river  cf  India 
G-rr'yinede,  the  cup-bearer  of  Jupiter 
X  z 

Gelasi,  the  god  of  mirth  and  smiles 

Gelo'ni,  a  people  of  Scythia,  who  used  to 
paint  themselves,  in  order  to  appear  more 
terrible  to  their  enemies 

Ge'nii,  guardian  angels 

Ge'nius,  a  name  cf  Priapus 

Ge'ryon,  a  king  of  Spain,  who  fed  his  oxen 
with  human  flesh,  and  was  therefore  kill- 
ed by  Hercules 

Glauco'pis,  a  name  of  Minerva 

Glau'cus,  a  fisherman,  made  a  sea-ged  by 
eating  a  certain  herb  ;  also  the  son  cf 
Hippolochus,  who  exchanged  his  arms  of 
gold  for  the  brazen  ones  of  Diomede 

Gnos'sis,  a  name  of  Ariadne 

Gor'dius,  an  husbandman,  but  afterwards 
king  of  Phrygia,  remarkable  for  tying  a 
knot  of  cords  on  which  the  empire  of  Asia 
depended,  in  so  very  intricate  a  manner, 
that  Alexander  the  Great,  unable  to  un- 
ravel it,  cut  it  to  pieces 

Gor'gons,  the  three  daughters  of  Phorcys 
and  Ceta,  Medusa,  Euryale,  and  Stheno, 
who  could  change  into  stone  those  whom 
they  looked  on  ;  Perseus  slew  Medusa, 
the  principal  of  them 

Gorgoph'orus,  a  title  cf  Pallas 

Gra'ces,  Aglaia,  Thalia,  ar.d  Euphrosyne  ; 
the  daughters  of  Jupiter  and  Eurynome  ; 
attendants  on  Venus  and  the  Muses 

Gradi'vus,  a  title  of  Mars 

Gy'ges,  aLydian,  to  whom  Candauies,  king 
cf  Lycia,  shewed  his  queen  naked,  which 
so  incensed  her  that  she  slew  Candauies, 
and  married  Gyges  :  also  a  shepherd,  who 
by  means  of  a  ring  could  render  himself 

HA'DES,  a  title  cf  Pluto 

Hamaxo'tii,  a  people  cf  Scythia,  who 
lived  in  carts,  and  removed  from  place  to 
place,  as  necessity  required 

Harmo'nis,  a  famous  artist  of  Troy 

Harpal'yce,  a  very  beautiful  maid  cf  Argos 

Har'pies,  three  monsters,  Aello,  Ceisr.c, 
and  Ocypete,  with  the  faces  of  virgins, 
bodies  of  vultures,  and  hands  armed  with 
monstrous  claws 

Harpoc'rates,  the  Egyptian  god  of  silence 

He'be,  the  goddess  of  youth 

He'brus,  a  river  in  Thrace 

Heca'lius,  a  title  given  to  Jupiter  by  Theseus 

Hec'ate,  Diana's  name  in  hell 

Hec'tor,  a  son  of  Priam  and  Hecuba,  and  the 
most  valiant  of  all  the  Trojans 

Hec'uba,  the  wife  of  Priam 

Hege'sias,  a  philosopher  of  Cyrene,  who  de- 
scribed the  miseries  of  life  with  such  a 

H  Y  B 

gloomy  eloquence,  that  many  of  his  audi- 
tors killed  themselves  through  despair 
Hel'ena,  the  wife  of   Menelaus,  the  most 
beautiful  woman  in  the  world,  who,  run- 
ning away    with    Paris,    occasioned    the 
Trojan  war 
Hei'enus,  a  son  of  Priam  and  Hecuba 
Hel'icon,  a  famous  mountain  of  Bceotia,  de- 
dicated to  Apollo  and  the  Muses 
Hera'ia,  sacrifices  to  Juno 
Her'cules,  the  son  of  Jupiter  and  Alcmena, 
remarkable  for  his  numerous  exploits  and 
dangerous  enterprises 
Heribe'ia,  the  wife  of  Astreus 
Her'mse,  statues  of  Mercury 
Her'mes,  a  name  of  Mercury 
Hermi'one,  a  daughter  of  Mars  and  Venus, 
married  to  Cadmus  ;    also  a  daughter  of 
Menelaus    and  Helena,  married  to   Pyr- 
He'ro,    a    beautiful    woman    of    Sestos    in 
Thrace,  priestess  of  Venus  ;  Leander,  of 
Abydos,  loved    her  so  tenderly,  that  he 
swam  over  the  Hellespont  every  night  to 
see  her  ;  but  being  at  length  unfortunately- 
drowned,  she  threw  herself  into  the  sea, 
through  despair 
Kerod'otus,  a  very  famous  historian  of  Hali- 

carnassus  . 
Heroph'ila,  the  Erythraean  sybil 
Hersil'ia,  the  wife  of  Romulus 
Hes'perus,  or  Ves'per,  the  evening  star 
Hesper'ides,the  daughters  of  Hesperus  ;  -ZEgle, 
Arethusa,   and  Hesperethusa,  who  had  a 
garden  bearing  golden  apples,  watched  by 
a  dragon,  which  Hercules  slew,  and  bore 
away  the  fruit 
He'sus,  a  name  of  Mars  amongst  the  Gauls 
liip'pias,  a  philosopher  of  Elis 
Hippocam'pi,  Neptune's  horses 
Hip'pocrene,    a   fountain   at   the  bottom  of 

mount  Helicon,  dedicated  to  Apollo 
Hippol'ytus,  the  son  of  Theseus  and  Antiope 
or  Hippolyte,  who  refused  intimacies  with 
his  stepmother  Phaedra.     At  the  request  of 
Diana,  iEsculapius  restored  him  to  life, 
after  he  had  been  thrown  from  his  chariot, 
and  dragged  through  the  woods  till  he  was 
torn  in  pieces 
Hippo'na,  the  goddess  of  horses  and  stables 
Histo'ria,  the  goddess  of  history 
Horten'sis,  a  name  of  Venus 
Ko'rus,  a  title  of  the  sun 
Hostili'na,  a  goddess  of  corn 
Hy'ades,  the  seven  daughters  of  Atlas  and 
iEthra  ;  Ambrosia,  Eudora,  Coronis,  Pasi- 
thoe,  Plexaris,  Pytho,  and  Tyche.     They 
were  changed  by  Jupiter  into  7  stars 
Hy'bla,  a  mountain  in  Sicily,  universally  fa- 
mous for  its  thyme  and  bees 

18 J  O  C 

Hy'dra,  a  serpent,  which  had  seven  heads,  or 
as  some  say,  nine,  others  fifty,  killed  by 
Hercules  in  the  lake  Lerna 
Hyge'ia,  the  goddess  of  health 
Hyl'lus,    the    son  of    Hercules   and    Deja- 

Hy'men,  the  god  of  marriage 
Hype'rion,  a  son  of  Ccelus  and  Terra 
Hypsip'yle,  a  queen  of  Lemnos,  who  was 
banished  for  preserving  her  father  when 
all  the  other  men  of  the  island  were  mur- 
dered by  their  kindred 

IAC'CHTJS,  a  name  of  Bacchus 

Jan'itor  and  Juno'nius,  titles  of  Janus 

lan'the,  the  beautiful  wife  of  Iphis 

Ja'nus,  the  first  king  of  Italy,  son  of  Apollo 
and  Creusa 

lap'etus,  a  son  of  Ccelum  and  Terra 
Iar'bas,  a  cruel  king  of  Mauritania 

Ja'son,  a  Thessalian  prince,  son  of  iEson, 
who  by  Medea's  help  brought,  away  the 
golden  fleece  from  Colchis 

lca'rius,  the  son  of  Oebalus,  who,  having 
received  from  Bacchus  a  bottle  of  wine, 
went  into  Attica,  to  shew  men  the  use  of 
it  ;  but,  making  some  shepherds  drunk, 
they  thought  he  had  given  them  poison, 
and  therefore  threw  him  into  a  well 

Ic'arus,  the  son  of  Daedalus,  who,  flying 
with  his  father  out  of  Crete  into  Sicily, 
and  soaring  too  high,  melted  the  wax  of 
his  wings,  and  fell  into  the  sea,  thence 
called  the  Icarian  sea 

I'da,  a  mountain  near  Troy 

Idee  'a  Mater,  a  name  of  Cybele 

Idae'i  DacVyli,  priests  of  Cybele 

Ida'lia,  a  name  of  Venus 

Id'mon,  a  famous  soothsayer 

Ido'thea,  Jupiter's  nurse 

ll'ione,  the  eldest  daughter  of  Priam 

Ilis'sus,  a  river  in  Attica 

I'lus,  the  son  of  Tros  and  Cailirrhoe,  ftom 
whom  Troy  was  called  Ilium 

Impera'tor,  a  name  of  Jupiter 

In'achis  and  l'ses,  names  of  Io- 

I'no,  daughter  of  Cadmus  and  Hermione, 
and  wife  of  Athamas 

Intercido'na,  a  goddess  of  breeding  women 

Interdu'ca,  and  Ju'ga,  names  of  Juno 

In'uus,  and  Inc'ubus,  names  of  Pan 

I'o,  daughter  of  Inachus,  transformed  by 
Jupiter,  into  a  white  heifer  ;  but  after- 
wards, resuming  her  former  shape,  was 
worshipped  as  a  goddess  by  the  Egyptians 
under  the  name  of  Isis 

Jocas'ta,  the  daughter  of  Creon,  who  unwit* 
tingly  married  her  own  son  Oedipus 



M  I  N 

Iph'iclus,  the  twin  brother  of  Hercules 
Iphige'nia,    daughter   of    Agamemnon    and 
Clytemnestra,  who,  standing  as  a  victim 
ready  to  be  sacrificed  to  appease  the  rage 
of  Diana,  was,  by  that  goddess,  transform- 
ed into  a  white  hart,  carried  to  Tauris, 
and  made  her  priestess 
I'phis,  a  prince  of  Cyprus,  who  hanged  him- 
self for  love;  also  a  daughter  of  Lygdas 
Iph'itus,  son  of  Praxonides,  who  instituted 

Olympic  games  to  Hercules 
I'ris,  the  daughter  of  Thaumas  ;    she  was 
Juno's  favourite  companion,  and  her  mes- 
senger on  affairs  of  discord,  &c. 
I'tys,  the  son  Gf  Tereus  and  Progne,  mur- 
dered and  served  up  by  his  mother  at  a 
banquet  before  Tereus,  in  revenge  for  his 
having    forcibly      defioured     her     sister 
Ju'no,  the  sister  and  wife  of  Jupiter 
Ju'no  Infer'na,  a  name  of  Proserpine 
Juno'ness,  guardian  angels  of  women 
Ju'piter,  a   son  of  Saturn  and  Ops,  the  su- 
preme deity  of  the  heathens 
Ju'piter  Secun'dus,  a  name  of  Neptune 
Ju'piter  Ter'tius,  Infer'nus,  or  Sty'gius,  sev- 
eral appellations  given  to  Pluto 
Juven'ta,  a  goddess  of  youths 
Ixi'on,  the  son  of  Phlegyas,  who  was  fasten- 
ed in  hell  to  a  wheel  perpetually  turning 
round,  for  boasting  that  he  had  lain  with 


LA'CHESIS,  one  of  the  three  Fates 

Lacin'ia  and  Lucil'ia,  titles  of  Juno 

Lactu'ra,  or  Ladtuci'na,  a  goddess  of  corn 

Laestrig'ones,  cannibals  of  Italy,  who  roasted 
and  ate  the  companions  of  Ulysses 

La'ius,  a  king  of  Thebes,  killed  unwittingly 
by  his  own  son  Oedipus 

La'mise,  a  name  of  the  Gorgons 

Laoc'oon,  a  son  of  Priam,  and  high  priest 
of  Apollo ;  he  and  his  two  sons  were 
killed  by  serpents  for  opposing  the  recep- 
tion of  the  wooden  horse  into  Troy 

La'pis,  or  Lapid'eus,  titles  of  Jupiter 

La'res,  sons  of  Mercury  and  Lara,  worship- 
ped as  household-gods 

Latera'nus,  a  household-god 

Laver'na,  a  goddess  of  thieves 

Lean'der.     See  Hero 

Le'da,  daughter  of  Thestias,  and  wife  of 
Tyndarus,  seduced  by  Jupiter  in  the  shape 
of  a  swan 

Lemoni'ades,  nymphs  of  meadows,  &c. 

Le'nse,  priestesses  of  Bacchus 

Ler'na,  a  marsh  of  Argos, famous  for  abydra, 
killed  there  by  Hercules 

Le'the,  a  river  of  hell,  whose  waters  caused 
a  total  forgetfulness  of  things  past 

Leva'na,  a  goddess  of  new-born  infants 

Libiti'na,  the  goddess  of  funerals 

Li'nus,  son  of  Apollo  and  Terpsichore 

Luben'tia,  the  goddess  of  pleasure 

Lu'cifer,  son  of  Jupiter  and  Aurora,  made 
the  morning  star 

Lu'na,  Diana's  name  in  heaven 

Luperca'lia,  feasts  in  honour  of  Pan 

Luper'ci,  priests  of  Pan 

Lyca'on,  a  king  of  Arcadia,  turned  by  Jupi- 
ter into  a  wolf 


MA'IA,  loved  by  Jupiter,  and  by  him 
turned  into  a  star  to  avoid  Juno's  rage 

Managene'ta,  a  goddess  of  women  in  la- 

Mantu'ra,  a  goddess  of  corn 

Mantur'na,  and  Me'na,  nuptial  goddesses 

Mari'na,  Mel'anis,  Mer'etrix,  Migoni'tis, 
and  Mur'cia,  titles  of  Venus 

Mars,  the  god  of  war 

Mauso'lus,  a  king  of  Caria,  who  had  a  most 
magnificent  tomb  erected  to  him  by  his 
wife  Artemisia 

Mede'a,  daughter  of  lEtes,  king  of  Colchis, 
a  famous  sorceress,  who  assisted  Jasoa  to 
obtain  the  golden  fleece 

Meditri'na,  a  goddess  of  grown  persons 

Medu'sa,  the  chief  of  the  three  Gorgons 

Megae'ra,  one  of  the  three  Furies 

Megalen'sia,  festivals  in  honour  of  Cybele 

Mega'ra,  the  wife  of  Hercules 

Melani'ra,  a  name  of  Venus 

Me'lis,  nymphs  of  the  fields 

Me'lius,  a  name  of  Hercules, 

Melo'na,  the  goddess  of  honey 

Melpom'ene,  the  muse  of  tragedy 

Mem'non,  a  king  of  Abydos 

Menala'us,  a  famous  Centaur 

Menela'us,  the  husband  of  Helena 

Men'tha,  a  mistress  of  Pluto 

Men'tor,  the  governor  of  Telemachus 

Mer'cury,  the  messenger  of  the  gods,  inven- 
tor of  letters,  and  god  of  eloquence,  mer- 
chandise, and  robbers 

Mer'ope,  one  of  the  seven  Pleiades 

Mi'das,  a  king  of  Phrygia,  who  entertaining 
Bacchus,  or,  as  some  say,  Silenus,had  the 
power  given  him  of  turning  whatever  he 
touched  into  gold 

Mi'lo,  a  wrestler  of  remarkable  strength 

Mimal'lones,  attendants  on  Bacchus 

Miner'va,  the  goddess  of  wisdom 

Mi'nos,  a  king  of  Crete,  made,  for  his  ex- 
traordinary justice,  a  judge  of  hell 

Min'otsur,  a  monster,  half  man,  half  beast 



P  H  A 

Min'yae,  a  name  of  the  Argonauts 

Mnemos'yne,  the  goddess  of  memory 

Mo'mus,  the  god  of  raillery,  wit,  &c. 

Mone'ta,  a  title  of  Juno 

Mor'pheus,  the  god  of  sleep,  dreams,  &c 

Mors,  the  goddess  of  death 

Mul'ciber,  a  title  of  Vulcan 

Mu'ses,  nine  daughters  of  Jupiter  and  Mne- 
mosyne, born  on  mount  Pierius,  mistresses 
of  all  the  sciences,  presidents  of  musi- 
cians and  poets,  and  governesses  of  the 
feasts  of  the  gods  ;  Calliope,  Clio,  Erato, 
Euterpe,  Melpomene,  Polyhymnia,  Ter- 
psichore, Thalia,  and  Urania 

Mu'ta,  the  goddess  of  silence 


NJE'NIA,  the  goddess  of  funeral   songs 

Na'iades,  nymphs  of  rivers,  &c. 

Narcis'sus,  a  very  beautiful  youth,  who,  fall- 
ing in  love  with  his  own  shadow  in  the 
water,  pined  away  into  a  daffodil 

Na'tio,  and  Nundi'na,  goddesses  of  infants 

Nemae'a,  a  country  of  Elis,  famed  for  a  ter- 
rible lion  killed  there  by  Hercules 

Nem'esis,  the  goddess  o  f  revenge 

Nep'tune,  the  god  of  the  sea 

Nere'ides,  sea  nymphs 

Ne'rio,  the  wife  of  Mars 

Niceph'orus,  a  title  of  Jupiter 

Ni'nus,  the  first  king  of  the  Assyrians 

Ni'obe,  daughter  of  Tantalus  and  wife  of 
Amphion,  who,  preferring  herself  to  La- 
tona,  had  her  14  children  killed  by  Diana 
and  Apollo,  and  wept  herself  into  a  statue 

No'mius,  a  name  of  Apollo 

Nox,  the  most  ancient  of  all  the  deities ;  she 
was  even  reckoned  older  than  Chaos 


OB'SEQUENS,  a  title  of  Fortuna 

Occa'tor,  the  god  of  harrowing 

Oce'anus,  an  ancient  sea  god 

Ocyp'ete,  one  of  the  three  Harpies 

Oed'ipus,  son  of  Laius  and  Jocasta,  and  king 
of  Thebes,  who  solved  the  riddle  of 
Sphinx,  unwittingly  killed  his  father, 
married  his  mother,  and  at  last  ran  mad, 
and  tore  out  his  eyes 

Om'phale,  a  queen  of  Lydia,  with  whom 
Hercules  was  so  enamoured,  that  she 
made  him  submit  to  spinning  and  other 
unbecoming  offices 

Oper'tus,  a  name  of  Pluto 

Opi'gena,  a  name  of  Juno 

Ops,  a  name  of  Cybele 

Orbo'na,  a  goddess  of  grown  persons 

Qres'tes,  the  son  of  Agamemnon 

Ori'on,  a  great  and  mighty  hunter 

Or'pheus,  son  of  Jupiter  and  Calliope,  who 
had  great  skill  in  music,  and  was  torn  in 
pieces  by  the  Masnades,  for  disliking  the 
company  of  women  after  the  death  of  his 
wife  Eurydice 

Orythi'a,  a  queen  of  the  Amazons 

Osi'ris.     See  Apis. 


PAC'TOLUS,  a  river  of  Lydia,  with  golden 

sands  and  medicinal  waters 
Pse'an  and  Phce'bus,  names  of  Apollo 
Pa'les,  the  goddess  of  shepherds 
Palil'ai,  feasts  in  honour  of  Pales 

Palla'dium,  a  statue  of  Minerva,  which  the 
Trojans  imagined  fell  from  heaven,  and 
that  their  city  could  not  be  taken  whilst 
that  remained  in  it 

Pal'las  and  Py'lotis,  names  of  Minerva 

Pan,  the  god  of  shepherds 

Pandora,  the  first  woman,  made  by  Vulcan, 
and  endowed  with  gifts  by  ail  the  deities ; 
Jupiter  gave  her  a  box  containing  all  man- 
ner of  evils,  war,  famine,  &c.  with  hope 
at  the  bottom 

Pan'ope,  one  of  the  Nereides 

Pa'phia,  a  title  of  Venus 

Par'cae,  a  name  of  the  Fates 

Par'is,  or  Alexander,  son  of  Priam  and 
Hecuba,  a  most  beautiful  youth,  who  ran 
away  with  Helena,  and  occasioned  the 
Trojan  war 

Parnas'sus,  a  mountain  in  Phocis,  famous  for 
a  temple  of  Apollo,  and  being  the  favour- 
ite residence  of  the  Muses 

Partun'da,  a  nuptial  goddess 

Pastoph'ori,  priests  of  Isis 

Pat'areus,  a  title  of  Apollo 

Pateli'na,  a  goddess  of  corn 

Patula'cius,  a  name  of  Janus 

Patule'ius,  a  name  of  Jupiter 

Paven'tia,  andPoli'na,  goddesses  of  infants 

Peg'asus,  a  winged  horse  belonging  to  Apollo 
and  the  Muses 

Pello'nia,  a  goddess  of  grown  persons 

Pena'tes,  small  statues  or  household-gods 

Penel'ope,  daughter  of  Icarus,  celebrated  for 
her  chastity  and  fidelity  during  the  long 
absence  of  Ulysses 

Per'seus,  son  of  Jupiter  and  Danae,  who  per- 
formed many  extraordinary  exploits  by 
means  of  Medusa's  head 

Phascasia'ni,  ancient  gods  of  Greece 

Pha'eton,  son  of  Sol  (Apollo)  and  Clymene, 
who  asked  the  guidance  of  his  father "s 
chariot  for  one  day,  as  a  proof  of  his  di- 
vine descent ;  but  unable  to  manage  the 
horses,  set  the  world  on  fire,  and  was 



S  C   Y 

therefore  struck,  by  Jupiter  with  a  thun- 
derbolt into  the  river  Po 

Phal'lica,  feasts  of  Bacchus 

Philam'mon,  a  skilful  musician 

Phiiome'la,  daughter  of  Pandion,  king  of 
Athens,  who  was  ravished  by  her  brother- 
in-law  Tereus,  and  was  changed  into  a 

Phin'eas,  son  of  Agenor,  and  king  of  Pa- 
phlagonia,  who  had  his  eyes  torn  out  by 
Boreas,  but  was  recompensed  with  the 
knowledge  of  futurity  ;  also  a  king  of 
Thrace  turned  into  a  stone  by  Perseus,  by 
the  help  of  Medusa's  head 

Fnleg'ethon,  a  boiling  river  of  hell 

Phle'gon,  one  of  the  four  horses  of  Sol 

Phleg'yss,  a  people  of  Bceotia,  destroyed  by 
Neptune,  on  account  of  their  piracies  and 
other  crimes 

Phce'bas,  the  priestess  of  Apollo 

PhceTnis.  a  title  of  Apollo 

Phce'nix,  son  of  Amyntor,  who,  being  false- 
ly accused  of  having  attempted  the  honour 
of  one  of  his  father's  concubines,  was 
condemned  to  have  his  eyes  torn  out  ;  but 
was  cured  by  Chiron,  and  went  with 
Achilles  to  the  siege  of  Troy 

Picum'nus ,  a  rural  god 

Pilum'nus,  a  god  of  breeding  women 

Pin'dus,  a  mountain  of  Thessaly 

Pi'tho,  a  goddess  of  eloquence 

Ple'iades,  the  seven  daughters  of  Atlas  and 
Pleione  ;  Maia,  Eledtra,  Taygete,    Ajte- 
rope,    Merope,  Halcyone,  and  Celceno  ;  I 
they  were  changed  into  scars 

Plu'to,  the^od  of  hell 

Plu'tus,  the  god  of  riches 

Pollux.     See  Castor 

Polyd'amas,  a  famous  wrestler 

Polyd'ius,  a  famous  prophet  and  physician 

Polyhym'nia,  the  muse  of  rhetoric 

Polyphe'mus,  a  monstrous  giant,  son  of 
Neptune,  with  but  one  eye  in  the  middle 
of  his  forehead 

Pomo'aa,  the  goddess  of  fruits  and  autumn 

Prose'idon,  a  name  of  Neptune 

Prsnesti'na,  a  name  of  Fortuna 

PrEes'tes,  a  title  of  Jupiter  and  Minerva 

Praxit'eles,  a  famous  statuary 

Pri'am,  son  of  Laomedon,  and  father  of  Pa- 
ris, Hector,  &c.  j  he  was  the  last  king  of 

Progne,  wife  of  Tereus,  king  of  Thrace, 
and  sister  to  Philomela  ;  she  was  turned 
into  a  swallow 

Prome'theus,  son  of  Iapetus,  who  animated 
a  man  that  he  had  formed  of  clay,  with 
fire,  which,  by  the  assistance  of  Minerva, 
he  stole  from  heaven,  and  was  therefore 
Chained  by  Jupiter  to  mount  Caucasus, 

with  a  vulture  continually  preying  on  his 

Propylae'a,  a  name  of  Hecate 

Pros'erpine,  the  wife  of  Pluto 

Pro'teus,  a  sea  god  who  could  transform  him- 
self into  any  shape 

Psy'che,  the  goddess  of  pleasure 

Pyl'ades,  the  constant  friend  of  Orestes 

Pyr'amus  and  This'be,  two  lovers  of  Baby- 
lon, who  killed  themselves  by  the  same 
sword,  and  occasioned  the  turning  the 
berries  of  the  mulberry-tree,  under  which 
they  died,  from  white  to  red 

Pyrce'tis,  one  of  the  four  horses  of  the  Sun 

Pyr'rhus,  son  of  Achilles,  remarkable  for 
his  cruelty  at  the  siege  of  Troy 

Py'thon,  a  huge  serpent  produced  from  the 
mud  of  the  deluge,  which  Apollo  killed, 
and,  in  memory  thereof,  instituted  the 
Pythian  games 

Pythonis'sa,  the  priestess  of  Apollo 

QUAD'RIFRONS,  a  title  of  Janus 
Oui'es,  a  goddess  of  grown  persons 
Quieta'lis  and  Quie'tus,  names  of  Pluto 
Quinqua'tria,  feasts  of  Pallas 


RECTUS,  a  title  of  Bacchus 

Re'dux,  and  Re'gia,  titles  of  Fortune 

Regi'na,  a  title  of  Juno 

Rhadaman'thus,  one  of  the  three  infernal 

Rhe'a,  a  title  of  Cybele 
Rhe'a-Syl'via,  the  mother  of  Romulus 
PvObi'gus,  a  god  of  corn 
Romu'lus,  the  first  king  cf  Rome 
Ru'mina,  a  goddess  of  new-born  infants 
Runci'na,  the  goddess  of  weeding 
Rusi'na,  a  rural  deity 

SABA'ZIA,  feasts  of  Proserpine 

Sa'lii,  the  12  frantic  priests  of  Mars 

Salmone'us,  a  king  of^Elis,  struck  by  a  thun- 
derbolt to  hell  for  imitating  Jupiter's 

Sa'lus,  the  goddess  of  health 

Sanc'us,a  god  of  the  Sabines 

Sa'tor  and  Sorri'tor,  rural  gods 

Saturna'lia,  feasts  of  Saturn 

Satur'nus  or  Sat'urn,  the  son  of  Ccelum  and 

Sat'yrs,  the  attendants  of  Bacchuss  horned 
monsters,  half  men,  half  goats 

Scy'ronj  a  famous  robber  of  Attica 

Z   E   U 

Se'ia  and  Sege'tia,  goddesses  of  corn 

Sel'li,  priests  of  Jupiter 

Sen't3>  a  goddess  of  married  women 

Ser'apis.     See  Apis 

Sile'nus,  the  foster-father  and  companion  of 
Bacchus,  who  lived  in  Arcadia,  rode  on 
an  ass,  and  was  drunk  every  day 

Si'mis,  a  famous  robber  killed  by  Hercules 

Sis'yphus,  the  son  of  JEolus,  killed  by  The- 
seus, and  doomed  incessantly  to  roll  a 
huge  stone  up  a  mountain  in  heil  for  his 
perfidy  and  numerous  robberies 

Sol,  a  name  of  Apollo 

Som'nus,  the  god  of  sleep 

Sphinx,  a  monster  born  of  Syphon  and 
Echidna,  who  destroyed  herself  because 
Oedipus  solved  the  enigma  she  proposed 

Sta'ta,  a  goddess  of  grown  persons 

Sten'tor,  a  Grecian  whose  voice  is  reported 
to  have  been  as  strong  and  as  loud  as  the 
voices  of  SO  men  together 

Sthe'no,  one  of  the  three  Gorgons 

Styx,  a  river  of  hell 

Sua'da,  a  nuptial  goddess 

Summa'nus,  a  name  of  Pluto 

Sylva'nus,  a  god  of  woods  and  forests 

Sy'rens,  sea  monsters 


TA'CITA,  a  goddess  of  silence 
Tan'talus,    a  king    of    Paphlagonia,    who, 
serving  up  to  table  the  limbs  of  his  son 
Telops,  to  try  the  divinity  of  the  gods, 
was  plunged  to  the  chin  in  a  lake  of  hell, 
and  doomed  to  everlasting  thirst  and  hun- 
ger, as  a  punishment  for  his  barbarity  and 
Tarta'rus,  the  place  of  the  wicked  in  hell 
Tau'rus,  the  bull  under  whose  form  Jupiter 

carried  away  Europa 
Te'chi'nes,  priests  of  Cybele 
Teiem'achus,  the  only  son  of  Ulysses 
Tem'pe,  a  most  beautiful  valley  in  Thessaly, 

the  resort  of  the  gods 
Terminus,  the  god  of  boundaries 
Terpsicho're,  the  muse  of  music,  &c. 
Ter'ror,  the  god  of  dread  and  fear 
Tha'Iia,  the  muse  of  comedy 
The'mis,  daughter  of  Ccelum  and  Terra,  the 

goddess  of  laws,  oracles,  &c. 
Thes'pis,  the  first  tragic  poet 
The'tis,  daughter  of  Nereus  and  Doris,  and 

goddess  of  the  sea 
Thyr'sus,  the  rod  of  Bacchus 
Ti'phys,  the  pilot  of  tfte  ship  Argo 
Tisiph'one,  one  of  the  three  Furies 
Ti'tan,  son  of  Coelura  and  Terra,    and  the 

elder  brother  of  Satumus,  or  Saturn 
Tma'rius,  a  title  of  Jupiter 

Tri'ton,  Neptune's  trumpeter 
Trito'nia,  a  name  of  Minerva 
Tro'ilus,  a  son  of  Priam  and  Hecuba 
Troy,  a  city  of  Phrygia,  famous  for  holding 
out  a  siege  of  ten  years  against  the  Greeks, 
but  they  at  last  captured  and  destroyed 
Tuteli'na,  a  goddess  of  corn 
Ty'ro,  one  01  the  Nereides 

VACU'NA,  the  goddess  of  idle  persons 

Vagita'nus,  a  god  of  little  infants 

Vallo'nia,  a  goddess  of  vallies 

Venil'ia,  a  wife  of  Neptune 

Ve'nus,  the  goddess  of  love,  beauty,  &c. 

Vergil'ise,  a  name  of  the  Pleiades 

Verticor'dia,  a  name  of  Venus 

Vertum'nus,  the  god  of  the  spring 

Ves'ta,  the  goddess  of  fire 

Via'les,  deities  of  the  highways 

Vibil'ia,  the  goddess  of  wanderers 

Virginen'sis,  a  nuptial  goddess 

Vir'go,  a  name  of  Astrea  and  Fortune 

Viri'lis  and  Visca'ta,  titles  of  Fortune 

Viri'placa,  an  inferior  nuptial  goddess,  who 
reconciled  husbands  to  their  wives...a  tem- 
ple at  Rome  was  dedicated  to  her,  whith- 
er the  married  couple  repaired  after  a 
quarrel,  and  returned  together  friendly 

Vit'ula,  the  goddess  of  mirth 

Ulys'ses,  son  of  Laertes  and  Anticlea,  and 
king  of  Ithaca,  who  by  his  subtlety  and 
eloquence,  was  eminently  serviceable  to 
the  Greeks  in  the  Trojan  war 

Unx'ia,  a  title  of  juno 

Volu'sia,  a  goddess  of  corn 

Ura'nia,  the  muse  of  astronomy 

Vul'can,  the  god  of  subterraneous  fire 


XAN'THUS,  one  of  the  horses  of  Achilles, 
born  of  the  harpy  Celoeno  ;  a  river  near 
Troy,  called  also  Scamander 


ZA'GREUS,  a  title  of  Bacchus 

Zeph'yrus,  son  of  iEolus  and  Aurora,  who 

passionately  loved  the  goddess  Flora,  and 
is  put  for  the  west  wind 
Ze'tes  and  Cal'ais,  sons  of  Boreas  and  Ory- 

thia,    who  accompanied    the  Argonauts, 

and  drove  the  Harpies  from  Thrace 
Ze'tus,  a  son  of  Jupiter  and  Antiope,  very 

expert  in  music 
Ze'us,  a  title  of  Jupiter 



Remarkable  Events,  Discoveries,  and  Inventions, 


The  whole  comprehending,  in  one  View,  the  Analysis  or  Outlines  of  General  History, 
from  the  Creation  to  the  present  Time. 


THE  creation  of  the  world,  and  Adam  and  Eve > 4CO4 

The  birth  of  Cain ~..«. «. '• 4OO3 

The  old  world  is  destroyed  by  a  deluge  which  continued  377  days..., —2348 

The  tower  of    Babel  is   built    about  224-7  by  Noah's    posterity,   upon   which  God 

miraculously  confounds  their  language,  and  thus  disperses  them    into    different 

About  the  same  time  Noah  is.  supposed  to  have  parted  from  his  rebellious  offspring, 

and  to  have  led  a  colony  of  some  of  the  more  tractable  into  the  East,  and  there 

either  he  or  one  of  his  successors  to  have  founded  the  ancient  Chinese  monarchy 

The  celestial  observations  are  begun  at  Babylon „ .....~ 2234 

Misraim,  the  son  of  Ham,  founds  the  kingdom  of  Egypt,  which  lasted  1663  years, 

down  to  the  conquest  of  Cambyses,  525  years  before  Christ..^. .. 2188 

Ninus,  the  son  of  Belus,  founds  the  kingdom  of  Assyria,  which  lasted  above  IOOO 

years,  and  out  of  its  ruins  were  formed  the  Assyrians  of  Babylon,  those  of  Nineveh, 

and  the  kingdom  of  the  Medes ..2059 

The  covenant  of  God  made  with  Abram,  when  he  leaves  Haran  to  go  into  Canaan, 

which  begins  the  43O  years  of  sojourning „ » 1921 

The  cities  of  Sodom  and  Gomorrah  are  destroyed  for  their  wickedness,  by  fire  from 

heaven » 1 897 

Memnon,  the  Egyptian,  invents  the  letters 1822 

Prometheus  first  struck  fire  from  flints , 1 715 

Joseph  dies  in  Egypt,  which  concludes  the  book  of  Genesis,  containing  a  period  of 

2369  years 1635 

Aaron  born  in  Egypt , 1 5  74 

Cecrops  brings  a  colony  of  Saites  from  Egypt  into  Attica,  and  begins  the  kingdom  of 

Athens 1556 

Scamander  comes  from  Crete  into  Phrygia,  and  begins  the  kingdom  of  Troy 1546 

Cadmus  carried  the  Phoenician  letters  into  Greece,  and  built  the  citadel  of  Thebes .....1493 

Moses  performs  a  number  of  miracles  in  Egypt,  and  departs  from  that  kingdom,  to- 
gether with  600,000  Israelites,  besides  children;  which  completed  the  430  years 

of  sojourning M „ „ 149 1 

The  first  ship  that  appeared  in  Greece  was  brought  from  Egypt   by   Danaus,  who 

•arrived  at  Rhodes,  and  brought  with  him  his  fifty  daughters 1485 

The  first  Olympic  games  celebrated  at  Olympia  in  Greece , 1453 

The  Pentateuch,  or  five  first  books  of  Moses,  are  written  in  the  Land  of  Moab,  where 

he  died  the  year  following,  aged  1 10 « 1452 

The  Israelites,  after  sojourning  in  the  wilderness  forty  years,  are  led  under  Joshua 

into  the  land  of  Canaan,  and  the  period  of  the  sabbatical  year  commences .........145 1 

Iron  is  found  in  Greece,  from  the  accidental  burning  of  the  woods 14O6 

The  rape  of  Helen  by  Paris,  which  gave  rise  to  the  Trojan  war 1 193 

David  is  sole  king  of  Israel T.C46 

The  Temple  is  solemnly  dedicated  by  Solomon , r. 1004 

Elijah,  the  prophet,  is  translated  to  heaven,,..,,,,. „•„„-..,!..,.„,.......„*...-, t,...,.n.r».*..,fiQQ 

264       A  CHRONOLOGICAL  TABLE,  &c. 

Money  first  made  of  gold  and  silver  at  Argos , 894 

The  city  of  Carthage,  in  Africa,  founded  by  queen  Dido 869 

The  kingdom  of  Macedon  begins 8 1 4 

iEra  of  the  building  of  Rome  in  Italy,  by  Romulus,  first  king  of  the  Romans "753 

Samaria  taken,  after  three  years'  siege,  and  the    kingdom  of  Israel  finished  by  Salma- 

nasar,  king  of  Assyria,  who  carries  the  ten  tribes  into  captivity 720 

The  first  eclipse  of  the  moon  on  record „ , .ib. 

Byzantium  (now  Constantinople)  built  by  a  colony  of  Athenians 658 

By  order  of  Necho,  king  of  Egypt,  some  Phoenicians  sailed  from  the  Red  Sea  round 

Africa,  and  returned  by  the  Mediterranean 6O4 

Thales,  of  Miletus,  travels  into  Egypt,  consults  the  priests  of  Memphis,  acquires  the 
knowledge  of  geometry,  astronomy,  and  philosophy ;  returns  to  Greece,  calculates 
eclipses,  gives  general    notions  of  the  universe,  and  maintains  that  one  supreme 

Intelligence  regulates  all  its  motions » ........... 600 

The  city  of  Jerusalem  taken  after  a  siege  of  18  months 587 

The  first  comedy  at  Athens  atted  upon  a  moveable  scaffold 562 

Cyrus  the  first  king  of  Persia „ ~«5  59 

The  kingdom  of  Babylon  terminates,  538 ;  that  city  being  taken  by  Cyrus,  who,  in  536, 
issues  an  edict  for  the  return  of  the  Jews 

The  first  tragedy  was  acted  at  Athens,  on  a  waggon,  by  Thespis «.»534 

Learning  encouraged  at  Athens,  and  a  public  library  first  founded 526 

The  second  temple  at  Jerusalem  is  finished  under  Darius 5 IS 

Tarquin,  the  seventh  and  last  king  of  the  Romans,  is  expelled,  509 ;  and  Rome  is 
governed  by  two  consuls,  and  other  republican  magistrates,  till  the  battle  of  Phar- 
salia,  being  a  space  of  461  years 
Sardis  taken  and  burnt  by  the  Athenians,  which  gave  occasion  to  the  Persian  invasion 

of  Greece 5O4 

JEschylus,  the  Greek  poet,  first  gains  the  prize  of  Tragedy 486 

Xerxes  the  Great,  king  of  Persia,  begins  his  expedition  against  Greece +81 

The  Decemvirs  created  at  Rome,  aud  the  laws  of  the  twelve  tables  compiled  and 

ratified..... „ 45 1 

The  history  of  the  Old  Testament  finishes  about 4.3O 

Socrates,  the  founder  of  moral  philosophy  among  the  Greeks,  believes  the  immortality 
of  the  soul,  and  a  state  of  rewards  and  punishments,  for  which,  and  other  sublime 
doctrines,  he  is  put  to  death  by  the  Athenians,  who  soon  after  repent,  and  erect  to 

his  memory  a  statue  of  brass...... *. ~ *. .....4OO 

Alexander  the  Great,  king  of  Macedon,  conquers  Darius  king  of  Persia,  and  other 
nations  of  Asia,  331.     Dies  at  Babylon,  and  his  empire  is  divided  by  his  generals 

into  four  kingdoms 3-3 

Dionysius,  of  Alexandria,  began  his  astronomical  sera  on  Monday,  June  26,285;  the 

first  who  found  the  exact  solar  year  to  consist  of  3(55  days,   5  hours  and  49  minutes 

Ptolemy  Philadelphus,  king  of  Egypt,  employs  seventy-two  interpreters  to  translate 

the  Old  Testament  into  the  Greek  language,  which  is  called  the  Septuagint .'....284 

The  first  Punic  war  begins,  and  continues  23  years.     The  chronology  of  the  Arun- 

delian  marbles  composed 2.64 

The  second  Punic  war  begins,  and  continues  1 7  years.  Hannibal  passes  the  Alps,  and 
defeats  the  Romans  in  several  battles  ;  but,  being  amused  by  his  women,  does  not 

improve  his  victories  by  the  storming  of  Rome 218 

Perseus  defeated  by  the  Romans,  which  ends  the  Macedonian  kingdom t68 

The  government  of  Judea  under  the  Maccabees  begins,  and  continues  126  years 1 63 

Carthage,  the  rival  to  Rome,  is  razed  to  the  ground  by  the  Romans , 146 

Julius  Csesar  makes  his  first  expedition  into  Britain 52 

The  Alexandrian  library,  consisting  of  400,000  valuable  books,  burnt  by  accident ib. 

The  war  of  Africa,  in  which  Cato  kills  himself. 45 

The  solar  year  introduced  by  Ca?sar....„.... ~ ib. 

Caesar,  the  greatest  of  the  Roman  conquerors,  after  having  fought  fifty  pitched  battles, 
and  slain  l,T92,000  men,  and  overturned  the  liberties  of  his  country,  is  killed  in 

the  senate-house 44 

The  battle  of  Actium  fought,  in  which  Mark  Antony  and  Cleopatra  are  totally  defeated 
by  Odtavius,  nephew  to  Julius  Caesar ........ » •••< »••••»' 35 


Alexandria,  in  Egypt,  is  taken  by  Oclavius,  upon  which  Antony  and  Cleopatra  put 

themselves  to  death,  and  Egypt  is  reduced  to  a  Roman  province 30 

The  temple  of  Janus  is  shut  by  Augustus  as  an  emblem  of  universal  peace its 

JESUS  CHRIST  is  born 


JESUS  CHRIST  is  baptized  in  the  wilderness  by  John , 27 

is  crucified,  and  rises  again  on  the  third  day 33 

Pontius  Pilate  kills  himself...- 39 

Claudius  Caesar's  expedition  into  Britain .43 

Caractacus,  the  British  king,  is  carried  in  chains  to  Rome ,.....„ ....51 

Boadicea,  the  British  queen,  defeats  the  Romans  ;  but  is  conquered  soon  after  by 

Suetonius,  governor  of  Britain ~ 6 1 

Christianity  is  supposed  to  be  introduced  into  Britain  by  St.  Paul,  or  some  of  his 

disciples,  about ~ 63 

Rome  set  on  fire,  and  burned  for  six  days  5  upon  which  began  (under  Nero)  the  first 

persecution  against  the  Christians .. ............ ....64. 

Julius  Agricola,  governor  of  South  Britain,  to  protect  the  civilized  Britons  from  the 

incursions  of  the  Caledonians,  builds  a  line  of  forts  between  the  rivers  Forth  and 

Clyde  ;  defeats  the  Caledonians  under  Galgacus  on  the  Grampian  hills  ;  and  first 

sails  round  Britain,  which  he  discovers  to  be  an  island , „ - „ .....85 

The  Caledonians  reconquer  from  the  Romans  all  the  southern  parts  of  Scotland  ;  upon 

which  the  emperor  Adrian  builds  a  wall  between  Newcastle  and  Carlisle ....121 

Silk  first  brought  from  India,   274;  the  manufactory  of  it  introduced  into  Europe 

by  some  monks,  55  r  ;  first  worn  by  the  clergy  in  England,  IS 34 

Constantine  the  Great  begins  his  reign , , 305 

The  tenth  persecution  ends  by  an  edidt  of  Constantine,  who  favours  the  christians, 

and  gives  full  liberty  to  their  religion , 3 13 

The  first  general  council  at  Nice,  when  318  fathers  attended,  against  Arius,  where 

was  composed  the  famous  Nicene  creed,  which  we  attribute  to  them .„ „.„ 325 

Constantine  removes  the  seat  of  empire  from  Rome  to  Byzantium,  which  is  thence. 

forwards  called  Constantinople 328 

Constantine  orders  all  the  heathen  temples  to  be  destroyed.- „ ••••331 

The  Roman  empire  is   divided   into  the  eastern    (Constantinople  the  capital)  and 

western  (of  which  Rome  continued  to  be  the  capital)  each  being  now  under  the 

government  of  different  emperors „ „. „ ^64. 

Bells  invented  by  bishop  Paulinus,  of  Campagnia „.. „ „ „..„ 4CO 

The  Vandals,  Alans,  and  Suevi,  spread  into  France  and  Spain,  by  a  concession  of 

Konorius,  emperor  of  the  West - ., ...-406 

Rome  taken  and  plundered  by  Alaric,  king  of  the  Visi-Goths „ 4.10 

The  Vandals  begin  their  kingdom  in  Spain.. .422 

The  kingdom  of  France  begins  upon  the  Lower  Rhine,  under  Pharamond -.420 

The  Romans,  reduced  to  extremities  at  home,  withdraw  their  troops  from  Britain, 

and  never  return ,.., ail       426 

Attila  (surnamed  the  Scourge  of  God)with  his  Huns,  ravages  the  Roman  empire „ »"447 

Vortigern,  king  of  the  Britons,  invites  the  Saxons  into  Britain,  against  the  Scots  and 


- —" -449 

The  Saxons  begin  to  establish  themselves  in  Kent,  under  Hengist.... — ri,-„ 455 

The  western  empire  is  finished,  523  years  after  the  battle  of  Pharsalia  ;  upon  the 
ruins  of  which  several  new  states  arise  in  Italy  and  other  parts,  consisting  of 
Goths,  Vandals,  Huns,  and  other  Barbarians,  under  whom  literature  is  extinguish- 
ed, and  the  works  of  the  learned  are  destroyed „ „„.„....„... .4715 

Clovis,  king  of  France,  baptized,  and  Christianity  begins  in  that  kingdom- 496 

Prince  Arthur  begins  his  reign  over  the  Britons -.. .- „ 5O8 

Constantinople  besieged  by  Vitalianus,  whose  fleet  is  burned  by  a  speculum  of  brass 513 

The  computing  of  time  by  the  Christian  sera  is  introduced  by  Dionysius  the  monk 516 

Latin  ceased  to  be  spoken  in  Italy  about - -, „ 581 

Augustine  the  monk  comes  into  England  with  forty  monks 5g5 

The  power  of  the  popes,  by  the  concessions  of  Phocas,  emperor  of  the  East,  begins.»,,..M..<5oC 


Mahomet,  the  false  prophet,  flies  from  Mecca,  to  Medina,  in  Arabia,  in  the  44th 
year  of  his  age,  and  iOth  of  his  ministry,  when  he  laid  the  foundation  of  the  Sar- 
acen empire,  and  from  whom  the  Mahometan  princes  to  this  day  claim  their  de- 
scent.    His  followers  compute  their  time  from  this  aera,  which  in  Arabic  is  called 

Hegira,  i.  e.  the  Flight 622 

Jerusalem  is  taken  by  the  Saracens 637 

Alexandria  in   Egypt  is  taken  by  ditto,  and  the  grand  library  there  burnt  by  order  of 

Omar  their  caliph  or  prince 64O 

Glass  invented  in  England  by  Benalt,  a  monk 664 

The  Saracens  conquer  Spain........ 7 1 3 

Charlemagne,  king  of  France,  begins  the  empire  of  Germany,  afterwards  called  the 

western  empire  ;  and  gives  the  present  names  to  the  winds  and  months 80O 

Harold,  king  of  Denmark,  dethroned  by  his  subjects,  for  being  a  Christian .826 

Egbert,  king  of  Wessex,  unites  the  Heptarchy,  by  the  name  of  England „ 828 

The  Scots  and  Pitts  have  a  decisive  battle,  in  which  the  former  prevail,  and  both 

kingdoms  are  united  by  Kenneth 838 

The  Danes  begin  their  ravages  in  England 867 

Alfred  the  Great,  after  subduing  the  Danish  invaders  (against  whom  he  fought  56 
battles  by  sea  and  land,)  composes  his  body  of  laws ;  divides  England  into  coun- 
ties, hundreds,  and  tythings, ;  erects  county  courts,  and  founds  the  university  of 

Oxford,  about... .. .. 896 

The  university  of  Cambridge  founded 915 

The  figures  in  Arithmetic  are  brought  into  Europe  by  the  Saracens  from  Arabia,  99 1. 
Letters  of  the  alphabet  were  hitherto  used 

Otho  III.  makes  the  empire  of  Germany  elective , « 996 

Boleslaus,  the  first  king  of  Poland .999 

Paper  made  of  cotton  rags  was  in  use,  IOOO  ;  that  of  linen  rags  in  1 1 70  ;  the  manu- 
factory introduced  into  England  at  Dartford,  1588 

Children  forbidden  by  law  to  be  sold  by  their  parents  in  England IO15 

Canute,  king  of  Denmark,  gets  possession  of  England. ... ..« 1017 

The  Saxon  line  restored  under  Edward  the  Confessor....... 1041 

The  Turks,  (a  nation  of  adventurers  from  Tartary)  become  formidable,  and  take 

possession  of  Persia , « «..<•- IC43 

Leo  IX.  the  first  pope  that  kept  up  an  army « 1054- 

Malcolm  III.  king  of  Scotland,  kills  the  tyrant  Macbeth  at  Dunsinane,  and  marries 

the  princess  Margaret,  sister  to  Edgar  Atheling « 1057 

The  Turks  take  Jerusalem  from  the  Saracens *,.....«..lO<5s 

The  battle  of  Hastings  fought,  between  Harold  and  William  duke  of  Normandy,  in 
which  Harold  is  conquered    and  slain,   after  which    William   becomes  king  of 

England IO66 

Musical  notes  invented • 107O 

Justices  of  Peace  first  appointed  in  England 1076 

Doomsday -book  began  to  be   compiled  by  order  of  William,  from  a  survey  of  all  the 

estates  in  England,  (and  finished  in  I0S6) « 1080 

-The  Tower  of  London,  built  by  ditto,  to  curb  his  English  subjects  ;  numbers  of  whom 

fly  to  Scotland,  same  year 
The  first  crusade  to  the  Holy  Land  is  begun  under  several  Christian  princes,  to  drive 

the  infidels  from  Jerusalem,...*. « 1O96 

Edgar  Atheling,  the  last  of  the  Saxon  princes,  dies  in  England ...1  no 

The  order  of  the  Knights  Templars  instituted,  to  defend  the  sepulchre  at  Jerusalem, 

and  to  protect  Christian  strangers... > 1 118 

London  bridge,  consisting  of  19  small  arches,  first  built  of  stone 1 .163 

Henry  II.  king  of  England  (and  first  of  the  Plantagenets)  takes  possession  of  Ire- 
land ;  which,  from  that  period,  has  been  governed  by  an  English  viceroy,  lord- 
lieutenant .. - 117* 

England  is  divided,  by  Henry,  into  six  circuits,  and  justice  is  dispensed  by  itinerant 

judges « 1 1 76 

Glass  windows  began  to  be  used  in  private  houses  in  England , 1180 

Pope  Alexander  III.  compelled  the  kings  of  England  and  France  to  hold  the  stirrups 
of  his  saddle  when  he  mounted  his  horse.M««.....iiM.n.(M.....n.1,.........'.........»i....t.il82 


The  great  conjunction  of  the  sun  and  moon  and  all  the  planets  in  Libra,  happened  in 

September .... 1 1 86 

The  battle  of  Ascalon,  in  Judaea,  in  which  Richard,  king  of  England,  defeats  Sala- 

dine's  army,  consisting  of  300,000  combatants II92 

Bieu  ei  rnon  Droit  first  used  as  a  motto  by  Richard,  on  a  victory  over  the  French 1 194 

Chimnies  were  not  known  in  England 1200 

Surnames  now  began  to  be  used  ;  first  among  the  nobility,  same  year 

London  incorporated,  rnd  obtained  their  first  charter,  for  electing  their  lord  mayor  and 

other  magistrates,   from  king  John...... 1208 

Magna  Charta  is  signed  by  king  John  and  the  barons  of  England.. 1215 

The  Tartars,  a  new  race  of  heroes,   under  Gingis-Kan,  emerge  from  the  northern 

parts  of  Asia,  and  over-run  all  the  Saracen   empire 1227 

The  houses  of  London,  and  other  cities  in  England,  France,  and  Germany,  still 

thatched  with  straw 1233 

The  Tartars  take  Bagdad,  which  finishes  the  empire  of  the  Saracens 1258 

According  to  some  writers,  the  commons  of  England  were  not  summoned  to  parlia- 
ment till ~ I264 

"The  empire  of  the  present  Austrian  family  begins  in  Germany 1273 

Llewellyn,  prince  of  Wales,  defeated  and  killed  by  Edward  I.  who  unites  that  princi- 
pality to   England 1282 

Edward  II.  born  at  Caernarvon,  is  the  first  prince  of  Wales 1284 

The  present  Turkish  empire  begins  in  Bithynia  under  Ottoman 1298 

Tailow  candies  so  great  a  luxury,  that  splinters  of  wood  were  used  for  lights , jb. 

Wine  sold  by  apothecaries  as  a  cordial  the  same  year 

The  mariner's  compass  invented,  or  improved,  by  Gicia,  of  Naples I3C2 

The  beginning  of  the    Swiss    Cantons '307 

The  popes  remove  to  Avignon,  in  France,  for  70  years M -T3C8 

Lincoln's-Inn  society  established 131O 

The  battle  of  Bannockburn,  between  Edward  II.  and  Robert  Bruce,  which  establishes 

the  latter  en  the  throne  of  Scotland , . j  31^ 

Gold  first  coined  in  Christendom,  1320  ;  ditto  in  England 1344 

The  first  comet  whose  course  is  described  with  an  astronomical  exactness 13  j  -k 

Gunpowder  and  guns  first  invented  by  Swartz,  a  monk  of  Cologn,  134O  ;  Edward 
III.  had  four  pieces  of  cannon,  which  contributed  to  gain  him  the  battle  of  Cressy, 
1346  ;  bombs  and  mortars  were  invented  in  the  same  year 

Oil  painting  first  made  use  of  by  John  Vaneck ...134© 

The  first  creation  to  titles  by  patents  used  by  Edward  HI , .1344, 

The  order  of  the  Garter  instituted  in  England  by   Edward  III.    1349  ;    altered  in 

1557}  and  consists  of  26  knights 
The  battle  of  Poicliers,  in  which  king  John  of  France,  and  his  son,  are  taken  prison- 

ers  by  Edward  the  Black  Prince 1 356 

Coals  first  brought  to  London „ 135  7 

Arms  of  England  and  France  first  quartered  by  Edward  III 1358 

John  Wickliffe,  an  Englishman,  begins  about  1362  to  oppose  the  errors  of  the  church 
of  Rome  with  great  acuteness  and  spirit.     His  followers  are  called  Lollards 

A  company  of  linen-weavers,  from  the  Netherlands,  established  in  London 1 386 

Windsor  castle  built  by  Edward  HI.  same  year 

Cards  invented  in  France  for  the  king's  amusement „ I3£)I 

Westminster  Abbey  built  and  enlarged...Westminster  hall  ditto 1399 

Order  of  the  Bath  instituted  at  the  coronation  of  Henry  IV.  1 399  ;  renewed  in  1 725, 
consisting  of  38  knights 

Guildhall,  London,  built , I41O 

The  battle  of  Agincourt  gained  over  the  French  by  Henry  V.  of  England I41  j 

About  1430,  Laurentius  of  Haarlem  invented  the  art  of  printing,  which  he  prac- 
tised with  separate  wooden  types.  Guttemburgh  afterwards  invented  cut  metal 
types  :  but  the  art  was  carried  to  perfection  by  Peter  Schoeffer,  who  invented  the 
mode  of  casting  the  types  in  matrices.  Frederic  Corsellis  began  to  print  at  Ox- 
ford, in  1468,  with  wooden  types  ;  but  it  was  William  Caxton  who  introduced  into 
England  the  art  of  printing  with  fusile  types,  in  1474 
The  Vatican  Library  founded  at  Rome«....„ „ „ „.,,..,,„„...„...««„ 1446- 


The  sea  breaks  in  at  Dort,  in  Holland,  and  drowns   100,000  people 1446 

Constantinople  taken  by  the  Turks,  which  ends  the  eastern  empire,  1 123  years 
from  its   eredtion  by  Constantine  the  Great,  and  2206  years  from  the  foundation 

of  Rome , 14.5* 

Engraving  and  etching  in  copper  invented 146O 

Richard  III.  king  of  England,  and  last  of  the  Plantagenets,  is  defeated  and  killed  at 
the  battle  of  Bosworth,  by  Henry  (Tudor)  VII.  which  puts  an  end  to  the  civil 
wars  between  the  houses  of  York  and  Lancaster,  after  a  contest  of  30  years,  and 

the  loss  of  lOOjCOOmen 14B3 

Henry  VII.  establishes  fifty  yeoman  of  the  guards,  the  first  standing  army...... i486 

William  Grocyn  publicly  teaches  the  Greek  language  at  Oxford 1491 

America  first  discovered  by  Columbus,  a  Genoese,  in  the  service  of  Spain 1492. 

Algebra  first  known  in  Europe 1494 

The  Portuguese  first  sail  to  the  East  Indies,  by  the  Cape  of  Good  Hope 1497 

South  America  discovered  by  Americus  Vespucius,  from  whom  it  has  its  name ib. 

North  America  ditto,  for  Henry  VII.  by  Cabot „ „ „ 1499 

Shillings  first  coined  in  England 1  505 

Gardening  introduced  into  England  from  the  Netherlands,  whence  vegetables  were 

imported 1509 

Martin  Luther  began  the  Reformation 1 51 7 

Henry  VIII.  for  his  writings  in  favour  of  Popery,  receives  the  title  of  Defender  of  the 

Faith  from  his  Holiness 1 520 

The  Reformation  takes  place  in  England,  under  Henry  VIII. „ 1534 

The  first  English  edition  of  the  Bible  authorized,  1539;  the  present  translation 
finished   161 1 

Cannon  began  to  be  used  in  ships  about .. ....„....„„ 1539 

Silk  stockings  first  worn  by  the  French  king,  1543  ;  first  worn  in  England  by  queen 
Elizabeth,   1561 

Pins  first  used  in  England,  (before  which  time  the  ladies  used  skewers) ..1561 

Good  lands  let  in  England  at  one  shilling  per  acre 1544 

The  famous  council  of  Trent  begins,  and  continues  1 8  years 1545 

First  law  in  England,  establishing  the  interest  of  money  at  ten  per  cent 1546 

Lords  lieutenants  of  counties  instituted  in  England .. „ '549 

Horse  guards  instituted  in  England..- « 155O 

Queen  Elizabeth  begins  her  reign 1558 

The  Reformation  in  Scotland  completed  by  John  Knox 156O 

Knives  first  made  in  England [  563 

Royal  Exchange  first  built 1 569 

The  great  massacre  of  Protestants  at  Paris «., 15  72 

The  Dutch  shake  off  the  Spanish  yoke,  and  the  republic  of  Holland  begins............™ 1579 

English  East  India  company  incorporated,  I579...established,  16OO 

Sir  Francis  Drake  returns  from  his  voyage  round  the  world,  being  the  first  English 

circumnavigator .. ..,...«. 158O 

Pope  Gregory  introduces    the    new  style    in  Italy  ;    the    5th  of    October    being 

counted   is 1582 

Tobacco  first  brought  from  Virginia  into  England 1 583 

Mary  queen  of  Scots  is  beheaded  by  order  of  Elizabeth,  after  18  years'  imprisonment....  158 7 

The  Spanish  Armada  destroyed  by  Drake,  and  other  English  admirals ....1588 

Coaches  first  introduced  into  England,  1589  ;  hackney  ac~tj  1693  ;  increased  to  1000, 
in  177O 

Watches  first  brought  into  England  from  Germany M « 1597 

Oueen  Elizabeth    (the  last  of    the  Tudors)  dies,    and   nominates    James   VI.    of 
'  Scotland   (and  first  of  the  Stuarts)  as  her  successor  ;  which  unites  both  kingdoms 

under  the  name  of  Great  Britain 16O3 

The  gunpowder-plot  discovered  at  Westminster 1605 

Galileo,  of  Florence,  first  discovers  the  satellites  about  the  planet  Saturn,  by  the 

telescope,  then  just  invented  in  Holland 1 608 

Henry  IV.  is  murdered  at  Paris,  by  Ravaillac,  a  priest I61Q 

Baronets  first  created  in  England,  by  James  1 161 1 

Napier,  of  Mnrchestcn,  iu  Scothtnd5  invents  the  logarithms 1614 


Sir  Hugh  Middleton  brings  the  new  River  to  London  from  Ware 1614 

King  James  dies,  and  is  succeeded  by  his  son,  Charles  I 162; 

The  island  of  Barbadoes,  the  first  English  settlement  in  the  West  indies,  is  planted ib. 

Regular  posts  established  from  London  to  Scotland,  Ireland,  &c 1635 

The  massacre  in  Ireland,  when  40,000  English  Protestants  were  killed £640 

King  Charles  impeaches   five  members,  who  had  opposed  his   arbitrary   measures, 

which  begins  the  civil  war  in  England 164.1 

Excise  on  beer,  ale,  &c.  first  imposed  by  parliament 1643 

Charles  I.  (aged  49)  beheaded  at  Whitehall,  January  30 T649 

Cromwell  assumes  the  protectorship ~ 1654 

Cromwell  dies,  and  is  succeeded  in  the  protectorship  by  his  son  Richard 1658 

King  Charles  II.   is  restored  by  Monk,  commander  of   the  army,    after  an  exue 

of  twelve  years  in  France  and  Holland « 1660 

The  Royal  Society  established  at  London  by  Charles  II « ,..I66z 

The  Plague  rages  in  London,  and  carries  off  68,000  persons 1665 

The  great  fire  of  London  began  September  2,  and  continued  three  days,  in  which 

were  destroyed  13,000  houses,  and  400  streets 1 66(5 

Tea  first  used  in  England  the  same  year 

St.  James's  Park  planted,  and  made  a  thoroughfare  for  public  use,  by  Charles  II «.....l663 

The  habeas  corpus  act  passed 1678 

A  great  comet  appeared,   and  from  its  nearness  to  our  earth,  alarmed  the  inhab- 
itants.    It  continued  visible  from  November  3,  to  March  9 1680 

William  Penn,  a  quaker,  receives  a  charter  for  planting  Pennsylvania,  same  year 

India  stock  sold  from  360  to  5OO  per  cent » 1683 

Charles  II.  dies,  aged  55,  and  is  succeeded  by  his  brother  James  II... 1C85 

The  Revolution  in  Great  Britain  begins,  November   5.     King  James  abdicates,  and 

retires  to  France,  December  3 1683 

King  William  and  Queen  Mary,  daughter  and  son-in-law  to  James,  are  proclaimed, 

February  16 .1689 

The  land-tax  passed  in  England  the  same  year 
The  toleration  act  passed  in  ditto,  same  year 
Several  bishops  are  deprived  for  not  taking  the  oath  to  king  William,  same  year 

The  battle  of  the  Boyne,  gained  by  William  against  James  in  Ireland I69O 

The  English  and  Dutch  fleets,  commanded  by  admiral  Russel,  defeat  the  French  fleet 

off  La  Hogue 1692. 

Bayonets  at  the  end  of  loaded  muskets  first  used  by  the  French  against  the  con- 
federates in  the  battle  of  Turin 1693 

Bank  of  England  established  by  king  William,  seme  year 
The  first  public  lottery  was  drawn  the  same  year 

Queen  Mary  dies  at  the  age  of  33,  and  William  reigns  alone...... > 1694 

Stamp  duties  instituted  in  England,  same  year 

The  peace  of  Ryswick s I6g6 

Charles  XII.  of  Sweden  begins  his  reign 1760 

Prussia  erected  into  a  kingdom I  /Oi 

Society  for  the  propagation  of  the  Gospel  in  foreign  parts  established  the  same  year 

King  William  dies,  aged  50,  and  is  succeeded  by  queen  Anne,  daughter  to  James  II 1 702 

Gibraltar  taken  from  the  Spaniards  by  Admiral  Rook 17O4 

The  battle  of  Blenheim  won  by  the  duke  of  Marlborough  and  allies,  against  the 

French,  same  year 
The  Court  of  Exchequer  instituted  in  England,  same  year 

The  treaty  of  Union  betwixt  England  and  Scotland,  signed  July  11..... 17C6 

The  battle  of  Ramilies  won  by  Marlborough  and  the  allies,  same  year 

The  first  British  Parliament .' .,... 17O7 

The  battle  of  Oudenarde  won  by  Marlborough  and  the  allies 17O8 

Sardinia  erected  into  a  kingdom,  and  given  to  the  duke  of  Savoy,  same  year 

Queen  Anne  changes  the  Whig  ministry ..„ '. 1 71-O 

The  cathedral  church  of  St.  Paul,  London,  rebuilt  by  Sir  Christopher  Wren,  in  37 
years,  at  one  million  expense,  by  a  duty  on  coals,  same  year 

The  peace  of  Utrecht .'. .....T713 

Queen  Anne  dies,  at  the  age  of  fifty,  andis  succeeded bv  George  I ,.,.,..., 2 714 

Y  2 


Interest  reduced  to  five  per  cent 1714 

Lewis  XIV.  dies,  and  is  succeeded  by  his  great-grandson,  Lewis  XV 1715 

The   rebellion  in   Scotland  begins  in  September,  under  the  earl  of  Mar,  in  favour 

of  the  Pretender.     The  adtion  of  Sheriff-muir,  and  the  surrender  of  Preston,  both 

in  November,  when  the  rebels  disperse,  same  year 
The   Pretender  married  to  the  princess  Sobieski,   grand-daughter  of  John  Sobieski, 

late  king  of  Poland , , 1716 

An  act  passed  for  septennial  parliaments,  same  year 

The  Mississippi  scheme  at  its  height  in  France 1719 

The  South-Sea  scheme  in  England  begun  April  7  ;  was  at  its  height  at  the  end  of 

June  ;  and  quite  sunk  about  September  29,  same  year 
King  George  I.  dies,  in  the  68th  year  of  his  age  ;  and  is  succeeded  by  his  only  son, 

George  II , ,*. 1727 

Inoculation  first  tried  on  criminals  with  success,  same  year 

Russia,  formerly  a  dukedom,  is  established  as  an  empire  the  same  year 

Kouli  Khan  usurps  the  Persian  throne,  conquers  the  Mogul  empire,  and  returns  with 

two  hundred  and  thirty-one  millions  sterling 1 732 

George  Washington  born  February  22,  same  year 

Westminster  bridge,  consisting  of  fifteen  arches,  begun  1738  ;  finished  in  175O,  at 

the  expense  of  389,0001.  defrayed  by  parliament 
Letters  of  marque  issued  out  in  Britain  against  Spain,  July  21,  and  war  declared, 

October  23,  1739 
The  battle  of  Dettingen  won  by  the  English  and  allies,  in  favour  of  the  qeeen  of 

Hungary 1743 

War  declared  against  France 1744 

Commodore  Anson  returns  from  his  voyage  round  the  world  the  same  year 

The  allies  lose  the  battle  of  Fontenoy 1 745 

The  rebellion  breaks  out  in  Scotland,   1745  ;  and  the  Pretender's  army  defeated  by 

the  duke  of  Cumberland,  at  Culloden,  April  16,  1746 
The  peace  of  Aix-la-Chapelle,  by  which  a  restitution  of  all  places,  taken  during  the 

war,  was  to  be  made  on  all  sides 1748 

Frederic,  prince  of  Wales,  father  to  his  present  majesty,  died.... 1 751 

The  new  style  introduced  into  Great-Britain,  the  third  of  September  being  counted 

the  fourteenth 1752 

The  British  Museum  erected  at  Montagu-house 1753 

Lisbon  destroyed  by  an  earthquake 1755 

146  Englishmen  are  confined  in  the  black  hole  at  Calcutta,  in  the  East-Indies,  by 

order  of  the  Nabob,  and  123  found  dead  next  morning 1 756 

Damien  attempted  to  assassinate  the  French  King 1757 

General  Wolfe  is  killed  in  the  battle  of  Quebec,  which  is  gained  by  the  English 1759 

King  George  II.  dies,  October  25,  1760,  in  the  77th  year  of  his  age,  and  is  succeeded 

by  his  present  majesty,  who,  on  the  22d  of  September,  1761,  married  the  princess 

Charlotte  of  Mecklenburgh  Strelitz 
Black-Friar's  bridge,  consisting  of  nine  arches,  begun  1 760  ;  finished  1 77O,  at  the  exw 

pense  of  52,8401.  to  be  discharged  by  a  toll.     Toll  taken  off  1 785 

War  declared  against  Spain 1762 

Peter  III.  emperor  of  Russia,  is  deposed,  imprisoned,  and  murdered,  same  year 

George  Augustus  Frederic,  prince  of  Wales,  born  August  12,  same  year 

The  definitive  treaty  of  peace  between  Great-Britain,  France,  Spain  and  Portugal, 

concluded  at  Paris,  February  10,  which  confirms  to  Great-Britain  the  extensive 

provinces  of  Canada,  East  and  West  Florida,  and  part  of  Louisiana,  in  North 

America ;  also  the  islands  of  Grenada,  St.  Vincent,  Dominica,  and  Tobago,  in  the 

West  Indies 1763 

The  parliament  granted  10,0001.  to  Mr.  Harrison,  for  his  discovery  of  the  longitude  by 

his  time-piece 1764 

An  act  passed  annexing  the  sovereignty  of  the  island  of  Man,  to  the  crown  of  Great 

Britain 1 765 

A  spot  or  macula  of  the  sun,  more  than  thrice  the  bigness  of  our  earth,  passed  the 

sun's  centre,  April  2T 176C 

D/.  Solander  and  Mr.  Banks,  in  his  laajesty's  ship  the  Endeavour,  lieutenant  Cook, 


return  from  a  voyage  round  the  world,  having  made  several  important  discoveries 

in  the  South  Seas 1 77 1 

The  king  of  Sweden  changes  the  constitution  of  that  kingdom ...177a 

Captain  Phipps  is  sent  to  explore  the  North  Pole,  but  having  made  eighty-one 
degrees,  is  in  danger  of  being  locked  up  by  the  ice,  and  his  attempt  to  discover  a 
passage  in  that  quarter  proves  fruitless 1773 

The  Jesuits  expelled  from  the  Pope's  dominions,  same  year 

The  British  parliament  having  pased  an  act,  laying  a  duty  of  three-pence  per  pound 
upon  all  teas  imported  into  America,  the  colonists,  considering  this  as  a  grievance, 
deny  the  right  of  the  British  parliament  to  tax  them,  ditto 

Deputies  from  the  several  American  colonies  meet  at  Philadelphia,  as  the  first  General 
Congress,  September  5,  ditto 

First  Petition  of  Congress  to  the  King,  November,  ditto 

The  first  action  happened  in  America  between  the  king's  troops  and  the  provincials 
at  Lexington,  April  19 „ I77S 

Articles  of  confederation  and  perpetual  union  between  the  American  provinces, 
May  20,  same  year 

George  Washington  appointed  General  and  Commander  in  Chief  of  the  American 
armies,  June  I  j,  ditto 

A  bloody  action  at  Bunker's  Hill,  between  the  royal  troops  and  the  Americans, 
June  17,  ditto 

The  town  of  Boston  evacuated  by  the  king's  troops,  March  17 ....1776 

The  Congress  declare  the  American  colonies  free  and  independent  states,  July  4 ib. 

The  Americans  are  driven  from  Long  Island,  New  York,  in  August,  with  great  loss  ; 
and  the  city  of  New  York  is  afterwards  taken  possession  of  by  the  king's  troops ,M.ib. 

General  Howe  takes  possession  of  Philadelphia „ ., 1777 

Lieutenant-general  Burgoyne  is  obliged  to  surrender  his  army  at  Saratoga,  in  Canada, 
by  convention,  to  the  American  army  under  the  command  of  the  generals  Gates  and 
Arnold,  October  17,  same  year 

A  treaty  of  Alliance  concluded  at  Paris  between  the  French  king  and  the  thirteen 
united  American  colonies*. 1778 

The  earl  of  Carlisle,  William  Eden,  Esq.  and  George  Johnstone,  Esq.  arrived  at  Phila- 
delphia the  beginning  of  June,  as  commissioners  for  restoring  peace  between  Great 
Britain  and  America,  same  year 

Philadelphia  evacuated  by  the  king's  troops,  June  18,  ditto 

The  Congress  refuse  to  treat  with  the  British  commissioners,  unless  the  independence 
of  the  American  colonies  were  first  acknowledged,  or  the  king's  fleets  and  armies 
withdrawn  from  America,  ditto 

An  engagement  fought  off  Brest  between  the  English  fleet  under  the  command  of 
admiral  Keppel,  and  the  French  fleet  under  the  command  of  count  d'Orvilliers, 
July  27,  ditto 

St.  Lucia  taken  from  the  French,  December  28,  ditto 

St.  Vincent's  taken  by  the  French .... 1779 

Grenada  taken  by  the  French,  July  3,  same  year 

Admiral  Rodney  takes  twenty-two  sail  of  Spanish  ships,  January  8 1 78Q 

The  same  admiral  also  engages  a  Spanish  fleet  under  the  command  of  Don  Juan  de 
Langara,  near  Cape  St.  Vincent,  and  takes  five  ships  of  the  line,  one  more  being 
driven  on  shore,  and  another  blown  up,  January  16,  same  year 

Charleston,  South-Carolina,  surrenders  to  Sir  Henry  Clinton,  May  4,  ditto 

Pensacola,  and  the  whole  province  of  West  Florida,  surrender  to  the  arms  of  the  king 
of  Spain,  May  9,  ditto 

The  Protestant  Association  to  the  number  cf  sO,CCO,  go  up  to  the  house  of  com- 
mons, with  their  petition  for  the  repeal  of  an  act  passed  in  favour  of  the  Papists, 
June  2,  ditto 

Th3t  event  followed  by  the  most  dating  riots,  in  the  city  of  London,  and  in  South- 
wark,  for  several  successive  days,  in  which  some  Popish  chapels  are  destroyed,  to- 
gether with  the  prisons  of  Newgate,  the  King's  Bench,  the  Fleet,  several  private 
houses,  &c.  These  alarming  riots  are  at  length  suppressed  by  the  interposition  of 
the  military,  and  many  of  the  rioters  tried  and  executed  for  felony,  ditto 

Five  English  East  Indiamen,  and  fifty  English  merchant  ships,  bound  for  the  West- 


Indies,  taken  by  the  combined  fleets  of  France  and  Spain,  August  3 i  78O 

Major  Andre,  adjutant-general  to  the  British  army,  hanged  as  a  spy  at  Tappan,  in  the 
province  of  New-York,  October  2,  same  year 

A  declaration  of  hostilities  published  against  Holland,  December  20,  ditto 

The  Dutch  Island  of  St.  Eustatia  taken  by  admiral  Rodney  and  General  Vaughan, 

■   February  3.     Retaken  by  the  French,  November  27 1781 

A  bloody  engagement  fought  between  an  English  squadron  under  the  command  of 
admiral  Parker,  and  a  Dutch  squadron  under  the  command  of  admiral  Zoutman, 
off  the  Dogger-bank,  August  5,  same  year 

Earl  Cornwallis,  with  a  considerable  British  army,  surrendered  prisoners  of  war  to 
the  American  and  French  troops,  under  the  command  of  General  Washington,  and 
count  Rochambeau,  at  York -town,  in  Virginia,  October  19,  ditto 

Trincomalee,  on  the  island  of  Ceylon,  taken  by  admiral  Hughes,  January  II 1 782 

The  island  of  St.  Christopher  taken  by  the  French  February  I2...St.  Nevis  14—and 
Montserat,  22,  same  year 

The  house  of  commons  address  the  king  against  any  further  prosecution  of  offensive 
war  on  the  continent  of  North  America,  March  4,  ditto 

Admiral  Rodney  obtains  a  signal  victory  over  the  French  fleet  under  the  command  of 
count  de  Grasse,  near  Dominica,  in  the  West-Indies,  April  12,  ditto 

The  French  took  and  destroyed  the  forts  and  settlements  in  Hudson's  Bay,  August  24«....ib. 

The  Spaniards  defeated  in  their  grand  attack  on  Gibraltar,  September  13,  ditto 

Treaty  concluded  betwixt  the  republic  of  Holland  and  the  United  States  of  America, 
October  8,  ditto 

Provisional  articles  of  peace  signed  at  Paris  between  the  British  and  the  American 
commissioners,  by  which  the  Thirteen  United  American  colonies  are  acknowl- 
edged by  his  Britannic  majesty  to  be  free,  sovereign,  and  independent  states, 
November  30,  ditto 

Preliminary  articles  of  peace  between  his  Britannic  majesty  and  the  kings  of  France 
and  Spain,  signed  at  Versailles,  January  20 ». 17^3 

The  order  of  St.  Patrick  instituted,  February  5,  same  year 

Three  earthquakes  in  Calabria  Ulterior  and  Sicily,  destroying  a  great  number  of 
towns  and  inhabitants,  February  5th,  7th,  and  28th,  ditto 

Armistice  betwixt  Great  Britain  and  Holland,  February  10,  ditto 

Ratification  of  the  definitive  treaty  of  peace  between  Great  Britain,  France,  Spain, 
and  the  United  States  of  America,  September  3,  ditto 

The  great  seal  stolen  from  the  lord  chancellor's  house,  Great  Ormond-street,  Mar.  24,   1784. 

The  definitive  treaty  of  peace  between  Great  Britain  and  Holland,  May  24,  ditto 

The  memory  of  Handel  commemorated  by  a  grand  jubilee  at  Westminster-abbey,. 
May  26...(Continued  annually  for  decayed  musicians,  &c.)  ditto 

Mr.  Lunardi  ascended  in  a  balloon  from  the  Artillery-ground,  Moorfields,  the  first  at- 
tempt of  the  kind  in  England,  September  15,  ditto 

Commercial  treaty  signed  between  England  and  France,  September  16 »..» .......1786 

471,0001.  3  per  cent,  stock  transferred  to  the  landgrave  of  Hesse,  for  Hessian  soldiers 
lost  in  the  American  war,  at  30I.  a  man,  November  21,  same  year 

Mr.  Burke,  at  the  Bar  of  the  house  of  lords,  in  the  name  of  all  the  commons  of 
Great  Britain,  impeached  Warren  Hastings,  late  govern  or- general  of  Bengal,  of  high 
crimes  and  misdemeanors,  May  21 - — •*■ l  7%7 

In  the  early  part  of  October,  the  first  symptoms  appeared  of  a  severe  disorder  which, 
afflicted  our  gracious  sovereign.  On  the  sixth  of  November  they  were  very  alarm- 
ing, and  on  the  13th  a  form  of  prayer  for  his  recovery  was  ordered  by  the  privy 
council - 1788 

His  majesty  was  pronounced  to  be  in  a  state  of  convalescence,  Feb.  1 7,  and  on  the 
26th  to  be  free  from  complaint ~ - • - 1 7%9 

A  general  thanksgiving  for  the  king's  recovery,  who  attended  the  service  at  St.  Paul's 
with  a  great  procession,  April  23,  same  year 

General  George  Washington  proclaimed  first  President  of  the  United  States  of  America, 
April  30,  ditto 

Revolution,  in  France....capture  of  the  Bastile,  execution  of  the  governor,  &c. 
July  14,  same  year 

GYand  French  confederation  in  Che  Champ  de  Mars,  July  I4..,.......,.«.....,.i«..«.n....t..i.»r.....l790 


Dreadful  riots  at  Birmingham,  in   consequence  of  some  gentlemen  meeting  to  com- 
memorate the  French  revolution,  July  14 1 791 

Marriage  of  the  duke  of  York  to  the  princess  of  Prussia,  September  29  ;  remarried  in 

England,  November  23,  same  year 
Insurrection  of  the  negroes  in  St.  Domingo,  November,  ditto 

Assassination  of  the  king  of  Sweden,  by  Ankerstroem,  March  1 6 1  792 

Peace  made  by  Lord  Cornwallis,  with  Tippoo  Sultaun,   in  the  East  Indies;  the  sultan 

ceding  half  his  territory,  and  delivering  up  his  two  sons  as  hostages  ;  March  19 ib. 

The  king  of  Poland  compelled  by  Russia  to  restore  the  old  constitution,  July  23 ib.  . 

The  French  nation  declared  war  against  England  and  Holland,  February  1 1793 

The  crown  revenue  of  Poland  sequestered  by  order  of  the  Russian  ambassador,  July  1 7....ib. 
A  yellow  fever,  similar  to  the  plague,  broke  out  at  Philadelphia,  attended  with  most 

dreadful  mortality,  July  27,  same  year 
A  convention,  similar  to  that  in  France,  met  in  Edinburgh  ;  and  several  of  its  members, 

being  tried,  and  convicted  of  sedition,  were  transported  to  Botany-bay,  among  whom 

were  persons  in  very  respectable  professions,  October  4,  ditto 

A  new  theatre  opened  on  the  scite  of  the  old  Drury-lane  playhouse,  April  21 1794- 

Lord  Howe  defeated  the  French  grand  fleet,  sunk  two,  burnt  one,  and  brought  six  ships 

of  the  line  safe  into  Portsmouth  harbour,  June  1,  same  year 
The  Corsicans  acknowledge  George  III.  as  king  of  Corsica,  and  accept  a  new  constitu- 
tion, June  21,  ditto 
A  dreadful  fire  near  Ratcliffe-cross,  by  which  600  houses  were  consumed ;  the  loss 

computed  at  I,OCO,OOOl.  sterling,  July  24,  ditto 
Riots  in  London,  which  lasted  several  days,  occasioned  by  the  practice  of  crimping, 

August  15,  &c.  ditto 
The  Polish  patriots  defeated,  and  Kosciusko  taken  prisoner  by  the  Russians,  October  IO..ib. 
Robert  Watt  executed  for  high  treason  at  Edinburgh,  October  1 7,  same  year 
Thomas  Hardy  tried  at  the  Old  Bailey,  for  high  treason,  October  28  to  November  5  ; 

acquitted,  ditto 

John  Home  Tooke,  Esq.  tried  on  a  similar  charge,  November  1 7  to  22  ;  acquitted.... ib. 

Treaty  of  amity  and  commerce  with  America,  signed  at  St.  James's,  November  19 ib. 

A  severe  frost  set  in,  December  30,  by  which  the  great  rivers  on  the  continent,  the 

Rhine,  the  Waal,  &c.  being  frozen,  the  French  were  enabled  to  pass  them,  and  rapidly 

to  overrun  the  seven  united  provinces  of  Holland,  same  year 
The  Stadtholder,  the  princess  of  Orange,  and  family,  having  escaped   from  Holland, 

landed  at  Harwich  and   Yarmouth,  January  21,  and  had  apartments  assigned  to  them 

in  Hampton-court  palace „ 1795 

An  embargo  laid  on  Dutch  men  of  war  and  merchantmen  in  the  port  of  London  ;  their 

property  estimated  at  2,000,0C0l.  sterling,  January  25,  same  year 
Treaty  of  defensive  alliance  with  Russia,  February  18,  ditto 
The  prince  of  Wales  married  to  princess  Caroline  of  Brunswick,  April  8,  ditto 
Warren  Hastings,  Esq.  late  governor-general  of  Bengal,  was  acquitted  by  the  house  of 

Lords,  after  a  trial  which  commenced  the  I2th  February  1 788, during  which  the  court 

actually  sat  149  days;   April  14,  ditto 
Insurrections  of  the  poor  in  various  parts  of  England,  in  consequence  of  the   high 

price  of  provisions  j  bread  being  at  one  shilling  and  threepence  the  quartern  loaf, 

April,  May,  ditto 
Treaty  of  defensive  alliance  with  Austria,  May  20,  ditto 
Storms  of  thunder  and  lightning  did  great  damage  in  various  parts  of  the  kingdom., 

June  4,  ditto 
Trrncomalee  taken  from  the  Dutch,  August  16,  ditto 
The  Cape  of  Good  Hope  captured  by  the  English  under  general  Clarke,  and  admiral 

Elphinstone,  September  if),  ditto 
The  church  of  St.  Paul,  Covent-garden,  built  by  Inigo  Jones,  and  admired  for  its  simple 

elegance,  consumed  by  fire,  September  17,  ditto 
The  king  dangerously  assaulted  in  his  state-coach,  on  his  way  to  the  Parliament-house, 

October  29,  ditto 
A  dreadful  hurricane,  which  did  very  extensive  mischief   in  different  parts  of  the 

kingdom,  November  6,  ditto 
The  princess  of  Wales  delivered  of  a  daughter,  January  7 « 17&& 


A  telegraph  erefted    over  the  admiralty,  to   communicate  with  the    different   sea- 
ports of  the  kingdom,  January  28.     By  means  of  this,  intelligence  can  be  conveyed 

between  Dover  and  London  in  seven  minutes 1  795 

The  king  again  daringly  assaulted  with  stones,  &c.  in  his  carriage,  on  his  way  from  the 

theatre,  February  r,  same  year 
Demerary,  Issequibo,  and  Berbice,  surrendered  to  the  English  under  general  White, 

April  23,  ditto 
Sir  Ralph  Abercrombie  took  St.  Lucia,  May  25,  ditto 
A  large  Dutch  fleet  surrendered  to  admiral  Elphinstone,  consisting  of  3  ships  of  the 

line,  5  frigates  and  sloops,  and  a  store  ship,  at  the  entrance  of  Saldanha-bay,  near 

the  Cape  of  Good  Hope,  August  16,  ditto 
Spain  declared  war  against  Great  Britain,  October  18,  ditto 
Catherine  II.  Empress  of  Russia,  died,  November  17,  ditto 
Corsica  evacuated  by  the  English,  November,  ditto 
The  French  landed  in  Bantry  Bay,  Ireland,  December  26,  ditto 
Lord  Malmsbury  returned  from  Paris,  whither  he  had  been  to  offer  peace,  but  did  not 

succeed,  December  29,  ditto 
A  famous  victory  gained  by  admiral  Sir  John  Jervis  over  the   Spanish  fleet  off  Cape 

St.  Vincent,  February  14,  in  consequence  of  which  the  admiral  was  created  Earl 

St.  Vincent ,.1  797 

The  French  landed  at  Fishguard  in  Wales,  February  22,  same  year 

General  Washington  resigned  the  presidency  of  the  United  States,  March   3,  and  was 

succeeded  by  Mr.  Adams,  ditto 
An  alarming  mutiny  throughout  the  fleet  at  Spithead,  April  15,  ditto 
Another  general  mutiny  broke  out  in  the  fleet  at  Sheerness,  May  12,  ditto 
The  Princess  Royal  of  England  married  to  the  prince  of  Wirtemberg,  May  18,  ditto 
Parker,  the  chief  leader  in  the  mutiny,  executed,  June  30,  ditto 
Lord  Malmsbury  returned  a  second  time  unsuccessful  from  a  pacific  negotiation  at  Paris, 

September  18,  ditto 
Admiral  Duncan  defeated  the  Dutch   fleet,  of  which  he  captured  9  ships  of  the  line, 

October  1 1 ,  and  was  created  a  viscount,  ditto 
A  geneiai  thanksgiving  for  the  great  naval  victories  of  Lords  Howe,  St.  Vincent,  and 

Duncan ;  the  king  and  both  houses  of  Parliament  going  in  grand  procession  to  St. 

Paul's,  December  19,  ditto 
Books  were  opened  at  the  Bank  to  receive  voluntary  contributions  towards  the  de- 
fence of  the  country,  January  23 1793 

Treasonable  and  rebellious  plans  discovered  to  be  on  foot  in  Ireland,   March  12 .ib. 

Rebellion  broke  out  in  the  South  of  Ireland,  April  2,  same  year 

Patriotic  resolutions  and  associations  formed  in  different  counties  of  England  for  the 

defence  of  the  country  against  invasion,  April  16,  &c.  ditto 
Habeas  Corpus  aft  suspended,  April  20,  ditto 

The    British    troops,    under   general  Coote,    destroy  the    sluices  on    the    canal    be- 
tween Bruges    and  Ostend,   but  are    afterwards    compelled    to    capitulate    to    the 

French,  May  20,  ditto 
O'Coigley  executed  at  Maidstone  for  high  treason,  June  7,  ditto 
Marquis  Cornwallis  appointed  lord  lieutenant  of  Ireland,  June  1 3,  ditto 
The  glorious  victory  of  the  Nile  achieved  by  admiral,  afterwards  baron  Nelson,  in  which 

he  took  9  ships  of  the  line  from  the  French,  burnt  2,  &c.  August  I i&. 

The  French  landed  in  Killala-bay,  Ireland,  August  24,  same  year 

The  king  of  Sardinia,  forced  by  the  French   to   sign  a  renunciation  of  his  throne, 

December  9,  ditto 
The  king  and  queen  of  Naples  arrived  at  Palermo,  having  fled  from  Naples  on  the 

approach  of  the  French  to  that  city,  December  28,  ditto 
General  Washington,  on  the  aggressions  of  France,  again  chosen  Commander  in  Chief 

of  the  American  armies,  ditto 

Gen.  George  Washington  died,  December  14,  aged  68.... 1799 

A  bill  for  uniting  Ireland  with  great  Britain,  signed  July  2 1 800 

Mild    winters,    18OO—  I,    1801— 2,    18O2— 3,    vegetation    fresh    in   December   and 

Treaty  of  Peace  between  Germany  and  France,  signed  at  Luneville,  February  9 I  SOT 


Great  snow  storm,  Feb.  22,  the  first  considerable  snow  during  the  winter 1801 

Thomas  Jefferson  elected  President  of  the  United  States,  and  Aaron  Burr,  Vice  Pies- 
ident,  March  4,  same  year 

The  college  at  Princeton  burnt,  March  7,  same  year 

The  state  of  Ohio  admitted  into  the  Union,  same  year 

Battle  near  Alexandria,  in  Egypt,  between  the  English  army  under  Sir  Ralph  Aber- 
crombie,  and  the  French  under  General  Menou,  in  which  the  English  gained  the  vic- 
tory, March  21,  same  year 

Paul  I.  emperor  of  Russia,  died  suddenly,  March  23 ;  and  his  son  Alexander  I.  declared 
his  successor,  same  year 

Battle  at  Copenhagen,  April  5,  same  year 

A  remarsable  frost,  and  snow  of  several  inches,  May  8,  same  year 

Definitive  treaty  of  peace  signed,  March  25,  between  Britain,  France,  Spain  and  Hol- 
land, at  Amiens « » 1 802 

War  commenced  between  France  and  Great  Britain,  July I8O3 

Unexampled  tempest,  began  in  the  West  Indies  "September  I,  and  raged  three  days  on 
the  7th,  8th,  and  9th,  it  inundated  Carolina  and  Georgia,  with  immense  destruction..  18O4 

Bonaparte  crowned  emperor  of  France,  Dec.  3,  by  his  holiness  the  Pope,  by  the  title  of 
Napoleon  I.  with  great  splendour,  same  year 

Severest  winter  since  1 7 80,  from  Dec.  20  to  the  last  week  in  Feb.  I8O4-5 

Thomas  Jefferson  and  George  Clinton  inaugurated  President  and  Vice  President  of  the 
United  States,  March  4 1805 

Great  victory  obtained  by  the  fleet  under  Lord  Nelson,  consisting  of  40  ships  of  the  line, 
over  the  combined  French  and  Spanish  fleets,  under  admiral  Villeneuve,  consisting  of 
46  ships  of  the  line,  October  2r.  The  British  admiral  was  killed,  and  the  combined 
fleet  lost  19  sail  of  the  line,  same  year 

Great  battle  at  Austerlitz,  December  3,  between  the  French  army  under  Bonaparte, 
and  the  Russian  and  Austrian  armies  under  their  respective  emperors,  in  which 
Bonaparte  obtained  an  important  victory,  which  led  to  a  peace  with  Austria, 
same  year 

William  Pitt,  first  Lord  of  the  Treasury,  &c.  died ,..I8C5 

Treaties  of  the  United  States. 
With  France  Feb.  <5,  17/8  ;  Holland  Oct.  8,   1782;  Sweden  April  3,  1 783;  of  peace 
with  Great-Britain,  prelim.  Nov.  30,  1782;  Definitive  September  3,  1783;  Prussia 
Sept.  10,1785;  of  amity  and  commerce  with  Great-Britain  Nov.  19,  1794;  with 
France  for  Louisiana  April  30,  1803 

Colleges  and  Universities  founded. 
Harvard,  Mass.  1638;  William  and  Mary,  Vir.  1693;  Yale  College,  Con.  17OI,; 
College  in  Phil.  1753  ;  Univer.  of  Penn.  1791;  Nassau  Hall,  New- Jersey,  1746; 
N.  York,  1754;  Dartmouth,  N.  Hampshire,  1769;  Brown  College,  Providence, 
1764;  Hampden  Sidney,  Vir.  1774;  Washington,  Ma.  1782;  Dickinson  College, 
Carlisle,  Penn.  1783  ;  St.  John's  at  Annapolis,  Ma.  1784  ;  Cokesbury,  in  Abingdon, 
Ma.  1785;  University  in  Georgia,  1785;  Franklin,  at  Lancaster,  Penn.  1787; 
University  in  N.  Carolina,  1789  ;  Georgetown,  Ma.  1789  ;  Williams  College,  Mass. 
179O;  University  of  Burlington,  Ver.  1791  \  Greenville,  Ten.  I  794;  Union  at 
Schenectady,  1 794 ;  Bowdoin,  in  Maine,  1 794  ;  at  Winnesbury  and  Beaufort,  South 
Carolina,  1795 »  Transylvania,  at  Lex.  Ken.  1798;  at  Middlebury,  Ver.  1800 

Literary  Societies  Instituted. 
American  Philosophical,  Phil.  1 769;    American  Academy,    Mass.    I78O;    N.    York 
Agricultural  incorporated   1 793;     Con.  Academy,  18O1  ;    Mass.  Historical,  1791, 
incorporated    1  794 

Infiu. noca  in  North  America. 

1647,   r<555,  1697-8,  1732,    1737,    1747,  1756-7,  1761,   1772,  I73r,   1789  a*# 

90;  1 802 
Unusual  darkness,  which  rendered  candles  necessary  in  the  dny  time,  Oct.  21,  17 16  4 

Aug.  9,  1732:  Oct.  19,   ;762,  at  Detroit;    May    19,   1780*   Oct.  9th,  1 5th,  and 

iCth,  17S5,  hi  Canada}    Oct.  29th,  1789,  in  Kentucky 


Great  fires,  burnt,  in  Boston,  45  houses,  Nov.  27,  1676  ;  80  houses,  70  stores,  &c. 
Aug.  8,  1679;  Oft.  23,  1683;  best  part  of  the  town,  1711;  174  houses,  17s 
stores,  March  20,  176O;  one  part  of  Charleston,  174O.  In  New  York,  1776. 
In  Boston,  IOO  buildings  April  24,  1787,  and  96  buildings  July  30,  1794.  Great 
fire  in  Charleston,  June  20, 1 796;  most  of  Savannah,  Dec.  26,  I  796.  A  square  in 
New-York,  Dec.  9,  1796;  in  Richmond,  Nov.  22,  1798;  most  of  Wilmington, 
N.  C.  Oct.  31,  1798  ;  most  of  Norfolk,  Virg.  Feb.  22,  1804 

First  Newspaper  printed,  in  Boston,  the  News  Letter,  April  24,  17O4.  In  Philadel- 
phia, the  American  Weekly  Mercury,  Dec.  22,  17 19.  In  New -York,  the  New- 
York  Gazette,  Oft.  16,  1725.  In  R.  Island,  the  Rhode  Island  Gazette,  Oft.  1732. 
In  Con.  New-Haven,  the  Connecticut  Gazette,  1755.  In  New  Hampshire,  1756. 
"In  Providence,  1762.    In  Kentucky,  1787.    In  Tennessee,  179O 

Lincoln  fy  Edmands,  Printers. 

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