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List of Officers, 

Observations upon some of the minerals discovered at 
Franklin, Sussex county, N. J. By Lardner Van- 
uxem and W. H. Keating, 

_ Noya generis Capromys, Desm. species. Auctore Ed- 

wardo Poeppig, M. D. Lips. Sax. 

On an extinct species of Crocodile not before described ; 

and some observations on the Geology of West 
Jersey. By R. Harlan, M. D. 
Observations on the Nomenclature of Wilson’s Ornitholo- 
gy. By Charles Bonaparte, (continued.) 
_ Description of the Os Hyoides of the Mastodon. By John 
D. Godman, M. D. 
_ Description of a testaceous formation at Anastasia Island, 
extracted from notes made on a journey to the 
southern parts of the United States, during the 
winter of 1822 and 1823. By R. Dietz. 
Description of a new species of Fish of the Linnean ge- 
nus Perca. By J. Gilliams, 
Descriptions of Coleopterous Insects, collected in the 
late expedition to the Rocky Mountains. By Tho- 
mas Say, 









Description of several species of the Linnzan Genus 
Raia, of North America. By C. A. Lesueur, 

Description of a new crystalline form of the Andalusite. 

By G. Troost, M. D. 

An account of some of the Fossil Shells of Maryland. By 
Thomas Say, 

Description of several new Species of Holothuria. By C. 
A. Lesueur. 

Observations on the Nomenclature of Wilson’s Ornitholo- 
gy. By Charles Bonaparte, (continued.) 










William Maclure. 
Zaccheus Collins, George Ord. 
Corresponding Secretary. 
Reuben Haines. 
Recording Secretary. 
William H. Keating. 
Thomas Say, C. A. Lesueur, J. P. Wetherill, 
Isaac Hays, M. D. 
Jacob Gilliams. 
Jacob Peirce. 
W. S. Warder, J. M. Brewer, R. E. Griffith, M. D. 

VOL. 1V.—-JULY, 1824. 1 

Observations upon some of the minerals discovered 
at Franklin, Sussex County, New Jersey. By 
Larpyer Vanuxem and W. H. Keatinc. Read 
June 1, 1824. 

In vol. 2, p. 277, of the Journal of the Academy, 
we published a geological account of the vicinity 
of Franklin, Sussex county, New Jersey, together 
with a list of the minerals found at that interest- 
ing locality. We proposed furnishing the Acad- 
emy with a description of some of these minerals; 
but, from a multiplicity of other engagements, we 
have been prevented from completing our exami- 
nation of a substance which we believed new, and 
to which we gave the name of Dysluite. We hope 
soon to be able to present it to the Academy, and 
in the meanwhile offer the following note on some 
of the accompanying minerals. 

1. serrersonite. As this mineral has been de- 
scribed in vol. 2, p. 194, of the Journal, no further 
notice of it, at this time, would be necessary, ex- 
cept to describe some of its crystals, which has 
been accomplished by Dr. Troost, who, moreover, 
has shown at the same time, and by these crystals, 
that the jeffersonite, which we believed to be a 
new species, appears in reality to be nothing more 
than a variety of the proteus of mineralogy, py- 
roxene. : 

At the period at which our account of the jef- 


fersonite was written, we had no crystals of it; our 
specimens consisting merely of the lamellar va- 
riety. It was from the solid given by the lamellar 
fracture of the mineral, and from the absence of 
magnesia, which earth was regarded in some mea- 
sure as an essential component of pyroxene, that 
we were induced to consider it as new. 

In justice to ourselves, it may be necessary to 
mention that, in mineralogy, the solid given by 
cleavage has, since the period of the publication 
of the Traité de Mineralogie, been considered 
next to composition, and faces deduced from the 
secondary forms, of paramount importance, and 
sufficient of itself, in the absence of the above 

named characters, to constitute or determine the 
' formation of a species, of which we have several 
instances. The value attached to this character, 
by the late Abbé Haiiy, is too well known to need 
any reference to his works; nor should it excite 
surprise that so much importance has been given 
to this remarkable property in minerals, when we 
consider that this is the first anomaly which has 
come under our notice; for heretofore the cleay- 
ages, parallel to the faces of the primitive form, 
have invariably been the smoothest and easiest to 
be obtained. 

Whence. the cause of this deviation from so 
general a law, we know not; future oben 
must determine it. 

Mr. Seybert has analyzed a variety of the same 


mineral, which has yielded him 4 per cent. of 
magnesia. Whether this be accidental or not, we 
are not prepared to say. All the analyses of py- 
roxene, noticed by the Abbé Haiiy in the last 
edition of his Treatise of Mineralogy, state the 
quantity of that earth to be from 10 to 19 per 
cent., which far exceeds Mr. Seybert’s results. 
Mr. Rose’s analyses of pyroxenes are, it is true, 
of a much later date; but when we recollect the 
great confusion which exists in this species, we 
may be permitted to question whether the sub- 
stances, which he examined, were really pyro- 
xenes. Of those analyzed by Vauquelin and Lau- 
gier, no doubt can exist, since the analyses were 
made at the Garden of Plants in Paris, and, as it 
were, under Haiiy’s eye. But the examination of 
the crystalline forms certainly puts the question 
of the identity of the jeffersonite and pyroxene 
at rest. ir 

2. rranxunite. The franklinite forms a mass 
whose immense extent has been made known in 
the geological part of our communication. Appa- 
rently, it is not perfectly homogeneous in compo- 
sition throughout; the proportion of manganese 
which it contains seems to vary, and produces a 
corresponding variation in the colour of its pow- 
der, and in the different effects which result from 
weathering; nor is it less variable in its external 
appearance, being in masses, grains of different 
size, and crystals. The large masses present 


numberless druses, in which the ore has either 
assumed a regular form, or endeavoured so to do, 
but has been disturbed while in the act of crys- 
tallizing. Its form is the regular octohedron, with 
deeply emarginated edges, presenting a passage 
into the rhomboidal-dodecahedron. The crystals 
vary in dimension from the microscopic size to 
two or more inches in length. The smallest and 
most numerous are found at Franklin, and the 
largest at Stirling. The crystals have a fine me- 
tallic lustre, of a black colour, opaque, without any 
indication of cleavage. Specific gravity 4.98 to 

3. RED zinc oRE (improperly called red oxide of 
zine.) "This mineral occurs in several places in 
the mass of franklinite; but it is at Sterling that 
it is found not only in the greatest quantity, but 
in the purest state; the abundance of this mimeral 
is such at this locality, that it will at no distant 
period be worked for zinc; this ore has not yet 
been found in crystals, or unmixed with frank- 
linite. According to Mr. Mohs’ observations, it 
presents an imperfect cleavage which connects it 
with a prismatic system. On breaking the red 
zinc ore of Sterling, we find two kinds of particles 
as to size and colour; the largest ones are of an 
almost ruby red, with considerable lustre, resem- 
bling in some measure that of the diamond, and so 
transparent as to admit of a ready passage to light. 
The colour of the smaller ones, which are fine gra- 


nular, is of a beautiful dark orange, and of so little 
lustre as at first sight to induce a belief of their 
being in an earthy state; but if examined with at- 
tention, the effect is observed to arise from inter- 
posed light, for no difference can be perceived 
between them and the larger particles, when ex- 
amined individually. If both be pulverized, their 
powder is the same, and is of a bright orange co- 

When the red zinc ore has been a long time 
exposed to the atmosphere, the smaller particles 
are washed away, and the larger ones assume a 
deeper red. It likewise becomes coated with car- 
bonate of zinc, and sometimes with an impure 
oxide of manganese; the former of these efflo- 
rescences may be discovered by its colour, its 
effervescing with nitric acid, and its producing a 
styptic salt. ; 

From the circumstance of the transparency of 
the red zinc ore, no doubt can exist with respect 
to its being a chemical combination of the oxides 
of zinc and manganese, such being the result of 
the analysis of Mr, Berthier, of the School of 
Mines. The iron, found in it by Dr. Bruce, was 
owing to an admixture of franklinite. 

At all the different localities of the red zinc ore, 
in Sussex county, it invariably accompanies the 
franklinite, they mutually envelop each other; 
when the red zinc ore imbeds the franklinite, the 


latter mineral is usually in the form of grains, 
which is particularly the case at Stirling. 

4, canBoNnATE oF zinc. (Calamine.) Besides coat- 
ing the red zinc ore, this mineral is likewise found 
in very small veins or fissures, appearing to be of 
subsequent formation to the mass which encloses 
them. ‘These veins are in the franklinite, north 

‘east of Franklin furnace. The colour of the car- 
bonate is white, without lustre, and with little co- 
hesion, owing to its particles being in an earthy 

5. SILICEOUS OXIDE OR SILICATE oF zinc. (Calamine.) 
This mineral is found both at Stirling and Frank- 
lin, but it is only at the former locality that it oc- 
curs in sufficient quantity to merit attention as an 
object of importance to manufactures. It presents 
itself in the form of concretions or grains, also in 
amorphous masses, and likewise in crystals. The 
concretions (which are the most common manner 
in which it exists) are evidently nothing more than 
the product of a disturbed crystallization; for every 
grade between them and the perfect crystals are 
observable. The form of the crystals is an hex- 
agonal prism with dihedral terminations, the faces 
of which repose upon the lateral edges of the 
prism; the angles of the faces of the prism are 
120°, and of the faces of the pyramid, with one 
another, about 118°(?) being the regular hexago- 
nal prism with a rhomboidal summit, of course 
leading to a rhombohedron for the primitive 


form; many of the crystals are an inch in diame- 
ter, and two inches long; some are even much 
larger. The faces and angles of the prism are 
generally well defined, but it is extremely rare 
to find the pyramids well determined, owing, in 
some cases, to the convexity of their angles; in 
others, of the faces themselves, and also to various 
depressions and protuberances arising from dif- 
ferent causes. From these circumstances, we 
cannot positively affirm that the terminal faces 
are those of a rhombohedron; particularly as we 
have not been able to observe in the crystals any 
evident marks of cleavages parallel to these faces, 
nor, in fact, in any other direction. The specific 
gravity of this mineral is 3.89 to 4.; it forms a 
jelly with strong acids, and is infusible by the 

The colour of the siliceous oxide of zinc varies 
from a light greenish yellow (which is the purest) 
to a deep flesh red; it also occurs inclining to a 
green, brown, gray, and even to a black colour, 
all of which are owing to variable admixtures of 
franklinite, garnet, pyroxene, &c. The colours 
are dull and dirty ; most of the crystals are cover- 
ed with a brown ochrey coating. In transparency 
it exhibits every degree, from the highly translu- 
cent to the opaque; the most translucent is the 
light greenish-yellow variety, which is the kind 
that exists in grains, and is most abundant. 

The associates of the siliceous oxide of zinc are, 
VOL. IV.—JULY, 1824. 2 


at Stirling, the franklinite, the red zinc ore, the 
dysluite, carbonate of lime, and mica; at Frank- 
lin, the garnet, pyroxene, &c. 

Chemical part. No loss, or any change what- 
ever by calcination, consequently anhydrous ; de- 
composable by all the strong acids; forming a jelly, 
owing to liberated silex. It was found to consist 
of silex and of the oxides of zinc, iron and manga- 
nese, the analysis having been made upon the 
flesh coloured variety. 

The modus operandi was to heat with nitro- 
muriatic acid, until a decomposition was effected, 
to evaporate to dryness in order to set the silex 
free, then add acidulated water; the liquor was, 
again, gently heated and filtered, which gave the 
silex, leaving the metallic oxides in solution, from 
which the oxides of iron and manganese were pre- 
cipitated by ammonia in excess. The zinc was 
then obtained from the solution. The result of 
the analysis was 

Silex, - - » - - 25.44 
Deutoxides of iron and manganese, - = © "650 
Oxide of zinc, by difference, - - 68.06 


Another analysis, made by Mr. Vanuxem, upon 
a purer variety, being crystals of a light flesh 
colour, yielded 

Silex, - - - - 25.00 .- 
Oxide of zinc, - - ary f P 
Oxide of manganese, ~ . 2.66 
Oxide of iron, ~ - - 67 
Loss, - - > - 34 


Note. It is not improbable, from the different analyses and 
erystals which we have of the combination of oxide of zinc and 
silex, that there are two species, one hydrous, the other anhy- 

Nova generis Capromys, Desm. species. Auctoke 
Epwarvo Poerpric, M. D. Lips. Sac. 
[Reap June 15, 1824.] 

Perpauce solum nobis ad manus sunt pagine, 
diarii zoologici, in itinere per insulam Cubam ab 
annis 1822—24 instituti, quam ob rem nimia se- 
quentis descriptionis brevitas, ut excusetur roga- 
mus. Ampliorem descriptionem anatomicam, et 
omnium partium delineationem alio tempore ex- 
hibere promittimus. 

Character generis adeo notus, ut persuasum 
nobis habeamus eum jure meritoque hic ommitti 
posse. Sequens species a nobis inventa primis 
anni 1824 mensibus. 

Carromys prehensilis, Porrric. Animady. in 
Faunam Cubens. Insul. 

C. cauda elongata, tereti, totius corporis longi- 
tudini, capite, plantis, palmis, unguibusque albis. 

Corpus fere cylindricum, versus pelvim, (pre- 

_¢ipue in foem.) parum amplius. Color dorsi ex 
griseo et ferrugineo mixtus. Pili ad basin mollis- 


simi, nigri, medio grisei, apice ferruginei, ibique 
rigidi. Vellus densum, presertim in dorso. Collum 
breve, pilis brevibus, flavescentibus, adpressis dense 
tectum. Fons, gena, jugulumque ex albo flavyes- 
cunt, pectus et abdomen alba, stria utrinque una 
lateralis, obscurior. Regio pubis nuda, Caude 
basis ferruginea, cute grisea, cauda cxterum teres, 
versus apicem superne nuda. Digiti pedum ma- 
nuumque tecti pilis rigidis, incanis, nitidis. Caput 
unicum, fronte planiuscula, awriculis ovatis, ciliatis, 
extus nudis, intus hirtis, nigris, oculis oblique po- 
sitis, hiatu inter palpebras ovato, angulis exteriori- 
bus deorsum ad nares vergentibus, palpebris mar- 
gine nigris, ciliis brevibus, nigris. Vasus aeutus, 
truncatus, nudus, valde mobilis, ater. Wares in 
angulo obliquo cum maxilla superiore, lineares, in 
animale vivo ovati. Labia crassa pinguia, albida; 
superius hilo profundo, alte inter nares oriente, 
exaratum, fere divisum, inferius integrum. per- 
tura oris transversalis, maxillis distensis, ovata, 
tamen dentibus molaribus ; hoc modo non in con- 
spectum venientibus. Mystax, longus, patens, 
mobilis, albus, nitens. Collum breve musculosum, - 
forte ; capitis circumferentia, inter humeres retrac- 

Jam ad finem descriptionis pervenimus, cum 
relique incepti pagine antea Lipsiam transmissae 
fuerint. Vix nobis aliquid addendum superest, 
quam dimensiones, pollicibus anglicis expresse. 


Pollices, Linex. 
Longitudo totius animalis ab extremitate caude 

ad darés §. . . 2% 2 
$9 3 ” ad scapulas. . . 20 2 
ee PR. id aris ye 3 
oy capitis cum collo “ scapula Peta ge 8 
9 >» abatlante ... 3 0 
° brachiorum ab scapula ad tangle tare 
tiiapicem . . . 7 5 
“9y manuum abasicarporum ... 1 7 
ss Fi ais RO Pe ie ae ia q 
2 unguium .. . 0 4 
” femorem a pelvi ad wages quatsi 
apicem . . 7 3 
99 pedum a calcaneo ad unguis outs 
apicem . Cee 8 
9 unguium pedum . .....- 9 4 
% auricularum . a MR ia es | 7 
» rictus inter pelpedinns ; Sie a MC ps 5 
ry »  oris eee cae) ia 1 T 
49 narium : 2 pares 0 2 
“4 pilor. mystac. ewan | i 3 o 
Circumferentia capitis in fronte parte maxime pv 
WRG eee Ve 5 8 
im gy verticalisadoculos . . 4 5 
° MOURN Les 4 & 
” corporis regione eplgadtrick See. 
; chondriaco. . . 11 G 
> 55 ad humeros verticalis . 10 0 
“m caude in puncto insertionis 3 5 
» ad apicem : 0 6 
Latitude ab angulo oculi exter. ad ongedk . 1 0 
ae a Posterions yy ues ek $ 
me eee » exterioriad nares. . 1 0 
sy aure ad oppos. 1 5 
sss pectoris 3 0 


Latitudo region. pub. inter peiles 
3 Manus in carpis . 
»  inmetacarpis .,. - 
» pedis in tarsis 
> in metatarsis . 
Squamule caude late . 
Annuli squam. caude inter se distant ° 
Elevatio verticalis animalisinsedentis 4 O——4 

Ab Hispanis vocatur Agutia Carayalli, in imita- 
tionem tribus servorum cujusdam, Guineensis, fre- 
quentissimi in Cuba. Pigritia, tristitia, motu 
corporis. lento, fame insatiabili, nationi Africans 
Caravalli similis dicitur. 

C. Furniert. Desm. Hispanis Agutia Congo, ob 
mobilitatem, vultus semper nitidum, &c. quas res 
obvias quoque esse in natione Africana Congo di- 
cunt. Hance speciem ita definiendam censio. 

C. Furnieri. Desm.* C. cauda abbreviata, longi- 
tudine tertiz partis, totius corporis, capite conco- 
lore palmis, plantis, unguibusque nigris. 

Utraque species habitat in Cube interioris syl- 
vis. Desmarestii descriptio bona quamvis, uti 
videtur secundum exemplar nimis incompletum, 
nimisque juvenile facto. Szpe enim nobis conti- 
git videre specimina C. Furnieri ponderis librarum 
12—16. Hee species insuper vulgaris; animal 
ceterum stupidum, nocturnum, tempore diurno 
nunquam ex arboribus descendens. 

OM he OOO 

* Isqpon pilorides, Say. Vol. ii. p. 330. Mr. Say’s generic 
name being pre-occupied, cannot be adopted; but his specific 
name, having the priority, must be retained —Pub. Com. . 


C. prehensilis multo rarior, solumque in sylvis 
versus oram Cube australem obvia, regione vix 
culta, densis et obscuris sylvis obtecta; v. e. in Par- 
tido de las Piedras, ad Macuriges, ad Masmariges, 
&c. nunquam nobis visa in parte Cube boreali. 
Cauda utitur magna dexteritate. Sape venatorem — 
eludit; cauda enimramum amplectens,inter plantas 
innumeras parasiticas, sepe pendulas, quibus alti- 
ores obteguntur, arboris regionum tropicarum sese 
condit, ita ut nunquam suspicio oriatur, inter vi- 
mina fragilia et tenerrima Orchidearum folia abdi- 
tum esse animal sepe ponderis 7—9 librarum. 
Modus edendi et vivendi idem ac in specie nota 

On an extinct species of Crocodile not before de- 
scribed ; and some observations on the Geology 
of West Jersey. By R. Hartan, M.D. Read 
May 4, 1824. 

At various times there have been presented to 
the Academy specimens of fossil bones, principally 
from the state of New Jersey; which have not been 
hitherto described or noticed. The Society is thus 
possessed of treasures, of whose yalue they are 
not exactly aware: to obviate this, I have under- 
taken to describe such as are most rare and inte- 
resting, and whose characters remain, in some de- 
gree, undefaced. 


It will be necessary, in the first place, to offer 
a few remarks concerning the formation in which 
these fossils occur ; in doing which, I shall content 
myself with the bare mention of the fossil testa- 
ce@, some of which occur in immense numbers. 
For a knowledge of these, I am indebted to a 
gentleman eminently qualified to do the subject 
entire justice, and from whom we may anticipate, 
I hope very shortly, a full and accurate description 
of these very interesting remains; it is almost un- 
necessary to state, the naturalist alluded to is Mr. 
T. Say, who, together with Mr. T. Peale and my- 
self, have lately returned from a short excursion 
to the “ Marl-pits” of New Jersey. We were 
much assisted in our investigations by Dr. Samuel 
L. Howell, who politely offered to accompany us, 
and whose knowledge of the country was pecu- 
liarly serviceable. 

All that part of the state, denominated West 
Jersey, and which is included between Trenton 
and the Delaware Bay, on the North and South, 
and between the Atlantic ocean and Delaware 
river, on the East and West, is entirely of oceanic 
or tertiary formation. The surface is composed 
chiefly of sand, occasionally of gravel, and very 
seldom of clay; not unfrequently of all three mixed. 

This circumstance, in connexion with a know- 
ledge of the nature of the substance improperly 
termed Marl, will explain the vague and contra- 
dictory opinions of the farmers, respecting the 


manuring qualities of this earth; some of whom 
informed me, they considered a load of this Marl 
equal to a load of dung. Others thought, that al- 
though the Marl enriched the land, and made it 
more productive the first year, it subsequently 
produced an impoverishing effect on the soil. 
Others again declared, that though they had fre- 
quently made the experiment, they always found 
the Marl absolutely injurious. 

The fact is, that this earth, which was formerly 
very extensively used as manure, possesses no 
more claim to the title of Marl, than any other 
earth in which fossil testacie abound; generally 
speaking, it is little more than a ferruginous clay. 
Quantities of pyrites are also found to exist, al- 
most universally ; sometimes constituting the casts 
of shells, at others filling the cavities of bones ; 
and to the prevalence of which may be attributed 
the imperfect state in which the organic remains 
are generally discovered, and the very great ra- 
pidity with which they decay on exposure to the 
atmosphere, unless they are varnished, or other 
means are used to prevent the access of the air. 

- It is, further, to the prevalence of pyrites we 
must refer the injurious effects of the “ Marl,? 
when spread too thick upon the soil; when, on 
the other hand, if mixed sparingly with new soil, 
it destroys or reduces to earth the fibrous matter, 
and thus proves highly beneficial as a manure. 
- Should the soil be composed almost entirely of 

VOL. IV.—JULY, 1824. 3 


loose sand, (as it frequently is) the clay, which is 
a principal constituent of some of the “ Marl- 
pits,” will give consistency to the soil, and enable 
the vegetables to take root; in which sense it may 
be said to act as a manure; but even in this case 
it is probably not so beneficial as would be an 
equal quantity of Pennsylvania clay, without the 
iron earth, which always occurs with the Jersey 
clay. But should there happen more pyrites than 
usual, or should the soil be naturally argillaceous, 
then must the “Marl” prove destructive to vege- 
tation, and disappoint the agriculturist. 

Not unfrequently whole strata or beds of this 
Marl will occur without a single fossil, of a loose 
friable structure and moist nature, more or less 
granulated, and of various colours, but most com- 
monly of a dark slate-black or greenish colour; 
this is the most fertilizing, and has been by some 
supposed to consist chiefly of decomposed organic 
remains—but how erroneous is this opinion, wil} 
be clearly comprehended by the very accurate 
analysis of this earth, furnished some years ago 
by Mr. Henry Seybert of this city. (Vid. Cleave- 
land’s Min. and Geol. 2d ed.) 

Silex, 2 2 - - ‘49.83 
Alumine, ” - - - 6.00. 
Magnesia, - - + 1.83 
Potash, = : - - "40.18" " 
Water, - - : 9.80 
Protoxide of Iron, - - - 21.53. 
Loss, 69 


This specimen of “green earth” or the supposed 
Marl, was from Rancocus creek; the quantities 
of its constituent parts no doubt vary with the lo- 
cality. It constitutes, in almost every instance, 
the matrix of the fossil reliquie, of which the 
Terebratula and Ostrea occur in the greatest pro- 
fusion, sometimes commingled, at others in nearly 
distinct beds, as at Mullica hills and Blackwood 
- town mills. At the county poor house we exa- 
mined a creek, at the bottom of which were beds 
of fossil ostree, and a few rolled specimens of 
Favosite and Fistularia, together with broken 
Belemnites ; occasionally we observed some of 
the beds composed of Ostrex, Belemnites, 'Tere- 
bratula, &c. heaped together in every direction 
and position, conglomerated together by the green 
earth above-mentioned, and quartz pebbles, scarce- 
ly any of the remains preserved entire. 

Besides the fossil reliquiz above named, we may 
further add Ammonites, Rostellaria, Turbinolia, 
Area, Pyrula, Pecten, Donax, together with the 
- bones or teeth of sharks, crocodiles, turtles, and a 
very remarkable tooth belonging to some unknown 
‘Iehthyosaurian reptile: lignite, amber, &c.—also, 
the vertebre of two or more species of the genus 

Cetacea—also, Phytolithites, roots of trees, en- 
crusted with pyrites, &c. 

This very extensive formation, of which we are 
now treating, lines the coast for several hundreds 
ef miles, commencing at the northern extremity 


of Long Island, and extending as far as the Gulf 
of Mexico; and borders immediately the primi- 
tive rocks. Having, as yet, been examined but 
at a few points, this oceanic deposition is imper- 
fectly known; we shall have occasion shortly to 
treat further of some of the fossils discovered im 
the same depositions from Maryland, concerning 
which, some very interesting geological obserya- 
tions have been published in the 3d vol. of Silli- 
man’s Journal, by Dr. G. Troost. (Vide art. 3d, 
description of a variety of amber, &.) 

I shall now treat more particularly of the fossil 
bones brought from Jersey; and first, of a new 
extinct species of Crocodile, the dental bone of 
which was, some time past, found three miles from 
“White Hill,’ and presented to the Academy by 
Mr. Samuel Wetherill of Burlington, tle J..a cor- 
responding member. 

The fossil, under canaidunedions is the dental 
bone of the right side, in a tolerable state of pre- 
servation, perfectly fossilized or impregnated with 
iron, containing the sockets for eleven teeth, in a 
space of twelve inches; three of the teeth only 
remain perfect, a portion of the bone is lost pos- 
teriorly and interiorly ; consequently, the total 
number of teeth cannot be ascertained with per- 
fect accuracy ; though, from the great size of the 
inferior maxillary foramen immediately behind 
the last remaining tooth, there could not have 
existed more than one or two more at most. A 


portion of the angular bone was fortunately pre- 
served, which will enable us to determine the form 
of the angle, and thus to reconstruct, with sufficient 
accuracy, the whole of the lower jaw. 

The most striking peculiarity of this remnant 
is its great thickness in proportion to its length, 
compared with the same part in other crocodiles ; 
with which circumstance the structure and ap- 
pearance of the teeth perfectly correspond ; being 
exceedingly short, thick and blunt, except the very 
young tooth, which is sharper and more conical. 

In the Crocoptiws aeutus, a portion of the dental 
bone, eight inches in length, contains ten teeth ; 
the same measurement taken from the Crocopitus 
lucius, thirteen and a half feet long, affords space 
for thirteen teeth. In our fossil, on the contrary, 
there is only space allowed for seven teeth; in 
every instance commencing from the fourth tooth, 
and enumerating backwards. 

In the C. acutus, the dental bone, immediately 
behind the fourth tooth, is one inch, four-tenths, 
in breadth. In the C. lucius, one inch, seven- 
tenths. In the fossil, two inches, feur-tenths. 
Depth of the same portion of bone, in the C. aeu- 
tus, is one inch, two-tenths; in the C. lucius, two 
inches; in the fossil, two inches, five-tenths. By 
this measurement, the fossil bone is shown to be 
nearly cylindrical. 

The teeth of the fossil, though very short and 
thick, are not much worn—the largest tooth of the 


lower jaw, in the C. lucius, thirteen feet long, is 
twenty-four tenths in circumference; the largest 
of the fossil teeth is thirty-three tenths. Of one 
of the loose fossil teeth, the length is two inches; 
diameter one inch; whilst the portion which pro- 
jected above the bone, is only half an inch long. 
The caliber of the tooth at its base is half an inch 
in diameter. The bodies of the teeth are separa- 
ted by a plate of bone only four or five-tenths in 

‘The anterior or alveolar portion of the lower 
jaw, in all the Crocodiles excepting Cuvier’s sub- 
genus C. gangeticus, presents a series of vertical 
curvatures; there are three in number in the fos- 
sil, in which respect it resembles the recent Cro- 
codiles and Alligators ; but which will alone sepa- 
rate it from the Gavials as well as all the fossil 
specimens hitherto discovered, which most nearly 
resemble the Gavials; in all of which this portion 
of the jaw is straight; but the present species is 
still further separated from all the sub-genera of 
Cuvier, by the greater relative thickness and less 
length of the dental bone, as well as in the pecu- 
liarities of the teeth above-mentioned. The space 
between the fourth tooth and greatest elevation 
of the dental bone, in the fossil (a. b.) contains five 
teeth; in the C. lucius, nine; in the C. acutus, six. 

The distance from the fourth tooth, (which is 
very large proportionably) to the anterior margin 
of the symphysis in the fossil, is four inches, two- 


tenths; in the ©. lucius, two inches, seven-tenths ; 
in the acutus, two inches, six-tenths. ‘The sym- 
physis of the lower jaw extends posteriorly to the 
fourth tooth in the C. acutus ; it terminates two 
inches anteriorly in the fossil; its termination is 
nearly opposite the fourth tooth in the C. luezus. 
Directly posterior to the fourth tooth, there exists 
a considerable curvature inwards, in the fossil ; 
directly the reverse is the case in the C. lueius ; 
but a similar curvature exists in a very slight de- 
gree in the C. acutus. 

The foramina for the transmission of nerves 
and blood-vessels are unusually large and nume- 
rous in the fossil. By referring to the figures, 
other differences will be noticed equally remark- 
able, though not so readily expressed; all of which, 
taken collectively, constitute, in my opinion, cha- 
racters sufficient to require for this animal the 
establishment of a new subgenus. 

I am not, as yet, prepared to answer positively 
to the question, did this animal exist in salt or 
fresh water? As far as my information extends, 
no fossil Crocodile has hitherto been discovered 
in salt water formation. The pretended Croco- 
diles, said to have been found with fish in the pyri- 
tose schistus of Thuringia, are evidently Monitors, 
as has been demonstrated by Cuvier. However, 
the form of the teeth, great thickness, and strength 
of the jaws, in the present instance, would qualify 


this species to crush shell-fish, &c. and defend it- 
self against powerful enemies. 

Numerous vertebre of Crocodiles have been 
found in the same locality, none of which, how- 
ever, are large enough to have belonged to this 
individual, but very different from any I have been 
able to compare them with; though very much 
broken, yet this difference is readily recognized 
by a very peculiar compression of the lateral and 
inferior portion of the bodies; as might be antici- 
pated, the vertebra, already discovered, denote a 
variety of species. 


’ Fig. 1. Lateral view of the fossil bone. 
2. Anterior view of the same. 
3, 4, 5. Different views of a fossil vertebra. 
6, 7. Two views of a vertebra from another part 
of the column. 
8. Fossil tooth of natural size. 


Observations on the Nomenclature of Wausoy’s 
Ornirnotocy. By Cuartes Bonaparte. Read 
March 23, 1824. 

[conTINVED FROM VoL. 11. P. 371,] 


Of this very natural genus Wilson describes 
thiee species, all peculiar to America. 

59. S. carolinensis. Vol. i. p. 40. Wilson was 
- correct in considering this bird distinct from the 
European species, as Brisson and Latham had al- 
ready done, although many authors believed it to 
be a mere variety. 


~ S, europea, 6 carolinensis, Linn. GmEt, 

S. carolinensis, Briss. Lata. 

S. jaimaicensis? Linn. Gut. Lata. 

Vieillot has called it Srrra melanocephala, but 
this name, though very appropriate, must be re- 
jected, as he had no right to change that of Latham. 

60. S. varia. Vol.i.p.43. I think Wilson did 
well to adopt the name given by Bartram, as it is 
doubtful to what species or variety of any other 
author this bird can be referred. The species is 
now well fixed by our author, and his name will, 
no doubt, be exclusively adopted. 


S. jaimaicensis, var. minor? Guet. Lata. 
VOL. Iv.—JuLy, 1824. 4 


Wilson is probably right in considering, as a 
young bird of this species, the Srrra canadensis 
of Linn. Gmel. Lath. (Le Torchepot du Canada, 
Buff. pl. enl. 622, f. 2.) 

I should have restored the name of canadensis, 
if the correctness of the synonyme was not doubt- 

Although Vieillot quotes. Wilson’s work, yet 
he has taken the liberty of appropriating the spe- 
cies to himself, calling it S. stulta, a name which 
seems to be founded upon a ridiculous assertion, 
which Wilson rejected with contempt, from the 
character of the following species, that the bird is 
so stupid as to be “easily knocked down from the 
sides of the tree with one’s cane.” 

61. S. pusilla. Vol, ii. p. 105. Gmelin was in 
error in considering this bird a variety of the Srr- 
ta europea. Wilson very properly adopted La- 
tham’s name, who placed it as a distinct species. 


S. pusilla, Lats. 

S. europea, # carolinensis minor, GMEL, 


Of their numerous and well characterized genus, 
only one species has been found in the United 

62. A. aleyon. Vol. iii. p.59. One of the largest 
of the genus, and peculiar to America. 



A. alcyon, Linn. Guev. Lara. 

Martin-pécheur hupé de la Louisiane, Burr. pl. enl. 715, 

Martin-pécheur hupé de St. Domingue, Burr. pl. enl. 593. 


Though ‘four species are described by our au- 
thor, only one of them properly belongs to this 
‘genus, which has been, with great propriety, very 
much restricted by modern authors. The three 
objectionable species, however, were never pre- 
‘viously referred to Cerra; Linne placed them 
under Morac, and Latham under Sytvia. 

63. C. familiaris. Vol. i. p. 122. As our au- 
thor supposed, this little bird is the same in both 
continents, but is much less frequent on this side 
of the Atlantic. It is the only true Cerruia hither- 
to known to inhabit the United States. 

C. familiaris, Livy. Guev. Lara. Tem. Vier. (refer- 

ring to Le Grimpereau, Ois. dorés, vol. ii. p. 107, pl. 72.) 
Le Grimpereau, Burr. pl. enl. 681, f. 1. 

' 64. C. maculata. Vol. iii. p. 23. Certainly not 
-a Cerrnia asthe genus is now defined. But al- 
though Linne arranged it with his Moracixa, and 
Latham with his Syivia, I am not surprised that 
Wilson placed it in Cerrmia, as it approximates 
closely to that genus as formerly characterized : 


one of Wilson’s reasons for this arrangement was 
drawn from the habit of creeping, for which this 
bird is remarkable ; but the same character might 
have led him to arrange the Pine Creeper here 
also, which he places with the Syrvia according 
to Latham, although Linne considered it a Cer- 
ras. Vieillot, in his Ois. de ’Amer. Sept. calls 
our bird Crrrnia varia, but he has subsequently 
made for it alone, his new genus Myiormra. In 
my opinion, however, this genus cannot be adopt- 
ed, but the species must be called Sytvia varia, 
agreeably to Latham. I do not know why our 
author chose Bartram’s specific name in prefer- 
ence to that of Linne. 

Moractira varia, Linn. Gut. 
Syzvia varia, Lara. 

Certara varia, Viriit. (quoting Le Grimpereau varié Oi. 
dorés, vol. iis ps 111, pl. 74.) 

Vieillot subsequently called it Murormra varia. 

65. C. caroliniana. V4). ii. p. 61. Wilson was 
very wrong, in my opinion, in arranging this and 
the following species with the Cerrma: They 
are certainly true wrens, and, on this occasion, his 
vulgar is more correet than his scientific appella- 
tion. Bartram was correct in placing them with 
the wrens. Without hesitation, I take this oppor- 
tunity of expressing my opinion on the adoption 
of a separate genus for the true wrens, under the 


name of Troctopytes, as I think these birds have 
sufficient character, in form and habits, to entitle 
them to that distinction. The genus, as I adopt 
it, corresponds to the sixth section of Temminck’s 
Syzvia, and to the genus Trocxopyres of Vieillot, 
as he formerly established it, including his two 
more recent genera Trociopyres and ‘TuryotHo- 
rus, and may be divided into two subgenera, cor- 
responding with those genera. This bird, which 
was incorrectly indicated by Gmelin, as a variety 
of the European wren, together with the following 
species, and a few others, will form the second 
subgenus, which is peculiar to America. Reeur- 
ring to the bird under consideration, I propose it 
should be called Trociopyres ludovicianus, which 
is the original specific name; Bartram’s name of 
caroliniana being not in any respect preferable. 


Moracttta troglodytes, var. y GMEL. 

Syxvia ludoviciana, sp. 150, Larus 

Roitelet de la Louisiane, Burr. pl. enl. 730, f. 1. 
Trociopytes arundinaceus, Vinitt. pl. 108. 

The historic description, which this latter au- 
thor has given, evidently belongs to the follow- 
ing species ; he subsequently perceived his error, 
and transferred the specific name to that species, 
placing them both in his new genus Tuyrornorvs, 

and distinguished the present bird by the specific 


name of littoralis, which, of course, must not be 

66. C. palustris. Vol. ii. p. 58. Agreeably to 
the preceding observations, I propose for this spe- 
cies the name of Troctopyres palustris, Wilson’s 
specific name having the priority over that of 
Vieillot, and being also more appropriate. Wil- 

‘son’s quotation of Latham, under this species, 

must be transferred to the’ preceding. 

Vieillot, in his American Ornithology, inadver- 
tently described the manners and habits of this 
bird, when speaking of his figure of the preceding 

‘species ; but subsequently, informed probably by 

Wilson’s work, he discovered his error, and named 
this bird Turyornorus arundineus. But he had 
no right to change Bartram and Wilson’s name, 
which is certainly preferable. 


Although this numerous genus is peculiar to 
America, yet only two species are known to visit 
the United States, and that in summer alone. It 
is very naturally divided into two subgenera, viz. 
-Trochilus and Polytmus, considered as genera by 
some authors. ‘ 

The only species, described by Wilson, belongs 
to the first subgenus. ‘ 

67. 'T. colubris. Vol. ii. p. 26. Remarkably 
well described by our author, and is the only spe- 


cies that visits the eastern region of the United 


T. colubris, Linn. Gut. Lara. Viet. 

T. colubris, 8 tomineo, Linn. Guet. (young female.) 

T. amethystinus ? Linn. Guev. Lata. 

L’Oiseau mouche rubis, View. referring to Qis. dorés, 
20l. i. p. 66, pl. 31, (male) pl. 32, (female) pl. 33, (young.) 


The only bird described under this genus by 
our author, never belonged to it; it was a Linnean 
Ontoxvs, and is now an Icrerus. <A true Srurnvs 
is, however, found in the United States, but, mis- 
led by some European authors, Wilson arranged 
it in the genus Araupa. 

68. S. predatorius. Vol. iv. p. 30. Wilson was 
further wrong in changing the beautiful Linnean 
specific name of this bird, which must, therefore, 
be called Icrerus pheniceus, agreeably to Lace- 
pede and Daudin. 


Ortotus pheniceus, Linn. Guest. Laru. 
Ontotus griseus ? Guet. (female and young.) 
_ Troupiale @ ailes rouges de la Louisiane, Burr. pl. enl. 402, 
{a very bad representation of the adult male.) 
It has also been called Icrervs pteropheniceus, by Brisson. 
Cassicus (Xantnornvs) pheniceus, by Cuvier. 
Acexaius pheniceus, by Vicillot. 


Wilson was the only author who changed the 
specific name; he, however, has described the 
manners and habits of the species with his usual 
perspicuity and accuracy. _ 


This genus, species of which are found in every 
part of the globe, was formerly much more com- 
' prehensive than at present. As now restricted, it 
is much more natural, although still very nume- 
rous in species. The nine species, described by 
our author, are all foreign to Europe, and are all 
true Turni if we except one, which is a Sytv1a. 

69. T. polyglottos. Vol. ii. p. 13. This cele- 
brated bird, second to none in any part of the globe 
for the versatility of its vocal power, had been de- 
scribed, by former authors, and what is more ex- 
traordinary, by Linne himself, under at least three 
different names. Wilson’s account of this bird is 


T. polyglotios, Linn. Gut, Larn. 

T. orpheus, Linn. Guet. Lata. Virint. pl, 68. 

T. dominicus, Linn. Guew. Lats. 

Merle cendré de St. Domingue, Burr. pl. enl. 558, f. 1. 

Though Vieillot adopted the name of orpheus, 
which is certainly excellent, I think that of poly- 


glottos is still more appropriate for this most ex- 
traordinary bird. 

70. T. rufus. Vol. ii. p. 83. A well known 
species, the history of which appears to be per- 
fect, as given by our author. — 

T. rufus Linn. Guet. Lara. Vier. pl. 59. 

_ Grive de la Caroline, appelé le Moqueur Francais, Burr. pl. 
enl. 645. 

71. 'T. melodus. Vol. i. p. 35. Our author, who 
was the first to distinguish the three closely al- 
lied species of North American thrushes from 
each other, by decided characters, has, neverthe- 
. less, embroiled their nomenclature, as is evident 
from my observations on the present and the two 
following species. This bird being evidently the 
T. mustelinus of Gmelin and Latham, Wilson’s 
new name, which is not modelled agreeably to 
any language, must be rejected. 


Turpus mustelinus, Guex. Lata. Visri1. pl. 62. 

72. T. solitarius. Vol. v. p. 95. ‘The name of 
T. minor must be restored to this species, as for- 
merly applied to it by Gmelin and Latham. Wil- 
son probably changed it as improper, but if this 
species be not absolutely the smallest of the genus, 
it is, at leastyone of the smallest. Wilson’s name 

VOL, Iv.—auausT, 1824. 5 


is also inadmissible, inasmuch as it has been given 
to an European bird. 

T. minor, Guut. Lara. Viri1. pl. 63. 
Mauvis de la Caroline, Burr. pl. enl. 556, fig. 2. 

It is a singular coincidence, that the French 
name, given by Vieillot to this species, is the same 
in signification with Wilson’s name above quoted. 

73. T. mustelinus. Vol. v. p. 98. Wilson having 
given the name of melodus to the mustelinus of 
former writers, as we have already observed, 
thought proper to appropriate the old name to 
this new species. This procedure was evidently 
incorrect, and added to the confusion. The name 
of mustelinus must, therefore, be restored to the 
preceding species ; and as the present species will 
then be destitute of a name, I propose for it that 
of T. Wilsonii. 

I do not consider myself censurable for the fre- 
quent repetition of the name of this great orni- 
thologist, as applied to species in different genera; 
it is a tribute of respect which I conceive justly 
due to one who has done so much for the benefit of 
my favourite science. Owing to a typographical 
error, the length of this bird is stated, in Wilson, 
to be ten inches; the real length is seven inches. 

74. § T. aquatius. Vol. iii. p. 66. Icannot say 
any thing of this new species, which I have not 
yet been able to examine closely, but that Vieil- 


tot’s name of T. motacilla, having the priority, and 
being besides a very expressive one, must be 

T. motacilla, Viet. ple 65. 

75. T. aurocapillus. Vol. ii. p. 88. This pretty 
little bird is obviously a true Sytyis, both by its 
form and habits. Linne and Cuvier were of the 
same opinion when they placed it in their large 
genus Moractza, and Brisson also when he made 
a Ficiputa of it. Latham considered it a Turous, 
but, in my opinion, he was wrong, and probably 
misled our author, who, however, states that it 
“might with propriety be ranged with the wag- 
tails.” This species must, therefore, be called 
Syuyia aurocapilla. 


Moracitta aurocapilla, Linn. Gurr. 

Turvus aurocapillus, Laru. 

Petite Grive de St. Domingue, Burr. pl. enl. 398, f. 2- 
Turpus coronatus, Viritt, pl. 64. 

76. T. migratorius. Vol. i.p. 35. This common 
and familiar species is almost an intermediate link 
between the two subdivisions of this genus, Tur- 
pus and Meruta, having the same voice, and many 
of the same manners, with the T. merula of Eu- 
rope. Its interesting biography is ably delineated 
by the happy pen of our author. 



dass 8 migratorius Linn. Guet. Lata. Vier. pl. 60, (adult) 

pl. 61, (young.) 
Grive du Canada Burr. pl. enl. 568, f. 1. 

77. 'T. lividus. Vol. ii. p..90._. Linne, probably 
misled by a bad representation of this bird, ar- 
tanged it with the Muscicapa. But it is, in fact, a 
true Turovs in figure, habits, and song ; belonging 
to the subdivision of this genus, called Merula, of 
which the Blackbird of Europe is the type. Wil- 
son, with his usual good judgment, referred it to 
Turovus, Vieillot did the same, and every one ac- 
quainted with ornithology would have pursued 
the same course. The name, given by the latter 
author, having the priority over that of Wilson, 
and being, at the same time, admirably character- 
istic, must be adopted, and the species called 
Turnus felivox. This bird is said to be found in 


Moscrcapa carolinensis, Linn. Guet. Lata. 
Tournus felivor, Virtuti. pl. 67. 


No species of this genus, as now justly restriet-, 
ed, inhabits North America. They are all pecu- 
liar to South America. The bird, described by 
Wilson under this genus, as the European 


species, belongs now to the genus Bomeycm1a, 
which is confined in its range to the North of 
both continents, and includes but two species. 
This genus is adopted by almost all the modern 
ornithologists. Some, however, have taken the 
liberty of changing the name to Bomeycienoia, and 
others to that of Bomsycrvoras, but I think that 
Brisson’s name of Bompycuta ought to be exclu- 
sively adopted. 

78. A. americana. Vol.i. p. 107. This species 
is peculiar to North America, and replaces here 
the B. garrula of Europe, than which, however, it 
is much more common, and breeds in more tem- 
perate countries. Wilson deserves commendation 
for having proved this bird to be distinct from the 
European, and not a mere variety of it, agreeably 
to the best European authors. Brisson, however, 
had previously considered it a distinct species, 
and his name of Bompyci1a carolinensis must, 
therefore, be adopted in preference to both those 
of Wilson and Vieillot. 

Awpeuis garrulus, @ carolinensis, Linn. Guet. Lata. 

Bompycma cedrorum, Vieixt. pl. 57. 

The latter name seems improper, the “red ce- 
dar,” on the berries of which the bird feeds, and 
from which it takes the vulgar name of “ Cedar- 
bird,” being a Juyirerus. 


This species is also called, by Meyer, Bomsyct- 
rHora zanthocelia. 


The four species, described by our author under 
this genus, do not now belong to it, as it has been 
justly restored by [liger to the limited boundaries 
formerly assigned to it by Brisson, corresponding 
precisely with the following genus Curvirostra of 
Wilson. Three of these four species are peculiar 
to America, and are now properly arranged with 
Frineiwta, from which they differ only by the 
more robust bill; a character, however, which will 
be considered of little consequence, when we re- 
view the regular gradation of relative magnitude 
in the bills of species that intervene between the 
large billed F. coccothraustes and the slender billed 
F. carduelis, &. The fourth species, agreeably 
to Temminck, belongs to the genus Pyrruuta of 
Brisson, and is common to the north of both con- 

79. L. cardinalis. Vol. ii. p. 38. This beauti- 
ful species, distinguished both by its dress and 
song, must now be called Frinemza cardinalis. 


Loxta cardinalis, Livy. Guev. Lats. si 
Gros-bec de Virginie, appelé Cardinal huppé, Bure. pl. enl, 
37, (male, the feet are badly coloured; with all the authors 


he stated the feet to be red; but Wilson correctly remarks 
that the feet are never of that colour.) 

Vieillot, in his large work, does not speak of 
this bird, nor indeed of any of its tribe; this work 
having, as is well known, been discontinued after 
the publication of the second volume. In his fol- 
lowing writings, this author calls it Coccoruraus- 
tes cardinalis, having adopted that genus from 
Brisson. He, however, confesses (as other writers 
have done, who have pursued the same course, ) 
that this genus is so closely allied to Frincia, 
that he cannot determine to which of the two some 
of the intermediate species ought to be referred. 

Temminck very correctly observes, that al- 
though eight or nine genera have been formed 
out of the natural one, Frineitxa, yet this genus 
will always remain as a whole, notwithstanding 
the caprice of writers. In order to facilitate the 
acquisition of a knowledge of species in this very 
numerous genus, T’emminck proposes to divide it 
into three sections, under the names of Laticones, 
Brevicones, and Longicones ; these, in my opinion, 
may be considered as subgenera, (the characters 
of the subgenus not being necessarily as definite 
and positive as those of the genus) with the names 
Coccothraustes, Fringilla, and Carduelis. The 
cardinalis, as well as the two succeeding species, 
will then belong to the former. 

80. L. ludovietana. Vol. ii. pe 135. Many er- 


rors have occurred in relation to this bird. Gme- 
lin and Latham described it under three or four 
different names, in the genus Lox: and in that of 
Frivcita. In the body of his work, Wilson calls 
it Loxia rosea, but he corrects himself in the cata- 
logue, by restoring the name given by Linne. 
This bird must now be called Frincmza ludovi- 
ciand. : ' 

Loxta ludoviciana, Linn. Guev. Lara. 

Frineitia punicea, Gur. Lara. (adult male.) 

Loxt1a obscura, Gur. Lata. (female.) 

Loxt1a maculata? Gmuet. Lata. (young.) 

Gros bee de la Louisiane, Burr. pl. enl. 153, fig. 2, (male.) 

Brisson called it Coccoruraustes ludovicianus. 

Vieillot named it Coccoruraustes rubricollis, and Sabine 
Pyrauuua ludoviciana. 

81. L. cwrulea. Vol. iii. p. 78. This rare bird, 
though somewhat allied to some of the Pyrrnua, 
is a Frinaita of the subgenus Coccothraustes; it 
must, therefore, be called Frinemxa cerulea, 


Loxia cerulea, Linn. Guex. Lara. 

Brisson considered this bird a Pyrruuta. 

Vieillot calls it Coccornraustes cerulea. 

Wilson errs in quoting Buffon’s pl. enl. 154, which repre- © 
sents a different bird ; the cwrulea is not figured in that work, 

82. * L. enucleator. Vol. i. p. 80. This bird, 
which is common to the northern regions of the 


two continents. It is a true Pyrrnura, forming the 
link between that genus and the following, and 
must, therefore, be called: Pyaruuta enucleator, 
al to ecqrerarn 


Sibaisia sieblooas, Linn. Guet. ios. 

_Loxta flamengo, Guru. (accidental variety.) 

» Pyreuura enucleator, Tema. 

- Gros-bec du Canada, Burr. pl, enl, 135, fig. 1 , (young male, 
bill unnatural. ) 

“Wilson’s figure sani represents a young bird 
Saskine year of age. This species, unlike most 
other birds, gradually loses the brightness of its 
colour as it advances in age. 

. Cuvier made the genus Coryrnvs, and Vieillot 
that of Srrosmoruaca, for the reception of this 
bird. But these are destitute of distinctive charac- 
ter, and are, therefore, inadmissible. The latter 
author, i in his Oiseaux de VP Amérique Septentrio- 

ay nale, intended to call this species Pixicota rubra, 

but he has since named it Srrosmornaca enu- 


A very natural genus, adopted by all the pre- 
sent ornithologists, and the only one that Wilson, 
in his excellent work, ventured to propose. It 

had also been adopted under the name of Cruci- 
VOL, Iv.—avucusT, 1824, 6 


nostra by Meyer, Daudin, and other authors. But 
as Brisson was the first to consider it a distinct 
genus, his name of Loxia has, I think with great 
propriety, been restored to it by Illiger, Tem- 
minck, Vieillot, and others, who have removed to 
other genera, the species, which, notwithstanding 
their discrepance, Linne and Latham had referred 
to it, This genus includes but three species, which 
are limited to the northern regions of both con- 
tinents, one of them being peculiar to North 
America. Of the two European species, one is 
found in this country, and I have but little doubt 
that the other is also an inhabitant of the higher 
latitudes of this continent, and that, from its re- 
semblance to the preceding, it has been hitherto 
mistaken for the same. If this be correct, North 
America will then possess all the known species. 

83. €. americana. Vol. iv. p. 44. 1 think 
Wilson was in error when he considered this 
bird a new species, and stated that it differs con- 
siderably from the European. He probably com- 
pared it with the L. pytiopsitiacus, and not with 
the curvirostra, with which latter it is identical. 
Wilson’s new name must, therefore, be rejected, 
and the name of Loxta curvirostra must be restored 
to this bird. Our author was also incorrect in re- 
marking that “the young males, as is usual with 
most other birds, very much resemble the female;” 
the fact is, that the young of all the cross-bills, as 
well as that of Pyarauta enucleator, contrary to 


the habit of the generality of birds, loose their red 
colour as they advance in age, instead of gaining 
an additional brilliancy of plumage. ‘The figure, 
which our author gives as that of an adult male, 
represents a young bird of about one year, and his 
supposed female is a remarkably fine adult male. 


Loxta curvirostra, Linn. Guet. Lata. Temm. 
Bec croisé d’Allemagne? Burr. #h enl. 218, (male about 
one year old.) 

84. Loxta leucoptera. Vol. ii. p. 48. The small- 
est of the genus, and peculiar to North America. 
Latham called it Loxta falcirostra, but Gmelin’s 
name, chosen by our author, having the priority, 
and being very appropriate, must be adopted. 
Wilson believed his figure to represent a male in 
perfect plumage, but it is only that of a young 
male. ; 


patie Se GmeL. 
Loxia falcirostra, Lats. 


Although this genus is a very natural one, yet 
it is not at all understood ; and naturalists, without 
consulting the characters, have referred to it nu- 
merous species that evidently do not belong to it. 
Even Linne, and principally Latham, placed many 


birds with Ewseriza that have not the characters 

by which they indicate the genus, and although 

our author gives the true generic characters, yet 

he has not adhered to them in his arrangement, as 

I shall show by the following observations on his 

species. Of these he describes eight, hardly one. 
of which in reality belongs to the genus, in my ac- 

ceptation of it, being principally Frineuie, and. 
decidedly more remote from Emseriza than some 

of the species which he correctly places under. 
Frincitzta. It may be proper to state in this place, 

that I have observed in this country the existence 

of an error emanating from Wilson himself, that 
the bill of the Emseriza is larger than that of the 
Frineia, and thus offers the best distinctive mark . 
between the two genera. In order to rectify this, 
error, it is only necessary to repeat the characters 
of the genus Emperiza as originally given, and to’ 
exhort ornithologists to bear them in mind in their 
future arrangements. 

Bill conic ; mandibles receding from each oiler; 
from the base downwards, the lower with the sides 
narrowed in, the upper narrower and with a hard 
knob within. 

Restricted within these limits, the genus is sisal 
but very natural, and though North America is 
celebrated for the number of her supposed Empe- 
riz, | have not met with one of them that Ppos- 
sessed the above characters in a prominent degree; 


and but for one doubtful species the genus Empr- 
riza ought to be rejected from the American fauna. 

85. E. americana. Vol. i. p. 54. This bird, 
which is peculiar to America, has been described 
by Gmelin and Latham under two different names 
in the genera Emsrriza and Frivema, as their F. 
flavicollis seems to be no other than an imperfect 

state of plumage owing to age. ‘The americana 
is certainly not an Emperiza, and is evidently con- 
~ generic with some of Wilson’s Friverix,such as F. 
melodia, savanna, socialis, passerina,&c. For these 
birds I was about to propose the adoption of a 
new genus, under the name of Spiza, (Greek appel- 
lation of the Frincuxa celebs) intermediate be- 
tween Frinciwua and Emseriza, but much more — 
closely allied to the former. After an attentive 
examination of the intermediate species, I shall, 
however, consider it a subgenus under Princ. 
This subgenus cannot be placed under Emsz- 
‘niza, for although some of the species have a rudi- 
ment of the hard knob, yet none of them have it 
sufficiently large and decided, and more particu- 
larly because they have not that essential external 
character of the upper mandible being narrower 
than the lower, which distinguishes Emseniza, that 
mandible being obviously wider than the lower, a 
character which induces me to place the subgenus 
under Frineia, from the other species of which 
it. differs only in having the edges of the lower 
mandible narrowed in, and the palate thick and 


rather prominent, instead of being scolloped and 
grooved. This new subgenus is very nearly the 
same as the genus proposed not long since by Vieil- 
Jot under the name of Passerina. But in addition to 
the circumstance that this author placed in it some 
species that could not properly belong to it, he was 
wrong in stating that the principal discrepance 
between these birds and the Emserizz, being their 
not having the hard knob, they ought to be con- 
sidered as Emseriza by those authors, who, like 
Linne (and Temminck,) do not take this charac- 
ter into consideration, regarding it as internal. 
The chief difference is, in fact, external, and con- 
sists in the comparative width of the upper and 
lower mandibles, as above stated. Notwithstand- 
ing this, I would not have thought myself autho- 
rized to change Vieillot’s generic name of Passe- 
RINA, Was it not already occupied. by a Linnean 
genus of plants. 

The bird under consideration must, according 
to this innovation, be ranged under the subgenus 
Spiza, and be called Frwem.a americana. Those 
who will not adopt the proposed subgenus, may 
scatter the species in the three other subgenera, 
according to the thickness of their bill, but they 
certainly must be banished from Empzniza. 



Emperiza americana, Guew. Lata. 
Frieza flavicollis, Guzen. Lau. 


Bartram called it Cavanpra pratensis. 
Vieillot, Passerina nigricollis. 

86. E. erythrophthalma. Vol. ii. p. 35. This 
species is also peculiar to America, and is certain- 
ly not an Emseriza. Perhaps no bird has been 
more variously arranged than the present. Linne 
and Brisson placed it in Frivexa. Gmelin, La- 
tham, and after them, Wilson, incorrectly referred 
it to Emseriza, and Vieillot, who in his large work 
figures the bill of this bird as that of a Horruta- 
nus, (which appellation he afterwards changed to 
that of Passerina) finally formed for this species 
alone his new genus Pirro. In my opinion this 
latter genus must be rejected, and the species, 
which seems to me to have some analogy with F. 
eardinalis, must be referred to the subgenus Coc- 
cothraustes, under the name of Frineitta ery- 
throphthalma, agreeably to Linne. 


Frineiiza erythrophthalma, Linn. 

Emperiza erythrophthalma, Get. Latu. 

Brisson called it Frineiiia carolinensis, and Vieillot, pro- 
bably for the sake of changing, Pirito ater. 

87. E. oryzivora. Vol. ii. p. 48. This bird, 
which replaces here the E. hortulanus of Europe, 
is peculiar to America, but is certainly not an Em- 
seriza. Wilson, on this occasion, has followed 
Linne, Gmelin, and Latham without examination. 
Vieillot refers this bird to Pacsertwa, and Cuvier 


and Temminck to Frinciza. By examining the 
form of the bill, nares, feet, respective length of 
the remiges, and some of the habits, I am con- 
vinced that this bird is so closely allied to the fol- 
lowing, that we cannot separate them generically; 
and since the following species has been so hap- 
pily arranged under Icrerus by Temminck, this 
species must also be placed under the same genus, 
in which, its specific name being pre-occupied, I 
propose for it the name of I. agripennis, thus 
translating one of its vulgar names, in order to 
add as little as possible to the confusion of sy- 
nonymy. The same specific name must also, be. 
adopted by those who prefer retaining it in the 
genus Frincitxa, the name F, oryxivora being al- 
ready adopted for the Loxia oryzivora of aia 
Wilson’s account of this bird is admirable, _ 

Emseriza oryzivora, Linn. Guew. Latu. 

Ortolan de la Caroline, Burr. pl. enl. 388, fig. 1, (adutt 
male in spring.) 

Ortolan de la Louisiane, Burr. pl. enl. 388, fiz. 2, (dat 
male, moulting ; a bad figure.) 

Brisson cables it Hortuanus carolinensis, and Viflos 
PassERINA oryzivora. 


89. E. pecoris. Vol. ii. p. 145. This also Hy not 
an Emeeriza, and is peculiar to this continent. 
Gmelin and Latham considered it a Fruvema, and 
Wilson placed it in the present genus, probably 
only from its resemblance to some of the other 


species improperly placed here. ‘The two former 
authors made also several nominal species of it, 
and placed them in Ortotus and Srurnus. Daudin 
called it Icrerus emberizoides, and was followed 
by Vieillot, who represents the bill in the first vo- 
lume of his large work; but this writer subsequent- 
ly referred it to his genus Passeriva. 'Temminck 
considers it an Icrerus of the subgenus Emberizoi- 
des. This bird is certainly congeneric with the 
preceding; its bill, feet, nares and wings not differ- 
ing at all in form: some of the habits, however, 
are very dissimilar; but if these ought to be our 
guide in classification, a distinct genus would be 
assigned to this singular parasitic bird. In my 
opinion this species is very well placed in Icrerus; 
and must be called Icrerus pecoris; and, by those 
who will not follow this course, Frineiia pecoris, 
agreeably to Gmelin and Latham. Nothing of the 
interesting history of this bird was known anterior 
to the appearance of Wilson’s work. 

Friveitxa pecoris, Gurr. Laru. (female and young.) 

Orrowus fuscus, Get. (adult male.) 

Ortonus minor, Gmet. (species No, 46,) Laru. (adult male.) 

Srurnus obscurus, Gaet. (adult male.) 

Srurnus junceti, Laru. (adult male.) 

Troupiale de la Caroline, Burr. pl. enl. 606, fig. 1, (adult 
male. This figure is, no doubt, intended for this bird, al- 
though the bill is incorrect.) 

- Brisson calls it Friveitxa virginiana. Vieillot, Passerina 

VOL. Iv.—aucusT, 1824, 7 


89. * E. nivalis. Vol. iii. p. 36. Common to 
the northern parts of both continents. As this 
bird is subject to great changes in the colour of 
its plumage, it has given rise toa multiplication 
of nominal species. 


Emerriza nivalis, Livy. Guen. Lara. Teun. 

E. montana, Gut. Larn. (young.) 

E. mustelina, Get (young.) 

E. glacialis, Lats. (young.) 

Ortolan de neige, Burr. pl. enl. 497, f. 1, (adult male.) __ 
Ortolan de passage, Burr. pl. enl. 511, f. 2, (young female.) 

Brisson called this bird Horrunanus nivalis: 
Vieillot called it Passerina nivalis ; but I cannot 
judge of his correctness, as I have not had an op- 
portunity of ascertaining whether it has the knob; 
the external form of the bill, however, is so much 
that of a true Emseriza, that it cannot well be sepa- 
rated. Meyer made of this and another species 
his genus Piecrroruanes, which I think ni) to 
adopt as a subgenus under Emperiza. 

90. E. ciris. Vol. iii p- 68. This beautiful 
species, peculiar to America, is an inhabitant of 
the southern states. It is evidently a Frivema, 
and must, therefore, be called F. ciris, agreeably | 
to Cuvier and Temminck. I am at a loss to know 
why authors have arranged it under Emperiza. 
This bird and the one that Wilson so accurately 
called F’. cyanea, belong not only to the same ge- 


nus, but are very closely allied, and may be placed 
under the subgenus Spiza, if they will not consti- 
tute a small one of themselves. 


Emeeriza ciris, Linn. Gamer. Lata. 

Tangaras de Cayenne, 1. la femelle, 2. le mile appelé le 
Pape, Burr. pl. enl. 159, (male and female, the latter bad.) 

Brisson calls it Canoris ludoviciana, (vulgo Papa dicta) 
and correctly placed it in his genus Passer, (corresponding 
to Frineri1a.) 

Vieillot calls it Passeria ciris. Bartram, that 
good observer of nature, was correct in consider- 
ing it a Finch; and it is very extraordinary that 
Wilson, who adopted his name for the E. cyanea, 
did not do it also for the present species, as they 
are so similar in form and habits. 

91. E. leucophrys. Vol. iv. p. 49. This bird is 
peculiar to the northern parts of this continent, 
and is rare in the United States. I do not know 
why Wilson in his catalogue changed the name to 
that of leucocephala. - It must now be called Friy- 
citta leucophrys, agreeably to Temminck. It be- 
longs to the subgenus Spiza. 


_ Empeniza leucophrys, Guex. Latu. 
Vieillot calls it Passerina leucophrys. 

92. E. graminea. Vol. iv. p. 51. This bird is 
also peculiar to this country. Wilson supposed 
it to be new, and Vieillot adopts the same name 


without acknowledging his author. Both of these 
authors express a doubt whether it is not the 
Frineuza graminea of Gmelin and Latham. I 
have no doubt of the identity of these two species. 
Vieillot says it may be the same bird; but in that 
case authors were wrong in placing it with the 
Frivcuxez. In this remark he was himself in error, 
since the bird is a true Frincixa, without a single 
character of Emsrriza; and must be called Friv- 
GILLA graminea, as formerly named by Gmelin and 

Frineiiia graminea, Gauci. Lata. 

I do not know how Vieillot could arrange this 
bird in his restricted genus Emperiza, as he was, 
on other occasions, very particular in his reference 
of species to that genus, he ought, at least, on his 
own principles, to have placed it with his Passr- 
RINA. : 


‘This genus, which is peculiar to America, has 
been very much restricted by some ornithologists. 
Vieillot divided it into seven or eight genera, but 
with Temminck I consider it as a whole, consist- 
ing of six subgenera, corresponding to his sections, 
The three species described by Wilson belong to 
the genus Pyranea of Vieillot, which I shall adopt 
as a subgenus of Tanacra. 


93. T. rubra. Vol. ii. p. 42. This handsome 
bird, so remarkable for its different states of plu- 
mage according to age and sex, has been de- 
scribed by European writers under at least two 
different names. 


T. rubra, Linn. Guet. Lara. (adult male in full plumage.) 

Loxia mewicana, sp. 7, Linn. Gaz. sp. 18, Lar. (adult 
male in full plumage.) 

Tanaera olivacea ? Gut. Lara. (female in all states, and 
male young or in winter dress.) 

Tangara du Canada, Burr. pl. enl. 156, f. 1, (male in per- 
fect plumage.) 

Vicillot calls it Pynanea erythromelas, Brisson, Carpinaxis 
Canadensis (Tanagra.) 

94. 'T. estiva. Vol.i.p.95. At least four nomi- 
nal species, as our author correctly observes, have 
been made of this migratory bird, owing to its re- 
markable changes of plumage. 


Muscicapa rubra, Linn. 

Tanacra estiva, Guex. Lats. 

Tanacra mississippensis, Gurr. Laru. (adult male in sum- 
mer dress.) 

Tanaona variegata, Latu. (male changing.) 

Loxia virginica, Guex. (male changing.) 

Tangara du Mississippi, Burr. pl. enl. 741, (adult male in 
summer dress.) 

Vieillot calls it Pyranea estiva. Brisson, Musctcara 
enrolinensis rubra, and his Carpinanis mezicanus (Tanagra) 


is probably no other. Klein calls this bird Fainemta 

95. 'T. ludoviciana. Vol. iii. p. 27. Of this new 
bird, found by Lewis and Clarke in the western 
region, hardly any thing is known.  Vieillot calls 
it Pyranca erythropis, thus attempting to appro- 
priate to himself Wilson’s species, whose name 
must, however, be retained. 


Instead. of having been restricted like other 
genera, this genus has been enlarged by the best 
modern writers, who have placed in it all the Lin- 
nean Loxix, excepting only the cross-bills, together 
with the greater part of the Emperiza, and also a 
few species of supposed Tanacra. 

In this arrangement, Illiger, Meyer, Cuvier, and 
others have agreed; the latter author, however, 
has made a distinct genus under the name of Co- 
rytuus fora bird which he ought to have included 
in his subgenus Pyrrhula. 'Temminck separates, 
from the genus thus constituted, the subgenera 
Ploceus and Pyrrhula of Cuvier, the latter of 
which subgenera had previously been considered 
as a genus by Brisson; and on this occasion, as 
well as in many other instances, we are proud to 
agree with the ornithological oracle of our age. _ 

Vieillot, besides the Pyrrnuxa, separated also 
from Frincua, Ist, the Coccoruraustes of Brisson, 


(Loxia of Linne) which, by his own confession, 
however, would be better arranged with Frivem- 
ua; 2d, Linarta, formed for F. linaria, Linn. alone, 
but without sufficient characters even for a subge- 
nus; 3d, Passrrmva, more natural than the others, 
and with the exception of some of the species, 
ought, in my opinion, to be adopted as a subgenus, 
under a different name ; it will principally include 
those species placed by Linne, Latham, and Wil- 
son, under Emperiza, which being destitute of the 
hard knob, but principally having the upper man- 
dible wider than the lower, cannot be permitted 
to remain in it; 4th, Premo, of which he ought, in 
my opinion, to have placed the only species, at 
least, in his genus Passerina. 

In forming subdivisions of this very numerous 
genus, I shall not follow Cuvier, who makes eight 
subgenera, two of which, viz. Ploceus and Pyrrhu- 
la, with Temminck I consider as genera. Nor 
shall I adopt for these subdivisions the genera of 
Vieillot ; but, taking the three subdivisions’ of 
Temminck, I shall consider his Laticones as a sub- 
genus, under the name of Coccothraustes, agree- 
ably to Cuvier; his Brevicones as a subgenus also, 
under the name of Fringilla, corresponding to 
Cuvier’s three subgenera Fringilla, Pyrgita, and 
Vidua, the two latter having no stable characters ; 
and his Longicones as a third subgenus, under the 
name of Carduelis, corresponding to Brisson’s 
genus, and Cuvier’s subgenus of that name. To: 


these subgenera I will add a fourth, under the 
name of Spiza, corresponding, with some excep- 
tions, to Vieillot’s genus Passrriva, including such 
species as have the edges of the lower mandible 
inflected. The species, however, of the latter 
subgenus, may be dispersed, by those who think 
proper, in the other subgenera, according to the 
thickness of their bills. ‘ 

96. F. tristis. . Vol. i. p. 20. This pretty bird 
belongs to the subgenus Carduelis, and has the 
same song and habits as the F. carduelis of Eu- 
rope, which species it replaces here. It has been 
considered a distinct bird when in its winter dress, 
and improperly quoted as a variety of the F. spi- 
nus of Europe. 


F. iristis, Linn. Guew. Lara. 

F. spinus, var. y Get. (male in winter plumage.) 

Le Chardonneret du Canada, Burr. pl. enl. 202, fig. 2, 
(adult male in full plumage.) 

Tarin de la Nouvelle Yorck, Burr. pl. enl. 292, fig. 1, 
(male changing) jig. 2, (male in winter dress, erroneously 
given as a female.) 

Vieillot calls it F. tristis, and Brisson, Canpugnis ameri- 

97. F. purpurea. Vol. i. p. 119, (the figure is 
that of an adult male in full plumage.) Vol. v. p. 
87, (the figure is that ofa male in winter plumage.) 
Wilson described this bird with his usual aceura- 
cy, and under its proper name, but was incorrect 

—V Se ee 


in asserting that the F. rosea of Pallas, and the 
Loxta erythrina of Gmelin (crimson-headed Finch 
of Latham) were one and the same with his bird. 
They are, in fact, two very distinct species, be- 
longing to the genus Pyrrnuta. The former is 
peculiar to Siberia, from which country it some- 
times strays into the eastern parts of Europe, as 
far as Hungary, and the latter is common to the 
north of both continents, and will be represented 
in the first volume of my continuation of Wilson’s 
Ornithology; while the present bird is a true Friv- 
eta, forming one of the links between the sub- 
genera Coccothraustes and Fringilla, and is pecu- 
liar to this continent. 


F. purpurea, Guet. Lata. 

Brisson called it Pyrruvuta carolinensis violacea. Vieillot 
probably confounded this species with the P. erythrina, 
otherwise he would not have arranged it with the Pyranu- 
LA; since, in his Oiseaux chanteurs, he gave the same bird as 
a new species from India, under the name of Loxia rosea, 
which he afterwards changed to that of Coccoruraustes 

98. F. pusilla. Vol. ii. p. 121. This is the spe- 
cies, peculiar to America, which comes nearest to 
Emeeriza; so much so that I at first thought to 
range it under that genus. The specific name 
pusilla being pre-occupied in the latter genus, I 
was disposed to call it E. locustella, a name taken 
from its voice, which is similar to _ chirpings of 

VOL. Iv.—aveusT, 1824. 


acricket. But its great resemblance to the other 
sparrows of Wilson led me to leave it in the genus 
Frinema, forming the link between Emszriza and 
my subgenus of Frincitia, Spiza. 


Bartram called it Passer agrestis. Vieillot, Passenmva 
pusilla, but he certainly did not examine the bird closely, 
otherwise, agreeably to his principles of classification, he 
would have placed it in Empeniza, as it has the hard knob 
of the upper mandible. It is possible that Gmelin and La- 
tham had this bird in view (confounding it with another) 
when describing their E. cinerea. As to the E. pratensis of 
Vieillot, 1 am at a loss to say what it is. 

99. F. arborea. Vol. ii. p. 123. The name of 
Canadensis, adopted by Latham, must be restored 
to this species, as originally given by Brisson. It 
is peculiar to America, and belongs to the subge- 
nus Spiza, or, perhaps, to that of Fringilla. 


Frineitia monticola, Gui. 

Frainerixa canadensis, Latu. 

Frineitxia hyemalis ? Guev. Lata. 

Moineau du Canada, Burr. pl. enl. 223, f 2, (a very bad 

Brisson called it Passrr canadensis. Vieillot, Passzrina 
monticola. Wilson has thus given a new name to a bird that 
was already superabundantly provided. 

100. F. melodia. Vol. ii. p. 125. This bird is 
peculiar to this continent, and belongs to the sub- 


genus Spiza; it has the rudiment of the knob, 
which character would make it approximate to 
Empeniza, were it not for the width of the upper 
mandible. Although Wilson’s specific name is 
grammatically incorrect, yet it must be retained, 
as we have no right, in my opinion, to change any 
specific name whatever. Vieillot ranged this bird 
under Passrrina, and changed Wilson’s name to 
that of musica, which, in good Latin, signifies what 
Wilson intended; but, notwithstanding this, as I 
have before observed, Wilson’s name must be re- 
Frineitxa fasciata? Guev. Lata. 

If this synonyme was not doubtful, and if it 
would not be necessary to change the specific ap- 
pellation of a pretty African species, the Loxia 
fasciata of Gmelin and Latham, I should have re- 
stored to this species that name, in order to elimi- 
nate Wilson’s ungrammatical one. 

101. F. socialis, Vol. ii. p. 127. This pretty 
and familiar little species is also peculiar to Ame- 
rica, and was first made known by Bartram, who 
called it Passer domesticus, a name which is pre- 
occupied in this genus. Vieillot calls it Passerina 
socialis, retaining Wilson’s very appropriate spe- 
cific name. This species belongs to the subgenus 
Passerina, and has a slight rudiment of the knob. 

102. * F. nivalis. Vol. ii. p. 129. This name 


is correct; the species is common to both conti- 
nents, but is as rare and limited in its range in 
Europe, as it is common and widely extended in 
North America. The name of hudsonia, which 
Wilson substitutes in his catalogue, and which has 
consequently been adopted in the reprint of 1824, 
is only an additional name for the same species. 


Frinertxa nivalis, Linn. Guest. Laru. Temm. 

Emperiza hyemalis, Linn. Guev. Lata. 

Frineriia hyemalis, Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 10, (N. B.not of 
Gmel. and Lath. which is an incomplete state of the F. ar- 
borea of Wilson.) 

Frineitia hudsonia, GMEL. 

FRinii1a nortoniensis ? Gut. Lata. (young.) 

This bird belongs to the subgenus Frinema, 
though Vieillot calls'it Passerina hyemalis. Bar- 
tram gave it the name of Passer nivalis. Brisson, 
who was so correct in considering as varieties of 
E. nivalis those in different states of plumage, that 
other authors regarded as species, erred in the 
opposite extreme in making of this bird also a va- 
riety of the Emseniza nivalis, calling it Horruxanus. 
nivalis niger. 

103. F. pinus. Vol. ii. p. 133. This species, 
which Wilson first described, named, and. figured, 
is peculiar to this continent. Our author’s name. 
must, therefore, be retained. The species belongs 


to the subgenus Carduelis, and is allied to the F. 
spinus of Europe. 

104. F. albicollis. Vol. iii. p. 51. This hand- 
some species is peculiar to America; it belongs to 
the subgenus Fringilla, and has been considered 
as such by Vieillot himself. It has been described 
by European authors under different names, of 
which that of albicollis, though more appropriate, 
must be rejected, and that of pensylvanica of 
Brisson, having the priority, must be adopted, 
agreeably to Latham. 


Frinerita pensylvanica, Lata. 

Frinettta albicollis, Gur. 

Frinaitza striata, Guex. Lara. (young.) 

Brisson first named it Passer pensylvanicus. Bartram 
called it F. fusca. 

105. F. palustris. Vol. iii. p. 49. Peculiar to 
North America, and first noticed by Bartram, who 
called it Passer palustris. It belongs to the sub- 
genus Spiza, approaching by the slender form of. 
the bill to the subgenus Carduelis.  Vieillot calls 
it Passprina palustris. 

WV. B. The bill, in Wilson’s figure is very incor- 
rect, being much more robust than in nature. 

106. F. maritima. Vol. iv. p. 68. Anew spe- 
cies.of Wilson peculiar to America, where it is 
confined to the seashores. Vieillot calls it Passr- 
Rina maritima, but I cannot say with what reason. 


107. F. caudacuta. Vol. iv. p.'70. Wilson be- 
lieved this bird to be new; but it is no other than 
the Ortotus caudacutus of Gmelin and Latham. 
This fortunate coincidence in the name is owing 
to a suspicion our author entertained of the iden- 
tity of his bird and the F. caudacuta of Latham. 
But. as they are, in reality, two different species, 
our author’s specific name ought to be changed, 
were it not for another fortunate circumstance, 
which is, that Latham’s F. caudacuta is probably 
a nominal species. It is, therefore, to be hoped, 
that Wilson’s name can be permitted to remain. 
This bird is very closely allied to the preceding, 
with which it may constitute a small distinct sub- 

Ortotus caudacutus, Gue., Lata. 

For this synonyme I am indebted to Mr. Ord, 
who has recently inserted it (sharp tailed Oriole) 
in the reprint of 1824. Vieillot gives it the name 
of Passeriva caudacuta. 

108. F. savanna. Vol. iv. p. 72, (male.) Vol. 
iii. p. 55, (female.) This new species of Wilson — 
is peculiar to this continent, and belongs to the 
subgenus Spiza. Vieillot calls it Passeriva savan- 
na. It is to be regretted that our author gave to 
this bird a name so similar to that of another spe- 
cies, the F’. savannarum, Guet., more especially as 


in the English language the two names are iden- 

109. F. rufa. Vol. iii. p. 53. Wilson adopted 
Bartram’s name, but he afterwards corrected him- 
self, by calling it F. ferruginea in his catalogue. 
It is probably owing to a typographical error that 
the species is there marked as new. I agree with 
Wilson that the species is both the F. ferruginea 
and Emseriza ferruginea of authors; but as other 
writers are of the contrary opinion, we must se- 
lect, amongst the numerous synonymes of this 
species, one the least doubtful, and we shall 
find that the name of F’. iliaca, having been given 
by Merrem in 1786, must be adopted. It is not 
surprising, however, that Wilson should not have 
discovered this synonyme, as authors have erro- 
neously stated the length to be seven and nine 
inches. It has the appearance of being a large 
bird, and is, in fact, the largest of the American 
species that have been considered as sparrows. 
Its size has been stated to be equal to that of the 
Starling, and haying only the dried skin, authors 
may perhaps have resorted to the measure of that 
bird for this. It belongs to the subgenus Fruv- 


Faineitta iliaca, Guew. Lara. 
Frinatiua ferruginea, Guet. Lata. 
Emperiza ferruginea ? Gust. Latu. 


Empeniza cinerea? Guex. Lata. (This is, in my opinion, 
a confused description and history of the present species, 
and the Frinerta pusilla of Wilson.) 

Vieillot, in the Nouveau Dictionnaire d’ Histoire 
Naturelle, calls this bird F. iliaca, and gives a very 
good description of it, correcting also the error of 
its length, which is in reality but six inches. The 
Emeeniza pratensis of the same author, in respect 
to which he corrects so many errors of other writ- 
ers, seems to me to be also no other than the F. 
tliaca, and I am led to think that Vieillot did not 
speak of it autoptically. Edwards’ figure of the 
“little Sparrow” may be intended for this bird, 
but, if so, the figure is too small. It is remarkable 
that Vieillot has not mentioned the length of his 
E. pratensis. But be these conjectures as they 
may, the species is well fixed by Wilson’s excel- 
lent figure, and the E. pratensis does not, to my 
knowledge, exist in nature. 

110. * F. linaria. Vol. iv. p. 42, and Vol. ix. p. 
126. This pretty bird is common to the north of 
both continents, and belongs to the subgenus Car- 
duelis. Vieillot makes a genus for it alone, as his 
second species is merely a variety of size. 


F. linaria, Linn. Guet. Lara. Temm. 

F. flavirostris, Linn. Guet. Lara. 

Le Cabaret, Burr. pl. enl. 485, fig. 2, (male.) 

Wilsen errs in quoting,.as a synonyme, the Planch. enl. 


i51, f. 2, which is a fine adult male of the European F. 

111. F. passerina. Vol. iii. p. 76. ‘This species, 
which Wilson regarded as new, belongs to the 
subgenus Spiza, and is one of those which have 
the knob strongly marked. A better classifica- 
tion of the great genus Frivet.ra is certainly want- 
ing, but, in my opinion, the following species of 
Wilson, Emseriwza americana, E. leucophrys, Frw- 
ata socialis, passerina, melodia, savanna, &c. can 
never be separated in any natural arrangement. 


Frineiita caudacuta? Laru. (young.) 
Frinei.ia savannarum? Gme.. Lara. (very old male.) 

If this latter synonyme were not doubtful, the 
species ought to be exclusively known by that 
name which has the priority, or by that of Brisson, 
who calls it Passer jamaicensis. The Passerina 
pratensis of Vieillot, though given as a new spe- 
cies, is evidently this bird. He is, therefore, cen- 
surable for not quoting Wilson, whose work he | 
had, doubtless, constantly before him. If the 
statement of Vieillot were correct, that the only 
difference between Frineitia and Emperiza was in 
the hard knob, this species he ought to have ar- 
ranged in Emperiza; but the principal difference 
is, as I stated above, in the external form of the 

VoL. Iv.—avausT, 1824. 9 


112. F. cyanea. Vol. i. p. 100. Wilson exhibit- 
ed his usual accuracy, by placing this bird in the 
genus Frineia, although it had previously been 
arranged in Tanacra and Emperiza. It is peculiar 
to this continent. Its various changes of plumage 
have given rise to the introduction of several no- 
minal species, 


Tanacra cyanea, Linn. 

Emseriza cyanea, Guex. Lara. 

Emperiza cyanella, Guew. 

Emperiza cerulea, Gmev. Lara. (male moulting.) 

Tanacra cerulea, Gun. Lara. 

Moineau bleu de Cayenne, Burr. pl. enl. 203, f. 2, (adult 
male in full plumage.) 

Vieillot calls it Passeriva cyanea. Brisson, Tancara ca- 
rolinensis cerulea, and (in its imperfect state) Emperiza 
canadensis cerulea. Bartram, Linania cyanea, having dis- 
covered its alliance with Friveia, which probably led 
Wilson to call it F. cyanea. 

The species is so closely allied to the Emperiza 
ciris, that it is impossible to think by what reason 
our author, who followed nature in the present 
case, followed writers in the other. They are not 
only of the same genus, but evidently of the same 
subgenus, (Spiza,) and might, perhaps, together, 
form a small distinct one. © 




Description of the Os Hyoides of the Mastodon. 
By Joun D. Govan, M. D. Lecturer on Anatomy 
and Physiology. \ 

[Reap sone 8, 1824.] 

The Os Hyoides is one of the few parts of the 
bony system, belonging to this interesting genus, 
which has not yet been described. 

The specimen, from which this description is 
made, consists of the whole of the basis, with the 
appendix and cornu of the left side. The appen- 
dix and cornu of the right side were either not 
found originally, or have been lost since the erec- 
tion of the fine skeleton in the Philadelphia Mu- 
seum, to which this os hyoides belonged. But as 
we have the left side nearly entire, with the whole 
of the basis or central anterior portion, there is no 
difficulty in forming a sufficiently accurate idea of 
the character of this bone. 

The figure of the basis bears a considerable re- 
semblance to the ordinary shape of the os hyoi- 
des in man and other animals at the anterior part, 
being curved at the extremities, so that both the 
outside and inside of the bone have a semicircular 

The basis or anterior portion is thick, strong, 
and convex externally; the whole surface, espe- 
cially in the centre, being rough and irregular, as 
if for the attachment of muscles. At the upper 


and anterior part, the rough bone rises in the cen- 
tre about the eighth of an inch above the convexity 
of the inside of the bone, having, at both extremi- 
ties, a groove which is perceptible nearly all round 
at the base of this projection. 

On the inside of the basis, and immediately be- 
low the projection at the upper edge, the surface 
is rounded and smooth, having no other markings 
than slight furrows for nutritious vessels; the 
thickness increases until within half an inch of 
the lower edge, where there is a projecting line 
which forms an irregular semicircular sweep to- 
wards both the articulating surfaces. A little to 
the right of the centre of this lme, a depression 
commences, which is about an inch in length, and 
gives the greatest degree of depth to the inside 
of the basis, as will be seen in the subsequent 

The articulating surfaces both descend below 
the level of the body of the basis, so that if the 
bone be placed on a plane, and inclined backwards, 
it is supported on these extremities, forming an 
arch, whose centre is that of the depression before 
noted. When the basis is.placed fairly ona plane, 
it rests on one obliquely flattened inferior surface, 
and we may form some idea of the obliquity of 
the direction of the whole os hyoides, supposing 
the appendix and cornu to be properly attached. 

The articulating surfaces are rough, that of the 
right side most so; both are obliquely curved in- 


wards toward the upper edge of the bone; the 
right side presenting most of this obliquity. The 
upper edge of the right articulating surface pro- 
jects more than the left, forming at its anterior 
part an evident tuberosity. 

The appendix of the os hyoides has, at its ante- 
rior extremity, a deep and rough surface, the cavity 
appearing as if an epiphysis had been broken off-* 
This extremity is placed obliquely on the extremi- 
ty of the bone, the outer part of which, in approach- 
ing the basis, forms an inclined plane of an inch 
and a half in breadth on its upper surface, gradu- 
ally blending with the middle line of the bone on 
the outside. Below this, the bone is flattened to- 
ward the perpendicular, being continuous with 
the lower edge of the whole shaft. The upper 
edge of the appendix, at a short distance from the 
anterior articulation, becomes gradually sharp, and 
this sharpness increases till it ends at the posterior 
articulation. The outside of the appendix is regu- 
larly convex, until within three inches of the pos- 
terior extremity, where it expands to more than 
twice the breadth of the shaft. The inside of the 
appendix is compressed at the centre of the shaft, 
entirely flattened, and slightly concave from within 

* The appearance of the extremities of the basis and appen- 
dix is such as to induce the belief that an epiphysis has been 
removed from each. There is ne data on which we can found 
an opinion of the exact amount of substance lost, although it is 
probable that from one to three inches have thus been removed 
from the total extent of the os hyoides. 


three inches of the posterior, and also flattened at 
the anterior extremity, except where the articulat- 
ing surface is strengthened by the bone being con- 
tinued for the distance of two inches, projecting 
at first about the fourth of an inch, and terminat- 
ing imperceptibly in the sharp inferior edge of 
this bone. 

The figure of the posterior extremity of the 
appendix is that of about one-third of an irregular 
segment of a circle, two inches in diameter; the 
inferior part being the most regular; the superior 
being broader and rougher, and terminating above 
in a round and smooth tuberosity. Immediately 
below this, there is on the outer surface a curved 
indentation, apparently forming a part of a small 
articulating surface at the upper and outer portion 
of the posterior extremity of the appendix. 

The cornu differs from the base and appendix 
by having but one articulating surface on its ante- 
rior extremity, which is irregularly triangular, 
deep, and unequal. Immediately behind the ar- 
ticulation it is almost cylindrical, but gradually 
grows flatter towards the inferior edge, terminat- 
ing at length by a broad and flattened surface, two 
inches and a half from the articulation, curving 
inwards slightly at the inner edge. The rest of 
the cornu forms a considerable angle with this 
part of the bone, rising upwards, gradually becom- 
ing smaller, continuing to the posterior extremity 
thinner on its lower, and rounded on its upper sur- 
face. On the inside, and near the posterior part. 


the inner surface rises so as to form a prominent 
line. The whole of the basis, appendix, and cor- 
nu, have not been fossilized, but still retain the 
characters of bone. 

I am indebted to Mr. Rembrandt Peale, who 
was particularly engaged in the exhumation of the 
two most perfect skeletons of the Mastodon that 
have yet been obtained, for the following interest- 
ing particulars. The morass, which contained the 
Mammoth bones, was sounded by means of long 
pointed rods, shod with iron. On the removal of 
the mud, after finding some resistance made to 
the rod, an entire under jaw bone was discover- 
ed, over the top of which the scapula of the ani- 
mal was so placed as to form a covering to the 
space between the rami of the jaw. When the 
scapula was raised, the bones of the os hyoides 
were found lying within the jaw, thus being pro- 
tected from the effect of the fluctuations which 
had scattered the other small bones to various dis- 
tances, previous to the hardening and fixing of the 

Measurements of the basis—From the commencement 
of one articulating surface to the other, over the middle of 
the bone, on the outside, four inches and three-eighths. 

In like manner. on. the inside, three inches and five-six- 

Depth of the bone measured in the centre on the inside, 
one inch and a half. 
on the outside, one inch and one-eighth. 

Height of right articulating surface, one inch and three- 


Breadth of the same, seven-eighths of an inch. 

Perpendicular height of left articulating surface, one inch 
and one-eighth. 

Diagonally, from the upper and inner to the lower and 
anterior edge, one inch and three-eighths. 

Length of the appendix, seven inches and re 
on the outside. 
on the inside, six inches and a half. 

Height of anterior articulating surface, one inch and five- 

Breadth, one inch and one-eighth. 

Posterior articulating surface, measuring the whole semi- 
circle, two inches and seven-eighths, 

Breadth of the same, seven-sixteenths of an inch. 

Circumference of the appendix in the centre, two inches 
and one-eighth. 

Breadth of the appendix (externally) behind the anterior 
articulating surface, one inch and eleven-sixteenths, 

Breadth, (externally) just before the posterior articulating 
surface, one inch and thirteen-sixteenths. 

Length of the cornu, eight inches and one-sixteenth on 
both sides. 

Breadth through the angle, one inch. 

Circumference midway between the angle and articula- 
tion, one inch and a half. 

midway between the angle and extremity, 

one inch and one-sixteenth. 

At the posterior extremity, five-eighths of an inch. 


Fig. 1. Basis, front view, 2-3 nat, size. 
2. Appendix, 9 is 
3. Cornu, er 
4. Sketch of bones in irae position. 


Description of a testaceous formation at Anastasia 
Island, extracted from notes made on a journey 
to the southern part of the United States, during 
the winter of 1822 and 1823. By R. Dietz. 

[Reap sung 8, 1824.] 

Anastasia Island, opposite St. Augustine, along 
the coast of East Florida, is about 10 or 12 miles 
from north to south, and about 13 miles from east 
to west, and has, perhaps, not more than 10 or 12 
feet elevation above the level of the ocean, and is 
from 2 to 3 miles distance from-the shore. 

A considerable portion of the northern, and, 
perhaps, the substratum of the remaining part of 
the island, is composed of an aggregate of frag- 
ments of various shells. This occurs in horizontal 
stratified layers, which easily separate into slabs 
at certain horizontal divisions, owing to some fo- 
reign matter very thinly interposed between the 
layers, which prevented their conglutination. 
These layers are from an inch to a foot and a half 
in thickness. The fragments of shells, composing 
them, are of various sizes, some larger, and some 
smaller: sometimes even fragments of various 
sizes, together with some entire shells, occur in 
one and the same layer. 

Previously to being exposed to the air, any cut- 
ting tool will easily penetrate, and in that state the 

slabs are at once cut to the size required. When 
VOL. Iv.—avuGusT, 1824. 10 


exposed to the air, they gradually become indu- 
rated, and this appears also to happen when they 
are exposed to the action of sea water. 

This rock, if so it may be called, has been made 
use of in the neighbourhood of St. Augustine since 
about the year 1565. The Fort St. Mark, at St. 
Augustine, is built of this material, cut in square 
blocks of about two feet and a half long, two wide, 
and one thick. The church, the government-house, 
and the Keys along the sea shore, are constructed 
of it. 

It is considered well calculated for the use of 
fortification; as, by its spongy nature, it will re- 
ceive the balls, without permitting them to pass 
through or glance off, and without being shattered 
to pieces. 

When we consider the particles of thins aggre- 
gated mass, and compare the smaller with the 
larger grained varieties, we find the smaller grain- 
ed more homogeneous: the larger grained contain 
often some foreign matter, perhaps the gelatinous 
remains of the fossil shells? in its cavities. There 
is a more distinct sparry arrangement, eharacter- 
istic of fossil, in the smaller than in the larger 
grained variety. On the surface of the particles 
of the small grained variety, not unfrequently a 
kind of confused crystallization is apparent. There 
are even some of the small grained layers, where, 
by the intermixture of such crystallization, the 
particles are in so close contact, that the appear- 
ance of shell is, if not quite oblitexated, at least. 


but very obscure. The larger grained varieties 
are composed of some particles evidently fossil, 
of others, where the fossil character is doubtful, 
and of some that have even not yet lost their 
colouring matter. 

The accumulation, the piney increase, and the 
stratigraphical arrangement of this shell mass, on 
a more minute examination, appear to have been 
the result of the agitation of the tides and winds. 
A quantity of shells, continually carried by the 
regular tides towards the shore, and carried off 
again by the constant repulsion of the waves, and 
the retiring tides, have been deposited at no great 
distance from the shore. Indeed, every reef and 
sand-bank along the sea shore appears to be of the 
same origin. At times, such shells must have been 
considerably fractured, if, before being deposited 
there, they were subject to the more violent action 
of both the winds and tides, combined towards the 
same quarter, by which they were thrown up and 
superadded to the accumulated mass. Finally, 
the smallest triturated shells must be the product 
of the two agitating powers, counteracting one 

Thus every change in these perpetually agi- 
tating agents, created and deposited such. frag- 
ments as resulted from the efficacy of their re- 
spective powers, either larger, smaller, or mixed 
particles. Yet it may naturally be supposed, that 
such fragments as were carried up by the counter- 
acting violence of winds and tides, and thus de- 


posited as the uppermost layers, must have been 
triturated into very small particles: as also, that 
the lowermost depositions, not having been so 
much subject to the violent agitation of winds 
and tides, must mostly consist of the largest frag- 
ments and entire shells. Between these lower- 
most and uppermost layers, a gradual transition 
from the coarse to the fine grain must necessarily 
exist : for the particles nearer to the lower deposi- 
tion, having suffered less agitation, must be larger; 
whilst those deposited above, having required a 
more violent action of the winds and tides to raise 
them to the place where they are deposited, must 
have been more fractured. By occasional hurri- 
canes, however, even large entire shells were 
thrown up, and thus deposited amongst the up- 
permost smaller triturated particles. 

Those minute quantities of foreign matter, pro- 
bably vegetable substance, may have been depo- 
sited between every two layers, without interrup- 
tion of time, by an incidental high tide, which now 
and then overflowed the adjacent lands, and which, 
on retiring, carried that matter with it. 

In that manner, this mass of various shell frag- 
ments was heaped up, strata after strata, as high 
as the highest spring tide could ever attain. 

This theory, not requiring any far-fetched ex- 
traordinary phenomena, founded only upon the 
daily occurrences in that region, appears further 
confirmed, if we may judge, Ist, by the materials 


that have been used to build the fort and other 
ancient buildings of St. Augustine, all probably 
taken from the very surface, as but very slight 
excavations are found on the island; the upper- 
most layers must have been the smallest grained, 
and certainly smaller than those below them. 2d, 
In the more recent excavations, the lower strata 
are generally larger grained, and those above them 
smaller grained. As to the lowermost depositions, 
not yet laid open to our view, the state of that 
island does not admit of a closer examination, and 
of course this must remain a problem, subject to 
future researches. 

On viewing these specimens out of place, it 
might appear as if they owe their various degrees 
of consistency, and their more or less advanced 
fossil state, to their different ages; yet, on exa- 
mining the local arrangement in which this con- 
glomerate is deposited, as before stated, it will be 
found, that the more compact degree of its con- 
sistency, and its more advanced fossil state, does 
not depend on the greater length of time of its 
having been deposited: for those layers, composed 
of the smaller triturated fragments, which are of 
amore solid consistency, and in an entire fossil 
state, generally accompanied by an apparent con- 
fused crystallization, are the uppermost, and of 
course the last and most recent of the series of 
depositions. We may thus fairly conclude, that 
the crystallizing and petrifactive causes, both, 


perhaps, influenced by electricity, are more ac- 
‘tive above than beneath the level of the sea. 

We can hardly doubt but that this mass is an 
embryo of a future shell-marble. And why may 
not we infer that those beautiful secondary shell- 
marbles, the Lumachella from Bleyberg, Carin- 
thia; the Irish Kilkenny ; the French Griotte ; the 
variegated limestone in the neighbourhood of 
Hudson, N. Y. and so many others, the origin of 
which has given rise to so numerous hypotheses, 
have really no other origin than that which we 
have just described. 

By permission of my very esteemed and learn- 
ed friend Mr. Thomas Say, I add, as a valuable 
addition to the above paper, his notes of various 
shells composing that aggregated mass, viz. 

Fossil shells found in a shell mass from Anastasia Island. 

1. Arca pexata, nobis. It is nota little singular that this 
shell, and the six next following, so common on our coast at 
the present day, should be found here in a fossil state. 

2. Arca ponderosa, nobis. ‘This shell also, which is very 
common in the fossil state, is found recent on the southern 
coast. But I have not found any fossil specimens so ~— 
as a recent one in my cabinet. 

3. Arca incongrua, nobis. Several small ivagialaite of a 
shell, which I believe to have been identical with the recent 
species of this name, occurred in the mass. 

4. Arca transversa, nobis. A tolerably perfect young shell, 

and many fragments of full sized individuals; but this spe- 
cies is not so abundant as either of the preceding. 

5. Lurraraa canaliculata, nobis. Three small portions of 


the hinge margin of a species, which I believe to be the 
canaliculata. The greatest part of this shell is so thin, that 
we are not surprised that it should have been comminuted ; 
we should, however, expect to find part of the umbo and 
the entire hinge fosset, but no trace of either has as yet 
been discovered. 

6. Mactra. Numerous fragments of a small species which 
is probably M. lateralis, nobis. All the specimens, however, 
when perfect, must have been smaller than the average size 
ofthose now existing on our shores. 

7. Donax. Fragments of a species of this genus seem to- 
be next, in point of frequency, to those of the Arca, and 
few were obtained nearly entire; as far as I could 
judge, by comparison, the species is the same with the D. 
variabilis, nobis. Some of the fragments have not yet alto- 
gether lost the fine purplish colour of the inner side of the 
shell. : a 

8. Crepiputa. A single specimen, too imperfect to ad- 
mit of a specific decision. 

9. Luciwa. A single, young, and imperfect specimen. 

10. Arca. Besides the species of Arca above enume- 
rated, there are some fragments of another species, proba- 
bly now extinct upon our coast, or, if still existing, extremely 
rare. It is possible this may prove to be the A. candida, 
Gm. as it has intermediate smaller strie towards the an- 
terior end. 

Fragments of several other shells were obtained from 
the mass, but they were too imperfect to justify even the 
hazard of a conjecture respecting their affinity. It will be 
observed that all the species here mentioned are bivalves, 
not the smailest determinable portion of a univalve was 
observed: from which circumstance we may conclude that 
the island is almost exclusively formed of bivalve shells, 
and chiefly of the genus Area. 


In a smal) mass in the possession of Dr. Hays, I observed 
a young indeterminable species of the genus Navica, and 
two specimens of a small Oxiva, also too imperfect to be 
determined. A mass in the Philadelphia Museum contains 
a fragment of Nassa ¢trivittata, nobis. ) 

Description of a new species of Fish of the Lin- 
nean genus Perca. By J. Giuxiams. 

[Reap avueusr 3, 1824.] 

Angling some weeks ago in one of the fish ponds 
at Harrowgate, I had the good fortune to take three 
individuals of a species of Linnean Perca that was 
altogether new to me, and on reference to the 
works of the principal authors who have written 
on the science of Ichthyology, I have not been 
able to find any notice whatever of this species. 
I may further state the somewhat remarkable fact, 
that although many persons have angled frequent- 
ly in the same pond, yet this fish was not known 
to have been previously caught there, and being 
desirous of securing more specimens, I have fre- 
quently since endeavoured to obtain ge? but 
without success. 

The following is a description « of this new spe- 



S. Sayanus, pl. iii. Body oblong, thick : head 
above, destitute of scales, and much grooved : the 
mouth of moderate size, scarcely reaching to the 
line of the anterior canthus of the eye : jaws near- 
ly equal ; the inferior a little longer; both of them, 
together with the palate, furnished with very nu- 
merous, conic, somewhat incurved teeth: eyes of 
moderate size; the suborbitals spinous on both 
edges: preoperculum serrated in its posterior 
angle; the posterior segment serrated with nu- 
merous spines, excepting at its superior and ante- 
rior terminations: operculum rather large: back 
gradually a little elevated from the upper jaw to 
the commencement of the dorsal fin, from which 
point it declines to the termination of this fin: 
tail deep, and not suddenly contracted beyond 
the body : lateral line very slightly arquated from 
its origin to its termination : pectoral fins obovate, 
and not extending quite as far as opposite to the 
tip of the ventrals: ventrals rounded at the tip, 
reaching hardly half the distance to the origin of 
the anal fin: anal fin prominent and rounded; 
the first spinous ray very short; second, half the 
length of the soft rays: dorsal fin very short, being 
not longer than the interval between its termina- 
tion and the origin of the caudal fin; the first spi- 
nous ray very small, scarcely half the length of 

VOL. Iv.—avausT, 1824. “a 


the second, which is half as long as the third, and 
the latter is about half the length of the fourth ; 
the soft rays are about one-third longer than the 
fourth spinous ray: caudal fin rounded: scales 
rounded, ciliated: colour, above blackish-brown, 
becoming paler towards the inferior surface, 
which is light yellowish; fins, excepting the ven- 
trals, dusky. 

B. 6. P..10. V.7. <A. 27. D. 4 hard and 
12 soft. ©. 17. 

Total length four inches and a half. 

It is somewhat difficult to determine to which 
of the genera, in the modern systems, this species 
belongs. Its naked, grooved head, led me at first 
to refer it to the genus Aceria of Cuvier, but the 
strong character of the spinous suborbital, agree- 
ing very well with Scoxorsis of the same author, I 
have referred it, without hesitation, to that genus. 


Descriptions of Coteorrsrous Insects collected in 
the late Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, 
performed by order of Mr. Calhoun, Secretary 
of War, under the command of Major Long. 
By Tuomas Say, Zoologist to the Expedition. 

[ReaD ocroser 22, 1823. Concluded.] 

ALTICA, Geoff: Latr. 

1. A. gibbitarsa. Rufous; antenne black; ely- 
tra green; thorax spotted. 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Body rufous, glabrous, ovate : head with an im- 
pressed, frontal line: antenne blackish : thorax 
three-spotted; dorsal spot double ; lateral ones 
smaller and rounded: scutel purplish-bronze : ely- 
tra green, polished; punctures obsolete, irregular: 
beneath yellowish-rufous: thighs rufous : tibia and 
tarsi blackish; terminal joint of the posterior tarsi 
very gibbous, almost spherical near the claws. 

Length less than one-fourth of an inch. 

2. A. vians. Thorax yellowish, with a trans- 
verse, black spot; head and elytra black. 

- Inhabits the United States. 

Altica vians. Knoch in Melsh. Catal. 

Head black: thorax yellowish; a transverse, 
black spot, not undulated, occupying nearly all 
the disk : elytra greenish-black, with minute, equi- 
distant punctures : beneath black : pectus, on each 


side, excepting a small black spot, yellowish: ven- 
ter margined with rufous: terminal joint of the 
posterior tarsi gibbous near the claws. 

Length nearly one-fourth of an inch. 

3. A. scripticollis. Black; thorax yellowish, 
with a transverse, undulated spot; venter yellow. 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Body oval, black, glabrous, minutely punctured: 
head with a transverse, rufous, frontal spot, and 
another very small one at the base of each anten- 
na: thorax yellow; a transverse, undulated spot 
occupying more than two-thirds of the transverse 
diameter : scutel impunctured, rounded at tip: ely- 
tra black, immaculate: pectus yellowish: venter 
pale yellowish; terminal joint of the posterior 
tarsi gibbous near the claws. . 

Length nearly one-fourth of an inch. 

Very like the preceding, but may be distin- 
guished by the frontal spot, and by the ay 
litterate form of the thoracic spot. 

4, A. triangularis. Black; thorax rhaiiitie 
with three black points placed triangularly. 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Body oval, black, glabrous: thorax yellowish, 
with three black points placed triangularly, the 
two anterior ones orbicular, the posterior one 
linear, very short: elytra violaceous-black, and, as 
well as the thorax, minutely punctured: pectus, 
excepting the origin of the feet, — terminal 
joint of the tarsi simple. 


Length about one-fourth of an inch. 

‘Remarkable by the triangular position of the 
black thoracic points. 

5. A. bimarginata. Blue; thorax with an im- 
pressed, transverse line; elytra:with a much ele- 
vated line near the margin. 

Inhabits Missouri. 

‘Body oblong-oval, blue, minutely punctured : 
antenne black: thorax with an impressed, trans- 
vefse, rectilinear line behind the middle, attaining 
the lateral margins, and another impressed line 
before, which is interrupted in the middle and 
abbreviated each side: elytra with an elevated, 
submarginal line each side, originating on the hu- 
merus, and nearly parallel with the exterior edge. 

Length from one-fifth to one fourth of an inch. 

_ The posterior thighs are much less dilated than 
those of collaris, Fabr. 

6. A. 5-vittata. Yellowish; thorax four or five- 
spotted; elytra five-lined. 

-Inhabits Missouri. 

Body oblong-oval, yellowish, glabrous: antenne 
black; three basal joints rufous beneath: thorax 
with an abbreviated, black line on the middle of 
the posterior submargin, and a semicircular series 
of four equal, equidistant, suborbicular, black spots; 
posterior edge concave at the scutel: scutel black: 
elytra with a common sutural fillet; each elytron 
with a fillet originating at the humerus, and ter- 
minating near the tip, and another marginal, less 


dilated fillet confluent with the sutural vitta at tip; 
region of the origin of the posterior feet black: 
thighs rufous: tarsi, and a line on the superior 
edge of the two anterior pairs of thighs, together 
with a line on the inferior edge of the tibia, black. 

Length more than three-tenths of an inch. 

The arrangement of the lines of the elytra are 
similar to those of A. caroliniana, Fabr. The head 
is sometimes black at base, and the two interme- 
diate thoracic dots are confluent. 

Found in considerable numbers on the com- 
mon Elder (Samsucus,) and some other plants. 
On the evening of the 16th of June, I observed 
great numbers of these flying in a south-east di- 
rection from near St. Louis, obliquely across the 
Mississippi towards an island, the wind at the same 
time blowing moderately from the eastward ; the 
subsequent evening, about the same hour, they 
returned by the same route reversed, the wind 

directly opposing them; both of these days were 
very warm. During our progress up the Missouri 
river, I observed, several times, similar migrations 
of this species. 

7. A. nana. Cupreous or brassy, polished; be- 
neath blackish; antenne and feet rufous; elytra 

Inhabits the United States. 

Body green, cupreous or golden, polished, punc- 
tured: head impunctured: antenne rufous; second 
joint nearly as long as the third: eyes brown: tho- 


vax with numerous irregular, large punctures; a 
transverse, impressed, conspicuous, rectilinear 
line behind the middle, near the lateral margin 
abruptly reflected backwards, and terminating at 
the basal edge ; edge blue: scutel violaceous : ely- 
tra with impressed striz, in which are large, pro- 
found, quadrate punctures; edge blue: beneath 
black : feet rufous. 

Length about one-tenth of an inch. 

Seems to be closely allied to A. helxines, but 
the posterior thighs are never black, as those of 
that insect are described to be. 

8. A. picta. Sanguineous; elytra blue; wae 
pectus and venter black. 

Inhabits the United States. 

A. sanguinicollis?_ Melsh. Catal. 

Body ovate: head sanguineous: eyes brown: 
antenna fuscous, pale at base: thorax sanguineous; 
posterior angles very obtusely rounded: scutel 
dark violaceous, rounded at tip: elytra blue, po- 
lished, with minute, distant punctures : postpectus 
and venter deep black : feet pale rufous: posterior 
thighs piceous each side and above. 

Length one-tenth of an inch. 

A beautiful little species. 

9. A. senilis. Pale yellow; elytra green; suture 
and exterior edge yellowish. 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Body pale yellow, punctured : eyes fuscous: an- 
tenne a little dusky at tip: thorax, punctures in- 


distinet; an indented, transverse line near the 
base: scutel subacute at tip: elytra green; a com- 
mon sutural fillet, exterior and terminal edges, and 
epipleura, yellowish; punctures irregularly dis- 
posed : posterior thighs but little dilated. 

Length less than three-twentieths of an inch. 

10. A. centralis. Black; thorax with a yellow 
lateral spot; elytra with a large common rufous 

Inhabits Missouri Territory. 

Body oval-orbicular, deep black, polished, with 
short dense hairs: antenne and palpi pale yellow- 
ish: thoraz, lateral margins yellow : elytra with a 
large, oblong, common, rufous spot on the middle: 
thighs at tip, tebia and tarsi, pale rufous. 

Length rather more than one-tenth of an inch. 

11. A. uniguttata. Black; thorax rufous, with 
a black spot; elytra black; two vitte and margin 

Inhabits the United States. 

Body black, impunctured : front rufous: thorax 
rufous; a large, black, central spot, sometimes con- 
nected with a smaller one each side, yellowish or 
pale : elytra, with obsolete punctures, black; two 
equal, yellowish vitte joining at the tip, of which 
one is subsutural, and the other originating om the 
humerus; exterior edge yellowish : pectus yellow: 
venter, margin rufous: feet rufous: tarst black. 

Length more than one-fourth of an inch. 

Var. a. Feet black; front black. 


The variety is from near the Rocky Mountains. 
This species is related to A. 5-vittata, to carolini- 
ana, Fabr. and also to horticola, and probably to 
glabrata, Fabr. 

TRIPLAX, Latr. (Regné Animal.) 

1. 'T. thoracica. Pale rufous; elytra black. 

Inhabits the United States. 

Ips bicolor. Melsh. Catal. 

Body pale rufous, punctured ; eyes and ithteinee, 
excepting the basal joints, black: elytra with regu- 
lar series of deeply impressed punctures ; intersti- 
tial lines with a somewhat regular, omaee series 
of smaller punctures. 

Length one-fifth of an inch. 

I change the name given by Mr. Melsheimer, 
as it is pre-occupied in this genus. 

2. T. sanguinipennis. Black; elytra and abdo- 
men rufous. 

- Inhabits the United States. 

_ Tritoma bicolor. Melsh. Catal. 

Body black, minutely and rather distantly punc- 
tured: antenna, intermediate joints pele rufous: 
palpi whitish : elytra pale rufous, with _ : 
striz : abdomen pale rufous. y 

Length less than one-fifth of an inch. 

The word bicolor is pre-occupied in this genus. 

3. T. biguttata. Black, with a spot at the base 

of each elytron; beneath yellowish. 
VOL. IvV.—aveusT, 1824. 12 


Inhabits the United States. 
- Tritoma biguttatum. Knoch in Melsh. Catal. 
Body punctured, black, yellowish beneath: head 
dull piceous, darker on the disk : elytra with punc- 
tured, slightly impressed strie, each with a large, 
basal, yellowish-rufous spot extending from the 
scutel to the humeral angle, and hardly attaining 
the middle of the elytron. 
Length less than three-twentieths of an inch. 
A common species. 

PHALACRUS, Payk. Latr. 

1. P. pallipes. Piceous-black, polished; anten- 
ne, palpi and feet testaceous. 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Body deep piceous-black, highly polished, im- 
maculate : antenne and palpi pale testaceous; ter- 
minal joint of the former much largest, abruptly 
narrowed at tip: thorax with minute, obsolete 
punctures each side; angles acute; an obsolete, 
indented spot at the posterior angle ; base dilated 
somewhat in the region of the scutel : elytra with 
obsolete, remote series of punctures, rather ‘more 
distinct near the external margin; two impunc- 
tured striz near the suture on each elytron: pee- 
tus and venter with a few yellow hairs: feet pale 
testaceous, with scattered hairs. 

Length not quite one-tenth of an inch. 

In considerable numbers on plants near the 


Konza village. The elytra appear perfectly 
smooth and polished to the eye, and to an ordi- 
nary magnifier. 

2. P. penicillatus. Black, glabrous, oval; thighs 
ciliate at tip. 

Inhabits the United States. 

Body oval, entirely deep black, glabrous, im- 
punctured, polished: antenne piceous-black, with 
sparse, short sete; terminal joints with cinereous, 
short pubescence: thorax minutely punctured ; 
angles subacute: elytra, humeral angle subacute, 
with obsolete, distant series of punctures, and an 
impressed stria near the suture: thighs ciliate at 
the inferior tip: tibia piceous, black: venter with 
reflected hairs. 

Rather larger than the preceding species. 

Found near Engineer Cantonment. _ 

It differs from pailipes in its differently coloured 
feet, and ciliate tip of the thighs. In many parts 
of the United States, this species is found in the 
seed vessels of such plants of wheat as are de- 
stroyed by the parasitic vegetable called Simut. 

AGATHIDIUM, Illig. Latr. 

A. pallidum. Body yellowish-testaceous; ely- 
tra with very minute, transverse lines. 

Inhabits Missouri. 

- Body oval, convex, pellenrialitednecian: gla-. 
brous: head with a few hairs beneath the edge : 


eyes prominent, hemispherical, black: palpi sub- 
ulate : antenna hirsute, clavate; club oblong, per- 
foliate; second joint of the club minute: thorax 
impunctured: scutel minute: elytra rugose in 
transverse, very minute lines: thighs with very 
minute spines above: éibia with prominent, rigid 

Length more than three-twentieths of an inch. 

A single specimen occurred under wood, at 
Engineer Cantonment. 


1. C. undulata. Black; exterior margin of the 
thorax, and undulated exterior margin and spot 
of the elytra, yellowish. 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Body deep black, punctured: head slightly 
hairy before; punctures obsolete: antenna yel- 
lowish-testaceous : thorax with acute punctures; 
lateral margin white : scutel triangular; tip acute: 
elytra, punctures dilated, slightly indented; a large 
white spot on the centre of each, and an undulated, 
white exterior margin ; undulations three: feet yel- 
lowish-testaceous, piceous at base. 

Length rather more than one-tenth of an inch. 

Var. a. Undulated margin interrupted > into 
three spots. 

Var. b. Central spot of each elytron extended 
backward, and confluent with the tip of the margin. 


2. C. mali. Elytra brownish red; each with 
seven black spots, and a common one on the scu- 

Inhabits North America. 

C. mali. Melsh. Catal. 

Head black ; two white spots between the eyes: 
thorax black; two small white spots at the base, 
and a white lateral margin including a black spot; 
anterior edge yellow; spots on the elytra placed 
1, 3, 3, and a common one at the base: beneath 
black; margin of the abdomen fulvous: feet tes- 
taceous : thighs black. 

Length seven-twentieths of an inch. 

Var. a. Spots of the elytra surrounded with a 
whitish areola. 

Varietas ocellata. Melsh. Catal. 

Var. b. Ground colour of the elytra whitish. 

C. ocellata. Melsh. Catal. 

3. C. parenthesis. Elytra pale yellowish, each 
with a spot; posterior lunule and common spot at 

Coccinella parenthesis. Melsh. Catal. 
3 5-notata. Knoch in Melsh. Catal. 

Inhabits the United States. 

Head black ; labrum testaceous; a white, abbre- 
viated, frontal line, and a spot near each eye: tho- 
rax black; a square spot at base; anterior and 
lateral margin, and abbreviated, acute line before, 
white: elytra with a humeral, black spot; a com- 
mon one near the base connected with the scutel; 


a large lunule, occupying the posterior half of the 
elytron, sometimes interrupted into two distinct 
spots: beneath black. 

Length one-fifth of an inch. 

4. C. tibialis. Elytra pale yellowish-red, with 
a common spot near the base, and six black spots 
on each. 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Head black; frontal spot, ‘ad all before the 
eyes, white: thorax black; anterior and_ lateral 
margins white, so branched as almost to inclose a 
black spot on each side: elytra pale orange; spots 
placed 1, 2, 2, 1: beneath black: venter margined 
with pale orange : tibia and tarsi testaceous. 

Length more than one fifth of an inch. |» 

5. C. bioculata. Elytra red; each with a black 
spot on the middle. 

Inhabits the United States. 

Head black; orbits white : thorax black; a large 
‘marginal spot; anterior margin, and two spots at 
the base, white : elytra reddish; a transverse, oval, 
black spot on the middle of each, sometimes in- 
cluded in an obsolete, white areola: beneath black: 
venter margined with rufous. 

Length one-fifth of an inch. 

The anterior margin of the thorax is sometimes 
black like the disk, and the basal spots are wanting, 

6. C. albifrons. Elytra yellow; suture and two 
spots on each, black; head and anterior part of 
the thorax whitish. 


Inhabits Missouri. 

Head yellowish : thorax black ; anterior and la- 
teral margins, and abbreviated line before, white : 
elytra, with the suture, tip, outer edge, and two 
spots, black; spots placed one near the humerus, 
and the other behind the middle. 

Length less than one-fifth of an inch. 

Taken on the Missouri by Mr. T. Nuttall. 

7. C. abdominalis. White; thorax with seven, 
elytra each with eight black spots. 

Inhabits Arkansa. 

Yellowish-white: head immaculate : thorax with 
seven black spots placed 2, 5; the anterior ones, 
placed on the middle, oblong, oblique, slightly 
undulated, and nearly confluent at tip with the 
posterior intermediate one: elytra 8-spotted ; 
spots small, placed 4 near the base, 3 on the mid- 
dle, and 1 near the tip: postpectus dusky: venter 
testaceous : feet pale. 

Length one-fifth of an inch. 

8. C. humeralis. Black; elytra with a humeral 
spot, and one behind the middle, red. 

Inhabits Arkansa. 

Body deep black: head, a white spot each side 
between the eyes: antenne and palpi pale: thorax, 
an obsolete, whitish, lateral margin and anterior 
angle: elytra, a large, oval, yellowish-red, hume- 
ral spot, and an orbicular, red, subsutural one on 
each, rather behind the middle. 

Length more than three-twentieths of an inch. 


Two specimens were obtained near the Rocky 

9. C. 20-maculata. Whitish; thorax with five, 
elytra each with nine black spots. 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Coccinella 20-maculata. Knoch in Melsh. Cat. 

Yellowish-white: thorax with four rather large, 
equal, black dots placed in a semicircular series, 
and enclosing near the base a smaller, obsolete 
dot: elytra, each with nine spots placed 2, 3, 3, 1, 
the two central. ones confluent: postpectus and 
venter, excepting the terminal segment, black. 

Length one-tenth of an inch. 

ENDOMYCHUS, Fabr. Latr. 

E. biguttatus. Black; elytra sanguineous, with 
two black spots. 

Inhabits the United States. 

Head, thorax, and scutel black, impunctured ; 
two impressed, longitudinal, abbreviated lines, one 
on each side at the base of the thorax : elytra san- 
guineous, with numerous small, irregular punc- 
tures, and two orbicular, black spots, the smaller 
one placed behind the humerus, and the other, 
large, placed behind the middle, a the 
margin. ; 

Length near one-fifth of an inch. 


PSELAPHUS, Herbst. Latr. 

1. P. carinatus. Reddish-brown; elytra recti- 
linearly truncated; tergum tricarinate, and with 
an elevated edge ; anterior tibia arcuated. 

Inhabits the United States. 

Body with short hairs: head deeply indented 
on the front; vertex with two small indentations : 
maxillary palpi with the three last joints dilated ; 
the ultimate one triangular or cordate, being wide- 
ly emarginate at tip; the inner lobe somewhat 
mucronate ; penultimate joint also large and tri- 
angular, with a slender spine or seta as long as 
the joint placed on the exterior angle ; antepenul- 
timate joint rounded, with a spine on the exterior 
side, similar and equal to that of the other joint: 
thorax rounded, somewhat angulated on the mid- 
dle of the side, punctured: elytra not quite half 
the length of the abdomen; minutely punctured, 
with two obtuse, elevated lines on each, obsolete 
before the tip, and with an impressed groove be- 
tween them: tergum rather Yarker than the ely- 
tra, carinated along the middle, and with an ab- 
breviated, carimate line each side at base; edge 
elevated : anterior tibia somewhat arcuated, gib- 
bous before in the middle. 

Length less than one-tenth of an inch. 

This species is not uncommon, and is often 

found under the loose bark of the yellow pine; it 
VOL. IV.—NOVEMBER, 1824. 13 


is referrible to the genus Crenistes, Reich. The 
elytra are terminated by a straight line like those 
of the dresdensis. It seems probable that the 
cordate, terminal joint of the maxillary palpi, and 
the two elongated spines of the preceding joints, 
may be peculiar to one sex, as a specimen in my 
collection has but a single spine, and the terminal 
joint is acute and not dilated. 

2. P. riparius. Reddish-brown ; elytra recti- 
linearly truncated, half the length of the tergum ; 
tergum simple ; anterior tibia rectilinear. 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Vertex convex, with an impressed line each 
side: antenna, joints from the third to the eighth, 
inclusive, subequal ; ninth a little larger, but hard- 
ly longer ; tenth transversely oval, double the size 
of the preceding one; eleventh still wider, and 
nearly double the length of the two preceding 
ones conjunctly; maxillary palpi unarmed; ter- 
minal joint conic-securiform : thorax narrowed be- 
hind, not closely applied to the elytra; with a 
longitudinal, impressed line; sides not angulated 
in the middle, but indented on the margin: elytra 
half the length of the abdomen; humeral tubercle 
oblong : anterior tibia rectilinear : tergum convex, 

Length more than one-twentieth of an inch. 

A little smaller than the preceding. It proba- 
bly belongs to the genus Bryaxis of Leach. 


3. P. dentatus. Elytra nearly rectilinearly trun- 
cated, half the length of the tergum; tergum sim- 
ple; anterior tibia arcuated. 

Inhabits the United States. 

Head blackish ; a small indentation above each 
antenna: antenne rufous; joints, from the third 
to the eighth, inclusive, subequal; ninth a little 
larger, but hardly longer; tenth transverse, double 
the size of the preceding one; eleventh oval, wider 
than the tenth, and as long as the 8th, 9th and 
10th conjunctly : thorax nearly orbicular, slightly 
prominent on the sides, blackish; an oval indenta- 
tion at base, and an orbicular one each side: elytra 
reddish-brown, nearly half the length of the ab- 
domen; humeral tubercle oblong; an impressed 
line on each elytron obsolete behind : tergum con- 
vex, simple, blackish: anterior tibia a little ar- 

_ Length one-twentieth of an inch. 
Var. a. Reddish-brown. 
Smaller than either of the preceding species. 

100 RAIA 

Description of several Species of the Linnean 
Genus Rata, of North America. By C. A. Le- 

(Reap avaust 17, 1824.) 


Orpver I. 
With fixed Branchia. Cuvier. 

RAIA, Linn. Cuv. 

The rays properly so called, have the disk of a 
rhomboidal form; tail slender, furnished above 
towards the tip with two, and sometimes three 
dorsal fins ; teeth slender, and placed in quincunx 
on the jaws. (Cuvier.) 

t Dorsal fins two. 

1. R. Desmarestia, male and female. 

2. R. eglantiera, do. do. 

tt Dorsal fins three. 

3. R. Chantenay, male and female. 

1. R. Desmarestia, Pl. TV. Many ranges of 
long curved points exterior to the eyes, and upon 
the pectoral fins; a range of spines upon the dorsal 
line ; three ranges on the tail, and a spine at each 
extremity of the dorsal disk; two approximate 

RAIA. 101 

fins on the superior extremity of the tail; snout 
elongated and obtuse; teeth discoidal, surmounted 
by a point. 

The body of the specimen, which is a male, is 
compressed ; subrhomboidal: snout prominent, 
rounded at tip, slightly emarginated each side ; 
the cartilage which sustains it is narrow, with 
small points: head narrow, covered with spines 
between the eyes, which are prominent, and of 
moderate size: spiracle small, placed but a short 
distance behind the eyes; three spines in an 
oblique line behind the spiracles: back with a 
range of very strong spines, terminating at the 
emargination which separates the pectorals from 
the ventrals, leaving a large space before the 
three spinous series of the tail, in which are small 
cicatrices which denote the situation of spines that 
had probably fallen off, or been accidentally ex- 
tracted; besides the three ranges of strong spines 
with which the tail is armed, there is one on each 
side, another above; there are also small asperities 
between the ranges, as well as between the spines 
of the ranges; other spines are irregularly placed 
before the eyes, on the sides, and near the spira- 
cles; those of the back, tail, and spiracles, are 
discoidal at base, with the point curved towards | 
the tail; there are also large spaces armed with 
long spines, particularly on the pectoral fin, and 
exterior to the eyes, where they are more dis- 
tinctly placed in quincunx; those of the fins are 

102 RAIA. 


longer, and bent so that the greater portion seems 
to rest upon the skin, with the point directed 
towards the middle of the back; they are strongest 
opposite to the angle of the fin, and diminish sen- 
sibly towards the superior margin, so as to be ob- 
vious only to the touch; those exterior to the eyes, . 
and those remote from the margin, are somewhat 
compressed and shorter than the preceding, con- 
sisting of four or five distinct and separate ranges, 
separated from those of the fin; they are also 
bent, with a long point directed towards the tail ; 
the remainder of the body is glabrous. 

The specimen is dried, and although well pre- 
served, cannot be expected to exhibit the just 
proportions of nature. Breadth twelve and a half 
inches; from the tip of the rostrum to the origin 
of the tail nine inches nine lines; length of the 
tail nine inches five lines; appendice eight inches 
three lines. 

Colour brownish above and whitish beneath. 
It inhabits the sandy coasts of Florida, from 
whence it was brought by Messrs. Maclure, Ord, 
Say, and T. Peale. 

The remate differs from the male in being des- 
titute of spines on the lateral fins, and near the 
eyes; the body, instead of being glabrous as in 
the male, is armed with numerous small spinous 
asperities, scattered over almost all the surface, 
not excepting the cartilage of the nose; the sides, 
however, to the edge, are glabrous and transpa- 

RAIA. 103 

rent; the tail, like that of the male, is armed with 
three spinous ranges, with intervening smaller 
ones; two small low fins, elongated like those of 
the male, are placed near the extremity of the 
tail, and distant from each other in order to give 
place to the insertion of two spines; the tail 
extends a little beyond the second fin in both 

Pl. 1V. fig. 1. Dorsal view. 2. Ventral do. imperfect. 
a. Spines exterior to the eyes. b. spines of the pectoral 

2. R. eglantiera, Bosc. A longitudinal series 
of from nine to twelve simple spines on each side 
upon the lateral fin; tail longer than the body, with 
two fins at its tip. 

Descrietion. Body flat, semiorbicular behind, 
with a wide, rounded emargination each side be- 
fore near the spiracles, anterior to which the edge 
is dilated opposite to the eyes, and then is con- 
tracted so as to form a short rounded rostrum; 
on the margin each side beneath from the ros- 
trum to near the eyes, are very small points ar- 
ranged like the teeth of a card; the remainder of 
the inferior surface is glabrous; above, on the 
rostrum, and on the margins opposite to the eyes, 
are strong, compressed, recurved spines; before 
and behind the eyes and orbits, spinous: back, 
with a transverse spinous disk; the line of the 
middle of the back unarmed, but on each side of 
this line are-very obvious spines which extend te 

104 RAIA. 

the end of the tail, and commence at the middle 
of the transverse dorsal disk; they at first form a 
single series, but as they proceed backwards they 
increase to three series, and towards the part of 
the tail comprised between the two long lateral 
appendices, they are more prominent and consist 
of three or four irregular series, with intervening 
smaller spines; beyond the appendices they again 
form a single series: tail strong, broad, longer 
than the body, with two equal, similar fins near 
the extremity, each sustained by a broad falciform 
ray, which has numerous ramifications ; these fins 
are each united to the tail at their inferior surface 
by a membrane, they are narrow and elongated, 
the extremity of the first nearly attaining the base 
of the second, which does not quite reach the tip 
of the tail: eye somewhat prominent: cheeks a 
little dilated before the eye, yellow and transpa- 
rent between the cartilage of the rostrum and the 
margin: spiracles large behind and very near the 
eyes: mouth small, transverse: inferior jaw pro- 
jecting a little in the middle, and received into an 
emargination of the superior jaw: teeth inclining 
upon each other, at base a little depressed, dilated, 
towards the tip rounded and prolonged forward 
in a small point which is also depressed: nostrils 
with two enlarged, rounded appendices at the ex- 
tremity : lateral fins thin, rounded : ventrals long, 
narrow, with a round anterior lobe, elongated be- 
hind and attached to the appendice, which is much 

RAIA. 105 

elongated, equalling half the length of the tail : 
zail with a small membrane each side of its whole 
length. : 

Width ten inches. Length from the tip of the 
rostrum to the origin of the tail nine inches, Tail 
ten inches. 

Colour, above reddish, sprinkled with. small 

spots; beneath, whitish, with reddish tints. 
. [have met with this species in the Philadelphia 
market, where, however, it is very rare. The 
specimen isa male. It is common in the bay of 
Charleston, where Mr. Bosc observed it; his de- 
scription is inserted in Lacepede’s Histoire des 
Poissons, vol. 2. p. 105. pl. 4. f. 1. 

The specimen which Mr. Bosc described was a 
female; and as he says nothing of the male, it is 
probable that he had not seen that sex. 

The form of the male that I observed, was alto- 
gether the same as that of the female which Mr. 
Bose described, although it was from a different 
locality; and I have no doubt of its being the same 
species; but at the same time I may observe, that 
Mr. Bose’s drawing is ambiguous as respects the 
position and form of the fins placed near the ex- 
tremity of the tail; and as this author draws a 
part of his description from these fins, it is to be 
wished that he had been more exact with respect 
to these important appendages. If his descrip- 
tion is perfectly accurate, the individual that came 

VOL, 1V..—-NoveMBER, 1824. 14 

106 RAIA. 

under my observation is a new species; but before 
this can be determined, more detailed descriptions 
must be drawn out from recent specimens, a 
task which it is desirable that some naturalist at 
Charleston would perform. 

3. R. Chantenay. Femate. Pl. V. fig. 3 & 4. 
Three fins at the extremity of the tail ; body be- 
neath with small irregular spots. 

Description. Body flat, subrhomboidal, stout 
one-fifth broader than long: head but little eleva- 
ted: rostrum projecting, acute, of a moderate size, 
rough at tip and furnished with very small points: 
mouth transverse, rectilinear, armed with small, 
flat, pentagonal teeth, a little separated in each 
jaw : nostrils small, and the canal, which commu- 
nicates with the mouth, is covered by a large, 
rounded appendice, fringed om the margin : bran- 
chial apertures five on each side, subequal, sub- 
equidistant, and placed upon an oblique line: eyes 
small, not prominent; ais yellow: spiracles large, 
very near to and behind the eyes: pectoral fins 
large, triangular, terminating obtusely on the. sides, 
narrow and rounded behind; ventrals emarginate, 
wide before, narrow behind: anus posterior to the 
origin of the ventrals: tail very robust, margined 
with a slight membrane each side, subdepressed, 
destitute of a serrated spine, armed laterally with 
points, and terminated by three rounded fins, of 
which the third is very small and near the tip of 
the tail, the others are subequal and larger: body 

RATA. 107 

above glabrous, excepting on the anterior margin 
of the pectoral fins, between the eyes, and on the 
extremity of the rostrum, which are rough to the 
touch ; scattered reddish-brown spots of various 
sizes and forms, and a transversely-oblong sub- 
ocellated spot each side of the middle: beneath 
whitish, lightly tinted with rosaceous; surface 
smooth and soft to the touch; towards the ante- 
rior part of each side of the anus are six small 
black lines or spots; rays of the ventral fins very 
distinct beneath. 

Length from the end of the rostrum to the base 
of the tail two feet, breadth two and a half feet; 
tail as long as the space intervening between the 
eyes and its base. 

Mate, Pl. V. fig. 1& 2. Four series of points 
near the angle of each pectoral fin, and smaller 
ones on each side opposite to the eyes. 

Body subrhomboidal like that of the female : 
rostrum acute, furnished above with points which 
extend nearly to the extremity of the fin; they 
are long, strong, inflected towards the middle of 
the back, placed in quincunx, and consisting of 
four approximate ranges : orbits with small points 
before and behind, rendering these parts rough 
to the touch, but not so distinct as those opposite 
to the eyes: tail depressed, wide at base, termi- 
nating in a point, and armed on each side with a 
range of spines and with a membrane beneath the 
spines; towards the tip are three semioval fins, of 


108 RAIA. 

which the third is smallest, and the first and se- 
cond subequal : mouth and eyes nearly like those 
_of the female : teeth discoidal at base, surmounted 
with a short point directed towards the throat, less 
abraded than those of the female, in which they 
are more flattened and pentagonal : ventral fins 
widely emarginated, narrow, and each terminated 
by an appendice, which characterizes the sex : 
colour reddish above: skin smooth, excepting on, 
the parts above indicated as armed with asperities: 
beneath whitish, sprinkled as above with small, 
blackish spots. 

The dimensions agree with those of the Sema. 

In the months of July and August the pectoral, 
fins only are sometimes brought to market. __ 

The above description is made from a dried 
specimen preserved in the Philadelphia Museum,. 
and I am indebted to Mr. Titian Peale for the op- 
portunity of examining it. 

This species seems to me to have some afinity 
to that described by Dr. S. L. Mitchill of New 
York, under the name of R. ocellata; but the lat- 
ter is said to have only two fins on the tail, a cha- 
racter that sufficiently distinguishes it from the 
present species, which has three, as in the R..cla- 
vata, R.rubus, and R. batis, (Lacep. vol. y. p. ft 
pl. 20. fig. 1.) 

I dedicate this species to the amiable nthe of 
the “ Calandrier de Flore,” and of the “Genies des 

RAIA, 109 

Pl. V. fig. 1, male ventral view. Fig. 2, male, dorsal 
view. Fig. 3, female, dorsal view. Fig. 4, female, ventral 
view. Fig. 5, fringed appendice of the nostrils. Fig. 6, 
spine of the pectoral fins. Fig.7,mouth. Fig. 8, teeth. 

TRYGON, dans. 

Tail armed with a dentated spine; teeth slen- 
der, dense, placed in quincunx ; head enveloped 
by the pectorals as in the common Rays, so as to 
form in general a very obtuse disk. 

_ Tail slender, destitute of fins. 

T. sabina. Tail more than twice as long as the 
body ; ventral fins long, pointed; appendice in the 
male slender, distinct, as long as the ventrals; a 
range of spines upon the back and the origin of 
the tail; on each side of the back are two spines ; 
upper part of the head rough. 

_ Descrierion. Body orbicular, a little longer than 
wide, terminated before by a short rostrum, form- 
ing nearly a right angle; nasal cartilage narrow, 
without a groove or spines; upper part of the 
head furnished with small spines, which render 
‘this part rough to the touch; the remainder of the 
upper surface of the body glabrous : pectoral fins 
subrectilinear before, rounded behind and at their 
lateral angles; the rays of these fins are obvious 
even on the sides of the nasal cartilage: eyes 
small, not very distinct : spiracles placed behind 
the opening of the mouth, small, but slightly ar- 

110 RAIA. 

euated, armed with small, obtuse, rhomboidal 
teeth : colour of the dried! preparation, above red- 

The specimen is a male; the inferior surface of 
the body, the branchial openings and nostrils, are 
destroyed. It was communicated to me by Mr. 
T. Peale, who accompanied Messrs. Maclure, Ord, 
and Say; on their expedition to Florida. © 

By the form of its body and tail, this species is 
very closely allied to that of the coast of France 
and of the Mediterranean; but by a comparison 
with a drawing of the latter, that I made at Nice 
and at Havre, I have found it to be different, 
and have been enabled to assign to it the distinc- 
tive characters above mentioned, which when 
they shall have been confirmed by new observa- 
tions, will enable us to fix the species with more 
precision than I have been able to do from a dried 
specimen. It is much to be desired that those 
who have an opportunity of examining a recent 
specimen, will avail themselves of it. The follow- 
ing comparative characters of the known species; 
may be useful to this inquiry. ; 

R. pastinaca, Bloch. pt. 3, pl. 82. female, anit 
Encycl. Meth. pl. IIL. fig. 8, male, from the coast of 
France. Tail less than twice the length of the 
body: ventrals of moderate size; appendice of 
the male very short, and far from attaining the 
extremity of the ventrals; no spines on the back 
or tail. Of that of Nice the ventral fins are more 

RAIA. poe J 

truncated, straighter, and the appendices of the 
male are longer by one half than the ventral fins, 
a character which distinguishes it from the two 

All the species described and figured by au- 
thors that I can refer to, are females. In the 
Nouveau Dictionaire d’Histoire Naturelle, where 
I expected to find a good figure, I was surprised 
to see the large spine of the tail represented as 
taking its rise from the under surface of this 


Head prominent beyond the pectoral fins, which 
' are wider transversely than in the other Rays, giv- 
ing to the whole animal the appearance of a bird 
of prey with its wings extended, and hence it has 
been compared to an eagle; jaws armed with 
wide, flat teeth, connected together like stones in 
a pavement, and of different proportions according 
to the species; tail very slender and elongated, 
terminating in a point, and like that of the Try- 
gon, armed above with a strong spine, which is 
serrated on each side, and with a small dorsal fin 
towards the base. (Cuvier, Regne Animal.) | 

M. freminvillii. Orbit salient, surmounted by 
an eminence; ventrals rounded; appendices longer 
than the fins. 

112 RAIA. 

» Body wider than long, rhomboidal: pectorals 
pointed at tip: back a little arcuated : head eleya- 
ted: eyes large, vertical, orbits long, subangular 
at their summit: spiracles large, situated behind 
the eyes: rostrum salient, rounded, broad, flat, 
distinct from the body by a rounded emargination 
behind the eyes on each side: mouth beneath the 
eyes small, but little arcuated, with the jaws pav- 
ed with very broad teeth, in the middle of many 
ranges of narrow ones, on each side; all these 
teeth are flat on the surface: nostrils small, and 
with a small appendice; they are situated between 
the end of the rostrum and the angles of the 
mouth : pectoral fins formed like an isoceles tri- 
angle, its base being the line which passes before 
the eyes and terminates at the posterior angles of 
the fins; the three sides are rectilinear: ventrals 
small, rounded, each furnished with a short, dac- 
tiliform, distinct appendice, which is longer than 
the fin: anus small, placed in a line with the ori- 
gin of the ventrals: tail very long, filiform, trian- 
gular, with a small rounded fin, followed by two 
flattened, denticulated points on each side, which; 
as well as the fin, are placed a little beyond the 
extremity of the ventrals: branchial openings 
male, approximated, five on each side, so situated 
as to form together a half oval : colour, above oli- 
vaceous, more or less deep in different specimens, 
paler on the margins, and sprinkled with distinct 
rounded spots; beneath white: skin glabrous; I 

RAIA. 113 

did not observe any spine on the tail, or points on 
the pectorals. 

Length two feet, breadth from two to three feet. 

This species is very common in small inlets in 
Howland’s Bay, Rhode Island, where I had an 
opportunity of examining many fresh specimens 
recently rejected by the fishermen, and cast upon 
the shore in the midst of others, in various states 
of decomposition. 

The freminvillii may be compared with the 
aquila of Bloch, part 3, tab. 81, of which the form 
of the body is orbicular. Risso and Cuvier very 
properly cite this figure with doubt; the latter 
author refers it to Trycoy, considering it as a 
species of that genus, to which, says he, a dor- 
sal fin has been added. Our species is allied to 
that of the Mediterranean, described by Risso in 
his Ichthyology of Nice, p. 9, but the description 
he has given is not sufficiently detailed; he says 
nothing of the form of the body or of the fins, but 
refers to the figure of Rondelet, p. 268, lib. 12, 
cap. 2. Rondelet’s figure was, to all appearance, 
made from the dried subject, yet I have no difficulty 
in recognising the truncated form of the ventral 
fins; the body appears to me much larger, and the 
fins more angulated. The same characters are 
equally observable in Salviani’s figure, which is 
repeated by Willughby, T. c. 2, and again copied 
in the Encyclopedie Methodique, pl. 4, fig. 10; 
but they are still more obvious in a drawing which 

VOL, IV.—NOVEMBER, 1824. 15 

114 RAIA. 

I myself made in the year 1809, during our so- 
journ at Nice, where my friend Risso assured us 
that it was the same species described in his Ich- 
thyology. In my drawing, the appendice of the 
male is not extended beyond the ventrals; while 
in the American species, it extends beyond it al- 
most its whole length. This character, together 
with that of the rounded ventrals, appears to me 
sufficient to justify us in separating the present 
species from that of the Mediterranean. 

Another species, also closely allied to the pre- 
sent, is the Raie aigle of Commerson, discovered 
near the Isles of France and Madagascar, and 
figured by Lacepede, vol. 1, p. 6, fig. 2. The 
form of the body, its colour, and the spots of the 
back, would lead me to believe it to be absolutely 
of the same species, but that the spine and fin 
are placed between the extremities of the ven- 
trals, whilst in our species they are situated be- 
yond the extremities. The Rata narinari of 
Willughby, which inhabits the coast of Brazil, 
seems to me to be the same as that of Lacepede, 
figured from a drawing by Commerson, who pro- 
bably found his specimen in the Brazilian sea. 
After an examination of the figures and deserip- 
tions given by various authors, with a view to 
ascertain the affinity of the freminvillii, I have 
been led to the same conclusion that Cuvier 
adopted after a similar investigation, that all 
those cited as the same species, are in‘ reality 

RAIA. 115 

specifically distinct. Cuvier enumerates the fol- 
lowing: aes 
La Raie aigle, Dumer. ) Duham. p. II, sec. 9. 
Rata aquila, Linn. : pl. 10. 

R. narinari. Linn. Margrave, 75. 

R. flagellum, Schn. 73. 

R. nieuhowii, Will. App. tab. 10, fig. 3. 
To these I add the following : 

R. quadriloba, nob. Journal Acad. Nat. Se. 

R. hein nob.“ 4 ¥ 


These have the slender tail, the serrated spine, 
the small dorsal, and the very wide pectorals of the 
Myliobatis; but their teeth are still more slender 
than those of Trygon, and finely denticulated; 
their head is truncated before, and the pectorals, 
instead of embracing it, have each of their anterior 
extremities prolonged in a salient point, which 
gives the fish the appearance of having two horns. 
(Cuvier Regne Animal.) 

C. giorna. Jaws terminal, the inferior one a 
little more advanced ; two large, flabelliform, 
moveable appendices, one on each side of the 
mouth ; eyes prominent, lateral; tail longer than 
the body, armed with one or two spines, very dis- 
tinct from the dorsal fin, which is situated between 
the ventrals. 

Body fifteen or sixteen feet wide between the 

116 RAIA. 

extremities of the pectoral fins, by seven feet 
nine or ten inches long: tail four or five inches 
longer than the body: mouth very large, horizon- 
tal and terminal, two feet six inches wide; jaws 
unequal, the inferior a little more prominent, with 
very small asperities, which supply the place of 
teeth, they are distant and consist of many ranges; 
on the superior jaw the asperities are hardly per- 
ceptible: nostrils small, situated beneath the an- 
terior angle of the appendices and near to the 
angles of the mouth, each covered by a small 
rounded lobe; no apparent tongue: eyes semi- 
globular, prominent, situated on a conical base at 
the origin of the appendices, so as to be lateral, 
and at the same time nearly on the anterior part 
of the head; they are two inches in diameter, and 
the pupil nine lines: the appendices are one foot 
wide by two feet two and a half inches long from 
the eye to the extremity, they are thick before 
and thinner and more flexible on the inner side; 
these organs appear to serve as large palpi; the 
radiated appearance of their surface, indicates that 
they are sustained by numerous, interior, cartila- 
ginous rays, similar to those of the pectoral fins; 
ears, behind the eyes, near to the widest superior 
margin: branchial openings five on each side, 
large, linear, and sustained by a cartilage through 
more than half their length; they are placed very 
near each other, the interval between the right 
and left series is eighteen inches, the fifth open- 

RAIA. 117 

ing is the smallest: pectoral fins equal in length 
and width, arcuated before, lunate behind, a little 
dilated and rounded at the extremity near the ven- 
trals : ventrals small, narrow, rounded, not longer 
than the pectorals and united with them: dorsal 
small, triangular, and placed on the base of the 
tail between the ventrals, than which they are 
shorter: anus small, longitudinal, between the 
origin of the ventrals: fai] subcompressed, feeble 
and soft, without asperities, or spinous tubercles; 
armed above beyond the dorsal fin with a short 
serrated spine, near which is an indentation, pro- 
bably the seat of a former spine which has disap- 
peared : skin destitute of tubercles or spines, but 
rude to the touch, and rough like that of some 
species of Squatus: colour, above blackish a lit- 
tle tinged with reddish, somewhat clouded; the 
branchial rays were marked and distinct by a 
darker tint which followed the direction of the in- 
terior cartilages in arcuated lines: beneath white, 
dusky on the posterior margin with many darker 
spots, irregular in form and disposition, the largest 
of which are on the abdomen, and the smaller on 
the margin and middle of the fins. 

_A female fetus of the preceding has the same 
form, the same appendices to the head; the lan- 
ceolate spine of the tail, preceded by a slight de- 
pression for the replacing spine; the dorsal fin 
likewise triangular and similarly situated; the ap- 
pendices are horizontally before the opening of 

118 RATA. 

the mouth, and cover this part by their extremities 
and interior margin, which being flexible had the 
power of raising itself; the body is one foot eleven 
inches wide by ten and a half inches long; the 
opening of the mouth four inches; inferior a little 
more prominent than the superior jaw, and fur- 
nished with very small teeth in seven or eight 
ranges, they are placed somewhat distant from 
each other and in quincunx; those of the superior 
jaw are so minute as to be only distinguished by 
the aid of the lens; head truncated, and termi- 
nated by the jaw in a straight line; eyes placed 
on the anterior sides, and giving an angulated ap- 
pearance to the part; the tail, which is very soft, 
seems to be furnished beneath with a small longi- 
tudinal fin opposite to the spine; but this may, 
perhaps, be only loose skin, as I did not observe — 
it on the adult; colour reddish above; skin smooth; 
tail four or five inches longer than ie belly: ‘ele 
the Philadelphia Museum.) 

Towards the end of August 1822, et above de- 
scribed specimen was brought to the Philadelphia 
Museum. This gigantic Ray was taken near the 
entrance of the Delaware by some fishermen who 
were armed with harpoons and other instruments 
necessary for the purpose. They were directed 
to the presence of several of these animals by the 
agitation of the waters about them, and the ‘noise 
they made by striking the waves with their i 
fins. aly 

RATA. 119 

_ This large species is known by the name of 
Devil-fish; a name applied by Catesby to a nearly 
similar animal, which, becoming entangled in the 
cable of a small vessel lying in the bay of Charles- 
ton, drew it a distance of several miles. 

The imagination, always struck peculiarly by 
extraordinary objects, is ever ready to transform 
them to monsters; hence the names Devil-fish, 
Wonderful Sea-Serpent, &c. and another large 
specimen of Ray which was captured at the same 
time and place, was transported to New York, 
where it was exhibited under the name of the 
Vampire of the Ocean! An account of this speci- 
men was read to the Lyceum of that city by their 
late president, and published in the Annals of that 
institution, with a figure. 

Recently, while about to publish a figure of the 
specimen belonging to the Philadelphia Museum, 
[ observed a very exact description of an indivi- 
dual, taken at Wilmington Island, near Savannah, 
published in the Philadelphia Gazette of the 6th 
of August last. It was evidently of the same spe- 
cies with the present. 

I have no doubt that the Ray mentioned by 
Catesby, (vol. i. p. 32,) under the name of Devil- 
fish, was of the same species with all those large 
ones more recently seen on our coast; and I am 
moreover inclined to think that they are no other 
than the Rata giorna, Lacep. v. 20. 3, to which 
Cuvier refers the R. fabroniana, Lacep. vii. pl. 5, 

120 RAIA; 

£3; the R. manatia, Will. App.ix. 3. &c. the figures 
of which are very imperfect, and the sentighinns 
not precise. 

_ If we take into consideration the position of the 
Azore Islands, which are situated between the 
Strait of Gibraltar and the North American coast, 
it will be obvious that this large species, known 
by the name of R. cornuta, has an easy means of 
communication between the two continents, by 
these islands, when they pass out of the straits 
into the ocean. If their place of residence is the 
vicinity of those islands, we can the more readily 
believe that they would be occasional visitants at 
this coast. 

It is worthy of remark, that they have wig ahs 
served to approach our sandy coasts between the 
months of July and September, when the time has 
arrived for bringing forth their young; and it is 
probably for this purpose that they made their 
appearance here. 

I have adopted for this species the name of the 
celebrated Giorna, well known in science, and re- 
ject such names as Devil, Vampire, &c. which 
may well be associated together, as names calcu- 
lated to repel those who are disposed to admire 
the beauties of nature, and who have an inclina- 
tion to cultivate scientific natural history. How 
far preferable is the custom of applying the 
names of those naturalists, who have enriched 
science with new discoveries, or new and valuable 

RAIA. 121 

observations, to that which introduces into our 
pages those chimeras that do not elsewhere exist, 
than in a morbid or timorous imagination. 

The descriptions and notes which have been 
given of the large species of Ray, are so imper- 
fect, and the figures so incomplete, that before we 
can be justified in deciding upon any as new, we 
must haye more detailed descriptions and exact 
figures, made, if possible, from the living or recent 
specimens. ‘The annexed figure and these ac- 
companying observations are, I am fully aware, 
far from being complete; but they may be a use- 
ful addition to those already published, and serve 
to make known and to fix the species seen on the 
coast of North America. 

Pl. VI. fig. 1. Ventral view, with the appendages reflect- 
ed. Fig. 2. Foetus ventral view, the appendages in the 
natural position. Fig. 3. Foetus dorsal view, the appen- 
dages partly extended. Fig. 4. Foetus, lower part of the 
back, and tail. ; ; 

YOL, IV.—-NOVEMBER, 1824, 16 


Description of a new crystalline form of the Axpa- 
wusite. By G. Troost, M.D. Read June 29, 1824. 

Through the politeness of my friend Major 
Delafield, of New York, I have an opportunity of 
describing a new variety of the crystalline form of 
Andalusite, the character of which does not appear 
to be sufficiently understood. 

It appears from a letter of Major Delafield to 
Professor Silliman, published in the American 
Journal of Science and Arts, that the Major dis- 
covered this mineral in Litchfield, Connecticut, 
associated with quartz; it seems, however, that 
the specimen was not found in situ, as the disco- 
verer could not decide whether it came from gra- 
nite or not. 

The crystal alluded to, is apparently a right 
angled four sided prism, two of the angles of the 
base being truncated and bevelled. But as in this 
case we fake two of the faces that belong to the 
sides for those of the summits, and two of the 
summits to form the sides, it is evident that an 
erroneous idea of the form is conveyed. 

When the crystal is placed in the proper posi- 
tion, so that the perpendicular line drawn through 
the upper and lower extremities is vertical, we then 
see that it is a six sided prism, having four emar- 
ginated edges terminated by a dihedral summit. 

To reider this more intelligible, I add a diagram 
of the crystal in its true position, Pl. ii fig. 6. 


There is an apparent deviation in the symmetry 
of the specimen under examination from the form 
here represented. The face P, one of the penta- 
gons of which the upper summit is composed, 
touches the pentagon which runs parallel to y, 
by which accident the faces y y, are very much 
enlarged. ‘These faces form a right angle with 
two of the faces M of the prism, and are generally 
mistaken for faces of the prism, and of course the 
whole is considered a four sided prism; at the 
same time the face P of the pyramids forms with 
the remaining face of the prism / and z on one 
side, and T and z on the other; what is mistaken ~ 
for a summit, making a plane, two of the angles 
of which are truncated and bevelled, the supposed 
truncation being the face /, and the bevelment z 
on one, and the face T, the truncation, and z the 
bevelment on the other side. 

This form of the Andalusite coincides with a 
form of the Feldspar progressive, and is the fourth 
form by which this mineral is approximated to the 
Feldspar, Haiiy having described three. 

Pl. IT. Figs. 5 & 6. 

ANDALUSITE progressive G2 G4 M2 H T P i 
02 Mer Erg: 
From / upon P 60° 

y P 99° 41’ 8” 
M 208 
M P 90° 

z-and 2 land T 150° 


An account of some of the Foss Suetis of Mary- 
mene By Tuomas Say. Read July we 12h 

The following descriptions mention conta 
specimens in a very large and fine collection of 
fossil shells which Mr. John Finch obtained with 
much labour and some expeiise in Maryland, and 
which that gentleman with great liberality sub- 
mitted to my examination. Many of these shells 
appear to the eye nearly as perfect, in every re- 
spect, with the exception of colour, as the recent 
ones of the coast, and not afew of the bivalves 
have both valves attached together by the teeth 
of the hinge; circumstances which indicate an 
undisturbed deposition from the waters in which 
they had lived. Respecting the limits which cir- 
cumscribe this body of shells, the relative situation 
in which the species are found, &c. we may ex- 
pect much interesting information from Mr. Finch. 
I may, however, observe at present, that it seems 
probable that the formation extends much farther 
south than might at first be supposed, or that 
nearly a contemporary one exists in South Caro- 
lina. Fora knowledge of this fact, I am indebted 
to Mr. Stephen Elliott, who sent me several shells 
from near the Santee river, one of which corre- 
sponds perfectly with a species in the collection 
of Mr. Finch, 




T. plebeia. Pi. vii. fig. 1.. Whorls convex, 
hardly flattened in the middle, with about twelve 
revolving elevated striw, the middle ones alter- 
nately somewhat smaller; transverse wrinkles’ dis- 
tinct. * 

This shell seems to attain to the length of rather 
more than one inch. Several specimens are im- 
bedded in a small mass of light lead coloured clay. 
It somewhat resembles T. brevis of Sowerby, but 
the striz are not crenulated. A species of Turri- 
retta was found by Mr. A. Jessup in New Jersey, 
quite different from the present species, and resem- 
bling the T. conoida, Sowerby, but much smaller. 


N. interna. PI. vii. fig. 2. Subglobose, de- 
pressed, subglabrous ; umbilicus open, with a re- 
volving rib. 

Description. Shell destitute of revolving stri«, 
and the wrinkles are not prominent, except near 
the suture, towards the labrum, and on the verge 
cf the umbilicus: spire but little prominent, acute: 
aperture subovate: umbilicus open, permitting a 
view nearly to the inner tip of the spire; a revolv- 
ing rib above the middle of each volution, termi- 
nating at the labrum in a hardly prominent callus. 


Length seventeen-twentieths, breadth nine- 
tenths of an inch. 

Several specimens are in Mr. Finch’s collection 
in tolerable preservation, but very fragile, though 
not thin. I obtained a species of Natica at Mul- 
lica Hill, New Jersey, a few years since ; but it is 
so changed by casualties, and by the infiltration 
of ferruginous matter, that its specific: alliance 
with the present species cannot be appreciated. 


Several specimens occur about the length of one 
inch and two-fifths, but too imperfect to admit of 
= decision as to the species. wit 


1. B. porcinum. PI. vii. fig. 3. Subovate, acute, 
slightly undulated, and spirally striated; labrum , 

Descrierion. Shell with numerous, subequal, 
slight undulations, disappearing on the body whoa, 
and about seventeen transverse, little elevated 
strie: whorls nearly six, but little convex: suture 
very narrow, consisting of a mere indented line : 
apex acute: aperture moderate, rather more than 
half the length of the shell: dabéwm covering the 
columella, concave : labrum not thickened; on the 
inner submargin with strizeform. teeth. 


Length one inch and a quarter, breadth rather 
more than three-fourths of an inch. 

This is shorter than the reticosum of Sowerby, 
the suture is not so deeply impressed, the undu- 
lations are not so obvious, and the concavity of 
the labium is much more profound. 

2. B. aratum. PA. vii. fig. 4. Oblong subovate, 
spirally striated ; labrum thickened and toothed 

Description. Shell with more than twenty re- 
volving, slightly elevated lines: whorls but little 
convex: suture very narrow, consisting of a mere 
indented line: aperture moderate : labium cover- 
ing the columella, which is concave : labrum thick- 
ened on the exterior, and with strieform teeth on 
the interior submargin. 

Breadth half an inch, length of the aperture 
rather less. 

Smaller and of a much more slender form than 
the preceding, and altogether destitute of undula- 
tions. The summit of the spire being deficient in 
the specimen, its length cannot be ascertained. 


F. 4-costatus. PI. vii. fig. 5. Ovate-ventricose; 
with a dilated umbilicus, and four much elevated 
belts, which are more dilated at their tops. 

Descrirtion. Spire short, the volutions with but 
two belts, the others being concealed by the suc- 


ceeding whorls: body whorl with four belts, which 
are equidistant, much elevated, wider at top than 
at the junction with the whorl, and with one or 
two deeply impressed lines; intervening spaces 
wrinkled, the wrinkles extending over the belts: 
aperture suboval: canal short and contracted : la- 
brum with a groove corresponding with each of 
the exterior ribs: umbilicus dilated, large, not visi- 
bly penetrating to the inner summit; the exterior 
margin prominent and deeply dentated. 

Varies much in size; the smallest in Mr. Finch’s 
collection is about three-fifths of an inch wide, 
another is rather more than one inch in width, 
and the largest is nearly three inches and three- 
fourths; but a fragment of a still larger one leads 
me to believe that the species attained to a width 
of more than four inches. I am unable to state 
the proportional length, all the specimens haying 
truncated spires. The belts of some young spe- 
cimens are altogether destitute of the impressed 

It seems hardly possible that Lister’s figure 2. 
of plate 1059, was intended for this shell, although 
it has certainly a general similarity in the ribbed 
appearance of the figure, and notwithstanding the 
locality “a Marylandia,” which is engraved with 
it, inasmuch as there is not any appearance what- 
ever of an umbilicus, which is so much dilated and 
so remarkable in the species under consideration. 

Lister’s figure is quoted- by several authors 


amongst the synonymes of Buccinum scala, and con- 
sidered as a variety of that shell, which may per- 
haps be correct ; but in that case the fact of such 
a shell having been found in Maryland, is at least 
doubtful. Our shell may be the same with the 
species which Dillwyn informs us is mentioned in 
the Portland Catalogue, lot 3516. 

A fine specimen of this shell was sent me some 
time since by Mr. Stephen Elliott of Charleston, 
who informed me that it was found with other 
interesting and perfect shells which accompanied 
it, on the Santee river, a little below the junction 
of the Congaree and Wateree rivers. 

Fusus cinereus nobis. A variety of this shell is 
in Mr. Finch’s collection; it differs but little from 
the recent shells, the spire and beak are slightly 


1. F. canaliculatus, Linn. 

Lister Conch. pl. 878, f. 2. 

Ellis’ Coral. pl. 33, fb. As this latter figure 
has the channel of the spire, and is accompanied 
by the ovaries of the canaliculatus, it is, no doubt, 
the young of this shell, reversed by an error of 
the engraver as Dillwyn has already supposed. 

Variety. Sutural channel dilated, columella 
much arcuated. 

With the exception of the variation above men- 
VOL. IV.-—NOVEMBER, 1824. 17 


tioned, the specimen agrees very well with the 
species to which I have referred it. The granu- 
lations which crown the spire of the young shell 
are very evident in this specimen. ‘These eleva- 
tions characterize the Murex granum, Schreter, 
which Linné considered to be the young of this 

2. F. carica, Gmel. 

Lister, Conch. pl. 880. 
_. F. eliceans, Montf. p. 152. Knorr delic. pl. 30. f. 1. 

There can be no doubt of the identity of a spe- 
cimen collected by Mr. Finch, with this species. | 

The carica varies considerably in the magni- 
tude and number of the elevations which consti- 
tute the armature of the shoulder. In the young 
shell they are more numerous than in the adult, 
and the beak is proportionally longer and more 
slender. A variety in this fossil collection has the 
elevations of the shoulder hardly prominent. 


1. C. grandis. PI. vii. fig. 6. a. Internal view. 
b. Lateral view. Ovate; internal appendage di- 
lated, and attached to the side of the shell.- 

Descriprion. Shell large, ovate at base, inequi- 
lateral, concentrically wrinkled, destitute of spines 
or processes: apex behind the middle nearly erect: 
internal appendage transverse, patulous, oceupy- 
ing a considerable portion of the cavity of the shell, 


and attached by one side, from its summit to its 
edge, to the shorter side of the shell; its summit 
corresponding to the inner apex of the shell. 

_ This very remarkable shell is perfectly distinct 
as a species from any other yet known. That it 
does not, in rigid accuracy, belong to the genus 
Catyprrza, must be evident to every conchologist 
who considers the characters laid down in the 
above description, and who is, at the same time, 
aware, that the internal appendage of the type of 
the genus, is open on one side throughout the 
whole of itslength. If it be not properly a Ca- 
LypTR#A, it cannot be referred to the closely re- 
lated genera Inrunpisutum, Montf. and Mrrrura of 
Gray, much less to any other genus with which 
we are acquainted. I therefore propose that it be 
placed in a new genus under the following name 
and characters. 


Shell univalve, conoidal, patelliform, with an 
internal entire cup-shaped appendage, adhering 
by its side and apex to the side of the shell. 

To this genus will also be referred a recent spe- 
cies brought by Lieut. Gantt, U.S. N. from South 
America, and presented by him to the Academy. 
Of this shell I cannot find any description, and will 
therefore characterize it as follows: 

D. tubifera. Shell oval, inequilateral, with all 


radiating strie, and numerous tubular processes : 
apex inclined towards the shorter side; within livid- 
brown, polished: cup-shaped appendage brown near 
the apex, margin pure white, and distinct from the 
side as faras the submargin. 

Caryptrza costata, nobis, Silliman’s Journal, 
vol. 2, p. 40, belongs to this genus. In Mr. Finch’s 
collection are fine specimens of this species. 


F. redimicula. PA. viii. fig. 1. Ovate-oval a lit- 
tle oblong, conic-convex, with approximate longi- 
tudinal strie; foramen ovate-oval, inclined. 

Description. Longitudinal striz slender, nume- 
rous, granulated, approximate; the granulations of 
the strie give the appearance of concentric obso- 
lete lines: aperture, inner margin crenate; thick- 
ened inner margin of the foramen truncate at one 

Longest diameter one inch and a half. 

T am not acquainted with the F. peruviana, Lam. 
and the description of that shell will not enable 
me to judge satisfactorily of its degree of affinity 
with the present species. % 


1. O. compressirostra. PI. viii. fig. 2. a In- 
ternal view. b. External view. Shell sinistral, 


subovate: inferior valve conyex, with numerous 
convex ribs interrupted by fornicated scales at 
the lines of increment: hinge curving a little up- 
ward, very much contracted and short: superior 
valve flat, wrinkled concentrically, without any 
appearance of longitudinal lines: hinge more di- 
lated than that of the superior valve, and oblique 
with respect to the thickness of the shell. 

Length of the specimen four inches and four- 
fifths ; breadth four inches and a quarter. A large 
superior valve is five inches and three quarters 
long, and five inches and a quarter broad.. 

Like many species of this genus, it varies much 
in form, and in the prominence of the ribs on its 
convex valve ; but these ribs are very obvious on 
the nine specimens under examination. Exter- 
nally some varieties have a striking resemblance 
to O. bellovacina, Lam. but the hinge is much 
more contracted. 

Besides those obtained ee Mr. Finch, Mr. Z. 
Collins presented a fine specimen to the Acade- 
my, found on the west branch of the Potomac, 
about fifteen miles below Alexandria. 


1. P. Jeffersonius. Pl. ix. fig. 1. Subequivalyve, 
with from nine to eleven striated ribs. 

Description. Shell rounded, convex, not quite 
equivalved, one of the valves being a little more 


convex than the other; the whole surface covered 
with approximate, scaly strie : ribs elevated, round- 
ed, with six or seven strie on the back of each; 
intervening grooves profound: ears equal; sinus 
of the ear of the superior valve, not profound, 
being barely one eighth part of the length of the 
ear: within with broad rounded flattened ribs. 

Length five inches and arsegp cca breadth 
five inches and seven-tenths. 

Specimens of this truly fine shell are not un- 
common. The Academy has been long in pos- 
session of several single valves, in an excellent 
state of preservation, obtained by my friend Mr. 
J. Gilliams, and others which were presented by 
Mr. Watson, who purchased them at the sale of 
the collection of the late Professor Barton. Mr. 
Finch has succeeded in obtaining entire specimens 
of the two valves of the same individual. I am 
of the opinion that Lister’s plate 167, is intended 
to represent this shell, and that the singular ap- 
pearance of the marginal strie in that figure is a 
deviation from the ordinary formation of the spe- 
cies, and is owing to the dislocation of the lines 
of increment, and obliteration of the longitudinal 
strie. Lister describes his specimens to be of a 
“blue-clay colour,” in this respect perfectly cor- 
responding with two specimens before me. 

On one of the specimens is an imperfect Asrrea. 

2.P. Madisonius. Much compressed, witts — 
sixteen striated ribs. 


Description. Shell rounded, much compressed; 
the whole surface covered with scaly striae: ribs 
elevated, rounded, with about three strie on the 
back of each; intervening grooves rather profound: 
ears equal, sinus of the ear of the superior valve 
profound, extending at least one third of the length 
of the ear. 

Length rather more than four inches and a half; 
breadth four inches and four-fifths. 

In magnitude this shell is justly entitled to com- 
pare with the preceding; but it differs in being 
much less convex, and in having a much more 
profound sinus in the ear of the superior valve. 
Three specimens, from which the above descrip- 
tion was taken, belong to the Academy, and were 
presented by Mr. Watson. 

3. P. Clintonius.* PI. ix. fig. 2. Auricles yal 
surface with from one hundred and forty to one 
hundred and eighty elevated longitudinal lines. 

Descrietion. Shell suborbicular, compressed, 
with very numerous, regular, elevated strize, which 
are muricated with minute scales formed by trans- 
verse wrinkles, that are sparse in the middle of 
the length, and crowded each side of the shell; the | 
intervening spaces are regularly concave, and in 
parts very distinctly wrinkled: auricles equal, 

* Mr. Finch requested that three species of his collection 
that might prove to be new, should be dedicated to the dis- 
tinguished men whose names these shells bear. 


striated like the general surface : zwithin ‘simple, 
margin striated. 

Length four inches ; breadth rather more. 

This is a very fine shell, comparable with the 
magellanica ; but the sides below the auricles 
decline much more rapidly towards the base, and 
the strie, judging from Bruguiere’s figure, are 
much more prominent and distinct. 

4. P. septenarius. PI. ix. fig. 3. Shell convex, 
suborbicular : auricles subequal : surface with nu- 
merous slightly scaly striae, and about seven re- 
mote ribs, of which the three intermediate ones 
are much elevated, rounded, or slightly flattened 
on the top. 

Length nearly two inches and sovesieeitil 

But a single imperfect, inferior valve, occurs in 
Mr. Finch’s collection ; but this is so perfectly 
distinct from any other that I have seen described, 
that I have no hesitation to describe it as new. 
The stria are equally distinct on the ribs, and in 
the intermediate spaces. The scales are rather 
thick, very small, and not confined to the striz, 
but are also observable in the spaces hetweett the 


P. marginata. PI. ix. fig. 4. a. External view. 
b. Internal view. Shell ovate-cuneiform, some- 
what arcuated at base; with about three much 


élevated folds, producing very profound undula- 
tions on the edge of the shell; the intermediate 
fold is bifid; the whole surface is marked by rather 
gross concentric wrinkles ; inner margin dusky or 
blackish, with a series of granules on one valve, 
received into corresponding cavities in the oppo- 
site valve. 

Length one inch and a fifth, breadth one inch. 

This species is very distinct from the P. plicata, 
Linn. of the West Indies, and from that of the 
East Indies, hitherto confounded with the plicata, 
but to which Lamark’s name of gibbosa may be 

Of the known fossil species, it seems to approach 
nearest to the angulata, Lam. but the folds are 
neither squamous nor angulated. 


1. A. arata. Pl. x. fig. 1. Shell transversely 
oblong, subrhomboidal, with about twenty-six lon- 
gitudinal ribs; basal edge nearly parallel to the 
hinge margin, which latter terminates anteriorly 
in an angle. o 

Descrivtion. Ribs somewhat flattened, as wide 
or rather wider than the intervening spaces ; 
the whole surface concentrically wrinkled: um- 
bones not remarkably prominent: apices remote, 
the intervening space rhomboidal, with continued 

indented lines, arcuated under the apices: hinge 
YOL. 1V.——-DECEMBER, 1824. 18 


margin perfectly rectilinear, angulated at the ex- 
tremities, the anterior one a little projecting: teeth 
in a continued, uninterrupted line, parallel, except- 
ing at the two extremities of the line, which de- 
cline a little, and the teeth are there decidedly 
longer and oblique with respect to the others of 
the range : posterior end obliquely rounded to the 
base: base nearly rectilinear and parallel to the 
hinge margin, and deeply crenated on the inner 
margin: anterior end produced below the middle, 
and rounded, and a little contracted near the supe- 
rior angle. 

Length from the hinge margin to the base one 
inch and three-tenths, breadth two inches and a 

This resembles a species found recent and very 
common in the West Indies, and which I have not 
ascertained to be distinctly described. That shell, 
however, is proportionally longer, the anterior ex- 
tremity only of the line of teeth declines a little, 
and the series is slightly dislocated a little before 
the apices of the shell. 

2. A. centenaria. Pl. x. fig. 2. Shell transversely- 
oval, subrhomboidal, obtusely contracted at base, 
with numerous alternate longitudinal striz. 

Descrierion. Strie from one hundred to one 
hundred and eighty and more in number; disap- 
pearing on the hinge margin; with hardly obvious 
transverse minute wrinkles, and larger, remote, 
irregular ones of increment: beaks but little pro- 


minent, not remote: base widely but not deeply 
contracted, nearly parallel with the hinge margin: 
anterior and posterior margins obtusely rounded : 
series of teeth rectilinear, uninterrupted, decurved 
at the tips; space between the beaks with nume- 
rous grooves proceeding from the teeth: inner 
margin not very distinctly crenated: muscular im- 
pressions elevated, and forming a broad line each 
side, from the cavity of the beak to the margin. 

Length nine-tenths of an inch, breadth nearly 
one inch and a half. 

3. A. incile. Pl. x. fig. 3. Shell transversely 
rhomboidal, with about twenty-seven ribs; ante- 
rior hinge margin compressed and angulated. 

Description. Disk prominent from the beaks 
to the anterior part of the base: -ribs with trans- 
verse granules; those anterior to the middle alter- 
nating with very slender and but little prominent 
lines, and with a groove on each: anterior margin 
longer to the base than the posterior end, and con- 
tracted in the middle: series of teeth nearly rec- 
tilinear, entire ; interval between the teeth and 
the apices with a few transverse lines or wrinkles; 
a single oblique groove from the apex to a little be- 
fore the middle, and six or seven narrow ones from 
the teeth outwards behind the apices: beaks placed 
very far backward: inner margin crenated : mus- 
cular impressions a little elevated, posterior one 
short: basal margin not parallel with the hinge 


- Length nearly seven-tenths of an inch, breadth 
less than one inch and a fifth. 


P. subovatus. P\. x. fig. 4. Longitudinally short 
ovate, with about thirty longitudinal impressed 
acute lines, the intervals a little convex. 

Description. Shell increasing in width by a 
slightly curved line from the apex to beyond the 
middle : lateral curvatures equal : apices separate, 
small, central; intervening space with but little 
obliquity to the plane of the shell, with obsolete 
angulated lines: teeth forming a regularly and much 
arcuated series, which is rectilinearly truncated 
above so as to leave in that part a mere edentu- 
lous elevated line : within destitute of striz : mar- 
gin with elevated angular lines: exterior surface 
with about thirty longitudinal, impressed, acute 
lines, the intervals a little convex. 

Length from the apex to the base one inch and 
thirteen-twentieths, breadth one inch and a half 

The character of the interval between the beaks 
is not unlike that of a Cucutima, but the arrange- 
ment of the teeth does not correspond with the 
definition of that genus. 

This shell varies a little in form, being some- 
times nearly orbicular. 



1. N. levis. Pl. x. fig. 5. Transversely elon- 
gate-subovate, rostrated, nearly smooth. 

Description. Shell compressed, thin, fragile, 
polished, smooth, slightly wrinkled towards the 
base : beaks nearly central, hardly prominent be- 
yond the hinge margin, rounded, approximate : 
series of teeth subrectilinear, a little arcuated be- 
hind; teeth prominent: hinge margin exteriorly 
both before and behind the beaks rather abruptly 
compressed: posterior margin rounded : anterior 
margin somewhat rostrated, the anterior hinge 
margin rectilinear, very little reflected at tip: in- 
ner margin simple. 

Length nearly half an inch, breadth nearly one 

This shell may be compared with the N. pellu- 
cida, Gmel. but it is shorter, in proportion to its 
width, and the beaks are nearer the centre.. It 
is still more closely allied to a recent species of 
our coast, that has probably been hitherto consi- 
dered as the rostrata. 

2. N. concentrica. PI. x. fig. 6. Transyersely 
elongate-subovate, rostrated, concentrically stri- 

Descrietion. Shell convex: rostrum consider- 
ably narrowed towards the tip: surface concentri- 
cally striated with numerous, regular, equidistant, 



rounded lines: beaks rather behind the middle : 
ligament margin a little concave : series of teeth 
angulated at the beaks. 

Length over one-fifth, breadth two-fifths of an 

The regularly striated surface gives this shell a 
very pretty appearance. In outline it has some 
resemblance to the rostrata. 


V. granulata. Pl. xii. fig. 1. Suborbicular, with 
about twenty-five convex ribs, and wrinkled across; 
inner margin crenate. 

Description. Beaks nearly central, a little pro- 
minent, curved backward: ribs granulated on the 
umbones, and transversely wrinkled near the base, 
convex : apices somewhat prominent beyond the 
general curve of the shell: inner margin and edge 
crenate: cardinal teeth two. 

Length from the apex to the base four-fifths of 
an inch, breadth nearly the same. 

Rather proportionally longer than the ets: 
and more oblique. 


C. undulata. PI. xi. fig. 2. a. External view. 
b. Internal view. Much compressed, transversely 
oblong-subovate, slightly angulated before; surface 


rather coarsely wrinkled, and on the umbo with 
small, regular undulations ; umbo flattened : apex 
subacute, not prominent, placed a little behind the 
middle of the shell: hinge teeth distinct, promi- 
nent: fosset much dilated ; a profound groove on 
the anterior inner margin: edge not crenated ; on 
the exterior anterior margin and submargin are 
two undulations, of which the former is less dis- 
tinct and more acute. 

Width rather less than one inch and nine-tenths 
to four inches and three-fifths, length less than one 
inch and three-tenths to about three inches. 

The species to which this is most closely allied, 
is the compressa, Lam. Its compressed form, and 
the somewhat elevated lines on the anterior part 
of the shell, seem to be very similar; but that 
species is proportionally much broader behind, the 
beaks are much nearer the posterior extremity, 
and the inner edge is crenated. A perfect valve 
was purchased at the sale of the late Professor 
Barton’s collection by Mr. Watson, and by him pre- 
sented to the Academy. Its locality was not known, 
but a fragment which I dissected out of a mass con- 
taining fragments of Perna, belonging to the col- 
lection of Mr. Finch, has decided this question. 


{. fraterna. Pl. xi. fig. 1. a. Hinge 2. b. Back 
view. Cordate-globose, slightly oblique, with ra- 


ther large concentric wrinkles, and lines of growth; 
an elevated undulation on the anterior submargin, 
marking the greatest length of the shell : wmbones 
not very prominent, apex rather suddenly incurv- 
ed, acute; impressed space behind the beaks, di- 
lated and rather profound; anterior tooth striated 
externally, and placed on the middle of the ante- 
rior margin. 

Large specimen, greatest length taken oblique- 
ly, three inches and a half, breadth rather less. 

Small specimen, greatest length rather over one 
inch and a half, breadth nearly one inch and four- 
fifths. . 

This shell is so much like the Venus rustica, 
Sowerby, that I hesitated to give it a distinct 
name. Besides being somewhat less transverse, 
it may be remarked that the hinge groove, behind 
the primary tooth, is much more elongated ; but 
notwithstanding these differences, such is the ge- 
neral correspondence of the two shells, that I 
should not be surprised if this should prove to be 
only a variety of the rustica. 

A large specimen which formerly belonged to 
the collection of the late Professor B. S. Barton, 
was presented to the Academy by Mr. Watson. 
A smaller one was obtained by carefully dissect- 
ing one of the friable masses containing fragments 
of the Perna, in Mr. Finch’s collection. 



“LT. equistriata. Pl. x. fig. 7. Shell transversely 
ovate-orbicular, with an elevated line or fold on 
the anterior margin: surface with fine, somewhat 
elevated, concentric, nearly equal, numerous striz, 
forming grooves between them : apex nearly cen- 
tral, acute : cardinal teeth deeply grooved: lateral 
teeth two; edge within, simple. 

Length seven-tenths, breadth nineteen-twenti- 
eths of an inch. 

{n general outline, this species has a resem- 
blance to 'T. ostracea, Lam. In one specimen the 
apex is central, and in another it is placed before 
the middle. 


1. L. contracta. Pl. x. fig. 8 Shell convex, 
suborbicular, with numerous concentric, regular, 
equidistant, elevated, membranaceous strie, and 
intermediate smaller transverse lines: umbones not 
very prominent: apices proximate, nearly central : 
anterior hinge margin rectilinear, to an obtuse an- 
gle near the middle of the anterior margin: ante- 
rior submargin with a very slightly impressed 
line : posterior margin rounded : cardinal teeth 
one in the left valve, and two in the right, the 
posterior one of which is subbifid at tip : lateral 

VOL. IV.—NOVEMBER, 1824, 19 


teeth none : within obsoletely striated towards the 
margin: posterior muscular impression perfectly 
rectilinear, elongated, and oblique. 

Length one inch and nine-tenths, breadth two 
inches and one-tenth. 

The posterior muscular impression is even more 
elongated and slender than that of L. jamaicensis, 
Chemn. In outline it is like L. scabra, Lam. The 
impressions both before and behind the beaks are 
very slender and contracted. A young specimen 
belonging to the Academy, was brought from 
Maryland by Mr. Jacob Gilliams. 

2. L. anodonta. Pl. x. fig. 9. Orbicular, slightly 
transverse, compressed ; teeth obsolete. 

Descrirtion. Shell with elevated wrinkles; or- 
bicular, a little transverse, with a very slight im- 
pressed longitudinal line on the anterior margin: 
anterior and posterior ends equally curved: apices 
not prominent beyond the general curve of the 
shell, with a very short deep emargination behind 
them: teeth obsolete; both the cardinal and lateral 
ones are generally altogether wanting: Junule 
short, cordate, profound. 

Length from the apices to the base one inch 
and one-tenth, breadth one inch and one-fifth. _ 

The impressed line on the anterior part of the 
shell is hardly visible in many specimens, and is 
sometimes only a very slight undulation, not ob- 
servable but on close inspection. In the speci- 
mens, the ligament of the hinge still remains, ap- 


parently but little changed; by pressure of the 
nail it is readily separated into flaxy filaments. 

3. L. subobliqua. Orbicular, slightly oblique, a 
little compressed; teeth prominent ; lunule not 
distinct. : 

Description. Shell concentrically wrinkled; a 
little oblique forwards, the most prominent part 
of the basal curvature being anterior to the mid- 
dle; no appearance of an impressed line on the 
margins, which are rounded, the hinge margin 
being rectilinear for a short distance : lunule none, 
or consisting only of a slightly impressed line: 
beaks slightly prominent: muscular impressions 
dilated, submarginal: cardinal teeth prominent, the 
larger one with a groove : lateral teeth none. 

Length four-fifths of an inch, breadth nearly the 
same. . 
4. L.cribraria. PI. xiii. fig. 1. Orbicular, con- 
vex, with numerous longitudinal costz, and distinct 
elevated concentric lines. 

Description. Shell with close set, longitudinal, 
equal, granulated ribs, and more or less elevated, 
distinct, concentric lamellz: hinge margin obtusely 
and not prominently angulated at its anterior and 
posterior terminations : anterior margin with a di- 
lated slightly impressed, and not very obvious 
groove: lunule oblong-oval, very distinct, the 
edge near the beaks extending inwards beside the 
primary teeth : lateral teeth very distinct, the pos- 
terior one placed nearly under the middle of the 


lunule : within crenate on the edge : posterior mus- 
cular impression rectilinear. 

Length half an inch, breadth eleven-twentieths 
of an inch. 

Two or three smaller specimens are twoefifths 
of an inch long. In the outline of the edge, and 
number of the cost, this species approaches the 
L. scabra of authors ; but it is more convex, and 
in other respects sufficiently distinct. In the larger 
specimens, the transverse lamellz are almost ob- 
solete at base, and the ribs prevail in that part. 

L. diwaricata. Var. The fossil specimens of 
Maryland are altogether similar to those found at 
present in a recent state on our southern coast. 
This variety is smaller than those of South Ame- 
rica and the West Indies, and the lateral teeth are 
more obvious. In the collection of the Academy 
is a large specimen of the divaricata from the 
West Indies, that agrees with the description of 
the dentata of Wood. I should therefore be in- 
clined to suppose, that the dentata is no other than 
a variety of the former, owing to age. 


1. V. deformis. PI. xii. fig. 2. a. View of the 
hinge. Shell remarkably thick and ponderous, 
longitudinally undulated; basal margin undulated. 

Descrietion. Shell subcordate, with transyerse 
wrinkles, which are distant and regular on the 


umbones, and much crowded on the basal half; 
several very obtuse longitudinal undulations, of 
which that on the middle is more profound: basal 
margin deeply undulated in compliance with the 
undulations of the disk: within crenate on the 
edge: anterior margin flattened, and simply wrin- 

Length nearly five, breadth six inches. 

Smallest specimen, three inches and seven- 
tenths long, and four inches and a half wide. 

This extraordinary shell has so unusual an ap- 
pearance, that I should almost have been disposed 
to regard a single specimen as a monstrosity. The 
examination of several individuals proves that the 
species varies somewhat in form, and in the locality 
of the undulations. 
2. V. paphia? Lam. 


C. convexa. PI. xii. fig. 3. Shell subcordate ; 
elevated convex, concentrically wrinkled, inequi- 
lateral; posterior tooth and fosset not striated ; 
edge not crenated; umbo rather prominent; lunule 
dilated, cordate, marked by a simple line. 

Length one inch and a tenth, breadth more than 
one inch and three-tenths. 

On the inner surface of the shell is a prominent 
line in one valve, proceeding from the extremity 
of the impression of the retractor muscle, and 


becoming obsolete behind the cavity of the umbo; 
on the opposite valve is an impressed line, occu- 
pying a similar position. Whether or not this line 
is characteristic, I am unable to determine, having 
seen but two valves. 

C. concentrica. Born. Mr. Finch’s differ from 
those now existing on our southern coast, in being 

Length three inches and three-tenths, breadth 
three inches and two-fifths. 

ASTARTE, Sowerby. 

1. A. undulata. P\. ix. fig. 5. Shell trigonate, 
umbones flattened, and with profound undulations; 
apices very acute. 

Descrirrion. Basal half of the shell coarsely 
wrinkled, the remaining half deeply, regularly and 
widely undulated on the flattened umbo: lunule 
large oblong subovate, concave, separated from 
the disk, particularly near the beaks, by an acute 
angle : beaks prominent, approximate, acute, turn- 
ed a little backward at tip : ligament margin con- 
cave nearly to the basal angle, and separated from 
the disk, near the beaks, by an acute angle : liga- 
ment very short: teeth regularly crenated each 
side: basal angles rounded: basal edge nearly 
rectilinear, or very obtusely arcuated; within finely 
crenated ; smaller muscular impression very dis- 


Length four-fifths, breadth rather less than nine- 
tenths of an inch. 

Var. a. Length one inch and a tenth, breadth 
one inch. 

A very distinct species, uals any other yet 
described. It varies in proportional length, some 
being longer than broad, and others broader than 
long. I adopt Sowerby’s generic name, in pre- 
ference to that of Crassiva of Lamark, for the all- 
sufficient reason, that it has the priority. The 
recent shell which I described under the name of 
Venus castanea, Journ. Acad. Nat.Se. vol. 2. p- 273, 
belongs in strictness to this genus. 

2. A. vicina. PI. ix. fig. 6. Trigonal with a 
distant, somewhat regular, impressed line; lunule 
much excavated; apices acute. 

Description. pices prominent : lunule dilated, 
deeply excavated, subcordate, separated from the 
disk, particularly near the beaks, by a subacute 
angle : beaks prominent, approximate, acute, curv- 
ed backwards : ligament margin concave : umbones 

Length nine-tenths of an inch, breadth one inch. 

Closely allied to the preceding, but numerous 
specimens correspond in the much more_pro- 
foundly concave lunule, and in the convexity of 
the umbones. 



Two or three mutilated specimens of a species 
closely allied to M. lateralis, nobis, but too imper- 
fect to determine the degree of proximity. 


A. subovata. Pl. x. fig. 10. Shell transversely 
ovate-oval, with somewhat prominent and regular 
concentric striz. 

Descrirtion. Shell compressed: beaks rather 
before the middle, but little prominent: anterior 
submargin with an obsolete, obtuse undulation : 
lunule lanceolate : eardinal and lateral teeth pro- 

Length seven-tenths of an inch, breadth less 
than one inch. aaa 


1. C. cuneata. PI. xiii. fig. 3. Shell transversely 
oyate-trigonal, acutely angulated or somewhat ros- 
trated before, and depressed on the anterior slope, 
which is separated from the disk by a subacute 
line : surface of both valves similarly striate with 
equal, elevated, equidistant lines, forming grooves 
between them; the striz on the smaller valve are 
rather more distant : wmbones not prominent, 


Length of the larger valve hardly more than 
the fourth of an inch, breadth more than two-fifths 
of an inch. 

A very pretty epecion: It was imbedded in 2 
mass which contained fragments of the large Perna. 

2. C. inequale. PI. xiii. fig. 3. Shell convex, 
transversely ovate-trigonal, rough, with unequal 
coarse wrinkles: anterior margin with a very acute 
but short rostrum at its inferior termination, sepa- 
rated from the disk by an acute line: base rounded 
and a little contracted near the anterior angle : 
umbones not prominent. 

Length niccomrcenant breadth rather more than half 
an inch. 

This species has a different aspect from the 
preceding ; it is longer in proportion to its width, 
more convex, and the wrinkles, though prominent, 
are altogether destitute of that equality which dis- 
tinguishes those of the other shell. 

PANOPZZA, Menard. 

P.reflexa. PI. xiii. fig. 4. Exterior and interior 
views. Shell transversely oblong-subovate : ante- 
rior margin somewhat narrower and longer than 
the posterior margin, the edge reflected: surface 
wrinkled, and profoundly so towards the base. 

Length three inches and two-fifths, breadth five 
inches and seven-tenths. 

This fine shell approaches closely to the P. fav- 

VOL. IV.——-NOVEMBER, 1824, 20 


jas of Menard, which Lamarck seems inclined to 
consider as but a variety of the P. glycimeris, 
Gmel. Our shell is comparatively somewhat short- 
er than the latter, and its reflected anterior margin 
distinguishes it from the faujas. 


8S. granifera. PI. viii. fig. 4. Covered with lon- 
gitudinal, contiguous, slightly rg ey bape 

Descrirtion. Shell subcylindric, contorted, in- 
ferior side flat; the whole surface is composed of 
very numerous, small, contiguous strize, each con- 
sisting of a single row of granules; these series are 
alternately smaller. 

Diameter of the larger end thitedtent of the 
largest specimen two-fifths of an inch. 

The continuity of the tube within, is interrupted. 
by oblique diaphragms. It sometimes approaches 
the spiral form, and one specimen has three com- 
plete volutions of much regularity. 


D. attenuatum. PI. viii. fig. 3. Arcuated; sur- 
face marked with from twelve to sixteen rounded 
ribs, intervening grooves simple ; lines of growth 
numerous, distinct; aperture orbicular. - 

Length nearly one inch and seven-tenths. — 


The species of this genus are very closely allied 
to each other, and at the same time they exhibit 
so few characters, that it is with difficulty that 
some of them are determined. The present seems 
to differ from either of those already described. 
In the collection of the Academy are two frag- 
ments of Denvatia, very closely allied to this spe- 
cies, which were obtained by Mr. A. Jessup in 
New Jersey; but their imperfect state do not 
_justify me in deciding upon a fact so important to 
geology as their specific identity. 

ees cme 

Description of several new Species of Horotuvria. 
By C, A. Lesuzur. Read April 6, 1824. 

Much difficulty has always attended any attempt 
to arrange the Hotornuriz in a natural order, owing 
to the contraction of the body when placed in a 
preservative liquid, and the consequent oblitera- 
tion of many characters which distinguish the liy- 
ing animals. 

This difficulty was sensibly experienced, and 
distinctly expressed, by Blainville, in the Diction- 
aire Sciences Naturelles, vol. xxi. p. 315, who, 
nevertheless, endeayoured to group the species by 
correspondencies of form, and disposition of feet. 
These two characters I believe to be uncertain, 


inasmuch as they are variable, and often differ ex- 
ceedingly after death from their appearance in the 
living specimen. ‘The tentacule are less liable to 
this objection, and Lamarck has availed himself of 
the modifications in the form and structure of these 
organs, to separate the genus into two divisions. 

{n the following essay I have resorted to the 
same basis of classification, with the addition of a 
third division for the reception of those that have 
pinnated tentacula, only one species of which was. 
known to Lamarck. 

Cuvier, in his classification of the Horornuri, 
draws his characters from the arrangement of the 
feet; but, as we have already remarked, these or- - 
gans are too various in their disposition, and are 
often too indistinct from contraction in alcohol, to. 
furnish an obvious or certain guide. Some spe- 
cies, like the H. briareus, nobis, are covered with 
feet in every part; others have but one, two, three 
to five distinct ranges of feet; others again have 
the feet placed behind, as in the agathophytos, of 
which Peron has formed his genus Cuviera, not 
yet published, and which Mr. Cuvier has figured 
in his Regne Animal, vol. iv. p. 15, and sneer 
p. 22, under the name. of H. Cuviera. 

t With cylindrical tentacule ; summit, -rmi- 
nated by a branched, flat, spherical or infundibu- 
liform umbel. 

1. Horornuris obscura. Tentacule twenty, cy- 


lindrical, umbel indefinite, subspheric ; body tubu- 
lar, with conic tubercles ; a single foot furnished 
with numerous, red, small, approximated suckers. 

Inhabits St. Bartholomews. 

Body tubular, slightly inflated in the middle, 
and more slender at the extremities: back covered 
with conic tubercles, which are surmounted by 
small whitish tubes, as contractile as the small 
sheathing tubercles which support them: anterior 
opening annular, small, placed in the middle of the 
disk, of which the exterior margin is furnished 
with twenty equal tentacule, which are tubercu- 
lous at base, and their summits are divided into 
small, very short, approximated branches, resem- 
bling so many little balls, which are contiguous 
when all the tentacule are developed: anus ter- 
minal, furnished with slender papille, longer than 
the tubercles of the body: foot, or the side upon 
which the animal moves, with numerous, small, 
very short suckers: colour fuliginous brown; ex- 
tremity of the tentacule blackish. 

Length, when developed, six inches, transverse 
diameter nine lines. 

H. aglutinata. Tentacule eighteen, equal, um- 
bel infundibuliform, small; body tubular, covered 
with contractile tubercles : foot none. 

Inhabits St. Bartholomews. 

Body soft, tubular, covered with distant tuber- 
cles: colour, above very deep bistre-brown, paler 
beneath ; the tubercles, which are irregularly dis- 


posed, do not appear to be all used in locomotion; 
but those of the paler side of the body seem to be 
more particularly employed for this purpose, and 
are elongated when the animal is in motion, whilst 
the others remain contracted, though there is not 
a distinct foot, as in the preceding. These inac- 
tive tubercles appear like black points, or as round- 
ed or conic tubercles on the surface of the body : 
mouth small, placed in the centre of a disk which 
is surrounded by eighteen slender, cylindric, very 
delicate tentacule, of a clear yellow-bistre colour, 
each surrounded by a small infundibuliform um- 
bel, which is composed of small ramifications di+ 
chotomously divided, and not contiguous with 
the surrounding ones when these organs are de- 
veloped: anus small, placed in the centre of a yel- 
lowish coloured disk, which, in the state of con- 
traction, is covered by five triangular divisions, 
furnished with small papilla. 

Length from three to four inches. 

This. species is very numerous in a small eg 
opposite to the port of St. Bartholomews. 

They conceal themselves in rolled madrepores, 
which are there very abundant. A whitish viscous 
fluid transudes from the body, forming threads of 
great tenacity, which envelop the substance on. 
which the animal rests, and attach it so female as 
to be removed with difficulty. 

3. H. maculata. 'Tentacule twenty, ol 
equal; umbel small, flat, with laciniated branches ; 


body fusiform, tuberculous, pale cinereous, with 
bluish-black oval spots. 

Inhabits St. Bartholomews. 

Body soft, contractile, narrow and pointed be- 
fore, inflated behind, covered with tubercles on 
the back and sides : locomotive tubes long, distant 
beneath : mouth very small, without any disk, and 
surrounded by twelve tentaculz, which are slen- 
der, flaccid, transparent, very long, and surmounted 
by a very small umbel, the ramifications of which 
are also very small, and laciniated : anus terminal, 

Length about four or five inches. 

The form of this species is very beautiful; the 
body is sprinkled with oblong spots of the length 
of five or six lines by four or five wide, which are 
relieved by the pale colour of the body. 

Like the preceding, it is found in Madrepores 
and in the same bay. 

4. H. fasciata. Tentacule twenty, short, trans- 
parent, spotted; umbel plane, composed of six: 
very short, bifurcated divisions ; body soft, orna- 
mented with five bluish-cinereous bands, and five 
bands covered with small inequal tubercles. 

Inhabits St. Bartholomews.. 

Body subfistulous, soft, a little narrower at the 
extremities : skin smooth, coriaceous, thick, white 
interiorly, divided into ten longitudinal bands, of 
which five are covered with small tubercles, pro- 
bably used in locomotion ; but not having seen the 


animal in its state of development, I cannot speak 
confidently of their office : mouth small, placed in 
the centre of a small disk, surrounded by twenty 
tubular, transparent, short tentacule, which are 

larger at base, and surmounted by a small stelli- 
form umbel of five or six bifurcated, whitish divi- 
sions : anus terminal, margined with red, and hay- 
ing small papillary tubes, placed in the centre of 
a small disk, concealed in the contracted state by 
five small valyes or triangular divisions ; the skin 
is of a deeper blue and smoother in the sae 
between the five divisions. 

Length of the largest specimens from eight to 
ten inches. 

This animal, like the other species, has the fa- 
culty of admitting and rejecting the water by the 
mouth and anus. It decomposed very rapidly, and 
almost entirely disappeared when exposed to the 
air. The intestinal canal is filled with sand. It 
conceals itself beneath rolled Madrepores, and in 
their cavities, with the preceding species. 

+t Tentacula arborescent. 

5. H. lapidifera. 'Tentacule sixteen, branched 
and united at base, surrounding the mouth ; body 
with scattered, small, poriform tubercles. 

Inhabits St. Bartholomews. ite : 

Body cylindric, firm, contractile : skin smooth, 
ornamented with small longitudinal lines, and co- 
vered with small circles placed irregularly, from 


which are protruded fistulous organs, which serve 
for locomotion, and to attach the body in the cavi- 
ties of madrepores ; they are also used to hold 
small scales with which the body is in part cover- 
ed, when the animal removes from its habitation : 
the mouth is capable of being dilated and elon- 
gated : the tentacula are united at base, and sur- 
round the mouth; the small branches of the ten- 
tacula are dilated in small membranes, twisted in 
a semispiral line and of a reddish colour; the inte- 
rior base of the tentacula is distinguished by a 
very black line, and the exterior base by tubercles: 
anus terminal: colour pale violaceous blue, the 
tentacula and their base very pale hyaline blue. 

Length when developed three to four inches. 

In the cavities of old madrepores, and other 
concealed situations. 

6. H. briareus. Tentacula eight, branches very 
much divided; body fistulous, entirely covered 
with small approximated tubes. 

Tnhabits the coast of the United States. 

Body fistulous: skin smooth, soft, covered in 
every part with small locomotive, concealed tubes: 
tentacula very much branched, the branches some- 
what foliaceous, divided, and like so many trees 
arranged around a disk, in the centre of which is 
the mouth: anus simple, terminal, surrounded with 
papille, which are longer and placed more closely 
together than those of the body : colour reddish 
or blackish, papilla and tentacula paler. 

VOL. IV.——-DECEMBER, 1824. 21 


Length from three to six inches. 

Brought from the coast of Florida by Messrs. 
Maclure, Ord, Say, and Peale. In the contracted 
state, the body seems covered with numerous 
small, transverse incisions. Mr. Say informs me 
that this species occurs very frequently on the 
coast of New Jersey. 

ttt. Tentacula pinnated; body vermiform. 

7. H. hydriformis. Tentacula twelve, flaccid, 
consisting of six or seven pairs of opposite pro- 
cesses ; body red, spotted with white. 

Inhabits Guadaloupe. 

Body elevated, terminated behind in a point, 
gelatinous: mouth large, surrounded by twelve 
equal tentacula, united at base by a diaphanous 
membrane; each tentaculum is furnished with six 
or seven pairs of processes, which are tuberculated 
on each side ; these small tubercles, or suckers, ap- 
pear to me analogous to those of the tentacula 
of the Actiniz; at the base of each tentaculum are 
two black points: anus terminal, small, without 
appendices ; the body is furnished with very small, 
distant tubercles, which perform the office of suck- 
ers to fix the body to fucus, and in locomotion the 
tentacula are used as feet: colour of the tentacula 
red, varied with slight white and bluish spots ; 
about eight longitudinal lines, of which four are 
more distant, and small transverse lines: intestinal 
canal obvious, folded three times upon itself, and 
at each fold much undulated. 


Length about two inches. 

The tentacula are inclined alternately, by two 
or three pairs together, towards the mouth. 

8. H. viridis. Tentacula eight, entire, long, with 
six or seven pairs of pennatule, and four small ones 
destitute of pennatule ; body cylindric, green. 

Inhabits St. Thomas. 

Body cylindric, covered with small prehensile 
tubercles, used in adhering to submarine objects. 
It is usually upon coralines and plants, growing at 
the depth of three or four feet, that this species is 
found, secure from the effects of the agitation of 
the waves; the tentacula are in continual motion, 
alternately approaching the mouth: anus terminal: 
colour entirely green. 

Length about two inches. 

Observations on the Nomenclature of Wiuson’s 
Ornitnotocy. By Cuartes Bonaparte. Read 
November 9, 1824. (Continued.) 


There is, perhaps, no genus more difficult to 
elucidate than the present; for no two authors 
agree respecting its divisions. Brisson, who es- 
tablished it, seems to have been more accurate 
in assigning its limits, than any of the ancient 


authors. Linné had arranged the species under 
Moracitxa, but in his twelfth edition he adopted 
this genus, with the exclusion of some of the 
larger species, known by the name of Tyrants, 
which he improperly placed in his genus Lanwws. 
In this he was followed by Gmelin 22d Latham, 
who augmented the genus Muscicapa by adding 
many species, some of which do not belong to it. 
Lacepede divided the species into three genera, 
corresponding with Buffon’s sections, according 
to the size of the birds; thus the largest species 
were called T'yranni, the middling size Muscivore, 
and the smallest Muscicape. Cuvier very properly 
contented himself with forming three subgenera,. 
Tyrannus, Muscipeta, and Muscicapa; and to the 
latter, judiciously added the greater part of the 
species that he had excluded from the genus Topus. 
Illiger considered Muscicapa as a whole, and as- 
signed to it pretty natural limits. . Vieillot also 
restricted the genus Topus; but in my opinion he 
was wrong in arranging many of the Topr of Gmelin 
and Latham, Muscicape of Cuvier, in the genus 
Pratyruyncos of Desmarest. He adopted the ge- 
nus ‘Tyrannus of Lacepede, and formed two new 
genera, Conopornaca, which includes some of the 
-Muscipete of Cuvier, and Avecrurus, for two un- 
certain South American birds, which Temminck 
thinks are true Muscicaps. Vieillot’s genus Mus- 
cicapa is therefore very extensive; and he con- 
fesses, moreover, that all the preceding genera 


would be more properly disposed as sections of 
this genus. Temminck distributes the great genus 
Muscicara of Cuvier, into two genera, viz. Muscr- 
pera, (nearly corresponding with Cuvier’s sub- 
genus of that name,) and Muscrcara; the latter 
being much more numerous in species, including 
the greater part of Cuvier’s Muscicapa, together 
with the principal portion of the Tyranni, which 
differ only by being larger and more powerful. 
Temminck having also restricted the genus Topus 
to a single species, has distributed the other spe- 
cies in his two genera Muscicapa and Muscirera. 
None of the sixteen species described by Wilson, 
or of the few since discovered within the bound- 
aries of the United States, have sufficient charac- 
ters to be entitled to rank as a distinct genus from 
Muscicara, excepting some that are Syivix, and 
those which apparently belong to Temminck’s 
third section of Muscicara; for the latter, together 
with some other birds, I shall adopt Vieillot’s genus 
Virco. Thus composed, the latter genus differs so 
much from its original acceptation, that it is only 
with a view to avoid multiplying synonymes that I 
retain that designation. 

The sixteen species of our author, all peculiar 
to America, will, therefore, be distributed into the 
genera Muscicara, Vireo, and Sytyv1a; the former in- 
cluding the largest species as a subgenus, under the 
name of T'yrannus, for which the only good differ- 
ential character I can discover, is their superior size. 


113, M. tyrannus. Vol. ii. p. 66. This bird is 
not the Muscicara tyrannus of Linné, but of Bris- 
son; yet this name has been promulgated by 
Wilson, it is now familiar to every naturalist as ap- 
plied to the Kingbird, and must be retained for 
this species. 

At first sight this procedure may seem at vari- 
ance with the principle of retaining all the Lin- 
nan specific names, which I consider a just tribute 
to the founder of the present system of nomencla- 
ture, to which we are indebted for the existing state 
of the science. But tyrannus was also applied by 
Linné to this bird; it is his Lays tyrannus, and if 
he had transferred the bird to Muscicapa, [have no 
doubt that he would have preserved its name, and 
changed that of the other. In thus pursuing a 
course which has the additional advantage of co- 
inciding with the generally received impression, 
{ think myself not liable to the reproach of devi- 
ating from the principles I have adopted. 


Muscicapa tyrannus, Briss. 

Lantus tyrannus, Linn. 

Lantus tyrannus y carolinensis, and @ ludovicianus, Gmet. 
Lara. (these varieties only.) 

Gobe-mouche de la Caroline, Burr. Pl. Enl. 676. 

Tyrannus pipiri, Vir. Pl. 44. 

The latter author has since changed the bar- 

barous name of pipiri to that of intrepidus, thus 
exercising on his own works his habit of changing. 


114. M. crinita. Vol. ii. p.'75. Although the 
name of this species originated from the exagge- 
rated appearance of the crest in a bad figure of 
Catesby, copied by subsequent authors, yet it 
must remain unchanged. The bird is noticed in 
the systems under two different names. 

This and the preceding are the only species in 
Wilson, referred by authors to Tyrannus. 


Muscicapa crinita, Linn. Guev. Lata. 

Muscicara ludoviciana, Guex. Lara. 

Muscicapa virginiana cristata, Briss. 

Gobe-mouche hupé de Virginie, Burr. Pl. Enl. 569, f. 1. 
(a bad representation, principally as regards the crest, 
which is quite unnatural.) 

Tyrannus ludovicianus, View. Pl. 45, 

This latter author was incorrect in considering 
the Muscicara feroz, as the same with this bird. 
It is a distinct species, as he perceived in his sub- 
sequent writings; but he then added to the confu- 
sion, by changing the name of our bird to that of 
Tyrannus irritabilis, and stating that the female 
differs in colour from the male, even after Wilson 
had truly observed, that the sexes are hardly dis- 
tinguishable from each other. If, therefore, there 
be any difference between the M. crinita and lu- 
doviciana of authors, it must be owing to age, and 
not to sex. 

With respect to the origin of the latter nominal 
species, Vieillot’s conjecture is probably correct. 


that Buffon copied the figure of the crinita from 
Catesby, and afterwards, having received a speci- 
men, he described it as new, not recognizing it in 
that figure. He was the first to describe the ludovi- 
ciana, and was followed by all subsequent writers. 

115. M. nunciola. Vol. ii. p. 78. Wilson was 
wrong in adopting Bartram’s name for this familiar 
bird, in preference to that consecrated by the fa- 
thers of the science. His reason was, perhaps, 
that he doubted the identity of the Muscicapa 
JSusca with the nunciola of Bartram ; but be it as 
it may, the former name must be restored, not- 
withstanding that Bartram’s name is more elegant, 
expressive, and appropriate. If authors are to be 
permitted to change specific names under the ex- 
cuse of improving them, there will be no end to 
their alterations, and our systems will be involved 
in utter chaos. 


Muscrcapa fusca, Guet. Latu. ViE1Lt. pl. 40. 

Muscicapa aira, GMEL. 

Muscricara phebe, Larn. 

Muscicara Carolinensis fusca, Briss. 

116. M. rapax. Vol. ii. p. 81.. We have here 
a new name applied to a species, which had been 
previously known, described, and named. This 
designation must therefore be rejected, and the 
bird will then be known as the Muscicara virens. 
As this species may readily be mistaken for the 
preceding or the following, it may be acceptable 


to naturalists to have additional discriminating 
characters, taken from the comparative dimensions 
of the primaries. In this species, the exterior pri- 
mary is nearly as long as the fourth, and much 
longer than the fifth ; but the second is the longest. 
Of the preceding species, the first is hardly as long 
as the sixth, the second is equal to the fourth, and 
the third is longest. 

Of the following species, the first is of the same 
length as the fifth, and the second and fourth are 
nearly equal to the third, which is longest. 


Muscrcara virens, Linn. Guet. Lara 

Topus obscurus, Gurx. Lara. (Vieillot thinks it syno- 
nymous with the following.) . 

Muscicapa carolinensis cinerea, Briss. 

Moscicapa querula, Vien, pl. 39. 

Wilson’s quotation of the M. acadica, as syno- 
nymous with this bird, is inaccurate: it is the 
same as M. querula of Wilson. This qifotation is 
the more remarkable, as our author introduces, in 
its proper place, Pennant’s synonyme of the acadi-_ 
cea, from which authors derive their'M. acadica. It 
is not a little singular, that Vieillot appropriated 
to his species the name that Wilson gave to the 

117. M. querula. Vol. ii. p. 77. This is the M. 
acadica of authors, and therefore that name must 
be restored. The name querula must be rejected, 

VOL. 1V.——DECEMBER, 1824. 22 


for the additional reason, that Vieillot had already 
applied it to the preceding species. Thus two 
authors have made use of the same name for two 
birds that, from their close affinity, did not require 
this circumstance to endanger their being mis- 
taken.. The M. guerula of Wilson is, therefore, 
the acadica, and that of Vieillot is the virens; and 
as both these closely allied species may be mis- 
taken for the M. fusca, a new specific phrase for 
each may be acceptable. ae 

M. fusca, Ginel. (nunciola, Wilson.) = * 

Fusco-cinerea, capite nigricante ; subtus ochro- 

leuca ; rostro toto pedibusque nigris ; cauda subfor- 
ficata; rectrice extima latere exteriore albida. — 

M. virens, L. (rapax, Wils. querula, Vieill.) 

E virescenti fusco-cinerea, subtus sordide ochro- 
leuca; rostro supra nigro, subtus pallide lutes- 
eente; cauda subforficata; ret ar Beoyuiee omnium 
longissima. # 

M. acadica, Gmel. (querula, Wils. not of Vieill. ) 

Virescens, subtus ochroleuca; alarum fascia ge- 
mina albida; xostro nigro subtus carneo; cauda 
subrotundata ; remige tertia omnium longissima. _ 


Aaa os 

Musercara acadica, Guev. Latu. Vier. 
- Museicapa canadensis olioacea. Briss. "(considered by 
Linn. and Lath. as a variety of the Muscicapa pipe 

Muscicara nes Bartram, ; ered 


Vieillot has not given a figure of the acadica, 
and copies the little he says of it from other wri- 
ters. In the Nouy. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. he gives it 
the name of Pratyruyncos virescens, and adds a 
correct account of it taken from Wilson. He thinks 
the Topus obscurus of Latham is no other than 
this species ; but we are of the opinion that it is 
the preceding, and we have quoted it accordingly. 

Vieillot’s arrangement of this species shows 
evidently that the genus Pratyruyncos, in his ac- 
ceptation of it, is unnatural, since he generically 
separates these species from each other, which 
are so closely allied as to be proximate species in 
the same section. The only difference is, that the 
bill of the acadica is but a very little wider and 
» 118. M. ruticilla. Vol. i. p. 103, and yol. v. p. 
119. (Young.) The very great difference exhi- 
bited by the perfect plumage of the male of this 
pretty little bird, from the dress of the female, 
young and autumnal male, has led authors into the 
error of describing it under two different names. — 
And it is worthy of remark, that in its humble 
dress it has been referred to the genus Sytyia. 
Cuvier arranges it under his subgenus Muscipeta; 
but other writers, who admit that group as a genus, 
consider it a Muscicapa. We are ignorant of the 
opinion of Temminck, but we find no character 
that justifies its separation from Muscicapa, of 
which we consider it a genuine species. A re- 


markable character of this bird, common, however, 
to several others of the genus, is that it has the 
four outer primaries nearly equal in length. 


Muscicapa ruticilla, Linn. Guet. Lara. Viztt. Pl. 35, 
(male) Pl. 36, (female.) 

Moracitta flavicauda, Gurt. (female, young and autum- 
nal male.) 

Muscicapa americana, Briss. 

Gobe-mouche @Amerique, Burr, Pl. Enl. 566, fig. 1, Lisa 
in full plumage.) Jig. 2, (female.) 

119. M. cwrulea, Vol. ii. p. 164. Wilson trans- 
ferred this very small bird from Sytvia, in which it 
always was, and has since been placed by authors, 
to Muscicara, probably from the circumstance of 
its bill being a little depressed and flattened at 
base. This character certainly proves an alliance 
with that genus; but the slenderness and elonga- 
tion of the bill, induces us to comply with the de- 
cision of all other authors, and replace it in Syt- 
via. Wilson was probably not aware that the 
name of cerulea is pre-occupied in Muscicapa; 
and as this is the case, the name would be changed 
in that genus; but as we refer it to Syxyia, the 
first name must be retained. It may be considered 
a connecting link between Syzvia and Muscioapa. » 
A small intermediate subgenus may be formed. wid 
it, and for a few others jalenad to it. ate 




Moracitta cerulea, Linn. Gmet. 
Syzvia cerulea, Lata. View. Pl. 88. 
Moracitia cana, Gaex. (young.) 
Sytvia cana, Latu. (young.) 
Ficeputa pensylvanica cinerea, Briss. 

This bird is not represented in Buffon’s Planches Enlu- 
minées, though two of his figures are very like it: of these, 
one is the Figuier de Madagascar, pl. 705, fig. 3, (Syuvta 
livida, Lata.) which, but for the locality, we should believe 
to be the same; and the other is the Figuier @ téte noire de 
Cayenne, (pl. 704, fig. 1,) which we cannot agree with au- 
thors in considering as a variety of it. 

» 120. M. sylvicola. Vol. i. p.117. This bird is 
one of three, of which Vieillot originally formed 
his genus Vireo, which we adopt, as very natural 
and intermediate between Muscicara and Tanacra; 
to these species he judiciously added, in the Nou- 
veau Dict. d’Hist. Nat. the Muscicapa solitaria of 
Wilson, as a fourth species. We think proper to 
enrich this small genus with two other species, 
as will be seen hereafter. All the known Vineonzs 
are inhabitants of North America. The genus is 
thus characterized : 

Bill rather short, a little robust, and compressed; 
upper mandible incurved at tip, and emarginat- 
ed; inferior mandible shorter, recurved at. tip, 
with the sides narrowed in and rounded beneath ; 
nares at the base of the bill rounded ; tongue car- 


tilaginous and bifid at tip; mouth ciliated at the 
corners ; wings with the second or third prima- 
ry longest; toes four, three before and one be- 
hind; the exterior ones united at base. 

All the species live in the woods, feeding on 
insects and berries, but principally on the former, 
and are therefore migratory and Ba summer 

Vieillot places this genus in the same family 
with the Tanacra, (his. Pertcaties,) but we ar- 
range the Tawacre in the family of the Passerin, 
and the present genus with Syivia and Muscicapa 
in that of the Cayor. » ia 

Vieillot’s specific name for the present species 
has the priority, and must therefore be adopted in 
preference to that of Wilson; the bird will then 
be known by the name of Vireo flavifrons. 


Vinzo flavifrons, Vien pl. 54, 00 ae : 

He thinks the Tanacra olivacea of Gmel. and 
Lath. is the female of this species ; but our im- 
pression is that this bird is the female, young or 
autumnal male of Tayacra rubra, and we —— 
therefore quoted it as such. ” 

121. M. solitaria. © Vol. ii. p. 143. “This rare, 
new species of Wilson, was never observed by 
Vieillot, who, however, probably from Wilson’s 
statements and accurate figure, very properly ar- 
ranged it in his genus Virgo, in the Nouveau Dict. 


dHist. Nat. as above mentioned, retaining the 
specific name given by its discoverer. This is 
the course that a naturalist ought always to follow, 
in transferring a badly classified species to its pro- 
per genus, unless the specific name be pre-oecu- 
yn in that group. 

_ Our bird is therefore the Vireo solitarius. We 
have much pleasure in pointing out to the reader 
the remarkable acuteness of Wilson with regard 
to this species. “It appears,” says he, “to belong. 
to a particular family or subdivision of the Musci- 
capa genus, among which are the white-eyed, the 
yellow-throated, and several others already de- 
scribed in the present work.” These are pre- 
cisely the species forming the genus Vireo, which 
therefore our author evidently detected; and mo- 
desty alone, probably, prevented him from ven- 
turing to make the division. 

- 422. M. cantatriz. Vol. ii. p. 166.' This is also 
a Vireo, and it offers an evidence of the impro- 
priety of changing specific names in order to im- 
prove them. Wilson, after Bartram, called it can- 
tatrix, (it is probably by a typographical error 
that it is marked as new in the catalogue, since 
the synonymes are given in the text,) and Vieillot 
named it Vireo musicus, both wishing to give a 
better name than that of noveboracencis of Gmelin. 
Their names, and especially that of Vieillot, are 
certainly preferable, as being more elegant and 
appropriate ; but we have thus three names for 


the same bird; and this principle once admitted, 
every naturalist might give a name of his own, 
and universal confusion would be the inevitable 
result. For instance, if those naturalists are right 
thus to commemorate the vocal powers of the bird, 
I must have the privilege to consider the white 
eye a better discriminating mark, and to name it 
accordingly. We must therefore be content with 
the prior name, bad as it is, and call the bird: Vitex 


Muscicapa noveboracensis, Guru. Lara. 
Vireo musicus, Vrer.t. pl. 52. 

123. M. melodia. Vol. y. p. 85. In his large 
work, Vieillot has placed this bird in his genus 
Muscicara, but he has since transferred it to Syr- 
via. In my opinion its true place is in Vireo, of 
which genus it has all the characteristic marks. 
Vieillot’s specific name having the priority, must 
be retained, and the species will then be known 
as the Virzo gilvus. It is with much pleasure that 
we are able to reject the bad name of melodia. 



Musicapa gilva, Viet pl. 34. (Figure badly coloured.) 
Sytvia gilva, Vieitt, Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. ‘ 

124. M. olivacea. Vol. ii. p. 55. Vieillot p vie 
sued the same course, with respect to this bird, as 
for the preceding. He placed it with the Muse: 


cara in his Ois. de [’ Amer. Sept. and afterwards 
with Sytvia. We consider it a Vinzo, although 
it differs somewhat from the other species, in hay- 
ing a more elongated bill; a character by which 
it certainly approaches Syxyia, with which, in fact, 
Vireo is allied as well as with Taxacra and Mu: 
The present bird may readily be mistaken for 
the preceding, with which it corresponds in colour, 
but it is larger, the colours are much more yiyid 
and striking, and the longer and more robust bill 
and red eyes, will distinguish it on comparison. 
This resemblance has, however, been productive 
of great confusion in the history and habits of the 
species, from which Wilson only is free. i 


Muscicara olivacea. Linn. Guet. Lara. (not the variety as 
above stated.) Visit. (from these authors.) : 
Muscicapa jamaicensis. Briss. 

Muscicara (since Sytvia) gltiloqua. Vien. pi. $8. (It 
_is because he did not examine the recent eyes, that Vieillot 
states this species to differ from olivacea, in not having them 
red. His altiloqua is evidently the olivacea ; and it is worthy 
of remark, that he has not mentioned the colour of the eyes ; 
he has therefore introduced confusion, instead of elucidating 

the subject. 
Bartram called this bird Muscicara sylvicola, a name 
which Wilson transferred to the Vireo flavifrons 

125. M. cucullata. Vol. iii. p. 101. 2 RB DORI 



has been arranged by different authors under Mv- 
scicapa, Parus, and Syzvia. And although Wilson 
considers it as well characterized a Muscicara as 
any other, yet, by the form of its bill, it is evidently 
a Syzvia, in which latter, we agree with Gmelin, 
Latham, Pennant and Vieillot, in placing it. We 
cannot conceive Wilson’s reason for choosing 
a doubtful synonyme, in preference to the well-es- 
tablished prior name which we shall, of course, 
re-establish, by calling the species Sytvia mitrata. 


Moracitia mitrata. GMeEL. : 

Sytvia mitrata. Lata. Viet. pl. 77. 

Syivia cucullata. Lata. 

Parus carolinensis torquatus. Briss. (Catesby also con- 
sidered it a Titmouse.) 
Gobe-mouche citrin de la Louisiane. Burr. Pl. Enl. 666. f. 2. 

The latter author in his Hist. Nat. des. Oiseaua, also con- 
siders it as a Titmouse, making two species of it. ’ 

126. M. canadensis. Vol. iii. p. 100. - This rare 
species escaped the researches of Vieillot, who 
erroneously in his great work suspected it to 
be an imperfect state of Syivia blackburnia ; 
The bird cannot be permitted to remain in the 
same genus with the Pewit and other flat-billed 
species, but it is a decided Syzvia, having only 
the habits, and the bristles at the base of the bill 
of the Flycatchers ; characters which induced Wil- 
son, under the authority of former writers, to place 


it in Muscicapa, but the same characters exist in 
several other Sytviz. The name being pre-occu- 
pied in that genus, we are under the necessity of 
giving ita newone. We call it Sytvia pardalina. 


Muscrcara canadensis. Linn. Guet. Lata. 
Muscicapa canadensis cinerea. Briss. 

127. § M. pusilla. Vol. iii. p. 103. As I have 
never seen this new species, I am not competent 
to say any thing with certainty of it. My impres- 
sion, however, is, that it is not a genuine Musci- 
capa, but that it will prove to be a Sytvia; in which 
genus its specific name must be changed, being 
pre-occupied by three others. I propose for it 
the name of S. Wilsonii. 

128. § M. minuta. Vol. vi. p. 62. Anew species 
of Wilson omitted in the index. We have never 
seen it, but judging from the too much reduced 
figure we rather think it a Sytvia. The specific 
name is pre-occupied in Muscicapa, and also in 
Sytvia, Wilson having applied it to one of his new 
Warblers; but as I have discovered that his S. 
minuta is the S. discolor of Vieillot, his specific 
name for this species, if it be a Syzvia, may be 

Three species are referred to this genus by our 

author, only one of them, however, belongs to it, 
as it is now limited. 


129. A. magna. Vol. iii. p. 20. This bird, which 
i$ peculiar to this country, is not a Lark, but a 
Statling (Sturnus.) Wilson was misled by some 
European author; but Latham had already ob- 
served that the Atauvpa magna is the Srurvus 
ludovicianus, which name must be exclusively 


Sroaxvs Iudovicianis. Lins. Gaew. Lath. Bais. (Winter 

Atavupa magna. Lins. Giret. (Summer dress.) 

Menuta americana torquata. Briss. (Summer dress.) 

Etourneau de la Louisiane, Burr. Pl. Enl. 256. (Winter 

Wilson endeavoured to prove this bird a Lark, 
and it is a remarkable circumstance that he only 
quotes the synonymes of ALavpa magna, without 
mentioning that of Srurnus ludovicianus, nor any 
other of the synonymes referred to that by former 
writers; thus conveying the idea that they are 
two different birds, which is certainly not the fact, 
and which probably induced Stephens to —_ 
a nominal species. 

Vieillot has lately formed for this bird the genus 
Srurvetza, which, with his Srurnus and Bupnaea, 
form his family Lemonrres.. That genus may be 
adopted as a subgenus. This author also changed 
the specific name to that of collaris. Daudin 
makes a Cassicus (Icrervs) of it. 


130. * Avavpa alpestris. Vol. i. p. 85. After 
discussing a long series of species peculiar to 
North America, we again arrive at one to which 
we can prefix the sign which indicates a common 
habitation to both continents. It will be observed, 
that only such birds as winter here are common 
to the two continents, the reason for which is very 
obvious since the European and American birds 
of that description meet at the pole, and can from 
thence visit either hemisphere. This is the only 
true Lark hitherto found in the United States, 
where it extends its migrations much further south 
than in Europe. 


Auaupa alpestris. Livy. Guen. Laru. Tem. 

Ataupa fiava. Gmex. (adult male in breeding dress.) 
Ataupa virginiana. Briss. 

Alouette de Siberie. Burr. Pl. Enl. 650. fig. 2. 
Bartram called it ALaupa campestris gutture flavo. 

131. * A. rufa. Vol.v. p. 89. The genus Avav- 
pa has been, very properly, deprived of those 
species whose slender and emarginated bill prove 
amore intimate connexion with Moracixa than 
with Ataupa. Bechstein made this separation, 
and placed the discarded species in a separate 
genus, which he ‘called Anrnus. This genus is 
now adopted by Temminck, Vieillot, and all the 
best modern Ornithologists. Cuvier places it as a 
subgenus under his extensive group of Moracuxa, 


which is rather a family than a genus. The pre- 
sent species is the only Ayrnus yet known to in- 
habit North America, and is also found in Europe. 

It is probably by mistake that Wilson calls this 
bird Al. rufa, since that name had been already 
given by Gmelin to two different species, both 
distinct from our bird, which is the Al. rubra of 
Gmelin and Latham. Finding the name rubra 
improper, our author changed it to that of rufa, 
not thinking that the latter name was doubly pre- 
occupied. But this is of little importance since it 
is now proved that the Al. rubra (pensylvanica of 
Brisson) is the same with the European Anruus 
aquaticus of Bechstein, and this changeable bird, 
about which there has been so much confusion, 
being finally settled under the latter name I think 
it proper to adopt it here. 

But we do not understand how Vieillot can avail 
himself of the testimony of Wilson in favour of the 
union of the two species, since this author seems 
not to have even thought of it. 

The synonymes being in a state of utter confu- 
sion, we shall be excused for attempting to give 
them more fully than our general plan admits of. 

Axaupa rubra. Guew. Latu. 
Avaupa ludoviciana. Guet. Lata. 
Axaupa pensylvanica. Briss. — 
Farlouzanne, Burr. Ois. > 
Alouette aux joues brunes de Pensylvanie, Burr. Ois. 


Lark from Pennsylvania, Eow. Glean. pl. 297. 
Red Lark, Penn. Brit. and Arct. Zool. Laru. Syn. 
Louisiana Lark, Lara. Syn. 


Annus aquaticus. Becust. Meyer. Viritt. nou. dict. 
Tew. taak 
Axavpa spinoletta. Linn. (ought not this specific name to 
be restored ?) 

ALauDA campestris 4 spinoletta. Guev. Lata. 

Ataupa obscura. Guet. Latu. (young.) 

Avaupa petrosa Monracu Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. (young.) 

Antuus rupestris. Nitsson Orn. Succ. 

Alouette pipi. (by error) Burr. Pl. Enl. 661. f. 2. 

Meadow Lark var. A. Lara. Syn. 

Dusky Lark, Lata. Syn. (young.) 

Anrtuus montanus. Kocu Bayerische Zool. 

The latter nominal species, as Temminck observes, was 
formed of an adult male, as it appears during the few days 
of breeding, when they have a roseate tint on the neck, 
breast, upper part of the belly and flanks. ? 


This genus was formerly a part of the extensive 
genus Moraciia. Scopoli was the first to sepa- 
rateit. Gmelin rejected it. Cuvier considered it 
as forming different subgenera under Motacilla; 
but Latham having previously, very properly, 
adopted it, our author assigned to it, as usual, the 
same limits. Vieillot divided the genus, but Tem- 
minck preserved it nearly entire. I shall only 

‘mention the genera which I shall adopt, contain- 


ing American species. These are Saxicora of 
Bechstein and Temminck, (ivanrue of Vieillot,) 
Recutus of Vieillot, (formerly established by Ray,) 
Troctopyres, Vieillot, (established as a subgenus 
by Cuvier.) Thus reduced, Syxvia is still extreme- 
ly numerous in species, of which many inhabit the 
United States, and are peculiar to this continent. 

As the divisions that have been made of the 
genus Syty1a, seem to me unsatisfactory, I shall 
endeavour, on another occasion, to introduce a 

- more natural classification ; in the meantime I shall 
note the subgenus to which the species belongs, 
when this is obvious, but many necessary obser- 
vations are wanting to enable me to refer some of 
the species with accuracy. No less than thirty- 
six species are described by our author. 

132. S. sialis. Vol. i. p. 56. I agree with Vieil- 
lot in the propriety of removing this bird from 
Syrvia, and placing it with S. @nanthe, stapa- 
zina, rubetra, rubicola, and others, in that genus 
which he calls GEnanrue, but which with Bechstein 
and 'Temminck, we shall call Saxicona, since it has 
all the characters and some of the habits of the 
first section of that genus: the American fauna is 
thus enriched with the genus Saxicota. That ge- 
nus was first established by Bechstein, and is 
now generally adopted; it is intermediate be- 
tween Syxvia, Muscicapa, and one of the sections 
of Turpus, not found in the United States, but 
mcluding the T. eyanus and sawatilis of Europe: 


Vieillot changed the name to that of CEvanrne on 

account of priority! as having been given by Gess- 
ner, Willughby and Ray. But that name is inadmis- 
sible, being pre-occupied in Botany. 

The name Saxicora, though objectionable ac- 
cording to Illiger and other purists, as being de- 
rived from a habit, must, in my opinion, be retained, 
rather than that another name should be intro- 
duced, as Stephens has done by calling the genus 
Virirtora. The present bird, the only North 
American species, belongs to the first section, with 
the S. enanthe, stapazina, aurita, &c. of Europe. 
Although Temminck adopts the genus Saxicoa, 
he still considers this bird a Sytyia. 


Moracita sialis. Linn. Get. 
Syxvia sialis. Lar. Vier. pl. 101, (male.) 102, (female.) 

103, (young.) — 
Recently the latter author has called it Cinanrne sialis.. 
Ficeputa rubecula carolinensis cerulea. Briss. 
La Gorge rouge de la Caroline. Burr. Pl. Enl. 396. fig. 1, 
(male.) 2, (female.) 

133. S. ealendula. Vol. i. p. 83. This pretty 
species belongs to the genus Reevtus of Vieillot, 
or rather of Ray, considered by Cuvier as a sub- 
genus, (but in which the latter author includes 
some species that we consider as true Sytviz,) and 
regarded by Temminck and other modern authors 

as a section only of Sytvra.- 
VOL. IV.-DECEMBER, 1824, 24 


Vieillot has taken the liberty of changing the 
specific name to that of rubineus, a usurpation that 
cannot be permitted. It must therefore be called 
Recutus calendulus, agreeably to Stephens, 


Moracitxa calendula. Linn. Guets 

Syivia calendula. Laru. 

Parus griseus. Guet. Larue 

Parus calendula pensyloanica. Briss. 

Reguwus rubineus. View. pl. 104, (male with an exag- 
gerated crest.) 105, (young, given as the female.) 

134. S. marylandica. Vol. i. p. 88, Vol. ii p. 163. 
(female.) Wilson chose Brisson’s specific name 
in preference to that of Linné, who, for what rea- 
son I know not, considered this bird a Turpus. 
Linné’s specific name must be restored, and the 
species will then be known as the Syxvia trichas, 
agreeably to Latham. 


Turous trichas. Linn. Gue.. 

Sxxvia trichas. Lary. Vizit. pl. 85. (male.) pl. 86. (fe- 

Ficrputa marylandica. Briss. 

Fauvette @ poitrine jaune de le Louisiane, Burr. Pl. Bnle 
709. fig. 2. (male.) 

135. * S. regulus. Vol. i. p. 126. This bird 
and the calendula, are the only species of the ge- 
nus Reeuivus known to inhabit North America. 
According to some authors a third species is found 
here, but this we believe to be a mistake. This 


species is an inhabitant of both continents: its 
specific name being now transferred to the genus, 
-we think proper to adopt in its stead that given 
by Ray and Vieillot, of Recutus eristatus, though 
some recent authors have called it R.oulgaris. For 
further remarks and a complete synonymy, see my 
continuation of Wilson’s Ornithology. 

Moracrixa regulus. Linn. Guet. 
Sytvia regulus. Larn. Tema. 
Paxus calendula, Regulus cristatus oulgo dicta, Brasé. 
Recutus cristatus. Viet. Nour. dict. 
The figure in Buffon’s Pl. Enl. does not represent this 
bird, neither does that of Vieillot, Ois de PAmer. Sept. 

136. S. domestica. Vol. i. p. 129. Agreeably to 
the principle we adopted in a former part of these 
observations, when speaking of.some of Wilson’s 
Cerruiz, this bird must be placed in the genus 
Troctopyres and subgenus of the same name. 
Vieillot’s excellent specific name, having the pri- 
ority, must be adopted, and the bird be called 
T. adon. 


Troctopyres edon. Viritt. pl. 107. 
Moraciura domestica (Regulus rufus.) Bartram. 
Moracitra furva ? Guet. 

Syivia furva? Laru. 

137.* S. troglodytes. Vol. i. p. 39. With Wil- 
son we have little or no doubt of the identity of 
this species with that of Europe, with which: it 


corresponds exactly in appearance. It differs how- 
ever, in its migratory habits, which are probably 
attributable tothe temperature of this climate. 
_ Vieillot has not mentioned it in his large work, 

but in the Nouv. dict. @hist. nat. he gives it a dis- 
tinct place, though not without much hesitation, 
under the name of 'Trociopytes hyemalis. It be- 
longs to the genus and subgenus Troctopytes, 
and as the specific name is now generic, we must 
call it T. Europeaus, agreeably to Leach, Vieillot, 
and Stephens, as that name, although not at all ap- 
propriate, has the priority. 

Moracitta troglodytes. Linn. GuEt. 

Sytvia troglodytes. Latu. Tema. 

Ficeputa regulus. Briss. 
Le Roitelet, Burr. Pl. Enl. 651. f. 2. 

138. S. flavicollis. Vol. ii. p. 64. Vieillot adopted 
for this species the name of S. pensilis, which 
must be retained ; this name is not quoted by our 
author in his synonymes, and that of Aavicollis is 
not mentioned by Vieillot, yet they are both in- 
tended to designate one species. , 


Moraciixa pensilis. GuEt. 

Moracitta flavicollis. Ger. 

Sytvia pensilis. Lata. Visit. pl. 72. (male.) 

Svyivia flavicollis. Lata. View. (from that author.) 

Parus carolinensis griseus, Briss. ai 
4 La gorge jaune de St. Domingue, Burr. Pl. Enl. 686. figs 1, 



139. S. castanea. Vol. ii. p. 97. A new species 
of Wilson, whose name must be adopted; it ap- 
proaches the S. ruficapilla, Latham, and may 
possibly prove to be the same in a different state 
of plumage. 

140. 8S. pennsylvanica. Vol. ii. p. 99. This hand- 
some warbler has been described by authors, in- 
cluding Linné, under two different names; those 
of pensylvanica and icterocephala. 'The latter 
name has not been quoted by our author, but 
must be exclusively adopted, having been pre- 
viously chosen by Vieillot in his large work. 


- Moracitta icterocephala. Linn. Gmet. 

Moracitta pensyloanica. Linn. GMeEL. 

Sytvia icterocephala. Laru. Viei.. pl. 90. 

Syzvia pensyloanica. Laru. 

Ficeputa canadensis icterocephalos. Briss. 

‘Ficeputa pensylvanica icterocephalos. Briss. 

It is not figured in Buff. Pl. Enl.; the plate quoted by 
Gmelin and Latham, is, as Vieillot observes, the young of 
S. coronata. 

141. § S. philadelphia. Vol. ii. p. 101. A new 
species of Wilson, the excessive rarity of which 
might lead us to suppose it an accidental variety 
of some other, perhaps the S. irichas. This name 
must of course be retained for this bird, which he 
met with but once, and which has not been seen 

142. S. solitaria. Vol. ii. p. 109. According to 


Wilson, who gave the present name, this is the 
Pine-creeper of Edwards, pl. 277, upper figure, but 
it is not that of Catesby, which is certainly S. pi- 
nus; Linné, Gmelin and Latham confounded them 
together, and our author first distinguished them. 
The S. solitaria will be properly placed in Cu- 
vier’s subgenus Daenis, which we adopt, not how- 
ever as a subgenus of Cassicus,in which he places 
it, but as one of Sytyia. 
Parus aureus alis ceruleis. Bartram. 

143. S. chrysoptera. Vol. ii. p. 113. This species, 
as Wilson observes, has been described under two 
different names. It belongs to the subgenus Dac- 
nis above mentioned. ‘The female is unknown to 
authors; it differs very much from the male, and 
will be represented in the first volume of my con- 
tinuation of Wilson’s Ornithology. 


Moracitia chrysoptera, Linn. Get. 

Moracitxa flavifrons. Guew. 

Sytvia chrysoptera. Lata. Vinttt. pl. 97. 

Syuvia flavifrons. Larne 

Ficeputa pensylvanica cinerea gutture nigro. Briss. 
Parus alis ceruleis. Bartram. 

144. S. citrinella. Vol. ii. p. 111. Wilson’s name, 
though much handsomer and more appropriate, 
cannot be admitted in preference to the generally 
received designation, that of S. estiva. 



Moracitia estiva. Guet. 

Syivia estiva. Laru. Vier. pl. 95. 

Moracira albicollis. Guex. (young.) 

Syrvra albicollis. Lata. (young.) 

Ficepua canadensis. Briss. (male adult.) 

Ficepua dominicensis. Briss. (young.) 

Figuier de Canada, Burr. Pl. Ent. 58. fig. 2. (adult male,) 
not the figure 1, which that author gives as the female, in 
which he was followed by others; but Latham, Wilson and 
Vieillot very correctly separated it from this species; the 
latter author believed it to be intended for his S. flava, but in 
that case he ought to have retained Latham’s name of S. 
carolinensis for that bird. 

We think Vieillot was right in considering Cates- 
by’s Yellow Titmouse, Vol. i. £ 63, as the S. estiva: 
Gmelin and Latham erroneously quoted that figure 
for a variety of S. trochilus, a European bird giver 
by them as also American, probably from the re- 
semblance it bears to some Areprigen females of 
other species. 

145. S. canadensis. Vol. ii. p. 115. Linné in- 
advertently gave the specific name of canadensis 
to two Warblers. Gmelin and Latham preserved 
the name to this species, and called the other, 
which, however, is but a nominal species, S. cincta. 
Vieillot having discovered that it is the same as 
the S. e@rulescens of St. Domingo, preferred that 
name to that of canadensis, which, however, be- 
ing prior, must be retained. 



Moracitia canadensis. sp. 42, Linn. Guev. 
Moracitxa cerulescens. Guew. (autumnal.) 

Syzvia canadensis. Latu. 

Syztvia c@rulescens. Lata. (autumnal.) Vieixt. pl. 80. 
Ficeputa canadensis cinerea minor. Briss. 

Figuier cendré du Canada, Burr. Pl. Enl. 685, f. 2. 

146. S. virens. Vol. ii. p. 137. This species is 
correctly named, and authors agree respecting it. 

Moracitta virens. GMEL. 
Sytvia virens. Larn. Viet.t. pl. 92. 
Ficeputa pensylvanica guiture nigro. Briss. 
Parus viridis gulture nigroe Bartram. 

147. S. coronata. Vol. ii. p. 138, and Vol. vy. p. 
121, (in winter dress.) Wilson’s account of this 
bird is correct and complete; but although he gives ' 
a number of synonymes, yet he is far from indi- 
cating the whole number of nominal species that 
have been formed of its different states. He is 
incorrect in giving the Moracixa maculosa of 
Gmelin and its corresponding synonyma, as the 
same with this bird; it is very distinct, being the 
supposed new species, the S. magnolia of Wilson. 


Moracitxa coronata. Linn. Gut. (adult in summer dress.) 

Moraciita canadensis. sp. 27. Linn. (adult in summer 
dress, unnatural by a band on the breast.) ° 

Moraciua umbria. Guew, (autumnal.) i 

Moracitta cincta. Guet. (adult in summer dress, with 
the above mentioned band.) 


Moracitta pinguis, Gm. (autumnal.) 

Syxvia coronata, Laru. (adult in summer dress.) Viettt. 
pl. 78. (adult male in summer plumage.) pl. 79, (young.) 

Sytvia umbria, Lata. (autumnal.) 

Synvia cincta, Laru. (adult in summer dress, deviating 
from nature by having the band on the breast; an error 
which probably originated in Brisson’s figure.) 

Syivia pinguis, Lara. (autumnal.) 

Ficepua pensylvanica cinerea nevia, Briss. (adult in sum- 
mer plumage.) 

Ficepura canadensis cinerea, Briss. (with the false band.) 

Fauvette tachetée de la Louisiane, Burr. Pl. Enl. 709, fig. 1. 

Figuier du Mississippi, Burr. Pl. Enl. 731, f. 2, (young 
autumnal; erroneously quoted by Gmelin and Latham un- 
der S. icterocephala.) 

Parus cedrus uropygio flaco, Banrnam. (autumnal.) 

Parvus aureo vertice, Bartram. (summer dress.) 

Parus virginianus, Linn. Gut. Lata. Briss. (autumnal.) 

Syivia flavopygia, Vieity. (autumnal.) 

Sytvia wanthoroa, ViEit1. nouv. dict. (autumnal.) 

148. S. cwerulea. Vol. ii. p. 141. This very beau- 
tiful little species was first described and figured 
by our author, who having placed the S. ewrulea 
of Latham with the Muscicars, thought proper to 
apply that specific name to his new species, for 
which it is much more appropriate. But as we 
agree with all modern writers in regarding that 
species as a Syxyia, we are unable to retain the 
name of cerulea for the present bird. With this 
consideration Stephens gave it the name of S. 

VOL. IV.——DECEMBER, 1824. 25 


azurea. My friend, Mr. Say, in his excellent 

‘zoological notes, to the account of Major Long’s 
expedition to the Rocky Mountains, calls it S. 

149. S..pinus. Vol. iii. p. 25. We have already 
had occasion to speak of this bird when treating 
of S. varia (Cerrnia maculata of Wilson.) It is 
a ‘true ‘Syrvia, although ‘Linné mane Gmelin ar- 
ranged it in Cerruta. 

Wilson i is very accurate in noticing he's numer- 
ous’ errors of his predecessors relative to this 
species, and.judicious in correcting them. 


Cerrnia pinus, Linn. Guew. 
Syivia-pinus, Larn. Visit. (from that author, having 
‘never seen the bird.) 

Misled by Edwards, these ‘authors have at least con- 
founded iit with the S. solitaria of Wilson, from which their 
description seems to be taken. 

Parus americanus. Briss. 

It is not surprising that authors are’ obscure 
with respect to this bird, since they quote in 
their synonymy, two different’ species and plates, 
viz. that ‘of Catesby, pl. 61, which, though very 
bad, is intended for our bird, and that of Edwards’ 
Gleanings, pl. 277, upper figure ; ‘whichis the S. 
solitaria of Wilson, as before stated. 

(150. S. magnolia. Vol. iii. p. 63. We séiibe 
conceive how Wilson could give this species’as 


new, and state that no European naturalist had 
noticed it, since it is the S. maculosa mentioned 
by them all, and erroneously considered by our 
author as the S. coronata. On this account we 
shall give a more complete synonymy than usual. 
The bill in Wilson’s figure is inaccurate, being 
much too long and too thick. 


Moracirta maculosa, Guex. 

Sytvia maculosa, Lata. Vier. pl. 93. (male.) 
Ficeputa pensylvanica nevia, Briss. 

Figuier 4 téte cendrée, Burr. hist. nat. des Ois. 

Yellow rumped Fly-catcher, Epw. Glean. pl. 255, (male.) 
Yellow rumped Warbler, Penn. Arct. Zool. Lara. Syn. 

151. S. blackburnia. Vol. iii. p. 64. ' Wilson is 
correct in respect to this fine species. 


Moraciixa blackburnie, GME. 
Sytvia blackburnie, Lata. Vieitt. pl. 96. 

152. S. autumnalis, Vol. iii. p. 65, has been given 
by Wilson as a new species. It seems not to have 
been noticed before or since. His name must be 

153. 8. protonotarius. Vol. iii. p. 72. This bird 
belongs tothe subgenus Dacnis. Wilson expresses 
a decisive opinion favourable to the propriety of 
forming a subgenus or separate family for this 
bird, and a few other Warblers, distinguished alike 


for the form and acuteness of their bills, which 
are longer, thicker at base, and more rounded than 
those of the genus Sytvia generally are. Here 
again he had the subgenus Dacnis in view; the 
name only was wanting. 


Moracitxa protonotarius, GMEL. 

Syxvia protonotarius, Laru. Viriwi. pl. 83. (a very bad 

Figuier @ ventre et téte jaunes de la Louisiane, Bure. Pl. 
Enl. 704, f. 2. 

154. S. vermivora. Vol. iii. p. 74. This also 
belongs to the subgenus Dacnis, of which, or of 
a corresponding division, it is generally given as 
the type, though the bill is a little more bent than 
in the other species. ‘This bird escaped Vieillot’s 


Moracinua vermivora, GMEL. 
Syzvia vermivora, Lara. Vieit.. (from authors.) 
Ficeputa pensyloanica, Briss. 

Edwards first figured this bird, in his Gleanings, pl. 305. 

155. § 8. peregrina. Vol. iii. p. 83. A new species 
found in the western country by Wilson. I have 
never seen it, but, judging by its figure, it must 
be placed in the subgenus Daenis. 'The species 
has a strong analogy with the S. bicolor of Vieil- 
lot, pl. 90, bis. the only difference being that the 


latter is blue on the upper parts, where the former 
is green. . 

156. § S. formosa. Vol. iii. p. 84. Another new 
species found also by Wilson in the western coun- 
try. It isnot noticed by any author, and Wilson’s 
name must be adopted. If the figure be correct, 
the bill is remarkably large for a Sytvia. 

157. S. minuta. Vol. iii. p. 89. This new species 
of Wilson, seems to me to be the same as Vieillot’s 
S. discolor; this name having the priority must 
supplant Wilson’s. 


Syzvia discolor, Viritt. pl. 98. 

158. § S. rara. Vol. iii. p.119. A rare and new 
species, met with but once by 0 our author and not 
observed since. 

159. S. ruficapilla. Vol. iii. p. 120. The name 
of this new species being pre-occupied, Wilson 
changed it in his index to that of rubricapilla. A 
subsequent writer had, therefore, no right to give _ 
it the name of S. leucogastra. 

160. S. pusilla. Vol. iv. p. 17. Wilson was 
wrong in changing the name of this bird, and that 
which he has chosen is pre-occupied in Latham’s ~~ 
work by a New Holland Warbler; he has, besides, 
given the same name to two species; though he 
has changed one of them in his index. Vieillot 
also gave a new name which is more elegant and 
appropriate; but nevertheless, that of Syzvia 


americana of Latham, (Parus americanus Linné,) 
“must be exclusively adopted. It is remarkable 
that Gmelin, Pennant and Latham have followed 
Linné in placing this species in Parus, particu- 
larly as Brisson and Buffon had porseines its true 


Parvus americanus, Linn. Guex. Lata. The latter author 
expresses a doubt of its being a Parus, and says it resem- 
bles Sytvra americana, to which he refers Buffon’s syno- 
nyme quoted below. 

~ Moraciixa americana, Gm. 

Syxvia americana, Lata. 

Moracixta ludoviciana, Gur. 

Sytvia ludoviciana, sp. 105. Latu. 

Ficeputa carolinensis cinerea, Briss. 

Ficeputa ludoviciana, Briss. 

Figuier cendré de la Caroline, Burr. Pl. Enl. 731, f- 1. 

Sytvia torquata, Vinit1. pl. 99. 

Thus has four names been given to this one 
species. This confusion will always arise whilst 
writers consider themselves authorized to change 
specific names under any pretence whatever, ex- 
cepting that of pre-occupancy. We again repeat 
that in our own defence we must adhere to the 
name first given. : 

161. S. petechia. Vol. iv. p. 19. In consequence 
of its remarkable traits this species has never 
been mistaken for another. Vieillot, however, in 
the Nouv. dict. (hist. nat. expresses an opinion in 

La ed res 


consequence of its excessive rarity, that it is a 
variety of S. @stiva. 


Moractiua petechia, Linn. Gen. 

Svxvia petechia, Lara. Viettx. pl. 91, (male.) 
Ficeputa pensyloanica erythrocephalos, Briss. 
Figuier @ téte rouge de Pensyloanie, Burr. Ois. 
Yellow red-pole, Epw. pl. 256, lower figure. (male.) 
Red-headed Warbler, Penn. Arct, Zool. Laru. Syn. 

162. S. striata. Vol. iv. p. 40. and Vol. vi. p. 
101, (female) a well known species. “i 


Moracitta striata, Gut. 
Syivia striata, Lara. Virst. pl. 75, CaN 76 (female.) 
Black-pole Warbler, Penn. Arct. Zool. Latu. Syn. 

163. S. agilis. Vol. v. p. 64. A new species of 
‘Wilson, whose name must be adopted. 

164. S. pusilla. Vol. y. p. 100. A new species,” 
called by a pre-occupied name, but altered in the 
index to that of leucoptera, which is pre-occupied 
by one of Vieillot’s species, and was, therefore, 
changed to that of palustris, by Stephens; but as 
this also is pre-occupied, I propose for it the name 
of S. sphagnosa. 

165. § S. montana. Vol. y. p. 113. A species 
discovered by Wilson near the Blue Mountains. 
We have not seen it, but judging by the descrip- 
tion, and Vieillot’s figure, there is a great analogy 



between it and the S. tigrina of Latham; the 
spots on the under parts are less dense in. mon- 
tana. Believing that the tigrina could hardly have 
escaped Wilson’s observation, we are inclined to 
consider it as the same bird. 


Moracitta tigrina, Gur. 

Syzvia figrina, Latu. Vier. pl. 94. 

Ficeputa canadensis fusca, Briss. 

Le Figuier tacheté de jaune, Burr. Ois. 

Spotted yellow Fly-catcher, Penn. Arct. Zool. 
Epw. pl. 257, lower figure. Lara. Syn. 

166. S. parus. Vol. vy. p. 114. A new species 
closely allied to several, but apparently distinct 
from all. . 

167. S. maritima. Vol. vi. p. 99. This elegant 
new species must retain the name which Wilson, 
its discoverer, gave toit. He obtained the male 
only, and that but once. I have lately shot a fe- 
male bird, which I have some reasons for beliey- 
ing to be the mate of that species. It will appear 
in my continuation of Wilson’s Ornithology. 

(To be continued.) 












Officers of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadel- 

' phia, for the year 1825. - 
On the fresh water and land Tortoises of tie United 

States. By Thomas Say. - - - 
Observations on the Zinc Ores of Franklin and Sterling, 

Sussex county, New Jersey. By G. Troost, M. D. 
Notice of the Plesiosaurus, and other Fossil Reliquiz, 

from the State of New Jersey. By Richard Har-: 

lan, M. D. . - - = " 
Description of three new species of Coluber, inhabiting 
the United States. By Thomas Say. - - 

Description of two species of Linnzan Lacerta, not be- 
fore described, and construction of the new genus 
Cyclura. By Richard Harlan, M.D. - - 

Observations on the Nomenclature of Wilson’s Ornitho- 
logy. By Charles Bonaparte. (Continued.)  - 

Descriptions of four new species of the Linnzan genus 
Blennius, and a new Exocetus. By William W, 
Wood. - - - - 

Description of a new Species of Biped Seps fee 
Richard Harlan, M. D. - 

Description of a new species of Scincus. By Richard 

Harlan, M. D. : - - 

On two genera and several species of Crinoidea. By 
Thomas Say. - - - ~ 

Description of two new species of Agama. by R. Har- 
lan, M. D. - - - 

An account of a new species of the genus jorviai By 
George Ord, - - , - - 



Description of a new species of Salamander. By Wil- 

liam W. Wood. - + - - 
Descriptions of new Hemipterous Insects, collected in 
the expedition to the Rocky Mountains, perform- 
ed by order of Mr. Calhoun, Secretary of War, 
under command of Major Long. By Thomas 
Say. : “ 4 ait im 

A new genus of Mammalia proposed, and a description 

of the species upon which it is founded. By T. 
Say and G. Ord. - - - - 
Description of a new species of South Amerionn Frin- 
gilla. By Charles Bonaparte. - - - 
Description of a new species of Mammalia, whereon a 
genus is proposed to he founded. By T. Say and 
G. Ord. - - - - - 
Remarks on the floating apparatus, and other peculiari- 
ties, of the genus Janthina. di Reynell Coates, 
M. D. - - - - - 
Description. of two new species of the Linnean genus 
Blennius. By C. A. Lesueur. . 

Description of a new species of Trilobite. By J. J. 

Bigsby, M. D. - - - - ‘ 
On a new species of Modiola. By Thomas Say. - 
Description of ten species of South American Birds, By 

Charles Bonaparte. —- - - - 
Description of two new species of Mexican Birds. By 
Charles Bonaparte. —- wy Nie 
Catalogue of the Library. (Continued.) - - 

List of donors to the Library. . - sp 
List of donations to the Museum, with Gaus names. 

Alphabetical Index. - - - - - 

Plates of Volume IV. - - * a 

Addenda et Corrigenda. - * * “Hie 






William Maclure. 
Zaccheus Collins, George Ord. 
Corresponding Secretary. . 
Reuben Haines. 
Recording Secretary. 
William H. Keating. 
Thomas Say, C. A. Lesueur, J. P. Wetherill, 
Isaac Hays, M. D. 
Jacob Gilliams. 
Jacob Peirce. 
J. M. Brewer, S. G. Morton, M. D., J. .Dobson. 

VOL. IV—JANUARY, 1825. 26 


On the fresh water and land Torvorses of the 
United States. By Tuomas Say. Read Octo- 
ber 12th, 1824. 

Of the fresh water and land tortoises inhabiting 
this country, the Cuetonura serpentina, Emys con- 
centrica, punctata, and picta, the Cisrupa pensyl- 
vanica, odorata, and clausa, as well as the Trionyx 
ferox are well known, and are even familiar to 
every naturalist who has devoted any attention 
to the Reptilia. They are all strongly character- 
ized by nature and cannot be readily misunder- 
stood or confounded with each other. But there 
are several of our species, which, either from their 
rarity in this region, from the obscurity of their 
characters, or from the want of differential de- 
scriptions, may readily be mistaken by the student. 
Such are the Emys scabra, reticulata, serrata, 
geographica, glutinata, and I may add the Trsrupo 

In order that these species may be better un- 
derstood, I shall proceed to give specific defi- 
nitions of all those above mentioned, which, in- 
clusive of a new species of Emys, described in 
this paper under the name of diguttata, present 
a list of all the species yet fully ascertained to in- 
habit this country. 



1. T. polyphemus, Daudin. Above depressed; 
anterior plates of the sternum elongated into a 
dilated projection, which surpasses the front of the 
superior shell; tail obsolete; nails depressed, 
quadrate ; jaws denticulated. 


2. E. serrata, Daudin. Shell oval, longitudi- 
nally wrinkled; first vertebral plate urceolate ; 
anterior marginal scutum slender, its length equal 
to three times its breadth; posterior marginal scuta 
serrated; a blackish spot on the marginal scuta 
beneath: jaws remarkably denticulated. 

3. E. reticularia, Latreille. Shell ovate; Gust 
vertebral plate quadrate, a little wider before ; pos- 
terior marginal scuta entire, lateral ones beneath 
with three black spots over the suture of the 
sternum ; sternum very narrow, elongate-oval: : jaws 

4. E. geographica, Lesueur. A vertebral carina 
which is prominent and acute at the posterior tips 
of the plates ; first plate suburceolate, angulated 
before ; anterior marginal scutum slender, anterior 
plates of the sternum and posterior marginal scuta 
of the superior shell very concave : jaws unarmed. 

5. E. scabra, Linn. Plates sculptured with very 
numerous, concentric and radiating, impressed 
lines, giving a granulated appearance to the whole 


surface ; a large black spot on each plate of the 
sternum : jaws not denticulated ; superior mandible 
emarginate at tip; inferior one acute. 

6. E. centrata, Latr. Shell somewhat ovate, ca- 
rinate excepting on the last plate; plates with con- 
centric circles, either simply coloured or deeply 
impressed ; posterior marginal scuta crenate ; an- 
terior one quadrate : skin whitish, with very nu- 
merous blackish spots : jaws simple. 

7. E. picta, Lim. Dark brownish, plates of the 
shell margined with yellow : head, and particularly 
the throat, lineated with yellow; jaws denticulated. 

8. E. punctata, Schoepff. Shell dark brown or 
blackish, with remote bright yellow, round spots; 
anterior costal scuta very narrow, linear : superior 
jaw emarginated ; inferior jaw acute. 

9. E. * biguttata, Nobis. Shell oblong-oval, 
slightly contracted in the middle, each side ; an- 
terior marginal scuta very narrow, linear : occiput 
with two very large fulvous spots: superior jaw 
emarginate; inferior jaw acute: tail rather long, 

10. E. glutinata, Daud. Shell similar to that of 

the Cisrupa. odorata, excepting that the sternum 
is immoveable, Daudin. 


11. C. clausa, Linn. Shell elevated, convex, oval ; 
anterior vertebral plate somewhat urceolate; ante- 


rior marginal scuta very small ; sternum bivalvular, 
completely closing the shell; suture before the 
middle : superior mandible hooked, inferior one 
elevated at tip and acute : ¢ail short. ; 

12. C. pensylvanica, Linn. Shell oval, convex; 
anterior vertebral plate very narrow behind, and 
gradually dilated before ; marginal scuta remark- 
ably narrowed, anterior one extremely small, quad- 
rate ; sternum with but eleven plates; bivalvular, 
intermediate portion immoveable ; behind deeply 
emarginate, the posterior angles rounded: supe- 
rior mandible hooked at tip; inferior one at tip 
elevated and acute : tail unguiculated. , 

13. C. odorata, Latr. Shell oval, convex ; ante- 
rior vertebral plate very narrow behind, and gra- 
dually dilated before ; marginal scuta remarkably 
narrowed, anterior one extremely small, quadrate; 
sternum with but eleven plates, anterior portion 
moveable, valvular; behind emarginate, the pos- 
terior angles acute : mandibles simple, rounded at 
tip. oe 

Cuevonura. ; 

14. C. serpentina, Linn. Shell subovate, depress- 
ed; plates with small elevated points and lines; 
posterior plates, each with a somewhat acute pro- 
minence; vertebral plates six, lateral ones five; pos- 
terior marginal scuta deeply serrated; anterior 
scutum elongated, transverse : superior mandible 
hooked, acute: tail elongated, compressed, ser- 



15. 'T. ferox, Linn. Sternum with two callosi- 
ties; small smooth tubercles on the anterior and 
posterior part of the cartilaginous covering of the 
body : ¢ai/ hardly longer than the extremity of the 
cartilaginous covering. 

Observations on the species. 

1. Tesruvo polyphemus. This is a true land tor- 
toise, both as respects its generic characters and 
its habits, and is well known in the region which 
it inhabits, by the name of Gopher. It is altogether 
limited to the southern states, and more particu- 
larly Georgia, and the Floridas, where it prefers 
arid situations, and burrows deeply in the sand. 
On the bank of the river St. John, Mr. T. Peale 
and myself dug about ten feet, guided by one of 
their burrows, before we arrived at its termina- 
tion and secured the inhabitant. The species is 
readily distinguished from any other, by its de- 
pressed form and the remarkable projection of 
the anterior plates of the sternum; and although 
these plates vary in their proportional degree of 
prominence and width in different individuals, yet 
they always surpass the anterior line of the supe- 
rior shell; in some instances, however, they may 
not exceed in proportional magnitude those of 
the T. coui, Daud. The tail also offers a very re- 
markable character. It is so extremely short, 


thick, and obtusely convex, that at first view the 
animal appears to be altogether destitute of a tail . 
properly so called. As th ;member does not ex- 
tend to the termination of the superior shell, we 
may consider the polyphemus as the beginning of 
a series in which the length of the tail is estimat- 
ed; the Cuetonura serpentina occupying the op- 
posite extreme in this family, Referring only to 
the posterior member of the polyphemus, we might 
readily conclude that Linné had this species in 
view when he described the Cistupo carolina, but 
the remainder of his description and more espe- 
cially his reference to a figure of a monstrous or 
mutilated individual of the C. clausa, in Edwards’ 
Natural History, page 205, is conclusive on this 
point. Good specimens are in the ee 
or one of which is living: 


Gopher, .Bantram’s Travels. 
Testupo polyphemus, Daun. in Sony. Burr. Nat. Hitt, 
Rept. vol. 2, p. 256. 

The Tesruno denticulata, Linn. is said by a 
authors to be a native of Virginia, but I have not 
met with it, neither is it known to the inhabitants 
of that state; its native country must aaiiar be 
considered as doubtful. 

2. Emys serrata. The largest of the North 
American species of this genus, and closely allied 
to the reticulata and geographica... On the superior 


shell are generally numerous longitudinal wrinkles 
or elevated lines, which give it a remarkable ap- 
pearance; but as these do n 
cimens, we must have re 
to distinguish this species. On comparing the 
serrata with the reticulata, we observe, that the 
posterior part of the shell is more or less serrated, 
whilst that of the other is simple; that the jaws 
are denticulated, whilst those of the reticulata are 
unarmed; that many, and sometimes nearly all of 
the marginal scuta have a blackish subocellate 
spot on their inferior surface, whereas in the re- 
ticulata these spots are but three in number, and 
are confined to those scuta which are immediately 
above the connecting suture of the sternum. The 
serrata is frequently brought to the Philadelphia 
market as an article of food. 

The largest specimen I have seen we obtained 
in East Florida; it measures about 17 inches. 


Tesrupo serrata, Davpin in Sonnini’s Burr. 2. p. 148, 
pl. 21, fig. 1, 2, (the description indicates the reticulata.) 

Tesrupo rugosa, Suaw, Zool. v. 3, pt. 1. p. 28, pl. 4. (the 
serrata of this author p. 51, pl. 9, is a different species.) 

3. E. reticularia. This species is far less fre- 
quent than the preceding, and the only specimen 
I have seen belongs to the Philadelphia Museum. 
This specimencor responds very well with Dau- 
din’s figure. 

VOL, IV.——JANUARY, 1825. 27 



ist. nat. des Rept. 

Sonnini’s Burr. 2, p. 144, 
icates the E, serrata.) 

Trstoupo reticularia, La 
Testuno reticulata, Dat 
pl. 21, f. 3, (his description i 

4. E. geographica. An inhabitant of the North 
Western lakes and their tributaries, as well as of 
the waters of the Mississippi; but it is probably 
not found in the more northern waters which flow 
into the Atlantic. 


Testupo geographica, Lesurur Journ. 4cad. Nat. Sc. vol. 
1, p. 86, pl. 5. 

5. E. scabra. Authors seem to have seen only 
the shell of this species as they have not noticed 
the colour of the skin of the animal; this colour 
is uniform, dark greenish-brown above, and ful- 
vous beneath. 

The scabra is found as far north as Maine, it is 
not common in Pennsylvania, but in some parts 
of the country it is rather abundant; and my friend 
Prince Charles Bonaparte informs me that in the 
vicinity of Bordentown, New Jersey, it occurs 
frequently, and is known by the name of fresh 
water terrapin. The shell of a specimen which 
he sent me, measures nine inches in length. This 
is certainly the largest I have seen; and the fact 
is the more particularly worthy of note, as the 

species has hitherto been stated to be only about 
three inches long. 



“— (not of some other au- 

6. E. centrata, is the animal so well known here 
by the name of “ Terrapin.” It is held in high 
estimation as a delicate food, and is generally 
served up on the tables of our public eating houses, 
boiled in the shell. 

The centrata prefers the vicinity of the sea, 
and is never found far in the interior of the coun- 
try, or remote from brackish water. 

Like the clausa it varies in a remarkable degree. 
‘The concentric lines of the plates of the shell are 
sometimes simply of a darker colour than the gen- 
eral surface, whilst in other specimens they re- 
semble deep grooves sculptured into the shell. 

Testupo scabra, Linn. 


Testupo centrata, Larn. hist. nat. des Rept. Daun. in Son- 
nini’s Burr. 2, p. 153. 
Testupo concentrica, Saaw, Zool. 3, pt. 1. p. 43, pl. 9. 

7. E. picta. One of the handsomest of all the 
known species of Emys, and at the same time the 
most abundant of any other in the United States. 
They lay for hours on logs or other objects that 
float on, or project into the water, from whence 
they dive into the water on the approach of any 
thing that alarms them. In old specimens a su- 
ture is very visible on the anterior part of the 


sternum, concentric to the junction of the three 
anterior sutures as depicted on Pl. 4 of Schoepff’s 
work. ‘This suture is en in young specimens. 



Testupo picta, Linn. Gut. Syst. Nat. Scuorrr. hist. test. 

p- 23, pl. 4. Daun. in Sonnnw’s Burr. 2, Be 164, Se 
3, pt. 2, p. 24, pl. 10. » Sige 1. 

8. E. punetata. As well as the preceding speuies, 
this is inno danger of being mistaken for any 
other; its markings are perfectly distinct and strik- 
ing. It is also a common species, and seems ‘to 
prefer clear flowing streams. 

Txstupo punctata, Scnorrrr, hist. test. p. 28, pl. 5. Davpin 
in Sonnini’s Burron, 2, p. 159, pl. 22. ) 
_ Trsruvo guttata, Scunemer. Suaw, Zool. 3, pt. 1, p. 47. 
pl. 10, fr 2. 

9. E. * biguttata. Shell convex, linear-oval, 
slightly wider behind, a little contracted each side 
at the middle, and with a hardly elevated dorsal 
carina; plates concentrically wrinkled, and with 
obsolete radiating lines; dark brown or blackish, 
obsoletely varied with yellow; vertebral plates 
‘subequal, wider than long ; costal plates, excepting 
the fourth, which is small, subequal, the anterior 
one somewhat largest; marginal scuta twenty-five, 
anterior one linear, its length equal to double its 
breadth : sternum blackish, varied with yellow and 


with twelve plates, of which the two anterior ones 
are smallest, triangular, with rectilinear sutures ; 
lateral angles a little nent, and at their an- 
terior junction somewhat emarginate ; second and 
third pairs of plates subequal; fourth and fifth 
larger, subequal ; sixth much smaller, broader than 
long, widely emarginate behind: head blackish, 
varied with yellow in short undulated lines, par- 
ticularly on the inferior jaw, which is much curved 
upward at tip and acute: superior jaw deeply 
emarginate at tip, each side of which is a slight 
obtuse dentiform prominence: occiput with two 
very large, bright, fulvous spots: tail as long as 
the hind feet, thick at base, and gradually taper- 
ing to the tip, which is unarmed. 

Length of the shell, three inches and four-fifths; 
greatest breadth nearly two inches and four-fifths ; 
breadth in the middle, two inches and two-fifths. 

This new species is by no means common; 1 
have as yet seen but few individuals, one of which 
is in the collection of the Academy. 

10. E. glutinata. This species has not yet fallen 
under my observation, and we have no other in- 
formation respecting it than what is recorded by 
Daudin. He informs us that it is so closely allied 
to the odorata as to be with difficulty distinguished 
from that species, by any other character than 
that of the immoveable condition of the extremi- 
ties of the sternum, which, in the odorata, are val- 
vular. Whether or not immobility of the sternum 


may be the consequence of advanced age, or a 
permanent specific trait, must be left for future 
determination. ‘ions 


Trstuvo glutinata, Davpin in Sonnint’s Burron, 2 p, 194, 
pl. 24, f. 4, (the sternum.) 
Testupo pensyloanica, sterno immobili. Scnozrrr, pl. 24, 

jig. B, pe 110. 

11. Cistuvo clausa. Familiarly known to almost 
every one by the name of land tortoise; it is that 
species on the inferior shell of which many per- 
sons are in the habit of cutting the initials of their 
names together with the date of the year. 

It exhibits so great a variety in the form, num- 
ber, and distinctness of the yellow spots in differ- 
ent individuals, that it is not common to find 
two in which these markings are nearly similar. 
Amongst the varieties, there appears to be every 
degree of gradation from large spots occupying a 
greater portion of the whole surface of the supe- 
rior shell, to obsolete spots, or to small ones coy- 
ering but a very small portion of the surface; some 
specimens have been found altogether immaculate. 
Moreover, as in the E. concentrica, the plates are 
sometimes sculptured with impressed concentric 
lines ; in other specimens they are perfectly gla- 
brous, and between these two extremes a com- 
plete connexion may be traced. So great is the 
variation in these respects, that it appears to me 


necessary to have some other character than co- 
lour, pointed out on the E. virgulata of Daudin, 
in order to prove it a species and not a mere va- 
riety of the clausa, as I believe it to be, as well 
as the E. carolina of Linné. 

This species certainly belongs to the genus 
Emys, as formerly characterized, although it does 
not, at least as far as I have observed, ever enter 
the water voluntarily, and is therefore as exclu- 
sively a land tortoise as the Testupo polyphemus 
itself. ‘The clausa does, however, exhibit a pre- 
dilection for moisture, as Mr. Titian Peale has ob- 
served, by exposing itself to every fall of rain, 
whilst its companion in the same enclosure, the 
polyphemus, invariably seeks shelter under the 
same circumstances. 

A very beautiful variety occurs on the arid 
prairies of the Arkansa. A specimen brought 
by Major Long’s exploring party is in the collec- 
tion of the Philadelphia Museum; the yellow lines 
and spots on its shell are unusually vivid and well 
defined, contrasting strongly with the general 
black colour: the sternum is also black brown, 
with numerous bright yellow lines. If the virgu- 
lata be justly entitled to specific distinction, this 
variety, and in fact several others, must also be 


Testupo clausa, Linn. Guex. Scuorrrr. Hist. test. p. 32, 

pl,.%. Davpin in Sonnint’s Busron, Reptiles, vol. 2, p. 207, 


pl. 23, fig. 1, 2. Suaw, Gen. Zool. vol. 3, pts 1, ps si pi. 7. 
(the figure taken from Edwards’.) 

Tesrupo carolina, Linn. Gmet. 

Txsrupo caroliniana, Scanetp. Scuiup. p. 334, 

Testuvo tessellata, minor caroliniana, - nat. hist p- 

La courte queue, Lacer. hist. nat. Quad. ovip. vol. 1, p. 169. 

Tesrupo virgulata, Daupin in Sonmim’s Burr. Reptiles, 
vol, 2, p. 201, pl. 23, fi 3, 4 

12. C. pensylvanica. Inhabits ditches and other 
turbid waters. It is sometimes taken by the hook 
and line. A variety was found by a detachment 
of major Long’s exploring party on Bowyer creek, 
a tributary of the Missouri. The upper shell is 
altogether similar to that of specimens found in 
the vicinity of this city, but the sternum is pro- 
portionally much wider; the femoral plates are 
much more elongated backward, and the junction 
of the caudal plates is but very li icine 
nated at tip. 


Testupo pensyloanica, Linn. Get. Scuorrrr, p. 107. é, 
24. Saw, Zool. vol. 3. pt. 1, p. 60, pt. 14, f. 2. (the shell 
he figures as a variety on pl. 15, is a distinct species, and 
probably not of this country.) Enc. Meth. pl. 5, fig. 1. Dau- 
din in Sonnini’s Buffon, 2, p. 182, pl. 24, fig. 1, 2. 

13. C. odorata. With the general appearance 
and form of the pensylvanica, this is certainly a 
perfectly distinct species. Daudin, who separated 

it, has given a very good figure in Sonnini’s Ed. 
of Buffon. Waving other equal or more important 
differences, the form of the apex of the upper mat- 
dible, is alone sufficient to show that the odorata is 
entitled to rank asa species. Inthe pensylvanica 
this part is rather abruptly prolonged vertically, 
so as to conceal much of the tip of the inferior 
mandible, as in the clausa, Curroxura serpentina, 
&c. whereas in the present species the upper man- 
dible is not at-all prolonged, but the tip is perfect- 
ly simple and rounded. 

The odorata is generally known by the name 
of “ stink-pot,” from its musky odor; it is a very 
common inhabitant of ditches and other turbid 
waters, and is very troublesome to those who angle 
in such situations. Some persons are so well ac- 
quainted with its nibble, as to be able to distin- 
guish it from that of the various kinds of fishes. 
It affects the hook in a sluggish manner, and 
sometimes remains firmly attached for a consider- 
able interval, without giving any motion to the 
cork which floats on the surface. 


‘ dealicriiadis: Hicnit in Sonn. Burr. 2, p. 189; pl. 94, f. 
3, (sternum.) he quotes Larr. hist. nat. des Rept.1, p, 122. 

14. Cuevonura serpentina. A common species, 
inhabiting large muddy ponds, ditches, and other 
waters of slow current. In winter it approaches 
holes in the ice, and is then taken by the harpoon, 
for culinary purposes. It is exposed for sale in 


VOL. IV.—JANUARY, 1825. 


our markets under the name of “ snapping tortle.” 
It is prevented from biting by a piece of twine 
which is passed between the jaws and drawn tight 
around the sides of the body. It constitutes the 
chief ingredient of the more common kind of “ tur- 
tle soup” of our taverns and oyster cellars. i 

Mr. J. E. Calhoun informs me that it is distin- 
guished by the negroes of South Carolina, by the 
name of Coutia, probably from its similarity to an 
unknown species of Africa. 

In some situations where this species abounds, 
it is very destructive to young ducks, seizing 
them by the feet and dragging them under water, 
for the purpose of devouring them. 


Testuno serpentina, Linn, Gur. Syst. nat. Scuorrer, hist, 
test. p. 32, pl. 6, Davoin in Sonnini’s Burron, 2, p. 98, fr 

Testupo serrata, Penn. Arct. Zool. suppl. p. 97. 

15. Trionyx ferox. An inhabitant not only of the 
rivers of Carolina and Georgia, as stated by au- 
thors, but it is found in nearly all the tributaries 
of the Mississippi, abundant in the Ohio, and of 
frequent occurrence in the smaller streams that 
discharge into the Missouri. It is also found in 
the streams that flow into the Lakes, and Dr. De- 
kay informs me, that it is found in the state of 
New-York, inhabiting some of the tributaries of 
Hudson’s river. Its flesh is esteemed a nutricious 
and very delicate food; it is brought to the mar- 
ket of Pittsburg from June to December. Mr. 


Speakman informs me that he has kept individuals 
upwards of a year, and that although they were 
very active, yet, with the exception of young 
ones, he never knew them to attempt to bite. 
They are chiefly taken with the hook and line, 
and are known by the name of “soft shelled turtle.” 

Although this species has been called by the 
several names of ferox, La molle, and Tortue de 
Pennant, yet Mr. Geoffroy has thought proper to 
apply another name, (v. Ann. du Mus. vol. 14, p. 
17.) In a note on page 12, of the same volume, 
that distinguished naturalist observes, that as he 
has not seen the shells of the T. ferox and euphra- 
ticus, his figure 2, pl. 5, may represent that of 
one of those species, but he is of the opinion that 
it does not, because the shells of those two species 
are described to be more convex. In this opinion 
Mr. Geoffroy appears to me to be perfectly cor- 
rect; the shell of the ferox, belonging to the col- 
lection of the Philadelphia Museum, though pro- 
bably not more convex than that of the subplanus, 
is yet of a different form, from that of his figure, 
being longer in proportion to its width, and the 
ends of the ribs project further beyond the cir- 
cumference of the shell. 


Testupo feror, Linn. Gauev. Syst. nat. Pennant Philos. 

Trans. Lond. vol. 61, p. 266, pl. 10. Davoiwi in Sonnini’s 

Burron, 2 p. 69. 
La Molle Lacep. hist. nat. des Quadr. ovip. vol. - p. 137, 
pl. 7. Ency. Meth. pl. 5, f. 3. 

220° ZINC ORES. 

Observations on the Zane Ons of Franklin, ond. 
Sterling, Sussex County, New Jersey. By G. 
. Troost, M. vet Read pe etn 3; 1824. wit 

The facts collected in this memoir’ lhnioe atin 
observed nearly two years past. I made these 
researches merely for my own use, being in some. 
measure, prevented from publishing them by 
Messrs. Vanuxem and Keating announcing their 
intention of publishing a description of the min-— 
erals,of Franklin, of which they gave a list. As’ 
this promise is at last partly fulfilled in a memoir’ 
read June Ist, and published in Part I, of this 
volume, I feel ny tall at liberty to present my 

The mineral which I first subjected tiscedlonel 
nation was the siliceous oxide of zinc. This sub- 
stance particularly fixed my attention on account 
of its singular appearance, deviating much from 
the varieties of that ore with which I was acquaint- 
ed, having apparently undergone a partial fusion 
by which the surface of the crystals have become 
rough, offering waving or undulating faces and 
rounded edges, which renders it difficult to de- 
termine the inclination of the different angles; 
while crystals of other minerals in the same situa. 
tion, and as easily decomposable as the zine ore, 
present sharp edges and level polished surfaces ; 


from which it appears probable that the roughness 
and bluntness of these angles is not owing to a 
partial dissolution, but to some other causes that 
We are unacquainted with. 

I succeeded with some difficulty in extracting 
by mechanical division, the primitive form, and 
found that its cleavage was three-fold, forming a 
straight four-sided prism, with a square base or 
cube. This was an unexpected discovery, differ- 
ing also in this respect from the European mineral, 
as the primitive form, as stated by Haiiy, is a rec- 
tangular octaedron, while De Bournon gives a 
rectangular tetraedral prism. I am not acquaint- 
ed with the observations of De Bournon on those 
minerals which are published in his catalogue, 
where he describes twenty-two varieties of forms. 
{ do not know if that philosopher has actually 
succeeded in extracting by mechanical division, 
the tetraedral prism, or if it was the result of cal- 
culation, but as to Haiiy, it appears from his writ- 
ings, that he obtained a very small solid, the faces 
of which did not exceed one millimetre. The ac- 
curacy, nevertheless, of this distinguished philoso- 
pher is such, that even with his insignificant 
means we may rely on his assertions, and might 
therefore be induced to believe that our mineral 
was not the same as that described by Hatiy— 
this appears the more surprising as its chemical 
composition coincides pretty well with the Eu- 
ropean. Could a small proportion of manganese, 


which the mineral in question contains, possess 
so much influence as to change entirely the ar- 
rangement and form of the integral parts? 

As to the discovery and determination of the 
primitive form above mentioned, I believe it to be 
beyond the reach of doubt. I have several times 
succeeded in extracting this solid, and have in 
my collection a fragment of a large crystal, offer- 
ing a surface of upwards of three inches, which 
presents on one side the perfect cleavage. Whence 
it follows that the primitive form of our mineral 
is a straight rectangular four-sided prism, with a 
square base, or a cube. 

The secondary forms are not numerous, the 
dodecaedron, the most common form in which it 
occurs, is generally lengthened in such direction 
as to forma six-sided prism, surmounted by a py- 
ramid with three faces, the faces of the prism being 
six oblique-angled parallelograms, while those of 
the summit are rhomboidal ; these faces are joined 
together under angles of 120°, and if true over 
the whole crystal, they would be the result of the 
most simple law of decrement, that is, by one 
row of molecules parallel to the edges of the cube; 
but the edges and faces of the pyramids are often 
imperfect, and it is rare that more than one face 
has preserved its shape and offers a good edge 
where it is joined with the prism: the other faces 
present only the shape of rhomboidal planes, 


which do not admit of measurement; the angles 
of the perfect faces have constantly given me 120°. 

If these angles were not of that value the pri- 
mitive form would not be a cube, but a parallelopi- 
pedon, whose sides would stand in a different ratio 
to each other than those of the cube, which does 
not. appear to be the case. This is farther cor- 
roborated by the following form. 

It crystallizes also in a flat six-sided prism, sur- 
mounted by a diedral summit, with pentagonal faces 
resting on the lateral edges of the prism, the edge 
of which forms an angle with the pentagonal face 
of the summit of 135°, and must also be the result 
of a decrement of one single row of molecules, as 
in the dodecaedron, but it does not exist on all 
the sides of the cube, being only at the bases and 
two of the sides; the crystal being at the same 
time elongated, its form must be as I have stated, 
a hexaedral prism, four of the faces being oblique- 
angled parallelograms and two hexagons ; the two 
terminal faces pentagons resting on the lateral 
edges of the prism, with which they form an angle 
of 135°. This circumstance is also in favour of 
the primitive form being a cube; the angles of 
the prism are two of 120°, and four of 135°. The 
value of these angles nevertheless are not abso- 
lutely determined, the crystals being much bent 
and the edges of the sides very convex. I found 
amongst my crystals some indications of more 

» complicated forms, but from the before mentioned 

224 . ZINC ORES. 

roughness of faces and convexity of edges, I was 
not able to determine their true form. 

We see therefore that the secondary as well as 
the primitive forms differ from those given by 
Haity, of the zinc oxide silicifere, and that it ought 
to be considered as a different substance; but 
chemical composition does not permit this sepa- 
ration, as its constituents coincide with those of 
Klaproth, Pelletier, Smithson, Bertier, John, and 
Berzelius, except that our ore contains upwards 
of 5 per Ct. of oxide of manganese, which ingre- 
dient influences its colour but cannot be supposed 
to influence its crystalline form, and renders it 
therefore probable that the nature of the siliceous 
oxide of zinc is not perfectly understood. 7 

Its specific gravity is 3.98 to 4.15; the latter 
was the result of Mr. W. Hembel, jr. the first. by 
myself, which coincides nearly with those given 
by Messrs. Vanuxem and Keating. In this re- 
spect it differs from the European varieties, high 
are quoted from 3.30 to 3.52. 

The colour of the mineral is from gray passing 
through every shade to black, also pale greenish- 
yellow, and the different shades of rose and peach 
blossom-red, which colours are probably owing to 
the different degrees of oxidation and quantities 
of the manganese, the exterior of the masses or 
crystals being generally black while the interior 
part is red. weer 

It occurs also in amorphous masses, nail that 


case it contains the red oxide of zinc in the form 
of small nests, and then generally presents a more 
foliated structure than when it is associated with 
the granular franklinite. The crystals are gene- 
rally irregularly clustered together, intermixed 
with garnet, franklinite, sometimes crystallized in 
emarginated octaedrons and ferruginous carbonate 
of lime, and frequently forms the support of the 
octaedral crystals, called by Messrs. Keating and 
Vanuxem, dysluite. 

Rep oxiwe or zinc. While engaged i in the inves- 
tigation of the siliceous oxide of zinc, I also ex- 
amined the red oxide of zinc, (which is so much 
blended with the previously described mineral,) 
and succeeded in extracting from the same, the 
primitive form, which is a straight rhomboidal 
prism whose angles are 100° and 80°. I did not 
find any cleavage in the direction of the diagonals. 
The solid which I obtained was upwards of three 
eighths of an inch, the, sides smooth and well cal- 
culated to be measured. This form does not agree 
with that mentioned by Mohs, who states that it 
is divisible parallel to a rhomboidal prism, the an- 
gles of which are upwards of 120°... We rarely 
meet specimens which are distinetly foliated and 
fit for mechanical division; it is probable that 
Mohs operated on specimens which were not well 
calculated for cleavage. We thus see that the 
primitive form and chemical composition separate 
this mineral from the siliceous oxide of zinc, with 

VOL. 1V.—-JaNUARY, 1825. 29 


which it is ranked by Haiiy, and deseribed in an 
appendix under the name of zine oxide ferrifere 
lamellaire brun rougeatre. Haiiy Traité de Min- 
eralogie tom. 4, p. 179, 2d ed. 

Comparing what I have stated in regard to the 
siliceous oxide of zinc, with that published in the 
memoir on the minerals of Franklin, by Messrs. 
Vanuxem and Keating, (page 3 of this vol.) 
the Academy will perceive that our researches 
have produced different results ; I therefore sub- 
mit this memoir to our mineralogists, and wish 
some other would undertake the examination of 
these minerals with the view of establishing the 
correctness or fallacy of my investigations. 

The following are the particulars in which my 
observations differ from those of the gentlemen 
before mentioned. 

Messrs. Vanuxem and Keating say, page 8, 
“'The form of the crystals is an hexagonal prism 
with triedral terminations, the faces of which re- 
pose upon the lateral edges of the prism are 120°, 
and of the faces of the pyramid with one another 
about 118° (?) being the regular hexagonal prism 
with a rhomboidal summit, of course leading to a 
rhombohedron for the primitive form.” A few lines 
further it is said “ that from circumstances of the 
edges and faces being convex they cannot posi- 
tively affirm that the terminal faces are those of 
a rhombohedron. ‘The gentlemen do not state 
how they deduce from the above described form 


a rhombohedron for the primitive form which de- 
viates so much from the one I obtained by me- 
chanical division, nor are the relative dimensions 
of this rhombohedron given by them. 

The authors mentioned commence their memoir 
with “Jerrersonire,” and admit its identity with 
pyroxene; therefore the name given by them to 
this substance is inadmissible, and must henceforth 
be relinquished. But they wish to make it appear 
that the cleavage is an anomaly, and that hereto- 

fore the cleavage parallel to the faces of the pri- — 

mitive form have invariably been the smoothest, 
&c. I doubt very much this being the case. 
Most of the varieties of pyroxene we have in our 
country are more easily divisible parallel to the 
bases forming smooth faces than in any other di- 
rection, and this division is generally indicated by 
the transverse rents forming with one of the sides 
an angle of 106°; this circumstance offers a strik- 
ing character to distinguish this mineral from 
others with which it has some analogy. I believe 
it is the pyroxene augite alone which appears to 
make an exception to the general rule. In the 
diopside or mussite, we perceive the transversal 
rents indicating a cleavage; it is the same with 
the varieties malacolite, or sahlite, pyrgom, fas- 
saite, and baikalite ; in these, the cleavage, easiest 
to obtain, is parallel to the base, and the foliated 
structure is in the same direction. ‘To this va- 
riety belongs the Pyroxene of Franklin, the sub- 

Say ae 


stance under consideration, it being foliated, par- 
ticularly in the direction of the base, which cir- 
cumstance is a distinctive character of this variety, 
having also, when not acted upon by the atmogs 
phere, a dark green colour. 
When we find a lamellar structure in the py- 
roxene coccolite, it is in the direction of the base. 
This is the case with nearly all the varieties of 
pyroxene in Europe, (handbuch der oryktog- 
none von Karl Caesar von Leonnard, page 523) as 
well as the pyroxene of our country, as those of 
Easton, Penn. Orange county, New York, Rod- 
ger’s Rock, &c. which belong to the variety ma- 
lacolite or sahlite, the surface of the lammina 
forming an angle of 106° with one of the sides is 
smooth : it is also the case with the white pyrox- 
ene and coccolite of King’s Bridge, New-York, 
the pyroxene of Compton Hill, New Jersey; in 
fact with all the pyroxene of our country which I 
have had an opportunity of examining. ‘The re- 
splendent pyroxene of the Brandywine Creek, 
Delaware, seems to be an exception, which, ac- 
cording to Mr. Vanuxem, is more easily divisible 
parallel to one of the diagonals, and the pyroxene 
augite, of which the transverse fracture is rough; 
and I believe that Haiiy alluded to this variety 
when he says “ cassure; transversale, raboteuse.” 
Having admitted the identity with pyroxene 
from its crystalline form, they nevertheless create 
doubts concerning the composition of this min- 


eral as given by Mr. Henry Seybert. From the 
analysis of this substance by that gentleman, it is 
evident that its components are bisilicates, and 
not trisilicates, as is stated by Mr. Keating. 
(Vol. ii. page 200 of this Journal.) Mr. Keating 
still lays much stress on its containing more or 
less of magnesia, and implies that it is doubtful 
whether the minerals analyzed by Rose were 
really pyroxenes ; and he farther implies, that we 
ean put more confidence in the analysis made in 
the garden of plants at Paris, as it were under the 

eye of Haiiy. 1 would not doubt that the sub- — 

stances analyzed by Vanquelin and Laugier, were 
true pyroxenes, though they had not been exam- 
ined under the eye of Haiiy; but why should we. 
question the accuracy of the analysis of Rose ? is 
it because they did not yield much magnesia? 
We know that Klaproth reports an analysis of a 
variety of pyroxene from Sicily, in which he found 
only 1.75 of magnesia, and that Roux’s analysis 
of a variety from Arendal, afforded none whatever; 

nor does it appear from the memoir published by — 

Mr. Seybert, (American Journal of Science and 
the Arts, vol. vii. p. 145,) that he considered 
the magnesia which he found in the pyroxene 
from Franklin, an essential constituent, though he 
obtained 4.00 of it, but that the important differ- 
ence in Mr. Keating’s analysis and his, had refer- 
ence to the proportion of silica, by which the true 
character of this mineral was determined. Mr. 


Keating may also be sure that the mineral exam- 
ined by Mr. Seybert, was precisely the same sub- 
stance as that described by him under the name 
of Jeffersonite. We may add further that the 
analyses of Rose are cited by the most distinguish- 
ed mineralogists and chemists in Europe ; and we 
cannot doubt that he was well acquainted with 
all the distinctive characters of pyroxene, since 
the results of his analysis (at least those with 
which I am acquainted) show that he did operate 
on the true pyroxenes; and if an eye-witness is 
required, we have one in the celebrated Berzelius, 
in whose laboratory Rose made his experiments. 
« M. Rose, en comparant ensemble plusieurs sor- 
tes de pyroxenes a fait voir que tous sont des 
bisilicates de quelques unes des quatre bases 
isomorphes conformement au systeme de Mits- 
cherlich savoir, la chaux, la magnesie, le fer oxi- 
dule, le manganese oxidule, ici c’est un bisilicate 
de manganese oxidule, et de chaux la un bisilicate 
de chaux et de fer oxidule. Ansi disparaissent, 
graces aux decouvertes de M. Mitscherlich les con- 
tradictions qui existerent entre les resultats des 
analyses chimiques et la caractere fonde sur la 
forme des crystaux.” (Berzelius. Reports annueles 
de Vacademie royale des Sciences de Stockhatay 

Rep oxipe or zine. Messrs. Tsaeatuest and Keatinty 
say, that the name of red oxide of zinc, given to it 
by its discoverer, the late Professor Bruce of New 


York, is improper, and they call it red zine ore. 
This name may be applied with as much propriety 
to the siliceous oxide of zinc, as to the mineral 
under examination, both are zinc ores and have a 
redcolour. ‘The mineral discovered by Professor 
Bruce, contains, according to his analysis, 9.20 of 
oxide of zinc, and 8.00 of oxide of manganese and 
iron; according to Bertier, it is composed of 98.0 
of oxide of zinc, and 12. of manganese; these be- 
ing its constituents, I see no reason why the name 
of red oxide of zine proposed by the discoverer, 
is improper; the small quantity of oxide of man- 
ganese which is chemically combined with it, does 
not authorize the alteration of a name, besides, 
the most distinguished mineralogists have adopted 
Bruce’s name of red oxide; and Haiiy, well aware 
of its combination with a quantity of oxide of man- 
ganese, says, (Traite de Mineralogie Tom. 4, page 
177, 2d ed.) “La variete, des etats unis formera 
un espece apart, et devrait etre consideree comme 
la veritable oxide de zinc.” 

I suppose Messrs. Vanuxem and Keating did 
not examine the cleavage of the red oxide of zinc, 
or they would have discovered that Mohs is in 
error in regard to its cleavage, and Laney not 
have copied him. 

Carponate or zinc. This mineral in addition to 
the forms mentioned by Messrs. Vanuxem and 
Keating, occurs also in mammillary concretions. 


Notice of the Ptestosaurus, and other Fossil 
Reliquia, from the State of New Jersey. By 
Ricnarp Hartan, M. D. Read September 7, 

I have lately received from Mr. I. Lukens, a 
collection of fossil teeth and bones, which were 
discovered at Mullica Hills, New Jersey ; among 
which are three vertebre belonging to some sau- 
rien reptile, unlike any hitherto described, and 
the type of which isnot known to have existed in 
North America. 

One only of these vertebre retains sufficient 
characters to enable me to determine the extinct 
genus to which it belongs. This specimen, Pl. xiv. 
fig. 1. is a dorsal vertebra completely petrified, or 
rather impregnated with iron; it is perfect with 
the exception of the greater portion of the spinous 
process, which has been broken off since the pe- 
trifaction of the bone. 

The following are its dimensions; transverse 
diameter of the body, 1 inch seven-tenths ; verti- 
eal diameter of the same, 1. 4; length of the side, 
2. 2; length of the transverse process, 1.4. 

This vertebra is similar to those of the genus 
Prestosaurvs, in being slightly concave at both ex- 
tremities, and again, slightly swelled in a contrast- 
ed curve near the middle of the circular area. All 


the fossil crocodiles have this in shapennrier part 
of the column. - 

It further corresponds with the Prxstosaurien 
vertebra in having the ribs articulated by a single 
tubercle, to the end of the transverse process, the 
articulating face of which is oblong horizontally ; 
this structure is observed in the crocodiles in the 
three last vertebra only. The specimen under 
examination, however, differs from any species of 
the Prestosaurus hitherto described, both m mag- 
nitude and proportion, as is demonstrated in the 
following measurements of the vertebra: of that 
animal, described by Messrs. Conybeare and De 
la Beche. 

“ The proportion of the diameter to the length 
of the side, is nearly as 5 to 4, in the cervicals; 
in the middle dorsal, a little greater, and in the 
caudal, nearly double. 

In the crocodile the diameter is always less 
than the side. A middle dorsal vertebra from 
Col. Bird’s specimen of Presiosaurus, measured 
one inch and a half through the articulating sur- 
face; length of the side, one inch and one-eighth ; 
though one specimen has been latterly discovered, 
measuring three inches in diameter.”* 

The form of the occipital and caudal aurtnoes 
of the body of the vertebra, which is the subject 

of the present essay, distinguish it from the fol- 

* Vide Geological transactions, vol. vy. Part HI. 

VOL, IV.—FEBRUARY, 1825. 30 


lowing animals, viz. The Maestricht animal, Cro- 
codiles, Monitors, Iguanos, and in general the most 
part of the Sauriens and Ophidiens, in which the 
bodies are concave before, and convex behind. 
In the Cetacea the bodies are nearly plain, and in 
fishes they are concave conically on both surfaces. 

Cuvier remarks,* “the dorsal vertebra of the 
Maestricht animal have their transverse apophyses 
short, and terminated by an articulating surface 
enlarged vertically, which carries the rib, which 
is consequently attached by a single head: this 
characterizes the Monitors and most of the Sau- 
riens, excepting only the crocodiles, in which par- 
ticularly, this structure is absent, with the excep- 
tion of the three last ribs.” 

To the crocodiles, as an exception, Cuvier 
should have added the Icthyosaurus, Iguana, and 
Camelion, among the Sauriens, together with the 
Crotalus and Coluber, among the Ophidia ; in all 
of which, the ribs are articulated with the bodies 
of the vertebre by two tubercles, but do not unite 
with the transverse process as in the crocodile. 

Conceiving it highly important to the science 
of Oryctology to ascertain correctly the manner 
in which the ribs of the different genera of the 
Saurien family are articulated, I solicited and ob- 
tained permission from the Academy of Natural — 
Sciences, to, examine the very valuable collection 

* Anim. fossil, vol. iv. 


of this branch of Zoology contained in their cabi- 
net. As far as my examination extended, (with 
the exception of those genera above noticed, in 
which the ribs are articulated to the bodies,) the 
transverse processes (or a tubercle which supplies 
their places,) receive the head of the ribs, as in 
the following genera; viz. the Presiosaurus, Ma- 
EsTRicHT ANIMAL, Catores, Monrror, Ameiva, Scincus, 
Gecko, Acama, Anouis; also the Sirena, the Triron, 
and the Satamanpra, among the Barracuia. 

Figures 2, 3, and 4, represent different views of 
a fossil mineralized tooth, from the New Jersey 
“ Marle Pits,” three miles from Woodbury, be- 
longing to the Cabinet of the Academy. This 
tooth, from the mode of dentition, evidently be- 
longed to a Saurien reptile; it is figured of its 
natural size, two inches and four-tenths in length, 
though about one-fourth of an inch has been bro- 
ken off the point. It is considerably curved in- 
ward, and slightly curved backward at its point; 
the dermal aspect is doubly convex, the mesial 
aspect presents a surface slightly concave, verti- 
tically ; terminated by a sharp finely serrated edge 
anteriorly and posteriorly; the diameter of the 
base is one inch and four-tenths. ‘This tooth re- 
sembles in every respect those teeth of the Ma- 
estricht Monitor, which lie buried in the maxilla, . 
and which are to take the place of the first series, 
when the latter are broken off or destroyed. 

The Cabinet of the Academy and Philadelphia 
Museum contain numerous specimens of Shark’s 


teeth from New Jersey, most of which are im- 
pregnated with iron, and are in a perfect state of 
preservation. From the present imperfect state 
of our knowledge of this department of Zoology, — 
and from the proteiform variety presented by the 
teeth of the same individual, it is almost impos- 
sible to refer them with certainty to the present 
existing genera; by referring to figures 5th, 6th, 
and 7th, the truth of this observation will be suffi- 
ciently obvious; they represent teeth taken from 
the. upper and lower j jaw of three existing species, 
the jaws of which are in the possession of Mr. C: 
A. Lesueur: however, specimens from New Jer- 
sey have been discovered, which resemble closely 
the following sharks, viz. Squalus zygena, mus- 
telus, cinereus, squatina, and the carcharias, two 
specimens of which measure five inches long, and 
four broad at base. If the same proportions ex- 
isted between the body and the teeth of the recent 
and fossil-carcharias, the latter must have been 
more than forty feet inlength. In vol. iii. of Par- 
kinson’s Organic Remains, are good figures of 
the teeth of most of the above named genera. 
There is also deposited in the Cabinet of the 
Academy, from the western shore of Maryland, a 
cervical and a caudal vertebra of a gigantic spe- 
cies of fossil Manatus; the vertical diameter of 
the former is nine inches and a half; the trans- 
verse diameter eleven inches. A fossil rib of the 
Manatus, was also discovered sid Mr. Finch, at 
the same locality. 


Descriptions of three new species of Corvner, in- 
habiting the United States. By ‘Tomas Say. 
Read, January 25, 1825. 


1. C. amanus. Above brown or blackish; be- 
neath, bright red; tail short,,with an abrupt solid 
conic tip. 

Inhabits Pennsylvania. 

Body above reddish brown, beneath vivid red: 
head not larger than the neck, obtusely rounded 
before; terminal plate curving a little on the top 
of the head, so as to. be nearly horizontal above ; 
first pair of plates rather short, breadth decidedly 
more than double the length; second pair rather 
large, oblique, posterior outer angle reaching the 
eyes ; central plate convex, rounded-subtriangular, 
wide before and angulated on the anterior middle, 
posterior angle acute ; posterior plates a little con- 
vex, with a single scale between their tips; eyes 
with one scale behind, one before twice as long 
as the posterior one, small plate above the eye 
less than half the length of the central plate, and 
not twice as large as the posterior eye plate: teeth 
minute: scales smooth, polished, somewhat opa- 
lescent, slightly convex, rounded at tip: tail less 

‘ 238° COLUBER. 

than one-seventh the whole length; tip rather ab- 
rupt, conic, solid, acute. 

Plates 124. sc. 25. Total length, 10 inches and three- 
tenths; tail 1 inch and two-fifths. 

Var. a. dark slate colour above. 

A very pretty and perfectly harmless serpent. 
The contrast of colour between the lively red, 
sometimes rosaceous, of the inferior surface of the 
body, and the brown, more or less deep, of the 
superior surface, is very striking ; the abrupt ter- 
mination of the tail and the narrow head, are also 
distinguishing traits. It is found beneath stones 
and prostrate logs, but not very frequently. — 

The following are the respective dimensions 
and number of double scales and plates of four 
specimens belonging to the Philadelphia Museum. 

Pl. 125, sc. 38. ‘Total length, 8 inches and a half; tail 
more than 1 inch and five-eighths. 

Pl. 134, sc. 28. Total length, 10 inches and three-eighths; 
tail nearly 1 inch and a half, 

Pl. 126, sc. 24. Total length, 10 inches and seven- 
eighths ; tail 1 inch and three-eighths. 

P]. 134,sc. 32. Total length, 4 inches and five-eighths; 
tail five-eighths of an inch. 

A specimen in Mr. W. L. Stewart’s collection has 
Plates 118, sc. 35, it is nine inches and three-fifths 
long, with the tail of more than one inch and four- 
fifths. But in all these variations the small size 
of the head, the form of its plates, and their num- 
ber about the eye, remain the same. 


2. C. rigidus. Dark fuscous or blackish ; be- 
neath yellow, with two black lines. 

Inhabits the southern states. 

Body very dark greenish-brown above: head 
very little wider than the neck; second pair of 
plates transverse, posterior lateral angle not ex- 
tended to the eye; central plate with the length 
nearly twice its breadth; super-ocular plate, length 
more than twice its greatest breadth, and more 
than two-thirds the length of the central plate; 
posterior plates without any scale between their 
tips, but each terminating in a scale; lip-plates 
and chin reddish-brown: eyes in contact with two 
transversely-oblong small plates behind, and two 
before, of which the inferior one is smaller: scales 
oblong, emarginated at tip, and with an elevated 
line, obsolete on the lateral scales and rant 
the three inferior series; scales of the two inferior 
series entire at tip, pale, castaneous at base; stria 
of the tail more distinct and the scales somewhat 
elevated at their tips: beneath yellow, with two 
perfectly regular black lines, confluent on the 
neck, situated near the middle, nearer to each 
other than to the first series of scales, formed of 
slender, elongate-triangular spots, and terminating 
at the vent: fail attenuated, double scales beneath 
margined with blackish. 

Plates 133, sc. 51. Total length, 20 inches and three 
fifths, of the tail, 4 inches. 


This species frequents the water, and has con- 
siderable resemblance to the porcatus, Daudin, 
(aquaticus, Shaw,) who seems to have confounded 
two species together under that name as varieties. 
But his true species differs from the present, by 
many well marked characters. All the scales 
have elevated lines, not excepting even the infe- 
rior series; the labial plates are margined with 
brown; the eyes have three small plates behind, 
and but one before; the inferior part of the body 
is variegated, and the proportion of the plates and 
double scales is different. It is also allied to the 
erythrogaster. 'The specimen is in the cabinet of 
the Academy. 

’ 3. C. septemvitiatus. Brownish, with dace 
blackish lines; beneath yellow, with four blackish 
8. . 

Inhabits Pennsylvania. 

Body cinereous-brown above: head alittle wider 
than the neck; second pair of plates transverse, © 
posterior lateral angle not extended to the eye; 
central plate with the length nearly twice its 
breadth ; superocular plate in length twice its 
greatest breadth, and nearly as long as the central 
plate: eyes in contact with two subquadrate, small 
plates behind, and two before, of which the infe- 
rior one is smaller; posterior plates somewhat 
truncate, or rounded at tip; lip plates yellow: 
scales oblong emarginated at tip, and with an ¢le- 
vated line on all; a blackish line occupies the 


vertebral series and a portion of the contiguous 
series, and a similar equal line occupies the fifth 
and a part of the fourth series on each side; a 
blackish somewhat broader line occupies one half 
of the breadth of the ninth series of scales, and 
the ends of the scute, extending to the tip of the 
tail; a yellow line is on the remaining half of the 
ninth series, and includes nearly all of the eighth 
series, extending also to the tip of the tail: be- 
neath yellow, with two perfectly regular blackish 
lines, confluent on the neck, situated each side of 
the middle, formed of quadrate spots, and termi- 
nating at the vent. 

Plates 143, sc. 70, of another specimen, Plates 149, sc. 
73. Total length, 9 inches and nine-tenths, of the tail 2 
inches and a half. 3] 

An individual of this species was found by Mr. 
Reuben Haines, on the second floor of his resi- 
dence at Germantown, and another was caught 
near Philadelphia, by Thomas M‘Euen, M. D. 
They are perfectly alike in their markings, and 
belong to the collection of the Academy. A spe- 
eimen belonging to the cabinet of Mr. William 
Hyde, is much larger than those above mentioned, 
and may probably have reached the maximum 
size; it measures twenty-two inches and nine- 
tenths in total length, and the tail is six inches 
and three-tenths long; the plates are a hundred 

and forty-four, and scales eighty. 
VOL. IV.—-FEBRUARY, 1825. 3l 


Description of two Species of Linnean Lacerta, 
not before described, and construction of the new 
genus Cycwura. By Ricnarv Harzay, M. D. 
Read November 30, 1824. . 

Species 1st. This animal was brought from 
‘Turk’s Island, and presented to the Museum im- 
mediately after its death. The colour of the skin 
is of a dirty deep brown; in general, the form of 
the head resembles that of the Iguana, but the 
scales on the top of the head and end of the snout 
are of much smaller size; their form being penta- 
gonal, a series of corneous scales line the infra- 
orbitar ridge. Neck, breast, and body, clothed 
with uniform fine smooth scales, of a square form, 
and slightly imbricate. 

Skin of the inferior portion of the neck, loose, 
and folded transversely: scales upon the top of 
the back elevated and compressed into long, slight- 
ly recurved, flexible spines, forming a crest, or 
fringe, extending from the occiput to the base of 
. the tail; this frmge is wanting where the neck 
moves on the body, leaving a smooth space half 
an inch in length, between the scapule; the same 
is to be observed. at the setting on of the tail: 
scales on the thigh, smooth; those on the leg and 
front of the foot, bristled over with minute sharp 
spines pointing downwards. A series of pores, 


twenty in number, line the inner part of each 
thigh : tail verticillate, circular at its base, slightly 
compressed at its upper part in the middle; be- 
coming again cylindrical at the extremity, where 
it ceases to be verticillate; carinated above, by 
thick and sharp spines, pointing backwards, and 
terminating four inches from the end of the tail ; 
the remaining portion being clothed only with 
equal elongated carinate scales ; the spinous bands 
are twenty in number, extending rather more 
than two thirds around the tail, leaving a smooth 
surface beneath. They consist of thick oblong 
scales, with an elevated carina or an obtusely an- 
gular spine projecting backwards from their cen- 
tre; these bands are separated from each other 
by a circular series of smaller scales depressed 
and imbricate, becoming carinate towards the ex- 
tremity, generally three rows in number, becom- 
ing more numerous beneath : claws resemble those 
of the Iguana. 

Anatomy. Tongue fleshy, extensible, and par- 
tially slit, or rather indented at its apex: teeth re- 
sembling the Iguana’s in form and mode of ar- 
ticulation ; twenty-five in number on each side of 
both jaws: palate destitute of teeth; trachea lies 
exposed on the floor of the esophagus, which is 
enormously large; the opening into the trachea 
is furnished with a complete epiglottis, in which 
respect it is more perfect than the Iguana, in 
which this organ is incomplete; os hyoides has 


two cornua on each side, and a bifid one in the 
middle, reaching downwards to the loose skin of 
the throat; the intestine, a few inches above the 
cloaca, is dilated into a sack or pouch, with thick 
parietes: urinary bladder \arge, and opens with 

_. the fallopian tubes into the cloaca: anus, a trans- 

verse slit. : : 

Cincuvatory system. I was desirous of compar- 
ing the structure of the heart with that organ in 
the crocodile, which is very unlike the heart of 
the Turtles to which Cuvier has compared ‘it, 
(Lec. d’ Anat. Comp.) As no correct description 
of the anatomical structure of the heart in the — 
Saurien reptiles has ever been given to the pub- 
lic, I shall offer a brief outline of the organs of 
circulation in the “ Crocopitus lucius,” which will 
oi: as a type for all the Lacerra. To Mr. N. 
M. Hentz, the credit is due of having first detect- 
ed this peculiarity of structure in the heart of the 
crocodile. His essay on this subject will shortly 
appear in the Trans. of the Am. Phil. Soe. 

I abstract the following observations from my 
notes of a dissection of an alligator, which I per- 
formed for the fourth time in January, 1824. _ 

Ist, | forced air into the vena cava ascendens, 
which injected the right auricle and ventricle, and 
passed into the lungs through the pulmonary ar- 
tery; into the splanchnic aorta; also into the 
systemic aorta through the valvular opening at — 


its base; the blood in both superior cave regur- 
gitated. z 

2d, I forced air into one of the pulmonary veins, 
which inflated the left auricle and ventricle, passed 
into the systemic aorta, and the subclavian trunks 
which leave the super-cordal sacks, (each of the 
large arteries are dilated immediately on leaving 
the heart, and are so united as to appear exter- 
nally as a single sac.) 

The circulation in these animals is briefly as 
follows:—1st, the blood passes from the right au- 
ricle into the ventricle of the same side; in this 
cavity there are four openings, Ist, one leading 
from the auricle; 2d, one into the pulmonary ar- 
tery; 3d, one into the splanchnic aorta, carrying 
black blood to the viscera; and 4th, one into the 
systemic aorta, by the valvular communication at 
its base, which allows the continuation of the cir- 
culation, when that through the lungs is impeded 
by expiration. During expiration there is still 
some pulmonic circulation, a small quantity of 
blood passing from the lungs, through the left 
auricle to the ventricle of the same side, from 
whence it has a direct passage into the systemic 
aorta, the valve at its base will not even permit 
air to pass into the right side of the heart, nor 
will the semilimar valves of the aorta permit re- 
gurgitation, so that the only mixture of black and 
red blood takes place in the systemic aorta dur- 
ing expiration, or collapse of the lungs. ‘The sys- 


temic and splanchnic aorta do not unite until after 
the viscera have — Wane with blood we the 

After this Aightcnetde it will be very easy te 
comprehend the structure of the heart in the ani- 
mal immediately under consideration. The heart, 
in fact, is similarly constructed externally : but, as 
this animal is terrestrial, there is no necessity for 
that complicated structure which exists in the 
crocodiles, and the ventricles communicate freely 
with each other. The three arteries which dilate 
immediately above this organ, uniting to form a 
complete sac, in the alligator, are indistinctly ob- 
servable, or partially divided, in this animal; and 
in which also the splanchnic and systemic aorta 
unite, previous to giving off the mesenteric branches. 

‘Diwensions.—Total length of the animal, 2 feet 4 inches; 
length of the head, 3 inches ; breadth of the head, 2 inches ; 
length of the wade, 10 inches ; length of the tail, 1 foot 3 

Species 2d. Another species of the same genus 
brought from ‘Tampico, and presented by Captain 
Dallas, has been living in the Philadelphia Mu- 
seum for several months, and latterly in my pos- 
session. During the present month, (November) 
this animal has eaten nothing of its own accord, 
but when raw meat or fruit is placed in the mouth, 
he swallows it leisurely without chewing, show- 
ing most preference for the former, but always 


rejecting cooked meat. During the summer he | 
subsisted chiefly on fruit, and was never observed 
to drink; of late he has become considerably tor- 
pid, remaining in one position for hours, without 
any disposition to move unless roused, when he 
displays considerable activity. He is exceeding- 
ly tame, and fond of being washed with a wet 
sponge; has shown not the least disposition to 
bite, but when teased or tickled on the leg, will 
defend himself with his prickly tail, with which 
he is able to strike in every direction. 
Descrirtion.—Colour of this species, dark green, 
on some parts of his back, brilliant or glistening: 
head nearly quadrangular, occipital portion swol- 
len by the large muscles of the jaws : scales pen- 
tagonal, largest about the snout: skin beneath the 
throat loose, and folded transversely. I never 
have observed this inflated, even when the animal 
laboured under the greatest degree of irritation: 
scales on the body, square, small and imbricate, 
(as in the Iguana) those of the sides, arms, and 
thighs, as well as the legs and forearms, bristled 
over with minute prickly spines: the dorsal crest 
or fringe composed of an uninterrupted series of 
corneous scales, extending from the occiput to the 
sacral region, where the back is without spines 
for the space of one inch, when the prickly tail 
commences : tail beautifully verticillate, perfectly 
cylindrical, tapering gradually towards the ex- 
tremity, about two inches of which is lost; the 


spiniferous rings are about twenty-four in number, 
and appear to have extended the whole length of 
_ the tail; the scales which constitute the rings, are 
oblong, thick, and remarkably imbricate, so that 
_ a transverse section of the tail, including a spiny 
ring, with the two circular rows of depressed 
scales, would appear to be set into the ring which 
precedes it. The spines are longer, sharper, and 
more slender, than in the preceding species, and 
being all nearly of an equal size on the upper sur- 
face of the tail, there is no distinct carina, only 
there exists always one more spine than ring, in- 
tervening between the rings immediately upon 
the top of the tail; these spiny rings extend com- 
pletely around the tail, becoming smaller, shorter, 
and less vertical on the lower surface: the rings 
are separated by two rows of smaller, depressed, 
and spineless scales, with the exception of those 
beneath, where all are furnished with spines; in 
the first four verticillations at the base of the tail 
the spines exist only on the upper surface: the 
claws are similar to those of the Iguana; there 
exists a row of glandular orifices, seven in num- 
ber, on the inside of each thigh: teeth are ‘small, 
conical and pointed, a single sharp, conical tooth 
occupying the usual situation of the middle inci- 
sor of the upper jaw is received into a hole of the 
inferior maxilla: tongue fleshy and extensible, 
merely notched at the tip; palate destitute of 
teeth : trachea as in species Ist, furnished with an 


epiglottis. Anatomy, nearly similar to species 
ist, the three arteries which form the supercordal 
sac are merely united above the heart: omentum 
loaded with fat. 

Dimensions. Total length of the animal, 1 foot 8 inches 
and a half, (allowing two inches for the lost portion of tail ;) 
length of the head, 2 inches and a half; breadth of the 
head, 1 inch and a half; length of the body, 7 inches; ac- 
tual length of the tail, 9 inches ; (supposed length of the ‘ail, 
11 inches.) ; 

Osservations. On the most accurate compari- 
son of the above described animals, with those 
subgenera to which they are most nearly allied, it 
appears to me, that they cannot be appropriately 
united with either, agreeably to the present state 
of the systems; for although both the individuals 
of which we are now treating, are unquestionably 
related in some traits of their organization, to the 
Iguana, the Stellio, and the Agama, yet they will 
be found to differ as much from either of these, 
as they respectively differ from each other. 

The first described individual approaches the 
fguana most nearly; the second, to the Stellio; 
they would therefore naturally occupy a station 
as a subgenus between the two. It is not impro- 
bable that other species may yet be discovered, 
and thus furnish another example of that arrange- 
ment which causes the productions of nature to 
succeedeach other by almost penning shades. 

VOL. IV.— FEBRUARY, 1825. 


The most remarkable peculiarities common to 
both these individuals, being the form and struc- 
ture of the tail, we propose to designate them by 
a term significative of this circumstance. 

Subgenus Cycxura. 

Generic characters. Palate deprived of teeth; 
tongue fleshy and extensible, cleft at the tip; skin 
of the throat folded transversely ; back furnished 
with a flexible crest or fringe : tai/, about half the 
total length: seales which form the elevated rings, 
separated by two or more rows of depressed pie 
less scales above. 

Species 1st, C. carinata. Pl. xv. Crowns of the 
teeth dentated; a row of corneous scales lines the 
infraorbiter ridge; dorsal crest wanting between 
the scapula, and also over the sacrum; scales of 
the body uniform, square, small, slightly imbricate 
and spineless : leg and foot furnished with scales, 
having minute spines pointing downwards: tail 
carinated above and slightly compressed in the 
middle; spiny bands terminating four inches from 
the extremity, and separated from each other hy 
three rows of depressed scales. 

Species 2d, C. teres, Pl. xvi. Teeth small, snaihann 
and pointed; dorsal crest wanting only over the sa- 
crum ; scales on the sides, thighs and legs, bristled 
over with minute spines : tai/ cylindrical, tapering. 
gradually towards the point; spiny rings encircle 


the tail, separated by two rows of depressed scales 
without spines above ; spines on the rings nearly 
equal, extending to the end of the tail. 


Observations on the Nomenclature of Wiison’s 
OrnitHoLocy. By Cuartes Bonaparte. Read 
November 23, 1824. 

(conTinvep FRoM PacE 200.) 

It is not a little remarkable that Wilson should 
have introduced this genus in his Ornithology. 
The bird he placed in it has certainly no relation 
to the Mannakins, nor has any one of that genus 
been found within the United States. 

168. P. Polyglotia. Vol. i. p. 90. This bird has 
been placed by authors in half a dozen different 
genera. It was arranged in Muscicara by Gmelin, 
Latham, and Pennant; in ‘Turpus, by Brisson and 
Buffon ; in Ampetis, by Sparrman, and in Tanacra, 
by Desmarest. I was at first inclined to consider 
it a Vireo, and to adopt the genus Icreria of Vieil- 
lot, as a subgenus of Vireo, but after having dwelt 
more upon the charaeters and habits of this re- 
markable species, I have concluded to adopt 


Icreria as an independent genus agreeably to Vieil- 
lot. Vieillot’s and Wilson’s specific names must 
both be rejected, and the — will then stand 

as Icreria viridis. 


Muscicapa viridis, Guev. Latu. 
Tanagra olivacea, Dusmarest, Tangaras, (his plate of ‘the 

male.) His female and young belong to a different species. 
Turpvs viridis carolinensis, Briss. 
Icrerta dumicola, Vieit. pl. 55. 2 
Bartram called it Garrunus australis ; Sparrman, AMPELIS 

lutea, and Catesby, who first made it known, Yellow breasted 
Chat. ; 

Although we adopt Vieillot’s genus for this 
bird, we do not agree with that author as respects 
the collocation of the genus. We cannot conceive 
how Vieillot could place it so unnaturally as in 
his family of the Textores, with Orionus and Ic- 
TERUS, inasmuch as he was generally very happy 
in his classifications. We place the genus with 
Turpvus, Vireo, Muscicara, Moracma, &c. in the 
family of the Canori. Some authors will be dis- 
posed to change the name of Icreria, from the cir- 
cumstance of its great similarity to Icrerus, but 
we think such a change would be minenthee es un- 




Of this very natural genus, admitted by all na- 
turalists from the time of Aristotle, Wilson de- 
scribes but two species, and these seem indeed to 
be the only ones known to inhabit this continent. 
Many others are, however, noticed by former wri- 
ters, and the above assertion may therefore appear 
hazardous, until the species they have mentioned 
are considered. Thus, Ist, the Parus americanus, ° 
Linn. is the Sytvia americana (Sytvia pusilla, Wils.) 
2d, the Parus virginianus, Linn. of which Vieillot 
without having seen it, made his Sytvia flavopygia, 
and afterwards xanthoroa, we have no hesitation 
in declaring to be the Sytvia coronata, in winter 
dress; 3d,the Parus ater is an European bird, stated 
by Latham to inhabit this country, doubtless by 
mistake, in consequence of its similarity to the 
P. atricapillus described by Wilson; 4th, the 
variety of P. palustris of Latham, from Louisiana, 
is the atricapillus, as will be seen hereafter; 5th, 
the Parus hudsonius of Gmelin and Latham, is also 
the P. atricapillus in imperfect dress. I am also 
convinced that P. griseus of Gmelin and Latham, 
from Greenland, is no other than Recutus calendu- 
lus, under which I have quoted it. 

169. P. atricapillus, Vol. i. p. 134. Whether or 
not this be the P. palustris of Europe, is a ques- 
tion which we find to be somewhat difficult to 


decide, although we have specimens of both be- 
fore us. All the more ancient writers, as well as 
Vieillot, thought it distinct ; but Temminck, after 
much consideration, refers them to one species. 
Our opinion, however, is, that though very closely 
allied, they are yet distinct, for the following rea- 
sons, in which we agree with Vieillot. 

Ist, It is somewhat larger, and the tail is pro- 
portionally longer. 

2d, The black on the throat descends lower 
down, and the colours generally are obviously 
more pure and decided. 

3d, The voice is different and the habits are 
more like those of the P. major and ceruleus vd 
Europe, than those of the palustris. 

4th, The young of the atricapillus differ conside- 
rably from the adults, in consequence of which 
a nominal species has been made of them; whilst 
the young of P. palustris are similar to the parents. 

We therefore retain its characteristic name for 
this species. 


P. atricapillus, Linn. Guew. Lata. Vint. Nouv. dict. 
not of Brisson.) 

P. hudsonius, Get. Lata. Vieiti. Nou. dict. (young,) 

P. palustris, var. 8 (from Louisiana.) Game. Laru. 

P. canadensis atricapillus, Briss. 

Mésange @ gorge noire, Burr. Pl. Enl. 502, f. 1, (bad 


170. P. bicolor, Vol.i. p. 137. Although Latham 
states this bird to inhabit the north of Europe, 
yet from our own experience, and after consulting 
different authors, we have no hesitation in declar- 
ing it peculiar to this continent, on which it is 
found as far north as Greenland. 


Parvs bicolor, Linn. Guet. Lara. Vieit. Nouv. dict. 
Parus carolinensis cristatus, Briss. 
We owe its first introduction to Catesby. 


This genus, as admitted by Wilson, is now di- 
vided into two, viz. Hirunpo, containing four of 
the five species of Wilson, and Cypsewus, to which 
the remaining species belongs. As Linné origi- 
nally formed it, it was more extensive, embracing 
the present genus Caprimuteus, and having the 
same boundaries that now circumscribe the family 
Cnetiones. In this, as in almost every other part 
of natural history, Linné exhibited his transcend- 
ent genius; new discoveries have required many 
divisions, but his genera have always remained 
as great genera, or families. 

171. H. purpurea, Vol. vy. p. 58. The largest of 
its genus in North America, and peculiar to this 
continent, visiting every part of it from north to 


- It is very remarkable in this genus for exhibit- 
ing a wide difference between the sexes; hence. 
in part, the great multiplication of nominal spe- 
cies to which it has given rise. Latham was the 
first to perceive these errors; and Vieillot, not 
satisfied: with five different names, added a sixth, 
which afterwards he changed for a seventh. 


H. purpurea, Linn. Guten. (male) Lats. i 

H. subis, Livy. Guex. (female and young:) ep 

H. violacea, Gur. (adult male.) %s 

H. apos carolinensis, Briss. (male.) 

Hi. freti hudsonis, Briss. (female and young.) 

Hirondelles de la Louisiane, Burr. Pl. Enl. 722, (adult 

Hinwnvo cerulea, View. pl. 26, (male.) pl. 27, (female.j 
Since Hirunpo versicolor. 

Although Brisson and others have considered 
this species as closely allied to the apus, thetype 
of the genus Cyesetus, yet it has no point of re- 
semblance, if we except its large size ; it is panied 
Hirunvo as the genus now stands. 

172. H. americana, Vol. v. p. 34. Wilson des 
serves commendation for having proved this bird 
to be distinct from the H. rustica of the old con- 
tinent, with which, as he informs us, it was then 
generally believed to be identical. But he was 
not aware that Gmelin and Latham had already 
distinguished it, (though not very positively) by 


the name of H. rufa, Under this name, which 
must be exclusively adopted, Vieillot figured it 
in his large work, and also placed its difference 
beyond a doubt. Wilson’s name was pre-occupied. 


Hono rufa, Guet. Lara. Viet. pl. 30. : 
Hirondelle @ ventre roux de Cayenne, Burr. Pl. Enl. 724, 

Ff: 1, (female.) 

All authors who state the H. rustica to be a 
cosmopolite, have, with respect to America, mis- 
taken this species for it. It is more remarkable 
that Vieillot and other modern writers, who knew 
this bird perfectly well, should, notwithstanding, 
declare the H. rustica to inhabit North America. 
But we believe it does not visit this continent, and 
that the deception has arisen from the white ap- 
pearance of the belly in young specimens of rufa. 

173. H. viridis, Vol. v..p. 44. As the preceding 
had been mistaken for H. rustica, so the present bird 
had been confounded with the H. urbica, of the 
old continent, which does not inhabit America. 

Wilson was therefore right to consider it as new, 
and to giveitaname. But,as on many other occa- 
sions, he has been anticipated by Vieillot, whose 
name of bicolor must consequently be adopted. 

Hinvnpo bicolor, Vieit. pl. 31. 
Hirvnvo urbica var. 4, Guex. Laru. (young as it has the 
tip of the wing and tail feathers whitish.) 

VOL. 1V.~-FEBRUARY, 1825, 33 


Stephens, by a strange and unaccountable mis- 
’ take, calls Wilson’s bird, (which he quotes as bi- 
color) H. leucogaster, thinking it distinct from that 
of Vieillot. 

174. * H. riparia, Vol. v. p. 46. This is the 
only Swallow common to Europe and North 
America. Of this identity doubts have been ex- 
pressed by some authors, but after a careful com- 
parison of the two birds we have no hesitation in 
declaring them one species. Vieillot’s obserya- 
tion relative to the greater length of the tarsus, 
and its nudity of feathers in the American speci- 
mens, is not correct. The feet are perfectly alike, 
and with the tarsus naked in both birds, if we ex- 
cept four or five small feathers situated at the in- 
sertion of the hind toe, and these exactly corre- 
spond in the European and American specimens. 


Hirvnpo riparia, Linn. Briss. Guet. Lata. Tem. 
Hirondelle de rivage, Burr. Pl. nl. 543, f. 2, (young:) 

Boie has lately made a genus of this bird, with 
the name of Corie, but I do not know what cha- 
racters he may be able to assign to it. 

175. H. pelasgia, Vol. v. p. 48. Finding in this 
singular bird the characters which distinguish the 
genus Cypsetus, I have no hesitation in placing it 
in that genus, agreeably to Temminck, calling it 
Cypsewus pelasgius. It is peculiar to North Ameri- 


ca, and the only one of its genus found here. Al- 
though Vieillot and some others of the best recent 
Ornithologists, admit the genus Cyrsexus, yet they 
consider the present bird as a Hiruypo of a pecu- 
liar subdivision. 


Hirunno pelasgia, Linn. Guet. Latn. Vien. pl. 33. 

Hirvnpvo carolinensis, Briss. 

Hirondelle d queue pointue de la Louisiane, Burr. Pl. Enl. 
726, f. 2. (This is not a variety as authors state, but a 
different state owing to age. Naturalists have usually de- 
signated every trifling difference as a variety; but when 
these supposed varieties are closely studied, they are found 
to be either entirely distinct species, or only differences of 
age or sex, if we except some albinos and other accidental 
aberrations from the standard of the species. 

Hirondelle & queue pointue de Cayenne? Burr. Pl. Enl. 
726, f. 1. 

The genus Cypsetus, to which we assign this 
bird, under the limits prescribed by Temminck, 
was first established by Scopoli, who called'it Apus. 

It was rejected by Gmelin, Latham, Lacépéde 
and others, and considered as a subgenus by 
Oken and Cuvier. Duméril adopted it under 
the first name: Illiger, Vieillot, Temminck, and 
others admitted it ; some retaining Scopoli’s name, 
and some, as Wolf and Meyer, changing it to that 
of Micropus, and afterwards to that of Bracrirus 
But the name of Cypserus was given by Illiger, 
from Aristotle, after he had condemned the others 


as being irregular in their formation ; and as this 
designation has now been generally adopted, we 
have thought proper to. preserve it. This may, 
perhaps, be considered by some naturalists, an act 
of injustice to Scopoli, but we cannot successfully 
oppose the determination of naturalists in this 
respect, and we do not conceive that we are re- 
quired to be as scrupulous with regard to generic 
names as we ought to be of specific ones, which 
must always be retained, however bad they may 
be, whilst not one awkward or incorrect generic 
name should be permitted to remain. 


This genus, which differs from Hirunvo as Srrix 
does from Fatco, has been adopted by all natural- 
ists from the time of Linné, (who in his first edi- 
tion placed it in Hiruypo) and Brisson, It is a 
very natural group, and we think that Vieillot 
would have done better to have considered his 
genus Nycriniws as a subgenus. The three spe- 
cies so well described, figured and elucidated by 
Wilson, are all peculiar to America. 

176. C. carolinensis, Vol. vi. p. 95. Though it 
is almost impossible to decide which of the closely 
allied species of this genus authors had in view, 
by their short descriptions,. particularly as the 
species are evidently confounded with one another 
in their respective articles, yet we believe Wilson 


had good reason to refer the Chuck-will’s widow 
to the C. carolinensis. But he shows his uncer- 
tainty with respect to it by omitting all synonymes. 
This was also the case with Vieillot, who calls 
this bird C. rufus, having without any apparent 
good reason, considered the carolinensis as the 
same species’as his C. popetue, to which, in that 
case, he would have done well to have left the 
name: but he proves himself in error by stating 
that authors are incorrect in attributing to the bird 
a different size, colour, and form of tail. 

We shall adopt Wilson’s opinion, which, after 
much examination, we think the most probable. 


Caprimuteus carolinensis, Guet. Laru. Briss. 

Caprimuteus rufus, Viettt. pl. 25, (female.) In the nour. 
dict. he unites three species under this name. 

Wilson corrected the errors that had been committed 
with respect to this and the two following species, the habits 
of all which had previously been confusedly intermixed. 
Stephens has increased the confusion by calling it C. bra- 

177. C. americanus, Vol. v. p. 65. Although 
this is the most common of the three species, yet 
it is remarkable that it was not correctly noticed 
by any writer before Wilson and Vieillot. It is 
however evident that part of the description of C. 
virginianus, is taken from it, as is proved, if by 
no other character, certainly by the white wing 
spot which is there mentioned. So that the name 


of virginianus which has been applied by Vieillot 
to the following, might with equal propriety have 
been given to this species, from the circumstance 
of the description, history, and habits partaking 
of both. Our author, who is so admirably correct 
as regards the history, description, &c. has inad- 
_vertently given a name already employed in this 
genus. Vieillot’s name of C. popetue, awkward as 
it is, must be adopted, having the priority. 


Caprimutcus popetue, Viriiu. pl. 24, (female-) 

Caprimuteus virginianus, Guet. Lata. Briss. (a monstrous 
combination of this and the following species,) Visit. 
pl. 23. 

CarrimuLeus europaeus, 2 minor americanus, Lann. (the same 
monstrous combination.) 

The error seems to have originated from Cates- 
by’s bad figure, which is a compound of the two 
species, or rather which represents the C. popetue, 
(Night Hawk) with bristles which are proper to 
the vociferus (Whip-poor-will.) 

178. C. vociferus, Vol. v. p. 71. Vieillot applied 
to this bird the name of C. virginianus, which is 
evidently proper to the preceding as well as to 
this bird, the description and history being as be- 
fore stated, a compound of the characters of both; 
this fact, however, he does not mention; but being 
probably afterwards aware of it, he changed the 
name to clamator, a name corresponding in mean- 


ing to that of Wilson, which he ought to have 
adopted, rather than to introduce a new one. 
Wilson deserves the highest commendation for 
having so elegantly and perspicuously elucidated 
the history of the species, and for having extricat- 
ed the North American Carrimute: from the con- 
fusion that involved them. Had he performed no 
other service for the benefit of science, this alone 
would have been a monument of his accuracy. 
From aconsideration of the above circumstances, 
I think Wilson’s name must be exclusively adopt- 
ed, as the only means of avoiding future confusion. 

Caprimuteus virginianus, Vier. pl. 23. 


This genus is so well characterized that it has 
constituted a distinct family in the estimation of 
all ornithologists, and even in that of several, a 
distinct order. Some of the former have arranged 
it with the Passeres, and others with the Galline ; 
it is in fact intermediate to both, and by some 
species approaches closely to Galline. But I 
cannot hesitate to place it with the Passeres, 
from some traits in the conformation of the spe- 
cies, as well as from their habits, and principally 
from the circumstance of the hind toe being arti- 
culated on the same plane with the others, and 
bearing equally on the ground its whole length. 



Though forming a distinct family, and very nu- 
merous in species, yet this genus, as is the case 
with many other well characterized genera, also 
abundant in species, as Fatco, Srarx, Psrrracus, 
Frivertta, Anas, Picus, &c. cannot well beseparat- 
ed, excepting into sections or subgenera. Attempts 
have, however, been made to separate the species 
generically, by Vieillot, Stephens, and others: we 
divide the genus into three subgenera, adopting 
the names of Columba, Vinago, and Goiira. The 
three species of Wilson are all peculiar to America, 
two of them belong to the first subgenus, and the 
other to the latter. 

179. C. migratoria, Vol. v. p. 102. A well known 
species described twice in the systems. Our au- 
thor’s history of it is perfect. 


Cotumpa migratoria, Linn. Get. Lara. (adult male.) 
Viet. Nouv. dict. @hist. Nat. Tem. Les Pigeons, falio, 
Paris, 1811, pl. 48 of the second section, (male,) pl. 49, (fe- 
male, resembling a young male taking the adult dress.) 

Coxumsa canadensis, Linn. Guev. Lara. (female and young, 
the latter considered as the female of the nominal species.) 

CouumsBa enas americana, Briss. (adult, male.) 

Cotumpa canadensis, Briss. (female and young as above.) 

Tourterelle de Canada, Burr. Pl. Enl. 176, (female, a bad 

180. C. carolinensis, Vol. v.p.91. This familiar 
species has also been described twice in the same 



Cotumsa carolinensis, Linn. Gunt. Lata. Viritt. Nouv. 
dict. Tenm. Pigeons, pl. 80, of the second section. 

CotumBa marginata, Linn. Guet. Lara. 

Coxumpa turtur carolinensis, Briss. 

Coxumpa turtur americanus, Briss. 

. Tourterelle de la Caroline, Burr. Pl. Enl. 175, (female, a 

very bad figure, in which, amongst other errors, the bill is 
red instead of black.) 

181. C. passerina, Vol. vi. p. 15. This very 
small species belongs to that peculiar subdivision 
which approaches more to the order Galline, and 
which, for that reason, has been called Columbi- 
galline, forming the genus Goura of Stephens. It 
inhabits only the southern states. 


Cotumpa passerina, Linn. Guew. Lara. Vieitt. Temu. 
Pigeons, pl. 13 of the third section, (male,) pl. 14, (fe- 

Co.umBa turtur parous americanus, Briss. 

Pétite Tourterelle de la Martinique, Burr. Pl. Enl. 243, f. 
2, (bad figure,) (fig. 1, Petite Tourterelle de St. Domingue, is 
generally quoted here also, but we believe, with Vieillot, 
that it belongs to another species.) : 

Wilson erroneously quotes Cotumsa minuta, Linn, as a 
synonyme. , 


As first formed by Linné, this genus was very 

extensive, embracing besides all the Grouse, Par- 
VOL. Iv.——MARCH, 1825. 34 


tridges, Quails, &c. also the Psastanus colchicus, 
which however, that author afterwards removed 
from it. Brisson, Latham, Temminck, Vieillot, 
and other recent Ornithologists, have agreed in 
restricting the genus Trrrao, but they have dif- 
fered in the manner of doing it. We perfectly 
agree with Temminck as respects the limits he 
assigns to it, so as toinclude Tetrao and Lagopus, 
of Vieillot, adopted by us as subgenera. We also 
agree with him as to the genera separated from 
it. The two species described by Wilson, belong 
to the former subgenus’? They are both peculiar 
to America, and have been most unaccountably 
mistaken for one species. 

182. T. umbellus, Vol. vi. p. 45. The local ap- 
pellation (Pheasant) of this bird is erroneous, as 
it is a true Grouse. The history and figure are 
perfect in Wilson ; the bird has been twice noticed 
in the systems. 

Terrao wmbellus, Linn. Guev. Lara. Vii. Noun. dict. 
Tetrao togatus, Linn. Guet. (young, rather than female 

as Latham states.) : 
Lacorus atiagen Pensylvanie, Brisson. 
Lacorus bonasa major canadensis, Briss. (young.) 
Grosse Gélinotte du Canada, Burr. Pl. Enl. 104, (bad fig. 
* of the young.) 

Stephens calls it Bovasa wmbellus, having made 


a genus which we do not think proper to adopt, 
even as a subgenus. 

The nominal species, as Sabine observes, origi- 
nated, as is often the case, from a bad figure ; the 
T. umbellus being described from nature, and the 
T. togatus from Edwards’ wretched figure. 

183. 'T. cupido, Vol. iii. p. 104. We cannot con- 
ceive how Buffon, and more recently Cuvier, could 
quote this remarkable species as a synonyme of 
the preceding. No American would mistake this 
delicious Grouse for the trivial “ Pheasant.” 

We should think this error hardly worthy of 
notice, did not some recent compilers, even with 
Wilson’s work before them, still persist in express- 
ing a doubt of the specific difference of T. umbel- 
lus and 'T. cupido! # 


Tetrao cupido, Linn. Guz. Lara. Vieitt, Nouv. dict. 
Lacopus atiagen americana, Briss. 
_Bowasa cupido, STEPHENS. 


This is one of the genera that have been sepa- 
rated from the Linnean Terrao. It was formed 
by Brisson and Latham, and adopted by Illiger, 
Temminck, Vieillot and others. But authors vary 
somewhat in their respective limits, some being 
too extensive and others not sufficiently so. We 
agree in this respect with Temminck and Vieillot, 


and distribute the species in four subgenera, cor- 
responding to the sections of those authors, viz. 
Francolinus, Perdix, Ortyx, and Coturniz, all of 
which are considered as genera by Stephens. — 

184. P. virginiana, Vol. vi. p. 21. The only 
species known to inhabit this part of North Ame- 
rica. Itis extended over almost every part of the 
country. It belongs to the subgenus Orryx. We 
find it described under three different names in 
the systems, and this has induced Vieillot to give 
a fourth, that of P. borealis. But in such a case 
we must select one of the old names, and as Wil- 
son has already chosen that of P. virginiana, Ithink 
it must prevail. 


Terrao virginianus, Linn. Guet. (female.) 

Tetrao marilandicus, Linn. Goer. (adult male; Gmelin, 
however, correctly indicates also the female.) 

Terrao mexicanus, Livy. Guet. (adult male, erroneously 
given with a red bill and feet.) 

Perpix virginiana, Lata. (female.) 

Perpix marilanda, Lara. (male.) 

Perpix mexicana, Lara. (adult male given with a red 
bill and feet.) 

Perpix americana, Brisson, (female.) 

Perpix nove anglia, Briss. (male.) 

Corurmix ludoviciana, Briss. (male with red bill and feet.) 

Cuille de la Louisiane, Burr. Pl. Enl. 149, (a bad figure 
of the male with reddish bill and feet.) 

Pervix borealis, Viert. Nouv. dict. 

Ortyx borealis, SrePHENs. 


Having now passed in review all the land birds 
described by our author, this may be the proper 
place to correct a few errors, and add some obser- 
vations which subsequent opportunities have en- 
abled us to make. 

2. Vuurur atratus. 1 called this bird Carnarres 
urubu, but as Bartram has the priority, we are au- 
thorized to reject Vieillot’s barbarous name for 
that adopted by Wilson. The bird will then be 
known as Catnarrtes atratus. 

The quotation of Latham’s synonyme is incor- 
rect; it ought to be 

V. aura var 6? Lata. 

Another synonyme is 
V. aura & jota ? Guet. 

If the Vutrur jota of Molina be certainly this 
bird, that name ought to be adopted as having the 

11, 12. Fauco borealis and F. leverianus. I ex- 
pressed my belief of the identity of these two spe- 
cies, which has since been corroborated by obser- 
vations on the living bird. They are in reality, but 
one species, differing only from age, both sexes 
being found in each description of plumage, as 
Wilson very correctly observed. “ My reason,” 
says Wilson, “ for inclining to consider this (the 
leverianus) a distinct species from the last (the 
borealis) is that of having uniformly found the 


present 2 or3 inches larger than the former, thougl: 
this may possibly be owing to their greater age.” 
_ In this, however, he is mistaken, for when birds 
have attained their full size, as in both his birds, 
they only change plumage, but never their stature; 
he must have taken his admeasurement of the 
borealis from males, (his figure is that of a male,) 
and that of the leverianus from females. But be 
this as it may, Lhave always found the males in 
both states of plumage twenty inches, (a size 
which Wilson gives to the borealis,) and the fe- 
males also of both twenty-two inches, (his size for 

17. F. Mississippiensis.. Temminck has lately 
given a figure of the F. plumbeus, (which I sup- 
pose to be the same with this bird) when in the 
second year of its age. 

Milan Cresserelle jeune, Temm. Pl. Col. 180. 

We cannot conceive why Temminck does not 
quote Wilson’s figure, which is certainly by far 
the best, and represents a more perfect state of 
plumage than that of Vieillot. Is it because he 
thinks the F. Mississippiensis of Wilson, a distinct 
species? we.can hardly suppose it. 

18. * F’, lagopus. An essential synonyme has 
been omitted, it .is 

F. sclavonicus, Larn. 


20, 21. F. hyemalis and F. lineatus. Ihave now 
no doubt of the specific identity of these two 
Hawks: lineatus is the young, and hyemalis the 
adult; the very young bears a still distinct plumage, 
and has luckily escaped the fabricators of nominal 
species, who, had they met with it, would un- 
doubtedly have augmented their chaotic ae 
with it. 

30. * Srrix otus. When I wrote the article on 
this bird, I had not seen it, (as indicated by the 
mark §) and believed Vieillot correct in noticing 
the American species as distinct from the Euro- 
pean. But having since procured several speci- 
mens, I have ascertained that Wilson was right in 
considering his species as the same with the Eu- 
ropean. The name must therefore be restored, 
and the mark * be prefixed to it. It is, however, 
possible that two allied species may be inhabitants 
of North America, one the same, and the other 
different from that of Europe. This would cer- 
tainly be the case, if Vieillot’s figure was a faith- 
ful copy of nature; but as he states his bird to in- 
habit all the continent of North America, we are 
rather inclined to believe there is but one, and 
that the great difference is the result of the incor- 
rectness of his figure; the synonymes, besides 
those already given, will then be 

Srarx otus, Linn. Guet. Lara. Tem. 
Moyen duc ou hibou. Burr. Pl. Eni. 29. 


31, 32. S. asio, and S. neavia. I expressed my 
opinion in favour of the specific identity of these 
two Owls; and having since received the Pl. col. 
80, of 'Temminck, (Hibow asio, male) representing 
a male nearly adult, I was much pleased to find 
that the opinion of that eminent Ornithologist 
coincides with mine. I have now in my collec- 
tion a complete series of the changes of this bird 
from almost black to pale ferruginous-red ; all 
doubt must therefore be dissipated in relation to 
the subject. 'Temminck is, however, mistaken in 
stating the asio to be the young female, and nevia 
to be the old male; both sexes occur in all the 
different states of plumage ; asio is the young bird, 
and nevia is the adult. I cannot help expressing 
my belief that the similar changes of the S. aluco 
of Europe, will be found to be also owing to age 
and not to sex. 

33. * Lams excubitor. Having lately shot a 
specimen of this species in New Jersey, I was 
enabled to ascertain that though closely allied to 
the excubitor, it is a distinct species, as stated by 
Vieillot; his name of L. borealis must, theres, 
be exclusively adopted. 

34. L. carolinensis. I have stated that the name 
of Vieillot, L. ardosiaceus, ought to be adopted as 
having the priority over that of Wilson. This 
was only because I then considered as doubtful 
the synonyme of L. ludovicianus, which I there- 
fore quoted with a note of interrogation. Having 


since fully ascertained that this synonyme is cor- 
rect, I propose to restore the Linnewan name to 
that shrike. Latham led me in error by stating 
that the crown (pileus) is black. 
Our bird is undoubtedly the L. ludovicianus of 

Brisson, and Linné, as may be ascertained by their 
excellent description. It is also the L. ludovicia- 
nus of Gmelin, but that author was wrong in 
quoting amongst the synonymes, Buff. Pl. Enl. 
397, this bird not being represented in that work. 
Latham in his synopsis had indicated our bird, 
under the name of Louisiana shrike, but he also 
quoted the above named plate. Gmelin probably 
took his authority. 

_ In his index, Latham perceived that mistake, 
but he fell in a greater one, which was to unite to 
the L. ludovicianus, the black-crowned shrike of 
Pennant, which that author erroneously supposed 
to be L. ludovicianus, and of which Gmelin has 
made his L. americanus. The latter has a black 
crown which the ludovicianus has not. This in- 
duced me to state that L. ludovicianus of Latham 
was certainly not this bird. 

35. Psrrracus carolinensis. Add to the syno- 

Psitracus ludovicianus, GMEL. 
_ Perruche Illinoise, Burr, Pl. Enl. 528, (young.) 

VOL. IV.—-MARCH, 1825. 35 


After having separated from this genus as adopt- 
ed by Temminck, those birds of which we form the 
genus Quiscatus agreeably to Vieillot, we subdi- 
vide the remaining species into four subgenera: | 

1. Cassicus, corresponding to Illiger’s and Vieil- 
lot’s genus of that name. The species are dis- 
tinguished by having the frontal angle (in the 
feathers,) wide and semicircular, while the three 
other subgenera have it acute and not profound. 

2. Xanthornus, corresponding to Acetaws of 
Vieillot, and included in the genus Ortoxus of Il- 
liger. The bill is straight, thick at base, and acu- 
minate. 3 

3. Emberizoides, some species of which Vieillot 
refers to his genus Passerina, they form the pas- 
sage to Frincuza. This subgenus is so closely 
allied to the preceding that it would be perhaps 
better to unite them; the bill is only less acumi- 

4. Icterus, which agrees with the two genera 
Yrnantes and Penpuinus of Vieillot, and is includ- 
ed in Illiger’s Ortotus. Some species of this sub- 
genus form the link between Icrerus and the sub- 
genus Dacnis of Cuvier; the bill is comparatively 
slender and slightly bent towards the tip. 

44. O. mutatus. In the synonymes, after Turpus 
ater, Gmel. Lath. dele Lath. and put in its stead, 
Turous jugularis, Lath. 


46. Gracuta ferruginea. With Wilson I erred 
in giving amongst the synonymes of this species, 
Ontos niger, Gmel. Lath. which belongs to a 
distinct species of the same genus (Quiscatus) in- 
_habiting the West Indies and South America, but 
which has not been found in the United States. 
The individual stated by Latham to have been 
found here, is the Q. ferrugineus in perfect dress. 

55. Picusvarius. The following synonyme was 
inadvertently omitted. 

Pic varie de la Caroline, Burr. Pl. Enl. 785. (ad. male.) 

Picus carolinus. For Pic rayé femelle de la 
Jamaique, read Pic varié, &c. 

60. Srrra varia. Being now satisfied that the 
S. canadensis of Linvé is the young of this spe- 
cies, I think the latter specific name must exclu- 
sively be adopted. 

72. 'Turnus solitarius. Add to the synonymes, 
T. fuscus, Gmel. Lath. 

74. 'T. aquaticus. As indicated by the mark § 
prefixed to that article, I had not then seen the 
bird. But haying last autumn procured specimens, 
I have ascertained it to be a Warbler, and not a 
Thrush, closely allied to the Sytvia aurocapilla 
(Turpus aurocapillus, Wilson.) These two spe- 
cies cannot be separated even subgenerically, and 
they must therefore be placed either in Syxvia or 
Turvvus; but I believe authors had no other reason 
for referring these birds to the latter genus, than 


that they have a spotted breast. Whether or not 
that bird and the Turpus motacilla, Vieill. are one 
species, is doubtful, but it is certainly Syzvia nove- 
boracensis Lath. as we have ascertained from the 
very specimen Wilson described. If, therefore, 
Turvus motacilla, Vieill. be a real species, it 
must be distinct from T. aquaticus. This we do 
not believe to be the case, and if we are correct 
in our conjecture, Vieillot has described and 
figured the same bird under two different names. 


Moraciita noveboracensis, Gauri. 

Syzvia noveboracensis, Laru. Viri. pl. 82. ie) 

Moracitta tigrina, var. 2, Guex. (female and young.) 

Sytvia tigrina, var. 4, Latu. (female and young:) 

Sytvia anthoides, Vier. Nouv. dict. @hist. nat. 

Ficeputa dominicensis fusca, Briss. (female and young.) 

Fauvette tachetée de la Louisiane, Burr. Pl. Enl. thee for, 
(a very bad figure.) 

New York warbler, Penn. Arct. Zool. Latu. fas 

86. Emseriza erythrophthalma. referred this 
bird to the subgenus Coccothraustes, but 1 now 
think better to range it in the subgenus Fringilla, 
its bill not being quite large enough to entitle it to 
rank in the former station. The following syno- 
nyme misquoted by Wilson and myself under F. 
aliaca (rufa Wils.) must be placed under this bird, 
to which it belongs beyond a doubt, as appears 
to have been the ultimate opinion of Wilson. — 

Emperiza ferruginea, Guev. Laru. (female.) 


97. Frivemta purpurea. I stated the Pyrruura 
erythrina to be common to the north of both 
continents, and that it would be represented in 
the first volume of my continuation of Wilson’s 
Ornithology. But notwithstanding the statements 
of authors, it appears not to exist in this continent. 
Thad reference to an allied species. 

102. F. nivalis. An essential error has occur- 
red in relation to this bird. It was stated that 
the name is correct, and that the species is com- 
mon to both continents. But the fact is that the 
species is widely different from that of Europe, 
and must be called Frineitia hyemalis. It is evi- 
dently by a typographical transposition, that ‘Tem- 
minck states the F. nivalis to inhabit North Ameri- 
ca, and it is for want of examining for themselves 
that recent compilers have repeated this error. 
The remaining part of the article is correct, ex- 
cepting the synonyme of F. nivalis, which must 
be rejected. 

We also stated this bird to belong to the sub- 
genus Fringilla, but we regard it as a Spiza, 
though it has not the characters of that subgenus 
strongly marked. 

127. Muscicara pusilla. Having lately had an 
opportunity of examining this pretty little bird, I 
had the pleasure of finding my toa iy ai cor- 
rect in regard to it. 


Descriptions of four new Species of the Linnean 

genus Brennwws, and a new Exocerus. By Wi- 
uiam W. Woop. Read December 14, 1824. — 

Brienniws, Cuv. 

1. B. geminatus. Head with a three rayed 
cirrhus over each eye; body with several pairs of 
brownish spots on the sides, above which are con- 
fluent marks on the back, extending a little way 
upon the dorsal fin. Dorsal fin with an irregular 
blackish spot, anteriorly. 

Head thick, large, anteriorly rounded, channel- 
ed between the eyes; a cirrhus of three rays over 
each eye, above a quarter of an inch in length, 
slender and delicate: mouth descending very little: 
upper lip large, thick : gape small: throat obscure- 
ly bifasciate with brownish beneath: nostrils ap- 
pendiculated : opercula fleshy : eyes moderate, ap- 
proximated : body compressed: back somewhat 
arched: belly a little protuberant; rib-spaces evi- 
dent: sides with several pairs of spots of a reddish- 
brown colour, arranged pretty regularly in a dou- 
ble row, above which are confluent marks upon 
the back, extending partly over the dorsal fin: 
dorsal with an irregular blackish spot before the 
origin of the pectoral fin; slightly joined to the 
caudal fin, at the base; arched a little posterior- 
ly: caudal fin rounded: anal fin nearly touching 


the tail, and having a longitudinal blackish band 
near its exterior margin; tubercle of the anus 
small: ventral fins two-rayed, pointed: pectoral 
Jin rounded, base thick and fleshy, with a branched 
dusky brown band. 

Cabinet of the Academy. 

Inhabits the harbour of Charleston, S. C. from 
whence it and the two following species were sent 
to the Academy, by Captain Bache, of the U. S. 
Topographical Engineers. 

Its colour in spirits is brownish, and the spots 
of a brownish red. 

D. 27. P.13. V. 2. A. 17. C. 142 imper- 
fect rays. 

Length, two inches and three-eighths; depth, 
half an inch. 

2. B. punctatus. A bifurcated cirrhus over 
each eye; dorsal fin with an irregular blackish 
spot between the first and third rays; body thickly 
covered with small blackish spots, which are con- 
fluent on the sides; caudal fin with five obscure 
brownish bands. 

Head thick, somewhat rounded anteriorly, in a 
line from the dorsal fin to the snout: eyes oblong, 
very approximate ; surrounded by a circle of raised 
blackish points ; a bifurcated cirrhus or appendage 
about half an inch in length, over each, the ex- 
tremities of which are pointed: nostrils with a 
small appendage: snout, front, top, and sides of 
the head thickly covered with small, irregular 


blackish spots ; between the appendages over the 
eyes and the commencement of the dorsal fin, are 
two slight and roughish prominences : mouth small, 
slightly descending: upper lip thick: body com- 
pressed gradually from the pectoral fins: dorsal 
jim commencing a little before the pectoral fin 
and continuing to the caudal. fin, which it partly 
joins at the base: caudal fin rounded, with five 
obscure brownish bands: anal jin dusky, tubercle 
before it small: ventral fins three-rayed, pointed, 
blackish : pectoral fins large, rounded, base thick, 
fleshy, dotted with blackish, the rays obscurely 
fasciated with dusky : lateral line arched over the 
pectoral fin. 

Note-—Branchial aperture three-eighths of an inch in 

D.27. P. 14. V.3. A. 18. C. 11; imperfect 
Inhabits Charleston harbour. 
Length three inches ; depth one inch, exeleaind 
of the dorsal fin. : 

Puous, Artedi. 

1. P. novemlineatus. Body with nine whitish 
longitudinal bands; dorsal fin with an irregular 
blackish spot between the first and second rays; 
remainder of the fin clouded with dusky brown. 

Head descending somewhat abruptly, tubereu- 

BLENNIUS. 281 - 

tated anteriorly : nostrils with a small appendage : 
head, lips, opercula, &c. and base of the pectoral 
fins, finely spotted with bluish-black, the spots 
being larger on the front and opercula: branchial 
opening extremely small, extending one-third of 
the length of the external curve of the operculum : 
mouth descending little : gape moderate : sides of 
. the head fleshy : body compressed : rib-spaces evi- 

dent: sides with nine longitudinal whitish lines, 
some of which are interrupted; behind the eye 
and under the dorsal fin are two irregular whitish 
patches: dorsal fin commencing before the pec- 
toral fins; between the first and second ray is an 
irregular blackish spot, several of the following 
rays are also spotted, the colour of the spots be- 
coming lighter as they recede towards the tail, 
where they mingle with the dusky colour of the fin 
and are lost; fin rising posteriorly, and joining the 
eaudal fin at about half the distance from its ex- 
tremity: anal fin commencing under the termina- 
tion of the pectoral fin, and extending nearly to 
the tail: caudal fin rounded: ventral fins two-rayed: 
pectoral fins rather large, the base thick and fleshy, 
finely spotted with bluish-black : anus small, tuber- 
cle small : colowr brownish, fins dusky. 

0).:80.0: C82$0. A220. Vale Ped din 5 

Inhabits Charleston harbour. 

Cabinet of the Academy. 

Length three inches and a quarter; depth, ex- 

clusive of the dorsal fin, hardly one inch. 
VOL, Iv.——mMaRcH, 1825. 36 


2. P. quadrifasciatus. P|. xvii. fig. 1. Dorsal fin not 
joining the tail; body with four distinct brownish 
bands, and an interrupted obscure broad band on 
the neck; belly with four yellowish spots over the 
anal fin; ventral fins fasciate with brown. 

Head not descending abruptly, spotted with 
blackish : branchial opening extremely small : eyes 
moderate, approximate : lower jaw a little longer: 
mouth descending: body elongate compressed : 
back not convex: belly little protuberant: tail 
narrowing somewhat abruptly : bedy very mucous : 
dorsal fin pretty deep, rising slightly posteriorly, 
and not joining the tail; it rises just over the 
branchial aperture : caudal fin rounded : anal fin 
deeper anteriorly, terminating very near the tail : 
ventral fins three-rayed, fasciated with blackish : 
pectoral fins placed just behind the origin of the 
dorsal fin, large, rounded : belly with four spots of 
a dull yellow, just over the anal fin: lateral line 
nearly straight. 

D..27). Cite ch ab: DP. eee 

Length two inches and a half; depth, exelusive 
of the dorsal fin, six-eighths of an inch. 

For this last species I am indebted to Mr. Ru- 
‘bens Peale, of the Baltimore Museum, who pre- 
sented me with a specimen. Another in his pos- 
session was somewhat larger. 

Native place unknown. 

All the shone species having been described 


from specimens preserved in spirits, the descrip- 
tion of the colours cannot be relied on. 


E. appendiculatus. Pl. xvii. fig. 2. Lower jaw 
with a long trifurcated cirrhus, the middle branch 
of which is longest, extending about two-thirds of 
the length of the body; the lateral branches very 

Head subtriangular, depressed in the middle, 
declivous; sides of the head above and behind the 
eyes somewhat angular : snout somewhat obtuse, 
rather narrow: nostrils not very approximate : 
opercula flattish, silvery : branchial aperture slight- 
ly oblique: mouth small, slightly descending : body 
subfusiform, covered with large scales: abdomen 
angular, slightly arcuate : back somewhat convex: 
tail rather narrow: pectoral fins long, extending 
nearly to the termination of the dorsal fin: dorsal 
jin moderate, narrow, somewhat hollowed : ventral 
Jjins extending from directly under the dorsal fin, 
alittle beyond the insertion of the caudal fin: anal 

_ fin small, placed near the tail, narrow : anus nearer 
the tail: caudal fin with the inferior lobe longer, 
both lobes rounded. 

P..13, 14 CAR or TV. Ge Ae, 
Length five inches and a quarter. 

In the Baltimore Museum. 
Its native place is unknown. 


This species approaches to E. comatus, describ- 
ed by Dr. Mitchell in Trans. New York Lit. and 
Philos. Soc. but differs in wanting the lateral 
branches of the cirrhus, and in several minor cha- 

Description of a new Species of Birev Servs. By 
Ricnarpv Haran, M. D. Read December 7th, 


S. sexilineata. Pl. xviii. fig. 2. Body above and 
beneath, whitish, clothed with equal rounded 
scales, compactly imbricate ; top of the head black- 
ish, furnished with twelve irregularly shaped scales 
or plates, (similar to those of the Opmisaurus) of 
different figures and unequal sizes ; the three larg- 
est of the plates are placed one before-the other, 
and the nine smaller are distributed around the 
three first. Three dark punctuated lines on each 
side of the body, extend from the neck to the mid- 
dle of the tail, run into each other anteriorly, and 
form a single black line which passes through the 
eyes, extending to the nostrils: rictus of the mouth 
wide: nostrils situate on a line with the eyes near 
the extremity of the snout: a single row of mi- 
nute teeth line each maxilla : tail rather more than 


one-fourth the length of the body, cylindrical, 
somewhat subulate: anus a transverse slit, one 
inch from the extremity of the tail: on each side 
of the vent, projects a small leg, terminating in 
two corneous toes, somewhat aduncate, the exter- 
nal considerably the longest: external ear, or 
membrana tympani, a scarcely visible point pos- 
terior to the angle of the mouth. 

Total length four inches; from the tip of the 
snout to the vent, two inches and eight-tenths; 
from the vent to the extremity of the tail, eleven- 
tenths; length of the head, three-tenths; breadth 
of the head, two-tenths ; length of the legs, three- 
tenths; girth, seven-tenths. 

Osservations. The Birep Seps have been dis- 
covered in Europe, Africa, America, and India. I 
know not from what part of the globe the present 
specimen was obtained, I found it among the La- 
certx belonging to the Philadelphia Museum, 
where it had remained for several years preserved 
in spirits. 

Three species only of Birep Sers have been 
acknowledged by Daudin—viz. Ist, S. didactyle, 
described by Schneider, (2d fascic. Hist. Nat. des 
Amphib.) 2d,,8. subdidactyle or the Shettopusick 
of Pallas, and 3d, S. monodactyle of Gronovius ; 
to neither of which can our reptile be referred ; it 
resembles still less the “ Bipede lzpidopode,” of 
New Holland, described by Lacépéde (.4nnales 
du Museum, Vol. iv.) It approaches nearest to 

286 » _ §CINCUS. 

a variety of the third species or S. Gronovii, 
which was described by Gronovius (under the 
name of “ Cuamasaura Birgs,” as follows, “ A Scin- 
cus, having the posterior extremities very short, 
subulate, single toed, destitute of anterior feet ; 
the tail almost as short as one half the body, cy- 
lindrical, with its extremity smooth, naked and 
conical, some black lines prolonged upon the back, 
and the flanks ; the abdomen whitish : total length 
four inches. (Zoophil. No. 44. page 11.) On 
comparing this description with that of the “ sezi- 
lineata,’ as above detailed, the latter will be 
found evidently a well characterized distinct spe- 

Description of a new Species of Scincus. By 
Ricuarp Harran, M. D. Read December 21, 


S. bicolor. P|. xviii. fig. 1. Supra fuscus; subtus 
albido-argenteus; lineis duabus longitudinalibus 
albis in utroque latere ; cauda, tereti,‘corpore pau- 
lolongiore ; palmis, plantisque pentadactylis. 

Total length, nine inches, four-tenths ; length 
of the head, neck and body, four inches ; length 
of the tail five inches four-tenths; length of the 



head, nine-tenths; breadth of the head, eight- 
tenths ; length of the neck, six-tenths. 

Body above dusky brown, darkest on the top 
of the head, which is swollen at the maxillary an- 
gles: body beneath of asilvery white throughout ; 
a white line commencing at the occiput; on each 
side of the spine extends two or three inches on 
the tail; another line commencing at the tympa- 
num and passing immediately above the thigh is 
lost on the tail; two faint longitudinal lines mark 
the posterior part of the thighs, the lowermost 
extending to the outer toe : tail tapering, cylindri- 
» cal, and pointed: tympanum large, vertically oval ; 
the palpebral and infraorbitar ridge, clothed with 
minute quadrangular plates or scales. 

The genus Scincus, originally established by 
Brongniart, and adopted by Latreille, Daudin, and 
others, includes about twenty species; only two 
of which are said to inhabit the United States: 
viz. the S. quinquelineata and the S. erythrocepha- 
lus; to which must be added the species under 
consideration, which differs from the erythroceph- 
alus described by Mr. Gilliams (Journal of the A. 
N. S. Vol. i.) in form, proportion, colour, and 
markings. Of all the species of this genus hith- 
erto described, the bicolor approaches most nearly 
the S. quadriliniatus, (Daudin,) Lacerta lineata 
(Linn.) or L. quadriliniata, (Gmelin.) This rep- 
tile first described by Linné (from a specimen in 
the Museum of Prince Adolph Frederic,) is fur- 

288° SCINCUS. 

nished with only four toes to the anterior extremi- 
ties, which could not have been the result of ac- 
cident, as Linné informs us he had observed several 
specimens of the same species; the total length 
of this species is represented as about four inches 
and a half; although it is marked by four white 
lines in common with the bicolor, these are differ- 
ently arranged; in the “ quadriliniatus,” one line 
as white as snow, is prolonged from the extremity 
of the snout on each side of the back, as far as 
the base of the tail ; another passes from the angle 
of the mouth, through the flanks to the thighs. 

After this description there can be no danger 
of confounding the two. The reptile which forms 
the subject of this detail, is preserved in spirits 
in the Philadelphia Museum. 

Scineus erythrocephalus. Gilliams. var. Body 
above of a dark green, approaching to black: head 
above of a reddish yellow: body beneath of a yel- 
lowish white; total length, eleven inches: tazl a 
little longer than the body, round, and tapering; 
from the tip of the snout to the commencement 
of the hind legs, four inches and a half; length of 
the head, one inch and two-tenths 5 breadth of the 
head, one inch. 

Two specimens in the Philadelphia Museum; 
being dried, their colours must have faded. 


On two genera and several species of Crixowea. 
By Tuomas Say. Read March 1st, 1825. 

{ am indebted to the politeness and liberality 
of Dr. J. Bigsby, for the opportunity of describing 
the very interesting animal remains which form 
the subject of the following new genus. 



Generic character. Column cylindrical, perforat- 
ed by a tubular alimentary canal : pelvis formed of 
four plates; costals six, supporting the scapule, 
from which the arms proceed. 

In Miller’s arrangement this genus will occupy 
a station in the division Jnarticulata, between the 
genera Cyatuocrinires and Actinocrinites. It may 
be indicated by the following formula. 

A. Pelvis of four plates. 

4. Costal plates six. 

a. Column not dilated. 

o. Alimentary canal round. 

§. Articulating surface of the columnar joints, radiated. 

{. Auxiliary side arms cylindrical, and placed irregular- 
ly. Genus CaryocrinitEs. 

1. Two of the costals hexagonal. 1s¢ Sp. ornatus. 

2. One of the costals hexagonal. 2d Sp. loricatus. 

VOL. 1v.——-MARCH, 1825. a 



1. C. ornatus. Costals, four pentagonal and two 
hexagonal. ' 

Column inserted into a cavity at the base of the 
pelvis : pelvis rather large ; two of the plates quad- 
rangular, attenuated to the base, where they are 
truncated and a little recurved at the junction 
with the column; disks, particularly towards the 
base, granulated, with a distinct elevated inter- 
rupted line ; two remaining plates pentangular, at- 
tenuated to the base, where they are truncated 

and a little recurved at the junction with the co- ~ 

lumn; disk with elevated granules, and with two 
elevated interrupted lines, extending to the ter- 
minal angles: costa/s, four pentagonal and two 
hexagonal, all with elevated interrupted lines, ra- 
diating from the centre to the angles, with a series 
of truncated granules on each side, and a few gra- 
nules in the intervening spaces; interscapulars, 
two hexagonal, situated immediately above the 
hexagonal costals: scapulars six pentagonal, the 
upper sides of which are more or less irregular 
by projecting alittle between the scapule, all with 
prominent lines granulated, similar to those of the 
preceding: arms six: capital plates with a hepta- 
gonal one in the middle, surrounded by five hex- 
agonal plates and two irregular ones at the mouth: 
mouth not prominent, situated on one side of the 
middle, a little within the line of the arms, closed 



by small valvular pieces, its inferior side resting 
on the superior angle of one of the scapulars. 

Longitudinal diameter from three quarters to 
one inch and a half; transverse diameter from 
seven-tenths to one inch and two-fifths. 

2. C. loricatus. Costals, five pentagonal, and 
one hexagonal. 

Resembles the preceding, but there is only one 
hexagonal costal plate, and one interscapular plate. 

Longitudinal diameter one inch and eleven- 
twentieths; transverse diameter one inch and 

Dr. Bigsby obtained seven specimens of the 
ornata, and one of the Joricata. He informs me 
that “ they are found loose in brown clay at the 
foot of the ravine at Lockport, in which the New- 
York canal mounts the parallel ridge of Lake On- 
tario. They are extremely numerous, but almost 
always worn and crushed. They are filled with 
the clay in which they are imbedded. They are 
from one-tenth to one-eighth of an inch thick in 
their parietes. ‘The clay rests upon horizontal, 
black, conchiferous limestone, in which I found 
part of an encrinital stomach, bearing a close, if 
not perfect resemblance to the Caryocrinires de- 
scribed by Mr. Say.” 

In the second volume of Silliman’s Journal, p. 
36, I instituted a new genus for the truly singular 
animal religuium, which Parkinson called Ken- 


fuchy Asterial fossil. 1 shall now proceed to correct 
the characters of that genus agreeably to the dis- 
coveries of the ingenious Miller, in this family, 
and to identify by name the species which I then 


Column cylindrical, perforated; segments arti- 
culating by radiated surfaces, with cylindrical side 
arms at irregular intervals : pelvis of three unequal 
pieces, two pentagonal and one quadragonal : sea- 
pule large, very profoundly emarginate for the 
reception of the tips of the radiating ambulacre, 
obliquely truncated at the extremities, each side, 
for the reception of one side of a subrhomboidal 
plate or interscapular: ambulacre five, radiating 
from the summit and terminating at the tips of 
the emarginations of the scapule ; each with alon- 
gitudinal, indented line, and numerous transverse 
strie which terminate in a marginal series of pores, 
for the transmission of respiratory tubes : summit 
with five rounded openings (ovaries) and an an- 
gulated central one (mouth and anus.) 

This singular genus is so remotely allied to any 
other hitherto discovered, that I do not think it 
can with propriety, be referred to any Family yet 
instituted. By its columnar support it is related 
to the Family Crinoidea, but the total absence of 
arms and hands excludes it from that very natural 


group. The superior termination, in which the 
ambulacre, the rounded openings, and the central 
angulated one, are situated, has some affinity to 
the Family Echinidea, but the columnar support 
shows that it cannot be arranged there. 

Having thus on its inferior portion a resem- 
blance to the Crinoidea, and on its superior sur- 
face a decided analogy to the Echinidea, I think 
it may with propriety form an intermediate fa- 
mily, under the following name and characters. 


Column composed of numerous articulating seg- 
ments, supporting at its summit a number of plates, 
so united as to form a calyciform body containing 
the vicera; arms none ; branchie arranged in am- 

In a natural series these bodies constitute the 
link between the Crinoidea and the Echinidea, on 
the one hand, whilst on the other, the former is 
unquestionably, but not more obviously, connect- 
ed with the Stelleridica, by the unequivocal inter- 
vention of Comatula and Marsupites. Of all the 
genera of Crinoidea, it is to Piatycrinires that 
Penrremire seems most closely related. 


1. P. globosa. Body subglobular; sutures with 
parallel impressed lines. , 


Length one inch and one-fifth; greatest breadth 
one inch and three-tenths. 

Description. Pelvis deep saucen-shaped con- 
vex ; longitudinal sutures without parallel lines of 
increment, but these are very obvious at the ter- 
minal margin : seapulars with the impressed lines 
of increment very obvious at base, and near the 
tip each side: ambulacre with impressed lines 
equidistant between the central line and the late- 
ral series of pores. 

This large and fine species belongs to the Phi- 
ladelphia Museum. It was brought from England 
by Mr. Reubens Peale, who understood that. it 
was found in the vicinity of Bath. None of this 
species, I believe, has yet been found in America. 
The parallel lines of increment margining the su- 
tures, distinguish this from the following species. 
2. P. pyriformis. Body oblong, pelvis sea ck 

Length from three quarters to one inch - a 

This species is found in plenty in Rental 
the same localities, and intimately intermixed with 
the succeeding species; it may be readily distin- 
guished by the gradual attenuation of the pelvis 
and contiguous parts, from the tips of the emar- 
ginations of the scapulz, to the origin of the co- 
lumn. The first specimen I saw, was dug up ina 
garden at Reading, and was sent to my brother, 
B. Say, under the name of “ petrified althea bud.” 


3. P. florealis, Schloth. ents ab- 

ruptly, nearly horizontal. Nal 
Length from seven-tenths to nearly fesiF en tnt. 

Kentucky Asterial Fossil, Parx. Orc. Rem. v. 2, pl. 13. 
Encrintres florealis, Scutora. petrif. (as nt by Mil- 


This is extremely abundant in many pate of 
Kentucky, and on the margins of the Mississippi 
in a few places. Near Huntsville they are very 
numerous, and on the surface of a fragment of 
rock, three inches long, by two and a quarter wide, 
sent tothe Academy by Mr. Hazard, of that place, 
[ have enumerated eighteen specimens of this 
species more or less entire, and two specimens of 
the preceding species. On another still smaller 
piece of rock are twenty-one specimens, all in 
alto-relievo, two of which are of the preceding 
species. On a third fragment of rock, thirty may 
be counted, and on a fourth upwards of fifty. 

That these animals were pedunculated and fixed, 
there cannot be any doubt. We see at the base 
of the pelvis a small rounded surface, perforated 
in the centre for the passage of the alimentary 
canal, and on the outer margin are very short but 
distinct radii of elevated lines, evidently intended 
for articulation with the first joint of the column. 
The column itself is always found in fragments 
accompanying the body of the animal, but never 
attached to it. 

296 AGAMA. 

I think it highly probable that the branchial ap- 
paratus communicated with the surrounding fluid 
through the pores of the ambulacre, by means of 
filamentous processes; these may also have per- 
formed the office of tentacula in conveying the 
food to the mouth, which was, perhaps, provided 
with an exsertile proboscis ; or may we not rather 
suppose that the animal fed on the minute beings 
that abounded in the sea water, and that it obtain- 
ed them in the manner of the Ascipia, and by tak- 
ing them in with the water. The residuum of 
digestion appears to have been rejected sana 
the mouth. 

Description of two new Species of Acama. By R. 
Harian, M.D. Read December 21, 1824. 


1. A. vultuosa. Pl. xix. Corpore passim cinereo, 
collo subtus longitudinaliter plicato ; cauda tereti 
longa; squamis rhomboideis, carinatis ; dorso, an- 
tice, capiteque postice, subcristatis. 

Total length nine inches and eight-tenths ; from 
the commencement of the snout to the posterior 
extremities two inches and eight-tenths; length 
of the tail seven inches; length of the jaws nine- 
tenths. Top of the head clothed with numerous 
small smooth scales reversely imbricate; tym- 
panum large, elliptical ; two or three small spines 

AGAMA. 297 

pointing backwards, immediately above and be- 
hind the ears; eyes large; palpebre circular, de- 
pressed, clothed with minute granuliform scales ; 
a fold of skin projecting laterally, commences at 
the nostrils and extends over the superior por- 
tions of the orbits, which gives the animal a su- 
percilious, frowning aspect; the scales on the Jon- 
gitudinal fold beneath the throat, have their inferior 
borders slightly elevated; a crest formed of lan- 
ceolate, thin, elevated and pointed scales, com- 
mencing on the occiput, becomes gradually obso- 
lete about the middle of the back, being most 
prominent on the nucha, one large scale in the 
centre of the occiput at the commencement of the 
crest. The two middle toes of the hind feet very 
long, the nails are compressed, hooked, and black 
on their upper surface ; scales of the lower surface 
of the body less prominently carinated ; tail more 
than twice the length of the body. 

The genus Acama, originally established by 
Brongniart and Latreille, from the Iguana and 
Stellion, is divided into five sections, to which may 
be added the “ Acama collaris,” Say, described 
in Major Long’s expedition to the Rocky Moun- 
tains, which can be referred only to Daudin’s 
fourth section, or “les Agames lézardets,” the 
Agamas of this section having like the lizards, 
plates on the head, and a row of porous grains 
under each thigh: one species only has hitherto 

been described as pertaining to this section: viz. 
VOL. Iv.—MARcH, 1825. 38 

298 AGAMA. 

Acama marmorata, Daud. The collaris is still 
more nearly allied to the lizards, being entirely 
destitute of carina, even to the end of the tail. 

The very beautiful little animal which forms 
the subject of the present description, belongs 
evidently to the second section of Daudin, or the 
Agama’s, properly so called, which includes eleven 
distinct species; “ they all have the skin covered 
with small scales, without any appearance of warts, 
with the body spare, and the tail cylindrical, elon- 

To neither of the species hitherto described, 
can the present subject be referred; it approaches 
in some respects the Acama calotis, Daud. or 
the L. calotis, Linn. from which, nevertheless, it 
is separated by several important particulars ; 
among others, by the absence of lateral stripes, 
by the difference in the form and size of the dor- 
sal crest; by the spines behind the ears; the form 
of the eye ; the presence of the superciliary ridges, 
and longitudinal fold of skin beneath the throat, 
&c. Our species most nearly resembles the 
Acama colonorum, Daudin, or the L. agama, Linn. 
which inhabits the West Indies, from which, 
however, it is distinguished by the colour, which 
is bluish in A. colonorum, “Colore. pallide ceru- 
les sub-virescente ;” by the form of the head, 
which is thick and clumsy in the last mentioned 
species, and beautifully proportioned in the vul- 

AGAMA. 299 

tuosa; by the form of the scales on the back of 
the head and neck, which are thin, elongated and 
prickled over with small spines, “ Collo supra 
capitique postice aculeatis;” by the absence of 
spines behind the ears in the colonorum, and in 
the proportional length of the tail, which is only 
half the total length in the last named species, 
which differs also from the present species in the 
form of the dorsal crest and scales; the latter are 
roughened by tubercles prickled over with very 
little spines.* 

For the opportunity of making the above ob- 
servations, I am indebted to the politeness of Dr. 
R. Coates, who lately brought the specimen from 
Calcutta, in the neighbourhood of which city this 
reptile abounds; it for the most part frequents 
gardens. The specimen is preserved in spirits. 

2. A. cornuta. Pl. xx. Corpore depresso ovato, 
scabro ; supra, fusco-variegato ; subtus albido; ca- 
pite supra quadrangulare ; cauda corpore sesqui- 

Total length four inches; length of the tail one 
inch five-tenths; length of the head six-tenths; 
breadth between the eyes five-tenths; length of 
the body from the nucha to the posterior part of 

* Cuvier, in his Régne animal, has constructed the genus 
Catores, from the genus Acama of Daudin, among which he 
would most probably include the vultuosa, but as this species, 
with the exception of the dorsal crest, corresponds with the 
Acama’s, I prefer classing it with the latter. 

300 © AGAMA. 

the thighs, two inches; greatest breadth one incl:. 
The form of the body is nearly elliptical, flattened 
vertically, and umbilicate at the sides, covered 
over above with minute scales of various lengths 
and irregular forms; their inferior borders point- 
ing outwards, giving a prickly, scabrous appear- 
ance, as if shagreened ; a groove commences at the 
nucha and runs the whole length of the spine, be- 
coming obsolete on the base of the tail; the sides 
of this groove are formed by slightly elevated 
scales ; the bottom of very minute scales compact- 
ly imbricate; sides of the body furnished with a 
whitish fringe, commencing immediately above 
the axille, and extending to the flanks ; a smaller 
one immediately beneath, running parallel, be- 
tween the anterior and posterior extremities, se- 
parating the back from the abdomen; the scales on 
the abdomen, rhomboidal, small, imbricate, and 
disposed in transverse rows; the breast and ex- 
terior of the thighs and legs, clothed with oblong, 
carinate scales, with their inferior borders elevated 
and pointed; scales on the interior of the legs and 
thighs minute, compactly imbricate, and for the 
most part not carinate; head flattened on top be- 
tween the eyes; a slightly projecting ridge over 
the orbits, lined with five or six small, oblong 
plates; top of the head clothed with minute ver- 
rucose plates, (or scales not imbricate ;) snout ra- 
pidly attenuated, forming with the top of the head 
an acute angle; occiput descending backwards 

AGAMA. 301 

from the vertex, forms an oblique angle with the 
top of the head; occiput flattened laterally and 
posteriorly, forming a ridge which projects over 
the neck, the posterior margin of which is furnish- 
ed with from four to six spines or horns, from one 
to three-tenths of an inch in length; scales on the 
occiput of a pyramidal form: ear placed beneath 
the occipital ridge, directly posterior to the angle 
of the mouth; teeth small, pyramidal, flattened 
laterally and pointed: eye large; borders of the 
lower jaw serrated, with six corneous, approxi- 
mate scales, projecting obliquely backwards : tail 
about one half the length of the remainder of the 
body, thick and depressed, or flattened at its base, 
rapidly attenuating, becomes tapering and verti- 
cillate at its extremity. 

The very interesting little reptile which forms 
the subject of this description, differs remarkably 
from any hitherto described. It approaches nearest 
the Acama orbicularis, Daud. or the Lacerta or- 
bicularis, Linn. the Tapayaxin of Seba, who has 
given three figures of this species; (Thes. vol. i. 
Pl. G. ix. fig. 6. Pl. 83. fig. Ist and 2nd.) That 
figured by Daudin, Hist. Nat. des Reptiles, from 
a specimen in the Museum of Nat. Hist. at Paris, 
appears to differ, as it wants the row of spines 
on the back. He represents it as the ugliest 
reptile hitherto known, on account of its squat 
body, being nearly as broad as it is long, termi- 
nated by a short, slender, and pointed tail. The 

302 AGAMA. 

animal figured by Seba, is represented as six 
inches in total length, the tail being two inches 
six lines. 

The A. cornuta on the contrary, is doyantly 
proportioned ; its beauty indeed is such as to at- 
tract the attention and excite the admiration of 
the most superficial observer. I consider it un- 
necessary to enter into any further detail, in order 
to discriminate this species from that to which it 
is most nearly allied; it will be sufficient to con- 
trast the above with the figures of Seba, and with 
the description and figure by Daudin: the specific 

characters are so striking as to be perceptible at 
the first glance.* 

* For the convenience of those who may not have it in 
their power to refer to the authors above quoted, I shall 
barely notice some of the most prominent specific peculiari- 
ties of the cornuta. 

According to Daudin and Brongniart, generic characters 
must be drawn principally from the organs of motion, taste, 
and touch; that is to say, they ought to consist in the form 
and dligpeaitio’ of the extremities and their phalanges of 
the scales, and of the tongue, as well as in the form of the 
tail: agreeably to this definition of generic characters, it will 
be observed, that it requires some constraint to class the 
AGama cornuta with even the orbicular lizards. 

1st, The cornuta differs entirely from all other lizards 
in external form and proportion of the body in general, and 
of the head and tail in particular; and this in despite of all 
errors from stuffing, or from difference of age, my descrip- 
tion having been drawn from three specimens, two perfectly 

AGAMA, 303 

The Acama cornuta inhabits the great plains 
east of the Rocky Mountains; possessed in some 
degree of the power of changing their colour, in- 

prepared ; the third a very large one, not stuffed ; the indi- 
vidual having died, and having been merely dried in the 
sun. I have been informed that there are two specimens 
of the same animal in the Baltimore Museum. 2d, it dif- 
fers from the species most nearly allied in the proportional 
length of the tail, which is nearly twice the length of the 
body, in the orbicularis, and one half the length of the 
body in the cornuta, gradually tapering from the root to 
the point, in the first named species ; flattened and enlarged 
at the base, and rapidly attenuated in the latter. 3d, in 
the presence of two rows of fringes on the sides of the 
body in the cornuta. 4th, in the longitudinal dorsal groove. 
Sth, in the large horns with which the cornuta is furnished, 
there being only small spines in the orbicularis. 6th, in 
the flattened borders of the occiput which projects over 
the neck of the latter. 7th, in the form of the head, position 
of the nostrils, and in the angles formed by the frontal and 
occipital surfaces, with the top of the head, &s well as in 
other less remarkable traits. Any one of the above named 
characters would be sufficient to establish a new species. 
The fact is, the Acama cornuta differs as much from either 
of the eight orbicular lizards described by Daudin, as any 
two species of any genus differ from one another. 

The reptile described under the name of “ Tepayaxin,” 
by Hernandez, (Hist. of New Spain) and that figured and 
described under the same name by -Clavigero, (Hist. of 
Mexico, vol. i. p. 66) is, in reality, a distinct species from 
the Acama orbicularis, (Daud.) or the Tapayaxin of Seba, 
and yet perfectly distinct from the A. cornuta. 

304 AGAMA. 

dividuals of the same species will, of course, differ 
in this circumstance ; of the two prepared speci- 
mens of this animal deposited in the Philadelphia 
Museum from the plains of Arkansas, one is ra- 
ther larger than the other, and possessed of longer 
horns, but no specific difference is observable. A 
single specimen only, is perfectly prepared by 
Mr. Griffith. 

Many years ago, Mr. Thomas Jefferson pre- 
sented to the Amer. Philos. Soc. a beautiful living 
specimen of this animal, on comparing which to 
the present species, a perfect resemblance was 
observable, excepting that the former had lost 
part of its tail. 

Clavigero thus describes his lizard. “It is remarkable 
for its shape, being perfectly round and cartilaginous; the 
body is six inches in diameter; in the plate it is repre- 
sented with a ridge along the spine, with six transverse 
bands on the back ; eight spines on the occiput; “ the head 
is hard, and spotted with various colours ;” the tail is yet 
shorter in proportion than that of the cornuta. 


An account of a new Species of the genus Arvicoua. 
By Grorce Orv. Read March 8, 1825. 


A. riparius. Snout thick, obtuse; eyes small ; 
ears of a medium size; tail less than half the 
length of the body. 

Head \arge: ears almost concealed by the long 
hair of the cheeks, roundish: tail thinly covered 
with hair, and tufted or penciled at the tip, sub- 
quadrangular after death: fore legs very short; 
posterior part of the body slenderer and weaker 
than the anterior part: upper parts a tawny brown, 
mixed with black: lower parts cinereous. 

Length from the nose to the anus, five inches ; 
length of the tail two inches; weight about one 
ounce and one-fifth. 

The tail of the male is longer than that of the 

The female has four pectoral, and four abdomi- 
nal, teats; she brings forth eight young at a litter. 

This species is fond of the seeds of the wild 
oats, Zizanta aquatica; and is found in the autumn, 
in those fresh water marshes which are frequent- 
ed by the common rail, the Gatuinuta carolina of 
Latham. When the tide is high, the animal may 
be observed sitting upon the fallen reeds, patient- 

ly waiting for the recession of the water. From 
VOL. 1V.——MARCH, 1825, 39 


its position when at rest, it has much the appear- 
ance of a lump of mud, and is commonly mistaken 
for such by those who are unacquainted with its 
habits. ‘ : 

It burrows into the imbankments of the mea- 
dows, for the purpose of retreat, and to bring forth 
its young, It is a pretty skilful diver. 

I have deposited specimens of this Arvicota 
in the Philadelphia Museum. 

Description of a new Species of Saramanver. By - 
Wuutam W. Woop. Read February 8, 1825. 


S. punctatissima. Grayish, entirely covered 
with numerous black dots; extremities long and 
slender ; tail a little longer than the body. 

Head oval, little wider than the body: snout 
obtusely rounded, about twice as long as the lon- 
gitudinal diameter of the eye: nostrils small, ap- 
proximate : gape large : jaws nearly equal: tongue 
thick, fleshy : teeth minute, close set; angle of the 
mouth extending nearly to the posterior canthus 
of the eye: eyes large, oval: throat with sparse 
dots of black: body slender, grayish, covered with 
small black dots, which increase in size and be- 
come confluent upon the back, disposed irregu- 
larly: back slightly carinate, the carina not acute 
and scalloped; extremities slender, and coyered 


with black dots similar to those on the body : toes 
slender, also spotted with black: tail with the ca- 
rina above, and that on its inferior edge, somewhat 
scalloped, slightly dotted with black, a little longer 
than the body, slender and subacuminate at the 
extremity : anus large : beneath, spots rather sparse 
on the throat, numerous on the venter. 

Native place unknown. 

IT am indebted to Mr. Rubens Peale for this 

Length of the body one inch and a quarter; 
Jength of the tail two inches one-eighth; length 
of the head three-eighths ; length of the anterior 
feet three-fifths ; length of the posterior feet rather 
more than three-fifths of an inch. Total length 
three inches and three-fourths; width of the head 
five-sixteenths of an inch. 

Descriptions of new Hemrerovs Insects collected 
in the Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, per- 
Sormed by order of Mr. Calhoun, Secretary of 
War, under command of Major Long. By 
Tuomas Say. Read June 1, 1824. 

Gryuiius Fabr. 

1. G. equalis. Hemelytra spotted with brown ; 
wings pale yellowish at base, with a black band 
and dusky tip. 

Inhabits the United States. 


Head varied with brown and light gray : thorax 
varied with brown and dull rufous, with a carinate 
line: hemelytra dark cinereous, with numerous 
unequal small dark brown spots: wings sulphurous 
at base, then a black band arcuated behind so as 
nearly to reach the inner angle ; tip dark cinereous, 
darker at the angle, or with small fuscous spots 
on that part: feet pale cinereous, spotted with fus- 
cous: hind thighs within with four black bands: 
posterior tibia sanguineous. 

Length to the tip of the hemelytra, one inch 
and two-fifths. 

Not an uncommon species. The thorax is not 
gradually raised into a carina, but the line is ab- 
rupt and of little elevation. 

2. G. nubilus. Black; wings glaucous. — 
Inhabits Arkansa. 

Head with the frontal line not grooved: thorax 
with a slightly and equally elevated line: hemely- 
tra rather short : feet dusky, tinged with dull ru- 
fous: posterior pair black, the thighs with a whit- 
ish annulation near the tip: beneath pale. 

Found in abundance near the base of the Rocky 
Mountains, in company with the succeeding, and 
like it ascending into the atmosphere in great 

3. G. bivittatus. A yellowish line each side 
above from the front to the tip of the hemelytra. 
Tnhabits Arkansa. 


Mouth white ; superior orbits yellowish : thorax 
with an elevated capillary line, and three trans- 
verse impressed ones, a yellowish marginal line 
each side: hemelytra with small dusky spots each 
side, above margined with greenish yellow : wings 
pale green: feet pale, anterior and intermediate 
thighs somewhat arcuated, with a green line ; pos- 
terior thighs with a green line on the exterior 
side and another above, which is faintly marked 
by two pale spots near the middle, a dusky annu- 
lation near the tip; posterior tibia green, pale to- 
wards the tip, and on the anterior side: abdomen 
pale with minute dusky spots ; segments margined 
with dusky. 

Length to the tip of the hemelytra one inch 
and three-tenths. 

This species, with several others, occurred in 
great numbers near the mountains, and on one 
occasion we observed this species in company 
with several others, ascending to a great height 
in the air as if to commence a migration to a re- 
mote region. 

Acueta. Fabr. Leach. 

A. exigua. Head and thorax testaceous; feet 
whitish ; abdomen black. 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Head testaceous, hairy, with obsolete dusky 
lines above, contracted before the eyes into a 


short, obtuse, conical process: front vertical, tri- 
lineate, lines fuscous, connivant at the mouth: an- 
tenne long, fuscous, pale at base: palpi white: 
thorax testaceous, hairy: hemelytra yellowish- 
white, right one entirely concealing the other: 
nervures (male,) with but few anastomoses, at tip 
enclosing a large, oval, rugose, but membraneous 
space : feet whitish; posterior thighs with a brown 
line on the exterior side ; posterior tibia with three 
pairs of alternate spines, and larger ones at tip: 
abdomen black. 

Length about a quarter of an inch. A male. 

Taken near the village of the Konza Indians. 
When dry, the head and thorax assume a light 
ferruginous colour. 

Trivactytus. Oliv. 

T. apicialis. Black, varied with white; wings 
edged and tipped with blackish. 

Inhabits southern and Western states. 

Body deep black: head with a line each side, 
passing over the eyes, two spots at the superior 
base, and a line on the vertex furcate before, whit- 
ish : thorax margin and several abbreviated lines 
on the disk, white: feet banded and spotted with 
white, posterior thighs trifasciate with white ; pos- 
terior tibiz nearly rectilinear: elytra, exterior mar- 
gin and common spot behind the middle, —: 
tergum fasciate with white. 


Length more than one-fifth of an inch. 

This species is numerous on St. John’s river, 
in East Florida and on the Missouri, as far as 
Council Bluff. It is always found on the moist 
shores not far distant from the water’s edge. 

Penraroma. Oliv. Latr. 

1.P. arborea. Brownish-cinereous, punctured ; 
clypeus emarginate and bidentate ; thorax den- 
tate and with a prominent truncated spine behind 
each side ; feet annulate. 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Body brownish-cinereous, with numerous black 
punctures : head with a longitudinal obsolete ele- 
vated line, and an abbreviated one each side of its 
middle: clypeus emarginate at tip, lateral edge 
terminating in an angle near the tip: antennae, 
base of the second joint pale : thorax unequal be- 
fore, dentated each side; teeth irregular, unequal, 
acute ; posterior angles extended into a prominent, 
dilated, slightly reflected, truncated projection, 
which has two or three small teeth: hemelytra 
with the central nervure conspicuous; nervures of 
the membranaceous tip black, and with black ar- 
borescent lines in the interstitial spaces: wings 
dusky, iridescent; nervures black: feet black : 
thighs pale at base and annulate with pale near 
the tip: tibia annulate with pale: tarsi, second 
joint pale: tergum deep purple, black, impunc- 


tured ; margin brownish-cinereous, punctured, va- 
ried with transverse abbreviated black lines placed 
triangularly, and pale : venter pale, pruinous, with 
dusky points: stigmata each composed of three 
distinct black points placed obliquely : pectus and 
pospectus pale, dusky each side. 

Length less than three-fifths of an inch. 

A common species, and seems to approach Ha- 
lys annulata Fabr. but it does not, in all respects, 
agree with the description of that species. 

2. P. clanda. Pale yellowish; thorax with two 
spots, hemelytra and scutel with a line, black. — 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Head densely punctured, rufous, blackish at 
base : antenna rufous, blackish at tip : thorax pale 
yellow, with two large transverse brown spots, 
posterior margin brown; posterior angles not 
prominent : scutel pale yellow, with a broad brown 
line, bifid before: hemelytra pale yellow on the 
basal portion with a brown line and inner edge; 
tip blackish: beneath pale yellow: feet rufous: 
tibia with a yellowish annulus: venter with two 
series of black spots, and on each side a brown 
vitta; ultimate segment with only three i 

Length two-fifths of an inch. 

Var. a. Spots and lines of the upper sone 
black ; venter with six series of black spots. 

Var. b. Sanguineous; head, two spots, and pos- 
terior margin of the thorax, disk of the scutel. 


hemelytra, pectus and feet, black ; venter with six 
series of black spots. 

Var. c. Sanguineous ; head, two spots and pos- 
terior margin of the thorax, disk of the scutel, 
hemelytra, pectus and feet, black; venter black 
on the disk. 

A handsome species, subject to srwoh variation. 

3. P. exapta. Sanguineous; thorax with a black 
line; scutel black with a yellow margin. 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Head at base and antenna, black : thorax with a 
transverse black line before the middle ; posterior 
angles rounded, not prominent : seutel black, with 
a yellow margin, excepting at base : tergum black- 
ish, with a rufous margin: hemelytra black, exte- 
rior basal margin yellow: pectus more or less Va- 
ried with black : tibie@ black. 

Length about a quarter of an inch. 

4. P. punetipes. Pale olivaceous; thorax bili- 
neate transversely with white ; scutel black, with 
a white margin. 

Inhabits the United States. 

Head black: antenne pale at base, and some- 
what biannulate with whitish: proboscis white : 
thorax blackish before; a slender, transverse, ab- 
breviated white line on the anterior submargin ; 
anterior and lateral edges white, the former ab- 
breviated; posterior angles rounded, not promi- 
nent: scufel, lateral and terminal narrow margins 

VOL. 1V.——-MARCH, 1825. 40 



white : hemelytra with the exterior basal narrow 
margin whitish : ¢ergum black: beneath blackish- 
cupreous: feet white, with black points : venter, 
margined with white. 

Length from one-fifth to one-fourth of an inches 

A common species, inhabiting almost all parts 
of the Union, and may be frequently observed on 
the mullin. 

5. P. punctipes. Greenish-yellow, punctured ; 
thorax with prominent angles each side, behind; 
membranaceous tip of the hemelytra with brown 
dots ; feet with black points. 

Inhabits the United States. 

Body greenish-yellow, punctured: elypeus slight- 
ly biemarginate at tip, small spot above the eyes 
impunctured : antennz pale, penultimate joint at 
tip and ultimate one black : ros¢e/lum nearly attain- 
ing the base of the posterior feet, with a longitu- 
dinal black line and tip: thorax, anterior lateral 
edge dentate ; teeth minute, subequal ; behind the 
middle each side extending into a prominent, sub- 
acute angle: scutel destitute of elevated lines, ra- 
ther paler at tip: hemelytra wpon the membrana- 
ceous tip punctured with brown, punctures orbi- 
cular, numerous: wings whitish, iridescent; brachiak » 
nervure fuscous, black towards the base , feet with 
numerous black points : tergwm deep black, mar- 
gin greenish-yellow, with gemminate, black, di+ 
lated lines, which unite with the colour of the 
disk, but do not attain the edge. 


Length half an inch. 
Not uncommon in Missouri and in Pennsylva- 
nia, and resembles P. ictericus, Fabr.- 

6. P. facefa. Green, with a pale fulvous margin 
and longitudinal line. 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Body oval, green: head entire before : antennz, 
excepting the first joint, dusky : thoraz with a pale 
fulvous lateral margin and fulvous edge; a longi- 
tudinal pale fulvous line in the middle ; posterior 
angles rounded, not prominent : scutel not abruptly 
contracted in any part, with a longitudinal pale 
fulvous line on the middle: hemelytra with a pale 
fulvous lateral margin and deép fulvous edge : 
tergum blackish, with a fulvous margin. 

Length nine-twentieths of an inch. 

Cypnus, Fabr. 

1. C. bilineatus. Black, polished, with sparse 
lateral hairs ; tarsi dull testaceous. 

Inhabits the United States. 

Body deep black, polished : head with two lon- 
gitudinal, parallel, approximate, indented lines, ab- 
breviated at the vertex, the intermediate space 
somewhat resembling a carina; lateral margin 
with sparse black hairs: e/ypeus subentire, or ob- 
soletely emarginate at tip: antenne and rostellum 
piceous: thorax a little narrowed before by a 
slightly arcuated lateral edge: lateral margin 


sparsely hirsute; an indented transverse line on 
the middle: posterior margin somewhat convex, 
edge slightly arcuated: scutel large, remotely 
punctured : hemelytra densely coriaceous at base, 
membranaceous tip white or pale brownish : wings 
pale: feet spinous, piceous-black: anterior tibixe 
compressed, ciliated with spines; posterior pairs 
irregularly spinous: tarsi dark testaceous. 

Length from three-tenths to two-fifths of an 

Not uncommon in Pennsylvania as well as in 

2. C. spinifrons. Dark reddish-brown; clypeus 
ciliate with spines; anterior thighs with an oblique, 
linear, emarginate spine. 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Body dark reddish-brown, punctured: elypeus 
armed on the edge with erect, equidistant, promi- 
nent spines: antennzx pale reddish-brown, second 
joint minute : thorax with dilated punctures, obso- 
lete on the anterior disk, a transverse indented 
line on the middle, lateral edge with a few hairs : 
scutel nearly as long as the thorax, punctures di- 
lated, tip acute: hemelytra reddish-brown, punc- 
tures approximate, membranaceous tip white : feet 
pale reddish-brown: anterior thighs with an oblique, 
robust, linear, emarginate process near the mid- 
dle beneath, and a small, robust spine near the tip; 
tibie with prominent rigid spines on the exterior 
edge : intermediate thighs mutic, tibie armed with 


moveable spines: posterior thighs with a slightly 
flexuose spine near the tip beneath, and two or 
three small tubercles at tip; tibia armed with a 
few moveable spines : postspectus blackish. 
Length three-twentieths of an inch. 
Found near Engineer Cantonment, common. 

Coreus, Fabr. 

1. C. alternatus. Fuscous; thighs spinous be- 
neath ; margin of the abdomen black, with five 
white lineolar spots ; head mutic. 

{nhabits Missouri Territory. 

Body deep blackish-brown : eyes rufous, a moye- 
able black pupil : stemmata sanguineous : antennz 
blackish, robust, two terminal joints rufous, equal : 
rostellum pale, tip black : thorax punctured, grad- 
ually elevated behind, attenuated before, anterior 
termination as wide as the base of the head, an- 
terior lateral edge slightly dentate, posterior an- 
gles rounded : seute/ of the male tinged with rufous: 
hemelytra tinged with rufous, punctured : feet black: 
tarsi rufous: thighs, a double series of hardly pro- 
minent, robust spines beneath, of which the two 
opposite terminal ones are much more prominent, 
distinct, and acute: abdomen, margin black, alter- 
nating, with five, oblique, white lines: tergum, 
disk sanguineous : male, posterior thighs much di- 
lated, very robust, slightly tuberculated above, 
terminal spines not more prominent than the 


others, a large prominent spine on the inferior 
middle: posterior tibiz dentate towards the tip, 
refracted in the middle, and with a robust, tensa’ 
nent acute spine on the angle. 

Length of the male more than four-fifths of an 
inch ; female nearly three quarters. 

Somewhat similar to C. galeatus, Fabr. but is con- 
siderably larger, the head is unarmed, and in other 
respects sufficiently distinct. It belongs to the 
genus Mictis of Leach. 

2. C. ordinatus. Head fulvous, with two black 
lines ; thorax with the lateral edges fulvous. 

Inhabits the United States. 

Head dull falvous, with two broad, black, longi- 
tudinal lines : antennz fuscous : thorax dull fulvous, 
with numerous, irregularly disposed black punc- 
tures, lateral narrow margin fulvous, and with an 
obsolete interrupted or abbreviated dull fulvous 
line in the middle ; posterior angles rounded, not 
_ prominent; posterior margin a little depressed : 
scutel coloured and punctured like the thorax : 
hemelytra also dull fulvous, with numerous black 
punctures irregularly disposed ; membranaceous 
portion black : tergum on the lateral margin black, 
the segments fulvous at base : beneath pale fulyous, 
with a few black punctures: feet with numerous 
black points. 

Length three-fifths of an inch. 

This is one of the most common of our species ; 
when taken it diffuses an odour which has been 


compared to that of a ripe pear. 1 have found it 
in Pennsylvania, Missouri, and Florida. 

3. C. armigerus. Brown, feet white, spotted 
with black; head spinous above the antennz ; 
margin of the tergum black, with five white lineo- 
lar spots. 

Inhabits Missouri Territory. 

Body brown above, beneath pale: eyes promi- 
nent, rufous: sfemmata sanguineous ; above the 
origin of each antenna, an elevated, prominent, 
acute spine, half as long as the basal joint of the 
antenna: antennex, first joint white, spotted with 
black, second and third black, white at base and 

tip, terminal joint rufous: thorax punctured, ele- 
vated behind, descending almost vertically and 
attenuating to the head; anterior lateral edge den- 
tate, posterior angles dilated and terminated in an 
angle, from whence the posterior margin descends 
sinuously and obliquely, terminating in a short 
acute spine each side of the base ; base transverse- 
ly rectilinear : sewfe/ with three black spots at base: 
hemelytra, a white oblique line in the middle on 
the membranaceous portion; tip blackish: feed 
white, spotted with black : thighs armed at tip be- 
neath, with two short acute spines: ¢ergum san- 
guineous, base, tip, and margin black, the latter 
with five white oblique lines : venter pale, spotted 
with black. 

Length of the female eleven-twentieths of an 


I have not yet seen the male of this species, it 
bears a general resemblance to C. galeatus, Fabr. 
and is about equal to that species in magnitude, 
but it may be at once distinguished by the white 
transverse line at the base of the membranaceous 
portion of the hemelytra. 

4. C. lateralis. Pale reddish-brown, via 
hemelytra with spotted nervures ; feet pale, _ 

Inhabits the United States. 

Body somewhat hairy, pale reddish-brown, wit 
much dilated approximate punctures : head some- 
what unequal, two obsolete impressed lines be- 
tween the antenne, a blackish spot behind the eye : 
eyes dusky, pale before: antenne brownish, with 
sparse hairs; terminal joint as long as the preced- 
ing one, dilated, with cinereous pubescence: thorax 
with three obsolete dusky spots before, and an 
impunctured whitish line abbreviated before ; seu- 
tel with a longitudinal, impunctured whitish line : 
hemelytra, nervures with black spots, interstitial 
spaces membranaceous ; membranaceous tip im- 
maculate, whitish: beneath with a distinct lateral 
red line : feet hairy, pale; thighs spotted with red- 
dish-brown ; pectus rufous : venter yellowish or ru- 

Length more than a quarter of an inch. 

Found near Engineer Cantonment, and is not 
uncommon in Pennsylvania. , 


Lycexus. Fabr. Latr. 

1. L. reclivatus. Black, spot on the vertex, 
three on the thorax and reclivate line on the he- 
melytra, red; a geminate white spot near the 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Body black, opaque, with a somewhat cinereous 
shade: head with a rufous spot on the vertex: 
thorax unarmed, with an obsolete, indented, trans- 
verse, punctured line before; three rufous spots 
behind the middle, inner spot not attaining, the 
base, outer spot marginal extending from near the 
middle of the edge, to the posterior angle, and 
separated from the intermediate spot by a small 
velvet black one: scutel a little elevated on the 
basal disk: hemelytra with a rufous, somewhat re- 
clivate line from the humeral angle to the tip of 
the coriaceous portion, a velvet black spot on the 
middle, and a minute one at the inner basal angle; 
membranaceous portion deep black, polished; a 
large rounded geminate spot in the middle edge, 
and two small subtriangular ones at base, white : 
venter rosaceous, a double series of spots beneath, 
and one series each side, black. 

Length rather more than two-fifths of an inch. 

Resembles L. turcicus, Fabr. but is at once dis- 
tinguishable by the large white spot on the mem- 
branous moiety of the hemelytra, which is pre- 

VOL. IV.——MARCH, 1825. Al 


cisely similar to that on the corresponding portion 
of the hemelytra of L. punctum, Fabr. 

2. L. trivittatus. Black, thorax trilineate, and 
hemelytra marginate with rufous. 
_ Inhabits Missouri. 

Body black: eyes and stemmata sanguineous : 
thorax mutic ; two indented transverse lines near 
the head, of which the anterior one is curved in 
the middle; three bright rufous lines, of which 
two are marginal ; posterior edge obscurely ru- 
fous : hemelytra, coriaceous portion with a rufous 
exterior and posterior margin, membranaceous 
tip immaculate : trochanters rufous: tergum ru- 
fous with three lateral black punctures: venter, 
margin and middle rufous. 

Length nine-twentieths of an inch. 

Taken at Engineer Cantonment. 

3. L. bicrucis. Red; head, feet, anterior part 
of the thorax and tips of the hemelytra, black ; 
inner edges of the hemelytra forming a yellow 
eruciate mark. 

Inhabits the United States. 

Body red: head black: stemmata remote, in- 
serted near the eyes; projections for the recep- 
tion of the haustellum, whitish : thoraz mutic, pos- 
terior angles rounded, not sallient, a large trans- 
versely oblong-quadrate black spot before the 
middie, not attaining the anterior or lateral edges, 
partially interrupted in its middle by a reddish 


subcruciate line ; posterior edge yellowish : scutet 
black, an indented, large, triangular, paler spot 
each side on the disk : hemelytra, membranaceous 
tip black with a whitish edge; coriaceous portion 
red with a lineolar yellowish margin, which on 
the costal edge becomes red towards the humerus, 
inner submargin and edge with a black line : pec- 
tus and postpectus black, segments broadly mar- 
gined with pale: feet black: stigmata and anus 
Length about seven-twentieths of an inch. 

Sometimes occurs in Missouri; I have also re- 
ceived a specimen from Mr. A. G. Oemler of Sa- 
vannah, Georgia. 

4. L. 5-spinosus. Obscure rufous; posterior 
thighs five-spined; tergum red, margin lineate 
with black. 

_ Inhabits the United States. 

Body dull rufous, minutely and densely punc- 
tured: head triangular: stemmata sanguineous : 
antenne, second and third joints black at their 
extreme tip, fourth jot dusky, pale at base: ros- 
tellum pale, black at tip; sete black: thorax ob- 
soletely indented longitudinally in the middle and 
transversely before the middle ; posterior angles 
sallient, acute, blackish at tip: sewtel pale at tip: 
feet pale rufous, whitish at base : posterior thighs 
more robust, rufous at tip, five spined beneath : 
pectus, postpectus and head beneath, black in the 


middle : tergum red: margin with about four pale 
spots, and black lineolar edges to its segments. 

Length of the body more than half an inch. 

5. L. eurinus. Blackish, hairy, punctured ; ter- 
gum black, disk rufous, margin with four yellowish 
spots ; posterior thighs three-spined. 

Inhabits Missouri and Arkansa. 

Body blackish, hairy, punctured: head triangu- 
lar: eyes prominent: antenna, second and third 
joints dull testaceous, blackish at their tips: tho- 
rax densely punctured, mutic: hemelytra black- 
brown : feet black : tibie and first joint of the tarsi, 
dull testaceous, with black tips: posterior thighs 
three-spined beneath, and one or two smaller 
spines at tip : abdomen, reflexed margin with four 
yellowish spots: tergum rufous on the basal disk. 

Length about half an inch. 

The body of this insect as well as the preced- 
ing, is long and narrow, the diameter of the head 
which passes through the eyes is but little shorter 
than the breadth of the thorax. . 

Acantuia, Lair. 

A. interstitialis. Black, hemelytra with a few 
whitish spots, tip whitish with black nervures and 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Body leaping, black-brown, sith short sell 
ish hairs: eyes large, deep castaneous, whitish at 


the anterior base : stemmata reddish-yellow : cly- 
peus and labrum whitish: hemelytra deep black, 
with distant, very short yellowish hairs at base, four 
or five hyaline whitish spots on each hemelytron ; 
middle of the tip of the coriaceous portion hyaline, , 
membranaceous tip hyaline, nervures deep black, 
with a blackish oblong-quadrate spot between 
each pair; margin dusky, with a black spot at the 
exterior tip: feet pale before and black behind: 
tibia somewhat annulate : wings white. 

Length more than three-twentieths of an inch. 

Not uncommon on the shore of the Missouri 
river, skipping nimbly about. 


T. oblonga. Head with three elongated acute 
spines; nervures brown; exterior margin of the 
hemelytra white. | 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Body elongate, narrow, whitish: head with 
three elongate, linear acute spines, of which two 
are above the antennz, and one between them: 
eyes black: antenne testaceous, terminal joint 
blackish: thorax and scutel conjunctly, black in 
the middle; three elevated white lines and reflect- 
ed margin; a much elevated, acute crest at the an- 
terior termination of the intermediate line: heme- 
lytra, a double slightly elevated line, confluent at 
tip and at base, and including a small blackish dot; 


nervures of the tip and inner margin black-brown ; 
exterior margin white immaculate: pectus, post- 
pectus and venter black: feet pale testaceous. 

_ Length nearly one-eighth of an inch. 

Aranus, Fabr. 

A. quadrilineatus.. Brown; antenne robust; 
clypeus trifid ; thorax quadrilineate, edges irregu- 
larly and minutely dentate. 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Body dull light brown, opaque : head with two 
longitudinal indented lines, and two small indented 
black spots between the eyes: clypeus trifid at 
tip, intermediate division longest, obtuse at tip, 
exterior divisions acute at tip, hardly attaining 
the base of the second joint of the antennz : eyes 
very prominent: antenne robust, two terminal 
joints darker, ultimate one shorter and less dilated 
than the preceding one: thorax transversely ob- 
long-oval ; four elevated, parallel, equidistant, lon- 
gitudinal lines, and a lateral, abbreviated one ; lat- 
eral edge slightly reflexed and dentate, with nu- 
merous minute, irregular teeth: scwtel large, im- 
pressed each side of the middle, and near the tip : 
hemelytra minutely dentate on the exterior basal 
edge: feet dusky, pale near the incisures. 

Tencth rather more than a quarter of an inch. 


Revuvius, Fabr. 

1. R. raptatorius. Obscure brownish; head, 
thorax, and anterior feet, spinous, the latter rap- 

Inhabits the United States. 

Body oblong, obscure brownish : head contract- 
ed above the eyes, spinous; six larger spines be- 
fore the contraction, placed two and two, and two 
or four larger ones behind the contraction: stem- 
mata sanguineous: eyes inserted in the lateral 
middle of the head: antenne inserted near the 
tip of the clypeus, with dilated annuli of dull ru- 
fous and pale: rostellum slightly arcuated, pale: 
thorax contracted in the middle, obsoletely canali- 
culate, with short, numerous, obtuse spines before 
the contraction, and dense granuli behind it; pos- 
terior angles hardly prominent: feet somewhat 
pale, subannulate, granulated ; anterior pair rapta- 
tory : thighs unequal, anterior pair robust, villous, 
dusky, armed with an erect, prominent, obtuse 
spine near the tip above, and a double series of 
ten equal, equidistant, acute spines beneath ; an- 
terior tibia with a double series of six similar 
spines on the inner side: tergum rufous on the 
disk, margin varied with black and pale: hemelytra, 
membranaceous tip with a longitudinal reddish- 
brown line. 

Length more than nine-twentieths of an inch. 


Observed to be not uncommon in Missouri, as 
well as in Pennsylvania. 

2. R. spissipes. Thorax and hemelytra light 
reddish-brown, edged behind with white; venter 
black, incisures whitish ; feet thick. 

Inhabits Arkansa. 

Head black, posterior lobe with two tubercles : 
thorax light reddish-brown; antérior lobe with 
dilated, black, oblique, or arcuated lines, of which 
some are confluent; posterior lobe hardly more 
elevated than the preceding, with a black poste- 
rior submargin and a white posterior margin: séu- 
tel black, margined with white, and tipped by a 
few hairs: hemelytra, coriaceous portion light 
reddish-brown, with a narrow whitish posterior 
margin, membranaceous portion black or dark 
fuscous : feet thickened, black, hairy : core bright 
red: abdomen black, margin and band on each 
segment, white. 

Length thirteen-twentieths of an inch. | 

The feet resemble those of R. crassipes, wei 
but it is a very distinct species. ti 

Corixa, Geoff: 

1. C. interrupta. With black and ellen 
transverse lineations ; feet pale ; face pale graeme. 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Head pale green: eyes large, triangular, reddieh 
brown: thoraa transversely lineated with about 
twenty-two blackish and pale yellowish, equal, 


alternate lines : hemelytra rounded at tip, with al- 
ternate, numerous, abbreviated, transverse, black- 
ish, and interrupted, pale yellowish lines; lines 
near the tip much undulated and irregular ; mar- 
gin with about four obsolete blackish spots, which 
appear to be still more faintly prolonged into fas- 
cie : epipleura pale, destitute of the transverse 
lines, but the obsolete spots are visible upon it; 
edge blackish: wings white: feet pale: tergum 
black, margin pale : pectus and postpectus testace- 
ous ; a large black spot between the anterior pairs 
of feet. 

Length of the body half an inch. 

This species equals C. Geoffroyi, Leach, in 
length, but is less robust. 

2. C. alternata. With black and pale transverse 
‘lineations ; face and feet pale whitish ; beneath 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Head pale greenish-white: eyes triangular, large, 
reddish-brown, dark: thorax black, with about 
eight transverse, pale, equal lines: elytra with 
very numerous, alternate, interrupted, black and 
pale yellowish lines, which become more irregu- 
lar and undulated towards the tip: wings white : 
epipleura pale, immaculate, edge blackish : feet 
whitish: pectus and postpectus black: tergum 
black, with a white margin: venter black, with a 
pale margin and terminal incisures. 

Length a quarter of an inch. 

VOL, IV.——-APRIL, 1825. 42 


Very much resembles the preceding, but is 
much smaller, darker, and the prevailing colour 
beneath is black. 

Cicapa, Oliv. Latr. 

1. C. pruinosa. Body above varied with green- 
ish and black, beneath pruinose: abdomen with a 
white spot each side, at base, one at the middle 
margin and another near the marginal i 

Inhabits the United States. 

Wings, nervures of the hemelytra green to the 
middle, inner edge of the costal nervure brownish, 
nervures beyond the middle brownish : anterior 
thighs varied with dusky ; anterior pairs of legs 
dusky at the exterior tip: tarsi varied with dusky : 
tergum black: segments destitute of differently 
coloured posterior margins, basal segment with a 
white pruinose spot each side of the back, another 
transversely elongated and attenuated one on the 
lateral base of the third segment, and another 
upon the lateral base of the caudal segment: ven- 
ter dusky in the middle : caudal segments beneath 
testaceous, dusky near the middle tip. 

Length two inches, to the tip of the hemelytra. 

Found on the Missouri ; it is also very common 
in Pennsylvania, and much resembles C. tibicen, 
of Fabr. but it differs in being pruinose beneath, 
and in having white abdominal spots. 

2. C. marginata. Body above varied with 


greenish and black, beneath pruinose; tergum 
black, the segments with yellowish posterior mar- 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Head and thorax greenish-yellow, slightly va- 
ried with black : scutel black, with the W and ele- 
vated x greenish-yellow : hemelytra with the ner- 
vures as far as the middle, green, beyond the 
middle, brown: tergum black, the segments yel- 
lowish-brown on their posterior margins ; all be- 
neath testaceous, covered with a mealy white. 

Length more than two inches and a tuarter to 
the tip of the hemelytra. 

Differs from the preceding by being larger, by 
having the abdominal segments margined, and by 
being destitute of the white spots on the tergum. 
The basal spine of the anterior thighs is much 
more oblique than in the preceding species. This 
cannot be the costalis, if the descriptions of that 
species are correct. 

3. C. dorsata. Scutel varied with blackish, 
greenish-yellow and white; tergum black, a dor- 
sal and lateral line of white spots. 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Head and thorax varied with greenish-yellow 
and black: seutel blackish-chesnut, the W and x 
marks greenish-yellow, lateral lines of the W white 
near the thorax, a white line from the humerus is 
interrupted by the anterior lines of the 2, and also 
in the middle between these two lines, a white 


spot between the two lateral lines of the x: ter- 
gum black, a dorsal line of white spots and a mar- 
ginal line of white spots which are continued over 
the terminal segment, the lateral spot of the first 
and second segments is very much dilated and 
confluent, that of the third segment is much elon- 
gated and attenuated towards the back, a white 
oblique spot on the first segment each side of the 
dorsal line ; all these white marks are pruinose. 

Length two inches to the tip of the hemelytra. 

Found in the prairie near the Konza village, in 
which vicinity it is rather common. Its note is 
harsher than that of our pruinosa, and is generally 
uttered when the animal raises in flight, alarmed 
at the approach of the traveller. 

4. C. aurifera. Body covered with short golden 
pubescence ; beneath hairy. 

Inhabits Missouri. 

The nervures of the hemelytra are yellowish 
to the penultimate anastomosis, beyond which 
they are brown; the two particular anastomosis 
are strongly marked with blackish : head testace- 
ous: thorax but little varied with black: seutel 
black with the usual testaceous lines: tergum 
black, densely covered with the golden hair: be- 
neath pruinose. 

Length one inch and a half nearly, to the tip 
of the hemelytra. 

This species differs from the preceding in being 


smaller, and in having the golden pubescence, 
which is more dense on the head and thorax. 
Found near the Konza village. 

5. C. parvula. Anterior thighs with three pa- 
rallel, subequidistant spines. 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Body dull testaceous : head with a dilated dusky 
line each side on the front: stemmata reddish-yel- 
low: antenna rather large, longer than the head: 
labrum with dusky ruge and a longitudinal im- 
pressed line, abbreviated at the termination of the 
ruge : thorax indistinctly varied with black, the 
lateral edge not prominent: seutel quadrilineate, 
lines dilated, abbreviated, intermediate ones very 
short, terminal 2 hardly elevated: hemelytra with 
a reddish-yellow reflection: nervures blackish be- 
yond the middle; costal nervure very conspicu- 
ously so; no marginated anastomosis ; segments of 
the tergum dusky at base: thighs and trochanters 
varied with black : anterior thighs tridentate ; teeth 
prominent, subequidistant, parallel, posterior one 
longest, anterior one shortest. 

Length to the tip of the hemelytra seven-tenths 
of an inch. 

Avery small species. I have a specimen from 
near the Rocky Mountains, which is entirely green, 
it is a female, and probably of the same species 
with the above. Its length to the tip of the he- 
melytra, is four-fifths of an inch. 


6. C. synodica. Black, varied with pale. testa- 
ceous ; tergum annulate. 

Inhabits the base of the Rocky Mountains. 

Body above, black, varied with pale testaceous : 
head with a transverse line before the eyes, and 
about three triangular spots at base, testaceous : 
clypeus above destitute of grooves : thorax sinuous 
behind, the posterior transverse impressed line 
placed very near the posterior edge; posterior 
angles prominent, rounded, lateral edge obtusely 
emarginate before the posterior angles; margin, 
two oblique lateral lines and a longitudinal dorsal 
one testaceous: scutel with a lateral marginal line, 
the elevated x and two dorsal dilated lines, testa- 
ceous; the dorsal lines are merely emarginate on 
the inner side, and do not form the W; at the tip 
of each anterior line of the x is a conspicuous, 
black, impressed puncture, and behind the z the 
posterior edge of the scutel is visible and testa- 
ceous: beneath, very pale testaceous; rostrum 
black each side of the grooved base, in the middle 
and at tip: feet lineated with black ; anterior thighs 
bispinous : fergum with narrow posterior reddish- 
brown margins; terminal and anal segments tes- 
taceous, the latter with two black spots: nervures 
of the wings testaceous, beyond the middle fuscous. 

Length to the tip of the hemelytra less than 
one inch. 

Dr. James and Mr. Peale observed this species 
in great numbers in one locality, at the base of 


the Rocky Mountains: but it did not occur else- 


F. sulcipes. Thorax with a few black punctures ; 
. nervures of the hemelytra margined with black; 
thighs with black grooves. 

Body pale : head yellowish-green : rostrum elon- 
gated, as long as the head and thorax, with an 
elevated line and edges, two black points between 
the eyes, beneath between the eyes three lines 
and edges elevated: thorax with a large black 
spot behind each eye, and several distant black 
points, two conspicuous black points between the 
larger ones: hemelytra with pale nervures, which 
are margined with black : feet with black grooves ; 
anterior and intermediate tibie with an annulus 
and tip and tarsi black; posterior tibie seven- 
spined, besides the terminal spinous simifascia. 

Length to the tip of the hemelytra more than 
three-tenths of an inch. 

A small species which I do not suppose to pos- 
sess the power of yielding light. It inhabits the 
Arkansa near the Rocky Mountains. 

Frata, Fabr. — * 

1. F. bivittata. Greenish-yellow ; a lateral red- 
dish-brown line confluent on the hemelytra; he- 
melytra vertical. 


Inhabits the United States. 

Body pale green: head dusky brownish before : 
eyes red: antenna and stemmata yellowish-white ; 
seta black: thorax and scutel glabrous; with a 
broad, lateral, dark reddish-brown vitta: hemelytra 
vertical, much dilated, pale greenish-yellow, paler 
towards the costal margin, inner margin dark red- - 
dish-brown: wings white: pectus and caudal seg- 
ment whitish : feet, anterior pairs brownish : venter 
pale green. 

Length three-tenths of an inch. 

Found near Engineer Cantonment on the Mis- 
souri river; it also occurs in Pennsylvania; it is 
rather smaller than F. relicta, Fabr. and the he- 
melytra are more dilated. 

2. F. stigmata. Black; wings white, with a 
black stigma and transverse spot at base. 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Body black : vertex triangular, distinguished by 
an elevated edge, and an abbreviated, carinate 
line: thorax acutely emarginate behind, and with 
an elevated edge and dorsal carina, carina abbre- 
viated before, a squamula covering the origin of 
the hemelytra: scutel tricarinate, intermediate ca- 
rina abbreviated behind: hemelytra white, a com- 
mon black band near the base, becoming brown 
towards the suture, a black stigma which is mar- 
gined before with white: nervures with white and 
blackish alternate dots, the latter setigerous : tibia 
pale brownish. 

Length a quarter of an inch, nearly. 
Very numerous at Engineer Cantonient on the 

Devenax, Fabr. 

_D. tricarinata. Whitish ; thorax yellowish ; he- 
melytra with two oblique bands and spot; ner- 
vures spotted. 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Body whitish: head above, pale green: eyes 
deep brown, profoundly emarginate beneath : an- 
tenne brown, longer than the head, second joint 
rather longer than the first; seta longer than the 
antemnz : front brown, deeply impressed with the 
grooves of the rostrum, presenting three promi- 
nent carine: rostrum with a fuscous band on the 
middle, and spot near the tip: thorax yellowish : 
hemelytra white, an obsolete band at base; an ob- 
lique distinct one on the middle united to a curved 
one beyond the middle, which attains the tip and 
incloses a linear oblique spot near the tip of the 
costal margin: feet spotted with fuscous : abdomen 

pale yellowish : tergum blackish in the middle. 

Length of the body and wings three-twentieths 
of an inch. 

Came on board of our boat as we ascended the 
Missouri, in considerable numbers, on the third of 
July. The hemelytral fascia, may, on many spe- 
cimens, be traced into the form of the letter W, 

VOL. IV.—aPrin, 1825. 4S 


the oblique spot being included between the pos- 
terior curve of the letter and the costal margin. 

Cercopis, Fabr. 

1. C. quadrangularis. Brownish-cinereous ; 
elytra with two oblique brown bands confluent at 
the outer margin; beneath black; feet annulate 
with pale. 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Body brownish-cinereous, covered with dense 
minute hairs: head obsoletely spotted: eyes fus- 
cous, a pale longitudinal line on the middle, in 
which is a brown central line: stemmata indistinct, 
black: thorax emarginate at the anterior angles 
for the reception of the eyes, and deeply emargi- 
nate behind for the reception of the scutel; a dou- 
ble series of obsolete, indented spots before : seu- 
tel, tip and basal angles acute: hemelytra pale 
brownish-cinereous ; an oblique black-brown fascia 
from the imner basal angle, is confluent at the 
middle of the exterior margin, with an oblique 
fascia which terminates near the sutural tip; tip 
with a small blackish curve ; region of the humerus 
dusky : beneath black : feet black: thighs annulate 
with pale ; posterior pair of tibie pale, armed with 
two robust spines behind, and numerous small 
ones at tip; posterior tarsi armed with spinules 
at the tips of the first and second joints beneath: 
abdomen black ; tail pale beneath. 


Length more than three-tenths of an inch. 

2. C. obtusa. Head and anterior part of the tho- 
rax pale, with three transverse lines ; wings varied 
with brown and pale. 

Inhabits the United States. 

Body short, oval: head pale yellowish, an ele- 
vated, reddish-brown, transverse line between the 
eyes, and before the stemmata: front with about 
nine parallel, equidistant, reddish-brown lines, 
which are interrupted in the middle, and abbrevi- 
ated at the cavity of the antenne : antennae placed 
in a deep cavity, beyond which the seta only pro- 
jects; head beneath black: thorax pale yellowish 
before, reddish-brown and rugose with continuous 
lines behind, anterior edge elevated, reddish-brown; 
a reddish-brown transverse band on the middle: 
scutel pale reddish-brown : hemelytra varied with 
fuscous and pale, generally forming a band on 
the middle, which is more distinct on the costal 
margin, spot at tip and larger one at base ; ner- 
vures dark brown: feet black, joints whitish : tibia 
and farsi whitish: posterior tibia bispinous be- 
hind, of which one is very robust. 

Length rather more than one-fifth of an inch. 

Female, colours generally paler, with the pectus 
and abdomen whitish. 

Very common near Council Bluff, and is also 
found in Pennsylvania. ‘The band of the hemelytra 
is sometimes indistinct or wanting, and there are 
three brown dots near the tip. 1 

Terticonia, Oliv. Lam. Lair. 

1. T. 8-lineata. Pale greenish-white, lineate 
with rosaceous; nervures of the hemelytra rosa- 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Body pale greenish-white : head quadrilineate 
with rosaceous, the two intermediate lines double 
before the stemmata, and with an obsolete spot 
behind them: stemmata rosaceous: eyes a darker 
red : thorax minutely rugulose transversely ; six or 
eight rosaceous lines, the two lateral ones dilated, 
submarginal: scutel transversely rugulose, four 
rosaceous lines : hemelytra with the nervures and 
costal margin rosaceous : wings, nervures rosace- 
ous : fibi@ rosaceous, spines of the posterior pair 

Length rather more than seven-twentieths of 
an inch. A male. 

Var. a. rather larger; colour pale-greenish ; those 
parts which are rosaceous in others, are yellow- 
ish in this variety. 

Near Engineer Cantonment on the Missouri. 

2. 'T. limbata. Body deep black; side edged 
with white. 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Body deep black, punctured; a white lateral 
line from the eye to the tail: head before and be- 
neath with minute white points: eyes whitish be- 
neath: thorax with a transverse series of four 


larger impressed punctures, the exterior ones with 
a rufous spot and resembling stemmata; a white 
lateral line interrupted by a yellow spot over the 
interval between the two anterior pairs of feet: 
scutel impunctured, two rather large impressed 
dots, and a transverse impressed line on the mid- 
dle ; posterior portion transversely rugulose : hem- 
elytra with large distinct, impressed punctures : 
wings whitish; nervures and base black: feet, 
spines of the posterior tibie not very prominent 
or rigid. 

Length more than a quarter of an inch. 

Near Engineer Cantonment on the Missouri. 

3. T. mizta. Dull blackish-brown ; elytra with 
obsolete minute pale punctures; tergum deep 
black; feet annulate with pale spots. 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Head rugose, the lines somewhat longitudinal : 
stemmata rufous, placed on the anterior margin ; 
first joint of the antenne pale at tip : labrum irro- 
rate with pale, and two larger spots at base : tho- 
rax transversely rugose and with an anterior se- 
ries of punctures, lateral edge behind the eye 
white : hemelytra densely rugose, with a few pale, 
minute spots on the nervures, and rather larger 
ones on the inner and terminal margin ; two ab- 
breviated whitish lines on the humeral origin of 
the nervures ; (when viewed towards the light, the 
whole wing is irrorate with pale hyaline points :) 
wings blackish, emarginate at tip;nervures Pibou: 


tergum deep black, edge of the segments piceous : 
pectus deep black, segments generally edged with 
whitish : feet, anterior pairs annulate near the tip 
of the thighs with whitish spots; tibie with two 
or three whitish spots ; posterior pair of feet paler 
beneath : venter irrorate with pale points, lateral 
segments with a longitudinal pale line on each, 
and pale inferior edge ; caudal segment with 7 
dense, pale spots. 
Length less than three-tenths of an inch. 

4. T. obliqua. Body yellowish-white, with two 
sanguineous lines, connivent upon the head and 
scutel; hemelytra white, with two sanguineous 

Inhabits the United States. 

Body pale yellowish-white: head with two di- 
lated sanguineous lines, connivent before: antenna, 
seta as long as the head and thorax, dusky : thorax 
with two sanguineous lines: scutel with two lines 
and tip sanguineous : hemelytra whitish, an oblique 
line from the base slightly refracted on the thin- 
her margin, and terminating behind the middle of 
the margin; an oblique longitudinal line on the 
disk, a more abbreviated, obsolete, subcostal line, 
and a costal line from the base to the middle of 
the edge, sanguineous: feet whitish : tail rosace- 

Length rather more than oné-tenth of ‘an inch. 

Found at Engineer Cantonment, and is also 
common in Pennsylvania. 


5.'T. comes. Pale yellowish, with sanguineous 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Body pale yellowish: head, a transverse san- 
guineous line, profoundly arcuated in the middle, 
and a smaller transverse spot before : eyes fuscous: 
thorax with three sanguineous spots, the lateral 
ones smaller, and the intermediate one arcuated: 
scutel, a sanguineous spot at tip: hemelytra yellow- 
ish-white, spotted with sanguineous; spots ar- 
ranged two at base, of which the outer one is small, 
and the inner one elongated and abruptly dilated 
on the inner side at tip; two upon the middle, of 
which the outer one is elongated into a very ob- 
lique line ; two behind the middle, of which the 
inner one is obliquely elongated, and the outer 
one smaller, and interrupted ; and a transverse li- 
near one near the tip, ramose upon the nervures : 
feet whitish. 

Length to the tip of the hemelytra, one-ninth 
of an inch. 

The line and spot on the head and the spots of 
the thorax are sometimes obsolete, but always 
visible, and the latter are sometimes connected 
by curving towards the anterior edge of the tho- 
rax. The spots of the hemelytra are also some- 
times slightly interrupted, or connected into four 
oblique bands. 

6. T. trifasciata. Pale yellowish-white ; elytra 


irrorate with reddish and somewhat trifasciate 
with dusky. 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Body pale yellowish-white : head with two or 
three obsolete dull sanguineous spots on the ver- 
tex in the form of curves or circles : eyes dusky : 
thorax, a sanguineous line abbreviated before, and 
an obsolete curve at the anterior angle: hemelytra 
whitish, irrorate with sanguineous; a dilated, 
brownish, interrupted, subbasal band ; an obsolete 
interrupted band behind the middle, upon the pos- 
terior costal termination of which, is an abbreviat- 
ed sanguineous line, and an oblique blackish band 
near the tip; a large quadrate white immaculate 
spot on the middle of the costal margin; humeral 
base white, immaculate: tergum dusky at base : 
feet white. 

Length to the tip of the hemelytra one-eighth 
of an inch. 

The spots of the head and thorax are some- 
times hardly discernible, and the intermediate 
band is often so faint and interrupted as to be 

7. T. basilaris. Pale yellowish, varied with 
sanguineous ; elytra reddish-brown at base. 

Inhabits Missouri. 

- Body pale yellowish: head obsoletely varied 
with sanguineous: eyes dusky or black: thorax 
dusky behind; anterior margin with four or five 
obsolete sanguineous spots : scutel dusky reddish- 


brown or sanguineous at tip: hemelytra with a 
broad band of reddish-brown at base; a spot on 
the middle of the thinner margin, then an oblique 
line, and another oblique line towards the tip, san- 
guineous; at the inner extremity of the latter is a 
very minute black point. 

Length to the tip of the hemelytra, one-ninth 
of an inch. 

-1 new genus of Mammalia proposed, and a de- 
scription of the species upon which it is founded. 
By T. Say, and G. Orv. Read March 8, 1825. 

Orver GLIRES. 
Genus Neotoma. 

Natural Character. 

2 incisores. 
6 molares. 
2 incisores. 
6 molares. 

8 superior. 
Teeth 16. 

8 inferior. 

Molares with profound radicles. 

Superior jaw. Incisor even, and slightly round- 
ed on its anterior face: first molar with five tri- 
angles, one of which is anterior, two exterior, and 
two interior : second molar with four triangles, one 

anterior, two on the exterior side, and a very 
VOL. IV.—APRIL, 1825. 44 


small one on the interior side: third molar with 
four triangles, one anterior, two exterior, and a 
very minute one interior. 

Inferior jaw. Incisor even, pointed at tip: first 
molar with four divisions or triangles, one ante- 
rior a little irregular, then one exterior, one in- 
terior opposite, and one posterior: second molar 
with four triangles, anterior and posterior ones 
nearly similar in form, an intermediate one oppo- 
site to the interior and exterior one: third molan, 
with two triangles, and an additional very small 
angle on the inner side of the anterior one. 

Tail hairy : fore feet four-toed, with an armed 
rudiment of a fifth toe: hind feet fiye-toed. _ 

Oxservations. The grinding surface of the 
molares differs somewhat from that of the molares 
of the genus Arvicoxa, as will be. perceived by 
our figures; but the large roots of the grinders 
constitute a character essentially different. The 
folds of enamel which mark the sides of the crown, 
do not descend so low as to the edge of the alyeo- 
lar processes; in consequence of this conforma- 
tion, the worn down tooth of an old individual 
must exhibit insulated circles of enamel on the 
grinding surface. 

This genus must be placed near to y ett 
of which, it is probable, some naturalists may be 
inclined to consider it a subgenus. _ 

N. floridana. Pl. xxi. Snout elongated; ues 
and ears very large; tail longer than the body. 


Ears conspicuous, thin, subovate, clothed with 
such fine hair as to appear naked : whiskers long, 
anterior ones white, the rest black : tail white be- 
neath, dusky above; its scales so small, and so 
well concealed with hair, as to be hardly visible : 
feet and claws white, the latter short: body and 
upper part of the head, clothed in fine fur, of a 
lead colour, intermixed with yellowish and black 
hairs, the black predominating on the ridge of the 
back, and the top of the head, the yellow on the 
sides ; the lead-coloured fur not visible externally: 
the border of the abdomen and of the throat, buff 
colour: whole lower parts a delicate white, tinged 
with cream colour : base of the claws covered with 
white hairs. 

Length from the tip of the snout to the anus, 
seven inches and a half: tail six inches and a 
quarter long. Male. 

~The body has none of those long rigid hairs 
which are so notable in the Mus decwmanus. The 
whole pelage feels velvety, particularly the belly, 
which is as soft as is that of our common flying 
squirrel. The testes are hardly visible externally, 
differing, in this respect, from those of the house 
rat, which are so conspicuous an apparatus in this 
unwelcome guest. — 

This beautiful animal was discovered in a log 
granary, situated in a ruined and deserted planta- 
tion, in East Florida. When first aroused, it ran 
a short distance. then returned, and stood close 


by us, allowing touch it with a gun before 
it again retreated. Its countenance was mild, or 
without that suspicious and cunning air, which is 
so remarkable in the common brown rat. We 
have reason to think that the species is not un- 
common in Florida, as several individuals were 
seen by Mr. Say, in an old mansion; but he was 
unprovided with the means of capturing them. 

Brought from East Florida, in the year 1818, 
in the collection of Messrs. Maclure, Say, Ord 
and Peale, and deposited in the Philadelphia Mu- 

The individual above described was the only. 
one that we were enabled to procure, during our 
journey into Florida. It was a young one, and 
not fully grown, as we may reasonably conjecture 
from the greater size of the old individual of the 
same species, which was procured by Mr. Say on 
the Missouri, and described in Long’s Expedition 
to the Rocky Mountains. 

In the year 1818, Mr. Ord sent to the Philo- 
matique Society of Paris, a short description, ac- 
companied with a figure, of this animal, which 
was named Mus floridanus; and the description 
was published in the Bulletin of the Society for 
December, of the same year. In the hurry, in- 
cident to travelling, he had neglected to exam- 
ine its teeth, when recently killed; and afterwards 
assuming as a fact, what ought not to have been 
assumed, that it was a true Mus, he did not hesi- 


tate to class it under that’ denomination. The 
naturalists of Paris questio1 he propriety of 
his nomenclature; and, with Mr. De Blainville, 
who prepared the account for the Bulletin, ap- 
peared to coincide in the opinion that the animal 
was a Myoxus, and not a Mus. 

That it is neither a Myoxus nor a Mus, will now 
be evident from the figures of its teeth, in Plate 
xxii. When we first commenced an examination 
of its teeth, we were astonished to find in the 
grinding surfaces of the molares, a close approxi- 
mation to those of Arvicota; but the discovery of 
radicles, precluded us from referring it to that 
genus. : 

Although we are aware that the multiplication 
of genera has become an evil, yet we have ven- 
tured to found a genus on our animal, from our 
inability to class it under any of the genera of the 

Pu. xx1.—Nerotoma floridana. 

Pu. xx1.—Fig. 1. Profile view of the jaws, magnified. 

2. Lower jaw, left side, with the alveolar 
process removed, in order to exhibit 
the roots of the teeth ; natural size. 

3. Molares of the upper jaw, left side, 

4, Molares of the lower jaw, left side, 


Description of a new Species of South American 
Frincnta. By Cuarres Bonaparte. Read 
March 1, 1825. 

Frinciua. ® 
F. xanthoroa. Dusky; rump yellow; ee 
edged with greenish; tail tipped with white. 
Length four inches and a half. 
Bill and feet light flesh colour: upper mandible 
darker, blackish at tip: irides dark brown: gene- 
ral plumage above blackish, each feather margined 
with dull pale rufous: head and back slightly prui- 
nous; inferior portion of the rump bright lemon- 
yellow, passing to white on the superior tail co- 
verts; all beneath whitish, with an indication of a 
blackish collar on the throat, and a few obsolete 
blackish spots on the flanks, which are strongly 
tinged with brownish-rufous : wing-coverts and ter- 
tials blackish, broadly margined on the exterior 
web and at tip with dull pale rufous : inferior wing- 
coverts dull cinereous, slightly tinged with olivace- 
ous: primaries and secondaries “plackiahy finely 
edged with olive-yellow on their outer web, the 
latter tipped with whitish : tail hardly emarginat- 
ed, black, each feather edged with greenish, and 
tipped with whitish. 
This species belongs to the subgenus Carduelis, 
the bill being, however, thicker and less acuminate 


than usual in this a some- 
what that of F. serinus of 

The specimen here described and figured is 
a male, which lived for some time at the house 
of Mr. Droz, of this city, who received it from Rio 
Janeiro: the bird was very tame, sang sweetly, 
somewhat in the manner of the Canary, of which 
it had nearly the habits: its vocal season lasted for 
nine months, and like other birds of the antarctic 
zone, it sang with more vivacity during winter, 
when our birds become mute. Its recent. death 

‘was occasioned by a very remarkable cataleptic 
disease, with which it had been afflicted for nearly 
six months, during which time its colour became 
duller, and it lost the pruinous appearance. 

A living specimen still in the possession of Mr. 
Droz, corresponds in marking with the preceding ; 
its colours are only lighter and without any prui- 
nous appearance; beneath it is very slightly 
tinged with rufous. The duller plumage of this 
latter might induce us to suppose that it is a fe- 
male, was it not that it sings delightfully : we be- 
lieve it is a male, which has lost some of the 
brilliancy of its colouring, by a protracted cap- 

This species moults twice a year, and has the 
pruinous appearance only caring its breeding 


Description of a new Species of Mammalia, where- 

on a genus is proposed to be founded. By T. 
Say and G. Orv. Read March 22, 1825. 

Orver GLIRES. 
Genus So 

Essential Character. 

Molares in each jaw six, subequal, with radicles, 
and with very profound, alternate folds towards 
the summit. 

Natural Character. 
2 incisores. 

8 superior. 
6 molares. 
Hine wo) 8 inferior teense 
: 6 molares. 

Superior jaw. Incisor slightly rounded on its 
anterior face, truncated at tip: first molar equal 
in width to the second, composed of four very 
profound, alternate folds, two on each side, ex- 
tending at least to the middle of the tooth: second 
molar quadrate, somewhat wider, and a little 
shorter than the preceding, with three profound 
folds, extending at least to the middle, two of 
which are on the exterior side: posterior molar a. 
little narrower, but not shorter than the preceding, 
with three profound folds, two of which are on 


the exterior side, extending at 1 ast tothe middle, 
the inner fold opposite to the anterior exterior 
fold, and not extending to the middle. 

Inferior jaw. Incisor obliquely truncate at tip, 
the acute angle being on the inner side, it origi- 
nates in the ascending branch of the maxillary 
bone, passing beneath the molares: molares sub- 
equal in breadth, inclining slightly forwards : first 
molar a little narrower than the second, with five 
profound, alternate folds, three of which are on 
the inner side: second molar subquadrate, with 
two alternate, profound folds, the inner one ante- 
rior: third molar about equal in length and breadth 
to the anterior one, but rather larger, and some- 
what narrower than the second, with which it 
corresponds in the disposition of its folds, except- 
ing that they are less compressed. 

Tail hairy: feet simple: fore feet four-toed, with 
the rudiment of a, fifth toe, having a nail: hind 
feet five-toed. 

Opservations. The enamel of the molares is 
thick, but on the anterior face of each fold, ex- 
cepting the first, it is obsolete. From the arrange- 
ment of the folds, as above described, it is obvious 
that the configuration of the triturating surface, 
(occasioned by the folds of enamel dipping deeply 
into the body of the tooth, in the second and third 
molar of the lower jaw,) accurately represents the 
letter S, which is reversed on the right side; thus 

hearing considerable resemblance to the posterior 
VOL. IV.—=aPRIL, 1825, 45 


tooth of the genus Spavax, to which, also, it has 
a slight affinity in the truncature of the inferior 

The configuration of the intermediate molar of 
the upper jaw may be compared to the form of 
the Greek letter =, whence our generic name. 

In respect to its generic affinities, it is very ob- 
vious that its system of dentition indicates a proxi- 
mity to Aryicota, but the different arrangement 
of the folds, and the circumstance of the molars 
being divided into radicles, certainly exclude it 
from that genus. With respect to radicles, it re- 
sembles the genus Fiser; but it is allied to this 
genus in no other respect. 

We may further remark that the teeth of our 
specimen are considerably worn, a condition that 
materially effects the depth of the folds. 

S. hispidum. Head thick; snout elongated; 
eyes pretty large; ears large, round; tail nearly 
as long as the body. 

Ears slightly clothed with hair : fore legs short : 
hind feet large and strong, their lateral toes very 
short, and their claws stout : upper parts and head 
a pale dirty yellow ochre, mixed with black: 
lower parts cinereous; hair of the upper parts and 
sides long, plentiful and coarse. 

Length from the tip of the snout to the inser- 
tion of the tail, six inches; tail four inches long. 

Tn immature specimens, black is the protean 
nating colour; in adults yellow predominates. 


This animal we found to be very numerous in 
the deserted plantations, lying on the river St. 
John, in East Florida, particularly in the gardens. 
Its burrows are seen in every direction. Emi- 
grants to that section of our country, will, doubt- 
less, find this species to be a great pest in rural 
economy. . 

We brought three specimens of it from East 
Florida, in the year 1818, and deposited them in 
the Philadelphia Museum. 

This animal appears, in classification, to occupy 
a station between the genera Arvicota and Mus, 
having the habits, and some of the external cha- 
racters of the former, with teeth remotely allied to 
the latter. After a careful perusal of those au- 
thors within our reach, who have laid down the 
characters of mammiferous quadrupeds, particu- 
larly Mr. F. Cuvier’s recent work, entitled “ Des 
Dents des Mammif res, considérées comme carac- 
teres Zoologiques,” we have found ourselves un- 
der the necessity of constructing a genus for it, it 
being impossible to refer it to any one of the ge- 
nera, the teeth of which have been figured in the 
above mentioned useful work. 

Pu. xxu1.—Fig. 5. Profile view of the jaws, magnified. 

6. Lower jaw, natural size, left side, with 
the alveolar process remeved, to ex- 
hibit the roots of the teeth. 

7. Molares of the upper jaw, left side, 

8. Molares of the lower jaw, left side, 


Remarks on the floating apparatus, and other pe- 
culiarities, of the genus Janruiwa. By Reynewn 
Coares, M. D. Read March 1, 1825. 

The elegant apparatus of air cells attached to 
the posterior part of the foot of the Janruin#, and 
supporting them upon the surface of the ocean, 
has given rise to some difference of opinion among 
naturalists. Mr. Bose has asserted that the ani- 
mal is capable of absorbing the air of the vesicles 
and of refilling them at will, in order to sink or 
rise in the water. 

M. Cuvier considers this to have been a mis- 
take, as he could not discover any connexion be- 
tween the animal and the air cells of the float, 
and as there was no cavity within the animal 
which could contain the air when absorbed. In 
fact, this author regards the float as a simple ap- 
pendix of the integuments, over which the animal 
has no farther control, than the ability to compress 
it to a certain extent, by retracting it within the 
shell, or to abandon it to its natural elasticity. 
From its position on the posterior part of the foot, 
near the usual situation of the operculum, he is 
inclined to consider it as a vestige of that organ; 
but, as specimens occurred, in which, though the 
organ was totally wanting, no cicatrix could be 
discerned on the foot, Cuvier concludes that it 

JANTHINA. : 357 

is sometimes naturally absent, or, that it is devel- 
oped at a certain age or season. 

During a recent voyage to the East Indies, I 
had many opportunities of observing the manners 
of the Janruinx, and in the Janrnia fragilis, I 
have frequently seen the mode in which the or- 
gan in question is constructed by the animal. 

Individuals being placed in a tumbler of brine, 
and a portion of the float being removed by the 
scissors, the animal very soon commenced supply- 
ing the deficiency in the following manner: the 
foot was advanced upon the remaining vesicles, 
until about two-thirds of the member rose above 
the surface of the water; it was then expanded to 
the uttermost, and thrown back upon the water, 
like the foot of a Lymneus when commencing to 
swim; in the next place it was contracted at the 
edges, and formed into the shape of a hood, en- 
closing a globule of air, which was slowly applied 
to the extremity of the float. A vibratory move- 
ment could now be perceived throughout the foot, 
and when it was again thrown back to renew the 
process, the globule was found enclosed in its 
newly constructed envelope. 

It does not appear that the Janthine ever sink 
below the surface, while they remain attached to 
the vesicles, but when they are entirely separated 
they immediately fall to the bottom of the tumbler, 
and are unable afterwards to rise from their po- 
sition; and though they continue to be vigorous 


for some time, they generally die in a few days. 
As their respiratory organs are calculated for the 

water, this circumstance is probably accidental. 
Along the under surface of the float, passes a 
little line of pearly fibres, and upon this line are 
attached the eggs of the animal. In the J. fragi- 
lis the float is convex, subcarinate above, and 
concave beneath, straight, and composed of large 
vesicles : in the globosa, it is composed of smaller 
vesicles, it is flat above and beneath, and by the 
re-union of one of the edges, it is formed into a 
spiral and nearly cireular disk: in the exigua,* it 
is straight like that of the fragilis, but the vesi- 
cles are smaller, and the float is narrow and flat- 
tened. ae 
From what has been said, it appears that the 
floating apparatus of the Janrnina is constructed 
by the animal for the purpose of supporting its 
shell and its young upon the surface of the water; 

* The shell which I have here termed exigua, agrees 
very well with the description given of that species in the 
Diet. des Sciences Naturelles, but that which is contained 
in Lamark’s Animauz sans vertebres, is much less clear. 
The plate referred to in the former work, is wanting in 
all the copies of the Enc. Meth. to which I have access; 
and a deep revolving groove on the middle of the body 
whorl, (one of the strongest characteristics of the shell in 
my possession,) is unnoticed in either. Here is some want 
of perspicuity, but I must leave for the present the resolu- 
tion of the difficulty. 


that the membrane which encloses the cells is se- 
creted by the foot, and that it has no attachment 
to the animal, other than the close cohesion re- 
sulting from the nice adaptation of proximate sur- 
faces; and lastly, that in all probability, the young 
shells when liberated from their chambers, ascend 
the float of the mother, and in this way gain ac- 
cess to the surface, and construct the elements of 
their future support. 

The eggs of the Jayruive are, I believe, but 
slightly noticed by naturalists, and the plate by 
Sir Everard Home, in the Phil. Trans. 1817, ap- 
pears to be founded on an error. 

It is true that I have never seen the eggs of 
the fragilis, but the appearance of the figure re- 
ferred to, is so utterly unlike that presented by 
the globosa and the exigua, that I am induced to 
believe that he has mistaken the eggs of some 
other marine animal for those of the Janrmina. 

The eggs of the two last named species are con- | 
tained in little membranous bags of some consist- 
ence, which are attached in rows to the pearly 
fibres beneath the float by little filamentous pe- 
duncles, of an appearance similar to that of the 
fibres. These bags are covered with little. ge- 
latinous, conical eminences, and are partially di- 
vided by incomplete septa, as may be discovered 
by means of a powerful lens. In the exigua the 
division is very partial, but in the globosa, it gives 
the whole sack a chambered aspect. It would 


seem that the animal occupied considerable time 
in the deposition of its eggs, for the bags nearest 
the extremity of the float are constantly found 
empty, while central ones contain young shells | 
fully formed, and those nearest the animal are 
filled with the eggs. 

The little appendages which Foskahl stile 
to be used in swimming, I cannot discover in the 
young animals, on account of the high magnifying 
power required for that purpose; but I have nevy- 
er observed the mature Janruina to move like the 
Lymyeus, upon the surface of the water. They 
appear to be passive to the action of the winds ~ 
and waves, their residence upon the ocean ren- 
dering them little subject to accidental collision 
with hard substances, and their wants being amply 
supplied without an approach to land. ‘They prey 
upon Crustacea and other Mollusca, and 1 have 
not unfrequently found shells of their own genus 
in their stomachs. The whole extent of the in- 
testinal canal is capable of a vast dilatation, and J 
have occasionally found shells of three times the 
diameter of the esophagus, lying unaltered near 
the rectum. 

The young shells are of a golden colour, wad 
perfectly smooth. ae 


Description of two new Species of the Linnean 
genus Buexnws. By C. A. Lesueur. Read De- 

cember 21, 1824. 


1. B. herminier. Dorsal fin anteriorly with an 
elongate black spot; filaments upon the nape, 
above the eyes and nostrils; lateral line very 
much curved over the pectoral fins. 

Body, including the caudal fin, five inches long, 
one inch seven lines deep, and about an inch in 
thickness at the pectoral fins; but little elongated 
in proportion to its height, slightly compressed: 
abdomen ample; anus placed nearly in the middle 
of the body : back more elevated towards the neck, 
‘and thence descending gradually to the tail ; ante- 
riorly the head, front, and snout are upon an in- 
clined line, very slightly arcuated: eyes slightly 
prominent, approximate: front short, depressed : 
snout more projecting than obtuse, longer than 
the diameter of the eye: cheeks pretty convex: 
pieces of the opercula indistinct : branchial opening 
large, extending from the nape to the ventral fins: 
branchiostegous membranes pretty large, sustained 
by five rays:and united beneath: mouth pretty 
large, its opening straight, and its angle under the 
anterior part of the eye: jaws covered with thick 

fleshy lips, scarcely allowing the conic teeth to 

be seen, of which the anterior row are strong; 
VOL. IVim=MAY, 1825, 46 


those of the interior row smaller; there are also 
teeth at the base of the tongue, and conic arcuat- 
ed teeth upon the wings of the palate : tongue not 
very apparent: lateral line straight on the tail, 
and much arcuated over the pectorals: dorsal fin 
long, extending from the nape to the base of the 
caudal fin, sustained by sixteen spinous rays and 
twelve flexible ones, all simple; its anterior part 
is twice as long and half as high as the posterior 
part, which is rounded: pectoral fins placed be- 
hind the anterior termination of the dorsal, and 
marked with seven or eight dark brown spots, the 
rest of the fin being of a lighter reddish-brown: 
ventral fins three-rayed, placed opposite to the 
origin of the dorsal: anal of twenty, simple, flexi- 
ble rays, almost as deep as the anterior part of 
the dorsal fin, and the extremities are more sepa- 
- rated; dorsal almost touching the caudal, whilst 
the anal is pretty far from it: caudal as large as 
the pectoral, oval, sustained by fourteen bifid 
rays: scales rounded upon the body and pretty 
large: opercula not scaly: colour reddish-brown, 
with deeper spots; upon the rays of the dorsal is 
an elongate blackish spot: cheeks and head rufous- - 
brown, vermicular with little blackish lines, which 
form an irregular kind of close net work : nostrils 
surmounted by a little ciliated appendadil eye- 
brows, each surmounted by a fascicle of cilia¥ 
nape with two lines of cilia. 
D. 16,.12. A; 200% Re 16)! E08. Goi 


Taken at St. Bartholomews, in cavities of ma-— 
dreporic rocks, in the month of June, 1816. 

2. B. hentz. A short fleshy appendage over 
each eye, and a small one over each nostril; teeth 
long, fine, equal, close set in the jaws; dorsal fin 
Jong, subequal, a little higher posteriorly. 

Body three inches and four lines long, includ- 
ing the caudal fin; one inch deep, and from six 
to seven lines thick, taken near the pectoral fins. 
Its form is little elongate, rather short; its thickest 
' part is the nape; the front describes a curved 
line descending pretty rapidly to the end of the 
snout: back subrectilinear, descending gradually 
towards the base of the tail: abdomen ample, 
rounded: sides compressed: anus placed in the 
middle of the body: snout, although very short, 
not truncated vertically : eyes large, placed on the 
summit of the head, projecting a little, situated 
above the angle of the mouth: branchial opening 
placed anterior to the base of the pectoral fins, 
and extending from the base of these fins to the 
height of the eye; it is somewhat oblique: mouth 
small, nearly straight: lips not very thick: jaws 
equal, furnished with long and fine curved teeth, 
arranged like those of a comb: dorsal fin long, 
extending from the nape to the base of the caudal ; 
its anterior part is lower, more equal, and sustain- 
ed by eleven simple spinous rays; its colour is 
black, with some whitish spots; its posterior part 
is more elevated, rounded at the extremity and 


sustained by fourteen divided rays, of a reddish 
colour, with five blackish bands ; in the middle it 
is slightly depressed, which admits of distinguish- 
ing the two parts: pectoral fins large, placed a 
little behind the origin of the dorsal fin: anal fin 
low, equal, reaching the base of the caudal: ven- 
tral fins of a blackish colour, with four or five 
light blackish bands, middle sized, placed before 
the line of the origin of the dorsal fin: caudal fin 
small, round, ornamented with three or four verti- 
cal bands; colour of the body light bluish-ash, 
mixed with rufous, -with numerous and irregular 
black and rufous spots. 

D.T1ylas A, WB. 26s, Tits OTR 

Oxservations. This species was sent to me 
from Charleston, 8. C. by Mr. Hentz, and appear- 
ed to me at first sight to be the Biennius bosqui- 
anus,* described in the work of Mr. Lacépéde, 
Vol. ii. page 493, Pl. 13, fig. 1. but after examin- 
ing it with attention, I recognised in this indivi- 
dual, appendices above the eyes, and other very 
small ones upon the nose. These appendices are 
not mentioned by Mr. Bosc, and could hardly 
have escaped that celebrated discoverer, after 
whom the species was named, and who resided 
himself in Charleston. This difference, although 
to appearance very slender, may nevertheless 
characterize this species, and distinguish it from 
that of Mr. Bose. 

* Taken from the manuscript of Mr. Bose, naturalist, 
and French Consul at Charleston. 



Description of a new Species of Truovire. By 
J. J. Bicssy, M.D. Read March 15, 1825. 

I beg to present to the Academy, a description 
of a new species of Tritosrre, found at Lockport 
in the state of New York, in the black, shaly, ho- 
rizontal limestone forming the lower part of the 
ravine by which the western Canal ascends the 
« Parallel Ridge” of Lake Ontario. I am not pre- 
pared to assign to this limestone its exact place 
in the series of geological formations. It is above 
the saliferous sandstone, and therefore more re- 
cent than the rocks best known as abounding in 
trilobites. : 

In imitation of the only systematic writer on 
this branch of the crustacea, I have named this 
species after the discoverer, Lieut. Bolton, Royal 


P. boltoni. Pl. xxiii. Oval, blind; surface with 
small tubercles, and strie; clypeus rounded be- 
fore; exterior angle extending in a broad spine; 
abdomen fourteen jointed; segments recurved, 
falcate ; tail membranaceous and serrate. 

The shape of this individual is oval, approach- 
ing to ovate; it is moderately flat; the whole 
length is five inches and four-fifths; its breadth 


across the middle is four inches and nine-tenths; 
wherever the cutis is not removed, it is covered 
profusely and irregularly with small tubercles. 
The denuded portions in this specimen for the 
space of three quarters of an inch from the exter- 
nal margin, is, in a very small degree, depressed, 
and displays a number of broken and continuous 
strie, parallel to that margin. There are no 
traces of organs of vision. The buckler is nearly 
the segment of a circle; anterior edge in the pre- 
sent case imperfect; it is four inches and three- 
fifths broad, and one inch and one-ninth long at the 
centre; it joins the abdomen by a somewhat sinu- 
ous transverse line; cheeks and front of equal 
breadth ; the former are flat, but rise at the sharp 
ridge by which they unite with the front; they are 
triangular in shape; their outer angles terminating 
by an acute tip. The strie mentioned above are 
here not quite parallel to the external border; the 
front is a shallow depression, rounded, but taper- 
ing anteriorly; it is intersected from above, on 
each side obliquely towards the mesial line, by a 
ridge bifurcating downwards; another smaller 
ridge nearly bisects the front perpendicularly. 
The abdomen and post abdomen are not dis- 
tinct. The abdomen exclusive of the cauda, is 
three inches and a half long; it exhibits fourteen 
coste, varying indiscriminately from one-fifth to 
one-fourth of an inch in breadth, except the three 
inferior ones, which are rather broader; they oc- 


cupy the whole abdomen without membranous 
interspaces, and are separated by a black sulcus, 
not always well defined, and sometimes a line in 
diameter ; each costa is canaliculated from the up- 
per and inner angle to the tip. ; 

_ 'The middle lobe is separated from the lateral 
by a shallow rude sulcus, which, however, does not 
always destroy the continuity of the coste* as they 
cross it; this lobe is slightly convex, one inch 
and a half broad at the top, and so continues to 
the sixth costa, after which it gradually contracts 
until at the bottom it is one-fifth of an inch broad, 
subsiding insensibly into a flat membrane-like sur- 
face; its longitudinal sulci pass one inch further 
downwards, and, expanding a little, unite with the 
cost on each side, the posterior edge of the 
space included by them being dentated. 

The lateral lobes are quite flat, one inch and a 
half broad anteriorly, and by gradual prolongation 
become at the fourth costa one inch and four-fifths 
in breadth; this dimension is maintained to the 
ninth articulation, when it slowly decreases to one 
inch at the bottom; the recurvature of the cost«e 
is gentle in the upper eight, but thence increases 
rapidly. ‘Their extremities, advancing two-fifths 
and four-fifths of an inch into the imbedding rock, 
are falcate, with their raised black edges, and 
clearly marked points. _ 

* Although incorrectly represented in the drawing as 
always destroyed. 


The characters which seem to place this trilo- 
bite in the genus Parapoxus of Brongniart, are, 
its flatness, the outline of the buckler, the want 
of eyes, the prolongation of its coste beyond the 
membrane they are imagined to support; a fact, 
in that author’s opinion, of primary importance ; 
the form and direction of their falcate extremities; 
the complete investment of the abdomen by the 
coste ; the relative sizes of the lobes of the abdo- 
men; and finally, the serrated membranous = 
surrounding its lower parts. 

The specific distinctions are chiefly found in 
the shape; in the tubercles and striz of the cutis; 
the form of the front ;* the gentleness of the re- 
curvature of the cost, and in the form of the 
lower end of the middle lobe of the abdomen. 

On anew Species of Moviora. By Tuomas Say. 
Read April 19, 1825. 

Amongst a number of marine shells from the 
island of Minorca, presented to the Academy by 
Dr. Alexander Montgomery of the U. S. Navy, 
is a single valve of the Pecren nodosus, Linn. on 
which were several elevations that on a cursory 
glance presented an appearance not unlike the 

* Very undefined in this individual. _ 


Baxanus.. On a more particular inspection each 
elevation proved to be similar to the others in 
form and consistence, and to be composed of fine 
dark coloured sand, agglutinated together, attached 
by a broad base to the surface of the Pecten, and 
rising in the shape of a very low cone around an 
included shell, the visible portion of which is ex- 
actly cordate. Having carefully detached the 
mass, [ found the imbedded shell to be a Mopioza, 
closely allied to the discors, Gmel. with its byssus 
very firmly affixed to the supporting surface. 
The following is a description of this shell. 


M. opifex.. Oval, reddish-brown; anterior hinge- 
margin flattened, cordate ; within iridescent. 
Base contracted behind the middle, the con- 
traction not wide nor very deep; between this 
part and the beaks the surface is blackish and 
transversely wrinkled ; posterior and anterior sur- 
face of the valve longitudinally striated, with the 
exception of the anterior cordate hinge-margin, 
which is flattened and covered by a thick stra- 
tum of compact sand; anterior tip equally arcu- 
ated above and below; within iridescent, brilliant, 
_Striated as on the exterior surface, edge crenate. 
Breadth nearly half an. inch ; length more than 
one-fifth of an inch. 
- This species. differs from the M. discors, and 

VoL. Iv.—may, 1828. AT 


M. lateralis, Nob. not only by its very singular 
habit, but also by its flat and perfectly heart- 
shaped anterior margin; the regular and equal 
curvature of its anterior extremity; the narrower 
interval between the anterior and posterior striat- 
ed surfaces, and the more profound and less di- 
Jated basal contraction. 

PL. xix. fig. 2. M. opifex imbedded in its mound. 

a. External view ofa valve. 
6. Internal view of — do, (all enlarged.) 

Descriptions of ten Species of South American 
Birds. By Cuarces Bonavanre. Read April 
19, 1825. 

Having been favoured by Mr. Paul Goddard 
with a collection of South American birds, lately 
brought to this country, I remarked some very rare 
species, on which a few observations may be eluci- 
datory of some obscure points of Ornithology; I 
therefore submit them to the Academy for their 

1. Monasa fusca, Nob. 

Fusco-brunnea, scapis pennarum flavescenti- 
bus; remigibus rectricibusque immaculatis ; juguli 
macula alba; fascia pectorali nigra. 


Length, eight inches. Bill one inch and a 
quarter long, black; mandibles subequal, both 
slightly curved downwards at tip: feet dusky : 
bristles of the capistrum pale yellowish-rufous, 
black at tip from the middle, reaching to three 
quarters the length of the bill: head and neck, 
above and on each side, and interscapular region, 
black, each feather with a streak of yellowish-ru- 
fous along the shaft: back, wing-coverts, and sca- 
pulars brown, with the yellowish streak, but 
paler and confined to the tips: rump and superior 
tail-coverts brown, immaculate, somewhat tipped 
with dull yellowish; between the bill and eye a 
large yellowish-rufous spot; from the angle of the 
Jower mandible each side of the throat, a whit- 
ish streak: throat yellowish-rufous, intermixed 
with black; feathers of the neck beneath, snowy 
white from the base to the middle, then widely 
black, with the shaft and the tip yellowish- 
rufous, an arrangement which constitutes a pure 
white concealed space, a black collar on the breast, 
and then gives a yellowish-rufous tint to that part; 
except the above white feathers, the whole plu- 
mage of the bird is lead colour at base; it is very 
soft and with disunited webs: belly and sides 
dusky-yellowish : vent and inferior tail-coverts 
whitish-rufous : inferior wing-coverts and inner 
margins of the primaries beneath pale yellowish- 
rufous ; quill feathers plain dark brown, edged with 
rufous on the outer web, and broadly margined 


with the same colour on the inner at base: se- 
condaries and tertials with a small heart-shaped 
whitish-rufous spot in the middle at tip; the wings 
when closed, do not reach the middle of the tail: 
tail cuneiform, composed of rwetve wide feathers 
of a pure dark brown, having but a slight indica- 
tion of the heart-shaped spot at tip. 

This species has, until now, been but imperfect- 
ly known, none but the young having fallen under 
the observations of Ornithologists, who, perceiv- 
ing that their bird was not perfect, even doubted 
its constituting an independent species, think- 
ing it the young of another well known. Latham 
first established the species from a young spe- 
cimen, and le Vaillant having an opportunity of 
examining six individuals, also young, gave a good 
figure and an accurate description of it under the 
name of Tamatia brun, in his Hist. Nat. des Bar- 
bus, pl. 43." The present specimen, whose de- 
scription differs but in a few points from the others, 
is evidently adult, and settles the question of spe- 
cifié distinction. 

The genus Bucco of Linné having been justly 
divided, authors have disagreed in the mode of 
‘separating it, and unfortunately so great is the con- 
fusion, that some of the Buccones of Vieillot, are 
Carrrones, agreeably to ‘Temminck and vice versa. 
The present species, though certainly a Carrro 
of Temminck, Tamatia of other recent Ornitholo- 
gists, is recorded by Vieillot as a Bucco; but he 


could not have examined it, otherwise the down- 
ward curvature of both mandibles and their sub- 
equal length would have induced him to arrange 
itin his restricted new genus, Monasa, which I 
am inclined to adopt, as constituted by him, add- 
ing the present species. The tail composed of 
twelve feathers, is a character worthy of notice 
in this species, as Vieillot attributes to all the 
above mentioned genera only ten; but we have 
reason to believe all the Monasm have twelve, and 
1 have found some genuine Caprrones with the 
same number. 

2. Picus rubricollis, Gmel. Var ? 

Total length, twelve inches. Bill perfectly 
straight, more than two inches long, horn colour 
above, white beneath: feet lead colour: head and 
neck brilliant light crimson; the feathers at base 
blackish, with a narrow yellowish lunule before 
the red tip, those of the upper part of the head 
slender and elongated; from the side of the bill a 
broad whitish stripe, margined above and beneath 
by a velvet black line, proceeds backwards and 
is attenuated to a point beneath the auricles; 
whole superior part of the body including the tail- 
coverts, yellowish-cream, some of the feathers hay- 
ing concealed black bands: whole inferior surface 
and thighs of the same cream colour, each feather 
having four black bands: wings, including the sca- 


pulars and tail, black, slightly tinged with brown: 
quill feathers widely spotted with yellowish-cream 
on their inner webs; spots wider in proportion as 
they are nearer to the base, and assuming at base 
and on the secondaries and tertials, the appear- 
ance of bands: under wing-coverts. yellowish- 
cream : fifth primary slightly longest. 

By comparing the above description with those 
given of the rubricollis, it will be easily perceived 
that the present specimen differs principally by its 
smaller size; by its cream-coloured back and rump; 
by the beautiful bands of the under parts; and 
by the fine cream colour spots of the quill feath- 
ers; this last. character, however, is indicated: by 
Vieillot, Wouv. Dict. d’ Hist. Nat. thus corroborat- 
ing our opinion of specific identity. The remark- 
able lateral stripes of the head, are not mentioned 
by authors, but are correctly represented in Buf- 
fon’s coloured plate 612, (Grand Pic hupé a tete 
rouge de Cayenne ;) this figure, however, differs 
considerably from our specimen by not having 
the head and neck half so vivid; the back and 
whole wing being black, and moreover having the 
under parts of the same tinge with the head and 
neck: we would probably be justified ‘in consid- 
ering this as belonging to a new species, but we 
prefer for the present to refer it to P. rubricollis, 
_ being probably a peculiar state of that bird which 
we think has not been well described or figures 
in any of its states. 


3. Denprocotaptes angustirostris. Vieill. 

Fulvo-brunneus; subtus albus, pennis omnibus, 
gule exceptis, utrinque nigro marginatis; rostro 
elongato, subarcuato, valde compresso. 

The genus Denprocorapres was first establish- 
ed by Hermann; Vieillot has taken the liberty of 
changing that name to Deyprocorus; it is destitute 
of any fixed character in the form of the bill, yet, in 
my opinion, it is one of the most natural existing. 
The acute and rigid tail feathers, (a character 
common with Cerruia, to which it is intimately 
related) but above all, that remarkable character 
of having the external toe as long as the middle - 
one, will at once distinguish it from all other ge- 
nera. From the differences in the form of the 
bill, the species have been separated into a great 
many sections, which, however, can be reduced 
to two, from the bill being straight or curved; and 
even between these, intermediate links occur. 

- The present species belongs to the second sec- 
tion; it is one of those birds accurately described 
by d’Azara, and named by Vieillot merely from 
the description of that author: Vieillot, of course, 
admitted the species with doubt, and we have, 
therefore, thought proper to fix it by the follow- 
ing description. 

Total length, seven inches and a half. 

Bill one inch and a quarter long, slightly curved 
from the base, slender, very much compressed, 


dusky above, beneath whitish: feet, lead colour : 
plumage above, including the wings and tail, 
bright reddish-brown, brighter on the rump and 
tail: head feathers pale in the middle, slightly 
margined with blackish; a white streak passes 
over the eye to the auditory region, and returns 
to the corner of the mouth, including a space of 
grayish feathers, varied with blackish: throat 
white; whole neck and body beneath, and under 
tail-coverts white, the feathers margined each side 
with blackish: wader wing-coverts light rufous- 
brown: humeral margin whitish: outer superior - 
wing-coverts of a somewhat darker brown : prima- 
ries dark brown for an inch at tip, and with the 
shafts blackish above, and rufous-white beneath : 
shafts of the four middle tail feathers naked at tip. 

4. Frioua flaveola, Linn. 

This bird has been long known and was accu-~ 
rately indicated by Linné; Latham has since ob- 
- served a specimen in the Leverian Museum; but 
the country which it inhabits was entirely un- 
known, and doubts had even been entertained of 
its being a. mongrel between the Canary bird and 
the Goldfinch. A beautiful specimen in my. col- 
lection puts the question at rest: it is a true spe- 
cies inhabiting Brazil, and probably other parts 
of South America. The description in authors is 
remarkably accurate. 

5. Tanacra flava, Gmel. 

Sericeo-flavicans; genis, gula, pectore abdomi- 
neque medio, alis, caudaque nigris; remigibus, 
rectricibusque extus virescenti-ceruleis. 

Length, five inches and a quarter. Bill black 
above, bluish beneath: feet bluish: general plu- 
mage sericeous straw yellow, lead colour at base ; 
that of the head, blackish at base: capistrum, 
cheeks, lora, throat and a wide patch continued 
from the throat to the centre of the belly, black: 
scapulars, wings, and tail blackish, each feather 
margined externally with sky blue, glossed with 
golden-green; greater wing-coverts especially, 
with considerable golden reflections: margin of 
the first and second primaries obsolete; that of the 
others, narrow, but very bright, and of a purer sky 
blue; secondaries bluish-green almost upon the 
whole of their outer web ; inner webs at base, mar- 
gined with whitish; shafts of the wings and tail 
black above, and whitish beneath; under wing- 
coverts and interior side of the primaries beneath, 
silvery; the former intermixed with dusky. 

This fine bird belongs to the genus and sub- 
genus Tavacra. It is evidently the Lindo bello 
of d’Azara, judging by the description of that rare 
species, a single individual only of which was ob- 
served by that author, who described it accurately 
under the above mentioned name: of this species 

VOL. tV.—emay, 1825 4k 


Vieillot has made his Tayacra formosa, without 
having seen it; but as the indication of Tanacra 
flava, that we find in authors, seems to us equally 
applicable to our bird, we have preferred the prior 
appellation. If we are correct in our conjectures, 
the Guira perea, (Tanacra flava) a much sus- 
pected species, is now fully ascertained, and 
doubts of its being a real Tanager can no longer 
be entertained. We should also be inclined to 
suppose that the Brazilian bird in the Paris Mu- 
seum of Natural History, named by Vieillot Tana- 
cra chloroptera, will prove to be the same spe- 
cies. pent 
A figure given by Mr. Desmarest in his work 
on Tanagers, as the female of Tanacra cayana, 
resembles considerably our species. 

6. Muscicapa violenta, Nob. 

Cauda semi-pedali valde forficata; corpore ei- 
nereo, subtus albo; capite nigro, verticis pennis 
basi flavissimis. we 

I mentioned this bird in the first volume of my 
American Ornithology, when exemplifying the 
Muscicara savana; but not having specimens to 
compare, I only stated, that it was distinguished 
by its smaller size from that fine bird: now 
having the good fortune to have before me two 
very perfect individuals, I shall proceed to de- 
scribe the species and point out the differential 



characters by which it may be separated from its 
close relative, the savana. This will, I hope, be 
the more acceptable to naturalists, as Vieillot, 
who at first confounded the two species, and af- 
terwards established the present under the name 
of Tyrannus violentus, never saw the bird, but 

' . was in both instances guided by the statements of 

d’Azara. : 

Total length ten inches. Bill and feet black: 
upper and lateral parts of the head with the be- 
ginning of the neck, velvet-black; the feathers of 
the verter golden-yellow towards the base, form- 
ing a concealed spot; remaining upper parts gray, 
slightly tinged with brown, darker on the rump, 
and passing into blackish on the superior tail co- 
verts; all the inferior surface pure white: wings 
brownish; feathers, both quills and coverts, edged 
exteriorly with whitish: four first primaries sub- 
equal, the second slightly longest; these are quite 
full and rounded without any kind of emargination 
in one specimen, whilst in the other, they are ter- 
minated in a slender process, as in my savana; a 
circumstance which leads us to believe that this 
character, as well as the remarkable tenuity of the 
outer web of the exterior tail feather, is proper to 
the male in both species: tail six inches long, 
brownish-black : exterior tail feather white on the 
outer web for half its length from the base, sur- 
passing, by more than two inches, the adjoining. 


and by more than three inches and a half the 
middle ones. 

By comparing this description with that of Mv- 
s¢IcaPA savana, it will be evident, that, besides the 
dimensions, this smaller species is easily distin- 
guished by having the crown-spot golden yellow, 
without any intermixture of orange. The cine- 
reous of the back is also less pure, but the other 
colours and markings are similarly distributed. 

I should now be inclined to believe Buffon’s 
wretched coloured plate rather taken from this 
bird than from the savana, although his descrip- 
tion most certainly belongs to the latter species. 

The habits of this bird, thanks to d’Azara, 
are better known than those of the savana. An 
account of them may be seen in the interesting 
book of the Spanish author, from whom Vieillot 
has given an extract. 

7. Muscicara tenioptera, Nob. 

Cinerea, alis caudaque nigris; gula, abdomine, 
alarum fascia lata, caudeeque apice albis. 

This species is not entirely new, yet it gives us 
more gratification to be enabled to elucidate the 
obscurity involving it, than to describe an entire- 
ly unknown bird. It is the most common of 
six Pepoazas, inhabiting Paraguay, described by 
@Azara. Though most accurately described, these 
birds have much puzzled naturalists, who were 


uncertain to which established genus they ought 
to be referred, or whether they would properly 
form a distinct genus by themselves. Vieillot 
has acted fairly in this case by not naming a bird 
which he had not seen;* a great many errors in 
science are to be attributed to the censurable 
habit of following a contrary course. “I have 
placed,” says he, in the Nouv. dict. d’ Hist. Nat. 
“the Prepoazas of Mr. d’Azara, after the Tyrants, 
because they have appeared to me more closely _ 
related to them than to any other genus, and un-— 
til their generic characters are better known.” 
The conjectures of Vieillot have proved correct, 
at least in regard to this species ; which is a Mu- 
scicapa Of our classification, but a Tyrannus of his: 
a peculiar subgenus might be instituted for it un- 
der the name of the species, which we have for 
that reason compounded from the Greek. ‘This 
subgenus should be characterized principally by 
long and powerful wings, reaching nearly to the 
tip of the tail, a somewhat more robust and elon- 
gated bill, and much stouter and longer feet. It 
is most probable that the five other Pepoazas of 
d’Azara will also prove to belong to this subgenus. 
The habits described at some length by that au- 
thor are also different; we shall not transcribe 

* We take no notice of a slight indication he gives of this 
bird, under the name of Tyrannus cinereus, in his Analise d’un 
Nouv. Syst. d’Orn. as he has since changed his mind, and his 
name is pre-occupied in Muscicara. 


them here, but although his description is remark- 
ably minute and accurate, as it has fallen to our 
lot to establish the species, we will describe the 
specimen before us. 

Total length, eight inches and a half. Bill one 
inch and a quarter long, and with the feet black: 
general colour above dark gray, deeper along the 
shafts of the feathers, principally on the head; a 
white broad line extends each side from the nos- 
trils over the eye; a narrow blackish line passes 

“through the eye, margined beneath by a white 
one dilated on the auricles, and divided under the 
eye into two branches, including a blackish line; 
from the inferior angle of the lower mandible pro- 
ceeds a well defined deep black line neatly mar- 
gining the throat, which is pure white: breast 
pale cinereous, which colour slightly tinges the 
flanks ; belly and inferior tail-coverts pure white: 
wings broad and long, reaching within three quar- 
ters of an inch of the tip of the tail; first primary 
subequal to the fourth, and but little shorter than 
the third, which is longest; smaller wing-coverts 
dusky ; middling coveris blackish, widely pale 
gray at tip; greater coverts and tertials blackish, 
margined with whitish; primaries deep black, 
slightly whitish at tip, and pure white at base; 
this colour is much confined on the first primary, but 
extends more and more on the succeeding feathers, 
until the ninth and tenth are totally white; this 
arrangement produces on the wing a broad white 


band, which dilates by degrees towards the body : 
shafts entirely black; secondaries black, white at 
tip; under wing-coverts very thick and long, and 
of a glittering white: tail even, black, dull whitish 
for three quarters of an inch at tip; exterior plume 
also whitish on the principal part of the outer 

8. Muscicara pullata, Nob. 

_ Cinerea ; alis caudaque forficata nigris ; rectrice!) 
extima latere exteriori alba. 

Total length, eight inches. Bill three quarters 
of an inch long, and nearly half an inch wide at 
base, black as well as the feet: general colour 
slate-gray, lighter beneath than above : head with 
a few obsolete dusky streaks along the shafts of — 
the feathers : throat and under wing-coverts whit- 
ish: whole wings, superior tail-coverts, and tail 
brownish-black : wings when closed, reaching to 
the middle of the tail; primaries rather slender 
at tip ; first equal to the seventh, third and fourth 
longest : fail four inches long, deeply forked ; outer 
web of the exterior feather white, to within half 
an inch of the tip. 

From the great width of its bill, this new spe- 
cies belongs decidedly to the genus Pratyrayncos 
of Desmarest, and no doubt Vieillot and most 
other Ornithologists, will consider it as such. I 
would, therefore, have called it Puatyruyncos pul- 


latus, were I not fully satisfied that it is as impro- 
per to separate Platyrhyncos from Muscicara, as 
Coccothraustes from Frineuta. These, in my opi- 
nion, are subgenera and not genera. 

9. Carrimuteus semitorquatus, Gmel. 

Nigricans rufo albidoque minutissime puncta- 
tus ; remigibus quatuor primis immaculatis medio 
fascia obliqua rufa; collo subtus lunula alba. 

_ I refer to this imperfectly known species, a spe- 
cimen of which I might as well constitute a new 
species. If, however, Buffon’s Pl. Enl. 734, in- 
tended for C. semitorquatus, be not excessively 
bad, it will be impossible to believe that our bird 
belongs to that species, and from the remarkable 
length of the bill, I should propose for it the name 
of Carrimutcus longirostris. Be this as it may, a 
description will certainly prove interesting to na- 
turalists, as a mere indication has been given .of 
the semitorquatus which has, besides, been erro- 
neously considered by some writers as a variety 
of C. grandis, a bird from which it is even sub- 
generically distinct. 

Total length, rather more than nine inches. 
Wings reaching two-thirds the length of the tail: 
bill one inch and a quarter long, and with the feet 
dusky: tube of the nostrils rather elevated: bristles 
around the bill remarkably stiff and large, much 
longer than the bill: nail of the middle toe very 



profoundly pectinated; the teeth somewhat carti- 
laginous: head, neck and body above, scapulars, 
and smaller wing-coverts black, spotted with bright 
ferruginous-rufous, and sprinkled all over with 
whitish ; the rufous spots brighter and thicker set 
on the head, scapulars, and rump; upper portion of 
the back almost destitute of them; at the junction 
of the neck and body these spots are of a paler 
tint, larger, and regularly disposed so as to indi- 
cate a kind of collar : space between the bill and eye, 
and throat, pale rufous, varied with some black: — 
neck beneath with a concealed white semicollar, 
the feathers of which are tipped with pale rufous: 
breast and upper portion of the belly blackish, 
varied with transverse, narrow, undulated bands 
of whitish and pale rufous: belly, flanks, vent, and 
under wing-coverts very pale rufous, somewhat 
intermixed with blackish: inferior tail-coverts of 
the same colour, almost immaculate: middling and 
greater wing-coverts blackish, sprinkled with whit- 
ish, and with a pale rufous spot at tip; quill fea- 
thers blackish, four outer ones with a single yellow- 
ish-rufous oblique band at the middle of their 
length; remaining ones slightly sprinkled, and 
with several yellowish-rufous spots or bands on 
their inner web: wings reaching two-thirds the 
length of the tail: tail even, deep blackish; the 
feathers crossed with about nine large bands, form- 
ed by whitish dots, becoming pale rufous on the 
margin and at tip of the feathers : lateral feathers 

VOL. Iv.—may, 1825, 49 


three or four banded, with plain pale rufous on 
the inner webs; the ¢wo outer ones with a large 
pure white square spot on the inner web at tip. _ 

We do not know the sex of this bird; and if a 
male, (which seems probable) we may infer that 
the female is destitute of the pure white semicol- 
lar and tail spots, they being, probably, pale rufous. 

10. Raxwus nigricans, Vieill. 

» Fusco-ardosiaceus, dorso alisque _ brunneo-oli- 
vaceis, uropygio caudaque nigris. 

Total length, thirteen inches and a half. - Bill 
more than two inches long, appearing to have 
been of a delicate apple green ; the feet were pro- 
bably red: naked space above the heel, (knee) 
nearly one inch; tarsus two inches and three 
quarters long; middle toe two inches and a half; 
lateral ones, two inches; posterior one, one inch 
long: head above, dark bluish-slate; neck above, 
brownish: back, scapularies, and upper wing- 
coverts bright greenish-brown; whole plumage at 
base, blackish-slate: throat whitish-slate: sides of 
the head and neck, and inferior part of the latter, 
pale slate; breast, belly, flanks, vent, and thighs 
slate-colour ; inferior tail-coverts black : rump and 
tail deep black: wings reaching exactly the tip 
of the tail, furnished at the base of the spurious. 
wing with a strong spinous process turned back- 
ward and adpressed to the wing; inferior wing- 


coverts of a beautiful chesnut, banded with black ; 
quill feathers dusky, tinged with ferruginous ; se- 
condaries edged externally with olive-brownish. 

This species belongs to the genus and subge- 
nus Raxrus, having the bill longer than the head, 
and the winglet furnished with a spine like Rattus 
aquaticus, virginianus, &c. It is the Ypacaha- 
obscuro of d’Azara, of which Vieillot has constitut- 
ed his Ratius nigricans; but as this latter author 
has never seen the bird, and some characters are 
overlooked, we have thought proper to fix the 
species by the above description. Although Vieil- 
lot’s name is not appropriate, we do not avail 
ourselves of our right to give the bird a new one, 
thinking that nothing is so detrimental to science 
as a complicated synonymy. 

Descriptions of two new species of Mexican Biens. 
By Cuartes Bonararte. Read April 27, 1825. 

Corvus, Linn. 
Subgenus Garrulus, Briss. 

C: ultramarinus. Ceruleus subtus cinerascenti- 

albidus, cauda equali. 
Length, thirteen inches. Bill one inch and a 


half long, strongly notched at tip, and with the 
feet black: incumbent setaceous feathers of the 
base of the bill, partly black and partly blue; 

whole plumage above, including the wings and taily 

bright azure, most vivid and somewhat sericeous 
on the head and tail coverts, duller and slightly 
intermixed with dusky on the back: inner webs 
and tips of the quill feathers dusky : shafts of the 
wings and tail feathers black: lora black; cheeks 
dull blackish-blue ; chin whitish, intermixed with 
black bristles; whole inferior surface dirty whit- 
ish, more tinged with cinereous on the anterior 
parts, and becoming purer towards the vent: in- 
ferior wing and tail-coverts slightly intermixed 
with blue; inferior surface of the wings and of the 
tail dusky-gray, the latter darker: wings when 
closed, reaching almost to the middle of the tail, 
which is seven inches long, and perfectly even at 

Amongst the numerous blue Jays and blue 
Magpies described by different authors, and mag- 
nificently figured of late, the pretensions of the 
present bird to novelty, will, at first. glance, be 
doubted ; yet it differs from all by some of its posi- 
tive and negative characters, and from the greater 
number by not having any white on the tail, nor 
black on the head; the most closely allied species. 
is certainly the Florida Jay, (Corvus floridanus, 
Bartr.) very perfect specimens of which have just 
been brought home by Mr. T. Peale, amongst 


other valuable objects of Natural History. Mr. 
T. Peale has drawn on the spot that fine bird, 
which was not noticed by Wilson; and his draw- 
ing will embellish the second volume of my Ameri- 
can Ornithology. The present species comes so 
near to it as not to be immediately distinguished, 
but its larger size and principally its even tail, 
prove it a distinct species; the back, though also 
somewhat intermixed with dusky, is bluer than 
that of the Florida Jay, and indeed the whole 
azure colour is somewhat more brilliant; the bluish 
collar is wanting, and the under tail-coverts are 
much less tinged with blue; the wings are more- 
over proportionally longer. . 

Icrerus, Briss. 
Subgenus Cassicus, Lacep. 

Icrerus melanicterus. Niger cristatus; uropygio, 
tectricibus alarum, crisso, caudaque luteis ; rectri- 
cibus, mediis totis, lateralibus exteriori margine, 

Male. Length eleven inches and a half. 

Bill three quarters of an inch long, pale bluish- 
white : feet blackish: general plumage glossy black: 
front with a crest of slender, recurved feathers, 
two inches long: greater part of the wing-coverts, 
lower portion of the back, rump, superior and infe- 
rior tail-coverts, bright yellow : tail rounded : mid- 

dle feathers entirely black, yellow only under the 


coverts; remaining feathers yellow, the two or three 
outer ones blackish on their exterior web. 

Female one inch less than the male, and per- 
fectly similar in disposition of colour; dusky-black- 
ish where the male is black, and the yellow colour 
less vivid: crest much shorter and less obvious ; 
the small feathers behind the nostrils, in our spe- 
cimen, are spotted with dull yellowish: all the 
lateral tail feathers blackish on the outer web; the 
Jifth on each side entirely margined with that 


This species is most closely related to Ortotus 
persicus, Linn. (Casstcus icteronotos, Vieill.) but the 
remarkable crest and different disposition of the 
yellow and black on the tail, the feathers of which 
in that species are all yellow at base and black at 
tip, prove it specifically distinct; the bill is be- 
sides somewhat longer and more compressed at 

With these birds, which were sent from Mexi- 
co by Dr. Samuel M‘Clellan, was received a spe- 
cimen of the interesting Frinemta grammaca, Say, 
figured in the first Volume of my Am. Orn., thus 
corroborating the opinion that the birds of the 
Rocky Mountains are also inhabitants of Mexico: 


aaeeaNe of the Library | 
Natural Scier 


601. Audouin (J. V.) Mémoire sur P’Aschlysie, nouveau genre 
@’Arachnides trachéenes. Paris, 1823, 4to. 

602. Aiton (Wm.) Hortus Kewensis, vols. 2 and 3. London, 
1789, 2 vols. 8vo. 

603. Barton (W. P. C.) A Flora of North America, illustrated 
by coloured figures drawn from nature, vols. 1—3, 
Philad. 1821—3, 3 vols. 4to. . 

604i ge Se Vegetable NV ateria Medica of the Uni- 
ted States. Philadelphia, 2 vols. 1821, 4to. 

605. Bellingeri (C. F.) De Medulla spinali, nervisque ex ew 
prodeuntibus, annotationes anatomico-physiologice. Au- 
guste Taurinorum, 1823, 4to. 

606. Benuti (S. G. M.) Essay on Light and Vision. Turin, 4to. 

607. Boccone (__) Recherches et observations naturelles, &c. 
Amsterdam, 1 vol. 12mo. : 

608. Brewster (D.) Description of the Hopeite, a new mineral. 

_ Edinburgh, 4to. 

609. Bigsby (J. J.) Notes on the Geography and Geology of 
Lake Huron, London, 1824. 4to. 

610. Brongniart (Ad.) Observations sur les Fucoides et sur 
quelques autres plantes marines fossiles. Paris, 1823, 4to. 

611. Cadell (W. A.) Journey through Carniola and Italy. — 
burgh, 1820, 2 vols. 8vo. 

612. Drapiez (A.) Tableau analytique des Minéraux.: Lille, 


Coup d’ceil minéralogique et géologique 


614. Dir¥ (si Q 
delphia, 182 By 

615. rum, necnon generis novi Ale- 
; g. Fol. eS 
616. are moire sur une éspece d’Insectes des 

617. Férussac (Baron de) Notice sur le genre Etheries trouvées 
dans le Nil par Mr. Cailland. Paris, 1823, 4to. _ 

618. Godman (J. D.) Anatomical investigations, ceo 
descriptions of several dam of the human body, &¢ 
Philadelphia, 1824, 8v0. 

619. Gmelin (J. F.) Systema late, &e. Lipsiz, 1793, 3 vols. 

620. Jussieu (A. L. de) ra plantarum secundum ordines 

di curavit notisque aa. die 

1791, 8yo. 

on the genus Salamander, and 
description of a mew genus of quadrupeds of the order 
Edentata. New York, 1825, 8vo. 

622. Hibbert (S.) Sketches of the Philosophy of Apipilicans; 
Edinburgh, 1824, 12mo. 

571. Hooker (Wm. J.) Exotic Flora, Parts Rreenbls riage 

623. Humboldt (A. de) Essai géognostique sur le sietsioat des 
roches dans les deux hémispheres. Paris, 1823, &vo. 

624. Humphrey (G.) Directions for collecting and preserving — 
all kinds of natural curiosities. ty 1776, 12mo. 

MS. ey = 

625. Keating (Wm. H.) Narrative of an expedition. to the 
source of the St. Peters, &c. Philadelphia, 1824. 2 vols. 
8yo. , 

626. Leslie (John) Description of instruments designed for e ex- 
tending and improving Meteorological Observations. 
Edinburgh, 1820, 8yo. j 

621, Harlan (R.) Ob 


627. Lasteyrie (Comte de) Collection de machines, instruments 
et constructions usités dans économie rurale, domes- 
tique et industrielle avec planches lithographiées. Paris, 
1821, 2 tomes, 4to. 

628. Lehmann (J. G.) Indicem scholarum publice privatimque 
in Hamburgensim gymnasio academico observationes 
zoologice presertim in faunam Hamburgensem. vhnyer 
prim. Hamburgii, 1822, 4to. 

183. Lamarck (Chev. de) Histoire naturelle des animaux sans 
vertebres, vols. v. vi. and vii. Paris, 1818—19—22, 3 
vols. 8vo. . 

184, The same, vols. vi. and vii. Paris, 
1819-—22, 2 vols. 8vo. 

629. Maclean (C.) The evils of quarantine laws, and non-exist- 
ence of pestilential contagions. London, 1824, 8yo. 

630. Macfadigan (J.) Arrangement of quadrupeds and birds, 

»according to orders and genera. Glasgow, 1824, 8vo. 

631. Marrat (Wm.) A new method of working lunar observa- 
tions, with a demonstration of the rules. Liverpool, 
1823, 8yo. 

632. Metaxa (L.) Monografia dé Serpenti di Roma e suoi con- 
torni. Roma, 1823. Fol. 

633. Quoy et Gaimard. Remarques sur quelques poissons de 
mer et sur leur distribution géographique. Paris, 1825, 

634. Observations sur quelques Mollus- 
ques et Zoophytes envisagés comme les causes de la 
phosphorescence de la mer. Paris, 8vo. 

635. Radio (J.) Dissertatio de Pyrola et Chimaphila, specimen 
primum botanicum. Lipsie, 1821, 4to. 

636. Rousseau (E.) Mémoire sur le Cresson de Para. MS. Fol. 

637. — (E.) Apereusur les propriétés febrifuges du Houx. 
Paris, 8vo. 
638. (L. F. E.) Dissertation sur la premiere et la se- 

conde dentition. Paris, 1820, 4to. 
VOL. IV.—-May, 1825. AO . 



© 641. 








Roxburgh (W.) Flora Indica, edited by W. Carey, M. D. 
with descriptions of plants recently discovered, by N. 
Wallich, M. D. vol. ii: Serampore, 1822, 8vo. 

Scopoli (J. A.) Deliciea Flore et Faune insubrice. Paris, 
1786, Part I. Fol. 

. St. Fargeau (A. P. de) Monographia Tenthredinetarum 

synonima extricata. Parisiis, 1823, 12mo. 

. Sternberg (Gaspard de) Essai d’un éxposé géognostico-— 

botanique de la flore du monde primitif.. Leipsic et 
Prague, 3me livr. Fol. 

Van Rensselaer (J.) An essay on Salt. New York, 1823, 
8vo. ‘ 

Vaux (R.) An oration delivered on the 18th of January, 
1825, before the Philadelphia Society for promoting 
Agriculture. Philadelphia, 1825, 8yo. 

Valenciennes (A.) Sur le sous-genre Marteau, Zigena, 
4to. . 5° 

Description du Cernie, Polyprion cer- 

nium, 4to. 

Villefosse (A. M. H.) Rapport fait au Jury central de 
Vindustrie nationale en 1823, (partie metallurgique.) 
Paris, 1823. 

Webster (M. H.) A Catalogue of Minerals, 1824, 12mo. 

Wiedemann (C. R. G.) Manus rectoris in academia Chris- 
tiana Albertina, additurus analecta entomologica, &c. 
Kilie, 1824, 4to. 

Wilson (A.) Outlines of lectures on the elements of ma- 
thematics, delivered in the school of arts, during the 
session of 1822—23. Edinburgh, 1823, 8vo. 

Wilson (Alex.) ‘The natural history of the birds of the 
United States, a new edition, with additions, by George 
Ord. Philadelphia, 1824, vols. vii. and viii. 4to. 

Woodbridge (Wm. C.) and Willard (E.) Universal Geogra- 
phy, ancient and modern, on the principles of compari- 
son and classification. Hartford, 1824, 12mo. 

. Memorie della Reale Academia delle scienze di Torino. 

tom. 27. Torino, 4to. 


599. Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York, 
Nos. 5—8. New York, 1824—5, 8vo. 

651. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol ix. 
Edinburgh, 1821, 4to. 

212. Annales des Mines, No. 4, vol. 8. Paris, 1823, 8yo. ; 

212. bis. -_—_——— Nos. 1, 2, 3, vol. ii. No. 4, vol. iii, 
Paris, Svo. 

210. Transactions of the Society for the promotion of the use- 
ful arts in the state of New York, vol. iv. Part Il. Al- 
bany, 1819, 8vo. 

652. Rapports de la Societé de Flore de Bruxelles. Juillet, 
1822, Fey. et Juill. 1823, et Fev. et Juill. 1824. Bruxelles, 
5 pamphlets, 8vo. 

653. Rapport fait & l’Académie Royale des sciences de Paris, 
par le Baron de Cuvier sur un ouvrage de Mr. Au- 
douin ayant pour titre, Recherches anatomiques sur le 

’ thorax des animaux articulés. Paris, 1823, 4to. 

$54. Annales des Scienc aturelles. Paris, 1824. No, 1, et 
Atlas. bd 

523. The American Journal of Sciences and the Arts, edited 
by Benjamin Silliman. New Haven, 1824, vol. viii. 8vo, 

600. Builetin general et universel des annonces et des nouvelles 
scientifiques, publié par le Baron de Ferussac. Paris, 
1823, Nos. 11 and 12, 8yo. 

655. Bulletin des Sciences naturelles et de Geologie, publié par 
le Baron de Ferussac, vols. 1—3. Paris, 1824, 3 yols. 8vo, 

656. Mémoires sur les questions proposées par l’academie roy- 
ale des sciences et belles-lettres de Bruxelles, qui ont 
remporté les prix en 1820. Bruxelles, 1822, 2 vols. 4to, 

522. Revue Encyclopedique, No. 24. tom. 8. Paris, 8vo, 

528. Journal de Physiologie experimentale et pathologique par 
F, Magendie, No. 4, tom. 2. Paris, 1822, 8vo. 

657. Boston Journal of Philosophy and the Arts, conducted by 
J. W. Webster, M. D. John Ware, M. D, and Daniel 
Treadwell, Nos. 1—10. Boston, 1823—5, 8vo. 

658. Zoological Journal, conducted by Thomas Bell, J. G. Chil 


dren, S. de C. Sowerby, and G. B. Sowerby, Esq. Nos. 
1—3. London, 1824, 8vo. 

659. The Mechanic’s Chronicle, No. 1. London, 1824, 8vo. 

660. Catalogue of the Library of the American Philosophical ~ 
Society. Philadelphia, 1824, 8vo. 

661. A descriptive catalogue of the minerals in the systematic 
collection of the museum of Trinity College, Dublin. 
Dublin, 1818, 8vo. 

662. The Westminster Review, Nos. 1—3. London, 1824, Bo. 

663. The Hive, or Weekly Register of remarkable events, &c. 

, vols, 1—4. London, 4 vols. 8vo. 

664. The Literary Humbug, or Weekly Take In, vol. 1. Lon- 
don, 1823, 8vo. 

665. The Bonne Bouche, vol. i. London, 1824, 8vo. 

666. The Glasgow Mechanic’s Magazine and Annals of Philo- 
sophy, vol. i. Glasgow, 1824, 8vo. 

667. The Mechanic’s Magazine, vols. 1 and 2. Locdies! 10294, 
2 vols. 8vo. 

668. The Chemist, vol. i. London, 1824, 8vo. 

669. The Medical Adviser, vels. 1 and 2. London, 1824, 8yo. 

670. The Artisan, or Mechanic’s Instructer. London. 

671. The Economist and General Adviser. London, 8vo. 

672. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction, 
vols. 1—3. London, 1823—4, 3 vols. 8vo. 

*3 Maps of Jamaica, by Robertson. 

List of Donors to the Library of the Academy of 
Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 

With reference to the numbers affixed in the foregoing catalogue to the 
books presented by them respectively. 

Royal Academy of Sciences of Turin, 541. 

Royal Society ,of Edinburgh, 651. 

Royal Academy of Sciences and Belles Lettres, Brussels, 656. 

Conseil des Mines, Paris, 212. 

Society for the promotion of the useful arts in the State of New 
York, Albany, 210. 

Lyceum of Natural History, New York, 599. 

American Philosophical Society, 660. 

Philadelphia Society for promoting Agriculture, 642. 

N. Wallich, M. D. Calcutta, 344. 

C. F. Bellingeri, Turin, 605. 

S. G. M. Benuti, Turin, 606. 

A. D. Drapiez, Brussels, 613, 652. 

E. Poeppig, Leipzig, 628. 

J. Radio, Leipzig, 635. 

C. R. G. Wiedemann, Keil, Saxony, 647. 

Gaspard Comte de Sternberg, Prague, 506. 

Adolph Brongniart, Paris, 610, 654. 

J. V. Audouin, Paris, 601, 653. 

A. G. Desmarest, Paris, 616. 

Baron de Ferussac, Paris, 600, 617, 655. 

A. P. de St. Fargeau, Paris, 640. 

Gaimard, Paris, 633, 634, 

E. Rousseau, Paris, 636, 637, 638. 

A. M. H. Villefosse, Paris, 645. 


A. Valenciennes, Paris, 643, 644. 

David Brewster, Edinburgh, 608. 

Wm. J. Hooker, Glasgow, 571. 

C. E.and J. de C. Sowerby, London, 658. 

J. J. Bigsby, H. B. M. army, 609, 623. 

Wm. C. Woodbridge, Hartford, Conn, 650 4 igh 

J. Van Rensselaer, Albany, 641. 

M. H. Webster, 646. 

Benjamin Silliman, New Haven, 523. 

J. W. Webster, M. D, Boston, 657. 

Samuel Betton, M. D. Germantown.* 

Wm. Maclure, 522, 528, 611, 622, 626, 627, 629, 630, 648, 659, 
661, 662, 663, 664, 665, 666, 667, 668, 669, 670, 671,672. 

George Ord, 649. . 

Charles Bonaparte, Prince of Musignano, 612, 632, 

J. B. Wood, M. D. 614. 

James Read, 615, 639. 

John D. Godman, M. D. 618. 

T. F. Leaming, 624. 

Richard Harlan, M. D. 221. 

Wm. H. Keating, 212. bis. 

Francis Nichols, 631. : 

Isaac Hays, M. D. 607. m7 

8. H. Long, T. Say, and W. H. Keating, 625. 

List of Donations to the Museum of the Academy 

of Natural Sciences. 
From December, 1823, to January, 1825. 
Articles presented. ~ Donors. | When presented. 
Gryllus albipes from Brazil. Dr. Hays. January. 
Crocodilus lucius from South Ame- 

: Dr. J. K. Mitchell. 
_ Tica. 

Exocetus volitans from the Atlan- 
tic ocean. 

Shells, eleven species, from the 
West Indies. 

Minerals, five specimens, from beth 
Connecticut. : fo. preg — 
Sciurus cinereus. 
Brown iron ore, from Barnhill 
Church, Montgomery county, ) Z. Collins. 

Shells, fossil, twenty-eight. speci- 

mens from the chalk formation$ N. Ware. March, 
in England. 

Cone of the Pinus Australis. R. Haines. 

Shells. G. Ord. April. 

Collection of East Indian spices 
and Chinese squirrel. t Dr. Harlan. 

Skin of the Moschus moschatus. J. Archer. 

Minerals, four specimens, from 
Rhode Island. , M. Brown. 

Manganesian Garnet from near 
Germantown. i G. Spackman. 

Crystal of Epidote from Virginia. A. Dupont. 
Box of Minerals from Spain. W. Maclure. May. 
Rana halecina. J. Gilliams, 


Two bottles of marine animals 
from the Gulf stream. , , A Bedweu 
Coral, (large specimen.) J. Robbins, 
Shells, four species, from the East Oe: Mastek 
Flower of the Chiranthodendron, 
and a specimen of the Prionus ) J. Lea. 
Silver ore from the mine of Va- 
lenciana, and copper ore from > N. Biddle. 
Mexico. , ; 
Cast ofa tooth of the Megatherium. TT. Peale. 
Diseased egg. J. Gilliams. 
Three internal casts of shells. Col. Carr. 
Sepiola, found in the stomach of a 

Scomber thynnus, from the In- } J. Read. 
dian ocean. 

Shells, twenty-one species, from 
the Mediterranean. 

Shells, fossil, eighty-one species, 
from the Paris basin. 

Fossils, forty-three specimens, from ne 
the Lehigh. : Dr. R. E. Griffith. 

Shells, twenty-eight species, from 
the West Indies, F: pn 
Salamandra venenosa from Penn. Dr. Harlan. 
Alasmodonta arquata. W. Stewart. 
Coluber saurita from Harrowgate. J. Gilliams. 
Venus mercenaria from Charles- 
ton harbour, South Carolina, > Lt. Graham, 
(very large specimen.) 
Venus litterata, American coast. R. Haines. 
Minerals, five specimens from : 
Edenton, North Carolina. 1 Ra Suaith. 
Insects, nine species ; Asteria, one 
species ; Spongia, three species ; : 
Shells, eight species; Echinus, } Lewis Vanuxem. 

seven species, from Matanzas, 

Esox. J. Gilliams. 

C. A. Lesueur. 




a as % 
we ATA 



Baron Von Struve, Ham- 

Minerals from Norway, Sweden, 
and Germany, thirty-five speci- 

mens. ia! 
Skull of an Indian found in the vi- 
cinity of Niagara, supposed to > T. Fisher, 
have been of the Erie nation. 
Coluber ordinatus and young. J. Gilliams. 

Insects, two hundred species from 
South America. 

Chalcedony, two specimens from 

Thirty-three specimens of “i ae 

eet Hays. September. 

Tr. Fisher. 

illustrative ot the geology of the 
district adjoining the Erie canal 
in the state of New York 

Amphiuma means from Florida. 

Box of Prehnites and Zeolites from 

British Insects, one hundred and 
twenty species. 

Minerals, five specimens from 

Fossil wood, two te from 
Darlington court-house, Caro- 

Gen. Ven Ransselaer. 

N. Ware. ~ 
Wm. Maclure. October. 

Dr. Coates. 

A. E. Jessup. 

Dr. Blanding. 

Hirudo, three new species. Exploring perty to the tiy- 

er St. Peter. 
Fish, three species. J. Gilliams. 
Qstrus hominis. Dr. Brick. 
Margarita from the Pacific ocean. -—~— Oldmixon. 
Unio, from Hudson river. J. Lea. November. 

Fossil shells, seven species from Sy 
Maryland. J. Gilliams. 

Box of seeds, Dr. Wallich, Calcutta. 
Shells, sixteen species from Alva- Pe 

rado. r rf 
appa of a Productus, rae a ey Teceiber. 
Coluber, East Indies. Capt. Jefferson. 

VOL. IV.—MAy, 1825 51 


Specimen of ticks from the Cyclu- 
ra carinata, from Turks Island. > Dr. Harlan. 
Teniz, from the Cyclura teres. 

Skin of a Boa constrictor from 
South America, twenty-one feet } Dr. J. K. Mitchell. 

Box of minerals from Ireland. Wm. Maclure. 

Skins of two Panthers, and horns? ; 4,-. 
of the Cervus virginianus, t J Mitchell, Centre Vo. 

a ‘ 

The Academy have great pleasure in acknowledging the 
donation of Plate III, from Mr. J. Gilliams; Plate XVII, from 
Mr. W. W. Wood, and Plate XXII, from Mr. Ord. _ Mr. Ord has 

likewise, with great liberality, permitted the use of Plates XX, 
and XXI, 



Acanthia interstitialis, 
Acheta exigua, 
Agama cornuta, 
Agathidium pallidum, 
Alauda alpestris, 
Alcedo alcyon, 
Altica bimarginata, 
nana, , 
Ampelis americana, 
Amphidesma subovata, 

Anastasia Island, testace- 

ous formation of 

Andalusite, new form of 

Aradus 4-lineatus, 

Arca arata, 

Aryicola riparia, 

Astarte undulata, 150 
vicina, 151 

Blastoidea 293 
Blennius geminatus, 278 
hentz, 363 
hermenier, 361 
punctatus, 279 
Buccinum aratum, 127 
porcinum, 126 

Calamine, 8 
Calyptrea costata, 132 
grandis, 131 
Caprimulgus americanus, 261 
carolinensis, 260 


vociferus, 262 
Capromys furnieri, 14 

prehensilis, ‘11 

Caryocrinites loricatus, 291 
ornatus, 290 

Catalogue of the Library, 391 
Cephaloptera giorna, 115 
Certhia caroliniana, 28 
familiaris, 27 
maculata, 27 


Certhia palustris, 30 

Cercopis obtusa, 339 
quadrangularis, 338 
Chelonura serpentina, 
206, 217 
Cicada aurifera, 332 
dorsata, 331 
marginata, 330 
parvula, 333 
pruinosa, 330 
synodica, 334 
Cistuda clausa, 205, 214 
odorata, ~ 206, 216 
pensylvanica, 206, 216 
Coccinella abdominalis, 95 
albifrons, 94 
bioculata, 94 
humeralis, 95 
mali, 93 
parenthesis, 93 
tibialis, 94 
undulata, 92 
20-maculata, 96 
Coluber amenus, ~ 237 
rigidus, 239 
7-vittatus, 240 
Columba carolinensis, 264 
migratoria, 264 
passerina, 265 

Committee of Publication, 202 

Corbula cuneata, 152 
inequale, 153 
Coreus alternatus, 317 
armigerus, 319 
lateralis, 320 
ordinatus,, 318 
Corixia alternata, 329 
interrupta, 328 
Corvus ultramarinus, 387 
Crassatella undulata, 143 
Crocodilus, fossil, 15 
Curvirostra americana, 42 
Cyclura carinata, 25 
teres, 250 


Cydnus bilineatus, 

spinifrons, 316 
Cytherea convexa, 149 
concentrica, 150 

Delphax tricarinata, 3317 

Dendrocolaptes angustirostris, 

Dentalium attenuatum, 154 
Dispotea, 131 

Emberiza americana, 45 
ciris, 50 

pe a 
47, 276 
graminea, 51 
leucophrys, — 51 
nivalis, — 50 
oryzivora, 47 
pecoris, 48 
Emys biguttata, 205, 212 
centrata, 205, 211 
geographica, 204, 210 
glutinata, + 205, 213 
picta, 205, 211 
punctata, 205, 212 
reticularia, 204, 209 
scabra, 204, 210 
serrata, 204, 208 
Endomychus biguttatus, 96 

Exocetus appendiculatus, 283 


Falco borealis and leveriants, 
~ 269 

hyemalis and lineatus, 
lagopus, 270 
mississippiensis, 270 
Fissurella redimicula, 132 

Flata bivittata, 
Fringilla albicollis, 
Fulgora sulcipes, 
Fulgur canaliculatus, 
Fusus 4-costatus, 


Gracula ferruginea, 

Gryllus bivittatus, 


Hirundo americana, 

Holothuria aglutinata, 





Holothuria lapidifera, 

Es r 

Icterus melanicterus, 
Isocardia fraterna, 

tus of 


Lanius carolinensis, 
Loxia cardinalis, 
Lucina anodonta, 
Lygeus bicrucis, 



Modiola opifex, 
Monasa fusca, 
meres canadensis, 


Janthina, floating appara- 



Mastodon, os hyoides of the 67 

406 INDEX. 
Muscicapa nunciola, 168 Restramite pyriformis, _ 294 
olivacea, 176 | Perdix virginiana, » 268 
pullata, 383 | Phalacrus pallipes, 90 
pusilla, 179, 277 penicillatus, 91 
querula, 169 | Pholis 9-lineatus, 280 
rapax, 168 4-fasciatus,» 282 
ruticilla, 171 | Picus carolinus, 275 
solitaria, 174 rubricollis, 373 
sylvicola, 173 | Pipra polyglotta, 251 
tenioptera, 380 | Plesiosaurus, 232 
tyrannus, 166 | Plicatula marginata, 136 
Miliobatus freminvillii, | 111 | Pselaphus carinatus, 97 
F dentatus, 99 
N. riparius, 98 
Psittacus carolinensis, 273 
Natica interna, 125 
Neotoma floridana, 346 R. 
Nucula concentrica, 141 
levis, 141 | Raia chantenay, 106 
desmarestia, 100 
oO. eglantiera, 103 
Rallus nigricans, 386 
Officers for the year 1825, 201 | Reduvius raptatorius, 327 
Oriolus mutatus, = 274- spissipes, 228 
Ostrea compressirostra, 132 
2, ‘ 
Salamandra punctatissima, 306 
Panopea reflexa, 153 | Scincus bicolor, 286 
Paradoxus boltoni, 365 erythrocephalus, 288 
Parus atricapillus, 253 | Scolopsis sayanus 81 
bicolor, 255 | Seps 6-lineata, 284 
Pecten clintonius, 135 | Serpula granifera, 154 
jeffersonius, 133 | Sigmodon hispidum, 354 
madisonius, 134 | Sitta carolinensis, 25 
septenarius, 136 pusilla, 26 
Pectunculus suboyatus, 140 varia, 25, 275 
Pentatoma arborea, 311 | Strix asio and nevia, 272 
clanda, 312 otus, 271 
exapta, 313 | Sturnus predatorius, 31 
faceta, 315 | Sylvia agilis, 199 
meraca, 314 blackburnie, 195 
punctipes, 313 calendula, 185 
Pentramite florealis, 295 canadensis, 191 
globosa, 293 castanea, 189 

“di 2 
: INDEX. 407 
Sylvia chrysoptera, — 190 | Tetrao umbellus, 266 
citrinella, 190 Fertigants basilaris, 344 
coerulea, 193 comes, — 343 
coronata, 192 limbata, 340 
domestica, 187 mixta, 341 
flavicollis, 188 obliqua, ~~ 342 
formosa, 197 8-lineata, 340 
magnolia, 194 trifasciata, 343 
maritima, 200 | Tingis oblonga, 325 
marylandica, 186 | Tridactylus apicialis, © 310 
minuta, 197 | 'Trionyx ferox, 207, 218 
montana, 199 | Triplax biguttata, 89 
parus, 200 sanguinipennis, 89 
pennsylvanica, 189 thoracica, 89 
peregrina, 196 | Trochilus colubris, 30 
pusilla, 197, 199 | 'Trygon sabina, 109 
petechia, 198 | Turdus aquaticus, 34,275 
philadelphia, 189 aurocapillus, 35 
pinus, 194 lividus, 36 
5 protonotarius, | 195 migratorius, 35 
BS pusilla, 199 melodus, 33 
fara, « 197 mustelinus, 34 
regulus, 186 ottos, | a32 
ruficapilla, - 197 ‘ - 33 
sialis, 184 solitarius, 33, 275 
solitaria, 189 | Turritella plebeia, 125 
striata, , 499 3 ‘ 
troglodytes, * 187 Ve 
WiPehs ca _ 892 ‘ 
vermivora, ~ 196 | Venericardia granulata, 142 
Venus deformis, 148 
i. paphia, 149 
Vultur atratus, , 269 
Tanagra estiva, 53 
flava, 377 Sy: 
ludoviciana, 54 = aS 
rubra, 53 | Zinc, carbonate of 8 
Teillina equistriata, 145 | Zinc ores of Franklin, = 220 
Testudo denticulata, 208 | Zinc ore, red 6 
polyphemus, 204, 207 | Zinc, siliceous oxide of 8 
Tetrao cupido, 267 


Prate I. 




Fig. 1. Portion of the lower jaw of a fossil Crocodile, 
right side, lateral view. 
2. Anterior view of the same. 4 
3, 4, 5. Different views of a fossil vertebre. 
6,7. Two views of a vertebre from another 
part of the column. 
8. Fossil tooth of Crocodile, natural size. 

Os hyoides of the Mastodon, 

Fig. 1. Basis front view, two-thirds natural size. 
2. Appendix, do. do. do. 
3. Cornu, do. do. do. 

5. Feldspar, primitive. 
6. Feldspar, progressive. 
Scolopsis sayanus. 

. Raia desmarestia. 

Fig. 1. Dorsal view. 
2. Ventral view (imperfect.) 
a. Spines exterior to the eyes, 
b. Spines of the pectoral fins. 

. Raia chantenay. 

Fig. 1. Male, ventral view. 
2. Male, dorsal view. 
3. Female, dorsal view. 
4. Female, ventral view. 
5. Fringed appendice of the nostrils. 
6. Spine of the pectoral fins. 
7. Mouth. 
- Teeth. 
Cephaloptera Bae. 
Fig. 1. Ventral view with the appendages reflected. 
2. Foetus, ventral view, the appendages in the 
natural position. . 
3. Foetus, dorsal view, the appendages partly 
4. Foetus, lower part of the back and tail. 


YOL, Iv.—-May, 1825. 52 









. Fossil shells, 


Fossil shells. 
Fig. 1. Turritella plebeia. 
2. Natica interna. 
3. Buccinum porcinum. 
4, ———— aratum. 
5, Fusus 4-costatus. 
6. Dispotea grandis. 
7. Fusus cinereus. 
Fossil shells. 
Fig. 1. Fissurella redimicula. 
2. Ostrea compressirostra. 
3. Dentalium attenuatum. 
4. Serpula granifera. 
Fossil shells. 
Fig. 1. Pecten jeffersonius. 
Te clintonius. 
. Plicatula marginata. 
. Astarte undulata, 

Dore oo 

Fig. 1. Arca arata. 
~ centenaria. 
—— incile. : 
. Pectunculus subovatus. 
. Nucula levis. 
- Tellina equistriata. 
. Lucina contracta. 
Fossil shells. 
Fig. 1. Isocardia fraterna. 
2. Crassatella undulata. 
Fossil shells. 
Fig. 1. Venericardia granulata. 
2. Venus deformis, 
3. Cytheria convexa. 
Fossil shells. 
Fig. 1. Lucina cribraria. 
2. Corbula cuneata. 
oe inequale, 
4. Panopea reflexa. 
Fig. 1. Dorsal vertebra of a Plesiosaurus. 
2, 3, 4. Views of a tooth of a Saurien reptile. 
5. Teeth of Squalus, from the coast of Africa, 
a, from upper, b. from lower jaw. 

OAH oH wo 







6. Teeth of Squalus perlon, from Adventure Bay. 
a. from upper, b. from lower jaw. 
7. Teeth of Squalus cuvier, from the coast of 
N. Holland. 
a. from upper, b. from lower jaw. 

Cyclura carinata. 

Cyclura teres, . 

Fig. 1. Pholis quadrifasciatus. 

2. Exocetus appendiculatus. 

Fig. 1. Scincus bicolor. — 

2. Seps sexilineata. 

Fig. 1. Agama vultuosa. 

2. Modiola opifex imbedded in its mound, mag- 

a. external, b. internal view, magnified. 

Agama cornuta. 

b. c. spines, d. section of a spine. 

Neotoma floridana. 0) 

Fig. 1. Neotoma floridana, profile view of the jaws 


2. Lower jaw, left side, with the alveolar pro- 
cess removed, in order to exhibit the 
roots of the teeth, natural size. 

. Molares of the upper jaw, left side, magnified. 

- Molares of the lower jaw, left side, magnified. 

. Sigmodon hispidum, profile view of the jaws, 

. Lower jaw, natural size, left side, with the 
alveolar process removed, to exhibit the 
roots of the teeth. 

7. Molares of the upper jaw, left side, magnified. 

8. Molares of the lower jaw, left side, magnified. 

Paradoxus boltoni. 

a Ob co 



Page 8, line 24, for dihedral read trihedral. 
26, A, for 322, read 323, 
24, for there, read this. 
27, 14, for 16, read *16. 
30, 23, for Polytmus read Orthorh 5 
31, 7, dele ‘* referring to.” 
34, A, add T. fuscus, Gmel. Lath. 
3 from the bottom, for aquatius read aquaticus. 
36, 4, for 568, read 556. ‘ 
47, 21, add E. ferruginea, Gmel. Lath. female. 
59, 2, from ie bottom, for Passerina read Spiza. 
last line, dele the *. ; 
60, dele the 9th line. 
63, 9, dele and Emberiza Seruginea. 
11, dele numerous. 
dele last line. 
143, 2 from the last, dele «2. 
152, 17, for 3, read 2. 
169, —_ 5, from the bottom, for his, read this. 
170, 14, for exteriore read exterior. 
last line, for with the, read with. 
182, 18, for But we, read We. 
197, 3, for 84, read 85. 
5 for Bask pole Black-poll 
199, 15, for B read § 
208, .- 11,for eb ge Cistuda. 
last line, for reticulata read reticularia. 
209, passim the same. 
214, 9, tor Cistudo, read Cistuda. 
231, 6, for 9.20, read 92.0. 
8, for 98.0, read 88.0. 
254, 3 from the bottom, for canadensisutric apillus, read 
atricapillus canadensis. 
262,+ 13 and 14, dele Vieill. pl. 28. 
274,- 2, for this genus read the genus Ieterus. 
275, 12, insert 56, before Picus. : 
313, 19, for punctipes read meracq. 
351, 3, dele and figured: 

QH Academy of Natural Sciences 
1 of Philadelphia 
Al9 Journal 




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