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KiMBAi^r^  Family  in  America. 


1900  AND  1901. 




^  1634 


i  tTbe 



1  &-        IRews. 



jg^    Seeing  Supplemental  to  JCiwball  D-amily  Mistory.    J^^ 

m^^^  ^mM^^^wmim^^^0m0m00^mh 

^   Volume   S.  Dto.    1 .    ifj^ 

.|,  JAINLARY,  1900-  ^ 

.X*j,  Kntered  for  transmission  in  tbe  mails  as  second  class.  >iwy 


G.  F.  KIMBALL,  Topeka,  Kansas. 
SP'riee  One  2) o liar  a  ^ear. 

uLimbcill''\J*amily  JiLews 

Vol.  ill,  No.  7  G   F.  KIMBALL,  Publisher.  Terms  $1.00  a  year. 

Topeka,  Siansas,  January,  1900.^ 

mwti   ms    iniMii  I 


Family  History,  Page  940 

Albert  Barney  Kimball,  not  Burnej  as  given  in  History  ) 
was  born  on  a  Kansas  farm  near  Manhattan,  Kansas,  March  16, 
1871.  Went  throug-h  the  various  vicissitudes  of  the  life  of  a 
country  pioneer  in  the  west.  At  the  age  of  fourteen  entered  the 
State  Agricultural  College,  graduated  therefrom  in  1889,  the 
youngest  but  one  in  a  class  of  twenty-five  and  fourth  in  scholar- 
ship. Began  life  with  a  fair  education,  a  pair  of  hands,  and  a 
teacher's  certificate,  taught  school  for  several  years  in  Riley 
county.  Went  to  Scandia,  Republic  county,  in  1893.  Taught 
in  the  city  school.  Bought  the  Scandia,  Journal  in  March,  1895, 
and  has  since  published  it.  In  1896  was  a  member  of  the  Repub- 
lican National  Convention  which  nominated  McKinley  in  St. 
Louis,  having  been  elected  from  the  Pifth  Congressional  Dis- 
trict.    Was  secretary  of  the  Republican    Senatorial    Committee 

Kimball  Family  News 

that  year  and  made  speeches  thr(>ug-h<^ut  the  district  for  the  Re- 
publican ticket.  Was  appointed  postmaster  at  Scandia,  May  8, 
1897.  Was  married  June  23,  1H'»7.  to  Miss  Myrtle  C.  Whaley  of 
Manhattan.  Two  children,  Edith  L.  and  Carrie  B.  Is  not  rich 
and  never  will  be,  but  has  accumulated  full}'  S5,O00  worth  of 
property-,  including-  a  residence  and  business  house  and  two 
newspapers,  and  never  a  mortg^ag^e  on  it.  All  of  which  may 
show  that  there  is  some  chance  for  the  boys  ^et. 

Of  Interest  to  the  Family. 

The  News  is  in  receipt  of  the  prospectus  of  an  historical 
work  that  will  be  of  interest  to  all  descendants  of  Richard  Kim- 
ball. It  is  a  history  of  the  oarish  and  church  of  Rattlesden 
Eng-land,  including-  the  parish  registers  from  1558  to  1758,  with 
index  of  marriag-es,  with  extended  notes  edited  by  the  Rev.  J.  R. 
Olorenshaw,  assistant-curate  of  Rattlesden.  The  book  will  con- 
tain thirty  illustrations.  The  two  hundred  years  covered  by 
this  history  included  the  period  of  Richard's  early  life  in 
Rattlesden '1595-1634  and  that  of  his  father. 

The  prospectus  contains  a  fine  half  tone  illustration  of  the 
church,  being-  one  that  will  appear  in  the  history.  Vv",.  iv>iif  to 
secure  it  for  a  future  number  of  the  News. 

Martha  G-  Kimball. 

Of  the  late  Martha  G. Kimball,  who  first  suggested  Decoratitm 
day,  George  W.  Childs  once  remarked,  "She  has  done  more  g-ood 
deeds  and  said  more  kind  words  than  any  woman  I  have  ever 
known."  It  is  related  that  after  the  battle  of  Winchester  Gen- 
eral Sheridan,  riding-  up  to  the  front  and  noting  the  demoralized 
condition  of  General  Mollineaux's  command,  sharplj'  reproved 
that  officer  before  his  men.  Mrs.  Kimball  had  nursed  General 
Mollineaux  after  he  had  been  wounded  in  a  previous  battle  in 
the  performance  of  a  brave  duty,  and  going  to  General  Sheridan 
she  said,  "You  have  done  a  great  wrong  to  a  brave  man."  With 
characteristic  g-allantry  he  replied,  "Madam,  if  I  have  done  so 
I  will  apolog-i/ce  to  him  before  his  soldiers,"  and  he  did  that,  and 
more,  recommending  Mollin'-nux  for  major  lt*  n'!;nship.  which 
was  promptl}-  awarded  him. 

A  New  York  Dispatch  of  Dec.  22,  says  that  Wm.  Mutter' 
42  years  old,  senior  member  of  the  firm  of  Kimball  Bros.  &  Co.? 
tobacco  manufacturer -^  at  4P  Franklin  street.  New  York  Citv 
committed  suicide  today  by  shooting^.  He  is  said  to  have  lost 
considerable  money  in  Wall  street  recently. 

That  Old  Reunion. 

On  page  45,  March  Nkws,  1898,  Herb  Kimball  spea;.  ai 

he  called  the  first  Family  Reunion,  held    at    Ipswich.    June    i; 
tended  by  140  descendants  of  Jeremiah." 

On  pag-e  79,  April  Nkw8„  Mrs.  Mary  M,  jKimball  makes  a  correction. 
The  meeting  in  1884  was  in  commemoration  of  .the  350th  anniversary  of 
the  settlement  of  Richard  in  Ipswich,  as  she  says.  She  also  stated  that 
two  reunions  of  Jeremiahs  descendants  were  subsequently  held,,  one  ixi 
1888  in  South  Church,  so  dear  to  Jeremiah.  (See  Hist.  p.  361.)  Another  in 
1891.  This  was  held  in  Manchester  at  the  summer  home  of  David  B.  Kim- 
ball, Sept.  29.     (Fam.  Hist.  p.  949  ) 

According  to  the  History  (p.  363)  the  first  Jeremiah  reunion  .vas 
held  June  18,  1880,  and  not  1884  as  stated  by  others,  and  in  the  following- 

Salem,   Mass.,  Dec.    1,  1899 
M;;.  (   .  i\  ivi.MBAi.i-,  Topeka,  Kau.^.is. 

My  Deak  Sir: — There  was  handed  me  yesterday.  Thanksgiving  Day. 
a  copy  of  the  Kimball  Family  News"  containing  what  purported  to   be   a 
short  account  of  the  first  Kimball  lieuuion.  held  at  Ipswich.  June  17,  1884. 
The  eiitorial  comment  upon  the  announcement  of  that  reunion    seems    to 
w  arrant  the  inference  that  the  writer  had  confounded   it   with    the   com- 
menioratioh  of  the  two  hundred  and  fiftieth  anniversary  of  the  settlement 
of  the  town  of  Ipswich    by   cur   ancestor.    Richard    Kimball    and   others. 
This  was  a  mistake,  the  reunion  occurring  in  June  and  the  anniversarj'  of 
the  town  later  on  in  th^  si,aie,  ( tli<t.  p  4S:2)  in  August.  The  confounding 
of  the  two  events  probably  aro^e  from^  the  fact  that  you  may    gain    there- 
from an  item  or  two  of  which  you  hay§   not   hitherto   been    cognizant.      I 
am  pleased, to  be  able  to  forward  to  you  this  account.     Itis.a  good  account 
of  one  meeting,  bein.g  qiiite  full  and  accurate.     Orly  nine  of  the  fourteen, 
grandchildren  of  Jeremiiih,  there  mentioned  a.s  then    living,  now'survive. 
All  of  our  meetings  have  been  intensely  interesting  and,  profitable,   and    1 
I  liink  all  the  New  England  Kim  balls  would  endorse  and   second    the   sug- 
gestion of  Sarah  Louise  Kimball  and  Herbert  W.  Kirnball  that   we  have  a 
national  reunion  of  the  Kimball  Family  to' be  held  at  Ipswich,  Mass 

■Sincrrcl  V  yours, 

1).    B.    KlMlSAIJ 

With  the  a^bove  let '  anion  as  it   appe  ued' 

in  the  Manchest(^r  Cricket  of  Oct.  2,  1891,  which  we  reproduce  entire.  It 
will  be  noticed  that  it  was  at  this  reunion  the  able  essay  entitled  "Who 
Are  The  Kimballs'"  was  road  by  the  author  Mrs.  Alice  Kimball  ITot^kins. 
which  was  published  in  the  May    Kevps  of  v     add    th 

demand  for  that  issue  of  the  News  has  been  auti  is  unusual,,  and  tjhat  it 
can  no  longer  be  furnished  without  breaking  thp  set  for  1^'"*  It  vti^  ^<f' 
had  with  full  volume 

The  following  is  the  report  of  this  notable  meeting  kindly   si 
'  Jem  cousin,  who  was  its  chairman. 

Oi.-i'   K.\(iA,-,  .  ;     JEREMIAH  AXO  I.OIS  (CHOATKi    !vl.M15Al.I.     \  N    K,  S.l  o')- A  KJ.K 


'i'he  members  of  one  of  the  numerous  branches  of  the  Kimball  fam- 
ily—the descendants  of  Jeremiah  KimbaU  who    was   born    in    Ipswich    in 

Kimball  Family  News 

1750  and  who  died  there  in  1831 — observed  their  third  triennial  reunion  on 
Tuesday  last,  at  the  beautiful  summer  residence  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  B. 
Kimball  in  this  town,  Mr.  Kimball  being  one  of  the  grandchildren  of  the 
deceased  Jeremiah. 

The  guests  were  wtlaomed  bj'  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Kimball  and  their 
daughter,  nn^  the  company  enjoj'ed  the  early  part  of  the  day  in  visits  to 
the  beach,  and  in  the  tine  oak  grove  on  the  premises,  where  the  entire 
party  was  photographed  by  John  R.  Cheever. 

There  were  souaevery  pretty  floral  decorations  in  the,  arranged 
by  Miss  Annah  and  Mi.'is  Hattie  Kimball.  Among  other  designs  was  a 
band  of  spruce  bough  in  the  rear  of  the  hallway  with  the  word  "Kimball" 
in  goidenrod,  and  a  beautiful  arrangement  of  hydi-angeas  in  a  corner  of 
the  parlor,  the  sitting  and  dining  rooms  being  likewise  embellished  with 
autumn  flowei'S.  Lunch  was  served  by  Killam  at  three  o'clt>ck,  followed 
by  a  meeting  of  the  association. 

Jeremiah  Kimball,  of  Ipswfch,  was  married  to  Lois  Choate  of  Essex, 
Dec.  30,  1774.  Their  children  were  Jeremiah,  Lois,  Eunice,  John,  Jona- 
than Choate,  Priscilla,  Josiah,  Cata,  Samuel,  Daniel,  Sarah  and  Charles. 
The  mother  of  this  family  ditd  Dec.  7,  1825,  at  the  age  of  72  years.  The 
father  died  Feb.  1,  1831.  aged  80  years.  The  last  of  the  children  to  die 
was  Cata,  who  died  Nov.  14,  1885;  she  was  born  July  31,  1788.  The  chil- 
dren lived  to  ripe  old  ages,  the  aggregate  being  886  years,  or  an  average 
of  nearly  74  years:     (See  Fam.  IJist.  pp.  361-362.) 

The  original  Kimball  of  this  family  was  Richard,  who  came  from 
Ipswich,  Eng..  April  10.  1634.  with  his  wife  Ursula  in  the  ship  Elizabeth. 
Thej'  brought  seven  children  with  them.  Richard  Kimbull  was  born  in 
1595,  The  family  descended  through  John,  born  in  l(j'.t3.  Jeremiah,  born 
in  1717,  and  the  Jeremiah  first  named  above. 

[Note:  There  seems  to  be  a  si ighr  error  here.  According  to  the 
Family  History,  issued  since  this  meeting,  the  descent  is  Richard^  Caleb- 
Caleb"  John*  Jeremiah*  Jeremiah,"  or  according  to  the  numbers  Richard  1, 
Caleb  7,  Caleb  33,  John  110,  Jeremiah  281),  Jeremiah  667.  Then  see  pp. 
658  to  060  and  continue  on  pp.  946  to  950  and  to  pp.  1068  to  1070.  The 
John  born  in  1693,  another  branch  Richard'  John^  Johir^  John*.  The-'^ex- 
act  age  of  Richard^  is  not  known.  The  shipping  list' of  the -Elizabeth  had 
his  age  as  39  in  1634.     He  was  doubtless  older.     Ed.  News.]  -      I 

Since  the  reunion  three  years  ago  the  following  members  of  the  as- 
sociation have  died:  Joseph  F.  Kimball  Df  L\nn,  for  some  years  editor  of 
the  News  of  that  city  and  a  brother  of  Rufus  Kimball  one  of  the  present 
editors  of  the  Lynn  Daily  Item;  Hon.  Howard  C.  Cady  of  Washington, 
D.  C;  Hervey  Kimball  of  Newburyport.  Mrs.  Mary  L.  Kimball  of  Salem, 
iMis.  George  Haskell  of  Ipswich,  Mrs.  Edna  Ryder  of  East  Cambridge  and 
John  C.  Kemble  of  Seattle. 

Rufus  Kimball  read  a  memorial  of  his  brother,  the  late  Josiah  F. 
Kimball,  and  Mr.  Perkins  read  one  of  the  late  Hervey  Kimball.  There 
were  also  memorials  of  Howard  C.  Cady,  Mrs.  Mary  L.  Kimball.  Mis. 
George  Haskell,  Mrs.  Edna  Ryder  and  of  John  C.  Kemble. 

An  interesting  paper  entitled,  "Who  are  the  Kimballs?"  was  pre- 
sented by  Alice  Kimball  Hopkins  (published  in  May  News  1899);  a  .song  by 
Hannah  Kimball  Caldwell,  of  Dunbarton,  N.  H.;  and  piano  solos  bj'  Miss 
Jennie  Kimball,  of  Salem,  and  Mrs.  Emma  Sutton,  of  Peabody.  There 
were  letters  of  regret  from  Mrs  Lucy  Kimball  liowe.  Eau  Clair,  Wis.. 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Herbert  L.  Slade,  of  Chelsea,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Josiah  F.  Kim- 
ball of  Portsmouth,  N.  H.,  Mrs.  Amos  Pettingell.  of  San  Diego,  Cal., 
Luther  C.  Caldwell  of  Washington,  D.  C.,Mr.  and  Mrs.  Maynard  Whittier 
of  Ipswich,  Eugene  C.  Kimball  of   Burlington.    Vt..    E(Kvari    W.    Cady   of 

January,'  1900. 

New  York  City,  Henj.  H.    Ives,   of  Salem,  Henry  C:    Jewett   of   Lynn,    Ar- 
thur S.  Kimball,  Obe'-)in,  O. 

At  the  meeting".  Dayid  iJ.  Kimball  of  Salem  presided.  He  called 
upon  the  following-  members  of  the  family,  and  they  responded  with  brief 
remarks  or  s>hort  family  sketches.  Georg-c  W.  Heard,  of  Hrookline:  Rufus 
Kimball  of  Lj-^nn;  Charles  Perkins  of  Newburyport;  E.  V.  Kimball  of  Ips- 
wich; Dea.  Charles  Kimball  of  I'oncord,  N.  H.;  J.  Howard  Palmer  of  Eau 
Clair,  Wis.;  Charles  H.  Ingall.s,  of  Ljnn;  Arthur  Hale  of  Winchester;  Mrs 
Alice  KimbaH  Hopkins  of  lioston;  John  C.  Kimball  of  Newbui-yport;  Fred 
A.  Kimball  of  Ipswich. 

The  secretary's  report  showed  that  there  are  now  living' about  200 
descendants  of  Jeramiah  Kimball  and  his  e.stimable  wife.  The  oldest  per- 
son present  %vas  Mrs.  Lucy  A.  Uoodwin,  aged  77  j^ears,  (accompanied  by 
three  generations  of  her  aescendants)  and  the  youngest  was  Ernest  A.  Kil- 
gore,  of  Salem,  aged  eight  months. 

The  twelve  children  of  Jeremiah  and  Lois  Kimball,  whose  names 
have  already  been  given,  constituted  a  very  remarkable  familj'.  in  the 
influence  which  they  exerted  in  civil  and  religious  lite.  All  of  them  were 
devout  Christians  and  constant  attendants  upon  public  worship.  They 
were  quite  a  musical  family,  the  father  Irequently  having  nine  or  ten 
of  the  children  in  the  "singing'  seats'  with  him,  joining  in  the  service  of 
song,  while  the  mother  would  occupy  the  family  pew  having  with  her  the 
remaining  children,  and  they  were  always  a  povver  for  good  work.  Nor 
was  their  influence  less  in  other  walks  of  life.  From  these  people  sprang 
such  men  as  the  late  Otis  Kimball  of  Hot^ton,  Hon.  N.  J.  Lord  and  Hon.. 
Otis  P.  Lord,  late  of  Salem,  the  Hon.  Charles  Kimball  of  Ipswich,  the 
Hon.  Cleaveland  Kimball  of  New  York,  and  his  son  CoL  Edward  Cleave- 
land  whose  name  was  as  familiar  as  household  words  on  the  Pacific  coast, 
and  who  started  the  first  newspap>ir  printed  in  California,  (p.  946.) 

One  of  the  original  twelve  died  unmarried  at  the  age  of  twenty-four 
and  one  other  died  leaving  no  issue,  while  only  two  of  the  twelve  died  un- 
der sixty  3'ears  of  age.  The  oldest,  as  before  stated,  was  Mrs.  Cata  Heard 
who  died  at  97.  one  other  attained  his  (V-id  .year,  and  four  others  lived  to 
be  upwards  of  80. 

Notwithstanding  the  longsvity  of  the  twelve,  and  large  number  of 
their  descendants  (200  or  more),  still  of  their  children  only  fourteen  now 
survive,  that  is  fourteen  grandchildren  of  Jeremiah  and  Lois  Kimball. 
Their  names  in  the  order  <  f  their  ages  are  as  follows:  Mrs. Lucy  Goodwin, 
Miss  Su.san  Kimball,  George  R.  Lord,  Samuel  C.  Kimball,  Seth  G.Kimball, 
George  W.  Heard,  Mrs.  Hannah  S.  Palmer,  Charles  Kimball,  Mrs.  Eliza- 
beth L.  Ryder,  Miss  Elizabeth  Heard,  Rufus  Kimball,  David  B.  Kimball, 
Mrs.  Margaret  Hale  and  Edward  P.  Kimball.  ' 

The  meeting  of  this  family  last  Tuesday,  must  certainly  have  been 
to  them  an  occasion  of  gieat  interest  and  pleasure.  Much  of  the  day  was 
spent  in  a  social  way,  different  ones  among  the  older  members  of  the  fam- 
ily eall'.ng  to  mind  and  rehearsing  to  the  younger  members,  anecdotes  re- 
lating- to  the  numerous  and  striking  peculiarities  and  traits  whicli  have 
for  years  characterized  this  branch  of  the  Kirnball  family. 

These  reminiscences  were  intensely  interesting  to  every  one  that 
had  the  good  fortune  to  hear  from  them,  the  traditions  related  of  the 
earlier  ancestors,  and  the  traits  of  character  spoken  of  as  having  been  de 
veloped  by  succeeding  gene  rations,  all  tending  to.  show  that  for  moie 
than  two  centuries  the  Kimballs  in  New  England  have  been  a  hardy  race 
of  God-fearing,  God-serving  and  patriotic  men  and  women,  peo]..'*-  of 
sterling  integrity  and  rectitude. 

The  following  Vvcre  elected  to  serve  until  the  next  reunion:  Presi- 
dent, David  B.  Kimball;  Secretary.  Eufus  Kimball;  Executive  Committee, 
D.  B.  Kimball,  Geo.  W.  Heard.  Rufus  Kimball,  Benj.  Kimball,  Howard  C. 
Kimball,  George  Hu.skell.  I'red  A.Kimball.  E.  P.  Kimball  anH  Arthur  Hale. 

Kimball  Family  News 

Mr.  D.  B.  Kimball  has  kindly  furnished  us  the  following  list  of  per- 
sons who  were  present  on  this  interesting  occasion: 

Mrs.  Lucy  A.  Goodwin,  Ipswich. 

Miss  Susan  Kimball.  " 

George  W.  Heard,  Brookline. 

Miss  Heard,  " 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alfred  Hale,  Winchester. 

Miss  Elizabeth  Heard, 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Arthur  Hale, 

Mrs.  J.  P.  Dodge,  Salem. 

Miss  Strout, 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  E.Kimball, 

Howard  C.   Kimball, 

Miss  Jennie  Kimball,  " 

Harry  W.  Kimball, 

Mrs.  Alice  Kimball  Hopkins.  Bo<;ton. 

John  C.  Kimball,  Newburyport. 

Miss  Percis  H.  Kimball. 

Miss  Lizzie  Kimball, 

George  W.  Kimball, 

Miss  Elizabeth  H.  Kimball. 

Moody  Kimball  and  son, 

Charles  L   Perkins, 

Miss  Averill,  Ipswich 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.H.  Daniels  and  daughter     " 

Mrs.  Lois  ilardy,  ' 

George  Haskell,  '  ■ 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  P.  Kimball, 

Misses  Marion  and  Lizzie  Kimbajl,  '' 

Walter  Kimball, 

Chailes  Kimball, 

Misses  Mary  and  Susie  Kimball,  Danvers, 

Mrs.  Emma  C.  Sutton,  Peabody. 

Miss  Mary  Heard  Sutton,  " 

Miss  Hannah  K.  Caldwell,  Dunbarton,    N.H. 

Mrs.  F.  P.  Kilgore,  Salem. 

Master  Ernest  A.  Kilgore, 

Seth  G.  Kimball,  Potter  Place,  N.  H. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  Kimball,  Concord,  N.H. 

Miss  .^nnah  J.  Kimball, 

Mrs.  Elizabeth  L.  Ryder,        Bedford,  N.  H. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  N.  J.  Lord  Ryder,  Nashua,  N  H. 

Miss  Natalie  Ryder. 

Master  Harris  B.  Ryder,  " 

Mrs.  Hannah  S.  Palmer,  Georgetown. 

Miss  Mary  A.  Palmer,  " 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  A.  Palmer,  " 

Miss  Elinor  A.  Palmer,  " 

Master  Herbert  H.  Palmer, 

Mr.  and  Mrs. L.H.  Watts,  and  daughter.Chelsea 

Mr.  and  Mrs. Howard  J. Palmer,  EauClair.Wis. 

Mrs.  Elizabeth  C.  Kimball,   Ipswich. 

Fred  A.  Kimball,  " 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  B.  Kimball,  Salem. 

Miss  Hattie  Lee  Kimball, 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Rufus  Kimball,         Lynn. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  W.  Kimball,     "■ 

Miss  Elizabeth  Choate   Kimball, 

Mr.  and  Mrs,  Charles  H    Ingalls,     '' 

Master  Arthur  K.  Blood, 

Miss  Stone  and  Master  Middleton,  Winchester 

diaugiug  His  Voice. 

Some  months  agfo  the  News  stated   that   Edg-ar   Hobart   of 
Oakland,  Cal.,  (p.  1036,  No.  2435,  Fam.  Hist.)  was  in  New  York 
and  woald  g-o  to  Paris.     Mrs.  Hobart  has  now   returned  to  East 
Oakland  with  her  daughter  Gladys,  to  attend    school,  and  Mrs. 
Hobart  will  return  to  her  husband  in  Paris,  where  they  will  re- 
main a  year  or  two  longer.     Mr.  Hobart,  it  may  be  remembered, 
was  a  notable  San  Francisco  baritone  singer.      He  was    induced 
to  improve  his  talents  by  study  abroad,  eind  for  some    time    has 
been  under  the  personal  instruction  of  Prof.    Sbriglis  of   Paris, 
who  has  changed  his  voice  from  baritone  to  high  tenor — "tenor 
robusto. "     This  is  one  of  the  difficult  feals  in    musical   instruc- 
tion.    Prof.  Sbriglis  did  the  same  thing  with  the  voice  of  Jean 
de  Reczke,  who  now  commands  S2,000  a  night.     Mr.    and    Mrs. 
Hobart  purpose  visiting  England  next  summer  and  will  take    in 
Rattlesden,  the  home  of  Richard  Kimball,  the  emigrant.    It  will 
be  noted  that  Mrs.  Hobart  is  a  sister  of  Sarah   Louise   Kimball. 

George  Keith  Kimball  one  of  the  Colorado  cousins  living  in 
Golden  (p.  775)  writes:  "I  read  the  letters  in  December  News 
attentively,  particularly  Capt.  F.  M.  Kimball's.  Think  he  puts 
the  whole  thing  in  a  nutshell.  Mrs.  J.  H.  Kimball  of  Sunbury, 
O.,  also  expresses  my  sentiments." 


January,  1900 

Early  Kimball  Experience  in   Kansas. 

One  young-  editorial  brother  and  cousin  C  .  A.  Kimball  has 
a  little  historic  sketch  in  his  Courtland  Reg"ister  from  which  we 
clip  a  portion.  On  pag-e  7,  January  News,  1898,  and  on  p.  64, 
of  the  March  number,  mention  fs  made  of  this  family  and  their 
entrance  into  Kansas.  It  may  be  mentioned  also  that  the  Fred 
(r.  Kimball  who  is  in  the  postal  service  in  Alaska,  and  whose 
letters  have  appeared  in  the  News,  is  a  son  of  R.  H.  Kimball 
herein  mentioned.     (.Hist.  p.  940.  ) 

Being-  situated  so  close  to  the  Pawnee  V^illag^e,  the  original  seat  of 
the  Pawnee  Indians,  our  readers  are  doubtless  interested  in  all  things 
pertainingr  to  that  tribe.  From  the  accounts  of  early  settlers  in  the  state, 
they  were  not  held  in  ver\'  high  esteem,  Vjut  were  looked  upon  as  espec- 
ially unreliable  and  treacherous,  friendly  when  the^^  had  to  be,  but  al- 
ways ready  to  kill  or  steal.  Such  is  the  character  given  the  people  who 
formerly  held  swaj'  over  the  prairies  of  this  immediate  part  of  the  state 
of  Kansas, 

In  the  fall  of  18fi3.  some  ten  years   before  the   actual   settlement    ot 
this   county,    the    father  and  uncle  of  the  editor,  J.  M,  Kimball  and  R.  H, 
Kimball,  of  Manhattan,  headed  this  way    to   obtain   a   supply  of    buffalo 
meat  for  the  winter.     They  followed  the  Republic.nn  north  of  Lake  Sibley 
almost  to  ihemDUth  of  the  White  Kock  and  there   with  their  team  crossed 
the  river,  narrowly  escaping  being  mired  in  the  quick  sand.     In  the  mean- 
time the  Pawnees  met  them  and  gave    them  due   notice   to   go   back   and 
quit  hunting  for  buffaloes.    On  their  refusal  to  do  so  the  Indians  scattereil 
out  in  the  country  ahead  of  them,  and  drove   all   game   away  from  them. 
Not  once  in  the  whole  trip  out  did'the  hunters  so  much  as   ca:ch    sight   of 
buffalo.     At  length,  discouraged,  they  gave  up  the  chase   and    started   on 
the  return  trip,  when  bv  accidental  good  luck,  they  ran  acioss   a  fin    V>uf- 
falo  which  they  shot  and  carried  home.     Their  love  for  the  Pawnees   was 
not  at  all  increased  by  this  experience   as    maj-   be    imagined.     Little   did 
they  guess  that  in  a  few  years  there  would  be   a   home  on   every   quarter 
section,    and    that   prosperous  little   villages   would   dot   the  plain    .       ■ 
churches  and  school  houses  in  every  direction. 

Mrs.  Mary  Catherine  Kimball)  wife  ol  Jonathan  II.  Fish, 
died  Saturday,  Dec.  16,  1899,  at  11  o'clock  at  her  home  in  North 
Andover,  Mass.,  after  an  illness  of  about  six  weeks.  Death 
was  due  to  a  complication  of  diseases  and  was  not  wholly  unex- 
])ected.  Mrs.  Fish  was  born  in  Lancaster,  Ohio,  64  years  ag^o, 
her  mother  was  Mahala  Kimball,  a  native  of  Virg-inia,  and  her 
father  Abraham  Kimball  of  Andover.  Mr:  and  Mrs.  Fish  were 
married  in  1852.  Other  than  the  husband  a  brother  Georg-e 
Kimball  of  Peterboro,  N.  H.;  two  sisters,  Mrs.  Sarah  Pollard 
and  Mrs.  Ellen  M.  Aldridge  of  Providence,  R.  I.;  and  six  chil- 
dren, Mrs.  Ella  Eldridge  of  Haverhill.  Mrs.  Ida  Genley  and 
Mrs.  Hi  nnah  Peabody  of  Boxford,  ArtNur  of  Andover,  Albert 
C.  of  Lawrence,  and  John  K.  Fish  of  Andover  survive. 

On  page  591  Fam.  Hist,  a  record  of  her  marriage  may  be 
found  but  nothing-  of  her  children.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fish  lived 
in  North  Andcn^er  ever  since  their  marria<j:c  in  1852. 

8  Kimball  Kaxnily  News 

Sufiplemeutal  Notes   to   Family    History. 


I  send  you  a  little  record  not  in  Kimball  History. 
John  Langdon  Kimball,  born  in  Hiram.  Maine,  Dec.  21,  1821;  m.  -.n  Hiram, 
Me.,  Jan.  1,  18r)2,  Sarah    M.  Eastman,  daug'hter  of  Caleb  and  Lucy  (Ijriok- 
ett)  Eastman,  born  in  Waterford.  Me.,  Jan.,  1,  183.^.     Mr.    Kimball  was    a 
representative  in  the  Maine  Legislature  in  1863.  He  resides  in  Poland,  Maine. 


i  Helen  May.  b.  July  13,  18.".3. 

ii  Emeline  Hubbard,  b.  Aug,  U.n    l.s.-r,:<1    T-Vb    f7.  1898. 

iii  John,  b.  Mar.   4.   1859. 

iv  Frank  Weston,  b.  June  30,  1861, 

V  Frances  Augusta,  b.  Dec.  2G,  1865. 

vi     p:ddie,  b.  .Sept.  7,  1866;  d.  Oct.  24.  1867. 
vii     Mary  Langdon,  b.  Sept.  5,  1869. 
viii     fieorge  Willard,  b.  Aug.  23,  1873. 

ix     Robert  Lawrence,  b.  Aug.  29,  1877. 
Page  89 — Elizabeth  Kimball  married  Moses  Eastman,  as  stated.   For  their 
eleven  children  see  Fam  News  p.  258.     Sarah,    the    eldest    of   these 
married  Jacob  Carter,  son  of  David  Carter.     The\'  had 


i     Susannah  (Carter)''  b.  Jan.  21.  1777:  d.  Sept.  1778. 

ii     Susananah  (Carter)"  b.  May  21.  1780:  m.  Abraham  Dunkley. 
iii     Moses( Carter)",  b  Aug.  8,  1782;  m.  Clarissa  Poor.  He  was  an  M.D. 
iv     Sally  (Carter)*,  b.  Anfr.£.  ITS.'iim.  1st  John  Robie;  2nd,  Jonathan 
W  or  then. 

V  Ruth  (Carter)**,  b.  Mar..  10,  1788;  m.  Jonathan  Proctor. 

vi     Abiel  (Carter)"  b.  May  2,  1791;  d.  in  Savannah,  Ga..  in    1827;    m. 

Mariah  Beach. 
vii     Ann  (Carter)^  b.  Dec.  12,  1793;  m.  Jeremiah  Tilton. 

viii     Jacob  (Carter)**  b. ;  m.  Caroline  Stocking. 

ix     Ebenezer  (Carter)"  b. ;  m.  Mary  (ioodhue. 

Their  third  child  David  born  in  Concord,  N.    H.,    Jan.    1.5.    1763:    m.    Ruth 
Carter.     He  resided  in  Concord,  Js.  H. 


i  Cynthia,  b.  in  Concord.  N.  H.,  Jan.  15.  1788;  m.  Moses  Kimball. 
For  her  descendants  .see  No.  562  Kimball  historj'  (p.  311.) 
Their  fourth  chill  Ebenezer  born  in  Concord.  N.  II.,  Oct.  19,  1765;  died  in 
Salisbury,  N.  H.,  April  10,  1833;  m.  Esther  Farnum,  daughter  of 
Ephraim.  born  Oct.  25,  1772.  The  grave  stone  says  his  wife  was 
Esther  Lyford  She  might  have  been  a  widow  (Lyford)  Farnum,  or 
he  might  have  had  a  second  wife.     He  lived  in  .Salisl.iirv,  X.  H. 


i     Judith",  b.  Oct.  1,  1793:  m.  Caleb  .Morrill,  and  died    in    J849;   no 
ii     Charlotte",  b.  June  10.  1798;  ra.  Dudley  Ladd.     Child:  1,  Charlotte 
E.  (Ladd)".  b.  in  Haliowell.  Me..  May  '     '     "    m.  Oct.  28.  1845.    Ed- 
wai'd  H.  Barret  and  live.!  in  Maine, 
lii     Mary"  b.  Feb.  8,  17^9;  m.   Dr.  John  L.     I'eriey  of  Meredith.  N.  II 
iv      Franklin",  b. :  m    Marv   MorrLson. 


'anuary,  l';>Or 
Mouumetital  Iiiscriipttoii. 

High  Street  Burying  Yard,    Ipswich,    Mass. 

Kka-.  David  Tennky  Kimbalf.: 
in  Bi-adt'ord,  Mass.. 
Nov.  •;:<.  ]78:i, 
'iiraduated  at 
Harvard  College  in  1803, 
Ordained  the  Pjleventh 
Pastor  of  the  First 
Congregational  Church, 
in  Ipswich,  Oct.  8,   ISOti, 
in  which  relation  he  died 
Feb.  3,   1860,  aged  77  years. 

A  fine  classical  scholar,  a  vigorous  writer,  a  man  of  un.sullied  puri- 
ty and  hixmble  piety,  a  kiT'  '■:'■:* ri^  -  tender  parent,  a  sincere  friend,  a 
faithful  pastor. 

When  the  summons  came,  catching  a  glimpse    of     heaven,    he 
"The  gates  of  the  New  Jerusalem  are  openi<!         I  see  within  the  city." 
(Family  History  says  he  died  Nov.  2,  1800.) 



in   Dracutt,   Mass.. 

Oct.  1,  1783, 

wifo  of 

l;ied  Dec.   12,  1873, 
aged  00  years. 
Her  husband  said  of  tier:   "During  my  eatiru  i  'V  she  has    been 

my  firm,  consistent  and  devoted  helper  in  Christ  Jesu- 
"Her  children  rise  up  and  call  her  bles.sed."' 

Levi  Fri.sbie,  son  of  Rev.  D.  T.  and  Mrs.  D.  V.  Kimball,  dir-.i  JNIay  9. 
18L6,  aged  two  we^ks.     (History  says  in  1818.) 

Augustine  P.  Kimball,  son  of  Rev.  J}.  T.  and   Mr.^,    D     V.    iVimball 
died  A-i}^^.  13.  18.5^        •       - 

The  New  Eng-land  Farmer  of  Boston  says  that  Sumner 
Kimball  of  Lovell,  Maine,'  recently  killed  two  nine-months-old 
pigs.     One  tipped  the  scales  at  308,  and  the  other  at  380  pounds. 

[Sumner  Kimball  supports  the  News,  and  the  readier  is  in- 
debted to  him  for  much  information.  See  Hist.  p.  1039.  News 
Oct.  1898.] 

JO  Kimball  Family   News 

'*Kiiig"   Kimball. 

The  followinjt^  letter  concerniti.t,'- Abraham   Kimball,    (Fam. 

Hist.  p.  16*))  may  be  of  interest.     The  writer  is  a   daug-hter    of 

Hannah    Mahala    Kimball,    who  married    Mosher    (not  Moses, 

Ordway,  [Hist.  p.  679.    Fam.  Nkws  p.  TOS].     Abraham  Kimball 

was  the  son  of  Aaron  who  had  settled  in  Hopkinton.    His  cousin 

Reuben  [p.  167]settled  in  the  adjoining  town  of  Warner,  and  his 

son  Daniel  was  the  first  white  child  born  in  that  town,  but  it  is 

not  recorded    that    Daniel    was    g-iven   a    farm    in   consequence. 

There  were  forts  in  both  towns  as  some  protection    against    the 

Indians,  and  it  was  while   going  to    the    fort    in    Warner    that 

Abraham  was  captured  by  the  Indians  as  mentioned  on  page  10 

of  the  Family  News. 

In  arecent  issue  of  the  ''News"  I  read  that  j'our  great  great  grandfather 

was  the  first  male  child  born  in  Hopkinton.      I  have  friends  living  in   that 

town,  and  Thile  visiting  them,  have  often  passed  the  spot  where  the  town 

has  ei-ected  a  tablet  to  his  memory,  but  I   cannot   remember   the   date  of 

his  birth,  given  on  the  tablet.     He  was  called  "King"  KimV>all  because  he 

owned  five  hundred  acres  of  land  on  Beach  Hill,  which  was  given   to    him 

bj'  the  town  for  being  the  first  male  child  born  in  that  town.     A  friend  of 

mine  in  that  town  was  for  a  long  time  the  owner  of  a  chair    used   by   Mr. 

Ximball  in  church  as  long  ago  as  when  Ihey   used   the    "box   pews'".     My 

friend  died  this  summer  at  the  age  of  ninety  three  and  it  had  been  in    her 

possession  a  great  many  years.     After  her  death  many  of  her  goods   were 

disposed  of  at  auction,  and  among  them  this  chair,  which  was   sold   to   a 

Mr.  Fuller,  a  hotel  keeper  of  Peterboro,  N.  H.     I  felt  sorry  to  see   it  pass 

into  the  hands  of  strangers,  and  felt  that  yne  of   the   many   Kimballs   in 

town  should  have  purchased  it. 

Penaeook.   N.  U.  Lavra  Elliott. 

John  W.  Day  *  }>.  3"5  i  died  in  Haverhill,  Mass.,  recently, 
after  an  illness  of  over  a  year's  duration.  The  deceased  was  a 
son  of  John  and  Harriet  Kimball-Day.  He  leaves  a  widow, 
three  daughters  and  one  son.  On  page  .>0S  Fam.  Hist,  men- 
tion is  mu'ie  of  marriage  of  John  Day  and  Harriet  Kimball,  but 
nothing  of  their  children  or  grandchildren  which  it  seems  are 
now  living.  It  is  l)y  supplying  these  many  omissions  that  the 
News  can  be  made  valuable.      Why  not  do  it?. 

Mrs.  J.  H.  Kimball  of  Sunbury,  O.,  suggests  that  a  Kimball 
Reunion  be  held  in.  Chicago,  next  year  when  the  <irand  Army 
meets  there.  The  suggestion  is  a  good  one.  There  ought  to 
be  no  trouble  in  having  a  large  family  reunion  there  at  any 
time  as  there  are  hundreds  of  the  family  right  there  or  not  far 
'  away.      Only  lack  of  interest  prevents. 

January,  1/JOO.  11 

County  Treasurer  of  Kings  Couaty. 

At  the  late  election  in  New  York,  John  W.  Kimball  of 
Brooklyn  was  elected  by  the  democrats  to  the  office  of  County 
Treasurer  of  King's  County.  John  W.  Kimball  is  a  son  of  Wil- 
liam A.  Kimball,  No.  809.^p.  625,  of  the  History.  It  will  be  no- 
ticed that  he  is  a  cousin  of  Gen.  Sumner  1,  Kimball  of  the  Life 
Saving-  Service,  one  feature  of  the  United  States  Treasury  De- 
partment at  Washing-ton,  and  both  are  nephews  of  our  centen- 
arian cousin  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Kimball  Garvin  of  Westford,  Mass., 
who  oassed  her  104th  birthday  Dec.  3,  1899,  sketches  of  whose 
life  have  been  given  in  earlier  num"bers  of  the  NewS; 

John  W.  Kimball  has  quite  kept  up  the  reputation  of  the 
family  for  integ-rity  and  uprig-htness  of  character.  He  was 
elected  to  this  office  as  reg-ular  democratic  candidate.  He  is  not 
a  ward  politician  and  was  not  elected  as  such,  but  because  of 
his  eminent  litness  for  office.  As  evidence  we  find  the  follow- 
ing- tribute  both  to  himself  and  his  republican  opponent  in  the 
Brooklyn  Citizen,  of  Nov.  8: 

"The  normal  vote  finds  expression  in  the  balloting  for  the 
office  of  County  Treasurer.  The  respective  candidates  for  this 
office  were  two  representative  Brooklynites,  against  neither  of 
whom  could  a  word  of  reproach  be  uttered.  Both  were  gentle- 
men of  unimpeachable  character,  whose  lives  were  open  as  a  book. 
Both  were  business  men  of  wide  experience,  and  both  possessed 
the  confidence  of  their  fellow  citizens  to  a  notable  degree. 
Neither  candidate  made  any  special  canvass,  each  reh'ing  on 
the  general  appeal  to  popularity  which  unimpeachable  charac- 
ter and  known  ability  must  effectively  present.  The  figures  of 
the  vote  for  these  most  excellent  representatives  of  their  respec- 
tive sides  are  the  best  and  fairest  exponent  of  the  relative 
strength  of  the  two  parties.  Mr.  Kimball  will  be  found  to  have 
carried  the  county  by  about  the  normal  Democratic  majority  of 
about  14,000. 

Mr.  Kimball  had  previously  held  this  office  and  had  re- 
ceived the  following  mention  from  various  papers. 

Mr.  Kimball  is  not  only  a  man  of  acknowledg-ed  integrity,  but  of 
first  class  business  faculties  and  an  excellent  oflBcial  —Eagle. — Ind.  Dem. 

The  State's  Examiner  reported  that  the  County  Treasurer's  office 
of  King's  County  under  Mr.  Kimball  had  become  the  model  office  of  the 
state. — .Citizen. —Dem. 

Mr.  Kimball  is  a  g-ood  official  and  has  a  g-ood  record  in  office.  —  E  D. 
Ti  tilts.  —  Rep. 

John  Kimball,  the  candidate  for  County  Treasurer,  is  a  man  of  un- 
blemished re^\xi&\.\on.  — fj  eraM.— Ind . 

John  VV.  Kimball,  Democratic  candidate  is  the  best  County  Ti-eas- 
urer  this  county  has  ever  had.  —Brookly)t  W(^il<hj—Tnd. 

12  Kimball   Faniilv  News 

Mrs.  riaria  Freeman  Gray. 

Mrs.  Gray  is  a  grand  daug-hter  of  John  Kimball  No.  772, 
page  408.  The  record  of  vhis  John  is  very  incomplete  in  the 
history,  and  entirely  disajjpears  with  the  mention  of  two  sons 
on  pag-e  731,  and  a  g-randsonon  page  1008. 

Mrs.  Gray  is  a  daughter  of  Achsah  Bridgman  (Kimball ) 
Freeman,  a  daughter  of  this  John  Kimball,  and  is  not  mentioned 
in  the  History.  It  is  stated  on  page  4<»8  that  her  father,  John, 
married  Lydia  Granger  and  had  two  cliildren,  Erastus  S.  and 
Francis  H.  there  mentioned.  John  Kimball  -married  first. 
Electa  Grang-er  and  they  had  seven  children  of  whom  Achsah 
w^as  the  third.  His  second  wife  was  Tvvdia  Gr-^ngcr  and  they 
had  four  sons,  the  two  younger  being  Krastus  and  Francis. 
A  future  number  of  the  Niiws  will  give  a  complete  record  of 
this  larg-e  family.  Achsah  Bridgman  Kimball  born  1808,  mar- 
ried Daniel  Sanford  Freeman,  May  5.  1831.  and  they  were  the 
parents  of  nine  children  of  whom  Maria  was  the  eldest.  She 
became  the  wife  of  John  Henry  Gray  and  they  had  two  chil- 
dren.    The  family  lives  in  San  Francisco. 

Mrs.  Gray  is  president  of  the  W.  C.T.  U.  in  California,  and 
vice  president  for  the  U.  S.,  also  connected  with  many  other 
similar  org-anizations.  Society  for  advocating  disarmament  of 
nations,  etc.,  and  travels  all  over  the  world  on  this  business,  but 
since  1887  has  made  San  Francisco  her  permanent  home.  Her 
husband  John  Henry  Gray,  the  first  republican  judge  in  Iowa 
(his  picture  is  in  the  State  House  in  Des  Moines),  born  in  Queen 
Anne  County,  Maryland,  son  of  (ieorge  (xray. 

Miss  Sarah  Louise  Kimball  of  San  Francisco,  to  whom  we 
owe  so  much,  writes: 

Mrs.  Gray  has  two  sons,  (ieorge  F.  and  Harry  N.  Gray,  contractors, 
well  known  here  as  («ray  liros.,  doiTij^  all  sorts  of  street  work  and  rail- 
road building,  etc.,  and  their  office  is  next  door  to  the  Mills  lluilding,  be- 
ing 316  Montgomery  street.  The  younger  son,  H.  N.  Gray,  is  married  and 
andlivesat  the  California  Hotel  on  Uush  Street,  the  second  block  above 
Montgomiiv.  Jind  George  lives  at  home  with  his  mother,  at  897  Unsh 
Street,  a  few  blocks  further  up  the  hill;  so  we  are  m^ighbors.  I  eaUed  on 
Mrs.  Gray  a  few  weeks  ago^taking  np  a  copy  of  the  history,  to  find  her 
grandfather  .John  Kimball,  whom  she  had  never  \)een  able  to  trace,  but 
we  couldnt  find  him,  and  when  she  returned  the  book  to  me.  a  week  or  so 
later,  I  re.solved  to  look  through  all  that  sixth  generation  and  locate 
every  single  John,  she  having  heard  he  was  born  in  Shutebury,  Mass. 
Her  youngest  uncle,  Frank  Kimball,  lives  at  Kas:  Hampton.  Mass.,  and 
he  gave  her  this  information,  but  couldn't  give  her  grandfather's  name. 
So  I  .started  in  looking  for  John,  and  hadnt  turned  a  lialf  a  dozen  pages 
till  1  found  him.  right  in  the  family  I  previously  said  she  bore  such  a 
strong  resemblance  to— that  of  Dr.  Edwin  Kimball,  of  Hay  wards  (15r)'Ja) — 

January,  1900.  13 

and  it  seems  that  her  John  was  son  of  Boyoe  Kimball,  a  soldier  in  the 
revolution,  he  son  of  another  Boyce  Kimball,  whose  son  Reuel  had  a  son 
Reuel  Jr.,  father  of  Dr.  Edwin  Kimball.  (Richard,  Richard,  Samuel,  Ebe- 
nezer,  Boj'ce,  Boja'e,  John,  Achsah  Bridgman  (Freeman),  Maria  (Freeman 
Gray.)  So  there  is  a  whole  lot  more  to  go  into  the  supplement,  as  her 
uncles  left  large  families.  She  will  make  out  a  memorandum  of  all  this 
and  send  to  you.  Mrs.  Gray  graduated  from  the  Wesleyan  Seminary  in 
1852,  and  afterwards  taught  school. 

In  connection  with  the  above  we  clip  the  following-  from  the 
Iowa  State  Reg-ister,  published  by  the  Clarkson  Brothers  of  Des 

In  a  recent  issue  of  a  San  Francisco  paper  occurs  prominent  mention 
of  a  big  industrial  improTement  contract  just  secui-ed  by  Gray  Bros.,  con- 
tractors of  that  city.  The  contract  calls  for  the  expenditure  of  $1,250,000, 
and  for  the  employment  of  1,000  men  for  more  than  a  year.  Claus  Spreck- 
els,  the  sugar  king,  is  the  person  making  the  improvement.  The  interest- 
ing part  of  the  story  to  Des  Moines  readers  is  the  fact  that  the  members 
of  the  firm  of  Gray  Brothers,  are  old  residents  of  Des  Moines.  Both  mem- 
bers of  the  firm  were  brought  up  in  this  city,  having  left  here  about  eigh- 
teen years  ago,  when  they  went  to  San  Francisco  and  engaged  in  the  pav- 
ing business. 

J.  H.  Gray  was  for  years  judge  of  the  District  Court  in  Des  Moines. 
His  wife,  Maria  Freeman  Gray,  was  prominent  in  the  work  of  the  first 
and  Centenary  Methodist  churches  here,  and  was  a  teacher  in  the  Sunday 
schools.  Judge  Gray  died  in  Des  Moines  and  his  wife  and  sons  moved  to 
San  Francisco.  Mrs.  Gray,  whom  many  Des  Moines  people  will  remember, 
is  now  president  of  the  Woman's  Christian  Temperance  Union  of  San 
Francisco  county.  Mr.  Harry  Gray,  a  member  of  the  present  firm  of  Gray 
Brothers,  years  ago  carried  a  paper  route  for  The  Register.  Both  of  the 
young  men  while  in  Des  Moines  were  known  for  their  sterling  integrity, 
and  as  a  prominent  resident  of  Des  Moines  .said  yesterday,  g'ave  promise 
of  the  g-reat  success  which  they  have  attained  in  their  business  affairs,  as 
evidenced  by  their  last  large  eontrac*^. 

The  great  packing  house  of  Boston  whose  alleged  failure 
was  recently  announced  was  founded  by  John  P.  Squire,  whose 
wife  was  a  daughter  of  Sarah  (Kimball)  Orvis.  We  do  not 
know  as  the  exact  status  of  this  great  concern  is  yet  known. 
One  report  had  it  that  the  Armours  had  come  to  the  relief  of 
Mr.  Squire  whose  embarrassment  was  only  temporary.  The 
Kimball  Family  History,  p.  879  says  he  went  to  Boston  a  poor 
boy  and  built  up  the  largest  pork  packing  business  in  New  Eng-- 
land.  He  was  the  first  to  institute  a  fight  against  adulterated 
lard.  He  was  noted  for  his  integrity  and  would  only  handle 
the  best  stock  to  be  had. 

42(r  Kimball   Family JNcwb 

In  making'  thi^  statement,  1  have  had  to  waive  what  in  ire  amounts 
to  a  positive  aversion  —a  flislikc  to  anytliing'  in  the  nature  of  a  contention, 
•especially  with  a  woman.  I  am  v(;ry  sorry  that  Ouuhin  Helen — between 
whom  and  myself  friendly  feelings  have  always  existed — gave  the  provo- 
cation.    I  have  answered  her  in  the  interests  of  truth  and  justice. 

Yours  sincerely. 

Orson  F.  WiiitkkI-. 

NOTE.  . 

We,  the  undersigned,  representative  mtniuers  of  the  family  of  He- 
ber  C.  Kimball,  hereby  affirm  the  truth  of  the  foregoing  statement-  by 
Bishop  Whitney,    and    the  falsity  of  the  allegations  to  which  it  is  a  reply. 

,r.     (rOM)KN   KtMUAI,!-. 

Nkvvki-i,  W.  Kimball. 

Er.lAS  S  .    KiMBALI,. 

AiJCK  K1.MBALI,  Smith. 
JosKiMi  Kimball. 
Solomon  F.  Kimball. 

Tons  of  Grasshoppers. 

Last  summer  a  party  of  scientists,  whose  work  has  been  de- 
scribed by  Prof.  James  Putnam  Kimball  (p.  743  Fam.  Hist)   ex- 
plored a  part  of  the  Kocky  Mountains  in    the    southern    part   of        , 
Montana.      The  re;^ion  is  but  little    known    and    contains    some       t 
remarkable  g-laciers.      Referring-  to  this  the  Omaha  Bee  says:  1 

-Among  the  glaciers  found  in  these  mountains  and  recently  described 
by  James  P.  Kimball  is  (J^asshopper  glacier,  which  clerives  its  name  from 
the  enormous  quantity  of  grasshopper  remains  that  are  found  on  and  in 
the  glacier.  Periodically  the  grasshoppers  that  thrive  in  the  prairie  to 
north  take  their  flight  southward  and  must  needs  cross  the  mountains. 
Their  favorite  rcmte  seems  to  be  across  this  wide  glacier,  and  in  the  pas- 
sage .scores  of  thousands  of  them  succumb  to  the  rigor  of  cold  and  wind, 
fall  helpless  upon  the  snow,  and  sire  finally  entombed  in  the  ice.  In  the 
course  of  time  billions  of  them  haye  been  the  victims  of  this  glacier. 
They  are,  of,  carried  by  the  ice  river  down  into  the  valley  and  de- 
posited at  the  melting  edge  of  the  ice,  and  Mr.  Kimball  says  that  thous- 
ands of  tons  of  grasshopper  remains  are  the  principal  material  at  the  low- 
er ed^e  of  the  glacier.  We  hear  very  often  of  rocks  and  sand  as  forming 
the  terminal  moraine  of  glaciers,  but  here  is  a  glacier  whose  principal 
morainal  material  is  grasshoppers. 

These  in.sect  remains  are  washed  out  c»f  the  ice  m  furrows  wheiwe"' 
the  sun"s  heat  has  grooved  the  servi'.'e  into  runlets  of  descending  water. 
The  grasshoppers  permeate  the  glacier  from  top  to  bottom.  No  fragment 
of  ice  can  be  broken  so  small  as  not  to  contain  remains.  Most  of  the  in-  < 
sects  have  been  reduced  to  a  coarse  powder,  and  the  furrows  of  them 
washed  out  l:>y  the  runlets  and  naturally  disposed  in  parallel  lines  are 
very  dark  in  color.  ' 

f  1^34 


900.  J; 

i  trbe 





^S^   5^eing  Supplemental  to  Kimball  family  Mistory.   ^Ok 

0  0 


/M  Volume  S. 

Tio.  2.    % 


Entered  for  transmission  in  the  mails  as  second  class. 


G.  F,  KIMBALL,  Topeka,  Kansas. 

.//,)  Sriee  One  3ollar  a  IJear. 




utimball^  family  uLews 

Vol,  III,  No.  2.  G.  F  KIMBALL,  Publisher.  Terms  $1.00  a  year. 

Topekdy  SiansaSf  February,  1900. 

Some  Ohio  Kimballs. 

Mr.  Will  A.  Thomas,  of  Kinsman,  Ohio,  writes:  "I  will  be  with  you 
each  year,  and  you  should  make  your  subscription  price  high  enough  to 
enable  the  press  to  run.  There  is  only  a  small  wing  of  the  family  here, 
and  none  of  the  name,  but  we  have  Thomas,  Hattcn,  Gilvin,  Bush,  McCurdy 
Battrick,  Burcli.  Shumaker,  all  Lueinda  Fvimbairs  children  and  grand- 
children, twenty  foui-  sons  and  daughters  in-law,  first  and  second  degrees 
eleven.  We  don't  feel  at  liberty  to  make  any  noise,  but  think  you  should 
make  enough  to  ketp^the  project  booming,  '"-'r!^  No.  1710.  p.  70'^  and  p. 
1032  Fam.  Hist.) 

There  are  interesting-  features  reg-arding-  the  Ohio  branches 
of  the  family,  of  which  there  are  several.  On  the  seventh  page 
of  the  Family  History  mention  is  made  of  the  early  mig-rations 
of  the  Kimballs.  It  is  there  stated  that  Joseph''  went  to  Preston 
Conn.  It  seems  from  p.  65,  however  to  have  been  his  son  Jos- 
eph. It  was  his  son  Joseph'' who  moved  to  Plainfiield,  N.  H., 
and  became  the  head  of  a  large  branch  of  the  family,  of  whom 
the  News  has  already  much  to  say.  It  includes  the  larg-e  family 
of  Roswell  Kimball,  barely  mentioned  on  pag^e  198  of  the  His- 
tory, but  fully  given  in  Sept.  News,  1898.  Some  of  the  de- 
scendants of  Joseph,  at  a  more  recent  date -removed  to  Ohio. 

But  in  1726  John'^  (p.  54,  Hist.)  boug-ht  land  in  Preston, 
Conn-,  and  moved  there  the  next  year.  The  descendants  of  this 
John  became  exceedingly  numerous  in  Connecticut  and  particu- 
larly in  the  neig-hborhood  of  Preston.  A  study  of  this  branch 
of  the  family  is  exceedingly  interesting-.  But  our  knowledg-e  of 
it  is  very  incomplete,  which  would  seem  unnecessary  as  many 
valuable  records  are  filed  away  in  the  archives  of  that  state, 
some  of  which  yet  may  be  unearthed.  John  Kimball*  [p.  77  Fam. 
Hist]  had  a  daug-hter  Eunice  who  married  one  Thomas  Rix. 
Possibly  our  g-enealogical  friend,  Mr.  Guy.  S.  Rix  of  Concord, 
N.  H.,  who  is  compiling-  a  work  on  a  branch  of  his  family,  may 
yet  unearth  something-  of  interest  from  this  mine. 

The  Connecticut  Kimballs  were  patriotic.  They  fought  in 
Indian  wars,  in  the  Revolution,  in  1812,  and  in  the  civil  war. 
Many  of  them  became  sailors  and  navigators;  very  many 
were  scholarly.  When  that  portion  of  the  north-west  territory 
bordering-  on  Lake  Erie,  since  known  as  the  Western  Reserve, 
was  ceded  to  Connecticut,  there  was  a  rapid  settlement   of   that 

18  Kimball  Family  News 

fertile  reg-ion.  Among-  these  emi«i;Tants  >vere  many  Kimballs, 
and  their  descendants  there  are  very  numerous,  as  may  be  seen 
in  the  sing-le  instance  mentioned  in  the  above  letter. 

But  there  were  many  others  belong-ing-  to  nearly  every 
branch  of  the  family  who'settled  in  Ohio.  The  state  was  atone 
time  a  kind  of  half  way  station  between  the  east  and  the  far 
west.  We  have  not  much  information  reg-arding-  those  who  re- 
mained, and  are  lacking-  g-reatly  as  to  those  who  went  further 
on.  Probably  there  are  more  of  the  family  descendants  in  Ohio, 
of  whom  little  or  nothing-  is  known  than  in  any  other  state. 
And  much  interesting- history  lies  here  concealed,  for  some  mem- 
bers are  known  to  have  been  active  in  the  strug-g-le  ag-ainst 
the  Indians  and  in  the  war  of  1S12  which  has  not  been  made 
clear      Here  is  much  family  history  in  nubibus. 

Col.  Daniel  Burns  Dyer  of  Aug-usta,  Ga.,  has    been   invest- 
ing- in  a  new  bachelor  home  in  the  suburbs  of  the  city  but  on  his 
line  of  railway  and  is  putting-  it  in  condition  for  the  enjoyment  of 
his  friends.     It  is  to  have  over  twenty  rooms  and  of  course  will 
be    burdened    with    bric-a-brac,    and    old    fashioned    furniture. 
"While  not  vet  finished  he  entertained  there  sey«'ral   of  his  New 
>rk  and  other  railroad  friends  some  days  ag-o  in    a   style    that 
led  forth  a  half  column  from  the   daily    Chronicle.    You  can 
"■n  a  g-ood  deal  about  Col-  Dy^r.  son  of  Elizabeth  Howe  Kim- 
on  pag-e  *)0')  of  the  Family  History,  and  from    the    F'amily 
s,  Februarv  1H<)8.  and  in  other  numbers. 

<ieut-Commander  W.  W.  Kimball,  who  was  in  charg^e  of  a 
a  of  torpedo  boats  at  the  beginning-  of  the  war  with  Spain, 
ien  promoted  to  be  commander  in  the    navy.      The    March 
18':)8,  pag-e  01,  told  of   his   experiences   down    the    coast, 
her  sketches  are  g-iven  on  pag-es  *)9   and    l.v>.     He    is  the 
the  late  Gen.  Wm.  King-  Kimball  of  Maine,   and    has    re- 
been  visiting-  his  old  home  in  that  state.      [Fam.  Hist.  p. 

The  News  intended  to  announce  last  month,  with  the    pub- 
ion  of  Bishop  Whitney's  article  that  it  must   close    the    dis- 
ion  as  to  lleber  C.  Kimball.      It  was   overlooked.     We   now 
e  another  article  by  Helen  Vilate  Kimball,  very  kind  in  tone 
Decomes  one  cousin  toward  another,  but  which  may    well    be 
itted  and  close  a  somewhat  unDrotitable  arg-ument. 

February,  1900.  19 

His  Suggestion. 

I  \va&  iti  Ipswich  (Massachusetts)  last  summer  for  a  few  days  and 
while  there  visited  the  public  library  and  in  CDnversation  with  the  libra- 
rian (Miss  Caldwell)  I  found  that  it  did  not  contain  a  copy  of  the  "Kimball 
Family  History"'  which  refers  to  so  many  of  the  past  and  present  inhabit- 
ants of  the  t®\vn  and  their  descendants. 

It  occurred  to  me  then  that  a  cop.v  ot  the  History  as  well  as  the 
bound  volumes  of  the  "Kimball  Family  News."  and  also  the  current  num- 
bers of  the  latter,  as  'they  maj'  be  issued,  should  be  in  the  library.  I 
should  think  that  if  the  matter  was  brougrht  before  the  memDers  of  the 
family  throug'h  the  "News"  that  an  amount  sufficient  to  pay  for  the  vol- 
umes to  present  to  the  library  might  be  easily  raised. 

The  individual  subscriptions  mio-ht  be  sent  to  the  editor  of  the 
"News"  and  the  amounts  received  publi.shcd  until  a  suftlcient  sum  for  the 
purpose  should  be  obtained      What  do  you  think  of  the   idea? 

Yours  truly. 
Indianapolis,  Ind.  Howakd  Kimball. 


All  numbers  of  the  News  so  far  issued  have  been  sent  to 
the  Ipswich  Library,  as  well  as  to  more  than  fifty  other  public 
libraries,  historical  and  gencalog-ical  societies.  What  use  is 
made  of  them  we  cannot  say.  Many  we  know  to  be  received 
with  thanks,  and  missing-  numbers,  if  there  be  any,  are  called 

The  Family  History  oug-ht  to  be  in  every  public  library,  c  - 
pecially  where  the  family  connections  are  known  to  be.  One  of 
the  first  thing-s  that  Capt.  F.  M.  Kimball  iNo.  1865)  did  when 
the  History  came  out,  was  to  deposit  a  copy  with  the  Kansas 
State  Historical  Society.  It  was  also'done  by  others  in  other 
places.  It  oug-ht  to  be  done  in  Ipswich  by  descendants  living 
there.  Of  all  places  in  the  country  every  possible  record  of  the 
family  should  be  found  m  the  Ipswich  library. 

Who  Was  He?     Where  Is  He? 

In  the  middle  of  June,  1870,  I  met  a  conductor  on  the  Pacific 
road  as  we  were  coming-  west,  and  were  I  think  in  Wyoming.  A 
cinder  had  lodg-ed  in  mj-  eye,  and  seeing  me  trj-  to  g-et  it  out,  he 
offered  to  help  and  soon  relieved  me.  He  asked  mj^  name, 
and  when  I  told  him  said  his  name  was  Kimball  too.  I  think 
he  told  me  he  was  from  New  Eng-land,  but  I  am  certain 
he  told  me  he  had  a  herd  of  cattle  off  feeding-  in  that  country. 

He  was  not  over  thirty  I  think,  and  the  resemblance  to  some 
of  the  Kiraballs  I  knew  was  quite  strong-.  If  living-  I  wish  he 
would  report  to  the  News. 

MkS. KiMBAU,. 


Kimball  Family  News  '^'^ 

A  Golden  Wedding:. 

A  late  number  of  the  Oxford  County  Advertiser,  published 
at  Norway,  Me.,  where  many  nu-mbersof  the  family  have  lived  and 
arc  living-,  contains  a  leiig-ithy  notice  of  the  g-olden  wedding-  of 
Mr  and  Mrs.  Franklin  Hobbs  of  Frycburg-.  Mrs.  Hobbs  was 
Berthia  Kimball,  daughter  of  Isaac  Kimball,  Fam.  Hist.  p.  50'). 
As  may  there  be  seen  her  sisters  married  one  an  Kastman,  and 
one  a  Farrington,  both  historic  families.  Captain  Stephen  1-^ar- 
ring-ton  was  sent  with  a  small  force  to  quell  the  last  Indian  re- 
bellion in  New  England.  Their  descendants  were  present,  and 
so  were  several  members  of  the  Barker  famil}-,  from  which  Mr. 
Hobbs  was  descended,  his  ancestor  Richard  Barker  having- mar- 
ried Anna  Kimball,  the  eldest  daughter  of  Benjamin  who  came 
over  from  Eng-land  in  1634  with  his  father  Richard, 

The  following  extract  is  clipped  from  the  Advertiser's  no- 
tice, a  v^ery  long-  li^t  of  presents  being-  omitted:* 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fraukliu  L.  llobbs  celebrated  their  jj-olden  wedding- 
Dec.  ^'3,  with  a  dinner  party.     Some  sixty  g-iiests  were  present. 

This  place  has  always  been  their  home;  it  is  here  they  reared  their 
family  of  six  children,  three  sons  and  three  dang-liters,  all  of  whom  are 
living-.  It  is  enough  to  sa}'  that  they  are  all  beloved  and  respected  by 
every  one. 

Mr.  llobbs  has  been  ill,  much  of  the  time  during-  the  last  ten  or 
twelve  years.  He  is  now  eujoving- a  comfortable  degree  of  health.  Mrs. 
Hobbs,  vvitii  her  daughter  Lil}',  keeps  the  borne  in  a  flourishing  condition, 
while  their  son  .lames,  wh:)  is  near  by.  has  had  couirol  of  the  large  »valu- 
able  farm  ever  since  Mr.  Hobbs  became  an  invalid. 

Many  presents  came  to  attest  the  sincere  regards  of  their  hosts  of 
friends.  Also  poems  were  read  and  speeches  were  made,  which  gave  much 
zest  to  the  ocea.sion. 

D wight  L.  Moody. 

When  the  late  evangelist  was  seven  years  old  he  left  North- 
lield  to  seek  employment  in  Boston,  where  his  uncle  was  in  busi- 
ness as  a  shoe  merchant.  He  was  engag^ed  with  some  reluc- 
tance and  on  two  conditions:  The  lad  agfrced  to  be  g-overned  by 
his  advice,  and  to  attend  regularl}-  the  Sunday  School  and  ser- 
vices of  the  Mt.  Vernon  Congreg-ational  Church.  His  pastor 
was  the  eloquent  and  learned  Ur.  10.  N.  Kirk,  himself  a  success- 
ful evangelist.  Mr.  Moody  was  converted  through  the  personal 
efforts  of  Edward   Kimball,    his   Sunday-school  teacher.     The  fl 

seed  thus  sown  was  found  after  many    davs    when    Mr.    Moody,  i 

preaching-  in  Boston,  converted  a  son  of  that  very  teacher.  ; 

February,  190(>.  21 


The  marriag-e  of  Miss  Jessica  Sloan  Kimball  of  Los  Ang-eles, 
and  Chas  Edward  Parcells  of  Oakland  took  place  recently  at  the 
home  of  the  bride's  mother,  Mrs.  Eliza  Kimball.  Miss  Hattie 
Kimball  assisted  as  maid  of  honor,  and  the  affair  seems  to  have 
been  a  notable  society  event. 

At  Salem,  Mass. ,  an  interesting-  New  Year's  wedding-  was 
that  of  Mi5s  Mary  Ella  Bridg-es  of  Salem,  and  Mr.  Clement  L. 
Kimball  of  Ipswich.  A  reception  followed,  and  after  a  short 
bridal  tour  they  settled  down  at  Weymouth. 

Frank  Willard  Kimball,  a  lawyer  of  San  Francisco,  and 
Miss  Ida  Jane  Winams  of  San  Jose  were  married  Dec  25,  1899, 
at  the  home  of  the  bride's  mother.  The  gToom  is  a  member  of 
the  law  firm  of  Kimball  &  Kimball  (Frank  Willard  and  John 
Albion)  819  Market  Street.     The  San  Francisco  Call  says: 

The  wedding-  ceremony  was  elaborate  and  impressive  throughout, 
the  ring-  service  being  used  in  accordanae  with  the  full  ritual  of  the 
Methodist  church.  Smilax,  holly,  mistletoe,  evergreen,  feathery  bamboo 
and  white  roses  formed  the  decorations.  The  bride  wore  a  beautiful 
gown  of  nun's  veiling  trimmed  with  taffeta  silk  and  chiffon,  and  she  car- 
ried white  carnations,  maidenhair  ferns  and  orange  blossoms.  After  the 
wedding  ceromouy  was  performed  a  weddiug  dinner  was  served. 

The  bride  and  groom  were  the  recipients  of  many  beautiful  presents 

and  congratulatory  messages  from  various  s3ctioas  of   the   country      The 

bride  is  one  of  San  Jose's  most  beautiful  and  talented  ladies  and  a  popular 

favorite.     Mr.  Kimball  is  a  prominent  young  attorney  and  politician. 

(This  member  of  the  family  is  not  found  in  the  history.  His  grand- 
father was  John  Vviinball  who  .served  in  the  Revolution  from  Massachu- 
setts, and  afterwards  went  to  Maine.  His  son,  or  one  of  them,  Willard 
Snell  Kimball  of  Augusta,  afterwards  went  to  San  Luis  Abispo,    Cal.      He 

married Philbi-ook.     Their  son.  Prank  Willard   is  reported    in    the 

News,  June,  1899.  as  present  at  the  Pacific  Coast  Kimball  reunion.     A  com- 
plete record  of  this  branch  is  desirable.  I 

The  Rev.  J.  C.  Kimball,  formerly  pastor  of  Unity  church, 
Hartford,  [and  before  that  settled  in  Beverly]  has  been  elected 
as  one  of  the  twelve  leading-  clergyman  of  the  Unitarian  denom- 
ination who  are  invited  every  winter  to  deliver  a  special  course 
of  sermons  in  Washington,  D.  C  Among-  the  speakers  of  this 
course  are  the  Revs.  Robert  Collyer,  Minot  J.  Savage,  Stopford 
Brooke,  E.  E.  Hale  and  W.  C  Gannett. -Hartford  Daily  Times, 
Feb.  1890  [Fam.  Hist-  p  482-  [Fam.  News,  February,  June 
and  October,  1899.] 


Kimball  Farailj  News 



In  Arling-ton,  Mass.,  Louise  T..  wife  of  William  G.  Kim- 
ball, 49  years. 

MARY   A.   WOOD. 

The  wife  of  the  late  J.  H.  Wood  died  in  Denver,  Dec.  23, 
1899.  Mrs.  Wood  was  the  mother  of  the  wife  of  Mr.  Faj 
Worthen,  son  of  Prof.  A.  H.  and  Sally  Burnham  (Kimball) 
Worthen,  former  state  g-eolog-ist  of  Illinois.   (  Fam.  News  p.  261) 


In  Denver,  Colorado,  Dec.  18,  1899,  Samuel  Choate  Kimball, 
born  in  Dunbarton,  N.  H.,  Aug-ust  5,  1821.  Baried  at  Fort  Col- 
lins. He  had  for  many  years  resided  at  Fort  Collins  where  he 
was  a  carpenter  and  builder.  The  funeral  was  at  the  First 
Presbyterian  church  and  was  larg-ely  attended  by  friends  and 


Mrs.  Harriet  Kimball  Garland,  wife  of  Thomas  B.  Garland 
died  on  2d  street,  Jan.  16,  1899,  at  Dover,  N,  H.,  ag-ed  76  3-ears. 
Mrs.  Garland  sustained  a  shock  more  than  year  ago  from  which 
she  partially  recovered,  but  for  several  months  her  streng-th 
gradually  failed.  She  was  a  highly  esteemed  woman,  and  dur- 
ing- her  earlier  years  was  prominent  in  society  and  active  in 
church  work.  She  was  married  to  Mr.  Garland  59  years  agro, 
and  on  the  50th  anniversary  their  g-olden  wedding  was  celebrated. 
Beside  her  husband  she  is  survived  by  two  daughters,  Elizabeth, 
widow  of  the  late  David  Hall  Rice  of  Brookline,  Mass.,  and  Miss 
Caroline  H.  and  a  son,  Alfred  K.  of  Dover.     (Hist.  p.  609-1232-v  ) 


Died,  at  the  old  Hord  mill  place,  December  18,  1899,  after  a 
ling-ering  illness  of  six  weeks.  He  was  born  in  Broome  county, 
N.  Y.,  May  6,  1816;  married  to  his  wife,  now  living-  at  the  home 
of  the  deceased,  1843.  From  this  union  were  V)orn  eig-ht  chil- 
dren, seven  sons  and  one  daugliter.  The  three  eldest  sons  pre- 
ceed  the  father  to  the  other  side.  A.  A.  and  ().  O.,  living-  in 
Tebbetts;  Chas.,  mechanic  at  Hord's  mill;  }j.  H.Kimball,  farm- 
er, living-  near  New  Bloomlicld;  only  daug-hter,  Mrs.  A.  E. 
Knowlton,  living-  at  Pearysburg-h,  N.  Y.  For  sixty-three  years 
he  had  been  a  devoted  christian  of  the  M.  E.  Church,  a  g-ood 
neighbor,  a  kind  father  and  loving-  husband. 

A  good  man  has  g-one  to  rest  and  we  hope  to  meet  him  in 
that  sweet  bye  and  bye.  — ( Tcbbett's,  Mo.,  Post,  Jan.  11,  1900.) 

February,  1«)00.  23 

Joel  Kimball,  No.  1434. 

FAMILY    HISTORY    PAGE    688.       DIED    JANUARY  2,   1890. 

From  the  Salem,  Mass.,  Gazette  of  Feb.  12,  1890,  we  copy 
the  following  little  poem  on  the  death  of  Joel  Kimball.  The 
Gazette  accompanies  the  poem  with  the  following-  note. 

Joel  Kimball,  of  Danvers  Centre,  died  early  in  January  and  the 
lines  here  written  are  tram  the  pen  of  his  neig-hbor,  the  late  C.  11.  Peabody, 
who  survived  Mr.  Kimball  only  a  short  time.  This  poem  is  probably  the 
last  litei-ary  work  that  Mr.  Peabody  accomplished,  and  it  would  have  ap- 
peared earlier  but  for  an  oversight  in  thi^j  office. 


At  rest  at  last  his  days  on  earth  are  ended: 
Life's  cares  and  griefs  oppress  his  soul  no  more 

Far,  far  away,  bej'ond  the  starry  gleaming, 
He  meets  the  loved  ones  long  since  gone  before. 

Near  fourscore  j^ears  their  cycles  had  completed, 

Ere  the  sad  summons  came  to  go  away; 
But  long  he  stayed,  dispensing  joy  and  gladness 

To  all  that  came  within  his  Ivindly  way. 

Erect  of  form,  and  ever  true  and  guileless. 

His  face  was  mirror  of  the  soul  within; 
Despising  wrong,  with  charity  o'erflowing, 

The  hand  of  friendship  he  could  ever  win. 

How  great  the  loss  the  children  are  enduring. 
Who  turned  to  him  for  counsel  and  a  guide; 

And  children's  children  feel  a  pang  unmingled 
As  they  behold  their  grandsire  laid  aside. 

No  more  his  team  will  come  with  its  kind  master 

To  cheer  the  loved  ones  in  their  daily  foil; 
But  other  hands  shall  g-uide  the  faithful  creature. 

While  bis  shall  rest  beneath  the  humid  soil. 

His  only  bi-other  mourns  the  dear  departed, 
But  he  ere  long  must  join  the  slumbering  throng; 

And  may  the  kindred  all  as  one  united, 

Forever  sing  the  everlasting  song.  c.  H.  i>. 



When  sending  us  papers  containing  items  for  notice  they 
should  be  plainly  marked.  When  items  are  clipped  they  should 
be  pasted  on  a  slip,  with  name  and  date  of  paper. 

24  Kimball  Family  JScws 

SuiiplemeHtal  Notes   to   Family   History. 

Page  5S0— Warren  Carleton  Kimball,  b.  July  19.  (not  29)  1829:  m.  Jan.  13, 
1857,  Flora  Marilla  Morrill  (not  Merril)  b  July  24,  1829;  d.  July  2, 
1898.     (See  Fam.  News  p.  38ti.) 

Page  r)80— Charles  Henry  Kimball  b.  June  :.'l,  (not  July)  1836:  m.  Nov.  29 
1863,  Ellen  Frances  Clark,  b.  Aug.  9.  1840.  Child:  Fannie  Grace 
Kimball,  b.  Mar.  1.5,  1874:  d.  May  12,  1892.     A  beautiful  character. 

Page  888— Ira  Kimball  Diamond^,  b.  Mar.  9,  1845. 

Julian  Ann  Diamond*  m.  Mar.  Ifi.  1842,    Thomas    Davis    Hayden. 
Child:  Sarah  Estella  Ilaydenio.  b.  Jan.  21,  1881. 

Frederick  Arthur  Diamond^  m.  Maria  Watson  Merritt,  b.  Dec. 
22,  18C.2.  Children:  1,  Ira  Arthur  Diamond^",  b.  Sept.  30,  1883.  2, 
Albert  Carlton  Diamond'^',  b.  Dec.  21,  1884.  3,  Ada  Leslie  Diamond^'' 
b.  July  7,  1888.  4,  Robert  Ellsworth  Diamond^o,  b.  Feb.  19, 1890.  5, 
Frederick  Au&tin  Diamond'o,  b.  Sept.  8,  189r,. 

Page  888— Harriet  Wheeler  Floyd,  b.  Sept.  12,  (not  Apr.  15)  1822,  daughter 

of  Thomas  and  Esther  (Ashby)  Floyd.    George  Little  Kimball's  jfirst 

child,  Esther  Ashby  Kimball,  b.  Apr.  25,  1847;  d.  Sept.  11,  1847 

Hannah  Jane  Kimball®,  m.  1,  George  Artemas   Barnes,    b.    Sept 

29,  183(i;  d.  Apr    IG,  1881:  m.  2,  Franklin  Pierce  Reed,  b.  May  7,  1853- 

Children:     1.  Grace  Emma  Barnes"",  b.  Oct.  14,  1871;  d.  Sept.  23,  1872 

2.  Chassie  Francis  Reed^o,  b.  Feb.  12,  1887.     3,  Hazel  Kimball  Reed^", 

b.  Dec.  2,  1888. 

Augustus  Brooke  Kimball  b.  Apr    17.  (uot  16)  1863. 

Levi  Woodbury  Kimball  d.  June   28,    1898:  m.    1,   Louise   Helen 
Morrill,  b.  Oct.  18,  1832;  d.  Sept.  9.  1886:  m.  2,  Grace  Maria  Tenney 
b.  May  22,   (not  Mar.)  1840. 
Page  891 — Edna  Marion  Copeland'-*,  b.  Jane  4,  I860;  m.  John  Frederick  Pat- 
terson, b.  June  9,  1859;  d.  Dec.  23,  1896. 


i     Myrnine  Pattersoni",  b.  Feb.  13,  1880:  m.  William  Eggleston,   b. 
Sept.   30,    1875.     Children:     1.    Gertrude   Mabel   Eggleston",   t. 
Apr.  29,  1897.     2,  Helen  Eggleston.  b.  Jan.  4,  1899. 
ii     May  Louise  Patterson>".  b.  Oct.  27,  1882. 
iii     Edgar  Patterson'",  b.  Oct.   2,  1883. 
iv     Charles  Alfred  Pattersonio,  b.  May  5,  1886. 
V     Benjamin  Horace  Patteraon'".  b.  Mar.  1,  1888:  d.  Mar.  5.  1889. 
vi     John  Frederick  Pattenson"',  b.  Mar.  29,  1889. 
vii     Arthur  iviraball  Patterson^",    b.  April  28,  1892. 
viii     Elizabeth  Myrtle  Patterson'",  b.  Jan.  2,  1895. 

Albert  Carleton  Copeland",  m.  Anna  Leora  Burbeck,  b.  Apr.  5,  1861 
Children:  1,  Percy  Carleton  Copeland'«,  b.  Sept.  25,  1888.  2.  Leora 
Isabelle  Copeland^o,  b.  June  27,  1890. 

Fred  Williams  Copeland",  m.  Nellie  Gertrude  Chase,  b.  Dec.  22. 
1862;  d.  Dec.  11,  1899.  Children:  1,  Agnes  Copolaud"'.  b.  Sept.  7,  1888. 
2,  Shirley  Copeland^".  1>  N'-^-  1 '.!««'•.  :i  Mary  (  ..i-.-lnnP"  b.  Jan.. 
19.    1894. 

February,  1900.  25 

Frederick  Earnest  Augustus   KimbalF,    formerly   of   Qoronadc. 

Cal.,  m.  Mabel  Cassidy  of  Colorado,  and  tlfey    now    live    in  Arizona. 

They  have  no  children. 

[Note: — Tne  News  is  indebted  to  Laura  Frances  Kimball,  of  Curo- 
nado,  Cal.,  (p.  888  Fam.  Hist..  No.  196():  ii;  for  the  above  supplementary 
matter  and  corrections  concerning'  the  descendants  of  Asa  Kimball,  (p.  580) 
In  her  letter  she  adds:  ''You  have  been  misinformed  in  regard  to  Kimball 
Brothers.  Levi  W.,  Warren  C,  and  Frank  A  were  once  in  business  un- 
der the  firm  name  of  Kimball  Bros.,  and  they  bought  the  Rancho  de  la 
Nacion  .  My  father's  family  came  here  Nov.  28,  1869,  and  uncle  Charles 
and  family,  Jan.  7,  1887,  but  neither  of  them  belong  to  the  firm,  and  I  must 
also  deny  the  nuillionaire  story."] 

Page  320-581 — Smith  Kimball^  was  drowned  in  the   Ohio    river   about   the 
year  1809. 

Charles  Kimball'  (Smith''  Abraham-'  Aaron^  David^  Benjamin^  Rich- 
ardi)  b.  Hopkinton.  N.  IT..  June  8,  1806;  d.  Dec.  25,  1895;  m.  May  14, 
1835,  Polica  New,  still  living  near  Rosemond,  111. 


i     Elizabeth",  b.  Oct.  31,  1836;  d.  May  8,  1844. 
ii     James  H.*  b.  Nov.  6,  1838;    d.    at    Rosemond,    111.,  May    0,    1898: 

m.  Oct.  21,1858,  Margaret  Simpson, 
iii     Arvilla",  b.  Sr>pt.  4,  1840;  now  lives  in  Brown  Co.,  111. 
iv     Smith  H.*.    b.    Aug.    21,    1842;    never   married.      Lives    v\ith    hi- 

mother  near  Rosemond,  111. 
v     William  B.^  b    April  24,  1845;  d.  Oct.  30,  1845. 
vi     Angus  B.«,  b.  Aug.  14.  1846;  d.  Nov.  29,  1848. 
vii     Josephine  B.»,  b.  Apr.  26,  1849;  d.  Apr.  26.  1853. 
viii     Ira  B.^,  b.  Aug.  7,  1851;  d.  Mar.  20,  1892. 
ix     Joseph**,  b.  Dec.  3,  1854.     Lives  in  Ro.semond,  111. 
X     Josephine  B.«,  b.  Dec.  3,  1S54:     Lives  in  Pana,  111. 
xi     Sarah  E.  B.*,  b.  Dec.  6,  1858.     Lives  near  Rjsemond. 
xii     Polina  B.*,  b.  Aug.  4,  1861.     Lives  with  her  mother  and  brother 
near  Rosemond      (See  Fam.  Hist.  p.  320,  No.  581-x.) 
James  H.  Kimball**  (Charles^  Smith^   Abraham''   Aaron^    David^   Benja- 
min2,  Richard!)  b,  Nov.  6,  1838;  d.  Rosemond,    IlL,    May    9.   1898; 
m.  Oct.  21.  1858,  Margaret  Simpson. 


i     Charles  W.9,  b.  Nov.  23,  1859:  lives  in  Fitzgerald,  Ga. ;    married; 

three  children, 
ii     James  S.^,  b.  Oct.  23,  1861:  married;  lives  in   Zellwood,  Fla.     No 

iii     Thomas  L.«,  b.  Oct.  3,  1860;  lives  m  Seattle,  Wash. 
iv     Maggie  J.»,  b.  Nov.  26,  1868.     Lives  in  Astabula,  Fla. 
V     John  K.^  b.  Dec.  17,  1870. 
vi     Mary  E,9,  b.  Jan    1,1873. 

vii     Benjamin  F.9,  b.  July  17,  1875.     Lives  in  Rosemond,   111. 
viii     iVederick  G.s,  b.  Feb., 4,  187S:  m.  Dec.  20    1  S9'.\ 
ix     Lucv  M.^  b.  Jan.  22, '1883. 

26  Kimball  Family  News 

Pag-e  190— News   pp.    322-339-378-37'.t.     We  have   the   following  additional 

matter  regarding-  the  familj'  and  descendants  of  Amos  Kimball.  No. 


Eliza   Ann     Kimball«   (Amos'   Abraham''   Ebenezer'     Benjamin'^ 

Richard')  b,  Haverhill,  N.  H.,  Jan.   .^0.    18.'.'.J;   d.    Los   Angeles.    Cal.. 

Aug.  25,  188S;  m.  Haverhill,  N.  H.,  May  14,  1840,  Moses  S.  Harriman. 


i     Emma  Harriman",  b.  .luly  14.  ls4-^. 
ii     Frank  Harriman^  b.  Oct.  l.'i,  IS.V);  d.  May  5,  1893;    m     March    8. 

187«,  Jeuette  Dodd,  Chattield,  Minn      No  children. 

iii     George  Addison  Harriman'.  b.  Feb.  3,  1S53:  d.  May  17,  1855. 

iv     William  Kimball  Harriman",  b.  June  21,  1855,    d.    May   15,    1882; 

m.  at  Corrinna.  Minn..  Oct.  23.  1881.   Alma  Dudley.     A  son.  Ern- 

nest  K.,  born  after  hih  father's  death  is  now  living  in  Minnesota. 

v     Olin  Moses Hariman'b.  Dec.  8,  1858;  m.  at  Corr.nna,  Minn.,  Sept. 

2,  1880.  Flora  Winget;  d. Two  sons  Ralph  M.**and  Homer  K  "^ 

m.  2d,  Clara  Townsend.     They  have  one  son  Merle. 
vi     Elmer  Ellsworth  Harrnnau".  "b.  Jan.  :.'0.  18ill:  m.  at  Los  Angeles 
Cal.,  June   27,  1888.    Lucy    Ruddy.       Three   children:     William. 
Frank  and  Mildred, 
vii— Alva  Washburn  Harriman',  b.  Sept.  13,  1SG3;  d.  Oct.  10,  18G5. 

Eliza  Kimball  Harrimau  wrote  for  many  papers  and  magazines, 
beginning  with  the  old  Zions  Herald,  and  later  writing  for  the 
Northwestern  Christian  Advocate,  Oolden  Hours.  Ladies"  Repository, 
all  Methodist  publications.  She  also  wrote  for  the  Little  Corporal, 
the  well  known  children's  paper  published  in  Chicago  about  the 
time  of  the  civil  war  One  of  her  poems  published  in  this  magazine 
was  copied  in  Eng^laud  and  in  hundreds  of  pai^ers  in  the  United 
States.  It  also  appears  in  Helen  Potters  Manual  of  Readings.  She 
wrote  campaign  songs  when  Salmon  P.  Chase  was  running  for  gov- 
ernor of  bliio,  and  her  brother,  !•  ranees  D..  also  running  for  oliice, 
and  was  attorney  general  with  Gov.  Chase.  Her  poems  appeared  in 
Grace  Greenwoods  l^ittle  i'ilgrim  and  in  mauy  other  papers  and 
magazines.  Slie  was  a  woman  of  wonde»ful  strength  of  character, 
calmness  of  soul  and  poetic  insight.  She  sliared  the  life  of  her  hus- 
band, a  Methodist  local  preaclier.  and  was  at  difterent  times  superin- 
tendent of  Sunday  School,  leader  and  lay  delegate  to  confer- 

From  some  selections  of  her  poems  the  following  is  taken: 
O,  cro«s  of  pain,  tliat  through  the  years 
My  weary,  burdened  form  hath  pressed. 
I  bear  thee  through  this  vale  of  tears. 
But  thou  canst  not  invade  the  rest. 

That  yet  remaim-th;  though  1  tread 
Nothornless  path,  though  high  and  steep. 
Cold,  craggy  mounts  loom  oormy  head 
And  despond  sloughs  are  dark  and  deep. 

Yet  light  is  shining  and  its  ray^ 

Coine  through  the  life-enshrouding  gloom: 

'Tis  God  that  guideth  my  ways. 

Till  1  arrive  at  heaven,  my  home. 

February,  1900.  27 

(from  C4UY  8.    KIX,    CONCORD.    N.    II.) 

Continued  from,  p.  8.  Kimball  News.  Jan.  1!>00. 

Page  8y — Tlie  fifth  child  of  EllzaVtth  Kimball  and  Moses  Eastman 
No.  89 — iv  was  Abiel  (Eastman)  b.  in  Concord,  New  Hamp.shire, 
Nov.  24,  180r>:  d.  June  5,  1890;  m.  in  Salem,  Mass.,  183.5,  Mary  Kins- 
man, b.  in  Manchester,,  May  8.  181.3;  d.  in  Lockport,  N.  Y., 
Feb.  17,  1884.  Mr.  Eastman  removed  from  Salem.  Mass.,  to  Lock- 
port,  N.  Y..  vhere  he  carried  on  the  tanning  business,  associated 
with  his  brother,  Alexander  11.,  where  the  tirm  erected  a  large 
building  on  Market  street.  For  many  years  the  busiuess  conducted 
by  the  firm  was  one  of  the  leading  industries  of  the  city.  The  com- 
piler well  remembers  dealing  with  them,  when  living  near  Lockport 
m  1865-6.  As  a  citizen,  Mr.  Eastman  was  a  man  who  was  universal- 
ly esteemed;  always  genial  and  social  and  made  many  warm 
personal  friends  who  were  attracted  by  his  manj''  good  qualities  of 


i     James  F.  Eastman",  b.  May  18,  18.36. 
ii     Mary  Kingsman  Eastman",  b.  Oct.  131,  1837. 

iii     Charlotte  Malvina  Eastman",  b.  Feb.  1,  1840;  d.  Dec.  30,  1861,  unm. 
iv     Rachel  Ann  Eastman",  b.  Sept.  11,  1841. 

The  sixth  child  of  Elizabeth  Kimball  and  Moses  Eastman  was 
Judith  (Eastman)  b.  in  Concord,  N.  H.,  Sept.  7,  1769;  m.  in  Concord, 
Nov.  •27>,  1700,  Aaron  Austin;  residef*  in  Concord,  N.  H. 


i     Betsey  Austin",  b. ;  m.  Kendal  O.  Peabody  of  Franklin,  N.J-J. 

ii     William  Austin",  b. ;  m.   and  had  son,  David  S.  Austin.   Thev 

were  both  sea  captains;  the  latter  died  in  Panama,  Feb.  18,  1894. 
iii     Sarah  Austin",  b. :  never  married;  d.  in  Mobile,  Ala.,  where 

she  went  to  live  with  her  brother  William, 
iv     Judiah  Austin",  b.  :  m.  Jeremiah  Davis. 

V  Per.sis  Austin",  b. :  m.  John  Holmes  Morey. 

vi     John  Austin",  b. ;  he  was  a  sea  captain. 

The  seventh  child  of  Elizabeth  Kimball  and  Moses  Eastman  was 
Phineas,  h.  in  Concord.  N.  H.,  Jan.  20,  1772;  m.  Susan  Coggswell. 
daughter  of  Nehemiah  Coggswell,  of  Boscawen,  N,  II. 


i     William  Eastman",  b. :  m.  Mary  Walker. 

ii     Phineas  Eastman",  b. ;  m,  Sarah  Whidden. 

iii     Margaret  Eastman",  b. ;.  d.  in  infancy. 

iv    John  Eastman",  b. ;  went  to  Md. 

V  Moses  Eastman",  b. ;  m.  Adaline  Morgan  and  went   to    New 

Orleans,  La. 

vi     Simeon  Eastman",  1). ;  m.  Matilda  Wilson:  went  to  Md. 

vii     Rachel  Eastman",  b. ;  m.  John  Felt,  and  was  left  a  widow  in 

Newton.  N.  U. 

28  Kimball  Family  News 

The  eighth  child  of  Elizabeth  Kimball  and  Moses  Eastman  was 
.Simeon,  b.  in  Concord.  N.  ii..  May  11,  177-4:  m.  .Ian.  7,  1700.  Abig'ail 


i     Jacob  Carter'  b.  in  E.  Concord.  N.  11.,  Nov.  2fi,  1799:  d.  Sept.  .'.'1. 

ii     Galen  Fay  Eastraan'\  b.  iii.E.  Concord,  N.  II.:  m.  Martha  Colby, 
iii     Ruth  Eastman",  b. ;  d.  yaung-. 

Gave  Daniel   Webster  the  Mitten, 

Daniel  Webster,  the  great  American  statesmen  was  sixth 
in  descent  from  Richard  Kimball.  ?Ie  was  born  and  raised  in  a 
Kimball  neig-hborhood  a  few  miles  above  Concord,  the  capital 
of  New  Hampshire.  Three  years  before  his  birth,  there  was 
born  to  Deacon  John  and  Anna  Aver  Kimball  of  Concord  a 
daug-hter  who  was  named  Sarah.  Daniel  Webster  was  a  coun- 
try bo3'  and  she  was  a  city  g'irl,  and  from  the  standing-  of  her 
parents  was  of  course  one  of  the  belles  of  the  town.  (Fam.  Hist, 
p.  159.  News  269.) 

In  due  time,  as  the  story  goes,  \itung  Webster,  who  then 
probably  gave  no  sign  of  the  eminence  he  was  to  attain  in  the 
future,  became  acquainted  with  Sarah  Kimball,  made  a  proposal 
of  marriage  and  was  refused,  but  she  never  married  and  lived  to 
witness  all  of  Webster's  celebrity  and  his  disappointment  in  not 
attaining  the  presidency  of  the  ITnited  States.  She  lived  near- 
ly seventeen  years  after  the  death  of  the  great  expounder  of  the 
constitution.     The  Family  History  speaks  highly  of  her. 

One  year  before  the  birth  of  Webster  another  Kimball  girl 
was  born  a  little  farther  up  the  Merrimac  river  from  Concord 
not  far  from  that  island,  where  Hannah  Dustan  freed  herself 
from  the  Indians  who  had  captured  her.  This  was  Priscilla,  a 
daughter  and  the  ninth  child  of  Capt.  Peter  Kimball,  one  of  the 
heroes  of  Bennington.  (Hist.  pp.  15(»-151.)  Many  of  his  de- 
scendants are  mentioned  in  the  History,  and  many  are  omitted. 
Many  of  them  are  scattered  through  the  west.  Ezekiel  Webster 
the  father  of  Daniel  was  almost  a  near  neii,^hbor  of  Capt.  Peter 
Kimball,  the  father  of  Priscilla  and  it  was  natural  enough  that 
Daniel  should  be  attracted  to  his  distant  cousin.  Hut  like  the  other 
cousin  Sarah,  l^riscilla  did  not  return  his  affection,  but  unlike 
Sarah,  she  subsequently  married  .Fonathan  Chandler  of  a  family 
then  more  prominent  in  the  state  than  the  Websters.  Priscilla 
and  three  or  four  of  her  sisters,  scarcely  mentioned  in  the  History 
had  families,  of  which  the  Nrws  has  some  trace,  and  hopes  in 
the  early  future  to  supplement  the  History  with  their  complete 

February,  1900. 

Philometi    Kimball. 

The  Barton,  Vt.,  Monitor  of  Januar3''8,  contains  the  follow- 

Mr.  I'hiloraen  Kimball,  whose  death  occurred  in  Westiuore,  ;i)ee. 
.'3,  was  born  in  Barton,  Sept.  18:il.  He  was  a  long  time  resident  here, 
liaving  been  one  of  the  thrifty  farmers  of  the  West  district.  Tliose  of  ms 
who  enjoyed  his  larg-e-hearted  neigh borliness  are  glad  to  mention  his 
strict  integrity  in  business  matters,  considering  his  word  the  best  of 
security.  In  his  young-er  days  he  had  remarkable  energ-y,  performing 
some  feats  of  manual  labor  which  would  seem  incredible  in  this  age  of 
applied  machinery.  Some  of  his  most  notkble  days'  works  were  accom- 
plished in  behalf  of  some  neighbor  who  was  ill,  or  was  belated  about  his 
work.  The  long  illness  preceding  his  death  was  borne  uncomplainingly. 
The  older  residents  of  the  town  will  greatly  miss  his  genial,  kindly   face. 

The  Family  History  contains  no  mention  of  this  Philonien. 
On  pag-e  270,  mention  is  made  of  Philomon,  who  resided  in  Ver- 
mont the  son  of  Philomon  No.  468.  The  latter  was  a  brother 
of  Asa  No.  466,  who  built  the  first  grist  mill  in  Barton,  a  sketch 
of^whom  may  be  found  on  pag^e  16,  of  the  first  number  of  the 

Mrs.  Ella  F.  Kimball  Johnson  f  No.  1880)  of  Boston  writes, 
under  date  of  P^eb.  3: 

"I  was  in  Bradford  some  two  weeks  ag^o  and  attended  the 
eig-hty-fifth  birthday  reception  of  Mrs.  Daniel  B.  Kimball,  born 
Charlotte  C.  Tenney.  (Fam.  Hist.  p.  624)  She  is  a  Ikie  look- 
ing- old  lady,  and  remarkably  well  and  active  for  her  age.  The 
towns  people  turned  out  in  larg-e  numbers  to  pay  their  respects. 

"My  Aunt  Mrs.  Huldali  Greenoug-h  Kimball  (Fam.  Hist, 
p.  558)  and  who  if  she  lives  till  June  20,  will  be  ninety  years  old, 
had  the  misfortune  to  fall  and  break  her   hip   some   two   weeks 


"It  may  interest  some  of  the  members  of  the  Kimball  family 
to  know  that  the  wife  of  D.  Clinton  Blair  the  only  surviving-  son 
of  the  multi-millionaire,  John  Insley  Blair  of  New  Jersey,  who 
died  last  December,  was  also  a  Kimball. 

Mrs.  Alice  R.  Woodsum  started  for  Florida,  Wednesday,  to 
join  her  son  Walter,  whose  home  is  at  Pensacola.  Mrs.  Wood- 
sum  will  be  missed  in  Norway,  especially  at  the  home  of  her 
brother,  Hon.  Alfred  S.  Kimball,  in  the  Browning-  Reading-  Club 
and  in  the  Rebekah  Lodg-e.  Mrs.  Woodsum  is  a  past  Grand  in 
the  Rebekahs  and  has  been  president  of  the  Rebekah  Assembly 
of  Maine.  (Not  in  history.  See  p.  112,  June  1898,  Fam.  News) 
— Taken  from  Oxford  County  Advertiser,  Dec.  29,  1899,  Nor- 
way, Me. 

3u  Kimball  Familj  .ncw> 

Personals  Condensed. 

Mark  Kimball  is  one  of  the  Mass.  state  house  messenger!^. 

A.  J.  Kimball  has  been  elected    master  of   Union,    Maine, 

Georg-e  R.  Kimball  is  1.  (J.  u.  i* .    Ivodge    Deput}-,    Cumber- 
land, Me. 

Alderman  Kimbali    <m    i^vini,  Mass.,  is  a  senior  member  of 
the  board. 

Alderman  Kimball  of  Maiden,  leads  on  the  most    important 

Frederick  C.  Kimb-'ll  i^  treasurer  of  the  Boston  Credit  Men's 

(tCO.  a.    Kimball  ^'s   one    of    the    Massachusetts    sewerage 

James  W.  Kimball  was  re-elected  clerk  of  the  Massachusetts 
House  of  representatives. 

Street  Commissioner  Kimbrll  of  Mod  ford,  Mas^^.,  is  the  wav 
we  notice  it  in  the  papers. 

David  P.  Kimball  is  one  of  the  directors   of   the    American 
Loan  and  Trust  Company  of  Boston. 

Rufus  Kimball  has  been  elected  one    of    the    officers    of  the 
Ivvnn,  Mass.,  Five  Cents  Savings  Bank. 

B.  F.  Kimball,  deacon  for  iive  years,    is   superintendent   of 
the  Woburn  North  Congregational  Sunday  School. 

Henry  H.  Kimball  is  secretarj'  and  treasurer  of   the   Massa- 
chusetts J'^ish  and  (ramc  Protective  Association. 

Winter  golf  was  played    the  other    day    by   the    Lakewood, 
N.  J.,  club  in  which  F.  P.  Kimball  came  out  ahead. 

Mrs.  Willis  Kimball  and  Miss   Ina   Kimball   are   officers  of 
the  Somerville,  Mass.,  Children's  Home  Association. 

Mrs.  R.  E.  Kimball  of  5187    Kensington    place,    St.    Louis, 
with  her  children,  is  spending  the  winter  in  the  east. 

Burglars  recently  entered  the  house  of   F.    W.    Kimball    in 
Lynn,  Mass.,  and  got  away  with  S40  worth  of  jewelry. 

February,  1900.  31 

Charles  T.  Kimball  of  Winchester,  Mass.,  is  president  of 
the  branch  of  the  National  Letter  Carrier's  Association. 

H.  J.  Kimball  of  Oakdale,  led  in  a  special  musical  program 
on  Christmas  at  the  M.E.  Church  at  East  Dedham',  Mass. 

C.  L.  Kimball  of  Ipswich  has  boug-ht  a  very  attractive  prop- 
erty in  Weymouth,  Mass.,  which  he  will  improve  and  make  his 

C.  M.  Kimball  isserg-eant-major,  Boston  Post  200,  G.  A.R., 
and  Capt.  F.  M.  Kimball  nearly  always  has  a  hand  in  the  work 
of  Lincoln  Post,  Topeka. 

Rev.  Joseph  Kimball  of  Hampton  Falls,  N.  H.,  has  been 
delivering"  lectures  this  winter  on  ''electricity"  in  New  Hamp- 
shire and  Massachusetts. 

Mrs.  O.  O.  Kimball  is  a  leading-  doer  of  ^ood  deeds  in  Teb- 
betts.  Mo.,  according- the  Post  of  that  town,  and  A.  A.  Kimball 
is  a  contractor  and  builder. 

The  engag-ement  is  announced  of  Miss  Harriet  Lee,  daugh- 
ter of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  David  B.  Kimball  of  Salem,  Mass.,  and 
Walter  L.  Harris  of  Middleton. 

At  a  grand  concert  at  Stoug-hton,  Mass.,  Mr.  C.  O.  Kim- 
ball rendered  a  cornet  solo  that  was  received  with  g-reat  favor. 
The  musical  reputation  of  the  family  suffers  no  loss. 

The  larg-e  leather  factory  of  B,  F.  Kimball  of  Woburn, 
Mass.,  was  burned  in  November,  but  other  buildings  have  been 
leased  and  the  work  goes  on  as  before.     (Hist,  p  967) 

Albert  T.  Kimball  has  returned  to  his  post  as  ticket  agent 
at  the  Firchburg,  Mass.,  railroad  office,  after  some  months  in 
the  mountains  in  search  of  health  which  he  found  in  abundance. 

Newton,  Mass.,  has  a  fashionable  set  with  a  club  house 
where  they  give  dinners  and  dances.  Among  the  found 
in  the  weekly  mention  are  Mr.  Clifford  Kimball  and  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  W.  F.  Kimball. 

C.  F.  Kimball,  president  of  the  Kimball  Carriage  Works  of. 
Chicago  makes  a  point  of  visiting  the  horse  and  carriage  shows, 
in  order  to  keep  up  with  every  new  idea  that  may  spring  up.  He 
recently  visited  St.  Louis. 

Kimball  Family  News 

The  Ipswich,  Mass.,  Independent  says   that    Frederick    A. 
Kimball  has  been  reappointed  District  Deputy  (irand  Master  for 
the  Ninth  Masonic  district.     Mr.  Kimball  is  a   I'ast  Master   of 
John  T.  Heard  Lodg-e  and  an  oflicer  of  unusual  efficiency. 

Albert  T.  Kimball  (No.  2182)  left  Boston,  January  17,    for 
Passedena,  California,  where  he  expects  to   remain    during"   the 
winter.     It  is  said  that  he  is  to  become  associated  with  the    Do- 
minion Line  of  steamship  company  running  between  Boston  and 
Liverpool.     He  has  seen  much  railroad  service. 

At  the  January  annual  meeting  of  the  Kansas  Society  of  the 
Sons  of  the  American  Revolution  the  editor  of  the  Kimball  Fam- 
ily News  was  elected  first  vice-president,  and  also  Registrar  of 
the  society  in  place  of  the  late  Judge  F.  G.  Adams,  the  founder 
of  the  society,  as  well  as  of  the  State  Historical  Society.  EUwood 
Davis  Kimball  of  Wichita,  was  also  elected  one  of  the  vice- 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Moses  Stone  Kimball,  of  Avon,  Mass.,  have 
just  celebrated  the  fifty-fourth  year  of  their  wedded  life.  Mr. 
Kimball  was  born  in  Bridgton,  May  11,  1817.  His  parents  were 
Jacob  and  Emma  (Stone  iKimball,  whose  children  comprised  six 
daughters  and  four  sons;  three  of  the  latter  are  living,  Jede- 
diah,  of  Minnesota,  Jacob  T.  of  Bethel,  and  Moses  S.  The  fath- 
er was  a  soldier,  and  a  well-known  citizen.  He  and  his  family 
eventually  moved  to  Bethel,  where  the  parents  continued  to 
dwell  until  their  deaths,  which  occured  when  they  were  81  and 
87  years  of  age,  respectively.  Six  years  ago  Mr.  Kimball  sold 
his  farm  in  Maine,  and  he  and  his  wife  located  in  Avon.  On 
Dec.  10,  1845,  he  was  married,  at  Norway,  to  Miss  Katherine 
Young-  of  Greenwood.  Of  this  union  were  born  three  daughters 
and  one  son,  all  of  whom  are  living.  The  couple  are  blessed 
with  good  health.  For  the  past  40  years  Mr.  Kimball  has  been 
a  prominent  member  of  the  Bai)tist  church,  thirt}'  years  of  which 
he  was  a  deacon. — News,  Bridgton,  Me.,  Dec.  22,  1899. 

(ren.  A.  W.  Greely,  chict  of  the  Unite*!  States  Army  Signal 
Service  was  recently  assaulted  in  Washington  b}-  a  drunken  ex- 
press messeng-er  and  seriously  injured,  and  for  a  time  they  de- 
spaired of  his  life.r  The  drunken  fellow  and  a  companion  tried 
to  force  their  way  pnto  his  home,  and  when  he  <ibjeetcd,  they 
assaulted  him.  Gbn.  Greely  is  a  descendant  of  Moses  Day  and 
Abigail  Kimball,  daughter  of  Benjamin".  (Fam.  Hist.  p.  45") 








mewe,     "^ 




4^^   5^eing  Supplemental  to  JCimball  family  Mistory.   ^S^ 

^-  ^^<i^ 


^^  ^ 

Uolume   S. 

MARCH,  1900 

Entered  for  transmission  in  the  mails  as  second  class. 

S^o.  S.  M 


-'-  ■-M^iMi.i.i  1'  .Aim '■mi'  ■■  iwtaisjaamiXK 


G.  F,   KIMBALL,  Topeka,   Kansas. 

f,   S'riee  One  JDollar  a  ^ear. 



Born,  North  BerwicK,  Me.,  Dec.  3,  1795.     Died,  Westford,  Mass., 

March  2,  1900,  a8:ed  104  years  and  3  months. 

[See  Family  News,  April,  1898,  December,  1898,  and  March,  1900.] 

M    POeTUT 

Read  at  the  Centennial  Anniversary  of  Abigail  FCimball  Garvin,  at 
Wejtfori,  Miss.,  D^cember  3,  1895. 

Today  we  bono  r  you,  dear  friend, 

Not  simply  for  your  many  years, 
But  for  the  lovely  traits  that  blend 

And  make  the  life  that  now  appears. 

And  we  respect  one  who  could  tind 

In  whir  of  distatT  and  of  loom 
The  secret  of  a  cheerful  mind 

And  keep  a  household  free  from  gloom 
But  the  greatest  tribute  we  can  pay 
Is  to  your  precious  mother-love 
Which  wrought  a  good  nopOwer  can  stay,     Whene'er  you  meet  again  will  be 
And  symbolizes  life  above.  In  spirit  life  more  old  than  you 

A  hundred  years  to  feel  God's  love! 
To  think  a  hundred  years  below 
What  God  prepares  for  life  above 
And  all  eternity  tt)  know! 

A  hundred  years  on  earth' to  live. 
To  see  God's  beauty  everywhere 

And  learn  the  lessons  they  should  give 
Of  love  and  trust  and  tender  care! 

A  hundred  years  seems  very  long, 
When  thinking  in  our  human  way. 

For  life  is  not  one  joyous  song 
And  sorrows  last  for  many  a  day. 

And  yet  your  little  girl  of  three 
Whom  angels  long  since  bore  from  vie 










Utimbal I  "family  uiews 

Vol.  Ill,  No.  3  G.  F  KIMBALL,   Publisher.  Terms  $1.00  a  year 

Topeka»  Kansas,  March,  1900 

Her  Light  Has  Gone   Out. 

Mrs.  Abierail  Kimball  Garvin  is  no  more  in  this  life-  She 
died  on  Friday,  March  2,  1900,  at  the  home  of  her  ^aug-hter, 
Mrs.  Andrew  S.  Wright  of  Westford,  Mass.,  at  the  age  of  104 
Tears  and  three  months.  It  is  believed  that  she  was  the  oldest 
born  Kimball  living  up  to  the  time  of  her  death.  Two  previous 
numbers  of  the  News  have  contained  sketches  and  portrait  of 
this  venerable  relative,  who  somehow,  escaped  with  the  slight- 
est possible  mention  on  page  230  of  the  Family  History  although 
her  family  was  one  of  the  most  notable  of  those  descended  from 
the  immigrant  Richard  Kimball-  The  News  for  April.  1898, 
also  gives  a  list  of  her  children  and  grandchildren. 

Her  son,  Mr.  E.  K.  Garvin  of  Roxbury  writes: 
She  passed  out  of  this  life  to  meet  those  gone  before  on  Friday 
morning,  March  -'.  at  7:30.  Her  health  and  streno-th  had  been  steadily 
failing  since  her  last  birthdav.  Although  her  children  had  tenderly 
watched  over  her.  and  had  provided  the  most  nourishing  food  that  science 
could  produce,  hoping  that  she  might  enter  the  twentieth  century  so  that 
it  could  be  said  sh«  had  lived  in  three  centuries,  but  her  strength  was  cot 
sufficient.  And  so  we  watched  her  failing  powers  On  Thuroday  she  slept 
as  usual  a  part  of  the  daj-.  and  was  up  and  around  her  roam  several  times, 
and  partook  of  the  regular  evening  meal,  retired  early  and  slept  calmly 
?11  night.  In.  the  morning  she  awoke  quietly  and  a  few  minutes  later 
passed  away  without  a  sigh  and  without  a  struggle.  The  funeral  services 
were  simple  and  impressive.  Flon'ers  were  providf'd  in  abundance,  and 
with  that  sweet  smile  so  dear  to  all  still  lingeriug.  -'i  ■  -^'as  carried  to  her 
final  rest. 

She  was  not  informed  of  the  recent  'death  of  her  daughter, 
Mrs.  Newcomb. 

On  Dec.  3,  1895,  Mrs.  Garvin  celebrated  her  centennial 
birthday.  Of  that  event  the  Lawrence  Daily  Eagle,  said  in  its 
issue  of  the  fifth: 

The  occasion  was  observed  by  a  large  number  of  her  relatives, 
friends  and  neighbors.  Mrs.  Gai-vin,  although  far  beyond  the  commonly' 
allotted  term  of  life,  is  strong,  vigorous  and  in  better  health  than  she  was 
several-years  ago.  Her  senses,  also  are  well  preserved,  ohe  remembers 
the  death  of  Washington  and  many  other  famous  events  of  the  nations 
early  history,  and  one  might  almost  say  that  her  whole  hundre'd   years  of 

34  Kimball  Family  Newt> 

life  are  distinct  iu  her  mind.  She  has  one  brother  living,  three  children, 
several  grandchildren  and  great  grandchildren.  All  four  generations 
%vere  represented  at  her  centennial.  Mrs.  Garvin  i-eceived  a  large  number 
of  presents,  including  one  from  her  nephew,  .Sumner  I.  Kimball,  superin- 
tendent of  the  life  saving  service  in  Washington.  Mrs.  (Uirvin  has  quite 
a  number  of  relativi^s  and  connections  in  Lawrence,  two  of  wliom.  Mr.  and 
Mrs.    Wilson  K.  Lindsey  were  present  at  her  festival. 

The  following-  mention  of  the  death  of  Mrs-  Newcomb,  her 
joung-est  daug-hter,  was  written  before  the  news  of  her  mother's 
death  was  received,  and  will  serve  to  supplement  this  notice. 


At  Walthman,  Mass.,  Jan.  30,  1900,  Elizabeth  EllenCGarvin; 
wife  of  John  Wesley  Newcomb.  Her  death  was  very  sudden. 
On  the  twenty-sixth  she  was  taken  with  pains  in  the  back  and 
she  gradually  grew  worse  until  the  end.  Elizabeth  Garvin  was 
born  in  Portland,  Me.,  on  Washington's  birthday  in  1836,  and 
in  three  weeks  would  have  been  64  years  old.  She  was  the 
youngest  daughter  of  the  A^enerable  Abigail  Kimball  Garvin, 
who  passed  her  104th  birthday  on  Dec.  3,  1809,  whose  portrait, 
and  sketches  of  whose  life  ma}'  be  found  in  April  and  December 
News,  1898.  Mrs.  Newcomb  was  a  helpful  member  of  the  M.E. 
church  and  particularly  active  in  the  work  of  home  missions. 
The  funeral  was  largely  attended,  many  g^oing-  out  from  South 
Boston.  She  was  the  mother  of  six  children  as  named  on  page 
67  of  April  News,  1898.  Mrs.  Newcomb  was  a  favorite  with  her 
mother,  who  makes  her  home  at  Westford,  Mass.,  xvith  Mrs. 
Andrew  S.  Wright  an  elder  daughter.  One  sad  feature  of  the 
case  is  the  fact  that  it  has  been  thought  best  to  keep  the  knowl- 
edge of  her  daughter's  death  from  Mrs.  Garvin,  because  of  her 
g-reat  age,  and  enfeebled  condition,  for  while  her  physical 
strength  is  still  remarkable  for  a  centenarian,  there  are  fears 
that  the  shock  may  affect  her  mind.  On  the  other  hand  there 
is  danger  in  evasion,  as  the  loving  mother  has  always  kept  in 
close  touch  with  the  deceased.  More  than  usual  interest  attaches 
to  this  case  from  the  fact  that  Mrs.  Garvin  is  the  oldest  known 
Kimball  now  living,  and  from  the  high  positions  that  her 
brothers  held  many  3'ears  ago,  and  Gen.  Sumner  I.  Kimball  of 
Washington,  so  long  at  the  head  of  tho  Life  Saving  Service,  is 
the  son  of  one  of  those  brothers. 

The  news  of  the  death  of  Abigail  Kimball  Garvin  at  the 
ag-e  of  104  years  and  three  months,  which  we  are  called  upon  to 
chronicle  this  month  will  be  received  with  regret  by  all.  Many 
had  hoped  that  she  might  bo  spared  to  see  the  opening  of  the 
next  century,  thus  enabling  her  to  span  the  entire  nineteenth 

March,  1900.  35 

A  Notable   Celebration. 

The  Boston  Globe  of  Dec.  1,  189*),  devotes  a  column  to  what 
it  terms  an  "unusual  event."  It  was  the  celebration  of  the  nine- 
tieth birthday  of  a  "worthy  son  of  a  worthy  sire,"  the  venerable 
Joseph  Chandler  of  Pembroke,  Mass. 

Mr.  Chandler  is  the  son  and  grandson  of  revolutionary  sol- 
diers, his  father  having-  been  with  Gen.  Reed  at  the  battle  of 
Bunker  hill  at  fourteen  jears  of  ag"e,  and  afterwards  a  surg-eon 
in  the  war  of  1812,  while  his  grandfather,  president  of  Harvard 
University  during-  the  turbulent  days  of  the  revolution,  made  a 
public  prayer  standing-  upon  the  steps  of  the  house  occupied  as 
the  American  headquarters  when  the  troops  marched  out  to 
fortify  Bunker  Hill.  He  has  in  his  possossion  two  sermons  that 
Rev,  Samuel  Ivang-don  delivered  to  the  Army  in  Cambridge,  1776. 

Mr.  Chandler  was  born  in  Fryebury,  Me.,  and  married  in 
1842  Mary  Chase,  great  g-randdaug-hter  of  Mehitable  Frye, 
daughter  of  Gen.  Joseph  Frye,  to  whom  that  town  was  given  by 
the  commonwealth  of  Massachusetts  for  disting-uished  service 
in  the  French  and  Indian  wars;  he  was  also  an  oflficer  in  our 
strug-g-le  for  independence,  was  with  the  army  in  Cambridg-e, 
and  was  presented  with  a  commission  of  brigadier  general  by 
Gen.  Washington  in  person,  Feb.  5,  1776. 

Mr.  Chandler  moved  to  Pembroke  about  16  years  ag-o  and 
purchased  a  house  near  his  daughter,  Mrs.  Charles  where  he 
still  resides. 

On  pag-e  254  of  the  Family  News,    March,    1899,    notice   of 
the  death  of  Joseph's  brother  Moses  may  be  found,  tog-ether  with 
reference  to  the  Chandler  connections  by  many   marriages   with 
the  Kimball  family.     Reference  is  there  also  made  to  the  appar- 
ent want  of  descendants   of   the   Kimball-Chandlers.     As  more 
light  comes  to  us  it  seems  that  this  is  more  apparent  than   real. 
It  is  now  learned  that  the   Priscilla,    daug-hter   of   Capt,    Peter 
Kimball,  who  married  Jonathan  Chandler,  and  who  once  refused 
the  hand  of  Daniel  Webster  mentioned   in    the    last   number  of 
the  News  left  a  family  and  that  her  descendants  are  more  or  less 
numerous.     In  the  following  number  of  the  News,  that  of  April 
1899,  further  mention  is  also  made  of  the  Chandler   family    and 
its  connection  with    the  Kimballs.     One   thing-  is   particularly 
noticeable,  which  is  that  in  the  many  unions  of  these  families  it 
was  Chandlers  who  soug-ht  Kimball  women  for  wives.     In  view 
of  this  fact  let  no  one  say  it  was  because  the  Kimball  girls  were 
more  attractive  in  any  way,  than  the  Chandler  g-irl?,  or  that  the 
Chandler  men  were  more  discriminating-  than  the  Kimball  men. 

F.  B   Kimball  is  chairman  of  the  executive  committee  of  the 
Massachusetts  Bicycle  club. 

3(>  KimbiiU  Familv   News. 

More  of  the  Worthcti-Kiitiball  Fattiily. 

Mr.  Aug-ustine  L.  Worthinj^  of  Belvue,  Kansas,  called  on 
the  News  recently.  Most  of  his  relatives  on  his  father's  side 
are  known  as  Worthens.  The  spelling"  of  the  name  affords  an- 
other instance  of  a  change  like  that  of  Kemball  to  Kimball,  and 
to  Kimble.  Mr.  Worthing"  V)elong"s  to  the  family  of  Thomas 
Worthen,  father  Amos  H.  VVorthen,  former  state  g"eolog"ist  of 
Illinois,  ^vho  married  Sarah  B.  Kimball,  as  narrated  on  pag-es 
2(>0-l  of  April  Nkws,  and  Jonathan  Worthen  who  married  Sally 
Carter,  granddaug-htcr  of  Moses  and  Elizabeth  (Kimball)  East- 
man was  his  uncle.  (Hist.  p.  89.  News,  Jan.  1890,  p.  8)  But 
more  than  this,  Mr.  Worthing's  g-randmothcr  was  Sally  Kim- 
ball. daug"hter  of  Capt.  Peter  Kimball  of  Boscawen,  N.  H.,  and 
sister  of  Priscilla,  who  refused  Daniel  Webster  as  related  in  the 
last  number  of  the  News.  She  married  Solomon  Martin  as 
stated  on  pag"e  151  of  the  History,  and  left  several  children  as 
did  her  sisters  Hannah,  Judith.  Betty  and  Priscilla,  of  which 
the  Histor}'  says  nothing".  Liberal  mention  is  made  of.  Capt. 
Peter  Kimball  on  pag"e  150  of  the  Family  History  bat  much 
might  be  added.  He  was  one  of  the  heroes  of  Bennington,  and 
the  diar\'  which  he  kept  is  now  considered  historic  authority. 
It  is  quoted  not  only  in  the  History  of  Boscawen  but  in  various 
works  on  revolutionary  history,  such  as  "Gilmore's  List  of  New 
Hampshire  soldiers  at  Benning"ton,"  to  which  reference  was 
made  on  page  47,  of  March  News,  1898,  which  may  be.consulted 
by  descendants  of  the  live  New  Hampshire  Kimballs  who  were  at 
Bennington,  who  may  desire  to  join  the  Sons  of  the  American 

Five  of  the  ten  children  left  by  Peter  Kimball  are  reported 
by  the  history  as  having  been  heads  of  families.  The  others 
are  not  so  reported,  although  entitled  to  that  honor.  The  fact 
affords  new  evidence  of  the  extent  of  unwritten  family  history 
in  a  field  so  industriously  worked  as  that  gone  over  by  Messrs. 
Sharpies  &  Morrison. 

The  known  descendants  of  Peter  Kimball  are  numerous,  ex- 
ist in  all  parts  of  the  country,  and  bear  honorable  record.  On 
page  512  and  513  P^am.  Hist,  may  be  fouml  reference  to  some  of 
Peter's  grandchildren,  and  on  page  ()0  an<l  (>2  of  March  News 
some  additional  matter,  including  editorial  note  on  page  62, 
where  it  is  said  that  one  descendant  of  Peter  still  has  a  hatchet 
that  he  carried  at  Bennington. 

Mr  and  Mrs.  Peter  C-  Kimball  ()f  Cohasset,  Mass.,  are 
spending  the  winter  as  usual  at  their  Florida  hcmie,  at  Hawk's 
Point.    Florida. 


March,  1S>0U.  37 

Byron  Kirabatl  of  Bridgtoti,  Me. 

Bvron  Kimball  of  North  Bridg-toii,  Me.,  was  one  of  the  first 
to  setid  words  of  encourag-ement  to  the  News.  ( See  p.  58, 
March  1898.) 

He  is  named  in  the  Family  History,  Pag-e  979,  and  in  Fam- 
ily News,  p.  137.  He  was  born  in  Bridg-ton,  in  Aug-ust  1840,  and 
died  at  his  home  in  North  Bridgton,  Dec.  16,1899.  He  was 
wideh""  known  and  highly  esteemed  for  his  many  manly  qualities. 
His  character  was  conspicuous  and  his  influence  was  both  great 
and  good.  The  Bridgton  News  of  Dec.  22  devotes  over  a  long- 
column  to  a  sketch  of  his  life  from  which  we  condense  the  fol- 

Byron  Kimball  was  the  son  of  the  late  Capt.  Richard  Kimball,  one 
of  our  most  honored  and  useful  citizens,  residing-  during-  his  lite-time  on 
the  Fryeburg  road.  Here  the  deceased  spent  his  boyhood  and  his  young 
manhood,  pursuing-  the  vocation  of  a  farmer  and  attending-  the  vil- 
lage schools  and  later  taking  a  five  years'  course  at  Bridgton  Academy, 
graduating  in  1861.  He  taught  school  successfully  at  Bridgton  Centre 
and  North  Bridgton;  but  the  larger  portion  of  his  time  and  energies  were 
devoted  to  agricultural  pursuits.  Upon  the  death  of  his  father  and  the 
decease  of  his  wife's  father,  the  late  Jacob  Hazen,  he  purchased  the 
fine  and  eligibly  located  property  half  a  century  ago  known  as  the 
estate  of  the  late  Hon.  Marshall  Cram,  one  of  the  finest  in  Northern  Cum- 
berland. To  this,  with  his  family,  he  removed  m  1876,  and  has  since  made 
it  his  home,  farming  as  a  recreation,  but  all  the  wh'le  pursuing  other 
branches  of  business  more  renumerative  than  the  tilling  of  the 
soil.  In  1883  he  became  a  member  of  the  firm  of  Luke  &  F.  H.  Brown,  the 
old  Furniture  Manufactory  plant  established  nearly  sixty  years  ago, 
shipping  their  products  all  over  the  world.  Mr.  Kimball  was  also  an  im- 
portant factor  in  the  establishment  of  the  Bridgton  Creamery,  being  one 
of  the  stockholders  and  an  officer  of  the  company.  He  was,  likewise,  in- 
terested in  a  number  of  otheribusiness  enterprises. 

But  it  was  in  the  Order   of   Odd    Fellows   that    Byron    Kimball    was 
morft  widely  known.     An  early  and  active  member  of   Cumberland    Lodge 
in  perhaps  its  palmiest  days,  he  filled   all   the   chairs   of   the   subordinate 
lodge,  and  took  a  commanding  position    in    the    Grand   Lodge,    becoming 
Grand  Master  and  representative  to  the    Sovereign    Grand    Lodge,    whose 
sessions  he  frequently  attended.      He  also   became    Secretary    of  the   Odd 
Fellows'  Mutual  Relief  Association  of  Maine  tne  second  year  after  it.s   or- 
ganization and  continued  therein  for  a  dozen  years.  In  all  the  Odd  Fellow 
circles  Byron  Kimball  was  honored  and  esteemed.     A   graceful    presiding 
officer,  well-equipped  on  knowledge  of  Odd  Fellows  Law  and  Jurisprudence 
he  and  a  few  others  constituted  a  guild  which  gave  vigor  and  efficiency  to 
the  annual  session. 

In  recent  years  he  has  been  a  verj'  efficient  aid  to  the  Bridgton 
Academy  Board  of  trustees  and  its  educational  work.  He  was  a  member 
of  ttie  Board  and  Vice  President    He  will  be  keenlj'  mi.ssedin   all   Academy 

3S  Kirabaii  l-aniiiV   News 

circles.  Indeed  throughout  the  town  t)iat  is  true,  fie  was  one  of  the 
Seleottnen  of  the  town  iu  1872-3  and  frequently  served  as  Moderator  at 
the  town  meetings. 

It  is  well  known  to  the  writer  that  the  deceased  has  often  been 
urged  to  represent  Northern  Cumberland  in  the  State  Senate,  and  also  the 
town  in  the  Legislature.  He  could  have  taken  the  nomination  for  either 
place  a  number  of  times  without  any  solicitation  on  his  part.  Few  men 
in  the  jurisdiction  were  better  equipped  than  he.  A  graceful  speaker  and 
a  fine  parliamentarian— such  qualification.s  are  rare  in  tte  rural  districts. 


The  fun='ral  was  at  the  church  in  North  Bridgton  Tuesday  afternoon. 
There  was  a  numerous  attendance  of  the  neighbors  and  other  friends  of 
the  deceased,  and  a  large  representation  of  Cumberland  Lodge  of  Odd 
Fellows,  although  the  rain  and  weather  conditions  considerably  lessened 
the  number  tha;  would  have  been  present. 

The  Hon.  L.F.  McKinney  spoke  at  .some  length  in  a  reminiscent  and 
eulogistic  vein  relative  to  the  lamented  dead,  corroborating  from  personal 
knowledge  the  high  reputation  of  Mr.  Kimball,  whom,  as  fellow  citizen 
and  brother  Odd  Fellow  he  had  known  for  thirty  years,  and  more  recently 
as  business  partner.  The  customary  rites  were  by  Cumberland  Lodge. 
Wm.  M.  Dunn,  acting  in  his  official  role  of  Noble  Grand,  L.  F.  McKinney. 
as  Chaplain,  and  Past  Grand  Frank  P.  Bennett  as  Marshal.  Among 
the  manj'  beautiful  floral  tributes  was  an  elaborate  offering  from  the 
Grand  Lodge,  bearing  the  letters  P.  G.  R.  and  the  three  links. 

The  burial  was  in  the  village  cemetery,  adjoining  the  Kimball  home- 
stead estate.  I.  S.  Webb,  on  the  part  of  the  family,  had  general  charge 
of  the  ob.sequies.  The  bearers,  representing  the  board  of  Academy  Trus- 
tees, were  Chas.  II.  Gould,  J.  Carrol,  Mead,  Edward  Kimball,  Samuel  Z. 
Smith,  Horace  A.  Hall. 

In  1866  Mr.  Kimball  was  united  in  marriage  to  Adaline  Hazen. 
Four  children  were  born  to  them,  all  of  whom  are  living:  Willis  H.,  a 
practising  physician  in  Portland:  Sophronia  B.,  wife  of  Virgil  D.  Johnson 
of  North  Frjeburg;  George  R.  and  Carrie  of  North  Bridgtou 

C.  E.  Kimball  of  Summit,  N.  J.,  sends $2.00  for  subscription 
to  the  News  one  year,  one  copy  for  himself  and  one  for  some 
one  who  is  not  able  to  pay.  That  is  a  jo^ivmI  way  to  do.  There 
are,  as  we  feared,  many  who  do  not  feel  able  to  pay  one  dollar, 
who  would  pay  tme  half  that  amount.  We  are  not  willinijf  to 
let  the  price  keep  any  one  from  receiving-  the  News  who  wants 
it,  and  in  ever}'  known  dcservinj^  case  shall  send  it  for  fifty  cents. 

All  subscriptions  to  the  News  beg-in  with  January    of    each 
year  and  end  with  December.     This  makes  each  year   complete. 

March,  19UU.  39 

He  Goes  to  Sharon. 

The  following-  article  from  the  Hartford  Times,  will  be  of 
interest  to  the  many  friends  of  Mr.  Kimball: 


The  Rev.  John  C  Kimball  of  this  city  has  accepted  a  unani- 
mous invitation  to  the  pastorate  of  the  First  Cong^reg-ational 
Church  at  Sharon  Mass.,  and  will  formally  assume  the  duties  of 
the  position  February  1.  Sharon  is  situated  on  the  Boston  and 
Providence  road,  eig-hteen  miles  from  Boston,  and  besides  being- 
a  very  beautiful  place,  has  quite  a  reputation  as  a  health  resort. 

Mr  Kimball  has  been  supplying-  the  pulpit  for  six  months, 
and  now  enters  upon  the  work  permanently.  This  will  involve 
his  removal  from  Hartford  during-  the  winter.  Mr.  Kimball  came 
here  orig;inally  in  1878  settling- here  as  pastor  of  Unity  church  in 
May  of  that  year.  He  remained  in  that  capacity  until  the  fall  of 
1888,  when  his  pastoral  work  was  concluded.  Afterwards  he 
was  the  university  preacher  at  Ann  Arbor,  Michigan  University, 
for  one  year,  while  the  Rev.  Dr.  Sunderland  was  in  Europe.  He 
has  lectured  extensively  since  leaving-  the  Hartford  pulpit,  and 
has  been  identified  with  the  lectureships  of  the  Ethical  Associa- 
tion in  Brooklyn,  which  has  published  his  lectures  with  others 
both  separately  and  in  bound  volumes 

Mr  Kimball  is  a  g-raduate  of  Amherst  College,  class  of  1854. 
During-  the  Civil  War  he  was  the  chaplain  of  the  Eighth  Massa- 
chusetts. He  was  in  the  Newport  pastorate  prior  to  his  removal 
to  Hartford,  and  was  chaplain  of  the  Rhode  Island  Senate  while 
residing-  in  Newport.  For  two  years  he  was  superintendent  of 
the  work  of  the  Unitarian  Association  on  the  Pacific  coast,  and 
was  one  of  the  directorsof  the  association.  He  has  devoted  him- 
self toscientiiic  and  sociolog-ical  studies  from  the  outset.  With 
the  Rev.  M.  J.  Savag-e  of  New  York  he  was  one  of  the  first  in 
this  country  to  accept  Herbert  Spencer's  philosophy  of  evolution. 
Mr,  Kimball  has  been  inte>rested  throug-h  life  in  g-ood  g-overnraent 
and  g-ood  citi^^enship.  His  wife,  Mrs  E.  O.  Kimball  is  the  presi- 
dent of  the  Equal  Rig-lits  Club,  ni.Mnber  of  the  Mt.  Holyoke 
Alumna  Associations  of  this  city  and  of  the  club  of  Literary  "Del- 
vers,  composed  of  Hartford  ladies.  She  has  won  larg-e  circles  of 
friends  here  who  will  reg-ret  her  removal  to  Massachusetts 

The  daug-hter  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Kimball,  Mrs  Grace  K  Gris- 
wold,wife  of  Mr  Lyman  W.  Griswold,  is  residing-  in  Greenfield, 
Mass.  She  is  a  g-raduate  of  Smith  Colleg-e  and  was  married  h-  re 
last  June.     (^See  News  189)  Feb.  June,  Oct.,  Hist.  p.  4S2. 


Mrs.  F.  M.  Kimball  of  Topeka  is  the  treasurer  of  the   Kan- 
sas Society  of  the  Daui>-hters  of  the  American  Revolution. 


■^"  Kiniijuji   i'ainilv   .New 

A  Hundredth  Birthday  Celebration. 

Jolin  Kimball  of  Ipswich,  Mass.,  >  son  of  Ebenezer"  Joseph'- 
Muscs^  Mo^esMohn-  Richard')  was  born  Feb.  22,  1800.  and  died 
in  1876.  His  children  alwavs  celebrated  the  day  while  he  was 
living-  by  a  visit  to  him,  or  by  sendini^^  him  letters  and  tokens  of 
their  reg-ard,  and  since  his  death  have  usually  written  to  each 
other  about  him  on  that  day.  Bnt  the  twenty-second  of  Febru- 
ary this  year  beinsif  the  hundrelh  anniversary  of  his  birth,  the 
three  children  wh«^  are  living-,  Mrs.  Annie  K.  Damon  of  Ipswich, 
Rev.  John  C.  Kimball  of  Hartford,  Conn.,  and  Mr.  Georfj^e  H. 
Kimball  of  Newburyport,  Mas';.,  united  in  its  special  celebration, 
briug-inj^-  out  the  i>ictures  of  him  taken  atdilTerent  periods  of  his 
life,  re-reading-  his  letters  to  them,  and  a  memorial  of  him  which 
had1)een  prepared,  repeating- all  the  little  characteristic  incidents 
and  words  and  pleasant  things  about  him  they  could  recall,  g-i\  - 
ing-  a  dinner  in  his  honor  to  which  all  were  invited — this  last 
by  Mrs.  Annie  K.  Damon  of  Ipswich — and  presenting-  in  his 
name  a  bit  of  money  to  all  the  needy  old  people  they  could  think 
of  whom  a  bit  of  money  could  not  hurt.  They  found  so  much 
happiness  in  this  special  celebration  of  the  day  that  they  hope 
to  keep  it  up  with  each  succeeding  anniversary  as  long-  as  any 
of  them  live,  doing  the  same  also  with  their  mother's  birthday; 
and  it  surely  is  not  a  bad  method  by  which  for  all  Kimball  chil- 
dren to  continue  honoring  parents  where  death  has  made  it  im- 
possible to  honor  them  in  their  visible  homes.  (Hist.  p.  4S2) 


K  i  M  I',  :\  LA.-l   L  i.l.  f.  K  . 

The  Boston  Globe's  Toj'^iieitl  CorriNj.  .um.jljl  has  iiie  follow- 
ing dated  Feb.  7: 

A  notable  wedding  took  place  in  this  town  this  afternoon, 
the  contracting^  parties  being  Miss  Genie  Curtis  Fuller,  the  well 
known  vocalist,  and  I'aul  Kevere  Kimball.  The  ceremony  was 
I)erform(;d  at  the  residence  of  the  bride's  parents,  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Daniel  Fuller.     There  was  a  larg-e  attendance  lie    wedding 

and  reception,  man}' of  the  g-uests  Coming  from  l>ost(m,  Lynn, 
Salem,  Lawrence,  Haverhill.  Danvers,  lioxford  and  Shelburnc 
Falls.  The  bridal  couple  were  the  recipients  of  many  useful 
and  beautiful  presents.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Kimball  on  their  return 
from  a  tour  will  reside  in  this  town. 

Tlie  death  oi  Xivs.  Betsey  Kimball  JacKson,  also  announced 
this  month,  will  be  noticed,  lacking  five  years  of  reaching  the 
century  mark.  There  are  still  others  left  who  have  passed  into 
their  ninth  decade. 

March,  I'niO.  41 

Eating  His  Boots,  a«d  No  Salt. 

(.Family  History  Pa^^e  1088.) 

In  the  sketch  of  Frederick  White  Kimball  at  the  above 
number  of  the  Kimball  Family  History,  brief  mention  is  made 
of  the  years  of  his  life  spent  in  the  mines  of  the  then  far  away 
California.  While  not  exactly  a  "forty  nlner"  he  was  about  the 
next  thing-  to  it,  having-  left  home  May  27,  1850.  After  many 
weeks  of  peril  on  sea  and  dang-ers  encountered  while  crossing 
the  isthmus  he  reached  San  Francisco,  then  only  a  small  land- 
ing- place.  He  returned  home  to  his  family  in  Vermont  by  the 
same  route  after  an  absence  of  four  and  a  half  years,  during- 
w^hich  time  he  worked  in  the  mines  of  northern  California  endur- 
ing" untold  hardships,  perils  and  privations  incident  to  a  miner's 
life  in  that  wild  and  then  far  oflF  country. 

I  write  to  tell  of  but  one  of  many  -thrilling-  and  trying-  ex- 
periences of  which  I  remember  often  of  having-  heard  my  father 
relate.  In  the  winter  of  1852-3,  he  was  at  Yreka,  Siskiyou 
county,  north  of  Mount  Shasta,  and  the  only  means  of  transpor- 
tation was  by  pack  mules  over  the  mountains.  The  wdnter  was 
very  severe  and  snow  fell  very  deep.  Supplies  became  exhausted 
and  starvation  stared  the  miners  in  the  face.  In  the  cabin  with 
my  father  were  two  other  men  from  Barton,  Vt.,  young-er  than 
himself,  who  were  associated  with  him  in  mining-.  Their  names 
were  John  Thompson  and  Joe  Falker.  They  were  imprisoned 
in  their  cabin  by  reason  of  the  great  depth  of  snow  which,  almost 
if  not  quite,  covered  it  for  many  weeks.  They  had  fuel  to  keep 
them  warm  but  their  supplies  of  food  g-ave  out  entirely  and  death 
by  actual  starvation  seemed  inevitable.  In  their  dilemma  the}' 
cut  up  their  boots  and  boiled  them,  drank  the  broth  and  chewed 
the  leather.  Strang-e  as  it  may  seem  it  kept  them  alive  for  days, 
and  until  the  snow  beg-an  to  settle,  when  one  of  the  young-er 
men  was  able  to  crawl  out  on  his  hands  and  knees  and  succeeded 
in  shooting-  a  deer,  that  had  evidently  been  driven  by  hunger 
into  the  camp.  For  this  they  were  devoutly  thankfuland  took 
courage.  With  its  skin  they  made  snow  shoes  and  cr-uld  then 
get  out  and  kill  more  deer.  From  that  time  on  they  fared 
sumptuously  on  venison  until  the  snow  sufficiently  melted  to  en- 
able the  mule  trains  to  resume  business.  When  hearing-  my 
father  relate  this  incident  he  would  remark  that  if  they  only  had 
had  a  little  salt  it  would  have  made  the  deer  meat  and  broth 
more  palatable.  F.  M.  K. 


Feb.  3,  1900,  to  Mrs.  Carrie  Devores,  a  son,  first  grandchild 
of  G.  B.  Kimball  of  Jamesport,  Mo.      (News  p.  248) 

42  Kimball  FaraiU    ^'^cvvs, 

C  H.  Kimball  for  Congress. 

Charles  H.  Kimball  of  Parsons,  Kansas,  is  asked  to  be  a 
candidate  for  Congress  in  the  third  Kansas  district.  (See  Fam. 
Hist.  p.  849.  •  The  conditions  in  his  district  are  peculiar.  It  is 
the  only  one  in  the  state  now  represented  by  a  populist.  Some 
one  is  wanted  to  redeem  the  district,  and  he  seems  to  be  the  one 
best  fitted  for  the  work.  The  Topeka  Capital,  now  the  most 
talked  of  paper  in  the  United  States  on  account  of  its  coming- 
Rev.  Sheldon's,  ''What  Would  Jesus  Do?"  edition,  makes  the  fol- 
lowing- terse  and    truthful  statement  in    reg-ard  to  Mr.  Kimball: 

"Ex-State  Senator  C.  H.  Kimball  of  I'arsons  is  urged  to  enter  the  con- 
g-ressional  race  in  the  Third  district.  Mr.  Kimball  is  one  of  the  strong- 
forceful  men  of  Kansas,  lie  was  a  brilliant  soldier  in  the  rebellion  and 
coming  to  Kansas  after  the  civil  war  without  a  dollar  of  capital  he  has  in 
his  profession  of  law  won  a  competence.  For  four  years  he  represented 
Labette  count}-  in  the  State  Senate.  He  is  a  good  speaker,  a  careful  legis- 
lator and  a  man  of  such  ability  as  to  command  respect  and  influence  in  any 
legislative  assembly.  The  Capital  hopes  Mr.  Kimball  will  be  a  candidate. 
Such  men  as  he  can  place  the  Republican  party  on  a  solid  foiindation  in 

The  Parsons  Globe  published  at  his  home  also  has   the   fol- 

There  are  many  reasons  why  Senator  C.  H.  Kimball  should  be  nom  in 
ated  for  Congress  by  the  Republicans  of  this  district.  One  whose  business 
experience  has  been  confined  to  law,  sees  all  things  from  the  standpoint 
of  the  lawyer,  the  preacher  sees  all  things  from  the  pulpit,  but  Senator 
Kimball  has  had  that  all-arouud  business  experience  which  broadens  a 
man  and  fits  him  to  meet  and  grapple  with  questions  which  are  of  such 
vital  importance  to  the  people  at  this  time.  He  was  a  mechanic  and 
builder  before  he  became  a  lawyer.  He  has  built  waterworks,  buildings, 
railroads,  telegraph  and  telephone  lines;  he  has  been  a  farmer,  merchant 
and  manufacturer,  and  has  been  successful  in  each. 

For  four  years  he  was  state  S'.-nator  from  his  county,  and  was  couutei 
as  one  of  the  ablest  and  most  influential  members  of  that  body.  Num- 
erous laws  now  on  the  statute  books  owe  their  existence  to  his  efforts, 
notablj',  the  interest  and  usury  law  of  1880.  His  bill  to  reduced  the  rate 
of  interest  and  to  provide  a  penalty*  for  taking  usury  was  defeated  at  two 
sessions  of  the  legislature,  l><8<j-87.  He  then  took  the  matter  into  the  Re- 
publican state  convention  of  18S8  and  secured  the  adoption  of  a  resolution 
favoring  the  change,  and  at  the  next  session  of  the  legislature  his  bill 
became  a  law.  This  illustrates  the  pertinacity  with  which  he  sticks  to  a 
good  work  until  it  is  accomplished. 

The  old  soldiers  of  this  district  are  'dissatisfied  with  the  way  they  have 
been  treated,  and  it  was  this  which  caused  the  defeat  of  the  Republican 
congressional  ticket  two  years  ago,  while  at  the  saoae  election  the  state 
ticket  carried  the  district  by  a  good  majority.     Nothing  would  give  more 

March.  1900.  43 

satisfaction  to  the  old  soldiers  and  do  more  towards  bringing'  them  back 
into  line  than  to  nominate  for  congress  one  of  their  comrades,  and  one 
who  has  had  no  connection  with  political  machines  or  rings.  Senator 
Kimball  is  the  only  candidate  who  was  a  soldier  and  he  is  also  a  member 
of  the  organization  to  which  most  of  the  old  soldiers  belong;  the  G.  A.  R. 
vhich  is  not  a  political  organization,  but  the  members  do^have  a  warm 
spot  3n  their  hearts  for  their  old  comrades  in  arms,  and  it  isinght  that  they 

Senator  Kimball  is  a  logical  and  forcible  speaker  and  is  a  man  of  legis 
lative  and  business  experience,  a  man  who  has  the  practical  qualifications 
for  the  place  and  as  a  vote  getter,  he  is  far  and  away  ahead  of  any  other 
candidate  who  can  be  named  for  the  place. 

Information  Wanted? 

Columbus,  Ohio. 

Feb.  12,  1900. 
Editor  KiMBAti.  Family  News. 

Dear  Sir: — Somewhere  back  in  the  latter  part  of  the  eigh- 
teenth century  my  family  formed  an  alliance  with  the  Kimball  family 
through  the  marriage  of  a  great  aunt  of  my  father  to  a  man  named  Kim- 
ball. The  name  of  "the  wouian  in  the  case"  was  Rachel  Larew.  I  do  not 
know  what  her  husband's  given  name  was  and  all  I  know  about  their  fam- 
ilj'  is  that  they  had  a  son  named  Larew  Kimball. 

I  have  made  many  attempts  to  locate   some  of  the   descendants   of 

this Kimball  and  his  wife  Rachel  Larew  but  until  this  time  I   have 

been  unsuccessful.  For  the  past  three  years  it  has  been  my  pleasant  for- 
tune to  be  associated  as  a  fellow  student  with  a  member  of  your  family 
Mrs.  S.  H.  Kimball  of  Ceres,  N.  Y.  She  has  been  interested  in  tracing  the 
family  connection  and  advises  me  as  one  of  the  best  methods  of  reaching 
this  end  is  to  write  to  your  most  valuable  paper. 

Mrs.  S.  H.  Kimball  will  graduate  with  honor  from  the  Dental  de- 
partment of  the  Ohio  Medical  University  at  the  commencement  held 
24,  1900.     She  is  a  woman  who  would  be  credit  to  any  family. 

Hoping  you  may  be  able  to  give  me  the  address  of  the  descendants  of 
Larew  Kimball,  I  remain, 

Yours  sincerely. 

Jank  G.  Ronev. 

Mrs.  Maria  Freeman  Gray  of  San  Francisco,  (Jan.  News,  p. 
12)  writes  that  she  will  g-o  to  Europe  in  Aug-ust,  but  in  the 
meantime  will  try  to  furnish  some  genealog^ical  matter  concern- 
ing her  family.  She  is  a  grand  daug-hter  of  John  Kimball,  Hist, 
p.  408,  whose  record  there  is  imperfect. 

44  Kimball   Famuj   News 

A  Model  Letter. 

Concord  N.  H. 

Feb.    12,  19G0| 
G.  F.  KiMBAix  Esq. 

Dear  Sir: —  Rec.  No.  2.  Vol.  3.    On  page  2S  you  say  the  father  of  Dan" 
iel  Webster  was   ■"Ezekiel."     He   was  his  brother,   died  suddenly   while 
addressing-  a  Jury  in  Concord  in  1829.     Daniel's   fathers  name    was  •Eben. 
ezer"  he  lived  in  Franklin,    (then   Salisbury)    on  the  farm  now  the    N.    H. 
Orphans  Home;  you  will   see  the   old   house   in  the  front   picture   which  I 
send.     Daniel  was  2  years  old  when  the  J  udys  moved  there.     George  Morril  1 
Kimball  son  of  the  late  Samuel  S.  Kimball  of  Concord   has   been   elected  a 
director  of  tlie  Concord  and  Montreal   Railroad.     Sarah    who   g^ave    D.  W. 
the  mitten  was  his  g-reat  aunt,  daughter  of  Deacon    .John   and   Anna   Ayer 
Kimball    whose    picture   you   have   given.     My  Brother  Benjamin   Ames 
Kimball  President  of  the  Concord  and  Montreal  Railroad  leaves  to  day  for 
a  visit  to  Florida.     In  1848  he  came  with   me  to  Concord  and  at  the  age  of 
15  went  to  work  in  the  machine  shop  for  75  cents  a   day,    graduated   from 
Dartmouth  in  1854  succeeded  me  in  1858  as    master   mechanic  of    che   road 
and  is  now  its  president. 

Yours    truly, 

JOiTS  KisrBALi.. 

The  above  letter  is  short,  and  news3\  It  is  a  model.  Our 
writing;  "Ezekiel'  instead  of  "Ebenezer"  was  a  slip  of  the  pen, 
Daniel's  name  is  much  more  frequently  associated  with  his  broth- 
er's than  with  his  fathers.  The  sudden  and  premature  death  of 
Ezekiel  Webster  has  always  been  a  matter  of  national  regret;  by 
manv  he  was  regarded  as  superior  to  Daniel. 

With  the  above  letter  our  thoug^htful  cousin  sends  two  inter- 
esting- pamphlets.  One  is  a  report  of  the  N.  H.  Home  for  the 
ag^ed;  the  writer  of  the  above  letter  is  President.  The  Home  is 
a  mag;nilicent  building-  and  among;  meml)crs  of  the  association 
having;  charg-e  of  the  Home  we  find  the  name  of  John  Kimball 
President,  and  chairman  <if  trustees,  Miss  Mary  E  Kimball  of 
Lebanon,  Mrs  Charlotti' A.  Kim1)all  of  Concord.  The  late  Mrs- 
Hannah  M.  Kimball  of  Concord;  the  H(m.  B.  A  Kimball,  Mrs. 
B.  A.  Kimball,  Mrs  A.  M.  Kimball,  Henry  A.  Kimball,  and 
among-  the  Memorial  members  are  the  name?  of  Mrs.  Eliza  H. 
Kimball,  Samuel  A.  Kimball  and. Mrs.  Sarah  A.   Kimball. 

The  other  pamphlet  is  the  Annual  Report  of  the  N.  H. 
Orphans  Home,  two  miles  from  Franklin  on  the  old  Webster  farm. 
A  tine  eng-raving;  shows  nmoni);  olhrr  l)uilding-s  the  old  Webster 
dwelling-.  Of  this  instituti(,>n  John  Kimball  is  treasurer  and  among" 
the  visiting- committee  we  find  Miss  M.  E.  Kimball  and  Mrs  John 
Kimball.  In  addition  to  these  in  various  connections  are  found 
the  names  of  several  old  school  mates  that  add  ])ersonal  interest. 
Mr  Kimball's  report  shows  a  pertnanent  fund  of  $S3,461.  for  the 
Home,  certainly  a  credit  to  the  little  state.  The  report  is  illus- 
trated with  manv  fine  views. 

March,  I'iOD.  45 

Adventurers  and  Explorers. 

The  family  has  been  somewhat  noted  as  pioneers.  The 
first  Richard  was  one,  and  his  descendants  have  kept  up  the 
record.  From  his  day  on  they  have  been  reaching-  out  in  all  di- 
rections until  now  they  are  found  in  all  parts  of  the  countr3^ 
The  pag-es  of  the  Family  History  tell  the  story  indifferent  ways, 
one  in  what  it  says  and  ag-ain  in  what  it  is  not  able  to  say. 
From  what  is  said  one  learns  how  widely  spread  the  family  is; 
in  the  manifest  lack  of  information  that  exists  one  becomes 
convinced  that  much  is  left  untold. 

At  all  events  it  is  clear  that  with  every  advancing  wave  of 
settlement  the  Kimball  Family  has  been  in  the  front.  From 
the  first  oarent,  the  colony  in  Massachusetts,  the  descendants  of 
Richard,  went  forth  expanding-  the  country.  JNIany  went  east- 
ward to  Maine;  others  to  New  York,  Ohio,  and  farther  west.  In 
some  of  these  mig-rations  it  is  difficult  to  trace  all  the  branches 
of  the  family  tree.  It  was  this  difficulty,  in  part,  that  consumed 
so  man}'  years  in  the  compilation  of^the  familj-  history. 

When  California  became  a  part  of  the  nation  it  attracted 
great  numbers  of  the  most  enterprising-  members  of  the  family, 
and  they  are  now  enacting-  a  leadings  part  in  the  affairs  of  the 
Pacific  coast.  Upon  the  discovery  of  g-old  it  was  but  natural 
that  they  should  continue  true  to  old  family  traditions.  In  pre- 
vious numbers  of  the  News  have  been  g^iven  letters  from  Kimball 
writers  from  that  region.  It  has  been  remarked  how  the  Califor- 
nia shipping  interests,  led  by  J.  S.  Kimball  &  Co.,  have 
played  an  important  part  m  the  development  of  this  northern 

A  somewhat  leng-thy  article  in  a  recent  number  of  the  New 
York  Herald  has  led  to  these  reflections.  Capt.  W.  R.  Aber- 
crombie  of  the  Second  United  States  Infantry  has  recently  sub- 
mitted a  report  to  the  Secretary  of  War  of  his  expedition  to  ex- 
plore portions  of  the  Alaska  coast.  The  report  is  a  valuable  one 
but  not  in  place  here,  but  it  is  appreciated  by  the  g-overnment 
and  the  press  of  the  country.  The  special  point  of  interest  is 
that  Capt.  Abercrombie  is  a  son-in-law  of  Gen.  Amos  S.  Kimball 
of  the  commissary  department  of  the  United  States  army,  whose 
headquarters  during  the  Spanish  war,  as  may  be  remembered, 
were  in  New  York  City.  Capt.  Abercrombie  married  his  daugh- 
ter Lillian  Hattie.     See  Fam  Hist  p.  1089. 

Mr.  Frank  A.  Hutchinson  of  Chelsea,  Massachusetts,  is 
another  genealogist  who  is  compiling-  books  of  family  records. 
He  is  now  gathering-  data  on  the  Ordway  and  Worthen,  or 
Worthing-  families,  both  of  whom  intermarried  with  Kimballs. 
He  will  be  glad  of  any  information  reg-arding-  either  of  these 
families.     His  address  is  No.  4,  Central  Avenue. 

46  Kimball  Famiij  News 



In  Roxbury,  Mass.",  Nov.  14,  1899,  Helen  M.,  wife  of  Orrin 
A.  Kimball,  ag-ed  64  years. 


In  Dorchester,  Mass.,  Dec.  30,  1899,  Mrs.  Lucinda  Taplin 
Kimball,  widow  of  Reuben  Kimball,  ag"ed  75  years,      (p.  718) 


In  Boston.  Jan.  9,  1900,  Mrs.  Flora  Mason  Kimball,  wife  of 
Dr.  J.  Edwin  Kimball,  and  daughter  of  the  lateHon.S.W.  Mason, 
supervisor  of  the  Boston  public  schools.  She  was  a  scholarly 
woman  and  g-enerallv  beloved,   (p.  684) 


In  New  York  City,  Nov,  3,  1899,  Henry  Davis  Kimball,  son 
of  the  late  Rufus  W.  Kimball  of  Boston.  The  burial  took  place 
at  the  Newton  cemetery.  The  services,  which  were  largely  at- 
tended, were  conducted  by  the  Rev,  Dr.  Manchester  of  Lowell, 
and  among"  the  pall-bearers  was  C.  I.  Hood. 


In  Cambridg-eport,  Mass.,  Nov.  10, 1899,  Mrs.  Sophronia  B.. 
widow  of  Charles  C.  Kimball,  who  died  Dec.  27,  1843.  The  fun- 
eral took  place  from  the  Baptist  Old  Ladies' Home,  on  Brookline 
street,  and  the  burial  at  Kennebunkport,  Me.,  her  childhood 
home.     ^p.  1109) 

JOHN  ARTHUR  KIMBALL.      (Fam.  Hist.  p.  997) 

The  oldest  son  of  Charles  Raymond  Kimball  died  Feb.  22, 
1900,  He  was  a  Lowell  boy  and  was  39  years  old  last  August. 
He  was  graduated  from  the  naval  academy  at  Annapolis  in^  the 
class  of  1881,  and  later  made  a  tojr  of  the  globe.  He  was  by 
profession  a  chemist  and  for  the  past  three  years  had  been  as- 
sistant superintendent  for  Johnson  tSt  Johnson,  manufacturers  of 
plasters  and  medicated  dressings,  at  their  great  factory  in  New 
Brunswick,  N,  J.  Their  factories  were  closed  during  the  Epis- 
copal burial  services  which  were  read  in  that  cit^',  and  the  re- 
mains were  sent  to  Lowell  for  interment  in  the  family  cemetery 
where  his  two  remaining  brothers  Henry  K.  and  Ralph  G.  and 
other  relatives  acted  as  pall  bearers.  He  was  unmarried  and 
a  man  universally  esteemed  and  beloved. 

Alonzo  H.  Kimball  would  not  accept  the  office  of  street 
commissioner  of  Somerville,  Mass.,  for  the  reason  that  they 
wanted  him  for  superintendent  of  streets  in  Medford  with  an  in- 
crease of  salarv  from  $1,600  to  S2.200. 

March,  1900.  47 

Betsey  Kiimbcill  Jeckfcn. 

(Fam.  liist.  p.  259,  No.  44o-viii.     Xkws  Nov.  1898,  p.  181.) 

Mrs. Betsej( Kimball )  Jackson,  better  known  as  Mrs.  Michael 
was  born  in  Chenang-o  County,  N.  Y.,  Sept.  17,  'l80S.  In  1812 
she  removed  with  her  parents  to  Aurora,  Cayug-a  County,  N.  Y., 
where  she  attended  the  Aurora  Female  Academy  for  some  years. 

In  1821  she  removed  with  her  parents  to  New  Jerusalem, 
Yates  County,  N.  Y.,  where  she  lived  until  her  marriag-e  to 
Michael  Jackson  in  l.s30.  In  1831,  with  her  husband,  infant 
daug-hter.  and  parents,  she  removed  to  Michig-an,  living-  for  two 
years  or  so  it  Ann  Arbor,  where  her  husband  was  eng-aged  in 
shoemaking-.  They  linally  removed  to  Alg-onac,  St.  Clatr,  Co., 
where  her  husband  continued  his  shoemaking-  business  until 
1854,  when  they  commenced  hotel  keeping  and  continued  it  until 
his  death  in  September,  18S3.  Since  that  time  she  and  her 
daughter  Lucy  lived  tog-ether  in  Alg-onac,  until  her  death  on 
Jan.  4,  of  the  present  year.  She  was  the  mother  cvf  six  children, 
all  but  Lucy  born  in  Michigan.  Lucy  was  born  in  N.  Y.  state. 
The  oldest  son,  Georg-e  C,  and  the  second  daug-hter,  Mary  C  , 
died  many  years  ag-o  in  Alg-onac.  Charles  K.  and  Henry,  the 
youngest  son,  live  in  Alg-oneic;  Gurdon  K.,  the  third  son  lived  in 
Bay  Cit}',  Mich.,  and  died  on  Dec.  30,  last,  a  few  days  before  his 
mother  passed  away.  Mrs.  Jackson  led  a  very  active  life,  was 
opposed  to  all  shams  and  hypocrisy,  and  g-eneralh-  spoke  her 
feeling-s  plainly.  She  had  strong-  convictions,  and  it  required 
evidence  to  chang-e  them.  She  was  always  ready  to  help  those 
in  sickness  or  distress,  and  it  was  at  such  timefe  that  her  charac- 
ter was  shown  in  its  excellence.  She  retained  her  exceptionally 
tine  mental  character  to  the  last. 

She  had  been  failing  in  health  for  the  past  six  months,  but 
died  at  a  ripe  old  ag-e,  respected  by  all  who  knew  her,  and  ad- 
mired for  her  sterling-  qualities.  When  told  that  her  illness 
mig-ht  prove  fatal,  she  replied  that  it  was  all  rig-ht;  she  had 
done  all  she  was  able  to  do  for  her  friends,  and  was  ready  and 
willing-  to  g-o.  Of  her  children,  Lucy,  Charles  and  Henry  are 
living-,  all  of  Algonac.  There  are  twelve  g-randchildren  and 
four  great  g-randchildren.  She  was  carried  to  her  last  resting 
place  by  her  two  sons  and  four  g-randsons  as  pall  bearers. 

The  Ladies'  Aid  Society  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church 
passed  resolutions  of  sjaupathy  and  condolence  for  the  loss  of 
their  friend  and  associate  of  long-  years,  and  paid  a  jiist  tribute 
to  her  memory. 

Her  son  Gurdon  Kimball  Jackson,  died  at  Bay  City,  Mich., 
on  Saturday  night,  Dec.  30.  He  was  born  in  Alg-'onac,  St.  Clair 
County,  Mich.,  in  1840.  He  went  to  Bay  City  in  1863  and  en- 
g-ag-ed  in  the  lumber  business,  which  he  conducted  successfully 
until  1895.     He  was  also  larg-ely  interested  in    vessel    property, 

46  Kimball  Famuj-  Neyj^'^s 

DIED,    rector  of  the  First  National 
.  y  City.     In  business    he    was 
HELEN  M.  KIMBALL.  wideh'-known  and   hig-hly   re- 

in Roxbury,  Mass;,  Nov.  1^^^^  along-  the  g-reatchain  of  lakes, 
A.  Kimball,  ag-ed  64  years.  ^^^[     ^  ^^ife  and  two  sons  are  left. 


In  Dorchester,  Mv->.  Worthing-  of  Belvue,  Kansas,  would  like 
Kimball,  widow  ofwhe  original  diary  kept  by  his  g-reat  grandfather, 
^imball,  to  which  reference  has  heretofore  been 
FLORA  MASON^g^^  j^^  -^^  ^^^  archives  of  New  Hampshire. 

In  B(-         "  ^^^^.^^^ 

^^■'^-  At  Prayer. 

sup''  ,      •; 

O  man,  ^vho  moveth  God 

With  measured  word  and  suppliant  pose, 

Each  heart  to  share  one  common  prayer, 

"Father,  forgive  as  we  forgive," 

And  yet  does  man  forgive. 

"This  day  our  daily  bread," 

And  then  1  saw  thee  yesterday 

From  early  dawn,  with  brain  and   brawn, 

To  work  for  gold,  to  fight  for  gold. 

To  strike  down  truth  and  right  lor  gold. 

"Thy  kingdom  here  on  earth."  „ 

Forbear  to  lie,  O  mumbling  tongue'. 
Thy  words  can  still  the  spirit  kill. 
To  choose  a  lie,  to  vote  a  lie, 
To  hold  in  po%ver  a  stately  lie. 

"The  power  and  glory  thine," 
Let  voices  chant  their  saddest  strain. 
For  men  each  day  some  Abel  slay 
To  be  like  Cain,  to  strilie  like  Cain, 
To  wear  the  crimson  mark  of  Cain. 

"And,  Father,  tempt  us  not." 
Un  every  side  the  weak  ones  fall. 
And  at  the  gates  man's  justice  waits, 
With  biased  lav>',  with  prison  cell, 
With  sable  cap  and  strangling  rope. 

Be  true,  O  type  of  God, 

To  promptings  from  thy  deepest  soul. 

Find  life  in  deeds  and  not  in  creeds. 

Seek  man,  save  man,  am^  M  —  ^ "■■ 

With  man's  creator,  God 

\V.  O.  C.   KIMBALL.    (2121?) 

I  f^34 


900.  |t 








J^    Seeing  Supplemental  to  JCimball  D-amily  Mistory.   ^?» 

^^c^S  •  •  ^^5:^:^^^  ^-^^  j^^^  ^ii^s  ^:^^^'" 

'Volume  S. 

SCo.  4. 


APRIL,  1900 

Entered  for  transmission  in  the  mails  as  second  class. 


i>    G.  F,  KIMBALL,  Topeka,  Kansas. 
S^riee  One  JDollar  a  ^ear. 


JCimball^^mily  ^U 


Vol.  Ill,  No.  4. 

G.  F.  KIMBALL,   Publisher.  Terms  $1.00  <i  ucar. 

Topeka,  Kansas,  April,  1900 



[Fam.  Hist.  p.  60,^.     April  News,    iS'j^h] 

On  pag-e  264,  April  News,  1.S99,  mention  war,  made  of  tlic 
accidental  death  of  William  D.  Kimball.  The  family  is  one  that 
has  been  sorely  afflicted.  Attention  was  first  called  to  it  by 
mention  in  the  New  York  Tribune  Sunshine  Society  Column. 
The  late  Jacob  D.  Kimball  left  an  invalid  widow  and  an  almost 
helpless  daug-hter.  The  Societ}'  classes  them  as  belonging-  to 
the  Shut-In-Club,  and  does  a  good  deal  to  throw  rays  of  sun- 
shine across  their  pathway  in  life,  sending-  them  mag-azines  and 
papers.  They  live  several  miles  from  any  village,  under  the 
evening  shadows  of  Mt.  Cardigan,  and  reading-  is  almost  their 
sole  diversion.     The  mother  is  now  nearlv  seventv-live  years    of 

50  Kimball   Family  News 

ag-e,  "very  intellig-ent,  taking-  a  livel}'  interest  in  all  that  is  g-oiug- 
on  in  the  >vorld,  and  the  nearly  equally  invalid  daug-hter  seems 
never  to  tire  in  her  efforts  to  add  to  her  comforts  and  make  her 
life  as  cheerful  as  possible.  The  shocking-  death  of  the  son  and 
brother  that  occurred  in  February  of  last  3-ear  v^^as  a  terrible 
blow  to  the  already  afflicted  family.  The  News  this  month  g-ives 
a  portrait  of  William  D.  Kimball  who  was  born  in  Plymouth, 
N.  H.,  April  10,  1855,  and  copies  from  United  States  Senator 
Chandler's  paper,  the  Concord  Uail}'  Monitor,  the  particulars  of 
his  death  and  burial,  as  follows,  dated  Feb.  20,  1899: 

William  D.  Kimball,  the  well-kiiown  local  contractor  and  builder, 
w;is.  the  victim  of  a  terrible  accideat  this  afternoon,  resulting  ia  instant 
death.  He  was  at  work  putting- in  batters  for  a  new  building-  and  was 
obliged  to  resort  to  the  use  of  dynamite  to  break  the  g'round. 

It  was  necessary  to  thaw  out  the  dynamite  and  to  do  this  he  bor- 
rowed a  kerosene  stove  from  one  of  the  residents  near  the  park.  The 
dynamite  exploded  and  Mr.  Kirabjill  being-  near  at  hand  was  instantly 
killed.  His  watch  was  fodud  it.  the  snow  some  twenty  feet  avray.  It  had 
stopped  at  live  minutes  past  one  so  the  accident  must  have  happened 
about  this  time. 

The  police  were  immediately  notified  and  Deputy  Marshal  Rand 
went  over.  He  found  a  pocketbook  in  tue  snow  about  forty  feet  away 
which  was  somewhat  battered  and  showed  the  force  of  the  accident. 

Mr.  Kimbairs  facj  and  head  were  terribly  bruised,  one  of  his  legs 
wa^  broken  in  two  places  and  his  hands  and  arms  .shattered.  His  overcoat 
which  had  been  thrown  over  his  shoulders,  was  torn  into  shreds,  only  the 
part  around  his  neck  being  left. 

No  trace  of  the  stove  coull  be  found  in  the  vicinitv- 

Mr.  Kimball  was  4 1  years  of  age  and  is  survived  by  a  wife  and  two 
daughters,  Mrs.  Fred  Stevens  and  Misii  Ilattie  Kimball.  Mr.  Kimball  was 
an  Odd  Fellow,  a  well  known  and  respected  citizen,  a  successful  business 
man,  and  a  kind  husbnnd  and  father 

Messrs.  \V.  .1.  (.iuigg,  R03'  i'andv  and  .Josi-ph  llobille  were  assisting 
Mr.  Kimball  in  the  work  and  were  within  fifty  feet  of  him  when  the  ex- 
plosion occurred.  Tliey  were  not  injured.  Mr.  Kimball  and  his  assist- 
ants had  finished  one  !■  v^^--  •>'  'iv  park  an>1  '>••  ■•(•  just  putting  in  the  foun- 
dation for  a  second. 

Feb.  22.  18!i!t. 
The  funeral  services  of  Mr.  William  1).  Kimball,  who  was  killed 
Monday  by  the  explosion  of  dynamite,  were  held  at  12  ocloek  this  noon  at 
the  Curtis  Memorial  ciiurch.  The  pastor,  the  Rev.  Frank  K.  Chase,  offici- 
ated. .At  the  church  the  .service  of  the  I.  U.  ().  F.  was  conducted,  and  at 
the  grave  the  .service  of  the  Masons  was  held.  The  funeral  was  attended 
by  delegations  from  the  rilgrim  Fathers,  American  Mechanics,  Masons 
and  Odd  Fellows.  The  floral  offering  was  profuse  and  beautifnl.  The 
bearers  were  Charles  L.  Peacock  and  L.  I^.  Caldon,  I.  O.  O.  F.;  (Jeorge  Os- 
good and  Charles  Follansbee,  Pilgrim  Fathers:  .lames  F.  Ward  and  D.  A 
Currier,  .American  ^Mechanics.  Interment  was  at  lUossom  Hill  cemetery. 
Music  was  furnished  by  Never.s's  Third  Regiment  band. 

April,  1900. 

A  MagniticeMt  Bequest  , 

Mrs.  Elizabeth  M.  [Kimball]  Shute  in  1893,  bequeathed  the 
sum  of  $100,000  to  found  a  public  library  in  the  city  of  Lynn, 
Mass.,  in  memory  of  her  deceased  husband,  William  Shute.  To 
this  sum  the  city  appropriated  SIO, 000,  and  subscriptions  recciyed 
to  the  amount  of  S35,000  more.  The  new  building-  has  just 
been  finished,  and  the  library  ranks  sixth  of  those  in  the  state, 
haying-  60,000  yolumes. 

The  Boston  Herald  says: 
Mrs.  Elizabeth.  M  Shute,  whose  bequest  made  the  new  building-  pos- 
sible, was  born  in  Salem,  July  24,  183G.  Her  maiden  name  was  Kimball. 
In  185(1  she  was  married  to  William  Shute,  and  lived  in  Lynn  up  to  the 
time  of  her  death,  Nov.  1893.  She  was  a  very  o-enerous  woman,  giving- 
liberally  of  her  means  to  charitable  purposes.  She  was  possessed  of  a  re- 
markable business  instinct  and  it  is  said  that  her  late  husband  often 
attributed  his  success  in  business  to  the  g'ood  advice  and  deep  interest 
which  his  wife  took  in  his  affairs. 

The  Herald  prints  a  picture  of  Mrs.  vShute.  and  sa, s: 

The  picture  of  Mrs.  Shute  here  g-iven  was  copied  from  tintype  taken 
more  than  35  years  ag-o,  being-  the  last  picture  that  was  ever  taken  of  her. 
Although  a  beautiful  woman,  she  was  averse  to  liaving-  her  photog'raph' 

William  Shute,  in  whose  memory  the  g-ift  of  $100,000  was  made  by 
his  widow,  was  one  of  Lynn's  successful  business  men.  He  was  born  in 
Maiden,  in  what  is  now  a  part  of  Everett,  in  May,  1831,  and  received  Ins 
education  in  the  district  schools  of  that  town.  In  1849  he  removed  to 
Lynn  and  entered  the  employ  of  U.  A.  Peavear,  morocco  manufacturer, 
as  apprentice.  Mis  business  was  very  prosperous.  In  September, 1891,  he 
died,  and  his  will  bequeathed  $3500  to  the  city  for  the  establishment  of  an 
electric  fountain,  which  is  located  on  the  Common.  He  g-ave  to  the  city  of 
Everett  $10,000  for  the  establishment  of  a  branch  Public  Library  in  honor 
of  his  mother,  and  to  the  Lynn  Hosi^ital  and  other  worthy  objects  he  guxe 
generous  sums. 

In  her  will  Mrs.  Shute  also  left  S10,000  ]n  t^ust  for  the 
benefit  of  certain  relatives,  which  sum  after  their  death  is  to  g-o 
toward  maintaining- reading  rooms  outside  the  Ivibrarv,  for  the 
benefit  of  youn^  men. 

We  find  nothing-  in  the  Family  History  in  regard  to  this 
Elizabeth  Kimball.  Cannot  some  of  our  Eastern  friends  furnish 
the  News  with  further  particulars? 

Street  Commissioner  Alonzo  H.  Kimball  of  Medford,  is  the 
newly  elected  President  of  the  Massachusetts  Association  <,f 
Highway  Superintendents. 

52  .  Kimball  Family  News 

For  Lieutenant    Governor. 

At  the  larg-est  republican  state  convention  ever  held  in  Rhode 
Island,  March  13,  I'HHJ,  Charles  Dean  Kimball  of  Providence 
was  unanimously  nominated  for  Lieutenant  Governor.  A  re- 
port in  the  New  York  Daily  Tribune  says: 

Delegate  Eastoii  of  Providence  being  r»».cognized  by  tlie  Chair,  said: 
'•I  desire  to  present  for  the  consideration  of  this  Convention  the  name  of 
a  man  whom  the  citizens  of  Providence  have  long  delighted  to  hon 
or.  He  liiis  served  in  the  House  of  Representatives  and  made  a  rec- 
ord of  which  any  man  might  be  prond.  His  high  sense  of  public  dnty  and- 
devotion  to  the  interests  of  his  constituents  have  been  shown  by  the  fact 
that  he  has  been  present  at  every  session  of  the  General  Assembly  since 
he  has  been  a  member  of  it,  with  only  one  exception,  and  there  was  a  good 
reason  for  his  absence.  It  gives  me  great  pleasure  to  present  the  name  of 
CharJes  Dean  Kimball.  Delegate  Augustine  .Tones  seconded  the  nomina- 
tion and  Charles  D.  Kimball  was  unanimously  nominated 

In  response  to  a  call  Mr.  Kimball  made  a  strong-  and  felici- 
tous speech.  He  was  a  member  of  the  last  Leg-islature  and  made 
a  record  that  broug-ht  him  into  prominence  at  once.  He  refused 
to  take  a  sura  of  money  that  the  house  voted  for  services  that  he 
did  not  believe  should  be  considered  outside  of  hisreg"ular  duties. 
While  others  [with  one  exception]  pocketed  the  money  he  re- 
turned his  check  for  $1.75  to  the  state  treasury.  Particulars 
were  given  in  Juh^  and  Aug-ust  News,  1899,  page  309. 

Charles  Dean  Kimball  was  born  in  Providence  in  1859,  and 
was  educated  in  the  public  schools.  Last  November  he  ran  for 
mayor,  that  his  party  might  have  a  complete  ticket  in  the  field 
and  maintain  an  ag-gressive  organization.  He  was  defeated, 
but  that  had  been  anticipated.      [Fam.  Hist.  p.  814.] 

The  News  would  be   glad  to   make   half   tone   illustrations 
from  many  photographs  sent  us  of  persons,  as  well  as  of   views, 
family  homes,  etc.,  but  it  cannot  stand  the    additional    expense. 
We  are  certainly  glad  to  print  them  when  the  cuts  are  furnished. 
The  cost  of  a  single  one  is  not  great,  ranging  from  $1.50  for  one 
the  size  of  that  which  appears  this  month,  t'>   $5.00    for   one   of 
full  pag-e,  but  the  aggregate   of  even  one  or  two  each   m^nth    is 
too  heavy  a  tax  in  addition  to  all  other  expenses.     We  have  two 
photos,  that  would  make  a  full  ])agceach,  that  we  hope  to  give. 
One  shows  the  church  at  Rattlesdon.  Kngland.  and  the  other    a 
view  of  a  pari  of  this  villag-e,  the  homo  three  hundred  years  ago 
of  Richard  Kimball  our  ancestor.     They  are  such  as  will  appear 
in  the  Rev.  J.  R.  Olorenshaw's  forthcoming  History  of  the  Par- 
ish and  church  of  Rattlesden. 

In  the  February  number  of  Scribner's  Magazine,  Arthur 
Reed  Kimball  had  an  interesting  paper  entitled  "The  Master  of 
Edgewood.*'  (Donald  G.  Mitchell.) 

April,  1900.  53 

I * 

Why  Sarah  Kimball  Refused  to  Wed  Daniel  Webster. 

In  every  home  and  in  everj  heart  there  may  be  secrets-  too 
sacred  to  be  g-iven  to  the  world,  and  the  memory  of  which  should 
never  be  polluted  or  violated  by  an  unfeeling-  public,  actuated 
only  by  morbid  curiosity;  hence  with  a  feeling-  of  sensitive  deli- 
cacy do  I  touch  upon  a  subject  which  relates  to  a  loved  one  whose 
memory  we  cherish,  who  is  not  here  to  speak  for  herself,  and 
who  in  her  lifetime  consig-ned  it  to  oblivion. 

Then  why  should  we  with  unholy  hands  dig-  it  up?  Only 
to  correct  an  error  would  I  speak  of  it.  I  refer  to  the  item  in  the 
February  number  of  the  News  relating-  to  the  eng-ag-ement  of  ray 
great  aunt  Sarah  KimbalUp.  160  Kimball  Hist. )  to  Daniel  Web- 
ster. The  facts  can  best  be  told  by  taking  an  extract  from  a 
letter  recently  received  from  a  very  dear  cousin  in  Boston,  Mrs. 
Lucretia  H.  Kendall  (p.  5U-1847)  and  I  trust  that  I  am  violat- 
ing no  confidence  in  doing-  so.  She  writes:  "There  is  a  brief 
article  in  the  News  about  Daniel  Webster  and  Aunt  Sally  not 
altogether  correct.  The  family  tradition  is  that  good  Deacon 
John  (p.  159-231)  her  father  and  our  great  grandfather,  did  not 
regard  Daniel  as  good  enough  for  his  Sally,  in  other  words  not  a 
christian  man.  W^hether  he  was  then  a  member  of  a  church  or 
became  so  later  I  do  not  know,  but  aunt  Sally  had  always  g-reat 
hope  of  him  being-  a  real  believer.  I  may  say  g-reat  confidence 
in  him  as  a  christian  man.  Whether  she  remained  sing-le  be- 
cause of  her  attachment  for  him  I  cannot  say,  I  doubt  it.  She 
had  a  packag-e  of  his  letters  which  I  have  heard  cousin  Anna 
Kimball  say  she  carried  in  an  under  pocket  (one  of  the  old  fash- 
ioned kind  such  as  our  grandmothers  used)  and  only  destroyed 
them  in  the  last  years  of  her  life,  I  know  not  exactl}^  when.  She 
once  told  me  that  she  was  not  scholarly  enoug-h  for  Daniel — 
n'ot  sufficientlv  cultured.  In  this  she  belittled  herself,  for  she 
was  a  very  intelligent  woman,  unusually  so  for  the  times,  and  a 
lady  in  the  highest  sense.  That  Daniel  did  not  forg-et  her  was 
proved  by  his  sending  to  her  in  the  last  year  of  his  life  a  printed 
copy  of  one  of  his  speeches  and  writing-  on  the  cover,  'With  the 
unabated  esteem  of  Daniel  Webster.'     I  remember  seeing  it." 

Thus  it  will  be  seen  that  Aunt  Sally  was  a  dutiful  daughter 
and  obeyed  the  counsels  and  advice  of  her  honored  father  and 
declined  to  marry  Daniel,  who  in  later  years  became  one  of 
America's  greatest  statesmen.  F.   M.   K. 


Charles  R.  Kimball  of,  N.  J.,  has  been  nameci  by 
Judge  Jenkins  of  the  U.  S.  Court,  Milwaukee,  as  one  of  the 
trustees  of  the  United  States  Milling  Company,  otherwise  known 
as  the  fiouf  trust.  This  company  was  org-anized  under  the  laws 
of  New  Jersey  with  a  capital  of  $25,000,000. 

54  Kimball  Family  News 

The  Wni  of   Noah  Brooks. 

Herbert  W.  Kimball  of  Waban,  Mass.,  Registrar  of  the 
Massachusetts  society  of  the  Sons  of  the  American  Revolution, 
sends  us  the  following  will  of  Noah  Brooks,  a  somewhat  inter- 
esting- document  in  itself.  His  daughter  Mary  was  the  wife  of 
Aaron  Kimball,  No.  173,  p.  231  of  the  Family  History.  The 
will  shows  the  maternal  descent  of  their  children.  Mary  was 
the  only  daughter  of  Noah  and  Sarah  (Willard)  Brooks' of 
Shrewsburj-  and  Grafton,  Mass.  Sarah  was  the  only  daughter 
of  Major  Joseph  Willard,  and  grand  daughter  of  Benjamin  Wil- 
lard  the  fifteenth  child  of  Simon  Willard.  Among  the  descend- 
ants of  this  Simon  were  the  Rev.  Joseph  Willard.  president  of 
Harvard  College,  1781-1S04,  and  also  Samuel  Willard  who  had 
been  its  Vice  President  nearly  a  century  before,  and  of  the  late 
Frances  E.  Willard.  Simon  Willard  was  the  founder  of  the 
family  in  the  United  States.  He  was  born  in  England  in  1605, 
and  died  in  1676.  Among  other  descendants  was  Lieut.  Moses 
Willard,  the  father  of  Mrs.  Johnson  whose  daughter,  Captive, 
born  while  her  parents  were  prisoners  of  the  Indians,  afterwards 
married  Col.  George  Kimball.  See  p.  63,  March  News,  1898. 
Will  allowed  April  2.  1805. 

IN  TH1-:  NAME  OF  GOD,  AMEN.  I.  Noah  Brooks,  of  Grafton, 

in  the  County  of  Worcester,  &  Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts.  Gent: — 
Sensible  of  my  own  mortality,  being  at  present  of  a  sound,  disposing  mind, 
do  make  &  ordain  this  my  last  will  vt  Testament. 

First  of  all  I  commend  my  soul  to  God  who  gave  it,  humbly  hoping 
the  salvation  thereof  thro'  JesUs Christ.  And  my  body  to  the  dust  to  be  buried 
in  a  decent  Christian  manner  (at  the  discretion  of  ray  executor  herafter 
named)  in  expectation  of  a  resurrection  to  eternal  life. 

As  to  ray  worldly  substance,  with  which  it  hath  pleased  God  to  bless 
me.  I  dispose  of  in  the  followine  manner: — 

IMPRIMIS,  T  bequeathe  to  Sarah  Brooks,  mj-  welbeloved  wife,  one 
Cow,  which  she  shall  chuse  from  among  my  cows,  to  dispose  of  as  she  shall 
please — And  that  she  have  full  right,  to  the  west  lower  room  in  my  dwell- 
ing;  with  sufficient  cellar  rDom  it  fire  wood,  cut  fit  for  the  Are  & 
brought  into  the  room  iV  70  weight  of  beef,  00  lb.  of  good  pork,  8  bushels 
of  Indian  eorc,  4  bushels  of  Rye,  one  bushel  of  wheat — one  bushel  of 
malt — 2  Barrels  of  Cyder  &  a  sufficiency  of  all  sorts  of  sauce  annually 
Also  a  horse  with  a  good  saddle  to  ride  upon  when  .she  pleases — all  the 
above  whilst  she  remains  m3' Widow — &  the  use  of  my  household  furniture 
during  her  natural  life — also  wh'lst  my  widow.  .")  lbs.  of  good  wool  &  1.^ 
lbs.  of  good  Flax  annually. 

ITE>I,  1  bequeathe  to  Aaron  Kimball  A  Mary  liis  wife  (my  children) 
m}'  east  room,  with  the  cellar  under  it,  A  half  the  chamber  over  it.  ct  to 
mj-  only  daughter  Mary  Kimball  aforesd  all  my  household  furniture  after 
her  mother's  decease,  except  the  Clock — to  her  and  her  heirs  torever. 

April,  1900. 


ITEM,  I  bequeathe  to  Aai-on  Kimbal].  .Jr..  my  grandson  all  my 
lands  north  of  the  County  road,  running  by  my  house;  with  all  the  build- 
ings thereon  and  appurtenances  thereof,  not  alreadj^  disposed  off  also  my 
clock. — all  my  Blacksmith  tools — all  mj'  husbandry  tools,  on  condition 
that  he  the  sd.  Aaron,  faithfully  &  punctually  call  in  i<:  discharge  all  my 
just  debts,  it  all  the  legacies  given  in  this  will,  i.<:  provide  for  his  grand- 
mother what  is  alreadj^  bequeathed  her,  &  everything  necessary  for  her  in 
sickness  —keep  her  co'.v  \»ell  as  long  as  she  needs,  &  take  good  car*  of  her, 
his  grandmother,  in  life,  &  be  at  the  expence  of  a  decent.  Christian  burial, 
for  me  and  my  wife,  his  Grandfather  and  Grandmother  »fc  as  an  additional 
reward  I  bequeath  to  him  all  my  quick  stock. 

ITEM.  I  bequeathe  to  Noah  Brooks  Kimball  my  grandson,  six 
pounds  to  be  paid  him  within  one  year  after  my  decease. 

ITEM,  1  give  to  Asahel  Kim'ball,  my  grandson,  six  puuju!.'^  to  be 
paid  him  within  one  \'ear  after  my  decease. 

ITEM.  I  give  to  Asahel  Kimball  my  grandson,  three  pounds  within 
two  years  after  my  decease. 

ITEM,  I  give  to  Leonard  Kiinliall  my  grandson  three  pi)'.i!Mls  ^vitli- 
in  three  years  after  my  decease. 

ITEM,  I  give  to  Sarah  Sherman  rav  grandaughter  two  pounds  to 
be  paid  her  within  four  years  after  my  decease. 

ITEM,  I  give  Mary  liall  my  grandaughter  two  pounds  to  be  paid 
her  within  five  years  after  my  decease. 

ITEIM,  I  give  Elizabeth  Kimball,  my  grandaughter,  two  pounds  to 
be  paid  her  within  six  years  after  my  decease. 

ITEM,  J  give  to  Hannah  Kimball  mj' grandaughter  two  pounds  to 
be  paid  her  within  seven  years  after  my  decease. 

ITEM,  I  give  to  Asenath  Fisher  my  great  grandaugliter  two  pounds 
to  be  paid  her  within  seven  years  after  my  decease. 

ITEM,  It  is  my  will  that  my  wearing  apparel  be  ennally  divided 
amongst  my  natural  grandsons. 

LASTLY,  If  there  be  anything  pertaining  to  my  vvorldly  substance 
not  disposed  oft"  it  is  my  will  that  it  be  given  to  Aaron  Kimball  Junr.  my 
grandson,  whom  I  constitute  and  appoint  sole  executor  of  this  .nay  will 
&  testament. 

No.\u  Brooks,  (seal! 

Signd,  seald  &  attested  this  Thirteenth   day    of  Feb.    7.    A.     L).    one 

thousand  and  seven  hundred  eighty  two.     In  the  presence  oft" 

Daniki,  Grosvknor. 
William  Kxowlton. 



George  H.  Harlow 
Attest  Register 

Byron  Kimball  of  Haverhill,  Mass.,  is  a  bict-ier  of  iine 
horses.  He  has  recentl}-  purchased  Katatika,  the  dam  of  several 
noted  trotters. 

56  Kimball  Famil}-  News 

Supplemental  Notes   to    Family    History. 

Page  151-506a — Sarah  Kimball*  (Peter'' Joseph^  Richard"  Thomas-  RiohardO 
born  in  lioseawen,  N.  H..  Dee.  31.  1780;  died  Dec.  28,  18C3;  m.  ITVift, 
Solomon  Martin,  b.  — ;  died  at  sea  about  1810  Their  only  child  Judith 
Kimball  Martin^  b.  Nov.  10,  1800:  d.  Feb.  4.  1883:  m.  — ,  1824,  Ezek- 
iel  Smith  Worthing. 


i     Sarah  Martin  Worthing*,  b.  March  18,  182."j:  m.  1845,  Orson  Ashley, 
ii     Augustine  S.  Worthing**  b.  Oct.  2.'5,  1827. 
iii     Hannah  Maria  Worthing**,  b.  April  lo.  1839:  im.  Henry  W.Minard. 

No  children, 
iv     Joseph  Henry  Worthing**  b.  May  18,  184.5;  d.  Oct.  27,  1860. 
1029a — Sarah  Martin  Worthing'!  Judith  Kimball'  Sarao*  Peter^  Joseph*  Rich- 
ard^  Thomas^  RichardV)  b.  March  18,  182.t:  m.  —  184.'>,  Orson  Ashley. 


i     Laura  Abhlej'*  b.  — :  m.  Richard  Constable.     No  children, 
ii     Martin  Leroy  Ashley'*',  b.  — :  m.    Ella   Judson:    seven    children. 

Lives  in  Kingman  County,  Kansas, 
iii     Orpho  Elisa  Ashley*  b.  — ;  m.  Frank  Albee.     Two  children,  Ora 

and  Laura  Rella. 
iv  Leona  AshVy**  b.  — ;  m.  Clark  Taylor.  One  son,  Morrel. 
1029b— Augustine  S.  Worthtnj,*  (Judith  Kimball^  Sarah^  Peter'  Joseph* 
Richard"  Thomas*  Richard'cb.  Hebron.  N.  IL,  Oct.  25,  1827;  m.  Esther 
Ann  Rarron.  He  is  a  retired  farmer,  and  has  lived  near  Belvue  Kan- 
sas for  twenty-eight  years.  The  family  name  wasWorthen.  A  near 
relative  was  Amos  H.  Worthen,  formerly  state  geologist  of  Illinois. 
See  p.  36.  last  number  of  News.     Also  April  News,  1899.  p.  200. 


i     Edwin  A.  Worthing*,  b.  Oct,  19,  i^.,<>;    in.    i^eiia   Moore.     Three 
children:   1,  liertha,  b.  Feb.  13,  1890;  2,  Augustine  Ray.  b.    June 
8,  1891;  3,  Edith  Pearl,  b.  May  21,  189.->. 
ii     Estella  Pauline  Worthing",  b.  April  15.  1861:  m.  Frank  Crabtree. 
Two  children;  l.Ethr""  b    Nov.  18.  1889:  2.  Raymond  Worthing'" 
b.  July  10.  1892. 
iii     May  Lorinda^  b-   — :  m.    James   S.  Watt.     Two  children:  1,  Ora 
May  Lorena  Watt'",  b.  May  19,  1890.  2.   Merrill  Worthing  Watt'^' 
b.  Oct.  18.  1897. 
Page  409 — No.  774.  Royal  Kimball',  m.  Ashfield.  Mass..  Feb.  25.  1808,  Polly 


i     Lewis  A."*,  b.  A.shtifld.  Ma.'-s.,  March  .•.  ImiIi. 

ii     Darwin"  b.  Chenango  Co..  N.  Y..  Aug.  :.•').  1811:  d.  Mav   id.  1888. 
iii     Harman"*.  b.  Lisle,  N.  Y.,  Dec.  19,  LSn 
iv     Royal*,  b.  Chenango.  Broome  Co..  May  0.  ISIG;  d.  Hard  Mill    Mo. 

Dec.  18,  1899. 
V     Virgil  W.«  b.  Bingham  ton,  N.  Y.,   Sept.  15.  1818:  d.  Jan.  (3.  1378. 

April,  1900.  57 

VI     Almira'*,  b.  Chenango  Co.,  N.  Y.,  June  10.  1S30;  m.  Joel  Sawyer, 
vii     Mary",  b.  Chenango   Co.,  April   1'2,    18:?-i;    d.    Rochester.    N.  Y  , 

July  1877. 
viii     Releafy*,  b.  Chenango  Co..  May  2'>,  1S:M;  m.    Reuben    Hazen    of 
Rochester,  N.  Y. 
ix     Carolme**,  b.  Chenango,  Broome  Co.,  May  1  J,    18?7;    m.    William 
Sh^-rburne  of.Oxtord,  Kansas. 

X     Elii'.a**,    b.    Chenango,    Co.,    April    :,'•.'.    ls;.nt:    d. :  m.  George 


xi     Oliver  E.**,  b.  Chenango  Co. ,  1831. 

Page  733— No.  1553,  Royal  Kimball**,  b.  Chenango,  Broome  Co.,  N.  Y..  May 
6.  1816;  d.  Hard  Mill,  Callaway  Co.,  Mo.,  Dec.  18,  1899;  m.  Feb.  7, 
1843,  Maria  A.  Sprague,  in  Triangle  Town,  Broome  Co.,  N.Y. 


i     Franklin  B.-'  b.  Triangle.  Broome  Co.,  N.  Y..  Feb.  4,  1844:  d.    of 

typhoid  :ever,  Gatssville,  Texas,  August  10,  187:.'. 
ii     Eugene  AnseP,  b.  Chehocton,  Steuben  Co,  N.  Y..  Feb.   3.    184s 

d.  Sept.  10,  at  Versailles,  Catt  Co.,  N.  Y.  of  flux, 
iii     Eldndge  A.'-',  b.  Versailles,  Catt  Co.,  N.Y.,  July  9,  1S4<);  d.  March 

2.  18.'i3. 
iv     Alva  A. 8,  b.  Versailles,  N.  Y.,   April  9.    18.')1:   m.    Dec.    :.'S,    187t). 

Lizzie  Martin 
V     Oliver  0.8,  b.  Versailles,  .X.  Y..  Sept.  8,    1853;    m.    Oct.    :.'4.    1881, 
Jennie  Clothier.     He   is   a  machinist   and  lives  at  Tebbetts,  Mo. 
vi     Adelaide  E. 9.  b.  July  14,  18.59;  m.  Feb.  '28.  1877.    William    Knowl- 

ton.     Lives  in  Perrysburg",  N.  \^. 
vii     Buford  H.'-*.  b.  Cuba,  Mo..  Nov.  27,  1865;  m.  Feb.  ;i2,    1888.    Sallie 

O.  Herring, 
viii     Charles.A.9,  b.  Cuba,  Mo.,  June  l;i,  IStiO. 

[Note: — It  wiFi  be  observed  that  the  above  ditfers  from  the  Family, 
History.  We  give  it  as  furnished  by  Oliver  0.  Kim.ball  of  Tebbetts.  Mo. 
It  will  be  noticed  that  nothing  is  given  concerning  the  grandchildren  of 
Royal  Kimball^  neither  above  nor  in  the  History.  It  may  be  added  that 
yirgil .  brother  of  Royal  was  the  father  of  Elbert  L.  Kimball.  vYho  in  1888 
.was  the  republican  candidate  for  governor  of  Missouri,  arid  w h ose  suTld en 
Jeat]i"a  little  later  was  a  matter  of  almost  national  regret.  Fam.  Hist.  p. 
Page  1011 — Althea  A.  (Kimball)  Murphy,  daughter  of  Virgil-,  lives  at  Enid 

Oklahoma,  instead  of  San  Diego,  Cal. 
Page  1022— No.  2386.  Achsah  Kimball  Beach  now  resides  at  Pittsfield,  Mass. 
Page  1142 — Capt.  W.  A.  Kimball  now  live-s  at  Nahcotta,  Wash. 

Thomas  D.  Kimball,  Phillips  Andover  '59,  is  g-eneral  ag-ent 
for  the  Washing-ton  Lite  Insurance  Co.,  of  New  York  Cit}^  with 
headquarters  at  421  Olive  street,  St.  Louis,  Mo.  He  lives  in 
Kirkwood  and  was  last  year  elected  its  first  mayor  on  a  "Straight 
anti-saloon  issue. 

^■8  Kimbaii   i-  a.iiuiv   Ncwi> 

The  Peaslees  and   Others   of  Haverhill 

Mrs.  E.  A.  Kim1>all  of  East  Haverhill,  Mass.,  has  compiled 
a  pamphlet  of  72  pa<;-es  with  the  above  title  and  has  kindly  sent 
the  Nkws  a  copy.  It  contains  much  interesting-  Kimball  reading". 
The  founder  of  the  I'easlee  family  was  Joseph  born  in  Kngland, 
made  freeman  in  1643,  Newbury,  Mass.,  and  moved  to  Haverhill 
in  1646.  [Pag-e  4*>.  Kimball  History.]  He  was  an  active  citizen 
and  preacher  althoug-h  some  of  the  records  note  that  he  was 
"unfit"  for  such  work. 

The  •'Family  History  states  that  Judith  Kimball,  the  third 
daug-hter  of  Henry'  [p.  4^]  married  Col.  Nathaniel  Peaslee.  He 
was  the  fourth  son  of  Joseph,  son  of  the  emig-rant  Joseph,  and 
was  a  wealthy  and  iniluential  citizen,  a  Representative  several 
terms  and  one  of  the  committee  of  the  General  Court  in  1759, 
to  arrang-o  the  long-  disputed  boundary  line  between  Massachu- 
setts and  New  Hampshire, 

The  Family  History  makes  no   mention   of  their  children, 
but  they  are  g-iven  in  this  work  and  were  as  follows: 
i     Uannah  Peaslee  born  May  1.  1703. 

ii     .Mehitable  Peaslee,  born  .Ian.  18,  1704;  died  May  37.  1776. 
iii     Nathaniel  Peaslee,  born  April  13,  1707. 
iv     Abigail  Peaslee,  born  .Sept.  29,  1709. 
V     Suspnna  Peaslee,  b.  May  10,  1712. 
vi     Mary  Pea.slee.  b  Oct.  5,  171.5:  died  Feb.  8,  1710*17. 
vii     Jonathan  Peaslee,  born  June  ir>,  1720;  died  March  5,  1721. 
Regarding-  their  children  we  quote  as  follows: 

In  1723  Abigail  and  .Susanna  Peaslee,  with  five  other  women,  peti- 
Li'jiiid  the  town  for  liberty  "ti*  erect  a  seat  (jr  pew  over  the  head  of  the 
stairs,"  in  the  meetin<,'-house.  'uot  damnifying  the  stairway."'  Their  re- 
quest was  granted  At  the  same  time  Nathaniel  Peaslee  and  others,  -'hav- 
ing their  habititions  sd  distant  from  the  meeting-house  that,  at  any  time 
being  belated,  ive  cannot  get  into  any  seat,  but  are  obliged  to  sit  squeasod 
on  the  stairs,"'  asked  permission  to  ereet  a  pew  in  a  vacani)  place  '"betwixt, 
the  front  pew  and  the  pew  on  th«  .side  gallery  over  the  head  of  the  stairs.  " 
As  the  daughters  of  Nathaniel  Peaslee  were  at  this  time  aged  respectfully 
fourteen  and  elevMu  \-.-:(i-'-    'hi'v  wi  !•.•     .ii-i-.irilinir    t..    ii,...1ern    ideas,    very 

young  women. 

Hannah,  the  eldest  child.  m:vrried  Joseph  liadger,  a  merchant  of 
Havej-hill.  and  father  of  (Jen.  Joseph  Hadger.  of  Clilmanton  '  ■'.  born 
in  nnverhill,  January  11,  1722. 

Susanna  married  Rev.  Christopher  .Sargent,  of  Methuen,  January  22, 
1729-30,  and  was  the  mother  of  Hon.  Nathaniel  Peaslee  Sargent.  Chief 
Justice  of  t're  Supremo  Court  of  Massacliusetts. 

[Nathaniel  Peaslee  Sarg-ent,  the  grandson  of  Judith  (Kim- 
ball) Peaslee  graduated  from  Harvard  College  in  1750,  and  was 
a  delegate  to  the  Provincial  Congress  at  Cambridge  in  177.S,  and 
the  next  year  was  a  member  of   the    House    of    Kepresentativ--- 

April,  1900.  59 

This  was  before  he  became  Chief  Justice  of  the  Massachusetts 
Supreme  Court.  He  was  the  sole  executor  of  his  g-randfather's 
will.— Ed.  Nhws.] 

The  historians  of  Concord,  New  Hampshire,  iidd  of  Haverliil].  Mass., 
state  that  '"Capt.  Ebenezer  Eastman  married  March  4,  ITIO,  Saraii  PeSislee 
of  Haverhill,  daughter  of  Colonel  Nathaniel  Peaslee,  of  Haverhill,  eyidetitly 
an  error,  as  the  eldest  child  of  Nathaniel  Vvas  not  born  untfl  1703.  Satfah 
Peaslee,  daughter  of  Joseph  and  sister  of  Nathaniel,  married  Captain 
Ebenezer  Eastman. 

[It  was  their  son  Moses  Eastmati  who  married  Elis^abeth 
Kimball.  See.  News  p.  258,  April,  1899,  and  for  the-'r  children, 
pag-e  8,  Jan.  News,  1900.— Ed.  News.] 

Nathaniel  Peaslee,  Jr..  son  of  Nathaniel  and  Judith,  married  J-^^dia 
White,  Nor.  16,  1727.  They  had  a  child  Abigail,  born  Oct.  'Z.,  1728,  died 
Oct.  17,  1729.     '-Nathl  Peaslee,  ye  husband,  died  Sept.  9,  1730."" 

Abigail,  the  fourth  child  of  Nathaniel  and  Judith,  married  James 
White.  April  9,  1738,  and  died  May  27, '1730. 

Mrs.  Judith  Pea.slee  died  August  1.5,  1741,  and,  a  fe-v  months  later, 
Rev.  Christopher  Sargent,  of  Methuen,  had  the  pleasure  of  uniting  in 
marriage  his  father-in-law,  then  nearljj^  sixty  years  of  age,  and  Abiah 
Swan,  of  that  town.  .Jan.  8,  1742. 

Their  child.  Abigail,  was  born  May  2,  1743,  and  the  mother  died  the 
11th  of  the  month  and  year.  Abigail,  the  daughter,  married  Humphrey 
Moody,  and  had  nine  children.  Humphrey  and  Nathaniel  Peaslee  Moodyi 
enlisted  in  the  ar  my  and  served  three  years.  William,  son  of  Humphrey 
was  a  graduate  of  Dartmouth  College.  Mrs.  Moody  married  for  her  second 
husband  Gen.  James  Crickett. 

In  1726  the  General  Court  of  Massachusetts  g-ranted  the 
township  of  "Pennjcook"  now  Concord,  to  one  hundred  men, 
most  of  whom  were  from  Haverhill,  Bradford  and  vicinity,  and 
among-  them  Samuel,  David  and  Jeremiah  Kimball,  sons  of 
Davids  Their  brother  Aaron  settled  in  Hopkinton,  and  Jere- 
miah went  to  Warner.  Robert  and  Nathaniel  Peaslee  were  pro- 
prietors of  the  township  but  did  not  settle  there.  Robert  Kim- 
ball (p.  61)  the  uncle  of  the  above  mentioned  Kimballs  was  also 
interested  in  Pennycook,  but  did  not  settle  there.  His  son  Phillip 
however  became  prominent  in  town  affairs.  (See  anecdote  p.  94 
Fam.  Hist.) 

The  first  settler  in  Concord,  then  Pennycook,  was  Capt. 
Ebenezer  Eastman  who  married  Sarah  Peaslee,  whose  son  Moses 
married  Elizabeth  Kimball.  (See  April  News,  1899.  i  Ruth  the 
only  sister  of  Moses  Eastman  married  Dr.  Ezra  Carter  when  onlv 
thirteen  years  old,  and  for  a  second  husband  married  Samuel 
Fowler  a  maternal  relative  of  the  News  Editor's  father. 

The  will  of  Nathaniel  Peaslee  reads  very  much  like  parts  of 
that  of  Noah  Brooks  in  another  part  of  this  issue  of  the  News. 
For   example   he   gives   to   his  "well     beloved    wife,     the    im- 

60  Kimball   Family  News 

provemeftt  of  the  south-easterly  part  of  the  house  in  which  I 
now  live,  called  the  Parlour  and  Parlour  chamber,  and  Garret 
overhead  and  Cellor  under,  also  well  and  wood  yard  as  she  shall 
have  occasion.  Also  the  Improvement  of  the  west  Room  in  the 
Red  house  in  which  William  Page  now  lives,  and  the  chamber 
over  it,  and  the  cellar  under  it,  and  also  the  well  and  wood  yard 
as  she  shall  have  occasion,  and  the  Improvement  of  my  barn  on 
the  North  side  of  the  Road,  where  the  Cyder  Mill  now  stands, 
and  her  sixth  part  of  the  profits  and  clear  annual  Income  of  the 
several  parcels  of  Land  which  I  shall  hereafter  mention  and  give 
to  my  children  and  g-rand-children  for  and  during-  the  term  she 
shall  continue  my  widow,  after  debts  and  charges  are  paid  and 
one-fifth  part  over  all  the  funeral  charges  I  shall  die  possessed 

The  author  of  this  interesting  work  is  Mrs. Emma  A.  (Brown  i 
Kimball.  (Hist.  p.  842.)  She  married  Frederick,  the  fifth  child 
of  Hazen  Kimball  (No.  1062,  p.  528  j  who  married  Eliza  Peaslee. 
Hazen's  father,  Benjamin,  (p.  292)  married  Betsey  Kimball, 
and  their  daughter  Abigail  became  the  second  wife  of  Deacon 
Jesse  Kimball  son  of  James,  a  very  interesting  sketch  of  whom 
may  be  found  on  page  293  of  the  history.  His  first  wife  was  al- 
so a  Kimball,  Lucretia,  daughter  of  Judge  John  Kimball  of  Bar- 
ton, Vt.,  grandfather  of  F.  M.  Kimball  of  Topeka.  Another 
Jvucretia  Kimball,  sister  of  Deacon  Jesse,  married  Prof.  Benja- 
min Greenleaf,  the  author  of  Greenleaf's  Arithmetics.  A  daugh- 
ter of  Jesse  and  Abigail  Kimball,  Lucretia  Hasseltine,  "a  person 
of  rare  attainments"  married  Rev.  R.  S.  Kendall,  at  one  time 
U.  S.  Consul  at  Strasburg,  Germany.  Their  three  children  all 
became  prominent  educators.     (Hist.  p.  844.) 

Mrs.  Kimball's  book,  in  paper,  sells  for  SI. 00,  bound  in  cloth 
SI. 50. 

A  late  number  of  the  Boston  Herald  contained  a  half  tone 
portrait  of  Miss  Mary  Elizabeth  Kimball,  the  retiring  president 
of  the  Massachusetts  Daughters  oi  Veterans.  She  is  the  daugh- 
ter of  Gen.  John  W.  Kimball  of  Fitchburg,  who  was  elected 
state  auditor  in  1898,  and  has  filled  that  office  ever  since  that 
time.      [Hist.  p.  841.] 

The  collection  of  Indian  relics  which  was  on  exhibition  at 
the  Boston  museum  for  many  years,  has  been  presented  to  the 
Peabody  museum  of  Harvard  by  the  heirs  of  David  Kimball. 
The  collection  comes  from  the  Algonquins,  the  Sioux,  the  Semi- 
noles  and  the  Choctaws,  and  was  made  by  the  famous  explorers, 
Lewis  and  Clark,  about  the  year  1840. 

April,  1900.  61 

A  Good  Looking  Rustler 

The  March  number  of  the  New  York  Typewriter  and  Phono- 
graphic World  is  before  us.  It  must  be  a  valuable  aid  to  the 
typewriters  and  stenog^raphers,  as  it  is  a  large  illustrated  maga- 
zine at  only  50  cents  a  year.  This  number  contains  a  racy  and 
instructive  department  on  "The  Amanuensis  and  the  Student," 
conducted  by  James  N.  Kimball,  a  New  York  teacher  and  re- 
porter. This  number  also  contains  a  sketch  and  portrait  of  our 
rustling  friend  and  cousin,  Duran  Kimball,  proprietor  of  the 
Chicago  Shorthand  School  and  Business  College,  113  Adams 
Street.  We  would  like  very  much  to  reproduce  both  portrait 
and  sketch,  but  have  not  the  cut,  but  we  can  give  the  sketch 
which  is  by  the  editor  of  the  magazine. 

Duran  Kimball  has  from  the  first  been  a  staunch  friend  of 
the  News,  overlooking  its  imperfections,  knowing  how  easy!;  it 
is  to  make  mistakes  when  one  has  "too  many  irons  in  the  fire." 
His  name  is  not  given  in  the  index  of  the  Family  History,  but  a 
short  sketch  is  given  on  page  720,  in  which  his  birthplace  is 
given  as  Claremont,  N.  H.  But  Claremont  is  only  across  the 
Connecticut  river  from  the  Green  Mountain  State.  We  imagine 
that  Editor  Healey  drew  a  little  on  his  imagination  at  the  out- 
set, but  the  little  story  is  readable  enough  for  the  World,  and 
the  main  facts  are  good  enough  for  the  New.s.  Our  cousin  has 
been  unfortunate  in  losing  all  his  children,  the  News  of  March, 
1898,  containing  a  portrait  and  sketch  of  his  daughter  Grace,  a 
very  amiable  young  woman  who  died  in  California  on  Christ- 
mas day,  1897,  at  the  age  of  seventeen. 

D.  KimbalL  of  Chicago — that's   his   name,    and   one   knows    bj-   his 
physlogomy  that  he  is  a  Yankee — born  and  bred  among  the  Green    Moun- 
tains of  Vermont,  where  his  nearest  neighbors  were  the   chipmunks,    the 
speckled  trout,   and   the   towering   forms   of   the   old    spruce-gum   trees. 
There  he  remained,  a  simple  farmer's  boy,  until  1856  when  he  removed    to 
Minnesota,  and  in  1863  enlisted  in  the  Tenth  Minnesota  Infantry,  serving 
his  time  until  the  close  of  the  war,  coming  out  a  lieutenant,    and  with    his 
hair — the  latter  a  rather  surprising  circumstance  considering  the  fact  that 
much  of  his  time  was  spent  in  chasing  up   the   refractory   Sioux    Indians. 
Upon  his  discharge  from  the  army  he  went  to  Boston,  and  there  ran  across 
Takigrafy  his  first  and  only  love,  with  the  exception  of  a  few  days  of  toy- 
ing with  the  virgin  consonants'of  Pitman.-    His  first  real  experience  as  a 
stenographer  was  gained  in  the  office  of  the  famous  Allan  Pinkerton-~and 
they  do  say  that  the  detective  instinct  they  cultivated  and  absorbed   from 
his  environment  remains  with  him  to  this  day.     In '68    he   went   with   the 
Chicago,  Burlington  and  Qaincy  and  later  accepted  the  position    of   train- 
master with  the  Southern  Pacific,  which   he   left   in   a   month.  ook 
charge  of  the  construction    of   a   hundred  mile   branch   of  the    .\oithern 

(>2  Kimball   I'^unily  News 

Pacific.  But  tlie  itching  for  teaching'  took  possession  of  hiiu  and  he  re" 
turned  to  Chicag-o,  taught  a  year  in  one  of  tlie  Imsiness  colleges  there 
and  then  opened  a  school  of  his  own  which  he  lias  since  con- 
ducted. Mr.  Kiratall  has  been  and  is  probably  now  the  strong- 
est and  best  representative  of  Takigraphy  in  the  world.  He  has  g-iven 
whole  attention  to  it  devising  means  and  methods  for  engraving,  a.nd 
publishing  many  text-books  in  the  system,  all  of  which  are  models  of 
which  any  author  may  be  proud  both  in  design  and  literary  style.  Mr. 
Kimball  is  in  his  fifty-eighth  year  and  ought  to  be  good  for  another  q\iar- 
tcr  of  a  century.     May  his  shadow  never  grov/  less. 

Kimball  Lovejoy. 

Our  3'oung-  friend,  C.  N.  Kimball  of  Harvard,  class  1902, 
sends  the  following-  clipped  from  a  Boston  paper,  dated  March 
9,  Natick,  Mass. : 

Mr.  Kimball  Lovejoy,  87,  died  yesterday  at  his  home  on  Pond  street 
Cochituate.  He  wab  born  in  Hebron,  N.  H.  When  a  young  man  he 
settled  in  Charlestown,  where  he  lived  till  about  30  years  ago,  when 
he  went  to  Cochituate  and  made  his  home  there.  Mr.  Lovejoy  was  of  a 
quiet,  retiring  disposition.  He  was  one  of  the  most  respected  citizens  of 
the  town.  He  engaged  in  the  box  manufjicturing  business.  He  was  mar- 
ried and  had  two  sons,  one  of  whom  was  killed  in  the  civil  wai.  The  sec- 
ond son,  William,  died  in  187.5.  His  wife  is  also  dead,  and  Mr. -Lovejoy 
was  the  last  of  the  family.  He  was  a  prominent  member  of  the  M.  E. 
church,  and  was  one  of  the  trustees  at  the  time  of  his  death.  - 

In  his  letter  our  cousin  remarks  that  it  is  the  only  instance 
where  he  has  seen  the  family  name  used  as  a  Christian  name.  A 
g-lance  at  the  Family  History  index  will  show  that  this  is  by  no 
means  rare.  No  mention  of  Kimball  Lovejoy  is  made  in  the 
history.  But  there  were  many  Kimballs  in  Groton,  Hebron  and 
neig-hboring"  towns,  and  the  widow  of  Benjamin  Kimball,  No. 
307,  married  Jacob  LrOvejo}'  of  Hebron  in  1835.  Kimball  Love- 
joy was  probably  the  son  of  a  Kimball  wotnan 

Kimballs  in  Harvard  University. 

Henry  Horton  Kimball.  A.  15..  of  Boston, 271  Beacon  street. 
1902,  Law. 

Charles  Nathaniel  Kimball  of  Wcllsboro,  Pa.,  11  Conanl, 
1902,  Law.     Hist.   j).  79(,. 

George  Cook  Kimball  of  Bost«)n,  Scientific,  I'MK),  Electric 
Engineer,  Holyoke.     Hist.  j).  83+. 

Arthur  Clark  Kimball  of  Lynn,  Mass.,  Scientilic,  1901,  Civil 
Engineer:  Weld  33.     Hist.  p.  83«). 

Fred  Kimball  of  Ken^in"-1<>".  N  ^t  r,,-i(.,.,.  m  i.'jisworth 

K.\DCI.1FFK    COI,I,i:(.H. 

Alice  May  Kimball    of   Cambridge,    Mass.,    1900.     Hist.  ]>. 

101,9.    r':''\  ' 

April,  r>oO.  63 

Dr.  Grace  Kimball  on  Medical  Missionaries. 

[See  News,  Dec.  1899,  p.  370.     Hist.  p.  32-3.] 

From  the  N.  Y.  Tribune,  March  23: 

Dr.  Grace  Kiml)a]l,  formerly  of  Van.  Turkey,  who  is   now  connected 

with  Vassar  Colleg-e,  addressed  the  Woman's  tiuild  of  the  Manhattan    Con- 

gregation  Church  yesterday  morning- at  Leslie  Hall,    Eig-hty-third     street, 

and  Bi'oadway.  on  the  work  accomplished  by  naedical   missionaries.      Mrs. 

Henry  A.  Stimson  introduced  the  speaker,    and    Mrs.    S.    C.    Ma  stick    was 

chairman  of  the  meeting. 

Dr.  Kimball  stroagly  ur^ed  the  value   of  organizations    in    mission 

work.     '"If  our  missions  are  to  be  as  they  must  be — an   army — we  at  home 

must  make  the  work  a  .study,"'    said    Dr.    Kimball.     "To    the  extent   that 

foi'eign  missions  have  been  successful,  the  result    must   be  attributed    to 

concentrated  efi'ort." 

In  a  reference  to  her  former  work  as  a  medical  miosionary  at  Van, 
the  speaker  stated  that  a  woman,  who  was  deeply  interested  in  the  work 
said.  'We  wane  a  new  school  of  three  R's — 'reading,  writing  and  righteous- 
ness' " — to  which  Dr.  Kimball  added  that  such  a  school  had  been  estab- 

'Of  the  thirty-eight  medical  missionaries  sent  out  by  f^e  American 
Doard  six  are  womeia.'"  said  the  speaker.  "The  medical  missionaries  win 
the  confidence  and  affection  of  the  natives  through  their  ability  to  relieve 
suffering,  and  one  of  the  instances  that  came  under  my  notice  was  the  case 
of  a  chief  who  was  obdui-ate  in  his  determination  not  to  listen  to  the  mis- 
sionaries. On  one  occasion  a  missionary  found  him  rolling  on  the  ground 
in  agony,  incidental  to  a  form  of  diseasethat  is  frequently  fatal.  The 
medical  missionary  was  enabled  to  give  the  necessary  treatment,  and  upon 
his  recovery  the  chief  was  found  among  the  attentive  listeners  at  the 

At  the  close  of  the  address  the  speaker  was  introduced  to  those  pres . 
ent  by  Mrs.  C. L,  Newell,  the  chairman  of  reception. 



Suddenly,  at  West  Newton,  Mass.,  Feb.  7,  Mrs.  Susanna  H. 


At  Wellesley  Hills,  Mass.,  March  <),  S.  Adelaide  KimbaU, 
wife  of  Georg-e  H.  Kimball. 


Suddenly,  in  Boston  Jan.  26,  Henrj'  Curtis  Snow,  son  of  late 
David  Snow,  65  years.  Mr.  Snow  married  Lavina  Taft  Kim- 
ball, Dec.  16,  1858.  He  left  a  widow,  children  and  g-randchil- 
dren.    [Fam.  Hist.  pp.  776,  No.  1671] 


Mrs.  Elizabeth  Kimball  Noyes,  sister  of  Kx-Mayor  Edward 
J.  Noyes,  of  Lowell,  ag-ed  54  years.  She  was  a  native  of  George- 
town, Mass.    See  p.  705,  No. '1478. 

(A  Kimball    l'\-uui!v   News 

Peter  Kimball's  Diary. 

Mr.  Augustine  S.  Worthing-  of  Belvue,  Kansas,  writes  con- 
cerning- the  diarv  of  his  great  g^randfather,  Capt.  Peter  Kimball 
of  Boscawen,  N.  H.,  which  he  kept  while  in  the  service  of  the 
Revolutionary  patriots: 

"It  was  probabh'  in  possession  of  his  young-est  son  Benja- 
min Thurston,  (Fam.  Hist.  p.  284^,  then  to  his  son  Peter,  late  of 
Grafton,  N.  H.  If  it  is  still  preserved,  it  is  doubtless  in  posses- 
sion of  some  of  Peter's  children.  My  g-randmother,  Sarah  Kim- 
ball Martin,  used  to  say  that  her  father  made  notes  in  his  diary 
nearly  every  da}'  throug^hout  the  war.  She  said  it  possessed 
real  literary  merit.  It  is  known  to  have  been  in  existence  in 
18.30,  and  my  g-randmother  often  spoke  of  it,  saying-  it  would  be 
worth  money  to  his  descendants." 

As  the  News  has  before  said,  this  diary  is  considered  g-ood 
authority  by  historians.  The  Famil}^  History  quotes  from  it  on 
page  150.  If  Mr.  Worthing-  is  correct  in  his  surmise,  jthen  Mrs. 
Nancy  Adams  Kimball,  the  widow  of  the  late  Peter  Kimball  of 
Grafton,  N.  H.,  may  be  able  to  g-ive  some  information  in  reg-ard 
to  it.     She  is  a  very  bright  and  well  informed  lady. 

In  the  annual  list  of  larg-est  taxpayers  of  Boston  in  the 
Herald  Jan.  14,  the  names  of  about  eight  Kimballs  appear  as 
paying-  taxes  on  one  and  one-half  millions  of  real  estate  and  per- 
sonal property. 

L.  F.  Kimball  of  Melrose,  Mass.,  has  bought  the  Challenge 
Poultry  Farm,  of  South  Peabody,  Mass.  The  farm  contains  18 
acres  of  land,  about  200  feet  of  poultry  houses,  and  a  larg-e  fac- 
tor}-  buildingc  Mr.  Kimball  intends  to  improve  the  property, 
and  to  rnisi-  nnultry  rm  .'i  large  scale. 

Dr.  (j.  W.  Field  ol  L>aiij^t.»r,  Me.,  left  many  public  bequests, 
and  among  them  $1500  to  Dr.  (irace  Kimball  and  Miss  Lcttie 
E-  Johnson,  to  be  used  by  them  in  the  Van  Mission  or  other 
Turkish  missions  in  such  way  as  thev  deem  expedient.  See  Fam. 
News,  Dec.  18')9,  for  sketch, 'also  J'"am.  Hist.  pp.  .^22-32.3. 

President  Kimball  of  the  Iowa  Central  Kailroad  Company 
has  decided  to  move  the  headquarters,  general  offices  and  ma- 
chine shops  of  tliat  road  from  Marshalltown,  Jowa,  to  Peoria, 
Illinois.  Peoria  has  become  a  very  important  railroad  center, 
and  offers  economical  advantages  o\cr  most  other  points. 

-.^^    -/ 

\Jtim  ball'-  ^J'amily  uLews 

Vol.  Ill,  No.  5.  G.  F.  KIMBALL,  Publisher.  Ttims  $1.00   a  year. 

Topeka,  Kansas,  May,  1900. 



No.  772— John  Kimball"  (Boyce*^  Boyc^e-''  Ebenezer-"  SamueV^  Richard^  Rich- 
ard^) born  in  Shutesbury,  Mass. ,  P^eb.  3,  17S3:  d.  lladley.  Mas.s.,  Sept. 
30,  18.58;  m.  1st  Jan.  23,  1S0.5,  Electa  Granger,  b.  Nov.  2,  1783;  d.  Aiic 
24,  1817;  m.  2d.  May  0,  1818,  Lydia  Granger,  b.  Feb.  17,  1790;  d.  Marcli 
1,  1862.  Electa  and  Lydia  (>ranger  were  the  daughter.s  of  liolcomb 
Granger  and  Electa  Smith,  wlio  was  a  descendant  of  Joseph  Smith 
of  Hartford,  Gunn.,  Nathaniel  Foote  of  Wethersfield,  Conn.,  I'eter 
Golding  of  Boston,  Hadley  and  Sudbury,  Mass.,  Luke  Hitchcock  of 
Wethersfield.  Conn.,  and  Hadley.  Mass.,  Nathaniel  Dickinson  of  Had- 
ley .  and  Lieut.  Samuel  Smith,  who,  with  his  family  came  from 
England  in  1634  on  the  ''Elizabeth'  with  Richard  and  Ursula  (Scott) 
Kimball.  Mr.  Kimoall  followed  the  occupation  of  gardening  for 
manj  years.  He  was  kind  and  genial  in  his  nature  and  greatly  loved 
by  all  who  knew  him,  especially  the  children.  'Resided  in  Hadley, Mass. 


i     (1.54.5a)Timothy»,  b.Mch.  11,  1806;  d.July  18,1873,  New  Orleans,  La. 

ii     John*,  b.  Aug.  27,  1807;  drowned  in  Connecticut  River  Apr.  7,  1815. 

iii     (1545b)  Achsa  Bridgman*^  b.  Oct.  28.  1808;  d.  March  24,   IS.tJ.  New 

Salem,  Mass. 
iv     (1545c) William*,  b.  Aug.  2,  1810;  d.  Sept.  18,  1895,  Farlington,  Ka.s. 
v     (1545d)  Maria«.  b.  March  29,  1812;  d    Aug.  4,  1839. 
vi     Thaddeub  Granger**,  b.  Apr.  15,  1814;  went  south    Date   of  death 

vii     John^  h.  Jan. .2.  1816.   When  a  young  man  he  went  to  California; 
invested  in  mining  property;  bought  timber    land   in    Tuolumne 
Co.,  and  was  principal  owner  of  the    stock    of    the    Union    Water 
Co.,  in  Calaveras  Jo.,  for  many  years.     One  hand  was    deformed 
from  the  time  of  his  birth,  and  he  never  learned  to  write,  but  in 
his  large  business  transactions  he  would  carry    many    accounts 
correctly  in  his  mind  and  give  them  to  his  book-keeper   for   rec- 
ord.    He  was  never  married  and  died  Jan.  23,   1878,  in    Murphy's 
Calaveras  Co..  Cal. 
viii     (1545e)     Horace  SmithMj.  March    24.    1820:    d.    Baltimore,    Md  . 
Aug.  21,  1893. 
ix     Reuben.B.^  b.  Sept.  10,  1822:  d.  Sept.  1,  1837. 
X     (1546)  Erastus  S.".  b.  Jan.  2,  1835;  d.  Northampton,  Mass.,    April 
19.  1883.     (See  Fam.  Hist   pages  408  and  731.) 


Kimball   Family  News 

XI     (1547^  Francis  Renry'*,  b.  Dec  16.  1828.   KcsMence  Easthampton. 
Mass.     (See  Kam.  Jlist.  page-s  408:  731  and  1008.) 

154.'>a — Timothy  K'mball*  (John"  IJoyce*  Roj'ce*  Ebenezer*  SamneP  Richard^ 
Richard")  b.  Mch.  11,    180fl.    went    to    New   Orleans.    La.,    xvhen 
about  sixteen  years  of  aiare:m.  Nov.  20,  I83S.  Emily  Knig'ht.  born 
New  Orleans.  March  3.  181S:  d.  New  Cadiz.  Florida.  Apr.  f>,  1891. 
He  was  for  raanj*  years  a  successfnl  mercTiant  in  New  Orleans. 


i     Elenor  Rosalie».  b.  Sept.  13. 18.34:  d.  X.  O..  Oct   16.  18.3H. 

ii     Emma",  b.  Feb.  13,  1837:  d.  New  Cadiz,  Fla..  Oct.  7.  1874. 
ill     JosiahGrang-er'.  b.  Sept.  25.  1839. 
TV     Alice^  b.  Jan.  14,  1842;  m.  Jo.seph  Puig-.  June  7.  1865:  resides    in 

New  Cadiz.  Fla. 

Henry',  b.  Dec.  31.  1845:  d.  Calahoula.  La..  Nov.  13.  1862. 

Timothy  Dwight^  b.  Feb.  20,  1847:  d.  N.  O.,  Jan.  20.   1848. 

233fia.  Walker  Boyce'.b.  Jnnel.  1849:  m. Bessie  Park,  June  25.  1880. 

Electa  Smith'    b.  Feb.  6.  1852:  d.  May.  28.  1>53. 

Ida  Bell'b.  Sept.  1,  18.54:  m.  Martin  Campus.    August    16.    1S98. 

Resides  at  New  Cadiz.  Fla. 
X     Timothy',  b.  Dec.  6.  1856.     Is  now  living  in  Disston  City.   Fla. 

Walker  Boyce  Kimball'  (Timothy*  John"  Boyce^   Boyce'*   Ebenezer* 
Samuel-'   Richard-    R'ehard^i    has   five   children:  Harrv^''.  Alice'". 






(.ity,  Texas. 

Frank^".     The  faxnilv   resides   in    Denison 

I54.b-Achsa  Bru  gman  K.mbaU-  (John^  Boyce«  Be^o.  Ebenezer^  Samuel^< 
Richard^  R^ohard^)  b.  in  Hadley.  Oct.  28. '808:  d.  March 
:lV?\°'-^^''' '•''''•  ^^°'^^S«°^'^-1  Freeman,  b.  March  1, 
180o.,n  Norton  He  was  the  son  of  Nathaniel  Feeman 
and  .sally  Mart,n.  whose  father.  Amos  Mart:n  of  Norton  ^rved 

^ZT^'X  ^.r^v""'''  '^""^^  '^^  Revolutionarv  war.    HisTrand- 
mother   Bethaah  Hodges,  wife   of   Nathaniel    Freeman    (Vn.sign) 

ir4:?r-d"hr'"'.'''-^"'"^^'''"^'»^^"  ^  p^----^  ^^ 

i-)     Mrs.    Freeman    was  a 

woman    of   refined    nature. 



lfet2iT\fTV''''''r'''''    remarkable    unselfishness 
Of  character.     Of  her  it  might  truthfully  have  been    said     -Sh^ 

openeth  her  mouth  with  wi.sdom:  and  in  her   ton""    "the   law 
of  kindness.     She  looketh  well    to    the  u,v.    of   Ir   >,  k   ,1 

and  not  the  bread  of  idlenes^  '"   household 


f2336b)  Maria  Freeman',  b.  Feb.  15.  183-' 
(233f,c)  Daniel  Sanfurd  Freeman^  b.  Ma'rch  9    1834 
(2330d)  Lewis  Howard  Freeman'J.  1,.  March  1"    1836 
(2330e)  Achsa  Bndgman  Freemin''.  b.  Aut'    ''^    i8.3- 

May  190U. 





Nathaniel  Freeman",  b.  Nov.  13.  1839;  m.  May  9.  1871,  Delia 
Aug-us^a  liiggins.  b.  July  22,  1842,  in  Peri-y,  Wyoming'  Co.,  New- 
York,  and  is  a  descendant  on  her  mother's  side,  of  Hannah  Dus- 
tan  of  Indian  fame.  She  graduated  from  Genesee  Wesleyan 
Seminar}'  at  Lima,  N.  Y.,  in  18fi2.  and  taught  school  m  Newark. 
Cold  Spring  and  other  towns  in  that  state.  Mr.  Freeman  served 
as  private  and  non-commissioned  oflicer  in  Co.  D,  3nd  N.  H.  Vol's 
from  Sept.  14,  1861  to  Oct.  19,  18(54,  losing  an  arm  in  the  bat- 
tle of  Cold  Harbor;  afterwards  served  in  the  U.  S.  Sanitary  Com- 
mission three  years,  and  in  the  General  Land  Office  in  Wasliing- 
ton  nearly  seventeen  yeais.  During  the  many  years  which^  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Freeman  have  resided  in  Washington,  D.  C,  they  haye 
been  most  favorably  known  in  litorar\'  circles  and  have  been 
highly  appreciated  for  their  t.elpfulness  in  charitable  and 
ian  work.     They  still  take  a  li  rely  interest  in  all  these  matters-. 

(2336f)  John  Kimball  Freeman'',  b.  March  26.  1842. 

Lydia  Ellen  Freeman",  b.  July  23,  1843;  resides  in  San  Francisco. 

(2336g)  Henry  Thadeus  Granger  Freeman",  b.  Oct.  19.  1840;  d, 
Feb.  17.  1892. 

(2336h)  Edmund  Frances  Freeman",  b.  Sept.  10,  1850. 



2336b— Maria  Freeman"  (  B.  Kimball'?  .John'  Hoyce«  B^yce"*  ELenezer^ 
SamueF  Richard^  Richard^)  b.  Feb.  15,  1832.  She  attended  New 
Salem  Academy  and  afterwards  graduated   at   the    \Yesleyan    Semi- 

68  Kimball  Family  News 

nary,  Wilbrahara,  Mass  ,  in  18r>0.  The  same  year  she  went  west  un- 
der the  auspices  of  the  National  Koard  of  Popular  Education,  being- 
one  of  a  coccpan.y  of  "New  England  school-marms"  chaperoned  by 
Gov.  Wm.  Slade  of  Vt.  She  first  had  charffe  ;of  the  Public  Schools 
at  Huntingdon,  Ind.,  and  later  was  preceptress  in  the  Fort  Waj'ne 
Colleg-e,  Ind.:  married  May  5,  1855,  John  Henry  Gray,  b.  in  Md.  Oct. 
16,  1831.  His  father,  George  Gray,  moved  to  Licking  Co.,  Ohio,  in 
Pennsylvania  wagons  soon  after  the  completion  of  the  National 
turnpike.  George  Gray  served  his  country  in  the  war  of  1812.  He 
lived  to  be  about  ninety-six  years  of  age.  Mr.  Gray  graduated  with 
honors  at  Allegheny  College,  Meadville,  Pa.,  in  1S53.  He  entered 
upon  the  practice  of  law  in  Fort  Wayne,  Ind.,  but  immediately  after 
his  marriage  removed  with  his  wife  to  Des  Moines.  Iowa,  where  he 
was  elected  District  Judge  in  1858,  which  olBce  he  filled  with  great 
acceptability  to  the  people  until  the  time  of  his  death,  Oct.  14,  18G5. 
There  were  few  men  in  this  young  state  that  occupied  a  more  re- 
sponsible position,  in  these  j'ears,  preceeding  and  during  the  civil 
war,  than  did  Judge  Gray.  His  clear  preseptions  of  right  and  jus- 
tice, joined  to  his  unflinching  integrity  of  character  gave  him  a 
most  honorable  record  in  public  as  well  as  in  private  life.  Mrs. 
Gray  is  greatly  interested  in  humane  work  and  has  organized  many 
"Bands  of  Mercy"'  in  San  Francisco,  in  Honolulu  and  one  in  Una- 
laska.  She  is  earnestly  endeavoring  to  promote  the  cause  of  peace 
and  arbitration,  and  is  a  delegate  from  "The  Univer.sal  Peace  Union" 
to  the  Ninth  World's  Peace  Congress  to  be  held  in  Paris,  commencing 
Sept.  30.  1900:  is  also  Vice  President  of  "The  Universal  Alliance  of 
Women  for  Peace,"  which  holds  its  First  International  Congress  in 
Paris  next  September.  She  is  an  active  member  of  the  "Pacific 
Coast  Women's  I'ress  Association,"' an  organization  of  women  writers 
founded  in  1890.  Mrs.  Gray  and  her  sons,  of  whom  mention  is  made  in 
"The  Kimball  Family  Nkws"  of  Jan.  1900,  reside  in  San  Francisco. 

i     (Jeorfe  Freeman  Gray'",  b.  May  20,  1858;  m.  June  '.'1,  1890,  Madge 
D.  Webster   of    San    Francisco.     Children:    1     ^lildred   Freeman 
Gray",  b.  May  17.  1891.    2  Harry  Webster  Gray^'.  b.  June  2,  1892. 
ii     Harry  Nathaniel  (Jray'",  b.  June  1,  1802;  m.    1st.    Oct.    31,    1887, 
Lorena  Wolf  of  Springfield,  111.;  d.  June  18,  1892,    in    San    P'lan- 
cisco;  m    2d  Jan.  17,  189s,  I'ersis  (liabcock)  Wilson,    daughter   of 
John  and  i>orinda  (Munger)  ISabcock  of  Denver.  Colo. 
233Cc — Daniel  Sanford    Freeman'-*   (Achsa   KinibalP   John^   Boyce"   Boycc-'' 
Ebenezer^  Samuel''  Uichard'-  Richard')  b,  March  9,  1S34;  m.  March  2<». 
1801,  Muria  Relief  Blanchard,  daugliter  of  Abraham  and  Eliza  (Push- 
ee)  Blanchard  of  Hinsdale,   N.    H.     He  is  a  farmer  and  lives  in    New 
Salem,  Mass. 

ClIIl.I'l;  ^.  N     IK'li.N     IS     II  I  >  ■- li.\  I  ,h,.      S.    II 

i     Floru  Eliza  Freeman"*,  b.  Oi-t.  30.  18C,-J. 

May  1900.  69 

ii     Arthur  Prescott  Freeman'",  b.  Aug.  9,  18G4;  ri.  July  16,  1865. 
iii     Nellie  Maria  Freemani",  b.  Dec.  3,  1860;  m.  Feb.  ?2,  1891,  George 
Mortlo<>k  of  N.  H.     Children:    1  Syduey  Freeman",  b.    May    30, 
1893.     2  Rosetta  Maria",  b.  Aug.  10,  1894;  d.  Aug.  28, 1894.     3  Rob- 
ert William",  b,  Feb.  7,  1898;  d.  Sept.  1898. 
iv     Aichelaus  Sanford  Freeman"*,  b.  Mar.  2.  1870;  d.  Feb.  27.  1871. 
V     Ralph  Whitney  Freeman!"  (adopted)  b.  June,   1879. 

233Gd — Lewis  Howard  Freeman^  (Achsa  Kimball*  John^  Boyce"  Boyce-^ 
Ebenezer^  SamueJ^  Richard-  Richard')  b.  Mch.  17,  1836;  m.  July 
10,  1862,  Sarah  Hamilton,  b.  Shutesbury.  Mass.,  June  6,  1832. 
He  enlisted  in  the  U.  S.  Service,  Jan.  R,  1864,  in  Co.  D,  27th  regt. 
Mass.  Infantry:  discharged  June,  186."<.  This  term  of  .servicL'.  was 
Spent  in  V^irginia  and  N.  C.  under  Generals  Grant  and  Butler. 
He  was  taken  prisoner  in  March  186.").  and  confined  in  Libbj' 
Prison  a  few  days.  He  is  a  farmer  and  resides  in  New  Salem, 
Mass.   ■ 


i     Lillian  Hattie  Freeman'"  b.  July  25,  1863;  d.  Jan.  1,  1882. 
ii     Bertram  Howard  Freeman^",  b.  Oct.  2.o;  1872;  m.    Dec.    14,    1899, 
Mattie  D.  Fickett|((b.  Raymond.  Maine,  May  11.  1871. 

:.'3:i(!e —Achsa  Bridgman  Freeman'*  (Achsa  Kimball*^  .John'  Boyce*  Boyce^ 
Ebenezer*  SamueF  Richard^  Richard')  b.  Aug.  22,  1837.  She  gradu- 
ated at  Wesleyan  Seminary,  Wilbraham,  Mass.,  18.'59;  taught  in  pub- 
lic schools  of  Iowa  nearly  twelve  years,  and  in  the  first  free  schools 
of  South  Carolina  in  .70  and  '71.  On  Nov.  20,  1872,  m.  in  Dea  Moines, 
Iowa,  Hiram  Thomas  Curl,  h.  in  Ind.  May  15,  1840.  His  grandfather 
James  Curl,  was  a  revolutionary  soldier;  lived  in  Va.,  and  later 
moved  to  Ohio,  where  his  son  John,  (Hiram's  father)  then  seven 
years  of  age,  was  lost  in  the  wilds  of  Cliampaigu  Co.,  in  1816  one 
week;  saw  plenty  of  aild  auinials  but  uo  human  being;  subsisted 
mostly  upon  wild  gooseberries.  Mr.  Curl's  parents  moved  Polk  Co.. 
Iowa,  iu  1856.  He  enlisted  in  the  ICth  Iowa  Inf.,  Co.  A,  in  1861,  and 
remained  in  the  service  over  three  years.  He  afterwards  attended 
Cornell  College  and  in  1867  entered  the  Methodist  ministry;  served 
various  charges  in  Iowa.  South  Dakota  and  Washington  many  years, 

and  was  also  presiding  elder  one  term  in  Iowa.     The  family  now  re- 
side in  Oakland,  Cal. 


i     May    Eva   Curl'",  b.  Oct.  16,  1873;  m.  Mar.  1891.  Fred    M. -White, 
in  Tacoma,  Wash.     Children:   1   Freddie  R.,  b.  Nov.  11,    1891.     2 
Ralph  Tliomas,  b.  Mar.  25,  1894.   3  Gracie,  b.  Aug.  4,  1896, 
ii     William  Freeman  Curl'",  b.  Nov.  ll.  1874. 
iii     Charles  Cookman  Curl'",  b.  Dec.  23.  1876. 
iv     Jessie  Gertrude  CurP".  b.  Feb    13,  1881;  d.  Nov.  29,   1887. 
2336f— John  Kimball  Freeman"  (Achsa  Kimball'*  John'  Royce"  Boyce^   Ebe- 
nezer'*  Samuel'*  Richard-'  Richard')  b.  M:h.  26,  1842:  m.    1st,   Mch.    20. 

70  Kimball  Family  News 

,  J872,  Jane  lilizabcth  Arnot.  b.  T.ondon,  Hug.,  March  ;:!0.  1857;  d.  Feb. 
19,  ItiSl;  m.  2nd.  .lune,  liS'JO,  Catherine  .Shifter,  b.j  Dauphin  Co.,  Pa., 
July  8,  180:.'.  lie  enlisted  Sept.  1,  1802,  in  Co.  it,  53d  B-egt.,  Mass. 
Vol.  Inf.,  serving  nearly  one  year  in  the  Dep't  if  the  Gulf  state  of 
La.,  under  fien.  Hanks.  Enii!>ted  Jan.  5,  18(54,  m  Co.  D,  27th  Reg-t. 
Mass.  Vol.  inf.;  di.sciiarged  June.  IS'j.t;  was  in  several  engagements 
in  Va.  and  >..  C;  was  taken  prisoner  March,  le6.'>,  and  continei  in 
Libby  Prison  a  few  days.     Resides  in  No.  *cip;aate,  Mass. 


i     Stella  Jane  Freeman'",  b.  Dec.  29,  1872;  m.  1891,  Arthur  McNay. 

Child:  Arthur  Freeman'^,  b   May,  1894. 
ii     Miriam  Martha  Freeman'",  b.  Dec.  7,  1874:  d.  May  12,  1896. 
iii     John  Nathaniel  F-'>""".'f    b.  P'eb.  20.  1^7~:  m.  Sept.    1899,    An- 
nie McPartland. 
2330g — Henry  Thaddeus  Granger  Freeman^  (Achsa  KimbalP  John^   Boj'ce^' 
Boyce*  Kbene/.er^  feamuei'^  Richard-  Richard')  b   Oct.  19,  1846;  m   Oct. 
19,  18(j9,  Hattie  L.  West,  b.  Easthampton,  Conn..  July  26,    1843,    dan. 
of  Saml  \V.  West  and  N.  Lucy  Kelley,  sister  of  Abby  Kelley,  wife  of 
Stephen  Foster,  both  of  whom  were    noted    abolitionists  and   equal 
suffragists.      He  died  Feb,  17.  1892,  from  the  effects  of  a  seiious  acci- 
dent.    His  death  was  a  great  loss  to  his  family  and  to  the  communi- 
ty, for  he  was  a  good  friend,  a  wise  counselor,  and  a  true  Christian. 
He  was  a  farmer,  and  the  family  still  resides  at  the   old   homestead 
in  Nfcw    Salem.    Mass.,    where   his  grandfather.    Deacon    Jsathaniei 
Freeman  settled  in  1809. 


i     Edith  JMaria  Freeman'",  b.  Aug.  20,  1870,  South  Boston,  Mass. 
ii     Malcolm  West  Freeman'",  b.  .lune  21,  1872,  Mew  Salem, 
iii     Henry  Daniel  1- iceman'",  b.  Mch.  3, 1877,  iN'ew  Salem, 
iv     Bertha  Inez  Freeman'",  !•  s,  1882,  New    Salem;  m.    Oct.    8, 

1899,  Ralph  W.  Freeman,  ol  New  Salem 

V  Lucy  Almira  Freeman'"  b.  Dec.  1.5,  168^,  .>.  i>  .  .jivUJ. 

2336h — Edmund  Francis  Freeman*  (Achsa  KimbalP  John^  Boyce"  Boyce* 
EbenezeH  Samuel"  liichard"'^  Richard'^  b.  Sept.  10,  1850;  m.  Sept.  10, 
1873,  Ellen  Sophia  Beach,  daughter  of  David  M.  and  Permilla  (Stev- 
ens) l?«'!!'"       He  is  a  lurmer  and  resiies  in  New  Salem. 

CHII.DKK.V    JUOKN     IN     N  KW    SALEM 

i  Josie  M.  Freeman'",  b.  Jan.  3,  1874;  m.  Nov.    15,    18»0,   Chas.    IL 


ii  Carrol  Beach  Freeman'",  b.  May  12.  1879:  d.  Oct.  0,  1884. 

iii  Carl  Nathaniel  Freeman'1^  b.  Jan.  17,  1885;  d,  Jan.  6,  1886. 

iv  Leslie  Freeman'",  b.  July  14,  1887;  d.  Nov.  13,  1887. 

V  Earl  Lawrence  Freeman'",  b.  Jan.  12,   1889. 
vi  Mildred  .Marion  Freeman'",  b.  Aug.  28,  1893. 

1545c — William  Kimball"  (J ohnnioyce"  Boyce'  Ebenezer^  SaTnueP  Richard* 
Richard')  b.  August  2,  1810;  d.  Sept.  18,  1895;  in   Farlington,  Kansas. 

May   V<i){'. 

in.  1st  in  1838,  Cordelia  PreeTBan  cf  New  Salem,  Mass.,  sister  of 
Drmiel  Sanford  Freeman,  b.  Sept.  26,  1813;  d.  Dec.  ;i4,  1853;  m.  2d 
July  3.  1853,  Caroline  Bates  of  III.,  b.  1835:  d.  May  10,  18G9;  m  3d. 
Dec.  30,  1869,  Betsey  Saber  of  Iowa;  d.  Nov.  12,  18S(i.  He  lived  m 
Mass.,  N.  Y..  111.,  lov,a.  and  Kansas. 


i     ^:J3:;Gi)  Wiliism  Sanford'*,  b.  Mcb.  ISi,  1840. 

ii     Mai'y  Elizabeth^,  b.  Aug.  16,  1842;  m.  Barber  Comstock,  Sept.  lo^ 

1S67.     Eesides  in  St.  Charles,  Iowa. 
iii     Maria^,   b.    0<'t.  17.  1844:  d.  May  20,  1870;  ,tn.  Sept.  17,    1863,    Ed- 
ward Mapes.     Children:  1,  Cordelia,  b.  18fi4:   m,,    has   two   sons 
and  three  daughters.     Live  in  Nebraska.     ".',  Sary,    b.    18G6;   m. 
and  lives  in  Nebraska. 
iv     John-*,  b.  Apr.  1,  1847;  d.  Aug.  24.  18(54. 

V     Geo.  Washington',  b.  Apr.  22,    1850;  m.    Mattie   Sholts,   in    1874. 

Children:  1  George,  b.'Dec.  1,  1875.     2  Lillian  Jane,  b.    Sept.  27, 

1379;  m.  Jan.  10,  1900,  Augustus  M.  Brown,  b.    Feb.    34,    1872.     3 

Mary  Pearl,  b.  Jan.  2,  11^82.     4  Royal  Lincoln,  b.  Oct.  fi,  1884.     5 

72  Ernest  Guy,  b.  Jan.  10,  1887.     6  Harrison  Grant,  b.  Jan.  11,  1889,, 

vi     Minor  Galord^,  b.  Sept.  27,  1354:    m.,    has   several   children  and 
lives  in  St.  Charles,  Iowa, 
vii     Electa^  b.  Oct.  25,  1856;  m.,  has  two  Sons   and    lives    in    iCansas 
City,  Mo. 

2336i— William  Sanford  KimbalP,  {William**  John^  Boyce*5  Boy-e-  Ebenez- 
er'*  SamueF  Richard^  Richard')  b.  March  16,  1840;  m  Dec.  30,  1863. 
Maggie  Paulina  Comstock.     Resides  in  Farlington,  Kansas. 


i     Edna  May^o,  b.  Nov.  13,  1864;  m.  Feb.  14.  1890,   John    Diekerson 
Xhildren:  1  William  Solomou,  b.  Feb.  17,    i^Oi.     2  Mildred   Ele- 

nor,  b.  Aug.  10,  1898. 
ii    William  Ge®.  Warren  Rileyi'',    b.    Sept.  4.    1866;   m.    March   23, 

1896,  Josie  Walker.     Children:  1  Harry  Warren,  b.  Feb.    6,    1897 

2  George  Sanford,  b,  Dec.  35,  1898. 
iii     Wiilard  Abifi'"'.  b.  Aug.  17,  1872;  m.  Oct.  17,  ]S95,    Stella   Howe. 

Children:  a  son  and  daughter. 
iv     Nancy'o,  b.  July  8,  1876;  m.  Oct.  25,  1899,  Geo.   Albert   Garrison. 
V     Essie  Mildred'O.  b.  June  17,  1882. 

1545d— Maria  KinibalF  (JohnMioyce^  Boyce''  Ebenezer*  SamueF  Richard" 
Richard^)  b.  March  89,  1812;  d.  Aug.  4,  1839;  m.  about  1834,  'Lewis 
Gibbon  Howard,  b.  West  Bridgewater,  Mass.,  June  6,  1810:  died 
Somerville,  Mass.,  Dec,  1804.  Lewis  Howard  was  in  the  seventh 
generation  from  "sprighlJy  Mary  Chilton,  whose  foot  was  the  first 
to  touch  xhe  rock  at  the  famous  landing  of  the  Piigrims."'  an<^  who 
afterwards  ra.  John  Winslow,  brother  of  Gov.  Edward  Winslow.  Mr. 
Howard  i?pent  his  early  married  life  in  N.  Y..  and  later  returned 
with  his  fa-nily  to  his  old    home.     He   was  one   of   the   auditors  of 

Kimball  Family  News 

iLeat  in   the    iyce- 
^Vf>-'.  Bridge  water  for  many  years,  and  was  promiK  ^j  and    a   temper 
X  account  of  his  wide  knowledere,  logical  millet  ruflfle,  combined 
wnicU  the  keene«t  thrusts  of  an  opponent  could  Dc|t,.x. 

wi"  •  '  'Mty  to  expro"     '^i^  'houffhts  v<i->:'-    <"'  1> 

1     ,lohn  Kimball  Howard',  b.  Avon,  --  ian.lQ  adopted  sod    Pr  — 

Scofield,  I'^eb.  1,  1882;  b.  June  12,  1842;  have  ^i,  California. 

coe  A.,  b.  May  ^0.  1880.     Reside  in  Sebastopc 
ii     Nicholas  Pike  Howari*.  b.  Avon,  N.  Y.,  Ac 

•I.e  battle  of  'The  Wilderness"  May  5,  lfc(.' 
harles  V.  Howard*,  b.  July  25,  1837,  Ha< 

1862,    in    Eist  Bridgewater,  to  Aug-usta  W 

Fort  Collins,  Colorado.     Children:!  Mari^  i89(5.    in    Los  Angeles, 

1,  1863,  in  East  Bridgewater;  m.  Jan.  29,1;.     Children:    i.    Earnest 

Cal..  Harry  E.  Hay  ward;  d.  Oct.  25,  ISQl-t.  27,  1898.     Living  with 

A.",  b.  May  27,  1897;  ii,  Vea  May",  b.  of 

her  lather  in  Colorado, 
iv     Bert  Kimball  Howard'^,  b.  Sept.  29,  If 

hi  Boston,  Mass. 

545e — Horace  Smith  KimbalP   (John"   Hoyce" 

Richard^  Richard^)  b.  Mch.  24,  1820:  d.  AuJAug.    14.    1821;    d.   Dec.    1, 
Md.;  m.  Dec.  29,  1841,  Mahala,  VVrenn,  b.  |d  for  many  years  was   sup- 
1877.     He  was  a  Iwoom  manufacturer,  a i2|)eri tertiary, 
c'rintendent  of  this  business  in  the  statt 

27.  1835;    killed  iia 

\ey.  Mass.;  m.  Sept. 
Holms.  Reside  near 
A.  Howard'*",   b.  Aug. 

p72.  in    Colorado.     Resides 

poyce'   Ebenezer^  Samuel* 
31,    1893,    in    Baltimore, 

iMor.  .. 


42;  d.  Feb.  11,  1869. 

1     (2336J)  George  Smith»,  b.  Nov.  14,  IjlApr.  12,  1867;  m.  May  5,  1880. 
ii     Lucy  VVinfield«,  b.  Apr.  0,  1840;  d.  fta  H.  Casey"      i  William  Hor- 
Williara  E.  Casey.     Children:  1  Lydj 
ace  Casey'".  fving  in  Baliixnore. 

jii     Maria  Howard^  b.  Sept.  8,  1850;  life  iu  Baltiraoro. 
iv     LyOia  .A.nn*b.  Nov.  10,  1852:  livin/fiO:  m.  June  5,  1882,  Mary  B—. 
V     Asbury  Washington"  b.  Fob.  7.  llohn',  Boyce^  Boyce*,  Kbnezer*, 
:-386j— George  Smith  KimballM Horace  S.'*,J:s'ov  14,    1842;  d.    Feb.    11,    1869; 
Samuel',  Richard*,  Richard'.)  b. 
m.  Mary  M.  Jiaker  in  1862. 


)c.-ubf>n  William'' b.  Oct  1,  186: 
mer  b.  Baltimore  Oct.  21,  1865. 


|;  m.  Apr.  25,  1885,   Amelia    Ray- 

•.;hildren:  1  Edna  Viola",  b.  June 

l:i,  1887.     3   Lydia  Howard   Ann" 

8,  1886.     2  May  Lizzie"  b.  Nov.  |ii"  b.  Apr.  8.  1892.     5  Alma  Ruth" 
b.  Mar.  18,  1890.      I  Uattie  Naot 

b.  Jan.  20,   1894.  f  7;  m     .J.  u.     ...  j  ^M.,  iienr.vtai    J. 

ii     George  Vernon'"  b.  Dec.  22,  18 


Hepbrun;  b.  M 
1890.     2  Ara  Anna" 
Sept.  r>9.  1894;  d.  Fe 

i'«  b.  Dec.  22,  ISfi.drcn:  1  Horace  Smith"  b.  Apr.  21 
ar.  2.^  ^^*'.7.     C1I30,  1891.     3  Margaret    Blanche"  b. 


May  1^00.  -.s 

TatTe  13.') — No.  164.  Moses  Kimball*  (Jacob' John''*  John^  Richard^)  born  iu 
Preston.  Conn.,  May  17,  1741,  and  died  at  Xorvvalk,  Ohio,  Dec.  2U 
18;i5.  He  roarried  Feb.  <i,  1704,  Mary  Satterlee,  the  danghter  of 
William  and  Maiy  (Powers)  Saterlee,  bom  at  Stonington,  Conn., 
.Nov.  17,  174.'"j:  died  at   Preston.  Conn.,  Sept.  2r),  1809. 

He  was  a  teaehfr  of  navigatiou  and  v;  1  engrneeriao- and  a  land 
owner  in  Norwich,  Conr;.,  in  1779,  He  served  in  t!ie  war  of  the  Fiev'olution  in 
Captains"  Hang-ert'ord  and  Prentice companit'.s.'undt'rCoi.iVlclailau  in  1781  6:v. 
On  one  occasion  nis  rejjirnent  succeeded  in  holding  a  fort,  thvough  his  iD.strn- 
mentality.  until  reinforcements  carne.  They  were  suffering  for  water  and  a^- 
he  knew  of  a  spring  in  the  localitj- he  was  let  down  with  ropes,  rescue*! 
the  .spring  and  brought  the  mnch  needed  water.  He  was  a  man  of  more 
than  ordinary  ability  and  had  a  gift  for  writing  poetry,  lie  was  a  Uni- 
versalist  and  tirna  in  his  conviction.s.  H«  wrote  many  short  sermons  one 
of  which  is  given  below;  the  verses  which  follow,  although  probably  not 
the  best  of  his  production,  may  be  of  interest  to  his  descendants  as  thev 
were  written  at  such  an  advauced  age.  The  letter  written  to  Mr.  Hark- 
ness  written  t  vo  months  before  his  death  proves  that  he  kept  his  mental 
acuities  to  the  last,  and  that  his  physical  endurance  was  great.  It  i.s  .said 
that  after  his  arrival  in  Ohio  he  could  run  up  and  down  stairs  like  a  boy. 
H  is  last  illness  was  of  only  a  days  duration.  There  are  living-  now  men  and 
women  who,  as  children  knew,  loved  and  reverenced  Moses  Kimball,  who 
honor  his  memory  and  treasure  the  closely  written  paper.s,  now  3?eliow 
with  age,  which  he  left  so  oi\en  in  the  homes  where  he  visited. 

The  followira'  .onipii  fjom  a  Norwalk,  Ohio,  paper  da^e  of  Dc-c 
S9,  183.5.  DIF:u 

"In  this  village  on  Monday  morning  the  .'.'1st,  Mr,  Mose.s  Kimbail 
aged  ninety-four  years,  .seven  months  and  four  days.  A  firm  and  nn- 
unswei-ving  believer  in  the  universal  goodness  of  God  and  in  his  grace 
which  briiigeth  Sa!  vation.  He  was  grandfather  to  Moses  Kimbal.  Ksq., 
merchant  of  this  village,  and  moved  here  last  May  f"om  Preston  in  the 
state  of  Conn. 

Perhaps  a  moit  remarkable  record  of  longevily  caauot  be  foun.i  sa 
any  family  than  the  one  we  now  notice.  The  grandfather  of  the  deceased, 
John  Kimball  died  aged  9.'?  years.  Hs  father  Ja.cob  Kimball  ha:i  ten  chil- 
dren ail  of  whom  were  married  and  l^iad  tamilles  and  he, died  at  <he  age  of 
81  years.  The  following  wt-re  the  ages  of  his  chUu'reh  at  their  deaths: 
Hannah,  aged  S7;  Asa,  lb  years  and  six  mouths;  Jacob.  9Q,  years:  Levi,  8'3 
years;  Lucy,  95  years  and  six  months:  Mttry.  94  years;  Moses,  94  years  and 
seven  months;  Elisha.  8.".  years:  Lucretia  s?,  years:  .it.o'  Dani  -i  i  "■  x-  living 
in  his  83r(l  year. 

A',1  the  males  were  fiirmers  and  remarkable  for  their  industry,  so- 
briety and  rpgular  habits." 


Why  should  peuple  be  In  doubt  and  (oar  about  their  future  state 
when  theSpiiitof  (Jod  a.s.sur-e.H  US  by  the  ,.,.A>slle  John,  that  he  i^as  given 
us  eternal  life,  and  that  life  is  iu  his  vSon  Why  shoi^d  we  doabt  it.  since 
God  himself  is  the  fountam  of  life.  You  cannot  therefcre  doubt  his 
ability.  Why  should  you  doubt  his  veracity,  who  is  not  a  man  that  he 
^houid  lie?  No,  Bay  one,  I  cannot  doubt  his  ability,  nor  h.s  veracity:  but 
'  our  priests  tell  us  that  there  are  terms  and  condit'lons  for  us  to  fulol,  be- 
fore he  will  give  us  eternal  Lfe.  How  is  this:  is  their  doctrine  true";"  If 
it  is  true,  the  Scriptures  are  false.  The  Scriptures  de-.-lare  we  are  saved 
by  grace  and  not  by  works  and  that  eternal  life  is  a  free  gift  of  (Jod.  and 
that  it  was  given  us  ia  Christ  Jesus  before  the  world  began.  This  cuts  off 
a' I  ■'     'bility  of  our  ijei^forming  any  terms  or  qonditions    in    ouy    2-edemp 


Kimball  Family  Ne'ws 

tiDn  and  eternal  salvation,  it  beiug  the  purpose  of  God  before  we  ^/ere 
created,  and  slio;va  the  inconsistency  of  tne  popular  doctrine.  The  truth 
is  God  takes  no  motives  from  his  creatureis,  as  people  vainly  imagine.  No 
he  did  not  wait  for  their  faith  and  repentance  to  mov-e  him  to  provide 
himaelf  a  lamb  for  a  burnt  oifenng'  befoi*e  the  world  beg'an,  and  who  in 
the  fulness  of  time  put  away  fiin  by  the  sacrifice  of  himself.  He  was  deliv- 
ered for  our  oflfences  and  was  raised  again  for  our  justification.  Rom.  iv.  S.'i. 
Hence  we  learn  from  the  Scriptures  that  it  was  the  purpose  of  God  Vtefore 
the  world  began  to  save  sinners  by  a  meditator  without  any  regard  to 
their  works.  Hear  what  the  apostle  says  in  thi.s  case,  of  what  God  has 
done:  "Whohath  saved  us,  not  according-  to  our  works,  but  according  to 
his  own  purpose  and  grace  which  wat  given  us  in  Christ  .Jesus  before  the 
world  begau.  But  is  now  made  manifest  by  the  appearing"  of  our 
Savior  Jesus  Christ,  who  hath  abolished  death,  and  hath  brought  life  and 
immortality  to  light  through  the  Gobpel.  II  Tim.  i:&-10.  Here  you  see  that 
it  was  God's  purpose  before  the  world  began  to  save  us  from'  death,  the 
wages  of  sin,  and  procure  life  and  immortality  for  us.  And  he  mide  hie 
purpose  manifest  by  the  appearing  of  the  Savior  .Jesus  Christ.  Before  the 
appearing  of  our  Savior,  spiritual  life  and  immortality  in  a  future  state 
was  a  mj'stery  unknown  to  mankind.  The  Son  of  God  clothed  in  flesh 
aud  blood  hath  performed  and  fulfilled  to  the  last  tittle  of  the  legal 
demand  for  all  Adam's  posterity,  the  terms  on  which  life  was  promised. 
For  he  was  made  the  head  of  every  man.  and  every  man  his  body,  so  that 
his  doings  and  .suftering*  were  the  doings  and  sufferings  of  every  man 
so  that  we  are  healed  by  bis  stripes  as  testified  by  the  prophet  Isaiah  liu:, 
5,  and  by  the  apostle  Peter  ii:24. 

Verses  written  by  Moses  Kimball  on  his  ninety-third  birthday. 
This  day  my  age  is  ninety-three 
The  years  nave  past  and  gove  from 

Brought  into  being  here  I   stay 
Waiting  for  time  to  pass  away. 

I  make  the  word  of  God  my  guide 
And  by  its  precepts  I  abide: 
Leaving  all  trouble  far  behind 
I  do  enjoy  all  peace  of  mind. 

And  when  my  earthly  body  dies, 
To  God  my  sp'rit  will  arise, 

And  live  with  him  aud  there  remain 
Till  souls  and  bodies  join  again. 

Our  bodies  then  will  be  refined 
Made  like  Christ's  body   all    divine, 
Ascend  to  God.  and  thez-e  enjoy 
Such  pleasures  as  can  never  cloy. 

No  trouble  there  to  vex  the  soul 
But  loye  divine  compass  the  whole 
All  singing  praises  to  the  Lamb 
Who  tasted  death  death  for   every 
Moses  Kimball,  May  17,  A.  D.  1834. 
(The   Preston    Records   give   as   his    birthdate  May  6.  but  the  above 
written  in  his  own  hand  writing  would  seem  the  correct  date.) 

On  God's  plan  of  redeeming  and  saving  man  irom  death   the   wages 
of  sin,  and  giving  him  eternal  life  in  a  meditator. 

Blessed  be  the  ( Jod  of  Love  and  Aud  for  our  lives  give  up  his  own 

The  justice  and  the  grace      [Power      To  make  our  peace  with  God. 

That  joined  in  council  to  restore 
And  save  our  ruined  race 

Our  father  ate  forbidden  fruit 
And  left  his  innocence. 
And  we  his  children  thus  were  bro't 
Ucder  the  death  sentence. 

Blessed  be  the  Lord  who  sent  his 

n\.  t    '  ,      ■--  «.--«:h  and  blood,        '^'r^n 

He  honored  all  his  Father's  laws, 
Which  we  had  disobeyed. 
He  bore  our  sins  upon  the  cross 
And  a  full  rausome  paid. 

O.  tbeu  we  shall  app*»ar  with  joy 

Before  our  juages  face. 

And  with  the  blessed  assembly  there 

May  190U. 

(OiJ  the  same  page  he  wrote  twn  following-  stanzas. j     (Wi-itten  June,  iS34) 

When  Jesus  bovv'd  his  head  For  by  one  man's  offence, 

And  died  npon  the  cross,  All  were  condemn'd  and  died; 

Then  all  the  human  vace  were  dead,  bo  by  one  man's  obedience, 

And  all  in  him  arose.  All  men  were  instified. 

No:": 'J.;toi)er  14,  ]S3.J. 

i  1  Mr.  John  Harkness  of  Preston,  Conn 

My  good  friend: — Haviog- an  OTipo.rtnnity  to  j,  nje   account 

of  my  journey  to  this  place  I.  g"ladty  embrace  it.  It,  i.s  a  beautiful  coun- 
try suitable  for  farming-,  a  rich  soil,  no  rocks  to  be  .seen  here  in  the  ground, 
yet  the  creator  knowing-  his  people  would  want  stone,  for  building-s  has 
created  and  left  in  the  sides  of  the  rivers  and  i-avines  stones  of  all  sizes 
and  shape.'!-'  that  they  need.  The  main  street  in  our  city  is  straight  for 
two  miles,  and  about  level,  and  contains  about  four  thousand  people. 
Three  meeting  houses,  one  Church  of  England  and  Ebenezar  Punderson's 
eldest  son  is  their  priest.  Ebenezer  has  been  here  to  make  liisison  and  us 
a  visit..  Soon  after  our  arrival  here  Mr.  Beach  went  to  New  York  and 
bought  one  thousand  dollars  worth  of  goods  which  he  and  Elisha  Brewster 
in  corapaay  are  selling  at  a  good  profit.  We  have  an  academj-  of  learning 
for  young'  gentlemen  vvith  l()s  scholars  rind  another  for  younsr  ladies 
with  98  scholars.  V 

We  left  Poquetanuck  the  11  ....j  ^i.  .\!a.v  .:u.. :.. ;.  .^  ^. ... ..  .i.^,  ^  :  .ii^dsons 

(.Moses  Kimball)  the  ;'.">  of  May.  We  went  in  a  sloop,  with  Capt.  Boath  to 
Albany,  thsre  1  saw  great  improvements  far  beyond  my  expec;ations.  . 
They  made  an  island  in  the  river  half  a  mile  long  and  buiit  stores  of 
brick  3  to  4  stories  high  from  one  end  of  it  to  th;^  other,  forming  a  basin 
between  that  and  the  main  land  witii  draw  bridges  at  each  end.  There 
we  left  the  sloop  and  entered  on  board  a  canal  boat  and  past  on  our  way 
drawn  by  horses  day  and  night,  thus  we  past  on  up  to  Little  Falls  where 
they  blew  down  a  ledge  of  rocks  to  make  their  cac-il  by  the  side  ol  the 
Mohawk  River,  and  so  on  to  Fort  Stanwix.  meeting  canal  boats  and  other 
crafts  and  rafts  every  hour,  tiiere  at  tJie  height  of  land  we  left  the 
Mohawk  River  and  past  a  fiat  level  country  for  sixty  or  seventy  miles 
long  without  a  lock.  The  souatry  all  low  and  intersected  with  drowned 
land,  thousand  of  acres  where  nothing  grows  but  flag,  in  the  water.  The 
ether  land  adjoining  arises  but  about  four  or  five  feet,  and  i'.  level  covered 
with  ti-ees  and  bushes,  the  canal  is  made  between  the  dry  and  the  drowned 
land,  digging  as  mucli  earth  from  the  dry  side  of  the  canal,  as  .to  make  a 
good  road  on  the  wet  side.  And  all  along  this  wet  country  where  the 
land  aldose  a  little  above  the  common  level,  there  would  be  some  inhabi- 
tants settled  with  a  bridge  or  two  oyer  the  janal.  And  when  we  got  to 
Lake  Erie  at  Buffalo,  we  left  the  canal  boat  and  got  into  a  steam  boat, 
the  largest  vessel  that  t  ever  saw;  she  cost  thirty-five  thousand  dollars. 
This  boat  that  cost  thirty-five  thousand  dollars  my  grand.son  Moses  owns 
one-tenth  part.  The  owners  met  sometimes  about  the  iJfth  of  August  to 
divide  the  money  the  boat  had  earned  them  year  .dear  of  expenses  and 
Moses  share  was  one  thousaml  dollars,  and  ho  expected  she  would  clear  him 
five  thousand  n;ore  this  sea'^uu.  AVhen  we  came  over  the  lake  in  the  steam- 
boat there  were  seven  hundred  passengers  in  her  accord  I  it:''  t.i  iIh-  :..i  =  '\vard's 
account      So  you  see  it  is  no  wonder  she  earns  monej'. 

Many  of  our  Ccnnectictit  people  I  have  seen  here.  i,c mai-ii  .-stark- 
weather has  been  here.  Moses  saw  his  brother  Austin  at  Buffalo  going 
to  Detroit.     Tracy  Gate?;  has  been  here,  he  had  been  to  Detroit. 

I  have  found  everything  here  much  as  I  expected,  and  I  am  satisfied 
and  as  happy  here  as  I  could  be  anywhere,  having  the  .same  friends  to 
care  for  me  as  I  had  at  Preston.  And  tliev  are  all  united  as  one  so  to  do. 

76  Kimball   Family  News 


(iive  m}'  respects  to  j'uur  family  and  to  all  mj-  friends  '.vho  enquire 
after  us. 


Postcript.  As  j'ou  will  often  see  ray  beloved  Williom  Kimball  give  my 
love  to  him  in  particular. 

In  addition  to  the  children    of   Moses   K.   given   in   the    Fam.    Uist. 

there  was:  iv    Polly,  horn  Oct.  :.'0,  1771;  m.  — Allyn. 

Page  358. — No.    921a.    Damaris^Kimball'    (William^  Moses'   Jacob^    John.s 
John^  Richard')  b.  1802  at  Poquetanuclt,  Conn.,  m.    Joseph,    Alay    29, 
1820,  the  son  of  Jo.seph  and  Lucy  Kimball  T^'ler;  'j.  June  22,  1792;  d. 
Nov.  26,  1868,  at  Norwich,  Conn.     Damaris  Kimball  Tyler  a.  Maj-  24, 
1855,  at  Norwich.  Conn. 


i     Elizabeth  Tyler,  b.  Jan.  13,  1823:  d.  .summer  of  1897;    m.    lieu  ry 

Bai-tlett  Cruttenden;  had  Joseph,  Edwin,  Henry  and  Tyler, 
ii     John  Tyler,  b   Sept.  22,  1830;  m.  Ellen  Roberts:  no  children, 
iii     Fi-ank  T^'ler,  b.  1832;  died  in  infancy, 
iv     Josephine,  b.  June  28,  1838:  d.  Oct.  11,  1895. 
The  following  is  copied  from  "The  Helping  Hand"'  of  Dec.  1895. 


In  Norwich,  Conn.,  on  the  11th  of  October,  Josephine  Tyler  of  IJrook-  '? 

lyn,  fell  asleep  in  Jesus,  and  was  laid  to  lest  beside  the  beloved  half  sis- 
ter, Huldah  Pride  Tyler,  who  less  than  three  months  ago  passed  on  to  the 
heavenly  home.     In  death  as  in  life  they  vvci-e  not  long  parted 

Josephine  T3  ler  was  born  in  Poquetanuck.  Conn.,  and  when  only 
four  3'ears  old  gave  h  =  r  heart  to  Christ,  but  uot  until  she  reached  the  age  of 
eleven  were  lier  parents  willirg  to  have  her  unite  with  the  church.  She 
was  baptized  by  the  Rev.  E.  T.  Iliscox  in  the  Shetoeket  River,  and  became 
a  member  of  the  Central  liaptist  Church,  of  Norwich,  which  city  was  then 
her  home.  She  remained  tliere  until  1881.  when  she  moved  to  IJrooklyu 
and  united  with  the  First  Raptist  Cliui-ch  in  the  Eastern  District,  under 
ihe  pastorate  of  Dr.  1).  C.  Eddy. 

From  childhood  she  gave  evidence  of  fine  mental  ability,  rare  unsel- 
fishness, and  marked  spirituality.  She  was  in  the  world,  but  not  of  it. 
Her  life  was  "hid  with  iMirist  in  God,"  and  like  her  Master  sne  " 
about  doing  good";  yet  in  such  quiet  ways,  and  with  such  sweet  humility, 
that  only  eternity  will  reveal  the  wounded  hearts  she  comforted,  tue  souls 
she  won  lor  Jesus.  Her  great  heart  of  love  yearned  over  the  poor  and  un- 
unfortunate  wherever  she  found  them  While  travelling  in  Kurope,  she 
sought  out  needy  Raptists,  and  ministered  to  their  necessities  and  on  her 
return  home,  raised  quite  a  large  sum  of  money  for  their  relief. 

Her  writings,  both  prose  and  poetry,  are  marked  by  a  breadth  of 
thought,  and  exfjuisite  delicacy  of  expression.  Most  of  them  are  of  a  re- 
ligious cliaracter,  for  such  was  her  life:  lier  mind  seemed  always  h.xed  on 
things  divine.   -'Reu's  Isabella,"  her  last  work,  has  recently  been  published 

She  served  the  churches  with  which  she  was  connected  with  great 
fidelity.  As  Sunday  .sch()<)l  teacher.  Circle  president.  Rand  leader,  who 
can  speak  her  worth?  While  equally  interested  in  and  contributing  to 
home  as  well  as  foreign  missions,  she  bi'came  more  prominently  identified 
witli  the  latter,  ^ier  steadfast  faith  in  the  ultimate  triumph  of  Christ 
over  the  entire  worl^l  an*^'  her  conviction  of  the  duty  of  personal  obedience 
to  the  great  commission,  made  the  work  her  delight. 

As  visiting  secretary  of  the  Long  Island  Societ.v  she  carried  infor- 
mation and  enccuragement  to  many  weak  circles,  aqd  set  in  motion  waves 

May  1900, 


oi  iuflueuce  that,  will  roll  on  forever.  The  sweet,  glad  sunshine  of  her 
presence  in  the  meetings  of  oiir  lioard  of  Officers  and  Managers  was  a  con- 
stant benediction.  Her  keen  preceptions,  excellent  judgment,  and  heav- 
enly wisdom,  frequently  guided  us  in  times  of  perplexity  while  her  clear 
vision  of  eternal  things  often  led  us  to  some  mountain  peak  of  divine 
truth  which  our  faltering  feet  had  not  dared  to  climb. 

Anxiety  over  her  sister's  illness,  and  grief  at  her  death  shattered 
the  frame  all  too  frail  to  support  the  heavy  blow.  Though  often  racked 
with  pain  during  her  last  illness,  no  miirmur  escaped  her  lips.  Ready  to 
live  if  health  were  restored,  willing  lo  die  and  be  with  Christ  if  such 
wei'ehis  will.  Death  had  no  terrors  for  her,  he  came  but  as  a  messenger 
of  the  King  to  bear  her  to  her  home;  and  so  she  quietly  sMpped  away,  oat 
of  shadow  into  sunlight;  out  of  sorrow  into  J03'';  out  of  conflict  into  triumph, 
the  triumph  of  those  "who  have  fought  the  good  tight,  finished  the  course 
kept  the  faith. 

!She  has  reacheed  the  laud  that  is  very  far  off:  she  has  seen  the  'King 
in  his  Beauty,  and  received  from  him  the  rich  reward  of  the  soul  winner; 
for  some  of  the  ransomed  host  who  bow  before  the  throne,  but  for  her 
self-denial,  her  loving  efforts,  would  never  have  entered  the  pearly  gates, 
never  have  known  the  vvoadrous  love  of  GoJ.  With  the  redeemed  of  all 
nations  she  has  won  the  crown  of  life,  and  is  enveloped  in  the  transcendent 
brightness  of  the  Celestial  City.  No  more  trial,  no  mor»  struggle,  no 
more  sin.  Eyery  longing- of  her  heart,  every  aspiration  of  her  soul  satis- 
fied in  the  presence  of  her  Lord;  and  life  complete  all  abounding,  eternal 
life  begun. 

"The  strife  is  o'er,  the  battle  done 

The  victory  of  life  is  won: 

The  song  of  triumph  has  begun. — Alleluia. 

Kate  L.  Germonu. 



Kimball  Farailj  News 


Page  258— No.  921b  Clarissa  (Kimball)  Spicer^  (William"  Moses'' JacobMohn'- 
John-  Richard^)  the  widow  of  Capt.  John  G.  Spicer,  died  at  her 
home  in  Groton.  Conn.,  March  IJ,  1900,  aged  ninety-four  years,  five 
months  and  tu-enty-two  days,  lacking  only  two  monthsand  eighteen 
days  of  living  as  long  as  did  her  grandfather  Moses  Kimball. 

She  was  of  good  colonial  descent,  numbering   among   her  ancestors 
P^nsign  Samuel  Corain<r  who  settled  in  Hoverlj-,    Mass.,   early    in   the    16tb 
century,  John  Hatchelder.  son  of  Daniel  I5atchelder  one  of  the   members 
of  the  I'rivy  Council  of  James  I.  who  sett  led  in  Beverly,  Mass.,  prior  to  1638, 
John  Woodberrj-,  whocame  to  Gloucester,  Mass.,  in  1024,  and  his  son  Peter, 
whose  house  was  an  asylum  for   persons   a^^.cused   of    witchcraft   in    1(592,  horses  stojd  always   harnessed   ready  to  take  them  over  the  border 
into    New    Hampshire   out  of   the  jurisdiction    of  Mass.,    John  Tuttle  and 
(Jeorge  Giddlngs  who  came  to  Ipswich  in  KS.'i"),  I^enedict  Satterly,  who  set- 
tled in  New  London  Conn.,  in  ltJS2,  liobert  Parks,  Robert  Allyn,  and  Christ 
opher  Avery  early  settlers  in  New  London  Conn.,  the  tiarveys  of  Taunton,,    the  Thoinp.sons  of  Conn.,  the  Powers  of  Rhode  Island,  the  Dodges, 
Herricks,  Rossiters,  Goodhues,  Witters  and  others  of  Mass. 

She  was  the  daughter  of  William  and  l'.et.sey  Harvey  (Kimball)  born 
Sept.  14,  1S0.5,  at  Poquetanuck,  Conn.  Her  father  was  one  of  the  influen- 
tial men  of  the  reciou  in  which  he  lived.  He  was  at  one  time  the  owner 
and  commander  of  merchant  vessels,  and  made  voyages  to  France  and 
Demerara.  His  favorite  craft  was  the  "Polly  and  Betsey"'  named  in  honor 
of  his  two  eldest  daughters.      Later  he  was  a  manufacturer  and  the  owner  j 

of  woolen  mills,  situated  where  the  village   of    Hallville    now  stands.      He  .1 

owned  the  first  stove  and  carriage  in  Poquetanuck.  In  this  village  Clarissa  (^ 

Kimball  spent  the  years  of  her  girlhood,  and  among   all   the    rcaidens   of  'I 

that  locality  not  one  was  prettier,  wittier  or  more  gaj'.  At  all  the  social 
gatherings  she  was  a  shining  star,  whose  brilliancy''  still  lingers  in  the 
memory  of  those  who  knew  her.  To  quote  the  words  of  one  now  over 
eighty,  "I  shall  never  forget  rhe  first  time  1  saw  her.  She  was  dressed  in 
white  musliu  and  blue  ribbons  She  wore  her  hair  curled,  and  she  was 
the  prettiest  girl,  and  the  best  dancer  in  the  room."  She  vvas  of  a  sun- 
ny disposition  and  entirely  free  from  envj^  or  malice,  consequently  a  favor- 
ite with  all  her  companions.  She  married  first.  May  20,  1820,  Ori-in  Stod- 
dard, the  son  of  Mark  Stoddard.  Her  first  child  died  early  in  infancy, 
and  soon  after  tlie  birth.  July  HI.  18:50,  of  the  second,  her  husband  vvas 
drowned  at  sea.  She  married  second,  Feb.  20,  1834.  Capt.  John  Grant 
Spicer,  the  son  of  James  and  Lydia  (Pride)  Spicer,  hrtrn  Nov.  26.  1804. 
He  had  been  a  captain  of  merchant  vessels  since  his  nineteenth 
year  and  loved  the  adventurous  life.  Having  sacrificed  so  much  to  the 
sea  she  earnestly  desired  that  he  should  choi>^e  a  less  dangerous  occupa- 
tion. He  yiel  led  to  her  poi'.suasions.  His  love  of  the  salt  water  was  so 
strong  howexer.  he  brought  Iiis  wi'e  to  the  coast  of  Connecticut,  and  the 
first  years  of  their  married  life  were  spent  on  a  small  Island  just  opposite 
the  dwelling  house  on  Avery's  Point  which  the^'  buil;  'ater.  and  in  which 
she  spent  the  last  half  of  her  life.  They  had  six  children  all  of  whom 
have  married  and  four  of  whom  have  si-tthvl  in  (iroton.  the  youngest  son 
remaining  at  the  homestead  with  his  parents.  Capt.  Spicer  died  August 
27,  1882.  leaving  her  with  a  competency.  As  a  matron  she  was  noted  for 
her  integrit}'.  hei  housewifely  ability,  her  deeds  of  neighborly  kindness, 
her  hospitality  and  her  superior  social  and  mental  qualities.  She  reared 
her  children  w  isely  and  well.  She  was  higlily  esteemed  by  all  who  knew 
ner,  making  many  friends  arid  never  losing  their  friendship.  She  had 
great  vitality  and  up  to  the  time  of  her  d<;ilh  retained  an  ;is<oiiisliing  de- 
gree of  vigor  and  strength  for  one  so  advauced  in  years.  She  never  had 
the  tremulousness  which  usually  attends  old  age.     Her  eyesight  was  quite 

Mav  1900. 


{Tood  and  her  hearing  excellent.  AiLhongh  during  the  latter  years  of  her 
life  her  memory  foi  recent  happenings  failed  her,  and  she  lived  over  again 
the  scenes  of  her  cuiidhood.  yet  she  never  lost  her  love  of  repartee,  and  al- 
ways had  a  witty  answer  for  all  who  conversed  with  her.  She  dearly 
loved  a  good  time.  Within  a  year  of  her  death  she  amused  herself  with 
knitting  bright  colored  worsteds.  This  worlt  has  been  fashioned  into 
mementoes  for  her  children  by  the  kind  and  devoted  lad^'  who  cared  for 
her  in  her  declining  3^ears.  With  what  more  fitting  words  can  tiiis  biog- 
raphy te  ended  than  those  tittered  bj  this  dear  friend  after  her  death. 
•She  was,  I  will  not  say  one  of  the  best,  but  the  best  old  lady  1  ever  knew. 
In  all  the  seven  years  we  have  been  together  she  has  never  spoken  other- 
wise, than  pleasantly."  Seven  children  survive  her,  three  daughters  and 
four  sons. 

It  seems  quite  fitting  that  the  following  lines  should  be  added  to 
this  memorial.  They  were  written  by  Miss  Josephine  Tyler,  the  daughter 
of  Joseph  and  Damaris  (Kimball)  Tyler. 

To  Aunt  Clara  on  her  Eighty-ninth  Birthday,  with  the  love  of  her 
niece  Josephine. 

Thou  wast  born  mid  rural  beauties 
Flowry  meadows,  rocky  wild, 
Hushing  brook  and  chistering 

Were  about  thee  as  a  child. 

Hopeful  was  thy  heart  and  merry, 
In  thy  life's  unclouded  spring. 
Sisters  three  and  brothers  many 
Made  the  old  home  arches  ring. 

Sturdy  was  the  stock  they  sprang 
Honest,  independent,  strong:  [from. 
Giddings.  Harvey,  Avery.    Kimball. 
Such  their  names — their  ranks  a 


Came  thine  marriage  with  a  seaman. 
Came  thine  own  beloved  boy. 
Came  thine  wldovvhoodslone  sorrow 
Following  close  upon  thy  joy. 

Then  again  a  seaman  won  thee. 
And  a  new  and  iiappy  home 
Rich  in  sons  and  daughters  blessed 
Close  beside  the  ocean's  foam,   [thee 

i;iiS3'  were  thy  days  and  social 
Full  of  love  and  household  care. 
T.;  1  tiiv  cai'lureu  grew  and  scattered 
Making  home  nests  here  and  there. 

One  beside  the  dwells — the  yo'.ingest 
With  his  bright-eyed  .:ousehold  band 
And  thy  William  skilled  In  sea-crait 
Reared  a  fair  home  near  at  hand. 

One  has  .sailed  the  northern  waters. 
Valiant  as  a  Vikiug  ol.i: 

One — thine  eldest,  pressed  adventur- 
Early  toward  the  coast  of  gold,  [ous 

All  thy  SODS  are  true  and  manly, 
All  thy  daughters  well  renowned 
Shine  as  matrons  blest  and  honored 
I  n  their  homes  beloved  and  crowned. 

Once  again  thj'  heart  was  widowed. 
Yet  the  fair  young  lives  that  bloom 
In  the  households  ol  thy  children 
Oft  have  charmed  away  thy  gloom. 

Some,  yes  many  have  departed 
Since  thy  life  was  fresh  and  gay, 
For  the  years  of  thine  earth-journey 
Number  eight3'-nine  today. 

Dear  ones  j'oung  and  old  have  left  us 
Siirely  there's  a  realm  above 
Time  reveals  not  ail  the  story 
Of  the  vanished  souls  we  love. 

Surely  there  is  heavenly  comfort 
For  the  heart  when  sad  and  lone 
Su.-ely  there's  a  love  that  marks  us 
When  we  laj'  away  our  own. 

Let  us  kindred,  friends  and  children 
Biess  the  care  that  arouud  thee  lies 
Rless  His  hand  that  throuo-h  Ion"- 

Holds  lis  and  our  wants  supplies. 

He  it  thine  to  trust  nim  ever 
Een  lho;'gh  strength  and  memory 
Till  the  glory  of  thy  Savior         [fail 
Bursts  on  tiiee  within  the  vail. 

JosKi'iiiNK  Sept.  14.  1894. 


1     Nathaniel  Kimball  Stoddard,  b.  July  13.  183  J,  at   Poquetanuck, 

80  Kimball  Family  News 

Conn.:  unm.  lias  resided  many  years  at  Saci-aujento,  Cal. 
ii  Capt.  John  Orrin  Spicer  b.  Sept.  lit.  18?..".;  m.  Nov.  27.  l,Sb2; 
Jsancy  Avery,  at  tiroton.  Conn.,  the  daughter  of  liobert  An.stin 
and  >.ancy  ii.  Avery,  b.  Nov.  1,  18.1T.  at  Uroton,  Conn.  Son  b. 
jN'ov.  12,  ls7:i,  d.  in  earlj^  infancj'.  The  greater  part  of  Capt. 
Spipcr's  life  has  been  spent  on  board  ship  in  the  icy  waters  of 
Latlins  bay.  He  has  now  settled  down  to  enjoy  his  beautiful 
huiue  in  i.irotou,  Conn. 

ili     Harriet  Ann  Spicer  b.  Dec.  It',.  IS.37;  m.    Lucius    E.   Baldwin   of 
Norwich.  Conn.,  May  6,   18.57.  the  son  of    Henry   E.    and    Abigail 
lialdwin,  b.  Feb.  4,  1834,  at  Stoninjrton.  Conn.     They  have  spent 
the  most  of  their  married  life  in  lirooklyn.  N.  Y.,  where  he  has 
been  a  successful  business  man.     Thej'  have  a  summer  residence 
iudrotOD.     Tneir  children:   1   Mary  Caroline,  b.  July  2C.  18.")S:  d. 
March  26.  ISijiJ.     2  Mary  Caroline.  D.    .-Vpril    21,    l»(jl:    d.   Oct.  6. 
1872.     3  John  Everett,  b  Jnue  21.  1S66:  d.  July  20,  18(37.  4.  Abbv 
Clarissa  b.'May  14,  1868:m    1st  Dec.  22,  1887,  Wra.  Kidley  the  son  of 
John  and  I'hilena  (Flagg)  Ridley,  b.  Dec.  1S6;>.  at  Brooklyn.  N.  Y.; 
d.  Nov.  12.  1889:  Ht  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.:  had  John    Bald>viE    Kidley. 
b.  C^ct.  <i.  1S88:  m.  2nd  James  Richard  Palmer.  April  21.  I8i«2.  the 
son  of  John  Black  and  Emil3-  Clanton  (Barlow)  Palmer,   b.    Jan 
28,  18.51,  at  Richmond  Bath,  Ga.;  chi.    Susan  Caroline    Palmer,  b. 
Jan.  28.  1803:  Cie^irge  Lucius  Palmer,  b.  March  8,    189(t.     Resides 
at  St,  Augustine,  t  la.     5  Harriet,  b.    July    17.    1870:    m.    George 
Sheltrn    Kilby,    Jan.    1.    is<(2,    the    son    of    George     and    Mary 
Louisa    (Bartho  omew)    Killn".    b.    Sept.     11.     18GS.    in    Shetheid 
House.  Woolwich.  Kent  Co..  England;  th'^ir  duu:  Lucia  Barthol- 
omew Kilby.  b.  .luue  3i).  1894. 

iv  Susan  Spic.r  b  Dec.  24,  l.'^Sg;  m.  March  11.  1S60.  Noyes  Billings 
Meech.  the  son  of  Stephen  and  Lucy  (Billings)  Meech.  b.  June  17. 
1812.  at  Preston,  Conn.;  d.  April  23.  1S77.  at  Groton.    Conn.:    chi. 

1  Anne  Meech.  b.  Feb.  4.  18G1.  2  Susan  Billings  .Meecn,  b.  .March 
18.  I,>*(i2.  3  Sanford  .Meech.  b.  Dec.  1.5,  1^03.  .\11  .single  and  re- 
siding with  their  mother  at  her  home  in  Groton.  Mr.  Meech 
was  a  prosperon-.  wholesale  paper  and  book  merchant  in  St. 
Louis.  .Mo.,  for  many  j'ears.  retiriag  from  active  bu.siness  life  at 
tht^  time  of  his  marriage. 

V  Damaris  Spicer,  b.  April '.».  l->l.';ra.  \Villiani  Albert  Bedent  of 
Preston,  Conn  ,  the  son  of  Je-ise  ani  Phoebe  (H.iwitt)  B^'deni 
Mr.  Bedent  is  still  engaged  in  active  business  at  Preston.  Their 
children  were:   1  John  Bedent.  b.    June  26.  1881;  d.  July    1,  1881; 

2  Albert  William  Hedent.  b.  Dec.  7.  1882;  d.  Aug.  2.5.  189.5. 

vi  Capt.  William  Spicer.  b  July  2.5.  1844:  m.  Isl  Jan.  I,  1^74.  Charlotte 
Sisson  Chapman,  <  f  Groton.  the  dau.  of  Robert  and  Ann  (.Millen 
Chapman,  b.  Feb.  2.  184S:  d.  Nov.  2.  1874:  their  daughter  L.3ttie 
Chapman  Spicer  b.  D^t.  27.  1874:  d  Feb.  16.  1893.  He  married 
2nd  Oct.  27.  1887.  Minnie  C.irroll  Tuthill.  the  d;iu.  of  John  and 
Nancy  (Wheeler)  Tuthill  of  .Marion.  Ij  >ng  Island,  b.  t)ct.  C. 
1862.     Their  children:   1    William  Carrol  Spicer.  1>.  .March  4,  1890. 

2  Minnie  E.sther  Spicer.  b.  .June  6.  1897.  Prior  to  his  second 
marriage  Capt.  Spicer  spent  most  of  his  time  afloat:  since  his 
marriage  he  remains  quietly  at  home  at  his  pleasant  place  near 
the  old  homestead  i 

rii     Everett  Spicer  b.  Sept.  ;>.  1-^H:  m.  .Vpril  28,  188i»,  llatti?     Spicer. 
adopted   daughter  of   James   and    Susan   (Griswold)    Spicer.    of 
Preston,  Conn.;  tlieir  children:   1   .lulm  <Jraat  Spicer.  b.  Aug.   ;9. 
1881:  d.  Feb.  7.  1895.     2   Everett  Manning  Spicer.  b.  Aug".  4.  1884. 

3  Lucius  Baldwin  Spicer.  b.  July  2S.  18S0.  Mr  Spicer  has  s»l ways 
resided  at  the  old  homestead  and  is  a  prosperous  farmer.  / 


1634  -  -  1900, 



ewe,    J 

1.  Bi 

^|nj_    Seeing  Supplemental  to  ^iimball  family  Siistorij,   ^^ 
Volume  III.  No.  f. 


JUNE,  moo. 



I  v/J^ 

G.  F.  KIMBALL,   Topeka,  Kansas. 
SPriee  One  3)ollar  a  IJear. 


,  J* 

-^••.^'o^?,  -i^:^-:^:^-:^^-.:^:^<:K^^~ 




im  ball"  family  uLews 

Vol.  Ill,  No.  6.  G.  F.  KIMBALL,  Publisher.  Terms  $1.00  a  year. 

..   Topeka*  Kansas,  June»  1900. 


The  News  has  received  the  catalogue  of  the  Art  Collections 
of  the  late  Mrs.  Sarah  M.  Kimball  of  Cleveland  Ohio,  which 
were  sold  in  Boston  the  three  last  days  of  March  1900.  The 
collection  numbered  over  four  hundred  Modern  and  Antique 
Painting-s  and  Art  Objects.  From  the  Catalog-ue  we  quote  the 

"Mrs.  Sarah  M.  Kimball  was  born  in  1824,  at  Stafford,  N. 
Y.,  and  married  Mr.  Samuel  H.  Kimball  in  1845.  She  was  left 
a  widow  in  1868  and  for  many  years  travelled  extensively,  liv- 
ing in  Germany,  Italy  and  England  for  a  number  of  years. 

She  purchased  most  of  her  collection  during  this  time. 
Upon  her  return  to  Cleveland  she  was  earnestly  interested  in 
the  establishment  of  the  School  of  Design  for  Women  in  that 
city,  and  for  the  first  few  weeks  gave  the  struggling-  school 
rooms  in  her  own  house  in  which  to  hold  classes.  For  several 
years  she  devoted  all  her  energy  to  the  interests  of  the  school, 
collecting  subscriptions  from  many  prominent  citizens,  as  she 
desired  to  make  the  school  an  enterprise  of  universal  interest. 
Though  she  ceased  her  active  work  after  the  school  was  firmly 
established,  she  always  continued  to  hold  its  best  interests,  and 
was  Vice-President  at  the  time  of  her  death,  which  took  place, 
after  a  brief  illness,  in  1895. 

This  collection  was  purchased  by  Mrs.  Kimball  with  the  in- 
tention  of  presenting  the  same  to  the  future  museum  of  Cleve- 
land. She  made  every  effort  to  secure  the  finest  pictures  and 
rare  art  objects.  Price  to  her  was  never  an  objection  as  long  as 
she  could  obtain  a  masterpiece.     (Fam.  Hist.  p.  722.) 

At  Lovell,  Me.,  Apr.  7,  1900,  a  number  of  the  relatives  of 
William  Kimball  met  at  his  home  to  congratulate  him  on  his 
eig-hty-seveuth  birthday,  and  as  on  several  former  occations  all 
were  treated  to  a  most  bountiful  dinner  prepared  by  his  sister, 
Mrs.  Sarah  M.  Elder,  who  has  charge  of  the  household  of  this 
venerable  one..  He  was  born  in  Lovell  rnd  is  now  the  oldest 
gentleman  in  town.  He  is  known  as  "Uncle  Bill"  and  no  one 
young  or  old  is  more  popular  than  this  genial  old  bachelor. 
(Fam.  Hist.  p.  508.  No.l796— ii.) 

,S2  I'^iraball    l*"aniil}    Newb 


Marv  E.  Kimlnill  Frishie,  M-  D.,  a  chiug-httr.  May  2,  1900. 
That  is  all  a  card  just  at  hand  contains.  The  Nkws  Jan.  189'*. 
p.  21(),  announces  Ihc  marriag-e.  On  paj(e  222  is  quite  a  sketch 
of  her  brother  (;ranville  of  Chicag-o,  of  whom  she  knew  nothinf^ 
until  corrections  and  additions  to  the  Family  History  were  made 
bv  the  Nkws  pag-e  126.  Their  father  instead  of  appearing-  on 
page  <.72,  No.  13'io  should  appear  on  p.  965,  No.  21<S9b.  John 
Granville  KimbalTs  father  was  David  iind  not  his  brother,  as 
given  on  pag-e  367.  The  date  of  David's  birth  given  on  page 
.-^67  is  probably  an  error,  as  it  would  make  him  but  19  years  old 
at  John  Granville's  birth.     There  is  no  further  record  of  David. 

John  Granville  Kimball  served  in  the  civil  war.  and  the 
fi  mily  became  separated  and  were  not  fully  united  until  after 
the  publication  of  the  Kimball  Family  News,  and  this  reunion 
was  a  source  of  great  rejoicing-.  This  new  mother  now  lives  at 
Tyson  Vt.  Both  herself  and  her  husband,  Frank  C.  Frisbie. 
are  practicing-  physicians. 

The  Forum  for  June  1899  contained  an  article  from  the  pen 
oi  (now)  Commander  W.  W,  Kimball  of  the  Navy  Department. 
In  a  recent  letter  to  the  New  York  Journal  in  favor  of  an  en- 
larged navy,  Admiral  George  Dewey  refers  to  this  paper  of 
Commander  Kimball  in  support  of  his  argument.-  We  quote  a 
paragraph  from  the  Admiral's  paper.  He  says,  "We  need  a 
might}' navy,  not  for  offensive  purposes,  but  for  the  develop- 
ment of  commerce  and  the  prevention  of  war.  As  is  so  well 
shown  by  Lieutenant  Commander  Kimball  in  his  article  on 
"Insurance  of  Property  Ag-ainst  War  Risks,"  recently  published 
in  the  Forum,  the  establishment  and  maintenance  of  a  strong- 
navy  is  the  best  protection  against  war.  and  the  losses  resulting 
therefrom."  Since  this  was  written  Lieutenant  Commander 
Kimball  has  been  promoted.  His  F6rurh  article  attracted  wide 
attention  in  navy  circles.  It  will  be  remembered  by  readers  of 
the  News  that  during  and  before  the  Spanish  war  frequent  men- 
tion was  made  of  his  command.  (See  bt)und  votumc  of  News 
pp.  61,  99  and  133. ,    Fam.  Hist.   p.  977.  ) 

The  new  steamer,  J.  S.  Kimball,  recently  built  on  Puget 
Sound,  and  owned  l)y  J.  S.  Kimball  &  Co.,  of  .Oakland,  Cali.,  is 
240  feet  in  length,  with  a  thirty-iight-foot  beam,  and  is  more  of 
a  passenger  steamer  than  a  freighter.  She  will  have  accomoda- 
tions for  carrying  40<i  passengers  from  Seattle  to  Nimie,-  and 
will  ph'  on  that  route  for  the  next  few  months. 

June  1900  83 

Dr.  W.  G.  Kimball  of  Huntingtcti,  Mass.  writes  ccticerning- 
his  g-randfather,  evidently  John  Kimball  No.  680  p,  368  of  His- 
tory. He  says:  "there  was  n  large  famih',  his  father,  Joseph 
Peck  Kimball  being-  one  of  the  younger  sons."  Henry,  No.  1395 
is  the  only  son  of  John  mentioned  in  the  History.  The  May  is- 
sue of  the  News  was  entirely  taken  up  with  records  of  the  de- 
scendants of  but  two  families  of  whom  the  History  made  slight 
mention.  Here  seems  to  be  another  case  of  that  kind,  and  there 
are  still  others.  Prof  Sharpies  writes  that  he  has  a  lot  of  supple- 
mental matter  nearly  ready.  It  is  constantly  coming  to  the  sur- 
face. It  is  probable  that  there  is  more  unwritten  Kimball  His- 
tory than  all  that  has  heretofore  been  published  including  the 
History  and  the  News  combined.  Some  have  expressed  surprise 
that  so  much  was  omitted  from  the  Family  History  after  so  man}- 
years  spent  upon  it.  The  Editor  of  the  News  shared  this  feel- 
inw-  at  lirst,  but  is  now  more  astonished  that  so  much  was  acconi- 


Miss  Myra  L.  White  of  Haverhill,  Mass.  has  compiled  a 
history  of  the  White  Family,  and  it  is  now  in  the  hands  of  the 
printer.  It  will  make  a  work  about  the  size  of  the  Kimball  His- 
tory and  the  price  wall  be  $10.  which  is  only  reasonable.  We 
know  of  no  similar  work  so  low  in  price  as  the  Kimball  work  at 
$6.00  in  two  volumes,  the  single  volume  edition  at  $5.00  being 
exhausted.  This  genealog-y  of  the  White  family  will  be  of  inter- 
est to  many  Kimballs.  Miss  White  believed  in  a  tradition  that 
she  was  descended  from  Peregrine  White,  born  on  the  Mayflow- 
er, the  first  white  child  born  in  New  England.  She  found  that 
her  ancestor  was  John  White  who  came  over  with  wife  and  child- 
ren in  1638,  four  j-ears  after  Richard  Kimball.  John  White  set- 
tled in  Wenham,  where  several  descendants  of  Richard  Kimball 
were  born.  When  Richard  settled  in  Watertown,  his  home  was 
bounded  on  the  west  by  land  of  one  Edward  White,  who  may  or 
or  may  not  have  been  the  father  of  Peregrine. 

Anna  Brown  Kimball,  born  Mar.  12,  1836,  daughter  of 
Warren  Kimball  No.  1723,  p.  798  married  William  H.  White,  in 
1862,  and  they  now  live  in  Junction  City,  Kansas.  It  is  under- 
stood that  he  is  a  lineal  descendant  of  Peregrine  White.  The 
Kimball  History  shows  that  there  have  been  several  intermar- 
riages in  the  families.  Naturally'  there  have  been  many  tradi- 
tions in  the  White  family  regarding-  the  descent  from  Peregrine 
White  which  this  work  will  clear  up. 

Persons  bearing  this  name  not  sure  that  they  are  included 
would  oo  well  to  write  Miss  White  as  above,  and  also  subscribe 
for  the  book. 

so  Kimball  Family  Ncwb 

fied  charm  that  increases  their  streng-th." 

The  Journal  said: 

"The  inllucnce  exerted  by  the  late  Catharine  Merrill  on  the 
communitv  in  which  she  spent  her  long-  life  was  remarkable, 
and,  in  some  respects,  unique.  It  differed  from  that  which  be- 
longs to  most  teachers  of  years  and  experience  in  that  her  in- 
structions and  guidance  were  not  conlined  to  youthful  students, 
but  to  women  of  all  ages  and  degrees.  In  her  earlier  career  she 
taught  classes  of  young- people  in  school  and  colleg-e,  but  in  more 
recent  years  she  conducted  private  classes,  to  which  came  young- 
women  and  old,  maids  and  matrons,  mothers  of  families,  busi- 
ness women  and  women  who  were  themselves  teachers.  Some 
of  these  had  been  her  early  pupils,  and  wished  to  keep  them- 
selves from  intellectual  rustiness  by  means  of  reg-ular  lessons. 
Some  had  lacked  advantages  in  3'outh,  and  throug-h  her  made- 
their  first  acquaintance  with  the  best  in  literature.  She  opened  a 
new  world  to  them  by  shown ng-  them  how  to  read  the  masterpieces 
understanding-ly.  She  stood  for  the  highest  in  g-enuine  culture 
and  refinement,  and  to  be  a  member  of  her  classes  was  a  privi- 
leg"e  in  more  ways  than  one.  Gentle,  retiring-,  without  self-as- 
sertion, even  timid,  she  cherished  firm  convictions  and  had  the 
courage  of  her  opinions.  at.d  these  opinions  touched  upon  moral 
and  social,  as  well  as  literary  themes.  She  was  a  distinct  intel- 
lectual force,  and  to  her  belong-s  a  g-ood  share  of  the  credit  for 
the  high  stand  taken  by  Indianapolis  women  in  all  that  makes 
for  the  finest  living-. 

The  following-  tribute  is  from  ex-President  Harrison: 

''I  have  just  heard  of  Miss  Merrill's  death.  Every  one  in 
Indianapolis  feels  that  in  her  death  the  city  has  sustained  a 
great  loss.  She  was  a  great  intellectual  and  moral  power  in  the 
city,  and  has  influenced  many  lives  profitably  and  pleasantly. 
Col.  Sam.  Merrill,  her  brother,  was  in  my  regiment  during  the 
war,  and  I  saw  something  of  Miss  Merrill,  as  I  did  of  the  fami- 
lies of  all  the  officers,  but  my  knowledg-e  has  been  more  distinct 
of  her  since  then  than  during  the  war,  as  members  of  my  family 
have  been  in  her  classes  and  have  expressed  their  attachment 
and  admiration  <"..r  her," 

The  engagement  is  announced  of  Miss  Florence  E.  Kimball 
to  Mr.  H.  Prescott  Burleigh,  both  of  Cambridg-e,  Mass. 

Mrs.  F.  M.  Kimball  and  daug-hter  Maude  of  Topeka,  have 
g-cne  to  Colorado,  where  they  will  spend  the  summer  among  the 

June  ]•)()<>. 



Mrs.  Maria  Freeman  Gray,  g-randdaug-hter  of  John  KimV>all 
(No.  772,  Ma}'  News)  has  visited  the  Hawaiian  Islands,  and 
has  written  several  very  interesting-  letters  reg"arding  this  new^ 
American  territory,  which  of  course  are  too  long-  for  the  News. 
Mrs.  Gray  like  other  intellig-ent  travelers,  had  her  kodak  along. 
Among  her  pictures  was  one  of  what  she  calls  "a  beautiful  tree." 
We  tind  it  illustrated  in  an  eastern  paper  which  published  her 
letters,  and  are  able  here  to  reproduce  it  throug-h  the  kindness  of 
Mrs.  Gray.  In  her  published  letter  she  writes:  "The  traveler's 
palm  looks  like  an  immense  fan  made  of  banana  leaves,  which 
have  long  concave  petioles.  These  leaf  stalks  often  contain  wa- 
ter, which  is  a  blessing  to  the  thirsty  traveler — hence  its  name." 

Vt,       I'" ! 

.X^'i.    ' 

«  I    > 

THE   traveler's    PALM. 

Mrs.  Gray  mentions  a  Mr.  Lee  as  proprietor  of  the  Volcano 
hotel  where  she  stopped  eleven  days.  On  pag-e  345  of  the  News 
mention  is  made  of  the  marriage  of  Helen  Kimball  of  Cambridg-e, 
Mass.,  and  Robert  L.  Lee  of  Honolulu.  Is  there  connection  be- 
tween these  Lees? 

In  this  connection  it  may  be  noticed  that  Dr.  John  Kimball 
of  Maine  was  once  a  resident  of  these  islands,  where  he  was 
called  the  "double"  of  President  Dole,  because  of  his  resem- 
blance to  the  recently  appointed  governor  of  this  new  United 
States  territory.  (See  pag-e  80,  April  News,  1898.) 

!-!8  Kimball    FhihiIv   News 



At  West  Mcdford,  Mass.,  April  4,  l')0(),  Elbridj^re  Kimball 
Batcheldor.      Interment  at  Francestown,  N.  H. 


Mr.  Georg-e  H.  Stevens,  a  prominent  member  of  the 
Lowell  bar.  died  Wcdnesda}'^  afternoon,  Ajtril  4,  1900,  ajjfed  for- 
tN'-nine  A'ears-  He  was  the  son  of  the  late  Georg-e  Stevens,  for- 
merly district  attorney  of  Middlesex.  Born  in  Ml.  Vernon,  N. 
II.,  he  was  educated  in  Lowell  and  at  Dartmouth  Colleg-e  where 
he  was  graduated  in  1S74.  Then  he  studied  in  (Germany,  and 
travelled  extensively  in  Europe,  bcg-inning-  the  practice  of  law 
soon  after  his  return.     He  leaves  a  widow  and  child. 

He  was  the  son  of  Georg-e  and  Elizabeth  Rachel  (Kimball ) 
Stevens,  ( Fam.  Hist.  p.  60').  )  and  was  the  historian  of  Old 
Middlesex  Chapter  of  the  Massachusetts  Society  of  the  Sons  of 
American   Revolution. 


On  Sunday  morning",  May  «S,  Miss  Frances  R.  Kimball, 
adopted  daughter  of  the  late  deacon  John  Kimball,  answered  to 
the  death  angel.  For  man3'  years  she  had  been  in  ill  health  but 
had  borne  her  suffering  with  patience  and  fortitude,  trusting 
with  unwavering  faith  to  the  care  of  her  Lord  Savior,  without 
a  murmur,  and  in  the  calm  confidence  that  "He  doeth  all  things 
well."  And  so  the  summtms  came  and  found  her  ready  to  an- 
swer. Frances  Victorine  Rice  was  born  in  Boston  in  1836,  and 
came  to  Ipswich  to  reside  as  a  member  of  Deacon  Kimball's 
household  at  the  age  of  seven  years.  She  had  a  large  circle  of 
friends,  to  whom  her  death  will  appear  a  personal  loss.  Among- 
the  nearer  relatives  in  Ipswich  are  Fred  A.  and  Susie  L.  Kim- 
ball. Services  were  held  at  the  South  church  on  Tuesdaj'  after- 
norm. —  Ipswich  Independent. 

PROFESSOR  RODNEY  O.  KIMBALL.      Fam.  Hist.  p.  *^56. 

Professor  Rorlney  G.  Kimball,  a  memoer  of  the  faculty  of 
the  Brooklyn  Pol\-technic  Institute,  died  Wednesday  night  at 
his  home,  No.  25.^  Monroe-st.,  Brooklyn,  from  heart  disease. 
Although  Professor  Kimball  had  not  been  in  good  health  for 
three  jears  he  had  continued  to  carry  on  his  work  and  was  tak- 
en to  the  school  each  day  in  a  carriage.  He  had  been  professor 
of  applied  mathematics  in  the  institute  since  June  3i',  1869. 
Althoug-h  he  had  received  calls  to  a  dozen  colleges  nothing 
could  induce  him  to  leave  "Poly."' 

Prnfr^'-ior  Kinib.ill  WM-;  born  in  tlii-  ,-il\.  nnd    a    gradu- 

June  1900.  S-) 

ate  of  the  Colleg-e  of  the  City  of  New- York.  Soon  after  his 
graduation  he  was  appointed  in  1855  assistant  to  Charles  Davies, 
professor  of  mathematics  in  the  New- York  State  Normal  School. 
In  the  Civil  War  he  organized  a  compan}^  of  normal  school 
students  and  joined  the  44th  New-York.  He  led  his  company 
at  the  battle  of  Fredricksburg-.  His  health  which  was  delicate, 
soon  broke  down  and  he  never  fully  recovered  from  the  expos- 
ures of  army  life.  He  returned  to  the  Normal  School,  where  he 
remained  until  called  as  professor  in  the  Brooklyn  Polytechnic 
Institute  in  1869.  A  widow,  two  sons  and  three  daughters 
survive  him.  The  funeral  will  be  held  to-night. — New  York 
Tribune,   Apr.  ::7,   1900. 

SUSAN    TILLINGHAST   KIMBALL.       Fam.   Hist.   p.  511. 

The  solemn  seal  of  death  has  been  placed  upon  the  earthly 
life  of  Susan  Tillinghast  Kimball,  widow  of  M.  Day  Kimball 
of  this  city.  Already  the  pain  and  disability  of  that  life  are 
seen  to  be  temporary,  while  the  lessons  of  sympathy  and  help- 
fulness learned  throug'h  them  are  still  living  forces  to  aid  and 
comfort  sickness  and  suffering.  A  daug-hter  of  Governor  Mar- 
cus Morton  of  Taunton,  Mass.,  she  presented  to  the  city  of 
Taunton,  in  memory  of  her  parents,  the  old  Morton  mansion  for 
the  purposes  of  a  city  hospital.  Later  in  her  life,  in  memory  of 
her  youngest  son,  she  gave  to  the  city  of  Putman,  Conn.,  money 
to  establish  the  Day  Kimball  Hospital.  Her  interest  in  these 
hospitals  grew  with  their  growth,  and  she  eagerly  met  the  need 
for  their  enlargement  and  improvement.  The  last  business  she 
did  was  to  purchase  more  land  for  a  new  building  for  the  Mor- 
ton Hospital.  In  these  testimonials  of  affection  for  parent  and 
child,  she  also  found  expression  for  a  deeply  rooted  sense  of  pub- 
lic duty,  of  responsibility  for  the  v/elfare  of  the  community,  in- 
herited from  a  long  line  of  Puritan  ancestry.  Her  public  bene- 
factions were  patient  and  unfailing.  Her  support  of  certaifl 
charities  continued,  year  after  year,  from  the  time  of  her  mar- 
riage and  first  settlement  in  Boston  till  her  death.  Seeing  few 
visitors  in  her  later  years,  she  yet  received  a  district  nuxse  who 
cared  for  the  sick  poor.  Through  her,  Mrs.  Kimball  heard 
many  tales  of  suffering,  and  gave  what  help  n^rioy  and  thought 
could  bring  to  relieve  them.  Such  were  Mrs.  Kimball's  benevo- 
lences. They  live  after  her  and  are  her  best  memorial.  Those 
who  knew  her  in  the  inner  circle  remember  her  indomitable  for- 
titude under  great  infirmities,  and  the  tine  courage  which  niin- 
imiiied  her  own  physical  ills.  They  remember  her  keen  wit 
and  the  never-failing  sense  of  hum :>r  which  kept  h?r  y;)ua^-er 
than  her  years. — Boston  Transcript. 

Mrs.  Kimball,  it  it  will  be  noticed,,  was  the    mother  of    the 
poetess,  Hannah  Parker  Kimball. 

''t'  Kimball  Family  News 


The  Nkws  is  in  receipt  of  over  thirty  pag"es  of  cop}- relating- 
to  the  famil}'  of  Levi  Kimball  No.  186,  pag^e  136  Family  His- 
tory.     At  the  same  time  he  sends  the  following-  note: — 

l^oston,  Mass.,  .June  8,  llt.JO. 
Dkar  Mk.  Kimhai.i, — I  sometimes  womler  if  there  is  any  end  of  these 
Kimballs.     I  send  you  quite  a  batch  this  time  and  there  is  more  to  come   I 
think.     The  old  Kimballs  certainly  obeyed  the  injunction  to    multipl3'  and 
replenish  the  earth.      I  start  for  New  Hampshire  and  Ma'ne    tomorrow    to 
hunt  lip  soire  Websters  and  I  shall    probablj^    alsj  find    some   Kimballs,    I 
g-enerally  dn  whenever  I  <^o  into  these  states.     I    passed    thn^ug-h    Topeka 
twice  last  fall  and  was  veiv  sorry  that  1  could  not  stop  and  see  you.     Hut 
I  was  on  ni\-  way  to  and  from  New  .Mexico  on  business.        Youi'.s 

S    P.  Sharpi.ks. 

The  end  of  these  Kimballs  is  not  in  sig-ht.  Where  it  is  no 
one  knows.  Here  are  thirt3'-five  pag^es  relat'.ng^  to  Levi  Kimball 
and  his  descendants.  He  was  a  son  of  Jacob  No.  65.  His  was 
a  long  lived  and  prolific  family.  Jacob  had  ten  children,  and 
six  sons  are  reported  as  heads  of  families.  Three  daug-hters 
were  married,  and  another  livtd  to  be  84  years  old,  but  whtthtr 
married  does  not  appear.  These  sons  of  Jacob  were,  Jacob, 
Moses,  Asa,  Levi,  Elisha  and  Daniel.  It  may  be  noticed  that 
one  half  of  the  May  number  of  the  News  was  taken  up  with  a 
record  of  Levi's  brother  Moses.  It  is  probable  that  quite  as 
much  has  been  left  unrecorded  concerning-  each  of  the  four  re- 
maining- brothers.  And  what  is  true  of  Jacob's  line  is  true  of 
scores  Of  others,  so  that  one  well  may  wonder  where  the  end 
will  be. 

The  News  regrets  that  Prof.  Sharpies  could  not  call  when 
passing-  throug-h  Topeka. 

.Mrs.  Sarah  Payson  Greene  Kimball  of  East  Hebron    N.    H. 
died  May  21,  I'Jo-',  ag-ed  H2  years  and  (>  months,  lacking;  4  days. 
She  was  the  mother  of  William  D.  Kimball  whose  portrait    was 
g-iven  in  the  April  News,  and  whose  trag-ic  death  was  so   severe 
a  blow  to  the  already  afflicted  mother.     The  N.  Y.  Tribune  says: 

"Mrs.  Kimball,  with  her  daug-hter,  was  among  the  first  to 
join  The  Trioune  Sunshine  Society,  and  many  members  have 
been  deeply  interested  in  these  hmely  invalid  women.  Miss  Pol- 
len, herself  a  great  sufferer,  feels  keenh*  this  added  sorrow. 
Her  constant  vigil  of  the  jiast  weeks  has  made  it  impossible  for 
her  to  acknowlcdg-e  the  many  Easter  remembrances  received 
from  T.  S.  S.  members.  It  is  hoped  that  man}-  words  of  comfort 
and  sympathy  may  reach  this  much  afflicted  member." 

\  .  ,     . 

James  Adams  Kimball  of  Salina,  Kans.,  is  a   member  ot    a 

""Timittee  on  Federation  of    the  Commercial  Clubs  of  the  state. 

June  1900.  <  1 

The  big-  department  store  of  the  Pitts-Kiniball  company  of 
Boston  was  totally  destroyed  by  fire  on  the  nig-ht  of  May  31,  ii  - 
volving-  a  loss,  including-  building-s  owned  by  other  persons,  of 
$250,000.  Rufus  H.  Kimball  is  vice-president  of  the  company. 
(Hist.  p.   938.) 

Mrs.  S.  H.  Kimball  of  Ceres,  N.  Y.  who  recently  graduated 
from  the  Columbus,  O.  Medical  University  in  the  school  of  den- 
tistry, has  opened  an  office  in  Painsville,  Ohio,  where  she  will 
make  her  future  home.  The  Teleg-raph  of  that  place  gives  her 
a  very  cordial  welcome,  as  she  no  doubt  deserves.  Read  what 
a  friend  of  hers  said  on  pag-e  43  March  number  of  current  volume 
of  the  News. 

Sarah  Louise  Kimball  of  San  Francisco  sends  a  tine  half- 
tone picture  of  the  Mills  Building-  and  points  out  the  office  where 
she  spends  much  of  her  time.  As  may  be  supposed  she  is  a  good 
deal  up  in  the  world,  tenth  story,  corner  window,  splendid  out- 
look with  the  earth  under  her  feet-  Now  we  know  how  she 
comes  to  write  such  letters.  She  is  up  in  the  ozone  region. 
There's  nothing-  like  ozone  for  inspiration. 

Col.  D.  B.  Dyer  of  Aug-usta,  Ga.,  is  always  in  some  g-reat 
enterprise.  As  president  of  the  Aug-usta  Electric  R.  R.  and 
Light  Co.,  he  has  made  that  concern  the  pride  of  his  town.  But 
not  content  with  that  he  has  recently  brought  a  delegation  of 
capitalists  from  New  York  and  Baltimore  to  Aug-usta  and  the 
result  is  that  they  loan  the  company  a  cool  million  of  dollars  to 
make  further  improvements  and  extentions.  The  Colonel  is  a 
Dyer-Kimball  rustler.     (Hist.  p.  909,  News  Jan.  1898.  ) 

Charles  Dean  Kimball  was  elected  Lieutenant-Governor  of 
Rhode  Island  at  the  April  election,  runnings  ahead  of  his  ticket. 
He  g-ained  no  little  celebrity  by  the  course  ne  took  as  member  of 
the  state  legislature  in  refusing-  to  accept  extra  pay  voted  to 
some  members.  (Hist  p.  814,  News  p.  309  and  p.  52  current  vol- 

Lieutenant  Governor  Charles  Dean  Kimball,  Providence, 
Rhode  Island,  was  very  seriously  injured  in  an  electric  car  colli- 
sion on  Sunday  June  10.  It  was  at  first  supposed  that  he  would 
not  recover,  but  he  rallied  and  was  doing-  well  at  last  accounts. 
The  New  York  Tribune  of  Monday  said:  "Lieutenant  Gov- 
ernor Kimball  was  too  badly  injured  to  be  taken  to  the  hospital. 
He  is  one  of  the  most  popular  Republicans  in  the  St-ate.  He 
has  been  the  leader  of  the  House  of  Representatives,  was  a  can- 
didate for  Mayor  of  Providence  last  fall,  and  was  this  spring- 
elected  Lieutenant  Governor  b}'  a  flattering-  vote." 

Four  persons  were  killed  and  over  a  score  more  or  less  in- 

92  Kimball   Family  Mewb 

Supplemental  Notes   to   Family    History. 

I'ag-e  310.— No.  5r.'.l.  X  Apphiii  m.  1st.  Win.  C  Hale:  in.  L'nd.  John  May- 
nard,  of  Manchester,  N.    II. 

I'age  603.— No.  12;J0,  Jacob  D.  Kimball  died  in  187:^  m.  Sarah  I'ayson 
Greene,  born  Nov.  'ja,  1817,  not  1823.  They  had  five  children  as  giv- 
en in  History. 

Their  son  William  D.  Kimball,  (See  Nkvfs  April  1000.)  tl.  Aug. 
20,  1874,  Ella  Gile  of  How.  N.  IT.  A  son  Charles  Ryland,  died  in  Bow 
aged  .')  years. 

In  the  April  sketch  of  William  D.  Kimball  the  acre  of  his  inva- 
lid mother  was  given  as  7.')  years.  The  above  correction  makes  her 
age  82  years  in  Nov.  18<.t'.).  Tlie  family  lives  one  mile  from  Hebron 

Page  949. — Josiah  V.   Kimball'*  was  publisher  of  the  lA'nn.  Mass..  Nen  s. 

The  annual  town  report  of  Lovell,  Me.,  shows  several  Kim- 
balls  besides  Sumner,  '2448)  who  fig-ure  prominently  in  town 
and  county  affairs.  Among^  them  are  found  G.  A.  and  Oscar 
Kimball  who  do  not  appear  in  the  Family  History.  All  these 
omissions  may  be  made  g-ood  in  the  News  if  some  one  will  take 
pains  to  supply  the  needed  memoranda. 

Mrs.  Susanna  H.  Kimball,  whose  death  was  mentioned  in 
the  April  Nkws,  p.  63,  was  the  widow  of  Georg-e  Washing-ton 
Kimball  who  died  in  Auburrdale  Mass.  a  few  j^ears  ago,  at  the 
age  of  83.  He  has  a  brother  still  living.  We  find  no  mention 
of  the  family  in  the  History. 

The  Sons  and  Daughters  of  the  American  Revolution  of 
Painesville,  Ohio,  recently  offered  SlU  in  three  prizes,  for  the 
best  essays  by  High  School  pupils  on  the  subject  "The  Invasion 
of  Canada  by  Montgomery  and  Arnold."  The  competition  was 
spirited  and  some  really  good  work  was  done  by  the  young  stu- 
dents. Prof.  H.  N.  Kimball,  one  of  the  judges,  awarded  the 
prizes,  commenting  on  several  of  the  papers  and  noticing-  their 
good  and  striking  points.  This  example  might  be  followed  by 
other  schools. 

Inquiry  is  made  in  regard  to  John  Emery  Kimball  mention- 
ed on  page  .310  of  the  Family  History.     He  went  to  Boston  when 
young,    married    Lucy    Heater,    and    lived    there    many    years 
They  had  at  least  tiiree  daughters  and  (me  son.     They  are  both 
dead.     Does  any  one  know  any  thing  of  their  children? 

Jane  1*)00  ')3 


Capt.  F.  M.  Kimball  of  this  city  calls  attention  to  errors  on 
page  60,  April  NeWvS.  Lucretia  Hasscltine  was  dau.  of  Jesse 
and  Lucretia,  (not  Abigail,  his  second  wife.  )  Hist.  p.  531.  Also 
bottom  of  pag-e,  1840  should  be  1804. 

Dear  Mk.  Kimball. 

Allow  me  to  correct  the  statement  made  in  j^our  April  edi- 
tion, under  the  heading  of  the  will  of  Noah  Brooks,  viz,  that 
Sarah  (Willard)  Brooks  was  the  only  daughter  of  Major  Joseph 
Willard.  It  should  have  been  the  eldest  daughter.  Mrs.  Mar- 
tha Willard,  wife  of  Major  Joseph  Willard,  died  June  3,  1794  in 
the  100th  year  of  her  age;  her  posterity  then  consisted  of  12 
children,  90  grandchildren,  226  great  grandchildren  and  58 
great  great  grandchildren.  So  far  the  command  to  "be  frui'- 
ful  and  multiply,  and  replenish  the  earth"  was  fulfilled  in  her 

Sarah  (Willard)  Brooks  was  the  first  white  child  born  in 
Grafton  Mass.  This  town  was  originally  owned  and  occupied 
by  a  tribe  of  Indians  called  Hassancmesits  who  were  in  subjec- 
tion to  the  Nipmucks.  Yours  Sincerly, 

,         Hekbeht  W.  Klmball. 


We  are  not  aware  that  there  is  a  Kimball  Club,  Union  or 
Association  in  Washington.  There  are  in  other  cities. 
But  certainly  there  is  material  enough  already  known,  and  more 
that  exists  unknown.  It  is  possible  that  the  descendants  of 
Richard  Kimball  now  living  in  Washington  are  not  aware  of 
their  own  numbers.  Of  course  theNEWS  is  unable  to  name  them 
all,  but  a  little  organized  effort  would  call  together  at  the  Na- 
tional Capital  a  ver}'  large  number  if  they  were  disposed  to  meet 
in  a  reunion.  To  begin  with  there  would  be  Gen.  Sumner  I. 
Kimball  of  the  Life  Saving  Service;  Gen.  A.  W.  Greely  the  Arc- 
tic explorer,  now  of  the  Signal  Service;  Comdr.  W.  W.  Kimball 
of  the  U.  S.  Navy;  Judg-e  Ivory  G.  Kimball;  Jno.  H.  Kimball 
and  H.  A.  Kelly  of  the  P.  O.  Department;  Horace  Kimball  Ful- 
ton; Helen  McLaughlin  Kimball;  Prof.  Ephraim  G.  Kim.ball 
and  Nathaniel  Freeman  of  the  Land  Office.  ( p.  67  May  News.  ) 
And  there  are  others  whose  names  are  not  here  given,  besides 
many  belonging  to  cognate  branches.  A  reunion  of  these  fami- 
lies would  not  only  be  a  pleasant  affair  for  themselves,  but  it 
would  doubtless  bring  to  light  some  things  of  historic  interest, 
and  would  also  bring  to  notice  other  branches  not  now  known 
to  belong  to  the  family.     Such  has  been  the  result. 

'>4  Kimball   Fiiiiiil}    News 

Georg-e  C.  Kimball  i'^  sccrcl.irv  of  ,-i  (lolf  Club  at  Wolflioro, 
N.  H. 

Samuel  E.  Kimball  is  superintendent  of  streets  in  Arling-- 
ton,  Mass. 

Capt.  Frederick  Marius  Kimball  of  Topeka,  is  an  enthusi- 
astic Ralstonite. 

Joseph  C.  Kimball  is  vice-president  of  the  Wannalancit  Club 
of  Haverhill,  Mass. 

F.  C.  Kimball  is  superintendent  of  the  Whitman  division 
of  the  street  railroad. 

B.  F.  Kimball  &  Co.,  Leather  Dealers,  of  Boston  have  been 
compelled  to  make  assig-nment. 

Frank  R.  Kimball  is  vice  commodore  of  the  City  Point  Pu- 
ritan Canoe  Club  of  South  Boston,  Mass. 

The  Kimballs  in  New  England  seem  to  be  prominent  in  the 
Grang"e  as  overseers,  lecturers  and  members. 

William  T.  Kimball  is  secretary  and  treasurer  of  the  Merri- 
mack Valley  Country  Club  at  Lawrence,  Mass. 

On  account  of  a  recent  fire  in  Burling-ton  Vt-,  the  grocery 
company- of  Spaulding,  Kimball  &  Co.,  were  heavy  losers. 

In  Norway,  Me.,  Frank  Kimball's  Minstrels  and  Comic 
Opera  Company  afford  the  entertainment  for  the  community. 

Capt.  F.  M.  Kimball  of  Topeka,  entered  the  Kansas  Society 
Sons  of  the  American  Revolution  on  four  different  lines  of  de- 

Mrs.  Sarah  A-  Kimball  is  vice-reg-ent  of  the  Samuel  Adams 
chapter  of  the  Daughters  of  the  American  Revolution  at  Me- 
thuen,  Mass. 

Mr.  Benjamin  Kimball  of  Jamaica  Plain,  with  his  daughter 
Miss  Mirriam,  occupied  apartments  at  the  Grosvenor  in  Boston 
<luring-  the  winter. 

Mrs.  William  F.  Kimball  of  Newton,  Mass.,  recently  di- 
rected a  subscription  whist  party  of  twenty  tables  tor  the  benefit 
of  the  Universalist  Church. 

Herbert  Wood  Kimball  was  reelected  Reg-istrar  of  the  Mas- 
sachusetts Society  of  the  Sons  of  the  American  Revolution,  and 
Charles  Kimball  Darling-,   historian. 

Miss  Nettie  A.  Kimball  of  Boston  has  been  a  guest  of  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Horace  Kimball  Fulton  of  Washington  and  soon  be- 
came a  fav^orite  in  social  circles. 

June  1900 

The  father  of  Mrs.  Maria  Freeman  Gray.  Daniel  Sanford 
Freeman,  died  at  New  Salem,  Mass.,  April  18,  1887.  See  No. 
1545b  page  66,  last  issue  of  the  Nuws. 

•  Miss  Alice  Kimball,  daughter  of  William  Parker  Kimball 
of  San  Francisco,  (Fam.  Hist.  p.  921.)  received  the  degree  of 
Bachelor  of  Science,  at  her  recent  g-raduation  from  the  Univer- 
sity of  California. 

Mrs.  Frances  Kimball  has  just  been  ordained  to  theUniver- 
salist  ministry,  three  other  women  ministers  taking  part  in  the 
ceremony.  She  has  charge  of  the  churches  at  South  Barre  and 
Williamstov/n,   Vt. 

Edward  A ncel  Kimball  of  Chicago,  (Hist.  p.  860)  a  noted 
Christian  Science  lecturer  has  been  speaking  in  Boston.  Tope- 
ka  has  now  a  case  where  this  science  failed  to  cure,  and  learal 
prosecution  IS  to  follow. 

Mrs.  Frances  Kimball  Harlow  has , been  elected  one   of   the 
■directors  of  the   Abbott  Academy    club  of   Boston.     The   clul;' 
numbers  126  members,  and  hafe  a    fund    of'  $'26,000   toward    the 
$60,000' needed  for  a  proposed  Menlor^aT  Hall, 

■     Shef man- Kimball,  (Hist:  p.  939,    Fam.  NeWs- p.    125,  June 
1898. )  a  student  at  Stanford  University,  and  Mary    Alice   Kim^ 
ball,  youngest  sister  of  Sarah  Louise  Kimball,    (Fam,    Hist.    p.  , 
811.  No.  1765:^ — viii. )  were  confirmed  in  the  Episcopal  Church  at 
Palo  Alto,  Cal.,  April   11,   1900. 

Prof.  L.  A.  Morrison  co-editor  of  the  Kimball  Family  His- 
tory, has  sold  his  choice  garden  farm  at  Canobie'  Lake,  N.  H. 
The  estate. comprises  80  acres  of  land  with  a  colonial  house, 
large  barns  and  numerous  outbuildings.  Prof.  MorrisonV, 
health  has  not  been  .good  for  some  months  past. 

Mrs.  Maria  Freeman  Gray  of  San    Francisco,    has    gone    to 
Millington,  Franklin  County,  Mass.,    her    native    town,    where 
she  will  spend  the  summer,  and  in  September  , will    go   to.  Paris- 
to  attend  the  Peace  Congress.    :  One  half  of  the  last    number   of 
the  News  was  given  to  her    family   record    which    y/as   omitted' 
from  the  History. 

M.  V.  B.  Perley  of  Portsmouth,  N.  H.  writes  thai  he  ha.s  a 
sermon  delivered  by  Jonathan  Allen,  A.  M.  of  Bradford,  the 
next  Sunday  after  the  drowning  of  EHphalet  Kimball,  son  of 
Timothy  Kimball  (No.  277)  while  catching-  logs  during  a  fresh- 
et in  the  Merriraac  river,  Oct.  24,  1785.  The  body  was  found 
over  a  month  later  and  buried  Nov.  30,  1785.  The  sermon  'was 
printed  and  sold  by  a  Newburyport  printer. 

')(>  Kimb.-ill   Family  News 


(From  San  Francisco  "Examiner"  of  April  ifclh  and  i/th.  1900.) 

Marriaye  licenses  yesterday  to — 
Roy  E.  Kimball,  25,  and   Mary'E    Stokes,  23. 

Oakland,  April  16, — Miss  May  Stokes,  the  youngs  lady  who 
has  for  several  months  li«itened  to  complaints  in  her  capacity  as 
"600"  in  the  central  telephone  office,  is  now  Mrs.  Kimball. 
The  young-  couple,  because  of  the  objections  of  Mrs.  Kimball's 
brothers  to  the  match,  went  to  San  PVancisco  last  Saturday, 
where  they  were  quietly  married.  Her  family  and  friends  heard 
nothing-  of  the  proposed  m  irria'^'e  until  they  received  word  from 
San  Francisco  last  nig-ht  that  th^i  ceremony  had  been  performed. 
For  some  time  past  the  "hello  g^irl"  has  been  the  object  of  the 
affections  of  Roy  Kimball,  one  of  the  most  energ-etic  of  the  line- 
men employed  by  the  company. 

The  wedding-  of  Miss  Dais^-  Carolj-n  Kimball  and  Louis 
Barring-ton  Adams,  took  place  May  10,  at  the  residence  of  the 
bride's  parents,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  Simpson  Kimball,  on  Semi- 
nary avenue,  Fruitvale.  It  was  strictly  a  home  wedding-,  Rev. 
C  M.  Hill,  pastor  of  th3  Tenth-avenue  Baptist  Church,  officia- 
ed.  Mrs.  Adams  is  a  graduate  of  Mills  Colleg-e,  class '97.  She 
is  very  popular  in  social  circles  both  here  and  in  San  Francisco. 
Her  father  is  prominent  in  the  lumber  and  shipping-  business  in 
the  metropolis.  The  groom  is  also  hig-hly  connected.  He  is  a 
son  of  Albert  J.  Adams  of  New  York  and  a  relative  of  the  presi- 
dent of  the  Adams  Express  Company  there. 

The  young-  couple  enjoyed  their  hone3"moon  on  a  journey 
throug-h  Alaska.  They  visited  Dawson  City,  went  down  the 
Yukon,  and  stopped  at  Nome.  They  will  make  their  home  per- 
manently in  New  York  City. 

In  the  S.  F.  "Chronicle"  there  was  lately-  a  notice  of  the 
previously  announced  enj^ag-ement  of  Miss  Helen  Otis  Thomas, 
daug-hter  of  William  Thomas  of  the  law  firm  of  Chickering-, 
Thomas  &  Gregory  of  this  city,  and  Mr.  Frederick  W.  Kimball 
of  Los  Ang-eles. 

I  understand  this  Frederick  W.  Kimball  has  the  larg-est 
prune   orchard    in   the  State,    at  Fresno,  but  cannot  place   him.  Maud  B.  Kimball  of  Boston  arrived  at  the  Hotel  Rafa- 
el,  San  Rafael,  last  week. 

Mrs.  Richard  Owen  and  children  have  returned  to  Yreka, 
in  Siskiyou  Co.,  Cal.,  where  Mr.  Owen  is  engaged  in  business. 
Mrs.  Owen  has  been  visiting  her  mother,  Mrs.  Charles  73rad- 
bury  Kimball,  at  Palo  Alto  for  the  past  few  months.  While  at 
Palo  Alto,  and  on  July  24,  1899,  she  lost  through  death,  her 
eldest  son,  Vivian  Kimball  Owen.  On  February  7,  1900,  Vera 
Owen,  her  only  daughter,  was  born  at  Oakland,  Cal. 

Sakah  Lolise  Kimball. 

Jtim  ball"  family 

Vol.  in,  Nos.  7  and  8.         WG.  F  KIMBALL,   Publisher.  Terms  $1.00  a  cjenr 

Topeka,  Kemsas,  July  and  August,  19G@. 


Our  enterprising"  cousin  and  Secretary  of  the  Pacific  Coast 
association,  Miss  Sarah  Louise  Kimball  of  San  Francisco  writes 
two  or  three  letters  from  which  we  g-ather  the  following-; 

"Several  members  of  the  family  met  Saturday'  afternoon,  to 
talk  over  and  plan  for  our  coming-  Reunion.  Various  commit- 
tees were  appointed,  and  it  looks  now  as  if  we  would  have  an 
interesting-  Reunion.  Frank  Willard  Kimball  has  new  ideas  as 
to  proper  way  to  work  up  enthusiasm  &c.,  and  we  shall  probably 
have  a  g-ood  programme.  The  Reunion  is  to  be  held  on  the 
summit  of  Mt.  Tamalpais,  Oct.  6,  1900.  It  will  be  a  pleasant 

There  are  so  many  of  the  Kimball  name  whom  I  am  con- 
stantl}  meeting;  I  shall  be  g-lad  when  Professor  Sharpies'  next 
installment  of  "Supplement"  is  published.  There  is  a  krg-e 
branch  of  the  family  tree  growing  in  the  Southern  States,  and  I 
have  had  correspondence  with  Mrs  J.  E.  Martin,  112,  14th  St., 
Columbus,  Georgia,  in  relation  to  a  certain  family  which  seems 
to  have  divided  itself  between  Virg-inia  and  North  Carolina,  af- 
terwards crossing-  over  into  Tennessee.  Georg-ia  and  Alabama. 
Of  this  family,  Benjamin  and  Peter  Kimbell — by  the  way,  they 
spell  the  name  Kimbell — died  in  Warren  Co.,  N.  C.  Peter  had 
a  son,  Buckner.  Benjamin  had  sons,  David,  James,  Benjamin, 
William,  Samuel,  Ransom  and  Charles.  This  David  Kimbell 
had  sons  named  James,  Benjamin,  Samuel,  Ransom,  Gideon, 
Christopher  and  David;  and  this  last  Benjamin  Kimbell  has  de- 
scendants living-  in  Columbus,  Ga.  The  first  Benjamin  Kim- 
bell's  son  James  had  a  son,  John  Westley  Kimbell,  who  was  born 
at  Warrenton,  N.  C,  married  Rebecca  Blaiiton,  and  had:  James 
Tisdale,  William  Henry,  Sarah  Ann,  Eliza  Rebecca  and  Edwin 
Nathan  Kimbell.  They  were  Methodists,  and  I  understand  the 
family  was  of  Lynchburg,  Va.,  before  the  Revolutionary  War, 
and  then  moved  to  North  Carolina,  Alabama  &c.  I  believe  this 
is  the  family  to  which  belong-ed  a  g-entleman  named  Charles  P. 
Kimball,  a  mining  man  from  Stein's  Pass,  N.  M.,  who  once  cal- 
led upon  me  and  g-ave  me  a  specimen  of  ore  from  the  Kimbell 
Mine  there;  he  said  he  was  a  descendant  of  Benjamin  Kimbell 
of  North  Carolina.  Mrs.  Martin  will  be  grateful  for  any  infor- 
mation as  to  this  family. 


98  Kimball  Family  News 

Another  unconnected  branch  having-  representatives  here  is 
as  follows:  Erastus  and  John  Kimball,  brothers,  went  from  Ver- 
mont to  Onondag-a  Co.,  near  Syracuse,  N.  Y.  Erastus  married 
and  had:  Harrison,  Addison.  Clinton,  Jerome  Bonaparte,  Albert 
and  Adeline  Kimball.  Of  these,  Albert  Kimball,  a  cabinet  ma- 
ker, is  living"  in  Milwaukie,  Wis.  Jerome  Bonaparte  Kimball 
was  born  Aug-ust  ^^  1833;  died  January  3,  1896;  married  Julia 
Morg-an,  of  Favettville,  N.  Y.,  and  lived  in  Manlius,  N.  Y.,  and 
had  children:  Charles  Augustus,  b.  1861,  6  Nov.,  and  lives  at 
Santa  Cruz.  California;  Frank  Eugene,  b.  Sept.  26,  1863,  mar- 
ried Maud  Eveline  Woodworth.  resides  at  Alden,  Alamedo  Co., 
Cal.,  and  has  two  daughters — Maud  Ethel,  b.  Oct.  30,  1886,  and 
Ferm  Romelia,  b.  March  31,  1894,  at  Oakland;  Fred,  who  died 
young-;  and  William  Jerome,  b.  Aug-.  1868,  married  Jennie  Bart- 
lett  and  lives  in  Alameda,  Cal.  It  may  be  that  this  is  the  same 
family  that  Col.  Amos  S.  Kimball,  U.  S.  A.  is  a  member  of. 
The  names — Erastus,  Harrison,  Addison,  Clinton  and  Jerome 
Bonaparte — are  rather  uncommon  in  our  familj ,  and  it  would 
seem  that  this  branch  should  be  easily  placed. 

And  another  family  is  that  of  our  two  cousins,  John  Albion 
and  Frank  Willard  Kimball,  the  attorneys  of  this  city.  Their 
g-randfather.  John  Kimball  Jr.  waS  the  son  of  a  John  Kimball 
who  served  in  the  Revolutionary  war,  and  the  sister  of  John  and 
Frank,  Miss  Carrie  Kimball,  of  San  Luis  Obispo,  has  the  blank- 
et which  he  used  during  the  Revolution.  This  John  Kimball 
Sr.  had  children:  Charles  Kimball,  who  lived  at  Aug-usta,  Me., 
and  was  scalped  by  an  Indian,  who  had  a  son,  Charles,  of  New 
York  City;  Thomas  Kimball,  of  Hallowell,  Maine,  and  Lynn, 
Mass..  who  had  sons,  Theodore  and  Charles,  of  New  York  City; 
Hiram  Kimball,  of  Hallowell,  Maine;  David  Kimball,  of  Chelsea, 
Maine;  Elizabeth  Kimball,  of  Augusta,  Maine:  and  John  Kim- 
ball Jr.,  of  Aug-usta,  Maine,  the  g-randfather  of  John  Albion 
and  Frank  Willard  Kimball,  formerly  of  San  Luis  Obispo,  but 
now  San  Francisco,  Cal.  Perhaps  an  item  in  the  Nkws  will 
bring-  forth  the  desired  information  as  to  John  Kimball  Sr's. 
ancestry.  There  is  a  tradition  that  he  went  from  Massachusetts 
to  Maine.  He  was  prol)ably  of  the  sixth  g-eneration  from  Rich- 
ard Kemball,  the  emigrant. 

After  having-  been  away  from  California  for  about  a  year 
and  a  half,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  FA^nr  Hobart  have  returned  from 
their  trip  to  Paris  and  England.  Mr.  Hobart  has  returned  to 
the  employ  of  the  Soutliern  Pacilic  Company. 

At  our  committee  meeting,  Saturday,  there  were  present: 
John  Albion  and  Frank  Willard  Kimball,  and  Mrs.  Frank  Wil- 
lard Kimball,  Roy  T.  Kimball,  J.  Hoyt  Kimball,  Mrs.  Mary 
Gilmer  Dunn  (aunt  of  Miss  Rebecca  M.  Kimball).  Miss  Grace 
I.  Kimball,  William  Parker  Kimball  and    myself.     Mr.    Joseph 


Julv  and  Aurrust  1900.  99 

Hovt  Kimball's  name  only  appears  in  the  Ilistor}-.  This  is  his 
line:  Richard,  Thciras-,  Richard,  Jcstjh,  Feter,  Joseph,  Solon, 
Joseph  HoYt  Kimball.  His  mother,  Fanny  Hoyt,  was  descend- 
ed from  the  first  John  Hoyt  throu^,'-h  this  line:  John,  Thomas, 
Benjamin,  Benjamin,  John,  Joseph  Brown,  Joseph  Sawyer, 
Fanny  Hoyt.  Mr.  J.  Hoyt  Kimball  married  Alma  E  Bruce, 
and  they  live  at  758,  11th  St.,  Oakland,  on  the  next  block  to 
Mrs.  Grace  M  and  daughter.  Miss  Gertrude  Kimball,  of  the 
family  of  the  late  Levi  Woodbury  Kimball.  Besides  Mr.  J. 
Ho3't  Kimball,  the  Bishop  family  of  Fruitvale,  Alameda  County, 
are  the  only  other  representatives  of  Richard  Keraball's  son 
Thomas  whom  I  have  met  in  California.  Most  of  the  California 
Kiraballs  are  from  Richard's  sons  Richard,  John  and  Benjamin, 
thoug^h  the  line  of  Caleb  is  also  represented  throug-h  Mr. 
Charles  Henry  Kimball,  of  East  Oakland,  and  his  nephew.  Ma- 
jor Gorham  Gates  Kimball,  of  Red  Bluff,  and  the  Redington 
famil}^  of  San  Francisco. 

Mrs.  Maria  Freeman  Gray  did  not  leave  for  the  East  until 
last  Thursday.  She  hopes  to  "be  in  Jerusalem  at  Christmas  time, 
I  understand  there  is  a  plan  on  foot  to  start  the  Christmas 
chimes  at  Jerusalem,  and  have  them  rung*  consecutively  clear 
around  the  world. 

In  yesterday's  "Evening-  Post"  Frank  Willard  Kimball  had 
quite  a  bit  about  the  Kimball  Reunion,  October  6th.  He  is  very 
enthusiastic.  Last  year  was  the  first  Reunion  he  had  attended, 
as  he  formerly  lived  down  in  San  Luis  Obispo  County.  His  wife 
is  a  very  bright  young-  lady,  22  years  old,  with  dark  brown  eyes 
and  lig"ht  brown  hair,  and  very  sweet  ways,  and  she  puts  in 
most  of  her  \ime  at  the  law  office  with  her  husband,  and  says 
she  is  working-  too,  and  is  studying-  law.  She  is  also  enthusias- 
tic about  the  Reunion.  I  have  sent  a  copy  of  the  "Post"  to 
Capt.  F.  M.  Kimball,  and  will  send  others  to  other  Eastern 
cousins.  I  wish  they  would  hold  Reunions  all  over  the  United 
States  on  the  same  date,  and  perhaps  you  mig-ht  sug-gest  this 
idea  in  the  News.  You  know  the  value  of  concentration,  and 
people  like  to  know  that  other  people  approve  of  what  they  are 
doing-.  Roy  and  I  were  speaking  of  having-  a  set  date,  or  a  cer- 
tain day  of  the  week,  say  the  first  Saturday  in  October — Octo- 
ber weather  is  g-enerally  g-ood  all  over  the  United  States — and  I 
am  also  g-oing-  to  sug-g-est  that  we  fix  upon  Golden  Gate  Park, 
San  Francisco,  for  our  annual  outing-,  as  it  is  really  the  best 
place,  all  thing-s  considered,  I  think,  and  the  least  expensive, 
which  counts  with  many  of  us  poorer  ones  with    larg-e    families. 

The  Pacific  Coast  Kimball  Family  Reunion,  October  6.  1900. 


100  Kimball   Family  Nev/s 


Mrs.  Charles  H.  Kimball  of  National  City,  Cal.,  spent  the 
summer  in  the  East. 

Charles  K.  Kimball  has  been  re-elected  a  director  in  the 
Hempstead.  L.  I.  water  company. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter  Kimball  of  Brook  street,  Brookline, 
are  spending-  the  summer  on  Long-  Island,  Ne\v  York. 

Treasurer  Edward  P.  Kimball  of  the  First  National  Bank, 
of  Maiden.  Mass.,  is  summering-  at  Bass  Rocks,  Gloucester. 

Mrs.  Paul  R.  Kimball  of  Topsfield,  Mass.  had  under  her 
direction  150  school  children  who  formed  a  chorus  at  the  late 
250th  anniversary  of  the  settlement  of  that  town. 

Conrad  B.  Kimball  of  Chicago,  has  been  appointed  one  of 
the  guards  at  the  Paris  Exposition.  During-  the  World's  P^air 
at  Chicago  he  was  Mrs.  Potter  Palmer's  Secretary.  Now  he 
g-oes  to  Paris,  probably  through  her  influence.  He  will  improve 
the  occasion  to  take  private  lessons  in  music  for  the  improve- 
ment of  his  remarkable  voice.  [Hist  p.  903,  Fam.  News  Jan. 

Miss  Lucv  A.  Kimball  has  resig-ned  her  position  as  teacher 
in  the  Ipswich,  Mass.  schools.  This  action  was  entirely  unex- 
pected and  a  subject  of  universal  regret.  The  Independent  says 
of  her: 

"By  the  able  and  conscientious  administration  of  her  duties 
and  by  her  adaptation  of  original  prog-ressive  methods  she  had 
endeared  herself  to  pupils,  parents  and  C(mimittee,  and  the 
vacancy  was  not  an  easy  one  to  fill." 

Donald  G.  Kimball  is  reported  as  havings  passed  the  exam- 
ination for  admission  to  West  Point  from  New  Hampshire. 
There  were  eight  applicants  rejected  and  three  accepted.  The 
Manchester,    New   Hampshire,    Unijn    says: 

"Donald  (i.  Kimball  is  a  popular  Manchester  boy,  son  of 
Edward  L.  Kimball,  deputy  naval  officer  at  Boston. 

His  success  is  especially  pK-asing  because  of  the  difficult}' 
there  has  been  in  having  the  youth  of  this  section  represented 
at  that  national  institution.  The  young:  man  has  had  a  good 
fitting  for  college,  and  has  devoted  much  time  to  the  classics, 
Greek,  Latin,  and  mathematics.  He  gave  special  attention  to 
the  preparation  for  entrance  to  West  Point,  and  his  success  is  a 
source  of  congratulation  t(»  his  friends  as  well  as  to  his  parents." 

We  find  no  Donald  (r.  Kimball  in  the  History.  Daniel  (Oil- 
man Kimball,  born  1!SS2,  is  given  on  page  985  as  the  son  of  Ed- 
ward Ty.  Kimball  of  Manchester. 

July  and  August  1900.  101 

J.  H.  Kimball  and  family  of  Maiden,  Mass.,  took  their  out- 
ing- at  Lake  Maraiiacook,  Me.,  where  they  spent  several  weeks. 

At  a  meeting-  of  the  Worcester  Woman's  Club  in  May,  Mrs. 
Geraldine  L.  Kimball  read  a  paper  on  Women's  Wage  Earners 
in  Worcester. 

Miss  Delia  Kimball  has  been  presented  a  handsome  rocker 
by  the  Christian  Endeavor  Society  of  the  Maplewood  Baptist 
Church  at  Maiden,   Mass. 

Miss  Charlotte  Kimball,  College  Settlement,  Philadelphia, 
attended  the  summer  school  of  Philanthropic  work  held  in  New 
York  in  June.     The  course  included  six  weeks  study.  ■ 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  W.  Kimball  and  family  of  Lynn,  Mass., 
and  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Warren  Kimball  and  son  of  West  Newbury 
took  their  summer  outing-  among  the  White  Mountains. 

The  chuFches  at  Rowley,  Mass-,  commemorated  children's 
day  in  a  manner  that  created  a  good  deal  of  interest.  Mrs. 
Josephine  Kimball  was  one  of  the  prog-ram  committee. 

Mr.  and  Mrs. William  W.  Kimball  of  Chicago,  who  have 
been  prominent  in  the  North  Shore  colony  at  Mcinchester-b^^-the- 
Sea,  Mass.,  the  past  three  years  have  gone  to  Europe.  The 
Kimball  piano  will  still  play  on. 

Miss  Florence  Kimball  of  Topeka,  is  taking  a  vacation  at 
summer  resorts  in  the  Rocky  Mountains.  She  intends  to  make 
Pikes  Peak  without  the  aid  of  the  cog-road.  Her  sisters  Martha 
and  Eleanor  have  preferred  a  visit  to  friends  near  the  Ozark 
Mountains  in  Missouri.  Mrs.  F.  M.  Kimball  and  daughter 
Maud  are  in  Canon.  City,  Colorado. 

The  Hon.  John  H.  Kimball  of  Bath,  Me.,  has  been  a  fishing. 
The  Bath  Times  of  June  11,  notes  that  he  and  his  wife  had  re- 
turned from  the  lakes,  and  that  he  had  great  luck,  landing  an 
eight-pound  trout,  with  a  fly,  which  is  the  largest  that  has  been, 
caught  for  several  seasons.  He  lost  a  large  one  that  broke  his 
leader.  Mr.  Kimball  has  been  a  regular  visitor  to  Rangeley 
since  1869. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  Kimball  of  Winthrop,  Mass.,  celebra- 
ted the  12th  anniversary  of  their  married  life  Feb.  12,  1900,  at 
their  beautiful  home.  The  guests  will  long-  and  pleasantly  re- 
member the  most  enjoyable  function.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Kimball 
are  among  the  town's  most  prominent  and  greatly  esteemed  cit- 
izens. The  guests  came  from  the  different  Wmthrops,  and 
ma.nj  were  present  from  Boston  and  her  adjacent  suburbs.  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Kimball  were  kept  busy  shaking  hands  with  their 
friends,  who  wished  them  all  kinds  of  joy. 

102  Kimball  Family  News 

Mrs.  Grace  M.  Kimball  and  daug'hter  Gertrude  of  Oakland, 
Cal.,  have  been  spending-  a  part  of  the  summer  at  Pacific  Grove, 
near  Monterey,  as  the}-  arc  in  the  habit  of  doing-. 

Prof.  Arthur  W.  Kimball  and  wifeofOberlin  College  lOhio; 
and  Thomas  Kimball  of  Rockport,  Mass.,  have  been  visiting 
friends  in  Old  Ipswich  as  is  their  yearly  custom,  and  Miss  Liz- 
zie Kimball  of  Ipswich  has  been  enjoying  the  "Bluff"  with 

Gorham  Gates  Kimball  of  Red  BluiT,  Cal.,  has  been  spend- 
ing sometime  at  the  Waldeck  Sanitorium.  His  health  has  not 
been  good  and  lie  will  not  be  able  to  attend  the  San  Francisco 
Reunion  on  October  6,  but  he  will  send  his  good  wishes. — (Hist, 
page  951.; 

William  Parker  Kimball  and  family  went  on  a  camping  trip 
to  Boulder  Creek,  near  Santa  Cruz,  in  June.  Miss  Alice,  who 
recently  graduated  from  the  University  of  California,  at  Berkley, 
has  obtained  a  position  as  teacher  in  one  of  the  inland  counties, 
Yolo  or  Yuba. 

Miss  Ruth  Kimball  of  Hay  wards  has  spent  two  months  or 
more  at  Castle  Crag,  Shasta  Co.,  Cal.  The  Castle  Crag-  Tavern 
was  burned  down  during  the  season,  but  the  guests  found  refuge 
in  the  neighboring  cottages.  Castle  Crag  is  a  picturesque  and 
fashionable  summer  resort. 

Prof.  Franklin  T.  Schott,  of  Manzanita  Hall,  Palo  Alto,  a 
grandson  of  George  Washington  Kimball  Jr.  (p.  344),  has  spent 
part  of  his  vacation  with  his  famil)^  at  Antioch,  San  Joaquin 
County,  Cal.  Mr.  Schott  is  professor  of  physics  and  mathema- 
tics at  Manzanita  Hall,  a  preparatory  school  in  Palo  Alto,  and  is 
an  enthusiastic  worker. 

The  annual  struggle  for  the  office  of  State  Auditor  of  Mas- 
sachusetts has  begun.  Gen.  John  W.  Kimball  has  held  the 
office  for  seven  years  without  much  effort,  and  it  is  doubtful  if 
he  can  be  displaced  this  year.  [Hist,  page  841]  Gen.  Kimball 
is  a  g-randson  of  Deacon  Ephriam  Kimball  of  Fitchburg.  [Fam. 
News  July  and  Aug.  189^).] 

George  W.  Kimball  of  Palmyra,  Neb.,  has  bought  320  acres 
of  a  noted  ranche  some  12  or  15  miles  from  Topeka  and  his  fam- 
ily will  move  on  the  same  before  spring.  With  the  help  of  his 
boys,  he  is  novv  preparing  for  next  year's  crop.  He  dropped  in 
on  the  News  early  in  August.  He  is  a  cousin  of  Mrs.  Maria 
Freeman  Gray  and  one  of  the  descendants  of  Jonh  Kimball' 
whose  familv  is  given  in  th.-  May  News,  f^.-c  p.  71  ) 


July  and  August  1900.  103 


At  6  Rockland  Ave.,  June  21,  by  Dr.  Edward  Everett  Hale, 
Mr.  James  W.  Bartholomew  and  Miss  Carrie  F.  Kimball,  both 
of  Roxbury,  Mass. 

In  Boston  June  1(>,  by  Rev.  L.  H.  Dorchester,  I,  A.  Kimball 
of  Boston,  third  son  of  W.  H.  Kimball  of  Iliverhill,  Mass.,  and 
Georgianna,  youngest  daughter  of  J.  Munroe  Jackmann,  East 
Kingston,  N.  H. 

Miss  Florence  L.  Armstrong  of  Newton  Center,  and  Mr. 
Harry  L.  Kimball  of  West  Newton  (Mass.)  were  married  June 
18,  at  the  residence  of  the  bride's  parents  in  Maple  park.  The 
service  took  place  at  5:3''  o'clock,  and  was  performed  by  the  Rev„ 
G.  H.  Spencer.  After  a  tour,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Kimball  will  reside 
on  Waltham  street.  West  Newton. 

The  Boston  Hearld,  May  27: 

A  vv^edding  of  interest   to  Maiden  society   was  that   which 
took  place  in  the  First  Universalist  Church  in  Haverhill  on  Wed- 
nesday evening.     It  w^as  that  of   Miss   Myrtle   Lygia   Kimball 
and  Mr.  Allen  Hoyt  Wilde.    The  bride  is  the  third  daughter   of 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alfred  Kimball,  a  charming  belle  in  the   younger 
society,  and  the  groom  is  the  son  of  Mr.    and   Mrs.   William   A. 
Wilde  of  Maiden,  and  associated  with  his  father   in   the   W.    A. 
Wilde  Publishing   Company   of  Boston.     The  Rev.    Dr.    J.    C. 
Snow  of  this  city  officiated  at  the  ceremony,  assisted  by  the  Rev. 
Dr.  Thomas  A.  Nelson  of  Brooklyn.     The   double  ring   service 
was  used.     The  bride  was  charming  in  her  conventional   white 
satin  gown,  appliqued  with   duchesse    lace,    and    she   carried   a 
large  bunch  of  white  lilacs.     The  maid  of   honor.    Miss    Agnes 
G.  Chase,  was  extremely  pretty  in  a  frock  of   white   mull,    and 
the  bridemaids  were  all  in    pink.       A    large   reception    followed 
the  ceremony  at  the  residence  of  the  bride's  parents  on  Windsor 
street.     After  a  short  wedding  journey  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wilde  will 
live  in  Maiden. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  H.  Kimball  and  son  Charles  of  South 
Boston,  have  been  passing  a  few  days  at  the  residence  of  Wil- 
liam R.  Johnson,  on  Church  street,  Mr.  Kimball  has  recently 
purchased  a  farm  in  Danbury,  N.  H.  The  family  will  shortly 
reside  there,  and  he  will  make  his  permanent  home  at  that  place 
leaving  South  Boston  in  about  a  year. — Lawrence,  Mass. 

|i»4  Kimball  Family  Newt* 


Dr  Joseph  E.  Kimball  died  in  Nashua,  N.  H.  June  9,  1900, 
at  the  home  of  his  sister  Mrs.  H.  W.  Davis.  He  was  born  in 
that  city  June  14,  185't,  the  son  of  the  late  Lewis  and  Jane  P. 
Kimball.  He  was  educated  in  the  Nashua  public  schools;  then 
he  entered  the  univ^ersity  of  Vermont  medical  colleg^e.  After 
his  graduation  in  86  he  beg-an  the  practice  of  his  profession  in 
Chelsea,  Mass.  A  few  years  ag-o  he  removed  to  Boston  to  give 
his  entire  time  and  attention  to  Daniel  Ford,  late  owner  of  the 
Youths'  Companion. 

Dr.  Kimball  was  a  member  of  the  Carey  Ave.  Baptist  church 
of  Chelsea.  He  leaves  a  mother,  sister  and  son,  Samuel  Mason 

A.  L.  Dame  of  Methuen,  Mass.,  has  in  his  posession  a  bible 
over  200  3  ears  old.  The  book  is  remarkably  well  preserved  and 
the  printing  is  still  very  distinct.  The  book  is  the  property  of 
Mr.  Dame's  sister,  Mrs.  B.  K.  Cole,  of  Rayham,  who  is  visiting 
here.  The  book  was  found  12  years  ag"o  by  Mrs.  Cole  while  an 
old  house  occupied  by  her  was  being-  remodelled.  It  was  located 
under  the  eaves-  The  book  was  prinxed  in  1682.  The  new  tes- 
tament title  page  of  the  book  reads  as  follows: 

The  new  testament  of  Our  Lord  and  Saviour  Jesus  Christ, 
newly  translated  out  of  the  original  Greek  and  with  the  former 
translations  diligently  compared  and  revised.  With  marginal 
notes  shewing  that  Scripture  is  the  best  interpreter  of  Scripture. 

On  the  other  side  of  this  page  is  the  following  written  in 

Elizabeth  Kimball  property,  given  her  by  her  grand  moth- 
er's cousin  who  died  in  year  of  1715.  Was  Elizabeth  Gray's 
property  fcom  the  time  of  her  birth,  1740.  The  record  does  not 
show  to  whom  the  book  belonged  between  1715  anil  1740. — Law- 
rence, Mass.,  Daily  American. 

Gordon  Kimball  of  Ouray,  Col.  has  sent  to  the  Massachusetts 
bureau  of  mines  a  rare  specimen  of  canary  colored  Carnotite. 
This  mineral  was  discovered  only  last  3'ear  and  has  been  found 
in  no  other  part  of  the  world  than  Colorado.  It  contains  more 
than  52  per  cent  of  uranium  and  considerable  varadium  and 
potassium.  The  new  mineral  was  named  in  honor  of  a  French- 
man who  discovered  it.  He  sent  it  to  France  instead  of  to 
Washington  for  analysis.  A  P'rench  syndicate  will  soon  com- 
mence to  mine  for  this  new  mineral. 

Gordon  Kimball  is  a  son  of  Adolphus  Kimball  No.  1835,  and 
is  the  great-grandson  of  Deacon  Ei>hraim  Kimball  No.  520,  a 
length!  \'  ^i-;.  ^  1i  of  wboni  wns  given  in  Julv  and  August  Nkws 

July  and  August  1900.  105 



Died  in  Wells,  Maine,  May  13,  Mrs.  Hadassah,  widow  of 
Ralph  E.  Kimball. 


Ex-Mayor  Georg-e  W.  Kimball  of  Rockland,  Me.,  died  sud- 
denly June  22,  of  heart  disease.  He  formerly  was  mayor,  and 
he  had  held  many  other  important  offices. 


Harry  Kimball  of  Allston,  while  riding-  a  horse  in  Maple- 
wood  in  Maiden,  Mass.,  June  5,  was  thrown  to  the  ground  by 
the  horse  shying  and  struck  upon  his  head,  being  fatally  injured. 


Matthew  C.  Kimball,  who  was  well  known  in  this  town, 
died  last  Saturday  in  Old  Town,  Me.,  aged  68  years  and  six 
months.  Mr.  Kimball  had  considerable  ability  as  a  comedian 
and  in  his  younger  years  could  furnish  a  pleasing  entertainment. 
The  remains  were  brought  to  this  town  Tuesday  afternoon  and 
placed  in  the  tomb  at  Walnut  Grove  cemetery.  In  the  spring 
interment  will  take  place  at  the  old  burying  ground  on  Law- 
rence street. — Lrwrence  Mass.,  American. 


The  following  we  take  from  the  Boston  Herald  of  Mar.  27, 
1896.  relating  to  the  funeral  of  the  well  known  leader  of  the 
Opera  Company  mentioned.  The  little  petite  singer,  Corinne 
Kimball  has  appeared  in  every  considerable  city  in  the  Union. 
We  are  not  informed  as  to  her  connection  with  the  Kimball  fam- 
ily, and  she  is  not  mentioned  in  the  History. 

'•Services  were  held  over  the  remains  of  the  once  well  known 
actress,  Mrs.  Jennie  Kimball,  late  manager  of  the  Kimball  opera 
company,  and  mother  of  Corinne  Kimball,  the  singer,  at  the 
Forest  Hills  cemetery  chapel  at  11:30  o'clock  this  forenoon. 

The  chapel  was  filled  with  frieuus  and  relatives,  among 
whom  were  many  members  of  the  theatrical  profession.  Sever- 
al of  the  Kimball  opera  company  came  on  to  the  services,  accom- 
panying the  bereaved  daughter. 

Rev.  Roland  Hale  of  the  Church  of  Our  Savior,  Roslindale, 
was  the  officiating  clergyman. 

The  body  lay  in  a  handsome  broadcloth-covered  casket, 
which  was  surrounded  by  many  beautiful  floral  offerings,  the 
most  prominent  of  which  were  a  mass  of  pansies  and  ivy  in  the 
shape  of  a  heart,  surmounting  a  pedestal  of  calla  lilies." 

106  Kimball  Faniilj  News. 


The  New  York  Tribune  of  July  22,  g-ives  a  column,  with 
portrait  c:uncernin<r  Col.  A  S.  Kimball,  Assistant  Quartermas- 
ter-General, United  States  Army,  and  tells  of  his  arduous  duties 
just  now. 

"Colonel  Kimball  was  a  chief  quartermaster  in  the  Civil 
War,  but  his  duties  then  did  not  include  sending-  a  soldier's  din- 
ner two-thirds  of  the  way  around  the  world  and  more,  as  they  do 
now.  His  are  always  bus}-  days-  The  Colonel  looks  after  all 
the  movements  of  ships  and  tranportation  of  troops,  horses, 
clothing-  and  forag-e,  and  several  thousand  more  items. 

Three  or  four  ships,  each  with  a  tonnag-e  of  from  1,500  to 
2.000  tons,  sail  every  month.  They  all  go  by  the  Suez  Canal, 
and  take  from  forty-tive  to  lifty  days  for  the  trip. 

Two  ships  are  now  beings  loaded  in  Brooklyn  with  stores 
for  troops  in  the  Kast. 

At  least  everything-  that  is  kept  in  a  g-eneral  store  in  an  Ari- 
zona mining-  camp  are  on  the  ordinary  Army  ship  bound  for 
Manila.  There  are  coffins  and  blacksmiths'  tools,  veterinary 
supplies,  reading  matter,  sterilizers,  filters,  restraining-  appara- 
tus for  the  insane,  toothbrushes  and  combs,  shoestring-s  and  ra- 
zors, cornbeef  hash,  oysters,  pipes,  yeast  cakes,  cheese,  towels, 
pencils,  candies,  hand  basins,  borax,  souo,  olives,  shoe  blacking- 
and  hair  oil. 

A  board  of  officers,  to  consist  of  Major-General  John  R. 
Brooke,  Colonel  Georg-e  L.  Gillespie,  Corps  of  Eng-ineers,  and 
Colonel  Amos  S.  Kimball,  assistant  qui  rtermaster-g-eneral,  is 
appointed  to  meet  at  Governor's  Island  to  inspect  the  island  and 
all  building-s  and  to  prepare  and  recommend  a  g-eneral  plan  for 


At  the  June  Encampment  of  the  Idaho  G.  A.  R.  held  in 
Weiser,  Nelson  F.  Kimball,  who  was  last  year  elected  Depart- 
ment Commander,  was  presented  with  a  beautiful,  g-old(T.  A.  R. 
badg-e,  with  the  rank  strap  of  a  department  commander  attatched, 
and  suitably  eng^raved.  Of  course  he  prizc-s  it  at  much  above  its 
intrinsic  value,  and  will  hand  it  down  to  Gilbert,  his  onlv  son 
when  he  joins  the  g-reat  camp  beyond  the    river. 

Bishop  Lawrence  of  the  Massachusetts  Diocese  has  dedicat- 
ed a  new  Episcopal  Church  at  Duxbury.  The  remodeled  church 
is  an  ancient  structure,  having-  been  built  by  the  Methodists 
early  in  the  century.  It  was  presented  to  the  parish  by  Mrs. 
Laura  Spraguc  Sampson.  Rev.  Thacher  Kimball  is  the  rector. 
(Hist,  patre.  744?) 


July  and  Auarust  1900.  10/ 


Varnum  Kimball,  an  inmate  of  the  Soldiers  Home,  near 
Aug-usta,  Me.,  died  Sunday  June  24. 

He  was  a  veteran  of  compan^^  D,  11th  Massachusetts  volun- 
teers, and  went  out  on  a  live  days  pass  Saturday  morning-.  Sun- 
day morning-  he  returned  with  his  face  battered  and  bruised. 
When  taken  to  the  hospital  he  was  unable  to  g-ive  a  clear  ex- 
planation, and  refused  to  talk  much,  other  than  he  had  been 
attacked  on  the  Aug-usta  road  by  unknown  persons,  who  pound- 
ed and  kicked  him  about  the  head  and  body.  He  died  Sur^day 
nig-ht.  He  had  the  reputation  among-  the  soldiers  of  being-  quiet 
and  inoffensive. 

Gov.  Allen  of  the  home  was  seen,  and  said  the  authorities 
were  doing-  all  in  their  power  to  investig^ate  the  matter. 

He  was  59  years  of  ag-e,  and  his  home  was  in  Haverhill, 

Later  on  the  officers  arrested  Charles  Seeley,  an  inmate  of 
the  home.  Seeley  is  charg-ed  with  assault  with  intent  to  kill, 
and  since  being-  confined  in  the  Aug-usta  police  station  he  has 
admitted,  it  is  said,  that  he  was  concerned  in  a  lig-ht  with  Kim- 
ball a  week  ag-o  Friday.  Seeley  was  held  for  the  September 
term  of  the  supreme  court. 

We  do  not  find  Varnum  Kimball  in  the  History. 


The  following-  is  sent  us  without  date,  but  evidently  clipped 
from  an  old  paper.  It  probably  refers  to  Davids  No.  678 — v. 
Hist.  p.  .%7.  This  David  was  the  father  of  John  Granville  Kim- 
ball, whofe  record  is  incorrectly  g-iven  on  pag^e  672  of  History, 
and  corrected  on  pag-es  108  and"l26  of  Fam.  Nkws. 

"Old  Dave  Kimball,  who,  years  ag-o,  lived  in  the  town  of 
Parsonsfield,  Me.,  was  an  inveterate  drunkard,  and  there  was 
scarcely  a  day  when  he  was  not  more  or  less  under  the  influence 
of  liquor.     When  in  this  condition  he  was  always  very  cross. 

It  happened  on  one  occasion,  when  old  Dave  was  unusually 
surly,  that,  as  the  family  were  eating-  dinner,  there  came  a 
knock  at  the  door.  One  of  the  children  opened  it  and  ushered 
in  the  room  a  strang-er,  who,  turning-  to  Dave,  said: 

"I  am  an  ag-ent  for of  Boston;  would  you  like  to  take 

the  life  of  Josephus?" 

"Take  the  life  of  Josephus!"  exclaimed  Dave  ang-rily,  rais- 
ing- the  carving-  knife  and  moving-  quickly  toward  the  strang-er, 
"What  has  Josephus  done  to  me  that  I  should  take  his  life? 
You  g-it." 

And  it  is  needless  to  say,  the  ag-ent  lost  no  time  in  making- 
himself  scarce." 

108  Kimball  Fainilv  News 

Supplemental    Notes  to    Family    History. 

HY  PROF.   8.   P.   SHARPI.K8. 


[Recently  there  came  into  mv  pos.sesion  throug-h  the  kindness  of  Warner 
E.  Sprague  G.  <r.  (irandson  of  Levi  Kimball  a  small  pamphlet  which  car- 
ries the  History  of  the  Descendants  of  Levi  Kimball  down  to  186L  This 
little  book  seems  to  have  been  printt^d  and  not  published  Until  Mr. 
Sprague  wrote  me  I  had  never  heard  of  it,  nor  do  I  find  it  u'entioned  on 
any  catab/gue  of  genealogical  works.  I  have  made  two  complete  copies  of 
the  work  one  of  which  I  have  in  my  possession  and  the  other  has  been  de- 
posited in  the  Library  of  the  New  England  Historic-Genealogical  Societj-. 
on  Somerset  street,  Boston.  These  copies  are  word  for  word  line  for  line 
and  page  for  page.  The  .style  of  the  work  is  very  poor  there  being  much 
repetition  and  no  cross  references.  I  have  therefore  taken  the  material 
and  put  it  into  the  same  arrangement  as  the  Kimball  Family  History.  Mr. 
Sprague  promises  to  bring  this  history  down  to  the  present  time.  Tlr<» 
little  book  has  an  appendix  containing  considerable  information  in  regard 
to  the  Darbee  Family.  This  has  also  been  copied  and  deposited  with  the 

I  found  it  very  difficult  to  get  any  information  of  the  de.scendanls  of 
Jacob  Kimball,  but  at  the  present  time  the  records  are  beconuingr  quite 
full  As  is  mentioned  on  pTge  70  Family  History,  the  children  of  Jacob 
were  very  long  lived  and  it  now  seems  that  they  we'-e  very  prolific. 
Instead  of  th"  three  children  of  Levi  given  on  page  13fi  he  had  14.  Most 
of  these  have  many  descendants.  Stephkx  P.  Siiarpi.e.'*.] 

Pag-e  136  No.  186— Levi  Kimbali'  ( Jacob^  Jobn'^  Johns  Richard') 
born  in  Preston  Conn.  April  22,  1745,  Died  Sept.  15,  1S27, 
Rockli'nd,  Delaware  Co  ,  N:  Y.,  m.  1/67  Abig-ail  Sissions 
b.  1750,  d.  1829.  After  the  birth  of  the  three  chil- 
dren he  retnoved  to  Orang-e  county  N.  Y.  where  he  resid- 
ed until  about  IZS^w^hen  he  returned  to  Conr..  Again 
removed   to   New  York  State  about  17^)6.     In  1778  he  was 

,  in  Pennsylvania,  and  but  a  day  or  two  before  the    Massa^ 

ere  of  Wyoming  he  was  in  its  immediate  vicinity.  In  17'^6 
he  settled  in  Rockland  (then  Delaware^  now  Sullivan 
county  New  York  At  that  time  that  section  of  the  state 
was  almost  a  wilderness,  but  few  settlers  having  located. 
There  were  no  roads.  To  reach  the  place  they  had  to 
])ick  their  wa}  over  mountains,  through  ravines,  and 
along  the  beds  of  streams.  He  purchased  a  farm  at  the 
junction  of  two  streams  the  Bea\erkill  and  Willowemack 
on  which  he  resided  until  his  death. 

<   IIII.DKK.N'. 

44<la  i  llanniih'   t)    .Xnrwich  Ct.  Oct.  :.'7.  ITfiO.  d.   Dec.   !.'>.  IS.'.l. 

4-ir.b  ii  Dt-sire"  b.  Norwich  Ct.  Oct.  15,  1771. 

44f(C  iii  Levi"  b.   Norwich  Ct.  July  12.  1773.  d.  .Ian.  18.  IS.'.O. 

44<",d  iv  .Mjigail"  b.  June  21.  177."i  (Joshen.  Orange  Co..  N    Y. 

44r)e  V  Sally"  b.  Little  Britain.  Orange  Co..  N.  Y.  Mav  23,  1777. 

44f.f  vi  Pollv"  b.  May  12.  177S'M((nson.  Orangfc  Co..  N.' Y.- 

44<ig  vii  Oliver"  b.  April  l.'i.  1781  Monson.  Orange  Cc,  N.  Y. 

440(1  viii  Sabra"  b.  Feb    21,  178.T  Norwich.  C 

July  and  August  1900.  109 

44fii     ix     Betsey"  b.  April  29,  1785  Norwich,  Ct. 

4461      X     WiJliam«  b   Feb.  6,  1787,  Norwich,  Ct. 

446k    xi     Nancv"  b,  Nov.  6,  1788,  Preston,  Ct. 

4461   xii     Lncv"  b.  Feb.  29,  1793.  Preston,  Ct. 

446m  xiii  George  D«  b.  July  4.  1794.  Little  Britain,  Orang-e  Co.,  N.  Y. 

446n  xiv    Rnsse]«  b.  April  21,  1797,  Rockland,  Sullivan  Co.  N.  Y. 

No.  446a— Hannah  KimbairXLevi^  Jacob'  Johns  John^  Richard^) 
Born  Norwich  Conn.  Oct.  27,  176'',  d.  Dec.  IS,  1851,  Rock- 
land N.  Y.  m,  at  Jewett  City,  Ct.  Sept.  30,  1790,  Samuel 
Darbee  b.  Lisbon,  Ct.  June  2,  1768,  d.  Rockland,  N.  Y., 
April  20,  1826.  Samuel  Darbee  was  the  son  of  Jedediah 
and  Lucretia  (Cleveland;  Darbee.  (See  History  of  The 
Cleveland  Family.)  He  was  left  an  orphan  at  an  early 
ag^e  and  was  apprenticed  to  a  clothier.  In  1.792  he  went 
to  Chester,  Orang-e  Co.,  N.  Y.  and  in  1796  removed  to 
Rockland,  Sullivan  Co.,  (then  Neversink,  Delaware  Co., 
N.  Y.)  He  purchased  a  farm  adjacent  to  that  of  Levi 
Kimball  and  built  a  fulling-  and  dyeing-  m.ill.  He  continu- 
ed the  cloth  dressings  business  in  connection  with  farming- 
until  a  few  years  previous  to  his  death.  He  and  his  wife 
were  devoted  members  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church. 


927a       i     Lucretia  Darbee'^  b.  Goshen.  N.  Y.  J<>n.  3,  1792. 

ii     Sarah  Darbee  b.  Goshen  July  24,  1793,  d.  July  2,  1853. 
9::7b    iii     Lucimia  Darbee  b.  Dec.  30.  1794,  Goshen,  N.  Y. 
927c    iv     John  Darbee  b.  March  20,  1796.  Goshen,  N.   Y. 
927d     V     Abigail  Darbee  b.   March  22.  1798,  Rockland,  N.  Y 
927e   vi     Hannah  Darbee  b.  Nov.  7,  1799,  Rockland,  N.  Y. 
9'37f  vii     William  T.  Darbee,  b.  Nov.  1,  1801  Rockland.  N.  Y. 
927gviii  Levi  Darbet'^  b.  April  8.  1803,  Rockland,  N.  Y. 

ix     Roxana  Darbee^  b.  May  21,  1806,  d.  July  6,  1851,    Rockland 
New  York. 
927h    X     Samuel  Darbee^  Jr.  b.  March  11.  1808,  Rockland.  N.  Y. 
927i  xi     Catherine  Darb^e^  b.  Aug.  15,  1810.  Rockland.  N.  Y. 
927j  xii    Chester  Darb«e^  b.  June  8.  1813,  Rockland,  N.  Y, 

No.  446b— Desire  Kimball''  (Levi*  Jacob' Johu'^  .John- Richard'} 
b.  Norwich,  Ct.  Oct.  15,  1771,  d m.  Asa  Stanton. 


927k     i  Charles  Stanton^  b.  Feb.  6,   1789. 

9271    ii  Asa  Stanton  Jr.  b.  Jul  v27,   1793. 

927m  iii  William  Stanton  b.  Sept.  20,  1798. 

927n  iv  Levi  Kimball  Stanton  b.  April  6,  1803. 

No.  446c — Levi  Kimball"  (Levis  Jacob^  John*^  John^  Richard^)  b. 
Norwich.  Ct.  July  12,  1773,  d.  Jan.  18,  1850,  m.  Jan.  1798 
Charlotte  Stewart. 


i     James  Clinton'  b.  Sept.  7.  1800.  d.  Mar.    17,  1808. 
927o  ii    Svlvanus'  b.  Oct.  10,  1801. 
927piii   Pamelia^  b.  May  16,  1803. 
iv    William^  b.  Feb.  28,  1809. 
V     RachaeF  b.  Sept.  19,  1810.  d.  Dec.  1'.*.  1811. 

110  Kimball  Family  News 

927q  vi    Abigail^  b    Aug.  2.  ISK),  m.  Aug.  16,  1830  John  (Jill. 
927r  vii  Levi  R.'  b.  Dec.  26,  1820,  in.  Dec.  10,  IS.'iO  Cornelia    Hennett. 
m.  2nd.  Mary  liolden  of  Orange  N.   J. 
viii    John  D.^  b.  Oct.  8,  1822. 
No.  44()d — Abig-ail  Kimball"  (Levi''  Jacob"*  John'  John'-;  Richard') 

b.  Goshen,  Orant,'-e  Co.,  New  York,  June  21,  1775.  d 

m.   ....  William  Hopkins,  d,  1836. 


i     Marvin  Hopkins'  b.  179C.,  d.  Mav  10.  lH:il.     He    was    killed 
on  board  one  of   the   Catharine    Street   feriy   boats.    New 
York  by  being  caught  in  the  machinery,  he  was   engineer 
of  the  boat.     m.  Kachael   Drake. 
;)27s   ii     William  A.  Hopkins^  b    1798. 

iii     Abigail  Hopkins'  m.  John  Hogeboom. 

iv     Caroline  Hopkins' m Wrexf^ord.     m  2 Robbins. 

V  De  Witt  Clinton  Hopkins^  b d ra 

No.  446e— Sally  Kimball**  ^Levr'  Jacobs  John'  John^  Richard' )  b. 
Little  Britian,  Orange  Co.,  New  York,  May  2.^.  1777.  m. 
John  Ainsley. 


i  .John  Ainsley' 

li  Ambrose  Ainsley' 

iii  (ieorge  Ainsley' 

i .'  Nancy  Ainsley' 

V  Delinda  Ainsley' 
vi  Abigail  Ainsley'^ 

vii  Louisa   Ainsley' 

viii  Eli/,aV)eth  Ains'ey' 

ix  Sally  Ainsley' 

X  Julia  Ainsley' 

xi  Ann  Ainsley" 

No.  446f— Polly  Kimball^  (Levi"'  Jacobs  John''  John-'  Richard'  >  b. 
.  Monson,  Orang-e  Co.,  New  York,  May  12,  1770,  m.  Joseph 


i  Hudson  Ainsley' 

ii  Urinsoii  Ainsley'^ 

iii  .Tohas  Ainsley' 

iv  .Ii)seph  Ainsley'    • 

v  <'3'ntliia  Ainsley' 

vi  Desire  Ainsley" 

vii  I^aura  Ainsley' 

viii  Saiina  Ainsley' 

ix  IjiK-y  Ainsley^ 

j    -K  .\l)igail  .\inslev' 

(  xi  Eunice   .AinsU'v' 

No.  4460- — Oliver  Kimball'"  '.Lcvi'i  Jacobs  John''  John*  Richard') 
born  Monson,  Or.-inge  County,  N.  Y.  April  15,  17S1,  d. 
Mav  11,  1849,  m.  Oct.  30,  ISOf),  Sophia  Stanton  b.  March 
8,  1787,  d.  Feb.  2,  1851. 


<)27t     i     Pol\v  IJrewer  b.  .Vug.  7.    18(i'.t. 

Julj  and  Aug-ust  1900.  ill 

927u  H     Sally  S.^  b.  May  31,  1812. 

iii    Julia  AudJ  b.  July  29,  1814,  d.  Oct.  1831. 
927v  iv     Lucy  P.^  b.  Aug.  26,  1818. 

No.  446h— Sabra  Kimball"  (Levi'  Jacob*  John^   John'   Richardi) 

born  Norwich,  Conn.,  Feb.  21,  1773,  d m.    Robert 

Cochran.  Most  of  the  children  were  married  and  some  of 
them  have  large  families. 


i  John  Cochran^ 

ii  Oliver  Cochran'' 

iii  Nelson  Cochran^ 

iv  James  S.  Cochran^ 

V  Ostrander  Cochran^ 

vi  Maria  Cochran^ 

vii  Dolly  Cochran' 

viii  Julia  Cochran'^ 

No.  446i— Betsy  Kimball^'  (Levi'  Jacob^  John^  John^  Richardi)  b. 

Norwich",  Conn.  April  29,  1785,  d m.  July  3,    1807, 

William  Woodward,  b.  May  29,  1787. 


927w   i     Charles  Woodward'  b.  Aug-.  21,  1808. 
'J37x  ii     Levi  Wood  war  i'  b.  Feb,  7,   1811. 
927y  iii     William  Woodward'  Jr.  b.  Feb!  14,   1813 
927z  iv     Ambrose  Woodward'  b.  Mar.  3,   1817. 
927aa  v   Samuel  Woodward'  b.  July  23,  1823 
927bb  vi  Patience  Woodward'  b.  Feb    24.   1827. 

vii  George  Eiley  Woodward'  b.  Mar.  1,   1823. 

No.  446j— William  Kimball'  (Levi^  Jacob'  John'^  John'  Richardi) 
b.  Norwich,  Conn.  Feb.  6,  1787,  d.  March  1861.  m.  Sept. 
14,  1808,  Hannah  Carrier  b.  Colchester,  Ct:  June  19,  1785. 
Married  at  Liberty,  Sullivan  county.  New  York. 


i     Nancy'  b.  June  •">,  1809.  Rockland,  Sullivan  Co.  New   York, 

Married  Samuel  Sprague  Feb.  10,  1827. 
ii     .lames'  b.  Oct.  29,  1810,  Colchester  Delaware  county,  N.  Y. 
d.  Jan.  9,  183.5,  m.  Anril  22,  1834,  Catherine  Johnson 
927cciii    William  D.' b.  Aug.  "28,  1814,  Colche.ster. 

iv     Caroline'  b.  Dec.  11,  1815,  Colchester,  N.  Y.  m,  June  13,  1838, 
Ferris  Maffett  ' 

927dcl  V     Lliiiabeth'  b.  June  17,  1818,  Colchester,  New  York. 

vi     Isaac  C  '  b.  May  14,  1820.  m.  July  1,  1841,    Lavinia   Hodge. 
927ee  vii  Marvin'  b.  Jan.  28,  1822,  Colchester,  N.  Y. 

No.  446k — Nancy  Kimball''  (Levi*  Jacob*  John'  John^  Rj'chardM 
born  Preston,  Ct.  Nov.  6,  1788,  d ra.  William  Coch- 
ran. They  had  three  children,  one  son  and  two  daugh- 
ters.        I^hey  removed  to  Illinois  previous  to  1830. 

No.  4461 — Lucy  Kimball«  (Levi*  Jacobs  John"  John'  Richard^)  b. 

Preston,  Conn.  July  4,  1794,  d m.    1811,    George   S. 

Joscelyn  b.  17^1  at  Prince  William,  New  Brunswick,  d 
April  11,1858. 

112  Kimball  Familjr   News 


S'.'Tff    i     William  K.  Joscelyn'  b.  Colchester,  N'.  Y.   Mar.  4.  181:^. 

ii     Catharine  L.  Josoelj'n'  b.  Rockland,  New  York.    May.    30. 
181'.,  m.  Jan.  1,  1839,  Cyrus  Carrier,  tn.  2.  .lune  1,  184').  Calt-b 
liiiokley.  m.  3.  Dee.  1.  1849,  Joel  Carrier, 
jii     Hannah  Ann  Joscelyn^  b.  Rockland  N.  Y.  May  20,  1817.  m. 
Jan.  It,  1840,  James  Murdock. 
927gg'  iv  Abigail  Joscelyn'  b.  Rockland,  N.  Y.  Aug.  3,  1819. 
927hh  V  George  W.  Joscelyn'  b.  Covert,  N.  Y.  Oct.  6,  1831. 
93';ii   vi    Amanda  Joscelyn'  b.  Covert.  N.  Y.  Nov.  19,  1823 

vii    Russell  S.  Joscelyn'  b.  Rockland,  April  23,  ls3(;.  d    Mar.  4. 

viii    Margaret  Jos3elvn' b.  Rocklard,  N.  Y.    Dec.    18,    1837.    m. 
June  16    18.')7. 
y27jj  ix    Polly  Joscelyn^  b.  Rockland  N.  Y\  April  22,   1830. 

X    Jackson  K.  Joscelyn  b.  Rockland.  N.  Y.  Sept.  7,  1833. 
xi    James  R.  Joscelyn  b.  Dec.  2.  183(5,  d.  May  17,  1848. 
xii    Charlotte   M.  Joscelyn  b.    Dec.    3,    183G,    m.    Feb.    38,    18.57, 

Joshua  Townsend. 
xiii    John  W.  Joscelyn  b.  Rockland  N.  \'.  Sept.  8,  1838. 

No.  446m— Georg-e  D.  Kimball"  (Levi*  Jacob*  John®  John*  Rich- 
ard') b.  Little  Britain,  Orang-e  County,  N.  Y.  July  4,  1794, 

d m.  Sept.  25,  1816,  at  Rockland,  Sullivan  County, 

N.  Y.  Elizabeth  Hitt  b.  Jan.  16,  1797  at  Colchester,  Dela- 
ware County,  K.  Y.  m.  2  1859  Eunice  (Stewart)  Apley. 


937kk  i     Deborah  Ann  b.  Rockland,  Sullivan  County,    N.    Y.    July 

20.  1S17. 
92711  ii     Clarinda  h.  Rockland  wSept.  11.   1818. 

iii     George  W.  b.  Rockland.  April  I.  1S30. 
937ram  iv  Henry  b.  Rockland.  April  (5.  1822. 
927nn  v    Mary  b.  Rockland.  Mar.  32,  1834. 
92700  vi     \bigail  b.  Dec    19,  183.").  Rockland. 
937ppvii  Louisa  b.  Feb.  4.  !S28.  Rockland. 
037qq  viii  Ellen  b.  May  30.  1829.  Rockland. 

ix     Elizabeth  A.  b.  Rockland.    Aug.  20.  1832.  m.  Mar.  14.  18.')r>. 

Asa  P.   Aplev. 
X     Nancy  C.  b.  Aug.  20.  1834.  Rockland.  N.  Y. 
xi     Levi  b.  Aug.  19.  1830.  Rockland,  N.  Y. 
xii     Hannah  b.  May  4,  1841.  Rocklana,  Sullivan    County.  N.  Y. 

No.  446n-  Russell  Kimball"  [Levi'  Jacob'  John"  John^Richardi] 
born  April  21,  1797  Rockland,  Sullivan  County,  New- 
York,  m.  Mercy  Hogebooni.  This  family  removed  to 
Ottawa,  Illinois  in  18.'?1.  They  had  a  number  of  children. 
The  following-  are  believed  to  be  the  names  of  some  of 

rm  i.i>iii:N . 

















July  and  Aug-ust  1900.  113 

ix    Julia 
X    Lucy. 


No.  927a — Lucretia  Darbee^  [Hannah  Kimball^  Levi'=  Jacobs 
John"  John^  Richard^]  b.  Goshen,  Orang-e  Co.,  N.  Y.  Jan. 
3,  1792,  d.  Greenville,  N.  Y.  May  24,  1856.  m.  Jan.  1,  1808, 
at  Rockland,  Sullivan  Co.,  N.  Y.  Peter  O'Hara  b.  Bal- 
lanilary  County  Antrim  Ireland  Nov.  16,  1775.  d.  Green- 
ville March  19,  1855. 


i     Abraham  O'Hara^  b.  July  18,  18G9.  Rockland  N.  Y.    d   Oct. 
.5,  1810 
1707a     ii    Eliza  Ann  O'Hara*  b.  Jan.  31.  1811,  Rockland,  N.  Y. 

iii   Stephen  O'Hara^,  b.  Dec   17,  1812,  Rockland,  N.  Y. 
1707b   iv    Lucinda  O'Hara**  b.  Dec.  2.5,  1813,  Beekraantown,   Dutchess 

County,  N.  Y. 
1707c    V     Bernard  O'Hara*  b.  June  1,  1816.  Fishkill,  Dutchess  Co.  N.-Y. 
17.07d  vi    Hannah  O'Hara*  b.  Sept.  8,  1818,  Colchester,  Delaware   Co. 

New  York. 
1707e  vii    Samuel  O'Hara*  b.  Oct.  21,  1820,  Greenville,  Green  eounty,^ 

New  York. 
1707f  viii  Mary  O'Hara*  b.  Mar.  14,  1822.  Greenville. 
1707g  ix     Peter  O'Hara  Jr.*  b.  July  1,  1824.  Greenville. 

X     Lucretia  O'Hara*  b.  Feb.  27,  1826,  m.  at  Greenville  June  27, 

1849.  Mif^hael  McGalloway, 
xi     George  Edwin  O'Hara*  b.  Oct.  21,    1837,   Greenville,    N.    Y. 
]707h  xii  Catharine  O'Hara*  b.  Aug.  11,  1839,  Greenville,  N.  Y. 
17071  xiii  Charles  Henrv  O'liara*  b.  Mar    14,  1831.  Greenville.  N.  Y. 
xiv    Ellen  O'Hara*  b.  Greenville,  N.  Y,  Jan   3  1834. 
XV    Levi  O'Hara*  b.  Aug.  1,  1835,  (Treenville.  N.  Y. 

No.  927b — Lucinda  Darbee^  [Hannah  Kimball"  Levis  Jacob-" 
John'^  John- Richard^]  b.  Dec.  30,  1794,  Little  Britian, 
Orang-e  County,  N.  Y.  m.  Jan.  1,  1816,  at  Rockland,  Wil- 
liam Spraf»"ue,  b.  Nov.  21,  1789,  Shawang-unk,  Ulster  Co., 
N.  Y.  d.  June  1,  1851. 


1707.i     i     Sally  Spragne*  b.  Oct.  16,  1816.  Rockland,  N.   Y. 
1707k   ii     James  Emmet  Sprague*  b.  Sept.  17,  1818,  Rockland,  N.   Y. 
iii     George  Sprague*  b.  June  34,  1820,  Rockland,  N.  Y.,  d.  Oct. 

iv     Phebe  Sprague?  b.  July  1,  1832,  Rockland,  in,  July  4,    1840. 
Nelson  Cochran. 
17071     V     Erastus  Sprague*  b.  May  3,  1824,  Rockland. 
1707 nn  vi    Hannah  Sprague*  b.  Jan.  29,  1828,  Rockland,  N.  Y. 
1707n  vii  Catharine  Rutilla  Sprague*  b.  Nov.  12,  1829. 

No.  927c — John  Darbee?  [Hannah  Kimball"  Levi"  Jacob*  Johns 
John^  Richard']  born  Mar.  20,  1796,  Goshen,  Orang-e  Co., 
N.  Y.  ra.  Jan.  10,  1822,  Eliza  Gates  b.  Mar.  24.  1800,  New 
Marlboroug-h,  Berkshire  Co-,  Mass. 


i     Levi  G    Darbee*  b.  Mar.  8,  1824,  Liberty,  N.  Y.  m.    Oct.    4, 
1859,  Harriet  Gildersleeve. 

114  Kimball  Family  News. 

ii  Hannah  Ann  Darbee«  b.  Sept.  29,  1828,  Liberty,  N.  Y. 

iii  Sarah  Elizabeth  Darbee*  b.  Oct.  26,  1831,  Liberty.  N!    Y. 

iv  Helen  M.  Augusta  Darbee*  b.  Aug.  7,   1836. 

V  John  Adams  Darbee^  b.  Mar.  8,  1839,  Liberty,  N.  Y. 

No.  927d — Abigail  Darbee^  [Hannah  Kimball*  Levi''  -Jacobs 
John-^  John2  Richard^]  b.  Mar.  22,  1798,  Rockland,  Sulli- 
van county,  N.  Y.  m.  Feb.  25,  1819,  Peter  Stewart,  b. 
Nov.  7,  l"f94,  Rockland,  Sullivan,  county,  N.  Y. 


i     iJlarrissa  Stewart  b.  Sept.  22,  1820,  d,  Oct.  24,  1822. 
No.    927e — Hannah     Darbee^    [Hannah   Kimballs   Levi^'    Jacob* 
John*^   John'  Richard^  b.  Nov.  7,    1799,   Rockland,    Sulli- 
van Co.,  N.  Y.  m.  Oct.  20,  1819,  Augustus  Dodge,  b.  Sept. 
24,  1796,  Newport,  Herkimer  Co..  N.  Y. 


17l)7o     i     Daniel  Dodge^  b.  July  1.5,    1820,  Gainesville,    Genesee   Co.. 

NeAV  York. 
17()7n    ii     Abigail  M.  Dodge^  b.    May,    26,    1822,   Gainsville,    Genesee 

Co.,  N.  Y. 
iii     Eliza  Ann  Dodge"  b.  Dec.  15.  1836.  Pike,  AVyoming  County, 

N.  Y.  m Griffith. 

]yfQ_  927f— William  T.  Darbee'  [Hannah  Kimball"  Levi'  Jacob^ 
John' John' Richard']  born  Nov.  1,  1801,  Rockland,  Sulli- 
van Co.,  N.  Y.  m.  Jan.  8,  1823,  at  Rockland,  Abigail 
Dodge  b.  Oct.  31,  1796,  Hancock,  Delaware  Co.,  N.  Y. 


i     Orrin  Darbee«  b.  Oct.  22.  1823,  Rockland,  New  York, 
ii     Samuel  J.  Darbee^  b.  July  29,  1829,  Rockland,    New    York. 
d.  Nov.  10,  18.53,  in.    Dec.    14,    1848,    Grace   E.    Adgate,    at 
Liberty,  New  York. 
1707q  iii     Edwin  Darbee**  b.  June  25,  1831.  Rnckland,  New  York. 
1707r  iv     Cordelia  Darbee'*  b.  Rockland,  N.  Y. 

V  VVillian:  Wallace  Darbee**  b.  Oct.  18,  1841,  d.  Aug    17,    1845, 
Liberty, N.   Y. 

No.  927g — Levi  Darbee^  [Hannah  Kimball*  Levi''  Jacob^  John"' 
John'  Richard']  born  April  8,  1803,  Rockland,  Sullivan 
Co.,  N.  Y.  ra.  Mar.  12,  1821,  Jemima  Hermance,  b.  Sept. 
22,  IBOl,  Kingston,  Ulster  Co.,  N   Y. 


i     Clarissa  Darbee**  b.  June  8,  1822,  Kingston,  N.  Y.    d.    .April 
1707s     ii     Edgar  Darbee*  b.  Mar.  12,  1824.  Rockland,  New   York 
1707t    iii     Abraham  Darbee**  b.  Jan.S2V>,  1826,  Rockland.  N.  Y. 

iv     Maria  Darbee"  b.  July  21.  1828.  New  York  City,  d.    August. 
1829.  l^jtil^' 

1707U    V     Maria  L.  Darbee'*  b.  NewjYork  City,  Sept.  8.  1S30. 
17()7v  vi     Sarah  Catharine  Darbee  b.  July  2K  1833,-  Rockland.    Sulli- 
van County.  L_  ;  J  r—, 
1707W  vii  Arietta  Hermance  Darbee  b.  Aug.  3,  1835,  Monticel'o.  N.  Y. 
viii     Levi  Darbee"  Jr.  b.   Jan.    1840.    Williatnsuurg.    Kings    Co.. 
New  York. 

Julv  and  Aup-ust  l')00.  Hi 


ix     Samuel  Darbee"^  b.  Feb.  1],  1843,  Williamsburg-,  N.   Y. 
X     William  Henry  Darbee'^b.  8,  1844,  Williamsburg-,  N.  Y. 

No.  927h — Samuel  Darbee'  [Hannah  Kimball" Levi"  Jacobs  John^ 
John"  Ricbardi]  born  Rockland,  Sullivan  Co.,  N.  Y.  Mar. 
11,  1808,  m.  Dec.  1,  1836,  Jane  Montg-omery,  b.  Mar.  19, 
1810,  d.  Jan.  17,  1845,  m.  2,  June  2,  1846.  Phebe  A.  Hor- 
ton,  b.  Mar.  27,  1820. 


i     Francis  Balcom  Darbee*  b.  Oct.    1837,    ILocklaud,    d.    Mar. 

23,  1843. 
ii    Hannah  Mary  Darbee*^  b.  Nov.  1,  1839,  Rockland, 
iii     John  Wesley  Darbee'^  b.  April  5,  1841,  Rockland,  N.  Y. 
iv     Cleaveland  Darbee**  b.  July  30,  1843,  Rockland,  N.  Y. 

V  William  P^lwood  Darbee*  b.  June  14,  1847,  d.  April  20,  18.'')7. 

No.  927i — Catharine  Darbee'  [Hannah  Kimballe  Levis  Jacob? 
John"^  John^  Richard^]  born  Rockland,  N.  Y.  Augf.  15, 
1810.  m.  Nov.  10,  1846,  Allen  Stewart,  b.  June  11,  1810, 
Inchinnan,  Renfrewshire,  Scotland.  [See  l707j.] 


1     Sarah  Clarissa  Stewart"  b.  IS'eb. '8,  1848,  Rockland,  N.  Y. 
ii      Hannah  Catharine  Stewart*  b.  April   23,    1850,    Rockland, 

New  York, 
iii     Wickliffe    Baldwin   Stewart*   b.    Jan.    6,  1852,    Rockland. 

New  York. 

No.  927j— Chester  Darbee'  [Hannah  Kimball"  Levi^  Jacob' John' 
John^  Richard^]  born  Rockland,  New -York  June  8,  1813, 
m.  Mar.  4,  1838  Emilj  Voorhies,  b.  Rockland,  Feb.  1,  1818. 


i     Charlotte  Darbee*  b.   May  31,  1841.  Rockland,  N.   Y. 
ii     Abbie  Darbee*  b.  Jan.  5,  1847,  Rockland,  New  York. 

No.  927k— Charles  Stanton'  [Desire  Kiraball"  Levi"  Jacob'  John^^ 
John-'  Richard']  b-  Feb.  6,  1789,  d.  Oct.  23,  1848,  m.  Dec. 
25,  1810  Ruth  Smith  b.  Oct.  1,  1794.  He  resided  and 
died  it!  Canaan,  Wayne  County,  Penn.  He  was  killed  by 
a  fall  in  his  mill.  He  was  for  thirty  years  a  member  of 
the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  in  Canaan.  His  deport- 
ment was  such  as  to  commend  his  religion  to  all  with 
whom  he  was  associated. 


i     Clari.ssa Stanton*  b.  Oct.  24,  l^iia,  d.  Dec.  28,  is  13. 
ii     Clarinda  Stanton  b   Mar.  14,  181.5.'  ra.  .Tan.   33.  1833,  Daniel 

iii     William  yiustin  Stanton  b.  Sept.  24,  1817,  d.  Feb.  4,  1819. 
iv     Austin  Stanton  b.  Jan.  2ii_  1S20,  m.  June  4.    1845,    Armenia 

V  Sally  Stanton  b.  Feb.  4,  1833.  d.  Dec.  30,   1834. 

vi     Charles  \Aesley  Stanton  b.  Mar.  8,  1824,'  m.    Mar.    7,    !S4<» 

Sarah  A.  Headley,  b d.  Aug.  31,  18.58 

vii     Asa  Stanton  b.  Sept.  22,  1825,  d.  Feb.  28.  1827 
viii     Harriet  Elizabeth  Stanton  b.  Mar.  7.  1838,  d.  April  11,  1851 
m    Sept.  20,  1849,  George  Bennett. 

116  Kimball  Family  News. 

ix     AVilliam  Harvey  Stanton,  b.  Aug.  28,  1830-  m.  July  4,    1855, 

Emily   IJennet. 
X     Asa  Kimball  Stanton,  b.  Dec    19,  1832. 

xi     Sarah  Loubia  Stanton  b.  Jul}'    12.    183.1,    m.    April    1.     l><.j-.^, 
Ovid  H    Coleman, 
xii     Phebe  Lav  nil  Stanton  b.  Dec.  18,  1837. 

No.  9271 — Asa  Stanton  Jr.'  [Desire  Kimball"  Levi'  Jacob^  John* 
John- Richardi]  born  July  27,  1793,  ra.  Sept.  20,  1820, 
Rhoda  Bartlett  b.  Mar.  12,  1787,  d.  May  9,  1846. 


ITOTx     i  i-itz  Henry  Stanton*  b.  May  7,  1828. 

ii  Asa  B.  Stanton  b.  Nov.  1,  1824,  d.  Nov.  7.  1824. 
1707y  iii     Lucy  H.  Stanton  b.  Nov.  30,   1825. 

iv  Cliarles  Stanton  b.  Nov,  12.  1827,  d.  Mar.  28.   1829. 

1707z    v  Samuel  C.  Stanton  b.  May  30.  1830. 

No.  927m— William  Stanton'  [Desire  Kimball^  Levi'' Jacob' John" 
John'  Richard!]  born  Sept.  20,  1798.  m.  Mar.  '\  ISiy. 
Sarah  Smith,  b.  Feb.  17,   1800. 

No.  927n — Levi  Kimball  Stanton  '[Desire  Kimball^  Levi"'  Jacob^ 
John'' John-  Richard']  born  April  6,  180.",  m.  Mar.  5,  1834, 
Caroline  Clark,  b.  Aug-.  13,   1816. 


i  Rus-sell  Kimball  Stanton'*  b.  Feb.  8,  1835,  m.  Feb.    11.    18.->Ci. 
Martha  Jaae  Jewel. 

ii  Addison  Clark  Stanton  b.  Sept.  22,  1836. 

iii  James  Wil.son  Staaton  b.  April  22,  1838.  d.  Dec.  1.  1847. 

iv  Ard  Smith  Stanton  b.  Jan.  5.  1S40. 

v  Martha  Jane  Stanton  b,  April  (S.  1341.  m  July  2.  18.59.  Smith 
J.  Austin. 

vi  Clarinda  Desire  Stant:>n  b    Sept.  17.  1842. 

vii  Fidelia  Augusta  Stanton  b.  Mar.  1.   1844. 

viii  Mary  Elizabeth  Stanton  b.  July  Hi,  1845. 

ix  Oscar  Asa  Stanton  b    April  29.    IS47. 

X  Adelaide  Emeline  Stanton  b.  Mar.  14.  1849. 

xi  Warren  Emory  Stanton  b  Jan.  27.  1851. 

xii  Charles  Luther  Stanton  b.  Dee.  28.   1855. 

xiii  Emma  Jeanette  Stanton  b.  Mar.  16.  1853. 

No.  927o — Sylvanus  Kimball'  (Levi*  Levi^  JacoV  John"  John- 
Richard' )  born  Oct.  10,  1801,  m.  Oct.  11,  1835,  Sarah  C 


i     Martha-*  b.  Oct.  20,  1S36,  Ellenville,  N.  Y.  ni.  Oct.  20.    1853. 
John  I'lainer. 
ii     Loui.=a  b.  April  6,  18<9.  Ellenville,  N.  Y.  m.    Dei-.    2'.i.    IS.'.s. 

Lewis  P.  Goodman, 
iii     Charlotte  b.  Feb.  15,  1841.  Jeffersonville.  N.  Y. 
iv     Uachael  b.  Jan.  24,  IS4.3.  .letfersonville.  N.  Y 
V     Herman  b.  Aug,  17.  1845.  Jeffersonville.  N.  Y. 
vi     Irene  b.  Oct.  18.  1849,  Callicoon,  N.  Y. 
vii     George  Marvin  b.  Jan.  6,  1852,  Callicoon.  N.  Y. 

No.  927p-— Pamelia  Kimball"  (Levi'^  Levi'  Jacobs  John"  John- 
Richard')  b.  May  1«.  1^<>3,  m.  Feb.    20,    1822,    Rudolphus 

July  and  August  1900.  117 

Swartwout,  b.   d.  1833,  m.  2  John  Lord. 


i  Simon  Swartwout^. 

ii  Levi  Swartwout. 

iii  Sylvanus  Swartwout,  m.   Elizabeth  Apley. 

iv  Charlotte  Swartwout. 

y  James  Swartwout. 

vi  Thurston  Swartwout. 

vii  Georg-e  W.  Swartwout,  m   Catherine  Denman. 

'  viii  Pamela  Swartwout, m.  iNathen  Kesler. 

ix  William   Lord. 

X  Mary  Loi-d. 

xi  Abig-ail  Lord,  died  before  1861. 

xii  Susan  Lord. 

No.  927s — William  A.  Hopkins^  f  Abig-ail  Kimball^   Levi-'*  Jacob 
JoIin«  John''  Richard^ )  b.   1798,  d.  Oct.    9,    1837,    ra.    Dec. 
30,  1824,  Rachael  Todd,   b.    Augf.    25,    1793,    Anstruther, 
Fief  shire,  Scotland. 


1707aa  i     Marvin  A    Hopkin-s**  b.  Oct.  36,  18'3o,  New  York  City. 
No.  927t— Polly  Brewer  Kimbair    Oliver  Kimball*'  I^evi^  Jacob^ 
Johns  Johns  Richard')  b.  Aug-.  7,  1809,  m.  Caleb   Borden 
d.  before  1860. 


i     Oliver  Borden**, 
ii     Sophia  Borden. 

No.  927u--Sally  S.  Kimbair  (Oliver"  Levi"  Jacobs  John^  John- 
Richard^  b.  May  31,  1812,  m.  Nov.  22,  1833,  John  A. 
MaflFett,  b.  July  1814, 


i  Samuel  S.  Maffett**  b.  May  4.  1836. 

ii  Jonathan  Maffett  b.  .June  13,  ISS"'. 

iii  Nicholas  D.  Mait'ett  b.  Mar.  33,   1840. 

iv  Julia  A.  Maffett  b.  Mai.  10,  1843. 

V  Oliver  J.  Maffett  b.  Aug-.  2'.K  1843. 
vi  Robert  Maffett  b.  April  3,    184.5. 

vii     Sophia  J.   Maffett  b.  Sept.  1,  1849. 
viii     Nathan    Maffett  b.  Oct.  33,   18.53. 

No.  927\ — Lucy  P.  Kimball"  c01iver«  Levi'*  JacoV  John'  John" 
Richardi)  born  Aug-.  26,    1818,    m.    May   20,    1837  James 

Wright  b d.  Jan.  12,  1844,    m.    2    Nov.    28,    1847, 

Loammah  Sewell. 


i  Edwin  O.  Wrifjht*  b.  June  6,  1838.  ra.  Mar,   3,   18.58. 

ii  Julia  Ann  Wrig-ht  b.  Feb.  10.  1840,  m.  Aug-.  36,  1854. 

iii  Martha  L.  Wrig-ht  b.  Nov.  1,  1843. 

iv  Herman  A.  Sewell  b.  Aug-.  17,   1848. 

V  Horden  G.  Sewell  b.  Mar.  31,  1853. 
vi  Ward  E.  Sewell  b.  Nov   11,  18.55. 

No.  927w— Charles  Woodward^  (Betsey  KimbalF'  Levi^  Jacob^ 
Johns  John' Richard!)  b.  Aug-.  21,  1808,  m.  Charlotte 

118  Kimball  Farailj  News 

i  Charles  Ilorton  Woodward'*. 

h  Nelson  Woodward, 

iii  Julia  Maria  Woodward, 

iv  Susan  Ann  Woodward. 

No.  927x — Levi  Woodward"  (Betsej  Kimball''  Levi"  Jacob^  John^ 
John-^  Richard*)  b.  Feb.  7,  1811,  m.  Susan  Hitt,  Dec.  28, 


i  Mary  F.  Woodward*  b.  1837. 

ii  Orrilla  E.  Woodward  b.  1839. 

iii  Charlotte  Woodward  b.  1841. 

iv  James  Woodward  b.   1843. 

V  Charles  L.  Woodward,  b.  184.'S. 

No.  927y — William  Woodward  Jr.^  (Betsev  Kimball"  Levi*  Jacob* 
John^  Jolin2  Richard']  b.  Feb.  14,  1813,  m.  Sept.  14,  1837, 
Marg-aret  Osterhout. 


i  Eliza  Jane  Woodward*  b.  1838. 

ii  Sarah  Maria  Woodward  b.  1840. 

iii  William  Woodward  b.   1843. 

iv  Archibald  Woodward  b.   1844. 

V  John  Woodward  b.  1S4."). 
vi  I'hebe  Woodward  _b.    1H4(). 
vii  Matthew  Woodward  b.  1847. 

viii     Hannah  Margaret  Woodward,  b 

No.  M27z — Ambrose  Woodward^  (Betsey  Kimball*  Levi'"  Jacob^ 
John«  John'' Richard')  b.  Mar.  3,' 1817,  m.  Feb.  25,  1841, 
Louisa  Kent. 


i  William  N.  Woodward**  b.  184i. 

ii  Sarah  K.  Woodward  b.   1844. 

iii  Addi.son  Woodward  b.  184."). 

iv  Levi  Woodward  b.  1847. 

V  Mary  Woodward  b.  1848. 
vi  Charles  Woodward  b.  18."i() 
vii  John  Woodward  b.   1851. 

viii     l.iOuisa  Woodward  b.   18r);{. 

No.  <)27aa — Samuel  Woodward^  (Betsev  Kimball''  Levi'  Jacob^ 
John«  John-  Richard^  b.  July  23,  1822,  m.  Nov.  2,  1854, 
Sarah  M.  Barber. 

i     Ida  Ophelia  Woodward**  b.  Sept.  4,  185(). 

No.  927bb — Patience  Woodward'  '  Betsey  Kimball"  Levi'- Jacob* 
John' John- Richard')  b.  Feb.  24.  "1827,  m.  1843.  Daniel 


i  William  Uarren"!).  Nov.  ('>.  1845.  J: 

ii  Walter  Warren, 

iii  Uriah  Warren, 

iv  Mary  Warren. 

Jul}'  and  Aug-ust  1900.  119 

V  Franklin  Warren. 
vi     Charles  Warren. 

No.  927cc — William  D.  KimbalF  (William"  Levi''  Jacob*  John' 
John- Richard')  born  Colchester,  Delaware  Co.,  N.  Y. 
Aug-.  29,  1814,  m.  Dec.  4,  1834,  at  Colchester,  Deborah 
Carrier,   b.  Mar.  13,  1816,  Liberty,  Sullivan  Co.,  N.  Y. 


i     Emily«  b.  Au"-.  RO.  183.^,  m.  July   4.    1857,   Jeremiah   Uarn- 

hart,  at  Andes,  Delaware  Co.,  N.   Y. 
ii     Abigail  Kimball  b.  Mar.  (5,  1837. 
iii     Amaretta  b.  Mar.  12,  1839.  m.  Jan.  '■-;,  1858  Chaiiney    Peek. 

at  Andes,  Delaware  Co.,  N.  Y. 
iv     Ezra  Newell  b.  .Tune  U,  1840. 

V  Amasa  Taleott  b.  April  27,  1842. 

No.  927dd— Elizabeth  KimbalF  (Williamc  Levi>-  Jacob"'  John- 
John^  Richard')  born  June  17,  1819,  m.  June  2,  1836,  John 


i  James  K.  Johnson*  b.  Mar.  7.  1837. 

ii  William  H.  Jonnson  b.  Aug.  20,  1839. 

iii  .lohn  Jf)hus(jn  Jr.  b.  Aug.  31.  1841. 

iv  Ada  C  Johnson  b.  Aug.  19,  1843. 

V  Hannah  Johnson  b.  May  24,  1845. 
vi  lieruard  Jolinson  b.  Mar.  4,  1849. 

vii     Robert  Johnson  b.  Oct.  18.  1850. 
viii     Ann  Johnson  b.  July  3,  1854. 

No.  927ee— Marvin  Kimball'  (William«  Levi''  Jacob*  Johns  John-' 
Richard')  born  Colchester,  N.  Y.  Jan.  28,  1822,  m.  July 
2,  1846,  Matilda  C.  Wilson  born  Jan.  12,  1824. 


i     Minnie  Catherine*  b.  July  17,  1847. 
ii     Marv  Augusta  b.  Dec.  14,  1^49. 
iii     Edwin  M.  b.  July  31,   1854. 
iv     Lelia  A.  o.  May  31.  1856 
No.  927ff--William  K.  Joscelyn^   (Lucj    Kimball'^   Levi^   Jacob* 
John' John=  Richard^)  b.  Mar.  4,  1813,  m.   Aug-.    5,    1837, 
Jane  Ann  Shaver. 


i     Lucy  M.  Joscelyn*  b.  May  29  1838,  Rockland,  N.  Y.  m.   1853 

Richard  Smith, 
ii     Esther  M.  Joscelyn  b.  Oct.  29,  1841.  Rockland,  N.  Y. 
iii     Josephene  L   Joscelyn  b.  Mar.  23.  1843.  Rockland,  N.   Y. 
Jv     Adam  11.  Joscelyn  b.  Jan.  25,  1846,    Andes,    d.    1848,    Calli- 

coon,  N.   Y. 
V     John  Y.  Joscelyn  b.  July  19,  1848,  Callicoon,  JNf.  Y. 
vi     Jam«s  R.  Joscelyn  b.  Aug.  9,  1850,  Cochecton,  N.  Y. 
vii     Sarah  I.  Jo.scelyn  b.  June  17,  1852,  Cochecton,  N.  Y.  ' 
viii     William  M.  Joscelyn  b.  May  9,  18.54,  Cochecton,  N.  Y. 

No.  927g-g~George  W.  Joscelyn'  (Lucj  Kimball«  Levi"  Jacob^ 
John=  John'  Richard')  born  Oct.  6,  1821,  m.  Jan  13,  1842, 
Maria  Davis. 

120  Kimball  Familj  News 


i  (Jeorge  S.  .If)seelyn'*  b.  Andes  >s.  Y. 

ii  Lafayette  Joscelyn. 

iii  Iriah  Joscelyn. 

i^  .lames  Joscelyn. 

V  Samuel  Joscelyn. 

vi  Sarah  Joscelyn. 

No.  '>27hh — Abig-ail  Joscelyn  '(Lucy  Kimball'"' Levi'' JacoVJohn'^ 
John*  Richard')  born  Aug".  3,  1819,  Rockland,  N.  Y.,  m. 
Mar.  18,  184i',  Joseph  Mott,  b.  Nov.  26,  1814,  Rockland, 
N.  Y.     Thov  resided  in  Rockland. 


i     Hannah  A.  Mott"  h.  Sept.  30,  1841. 
ii     Sarah  .Mott  b.  Sept.  1.3,   1844. 
iii     Cyrus  Mott  b.  April  ;24,  1847. 

No.  927ii — Amanda  Joscelyn.^  (Lucy  Kimball"  Levi's  Jacob* 
John'  John- Richard')  born  Nov.  19,  1823,  Covert,  N.  Y., 
m.  Feb.  28.  1845  John  Davidson.     Resided  Rockland,  N.  Y. 


i  May  Clara  Davidson**  b.  184(>. 

ii  William  Davidson  b.  Mar.  1848. 

iii  (jeorge  Davidson  b.  Apr.  18.'jO. 

iv  Evert  Davidson  b.  Apr.   18,52. 

v  Amanda  Davidson  b.  Sept.  18.54. 

vi  Amelia  Davidson  b.  Sept.    18.54. 

vii  Lily  Davidson  b.  Jan.  1837. 

No.  927ij — Polly  Joscelyn^  (Lucv  Kimbair  Levi''  Jacob^  John" 
John'  Richard')  b.  Apr.  22,' 1830,  m.  Jan.  24,  1852,  Cyrus 
A.   Dodg-e. 

1     .Arthur  Dodge  b.  Sept.  18,54,  Rockland.  iSi.  V. 

No.  927kk— Deborah  Ann  KimbalP  (Georg-e  D."  Levi''  Jacobs 
John"' John'-^  Richardi)  born  July  20,  1817.  m.  June  13, 
1845,  Henry  Horn  beck. 


i  Newton  Jerome  Hornbeck"  b.  July  20.  184G. 

ii  Saruh  Elizabeth  Hornbeck  b.  July  10,   1849. 

iii  Emma  Frances  Hornbeck  b.  Oct.  3.  1851,  d.  Nov.  1,  18.52. 

iv  Clariiida  Isabel  Hornbeck  b.  Oct.  23,  1853. 

No.  92711--Clarinda  Kimball'  (George  D.*  Levi"  Jacob'  John" 
John-  Richard'  •  born  Sept.  11,  1818,  RockUind,  N.  Y.,  ra. 
Mar.  2.  is'>7.  Davis. 


i  Sunili  Elizabeth  Davi.s"  b.  Apr.  12,  1838,  d.  Sept.  Hi.   1840. 

ii  (Jeorge  H    Davis  b.  Mar.  7,  1H40. 

iii  Sainnel  Davis  b.  Apr.  15,  1842. 

IV  Helen  Ann  Davis  b.  Eel).    1.    1S44. 

V  Ernest  JetTcrson  Davis  b.  Mar.  3.  184(5. 

vi  ("larenee  Henry  Davis  b.  .May  l.s.  1«4S. 

vii  Clarinda  .\ugusta  Davis  b.  Mar  "'»    is-.o. 

viii  Veter  H.  Duvis  b.  Feb.  22,  18.52. 

July  and  Aug-ust  1900,  121 

ix     Abel  Jones  Davis  b.  Nov.  24,  1854. 
X     Hetsey  Davi.s  b.  Dee.  30,  185(5. 

No.  927mni — Henry  Kimball'  (Georg-e  D."  Levi^  Jacob*  John^ 
John-  Richard!)  born  Rockland  N.  Y.  April  6,^  1822,  ni. 
July  15,  1847,  Lavinia  D.  Laraway. 


i  Louisa^  b.  May  5,   1848. 

ii  Catherine  Dec.  18,  1849. 

iii  Albert  L.  b.  July  5,  1851. 

iv  Gecro-e^'.  b.  Dec   38,   1853. 

V  Debelia  b.  Apr.  15.  1857. 

No.  927nn — Mary  KimbalF  (Georg-e  D"  Levi''  Jacob**  John"  John? 
Richard^)  born  Mar.  22,  1824,  Rockland,  N.  Y.,  m.  Jan. 
20,  1848,  Nathan  Murdock. 


i     Georgiana  Mnrdock*  b.  Nov.  27,  1848. 
ii     Jam<-s  Dennison  Murdock  b.  Oct.  21,  1851. 
iii     Deles  Murdock  b.  Apr  30,  1855. 

No.  927oo— Abig-ail  Kimball^  (Georg-e  D."  Levi^  Jacob*  John'- 
John' Richard')  born  Dec.  19,  1825,  Rockland,  N.  Y.,  m. 
Feb.  18,  1847,  Clinton  Wilson. 


i     Alice  Wilson''  b.  Aug-.  5,   1851. 
ii     Oscar  Wilson  b.  July  15,  1853. 

No.  927pp — Louisa  Kimball  (Georg-e  D.«  Levi-'  Jacob*  John' 
John'  Richard')  born  Feb.  4,  1828,  m.  Feb.  3,  1848, 
William  Young-. 


i     Harriet  Aun  Young**  b.  P'eb.  5.  1850. 
ii     James  Cliandler  Young- b.  Dec.  1,  1855. 

No.  927qq— Ellen  KimbalF  (Georg-e  D."  Levi'''  Jacob'  John- 
John' Richard')  born  May  30,  1829,  ra.  Sept.  13,  1849, 
Abel  Jones. 


i     Eugenia  Jones*  b.  Oct.  7,  1851. 
ii     Ellen  Frances  Jones  b.  Mar.  4.  1854. 


No.  1707a— Eliza  Ann  CHara^Lucretia  Darbee^  Hannah  Kim- 
ball" Levi^  Jacob*  John^  John^  Richard')  b.  Rockland, 
Sullivan  Co.,  N.  Y.,  Jan.  21,  1811,  m.  Feb.  10,  1833, 
Michael  Purcell  b.  Jan.  1,  1806,  Ireland. 


i  William  Henry  PurcelP  b.  Jan.  S,  1834. 

ii  Michael  Purcell  Jr.  b.  Jan.  17,  1836.  d.  Feb.  3,  iHiiG 

iii  James  Victor  Purcell  b.  Jan.  24,  18^7.  d.  Aug    21.    1839. 

iv  Hannah  Drucilla  Purcell  b.  Nov.  13,  1838. 

v  Thomas  Purcell  b.  Nov.  G,  1S40. 

322  Kimball  Family  >N«jw^. 

vi     Lucretia  Purcell  b.  Oct.    H,    1842,    m.    Nov.    1860,    MaJison 

vii     Mary  KHza  Purcell  b.  Mar.  4,  1844. 
viii     Ann  rnrcell  b.  Aug.  12,  1847,  d.  Jan.  2,   1849. 
i.x     .Johnl'urcell  b.  Oct.  26,   1849. 

X     Charles  Abraham  Purcell  b.  May  2,  1854. 

No.  17(i7b — LucindaO'Hara'  (Lucretia  Darbee'Hannah  Kimball 
Levi'-  Jacob'  John''  John'  Richard')  b.  Dec.  25,  1S13, 
Bookmantown,  Dutchess  Co.,  New  York,  m.  Jan.  16,  1836, 
at  Greenville  Greene  Co.,  N.  Y.  Peter  McGaulej  b.  June 
4,  1803  in  the  Parish  of  Ardah,  County  Meath,  Ireland, 
died  Oct.  12,  1854  at  Empire  P'on-du-lac  Count}',  Wis. 


i  Michael  Jerome  McGauley^  b.  Jan.  12,  1838,  South  Wester- 
loo,  New  York. 

ii  Catherine  Marcella  McGauley  b.  June  4,  1839,  Greenville, 
New  York. 

iii     Thomas  Urban  McGauley  b.  Aug.  33,  1840,  Greenville,  N.  Y. 

iv  Francis  Patrick  McGauley  b.  Apr.  13,  1842,  Greenville, 
New  York. 

V  Peter  McGauley  Jr.  b.  Jan.  19,  1844,  Greenville.  N.  Y. 

vi     Stephen  A.  McGauley  b.  Sept.  1.5,  1840.  Greenville,  N.  Y. 
vii     Marv  Lucretia  McGauley  b.  Oct.  2,  1849,  Greenville,  N.    Y. 
viii     Lucinda  Ann  McGauley  b.  .Tune  9,  18.52,  Greenville,   N.    Y. 
ix     Veronica  McCiauley  b   June  27.    18.54,  Empire,    Fon-du-Lac 
county.  Wis. 

No.  1707c — Bernard  O'HaraV  Lucretia  Darbee^  Hannah  Kimball" 
Levi*  Jacob"*  John"  Johns  Richard')  b.  June  1,  1816,  P^ish- 
kill,  Dutchess  county,  New  York,  m.  Dec.  11,  1845  Char- 
lotte Brig-g:s  b.  April  20,  1823,  Lexing-ton,  Greene  county, 
New  York. 


i  Mary  Alice  O'Hara"  b.  Feb.  14.  1847. 

ii  Edgar  H.  O'Hara  b.  May  17.  1848. 

iii  Arthur  1).  f»'Hara  b.  May  2t;,  18.50.  d   June  22,  1851. 

iv  (.ieorge  P.  O'Hara  b.  Oct.  16,  18.52. 

V  Arrietta  O'Hara  b.  May  11,  18,54.     • 

No.  1707d — Hannah  O'Hara*  (Lucretia  Darbee^  Hannah  Kim- 
ball" Levi''  Jacob*  John"*  John-  Richard^)  b.  Colchester, 
Delaware  county.  New  Y«)rk,  Sept.  8,  1818,  d.  June  6, 
1853,  m.  Jan.  2,  1840,  Dominick  McDevit  b.  Aug-.  1806, 
Parish  of  Conwell,  County  Donegal,  Ireland. 

cnil.KKKN    HOKN    O  KKKN  VII.I.K,    (IRKK.NK    CO.,    N.     V. 

i  .Mary  Ann  McDt  vit»  b.  Oct.  1.   1841. 

li  Ferdinand  McDevit  1)    Dec.  2.5,   184.T. 

iii  Iv'oNiinn  McDevit  b.  April  1.5.    1846. 

iv  P.t«r  A!ol)evit  b.   Feb.  2.  1848. 

V  tVoilia  Mi-lUvit  b.  Mar.  24,  1850. 

vi     JoM'pliine  .McDevit  b.  .Ian.  22.  1S52. 

No  1707e— Samuel  O'Hara'  Lucretia  Darbee'  Hannah  Kim- 
ball''Levi*  JacobMohn"  John' Richard')  b.   Oct.    21.    1820, 

July  and  Aug-ust  1^00,  125 

Greenville,  N.  Y.  m.  Jan.  16,    1848,    Louisa   Mayham    b. 
June  8,  1826,  North  Blenheim,  Schoharie  county,  N.  Y. 


i     Francis  Ralph  O'Hara^b.  Oct.  21,    1849. 
ii     Mary  Louisa  O'Hara  b.  July    7,    1851,    Empire,    Fon-du-lac 

county,  Wis. 
iii     Georffe  Edwin  O'Hara  b.  Mar.  5,  18.54,  Empire, 
iv     Charlotte  Mayham  O'Hara  b.  Empire. 

No.  1707f — Mary  O'Hara**  CLucreti a  Darbee^  Hannah  Kimball" 
Levi*  Jacob*  John'^  John-  Richard^)  b.  Greenville,  N.  Y. 
Mar.  14,  1822,  m.  Jan.  2,  1840,  Charles  McWilliams  born 
May  1816,  Tullyharen,  County  Derry,  Ireland. 


1  Sarah  Ann  McWilliarasS  b.  Feb.  23,  1842,  Greene  Co.,  N.  Y. 

ii  Mary  McWilliams  b.  Sept.  l.'i,  1843,  Greene  County.  N.    Y. 

iii  Lucretia  McWilliHms  b  June  7.  1847.  Greene  Co.,  N.  Y. 

[iv  Rosana  McWilliams  b.  Feb.  3,  1849,  Greene,  Co..   N.  Y. 

V  Hannah  Catharine  McWilliams  b.    Sept.    20,    18.50,    Greene 

county,  N.  Y. 

vi  Eleanor  McWilliams  b.  Dec.  19,  1852.  Conjiecticut. 

vii  Lucinda  McWilliams  b.  Dec.  21,  1855,  Greene  Co.,  N.  Y. 

viii  James  E.  McWilliams  b.  July  1,  1857.  Greene  Co.,  N.   Y. 

ix  Alice  McWilliams  b.  June  13,  1860,  Greene  Co.,  N.   Y. 

No.  I707g-— Peter  O'Hara  Jr. MLucretia  Darbee^  Hannah  Kim- 
ball*' Levi"  Jacob*  John^  John^  Richard^)  b.  Greenville, 
Greene  Co.,  N.  Y.,  July  1,  1824,  m.  Nov.  19,  1856, 
Eliza  Jane  McCloskey  at  Ashland,   Greene  Co.,  N.  Y. 


i     Flora  E.  O'Hara^  b.  Jan.  13,  1860. 

No.  1707h— Catharine  O'Hara*  '  Lucretia  Darbee^  Hannah  Kim- 
balls  Levi' Jacob*  Johns  John- Richard^  b.  Aug-.  11,  1829, 
at  Greenville  Greene  Co.,  N.  Y.  d.  Feb.  11,  1856,  m.  Oct. 
19,  1854,  John  M.  Kimball  at  Greenville,  N.  Y. 


i     KimbalP  b.  Jan.  1856,  d.  Feb.  6,  1856,  Albany,   N.  Y. 

No.  I707i — Charles  Henry  O'Hara*^  (Lucretia  Darbee^ Hannah 
Kimball"  Levi'  Jacob*  John'^  John'  Richard^  b.  Mar.  14, 
1831,  Greenville,  New  York,  m.  Feb.  3,  1859,  Miriam 


i  Alphonsus  L.  O'Hara*  b.  Oct.  21,  1860. 

No.  1707J  Sally  Sprag-ue-  (Lucretia  Darbee^  Hannah  Kimballs 
Levi' Jacob*  John"  John- Richard^)  b.  Rockland,  Sullivan 
Co.,  N.  Y.  Oct.  16,  1816,  d.  Oct.  16,  1842,  m.  Jan.  1,  1835, 
Allen  Stewart  b.  June  11,  1810,  at  Renfrewshire,  Town 
of  Inchinnan,  Scotland. 

124  Kimball   Faiiuly    News 


)     .It'iinncit  >U'\vart'' b.  Nov.    ;.".»,    J^:}:'),    Rockland,    N.    V.    m. 

.lacUson   Horton. 
ii     LiicindH  Stewart  b.  May  (t.  ]8:is,  d.  April  3,    1800.    m.    Doc. 
2."(.  isr.'.t,  H(.-nr\'  Sncdeker. 

X.i  17o7k  — James  Emmet  Sprag-ue**  (Lucinda  Darbee'  Hannah 
Kimball''  Levi''  Jacob^  John'*  John-  Richard' )  b.  Sept-  17, 
ISIS,  Rockland,  Sullivan  County,  N.  Y.  m.  Dec.  28,  1842. 
Samantha  Jane  Purvis  at  Bethel  Sullivan  county,  New 
York,  b.   Feb.  26,    1818. 


i  Sallj'  Sprag-ue^b.  June  30,   1844. 

ii  Lafayette  Sprag-ue  b.  June  21,  1847. 

iii  San  an tha  Jane  Sprag-ue  b.  Mar.    1.   ISriO. 

iv  William  Henry  Sprag-ue  b.  JNov.  13,  1853. 

No.  17071 — Erastus  Sprag^ue'^  (  T.,ucinda  Darbee^  Hannah  Kimball" 
Levi' Jacob' John- John5  Richard')  b.  May  3,  1824,  Rock- 
land, New  York,  m.  Oct.  20,  1853,  Harlem,  N.  Y.,  Mary 
Ann  Purvis  b.  Aug-.  27,  1826,  Rockland,  New  York. 

CIIIIDRKN    RC»RN    AT    ROCKLAND,    N.     Y. 

i     ^Varren  E.  Sprague"  b.  Sept.  3.  1856. 
ii     Howard  Lee  Sprag-ue  b.  Aug-.  20,  1857. 

No.  1707m — Hannah  Sprag-ue*^  (Lucinda  Darbee^  Hannah  Kim- 
ball" Levi-'  Jacob'  John"  John' Richard')  born  Jan.  2^),  1828, 
d.  April  1.  18.=;3.  m.  June  1.^,  184S  Henrv  Mott,  b.  Mav  l'>. 


i     Augustu.s  n.  Mott'  L>.  June  24,   1840. 
ii     Helena  Mott  b.  Oct.  10,  1850. 

No.  I707n —Catharine  Rutilla  Sprag-uea  (Lucinda  Darbee' Han- 
nah Kimball"  Levi''  Jacobs  John'' John-  Richard')  born  Nov. 
12,  182'>,  Rockland,  N.  Y.  m.  Jan.  24,  1850,  John  K.  Camp- 
bell b.  April  MK  1820,  Colchester.  N.  Y. 


1     Mary  Ag-tu-s  {"amfibell"  b.  May   30.   1851. 
ii     .IctTtTSon  <  ainpliell  b.  Jan.  31.   1854. 
lii     (ieorge  Campbell  b.  June  10.  KS5(). 

No  1707(>  Daniel  Dodge"  (Hannah  I):irbee'  Hannah  Kimball" 
lycvi-' Jacob*  John'  John"  Kichard')  born  July  15,  1S20, 
C.ainesville,  (ienesee  county,  N.  Y.,  m.  M;.v  2<..'lS4l] 
.Vdelia  Eliza  Newcomi)  b.  Oct.  24,  182.- 


i  <;«'orge  \V.   I><>iig-e"b.   Dfc.   21,1843. 

ii  i'ulliarine  L.  Dudg-i-  b.  Nov.  5.   184(i. 

iii  Mary  .\nn  \V.  IV^Ig-t-  b.  Oct.  15.  1S48. 

iv  K.mtiy  li.<nodjri'  b.  .Aug-.  13,   18.51. 

No.  I707p— Abigail  M.  Dodge"  (Hannah  Darbee'  Hannah  Kim- 
ball'' Levi    Jacob'  John'    John-'    Richard' i    born    May    '>6 

July  and  Aug-ust  1900.  125 

1822,  Gainesville,  Genesee  county,  N.  Y.,  ra.  Mar.  10, 
1847,  Luther  C.  Robinson,  b.  June  13,  1822,  at  Hume, 
Alleg-hany  county,  N.  Y. 


i     Emma  Lucretia  Robins<>n9  b.  Mar.    20,    I84S,    Eagle,    Alle- 
g-hany county,  N.  Y. 
ii     Franklin  L.  JRobinson  b    Aug-.  26.  1849,  Pike.  N.  Y 
iii     Aiig-ustus  Dodg-e  Robinson  b.  April  8,  18.51,  Pike,  N.  Y. 
iv     Hannah  Ella  Robinson  b.  April  22.   1854. 

No.  I707q— Edwin  Darbee**  (William  T.  Darbee^  Hannah  Kim- 
ball" Levi^  Jacob"*  John'^  John'  Richard^)  born  Rockland, 
N.  Y.June  25,  1831,  m.  April  25,  1854,  H.  E.  Dodg-e,  b, 
Ivibertj,  N.  Y. 

i     Orin  T.  Darbee"  b  Feb.  29,  i856,  Fallsburg-,  N.  Y. 

No.  I707r— Cordelia  Darbee*  (William  T.  Darbee' Hannah  Kim- 
ball«  Levi'  Jacob'  John'  John'  Richard^)  b.  April  3,  1833, 
Rockland,  N.  Y.  m.  Sept.  7,  1854,  James  Bonney. 


1     Samuel  J.  Bonney^  b.  April  1,  18.5(5. 

No.  I7i'7s— Edg-ar   Darbee'    [Levi    Darbee^    Hannah     Kimball 
Levi^  Jacob^  John^  John^  Richard^]  b.  Mar.  12,  1824,  Rock- 
land, N.  Y.  m.  Nov.  27,  1851,  Elizabeth   Ouse  Barton    b. 
Feb.  23,  1828,  on  the  Brig-  Ouse,  in  the  German  Ocean. 


i     Georg-e  Edg-ar  Darbee^  b.  Nov.  20,  1852,  Williamsburgh,  L. 

I.,  d.  June  22,  1853. 
ii     Charlotte  Ann  Darbee  b.  .Tuly  22.  1854,  Williamsburgh. 
iii     Edgar  Levi  Darbee  b    Sept.  1,  1858,  Williamsburg-h,    N.    Y. 
iv     Alicia  Barton  Darbee  b.  Nov.  17,  1860,  d.  July  34,  1864. 

No.  1707t— Abraham  Darbee'  (Levi  Darbee^  Hannah  Kimball*' 
Levi-^  Jacob^  John"  John^  Richard^)  born  Rockland,  Sulli- 
van county,  N.  Y.  Jan.  29,  1826,  m.  May  4,  1851,  at 
Williamsburg,  N.  Y.,  Mary  A.  Fletcher,  b.  Dec.  11,  1826. 


i     Robert  M.  Darbee*  b.  Jan.  31,  1852,  Williamsburg-, 
ii     Abraham  L.  Darbee  b    Dec.  30,  1856. 

No.  I707u — Maria  Louisa  Darbee**  (Levi  Darbee^  Hannah  Kim- 
ball" Levi^Jacob-'John'^  Johir  Richard^)  born  New  York 
City,  Sept.  8,  1830,  m.  July  3,  1854,  Williamsburg-h,  N.  Y. 
Joseph  L.  Powell  b.  Philadelphia,  Penn. 


i     Abraham  Leeds  Powell*  b.  Sept.  16,  1855,  Hyde  Park,  Penn. 
ii     Joseph  Levi  Powell  b.  Aug-.  25,  1857,  Hyde  Park,  Penn. 
iii     Maria  Josephine  Powell  b.  Aug.  18,  1860,  Hyde,  Park,  Penn. 

No.  1707 v— Sarah  Catharine  Darbees  (Levi  Darbee^  Hannah  Kim- 
ball* Levi*  Jacob*  John"  John'  Richard^  born  July  21,  1823, 

12()  Kimball  Family  News 

Rockland.  Sullivan  County,  N.  Y.'  m.  May  13,  1857, 
Brooklvn.  N.  Y.  Charles  C."  Mills  b.  April  1,  1827,  New 
York.  " 

i     Cliarles  M.  Mills''  b.  July  17,.18r)S.  Brooklyn.  N.    Y. 
ii     l-:ii«renia  Mills  b.  April  9,  18C0,  IJrooklyn.   N.  V. 

No.  I707w — Arrietta  Herniance  Darbee*  (Levi  Darbee-  Hannah 
Kimball"  Levi'' Jacob' John=' John-  Richard')  b.  Au^.  8, 
1385  MonticcUo, 'Sullivan  Co.,  New  York,  m.  Sept.  30,  1856, 
Lewis  Brocklehurst  Giles  b.  June  7,1825,  Orr,  near  Has- 
ting-s,  Sussex  county,  Eng-land,  d.  Sept.  18,  1857.  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 


i     Le.vis  li.  GilesS  b.  July  .5,  18fi7,  r{rooklyn,  N.  Y. 

No.  1707X — Fitz  Henry  Stanton**  (Asa  Stanton  Jr.^  Desire  Kim- 
ball'' Levi'  Jacob'  John"  John^  Richard^)  born  May  7, 
182  5,  m.  June  30,  1845,  Mary  Rounds. 


i  Warren  St,anton"'. 

ii  Arbe  Stanton, 

iii  Edgar  Stanton. 

iv  Mary  Stanton. 

V-  Emma  Stanton. 

No.  I7u7y-  Lucy  B.  Stanton''  (  Asa  Stanton  Jr.'  Desire  Kimbalif 
Levi**  Jacob' John'  John'-'  Richard')  b.  Nov.  30,  1825,  m. 
Jan.  26,  1843,  H.  N.   Ed^rett. 


i  En<rene   Edgett^. 

ii  Arthur  Edgett. 

iii  William  Edgett. 

iv  Franklin  Edgett. 

V  Asa  Edgett. 

No.  17(>7z— Samuel  C.  Stanton*  [Asa  Stanton  Jr.'  Desire  Kim- 
ball" Levi'' Jacob' John'' John- Richard']  b.  May  30,  1830, 
m.  April  2,  l!^53,  Mary  Ann  Bennett. 


i     Artliur  Stanton", 
ii     <  lara  M.  Stanton 



i  I  arolinc  Augusta  Hopkins**  b.  Jan.  1,   IHM. 

ii  Uachael  .Antoinetto  Hopkins  b.  Sept.  10,  IS.'i^. 

iii  Mary  Anuinda  Hopkins  b.  .Inne  I.';,   IS.M;. 

iv  U  illiani  Henry    Hopkins  b.   Die.  l'.  ls.^7. 

V  Isabi'Ua  (  aiiieron   Hopkins  b.   IVb.  10.   |S(51. 

July  and  Aug-ust  1900.  127 


CxEORGE  KIMBALL — In  Bostoti  Hig-lilatids,  Aug-.  9,  Georg-e,  be- 
loved son  of  Joseph  and  Annie  Kimball  (nee  Hennig-an ,, 
10  months  22  days.  Funeral  from  the  residence  of  his 
g-randfather,  John  Hennigan,  8  Beutou  st,  Friday,  Aug-. 
10,  at  2  p.  m. 

ABBiE  F.  KIMBALL — In  Boston.  Aug".  li,  Abbie  F.,  wife  of  John 
T.  Kimball.  Funeral  from  residence,  121  Bowdoin  st., 
Dorchester,  Wednesday,  Aug-.  15,  at  1  o'clock. 


The  long-  expected  work  "Notes  on  Rattlesden"  by  the  Rev. 
J.  R.  Olorenshaw,  has  come  to  hand.  We  shall  refer  to  it  more 
at  leng-th  in  our  next  issue.  Under  the  heading-  of  "Rattlesden 
Worthies,"  g-iving-  a  list  of  prominent  families  of  the  old  town, 
or  their  descendants,  we  find  the  following-: 

Kemball.  A  descendant  of  this  family,  the  Hon.  L.  A. 
Morrison,  of  Windham,  New  Hampshire,  America,  says,  that 
Richard  and  Ursula  Kemball  left  Rattlesden  for  America  in 
1634.  The  entry  of  baptism  of  a  child  of  theirs  is  in  the  reg-is- 
ter  for  1615.  Ursula  Kemball  was  the  daug-hter  of  Henry  Scott 
of  Rattlesden.  The  Kemballs  are  connected  with  the  Webbs, 
Ransoms,  Bancrofts,  and  others,  and  were  wheelwrig-hts  and 
farmers.  Mr.  Morrison  has  published  a  history  of  the  Kemball 
family,  and  says  that  each  generation  has  furnished  wheel- 
wrig-hts, ironworkers,  and  carriag-e  makers,  and  that  in  1893  the 
most  extensive  carriag-e  manufactory  in  the  United  States  was 
owned  by  Kimballs,  descendants  of  the  Kemballs  of  Rattlesden. 

The  News  cannot  help  feeling-  a  bit  of  envy  toward  those 
California  cousins,  especially  those  in  and  around  San  Francisco. 
One  continually  hears  of  their  g-ettiug- tog-ether,  lunching- tog-eth- 
er, and  having- jolly  social  times.  And  there  are  lots  of  bright 
ones  there  who  not  only  appreciate  fun  and  a  lively  time,  but 
also  find  keen  enjoyment  in  art  and  literature  and  the  more 
cultured  walks  of  life.  There  are  more  members  of  the  family 
in  and  around  Chicag-o,  New  York  or  Boston  than  in  San  Fran- 
cisco but  they  do.  not  seem  to  "mix"  in  the  same  social  way. 

Albert  Barney  Kimball,  postmaster  at  Scandia,  Kansas,  and 
editor  of  the  Journal,  with  his  wife  and  children  have  been 
recreating-  at  Boulder,  Colorado  and  among-  the  mountains  in  the 
neig-hborhood,  while  his  brother  Charles  Aug-ustus,  editor  of  the 
Courtland,  Kansas,  Reg-ister,  has  g-one  with  their  mother,  Mrs. 
J.  M.  Kimball  of  Manhattan,  Kansas,  to  the  northern  lakes  and 
to  visit  relatives  in  Michig-an    (Hist.  p.  940.; 

128  Kimball  Family  News 


Qikry: — Does  any  one  know  anything'  of  Ephraim  Kimball  who  lived  and 
died  in  F!inninf,''ton.  N.  H.  in  years  g'one  In*.  His  son  Epliraim  born 
in  ITVfi.  iiKirritd  IJachael  Akerman  and  went  to  Hiram  Maine. 

.Mrs.  a.  W.  Ai.len, 
Box  €>'>'.'.  Norway.    Maine. 

The  Family  History,  pag-e  331  records  Ephraim  KimballR 
XEhpriam'>  Nehemiah^  Ephraim^  Richard-  Richard i)  born  Do- 
ver. N.  H.  June  17,  1751,  died  1832,  married  Sept.  23,  1773  Han- 
nah Emerson,  born  Feb.  13,  1754.  He  was  a  selectman  in  1794. 
Lived  in  Dover,  Rochester  and  Farming-ton.  His  sixth  child 
was  Ephraim",  born  Rochester,  N.  H.  Feb.  20,  1786,  married 
Mar.  2S,  1808  Rachel  Ackernan. 

On  pag-e  232  the  date  of  his  death  is  g-iven  as  Aug-.  8,  1878, 
and  on  page  42b,  it  is  said;  died  in  Hiram  Maine  Jan.  14,  1863. 
Ephriam**  is  given  as  his  only  child,  born  Hiram,  Maine,  Mar. 
20,  1819,  died  Sept.  21,  1866.  This  Ephriam^  is  credited  with 
<iv  rhildren. 


The  new  steamer  John  S.  Kimball  was  the  most  admired 
vessel  along  the  water  front  yesterday.  She  left  her  berth  at 
1 :30  o'clock  for  a  trial  trip  carrying-  several  hundred  g-uests  and 
a  band  of  music.  An  elaborate  luncheon  was  spread  during  the 
trip.  Captain  Thwing  and  the  other  officers  were  in  handsome 
uniforms  and  were  popular  hosts  during-  the  trip.  The  steam- 
er is  scheduled  to  leave  for  Nome  next  Thursday  and  upon  her 
return  will  probably  make  a  trip  to  Honolulu.  It  is  likely  that 
the  Kimball,  on  account  of  her  luxurious  passenger  accommoda- 
tions, will  become  a  reg^ular  vessel  between  here  and  the  islands. 
She  has  been  handsomely  fitted  out  and  can  carry  200  or  300 
passeng-ers  very  comfortably.  — S.  F.  Chronicle,  Aug*.  5. 

At  the  last  meeting  of  the  Kansas  Society  of  the  Sons  of 
the  ^^merican  Revolution,  Prof.  Joseph  T.  Lovewell  of  Wash- 
burn College  gave  a  little  experienc  of  his  efforts  to  trace  out 
his  family  line.  He  found  somewhat  to  his  surprise  that  many 
persons  do  not  know  the  names  of  their  grandparents.  There 
is  nothing  unusual  about  this.  The  patriotic  societies  have 
done  much  to  awaken  interest  in  g-enealogfical  and  family  history 
and  nearly  every  one  who  finds  himself  on  this  line  of  investiga- 
tion meets  the  same  facts  that  Prof.  Lovewell  discovered.  But 
a  very  r«.  markablc  change  is  going  on  in  this  respect.  Histori- 
cal Societies  are  giving  more  attenti«>n  to  genealog-y,  and  family 
histories  are  becoming  more. numerous. 


uL  im  ball'^  family  uLews 

Vol.  Ill,  No.  9.  "^\G.  F.  KIMBALL,  Publisher.  '    Terms  $1.00  a  year 

Topeka*  Kansas,  September,  1900. 



Tlie  ]>ebanf  n  N.ll    I-'i  ee  Tre^s  of  April  L'O.  1900,  has-the  following  from 

Eunice  Marsh  Kimball,  of  Kimball  I'lace,  sometimes  called   Kimball    Hill, 

and  in  the  Family  History,  p.  347.  Mount  Lebanon,  in  quotation  from    the 

•Historical  Maijazine."     Refer  also  to  pp.  448.  449.     Also  Fam.  Nkvs8,  Jan. 

\^m.  pp.    \2  \i. 

The  long-  steep  hig-hway  leadino-  from  West  Lebanon  on  the 
east,  becomes  "Kimball  Hill"  on  passing"  the  last  villag^e  house. 
Here  the  road  runs  throug-h  the  Kimball  estate,  which  stretches 
far  be3'ond.  Travelers  are  struck  with  the  beautiful  fields  on 
cither  hand,  and  he  who  takes  the  trouble  to  step  into  the  one 
on  his  left,  is  rewarded  by  a.  fine  view  of  the  White  river  as  it 
(lows  into  the  Connecticut.  But  the  eye  of  every  old  resident 
turns  involuntarily  to  the  opposite  side  of  the  road,  where  he 
sees  again  in  his  imagination,  a  mansion  that  form.erly  crowned 
tlie  hill  top,  until,  in  the  winter  of  1866,  it  was  destroyed  by  fire. 
To  that  colonial  home,  there  came  in  the  year  1802,  Richa.rd 
Kimball,  with  his  wife,  Abigail  Huntington,  and  their  family. 
Mrs.  Kimball  was  the  only  sister  of  Samuel  Huntington,  presi- 
dent of  the  lirst  Continental  Congress,  signer  of  the  Declaration 
of  Independence,  and  governor  of  Connecticut  for  many  years, 
and  until  his  death.  The  Kimballs  had  a  large  family  of  chil- 
dren of  whom  Kichard  was  the  only  one  who  ever  married. 

[Note.  This  d<)es  not  agree  with  the  Family  History,  which  on  page 
347.  gives  Elijah"  the  eldest  son  as  No.  419,  m.  Deliverance  Babeock.— Ed. 

Jesse,  the  eldest  son,  was  taken  prisoner  by  the  British  in 
the  Revolutionary  war.  It  required  three  exchanges,  for  he 
g-ave  away  the  two  first  ones  to  suffering-  comrades.  The  third 
one  was  "not  available  for  a  substitute.  He  lies  in  the  old  cem- 
etery, shaded  by  the  trees  of  Mount  Lebanon. 

Richard'  [Page  247]  kept  up  the  Kimball  place.  His  wife 
was  Mary  Marsh,  daughter  of  Joel  Marsh,  who  was  the  first  boy 
born  in  Sharon,  Vermont.  For  this  distinction  he  receiv- 
ed a  deed  of  a  hundred  acre^  from  the  crown.  The  land  is  still 
in  the  Marsh  family.,  Richard  Kimball  was  a  man  of  large 
brain  and  liberal'views.     Ke  took  an  active  interest  in  the   ad- 

130  Kimball  Family  News 

vancement  of  humane  and  educational  enterprises.  His  sons. 
Elijah  Huntinjj^ton  and  Richard  Burleig"h,  received  every  educa- 
tional advantajo^e.  They  traveled  abroad,  when  to  cross  the 
Atlantic  was  a  luxury  confined  to  very  few.  His  daughters 
were  educated  at  Mrs.  Wil lard's  famous  school  in  Troy,  New 
York,  considered  the  best  in  the  country-. 

Mr.  Kimball  was  a  prominent  civil  eng^ineer.  He  construct- 
ed the  Erie  canal,  and  Governor  DeWitt  Clinton  of  New  York 
tame  to  the  Kimball  homestead  to  consult  him  about  it.  The 
g-overnor  drove  all  the  way.  There  were  no  railroads  then. 
Mr.  Kimball  laid  out  the  "North  New  Hampshire  Turnpike," 
running-  it  over  Kimball  hill.  He  died  February  12,  1860,  in 
the  92nd  year  of  his  ag-e.  Mr.  Kimball's  house  was  '•enowed  for 
its  hospitality  and  numbered  among  its  g-uests,  Gov.  Hunting-- 
ton,  Gov.  Hiilhouse,  Gov.  Clinton  of  New  York,  Daniel  Webster 
and  Caleb  Cushing-.  His  daughters  married  prominent  men. 
Lucy  and  Caroline  married  brothers,  John  and  Robert  Young, 
wealthy  mine  owners  of  Pennsylvania.  Both  were  early  left 
widows.  They  returned  to  the  Kimball  homestead  where  they 
spent  six  years.  From  there,  each  married  ag^ain.  Lucy  was 
very  beautiful;  she  counted  among-  her  suitors,  the  celebrated 
Caleb  Cushing.  Her  second  husband  was  James  Stewart  of 
Philadelphia.  He  drove  from  Philadelphia  to  Mount  Lebanon 
in  his  private  conveyance  and  carried  off  his  bride  in  state. 

Caroline  married  Charles  B.  Haddock,  the  only  nephew  of 
Daniel  Webster,  professor  of  Z>V7/f^.s /^7/;y 5  at  Dartmouth  col leg-e 
and  afterwards  United  States  minister  to  Portugal  On  their 
reurn  home  they  resided  at  the  Kimball  homestead.  Mrs  Had- 
dock was  living-  there,  a  widow,  when  the  house  was  destroj'ed 
by  fire. 

[Note.     The  Historj*  p.  248.  doos  not  iik  ntion  Eunice.     It    jrives    Lucy 

as  the  eldest  dauffhfer  and  bays  t>he  m.    Hutchinson,    evidently    an 

error. — Kd.  Nkw.s.  J 

Eunice,  the  eldest  daughter,  lived  at  home.  She  is  remem- 
bered as  Mrs.  Hutchinson,  a  woman  of  rare  cultivation,  oig-nity, 
g;entleness  and  strength  of  character.  Her  father-in-law's  co- 
lonial home  was  the  only  residence  between  Lyman's  bridge  and 
the  Kimball  homestead.  There  was  no  West  Lebanon.  The 
only  road  to  Lebanon  r;.n  from  the  Mascoma  river  {the  Mt/Sfjl/f/ - 
ma  of  the  Indians  and  passed  on  the  south  side  of  the  Kimball 
place.  The  Kimballs  called  their  place,  "Mount  Lebanon." 
(Jld  letters,  written  nearly  a  hundred  years  ago,  and  in  the  pos- 
session of  the  writer,  bear  this  address.  These  letters  are  ele- 
gantly folded,  without  envelopes,  and  exhibit  an  enormous  rate 
of  postage. 

Elijah  Huntington  Kimball'  (page  448),  lived  in  New  York 
His  five  daughters,  (he  had  no  sons),  sj)ent  much  of  their  child- 
hood at  the  Kimball  homestead.      Lucy,  the  third  daughter,  met 

September  1900.  131 

there  and  afterwards  married,  Levi  P.  Morton,  the  successful 
iinancier;  afterwards  U.  S.  minister  to  France,  vice-president  of 
the  United  Statts,  and  g-overnor  of  New  York.  Mrs.  Berdan, 
the  second  daughter,  resided  at  the  Kimball  homestead  during- 
the  War  of  the  Kebellion.  Her  3'oung-est  daug-hter  was  born 
there.  This  daug-hter  is  now  the  wife  of  the  charming- and  pop- 
ular novelist,  Marion  Crawford.  Mrs.  Lay,  Mr.  Elijah  Kimball's 
fourth  daughter,  spent  ten  years  on  the  estate  after  the  home- 
stead was  burned.  She  lived  in  a  pretty,  red  cottag-e  built  from 
the  remains  of  the  homestead.  Her  husband,  Colonel  Richard 
G.  Lay,  was  recently  United  States  consul  g-eneral  at  Ottawa. 
Their  only  son,  Julius,  is  U.  S.  consul  general  at  Barcelona. 

On  the  Kimball  estate  stands  a  colonial  house,  admirablv 
built  with  an  extraordinary  amount  of  timber,  principally  oak, 
prettily  carved  by  hand,  within  and  without.  It  is  at  the  pres- 
ent writing,  the  oldest  house  in  the  town,  and  is  the  residence 
of  the  Kimball  family.  Richard  Kimball  g-ave  it  to  his  son, 
Richard  B.  Kimball'  on  the  latter's  marriage  with  Miss  Julia  C 
Tomlinson  of  New  York.  On  her  mother's  side,  Mrs.  Kimball 
v.'as  a  direct  descendant  of  the  Adams  famil}-,  so  renowned  in 
tiie  hirtory  of  our  country.  She  was  a  g-reat-^randdaug-hter  of 
Chief  Justice  Adams  of  Litchfield,  Conn. 

No  pains  were  spared  to  make  this  spot  a  delightful  sum- 
mer resort.  A  wing-  was  added  to  the  house,  g-iving-  it  the  ex- 
tension of  a  vill  ^  Tais  br  ujht  the  building  into  too  close  prox- 
imity to  the  road,  but  a  sweeping  lawn  was  laid  out  in  front, 
and  privacy  secured  by  a  long  row  of  pines,  now  g-rown  to  a 
hedg-e  of  magnificent  proportions,  having  screened  the  lawn  for 
nearly  fifty  years.  While  the  outside  of  "The  Cottage"  was  al- 
lowed to  retain  its  primitive  simplicity,  so  perfectly  in  keeping- 
with  the  wild  beauty  of  the  scenery  surrounding  it,  the  inside 
was  luxuriously  fitted  up  from  the  best  stores  of  Paris,  London 
and  New  York.  All  barns  and  out-houses  were  removed  to  a 
desirable  distance  on  the  other  side  of  the  road,  and  a  pretty 
farm  house  was  added  to  them.  This  farm  house  has  always 
been  occupied  by  some  one  having  care  of  "The  Cottage." 

Richard  B.  Kimball'  was  known  as  a  distinguished  author, 
"an  elegant  scholar,  an  accomplished  gentleman"  At  his  house 
were  entertained  the  most  brilliant  literary  men  of  the  day.  He 
knew  Dickens  and  Washington  Irving-  well.  George  William 
Curtis,  N.  P.  Willis,  Bayard  Taylor,  John  G.  Saxe,  "Charlie" 
Leland,  Rufus  W.  Griswold,  are  among-  the  American  authors 
whom  the  writer  especially  remembers  as  visiting-  "The  Cot- 
tage." Mr.  Kimball  was  an  extensive  traveler  and  frequently 
resided  in  Europe.  He  was  a  prominent  railroad  man.  He 
built  the  first  railroad  ever  laid  in  Texas.  It  ran  from  Galveston 
to  Houston.     Mr.  Kimball  was  its  president  until   the   outbreak 


132  Kimball  Family  News 

of  the  Civil  war.  He  owned  a  larg-e  tract  of  land  in  Texas,  the 
cream  of  which,  "Kimball's  Bend  of  The  Brazos,"  is  the  proper- 
ty of  his  eldest  son,  Richard-.  Mr.  Kimball  had  a  beautiful 
country  seat  in  Westchester  county,  New  York,  where  he  and 
his  family  resided. 

Althouj^h  absent  from  New  Hampshire,  Mr.  Kimball  would 
never  rent  his  house  there.  He  was  firm  in  this  resolve  in  spite 
of  repeated  o'flFers  from  friends  who  were  fascinated  b}-  the 
romantic  situation  and  unique  charm  of  "The  Cottag-e."  Not 
even  the  "hard  times"  during- the  war,  could  induce  him  to  let 
strang-ers  occupy  his  home  as  theirs.  In  these  hard  times  "The 
Cottag-e"  was  allov/ed  to  fall  out  of  repair,  but  it  was  carefully 
watched,  and  in  due  time  put  in  complete  repair  for  the  return 
of  the  family  in  summer.  Here,  his  daughters  have  lived  since 
their  father's  death  in   1892. 

Mr.  Kimball  was  a  graduate  of  Dartmouth  colleg-e;  graduat- 
ing among  the  first  six  of  his  class.  He  was  fc-r  six  years  presi- 
dent of  "The  Dartmouth  Alumni  Society"  of  New  York.  He  al- 
ways kept  up  his  interest  in  the  "Dartmouth  boys,"  and  all  of 
them  coming  to  New  York  as  strangers,  were  sure  of  his  aid  and 
friendship.  Twice  he  lectured  at  Hanover  for  the  benefit  of  the 
Ftudents.  P^or  many  years  he  offered  to  the  g-raduating  class  a 
prize  of  fifty  dollars  for  the  best  definition  of  the  difference  be- 
tween man  and  the  animals. 

Richard  Burleigh  Kimball's  sons,  Richard^  and  Daniel  Tom- 
linson*  are  both  Dartmouth  men.  Richard  belongs  to  the  socie- 
ty of  Alpha  Delta  Phi,  and,  like  his  father,  is  a  member  of  the 
I^hi  Beta  Kappa.  He  resides  in  Texas.  Daniel  is  a  lawyer  in 
New  York.  Richard's  eldest  son,  Richard  Huntington  KimbalP 
fifth  Richard  in  direct  descent  on  the  Kimball  place,  has  passed 
his  examinations  for  admission  to  Dartmouth  collesre. 


On  page  7^)5,  Fain.  Hist,  in  record  of  Richard  Kimball'*,  now  of  Meri- 
dian, Te.xas.  Richard"  is  the  only  child  mfntiont-d  Wt-  arc  now  able  to 
g-ive  the  followinpr  addition. 

i     Richnrd  Muntiuo-ton'-',  b.  .June  (».  18S2.  Iviraball.   Texas. 
ii     Mary.  b.  Au<rust  11.  18S4,  Kimball.   Texas, 
iii     .lulia.  b.  December  -26,  188t).  Kimball.   Texas. 
iv     Harold,  b.  February  22.  ]8'.»0.  Meridian,  Texas. 
V     Marjraret  Caroline,  b.  Nov.  10.  1892.  Meridian.  Texas. 
vi     Nannie,  b.  May  10.  18'.»7.  Meridian,  Texas. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  Willard  Kimball,  of  San  Francisco, 
were  the  g-uests  of  Mrs.  Mary  A.  and  Sa-.ih  Louise  Kimball,  at 
Palo  Alto,  for  a  few  days  recently. 

Roy  T.  Kimball  has  been  "Eastern  Star"-ing  at  Masonic 
Temple,  San  Francisco.  He  holds  the  head  office  over  their 
Lord  High  Something  or  Other. 

September  1900.  133 

One  Case  of  Many. 

Here  is  a  case  illustrative  of  many  others.  In  answer  to  a 
request  for  information,  Mr.  E.  M.  Kimball  writes  as  follows: 

As  for  my  father's  and  grandfather's  family  I  can  g-ive  no 
very  definite  account. 

My  grandfather  David  Kimball  moved  from  Montpelier,  Vt., 
to  York  State  thence  to  Illinois  some  time  in  the  early  thirties. 
He  had  t\vo  sets  of  children.  My  father,  Charles  H.  Kimball, 
was  of  the  younger.  His  half  brothers  lived  in  York  state.  One 
of  their  given  names  was  Chester.  My  father  had  four  brothers, 
Luther,  John,  David  and  James.  None  of  my  father's  family 
are  living.     From  further  information  we  compile  the  folloning. 

Edwin  M.  Kimball  (probably  " )  Charles  H.',  born  July  20, 
1S41,  m.  1st,  Evansville,  Ind".,  Mar.  15,  1868,  Amirah  B. 
Stinson.  died  Sept.  20,  1870;  m.  2nd,  Dec.  28,  1871,  Fran- 
ces M.  Dierdorff,  died,  April  23,  1899.  Lives  in  Smith 
Center,  Kansas.     (May  News  1899,  p.  281.) 


i  Lieu  E  .  "j.  Apr.  ,!,  1870;  d.  Aug.  •>.  1.S70. 

ii  Grace  M..  h.  Sept.  16.  1873. 

iii  Orville  J.,  b.  Julv  4.   1875. 

i.v  T)  M..  h.  Oct.  "^11.  1877. 

V  Edg-ar  L..  b.  Aug-.   2'^,   1879. 

vi  Charles,!,,  b.  Jan.  12.  1883. 

vii  Amirah  \i..  h.  March  19.   1884. 

viii  Perrv  H..  b.  Nov    27,  1886. 

ix  Lacy  M.,  b.  July  20,  1889. 

The  grandfather  of  E.  M.  Kimball  may  have  been  David  C. 
Kimball,  No  1205  p.  596.  p'ara.  Hist.  He  was  the  son  of  Smith 
Kimball,  the  s<  n  of  Abraham,  p.  169,  who  died  in  Peacham,  Vt. 
vSmith  Kimball's  descendants  are  numerous  in  Central  Illinois. 

Page  192.  Fam.  Hist.  Sarah,  the  seventh  child  of  Nathan- 
iel Kimball  No.  291,  became  the  2nd  wife  of  Ammi  Ruhami 
Smith.  They  had  at  least  four  children — Lucy,  who  died  young, 
Caroline,  Charles  William,  and  another  Lucy. 

fi  dispatch  from  Salina,  Kansas,  says: 

Wra.  Kimball,  the  13-year-old  son  of  James  Kimball,  a  farm- 
er residinsj-  15  miles  southwest,  died  Sept.  10  from  injuries  re- 
ceivf^.d  while  playing  "pull  awa}'"  at  school.  The  boy  played 
too  hard  on  Friday.  It  is  supposed  that  internal  injuries  were 
caused,  resulting  in  inflammation  and  death. 

We  have  no  record  of  this  James  Kimball.  James  Adams 
Kimball  (Hist  p.  1051)  is  a  well  known  business  man  living  in 
Salina.  > 


134  Kimball  Family  News 

Variant  Spellings  of   Names. 

I""rom  The  l?oston  Transcript. 

Certain  spelling-s  of  New-En <j-1  and  names  are  undoubtedly 
the  result  of  illiteracy,  and  came  into  use  at  that  curious  time 
when  people  spelled  by  ear  and  really  did  not  know  how  their 
names  should  be  written.  Nowadays  most  people  are  careful  to 
spell  their  names  as  their  fathers  spelled  them,  and  certainly 
thev  cannot  be  blamed  for  doing-  so  unless  they  follow  methods 
or  orthog-raphy  which  inflict  intolerable  sorrow  and  trouble  on 
the  g-eneral  public.  Variation  in  the  spelling-  of  family  names 
is  rather  the  rule  than  the  exception.  Take  for  instance,  the 
name  which  by  the  first  comers  in  New-Eng-land  who  bore  it  was 
properly  spelled  Haseltine.  In  the  Boston  directory  we  find 
these  spelling's;  Haseltine,  Hazeltine,  Hazelton,  Hesseltine  and 
Hesselton,  and  in  the  country  districts  several  others  are  followed. 
Another  name  which  has  a  variety  of  spelling-s  is  Josselyn,  which 
is  spelled  not  only  thus,  but  Joslin,  Joslyn  and  Jocelyn.  Of 
course,  anv  man  who  bears  this  name  must  tell  people,  when  he 
g-ives  it,  just  hew  to  spell  it.  and  the  g-iving-  of  this  information 
must  waste  a  g^reat  deal  of  his  time.  It  mig-ht  be  convenient  to 
have  a  name  like  Allen,  which  no  one  would  ask  how  to  spell 
when  it  was  g-iA-en;  but  if  one's  name  happens  to  be  Allin,  or 
Alleyne,  or  Alline,  or  Allan,  an  explanation  is  necessary.  The 
Harts,  Hartes  and  Hartts  likewise  have  a  g-reat  deal  of  trouble, 
and  most  woful  of  all  seems  to  be  the  case  of  the  Thomsons  with- 
out a  p.  who  probal}"  spend  about  one-third  of  their  lives  in  g-et- 
ting-  people  to  leave  out  the  p — and  then  they  don't  do  it.  The 
Thomassons,  Thomassens  and  Tomsons  have  their  lives  made  a 
burden.  If  there  were  a  law  to  suppress  all  spelling-s  of  family 
names  except  the  standard  and  normal  one,  what  a  convenience 
it  would  be  not  only  to  the  g-eneral  public,  but  the  bearers  of  the 
names  themselvesi  Yet  any  man  whose  name  has  an  eccentric 
orthog-raphy  seems  as  oroud  of  it  as  can  be,  and  would  rebel 
rather  than  be  relieved  of  the  trouble  of  continually  spelling-  it 
to  people. 

In  addition  to  the  abo\  e  we  may  refer  to  the  "Notes  on  Rat- 
tlesden"  mentioned  in  this  issue,  where  the  name  of  Scott  is  g-iv- 
en  in  various  forms.  It  will  be  noticed  that  various  spelling-s  of 
"Hazeltine"  is  g^iven  in  the  History.  Benjamin''  and  Caleb*  re- 
spertively  married  Mercy  and  Ann  Ha/.eltine.  '  pp.  44  and  46.  ) 
In  the  index  other  forms  are  g:ivcn.  These  variant  spelling-s  of 
names  are  not  always  the  result  of  illiteracy.  The  News  has 
heretofore  <^iven  numerous  instances  sh<»wing-  that  many  of  these 
chang-es  are  of  modern  oriju^in.  For  instance,  many  Smiths  have 
been  chang-ed  to  Smyths,  or  Smvthos,  to  assist  in  identification. 
The  grandfather  of  President  I'olk  was    Pollock,    and    there    is 

September  19U0.  135 

little  reason  to  believe  the  chang-e  was  made  throug-h  ig-norance. 
Many  people  are  very  particular,  if  not  cranky,  about  the  spel- 
ling-of  their  names.  One  will  assist  upon  Eliot,  another  upon 
Elliot,  another  Elliott,  and  another  Eliott.  Many  of  these 
variant  forms  are  of  freakish  origin,  the  same  are  seen  in  g-iven 
names  for  boys  and  g-irls. 

The  leading-  article  in  this  issue,  "The  Kimballs  of  Kimball 
Place"  will  lind  interested  readers.  By  reference  to  the  Family 
History  on  pag-es  named  in  the  paper  it  will  be  seen  that  the 
History  differs  in  some  respects  as  mentioneu  in  notes.  The  ar- 
ticle as  published  in  the  Free  Press  was  sig-ned  Eunice  Marsh 
Kimball.  The  youngest  daughter  of  Richard  Burleigh  Kimball 
is  given  on  page  450  of  the  History  as  Emma  Marsh  Kimball. 
Such  errors  as  these  are  quite  common.  Wherever  differences 
occur  this  article  should  have  preference.  No  branch  of  the  fam- 
ily is  better  known  than  this.  Lebanon,  N.  H.  is  notable  for  its 
modern  Kimballs  as  Ipswich,  Mass.,  for  its  earlier  Kimballs. 
In  the  December  News  for  1899  may  be  found  a  long  account  of 
another  branch  located  there,  while  frequent  mention  has  been 
made  of  another  who  located  there  or  in  the  adjoining  town  of 
Plain  field,  among  whom  was  Daniel  the  founder  of  Kimball 
Union  Academy. 

Then  across  the  Connecticut  river,  a  few  miles  up  the 
White  river,  to  which  reference  is  made,  at  Royalton  adjoiniiig 
Sharon,  the  home  of  the  Marsh  family,  was  another  settlement, 
including  Richard'',  the  ancestor  of  Col.  Robert  Jackson  Kimball, 
the  Broad  street,  N.  Y    banker,  and  many  others.  (Hist.  p.  780. ) 

The  Augusta,  ((ki.)  Herald  has  an  illustrated  paper  on  his- 
toric spots  in, that  vicinity  including  a  portrait  of  George  Walcot, 
a  signer  of  the  Declaration  of  Independence,  and  his  daughter, 
Octarvia,  afterwards  Madame  LeVert,  and  the  Meadow  Garden, 
the  home  of  the  patriot  family  which  has  been  purchased  by  the 
Daughters  of  the  American  Revolution,  which  is  to  be  restored 
and  beautified.  Here  was  built  Chateau  LeVert,  where  this 
daughter  of  the  revolution  made  her  home,  and  where  under  the 
pines  she  now  sleeps  It  is  this  house  situated  on  the  highest 
point  of  the  estate  that  Col.  D.  B.  Dyer  has  bought  and  improved, 
retaining  all  its  colonial  features,  and  enriched  with  his  innu- 
merable relics  of  peace  and  war.  And  it  is  here  he  entertains 
his  friends  and  visitors  when  they  call  to  look  into  his  railroad 
and  financial  enterprises.— Fam.  Hist.  p.  909.  News  Feb.  1898 
and  other  numbers. 

Robert  Kimball  of  Ipswich,  Mass.,  and  two  or  three  friends 
recently  took  a  two  days  canoe  trip  up  the  Merrimac  river. 

13(i  Kimball  Faraily  News 


Who    Served    ia    the     War    of   Indepetidatice, 
As  Shown  in  the  Kimball  Family  History. 


Names  of  soldiers  in  the  Revolution  marked  bj  asterisk. 

Richards  Henry^,  John\  John^  John'',  Capt.  Daniel«*. 

Benjamin",  David**:     Sargfent"* 

Nathan':  Josiah  Batchelder"*. 
Jonathan",  Samuof':   Samuel'*. 
Joseph',  Joseph^:  Joseph"'*. 

Benjamin';  Daniel"*. 

Richard'  John-  Richard'^  Richard";  Capt.  Aaron'^*;  Noah  Brooks"*^ 

Capt.  John''*:  Jared«=". 
John  Jr.®* 
Andrew*:  Beniamin'*. 
AaronS  Benjamin'*:  Joseph"*. 

Nathaniel\  Nathaniel'':  Klkanah"*. 
John  Jr.",    JacoV,       Jacob^:  Walter"*. 

John\         John'':  Elisha"*. 

Benjamin',  BenjaminS  Beniamin":   Benjamin*' 

Moses'*,         MosesS         Joseph*:         Moses*""*. 

Joseph'',       I):mi-1':         Daniel'*. 


Joshua*:         John''* S.  L.  K. 

Joseph*:      Capt.  Joseph**:  Samuel"*. 
Philemon^  Lieut-Col.  Asa**:  John^*. 


September  1900.  137 

Richard',  BenjamirxS,  Robert",  Ebnezer*:  Obadiah^*. 

Oliver':        Oliver'*. 
Solomon^:  Solomon**, 
Samuel',  James^:      James'*. 

Edmund:  Edmund'*. 
Samuel^:    Samuel''*. 
Ebenezer'\  Abner^:    Moses''^*. 

Abrahani\  Timothy'^*. 
Richard'-.    Benjamin\  Abig-ail%    m,    David 


Major   Daniel 
Richard-5:  Joab*'*. 
Stephen^:  Moses**. 
David^  David^:  Capt.  Reuben''*.     R    T!  K. 

Asa*:         Mellen«*. 
Samuel^:     Samuel**. 

Nathan*:  William"*. 
Jonathan*:  Ziba***. 

Jeremiah^:  Lt.  Jeremiah**:  Jeremiah***. 
David*:         David***. 
Reuben':     Daniel**. 
Aaron':  Abraham''*. .  .G.  F.  K. 

Jonathan'',  Benjamin*,  Benjamin-^:  Andrew***. 

Jonathan*:  Capt.  Benjamin***. 
Lt.   Daniel***. 
Isaac*:         Aquilla**. 

Richard',  Richard-,  John"',  Richard*,  Moses*:  Eli***. 

Amos'':   Enoch***. 
Jacob*:  Jacob***:  Benjamin'*. 

Aaron*:  Davids*, 
Samue^**  . 

138  Kimball  Family  News 

Richard':  Ridiard"*. 

John'':       Asa**. 

Sarauel\  John^  Richard':  John'* 

Samuel\  Benjamin":  Capt.  Benjamin"*: 

Samuel'':  Ammiruhamah**: 

Rbenezer-»,  Ebenezer':  Isaac®*. 

Boyce'^:       603x6***. 

Ebenezer  *. 
Jonahan\  Jonathan':  Ezra*'*. 
Thomas",  Edmund':  Capt.  Thomas-'*:  Edmund"*. 
Eiphraim\  Ephraim":  Ephraim":  Samuels*. 

Caleb\       John':         Moses'*. 

Caleb':        Capt.  Porter'*. 
Abraham':  Caleb'*. 


Richard\  Thomas^,  Richard-,  Joseph':  Daniel'*. 

Capt.  Peter.-'*. 
Richard':  Willuim'--*. 
Samuel',  Richard'':  Edward"*-  ? 

Thomas  Jr., ■■'Thomas':  Capt.  Georg-e'': 

Major  Thomas"*.    ? 
Tcorg-e    .  i 

Amos':  Amos"*- 
John':  Lieut.   Abel'*:  Simeon«*. 
Ephraim^:  Ephraim'*:   Levi"*. 

William'*:  Eliphalet"*. 

RiclKird'.  Caleb^  Caleb',  Caleb',  Caleb':  Capt.  Caleb"^ 

The  mother  of  Helen  Mar  Worthen  of  Denver,  has  just  pas- 
sed through  a  sta<i;-e  of  typhoid  fever.  (April  News,  189'),  p  200. ) 

John  11.  Kimball  ik  Co.,  of  New  York  Citv,  advertise  as 
brokers  g-iving-  advice  on  speculative  market  transactions.  A 
correspondent  writes  to  the  Nkws  asking-,  "Who  are  they?" 
Who  can  tell? 

September  1900.  139 

Sarah  Louise  Kimball  writes  of  the  luscious  fruits  in  which 
California  is  now  reveling-,  and  our  brother  Nelson  of  Idaho 
writes  of  the  same.  Well,  Kansas  has  fruits  too,  and  wheat 
without  end. 

The  Pacific  Coast  Kimball  Family  Reunion  will  be  held  in 
San  Francisco,  October  6.  They  always  raanag-e  to  w^ork  up  a 
lively  interest  in  these  affairs  not  equaled  elsewhere.  The 
News  will  be  with  them  in  spirit  with  greeting's  and  good  wishes. 

At  a  late  meeting-  of  the  Daug-hters  of  the  Revolution  of 
Ipswich,  Mass.,  a  g-randdaug-hter  of  Gen.  John  Stark  and  his 
wife  Molly  was  admitted.  Advantag-e  was  taken  of  the  occasion 
to  rehearse  some  Revolutionary  history  in  which  Gen.  Stark 
was  an  actor,  particularly  the  Battle  of  Benning-ton  when  no  less 
than  seven  New  Hampshire  Kimball's  served  besides  others  from 
Vermont  and  Massachusetts.  It  was  determined  to  mark  the 
g-rave  of  Caleb  Kimball  among"  other  soldiers  buried  in  Ipswich. 
Mary  S.  C.  Peabody,  a  reader  of  the  News,  solicited  the  names 
of  revolutionary-  soldiers  from  Ipswich,  with  their  place  of  burial. 

On  pa '^e  9,  News  1898  reference  is  made  to  William  Allen 
Wallace  who  wrote  the  sketch  in  the  Family  History  of  Georg-e 
Kimball,  No.  1045,  pag-e  52  L  On  pag-e  44  March  News  1898,  is 
also  g-iven  a  letter  from  J.  B.  Wallace.  The  old  Wallace  home- 
stead to  which  George  Kimball  was  a  welcome  visitor  nearly 
seventy  years  ag-o  was  a  larg-e  colonial  structure,  even  then  near- 
ly half  a  century  old,  surrounded  by  noble  maples.  We  learn 
that  it  was  destroyed  by  fire  some  months  ag-o  and  that  Mary 
Currier,  the  widow  of  William  Allen  and  mother  of  J.  Burns  Wal- 
lace, was  so  injured  that  she  died  from  the  effects  a  few  weeks 
later.     She  was  a  schoolmate  of  the  editor  of  the  News. 

Park  Barnes  Kimball,  of  the  Family  News,  commences  with 
this  term,  a  four  years  course,  in  mechanical  eng-ineering-  at  the 
Kansas  Ag-ricultural  Colleg-e,  at  Manhattan.  This  school  is  one 
of  the  best  of  its  kind  in  the  country  as  well  as  the  larg-est. 
Manhattan  is  the  home  of  many  Kimballs  who  settled  there  at 
an  early  day.  (See  Hist,  p  940,  Fam.  News  Jan.  1898,  p.  7, 
Mar.  1898,  p.  64.)  Among  the  graduates  of  this  school  are  num- 
bered: Fred.  G.  Kimball,  now  postal  agent  at  St.  Michael,  Alas- 
ka, several  of  whose  letters  we  have  published,  also  his  sister, 
the  wife  of  Prof.  Albert  Dickens  of  the  College  and  their  cousins 
Albert  Barney  Kimball,  postmaster  of  Scandia,  Kans.,  and  edi- 
tor of  the  Journal,  and  C.  A-  Kimball,  attorney  and  editor  of 
theCourtland  Kans.,  Registei.  (Hist.  p.  940.) 

140  Kimball  Family  News 

Extract  from  a    Meitiorial  and  Biographical  History  of  the 

Counties  of  Sai:ta  Barbara,  San  Luis  Obispo 

and  Vetitura,  California. 

in     -MKh.     VDA    ..DDIS    .STOKKE- 

(Published  by  the  Lewis  Publishing'  Co.,  of  Chicag'o,  1891.     Book  owned  by 
Mr.  John  Albion  Kimball,  of  San  Francisco.  California.) 

'A  people  that  take  no  pride  in  the  noble  achievements  of  remote  an- 
cestors will  never  achieve  anything  worthy  to  be  remembered  with  pride 
bv  remote  descendants." — Macaulatj • 

C.  N.  Kimball  ift  one  of  the  prominent  ranchers  of  Saticoy. 
"\'entura  county,  California.  He  was  born  at  West  Boxford,  Es- 
sex county,  Massachusetts,  Sept.  17,  1843.  His  father,  C.  F. 
Kimball,  was  born  in  Newburyport,  Massachusetts,  in  1818. 
He  was  a  shoemaker  and  a  farmer.  Mrs.  Kimball,  the  mother 
fthe  subject  of  this  sketch,  was  /ice  Hannah  Tyler,  born  in 
Boxford,  Massachusetts,  in  1817.  She  was  a  daughter  of  Flint 
Tyler,  a  native  of  the  State  of  Vermont.  C.  N.  Kimball  was 
the  second  of  a  family  of  seven  children,  all  of  whom  are  living- 
at  this  writing-.  He  was  reared  and  educated  in  his  native 
place,  and  his  first  work  was  as  a  machinist.  His  country's 
claim  in  its  time  of  need  caused  him  to  enlist,  and  he  was  placed 
in  unattached  service  on  the  coast  of  his  native  State,  doing- 
duty  in  the  fortifications.  He  was  mustered  out  on  the  4th  of 
July,  1865.  Then  for  two  years  he  worked  in  the  factories  of 
Lvnn  and  Haverhill,  engag-ed  in  the  manufacture  of  shoes. 

December  31,  1867,  Mr.  Kimball  sailed  from  New  York  for 
California,  at  which  place  he  arrived  January  22*  18h8.  He  ac- 
cepted a  position  on  the  Central  Pacific  Railroad,  remaining  in 
railroad  employ  nine  months.  On  Christmas  of  that  year  he 
came  to  Southern  California,  and  bought  a  band  of  sheep  which 
he  took  to  Eastern  Nevada  and  traded  for  a  ranche  in  Lamoille 
\'alley.  He  there  engaged  in  farming,  raising-  potatoes  and 
barley;  and  from  that  place  he  went  to  Eureka,  same  State, 
where  he  burned  charcoal  for  the  smelting-  furnaces.  After  he 
had  been  there  a  year  and  a  half  he  was  taken  sick  with  pneu- 
motiia.  At  that  time  he  returned  to  California,  and  worked 
near  (iilroy  two  years.  In  187<)  he  came  to  his  ]»resent  locality 
and  ]>urchased  seventy-five  acres  of  land.  Here  he  has  built  a 
tasteful  home  and  planted  trees  and  flowers,  making-  a  very  at- 
tractive place.  In  farm  products  liis  specialty  is  Lima  beans, 
which  prove  to  be  a  bonanza  for  so  many  of  the  farmers  of  Sat- 
icoy. ^Ir.  Kimball's  crop  last  year  averag-ed  l,<iOO  pounds  to 
the  acre,  the  jirice  being  from  three  to    four    and    a    half   cents. 

Mr.  Kimball  was  married  in  1884,  to  Miss   Carrie   Duval,    a 

September  1900.  141 

native  of  the  State  of  Maine,  and  a  daughter  of  E-  A.  Duval,  a 
prominent  citizen  of  Saticoy,  whose  history  appears  in  this  book. 
One  child,  a  daug-hter,  born  October  4,  1888,  died  November  4, 
1889.  Mrs.  Kimball  is  a  member  of  the  Union  Church.  In  po- 
litical views  Mr.  Kimball  is  a  Republican.  He  is  a  member  of 
the  I.  O.  O  F.,  is  a  good  citizen  and  a  man  of  worth  and  integ- 

E.  A.  Duval,  of  Saticoy,  was  married,  April  15,  L855,  to 
Miss  Artemisia  G.  Hopkins,  who  was  born  in  Frankfort,  Maine, 
daughter  of  Captain  Smith  Hopkins  and  Susanna  Hopkins. 
Their  union  has  been  blessed  with  ten  children,  nine  living,  viz: 
Charles  S.,  Carrie,  Winton,  Gertrude,  Anna.  Willie,  Walter, 
Earnest  and  Edwin.  The  first  three  were  born  in  Maine,  and 
the  others  in  Saticy,  California. 


Judge  David  Cross  of  Manchester,  N.  H.,  one  of  the  oldest 
members  of  the  bar  of  that  state  sends  the  News  a  pamphlet  copy 
of  an  address  or  life  sketch  of  Franklin  Pierce  delivered  by  him- 
self at  the  initial  mceing  of  the  New  Hampshire  Bar  Association 
in  March  19U0.  This  association  was  organized  last  year  and 
the  venerable  judge,  the  dean  of  the  New  Hampshire  bar,  wasse- 
kcted  to  deliver  the  first  memorial  of  the  only  New  Hampshire 
citizen  who  ever  reached  the  presidency  of  the  United  States. 

The  mother  of  Judge  Cross  was  Olive  Kimball  [Fam.  Hist, 
p.  417.  See  also  Fam.  News  for  June  1899,  p.  293.]  and  Presi- 
dent Pierce  himself  was  by  marriage  corinected  with  the  family. 
Franklin  Pierce  became  president  at  a  time  when  partisan  feel- 
ings were  strong,  and  it  was  many  j^ears  before  even  justice  was 
done  the  man,  even  aside  from  all  political  sentiments.  The 
first  excitement  over  Kansas  and  Nebraska  agitated  the  country 
under  his  administration.  In  Kansas  the  prejudice  against  him 
was  so  strong,  that  in  naming  the  streets  of  Topeka,  after  the 
presidents,  his  name  alone  was  omitted,  and  so  remains  to  this 
day.  Clay  street,  in  honor  of  Henry  Clay  taking  its  place.  But 
Judge  Cross  does  not  deal  with  the  political  views  of  his  subject. 
He  speaks  of  him  as  a  citizen  and  a  lawyer.  As  a  lawyer  he 
was  one  of  the  hig-hest  type:  as  a  citizen  he  was  above  reproach. 
He  was  kind  and  generous.  He  was  a  genial  neighbor,  a  true 
friend,  wiUi  a  true  Christian  spirit.  Judge  Cross  was  not  a  po- 
litical admirer  of  President  Pierce  in  the  days  of  his  political 
preferment,  but  in  the  lapse  of  time  and  with  the  acumen  of  a 
true  judge  he  calmly  weighs  the  character  of  the  man  and  sets 
him  fairlv  before  the  country. 

142  Kimball  Family  News 


The  Rev.  J.  R.  Olorenshaw's  "Notes  on  the  History  of  the 
Church  and  Parish  of  Rattlesden"  has  been  received.  It  con- 
tains some  items  of  interest  to  the  family. 

While  Richard  came  from  Rattlesden.  and  while  the  records 
there  make  some  reference  to  members  of  the  family  it  seems 
that  the  records  of  Hitcham  quoted  in  the    Famil}    History    are  \ 

more  complete.  Richard,  however,  married  Ursula  Scott,  the 
daug-hter  of  Henry  Scott  of  Rattlesden. 

The  will  of  Robert  Whatlocke,  of  Rattlesden,  dated  Sept. 
22,  1622,  was  witnessed  by  Henrye  Skotte,  and  by  it  ''Ursala" 
Kemball,  his  "kinswoman"  was  left  ^3.  The  Scotts  were  evi- 
dentlv  people  of  some  prominence,  and  like  that  of  Kemball  and 
others    it   appears   with    various    spelling-s,    as    Scoote.    Skotte,  ; 

Scoot,  Scot,  Skot,  Scott,  Skott  and  Scotte.     The  names  of  Hen- 
ry, Edmond  and  Thomj  s  appear  as  questmen,  overseers  and  sur-  ,-j 
vevors.     Henry  Scott  was  buried  Dec.  24,  1624,   and    his    widow  \ 
Martha,  and  their  son  Thomas  were  with  Richard  Kemball  and                  ! 
his  party  when  the}'  came  lo  this  country. 

It  is  clear  that  "several  other  Kemballs  remained  in    Rattles-  , 

den,  in  fact  it  appears  that  others  had  been  there  althoug-h    the  ' 

Family  History  traces  Richard's  ancestors  to  Hitcham  where 
baptisms  are  recorded. 

But  there  is  the  record  in  these  "Notes"  showing-  that  John 
Ransold  and  Christian  Kembold  were  married  Jan.  21,  15(>2  and 
that  was  about  40  years  before  Richard  was  born. 

After  the  emig-ration  of    Richard    and    his    family    we    find  j 

that  two  years    later    in    1636    George    Kemball,    his    wife    and  ] 

daughter  died  of   the    "plaigue."     In    16V»    and   again   in    1644  j 

another  George  Kemball  appears  as  contributing  to  a  poor  fund.  i 

In  165:  Gatterick  Kemball    a    "widdow"    died.     On   March    25,  ." 

1656  Richard  Kimball    and    Mary    French    were    married.       On  • 

Aug.  2,  165.S  Stephen  Kemball,  wife  and  sonne  were  baptised. 
In  1661-2  Stephen  Kembold  was  a  church  warden  and  in  1664 
was  a  surveyor,  and  again  a  church  warden  in  1668.  March  18, 
1672.  J'^hn,  son  of  "Steph"  Kemball  was  baptised,  and  in  1678-9 
the  name  appears  as  Stepheti  Kimball,  as  warden,  but  in  1688, 
Feb.  28,  the  year  of  his  death  while  still  warden  it  is  given  as 
StepTien  Kemball.    Mary,  his  wife,  had  died  Feb.  4,  1679. 

It  would  be  interesting  to  know  something  of  the  descendants 
of  these  Kimballs.  N(»ne  of  them  seem  to  have  emigrated-^  to 
this  country,  for  the  vt-ry  unusual  fact  remains  that  nearly  every 
one  of  the  thousands  oi  the  name  nr.w  in  this  country  can  trace 
their  lini-age  ])ack  to  Richanl. 

The  following  names  a])pear    as    American    subscribers    to  ; 

these  "Notes  on  Ratilesden." 
John  Kimball  Freeman,  North  Scitualc,    Mass.  \ 

September  1900.  143 

Georg-e  Freeman  Gray,  San  Francisco,  Cal. 
Harry  Nathaniel  Gray  "  " 

Mrs.  Maria  Freeman  Gray,         *'  " 

E.  P.  Kimball,  Portsmouth,  N.  H. 

F.  M.  Kimball,  Topeka,  Kans. 

G.  F.  Kimball, 

Harold  C.  Kimball,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 

John  E.  Kimball,  Oxford,  Mass. 

Roy  T.  Kimball,  San  Francisco,  Cal. 

Sarah  Louise  Kimball,  San  Francisco,  Cal. 

Mrs.  Helen  V.  Kimball  Tilton,  Salt  Lake  City,  Utah. 

New  Eng-land  Historic  Genealog-ical  Society,  Boston,  Mass. 

New  York  Historical  Society,  New  York  City. 

Mrs.  M.  E.  Rath-Merrill,  Columbus,  O. 

W.  P.  Robinson,  Washing-ton,  D.  C. 

Prof.  S.  p.  Sharpies,  Boston.  Mass. 

Syracuse  Central  Library,  Syracuse,  N.  Y. 

Prof.  L.  A.  Morrison,  Derry,  N.  H.,  in  exchang-e. 

As  the  entire  issue  of  this  valuable  work  was  but  200  copies 
it  will  be  seen  that  about  one  tenth  of  this  edition  comes  to  this 
country,  and  with  two  or  three  exceptions  to  members  of  the 
Kimball  Family. 

Kimball  Bros.,  of  Council  Bluffs,  Iowa,  are  manufacturers 
of  scales,  and  are  "not  in  the  combine."     Who  are  they? 

William  E.  Curtis,  the  prolific  correspondent  of  the  Chicagfo 
Record,  says: — 

"The  handsomest  railway  station  I  have  ever  seen  is  that 
of  the  Chicago,  Burling-ton  &  Quincy  company  at  Om?.ha  It  is 
an  artistic  gem  and  looks  like  a  Grecian  temple.  The  style  is 
severe  but  simple  and  there  are  few  specimens  of  architecture  in 
this  country,  except  the  University  of  Virginia,  so  chaste  and 
beautiful  The  architect  was  Mr.  Kimball,  to  whom  was  larg-e- 
ly  due  the  architectural  success  of  the  Omaha  exposition.  He  is 
an  Omaha  product.  He  was  born  here  and  educated  in  the  pub- 
lic schools.  Afterward  he  went  to  Europe,  where  his  genius 
was  allowed  to'develop  under  the  best  instruction." 

[Note.  The  father  of  this  architect  was  Thomas  Lord  Kimball,  for- 
merly General  Maoa^j-er  of  the  Union  Pacific  R.  R  See  Fam.  Hist.  p.  495. 
Fam.  News  pp.  363-368,  Nov.  18519.] 

Miss  Marie  Antoinette  Kimball,  of  Rochester,  N.  Y.,  has 
g-one  to  live  with  her  nephew.  EHsha  Barnum  Kimball  and  wife 
at  San  Francisco.  This  is  g-ood  news  for  the  many  California 
friends  Miss  Kimball  made  on  her  previous  visit.  She  will  be 
in  time  for  the  Reunion  on  October  6. 

144  Kimball  Family  News 

Who  Suggested  Memorial  Day? 

Mrs.  John  A.  Log-an  claims  that  Memorial  Day  was  institu- 
ted by  her  husband  when  he  was  commander  of  the  G.  A.  R.  in 
18()8.nln  a  letter  written  by  Mr.  Junius  Simons  published  elev- 
en or  twelve  years  aj^o,  he  says  the  idea  was  tirst  sug-g-ested  to 
Gen.  Log"an  by  a  Mrs.  Kimball.  Mr.  Simon  was  a  secretary  of 
Log"an,  and  it  is  presumed  he  knew  something-  of  what  he  wrote. 
But  Mrs.  Logan  denied,  some  ten  years  ag^o  that  he  was  the  g"en- 
eral's  private  secretary  and  also  that  he  owed  the  sug-g-estion  to 
an}'  one,  claiming-  that  the  idea  was  his  own.  So  far  as  the 
real  sug^g-estion  goes  it  seems  that  really  it  was  g-athered  from 
the  Confederate  practice  of  decorating-  their  soldiers' graves,  and 
this  practice  led  to  its  adoption  in  the  Nortli  and  the  setting- 
apart  a  special  daj  for  this  purpose.  At  all  events  Mrs.  Kim- 
ball did  write  Gen.  Log-an  co«rcerning  the  matter  and  it  is  quite 
probable  that  the  idea  was  as  much  hers  as  Gen.  Log-an's.     The  >  .• 

inspiration  probably  came  to  both  from  the  praiseworthy  Confed-  . 

erate  practice.      We  are  not   able    to  place   this    Mrs.    Kimball. 
Can  any  of  our  readers  do  so? 

Herbert  Kimball  of  Ipswich,  Mass.,  i.s  studying-  at  the  Sa- 
lem Commercial  School. 

The  Hon.  John  M.  Kimball  of   Manhattan,    Kansas,    spent  , 

part  of  the  summer  in  Colorado  ' 

Georg-e  Kimball  of  Lawrence,  Kansas,  who  is  eig-hty-two 
years  old,  has  just  invented  a  machine  for  sorting- onion  sets  that 
is  the  best  thing-  of  the  kind  in  existence. 

Mt.  Kimball  of  Alaska,  is  10,000  feet  high.  Mt.  McKinlev 
is  20,464  feet,  and  is  2,440  feet  higher  than  Mt.  St.  Elias,  here- 
tofore supposed  to  be  the  highest  in  the  United  States. 

The  Hon.  John  Kimball  of  Concord,  N.  H.,  sends  us  the  an- 
nual report  of  the  New  Hampshire  Orphans'  Home  of  which  he 
is  president,  and  his  brother  Benjamin,  a  trustee.  Mrs.  John 
Kimball  of  Concord  and  Miss  M.  E.  Kimball  of  Lebanon  are 
members  of  the  visiting  committee-  The  home  is  located  on  the 
old  Daniel  Webster  farm  in  Franklin. 

Prof.  Albert  Dickens  is  now  one  of  the  faculty  at  the  Kan- 
sas Agricultural  College  at  ^L'lnhattan,  from  which  institution 
he  graduated  in  1>>'J3.  His  department  is  that  of  horticulture. 
Mrs.  Dickens  was  Bertha  Sarah  Kimball,  whose  drawings  have 
•been  a  special  feature  of,  the    college    publications,    ilkistrating  i 

fruits  and  insects.     This    branch    of    the    family    has    produced  " 

manv  artists.  (Hist.  p.  '>40. ) 







1Rcwe,     n 


jft      SBcing  Supplemental  to  JCimbail  family  ^iistory.     XL 


M  Volume  III. 


OCTOBER,  1900. 

Entered    for  transmission  in  the  mails  as  second  class. 

H  .G.  F.  KIMBALL,  Topeka.  Kansas. 


^   S^riee  One  3ollar  a  ^ear. 




Utimball"   "^ ami ly  U Lews 

Vol.  Ill,  No.  10.  G.  F.  KIMBALL,  Publisher.  Terms  $1.00  a  year 

Topeka,  Kansas,  October,  1900. 



WILLIAM    KIMBALL   NO.    1014-11. 

The  June  issue  of  the  News  p.  81,  made  slig-ht  mention  of 
the  celebration  April  7,  1900,  of  the  87th  birthday  of  William 
Kimball,  of  Lovell,  Me.  Twenty-four  days  after  that  event, 
on  May  1,  he  died.  The  Oxford  Advertiser  g-ave  the  following- 
notice  of  his  death: 

*'In  Lovell  on  Tuesday,  May  1,  occurred  the  death  of  our 
oldest  man,  William  Kimball,  aged  87  years  and  24  days. 

"He  was  a  direct  descendant  of  the  8th  generation  of  Rich- 
ard Kimball,  who  came  from  England  in  1634  and  settled  in 
Water  town,  Mass. 

{:  ..j?:"Mr.  Kimball  had  been  for  a  long-   time  a   resident  of  this 
town  and  was  a  good  citizen,  a   kind    neighbor   and    a    worthy 

14f)  Kimbaii  Family  News 

mau.  His  labors  throug-h  life  had  been  variable.  When  a 
young-  man  he  worked  in  the  woods  cutting-  timber,  driving-  logs 
on  the  river,  also  as  a  teamster  with  horses  hauling  all  kinds  of 
freight  from  his  native  town  to  Portland  markets,  some  50  miles 
distant.  For  a  few  years  he  worked  as  a  boatman  on  the  canal 
boats  running  through  Lake  Sebago  and  the  old  canal  leading- 
to  Portland,  Me-  In  middle  life  he  had  boug-ht  and  drove  cat- 
tle in  company  with  others  to  markets  in  Massachusetts,  also 
g-iving-  a  share  of  his  time  to  farming-  on  a  small  scale,  which 
concluded  his  labors.  By  his  industry  and  economy  he  had 
made  ample  provision  for  his  declining-  years.  He  was  never 
married  and  his  house  has  been  kept  in  recent  years  by  his  sis- 
ter, Mrs.  Sarah  Elder.  His  87th  birthday  was  recently  pleas- 
antly- celebrated,  an  account  of  which  appeared  in  the  columns 
of  this  paper. 

"His  funeral  took  place  from  his  late  residence,  Friday 
afternoon,  attended  by  Rev.  Samuel  Holden  of  the  Congrega- 
tional church.  Many  relatives  and  friends  were  present  and 
many  floral  tributes  were  noticed." 

Accompanying  this  notice  was  a  quite  leng-thy  paper  pre- 
pared and  read  by  Mr.  J.  A.  Farrington  at  the  87th  celebration 
above  referred  to,  also  a  poem  read  by  little  Ruth  Kimball,  the 
3-oung-est  relative  present,  but  too  long-  for  our  use.  For  a  por- 
trait of  Ruth  see  October  News,  1898. 

Mr.  Farring-ton's  sketch  rehearses  the  pioneer  life  of  Mr. 
Kimball  and  the  great  \vorld  chang-es  that  took  place  during 
his  life. 


[In  connection  with  the  above  our  cousin,  Sumner  Kimball, 
of  Lovell,  Me.,  No.  2448,  furnishes  the  following  of  genealog- 
ical interest:] 

"J.  A.  Farrington  and  wife  are  some  of  the  'kin  not  men- 
tioned in  the  history.'  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Farrington's  rightful  place 
is  on  page  510.  In  second  line  in  place  of  'one  child'  read  'two 
children'  as  follows: 

i  Jonathan  Farringtim  b.  in  Lovell,  Me.,  July  4,  1834,  m.  in 
Lovell,  Me.,  Miss  Emma  Caroline  Hurd,  b.  in  Conway,  N. 
H.,  Aug.  28,  1841,  daughter  of  Oliver  S.  and  Sarah  Ann 
fLinscott)  Ilurd.  Their  residence  Conway,  N.  H.  Mr. 
Farrington's  residence  is  South  Portland,  Me.,  P.  O. 
Pleasantdale.  He  is  a  night  cleaner  of  eng-ines  on  .  the 
Boston  &  Maine  R.  R.,  and  daily  occupation  a  farmer. 
11  John  Albert  Farringttm'  b.  in  Lovell,  Me.,  June  (».  1S42,  m. 
first  Miss  Emma  G.  Charles;  she  died  August  5,  1873,  aged 
24  years  and  18  days;  m.  second  Miss  Francis  Eliza  Hobbs 
of  Fryeburg,  Me.,  b.  March  27,  1854,  daughter  of  Frank 

October,  1900.  147 


and  Bethia  (KimbalP)  Hobbs.  (See  pag-e  509  No.  1017-ii.) 
'Mr.  Farring-ton's  education  was  obtained  in  the  public 
schools  of  his  native  town,  but  it  would  be  far  from  doing-  him 
justice  in  saying-  it  then  and  there  ended.  Throug-hout  life  he 
has  been  one  who  has  g-iven  much  thought  and  study  to  the 
many  and  varied  questions  of  the  day.  Life  with  all  its  earthly 
surroundings  has  and  ever  will  be  a  school  to  him.  His  boy- 
hood life  was  passed  in  Lovell,  Me.  At  the  ag-e  of  21  he  was  a 
resident  of  the  State  of  Pennsylvania,  and  in  1863  enlisted  at 
Greensburg,  Pa.,  as  a  private  in  Co.  I,  61st  Regiment  of  Penn- 
sylvania Volunteers.  He  served  in  the  Army  of  the  Potomac 
until  August,  1864,  at  that  time  in  the  Shenandoah  Valley,  W. 
Va. ;  was  wounded  in  the  rig-ht  arm,  which  disabled  him  from 
taking-  an  active  part  in  further  military  service.  In  February, 
1865,  was  discharg-ed  from  service  at  Philadelphia,  Pa.  In  1869 
was  elected  a  Representative  to  the  Maine  State  Legislature  on 
the  Democratic  ticket.  In  the  same  year  became  a  member  of 
Pythag-orean  Lodg-e  No.  11  of  Fryeburgf,  Me.,  and  afterwards  a 
member  of  Pentucket  Lodg-e  of  Masons  in  Lowell,  Mass.  Since 
becoming-  a  member  of  Delta  Lodge  of  Masons  in  Lovell,  Me., 
he  has  served  as  Master  for  a  period  of  three  years.  Has  served 
as  District  Deputy  Grand  Master  of  the  Eighteenth  Masonic 
District  for  a  term  of  two  years.  Has  also  attended  the  annual 
meetings  of  the  Grand  Lodge  in  some  official  capacity  for  the 
past  nine  years-  Under  President  Cleveland's  second  adminis- 
tration he  served  as  postmaster  at  Lovell,  Me.,  for  the  full  term 
of  four  years. 

"Mr.  and  Mrs.  Farrington  have  a  pleasant  home  at   Lovell 
Village,  where  they  now  reside." 


The  Lawrence,  Mass.,  American,  of  Sept.  15,  says: 
"Samuel  B.  Kimball,  of  Chicago,  is  visiting-  friends  in  this 
city.  Mr.  Kimball  has  been  a  resident  of  the  'windy  city-  about 
25  years.  He  was  formerly  an  alderman  here,  sitting-  in  the 
upper  board  in  1862  and  1863  under  Mayor  Wrig-ht.  Mr.  Kim- 
ball represented  Ward  5  and  was  first  elected  to  fill  a  vacancy 
caused  by  Luther  Ladd,  who  resigned  to  become  chief  of  the  fire 
department.  A 11  the  other  members  of  the  board  are  dead. 
They  were  John  C.  Hoadley,  who  represented  Ward  1,  and  was 
succeeded  by  James  Byrom;  W.  R.  Spalding-  from  Ward  2,  Sam- 
uel M.  Steadman,  Thomas  S.  Stratton  and  Menziers  C.  An- 
drews. Mr.  Kimball  has  a  brother,  Charles  Kimball,  who  re- 
sides in  Methuen." 


Kimball  Family  News 


The  Pacific  Coast  Kimball  Courier  has  been  issued  by  Frank 
Willard  Kimball  of  San  Francisco.  Its  purpose  was  to  adver- 
tise the  Fourth  Annual  Reunion  of  October  6,  and  to  furnish 
the  program  as  g-iven  in  this  number  of  the  News.  The  Courier 
is  a  very  unique  little  leaflet,  which  it  is  proposed  to  issue  each 


The  Kimball  Courier  says:  "The  names  of  over  2,500  per- 
sons of  Kimball  blood  are  noted  in  the  Family  History,  and  it 
is  estimated  that  out  of  this  number  more  than  1,000  are  now 
living-."  This  estimate  is  very  far  from  correct.  The  index  of 
the  History  contains  48  pages  of  Kimball  names  alone,  with 
three  columns  to  the  page  and  nearly  two  columns  besides,  sav 
145  columns,  with  75  names  to  the  column,  or  over  10,850  Kim- 
ball names  alone.  It  would  be  difficult  to  arrive  at  the  names 
of  Kimball  blood,  but  it  is  safe  to  say  they  would  more  than 
double  the  number.  As  to  the  number  now  living,  there  are 
more  than  one  thousand  bearing  the  Kimball  name  now  livinr 
in  Massachusetts  alone,  and  as  many  more  of  Kimball  b-o: 
bearing  other  names.  There  is  no  telling  how  many  thousands 
of  real  "Kimballs"  are  now  living  in  the  United  States,  nor  how 
man}"  other  thousands  of  Kimball  blood  bearing  other  names. 
The  female  line  has  often  been  more  prolific  than  the  male  line. 
Our  California  cousin  expected  one  hundred  to  attend  their  re- 
union. Did  they  expect  to  corrrl  one-tenth  of  the  whole  tribe? 
They  are  ''mighty"  good  and  powerful  out  there,  but  not  quite 
equal  to  that. 

The  following  is  the  program  of  the  Pacific  Coast  Fourth 
Annual  Kimball  Association  held  in  San  Francisco,  October 
6,  1900: 

Informal  Reception,  10  a.  m.  to  12  m. 

Lunch,  12  m. 

"Grace" — Captain  Charles  Lloyd  Kimball,  of  Healdsburg. 

Address  of  Welcome — Vice  President  Roy  Thurston  Kim- 
b:iVK  12:50  p.  m. 

Vocal  Solo — Mrs.  Gracia  Sprague  Pillsbury,  of  San  Fran- 

Vocal  Solo— Miss  (lertrude  M.  Kimball,  of  Oakland. 

Recitation — Mrs.  Ada  Jane  (Winans)  Kimljall.  of  Snn 

Remarks     Captain  Charles   I^loyd   Kimball,  of  Jiealdsburg. 

Recitation-Miss  Gladys  Marie  Ilobart,  of  Palo  Alto. 

Remarks — John  Carpenter  Kimball,  of  San  Francisco. 

Address,  "The  Women  of  the  Kimball  Family"— Mrs.  Grace 
M.  Kimball,  of  Oakland. 

October,  1900.  149 

Speech — Frank  Willard  Kimball,  of  San  Francisco. 
Instrumental  Music — Mrs.  Mary  Louise  (Kimball)  Fitzsim- 
mons,  of  San  Francisco. 
■»      Remarks — Joseph  Hoyt  Kimball,  of  Oakland. 

Remarks — John  Albion  Kimball,  of  San  Francisco. 
Remarks — Earnest  Lee  Kimball,  of  San  Francisco. 
Business  Meeting-,  3  p.  m. 
Dancing-,  4  to  6  p.  m. 


2383     Captain  Charles  Lloyd  Kimball,  Healdsburg-,  Cal. 

Dr.  Margaret  Viola  Kimball,  "  " 

Miss  Edna  Genevieve  Kimball,  "  " 

Mrs.  Lulu  M.  Davis,  (Dr.  d.  by  1st  h.)  446  38th  street,  Oakland,  Cal. 

Berenice  M.  Davis,  446  33th  street,  Oakland.  Cal. 

Roy  Thurston  Kimball,  313  Clay  street,  San  Francisco. 

William  Woodbury,  Vallejo,  Cal. 

Mrs.  Elizabeth  Oilman  (Kimball)  Woodbury,  Vallejo,  Cal. 

Mrs.  Sarali  Hattie  (Kimball)  Wrig-ht,  607  Guerrero  St.,  Sau  Francisco 

Miss  Hattie  Lucy  Wright,  "  "  " 

George  Abbott  Rogers  Kimball,  Napa,  Cal. 

John  Albion  Kimball,  819  Market  stieet,  San  Francisco. 

Frank  Willard  Kimball,  "  " 

Mrs,  Ada  Jane  (Wioans)  Kimball,     "  " 

1832     John  James  Mann  Kimball,  6  City  Hall  Square,  San  Francisco. 

Edwin  Kimball,  Walnut  Creek,  Alameda  county,  Cal. 

Charles  Kimble,  1509  Taylor  street,  San  Francisco. 

Mrs.  Fannie  (Wylie)  Kimble,         "  " 

George  Edward  Kimble,  "  " 

John  Carpenter  Kimball,  1714  Mason  street,  "■ 

Mrs.  Lila  (Lange)  Kimball,  "  " 

Thomas  Danforth  Kimball,  (grandson   of   435   Richard,    see    News,) 

3781  17th  street,  San  Francisco, 
Miss  Grace  Isabelle  Kimball,  "  " 

Mrs.  R.  Lena  (Kimball)  Soule,  3264  Central  avenue,  Alameda,  Cal. 

Harold  Kimball  Soule,  "  " 

Captain  Albert  F.  Pillsbury,  1831  Fell  street,  San  Francisco. 

Mrs.  Gracia  (Sprague)  Pillsbury,         "  " 

Daniel  S.  Thompson,  San  Francisco. 

Mrs.  Mary  Louisa  (Kimball)  Fitzsimmons,  1603  Jones  street,  S.  P. 

Elisha  Barnum  Kimball,  3025  Sacramento  street,         " 

Mrs.  Elsie  (Dempster)  Kimball,  "  " 

Elma  Lovisa  Kimball,  •'  " 

Mrs.  Mary  Gilmer  Dunn,  3719  33d  street,         " 

Mrs.  Mattie  Shartzer,  "  " 

Miss  Rebecca  M.  Kimball,  (d.  1464  Charles  P.K.)  3912  Howard  st.,S.P 

Rev.  Theodore  P.  Burnham,  Vallejo,  Cal. 

I5u  Kimball  Faniih  News 

Mrs.  Lucia  (Adams)  Burnham,  fd.  Caleb  Kimball  Adams,  p.  Glf),) 

Vallejo,  Cal. 
Mrs.  John  Smalley  Aoui.i?,,  510  Albion  street,  Oakland,  Cal. 
Miss  Carrie  Adams,  " 

(W.  and  d.  late  Dr.  J.  S.  A  ,  son  of  Lemuel  Adams,  Jr.,  p.  OK;  ) 
Pag-e  Mrs.  Joau  (Kimball)  Clark,  Melrose,  Alameda  county,  Cal. 
4ri6       Miss  Anna  Amy  Kimball,  "  '/ 

Mrs.  Martha  (Atwood)  Kimball,  (widow  Georg-e  Prescott  Kimball,  p. 

713,)  220  Oak  street,  S.  F. 
Mrs.  George  W.  Kimball,  413K  Franklin  st.,     " 

Miss  Maud  Fo.stor  Kimball, 

(W.  and  d.  of  G.  P.  K.,  p.  713.) 
Mrs.  Elizabeth  Alice  (Kimball)  Tapper.  (res.  San  Jose) 

(Dau.  1409  T.  D.  K.;  wife  John  Bradford  Tupper.) 
(Note — Her  sister  is  Mrs   J.  Q.  A.  Ballou,  of  Sun  Jose.) 
Christian  Frederick  Kimball  (one  of  the  German  Kiraballs,)  318  Pine 

street,  S.  F. 
Miss  Lenora  M.  Reimers,  (engag^ed  to  marry  C.  F.  K  )  Sau  Francisco. 
]\liss  Laura. Belle  Kimball,  (d.  Moody  Spofford   Kimball,   see    News.) 

621  O'Farrell  street,  S.  F. 
Ernest  Lee  Kimball,  130  Parker  avenue,  S.  F. 
Mrs.  Sarah  Kimball,  "  '* 

Mrs.  Grace  M.  Kimball,  80.5  11th  streel.  Oakland.  C-.d. 

Miss  Gertrude  M.  Kimball,  " 

(Widow  and  d.  Levi  Woodbury  Kimball,  1967.) 
Pag'e  .Jioseph)  lloyt  Kimball.  7.">8  11th  street,  Oakland,  Cal. 

:>IA       Mrs.  Alma  E.  (Bruce)  Kimball, 

Mrs.  Stella  Bennett  (Georg-e)  Rotnor,  1009   Leavenworth  street.  S.  F. 

(1).  1215,  and  g-r.  d.  Nancy  (Currier)  Kimball.) 
Mrs.  Leonidas  Kimball,  1002  Jackson  . si  icirl, 

Leonid  Kimball,  (w.  and  d.,  2088.)  " 

Frank  Eugene  Kimball,  Power  House,  Alden.  Alameda  countj',  Cal. 
Mrs.  Mary  A.  (Clough)  Kimball,  widow  1765.  Charles  Bradbury  Kim- 
ball,) Palo  x\lto.  Cal. 
Miss  Sarah  Louise  Kimball, 
Miss  M.  Alice  Kimball. 
Frank  R.  Stowe. 
2435     Mr.s.  Edgar  Hobart,  " 

Gladys  Marie  Hobart,  "  •' 

Mrs.  William  S.  Lumsden,  Suisun,  " 

Jane  lielle  Lumsden,  '•  •' 

Mary  Amelia  Lumsden.  ' 

P'ranklin  Tuthill  Schott,  (grandson  of  George  Washington    Kimball, 

Jr  ,  p.  344.)  Palo  Alto,  Cal. 
::433     Mrs.  Porter  Banks  Kimball, 

Miss  Dorothy  Kimball  '•  " 

Miss  Gertrude  B.  Kimball,  "  " 

Porter  Banks  Kimball,  Jr.,  "  " 

October,  1900.  151 


Cousin  Sarah  Louise  Kimball,  Secretary,  writes: 

"We  had  a  number  of  new  faces  with  us  at  this  Fourth  Re- 
union, among-  them  one  family  spelling-  the  name  Kimble,  and 
one  of  our  German  cousins,  Mr.  Christian  P.  Kimball,  a  brig-ht 
young-  attorney  of  this  city,  who  bears  a  very  strong-  resem- 
blance to  our  family,  notwithstanding-  his  German  ancestry. 
You  will  remember  an  article  in  one  of  the  earlier  numbers  of 
the  News  concerning-  this  branch  of  the  family.  Mr.  Roy  T. 
Kimball  was  General  Manag-er,  Chairman  and  President  for  the 

"I  will  tell  you  about  this  Kimble  family.  His  name  is 
Charles  Kimble,  and  he  was  born  at  Dowagaic,  Cass  county, 
Mich.  His  father  was  Harrison  Kimble,  who  lived  in  Indiana, 
near  Elkhart,  and  also  in  Michig-an;  married  Majesta  Whiting-, 
daug-hter  of  Dr.  Jeremiah  Whiting-,  of  Cayuga  or  Seneca,  N.  Y.; 
Harrison  Kimble  died  in  1885,  aged  78  years.  His  father  was 
Jacob  Kimble,  of  Pike  county,  Pennsylvania.  This  Charles 
Kimble  is  employed  at  the  Union  Iron  Works  in  this  city;  his 
wife's  name  is  Fannie  (Wylie)  Kimble,  and  they  have  one  son, 
George  Edward  Kimble,  born  January  31,  1890,  in  San  Fran- 
cisco. Can  you  tell  me  about  this  Jacob  Kimble,  of  Pike  coun- 
ty, Pennsylvania? 

"At  the  business  meeting  the  first  thing  considered  was  the 
matter  of  organization  and  name.  A  committee  consisting  of 
John  Albion  Kimball,  Frank  Willard  Kimball  and  Mrs.  Joan 
(Kimball)  Clark  was  appointed  to  perfect  organization,  and  to 
choose  a  name.  This  committee  is  to  report  at  the  next  reunion 
in  1901,  and  they  are  also  to  select  a  place  and  date  for  holding 
that  reunion.  John  Simpson  Kimball  was  elected  President  for 
the  coming  year,  Frank  Willard  Kimball  Vice-President,  Roy 
Thurston  Kimball  Treasurer  for  life  and  Sarah  Louise  Kimball 
was  elected  Secretary  for  life.  It  was  the  general  opinion  that 
we  should  adopt  the  coat-of-arms  as  our  family  emblem." 

The  News  gives  herewith  some  of  the  papers  read  and  ad- 
dresses made  at  this  Reunion.  It  was  the  first  purpose  to  hold 
this  gathering  at  Mt.  Tamalpais,  and  some  of  these  letters  were 
written  with  that  understanding  as  will  be  seen.  The  President 
of  the  Association  was  not  able  to  be  present,  but  sent  a  letter 
here  given. 


Olympia,  Wash.,  Oct.  2,  1900. 
Dear  Kimball'^Cousins  on  Mt.  Tamalpais: 

Please  accept  hearty  g'-eetings  from  one  necessarily  absent 
from  the  Annual  Reunion  of  1900. 

Is  it  not  a  spontaneous  query  to  many,  what  would  our  Very 

Kiinii.iij  i  umily  News 

Great  Grandfather  Richard  have  thoug-ht  could  he  have  looked 
forward  to  this  occasion,  and  realized  that,  tqday,  his  voyag-e 
across  the  Atlantic,  his  industrious  life  and  sterling  virtues,  and 
the  confidence  with  which  he  was  honored  by  his  townsmen  in 
Ipswich,  Mass.,  would  be  reverently  and  g-ratefully  remembered 
by  his  descendants,  dwelling-,  266  3'ears  later,  on  the  then  un- 
known shores  of  the  Pacific?' 

Surel}'  it  would  have  surpassed  his  utmost  belief,  even  as  it 
is  beyond  our  own  g-rasp  of  thoug-ht  to  fully  realize  the  vastness 
of  the  chang-es  wrought  in  these  past  centuries. 

So  far  as  we  know,  this  is  the  first  occasion  when  the  Kim- 
ball Clans  meet  on  mountain  top  to  honor  our  revered  ancestor's 
memory;  to  take  each  other  by  the  hand  in  fraternal  interview; 
to  remember  the  widely-scattered  branches  of  our  family,  and  to 
wish  all  present  and  absent  members  much  jo}'  and  prosperit}' 
in  whatever  portion  of  the  New  Century  may  be  individually 
allotted  by  a  kind  Providence. 

You  gather  today,  not  in  Highland  plaid,  with  bonnet  and 
spear  to  march  through  brake  and  fen  to  take  the  lofty  heights, 
but,  O!  how  different  from  the  waj-s  of  the  Clans  of  old,  peace- 
fully seating-  yourselves  in  a  car  are  quickly  raised  to  the  peak 
which,  throug-h  this  g-athering-,  becomes  more  widely  knowm  in 
our  family  annals. 

Be  assured,  I  am  with  you  in  spirit;  I  wish  that  m}-  family 
and  myself  were  there  in  bodily  pr^^sence. 

May  this  daj'  prove  a  happy  one  to  you  all.  A  better  wish 
I  may  not  send  you  than  that,  through  its  impulses  there  may 
come  to  every  one  of  us  a  deeper  meaning  and  longing-  to  realize 
the  truth  of  the  words  of  Prof.  Swing-,  Avhen  he  says: 

"As  all  the  stars  are  pervaded  by  one  law,  in  one  law  live 
and  move  and  have  their  being-,  so  all  minds  that  reason  and  all 
hearts  that  beat,  act  in  one  empire  of  one  king;  and  of  that 
vast  kingdom,  the  law  the  most  sweeping-,  the  most  eternaK  is 
the  law  of  loving  kindness." 

Fraternally  yours, 

William  Pakker  Kimball. 


Mr.  President,  Cousins,  Ladies  and  Gentlemen: 

For  more  than  a  year  I  have  looked  forward  with  anticipa- 
tions of  joy  and  delight  for  this  occasion.  Certainly  to  grasp 
the  hands  and  look  into  the  faces  of  so  man^^  all  descendants  of 
one  family,  is  a  pleasure  sublime,  a  pleasure  rare,  a  joy  unal- 
loyed. The  coming  together  of  members  of  a  family  in  a  re- 
union such  as  this  can  but  serve  to  enkindle  a  deeper  love  for 
kindred,  eng-ender  a  strong-er  and  more  abiding  devotion  for 
home  and  country-,  and  promote  mote  stalwart  patriotism. 

October,  1900.  153 

We  Americans — the  descendants  of  the  first  born  of  liberty 
divine — love  to  declare  that  "all  men  are  free  and  equal  before 
the  law;"  we  revere,  and  rig-htly,  too,  the  names  of  Washing-- 
ton,  of  Lincoln  and  of  Grant,  and  are  prouder  in  our  citizen- 
ship that  these  add  g"lory  to  the  illustrious  history  of  this  nation. 
But  the  foundation  of  our  free  institutions  is  not  secured  merely 
in  maintaining-  the  sentiment  of  the  Declaration  of  Independ- 
ence, neither  is  it  the  g-reat  men,  so  to  speak,  that  shape  the 
character  of  a  nation.  In  the  influences  g-enerated  b}  such 
gathering's  as  these  Kimball  reunions,  in  our  deyotion  as  a 
people  to  our  families,  and  our  love  for  the  cherished  associa- 
tions of  which  the  family  is  the  creator,  is  found  our  stability 
as  a  nation. 

If  in  the  history  of  the  world,  the  Semitic  race  and  the 
Aryan  have  ruled  its  thought  and  civilization,  the  Aryan  has 
indeed  been  the  more  powerful  factor.  Representing-,  with  a 
few  slight  exceptions,  the  nations  dwelling-  between  the  Gang-es 
and  the  Atlantic,  as  well  as  including*  the  people  of  the  Ameri- 
can Republic,  the  Aryan  race  is  supreme  in  every  department  of 
modern  life.  And  all  this  because  the  family  has  been  the  unit 
of  the  social  fabric.  Rig-ht  here  permit  me  to  say  that  I  do  not 
fear  contradiction  from  any  competent  authority  on  political 
science  when  I  say  that  the  study  of  the  sing-le  family  on  its 
homestead  today  would  yield  richer  scientific  knowledg-e  and 
more  practical  results  in  the  great  social  sciences  than  almost 
any  other  single  element  in  the  social  world.  With  the  late  Dr. 
Mulford  I  agree  that  the  family  is  the  most  important  question 
that  has  come  before  the  American  people  since  the  close  of  the 
Rebellion.  In  this  connection  let  me  call  your  attention  to  a 
statement  made  in  a  recent  number  of  a  prominent  American 
mag-azine  by  a  writer  who  is  qualified  to  speak  on  the  subject. 
In  discussing-  the  benefits  derived  from  a  whole-soul  love  of 
family  ancestry,  and  the  knowledg-e  of  our  g-enealog-ical  lines 
which  gives  this  love,  the  writer  referred  to  says  thcit  unques- 
tionably people  are  deterred  from  committing  crime  as  a  result 
of  this  family  pride,  this  conscious  knowledg'e  of  an  honorable 
ancestral  line.  A  practical  illustration  of  the  truth  of  this 
statement  may  serve  you  to  more  fully  appreciate  its  importance 
and  for  this  purpose  I  cite  a  work  entitled,  "The  Jukes,"  written 
B.  L.  Dugdale.  In  this  work  we  find  that  in  seven  g-enerations 
a  single  neglected  family  bequeathed  to  the  world  twelve  hund- 
red descendants,  a  large  majority  of  whom  were  idiots,  imbe- 
ciles, drunkards,  lunatics,  paupers,  prostitutes  and  criminals. 
In  this  wretched  family  the  God-blessed  conditions  of  which  I 
have  spoken  did  not  obtain.  In  other  words  the  love  for  family 
ancestry  had  run  cold.  On  the  other  hand,  the  Kimball  family, 
of  'which  we  here   assembled    have   the   honor  to  be  a  part,  has 

154  Kimball  Family  News 

records  to  show  that  along  the  whole  line  of  over  three  hundred 
years  since  the  birth  of  our  first  American  ancestor,  there  have 
been  no  events  connected  with  the  family  for  which  we  need  to 
blush,  The  family  has  ever  been  eminently  respectable.  Its 
members  have  uniformly  been  good  citizens.  They  have  done 
their  part  in  building  up  this  great  nation  along  all  the  avenues 
of  industry,  commerce,  art,  literature,  science,  religion  and 

Let  us  then  consecrate  ourselves  anew  to  the  family.  Let 
us  contribute  our  mite  to  make  it  as  glorious  in  the  generations 
that  are  to  come,  as  it  has  been  in  the  generations  that  we  have 
left  behind.  Let  us  keep  lighted  on  every  Kimball  hearthstone 
the  fires  of  virtue,  of  liberty  and  of  patriotism,  net  only  that 
they  may  be  a  force  and  inspiration  to  us,  but  that  the  glow  and 
radiance  going  forth  from  them  may  be  a  guide  for  others  to 
follow,  and  thus  preserve  unto  the  children  of  men,  even  to  the 
latest  generation,  the  rich  heritage  which  is  ours  today. 

After  the  delivery  of  this  address  Chairman  Roy  Kimball 
called  upon  Dr.  Burnham,  of  Vallejo,  who  responded  in  a  very 
happy  wa}",  and  among  other  things  said  that,  not  being  a  Kim- 
ball, he  had  done  the  next  best  thing,  married  one — Lucia 
Adams,  a  daughter  of  Caleb  Kimball  Adams,  the  son  of  Lemuel 
and  Betsey  (Kimball)  Adams,  of  Sutton,  N.  H.  Dr.  Burnham 
also  said,  referring  to  Frank's  statement  that  there  were  no 
prison  records  in  our  family,  that  he  thought  it  a  very  good  idea 
to  take  off  one's  door  plate  if  the  sheriff  called  for  one. 

The  News  has  several  other  papers,  letters,  etc.,  read  at 
this  Reunion  for  which  no  space  is  left  at  our  command.  They 
will  receive  attention  hereafter.  These  California  Kimball  Re- 
unions excel  all  others  in  interest  and  regularity.  They  afford 
occasions  to  which  our  Pacific  Coast  cousins  look  forward  and 
welcome  with  satisfaction  and  profit.  They  might  be  dupli- 
cated in  a  score  of  other  places  if — if —     Well,  if 

The  Monitor.  Barton,  Vt.,  Oct.  8,  contains  these  items: 

Fred  Kimball,  of  Westmore,  has  sold  his  farm,  stock  and 
farm  implements- 

A  three-ycar-old-son  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  Kimball,  of 
West  Derby,  fell  from  a  high  chair  Sept.  30  and  received  injuries 
that  caused  its  death. 

S.  C.  Kimball,  of  Barton  Landing,  advertises  a  large  sale 
of  stock,  including  blooded  horses,  and  a  large  lot  of  farming 

Ralph  Kimball  received  a  severe  scalp  wound  and  had  a 
lung  pierced  by  a  rib  in  a  railroad  accident  at  North  Derb}' 
Wednesday,  October  ^. 


October,  1900.  155 

Kimball   Brothers   are  manufacturers   of  steam   and   hand 
power  elevators  at  Anamosa,  Iowa. 

Albert  E.  Kimball  is  a  hotel  keeper  in  Knowlton,  P.  Q.  His 
father  Albert  Kimball  was  born  in  Charleston,  Mass.,  and  went 
to  Canada  early  in  the  century. 

The  Missouri  Valley  Kimball  Reunion  for  1900  will  be  held 
in  Manhattan,  Kansas,  Saturday,  October  27.  All  Kimballs 
and  all  of  Kimball  connection  are  invited  to  attend. 

Sherman  T.  Kimball,  of  Chicag^o,  charg-es  one  J.  C.  Holen- 
shade,  an  iron  manufacturer,  with  obtaining  $1,100  under  false 
pretences,  and  it  is  thought  that  he  has  tied  to  Canada. 

Miss  Laura  Kimball,  daughter  of  J.  W.  Kimball,  of  Bur- 
lington, Kansas,  accidently  shot  herself  in  the  breast  with  a 
rifle,  Sept.  28,  and  at  last  accounts  but  little  hope  was  had  of 
her  recovery. 

It  is  anticipated  that  Mrs.  Potter  Palmer  will  reach  Chicago 
in  time  for  the  great  horse  show,  which  event  will  mark  the 
closing  days  of  October  and  the  beginning  of  November.  En- 
tertaining in  honor  of  guests  from  other  cities  will  be  most  elab- 
orate, leading  society  men  and  women  having  already  begun 
plans  for  innumerable  dinners,  dances  and  a  fox  hunt  without 
the  fox.  Among  the  entertainers  will  be  C  K.  G.  Billings, 
Mrs.  Arthur  Caton,  R.  Hall  McCormick  and  C.  F.  Kimball. 
Everybody  is  gettihg  his  costume  ready  and  having  it  fashioned 
out  of  the  hunting  green  and  mikado  jellow.  Parties  will  at- 
tend the  show  from  Cincinnati,  Detroit,  Grand  Rapids,  Cleve- 
land, Omaha  and  Des  Moines. — Chicago  Record,  Oct.  9,  1900. 


Some  time  ago  the  Philippines  Company  charged  Col.  Amos 
S.  Kimball,  United  States  Assistant  Quartermaster  General  of 
New  York,  with  being  a  party  to  a  conspiracy  by  which  their 
business  was  ruined.  The  suit  broug-ht  also  included  the  Inter- 
national Express  Company.  As  a  government  official  was 
involved,  the  War  Department  investigated  the  matter  with 
the  result  that  Colonel  Kimball  was  found  to  have  had  no 
connection  with  the  case.  The  Philippines  Company  sued  for 
$100,000  damages,  and  the  case  is  now  against  the  International 
Express  Company.  The  government  finding  in  regard  to  Col. 
Kimball  was  that  he  "acted  in  the  whole  matter  in  a  perfectly 
honorable  manner,  and  in  all  the  transactions  referred  to  in  the 
complaint  looked  only  to  securing  to  the  g^ov^ernment  the  best 
terms  and  the  best  service  obtainable,  with  fairness  to  all  and 
with  favor  to  none." 

156  Kimball  Family  News 


The  15th  Massachusetts  Reg-iraertal  Association  dedicated 
its  monument  on  Antietara  battlefield,  September  17,  190U.  The 
exercises  begfan  at  10  o'clock,  the  very  hour  the  reg"iment  was 
eng-ag-ed  in  battle,  thirty-eight  years  before.  Gen.  J.  W.  Kim- 
ball, who  commanded  the  regiment  in  the  battle,  delivered  the 
address.  In  the  20  minutes  in  which  they  were  engaged  75  were 
killed  and  over  200  wounded. 

The  monument,  which  cost  $2,000,  is  of  Troy  g^ranite, 
stands  12  feet  high,  and  is  surmounted  by  a  lion.  The  names 
of  those  killed  and  wounded  are  inscribed  thereon. 

The  address  was  an  historical  outline  of  the  regiment's  ser- 
vice, and  was  characterized  by  a  true  patriotic  sentiment  as 
becomes  a  soldier  of  today,  whether  he  saw  service  in  one  army 
or  the  other. 

See  History  p.  841.  Gen.  Kimball  was  elected  State  Audi- 
tor of  Massachusetts  in  1893,  and  still  holds  the  office,  but  is 
not  now  a  candidate  for  re-election. 


In  Maiden,  Mass.,  June  27,  at  First  Congreg-ational  church. 
Miss  Cora  E.  Davis,  daughter  of  Councilman  D.  W.  Davis,  and 
Mr.  John  N.  Kimball,  of  West  Medford.  The  best  man  was 
Mr.  D.  D.  Kimball,  brother  of  the  groom.  A  reception  was 
held  at  the  home  of  the  bride,  58  Wyoming  avenue,  and  was  at- 
tended by  guests  from  Boston,  Brookline,  Somerville,  Medford, 
West  Medford  and  Portland. 

Also  on  June  27,  at  the  home  of  the  bride's  father,  Miss 
Cordelia  Kimball,  daughter  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Jeremiah  B.  Kim- 
ball, of  Maplewood,  and  Mr.  Edward  S.  Hopkins,  of  Boston. 
The  bridesmaid  was  Miss  Francis  S.  Kimball,  sister  of  the  bride, 
and  the  best  man  was  Mr  J.  N.  Hopkins,  brother  of  the  groom. 
The  reception  was  attended  by  200  friends  of  the  bride  and 
groom  from  Boston,  South  Boston,  Maiden,  Melrose  and  Somer- 
ville. Mr.  and  Mrs  Hopkins  will  reside  at  76  Columbia  street, 

Of  course  every  one  has  read  of  the  g^reat  trial  trip  on  the 
Pacific  C'oast  of  the  new  battleship  Wisconsin,  which  excelled 
even  the  celebrated  Oregon.  Her  commander  is  Capt.  Albert 
F.  Pillsbury.  Ilis  wife  is  a  niece  of  Thomas  Danforth  Kimball 
and  of  Moses  Coombs  Kimball,  of  San  Francisco.  They  were 
all  at  the  late  Kimball  Reunion. 

October,  1900.  157 


E.  A.  Kimball,  of  Chicag-o,  (No.  1875),  the  Christian 
Science  lecturer,  is  covering-  the  whole  country,  and  is  today, 
perhaps,  the  most  notable  promoter  of  the  doctrines  ot  Mrs. 
Eddy.  The  Chicag-o  Record  of  October  10  says:  -'Twelve  thous- 
and people  thronged  the  Coliseum  last  nig-ht  to  listen  to  Edward 
A.  Kimball,  chairman  of  the  international  board  of  lectureship 
of  the  mother  church  of  Christian  science  at  Boston,  speak  on 
the  'Cause  and  Scientific  Cure  of  Disease.'  The  audience  was 
made  up  mainly  of  Christian  Scientists,  who  warmly  applauded 
the  speaker,  but  there  were  also  present  many  persons  to  whom 
the  teaching-s  of  Mrs.  Mary  Eddy,  the  founder  of  the  science, 
were  new.  Mr.  Kimball  beg-an  as  follows:  'By  way  of  justifi- 
cation of  this  vast  audience  I  declare  to  you  that  Christian 
Science  in  its  nature  and  influence  includes  nothing-  but  supreme 
g-ood  for  all  mankind.  It  is  primarily  and  essentially  a  relig-ion. 
As  a  relig-ious  denomination  we  have  no  need  nor  disposition  to 
quarrel  over  relig-ion  or  to  eng-ag-e  in  unseemly  controversy.  We 
deprecate  the  evil  of  religious  strife  and  deplore  the  facility 
with  which  sectarianism  denounces  everything-  unlike  itself.' " 


A  report  of  the  services  of  Memorial  Day  in  Canton  and 
Sharon,  Mass.,  under  the  auspices  of  Revere  Post,  No.  94,  G.  A. 
R.,  has  been  issued  in  pamphlet  form.  It  contains  much  matter 
of  local  interest  and  the  very  eloquent  and  patriotic  address  de- 
livered at  Sharon  by  the  Rev.  John  C.  Kimball,  chaplain  of  the 
8th  Massachusetts  Volunteers.  We  are  all  proud  of  this  popu- 
lar oraior,  who  is  always  in  demand  on  popular  occasions.  His 
addresses  are  always  timely,  abounding-  in  g-reat  thoug-hts  and 
enlivened  with  enough  of  wit  and  story  to  g^ive  them  zest.  The 
American  soldier  is  a  citizen  soldier,  and  this  was  the  subject 
on  this  occasion.  Our  readers  would  enjoy  its  perusal,  and  we 
have  to  regret  to  say  v.^e  are  unable  to  reproduce  it. 

The  Boston  Christian  Register  of  October  4,  also  contains  a 
strongs,  practical  paper  on  "Accidents  and  Disasters  in  Their 
Relation  to  a  Divine  Providence"  by  the  same  orator  and  writer. 
The  recent  calamity  at  Galveston  affords  the  topic,  which  is 
treated  with  great  power. 

Charles  H.  Kimball,  a  well-known  carpenter  of  Salem. 
Mass.,  fell  from  the  roof  a  house  Sept.  26,  and  was  instantly 
killed.  He  was  73  years  old,  and  a  veteran  of  the  civil  war. 
He  resided  with  his  daughter,  Mrs.  William  H.  Pollock.  He 
also  left  another  daughter,  Mrs.  J.  P.  Rust,  of  Essex. 

158  Kimball  Family  Newb 


We  are  certain  that  some  of  our  readers  who  arc  not  in- 
formed will  be  glad  to  hear  from  the  editor  of  the  Kimball 
Family  History,  even  though  there  be  nothing  encouraging  to 
say.  It  is  generally  known  that  Mr.  Morrison  has  been  in  poor 
health  for  several  years.  As  the  News  has  before  stated,  he 
sold  his  old  homestead  at  Canobie  Lake,  N.  H.,.  last  spring  and 
removed  to  Derrj ,  which  is  his  present  address.,  He  has  suffered 
a  second  stroke  of  paralysis,  which  he  says  "leaves  him  a  wreck 
of  his  former  self,"  and  of  course  prevents  his  doing  much  writ- 
ing. The  News  has  the  best  of  reasons  for  knowing  the  wai*m 
place  Mr.  Morrison  holds  in  the  hearts  of  members  of  the  Kim- 
ball Family.  We  have  frequent  reminders  of  this  regard  in 
correspondence  from  all  parts  of  the  country.  Mr.  Morrison 
was  not  the  first  to  compile  a  sketch  of  the  Family^  or  a  part  of 
it.  This  was  first  done  by  the  Hon.  John  Kimball  No.  1599  of 
Concord,  N.  H. ,  who  published  a  history  of  his  ancestor  Joseph, 
and  which  of  course  took  up  only  one  branch  of  the  family.  The 
several  volumes  of  American  Ancestry  treat  sparingly  and  dis- 
jointcdly  of  the  Kimball  as  it  necessarily  does  of  many  other 

Previous  to  Prof.  Morrison's  work  very  complete  genealog- 
ical histories  had  been  published  of  several  families.  He  had 
himself  compiled  one  of  the  Morrison  family.  As  he  has  him- 
self stated  he  then  became  interested  in  his  mother's  side,  which 
was  the  Kimball  family.  In  his  preface  to  the  History  he  re- 
lates some  of  the  difficulties  he  first  encountered,  and  of  the 
meeting  with  Prof.  Sharpies,  who  rendered  such  efficient  aid, 
and  who  is  still  doing  much,  as  our  readers  well  know.  But  it 
was  to  the  industry  and  searching  ability  of  Prof.  Morrison  that 
we  owe  the  great  and  connected  history  of  the  family  from  the 
time  of  Richard  the  emigrant  down  to  the  present.  While 
many  individuals  were  omitted,  and  in  some  cases  whole  lines  or 
branches  not  reported,  on  the  whole  the  record  is  so  full  and 
complete  that  it  is  seldom  difficult  to  feriet  out  and  fill  up  all 
omissions.  It  is  this  that  gives  special  value  to  the  history  and 
that  places  the  family  under  obligations  to  Mr.  Morrison  that 
will  never  be  repaid. 

Dr.  Grace  N.  Kimball,  for  years  assistant  physician  at  Vas- 
sar  College,  and  formerly  a  missionary  to  Turkey  whom  the 
Sultan  cxprchsly  forbid  to  return  to  that  country,  has  severed 
her  connection  with  Vassar  in  order  to  devote  her  time  to  her 
private  practice,  ftist.  p.  422-23,  News  p.  360,  Nov.  and  Dec, 

October,  1900.  159 


The  Grand  Marias,  Mich.,  Leader,  of  Sept.  20,  1900,  con- 
tains the  foll3wing-  notice  of  the  death  of  Georg-e  Kimball.  He 
was  a  descendant  of  Amos  Kimball  No.  286,  and  a  brother  of 
Mrs.  E.  M.  Cady,  of  Port  Huron,  Mich.  The  History  p.  1150 
in  appendix  makes  some  corrections,  and  the  Niiws  pp.  320,  338- 
39-378-79  and  390,  gives  further  mention  of  the  family.  The 
Leader  says: 

"Mr.  Georg-e  Kimball  of  Duluth,  was  stricken  with  apoplexy 
Saturday  evening'  at  9  o'clock,  and  died  Sunday  morning-  at  2:30, 
He  had  "been  in  poor  health  for  several  months,  prior  to  his  pass- 
ing away,  but  of  late  was  much  improved. 

"Mr.  Kimball's  daughter,  Mrs.  William  McPherson  of  this 
place,  was  apprised  of  her  father's  death  early  Sunday  and  left 
that  evening  for  Duluth. 

"Mr.  Kimball  was  for  several  years  woods  superintendent 
for  the  Manistique  Lumbering  Company,  during  which  time 
himself  and  family  were  residents  of  this  place.  Two  and  a 
half  years  ago  he  was  transferred  to  Duluth,  where  he  held  a 
similar  position  with  Alger,  Smith  &  Co. 

"Mr. Kimball  was  wxU  known  and  held  in  high  esteem  by  the 
residents  of  this  community,  and    the    news   of  his   death    was 
.  received  with  profound  sorrow  by  all. 

"The  deceased  was  58  years  of  age,  and  leaves  two  child- 
ren, a  son  and  daughter,  to  mourn  his  loss.  A  brother  also  re- 
sides here,  Mr.  A.  J.  Kimball. 

"The  funeral  was  conducted  by  the  Masonic  fraternity  of 
Duluth,  from  the  Congregational  church,  at  2:30  Tuesday  after- 
noon. The  remains  were  escorted  to  the  depot  by  the  Frater- 
nity, from  whence,  accompanied  by  Wm.  McPherson,  they  were 
taken  to  Port  Huron  for  burial  in  the  famil}^  lot  at  that  place. 
Mrs.  Kimball  was  too  ill  to  take  the  journey,  hence  Mrs.  Mc- 
Pherson remained  with  her. 

"The  floral  tributes  from  Palestine  Lodg-e  No.  79,  and  Ionic 
Lodge  No.  186,  F.  &  A.  M.  of  Duluth,  and  other  friends,  were 
in-  profusion." 

In  the  case  of  the  Central  Trust  Co.,  of  New  York,  against 
the  United  States  Flour  Milling  Company,  Judge  Lacombe  has 
appointed  Samuel  Thomas,  of  New  York,  Charles  E.  Kimball, 
of  Summit,  N.  J.,  and  Albert  G.  Loring,  of  Minneapolis,  re- 
ceivers to  take  charge  of  the  mortgaged  premises  of  the  defend- 
ant company.  C.  E-  Kimball  is  also  a  receiver  for  one  or  two 
railroads.  He  seems  to  be  a  favorite  in  the  courts  for  receiver- 
ship busineps.     He  is  one  of  the  best  of  business  men. 

lf)0  Kirabull  Family  News 


Mrs.  Harry  W.  Kimball,  of  Norway,  Maine,  committed  sui- 
cide by  jumping  from  a  New  York  boat  on  its  way  to  Portland,  . ' 
Aug-ust  2(>.     She  was  married  June  20,  and    had   been  suffering-  i 
from  nervous  prostration,  and  to  seek  relief   had   been   sent   to               ,  j 
New  Jersey  to  visit  friends  in  hopes  of  relief. 

She  had  a  mother  and  sisters  in  different  parts  of  New  Jer- 
sey. Thinking  that  she  was  better,  Mrs  Kimball  started  for 
home  to  join  her  husband  at  Norway.  It  is  thought  that  the 
heat  in  New  York  must  have  affected  her  and  that  this  was  the 
cause  of  her  suicide. 

Harry  W.  Kimball  is  a  native  of  North  Bridgton,  the  son 
of  Horace  C.  Kimball.  He  has  been  for  some  time  a  clerk  in  a 
grocery  store  at  Norway. 

Mrs.  Harry  Kimball  was  a  sister  of  Mrs.  J.  J.  Gibb,  wife  of 
a  well-known  iSTewark,  N.  J.,  lawyer,  whose  guest  she  had  been 
for  four  weeks  when  she  left  for  her  home.  She  had  suffered 
for  years  from  a  nervous  affection  that  had  at  times  caused  tem- 
porary mental  aberration. 

Miss  Gibb,  her  niece,  who  accompanied  her  to  the  steamer, 
says  she  appeared  to  be  rational,  thoug-h  suffering-  much  from 
her  nervous  trouble,  when  she  boarded  the  boat.  Miss  Gibb  is 
prostrated  by  the  event  and  is  confined  to  her  room. 

J.  J.  Gibb,  brother-in-law  of  the  drowned  woman,  said  to  a 
reporter  today: 

"My  wife's  sister  had  an  eventful  career.  She  was  about  30 
yeafs  old.  She  became  the  wife  of  Harry  W.  Kimball  on  June 
20  last.  Before  that  she  was  the  widow  of  a  voung  man  named 
Woodsun,  who  was  Kimball's  dearest  friend. 

"Her  maiden  name  was  Estelle  H.  Hubbard,  and  as  such 
she  was  widely  known  in  musical  circles  in  New  York  City. 
She  was  the  possessor  of  a  magnificent  soprano  voice  and  an 
accomplished  pianist.  She  was  soprano  sing-er  at  the  South  Re- 
formed church,  Fifth  avenue,  between  22d  and  23d  streets 

"She  decided  about  eight  3'ears  ago  to  go  into  g-rand  opera, 
and  studied  under  a  well-known  master.  During  her  studies 
she  frequently  g-ave  public  concerts  in  Chickering-  and  Steiuw^ay 
halls.  Her  career  as  a  g-rand  opera  sing-er  was  interrupted  by 
her  nervous  affliction." 

The  body  was  found  near  Newport,  R.  I.,  and  was  taken  to 
Maine  and  buried  in  the  family  cemetery. 

A  Musical  Festival  was  the  closing  event  of  the  seas»m  at 
"The  Pines"  in  (irovchind,  Mass.,  where  Oscar  Kimball,  of  Bos- 
ton, played  the  cornet,  in  which  part  he  has  a  more  than  local 




Vol.  in,  No.  11.  G.  F  KIMBALL,  Publisher.  Terms  $1.00  a  year 

Topekay  Kansas,  November,  1900. 


At  his  home  in  Bristol,  R.  L,  Oct.  11,  1900,  William  B. 
Kimball  celebrated  with  his  family  and  friends  his  ninetieth 
birthday,:)  Of  vigorous  frame,  strong-  personality'-  and  a  degree 
of  independence  that  is  wonderful,  this  man,  who  is  looking- 
back  on  nine  decades,  appears  fully  twenty  years  younger  than 
he  really  is.  His' _'vigor,  both  mentally  and  physically,  is  re- 
tained-to  a  remarkable  degree  with  his  well  preserved  features. 
William  Batty  Kimball,  the  son  of  Amos  and  Hannah  Edmunds 
Kimball,  was  born  in  Warwick,  R.  L,  Oct.  11,  1810.  His  birth 
place  was  on  a  farm,  coming  from  his  paternal  grandmother, 
Mary  Batty  Kimball.  The  place  was  known  as  Natick  Hill. 
When  four  years  old  his^father  bought  a  home  in  Natick  village 
on  the  banks  of  the  Patuxet  river,  where  there  were  two  cotton 

1(>2  Kimball  Family  News 

mills  in  operation.     He  spent  his  boyhood  days    in    this  villag-e 
attending-  school.     When  nine  years    old    he    was    crippled    for 
several  years  from  a  cut  near  the  knee  cap  of  the  rig-ht  leg^.     In 
1S22  his  father    died,  and    two   years    later    his    mother    passed 
awav.     Thev  left  four   children.     Mr.  Kimball's    eldest    sister, 
Mrs!  James  G.  Bowen.  died  in  IWG  in  the  ')Uth  year  of  her  ag-c. 
His  vouno^est  sister,  Mrs.  Roswell    Butler,  of  Coventy,    R.  I.,  is 
now  living-  in  her    88th  year,  comparatively,  vig-orous    both    in 
mind  and  body.     Mr.  Kimball   is    the    eig-hth    in    descent    from 
Richard    Kimball,  who    settled    in    Massachusetts    in    16.^4.     In 
April,  1S28.  Mr.  Kimball  was  in  a  cotton  factory  as  overseer,  re- 
maining: until  182%  when    the   company    failed.     After  a   briet 
period  at  school  he  returnel  to  Natick  and  eng-ag-ed   as   overseer 
of  spinning-  and  weaving-  until  March,  1832,  when   in    company 
with  another  man  they  commenced    making-   cotton    cloth    for  a 
man    bv    the   name   of  Arnold,  there    being-  a   store   connected 
with  the  premises  where  he  furnished  g-oods  for  the  employes  of 
the  factory,  this  beings  his  first  venture  in  mercantile  affairs.    In 
October,  1834,  he  eng-ag-ed  as  superintendent  with  the   Rockland 
Cotton  Mrnufacturing-  Company  at  South  Scituate,  remaining-  in 
that  position  until  1843,  when  the  property  w^as  sold.     Mr.  Kim- 
ball was  married  in   July,  1842,  to    Sarah   W.  Rounds,  daug-hter 
of  Farley  Rounds.     Five  children  were  born  of  the  union,  only 
two  living-  to  manhood.     William  E-.  born  in  Scituate,  Feb.  17, 
1844,  died  in   New  York  City  May  29,  1899       (Lawyer-  Charles 
E.,  born  in  Bristol  September    24,  1856.     He    is    a    g-raduate    of 
Brown  University,  and  is  now  president  of  the   Chicag-o,  Peoria 
&  St.  Louis  R.  R.;  office,  27  Pine  street.  New   York,  and    lives 
in  Summit,  N.  J.     In  1847  Mr.  Kimball  was  elected  State  Sena- 
tor from  Scituate.     He  was  ag-ent  for  the  Hartford  Manufactur- 
ing- Company  in  1849    at    South    Glastonbury,  Conn.,  remaining- 
there  until  1851,  when  the  mills    were  sold      He    was  next   em- 
ployed by  William    Imlay    as-  ag-ent    for    the    Poquonack    paper 
mills  in  the  town  of  Windsor,  Conn.     Returning-  to  his  old  home 
in  North  Scituate  in  1853,  remained    a   short  time  and  in  April, 
1855,  removed  to    Bristol    as    superintendent    of  the    Pokanoket 
Manufacturing-  Company  "s  mill  which  was  burned    in   February, 
185f).     In  the  same  year  he  entered  the  g-rocery  and  market  bus- 
iness on  the  corner  of  Hope  and  Church  streets,  remaining-  there 
until  1870,  when  he  retired  from   active    business    pursuits.  *  He 
was  school  committeeman  in  Bristol  for  several   years.     Mr.   K. 
is  much  taken    with    the    cultivation    of  flowers.     He    has    rare 
taste  in  arranf.^ing:  them  and  has  the    best    results    in  his  work 
He  has  been  and  still  is  a  great  reader.     His  home  is  beautifully 
situated  on  thu  corner  of  Hope  and  Smith   streets,  where  he  has 
an  admirable  view  of  Bristol  harbor,  islands  and  channels  of  old 
Narra^ansett  bay.     Ht  has  lived  in  the    same    house    45   years. 


November,  1900.  163 

Mrs.  Kimball,  wife  of  W.  B.  Kimball,  is  ten  years  youtig-er  than 
her  husband.  She  taug-ht  school  in  her  young-  days.  The 
reception  was  held  from  3  to  8  p.  m.  It  was  informal  in  charac- 
ter and  quite  a  number  were  present  from  out  of  town.  Poems 
were  read  dedicated  to  Mr.  Kimball  by  Providence  friends. 
Charles  E.  Kimball  was  present  and  assisted  in'  receiving-  and 
entertaining.  There  were  many  presents,  one  being  an  eleg-ant 
"Regina"  music  box  from  Charles  E-  and  wife,  with  a  beautiful 
cabinet  to  stand  it  on.     The  guests  numbered  about  100. 

TO    W.    B.    KIMBALL,  OCT.    II,    iSlO-igoo. 
Bring-  flowers,  young-  flowers,  a  wreath  Til  twine, 
A  crown  for  that  mind-written  brow  of  thine; 
A  radiant  wreath,  not  one  drooping  spray 
Shall  dim  with  ill  omen  thy  natal  day. 
The  rose  that  has  thorns  I  would  not  bring- 
In  my  simple  garland,  so  false  a  thing. 
Did  I  the  leaves  of  thy  destiny  twine, 
No  thorn  should  approach  a  thought  of  thine. 
Of  the  flow'ret  I'd  bring  you've  often  heard  told, 
How  brightly  its  petals  of  blue  unfold, 
And  oft  we've  repeated  its  name  to  tell 
What  no  other  words  breathe  half  so  well; 
Then  know  ye  the  flower  so  dear  to  me,    ' 
The  flower  that  tonight  shall  my  off 'ring  be, 
That  flow'ret  age  hallows  the  loneliest  spot, 
And  its  name  is  my  boon  Forget-me-not. 

Dictated  by  M.  G.  Sigafoss,  Providence,  R.  I. 

TO   W.    B.    KIMBALL,    OCT.    II,    1810-1900, 
Ninety  years.  Oh  !  where  are  they? 
Gone  as  a  watch,  a  night,  a  day. 
And  he  whose  earthly  span  they  tell, 
Has  bid  them  all  a  glad  farewell ; 
For  as  the 7  passed,  he  made  his  own. 
The  fruit,  the  grain,  that  had  been  sown. 
All  fields  he  plowed,  all  harvests  reaped, 
Wherever  vintage  rare  was  heaped, 
He  garnered  e'er  the  better  part 
And  richly  stored  both  mind  and  heart; 
Oh  !  lightly  pass  the  storms  o'er  one 
Who  never  notes  the  set  cf  sun. 
But  calm,  serene,  in  darkest  night, 
Walks  surely  on  by  inward  light. 
The  years  that  haply  still  remain 
Shall  see  not  his  strong  spirit  wane; 
'For  life  immortal  now  and  here 

lf»4  Kimball  F'amily  News 

Is  his  whose  spirit  knows  not  fear; 
From  Death  to  Life  already  past 
The  soul  awaits,  its  home  more  vast. 
WJiere  veil  of  flesh  rent  evermore. 
"Twill  hail  with  joy  the  "Open  Door.'' 

Stella  J.  Morse,  Providence.  R.  I. 


The  portrait  of  William  Batt}'  Kimball  g-iven  herewith  is 
from  a  photog^raph  taken  twenty  years  ag-o,  when  he  was  sevent}' 
years  old. 

No  mention  is  made  in  the  History  of  this  prominent  fam- 
ily. On  pag-e  83  it  is  said  that  Amos,  the  second  son  of  Dean 
Kimball^  ( Joseph^  John^  Richard')  married  Mary  Battey,  who 
was  doubtless  the  paternal  grandmother  mentioned.  The  Amos 
who  married  Hannah  Edrauads,  the  father  of  the  subject  of  the 
above  sketch,  was  probably  the  son  of  Amos^  It  would  be  in- 
teresting- to  know  more  of  the  descendants  of  Dean  Kimball. 
For  one  or  two  g-enerations  something-  is  gfiven  with  some  detail, 
but  later  on  the  record  is  very  incomplete.  Of  the  children  of 
Dean  nothing  is  said  of  Amos  beyond  the  fact  that  he  married 
Mary  Battey,  nor  of  Sarah  except  that  she  married  Benjamin 
Burgess.  Of  Elizabeth  and  Rhoda  only  the  names  are  men- 
tioned. His  son  Joshua^  had  nine  children,  but  only  one,  Dean", 
is  given  as  the  head  of  a  family,  and  he  married  Celestia  Kim- 
ball. Of  the  g-randchildren  of  Dea^^  the  family  of  Joshua 
seems  to  have. become  extinct,  (p.  27f^»  .  Of  Benjamin's  fourteen 
children  three  became  heads  of  families  besides  Celestia,  who, 
according-  to  the  history,  married  her  uncle  Dean,  as  above  men- 
tioned. (History  p.  277).  Of  Amy's  five  children  only  the 
names  are  mentioned.  Of  Dean's  five  only  one,  Benjamin,  is 
given  as  head  of  a  family,  only  one  of  Jarvis's  four,  and  none 
of  Abigail's  six.  From  this  it  is  clear  that  this  family  record  is 
ver}-  incomplete. 

Mrs.  Joanna    Kimball,    widow   of  Francis    E.    Kimball,   of 
West  Ouincy,  Mass.,  died  in  the  city  hospital  Aug-ust  3. 

Ethel  S  ,  the  4-year-old  daug-hter   of  James   J.    Kimball,  of 
Cambridge,  died  of  diphtheria  Aug-ust  27. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fred  M.  Kimball,  of  Somerville,  Mass.,  sailed 
for  England  October  u. 

November,  1900. 



(Betsey  (Kimball)  Adams^  fifth  child  of  Caleb  Kimballe 
and  Sarah  (Sawyer)  Kimball,  of  Kimball  Hill,  Sutton,  N.  H., 
b.  Aug-.  29,  1777,  d.  Sept,  22,  1833,  m,  Feb.,  1801,  Lemuel 
Adams,  Sr.  (See  Fam.  History,  pp.  614,  615,  616,  also  News, 
Oct. ,  1899,  pp,  355,  356,  for  g-enealog-y. )  Miss  Carrie  Tompkins 
Adams,  510  Albion  street,  Oakland,  Cal.,  the  g-reat  g-rand- 
daug-hter  of  Betsey  (^Kimball)  Adams,  wishes  to  secure  a  pic- 
ture of  her  great  great  grandfather,  Caleb  Kimball**,  and  hopes 
that  some  of  the  Kimball  cousins,  readers  of  the  News,  will  be 
able  to  assist  her,) 

Capt.  F.  M.  Kimball,  of  Topeka,  recently  met  with  a  loss 
in  the  burning-  of  his  barn.  In  the  building-  were  stored  a  good 
many  family  and  war  relics  that  were  highly  valued.  It  was 
the  work  of  an  incendiary,  and  his  was  only  one  of  several  that 
were  burned.  Our  cousin  at  once  offered  a  heavy  reward  for  the 
conviction  of  the  barn  burner,  and  while  he  was  not  discovered, 
the  business  at  once  came  to  an  end. 

Rt.  Wor.  D.  D.  G.  M.  Frederick  A.  Kimball,  of  Ipswich, 
Mass.,  is  a  prominent  lodge  man  of  the  old  town. 

166  Kimball  Family  News 

Supplemental  Notes  to  Family  History. 


Editor  Kimp-^ll  News  : 

Dear  Sir: — On  pag-e  41,  vol.  1.  Kimball  Genealog-y,  eig-hth 
child  of  John  Kimball  and  Mary  Bradstreet  is  Abig-ail,  b,  Mar. 
22,  1667,  married  first  Oct.  14,  1689,  ''Isaac  Estev,  b.  in  Tops- 
field,  Mass.,  about  1656.  His  name  appears  with  others  who 
took  the  oath  of  alleg-iance  and  fidelity  to  Charles  II  in  January, 
1677.  In  lb81  his  minister's  rate  was  seven  shilling-s  and  one 
penny,  his  father's  being-  one  pound  and  three  shilling-s,  and  his 
brother  Joseph's  seyen  shilling-s  and  nine  pence.  In  1689  and 
1691  he  was  chosen  one  of  the  surveyors  of  hig-hways,  and  in 
1694  was  chosen  constable.  In  1696  he  was  one  of  the  selectmen 
of  the  town.  He  left  a  will  dated  March  16,  1713-14,  which 
was  probated  May  3,  1714. 


i     Mary,  bap,  Feb.  15,  l()91-92;  m.    Sept.    10,    1713,  John    Per-  :] 

ii     Abigail,  bap.  Jan.  8,  1693-93;  m.  May  22,  1712.  Joseph  Cum- 

mings,  and  died  of  small  pox  Jan.  10,  1729-30. 
iii     Saralj,  b.  Oct.  4,  1694;  m.    Dec.  1,  1714,  Capt.  Joseph    Cum- 

ming-s,  and  died  before  1751. 
iv     Isaac,  b.  Nov.  20,  1696. 
V     Aaron,  b.  Feb.  16,  1698-99. 
vi     Jacob,  b.  June  28,  I'^OO. 
vii     Hannah,  b.  May  18,  1702;  m.    Jan.    f),    1720-21,    Isaac   Cum- 

inings.  j 

viii     Richard,  bap.  April  7,  1700;  d.    about    1784;  in.  May  7,  1728.  j 

Ruth,  dau.  of  William  and    Marv  Fiske.  of  Ipswich,  b.  ' 

Oct.  18.  1709.      Be  lived  in  Rowley  until    1764,  when  he  -j 

removed  with  their  sons,  John,  Zebulon  and    Richard,  a 

to  a  settlement  lately  formed  bj*  New    England    colon-  '' 

ists  on  the  banks    of  the    St.  John    river,  iS'ew    Bruns- 
wick, called  Maugerville.     Richard    Esty    was   one   of 
the  signers  of  the  original  covenant  of  the  Congrega- 
tional church  founded   there.     He   left   numerous   de- 
scendants in  N.  r.  ,  and  many  now  living   in  the  U.  S.; 
W.  P.  Esiy,  of  Fredericton,  and  James  A.  Estey,  of  St. 
.lohn,  ure  among  them, 
ix     Rebecca,  hap  Aug.  8,  1708:  ni.  first  Nov.  12,  1729,  Preserved 
Tucker,    of     Stoughton;     m.     second.     April    7,      1743. 
Matthais  Puflfer,  of  Stoughton. 
X     Moses,  bap.  Sept.  6.  1712;  ra.    .Sept.    8    1736,    Eunice    Peug- 
villc;    rcniiivpil  til  Kiif'i  'Ifl    Pt . .   ill    17-\'"'    ;»nf!     in     iT'ii'    to 


November,  1900.  167 

Bucks  county,  Pa.,  and  later  to  J>iew  Jersey.  He  had 
one  son,  Capt.  Moses,  of  Morristown,  N.  J.,  who  was 
a  soldier  in  the  Revolution.  The  late  Judge  David 
Kirkpatrick  Este,  of  Cincinnati,  O.,  was  a  descendant; 
also  Chas.  Este,  of  Philadelphia.  Pa. 

^Isaac  Estey  married  Mary,  daughter  of  William  and  Joannah 
(Blessing)  Towne.  She  was  born  at  Yarmouth,  Nor- 
folk county,  Eng. ,  and  baptised  at  St.  Nicholas  church 
Aug.  24,  1634.  She  was  arrested  as  a  witch  April  21, 
1692,  kept  in  jail  till  May  18,  when  she  was  released. 
On  May  21  a  second  warrant  was  procured  and  she  was 
taken  from  her  home  at  midnight,  carried  to  Salem 
jail  and  placed  in  chains.  She  was  tried,  found  guilty 
and  sentenced  to  death,  and  on  the  22d  of  September, 
1692,  she  was  executed  with  seven  others. 

Jeffrey  Estey. 


That  is  what  the  Boston  Globe  says  of  the  Pitts-Kimball 
Co.'s  new  department  store.  The  company  suffered  a  severe 
loss  by  fire  in  May  last.  The  new  store  is  gfreatly  enlarg-ed  and 
the  Globe  says  is  one  of  the  g-reatest  in  the  country  and  refresh- 
ing-ly  attractive.  The  vice  president  of  the  company  is  Rutus 
H.  Kimball  (Hist.  p.  938),  who  is  a  son  of  Rufus  C.  Kimball, 
whose  portrait  is  opposite  pag-e  645  of  the  history. 

The  late  General  John  M.  Palmer,  of  Illinois,  who  was 
Democratic  g"old  standard  candidate  for  President  in  1896,  mar- 
ried for  his  second  wife  in  1888  Mrs.  Hannah  M.  Kimball,  of 
Spring-field,  111.  She  is  a  most  cultured  and  refined  woman,  and 
as  the  helpmeet  of  the  general  had  proved  of  great  assistance  in 
aiding  him  to  the  success  he  achieved  in  the  later  years  of  his 
life.  In  his  early  life  he  was  known  throughout  the  nation  as 
an  anti-slavery  Democrat,  and  was  afterwards  Governor  of  his 

Captain  Pillsbury,  of  San  Francisco,  had  command  of  the 
Santa  Fe  Compan}  's  new  ferry  steamer,  the  San  Pablo,  on  its 
trial  trip.  She  is  the  fastest  sidewheel  boat  in  the  bay.  The 
trip  was  a  great  success,  many  Santa  Fe  officials  being  on 
board. *v  Captain  Pillsbury  commanded  the  battleship  Wisconsin 
as  stated 'in  the  last  News.     He  attended  the  reunion. 

Willard  Kimball,  No.  2080,  is  director  of  the  University  of 
Nebraska  School  of  Music  at  Lincoln.  He  was  for  a  long-  time 
director  of  the  Conservatory  of  Grinnell,  Iowa., 

168  Kimball  Family  Nv  w? 



address  by  j.  hoyt  kimball,  of  oakland. 
Mr.  President  and  Kinfolk  : 

For  the  past  3'ear  and  a  half  that  I  have  been  living-  in  Cal- 
ifornia, I  have  been  looking-  forward  to  this,  the  first  annual  re- 
union of  the  Kimball   family   of  the    Pacific    Coast    at    -which  I 
could  be  present,  and  I  assure  you  it  g-ives  me  even  more  pleasure 
than  I  had  anticipated.     To  meet  face    to    face    and    grasp   the 
hands  of  so  man}'  lineal  descendants   of  our    common    ancestor, 
Richard  Kimball,  the  emig-rant,  this  occasion    is  remarkable  to 
me,  in  that  our  Puritan  ancestor  landed   on  the   Atlantic   Coast 
of  this  continent  while  we  meet  to  cement  the   bond  of  kinship 
on  the  Pacific  Coast.     What    a    stretch    of  mountain,  plain  and 
river  lies  between  that  point  and  this,  and  what  a  change  in  that 
country  in  the  266  years  since  our   ancestor  landed    there.     The 
Pilg-rims  and  Puritans    who   settled   New    England,  althoug-h  a 
wonderful  people,  were  not   perfect  or  entirely  consistent.     The 
Pilgfrims  came  to  America  not   to   found   a   nation  nor  to  sever 
their  political  ties  with  the  mother  country,  but  that  they  might 
establish  a  church  after  their   own   hearts,  and  worship  God  ac- 
cording to  the  dictates  of  conscience.     This  one  idea  dominated 
their  lives.     The  Puritans   came    to    found    homes    and    build  a 
state.     The  Pilg-rims  were  poor  but  well   informed.     The    Puri- 
tans were  rich  and  educated.     Savage's  General  Dictionary  says: 
"Richard  Kcmball  came  in  1634  on  the  ship  Elizabeth,  with  his 
wife  Ursula,  and  five  children,  and  one  servant  ag-ed  15  years." 
Our  family  history  does   not    mention    the    latter    fact,  which  is 
valuable  to  us  only,  as  showing-  that  our  common  ancestor  was  a 
w^ell-to-do  Puritan.     I  am  speaking,  perhaps,  to  the  members  of 
a  family  that    have    done    as   much    as    any    other  to  make  our 
country  what  it  is  today,  and  if  you  will    study   our   family  his- 
tory you  will  see  a  patriotic   record    to    be    proud  of  :  in  the  128  ] 
Kimballs  who  served  in  the  Revolutionary  war,  95   in  the  Mexi-                .} 
can  war,  27  in  the  war  of  1812,  and  the  155   who   fought  to  pre-               ^i 
serve  the  Union  from  1861  to  '65.     In    the    war    with    Spain  we 
were  well  represented.     You  will  see  them    as    life-long-  leaders 
in  the  movement  for  the  liberation  of  the  slave,  in  the  cause  of 
temperance  and  education,  in  the  upbuilding  of  the  church,  and 
standing  alwa3's    foV    the    enforcement    and    sacredness   of  law. 
They  have  been  active  in  manufactures    and    commerce,  and,  as 
one  of  the    crowning-    triumphs   of  our    family,  on    the    Pacific 
Coast,  one  of  the  most  beautiful  steamships  that  passes  through 
the  Golden  Gate  bears  the  name  of  "John  S.  Kiml»all."     I  have 
spoken  only  of  the  patriotism  of  the  men  of  our  name,  but  cour- 
age and  patriotism  arc  not  peculiar  to  man.     Courage    is   gfrace- 

November,  1900.  169 

ful  and  dig-nified,  and  as  woman  excels  in  grace  and  dignity,  she 
is  full  of  courage  and  self-sacrifice.  "Woman  is  tbe  blood  royal 
of  life."  It  has  been  said  that  wherever  a  human  being  is  suf- 
fering his  signs  call  a  woman  to  his  side.  The  record  of  the 
courage,  fortitude  and  endurance  of  the  women  of  our  race, 
when  the  husband  or  father  was  fighting  their  country's  battles, 
and  what  they  did  for  the  families  of  the  soldiers  at  home,  what 
they  did  for  the  sick  and  dying  on  the  battlefields  of  the  war, 
with  all  their  domestic  virtues  in  times  of  peace,  call  for  our 
heartfelt  homage  And  now  my  dear  cousins  all,  as  the  five 
minutes  allowed  me  by  our  president  have  expired,  I  will  close 
by  asking  you  all  to  emulate  the  patriotic  record  found  in  our 
family  history,  and  to  bring  up  your  children  to  love  their 
country  and  the  stars  and  stripes. 


(Widow  of  Levi  Woodbury  Kimball,  No.  1967.) 
Mr.  Chairman  and  Members  op  the  Kimball  Family  : 

I  am  honored  today  in  having  the  privilege  of  speaking  for 
the  women  of  this  numerous  and  notable  family,  a  family 
known  well  In  the  history  of  the  past,  both  in  this  country  from 
its  earliest  settlement  and  in  the  older  country  across  the  water. 

We  have  no  record  of  the  time  when  the  first  woman  made 
her  appearance  in  the  Kimball  fam.ily,  but  it  must  have  been 
very  early  in  its  history,  and  you  will  all  agree  that  since  her 
advent  she  has  been  an  important  factor,  both  in  founding  the 
homes  and  increasing  the  numbers  who  bear  the  name  we  honor 
here  today.  Doubtless  there  have  been  many  causes  which  have 
led  so  many  women  of  culture  and  ability  to  link  their  fate,  for- 
tune and  honor  with  so  many  men  bearing  the  name  of  Kimball. 
Among  those  causes  we  may  place  first  the  manv  attractions 
native  to  the  young  man  Kimball,  his  good  looks,  pleasing  man- 
ners, good  business  ability,  and  above  all,  his  honorable  nature 
that  would  not  allow  him  to  sully  his  fair  name  by  any  question- 
able or  demeaning  acts  or  words.  We  have  heard  at  previous 
reunions  that  no  crime  has  ever  been  laid  at  the  door  where 
Kimball  was  engraved  on  the  door  plate,  that  no  records  of 
prisons  or  jails  held  his  name,  and  with  pride  the  women  of  the 
family  have  contemplated  their  good  fortune  in  having  linked 
their  lives  with  such  noble  sons  of  noble  sires.  But  as  this  is 
an  enquiring  age,  an  age  that  looks  from  effect  back  through 
the  dim  distance  to  causes,  so  we  may  indulge  in  retrospect  to- 
day and  look  back  to  see  why  this  family  to  which  we  belong 
has  such  a  grand  record,  how  such  splendid  results  have  been 
achieved.  Those  who  make  a  study  of  the  matter  tell  us  that 
it  is  proven  over  and  over  again  until  it  is  established  as  a  law, 
that  the  sons  in  a  family  inherit  the  qualities  and  characteristics 

170  Kimball  Family  News 

of  their  mother,  and  if  a  man  desires  noble  sons  he  must  select 
as  his  helpmeet  a  noble  woman.  Can  we  doubt  that  the  women 
who  have  been  the  mothers  of  the  ancestors  of  the  Kimball 
family  have  left  their  qualities  of  brain  and  heart  a  rich  legacy 
to  their  sons,  and  although  their  names  and  oftimes  almost  their 
identity  has  been  lost  in  that  of  Kimball,  their  grand  traits  of 
character,  their  noble  ideals  of  the  true  and  good,  the  high  and 
lofty  live  in  their  sons,  and  shall  continue  to  add  luster  to  the 
family  name  long  after  their  own  names  have  perished  from 
memory  and  from  history. 

Today  in  this  little  assembly  of  Kimballs,  I  would  honor 
the  memory  of  our  foremothers,  brave  of  heart,  true  to  the  duty 
of  the  hour  and  day,  full  of  devotion  to  their  homes  and  fami- 
lies, most  worthy  mothers  of  such  worthy  sons.  Long  may  the 
qualities  that  distinguished  them  be  marked  characteristics  in 
their  descendants. 

And  what  of  the  Kimball  daughters?  We  are  told  that 
daughters  inherit  the  qualities  of  their  fathers,  and  if  those 
fathers  have  inherited  the  qualities  of  their  mothers,  then  the 
Kimball  daughter  is  more  or  less  a  copy  of  the  grandmother. 
Whichever  way  we  may  look  at  it  the  woman  in  the  case  seems 
a  very  important  factor,  and  if  the  men  of  the  family  have  held 
high  the  integrity  of  it,  no  less  so  have  the  oaughters.  Not 
alone  to  the  past  need  we  look  when  we  speak  of  worthy 
mothers  in  the  Kimball  family — today  our  whole  country  is 
dotted  with  homes  presided  over  by  a  worthy  home  keeper  and 
mother  whose  name  is  Kimball,  or  whose  name  has  been  Kim- 
ball; and  I  esteem  it  an  honor  in  this  reunion  to  give  a  tribute 
to  the  Kimball  woman  of  today;  she  is  progressive,  wide  awake, 
alive  to  the  best  interests  of  her  home  and  family,  and  also  to 
the  best  interests  of  municipality,  state  and  nation.  Long  may 
she  preside  over  many  homes  in  this  fair  land,  and  may  her  sons 
and  daughters  rise  up  to  honor  her  memory  in  future  reunions 
of  the  Kimball  family,  when  we  have  passed  to  the  reunion  on 
the  other  side. 

Our  Georgia  cousin,  Rollin  H.  Kimball,  of  Garfield,  writes 
that  he  has  had  a  long  and  serious  siege  of  sickness,  but  that 
he  has  once  nioie  "fooled"  the  doctors,  although  the  summer's 
sun  did  not  shine  on  his  head.  Yet  he  sa^-s  he  raised  some  of 
the  finest  wheat,  and  then  followed  with  a  second  crop — pcavine 
hay-  The  News  confesses  to  having  taken  a  great  liking  to 
this  manly,  southern  "rebel"  cousin,  who  is  not  mentioned  in 
the  History,  but  whose  grandfather  Benjamin  is  mentioned  on 
page  198  and  whose  father's  portrait  is  given  on  page  155  of  the 
News  and  his  own  on  page  177.    It  is  worth  looking  up. 

November,  1900.  171 


The  Fourth  Annual  Reunion  of  the  Kimball  Family  of  the 
Missouri  Valley  was  held  at  the  home  of  the  Hon.  John  Mel- 
ville Kimball  on  College  Hill,  Manhattan,  Kansas,  on  the  after- 
noon and  evening-  of  October  27,  1900.     There  were  present: 

Captain  Frederick  Marius  Kimball,  President  of  the  Asso- 
ciation, Topeka. 

Mrs.  Susannah  Hojt  Kimball,  Topeka, 

Miss  Maud  Louise  Kimball,  Topeka. 

John  Melville  Kimball,  Manhattan,  Kas. 

Mrs   Mary  E.  (Barney)  Kimball,  Manhattan,  Kas. 

Perlev  Putnam  Kimball,  Manhattan,  Kas. 

Miss  Mary  Kimball,  Manhattan,  Kas. 

Albert  Barney  Kimball,  Scandia,  Kas. 

Mrs.  Myrtle  Kimball,  Scandia,  Kas. 

Their  children,  Edith,  Louise  and  Carrie  Barton. 

Charles  Augustus  Kimball,  Courtland,  Kas. 

Richard  Henry  Kimball,  Manhattan,  Kas. 

Mrs.  Elizabeth  Foster  (Greer)  Kimball,  Manhattan,  Kas. 

John  Benjamin  Kimball,  Manhattan,  Kas. 

Miss  Stella  Victoria  Kimball,  Manhattan,  Kas. 

Prof.  Albert  Dickens,  State  Agf icultural  College,  Manhat- 
tan, Kas. 

Mrs.  Sarah  Bertha  (Kimball)  Dickens,,  Kas. 

Gustavus  Franklin  Kimball,  Topeka. 

Miss  Florence  Terrell  Kimball,  Topeka. 

Miss  Eleanor  Taylor  Kimball,  Topeka. 

Park  Barnes  Kimball,  Topeka. 

In  addition  to  these  Edwin  M.  Kimball,  of  Smith  Center, 
and  H.  W.  Kimball,  F.  B.  Kimball,  C.  M.  Kimball,  H.  H.  Kim- 
ball and  W.  F.  Kimball,  of  Neodesha,  and  Augustine  S.  Worth- 
ing, of  Belvue,  aimed  to  be  present,  but  failed  on  account  of 
imperfect  railroad  connections. 

The  occasion  was  one  of  good  cheer  and  family  profit.  The 
Manhattan  families  united  and  did  the  right  royal  thing  as  en- 
tertainers. Nothing  could  have  been  done  better.  While  the 
attendance  was  not  large,  it  was  not  a  small  crowd  to  be  enter- 
tained at  a  country  home,  spacious  as  is  the  old  Kansas  stone 
house.  With  the  exception  of  the  president  the  heads  of  the 
older  families  all  came  from  New  Hampshire,  and  his  ancestors 
were  from  the  same  state,  going  from  there  to  Vermont. 

The  Manhattan  Kimballs  were  among  the  early  Kansas 
pioneers.  'Family  History  p.  940,  Nr-cws,  1898,  pp.  7,  62,  64). 
On  the  mothers'  line  they  are  descendants  of  the  noted  Israel 
Putnam  family,  the  father,  John  Kimball,  No.  1342,  having 
married  Sally  Collins  Putnam,  of  Danvers,  Mass.    The   several 

172  Kimball  Family  News 

Manhattan  Kimball  homes  cover  a  larg-e  extent  of  territorj-,  the 
early  settlers  taking-  up  homesteads  adjoinin,<j^  each  other.  The 
two  brothers,  John  Melville  and  Richard  Henry,  still  remain  on 
the  old  home  farms.  Charles  Wesley  Kimball,  a  3'oung^er 
brother,  recently  went  to  California  for  his  health.  His  farm 
joins  those  of  his  brothers.  Two  sisters  moved  to  Garden 
Grove,  Cal.,  in  1883.  Their  untimely  death  is  mentioned  in  the 
March  number  of  the  News,  1898.  Another  family,  William 
Henry  (not  Harlan),  history  p.  652,  live  a  few  miles  distant, 
sickness  preventing-  their  attendance. 

This  reunion,  though  small,  will  doubtless  bring  forth  fruit. 
It  has  alroad}  revived  interest  in  several  quarters,  and  it  is  ex- 
pected that  next  year  at  Omaha,  Topeka  or  Kansas  City  a  much 

larg-er  reunion  will  result. 


Mrs.  Maria  Freeman  Gray,  of  San  Francisco,  who  is  now 
east  on  her  way  to  Jerusalem,  where  she  expects  to  be  at  Christ- 
mas, was  unable  to  be  at  the  reunion,  but  wrote  a  letter  that 
was  read.  She  w^as  at  the  thirty-fourth  anniversary  of  the  Uni- 
versal Peace  Union  held  at  Mystic.  Conn.,  the  middle  of  August, 
where  she  made  an  address.  (See  May  News,  1900.)  Mrs. 
Gray,  writing  from  Salem,  Mass.,  (Millington  P.  O.)  says: 

"As  I  am  in  mj-  childhood  home  perhaps  I  may  be  allowecl  some  men. 
tion  in  this  communication  of  my  grandfather,  John  Kimball,  (page  40S 
Family  History.)  We,  children  of  mj'  fathers  family,  counted  it  among- 
our  halcyon  days  when  we  could  visit  him  in  his  home  in  old  Had  ley,  some 
eighteen  miles  distant.  He  was  kind  and  good-natured  and  seemed  always 
to  look  upon  the  bright  side  of  everything,  although  for  many  years 
before  his  death  he  was  a  cripple  and  could  only  walk  with  the  aid  of 

"I  have  not,  as  yel,  met  any  of  the  Kimball  cousins,  outside  of  m}' 
immediate  family,  but  expect  to  enjoy  this  privilege  soon. 

•'It  would  be  most  satisfactory  if  there  were  a  few  Kimbali  cousins  in 
New  England,  akin  to  some  who  mij;ht  be  mentioned  in  California,  who 
would  take  the  initiative  and  issue  a  call  for  a  family  reunion  here." 

Nelson 'F.  Kimball,  of  Weiser,  Idaho,  brother  of  the   News 
editor,  writes  that  he  sent  his  collection  of  Indian    relics    to  the 
State  Fair'at  Boise  City,  and  that  it  took  first  premium  of  $25. 
His  wife  has  been  dangerously  ill,  but  is  now  recovering-.     Hist, 
p.  1057;_Nkws,  Feb.  18^9. 

Miss  Alice  Kiml)all,  of  East  Hempstead,  N.  H.,  is  a  mem- 
ber of  a  new  Tribune  Sunshine  Society  branch.  This  society 
sends  many -rays  of  sunshine  into  homes  all  over  the  country. 

November,  1900.  173' 



From  the  Hyde  Park,  Vt.,  Citizen: 

"The  passing-  away  of  Mr  Matthew  J.  Kimball  at  an  early 
hour  Thursday  morning-,  Sept.  13,  was  a  vivid  reminder  that 
'Death  loves  a  shining  mark.'  Certainly  it  may  be  said  with- 
out that  undue  adulation,  which  Mr.  Kimball  in  the  simplicity 
of  his  nature  would  himself  dislike,  that  there  is  no  person 
in  Stowe  whose  loss  could  be  more  keenly  felt,  whose  genial 
presence  and  cheery  quieting  will  be  more  sincerely  missed  than 
his.  Four  weeks  ago  he  was  apparently  in  the  best  of  health. 
On  Wednesday  night  of  this  week  he  was  stricken  with  a  vio- 
lent attack  of  pleurisy  which  rapidly  developed  into  pneumonia. 
All  that  skill  and  loving-  care  could  do  was  done  to  save  the 
precious  life,  and  hope  was  not  lost  until  within  a  few  moments 
of  his  death.  Mrs.  Kimball  and  her  sister,  Mrs.  Beach,  were 
constantl^^  at  the  bedside  atid  have  the  heartfelt  sympathy  of 
the  whole  community  in  their  loss. 

"Funeral  services  were  held  at  the  late  residence  Sunday 
afternoon,  Sept.  16,  Mr.  Kimball's  pastor.  Rev.  C.  P.  Emery, 
officiating.  The  house,  filled  to  its  doors  with  sorrowings 
friends,  bore  eloquent  testimony  to  the  estimation  in  which  Mr. 
Kimball  was  held  as  a  man  and  a  neighbor.  Many  beautiful 
floral  tributes  were  noted. 

"Matthew  J.  Kimball  was  born  in  Stowe  48  years  ago.  At 
the  age  of  20  he  went  to  Connecticut,  where  in  the  neighboring 
cities  of  Meriden  and  New  Britain  he  passed  a  successful  busi- 
ness life  of  25  years.  Some  three  years  since,  longing  for  the 
scenes  and  associations  of  his  boyhood,  he  returned  to  Stowe 
and  in  connection  with  C.  A.  Simmons,  erected  the  business 
block  now  occupied  by  Messrs.  Simmons  and  H.  E.  Shaw,  and 
built  for  himself  a  beautiful  home  adjoining. 

"Seemingly  Mr.  Kimball  was  now  possessed  of  all  that 
might  make  life  pleasant,  but  his  active  spirit  could  brook  no 
idleness  and  for  two  years  past  he  has  been  assisting-  in  Mr. 
Shaw's  store,  happiest  when  he  was  busiest,  and  dying-  as  per- 
haps he  would  have  preferred — 'in  the  harness.'. 

"Among  the  relatives  from  out  of  town  were:  G.  H.,  C.  P. 
and  Luke  Kimball,  of  Meriden,  Ct.,  Mrs.  Simmons,  of  New  Bri- 
tain, Ct.,  and  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  C  E.  Humphrey, of  Simsbury,  Ct." 

See  children  of  Luke  Kimball,  History  pp.  766-67,  1022-25. 


Ira  Kimball  died  at  his  home  in  Ohio,  St.  Clair  county,  Mo., 
Saturday,  Dec.  16,  1899. 

Mr.  Kimball  was  born  in  Buxton,  Me.,  March  8,  1834,  mar- 
ried Miss  Lucy  M.  Phillips  in  Stonington,  Conn.,  June  18,  1856, 

/4  Kimball  Family  News 

and  resided  in  the  east  until  1865,  when  they  removed  to  Illinois, 
and  en,g;ag-ed  in  farming^.  In  1882  they  removed  to  Doug-lass 
county,  Dakota,  and  took  up  a  homestead,  upon  which  they 
lived  for  eleven  years.  They  went  to  Missouri  in  the  year  1895, 
in  which  state  they  have  since  resided.  A  loving-  wife  and  four 
of  his  children  remain  to  mourn  their  loss,  but 

'•Hope,  with  her  prize  and  victories  won. 

Shines  in  the  blaze  of  my  morning-  sun. 

Conquering  Hope  with  g-olden  ray, 

Blessing  my  landscape  far  away." 

(History  p.  812. ) 


The  old  officers  of  the  Missouri  Valley  Association  were  all  ; 

re-elected.  ; 

There  were  three  editors,  one  proof  reader,  a  lawyer,  a  col- 
lege professor,  a  teacher  of  drawing,  a  high  school  teacher,  a 
kindergarten  teacher,  a  college  student,  an  ex-county  treasurer 
and  a  candidate  for  the  legislature  at  the  reunion. 

Richard  Henry  Kimball  has  curios  enough  to  set  up  a  shop. 
They  consist  of  shells  and  woods   gathered   in   California   and  j 

from  the  Pacific.     He  has  canes  enough  to  fit  out  a  regiment. 

The  Manhattan  Kimballs  not  only  prepared  a  real  banquet  '« 
for  their  guests,  but  housed  them  at  night.  The  editor  of  the  •' 
News  was  the  guest  of  Richard  H.  Kimball.  This  \yas  the  t 
home  of  Fred.  Greer  Kimball,  now  special  prstal  agent  at  St. 
Michaels,  Alaska-  The  News  has  published  several  of  his  let- 
ters. He  has  had  some  exciting  experiences  in  getting  the  j 
mails  to  and  from  Nome  and  other  stations  over  the  ice  with  \ 
dog  teams.  ' 

Philip  p.  Sharpies,  son  of  Prof.  S.  P.  Sharpies,  one  of  the  I 

editors  of  the  Family  History,  and   author   of  so    much    supple-  'i 

mentary  matter  that  appears  in  the    News,  has    been    appointed  '-J 

inspector  of  milk  and  vinegar  by  the  Board  of  Alderman  of 
Cambridge,  Mass.  It  will  be  remembered  that  Prof.  Sharpies  is 
the  Massachusetts  State  Assayer,  and  an  eminent  chemist.  The 
son  follows  the  footsteps  of  the  father. 

The  engagement  is  announced  of  Miss  Priscilla  Alden,  the 
daughter  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  G.  Alden,  of  Camden,  Me., 
and  Mr.  Sereno  Thayer  Kimball,  of  Rockland,  Me.  Mr. 
Kimball  is  a  graduate  of  Amherst  College  and  the  Harvard  Law  j 

School.     Miss  Alden  is  the  sister  of  Mrs.  William  P.  Edwards,  '^ 

of  Newton  Centre. 

November,  1900.  175 


The  News  has  already-  announced  the  call  of  the  Rev.  John 
C.  Kimball,  from  Hartford,  Conn.,  to  the  pastorate  of  the  First 
Cong-regfationai  parish  at  Sharon,  Mass.  He  has  been  officiating- 
at  this  church  for  a  year  or  more,  but  had  not  been  reg-ularlj  in- 
stalled until  Thursday  evening-,  October  16.  This  parish  is  one 
of  the  most  prosperous  in  the  Unitarian  field,  and  the  pastor  is 
one  of  the  best  known  clerg-ymen  in  the  east,  or  even  in  the 
west,  for  he  was  for  a  time  located  at  Ann  Arbor  in  Michig-an, 
and  also  in  California.  But  he  is  not  only  known  as  a  minister 
but  as  a  lecturer  and  writer.  The  News  has  published  numer- 
ous letters  and  extracts  from  his  pen  and  made  frequent  mention 
of  his  lectures.  He  was  born  in  Ipswich.  From  the  Independ- 
ent of  that  place  we  excerpt  the  following-: 

"Immediately  after  g-raduating  he  accepted  a  call  to  the 
First  Unitarian  parish  in  Beverly.  When  the  civil  w^ar  broke 
out  he  was  commissioned  a  chaplain  in  the  8th  Massachusetts 
volunteeis  and  served  with  them  in  North  Carolina  and  Virginia. 
When  he  left  the  army  he  returned  to  his  pastorate  at  Beverly 
and  remained  there  eleven  years.  At  the  end  of  th^.t  time  he  re- 
signed and  accepted  an  invitation  from  the  American  Unitarian 
Association  to  take  charg-e  of  its  work  on  the  Pacilic  coast.  He 
was  there  two  years,  and  then,  returning,  became  pastor  of  the 
Unitarian  church  at  Newport,  R.  I.,  where  he  remained  ten 
years.  He  is  considered  to  be  an  authority  upon  the  subject  of 
evolution,  and  has  lectured  and  written  many  essays  upon  the 
subject.  Both  he  and  his  wife  are  deeply  interested  in  the  tem- 
perance cause,  and  in  the  woman  suffrag-e  question." 

A  larg-e  number  of  outside  clerg-ymen  were  present  at  the 
installation  services.  The  Independent  says:  "The  Rev.  A.  J. 
Dyer,  pastor  of  the  local  Cong-reg-ational  church,  welcomed  Mr. 
Kimball  in  behalf  of  the  town.  The  service  closed  with  the 
benediction  by  Rev.  .Mr.  Kimball. 

"While  all  the  exercises  of  the  evening-  were  of  high  order 
and  very  genial,  that  of  Rev.  Dyer  as  coming-  from  an  outside 
clerg-yman  was  very  striking  and  impressive.  He  spoke  of  the 
healthfulness  and  beauty  of  the  place,  its  woods  and  hills,  and 
lake  and  pleasant  drives,  its  schools  and  social  clubs  and 
churches,  and  of  his  society  and  Mr.  Kimball's  as  only  the  two 
branches  of  a  tree  coming-."from  one  trunk,  or  better,  as  like  a 
stream  whose  waters  were  divided  for  a  while  by  an  islancl  in  its 
channels, 'but]were- destined,  perhaps,  sometime  in  the  future  to 
flow  all  together  again  as  one  church. 

"The  First;parish' of  .Ipswich,  orthodox,  the  one  in  which 
Mr.  Kimball  was  born  and  received  his  early  relig-ious  training-, 
and  for  which  he  has  always  cherished  the  deepest  affection  and 

17a  Kimball  Family  News 

gratitue,  was  among"  those  invited  to  be  represented  at  the  exer- 
cises by  pastor  and  deleg^ate." 

The  Sharon  News  says:  "Mr.  Kimball  enters  upon  his 
work  in  Sharon  auspiciously.  His  cong-reg-ation  and  parish  are 
united  in  him,  the  whole  town  welcomes  him  and  his  tamilj-  to 
our  beautiful  rural  town,  where  his  new  home  is  to  be  among-  us. 
The  writer  also  would  gladly  add  his  personal  tribute  of  grati- 
tude to  this  friend  who  as  teacher  years  ago  inspired  his  life  to 
pursue  his  studies  and  secure  the  training-  of  our  Alma  Mater, 
Amherst  Colleg-e,  which  we  both  so  dearly  love." 


"At  Bryantville,  his  recent  home,  Joseph  Chandler,  Esq., 
formerly  of  Fryeburg-,  passed  away.  It  was  simply  the  running- 
out  of  the  hour  glass  of  life,  for  he  was  in  his  91st  year,  and 
was  a  fine  specimen  of  the  old  school  gentleman  of  g-enerations 
ag-o.  His  father  was  Dr.  Moses  Chandler,  of  Fryeburg',  a  Rev- 
olutionary soldier  who  fought  under  Stark  at  Bennington.  The 
deceased  was  a  striking-  example  of  the  reward  of  an  excellent 
and  well  rounded  out  life  having-  by  honest  industry  and  economy 
secured  a  line  competence,  and  yet  living-  a  life  of  rare  benevo- 
lence. He  was  a  iwnn,  and  his  mate,  Moses  Chandler,  Jr.,  died 
at  Fryeburg  not  many  months  ago.  In  politics  he  was  a  Demo- 
crat. He  was  a  patriot  during  the  Rebellion,  and  always  an 
earnest  temperance  man  in  teaching-  and  practice.  He  left  a 
widow,  somewhat  young-er  than  himself,  and  one  child,  the  wife 
of  Dr.  Orlando  Charles,  of  Bryantville.  The  daughter  has 
achieved  a  justly  high  reputation  in  literary  circles  throughout 
New  Eng-land,  and  as  a  contrioutor  to  the  press  and  magazine 
in  New  York  and  elsewhere.  His  remains  were  interred  at  the 
old  ancestral  cemetery  at  Fryeburg:  Center." — Oxford  County 
Advertiser,  Norway,  Maine,  Sept.  14,  1900. 

For  further  reference  see  page  254,  March  No.  1899,  of  Kim- 
ball Family  News.  As  herein  noted  this  Joseph  was  a  twin 
brother  to  Moses  Chandler,  whose  grandmother  was  Mar}*  Kim- 
ball, No.  213-4,  wife  of  Prof.  Paul  Langdon. 

SuMNHK  Kimball,  Lovell,  Maine. 

See  also  Family  History  pp.  282-2h3,  and  Family  New.*;, 
1899,  pp.  257-259. 

Miss  Sarah  Kimball  Fish  and  Mr.  Walter  Oscar  Clausen 
were  married  at  Thornton,  Mich  ,  Oct.  3,  1900.  The  bride's 
mother  is  a  daug-hter  of  the  late  John  S.  Kimball,  son  of  Ever- 
ett, son  of  Amos  Kimball,  of  Haverhill,  N.  H.  Much  of  Amos 
Kimball's  familv  history  is  unknown,  or  imperfectly  recorded. 
(Family  History  p.  139,"  News,  pp.  320,  339,  378,  379",  390. ) 

y\\  V) 

I  i<^34 

1900.  ); 



Wjk      Sieiug  Supplemental  to  HKimball  Samily  Mittory 




'-    Volume  111. 

DECEMBER,  1900. 

Eiitf  red    for  iransmissioD  in  the  mails  as  second  class 

».  F.  KiMBALL,  Topeka,  Kattsas. 
S*He»  One  Sollar.  a  year. 


utimball^  kJ'amUy  jfLews 

Vol.  Ill,  No.  12.  G.  F  KIMBALL,  Publisher.  Terms  $1.00  a  year 

Topeka^  Kansas,  December,  1900. 


At  last  it  seems  probable  that  a  Kimball  Family  Association 
will  be  org-anized  in  Chicag-o.  There  are  few  localities  in  the 
country  that  offer  a  better  field  for  such  a  union  than  Chicag-O- 
Boston  if  properly  aroused  might  exceed  it  in  numbers,  but  Bos- 
ton is  swathed  in  old  time  conservatism  and  is  slow  to  act,  al- 
though it  ought  to  lead  off  in  preserving  the  records  of  the 
family  and  in  promoting  its  current  progress. 

The  leading  spirit  in  the  Chicago  movement  is  Duran  Kim- 
ball, No.  1518,  page  720  of  Family  History,  He  is  proprietor  of 
the  Shorthand  and  Typewriting  Institute,  113  Adams  street,  a 
school  that  is  gaining  wide  celebrity  and  that  is  far  superior  to 
the  correspondence  schools  now  so  much  advertised.  In  this 
effort  to  promote  the  Kimball  family  interest  he  is  actively  sup- 
plemented by  Granville  Kimball,  one  of  the  discoveries  made 
through  the  Kimball  Family  News.  He  is  a  son  of  John  Gran- 
ville Kimball,  1390,  whose  record  is  incorrecty  given  on  page 
672  of  the  History,  and  which  is  straightened  out  on  page  126 
of  the  July  News,  1898,  and  page  222,  January,  1899.  Gran- 
ville Kimball,  2552,  enlisted  early  in  the  late  Spanish  war,  and 
being  a  skilled  engineer  was  assigned  a  place  with  Commodore 
Watson  with  rank  as  captain,  and  was  expected  to  go  to  the 
coast  of  Spain,  which  plan  was  frustrated  by  the  sudden  closing 
of  the  war.  Page  119,  July  News  and  page  134,  August,  1898. 
Both  of  these  Kimballs  are  energetic  workers,  and  it  will  not  be 
their  fault  if  an  active  association  is  not  the  result.  Chicago 
alone  contains  ample  material.  Then,  too,  the  great  manufac- 
turing and  other  interests  located  there  are  perhaps  more  widely 
known  than  those  of  any  other  portion  of  the  country.  The 
Kimball  carriage  works  have  become  celebrated  both  in  the  east 
and  west,  but  from  their  very  nature  could  hardly  be  expected 
to  become  so  widely  known  as  a  popular  Kimball  piano  and  a 
Kimball  family  organ.  With  these  musical  instruments  the 
Kimball  name  is  now  more  associated  than  with    anv  other   one 

178  Kimball  Family  News 

thing-,  and  Chicag-o  is  the  headquarters   of  the   Kiraball    Piano     ( 
Company.     But  besides  this  and   the   Kimball   carriag-e    work?    , 
there  are  many  other  industrial  and   commercial  interests  there 
exploited  under  the  family  name. 

And  beyond  this  there  are  numerous  outlying  towns  settled 
by  enterprising  Kimball  pioneers.  Among-  these  Elgin,  the  seat 
of  the  great  watch  industry,  is  perhaps  the  most  notable  The 
outline  history  of  the  lirst  Kiraball  settlement  in  Elg-in  is  given 
on  page  323  of  the  Family  History.  The  sketches  of  Joseph 
Kimball  and  his  descendants  are  full  of  interest.  Colonel  Daniel 
Burns  Dyer,  now  president  of  the  Augusta,  Ga.,  electric  rail- 
way, and  the  promoter  of  numerous  g-reat  enterprises,  belongs 
to  this  branch  of  the  family.  See  pag-e  909  of  History,  Febru- 
ary News,  1898.  See  also  pag-e  145  September  News,  Centen- 
nial birthday  of  Nanc}'  Currier  Kimball.  Dr.  Alfred  Kimball 
Hills,  the  scholarly  physician  of  New  York  City,  and  co-editor 
of  the  Medical  Times,  also  belong-s  to  this  Elgin  branch.  Mar- 
tin Nelson  Kinibell  was  one  of  the  very  first  settlers  in  Chicag-o. 
The  family  was  not  mentioned  in  the  History,  but  on  page  95, 
May  Kimball  News  is  a  sketch  of  his  life,  and  in  Supplement- 
ary" Notes  on  page  185,  November,  1898,  News,  Prof.  Sharpies 
g-ivcs  his  full  record,  showing-  his  descent  from  Noah  Kimball 
and  up  to  Richard,  the  immigrant. 

It  will  be  seen,  therefore,  from  this  hurried  sketch  that 
there  is  a  vast  fund  of  local  historic  matter  that  may  be  g-ath- 
ercd  and  utilized  with  intetest  and  profit  in  and  around  Chicag-o 
if  the  proper  energ-y  is  put  forth,  provided  it  is  met  with  a  com- 
mendable amount  of  family  pride.  If  this  spirit  can  be  aroused 
in  Chicago  it  may  reasonably  be  expected  to  result  in  awakening- 
a  like  interest  in  Washington,  in  New  York  and  finally  in  Bos- 
ton, for  Massachusetts  is  the  hub  around  which  revolves  more 
Kiraball  history,  romance  and  incidents  than  anj'  other  section 
of  the  country. 

Members  of  the  family  in  other  fields  are  deeply  interested 
in  this  Chicago  movement.  The  California  Association  has 
often  expressed  wonder  that  Chicago  did  not  follow  the  example 
of  San  Francisco  in  instituting  a  family  social  and  historic 
association  of  this  kind,  and  our  Pacific  Coast  cousins  will  watch 
this  beginning-  with  more  than  quiescent  interest. 

Announcement  is  made  of  the  marriage  of  Miss  Edith  Gibb, 
of  New  York,  and  W.  Eugene  Kiraball.  only  son  of  Colonel 
Robert  J,  and  Mrs.  Kiraball,  of  the  banking  Iiouse  of  R-  J. 
Kimball  &  Co.,  of  Broad  street,  New  York.  The  event  is  to 
take  place  at  Holy  Trinity  church  in  January. 

December,  1900.  179 


The  residence  of  G.  H.  Kimball  at  Yuba  City,  California, 
on  Thanksg-iving-  morning  was  the  scene  of  a  pretty  wedding- 
ceremony  when  Mr.  Kimball's  sister,  Miss  May  Kimball,  became 
the  bride  of  E.  B.  Collins,  of  Chico. 

It  was  a  very  pretty  "pink  and  white"  wedding-,  the  entire 
interior  of  the  Kimball  residence  having-  been  beautifully  decor- 
ated in  these  colors.  Two  hundred  invitations  were  issued. 
Miss  Gertrude  Gray,  of  Sutter  county,  was  bridesmaid,  and  Guy 
T,  Jackson,  a  young-  attorney  of  Chico,  the  g-roomsman. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Collins  took  their  departure  on  the  afternoon 
train  for  a  tour  of  the  southern  part  of  the  state  and  were  absent 
about  two  weeks.  At  the  end  of  their  honeymoon  they  made 
their  home  in  Chico. 

E  B.  Collins  is  a  rising-  young-  attorney  of  Chico.  The 
bride  is  the  daughter  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  H.  Kimball,  of  Yuba 
City.  She  is  a  graduate  of  the  Chico  normal  school,  in  which 
institution  she  afterward  held  a  position  as  instructor.  The 
bride  is  winsome  and  accomplished  and  one  of  the  most  popular 
young  ladies  of  that  section  of  California. 

The  San  Francisco  Call  of  "No\^  29th,  the  day  of  the  wed- 
ding, contained  fine  half-tone  engravings  of  both  bride  and 

Little  Paul  Sloane,  of  San  Diego,  Cal.,  ten  years  of  age, 
sends  as  a  Christmas  greeting  to  his  grandfather,  the  editor  of 
the  News,  a  series  of  a  dozen  cards  containing  pencil  caricatures 
made  by  a  roguish  young  artist.  We  are  confident  the  young 
lad  in  the  hands  of  the  burly  policeman  is  not  Paul  himself. 
Wonder  if  another  was  meant  for  grandpa  on  skates.  Very 
like  him,  perhaps. 

One  John  F.  Kimball,  of  Royalton,  Vt.,  seems  to  be  a  black 
sheep  in  the  family.  He  has  been  arrested  on  the  charge  of 
bigamy.  There  have  been  two  or  three  other  cases  of  this  kind 
in  the  history  of  the  family.  It  is  the  one  prominent  offense 
that  appears  on  the  criminal  record  of  the  family  during  the 
last  three  hundred  years. 

Mrs.  Amy  B,  Porter,  the  widow  of  John  Addison  Porter, 
late  secretary  to  President  McKiniey,  has  given  in  memory  of 
her  husband  the  sum  of  $1,250  to  endow  a  bed  at  the  Day  Kim- 
ball Hospital  at  Putnam,  Conn. 

Doughton  S.  Kimball  is  given  as  one  wounded  in  the  leg 
and  knee  in  a  battle  in  the  Philippines. 


l»ti  Kimball  Family  News 


Albert  Barney  Kimball,  postmaster  of  Scandia,  and  pub- 
lisher of  the  Scandia  Journal,  seems  to  be  prospering*.  He  has 
recently  bougfht  a  half  interest  in  the  Concordia  Empire,  one  of 
the  leading"  Republican  papers  of  Kansas.  The  new  firm  is 
Sawhill  &  Kimball.     See  his  photo  in   News  for  January,  1900. 

Captain  F.  M.  Kimball,  No.  1865,  pag^e  851  of  History, 
called  in  all  the  Kimball  News  force  for  one  of  those  Christmas 
dinners  that  Cousin  Sue  knows  so  well  how  to  g^et  up.  No  need 
to  say  that  it  was  a  royal  affair.  A  new  barn  haS  taken  the 
place  of  the  one  burned  some  time  ago  by  a  rascal  whom  Fred's 
SlOO  reward  did  not  bring-  to  time. 

During-  a  portion  of  the  holidays  Miss  Stella  Victoria  Kim- 
ball, of  Manhattan,  was  a  g-uest  of  the  young-  women  belong-ingf 
to  the  News  end  of  the  family,  while  attending-  the  Kansas 
Teachers'  Association.  She  is  a  g-raduate  of  the  colleg-e  and  is 
now  principal  of  one  part  of  the  Manhattan  hig-h  school.  Her 
father  was  a  candidate  for  the  leg-islature,  but  oeing-  a  Populist 
was  not  elected.  Her  brother,  Fred  C,  it  may  be  recalled,  is 
special  United  States  agent  at  St.  Michaels,  Alaska,  and  has 
oversight  of  the  postal  business  over  a  great  part    of  the    north  "■ 

pole  mail  routes-     See  page  940,  Family  History. 

George  Washington  Kimball,  one  of  the  cousins  brought 
into  the  family  circle  on    page   71    of  the   May    News   in    Mrs.  t 

Maria  Freeman  Gray's  genealogical  record,  is  about   moving  his  \^ 

family  from  Nebraska  to  the  farm  he  recently  bought    some  fif- 
teen miles  from  Topeka  and  near  the  Indian  reservation. 

Charles  A.  Kimball,  of  the  Courtland  Journal,  a  younger 
brother  of  Albert  above  mentioned,  is  very  content  just  n<.iw  in 
the  satisfying  belief  that  his  pet  candidate  will  be  elected  to  the 
United  States  Senate.  He  expects  J.  K.  Burton  to  unseat  Sena- 
tor Baker,  and  it  looks  that  way. 

Our  cousin  Sarah  Louise  Kimball  is  notable  this  month  for 
her  absence  from  the  News-  She  writes,  however,  that  several 
of  the  Palo  Alto  boys  were  at  the  foot  ball  game  in  San  Fran- 
cisco on  Thanksgiving  da\  when  the  fearful  accident  occurred 
from  the  falling  in  of  the  roof  of  the  glass  works,  but  they  were 
safe.  Among  the  victims,  we  may  add,  was  a  very  bright  young 
man  from  Topeka,  who  was  traveling  in  the  state,  a  son  of  ex- 
Mayor  Harrison. 

The  Rev.  C.  O-  Kimball  of  the  Methodist  church,  Edwards- 
ville.  111.,  is  giving  lectures  on  Gladstone. 

December,  1900.  181 


■  We  find  the  following-  in  the  New  York  Tribune: 
"Walter  C.  Kimball,  one  of  the  vestrymen  who  are  opposed 
to  the  Rev.  William  A.  Wasson,  the  rector,  in  the  fight  in  St. 
Georg-e's  Protestant  Episcopal  church,  Brooklyn,  g-ave  out  a 
statement  yesterday,  in  which  he  accuses  the  rector  of  misrepre- 
sentation and  makes  other  severe  criticisms  of  the  rector's  con- 
duct Among-  other  thing's,  Mr.  Kimball  says  that  the  rector, 
in  reg-ard  to  a  recent  resolution  not  favorable  to  himself,  'arose, 
his  clenched  hand  raised,  and  stated  defiantly  that  he  did  not 
care  what  resolution  the  vestry  passed,  he  would  do  as  he 
pleased.'  He  also  charg-es  that  the  rector  and  his  'ag-ents'  used 
'gross  misinterpretations'  in  obtaining-  support  for  their  ticket — 
'intimidation,  misstatement  of  facts,  misrepresentation  of  con- 
ditions, anything  to  gain  his  end,'  says  Mr.  Kimball. 

"The  Rev.  Mr.  Wasson  was  in  a  hai)py  frame  of  mind  yes- 
terday and  said: 

"  'I  think  that  the  little  affair  has  cleared  the  air,  and  I 
look  for  greater  harmony  and  unity  of  purpose  than  ever  before. 
I  am  convinced  that  those  who  were  leaders  in  the  opposition 
will  very  soon  see  the  advisability,  as  well  as  the  necessity,  of 
accepting-  the  wish  of  the  church  as  their  law  and  joining-  with 
us  in  helping  the  church  along.'  " 

The  annual  report  of  the  United  States  Life  Saving  service 
by  its  superintendent,  General  Sumner  I.  Kimball,  issued  some 
time  ago,  has  excited  an  unusual  amount  of  comment.  The  re- 
port and  also  a  pamphlet  on  the  ''Organization  and  Methods  of 
the  Service"  were  very  timely,  and  in  view  of  the  unusual  num- 
ber of  marine  accidents,  hurricanes  and  floods  were  calculated 
to  find  a  demand  and  a  reading  not  often  given  to  public  docu- 
ments. The  News  is  indebted  to  the  superintendent  for  hearty 
support  and  words  of  encouragement.  He  is  a  Kimball  who 
protests  against  the  suspension  of  the  News.  He  writes  that 
the  widow  of  Colonel  E.  A.  Kimball  (No.  1316  Family  History) 
who  was  shot  by  Colonel  Corcoran  during  the  war  of  the  rebel- 
lion, has  promised  a  sketch  of  her  husband's  life  for  the  Kim- 
ball Family  News.  It  will  doubtless  be  a  very  interesting 

In  the  will  of  the  late  LaUra  C.  P.  Kimball,  of  Chicago, 
$25,000  was  left  to  the  American  Female  Guardian  Society  of 
New  York,  for  the  benefit  of  colored  children.  The  will  re- 
quested that  children  living  in  New  Iberia,  La.,  should  receive 
the  preference,  ' 

182  Kimball  Family  News 


bKiDtJEPORT,  Conn..  Nov.  21,  1900. 
Of  whom  and  at  what  price  can  I  obtain  a  copy  of  the  •'KimV>all  Fam- 
ily History?"  What  is  it.s  size,  etc.  My  wife  is  interestnid  in  her  geneal- 
ogy. Slie  was  born  Feb.  14,  1863,  in  Black  Lake,  P,  Q  ,  Canada.  Her 
father  was  Aaron  T.,  son  of  Aaron  U,  who  emigrated  into  Canada  early 
in  the  present  century  from  somewhere  in  xMassashusetts. 

Very  truly, 


The  Family  History  can   be   had    of  Prof.  L.  A.  Morrison,  . 

Derry,  N.  H.,  or  of  Prof-  S   P.  Sharpies,  13  Broad  street,  Bos-  I 

ton      Two  volumes  about  1,300  pages.     Price,  postpaid,  $6, 

Aaron  Buss  Kimball,  born  in  Lunenburg,  Mass.,  May  10, 
1793,  died  in  New  Ireland,  Province  of  Quebec,  Canada,  Maich 
23,  1849,  married  July  30,  1822,  Sophia  Osgood,  who  died  Janu- 
ary, 1828.  He  fought  in  the  battle  of  Chippawa.  No  mention 
is  made  in  the  History  of  a  second  wife.  There  appears  to  have 
been  two  children  bv  the  first  marriag^e.  Abigail,  born  Eaton, 
P.  Q.,  April  20,  1823,  died  September  2'J,  1890,  married  Febru- 
ary 11,  1840,  John  Amandon,  and  Sophia,  born  Eaton.  June  3, 
1825,  married  1851,  Freeman  Wakelield,  and  2d  Jaines  Cook. 
No  deaths  mentioned  nnd  no  children  recorded. 

Aaron  Thomas  Kimball  was  the  third  child,  born  February 
11,  1829,  died  December  23,  1885,  married  February  8,  1860, 
Martha  Cross.  They  had  eight  children,  the  second  of  whom 
married  Dr  Ober.  Three  others  are  reported  dead,  but  onl}' 
the  birth  dates  of  the  others  are  mentioned. 

The  fourth  child  of  Aaron  B-,  Matilda,  seems  to  have  mar- 
ried twice,  and  Hannah  Amanda  was  also  married,  but  no  child- 
ren are  reported  in  either  case.  The  sixth  child,  Holloway 
Taylor,  married  Elizabeth  Cross,  perhaps  a  sister  of  Martha 
She  died  in  1872-  They  had  six  children  and  no  particulars 
given.  It  will  be  seen  that  here  is  another  case  where  much 
has  been  loft  untold.  It  will  also  be  observed  that  Aaron  Buss 
Kimball,  whose  first  wife  died  in  January,  1828,  must  have  mar- 
ried again  shortly  afterwards,  as  Aaron  Thomas,  his  third 
child,  the  father  of  Mrs  Ober,  was  born  a  year  from  the  follow- 
ing February.     See  History  pp.   520-837. 

The  News,  if  it  is  continued,  will  be  glad  if  Dr.  Ober  or 
his  wife  can  help  perfect  this  record. 

The  News  loarns  that  a  few  copies  of  Notes  on  Kattlcsden 
Church  and  Parish  are  yet  unsold  These  were  extra  pri titer's 
copies.  The  edition  was  only  200  copies,  of  which  20  came  to 
the  United  States,  as  mentioned  in  the  September  News. 


December,  1900..  183 


In  Rochester,  N.  H.,  May  3,  1900,  Mrs.  Julia  E.  Kimball 
Burr,  aged  77  years,  3  months  and  28  days. 

Julia  E.  Kimball  was  born  in  Bethel,  Me.,  January  6,  1823. 
She  was  the  fourth  of  ten  children.  History  pag-e  517.  She 
was  married  September  24,  1844,  with  Martin  L.  Burr,  born  in 
Mercer,  Me.,  Aug-ust  10,  1821,  who  died  in  Rochester,  N.  H., 
February  16,  1896.  The  History,  pag-e  828,  g-ives  her  birth  as 
September  18.  She  early  became  a  devout  member  of  the  Meth- 
odist church,  and  one  notice  of  her  marriagfe  called  her  "an 
elect  lady  of  the  church."  Her  husband  was  nc  less  devout. 
Mr.  Burr  held  a  position  in  the  Portland  custom  house,  and  was 
afterwards  in  trade  in  Rochester.  The  History  credits  them 
with  only  three  children.  They  were  the  parents  of  seven 
children,  four  of  whom  died  within  four  months,  which  afflic- 
tion so  worked  upon  the  sympathetic  and  sensitive  father  as  to 
hasten  his  own  death.  Two  children  survive  the  mother,  Edwin 
Nelson  Kimball,  of  Boston,  and  Mrs  Eunice  B.  K.  Story,  of 
New  York,  wife  of  the  artist,  Georg-e  Henry  Story. 

Mrs.  Burr  was  the  fourth  child  and  the  third  daug-hter  of 
Peter  Kimball,  born  Bradford,  Mass  ,  May  19,  1793.  The  fam- 
ily is  one  of  note,  but  few  descendants  of  this  Peter  are  left.  It 
was  the  father  of  Mrs.  Burr,  who,  when  her  brother  Charles 
was  Democratic  candidate  for  Govrenor  of  Maine,  was  asked  if 
he  would  vote  for  his  son,  replied,  "No  sooner  than  I  would  for 
any  other  rebel."  It  was  this  Charles  Porter  Kimball  who 
founded  the  now  celebrated  firm  of  carriag^e  manufacturers  of 
which  his  son  Charles  Frederick  is  now  president  with  head- 
quarters and  chief  manufactory  at  Chicag-o.  It  was  her  brother 
Hanibal  Ingalls  Kimball  who  built  the  celebrated  Kimball  hotel 
at  Atlanta,  Ga.  Of  all  the  ten  children  of  Peter  Kimball,  and 
of  their  forty-three  children,  only  Charles  Frederick  above  men- 
tioned, William  F.,  son  of  Georg-e  Franklin,  and  Hanibal 
Ing-als,  son  of  the  Hanibal  Ing-alls  above  mentioned,  recently  of 
the  Chicag-o  publishing-  firm  of  Stone  &  Kimball,  and  now  a 
publisher  in  New  York  City,  are  g-iven  as  heads  of  families,  and 
only  William  F.  is  credited  with  children,  and  he  with  only 
Morton  Shaw,  born  September  26,  1884. 

Benjamin  Ames  Kimball  and  Georg-e  M.  Kimball,  of  Con- 
cord, N.  H  ,  recently  elected  directors  of  the  Boston  &  Mtmtreal 
railroad,  of  which  the  former  has  for  some  years  been  president, 
are  interested  in  the  building-  of  a  million  dollar  electric  line 

At  the  late  election  O.  H.  Kimball,  of  Sunbury,  Ohio,  was 
elected  a  presidential  elector. 

184  Kimball  Family  News 

In  Sunbury,  O.,  July  15,  1900,  Mr.  Virg-il  Brevort  and  Miss 
Mabel,  only  daug-hter  of  the  late  Georg-e  and  Emily  'Kimball) 
Armstrong-,  and  granddaughter  of  Elias  Kimball.  Miss  Arm- 
strong, after  g-raduating  from  the  high  school  in  Sunbury,  spent 
four  years  in  kinderg-arten  work  in  Columbus,  O.,  anu  five  in 
teaching-  the  primary  school  in  Sunbury.  They  went  at  once  to 
Washing-ton,  D.  C  ,  where  Mr.  Brevort  has  a  position  in  the 
census  department. 

In  Boston,  Nov.  7,  Miss  Maud  Lovering  Berry  and  Edward 
Thompson  Kimball,  of  New  York,  only  son  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E. 
P.  Kimball,  of  Union  street.  They  left  in  the  evening-  on  an 
extended  wedding-  trip  and  will  hereafter  reside  in  New  York 
City.  ^ 

In  Chelsea,  Mass.,  Nov.  14,  a  fashionable  church  wedding- 
was  that  of  Miss  Blanch  Nason  Kimball,  daughter  of  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  C.  Henry  Kimball,  and .  Mr.  Charles  Williamson  Gould. 
Over  250  persons  were  in  attendance,  among-  them  Miss  Mary 
F.  Kimball,  of  Revere,  and  Georg-e  Kimball,  of  Chelsea-  They 
will  reside  in  Chelsea. 

At  Davenport,  Iowa,  Nov,  S,  Miss  Julia  Prettyman  Kimball 
and  Frank  Warren  Everett,  of  Highland  Park,  111.  The  bride 
belongs  to  one  of  Davenport's  oldest  and  most  prominent  fami- 
lies, her  father  being  A.  Kimball,  ex-first  vice  president  of  the 
Chicag-o,  Rock  Island  &  Pacific  Railroad.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ev^erett 
left  for  New  York  after  the  wedding-.  From  there  they  went  to 
Cuba,  and  will  reside  during  the  winter  at  Havana,  where  Mr. 
Evereit  is  electrical  eng-ineer  for  the  Gamewell  company. 

At  Chelsea,  Mass.,  Sept.  3,  1900,  Mrs.  Aug-usta  Pettingill 
and  Earl  F.  Kimball,  of  Dunkirk,  N.  Y.  The  bride  was  the 
daug-hter  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  B.  Yeaton,  of  Chelsea.  It 
was  a  church  wedding  after  the  Episcopal  form,  followed  by  a 
charming-  entertainment  at  the  home  of  the  bride's  parents. 
Thev  will  resi<le  in  Dunkirk. 


At  Maiden,  Mass  ,  Oct.  11,  1900,  Grace,  daug-hter  of  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  William  F.  Bacon,  and  Frank  S.  Kimball.  The  cere- 
mony was  by  the  Rev.  E.  A.  Rand  of  the  Watertown  Episcopal 
church.  The  newly  married  couple  will  reside  on  Robert  street. 

December,  1900.  185 

In  Grace  church,  Newton,  Mass.,  Oct.  6,  1900,  Miss  Edith 
Kimball  and  Dr.  Karl  Schmidt,  of  Germany.  This  was  a  ro- 
mantic wedding-,  some  details  of  which  are  taken  from  the  Bos- 
ton Herald,  which  says: 

"Three  3^ears  ag-o  the  young-  people  met  in  Berlin,  and 
friendship  ripened  into  love,  followed  by  an  eng-ag-ement.  A 
few  weeks  ag-o  the  young-  professor,  who  has  the  chair  of  phil- 
osophy at  the  University  of  Marburg-,  Germany,  came  to  this 
country  to  visit  his  fiancee,  and  it  was  while  a  g^uest  at  her 
father's  home  in  Newtonville  that  he  decided  he  could  not  g-o 
back  to  his  native  land  without  his  bride,  and,  as  a  consequence, 
the  wedding  day  was  set. 

"All  Newton  became  interested,  for  the  father  of  the  bride 
had  been  mayor  of  the  city  for  five  years,  and  had  been  one  of 
the  most  popular  men  who  ever  filled  that  office.  The  groom 
being-  a  stranger  on  this  side  of  the  water,  although  he  had 
made  many  friends,  felt  that  there  was  no  one  so  near  to  him  in 
kinship  as  his  mother-in-law-elect,  and,  as  the  bride's  father  was 
to  give  her  away,  he  invited  her  mother  to  accompan3^  him. 
Then,  too,  the  thought  found  expression  in  the  desire  of  the 
bride,  who  had  always  said  that  if  ever  she  were  married  she 
should  have  both  mother  and  father  take  part  in  the  ceremony*. 

"Carefully  the  secret  was  guarded  until  yesterday,  when  it 
became  known  that  the  best  man  at  the  wedding  was  to  be  a 
woman,  and,  as  a  consequence,  the  church  was  crowded  not  only 
with  the  relatives  and  friends  of  the  bride's  family,  but  with  the 
curiously  inclined  ones  of  the  city  who  accidentally  heard  of  the 

"From  the  robing  room  on  the  right  came  the  Rev.  Richard 
T.  Loring,  rector  of  St.  John's  church,  Newtonville,  and  the 
ffev.  George  W.  Shinn,  rector  of  Grace  church,  together  with 
the  groom  and  his  'best  man,'  Mrs.  Kimball.  As  they  took 
their  places  in  front  of  the  chancel  the  bride  and  her  father, 
preceded  by  the  ushers  and  the  maid  of  honor,  passed  up  the 
centre  aisle. 

"Miss  Flora  H.  Luther,  of  Boston,  was  maid  of  honor,  and 
was  gowned  in  white  organdie  over  silk,  with  a  bouquet  of 
violets,  and  the  ushers  were  Messrs.  Clifford  Kimball,  William 
F.  Rollings,  Walter  H.  Pulsifer,  Howard  B.  Rollings,  of  New- 
ton, Henry  K.  Mansfield,  of  Salem,  and  James  S.  Prey,  of 

"The  Episcopal  service  was  read  by  the  officiating  clergy- 

"The  bride  was  gowned  in  white  satin  elaborately  trimmed 
with  exquisite  duchesse  lace.  Her  tulle  vail  was  fastened  with 
orange  blossoms,  and  she  carried  lilies  of  the  valley.  As  is  cus- 
tomary, the  father  of  the  bride  stood  behind  his  daughter  at  the 

186  Kimball  Family  News 

chancel.     The  mother-in-law   of  the   groom   stood    beside  him. 

"When  the  minister  asked,  'Who  g-ivcth  this  woman  to  be 
married  to  this  man?'  the  father  stepped  forward,  and  when  that 
part  of  the  ceremony  was  concluded,  and  the  bride  and  groom 
ascended  the  step  to  the  inner  part  of  the  chancel,  Mr.  Kimball 
offered  his  arm  to  his  wife  and  escorted  the  groom's  'best  man' 
to  the  family  pew  to  await  the  concluding  prayer  in  the  service. 

"When  the  guests  left  the  church  they  were  driven  to  the 
Kimball  residence  in  Washington  park,  where,  amid  flowers  and 
palms,  bright  music  and  beautiful  gifts.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Schmidt 
received  congratulations  and  good  wishes  for  their  ocean  voj'ag'e, 
as  they  sail  from  New  York  next  Tuesday  morning  and  make 
their  future  home  in  Marburg."' 

In  Lynn,  Mass.,  Dec.  4,  1900.  Miss  Jeannette  R.  Kimball 
and  John  C  Brackenbury  by  the  Rev.  A.  N.  Foster  of  the  Sec- 
ond Universalist  Church.  The  Reception  was  held  at  the  home 
of  the  bride's  parents,  27.S  Boston  street,  and  many  friends  were 
there  from  Boston,  Cambridge,  Brookline  and  other  places. 
Miss  Anna  E.  Ellis  was  bridemaid,  and  Mr.  Harry  M.  Kimball, 
brother  oi  the  bride,  was  best  man. 


The  Oracle,  published  at  Orting-,  Washington,  has  the  fol- 
lowing item: 

"Hon.  C.  P.  Kimball,  elected  to  represent  us  in  the  lower 
house,  is  an  especial  favorite  of  the  people.  There  is  no  man 
in  the  district  better  quaHfled  to  represent  us  in  the  legislature 
than  Mr  Kimball.  lie  is  well  acquainted  with  the  needs  of  the 
district  and  will  attend  to  them  with  the  same  care  and  dili- 
gence which  hais  characterized  his  attention  to  his  own  business. 
Mr.  Kimball  may  well  feel  complimented,  as  he  received  311 
majority  over  his  opponent  in  n  district  hitb<:Tt.>  lar^-elv  D>'mo- 

We  have  here  another  member  of  the  family  not  found  in 
the  History.  On  page  27(>  of  the  Family  History  is  a  slight 
sketch  of  George  Washington  Kimball,  whose  second  son,  Sam- 
uel Smith  Kimball,  born  Barton,  Vt.,  March  3,  LSlO,  was  said 
to  reside  in  Chicago.  He  was  not  reported  as  having  married 
and  being-  the  head  of  a  family.  But  he  married  a  widow  named 
Payne,  of  Albany,  and  lived  in  Barton  for  manv  years,  and  is 
well  remembered  by  Captain  F.  M.  Kimball,  of  Topeka.  Sam- 
uel Smith  Kimball"  was  the  father  of  the  Hon.  C.  P.  Kimball 
above  mentioned  and  of  S.  C.  Kimball  now  living  in  Barton 
Landing,  Vt.  We  have  here  another  case  where  a  revision  of 
the  family  record  is  needed,  in  order  to  help  perfect  the  Family 
Hi- '  >••'■  "/!t>->"   mother  edition  is  printed. 

December.  1900,  187 


P.  766. 

The  November  issue  of  the  News,  pag-e  173,  noticed  the 
death  of  Matthew  J.  Kimball.  He  was  the  ninth  child  of  the 
eleven  born  to  Luke  and  his  wife  Eunice  Chidsey  Kimball.  Of 
this  larg-e  family  all  except  Irene  L-  and  Matthew  J.  became 
heads  of  families,  and  only  one,  Eunice  Chidsey,  evidently 
named  for  her  mother,  had  passed  away  before  the  death  of 
Matthew.  To„the  nine  who  are  reported  as  heads  of  families, 
(althoug-h  no  children  are  credited  to  Eunice,  died  March  11, 
1872,  married  February  19,  1869)  there  were  born  twenty-four 
children,  four  of  whom  are  reported  as  having"  died,  and  five  as 
having-  married,  two  of  whom  are  reported  as  having-  children — 
three  in  all. 

We  refer  to  this  here  as  a  typical  case.  There  are  scores 
more  like  it  in  the  Histor3\  The  members  of  this  family  ar'^ 
cordial  in  their  good  wishes  for  the  News.  Now  is  it  possible 
that  of  these  nine  living  children  and  the  twenty  g-randchildren 
of  Luke  Kimball,  no  further  record  can  be  made?  Are  no  more 
of  them  married?  Are  there  no  more  children  or  g-randchidren? 
Have  no  more  married,  and  have  no  more  died?  And  these 
questions  might  be  asked  in  scores  of  other  cases.  The  New^S 
has  fallen  far  short  in  its  mission  b}'  not  receiving-  month  by 
month  this  kind  of  information.  The  future  compiler  or  editor 
of  a  new  edition  of  the  Family  History  might  have  tound  in  the 
News  such  matter  as  would  have  saved  much  time  and  money, 
provided  it  had  been  made  a  g-eneral  receptacle  for  such  infor- 

Wm.  H  White  of  Junction  City,  was  not  able  to  attend  the 
Manhattan  family  reunion  because  he  is  now  a  postal  clerk  on  a 
braach  railroad  running-  from  Salina,  Kansas,  to  Plainville,  and 
that  work  is  too  exacting  to  permit  one  to  leave,  so  he  sent  re~ 
grets.  He  once  promised  the  News  a  story,  which  has  not  yet 
been  received.  Mrs.  White  was  Anna  B.  Kimball,  of  Boston. 
History  pag-e  798. 

Chief  Engineer  Geo.  A.  Kimball  of  the  Boston  elevated 
railway  and  his  corps  of  assistants  recently  entertained  the 
members  of  the  Boston  society  of  civil  engineers,  while  on  their 
reg-ular  monthly  excursion.  The  new  terminal  was  the  chief 
object  of  interest. 

Asa  Kimball,  a  fireman,  was  fatall)  injured  October  3,  in  a 
railroad  collision  at  North  Derby,  Vermont. 

1.S8  Kimball  Family  News 


A  dispatch  from  Providence,  R.  I.,  of  November  12.  1900, 

"A  stroke  of  apoplexy  killed  insurance  agent  Daniel  W. 
Kimball  while  sitting-  in  a  little  Bayside  barber  shop  at  Pleas- 
ant Bluff  today  He  had  walked  to  the  barber's  from  Smith 
palace  hotel,  a  pleasure  resort,  where  he  had  been  a  g-uest  for 
almost  a  week  past.  He  had  just  taken  a  seat  in  the  chair  to 
be  shaved  when  he  died.  Doctors  were  summoned,  but  too  late. 
He  came  from  an  old  Providence  familj'  and  resided  here  on  the 
East  side  with  his  family. 

"In  years  past  he  was  the  organist  at  the  First  Baptist 
church.  He  was  a  veteran  of  the  civil  war,  entering-  the  army 
from  Blackstone,  Mass.,  and  serving-  as  captain  of  Co.  K,  51st 
^  ^/i^assachusetts  volunteers,  for  the  full  time  of  the  service  of  that 
command,  nine  months.  After  that  he  org-anized  a  company  of 
cavalry  in  iViassachusetts.  While  in  the  5lst  he  was  with  the 
18th  arm}-  corps  in  the  department  of  North  Carolina 

"He  was  at  the  time  of  his  death  a  member  of  Rodman 
post,  G.  A.  R.,  of  this  city." 

We  do  not  find  this  Daniel  W.  mentioned  in  t:he  Family 
History.  Will  some  one  furnish  the  ifamily  history  for  the 

The  News  would  not  like  to  be  charg-ed  with  never  printing- 
any  but  what  is  g-ood  of  any  one  bearing-  the  Kimball  name,  so 
it  ^ives  place  to  the  following-  dispatch  to  the  Boston  Herald: 

"James  Rufus  Eli  Kimball,  claiming-  Boston  as  his  home, 
was  arraig-ned  in  the  police  court  this  morning-  on  a  charg-e  of 
breaking-  and  entering-  the  South  Chelmsford  railroad  station. 
He  is  22  years  of  ag-e,  and  apparently  part  neg-ro.  He  was 
picked  up  lurking-  in  a  shed  near  the  MerrimaC  woollen  mills  in 
Dracut,  last  nig-ht,  and  a  punch  and  other  articles  stolen  from 
the  station  were  found  on  him." 

It  will  be  scon  that  this  was  not  a  white  Kimball  anyhow. 
There  are  not  a  few  neg^roes  who  were  once  slaves  and  who  have 
their  masters'  names,  and  so  do  their  descendants. 

Franklin  R.  Kimball,  of  Salem,  Mass  ,  has  recently  received 
a  patent  on  some  improvement,  the  nature  of  which  is  not  siated 
in  the  newspaper  report. 

Mrs.  Maria  Freeman  Gray  writes  that  she  was  not  at  Salem, 
Mass.,  as  stated  in  the  November  News,  but  at  New  Salem, 
which  is  7(1  miles  west  of  the  old  Salem  town. 

December,  1900.  189 

A  CHASE  FOR  $10,000. 

E.  R.  Kimball  is  a  Kansas  City  creamery  man.  Last  year 
he  started  on  a  trip  around  the  world  and  wanted  especially  to 
visit  China,  but  the  war  side  tracked  his  purpose.  A  few  weeks 
ag"o  he  started  on  another  short  but  hasty  trip,  which  the  Leav- 
enworth papers  of  November  19  note  as  follows: 

"E.  R.  Kimball,  a  Kansas  City  man,  on  his  way  to  Omaha 
last  nig-ht  on  the  through  .Missouri  Pacific  train,  met  with  a 
dear  experience  in  g-etting-  off  the  train  here  for  the  purchase 
of  a  sandwich.  When  he  came  out  after  his  feast  he  found  his 
train  on  the  move  and  he  was  unable  to  board  it.  He  wired  to 
a  friend  in  Atchison  to  have  a  special  read}'  for  him  to  take  him 
to  Omaha.  His  friend  deposited  the  amount  equal  to  $1  a  mile, 
and  when  Kimball  reached  Atchison  aboard  a  freig^ht  train  he 
found  his  special  ready  to  take  him  on  his  northern  journey. 

"It  is  stated  that  Mr.  Kimball  had  a  stachel  in  the  car  con- 
taining- $10,000,  and  he  was  very  anxious  to  catch  up  with  it.  A 
teleg-ram  was  sent  to  the  Pullman  conductor  to  take  charg-e  of 
his  effects  It  was  expected  the  special  would  arrive  abotit  the 
same  time  of  the  reg-ular  train  in  Omaha." 


Of  our  dear  little  Cora  Lillian  Kimball,  who  died  on  the  7th  day 
of  June,  1900,  ag-ed  one  year  and  one  month. 

Why  weepest  thou,  dear  parents?      You'd  like  to  have  some  roses 

And  why  thy  heart  so  sad?  From  that  hrig-ht,  happy  land. 

Your  Cora  is  in  heaven, 

And  angels  are  so  glad.  Her  brightness  and  her  beauty 

So  much  exceeds  the  earth; 

The  stroke  'tis  true  is  heavy  Her  little  heart  is  throbbing 

And  hard  it  is  to  bear,  That  you  may  feel  her  worth. 

But  Jesus  speaks  so  kindly — 

"Let  me  thv  burden  share."  The  kisses  of  your  darling 

Y'ou  never  can  forget, 

Oh,  cast  your  care  on  Jesus,  As  Cora  was  the  baby 

fie  only  knows  your  grief;  She  was  your  only  pet. 

His  grace  is  quite  sufficient 

And  sure  to  give  relief.  l^"t  now  among  the  angels 

She  still  is  loved  and  cheered; 

She  still  is  watching  for  you,  Her  future  now,  dear  parents, 

And  beckons  you  away  Is  never  to  be  feared. 

To  that  celestial  country 

Where  night  is  as  the  day.  H'^^'  father  and  her  mother- 

She  longs  to  meet  them  there, 

Could  you  but  see  the  flowers  To  walk  the  streets  in  glory, 

She's  weaving  in  her  hand  Where  all  is  bright  and  fair. 

Leed,  June,  1900. 

190  Kimball  P'amilj  News 


An  important  will  case  ha«  just  been  decided  in  the  Boston 
probate  court. 

Jennie  Kimball  was  born  in  Somerville  in  1862,  the  daug-h- 
ter  of  Oliver  and  his  wife  Nellie  (Brown)  Foster,  accordin":  to 
the  decision  of  the  court.  The  mother  died  in  1875.  There 
had  been  some  trouble  between  the  Fosters  man  and  wife  and  a 
partial  separation  had  taken  place,  but  the  marriage  was  never 
denied,  althoug-h  no  record  seems  to  have  been  made.  At  the 
death  of  Mrs.  Foster  in  1875  the  husband  attended  the  fuaeral, 
paid  the  expenses,  and  recognized  the  deceased  as  his  wife.  In 
1898  Oliver  Foster  died,  leaving-  an  estate  of  over  $225,000,  and 
the  court  appointed  Jennie  administratrix.  On  December  14, 
1878,  she  married  W.  S.  Kimball,  who  lived  at  Revere,  Mass., 
where  Oliver  Foster  was  engaged  as  a  brick  manufacturer.  Mrs. 
Kimball  as  the  only  child  would  inherit  her  father's  property. 
He  left  two  sisters  and  three  brothers,  and  they  petitioned  the 
court  to  set  aside  the  appointment  of  Jennie  M.  Kimball  as  ad- 
ministratrix, on  the  ground  that  their  brother  Oliver  was  never 
legally  married  with  Nellie  Brown,  and  that  therefore  their 
daughter  could  not  inherit  the  property  and  that  they  were  the 
next  heirs  of  kin.  A  vigorous  contest  was  made  and  much  evi- 
dence introduced  and  the  decision  of  the  court  was  that  Oliver 
Foster  was  the  legal  husband  of  Nellie  J.  Foster,  and  that 
Jennie  Foster  Kimball  was  their  legitimate  daughter.  W.  F. 
Kimball  was  one  of  the  attorneys  for  Mrs.  Kimball.  ?.' 


In  Willsboro,  N.  Y.,  Sept.  27,  1900,  to  Carl  W.  and  Jennie 
Kimball,  a  daughter,  Elizabeth  Eleanor.  For  mention  other 
big  brother  see  News  p.  184,  November,  1898. 

General  Sumner  I.  Kimball,  general  superintendent  of  the 
United  States  life  saving  service,  in  his  annual  report  to  Secre- 
tary Gage,  says  at  the  close  of  the  fiscal  year  the  establishment 
embraced  269  stations,  194  being  on  the  Atlantic,  58  on  the 
lakes,  16  on  the  Pacific  and  one  at  the  Falls  of  the  Ohio,  at 
Louisville,  Ky. 

Moodv  Kimball,  of  Newbury  port,  Mass.,  was  elected  a 
member  of  the  Massachusetts  legislature  at  the  November  elec- 
tion, running  far  ahead  of  his  ticket.  He  was  one  of  the  two 
representatives  elected  from  the  Ipswich  district. 


December,  1900.  191 


Roy  T.  Kimball,  San  Francisco— Put  me  down  for  $10  for 
one  copy,  and  if  it  comes  to  a  pinch  you  may  make  the  bill  $20 
instead  of  $10.  I  cannot  understand  how  a  Kimball  can  take 
no  interest  in  the  name  or  family. 

Sumner  Kimball,  Lovell,  Me.— I  have  much  enjoyed  the 
many  interesting-  finds  of  stray  ones  who  are  being-  brought  into 
the  Kimball  fold  each  year  through  the  g-ood  work  and  influence 
of  the  News.  In  no  other  way  could  this  work  be  so  well  car- 
ried out,  making-  it  a  most  valuable  and  interesting-  family 
record,  one  in  which  we  all  enjoy  at  the  present  time  and  which 
will  be  a  real  treasure  to  future  g-enerations.  To  the  Pacific 
Coast  and  Missouri  Valley  family  reunions  held  yearly  much  is 
due.  Distance  surely  is  no  barrier  to  our  interest  in  them  and 
we  should  cheer  them  on  and  not  fail  to  follow  their  example.  I 
feel  hopeful  for  the  continuance  of  our  News.  To  think  that 
the  News  is  ever  to  be  discontinued  is  surely  not  pleasant.  Scat- 
tered as  we  are  about  all  over  the  United  States  and  numbered 
by  the  thousands  it  does  seem  almost  a  disgrace  to  the  family 

Rev  John  C.  Kimball,  Sharon,  Mass. — My  dear  Mr.  Kim- 
ball: I  have  been  meaning-  to  write  you  a  word  of  sympathy 
and  encourag-ement  ever  since  I  received  your  November  number 
of  the  News.  I  hope  by  all  means  you  will  keep  it  g-oing-.  No 
magazine  comes  to  my  table  that  is  more  welcome  or  is  read 
with  more  interest.  Among  the  thousands  who  bear  our  name 
and  have  in  them  the  precious  Kimball  blood  it  does  seem  as  if 
you  ought  to  have  more  than  600  or  even  6,000  subscribers.  It 
can  not  be  from  lack  of  interest  or  of  means  that  you  do  not.  I 
scrawl  this  in  the  midst  of  other  duties.  It  does  not  express 
half  of  what  is  in  my  mind.  Let  me,  however,  before  closing, 
thank  you  for  what  you  have  done  and  g-ive  you  and  yours  my 
cordial  Christmas  greeting-s. 

General  Sumner  I.  Kimball,  Treasury  Department,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. — I  am  very  sorry  to  say  that  my  time  has  been  so 
completely  occupied  by  my  offi.ce  duties  that  I  have  found  no 
opportunity  to  send  contributions  of  reading  matter  for  the 
News  as  I  had  contemplated  doing,  for  I  can  well  understand 
that  the  getting  together  of  suitable  materials  for  each  number 
must  impose  upon  you  a  serious  and  difficult  task.  If  the  publi- 
cation should  continue  another  year,  however,  I  hope  to  be  able 
to  send  you  a  little  matter. 

Lieutenant  Governor  Charles  Dean  Kimball,  Providence,  R. 

V.Q  Kimball  Family  News 

I. — I  hope  you  will  be  amply  rewarded  in  your  effort  to  continue 
the  News,  and  I  will  assist  in  any  way  I  can.  For  a  time  I  was 
unable  to  attend  to  business  on  account  of  a  railroad  accident. 
(Governor  Kimball  was  a  victim  of  the  railroad  accident  June 
10,  as  mentioned  pag-e  91,  June  News,  1900.  See  also  News 
pag-e  309,  July  News,  1899,  pag-e  52,  1900.) 

An  Ipswich.  Mass.,  correspondent  writes:  "The  local 
history  class  of  the  Ipswich  Historical  Society  met  last  Thurs- 
day evening  with  Mrs.  Elizabeth  K.  Spaulding-,  who  read  a 
paper  dealing-  with  the  history  of  her  immediate  neighborhood, 
known  as  Meeting-  House  Green.  Near  the  spot  on  which  her 
home  is  located   was   once   the   home   of  Major   Dennison,    and  ;; 

earlier  still,  here  once  lived  the  famous    Ward    and  well   known  .' 

Rog-ers,  Farleys,  Lords  and  Kiraballs  of  Ipswich.  Mrs.  Spauld- 
ing's  house  is  full  of  historic  interest,  for  here  lived  for  4O  years  •' 

the  Rev.  D.  T.  Kimball  "     See  Hist.  p.  333. 

D.  B.  Kimball,  who  was  82  years  old  last  March,  has  worked 
in  the  field  right  through  haying  and  helped  cut  some  25  tons  of  * 

hay.  He  has  pitched  nearly  every  load  of  this  on  to  the  cart, 
drove  the  oxen  with  the  loads  to  the  barn,  and  done  the  work  of 
a  man  20  years  younger  than  he. — Canaan  item  in  Concord,  N. 
H.,  Monitor. 

As   Canaan,    the    home    of    this   venerable    member    of    the     - 
family,  was  also  the  former  home  of  the  editor  of  the  Nicws,  he 
v^'ouki  particularly  like  to  hear  more  from  him  and    from  others, 
several  of  whom  are  living  in  that  vicinity. 

Mrs.  J.  R.  Kimball  of  New  York  gave  her  annual  Christmas 
dinner  in  the  basement  of  the  City  Hall,  to  250  poor  persons. 
The  Tribune  says  :  "Mrs.  Kimball  has  been  following  this 
charity  for  several  years.  Heretofore  the  entire  meal  has  been 
served  at  the  City  Hall  This  year,  however,  only  coffee,  ice 
cream  and  cake  were  served.  The  guests  received  baskets  of  un- 
cooked food  to  take  home.  The  basement  of  the  Citv  Hall  was 
decorated  with  holly  and  greens,  and  draped  with  colored  bunt- 

Abel  Kimball,  of  Jackman,  Maine,  was  knocked  unconscious 
and  wounded  in  the  temple  by  the  accidental  discharge  of  a  shot 
gun  in  an  adjoining-  store.  A  fire  resulted  which  burned  two 
buildings  Abel  KinibalTs  loss  in  drj'  g-oods  and  groceries  was 
several  thousand  dollars. 

■ji»'F^rvi^«-i  »*»:(  ^--^'-— .<,T "1— 

j^be  Ikimball  Jfamtl^ 

'  Seeing  Supplemental  to  Jiimball  Samily  Mistory 



^  ia  9 

,' .  KAU3JC  wt  M^susnajr.^^ 

t^  TH  -Sui  t-.'^  >*i  .  -i  rs  i 

i'.ar  JD^-iiLv^/;  X   ".'»i  . 

■AA'-'i^v-fii^w  .w.",v>v-y.^  iv  .r'Ti  it.  a^rtuev*^ 



Wf»j«ia{gagwita»Mamn»— TwiitvMi 

G.  F.  KIMB4LU 

7  'June  S>ollar  a  ^ear. 


.5,?oH>?,    >iti'r-.  '■ 

Entered  for  transniii'sior.  in  the  inai'.f   as  ser,o;^>l  c! 


utimbal I  ^  family  JiLews 

Vol.  ly,  No.  1.  G.  F  KIMBALL,  Publisher.  Terms,  $1.00  a  year 

Topeka,  Kansas*  January*  1901. 

ALONZO  KIMBALL,  NO.  355- v. 
Family  History,  p.  222. 

"Almost  a  century's  fullness  of  useful,  up-lifting-  service 
g-iven  in  the  love  and  spirit  of  his  Master  found  a  fitting-  close 
in  the  peaceful  death  above  recorded. 

"The  prominent  events  of  this  life,  so  many  years  of  which 
were  passed  among-  us,  have  been  named  by  others  and 
need  little  counting-  here.  Mr.  Kimball  was  a  native  of  New 
York,  the  last  surviving  member  of  a  family  of  twelve  children, 
all  of  whom  attained  length  of  years  and  prosperity. 

"Not  satisfied  with  the  educational  advantag-es  possible  in 
the  village  of  his  birth  he  pursued  through  his  own  effort  the 
course  offered  at  Union  colleg-e,  graduating  in  1836. 

"A  little  later  he  entered  Andover  Theolog-ical  Seminar}^  to 
prepare  for  the  ministry,  but  failure  of  health  necessitated  a 
withdrawal  in  1839. 

"He  became  principal  of  an  academy  at  Lee,  Mass.,  where 
in  1840  he  met  and  married  Sarah  Weston,  who,  shortly  before 
her  death,  celebrated  with  him  in  this  city  the  unusual  Golden 
Wedding-  anniversary.  The  glad  ministrations  of  the  united 
families  of  their  five  children,  Mary,  Weston,  Charles,  Mather 
and  Sara,  were  shared  and  augmented  at  this  time  by  the 
thoughtful  interest  of  scores  of  loving-  friends. 

"Mr  and  Mrs.  Kimball  removed  to  the  west  in  1847,  making- 
a  first  home  in  Milwaukee. 

"Two  years  subsequent  ihey  came  to  Green  Bay  and  have 
since  been  connected  with  its  prog-ress,  'all  of  which  they  saw,' 
and  in  those  early  years,  'a  large  part  of  which  they  were.' 

"For  three  years  Mr.  Kimball  followed  his  chosen  profes- 
sion of  teaching,  but  in  1852  established  himself  in  the  hard- 
ware business  which,  though  of  late  years  in  charge  of  his 
second  son,  has  known  no  change  of  name  through  the  half  cen- 
tury of  its  existence.  His  fair  business  methods,  his  promptness 
and  integ-rity  naturallj  earned  the  reputation  long  borne  by  this 

ic>4  Kimball  Family  News 

■'For  over  forty  years  Mr.  Kimball  was  a  deacon  in  tbe 
First  Presbyterian  church,  now  known  as  the  Union  Congreg^a- 
tional,  and  in  the  presence  of  old  friends  and  neighbors  was 
buried  from  this  long--loved  church  home,  August  9th,  the  pas- 
tor. Rev.  J.  M.  A.  Spence,  officiating-. 

"This  is  the  simple  story  of  a  victorious  life.  An  indiflfer- 
ent  pen  could  have  recorded  its  happenings  and  a  superficial 
judgTnent  mig^ht  have  pronounced  them  unimportant,  but  there 
are  many  besides  the  writer  who  need  not  to  inquire  'In  what 
does  its  achievement  consist?'  Too  often  have  they  felt  the 
sweetness  of  its  sympathy,  too  long-  have  they  known  the  power 
of  its  never-failing-  righteousness. 

* 'Gifted  souls  now  passed  beyond  would  fill  out  the  measure 
of  our  testimony  in  fitting  phrase.  To  them,  also,  years  of 
association  had  made  'Father  Kimball'  a  loving  parent  in  all  but 
tie  of  blood,  and  though  he  made  few  prostestations  there  are 
many  who  treasure  memories  of  unexpected  thoughtfulness  and 

•'In  the  slight  cloud  that  fell  Upon  the  advanced  years  of 
our  friend  there  was  little  of  real  bitterness. 

*•  Weary  and  restless,  sometimes;  lonely,  often,  there  was 
yet  in  the  very  conceits  of  his  feebleness  a  touch  of  that  merry 
brightness  which  had  always  made  his  companionship  most  en- 

"'It  was  as  if  the  fancies  of  a  weakened  brain  had  no  con- 
trol over  a  soul  at  peace  with  itself  and  a  'conscience  void  of 
offense  toward  G'Dd  and  man.' 

"His  natural  manner  was  quick,  brusque  and  decisive,  yet 
the  roguish  eye  often  betrayed  or  modified  the  seriousness  of  a 
spoken  reproof. 

* 'Sturdy  in  his  religious  convictions  the  pioneer  history  of 
the  church  to  which  he  gave  his  support  bears  many  a  record  of 
his  unflinching  self-sacrifice  and  loyal  sonship. 

••He  was  a  student  always;  whether  his  work  as  a  teacher 
made  him  fond  of  the  young  or  his  love  of  youth  made  him  a 
successful  teacher,  this  thing  is  certain,  he  cherished  f  ^  v,  ,.  .v^ 
and  c'oildren  a  love  that  was  unusual. 

•*His  Greek  Testament  was  a  pocket  companion  for  scores  of 
years  and  there  was  no  self-infliction  in   its  continuous   perusal. 

•'His  faithfulness  to  ail   obligations   was   a   sign    p-^tent  of 
symmetry   and    strength  of  character    and   if  the    Sages   spoke 
truly  that  to  know  wisdom  was  to  apply  right   thinking    to    the 
regulation  of  conduct,  then  indeed  may  we  point   the   young  to 
lives  like  this  as  an  exemplification  of  the  proverb: 
'Happy  is  the  man  that  findeth  wisdom — 
Length  of  days  is  in  her  right  hand  and  in  her  left 
hano  riches  and  honor.' 

January,  19*  >1.  1V5 

'"Dear   old    friend  I     May   the   memory   of    thy   well-doing- 
prove  an  abiding  stimulus  to  greater  service  and  unselfishness." 

Throug^h  the  kindness  of  Mr.  A.  W-  Kimball,  of  Evanston, 
111.,  the  News  is  able  to  reprint  the  above  very  interesting- 
sketch  from  the  Green  Bay,  Wis.,  Unionist,  a  small  monthly 
Congreg-ational  magazine.  On  pag-e  222  of  the  Family  History 
Alonz  j  is  named  as  the  fifth  child  and  third  son  c-f  Ruel  and 
Hannah  (Mather)  Kimball,  born  Nov.  20,  1808.  On  his 
mother's  side  he  descended  from  Richard  Mather,  the  Eng-lish 
non-cc'U  for  mist  minister  who  was  born  in  1596,  consequently  of 
the  same  ag-e  as  Richard  Kimball,  and  who  became  the  minister 
of  Dorchester  two  years  after  Richard  Kimball  settled  in  Water- 
ton.  Richard  Mather  was  the  father  of  Increase  Mather,  Pres- 
ident of  Howard  College  in  1684.  Cotton  Mather,  his  son,  while 
a  good  and  learned  man,  was  one  of  the  persecutors  of  the  vic- 
tims of  the  witchcraft  craze.  He  was  one  to  instig-ate  the  per- 
secution and  deatb  of  Giles  Corey,  an  ancestor  of  Ellwood  D. 
Kimball,  of  Wichita.  Kan.,  to  which  he  referred  at  the  first 
Missouri  Valley  Kimball  Association  in  his  address  printed  in 
the  first  n-amber  of  the  Family  News.  History  says  this  Giles 
Corey  was  a  "stubborn  self-willed  man  who  refused  to  make  any 
defense  or  answer  any  questions  He  probably  knew  that  to  be 
accused  of  witchcraft  was  equivalent  to  a  death  .  sentence  and 
that  defense  was  useless.  He  was  the  last  victim  to  die  bv 
pressing.  And  these  two,  persecutor  and  victim,  were  ancestors 
of  learned,  cultured  and  liberal  Kimballs  of  tw.o  centuries  later. 

It  will  be  noticed  that  Alonzo  Kimball  left  a  considerable 
family  with  no  particle  of  record  in  the  Family  History,  nor  is 
any  thing  said  except  to  give  date  of  birth  or  death  of  one  half 
of  his  father,  Ruel's,  family  of  twelve  children,  most  of  whom 
grew  to  manhood. 

Of  Alonzo's  sister  Lucy,  born  July  I,  1815,  it  is  said  that 
she  married  the  Rev  Henry  Bannister,  of  Evanston,  111.  Their 
son,  Charles  Kimba.Il  Bannister,  born  Cazenovia.  N.  Y.,  Nov  !4. 
1843,  married  February  11,  1874,  Miss  Emma  Brainard  White, 
daughter  of  General  Julius  White,  of  Evanston,  111.  He  was  a 
noted  civil  engineer  and  died  Jan.  3,  1901.  We  take  the  follow- 
ing sketch  of  this  nephew  of  Alonzo  Kimball  from  the  Evans- 
ton Index  of  January  10: 


'•Charles  K.  Fannister,  a  former  Evanstonian.  died  last 
Thursday  at  his  home  in  Ogden.  Utah,  of  pneumonia,  after  an 
illness  of  only  a  few  days.  Charles  Bannister  was  the  son  of 
Rev.  Henry  Bannister,  of  Evanston.  who  held  a  chair  for  thirty 
years  in  Garrett  Biblical  institute.  He  was  born  at  Cazenovia, 
N.  Y..  in  1848.  and  came  with  his  parents   to  Evanston  in   1858. 

V)(j  Kimball  Family  News 

Here  he  received  his  education,  graduating-  from  Northwestern 
university  in  1869  at  the  age  of  twenty-one  years.  At  an  early 
age  he  became  a  prominent  citizen  of  Evanston,  being  one  of 
the  trustees  on  the  first  village  board. 

"He  married  an  Evanston  girl.  Miss  Emm.a  White,  daugh- 
ter of  General  Julius  White.  For  several  years  he  was  em- 
ployed in  engineering  work  on  the  C.  M.  &  St.  P.,  and  the  C  & 
N.  W.  lines  between  Chicago  and  Evanston.  In  1871  and  3872 
he  held  the  position  of  first  assistant  civil  engineer  during  the 
construction  of  the  C.  &  N.  W.  line  to  Milwaukee.  In  1887  he 
moved  to  Cheyenne,  Wy.,  where  he  spent  much  time  in  the 
study  of  irrigation  and  hydraulics.  While  there  he  superin- 
tended the  construction  of  the  Union  Pacific  short  line. 

"In  1890  Mr.  Bannister  moved  to  Ogden,  Utah,  where  his 
greatest  work  in  engineering  was  done — the  building  of  the 
water  conduit  down  the  canon  near  Ogden.  Since  that  time  he 
has  been  regarded  as  an  expert  consulting  engineer,  having 
done  work  in  that  line  all  over  the  United  States  and  even  in 
Japan.  Mr.  Bannister  was  a  man  of  peculiar  ability,  handling 
all  problems  that  came  up  in  his  work  in  the  most  dexterous 
way.  He  showed  exceptional  ability  in  managing  men.  He 
was  generous  to  a  fault  and  made  many  friends. 

"Mr.  Bannister  was  a  close  student  in  his  profession,  an 
honored  member  of  the  American  Society  of  Civil  Engineers, 
and  was  the  recipient  of  degrees  conferred  upon  him  by  sevtral 

''He  died  at  the  age  of  52  years,  while  ir  the  zenith  of  his 
powers.  His  death  was  a  great  shock  to  his  relatives  in  Evans- 
ton, who  had  received,  on  the  day  before  his  death,  a  letter  say- 
ing that  he  was  recovering.  A  wife  and  two  grown  children, 
Emily  and  Edward,  survive  him,  Mr.  Bannister  was  a  brother 
of  Mrs.  O.  H.  Merwin.  of  this  city." 

The  News  hopes  to  be  favored  with  a  complete  record  of 
this  branch  of  the  family  at  a  future  day  Cases  of  this  kind 
are  constantly  coming  to  light,  showing  how  valuable  the  News 
may  be  to  the  family  if  all  who  oug-ht  to  be  interested  will  only 
come  to  its  aid  in  furnishing  these  unpublished  rtc  )rds. 

James  A.  Kimball,  of  Tilden,  Me.,  was  recently  frightfully 
injured  by  a  large  circular  saw  with  which  he  was  working.  In 
some  way  he  lost  his  balance  and  fell  sqaarely  across  it.  Before 
the  saw  could  be  stopped  the  man's  left  arm  had  been  almost 
entirely  sawed  off,  ano  his  left  lejjf  was  sawed  lenirthwise  almost 
to  the  bone.  He  was  badly  hurt  about  the  head  and  shoulders. 
Mr.  Kimball  is  married.  His  condition  is  very  serious.  We  do 
not  find  him  recorded  in  the  History. 

January,  1901.  197 


Mr.  Warner  E-  Spragfue,  of  Roscoe,  New  York,  a  descen- 
dant of  Levi  KimbalP,  No.  186,  supplemental  notes  concerning- 
whom  were  given  so  larg-ely  in  the  July-Aug-ust  number  of  the 
News,  sends  the  following  in  answer  to  the  query  asked  by 
Sarah  Louise  Kimball  in  the  October  number.  Mr.  Sprague 
writes:  "The  name  is  common  there  (in  Pike  county),  and  I 
frequently  hear  it,  as  it  is  no  great  distance  from  here,  although 
I  have  never  met  them.  I  find  the  name  of  Levi,  No.  186,  in 
the  old  records  here  written  'Levy  Kimble.'  " 

Mr.  Sprague's  name  on  page  124  July-August  News,  No. 
I7071~i,  should  be  Warner,  not  Warren. 

NOTES  BY   MR.   VV.   E.   SPRAGUE. 
News.  October,  1900,  page    151,  inquiry   as-  to   Jacob    Kimble,  of  Pike 
cour  ty.  Pa. 

.lacob    Kimball.    History    No.  18.3.  removed    from    Connecticut   to    Wayne 
coiintj  ,  Pa.     Southerrj   part  of  Wayne    is    now    Pike    county.     They 
moved  from  Connecticut  at  same  time  family   of  Levi,  No.  186,  died. 
Levi  went  to  the   Wyominsc   country   in    Pennsylvania,  returned   to 
Orang-e  county.  N.  Y.,  then  to  Preston,  Ct. ,  and  then    to   this    place, 
Rockland,  Sullivan  county,  N.  Y. 
Jacob  Kimball's  family  was  part  of  a  settlement  of  3(3  families  known 
as  Wallenpaupack  (fi-om  a  small  str^^am   by    that  name);  it   was    in    West- 
moreland county,  a  part  of  the  Wyoming-  country  at  that  time  claimed  by 
Connecticut.     This  settlement  lay  over  the  mountains  east  from  W^yoming 
valley  and  between  the  mountains  and  Mie  Delaware  river,  and  was  on  the 
trail  whicli  It-d  to  and  from  Wyoming.     It  was  the   first   halting   place   or 
refuge,  and  figured  prominently  in  the   history    of  tbe    troubles   between 
the  Connecticut  f-ettlers   and    the    authorities   of  Pennsylvania,  and   later 
during   the    Indian    raids   and   massacre.     In   most   of  the   histories   this 
Jacobs  name  is  spelled    'Kimble,"  and   numerous  other   Kimbles  are  men- 
tioned.    At  or  near  tbe  site  of  the  ola   settlement   is   now    Kimble,  a  post 
(  fiice  and  station  on  a  branch  of  the  Erie  railway. 

The  Family  History  gives  six  children  of  Jacob   No.  183.     Miner's  His- 
tory- of  Wyoming  gives  interesting  account  of  some  of  them. 

i     Abel^,  born  1754,  was  a  soldier    in    the   Revolution;  was    in    the 

battle  of  Lonf<  Island.     Wife's  name  was  Sybil , 

ii     Walter,  V)orn  175(5.  was  an  Indian  spy.     See  History, 
iii     Stephen,  born  1757,  was  taken  a  captive  by   Indians;  after  long  . 

suffering  and  privations  died  a  prisoner 
iv     Mary,  born  1759. 
V     Ephriam.  boi-n  17(^1. 
vi     Sarah,  born  February,  1763. 
Harrison  Kimble  died  1885.  aged  78,  born    1807,  his    father    was   Jacob 
Kimble,  of  Lake  coimty.  Pa. 

Is  not  the  inference  that  this  Jacob  was  a  grandson  of  JacoV  183? 

l'»8  Kimball  Family  News 

At  any  rate  a  true  account  of  the  experiences  and  hardships  of  this 
family  from  the  time  of  their  settlement  at  Wa'lenpaupack  until  after  the 
close  of  the  Revolution  would  make  a  vi^ry  thriHing-  and  intfrestintr 

The  above  will  give  any  one  inter.'sted  a  starting;'  point  for  lookir  p'  "p 
the  Kimbles  of  I'ike  county.  Pa. 


In  remitting-  his  yearly  subscription  of  S5  to  the  News. 
Sumner  Kimball,  of  Lovell,  Me.,  writes: 

I  hardly  feel  like  sending' this  without  a  few  words  more,  fo  I  seat 
in\  self  in  front  of  my  larg-e  old-fashioned  Bre  place,  where  the  heat  comes 
fro'n  one  uf  the  most  healthful  of  fires,  and  tell  ymi  of  our  most  glorious 
morning.  The  mercury  stands  about  10  degrees  below  zero  at  fi  o'clock. 
The  sun  is  now  up.  rising  in  all  its  splendor.  There  is  not  a  cloud  visible 
and  the  air  is  crisp  and  keen,  full  of  invigirating  life  giving  such  as  ik> 
M.  I),  can  dare  imitate.  The  mountains  which  rise  'n  the  distance  seem 
almost  within  riHe  shot.  Mount  Washington  so  white,  covered  complet':;ly 
with  snow,  is  a  grand  sight.  Although  a  distance  of  some  30  miles  on 
mornings  like  this  does  not  look  to  be  more  than  o  miles  distant  north- 
west from  here.  We  can  see  with  the  naked  eye  the  tip  top  house,  seem- 
ingly well  covered  and  much  snowed  ir.  as  it  i>  at  this  time  in  the  year. 
.Such  views  are  grand,  and  as  I  pen  this  I  think  of  how  you  in  \outh  in 
your  Orange.  N.  H.,  home  once  g;ized  on  scenes  the  same  as  has  been  my 
life- long  admiration.  No  doubt  j'our  thoughts  i-evert  quite  often  to  the 
old  home  in  New  Hampshire  with  all  its  snrroundintjs  The  older  we 
grow  the  more  we  like  to  look  back  to  boyhood  scenes." 


The  San  Francisco  Chronicle  says:  "A  new  steamer  for  the 
Coast  trade  will  be  built  at  Coos  Bay  for  J.  S.  Kimball,  of  this 
city.  Some  months  agfo  he  severed  his  connection  with  the 
steamship  company  that  bears  his  name,  but  will  a^-ain  cnii^aire 
in  th''  •-Mpping-  busines^i." 

The  Rev.  John  C.  Kimball,  of  Sharon,  Mass..  perhaps  the 
most  notable  of  livin^^  Kimball  writers  and  speakers,  sends  us 
his  "Unitarian  Minister's  Platform,"  it  beino-  his  installation 
address  on  taking-  charg-e  of  his  new  tield  It  is  published,  as 
are  several  others  of  his  work,  bv  the  James  H.  West  Company 
of   Boston. 


Sarah  Louise  Kimball,  of  San  I-'rancisco,  has  bern  re- 
elected Corresponding-  Secretary  of  the  California  Genealog-ical 

January,  1901.  199 


James  Adams  Kimball,  of  Salina,  Kansas,  is  mentioned  as 
one  who  may  receive  at  the  hands  of  Governor  Stanley  an  ap- 
pointment as  one  of  the  State  Railroad  Commissioners.  (Hist., 
p.  1051.) 

Mrs.  Ellwood  Davis  Kimball,  of  Wichita,  is  interested  in 
org-anizing-  a  Kansas  branch  of  the  Society  of  Colonial  Dames. 
Her  husband  is  one  of  the  Vice  Presidents  of  the  Kansas  Sons 
of  the  American  Revolution,  and  has  been  for  several  years. 

Mr.  Warner  E-  Sprag-ue  furnishes  some  interesting-  notes 
on  another  pag-e  concerning-  the  Pike  county  Kimbles.  Doubt- 
less there  are  many  others  who  could  bring-  similar  matters  of 
interest  to  lig-ht  if  they  would  try,  and  it  would  add  value  to 
the  NE^vs. 

J.  Hoyt  Kimball  and  wife,  of  Oakland,  Cal.,  were  enter- 
tained at  an  elaborate  dinner  recently  by  their  cousins  and  your 
cousins  and  our  cousins,  Mrs.  Joan  Kimball  Clark  and  her  sister. 
Miss  Anna  Kimball,  at  their  lovely  home,  "Willow  Marsh," 
Melrose,  Alameda  county,  Cal. 

A.  B.  Kimball,  who  recently  boug-ht  a  half  interest  in  the 
Concordia  Empire-Daylig-ht,  is  g-etting-  whole  basketful  Is  of 
compliments  from  the  Kansas  press,  even  thoug-h  he  has  his 
hands  full  with  his  Scandia  Journal  and  his  postoflfice.  He 
seems  to  be  or,e  of  the  fellows  who  can  multiply  himself.  He 
came  down  also  to  attend  the  Kansas  Day  banquet  and  the  State 
Press  Association  and  Mrs.  Kimball  came  with'  him.  See  his 
face  in  January  News,  1900. 

Supplemental  Notes  to  Family  History. 

Family  History,  page  135,  No.  184  Moses"  (Jacobs  Johns, 
John^  Richard^). 

Family  Np:ws  May,  1900,  pag-e  73.  In  addition  to  children 
of  Moses  KimbalP  there  was 

iv.  Polly,  born  Oct.  20,  1771.  m.  Axxg.  7,  1794,  Ebenezer  Allyn. 
(Inldren:  1.  Polly,  b.  Aug-.  .5.  179.5.  2.  Clarissa,  b.  Oct.  18, 
1707.  3.  .David,  b.  Aug-.  33.  1799.  4..  Moses  K.,  b.  Feb.  9, 
1802.      -..    Ebenezer.  b.  Sept.  7,  1803. 

"The  Structure  of  the  Eng-lish  Sentence"  is  the  title  of  a 
new  book  for  high  school  and  normal  use,  by  Lillian  G.  Kim- 
ball, and  published  by  the  American  Book  Company,  of  New 
York.      It  is  a  12  mo.  of  244  pag-es  and  sells  at  75  cent's. 

200  Kimball  Family  Newt,, 


The  following-  notes  are  furnished  by  Sarah  Louise  Kimball 
compiled  from  the  Rev.  J.  R.  Olorenshaw's  book  on  the  Church 
and  Parish  of  Rattlesden,  noticed  in  the  Aug-ust  number  of  the 
News,  and  ag-ain  in  the  September  number,  1900 

It  maj  be  added  that  the  well  known  Hojt  and  still  more 
celebrated  Perry  families  were  also  descendants  from  Thomas 
Whotlock.  In  the  case  of  Captain  F.  M.  Kimball,  of  Topeka, 
the  two  lines  meet  again  after  nearly  three  hundred  years  in 
himself  and  his  wife  Susannah  ( Hoyt,  also  of  Perry  line) 

Thomas  Whatlocke  (Whotlock',  surveyor  at  Rattlesden.  1588, 
questman  1590.  Buried  January  25,  1608,  "a  very  old 
man."     Wife  Johan  (Joane,  buried  March  14,  161(i. 


1.  Rog-er  Whotlock,  bap.  May  15,  1561,    owned    a    house 

in  Norfolk,  which  he  left  to  his  brother  Robert. 

2.  Robert  Whotlock,    bap.   July    20,  1564;  m.    i  1 )    Mary 

Barthenewe  Bartholomew),  July  4,  1591.  who  was 
buried  Sept.  29,  1606;  he    m.  (2). Ann    Davy,  June 

25,  1607;  and  (3i  Rachael  ,  who  was    buried 

June  19,  1621  He  was  buried  Sept.  28,  1622.  He 
left  a  will  in  which  he  devised  ^3  apiece  to  his 
sister,  Martha  Scott,  and  kinswoman,  Ursula  Kem- 

3.  Martha  Whotlock,  bap.  June  .18,  1568;  m.  Henry  Scott 

July  25,  1594,  who  was  buried  Dec.  24,  1624. 


i     Thomas    Scott,    bap.  Feb-  26,  1594;  m. ;  4 

ii  Ursula  Scott,  bap.  Feb.  i4,  1597;  \m.  Richard  Kem- 
ball.  One  of  their  children  appears  on  records: 
"1615.  12  of  Aug-ust  Henry  Kemball  ye  sone  of 
Richard  and  Ursuli  his  wife  baptised." 
iii  Rog-er  Scott,  bap.  Nov.  15,  1604;  m.  Sarah  (irim- 
wood,  Feb.  26,  1627.  Five  children:  Su'san. 
Rog-er,  Sarah,  Abigail,  John. 

4.  Dorothy  W-hotlock,  bap.    Julv    6,  1572,  buried  Nov.  3, 


Henry  Scott  was  questman  at  Rattlesden  1601,  and  again  in 
1619;  survfvor  1609;  overseer  of  the  poor  1613;  constable 

1568     18  July  Martha  the    dawghtr    of  Thomas    Whatlock    and 
Joane  his  w  was  baptised. 

January,  1901.  ,  201 

1594     25  Julje  Henry  Scoote  and  Martha  Whatlocke  marled. 
1597     14  February  Urslaye  Scoote  the   dawg-htr  of   Henry   and 

Martha  baptised. 
160S     25  of  January  Thomas  Whatlocke  a  very  old  man  buryed. 
1610     14   of  ye   same    (March)    Joan    Whotlocke   ye    Relict    of 

Thomas  Whotlocke  buried. 
1615     12  of  Aug-ust  Henry   Kemball   ye   sone   of   Richard    and 

Ursula  his  wife  baptised. 
1624     Decebr  24  Henry  Scott  was  buried. 


Edmund  Scott.  May  have  beeli/iather  of  Henry  Scott  who  m. 
Martha  Whotlocke.  There  was  also  a  Robert  Scott  living- 
in  Rattlesden.     Edmund  Scott  died  Aug-ust  14,  1621,  ag-ed 

about  97  years;  m.  Joane ,  who  was  buried  May  15, 



1.  Dinah  Scott,  bap.  June  18,  1567;  m.  John   Ransom    January 

8,  1587,  and  had  daug-hter:    Priscilla    Ransom,  bap.  June 
2,  1588. 

2.  Ann  Scott,  bap.  Aug-.  21,  1569. 

3.  Rose  Scott,  bap.  Sept.  15,  1571;  buried  Sept.  19,  1571. 
v  4.     Georg-e  Scott,  bap.  Jan.  31,  1573. 

/S.  Nicholas  Scott,  bap.  June  13,  1576;  m.  Anne  Batman,  April 
7,  1603,  and  had  son:  Nicholas  Scott,  bap.  Jan.  22,  1603; 
buried  Nov.  29,  1606. 

6.  Edmund  Scott,  bap.    Oct.    18,    1586;    m. ;  had    sons: 

Georg-e    Scott,  bap.    Dec.    28,    1594;  and    Edmund    Scott, 
buried  June  30,  1615. 

7.  Jonas  Scott,  bap.  Oct.  20,  1588. 

8.  Nicholas  Scott,  bap.  Sept.  25,  1591. 

9.  Robert  Scott,  bap.  May  25,  1597. 

It  may  be  that  the  above  date  of  burial  of  Edmund  Scott's 
wife,  Joane  (May  15,  1615)  may  be  wrong-,  or  it  may  apply  to 
another  Joane,  wife  of  an  Edmund  Scott.  There  is  on  the  record 
notice  of  marriag-e  of  Edmund  Scott  and  Agnes  Losse,  Sept. 
16,  1583. 

Robert  Scott,  who  also  lived  in  Rattlesden,  seems  to  have  been 
of  the  same  g-eneration  as  Edmund  Scott.  He  had  a 
daug-hter,  Susan  Scott,  buried  Sept.  16,  1570. 

Henry  Kemball  and  wife  Johan  lived  at  Rattlesden,  and  had  a 
daug-hter,  Rachael  Kemball,  bap.  June  22,  1589.  They 
may  have  been  parents,  also,  of  Richard  Kemball,  whom. 
Ursula  Scott  and  came  to  America. 

Rog-er  Bradstreet  lived  in  Rattlesden  and  had  children: 

202  Kimball  Family  News 

1.  Marg-arct    Bradstreet,   1539,  m    William    Hallyat,  and 

had  daugfhter,  Marg-aret  Hallyat. 

2.  Alice  Bradstreet. 

3.  Jone  Bradstreet,  1541.  m.  Robert  Campe. 

John  Bradstreet  (may  have  been  son  of  Robert)   m.  Martha  Sal- 
ter, Oct.  5,  1578.  and  had  children: 

1 .  Elizabeth  Bradstreet,  bap.  July  26,  1579. 

2.  John  Bradstreet,  bap.  May    16,    1585;  buried    Oct.  18, 


3.  Martha  Bradstreet,  bap,  March  17,  1587. 

The  following-    notes    from   the    Parish    Register    are    also 

1625  March  5  Abigail  ye  daughtr  of  Thomas  Scot  and  his  wife 

1628  Thomas  ye  sonne  of  Thomas  Skott  and  his  wife  bap- 

1630  Feb.  3  Benjamin  ye  sonne  of  Thomas  Scott  and  his  wife 

1632  June  6  Susan  ye  daug-hter  of  Roger    Scott    and    his    wife 


1633  May  21  Roger  son  of  Roger  Scott  and  his  wife  baptistd. 
1633     Aug-.  30  Benjamin  Scote  was  buried. 

1636     Nov.    15    George    Kemball    dyed    of  ye    plagfue    and    was 

1636     Dec.  7  the  wife  of  George  Kemball  dyed  of  ye  plague 
16 "^6     Dec.  8  the  daug-htr    of  ye    sd    George    likewise    and    was 


1652  Jan.  23  Gatterick  Kemball,  widow  was  buried.  ^ 

1653  Stephen  son  of  Stephen  Kemball  and  his  wife  baptized. 
1656     March  25  Richard  Kemball  and    Mary   French   were  mar- 

1672     March  18    John    son    of  Stephen    Kemball    and    his    wife 

1679     Feb.  4  Mary  wife  of  Stephen  Kimball  was  buried. 
1688     Feb.  28  Stephen  Kemball  buried 

Something  more  of  Alanson  M.  Kimball,  Representative  trom 
Wisconsin  in  the  Forty-fourth  C(jngress.  He  was  born  in  Bux- 
ton, York  county,  Maine,  March  12,  1827.  Was  a  merchant  and 
was  a  member  of  the  State  Legislature  in  1863  and  I8f)4.  His 
name  does  not  appear  in  the  l*^amily  History. 

Ellwood  Davis  Kimball,  of  Wichita,  was  again  elected  one 
of  the  vi'ce-presidents  of  the  Kansas  Society  Sons  of  the  Amer- 
ican Revolution. 

January,  1901.  203 


Earl}-  in  last  year  several  leaflets  were  published  by  Aug-us- 
tine  Caldwell  under  the  above  title,  which  among-  other  matter 
contained  chronicles  of  early  inhabitants  of  Ipswich,  Mass. 
We  g-ive  place  this  month  to  "the  following,  and  will  continue 
the  same  in  the  next  number  of  the  Np:ws.  It  will  be  noticed 
that  much  of  it  is  essentially  the  same  as  appears  in  the  Family 
History,  with  some  additional  notes: 

KIMBALL.  In  the  ship  Elizabeth,  of  Ipswich,  Eng-iaud,  William  Aq- 
dTews.  master,  which  sailed  April,  1034,  there  came  passeng-ers.  viz.: 

Henry  Kemball.  ag-ed  44  years. 

Susan,  his  wife,  aged  35  ^eai's. 

Elizabeth,  aged  4;  Susan,  aged  L  and  a  half  years — their  children. 

Richard  Kemball,  aged  39  years,  uxor,  Ursala. 

Their  children: 

Henrjf,  aged  15  years:  Uichard,  aged  13  years; 

Mary,  aged  9  years;    Martha,  aged  o  years; 

John,  aged  3  years;  Thomas,  aged  1  year. 

Richard  Kimball  took  the  freeman's  oath  in  Boston,  May  6,  1635.  He 
had  a  houselot  granted  to  him  in  Ipswich.  February  23,  1637,  adjoining 
goodman  vSimors.  "att  ye  west  end  of  ye  town."  He  was  a  commoner. 
]()41:  one  of  Major  Denison's  subscribers,  1648;  had  a  share  and  a  half  in 
Plum  Island,  etc.,  1664. 

He  had  a  farm  in  the  northerly  part  of  the  town,  near  Prospect  Hill, 
having-  the  farm  which  Thomas  Emerson  sold  to  Joseph  Jewett  on  the 
north-west.      He  also  possessed  a  lot  on  the  town  hill. 

Thomas  Scott  in  his  will.  March  8,  16.53,  calls  him  his  brother. 

In  1650,  Joseph  Fowler  sells  him  lands,  in  the  deed  of  which  he  styles 
liim — Richard  KimV)al],  wheelwright,  his  father-in-law. 

He  died  June  2'.*.  1675  His  will  was  proved  September  28.  He  men- 
tions his  wife,  without  giving  her  name;  and  her  children,  Thomas,  Jere- 
miah and  Mary;  and  thi^n^  was  "forty  pound  due  to  her  according  to  com- 
pact of  marriage.' 

His  children,  mentioned  in  his  will,  were: 

Henry,  the  eldest  S)n;  Jolin.  Thomas.  Benjamin.  Caleb,  John  Severans, 
son-in-law,  Elizabeth.  Mary,  Sarah. 

He  mentions  his  '-cousin  Haniel  Rosworth." 

The  inventory  of    his  property.  June  17.  1676,  amounted    to  £986.  5;  i>t 

which  his  house  with  132  acres  of  land  valued  at  £370. 

The  name  is  -vvritten  upon  our  records — Kemball,  Kimball  and  Kim- 

The  Massachusetts  Observer  savs: 

Richard  Kimball,  1.      He    was    married    twice.     Margaret,  his   second 

wife,  survived  him.     She  died  March  1,  167().     She  was  the  widow   Dow,  of 

Hampton,  N.  H.,  probably  widow  of  Henry  Dew,  vvhose  will  is  dated  1659, 
4th,  Sm. 

(Continued  in  February  Number.) 

204  Kimball  Family  News 



We  find  no  mention  of  this  member  of  the  family  in  the 
History-.     A  Norway,  Me.,  paper  furnishes  the  following-: 

"Georg-e  C.  Kimball,  of  Waterford,  who  has  b^en  ill  for 
more  than  a  year,  died  Wednesday  night,  December  5,  19i»  >. 
He  had  several  shocks  from  the  time  he  was  first  stricken  but  it 
was  after  a  more  severe  one  that  he  beg-an  to  fail  rapidly.  Mr. 
Kimball  was  72  years  old.  During-  tbe  former  part  of  his  life 
he  was  eng-aged  as  a  ship  carpenter,  working-  in  Boston,  Bath, 
Medford  and  other  places.  In  later  years  he  lived  with  a  son, 
Sumner  Kimball,  on  the  place  where  he  died. 

"Mr.  Kimball  was  a  g-enial,  kind  hearted  man.  He  took  a 
g-reat  interest  in  politics.  He  was  present  to  vote  at  the  No- 
vember election,  althoug-h  quite  feeble.  A  few  weeks  before  his 
death  his  physician  asked  him  his  ag-e  and  he  said  :  "I  shall  be 
72  years  old  the  day  Bryan  is  elected,''  which  meant  the  6th  day 
of  November.  He  was  anxious  for  Bryan's  election  and  ex- 
pressed much  disappointment  at  his  defeat.  It  was  a  little  more 
than  a  year  ago  that  the  fiftieth  anniversary  of  his  marriag-e 
was  celebrated-' 

"Funeral  services  were  held  at  the  house,  the  Universalist 
minister  of  Bridg-ton  officiating-.  Mr.  Kimball  leaves  a  wife, 
live  sons  and  three  daug-hters." 

[Mr.  Snmntr  Ivimball,  of  Lovell.  Me  ,  one  of  the  News  help.>i-s.  senc^s 
the  above,  and  says  that  George  C.  Kimball  left   quite   a   family   and  that 
('fforis  are  making  t)  get  a  complete   record    for    pn  blication,  a.s   nothing 
regarding  the  family  is  given  in  the  History.] 

Family  History,  p.  712,  No.  1495.  Died  at  his  home  in 
Rowley,  Mass.,  Monday,  Dec  24,  1900,  ag-ed  85  years,  (>  months 
and  15  days.  He  was  born  in  Waterford,  Maine,  date  not  g-iven 
in  History.  In  early  life  he  went  to  Rowley,  where  he  eng-ag-ed 
in  the  manufacture  of  shoes  for  years  and  then  eng-ag-ed  in  the 
g-rocery  business.  For  25  years  he  was  town  treasurer  and  was 
hig-hly  respected  as  a  man  of  honor  and  influence.  In  1842  he 
married  Fdnah  P.  Blucking-ton,  who  died  April  23,  185f>.  They 
had  six  children,  one  of  whom,  Eliza  Green,  who  married  Ber- 
nard Damon,  of  Rowley,  afterwards  of  Pc^rtsmouth,  Ohio,  who 
has  lived  with  his  father  the  past  year.  A  g-randson,  (Tcorgfe 
Kimball  Perley,  son  of  his  daug^hter  Mary,  als  >  survives. 

Charles  A.  Kimball,  lawyer,  and  editor  of  the  C'ourtland 
Reg^ister,  took  in  the  Kansas  Day  Club  banquet,  the  State  Press 
Association  and  the  Kansa-;  Bar  Association  all  in  one  week  and 
came  out  of  it  all  with  a  g-org-eous  carnation  b(iquet  in  his  but- 
ton hole.      Histor^^,  pag-e  940. 

January,  1901.  205 


Entered  into  rest  in  New  London,  Conn.,  Jan.  9,  1901.  We 
take  the  following-  from  the  New  London,  Conn.,  Telegraph  of 
Jan.  10,  1901: 

"On  the  11th  of  September.  1900,  there  g-athered  at  the  home  of  Mrs. 
R.  B.  Hewitt,  on  North  Main  street,  a  number  of  friends  and  relatives  to 
fitting-ly  mark  the  passing  of  the  90th  milestone  in  the  life  journey  of 
Mrs.  Charlotte  Lyman.  Surrounded  by  her  relatives  Mrs.  Lyman  received 
friends  and  chatted  grayly  with  them,  there  being  one  gentleman  by  name 
of  Kimball  present,  who  was  nearly  contempcrai-y  with  her.  Many 
friends  of  varying  degrees  in  the  rungs  of  the  ladder  united  in  wishing 
her  a  continuance  of  her  life  for  another  decade,  till  she  had  rounded  out 
the  century  mark.  It  was  noted  by  all  that  she  seemed  to  be  of  excep- 
tional brightness  and  fairly  vigorous  for  her  age.  Her  interest  in  the  con- 
versation never  flagged  and  she  took  her  part  and  partook  of  the  good 
cheer  and  laughed  and  joked  with  the  young  people  as  heartily  as  though 
she  were  entering  on  the  second  instead  of  the  tt-nth  lecade. 

•'Mrs  Lyman  was  so  erect  and  so  full  of  interest  in  her  friends  and 
houfehold  that  it  does  not  seem  possible  she  coiild  have  failed  so  rapidly 
as  to  be  dead  today.  But  when  one  has  passed  the  90th  mark  there  is 
great  need  of  care  to  keep  the  life  going,  and  the  cold  which  came  to  her 
was  the  direct  cause  of  the  collapse  which  has  ended  in  a  higher  life. 

"In  September  she  was  a  tall,  fine  lookiag,  straight  and  dignified 
woman,  whose  strong  and  handsome  features  and  piercing  eyes  com- 
manded the  respect  of  those  who  saw  her,  while  the  gentleness  of  her 
conversation  and  the  kindness  of  her  life  held  the  stranger  and  made  even 
those  who  had  uot-seen  her  before  interes'^ed  in  lier  and  her  life. 

"That  life  was  ore  uneventful  enough,  thougl:  so  much  had  happened 
in  the  history  of  the  world  and  progress  while  this  girl  was  passing  from 
one  age  to  another  till  the  allotted  ^pan  was  reached.  She  was  born  on 
the  lith  of  Septen  ber,  1810,  one  of  the  many  children  of  Chester  Kimball 
and  Lucy  Fox.  Though  all  her  brothers  and  sisters  attained  a  good  age 
she  was  the  only  survivor.  She  married  in  early  youth  James  B.  Lyman, 
one  of  the  foremost  citizens  of  New  London,  and  for  manj''  years  postmas- 
ter. After  her  widowhood,  Mrs.  Lyman  determined  to  spend  the  rest  of 
her  life  in  her  native  place,  and  was  so  fond  of  it  that  her  grandchildren 
could  not  coax  her  to  often  alter  her  resolution.  Her  graadson,  Charles 
E.  Lyman,  is  one  of  the  prominent  business  men  of  Washington,  and  she 
has  a  granddaughter  in  Mrs.  Robbins  of  New  Orleans,  who  came  on  with 
her  daughter  to  be  present  at  her  birthday  celebration. 

"No  one  who  took  part  in  that  rejoicing  enjoj'^ed  it  more  than  Mrs. 
Lyman  herself  aud  it  seemed  fair  to  predict  that  she  was  going  to  have  a 
long  and  happy  stay  with  the  dear  friends  who  had  cared  for  her  so  ten- 
derly that  undoubtedly  her  health  and  pleasure  in  living  had  been  greatly 
au<.'mented  by  their  devotion. 

"■But  though  there  was  no  diminution  of  her  strength  at   once   it  was 

>06  Kimball  Family  News 

plain  to  be  seen  that  she  did  not  g-ain  any  and  when  sh  i  was  taken  with  a 
bad  cold  after  the  becinning-  of  the  new  century  t'lere  was  a  feeling  in  the 
hearts  of  those  about  that  the  dawn  of  the  new  epoch  of  time  meant  the 
closing  of  her  j^ears.  Mrs.  Lyman  herself  seemed  to  undprstand  this  and 
to  be  willing-  lo  have  the  time  of  her  sojourn  coine  to  an  end  and  the  meet- 
ing- with  those  who  had  passed  to  the  other  lif^  near  to  her.  She  died 
painlessly,  and  as  she  had  lived,  in  the  full  belief  that  everlasting-  life  was 
but  opening  to  her.  The  end  canae  about  5  o'clock  yesterday  afternoon 
and  there  can  truly  be  said  that  few  of  stronger  faith  and  better  emb  )di- 
ment  of  practice  of  the  Golden  Rule  have  lived  on  this  earth  tlian  Char- 
lotte l/yman. 

Family  History  No.  496-xi,  pag-e  280  Charlotte  E.  was 
the  daug-hter  of  Chester  Kimball"  and  his  wife  Luey  Fox,  daugh- 
ter of  John  and  Mar}'  Fox,  born  Sept.  11,  1«10,  the  young-- 
est  of:  eleven  children.  Her  sister,  Abig-ail  Holt,  born  March  8, 
1803,  died  June,  1835,  married  James  Bloyd  Lyman  September, 
1822.  They  had  six  children.  On  May,  2,  1836,  Mr.  Lyman 
and  his  first  wife's^^si^ter  were  married.  The  History  does  not 
mention  the  fact,  but  Mrs.  Lyman  left  children  and  g-randchild- 
ren,  a  full  record  of  whose  names,  birth,  deaths,  etc  ,  the  News 
would  be  glad  to  publish  if  furnished 

For  the  above  sketch  we  are  indebted  to  Mrs.  Annie  Holt 
Smith,  of  New  London,  Ct.  She  is  the  g-randdaug-hter  of  Lucy 
Kimball,  No.  1000. 

Gurdon  Bishops  born  Oct.  6.  1315,  son  of  Lucy  Kimball, 
married  Marj^  Ann  Crocker  and  they  moved  to  California.  At 
the  Third  California  Kimball  reunion  there  were  present  Misses 
Emma  Victoria.  Belle  Sarah  and,  Lucy  Kimball  Kishop.  See 
June  Family  News, '1899,  p.  2'»5.  They  were  g-randdaug-httrs 
of  Gurdon  Bishop,  whose  children  have  no  place  in  the  History, 
and  are  cousins  of  Mrs.  Smith. 

The  History  makes  slig-ht  mention  of  the  children  of  Lucy 
Kimball  Bishop'  Her  son  Chester  married  Ellen  Clark  Holt  and 
her  daug-hter  Lucy  Ann  married  Henry  W.  Holt 

Mrs.  Smith  w'ould  be  g-lad  to  obtain  the  record  of  her  an- 
cestor, Abig-ail  Holt,  who  married  Richard  Kimball''  in  P^mfret. 
Conn  .  r) -c.  13,  174S. 

Mrs.  Maria  Freeman  Gray  is  spendin  ^  the  wnnter  at  her 
native  iown.  New  Salem,  post  office  address  Milling-ton,  Mass. 
She  has  been  visitin;jf  relatives  in  Washing-ton,  attindin;^  the 
National  Convention  of  the  W.  C.  T  U.  and  delivering  ad- 
dresses at  the  Thirtv  fourth  Anniversary  of  the  Pennsylvania 
Peace  Society  in  Philadelphia,  December  the  11th,  and  lectur- 
ing: <>i  Alaska  and  Hawaii  in  other  places.  Sec  News  May  and 
June.  l">Oii. 

January,  1901.  207 

Some  months  ag-o  our  punctual  little  cousin  Ruth  of  Lovell, 
Me.,  2448-i,  sug-g-ested  the  idea  of  a  children's  pag-e  for  the 
News,  but  no  one  seemed  to  act  upon  it.  Now  we  have  from 
Master  Harry  Sloane,  of  San  Dieg-o,  CaL,  (page  1057)  the  fol- 
lowing little  story  which  he  says  he  tried  hard  to  write.  He 
calls  it 

Every  one  was  in  bed;  it  was  12  o'clock  and  Teddy  who  was  3  years  old 
laj  in  his  bed  with  his  little  eyes  wide  open.      He    was   waiting   for  Santa 
Glaus  to  come.     Tow ard  1  o'clock    Teddy    was   getting   vei-y.  very   sleepy, 
when  he  was  startled  by  hearing  the  kitchen  window  softly  raised. 

"Ifs  Sandy  Glaus  try'n'  to  get  in;  couldn't  get  in  frew  the  chimley,  so 
he  had  to  crime  in  de  win  iovv,"  he  said  to  himself.     "I'll  go  look  at  'im." 

Then  he  quietly  slipped  out  of  bed  and  stole  softlj'  down  the  stairs  to 
the  fire-place  where  hz  expected  to  find  Santa  Glaus  filling  his  stocking. 
When  he  came  into  the  dining  room  there  stood  Santa  Glaus,  but  he  did 
not  lotk  like  the  pict^ires  of  him  that  Teddy  had  seen.  This  man  had  a 
piece  of  black  cloth  over  his  face  and  there  was  a  pair  of  black  eyes  peer- 
ing thro'  it.  True,  he  had  a  sack,  but  instead  of  taking  toys  out  of  it  he 
was  putting  all  mama's  silver  spoons  into  it. 

*  Hello,  Sandy  Glaus,  there's  my  stocking  ober  dere,"  said  Teddj^  as 
soon  as  he  appeared.  The  man  did  not  answer,  but  stared  ai  Teddy  in 

"Did  'ou  leave  'our  talk  to  home?"  asked  Teddy;  "or  did  'ou  give  it  to 
some  'ittle  boy  what  didn't  have  any?" 

The  man  smiled  grimly  and  said:  'You  better  keep  still,  young 'un, 
because  Santa  Glaus  don't  like  to  have  people  watch  him.'* 

"But  Fs  seed  'ou. "  said  Teddy.  Then  he  sat  down  on  the  footstool 
and  watched  the  man  hurriedly  pile  in  all  the  silverware  he  could  find. 

"I  loves  'ou.  Sandy  Claus,  'cause  "ous  good  to  'ittle  boys,"  said  Teddy, 
breaking  the  silence. 

"Hump,"  answered  tie  man;  "if  you'd  seen  all  the  things  I  have 
you'd  know  Santa  Claus  from  a  r-r-r-r-robber." 

"A-cour^e  I  'ould,'  said  Tf  d<ly,  bumping  his  knees  together  to  keep 
them  warm. 

Then  all  was  still  again,  but  the  man  was  not  filling  his  sack  any 
more,  but  was  sitting  on  the  stairs,  his  chin  resting  on  his  hands  and  ap- 
parently thinking  very  hard.  Once  he  softly  whispered,  "home."  Then 
he  softly  looked  at  Teddy  for  a  few  minutes  and  muttered  something 
which  could  not  be  understood,  and  began  patting  the  silver  back  into  the 
drawers.  When  he  had  finished  be  looked  around  him,  told  Teddy  to  skip 
back  to  bed,  that  he  had  left  his  present  at  home  but  would  send  it  to  him 
later.  As  Teddy  went  back  to  bed  the  man  crept  through  the  kitchen 
window,  closed  it  and  disappeared  into  the  darkness. 

208  Kimball  Family  News 

Next  day  there  arrived  at  the  house  a  small  box.  and  on  it  was  writ- 

*   * 


No.  48  Chestnut  Ave., 

New  York  City. 
* * 

When  opened  there  laj'  the  dearest  little  gold  watch  about  the  size  of 
a  dollar. 

"I  wonder  who  it's  from  "  said  every  one  in  the  family,  and  even  little 
Teddy,  peeping  into  the  box,  said:  '"I  "onder  who  it's  f'om.""  Then  remem- 
bering .Santa  Claus,  he  clapped  his  hands  and  exclaimed: 

■'Oh,  it's  from  ray  Santa  Claus.'" 


Barton  Landing,  Vt.,  Jan.  21,  1901. 
The  Kimball  Family  News  : 

I  am  in  receipt  of  the  December  issue  of  the  Kimball  Fam- 
ily News  in  which  there  is  a  brief  mention  of  C.  P.  Kimball, 
who  was  recently  elected  to  the  Washing-ton  Leg^islature.  Mr. 
Kimball  is  a  merchant  at  South  Piairic,  Washington,  where  he 
has  resided  tor  about  ten  years,  having-  g-one  there  from  Albany, 
Vermont,  where  we  had  been  in  g-eneral  merchandise  business 
tog-ether.  About  ten  years  ag-o  we  went  west.  C.  P.  Kimball 
settled  where  he  now  resides.  I  chose  Puyallup,  Washing-ton, 
and  conducted  a  dry  g^oods  business  for  about  six  years.  For- 
tune favored  me  and  I  returned  to  mj  old  home  at  Albany,  Ver- 
mont, and  boug-ht  the  ''old  home  farm"  of  225  acres,  where  I 
keep  60  choice  Jersey  cattle.  This  farm  is  where  my  mother 
was  born  and  lived  until  she  was  married  to  my  father,  Samuel 
Smith  Kimball.  This  was  her  first  and  only  marriag-e  and  I 
mention  it  as  your  n'ote  says  she  was  a  widow  I  ani  located  at 
Barton  Landing-,  Vermont,  and  eng-ag-ed  in  the  Hour  and  feed 
business.  I  also  have  branch  stores  at  Coventry,  Newport  Cen- 
ter and  West  Charleston,  Vt.  If  any  Kimball  formerly  from 
this  s :ction  wishes  to  know  anything-  in  reg-ard  to  the  family  in 
this  section  1  would  be  most  happy  to  answer  anv  inquiries  I 
may  be  able  to  do. 

S.  C.   KIMBALL. 

At  the  January  meeting-  of  the  Kansas  Society  of  the  Sons 
of  tie  American  Revolution  the  editor  of  the  Kimball  Family 
News  was  made  President  of  the  Society  for  the  coming-  year. 
Now  there  are  a  doxon  i:iemV)ers  of  the  family  in  Kansas  who 
are  elig-ible  to  memlxrsliin  ;in<l  he  would  liki-  to  see  them  in  the 
Socie-ty.      Why  m)t? 

luiimimii"  family  ^JLews 

Vol.  IV,  No8.  2  and  3.  G.  F.  KIMBALL,  Publisher.  Terms,  $1 .00  a  year 

Topeka^  Kansass;  February  and   March,  1901. 



The  second  number  of  the    Family   News,  February,  1898, 

pag-e  25,  contained  a  Jetter  from  Frank  Reed  Kimball,  of  Salem, 

Mass.,    containing-  some    excellent   sug-g-estions.     Among   them 

was  one  for  raising  a  fund  to  send    some    competent    person    to 

Eng-lard  to  trace  back  the   family  records.     The   thought   was, 

perhaps,  not  new,  but  it   was  a    very    pertinent   one,  in    which 

every  mem>ber  of  the  family  ought  to  be  interested. 

It  was  intimated,  farther,  that  if  the  News  could  be  sup- 
ported by  the  family  and  broadened  into  a  paper  of  genealogical 
interest,  it  could  present  the  results  of  such  proposed  investiga- 
tion in  a  ready  and  economical  manner.  The  News  has  more 
than  once  referred  to  the  matter,  but  no  practical  steps  have 
been  taken. 

The  News  is  now  in  its  fourth  volume  and  has  already  been 
the  means  of  adding  hundreds  to  the  Kimball  record,  and  has 
done  something  toward  increasing  an  interest  in  the  famil}^  his- 
tory where  little  or  none  existed.  Since  the  Kimball  History 
was  published  there  has  been  a  very  marked  revival  in  geneal- 
ogical investigation.  Scores  of  families  are  now  looking  up 
their  ancestry  where  one  was  formerly  interested.  There  are 
few  families  who  have  so  clear  and  simple  a  record  as  the  Kim- 
balls.  There  is  very  little  complicated  in  the  American  record. 
No  other  families  of  this  name  have  to  be  disentangled. 
All  the  Kimballs  in  America  are  descendants  from  Richard,  and 
the  few  from  his  brother  Henry.  A  comparatively  few  branches 
are  not  well  known,  and  in  a  few  some  connecting  links  are  yet 
rnissing-.  But  the  completeness  of  the  record  and  the  easy  iden- 
tification of  family  membership  has  been  recognized  by  geneal- 

The  investigation  should  now  be  carried  into  the  mother 
country.  The  News  would  therefore  suggest  anew  that  some 
practical  steps  be  taken  to  raise  a  fund  for  that   purpose.     Prof. 

210  Kimball  Family  News, 

S.  P.  Sharpies,  who  knows  the  Family  History  so  well,  and  who 
has  a  peculiar  genius  for  this  kind  of  investig-ation,  as  his  edi- 
torial labor  on  that  work  plainly  shows,  would  seem  to  be  the 
man  for  the  purpose. 

There  is  of  course  much  of  interest  that  centers  around  Rat- 
tlesden  throug-h  Richard,  who  emigrated  to  this  country  in  1634. 
The  next  issue  of  the  News  will  g"ive  a  half-tone  view  of  the 
villag"e,  taken  from  Rev.  Olorenshaw's  recent  book,  "Notes  on 
Rattlesden."  This  was  the  home  of  the  Scotts  and  it  was  here 
that  he  found  Ursula  Scott,  who  became  his  wife  and  the  mother 
of  his  children.  But  the  centre  of  the  Kimball  family  at  that 
time  was  at  Hitcham.  and  there  further  investig-ation  should 
probablj-  beg-in.  Where  it  mi^ht  end  of  course  no  one  knows, 
althoug^h  indications  point  into  the  distant  past  while  tradition 
is,  as  usual,  clear  and  positive  to  those  who  accept  it. 

The  News  would  call  for  a  word  from  Prof.  Sharpies— an 
estimate  of  cost,  probable  results,  etc.  It  also  solicits  sug-g-es- 
tions  from  members  of  the  family,  and  if  there  are  those  willing- 
to  join  in  raising  such  a  fund  it  further  sug"g"ests  that  Captain 
F.  M.  Kimball,  the  secretary  of  the  ^tna  Building-  and  Loan 
Association,  of  this  city,  be  made  the  medium  through  which 
such  correspondence  be  had.  He  has  special  qualifications  and 
could  be  in  close  touch  with  the  News,  in  which  he  has  taken 
much  interest  from  the  outset.  But  the  News  does  this  without 
his  knowledg-e. 


One  year  ag-o  the  News  chronicled  the  death  of  Abig-ail 
Kimball  Garvin  104  years  of  age.  This  time  we  announce  the 
death  of  Sarah  A.  Weed,  who  died  Nov.  28,  1890,  at  the  home 
of  her  daughter,  Judith  Weed  Kimball,  in  Merrimac,  Mass. 
She  would  have  been  103  years  old  if  she  had  lived  until  Jan. 
23,  1901.  She  lacked  only  33  days  of  living-  in  three  centuries. 
On  both  father  and  mother's  side  her  ancestors  were  noted  for 
their  long-evity.  One  member,  Samuel  Welch,  of  Bow,  N.  H., 
lived  to  be  112  years  old.  She  had  a  remarkably  tenacious 
memory  and  recalled  clearl}^  the  administration  of  President 
Madison  and  Lafayette's  visit  to  the  United  States.  Of  her 
eight  children  one  only  is  now  living-,  Judith,  the  widow  of  Asa 
Kimball,  now  74  vcars  of  ajre.      Fam.   Hist.  t>.  636. 

In  the  Journal  of  Education,  January  31,  the  "Structure  of 
the  English  Sentence,"  mentioned  in  January  News,  was  very 
favorably  mentioned.  The  author,  L.  G.  Kimball,  is  instructor 
in  English  in  the  State  Normal  school,  Oshkosh,  Wis. 

February  and  March,  1901.  211 


Mrs.  S.  A.  Dacy,  28  Ward  street,  South  Boston,  Mass.,  to 
whom  the  News  is  already  greatly  indebted,  sends  a  number  of 
newspaper  clipping-s,  from  which  we  gather  the  following,  little 
if  any  of  which  is  mentioned  in  the  Family  History: 

Amesbuky,  Aug.  26,  1893. — Yesterday  at  the  home  of  the  groom's  par- 
ents on  High  street,  Mr.  G.  Leslie  Kimball  and  Miss  Wilmot  Quimby.  pop- 
ular youngf  people  of  Amesbury,  were  married.  A  wedding  reception  was 
held.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Kimball  were  the  recipients  of  many  useful  and  Qostly 
gifts. — Boston  Herald. 

Manchester,  N.  H.,  Apkil  15,  1892.— D.  J.  Kimball,  88  years  old,  fell 
down  a  flight  of  cellar  stairs  this  morning  and  broke  his  neck.  He  died 
instantly.  He  was  a  native  of  Vermont.  A  daughter  and  tvvo  sons  sur- 
vive him.  They  reside  in  Augusta,  Me.,  and  Fitchburg,  Mass. — Boston 

Salem,  Mass.,  November,  1893. — Miss  Mary  Kimball,  for  many  years 
engaged  in  charitable  work  in  Salem,  died  last  night  at  the  age  of  nearlj' 
80  years.  She  ,vas  at  one  time  city  missionary  of  Salem,  and  was  agent 
for  the  Working  Women's  Bureau,  and  connected  with  the  Associated 
Charities  and  other  kindred  organizations  of  the  city.  She  has  spent  the 
greater  part  of  her  life  in  the  service  of  these  institutions.  She  taught  a 
freedmen's  school  in  the  South  after  the  war. 

Malden,  Mass.,  Jan.  14,  1894.— Mr.  Charles  E.  Kimball,  aged  43  years, 
died  suddenli?  Sunday  morning  of  heart  disease,  at  his  home,  39  Hubbard 
street.  He  was  a  carpenter  by  trade,  and  was  employed  in  that  capacity 
at  the  Webster  tannery.  He  leaves  a  widow  and  six  children.  The 
funeral  occurred  at  8  o'clock  Tuesday  morning  from  his  late  residence. 
Rev.  H.  O.  Hiscox  officiated.  The  body  was  taken  to  Wells,  Me.,  the 
native  town  of  the  deceased,  for  interment.  [Was  this  Charles  E.  No. 
23.56,  p.  1014  of  History?— Ed.  News.] 

Apkii.  16,  1894. — Joseph  M.  Kimball,  aged  76  years,  a  native  of  Cam- 
bridge, who  served  in  K  Company,  Twenty-fourth  Massachusetts  Infantry, 
died  at  the  Soldiers'  Home,  Chelsea,  last  evening. 

June,  1894. — Kimball-Eliott.  In  East  Boston,  last  evening,  Miss  Hat- 
tie  E.  Eliott,  daughter  of  Captain  Harvey  Eliott,  of  engine  company  40, 
was  wedded  to  Mr.  Sanford  E.  Kimball,  the  ceremony  taking  place  at  the 
home  of  the  bride's  father.  No.  21  Trenton  street.  Rev.  N.  B.  Jones  offi- 
ciated, assisted  by  Rev.  F.  M.  Gardner  of  the  Central  Sqiiare  Baptist 
church.  Miss  Mary  Eliott,  a  sister  of  the  bride,  was  bridesmaid,  and  the 
bet-t  man  was  Mr.  Arthur  Kimball,  a  brother  of  the  groom.  A  reception 
followed  the  ceremony,  after  which  the  happy  couple  went  to  their  future 
homa  at  122  Falcon  street,  which  had  been  finely  fitted  up  for  their  recep- 
tion. There  were  many  handsome  presents,  among  them  being  a  check 
for  a  large  sum  from  Hill  &  Richards,  where  the   groom  is  a  trusted  clerk. 

Somervii:le,  Mass.,  Oct.  17,  1894  —Joseph  H.  Kimball,  of  Somerville, 
died  yesterday.     He  was  a  veteran  of  the   civil  war,    having   served    two 

212  Kimball  Family  News, 

years  in  company  M,  2d  Maine  cavalry.  He  had  been  a  resident  of  Somer- 
ville  ten  years  and  was  formerly  a  member  of  the  Grand  Army  post  of 
that  city.  He  leaves  a  widow.  Funeral  services  were  held  at  his  resi- 
dence this  morning-,  conducted  by  Rev.  L.  M.  Powers.  The  remains  were 
shipped  to  Kennebunk  for  interment. — Boston  Herald, 

TArxTOX.  Mass.,  Feb.  2,  18').).— Died.  At  Taunton,  Feb.  2,  Stephen  F>. 
Kimball,  formerly  of  South  Reading  and  VYrentham. 

New  York,  July  1.5,  1895. — Charles  A.  Kimball,  61  years  old,  a  broker 
who  has  an  office  in  the  Produce  Exchange  building,  was  found  asphyxi- 
ated by  gas  in  his  room  at  the  Empire  hotel,  Boulevard  and  Six^y-third 
street,  early  this  morning,  having  committed  suicide  by  turning  on  the 
two  gas  jets  in  his  room.  At  the  office  of  Rohe  &  Bro. ,  provision  dealers, 
it  was  said  that  Mr.  Kimball  was  the  firm's  representative  on  the  Produce 
Exchange,  and  had  acted  in  that  capacity  for  years.  He  was  unmarried, 
and  appeared  to  have  few  or  no  friends.  His  accounts  with  the  firm  were 
all  right.  Mr.  Rohe  said  the  OTi]y  reason  for  suicide  he  could  conceive  of 
was  a  bad  case  of  hernia,  from  which  Mr.  Kimball  had  suffered  for  many 

WoLFBORO,  N.  H..  Auo.  1.2,  189.5.— Henry  M.  Kimball,  of  South  Wolf- 
boro,  aged  25,  died  early  this  morning  from  the  effects  of  remaining  in 
the  water  yesteiday  upwards  of  an  hour.  His  grandmother  was  overcome 
at  the  young  man's  condition  when  he  was  brought  home,  and  the  old 
lady  expired  .shortly  afterward.     Kimball  leaves  a  widow  and  daughter. 

Brookline,  Mass.,  July  22,  1896. — Died.  Emma  H.  Kimball,  aged  60 
j^ear.s.  Funeral  from  the  re.sidence  of  Mr.  Charles  Crosby.  Aspinwall  ave- 
nue, corner  of  Kent  street,  Saturday,  at  2  P.  M.  Relatives  and  friends 
invited  to  attend  without  further  notice 

The  following  is  without  date  and  from  an  unknown  paper:  C,  How- 
ard Kimball,  one  of  the  best  known  of  New  Hampshire  journalists,  died 
at  his  home  in  Manchester  on  Sunday.  Mr.  Kimball  was  born  in  Ames- 
bury,  Mass.,  May  18,  1857,  but  removed  to  Manchester  with  his  familj^ 
when  a  mere  youth.  He  graduated  from  the  Manchester  high  school  in 
the  class  of  "70  and  afterward  further  perfected  him.self  in  the  French  and 
German  languages  under  private  tutors.  From  1S70  to  1887  lie  conducted 
the  Grafton  County  Journal  at  Plymouth,  the  paper  at  that 'time  being  the 
leading  Republican  organ  of  North  New  Hampshire.  In  1887  as  the  result 
of  business  he  disposed  of  the  Journal  and  returned  to  Man- 
chester, where  he  had  since  been  employed  in  various  capacities  on  the 
Press,  Union  and  Mirror.  He  sustained  an  operation  for  n  stricture  a 
week  ago  and  never  recovered.  He  leaves  a  widow  and  four  children.  He 
was  a  memliiT  of  the  First  Congregational  church  and  of  the  MancliHstcr 
Press  club. 

We  take  this  icem  from  an  old  issue  of  the  Boston  Herald  of  1895:  "No 
wonder  Winthrop.  Me.,  grange  is  booming  when  such  families  as  good  old 
Grandmother  Kimball  presented  at  the  dedication  of  their  new  hall  are  in 
evidence.  There  were  present  Mrs.  Kimball,  two  sons,  five  daughters, 
three  sons-in-law,  two  daughters-in-law    and    four   grandchildren,    all   of 

February  and  March,  1901.  213 

whom  are  members  of  the  g-range.  Also  five  grandchildren  not  members 
with  lots  of  grandchildren  left  at  home  for  the  grange  to  recruit  from 
later  on." 

In  North  Easton,  Mass..  July  13,  1897,  Mrs.  Julia  Kimball  Wade  died 
at  the  age  of  5<5  j'ears.  She  was  a  very  devoted  Christian,  a  member  of 
the  Methodist  Episcopal  church. 

Zion's  Herald,  May,  1891.  — Mrs.  Rebecca  W.  Kimball  died  in  Mercer, 
Me..  May  7,  1891,  at  the  advanced  age  of  82  years,  3  months  and  16  days. 
She  was  born  in  Mercer,  Me.,  and  united  with  the  Methodist  church  in 
that  town  when  about  15  years  of  age.  At  the  age  of  about  25  she  was 
married  to  Mr.  Waterman  T.  Kimball,  who  is  still  living.  On  questions 
involving  the  refinement,  education,  welfare  and  elevation  of  children, 
youth,  and  the  community  generally,  her  voice  and  influence  could  be 
counted  on  the  side  of  truth  and  right.  Her  mental  faculties  were  won- 
derfully retained  through  her  age  and  sickness. 

ZioN's  Hebald,  1892.— Died,  at  Plymouth,  N.  H.,  Feb.  1,  1892,  Albert 
Kimball,  aged  75  years.  He  was  an  old  citizen  of  the  state,  having  been 
born  in  Holderness,  just  across  the  river,  where  he  lived  most  of  his  life 
till  the  death  of  his  wife  in  1887,  when  he  came  to  live  at  Plymouth.  He 
joined  the  Methodist  chnrch  more  than  50  years  ago.  He  had  seven  child- 
ren, three  of  whom  are  now  living — William  R.,  his  oldest  son,  for  many 
years  an  engineer  on  the  Concord  &  Montreal  R.  R. ;  Albert  M.,  also  an 
engineer,  living  in  the  West;  Ida   Ma3%  wife  of  W.  E.  French,  of  Laconia. 

The  dates  of  the  following  are  missing: 

William  C.  Kimball  died  in  Everett,  Mass.,  May  31,  aged  50  years. 

Rebecca  G.  Kimball  died  Dec.  6,  in  West  Somerville,  aged  83  years. 

Maria,  widow  of  Benjamin  Kimball,  died  in  Charleston  June  14. 

Carolyn  N.  Neweomb,  of  Taunton,  married  George  Edward  Kimball, 
of  Boston,  Nov.  12. 

The  originator  of  Memorial  Day  is  believed  to  be  Mrs.  II.  G.  Kimball, 
of  Philadelphia. 

We  find  the  above  item  among  a  lot  of  old  and  undated  clippings  re- 
cently sent  the  News  by  Mrs.  S.  A  Dacy,  of  South  Boston.  The  Septem- 
ber number  of  the  News,  1900.  had  an  article  on  this  subject.  It  may  be 
remembered  that  Mrs.  Logan  claims  that  the  suggestion  came  first  from 
her  husband.  Others  claim  that  Mrs.  Kimball  originated  the  idea  and 
communicated  it  to  General  Logan,  who  appropriated  It  himself. 

Died,  in  Boston,  Feb.  11,  Mary  I  ,  wife  of  Eben  Kimball,  aged  62  years 
and  11  months.     Burial  at  Ipswich. 

L.  L.  Kimball,  the  victim  of  the  supposed  accidental  shooting  in 
Nashua,  is  dead.     Some  think  it  was  suicide. 

Otis  Kimball,  of  Boston,  No.  1424,  was  elected  May,  1900,  as  one  of  the 

directors  of  the  Mexican    Telephone  Company.     The   Boston   Post  of  May 

10  says:    "Mr.  Kimball  is  a  director   in    the    Colonial   National   bank   and 

with  Mr.  Rollins  will  represent   the   foreign    holders   of  the   stock.      The 

controlling    interest    in    the    company    is   held   abroad — practically   all  in 

214  Kimball  Family  News, 

Major  Frank  L.  K'mball  is  inspector  of  rifle  practice  for  the  New 
Hampshire  National  Guard,  Under  his  direction  they  compete  for  a  state 
trophy  each  year. 

In  Maiden,  Mass.,  Jan.  9-8,  1893,  married,  Gertrude  M.  Kimball,  of 
Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  and  Wayne  Whipple,  of  Maiden. 

In  Newbury,  Vt.,  Oct.  3,  1896,  Burt  W.  Kidder,  of  Bradford,  Vt.,  and 
Annie  E.  Kimball,  of  Newbury,  were  married. 

In  Mattawamkeag,  Me  ,  Dec.  22,  1896,  Jere  E.  Conner  and  Lillian  M. 
Kimball  were  married. 

In  Newbury,  Vt.,  Dec.  24,  1896,  William  Kimball  and  Florence  E  Mace, 
both  of  South  Newbury,  were  married. 

In  Mattawamkeag-,  Me.,  March  21,  1897,  B.  H.  Bradbury  and  Carrie  M. 

Kimball  were  married. 

Jeremiah  E.  Kimball,  of  Boston,  died  Nov.  19.  1900,  at  the  age  of  70 
years.  < 

Salem,  Nov.  8,  1896.— Mr.  and  Mrs.  Eben  N.  Walton  will  this  after- 
noon and  evening  celebrate  the  50th  anniversary  of  their  marriage.  Mr. 
Walton  is  one  of  the  oldest  newspaper  men  in  the  city,  having  been  con- 
nected with  the  old  Salem  Register  for  more  than  40  years.  He  is  a  native 
of  Reading,  and  Mrs.  Walton,  who  was  Emeline  Kimball,  was  born  in 
Salem.  They  were  married  in  what  is  now  the  Central  Baptist  church  en 
Sunday,  Nov.  8,  1840.  Mr.  Walton  entered  the  office  of  the  old  Salem  Ad- 
vertiser in  1842,  and  some  years  later  took  charge  of  the  marine  depart- 
ment of  the  Essex  Freeman.  In  1854  he  went  to  Boston  and  was  a  com- 
positor in  the  Journal  office  for  a  year,  returning  to  Salem  the  next  year 
to  enter  the  employ  of  the  Salem  Register.  There  he  remained  until  the 
paper  practically  passed  out  of  existence  by  consolidation  witli  the  Bev- 
erly Citizen.  He  was  associated  with  the  Hon.  Charles  Palfry  in  the  man- 
agement of  the  Register  during  all  this  time.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walton  have 
one  son  and  twvo  daughters.  Mr.  Walton  is  a  .Mason,  a  Red  Man.  member 
of  the  Knights  of  Pythias,  Pilgrim  Fathers.  Royal  Arcanum,  .Sons  of  Tem- 
perance and  other  orders.  He  ha.s  been  a  justice  of  the  peace  since  the 
days  of  Gov.  Gardner.  He  and  his  wife  are  members  of  the  First  Baptist 

Abingtox,  Mass.,  July  31,  1896.— The  funeral  of  John  H.  Kimnall.  of 
Brockton,  was  held  at  the  reaidence  of  George  C.  Cushman  on  Centre  ave- 
nue. Abington,  j'esterday  afternoon.  Delegations  from  Brockton  com- 
mandiry,  Knights  of  Malta,  of  Brockton,  an  1  the  Brockton  B.  B.  club 
attended.     The  casket  was  surrounded  by  beautiful  floral  tributes. 

New  York,  Nov.  1,  (year  not  known) — There  is  at  large  in  this  city  a 
young  man  naiiied  Frank  L.  Kimball,  who  escaped  from  the  insane  asylum 
at  Mt.  Hope,  near  Baltimore,  two  weeks  ago,  where,  upon  certitieates  of 
two  physicians,  his  father  had  liim  committed  as  an  insane  patient.  The 
elder  Kimball  is  u  rich  contractor  in  Baltimore,  and  while  no  reward  has 
been  offered  there  is  reason  to  believe  that  he  would  pay  well  for  his  son's 
return  to  the  as^'lum  authorities.  Frank  L.  Kimball  is  scarcely  27  yeaj-s 
old.     His  disease,  the  doctors  say.  was  caused   by   cocaine    and    morphine. 

February  and  March,  1901.  215 

Unless  he  is  permitted  to  use  the  drug"  constantly  he  becomes  violent,  and 
the  doctors  fear  he  would  go  to  any  extreme,  even  to  murder,  to  obtain  ii. 

New  York,  Aug.,  1899. — The  directors  of  the  Seventh  National  bank 
accepted  todaj'^  the  resignation  of  John  McAverney  as  president,  and 
placed  William  H.  Kimball,  vice  president  of  the  bank,  in  practical  con- 
trol of  the  institution. 

Melrosk,  Nov.  17,  1900. — A  testimonial  concert  was  tendered  to  Will- 
iam F.  Kimball,  the  banjo  player,  in  the  City  Hall  last  night.  Young 
Kimball  some  time  ago  partially  lost  the  use  of  his  right  arm  by  paralysis, 
and  the  concert  was  well  patronized.  An  excellent  program  was  rendered 
consisting  of  vocal  and  instrumental  music. 

At  a  serious  fire  in  Rockland.  Me.,  Dec.  28,  1900,  the  Kimball  block 
was  damaged  to  the  extent  of  $800.  The  law  office  of  S.  T.  Kimball  was 
damaged  about  .$300  from  smoke  and  water;  insured. 

In  Quincy,  Mass.,  Jan.  25,  1898,  Arthur  C.  Roberts  and  Emma  F.  Kim- 
ball, of  Quincy,  were  married. 

In  Portland,  Me.,  Oct.  4,  1898,  the  Rev.  Harry  Woods  Kimball,  pastor 
of  Island  Congregational  church,  Stiowhegan,  and  Beula  Brooks  Water- 
house,  of  Portland,  were  married. 

The  mother  of  Mrs.  Mary  Kimball,  of  Milford,  Mass.,  Mrs.  Ruth 
Clark,  of  Derry,  N.  H.,  aged  98  years,  and  the  oldest  woman  in  the  state, 
died  Oco.  8,  1899. 

Portsmouth,  N.  H.,  Nov.  29,  1892 — Thursday  evening.  Nov.  14,  1889, 
Charles  Kimball,  son  of  William  Kimball,  who  resides  on  the  Spruce  creek 
road  in  Kittery,  came  to  this  city  in  company  with  his  brother  Pearl.  This 
was  three  years  ago.  They  started  to  return  home  quite  early, .but  pro- 
ceeded only  as  far  as  the  junction  of  the  Kittery  and  York  roads,  where 
they  remained  and  indulged  in  a  drunken  carousal.  Charles  Kimball, 
who  was  about  18  years  old,  has  never  been  seen  since  that  night,  and 
strange  to  say,  no  effort  has  ever  been  made  by  the  Yorl  county  officials 
to  learn  his  fate.  The  story  told  at  the  time  was  that  their  liquor  gave 
out  and  Charles  started  to  procure  more.  Daniel  Mclntire,  toll  collector 
at  the  bridge,  remained  up  until  a  late  hour,  but  states  that  young  Kim- 
ball did  not  cross  the  bridge.  Some  people  think  that  Kimball  fell  off  the 
bridge  and  drowned,  but  persons  were  known  to  cross  the  bridge  about 
the  time  and  very  little  credence  was  placed  in  this  theory.  A  strong  sus- 
picion pievailed  that  Kimball  had  met  his  death  by  foul  means,  but  the 
county  authorities  made  no  mo^e  in  the  matter.  Today  a  person  stated 
that  there  had  been  some  developments  that  would  justify  the  laying  of 
the  matter  before  the  county  officials.  Asked  if  he  thought  Kimball  met 
his  death  by  drowning,  said  that  he  was  satisfied  Kimball  was  murdered. 
People  residing  in  the  neighborhood  of  Kittery  depot  would  like  to  have 
the  officers  investigate  the  att'air. 

Alice  E.  Kimball  died  in  Saco,  Me.,  Jan.  29,  1893,  aged  27  years.  Her 
life  was  full  of  sorrow  and  suffering.  Consumption  took  her  father  before 
she  was  2  years  old,  and  her  mother  when  but  11.  She  was  a  successful 

216  Kimball  Family  News, 

Portsmouth.  N.  H.,  Nov.  25,  189fi. — A  bill  in  equity  submitted  to  the 
Supreme  Court  at  its  present  term  was  quite  extraordinary  in  its  nature. 
Samuel  S.  Locke,  of  Raymond,  complains  ag'ainst  Isabella  A.  Kimball,  of 
the  same  town,  and  avers  that  in  October,  1894,  by  her  false  and  fraudulent 
representations  he  was  induced  to  deed  her  two  tracts  of  land  and  build- 
ings and  a  half  interest  in  other  real  estate  at  Raymond.  He  avers  that 
she  promised  him,  should  he  deed  her  these  premises,  to  marry  him  and 
make  him  a  good  home.  She  promised  that  the  marriage  should  be  sol- 
emnized in  May.  1895,  and  since  that  date  has  made  like  promises  for  other 
stated  times.  She  has,  however,  steadily  refused  to  fulfill  her  promises, 
to  pay  Locke  a  fair  price  for  the  property  or  to  convey  it  back  to  him. 
She  ha.s  taken  it  into  her  own  possession  and  forbidden  Locke  to  enter 
upon  it.  She  has  threatened  him  with  bodiiy  harm,  and  he  charges  her 
with  endeavoring  to  sell  four  tons  of  his  hay.  He,  therefore,  prays  that 
the  object  of  his  blighted  affections  be  ordered  to  reconvey  the  property 
back  to  him  and  strictly  enjoined  and  commanded  not  to  do  him  bodily 
harm.  Judge  Pike  had  ordered  that  the  deed  was  without  consideration 
and  void,  and  she  is  ordered  to  reconvey  it  to  the  plaintiff  forthwith.  As 
to  bodily  harm  he  must  take  his  chances. 


Georg-e  W.  Kimble,  of  Paris,  111.,  subscribes  for  the  News 
and  would  like  information  in  reg-ard  to  his  family.  He  says 
the  tradition  is  that  his  ancestors  came  from  Eng-land  and  that 
the  name  was  formerly  spelled  Kimbell.  It  may  be  remembered 
that  this  was  the  spelling-  used  bj  Noah,  father  of  Martin  Nel- 
son Kimball.  See  May  News.  1898,  p.  95,  Nov.  News,  1898.  p. 
185.  His  grandfather  was  Titan  Leeds  Kimble,  of  New  Jersey, 
Baltimore  and  Marietta,  Ohio.  His  father  was  Lawson  Kimble, 
of  Lawrence  county,  Ohio,  who  emigrated  to  Paris,  Edg-ar 
county,  111.,  in  1830,  died  there  in  1882.  G.  W.  Kimble  was 
born  there  in  1831.  He  writes  that  he  tilled  blanks  for  Prof. 
Sharpies  before  the  History  was  printed,  but  probably  not 
enough  was  given  to  insure  connection  with  the  family.  While 
Prof.  Sharpies  believes  the  Kembles  and  Kimbles  to  be  distinct 
families,  it  is  still  a  fact  that  some  descendants  of  Richard  Kem- 
ball  have  assumed  the  Kimble  spelling.  But  this  does  not  in- 
validate Prof.  Sharpies'  theory.  In  Manhattan,  Kansas,  both 
families  are  found— several  of  each-  Sam  Kimble  is  a  promi- 
nent lawyer,  well  known  throughout  the  state.  He  belongs  to 
a  somewhat  ancient  Irish  family,  while  the  other  family  men- 
tioned on  page  940  of  the  Kimball  History  are  of  course  English. 

Susie    Mae  Kimball,  of  Portland,   Me.,  petitions    to    be    re- 
'^'1  from  the  Hallowcll  Industrial  School  for  (Tirls. 

Februar}' and  March,  1901.  217 

WHO  IS  "  KITTY  '•  KIMBALL  ? 

The  New  Kng-land  Home  Mag-azine,  which  is  the  Sunday 
supplement  of  the  Boston  Journal,  of  January  20,  190L  has  the 
following-  sketch  of  a  New  Hampshire  girl  whose  drawings  and 
artistic  work  have  attracted  wide  attention  both  in  Europe  and 
America.  The  News  is  not  able  to  place  her  in  the  Family 
History.  It  is  probable,  however,  that  she  is  of  that  branch 
coming  from  Richard'^  (,p.  358),  Timothy',  Abraham\  Ebenezer\ 
Benjamin-,  Richard^  This  branch  includes  many  artists.  The 
sketch  is  by  Ada  Patterson,  and  the  Mag-azine  contains  a  double 
column  half-tone  portrait  of  Miss  Kimball: 



The  s-reat  Whistler,  who  is  saui  to  have  boasted  that  he  would  never 
h:ive  a  rival,  has  one  at  last  in  an  American  g-irl.  She  is  an  American, 
who  has  been  traveling-  abi-oad  and  intends  to  call  Paris  home  for  a  time. 
.She  ha.s  dawned  recently  upon  the  world  of  art  as  Katherine,  but  to  her 
familiars  is  known  as  "Kitty"  Kimball. 

If  you  saw  her  driving-  on  the  Bois  or  shopping-  on  the  Avenue  de 
rOpera  you  wouldn't  be  inclined  to  look  at  her  the  second  time,  so  much 
is  she  like  the  type  of  the  American  g-irl  that  is  just  now  "havin?  fun'"  at 
the  French  capital.  She  Vias  the  same  pink  cheeks,  bright  eyes  and  elastic 
step  we  look  for.  and  are  pr<-!tty  sure  to  find  in  the  tj-pe.  But  g-iven  the 
chance  of  . I  two-minute  conversation  and  "Kitty'"  IvlmbalTs  individuality 
asserts  it.self.  One  notices  the  sensitiveness  of  her  thin  thread  of  a  mouth 
and  the  sudden  lighting-  up  of  her  face  that  always  bespeaks  much  temper- 
ament, which  is  the  sister  and  usually  the  companion  of  genius. 

Talk  to  this  slender  girl  of  that  .supreme  topic  in  Paris,  coquetry,  she 
is  dumb.  Tiy  to  allure  her  with  the  topic  next  in  importance  in  France's 
capital,  fashi(m,  and  her  wandering  eyes  betoken  boredom.  But  tell  her 
that  liquid  air  ma3^  be  the  latest  and  greatest  motive  power  and  lier  face  is 
aflame  v.'ith  interest.  Speak  of  an  old  or  pew  picture  you  have  seen  and 
-Kitty"  Kimball  is  her,>-elf,  alert,  sympathetic,  keen  in  the  comprehension 
that  marks  the  greater  ones  of  earth. 

-'Look  at  this  Whistler!"  "Here  is  one  of  Wiiistler's  finest'."'  These  re- 
marks are  heard  daily  in  the  art  stores  of  Paris  and  London  to  be  followed 
by:  "What?  That  isn't  his  name  in  the  corner.  Kimball'?  Who  is  Kim- 
ball'?'" Not  only  conuoi.sseurs  in  art.  but  friends  of  Whistler's,  men  and 
worren  as  familiar  with  his  daily  work  and  methods  as  his  features,  have 
mistaken  Miss  KimbalTs  drawings  for  those  of  the  greatest  of  etchers. 

Her  pen  and  ink  sketches  have  the  same  wealth  of  detail,  the  same 
finish  and  give  the  same  impression  of  exti-eme  delicacy.  United  with 
this  delicacy  some  of  them  show  a  marked  baldness  of  conception  and 
strength  of  execution. 

During  her  year  abroad  Miss  Kimball  has  visited  the  principal  cities 
and  most  of  the  great  natural  objects  of  interest.     She    has   sketched   St. 

2i«  Kimball  Family  News, 

Peter's  at  Rome  and  the  Kremlin  in  Moscow,  the  Tower  of  London  and 
the  Petit  Trianon  at  Versailles.  She  has  transferred  the  chaste  outlines 
of  the  J  ingfraii  and  the  soft  shores  of  Killarney  to  paper,  and  she  has 
impressed  the  evanescence  of  street  scenes  in  Naples  and  Constantinople. 
Tier  work  !s  sought  by  dealers  because  it  belong-s  to  their  class  of  quick 
sales.  Art  collectors  give  a  Kimball  sketch  the  most  prominent  place  in 
their  collection.  Paris,  quick  to  bow  to  the  latest  genius,  is  making  Kitty 
Kimball  fashionable.  She  is  a  bit  dazed  and  stunned  by  it  all,  and  last 
week  she  ran  away  to  Zurich  because  she  so  much  disliked  being  fashion- 

Twenty-two  years  ago  this  latest  "success"  m  the  art  world  was  a 
serious- faced  babe  in  a  village  in  the  New  Hampshire  hills.  Her  claims  to 
distinction  were  that  she  never  cried  and  she  always  .seemed  deep  in  medi- 
tation upon  some  matter  of  importance.  She  disdained  that  pi-incipal 
occupation  of  ordir.ary  babies,  counting  her  toes,  and  as  she  grew,  con- 
tinued to  meditate.  Perhaps  her  New  England  ancestry,  composed  of 
doctors  and  the  families  of  doctors,  professors  and  the  families  of  profes 
sors.  accounted  for  this  infantile  gravity.  Away  back  in  the  ancestral 
line  there  was  a  German  savant,  a  quiet,  scholarly,  most  ingenious  savant. 
By  a  freak  of  atayism  Kitty  Kimball  resembles  this  savant  in  form  and 
feature  and  mind  more  than  she  does  her  par*-nts. 

She  had  a  strong  scientific  bent,  and  had  determined  to  study  natural 
philosophy  in  the  land  of  her  savant  forbear.  It  was  a  combination  of 
the — dare  I  call  them  accidents,  which  are  commcniy  called  circumstan- 
ces? certainty  fate  does  seem  to  play  checkers  with  us  all — that  made  ot 
Kitty  Kimoall  a  successful  arti&t  instead  ot  the  lecturtsr  on  science  in  some 
female  college. 

Just  as  the  girl  was  ivady  to  go  to  Germany  her  parents  died.  There 
was  a  patient,  helpless  invalid  in  their  family,  one  who  had  been  their 
household  saint  as  long  as  Kitty  Kimball  could  remember.  vShe  would  not 
leave  her  grandmother  to  the  indifferent  care  of  strangers,  so  the  dear 
plan  of  scien title  study  was  put  aside,  and  si.\  years  of  the  girl's  life  were 
cheerfully  given  to  the  "are  of  the  invalid.  There  was  time  for  some 
desultory,  oft- interrupted  study  at  the  Academy  of  Design  in  New  York, 
but  the  first  considerations  were  always  grandmother's  welfare  and  grand- 
mother's happiness.  A  j'ear  ago  the  invalid  died,  her  80th  yeai  having 
closed  as  happily  as  her  I8th,  because  of  her  granddauglitcr".'  loving 

Then  Kitty  Kimball  went  abroad.  Not,  however,  to  Germany,  as  she 
would  liave  done  six  years  before.  In  that  change  of  plan  an  accident  or 
"circumstance"  tigured.  A  famous  illustrator  chan\;ed  to  see  one  of  uer 
studies  at  the  Art  School.  The  illustrator  prides  himself  upon  bein^'  a 
discoverer  and  an  encourager  of  genius. 

"If  I  dont  t>ervc  the  world  W;?ll  with  my  own  pen  1  .~>  ••  u>  it  'f  i* 
others  are  put  in  the  way  of  doing  so,"  he  say.s  with  modesty. 

The  illu&trator  had  a  long  conversation  with  Kitty  Kimbail.  Once  his 
voice  grew  loud  in  praise    of  her   sketches,  and    in    urgent   plea    that   she 

February  and  March,  19«Jl.  219 

"give  up  all  your  time  to  studying-  and  to  putLicg  j^our  sketches  oij  the 
market,''  she  closed  the  door  which  opened  into  gfrandmother's  room. 

"An  artist  who  dropped  in  tor  a  moment  to  talk  about — about  the 
work  at  the  academj',"  she  said  when  her  g-ranJmother  asked  about  the 

The  girl  deviated  not  a  whit  from  her  course  of  tender  nursing.  Tbere 
was  no  change  in  the  monotone  of  her  life  after  the  illustrator's  call.  The 
next  two  years  were  as  the  past  four  had  been.  But  the  girl  never  forgot 
the  call,  and  a  year  ago.  dressed  in  mourning  and  with  a  look  of  resolve 
upon  her  face,  she  set  sail  for  that  old  and  yet  e^er  New  World. 

The  result  I  have  noted. 


OsHKOSH,  Wis.,  March  4,  1901. 
G.  F.  Kimball,  Topeka,  Kansas: 

Dear  Sir  and  Cousin — Last  Aug-ust  my  sister  (Miss  Lillian 
G.  Kimball)  and  myself  visited  Rattlesden  while  making-  a 
short  tour  through  England.  We  went  from  Cambridge  to  Bury 
St.  Edmunds,  then  hired  an  English  dog  cart  with  a  driver,  for 
which  we  paid  $1.50,  and  drove  about  ten  miles  to  Rattlesden. 
It  was  one  of  the  finest  drives  I  ever  took,  the  scenery  along  the 
road  being  beautiful.  We  started  right  after  breakfast  and  re- 
turned to  '"Bury"  in  time  for  lunch  at  1  p.  m.  Neither  the  rec- 
tor nor  the  parish  clerk  were  at  home,  but  a  maid  at  the  parson- 
age gave  us  what  information  she  could.  We  entered  the  church 
(St.  Nicholas)  at  the  side  door  and  remained  about  half  an 
hour.  We  found  the  tower  of  Norman  build  and  architecture, 
the  rest  of  the  church  having-  been  rebuilt  and  restored.  It  is 
quite  a  large  church,  handsc-me  and  imposing.  The  church 
yard  at  the  back  and  sides  of  the  church  was  neatly  kept  and 
full  of  flowers.  We  were  furnished  with  a  printed  copy  of  the 
parish  register,  compiled  I  believe  by  the  clerk  from  1558  down. 
We  easily  found  the  name  of  our  ancestor,  Richard  Kimball. 
The  church  has  beautiful  stained  glass  windows,  the  choir  stalls 
looked  old,  some  of  them  being  worm  eaten.  The  parsonage 
was  a  large  one,  covered  with  ivy,  and  everything  around  it  in- 
dicated cleanliness.  We  bought  a  picture  of  the  church  for  a 
shilling  from  the  maid  in  attendance.  Any  Kimball  going  to 
England  will  not  regret  a  trip  to  that  little  village  and  its 
church.     Hoping  you  success  for  your  Family  News,  I  am, 

Yours  very  truly,  W.  C.  KIMBALL. 

The  News  leaders  will  be  interested  in  the  above  letter, 
more  especially  in  view  of  the  fact  that  we  send  with  this  issue 
a  cut  of  the  church  mentioned.  It  will  also  be  noticed  that  Miss 
Lillian  G.  Kimball  is  the  author  of  the  book  elsewhere  men- 
tioned, "The  English  Sentence." 

220  Kimball  Family  News, 

'"■  '■  '■-■  ■  ■  ■■■  III  J— I— ^.        -y.  .11 ^  -...  m    .,      ^ _ ■ 


MiDDLETON,  July  12,  1900. — Mrs.  Mary  G.  Kimball  passed 
her  86th  birthday  3'esterday.  She  is  in  g-ood  health  and  the 
possession  of  her  faculties  to  a  remarkable  deg"ree. 

Mar3-  Griffin  was  born  in  Peabody  July  11,  1814.  She  was 
married  to  Jefferson  Kimball,  of  Andover,  in  November,  1835, 
and  resided  in  that  town  until  the  next  spring-,  when  they 
moved  to  Boxford,  where  he  engaged  in  the  business  of  a 
Mrs.  Kimball  spent  a  large  part  of  her  married  life  in  this 
town,  where  her  genial,  happy  disposition,  active  church  and 
home  life  are  best  know^n  to  a  large  circle  of  friends. 

Two  sons  were  born  to  them  in  Boxford,  Henry  Jeflferson, 
lately  deceased  at  Fitchburg,  and  William  Coggin,  of  Passaic, 
N.  J.  Mrs.  Kimball  lived  with  her  family  at  Fitchburg  for 
eight  years,  where  Mr.  Kimball  died.  Since  that  time  she  has 
lived  in  Danvers  and  Middleton.  At  present  she  boards  with 
her  nephew,  Loren  G.  Esty,  takes  an  active  interest  in  her 
friends,  visiting  frequent!}'  at  Danyers  and  Salem,  and  has  a 
great  memory  of  incidents  and  people  of  the  past. 

She  has  been  a  life-long  member  of  the  Congregational 
church  and  displays  in. her  life  the  virtues  of  a  cheerful,  happy 
Christian.     Hist;  p.  738. 

Our  hard  working  cousin  Duran  Kimball,  of  the  shorthand 
school  at  113  Adams  street,  Chicago,  will  soon  begin  the  publi- 
cation of  a  quarterly  journal  m  the  interest  of  Takigrafy  and 
its  users.  It  will  contain  64  pages  and  cover,  and  the  price  will 
be  SI. 00  a  year,  or  30  cents  for  a  single  number.  Duran  Kim- 
ball is  an  expert  in  shorthand  teaching  and  in  shorthand  busi- 
ness. He  believes  he  has  the  best  and  most  practical  system  in 
existence,  and  the  best  proof  of  it  is  the  endorsement  he  re- 
ceives from  the  graduates  from  his  school. 

Fred.    M.    Kimball,    of  Somcrville,    Mass.,  writes   that    he 
thinks  there  ought  to  be  60  Kimballs  willing  to   give  S5.00  each 
per  year  to  keep  the  Nkws  afloat  and    500    more    ready    to    pay, 
$1.00  a  year    as   regular    subscribers.     Some    others    think    the 
same,  but  no  one  person  thinks  for  all. 

The  New  York  Tribune  says  the  engagement  is  announced 
of  Miss  Clarisse  Coudert,  the  youngest  daughter  of  Frederic  R. 
Coudert,  to  Dr.  Paul  T.  Kimball,  of  Lakewood,  where  Mrs. 
Coudert  and  her  ilaughters  are  staying. 

February  and  March,  1901.  221 


(see  portrait.) 

Born  July  15,  1850,  in  Andover,  Maine;  joung-est  daug-hter 
ot  Richard  and  Phebe  Abbott  (Hutchins)  Caldwell.  Ancestry 
as  follows:  Richard^  John^  John^,  William",  John\  John\  John 
CaldwelP  b.  1624,  d.  1692,  was  in  New  Eng-land  1648;  a  resident 
of  Ipswich,  Mass  ,  1654;  m.  1654  Sarah  Dilling-ham,  b.  April, 
1634,  died  Jan.  26,  1721-2,  ag-ed  87  years.  She  was  the  daug-h- 
ter of  John  and  Sarah  Dilling-ham.  Richard  Caldwell"  and  fam- 
ily moved  from  Andover  to  Lovell,  Me.,  in  March,  1859,  when 
Mrs.  Kimball  was  8  of  ag-e.  Here  she  obtained  her  edu- 
cation, mainly  in  the  common  schools.  On  May  11,  1875,  m. 
Lorenzo  Parker  Stanton,  a  resident  of  Lovell,  Me.  Soon  after 
marriag-e  moved  to  Bridg-ton,  Me.,  where  they  resided  ten  years, 
when  Mr.  Stanton's  health  became  such  as  to  cause  them  to 
leave  their  labors  in  the  mills  and  return  to  Lovell,  where  he 
died  June  29,  1888.  She  then  felt  oblig-ed  to  g-ive  up  her  home 
in  Lovell  and  seek  other  employment.  Returning-  to  Bridg-ton 
she  soon  learned  the  dressmaker's  trade,  which  she  folowed  for 
a  time,  afterwards  moving-  to  Cumberland  Mills,  Me.,  where  she 
remained  till  the  fall  of  1894,  when  she  returned  to  Lovell  and 
obtained  employment  in  the  home  of  which  in  a  few  years  she 
became  the  lawful  and  present  abiding-  mistress.  On  Dec.  23, 
1896,  she  was  united  in  marriag-e  with  Sumner  KimbalP  (No. 
2^48  Hist.  )  who  was  once  an  old  school  mate  and  resident  of 
Lovell,  Me. 

Mrs.  Kimball's  early  training-  at  home  in  the  many  duties 
that  pertain  to  a  happy  Christian  life  have  always  been  firmly 
followed  out  and  has  served  to  brig-hten  the  pathway  in  life  of 
her  man}'  friends  and  household.  She  is  a  member  of  the 
Ladies  Literary  club,  also  the  Cong-reg-ational  Church  circle  and 
Sabbath  school,  in  all  of  which  she  is  an  interested  member. 
In  the  past  few  years,  throug-h  the  able  assistance  of  her  distant 
cousin,  Augustine  Caldwell,  she  has  collected  in  a  g-oodly  record 
of  the  Maine  Caldwells  and  others  of  their  kin  for  future  publi- 
cation. Her  streng-th  of  mind  and  g-ood  common  sense  prove 
her  to  be  a  most  true  representative  of  her  race. 

Judg-e  R.  S.  Taft,  of  Burling-ton,  Chief  Justice  of  the  Ver- 
mont Supreme  Court,  and  Judg-e  Milton  H.  Merwin,  of  Utica,  of 
the  Supreme  bench  of  New  York,  are  both  sons  of  Kimball 

Miss  Mabel  Kimball  is  librarian  of  the  Arling-ton,  Mass., 
Orthodox  Sunday  school  which  has  300  members. 

222  Kimball  F'amily  News, 


The  Brooklyn  Daily  Eagle  (jf  January  9,  1901,  contains  the 
following-  in  its  society  columns: 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  Gibb's  daughter,  Miss  Edith  Gibb,  became  Mrs. 
Eugene  Kimball  last  night  in  Holy  Trinity  church  on  the  Heights,  at  the 
hour  of  half  past  eight.  The  ceremony  was  that  prescribed  by  the  Prot- 
estant Episcopal  church.  Green  and  white  made  up  the  floral  decorations 
of  the  interior,  in  conformity  with  the  color  scheme  of  the  wedtling  array 
of  the  bridesmaids,  and  there  was  a  fashionable  and  representative  assem- 
bly in  the  pews,  largelj'  of  the  Heights  set,  but  with  many  from  the  Hill 
and  Slope  present  as  well. 

The  bride  wore  a  gown  of  lace  over  chiffon,  a  very  dainty  frock,  in- 
deed, with  a  tulle  vail  and  lilies  of  the  valley  and  white  orchids  in  her 
hands.  Her  maid  attendants,  led  by  eight  ushers,  escorted  her  down  Holy 
Trinity's  center  aisle  in  the  time-honored  wedding  fashion,  the  bridegroom 
and  his  best  man  awaiting  the  procession  at  the  chancel  The  six  brides- 
maids here  were  arrayed  in  liberty  silk  of  a  very  pale  green,  with  lace 
berthas,  the  maid  of  honor  in  white  liberty  silk.  All  wore  little  lace 
vails  and  carried  green  orchids. 

The  Rev.  S.  D.  McConnell,  rector  of  Holy  Trinity,  officiated  at  this 
ceremony,  assisted  by  the  Rev.  Ralph  Bridges,  rector  of  St.  Mary's  ahurch, 
Islip,  where  the  Gibbs  have  their  country  home.  Miss  Gibb's  maid  of 
honor  was  her  niece.  Miss  Alice  Gibb,  and  she  had  named  as  her  brides- 
maids, Mr.  Kimball's  two  sisters.  Miss  Clara  Kimball  and  Miss  Annie  Kim- 
ball, Miss  Ethel  Pearsall,  Miss  Sarah  Seaman,  Irene  Braman  and 
Miss  Elsie  Riplej-. 

Mr.  Kimball,  who  is  the  .son  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert  J.  Kimball,  of  436 
Clinton  avenue,  had  as  his  best  man  his  cousin.  Charles  Morse,  while  the 
ushers  of  the  night  were  Lewis  Mills  Gibb,  Arthur  E.  (ribb,  H.  Elmer 
Gibb,  Herbert  Lee  Pratt.  John  T.  Pratt,  Henry  Cooper  of  Providence, 
George  S.  Goodrich.  Willis  D.  Wood. 

There  was  later  in  the  evening  a  reception  at  Mr.  and  Mrs  John 
Gibb's  home,  218  Gates  avenue,  somewhat  small  Irom  the  standpoint  of 
fashion.  The  wide  sweep  of  drawing  rooms  of  this  very  large  mansion, 
together  with  the  social  prominence  of  those  attending,  made  this  recep- 
tion a  decided  event  of  the  hour,  nevertheless.  Little  but  green  decked 
the^e  parlors,  especially  in  the  room  where  bridegroom  and  bride  received. 

The  announcement  of  this  wedding  was  given  in  a  previous 
number  of  the  Nkw.s.  The  bridegroom,  William  Eugene  Kim- 
ball, is  a  parvner  with  his  father,  Colonel  Robert  J.  Kimball,  in 
the  banking  business  at  71  Broadway,  New  York  City.  He  is  a 
graduate  of  Amherst  College,  class  of  '9(».  The  Family  His- 
tory, p.  780-7S2,  contains  a  sketch  of  the  services  rendered  the 
country  by  Robert  J.  Kimball,  together  with  a  portrait  and  a 
view  of  his  countrj^  home    in   Randolph,  yt.     The    Eagle    con- 

February  and  March,  1901.  223 

tains  a  long-  list  of  those  present  at  the  wedding-,  including- 
many  relatives  of  the  bride  and  g-room,  and  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Lloyd 
A.  Kimball,  p.  782. 


The  last  number  of  the  News  contained  a  sketch  of  Alonzo 
Kimball-  Like  our  centenarian  cousin  Abig-ail  Kimball  Garvin, 
who  died  one  year  ag-o  at  the  age  of  104  years,  he  has  only  one 
line  in  the  History — p.  222.  His  father  Ruel  married  Hannah, 
a  member  of  the  noted  Mather  family.  The  published  record 
of  Ruel's  descendants  is  very  incomplete.  Mrs.  Mary  Kimball 
Walker,  of  Green  Bay,  Wis.,  daug-hter  of  Alo^zo^  is  interesting- 
herself  in  this  her  branch  of  the  family,  and  will  probably  help 
fill  np  the  gaps.     She  writes  the  News: 

"Of  course  there  is  much  to  be  told  of  Alonzo  Kimball's 
brothers  and  sisters,  his  nephews  and  nieces,  and  of  his  own 
children  and  g-randchildren,  and  I  hope  to  be  able  soon  to  do  a 
part  of  it  for  the  Kimball  Family  News.  I  have  always  been 
much  interested  in  g-enealog-y  and  have  learned  something  of  the 
Kimball  and  Mather  families.  It  has  seemed  of  peculiar  inter- 
est to  me  that  Richard  Kimball  came  from  England  in  1634  and 
that  Richard  Mather  came  in  1635,  and  that  both  settled  in 
Massachusetts  and  that  later  the  two  families  became  united. 
The  E.  R.  Kimball  mentioned  in  the  December  number  is  a  son 
of  Martin  L.  Kimball,  my  father's  young^est  brother,  (this  does 
not  ag-ree  with  the  History,  p.  223— Ed.  News)  and  Edwin  Kim- 
ball, of  Haywards,  Cal.,  (No.  1559a)  was  a  son  of  Reuel,  my 
father's  oldest  brother." 

Note  by  the  Editor:  It  will  be  seen  that  Mrs.  Walker 
names  Martin  L.  as  her  father,  Alonzo's,  young-est  brother. 
The  History  names  Walter  Scott  Kimball  as  fhe  young-est  child 
of  Alonzo,  b.  Leyden,  N.  Y.,  Oct.  22,  1828,  and  a" physician  liv- 
ing- at  Lakewood,  N.  J.  See  p.  223,  Fam.  Hist.  Then  on  pag-e 
412  Walter  Scott,  b.  Oct.  22,  1828,  with  the  same  de^ription,  is 
g-iven  as  the  eldest  son  of  ReueF  who  lived  at  Leyden.  The 
Walter  Scott  Kimball  mentioned  on  pag-e  223  as  the  twelfth  son 
of  RueP  was  probably  his  g-randson  and  the  son  of  Reuel^  as 
given  on  pag-e  412.  "Those  having-  the  Family  History  may 
notice  how  barren  are  the  details  concerning-  the  descendants  of 
Reueis,  Boyce'^  as  found  on  pages  408  to  413  And  these  embrace 
some  of  the  ablest  members  of  the  Kimball  family.  Have  we 
not  those  who  can  perfect  these  records  for  the  News? 

Prof.  Sharpies  writes  the  News  that  he  knew  of  Alonzo 
Kimball  and  tried  to  g-et  more  definite  information  reg-arding- 
the  family  thar  the  one  line  on  pag-e  222,  but  could  get  no 
answer  to  his  letters. 

224  Kimball  Family  News, 

Sttpplemental  Notes  to  Family  fUstory. 

BY    FRED.    M.    KIMBAT.I-,    SOMERVILLE,    MASS. 

Pag-e  677,  Mood}'  Bedell  Kimball,  No.  1404.  Notes  concerning- 
Isaac  the  eldest  son.  Isaac  was  born  in  Irasburg-,  Vt., 
about  1825.  He  died  at  Troy.  Vt.,  Oct.  18,  1900.  He 
was  a  physician  and  until  within  a  few  years  enjoyed  a 
larg-e  practice.  In  1847  he  married  Finette  S.  Percival 
and  they  had  three  children: 

i     Frank  Wortly,  b.  Coventry,  Vt.,  Jan.  27.  1854. 
ii     Cora  Finette,  b.  Coventry.  Vt.,  Oct.  2.5,  IS.').'). 
lii     Fred  Isaac,  b.  Coventry.  Vt.,  Sept.  11,  18.57. 

Finette  S.  Kimball  died   at   Chain    Bridg-e,  Virginia,  Oct.  1.5. 
1861,  where  she  had  gone,  soon  after  the   beginning   of  the  Civil 
War,  to  care  for  sick  and  wounded  soldiers. 
Frank  Wortly    Kimball   married   Minnie    Magoun.     They  have 

one  son  and  live  in  West  Derby.  Vt. 
Cora  Finette  Kimball  married  William  Boyd  Smeallie  .Ian.  19, 
1881.  at  Newport,  Vt.  They  have  one  daughter,  Margaret 
Knox  Smeallie,  b.  Nov.  9,  1881,  and  resideat  Amsterdam. N.Y. 
Fred  Isaac  Kimball  married  Nellie  Works  Woodhur}'  Jan.  11, 
1880,  and  one  daughter.  Blanche  Finette,  was  born  to  them 
Dec.  .5,  1880.  Nellie  Works  Kimball  died  July  16,  1881.  By  a 
second  marriaere  Oct.  22,  1886,  to  Maggie  L.  Ross,  one  son 
was  born  Feb.  26,  1889.  This  son  onl}-  lived  six  days.  Mag- 
gie L.  Kimball  died  March  5,  1389.  By  a  third  marriage  Oct. 
10.  1891,  to  Morea  L.  Bergt^-o  sons  have  been  born;  the  first. 
Donald  Frederick.  Sept.  6,  1892:  the  second,  Merritt  Percival, 
Jan.  12,  1899.  Mr.  Kimball  is  assistant  superintendent  in 
the  State  Institution  for  the  Insane  at  San    Bernardino.  Cal. 


Pag-e  677,  Moody  Bedell  Kimball,  No.  1404. 

iv     Martha  married  Rufus  f^dmunds.  not  Ueuben. 
iii     Elizabeth  married  Daniel  Bisbee.  not  J.     The   eighth  child  was 
"Frank,  who  died  of  scarlet  fever  at  the  age    of  4  or  5  years. 
Q-he  ninth  child  was  .lennie  (marked  viii).  a  daughter  by  the 
.^econd    marriage    to    Lucy    Spencer    Nye.      Jennie   married 
Charles  Herbert  and  they  had  one  daughter.  Charlena.     Mr. 
Herbert  is  dead:  his  widow  and  her  daughter   live   at  Coven- 
try. Vt. 
Page  070,  Reuben  Mason  Kimball,  No.  2200. 

Reuben  Ma.son  Kimball  married  Lodema  not  lyodena.  He  was 
born  in  Ira.sbiirg,  not  in  Barton.  Vt.  Freierick  Mason  Kim- 
ball was  the  .second  sou.  The  first  was  Eilward  Mason,  born 
at  Harton.  Vl.,  .Fuly  31.  18r..5:  died  at  the  same  place  Sept. 
.<,  1S.-.7. 

February  and  March,  1901.  225 

Pag-e  1073,  Fred.  M.  Kimball,  No.  255<). 

Fifth  line.  His  wife's  mother  s  name  was  Ellen  Amy,  not  Ella 
Amy.  Mr.  Kimball  is  an  electrical  engineer,  at  present  in 
charge  of  one  of  the  departments  of  the  General  Electric  Co.. 
with  which  he  has  been  connected  since  its  organization  in  1893. 


[Compiled  from  "Saco  Valley  Settlements  and  Families"  by 
Sarah  Louise  Kimball,  who  writes:  "I  hand  you  some  notes  I 
have  recently  copied  from  that  wonderful  collection  of  yarns, 
etc.,  'Saco  Valley  Settlements  and  Families,'  published  at  Port- 
land, Me.,  1895,  by  G-  T-  Ridlon,  Sr.,  of  Kezar  Falls.  Me. 
There  are  many  other  Kimball  women  mentioned  in  the  book, 
some  of  them  married  into  families  that  are  traced  for  several 
g-enerations,  but  I  have  not  the  time  to  copy  all  this  now.  I 
recall  one,  Martha  Kimball,  who  m.  a  Norton,  and  had.  a  large 
family.  No  other  Kimballs  of  the  name  are  traced  in  the  book 
besides  those  on  enclosed  slips;  that  is,  nothing-  said  of  them 
except  to  name  them — no  family  given.  You  will  notice  one  of 
these  Gilpatricks  m.  twice,  both  husbands  being  Kimballs, 
brothers,  and  had  six  children,  names  not  g-iven.  Only  one  Gil- 
patrick  mentioned  in  our  History,  but  you  will  see  the  family 
seems  to  have  been  popular  with  our  cousins  there  in  Maine. 
This  Gilpatrick  (Gillpatrick)  family  is  traced  for  several  g-ener- 
ations, but  I  did  not  copy  all."] 

Caleb  Kimball,  (see  p.  75,  Kimball  History,)  one  of  the 
founders  of  Hollis,  York  county.  Me  ,  was  one  of  the  "Dalton 
Rig-hters;"  came  from  Scarborough,  and  was  a  "kuss"  to  the 
farmers  round  about  by  reason  of  the  miserable  immortal  white- 
weed  he  brought  into  town  with  the  bundle  of  hay  for  his  cattle 
when  he  was  clearing  land.  Let  sentimental  women  quote 
poetry  about  "white  daisies"  while  the  backaching  farmers  hate 
the  name  of  the  man  who  brought  the  obnoxious  g-rass-killer 
into  the  settlement.  Well,  Caleb  had  a  foot  as  big  as  a  small 
anvil,  and  all  the  neighbars  knew  his  track.  He  was  black  as  a 
thunder-cloud,  tall,  loose-jointed  and  hungry-looking-.  His 
house,  "burnt  down  in  blueberry  time,"  was  on  the  "Kimble 
lot,"  known  later  as  the  "old  Kimball  place;"  it  was  on  the  now 
discontinued  road  that  led  from  the  Redlon  neig-hborhood  to 
South  Living-ston  by  way  of  Killick  mill.  One  of  the  sons  in- 
herited his  father's  foot  with  a  "vingunce."  He  drove  a  poor 
"rack-o'-bones"  horse  all  his  days.  Charles  Bear,  looking  for 
him,  once  asked:  "Have  ye  seen  anj'thing  of  Elezer  and  his 
dromedary?"  He  had  a  tall,  overg^rown  son  who  was  long-  lo- 
cally known  as  "Leazer's  colt."  Another  son  of  Caleb  stood  six 
feet  four  in  his  stockings,  and  they  said  he  cried  when  Samuel 
Tarbox.  who  was  an  inch  taller,  came  into  town.    A  son,  Rufus, 

226  Kimball  Family  News, 

known  as  "Bole,"  had  a  family,  but  long-  lived  a  hermit  life  on  a 
knoll  near  Moderation.  A  daiig-hter,  Rebecca,  was  tall  enoug-h 
to  look  out  over  the  top  of  the  window  curtains.  But  few  de- 
scendants are  living-. 

"The  Kimball  house"  (Caleb's  j  was  upon  the  hig-h  land 
still  farther  northwest,  on  the  road  between  the  Saco  river  and 
Little  Ossipee  river  at  South  Living^ston,  and  there  was  produc- 
ed a  family  of  sons  and  daug-hters  whose  swarthy  tissue  and 
big  feet  could  not  be  duplicated  in  the  plantation:  as  for  heig-ht, 
we  can  only  say,  "There  were  g-iants  in  those  days."  Mr.  Kim- 
ball cleared  a  g-ood  farm  here  and  some  said  *  *  that  the 
dark  complexion  of  the  children  was  a  result  of  eating-  smut 
when  working-  on  burnt  g-round.  The  house  was  burnt  down, 
*     *     acd  was  not  rebuilt. 

Eleazar  Kimball,  of  HoUis,  m.  Joanna  Hancock,  dau.  Will- 
iam and  Elizabeth  (Leavitt)  Hancock,  of  Buxton,  Me.  William 
Hancock  was  in  Captain  Daniel  Lane's  company  from  Jan.  2U, 
1777,  to  Feb.  20,  1780,  in  the  Revolution.     They  had  three  sons. 

Christopher  Gilpatrick,  Jr.,  b.  Dec.  14,  1755.  He  served  in  the 
army  of  the  Revolution  with  his  brother  John,  who  set- 
tled'in  Cornish,  Me-,  m.  Martha  Sm.ith  Oct.  20,  1784,  and 
settled  on  Deering-'s  Ridg-e  in  Hollis,  Mc.,  where  he  en- 
g-aged  in  the  tanning-  of  leather  and  farming-.  He  had 
five  children,  among-  them: 


i  Joseph  Gilpatrick,  b.  Aug'.  4,  1790,  Hollis.  Me.;  m.  Hannah,  dau. 
Joshua  Kimball,  of  Bu.xton.  Sept.  5,  1813;  she  b.  Jan.  21,  1787; 
by  her  he  had  two  sons.  He  was  a  sea-captain,  also  a  school 
teacher.  Becoming  deluded,  like  so  many,  in  the  Cochran 
craze,  which  swept  over  the  community  at  the  time,  he  left  his 
wife,  who  seems  to  have  had  no  fellowship  with  the  doctrines 
and  practices  of  the  Cochran ites,  and  went  awaj'  to  the  State 
of  New  York  with  the  company  that  settled  there.  He  had  a 
"spiritual  wife,"  one  Martha  Junkins,  of  York,  b.  Oct.  23,  1808, 
assigned  to  him;  she  had  three  children;  d.  in  Granville,  Onio, 
Fep.  2,  1888.  Mr.  Gilpatrick  d.  in  Grang-er,  AUeg-hany  county. 
N.  Y.,  June  3,  1858,  "a  man  of  superior  natural  endowment 
and  acquired  ability."'  Children:  1  Charles  C,  b.  Hollis,  Me., 
and  carried  by  Ins  father  to  Granger,  X.  Y  .  when  a  child.  2 
Oliver  M.,  b.  Hollis,  Me.;  carried  away  to  Granger.  N.  Y.,  %vhen 
a  child.  These  brothers  came  back  to  flollis  to  visit  their  rel- 
atives. Both  deceased.  3  Martha  C.  dec'd.  1  Mary  E..  dec'd. 
5  John  L..  b.  Jan.  12,  184.-S,  Granger,  N.  Y..  m.  Elizabeth 
Blackburn  July  8,  1874.  He  graduated  from  Kalamazoo  Col- 
lege in  18r)7;  caught  in  the  public  schools  of  Fort  Dodge  and 
Gosport,    Ind.,  and    at   Bowling  (Jreen,  O. ;  was   instructor   in 


February  and  March,  1901.  227 

mathematics  in   the    University    of  Michigan    in    1873-4;  since 
professor  of  mathematics  in  Denison  Universitj^   at   Granville, 
Ohio.     Children:     1   Alice  Ray,  b.  Apr.  1,  1878.     2   Florence  E., 
b.  Feb.  34,  1887. 
V     Olive  Gilpatrick,  m.  Amos  Kimball,  of  Mollis,  Me. 

Jonathan  Gillpatrick',  b.  Wells,  m.  Oct.  1769.  Blacksmith. 
Lived  in  Orland,  Me.;  d.  March  18,  1837,  m.  Prudence 
Hancock,  dau-  Gen.  John  Hancock,  and  cousin  of  Gov. 
John  Hancock  of  Revolutionary  fame,  and  reared  a  fam- 
ily of  ten  children. 

John  H.  Gillpatrick2  (Jonathan' ),  b.  Nov.  7,  1813,  m.  Lydia  A. 
Bowdoin,  Dec.  10,  1836;  dau.  Robert  and  Hannah  Bow- 
doin,  of  Swanville,  Me.  Blacksmith.  Settled  on  the 
homestead.  He  d.  Dec.  27,  1889;  she  d.  Dec.  7,  1891. 
Five  children. 

Helen  M.  Gillpatrick^  (John  H.'  Jonathan'),  b.  March  28,  1855, 
m.  (1)  Foster  L.  Kimball,  Jan.  11,  1874,  who  d.  Bucksport, 
Aug-.  23,  1877;  m.  (2)  Austin  E.  Kimball,  brother  of  Fos- 
ter L.     Six  children,  names  not  g-iven. 

Pag-e  278,  No.  491 — Jarvis  Kimball,  m.  Phebe  Irons,  Gloucester, 
R.  I. 

Their  dau.  Thankful  Kimball,  m.  Samuel  W.  Fenner,  Platinate, 
N.  Y.  (See  p.  1150.)  Their  son  Dean  Kimball  Fenner  m.  Mary 
Bucking-ham.  Their  son  Charles  P.  Fenner.  of  Los  Ang-eles, 
Cal.  He  is  secietary  of  the  American  Chamber  of  Commerce, 
Manilla.  P.  I. 

Ebenezer  Woodsum,  b.  Apr.  7,  1784,  Berwick,  Me.,  settled  in 
Albi(m,  Me.,  ra.  (1)  Joanna  C.  Smiley,  Sept.  11,  1808, 
who  d.  Feb.  23,  1816;  m.  (2)  Nancy  Smiley,  May  4,  1819; 
m.  (3)  Letice  Lake,  Nov.  12,  1827.  He  d.  Jan.  9,  1831. 
Child:  Abig-ail  Woodsum,  dau.  of  second  wife,  b.  Nov.  30, 
1824,  m.  Thomas  Kimball,  of  Hermon,  Me.,  and  settled 
there,  where  they  have  raised  a  family. 

Clarence  S.  Woodsum,  b.  June  9,  1856,  m..  Alice  Kimball,  dau. 
Saunders  Kimball,  of  Waterford,  Me.,  and  had  issue.  He 
was  killed  by  explosion  of  steamboat  boiler  on  Sunapee 
Lake,  N.  H." 

Benjamin  Warren,  b.  Jan.  23,  1771;  d.  Mar.  23,  1847;  lived  in 
Hollis,  Me.;  m.  Eunice  Wentworth.  Seven  children. 
Child:  5  Olive  Warren,  b.  March  9,  1807;  m.  (1)  Simeon 
Goodwin,  Sept.  29,  1833;  m  (2)  Jamesv Kimball,  of  Hol- 
lis, Me.     Children:   1  John  Goodwin.    2  Warren  Kimball. 

Dea.  Ephraim  Kimball  came  to  Hiram,  Me.,  about  1810,  settling 
on  the  side  of  Tearcap  hill,  near  the  Mabry  place. 

Salome  Norton,  dau.  Gilman  J.  and  Abra  (Fox)  Norton,  of  Por- 
ter, Me.,  m.  Arthur  Kimball,  of  Hiram,  Me. 

228  Kimball  Family  News, 


Francis  Henr}-  Kimball  died  March  1,  1901,  at  the  hospital 
in  Holyoke,  Mass.  He  was  born  in  Hadley,  Mass.,  Dec.  16,  1828, 
and  was  the  young-est  child  of  John  Kimball.  Fam.  Hist.  pp. 
408,  731  and  "l008. 

His  death  was  caused  from  blood  poison  g-etting-  into  his 
system,  occasioned  by  a  sliver  running-  into  his  right  hand. 

Mr.  Kimball  spent  his  youth  in  Hadley,  but  for  many  years 
his  home  has  been  in  Easthampton,  Mass.,  where  he  was  a 
prominent  carpenter. 

His  wife  died  several  jears  agfo.  He  had  a  larg^e  family  of 
children,  nearl}-  all  of  whom  survive  him. 

Among-  his  largfe  circle  of  friends  he  was  familiarly  known 
"Frank"  Kimball — a  social,  genial,  kind-hearted  man,  taking- 
great  interest  in  the  public  welfare.  He  was  a  devoted  member 
of  the  Congreg-ational  church  and  a  reg^ular  attendant  upon  its 
services.  He  will  be  greatly  missed  by  both  relatives  and  ac- 

About  five  weeks  before  his  death  he  wrote  to  your  corres- 
pondent, referring  verj-  tenderly  to  the  sudden  death,  on  Jan. 
22,  of  his  niece  by  marriag^e,  Mrs.  Sarah  (Hamilton)  Freeman, 
(Fam.  News,  May,  1900),  caused  by  paralytic  shock,  and  added, 
"but  we  must  all  go  soon." 

He  also  expressed  a  strong-  desire  to  have  another  visit  from 
his  "dear  niece"  before  her  return  to  San  Francisco,  which,  un- 
fortunately, was  postponed  until  too  late. 


New  Salem,  Mass.,  March  4,  1901. 


The  Rev.  Harry  W.  Kimball,  of  Skowhegan,  Me.,  does 
some  Congregational  missionary  work. 

Frederick  A.  Kimball  has  been  reelected  secretary  of  the 
Massachusetts  State  Board  of  Trade. 

Mrs.  Frank  S.  Kimball  has  been  elected  treasurer  and  pian- 
ist of  the  Maplewood,  Mass.,  Methodist  church. 

The  venerable  Almira  O.  Perry,  of  Limerick,  Me.,  a  News 
reader  from  the  first,  and  connected  with  the  Kimball  famih% 
died  recently. 

Mrs.  Kimball  Chirk,  of  Topeka,  and  her  brother.  William 
Kimball,  have  been  called  to  the  bedside  of  their  mother,  Mrs. 
M.  A.  Kimball,  of  Indianapolis,  who  is  low  from  long  suffering 
with  cancer.  This  family  is  not  placed  in  the  History,  but  came 
west  from  New  York  State.  Several  members  are  also  living 
in  Virginia. 

February  and  March,  1901.  229 


In  San  Francisco,  Dec.  15,  1900,  William  Soule,  of  heart 
failure,  while  sitting-  in  his  chair  in  the  "News  Letter"  of&ce. 
He  leaves  a  widow,  Rosa  Lena  (Kimball^  Soule,  and  a  son, 
Harold  Kimball  Soule.     See  p.  110,  Kimball  News  for  1898 

In  Greenville,  N  H.,  Nov.  4,  1900,  suddenly,  of  apoplexy, 
Mrs.  Louisa  J.  (Allen)  Kimball,  wife  of  Marshall  Kimball. 
Fam.  Hist.  p.  995.  We  quote  the  following-  from  the  Boston 

"Mrs.  Kimball  was  a  woman  of  sterling  qualities,  with  a 
sunny  disposition,  and  was  loved  and  esteemed  by  the  people  in 
this  vicinity  irrespective  of  creed  or  race.  She  was  born  at  At- 
tleboro,  Mass.,  Oct.  7,  1832,  and  was  married  here  to  Mr.  Kim- 
ball May  15,  1859.  She  is  survived  by  her  husband,  three  sons. 
Fred  B  Kimball,  of  Greenville,  Elmer  Allen  and  Edward  Mar- 
shall Kimball,  of  Chicag-o;  three  daughters,  Mrs.  Mary  Lillian 
Sawyer  and  Miss  Flora  Louisa  Kimball,  of  Winchendon,  Mass., 
and  Mrs.  Lena  H.  Wheeler,  of  this  town." 

In  Wilton,^  N.  H.,  Jan.  1,  1901,  at  his  home,  after  an  illness 
of  a  few  hours,  Samuel  Livermore  Kimball,  wanting  only  nine 
days  of  being  84  years  of  age.  He  had  always  lived  on  the 
farm  where  he  was  born.     See  Fam.  Hist.  p.  711. 

Lavinia  G  Kimball,  wife  of  Theodore  G.  Kimball,  died 
Feb.  22,  1901,  at  her  home,  33  Ashland  street,  Roslindale, 
aged  33  years,  Mrs  Kimball  was  born  at  Taunton,  and  was 
the  daughter  of  Charles  H.  and  Velona  Staples  Hewens.  [On 
p.  1125,  Hist.,  L.  Gertrude  Hewett  is  g-iven  as  the  third  wife  of 
Theodore  Gay  Kimball] 

In  Haverhill,  Mass.,  Feb.  8,  1901,  Mrs.  Mary  Kimball, 
widow  of  Daniel  Kimball,  who  died  16  years  ago. 

In  Danville,  111.,  Jan.  31,  1901,  Mrs.  Emily  Clark  K.  Sar- 
g-ent,  ag-ed  75  years,  4  months  and  17  days.  She  had  been  a 
widow  for  many  years  and  a  helpless  sufferer,  being-  a  victim  of 
paralysis.  She  was  the  aunt  of  the  editor  of  the  News.  Hist, 
p.  593. 

In  Manchester,  N.  H.,  April  28,  1900,  Daniel  Kimball,  ag-ed 
67  years.     Fam.  Hist.  p.  720. 

In  Dundee,  111.,  Oct.  21,  1900,  Amos  M.  Kimball,  ag-ed  64 
years.     Fam.  Hist.  p.  721. 

Let  Prof.  Sharpies  be  sent  to  England  in  the  Kimball  fam- 
ily interest.  What  do  you  say?  Shall  we  let  the  matter  drop 
or  shall  it  be  put  through? 

230  Kimball  Family  News, 


Apropos  of  the  present  Kansas  sensation,  the  substance  of 
the  following-  is  furnished  by  a  Kansas  pioneer: 

"In  September,  1855,  Lawrence  was  a  mere  villag-e,  when  it 
was  proposed  to  locate  a  saloon  nearby.  White  ruffians  and  a 
lot  of  Indians  joined  in  the  drinking-  and  g-ambling^.  The  wo- 
men of  Lawrence  knew  there  was  no  difference  between  a 
drunken  white  man  and  a  drunken  Indian,  and  that  they  and 
their  families  were  in  dang^er.  Their  husbands  and  protectors 
were  away,  and  no  men  at  home  to  protect  them.  The}-  held  a 
council  at  the  home  of  one  Mrs.  Kimball,  and  chose  as  their 
leaders  Mrs.  Kimball  and  Mrs.  Moses,  and  org-anized  a  band  of 
over  twenty  in  number.  And  arming-  themselves  with  "camp- 
axes"  and  hatchets  they  marched  in  a  body  without  any  male 
attendant  to  the  extemporized  saloon  and  without  ceremony  they 
smashed  every  bottle,  barrel  and  demijohn,  emptying-  the  con- 
tents thereof  on  the  earth.  The  owners  were  persistent  and 
broug-ht  a  fresh  supply  from  Missouri  to  resume  business,  when 
part  of  the  women  pounced  upon  the  barrel  with  their  axes  and 
hatchets  and  spilled  the  whisky  on  the  g-round  while  the  rest 
stood  g-uard  to  prevent  interference.  Then  they  issued  this 
order:  'That  every  invader  and  Indian  connected  with  the  saloon 
should  leave  the  town  by  daylig-ht  next  morning  or  they  would 
hang-  the  last  one  of  them.'  And  the  white  men  stole  away 
and  the  Indians  fled  to  their  wig-wams.  Mrs.  Kimball  after- 
wards moved  to  California  and  Mrs.  Moses  -went  West,  but  their 
spirit  still  seems  to  hover  over  Kansas." 


At  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  June  5,  1900,  Charles  Allen  Putnam 
Kimball,  son  of  Charles  Marcus  Kimball'  and  Frances  M.  Kim- 
ball.    cSee  Kimball  Family  News,  June  1898,  page  107.  , 

A.  W  Kimball  and  family,  of  Chicago,  will  leave  in  a  few 
weeks  for  Europe,  where  they  will  spend  the  greater  part  of  the 
year.  He  is  the  general  agent  of  the  Northwestern  Mutual 
Life  Insurance  Company  of  Milwaukee,  and  the  son  of  Alonzo 
Kimball,  of  Green  Bay,  Mich.,  noticed  in  the  last  number  of  the 
Nkws,  whose  family  was  entirely  omitted  in  the  Family  History. 

Miss  Alice  L.  Kimball,  of  Ncwburyport,  is  now  a  practic- 
ing physician  at  Brockton,  Mass.  She  is  a  graduate  from  Ann 
Arbor,  Her  sister  Lucy  is  a  student  at  Bates  College,  Maine. 
The  Rev.  John  C.  Kimball,  of  Sharon,  Mass.,  is  their  uncle. 
Hist.  p.  803;  News,  Feb.  1899,   p.  233. 

February  and  March,  1901.  231 


The  News  is  glad  to  send  with  this  issue  a  half-tone  illus- 
tration of  the  church  at  Rattlesden,  Eng-land,  taken  from  the 
Rev.  J.  R.  Olorenshaw's  recently  published  book  "Notes  on  the 
Church  and  Parish  of  Rattlesden."  Only  200  copies  of  this 
book  were  printed,  20  of  which  came  to  members  of  the  Kimball 
family  in  this  country,  certainly  a  very  larg-e  proportion.  The 
News  has  had  several  inquiries  from  those  who  would  now  like 
the  work,  which  can  only  be  had  from  those  willing-  to  part  with 
their's.  A  year  and  more  ago  we  expressed  a  wish  to  reproduce 
some  of  these  engravings  in  this  book,  but  did  not  see  the  way 
to  do  so.  Some  generous  contributions  have  this  year  enabled 
us  to  do  it.  It  is  due  that  Frank  Reed  Kimball,  of  Salem, 
Mass.,  Fred  M.  Kimball,  of  Somerville,  Mass.,  Lt.-Oov-  Charles 
Dean  Kimball,  of  Providence,  R.  I.  and  Col  Robert  J.  Kimball, 
71  Broadway,  N.  Y.,  be  given  the  credit  for  this  result.  The 
next  issue  will  contain  a  view  of  the  village  of  Rattlesden,  or  a 
part  of  it.  The  reproduction  of  these  engravings  wnll  be  an 
answer  to  many  inquiries  as  to  when  they  would  appear.  These 
engravings  can  be  had  separately  when  desired,  and  with  others 
may  be  reproduced  sometime  in  portfolio  form. 

With  this  issue  we  send  as  supplementary  the  address  deliv- 
ered by  the  editor  at  the  celebration  of  Washington's  birthday 
in  Topeka,  Feb.  22,  1901.  It  is  not  particularly  pertinent  to  this 
journal  nor  is  it  particularly  out  of  place.  There  are  many 
Sons  of  the  American  Revolution  among  our  readers  and  many 
more  who  may  become  such  if  they  desire.  We  believe  in  the 
sentiments  expressed  in  the  address,  and  further  that  it  is  the 
duty  of  all  good  citizens  to  help  advance  the  spirit  of  true 
patriotism.  In  this  view  of  the  case  it  is  not  altogether  inap- 
propriate that  we  make  this  paper,  incomplete  and  disjointed  as 
it  is,  a  part  of  the  Kimball  Family  News.  It  may  be  added  that 
there  are  many  other  papers  written  by  members  of  the  family 
that  we  might  include  as  supplements,  as  in  this  case,  if  we  had 
them  already  printed  and  on  hand. 

The  Woman's  Journal  of  Boston,  date  of  February  9,  con- 
tains a  column  extract  from  a  sermon  by  the  Rev.  John  C.  Kim- 
ball, of  Sharon,  Mass.,  the  subject  being  on  Queen  Victoria's 
life.  It  was  a  line  tribute  to  a  great  character,  whose  ability  to 
rule  afforded  a  lesson  that  the  paper  founded  by  Lucy  Stone  was 
well  pleased  to  utilize. 

The  Journal  of  Education  of  Dec.  27,  1900,  announces  the 
gift  by  a  woman  (name  withheld),  of  $50,000  to  endow  the 
Kimball  professorship  of  art  at  Wellesley  College. 

232  Kimball  Family  News, 


Under  the  above  head  the  News  for  July  and  Au^-ust,  1898, 
pag-e  312,  recorded  the  death  on  the  same  day  of  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Fry  M.  Kimball,  of  Minneapolis.  They  were  pioneer  settlers, 
had  celebrated  their  g-olden  wedding-  and  had  buried  four  of 
their  six  children.  Miss  Ruth  Kimball  was  one  of  the  two 
daug-hters  spared  the  venerable  couple,  whose  married  life  of  51 
years  is  said  to  have  been  an  ideal  existence.  For  some  years 
Ruth  Kimball  was  a  notable  Washing-ton  newspaper  correspon- 
dent, representing-  the  St.  Paul  Daily  Globe.  She  had  the 
honor  of  being-  the  first  woman  to  g-ain  entrance  to  the  press 
g-allery  of  the  United  States  Senate.  There  was  opposition  to 
her  admission,  but  she  soon  g-ained  favor  and  held  her  seat 
among-  other  reporters. 

At  this  time  Mr.  Cornelius  Gardiner  was  the  Washington 
correspondent  of  the  Chicag-o  Evening-  Post.  In  course  of  time, 
we  have  not  the  date,  Ruth  Kimball  and  Cornelius  Gardiner 
married,  when  the  young-  couple  went  to  Washing-ton  to  live. 
Ruth  Kimball  Gardiner  is  now  well  known  in  literary  circles, 
outside  of  newspaperdom.  She  is  writer  of  newspaper  sketches 
and  mag-azine  articles  of  a  popular  character,  and  shows  marked 
ability  in  every  literary  effort  she  undertakes.  Her  sister,  the 
other  surviving-  member  of  the  family,  is  Mrs.  W.  S.  Kilburn, 
of  Minneapolis.  There  is  no  mention  of  this  family  in  the 


Sumner  F.  Kimball,  of  South  Waterford,  Me.,  is  another 
one  not  in  the  History.  His  name  is  the  first  one  on  a  late  Ox- 
ford count^^  jury. 

A  niece  of  his,  Florence  Kimball,  lives  in  Bethel.  A  late 
Oxford  Advertiser  prints  a  note  from  her: 

Bethel,  January  r»,  TJOl. 

Deak  Editok: — This  is  a  pleasant  day  but  cold.  Last 
nigfht  the  wind  blew  hard  and  mamma  thoug-ht  it  would  be  bad 
on  the  ocean.  My  school  is  done.  We  spoke  pieces  the  last  day 
and  I  will  send  the  pro.^ram. 

Among-  the  numbers  on  the  prog-ram  were:  Christmas  by 
Florence,  and  The  Apple  by  Edith  Kimball,  a  song-  by  Florence 
and  The  Lost  Lamb  by  Alice  Kimball.  It  seems  to  have  been 
a  Kimball  pr(jg-ram. 

The  News  would  like  to  wake  up  these  Maine  Kimballs. 

A  man  named  Kimball  was  one  of  the  contestants  at  a  live 
bird  shoot  at  Hot  Spring-s  recently.  Some  of  us  would  rather 
see  the  name  in  some  connection  other  than  this  cruel  sport. 

February  and  March,  1901.  233 


A  Washing-ton  correspondent,  writing-  to  the  Norway,  Me., 
Advertiser,  has  the  following-  interesting-  sketch  of  Charles 
Porter  Kimball: 

"There  was  in  Norway  in  those  early  days  another  man  to 
whom  I  must  refer.  This  man  is  Charles  P.  Kimball.  He  was 
there  in  1850  in  the  full  tide  of  his  g-reat  success  in  the  manu- 
facture of  carriages.  His  establishment  was  a  larg-e  one  for 
that  time  and  place,  g-iving-  employment  to  many  men.  A  cruel 
fire  swept  away  the  great  industry.  Charles  P.  was  the  second 
of  seven  brothers,  the  sons  of  Peter  Kimball.  Oxford  county 
never  sent  out  into  the  world  so  larg-e  a  family  of  boys  as  was 
this  family.  They  all  became  men  of  intellig^ence,  energ-y,  push 
and  adventure.  AH  of  them  were  successful,  some  of  them  con- 
spicuously so.  One  or  more  of  them  were  in  business  in  Nor- 
way, in  Portland,  New  Haven,  Atlanta  and  Chicago. 

"Charles  P.  went  to  Chicag-o  and  there  made  for  himself  a 
large  place  in  thai  great  city.  In  time  he  took  an  interest  in 
politics  and  was  once  the  Democratic  candidate  for  Governor  of 
Illinois.  President  Cleveland  in  his  first  term  made  him  Consul 
at  Stuttg*art  in  Germany.  Near  the  close  of  his  term  of  service, 
a  seryice  which  was  an  eminently  successful  one,  he  suffered  a 
shock  of  paralysis  and  later  was  compelled  to  return  to  the 
United  States.  Very  soon  after  this  Mr.  Blaine  became  Secre- 
tary of  State  under  President  Harrison,  and  at  once  informed 
Mr.  Kimball  that  he  would  not  be  disturbed  in  his  office  if  he 
wished  to  remain  in  it.  Mr.  Kimball  was  compelled  to  surren- 
der his  ofiicial  position  on  account  of  poor  health.  When  he 
returned  to  the  United  States  he  was  unwilling  to  go  to  Chicag-o 
till  he  had  come  to  Washington  and  personally  thanked  Mr. 
Blaine  for  his  kindness  to  him. 

"I  saw  Mr,  Kimball  on  a  lounge  at  the  State  Department  to 
which  he  had  been  carried  by  some  attending-  friends.  He  was 
a  physical  wreck,  the  g-reat  strength  and  health  of  his  earlier 
years  had  gone.  He  said  to  rae:  'Dunnell,  I  cannot  g-o  to  Chi- 
cag-o till  I  have  seen  Mr.  Blaine  and  personally  thanked  him  for 
his  g-reat  kindness  to  me.' 

"When  Mr.  Kimball  lived  in  Norway,  he  not  only  built  up 
his  larg-e  business  but  he  built  the  house  which  John  L.  Home 
afterwards  owned  and  occupied.  When  I  recall  this  home  of 
Mr.  K.,  I  immediately  think  of  the  'Porter  girls'  as  we  called 
them,  the  sisters  of  Mrs  Plimball.  They  were  pupils  at  the 
Institute.  They  were  much  loved  and  respected  by  all  the 
people  of  the  villag-e." 

[In  the  above  newspaper  article  there  are  some  errors.  He 
was  not  a  candidate  for  Governor  of  Illinois.     In    1869  he   was 

234  Kimball  Family  News, 

nominated  for  that  office  in  Maine,  but  declined.  He  was  ag-ain 
nominated  in  1871  and  in  1872,  but  failed  of  election  as  a  matter 
of  course,  Maine  being-  strongly  Republican.  The  Family  His- 
tory in  speaking-  of  Peter  Kimball,  his  father,  says  on  p.  516: 
"In  politics  he  was  a  staunch  Republican,  and  on  being-  asked, 
when  his  son  Charles  was  the  Democratic  candidate  for  Gover- 
nor of  Maine,  if  he  would  vote  for  him,  replied  with  emphasis: 
'No,  no  sooner  than  I  would  vote  for  any  other  rebel.'  "  Charles 
was  appointed  a  commissioner  to  the  Centennial  Exposition  from 
Maine  in  1876,  but  declined.  He  then  moved  to  New  York, 
when  Gov.  Tilden  appointed  him  a  commissioner,  and  he  ac- 
cepted and  was  one  of  the  executive  committee  of  that  g-reat 
exhibition.  At  a  later  date,  in  1877,  the  present  g-reat  Kimball 
carriage  works  were  established  in  Chicag-o,  of  which  his  son 
Charles  Frederick  is  the  head. 

The  News  for  October,  1898,  shows  a  cut  of  the  fashionable 
"chaise"  made  in  1852  by  C.  P.  Kimball  for  President  Pierce. 


Too  many  of  the  Maine  Kimballs  seem  to  partake  of  their 
northern  climate.  They  are  cold  and  unresponsive.  The  News 
often  hears  of  them  when  they  have  no  place  in  the  History. 
There  can  be  scarcely  a  doubt  of  their  descent  from  Richard'. 
Prof.  Sharpies,  the  editor  of  the  Family  History,  has  frequently 
mentioned  the  discouragnng-  results  of  his  efforts  to  place  them. 
Whenever  he  has  done  so  to  any  considerable  extent,  they  are 
found  to  belong  to  the  one  family.  But  g-enerally,  he  writes, 
the  eifort  is  about  as  "encouraging:  as  if  trying  to  find  the  ped- 
ig-ree  of  the  clams  on  the  coast."  Our  cousin  Suraner  Kimball, 
of  Lovell,  is  about  the  only  one  who  takes  a  lively  interest  in 
the  famil3^  To  be  sure  many  others,  like  General  Kimball  and 
his  son,  Commander  W.  W.  Kimball,  General  Sumner  I.  Kim- 
ball, of  the  Life  Saving-  Service,  and  many  others,  are  found 
recorded  in  the  History.  But  there  are  hundreds  of  others  who 
are  not,  and  man}^  of  them  are  well  known.  The  Pine  Tree 
State  is  not  large.  There  ought  to  be  an  effort  made  to  ferret 
out  these  reticent  members  of  the  family  if  they  -will  not  come 
out  of  themselves.  But  they  will  not  even  answer  letters.  Per- 
haps that  is  why  Prof.  Sharpies  spoke  of  clams.  A  modest 
Kimball  is  to  be  commended,  but  a  bird  that  can  sing-  and  will 
not  sing  oug-lit  to  be  made  to  sing. 

J.  A.  Kimball,  of  Columbus,  Ohio,  is  president  of  the  fifth 
division  of  National  Associated  Railway  Postal  Clerks,  and  he 
was  one  of  the  g-uests  at  the  fifth  annual  banquet  given  by  the 
first  division  at  Boston  on  the  28th  of  February. 

February  and  March,  1901.  235 


A  few  years  ago — four  perhaps — the  Rev.  H.  D.  Kimball, 
D.  D.,  of  Chicag-o,  published  a  volume  entitled,  "Beyond  the 
Horizon."  It  was  not  a  work  to  spring-  suddenly  into  popular- 
ity, because  it  was  scientific  and  Scriptural,  and  therefore  cal- 
culated to  meet  with  special  favor  with  only  the  few.  The  Rev. 
Charles  W.  Holden,  of  Pawtucket,  R.  I.,  wrote  of  it: 

"The  volume  is  timely  and  helpful  for  inquirers  concerning- 
the  future  life — that  life  of  which  they  seem  at  times  to  know- 
so  little-  For  such  it  is  a  service,  indeed,  to  bring-  a  fresh  view 
of  the  sure  word  of  revelation — beams  in  darkness  that  may 
throw  no  inconsiderable  light  upon  the  problem.  The  author 
illustrates  how  the  little  we  have  may  g-o  far,  when  in  g-ood 
hands.  The  chapter  on  the  resurrection  is  particularly  helpful 
in  offering  a  treatment  of  that  essential  doctrine  in  harmony 
with  the  common  hope  of  our  religion  rather  than  that  of  a 
Greek  philosophy  which  simply  predicates  immortality  for  the 
soul.  Bodily  identity  is  strongly  maintained.  'The  iT  sown 
and  the  it  raised  are  identical,'  and  in  this  the  arg-ument  is  at 
once  Scriptural  and  scientific  The  book  is  a  help  to  faith,  and 
for  those  whose  horizon  grows  less  because  of  bereavement  and 
loss,  it  has  a  clear  messag-e  of  enlarg-ement  and  hope."   . 

Dr.  Kimball  was  pastor  of  the  Oak  Park  church,  Chicag-o, 
then  of  the  First  church,  and  is  still  a  member  of  the  Chicag-o 


Gov.  John  F.  Hill,  of  Maine,  was  given  a  grand  reception 
at  Oxford,  Me.,  February  1,  1901.  He  i  nd  staff  with  ladies 
went  in  a  special  car  as  g-uests  of  the  Uniform  Rank  Knights  of 
Pythias.  It  was  evidently  a  swell  affair.  Hon.  Alfred  S.  Kim 
ball  was  chairman  of  the  reception  committee,  ard  introduced 
the  guests  to  Knights  and  visitors.  Sir  Kuig-ht  Merton  L.  Kim- 
ball was  one  of  the  floor  managers,  and  his  mother,  Mrs.  A.  S. 
Kimball,  Mrs  Frank  Kimball  and  Mrs.  M.  L.  Kimball  were 
among-  the  hundred  or  more  ladies  whose  presence  and  dresses 
were  reported. 

The  News  of  June,  1898,  p.  113,  g-ives  a  sketch  of  Alfred  S. 
Kimball  and  his  son  Merton,  who  was  born  March  18,  1867. 
The  latter  enlisted  in  the  late  war  with  Spain,  and  his  father 
has  held  many  prominent  positions  in  the  state.  We  have  no 
connected  record  of  this  family  and  the  News  again  asks  why 
cannot  the  Maine  Kimballs  be  broug-ht  into  the  lig-ht  ? 

Sanford  Kimball,  the  East  Boston  soloist,  appears  to  be  in 
g-reat  demand  at  church  concerts  and  young-  people's  meeting-s. 

236  Kimball  Family  News, 


Prof.  S.  P.  Sharpies,  of  Boston,  the  editor  of  the  Kimball 
Family  Historj,  writes  the  News  a  very  interesting-  letter  which 
he  says  is  not  for  publication,  and  so  we  do  not  publish  it.  But 
we  are  not  forbidden  to  make  some  extracts  from  it.  Here  is 
one  that  illustrates  the  difficulty  in  acquiring-  g-enealog-ical  in- 
formation even  from  an  intellig-ent  college  g-raduate:  "A  few 
days  ago  a  man  came  into  my  office  and  asked  for  a  copy  of  the 
History.  I  asked  him  who  he  was,  but  the  only  information  he 
could  g-ive  regarding-  his  family  wavS  that  his  grandfather  was 
accidentally  killed  by  the  explosion  of  a  cannon  at  Hanover,  N. 
H.,  on  the  4th  of  July  of  some  unknown  year.  If  you  will  turn 
to  page  161  of  the  History  you  will  find  who  he  was.  You  will 
also  see  that  I  have  not  even  the  name  of  the  wife  of  Increase 
(my  visitor's  great  grandmother. )  My  informant  said  he  knew 
her  well,  as  she  did  his  washing  while  he  was  a  student  in  Dart- 
mouth College." 

Prof.  Sharpies  says  he  has  hunted  hundreds  of  records  and 
that  the  name  Kimball  is  never  found  in  England,  but  that  it  is 
Keraball,  that  it  is  not  Kemble  nor  Kimble,  but  Kemball.  This 
is  the  spelling  used  by  Richard,  the  founder  of  the  family  in 
America.  The  records  further  show  that  years  before  the  name 
was  written  Kymboulde.  Richard's  sons  adopted  the  present 
form,  Kimball.  However,  the  name  is  variously  spelled  in  the 
recently  published  "Notes  on  Rattlesden,"  but  whether  the 
spellings  there  given  are  literal  transcripts  from  the  records  one 
is  not  able  to  say.  But  the  names  given  are  Kembold.  Kemball, 
Kimball,  Kemble  and  Kimble  It  would  hardly  be  safe  to  claim 
that  these  all  referred  to  the  same  family.  The  name  Scott, 
however,  has  even  a  greater  variety  of  spellings  than  the  above. 
But  Hitcham  and  not  Rattlesden  was  the  early  home  of  our 

Prof.  Sharpies  says  that  Rudyard  Kipling  has  made  a  curi- 
ous mistake  in  his  novel  now  appearing  in  McClure's  Magazine, 
and  that  the  hero's  name  should  be  either  Kemball  or  Kemble 
and  not  Kimball,  which  is  exclusively  the  property  «>f  ^ho  de- 
scendants of  Richard  Kemball. 

An  article  in  Scribncr's  Magazine  for  January,  1901,  by  Ar- 
thur Reed  Kiml)all  considers  the  subject  of  the  disfigurement  of 
nature  in  its  various  manifestations  as  observed  in  several  coun- 
tries and  tells  of  the  efforts  that  have  been  made  to  check  it. 

L.  H.  Kimball  is  publisher  of  the  Nenah,  Wis.,  News  and 
is  also  postmaster.  He  ought  to  be  able  to  tell  us  something 
about  the  Kimball  families  in  his  state. 

February  and  March,  1901.  237 


(Continued  from  January  Number.) 

The  second  wife  of  Richard  Kimball  was  the  widow  of  Henry  Dow, 
Sr.,  who  died  April  21.  1659,  and  left  three  children,  viz.:  Mary,  born  1640; 
Thomas,  born  in  16.'i2;  Jeremiah,  born  September  6,  1657. 

Richard  Kimball  and  the  widow  Margaret  Dow  were  married  October 
23,  1661. 

Thomas  Dow,  in  his  will  dated  November  14,  1676,  mentions  his 
"unkill  Benjamin  Kimball." 

Henry  Kimball^,  son  of  Richard^  died  in  1676,  leaving  twelve  children, 
two  of  whose  names  were  Richard  and  John.  The  second  wife  of  Henry 
Kimball  was  the  widow  Elizabeth  Rayner.     She  had  no  children. 

Benjamin  KimbalP,  fifth  son  of  Richard^,  st^'led  Cornet,  was  in  Brad- 
ford, where  he  died  June  11,  1696.  He  left  a  widow.  Mercy  Kimball,  and 
nine  children,  viz.: 

Richard;   David,  born  1671;  Jonathan,  born  1673; 

Robert,  born  1675;  Hannah:  Elizabeth: 

Samuel,  born  1680;  Ebenezer,  born  1684: 

Abigail;  Margaret. 

1681,  5,  10.  Agreed  with  Richard  Kimball  of  Bradford,  for  his  keep- 
ing and  providing  for  his  grandfather,  Thomas  Smith,  for  the  year  ensu- 
ing, £13. — Ipswich  Records. 

Richard  KimbalP,  (Richard^)  was  one  of  Major  Dennison's  subscribers 
in  1648.  ,,    J      '^. 

John    Kimball^,    (Richard^)    born    1631, (^married    Mary,    daughter   of J^/^     - 

Francis  Jordan,  October   8,  1663. ^  He   had   a   share   and   a   half  in    Plum  J^t'-^ 

Island,  etc. ,  in  1664;  was   a   voter   in    Town   affaii's,  1679.     He  joined    the  h^i      >^ 

church  by  taking  the  covenant,  March  8,  1673.      [The  Family  History  p.  40  ^i^^&H^ 

saj's  that  this  is  a  common  error ^that  his  (John's)  second   wife  was  Mary/ 
Bradstreet.     It  was  John^  Henry-,  Richard',  who    married    Mary  Jordan'. 
Historj'  p.  47.— Ed.  News.] 

He  died  May  6,  1698.  His  will  is  dated  March  19,  1697-8.  In  it  he 
mentions  sons: 

Richard,  born  March  16,  1668. 

John,  born  Nov.  3,  1657.     (A  son  John  died  Feb.  24.) 

Moses,  born  September,  1673. 

Benjamin,  born  July  23,  1670. 

Joseph,  born  January  34,  1675. 


Mary,  born  December  10,  1658. 

Sarah,  born  January  34,  1661. 

Rebeckah,  born  February,  1664. 

Richard  and  Elizabeth,  born  September  23,  1665. 

Abigail,  born  March  23,  1667.  1 
'    Hannah,  ^ 

Aaron,  born  January,  1674. 


238  Kimball  Family  News, 

lienjamin  and  Joseph  were  executors  and  residuary  legatees. 

He  gave  his  sons  six  shillings  and  his  daughters  four  shillings  each. 

Inventory,  £131,  9,  11.  July  4,  1698.  [It  may  be  noticed  that  these 
records  do  not  always  corrt^spond  with  those  given  in  the  history.] 

Richard  KimbalP,  son  of  John^  married  January  13,  1()85.  Lidia  Wills, 
and  had— 

Liddia,  born  October  18,  1690. 

Richard,  born  August  17,  1691. 

Aaron,  January  10,  1693,  died  at  37  years  old. 

Liddia.  born  September  14,  1694. 

He  had  horses  on  the  common,  1697.     He  died  1716. 

Here     :     Lyes     :     Bvried 
ye     :     Body     :     of     :     Mr     :     Rich 

ard     :     Kimball     :     who 

Died     :     May     :     ye     :     26     :     1716 

Aged  50  years 

As    .     you     .    are     .     so 

Were     .     we     .     bvt 

As     :     we     :     Are     :     so 

yov     :     shall     :     be 

The  gravestone  of  Aaron^,  son  of  Richard^,  is  inscribed: 

Here  Lyes  ye  Body  of  Mr.  Aaron  Kimball,  Dec'd  February  ye  12, 
1728-9,  in  ye  37th  year  of  his  Age. 

[Aaron,  son  of  Aaron  and  Elizabeth  Kimball,  died  November,  1731, 
aged  thirteen  years.] 

John  KimbalP  (John^)  and  Sarah  his  wife,  had  twin  sons: 

John  and  Joseph,  born  October  19.  1693.     Joseph  died  February  2,  1694. 

Mary,  born  February  24,  1697. 

Moses  KimbalP  (John-)  with  Susanna  his  wife,  had  Moses,  born  Janu- 
ary 26,  1696. 

Ebenezer,  born  March  20,  1698,  died  of  small  pox,  December  3,  1721. 

He  had  a  seat  assigned  to  him  in  the  Meeting  house  in  1700. 

Benjamin  KimbalF,  (John^)  with  Mary  his  wife,  had: 

John,  born  October  21,  1695. 

Mary,  born  October  24,  1697, 

He  had  a  seat  assigned  to  him  in  the  Meeting  house,  1700. 

Here  Lyes  Buried 

ye  Body  of  Mr  Ben 

Jamin  Kimball 

who  died 

May  ye  28  1716 

aged  45  years 

Hore^   Lyes  -  His 

Dust  ^-yUntil  -  ye 


February  and  March,  1901.  239 

Thomas  Kimball^,  son  of  Richard^  born  1633:  had  a  share  and  a  half 
in  Plum  Island,  etc..  1664.  He  was  one  of  the  first  settlers  of  Bradford, 
where  he  was  killed  by  the  Indians,  May  3,  1676.  And  his  wife  and  five 
children — Joanna,  Thomas,  Joseph,  Priscilla.  John — were  taken  prisoners 
and  carried  forty  miles  into  the  wilderness,  but  were  returned  on  the  13th 
of  June.     He  had  a  daughter  Hannah,  born   in    Ipswich.  January  37,  1661. 

Caleb  Kimball^,  son  of  Richard^,  was  commoner,  and  had  a  share  in 
Flum  Island,  etc.,  1664.  He  married  Anna  Ilazelton.  November  7,  1660. 
He  had: 

Caleb,  born  September  8,  1662. 

Anah,  born  December  11,  1664. 

Elezebeth,  born  September  8,  1666. 

Abig-ail.  born  July.  1668. 

Richard,  died  April  10,  1673. 

Abraham,  born  June  29,  167.5.  * 

Benjamin,  born  March  27,  1678. 

Sarah,  born  May  19,  1681. 

Caleb  Kimball",  grandson  of  Richard\  married  Lucy,  daug-hter  of 
John  Edwards,  Nov.  23,  1685.     They  had: 

John,  born  Marsh  6,  1687. 

Thomas,  born  September  19.  1691. 

Lucia,  born  September  19,  1693. 

Anna,  November  24,  169.5. 

He  subscribed  three  shilling's  to  the  Bell,  1699. 

Hannah  Kimball,  widow  of  Serg't  Caleb  Kimball,  died  January  3, 

Widow  Anna  Kimball,  died  April  9.  1688. 

Sarah,  widow  of   liichard  Kimball,  died  Dec.  22,  172.5. 

Benjamin  and  Robert  Kimball,  brothers,  1704. 

Benjamin  Kimball,  blacksmith,  will  proved  December  4,  1704.  He  be- 
queathes all  his  effects  to  his  brother,  Robert  Kimball. 

In  the  inventory  of  the  estate  of  Robert  Kimball,  dated  June  4,  1705, 
there  is  among  other  property,  "twelve  acres  Land  at  Hradford,  rec'd  p  ye 
Dec'd  as  part  of  portion— accounted  £18." 

Caleb  Kinsman  husbandman  and  Robert  Kimball  marinor,  join  in  a 
bond,  dated  October  1,  1702.     In  the  first  year  of  Her  Maj'tyes  Reigne. 

Robert  Kimball  married  October  25,  1699,  Alice  Norton,  sister  of  Dea- 
con Thomas  Norton,  and  died  in  England  June  27,  1703.  His  brother-in- 
law,  Thomas  Norton,  was  app'd  admV  of  his  estate  January  24,  1703-4 
His  widow  died  in  1733.  Her  will,  in  which  the  baptismal  name  is  spelled 
AlHs,  is  dated  June  9,  and  was  proved  October  30,  1733.  The  following  is 
extracted  from  it: 

"To  ye  ministers  of  ye  Church  of  which  I  belong  unto,  tea  pounds, 
viz,  to  ye  Rerd  Mr.  John  Rogers  five  pounds,  &  to  ye  Revd  Mr.  Nathaniel 
Rogers  five  pounds.     Alsoe,  I  give  unto  ye  Church,  ten  pounds  more, 

"I   give    unto   my    well   beloved    Kinsman,  Tomas    Norton,  sm  to  my 

240  Kimball  Family  News, 

brother.  Thomas  Norton,  all  my  plate,  viz.,  a   silver   Tankard.  Can,  a  pep- 
per box  &  two  silver  norrinf^-ers." 

A  silver  cup  beJonging  to  the  cummunion  service  of  the  First  Church 
has  the  following"  inscription,  whioh.  from  the  date  [1730]  appears  to  have 
been  a  previous  gift  to  the  bequest  of  her  will: 

* * 



•  AND  OF  THE  CHURCH  STOCK,   1730. 


The  following-  is  clipped  from  the  Pratt  Institute  Monthl\^ 
of  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.: 

"Miss  Isabel  M.  Kimball,  a  g-raduate  of  the  normal  class  of 
'91,  now  a  student  at  the  Institute  under  Mr.  Adams,  and  also 
an  assistant  instructor,  is  eng-ag-ed  on  an  order  for  a  fountain 
for  the  city  of  Winona,  Minnesota.  The  fountain,  which  is  to 
be  the  gift  of  Mr.  W.  J.  Landon,  of  Winona,  has  for  the  central 
figfure  the  Indian  g-irl  Winona,  the  heroine  of  a  leg^end  con- 
nected with  that  reg-ion,  and  whose  name  wi  s  g-iven  to  that  city. 
Winona  is  the  title  belong^ing-  to  the  oldest  daug-hter  of  a  chief. 
The  figure,  which,  with  its  pedestal,  may  be  seen  in  the  small 
model,  shows  a  lithe,  slender  maiden,  with  the  features  of  her 
race,  poised  with  a  lig-htness  and  g-race  that  sug-g-est  the  momen- 
tary arrest  of  swift  motion.  It  is  to  be  of  bronze,  a  little  more 
than  life  size,  and  will  be  pedestaled  on  stone  found  in  that 
reg-ion,  in  the  center  of  a  circular  basin  35  or  40  feet  in  diam- 
eter. As  the  Jig-ure  is  historical  in  character,  and  not  concerned 
in  the  water,  turtles  and  aquatic  birds  native  to  that  locality 
^vill  also  be  represented  in  bronze — three  birds  around  the  ped- 
estal, and  three  turtles  near  the  edg-e  of  the  basin.  The  design 
in  the  small  model  is  spirited,  harmonious  and  well-conceived, 
and  is  sure  to  g"ive  to  Winona  a  true  work  of  art.  Miss  Kimball 
has  entire  charg-e  of  the  completion  of  the  sculptures,  including- 
the  casting-  and  finishing-  of  the  bronzes.  The  whole  cost  of 
Mr.  Landon's  gift  will  i)robably  exceed  53,000."' 

Miss  Kimball  is  the  daughter  of  D.  W.  Kimball,  of  Mcln- 
tire,  Iowa.  Fam.  Hist.  pp.  43')  440  It  may  be  noticed  that  she 
is  also  the  niece  of  W.  \V.  Kimball,  of  (^hioag-(\  the  Kimball 
piano  manufacturer. 

Judge  Ivory  (t.  Kimball,  of  \Vashington.  has  been  elected 
Junior  Vice  Department  Command^  of  the  Department  of  the 
Potomac,  G.  A.  R. 













No.   4 


No.   5 



^mmG.  R  KIMBALL,  ill 

iiii  TOPEKA,  KANSAS.  ^^^ 


Entered  for  transmission  in  the  mails  as  second  class. 


Utimball^tJ'amily  uLews 

Vol.  IV,  Nos.  4  ar.d  5.  ,    G.  F  KIMBALL,   Publisher.  Terms,  $1.00  a  year 

Topeka,  iiansas,  April  and  May^  1901. 



Mrs.  Elenora  Mathews  i  Kimball)  Metcalfe  died  March  2V, 
1900,  ag-ed  67  years,  6  months  and  22  days  She  was  born  in 
flartland  township,  Niag-ara  county,  New  York,  Sept.  5,  1832. 

She  was  g-randdaug-hter  of  Benjamin  Kimball,  mentioned 
on  p.  198  Kimball  Family  History,  daug-hter  of  Rev.  Roswell 
Kimball,  whose  portrait  and  mention  is  found  on  pag-e  155  Kim- 
ball Family  Nkws,  and  voung-est  sister  of  R.  H.  Kimball, 
pag-e  177. 

When  quite  young-  she  went  to  Lexing-ton,  Tenn.,  and  en- 
g-ag-ed  in  teaching-  and  bj^  letter  became  a  member  of  the  Baptist 
church  at  that  place.  Here  she  married  Mr.  Vawter,  a  mer- 
chant.    Some  years  later  they  moved   to  Salem>  Marlon  county, 

1  Q  "     ' 

242  Kimball  Famih-  News, 

Illinois,  where  he  died,  leaving-  two  sons,  one  of  whom  resides 
in  the  Indian  Territory,  and  the  other  a  successful  merchant 
and  respected  citizen  and  alderman  of  Salem,  Illinois. 

Her  second  husband  was  William  Metcalfe,  of  Salem,  111., 
who  died  leaving-  a  daughter.  Mrs.  D.  L-  Jones,  living  now  for 
years  past  in  Indianapolis,  Ind.,  always  the  stay  and  comfort  of 
her  mother,  and  where  she  died.  Here  she  became  a  member  of 
the  First  Baptist  church  and  eng-aged  in  missionary  work.  For 
35  years  she  made  her  home  in  Salem,  111.,  and  for  about  30 
years  was  connected  with  the  schools  of  the  place;  for  20  years 
she  was  one  of  the  able  instructors  in  the  Salem  High  school, 
and  it  is  said  there  are  few  persons  who  attended  school  there 
who  did  not  at  some  time  come  under  the  guidance  of  Mrs. 
Metcalfe.  Here  she  was  g-reatly  beloved  and  sincerely  mourned. 
She  -was  a  devout  and  conscientious  Christian  and  delig-hted  in 
church  work. 

Her  funeral  services  were  held  at  the  Baptist  church  in  Sa- 
lem on  Sunday  evening-  conducted  bv  Reys.  H.  A.  Belton  and  C. 
W.  Yates. 

Hers  was  a  busy  and  useful  life  and  her  works  do  follow  her. 

Near  two  years  ago  she  endured  a  very  painful  and  critical 
surgical  operation  successfully,  but  never  seemed  to  regain  her 
strength,  and  nervous  prostration  and  paralysis  proved  fatal. 
She  suffered  much,  but  with  Christian  calmness  and  resignation 
and  in  full  possession  of  her  faculties  of  mind,  prepared  for  the 
final  event. 

Two  sisters  and  a  brother  suivive  her  in  as  many  states, 
who  keenly  feel  this  bereavement  and  extend  their  tender  sym- 
pathies to  the  surviving  children. 


November  IS,  1900. 

In  connection  with  the  above  sketch  the  News  must  note 
the  sad  and  touching  ending  of  its  author,  whose  illness  was 
mentioned  on  page  170  of  November  News,  1900.  The  above 
sketch  of  Mrs.  Metcalfe  was  written  last  November  On  the 
18th  of  that  month  Rollin  H.  Kimball  wrote  to  the  News  the 
following  letter: 
Dear  Cousin  : 

Herewith  1  send  you  for  publication  obituary    notice   and    photograph 

of  Mrs.  Metcalfe  and  postal  note  to  pay  bill  (as  below) S4  00 

Half-tone  cut ^2  00 

One  year's  subscription  to  Kimball  Family  Nkws.  (1900)  address- 
ed to  Mrs.  D.  L.  Jones,  North  Indianapolis,  Ind 1   00 

One    dozen    issues   containing   obituary    notice,    extra,  to    R.  H. 

Kimball,  Garfield,  Ga.,..  100 

§4  00 

April  and  May,  1901.  243 

You  see  what  I  ^vant;  if  not  correct  notify  me  and  I'll  remit.  Novem- 
ber issue  Neavs  to  hand.     Thanks  for  j'our   compliment   which    is   mutual 

opmion.  it  seems.  Respectfully. 

R.   H.   KIMBALL. 

In  a  postscript  he  adds: 
"My  strength  returns  slowly— surely,  I  hope— no   relapse   or    backset. 
If  you  ever   have   typhoid   fever   come    to   Georgia,  get   my    doctors   and 
nurses  and  I'll  guarantee  you." 

During-  the  past  winter  the  News  has  often  wondered  why 
it  had  not  ag-ain  heard  from  its  earnest  noble  friend,  whom  it 
had  learned  to  admire  as  one  of  many  charming  Kimball 

The  following-  letter  from  his  son  dated  at  Garfield,  Ga., 
April  3,  1901,  is  sufficient  explanation: 

My  father,  R.  H.  Kimball,  of  Garfield,  Emanuel  county,  Ga. ,  died  on 
Dec.  12,  1900,  after  a  short  illness,  of  paralysis  of  the  brain,  and  was 
buried  at  Scarboro,  Scriven  county,  Ga.  He  had  a  long  and  severe  attack 
of  typhoid  fever  during  the  summer  and  was  just  getting  able  to  go 
around  short  distances  and  look  after  his  business  when  the  fatal  attack 
came  on.  He  was  conscious  most  of  the  time  to  within  two  or  three  days 
of  the  end,  when  we  have  every  reason  to  believe  he  was  not  conscious  of 
any  suffering,  pain  or  inconvenience.  His  last  work  or  writing  was  the 
enclosed  letter  to  you  and  the  memoriam  of  his  sister,  Mrs.  Metcalfe.  We 
send  it  just  as  he  had  it  laid  away  in  his  desk,  awaiting  an  opportunity  to 
procure  a  money  order  for  the  amount  he  wished  to  enclose,  and  which 
amount  I  herewith  send  and  desire  his  wishes  carried  out  as  nearly  as 
possible.  *  *  *  *  My  father's  death  is  an  irreparable  loss  to  us,  for  he 
was  father,  friend  and  companion.  He  leaves  us  a  priceless  heritage  in  a 
name  and  character  unsullied. 

1  send  you  also  an  obituary  notice  written  by  my  aunt,  Mrs.  S.  J. 
Orgain,  of  Bastrop,  Texas. 

This  would  have  been  attended  to  earlier,  but  for  unavoidable  delays. 

With  kindest  regards,  I  am  Very  truly  yours, 



Passed  away  at  his  home,  Kimball,  Georgia,  on  the  morn- 
ing- of  Dec.  12,  1900,  Mr.  Rollin  H.  Kimball,  aged  74  years,  10 
months  and  7  days. 

The  deceased  was  a  native  of  Hartland  township,  Niagara 
county,  New  York.  His  father.  Rev.  Roswell  Kimball,  removed 
in  1836  to  Upper  Alton,  Illinois,  where  the  subject  of  this  sketch 
was  chiefly  raised.  In  early  manhood  business  called  him  to 
South  Carolina,  where  he  subsequently  married  Miss  Mary 
Woodbery,  daughter  of  a  prominent  citizen  of  Marion  county. 
Four  lovely  children  blessed  his  home   and   prosperity   crowned 

244  Kimball  Family  News, 

bis  efforts.     One  child  was  called  home  early  in  life,  while  the 
other  three  lived  to  years  of  maturity. 

When  the  tocsin  of  war  sounded  forth  its  dread  alarum,  Mr. 
Kimball  most  enthusiastically  espoused  the  side  of  the  South 
and  immediately  volunteered  to  defend  her  altars  and  her  homes. 
He  passed  through  unscathed,  thoug-h  several  times  an  inmate 
of  the  hospital,  and  at  all  times  exposed  to  the  many  perils  of 
active  armv  life.  The  "lost  cause"  was  ever  dear  to  his  heart, 
though  the  struggle  left  him  penniless.  Bravely  he  began  the 
battle  of  life  anew,  and  again  a  comfortable  home  and  happy 
family  blessed  his  life. 

In  1884  the  loss  of  a  beloved  son,  Joseph  W.  Kimball,  cast  a 
shadow^  over  his  happy  home  life,  and  the  death  of  his  son's 
wife,  which  soon  followed,  devolved  upon  him  the  care  of  five 
grandchildren.  The  rearing  and  maintenance  of  these  children 
he  accepted  as  a  sacred  trust  and  it  was  faithfully  kept.  His 
one  hope  was  to  see  them  fitted  to  meet  the  duties  of  life  when 
he  should  be  called  home.  This  wish  was  gratified  and  during 
his  last  protracted  illness  their  ministrations  were  a  solace  in 
his  hours  of  weakness. 

To  break  away  from  the  old  associations  that  were  a  con- 
stant reminder  of  his  sad  bereavement,  in  1886  he  removed  to 
Georgia,  where  his  only  remaining  son  had  made  a  home.  Here 
he  became  widely  known  for  his  probity,  public  spirit,  benefi- 
cence and  enterprise. 

As  husband,  father,  brother  and  friend  he  was  a  bright  ex- 
amplar  of  the  gentle  virtues  that  should  adorn  each  relation. 
He  was  the  peer  of  earth's  noblest  and  best  in  all  that  consti- 
tutes true  and  lofty  manhood.  His  hope  of  eternal  life,  through 
the  merits  of  Jesus  Christ,  was  strong  and  abiding,  and  for  him 
Death  had  no  sting,  the  Grave  no  victory. 

He  has  crossed  the  narrow  boundary  which  divides  the 
heavenly  land  from  ours  and  sleeps  sweetly  in  a  quiet  spot 
where  Love  and  Memory  will  ever  keep  watch  and  ward. 

Life's.race  well  run, 
Life's  work  well  done. 
Life's  crow^n  well  won. 
Now  comes  rest. 

In  connection  with  the  above  the  News  reproduces  the  por- 
trait of  Rollin  Hibbard  Kimball  that  appeared  in  the  November 
number,  1898,  with  an  autobiographical  sketch  with  references 
to  the  supplementary  matter  in  the  previous  September  number, 
containing  an  interesting  old  letter  from  his  father  Roswell  and 
life  sketch  and  portrait.     Hist.  p.  198. 

The  News  had  formed  a  strong  attachment  for  this  cousin. 
It  is  certain    that    his    was    a   strong,    conscientious    character. 

April  and  May,  1901.  245 

There  are  few  events  in  life  more  pathetic  than  those  mentioned 
in  the  above  correspondence  The  November  News  for  1900 
mentioned  briefly  his  apparent  recovery  from  a  long-  sickness, 
and  all  throug-h  the  winter  months  it  almost  daily  expected  to 
hear  from  him  again.  Meanwhile  his  written,  unsealed  and 
unsent  letter  lay  in  his  desk  and  finally  reached  us,  as  above  ex- 
plained, precisely  as  he  left  it,  addressed  and  unsealed.  The 
News  is  sure  that  those  who  knew  Rollin  H.  Kimball  the  best 
will  mourn  his  departure  the  most. 


Hiram  Kimball,  of  Peabody,  Mass.,  on  March  17  observed 
his  91st  birthday.  The  Boston  Transcript  says  he  is  active 
about  his  farm  every  day,  and  never  fails  to  g^o  to  Salem  every 
Saturday.  His  wife,  to  whom  he  has  been  married  65  years,  is 
86  years  old  and  equally  vigorous.  They  have  two  children,  a 
son  and  a  daug-hter,  who  live  with  them, 

A  new  department  of  g-enealog-y  has  been  opened  in  the 
Newberry  library  of  Chicag-o.  The  growth  of  this  department 
has  been  so  great  that  a  room  now  on  the  third  floor  is  used  ex- 
clusively for  this  purpose.  There  are  over  12,000  volumes  of 
genealogy  on  the  shelves  and  new  volumes  are  being  constantly 

246  Kimball  Family  News, 


General  Sumner  I.  Kimball,  of  Washington,  general  super- 
intendent of  the  United  States  Life  Saying  service,  sends  the 
News  his  published  report  for  1900.  In  this  service  there  are 
269  stations,  194  on  the  Atlantic  and  Gulf  coasts,  58  on  the 
Great  lakes,  16  on  the  Pacific  coast  and  1  one  at  the  Falls  of  the 
Ohio,  at  Louisville,  Kj.  The  number  of  disasters  was  364.  On 
board  these  vessels  were  2,655  persons,  of  whom  only  48  were 
lost.  Number  of  vessels  lost,  61.  Property  imperiled,  S9,470,- 
190,  saved,  $7,234,690,  lost,  $2,235,500.  There  were  329  casual- 
ties to  small  crafts,  sailboats,  rowboats,  etc,  carrying  781  per- 
sons, of  whom  5  were  lost.  Of  these  53  lives  lost,  General 
Kimball  says  one-half  were  sacrificed  from  two  vessels  through 
unwise  attempts  to  escape  in  their  own  boats  instead  of  waiting 
for  relief  from  the  service  men  on  shore.  The  report  contains 
much  valuable  matter  relating  to  accidents  by  water,  treatment 
of  persons  rescued  from  drowning,  giving  illustrations  and  ad- 
vice, warnings,  etc.  Then  follows  a  full  description  of  every 
wreck,  illustrating  the  systematic  details  with  which  the  gov- 
ernment work  is  done.  The  Life  Saving  service  is  under  the 
management  of  the  Treasury  department,  and  many  years  of 
experience,  with  great  natural  aptitude,  has  made  General  Kim- 
ball a  most  valuable  expert  in  his  field  of  usefulness. 


Duran  Kimball,  of  the  Business  Shorthand  school,  113 
Adams  street,  Chicago,  has  issued  the  first  number  of  his  Short- 
hand Advocate.  It  contains  64  pages,  is  to  be  issued  quarterly 
and  is  flowing  over  with  good  things  for  those  who  would  learn 
shorthand  writing  in  the  shortest  time  and  the  best  system..  It 
is  not  possible  for  the  News  to  go  into  details  regarding  the 
purpose  of  this  publication.  It  is  filled  with  valuable  and  in- 
structive notes,  comments  and  suggestions,  with  many  pages  of 
printed  shorthand,  practical  letters,  with  translations.  It  is 
sold  at  30  cents  a  number  or  SI  a  year,  and  those  desiring  to 
learn  a  very  pleasing  as  well  as  profitable  art  will  do  well  to  ob- 
tain this  work.  It  may  be  noticed  that  there  seems  to  be  no 
trade,  industry  or  calling  useful  to  mankind  where  we  do  not 
find  members  of  this  family  well  up  ahead. 

Luella  A.  Kimball,  wife  of  Ellwood  D.  Kimball,  No.  2576, 
is  a  member  of  the  Connecticut  Society  of  the  Colonial  Dames 
of  America. 

Otis  Kimball  is  a  director  in  the  Colonial  bank,  Boston. 

April  and  May,  1901.  247 



As  has  beeti  intimated  in  previous  numbers  of  the  News, 
there  is  a  desire  on  the  part  of  a  number  of  the  Kimball  tribe 
to  have  a  research  made  in  Eng-land  of  the  early  history  of  the 
family.  This  might  bring-  forth  some  very  valuable  informa- 
tion, not  only  for  the  family,  but  for  g-enealogists  and  historians 
in  general.  As  parish  registers  were  not  generally  kept  much 
before  the  time  of  Queen  Elizabeth  it  would  require  an  expert 
like  Prof.  Sharpies  to  do  the  v/ork  on  the  spot.  This  would  re- 
quire a  guaranteed  amount  and  in  order  to  raise  it,  it  is  proposed 
to  form  a  Kimball  Historical  Society,  composed  of  those  who 
contribute  any  sum  towards  the  fund.  We  have  already  had  a 
few  offers  ranging  from  $2.00  up  to  $20. 00  and  we  now  call  for 
a  general  subscription  from  the  progressive  Kiraballs  of  Amer- 
ica. Unless  enough  is  subscribed  the  subscriptions  will  not  be 

The  above  plan  is  a  suggestion  from  a  News  subscriber  who 
is  interested.  He  asks  the  News  also  to  put  the  organization 
into  shape  by  assuming  the  responsibility  of  nominating  certain 
officers.  Therefore  the  News  now  asks  Colonel  Robert  J.  Kim- 
ball, of  71  Broadway,  N.  Y.,  to  allow  his  name  to  be  used  as 
President  of  the  Kimball  Historical  Society  of  America,  Roy  T. 
Kimball,  of  San  Francisco,  to  be  Vice  President,  Captain  Fred. 
M.  Kimball,  of  Topeka,  to  be  Secretary,  and  Herbert  W.  Kim- 
ball, of  Boston,  to  be  Treasurer. 

Prof.  Sharpies'  estimate  of  the  expense  of  making  investi- 
gation in  England  is  from  $500  to  $1,000.  It  is  not  easy  to  get 
at  definite  figures.  With  no  organized  effort  up  to  this  time  the 
News  is  able  to  say  that  about  $100  have  been  promise^  in  com- 
munications it  has  received.     This  is  a  promising  showing. 

The  News  now  suggests  a  regular  movement  all  along  the 
line.  Let  all  those  who  are  willing  to  join  this  Historical  So- 
ciety and  to  pay  $2  send  in  their  names  and  pledges  to  Fred.  M. 
Kimball,  Topeka,  Kans.  Those  who  are  willing  to  make  fur- 
ther contributions,  which  will  be  necessary,  will  also  include 
the  full  amount  of  pledge.  No  money  should  now  be  sent.  It 
may  be  said  that  several  $20  pledges  have  been  made,  and  some 
of  less  amount.     One  cousin  writes  that  he  will  give  $5  without 

248  Kimball  Family  News, 

mention  of  his  name,  the  amount  is  so  small.  Every  one  must 
judg^e  for  himself,  but  such  reticence  may  be  unnecessary. 

When  enoug-h  pledg-es  are  secured  by  the  Secretary  to  in- 
sure success,  he  will  notify  the  various  members,  who  will  then 
be  requested  to  forward  their  subscriptions  to  the  Treasurer. 

The  News  then  su^g-ests  an  Executive  Committee  to  consist 
of  Lieut. -Gov.  Charles  Dean  Kimball,  of  Providence,  R.  I., 
Frank  Reed  Kimball,  of  Boston,  and  Fred.  M.  Kimball,  of 
Somerville,  Mass..  together  with  the  Treasurer,  to  be  an  Execu- 
tive Committee  to  consult  with  Prof.  Sharpies,  and  throug-h 
whom  the  necessary  action  may  be  taken  for  the  investig^ation 
of  English  records  that  is  desired. 

The  News  is  personally  anxious  that  this  matter  be  taken 
up  and  carried  to  a  successful  issue  during-  the  current  year-  If 
this  can  be  done,  it  will  feel  that  it  has  not  lived  quite  in  vain, 
and  can  close  its  career  at  the  end  of  the  present  volume  with 
some  consolation,  since  it  cannot  longer  be  continued  as  it  has 
been.  If  the  proposed  Historical  Society  can  be  org-anized,  it 
may  be  found  practicable  for  some  one.  Prof.  Sharpies,  for  in- 
stance, to  continue  it  under  the  auspices  of  the  Society.  Let 
those  interested  think  of  it. 

"The  Owl,"  by  Georg-e  Dikeman  Wing,  of  Kewaunee,  Wis., 
comes  in  at  our  open  window  and  hoots  fc-r  the  Wing-  family  at 
the  same  price  as  the  News,  Si  a  year.  It  is  a  year  and  a  half 
old  and  full-fledg-ed.  The  Wing-  family  is  old,  and  nearly  all 
these  old  New  Eng-land  families  are  more  or  less  connected  by 
marriag-e.  For  example,  the  Hoyts  and  the  Wings.  One,  Miss 
Mirriam  Hoyt,  wants  to  learn  of  the  Hoyts  in  New  Hampshire, 
and  much  she  might  gather  from  the  published  history  of  the 
Hoyt  family,  which  is  quite  largely  connected  wnth  the  Kim- 
balls.  It  seems  that  there  were  many  Wings  to  settle  in  New 
York,  and  at  Cohocton  in  1S42  Virgil  Kimball  married  Susan  D. 
Wing.  Their  oldest  child,  they  had  seven,  was  Elbert  L.  Kim- 
ball, who  served  in  the  189th  New  York  Volunteers  till  the  end 
of  the  civil  war.  He  moved  to  Missouri  and  in  1886  made  a 
magnificent  campaign  as  Republican  candidate  for  Governor^ 
and  was  defeated  by  only  about  13,000  votes,  and  running  over 
6,0u0  votes  ahead  of  the  Presidential  ticket.  He  died  suddenly 
in  Kansas  City,  universally  respected  for  his  probity  of  charac- 
ter and  admired  for  his  ability  and  as  a  lawyer.  Two  of  his 
sisters,  Mrs.  Murphy  and  Mrs.  Carroll,  are  now  living  in  Enid, 

April  and  May,  1901.  249 


Edward  P.  Howe,  in  Lippincott's  Mag-azine  for  May,  has 
the  following-: 

"Of  the  anecdotes  of  President  Lincoln  there  is  no  end. 
Each  recurring-  anniversary  of  his  birth  brings  them  forward 
again,  but  the  new  ones  are  necessarily  very  few.  Here  is  one 
related  me  by  General  Kimball  himself,  a  good  many  years  ago, 
which  has  never  found  its  way  in  print. 

"General  Nathan  Kimball,  of  Indiana,  was  a  veteran  of 
the  Mexican  War  and  an  old  time  personal  friend  of  Mr.  Lin- 
coln. It  was  he  who  gave  the  famous  Stonewall  Jackson  his 
first  and  only  defeat,  at  the  battle  of  Winchester,  early  in  1862. 
During  one  of  the  important  campaigns  of  the  Army  of  the  Po- 
tomac the  War  Department  issued  an  order  forbidding  for  the 
time  all  leaves  of  absence  to  the  officers  of  that  army.  He  ap- 
plied for  a  leave,  but  General  Meade,  then  commanding  the 
Army  of  the  Potomac,  was  compelled  to  refuse  it.  By  dint  of 
persistent  solicitation,  howeyer,  permission  was  finally  given 
him  to  visit  Washing-ton.  Here  he  promptly  sought  Mr.  Lin- 
coln and  was  cordially  received  by  his  old  friend,  who  listened 
patiently  to  his  story  and  at  its  conclusion  asked: 

"  'Well,  Nathan,  what  does  Meade  say?' 

"  'He  flatly  refused  any  leave,  stating  that  the  War  De- 
partment had  issued  stringent  orders  on  the  subject  and  he 
could  not  disregard  them.' 

"  'That  is  too  bad,  but  I  don't  see  how  anything  can  be  done-' 

"  'Why,  Mr.  President,  surely  you  can  grant  me  a  leave  of 

"  'Can't  do  it,  Nathan.  You  see,  I  am  tied  up  tight  by  my 
own  order.' 

"  'Well,  Mr.  President,  you  see  the  fix  I  am  in.  What 
would  you  advise  me  to  do?' 

"  'At  this,"  said  General  Kimball,  'Mr.  Lincoln  arose  from 
his  chair  and  stretched  himself  to  his  full  height — I  had  never 
before  seen  him  look  so  tall.  Then  he  leaned  over  towards  me 
and  said  in  a  loud  whisper,  looking  around  as  though  fearing 
someone  might  overhear  him: 

""'Mat  linn,  I  irov/d  just  goP 

"  'I  considered  that  sufficient  authority,'  laughed  the  Gen- 
eral, 'made  a  quick  trip,  attended  to  my  business  and  reported 
to  General  Meade,  telling  him  of  my  interview  with  the  Presi- 
dent. He  was  a  quiet  man,  but  he  laughed  as  heartily  as  I  did, 
and  remarked: 

"  'That  is  just  like  Mr.  Lincoln.' " 

For  sketch  of  General  Kimball  see  Fam.  Hist.  p.  1139  and 
Fam.  News  for  1898,  pp.  52-53-55.  He  died  in  Ogden,  Utah, 
Jan.  21,  1898. 

250  Kimball  Family  News, 


The  Boston  Herald  of  April  12,  1901,  chronicles  the  follow- 
ing" wedding-  of  the  eldest  child  and  only  daug-hter  of  Lemuel 
C.  Kimball,  of  Boston,  of  whom  the  History  makes  little  men- 
tion on  pag-e  950: 

''Last  evening-  at  Arling-ton  Street  church,  MissAddie  Kim- 
ball, daug-hter  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Lemuel  Gushing-  Kimball,  of 
Beacon  street,  w^as  married  to  Henry  Glay  Grant  by  the  Rev. 
Paul  Revere  Froth ing-ham.  The  pulpit  and  platform  of  the 
church  were  massed  with  palms  and  tropical  plants,  intermin- 
g-led  with  azaleas,  hydrang-eas  and  other  spring-  flowers. 

"The  bride,  a  graceful  blonde,  was  escorted  to  the  altar  by 
her  father,  and  wore  a  robe  of  white  India  silk  g-auze,  daintily 
embroidered  in  tiny  g-old  figures  over  a  trained  g-own  of  Avhite 
satin.  The  tulle  veil  was  fastened  with  lilies  of  the  valle\',  and 
the  bride  carried  a  shower  bouquet  of  Bride  roses. 

"The  bridegroom  was  attended  by  Philip  Dalton  as  best 
man,  and  the  ushers  included  the  bride's  three  brothers,  Messrs. 
Henry  Horton  Kimball,  Clarence  Blake  Kimball  and  Lemuel 
Gushing-  Kimball,  Jr. 

"The  bride's  mother  was  handsomely  g-owned  in  heliotrope 
satin,  trimmed  with  duchesse  point  lace. 

"More  than  usual  interest  was  attached  to  the  wedding-,  as 
it  was  the  first  solemnized  in  the  church  by  the  new  pastor,  and 
also  because  the  bride's  parents  were  married  there  and  have 
attended  the  church  ever  since. 

"At  the  close  of  the  ceremony  a  larg-e  reception  was  held  at 
the  home  of  the  bride's  parents  on  Beacon  street.  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
(rrant  will  pass  the  summer  at  Marblehead  Neck,  and  in  the 
autumn  will  go  to  Newton,  a  house  there  having-  been  among* 
their  wedding-  gifts.  Among  those  present  were:  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
David  Pulsifer  Kimball  and  their  daughters,  Clara  B.  Little  and 
Catherine  P.  Rhodes,  and  their  husbands,  Mrs.  David  Kimball, 
the  Misses  Kimball,  besides  many  relatives  of  the  brideg-room 
and  of  the  bride's  mother  and  a  larg-e  number  of  friends  of  all 
the  interested  parties." 

Another  wedding  of  which  the  News  has  but  slight  partic- 
ulars was  that  of  F^rank  William  Kimball,  young-est  son  of 
Charles  Frederick  Kimball,  No.  22S4,  Hist.  p.  W2.  This  occur- 
red on  April  2,  1901,  at  Hard  wick.  Mass.,  when  Edith  Harriet 
Paig-e.  daughter  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Timothy  Paig-e,  became  his 
wife.  The  bridegroom  is  own  cousin  of  E.  D.  Kimball,  of 
Wichita,  Kans.,  and  his  father  is  a  well  known  educator  of  Ded- 
ham,  Mass. 

From  the  Indianapolis   Journal  of  March    15,  1901,  we    clip 

April  and  May,  1901.  251 

the  following:  "Last  nig-ht  at  the  home  of  the  bride's  parents, 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  Dexheirner,  of  this  city,  Miss  Mae  Dex- 
heimer  and  Earle  D.  Kimball,  son  of  Major  T.  C.  Kimball,  a 
surgeon  of  the  Spanish-American  volunteer  army,  were  married. 
The  ceremon}'-  was  performed  by  the  Rey.  Madison  Swadener, 
pastor  of  the  First  M.  E.  church.  Only  the  immediate  friends 
and  relatives  were  present." 


Lieutenant  Governor  Charles  Dean  Kimball,  of  Providence, 
Rhode  Island,  sends  the  News  a  very  carefully  edited  and 
printed  volume  of  360  pages  with  above  title.  It  is  one  of  the 
best  prepared  works  of  the  kind  that  has  come  to  our  notice.  It 
is  valuable  epitomized  history  compiled  with  rare  skill.  The 
News  acknowledges  its  obligations  to  Gov.  Kimball  for  his  re- 
membrance. The  state  recognizes  its  Lieutenant  Governor  as 
"His  Honor."  The  full  page  portrait  of  this  family  cousin  gives 
one  the  idea  that  it  represents  a  man  of  honor  and  ^hat  this 
time  at  least  the  title  is  >^^ell  bestowed.  -  On  page  309  of  the 
first  (bound)  volume  of  the  News  it  is  told  how  when  a  member 
of  the  House  of  Representatives  he  refused  to  take  a  check  for 
S175  for  services  he  did  noi  think  he  had  earned  outside  of  his 
regular  duties.  The  unusual  act  brought  out  extensive  news- 
paper comment  outside  even  of  his  own  state.  His  election  as 
Lieutenant  Governor  was  mentioned  in  April  News,  1900,  and 
it  may  be  remembered  that  he  was  seriously  injured  in  a  rail- 
road accident  shortly  after.  Gov,  Kimball  is  a  Republican,  but 
Horace  A.  Kimball,  also  of  Providence,  is  a  Dcinocrat  and  can- 
didate for  Governor  in  1880  and  again  in  1881,  and  in  1886  was 
candidate  for  the  United  States  Senate  in  place  of  Nelson  W. 
Aldrich,  who  now  represents  that  state.  However,  he  was  ap- 
pointed one  of  the  State  House  commissioners  last  year  by  Gov. 
Gregory.     (Hist.  p.  804.) 

John  Kimball,  for  eight  years  station  and  freight  agent  in 
Andover,  has  resigned  his  position  and  intends  to  cut  loose  from 
the  Boston  &  Maine  road  this  week.  The  patrons  of  the  road 
in  general  will  regret  to  learn  of  this  decision  of  the  genial 
ticket  agent  who  has  uniformly  been  courteous  and  accommodat- 
ing. Mr.  Kimball  has  several  things  in  view  and  will  soon  go 
to  Exeter  where  his  parents  reside  and  where  his  brother  con- 
ducts a  hardware  store.  Mr.  Kimball  will  probably  assist  his 
brother  at  the  store  for  awhile.  Before  coming  to  Andover,  he 
was  employed  for  a  short  time  at  the  Lawrence  freight  office 
and  for  ten  years  at  the  Haverhill  freight  ofi&ce.  His  successor 
has  not  yet  arrived.     So  says  a  Andover  paper. 

Kimball  Family  News, 


In  the  News  for  July,  1898,  p.  120,  mention  was  made  of 
the  appointment  of  Dr.  T.  C.  Kimball,  of  Marion,  Ind-,  as  sur- 
i^con  in  chief  of  the  volunteer  army.  He  was  also  surg-eon  of  the 
old  40th  Reg-iment,  Indiana  National  guard.  The  News  could 
not  place  him  at  that  time,  nor  can  it  do  so  now  fully.  But  it 
is  on  the  irack.  Dr.  Abner  D.  Kimball  is  a  brother  and  is  sur- 
geon of  the  National  Military  home  in  Indiana,  and  both  live 
at  Marion  in  that  state,  and  four  other  brothers  live  at  Neodesha, 
Kans.  These  are  H.  H.  Kimball,  M.  F.  Kimball,  Charles  M. 
Kimball  and  Frank  B.  Kimball.  Three  are  farmers  and  the 
latter  is  in  the  hardware  trade,  and  all  are  in  g-ood  circum- 
stances. There  are  also  two  sisters,  Mrs.  Harriet  Flinn,  of 
Marion,  and  Mrs.  Nancy  Tanquarv.  of  Neodesha.  The  father 
of  this  large  family  was  Moses  Kimball,  born  in  Coshocton 
county,  Ohio,  where  a  sister,  Mrs.  Jane  Kimball  Davis,  still 
lives,  and  a  brother,  Abner  Kimball,  still  lives  in  Converse,  Ind., 
while  others  are  deceased.  There  are  '^0  Moses  Kimballs  men- 
tioned in  the  Family  History  and  this  Moses  was  not  one  of 
them.  Who  was  his  father  and  g-randfather?  This  inlorma- 
lion  the  News  solicits,  and  then  the  birth,  death  and  marriage 
of  each  descendant  down  to  this  date,  properly  compiled. 

And  we  hear  of  other  Kimballs  in  Yates  Center,  and  El 
Dorado,  an  E.  D.  Kimball  in  Barber  county,  and  a  C.  D.  Kim- 
ball in  Wichita,  all  in  this  state.  The  News  would  like  to  hear 
from  them  ■'■^  ■  f  them. 

Among  the  Chicago  Commercial  club  tourists,  numbering 
thirty-five,  who  lately  went  in  high  feather  across  the  continent, 
was  C.  F.  Kimball,  of  the  Chicago  Carriage  works.  The  Cali- 
fornia papers  tell  the  stofy  of  their  roval  reception  at  numerous 
points.  They  were  given  a  gorgeous  entertainment  at  San 
Francisco,  including  a  banquet  at  Hopkin's  institute  on  Nob 
Hill,  and  of  course  Roy  T.  Kimball  was  one  of  the  leading  bus- 
iness men  of  the  city  who  were  in  it.  Roy  T.  is  always  in  his 
element  at  a  swell  banquet. 

The  News  acknowledges  the  receipt  of  all  of  last  year's 
numbers  of  the  Essex  Institute  Historical  collections,  and  the 
two  numbers  for  the  current  year  and  credits  its  indebtedness  to 
the  Ipswich  Historical  ^o.-ir-tv  Tli.'si'  tniV)1i^1i,-.1  r,  ,-(in1<  ;ir.'  .>f 
exceeding  interest. 

Elizabeth  Gardner  Kimball,  daughter  of  No.  2283,  is  Study- 
ing for  a  degree  at  RatclitTe  College,  Cambridge. 

April  and  May,  1901.  253 


From  the  Boston  Herald  May  21,  1890: 

"Brother  F.  C.  Kimball,  of  Enosburg-h  Falls,  a  venerable 
local  preacher,  a  man  of  g-reat  acceptability  and  success  in 
former  years,  has  met  with  affliction.  Mrs.  Kimball  died  sud- 
denly of  neuralg-ia  of  the  heart.  Mr.  Kimball,  thus  bereaved 
in  his  old  ag-e,  has  the  hearty  sympathy  of  all  who  have  known 
him  personally  and  remember  his  former  usefulness  and  g-ifts  in 
church  work.  He  is  one  of  those  retired  ministers  who  know 
how  to  leave  the  work  g-racefuUy  and  to  be  helpful  and  sympa- 
thetic toward  the  pastor. 

"Harriet  E.  (P^oresythe  Kimball  was  born  in  Enosburg-h, 
Vt.,  Nov.  23,  1825,  and  died  April  32,  i8)0.  She  married 
Stephen  B.  Whitney  at  21  years  of  age,  who  afterward  entered 
the  ministry,  joined  the  Troy  conference  in  1851,  and  died  in 
1860.  Afterward  she  married  D.  W.  Gould  of  the  Troy  confer- 
ence and  in  about  a  year  and  a  half  he  di.'d,  and  she  was  left 
ag-ain  a  widow-  In  1870  she  married  F.  C.  Kimball,  of  Enos- 
burg-h, a  local  preacher  and  an  acquaintance  of  her  early  years, 
and  with  her  husband  served  appointments  in  the  Vermont  con-  f 
ference.  She  abundantly  justified  the  proverbial  remark  that  . 
Sister  Kimball  was  a  hard  worker  on  a  circuit.  She  returned  to 
Enosburg-h  Falls  in  impaired  health,  where  she  assisted  in  or- 
g-anizing-  a  Woman's  Foreig-n  Missionary  Society,  and  was  its 
first  president,  which  office  she  held  until  the  time  of  her  death." 

The  above  may  be  Fernando  Corteze,  No.  587,  but  does  not 
agree  fully. 


Boston  is  getting-  to  be  a  proud  city.  It  always  was,  but  it 
is  g-etting-  to  be  more  so.  Its  latest  pride  is  in  its  new  elevated 
railway.  The  papers  have  been  full  of  it  for  weeks,  well  writ- 
ten details  and  illustrations.  Even  the  Scientific  American  has 
taken  it  up.  It  seems  to  present  some  novel  eng-ineering-  fea- 
tures that  have  interested  men  of  science,  and  in  all  instances 
Chief  Engineer  Kimball  comes  in  for  an  immense  arriount  of 
compliments.  All  speak  in  the  hig-hest  terras  of  his  skill  and 
enterprise.  The  work  has  been  in  progress  for  a  long  time  and 
is  to  be  completed  during-  the  coming-  summer.  The  Globe  says 
it  will  be  ahead  of  alnything-  of  the  kind  in  the  world.  So  here 
is  another  feather  in  a  Kimball  cap. 

Albert  Barney  Kimball,  of  Scandia,  Kans.,  editor  of  the 
Scandia  Journal  and  the  Concordia  Empire  and  postmaster,  has 
now  been  elected  councilman  of  Scandia.     What  next? 

254  Kimball  Family  News, 


News  readers  have  probably  noticed  the  London  dispatch  of 
April  24  reg-arding-  the  recent  carapaig-n  in  Western  Africa  of 
General  Ludg-ard  and  Colonel  G.  V.  Kemball,  of  the  British 
army.  It  was  against  the  powerful  slave  raiding-  Emirs  in 
Northern  Nig-era.  The  British  captured  the  capitals  of  both 
Bida  and  Kontagora  and  released  thousands  of  slaves.  The 
Emirs  have  been  the  terror  of  the  country  for  year?,  killing- 
thousands  of  natives  during-  the  past  year.  They  are  now  en- 
tirely powerless. 

This  Colonel  Kemball  is  probably  of  the  family  of  Major 
General  John  Shaw  Kembali,  of  the  County  of  Kent,  Eng^land. 
It  will  be  remembered  that  Prof.  Morrison  while  preparing-  mat- 
ter for  the  Kimball  History  made  the  acquaintance  of  General 
Kemball  in  London,  and  afterwards  received  interesting-  letters 
and  records  from  his  brother,  C.  G.  Kemball,  some  of  which  are 
g-iven  in  the  History.  These  brothers  are  descendants  of  Will- 
iam Kimball,  born  in  1623,  who  was  about  28  years  young-er 
than  our  ancestor  Richard  Kemball,  who  came  to  America 
eleven  years  later  in  1634.  It  may  be  observed  that  the  Eng-lish 
cousins  still  retain  the  spelling-  Kemball. 

The  News  has  been  bring-ing-  to  lig-ht  some  family  history, 
and  with  every  month  comes  some  new  matter  or  corrections  of 
old  statements.  And  this  will  probably  g-o  on  without  end.  On 
pag-e  369  of  the  News  for  1899  it  announced  the  death  of  Dr. 
Walter  Scott  Kimball,  and  asked  for  more  concerning  his  family, 
which  has  not  been  furnished.  But  the  matter  that  we  have 
recently  published  concerning-  his  uncle,  Alonzo  Kimball,  of 
Green  Bay,  has  broug-ht  some  thing-s  to  lig-ht.  For  instance,  on 
pag-e  223  of  the  History,  Walter  Scott  Kimball,  said  to  be  the 
young-est  son  of  Ruel  Kimball",  is  described  exactly  as  the 
Walter  on  page  412,  son  of  RueF.  That  on  pag-e  223  is  an 
error,  and  Martin  L-  was  the  young-est  son  of  Ruel"  and  brother 
of  Ruel^  and  of  Alonzo^  and  of  Edwin,  of  Hay  wards,  Cal., — 
see  pag-e  736.  There  is  still  very  much  wanting-  of  the  records 
of  the  descendants  of  Ruel". 

Charley  Kimball  has  been  assig-ned  by  the  Southern  Kansas 
conference  to  the  pastorate  of  the  New  Salem  Methodist  church. 

Edward  P.  Kimball,  of  Portsmouth,  N.  H.,  is   president  of 
the  First  National  bank.     Hist.,  p.  898. 

Our  illustration  this  issue    shows   one    view   of  Rattlesden, 

April  and  May,  1901.  255 


Oliver  R.  Gile  October  13,  1863,  married  Helen  A.  Kimball 
at  Bradford,  Mass.,  of  whom  no  mention  is  made  in  the  B'amily 
History.  We  have  not  the  exact  date  of  his  death,  but  he  was 
buried"  at  North  Andover,  Monday,  April  1,  1901,  leaving-  a 
widow  and  three  children,  Mrs.  Lydia  G-  Panaretoff,  whose 
husband  is  a  professor  in  Robert  colleg-e,  Constantinople,  Tur- 
key, Miss  Helen  E.  Gile  and  Arthur  O-  Gile. 

Mr.  Gile  was  among-  the  oldest  native  born  residents  of  the 
parish.  Had  he  lived  until  April  12  he  would  have  been  67 
3^ears  of  age. 

His  father,  John  Gile,  who  belong-ed  in  Greenland,  N,  H., 
had  charge  of  the  finishing-  in  Stevens  and  Hodges  factories  for 
many  years. 

With  a  fondness  for  adventure  he  went  to  sea  when  a  boy  fol- 
lowing- the  life  of  a  sailor  for  about  14  years.  During-  this  period 
he  made  whaling-  and  fishing  voyag-es  and  was  also  in  merchant 
service.  He  visited  many  different  ports,  witnessed  numerous 
stirring-  incidents  and  his  reminiscences  of  sea  life  were  very 

During  the  rebellion  he  served  aboard  the  Wissahickon  with 
credit.  Mr.  Gile  was  a  warm-hearted  man,  in  full  sympathy 
with  every  deserving-  cause  and  always  willing-  to  lend  a  helping- 
hand.  He  became  a  Mason  in  the  early  days  and  was  much  in- 
terested in  its  welfare.  The  deceased  filled  the  positions  of 
chief  eng-ineer  of  the  fire  department  and  constable  for  several 
years,  discharging-  the  duties  faithfully.  His  rug-ged  honesty 
and  sterling  worth,  united  to  an  oblig-ing-  disposition  and  genial 
way,  won  him  the  confidence  and  regard  of  the  townspeople. 
To  his  family  he  was  strongly  attached,  and  in  the  home  circle 
he  could  be  seen  at  his  best.  During  an  extended  illness  he  had 
the  loving-  care  of  those  to  whom  he  was  ever  devoted  and  his 
closing-  da\'s  were  rendered  as  pleasant  as  possible. 

The  Foster-Kimball  will  case  referred  to  in  the  December 
News  came  up  again  on  appeal  before  the  jury  term  of  the 
Supreme  Court,  which  opened  April  9.  The  court  refused  to 
hear  the  suit  and  ordered  the  case  taken  from  the  list  for  the 
present.  The  Probate  Court  found  for  Mrs.  Kimball  and  her 
opponents  appealed. 

Alice  Kimball  Mortimore,  daug-hter  of  Moody  Spafford 
Kimball,  was  elected  registrar  of  the  Eunice  Sterling  Chapter, 
Daughters  of  the  American  Revolution,  Wichita,  at  their 
biennial  election  in  April.     Hist.  p.  658-1357-vii. 

256  Kimball  Family  News, 

Supplettieutal  Notes  to  Family  History. 

Pag-e  222,  780b,  Alotizo  Kimball'  (  Ruel**  Boyce*  Ebenezer<  Sam- 
uel'Richard' Richard';  born  Lerov,'N.  Y.,  Nov.  8,  1808; 
died  Green  Bay.  Wis.,  Aug-.  7,  1900;  m.  Oct.  1,  1840,  at 
Hudson,  N.  Y.,  Sarah  Weston,  b.  Aug-.  17,  1811;  d.  June 
27,  1891,  voung-est  child  of  Isaiah  Weston,  a  Unitarian 
clerg-yman  of  New  Bedford,  Mass.  Mr.  Weston  was  a 
descendant  of  Edmund  Weston,  who  came  from  Eng-land 
in  1635.  and  settled  in  Duxbury,  Mass.  Isaiah  Weston's 
wife  was  Sarah  Dean,  whose  ancestor,  Stephen  Dean, 
built  the  first  grist  mill  in  Plymouth  colony.  Alonzo 
Kimball  graduated  from  Union  CoUeg-e  in  1836,  and  later 
entered  Andover  Theological  Seminary  intending-  to  enter 
the  ministry  as  his  father  had  done,  but  failing  health 
prevented.  In  1839  he  became  principal  of  an  academy 
in  Lee,  Mass.,  where  he  met  his  future  wife.  In  1848 
the  family  moved  to  the  west,  settling  at  first  in  Mil- 
waukee and  finally  locating  in  Green  Bay,  where  they  re- 
mained and  where  their  golden  wedding  occurred  Oct.  1, 
1890.  For  sketch  of  Alonzo  Kimball's  life  see  Family 
News  for  January,  1901. 


i  Mary  Cornelia,  b.  Lee,  Mass.,  Jan.  4,  1842;  m.  M.  K.  Walker, 

li  Alonzo  ^Veston,  b.    Lee,    Mass.,    March    7,    1S44;  m.    1st    Almira 

Barnes  Mahan;  m.  "2(1  Ella  C.  Peak, 

iii  Charles  TheodoTe.  b.  Dalton,  Mass  ,  Oct.  10,  1847. 

iv  Mather  Dean,  b.  Green  Bay,  Wis.,  Dec.  4,  1849. 

V  William  Dwight,  b.  Green  Bay,  Sept.  18,  1852;   d.  Sept.  17,  1854. 

vi  Sara,  born  Green  Bay,  July  25,  1857;  m.  Linus  Bonner  Sale. 

1559b,  Mary  Cornelia  Kimball**  T  Alonzo''  Ruel^  Boyce*  Ebenezer* 
Samuel  Richard^  Richard')  b.  Lee,  Mass.,  Jan.  4,  1842; 
m.  Green  Bay,  Wis.,  Aug.  16,  1866,  Matthew  Henry 
Walker,  formerly  of  ClifFe  House,  Chesterfield,  Derby- 
.  shire,  England.  Mr.  Walker  is  a  dealer  in  real  estate, 
and  a  well  known  breeder  of  full  blood  Fric^ian  cattle 
and  improved  Yorkshire  swine,  and  rather  prides  himself 
on  his  large  breed  bacon  hog. 


i     Edwin  Eaton  Walker,  b.  Aug.  15,  1809,  living  in  Eau  Claire,  Wis. 
ii     William  Kimball  Walker,  b.  May  5,  1872,  Green  Bay. 
iii     Anne  Carolyn  Walker,  b.  Jan.  8,  1884. 

1559c,  Alonzo  Weston  Kimball"  (Alonzo"  Ruel*  Boyce*  Ebenezer 
Samuel'  Richard"  RichardM  b.  Lee,  Mass.,  March  7,  1844; 
m.  1st  Aug.  4,  1869,  Almira  Barnes  Mahan;  d.  Green 
Bay,  Nov.  28,  1882,  youngest  daughter  of  late  President 
Asa  Mahan,  of  Oberlin  College,  O.,  and    his   wife    Mary 

April  and  May,  1901.  257 

Dix;  m.  2d  Sept.  24,  1884,  Ella  Celestia  Peak,  daug-hter 
cf  the  late  James  Peak,  M.  D.,  of  Cooperstovvn,  N.  Y. 
He  entered  Beloit  Colleg-e  in  1863,  but  left  to  enter  the 
Union  army.  After  the  war  he  eng-ag-ed  in  the  insurance 
business  in  Green  Bay.  Later  he  was  appointed  g-eneral 
ag-ent  of  the  Northwestern  Mutual  Life  Insurance  Co., 
with  headquarters  in  Chicag-o,  a  position  which  he  now 
holds.  He  is  now  with  his  family  on  a  trip  to  Europe. 
Resides  in  Evanston,  111. 


2348a     i     Theodore  Mahan;  b.  Green  Bay,  July  9,  1870. 
ii     Alonzo  Myron,  b.  Green  Bay,  Aug-.  14.  1874. 
iii     Marjorie  Weston,  b.  MiJwaukee,  March  i:i,  1886. 

1559d,  Charles  Theodore  Kimball*  (Alonzo"  :  Ruele  Boyce^  Ebe- 
nezer'*  Samuel' Richard^  Richardi)b,  Dalton,  Mass.,  Oct. 
10,  1847;  m.  Green  Bay,  Wis.,  Sept.  5,  1871,  Hannah  Eliz- 
abeth Cawthonie,  of  Port  Hope,  Canada.  He  received  a 
business  education  and  was  associated  with  his  father  in 
the  hardware  business,  which  is  still  conducted  by  him 
under  the  old  name. 


i     Mary  Bell,  b.  March  .5,  1«73. 
ii     Myra  Weston,  b.  Sept.  7,  1875. 
iii     Charles  Theodore,  Jr.,  b.  July  37,  1877. 

1559e,  Mather  Dean  Kimball*  (Alonzo^  Ruel"  Boyce'  Ebenezer^ 
Samuel"  Richard^  Richardi)  b.  Green  Bay,  Wis.,  Dec.  4, 
1849;  m.  in  Chicag-o,  111.,  Jan.  30,  1875.  Anna  Lewis'.  He 
g-raduated  from  the  Northwestern  University,  Evanston, 
111.,  in  1872.  Resides  in  Milwaukee,  Wis."^  With  the 
Northwestern  Life  Insurance  Co. 


i     Catherine  Lewis,  b.  Green  Bay,  Noy.  8,  187«. 
ii     Sara  Weston,  b.  Green  Bay,  Jan.  7,  1879. 
iii     Anna  Mather,  b.  Raveuswood,  111.,  Aug.  17.  1886. 

1559f,  Sara  KimbalP  (Alonzo^  Ruel' Boyce-'  Ebenezer*  Samuel' 
Richard'^  Richard')  b.  Green  Bay,  Wis.,  July  25,  1857;  m. 
1st  Green  Bay  Oct.  6,  1880,  Linus  Bonner  Sale,  d.  Aug-. 
10,  1892.  Mr.  Sale  was  a  lawyer  of  English  descent. 
On  Aug-.  10,  1892,  Mr.  Sale  and  his  two  little  sons,  Rich- 
ard and  Robert,  were  drowned  in  Fox  river  at  Green  Bay 
while  bathing-.  Married  2d  at  Evanston,  111.,  June  22, 
1896,  William  Herbert  Hobbs,  of  Massachusetts,  professor 
of  mineralog-y  at  the  Wisconsin  State  LTniversity. 


i     Richard  Weston  Sale,  b.  Aug.  9,  1881. 

25s  Kimball  Family  News, 

ii     Robert  Kimball  Sale,  b.  Aug.  25,  1883. 
iii     Alice  Ruth  Sale,  b.  Aug-.  24,  1886;  d.  Mar.  5,  1901. 
iv     Winifred  Weston  Ilobbs,  b.  November.  1899. 
2348a,  Theodore   Mahan   KirabalP    (Alonzo   W.*   Alonzo?  RueP 
Bojce*  Ebenezer*   Samuel'   Richard^   Richard^)    b.    Green 
Bay,  Wis.;  m.  in  Chicag-o,  111.,  March  3,  1898,  Dixie  Bay- 
sheaw.     Reside  in  Evanston,  111.     Real  estate. 


Mj-ra  Mahan,  b.  in  Mexico,  July  4,  1899. 


Miss  Elizabeth  Kimball  Kendall,  Associate  Professor  of 
English  History  in  Wellesley  Colleg-e.  has  written  and  the  Mac- 
millan  Company  of  New  York  have  published  a  volume  for  the 
use  of  schools  and  for  g^eneral  readers,  a  work  of  nearly  500 
pag-es  with  the  above  title.  Books  of  this  kind  possess  rare 
value,  especially  to  readers  and  students  of  history.  Like  bio- 
g-rophical  dictionaries  they  are  important  adjuncts  not  only  to 
text  books  but  to  the  more  elaborate  histories.  Miss  Kendall,  in 
collaboration  with  Prof.  Katherine  Coman,  also  of  Wellesley, 
has  written  a  History  of  Eng-land  for  advanced  pupils  that  has 
received  the  hig-hest  commendation.  Elizabeth  Kimball  Ken- 
dall is  the  second  daughter  of  Lucretia  Hasseltine  (Kimball , 
Kendall.  Her  father  was  the  Rev.  Safford  Kendall,  who  was  at 
times  L^nited  States  consul  at  different  points  in  Europe,  and 
who  died  and  was  buried  in  Geneva  in  1873.  After  his  death 
the  family  resided  for  some  3'^ears  in  Heidelberg",  Germany.  Miss 
Kendall  afterwards  spent  two  )^ears  at  Oxford  University,  Eng- 
land, was  later  a  teacher  at  Lake  Forest,  111.,  and  has  now  been 
for  some  3'ears  an  instructor  in  Wellesley.  Her  grandfather  was 
Deacon  Jesse  Kimball,  who  is  said  on  page  531  of  the  Family 
History  to  have  been  a  rare  man.  Deacon  .Jesse's  sister  Lucretia 
was  the  wife  of  Benjamin  (xreenleaf,  the  author  of  Greenleaf's 
Arithmetics.  Jesse  Kimball's  wife  was  also  named  Lucretia 
and  was  the  daughter  of  Judg-e  John  Kimball,  of  Barton,  Vt. 
The  families,  Kimballs  on  both  sides,  wore  notable  for  their 
strong  characteristics  and  intellectual  qualities.  Judge  John 
Kimball  was  the  grandfather  of  Captain  F.  M.  Kimball,  of 
Topeka.     Hist.  p.  i5<>. 

Tlmmas  Dudley  Kimball,  of  Kirkwoc^d,  Mo.,  sends  a  very 
unicjuc  and  tasty  program  and  menu  of  the  last  banquet  of  the 
Missouri  Sons  of  the  Revolution.  The  Sons  of  the  Revolution 
and  the  Sons  of  the-  American  Revolution  are  different  in  little 
but  the  name. 

April  and  May,  1901.  259 


FAMILY    HISTORY    PAGE    948. 

The  Caldwell  chronicles  g-ive  her  birth  Jan.  26,  1820,  the 
Fam.  Hist.  Jan.  6.  She  died  Jan.  26,  1895,  on  her  75th  birth- 
day.    The  Ipswich  Chronicle  of  the  time  says: 

"Her  maiden  name  was  Elisabeth  Caldwell  Smith.  She 
belong-ed  to  one  of  our  earliest  and  best  known  families;  her 
father,  Mr.  Samuel  Smith,  having-  been  a  prominent  man  of 
his  g-eneration. 

"At  the  time  of  Mrs.  Kimball's  birth,  her  father  kept  the 
Inn,  where,  in  1789,  Washington  had  lunched  on  his  journey 
through  Ipswich. 

"Mrs.  Kimball's  mother  was  Lucy  Caldwell,  the  daughter 
of  Capt.  Ebenezer  and  Mercy  (Dodge)  Caldwell,  and  a  grand- 
daughter of  the  famous  Sheriff,  William  Dodge,  so  that  on  both 
paternal  and  maternal  sides  Mrs.  Kimball  came  of  the  grand 
New  England  stock- 

"Before  her  marriage  Mrs.  Kimball  was  a  teacher,  and 
taught  what  is  now  remembered  as  "the  Dame  School."  She 
also  was  principal  of  the  mixed  school — older  scholars,  and  very 
like  the  Grammar  School  of  today. 

"December  5,  1843,  she  married  Mr.  Alfred  Kimball,  also  of 
Ipswich,  who  for  many  years  was  the  faithful  and  efficient 
Town  Clerk,  and  whose  death,  August  4,  18G4,  was  universally 
regretted.     *     * 

"Mrs.  Kimball  was  a  woman  of  culture;  broad  and  liberal 
in  her  views  of  life — such  as  the  last  generation  so  often  pro- 
duced. Kindly  and  sympathetic,  faithful  and  steadfast,  devoted 
to  her  family,  devoted  to  the  church,  she  filled  every  relation  in 
life  with  rare  completeness. 

"For  more  than  a  year  she  has  been  failing,  and  on  Satur- 
day she  went  peacefully  out  into  the  great  Ocean  of  God's 

"The  funeral  was  held  at  her  residence,  Tuesday  afternoon, 
January  29.  Rev.  Mr.  Waters,  to  whom  Mrs.  Kimball  had  been 
like  a  mother,  conducted  the  simple,  solemn  service. 

"The  casket  was  covered  with  fragrant  roses  and  lilies,  of 
which  Mrs.  Kimball  was  very  fond. 

"The  interment  was  at  the  South  Cemetery." 

Secretary  Connelley  of  the  Kansas  Society  Sons  of  the 
American  Revolution  having  resigned  Captain  F.  M.  Kimball 
was  elected  in  his  place.  A  part  of  the  roster  now  reads:  Pres- 
ident, G.  F.  Kimball;  Secretary,  Fred.  M.  Kimball,  both  of  Toi 
peka;  Vice  President  from  Seventh  district,  Ellwood  D.  Kim- 
ball, Wichita. 

2^)0  Kimball  Family  News, 


Mies  Nellie  Hunger,  of  Boston,  was  mai(J  of  honor  at  the  wedding  of 
her  cousin,  Miss  Helen  n;.  Lewis,  and  Mr.  Eugene  M.  Kimball,  which  took 
place  last  week  at  Vineland,  N.  J. 

The  marriage  of  Arthur  L.  Kimball,  son  of  the  late  Ensign  Kimball, 
of  Revere,  to  Miss  Maud  H.  Pratt,  daughter  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter  Pratt, 
occurred  on  Wednesday  evening  at  the  home  of  the  bride  on  Winthrop 
avenue.  Owing  to  the  recent  death  of  the  mother  of  the  groom,  only 
about  50  of  the  immediate  relatives  witnessed  the  ceremony  performed  by 
Rev.  Butler,  pastor  of  the  Unitarian  church  in  Revere.  The  bride  wore  a 
handsome  gown  of  white  corded  silk  and  carried  a  bouquet  of  white  roses. 
After  the  wedding  supper  the  young  couple  left  for  New  York.  Hist.  p. 

Leach,  Shewell  &  Sanborn  issue  a  little  book  on  elocution,  which, 
though  slight  in  size,  is  a  correct  statement  of  the  principles  of  elocution. 
If  one  will  follow  it  carefully,  he  will  be  sure  to  grasp  the  principles  upon 
which  it  is  based.  The  author  of  this,  now  Mrs.  Kimball,  was  when  she 
wrote  it  a  teacher  of  elocution  in  Vassar  College^  and  was  then  known  as 
Maria  Porter  Grace.  While  it  does  not  aim  at  much,  it  is  a  capital  and 
practical  little  manual. 

John  H.  Kimball,  of  Abington,  and  Miss  Blanshe  L.  Wilbur,  daugh- 
ter of  Albert  L.  Wilbur,  of  Rockland,  were  married  at  the  residence  of 
Joseph  E.  Kimball,  father  of  the  groom,  on  Crescent  street,  Brockton, 
yesterday.  The  ceremony  was  performed  by  Rey.  Lewis  E  Pease,  of  Bos- 
ton. Mr.  and  Mrs.  Kimball  are  to  reside  in  Abington.  Hist.  p.  803.  No. 

John  M.  Kimball,  a  well  known  resident  of  Maiden,  and  large  real 
estate  owner,  died  suddenly  yesterday  of  paralysis,  at  his  home,  75  Pleas- 
ant street,  that  city.  His  health  had  been  poor  for  the  past  year.  He 
was  stricken  while  in  his  yard,  and  expired  almost  instantly.  He  was 
born  in  Tamworth,  N.  H..  7(5  years  ago,  and  had  been  a  resident  of  Maiden 
nearly  CO  years.  He  was  for  many  years  engaged  as  a  building  mover, 
and  had  acquired  considerable  property.  He  retired  from  business  17 
years  ago.  Deceased  was  a  member  of  Maiden  commandery  of  the  Golden 
Cross.     A  widow  and  three  daughters  survive  him. 

Ja.maic.4,  Mass..  1897. — John  H.  Kimball,  of  Custer  street,  died 
ver^'  suddenly  last  night  from  apoplexy.  He  was  about  yesterday  in  his 
usual  g'ood  health.  He  was  77  years  of  age.  He  was  born  in  North  Hook- 
sett.  N.  11.,  but  had  been  a  resident  of  Jamaica  Plain  the  greater  part  of 
his  life.  For  the  past  50  j'ears  he  had  been  a  shipping  master  and  had  an 
office  on  Commercial  street,  Boston  He  had  an  extended  acquaintance 
along  the  water  front  and  many  strong  friends,  and  was  no  less  widely 
known  and  liked  in  .Jamaica  Plain,  where  he  was  a  prominent  member  of 
the  Methodist  church.  Heside  a  widow,  four  daughters  and  three  sons 
survive  him.  p.  081. 

Lawrknck,    Mass..    July    29,    1895. — John   G.    Kimball,    well   known 

April  and  May,  1901.  261 

throughout  Massachusetts  as  a  prominent  Prohibition  party  leader,  was 
found  dead  in  his  bed  at  North  Andover  yesterday  from  apoplexy.  De- 
ceased was  62  years  of  age,  a  native  of  Concord,  ?n.  H.,  and  had  been  en- 
gaged in  business  in  Lawrence  for  more  than  a  quarter  of  a  century.  He 
leaves  a  widow,  a  son  and  a  daughter. 

Boston,  April  2C.  1897. — John  D.  Kimball,  one  of  the  oldest  and  best 
known  citizens  of  Charlestown,  died  last  evening  at  his  residence  at  7 
Prescott  street  at  the  age  of  75  years.  He  was  born  at  North  Andover. 
He  moved  to  Charlestown  in  his  early  manhood  and  for  over  40  years  was 
connected  with  the  firm  of  Cook,  Rynes  &  Co..  general  contractors  on  iron 
work.  He  retired  some  years  since.  The  deceased  ,  leaves  a  widow  and 
one  son,  George  E.  Kimball,  who  for  some  35  years  has  been  the  popular 
cashier  of  the  Boston  Post.  The  funeral  arrnngem-ents  for  the  deceased 
have  not  yet  been  made.     (No.  1570?) 

Boston,  no  date.^ — ^^Charles  D.  Lincoln,  who  clipd  Mt  Fair  Hav6li  last 
Sunday,  and  who  was  buried  at  Forest  Hills  iiir.  i  -ly  on  Thursday,  was 
born  in  Gloucester  Aug.  22,  1822,  and  came  to  Boston  when  a  boy.  In 
early  life  !ie  was  married  to  Miss  Elizabeth  S.  Kimball,  of  Boston,  who 
bore  him  four  children.  In  1858  he  wed4ed  Miss  Sarah  S.  Heath,  of 
Charlestown,  who,  with  two  of  the  children'by  his  first  wife,  survives  him. 
His  early  married  life  was  passed  in  Charlestown  and  later  he  moved  to 
Brookline,  where  he  resided  over  25  years.  For  the  past  five  j'ears  he  has 
lived  in  Roxbury.  For  over  30  years  he  was  in  the  Boston  custom  house 
as  an  assistant  appraiser,  and  was  recognized  by  old  merchants  as  An  au- 
thority in  his  special  line.  He  had  a  natural  taste  for  literature  antl  fre- 
quently contributed  to  the  press. 


Miss  Ellen  Rebecca  Kellaway  and  Charles  Edwin  Kimball  were  mar- 
ried last  evening  at  the  residence  of  Alfred  L.  Barbour,  59  River  street. 
West  New^ton.  The  ceremony  was  performed  at  8:30  o'clock  by  Rev.  D. 
W.  Faunce,  D.  D.,  assisted  by  Rev.  Dr.  H.  J.  Patrick,  in  the  presence  only 
of  relatives  and  intimate  friends.  The  couple  stood  in  a  reci  ss  iu  the 
parlor  under  an  arch  of  lilacs  and  smilax.  The  decorations  of  the  apart- 
ment consisted  of  tall  palms  and  other  tropical  plants,  and  the  mantels 
were  banked  with  many  flowers.  Miss  Mary  Barbour  was  maid  of  honor, 
and  the  bridesmaid  her  si^iter.  Miss  Grace  Barbour.  The  ushers  were 
Messrs.  Arthur  S.  Kimball,  Robert  A.  Barbour  and  George  A.  Mason.  The 
bride  was  becomingly  gowned  in  white  silk,  en  traine,  with  trimmings  of 
pearl  pa.ssementerie.  She  wore  the  usual  long  tulle  veil  and  carried  a 
bouquet  of  lilies  of  the  valley.  The  maid  of  honor  wore  a  white  cash- 
mere gown  and  the  bridesmaid  was  attii-ed  in  pink  crepe  de  chine.  Their 
flowers  were  lilies  of  the  valley  and  Mayflowers.  After  the  ceremony  a 
small  receptioQ  viras  held,  at  the  close  of  which  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Kimball  de- 

262  Kimball  Family  News, 

parted  on  their  wedding   tour.     Upon    their   return    they   will   reside   on 
Washington  Park,  Newtonville. 

Date  of  above  unknown      See  Family  Hist,  p   1121. 

On  May  9,  1894,  the  usher  and  brother  of  the  above  named  bridegroom 
was  married,  as  may  be  seen  by  the  following  dispatch  from  Norwell  of 
the  10th:  The  residence  of  Joseph  Curtis  on  Washington  street,  was  last 
evening  the  scene  of  a  very  pretty  home  wedding,  the  contracting  parties 
being  his  daughter.  Miss  E.  Josephine  Curtis,  and  Arthur  S.  Kimball,  of 
Newton.  Tne  spacious  parlors  were  very  elaborately  decorated  with 
potted  plants  and  cut  flowers.  The  bride  was  attired  in  a  costume  of  pink 
lansdowne.  The  best  man  was  Harry  Kimball,  of  Newton,  a  brother  of 
the  groom,  and  the  bridesmaids  were  Miss  Mary  Curtis,  a  sister  of  the 
bride,  and  Miss  Estelle  Kimball,  of  Newton,  a  sister  of  the  groom.  The 
ceremony  was  performed  by  Rev.  N.  S.  Nash,  of  Hanover,  the  Episcopal 
service  being  used.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Kimball  were  the  recipients  of  many 
substantial  tokens  of  esteem  and  regard.  After  receiving  the  congratula- 
tions of  those  present,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Kimball  left  for  Newton,  where  tley 
will  reside. 

The  following  without  date:  A  wedding  and  reception  of  much  ele- 
gance took  place  in  Brookline  last  evening  at  the  residence  of  Isaac  S. 
Parsons,  when  his  daughter,  Mis8  Gertrude,  and  Edwin  N.  Kimball,  Jr. , 
were  united.  The  house,  on  the  corner  of  John  and  Green  streets,  was 
beautifully  decorated,  the  color  tones  of  white  and  yellow  whicii  charac- 
terized the  wedding  being  maintained  in  the  flower  decorations  against  a 
backgrouud  of  laurel,  palms  and  ferns.  The  ceremony,  which  took  place 
at  7:30  o'clock  in  the  dining  room,  was  impressively  performed  by  Rev. 
Dr.  Reuen  Thomas,  of  the  Harvard  church.  This  was  an  elegant  wed- 
ding. The  bridegroom  was  a  son  of  Edwin  N.  Kimball,  No.  1817,  p.  833 
of  the  Family  History,  and  nephew  of  Hannibal  Ingalls  Kimball,  the 
builder  of  the  noted  H.  I.  Kimball  hotel  at  Atlanta,  Ga.,  who  was  present 
at  the  wedding.  Gov.  Bullock,  of  Georgia,  and  many  other  people  were 

Revere.  Mass.,  June  28,  189.5. — One  of  the  principal  society  events  of 
the  season  in  Revere  was  the  marriage  last  evening  of  Miss  Elizabeth 
Kimball,  daughter  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Lyman  L.  Kimball,  and  Walter  Morse, 
of  Springfield.  It  was  solemnized  in  the  First  Unitarian  church.  Rev. 
Eben  R.  Butler  performing  the  ceremony.  The  ushers  were  Messrs. 
Sewell  B.  Farnsworth,  of  Brookline,  Frederick  T.  Kellogg,  of  Springfield, 
Charles  H.  Beals,  of  Westfield,  and  Lyman  L.  Kimball,  brother  of  the 
bride.  The  best  man  was  E.  A.  Carter,  of  Springfield.  The  bridesmaids 
were  Missei.  Blanche  Carruth,  of  Chelsea,  and  Emma  F.  Kimball,  Mary  1. 
Kimball  and  Clara  L.  Kimball,  sisters  of  the  bride.  A  reception  followed 
the  ceremony  at  the  home  of  the  bride,  No.  33  Prospect  avenue.  No  1581, 
Hist.  p.  742.  i 

Sai.e.m,  Ma.'^s.,  Nov.,  1395.— George  L.  Hyde  and  Miss   Jennie    Kimball 
were  married  last  evening  at  the   residence  of  the    bride's   parents,  10  Gif- 

April  and  May,  1901.  263 

ford  court,  Salem.  The  ceremony  was  performed  by  Rev.  John  W.  Buck- 
ham.  Miss  Edith  C.  Kimball,  sister  of  the  bride,  was  maid  of  honor,  and 
Georg-e  E.  Teel  best  man.  The  house  was  prettily  decorated  with  flowers 
and  plants,  and  the  Cadet  orchestra  furnished  music. 


Vam-b;.io.  Cai-.,  June"  25,  1900. — S.  P  Kimball  died  at  his  home  in  this 
city  this  morning  aged  80  years.  He  came  to  this  city  over  30  years  ago. 
He  ivas  a  shipwright  and  opened  a  yard  and  repair  way  at  the  foot  of 
Solano  avenue. 

At  Melrose  Highlands.  Aug.  17,  1896,  Mrs.  E.  A.  Kimball,  widow  of 
John  Kimball,  84  years. 

At  South  Boston,  Nov-  <i-  1^^6,  Flora  A  KinAall,  39  years,  4  months 
and  28  days. 

At  Wellesley,  Nov.  14, .  at  his  home.  Charles  Henry  Kimball,  aged 

(j3  years  and  10  months. 


^EVERT-Y,  Mass.,  Jan  29,  1901. — Mrs.  Alice  Kimball,  widow  of  James 
Kimball,  passed  awaj"^  at  her  residence  on  Plcjisant  street  last  evening, 
aged  84  years.  She  leaves  one  daughter,  the  wife  of  ex-Mayor  Perry  Col- 
lier.    The  funeral  will  occur  Wednesday  afternoon  at  3  o'clock. 

In  Sharon,  Jan.  30.  Mary  A.,  wife  of  Caleb  Kimball,  59  years  and  9 
months.  She  was  born  in  Palmyra,  Me.,  and  was  a  daughter  of  the  late 
Moses  Hanson. 


W.  A.  Kimball,  of  California,  has  been  appointed  captain 
and  assistant  quartermaster  in  the  army.  He  has  been  a  clerk 
in  the  department  for  some  years  and  is  a  son  of  Amos  S,  Kim- 
ball mentioned  elsewhere. 

Dr.  Alfred  Kimball  Hills,  of  New  York  City,  and  associate 
editor  of  the  New  York  Medical  Times,  tog-ether  with  his  fam- 
ily, took  a  winter  outing- for  a  few  days  with  Colonel  Daniel 
Burns  Dyer  at  his  fine  place  in  Aug-usta,  Ga.  Their  summer 
outing-s  are  taken  on  the  old  homestead  place,  "Alvirne,"  in 
Hudson,  N.  H.     See  Feb.  News,  1899,  p.  229  for  illustration. 

'•I  boarded  30  years  at  one  place,  walked  3;^^  miles  each 
way  to  spend  Sunday  at  home  and  closed  a  service  of  35 
years  at  R.  W.  Lord  &  Co.'s  twine  mill  Tuesday."  Thus  spoke 
Miss  Elizabeth  Kimball,  a  room  overseer  in  the  mill,  at  Kenne- 
brook,  Me.  The  capacity  of  the  mill  has  increased  in  this  time 
from  an  output  of  100  pounds  a  day  to  1,500  pounds,  withless 
help.  Miss  Kimball  has  worked  under  five  agents.  There  is  no 
one  employed  by  the  qompany  except  her  who  was  there  when 
she  came.— Boston  Dailv  Globe,  March  14,  1901. 

264  Kimball  Family  News, 


Mrs.  Alice,  wife  of  Benjamin  J.  Kimball,  died  Wednesday, 
Feb,  22,  1901,  at. her  home  in  Salem,  N.  H.,  aged  78  years  and 
1  month.  Mrs.  Kimball  was  a  well  known  and  hig-hly  respected 
resident  of  the  towm.  She  was  a  native  of  Manchester,  N.  H. 
The  remains  were  taken  to  Auburn,  N.  H.,  for  burial. 

Herbert  M.  Faulkner,  son  of  Chandler  Drake  Faulkner  and 
Amy  Cole  (Kimball )  Faulkner,  died  in  St.  Margaret's  hospital 
in  Kansas  City,  Mo.,  Jan.  12,  1901.  The  Fam.  Hist,  says,  "Un- 
married and  living-  in  the  west."  He  was  born  in  Utica,  N.  Y., 
where  he  was  a  teller  in  a  bank.  He  afterwards  went  to  St. 
Louis  and  later  to  Kansas  City.  His  remains  were  taken  to 
Utica  for  burial.  He  leaves  two  sisters,  Alice,  wife  of  E.  W. 
Wood,  and  Clara,  wife  of  Lester  M.  Weller,  both  of  Fort  Plain, 
N.  Y.     Hist.  p.  724. 

George  Robinson  Kimball,  of  Oxford,  Mass  ,  died  in  that 
place  Jan.  25,  1901.  He  was  a  son  of  sturdy  William  Kimball, 
a  soldier  of  the  war  of  1812,  whose  father  Samuel  wintered  at 
Valley  Forge.  The  deceased'  was  a  veteran  of  the  civil  war 
and  was  wounded  at  Antietam,  and  a  brother  of  Thomas  Dud- 
le}^  Kimball,  general  agent  at  St.  Louis  of  the  Washington  Life 
Insurance  Company  of  New  York,  who  was  elected  mayor  of 
Kirkwood,  where  he  lives,  on  the  anti-saloon  ticket.  He  was 
one  of  the  first  subscribers  to  the  Family  News. 

Morris  B.  Hawkins,  son  of  Charles  J.  and  Emma  (Kimball) 
Hawkins,  died  May  22,  1900,  at  Elgin,  111.,  aged  28  years.  11 
months  and  6  days,  after  nine  weeks  illness.  Besides  his  par- 
ents he  left  two  brothers  and  one  sister,  Frank,  Will  and  Ella. 
He  was  a  young  man  held  in  the  highest  esteem.  See  William 
Currier  Kimball-v,  p.  600,  Fi  m.  Hist. 

Thomas  Dudley  Kimball,  who  lives  in  Kirkwood,  Mo.,  and 
does  business  in  St.  Louis  as  general  agent  of  a  life  insurance 
company,  is  also  secretary  of  a  building  and  loan  association. 
Mr.  Howard  Kimball,  of  Indianapolis,  has  been  for  twelve 
years  the  very  efficient  secretary  of  the  ^Etna  Savings  and  Loan 
association  of  that  city,  and  Captain  Fred.  M.  Kimball,  of 
Topeka.  has  been  for  nearly  as  long-  the  secretary  of  the  ^tna 
Building  and  Loan  association,  of  Topeka.  The}'  seem  to  take 
to  this  business  as  ducks  do  to  water  and  quite  as  safely,  for  all 
are  prosperous  and  healthy  institutions. 

Elizabeth  Kimball,  of  Rosedale,  Kans.,  has  by  special  act 
April  12  been  granted  a  pension  of  S8.     Whose  widow  is  she? 

April  and  May,  1901.  265 


Some  months  ag-o  General  Sumner  I.  Kimball  jnentioned  in 
a  private  letter  that  Mrs.  Helen.  Lucretia  (McLean)  Kimball 
would  prepare  a  paper  for  the  News  on  Colonel  Edg-ar  Addison 
Kimball,  her  husband,  who  was  killed  at  Suffolk,  Va.,  April  23, 
1863.  Colonel  Kimball  served  in  the  war  with  Mexico,  and  his 
life  was  one  ot  g-reat  activity  and  adventure.  He  was  brilliant 
as  a  soldier,  as  an  editor  and  in  every  walk  of  life.  He  met 
with  a  trag-ic  death  and  the  promised  sketch  is  awaited  with 
much  interest.  Our  cousin  Captain  Fred.  M.  Kimball  became 
so  anxious  that  he  wrote  her  urging  the  early  production  of  the 
promised  sketch,  and  then  sent  the  New.^  the  answer,  but  forbid 
its  publication,  and  vhen  the  News  asked  the  writer  for  permis- 
sion to  print,  and  now  here  are  both  letters,  the, last  one  printed 
without  permission,  for  both  are  too  g"ood  to  throvv  away,  and 
are  doubtless  an  earnest  of  what  the  promised  sketch  will  be. 
Mrs.  Kimball  is  a  woman  of  much  culture  and  refinement,  who 
was  given  a  reception  on  hei;  eightieth  birthday,  July  9,  1900. 

1402  Thirty-first  Strekt,  VVASHtNGTON,  D.  C, 

March ''^9,  li'til. 
Mk.  Frkd.   M.  Kimbai.i.:  . 

Dear  Sir: — Your  communication  of  the  22d  inst..  duly  received,  and 
in  reply  will  state  that  your  request  shall  be  complied  with.  It  will  be  a, 
labor  of  love,  as  Colonel  Kimball's  life  was  one  of  interest  to  many.  He 
was  a  brave  and  eenerous  specimen  of  an  Americati  soldier  in  both  the 
Mexican  war  and  of  the  war  that  preserved  us  a  Nation. 

My  office  life  and  home  duties  render  it  impossible  to  give  the  date 
when  I  can  forward  such  an  article  for  publication,  as  my  home  from 
April  to  Decemuer  is  a  siaburban  one,  some  nineteea  miles  distant  from 
my  office,  and  as  my  farjp,  unlike  those  of  Kansas,  some  two  acres  in  ex- 
tent, has  more  attractions  for  me  then  the  pen,  as  it  is  in  uncultivated 
part  Qf  Maryland,  where  my  squaw  nature  has  an  opportunity  to  satisfy 
itself  with  nauire's  companionship.  You  see  the  outlook  is  uncertain,  but 
I  have  promised  p,nd  the  papers,  yellowed  with  age,  dated  in  the  halls  of 
the  Montazumas  shall  be  opened  to  refresh  my  memory  and  relight  the 
romance  chat  pla^^ed  such  an  important  part  in  that  eventful  war. 

The  war  of  '61-5  was  of  a  magnitude  and  a  nearness  that  has  sunk  too 
deeply  into  our  hearts  to  be  forgotten. 

Excuse  the  length  of  my. letter  and  accept  my  appreciation  of  your 
request.  <■:     Yours  truly, 


Office  Comptroller  of  the  Cubrrncy, 
Treasury  Department,  April  24,  1901. 
My  Dear  Clansman:— Your  letter  of  18th  inst.  duly  received.     It  sur- 
prised me,  for  I  could  not   recall   anything    in    my   letter   to   our   cousin, 

266  Kimball  Family  News, 

Captain  Fred.  M.  Kimball,  that  could  possibly  be  of  interest  to  any  reader 
of  the  Kimball  Family  News.  It  was  written  in  a  hurry  and  in  my  iisual 
careless  manner.  However,  if  you  think  otherwise  and  will  straighten 
out  the  tang-les  and  make  it  presentable  in  the  columns  of  yoiir  News,  I 
do  not  object. 

I  had,  until  yesterday,  expected  to  soon  write  you  a  sketch  of  the 
present  appearance  of  the  City  of  Mexico  as  contrasted  with  that  of  1848-7. 
but  my  visit  is  delayed  until  aotumn  time. 

I  go  to  my  cottage  at  Oak  Crest,  Md..  on  the  first  of  May  and  will, 
when  settled  for  the  season,  look  over  the  time-yellowed  letters  written 
from  our  now  sister  Republic,  giving  a  sketch  of  my  husband's  experience 
while  connected  with  the  army  of  occupation  in  that  city. 

What  a  lot  of  Kimballs  there  are  in  the  United  States  today!  Take 
all  the  city  directories  and  look  up  the  Kimballs  and  see  if  you  can  trac^e 
one  who  is  not  an  enterprising  member  of  this  Hig  family.  I  said  this  to 
my  friend  Sumner  I.  Kimball  and  he  said  that  he  had  once  made  the 
statement  that  he  had  never  known  of  one  having  committed  a  punish- 
able crime,  but  that  the  next  morning's  journal  caused  him  to  keep  from 
boasting,  as  one  of  the  name  was  accused  of  wife  killing.  I  am  glad  I 
only  heard  it  from  him.  He  is  the  soul  of  honor,  but  I  fear  he  is  given 
to  invention  in  a  literary  as  well  as  a  mechanical  sense.  What  a  magnifi- 
cent monument  he  has  built  up  for  himself.  So  much  more  humane  than 
those  rearing  horses  and  stiff  seated  riders  that  are  erected  to  the  mem- 
oiy  of  our  brave  heroes. 

Excuse  what  was  to  be  a  note  of  few  words  and   accept   most   kindly 



We  have  nev^er  been  able  to  find  the  record  where  any  mem- 
ber of  the '^Kimball  fam.ily  has  ever  committed  the  crime  of 
murder,. or  in  fact  any  of  the  most  heinous  crimes.  There  have 
been  a  few  g-uilty  of  big^amy,  wife  desertion,  theft  and  other 
lesser  crimes.  But  there  is  every  evidence  that  the  family  is 
and  always  has  been  one  of  g"reat  personal  respectability.  As 
our  correspondent  intimates, -it  is -one  that  may  well  be  proud 
of  its  record  for  centuries  past. 


Our  cousin  Ellwood  D.  Kimball,  of  W^ichita,  is  g-reatly  in- 
terested in  Fairmount  Colleg-e  near  that  city.  The  President  of 
the  Colleg-e  is  Dr.  Morrison,  of  New  Hampshire.  The  Morrison 
farm  is  noted  for  its  pines  and  the  Webster  farm  nearby  has 
long-  been  noted  for  its  elms.  Dr.  Morrison,  on  a  recent  trip 
east,  had  a  mind  to  secure  some  of  these  seedling  trees  for  the 
campus  of  the  Wichita  Colleg-e-  As  Daniel  Webster,  as  well  as 
many  Morrisons,  was  a  descendant  of  Richard  Kimball,  these 
trees  will  have  a  particular  interest  to  our  Wichita  cousins. 

April  and  May,  1901.      2t>7 


OiTRAY,  Col.,  March  20,  1901. 
Dear  Sir — My  husband  (Gordon  Kimball)  has  recently  be- 
come a  subscriber  to  your  valuable  g-enealog-ical  monthly,  and  I 
take  advantag-e  of  the  information  g-athered  from  it  to  ask  if 
vou  can  put  me  into  communication  with  some  one  who  can  g-ive 
me  the  g-enealog-y  of  my  own  family,  that  of  Ayres.  A  book  of 
the  family  history  was  published  in  1870  by  Marvin  &  Son,  of 
Boston,  written  by  W.  H.  Whitmore.  The  book  is  out  of  print 
and  the  writer  dead.  My  father  Justin  Ayres  had  one  of  the 
books,  but  I  never  studied  it  much.  After  the  death  of  my 
father  the  old  homestead  burned  and  everything-  was  destroyed. 
Our  ancestor  was  John  Ayres,  who  was  one  of  the  commission- 
ers of  the  town  afterward  known  as  Brooktield.  I  do  not  recol- 
lect the  first  name  of  the  place;  it  was  a  name  beg-inning-  with 
Q.  I  have  written  to  old  and  rare  book  dealers  and  can  hear  of 
the  book,  but  cannot  g-et  hold  of  one.  I  would  like  a  book  or 
would  like  to  g-et  the  history  of  my  own  branch  of  the  family 
written  out,  so  I  could  use  it  if  I  wished  to  join  the  D.  A.  R.  or 
the  Society  of  the  Colonial  Dames,  whose  members  date  back  of 
the  Revolution.  If  you  can  tell  me  of  anyone  who  could  find 
out  and  furnish  me  what  I  want  I  would  of  course  pay  for  it, 
beside  being-  under  g-reat  oblig-ation  to  you.  My  husband  is 
Gordon  Kimball,  the  son  of  Alpheus  Kimball  and  Sarah  A.  Coch- 
ran, born  in  Fitchburg-,  Mass.,  in  the  year  1841,  and  in  the  same 
room  in  which  his  father  first  opened  his  eyes  to  this  world.  M}' 
ancestors  were  all  New  Eng-land  people,  but  my  parents  were 
broug-ht  to  Ohio  in  their  early  childhood,  so  I  have  never  known 
any  New  Eng-land  relatives.  My  g-randfather  was  Thomas 
Ayres,  who  married  Polly  Hawkins;  on  the  maternal  side  John- 
son Clark  married  Sallie  Bent. 

Yours  cordially, 

The  information  soug-ht  in  the  above  letter  oug-ht  to  be 
readily  furnished.  While  this  Gordon  Kimball  is  not  named  in 
the  History,  his  father  was  Alpheus  Kimball  No.  1835,  found  on 
pag-e  840.  This  branch  of  the  Kimball  family  is  very  numerous 
and  very  intellig-ent.  ~  A  comprehensive  and  very  readable 
sketch  of  this  branch,  commencing-  with  Deacon  Ephraim  Kim- 
ball, was  given  in  the  double  July  and  Aug-ust  numbers  of  the 
News  for  189y.  He  settled  in  Fitchburg-,  Mass  ,  and  many  de- 
scendants are  living-  there  now.  The  Ayer,  Ayers  and  Ayres 
families  are  doubtless  of  the  same  origin.  The  two  first  named 
are  found  in  the  History  while  the  latter  is  not.  Perhaps  some 
reader  of  the  News  can  g-ive  the  above  writer  the  information 
she  desires. 

268  Kimball  Family  News, 


"Colonel  Amos  S.  Kimball,  assistant  quartermaster  general 
at  the  Army  building^  on  Whitehall  street.  New  York,  is  one  of 
the  busiest  men  in  the  service-  He  has  entire  charg-e  of  the 
g-eneral  depot  of  the  quartermaster's  department,  and  has  dis- 
bursed over  $8,000,000  during-  the  last  four  months- 

Colonel  Kimball's  career  in  the  United  States  army  is  varied 
and  interesting-.  He  was  born  in  New  York  in  1840,  and  en- 
listed as  a  private  in  the  Ninety-eig-hth  New  York  Volunteer 
Infantry  in  November,  1861.  He  was  appointed  first  lieutenant 
of  that  bod}'  the  same  year,  and  served  with  Casey's  division, 
Army  of  the  Potomac,  until  1862-  In  1864  Colonel  Kimball 
was  commissioned  captain  and  assistant  quartermaster  of  volun- 
teers, and  also  had  conferred  upon  him  the  brevet  rank  of  cap- 
tain, major,  lieutenant  colonel  and  colonel.  He  received  the 
commission  of  assista'nt  quartermaster,  United  States  Army, 
with  the  rank  of  captain,  in  November,  1866;  quartermaster, 
United  States  Army,  with  the  rrnk  of  major,  1883,  and  in  1898 
was  appointed  to  the  office  he  now  holds,  with  the  rank  of 

Colonel  Kimball  served  as  quartermaster  in  eig-hteen  differ- 
ent places  throug-hout  the  Union,  from  Boston  to  San  Francisco 
and  from  Oreg-on  to  Texas.  He  took  part  in  McClellan's  penin- 
sular campaig-n  and  the  battles  before  Richmond,  and  was  with 
Hunter's  expedition  in  the  Carolinas,  being-  present  at  the  first 
bombardment  of  Charleston- 

When  the  army  stationed  at  Newbern.  N.  C,  was  being- 
decimated  with  yellow  fever.  Colonel  Kimball  patrioticallj'  vol- 
unteered his  services,  when  every  officer  in  the  quartermaster's 
department  had  been  stricken  down  with  the  fever,  and  was  or- 
dered there,  where  he  also  fell  a  victim  to  the  ravag-es  of  the 
epidemic,  from  which  he  barely  recovered.  This  point  marks 
the  end  of  Colonel  Kimball's  career  during-  the  civil  war. 

During-  the  Indian  campaig-n  Colonel  Kimball  had  charg-e  of 
Sheridan's  base  of  supplies  at  Fort  Hayes,  Kansas,  and  was 
chief  quartermaster  of  the  Department  of  Arizona,  and  field 
quartermaster  for  General  Miles  in  his  campaig-n  ag-ainst  Ger- 
onimo.  It  was  owing-  to  Colonel  Kimball's  efficient  manag-e- 
ment  of  affairs  during-  that  campaig-n  that  it  was  possible  for 
Lawton  to  bring  in  the  hostile  Indians,  a  most  importan  factor 
in  successfully  ending  tne  campaign. 

The  work  performed  by  Colonel  Kimball  in  his  present  ca- 
pacity has  been  colossal.  It  includes  the  purchase  and  distribu- 
tion of  enormous  quantities  of  supplies  required  by  the  armies 
operating  in  the  field,  the  transportation  of  troops  by  land  and 
sea,  the  purchase  and  charter  of  ships  and  the  establishment 
and  maintenance  of  a  transport  service,  operated    by   the    quar- 

April  and  May,  1901.  269 

termaster's  department.  At  one  time,  when  there  was  most 
urg-ent  need.  Colonel  Kimball  distributed  to  the  army  100,000 
uniforms  in  twenty  days,  and  he  purchased  and  shipped  to 
Tampa  in  thirty-six  hours  fifteen  carloads  of  intrenching-   tools. 

The  promptness  and  efficiency  with  which  Colonel  Kimball 
has  dispatched  the  business  of  his  department  have  been  the 
subject  of  much  favorable  comment,  and  it  is  the  wish  of  his 
associates  and  admirers  that  he  be  advanced  one  g-rade  to  the 
rank  of  brig-adier  g-eneral  in  the  reg^ular  army." 

We  take  the  above  from  a  late  number  of  the  New  York 
Mail  and  Express  Illustrated  Saturday  Magazine,  which  also 
contains  a  portrait.  The  News  has  had  frequent  occasion  to 
mention  Colonel  Kimball  and  the  Family  History  p.  1088  con- 
tains a  sketch.  The  above  is  reproduced  at  this  time  as  one  of 
the  most  comprehensive  and  readable  of  any  that  has  come  to 


Mrs  Mary  A.  Farley,  widow  of  Joseph  Kendall  Farley,  of 
Meeting-  House  Green,  died  on  Saturday  morning,  March  16, 
1901,  at  the  ag-e  of  92  years  and  lU  months.  Her  illness  was 
brief,  lasting-  but  five  days,  and  her  death  resulted  from  pneu- 
monia. She  was  a  woman  of  rare  endowments  of  character  and 
disposition,  and  her  mental  g-ifts  were  equally  distinctive.  Her 
life  was  an  exponent  of  all  that  is  true  and  womanly.  Mrs. 
Farley,  who  was  Miss  Mary  Staniford  Kimball,  was  born  in 
Ipswich,  May  23,  1808.  She  became  the  wife  of  Captain  Joseph 
Kendall  Farley  in  1834.  Her  husband  died  in  1847  and  since 
that  time  her  home  has  been  open  to  the  many  nieces  and  neph- 
ews who  were  to  her  as  daug-hters  and  sons.  One  niece  has  de- 
voted  all  the  last  years  to  her  aunt  and  to  her  especially  does 
the  sympathy  of  the  community  g-o  out.  Another  person  who 
has  spent  years  of  loving-  service  in  the  pleasant  home  also 
mourns  the  death  of  a  sincere  and  considerate  employer. 

Funeral  services  were  held  on  Monday  afternoon  from  the 
late  home  of  Mrs.  Farley  and  were  attended  by  a  larg-e  con- 
course of  friends. — Ipswich,  Mass.,  Chronicle.     (Hist.  p.  365.) 

A  Providence,  R.  I.,  dispatch  March  16,  1901,  says:  Whea- 
ton  O.  Kimball,  of  Riverside,  3B  years  old,  was  found  dying-  at 
his  home  there  this  morning-.  'Mr.  Kimball  returned  to  his 
home  yesterday  from  the  state  institution,  where  he  spent  the 
past  winter  as  a  person  without  visible  means  of  support.  His 
wife  died  last  summer  and  he  had  often  spoken  of  his  desire  to 
follow  her.  Last  nig-ht  he  took  a  larg-e  dose  of  morphine  and 
the  end  came  this  afternoon. 

270  Kimball  Family  News, 



In  the  history  of  Rowley,  Mass  ,  published  in  1840,  the 
name  Kimball  often  occurs.  The  town  of  Bradford  was  set  off 
from  Rowley  and  incorporated  in  1675.  At  the  first  meeting- 
Con  record;  of  the  Merrimac  people,  held  Feb.  20,  1668-9,  while 
they  were  yet  a  part  of  Rowley,  Thomas  Kimball  w^as  chosen 
constable,  Samuel  Worster,  Benjamin  Gag-e,  Benjamin  Kimball 
and  David  Hesaltine  were  chosen  overseers.  "Voted,  Thomas 
Kimball's  house  and  Benjamin  Gag-e's  house  shall  be  leg-al 
places  for  the  publishing-  of  any  orders  or  other  business  of  pub- 
lic concernment  to  the  whole  town,  by  setting-  up  a  writing  or 
writing-s  at  said  houses,  until  we  have  a  more  convenient  place."' 

In  1675  the  town  of  Rowley  appointed  John  Kimball  one  of 
the  collectors  of  taxes.  1680  the  town  appointed  eleven  men  to 
see  that  the  Sabbath  was  well  kept,  ag-reeably  to  the  provisions 
of  a  law  of  the  General  Court  passed  May"  23,  1677.  Joseph 
Big-sbee  and  William  Foster  were  appointed  for  the  village  and 
among-  the  families  Big-sbee  was  to  inspect  was  John  Kimball's. 

"At  a  Legall  meeting-  of  ye  proprietors  of  Bradford  ye  23 
of  November,  1700,  Ensig-n  John  Tenney  was  first  chosen  mod- 
erator: he  appointed  3  men  to  treat  w'^  ye  Eng^lishmen  and  In- 
dians if  they  come,  concerning-  ye  title  of  our  land.  Ye  3  men 
put  to  voat  singly,  namely  Insig-n  Baly,  Corporall  Richard  Kim- 
ball and  John  Bointon  and  they  all  passed  on  ye  affirmative  " 

Rowley's  Representative  to  the  General  Court  in  1833-35 
was  John  Kimball;  in  1838,  Joseph  Kimball.  Richard  Kim.ball, 
of  Bradford,  was  a  graduate  of  Dartmouth  College  in  1810. 


Dkbrt,  N.  H.,  March  27,  1901. 
iMv  Dear  Mr.  Kimbai.l: — When  I  was  in  Eattlesden.  England,  and  in 
that  vicinity.  I  had  too  bhort  a  time  in  which  to  stay.  But  it  was  long- 
enouprh  in  which  to  discover  the  old  home  of  Richard  Kemball.  Prof. 
Sharpies  is  the  best  man  you  can  send  there.  I  shall  rejoice  to  see  a  sum 
raised  to  send  him  abroad. 

Truly  yours, 
In  a  postscript  Prof.  Morrison  adds:  "I  was  delig^hted  to 
receive  a  note  from  the  Rev.  Mr.  Olorenshaw,  of  Rattlesden, 
this  morning-  in  which  he  says  he  has  found  the  progenitors  of 
the  Winthrop  family,  who  mig-rated  to  Massachusetts."  John 
Winthrop  owned  land  in  Ipswich,  adjoining-  that  of  Richard 
Kimball.  Mr.  Morrison  writes  that  his  health  is  about  the 

April  and  May,  1901.  271 


Lorenzo  W.  Kimball  died  at  his  home  in  Rutland  Sunday, 
April  14,  1901,  ag-ed  76  years,  10  months  and  22  days. 

Mr.  Kimball  was  a  machinist  and  pattern  maker  by  trade, 
and  was  the  inventor  of  the  paper  car  wheel.  He  boug-ht  a 
thread  factory  in  Pittsford  in  1865,  and  after  running-  it  as  a 
machine  shop  for  a  short  while  sold  it  to  a  strawboard  manufac- 
turing: concern.  Mr.  Kimball  had  never  seen  heavy  paper  made 
before  and  he  >vas  at  once  struck  with  its  hardness  and  durabil- 
ity. He  spoke  about  the  matter  to  R.  N.  Allen,  one  of  the 
paper  firm,  and  Mr.  Allen  replied  joking'ly:  "Yes,  I  g-uess  we 
could  make  paper  hard  enoug-h  for  car  v/heels."  Mr.  Kimball 
did  not  reg-ard  the  matter  as  a  joke.  He  kept  turning-  the  idea 
over  in  his  mind  and  finally  decided  to  make  some  experiments. 
The  first  twelve  paper  car  wheels  were  made  at  Brandon.  Four 
of  them  were  put  under  one  end  of  a  freig-ht  car  and  run  on  the 
Rutland  railroad  for  several  months.  Then  the  other  eight 
were  put  under  a  Pullman  palace  car  and  run  500,000  miles 
without  repairing-  anything-  but  the  steel  tires- 

The  Pullman  test  demonstrated  the  practicability  of  paper 
car  wheels,  and  Mr.  Kimball  and  Mr.  Allen  took  out  patents 
and  formed  a  company  for  their  manufacture.  The  company 
was  located  at  Pittsford  for  two  years,  and  then  moved  to  Hud- 
son, N.  Y.  Mr.  Kimball  withdrew  from  the  company  before  the 
works  were  moved  from  Pittsford.  Paper  car  wheels  are  now 
manufactured  by  the  Pullman  Car  company,  and  are  extensivel}- 

Mr.  Kimball  was  eng-a^red  during-  his  life  in  several  manu- 
facturing-  enterprises  in  Brandon,  Rutland  and  Pittsford.  From 
1852  to  1854  he  ran  a  machine  shop  at  Brandon  and  in  1856  he 
went  to  work  for  the  Howe  Scale  company.  He  remained  with 
the  company  several  years  and  traveled  for  it  a  part  of  the  time. 
During-  the  war  he  worked  in  the  Colt  armory  at  Hartford,  Ct., 
and  in  an  armory  at  Windsor. 

Mr.  Kimball  has  lived  in  Rutland  since  1872.  He  leaves  a 
widow  and  these  four  children:  F.  H.  Kimball,  of  Burling-ton, 
Mrs.  L.  K.  Osg-ood,  of  Rutland,  E.  L.  Kimball,  of  Boston,  and 
Miss  Cora  A.  Kimball,  of  Rutland.  He  is  also  survived  by  two 
brothers,  William  W.  Kimball,  of  Spring-field,  Mass.,  and  James 
W.  Kimball,  of  Pittsford,  and  two  sisters,  Mrs.  C  O.  Luce,  of 
Brandon,  and  Mrs.  Sarah  Thomas,  of  Rouses  Point,  N.  Y. 

In  Wakefield,  Mass.,  Dr.  J.  H.  Kimball  is  chairman  of  the 
town's  finance  committee.  He  is  also  president  of  the  Glenwood 
Improvement  societ}-. 

272  Kimball  Farailv  News. 


We  clip  the  following-  from  the  Aug-usta,  Ga.,  Bon  Air 
Hotel  Advertiser.     A  "personal"  says: 

"Colonel  Dyer,  on  the  occasion  of  his  twenty-first  birthday   last  week 
g-ave  a  dinner  to  his  oflice  force  at  the  Bon  Air. 
When  Augusta  felt  the  rule 
Of  the  nigjrer  and  the  mule, 
Then  they  weren't  very  happy  'till  a  man  says 
"I  will  come  down  there  from  Kansas  with  some  current,"' 
Then  the  town  folk  had  a  meeting, 
Sent  the  Kansas  man  their  greeting, 

And  got  jolly 
With  a  motor  man  to  mote  them 
And  a  motor  ear  to  tote  them, 

And, a  trolley. 
Then  the  Kansas  man  said  gaily, 
"Though  you're  riding  with  me  daily, 

I'll  delight  you 
More  than  ever  with  my  coming. 
For  when  the  cars  stop  running 

I  will  light  you.'' 
So  the  people  had  a  gay  time 
A-trolleying  by  day  time — 

And  at  night. 
When  they  sat  before  the  fire. 
Then  they  voted — "Colonel  Dyer. 
He's  all  right." 
"The  following  were  the   guests:     Mr.  and  Mrs.  Merrill.  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Carpenter,  Mrs.    Hall,   Mrs.  Higgenbothen,  Miss   Lamkin.  Mr.  Taylor,  Mr. 
vSweat,  Colonel  Dj'er." 

Colonel  Dyer  is  president  of  the  Aug-usta  Street  Railway 
Co.  Having-  been  born  March  21,  1849,  it  will  be  seen  that  he 
holds  his  own  remarkably  well. 

Conrad  B.  Kimball,  who  served  as  one  of  the  guards  at  the 
Paris  exposition,  has  been  spending  the  winter  in  Berlin  study- 
ing- music.  He  is  a  somewhat  notable  Chicag-o  musician  with 
an  unusual  baritone  voice.  His  sister  Maude  also  studied  in 
Europe  and  was  for  a  time  musical  instructor  at  the  Illinois 
University,  where  their  father  was  for  twelve  years  superinten- 
dent of  mechanics.  He  too  was  a  member  of  several  musical 
societies  in  Boston  and  Chicago.     See  sketch,  Jan.  News,  1899. 

J.  M.  Kimball  is  second  vice-president  of  the  Boston  Life 
Underwriters'  association. 


?•■?  ^''r" 





No.  6, 

No.    7 

!  June, 


^iia  R  KIMBALL,  IS 

iiii  TOPEKA,  KANSAS.  ^11 

^H  ONE  DOLLAR  A  YEAR  ||^ 

\  •* 

Entered  for  transmission  in   the  mails  as  second  class. 

imball''^amily  uU 


Vol.  IV,  Nos.  6;  7  and  8.  G.  F.  KIMBALL,  Publisher.  Terms,  $1.00  a  year 

Topeka,  Kansas,  June,  July  and  August  1901. 

JOSEPH  HENRY  ]    ;     !?AEJLv. 

Family  History  p.  683,  No.  1423,  Family  News  p.  241  and 
380,  1899.  " 

Joseph  Henry  Kimball,  young-est  child  of  Elisha  and  Try- 
phena  Kimball,  was  born  near  Lebanon,  Grafton  county.  New 
Hampshire,  on  the  27th  of  June,  1828,  and  died  at  his  home  in 
Sunbury,  Delaware  county,  Ohio,  at  nine  in  the  evening-,  April 
15,  190i,  of  hemorrhag-e  of  the  brain,  almost  seventy-three  years 
of  ag"e. 

He  came  of  a  long-  lived  race,  his  mother  living-  to  eig-hty 
five,  his  father,  and  others  to  almost  ninety  years. 

He  had  been  a  student  at  the  Kimball  Union  academy,  situ- 
ated at  Meriden,  N.  H.,  not  far  from  his  home,  and  came  before 
he  was  quite  twenty  years  old  to  Ohi^,  in  April,  1848,  a  long- 
journey,  and  quite  alone,  and  beg-an  as  clerk  in  the  dry  goods 
store  of  an  older  brother,  Elias  Kimball.     In  May,  1854,  he  mar- 

274  Kimball  Family  News, 

ried  Mary  E.  Adams,  of  Sunbury  who  lived  until  July,  1863. 
In  the  summer  of  1862,  at  the  call  for  "three  hundred 
thousand  more,"  he  went  out  as  captain  ot  Company  G,  of  the 
96th  Ohio  Volunteer  Infantry,  a  company  made  up  of  the  best 
young"  men  of  the  state,  many  of  whom  were  never  to  return, 
and  yet  a  few  remain  who  bear  his  pall,  and  are  among-  his 
mourners  to-day. 

In  November  of  1863  he  was  taken  prisoner  but  was  ex- 
chang-ed  in  January  of  1864.  He  never  spoke  of  those  who  held 
him  captive  as  enemies,  but  said  they  treated  him  as  well  as 
they  were  able. 

In  October,  1864,  he  married  Martha  J.  Adams,  and  after  a 
while  spent  in  farm  life  where  he  was  a  very  careful  tender  of 
sheep,  and  had  g-reat  success  in  propag-ating"  g-rapes,  he  came  to 
his  present  home  in  Sunbury,  and  resumed  the  selling-  of  g-oods, 
having-  for  a  tim.e,  the  late  Georg-e  Armstrong-  as  partner,  and 
afterward  C.  D.  Perfect,  now  of  Mar^ysville.  He  g-ave  up  this 
business  the  fall  of  1883. 

In  the  years  following-  his  work  was  mainly  writing-,  he  be- 
ing- the  g^uardian  of  several   wards,  and    the  executor  of  estates. 

Early  in  1892  he  was  quite  unexpectedly  to  him,  appointed 
as  secretary  and  manag-er  of  the  co-operative  creamery  at  Sun- 
bury, to  which  he  has  g-i  /en  his  time  and  streng-th  for  a  little 
more  than  nine  years,  until  the  hand  of  gradual  but  sure  disease 
stayed  his  feet,  and  the  pen  he  laid  down  when  he  sig-ned  his 
resig-nation  was  never  to  be  taken  up 

Thus,  for  over  fifty  years  he  has  been  known  in  and  around 
Sunbury,  and  also  in  Columbus,  as  a  friend,  neighbor,  a  citizen 
and  in  lines  of  business  life. 

Perhaps  there  were  but  few  who  knew  him  well,  for  he 
was  naturally  of  g-reat  reserve.  Never  a  member  of  any  church, 
his  relig-ion  was  greater  and  higher  than  that  of  many  who  do 
belong.  Strictly  just  himself,  he  believed  in  a  God  who  was  per- 
fectly just;  knowing  much  of  parental  love,  he  felt  certain  that 
the  love  of  God  toward  His  creatures  must  exceed  his.  Careful 
ever  to  balance  his  accounts  to  exactness,  he  rested  in  the  firm 
belief  that  the  hand  which  formed  the  universe  and  held  the  sun 
in  its  course  would  not  forget  even  the  tiny  sparrow  to  which  he 
had  given  the  great  mystery  which  we  call  life. 

The  following  incidents  may  serve  to  further  illustrate  the 
character  of  this  good  man. 

At  the  time  of  the  exchange  of  prisoners  in  La.  early  in 
1864  or  perhaps  the  last  of  Dec.  1863,  a  confederate  soldier  ap- 
proached Captain  Kimball  holding  out  a  letter.  "I  want  to 
send  this  through  the  lines  to  be  mailed  to  ray  friends  in  the 
north.  I  have  loDked  over  a  thousand  faces  to  see  whom  I  could 
trust    to  take  it.     I  am  sure  I  can  trust  you."     This  small    inci- 

June,  July  and  August  1901.  21^ 

dent   serves   to  show  the  expression  written  on  the    face  bj   the 
inward  life. 

In  1890  a  certain  estate  left  by  a  widow  was  claimed  both  by 
the  relatives  of  her  husband  and  of  herself.  One  side  appointed 
Joseph  H.  Kimball  as  executor  of  the  estate,  which  was  reported 
to  the  heirs  of  the  opposite  party  with  the  question  whom  they 
would  choose.  Very  soon  came  the  reply  from  the  far  western 
states.  "We  choose  him  too;  we  knew  him  forty  years  ago,  and 
he  was  always  perfectly  honest  and  just  in  all  his  business." 


Mr.  Leonrad  Kimball  is  a  member  of  the  Kimball  &  Stover 
Printing-  Company  of  Minneapolis,  Minn.  He  has  been  in  the 
business  there  for  23  3"ears.  His  branch  is  imperfect  in  the 
HistO--y.  He  says:  "  vVhen  Mr.  Morrison  issued  the  two  books, 
"History  of  the  Kimball  Family"  in  1897  I  got  both  of  those 
volumes,  but  they  did  not  get  our  family  in  correct.  I  wrote 
them  about  it  and  he  said  they  were  going  to  get  out  another 
book  in  a  short  time,  but  in  about  a  year  after  that  time  he 
wrote  me  that  the  Kimball  family  were  increasing  so  fast  that 
the  printing  press  could  not  keep  up  with  them  and  they  had 
decided  not  to  get  out  another  book.'' 

This  cousin  is  a  son  of  Charles  Senaca  Kimball,  No.  1037, 
page  51  8  of  historv.  The  record  here  is  incorrect  and  is  correct- 
ed on  page  94  of  the  Naws,  May,  1898.  Charles  S.  Kimball 
was  killed  in  the  pineries  of  northern  Minnesota,  Feb.  /,  1874: 
he  married  July  4,  1838,  Ruth.  W.  Trafton,  of  Harrison,  Me. 
From  that  state  he  removed  in  1872  to  Minneapolis,  and  engag-- 
ed  in  the  lumber  business.  His  death  was  caused  by  a  tree  fal- 
ling upon  him. 

Five  children  are  given  in  these  supplementary  notes,  four 
'i  of  whom  married  Will  not  our  printer  cousin  fill  out  the  rec- 
ord. It  does  take  a  pretty  rapid  press  to  keep  up  with  the  fam- 
ily increase,  in  other  words  to  record  it,  or  it  would  take  a  fast 
one  if  one  could  get  the  reports  all  in.  When  the  News  was 
started  the  supplementary  matter  that  was  intended  for  separate 
publication  was  turned  over  to  it,  and  it  appears  in  the  numbers 
for  1898  and   1899.     See  p.  94,  as  above,  also  p.  123  News  1898. 

The  Oxford  County  Association  of  Bowdoin  Alumni  enjoyed 
a  grand  banquet  and  reunion  May  28.  Frank  Kimball,  secretary, 
made  an  address,  and  so  did  Merton  L.  Kimball.  Nrws  p.  112, 
1898  and  p.  235,  1901. 


Kimball  Family  Kews, 


The  Family  History  pa^e  5S5,  has  a  sketch  of  Heber  C. 
Kimball  of  Salt  Lake  City,  with  a  portrait.  He  was  one  of  the 
leading-  members  of  the  "Church  of  Jesus  Christ  of  Latter-day 
Saints."  and  for  many  years  was  one  oi  the  nc  table  men  of 
the  United  States.  Forty  years  ag-o  he  was  certainly  the  most 
notable  member  of  the  Kimball  Family  in  this  country.  It  prob- 
ably took  more  research'  to  ascertain  his  antecedents  than  it  did 
to  learn  those  of  anv  other    Kimball    recorded    in    the    History. 

June,  July  and  August  1901.  277 

See  pag-e  36,  Family  News  for  1898,  and  for  his  family  see  p.  169. 
Heber  C.  Kimball  was  born  in  Sheldon,  Vt.,  June  14,  1801, 
and  his  Centennial  was  celebrated  in  Salt  Lake  City,  June  14, 
1901,  by  his  descendants.  The  papers  of  that  city  contained 
very  elaborate  reports  of  the  event,  which  would  fill  many  pag-es 
of  the  News.     We  extract  the  following: — 

Probably  from  150  to  200  members  of  the  Kimball  family,  and  those 
connected  with  it  by  marriage,  assembled  in  front  of  the  stand  when  the 
master  of  ceremonies,  Solomon  F.  Kimball,  called  the  audience  together 
at  3  o'clock.  On  the  stand  wei-e  seated  three  widows,  eleven  sons  and 
five  daughters  of  President  Kimball.  Their  names  are  Mrs.  Mary  Ellen 
Kitnball,  Mrs.  Amanda  Kimball,  and  Lucy  Kimball.  The  surviving  widow. 
Mi-s.  Ruth  Kimball,  was  prevented  from  being  present  by  ill  health.  The 
sons  present  were  William  H.,  Solomon  F.,  Jonathan  G..  Albert  H.,  Daniel, 
Elias,  Charles,  Moroni.  Eugene,  Willard  and  Leonard;  the  daughters,  Mrs. 
Rosalia  Edwards,  the  eldest  surviving  daughter;  Mrs.  Melvina  Driggs.  Mrs- 
Sarah  Seckles,  Mrs.  Alice.  K.  Smith,  and  Mrs.  Eliza  K.  Woolley. 

Five  generations  from  the  head  of  the  family  were  represented  in  the 
gathering,  in  the  family  of  VVm.  H.  Kimball,  through  his  daughter,  Mrs. 
S  .L.  Sprague,    her  daughter,  Mrs.  Percy  Sadler  and  her  son,  Percy. 


The  proceedings  opened  vvitt  'the  singing  of  "America"  by  »he  con- 
gregation, led  by  Messrr.  H.  S.  Ensign,  and  H.  (t.  Whitney.  Prayer  was 
offered  by  Patriarch  John  Smith.  The  opening  address  was  rendered  by 
President  Kimball's  eldest  surviving  son.  Wm.  H.  Kimball,  himself  a  vet- 
eran pioneer  and  one  of  the  express  riders  of  the  old  days.  Mr,  Kimball 
is  now  75  years  old  and  is  seriously  crippled,  but  he  spoke  for  a  few 
minutes  in  a  clea"  and  ringing  style  of  the  work  cf  his  father,  for  whom 
he  had  been  business  man  and  book-keeper  from  18.^:3  to  earlj^  in  the  six- 
ties. He  said  his  father  had  been  instrurcental  in  bringing  25,000  people 
into  the  Rocky  Mountain  region.  He  paid  a  hign  tribute  to  the  great  pi- 
.>neer's  energy  integrity,  steadfastness  and  g*merosity. 


r.ishop  O  F.  Whitney,  a  grandson  of  President  Kimball,  then  read  an 
"Address  to  My  Children"'  recently  discovered  among  the  private  papers 
of  President  Kimball  by  his  son,  Solomon.  The  address  was  listened  to 
with  rapt  attention  by  those  assembled.     It  is  as  follows  : 

I  feel  to  speak  to  my  children  this  morning,  that  they  may  be  wise  ana 
honored  of  God  and  of  men  ;  and  I  pray  that  I  may  be  inspired  by  the  Ho- 
ly Ghost. 

My  soul  is  swallowed  up  in  (rod.  As  to  the  things  of  this  world,  they 
are  lost  to  me.  I  do  not  feel  concerning  them  is  I  have  heretofore  ,  I  only 
care  foi  the  things  of  eternity.  When  I  behold  the  great  things  of  God  and 
the  glory  which  awaits  the  righteous,,  and  when  I  reflect  that  the  road  is 
so  .straight   that    but  a  few    find    it,  I    feel  to  pray   the    Lord  to  bless  my 


Kimball  Family  News, 

June,  July  and  Anfrust.1901. 


children  and  save  them.     lam  thankful  to  God  because  I  live  in  a  day  when 
some  will  find  it  and  will  become  Gods. 

A  man  may  become  a  God  as  Jesus  Christ  did.  For  this  he  miist  pre- 
pare himself  while  in  the  flesh,  that  he  may  be  enthroned  as  a  judg-e  is  en- 
throned. I  have  a  desire  that  my  children  may  be  crowned,  and  if  I  be  en- 
throned I  want  to  have  the  privileg^e  of  wafting-  myself  by  the  power  of 
God,  to  visit- my  children.  Everything-  we  see  here  is  typical  of  what  will 
be  hereafter. 


Oftentimes  when  T  hear  people  talk  of  thpir  difficulties  it  appears  like 
fool i.-ihi. ess  to  n^e  ;  1  scarcely  notice  them  I  want  my  children  to  be  an 
pxjimple  to  others,  iinrt  I  want  the  older  ones  to  be  an  example  to  the  yonn- 
g-er  children,  and  not  only  'o  them,  but  to  their  friends  and  to  their  sex. 
Mv  <>hildren.  listen  to  the  instructions  of  your  parents,  and  when  they  say 
1o  you.  do  a  thincr.  do  it..  Overcome  every  spirit  of  tyranny  and  oppression 
and  be  as  day  'n  the  hands  of  the  potter. 

The  time  will  e  ime  when  yon  will  have  children,  you  will  have  tender 
leeling  for  them,  and  will  then  look  back  and  see  the  tender  feeling'  that 

280  Kimball  Family  News. 

yonr  parents  had  for  you.  My  soul  has  mourned  for  the  welfare  and  sal- 
vation of  my  children.  When  I  look  at  the  things  of  the  eternal  world.  I 
feel  willing-  to  make  sacrifices  that  1  may  enjoy  the  privileges  which  God 
is  willing  to  give  to  His  people.  When  I  speak  to  my  children,  I  speak  as 
a  father,  and  there  is  no  person  on  the  earth  that  has  more  tender  feelings 
for  his  children  than  I  have.  I  want  the  older  ones  to  be  a  pattern  for 
the  younger  ones,  and  inasmuch  as  there  is  hardness,  put  it  away  ;  for 
it  is  like  a  seed  which,  if  it  be  cultivated,  grows  to  a  tree,  grows  to  matur- 
ity, and  when  it  brings  forth  fruit  it  brings  forth  hardness  and  tyranny. 
We  should  always  endeavor  to  plant  peace  and  kindness.  Remember  al. 
ways  to  be  affectionate  to  jour  parents  :  for  you  will  have  a  posterity, 
because  God  has  promised  it ;  and  if  the  oldest  are  not  faithful,  God  will 
raise  a  pos'erity  from  the  younger. 

I  want  my  children  to  show  proper  respect  to  all  men.  and  be  gentle 
to  them  as  you  want  they  should  be  gentle  to  you  He  subject  to  all  th  e 
officers,  both  civil  and  religious,  and  reverence  their  in  their  offices. 
When  j'ou  speak  of  the  Prophet  and  the  Apostles,  speak  well  of  them 
and  not  reproachfully.  Reverence  all  men  in  their  respective  places,  and 
never  speak  disrespectfully  of  them,  nor  of  any  person  on  the  earth.  If 
you  cannot  speak  well,  keep  your  mouth  shut.  If  you  do  this  j'ou  shall 
be  respected. as  your  father  has  been,  for  this  has  always  been  my  course. 

Be  attentive  to  these  instructions  and  be  faithful  in  all  things,  and 
you  shall  be  enthroned  in  the  kingdom  of  God  and  shall  increase  from  gen. 
eration  to  generation  and  there  shall  be  no  end  of  the  increase.  When  I 
come  into  the  presence  of  God  He  will  permit  me  to  stand  at  your  head  as 
Adato  will  stand  at  the  head  of  all  families  of  the  earth.  Don't  give  way 
to  evil ,  my  children,  lay  aside  all  wickedness,  and  never  suffer  yourselves 
to  go  into  wicked  company  or  corrupt  places^  If  we  give  wa}'  to  sin  even  a 
little,  it  will  conceive  in  our  bosoms  and  grow.  I  know  if  I  am  faithful  no 
good  things  will  be  withheld  from  me,  but  if  I  make  a  misstep  it  may  all  be 
taken  away.  We  are  acting  in  view  of  eternity;  we  are  laying  a  found- 
ation for  eternity.  If  you  remember  these  things,  God  will  bless  you 
with    glory  and  eternal  life. 

I  want  you  to  remember  that  in  as  mach  as  you  honor  your  father, 
when  you  become  old  and  are  engaged  in  the  ministry  you  shall  be  honor- 
ed. This  religion  is  true  ;  I  know  it.  for  God  has  revealed  it  to  me.  Every 
roan  who  rejects  it  will  be  damned,  and  every  one  who  receives  it  will  be 
saved.  Baptism  is  a  sign  of  the  resurrection,  and  is  the  password  whereby 
we  enter  into  the  kingdom  of  God.  All  the  ordinances  are  signs  of  things 
in  the  heavens.  I  want  ray  children  to  observe  these  things,  for  we  have 
come  into  a  dispensation  when  we  have  got  to  open  a  door  to  rei^eive  all 
dispensations  of  old.  When  I  have  been  oppressed  by  the  superstitions  of 
t  his  world,  I  liave  felt  as  though  it  would  burst  the  earth.  1  want  to  be- 
come just  what  1  caight  to  be 

My  children,  never  cultivate  a  spirit  of  covetousness.  When  you  seeany- 
bod.v  that  is  poor,  and  you  have  means,  assist  tnem  ;  and  when  u  poor  man 
or  a  poor  women  comes  along,  take  ihem  into   your   house  and    feed   and 

June,  July  and  August  1901.  281 

clothe  them.  Always  enlist  on  the  side  of  the  oppressed.  This  principle 
was  always  in  me,  and  I  w«int my  children  to  cherish  it.  If  you  show  mer- 
cy, yon  shall  have  mercy.  The  character  of  the  Almighty  is  noble,  and 
none  will  come  into  His  kingdom  only  those  who  are  noble,  kind,  mer- 
ciful, virtuous  and  obedient.  The  course  I  take  in  this  life  will  be  hand- 
ed down  to  future  generations.  You  will  hand  it  down  from  g-eneration 
to  o"eneration,  and  all  records  which  are  mad©  here  on  the  earth  will  be 
had  in  heaven 

Now,  my  children,  God  recosrnizes  all  that  you  do.  Never  cultivate 
anything"  wicked,  corrupt  or  dishonest.  Instead  of  taking-  a  penny  from 
your  neig-hbor.  give  him  two.  As  you  do  unto  others  so  shall  it  be  measur- 
ed unto  you  again.  Let  these  instructions  sink  deep  into  your  mi  nds  :  for 
trod  is  bound  to  bestow  these  blessing's  upon  us.      Even  so,   vraen. 

The  Salt  Lake  City  News  has  the  following-  editorial: 

We  devote  considerable  space  today  to  account  of  celebration 
of  the  birthday  of  the  lateHeber  C.  Kimball,  one  of  the  foremost 
among-  the  great  spirts  of  the  latter-day  dispensation-  He  fig-- 
ured  in  the  early  history  of  this  Church,  and  his  sterling-  worth, 
unfaltering  integ-rity,  and  unswerving  devotion  to  its  leaders, 
gave  him  Reserved  prominence  and  made  him  an  example  to 
others.  His  numerous  descendants  do  well  to  commemorate  his 
advent  to  earth,  and  those  who  remain  of  his  compeers  and 
associates  take  pleasure  in  joining  them  in  the  exercises  given 
in  his  honor. 

President  Heber  C,  Kimball  was  a  striking  character  among 
Latterday  Saints.  Tall,  erect,  with  piercing  eyes  and  command- 
ing manner  he  madf*  an  isupression  wherever  he  went.  His  quaint 
h'jmorand  forceful  illustrations  made  his  public  utterances'always 
entertaining,  and  everybody  liked  to  here  him  speak,  except  the 
transgressor  and  the  hypocrite,  who  sometimes  writhed  under 
unsparing  and  pointed  castigations. 

He  was  accused  of  coarseness  sometimes,  in  his  plain  speak- 
ing on  delicate  subjects  ;  but  people  who  comprehended  his  mean- 
ing and  appreciated  the  truth  of  his  teachings,  understood  the 
object  of  his  efforts  which  was  always  the  enlightenment  and 
improvment  of  his  hearers,  whose  close  attention  he  commanded 
by  the  peculiarity  of  his  similes  and  comparisons.  He  ever  held 
in  view  for  admiratiotl  and  emulation  that  which  promoted  virtue, 
purity  and  true  religion. 

It  is  a  matter  of  rejoicing  and  congratulation  that  he  has 
left  so  many  men  and  women  vo  bear  his  name,  wno  are  true  and 
steadfast  to  the  cause  in  which  he  spent  his  active  life  and  his 
erninent  abilities, '  Brother  Heber  lives  in  his  posterity,  and  he 
will^ever  be  known  in  Israel  through  the  worlds  and  example  of 
his  faithful  descendants.  May  they  always  be  worthy,  of  the 
great  name  they  bare,  and  live  in  the  spirit  of  his  counsels. 

282  KimbaJ  Family  News, 


The  Family  History  on  pag-e  874,  mentions  Edward  Pick- 
ett Kimball  of  Waterloo,  Iowa,  as  the  somewhat  noted  Church 
Debt  Raiser.  He  was  himself  one  of  the  first  to  make  a  correc- 
tion of  this  error,  and  to  place  the  credit  where  it  belong-s. 

A  few  years  ag-o,  the  newspapers  of  the  country  often  men- 
tioned the  success  of  Edward  Kimball  in  raising-  money  to  pay 
debts  on  churches.  This  Edward  Kimball  is  but  slio-htlv  men- 
tioned  on  page  820  of  the  History,  his  record  number  being  1790. 
The  News  has  been  favored  with  a  few  communications  from 
him,  mostly  of  a  private  nature.  This  notable  man  died  at  his 
home  in  Chicago,  June  5,  1901.  Since  that  event  the  News 
has  been  asked  to  give  as  much  of  his  history  as  possible.  The 
following  is  therefore  given,  mostly  taken  or  compiled  from 
the  Chicago  papers.  Some  of  these  papers  printed  his  portrait, 
and  the  News  has  made  an.  effort,  but  failed  to  secure  one  : 

From  the  Inter  Ocean  : 

Edward  Kimball,  to  whom  the  credit  is  g-iven  of  first  turn- 
ing the  thoughts  of  Dwlght  L.  Mood}'  to  evangelistic  work,  and 
who  was  famous  throughout  the  country  as  the  • 'lifter"  of  church 
debts,  died  at  the  residence  of  his  son.  Dr.  R,  H.  Kimball,  453 
North  Kenilworth  avenue,  Oak  Park,  yesterday.  Always  dis- 
playing a  deep  interest  in  church  and  Sunday  school  work,  Mr. 
Kimball,  while  a  resident  of  Boston  more, than  fifty  years  ago, 
was  an  official  in  the  Mount  Vernon  Congregational  Church  and 
a  teacher  in  the  Sunday  school  class  The  future  evangelist  was 
a  member  of  his  class,  and  in  the  life  of  Mr  Moody,  edited  by 
his  son,  the  influe«ce  of  his  teacher  is  given  as  the  cause  that 
started  him  in  the  work  that  made  him  world  famous  The  pecu- 
liar avocation  to  which  the  last  twenty-five  years  of  Mr.  Kimball's 
life  was  devoted  was  inspired  while  on  a  business  tour  of  the 
Pacific  States-.  While  representing  the  firm  of  A.  H.  Andrews 
&  Co.  of  Chicago  in  San  Francisco  in  1875  he  assisted  in  the  work 
of  the  Westminster  Presbyterian  Church  and  Mission.  In  the  ab- 
sence of  a  pastor  he  occupied  thepulpit  several  times,  and  shortly 
before  the  time  set  for  his  departure  he  decided  to  make  an  ef- 
fort to  clear  away  the  debt  that  practically  had  overwhelmed  the 
church.  In  the  meeting  the  forceful  eloquence  of  the-  layman 
accomplished  the  task  that  had  proved  futile  to  the  clergy,  and 
the  success  of  Mr.  Kimball  decided  him  to  devote-  himself 
solely  to  the  work  of  freeing  churches  from  debt.  The  amount 
of  church  debts  raised  by  him  since  that  time  has  been  estimat- 
ed at  more  than  $10,000,000  Among  the  churches  that  have 
been  aided  by  Mr.  Kimball's  efforts  are  the  Lincoln  Park  and  the 
Union    Park  Congregational   Churches,  and    Immanuel  Baptist 

June,  July  and  Aug-ust  1901.  2S3 

Churches  of  Chicao-o.  The  larg-est  debt  raised  by  him  was  that 
of  Dr.  Robinson's  Presbyterian  church  of  New  York  City,  where 
$110,000  was  raised  at  two  meeting-.  Althoug-h  not  a  remarkably 
eloquent  speaker,,  the  force  and  sincerity'df  Mr.  Kimball  g-ained 
success  where  oratorical  efforts  had  failed.  He  was  piossessed  of 
a  commanding-  presence,  being-  over  6  feet  in  heig-ht,  and  until  a 
few  months  before  .his  death  had  maintained  vig-orous  health. 
Mr.  Kimball  is  survived  by  a  widow  and  three  children.  Dr.  R. 
H.  Kimball,  and  Mrs.  .Henry  P.  Williams  and  Edward  H.  Kim- 
ball of,  Glencoe.     .       - 

From  the  Chicag'o  Record: 

Edward  Kimball,  a  noted  church  worker  who  had  the  dis- 
tinction of  having-  converted  Dwig-ht  L  Moody  and  wiped  out  a- 
bout  $15,000,000  debts  of  churches  in  the  United  States  and  Can- 
ada, died  attheresidenceof  hisson,  Dr.R-.H.  Kimball, inOak  Park, 
atnoon  June  5,1901. 

Edward  Kimball  was  born  in  Rowley,  Mass  ,  July  29,  1823. 
He  recevieda-common  school  edxUcation  and  later  attended  local 
academies  His  parents  had  intended  he  shojujd  study  for  the  min- 
istry, but  his  health  at  that  tipie  prevented  it  His  father  was 
a  teacher  in  the  public  schools  at  Rowley  and  the  son  succeeded 
him.  When  23  years  of  ag-e  he  went  to  Boston  and  eng-ag-ed  in 
the  carpet  business  and  was  the  first  travelings  salesman  in  tike 
country  tohandle  carpets  outside  of  the  local  territory.  After- 
ward he  became  the  head  of  a  larg-e  carpet  house  in  Boston. 


While  a  resident  of  Boston  he  connected  himself  with  the 
Mount  Vernon  Cong^reg-ation-.l  Church,  teaching-  a  clan's  ill  Sun- 
day school.  The  late  Dwig-ht  L.  Moody  Was  one  of  his  pupils 
and  Mr.  Kimball  \^'as  the  means  of  his  conversion.  In  1868  Mr. 
Kimball  went  to  New  York  and  eng-ag-ed  in  the  wholesale  hard- 
ware business,  remaining-  there  until  after  the  Chicag-o  fire, 
when  he  came  here,  and  was  employed  by  the  A.  H.  ArtdreWs 
Company  for' six  years. 

Abandoning-  business  entirely  in  1879,  he  devoted  his  life  to 
•church  work,  and  is  said  to  have  been  the  best  known  man  in 
church  circles  in  this  country.  Churches  of  all  denominations 
in  Chicag-o,  San  Francisco,  Oakland,  Portland,  Denver,  Wash- 
ing-ton. D,  C,  New  York,  Boston,  Philadelphia,  Newark,  and 
even  in  Canada  were  assisted  by  his  work,  and  it  is  ,  said  that 
not  less  than  $15,000,000  was  raised  through  his  efforts  to  pay 
off  church  mortg-ag-es  and  other  debts'  which  the  different  con- 
g-reg-ations  had  contracted.  No  dendrhination  or  creed  was  spe- 
cially favored.  All  wer^e  treated  alike.  His  elocfuence  and  his  g^reat 
energ-y  were  always  at  the  service  of  any  and  all  churches  in 
financial  distress.  In  life  Mr.  Kimball  stood  over  6  feet  in  heig-ht 
and  he  al  ways  :  impressed  his   hearers  as  a  man 'of  great  force  of 

2S4  Kimbail  Family  News, 

character.  His  influence  over  them  is  said  to  have  been  something- 
wonderful.  His  honesty  of  mind  was  shown  in  his  face. 
Death  Closes  Useful  Life. 

He  was  married  twice.  His  first  wnte  was  Miss  Emma  Jane 
Henchman,  the  daughter  of  a  prominent  physician  and  chemist 
in  Boston.  Four  children  were  born  in  this  union,  three  of  whom 
are  still  living- —  Dr  R.  H.  Kimball,  Mrs.  Henry  P.  Williams  and 
Edward  H.  Kimball.  Mrs.  Kimball  died  in  187(t  and  two  years 
later  Mr.  Kimball  married  Miss  Laura  Harris  of  Brooklyn,  N.Y. 

Mr.  Kimball  was  78  years  old,  and  his  illness  was  the  result 
of  breaking-  down  in  health,  mainly  due  to  his  long-  and  untiring- 
work  in  behalf  of  churches,  and  his  death  closed  a  useful  and 
eventful  life. 

From  the  St.  Louis  Post-Dispatch  : 

In  the  death  of  Edward  Kimball  the  churc^h  world  loses  a 
worker  whose  g-ood  deeds  will  live  always.  It  was  Edward  Kim- 
ball who  converted  Dwight  L  Moody  in  the  old  Mount  Vernon 
church  in  Boston  and  who  raised  more  money  to  pay  off  church 
debts  than  any  other  religious  worker  in  the  world. 

Unordained,  without  special  preparation,  but  with  all  the 
enthusiam  inspired  by  religion,  Edward  Kimball  made  his  in- 
fluence felt  from  one  end  of  the  United  States  to  the  other.  In 
two  Sundays  he  raised  a  debt  of  3110,000  on  Dr.  Robinson's 
Presbyterian  church  in  New  York.  It  was  said  of  him  that  no 
matter  how  regretfully  his  hearers  gave  up  their  money  to  other 
causes,  he  could  make  them  do  it  with  a  smile   for   the   church. 

He  was  78  years  old,  but  had  retained  remarkably  good 
health  until  very  recently.  He  suffered  no  organic  ailment  and 
was  mercifully  spared  the  tortures  of  disease.  It  was  a  case  of 
serene,  painless  dissolution,  due  to  old  age. 

Mr.  Kimball  did  not  find  his  real  life  work  until  1875.  In 
that  year  he  visited  San  Francisco.  While  there  he  filled  the 
pulpit  of  the  Westminster  mission  on  Sundays.  He  found  the 
church  overwhelmed  with  debt.  His  eloquence  gathered  the 
people  together  in  large  crowds  and  he  raised  enough  by  volun- 
tary contributions  to  clear  off  the  mortgage  against  the  property. 

When  he  saw  the  beneficial  results  of  his  work  he  deter- 
mined to  throw  aside  all  other  occupations  and  devote  himself 
to  freeing  the  churches  from  their  financial  burdens.  He  was 
wonderfully  successful. 

In  Chicago  he  was  instrumental  in  raising  the  debts  on  Dr. 
Lorimer's  Baptist  Church,  the  Lincoln  Park  Congregational 
Church,    the    Union    Park    Congregational    Church    and    many  ^ 


In  San  Francisco  the  First  Congregational  Church,  the 
Presbyterian  Church,    the    Howard    Presbyterian    Church,    the 

June,  July  and  August  1901.  285 

First  Congreg-Jitional  Church  of  Oakland  and  others  owe  their 
J. resent  prosperity  larg-ely  to  his  efforts. 

In  Portland,  Tacoma,  Denver,  New  York,  Boston,  Philadel- 
phia, Newark  and  even  to  the  confines  of  Nova  Scotia  his  work 
was  extended.     Only  by  sickness  was  he  compelled  to  abandon  it. 

No  denomination  or  creed  was  favored,  Methodists,  Presb}'- 
terians.  Baptists,  Congreg'ationalists  were  treated  alike.  Mr. 
Kimball's  eloquence  and  g-reat  energy  were  always  at  their 

From  Greenfield,  Mass.,  Gazette  : 

The  friends  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  P.  Kimball  celebrated  their 
SOth  birthday  anniversaries  at  their  home  2  Chapman  Court, 
Thursdav  evening.  Mrs.  Kimball  was  born  the  14th  and  Mr. 
Kimball  April  18th  18S1.  Capt.  Anson  Withey,  in  an  appro- 
priate speech,  presented  them,  in  behalf  of  Mr.  Kimball's  shop- 
mates,  with  a  handsome  morris  chair,  a  rug,  table  cloth  and  other 
useful  gifts.  Mr.  Kimball's  father.  S.  W.  Kimball  of  Brattleboro 
was  present  with  Mrs.  Kimball,  and  made  some  remarks  contrast- 
ing the  difference  between  the  times  now  and  50  years  ago.  Re- 
freshments consisting  of  sugar  on  ice,.and  ice  cream  and  cake  were 
served.  (History  page  799.) 

SHE  WANTS  $5,000. 
A   Davenport,  Iowa  dispatch  says. 

Herbert  and  Marion  Flint,  the  well-know'n  hypnotists, 
whose  subtle  powers  have  astonished  many  large  audiences  in 
this  city,  are  the  defendants  in  a  novel  s^iit  to  be  tried  in  Daven- 
port, la. .  in  the  near  future. 

The  plaintiff,  Mrs.  Claude  E"  Kimball,  sues  for  $5,000.  She 
states  in  her  petition  that  on  or  about  March  3,  1901,  she  attend- 
ed a  performance  given  by  the  Flints  at  the  Opera-house  in  that 
city.  During  the  preformance  she  alleges  the  hypnotists  made 
one  of  their  subjects  believe  that  he  had  been  burned  upon  the 

The  subject  was  allowed  to  go  out  into  the  audience  and  took 
a  seat  directly  in  frontof  the  plaintiff,  where  he  began  to  remove 
his  clothes.  After  being  cm  the  back  of  the  seat  in  front  of  her 
for  several  minutes,  the  subject  was  released  from  the  hypnotic 
spell  and  fell  over  onto  the  plaintiff,  who  endeavorig  to'  get  out 
irom  under  him,  wrenched  and  sprained  her  ankle. 

As  a  result,  she  became  hysterical,  suffered  nervous  chills,  had 
to  be  removed  from  the  Opera  House  to  the  hospital,  and  has 
ever  since  suffered  from  the  effects  of  nervous  shock.  She  says 
that  a  man  undressing  in  frout  of  her  was  too  much,  and  prays 
the  court  to  award  her  $5,000  for  the  experience. 

286  Kimball  Family  N'cws, 


The  second  auraber  of  the  Kimball  News,  pag-e  32,  contain- 
ed two  items  under  the  heading-  "Notes,  Personal  and  Other- 
wise" that  illustrate  slightly,  some  work  it  has  done,  and  that 
have  more  or  less  pertinence  to  matter  contained  in  this  issue. 
One  of  these  items  makes  the  correction  in  the  History,  page  874, 
that  credits  Edward  Pickett  Kimball  of  Waterloo,  Iowa,  as  being 
the  noted  "Church  Debt  Raiser"  whose  death  is  announced  in 
another  place  of  this  issue  of  the  News, 

The  other  item  mentioned  an  accident  that  happened  to 
Granville  Kimball  of  this  city,  History  page  711.  This  second 
number  of  the  News  was  sent  to  ever}-  Kimball  found  in  the  cit^- 
directory  of  Chicago.  The  item  caught  the  eye  of  another  (iran- 
ville  Kimball  in  that  city  who  has  since  become  more  or  less  a 
factor  in  American  history.  He  wrote  to  the  News  to  learn 
something  of  his  famil}'.  He  is  not  mentioned  in  the  Family 
History,  which  has  his  antecedents  badly  mixed.  His  father 
was  John  Granville  Kimball  the  son  of  David,  the  fifth  child  of 
Jonathan  KimbalF,  page  367  of  the  Family  History,  where  Da- 
vid and  John  G.  are  said  to  have  been  brothers.  The  proper 
corrections  are  made  on  page  108  of  the  News,  and  on  page  126 
four  additions  to  the  family  of  John  Granville  Kimball  may  be 

Our  Granville  Kimball  has  seen  a  good  deal  of  the  world, 
as  stated  on  page  222  of  Vol,  I,  He  was  a  lieutenant  and 
chief  eng-ineer  on  the  steamer  Leonidas  which  was  designed  as 
part  of  the  fleet  to  make  an  attack  upon  Spain,  and  was  prevent- 
ed only  by  the  capture  of  Santiago. 

After  the  Spanish  War  Granville  Kimball  returned  to  Chi- 
cago and  early  in  the  present  season  was  commissioned  to  pro- 
ceed to  Philadelphia  and  take  from  the  League  Island  navy  yard 
the  United  States  Steam  Ship  Dorothea  around  the  coast,  up 
the  St.  Lawrence  river,  through  the  lakes  to  Chicago  where  the 
vessel  is  to  be  used  as  a  training  ship  for  the  Illinois  naval 
militia.  This  trip  of  2,700  miles  was  safely  made  and  on  June  6, 
the  Dorothea  anchored  in  the  Chicago  harbor. 

This  was  clearly  a  great  day  for  the  western  metropcdis.  The 
Inter  Ocean  gave  a  three  column  engraving  of  the  vessel,  and 
half  tone  portraits  of  Lieutenant  Commander  Kimball  and  three 
other  officers,  and  there  were  columns  of  comments  and  descript- 
ive writings.     The  News  condenses  the  following  extracts  : 

After  a  trip  of  2,700  miles  from  the  League  Island  Navy 
yard  at  Philadelphia  to  Chicago  the  officers  and  crew  heaved  a 
sigh  of  relief  when  the  cry  of  "All  fast,  sir,"  anhounced  that  the 
responsibilities  of  bringing  the  vessel  by  the  sea  and  lakes  to 
Chicago  were  over.     At  the  same  time    there    was  not    a    man 

June,  July  and  Aug-ust  1901.  287 

aboard  ship  who  was  traitor  enough  to  the  stanch  little  craft  to 
say  that  he  was  sorry  that  the  journey  was  at  an  end. 

There  was  certainly  never  a  prouder  crew  than  the  one  which 
mans  the  Dorothea.  There  has  been  but  one  vessel  on  the  great 
lakes  which  has  approached  the  class  of  the  new  training  ship, 
the  Comanche,  formerly  owned  by  Mark  Hanna.  This  vessel 
rode  the  waters  of  the  Ohicago  harbor  at  the  time  of  the  World's 

The  oificers'  quarters  are  elegant  and  the  accommodations 
for  the  seamen  and  petty  officers  all  that  could  be  desired.  Fur- 
thermore, the  prettily  carved  figurehead  of  Dorothea  at  the  bow 
has  captured  the  hearts  of  all  the  boys,  and  some  are  accused  of 
hanging  by  their  heels  from  the  bow  to  get  a  better  look  -at  her. 

The  United  States  steam  yacht  Dorothea  was  built  by  Messrs. 
Cramps  &  Son  of  Phihidephia  for  private  use,  but  about  time  of 
the  breaking  out  of  the  Spanish-American  war  the  promoter  died, 
and  the  United  States  government  bought  the  unfinished  craft 
and  had  her  completed  tor  a  torpedo-boat  destroj^er  and  for  patrol 
duty.  She  proved  very  efficient  as  a  patrol  boat  off  the  coast  of 

Last  spring  she  was  refitted  and  made  ready  for  the  Philip- 
pine service,  but  it  was  found  that  her  coal  capacity  (ninety  tons) 
was  too  small  for  the  long  trip,  and  another  vessel  was  sent  in 
her  place. 

When  the  state  of  Illinois  asked  for  a  training  ship  for  her 
naval  militia  the  government  decided  on  the  Dorothea.  On  May 
11  the  ship  was  turned  over  to  a  crew  of  Illinois  naval  militiamen, 
under  the  command  of  Lieutenant  B.  R.  T.  Collins.  Mrs 
Granville  Kimball  was  the  first  woman  to  make  a  trip  on  the 
boat  after  it  was  transferred  to  the  Illinois  Naval  militia. 

Detective  Kimball  of  the  Pinkerton  force  was  one  of  the 
men  who  discovered  the  man  Winters  who  robbed  the  San  Fran- 
cisco Smelting  Works  of  about  $300,000  worth  of  gold  bars  and 
sunk  them  in  the  bay.     Who  is  he? 

A  new  heating  system  has  been  installed  for  the  seminary 
buildings  at  the  Phillips  Academy,  Andover,  Mass.  The 
Townsman  of  July  28,  says  : 

The  system  will  be  installed  by  the  trustees'  employees, 
under  the  supervision  of  the  engineer,  R.  D.  Kimball  of  Boston, 
whose  son,  D.  D.  Kimball,  will  have  direct  charge  of  the  work. 
The  preliminary  surveys  are  being  made  bv  another  son,  J. 
W.  Kimball. 

288  Kimball  Family  News, 

of  Topeka,   Kansas. 

Opposite  pag^e  IS')  of  the  Family  Historv  there  may-  be  seen 
a  full  page  illustration  showing-  five  generations  of  Kimballs,  of 
which  that  of  Capt.  F.  M.  Kimball  is  the  fourth.  The  above 
portrait  is  of  a  later  date,  but  signs  of  increased  age. 
A  comprehensive  sketch  of  his  life  may  be  found  on  pages  851  to 
854.  Capt.  Kimball  has  taken  an  active  interest  in  the  News 
from  its  inception  and  has  given  it  liberal  support.  He  is  also 
deeply  interested  in  every  effort  to  increase  our  knowledge  of 
the  family  history,  and  is  secretary*  of  the  Kimball  Historical  So- 
citey  whose  first  main  purpose  is  to  raise  a  fund  to  send  Prof. 
Sharpies  to  England  to  make  further  investigations,  and  to  him 
should  be  addressed  all  applications  for  membership.  Lieuten- 
ant-Governor Charles  Dean  Kimball  of  Providence,  R.  I  ,  is  pres- 
ident and  Otis  Kimball  of  Boston,  Treasurer  The  following 
mention  of  Capt.  Kimball  is  taken  from  a  late  issue  of  the  Tope- 
ka Commercial  Club  News. 

The  officers  and  directors  of  the  Aetna,  however,  are  men 
who  would  make  a  model  of  any  financial  institution.  Byron 
Roberts,  who  was  for  ^ixtecn  years  cashier  of  the  Bank  of  Tope- 
ka, and  at  one  time  county  treasurer,  is  president  and  treasurer, 
A.  B.  Ouinton  is  vice  president  and  attorney  and  F.  M.  Kimball 
is  secretarv.     Thev  and  J.  F.  Carter,  and  J.  M.   Steel  of  Empo- 

June,  July  and  Aug-ust  1901.  289 

ria  form  the  board  of  directors.  They  are  broad-minded,  consci- 
entious business  men  whose  administration  of  the  affairs  of  the 
Aetna  guarantees  that  the  association  will  invariably  carry  out 
its  promises  to  the  letter.  They  conduct  the  affairs  of  the 
association  with  the  strictest  economy  and  take  just  pride  in  earn- 
ing' the  admiration  of  all  their  shareholders.  All  the  officers 
have  been  connected  with  the  Aetna  almost  from  its  inception. 
Secretary  Kimball,  however,  who  was  formerly  with  a  prominent 
association  in  Missouri,  coming  here  in  1892  and  taking-  :harg-e 
of  its  affairs  six  months  after  the  org-anization.  Capt  Kimball, 
as  he  is  familiarly  known,  having- served  at  the  head  of  a  com- 
pany through  the  civil  war,  is  enthusiastic  over  the  association's 
future,  and  well  may  be  in  the  light  of  its  accomplishments  in 
the  past. 


City  papers  have  announced  the  following: 

Several  hundred  invitations  have  been  issued  for  the 
wedding-  of  Miss  Helen  E.  Kimball  and  Mr.  Joseph  J. 
Morseman  at  the  Kenwood  Evang-elical  Church  on  Tuesday 
evening-  Sept.  3.  and  the  reception  which  will  follow  the 
ceremony  at  the  residence  of  the  bride's  father,  Mr.  Eu- 
g-ene  S.  Kimball  of  4706  Woodlawn  avenue,  will  also  be 
elaborate.  Miss  Ruth  Kimball  will  act  as  her  sister's 
maid  of  honor,  and  the  four  bridemaids  will  be  Miss  Edith 
Young,  Miss  Dora  Schmitt,  and  Miss  Gussie  and  Miss 
Emma  Lantz  of  Buffalo,  the  latter  two  arriving-  in  the  city  to- 
day. Mr.  Frank  Morseman,  brother  of  the  g-room,  will  be  best 
man,  and  Mr.  Robert  Ritchie,  Mr.  Robert  Morseman,  and 
Mr.   Frank  C.  Smith,    ushers. 

Miss  Young-  will  give  a  luncheon  for  Miss  Kimball  on 
Thursday  of  next  week,  and  Miss  Schmitt  will  g-ive  a  lunch- 
eon on  Saturday,  followed  by  a  matinee  party.  On  Fri- 
day  evening-   the   ushers   will  give   a  theater   party. 

Eugene  S.  Kimball  is  not  mentioned  in  the  Family  History. 
On  pag-e  183  of  the  News  for  1898  mention  was  made  of  the 
death  of  his  son  Eugene  B.  which  occured  in  Chicag-o  Oct.  17, 
1898.  The  young-  man  had  enlisted  in  the  war  in  behalf  of  Cuba. 
Although  very  ill  he  started  for  hom.e  after  the  capture  of  San- 
tiag-o,  and  was  able  to  reach  Chicag-o,  and  might  have  recovered, 
but  he  insisted  upon  marching-  throug-h  the  city  with  his  reg-i- 
ment,  and  this  ambitious  effort  probably  caused  the  relapse  that 
resulted  in  his  death.  He  was  a  youth  greatly  beloved,  in  whom 
were  centered  hig-h  hopes.  He  died  in  his  fathers  arms.  The 
Nkws  wishes  much  happiness  to  the  sister  of  this  patriotic 
brother.     The  News  would  like  more  of  the  record  of  this  family. 

290  •        Kimball  Family  News, 


Mrs.  Sarah  Ordwa}'  Kimball  died  at  the  home  of  her 
son  Newton  A.  Kimball  in  Danville,  111.  on  Wednesday 
Aug-ust  21    1901. 

She  was  nearly  92  years  old,  having-  been  born  in  Hopkin- 
ton,  N.  H.  Nov.  16,  1809.  the  eldest  daug-hter  of  Eben  and 
Eunice  (Mosher)  Ordway.  She  wafe  the  mother  of  three 
sons  all  of  whom  are  still  living-,  the  editor  of  the  Kim- 
ball Family  News,  Newton  with  whom  she  lived  in  Dan- 
ville, 111  and  Nelson  F,  of  Weiser,  Idaho,  late  Department 
Commander  G.  A.  E.  of  that  state.  (Family  History  'pag-e 
902.,    Family   News,  February    1899.) 

Our  mother  was  a  woman  of  sterling-  character. 
Without  the.  advantages  of  a  high  education,  she  was  a 
woman  of  influence  in  her  community.  She  was  the  eldest 
daug-hter  in  a  large  family  and  much  of  the  care  of  the  young-er 
brothers  and  sisters  devolved  upon  her.  Her  life  was  one  of 
strong  moral  purpose.  In  childhood  she  lived  an  active  out  of 
door  life,  walking-,  rowing-  and  climbing-.  The  result  was  a 
physical  developement  that  carried  her  throug-h  life  without 
disease  or  sickness.  She  passed  away  at  the  end  as  one 
falls  into  a  quiet  sleep  A  few  years  ago  the  family  reunions 
in  Danville,  descendants  of  John  Kimball  often  numbered  t  .venty 
to  thirty  persons.     Now  they  would  scarcely  reach   half  a  score. 

The  Family  History  tells  of  the  many  descendants  of 
Richard  Kimball  who  moved  at  an  early  day  up  the  valley 
of  the  Merrimac  river  into  southern  New  Hampshire,  thence 
still  further  northward,  from  whence  so  many  moved  to 
the  then  far  west — those  who  settled  in  Elgin,  111.,  -and 
others  in  Ohio  many  of  whom  in  their  descendants  are  still 
unknown.  John  Kimball  had  moved  to  the  northern  settle- 
ments of  New  Hariipshire,  and  here  his  son  Gilbert  H. 
Kimball  was  living-,  or  at  IcaSt  here  was  his  home  when 
he  married  Sarah  Ordway  on  his  nineteenth  birthday,  May 
5,  1835.  She  was  six  years  his  senior.  On  this  occasion 
his  venerable  g-randfather.  Deacon  Benjamin  Fowler,  (  See 
Historv  of  Sutton,  N.  H.  )  congratulated  him  (in  his  gfood 
sense'  in  selecting  a  woman  old  enough  to  take  care  of  him. 
They  were  working-  people.  He  had  become  an  expert  weav- 
er of  line  carpets  when  only  hand  work  prevailed  and  she 
had  worked  in  the  cotton. >mills  of  Lowell.  They  continued 
this  work  until  they  were  able  to  pay  for  the  old  farm  at 
foot  of  Cardigan    mountain    in    Oranf:e. 

In  1857  tliey  moved  to  Illinois  where  others  of  the  family 
had  gone,  and  a  year  later  they  settled  in  Danville.  The 
husband  and  father  died  V^c'^.  ?',  is:  8,  fr  )in  an  accidental 
fall    through  an     elevator. 

June,  July  and  Aug-ust  1901.  291 

In  the  "Annals  of  Iowa"  a  short  sketch  of  the  life  of  Thom- 
as Kimball  is  ^iven.  On  page  739,  Family  History  the  date  of 
his  birth  is  given  and  the  fact  of  his  residence  in  Iowa,  and  his 
marriag-e  with  Caroline  Shearer.  We  have  no  further  knowl- 
edg-e  as  to  his  family,  and  more  information  is  solicited.  It  is 
quite  clear  that  he  became  a  prominent  citizen  of  his  adopted 

Thomas  Kimball  was  born  at  East  North  Andover, 
Mass.,  January  20,  1846;  he  died  at  La  Moille,  Marshall 
cojnty,  Iowa,  May  30,  1901.  Mr  Kimball  settled  in  La 
Moille  in  1869,  and  entered  into  active  business  as  a  g'en- 
eral  merchant  and  dealer  in  lumber,  coal  and  live  stock. 
His  capital  at  the  start  was  only  $600,  his  saving-  at  the 
end  of  five  years  of  hard  work  in  a  Boston  machine  shop. 
His  business  in  Marshall  county  became  at  once,  and  con- 
tinued until  his  death,  to  be  very  prosperous.  At  the  elec- 
tion of  1899  he  was  chosen  to  the  Iowa  house  of  represen- 
tatives for  the  current  term,  and  served  during-  the  session 
of  1900.  He  stood  high  in  the  confidence  of  the  people, 
and  it  is  the  best  evidence  of  this  general  reg-ard  to  say, 
that  he  was  elected  without  opposition.  His  health  had 
been  g-radually  declining  since  a  severe  attack  of  pneumonia 
in   1896. 


Now  that  the  summer  season  is  about  over  it  is  expect- 
ed there  will  be  a  revival  of  interest  in  the  effort  to  raise 
funds  to  send  Prof.  Sharpies  to  Eng-land  to  further  pro- 
mote our  knowledge  of  more  ancient  family  history.  The 
scheme  was  started  early  in  the  spring-  by  the  organization 
of  a  Family  Historical  Society  with  a  membership  fee  of 
$2.00.  Lieut. -Gov.  Charles  Dean  Kimball  of  Providence, 
R.  I.  was  made  President,  with  Roy  T.  Kimball  of  San 
Francisco  as  vice  president,  Capt.  F.  M.  Kimball  of  Tope- 
ka  as  Secretary  and  Otis  Kimball  of  Boston  as  Treasurer. 
Contributions  were  solicited  and  a  very  considerable  num- 
ber of  pledges  were  made  amounting-  to  nearly  one  half 
the  lowest  sum  of  $500  named  as  the  amount  necessary 
for  a  beg-inning.  A  further  subscription  of  SlOO  was  made 
conditional  upon  the  raising  of  'the  $500.  Those  willing-  to 
unite  in  this  effort  should  write  to  the  secretary,  F.  M. 
Kimball,  Topeka,  Kansas,  giving  their  address  and  naming 
the  amount  of  their  proposed  contributions  above  the  regul- 
ar^ $2.00  fee.  Sec  portraits  of  President  and  Secretary  in 
this   issue. 


Kimball  Familv  News, 



Charles  Dean  Kimball  (Hisl.  p.  S14)  first  g-ained  wide  no- 
toriety while  a  member  of  the  House  of  Representatives  in  18M9, 
bv  an"honoral)le  but  unusual  act  recorded  in  the  Family  News 
paffe  ?W.  This  brouf^ht  him  an  unsouf>^ht  and  undesired  nomi- 
nation for  mayor  of  Providence.  He  was  not  elected,  and  he 
was  then  nominated  for  Lieutenant-Ciovernor  of  the  state  and 
electe'l  H-  ^..nv  HTI^  th:it  office.  See  also  next  pag-e  of  this 

June,  July  and  August  1901.  293 


Edward  P.  Kimball  is  one  of  the  directors  of  tlie  First  Na- 
tional bank,  Maiden,  Mass. 

William  H.  Kimball  of  Boston  has  taken  out  a  patent  for  a 
hat  holder.  He  now  needs  to  have  an  eye  out  for  patent 

C.  Henry  Kimball,  99  Haverhill  street,  Boston,  is  treasurer 
of  a  company  handling-  a  patent  light  said  to  be  a  remarkable 

The  Rev.  Thomas  R.  Kimball,  who  has  been  pastor  of  St. 
John's  Episcopal  church  at  Duxbury  for  several  yeeirs,  has  ac- 
cepted a  call  to  an  Episcopal  church  in  Somerville. 

Regrets  that  the  News  editor  could  not  attend  the  Picnic 
and  Fishfrv,  given  by  the  pupils  or  the  Kimball  Bend  school,  at 
Kimball's  Bend,  Texas,  May  16,  1901,  closing  the   school  year. 

Willis  G-  C.  Kimball,  Jr.  is  one  member  of  the  Sons  of  the 
American  Revolution  at  Concord,  N.  H.,  who  have  received  from 
the  National  Society  medals  and  diplomas  voted  to  those  serving 
in  the  Spanish-American  war.  He  belongs  to  one  part  of  the 
family  that  remained  in  New  Hampshire  while  another  part 
went  to  Manhattan  in  the  earliest  Kansas  struggle. 

A  Guthrie,  Okla.,  correspondent  says  that  a  linen  shower 
was  given  recently  at  the  residence  of  Gov.  Barnes  in  honor  of 
Miss  Zoe  Kimball  and  that  manv  fine  linen  patterns  were  pre- 
sented. Invitations  hid  been  issued  for  her  wedding  with 
Charles  E.  Billing-sley,  June  25.  A  number  of  ladies  from  out- 
side towns,  including  St-  Joseph  and  St.  Louis  were  present  and 
the  affair  is  said  to  have  been  one  that  society  delights  to  honor. 

At  the  133d  commencment  of  Brown  University,  Providence, 
R.  L.  June  19,  Lt.  Gov.  Kimball  made  one  of  the  several  very 
notable  addresses  that  honored  that  occasion.  He  spoke  in  be 
half  of  the  state  between  which  and  the  university  there  have 
always  been  the  most  harmonious  relations.  The  state  is  proud 
of  the  university  and  well  it  may  be  as  one  of  the  great  educa- 
tional institutions  of  the  country.  And  the  university  is  just  as 
proud  of  the  state.  Lieut.Gov.  Kimball  recognizes  that  the 
broadest  education  of  the  people  is  the  states  best  safeguard.  It 
may  be  added  that  Gen.  Francis  James  Lippitt  of  Washington, 
D.  C,  the  oldest  graduate  of  the  university  was  present  and 
made  a  felicitous  address.  He  was  of  the  class  of  1830,  and  is 
the  Sole  survivor  of  those  who  stood  by  Gen.  Lafayette's  grayc 
ut  his  burial. 

294  Kimball  Family  News, 


Pag-e  344. — Of  the  eleven  children  of  Geo.  W.  Kimball,  eig-ht 
are  recorded  in  the  Fam.  Hist,  as  having-  died.  Six  of  these 
are  said  to  have  married,  but  no  children  are  mentioned. 
The  young-est  daug-hter,  Ariadne  L.  born  May  29,  1828,  mar- 
ried, 1st  Dver  D.  Bullock  of  Sacremento,  Cal.  and  2nd  Dec. 
7,  1875,  Capt.  Seth  Webb,  of  Winterport,  Me.  Her  father's 
family  lived  on  Kimball  Island  in  that  state.  It  seems  that 
she  was  the  mother  of  children,  of  which  the  History  makes 
no  mention.  The  following-  sketch  is  from  Zoin's  Herald: 
Mrs.  Ariadne  Kimball,  wife  of  Capt.  Seth  Webb,  of 
South  Deer  Isle,  Me.,  died,  at  her  residence,  Nov.  8,  1895. 
She  had  been  in  poor  health  for  several  years.  A  few  weeks 
ag-o  she  went  to  Kittery  to  visit  her  daughter,  and  contract- 
ed a  severe  cold  which  settled  on  her  already  diseased  lungs, 
and  she  passed  away  after  little  more  than  a  week's  illness. 
Mrs.  Webb  was  a  most  exemplary    woman  in  every   dcpart- 

I  ment  of  life — as  a  loving^  and  kind  mother  to  her  own  and  a 
larg-e  family  of  step-children;  as  a  faithful  wife,  a  kind 
neig-hbor,  and  an  earnest  Christian  worker.  Not  only  her 
immediate  family,  but  the  whole  community,  feel  their  loss 
most  deepl}'. 

She  was  superintendent  of  the  Sunday-school  and  teach- 
er of  the  Bible  class,  and  had  aided  larg-ely  in  the  repairs 
upon  the  church,  being-  particularly  interested  in  raising- 
money  for  the  new  stained-glass  windows  which  were  added 
a  few  ye;ars  ag-o.  She  was  also  president  of  the  W.  C.  T.  U. 
The  funeral  was  at  the  M.  E.  Church,  Rev.  E.  W.  Belcher 
officiating-.  TheW.  C.  T.  U.  of  South  Deer  Isle  and  that 
of  Green's  Landing-,  with  the  Sunday-school,  attended  in  a 
body  with  badges  of  mourning-.  There  were  many  beauti- 
ful floral  tokens  from  friends. 

A  short  time  before  her  death  she  told  her  husband  she 
was  ready  to  g-o  at  any  time,  but  for  his  sake  she  was  wil- 
ling- to  live.  He  feels  his  loss  very  deeply,  and  the  friends 
have  the  sympathy  of  all,  for  all  who  knew  her  mourn  their 

Hist,  pag-e  560. — Anna  Elizabeth,  widow  of  James  Kimball,  died 
Dec  27,  1896,  at  the  residence  of  her  son-in-law,  Dr.  Fred- 
erick W.  Johnson,  167  Newbury  St.,  Boston.  Her  maiden 
name  was  Eames,  and  not  Ames  as  found  in  the  History. 
Her  ancestor,  Benjamin  Eames  fought  at  Bunker  Hill.  Dr. 
Johnson  is  n<iw  deceased. 

Pag-e  649.— Deacon  Francis  F.  Kimball  one  of  the  oldest  dry 
goods  merchants  of  Nashua,  N.  H.,  died  there  of  heart  fail- 
ure, Nov.  2,  1896.  He  was  a  native  of  Lyne,  N.  H.  He 
married  Elizabeth  Lewis  in  185(».     The  newspaper  clipping 

June,  July  and  Aug-ust  1901.  295 

g-iving-  this  information  notes  that  he  left  a  widow  and  two 
children,  Frank  L.  and  Mrs.  Fanny  P.  Moody.  The  Fara. 
Hist,  g-ives  Frank  Lewis  as  the  only  surviving  child.  He 
wa§  born  Apr.  14,  1857,  and  married  Fanny  P.  Moody  m 
1879.  The  Lewis  History  mentions  their  child  Bessie,  born 
Apr.  14,  1884.  Two  other  children  of  Dea.  Kimball,  Clara, 
born  Nashua  Dec  8,  1854,  died  Au^.  28,  1858,  and  Mary 
Lillian,  born  Mar.  16,  1869,  died,  Dec.  3,  1880. 

Pag-e  682— Wills  Kimball  died  at  Somerville,  Mass.,  July  27, 
1897,  ag-ed  85  years.  He  was  the  son  of  Elisha  Kimball  of 
Lebanon  N,  H.  and  a  brother  of  Joseph  Henry  Kimball  of 
Sunbury  Ohio,  whose  death  is  mentioned  on  another  pag-e. 
These  families  are  descended  from  Joseph  Kimball  who  was 
a  soldier  at  Ticonderog-a  in  1776,  and  who  went  from  Con- 
necticut to  Plainfield  N.  H.,  in  1764.  Rollin  H.  Kimball, 
of  Garfield  Ga.  belong-ed  to  this  family.  See  sketch  of  his 
life  in  last  issue  of  the  News.  Also  interesting'  Articles  pp. 
153-4-5,  and  177-8,  Vol.  1  Fam.  News,  and  letter  from  Mrs. 
J.  H.  Kimball  on  Lebanon  N.  H.,  pag-e  380. 

Pag-e  1114.— From  a  Woburn  dispatch,  Sept.  14,  1892. 

Georg^e  W.  , Kimball,  a  prominent  Woburn  builder,  died  last 
night  of  neuralg-ia  of  the  heart  at  his  residence  on  Garfield 
avenue.  Mr.  Kimball  was  born  in  Wells,  Me;,  in  1826,  and 
there  he  passed  his  early  youth.  Arriving-  in  Woburn,  he 
learned  the  carpenter  trade,  and  then  established  himself  in 
business.  He  married  Miss  Maria  Melvin  of  Concord.  Mr. 
Kimball  was  a  veteran  of  the  late  war,  having- enlisted  in 
the  5th  regiment,  Massachusetts  volunteers.  He  wa?i  a 
member  of  po^t  161,  G.  A.  R,,  and  was  for  many  years  iden- 
tified with  the  local  Congreg-ational  Church.  A  widow,  two 
sons — Georg-e  Ei.  and  James  M. — and  a  daug-hter — Mrs.  Clara 
Stetson — survive. 

It  will  be  noticed  that  above  is  far  more  complete  than 
the  record  inithe^^am.  History,  and  that  it  varies  in  some 
respects.  ' 

The  Sons  of  the  American  Revolution  some  years  ag-o 
erected  a  monument  in  the  Old  Fort  Cemetery  at  East  Concord 
N.  H.  This  granite  monolith  has  inscribed  upon  the  tablet, 
the  names  of  thirteen  revolutionary  soldiers,  and  among-  them 
those  of  Reuben  Kimball,  No.  240,  p.  164  Fam.  Hist,  also  News 
Vol.  Iv  p..  74;  Mellen  Kimball,  Hist.  p.  309;  also  Moses  Eastman 
who  married  Elizabeth  Kimball,  Kimball  Hist.  p.  89,  Fam. 
News  April  1899,  p.  2.S8,  for  their  eleven  children,  and  p.  78 
Eastman  History.  One  of  these  thirteen  soldiers,  Joshua 
Tlnompson  was  an  aide  to  Gen.  Lifayette. 

296  Kimball  Family  News, 


Zions  Herald  of   Boston  contained  a  sketch  of   Nancy  Kim 
ball  Virgin  at  the  time  of   her  death  in  1890,  referred   to  in   th< 
Family  History  pag"e  378.     It  seems  she  was  the  mother  of  five 
children,  a  fact  not  mentioned  in  the  History. 
The  Herald  says: — 

Nancy  Kimball  Virgfin,  daug-hter  of  Asa  and  Phebe  Kimball, 
was  born  in  October  1799,  and  died  August  17,  1S90. 

She  became  the  wife  of  Porter  Kimball,  April  30,  1819,  and 
together  they  walked  life's  journey  until  June  1851,  when  Broth- 
er Kimball  was  called  home  to  heaven.  Five  children  were 
given  them,  two  of  whom  survive  her.  She,  with  her  husband, 
united  with  the  M.  E.  Church  in  Rumford,  Me.,  about  seventy 
years  ago.  Sister  K.  was  noted  for  her  piety.  Her  walk  was 
close  to  God,  her  trust  was  in  her  Redeemer,  and  her  life  was 
above  reproach.  After  walking  with  God  seventy  years,  "she 
was  not,  for  God  took  her."  Late  in  life  she  was  married  to 
Hon.  Peter  C.  Virgin.  After  his  decease  she  found  a  home  with 
her  daughter,  Mrs.  Monroe,  of  Cambridge,  Mass  ,  where  she 
died.  Her  remains  were  brought  to  Rumford,  and  buried  in  the 
old  family  lot. 

From  the  same  paper  of  date  two  years  later,  there  is  the 
following: —     (See  Hist,  page  573.) 

Died,  at  Plymouth,  N.  H.,  May  16,  1892,  Mrs.  Abigail  D. 
Kimball,  wife  of  Mr.  John  S.  Rollins,  aged  70  years,  4  months. 
She  was  born  in  Holderness,  Jan.  18,  1822. 

Her  life  was  spent  in  this  immediate  vicinity.  Her  father 
was  the  late  Samuel  Kimball,  one  of  the  early,  old-fashioned 
Methodists,  in  whose  barn  in  the  early  part  of  this  century 
Methodist  itinerants  held  their  meetings.  Sister  Rollins  joined 
the  church  at  Plymouth  when  but  fifteen  years  of  age,  and  was 
always  a  consistent  Christain.  A  woman  of  sterling  character, 
careful  in  the  instruction  of  her  children,  kindly  to  the  poor, 
patient  and  cheerful,  she  will  be  greatly  missed  in  the  church 
and  community.  Besides  her  husband  and  several  brothers  and 
sisters,  she  leaves  three  sons  to  mourn  their  loss — C.  E.  Rollins, 
a  publisher  in  Chicago;  F.  H.  Rollins,  a  prominent  citizen  of 
Plymouth;  and  Rev.  J.  C  Rollins,  late  pastor  of  the  Congreg;i- 
tiqnal  Church  at  Milford,  N.  H.,  now  of  Spokane  Falls,  Wash- 

A  late  number  of  the  Boston  Transcript  contains  the  follow- 
ing, date  of  death  not  given.  For  sketch  of  Alfred  Kimball 
family  see  Hist,  page  948. 

News  has  been  received  at  his  home  in  Ipswich  ot  the  sud- 
den death  of  Jesse  Warren  Kimball    in    South    America,  in    the 

June,  July  and  August  1901.  297 

colo.ny  of  Las  Palmas  in  the  Gran  Chaco  district,  about  eight 
hundred  miles  from  Buenos  Ayres.  He  was  thirty-seven  years 
of  age  and  had  lived  in  the  South  about  seventeen  years.  He 
was  the  sixth  child  of  the  late  Alfred  and  Elizabeth  Smith  Kim- 
ball, one  of  the  old  families  of  Ipswich,  and  after  completing 
his  education  went  to  South  America,  where  his  brother  George 
had  lived  for  many  years,  and  entered  a  mercantile  life,  in 
which  he  was  successful.  He  visited  his  old  home  a  year  ago 
and  remained  about  ten  months,  sailing  from  New^  York  for 
Buenos  Ayres  in  February  last.  He  was  unmarried  and  leaves 
three  brothers,  George  Kimball,  Arthur  S.  Kimball  and  Fred 
A.   Kimball. 

GIVES  $50,000  TO  HOSPITAL. 

The  News,  December,  1899,  p.  377,  mentions  several  munif- 
icent gifts  by  W.  C.  Todd,  the  son  of  Betsey  (Kimball)  and 
Ebenezer  Todd.  His  home  is  in  Atkinson.  N.  H.  He  is  71  years 
old,  unmarried.     The  Boston  Herald  of  March  12,  1901,  says: 

The  Anna  Jugues  Hospital,  of  Newburyport,  which,  for 
some  years  has  beenseriously  cramped  for  room,  will  have  a  new 
and  commodious  structure  through  the  munificence  of  the  Hon. 
William  C.  Todd,  who  has  shown  a  marked  public  spirit  in  his 
gifts  of  reading  rooms  to  Newburyport  and  Boston. 

The  trustees  today  received  from  Mr.  Todd  a  letter  in  which 
he  makes  the  offer  of  $50,000  for  a  new  building  and  also  offers 
as  a  gift  a  sightly  and  commodious  site  valued  at  $5000  on  the 
corner  of  High  and  Toppan  streets. 

The  trustees,  in  acknowledging  the  gift,  state  that  the  dif- 
ficulty of  providing  better  accommodations  has  long  perplexed 
them,  and  that  no  gift  would  have  been  more  generally  and 
deeply  appreciaxed  than  this.  The  gift  will  be  used  solely  for 
the  erection  of  a  new  building. 

In  its  issue  of  'Juii'e!46,  the  Herald  has  the  following,  re- 
garding another  of  liis  generous  gifts: 

Connected  with  the.  Public  Library,  with  its  40,000  volumes, 
is  a  free  public  reading  room,  the  first  one  established  in  the 
United  States,  where  all  the  principal  newspapers  of  the  United 
St  ites  and  all  the  chief  magazines  of  the  country  and  England 
and  several  English  newspapers  are  on  file  for  all  readers.  This 
reading  room  was  established  through  the  liberality  of  William 
C.  Todd,  who  hi  s  contributed  $15,000  for  its  maintenance, 

Mr.  Cliffonl  Kimball  of  Walnut  street,  Newtonville,  Mass., 
has  gone  to  Honolulu  in  the  interests  of  a  Boston  company. 

298  Kimball  Family  News, 

The  members  of  the  Kimball  family,  have,  in  the  state- 
ments of  Prof's  Morrison  and  Sharpies  at  the  beg-inning-  of  the 
Family  History,  a  g"ood  illustration  of  the  time  and  patience  re- 
quired, even  by  trained  genealog-ists,  to  trace  out  a  line  of  de- 
scent. Both  male  and  female  Kimballs,  have,  almost  invariably, 
married  into  families  of  another  name,  and  no  doubt  all  would 
be  g"lad  to  know  the  ancestry  of  their  better  or  worser  half,  and 
in  many  cases  it  is  easy  to  find  them,  in  the  numerous  family 
histories  already  published.  Where  no  history  of  the  name  in 
question  is  to  be  found,  the  problem,  to  one  unacquainted  with 
the  usual  methods  of  g-enealog"ical  research,  seems  impossible  of 
solution,  and  to  most,  the  expense  attending-  the  research  would 
deter  them  from  making"  the  attempt.  We  all  know  there  is  no 
such  thing-  as  "a  long-  line  of  ancestry."  One's  ancestry  can- 
not be  represented  bj  a  line,  but  by  an  inverted  pyramid.  We 
each  have  two  parents,  four  grandparents,  eight  great-grand- 
parents, sixteen  2nd  g-reat-grand parents,  thirty-two  3rd  great- 
g-randparents,  sixty-four  4th  g-reat-grandparents,  128  5th  great- 
grandparents,  the  7th  g-eneration  from  the  descendant,  and  so 
on,  the  number  of  progenitors  increasing  as  we  count  backward 
in  a  g-eometrical  progression  whose  ratio  is  two,  as  the  mathe- 
maticians say,  because  each  individual  descendant  and  ancestor, 
male  or  female,  must  have  two  parents,  male  and  feinale.  Now 
the  most  of  us  who  are  in  the  8th  generation  from  Richard  Kim- 
ball' the  emigrant,  are  content  to  know  our  lineal  fore-parents, 
male  and  female,  from  him  to  ourselves,  and  as  we  must  draw 
the  line  somewhere,  to  ignore  the  other  b3  5th  great-grandfath- 
ers and  63  5th  great  grandmothers,  the  31  4th  great-grandfath- 
ers and  31  4th  great-grandmothers,  the  15  3rd  great-grandfath- 
ers and  15  3rd  great-grandmothers,  the  7  2nd  great-grandfath- 
ers and  the  7  2nd  great-grandmothers.  Many  of  us  have  the 
pleasure  of  knowing  our  maternal  line  of  descent  from  the  first 
Emigrant,  and  value  it  as  highly  as  the  paternal  line.  Now  to 
encourage  those  who  would  like  to  know  of  their  ancestors  in 
this  country,  let  me  tell  (in  the  first  person  ,  how,  at  a  total  cost 
of  29  cents  (which  was  for  postage)  by  correspondence  carried 
on  between  California  and  Vermont;  inside  of  two  years  an  an- 
cestor was  run  to  earth,  where  he  had  laid  undreamed  of  since 
lf)77.  My  wife's  maiden  name  was  Bruce,  and  no  record  or  tra- 
dition of  the  family  was  extant,  farther  back  than  her  great- 
g-randfather,  Asa  Bruce,  who  lived  in  Vermont,  and  served  in 
the  Vermont  troops  as  sergeant  in  the  Revolutionary'  War.  Her 
father  Samuel  Bennett  Bruce  (who  died  Waukegan,  111.,  Feb. 
28,  1901,  age  82  years  5  months^  often  sat  on  the  knee  of  his 
grandfather  when  a  bov,  and  listened  to  his  stories  of  that  war. 
Notice  the  trifling  circumstance  that  started  the  hunt  for  an  an- 

June,  July  and  ALug-ust  1901.       ^ 299 

cestor.  In  the  month  of  February  1898,  father  Bruce  sent  a 
clipping-  from  a  Chicago  paper,  noting  the  death  at  Philadelphia, 
Pa.,  of  Eli  Mansfield  Bruce,  saying  he  wondered  if  he  was  any 
kin  of  the  Rev.  Mansfield  Bruce  who  wrote  a  letter  his  father 
Joshua  Bruce  in  1838,  which  he  also  enclosed.  That  letter  was 
a  wonderful  composition  by  the  way,  being  a  fervid  exhortation 
to  his  cousin  Joshua  to  seek  salvation,  every  sentence  of  the 
whole  four  foolscap  pages  containing  a  quotation  from  the  Bible. 
Just  here  the  thought  came  to  us,  that,  from  that  letter  we 
might  be  able  to  find,  in  some  way,  a  member  of  the  Bruce  fam- 
ily in  Vermont  that  would  know  who  was  the  father  of  Asa 
Bruce,  not  thinking  at  that  time  of  g-oing  any  further  back. 
Noting  that  the  Rev.  Mansfield  Bruce  wrote  from  Wilmington, 
Vt.,  I  wrote  to  the  postmaster  of  that  place,  asking  him  to 
please  put  me  in  communication  with  a  descendant  of  the  Rev. 
M.  B.  who  lived  there  in  1838.  In  about  a  month  I  rec'd  a  Pos- 
tal from  Mr.  I.  O.  T.  Smith  of  Brattleboro,  Vt.  saying  my  letter 
to  the  P.  M  of  Wilmington  had  been  fowarded  to  him,  as  he 
was  a  grandson  of  the  Rev.  M.  B.,  but  knowing  very  little  of  his 
Bruce  relatives,  he  would  send  me  the  address  of  his  Uncle  Mr, 
T.  W.  Bruce  of  Brattleboro,  Vt.  I  wrote  to  him  at  once,  g-iving 
what  data  I  had,  and  requesting  all  the  information  he  could 
give  of  the  family.  In  about  two  months  I  rec'd  a  long  letter 
from  him,  with  one  enclosed  from  Mr.  Wm.  T.  Bruce  of  New- 
fane,  Vt.  which  gave  these  facts;  In  June  1776,  Artemas  Bruce 
came  from  Westboro,  Mass.  and  bought  the  farm  where  his 
great-grandson  Wm.  T.  Bruce  now  lives,  removing  there  with 
his  wife  and  three  sons,  Elijah,  Asa,  and  Ephraim.  The  names 
of  Elijah's  13  ch'dn,  with  dates  of  b.  m.  d.  The  names  of  Asa's 
10  ch'dn.  and  dates,  and  Ephraim's  6  ch'dn.  and  dates.  Then 
the  names  and  dates  of  all  their  ch'dh.  and  grand  ch'dn.  giving 
the  line  of  descent,  of  T.  W,  B.  Wm-.  T.  B.  and  Eli  Mansfield  B. 
the  son  of  the  Rev.  M.  B.  Here  was  a  wealth  of  information 
and  a  great  many  cousins  living  in  Vermont  never  before  heard 
of.  Now,  to  trace  Artemas  back  to  Westboro,  Mass.  a  letter 
was  written  to  the  P.  M.  of  that  place,  but  brought  no  reply,  a 
second  letter  had  no  better  result,  and  we  began  to  fear  the  trail 
was  lost.  The  following  summer  a  niece  of  T.  W.  Bruce,  living 
in  Phila  came  to  Brattleboro  on  a  visit,  and  becoming  interested 
in  the  hunt  for  an  ancestor,  went  to  Westboro,  Mass.  before  her 
return  home,  and  upon  searching  the  records  of  the  Town  Clerk 
there,  found  the  following  facts.  Abijah  Bruce,  b.  Marlborough, 
Mass.  Nov.  27,  1693,  m.  Mary  Woods,  had  8  ch'dn,  their  names, 
dates  of  b.  bap.  m.  and  d.,  the  7th  child  being  Artemas,  whore- 
moved  to  Newfane,  Vt  in  1776.  Abijah  Bruce  was  one  of  a 
little  band  of  men  in  Westboro,  Mass.  who,  in  1729  assembled 
to  incorporate  a  church,  and  a  diagram    of   the   church   is    pre- 

300  Kimball  Family  News, 

served  there  in  tbc  County  clerk's  office,  with  the  square  pews, 
in  one  of  which  is  the  name  of  Abijah  Bruce.  Having-  g-ot  thus 
far,  Savag-e's  Genealogical  Dictionary  of  Early  Settlers  of  New 
England  says;  Peter  Bruce  of  Haverhill,  Mass.  in  1677,  had  son 
Roger?.  The  names  of  Roger's  10  ch'dn,  and  dates  of  b.  are 
given,  the    2nd    chil^    being-    Abijah-\  of    Marlboro,   afterwards 

Westboro,  Mass.     So  we  have  the  lineal  line  of  desent  as  follows. 

Peter  Bruce'  of  Haverhill.  IGTT. 

Rog-er  Bruce-. 

Abijah  Bruce"'. 

Artemas  Bruce^. 

Asa  Bruce''. 

Joshua   liruce*. 

Samuel    ['ennett   Brnce^. 

Alma  (Bruce)  Kimball'*. 
All  above  Asa-\  with  several  hundred  names  and  dates  in  the 
collateral  branches,  as  well    as    many    interesting    biographical 
sketches;  enough  to  make  a  g-ood  sized  book,  have  been  brought 
to  light  and  placed  in  order.  J.  Hoyt  Kimball, 

No.  914  Castro  St.. 

Oakland,  Cal. 

The  Boston  Elevated  railroad  is  the  pride  of  the  old  town. 
The  Herald  of  June  11,  says: 

The  successful  running  of  the  Elevated  yesterday  was  a 
richly  deserved  personal  triumph  of  Chief  Engineer  George  A. 
Kimball.  The  responsibility  of  the  building  of  the  road  has 
rested  on  Mr.  Kimball's  shoulders,  and  after  several  years  of 
planning  and  directing-,  the  completed  structure  is  but  the  re- 
production of  the  mental  conception  so  long  existent  in  the  en- 
gineer's mind. 

Edward  R.  Kimball,  after  serving  for  12  years  as  superin- 
tendent of  the  Dudley  street  Baptist  Sundav  school,  Roxbury, 
Mass.,  declined  to  serve  longer.  A  yiaper  of  October,  18'»S  has 
this  notice  of  the  marriage  of  E.  R.  Kimball,  ir.: — 

Miss  Mabel  C.  Bayer  and  Edward  R.  Kimball,  Jr..  were 
married  at  the  Dudley  street  Baptist  church  by  the  Rev.  A.  S. 
Cxumbart,  D.  D.,  pastor.  Miss  Bayer  was  attended  bv  Miss 
Emma  A.  Stubbs  of  Strong-,  Me.,  and  Miss  Lillian  E.  Kimball, 
sister  of  the  groom.  Miss  Mollie  G.  Ellis,  Miss  Alice  M.  Wade, 
and  Miss  Alice  R.  Lancaster  were  bridemaids.  A  reception 
was  held  at  the  honie  of  the  bride's  parents,  SS  Moreland  street. 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Kimball  will  be  at  home  Wednesday  evenings, 
Nov.  11.  and  Dec.  2,  at  S5  Moreland  street.  See  Family  History 
page  1123. 


June,  July  and  Aug-ust  1901.  301 

In  printing-  his  portrait  the  Salt  Lake  City  News  says  : 

Many  old  citizens  of'  Salt  Lake  will  recog'nize  at  a  g-lance 
the  once  familiar  features  of  Heber  P.  Kimball  in  the  accom- 
panying- picture.  He  was  the  fifth  child  and  third  son  of  President 
Heber  C  Kimball,  and  during-  all  his  life,  the  greater  part  of 
which  was  passed  in  Utah,  he  was  one  of  the  prominent  citizens 
and  most  active  business  men  of  the  community.  He  was  born 
in  Kirtland,  Ohio,  on  June  1st,  1835,  and  was  but  12  years  old 
when  he  arrived  in  Utah.  He  bore  a  full  share  of  all  the  hard- 
ship sustained  by  the  people  during-  the  early  settlement  of  this 
State.  He  took  part  in  resisting  the  invasion  of  Johnston  s  arm}^ 
and  was  a  leading-  spirit  in  protecting-  many  of  our  settlements 
from  hostile  Indians.  He  was  noted  for  his  absolute  fearless- 
ness, and  in  the  many  campaigns  in  which  he  took  an  active 
part,  his  conduct  was  that  of  a  natural  leader.  He  took  a  strong- 
interest  in  military  affairs,  and  bore  the  rank  of  Colonel  in  the 
Territorial  militia.  The  later  years  of  his  life  were  devoted 
mainly  to  stock  raising-,  and  he  spent  a  g-ood  share  of  his  time 
upon  his-  ranch,  thoug-h  his  home  was  always  made  in  the 
Eighteenth  ward  of  this  city.  His  wife,  Phoebe  T.  Kimball, 
survives  him.     His  death  occured  on  Feb.  8th,  1885. 

When  the  News  was  started,  it  was  larg-ely  taken  by  those 
who  possessed  the  Family  History.  At  present  probably  less 
than  half  its  regular  readers  possess  that  work,  and  very  many 
of  them  are  not  at  all  familiar  with  the  origin  of  the  family  in 
the  United  States.  Many  of  them  are  wandering-  among-  tra- 
ditions of  one  kind  or  another.  The  News  recently  received  a 
letter  from  a  member  who  wrote  that  he  did  not  belong-  to  the 
News  branch.  He  then  informed  us  that  two  brothers  came 
over  from  Eng-land,  long,  long-,  ago;  that  one  of  them  was  killed 
by  the  Indians,  and  that  the  other  moved  west  with  the  g-rowth 
of  the  country,  and  that  the  New  Eng-land  Kimballs,  and  those 
who  had  come  to  the  west  in  late  years  were  mostly,  if  not  en- 
tirely of  a  different  family.  His  branch  is  not  represented  in 
the  History,  but  as  he  happened  to  g-ive  us  a  key  by  naming-  an 
ancestor  and  his  wife,  the  News  was  able,  much  to  his  surprise, 
to  connect  his  whole  line,  and  so  convince  him  that  there  is 
really  a  family  unity  of  which  he  was  ig-norant.  It  will  be  well 
for  the  News  some  day  to  g-ive  a  brief  review  of  the  early  family 
history  of  Richard  the  immigrant  and  his  more  immediate  de- 
scendants practically  as  it  is  g-iven  in  the  history. 

If  the  attempt  to  raise  a  fund  to  meet  the  expense  of  further 
investig-ation  in  Engfland  is  successful  it  may  be  possible  to  add 
much  new  and  interesting  m'atter. 

502  Kimball  Family  News, 


Fred  Greer  Kimball  of  Manhattan,  Kansas,  who  was 
sent  by  the  Post  •  Office  department  in  1899  to  St.  Mich- 
aels, Alaska,  to  take  charg-e  of  the  postal  service  in  that 
far  away  land  of  seals  and  ice  and  g"old  has  been  granted  a  va- 
cation and  has  spent  a  part  of  the  summer  "in  the  states.''  His 
work  in  the  north  has  been  very  arduous,  necessitating-  terrible 
exposure  to  cold  and  dang-er.  While  the  season  is  closed  for 
months  at  a  time  to  all  ordinary  means  for  the  transporration  of 
the  mails,  he  has  reduced  delays  to  a  minimum  by  defying  the 
ice  and  cold  of  the  most  inclement  season.  This  work  has  been 
fully  appreciated  by  the  g-overnment.  In  the  bound  volume  of 
the  News  for  1898-99,  pages  330,  341  and  374  may  be  found  let- 
ters from  his  pen  and  mention  of  his  promotion.  See  Family 
History  pag-e  940  for  Fred  Greer  (not  Green)  Kimball. 

Mrs.  Sarah  Bertha  [Kimball]  Dickens  of  Manhattan 
Kansas,  became  the  mother  of  a  daughter  a  few  weeks  ago. 
The  News  heard  of  the  event  only  incidentally.  The  father, 
Albert  Dickens,  is  a  professor  in  tl  e  State  Agricultural  College, 
in  which  Mrs-  Dickens  was  formerly  employed  as  artist.  She  is 
a  sister  of  Fred  Greer  Kimball,  in  the  postal  service  in  Alaska, 
of  whose  visit  to  the  old  home  mention  is  made  elsewhere. 
Manhattan  is  only  fifty  miles  from  the  News  office,  but  it  is  as- 
sumed that  the  father  professor  and  the  artist  mother  have  been 
too  happy  and  too  absorbed  in  the  little  one  to  communicate 
with  the  News.  But  it  would  seem  that  the  grandfather  Rich- 
ard or  the  grandmother  Elizabeth  might  have  done  so. 


This  issue  or  the  News  is  delayed  leyond  all  precedent, 
owing  to  a  combination  of  circumstances — sickness,  removal  and 
delay  in  receiving  certain  copy  wanted.  It  has  furnished  evi- 
dence that  the  thing  is  missed  and  not  all  inquiries  have  been 
answered  for  which  negligence  may  pardon  be  granted.  The 
four  remaining  numbers  will  be  speedily  issued  and  further 
deponent  saitli  not. 

The  home  of  the  Family  News  has  been  moved.  It  had 
not  occupied  its  old  quarters  for  sixteen  years,  as  its  operative 
force  has  done,  as  its  years  are  only  four.  Its  present  home  is  a* 
two  story  brick  and  stone  buildintr  recently  purchased  by  its 
publisher  who  occupies  it  exclusively. 

June,  July  and  Aug-ust  1901.  303 

From  a  volume  published  in  1887  entitled  "Bioo-raphi- 
cal  Annals  of  the  Civil  Government  of  the  United  States" 
we  take  the  three  following-  sketches.  The  Family  History 
makes  no  mention  of  Alanson  Kimball  the  member  of  Con- 
g-ress  from  Wisconsin.  It  seems  that  he  belong-ed  to  one  of 
the  Maine  branches  of  the  family  which  is  so  larg-ely 
wanting-  in  detailed  information.  On  another  pag-e  of  this 
issue  of  the  News  further  mention  is  made  of  James  Put- 
man  Kimball,  and  we  often  have  occasion  to  mention  Gen. 
Sumner  I.  Kimball  who  is  still  at  the  head  of  the  Life  Saving- 

Kimball,  Alanson  M.;  was  born  in  Buxton,  York 
County,  Maine,  March  12,  1827;  received  a  common  school 
and  academic  education;  removed  to  the  State  of  Wiscon- 
sin, and  there  became  a  member  of  the  Legislature  in 
1863  and  1864;  was  by  occupation  a  merchant;  in  1864  was 
elected  a  Representative  from  Wisconsin  to  the  Forty- 
fourth   Cong-ress. 

Kimball,  James  Putnam;  was  born  at  Salem,  Massa- 
chusetts, April  26,  1836;  was  prepared  for  colleg-e  at.  the 
Salem  High  School,  and  afterwards  attended  successively 
Harvard  University,  the  University  of  Friedrich  Wilhelm, 
at  Berlin,  Germany,  Georg-e  Aug-usta  University,  at  Goet- 
ting-en,*and  the  School  of  Mines,  at  Freiberg-,  Saxony;  itl 
1857  received  from  Georg-e  Aug-usta  University  the  deg-rees 
of  A.  M.  and  Ph.  D. ;  returned  from  Europe  in  1859,  and 
became  associated  in  the  g-eolog-ical  survey  of  the  States  of 
Wisconsin  and  Illinois;  in  1860  was  appointed  Professor  cff 
Chemistry  and  Economic  Geolog-y  in  the  New  York  State 
Agricultural  Colleg-e,  at  Ovid,  New  York,  now  a  part  of 
Cornell  University;  in  1861  entered  the  Union  Army  as 
Assistant  Adjutant-General,  with  the  rank  of  Captain,  and 
was  assig-ned  to  duty  as  Chief  of  Staff  under  General  Pat- 
rick; was  in  all  the  principal  eng-agements  participated  in 
by  the  Army  of  the  Potomac  until  December,  1862',  when 
ill-health  compelled  him  to  resig-n  his  commission  and  re- 
tire to  civil  life;  in  1863  was  brevetted  Major  for  g-allant 
conduct;  settled  in  New  York  City  as  a  g-eolog-ist  and  min- 
ing- eng-ineer,  and  rapidly  g-ained  distinction;  in  1873 
accepted  the  Honorary  Professorship  of  Geolog-y  in  Lehig-h 
University,  at  Bethlehenf,  Pennsylvania,  and  took  up  his 
residence  in  that  place,  still  -continuing-  his  business  relat- 
ions in  New  York  City;  became  "Presiuent  of  the  Everett 
Ifon  Company;  in  June,  1885,  was  'appointed,  by  President 
Cfleveland,    Director  of   the   United    States   Mints. 

Kimball  Sumner  I.;   was' born   at  Lebanon,    Maine,  Sep- 

304  Kimball  Family  News, 

tember  2,  1834;  received  a  classical  education,  graduating- 
from  Bowdoin  Colleg^e  in  1885;  studied  law,  and  was  ad- 
mitted to  the  bar  in  1858;  was  a  Representative  in  the 
State  Leg-islature  in  1859;  practiced  his  profession  one  year 
at  North  Berwick,  Maine,  and  one  year  at  Boston,  Mas- 
sachusetts; in  1861  was  appointed  a  first-class  clerk  in  the 
office  of  the  Second  Auditor  of  the  United  State  Treasury, 
at  Washington;  was  promoted,  throug-h  the  successive 
g-rade^,  to  the  post  of  Chief  Clerk,  now  designated  Deputy 
Auditor;  in  1871  was  appointed  Chief  of  the  Revenue  Ma- 
rine Division,  in  Secretary's  office,  in  charge  of  the  Reve- 
nue Cutter  Service  and  the  Life-Saving"  Stations;  on  the 
erection  of  the  Life-Saving-  Service  into  a  separate  bureau, 
by  act  of  Cong-ress,  in  1878,  was  appointed,  by  the  Presi- 
dent, the    General    Superintendent  of  that  service. 

The  following  from  the    appendix   to   the  Family   History 
may  be  added  to  the  above.     (See  page  1151  of  History.) 

He  was  appointed  by  President  Grant,  April  15,  1872,  a 
member  of  the  board  of  civil  service  examiners  for  the 
Treasury  Department.  He  was  appointed  by  President  Hayes, 
July  1,  1878,  general  superintendent  of  the  life-saving-  ser- 
vice.'" Appointed  by  President  Cleveland,  Feb.  2^,  1839,  del- 
eg-ate  on  the  part  of  the  United  States  to  the  Internation- 
al Marine  Conference  held  at  Washing-ton  in  October,  1889, 
Appointed  by  President  Harrison,  Oct.  31,  1892,  Acting 
First  Comptroller  of  the  Treasury  of  the  United  States.  Ap- 
pointed by  President  Harrison,  Nov.  3,  1892,  Acting  Regis- 
ter  of  Treasury   of   the    United  States. 

"Old  Home  Week"  is  getting  to  be  observed  with  much  reg- 
ularity in  some  of  the  eastern  states,  that  have  sent  their  sons 
broadcast  over  the  country.  New  York  City  has  a  society  of 
Vermont,  who  belong  to  an  Old  Home  Week  Association.  Col. 
Robert  J.  Kimball  was  its  first  secretary  and  is  still  an  active 
member  of  its  executive  committee.  Members  of  these  associa- 
tions meet  some  week  in  the  year  in  their  native  state  and  live 
over  again  the  days  of    their  3'outh. 


Mary    Whittier    born    March    18,    1703,    married    Ephraim 
Kimball.     She  was  probably  the  third  in  descent  from    Thomas 
Whittier  who  came  over  in    the  ship    Confidence  in    1638.     Who 
was  this  Ephraim  Kimball? 

June,  July  and  Aug-ust  1901.  305 


The  foUoAring- dispatch  is  f  roni  Parkersburg-,  West  Virg-inia, 
by  the  Associated  Press.  We  are  not  able  to  place  this  member 
of  the  family.  There  are  two  or  three  branches  of  the  family 
in  the  two  V'irg-inias  of  whom  little  is  known.  More  informa- 
tion reg-arding-  them  is  earnestly  desired. 

Parkersburg-,  W.  Va.,  Aug-.  10.— The  death  of  Mrs.  H.  M. 
Kimball  of  Pennsboro,  today  removes  a  unique  character  in 
the  railroad  world.  She  owned  and  operated  the  Pennsboro  & 
Harrison ville  railroad,  being-  president,  board  of  directors  and 
g-eneral  man^g-er.  Sometimes  she  entered  the  cab  and  ran  the  en- 
g-ine.  About  a  month  before  her  death  she  sold  the  railroad,  which 
is  a  narrow  g-aug-e  ten  miles  long-.  She  was  the  only  woman  in 
America  owning-  and  operating-  an  entire  railroad  alone. 

Dr.  James  Putman  Kimball  (Hist-  pag-e  743.)  who  was  di- 
rector of  the  U.  S.  mint  under  President  Cleveland  and  who  has 
since  held  a  responsible  place  as  surg-eon  in  the  army,  in  con- 
nection with  his  sons  Russell  and  Farley,  has  a  larg-e  sheep 
ranch— "The  Kimball  Ranch"  in  the  Bij^horn  country,  Wyo- 
ming-. The  boys  have  charg-e  of  it,  and  the  father  has  been 
spending-  the  summer  there.  f-Ie  writes  that  many  years  ag-o, 
the  New  York  Times  had  an  editorial  entitled  "Are  We  to  be 
KimbalHzed?"  This  had  reference  to  the  progeny  of  Heber  C. 
Kimball,  then  so  prominent  in  the  Mormon  church,  whose  por- 
trait is  g-iven  in  this  number.  The  Morrison  &  Sharpies  History 
and  the  Kimball  News  have  shown  that  there  are  more  Kimballs 
in  the  country  than  the  Times  editor  imag-ined,  and  that  Bishop 
Heber  was  not  the  only  pebble  on  the  beach. 

Messrs.  Kimball  &  Storer,  Minneapolis,  Minn,  manufac- 
ture a  Pen  Copying-  Letter  and  Bill  Book  that  is  said  to  be  a 
g-ood  thing-  for  business  men  who  would  keep  a  copy  of  their  let- 
ters. Leonard  Kimball  has  been  in  the  printing-  business  in 
Minneapolis  for  a  quarter  of  a  century.  His  father's  record, 
Charles  Seneca  Kimball  in  page  518  in  the  History  is  all  wrong-, 
and  is  corrected  on  pag-e  94  of  the  NEWsfor  Mayl898.  Leonard's 
num.ber  is  1821a  and  should  appear  oji  pag-e  835  of  the  His- 
tory.    It  is  g-iven  on  pag-e  123  July  News,  1898. 

Lieut.  Otis  F.  Kimball  of  the  Boston  police  force  has  been 
promoted  to  captain  and  assig-ned  to  duty  in  division  13,  He  is 
a  son  of  Wills  Kimball,  [Hist,  pag-e  683.]  and  a  nephew  of  the 
late  Joseph  Henry  Kimball  >whos,e  portrait  is  criven  on  the  first 
pag-e  of   this  issue  of  the  News. 

•^^^'  Kimball  Family  N-ews, 


The  Salt  Lake  City  News  also  prints  a  fine  portrait  of 
David  P.  Kimball  with  the  following-  sketch. —  . 

David  Patten  Kimball  was  the  fourth  son  of  Heber 
Chase  and  Vilate  Murray  Kimball.  He  was  born  Aug-.  23,  1839, 
at  Nauvoo,  and  was  named  after  Apostle  David  Patten,  who 
had  been  killed  by  a  mob  a  few  months  previous  to  his  birth. 

In  1857  he  married  Caroline  M.,  the  eldest  daughter  of  Thorn 
as  and  Melvina  Williams.  During  the  early  days  of  our  settlement 
he  took  an  active  part  in  helping-  to  subdue  the  hostile 
Indians,  and  belonged  to  the  noted  company  of  "Minute  Men," 
who  in  time  made  themselves  dreaded  by  marauding  redskins. 
In  the  winter  of  1856,  in  company  with  others,  he  went  out  on  the 
plains  to  assist  the  belated  handcart  companies,  who  had  been 
snowed  in.  and  he,  with  two  young  men,  carried  on  their  backs 
more  than  500  of  the  half  frozen  emigrants  across  the  Sweetwater 
river,  breaking  the  ice  before  them  as  they  waded  the  stream. 
On  learning  of  their  achievement,  President  Young  was 
greatly  affected  and  said  "Those  men  have  earned  their 
salvation."  In  the  spring  of  1863  he  filled  a  mission  to  England, 
remaining  there  three  years,  during-  which  time  he  visited  the 
greater  portions  of  Europe,  including  the  Paris  Exposition  of 
1865.  In  1868  he  was  a  prominent  contractor  under  President 
Brigham  Youngs  and  Joseph  Nounann  in  the  building  of  the 
Union  Pacfic  Railroad.  In  1869  President  Young  called  him 
on  a  mission  to  preside  over  the  Bear  Lake  Stake  of  Zion,  and 
gave  him  the  privilege  of  selecting  seveniy-five  men  to  go  with 
him  at  the  same  time.  In  1877  he  was  called  on  a  mission  to 
Arizona  and  several  years  later  he  became  one  of  the  \  residency 
of  the  St.  Joseph  Stake,  which  position  he  held  until  the  day  of 
his  death,  which  took  place  at  St.  David,  Cochise  Co.,  Arizona, 
Nov.  22nd.  1883.  David  Kimball  was  a  man  of  unlimited  cour- 
age and  high  ability.  He  was  always  on  hand  lo  assist  the  poor 
and  needy.  He  took  a  prominent  part  in  all  public  enterprises 
wherever  he  lived,  and  his  sound  judgment  and  ability  were  ac- 
knowledg-ed  by  all  who  knew  him.  His  spiritual  gifts  were  of  a 
rare  order,  and  his  own  narration  of  a  wonderful  experience  he 
sustained  when,  on  one  occasion,  he  was  lost  on  the  desert  sands 
of  Arizona,  forms  one  of  the  most  thrilling  episodes  among  the 
many  narrated  in  the  volumes  know  as  "The  Faith  Promoting 

The  News  has  information  that  Otis  Hinckley  Kimball,  of 
Sunbury,  Ohio  an  own  cousin  of  the  late  Capt.  Kimball  of  Sun- 
bury,  Ohio,  is  seriously  ill.  He  is  president  of  the  Farmers' 
Bank,  illustrated  in  the  Nv:w.'^  ""   '^^ar.-h    ""'•'). 

June,  July  and    Ausrust  1901.  30- 


In  Boston  March  20,  J.  Kendricks  Kimball.  Burial  at  Man- 
chester, N.  H. 

In  West  Roxbury,  Mass.,  April  24,  Kenneth  Kin*ball,  1  yr. 
and  6  ms.  old. 

In  Cleveland.  O.,  March  29.  Mary,  wife  of  Lafayette  Kim- 
ball, formerly  of  Maiden. 

In  the  Massachusetts  General  Hospital,  April  15,  William 
A.  E.  Kimball,  ag-ed  28  years. 

At  Mt.  Vernon,  Me.,  June  2,  1899,  Caroline  B.,  widow  of 
Georg-e  Moody,  Kimball  History  p.  433. 

In  North  Cambridg-e,  May  3,  Mrs.  Albina  D.  Leavitt,  ag-ed 
75  years.     Mother  of  Mrs.  E.  R.  Kimball  of  Cambridg-e. 

Rev.  H.  D.  Kimball,  D.  D.,  of  Rock  River  Conference,  well 
known    in  New  Eng-land.  is  bereaved  of  his  excellent  wife. 

The  Boston  Globe  of  June  11,  notes  the  death  at  Portland, 
Me.,  June  10,  of  Abbie  E.  Kimball,  formerly  of  Boston,  66  yrs. 
8  ds.     Burial  at  Rockland. 

At  Waltham,  Mass.,  Aug-ustus  D  Kimball,  at  his  home 
Jan.  5,  1901,  after  a  long-  illness,  ag-ed  65  years.  He  was  an  old 
resident  and  a  painter  by  trade.     Hist.  p.  835. 

The  Andover,  Mass.,  Townsman,  says  that  Thomas  Kim- 
ball died  at  his  home  in.  Lamvil,  Ohio,  Memorial  day;  the  deceas- 
ed was  born  in  North  T^ndover  about  50  years  ag-o  and  leaves  re- 
latives in  town. 

The  Daily  American,  of  Lawrenc^,  Mass.,  says  r 
Luanna  Kimball,  ag-ed  68  3  ears  diied  at  250  Methuen  street 
yesterday.   Deceased  was  a  native  of  Wilmot,  N.  H.  The  funer- 
al will  be  held  Saturday.  Interment  in  Hardwick,  Vt. 

Charles  Holland  was  born  in  Leeds,  Eng-.,  Jan.  1.  1818,  and 
died  in  West  Kennebunk.  Me.,  April  26, 1900.  Mr.  Holland  came 
to  this  country  when  a  young-  man.  His  first  wife  was  Lydia 
Kimball.  One  daug-hter  was  born  to  them.  Mother  anddaug-hter 
died  after  a  brief  sickness  in  1859,  the  daug-hter  being-  19  years 
of  ag-e. 

Nathaniel  Tenney  Kimball,  a  life  long^  resident  of  Haverhill, 
died  at  his  home  in  the  Bradford  district.  May  23,  1901  at  the 
agfe  of  62  years  and  7  months.  He  studied  for  the  ministry,  but 
after  g-raduation  from  Dartmouth  he  eng-ag-ed  in  the  g-rocery 
business,  which  he  conducted  for  many  years.  He  had  held  many 
positions  of  trust,  including-  that  of  Selectman,  Town  Treasurer 
and  member  of  the  School  Board.  He  was  well  known  in  both 
county  and  State  political  circles  althoug-h  he  never  held  politi- 
cal office.  He  is  survived  by  a  widow.     Hist.  p.  504. 

Mib  Kimball  Family  Ncnvv. 


Mrs.  Catherine  Kendall  Steele,  for  more  than  two  g-enerations: 
one  of  the  most  notable  women  of  southern  New  Hampshire,  at- 
tained her  luOth  birthday  last  Sunday.  She  was  born  in  Am- 
herst N.  H.,  May  12.  IHol,  the  daug-hter  of  Nathan  and  Sarah 
Kendall.  One  of  Mrs.    Kendall's  sisters,  Anna  Kt-ndrick.  mar- 

ried Gen.  Benjamin  Pierce  of  Hillboro,  and  became  the  mother 
of  Franklin  Pierce,  the  14th  President  of  the  United  States. 
The  intermarriag-e  of  the  Pierces  and  McNeils  also  connected 
Mrs.  Steele  with  another  of  the  most  illustrious  families  of  the 
Granite  state,  one  member  of  which  was  Gen.  John  McNeil,  the 
redoubtable  hero  at  Chippewa  and  Lundy's  Lane,  in  the  war  of 
1812.  One  of  Mrs.  Steele's  eldest  sisters,  I^ucy  Kendall,  was  the 
wife  of  the  late  Isaac  Spalding-,  the  wealthy  banker  of  Nashua. 
Mrs. Spalding-  died  some  years  ag-o,  at  the  ag-e  of  97. 

Mrs.  Steele  is  a  veritable  daug-hter  of  the  revolution,  the  old- 
est now  living- in  New  Hampshire.  Her  father,  thi)Ug-h  then 
scarcely  more  than  a  lad,  foug-ht  at  Bunker  Hill  in  Gtn  Stark's 
brig-ade,  and  afterward  became  a  captain  in  the  continental  arm- 
ies. Mrs.  Steele  is  a  member  of  Mathew  Thornton  chapter,  1>. 
A.  R.,  of  Nashua  Previous  to  her  marriag-e,  Miss.  Catherine 
Kendall  was  a  teacher,  being-  connected  for  some  years  with  the 
schools  of  Concord,  N.  H.  In  the  thirtit-s  Miss  Kendall  married 
David  Steele,  alawverof  Hillsboro  Bridg-e,  residing  at  Hillsboro 
until  1861.  From  Hillsboro  the  Steeles  went  to  Hollis,  N.  H  , 
where  Mr  Steele  died  in  186f>  Since  that  time  Mrs.  Steele  has 
made  her  home  most  of  the  time  with  a  niece,  Mrs  Charles  K. 
Boutwell,  formerly  of  Mcdford,  Ma^^s.,  and  now  of  Lyndeboro. 
New  Hampshire. 

Mrs  Steele  has  been  a  very  remarkable  women,  alike  for  alert- 
ness of  mind  and  earnestness  of  purpose,  atid  she  still  retains 
these  characteristics  intact.  In  every  community  where  she  ha> 
resided  she  has  been  a  motive  power  for  good,  always  bearing-  a 
leadingf  part  in  reform  work  of  all  kinds.  In  her  earlier  years 
her  energ-y,  activitv  and  wonderful  conversational  powers  g-ave 
her  a  potential  inlka-nce  that  was  widely  felt.  She  is  one  of  the 
most  interesting- talkers  to  be  anywhere  encountered,  thoroug-hlv 
informed  and  intensely  interested  in  all  current  matters.  Hc-r 
natural  alertness  and  fine  self-posession  are  still  with  her, an 
alertness  which  never  lapses,  notwithstandinir  her  loo  vears. 
Mrs.  Steele  comes  from  the  sturdy  patrician  stock  of  early  New 
Eng-land,  as  her  refinement  of  manner  and  stren<jfth  of  mind 
still  fully  evince.  Her  relig-ion  is  the  typical  New  Kng-land 
orthodoxy,  and  woe  to  him  whoshould  undertake  to  discuss  with 
the  brig-ht  and  ag-gressive  centenarian  the  "nine  points  of  ('al- 
vin"  or  the  rectitude  of  the  Westminster  confession      C^ne  of  Mrs. 

June,  July  acd  August  1901.  309 

Steele's  most  notable  characteristicD  is  her  sharpness  of  repartee, 
a  power  which  she  still  retains  in  full  vigfor. 

As  the  centennial  anniversary  fell  on  Sunday,  the  event 
was  celebrated  yesterday  at  the  "home  of  Miss  S.  W.  Kendall 
of  Nashua,  a  niece  of  the  centenarian.  The  reception  was  held 
from  3  to  5  P.  M.  and  was  attended  by  a  very  larg-e  concourse  of 
relatives  and  friends,  including-  many  well  known  people  of  Bos- 
ton. Mrs  Steele  had  some  reminiscences  to  relate  of  nearly 
every  one,  and  no  one  present  seemed  more  thoroug-hly  alive. 
One  of  Mrs.  Steele's  reminiscences,  which  she  g-ives  in  a  delig-ht- 
ful  way,  is  an  account  of  her  attendance  at  the  Lafayette  recep- 
tion at  the  capital  of  the  state  in  twenties,  an  affair  that  made  a 
g-reat  commotion  among-  the  elite  of  those  days,  and  has  now  be- 
come traditional.  She  draws  a  vivid  word-picture  of  the 
"pomp  and  circumstance"  attending- that  great  occasion,  •  and 
her  discourse  bringfs  sharply  to  mind  the  stately  customs  of  those 

Mrs  Steele  was  assisted  in  receiving-  by  Miss  S.  Kendall,  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Georg-e  Pierce  Kimball  of  Nashua,  Mrs.  Charles  R.  Bout- 
well  of  Lyndeboro,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Leonard  M.  Kimball  of  Boston, 
and  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Arthur  P.  Baker  of  Nashua. 

The  assemblag-e  of  relatives  includes  four  g-enerations,  and 
included  among-  the  visitors  were  many  of  the  most  prominent 
people  of  the  state,  officials,  ex-officials,  professional  men,  educa- 
tors, etc. 

Among  the  out-of-town  g-uests  present  were: 
Ex-Gov  and  Mrs.  John  B.  Smith,  Hillsboroug-h  Bridg-e: 
Solomon  McNeil,  Lowell;  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Georg-e  A  Whiting-, 
Lexing-ton,  Mass.;  Mrs  Georg-e  F.  Lawton,  Lowell;  Mrs.  Nathan 
B.  Bout  well,  Cambridg-e,  Mass,;  Mrs.  G.  W.  Nichols,  Miss 
Kate  Pierce,  Mrs.  Edward  Aiken.  Miss  Abbie  Melendy  Miss 
Priscilla  McKean,  Amherst,  N.  H.,Mrs.  C.  R.  Boutwell,  Lynde- 
boro; Dr.  and  Mrs.  L.  M.  Kimball,  Boston;  Mr.  and  Mrs  A. 
P.  Baker  Roxbury,  Mass. 

We  take  the  above  from  a  Boston    paper   of   May   14,    1901. 
Mrs.  Steele  is  an  aunt  of  Mrs.  Charles  R.  Boutwell,  daugfhter  of 
Leonard  Marong  Kimball,  p.  446  of  the  Kimball  History,  where 
interesting-  sketches  of  the  family  may  be  found. 

Capt.  Roy  Kimball  of  Gloucester,  Mass,,  is  captain  of  the 
fishing-  scooner  Oliver  Wendell  Holmes,  which  returned  to  port 
with  150  barrels  of  fine  mackerel.  The  fish  were  all  large  and 
broug-ht  g-ood  prices.  Sea  captain  Kimballs  are  still  common  in 
the  east,  but  this  one  seems  not  to  appear  in  the  history. 

310  Kimball  Family  News, 


Under  the  above  heading-  the  following  letter  appears  in'the 
Salt  Lake  City  News  of -Jlune  l^i.  There  are  a  few  possible  er- 
rors and  also  much  that  is  well  said.  It  is  not  certain  that  Rich- 
ard was  born  in  Rattlesden  althoug-h  he  emig-rated  from  there  to 
America.  But  lie  found  his  wife  Ursula  there  and  his  name  will 
always  be  associated  with  that  town.  It  is  quite  probable  that 
he  was  born  in  Hitcham.  ■ 

Until  further  investig-ation'is  had  probably'  no  one  can  say 
that  the  Kimballs  are  or  are  tidt'of  Scotch,  Wfelsh  of  Ang-lq- 
Saxon  descent-  It  is  not  likely  that  the  Kimballs-'and  Campbells 
are  the  same, family.  .Even  the  Kerables  are  not  of  the  Kimball 
Family.  The  oldest  name  by  which  the  family  is  known,:  that 
of  Kymbolde,  or  Kymboulde,  if  it  indicates  anything-,  would  per- 
haps point  to  Welsh  or  Kymric  antecedents. 

'The  proposed  investigation  would  probably  throw  light  on 
this  matter.  The  follQ^ving  is  the  letter  t.o  which  we  have 
referred: —       ^       . 

Salt  Lake  City,  Utah,  June  19,  1901 
To  the  Editor; 

In  a  rece^nt' Saturday  issue  of  the  ''News"  is  found  the  fol- 
lowing paragraph,  which  was  taken  from  Bishop  Whitney's'Liffe 
of  Heber  C.  Kimball;  '*The  Kimbails  were  of  Scotch  descent. 
Theirancient  name,;, :it  is  ;lDelievcd,  .being  Campbell.  Ileber's 
grandfather  and  a  brother  came  from  England  in  time  to  as'sist 
in  gaining  the  independence  of  the.colpnies."  This  is  a  mistaken 
idea  that  has  crept  into  our  father's  history  through  the  force  of 
circumstances,  one  that  I  will  endeavor  to  clear  up.      - .    J     ~ 

.  The  Kimballs  were  not  of  Scotch  descent,  and  their  nnric-nt 
name  is  not  believed  to  be  Campbell-  Neither  did  IIel)er's  grand- 
father and  brother  come  from  England  in  time  to  assist  in  gain- 
ing the  independence  of  the  colonies.  This  errcmcous  idea  was 
brought  about  in  th<;  following  manner:  When  our  father,  Ilebcr 
C.  Kimball,  joined  the  "Mormon"  Church  in  1832,  those  of  Vis 
relatives  who,  were  in  possession  of  his  family  records,  became 
so  embittered  towards  him  on  this  account,  that  he  was  unable 
thereafter  to  get  access  to  them,  and  consequently  could  not 
find  out  who  his  grandfather  Kimball  wjis.  In  later  years  he 
became  very  desirous  of  ascertaining  these  facts,  and  engaged 
Colonel  Kane  and  our  brother  William  H.  to  ta%e  the  matter  in 
hand.  The}-,  with  a  very  limited  knowledge 
work,  undertook  the  task.  and. in  a  few  months  traced  the  nartie 
Kimball  to  Scotland,  and  connected  with  a-family'  by  thi^tt^irne 
of  Campbell.       They  rjeported  those  facts  to  our  father,  lind  con- 

Jun%  July  an4:,Aug-ust  1901.  311 

vinced  him  that  such  was  the  case;  and  this   idea  has   prevailed 
in  our  family  ever  since. 

Prof.  S.  P.  Sharpies,  of  Boston  Mass.,  whose  wife  is  a  Kim- 
ball, and  Prof.  L.  A.  Morrison  of  Derry,  New  Hampshire  (whose 
mother  was  a  Kimball  also),  both  expert  genealog-ists,  pub- 
lished in  1897  a  g-enealogical  history  of  the  Kimball  family  of 
America  in  two  volumes,  comprising-  1,300  pag-es,  and  finely 
illustrated.  Many  thousands  of  dollars  were  spent  in  bring-ingf 
this  work  forth,  and  upward  of  ten  years'  time  was  consumed  in 
compiling- it. .  It  is  considered  to  be  one  of  the  most  perfect 
works  published  in  the  United  States.  It  established  the  fact 
that  Kimball  is  strictly  an  Eno^lish  narne,  and  that  all  Kim- 
balls  in  the  United  States,  and  Canada  are  descendants  of  Rich- 
ard and  Henry  Kimball,  two  brothers  who  came  to  America  in 
1634  on  the  ship  Elizabeth.  Prof.  Morrison  went  to  Eng-land 
and  visited  many  of  the  old  Kimball  homes  there  including-  those 
in  the  parishes  of  Rattlesden,  Hitcham,  Groton,  Boxford,  Bildes- 
ton  and  Fersham,  all  of  Suffolk  county,  and  traced  the  line 
of  descent  as  far  back  as  1400.  At  that  time  the  name  was  spelled 
Keymboulde  and  a  hundred  years  later  Kembould.  In  1600  it 
was  Kemball  and  is  spelled  that  way  in  Eng-land  today.  Soon 
after  Richard  and  Henry  emig-rated  to  America,  they  spelled 
their  name  Kimball,  as  it  is  spelled  now. 

Heber  C.  KimbalTs  line  of  descent  runs  back  to  Richard, 
who  was  born  at  Rattlesden,  Suffolk  county,  Eng-land,  in  1595; 
This  Richard  had  Benjamin,  born  1737;  he  had  David,  born 
1671;  he  had  Jeremiah,  born  1707;  he  had  James,  born  1736,  and 
he  had  Solomon  F.,  who  was  the  father  of  Heber  C.  Kimball. 
In  the  next  edition  of  the  Life  of  Heber  C  Kimball  these  facts 
will  be  published  in  full  and  all  errors  will  be  corrected.  The 
Kimballs  of  America  and  the  Kimball^  of  Eng-land  are  raising- 
a  fund  to  enable  Prof.  Sharpies  to  continue  his  g-enealog-ical, 
research  into  Eng-land,  and^  he  will  trace  the  ancestors  of  the- 
Kimball  famil}  as  far  badk  as  it  is  possible  to  g-o. 

The  Kimball  Family  News,  which  is  published  in  the  United 
States,  is  doing-  a  g-ood  work  in  cementing-  the  family  tog-ether 
and  keeping^  1,hem  posted  on  all  Kimball  family  affairs. 

Many  prominent  Eng-lish  families  are  becomings  interested 
in  work  among-  them  being-  Major-General  J.  S.  Kimball  of  the 
British  army,  and  his  brother  Charles  Gurdon  who  have  recently 
bunted  up  the  ancestry  of  their  family  and  have  traced  it  to 
Hitcham,  Suffolk  county,  wbichis  close  to  the  town  where  Rich- 
ard and  Henry  Kimball  came  from,  before  emig-rating-  to 
America.  Solomon  F.  Kimball. 

_Dr.  Paul  T.  Kimball  of  Brooklyn,  New  York,  is  reported  as 
having  performed  a  very  critical  but  successful  surg-ical  opera- 
tion on  a  prominent  horse  fancier  of  that  city. 

312  Kimball  Family  News, 


The  Family  History,  pag^e  417,  contains  a  sketch,  accompa- 
by  a  portrait  of  one  of  the  strong-  men  of  New  Hampshire,  Judg-e 
David  Cross,  of  Manchester.  This  sketch  also  g-ives  consider- 
able mention  of  his  sons.  Allen  Eastman  Cross  and  his  younger 
brother,  EMward  Winslow,  who  was  then  in  college.  He  was 
not  only  a  brilliant  young-  man,  but  his  kindly  spirit  made  hira 
respected  and  beloved  by  all.  It  may  be  recalled  that  this 
younger  son  died  in  1899,  as  related  in  the  News  for  June  of  that 
year,  on  page  293.  Judge  Cross  is  now  84  years  old,  and  his 
wife  who  was  Anna  Quackenbush  Eastman  is  65.  She  was  the 
daughter  of  Judg-e  Ira  A.  Eastman  of  the  New  Hampshire  Su- 
preme Court,     They  have  lost  four  children. 

The  Rev.  Allen  E.  Cross  has  attained  a  wide  celebrity  in 
New  England  as  a  clergyman.  He  has  lately  been  called  to  the 
position  of  assistant  pastor  of  the  old  South  Congregational 
church  of  Boston. 

In  this  connection  we  take  the  following  from  the  Manches- 
ter Mirror  : — 

The  Rev.  Allen  Eastman  Cross,  son  of  Judge  David  Cross, 
was  born  in  this  city,  Dec.  30  1864,  and  g-ot  his  early  education 
in  the  public  Rchools,  graduating  from  the  high  school  in  1881. 
He  was  at  Phillips  academy,  Andover,  in  1882,  and  was  grad- 
uated from  Amherst  college  with  the  cla^s  of  1886.  At  Amherst 
he  was  a  member  of  the  Psi  Upsilon  fraternity  and  the  Phi  Beta 
Kappa.  He  was  also  poet  at  graduation  and  has  shown  consider- 
blo  talent  in  that  field  of  literary  work  since  his  college  days. 
He  was  graduated  from  Andover  theological  seminary  in  ISMl  and 
in  1894  went  abroad  and  studied  in  the  summer  school  theology 
at  Oxford,  Eng. 

Mr  Cross  went  to  Springfield  five  years  ago  to  take  charge 
of  the  Park  Church,  and  has  spared  no  effort  in  its  behalf  since. 
He  found  the  church  society  heavily  in  debt,  and  in  a  sense  di- 
vided against  itself,  a  part  of  the  congregation  having  severed 
their  connection  with  the  church  and  started  the  Presbyterian 
Church.  The  retiring  pastor  loaves  Park  Church  a  well  organi;?ed 
and  prosperous  society,  and  though  there  is  still  a  large  debt, 
goodsized  payments  have  been  made  upon  it.  Ninety  members 
have  joined  the  church  during-  the  service  of  Mr.  Cross,  and  the 
total  is  now  about  175.  The  new  call  is  particularly  pleasing  to 
the  young  pastor,  as  it  was  entirely  unsolicited,  and  he  had  no 

June,  Julj  and  Aug-ust  1901.  313 

thoug^ht  of  anything-  of  the  kind  until  the  final  proposition  was 
made  to  him. 

The  Old  South  Church,  to  which  Mr.  Cross  has  been  called, 
is  one  of  the  most  powerful  and  influential  relig-ious  org-anizations 
in  New  Eng-land.  and  one  of  the  larg-est  benevolence. 

The  sa  ary  which  Mr.  Cross  will  receive  is  $3500  for  the  first 
year.  His  position  will  be  that  of  an  active  preaching-  pastor, 
in  many  M'ays  on  a  level  with  that  of  Dr.  Gordon.  The  latter  is 
often  absent  making-  addresses  or  preaching  sermons  away  from 
home,  and  thus  it  will  be  unnecessary  to  have  the  pulpit  supplied 
from  outside  wh  ile  he  is  away.  Mr.  Cross  has  been  assured  of 
a  proportionate  share  of  the  preaching-,  26  services  in  the  year  be- 
ing- practically  g-uaranteed  to  him.  The  Old  South  Church  is  a 
favorite  with  the  students  of  the  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Tech- 
nology and  Harvard,  and  as  Mr.  Cross  has  been  very  successful 
in  his  work  with  young:  people  so  far  in  his  career,  he  will  in  a 
sense  be  the  young  people's  pastor  of  the  church,  and  a  deter- 
mined effort  is  to  be  made  to  g-ain  over  to  permanent  membership 
more  of  these  students  who  now  constitute  a  fluctuating-  atten- 
dance of  some  hundreds.  At  Cliftondale  he  was  successful  in 
this  sort  of  work.  He  is  head  of  the  Christian  Endeavor  Union 
of  Springfield,  and  Chaplain  of  Springfield  Lodg-e  of  Masons, 
which  is  chiefly  composed  of  young-  men.  He  also  belong-s  to  the 
Executive  Committee  of  the  Congregational  Club,  and  is  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Realty  Club. 

This  promising  young  scholar  is  a  g-randson  of  Olive  Kim- 
ball, No.  792  of  Pembroke,  N.  H.,  the  mother  of  Judg-e  David 

The  John  S.  Kimball  steamer  of  Oakland,  California,  sailed 
from  Nome  July  4,  with  $75,000  gold  from  the  Klondyke  reg-ion 
and  arrived  at  Seattle  on  the  15th.  She  cleared  through  fields 
of  ice. 

When  our  cousin,  J.  Hoyt  Kimball,  went  to  hunting-  Bruces, 
as  related  on  another  pag-e  he  had  a  soft  snap  compared  with 
the  efforts  made  by  some  others.  It  is  not  often  that  so  much 
can  be  done  at  an  expense  of  only  29  cents. 

A  Rockland,  Me.,  dispatch  of  May  30,  says: — 
The  Kimball  Block,  located  on  the  corner  of  Limerock  and 
Main  Streets,  was  visited  by  fire  early  this  evening,  which  re- 
sulted in  a  damag-e  of  about  $18,000  to  the  building  and  its 
tenants.  The  block  was  gutted  by  fire  last  fall,  but  has  since 
been  rebuilt.  It  was  nearly  ready  to  be  occupied  by  various 
business  concerns,  two  of  whom  had  already  moved  in.  The 
fire  orig-inated  in  a  closet  on  the  second  floor,  at  the  rear  of  the 

314  Kimball  Family  News, 

Supplemental  Notes  to  Family  History. 

Page    103,    No.    283a. — Moses'    ( Abner',    Ebenezer\  Benjamin^, 

Richardi.j  b.  Hopkinton  N.  H.,  Oct.  lb,  17-+/,  d    m, 

Hopkinton,  Oct.  16,  1771,  Jemima  Clement.  In  18U1  they 
removed  to  Warren,  Jefferson  Co.,  O.  He  was  an  orderly 
sergeant  in  Capt.  Isaac  l:iaidwin's  company  at  Lexington 
in  1775;  was  at  Bunker  Hill  and  at  Saratoga  at  the  cap 
ture  of  Gen.  Burgoyne.  He  settled  on  a  farm  on  the  Ohio 
river  a  little  above  Wheeling.  The  News  has  several  com- 
munications regarding  this  Moses  and  nis  descendants  but 
nothing  so  dehnite  as  needed.  Charles  L,.  H.  Smitn,  6S 
Virginia  St.,  Wheeling,  W.  Va.,  writes  tuat  he  was  a  drum 
major  in  the  Revolutionary  War,  and  that  he  died  at  8/ 
years  of  age,  or  in  1834.  Mr.  Abner  Kimoall  of  Converse 
Ind.,  writes  that  his  grandfather  Moses  had  three  sons 
and  eight  daughters  but  does  not  giv^o  all  cn^'ir  names. 
Mr.  Smith  writes  that  his  great  uncle,  Mobes  Kimoall 
Jeffries  of  Hillsboro,  Wisconsin,  gives  the  nanes  ot  Apner, 
Charles  and  Moses  as  the  sons,  and  Marion,  Betsey,  Mina 
and  Abiah  as  daughters,  not  mentioning  the  femaining- 
four.  Abiah  married  Joseph  Jeiirics  and  was  the  mother 
of  Moses  Kimball  Jetfries. 

Abner  B.  Kimball  of  Converse,  Ind.,  says  his  father, 
Abner  was  twent3'-one  years  old  when  ins  grandfather, 
iVIoses  settled  in  Ohio,  above  Wheeling,  aud  tnat  .Jiis 
father  married  there.  His  uncles,  Charles  and  Aioses, 
also  married.  The  former  settled  in  Kipley,  O.,  and  ai- 
terwards  moved  to  Illinois  and  we  have  no  luruier  trace 
of  him.  It  is  said  he  had  nine  sons  wnen  iie  went  to 
Illinois.  The  brother  Moses  settled  in  warren  and  later 
in  Coshocton,  to  which  place  his  broiuer  ^voiicr  iiad 

Here,  then,  is  what  we  have  ;  Moses  Kimbah'\  and 
his  wife  Jemima,  eigiii  chi.dreii,  .-voner,  Chanes,  Mo.^es, 
Marion,  Betsey,  Mina,  Abiaii,  and  i')ur  daugiiters  not 

Abner  Kimball''    m. settled    in   Coshocttm,    O., 

had  three  sons,  Joseph,  Mt)ses,  and  Abner  B.,  and  four 
daughters,  one,  Jane  Kimball  Uavis,   living  in  Converse 

Joseph  has  two  sons,  one  living  in  INew 
London,  Ohio,  and  one  in  Converse,  Ind. 

Moses  Kimball  '  married .lived  in  Coshocton, 

had  live  sons,  Br  Abner  I).  Kimball,  surgeon  in  Military 
Hospital,  Marion,  Ind  aud  Dr.  i\  C.  Kimoall  ot  tue  same 
and  H.  H.  Kimball,  .vi.  i< .  Kimball,  Cuas  M.  Kimbail, 
and  F.  B.  Kimball,  and  Mrs  Nuncy  Fanquary  oc    NejJe- 

June,  July  and  Aug-ust  1901.  315 

sha,  Kansas.  Another  sister,  Mrs.  Harriet  Flinn,  lives 
in  Marion 

Abner  B.  Kimball  born  May  23,  1828,  married 

lives  in  Converse,  has  two  sons,  Finley  A.,  lives  in  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y.,  and  Frank  S.,  a  teacher  in  the  Converse  hig-h 

Reference  was  made  of  this  branch  of  the  family  on 
pag-e  252  of  the  May  News.  The  above  is  the  substance 
of  what  has  been  learned  since.  It  will  be  seen  that  the 
record  is  far  from  complete,  and  almost  entirely  lacking- 
in  dates  and  in  details  is  insufficient  to  secure  satisfactory 

Of  Moses  Kimball",  we  know  there  are  numerous  de- 
scendants not  named,  and  this  is  still  more  probable  in 
the  case  of  others.  Births,  marriag-es  and  deaths  are  not 
given  while  full  dates  of  every  such  event  are  desired  and 
are  the  hardest  to  obtain. 
Page  160.  534a.— Tamison  (Tamerson)  Kimball«  (Kliphalef* 
Job^  Richard%  Benjamin",  Richard'.)  b.  Mar.  8,  1760,  d. 
Oct.  10,  18.18;  m.  Nathan  Gates,  b.  Preston,  Conn.  Aug. 
20,  1753,  d.  Morristown,  Vt.,  Aug-.  8,  1838.  She  was  the 
second  wife  and  mother  of  his  children.  Nathan  Gates 
was  a  private  in  Capt.  John  Tyler's  company  of  Col.  Par- 
son's reg-iment  at  the  sieg-e  of  Boston  from  May  6,  1775, 
to  Dec.  16,  1775.  A  Nathan  Gates,  probably  this  one, 
was  drafted  from  a  militia  company  of  horse  to  form  a 
company  of  light  horse  to  serve  in  the  Continental  Army 
from  Oct.  9,  1779,  to  Jan.  15,  1780.  This  detachment  was 
called  Capt.  Edg-ertons  Norwich  Company.  Tamison 
Kimball  was  said  t«^>  be  a  very  superior  woman.  They 
removed  to  Plainfield,  N.  H.  and  thence  to  Morristown, 

i       Nathan,  b.  Plainfield,  N.  H.  1777,  d.    Apr.  fi,    1858;   m.  1802, 
Martha  Hrig-ham  of  Ilartland,  Vt.,  b.  1781. 

ii     Zebediah,  b.  m. 

iii    Daniel,  b.  m.  Sally  Spaulding. 

iv     fjDvell,  b    m.  Hannah  Coates. 

V      I'amerson.  b.  never  married. 

vi    Hetsey.  b. m.  David  Reed. 

vii  Mary,  b.  never  married. 

viii  Silas,  b.  va.  

ix   (ieorge  Washing-ton,  b.  m.  

X     Sarah,  b. m.  John  Swett. 

xi    Sophin,  b. ni.  — — 

Page  309.— The  sixth  child  of  Mellen  is  called  "AflBe."  Mel- 
len's  mother  was  Mary  Eastman,  and  the  new  Eastman 
History  gives  the  name  Abbie  instead  of  Affie. 

Pag-e  579.     No.  1158—- Hiram  Kimball  died  in  1864,  instead   of 

31t» Kimbaii  Family  News, 

1842.     He  also  bad  a  fourth  child,  Harriet,  b.  May  2,  1814, 

m.  — Curtis  of  East  Concord,  N.  H.     This  we  find  in 

the  Eastman  History. 


The  eng"ag^ement  is  announced  of  Robert  Brown  of  Melrose 
to  Miss  Susan  Lord  Kimball  of  Ipswich. 

The  eng-ag-ement  is  announced  of  Miss  Elizabeth  W.  Leeds> 
the  daughter  of  Mrs.  William  Bateman  Leeds  of  Lakewood,  N- 
J.,  and  Mr.  G.  Cook  -Kimball  of  Harwood  avenue,  Brookline- 
Mr,  Kimball  is  the  son. of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  Nelson  Kimball  and 
a  graduate  of  Harvard  1900.  Miss  Leeds  is  a  fine  looking  girl 
with  an  exceeding  good  figure  and  manner. 

On  June  15,  1901,  at  the  St.  Thomas  Episcopal  Church  at 
Camden,  Me.,  'Miss  Priscilla  Alden,  daughter  of  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
William  G..  Alden,  was  married  to  Sereno  T.  Kimball  of  Rock- 
land. The  ceremony  was  performed  at  the  bride's  home.  The 
travelling  gown  of  the  bride  was  light  tan  etamine.  with  long- 
coat  of  ecru  silk  and  linen  and  a  large  tuscan  straw  hat,  with 
roses.  After  the  wedding  breakfast  the  newly  wedded  couple  left 
on  the  noon  train  for  Boston  and  will  sail  in  a  few  days  from 
New-York  for  Europe.     They  will  reside  in  Rockland. 


John  Kimball,  No.  110,  is  said  to  have  been  a  captain  of  mi- 
litia. He  was  born  March  f>,  1687-8.  He  was  the  ancestor  of 
many  noted  Kimballs,  including  Moses,  (  News  Oct.  1899  the 
owner  of  the  Boston  Museum.  He  married  Elizabeth,  daughter 
of  Nathaniel  Lord,  and  his  son  Jeremiah  married  Sarah  Lord  a 
granddaughter  of  Nathaniel,  while  his  son  John  married  Anna 
Lord,  and  Jeremiah's  daughter,  Elizabeth,  married  David  Lord, 
Mar.  10,  1781.  They  all  seem  to  have  lived  at  Ipswich.  Wanted 
to  know  by  what  authority  John  Kimball  is  said  to  have  been  a 
captain  of  militia. 

Mr.  Guy  S.  Rix,  of  Concord,  N.  H.,  compiler  of  the  East- 
man Genalogy,  writes: —  "Who  was  Anna  Kimball  who  mar- 
ried John  Eastman?  It  is  thought  they  settled  in  Charkstown, 
N.  H.  and  afterwards  moved  to  northwestern  Ohio,  where  he 
died.  They  had  eight  children.  Several  of  them  married,  and 
two,  at  least,  Apolus  and  Theron,  became  heads  of  families.  No 
dates  of  any  kind  are  given  except  that  of  Anna,  their  eig^hth 
child,  who  died,  unmarried,  in  Illinois  March  13,  1895. 

June,  July  and  August  1901.  317 


Four  parts  of  this  family  history  have  been  published,  each 
containing-  about  100  pag-es. '  The  style  is  that  of  the  Kimball 
History,  and  when  completed  it  will  be  about  the  same  size.  All 
the  Eastmans  of  this  country  are  descended  from  Rog-er,  who 
came  to  America  in  1638.  He  was  born  in  Wales,  but  had  lived 
in  the  county  of  Wilts  and  sailed  from  Southampton,  and  died 
in  Salisbury^  Mass.,  in  1697.  The  Eastmans,  like  the  Kimballs 
in  the  United  States,  have  all  descended  from  one  common  an- 
cestor. The  two  families  have  largely  intermarried.  Berthia 
Sheppard,  in  1713,  married  Joseph  Kimball,  and  her  brothers 
Israel  and  Jeremiah  both  married  Kimball  g-irls.  The  latter 
marriage  is  not  aientioned  in  vhe  Kimball  History.  The  others 
are  given  on  pp.  64  and  65.  The  father  Solomon  Sheppard 
married  Sarah  Eastman,  daughter  of  Rog-er  the  immig-rant. 

This  Eastman  book  says  that  Rog"er*s  son  Samuel  married 
Elizabeth  Scriven,  Nov.  4,  1686.  The  Kimball  book  says  that 
he  married  Elizabeth  Severans,  the  daughter  of  Abig^ail  Kim- 
balP  and  John  Severans.  It  also  says  it  was  their  g-randdaug-hter 
Abigail,  born  July  10,  1837,  who  became  the  wife  of  Ebenezer 
Webster  and  the  mother  of  Daniel  Webster. 

The  Eastman  record  makes  Abigail  the  granddaug"hter  of 
John,  the  oldest  child  of  Roger  instead  of  Samuel  the  10th  and 
g-i/es  her  birth  as  Sept.  27,  1739. 

We  are  not  able  to  make  straight  these  crooked  places.  In 
the  old  manuscript  records  it  m.ig-ht  not  be  easy  to  disting^uish 
between  'Scriven'  and  'Severans'  but  the  other  discrepancies  are 
not  so  easily  understood. 

The  Kimball  record,  p.  33^  g-ives  Thomas  and  Abig^ail 
(French)  Eastman  as  the  parents  of  Abigail,  while  the  East- 
man record  allows  them  no  such  daughter,  but  makes  Abig^ail 
who  married  Ebenezer  Webster,  the  daug-hter  of  Roger''  and 
Jerusha  i  Fitts)  Eastman. 

The  Eastman  is  as  nearly  perfect  a?  the  average  genealogi- 
cal histories.  It  is  greatly  lacking  in  dates  and  details.  But 
what  is  a  compiler  to  do  when  members  of  a  famih^  do  not  an- 
swer questions,  and  do  not  give  particulars.  Messrs.  Morrison 
&  Sharpies  had  the  same  trouble.  So  does  every  compiler  of 
such  work.  The  News  fares  the  same  to  day.  It  has  been  try- 
ing to  get  data  from  more  than  one  branch  of  the  family  and 
as  yet  gets  nothing  in  shape  for  publication.  In  a  periodical 
like  the  News  one  can  sometimes  give  matter  in  fragmentary 
form  and  then  may  or  may  not'  be  able  to  fill  up  the  ommissions 
later  on.  But  when  a  book  is  ready  for  the  press,  it  must  be  is- 
sued, if  issued  at  all,  with  just  such  details  as  are  at  hand. 
This  results  in  much  aggravating  incompleteness.  Mr.  Rixj  the 
publisher  of  the  Eastman  work  thinks  of  arranging,  for  the  con- 

;1S  Kimball  Family  News, 

tinuation  of  his  records  in  a  periodical  like  the  News.  There 
is  really  no  other  way  of  keepin"^  a  g-enealogcical  family  record 
up  to  date,  and  this  is  not  satisfactory  because  of  the  difficulty 
in  securing-  the  g"eneral  interest  that  is  absolutely  necessary. 
There  is  more  of  incident  and  history  in  these  four  parts  of  the 
Kastman  book  than  in  the  first  400  pag^es  of  the  Kimball  book. 
Some  of  this  is  of  stirring-  interest.  It  is  similar  to  much  that 
has  been  introduced  into  the  News,  and  such  as  the  compilers  of 
the  Kimball  book  probably  thoug-ht  would  malce  that  work  too 


The  Oxford,  Me.,  Lodg-e  of  Masons  held  a  big-  celebration 
and   banquet  recently.     From  the  Norway  Advertiser,  we  quote: 

The  event  of  the  evening  was  when  the  toast  piaster,  How- 
ard D.  Smith,  P.  J.  G.  W.,  presented  to  Hon.  Alfred  S  Kimball 
a  valuable  Grand  Master's  jewel.  When  the  brethren  returned 
from  the  Grand  Lodg-e  at  Portland,  early  in  May,  Mr.  Kimball 
had  just  tjeen  elected  and  installed  Most  Worshipful  Grand  Mas- 
ter of  the  Freemasons  of  Maine.  Brethren  living  in  the  juris- 
dictions of  Oxford  and  Mt.  Tire'm  Lodges  procured  the  jewel, 
which  is  suitably  inscribed,  and  kept  it  for  this  occasion.  In 
his  presentation  speech  Mr.  Smith  briefly  reviewed  the  history 
of  Oxford  Lodge  which  was  chartered  in  1807  and  is  the  mother 
lodg-e  of  all  the  near  neighbors  in  the  fraternity.  Mr.  Kimball 
took  his  degrees  in  Oxford  Lodge  in  1865,  but  later  became  a 
charter  member  of  Mt.  Tire'm  Lodg-e  at  his  home  in  Waterford. 
He  is  of  course,  a  Past  Master  and  still  has  his  membership  wiih 
Mt.  Tire'm  though  he  has  resided  in  Norway  since  1882.  The 
gift  took  him  completely  by  surprise,  but  (rratid  Master  Kimball 
is  an  orator  of  abilit}'  and  made  a  fitting  response  to  the  presen- 

Samuel    E-  Kimball  is  appointed  Superintendent  of  Streets. 
Arlington,  Mass. 

Paris,  Me.,  has  a  G.    A.    R.    Post    named    the    William    K 
Kimball  Post  and  it  was  the  means  of  making  memorial  day  on^' 
long  to  be  remembered  in  that  town. 

The  Eastman  book  mentions  Laurency  the  eighth  child  of 
Scarle  Eastman  of  Bath,  N.  H.,  who  married  a  Kiinltall.  He 
died,  and  the  widow  Kimball  then  married  Benjamin  F.  Andrew 
of  Lisbon,  and  he  has  since  died.  He  was  the  son  of  Samuel 
and  Matilda  (Fowler  )  Andrew  mentioned  on  pagrc  31*)  of  the 
News  for  ISMm.  and  second  cousin  of  the  Ni-:ws  editor.  Who 
was  tlie  Kimball  wh(»  was  the  first  hus?)and  of-  Laurency 
Eastman  ? 

June,  July  and  Aug-ust  1901.  319 


The  Boston  Post  of  Jan.  17,  1901  says  that  the  Twelfth 
Massachusetts  Reg-iment,  which  was  under  the  command  of 
Fletcher  Webster,  in  the  Civil  War,  held  a  reunion  and  banquet 
at  Young-'s  hotel  yesterday  afternoon.  Many  of  the  veterans 
brought  their  wives  and  daughters.  Covers  v.' ere  laid  for  sixty. 
Officers  were  elected  as  follows:  President,  Benjamin  F.  Cook; 
vice  presidents,  Moses  N.  Arnold  and  Albert  Clark;  secretary, 
George  Kimball;  treasurer,  John  E.  Oilman;  auditing  committee, 
Albert  I.  Perry,  Daniel  W.  Ford  and  Walter   E.  Briggs. 

In  sending  the  above  notice,  Mrs.  S.  A.  Dacy  of  South  Bos- 
ton adds: — 

For  several  months  daily  during  the  years  1892-3  the  col- 
umns of  the  Boston  Journal  contained  an  article  by  veterans 
reminscent  of  the  Civil  War.  Several  were  contributed  by 
George  Kimball  whom  I  am  unable  to  locate  in  the  History.) 
He  and  his  brother  Serg-'t  Wm.  h  Kimball,  aged  respectively 
about  21  and  24  enlisted  in  1861  in  the  12th  Mass.  Reg-iment. 
His  account  of  his  experiences  are  very  interesting-  and  he 
speaks  of  Capt  Richard  Kimball,  killed  in  second  battle  of  Bull 
Run,  just  after  the  mortal  wounding  of  Col.  Fletcher  Webster, 
in  the  following  manner:  "Then  my  attention  was  attracted 
to  Capt.  Richard  H  Kimball  of  my  company.  He  had  been 
struck  in  the  forehead  and  fell  to  the  ground,''  I  cried  "Kimball 
is  killed  t(o."  All  in  the  company  uttered  a  cry  ot  grief  and 
then  expressed  a  determination  to  avenge  his  death.  We  all 
loved  our  captain.  He  was  a  thorough  soldier — brave  and  true 
— a  native  of  Portland,  Me.  Before  joining  the  12th  he  had 
been  in  the  cmplo}^  of  Moses  Pond,  a  dealer  in  stoves  and  fur- 
naces in  Blackstone  Street,  Boston,  and  belonged  to  the  old 
Boston  City  Guards." 

The  News  would  be  glad  if  some  one  would  locate  this 
George  Kimball. 

Albert  B.  Kimball,  who  is  postmaster  at  Scandia  and  pub- 
lisher of  the  Scandia  Journal  and  also  half  owner  of  the  Con- 
cordia Empire,  has  assumed  editorial  control  of  the  latter  paper. 
His  modest  portrait  may  be  found  in  the  News  for  January,  1900. 

Messrs  Walker  &  Kimball,  architects,  are  members  of  the 
Commission  to  make  plans  for  the  great  St.  Louis  Exposition 
buildings.  They  designed  the  most  elaborate  structure,  includ- 
ing- the  great  Archway  of  the  Omaha  Exposition.  The  junior 
member  of  this  firm  is  a  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Lord  Kimball 
formerly  of  the  U.  P.  Railway. 

320 .  Kimball  Family  News, 


Rattlesden,  Bury  St.  Edmund's,  20,  4.  '01. 
Dear  Sir: 

I  have  to  thank  you  for  the  copies  of  the  Kimball  News  for 
January,  February  and  March  to  hand  yesterday.  May  I  point 
out  with  reference  to  the  letter  on  pag-e  219  that  the  church 
tower  is  early  Eng-lish,  not  Norman.  We  have  no  Norman 
work.     (See  the  History.) 

Also  as  to  pag-e  236.  All  the  names  printed  in  my  book  are 
copied  exactly  from  the  Parish  Reg-isters  and  other  papers.  The 
spelling-  of  any  name  depended  largely  upon  the  parish  clerk, 
or  whoever  made  the  entries  in  the  books,  and  as  education  was 
not  very  far  advanced  there  are  many  varieties  to  be  found; 
^ometiraes  two  different  spellings  of  the  same  name  by  the  same 
writer  on  the  same  pag-e — page  231. 

Owing-  to  the  death  of  two  or  three  subscribers  and  to  the 
printer  having  sent  me  six  or  seven  copies  in  excess  of  the  200, 
I  have  at  the  time  of  writing  some  four  or  five  spare  co^^ies  of 
my  book,  the  price  of  which  is  now  12s,  6d,  net;  postag-e  Id 
extra..  It  was  orig-inally  issued  under  cost  price,  so  1  am  com- 
pelled to  raise  it.  Should  you  know  of  any  one  desirous  of  pur- 
chasing- a  copy  it  would  be  well  to  write  early,  as  I  cannot  ex- 
pect to  have  any  additional  copies  for  sale.  I  do  not  intend  to 
reprint.  With  thanks  and  best  wishes  for  the  success  of  the 
News.  Yours  very  truly, 


The  following-  are  some  of  the  Kimballs  who  subscribed    to 

the  menonal  of  the  late  Gov.  Wolcott,  as  found  in  a  late  number 

of  the  Boston  Herald. 

Newark,  N.  J. 

Herbert  L.  Kimball.  Harlan  W.  Kimball,  Blanche  E.  Kim- 
ball, Hosmer  P.  Kimball. 

Littleton,   Mass. 
Myron  A.  Kimball,  Henrietta    A.    Kimball,    Mildred    Kim- 
ball, Grace  A.';Kimball,  Bernard  M.  Kimliall,  (ieorg-e  Kimball, 
Irena  F.  Kimball,  Lawrence  Kimball,  William   L.  Kimball. 

Somerville,  Mass. 
Georg-e  A.  Kimball,  Josei>hine  M.  Kimball.  Elizabeth  Kim- 
ball, Mary  Kimball  ILirlow,  Leslie  Harlow,  Lizzie    E.  Kimball, 
Ernest    R.  Kimball,  John  W.  Harlow,  Myron  Kimball    Harlow, 
Vivian  Harlow. 







NEWS  ^ 


nqy  ^^  <(gy  my 

No.   9 




iilia  R  KIMBALL Jii 




Entered  for    transmission  in  the  mails  as  second  class. 



uiimball"  family  uLews 

Vol.  IV,  No.  9.  G.  F.  KIMBALL,  Publisher.  Terms,  $1.00  a  year 

Topeka,  Kansas,  September,  1901i 


From  whatever  standpoint  we  consider  them,  there  are 
no  more  energ-etic  and  able  representatives  of  the  family 
than  those  that  are  found  on  the  Pacific.  And  thej  are 
loyal  to  the  family.  They  did  not  hold  the  first  family 
reunion,  but  they  were  the  first  to  make  these  social  fam- 
ily g-athering-s  a  reg-ular  annual  feature.  Last  year  they 
issued  a  small,  four  pag-e  sheet,  announcing-  their  fourth — 
coming-  assembly,  and  this  year  they  have  done  the  same. 
The  sheet  is  a  model  of  typog-raphical  excellence  and  announ- 
ces their  reunion  to  be  held  Oct.  3,  1901,  g-iving-  prog-ram 
etc.  To  illustrate  more  fully  the  enterprise  of  these 
members  of  the  family  the  News  reprints  herewith  the  en- 
tire substance  of  this  number  of  the  Pacific  Coast  "Kimball 

It  is  evident  that  their  Fifth  Annual  .Reunion  -will  be 
superior  to  any  heretofore  held,  and  something-  in  reg-ard 
to  it  may  be  expected  in  the  October  number  of  the 


Our  Coat  of  Arms. 

It  is  claimed  that  our  coat  of  arms  was  awarded  an  ancesto 
many  g-enerations  ag-o  by  the  British  g-overnment,  for  braver 
and  valor  in  the  battle  against  the  Moors,  when  in  command,  b 

322  Kimball  Faniilv  News, 

dispatching^  the  commander  of  the  opposing-  forces  with  his  dag- 
ger. The  arms  are:  Arg-ent  (silver),  alion  rampant;  gules 
I  red,,  upon  a  chief  (sable),  three  crescents  of  j^old.  The  crest 
is  a  lion  rampant,  holding  in  the  dexter  paw  a  dag-ger.  au  propre 
(natural  color).  The  motto  is,  "Fortis  non  Ferox,"  the  transla- 
tion being-:  "Fortitude  without  cruelty,"  meaning-  literally, 
"brave  but  not  cruel."  According-  to  a  hig-h  authority  on  Heral- 
dry, the  Hun  rampant  in  the  arms  shows,  as  stated  above,  that 
an  ancestor  had  won  abittle  while  in  command  at  an  engag-e- 
inent.  The  chief  is  a  grant  of  honor  for  services  done  the  gov- 
ernment, and  the  crescents  showthat'these'services  were  ag-ainst 
the  Moors-  The  lion  with  dag-ger  in  the  crest  shows  that  he 
who  g-ained  the  victory  dispatched  the  commander  of  the  oppos- 
ing forces  with  his  dagg-er. 

It  is  a  noteworthy  fact  that  in  all  the  wars  of  America,  from 
its  earliest  settlement  down  to  the  present  da}',  members  of  the 
Kimball  family  have  been  found  in  large  numbers,  fig-hting  for 
freedom  and  justice.  It  is  as  cousin  Joseph  Hoyt  Kimball  stat- 
ed in  his  admirable  address,  g-iven  before  the  fourth  reunion, 
"If  you  study  our  family  history,  you  will  see  a  patriotic  record 
to  be  proud  of :  in  the  128  Kimballs  who  served  in  the  Revolu- 
tionary War;  in  the  95  who  served  in  the  Mexican  War:  in  the  27 
who  served  in  the  War  of  1812,  and  in  the  155  who  fought  to 
preserve  the  Union  in  1861." 

These  California  Kimball  reunions  excel  all  others  in  inter- 
est and  reg-ularity.  They  afford  occasions  to  which  our  Pacific 
Coast  cousins  look  forward  and  welcome  with  satisfaction  and 
profit." — Kiuihall  Family  Xeics. 

Unity  of  the  Kimboll  Fomily. 

The  Kiml)all  family  in  the  United  States  is  one,  there  be- 
ing no  branches  of  the  family  distinct  from  one  another.  In  al- 
most all  other  families,  however,  are  branches  descended  from 
different  immigrants  coming  from  different  countries,  and,  more 
over,  having  no  blood  relation  with  each  other.  But  all  the 
Kimballs,  Kemballs,  and  most  of  the  Kimbles  in  this  country  are 
descendants  of  the  father  of  Richard  Kemball  who  came  from 
Rattlesden,  England,  to  Massachusetts  in  1034,  and  with  few 
exceptions  all  descended  from  Richard  himself.  This  fact  gives 
the  family  a  unity  that  every  cousin  should  feel   proud  of. 

Family  Chat 

tory" p.  940)  established  the  first  newspaper  published  in  Cali- 

September  1901.  323 

The  family  of  Kimball  is  from  the  County  of  Cumberland, 
Eng-land,  and  takes  its  origin  from  a  parish  of  that  name  upon 
the  Scottish  border. 

The  first  reunion  of  the  Kimball  family  of  New  Eng-land  was 
held  in  1881  at  Salem,  Mass.  The  members  of  one  of  the  numer- 
ous branches  of  the  family— the  descendants  of  Jeremiah  Kim- 
ball, who  was  born  in  Ipswich  in  1750,  and  who  died  there  in 
1831 — were  the  principal  participants. 

The  KIMBALL  FAMILY  NEWS,  now  in  its  fourth  year 
of  publication,  has  been  of  g-reat  interest,  profit,  and  pleasure  to 
the  family,  and  being- published  in  behalf  of  the  Kimball  clan 
and  its  kindred  should  be  in  every  Kimball  home.  The  bio- 
graphical and  historic  features  of  the  paper  supplement  the  his- 
tory and  render  it  invaluable  to  every  Kimball  cousin,  while  the 
incidents,  anecdotes,  and  reminiscences  it  recites  pertaining  to 
the  family  members,  are  not  onl}'  of  absorbing  interest,  but  as- 
sist in  supplying  "missing  links"  in  the  history  of  the  different 
branches  of  the  family. 

The  committee  on  badges  has  a  happy  surprise  in  store  for 
those  in  attendance  upon  this  year's"  reunion,  the  surprise  being 
.  in  the  from  of  a  very  artistically  designed  badge  made  from  vel- 
vet finished  leather,  the  product  of  the  Norton  Tanning  Compa- 
ny of  this  city,  of  which  corporation  the  enterprising  chairman 
of  the  committee  is  president. 

Roy  Thurston  Kimball. 

To  Roy  Thuston  Kimball  is  almost  solely  due  the  existence  of 
_  the  Kimball  Association  of  California.  To  him  we  pay  honor  as 
the  father  of  the  organization,  for  it  was  his  liberal  aid,  patriotic 
interest,  and  indefatigable  labors  that  aroused  to  action  the 
Kimballs  on  the  Pacific  Coast,  and  thus  made  possible  such  a 
flourishing  association  as  we  now  have.  It  will  be  of  interest  to 
all  to  whom  the  Courier  may  come  to  read  the  biographical 
sketch  of  Cousin  Roy  as  it  appears  in  the  "Kimball  Family  His- 
tory," and  we  reproduce  it  herewith.  "Born  in  New  Hamp- 
shire, Aug.  2,  1846.  He  attended  the  district  school,  and  later 
the  New  Hampshire  Conference  Seminary  at  Tilton.  Farm  work 
proving  too  heavy  for  him,  at  the  age  of  twenty-two  he  went  to 
Maine,  where  he  engaged  in  the  canned  goods  business,  and  be- 
came manager  of  the  great  canning  establishment  of  John 
Win^low  Jones,  of  Portland.  He  remained  there  until  the  Cali- 
fornia fever  took  him  West  in  1875.  After  a  varied  experience 
he  established  the  business  of  the  Norton  Tanning  Co.,  a  wool 
pulling  and  tanning  concern,  employing  one  hundred   men   and 

.■^24  Kimball  l'\iimlv  News, 

(loin),'"  a  half-million-dollars  business  each  year.    Of  this  he  has 
iK-en  jtrcsiilcnt  and  niana<rer  since  its  org^anization. 

I  THINK  all  the  New  Kng-land  Kimballs  would  endorse  and 
second  the  sug"j^estion  of  Sarah  Tvouise  Kimball  and  Herbert  W. 
Kimball  that  we  have  a  national  reunion  of  the  Kimball  Famil  \' 
to  l)e  held  at  Ipswich,  Mass." — I).  B-  KiinbdU  in  Jdiiiianj 
{HJOO)  Kimhail  Fnmilij-Ntws. 

Joseph  Hovt  Kimball,  chairman  oi  the  committee  on  pro- 
f*-ram,  very  aptly'  sug-g-ests~  in  a  recent  communication  that  tlie 
CouKiKK  not  fail  to  call  the  attention  of  its  readers  to  the  fact 
that  this  year's  reunion  will  tiot  adjourn  till  11  p.  rti/Iii  other 
words,  an  evening- session  will  be  held,. and  it  is  hbpe^  that  all 
the  cousins  will  make  such  arrangements  as  will  enable  them  to 
remain  for  the  socialliours  following"  the  reassembling  of  the  re- 
union at  7  p.  M. 

o!  the 



Thursday,  October  3,  1901 

10  a.  m.  to  11  p.  m. 


625  Sutter  Street,  San  Francisco,  Gal. 



Miss   Snrah    LouiPo   Kimbnll.   Ch., 

Room   u'8,.li>th    Floor   Mills   Hldg-..   San    Francisco. 
Miss    Grace    Isabolle    Kimball. 

H781    17th  St.,    San    Francisco. 
Mr.    Ephriam    Ernest   Kimball. 

Room   22.   2d   Floor   Mills   Bldg..    San    FranciBCO, 

September  1901. 



Mr.    Roy  Thurston    Kimba]l   Ch.. 
Mrs.  Mary   Gilmer   Dunn, 
Mr.  Charles  E.  Kimball, 

31:?   Clay  St.,    San    Francisco. 

;',  i'.» '.'^Id    St..  San    Francisco. 

220  Market   br,,  San   Francisco. 


Mr  John   Carpenter   Kimball,    Ch., 

1714  Mason   St.,  San  Francisco. 
Mr.  Wm.   Stephen   Lumsden, 

Tracy.    San    Joaquin    Co.,  Cal. 
Mr.   Roy   Thurston    Kimball, 

312  Clay  St.,  San  Francisco. 


Mr,  Joseph    Hoyt  Kimball,    Ch., 

Mrs.  Grace  M.  Kimball, 
John    Albion  Kimball,  Esq., 

Mr.   Edg-ar    llobart,    Ch.. 
Mrs.    Albert   F.   Pillsbury, 
Miss  Gertrude    M.    Kimball, 


914     Castro    St..   Oakland. 
1010    Market    St.,  Oakland. 

— s 

819  Market  St.,  San    Franci.sco, 

Palo   Alto,    Cal. 

1831    Fell    St.,    San    Francisco. 

1010    Market   St.,  Oakland. 


Capt   Amos   William    Kimball,  Ch., 

U.  S.   A.,   Presidio,   San    Francisco. 
Mrs.    Ada   Jane    Winans   Kimball, 

819    Market   St.,  San   Francisco. 
Frank   Willard    Kimball   Esq. 

819   Market   St.,    San   Francisco. 


At  the  time  of  g"oing-  to  press  with  this  issue  of  the 
Courier,  we  had  not  been  officially  notified  as  to  the  pro- 
gram in  detail,  prepared  for  the  forthcomins/-  reunion,  but  it 
is  understood  that  there  will  be  -but  little  departure  from 
last  year's  order  of  exercises,  and  the  following-  will  answer  as 
an  outline  of  what  the  prog-ram  committee  has  prepared  for  this 
year's    festivities: — 

10   a.    m.    to  13    ra..   Informal    Reception. 

1    p.    m.    Invocation, Capt.    Charles  Lloyd    Kimball,    of     Ilealdburg-. 

1.0.5    p.    m.    Banquet,    followed    by    Address    of    Welcome,  by    Vicc-Prei^i- 

dent  Frank    WiJlard  Kimball. 
Vocal    Solo.    Mrs.    Albert    F.   Pillsbury,    of    S.     F. 
Past     Presidents     Address; — 

Roy   Thurston    Kimball,    of   San   Francisco. 
Congratulatory    Addresses. — 

Eev.  Dr.  Iheo.  F.  Burnham,   of  Vallejo. 

32(>  T^rimi,:i1l  Family  News, 

Mrs.    Joan    Kimball   tl:irk,    uf    Melrose. 

John  Carpenter    Kimball,  of    San    Francisco. 
Vocal    Solo,    Miss   Gertrude  M     Kimball,    of   Oakland. 
Historical   Address:  — 

Mrs.    Mary    Anne   Cloiigh    Kimball,    of   Palo   Alto. 

Kpliriam  Ernest  Kimball,  of  San  Francisco,  communications  received  , 

Substituted    by  Sarah    Louise    Kimball. 

'•Some  of  the  Notable  Events  of  tLe  Year:" — CaptChas.  Lloj-d  Kimball. 
■i-  p.    m.,   Business  Meeting. 
•J    p.   in.,   Intermission. 

7  p.    m..   Reunion    reas.sembles  for   evening     session  at  1230     Geary     St  . 
home   of  Roy  T.   Kimball. 

Our  Fifth  Annual  Reunion. 

The  fifth  anual  reunion  of  the  Kimball  family  on 
the  Pacific  Coast,  as  per  announcement  appearing-  elsewhere  in 
the  CouKiEK,  will  be  held  Thursday,  October  3,  at  Golden  Gate 
Hall,  b25  Sutter  Street,  this  city. 

Since  the  time  our  common  ancestor  Richard  Kimball 
emigrated  from  old  Ipswich,  England,  in  1634,  the  Kim- 
ball family  has  spread  to  nearly  eyery  civilized  section  of 
the  Western  Hemisphere,  and  its  representatives  on  the 
Pacific  Coast  are  now  sufficiently  numerous  to  g-ive  an  at- 
tendance of  at  least  200  upon  the  occasion  of  this  fifth 
annual  reunion  if  they  would  but  arouse  themselves.  From 
10  a.  m.  until  11  p.  m.,  the  reunion  will  be  in  progress, 
and  many  new  faces  are  looked  for  to  present  themselves.  Cer- 
tainly all  persons  of  Kimball  name  or  blood  to  whom  this  mes- 
sage shall  come,  ought  to  permit  their  interest  to  be 
awakened  in  this  annual  family  gathering,  and  if  in  a  ra- 
dius of  not  more  than  500  miles  from  San  Francisco,  make 
a   strong   endeavor    to   be  present. 

Our  first  reunion  was  held  in  Golden  Gate  Park,  Aug- 
ust 7,  1897,  and  following  the  example  of  the  California  cou- 
sins,, the  members  of  the  family  residing  in  the  Missouri 
Valley,  met  at  Topeka,  Kansas,"^  Sept.  30,  1897.  The  reun- 
ion sprit  has  now  grown  to  such  an  extent  among  the 
Kimball  family  that  a  national  reunion  to  take  place  at 
Ipswich,  Massachusetts,  two  or  three  j'cars  hence,  is  serious- 
1v    Contemplated. 

Our   Constitution. 

The  committee  appointed  at  the  fourth  annual  reunion 
to  draft  a  constitution  for  the  government  of  our  associa- 
tion, has  completed  its  work,  and  at  the  forthcoming  reun- 
ion will  submit  the  result  of  its  labors.  No  doubt  the  con- 
stitution will  be  adopted  as   our  organic   law  in    the   future. 

September  1901.  327 

The  cotnmittee  in  charg-e  of  this  work  consists  of  Mrs. 
Joan  Kimball  Clark,  Mr.  John  Carpenter  Kimball  and  Frank 
Willard  Kimball,  Esq.,  and  the  following-  excerpts  from  the 
constitution  they  have  prepared  will  be  read  with  interest 
by   Kimballs    everywhere. 


With  justifiable  pride  in  our  hotfored  family'  name  and  ancestry, 
and  appreeiatiug'  the  value  to  ourselves  and  our  descendants  of  a 
Kimball  Association  on  the  V'.icifie  Coast,-  we,  the  undersigned,  being' 
of  Kimball  name  or  blood,  and  grateful  to  Almighty  God  for  our 
manifold  blessing,  do  hereby  adopt  this  constitution  for  our  govern- 


This  association,  shall  be  known  as  the  Kimball  Association  of 


The  object  of  this  association  shall  be  to  collect  and  preserve 
historical  and  biographical  connections;  to  more  firmly  "nite  its  mem- 
bers in  bonds  of  friendship, 'and  cultivate  such  a  spirit  of  emulation 
amongst  them  as  will  lead  to  a  higher  patriotism  and  a  better  cit- 
izenship. ' 

Officers    1900-1901 
John    Simpson    Kimball,    Seminary    Park,    Alameda    Co.,     President. 
Frank  Willard  Kimball,    819   Market   St..    San   Francisco    Vice-President. 
■Roy    Thurston    Kimball,    312   Clay    St.,    San    Francisco,    Tresurar. 
Sarah  Louise  Kimoall,  Room  38,  Mills  Building,  San  Francisco  Secretary. 

Kimball,  a  "Place-Nome/' 

Kimball  may  be  reg-arded  as  a  place-name,  since  it  did  riot 
g-row  up,  like  the  patronymic  Williamson,  Wilson,  and  Wil- 
cox, from  some  ■  paternal  Williams;  neither  does  it  belong- 
to  the  class  of  names  which,  like  Weaver,  Webster,  and 
Webb,  indicate  the  employment  of  the  founder  of  the  fam- 
ily.— pilice  Kim'ball Hoplcins. 

Our  Common  Ancestor. 

In  the  quaint  little  villag-e  of  Rattlesdeti,  Suffolk  Coun- 
ty, Eng-land,  in  the  valley  among-  pleasant  surrounding- 
hills,  was  tbe  attractive  residence  place  of  our  common  an- 
cestor, Richard  Kimball,  in  16.34,  and  from  whence  he  came 
to  America.  His  descendants  are  now  like  the  sands  of  the 
seashore  for  multitude — they,  are  now  scattered  from  ocean 
to  ocean,  from  the  lakes  to  the  gulf.^Z.  :)i.  Morrison, 

has  "been  brg-anized  for  the  piirposc  of  haA'ing-  a  research 
made   in    Eng-land   of   the   early    history   of    the   family.     All 

338  Kimball  Familv  News, 

who  are  willing-  to  join  and  pay  S2.00  are  invited  to  send 
their  names  and  pledg-es  to  Capt.  Fred.  M.  Kimball,  secre- 
tary, Topeka,  Kansas.  Lieut.  Governor  Charles  Dean  Kim- 
ball, of  Providence,  R.  L,  is  president,  and  Roy  Thurston 
Kimball,  of   this  city,   vice-president. 

It  will  be  seen  from  all  the  above  that  the  California  Kim- 
balls  are  wide  awake-  But  the  News  regrets  that  the  Courier 
rehashes  the  old  story  about  the  coat  of  arms  and  the  light  with 
the  Moors.  That  is  all  a  fiction.  When  was  it,  where  was  it, 
and  who  was  it?  We  have  no  historical  data  by  which  these 
questions  can  be  answered.  There  is  no  probability  that  these 
events  could  have  happened  and  nothing  left  on  record  save  a 
tradition.  A  simple  coat  of  arms  could  not  be  the  onl}^  tang-ible 
evidence  bequeathed  to  the  family.  The  story  is  a  fake  and  the 
use  of  it  only  makes  us  liable  to  ridicule.  The  San  Francisco 
Town  Talk,  makes  use  of  it  for  this  purpose  as  any  other  gossip 
may  do. 

The  Kimball  Coat  of  Arms  is  simply  what  has  been  adopted  by 
the  family,  like  four-fifths  of  all  those  in  existence  in  this  country. 
To  this  extent  there  can  be  no  objection  to  its  use,  as  there  can 
be  none  ag^ainst  use  of  an  ordinary  bookplate  if  one  chooses  to 
have  one.  But  Prof.  Sharpies  has  pretty  clearly  shown  that 
there  is  no  English  record  of  any  thing  of  the  kind.  Those  who 
are  ambitious  along  this  line  should  contribute  liberally  to  the 
Family  Historical  Society,  and  so  help  send  Prof.  Sharpies  to 
England  to  clear  up  all  these  doubtful  points  and  to  open  up 
new  leads  as  far  as  possible. 

In  this  connection  the  following  from  the  genealogical  col- 
umns of  the  Boston  Transcript  may  be  of  interest. 


A  very  large  proportion  of  "coats  of  arms"  displayed  in 
the  United  States  are  spurious  and  of  no  value  whatever  as  fam- 
ily insignia  of  the  owners.  In  fact,  only  a  very  few  of  thera 
have  any  basis  of  correctness  or  real  value  as  heirlooms,  but  to 
distinguish  between  the  true  and  the  false  is  not  always  easy 
without  a  fuller  knowledge  than  most  persons  possess  of  the  tech- 
nicalities of  heraldry,  and  of  its  history  in  England  and  Amer- 
ica for  the  past  250  years. 

The  possession  b}  an  American  family  for  lUO  or  1.50  years 
of  drawings  of  arms  is  not  sufficient  evidence  of  their  validity, 
for  there  have  been  in  this  country  within  that  period  numerous 
heraldry  painters,  ready  for  a  small  compensation  to  furnish  a 
colored  drawings  of  arms  to  any  applicant-  The  fee  was  too 
small  to  afford  a  satisfactory  investigation  into  the  English 
pedigree  for  proof  of  right  to  use  arms,  and  the  painter  was  a 
very  unfit  person  for  work   which  baffles  the  skill  in  most  cases 

September  1901.  329 

of  very  experienced  g-enealog-ists.  But  his  customer  apparently 
cared  little  for  proofs — his  friends  had  coats  of  arms  framed  and 
hung-  in  their  parlors.  Smith  could  not  permit  his  neighbor, 
Brown,  to  alone  display  that  gfenteel  distinction  when  $5,  or  less, 
would  make  him  his  equal  as  an  "armig'er."  The  picture  paint- 
er needed  but  the  applicant's  name,  and  an  examination  of  his 
Guillim,  or  other  book  of  armory,  for  devices  borne  by  any  Eng-- 
lish  family  of  the  same  name  furnished  his  engraving-  or  de- 
scription from  which  to  fill  in  his  already  prepared  shield  [or,  if 
no  arms  were  found  in  his  little  book  of  the  proper  name,  he 
promptly  invented  them]  received  his  fee,  and  his  easily  satis- 
fied customer  hied  him  home  with  his  prize.  The  worthless 
representation  passed  on  in  the  family,  its  very  orig-in  forg-otten 
as  g-enerations  went  by,  till  some  later  descendant,  aware  that 
such  insig-nia  are  used  and  accepted  in  Europe  as  evidence  of 
g-entle  or  noble  blood,  has  them  engraved  and  displayed  on  note 
paper,  book  plate  cards,  seals  or  ring-s,  carriag-e,  or  where  not. 
The  victim  of  the  innocent  delusion,  confident  in  the  virtue  of  a 
century's  possession  of  the  worthless  desig-n,  is  happy;  his 
friends  do  not  question;  the  g-reat  majority  who  see  the  precious 
devices  know  absolutely  nothing-  about  such  matters,  and  care 
less — vanity  is  g-ratified,  envy  excited,  and  all  g-oesswiming-ly  on. 

The  very  few  representations  of  arms  broug-ht  from  Eng-lalW 
by  here  and  there  one  of  the  early  emig-rants  [beg-inning-  per- 
haps in  1620,  in  the  case  of  New  Eng-land  settlers]  in  the  from 
of  embroideries,  pictures,  eng-raved  silver  and  eng-raved  ring-s  or 
seals,  may  be  safely  accepted  as  authoritative  and  valued  accord- 
ing-ly,  for  at  that  comparatively  late  period  the  reg-ulation  of  ar- 
morial bearing-s  was  enforced,  and  bearers  of  arras  were,  in  the 
old  country,  subject  to  official  visitations,  and  required  to  pro- 
•  duce  proof  of  rig-ht  to  use  them.  But  before  1700,  and  it  is  sup- 
posed even  as  early  as  1630,  abuses  had  crept  in,  and  arms  were 
wrong-fully  assumed  even  in  Eng-land,  thoug-h  never  to  the  ridic- 
ulous extent  that  has  prevailed  here.  A  dormant  law  is  still  ex- 
tant there  prescribing- penalties  for  such  misappropriation,  but 
it  is  almost  forg-otten  and  probably  not  enforced  in  many  years. 
No  Eng-lish  g-entleman  would  face  the  ridicule  and  contempt 
aroused  by  his  use  of  armorial  designs  to  which  he  was  not  fully 

Numerous  heraldry  painters,  with  highsounding- titles,  have 
advertised  their  wares  in  London  for  many  years,  and  for  mod- 
erate prices  will  furnish  beautiful  colored  drawings  of  any  arms 
asked  for.  But  I  venture  the  assertion  that  their  most  numer- 
ous customers  arc  Americans. 

Our  newspapers  indicate  that  the  traffic  also  flourishes  fine- 
ly of  late  in  this  country.  This  paltry  business  was  in  existence 
in  New  England  [principally  in  Boston]  as  early  as  1725,  and 
perhaps  earlier.     A  certain  Thomas  Johnson  of  Boston  furnished 

330  Kimball  Family  Ncw<;, 

armorial  drawin<j-s,  and  one  copy  is  kncrwn  sig^ncd  and  dated  by 
liini,  1740.  In  the  inventory  of  his-estatc,  1767,  one  item  is  a 
"liook  of  Heraldry."  Whether  he  was  as  unscrupulous  as  Some 
of  his  successors  cannot  be  known,  but  his  possession,  as  a  paint- 
er, of  a  heraldry  book  is  suspicious.  His  work  can  readily  be 
identified;  all  those  painters  had  peculiarities  in  shape  of  shields, 
of  mantling-s  and  decorative  detail  easily  disting-uishable  to  the 

A  James  Turner,  heraldry  painter,  flourished,  invented  and 
painted  at  the  same  time.  Nathaniel  Hurd,  a  copper-plate  en- 
g-raver,  born  1729,  died  1777,  furnished  many  representations  of 
arms,  and  numerous  examples  have  been  seen  in  Maine.  The  ir- 
reg"ular  forms  of  his  escutcheons  and  the  delicacy  and  beauty  of 
his  work  readily  identify  it.  But  the  two  Boston  heraldry  mon- 
g"ers  whose  work  is  valueless  and  most  widely  distiibuted  in  New 
Eng-land  w^re  John  Coles,  father  and  son,  w^ho  were  in  the  biisi- 
ness  from  about  1776  to  1826.  The  best  authority  on  heraldry 
in  America  pronounces  the  Coles'  pictures  totally  worthless. 
They  can  be  easily  disting-uished,  arid  the  great  majority  of  ar- 
morial pictures  cherished  in  New  England  is  their  handiwork. 
If  drawings  are  seen  '  with  sketchy  mantling-s,  a  father  broad, 
squat  shield,  with  two  green  palm  branches  at  the  sides,  crossed 
below,  they  are  almost  certainly  the  Coles'  Work  or  copies  there- 
of. If  they  found  no  motto  given  in  their  heraldry  book,  they 
generally  placed  on  the  ribbon  'By  the  name  of  Smith,'  or  what- 
ever might  be  the  family  name  of  their  custother.  If  Coles  found 
a  crest  lacking  in  his  book  it  did  not  trouble  him,  he  promptly 
appropriated  or  invented  one,  and  some  of  them  were  very  funny. 
I  was  lately  shown  a  painting"  with  the  United  States  flag  as  a 
crest— the  Stars  and  Stripes  of  1776  on  a  coat-of-arms  supposed 
to  have  been  borne  by  a  knig-htly  ancestor  in  the  days  of  early 
chivalry  I 

The  display  of  arms  is  worse  than  than  useless;  it  is  weak 
and  self-deceiving,  unless  the  right  has  been  investigated  with 
the  same  care  that  would  pertain  to  the  estc  blishment  of  title  to 
any  other  nrnncrtv.  real  or  r»''T-^.)nal.  J.   P-   T-' 

At  Waterville  Kansas  a  few  days  ago  the  five  year-old 
daughter  of  Mrs.  Frank  Kimball  was  found  dead  in  a' cistern 
which  she  evidently  had  fallen  into.  Mrs.  Kimball's  husband 
was  killed  by  lightning  two  years  ag-o  Her  oldest  daughter  is 
a  paralytic  from  a  fall  and  the  feet  of  her  oldest  son,  her  only 
support,  were  recently  crushed. 

This  is  the  first  information  the  News  has  of  this  unfortu- 
nate family. 

September  1901.  331 


Christian  F.  Kimball  and  Miss  Letiora  M.  Reimcrs  were 
married  in  San  Francisco  September  12  at  St.  John'?  Evang-el- 
ical  Lutheran  Church  by  the  Rev,  J.  H.  Schroeder.  Miss  Annie 
Reimers,  a  sister  of  the  bride,  was  maid  of  honor.  Miss 
Emily   Kimball,    a  sister   of  the  bridegroom,  was  bridesmaid. 

The  Bulletin  of  the  l3th  says: 

Mr.  Kimball  is  an  attorney,  a  g-raduate  of  the  Hasting-s 
Law  Collegfe  and  an  active  member  of  the  San  Francisco 
Bar  Association.  He  is  president  of  the  Federation  of  Mis- 
sion Improvement  Clubs,  a  member  of  the  Native  Sons  of 
Vermont  and  holds  office  in  the  Old  Fellows  and  in  the 
Ancient   Order  of   Workmen. 

The  bride  is  the  eldest  daug-hter  of  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Claus  Reimers,  pioneer  residents  of  the  Mission  district. 
She  is  a  Native  Daug-hter  and  a  prominent  member  of  the 
young-  people's  society  of  St.  Paulus  Evang-elical  Lutheran 
Church,    and    also   the    Christian    Endeavor    Society. 

Mrs.  Laura  Kimball  Smith  of  St  Louis  [History  pag-e  602] 
writes  the  News  from  Elg-in,  111,  where  she  was  visiting-  in  the 

"I  have  just  received  a  letter  from  California,  g-iving  some 
dates  of  the  deaths  of  a  few  members  of  the  Kimball  family. 
Phineas  Jewett  Kimball  died  Aug-ust  I,  1887.  His  daug-hter 
Helen  C.  died  March  27.  1883,  and  Jessie  P.  died  Oct.  18,  1895, 
f  History  pag-e  599  600).  Charles  Hawkins,  who  married  my 
niece  Emma  E.  Kimball,  was  from  Genoa,  Cayugfa  county,  New 
York,  and  was  of  Eng-lish  descent  (History  pag-e  60i')-"  " 

Mrs,  Smith  is  an  aunt  of  Col.  Dyer  of  Aug-usta,  Ga.  She  is 
one  of  Joseph  Kimball's  larg-e  family  mostly  born  inGroton,  New 
Hampshire.  He  was  one  of  the  several  Hopkinton  famlies  and 
moved  to  Elg-in,  111.,  at  an  early  day.  The  History  merely  men- 
tions the  names  of  Phineas  Kimball's  six  children. 

A  Boston  paper  says  the  successful  running-  of  the  Elevated 
yesterday  was  a  richly  deserved  personal  triumph  of  Chief  En- 
g-ineer  Georg^e  A.  Kimball.  The  responsibility  of  the  building- 
of  the  road  has  rested  on  Mr.  Kimball's  shoulders,  and  after 
several  years  of  planning-  and  directing-,  the  com^pleted  structure 
is  but  the  reproduction  of  the  mental  conception  so  long-  existent 
in  the  eng-ineer's  mind. 

Kimball  Familv  News, 


In  a  letter  to  the  News,  refering^  to  the  communication  by 
\\.  C.  Kimball  of  Oshkosh,  Wis.  on  pagfe  219  current  volume, 
the  Rev.  J.  K.  Olorenshaw  says  that  the  Rattlesden  church  tow- 
r  is  early  Erig-lish  not  Norman  work.  He  says  "We  have  no 
Norman  work."  A>rain,  refering-  to  the  the  article  on  pag-e  236, 
where  mention  is  made  of  the  different  spellings  of  the  Kimball 
name  "All  the  names  printed  in  my  book  are  copied  from  the 
Parish  Rey^ister  and  other  papers.  The  spelling-  of  any  name 
depended  larg^ely  upon  the  parish  clerk,  or  whoever  made  the 
entries  in  the  book,  and,  as  education  was  not  very  far  advanced, 
there  are  many  varieties  to  be  found,  sometimes  two  different 
spellings  of  the  same  name  on  the  same  pag-e  and  by  the  same 
writer."  Mr.  Olorenshaw  also  write?  that  owing-  to  the  death 
of  two  or  three  orig-inal  subscribers  to  his  "Notes  on  Rattlesden" 
he  has  a  few  copies  of  the  work  he  can  spare. 

A  dispatch  from  San  Francisco  says:  Captain  A.  W.  Kim- 
ball, quartermaster  United  States  army,  post  quartermaster  at 
the  Presidio,  made  the  following-  statement  in  regard  to  the  al- 
leged frauds  said  to  be  perpetrated  in  the  sale  of  quartermaster's 
supplies,  belonging  to  the  g-overnment: 

"I  am  the  officer  most  concerned  in  this  matter,  yet  no  one 
has  yet  made  any  inquiry  of  me.  I  am  the  only  bonded  officer  at 
the  post,  and  the  only  one  accountable  and  disbursing  officer. 
If  there  has  been  anything  irreg-ular  I  would  be  pleased  to  g"ive 
all  the  assistance  in  my  power  in  the  search  for  the  guilty  men 
if  there  are  any.  All  the  g-overnment  things  sold  in  the  pawn- 
shops are  sold  by  discharg-ed  soldiers  from  the  returning  volun- 
teer regiments." 

A  Santa  Rosa,  Cal-,  dispatch  of  July  2S,  says: 
Miss  A.  M.  Kimball  of  Dedhara,  Mass.,  and  Joseph  A. 
Rodgers,  a  prosperous  young  farmer  of  Petaluma,  will  be  mar- 
ried next  Tuesday  in  the  house  of  the  bride's  uncle,  P.  P.  Stan- 
ley, in  the  city.  The  beginning  of  the  romance  dates  back  to 
^ight  years  ago,  when  Miss  Kimball  \  isited  her  relatives  in  Pe- 
taluma. Rodgers  met  her  and  fell  in  love  with  her.  During" 
the  eight  years  since  they  saw  each  other  they  have  maintained 
a  close  correspondence  by  mail.  Recently  Rodgers  bought  a  ranch 
neiir  Petaluma.  built  a  house  and  sent" for  Miss  Kimball,  who 
arrived  last  Wednesday. 

Battery  A  1st  Illinois  Light  Artillery,  C.  B.  Kimball.  Secre- 
tary. No.  140  Dearborn  Street.  Chicago,  "held  a  Reunion  Sept.  7, 
at  Kimball  Hall,  No.  1527  Kimball  Avenue,  Chicago,  111. 

Septe-Tiber  1901.  333 


We  were  unable  to  he  present  at  the  funeral  of  our  mother, 
on  aceount  of  sickness  in  our  own  famil^,  the  distance  being"  too 
g-reat  to  permit  the  necessary  absence.     Our  brother  writes; 

"She  had  been  gradualiy  failins;- since  May.  Did  not  seem 
to  have  any  disease  or  pain.  While  free  from  suffering  she 
•wanted  frequent  attention,  said  she  felt  weak  and  'all  gone'  and 
"did  not  see  why  she  did  not  get  strong-er,  never  realizing-  that 
the  end  was  approaching,  and  all  through  it  her  mind  was  un- 
usually clear  up  to  within  30  minutes  of  the  end.  Day  by  day 
she  grew  weaker  until  Wednesday  the  21st  August  1901)  at  two 
o'clock  she  went  to  sleep — passed  away  very  peace-fuU}'  and  on 
Friday  w^e  laid  her  away  by  the  side  of  father. 

^Her  friends  ;were  very  kind,  and  sent  in  a  great  abundance 
of  flowers.  As  she  lay  in  a  bed  of  fragrant  blossoms  she  looked 
not  oyer60  yea,rs  old  instead  of  nearly.  92.  T'ae  casket  was  liter- 
ally covered  with  bouquets,  two  hiyers  deep, " 


Mrs.  Maria  Freemati 'Gray,  State  Supefintendfent  Peace  and 
Arbitration,  W.  C.  T.  U.San  Francisco.  California,  writes  the 
•  News  from  MilHrgton  P.  O.,  Franklin  County,    Massachusetts. 

"Having  returned  a  few  days  since  from  a  trip  to  Boston, 
Sharon,  Norton,  etc.,  it  affords  me  pleasure  to  say  to  you  that  I 
had  a  charming  visit  in  Sharon  with  our  cousins.  Rev,  John  C. 
Kimball  and  wife,  who  have  just  moved  into  their  liew  home, 
which  is  indeed  "beautiful  for  situation,"  and  well  planned  for 
comfort.  On  May  2(^  I  attended  the  Unitarian  church  in  this 
town  of  which  Mr.  Kimball  is  pastor.  His  discourse  was  espe- 
cially prepared  for  a  Post  of  the  G.  A  R.,  that  formed  part  of 
the  audience,  and  was  well-timed  and  full  of  practical  thoughts. 

li  it  is  not  too  late,  please  accept  ray  thanks  for  copy  of 
jour  excellent  address  given  in  Topeka,  Feb.  22nd,  1901,  also 
lor  those  tinique  "Book  Marks." 

In  the  Kimball  Family  News  of  Feb.  and  March,  on  page 
231,  I  notice  in  an  article  about  "The  Church  in  Rattlesden," 
that  "the  News  has  had  several  inquiries  from  those  who  would 
now  like  the  work,"  "Notes  on  Rattlesden," 

As  we  have  three  copies  in  our  family,  I  can  dispose  of  two^ 
and  will  be  obliged  if  you  will  inform  me  of  any  who  would  like 
to  purchase  copies. 

We  paid  for  the  books,  per  copy,  including  postage,  duty, 
etc.,  about  $3.65  and  will  sell  them  at  this  price. 

Sincerely  yours,  Makia  Fkeeman  Gkay. 

334  Kimball  F.iimlv  News, 

The  last  issue  of  the  Nkws  mentioned  the  reception  of  the 
steamship  Dorothea,  and  her  trip  from  Philadelphia  in  charg-e 
of  Lieutenant  Commander  (rranville  Kimball.  The  last  week  of 
Aug-ust  Vice-President  Roosevelt  enjo3-ed  a  cruise  on  the 
Dorothea.  The  Chicag-o  papers  of  August  23,  announced  the 
program  as  follows: 

^'^ice  President  Roosevelt  will  be  the  guest  of  the  frturth  div- 
ision of  the  second  ship's  crew,  Illinois  naval  militia,  on  the  Dor- 
othea, a  week  from  Saturday.  Governor  Yates,  Mrs.  Yates,  and 
the  members  of  the  governor's  staff  will  also  be  guests  on  the 
Dorothea.  A  cruise  on  the  lake,  a  6  o'clock  dinner,  a  drill  of 
the  ship's  crew,  and  a  reception  are  on  the  programme  for  the 
entertainment  of  the  disting^uished  g-uests. 

The  acceptance  by  the  vice  president  of  the  invitation  ex- 
tended to  him  to  visit  the  Dorothea  was  announced  yesterday  by 
the  excutive  officers  of  the  ship.  The  vice  president  will  come 
to  Chicag-o  on  his  return  from  Springfield,  whither  he  is  going- 
to  inspect  the  state  troops  at  Camp  Ivincoln.  He  wnll  arrive  in 
Chicago  on  Saturday  morning  and  will  remain  until  late  Sunday 

Vice  President  Roosevelt  will  leave  Oyster  Bay  August  2S, 
arriving-  at  Springfield  at  noon  on  August  30.  He  will  be  re- 
ceived with  full  military  honors  and  will  be  entertained  at  a  din- 
ner by  the  governor  after  reviewing  the  troops.  He  will  leave 
for  Chicag-o  late  Friday  nig-ht.  The  officers  of  the  Dororthea 
and  of  the  fourth  division  of  the  second  ship's  crew  will  g'o  to 
Springfield  to  act  as  an  escort  for  him.  Governor  Yates  and  his 
staff  will  also  accompany  Mr.  Roosevelt  Upon  their  arrival  in 
Chicago  they  will  be  en{ertained  at  luncheon  at  the  University 
League  club  by  Col.  J,  H.  Strong  of  the  governor's  staff. 

Those  who  will  do  the  honors  on  board  the  Dorothea  are 
Captain  Henry  A.  Allen,  commander  of  the  Illinois  naval  mili- 
tia; Claude  E.  Fitch,  commander  of  the  Dorothea;  Granville 
Kimball,  lieutenant  commander  and  chief  engineer,  and  Lieuten- 
ant ^[ugh  E.  King,  in  command  of  the  ship's  crew.  When 
Vice  President  Roosevelt  boards  the  Dorothea  he  will  be  received 
with  the  vice  president's  salute  of  nineteen  guns.  Governor 
Yates  will  be  greeted  with  a  salute  of  seventeen  guns.  Every 
military  courtesy  will  be  accorded  the  guests- 

The  cruise  of  the  Dorothea,  w^hich  will  occupy  the  greater 
part  of  the  afternoon  and  evening,  will  be  in  the  direction  of 
Waukegan.  Six  o'clock  dinner  will  be  served  on  the  vessel,  and 
the  cruise  will  not  be  ended  until  about  10:30  o'clock. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  David  P.  Kimball  of  Boston  spent  the  summer 
at  their  White  Mountain  cottage  in  New  Hampshire. 

September  1901.  335 


The  News  has  had  occasion  several  times  to  speak  of  the 
n;uniticent  g-ifts  made  by  William  Cleaves  Todd  of  Atkinson,  N. 
H.  to  various  Libraries  and  Historical  Societies.  He  is  Presi- 
ident  of  the  New  Hampshire  Historical  Society,  and  Messrs  Lee 
&  Shepard  of  Boston  have  recently  published  a  volume  by  him 
containing-  many  interesting-  personal  reminiscences  and  papers 
on  many  prominent  men  of  the  last  generation.  Although  some- 
what desultory  in  manner  it  is  said  to  be  unusually  interesting-. 
It  is  a  book  of  some  200  pages.  The  Family  Histor}^  on  page 
226  barely  mentions  Mr.  Todd  who  is  the  second  son  of  Betsey 
Kimball  and  Ebenezcr  Todd.  She  was  the  daughter  of  Thomas 
Kimbcill"  No.  336,  Family  History  pag-e  226.  He  never  married. 
See  Kimball  News  pag-e  377,  December  1899.  Also  last  number, 
page  297. 

Miss  Harriette  Eliza  Noyes's  carefully  prepared  "Memorial 
of  the  Town  of  Hamstead,  N.  H."  is  published  by  Georg-e  B. 
Reed  of  Boston.  The  genealogies  of  the  volume  are  not  ex- 
haustive, but  contain  a  good  deal  of  material  valuable  for  those 
who  wish  to  carry  their  investigation  farther. 

Macdonough.  A  large  volume,  compiled  by  Rodney  Mac- 
donough,  is  not  so  much  a  consecutive  work  on  genealogical  lines 
as  it  is  a  series  of  biographical  sketches  of  representative  men  of 
the  various  families  which  constitute  his  ancestry.  There  are 
fifty-five  of  these  sketches  representing  the  twenty-eight  families. 

In  a  well-arranged  volume,  Edwin  E-  Towne,  Newtonville, 
Mass.,  has  traced  the  line  of  descendants  from  William  Towne, 
the  emigrant,  who,  coming  from  Yarmouth,  Eng.,  appeared  in 
Salem,  Essex  County,  in  1640.  The  historian  traces  the  family 
through  ten  generations.  Besides  the  descendants  of  William 
Towne  there  are  records  of  many  Townes  who  are  unable  to 
trace  back  to  their  emigrant  ancestors. 

Th  e  Belleville,  111.,  Advocate,  says  that  Ned  Adams  at  the 
great  risk  of  his  own  life  saved  the  baby  of  Revenue  Officer  Wm. 
Kimball,  by  grabbing  the  little  one  off  the  street  car  tra:ks  just 
in  time  to  save  the  baby's  life.  A  Belleville  car  was  approach- 
ing but  the  motorman  had  spied  the  child  and  was  applying 
the  brakes.  The  little  one  turned  to  Mr.  Adams.  The  motor- 
man  turned  on  the  power  again.  The  baby  had  gone  but  a 
couple  of  feet  when  she  turned  back  to  the  car  tracks.  Mr.  Adams 
realized  that  the  motorman  could  not  stop  the  car  in  time,  and  a 
quick  grab  at  her  dress  caused  her  to  cry,  but  Mr.  Adam's  hold 
was  firm  and  as  he  cleared  the  track  the  car  brushed  his  clothes 
as  it  rushed  by.  Mrs.  Kimball  was  in  the  house  and  when  Mr. 
Adams  returned  the  child,  he  told  her  merely  that  he  had  found 
her  playing  in  the  street  and  had  carried  her  home. 

336  Kimball  Family  News, 

Supplemental  Notes  to  Family  History. 

Family  Histon  ;  p«igre  1061,  No.  2522,  see  Apendix  pag-e  1152* 
Herbert  Leslie  Kimball'"  (Georg-e  KimbalP)  married,  Nov. 
15,  1897,  Blanche  Evelyn  Hosmer. 


i     llosmer  Rohbins  Kimball,  born  Sept.  19,  1898,  Jersey  City,  N.  J. 
ii     Harlan  Winship  Kimball,  born  Nov.  14,  1900,  Newark,  N.  J. 
Family  News  pag-e  314.     In  addition   to  that  g-iven  in   the   last 
number    of     the   News,    Abner    D.    Kimball,    sends   the 

Great  Grand  Father,  born  in  New  Hampshire;  was  a 
Serg-eant  in  Revolutionary  Army;  lost  a  thumb  and  received 
a  wound  in  hip  which  crippled  him  for  life.  He  emig-rated 
from  New  Hampshire  to  Jefferson  Co.  Ohio  early  in  the 
18th  centurj-;  had  three  sons,  Abner,  Moses,  and  Charles; 
also  four  daug-hters,  unable  to  give  names.  Abner  my  grand- 
father, moved  from  Jefferson  Co.  to  Coshocton  Co.  Ohio  in 
1817.  He  was  a  farmer  and  a  g-reat  old  Methodist.  Clear- 
ed up  a  larg^e  farm  and  built  a  Church,  himself.  Had 
three  sons,  Joseph,  Moses  and  Abner,  Moses  being-  my  fath- 
er. Had  four  daug-hters,  Polly,  Jemirae,  Rachel  and  Myra. 
Only  three  of  the  children  are  now  living",  Abner,  Rachel, 
and    Myra. 

Moses  Kimball,  my  father,  moved  from  Coshoction  Co. 
Ohio  in  the  fall  of  1850  to  Miami  Co.  Indiana,  having- 
entered  160  acres  of  land — all  heavy  forest.  Father  had 
contracted  with  a  man  to  build  a  small  cabin,  and  have  it 
for   the    family   by   Oct.     1st.   1850. 

There  were  five  of  us  children  born  in  Ohio,  Abner, 
Henry,  Thomas,  Henrietta,  [died  in  1866]  and  Nancy. 
Children  born  in  Indiana  were  Harriet,  Millard,  Charles  and 
Frank;  nine  children  in  all,  six  sons  and  three  daug-h- 

Father  and  Henry  moved  with  their  families  to  Wilson 
Co.  Kansas,  in  th«^  spring-  of  1874;  and  eng-ag-ed  in  farm- 
ing-. Father  dying  in  the  spring-  of  1886.  Motlier  is  still 
living-,  is  83  years  old  and  quite  spry  for  one  of  her  ag^e. 
Five  of  her  children,  four  boys  and  a  daug-hter,  live  in 
Neodesha,    Kansas, 

James  I^.  Kimball  of  Boston,  ag-ed  20.  seems  to  be  a  black 
sheep  in  the  ilock.  He  was  arrested  in  Portland,  Me.,  for  break- 
ing- into  a  clothing  store.  Happily  we  have  few  such  cases  to 


1  1634 











No.  10 

Vol.  IV 


ilii  G.  F.  KIMBALL,  M 

Eateied  for  transmission  in  the  mails  as  second  ciass. 

uCimball^J'amily  ulews 

Vol.  IV,  Nu.  10.  G.  F.  KIMBALL,  Publisher.  Terms,  $1.00  a  year 

912    North    Kansas   Avenue. 

Topeka^  Kansas,  October,  1901. 

.  'J-'i.M"  ^tSTTTP^f'^  gg^i^.|J«...|MK.«»WWWWI.JiMWr  i  MWHItM^^*^ 


The  News  has  no  "official"  report  of  the  Pacific  Coast  Re- 
union  held  October  3,  1901.  We  have  a  letter  however  from 
Miss  Sarah  Louise  Kimball,  secretary,  which  serves  the  purpose, 
and  we  are  also  able  to  give  some  letters  and  papers  read  on  the 
occasion.     Our  secretary  cousin  writes: — 

We  had  the  larg-e  banquet  hall  and  parlor  on  the  second 
floor  of  Golden  Gate  Hall,  625  Sutter  St.,  where  we  have  held 
three  of  our  reunions  now-  Frank  W.  Kimball  was  there,  and 
also  Ada,  his  wife,  and  Mr.  Sylvester  Edson  Kimball,  of  Moun- 
tain View,  Santa  Clara  county,  Cal.,  a  newcomer  this  year 
(No  1994),  and. Roy's  sister,  Mrs.  Wrig-ht,  and  then  Mrs.  Clark 
and  Miss  Anna  Kimball,  of  Melrose,  came,  and  Roy,  and  the 
others  came  along-  just  after,  but  I  was  busy  putting-  up  the  chart 
and  talking- — —talking;  all  day.  Mrs.  Grace  M.  and  Gertie 
were  there  also  before  1  arrived.  Capt.  Charles  Lloyd  K.,  of 
Hccildsburg-  and  my  sister  Alice  helped  put  up  the  chart,  across 
the  folding-  doors,  and  Mr.  Sylvester  E.  K.  was  pleased  that  I 
had  inserted  his  line  ( thoug-h  not  in  Ed  Hobart's  fine  penman- 
ship i.  I  also  added  Mrs.  J.  W.  Hunter's  line.  She  wrote  me 
from  Norfolk,  Virg-inia,  that  she  would  be  here  during-  the  Epis- 
copal Convention  and  wanted  to  meet  me,  as  we  had  been  corre- 
sponding-, ^v 'Burnham'g-enealog-y  &c.,  for  some  time,  and  I 
found  out  she  was  also  a  Kimball,  so  I  sent  her  word  to  come   to  ' 

the  reunion. 'and  the  letter  missed  her  there  but  followed-  her 
here  and  she  came  up  the  day  before  to  tell  me  she  would  be  de- 
lig-hted  to  be  with  us.  Her  tall  son.  Dr.  James  Wilson  Hunter 
Jr.,  called  with  her,  and  I  understand  her  three  daug-hters  are 
also  with  her— two,  perhaps,  as  she  mentioned  two,  but  said  she  | 

had  three;  and  her  husband    came  with   her  to  the  reunion    and  f 

they  appeared  to  thoroug-hlv  enioy  it.'^This  is  her  line,  which 
she  says  is  also  the  line  of  Beniamin  Ide  Wheeler,  President  of 
the  University  of  California.  If  so  I  shall  hiave  to  send  him  an 
invitation  next  year,  as  we  shall  be  verv  g-lad  to  claim  him  if  he 
belongs  to  us. 

338  Kimball  P^dmily  News, 

Richard  Kemball  m.  Ursula  Scott, 
Benjamin  Kimball  m.  Mercy  Hazeltine, 
(1)     David  Kimball  m.  Elizabeth  (Jage,  and  had: 

1  Aaron,  who  m.  Susanna  Smith,  and  had: 

a     Abraham,  your  ancestor 

b     SamueJ,  %vho  m..  first,  Susanna  Jewett  and    had: 

Captain  Joseph,  who  m.  Nancy  Currier,  they  havincr 
been  grandparents  of  Mrs.  Stella  B.  (George)  Rotner 
of  this  city. 

2  David,  whom.  Mary  Wilson  and  had: 

a     Captain  Reuben,    great-grandfather    of    Itoy    Thurston 

Kimball,  of  this  city, 
b     Asa.  who  m.  Mary    Eastman,    they    being    great-grand- 

partnts  of  the  late  Levi  Woodbury  Kimball,  of  Oakland. 

3  Jeremiah,  m.  Elizabeth  [lead,  and  had: 

No.  34.5  Reuben,  m.  (1)  Hannah  Annis,  and  had  No   .509  Rich- 
ard m.  Betsey  Judkins,  and  had  No.    11S3    Truman — not 
Freeman — m.  Anna  L.  Brown,  and  had  No.  1994  S\  i  \e  - 
ter  Edson  Kimball,  of  Mountain  View  Cal. 

(3l    Richard  Kimball  (brotherof  David),  m.  Mehitable  Day,  and  had: 

1  Benjamin,  m.  Priscilla  Hazen.  ancestors  of  lion.  Leonai  d   A 
Morrison.  ^     ' 

2  Job.  m.  Mary  Green,  ancestors  of   Thomas   Lovel      K'nlaU 
of  Oakland. 

3  Richard,  m  Jemima  Gage,  and  had: 

Hannah  Kimball,  who  m.  Benjamin  Wheeler  Jr..  and 
had:  Amos  Wheeler,  who  m  Uoi'cas  Emerson,  and  had 
Joan  Wheeler,  who  m.  James  Ayer,  and  had:  Harriet 
Aver,  who  m.  Edward  A.  Barnes,  of  AccomdC  county, 
Virginia,  and  had:  Lizzie  .'^3'er  Barnes,  who  m.  James 
Wilson  Hunter  of  I'nncess  Anne  county.  Va.,  residing 
at  Norfolk,  Va. .  and  the3'  have  four  children:  Dr.  James 
Wilson  Hunter.  Harriet.  Cornelia  and  Dexter. 

(1  find  I  have  left  out  an  important  item  in  connection  with  the  above 
named  Benjamin  and  Priscilla  (Hazen)  Kimball,  viz:  their  son  John  m. 
Anna  Ayer,  they  being  great-grandparents  of  Captain  Frederick  M.  Kim- 
ball  ofTopeVa.l 

Mrs.  Hunter  could  not  tell  mo  whether  it  was  the  above 
named  Joan  Wheeler,  or  her  father,  Amos  Wheeler,  whose  broth- 
er was  ancestor  of  Benjamin  Ido  Wheeler,  of    Berkeley,  Cal. 

Another  earl}'  arrival  at  the  reunion  was  Edwin  Kimball,  of 
Walnut  Creek,  over  in  Alameda  county,  who  had  to  drive  fifteen 
miles  throug-h  the  hills  to  reach  the  ferry  to  come  to  the  city:  his 
wife  also  camo  to  the  reunion  early;  She  wa-^  not  with  u*^  be- 

Every  year  seems  to  bring-  in  more  new  cousins,  but  1  am 
sorry  that  they  do  not  all  come.  This  year,  besides  those  I  have 
mentioned,  we  had  with  us  a  very  brig-ht  young  cousin,  who  also 
belongs  partly  in  your  jurisdiction,  John  Ilovey  Kimball,  broth- 
er of  Ellwood  Davis  Kimball,  of  Wichita,  Kansas.  He  made  the 
speech  of  the  day  and  we  have  taken  him  into  our  midst  as  one 
of  us,  though  I  presume  you  will  assert  a  prior  claim.  He  is  in 
the  city  for  a  while,  he  says.  He  is  a  very  talented  young-  man, 
a    ready    speaker,  and    will    make   his  mark  in  the  world  before 

October  1901. 


long-.  He  says  that,  on  pag-e  992  of  the  History,  there  should  be 
added  under  his  name,  graduated,  A.  B.,  Beloit,  1893,  and  B. 
D.  of   Yale  Theolog-ical    Seminary,  May,  1896. 

Below  I  g"ive  you  a  list  of  those  present  at  the  reunion,  as 
per  their  signatures  on  roll  and  from  my  own  recollection,  as  I 
think  several  did  not  sig-n  the  roll: 

Frank  Willard  Kimball, 

Mrs.   Ada  Jane  (Winans)  Kimball, 

John  Albion  Kimball. 

Jobc  Carpenter  Kimball, 

Mrs.  Lila  May  Kimball, 

Miss  Anna  Amy  Kimball, 

Mrs.  Joan  (Kimball)  Clark, 

Mrs.  Elizabeth  (Kimball)  Tupper, 

Mrs   Grace  M.   (Tenney)  Kimball, 

Miss  Gertrude  May  Kimball, 

Mrs.  Mary  Gilmer  Dunn, 

Joseph  Iloyt  Kimball. 

Mrs.  Alma  (Bruce)  Kimball, 

Mrs.  Martha  (Atvvood)  Kimball, 

Roy  Thurston  Kimball, 

Sylvester  Edson  Kimball, 

Mrs.  Stella  B.  Rotner, 

John  Hovej'  Kimball, 

Charles  Lloyd  Kimball, 

Dr.  Marg-aret  Viola  Kimball, 

Miss  Gei  evieve  Kimball, 

Mrs.  Maranda  Kimball, 

Ellis  A.  Kimball, 

Mrs.  Mary  Anne  (Clough)  Kimball, 

Miss  M.   Alice  Kimball, 

Miss  Sarah  Louise  Kimball, 

Mrs.  Elisha  Barnum  Kimball, 

Edwin  Kimball, 

Mrs.  Jennie  L.  Kimball, 

Rev.  Theodore  F    Burnham, 

Mrs.  Lueia  (Adams)  Burnham, 

Miss  (xrace  Adams  McPherron 

Miss  Rebecca  M.  Kimball, 

James  Wilson  Hunter, 

Mrs.  L.   A.   B.   Hunter, 

Mrs.   Viola  R.   (Kimball)  Tays, 

819  Market  St.,  San    Francisco 

it  a  a 

;;  t fc  tt 

1714  Mason  St., 

Melrose,  Alameda  Co.,  Cal. 

220  Oak  St.,  San  Francisco. 
1010  Market  St.,  Oakland. 

3719,  23d  St.,  San  Francisco. 
914  Castro  St.,  Oakland. 

ii  ii  ik  V  ( 

220  Oak  St.,  San  Francisco. 
1230  CJeary  St., 
Mountain  View,  Santa  Clara  Co.,  Cal. 
1909  Leavenworth  St.,  San  Francisco. 
1024  Pine  St., 

Healdsburg,  Sonoma  Co.,  Cal. 

Seminary  Park,  Alameda  Co.,  Cal. 
Palo  Alto,  Santa  Clara  Co  ,  Cal. 

3025  Sacramento  St.,  San  Francisco. 

Walnut  Creek,  Alamenda  Co.,  Cal. 

475  Eddy  St. ,  San  Francisco. 

Vallejo,  Solano  Co.,  Cal, 

Los  Angeles.  Cal.  (U.  C,  Berkeley) 

2912  Howard  St.,  San  Francisco. 

Norfolk,   Virginia. 

Jonathan  (Oilman,  Colebrook,  New  Hampshire  (guest  of  Roy) 

Mrs.  .Tohn  Simpson  Kimball,  Elizabeth  A.   Kimball, 
Mrs.  Alice  (Kimball)  Campbell, 
A.  J.  Campbell, 

Napa,  Cal 
St  of  Roy). 
Seminary  Park,  Alameda  Co.,  Cal. 

Honolulu,  Hawaiian  Islands. 

Miss  M.   Ida  Kimball, 
Mrs.  Gracia  (Sprague)  Pillsbury, 
Miss  Grace  Isabelle  Kimball, 
Mrs.   Marion  F.  Kimball, 
Master  Kimball, 

1693  Fell  St.,  San  Francisco. 
1831  Fell  St., 
3781,  17th  St., 
1005  Golden    Gate  Ave. 

And  in  the  evening-,  at  Roy's  house,  1230  Gearj  St.: 

Elisha  Barnum  Kimball,  3025  Sacramento  St.,  San  Francisco. 
Christian  Frederick  Kimball,  318  Pine  St  ,  "' 

Mrs.  Charles  Kimble,  1509  Taylor  St. 

Master  George  Edward  Kimble,  "         "  "  " 

.s4(>  Kimball  Family  News, 

Frank  Willard  Kimball. 

Mrs.  •• 

Jolin  Albion  Kimball, 

Mrs.  Klihlia  llariuim  Kiinball, 

ML-ss  Kimu  Jjovisa  Kiml>aJI, 

Jolwi  Hovey  Kimball, 

Mibs  M.  Alice  Kimball, 

Mibs  'Sarah  Louise  Kimball, 

Mrs.  Stella  U.  Kotner, 

Mr.  John  Carpenter  Kimball, 

.1.  llovi  Kimball. 

Mrs.  :•  •• 

bctwiu  Kimball, 

Mrs.  •' 

At  the  hall,  we  had  lunch  about  one  o'clock,  and  the  speaking- 
and  singing-  lasted  until  nearl}-  half-past  three.  Frank  W. 
made  the  address  of  welcome,  and  as  John  Simpson  Kimball, 
President,  was  not  there,  he  acted  as  presiding-  olticer,  he  being 
Vice  President.  He  makes  a  splendid  presiding  officer  too.  He 
kept  things  moving  all  day.  Mrs.  Pillsbury  sang,  and  then 
Dr.  Burnbam  madu  some  witty  remarks,  alluding  especially  to 
the  obedience  of  Kimball  wives  (^Mrs.  Burnham  is  of  that  fam- 
ous Katon  Grange   family  of  Kimballs — Katons — Adamses,    at 

Sutton,  N.  H.,  and  is  a  lovely  woman) when  their  coachman 

upset  the  carnage,  out  went  the  Rev.  Dr.,  and  lit  hard,  and 
Mrs.  B-  immediately  followed,  and  since  then  if  he  complains 
of  a  pain  or  ache  she  immediately  sa_)S  she  has  one  too,  <^c.,  &c., 
He  calls  him'^elf,  and  others  who  have  married  into  tlie  family, 
an  annex,  and  then  referred  to  the  wild  olive  grafted  into  tne 
good  olive,  &c.  He  is  a  good  speaker,  and  we  enjoyed  hearing 
nim  very  much.  I  forgot  one  ttiing,  to  which  Dr.  Burnham  re- 
ferred with  much  feeling,  and  that  is,  '*that  we  didn't  sit  down 
at  table  and  immediately  proceed  to  eat,  as  the  hogs  do  but  first 
asked  the  divme  blessing;"  Captain,  or  Deacon,  Charles  Lloyd 
Kimball  invoked  the  blessing  immediately  after  we  tinished  the 
grand  inarch,  circling  around  the  hall  severil  times  and  then 
lining  up  at  table  and  standing  while    he  said  grace. 

1  wish  I  could  repeat  all  the  nice  things  John  Hovey  Kim- 
bull  said,  but  did  not  take  notes,  and  so  we  miss  the  best  speech 
of    the  day. 

Cai)t.  Kimball  read  a  fine  address  on  the  events  of  the  past 
year,  referring  especially  to  the  visit  here  and  death  of  the 

Mr.  Jonathan  (Oilman,  of  Colebrook,  N.  H.,  a  cousin  of  Roy 
T.  Kimball  and  his  guest  during  the  Episcopal  Convention  here, 
made  a  good  speech,  and  was  lol lowed  by  Nlfs.  Marv  A.  Clough 
Kimball,  of  Pah)  Alto,  m}'  mother,  who  referred  to  her  being 
compelled  to  study  a  certain  amount  ot  genealogy,  against  her 
will,  and  that  she  had  noticed  the  Kimballs  seemed  to  be  related 

October  1901.  341 

to  every  other  family  in  the  United  States,  and  so,  of  course,  to 
those  in  Eng-land,  and  so  on  back  to  Noah,  &c. ,  &c.  (I  was 
thankful  she  didn't  say  anything  about  Christian  Science,  as  she 
had  threatened  to  do.  Dr.  Burnham  referred  to  the  various 
forms  of  religion  represented  in  the  family,  and  I  myself  noticed 
that  we  had  with  us  representatives  of  the  Episcopal,  Congre- 
gational,  Presbyterian,  Baptist,  Universalist  and  Christian 
Science  churches.) 

"Mrs.  Joan  Kimball  Clark  was  down  on  the  program  for  an 
address,  but  she  begged  off,  and  so  did  I,  substituting  instead 
the  communications  I  had  received,  as  Secretary  of  the  Kimball 
Association  of  California,  as  we  have  named  ourselves,  among 
these  being  letters  from  Mrs.  Maria  [Freeman]  Graj,  now  at 
Millington,  Mass.,  G.  W.  Kimball  of  Roseburg,  Oregon,  Mrs. 
Easton  and  Mrs.  Gushee,  of  Berkeley,  Major  Gorham  Gates 
Kimball,  of  Red  Bluff,  and  Sumner  I.  Kimball,  of  Washington, 
D.  C. 

Following  Frank  W's  welcome,  Roy  T.  Kimball  made  some 
happy  remarks,  referring  to  the  beautiful  3- ellow  leather  badges 
which  all  wore  as  "leather  medals."  These  badges,  by  the  way, 
were  presented  to  us  by  Roy,  and  were  made  from  kid  skins 
prepared  at  his  tanneries,  and  he  says  many  of  the  skins  were  so 
small  that  only  one  badge  could  be  cut  from  them.  They  are 
the  handsomest  badges  we  have  yet  had,  the  coat-of-arms,  which 
we  adopted  at  our  last  reunion  as  the  emblem,  or  insignia,  of  the 
family,  showing  up  in  great  style. 

Our  German  Kimball  cousin,  Christian  F.,  was  married  in 
September  to  Miss  Reimers,  tke  announcement  of  their  engage- 
ment having  been  first  made  to  the  family  generally  at  the  last 
reunion.  It  seems  they  are  still  on  their  wedding  tour,  and  the 
reunion  invitation  reached  him  at  Redding,  in  northern  Califor- 
nia, and  he  came  to  this  city  as  fast  as  trains  could  bring  him, 
but  missed  the  reunion  by  a  couple  of  hours  or  so,  arriving  just 
as  we,  the  last  of  us.  were  leaving  the  hall,  but  he  came  out  to 
Roy's  in  the  evening,  and  I  think  enjoyed  meeting  the  cousins 
again,  as  we  did  him.  We  were  sorry  his  wife  could  not  be  with 
him,  as  we  had  anticipated  having  them  bcth  with  us  this  year. 
He  is  a  bright  young  lawyer  of  this  city,  and  although  he  is  of 
German  descent,  one  recognizes  the  Kimball  resemblance;  his 
grandfather's  uncle, — Kimball,  was  born  in  the  house  in  which 
the  family  had  lived  for  exaetly  two  hundred  years  previouslj-, 
back  to  that  John  George  Kimball,  the  English  soldier,  who 
went  to  Germany  during  the  troubles  with  the  League  and  mar- 
ried an  heiress  and  settled  down  there.  You  will  doubtless  re- 
member the  account,  prepared  for  me,  and  sent  to  Prof.  Sharp- 
ies of  this  young  man's  grandfather,  who  was  quite  a  scholar. 
(See  Vol  I  Family  Neavs)  Christian  F,   wished  his  wife's  name 

342  Kimball  Fdmily  News, 

to  appear  in  the  list  I  am  sending-  you,  but  as  that  would  hardly 
be  proper,  she  not  being-  actaullj  present,  I  take  this  way  of  sa}'- 
ing-  that  I  know  she  would  have  had  a  very  pleasant  time  if  she 
had  been  there,  and  we  all  missed  her,  as  she  is  our  only  bride 
this  year.  I  enclose  a  newspaper  clipping-  which  C.  F.  handed 
me  for  the  "News,"  which  g-ives  a  fair  Picture  of  him.  but  not 
as  nice  looking-  as  he  really  is,  I  think;  he  is  blonde,  with  a 
piercing  blue  eye,  a  typical  Kimball  eye.  He  left  the  house 
early  in  the  evening-,  as  he  had  to  attend  a  meeting  of  the  Mis- 
■^ion  Improvement  Club,  of  which  he  is  President,  and  later  g-oto 
Oakland.  Politics  are  in  full  blast  here  now,  a  municipal  elec- 
tion beings  on. 

After  the  speaking-  &c.  in  the  hall  we  held  a  business  meet- 
ing and  elected  the  following  officers  for  the  coming-  year: 

President,  Frank  Willard   Kimball. 

First  Vice-President,  Charles  Lloyd  Kimball. 

Second  "  Roy   Thnrj-ton  Kimball. 

Recording'  Secretary,  Miss  M.  Alice  Kimball. 

Corresponding-      '•  Miss  Sarah  Louise  Kimoall. 

Librarian.  Miss  Gertrude  May  Kimball. 

Treasursr,  Roy  Thurston  Kimball. 

Immediately  preceding-  the  election  of  officers  we  adopted  a 
constitution;  the  preamble  is  as  follows: — 

With  justifiable  pride  in  our  honored  family  name  and  ancestry, 
and  appreciatiuef  the  value  to  ourselves  and  our  de.scendants  of  a 
Kimball  Association  on  the  Pacific  Coast,  we,  the  uudersig-ned,  being- 
of  Kimball  name  or  blood,  and  grateful  to  Almighty  God  for  our 
manifold  blessing,  do  hereby  adopt  this  constitution  for  our  govern- 

Following  the  settling-  of  the  form  of  the  constitution  &c.  our 
Treasurer  Roy  T.  K.  read  his  report,  omitting-  some  important 
matters  which  I  presume  he  thought  would  look  as  though  h€ 
wanted  his  name  too  prominently  before  the  family,  and  when  I 
questioned  the  accuracy  of  his  report  he  pretended  to  be  terribly 
offended.  However,  the  report  -was  adopted  as  read.  Votes  of 
thanks  were  given  to  Roy  T.  and  Frank  W,  for  our  badges  and 
the  "Courier."  also  in  appreciation  of  my  supposed  services  to 
the  family,  and  then  we  adiourned,  to  meet  at  7  P.  M.  at  123- 
Geary  St.' 

Alice  and  I  dined  with  Ada,  Frank  and  John  A.,  in  their 
cosy  flat  out  in  the  Mission,  and  afterwards  stayed  there  over 
night.  We  all  went  out  to  Roy's  about  eight  o'clock,  and  found 
some  of  the  cousins  already  there,  J.  Hoyt  Kimball  playing-  but- 
ler and  his  wife  maid,  as  the  guests  arrived,  the  Fields  having- 
given  up  the  house  to  Koy  and  his  family  for  the  evening-.  Af- 
ter gfeneral  conversation  singing-  &c.,  supper  was  served 
in  Roy's  usual  elaborate  fashion,  and  our  young-  cousin, 
John  iiovey  Kimball,  said  g-race.  Frank  W.  proposed,  and  the 
motion  was  carried,  that  Hon.     Theodore  Roosevelt,    President 

October  1901.  343 

of  the  United  States,  be  elected  an  honorary  member  of  our 
association.  Both  he  and  Roy  spoke,  at  the  hall  and  also  at  the 
house,  quite  at  leng-th  to  the  effect  that  it  was  of  the  utmost  im- 
portance that  the  whole  family  should  support  you  in  your  val- 
uable historical  work  in  publishing-  the  "News,'*  and  I  think  you 
will  hereafter  receive  more  support  from  this  section  than  appar- 
ently has  been  the  case  heretofore.  We  all  appreciate  the  paper, 
and  love  it,  and  want  it  continued,  and  I  do  hope  that  our  east- 
ern cousins  will  see  the  importance  of  lending-  it  substantial 
financial  support. 

I  am  sorry  not  to  be  able  to  g-ive  you  more  complete  memo- 
randa of  some  of  the  really  good  speeches.  Our  good  cousin, 
William  Parker  Kimball, called  on  me  a  couple  of  davs  before  the 
reunion,  saving"  he  had  visited  over  a  hundred  cities,  all  up 
though  the  Great  Northwest,  since  last  year  at  this  time,  and 
was  that  evening  departing  on  another  long  trip,  this  time 
through  the  East.  I  hope  he  will  be  able  to  call  on  you  He  is 
a  splendid  speaker,  and  we  miss  him  when  he  is  not  with  us. 
He  comes  of  a  family  of  orators,  temperance  lecturers,  ministers, 
his  grandfather's  brother  being"  Rev.  David  Tenney  Kimball, 
whose  portrait  appears  in  the  Hib,tory.  William  Parker  Kimball, 
is  traveling-  for  the  Western  Library  Association.  Two  of  his 
children  attend  the  U.  C,  at  Berkeley 

I  forgot  to  tell  you  Mrs.  Burnham,  of  Vallejo,  brought  with 
lier,  to  show  to  the  cousins,  a  sampler  worked  by  her  father's 
mother,  Betsey  (Kimball)  Adams,  No.  1248,  who  was  born  Au- 
g-ust  29th,  1777,  as  stated  on  the  sampler  and  in  the  History.  It 
is  an  interesting  relic  of  the  old  days.  You  will  remember  that 
you  published  her  photograph,  taken  from  an  old  daguerreotype, 
since  our  reunion  last  year,  at  which  time  Mrs.  John  Smalle3* 
Adams,  of  Oaklar.d  (he  son  of  Lemuel  Adams  Jr.,  and  brother 
of  Mrs.  Burnham's  father,  Caleb  Kimball  Adams),  had  the  pic- 
ture with  her  at  Golden  Gate  Hall.  Our  cousin,  J.  Hoyt  Kim- 
ball (change  his  address  to  914  Castro  St..  Oakland),  is  much 
interested  in  these  things,  being  an  artist  himself.  I  understand 
he  has  painted  some  beautiful  miniatures  for  Roy  T.  Kimball  of 
his  mother  and  some  others  of.  his  family,  but  have  not  seen 

And  we  elected  Mrs.  Dr.  Edna  Field  an  honorary  member 
of  our  organization,  at  the  evening  session  at  the  house.  Roy 
lives  with  the  P'ields,  Charles  K.  and  the  Dr.,  he  also  a  high 

There  is  another  matter—sometime  since  I  sent  3*ou  an  item 
about  Col.  Fremont  Older  and  Mina,  his  daugfhter,  being"  Kim- 
balls.  He  is  business  manager  of  the  "Bulletin"  of  this  city,  or 
rather,  managing  editor  I  believe.  This  is  the  way  the  story 
g-.oes:  No  13()  Bovce  Kimball  sr's  son,  No.  3S4  Richard'Kimball,  m. 

"^44  Kimball  Family  News, 

Nancv  Bullard;  their  dau.  Charlotte  Maria  Kimball,  m.  Lewis 
[not  Louis]  Smith  Augfur,  he  now  living  with  Mrs.  Huldah  [Kim- 
ball] Osborne,  E.  16th  St.  and  Seventh  Ave.,  East  Oakland,  Cal., 
and  their  dau.  Celia  Auij;-ur  m  Justin  [?]  Older,  whose  mother 
was  a  Lucv  (Kimball)  Older.  They  all  lived  at  Leyden.  N.  Y., 
and  these  last  were  parents  of  Col.  Fremont  Older,  of  this  city, 
who  m.  Emma  Fing-er,  dau.  Theodore  and  Mina  [Fingfer]  Fing-er, 
and  they  had  Allen  Older  and  Wilhelmina  Ethelwyn  Older. 

Address  delivered  by  Frank  Willard  Kimball  before  the 
fifth  annual  reunion  of  the  Kimball  Family  on  the  Pacific 
Coast.     Golden  Gate  Hall,  San  Francisco,  October  3.  1901. 

Members  of  the  Kimball  Family;  Ladies  and  Gentlemen:  — 
I  should  be  false  to  my  Kimball  nature,  and  to  every 
sentiment  of  g-ratitude  I  possess  and  reverence,  did  I  not  at  the 
outset  express  to  you  how  deeply  and  sincerely  I  appreciate  the 
high  honor  and  the  distinguished  compliment  of  presiding  over 
the  deliberations  of  this,  our  fifth  annual  reunion.  The  event 
which  has  called  us  together  ai  this  time  is  one  to  which  we  have 
looked  forward  with  unvarying  interest  for  the'  past  twelve 
months;  and  on  behalf  of  our  association,  it  becomes  my  gracious 
privilege  and  plea«iing  duty  to  herewith  extend  to  you,  one  and 
all,  a  genuine  KIMBALL  welcome.  Now,  if  never  before,  do  I 
vainly  wish  for  the  ability  of  a  Hawthorne  or  an  Emerson,  that 
some  fitting  words,  some  beautiful  covering  might  be  found  in 
which  to  clothe  the  thoughts  that  fill  mv  heart,  as  1  look  over  this 
assembly  of  Kimballs  convened  more  than  three  thousand  miles 
distant  from  where  our  Puritan  ancestor  landed  267  years  ago. 
It  is  truly  an  auspicious  occasion  and  the  goodly  number  of  Kim- 
balls present  is  a  fitting  expression  of  the  desire  and  the  love  the 
descendants  of  Richard  Kimball  have  of  embracing  the  oppor- 
tunity to  promote  family  fraternizing,  and  thus  bring  about  a 
closer  union  of  ALL  the  descendants  of  our  Very  Great  Grand- 
father. A  family  gathering  such  as  this  stands  out  clear,  dis- 
tinct, unique  and  definite  in  our  social  economy,  and  next  to  the 
home,  represents  the  noblest  principles  on  earth-calculated  to  at 
once  arouse  the  higher  impulses  within  us,  and  better  qualify  us 
to  meet  the  vital  questions  concerning  national  and  home  life. 
Certainly  in  these  days  of  violent  industrial  commotion,  when 
the  wheels  of  commerce  have  been  blocked  in  mav  sections,  and 
the  normal  and  healthy  flow  of  business  has  been  interrupted 
over  wide  areas:  aye,  in  these  days  when  the  life  of  our  most 
beloved  Chief  Magistrate-  the  greatest  American  of  the  greatest 
nation  God  ever  gave  to  man-  is  ruthlessly  taken  by  the  hand  of  a 
cor,-ardlv   y^'^n'^'iin,    causing   eighty   million  hearts  to  bleed  with 

October  1901.  345 

mournful  sorrow,  there  is  eminent  need  of  men  of  robust  manhood, 
quiet  deportment,  strict  integrity  of  character,  hig-h  moral  pur- 
poses, and  above  all  men  of  American  ideas.  I  urge  that  these 
are  all  high-bred  virtues  for  which  the  Kimball  family  has  been 
noted,  and  may  they  be  as  sig-nilicant  of  the  family  in  the  future, 
and  make  the  Kimball  name  as  resplendent  as  in  the  past.  We 
are  told  that  128  Kimballs  served  in  the  War  of  the  Revolution, 
and  right  here  let  me  tell  you  that  one  thing  needed  to-day  in 
this  country  is  more  of  the  spirit  of  the  fathers  of  the  Revolution, 
for  so  long"  as  the  spirit  of  Bunker  Hill  and  Yorktown  is  fanned 
by  the  breath  of  prayer,  fed  by  the  culture  of  our  free  school  sys- 
tem, nurtured  in  homes  of  the  character  the  Kimball  family  repre- 
sent, and  defended  by  that  patriotism  which  animated  our  fathers, 
the  precious  legacy  of  liberty  which  they  transmitted  to  us,  will 
never  be  imperiled  by  the  criminal  endeavors  of  an  alien  class, 
whose  misfortunes  of  birth  and  education  forbid  them  to  appreci- 
ate the  blessing-s  of  freedom  enjoyed  under  the  flag-  of  a  free  re- 
public. I  trust  this  occasion  may  prove  to  be  one  pleasant  remem- 
brance to  us  all,  and  that  when  we  separate,  it  may  be  with  a  re- 
newed and  a  united  determination  to  put  forth  efforts  as  never 
before  in  the  interest  of  our  association.  If  the  axiom  that  "in 
union  there  is  strength"  is  true  of  the  g-reat  commercial  and  po- 
litical interests  of  the  world,  it  is  equally  true  of  the  union  of  the 
children  of  Richard  Kimball  into  an  association  such  as  this  g-ath- 
ering  represents.  Let  us  then  on  these  recurring;  reunion  days 
g-ather  new  faith,  and  labor  more  zealously  to  instill  into  the 
minds  of  the  present  as  well  as  in  the  rising-  g-eneration,  a  more 
whole-souled  love  of  family  ancestry,  a  more  fearless  study  of  our 
g-enealog-ical  lines,  more  devoted  interest  in,  and  intelligent  ap- 
preciation   for  our  family  tree. 

Red  Bluff,  Cal.,  Sept.  29th.,  1901. 
Miss  Sarah  Louise  Kimball, 

Mills  Building-, 

San  Francisco. 
My  Dear  Cousin: — 

I  received  your  prog-ramme  for  our  Fifth  Annual  Reunion 
and  am  very  glad  to  know  that  you  are  relig-iously  keeping-  up 
the  faith.  I  am  sorry  that  my  health  will  not  permit  me  to  join 

For  the  past  year,  my  health  has  been  very  poor  and  I  sel- 
dom leave  my  home.  I  ride  to  my  office  most  every  day  and  re- 
main a  short  time.  I  predict  for  you  a  very  pleasant  tiniie  at  the 
family  reunion. 

Personally,  I  probably  know  very  few  who  will  be  there, 
but  I  consider  it  an  excellent  thing-  for  the  families  to  meet,  be- 

34f)  Kimball  Fdtnily  News, 

come  acquainted  and  enjoy  each  other's  society. 

So  far  as  I  have  been  able  to  trace  the  tribe,  they  are  a  very 
creditable  lot  of  people,  and  I  wish  you  all  much  pleasure  and 
I)rosperitT.  I  herewith  enclose  my  check  for  five  dollars  to  help 
you  Mill  in  expenses. 

With  my  kindest  reg-ards  to  you  all,  I  am, 

very  truly, 

G.  G.  Kimball. 


Washington,  September  23,  1901. 
Miss  Sarah  Louise  Kimball, 
Miss  Grace  Isabelle  Kimball,  and 
Mr.  Ernest  E.  Kimball, 

Committee  on  Invitation  and  Printing-, 

Fifth  Annual  Reunion,  Kimball  Family, 
San  Francisco,  California. 

I  beer  to  acknowledg-e,  very  g-ratcfulh',  the  receipt  of  your 
kind  invitation  to  be  present  at  the  Fifth  Annual  Reunion  of  the 
Kimball  Family  on  the  Pacific  Coast,  which  is  to  take  place  on 
the  3d  proximo. 

I  am  sure  the  occasion  will  be  delig-htful,  and  I  should  like 
to  be  present  to  enjoy  the  feast  of  reason  and  flow  of  soul,  and, 
perhaps,  to  tell  the  company  how  little  I  know  and  how  much  1 
think  of  the  Kimball  family. 

In  the  first  place,  it  is  a  g^reat  family,  and  would  have  been 
a  g-ood  deal  greater  if  our  American  cousins  had  been  half  as 
blest  of  Providence  as  some  of  our  Eng-lish  kin,  one  of  whom,  the 
Reverend  William,  of  Brandon,  was  pater  familias  of  thirty-two 
children,  as  I  read  on  pa^e  11  of  the  History  of  the  Kimball 
Family.  Had  he  been  born  earlier,  how  easily  mig-ht  he  have  been 
pater  patriae!  However,  we  have  gfot  along"  tolerablv  well,  I 
think,  in  America  when  it  takes  twelve  hundred  solid  octavo 
I)ag"cs  to  tell  ever  so  briefly  about  those  whom  Brothers  Morrison 
and  Sharpies  were  able  to  hunt  up-and  still  there  are  otherF. 

But  I  do  not  by  any  means  found  on  mere  numbers  my  great- 
est i)ride  in  the  family.  When  it  comes  to  battalions  numbers 
are  exceeding-ly  important,  as  everybody  knows,  and  vv-ere  the 
family  especially  a  fig-htingf  one  it  could  muster  a  pretty  heavy 
column;  but  while  it  has  had  its  share  of  g^ood,  some  very  distin- 
g-uished  s«)ldiers,  the  hig^h  Status  it  has  held  and  still  holds  in 
the  walks  and  arts  of  peace  may  well  delig-ht  us  most. 

"As  a  family",  savs  Mr.  ^lorrison  in  his  .gfeneral  introduc- 
tion, "it  has  not  been  distin<i^uishcd  for  men  who  were  leaders  in 
thoug^ht",  which  is  true;  but,  on  the  other  hand,  I  think  it  is  and 

October  1901.  347 

has  been  rather  sig-nally  disting-uished  for  men  of  thought — 
thoug-htful  men.  Rarely  have  I  known  a  Kimball  who  was  not 
what  may  be  called  thoughtful  or  even  serious,  rather  then  lig-ht 
or  frivolous.  Indeed,  as  I  run  over  the  pages  of  the  History,  the 
portraits  there  are  of  persons  whose  features  show  substantial 
qualities — "reliable  men  and  women",  as  Mr.  Morrison  well 
adds  to  the  words  I  have  just  quoted.  These  are-  the  men  and 
women  who  do  the  world's  important,  practical  work,  and  after 
all  are  they  not  the  true  leaders? — they  who  mold  and  work  out 
the  thing's  that  make  for  the  g-eneral  g-ood — g-ood  families,  g^ood 
communities,  gfood,  and  therefore,  g^reat  states  and  great  nations? 
Leaders  in  thought  are  rare,  and  are  they  not  g-cnerally  those 
who  have  simply  wroug-ht  tog-ether  the  common  thoug-hts  of 
others,  and  thereto  added,  maybe,  a  mite  of  their  own? 

Decision  of  character  which,  of  course,  is  not  to  be  found 
without  many  exceptions  in  any  numerous  family,  has  seemed  to 
me  to  be  one  of  the  general  characteristics  of  the  Kimballs. 
They  may  not  be  especially  ag"g"ressive  pioneers,  but  they  are 
g-ood  conservative  "stayers"  such  men  as  Polonius  would  have 
when  he  says,  "g-ive  every  man  thine  ear,  but  few  thy  voice. 
Beware  of  entrance  to  a  quarrel,  but  being-  in,  bear  it  that  the 
opposer  may  beware  of  thee"  etc.  I  think  a  g-ood  many  of  us 
linow  a  lot  of  Kimballs  like  this  Shakespearean  ideal. 
Peaceable  are  they,  but  not  pusillanimous — law-abiding  and 
law-respecting-.  At  this  moment  I  can  recollect  only  one  whose 
name  I  have  seen  in  the  Police  Court  columns;  that  one  is  there 
very  often  it  is  true — but  then  he  is  the  man  on  the  bench,  not 
at  the  bar — Judg-e  I.  G.  Kimball  of  this  city,  a  grave,  reverend, 
and  most  excellent  type  of  the  judicial  Kimballs.  Those  I  have 
met  have  been  generally  (uniformly,  I  think)  conciliatory  and 
ever  ready  to  waive  a  point  for  the  sake  of  peace,  so  that  the 
waiver  involved  no  principle — of  that  they  have  been  pretty 

But  I  will  not  pursue  the  subject  further,  inviting  as  it  is,  ex- 
cept to  mention  one  more  characteristic  of  at  least  my  own  an- 
cestry, and  that  is  longevity.  My  father,  who  was  born  in  the 
year  1800,  lived  to  be  88  and  bade  fair  to  round  out  the  century, 
which  I  believe  he  would  have  done  but  for  an  unfortunate 
accident;  one  of  my  aunts  lived  to  be  104,  and  one  of  mj"  uncles 
is  now  living- and  well  at  the  age  of  90.  My  g-randfather  had 
ten  children,  the  first  of  whom  that  died  and  the  one  that  died 
youngest  was  67  years  old.  He  was  a  physician  and  his  death 
was  due  to  pneumonia  contracted  on  a  drive  of  twenty  miles,  in 
the  nig-ht  and  during  a  furious  storm,  to  visit  a  patient. 

Now,  should  you  be  inclined  to  remark  [after  all  I  have  said 
about  the  exemplary  lives  of  the  Kimbeills]  that  these  certainly 
were  "toughs"  I  suppose  I  cannot  deny  you,  although  as  the  law- 

348  KuuljaiJ  i  dimly  Aow«;, 

vf-rs  say,  I  may  still  "confess  and  avoid". 

This  long^evity  characteristic  is  one  that  I  trust  every    Kim- 
L',i:    •  -       nt  at    the  Reunion  will   resolve  to  manifest  to  the  very 
last  >  -,  and  most  cordially  do  I  pray  that  they  may    all    suc- 


And  now  I  heg  to  tender  to  one  and  all  a  most  sincere  orreet- 
ing-  of  the  heart,  which  I  devoutly  wish  mig-ht  also  be  one  of  the 
hand.  My  business  here,  however,  is  so  pressing-  that  I  cannot 
posiibly  g-et  the  time  to  cross  the  continent.  I  hope  that  every- 
bodv  who  can  be  present  will  be.  and  that  your  meeting  may  be 
one  of  joy  long  to  be  remembered. 

Sincerely  yours, 

S.  I.  K1MB.A.LL, 

The  San  Francisco  Evening  Post  of  October  3.  the  day  of 
the  California  Kimball  Family  reunion  gave  a  generous  report 
of  the  afternoon  proceedings,  under  the  title,  "An  Interesting 
Event  to  Perpetuate  Some  Historical  Memories."  It  accompani- 
ed this  report  with  a  three  column  half  tone,  showing  portraits 
of  John  Albion  Kimball,  Roy  Thurston  Kimball,  John  Carpenter 
Kimball,  Willard  S.  Kimball  'of  San  Luis  Obispo)  and  of  Frank 
Willard  Kimball.     The  Post  closes  its  report  as  follows: — 

"The  Kimball  family  in  America  is  descendant  from  a  com-- 
mon  ancestor,  Kichard  Kimball,  of  Rattlesden.  SuflFolkshire, 
England,  who  emigrated  to  America  in  1634  and  settled  in  Mas- 
sachusetts,  Since  then  his  family  has  spread  to  nearly  every 
civilized  section  of  the  New  World,  and,  as  one  historian  of  the 
race  remarks,  his  descendants  are  now  like  the  sands  of  the  sea- 
shore for  multitude — they  are  now  scattered  from  Ocean  to  ocean 
and  from  the  lakes  to  the  gulf. 

According  to  the  family  histor}-,  one  of  the  family,  Colonel 
Edward  Cleveland  Kimball,  attained  the  distinction  of  having 
established  the  first  history  \  ublisbed  in  California." 

The  News  has  received  one  of  those  Roy  T.  Kimball's  leath- 
er badges  so  favorably  mentioned  in  the  story  of  the  recent  Pa- 
cific Coast  reunion  printed  in  this  number.  It  is  certainly  a  very 
exquisite  affair  and  well  merits  all  that  is  said  in  its  praise. 
Those  California  cousins  of  ours  are  never  satisfied  w^ith  any- 
thing that  is  not  the  very  best,  and  Roy  never  stops  till  he  gets 
to  the  highest  point. 

The  present  issue  of  the  News  may  be  considered  a  Califor- 
nia edition.  It  well  illustrates,  however,  the  way  they  have  of 
doing  thing*^  on  the  Pacific  Coast,  and  will  not  be  without  inter- 
est to  others,  and  indeed  it  may  be  an  inspiration  t<>  the  Eastern 
and  Mid-Continent  members  of  the  family. 

October  1901.  349 


CoNCOKD,  N.  H.,  Nov.  12th,  1901. 
G.  F.  Kimball,  Topeka,  Kansas. 

Dear  Sir:  Refering-  to  your  article  on  page  317,  Vol.  IV, 
1901,  I  will  say  the  earliest  in  print  of  the  Eastman's  was  pub- 
lished in  1867  by  Rev.  Lucius  Root  Eastman  of  Framing-ham, 

In  his  work  he  g-ives  the  name  of  Samuel  Eastman's  wife 
Elizabeth  Severance.  The  most  perfect  work  I  have  seen  is  by 
Mr.  Hoy  t  of  Providence,  R.  I.,  '"Hoyt's  early  Amesbury  fam- 

That  g"ives  the  name  as  I  have  it,  and  he  gives  his  reasons 
&c.  Rev.  Lucius  Root  Eastman  gave  as  the  children  of  Thomas 
and  Abigail  (  French )  about  the  same  as  I  have,  with  an  Abig-ail 
in  addition,  but  if  there  was  an  Abigail  she  must  have  died 
young-  as  you  will  see  by  reading-  the  will  of  Thomas  on  page  52 
that  no  mention  is  made  of  such  a  daug-hter. 

Neither  did  Mr.  Eastman  mention  any  other  wife  of  Thom- 

This  will  I  copied  from  the  orig-inal  now  in  the  possesion  of 
a  great  grand  daug-hter  of  his  now  residing  in  Danville,  N.  H. 

This  will  was  entered  on  purpose  to  convince  people  con- 
trary to  their  traditions.  Another  point,  suposing  Thomas  had 
a  daughter  born  as  Mr,  Eastman  says,  July  10,  1737,  and  married 
Col.  Webster,  she  would  have  been  at  the  date  of  her  death  78 
years  of  age.  whereas  her  grave  stone  says  she  died  Apr.  14, 
]81f),  aged  76  years  and  six  months. 

I  have  had  numlerless  people  write  that  their  ancestor  was 
first  cousin  to  Daniel  Webster.  I  have  been  told  many,  many 
times  about  the  '"Three  brothers"  coming-  over  &c. 

Your  critiscisra  could  not  have  been  otherwise  if  you  criti- 
cised at  all.  I  see  you  know  how  such  work  is,  and  but  few  real- 
ise that  a  little  thing-  makes  somtimes  a  g-reat  change  in  the 

You  will  find  the  ancestry  of  Judge  Cross's  wife  on  pag"e 
448,  part  V,  Eastman  history! 

Yours  very  truly, 

Orv  S.   Rrx-. 

I'll  tell  you  this:  Keyond  your  narrow  ken 

Blossoms  a  sphere  whose  glories  are  so  rare 
That  all  the  honors  won  by  sword  or  pen 

Are  worthless,  vague — beneath  compare. 
You  need  but  to  touch  Love's  inspiring-  3hord, 

And  feel  the  fanning  of  Hope's  subtle  breath, 
To  learn  that  life  has  limitless  reward 

That  is  not  bounHed  by  the  change  called  death. 

James  D.  Kimbam., 


35i»  Kimball  Family  News, 


•  On  panfc  241,  March  News  1899  was  shown  a  view  of  the 
Farmers'  Bank  of  Sunbury,  Ohio,  an  institution  of  which  Otis 
Hinkley  Kimball  was  president.  The  late  summer  number  of 
the  News  also  contained  a  portrait  and  sketch  of  his  uncle.  J.  H. 
Kimball,  then  lately  deceased,  and  the  same  number  announced 
the  serious  illness  of  the  nephew.  His  death  occured  August  8, 
1901  after  three  months  of  suffering-.  He  was  born  in  Sunbury, 
June  13,  1855,  a  descendant  of  the  Lebanon,  N.  H.  Kimballs, 
[Elisha].  He  was  g'reatly  beloved  as  a  relative  and  hig^hly  re- 
spected as  a  citizen  (History  pag^e  683.) 

In  the  appointment  of  the  various  state  committees  by  the 
Illinois  Federation  of  Woman's  Clubs,  Mrs.  Caroline  A.  Kimball 
of  Blooming-ton,  has  a  place  on  the  committee  on  Library 

The  sentiments  expressed  in  the  address  of  Frank  Willard 
Kimball,  and  in  the  letter  of  Gen.  Sumner  I.  Kimball,  to  be 
tound  elsewhere  in  this  number  of  the  News,  may  be  studied 
with  profit. 

Dr.  James  Putman  Kimball  leaves  his  Mortana  ranch  in 
charg-e  of  his  two  sons,  Russell  and  Farley.  His  Eastern  ad- 
dress is  Union  Club,  New  York  City.  History  pag-e  74v>,  News 
pages  303-305,  1901. 

Two  more  parts  of  the  Eastman  History  have  been  pub- 
lished. It  IS  of  unusual  interest.  On  another  pag-e  may  be 
found  a  letter  from  Mr.  Rix,  the  compiler,  refering-  to  an  article 
on  pag-e  317  of  the  News,  relating-  to  Daniel  Webster's  descent 
from  Richard  Kimball's  daughter. 

Carl  W.  Kimball,  son  of  F.  M.  Kimball  of  Topeka,  is  now 
doing  Colorado  and  Kansas,  buying  apples  by  the  thousand  bar- 
rels for  the  Austin  Kimball  Company  of  New  York  with  which 
firm  he  has  been  connected  for  several  ^-ears.  His  wife  has 
spent  the  summer  in  Kansas  and  in  the  mountains,  greatly  to  the 
benefit  of  little  Richard  and  the  still  younger  Elizabeth. 

A  Kansas  paper  says: 

At  the  meeting  of  the  county  central  committee  last  Satur- 
da}'  A.  B.  Kimball,  of  Scandia,  was  app(^inted  secretary  in  place 
of  C.  C.  Cantield,  resigned,  and  C.  A.  Kimball  was  appointed 
committeman  for  Courtland  township  to  fill  vacancy  caused  by 
the  removal  of  Wra.  Bateman  from  the  county.  Two  better  se- 
lections could  nut  have  been  made. 

October  1901.  351 


From  the  Chicag-o  Tribune: 

A  newly  discovered  will  disposinar  of  the  estate  of,  Mrs. 
Laura  C  F.  Kimball  was  filed  in  the  Probate  Court  yesterday. 
If  this  will  is  found  valid  it  will  terminate  the  suit  of  the  Ameri- 
can Female  Guardian  society  of  New  York,  residuary  leg-atee 
under  the  former  will,  ag-ainst  Charles  F.  Kimball,  son  of  the 
testatrix,  for  an  accounting-  of  bis  mother's  estate. 

The  new  will  makes  Mr.  Kimball  sole  leg-atee  and  is  a  curi- 
osity. It  was  written  in  pale  ink  on  the  back  of  a  white  envel- 
ope and  was  undated.     It  is  as  follows: 

"On  account  of  the  perplexites  of  life,  of  one  being-  asked 
for  money  so  often,  that  all  my  friends  fear  I  will  not  have  any 
left,  so  I  have  concluded  it  was  best  to  part  with  it,  as  I  would  so 
save  all  annoyances:  Hence,  I  give  to  my  son  all  of  my  mortg-a- 
g-es,  real  and  personal  estate,  and  all  notes," 

The  will  was  witnessed  by  C  A.  Linn  and  Flora  B.  Linn 
of  Geneva,  O.,  where  Mrs.  Kimball  died  on  Oct.  11.  1900. 
They  appeared  in  court  and  testified  before  Judg-e  Cutting-  that 
on  Feb.  20.  1897,  she  came  to  their  house,  asked  for  pen  and 
ink,  and  then,  taking-  the  envelope  from  her  pocket,  wrote  and 
signed  the  note,  which  is  offered  as  a  will. 

The  will  first  offered,  several  months  ag"o,  was  dated  July 
25,  1888,  and  in  it  the  following-  bequests  were  made:  Charles  F. 
Kimball,  $25,000:  Musa  Cowan,  g-randdaughter,  Parsons,  Kas., 
$10,000,  the  American  Female  Guardian  societ}'  of  New  York, 
residuary  leg:atee.  The  petition  filed  with  the  will  at  that  time 
estimated  the  estate  at  $30,000,  leaving-  no  residue. 

An  inventory  of  the  estate  included  "An  open  account  with 
Charles  W.   Kimball  for  money  loaned,  $30,000." 

The  New  York  society  filed  a  bill  in  chancery  asking-  for  an 
accounting-  of  this  $30,000  open  account.  It  is  believed  that 
now  the  validity  of  the  envelope  note,  as  intended  for  a  final 
will,  will  be  contested.  Mr.  Kimball  is  a  loan  V)roker  in  La 
Salle  street. 


Born  at  Greenville,  N.  H.,  October  27,  1896,  Doris  Mabel 
Wheeler,  daug-hter  of  Charles  Thomas  and  Lena  Harriet  (Kim- 
ball) Wheeler  [Family  History,  pag-e  995.]  April  19,  1901, 
born  to  Mr.  and  Mrs.'C.  T.  Wheeler,  [as  above]  at  Greenville, 
N.  H.  a  daug-hter,  Elsie  Faze. 

The  advent  of  this  little  maiden  recalled  the  fact  that  the 
birth  of  Doris  Mabel,  which  occured  after  the  completion  of  the 
Family  History  and  before  the  publication  of  the  Kimball  Fam- 
ily News,  had  not  been  reported. 

Elsie  Faze  is  the  twelfth  g-randchild  of  Marshall  and  Louisa 
Allen  Kimball. 

352  KiniUall  F.imih'  News, 


Charles  C.  Kimball  married  in  Wisconsin,  Caroline  A.  Cool- 
idg-e.     Thej  had  children: 

1.  Henry,  died 

2.  Ada  A.,  married  Fred  C.  Smith,  Rochester,  Minn. 

3.  Zella  A.,  married  J.  R.  H.  Latcham,  Defiance,  O, 

4.  Charles  R.  Kimball,  married  Nellie  B.  Riblct,  children: 

i     Pearl,  deceased, 
li     Hazel. 
iii     C.  Harild. 
iv     Ruth. 

V     Elsie  Jane,  deceased. 

5.  Mamie  E.  Kimball,  married  L.  W.  Barber. 

6.  Esther  Ann  Kimball,  married  J.  H.  Dcamer,  Mendota, 


7.  Gertrude  A.  Kimball,  married Cook,    Chicag-o, 

Wanted: — Name  of   father    and    grandf cither   of   the   above 
Charles     C.     Kimball,     and     full     data  in    relation   to   all    his 

SMpplettiental  Notes  to  Family  History. 

I'ug-e  115 — Hannah  Kimballfi  Richard^  Johns  SamueP,  Rich- 
.ards,  Richard^)  married,  P'eb.  2,  1772,  Israel  Balch  of 
North  Beverl}^  Mass.  The  newly  married  couple  removed 
to  Francestown,  N.  H.  where  five  children  were  born: 

Israel,  June  29,  1773;  Hannah,  March  23,  1775;  iSa'ly, 
Oct  13,  1778;  Polly,  Nov.  4,  1780;  John,  Oct  1,  178^. 
The  Mother  died  about  1783  or  4. 

Of  these  children,  John  married  at  Chester,  Vt.,  May 
12,  1803  Miss  Lydia  Reed.  Eleven  children  were  born  of 
this  marriag-e,  the  second  being-  Achsah  P.  Balch,  who 
was  married  to  Hiram  Whitney  of  Hartland,  Vt-  Eight 
children  were  born  from  this  marriug"e,  two  of  whom  are 
still  living-,  Sanford  M.  Whitney  of  Hartland,  Vermont, 
who  served  in  the  12th  Vt.  vol.  infantry  in  1852-3  and  is 
now  a  Jusiice  of  the  Peace  in  Hartland,  Vt.,  and  John  B. 
Whitney  of  No.  519  Point  Lobos  avenue,  Snn  Francisco, 
Cal.,  who  also  served  in  the  12th  Vt.  vol.  infantry  hi 
1862-3.  J.  B.  Whitney  has  two  sons  who  reside  with  him 
in  San  Francisco.  Cal..  Elbert  E.,  born  in  Rutland,  Vt., 
Sept.  9,  1869,  and  Frank  L.,  born  at  Port  Henry,  N-  Y. 
March  4,    1877. 

[It  may  be  seen  the  date  of  Hannah's  marriag-e  is  g-iven 
in  the  History  as  1773  instead  of  1772  as  above.— Ed.  News.] 









r^sy^gyw^y^MyMBi'^iii'  ^vKS^'^s^^ts^^l^w'i^^lW''>w''*lB^^!Sll^^^^QS''V^^^ll&^'^^^'^s^^^^^'^^ 

No.  11 

Vol.  IV 


liiiG,  F.  KIMBALL,  liii 

i||  TOPEKA,  K/^^S.  ^p 


— ^ 


liii  ^^E  DOLLAR  A  YEAR  |||| 


Entered  for  transmission  in  the  mails  an  secon.l  clnss. 

utimball'- family  uLews 

Vol.  IV,  No.  11.  G.  F.  KIMBALL,  Publisher,  Terms,  $1.00  a  year 

912     North     Kansas   Avenue. 

Topeka^  Kansas*  November*  1901. 


A  MONG  those  who  have  interested  themselves  in  the  Family 
News  D  Kimball  of  Chicag:o  has  been  active.  Early  in  the 
year  he  offered  and  did  send  out  personally  addressed,  the  follow- 
ing- letter  to  many  Kimball  names,  not  subscribers.  The  NeWvS 
prints  this  letter,  regretting'  only  that  it  sees  no  way  to  omit 
personal  references  without  destroying-  its  force: — 

D-^ar  Sir: — I  presume  you  are  familiar  with  the  KlMiSALL  FAMILY 
HISTORY,  recently  published,  aleo  with  the  KIMBALL  FAMILY  NEWS, 
published  for  the  last  three  years  by  Mr.  G.  F.  KIMBALL  in  Topeka, 
Kansas,  for  our  common  interest  and  benefit.  Mr.  KIMBALL  has  publish- 
ed it  at  a  financial  loss,  and,  naturally,  does  not  care  to  continue  its  pub- 
lication if  it  is  not  sufficiently  appreciated  to  insure  at  least  the  cash  out- 
lay. He  is  willing:  to  receive,  arrang-e  and  publish  the  information  that 
will  3orrect  the  HISTORY,  complete  and  keep  up  to  date  the  current  his- 
tory of  the  Family,  as  far  as  can  be  obtained,  if  the  cash  expense  is  assur- 

I  trust  you  are  interested  in  this  Family  affair  and  will  te  glad  to  add 
your  mite  to  the  general  fund  of  information  and  support,  as  I  am  sure 
you  will  agree  with  me  that  it  is  of  great  importance  and  value  to  us  to 
learn  as  mueh  as  we  can  about  our  ancestry  and  preserve  for  our  children 
as  complete  a  record  of  our  current  Pamily  history  as  possible. 

If  there  are  several  of  the  Family  in  your  vif^inity  can  you  not  form  a 
local  club  or  society  to  act  in  unison  in  this  matter"?  If  you  can  not  form  a 
seciety.  can  you  not.  astinij  as  a  "committee  of  one."  write  to  Mr  KIM- 
BALL, assure  him  of  your  interest  in  and  appreciation  of  the  work  he 
has  been  doing,  of  your  desire  to  see  the  NRW^continued  and  'pledge  him 
your  own  subscription  to  as  many  copies  as  you  may  feel  able  to  carry,  as 
well  as  of  your  influence  in  the  matter  in  the  way  of  inducing  others  to 
subscribe  and  furnishing  items  and  information  for  its  pages? 

United  effort  of  this  kind  on  the  part  of  the  tho\\sands  of  the  KIM- 
BALL FAMILY  will  result  in  the  most  unique  and  valuable  genealogical 
family  history  and  record  in  existence,  and  we  certainly  should  have  .suf- 
ficient respect  for  our  ancestors,  as  well  as  pride  in  ourselves  and  interest 
in  our  posterity  to  do  our  part  in  such  a  work,  especially  when  the  cash 
outlay  to  each  is  but  a  dollar  a  year  Of  course  each  should  contribute 
to  the  common  fund  of  Family  information  all  data,  items,  recollections, 
and  matters  of  interst  that  are  known,  for  publication.  Mr  KIMBALL'S 
splendid  .^^pirit  of  selfsacrifice  and  devotion  to  ovir  common  benefit  should 
be  adequately  appreciated,  recognized,  and  not  only  supported,  but  gladly 
and  liberally  rewarded. 

I  shall  be  pleased  to  know  that  you  will  carry  out  these  suggestions,  or 
act  in  .some  equally  good  (or  better)  waj^   to  carrj'   out   the  purposes  out- 

354  Kimball  Family  News, 

lined,  with  the   enthusiasm   and  determination   the  cause   deserves,    and 
which  always  bring  success  to  every  worthy  eixJeavor.    ' 

Yours  fraternal  ly 

D.    KiMBAI-L. 

A  principal  reason  for  reproducing-  the  above  letter  is  the 
fact  that  it  caused  one  of  the  most  severe  criticisms  of  the  Fam- 
ily History  that  has  come  to  our  notice.  The  name  of  the  writer 
is  not  essential.  He  was  a  Kimball  living- in  the  east,  and  he 
writes: — 

"The  Kimball  g-enealogical  record  prepared  by  the  gentlemen  in  Mas- 
sachusetts is  valueless  except  for  the  early  history  of  the    family. 

Causk:  Abominable  proof  reading  or  none  at  all  possibly.  In  my  own 
family  seven  or  eight  mistakes  or  transposition  of  dates — and  misspelling 
of  name — absolutely  without  excuse.  Two  other  branches  of  the  family 
here  have  found  theirs  the  same  and  we  discredit  the  whole  book — bad  in 
execution,  padded  with  absurd  extraneous  matter  and  pictures  of  people 
who  jump  at  every  chance  for  fame.  I  cannot  get  up  any  interest  in  the 
matter,  but  thank  you  for  your  trouble." 

This  criticism  is  really  ungenerous,  but  I  am  sure  not  in- 
tentionally so.  No  one  without  considerable  experience  in  com- 
piling- such  a  work  as  the  Kimball,  or  any  other  Family  History 
can  have  any  conception  of  the  difficulty  in  doing-  perfect  work. 
The  imperfections  are  not  often  the  result  of  faulty  proof-reading-. 
Nor  does  the  fault  necessarily  lie  with  the  compiler.  Not  much 
of  the  material  for  such  work  is  g-athered  from  original  sources 
by  an  editor,  althoug-h  he  may  be  compelled  to  do  no  little  inves- 
tigation to  verify  and  correct  the  material  he  has  and  unite  it 
into  a  consistent  whole. 

This  material  is  larg-ely  obtained  by  correspondence.  It 
comes  in  all  conceivable  shapes.  Some  is  g-ood  and  comprehen- 
sible. Much  more  is  frag-mentary.  disconnected  and  incompre- 
hensible. Dates  and  full  names  are  almost  invariably  wanting 
in  some  particulars,  and  when  given,  it  is  sometiines  extremely 
difficult  to  tell  just  how  to  arrange  them.  Ninety-nine  times  in 
a  hundred  the}-  must  all  be  rewritten.  Corrections  are  some- 
times tnade  by  writing-  one  figure  or  letter  over  another  Tind  so 
leaving-  it  impossible  to  tell  which  one  is  intended  for  use. 
Again,  very  little  can  be  determined  by  the  sense  of  the  phrase. 
Names  and  figures  are  arbitrary.  Unless  as  clear  as  print,  no 
one  can  do  more  than  g-uess  at  their  power.  In  manuscript  it  is 
often  impossible  to  tell  Jan.  from  Jun.  In  written  initials  J. 
and  I.  are  often  indistinguishable,  and  so  of  M.  and  W.  and 
still  more  so  of  many  of  the  small  letters — n,  u,  m,  w,  r,  y,  g,  z, 
etc.  One  is  puzzled  to  decide  whether  it  is  Warren  or  Warner, 
this  one  Fa3'e  or  Faze.  And  in  his  desire  to  avoid  errors  the 
editor  is  compelled  to  write  from  one  to  a  dozen  letters,  and  then 
fail  in  getting  an  answer.  Is  it  any  wonder  that  fifteen  years 
were  spent  in  preparing  the  Kimball  History,  and  most  of  that 
time  after  the  substance  of  the  work  was  already  in  hand. 

November  1901.  355 

Mr.  Guy  S.  Rix  of  Concord,  N.  H.  is  now  publishing-  a  His- 
tory of  the  Eastman  Family.     In  his  preface  he  says: — 

Mistakes  will  undoubtedly  be  found  in  the  volume,  bat  they  exist,  not 
foi-  want  of  painstakinf"-  efforts  to  avoid  them,  but  generally  from  imperfect 
manuscripts  and  contradictory  statements  sent  by  members  of  the  same 
family.  Many  persons  would  be  surprised  to  see  the  errors  in  their  own 
letters,  which  are  frequently  the  result,  not  of  ignorance,  but  of  carless- 
ness.  What  is  worth  recording-  at  all  is  worth  recording  carefully  and 
c  )rrectly. 

A  new  edition  of  "Who's  Who  in  America,"  has  just  been 
issued.  Probabl}'  no  work  of  a  genealogical  or  biographical 
character  has  ever  received  more  careful  editing  and  proofread- 
ing than  this.  Yet  the  date  of  the  birth  of  Charles  Foster,  Icte 
Governor  of  Ohio,  is  there  given  as  1888.  We  notice  also  nu- 
merous other  misstatements  of  facts  certainly  not  attributable  to 
the  editor.  This  simply  illustrates  the  difficulty  in  getting  such 
work  absolutely  correct  in  every  detail. 

I  certainly  cannot  agree  with  our  critic-cousin  when  he  says 
the  History  is  padded  with  extraneous  matter.  On  the  contrary, 
in  too  many  instances  more  ought  to  have  been  said.  For  in- 
stance, the  occupation  and  last  residence  are  omitted  in  too  many 
cases,  for  which  the  editors  were  probably  not  responsible. 
Very  few  members  are  given  more  than  a  page,  while  many 
who  have  been  more  or  less  notable  are  barely  mentioned.  If 
any  thing  the  work  lacks  in  details  as  a  family  history.  It  is 
simpl}^  an  outline  record,  imperfect,  necessarily,  and  incomplete, 
but  the  equal  of  any  of  the  numerous  others  that  have  been 

But  what  shall  be  said  of  the  charge  against  the  "pictures." 
I  reall\  wish  that  had  not  been  made.  They  are  family  por- 
traits- If  they  are  to  be  condemned,  then  all  our  individual  family 
photographs  should  be  committed  to  the  flames.  The  family 
album  has  no  place  in  the  household.  The  family  portrait  gal- 
ler}^  where  those  who  are  able  to  have  one,  should  be  relegated 
to  the  attic,  or  banished  altogether. 

What  fame  attaches  to  one  whose  "picture"  is  found  in  the 
family  history?  For  a  moment  look  over  that  list  of  illustra- 
tions, the  two  pages  following  the  table  of  contents.  Does  the 
portrait  of  Deacon  John  Kimball  add  any  luster  to  his  character 
or  make  his  fame  the  brighter?  Blot  out  the  record  of  his  life 
and  the  history  of  Concord  and  of  New  Hampshire  would  be  in 
part  a  blank.  Does  that  old  silhouette  of  the  pioneer  Joseph 
Kimball  on  page  323  add  more  to  his  fame  than  it  gives  pleas- 
ure to  the  reader  who  recalls  an  old  method  of  preserving  an 
outline  resemblance  of  beloved  friends  and  relatives  before  the 
art  of  photography  was  known.  Is  there  need  of  a  portrait  of 
David  Tenney  Kimball,  or  of  the  now  venerable  Judge  David 
Cross  to  add  to  their  fame?  Would  a  simple  picture  add  to  the 
celebrity  of  the  Kimball  piano  or  to  its  indomitable   manufactur- 

3  5f>  Kimball  Family  News, 

er,  William  Wallace  Kimball?  Did  Leonard  Allison  Morrison, 
whose  literary  work  g-ained  him  a  place  in  Alliboae's  Dictionary 
of  Authors,  or  did  Stephen  Paschall  Sharpies,  who  ha,s  a  place 
in  "Who's  Who  in  America"  need  a  picture  in  the  Family  Histo- 
ry to  g"ive  them  additional  fame?  Or  is  the  fame  of  "Richard 
Burleig-h  Kimball  any  less  resplendant,  or  that  of  his  father,  be- 
cause their  portraits  are  not  g^iven.  Did  Sumner  I.  Kimball  need 
a  picture  in  the  book  to  add  honor  to  his  work  as  Chief  of  the 
United  States  Life  Saving- Sarvice?  Dies  Harriet  McE wen  Kim- 
ball need  a  portrait  to  g"ive  luster  to  her  poetic  g"ems,  or  to  her 
modest  christian  character?  Does  not  the  pathetic  ending"  of 
Jason  J.  Kimball,  that  musical  g-enius  and  loving-  friend  as  one 
reads  it,  make  one  turn  to  his  portrait  in  mournful  interest,  just 
as  he  looks  in  sorrow  upon  the  palid  face  of  a  departed  relative? 
And  so  one  mig"ht  g-o  on  with  scores  of  others.  The  photo- 
g-raphs  in  the  family  album,  the  portraits  in  a  family  gallery  or 
in  a  family  history,  do  not  add  largely  to  the  w^orldly  fame  of 
the  subjects,  but  they  are  prized  by  those  who  hold  them  in  lov- 
ing- remembrance.  If  no  fame  attaches  to  them  beyond  that  of  a 
facial  resemblance,  a  mere  portrait  can  never  land  them  hig-h  on 
the  rolls  of  honor. 

As  one  studies  the  family  history  he  cannot  fail  to  regret  the 
absence  of  many  portraits  he  would  like  to  see.  One  would  wel- 
come a  picture  of  that  George  Kimball  who  stood  by  Lovejoy 
when  he  was  shot  down  in  Alton  ;  of  Daniel  the  founder  of  Kim- 
ball Union  Academy  ;  of  Richard  of  Lebanon  and  of  his  son 
Richard  Burleigh,  the  author  ;  of  Moses  Kimball  of  Boston  and 
many  others  that  might  be  named,  not  because  it  would  enhance 
their  fame,  but  because  it  would  give  additional  pleasure  to  the 

The  Kimball  Family  News  has  added  soraevv^hat  to  this 
family  gallery  and  is  anxious  to  do  more  of  it.  We  have  reason 
to  know  that  some  readers  were  glad  to  see  a  portrait  of  Lieut- 
Governor  Kimball  of  Rhode  Island,  who  has  just  been  re-elected 
by  an  increased  majority.  His  work  in  that  state,  while  in  no 
sense  is  he  a  politician,  was  on  a  line  with  the  political  work  of 
Theodore  Roosevelt,  and  Seth  Lowe  who  has  just  redeemed  Great- 
er New  York.  We  have  never  found  these  Kimball  cousins  over- 
anxious to  seek  fame  by  asking  the  printing  of  their  pictures.  It 
is  far  oftener  more  difficult  to  secure  their  consent  than  one  could 

It  will  be  admitted  that  we  have  devoted  a  large  amount  of 
space  to  the  criticism  of  our  unmcntioncd  cousin-  We  have  done 
so  in  defence  of  the  F'aniily  History.  During  the  past  four  years 
we  have  learned  somewhat  of  the  difficulties  in  the  way  of  doing 
satisfactory  work  along  this  line.  We  have  done  the  best  we 
could.  Will  critics  help  us  to  do  better?  The  field  and  oppor- 
tunities are  large;  bear  a  hand. 

November  1901.  357 


ON  pag-e  88  of  the  first  volume  of  the  News  (Maj  1898)  Albert 
Barney  Kimball  mentions  an  interview  he  had  some  3'ears 
before  at  Hot  Spring-s,  Ark.,  with  a  man  named,  as  he  said, 
Kemball,  and  who  seemed  interested  in  g-enealog-ical  studies 
and  who  could  throw  some  light  on  one  branch  of  the  famil}'. 
The  News  this  month  prints  a  memorial  sketch  of  this  member 
of  the  family,  who,  however  spelled  his  name  Kimbell.  We 
have  three  branches  using-  this  spelling.  The  first  was  Martin 
Nelson  Kimbell,  an  early  settler  of  Chicag-o  (see  News  for  May 
1898,  pag-e  95,  and  the  November  number  for  supplementary 
notes.)  This  branch  of  the  family  is  now  well  located.  Then 
there  is  another  branch  represented  by  James  B.  Kimbell  of  Col- 
umbus, Ga.,  about  which  we  have  no  information.  It  may  be 
that  these  two,  James  B.,  and  the  late  John  D.  Kimbell  who 
came  from  North  Carolina,  belong-  to  the  same  line.  The  News 
hopes  to  learn  more  in  regard  to  their  family  record. 

It  is  known  that  not  all  the  southern  branches  of  the  family 
were  closely  akiti.  The  Rollin  Hibbard  Kimball  branch  of 
Garfield.  Ga.,  with  connections  in  the  Carolinas  and  Texas,  de- 
scended from  Joseph  of  Plainfield,  N.  H.  (See  Familv  News, 
1898,  pag-es  153  and  177.) 

The  Familv  History  mentions  cases  like  that  of  Abraham 
(579)  who  went  to  Alabama  where  he  died,  but  of  whose  de- 
scendants born  there  we  know  nothing-.  Capt.  F.  M.  Kimball 
ofTopeka,  (1865)  when  serving  as  county  clerk  in  Virginia, 
found  on  record  names  of  Kimballs  who  have  never  yet  been 
placed  in  any  part  of  our  family  history.  Another  branch  is 
that  of  William  Kimball  and  his  sister  Mrs.  Clark,  whose  moth- 
er recent'y  died  in  Indiana,  with  near  relatives  living- somewhere 
in  the  South,  none  cf  whom  have  any  jlace  in  the  family  record. 

If  this  record  can  ever  be  made  up,  no  doubt  these  unplaced 
members  of  the  family,  some  of  whom  have  acquired  promi- 
nence, will  be  found  to  be  directly  descended  from  these  wan- 
derers from  the  north. 

Passengers  who  came  from  Nome  on  the  steamer  John  S. 
Kimball,  report  that  g-reat  suffering-  will  be  felt  this  winter  in 

A  fire  at  Stratford,    N.   H.,   Nov.    12,  destroyed   KimbalTs 

hardwood  mill  and  several  storehouses  and  dryhouses,  causing-  a 

loss   of   $20,000   on    building-s    and   stock,  partly      covered     by 

358  Kimball  Fdmily  News, 


A  PROOF  of  the  first  article  in  this  issue  was  submitted 
to  a  dozen  or  more  of  our  most  intellig-ent  and  scholarly 
readers  with  the  question,  "Shall  we  print  the  whole  or  in 
part?"  The  replies  have  been  interesting-.  No.  1  says,  Boil  it 
down.  No.  2  says,  Do  not  print.  The  attack  is  malicious  and 
to  ignore  it  will  be  its  severest  treatment-  No.  3  says,  Print ; 
g-lad  you  did  not  mention  his  name  ;  we  don't  want  to  know  it. 
No.  4  says.  Print,  but  don't,  don't,  don't  apologise  for  your  own 
errors  ;  strikes  out  our  four  last  lines  and  adds  those  that  now 
close  the  article.  No.  5  says  he  would  not  give  the  critic  prom- 
inence enough  to  print  his  criticism.  Your  answer  is  ftrst-rate. 
Print  that  and  leave  out  the  critic's  and  it  will»be  well.  No.  6 
seems  to  have  fully  comprehended  the  writers'  thought,  and  is 
quoted  more  at  length. 

I  have  no  hesitation  in  saying'  print  it  in  full. 

What  yon  say  of  the  critics  letter  and  attitude  in  the  matter  is  entire- 
ly-true, and  the  temper  of  your  i-emarks  is  most  excellent  —calculated  to 
make  friends  and,  1  believe,  to  help  you  in  your  g-ood  work.  It  is  on  this 
ground  that  I  recommend  the  publication  of  the  proof,  and  not  that  I 
think  the  critic's  letter  of  much  consequence.  Sometimes  it  is  a  g-ood  plan 
to  stir  up  the  waters  a  little.  Any  discussion  of  the  matter  which  may 
follow  the  printing-  of  the  proof  will,  in  my  opinion,  show  ten  to  one  on 
your  side  and  in  favor  of  the  book. 

Our  own 'doubt  was  w^hether  to  print  the  harsh  criticism  just 
as  it  was,  or  to  give  it  in  substance,  relieved  of  its  ungenerous 
features.  An  effort  w^as  made  to  so  present  the  facts  as  to  do 
good,  not  alone  as  regards  the  Kimball,  but  all  genealogical, 
biographical  and  historic  works,  where  it  is  so  difficult  to  get  at 
perfectly  accurate  information.  Our  No.  6,  seems  to  have  grasp- 
ed the  entire  purpose.  Other  replies  were  similar  to  the  above. 
No.  2  was  the  only  one  suggesting  its  suppression. 

Frank  Kimball,  a  fireman,  was  struck  by  a  bridge  between 
Portland  and  Boston  and  severely  injured — ribs  broken  and  a 
hip  dislocated. 

A  dispatch  from  Cumberland,  Md.,  says  that  two  Mormon 
elders,  named-Seaman  and  Kimball,  who  tried  to  hold  a  meeting 
near  there  were  rotten-egged  and  run  out  of  town. 

A  recent  issue  of  the  Salt  Lake  Herald  says  :  Under  the  ti- 
tle of  the  Laurence  sisters,  song  and  dance  artists,  two  great- 
granddaughters  of  the  late  Heber  C.  Kimball,  named  respectively 
Aneta"and;EfHe  Kimball,  are  to  appear  at  the  New  Grand  this 
week  in  "Rudolph  and  Adoljih."  The  girls  were  once  residents 
of  Salt  Lake,  but  have  been  on  the  stage  a  number  of  seasons. 

November  1901.  359 

T^HE  News  has  been  shown  a  very  interesting-  letter  written  by 
'^  Mrs.  L.  H.  Kendall,  (No.  1847)  to  Capt.  F.  M.  Kimball  of 
Topeka,  from  which  we  make  some  excerpts  that  will  be  apprec- 
iated g-enerally.  The  writer  is  the  mother  of  Miss  Elizabeth 
Kendall  of  Wellesley  CoUegfe,  whose  "Source  Book  of  English 
History"  was  mentioned  on  pagfe  258  of  the  current  volume  of  the 
News.     She  writes: — 

"I  spent  a  few  weeks  very  pleasantly  in  Vermont.  August 
was  given  to  Wonaloncet,  N.  H.  all  the  members  of  our  little 
family  being  there.  Then  I  went  by  invitation  to  visit  a  charm- 
ing summer  home  in  Princeton,  Mass.  In  September  we  were 
again  a  united  family,  and  on  October  16  there  was  a  pleasant 
little  observance  of  my  eightieth  birthdaj .  A  lunch  was  served 
and  many  beautiful  flowers  given  me.  An  old  school  girl  friend 
sent  me  80  rosebuds,  and  two  Wellesley  College  professors  show- 
ered me  with  80  beautiful  carnations.  Our  IrishMary  said  she 
*never  saw  so  many  flowers  given  to  the  living.''  " 

"Soon  after  that  I  went  to  Bradford  to  share  in  the  exercis- 
es of  the  Bradford  Academy,  in  honor  of  the  new  principal  and 
an  interesting  gathering  of  the  alumnai.  I  can  but  be  deeply 
interested  in  an  instution  of  which  my  grandfather,  Col.  James 
Kimball  was  one  of  the  founders  in  1803  [See  Family  History 
page  293,  No.  .526.  Editor  News].  My  parents  were  students, 
ray  father  always,  after  being  of  age,  a  member  of  the  board  of 
trustees,  and  vice-president  when  I  graduated  in  1844,  and  my 
uncle  Benjamin  Greenleaf  secretary,  whose  arithmetics  perhaps 
you  studied.  I  have  at  Bradford  but  few  left  of  a  once  numer- 
ous kindred,  one  cousin,  a  daughter  of  Mrs.  Greenleaf  the  widow 
of  my  husband's  brother,  and  one  other  cousin. 

"In  the  News,  I  see  on  page  294,  that  Mrs.  James  Kimball 
who  died  in  1896  was  a  Miss  Eames  and  not  Ames.  As  her  fath- 
er's store  in  Haverhill  was  much  frequented  by  us  in  ray  girl- 
hood, and  I  remember  well  when  she  was  married,  I  am  justified 
in  asserting  that  her  name  was  Araes.  I  well  remember  her 
father.  Deacon  Ames.  Moreover,  her  son-in-law,  Dr.  Johnson  is 
not  dead,  but  is  still  in  practice  here." 

Note  by  the  editor:  Refering  to  the  last  paragraph  of  the 
above,  an  early  issue  of  the  News  contained  a  correction  of  the 
name  "Ames"  as  given  in  the  History  on  pages  560  and  862. 
This  correction  was  made  by  a  member  of  the  family.  The 
statement  that  Dr.  Johnson  is  deceased,  made  on  page  294,  was 
sent  by  a  correspondent. 

Horace  Estabrook  Kimball,  for  the  past  fifteen  years  a  news- 
paper man  in  Orange,  N.  J.,  died  at  his, home,  27  Essex  avenue, 
Orange,  November  10. 

3^)0  Kimball  Familv  News, 


[From  the  Little  Rock  AovBRTtsSR.] 

TTON.  John  D.  Kimbell,  of  Hot  Spring's,  died  in  this  city  Wed- 
nesday afternoon  at  3  o'clock  of  j>enumonia.  He  came  over 
last  week  to  attend  the  Confederate  Veteran's  Reunion  and  at  its 
close  had  contracted  a  severe  cold  which  resisted  treatment  and 
he  died  as  above,  at  the  residence  of  his  son,  T.  F.  Kimbell, 
managing-  editor  of  the  Gazette,  510  Broadway.  The  funeral 
was  held  Thursday  afternoon  from  the  Eig^hth  Street  M.  E. 
Church,  Rev.  W.  E.  Thompson  officiating-;  interred  in  Oak- 

John  D.  Kimbell,  ex-Senator  from  the  Thirty-first  Senatorial 
District  was  a  native  of  North  Carolina,  having-  been  born  in 
Nash  County,  Nov  2,  1836  he  removed  to  Arkansas,  settling-  in 
Hempstead  County,  where  he  was  reared.  He  secured  his  edu- 
cation at  Lebanon,  Tenn.,  where  he  g-raduated  at  the  Cumber- 
land University  law  school-is  1855.  He  read  law  in  the  office  of 
Hubbard  &  Garland,  the  latter  afterward  x\ttorney  General  of 
the  United  States.  In  1856  he  owned  and  edited  the  Hemp- 
stead Democrat  with  James  M.  Kilg-ore.  Later  he  removed  to 
Little  Rock,  where  he  was  elected  Secretary  of  the  Senate  for 
four  consecutive  sessions,  and  was  associated  with  Richard  H. 
Johnson  as  editor  of  the  True  Democrat.  In  1857  he  was  ap- 
pointed Land  Commissioner  under  Governor  Conway,  and  held 
the  office  four  years.  In  1861  he  was  in  the  service  a  short  time, 
resig-ning- on  account  of  ill  health,  and  afterward  was  private 
secretary  for  Governor  Harris  Flanig-an,  with  whom  he  remained 

"for  some  time,  but  later  practiced  law.  He  was  admitted  to  the 
bar  by  Chief  Justice  Elbert  H.  Eng-lish.  At  the  close  of  the  war 
he  eng-ag:ed  in.  the  mercantile  business,  and  this  continued  until 
1876.  Previous  to  this,  in  1874,  he  went  to  Hot  Spring-s,  and 
also  carried  on  merchandising-  at  that  point  for   two   years.     He 

'  then  eno^ag-ed  in  the  law  practice.  In  1878  he  was  elected  May- 
or, and  in  1887  he  was  reelected,  serving-  two  term.s.  frequently 
represented  his  people  before  Congressional  committees  at 
Washing-ton,  when  asking-  important  legislation  for  the  Springs. 
He  held  the  office  of  School'  Director  from  1876  to  1889,  a  period 
of  thirteen  years,  and  was  one  of  the  most  prominent  citizens  of 
the  Springs.  He  represented  Garland  County  in  the  House  at 
the  sessions  of  1893  and  1895,  He  was  married  in  1858  to  Miss 
Josephine  Langtree,  by  whom  he  had  six  children.  His  wife 
died  in  May,  1870,  and  Mr.  Kimbell  took  for  his  second  wife  Mrs. 
Maggie  Wilkey,  whom  he  married  in  August,  1871. 

He  was  elected  a  member  of  the  State  Senate  in    September, 
1876,  arid  was  Chairman  of  the  Public  Roads   Committee    and    a 

•  member  of  the  tollowing  important.  Committees  :  Judiciary,  Edu- 
cation, State  Lands  and  Circuit  and  Inferior  courts.     He  was  the 

November  1901.  361 

author  of  the  bill  reg-ulating  banks  and  corporations,  several 
important  road  bills  and  a  bill  pertaining"  to  practice  in  the 
courts.  In  the  last  session  in  which  he  served,  in  1890,  he  was 
the  author  of  the  bill  to  erect  the  new  Ca]^  itol  Building" ;  one  to 
increase  the  powers  of  municipal  governments  ;-  one  to  enlarge 
the  powers  of  the  State  Board  of  Health,  and  other  important 
measures.  He  was  always  elected  without  serious  opposition^ 
He  knew  the  history  of  Arkansas  and  her  leading  citizens 
throughly,  and  was  a  man  of  striking  personality  and  force  of 
character.  He  was  a  veteran  in  the  cause  of  Democracy,  and 
had  always  been  active  in  politics.  As  a  lawyer  his  reputation 
was  State-wide.  He  had  never  affiliated  with  any  church.  He 
was  a  prominent  member  of  the  United  Confederate  Veterans, 
and  participated  in  last  State  encampment  on  October  8,'  being 
chairman  of  the  committee  on  the-  McKinley  memorial.  The 
drafting  of  the  resolutions  passed  by  that  body  on  the  assassina- 
tion of  the  President  was  his  last  public  act. 


n^HE  following  we  take  from  a  late  number  of  the  Canyon  City 
RtiCord,  "The  busiest  place  on  Lincoln  Park  is  the  packing 
establishment  of  Austin  Kimball^  Co.  This  is  a  big  New  York 
fruit  establishment  that  handles  a  million  dollars'  worth  of  ap- 
ples every  year. 

Heretofore  many  Canyon  apples  have  not  been  shipped  to 
New  York.  But  in  the  fall  C.W.Kimball,  of  this  firm  came 
to  Canyon  City  on  a  visit .  and  discovered  a  big  apple  crop. 
During  the  last  Tew  weeks  Mr.  Kimball  has  purchased  about 
35,000  boxes  of  apples,  Or  about  70  cars  or  two  train  loads,  on 
Lincoln  Park.  For.  the  fruit  he  has  paid  out  about  $35,000,  and 
the  packing  and  hauling  will  cost  him  in  the  neighborhood  of 

For  the  best  class  of  apples  Mr.  Kimball  has  been  paying 
about  $1  a  box  for  firsts,  and  he  does  the  sorting,  packing  and 
furnishes  boxes.  For  seconds  he  has  averaged  about  70c.  This 
is  certainly  a  very  fair  price  and  will  net  the  grower  some  good 
money  for  his  crop. 

Ivlr.  Kimball's  packing  establishment  is  an  interesting  place 
just  now.  He  is  packing  about  1,000  boxes  daily.  At  one  place 
he  has  60  people  at  work,  and  in  the  several  orchards  as  many 
more,  making  about  120  altogether.  The  greatest  pains  are 
taken  to  put  the  apples  up  in  the  very  best  possible  shape.  Mr. 
Kimball  has  learned  by  experience  that  appearances  go  a  long 
way  in  selling  apples.  He  is  verj  careful  in  the  sorting  and 
.packing  and  has  all  boxes  lined  with  nice,  clean,  white  paper. 
,  For  years  this  firm  has  been  buying  apples  all  through  Cal- 
ifornia and  Oregon.     It  is  a  peculiar  fact  that  the  freight  rate 

362  Kimball  Fdmily  News, 

from  Canyon  Cit^  to  New  York  is  $1.10  per  hundred,  and  only 
Si. 05  from  all  points  on  the  Pacific  coast. 

Mr.  Kimball  is  a  tirm  believer  in  spraying-,  and  thinks  it 
should  be  kept  up  until  well  into  September.  He  says  that  some 
of  the  apples  he  purchased  last  month  in  the  bulk  have  been  dam- 
aged since  by  worms.  Mr.  Kimball's  observations  on  the  spray- 
ing" business  is  of  considerable  value  as  he  has  watched  the  fig'ht 
ag-ainst  the  coddling"  moth  in  many  states. 

It  has  been  stated  that  Mr.  Kimball  has  purchased  about 
35,000  boxes  of  apples  on  the  Park,  and  it  might  be  added  that 
a  Chicag"o  firm  has  bought  about  as  many  on  this  side  of  the 
river.  It  is  estimated  that  these  gentlemen  have  engaged  about 
a  third  of  the  apple  output  which  would  estimate  our  winter  ap- 
ple crop  at  210,000  boxes,  or,  S210,i'00  in  value.  The  writer  be- 
lieves this  very  conservative,  and  the  yield  may  exceed  that 

Carl  W.  is  the  eldest  son  of  our  townsman  cousin  Capt.  F.  M. 
Kimball.  Since  the  above  appeared  in  the  Record,  he  has  been 
doing  Kansas.  He  long  since  learned  where  the  best  big  apples 



T  the  late  election  in  Rhode  Island  Charles  Dean  Kimball 
was  re-elected  Lieutenant-Governor  by  a  pleasing  plurality  of 
8646  as  against  6389  plurality  received  by  Governor  Gregory. 
The  smallest  Republican  plurality  was  3776  for  Attorney  Gen- 
eral, and  the  largest  was  11,102  for  Secretary  of  State.  Mr. 
Kimball's  at  the  preceding  eletion  was  8580.  His  increased  plu- 
rality, says  the  Providence  Journal,  is  remarkable. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Oscar  Kimball  of  Exter  N.  H.  have  removed 
to  Seattle,  Washington. 

A  Boston  Herald  dispatch  of  Nov.  13,  says  that  Miss  Evelyn 
Kimball  of  Biddeford,  Maine,  who  had  been  visiting  at  the  home 
of  Dr.  Robie  Blake,  fell  down  stairs  Tuesday  evening,  dying  in 
about  one  hour. 

Col.  Robert  J.  Kimball  of  71  Broadway,  New  York,  has 
offered  to  give  a  $10,000  public  library  to  his  native  town,  Ran- 
dolph, Vt.,  and  at  a  special-meeting  called  for  the  purpose  by 
the  town  trustees,  it  was  voted  to  borrow  $3,200  to  purchase  a 
site  for  the  building. 

November  1901. 


WE  g'ive  herewith  a  list  of  the  publications  and  books  by 
Leonard  Allison  Morrison,  whose  mother  was  Eleanor  Read 
Kimball.  We  have  two  motives.  It  is  of  personal  family 
interest.  Then  in  view  of  the  first  article  in  this  issue,  it  illus- 
trates the  point  we  make  there.  Mr.  Morrison  has  a  place  in  the 
second  volume  of  the  supplement  to  Allibone's  Dictionary  of 
Authors,  published  ten  years  ag-o.  Three  publications  are  there 
to  his  credit.  The  first  edition  of  Who's  Who  was  published 
some  four  years  ag^o.  A  new  revised  is  just  out.  With  all  this 
publicitv  Mr.  Morrison's  name  is  not  there.  Of  course  it  w^as  an 
unintentional  omission.  Who's  Who  is  most  carefully  edited. 
Yet  the  History  shows  no  such  glaring-  omission.  Our  critic, 
may  see  how  easily  errors  occur  in  such  books. 

"History  of  the  Morison  or  Morrison  Family,"  pp.  468.  Pub.  1880.  Map 
and  20  illustrations. 

"Condensed  Historj'^  of  Windham  in  New  Hampshire  for  the  History  of 
Rockingham  and  Strafford  Counties."     Pub.  1883. 

"History  of  Windham  in  New  Hampshire,"  pp.  872.  Pub.  1883.  Map,  60 
illustrations,  and  20  cuts. 

"Rambles  in  Europe,  with  Historical  Facts  Relatino-  to  Scotch-American 
Families.  Gathered  in  Scotland  and  in  the  North  of  Ireland,"  pp.  300. 
Pub.    1887.     Illustration.s— 60. 

"Among'  the  Scotch-Irish  :  and  a  Tour  in  Seven  Countries,"  pp.  178.  Pub. 
1891.      Illustrations— 7. 

"The  Earliest  Hi.stor^  and  Genealogy  of  the  Dinsmoor  or  Dinsmore  Fami- 
ly,'" pp.  .50.      Pub".  1891. 

"Lineage  and  Biographies  of  the  Norris  Family  from:  1640  to  1893."  pp. 
207.     Pub.  1892.     Illustrations— 2,5. 

"History  and  Proceedings  of  the  Celebration  of  the  One  Hundred  and 
Fiftieth  Anniversary  of  the  Incorporation  of  the  Settlement  of  Wind- 
harr,,  New  Hampshire,  Held  June  9.  1892."  Pub.  1892.   H]ustrations— 8. 

"Supplement  to  the  History  of  Windham,  New  Hampshire  :  a  Scotch  Set- 
tlemeno,"  pp.  180.     Pub.  1892. 

"Proceedings  of  Columbus  Day  Celebration,  Oct.  21.  1893,"  pp.  191.  Pub. 

"The  History  of  the  Alison  or  Allison  Family  in  Europe  and  America,  A. 
D.  113.5.  'Witli  twenty-five  Illustrations,  Embracing  Engravings  of 
Forty-five  Faces  and  Two  Residences,"  pp.  328.     Pub.  1893. 

"Descendants  of  Daniel  Morrison  of  Newbury,  Mass.,  in  1690,  who  appear- 
ed in  Haverhill,  i\iass.,  Stratham,  Epping.  Candia  and  Sanbornton, 
New  Hampshire. 

"The  N.  E.  Hist.  H,nd  Gen.  Register,"  printed  Oct.  1894,  Boston,  Mass 

"The  History  of  the  Sinclair  Family  in  Europe  and  America  for  Eleven 
Hundred  Years  to  1896,  "  pp.  4.54".  Pub.  1896.  Illustrated  with  65  faces, 
with  arms  and  map. 

'History  of  the  Kimball  Family  in  America  from  l().'i4  to  1897  :  and  Its  An- 
cestors, the  Kemball  or  Kemboldes  of  Enarland,  with  All  Called  Kem- 
bles  of  Boston,  Mass."  Two  vols,  and  pp.  1290.  Pub.  1897.  Illustra- 
tions—map, arms.  51  pages  of  pictures.  Leonard  Allison  Morri.son 
and  Stephen  Paschal  Sharpies. 

"Poems  of  Robert  Dinsmoor,  Self-Styled  the  'Rustic  Bard.'  Compiled  and 
Edited  with  Footnotes,"  pp.  326.     Pnb    1898. 

"Dedication  Exercises  of  the  Armstrong  Building  for  the  Ne.smith  Library 
of  Windham,  N.  IL,  January  4,  1899,"pp.  34.   Pub.  1899.   Illustrations— 5. 

364  Kimball  Family  News, 


AT  this  season  of  the  year  when  ocean  storms  are  rag-ing-  and 
many  human  lives  are  in  peril  the  United  States  Life  Saving- 
Service  does  noblest  work.  The  newspapers  along-  the  sea  coast 
fill  their  columns  with  saddening-  details  of  wrecks,  and  tell  of 
heroic  deeds  both  of  sailors  and  their  rescuers.  As  is  well 
known  the  head  of  the  Service  is  Gen.  Sumner  I.  Kimball.  A 
late  issue  of  the  Cincinnati  Inquirei-  printed  his  portrait  in  the 
center  of  a  halt  pag-e  engraving-,  surrounded  by  illustrations  of 
wrecked  vessels,  life  boats  and  other  apparatus.  The  Inquirer 
says  that  under  Gen.  Kimball  this  service  has  been  raised  to  the 
foremost  place  among-  nations  and  declares  that  the  "onlj^  fine 
descriptive  writing-  ever  printed  in  g-overnment  publications  is 
found  in  Life  Saving-  Reports."  Doubtless  this  is  true.  Not. 
only  this,  but  pag-es  of  these  reports  are  as  exciting-  as  any 

But  the /«^/«/r''r' J- remark  is  not  only  a  compliment  to  Gen. 
Kimball  but  illustrates  a  very  pleasing-  dovelopement  in  Ameri- 
can statesmanship.  We  have  not  been  inclined  to  look  for  liter- 
ary merit  in  public  documents,  reports  or  messag-es,  nor  very 
often  in  Congressional  speeches.  They  have  been  classed  as  dry 
reading-.  It  is  true  that  President  Lincoln's  papers  were  often 
exceptions,  and  that  his  short  Gettysburg-  address  has  become  an 
American  classic.  With  President  Roosevelt,  we  look  for  wise 
state  papers  and  for  the  best  Eng-lish  literature.  It  is  therefore 
with  no  small  deg-ree  of  family  pride  that  we  find  our  relative 
even  in  the  lead  in  this  respect,  as  acknowledg-ed  by  the  Inquirer. 

The  Washing-ton  Department  News  is  another  paper  that 
g-ives  a  larg-e  fine  portrait  of  Gen.  Kimball,  very  much  like  the 
one  in  the  Family  History,  and  follows  it  with  the  best  biograph- 
ical sketch  we  have  seen. 

Mr. -Frank  A,8Root  an  old 'newspaper  man  of  Topeka,  has 
just  issued -a  very  ^readable  book  on  the  old  Overland  Stag-c 
Routes.  In  the  early  days  he  was  himself  a  stag-e  driver  and 
made  many  romantic  and  dang-erous  trips  across  the'plains.  He 
tells  many  an  exciting-  story  and  records  incidents  of  interest,  of 
humor  and  of  dang-er.  Among-  his  companions  in  the  same^stir- 
ring  scenes'he  mentions  H.  L.  Kimball  and  H.  M.  Kimball. 
His  reminiscences,  illustrated  with  hundreds  of  eng-ravings,  af- 
ford not  only  pleasant  reading-  but  are  of  historic  value. 

There  are  a  whole  lot  of  Kimball  cousins  publishing-  news- 
papers.    We  are  going-  to  ask  them  to  mail  their    r)apers   to   the 


November  1901.  365 


In  Minneapolis,  Minn.,  Sept.  27,  1901,  Claude  F.  Kimball, 
young^est  son  of  Capt.  F.  M.  Kimball  of  Topeka,  Kansas,  and 
Miss  Jessie  Lowe  of  Minneapolis. 

At  Troy,  N.  Y.,  Nov.  5,  1901,  at  the  residence  of  George  H. 
Morrison,  his  niece,  Miss  Grace  Emma  Kimball,  daughter  of  Mrs. 
Florence  H.  Ives  of  Chicag-o,  and  Charles  T.  Ames  of  Boston, 
general  freight  and  passenger  agent  of  the  Hudson  Valley  trac- 
tion company.  The  ceremony  was  performed  by  Rev.  George 
Fairlee,  pastor  of  the  Westminster  Presbyterian  church.  Miss 
Jessamine  Kimball  and  Miss  Mary  Lansing  were  bridesmaids. 

A  Paris  dispatch  of  October  25,  1901,  says: — 

"Count  Boson  de  Perigord,  who  recently  married  Miss  Helen  Morton, 
daughter  of  Mr.  Levi  P.  Morton,  the  former  vice  president  of  the  United 
States,  has  now  purchased  the  chateau  of  Valencay  for  2,718,365  francs. 
The  owner  of  the  domain  of  Valencay,  or  a  member  of  family,  is  entitled 
to  the  dukedom.  The  Gaulois  expresses  the  belief  that  Count  Boson  de 
Perigord  will  claim  his  rights;  and  the  former  Miss  Morton  will  thus  be- 
come Duchess  of  Valencay," 

Mr.  Morton  married  October  15,  1856,  Lucy  Young  Kimball 
daughter  of  Elijah  Huntingdon  Kimball.  Mr.  Morton  was  also 
at  one  time  United  States  Minister  to  France.  Family  H  istory 
page  449. 


At  her  residence,  279  Dartmouth  street  Boston,  November  9» 
Nancy  L,  widow  of  William  Kimball,  74  years  9  months  11  days* 
Interment  at  Nashua,  New  Hampshire. 

The  deceased  was  the  mother  of  Prof.  Ephraim  G.  Kimball 
for  twenty  years  principal  of  Washington,  D.  C.  schools,  also  of 
Miss  Isabel  Moore  Kimball,  now  of  Boston,  and  formerly  a 
teacher  in  Wellesley  College.  She  was  the  daughter  of  Capt.  Ira 
Spalding  of  Merrimac,  N.  H.,  whose  daughter  Betsey  Chandler, 
married  John  G.  Kimball  who  were  the  parents  of  Ellwood  D. 
Kimball  of  Wichita,  Kan.,  and  of  John  Hovey  Kimball,  who 
was  so  favorably  received  at  the  California  reunion.  [History 
pages  990-992.] 


Elizabeth  Kimball,  daughter  of  John,  (Kimball  Gen.  pp. 
50,  51.)  was  born  Sept.  28,  1679  at  Rowley  [or  Boxford],  Mass., 
married  Thomas  Carleton  of  Bradford,  Mass. 

Wanted:  The  full  date  and  place  of  their  marriage,  also  the 
full  dates  and  places  of  birth  and  death  of  Thomas  Carleton. 
Any  information  in  regard  to  their  children  would  be  appreci- 
ated, especially  the  full  dates  of  birth,  death,  and  marriage  of 
their  son  Thomas. 

36f)  Kimball  Fdtiiilv  News, 

'"PIIE  News  has  had  frequent  occasion  to  mention  the  great  en- 
1  gineering- work  of  Georg-e  A.  Kimball  in  constructing  the 
new  electric  railway  system  of  Boston.  The}-  have  been  clipped 
mostly  from  the  daily  papers  of  that  city.  The  following  is  a 
more  comprehensive  sketch  of  him  and  his  work  which  we  find 
in  The  Electric  Railroad.     [Family  History,  page  1061,  No.  2522.] 

The  successful  completion  of  the  "L"  division  of  the  Bos- 
ton Elevated  Railway  Company  brings  to  public  attention  a 
Somerville  man  whose  engineering  skill  and  energy  have  con- 
tributed in  a  remarkable  degree  to  the  construction  of  this  en- 
terprise, George  A.  Kimball,  the  engineer  of  the  "L''  lines.  All 
the  plans  for  the  structure,  in  fact  from  the  whole  of  this  $10,- 
000,000  system  were  made  under  his  direction^  and  he  personally 
superintended  nearly  all  of  its  construction.  Mr.  Kimball  was 
employed  by  the  Boston  Elevated  Railway  Company  in  August, 
1896,  in  connection  with  the  preliminary  surveys,  and  in  1898 
was  appointed  chief  engineer  of  the  elevated  lines.  Since  then, 
he  has  carried  a  tremendous  responsibility.  Some  idea  of  the 
work  of  his  office  miy  be  obtained  from  the  statement  that  he 
had  150  persons  employed  in  the  engineering  department,  while 
2,000  persons  at  a  time  have  been  eng-aged  in  the  work  of  con- 

Mr.  Kimball  has  had  a  varied  experience,  both  as  a  public 
•official  in  many  capacities  and  as  engineer.  He  was  born  in 
Littleton,  Mass.,  May  14,  1850,  and  was  the  son  of  William  and 
Mary  A.  (Lawrence)  Kimball.  His  boyhood  education  was  ob- 
tained in  the  public  schools  of  Littleton.  When  fourteen  years 
old  he  went  to  market  with  farm  produce  in  summer  and  attend- 
ed school  in  winter.  The  journey  from  his  home  to  Boston,  twen- 
ty   eight  miles  consumed  two  days,  or  a  night  and  a  day. 

Mr.  Kimball  attended  Appleton  academy  at  New  Ipswich, 
N.  H.,  and  prepared  for  the  second  year  at  Dartmouth  coUeg-e, 
but  on  account  of  a  weakness  of  his  eyes  he  found  it  necessary 
to  give  up  a  college  course,  and  commence  business  as  an  appren- 
tice with  Frost  Brothers,  civil  engineers.  He  went  to  Somer- 
ville in  1869.  In  1870  he  carried  the  rod  and  chain  in  making- 
surveys  for  street  and  sewer  improvements  in  Somerville,  and 
the  following  year  continued  in  the  same  line,  with  the  addition 
of  preliminary  railroad  surveys  for  the  Massachusetts  Central 
railroad,  and  the  Brighton  &  Newton  railroad,  and  a  branch  of 
the  Old  Colony  railroad  in  Scituate  and  adjoining  towns.  In 
1872  he  was  a  partner  with  Frost  Brothers.  The  next  year!  he 
began  business  for  himself,  and  for  three  years  engaged  in  the 
general  practice  of  his  profession.  During  this  time  he  was 
connected  with  the  Millers'  river  impr<nemcnts,  also  the  Arling- 

November  1901.  3G7 

ton  waterworks,  and  other  miscellaneous  surveys.  In  187.^  Mr. 
Kimball  was  appointed  city  eng-ineer  of  Somerville  and  contin- 
ued in  that  office  until  April,  1887,  His  retirement  from  this 
position  was  made  the  occasion  of  the  presentation  of  a  hand- 
some gold  watch  and  chain,  with  speeches  and  a  banquet  at  the 
city  hall. 

Mr.  Kimball  resigned  the  office  in  1887  and  took  up  a  g-ener- 
al  eng-ineering  business.  In  1888  he  was  appointed  by  Governor 
Ames  a  member  of  the  grade  crossing-  commission,  called  the 
"original"  commission,  which  investigated  and  reported  to  the 
legislature  in  reg^ard  to  the  abolition  of  all  grade  crossing-s  in  the 
state.  That  commission  lasted  eig-ht  months.  Afterward  he 
was  consulting  engineer  for  Brockton,  New  Bedford,  Haverhill 
and  Lynn  on  the  question"  of  abolishing-  g-rade  crossings.  He 
was  consulting  eng-ineer  on  sewerage  questions  for  Montpelier, 
Milton,  Salem  and  Peabody,  and  he  built  the  sewer  system  in 
Arlington  and  the  water  works  at  Millis. 

He  was  alderman  1889  and  1890.  He  was  appointed  consult- 
ing- engineer  for  the  city  of  Somerville  for  the  year  1896.  In 
November,  1896,  he  was  appointed  a  member  of  the  Metropolitan 
sewerag-e  commission,  and  continued  in  that  position  until  the 
consolidation  with  the  Metropolitan  water  commission  in  last 
March.  About  the  time  he  was  city  eng-ineer  Mr.  Kimball  served 
on  the  board  of  health  for  seven  years,  several  years  as  chairman, 
and  he  has  also  been  a  member  for  many  years  of  the  water 

He  was  married  February  29,  1872,  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Emily 
Robbins.  They  have  four  children,  and  reside  at  33  Warren 
av^enue.  Mr.  Kimball  is  a  member  of  the  American  society  of 
civil  engineers,  the  Boston  society  of  civil  eng-ineers,  the  New 
England  water  works  association,  John  Abbot  lodg-e,  the  Pros- 
pect-hill church,  and  other  org^anizations. 


JOHN  HAZEN  KIMBALL,  No.  1100,  of  Bath,  Maine,  died 
suddenly  September  25,  1901.  It  is  reg-retted  that  no  particu- 
lars have  come  to  hand.  The  News  received  a  pleasant  letter 
from  him  dated  September  9.  He  was  one  of  several  who  have 
taken  an  active  interest  in  the  F.'^mii.y  News  from  its  beginning. 
He  was  a  strong-  member  of  the  family  and  occupied  a  promment 
place  in  the  interesting-  locality  in  which  he  lived.  He  was  a 
grandson  of  Deacon  John  Kimball  of  Concord,  N.  H.  where  he 
was  born  July  14,  1823.  His  portrait  appears  in  the  Family 
History,  and  an  appreciative  sketch  of  his  life. 

368  Kimball  Family  News, 


rpiIE  Nkws  is  in  frequent  receipt  of  letters  asking  information  regarding 
^  the  family  of  the  writer.  The  father  or  grandfather  it  is  said  was  so- 
and-so.  Sometimes  it  is  added  that  he  was  born  in  New  Hampshire  or 
Vermonc.  Now  the  Nkws  wants  all  it  can  get  regarding  every  memben 
old  or  young,  living  or  dead,  who  has  no  place  in  the  Family  History,  and 
of  mau3'  who  are  there  merely  mentioned,  and  it  is  willing  to  give  freely 
all  the  information  it  can  obtain.  But  it  should  be  remembered  that  a 
simple  statement  that  one's  father  wa.s  Moses,  or  John,  or  Hiram  gives  no 
clue  whatever.  There  have  been  scores  or  hundreds  of  the  same  name. 
That  one  was  born  in  Vermont  is  a  verj-  little  additional  clue,  but  alone  it 
is  worth  little.  The  date  of  birth  is  anothei  small  clue.  The  name  of  his 
father  yet  another,  of  the  grandfather  another,  the  wife's  name  another, 
and  so  on.  Whoever  asks  for  information  should  begin  by  supplying  every 
known  point ;  the  name,  birth,  death,  marriage,  name  of  wife  or  husband, 
with  every  possible  detail  of  date,  locality,  etc.  Then  there  may  be  some- 
thing to  vvork  on.  The  maiden  name  of  a  great  great  grandfather's  wife 
may  be  a  key  to  the  whole  record.  If  you  write  for  a  sample  copy  of  the 
Nkws  give  all  this  information  at  the  same  time.  If  you  have  a  place  in 
the  Hi.story,  say  so,  and  give  your  number  or  page.  Don't  say  they  have 
so  many  children,  but  give  the  names,  births,  deaths,  marriages,  in  full, 
dates  and  all  particulars  po.ssible. 

The  Nkws  has  already  been  the  means  of  bringing  to  light  several 
hundred  Kim. alls  not  found  in  the  History,  and  hundreds  of  others  are 
yet  to  be  discovered  and  brought  into  Wue  if  a  record  is  ever  obtained  of 
the  entire  familj'.  When  the  History-  was  first  projected  there  was  but 
little  general  interest  taken  in  the  work  and  reports,  if  sent  at  all,  were 
very  meager.  Since  the  publication  of  the  History,  five  years  ago,  there 
has  been  a  very  marked  increase,  not  only  in  our  own  family  interest,  but 
in  genealogical  research  in  general,  A  new  edition  of  the  Family  History, 
whenever  issxied  will  be  twice  the  size  of  the  one  we  now  have.  As  there 
are  less  than  100  copies  of  this  first  edition  now  unsold,  the  work  will  soon 
be  out  of  print. 

The  larg-est  pipe  organ  in  Kansas  has  just  been  placed  in 
the  Catholic  Church  of  the  Assumption,  in  Topeka,  by  the  W, 
W.  Kimball  Company  of  Chicag-o. 

P.  R.  Kimball,  Grafton,  N.  H.,  does  commercial  printing 
and  is  also  volunteer  meteorological  observer,  U.  S.  Weather 
Bureau.  These  volunteer  observers  are  highly  valued  by  Willis 
L.  Moore,  chief  of  the  Bureau,  at  Washington,  as  he  admits  in 
his  circular  letter.  Yet  these  observers  are  often  supplied  with 
valuable  instruments  and  devote  much  time  to  the  service  with- 
out pay.  An  effort  is  making  to  secure  a  salary  of  S12.UI) 
monthly  for  such  as  may  be  given  ofticial  recognition. 

■  3(,/  " 









No.  12 

Vol.  IV 


ia  R  KIMBALLjil 

iiil  TOPEKA,  KANSAS.  ^1 

^^  ONE  DOLLAR  A  YEAR  ^§§^ 

Entered  for  transmission  iit  the  mails  as  hecoijd  class, 



Jtimbal I ''family  uLews 

Vol.  IV,  No.  12.  G.  F.  KIMBALL,  Publisher.  Terms,  $1.00  a  year 

912    North     Kansas   Avenue. 

Topeka^  Kansas,  December,  1901. 


THIS  number  closes  the  fourth  year  of  the  News.  The  first 
and  second  year  numbers,  (1898  and  1899)  are  bound  in  one 
volume  ;  those  for  1900  and  1901  will  make  another.  As  the 
curtain  falls  at  the  close  of  each  succeeding-  year,  it  meets  with 
an  encore  that  can  hardly  be  resisted.  Whether  the  play  has 
been  g-ood  or  bad,  it  seems  to  strike  some  chords  that  respond  in 
harmony  with  its  main  purpose.  And  so  the  curtain  will  rise 
ag-ain  with  the  New  Year.  It  is  hoped  that  new  scenes  and 
more  helpful  acts  may  follow. 

The  KimbalIv  News  has  been  termed  orig^inal.  It  has  been 
called  unique.  It  certainly  began  as  a  novelty.  It  has  been  fol- 
lowed by  partial  imitators.  It  is  now  in  wider  demand  than 
ever.  There  is  hardly  a  considerable  public  library  in  our  whole 
land  that  does  not  call  for  it.  This  want  is  met  so  far  as  possi- 
ble ;  to  meet  it  fully  would  require  no  small  edition  of  itself. 

Four  years  of  experience  have  broug-ht  many  thing's  to  the 
foreground.  It  is  not  possible  to  separate  the  Kimball  News 
from  the  Kimball  Family  History.  Many  expert  authorities 
have  announced  the  Kimball  History  to  be  the  best  arranged, 
the  most  accurate  in  detail,  and  the  freest  from  errors  of  all  the 
many  family  histories  that  have  been  published.  Those  who  do 
not  speak  vainly  have  called  it  a  model. 

Yet,  perhaps  not  one  has  been  so  torn  to  pieces,  so  riddled 
with  criticism,  its  deformities  so  marked  by  faultfinders  as  this, 
our  really  excellent  Kimball  History.  And  why  is  this  so?  The 
Kimball  News  is  doubtless  responsible  for  most,  if  not  all  of  it. 
Its  publication  was  beg-un  immediatel}'  after  that  of  the  History. 
To  correct  a  few  errors  that  had  become  known  an  appendix  was 
added.  Even  then  a  supplemental  issue  was  seen  to  be  desirable. 
This  matter  was  subsequently  turned  over  to,  and  appeared  in 
the  first  volume  of  the  News.  At  the  same  time  the  News  was 
a  vehicle  for  the  correction  of  errors  in  the  History.  Nearly  if 
not  quite  every  owner  of  the  History  became  a  subscriber  to  the 
News      Each  one  noticed  the  errors,  g-reat  or   small,  in   the   re- 

370  Kimball  Family  News, 

cord  of  his  own  family.  Most  of  them  began  to  send  in  correc- 
tions, and  none  were  prompter  to  make  them,  as  they  became 
known  than  the  publishers  of  the  History. 

Now  it  must  be  noticed  that  if  no  one  had  possessed  the 
means  of  publishing-  or  calling-  attention  to  these  faults,  they 
would  have  passed  generally  unchallenged,  and  unknown  to  but 
a  few.  One  person  would  have  noticed  some  errors  pertaining 
to  his  own  branch,  at  the  same  time  taking  it  for  granted  that 
all  else  was  correct.  And  that  is  precisely  the  status  of  nearly 
every  family  history  that  has  been  published.  They  are  sup- 
posed by  some  inconsiderate  Kimball  critic  to  be  superior  to  the 
Kimball  History  because  there  has  never  existed  a  mirror  to  re- 
flect their  inaccuracies. 

As  has  been  said  the  Kimball  News  was  the  first  of  its 
kind.  No  other  Family  History  has  had  such  a  follower,  and  no 
other  Family  such  representative.  Had  there  been  any  other 
similar  publication  representing  the  family  of  any  other  similar 
history  its  imperfections  would  have  been  as  glaring,  probably 
more  so  than  any  found  in  the  Kimball  History. 

Have  we  any  thing  to  regret  in  the  conditions  as  they  are? 
Would  it  have  been  better  if  the  Kimball  News  had  never  seen 
the  light  of  day?  Is  it  better  to  be  left  in  ignorance  in  just  such 
a  case  as  this? 

Perhaps  an  answer  to  these  questions  may  be  found  in  the 
fine  letter  from  our  reverend  cousin,  John  C.  Kimball,  to  be 
found  on  another  page,  in  reply  to  the  criticism  printed  in  the 
November  issue  of  the  News.  There  was  some  doubt  as  to  the 
propriety  of  making  public  that  criticism  just  as  it  was  written. 
Or  rather,  there  was  doubt  as  to  the  possibilit}"  of  turning  it  to 
some  profitable  use.  That  doubt  no  longer  exists.  No  nine 
lines  ever  printed  in  the  News  have  served  so  good  an  end  as 
these  nine  lines  promise.  They  have  stirred  up  thought  because 
of  their  very  strength  as  no  namby  pamby  criticism,  just  or  un- 
just, could  have  done.  No  one  in  ten  times  the  space  has  done 
the  History  and  the  family  so  much  good  as  this  critic  has  done. 

And  of  the  future.  The  work  on  the  Family  History  is  not 
half  done.  On  many  sides  there  is  evidence  of  a  determination 
to  go  forward  to  it'^  completion.  The  News  is  desired  as  a  me- 
dium for  much  preliminary  work.  After  that  must  come  the 
compiling  and  revising  by  experts,  and  the  perfecting  of  a  new 
edition  of  the  History. 

As  such  a  helper  and  medium  in  the  work  of  completing  the 
family  history,  the  News  earnestly  solicits  the  aid  and  coopera- 
tion of  each^member  of  the  family.  It  is  not  a  new  departure 
that  is  now  proposed,  but  it  is  a  new,  vitalized  inspiration.  Let 
any  one  having  the  published  Family  History  look  into  its  pages 

December  1901.  371 

and  note  what  is  left  untold — how  many  scores  and  hundreds  of 
children  are  left  with  a  bare  mention  of  name  and  possibly  date 
of  birth.  Who  knows  what  may  lie  beneath?  To  illustrate, 
turn  to  top  of  pa^e  814.  Here  are  four  lines  given  to  Emory 
Sheldon  Kimball'"*,  who  married  Mary  C.  Brigfg-s.  One  child, 
Charles  Dean^  born  Sept.  13,  1859,  married  Nov.  24,  1885,  Ger- 
trude Greenlag-h.  That  is  all.  And  there  are  hundreds  of  just 
such  cases.  Now  who  is  this  Charles  Dean  Kimball  but  the 
present  Governor  of  the  state  of  Rhode  Island.  The  reader  may 
recall  the  case  of  Mrs.  Abig-ail  K.  Garvin  who  has  just  one  line 
on  pag"e  230,  and  several  pag-es  in  the  News  with  her  fine  por- 
trait.    She  died  in  March  1899,  over  104  years  old. 

In  another  place  the  Rev.  John  C.  Kimball  writes  what  ev- 
ery one  should  read,  and  mentions  his  brother  "Joe"  [see  No. 
1739,  page  802,  and  appendix  page  1152,  News  for  1899,  pages 
335  and  357.]  What  the  News  has  already  said  of  brother  'Joe' 
will  be  read  with  renewed  interest. 

And  what  do  we  know  of  Judge  Russell  S.  Taft,  Chief  Jus- 
tice of  the  Supreme  Court  of  Vermont,  beyond  what  the  News 
gave  on  page  235  Febuary  1899?  He  is  not  mentioned  in  the 
history,  and  on  page  660  the  2d  wife  of  Samuel  Choate  Kimball 
is  given  as  Tuft  instead  of  Taft.     And  so  we  might  go  on. 

There  is  hardly  a  family  of  the  7th,  8th,  or  9th  generation 
that  does  not  contain  much  to  be  brought  to  light,  'and  no  one 
can  tell  when  gems  may  not  be  discovered.  Then  there  is  much 
to  be  dug  up  from  old  fields.  The  latter  must  be  done  by  expert 
and  experienced  genealogists.  The  records  of  the  later  genera- 
tions can  be  saved  by  the  present  readers.  It  is  their  assistance 
that  is  now  invoked.  We  want  to  make  more  of  the  present  and 
the  last  generation.  To  do  this  your  personal  help  is  wanted. 
The  material  is  within  your  reach.  It  is  not  expensive  now.  It 
will  be  costly  and  diflBcult  two  generations  hence. 

The  News  herewith  outlines  a  plan  of  work.  Let  each  one, 
who  will,  go  back  to  grandfather  or  great  grandfather.  Those 
having  the  History  will  find  it  a  great  help.  Without  it,  one 
must  work  with  what  material  can  be  had.  Read  hints  to  corre- 
spondents on  last  page.  Note  the  style  adopted  by  the  History 
and  the  News  Supplemenary  Notes.  You  will  run  against 
snags,  lots  of  them.  But  write  to  your  cousins,  your  uncles,  and 
your  aunts.  Have  patience  and  persevere.  You  will  like  the 
work  better  as  you  go  on.  Write  the  News  if  you  think  it  can 
help  you,  and  a  stamped  envelope  for  reply  will  be  well. 

It  is  sometimes  surprising  to  see  what  a  small  key  will 
sometimes  open  up.  Note  this.  There  is  a  large  family  of 
Kimballs  living,  some  in  Ohio,  some  in  Indiana,  some  in  Kan- 
sas, and  we  know  not  where  else.  They  are  not  mentioned  in 
the  History.     In  some  of   the  suj-plemental   notes   of   the  News 

372  Kimball  Fdmilv  News, 

Prof.  Sharpies  has  caug-ht  some  of  them  on  the  wing.  The 
News  has  mentioned  some  of  them  without  knowing- just  where 
the}'  belong-.  In  July  News,  1898,  page  120,  it  noted  that  Dr. 
T.  C.  Kimball  of  Indiana  had  received  a  commission  from  Presi- 
dent McKinley,  It  turned  out  that  there  are  a  number  of  emi- 
nent physicians  in  Marion,  Ind.,  Dr.  A.  D.  Kimball  being  chief 
surg-eon  at  the  Soldiers  Home.  Correspondence  followed,  and 
one  Moses  lig-ured  often.  Some  mentioned  a  great  g-reat  grand- 
father Moses.  But  there  are  a  hvmdred  of  them  in  the  History. 
Finally  one  writer  casually  mentioned  Jemima  Clement  as  the 
wife  of  one  ancestor,  and  Jemima  was  the  key  that  solved  the 
whole  problem.  The  merest,  incidental  mention  of  her  name 
connected  this  large  branch  with  Abner\  No.  107.  His  son 
Moses^,  married  Jemima  Clement,  as  stated  on  page  10.3,  and  his 
history  ends  save  that  he  was  a  soldier  of  the  Revolution.  His 
descendants  are  numerous,  and  the  News  hopes  duringf  the 
coming-  year  to  g"ive  the  record  complete.  How  many  more  such 
cases  are  there? 

Some  years  ago  the  Hon.  John  Kimball  of  Concord  published 
a  history  of  his  branch  of  the  family  of  some  over  100  pag^es. 
It  was  the  first  Kimball  History  and  was  a  great  help  to  the 
compilers  of  the  larger  work.  It  is  the  preparation  of  some- 
thing of  this  kind  that  is  now  suggested. 

As  an  example  the  editor  of  the  News  will  take  his  ancestor 
Abraham  No.  250.  He  had  twelve  children  .  Much  is  given  in 
regard  to  his  descendants,  but  there  is  more  not  given.  One  is 
surprised  to  find  how  much  is  omitted  when  he  comes  to  follow 
down  the  lists.  John  Kimball  filled  his  100  pages,  without 
padding.  One  could  do  as  much  in  regard  to  Abraham,  and  so 
could  a  hundred  others  on  their  line.  Such  a  matter  can  be 
brought  out  in  the  News,  and  even  if  somewhat  padded  with 
details,  it  will  afford  good  material  for  a  future  editor. 

It  is  suggested  then,  that  a  present  descendant  of  some 
ancestor  two  or  three  generations  hi  ck  take  hold  of  such  a  com- 
pilation. Let  the  correspondence  be  between  him  or  her  until 
the  work  is  in  shape  for  publication.  This  plan  will  save  much 
fragmentary  production  and  result  in  a  great  division  of  unre- 
munerative  labor.  Who  volunteers,  or  who  suggests  something 
better?  There  are  many  who  seem  to  think  they  must  have 
the  News.     If  it  be  so  let  the  most  be  made  of  it. 

Owing  to  the  death  of  Governor  Gregory,  re-elected  only 
last  month.  Lieutenant  Governor  Charles  Dean  Kimball,  will 
be  inaugurated  in  his  stead,  the  first  of  the  new  year.  The 
January  number  of  the  News  will  contain  more  of  a  sketch 
of  Governor  Kimball  than  has  hitherto  appeared. 

December  1901.  373 


'^PHE  monthly  issues  of  the  News  for  1900  and  1901  were  more 
■  1  limited  than  for  the  two  previous  years.  Then  in  several 
instances  two  numbers  were  combined  in  one  issue,  so  that  when 
an}'^  one  wanted  an  extra  number  it  was  necessary  to  'send  two. 
This  made  the  supply  of  consecutive  numbers  run  very  uneven, 
and  the  result  will  be  felt  when  we  come  to  make  up  conplete 
volumes  for  binding-.  Eack  numbers  for  these  two  years  are 
scarce,  and  we  cannot  break  complete  files.  This  shows  the 
need  of  knowing-  promptly  something-  of  the  probable 
demand  for  the  coming-  3'ear,  that  we  may  provide  for  it.  We 
should  hear  from  the  g-reatest  number  possible  in  the  shortest 
space  of  time.  The  Post  Office  Department  is  now  excluding- 
from  second  class  mail  rates  all  publications  whose  lists  are  not 
paid  in  advance  subscribers,  but  this  does  not  prevent  the  send- 
ing-of  back  numbers.  But  this  ruling- makes  it  necessary  that 
we  know  about  how  many  will  want  the  Nkws,  and  if  they  are 
not  prepared  to  pay,  they  can  be  printed  and  held  back.  The 
ruling-s  of  the  department  embarrassed  us  last  year  as  has  been 
heretofore  stated.  We  would  impress  upon  all  our  need  of 
their  hearty  cooperation. 


(History  page 3-1  .'l.) 
''piIE  Greenfield,  Mass.,  Gazette  of  Dec.  21,  notes,  the  death,  on 
,1  the  20th  inst.  of  Carlos  Batchelder,  one  of  the  most  promi- 
nent arid  most  respected  citizens  of  Conway,  of  heart  trouble. 
He  had  been  ailing-  for  a  considerable  time,  but  had  been  con- 
fined to  the  house  but  a  few  weeks.  He  was  born  (Jan.  16,  1829) 
and  always  lived  in  Conway.  He  married  in  1851,  Minerva 
Forbes,  who  survives  him-  Mr.  Batchelder  was  county  com- 
rnissioner  for  fifteen  years,  served  in  the  Leg-islaiure,  and  held 
about  all  the  offices  of  his  own  town.  He  was  first  a  farmer  but 
moved  into  the  villag-e  about  twenty  years  ag-o. 

Mr.  Batchelder  had  been  president  of  the  Conway  National 
Bank,  and  deacon  of  the  Cong-reg^ational  Church.  He  leaves  a 
sister,  Mrs.  Wilson,  living-  in  New  Hampshire,  and  two  sons, 
William  K.  and  Frederick  C,  of  Conway, 

The  Hon.  Charles  H.  Kimball,  of  Parsons,  Kansas  (No. 
1860)  is  ag-ain  mentioned  as  a  candidate  for  Cong-ress  from  the 
Third  Kansas  District,  He  oug-ht  to  be  elected  as  he  is  one  of 
the  ablest  and  most  enterprising- men  in  the  district.  But  he 
will  not  be  nominated,  for  the  reason  that  he  has  so  much  of 
that  Kimball  modesty,  and  we  may  add  decency,  that  he  will 
not  sto<:}p  to  the  unsavory  metlMxis  of  nlodern^'political  scht^mers. 

374  Kimball  Fdmilv  News, 


Part  VII  Eastman  Family  History  is  published.  Some- 
times whole  pag-es  are  taken  directly  from  the  Kimball  book, 
sometimes  slig^ht  chang-es  are  made,  and  sometimes  material 
additions.  See  Kimball  History  pag-e  164.  Here  Ruth*  the 
thirteenth  child  of  Reuben'  (No.  240)  is  said  to  have  mar- 
ried Jeremiah  Ricker.  The  Eastman  History,  pag-e  601, 
names  Ruth's  husband  as  Jeremiah  Pecker.  She  was  his 
first  wife  and  their  son  Robert  E.  Pecker  b.  April  29,  1807, 
d.  Rutland,  Vt.,  Sept.  19,  1867,  m.  May  23,  1832,  Esther, 
dau.  of  Mary  (Eastman,  Lang-,  b.  Boscawen,  N.  H.  May  12, 
1810;  d.  April  9,  1847.  Both  lie  buried  in  the  Pecker  Lot  in 
the  new  cemetery,  Concord,  N.  H.  The  g-ravestone  says 
"Emily  A.,  wife  of  Robert  E.  Pecker,  died  Feb.  7,  1887, 
aged  76  years."  This  evidently  refers  to  a  second  wife. 
Three  children  all  died  when  fifteen  years  old. 


i   Francis  H.  Pecker^,  b.  Concord  N.  H. 

ii  Ellen  M.  Pecker^  b.  1836,  d.  Jan.  7,  18.51. 
iii  Mary  E.  Pecker^,  b.  183^  d.  May  21,  1853. 
iv   William  W.  Pecker*,  b.  1S42,  d.  .July  14,  1857. 

V    Robert  L.  Pecker^,  b.  1841,  d.  Jan.  15.  1862. 

vi    Harriet  Pecker*,  b m.  Dr.  William  G.  Carter,  live 

in  Concord.     Child  :  Robert  E.  Carter. 

Kimball  History,  pag-e  581,  g-ives  Sullivan  Cicero  [No.  1971]  as 
the  fifth  child  of  Hazen  KimbalF  [No.  1163],  and  on  pages 
891  and  892,  g-ives  a  sketch  of  himself  and  family.  The 
family  descends  from  John  Kimball^  (No.  559)  and  Mary 
Eastman.  The  Eastman  book  omits  Sullivan  Cicero  alto- 
g-ether,  and  names  seven  instead  of  eig-ht  children  of  Hazen. 
Kimball  History  Pag-e  608 — Anna  Maria  Kimball*  [Nathaniel', 
Nathaniels  Jonathan'-,  Bemiamin\  Jonathan  ,  BeniaminJ, 
Richard']  b.  April  9,  18<'4,  d.'  Salem,  Mass.,  March  20,  1893, 
m.  Dec.  24,  1824,  David  Ping-ree,  b.  Rowlej-,  Mass.,  Dec.  31, 
1795,  d.  Salem.  Mass.,  March  31,  1863. 

Mr.  Ping-ree  was  a  man  of  g-reat  force  of  character,  and  a 
man  of  g-reat  financial  ability.  He  was,  at  the  heig-ht  of  his 
prosperity,  one  of  the  larg-est  ship  owners  in  all  New 
Eng-land,  and  the  many  voyages  of  his  vessels  to  foreign 
countries  brought  him  great  returns. 

When  about  fifty  years  of  age,  he  gave  up  his  mercantile 
ventures  and  invested  in  timber  lands  in  Maine,  where  he 
built  mills  and  became  interested  in  iron-mining  and  other 
enterprises,  the  management  and  responsibility  of  which 
devolved  upon  him  to  a  greater  extent  than  he  could  have 

He    wasj'choscn   presidential    elector    in    1849.       Pie    was 

December  1901. 

elected  mayor  of  Salem  in  1851.  He  was  president  of  the 
Essex  Railroad  and  also  of  the  Salem  and  Danvers  Aqueduct. 
Salem  has  had  many  public  spirited,  and  for  its  numbers 
not  a  few  great,  men.  It  would  not  be  easy  to  point  to  the 
name  of  one  to  whom  it  could  be  proved  that  the  oblig^ations 
of   the  city  are  g-reater  than  they  are   to    David    Pingree. 


i   Thomas  Perkins  Pingree*',  b.  ia.Salem,  Mass.,  March  1, 

1837:  d.  Nov.   18,   1827. 
ii   Thomas  Perkins  Pingcee,  2d«,  b.  Oct.  4,  1830:  d.  in  Wen- 
ham,  Mass.,  May  18.  1876;  be  m.  Oct.  4,  1867,  Hr -rlet 
E.  Docile,  of  Hamiltob,    Mass.  ;  he    was    engaged   in 
the  Af'ican  t  -ade. 
iii    Asa  Piug■l•ee^  b.  Nov.  18,  18.33;  d   .June  2,  1846. 
iv    David  Pingree^,  b.  Sept.  6,  183.-.;  d.  Oct.  7,  1836. 
V    Anna  Peiicins  Pingree*,  b.  Oct.  10.  1839;  m.  Oct.  23,  18G6, 

.Joseph   Peabody. 
vi   David  Pingree*,    b.    July    25,    1841  ;    resides   in    Salem. 
Mass.  ;  he  graduated  fi"om  Harvard  University  in  the 
class  of  1863,  A.  B. 
vii   Ann    Maria    Pingree*,  b.   Aug.  12,  1843;  d.  Aug.  9,  1844. 
viii   Ann  Maria  Pingree,  2d*,  b.  March  8,  1846;  m.    June    14, 
1869,  Stephen  G.  Wheatland,  of   Salem,    Mass.     Chil- 
dren :  (a)  Anna  Pingree  Wheatland^,  b.  June  13,  1870; 
(b)  Richard  Wheatland^,  b.  May  13,  1872. 

With  the  earlier  issues  of  the  News  were  sent  two  full  page 
views— one  of  the  church  in  Rattlesden,  England,  and  the  other 
a  view  of  part  of  the  village.  When  properly  framed  they  make 
a  neat  and  appropriate  ornament  in  any  Kimball  home.  To 
meet  a  demand,  we  have  them  printed  on  heavy  enameled  paper, 
the  two  for  10  cents,  postpaid. 

Our  esteemed  artist  cousin,  J.  Hoyt  Kimball,  has  removed 
from  Oakland,  Cal.,  to  106  Oglethorpe'Avenue,  West,  Savannah 
Georgia.  There  are  known  members  of  the  familj  now  in  At- 
lanta, Augusta,  Columbus,  Garfield  and  Savannah,  and  others 
not  definitely  located.  Why  cannot  thev  get  in  touch  with  one 
another.  If  they  could  all  meet  Col.  D.'B.  Dyer  of  Augusta  it 
would  do  them  good.     He  is  a  royal  host. 

Henry  M.  Kimball  of  St.  Paul,  Minn.,  is  to  return  the  first 
of  the  year  to  his  old  field,  Carlinville,  111  ,  where  he  was  for 
years  publisher  of  the  Dfmocrat,  a  leading  republican  paper  in 
the  state.  For  some  years  he  has  been  connected  with  the  North- 
western Farrier.  His  son,  E-  P.  Kimlall,  is  publisher  of  the  Vir- 
den  Record  \n  the  same  county  of  Macoupin.  [See  Family  His- 
tory page  592.     News  Apriri899,  page  267.] 

376  Kimball  Fdinily  News, 


SiTARox,  Mass.  Dec.  U.  1901. 
Mv  DEAR  Mr.  KiMRAr.i,  : —  I  have  read  with  the 
which  has  been  made  the  "Kimball  Family  Historv,'"  and  yowJ* 
admirable,  g-ood  tempered  reply.  The  reply  in  itself  can  hardly  be  im- 
proved. But  as  i  was  in  correspondence  with  Prof.  Sharpies  and  Mr.  Mor- 
rison, and  was  .several  times  at  the  latter's  office  while  the  work  on  the 
book  was  being  done,  let  me  add  a  few  statements  that  will  supplement 
and  strengthen  what  you  so  well  have  said 

First  as  reyards  Prof.  SHarpies  himself.  As  chemist  and  Massachusetts 
State  assayist  he  has  been  necessarily  trained  to  habits  of  exactness  and 
nicety,  and  these  habits  he  acted  upon  fully  in  his  preparation  of  the  His- 
tory. I  can  testify  to  tue  pains  he  took  with  it.  the  innumerable  letters  he 
wrote,  the  journeys  he  made,  the  public  documents  he  con.suUed.  and  the 
care  with  which  the  printers  proof  was  again  and  again  corrected  Mr. 
Morrison,  also,  is.a  skilled  literary  man  ;  and  the  time  and  labor  the  two 
spent  on  the  History  would  have  produced  half  a  dozen  ordinary  books. 

Then  as  to  the  errors  in  the  work.  What  the  critic  says  of  it  in  this  re- 
spect is  all  true,  and  I  do  not  wonder  that  he  is  provoked  and  expresses 
himself  strongly.  1  share  his  feeling  and  .so  does  Prof.  Sharpies  himself. 
At  the  time  the  last  sheets  of  it  were  going  through  the  press  he  spoke  to 
me.  almost  with  tears  in  his  eyes,  of  the  mistakes  already  detected  in  the 
parts  which  had  been  printed.  Hut  what  could  be  done?  The  pubrcatiim 
had  then  been  delayed  several  years  in  the  effort  to  make  it  correct.  The 
question  was  between  an  imperfect  book  and  perhaps  none  at  ail.  and  I 
advi.sed  putting  it  forth  with  an  appendix  containing  the  corrections  up  to 
date,  and  trusting  to  the  call  by  and  by  for  a  second  edition  that  should 
be  complete. 

Who  is  to  blame  for  the  blunders  of  name.  date,  spelling  and  the  like  to 
which  the  critic  refers?  A  vast  proportion  of  them  are  due  to  the  Kim- 
balls  themselves.  The  two  authors,  not  being  Irish  men.  could  hardly  be 
expected  to  knon  personally  the  birth,  biography,  pedigree  and  connec- 
tions of  each  one  of  their  ten  thousand  cousins.  So  blanks  carefully  pre- 
pared were  «ent  far  and  wide  to  representatives  of  the  family  for  them  to 
fill  out,  and  wherever  it  was  possible  the  material  collected  was  submitte<l 
again  either  in  manuscript  or  in  proof  for  their  re-examination.  liut  the 
Kimballs,  it  must  be  said,  though  having  very  little  actual  ra.scality  among 
them,  are  endowed  with  their  full  share  of  human  natures  stupidity,  care- 
lessness, procrastination,  negligence  and  indifference.  As  one  of  them  I 
know  that  such  is  my  oau  rase,  and  I  trotted  tin  m  all  out  in  the  little 
contribution  I  wrote  to  the  bfK.k.  that  too.  in  spite  of  the  very  deep  in- 
terest I  felt  in  its  production.  Prof.  Sharpies  had  to  write  me  very  snarp- 
ly  about  it  several  times,  and  Mr.  Morrison  seveial  times  more.  Ami  *hen 
as  it  stands  in  print  part  of  my  own  sister's  name  is  wrongly  given,  end  the 
paragraph  about  my  brother  Joe.  the  only  one  of  our  branch  who  did  any- 
thing of  much  account,  had  to  be  put  in  the  appendix — matters  for  which  I 
know  I  was  to  blame. 

At  the  same  time,  while  thus  acknowledging  the  History's  imperfec- 
tions, it  ought  to  be  said  again  and  again  that  these  are  only  specs  as  com- 
pared with  its  general  accuracy  and  real  worth.  Having  had  some  little 
e.xperieiice  before  meeting  Prof.  S.  in  tracing  my  own  immediate  ancestry 
to  Richard,  my  wonder  is  that  he  and  Mr.  Morrison  could  have  done  it  .•»o 
well  with  hundreds  and  hundreds  of  others.  They  have  untangled  not  a 
few  genealogical  knots  which  before  had  seemed  hopeless,  and  they  have 
thrown  fullness  of  light  where  at  the  start  was  only  darkness.  Every  now 
and  then  I  meet  Kimballs  who  can  give  me  only  the  names  and  residences 
of  their  fathers  or  grandfathers,  but  who  they  could  eo  a  little  fur- 
ther back,  and  in  no  such  case  h  *ve  I  failed,  with  tiie  aid    of  this  book,  to 

December  1901.  377 

o{,en  to  them  the  line  of  their  ancestry  direct  to  Richard.  Mrs.  Maria 
Freeman  Gray  can  tell  how  it  was  in  her  case.  Living  in  San  Francisco 
and  knowing-  only  that  her  mothers  maiden  name  was  Kimball  and  that 
she  resided  in  Hadley,  Mass.,  I  sent  her  a  note  of  introduction  to  Mis?  Sa- 
rah Louise  Kimball,  tliat  wonderful  living'  genealogical  recoid.  She 
found  her  on  the  next  street,  and  in  fifteen  minutes  she  and  the  History 
gave  her  the  information  that  for  years  she  had  wished  in  vain,  and  in- 
stead of  being  a  lone  woman  in  a  country  far  off  from  friends,  she  di.s-ov- 
ered  she  had  over  ten  thousand  i-elatives  in  all,  and  hundreds  of  delightful 
ones  right  there  in  California. 

A  word  or  two  as  to  the  pictures  in  the  History.  I  will  not  say  that  I 
wish  every  member  of  the  family  had  his  and  hers  on  its  pages,  for  then 
mine  would  be  included,  which  even  my  blessed  wife,  I  fear,  has  long  since 
ceased  to  regard  as  ornamental,  but  I  would  like  to  see  how  more  of  them 
look.  How  delightful  it  would  be  if  we  living  now  had  portraits  of  Rich- 
ard and  Ursula,  or  any  of  our  earlier  generations.  It  is  to  be  remembered 
however,  that  what  is  only  posterity  today  will  be  ancestry  by  and  by  and 
and  that  our  descendants  three  hundred  years  hence  will  equally  prize 
what  is  trivial  to  ourselves.  The  camera  fiend  of  the  twentieth  century 
will  have  become  to  the  twenty-third  an  angel  of  light. 

It  ought  to  be  said,  also,  that  most  of  the  pictures  in  the  History  were 
already  engraved  and  were  furnished,  not  by  their  ^ubjects.  but  procured 
of  relatives,  or  bought  of  their  makers,  and  so  far  as  "fame"  is  concerned, 
when  every  body  can  get  it  in  its  pictorial  form  by  attaching  his  name  to 
a  quack  medicine  it  is  only  a  very  homeopathic  amount  of  "that  last  in- 
firmity of  noble  minds'  which  can  hope  to  be  gratitled  by  the  present- 
ment of  his  features,  even  his  Kimball  features,  in  a  family  history. 

"What  uow  are  the  lessons,"  as  we  ministers  say,  "which  are  to  be  de- 
rived from  this  whole  discussion  ?" 

One,  is  not  to  despise  the  present  edition  of  the  Family  History  as  of  no 
value,  but  for  everybody  to  get  it  and  note  the  errors  in  it,  and  so  use  it 
as  the  basis  for  an  uUimate  second  and  more  perfect  edition. 

Another  lesson  is  for  every  Kimball  to  take  and  help  support  the  "  Fam- 
tT,Y  Nkws.'"  If  we  are  ever  to  have  the  perfected  history,  the  material  the 
Nkws  is  gathering  will  be  of  priceless  value  in  its  production 

And  so  1  what  I  see  has  unintentionally  become  quite  a  discourse, 
bv  giving  vou  my  benediction  and,  though  I  am  a  Unitarian,  my  three  fold 
subscription.  JOHN  C.   KIMBALL. 


There  is  like  being  particular  as  to  how  a  name  is  spelt.  The 
Eames  mentioned  is  probably  descended  from  one  Robert  Ames  of  Ando- 
ver  and  Hoxford.  I  first  find  his  name  on  the  Andover  records  in  KiGl.  It 
is  there  Eimes.  In  Kit)?  it  is  Robert  Ames.  In  1700  his  .son,  Jacob  Emms 
of  lioston,  .sells  land  that  his  father,  Robert  Eames  late  of  Roxford  owned. 
John  Eames.  son  of  Robert,  who  married  Priseilln  Kimball,  sells  land  in 
1710.  but  in  another  deed  at  about  the  .same  time,  he  is  John  Eimes.  Rut 
in  yet  another  deed  he  is  John  Ames.  He  seems  to  have  stuck  to  this  lat- 
ter spelling  the  rest  of  his  life.  His  brother  Joseph  Eames  sold  to  John 
Aiues  land  in  1710.  Uis  younger  V)rother,  Nathan  Eames,  man ied  Mary 
Kimball.  Rut  his  nephew,  Nathan  Earns  was  of  Boxford  at  about  the 
same  time.  IJut  when  the  daughter  of  John  Ames  married  Daniel  Davis 
she  was  Lydia  Am's.  As  a  matter  of  fact  the  descendants  of  Robert  Ames 
have  used  both  spellings,  Eames  and  Ames,  and  it  seems  to  have  been 
Jaryelv  a  matter  of  fancy  which  they  used.  In  Bradford  Eames  seems  to 
W  preferred.  .s.    P.   SH.XRPI.ES. 

378  Kimball  Family  News, 

Supplemental  Notes  to  Family  History. 

PROF.  S.  P.  SHARPLES  sends  another  lot  of  notes,  introduc- 
ing- them  with  the    following-   letter.     These   additions   are 
very  interesting  : 

Cambridge,  Nov.  23.  1901. 
Deak  Mr.  Kimball  : — I  send  you  another  lot  of  KimbalTs.     I  have  not  yet 
found  time  to  study  all  the  problems  you    gfive    in   your   last  number,  but 
I  think  1  can  solve  some  of   them.     At   present    I    am   trying   to   edit   the 
Church  Books  of  the  first  Church  in  Cambridge. 

These  books  are  very  old  and  in  very  bad  shape.  And  to  add  to  the 
interest  part  of  them  are  written  in  short  hand;  this  I  have  tried  to  study 
out  with  very  fair  success.  But  it  is  slow  work.  I  am  at  the  same  time 
trying  to  take  care  of  the  VVebsters.  Hon.  Charles  Kimball's  wife  gave 
me  a  long  hunt  but  I  think  I  have  found  out  who  her  family  was  and  they 
are  now  in  good  order. 

I  have  been  at  home  most  of  the  summer  making  only  a  short  trip  to 
Halifax.  I  was  gone  from  Boston  only  a  week  on  this  trip.  Coming  home 
I  came  through  the  Grand  Pre  country  the  home  of  Evangeline.  The  ride 
from  Halifax  to  Yarmouth  is  a  very  fine  one  and  I  enjoyed  it  much. 

Yours  Respectfully  S.  P.  SHARPLES. 

Family  History  pag-e  43,  insert  among-  the  children  of  Thomas^, 

viii — Priscilla'*  b.  Apr.  15,  1673,    married   about    1690   John 

Eames  of  Boxford  Mass.     The   record  of   their   children 

on  the  Boxford  Records  is  very  imperfect  from   the  worn 

condition  of  the  book 

But  a  study  of  these  records  and  some  other  sources  of 
information  has  enabled  me  to  supply  some  omissions, 
and  it  is  believed  that  the  list  as  given  below  is  nearly 
correct.  Priscilla  was  carried  off  by  the  Indians  at  the 
time  her  father  was  killed. 

John  and  Priscilla  sold  their  farm  in  Boxford  March 
20  1715  or  16.  Priscilla  made  her  mark  P — E  when  she 
sig-ned  the  deed.  They  then  went  to  Groton  Mass.  where 
John  was  shot  at  the  g-ate  oft  his  own  g-arrison  July  9, 
1724.  He  lived  on  the  North  side  ot  the  Nashua  River  a 
short  distance  from  the  present  situation  of  theHolling-s- 
worth  paper  mills.  He  is  said  to  have  been  the  last  per- 
son killed  by  an  Indian  within  the  township.  The 
indian  was  immediately  shot  by  Jacob  Ames  one  of  John's 
sons,  who  received  a  reward  from  the  Colony. 

The  following-  petition  is  on  file  at  Cambridge  in  the 
Probate  Court. 

May  it  Please  your  Honr. 

Priscilla  Am's  (  Relict  of  John  Ames  late  of  Groton 
Dec'd  Intestate)  desired  me  to  write  to  your  Honr-  to  in- 
form you  that  she  looks  upon  herself  utterly  unfit  to  ad- 
minister upon  her  sd  Husbands  Estate  she  being-  blind  & 
very  much  Impaired  in  body  &  mind    by    reason    of  sore 

December  1901.  379 

and  unhappy  fitts,  that  frequently  attend  her  and  for 
these  and  other  weig-hty  reasons  doth  utterly  refuse  to 
take  Administration,  and  is  very  free  that  her  Kldest  son 
John  Am's,  should  administer  upon  ye  Estate.^  This  ac- 
count was  taken  this  day  from  her  own  mouth  by  your 

most  humble  servant 
Groton  Feb.  15,  1724.  Caleb  Trowbridge. 

To  The  Honorable 

Francis  Foxcroft  Esq. 
Judg-e  of  Probate. 
The  descendants  of  John  and    Prisci'la^  are  quite  numerous. 


John*  b.  Aug.  11.  1693  tn.  Elizabeth.  They  had  10  children. 

Hannah*  b.  Feb.  2,  1695.  Bapt.  at  Topsfield  Jnly  18,  1697. 

Joanna*  b.  Mar.  35,  1698,  m.  May  22,  1719  John  Parker.  She 
had  nine  children. 

Jacob*  b.  Mar.  20,  17—  Bapt.  Noy.  31,  1703,  m.  Nov.  14,  1727 
Ruth  Shattuck.  They  had  nine  children,  they  lived  in  Gro- 
ton and  later  in  HoUis  N.  H. 

Bethia*  b.  Apr,  20,  17—  Bapt.  May  27,  1707. 

Lydia*  b.  Feb.  34.  17—  Bapt.  April  1710,  m.  Mar.  21,  1727,  Dan- 
iel Davis. 

Stephen*  b.  Sept.  5,  1713,  m.  Apr.  14,  1731  Jane  Robbins.  They 
had  seven  children,  part  of  whom  were  born  ia  Groton  and 
the  remainder  in  Hollis,  N.  H. 

Nathan  the  young-est  brother  of  John^  married  Mary 
Kimball  daughter  of  Richard  Kimball  and  Sarah  Spof- 
ford  and  had  a  son  Jeremiah  Eames  who  married  Sarah 
Kimball  daughter  of  Thomas'  Kimball  and  Elizabeth 
Chadwick  p.  85,  who  married  for  her  second  husband 
Joseph  Spofford.  These  various  Kimballs,  Eames  and 
Spoffords  made  about  as  nice  a  genealogical  puzzle  as  I 
ever  found,  especially  as  neither  the  marriage  of  Nathan 
and  Mary  nor  the  births  of  their  children  are  on  record. 
The  names  of  the  children  are  established  by  the  fact 
that  they  were  baptised  at  the  same  time  as  their  parents. 
Mary  Eames  was  proved  to  be  a  Kimball  by  the  fact  that 
she  joins  with  her  brothers  in  certain  deeds  and  was 
there  called  Mary  Eames,  and  Nathan  Eames  signs  with 
her.  Nathan-  was  the  son  of  Robert'  of  Boxford  and  in 
a  deed  is  called  the  son  and  lawful  heir  of  Robert^  His 
mother  Rebecca  (Blake)  Eames  was  condemed  and  re- 
ceived sentence  of  death  as  a  witch  but  was  not  executed. 
She  being  among  the  lucky  ones  who  were  released  at 
the  end  of  the  delusion. 

380  Kimball  Familv  News, 

Pag-e  99 — I  received  last  April  from  the  Rev.  William  E.  Kim- 
ball. Adams  N.  Y.,  much  information  regfarding-  the  de- 
scendants of  Timothy  KimbalF  (son  of  Andrew  No.  104)  of 
whom  I  had  only  the  record  of  birth  and  marriagfe.  Timo- 
thy belonged  to  one  of  the  wandering  tril^es,  and  so  w^as  lost 
sight  of,  until  I  received  a  letter  from  his  descendant  the 
Rev.  William  E  ,  to  whom  I  return  thanks  for  the  trouble 
he  has  taken  in  hunting-  up  his  relatives.  If  some  others 
would  take  similar  trouble  w,e  would  make  mere  rapid 

I  insert  the  first  letter  that  I  received  from  him. 

Adams.  N.  Y.,  March  r>7,  1001. 
Prof.  S.  P.  Cambridgp:.  Mass.,  Drak  Sir  : — A  few  months 
ag-Q  I  obtained  a  set  of  your  Histor3'  of  the  Kimball  Family.  A  thor- 
oug'h  examination  and  diligent  study  of  it  has  led  me  to  value  it  very 
highlj'  for  its  excellent  arrangement  and  general  accuracy  As  a 
member  of  the  Kimball  Pamily  I  am  proud  of  it.  and  sincerely  th;.«»k 
you  for  the  excellent  work  you  have  done  with  Mr.  L.  A.  Morrison  in 
publishing  it. 

Timothj'  Kimball  son  of  Andrew  mentioned  on  page  99,  was  my 
grandfather.  I  have  collected  the  names  of  his  children  and  grand 
children  and  much  other  information  which  I  will  be  pleased  to  place 
at  j'our  disposal,  if  you  should  have  occasion  to  use  it.  Like  other 
branches  of  the  family  his  descendants  are  numerous  but  residing  in 
the  Western  Country-  they  were  not  so  easily  recorded  in  your  history. 
It  is  not  expected  such  a  history  will  contain  all  the  names  of  the  farailj' 
Put  r  am  delighted  with  it.  and  if  ever  another  edition  should  be  is- 
sued I  can  furnish  some  material  for  it.  Again  thanking  you  and  Mr. 
Morrison  for  yo\ir  excellent  work  I  am 
Yours  very  truly 

WILLIAM  E.  KIMBALL,  Pastor  Pres.  Church. 

Upon  receipt  of  the  above  letler  blanks   were  at  once  sent 
and  in  a  few  days  I  received  an  answer. 

Ar.A.MS,  N.  Y.,  April  L  1901. 
Prof.  .S.  P.  Shartlks,  liosTox,  Mass..  Dkar  Sir:  — Y^ours  of  the  28, 
ult,  with  blanks  enclosed  was  duly  rec'd.  I  am  plea.sed  to  fill  them 
out  and  send  them  to  j'ou  enclosed  in  this  mail  If  you  will  kindly 
send  me  two  more  blanks,  I  will  till  them  out  forray  family  and  tliat 
of  my  brother  Melvin  .Jerome,  the  data  for  which  1  have  at  hand 

I  am  pleased  to  know  tha'  this  matter  will  be  put  in  permanent 
form  by  being  published  in  the  Ki.mkam.  Family  Kews  My  brother 
and  myself  are  the  only  ones  of  my  fathers  family  to  contribute  chil- 
dren for  the  next  generation  ot  this  branch  of    the    Kimball    Family. 

It  is  interesting  to  ascertain  that  our  ancestor  Richard  Kimhall  who 
came  to  this  country  in  If.lU,  was  born  just  300  years  before  my 
j-oungest  child. 

Please  send  me  two  more  blanks,  and  as  soon  as  ready  copies  of  the 
KiMRAi.i.  F.'VMii.v  News.     I  will   send   you    further  information,   and 
Svill  gladly  serve  yoii  whenever  I  can;  with  best  wishes  I  am 
very  respectfully  yours, 

WM.  E.  KIMBALL.  Pastor  Pres.  Church. 

276a  should  api>ear  on  page  184 — Timothy  Kimball"  (Andrew* 
Samuel"    lU-njamin-^    Kichard')    b.  Brooktield,  Mass.,  Oct.  8, 

December  1901.  381 

1763,  d.  Frankfort,  N.  Y.  Mar.  15,  1848,  m.  June  17,  1792 
Polly  Gleason  b.  Feb.  6,  1773,  d.  Frankfort,  N.  Y.  Jan.  20, 
1845.  He  came  to  Whiteboro  (near  Utica,  N.  Y.)  some 
time  after  his  marriag^e  and  reared  the  larg-er  part  if  not  all 
of  his  family  there.  Later  he  moved  to  Frankfort,  N.  Y. 
where  he  made  hishome  with  his  son  Andrew  till  the  time 
of  his  death. 

He  was  a  man  of  good  reputation,  a  great  reader  and  lov- 
er of  books,  a  member  of  the  M.  E.  Church,  and  took  great 
delight  in  religious  controversy. 


642a  i  William«b.  Aup.  25,  1792,  d  Whitesboro.  N.  Y.  June  28,  18G8.  He 
resided  in  Whitesboro.  N.  Y.  nearly  his  whole  life,  was  mar- 
ried and  reared  quite  a  large  family,  all  of  whom  are  now 
dead,  excepting  one  son  James,  whose  residence  is  unknown. 
.  642b  ii  Wyrum^  b.  Feb.  22.  1796.  d.  Whitesboro,  N.  Y.  May  22,  185.5. 
He  was  married  and  reared  a  family  of  several  children,  all 
of  whom  are  deceased. 
(  642  c  iii  Salem^  b.  April  4.  1798   d.  Utica  April  29,  1864.     He  was   mar- 

ried but  do  not  know  that  he  had  any  children. 
642  d  iv  Andrew*  b.  Whiteboro  N.  Y.  Oct.   19,  1801,    d.    New    Hartford, 
N.  Y.  June  13,  1870. 
V  Elijah*   b.  Whiteboro  N.  Y.  Dec.  1803   d. 
vi  Electa*  b.  Whiteboro  N.  Y.  March  29,  1806.    d.    April    5,    1864, 

m.  Mr Stone  a  merchant  of  Albion  N.  Y.,  where   they 

resided   several   years,    till   the   time  of  their    death.     One 
daughter  is  believed  to  be  still  living, 
vii  Betsey*  b.  Whiteboro,  N.  Y.  May  15,  1808,  d.  Aug.  21,  1830. 
viiiMary6b.  Whitesboro  N.  Y.  July  15,  1810  d.  Frankfort,    N.    Y. 
Dec   24,  1866'".  Orson  Merry,  M.  D    Merry  their  son  now   re- 
sides on  Franfort  Hill  Herkimer  County,  N.  Y. 
ix  Dillis*  b-  Whitesboro  Sept.  23,  1812. 

X  Lucinda6b.  Whitesboro  N.  Y.  Fab  11.  1816,  d.  Oct.  20,  1891, 
Whitesboro  N.  Y.  m.  Jan.  10,  1841,  Ashpel  Tyler.  One  son 
A.  Benj.  Tyler  lives  in  Utica,  N.  Y. 

642d  Andrew  Kimball"  (TimothvN  Andrews  Samuel^,  BenjaminS 
Richard')  b.  Whitesboro  N.'.Y.  Oct.  19,  1801,  d.  New  Hart- 
ford N.  Y.  Jan.  13,  1870,  m.  Frankfort  N.  Y.  Oct.  20,  1825, 
Julia  Ann  Howard  b.  Feb.  5,  1805,  d.  Frankfort,  N.  Y.  May 
11,  1836,  m.  2nd,  Dec.  31,  1836,  Frankfort,  N.  Y.  Sally  Ma- 
ria Wadsworth  b.  Frankfort  N.  Y.  Sept.  23,  1812,  d.  Utica, 
N.  Y.  Dec.  18,  1896,  daughter  of  Moses  Wadsworth,  b.  Con- 
necticut d.  Frankfort  N.  Y.  1865. 

Andrew  Kimball  resided  at  Whitesboro  near  Utica,  N.  Y. 
until  about  the  time  of  his  marriage,  and  worked  at  his 
.trade,  blacksmithing.  Then  he  moved  to  Frankfort  N.  Y. 
about  four  miles  south  of  Frankfort  village,  and  engaged  in 
farming  and  remained  their  until  March  1,  1855,  when  he 
removed  to  New  Hartford,  having  purchased  a  larger  farm 
which  he  continued  to  manage  till  the  time  of  his  death. 
He  was  a  man  of  strict   integrity,    great  executive   ability, 

382  Kimball  Family  News, 

indomitable  energy  and  perseverance.  A  faithful  member 
of  the  M.  E.  Church,  he  was  for  many  years  the  leading- 
Steward  in  the  Frankfort  Hill  Church,  and  also  Chorister 
for  several  years.  His  fine  Christian  character  is  remem- 
bered and  his  memory  is  honored  by  all  who  knew  him. 


i   Sarah   Elizabeth"  b.  Frankfort,  N.  Y.  Oct     30,    1826,    d.    Feb 

11,  1827. 
ii  Mary  Elizabeth^  b.  Jan.   18,  1828,  Died  Sept.  24.  1849,  m.  Feb. 

H5,  1847,  Amos  Shank, 
iii   Andrew  Bleeker'  b.  B'eb.  28,  1831,  iied    Vandalia,    111.,    June 

18,  1870. 
iv    Hester  Ann"  b.  Oct.  29,  1833  m.  Utica    N.    Y.    May    23,    18.55, 

George  Ashmore,  residence  Utica. 
V   Julia  Maria"  b.  Sept.  30,  1837.  d.  Oct.   31,  1840. 
vi    Edwin  Emory'  b.  Dec.  29,   1838    m.    New    Hartford    Feb.    12, 
1875  Ju'ia  Etta  Nichols  residence  Washington  Mills,    N.  Y. 
vii    Almeda  Melvina"  b.  May.  31,  1841,  d.  Aug.  6,  1844. 
viii   Willard^  b.  March  25,  1844. 
1298a     ix   William  Eugene^  b.  July  12,  1846 

X   Sarah  Maria"  b.  March  fo,  1848  d.  Dec.  24,  1894  m.  Utica  Nov. 
7,  1883  William  J.  McLean,  (Clergyman,) 
1298b   xi   Melvin  Jerome^  b.  Sept.  14,  1849,  resides  Perry  Mich, 
xii   Henry  Dana^  b.  July  19,  1851,  d.  June  14,  l»oi. 
xiii    Henry  Adelbert^  b.  June  11,  1853.  m.  Mary    Williams,  resides 

Washington  Mills,  N.  Y. 
xiv   Albert  Dana^  b.  New  Hartfort  N.  Y.  March    14,  1850,  m.  Ger- 
trude McLean,  resides  Waterville  N.  Y. 
XV   Laura    Almina"  b.  New  ; Hartford,  New  Y''ork,  Jan.  19,  1860,  d. 
Madison  Neb.  June  11,  1886. 

1298a — William  Eugene  KimbalF  (Andrew"  Timothy"  Andrew* 
Samuer  Benjamin^  RichardM  b.  Frankfort,  N.  Y.  July  12, 
1846,  m.  Storm  Lake,  Ta.  May  10,  1881  Celinda  Eugenia 
Brown  b.  Holland  Mass.  Dec.  20,  1852.  Daughter  of  Orrin 
Washington  Brown  and  Mary  A.  Breaded.  Her  great 
grandfather  was  Orthniel  Brown  who  was  a  soldier  in  the 
Revolution.  Her  family  is  a  prominent  one  in  Massachu- 
setts and  Connecticut. 

William  E.  Kimball  moved  with  his  father's  family  to  New 
Hartford  N.  Y.  March  1,  1855.  Enlisted  in  John  F. 
Moschell's  Co.  H.  15th  N.  Y.  Vol.  Cavalry,  Aug.  3,  1863. 
Was  promoted  corporal  and  served  in  Gen.  Custer's  Division 
with  Gen.  Sheridan,  participating  in  battle  in  Shenandoah 
Valley  Va.,  and  remained  in  the  army  till  Aug.  21,  1865. 

Attended  Williams'  School  in  Utica  N.  Y.  1866,  and  the 
Seminary  at  Cazenovia  N.  Y.  1866-68.  Engaged  in  teach- 
ing 1869-72.  Entered  Hamilton  College  N.  Y.  Sept.  1872, 
and  was  graduated  1876.  Entered  Theological  Seminary, 
Princeton  N.  J.  Sept.  1876,  and  was  graduated  1879.  Li- 
censed to  preach  by  Presbytery  of  Utica  1878.  Ordained  by 
Presbytery    of   Omaha    Sept.  "  17,    1879.     Stated  supply    of 

December  1901.  383 

Mcdison,  Creston  and  Humphrey  Churches  Neb.  1879-82. 
Pastor  of  Presbyterian  church  Madison  Neb.  1882-96.  Mod- 
erator of  Omaha  Presbytery,  1882,  and  of  Synod  of  Nebraska 
1885  and  of  Niobrara  Presbytery,  1886.  Stated  Clerk  of 
Niobrara  Presbytery  1885-96.  Chaplain  Department  of  Ne- 
braska, G.  A.  R.  1890-91.  Commander  of  S.  P.  Chase  Post 
No.  143.  G.  A.  R.  five  years  and  Chaplain  of  the  same  six 
years.  Chairman  of  Home  Mission  Committee  and  Supt.  of 
Missions  in  Northern  Nebraska  several  years.  Trustee  of 
Bellevue  Colleg-e  1893-97.  Received  the  Deg-ree  of  D.  D.  in 
1893.     Member  of  Madison  City  School  Board  1894-96. 

Pastor  of  Presbyterian  Church  Geneseo,  111.,  1896-99. 
President  of  Geneseo  Collegiate  Institute  1897-99,  Moderator 
of  Rock  River  Presbytery  1897.  Member  of  General  Assem- 
bly at  Saratoga,  N^  Y.  1884,  1890,  and  1896.  Member  of 
Boston  Presbytery  1900.  Pastor  of  Presbyterian  Church 
Adams  N.  Y.'l900.  Chaplain  of  15th  N.  Y.  Cavalry  Asso- 
ciation since  1889.  Chaplain  of  the  De  Alton  Cooper  Post 
No.  381  G.  A.  R.  and  of  Risirg-  Sun  Lodge  No.  234  F.  and 
A,  M.,  and  of  Adams  Chapter  No.  205,  R.  A.  M. 


All  born  Madison  Nebraska,  and  reside  in  Adams  N.  Y. 

i    Mary  Etta*  b.  Sept.   15,   1883. 

ii    William  Hodge*'  b.  Sept.  19,  1884,  d.  Madison  Oct.  6,  1884. 
iii   Archibald  Howard^  b.  Oct.  23,  1887. 
iv   Greta  Claire"  b.  Dec.  24,  1889. 

V   Francis  Paton**  b.  June  8,  1894. 

1298b — Melvin  Jerome  Kimbalf  (Andrew"  Timothy^  Andrew* 
SamueP  Benjamin^  Richard^)  b.  Frankfort  N.  Y.  Sept.  14, 
1849,  m.  Utica,  N.  Y.  April  2,  1878  Esther  M.  Davies  b. 
Nov.  23,  1853,  daughter  of  Joseph  Davies  and  Esther  Hemp- 
stead, and  sister  to  John  C.  Davies  Attorney  General  of 
New  York. 

After  his  fathers  death  in  1870  he  manag-ed  successfully  a 
large  farm  until  1880  when  he  went  to  Madison  Nebraska 
opened  a  farm  near  that  city  and  remained  there  until  1889, 
then  moved  to  Perry  Michigan  where  he  is  residing-  in  a 
beautiful  residence,  midway  between  Perry  and  Morrill. 
He  has  held  several  local  offices. 


i   Walter  Andrew^  b.  New  Hartford  N.  Y.  Aug.  Ifi,  1870, 
ii   Albert  Joseph*  b.  Madison  Nebraska,  July  24,  1884. 


In  St.  Clair  Co.  Mo.,  Feb.  7,  1901,  Lucy  M.,  widow  of  Ira 
Kimball  ;  ag-ed  68  yrs.  9  mos.  and  20  days.  A  faithful  wife  and 
a  loving-  mother  ;  a  kind  and  helpful  friend.      Fam-  His.  p.  812- 

384  Kimball  Fatnilv  News, 


nrillE  News  is  in  frequent  receipt  of  letters  asking  information  regarding 
the  family  of  the  writer.  The  father  or  grandfather  it  is  said  was  so- 
and-so.  Sometimes  it  is  added  that  he  was  born  in  New  Hampshire  or 
Vermont.  Now  the  News  wants  all  it  can  get  regarding  every  member, 
old  or  young,  living  or  dead,  who  has  no  place  in  the  Family  History,  and 
of  many  who  are  there  merelj'  mentioned,  and  it  is  willing  to  give  freely 
all  the  information  it  can  obtain.  But  it  should  be  remembered  that  a 
simple  statement  that  one's  father  was  Moses,  or  John,  or  Hiram  gives  no 
clue  whatever.  There  have  been  scores  or  hundreds  of  the  same  name. 
That  one  was  born  in  Vermont  is  a  very  little  additional  clue,  but  alone  it 
is  worth  little.  The  date  of  birth  is  anothei  small  clue.  The  name  of  his 
father  yet  another,  of  the  grandfather  another,  the  wife's  name  another, 
and  so  on.  Whoever  asks  for  information  should  begin  by  supplying  every 
known  point ;  the  name,  birtb,  death,  marriage,  name  of  wife  or  husband, 
with  every  possible  detail  of  date,  locality,  etc.  Then  there  may  be  some- 
thing to  work  on.  The  maiden  name  of  a  great  great  grandfather's  wife 
may  be  a  key  to  the  whole  record.  If  you  write  for  a  sample  copy  of  the 
News  give  all  this  information  at  the  same  time.  If  you  have  a  place  in 
the  History,  say  so,  and  give  your  number  or  page.  Don't  say  they  have 
so  many  children,  but  give  the  names,  births,  deaths,  marriages,  in  full, 
dates  and  all  particulars  possible. 

In  writing  giye  full  name,  not  simply  initials.  The  full  name  and  ad- 
dress of  all  the  Kimballs  there  are.  including  those  of  Kimball  mothers 
with  all  the  above  detailed  information  possible  is  wanted.  The  Family 
History  is  lacking  much  in  regard  to  the  last  and  the  present  generation. 
Hundreds  of  marriages  have  taken  place  .since  the  book  was  published. 
Thousands  of  Kimball  children  have  been  born,  that  are  not  recorded. 
All  the  details  not  there ;  all  the  historic  family  events  that  have  occured 
since  its  publication  ;  all  its  errors  of  omis-sion  and  commission  can  be  and 
ought  to  be  brought  out  in  the  Family  News.  That  is  the  object  of  its 
publication,  and  what  a  field  of  work  it  has,  and  why  does  not  every  one 
give  it  a  helping  hand?  Yes,  why  not?  Our  young  people  are  more  apt 
to  be  indifferent  than  their  elders.  They  need  to  be  impressed  with  the 
great  fact  that  their  descendants,  generations  hence,  ma^'  find  the  records 
of  today  of  great  interest  and  great  value  to  them. 

The  News  has  already  been  the  laeans  of  bringing  to  light  several 
hundred  Kimlalls  not  found  in  the  History,  and  hundreds  of  others  are 
yet  to  be  discovered  and  brought  into  Hue  if  a  record  is  ever  obtained  of 
the  entire  family'.  When  the  History  was  first  projected  there  was  but 
little  general  interest  taken  in  the  work  and  reports,  if  sent  at  all,  were 
very  meager.  Since  the  publication  of  the  History,  five  years  ago,  there 
has  been  a  very  marked  increase,  not  only  in  our  own  family  interest,  but 
in  genealogical  research  in  general,  A  new  edition  of  the  Family  History, 
whenever  issued  will  be  twice  the  size  of  the  one  we  now  have  As  there 
are  less  than  100  copies  of  this  first  edition  now  unsold,  the  work  will  soon 
be  out  of  print. 



Mistory  of  the  Kimball  Scantily  in 

. . .  Jlmerica . . . 

TTwo  Voluimes,  Nearly  1,300  Pages. 

Price,  postpaid,  ^6.00. 

L.  A.  morrisoh;     q      s.  p.  sharples. 

Deny,  H.  H.  Boston,  Mass. 

XCbe  IRimball  family  IRews, 


The  Kimball  Family  History. 

The  numbers   for   1898  and    1899,  bound    in    one    volume,  cloth,  over 

400  pages,  postpaid,   $1.60. 

Twelve  numbers  for  1900,  192  pages,  $1.00. 

Subscriptions  for  1901,         -         -         -         -         -         |li.oo. 




We  have  on  hand  a  large  lot    of  odd    numbers   of   1898,  1899  and 
1900,  after  completing  volumes. 

These  odd  numbers  of  our  own   selection  will   be   sent  postpaid  at 
ten  numbers  for  25  cents. 

When  special  numbers  are  wanted  they  may  be  named  and  will  be 
sent  if  on  hand,  otherwise  will  send  such  as  we  have. 

Numbers  for  any  special  year  will   be  given    preference    if  desired. 
Double  numbers  counted  as  two. 

We  desire  to  close  out  these  bound  volumes  as  well    as   these    odd<> 
numbers.  '^ 

The  ten  numbers  will  be  sent  to  different  addresses,  when   desired. 
How  many  and  where  will  you  have  them  sent  ?  . : 

a.  K.   KIlVIBAIvL,  v> 

Station  A.,  TopeVca,  Kans. 


*'  u    ly^U 
