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our  new  centyry 





Montclair  State  University 


Last  year,  we  celebrated 

Montclair  State  University's 

Centennial.   This  year,  we  are 

venturing  into  a  new  century 

full  of  new  experiences,  new 

opportunities,  and  a  new 

vision  for  the  next  one 

hundred  years! 

^an^  ^utun^! 





letter  from 

Dr.  Susan  A.  Cole  assumed  office  in 
September  of  1998  as  the  eighth 
president  of  Montclair  State  University, 
which  is  the  second  largest  university 
in  New  Jersey,  with  17,475  graduate 
and  undergraduate  students. 

'P^te^ideat  ^ole 

To  the  Class  of  2009 

When  you  entered  Montclair  State  University,  you  may 
have  had  some  expectations  about  your  life  at  the 
University  and  even  some  plans  for  life  after  the 
University.    However,  as  you  have  learned  and  grown,  I 
am  sure  that  your  life  has  taken  shape  in  ways  that  you 
may  not  have  anticipated. 

As  you  graduate  from  the  University,  I  hope  you  will  take 
with  you  a  real  understanding  of  how  much  in  our  lives 
depends  on  our  own  determination  to  seize 
opportunities  and  work  hard  for  achievements.    I  am 
sure  that  each  of  you  has  achieved  in  many  ways  more 
than  you  knew  that  you  could,  and  I  am  equally  sure 
that  you  have,  on  occasion,  been  disappointed. 
Stretching  our  limits  and  overcoming  obstacles  is  what 
living  is  all  about. 

You  have  years  of  accomplishment  ahead  of  you,  so  do 
not  stop  now.    Keep  your  eyes  on  your  goals  and 
ambitions  and  do  not  be  disheartened  by  the  difficulties 
of  the  journey.    Eveiything  worth  attaining  takes  effort. 
As  a  graduate  of  Montclair  State  University,  you  carry 
forward  a  tradition  of  courage,  innovation,  dedication  to 
the  public  good,  and  desire  for  knowledge  that  has  been 
forged  by  the  tens  of  thousands  of  students  who 
preceded  you. 

It  has  been  gratifying  for  all  of  us,  the  faculty  and  staff  of 
the  University,  to  have  had  a  hand  in  being  your 
teachers,  mentors,  guides,  and  advisors.   We  hope  that 
you  will  stay  connected  to  your  University  and  help 
those  who  follow  you  to  benefit  from  the  opportunities 
that  you  have  had. 

Always  be  proud  of  who  you  are  and  where  you  came 
from.   We  certainly  are,  and  we  wish  you  good  fortune, 
health  and  happiness  as  you  travel  the  road  toward  the 
fulfillment  of  your  dreams. 

Susan  A.  Cole 


Your  Vice  President  for  Student 
Development  &  Campus  Life 

Dear  Class  of  2009: 

I  congratulate  and  applaud  you  on  the  culmination  of  years  of  study  and  hard 
work  that  has  resulted  in  your  graduation  from  Montclair  State  University. 
Graduation  from  a  four  year  institution  is  an  accomplishment  shared  by  a  small 
percentage  of  the  US  population.    I  hope  that  you  will  cherish  the  moment 
and  the  opportunity  this  achievement  presents. 

La  Campana  is  a  record  of  an  extraordinaiy  period  in  your  life.    It  is  a  book 
that  will  become  more  valuable  to  you  as  the  years  go  by.    I  hope  you  will 
take  pleasure  in  looking  back  at  your  time  at  Montclair  State  University  and 
remembering  the  friendships  you  made  with  fellow  students,  faculty  and  staff. 
It  is  also  a  reminder  of  the  transition  you  are  making  as  you  look  towards  the 
future  and  building  an  independent  life  for  yourself. 

As  you  leave  the  University,  be  sure  to  take  with  you  the  tools  and  values  you 
acquired  at  Montclair  State  and  use  them  to  establish  your  place  in  the  world. 
Be  sure  to  aim  high.    Choose  compassion  over  complacency.    Prize  courage 
over  comfort.    Use  your  imagination,  ingenuity  and  audacity  to  explore, 
discover  and  change  a  world  undergoing  ceaseless  and  kaleidoscopic 
challenges.    Become  an  engaged  and  responsible  citizen.    Be  a  mentor  and 
trusted  friend.    Embark  on  new  adventures  and  continue  to  grow  as  an 
educated,  ethical  and  caring  person.  In  the  words  of  Eleanor  Roosevelt,  Do 
one  thing  eveiy  day  that  scares  you. 

I  am  confident  you  will  make  the  right  choices  and  do  the  right  things.     This 
is  a  particularly  challenging  time  in  history  and  our  country  and  the  world 
needs  the  best  that  each  of  us  can  offer.    Go  out  into  your  community  and  the 
world  and  make  your  mark.  You  have  my  best  wishes  for  a  happy,  healthy 
and  productive  future. 


Dr.  Karen  L.  Pennington 

Vice  President  for  Student  Development  and  Campus  Life 


Dear  Graduates: 

Congratulations  on  completing  a  milestone   obtaining  your  baccalaureate 

You  should  feel  very  proud  of  yourselves  for  successfully  completing  the 
rigors  of  your  major  programs,  the  many  exams  and  projects,  the  internships, 
the  performances  and  the  student  teaching.   You  did  it!   You  have  proven  that 
hard  work,  persistence  and  commitment  pay  off. 

I  recognize  that  completing  your  undergraduate  education  is  exciting,  but  it 
may  also -be  scary,  which  is  normal.    I  want  you  to  remember  that  with  every 
ending  there  is  a  new  beginning.   As  you  launch  out  into  the  next  phase  of 
life,  whether  you  are  going  into  the  job  market  or  to  graduate  school,  believe 
that  you  have  what  it  takes  to  be  successful.    I  am  confident  that  you  will 
achieve  your  dreams  —  just  look  at  what  you  have  already  accomplished. 

Believe  in  yourself,  work  hard  and  never  give  up! 



Rose  Mary  Howell,  Ed.  D. 
Your  Dean  of  Students 


Your  Dean  of  Students 


letter  from  your 

SGA  President 

To  My  Fellow  Graduates, 

First  and  foremost,  Congratulations!  Graduating  college 
is  a  great  accomplishment.    Let  this  be  a  time  for  you 
to  celebrate  your  achievement.   We  all  have  a  different 
path  before  us  and  must  play  with  the  cards  we  have 
been  dealt  in  life.    It  does  not  matter  if  it  took  four, 
five,  or  six  years  plus  to  reach  this  point,  you  made  it. 

I  hope  when  you  are  looking  back  on  your  college 
years  you  can  cherish  the  memories  you  have  made 
with  the  friends  you  will  never  forget.   I  hope  the 
education  you  have  received  in  combination  with 
Montclair's  diverse  campus  has  aided  in  preparing  you 
for  the  next  steps  you  are  ready  to  embark  upon  in  life. 
Some  of  us  are  glad  to  finally  be  done  with  school  and 
ready  to  head  out  into  the  working  world,  while  some 
are  continuing  to  pursue  further  study  in  graduate 
school  or  professional  training  programs,  and  others 
still  have  their  own  unique  plans  post  graduation. 
Whatever  road  is  before  you,  I  wish  you  the  best  in  all 
that  you  do  with  much  success. 

I  feel  privileged  to  have  gone  through  my 
undergraduate  college  career  with  all  of  you.  Each  year 
Montclair  State  sends  another  group  of  talented  and 
ambition  filled  young  adults  out  into  the  world  who 
are  looking  forward  to  tomorrow.   Though  we  all  may 
head  in  different  directions  and  end  up  in  each  of  the 
four  corners  of  the  world,  we  will  always  share  the 
bond  of  going  through  school  at  Montclair  State 
University  together. 


Ronald  Frank  Chicken 

SGA  President 


/I  LiBr  Frm  Vmr  Sfude^P 


To  the  Class  of  2009: 

I  want  to  say  that  it  has  been  a  true  honor  serving  as  your  Student  Trustee  on  tiie  Board  of  the 
Trustees  for  the  past  two  years.  Semng  as  the  Student  Representative  definitely  enriched  my 
last  two  years  here  at  MSU  because  I  know  I  was  getting  to  represent  the  student  body  on  two 
very  important  issues:  Academics  and  Facilities. 

This  year  I  served  on  the  facilities  committee,  which  handles  all  of  the  building  and  projects 
here  at  MSU,  and  I  can  very  happily  report  that  there  are  a  lot  of  improvements,  that  have 
happened  and  there  are  many  more  on  the  way. 

By  the  end  of  this  summer  there  will  be  two  new  buildings  at  MSU,  they  are  the  John  J.  Call 
School  of  Music  and  the  new  Panzer  Gymnasium.  With  the  completion  of  these  two  new 
buildings,  both  music  and  physical  education  majors  along  with  many  others  will  have  an  up- 
to-date  facility  that  they  will  be  able  to  hold  their  classes  in,  instead  of  the  less  than  mediocre 
rooms  they  are  learning  in  now. 

In  addition  to  these  two  new  buildings,  there  will  also  be  a  new  residence  facility  between  the 
Clove  Road  apartments,  which  were  finally  renovated  this  year,  and  the  Village  Apartments, 
which  is  in  the  process  of  getting  some  much  needed  repair  work.  This  new  residence  hall 
will  hold  309  students,  which  unfortunately  will  not  solve  the  residence  issues  that  MSU  has, 
but  I  can  inform  all  of  you  that  the  Board  is  diligently  working  on  new  residence  facilities  to 
be  built  near  MSU. 

Although  it  might  seem  like  it  can  not  come  soon  enough  there  will  be  two  more  additions  to 
MSU  within  the  next  year  or  so  and  they  are  the  new  parking  deck  and  a  new  School  of 
Business  because  the  current  building  is  veiy  much  out  of  date. 

Eveiyday  they  are  more  and  more  changes  happening  at  MSU  whether  or  not  you  notice 
them.  I  was  lucky  enough  to  see  them  happen  first  hand  while  sei-ving  on  the  Board  of 
Trustees.  Even  though  at  times  it  might  feel  like  your  voice  goes  unanswered  or  unheard,  I 
can  promise  you  that  during  my  time  on  the  Board  students  voices  were  heard  and  the  whole 
Board  is  working  as  diligently  as  possible  to  improve  your  university.  I  wish  the  Class  of  2009 
the  best  of  luck  with  all  your  future  endeavors,  and  to  the  underclassmen  make  the  best  out  of 
the  rest  of  your  time  here  at  MSU  because  you  can  never  get  those  moments  back. 

Heather  McCarty 
Student  Trustee 

Your  Senior  Speaker 

Good  Morning  Dr.  Cole,  members  of  the  Board  of  Trustees,  faculty,  family,  friends  and  loved 
ones.   To  paraphrase  Sir  Winston  Churchill,  this  momentous  occasion  does  not  signify  the  end 
of  our  educational  journey.    Rather,  its  the  end  of  our  undergraduate  chapter.    For  myself,  a 
successful  end,  because  I  KNEW  YOU.   As  we  celebrate  today,  I  join  my  fellow  graduates  of 
Montclair  State  University  Class  of  2009,  in  thanking  and  saluting  our  parents,  our  professors, 
our  advisors,  and  friends,  for  the  hard  work  and  many  sacrifices  they  have  invested  in  us 
during  our  undergraduate  career.   With  true  love  and  respect,  I  will  share  with  you  some  of 
the  ways  I  think  of  you  because  I  KNEW  YOU. 

When  money  was  low,  I  knew  you  as  a  parent  whose  assistance  was  but  a  phone  call  away.    I 

overcoming  them.    I  knew  you  as  an  advisor  and  mentor,  whose  advice  and  assistance  helped 
me  to  chart  my  career  path.   Your  advice  and  assistance  helped  other  majors,  my  peers,  who 
are  graduating  from  the  Health  Careers  Program.    Because  I  knew  you,  I  am  who  I  am.   Your 
values  of  hard  work,  honesty  and  determination  are  now  my  values.   Love  for  other  people, 
compassion  for  the  sick  and  elderly  are  my  inheritance  from  you.    Now,  challenges  and 
problems  will  come,  but  through  your  eyes,  I  have  come  to  see  them  as  opportunities. 
Opportunities,  to  prove  myself  as  a  person  of  character  and  integrity,  capable  of  dreaming 
great  dreams  and  transforming  those  dreams  into  reality.   Lastly,  I  knew  you  as  a  friend,  who 
was  always  willing  to  swipe  me  into  the  cafeteria  or  give  up  some  flex  for  late  nights  at  the 
Red  Hawk  Diner.   The  rewards  of  life,  money,  fame  and  power  are  of  little  value  without  a 
friend  to  share  them  with,  someone  to  rejoice  at  my  successes  and  laugh  at  my  follies.   A  very 
heartfelt  thank  you  for  being  my  friend.   May  the  sun  ever  shine  upon  your  countenance  and 
winds  be  constant  beneath  your  wings.  ^sfiSB«B 

I  encourage  my  fellow  graduates  to  remember  this  is  but  the  end  of  our  undergraduate 
chapter.   There  are  many  more  chapters  to  be  written  in  our  history.   The  contents  of  those 
chapters  will  be  largely  determined  by  the  choices  we  make.    History  will  pass  judgment  upon 
the  choices  we  make.    But  because  I  KNEW  the  Class  of  2009,  I  am  confident  that  history  will 
be  kind  to  us.   Thank  you. 

McEnough's  Speech  at  Commencement 

May  22nd,  2009 

Izod  Center 






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By  Zach  Lichtmann 

Passing-Time  in  a  Route  9  Diner 

Jamie:  ' 

He's  a  man,  an  old  man.    Look  how  many  wrinkles  he  has.  -- 

His  whole  face  has  wrinkles.    Even  his  eyelids. 

/  confess,  I  had  not  seen  his  eyelid  wrinkles.  •'" 

In  fact,  I'd  never  heard  of  such  a  thing,  hut  there  they  were. 

She  scrunched  her  own  brows  looking  carefully  at  him  now. 
He  has  dried  spit  in  the  corners  of  his  mouth, 
which  means  he  has  to  take  medication  for  his  heart. 
He  doesn't  drive  anymore. 
"He  doesn't?" I  ask. 
No,  look  at  how  worn  his  shoes  are. 
He  walks  every  Saturday  to  the  restaurant  where  he  and  his  wife  used  to  eat  together. 
Now  he  sits  at  the  bar. 
See,  she  died  and  he's  lonely. 

He  misses  her  so  much  that  he  feels  compelled  to  come  back  to  this  same  restaurant, 
but  he  can't  stand  sitting  in  the  booth  where  they  used  to  sit. 
So  he  comes  here  to  get  close  to  the  memory,  but  not  too  close. 

Jamie  leans  hack,  smiling,  satisfied  with  her  imagination.  \ 

She  even  nods  a  little  hit  to  give  herself  approval. 

"How  can  you  possibly  think  this  stuff  up?"  I  ask  her. 

She  shrugs  and  wolfs  down  another  bite  of  the  burger  on  her  plate. 

Marley's  busy  seeing  how  many  times  she  can  stab  what's  left  of  the  pickle  on  her 
plate,  but  I  ask  her  what  she  thinks  of  him. 

Marley:  ■" 

I  think  he's  a  loser.  4 

He  sits  with  his  coffee,  the  cheapest  thing  on  the  menu,  and  reads  that  paper,  the  cheapest 

book  you  can  buy. 

"So  he's  cheap?"  I  ask  her.  J 

No,  he's  a  loser. 

If  he  was  any  good  to  his  family,  he  would  be  sitting  somewhere  with  one  of  them. 
I  think  he  beat  his  wife  and  kids,  and  they  hate  him  for  it.  — — ^.^™™ 

Jamie  and  I  apparently  share  frowns  at  Marley. 
Why  not?  Marley  barks  at  us. 

I  think  he  comes  here  every  Saturday  to  try  to  flirt  with  that  waitress, 
rather  than  help  his  wife  take  care  of  their  dilapidated  house. 

"listen",  I  tell  them,  "neither  one  of  you  are  talking  about  that  man  over  there. 
Marley  folds  her  arms  and  looks  out  the  window. 
Jamie  shrugs  again  and  swallows  the  last  bite  of  her  burger. 
I  sip  from  my  lemonade  before  I  stand  up  and  approach  the  stranger. 
Turns  out  Jamie  and  Marley  both  had  him  dead  wrong. 



■tm    /- 


mmmw  cim  m, 


Wesouf  M.  Abdrabouh  Nabela  Abu-Harthia  Evelyn  Acevedo 

Tanisha  Acevedo  Kr>  slal  Louise  Acoita  Kent  K.  Acquah-Abbiw 

Christine  Anne  Adamo        Vanessa  Rosemary  Adams  Vincent  A.  Ahmuty 

Ibetty  C.  Alache  Stephanie  A.  Albanese  Michael  William  Albert 

Mahel  Panl;i  Almniii.-  Zahra  F.  Alnajjar  Allredo  .le-iis  Alonsn  Hana  Alpcr  X'lTonica  B   Alvarez  Mai'co  Joseph  Amato 

i"\!L-i  Ji.lin  Andreula  Merve  Anginer  Danielle  Annuzzi  Juliana  Anselmini  Paul  Marques  Antunes  Julianne  M.  Apa 


Jose  Manuel  Aponte  Alejandra  J.  Aragon  Ashley  Michelle  Arcangelo  Harry  Artinian  Jillian  Beth  Ariich  Manisha  Bharat  Asawia 

Paul  S.  Augusto 

Georaina  Rita  Awad  Ummar  S.  Awan  Iracv  Michelle  Avtch  Peter  Ganial  .\/i/ 

Marina  Babich 

Joseph  D.Bae  O/lem  Meryem  Balcik  Nji  Asanji  Ban  Nigera  Nadivah  Harden  Ryan  Andrew  Barede 

Kimberly  Banett  Dwayne  iVl.  Beckford  Greg  T.  Beebe  Viktoria  Belman  Victoria  Berezhnaya  Patricia  Ann  Bernardo 

Ayana  Major  Bey  Komal  K.  Bhall  Kara  Leigh  Bianchi  Marisa  G.  Bianco  Alexander  Monroe  Billups  Jenniler  Alexis  Bno 

Karina  Borja 

Natasha  Borrero  Jeffre\  Bouchebel  Abhie\  N.  Bo\a  Nicole  Christine  Bozzomo         Kelly  Nicole  Braunius 

Lisa  Marie  Bucci  Courtney  Nicole  Buckley  Johannah  Buissereth  Samantha  Butler  Laeeq  Ahmed  Butt  Kia  Monique  Bunone 

%mR)iair  mte  mmr^tfoim  ^^2009 

GulsumCakir  Taniesha  Tamara  Campbell  Alexandra  Canals  Natalie  Ann  Cancio  Carmine  Cantalupo  Dana  Domenica  Capalbo 

Jason  M.  Capaldi  Michele  Leigh  Cardone  Paola  I.  Carpenito  Satumino  Othon  Carrera         Sebastian  Carlos  Carrera         Craig  Christopher  Carter 

Frederick  James  Carter  Cassandra  D.  Carver  Sarah  Casa  Jennifer  Lynn  Casselli  Daniela  Castellanos  Melissa  Devilla  Castillo 

e.j       Cynthia  Castro  Nicola  Casale  Catapano  Humeyra  Celikel  Pilar  Andrea  Celts  Mira  K.  Chahine  Priscilla  L.  Chan 

Wing  Yin  Chan  Chandradai  Chandool  Mary  Beth  Chanowich  Alex  Chen 

Rebecca  J.  Chew  Jignesh  Chhaprawala 

mmR^Mr  Mte  miiremtf  otim  m  2009 


Ronald  Frank  Chicken 

Wasif  S.  Choudhur>'  Joseph  Matthew 


Bryan  Alexander 

Jaime  Danielle  Christopher  Nataliya  Chuchvara 

Melissa  M.  Ciaccio  Ralph  Cicchetti  Monica  M.  Cisneros  Denyeah  Musherrah  Shermin  Orlene  Clarke  Carolyn  Marie  Close 


Daniel  J.  Cocco  Gina  Marie  Colon  Caroline  Violet  Comerford  Salvatore  Condegni  Teresa  N.  Confair  Love  E.  Constant 

Steven  Czartoryski  Candice  Lisa  D'amato  Jessica  Tatiana  D'emilio         Barbara  Caruzo  Da  Silva         Mariana  Angelica  F.  Da  Susana  Da  Silva 


Kristina  Dallas  Kevin  Edward  Dalton  Marisa  Aliethe  Damallie  Hiren  H.  Darji  Sejal  M.  Dave  Lauren  Frances  Davella 

i  Tina  David  George  Sebastian  De  Lahoz         Michele  Margaret  De  Loriann  Decaito  Dana  Elizabeth  Del  Grosso      Andrew  Albert  Delgrosso 

I  Vincentis 

Thomas  Phillip  Dellanno       Cassandra  Renee  Delucchi        Raul  Sandoval  Demetria  Amy  Zhang  Deneen  Mary  Monica  Dennis  Monique  Lucinda  Dent 

Dana  Marie  Derobertis  Ilesh  Bharat  Desai  Deanna  Michele  Devore  Candace  Marie  Dewitt  Jessica  Ann  Diana  Celia  Elizabeth  Diaz 


Melissa  Diaz  Kimberley  E.  Diggs  Courtney  Patrice  Tonimarie  Dipietro  Peter  J.  Distefano  Leslie  L.  Dobbs 


Daniela  E.  Dobos  Sorina  Elena  Dobos  Jennifer  Dolan  Stephen  Dominguez  Ashley  Emanuelle  Dorian        Natasha  Monique  Eanes        iiSji 

Shawn  Staurt  Ellison  David  Elton  Erica  Lynn  Emmich  Michelle  Frances  Emmons  Vanessa  Espinosa  Michelle  Marie  Esposito         la 

%mR^Mr  mte  mi\remw^  e(m  ^^2009 

Ishmael  L.  Flemming  Suzanne  Marie  Foglio  Craig  Forrest  Forman  Shauna  Caprice  Foster  Zaraina  Karetlia  Frazier  Jennifer  Eiizabetii  Fria 

Tonya  Marie  Froisland  Bryan  F.  Fucetola  Sarali  Elizabeth  Gagliano  Stepiianie  Galette  Chrisine  M.  Gallaglier  Brian  C.  Gannon 

Julieth  F.  Garcia  Michelle  Garcia  Steven  J.  Gardenier  Kristen  Deborah  Gargano       Lauren  Michelle  Garrison         Sarah  Christine  Garvey 

Dionna  Marie  Gary  Carolyn  Marie  Gaydos  Kristen  Leigh  Gear  Caitlin  Rose  Gearity  Christopher  A  George         Kathryn  Dorothy  Gerritsen 

Michael  Giaimo 

Manisha  Giri  Edward  Graham  Goldblatt  Peter  Louis  Golub  Enrique  Jose  Gomez 

mmtGkir  Mate  mmr^tfchM  &^2009 


Soraya  Gomez  Gabriela  Gonzalez  Nancy  W.  Gonzalez  Nelson  Gonzalez  Veronica  Gonzalez  Samanlha  Elizabeth  Cooler 

Ryan  Timothy  Gorsky  Christina  Marion  Gratale        Kathleen  Michelle  Gregg  Vanessa  A.  Griess  Carolyn  Griffin  Stephen  G.  Griggs 

Leonardo  Franklin 

Holly  Jean  Grimes  Paula  A.  Guevara  Anthony  Vito  Gusevich         Stephanie  Michelle  Haber 

Kacy-Ann  Mana  Hall  Katherine  M.  Hanas  Rebecca  Lee  Hanchar  Barbara  Hantzopoulos  Kxistina  M.  Hardigan  Dana  Marie  Hardock 

:e  Harris  Gena  Michelle  Hartman  Nicole  Hassell  Stephanie  Rose  Haupm  Jasmme  Arielle  Hauser  Daniel  Stuart  Hennessey 

Jason  M.  Henry  Jonathan  Michael  Herbig  Alan  Hernandez  Jennifer  Hernandez  Jackeline  Yanette  Herrera  Jessica  E.  Hi  Her 

Yicell  Ana  E.  Hodge-  Andrea  Nicole  Hojnacki  Erin  Kelly  Horton 


Nicole  Ann  Horvath  Shaeen  N.  Howell  Eloy  Randy  Huamanchumo 

Lillian  Andrea  Huertas  Sean  Joseph  Hughes  Volodymyr  Hunko  Khaleda  N.  Hussain  Sabrin  I.  Hussein  Stephanie  lanniello 

Asli  Berrin  Inci  Dianna  Infante  Jaclyn  Marie  Ingoglia  Tania  Ivanova  Jamie  Marie  Jakubik  Christine  Grace  James 

John  Duffy  James 

Klaren  Jean  Daphne  Fara  Jean-Baptiste         Rodney  Kareem  Jean-         Barbara  Contreras  Jimenez        Miguel  Angel  Jimenez 

William  Vincent  Joel  Brendan  Peter  Jones  Ashley  Nicole  Jouaneau  Matthew  Robert  Jugan         Laila  Omar  Gary  Kabbash  Akbar  Kabir 

I  Kaplun  Laura  Ashley  Kaplysh  Kelly  R.  Karp  Tonia  Afroozeh  Kazerani         Michael  Thomas  Kelley  Valerie  Ann  Kerr 

Montaser  Khalil  Andrea  A.  Khan  Amma  Khatun 

Juliet  M.  Kikata  Minsung  Kim  Myoung  Suk  Kim 


Shin  Young  Kim  Ashley  Lynn  King 

Irina  Kirkina  Beverly  Elaine  Klotzkin  Walter  lii  Koehler  Joseph  J.  Kolodziej 

MaUka  Mariam  Kone  Kevin  R.  Kowalik  David  H.  Kreinberg  Sheldon  Alon/o  Kreps  Jaime  Susan  Krukas  Nicole  Marie  Krygoski 

mtdki^r  mte  mi^iremt^oCm  &^2009 

Alena  Marie  Kucinski  Amanda  Marie  Kucsera  Derya  Kurt  Ashley  M.  La  Trace  Joseph  Patrick  Lagrutta         Christen  Nicole  Lamberti 

Magda  Zuleyna  Laspina  Tara  Laterza  Samantha  Frances  Lazzaro  Yolanda  J.  Lebron  Randi  Morgan  Lee  Sheerah  Ann  Lee 

Dinorah  M.  Lopez  Natalia  Lopez  Jessica  Lynne  Lozak  Alexis  Patricia  Ludwig  Nicole  Angel  Luongo  Amy  E.  Luque 

mmR)mr  ^B  ml^m^fCL 


Avah  Macknowsky  Kelly  Anne  Mady  Kristen  Ann  Maiello  Maria  P.  Makris 

Shawn  Malbon  Miquelina  Maldonado 

Jacqueline  Santos  Martin  Jennifer  Lynn  Martin  Michelle  Martinez 

Yenis  O.  Martinez  Shani  Y.  Maslovski 

btephanie  Samantha 

'iiakl  Ryan  Kathleen  McDonald  Vaughn  A.  Mctnough         Donna  Kathleen  McGo\ em  Bnan  A.  Mcknitiht  Linda  McSherrv 

lennis  Peter  McSweeney  Lidwine  T.  Meffo  Cheryl  Christina  Meier  Shirley  Mejias  Fabiana  Monteiro  Mello  Robert  Albert  Melok 

Omar  Mercado  Christopher  Gerard  Merk  Jennifer  Beth  Merkm  Gabriel  A.  Merla  Diania  Jean  Merriam  Juliann  Mezzina 


Mary  N.  Michel  Amanda  Lynne  Migliaccio  Ryan  Matthew  Miles  Kimberly  Anne  Miller  Jacqueline  Elise  Misistia         Kevin  Joseph  Mongiello 

<-inta  Dufrene  Montilus  Marileidy  Morel  Kerri  Renee  Morgan  Derrick  Dawan  Morrison         Daniel  Joseph  Moseson         Nima  Michael  Moshggoo 

)iana  Carolina  Mousally      Najmamedinah  Muhammad       Marc  Joseph  Mustachio  Stacy  L.  Napolitano  Rebecca  Marie  Nardiello  DinaM.  Noeman 

Aline  Moraes  De  01i\'eira         Rjan  Andrew  Oliveira 


Mostafa  Omara 

Pamela  Nkechinye 

Melissa  Man,  Orem  Jonathan  Ortiz 

Caitlm  Ma;-) 

O^trer  D'nitra  Dorinda  Paden  Christina  Debhy  Padula         Enka  Christine  Palmaffy  Giovanni  M.  Palumbo 

I'jiidya  Nikesha  Natanya  Jahnavi  Pulastya  Parekh  Jazmine  Parker  William  Paul  Pastor  Dhruti  Patel 


mmtdki^r  mte  mmmtf  oim  ^^2009 

Dweeti  Rashesh  Patel  Falguni  V.  Patel 

>ik  \    I'.ik'l  Prayag  Naineshkuniar  Patel  Samta  Patel 

Skye  Mary  Patete 

Amanda  R.  Patton  Patrick  Pamell  Paul  Katherine  Mary  Jessica  Lyn  Peene  Daniel  Edward  Peltz  Claudia  Morais  Pereira 


Johannys  Perez  Toni  Alyssa  Perez  Christopher  Adam  Richard  Joseph  Peterson  Jammy  D.  Phelps 


ennifer  Leigh  Plawner  Colleen  Ann  Poalillo  Phillip  Matthew  Poeta  Anna  Polanowska-Baba  Marc  John  Pollaro  Pamela  Polster 

mmtcMr  ^B  mi^\remtfoim  6^^200^ 

Nick-M,  Rccchia  r.    ^„•M.,  r,,:;-i,' RcJnia;i 

(iakK.'jd  Brittany  Anne  Reincke  Yulianu  Rendon  Stephanie  Rengifo 

v'.,-,r„„„,  F^  S  ,„  \j,jrg^       Ciiristian  Warren  Reynolds         Rebekah  Lynn  Rhodes  Adnana  Alexis  Riano  Ashley  Richards  Stephanie  Lynn  Risimin     ;.  _j 

Jocelyn  N.  Ritter 

K.illieniic  Ki\ci 

Lizette  Rnera  Daniel  Joseph  Rizos  Julianne  M.  Rizzitello  Andrea  C.  Robalino 

Carla  S.  Rodrigues  Andrea  A.  Rodriguez 

Cynthia  Rodriguez  Gerardo  Rodriguez  Giselle  Rodriguez 

Cassandra  M.  Roio  Patricia  A.  Romaine  Leanna  Romano 

Adrian  Komen 

Diana  J.  Romero 

Christine  Roque  Rachel  Leigh  Rota  Kimberly  Sarah  Roth  Elisa  C.  Rotonda 

Afiesha  R.  Ruan 

Samantha  Rodriguez 

Elijah  Rooks 

Dominic  Rubino 

dwin  Mauricio  Rubio  Jaime  Lynn  Rutkowski  Stacy  Caroline  Rutz 

Myrto  Saget 

Gabriela  Saint-Hilaire  Tamara  Elizabeth  Sak 

Emine  Salif  Jessica  A.  Salway  Joanna  Marie  Salway  Elizabeth  Sanabria  Jeannet  Lynn  Sanchez 

Rafael  Sanchez 

Walt  Andres  Sanchez  Mohamad  Saiikar  Ashley  Anne  Santana  Marlyn  Aracelis  Santana         Diana  Shinsung  Santelli  Mislene  Santos 



TracieMicheleSayles  Samantha  Scannell  Nadine  Douvan  Schafranek        Sean  Eric  Schrecenaost  Lauren  F.  Schumann  Richard  J.  Schwarz 

Iter  Lynn  Sciamllo  Kathleen  Michelle  Scully  Ronald  H.  Sealey  David  E.  Seda  Candace  Kvriaki  Sedereas        Willuim  Peter  Senedzul 

mtDiair  mte  mmrutf  cim  &^2009 

James  R.  Serazio  Kara  Ja\  Selkiewicz  Patricia  Sewak 

Swati  Narendrakumar  Shah  Kitii  Sharma 

Kimherly  Sharpe 

Tanisha  Jakia  Shelton  Yasrain  M.  Sherif  Daniel  Richard  Sherwood  Darya  Shmidt  Taisha  Jenene  Shockley  Stacey  Leah  Siegel 

Jesseca  Nicole  Sousa  Sandra  F.  Sousa  Paula  Sofia  Souto  Lauren  Michelle  Spahle  Lynda  K.  Spair  Adrienne  B.  Spano 

ntmR^iai^r  ^Me  mi^iremtf  o&m  &^200^ 

Emilija  Spaseska  Larisa  Ann  Spitzer  Krista  M.  Stac\-  Daniel  William  Stark  Desiree  Starrett  Michael  P.  Stehlik 

Sean  Edward  Stevens  Shaina  Hope  Stevens  Jessica  Marie  Stivale  Rory  Phillips  Stout  Maria  Strama 

Michael  Strickland 

Michael  Charles  Strickland  Alvssa  Stroman  Michael  Sturhann  Hiroaki  Suzuki  Marisa  Ann  Sweeney  Melissa  Szablicki 

Nicola  Ann  Szpila  Sae  Tamaoki 

Jamie  Taneja  Brayan  Alfred  Tapiero  Elyse  Faith  Tarantino  Matthew  Francis  Taylor 

^aitlin  Marlene  Thomas 

Jennifer  Elizabeth 

Kerri  Thompson  Rennea  Georgia  Thompson  Latisha  Thorn  Michelle  Toraaszewski 

iristina  Marie  Traettino      Lauren  Michele  Ann  Trasso  Roberta  Travis 

Jessica  Treanor  Christopher  E.  Trenard  John  Robert  Tripi 

panna  B.  Trzaskowska 

Yuliya  Tsimrin, 

Raymond  Jacob  Tulling  Hulya  Tunci 

Ndidiamaka  Augusta  Ukah-  James  Robert  L  lakj 


Lizchelle  A.  Urena  Lauren  Elizabeth 


Jamie  Ivonne  Utset  Linda  Ifueko  Uwumarogie  Karina  Vallejo  Jessica  Rose  Val\  ano 

Denise  Sara  Vecchi  Maria  Guadalupe  \icente  Jennifer  Vidal  Antoine  Subashine  Vincent  Jasmit  Kaur  Virdi  Megan  J.  Virella 

Andrew  J.  Wayne  Lisa  Martin  Weaver  Christine  Wechsberg  Jeffrey  Michael  Welfel  Britney  R.  White  Christian  Forys  Wicch 

I  D.  Wilkins  Isaac  Amir  Williams  Justin  Michael  Williams         Shyquira  Level  Williams  Jennifer  Victoria  Jessica  Lynn  Wojcik 


p  mmmtg^  c(m  0^^2009 

vlonique  Diane  Wooten  Jose  Santos  Woss  Jessica  Chnslcn  VVnglit  Jennifer  Adeline-Rose  Eliza  Wytrzes 


(atthew  Thomas  Yochim  Jung  Ho  Yoo 

Maria  Zacharatos  Nicole  Zanetakos 

Andrew  Thomas  Yan  Zhang 


Oxana  Zmchenko  Marianmta  Zito  Amanda  Marie  Znutas  Catherine  Mane  Zuher 

David  Thorn  Candace  Leal  Quinn 



May  I4th  -  Atlantic  City  Day  Trip 

May  15th  -  Mary  Poppins  on  Broadway 

May  16th  -  White  Water  Rafting 

May  17th  -  Bowling 

May  18th  -  Dave  &  Busters 

May  19th  -  Six  Flags 

May  20th  -  Medieval  Times 

May  21st  -  Senior  Send-Off/Champagne  Toast 




J  I 


P;  "\^B 






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the  wonderful 


Vorld  of  disney 



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By  Zach  Lichtmann 

n  early  summertime  haze  hangs  on  us  after  the  sun  burns  away  our  youth. 

f  you  sit  real  still 

ou  can  see  it~the  sky's  texture-looming  in  a  sodium  orange  every  night. 

Who  navigates  by  stars  anymore? 

iven  the  moon  looks  sickly- 
|.  caramel-glazed  ornament  now. 

Run  away  to  the  shore,  to  the  coastline,  and  south! 
Build  sandcastles,  build  sandcastles,  build  sandcastles... 

"hat  sodium  haze  ^vill  just  keep  rolling... 
o  the  shore, 

ast  the  breakers  and  the  channels  and  the  pan  handle  of  the  Cape  Fear~ 
ast  all  the  children  ^who  stand  ^with  giant  scallop-eyed  vicT^^s  of  the  edge  of 
itie  world, 
heir  tiny  hands- 

iist  ornaments  to  the  tsunamis  of  the  universe, 

hat  universe  we  all  once  thought  was  simply  full  of  soft  w^aves  that  only 
obbed  us  of  the  occasional  ill-placed  sand  castle. 

[ave  Tve  learned  a  little  about  our  brothers  and  our  sisters  since  our  sandy 
ipprenticeships  and  sibling  mud  wars? 

Give  us  the  blackest  skies  and  the  deepest  oceans, 

Give  us  the  heaviest  granite  slabs. 

Give  us  the  bitterness  and  the  poverty  of  the  oldest  desert- 

We  inherit  the  ya^vps  of  every  man  and  woman  that  has  ever  stood  and' 

cried  out  at  the  pollution  of  our  dreams  in  the  night. 
...not  to  simply  carry  their  burdens,  but  to  bear  our  teeth  now  more  as 
ne  clan  than  ever  before  against  indifference~of  our  species  and  of 


^(Mefe  (^  ^caHOHitie^ 

In  the  true  spirit  of  liberal  arts 

education,  CHSS  students  follow 

a  focused  yet  broad-based  course 

of  study  that  affords  a  solid 
grounding  of  general  knowledge. 

Classics  &  General  Humaniti<[ 
Communication  Sciences  &  Disordei 



Justice  StudiJ 


Modern  Languages  &  Literatun 

Philosophy  &  Religic 

Political  Science  &  La 



Spanish  &  Itali^j 



As  a  result  of  a  workforce  reduction,  my  career  as  an  Electronic  Commerce  Specialist  came 

an  end  in  January  of  2007.  Feeling  the  stress  of  Corporate  America  and  wanting  a  career  that 
I'elt  would  make  a  difference  in  somebodys  life,  God  could  not  have  worked  this  out  at  a  better 
tne  in  my  life.  I  was  able  to  enroll  in  classes  at  Montclair  State  University  and  was  able  to 

mplete  a  journey  that  I  started  twenty-two  years  ago. 

My  experience  at  Montclair  State  University  over  the  past  two  years  have  been  absolutely, 

joyable,  exciting,  refreshing,  rewarding,  and  an  experience  that  I  will  cherish  for  the  rest  of 
life.  I  have  learned  a  great  deal  from  the  young  adults  on  campus  and  was  able  to  bless  them 

th  some  of  my  life  experiences  in  the  process.  To  teach  and  to  be  taught  is  something  that  is 
avantageous  to  every  college  student  no  matter  what  age. 

What  I  found  most  rewarding  while  attending  Montclair  State  University  was  the  professois 
ad  their  deep  appreciation  for  the  non-traditional  students  life  experience  and  appreciation  f 

rning.  My  professors  were  approachable,  always  willing  to  offer  words  of  encouragement  and 

ew  deserve  to  be  recognized.    Professor  T.K.  Blue,  Professor  Belinfiante-Abdul,  Professor 
Sngetta  Parashar,  Professor  Leslie  Wilson,  Dr.  Michael  Kogan,  Dr.  David  Benfield,  and  my  all 

le  favorite.  Professor  Stephen  Johnson  have  all  been  insightfully  inspiring  to  me.   I  am  very 
f  3ud  to  be  among  so  many  aspiring  young  adults  and  very  proud  to  join  the  ranks  of 
^^ntclair  State  University  alumni. 

%  Td&M  M(^d^r  (^  Re&§i^tiA  Studies  &  C&mm,  Phcto^pff  Mimr 

When  I  moved  into  my  dorm  room  in  fall  2005,  I  was  filled  with  the  same  excitement 
every  first  year  student  has.  In  my  case  I  had  no  idea  what  to  major  in  or  what  college  would 
be  like,  but  I  did  know  Montclair  was  for  me. 

Although  my  forte  was  science  and  mathematics  in  high  school,  I  found  myself  steering 
toward  the  humanities  when  I  chose  electives  alongside  my  general  education  classes. 
Engaging  professors  such  as  Stephen  Johnson,  Michael  Kogan,  Jean  Alvares,  and  David 
Benfield  helped  fijrther  stimulate  my  desire  to  pursue  studies  in  the  humanities  with  their 
exceptional  teaching.  Before  I  knew  it,  I  was  a  double  major  with  Classics  and  Religious 
Studies,  and  I  even  picked  up  a  philosophy  minor. 

I  also  chose  to  become  involved  on  campus  during  my  tenure  at  Montclair.  I  was  the 
founding  treasurer  of  the  MSU  Paintball  Club,  a  DJ  for  the  campus  radio  station  WMSC,  a 
part  of  the  InterVarsity  Christian  Fellowship,  and  an  active  Student  Government  member.  I 
was  later  elected  twice  to  serve  as  the  President  of  our  Student  Government  Association,  a 
post  which  I  feel  both  proud  and  privileged  to  have  held.  My  experience  with  the  SGA 
helped  teach  me  a  great  deal  about  business  as  well  as  politics. 

By  serving  as  a  two  year  SGA  President  I  was  able  to  cultivate  some  great  relationships 
with  many  administrators  at  MSU.  I  am  pleased  to  have  worked  alongside  such  dedicated 
professionals  that  were  always  trying  to  help  our  community. 

The  education  I  received  from  MSU  was  superb.  I  am  sure  it  has  prepared  me  for  the 
further  study  I  intend  to  pursue  as  I  begin  graduate  school  at  Princeton  Theological 
Seminary  for  a  Masters  degree  this  fall.  I  would  then  like  to  go  on  to  a  PhD  program  and 
eventually  become  a  professor  to  help  inspire  others  to  never  stop  learning  and  searching  for 
the  truth  in  every  field  of  study. 

So  many  memories  are  made  during  your  college  years,  and  I  am  glad  to  say  I  made  mine 
here  at  MSU.  I  am  thankful  to  have  shared  many  of  them  with  fellow  classmates  whom  I 
can  also  call  great  friends.  For  those  of  you  I  met  along  my  journey  here,  I  would  like  to  say 
thank  you  for  being  a  part  of  my  college  experience.  1  wish  nothing  but  blessings  upon  my 
friends  and  fellow  graduates  as  we  all  look  forward  to  each  new  day  and  the  excitement  the 
fiiture  brings.  Thank  you  Montclair  State  University,  Carpe  Diem! 

^&Ue^  o^  Scce^tce 

My  experience  ar  Monrclair  has  been  an  unforgettable  one.  My 
professors  made  sure  to  push  me  because  they  see  the  potential  that  all  of 
their  students  have,  and  they  want  to  give  the  best  education  possible.  I 
strived  to  do  my  best  and  was  honored  to  become  a  member  in  both  the 
Education  and  Mathematics  Honors  Fraternities.  Being  honored  like  this 
shows  me  that  when  I  become  a  math  teacher  I  will  be  able  to  apply  my 
knowledge  and  be  the  best  teacher  that  I  can  be.  This  is  mostly  in  thanks 
to  Montclair. 

I  was  not  only  impacted  educationally,  but  socially  as  well.   Coming  in  as 
a  timid  freshman  I  did  not  know  what  to  expect,  and  I  was  hesitant  to 
accept  the  change  in  my  life.  I  did  not  know  that  my  time  at  Montclair 
would  create  such  a  positive  impact  on  my  life.  I  became  an  Admissions 
Ambassador  in  order  to  share  my  positive  experience  with  others. 
Through  this  programi  I  became  more  involved  in  the  school,  met  a  lot 
of  amazing  people,  and  made  the  best  of  every  moment  spent  here.   I 
learned  to  lay  back,  laugh,  and  enjoy  life.  My  college  experience  helped 
;  to  make  me  who  I  am  today. 

Upon  matriculating  to  Montclair  State  University,  I  immediately  knew  that  this  institution  'i 
my  ideal  community.  Montclair  had  all  the  tools  that  were  necessary  for  me  to  become 
successful,  mature  intellectually,  and  become  exceedingly  competent  in  my  field  of  study.  T- 
faculty,  staff  and  academic  advisor  were  integral  in  whom  I  have  become  today.   During  my  | 
freshman  year,  1  realized  the  need  to  get  involved  within  my  community.   I  wanted  to  make 
new  friends.  Thus,  I  joined  the  Student  Government  Association,  where  I  served  as  a 
Legislator.  To  stay  in  touch  with  my  Jamaican  roots,  I  joined  the  Caribbean  Students 
Organization,  where  I  met  individuals  from  all  over  the  Caribbean.   It  was  an  exciting  momit 
for  me.  I  was  able  to  exchange  stories  about  experiences  growing  up  in  a  country  other  thanie 
United  States.   I  also  joined  the  Minority  Association  for  Pre-Health  Students,  which  was 
geared  towards  educating  young  and  eager  science  majors,  about  the  rigors  with  which  he/sh 
will  face  in  the  medical  realm.  Aside  from  these  organizations,  I  was  also  an  Ambassador  foric 
Undergraduate  Admissions.   Serving  in  this  capacity  has  been  one  of  the  highlights  of  my 
undergraduate  career.   I  was  able  to  encourage  prospective  students  to  apply  to  the  Universit 
and  become  a  part  of  this  wonderful  community.    Desiring  to  exploit  my  leadership  skills,  I 
decided  to  apply  for  the  position  of  what  was  then  called.  Resident  Assistant.   From  this 
experience,  I  have  learned  to  prioritize  well  and  work  upon  my  time  management  skills. 

Although  I  became  highly  involved  within  my  community,  academics  were  my  main  prioritl 
As  a  molecular  biology  major  and  future  pediatric  surgeon,  I  understood  that  I  had  to  mainti 
a  solid  G.P.A  so  that  I  would  be  a  competitive  candidate  when  it  was  time  for  me  to  apply  t(l 
medical  school.  I  have  taken  the  necessary  classes  that  will  prepare  me  for  what  is  to  come  ill 
the  future.  Through  the  Health  Careers  Program,  I  was  able  to  attend  summer  programs  at] 
Albert  Einstein  College  of  Medicine  and  the  University  of  Medicine  and  Dentistry  of  New 
Jersey,  where  I  have  undertaken  research,  dissected  cadavers  and  shadowed  doctors. 

Looking  back  today,  I  have  no  regrets  about  choosing  to  attend  Montclair  State.   I  loved  the] 
experience  and  would  re-do  it  in  a  heart-beat.  Thanks  Montclair! 

Ofid  ^TH^t^e^Hotic^ 


Iiology  &  Molecular  Biology 

(aemistry  &  Biochemistry 

Computer  Science 

E,irth  &  Environmental  Studies 

Mathematical  Science 

CSAM  offers  a  strong  science  and 

mathematics  education  within  an 

equally  strong  liberal  arts  tradition. 

Undergraduate  and  graduate 

students  learn  by  doing  -  in 

classrooms,  in  the  state-of-the-art 

electron  microscopy  facility,  in  the 

new  Environmental  Modeling 

Laboratory,  and  via  numerous 

opportunities  for  research  and  for 

study  overseas. 



CEHS  carries  on  MSU's  proud 

history  of  preparing  the  finest 

teachers,  and  also  offers  other 

outstanding  programs  leading  to 

further  study  and  careers  in  many 


-Counseling  and  Educational  Leadershi 
-Curriculum  &  Teachir 
-Early  Childhood,  Elementar 
&  Literacy  Educatic^ 
-Educational  Eoundatior 
-Exercise  Science  &  Physical  Educatic|l 
-Family  &  Child  StudiH.i 
-Health  &  Nutrition  Science  1=? 


Franm  Tavera^,  faml^and  CfM  Studies  Mc^&r 

My  name  is  Frances  Taveras,  I  will  be  graduating  from  Montclair  State  University 
with  a  Bachelors  Degree  in  Family  and  Child  Studies  with  a  double  concentration 
in  Early/  Middle  Childhood  Education  and  Mathematics  ;  in  addition,  to  a  minor 
in  Leadership.   I  can  honestly  say  that  my  undergraduate  experience  has  been 
memorable  and  great.  My  college  endeavor  began  in  summer  2005  entering  MSU  as 
an  EOF  student.  If  I  was  granted  the  opportunity  to  do  it  once  again  I  would 
definitely  relive  that  amazing  experience.  I  have  met  and  worked  with  remarkable 
people  here  at  Montclair  State  University.  Not  only  have  I  made  friends  and  sisters 
but,  MSU  has  created  a  family  away  from  home  for  me. 

As  an  undergraduate  I  have  been  very  involved  on  campus.  I  have  held  numerous 
leadership  positions  such  as,  Vice  President  and  President  of  the  Matriarca  Chapter 
of  Mu  Sigma  Upsilon  Sorority,  INC.   ,  Publicity  Chair  and  Latinismo  Co-Chair  of 
the  Latin  American  Student  Organization,  member  of  the  Emerging  Leaders 
Learning  Community,  and  Vice  President  of  the  Greek  Council.  While  involved  in 
these  clubs  I  have  earned  and  received  various  awards  such  as  Greek  Woman  of  the 
Year  2007-2008,  Undergrad  Sister  of  the  Year  2007-2008,  Senior  Deans  Award  for 
Leadership  and  numerous  academic  excellence  awards  from  the  EOF  department.  In 
addition,  I  have  also  been  recognized  from  the  Residential  Education  Services  for 
my  dedication  and  creativity  on  my  Community  Assistant  duties  in  Webster  Hall.   I 
must  thank  the  Montclair  State  community  for  transforming  me  into  the  woman  I 
am  presently.   Furthermore,  I  have  not  only  expanded  my  knowledge,  however,  I 
have  gained  networking  opportunities  from  what  has  been  offered  to  me.  In  closing 
I  can  say  now  I  am  ready  for  the  real  world  and  triumph  over  any  obstacles  that  may 
come  my  way. 

R&hndMark  BiMere,  AtfiMc  Tramn§'  Mc^&r 

1  my  four  years  at  Montclair  State  University,  I  was  given  the  opportunity  to  grow  and 
lange  as  an  individual.  The  people  I  have  had  the  pleasure  of  having  as  mentors  and 
;achers  at  Montclair  have  shown  me  what  it  means  to  be  an  adult,  and  how  an  adult  gains 
le  respect  of  those  around  him  or  her.  As  a  school,  Montclair  has  been  an  oasis  for  me  a 
iace  where  I  knew  there  was  something  new  to  learn  or  discover,  and  a  place  where  I  would 
t  able  to  find  people  who  were  able  to  get  me  where  I  wanted  to  be  in  life.  I  will  miss  my 
me  at  Montclair  greatly.   I  would  like  to  take  this  opportunity  to  thank  all  the  friends  I 
lade  at  MSU  and  my  advisors,  especially  JD,  Joe  and  Dr.  Middlemas,  for  making  my  time 
:  Montclair  truly  unforgettable. 


^(Me(^  o^ 



''-Mifie  MiMa,  BiiMer  d  Bne  Arli  I 

It's  hard  to  pick  my  favorite  things  When  it  comes  to  talking  about  my  Major/Department.  I 
mean,  if  you  break  down  my  major.ifor  four  year  I've  been  trained  in  skills  on  how  to  express 
myself  visually.  How  sweet  is  that?  Someone's  artwork  is  a  very  personal  thing.  You'd  be 
surprised  how  much  critiques  are  like  therapy.   Not  only  that,  but  I've  been  able  to  try  almost 
every  medium  and  major  in  the^ilding.  I  never  had  any  sort  of  art  classes  before  Montclair, 
so  when  I  came  here  I  completg^  exploded.  With  the  support  of  my  professors  and  sick 
studios,  my  genius  has  really  shown  through.  Maha. 

Calcia  is  filled  with  the  m^  supportive,  talented  professors  the  school  has  to  offer.  From  the 
adjuncts  to  the  full-time  professors,  I  have  experienced  nothing  but  support  and  tough  love 
when  I  needed  it.  T^ey  have  helped  me  excel  as  an  artist,  and  as  well  as  a  person.  I  owe  them 
all  tons,  h,uy0^d  to  pick?— It  would  be  the  nicest,  sweetest  man  in  the  world  AKA  Peter 
Barnet^jS^^nly  does  he  let  you  know  if  your  painting  needs  a  dog  in  it,  but  we  respectflilly 
ow  at  each  other  when  we  see  each  other.  I  love  that  man.  Maha. 

I've  studied  in  Santander,  Spain  and  Florence,  Italy.  Studying  Aboard  has  been  one  of  the  best 
experiences  of  my  life,  in  EVERDOM.  You  can't  beat  the  feeling— complete  independence 
mixed  with  a  good,  old  culture  shock.  In  Spain,  I  learned  to  speak  in  a  different  tongue  as  I 
traveled  through  the  south  and  into  Portugal.  In  Florence,  I  came 

face  to  face  with  the  impact  of  the  Renaissance,  and  also  what  to  come  in  Berlin.  It's  life 
changing,  and  everyone  needs  a  little  change. 

My  undergraduate  years  at  Montclair  State  University  were  actually  very  disappointing. 
Not  the  university  itself,  no.   Montclair  offered  to  me  many  opportunities  to  better 
myself  and  to  experience  different  things.   I,  however,  chose  not  to  take  advantage  of 
everything  that  Montclair  had  to  offer  me.   I  chose  to  not  challenge  myself  to  get  that  ^\ 
I  did  only  what  I  had  to  because  I  knew  I  would  still  get  a  B.   I  chose  to  only  memorize  [ 
my  monologues  for  auditions,  not  rehearse  them  or  work  through  them  so  they  would 
grow.  I  chose  not  to  challenge  myself  to  become  a  better  person. 

I  graduated  from  Montclair  State  University  with  a  Bachelors  degree  in  Theater,  but  I  a| 
not  proud  of  myself  like  my  family  is.  I  don't  feel  like  I  earned  it.  Laziness  and 
procrastination  and  doing  okay  are  not  things  to  be  proud  of,  in  my  opinion.  But  I  can! 
turn  back  the  clock  and  do  it  over  again.  And  even  if  I  could,  I  don't  know  if  I  would  cl 
anything  differently.  Because  those  four  years  have  helped  me  to  realize  that  I  am  capabi 
of  doing  bigger  and  better  things.  And  I  am  capable  of  challenging  myself  and 
succeeding  in  those  challenges.  And  I  have  realized  that  I  don't  want  to  be  lethargic  an(| 
unproductive  anymore.  Our  lives  are  made  up  of  the  choices  we  make,  and  I  am  now 
choosing  to  make  decisions  I  can  be  proud  of. 

tAe  /rnt^ 

Art  &  Design 
Communication  Studies 
Theatre  and  Dance 

aents  study 
the  New  York  area's  finest  artist- 
teachers  and  internationally 
renowned  guest  teachers.  CART 
produces  art,  dance,  music  and 
theatre  programs,  by  students  as 
K        well  as  world-famous 
■  professionals,  in  MSU's  fully 
I  equipped  performance  and 
*>  exhibition  snaces. 


SBUS  graduates  are  immediately 
effective  in  cutting-edge  businesses 

in  the  modern  global  economy. 

SBUS,  accredited  by  the  AACSB 

International,  emphasizes  excellent 

teaching,  small  classes  and  attention 

to  students'  academic,  personal  and 

professional  development. 


Accounting,  Law  &  Taxation 

Economics  &  Finance 

International  Business 

Management  &  Information  Systems 




shman  year  began  slowly  without  many  surprises.  I  had  an  undeclared  major  and  was 
ins;  with  flow  of  all  the  other  students.   During  this  time,  I  had  registered  for  my  first 
Marketing  class  and  met  the  man  that  would  help  me  shape  my  life,  Dr.  John  McGinnis.  I 
a  ended  his  class  like  I  had  every  other  introductory  course,  without  any  expectations, 
bwever,  when  you  have  a  class  widi  Dr.  McGinnis,  you  cannot  leave  without  being 

ched  by  his  passion  for  the  subject.  Dr.  McGinnis  instruction  had  a  profound  effect  on 
TV  decision  to  major  in  Marketing. 


Em  K  Par^,  Marketing'  M^&r 

(ice  I  had  decided  to  become  a  Marketing  major,  I  was  offered  another  great  opportunity 
one  of  my  peers.  I  joined  a  fraternity,  Epsilon  Delta  Epsilon.  I  was  very  reluctant  to  join 
cause  I  was  not  a  very  outgoing  person.  After  a  lot  of  support  from  the  President  and  the 
cretary  of  the  fraternity,  they  re-assured  me  that  I  would  feel  at  home.  Joining  the 
ternity  allowed  me  to  become  more  outgoing.  I  was  surrounded  by  people  with  great 
lotivation,  and  for  the  first  time  in  my  college  career  I  was  on  the  Deans  List.  However, 
greatest  outcome  of  all  was  that  it  allowed  me  to  make  some  of  the  greatest  friends  I 
ve  today. 

y  goals  for  the  future  are  to  keep  heading  down  the  path  of  Marketing.  I  am  still  unsure 
which  concentration  I  would  like  to  work  in  but  I  would  at  least  like  to  experience  them 
.  I  plan  to  use  my  education  as  a  means  to  further  my  career  the  best  I  can.  My  ultimate 

in  life:  to  use  all  I  have  learned  from  my  college  career,  both  in  school  and  out,  to 
I  main  happy. 

Ge&rgie  De  Lah&z,  AmimUng  Mc^&n  CrimimlJiMce  Mimr 

My  time  at  Montclair  State  University  has  been  full  of  extraordinary  experiences. 
From  Bohn,  to  Blanton,to  living  in  the  village,  the  memories  I  have  made  here  will 
never  fade  away.  When  I  married  Montclair  in  fall  2004,  I  was  excited  because  I  knew 
that  this  was  going  to  be  a  relationship  I  was  only  going  to  experience  once.The 
challenges  that  I  have  endured  here  at  Montclair,  have  molded  me  into  the  individual 
I  am  today.  By  joining  a  brotherhood  like  Lambda  Sigma  Upsilon  Latino  Fraternity 
Inc.,  and  starting  a  chapter  for  Alpfa,  I  have  proven  to  my  peers  and  myself  that  I 
posses  the  qualities  of  a  true  leader.  From  being  so  involved  on  campus,  I  have 
realized  that  its  not  about  what  you  know,  its  about  who  you  know  that  can  get  you 
far.  Montclair  State  University  has  given  me  the  opportunity  to  interact  and  gain 
relationships  with  such  diverse  individuals  on  a  large  scale.  Since  my  time  here  at 
Montclair,  I  now  know  that  college  is  all  about  experiencing  new  things.  If  I  had  to 
spend  the  next  twenty  years  of  my-life  in  college,  I  wouldnt  spend  them  anywhere 
else,  but  Montclair.  When  ItJiink  about  it,  I  dont  want  to  end  my  marriage  with 
Montclair,  I  want  to  press  the  reset  button  and  start  this  experience  all  over  again. 
Where  else  can  you  find  Montclair  State's  beauties? 


Vmnim  Rm  O'Brien,  Piam  Perprmnce  Mc^&r 

1 1  can  remember  my  first  day  as  a  freshman  at  Montclair  State  University,  and  how  small  and 
lost  I  felt,  starting  a  new  phase  of  my  life  in  such  a  big  place  with  so  many  other  people.   I 
didnt  know  anyone  in  the  music  department,  and  everyone  around  me  seemed  to  know 
everyone  else  already.  That  quickly  changed  though,  and  soon  I  knew  almost  all  of  the  other 
music  majors.   Friendships  grew  with  some  of  the  people  I  would  have  least  expected  at  first.   I 
have  enjoyed  getting  to  know  my  colleagues  very  much,  and  I  have  learned  as  much  from 
them  as  I  have  from  my  professors  and  classes. 

One  of  the  major  challenges  facing  musicians  is  adjusting  to  a  new  teacher.  I  am  very  grateful 
'  to  my  piano  teacher,  Dr.  Ruth  Rendleman,  with  whom  I  have  studied  during  my  four  years  at 
MSU.  Not  only  is  she  a  wonderful  teacher  and  pianist,  but  she  is  a  great  person  who  has  been 

*^.  ,_,j  very  supportive  of  me  and  has  helped  me  in  so  many  ways,  both  as  a  musician  and  as  a 
•rfelli  person.  Another  person  to  whom  I  am  gratefiil  is  Dr.  David  Witten,  who  has  been  my  advisor 
and  has  helped  me  in  numerous  ways  during  my  time  at  MSU.  I  will  always  remember  him 
for  his  kind  guidance  and  his  great  sense  of  humor. 

^I  have  been  fortunate  to  have  had  many  diverse  and  wonderful  experiences  during  my  time  at 
Montclair.  As  a  member  of  the  University  Singers,  I  have  been  to  Russia  on  concert  tour  and 
*  have  visited  Moscow  and  St.  Petersburg,  as  well  as  having  sung  in  Carnegie  Hall,  which  is  a  . 

dream  come  true  for  a  musician.  As  a  pianist,  I  have  played  in  Steinway  Hall  in  New  York 
City,  as  well  as  participating  in  numerous  performances  at  MSU,  both  solo  and  ensemble. 
These  experiences  have  helped  to  shape  me  as  a  musician  and  as  an  individual.   I  have  come  to 
discover  what  my  strengths  are  and  what  particular  areas  of  music  I  enjoy  the  most. 

Ahead  of  me  lies  a  new  phase  of  my  life,  with  new  challenges  and  experiences.   I  know  that 
what  I  have  learned  and  experienced  at  MSU  will  help  me  to  face  what  lies  ahead  and  to  make 
the  right  choices  in  my  life. 


NatfianielJ.  biert^,  The&rif&CmpmiMn  M^ 

As  a  student  at  the  John  J.  Call  School  of  music  I've  learned  many 
important  career  skills  such  as  the  importance  of  diligent  practice,  th 
reward  of  lasting  patience,  and  the  value  of  timeliness.  Being  part  of 
this  school  has  also  opened  many  doors  to  unique  opportunities  whi( 
can  only  be  found  at  Montclair  State  University,  such  as  the 
opportunity  to  study  and  perform  on  the  actual  instruments  of  the 
twentieth  century  American  composer,  Harry  Partch.  The  school 
provides  so  many  opportunities  for  its  students  to  perform  and  be 
heard  in  numerous  venues,  ranging  from  our  very  own  Kasser  Theat 
to  the  Guggenheim  Museum,  and  even  tours  in  Russia  with  student! 
from  the  Moscow  Conservatory  of  Music.  With  world  class  faculty 
and  a  brand  new,  state-of-the-art  music  building  opening  on  campui 
next  year,  the  John  J.  Call  school  of  music  is  truly  one  of  the  preciou 
shining  gems  at  Montclair  State  University. 


I  J[usic  Education 

JIusic  Therapy 
i;]|Iusical  Theater 


VLZ  Studies 

'jheory  &  Composition 

Students  benefit  from  the 

distinguished  faculty  and  guest 

artists  who  teach  and  perform,  and 

from  our  closeness  to  the  cultural 

riches  of  New  York  City.  We 

combine  career-building 

opportunities  with  a  liberal  arts 

education  to  give  students  the  tools 

they  need  to  become  working 






Team  Roster 

Dan  Aguilar,  Jeff  Angstadt,  Brian  Appleton,  Shaun  Bach,  Shaun  Bach,  Tyler  Beh,  Bill  Bertscha, 
Jeff  Bliss,  Taylor  Bonner,  Ryan  Boysen,  Kevin  Bradley,  Gary  Brenner,  Nathaniel  Brown,  Orville 
Campbell,  Marco  Capozzoli,  David  Clapp,  Kevin  Cloghessy,  Nick  Corvino,  Dashawn  Cribb,  Troy 
Cyburt,  Chris  D'Andrea,  Matt  Davella,  Dominique  Dixon,  Brian  Drew,  Chad  Faulcon,  Steve 
Feriozzi,  Tom  Fischer,  Vin  Fischer,  Matt  Fitzpatrick,  Michael  Fox,  Dan  Fulton,  Joe  Gelpi,  Nick 
..  ^W^BSB^  ^^^^0^'  Shawn  Gibson,  Kasey  Geiger,  Donte  Gilliard,  Michael  Gofif,  Jeremy 
Goldman;  Jonathan  Grasso,  Marc  Hemmer,  Kevin  Hill,  Cornell  Hunt  (Captain)  Matt  Jimenez, 
Matt  Rasparian,  Dan  Keegan,  Ed  Kirschenbaum,  Gary  Knoeppel,  Dan  Krainski,  Joe  LaSala, 
SteveaJasz^^^jjeban  Leon,  A  J.  Letizia  (Captain),  Byron  Lewin,  Dan  Litz,  Ron  Litz,  Mike; 
Bftre,  Sal  McGrady,  Mario  McLean,  James  Melody,  Jeremy  Mercer  (Captain), 
^pMiller,  Andrew  Niebudek,  Darwin  Noel,  Mike  Palazzo,  Eric  Palmer,  Jeff 
^fenass,  Lewis  Peccarelli,  Rey  Perez,  Dan  Poehls,  Joe  Reggio,  Josh  Rogers, 
^^n  Scott  (Captain),  Omar  Sevilla,  Steve  Shan,  Jesse  Shenker,  Mike  Sperduti 
'^^  ^Yessey  Tejada,  Jermaine  Terrell,  Colin  Trautman,  Brian  Tweer,  Alex 
||i^asilenko,  Jason  Wombough,  Brian  Wrubel 
I:-  Head  Coach:   Rick  Giancola 



f-^x^i  p  ••  riftfih  WPP^i|^Wf*^^P^ 





Team  Roster 

Tyler  Stakiwicz,  Nick  Mele,  Teddy  Ritter,  Tyler 

Masterson  (Captain),  William  Griffin,  Mike  Vermes, 

rian  Miles,  Owen  Amster  (Captain),  Jason  Lalk,  Joseph 

ullen,  Rodrigo  Santiago,  John  Esposito,  Chris  Edelschein, 

ichael  Cullen,  Aytac  Malta,  Chris  D'Amato,  Eric  Pfeifer 

(Captain),  Jon  Christensen,  Jose  Roque,  Sean  Pauls, 

Kevin  Brown,  Paul  DeMartinis,  Mike  Pytlar,  Mike  Krol, 

Tim  Dluoik,  Thomas  Benack,  Sasa  Dobrijevic,  Dan 

Hernandez,  Nate  D'Aversa,  Chris  Caldaro,  Juan  Uribe,  Bill 

Baker,  David  Rasmussen,  Daragh  Odea 

Coach  Brian  SentOTVski 




men's  Soccer 






Senior  midfielder  Angela  Martone  (right) 

was  named  to  the  National  Soccer 

Coaches  Assocation  of  America 

(NSCAA)  Division  m  Mid-Atlantic  AU- 

Region  Team.  Martone,  who  helped 

Moatclair  to  the  ECAC  Tournament 

semifinal:;  tni^  past  fB^-son,  was  chosen  to 

ihe  Third  Team. 



Regular  Season:    11-10-2 
NJAC  Record:   5-3-1 

iThe  Power  of  Purpose 

mPtkiPmr  aim  i/^  M  fu^  dnd  m 
miM  i^l^,  i)i^fralkr  IhzPmr  Mm  ^ 
M  im  and  m  reach  iP 

Team  Roster 

Amy  O'Connor 
Leah  Tepperman 
Katie  Hazzard 
Tina  Delia  Fave 
Stefani  Elefther 
Natalia  Sisti 
Megan  Brown 
Nicole  Anulewicz 
Alexandra  Casperson 
Jennifer  Kelleher 
Liza  Offreda 

***Angela  Martone 


Christyn  Scillieri 
Katie  Minervini 
Rachel  Senyszyn 
Jennifer  Rosas 

***Nicole  Kogut 


Jackie  McGrath 

Christina  DeMaitinis 

Christina  Nunes 

Danielle  Keim 

Symone  Seldon 

Casey  Shuckers 

Christina  Caamano 

Coach  Eileen  Blair 


Emina  Udrjia 

Justine  DiPaolo 

Deana  Hagel 

Danielle  AJtersitz 

Joanna  DePierro 

Kathleen  Leone  -  Captain 

Rebecca  Dobiesz 

Megan  Walsh  -  Captain 

Kelly  Churchill 

Diana  Colombo 

Melissa  Flaherty 

Melissa  Kistle 

Cora  Delfini 

Adrian  Hunter 

Melissa  Buttray 

Rebekah  Keller 

Megan  Pietrunti 

Jenna  Galatro 

Chelsea  Keelen 

Alexandra  Neidig 

Devin  McNamara 

Annalisa  Valerio 

Jessica  Murphy 

Kelly  Montgomery 

Molly  Hartman 

Jenna  Gallo  -  Captain 

Megan  Douglass 

Katelynn  Benson 

Coach  Beth  Gottung 


:  ! 


Team  Roster 

Adrianne  Moe-Captain 

Karen  Martin 
Kara  Burnham 
Devon  Johnston 
Raisa  Silva-Captain 

Kristen  Ruggieri 
Shani  Mendelsohn 
Angela  Papasso 
Anna  Chesnakova 
Christine  Toskovich 
Meghan  Stevens 
Coach  Elise  Cooper 









/    > 

1       M 





Team  Roster 

Tom  Bonard 

Ali  Mix 

Joe  Alberts 

Paul  Siljee 

Hal  Abraham 

Daniel  McRae 

Maurice  Torres 

Geoff  Grivalsky 

Ken  Dudley 

James  Williams 

Ryan  Washington 

Richard  Brown 

John  Byrne 

Sean  Young 

Jon  Georges 

Brendan  Holland 

Enrico  Younger 

Chris  McCann 

Coach  Ted  Fiore 


Jamilee  Pflug 
Jessica  Sartorio 
Brittney  Griffin 
Kara  Burnham 
Caitlin  Meslar 
Jackie  Berry 
Jenna  Totaro 
Jenna  McFarland 
Marianne  McGovern 
Kisandra  Ayanbeku 
Catherine  Cristino 
Jaime  Ericson 
Stefanie  Phillips 

Coach  Karin  Harvev 


W&mn'^  BoMlia^ 


Team  Roster 

Women's  Team:    Kelly  Abner,  Jacklyn  Beck,  Christina  Crossin,  *Raquel 

Erwin-Captain,  Laura  Flynn,  Allie  Golden,  Laura  Hess,  Galina  Loutchouk 

Kaitlyn  McGowan,  Stephani  Mercogliano,  *Kaitlin  Muchler-Captain, 

Jessica  Patalano,  Gabrielle  Quinones,  Jillian  Reichardt,  Laura  Spadoni, 

Lauren  Uckar,  Nicole  Van  Avery,  *Amy  Wuko-Captain  i 

Men's  Team:   *John  Adams-Captain,  Anthony  Cacella,  *Matt  Cappilla- 

f  V— *^|ti   Shawn  Cbg^ibrovich,  Chris  DeMuro,  Ryan  Fanning,  Sean  Frencl" 
'^-'--^'^'^   '  Gordon,  Kevin  Growney,  Derek  Henrichsen,  Matt 
^-     ■'-  :  1.  3/xO,  *Jon  Kurtz-Captain,  Blaise  Lacca,  Chris  Lee 

Coach  Brian  McLaughlin 



Swimming  and  Diving 



Team  Roster 

Jay  Bionde 

Michael  Kaminski 

Mickey  McGraw 

Kevin  Miller 

Francisco  Ramirez 

Scott  Evangelist 

Andrew  Himmelfarb 

Matt  Hartwick 

Matthew  Gelston 

Nick  Recchia 

Joseph  Zembryski 

Lou  Cautero 

Mike  Ercolano 

Drew  Bridgman 

Sam  Politan 

John  Masklee 

Zachary  Brown 

Michael  Boggi 

Brian  Chrashewsky 

Michael  Streaman 

Jason  Lopez 

Ed  Kloepping 

Peter  Vilardi 

Timothy  Swift 

Adam  Bergman 

Michael  Vitale 

Scott  Glozzy 

Yessy  Tejada 

Sean  Hille 

Daniel  Kliederian 

Jonathan  Trotter 

Sean  Galligan 

Kevin  Bond 

David  Mendoza 

Kevin  Wieme 

Mathew  Rago 

Scott  Shan 

Daniel  Nodarse 

Giovanni  Caraballo 

Head  Coach:  Norm  Schoenig 
(Montclair  State  72,  22nd 
Season),  Assistant  Coachs: 

Matt  Belford,  Joe  Georgewitz, 

Jay  Cook,  Leon  Shade, 

Michael  Vicaro,  John  Brandi 


Team  Roster 

Megan  Durkin 
Leigh  Ann  Murduci 
Samantha  Depken 
Stephanie  Szeliga 
Elia  Persico 
Megan  Bryson 
Jennifer  Jimenez 
Kelly  Nance 
Jill  Leonard 
Kelly  Karp 
Shannon  Mozek 
Dana  Osborne 
Michelle  Moat 
Adrian  Hunter 
Adrian  Rastocny 
Leslie  Gonzalez 
Kacie  Neurouter 
Amanda  Livsey 

Head  Coachs  Anita  Kubicka 
(Trenton  State  '84,  19th  Season) 

-t?isisi:aoi  Coacliesi  Ryan  Doty, 





Patrick  Ferry 
William  Clark 
Ronnie  Umphenour 
Tyler  Meth 
Patrick  Nann 
Robert  Sinicola 
John  Schiavone 
Tyler  Meixner 
Taylor  Bonner 
Thomas  Bowers 
Kevin  O'Brien 
Collin  Marsh 
Greg  Fitzgerald 
Marc  Guido 
Robert  Glander 
Jonathan  Lopez 
Mike  Corsetto 
Douglas  Kennedy 
George  Warburton 
Brad  Van  Kalsbeck 
James  Carbonello 
Dan  Rawson 
Richie  Lachner 
Scott  Livingstone 
Chris  Bachman 
Matthevv^  Prongay 
Andrew  Rosado 
Thomas  Ring 
Matt  Cecere 
Mario  Passafiume 
Ryan  Hanhart 
Dustin  Malaszuk 
Ryan  McNamara 
Mike  Gnsanr^ 


-  -.ri  iorrisi 
liicuons,  Dan  Cuff 

Men<l  Jlac/ixM£^ 


ame^d^  J!> 



0t  Mk.  -"vn 





"^  >i 

t    ^r.  '^ 

a ,  ^r~^. 

Team  Roster 

Lauren  Adams 

Marykate  DiBenedetto 

Jamie  Hudacko 

Carla  Davis 

Maggie  Fallon 

Meghan  Spitzer 

Cora  Delfini 

Morgan  MacPhee 

Ashley  Krzysik 

Tracey  Manella 

Rebekah  Crane 

Alex  Scerbak 

Marie  Zecca 

Kayla  Henderson 

Sara  Watson 

Kristin  Quigley 

Christina  Crossin 

Head  Coach 

Nicol  Parcelluzzi 

Assistant  Coach 

Kelsey  Withrow 




Team  Roster 

Derek  Adair,  Gregoiy  Bardzell,  William  Brown,  David  Byrne,  Brian  Cooper,  Matthew  Cusack, 

Terence  Daly,  Timothy  Duwhite,  Jr.,  Robert  East,  Eric  Gershey,  David  Helterbran,  III,  Ryan 

Henderson,  Terry  lavarone,  Anthony  Izzo,  Adenford  Jean-Philippe,  Damier  Johnson,  Michael 

Johnson,  Mike  Julich,  Kevin  Linico,  James  Luginsland,  Glen  Murphy,  Michael  Palazzo,  Dwight 

Palmer.  James  Pszwaro,  Austin  Schaller,  Marc  Seemon,  Jacob  Spann,  John  Tancer,  Lee  Tedeschi, 

Akeem  Thomas,  Tony  Williams 
Head  Coach:  Aubrey  Lewis,  Jr. 

Track  Sr  field 

Team  Roster 

Captain  Mike  Morano,  Gabe  Gil,  Jeff  Sereni,  Gio  LoBue,  Matt  Scarfuto,  Tim 

Lamore,  Albert  McAa^^i,  Greg  Addo,  Bryan  Fucetola,  Matt  Brill,  Mike 

Chervenyak,  Ryan  Coltelli,  Adam  Siljinoski,  Javon  Tompson,  Joe  Nayda,  Da 

Hennessy,  Andy  Valenzuela,  Andrew  Gibson 


a  montclair  state  university  club  sport 


Michelle  G>_ 

PrisciUa  Heidmuiiii 

Kathryn  LaScaia 

Michelle  Moore 

Melissa  Resnick 

Ericka  Reynolds 

Staci  Shalkowski 

Amanda  Sibilio 

Megan  Vitale 

Linda  White 

a  montclaif  state  university  club  sport 

Team  Roster 

Joseph  Fede 
Eric  Zullo 
Sean  Guenther 
Ian  Crane 
Brett  Crane 
Kenny  Renae 
Oscar  Jaramillo 
Zachary  Lancaster 
Bill  Freeswick 
Andre  Sigismondo 
JT  Baxter 
Joshua  Baptist 
Joseph  Frasciello 
Matt  Popan 
Doug  Kubek 
Robert  Harclerode 
Erik  Perdon 
Chris  Spadone 
Brian  Waitt 
Mike  Branin 
Kevin  Fox 
Charles  Kemmlein 
Sean  Mercer 
Scott  Geltman 
Mike  Bowser 
Tim  Feeley 
Chris  Keresztes 
Tyler  DeBock 
Tyler  Timek 
Eric  Czulowski 

Staff  Roster 

Lee  Elias 
Joe  Ballance 
Adam  Elsayed 
Taylor  Berkowitz 
Nick  Kryshak 
Kate  Torsiello 
Tim  Fox 

SPC.  Mike  Alexander 
Matt  Maniscalco 
Dan  Erhardt 
Liz  Collins 
Matt  Schachtel 



a  montclair  state  university  club  sport 


a  montclair  state  university  club  sport 




r'  '^!^H 

■fee -^ 









-  * 



Team  Roster 

Justin  V.  Sabas  -  Captain,  Micliael  DiMedio,  Mattliew  Forsythe,  Christian 

Wiech  -  Co-Captain,  Dhimitri  Robo,  Brian  Pastor,  Billy  Lhotsky,  Michael 

Walsh,  Michael  Rovetto,  David  Peck,  Joshua  Cohen,  Roy  Venturina,  Josepl:] 

Daibes,  Patrick  John  Padilla,  Garry  Schragenheim 


ASSIST  is  an  organization  that  promotes  charity  and  community 

service  on  the  MSU  campus.   We  hold  events  to  not  only  raise 

funds  for  local,  state,  national,  and  international  charities,  but 

also  to  raise  awareness  of  the  importance  of  such  not-for- 

profits  in  our  society.   We  have  raised  funds  for  numerous 

charity  organizations  that  serve  a  broad  spectrum  of  purposes, 

including  a  New  York  based  LGBTQ  youth  homeless  shelter, 

Disabled  Musicians  Coalition,  UNICEF,  Child's  Play,  and  the 

All-Stars  Project  of  Newark. 

Executive  Bo;|ci 
President  -  Jennifer  Frs'ik 
Vice  President  -  Chrissy  Ada  o 
Treasurer  -  Robin  Bc;.n 
Secretary  -  Maura  Julli^o 
Head  of  Public  Relations  -  Jess  Lo;ik 
Assistant  to  the  Head  of  P.R.  -  Jen  Pix'} 
Coffeehouse  Co-chairs  -  David  Peck,  Tia  B'd 

didja  know  that... 

The  full  name  of  the  organization  is  Active  Students  Serving  In  Society 
Together,  but  most  refer  to  it  simply  as  ASSIST  //  ASSIST  is  well- 
known  for  their  bi-monthly  Coffeehouses,  which  serve  as  a  consistent 
place  for  students  to  perform  open-mic  acts  //  ASSIST  celebrated  its 
10th  anniversary  as  an  SGA  organization  in  2009  by  hosting  a 
"Decorate-Your-Cupcake"  event  at  a  Red  Hawk  Nite.  121 

.  Executive  Boarc 

■■  President  -  Afieslia  Rua 

Vice  President  -  Dennis  How 

SGA  Legislator  -  Vaughn  McEnoug 

^  Treasurer  -  Latoya  Dunkle 

Secretary  -  Vanessa  Vele 

Event  Coordinators  -  India  Huglies  &  Arriel  Mile 

!!v  relations  Officers  -  Lesley  Gentles  &  NJ  Nnenna  Obisel 

Historian  -  Obiageli  lliol- 
paribSO  Representatives  -  Alana  Maharaj  &  Kemi  Gampbr 
Student  Advisors  -  Reginald  Stainfil  &  Marcia  Hughe 


a  Class  One  Orgaanization  of  the  SGA,  Inc. 

Together  We 
Achieve  the 

What  best  describes  CaribSO?: 

Diversity  to  the  fullest.   Although  we 
are  a  Caribbean  Student  Organization, 
more  that  75%  of  our  members  are  not 
even  from  the  Caribbean! 

didja  know  that... 

CaribSO  gives  students  the  chance  to 
experience  and  be  a  part  of  the  Caribbean 
culture  through  food,  dance,  music,  and  our 
many  events.  Tliis  supports  our  purpose  to 
unite  and  educate  people  together  in  culture. 

-CaribSO  is  an  organization  that  reaches  to  all 
walks  of  life,  not  just  solely  the  Caribbean!!! 

-Although  newly  chartered  as  a  Class  One 
Organization,  CaribSO  is  one  of  the  largest 
and  well  known  organizations  to  have  ever 
hit  the  Montclair  State  Campus. 

-CaribSO  was  founded  in  1992  Greyson 
Hannigan  a  Jamaican  man,  who  felt  the  need 
to  unite  all  the  Caribbeans  in  the  Montclair 

-CaribSO's  dance  troupe  was  founded  in  2004 
by  past  president  Reginald  Stainfil 

-The  year  2008  2009  marks  the  first  year  that 
CaribSOs  executive  board  comprises  of  12  E- 
board  MEMBERS!!! 


is  an  organization 
that  coordinates, 
encourages,  and 
promotes  a  variety 
of  concert 

didja  know  that... 

Jay-Z  played  here  the  week  before  he  went  on  MTVs  Spring  Break  and 
gained  his  fame  //  Our  members  not  only  see  some  of  the  greatest  concerts 
of  their  lives  but  help  put  the  concerts  on  //  Class  One  Concerts  has 
booked,  back  in  the  day,  artists  such  as  the  Ramones,  Meatloaf,  Billy  Idol, 
and  Brvice  Springsteen. 

events  for  the 
entire  university, 
also  provides 
training  and 
experience  to 
members  inside  thel 
music  industry. 




^^V^- - " 









Executive  Board 

Executive  Producer  -  Will  Senedzuk       ^ 
Associate  Producer  -  Mike  Launay 
Business  Manager-  Erika  Schnatz 
Administrative  Assistant-  Melissa  Nash 



Without  music  life  would  be  a  mistake.  -  Friedrich  Wilhelm  Nietzsche 

didja  know  that... 

CLUB  runs  and  organizes 

Homecoming  week, 

Winterball  and  Spring  Week 

Executive  Board 

President  -  Caitlin  Mortara 

Vice  President  -  Denise  Vecci 

Treasurer  -  Kiystal  Acosta 

Secretary  -  Nikita  Ramoo 

The  purpose  of  the  HSA  is  to  promote  the  awareness,  respect  and 

better  understanding  of  the  Haitian  history,  culture  and  traditions 

via  social  and  cultural  programs  designed  to  further  educate  the 

MSU  community.  HSA  also  strongly  encourages  diversity  v/ithin 

the  organization  v/hile  primarily  aiming  at  introducing  the 

MSU  community  to  the  history,  culture,  foods  and  traditions 

of  Haiti,  Haitians  and  the  Haitian  American  community. 


Summer  Fling 
Date  Auction 
Cultural  Soiree 
Haitian  Aware.  Wk 
Fashion  Show 
Night  of  Praise 
Night  of  Love 
Dance  Off 
Alumni  Dinner 
Annual  Dinner 


*HSA  of  the  Year  2008 
*HSA  of  the  Year  2007 
*HSA  of  the  Year  2006 

Awarded  by  New  Jersey 
Haitian  Student  Association 

*Class  II  of  the  Year  2004 
*Class  II  of  the  Year  2003 

Awarded  by  Student 
Government  Association 

HSA  is  a  Class  One  Organization  of  the  SGA,  Inc 

*HSA  was  foundedin  1991* 

Want  to  know  More? 

Visit  our  website  @ 




Vice  President 



Public  Relations 

Public  Relations 


SGA  Represntative 

NJHSA  Representative 

Executive  Assistant 

Love  Constant 
Cleveland  Morinvil 
Mydege  Pierre  Louis 
To  mora  Suvil 
Gedwan  Blanc 
Shomma  Ducasse 
Melissa  Desir 
Monica  Robinson 
Johnny  Pierre 
Jacques  Harry-Joseph 



Monique  Fleurimond 

Alexandra  Jacques 

Marline  Edmond 

Belinda  Thelisma 

Sebastien  Denis 

Kenisha  Caulley 

La  urine  Laurore 

Judline  Tumson 

Vanessa  Denis 

Herbert  Bolivar 

Alana  Ma  ha  raj 

Jasmine  Philippe 

Berman  Jecrois 

Medji  Jean 

Daphne  Jean  Baptise 
Melissa  Saint-Natus 
Johannah  Buissereth 
Marquline  Vol 
Calvin  Dolorien 
Yvannie  St.  Luc 
Nurley  Exavier 
Karah  Joseph 
Sam  Belony 
Regine  Cadet 
Patrick  Paul 
Pierre  Thertus 
Tony  Lucas 


oo   ^ 

Our  purpose  is  to  promote  awareness  of 
the  Indun  culture  by  organizing  events 
that  involve  both  traditional  and  non- 
traditional  cLiltiiral  activities. 

(Mja  know  that- 

We  participate  in  cliaritahle  activities 

throLighoLit  the  year,  as  well  as  donating 

to  fundraisers  and  charities  //  We  ai'e  a 

very  diverse  cLiib  and  are  open  to  eveiy 

race,  cLiltiire,  and  religion  //  We  love  to 

feed  the  campiis  with  different  varieties  of 

south  Asian  food-  LiSLially  all  of  OLir 

events  liave  free  food 

Class  One  Organization  of  the  Year 

ndian  culture  dub 

A  Class  One  Organization  of  the  SGA,  Inc. 

•u.U.  International  Student  Orqanizatior 

A  Class  One  Organization  of  the  SGA,  Inc. 


E-Board  2008 

The  Latin  American 

Student  Organization 

was  founded  in  1970  by 

a  group  of  Latino 

Students.  The  purpose 

of  LASO  is  to  expose  the 

campus  community  to 
Latin  America  influences 
in  music,  art,  Literature, 
history,  and  cuisine,  as 
well  as  educational  and 
sociopolitical  concerns. 
Lasos  main  goal  is  to 

provide  relevant 
programming  not  only 
for  thelLMtto  studies 
but  also  for  the  entire 
campus  community. 
LASO  has  also  taken  an 
active  role  in  issues  that 
not  only  affect  the 
Latino  students  on 
^;- campus  but  affect 
iiifferent  students 

Executive  Board  2009 

President  -  Joed  Lopez 

Vice  President  -  Jose  Parra 

\ssistant  to  President  -  Giannil  Hidalgo 

Secretary  -  Shawna  Mcmillan 

Treasurer  -  Danny  Jarowoi 

Publicity  Chair  -  Kimberley  Parrales 

atin  Pride  -  Patricia  Polanco 

atinissimo  -  Ileana  Moyano 

atin  Music  -  Christian  Lozada 
IliLatin  Culture  and  Education  -  Darlene  Santos 
dj- Historian  -Jonathan  Royle 

008-2009  Officers 
'r^resident  -  Mabel  Almonte 
Treasurer  -  Kyle  Little 

Latin  American  Student  Organization 

A  Class  One  Organization  of  the  SGA,  Inc. 




Or§a^zatim  ^/  SUde^^t^pr  Apim/f  Unit 

The  Purpose  of  the  Organization  of  Students  for  African  Unity  is  to  build  cooperation  and  respect; 
among  students,  faculty,  and  the  administration  of  the  Montclair  State  University;  to  understand  an. 
appreciate  one  another's  history  and  culture  in  order  to  create  a  harmonious  college  atmosphere;  t 

be  model  of  interaction  for  the  campus  community 


Executive  Board 

President  -  Alysha  Alston 

Vice-President  -  Dajia  Broady 

Secretary  -  Tamar  Alyssa  VanDerVeer 

Treasurer  -  Clayton  Cole 

SGA  Representative  -  Candace  Barnes 

Cultural  Affairs  Chairperson's  -  Laurie  Tucker  /  Austin  Smith 

Kitabu  Chairperson  -  Karla  Bagley 

Performing  Arts  Chairperson  -  Lauren  Rohan 

African  American  Heritage  Chairperon  -  Stacy  Ann  Brown 

Publicity  Chairperson  -  Kyle  Teabout 


A  Class  One  Organization  of  the  SGA  Inc. 


Executive  Board         •  , 

President:   Sarah  Metelsky  | 

Vice  President:  Emily  Tully 
Treasurer:  Kate  Read 
Secretary:   Stephanie  Golda 
Production  Manager:   Megan  Greener 
n      Publicity  Chair:   Steve  Pelletteri 
Box  Office:  Kelly  Rice 
Historian:  Allyssa  Hynes 

is  a  72  year  old  organization  that  provides  opportunities  for  students  to  work  in  all  aspects  of  theater 




This  Year's  Productions 
"Players  Everywhere"  Choreographed  Sword  Fight  in  the  SC 

Theater  24  "Player's  Thea...  The  Commuter's  Lounge" 
Shadow  Box  Cast  of  "The  Rocky  Horror  Picture  Show" 

Mainstage  Show  "WASP"  by  Steve  Martin 

Mainstage  Show  "You're  a  Good  Man,  Charlie  Brown" 

Mainstage  Show  "Hamlet" 

Student  Written  and  Directed  "One  Acts"  Nights 

Montclair  Improv  League  and  Friends  "Improv  Nights" 

Players  Cabaret  Nights 


Let  Us  Entertain  You! 

0  RSI 

Executive  Board 

President  -  Jonathan  Preciado 

Vice  President  -  Frances  Tavares 

Treasurer  -  Jack  Stovall 

Secretary  -  James  Romero 

Assistant  Secretaiy  -  Amanda  Lotto 


The  Greek  Council  at  Montclair  State  University  will: 

—Provide  programs  and  services  to  the  both  the  campus  and  surrounding 


— Community  service  that  gives  back  to  the  towns  that  surround  our  University 
— Programming  that  is  educational,  interesting,  and  fun  for  the  student  body. 
—Maintain  itself  as  a  structured  organization  that  is  supportive  of  all  Greek  and  non- 
Greek  Organizations  on  the  MSU  Campus. 

— The  Executive  board  will  develop  positive,  working  relationships  with  Executive  boards  of 
other  organizations. 

— All  resources  of  the  Council  will  be  allocated  in  such  a  way  to  equally  benefit  each 

— Special  programs  will  be  developed  for  members  of  the  Greek  Community  to  facilitate  inter- 
organization  relationships. 

—Work  and  act  in  such  a  way  to  present  the  Greek  community  as  professionals  both  on 
and  off  campus. 

— Press  releases  to  The  Montclarion  and  other  campus  publications. 

— Work  with  the  marketing  department,  and  students  majoring  in  marketing  to  help  market 
Greek  life  to  the  public  off  campus. 

— Enable  a  team  of  Greek  spin  doctors  to  promote  and  publicize  Greek  events  on  campus. 


Aw^ka  jota  Qkl 

A  Class  V  Organization 
of  the  SGA,  Inc. 

our  possibilities  are  endless 

Executive  Board 

President  -  Sarah  Gagliano 

Vice  President  -  Heather  Donaire 

Secretary  -  Jessie  Kozmoski 

Treasurer  -  Allison  Santucci 

Sergeant  at  Arms  -  Aiko  Edrolin 


didja  know  that... 

Alpha  Phi  Omega  was 

created  in  1925  and 

brought  to  Montclair  State 

University  in  1962  //  Our 

chapter,  Nu  Psi,  is  one  of 

over  300  chapters  across 

the  U.S.  //  A  few  of  us 

took  a  trip  in  December  to 

the  APO  National 

Convention  held  in  Boston 

Class  V  Organization 
the  SGA,  Inc. 


Eric  Strickland 
VP  of  Membership 
Crystal  Moore 
VP  of  Service 
Priscilla  Duenas 
David  Kreamer 
Sargent  of  Arms 
James  Carolan 
Recording  Secretary 
Katie  Lynn  Cook 
Corresponding  Secretary 
Morgan  Bardall 
FelloTvship  Chair 
Danielle  Kelly 

Our  organizations  purpose  is  to  promote 

service  in  the  community  through  the  three  cardinal  principals  of 

Alpha  Phi  Omega  which  are  leadership,  ftiendship,  and  service. 


didja  know  that... 

Mostly  all  of  the  members  of  the  Athletic  Training 

Club  find  an  interest  in  basketball  //  Majority  of  the 

Club  Members  are  also  athletes  //  Athletic  Training 

Club  has  a  Spring  Barbeque  every  year 

AtkleJ^  "^^ximmcz  Glmi 

A  Class  III  Organization 
of  the  SGA,  Inc. 

Executive  Board      TreasMer 
President  -  Mike  Morano      AntAoHy 
Vice  President  -Liz  Piech 
Secretary  -  Nick  Montano 
Treasurer  -  Anthony  Andreadis 


A\i(ie  Morano 

Secretary  ■^.»  i^^  ^^  ^ 

A/ic^  Montano  i     ^^Hf^'^ 

know  that... 

^e  love  openness  and  dialogue  and  enjoy  tackling  "controversial 
iubjects"  with  care  and  love,  especially  in  our  on-campus  events.  " 
relieve  in  talking  about  what's  on  our  mind,  listening,  and  having 
others  talk  to  //  We  encourage  and  equip  Christians  to  share  their 
'aith  boldly  and  compassionately  with  others  (Mark  l6:15)  //  We 
meet  people  where  they  are  at"  and  want  to  grow  together  in 
fellowship  because  our  chief  joy  is  to  glorify  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ 
that  we  do 

Executive  Board 

Joanna  Fuentes  -  President 

Jeanette  Quinones  -  Vice  President 

Margaret  Owusu  -  Secretary 

Dorothy  J.  Scott  -  Treasurer 

CHANGE  Collegian  Network  (CCN)  is  a  non-denominational  Christian  organization  that 
'focuses  heavily  on  rooting  and  grounding  Christians  in  their  faith,  strengthening  their 
Foundational  theology  (study  of  God),  and  preparing  them  to"be  ready  always  to  give 
an  answer  to  every  man  that  asketh  you  a  reason  of  the  hope  that  is  in  you  with 
meekness  and  fear"  (1  Peter  3:15)  through  the  use  of  apologetics  (the  branch  of 
I  theology  that  focuses  on  defending  the  faith).  At  CCN  fellowships,  we  enjoy  group 
i|/orship,  prayer,  fellowship,  and  teaching.  We  also  enjoy  numerous  on  and  off  campus 
events  designed  to  both  grow  Christians  and  reach  out  to  others. 


non-SGA  ore. 

We,  the  brothers  and  sisters  of  Epsilon  Delta  Epsilon,  strive  to  serve  our  diverse  and 
international  members  as  a  professional  organization  by  providing  knovv^ledge, 
leadership,  friendship,  acknowledgment  for  academic  achievements,  and  career 
oriented  opportunities  to  develop  and  enhance  our  members,  the  leaders  of  tomorrov 

Executive  Board 
President  -  Anthony  Questa 
Treasurer  -  Ishmael  Flemming 
Secretaiy  -  Diana  Lopez 
Public  Relations  -  Mike  Holland 
Webmaster  -  Danielle  Martin 

We  are  a  student  organization  that  is  committed  to  "Excellence 

in  Developing  Entrepreneurs."  Please  feel  free  to  visit  our  links 

to  learn  more  about  who  we  are  and  how  you  can  make 

yourself  a  more  marketable  individual  by  joining  us. 

We  are  a  professional  fraternity  that  does  not  engage  in 

traditional  hazing  of  new  members.  We  value  hard  work, 

dedication,  loyalty,  academic  achievement  and  respect  above 

all.  EDE  was  founded  in  1964  by  Dr,  Joseph  Hecht  in  order  to 

provide  students  with  a  way  of  distinguishing  themselves  from 

their  contemporaries.  In  order  to  be  eligible  for  membership 

you  must  be  a  Marketing,  Retailing  or  International  Business 

Major  with  a  GPA  of  at  least  a  3.0  and  a  desire  to  be  an  active 

member.  To  this  day,  Epsilon  Delta  Epsilon  upholds  these 
strong  values  and  continues  to  follow  our  mission  for  success. 

Our  Mission: 

To  assist  college  and  university  chapters  in  the  growth  and  development  of 

excellence  in  Retailing,  Marketing,  and  International  Business.  //  To 

promote  development  of  ideas  and  attitudes  of  professionalism  and 

fellowship  among  its  members.  //  To  recognize  individuals  who  have 

achieved  high  scholastic  achievement  in  Retailing,  Marketing,  and 

International  Business.  //  To  provide  the  university's  community  with 

knowledge  to  further  cultural  awareness.  //  To  provide  members  with 

support  and  leadership  for  continuing  academic  achievements.  //  To  sei-ve 

the  community  through  service  and  volunteer  work. 


didja  know  that... 

We  were  chartered  in  the  Fall  of  2008,  so 

this  was  our  first  year  on  campus  //  We 

hosted  2  charity  clothing  drives  this  year. 

We  collected  and  donated  winter  coats  for 

Jersey  Cares  in  December,  and  prom  dresses 

for  Catherines  Closet  in  February  //  We  are 

happy  to  help  other  organizations  with  their 

fashion  shows,  this  year  we  helped  Team 

Nicaragua  with  their  Fair  Trade  Fashion 

Show,  and  the  Financial  Literacy  Program 

and  the  Financial  Management  and 

Economic  Society  with  their  fashion  show. 

A  Class  III  Organization  of  the  SGA,  Inc. 

ExecLiti\"e  Board 

President,  Founder  -  Samantha  Lanzerotti 

Vice  President  -  Courtney  Bixino 

Secretary  -  Jennifer  Christie 

Treasurer  -  Thomas  Maroulakos 

Public  Relations  Chairs  -  Alyssa  Alper  and  Lisa  Kaschak 

The  Fashion  Club  offers  students  the  opportunity  to  enjoy  fashion  related 
activities  beyond  the  classroom.    By  taking  trips  and  hearing  from  guest 
speakers,  the  students  of  MSU  now  have  the  opportunity  to  explore  the 

many  different  facets  of  the  fashion  industry.  This  semester  weve  hosted 
Sheryl  Blasnik,  a  professional,  freelance  stylist,  who  taught  us  the  steps 
necessary  to  becoming  a  stylist.  We  also  visited  the  Museum  of  the  City 
of  NY,  and  with  a  guided  tour  our  members  learned  about  Valentina,  a 
historic  American  designer  famous  in  her  day.  The  Fashion  Club  has 
made  it  much  easier  for  students  to  develop  a  strong  networking  based 
amongst  our  student  body,  faculty,  and  beyond  the  MSU  campus. 

Gotta  Be  Green  is  MSU's  veiy  own  environmental  organization.    Our  goals  as  an 

organization  is  not  only  to  raise  awareness  of  environmental  issues  but  also  encourage 

real  tangible  action  in  environmental  issues  from  ourselves  and  the  community.    We 

aim  to  do  this  by  promoting  "environmentally  friendly"  activities  that  are  also  a  lot  of 

fun.   Through  the  efforts  of  Gotta  Be  Green  and  the  campus  at  large,  we  hope  that 

over  time  Montclair  State  University  will  become  a  renowned  "Green  Community." 

Mother  Nature  is  a  Mad 
Scientist!  -  Cosmo  Kramer 

Executive  Board 
President  -  James  Nye 
Vice-President  -  Leah  Thiel 
Treasurer  -  Leah  Tepperman 
Secretaiy  -  Carrie  Hicks 

didja  know  that... 

"Going  Green"  means  "Getting  Dirty" 

//  Since  Spring  2008,  our  Campus 

Cleanups  have  cleaned  up  nearly 

2,000  lbs  of  garbage  from  this 

campus  //  Dr.  Nicholas  Smith- 

Sebasto  (Gotta  Be  Green's  faculty 

advisor)  has  composted  over  53,000 

lbs  of  food  waste  from  the  Student 

Center  and  University  Hall  since 

September  2007 

\  Z 



Helping  Each  Other  and  Redefining  Tomorrow      A  Class  II  Organization 

of  the  SGA,  Inc. 

The  purpose  of  this  organization  is  for  students  to  come  together  and  participate  in 
community  service.  H.E.A.R.T.  is  a  pliilantliropic  organization  dedicated  to  improving 

the  lives  of  others.  The  members  of  this  organization  are  committed  to  lielping  the 

young,  the  elderly,  the  troops,  animals,  and  the  environment.  H.E.A.R.T.  serves 
numerous  communities  including  Montlcair,  Lodi,  Jersey  City,  Newark,  and  Paterson. 

didja  know  that... 

Over  the  past  4  years  H.E.A.R.T.  has 

made  and  sent  hundreds  of  cards 

and  letters  to  terminally  ill  children 

all  over  the  country  //  In  Fall  2008, 

H.E.A.R.T.  sponsored  a  ponytail 

drive  for  "Pantene  Pro-V's  Beautiful 

Length  Campaign".  Thanks  to  the 

help  of  our  dedicated  volunteers,  we 

collected  almost  50  ponytails  to  be 

made  into  wigs  for  women  with 

cancer  //  Through  co-sponsorships 

with  various  MSU  organizations, 

H.E.A.R.T.  was  able  to  collect 

enough  food  for  a  local  food  pantry 

to  replenish  their  food  supply  and 

provide  Thanksgiving  dinners  to 

hundreds  of  families  in  Newark 

Executive  Board 
President  -  Amanda  Kucsera 
Vice  President  -  Maria  Vicente 
Secretary  -  Michelle  Hagerty 
Treasurer  -  Alissa  Mahacleen 
PR  -  Kelly  Teegan 
Historian  -  Melanie  Simoes 


didja  know  that... 

Hillel  helped  Dr.  Kogan  promote  the  Jewish  American 
Studies  Minor  //  Hillel  was  featured  in  MSU  News  for 
one  of  our  Shabbat  Services  //Hillel  had  a  Holocaust 
Sunivor  during  Holocaust  Remembrance  Week  with 
the  help  of  our  advisor  David  Sanders 



A  Class  II  Organization  of  the  SGA,  Inc. 

Hillel  strives  to  promote  a  united 

Jewish  community  at  Montclair 

State  University.  We  sei've  as  the 

voice  of  that  community,  in 

addition  to  providing  religious  and 

social  programming  for  the  entire 

campus,  Jew  and  non-Jews. 

Executive  Board 

President  -  Abraham  Ades 

Vice  President  -  Jack  Tawil 

Secretary  -  Rebecca  Horowitz 

Treasurer  -  Evan  Oberstein 

General  Membership  Liaison  -  Zachaiy  Ehlrich 

Advisor  -  David  Sanders 

General  Membership 

Sam  Friedman 

Jordan  Launer 

Brett  Kreiger 

Ariel  Chaiet 

Greg  Blumberg 

Jerry  Yalovitser 

Dave  Clarke 



Executive  Board 

[oaquin  Ortiz  -  President 

Frank  "Panda"  Quinones  -  Vice  President 

Noel  Cortes  -  Secretary 

Kenny  Medrano  -  Treasurer 

Steven  Mateo  -  Casique 

Georgie  De  Lahoz  -  Social  chair 

Ramda  a>iqnuA^  ^pAiUn 

s.  Class  V  Organization  of  the  SGA,  Inc.    /  / 

Our  purpose  is  to  educate  the  community  about  AIDS,  provide  cultural 
value,  and  to  help  brothers  and  the  community  graduate  from  college. 

<idja  know  that... 

liU  was  the  first  Latino  Frat  to  step.   We  hosted  the  biggest 
'ep  and  Stroll  Show  in  September  with  about  900  attendees 
\  We  celebrated  our  25  year  anniversary  this  semester  for 
lonarca  //  We  participated  in  AIDS  and  Cancer  research 








A  ^-'1 


Jlamda  ^au  Omeaa 

w   A  Clas! 

Class  V  Organization 
of  the  SGA,  Inc. 

Excellence  through  Unity,  Knowledge,  and  Dedication 

didja  know  that... 

Lambda  Tan  Omega  was 

founded  in  1988  at 

Montclair  State  College  now 

known  as  Montclair  State 

University  //  Lambda  Tau 

Omega  is  a  Multicultural 

Organization  //  The  colors 

of  Lamda  Tau  Omega  are 

Royal  Blue  and  Light  Grey 

Executi\'e  Board 
President  -  Tiffany  Perez 
Vice  President  -  Marisol  Torres 
Secretaiy  -  Diana  Gil 
Treasurer  -  Jalisa  Smith 







Bf'ii  /  fc.— . 


"        "^M 











didja  know  that... 

We  are  the  FIRST  Latin  Sorority  in  the  Nation  //  Our  Colors  are 
Burgundy  and  Grey  //  We  were  founded  in  1975  at  Kean  University 

The  Purpose  of 

Lambda  Theta 


shall  be  the 

establish  a 


based  on 

Unity,  Love  and 


To  provide 

Social  and 



and  carry  on 

charitable  and 



Jlamoia  "^keta  Alp^ka 

A  Class  V  Organization  of  the  SGA,  Inc 

Executive  Board 
President  -  Disnalda  Vargas 
Vice  President  -  Yashira  Mojica 
Secretary  -  Patricia  Polanco 
Treasurer  -  Yashira  Mojica 

iJiM  kf  Tradi^Um,  A/o^fSif  he^mtlm 


didja  know 

Gamers  won  Class 
III  of  the  year  in 
2008  //  We  hold 
tournaments  every 
month  with 
awesome  prizes  // 
No  other  club  plays 
as  much  Apples  to 
Apples  or  Super 
Smash  Brothers  as 
we  do! 

Our  Purpose  Statement:  To  provide  a  safe  and  clean  environment  for  students  to 

gather  and  participate  in  community  games  and  activities.   We  will  provide  a  central 

point  for  the  many  Montclair  students  who  enjoy  gaming  that  they  would  not  have 

otherwise.   We  are  be  a  community  club,  linking  students  with  each  other  and 

introducing  people  to  others  that  share  their  hobbies  and  interests,  allowing  for  a 

richer  and  developed  sense  of  community  amongst  the  Montclair  student  body.   We 

also  introduce  new  students  to  a  fun,  relaxing,  and  entertaining  world  that  few  get  a 

chance  to  experience  otherwise 

Executive  Board 

Justin  To  we 
Vice  President 
Joe  Campos 
Robin  Boan 
David  Marconi 
Public  Relations 
James  Carolan 
Katie  Lynn  Cook 
Tournament  Masterj 
Mycroft  Boyd  ' 

]L54  A  Class  II  Organization  of  the  SGA,  Inc.  i 

didja  know  that... 

2008-2009  is  Tloe Montdarion's  first  year  as  an 
independent  newspaper.  //  Tlye  Moutclarion 
won  Third  Place  in  the  General  Excellence 
Categoiy  in  the  2008  New  Jersey  Better 
College  Newspaper  Contest.  //  Tlje 
Montdarion  won  the  2008  College  Press 
Freedom  Award  presented  by  the  Student 
Press  Law  Center  and  Associated  Collegiate 
Press  in  Kansas  City,  Miss. 

ditor  in  Chief:  Bobby  Melok 

•fanaging  Editor:  Michael  Campbell 

.|roduction  Editor:  Eric  Strickland 

lusiness  Manager:  Aaron  Kiedes 

tews  Editor:  Kristie  Cattafi 

mature  Editors:  Peter  Schaus  &  Colleen  Porter 

rts  &  Entertainment  Editor:  Jessica  Lozak 

'pinion  Editor:  Robert  Buddy  Aitken 

ports  Editor:  Nelson  DePasquale 

pief  Copy  Editor:  Christine  Adamo 

hoto  Editors:  Joseph  Matthew  McCullough  &  Sarah  Stanley 

raphics  Editor:  Sam  Gherman 

ditorial  Cartoonist:  Lou  Cunningham  g 

Webmaster:  James  Carolan  i 

The  Moiitclarioii  is  the  weekly, 

independent  student  newspaper  of 

Montclair  State  University.     It  strives  to 

report  on  campus  news,  arts,  opinions 

and  sports.  The  Montdarion  aims  to 

provide  an  outlet  for  young  journalists  to 

hone  their  reporting  skills  and  learn 

about  newspaper  layout  and  design, 

while  building  a  clip  book  to  show 

I  employers  after  graduation. 

Executive  Board 
President  -  Frances  Taveras 
Vice  President  -  Ruxy  Cordero 
Secretaiy  -  Leyshla  Moscoso 
Treasurer  -  Vanessa  Rivera 



The  founders  were  five  women  determined  to  establish  an  organization  in  1981  that 
brouglit  together  not  just  women  of  the  same  bacl^ground,  but  all  women.  It  was  the: 
limitless  vision  that  enabled  these  determined  women  to  break  down  the  barriers  am 
build  the  bridges  that  connected  women  from  all  different  parts  of  the  world.  Hence    | 
our  motto  "Mujeres  Siempre  Unidas,"  or  "Women  Always  United.  I|j 



-  ^T^^^^v"  /        — 


IgL    \i 



didja  know  that... 

Mu  Sigma  Upsilon  Sorority,  Inc  is  the  first  Multicultural  Sorority  in  the  Nation 

//  Our  Mascot  is  the  fierce,  strong,  and  independent  Amazon  Women  //  Mu 

Sigma  Upsilon  has  been  proud  to  be  a  Stepping  organization  since  1981 

didja  know  that... 

For  over  40  years  the  work  of 

the  Newman  Catholic  Campus 

Ministry  has  been  present  at 

Montclair  State  University  //  We 

help  students  to  grow  in  their 

lith  through  spiritual,  social,  and 

semce  events  //  This  past  year 

the  Newman  Catholic  Campus 

/linistry  experienced  tremendous 

growth,  and  we  now  have 

almost  200  members 

Newman  Catholic  Campus  Ministry:  We  kneel  before  God 
and  can  stand  up  against  anything 

Executive  Board 
llatthew  Boyle  '10  -  President 
telly  Karcher  '10  -  Vice  President 
Veronica  Haegele  '11  -  Treasurer 
>helsea  PuUion  '11  -  Recording  Secretary 
'ru  Welch  '10  -  Corresponding  Secretary 
larry  Muscat  '11  -  PR  Director 
i5rittany  Tobjy  '11  -  Retreat  Director 


19  7  8 



didja  know  that...   i' 

Phi  Beta  Sigma  Fraternity  Incorporated 
Kappa  Epsilon  Chapter  helped  create 
the  Greek  Council  at  Montclair  State  //   sj 
Phi  Beta  Sigma  Fraternitv'  Inc.  Kappa  P 
Epsilon  Chapter  was  the  first  African- 
American  fraternity  at  MSU  1978-2009 
//  Phi  Beta  Sigma  fraternity  has  a 
graduation  rate  of  99-9  percent 

Executive  Board 

President  -  Jacob  J.  Spann 

Vice  President  -  Kent  Acquah-Abbiw 

Treasurer  -  Jacob  J.  Spann 

Secretary  -  Kent  Acquah-Abbiw 

Culture  pr  Senriae  md  Ser\/iee  F&r  Humnitf 

The  brothers  of  Phi  Beta  Sigma  are  the  Fraternity's  most  valuable  resource  and  strength. 
They  are  the  primaiy  means  by  which  Phi  Beta  Sigma  objective  will  be  achieved.  In  Order 

to  accomplish  the  Fraternity's  objectives,  it  is  essential  that  systems  are  instituted  that  ^ 

effectively  embody  "Culture  For  Sei-vice  and  Service  For  Humanity"  and  promote  .^^i 

Brotherhood  Scholarship,  and  Sei-vice.  W%, 

PUl  lleia 

A  Class  V  Organization  of  tfe  SGA,  Inc. 


Phi  Beta  Sigma  fraternity  Sigma's  effectiveness,  the  Fraternity  will: 

-Strengthen  and  serve  proactively,  the  Brotherhood,  as  a  supportive  resource  that  positively  impacts  the  Fraternity'; 

grov^th  and  financial  solvency. 

-Reaffirm  and  maintain  a  strong  commitment  to  Brotherhood.  Scholarship  and  Service. 

-Ensure  that  the  Fraternity  programs  are  focused  and  committed  to  serving  humanity. 

-Create  an  environment  that  respects  the  dignity'  and  worth  of  each  brother. 

-Exhibit  integrity  and  ethical  behavior  in  conducting  the  Fraternity's  business,  serving  as  a  model  for  all  Greek-letteij 

-Maintain  and  improve  the  Fraternity's  technological  literacy  in  order  to  better  ser\ice  its  members  and  the 

community  at  large. 
-Foster  and  nurture  our  constitutional  bond  with  Zeta  Phi  Beta  Sorority,  Inc. 
-Encoui'age  a  closer  and  mutually  beneficial  working  relationship  with  fellow  Greek-letter  organizations,  other 
J5g  community"  service  organizations,  business  and  government. 

-Select  leaders  who  are  committed  and  have  demonstrated  the  abilit}'  to  "lead". 

didja  know  that... 

Dora  Bloom  Turtletaub,  the  founding  president,  resides  in  West  Orange  //  Our  flower 

is  the  Golden  Tea  Rose  and  Colors  are  Cafe  O  Lait  and  Old  Blue  //  In  the  movie 

Legally  Blonde,  Elle  Woods  is  a  sister  of  Delta  Nu  sorority,  but  the  real  sorority 

(mentioned  in  the  movie)  is  Sigma  Delta  Tau  //  Cristy  Carlson  Romano,  star  of  Even 

Stevens  and  the  voice  of  Kim  Possible,  is  an  active  SigDelt  at  Colombia! 

a>iama  jheua  icui 

9     A  class  V  Organization  of  the  SGA,  Inc.  I 

Executive  BoarJ 
President  -  Elisa  Schwarl 
Vice  President  -  Christina  Alamf 
Vice  President  of  Recruitment  for  Spring  2009  -  Joanna  Tn.igli'|4'a 
Vice  President  of  Scholarship  -  Julianne  Warshan!  j 
Treasurer  -  Brittany  Has    ; 
Secretaiy  -  Melissa  Dressin'  ] 
Social  Chair  -  Pherin  Strai;  "i 
New  Member  Educator  -  Cayla  Belnavj  j 
,  Assitant  New  Member  Educator  -  Jaclyn  Ringc   : 

Panhellenic  -  Michelle  Hu 



^^f(^^iCi  <=)ianva  <~>u244ixi 


The  purpose  of  Tri  Sigma  is  to  establish  among  its  members 

a  perpetual  bond  of  friendship, 

to  develop  in  them  strong  womanly  character, 

and  to  impress  upon  them  high  standards  of  conduct. 

Executive  Board 

aclyn  Harbeck-  President 

toseanne  Colella-  Vice  President 

aClielle  Jones  -  Secretary 

tonnie  Kelly-  Treasurer 

isa  Occhiolini-  Recaiitment  Director 

Lshlee  Agens-  Education  Director 

J'ikki  Titus-  Panhellenic  Representative 

didja  know  that... 

Sister  Carrie  Underwood  was  the  winner  of  the  4th  season 

of  American  Idol  //  Linda  Denham,  the  creator  of  the  Care 

Bears  is  a  Tri  Sigma  Sister  //  The  play  atriums  featured  in 

the  movie  Patch  Adams  were  funded  by  Tri  Sigma. 


The  purpose  of  STAND:    A  Student  Anti-Genocide  Coalition  is  to  raise  awareness 

about  genocide  and  crimes  against  liumanity  in  Darfur,  tlie  Congo,  Burma  and 
anywhere  else  they  arise.   The  long-term  goal  of  the  national  STAND  organization, 

which  has  chapters  at  over  600  colleges  and  high  schools,  is  to  create  a  standing 
anti-genocide  constituency  ready  to  take  political  action  whenever  a  crisis  arises. 


A  Class  III  Organization  of  the  SGA,  Inc. 

didja  know  that... 

STAND  was  chartered  in  the  Spring  of  2006.   The  first  President 

was  Anianda  Ahearn,  who  is  now  a  Montclair  grad  student  // 

STAND  has  hosted  a  wide  range  of  events,  including  concerts,  art 

displays,  game  tournaments,  dances,  movie  nights,  pizza  parties, 

open  mic  nights,  and  inter-faith  dialogue  meetings  //  The 

executive  board  is  united  by  their  love  of  Rush,  the  Canadian 

progressive  rock  band 

Executive  Board 

President  -  Dan  Moseson 

Vice-President  -  Jimmy  Nye 

Treasurer  -  Nat  Rusciani 

Secretaiy  -  Katie  Lynn  Cook 


Executive  Board 

President-Rebecca  Tesfaye 

Vice  President-Carissa  Basedow 

Secretary-  Cristina  Teoderescu 

Treasurer-  Diana  Delucia 

Pledge  Mistress-  Charlene  Peterson 

Publicist-  Kim  Bariy 

Social  Chair-  Lindsey  DeMarco 

Philanthropist-  Kristie  Marcinczyk 

Alumni  President-  Lauren  Walton 

Ritual  Officer-  Jennifer  Betchen 

Rush  Chair-  Alyssa  Rush 

Recruitment  Chair-  Samantha  Spera 

A  Class  V  Organization  of  the  SGA,  Inc. 

didja  know  that... 

Our  mascot  is  the  Panda  //  We  are 

the  Greek  Week  Champions   two 

years  in  a  row  for  both  2008  &  2009 

//  Our  symbol  is  the  white  rose 

^keta  fCaapxi  Qkl 

Theta  Kappa  Chi  is  a  local  sorority  that  was  founded 

in  the  Spring  of  1985  in  Montclair  State  College.  Our 

purpose  is  to  help  the  underprivileged  children  of  the 

community  through  social  and  campus  related  projects 


Active  Alembeis 

Kiystine  Alma,  Carissa  Basedow,  Lisa  Kowitski,  Allison 

Rollman,  Cristina  Teoderescu,  Rebecca  Tesfaye,  Lauren 

Walton,  Jen  Betchen,  Kristen  Bradshaw,  Jamie  Fitzgerald, 

Carla  Kaminski,  Kristie  Marcinczyk,  Charlene  Peterson, 

Fanny  Yu,  Linsdey  De  Marco,  Kim  Barry,  Katya  Bonilla, 

Jenna  DErasmo,  Courtney  Huff,  Alyssa  Rush,  Sami  Spera, 

Grace  Talia,  Erin  Granata,  Amanda  DeNorscio,  Christie 

Geiger,  Tammy  Garland,  Rachel  Blickle,  Jessica  Slattery, 

Christina  Keeney,  Mariel  Mrvichin,  Allie  Petmzziello,  Casey 


The  purpose  of  Theta  Xi  is  to  provide  a  college  home  environment  for  its  active 

members  in  which  fellowship  and  alumni  guidance  lead  to  wholesome  mental, 

moral, physical,  and  spiritual  growth.  To  that  end  Theta  Xi  actively  supports  and 

augments  college  and  community  efforts  to  make  individual  members  more  mature  anc 

chapter  groups  more  useful  units  of  society.  Through  its  alumni  and  undergraduate 

leadership  Theta  Xi  endeavors  to  assist  each  member  to  develop  intellectual  curiosity 

that  assures  the  highest  scholarship  rating  consistent  with  his  ability,  habits  that  lead  tc 

better  mental  and  physical  health,  sincerity  in  his  association  with  others  and 

confidence  in  himself,  responsibility  to  chapter,  college,  community,  and  country, 

leadership  that  comes  from  practicing  the  principles  of  democratic  self-government, 

interests  and  activities  outside  regular  scholastic  studies  that  employ  spare  time  to 

advantage,  and  spiritual  understanding  that  provides  a  reservoir  of  strength  to  draw 

upon  when  faced  with  conditions  beyond  comprehension. 


didja  know  that. 

We  are  the  only  Fraternity  to  be  founded  during  the  Civil  War  //  Locally,  we  have  veiy  involve 

members  in  the  Student  Government  Association  including  the  upcoming  President,  a  member  as  th' 

Student  Representative  to  the  Board  of  Trustees  of  the  University,  President  of  the  Village  Hall  Counci! 

Community  Assistants,  as  well  as  members  on  RecBoard,  and  the  WMSC  radio  //  Aside  from  aidinj 

our  National  Philanthropies:  The  Multiple  Sclerosis  Society,  and  Habitat  for  Humanity,  we  have  alsj 

actively  participated  in  the  Leukemia  and  Lymphoma  Society's  "Light  the  Night"  Walk,  and  have  annu;' 

drives  to  donate  clothes  and  food  to  local  shelters  and  organizations  for  those  less  fortunate 


A  Class  II  Organization  of  the  SGA,  Inc. 

Unified  Asian  American  Student  Organization 

didja  know  that... 

UAASO  was  founded  in  2002  //  In 
just  a  few  years,  UAASO  has 
continued  to  grow  with  members  of 
different  nationalities  such  as  Filipino, 
Chinese,  Korean,  and  Japanese,  just  to 
name  a  few  //  Culture,  dance,  and 
food  are  fused  together  to  create  the 
many  events  UAASO  has  to  offer  to  its 
members  as  well  as  the  entire  MSU 

Unified  Asian  American  Student  Organization  aims  to  unify  all  of  Montclair  State 
Universitys  Asian  American  students  as  well  as  make  people  aware  of  different  Asian 


iixecutive  Board 

President  -  Alexandra  Grace  Pamiloza 

Vice  President  -  Clarisse  Madarang 

Secretary/Website  Manager  -  Cathy  Ngo 

Treasurer  -  Alex  Chen 

Programming  Chair  -  Miki  Takao 

Public  Relations  Chair  -  Krenzy  Vergara 

Fundraising  Chair  -  Roy  Venturina 

Dance  Chair  -  Kara  Cabangon 

Culture  Chair  -  Yi-Ying  Yu 

Community  Service  Chair  -  Reynaldo  Platon 

Historian  -  Michelle  Rae  Cartagena 



Executive  Board 

President  -  David  Gisonno 

Vice  Pres.  -  Rosalie  Martinsen 

Treasurer  -  Codetta  Peterson 

Secretary'  -  Francisco  Alarco 

The  purpose  of  this  organization 

is  for  members  to  mutually  assist 

each  other,  adapt  to  college  life, 

and  encourage  community 

activities  u^ith  agencies  that 

provide  sei'vices  for  our 

members,  and  liaison  with  other 

Veteran  groups. 

didja  know  that... 

Montclair  State  University  Veterans  Association  is  apart  of  tlie  Student 
Veterans  of  Americas  coalition  that  advocates  on  behalf  of  student  veterans 
at  the  local,  stat,  and  national  level  //  The  membership  of  the  Veterans 
Association  includes  both  student  and  faculty  veterans  //  The  Montclair  State 
University  Veterans  Association  brings  veterans  together,  supporting  each 
other,  supporting  our  troops,  and  homeless  veterans  in  our  community. 

V eie/iaM6^  AdAjQK^Uii^^ 

A  Class  III  Organization  of  the  SGA,  Inc. 


Media  Organizations: 

Normal  Review 

Class  n  Organizations: 

Arabic  Student  Organization 

Financial  Management  and  Economic  Society 

Human  Relations  Leadership  Development  Association 

Japan  Club 

Muslim  Student  Association 

Native  African  Student  Organization 

Psychology  Club 


Class  in  Organizations: 

Accounting  Society 

Active  Minds 



Chi  Alpha  Christian  Fellowship 

Chinese  Student  Association 

Democrats  of  America 

der  Deutsche  Studentenclub 

Fencing  Club 

Film  Makers  Club 

Hellenic  Student  Organization 

History.  Club 

Industrial  Design  Society  of  America 

International  Business  Society 

Justice  Studies  Club 

Korean- American  Student  Association 

Keep  a  Child  Alive 

Le  Cercle  Francais 


Management  Club 



MSU  College  Republicans 

MSU  Choral  Directors  Association 

MSU  Cricket  Club 

MSU  Dietetic  Organization 


MSU  Ultimate  Disc 

MSU  Wrestling  Club 

Music  Therapy  Student  Organization 



Pagan  Student  Union 

Political  Science  &  Law  Club 

REAL  (Red  Hawks  Enjoying  and  Authentic  Lifestyle) 

Red  Hawk  Paintball 

Rhythm  Nation  Dance  Club 

Service  for  Peace 

Ski  &  Snowboard  Club  t 

Spanish  Club 

Students  Against  Violence 

Students  for  Progressive  Change 

Tennis  Club 

TALON  ■' 


VOX:   Voices  for  Planned  Parenthood 


Class  V  Organizations: 


Alpha  Kappa  Alpha 

Chi  Upsilon  Sigma 

Delta  Phi  Epsilon 

Delta  Sigma  Theta 

Delta  Xi  Delta 

Omega  Phi  Chi 

Sigma  Delta  Phi 

Sigma  Gamma  Rho 

Zeta  Phi  Beta 


Delta  Chi 

Iota  Phi  Beta 

Iota  Phi  Theta 

Kappa  Alpha  Psi 

Lambda  Theta  Phi 

Lambda  Upsilon  Lambda 

Omega  Psi  Phi 

Psi  Sigma  Phi 

Pi  Kappa  Alpha 

Tau  Kappa  Epsilon    ' 

Tau  Phi  Beta  ..;,,„ 


Alpha  Kappa  Psi 

Phi  Sigma  Pi 

Stad^vit  G^v^ffvnn^vit  Fuit 


Th^  PffMid^vits  Cabiviit 



Th^  L^qisfdtiM^ 

President  2007-2009 
Ronald  F.  Chicken 

Vice  President  2008-2009 
Bryan  Fucetola 
Treasurer  Fall  2008 
Michael  Dengelegi 

Treasurer  Spring  2009 
Michelle  Totnaszewski 
Secretary  2008-2009 
Amy  Brooks 


SGA  Inaugural  Ball 

Outaomg  President  Ronald  F.  Chicken,  Incoming  President  Jonathan  Preciado,  Outgoing  Vice  President  Biyan 

Fucetola,  Incoming  Vice  President  Michael  Santo  Morano,  Outgoing  Treasurer  Michelle  Tomaszewski,  Incoming 

Treasurer  Arun  Bhambri,  Outgoing  Secretary  Amy  Brooks,  Incoming  Secretaiy  Danielle  Fucetola, 

Incoming  Board  of  Tmstee  Representative  Louis  Castano 

Joseph  J.  Specchio  (a.k.a.  The  Law) 
was  awarded  Attorney  General  of  the 
Decade,  being  the  2nd  three-term 
Attorney  General  in  the  past  75  years 
of  SGA  history. 

The  Indian  Culture  Club  was  awarded  Class  One  Organization  of  the  Ye|.  ^t 






nnr    ^^m 

Hi^  '^I! 



Ml '  "i"i''"'f  i|"i' 

Vice  President  Bryan  Fucetola  presented  Michael 
Melvin  with  the  Legislator  of  the  Year  Award, 

President  Ronald  F.  Chicken  presented  Chris  Ruli  with 
the  Cabinet  Member  of  the  Year  Award. 

^e  Unified  Asian  American  Student   Organization  was  awarded 
llass  II  Organization  of  the  Year. 

liolh  Dr.  Susan  A.  Cole,  President  of  MSU 
and  Ronald  F.  Chicken,  President  of  the  SGA, 
were  awarded  a  spot  in  the  SGA's  Hall  of 
Fame.   The  Hall  of  Fame  is  reserved  for 
individuals  who  have  made  a  tremendous 
impact  towards  the  campus  community.   As 
the  Student  Government  Association  is  a 
representation  of  Montclair  States  student 
voice,  it  is  pertinent  to  highlight  influential 
leaders  who  have  had  great  influence  in 
improving  upon  Montclair  State,  our  home. 

SGA  Inaugural  Bal . 

pa6A4n(f  (m  tk&  to^ick  -  ofAil  2Wt,  2009 
















X    1 






We&^&me  W^  the  Red  Haivh  SB!e: 
100  Vear^  &if  New  Term  Pride 

"We  have  become  not  a  melting 

pot  but  a  beautiful  mosaic. 

Different  people,  different 

beliefs,  different  yearnings, 

different  hopes,  different 


-Jimmy  Carter  , 

ultur  al\ 


"Diversity  is  not  about  how  we 

differ.  Diversity  is  about 

embracing  one  another's 


-Ola  Joseph 


"W        ] 

By  Ian  M.  Honauer 

With  over  30  Fraternities  and  Sororities  on  the 
Campus  of  Montclair  State,  it  easy  to  say  that 
there  is  something  here  for  everyone.    Greeks 
provide  the  most  on  campus  events  for  students, 
and  I  hope  throughout  the  years  of  attending 
MSU  you  were  able  to  enjoy  some  remarkable 
programming.    One  of  the  most  anticipated 
weeks  of  the  year  is  Greek  Week,  a  full  week  of 
events  where  Greeks  have  friendly  competitions 
to  see  who  can  come  out  on  top.   The  most 
loved  and  attended  event  of  Greek  Week  has  to 
be  the  talent  show,  which  has  grown  so  much 
that  it  was  held  in  the  Memorial  Auditorium. 
This  years  winners.  Delta  Chi  and  Theta  Kappa 
Chi,  put  on  jaw  dropping  performances,  and 
also  helped  seal  them  in  to  win  the  rest  of  Greek 
Week  as  well.    Some  other  events  included 
football  throw,  Mike  and  Ike  scooters,  soda 
chug,  a  scavenger  hunt  as  well  as  multiple 
running  events.   Many  of  the  Multi-Cultural 
Greek  fraternities  and  sororities  amaze  the 
campus  with  their  step  shows  showing  their 
cultural  roots.    Many  of  these  events  pull  in  a  lot 
of  on-lookers  because  of  the  complexity  and 
perfect  synchronization  of  the  Greek  members. 
If  you  were  not  a  part  of  Greek  Life,  I  hope  that 
at  least  we  were  here  to  help  make  your 
experience  at  MSU  that  much  better. 
Congratulations  Class  of  2009! 








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up,  eat  em'  up 

By  Glenn  G.  Lucchi 

Its  three  in  the  morning.  You  wake  up  in  a  cold  sweat,  your  mouth  craving 

for  the  sweet  taste  of  a  vanilla  milkshake  and  chocolate  chip  pancakes.  But  its 

three  in  the  morning,  everywhere  is  closed.  Youre  doomed.  Suddenly,  you 

remember  that  the  Red  Hawk  Diner  is  open  24/7!  Your  craving  will  go 

unsatisfied  no  longer.  This  24/7  service  is  a  convenience  not  conmion  to 

many  other  places.  The  Red  Hawk  Diner  is  almost  always  available  with  good 

food  and  good  service  (and  amazing  milkshakes)  to  suit  your  needs.  Maybe 

youre  pulling  an  all-nighter  cramming  for  your  big  modem  physics  fijial  and 

youre  craving  some  pizza,  the  Rathskeller  is  open  late. 

Through  the  care  of  Sodexo  and  the  communication  channels  to  the  students 
opened  by  the  Sodexo  food  board  committee  of  the  SGA,  improvements  are 
being  made  throughout  the  campus.  The  dining  halls  have  now  launched  a 
campaign  to  let  students  know  they  will  work  for  them  if  the  students  have 
reasonable  requests.  Peanut  butter  has  been  added  to  Cafe  Diem,  spice  racks 
added  to  Freeman  and  Blanton  dining  halls,  all  to  better  the  experience  and 
convenience  of  the  students.  The  diversity  of  the  student  dining  experience 
on  campus  is  great.  You  can  get  sushi  and  pizza  within  two  minutes  of  each 
other.  Freeman  and  Blanton  change  their  menus  daily,  and  the  Red  Hawk 
Diner  will  always  be  happy  to  offer  their  varied  menu. 

!3r  *■ 




""SH"'*  STATE 

No  man  Avas 
ever  mse 
by  chance. 


If  you  knew  how 
much  w^ork  went 
ito  it,  you  wouldn't 
call  it  genius. 


rhe  more  that  you 

read,  the  more 

things  you  'will 

how.  The  more  that 

ou  learn,  the  more 

places  you'll  go. 

-Dr.  Seuss 

'tie  important  thing 

f    is  not  to  stop 


(iriosity  has  its  ow^n 

eason  for  existing. 

<ne  cannot  help  but 

•e  in  awe  w^hen  he 

contemplates  the 

mysteries  of 
eternity,  of  life,  of 

the  marvelous 
tructure  of  reality, 
t  is  enough  if  one 

tries  merely  to 

omprehend  a  little 

c  this  mystery  every 

day.  Never  lose  a 

holy  curiosity. 

-Albeit  Einstein 

inside  the  classroom 

There  are  more  men 

ennobled  by  study 

than  by  nature. 


stud-y-ing  (verb)  -  to  apply  oneself  to  the  acquisition 
of  knowledge,  as  by  reading,  investigation,  or  practice. 

Get  over  the  idea  that  only 

children  should  spend  their 

time  in  study.  Be  a  student  so 

long  as  you  still  have 
something  to  learn,  and  this  J 
will  mean  all  your  life.      1 

Henry  L.  Doherty 

If  a  man  insisted  always 

on  being  serious,  and 
never  allowed  himself  a 
bit  of  fun  and  relaxation, 

he  would  go  mad  or 

become  unstable  without 

know^ing  it. 


Sometimes  the  cure  for 
restlessness  is  rest. 

-Colleen  Wainwridit 


Friendship,  just  the  perfect  blendshlp. 

lasting  relationships  made  at  Montclair  State 



^H^^KPr^^  ^  ^p 

^t     tt 

■■\  A'^ 

i  n  "t  h  a  t 


#  .fe^:*s 

ihtat/r^  awe/  daptc 

2008-2009  Production  Season 


Crazy  for  You 


Hooking  Up:  Two  Evenings  of  Short  Plays 

All  in  the  Timing 

Dance  Collage 


Meadowlands  Project 

DanceWorks  2009 

Four  Short  Musicals 


Our  self-expression  is  meant  to  be  a  manifestation  of  the  silence  of  our  hearts.-Matthew  Foj 

r  s  e  I  f . 

on-cmnpus  jobs 

service  learning 

Red  Hai^k 

go    ^^ 


Written  By  Candace  Quinn,  Geology  Major 

Montclair  State  University  has  started  to  adopt  the 
going  green  philosophy  that  has  caused  the  world  to 
re-evaluate  the  human  impact  on  our  planet.   Last 
year,  MSU  signed  a  Memorandum  of  Understanding 
with  the  EPA  creating  a  symbiotic  relationship 
between  the  two  institutions.  According  to  this 
memorandum,  Montclair  is  committed  to  addressing 
environmental  issues  within  its  community 

Behind  University  Hall,  you  can  find  an  aerobic 
compost  machine,  run  by  Dr.  Nicholas  Smith- 
Sebasto  and  students  of  the  on-campus  organization 
Gotta  Be  Green,  which  processes  food  waste  from  the 
Student  Center  and  University  Hall  turning  it  into 
rich  soil  used  for  landscaping  throughout  campus.  In 
2004,  MSU  began  a  recycling  program  that  has  since 
been  competitive  in  the  EPAs  Recycle  Mania 
competition,  and  includes  mixed  fiber  and  bottles 
and  cans  with  receptacles  in  every  building,  including 
residence  halls. 

MSU  has  also  committed  to  buying  green  products 
including  cleaning  products  and  100%  recycled 
office  paper.  A  contract  with  a  computer  and 
electronics  recycling  company  ensures  that  all 
Electronic  and  hazardous  waste  is  properly  disposed. 
Furthermore,  MSU  utilizes  a  Cogeneration  Plant  to 
light  and  regulate  temperatures  of  campus  buildings 
and  a  Photovoltaic  Array  atop  Finely  Hall  that 
contributes  no  cost  electricity  to  the  building.  Lastly, 
Montclair  offers  discounted  parking  tickets  to  hybrid 
and  clean  fuel  vehicles  and  runs  its  shuttle  buses  on 
clean  low-sulfur  diesel.   Despite  all  this,  there  seems 
to  an  air  of  apathy  among  most  students  and  the 
university.  So  get  up  and  get  involved — its  never  too 
late  to  make  a  difference! 

"To  waste,  to  destro^ 
our  natural  resources,  tc 

skin  and  exhaust  the 
land  instead  of  using  it 

so  as  to  increase  its 
usefulness,  will  result  ir 
undermining  in  the  day 
of  our  children  the  vet) 

prosperity  which  we 

ought  by  right  to  hand 

down  to  them  amplifie( 

and  developed." 

-Theodore  Roosevelt 



'  /,■■■?>■■' 



a  r  a  c 


aidents  participating  in  The  Washington  Center's  Presidential  Inauguration  academic  seminar 
ci  the  new  presidential  administration  and  the  impact  of  the  media  on  American  politics. 




.<»  •;*♦.. 

in  loving  memory  of 

K^te  RmeCi 

November  8th,   1988  -  March  l6th,  2009 

M  n^er  forget  the  first  time  U  scr^  %ate.  Ut  yvas  our  freshman  year  at  inteMesvsfor  the  -Embassador  program    \ ' 
Vphere  'Vpe  met  ^^he  yuali^d  into  the  room  late,  ('Vchich  -7  later  discoloered  'Was  so  unlike  her),  because  she  had  been  at  an 

ititefloieV!)  for  another  program  on  campus  ("Which  7  later  discolpered  veas  so  like  her).  %ate  and  U  didnt  begin  our    tJ 

friendship  untU  a  year  after  our  first  encounter.  U  had  heard  of  %gte  this  cool,  athletic,  seemingly  peifect  girl  We  \  •■. ' 
'Were  scheduled  for  the  same  office  hours  that  semester,  and  little  did  U  kjio'W  'What  kind  of  a  year  that  scheduling  'Would  ^ 
bring.  %gte  had  such  an  impact  on  my  life  that  year  that  U  cannot  begin  to  describe  the  ripples  she  created.  %ate  "Was 

one  of  those  rare  people  you  meet  'Where,  you  knova  you  can  ntoer  be  as  'Wondeiful  as  they  are,  but  in  the  attempt,  you   \ 
become  a  better  person.  %ate  made  me  'Want  to  be  a  better  person  around  her,  atid  J  am  a  better  person  hd))ing  Iqio'Wn'* 

%ate  "JQite  and  7,  in  our  brief  but  true  fiiendship,  relied  on  each  other  for  support,  guidance,  and  confidence  %gte 

'Would  say,  zfhCeg,  U  need  to  tell  you  stories,  and  that  is  'When  U  "Would  kjio'W  that  she  needed  some  sort  of  advice  Un  if 
looking  back,  7  halpe  no  idea  'What  kind  of  adlp ice  U  could  hal)e  possibly  ghen  her,  for  she  'Was  so  much  'Wiser  than  U.  l> 

often  "Would  think  ^^^^^^  ^^^^  ^  could  possibly  help  her  "With.  ^hQw,  U  understand.  U  "Was  not  meant  to  help  %ate; 
%ate  "Was  meant  to  help  me  ^te  vpas  in  my  life  to  teach  me  ho"W  to  be  better  zAn  old  pr6\>erb  reminds  me,  'Perhaps  t 
they  are  not  stars,  but  rather  openings  in  heaven  "Where  the  lo^e  of  our  lost  ones  pours  through  and  shines  do"Wn  upon  m   « 

to  let  us  kno'W  they  are  happy.  U  am  no"W  a  better  student,  daughter,  friend,  "Worker,  and  person  thanks  to  the  lessons     v 

%gte  taught  me.  ^he  'Was  a  model  that  toery  student  of -Jhtontclair  (§tate  University  should  aspire  to  be  like.  %gte '  '% 
follo"Wed  ^ery  ambition  'With  one  hundred  percent  enetgy.  -lA  community  assistant,  student  ambassador,  strong  athlete,  % 
flawless  student,  and  loVing  friend,  she  had  an  olperwhelming  effect  on  other  students  7n  dr'toing  do"Wn  the  turnpike  on  •  I 

day  after  an  tpcnt  %gte  and  U  "Would  hdVe  attended  together,  U  thought  about  %ate  a  lot  U  said  a  prayer,  and  then    ■ 
looked  off  to  the  hori^n  andscrw  one  of  the  most  beautiful  sunsets  U  had  toer  seen,  and  U  kl^ew  she  "Was  there,  listening 
helping,  and  guiding  me,  as  she  had  done  all  along.  %gte  %cssell,  in  life  and  in  memory,  remains  a  gift  to  her  family 
friends,  professors,  and  her  school,  and 'We  shall  al"Ways  remember  the  footprints  she  has  left  behind. 
Written  by:  ^J)(Cegan  Thompson 


'^  ■;-'^' 

1:»;  ^-'^U.; 

t^itv; ; 








'^"=^ ' -^ai^^^^f 

Our  Dear  Alma  Mater 

Beneath  the  Jersey  skies  so  blue, 

in  Montclairs  mountain  to^vn. 

There  stands  our  College,  tried  and  true 

and  growing  in  renown. 

We  love  thy  campus,  love  thy  halls, 

and  oft  to  thee  we  raise,  with  loyal  lips 

and  loyal  hearts  united  songs  of  praise. 

All  hail,  all  hail  Montclair, 

to  thee  our  voices  raise. 
Alma  Mater,  dear  Montclair, 
our  undying  hymn  of  praise. 

There  are  Stones  to  he  Moved. 

I  stopped  for  just  a  moment  and  wondered  if  it  would  kill  me: 

moving  that  really  big  stone  in  Chester  Park  where  I  jog. 

It  watches  me  bend  my  path  around  it. 

I  swear  it  glows  orange  and  has  an  obsidian  shadow. 

What  put  this  rock  here?  Why  here? 


Who  made  the  jogging  path  go  around  this  five-foot  tall  rock? 

It  would  be  so  easy  to  go  around  it. 

But  move  it? 

What's  the  worst  that  could  happen? 

Lose  a  leg,  cardiac  arrest  maybe  .  .  . 

My  veins  could  have  pumped  rocket  fuel  to  my  thighs  and  that  stone  would  not 

have  budged. 

I  sweat  for  an  hour  pushing  with  my  back,  pushing  with  my  shoulders,  pushing 

with  my  legs. 

I  thought  the  stone  won.    It  had  remained  perfectly  still  after  all. 

I  knew  I  couldn't  move  that  stone, 

but  the  stone  did  move  -  it  changed. 

And  now  .  .  . 

now  I  sneak  into  construction  sites. 

I  move  hundred  pound  stones  a  few  feet. 

I  roll  ones  that  weigh  several  hundred  pounds. 

I  can  even  wedge  and  push  over  thousand  pound  stones  with  crow  bars  and 

enough  working-at-it. 

When  I  jog  around  that  first  stone,  I  imagine  it  wants  to  move  like  I  do. 

Ever  wonder  what  would  be  the  heaviest  thing  you  could  move? 

Ever  wonder  if  you'll  be  happy  not  knowing? 

Ever  wonder  what  you'd  say  if  someone  yelled,  "Why  are  you  moving  that  stone?' 

I  can  only  say  what  I  said  to  them: 

"Why  arent  you?" 

Zach  Lichtmann  was  bom  in  New  Jersey  where  his  family  fostered  his  exposure  to  the 

arts  and  sciences  with  great  enthusiasm.    He  earned  his  BA  in  English  from  Penn  State 

University  (2006)  and  Certification  in  Secondary  Education  from  Arcadia  University 

(2007).    He  teaches  English  in  New  Jersey's  public  schools.    He  has  been  published  in 

Penn  State's  Kalliope  and  one  of  New  Jersey's  premier  poetiy  magazines  The  Edison 

Literary  Review.   He  hopes  the  content  of  his  poems  in  the  yearbook,  written 

especially  with  Montclair  State  University  students  in  heart  and  mind,  and  dubbed 

"The  Montclair  Series",  will  invoke  conversation  about  the  topics  and  philosophical 

notions  therein.    He  sends  his  sincere  congratulations  to  the  class  of  2009. 














a  letter  from 

Dear  Friends,  Classmates,  Class  of  2009, 

What  a  monumental  accomplishment!   Prepare  to  embark  upon  a 
new  chapter  in  this  journey  of  life.    One  chapter  of  our  lives  is 
coming  to  a  close,  as  the  next  one  is  awaiting  to  be  written. 
There  is  a  whirlwind  of  emotions  stirring  within  each  of  us: 
many  of  you  are  ecstatic  to  be  finally  graduating  college,  some  of 
you  may  be  nervous  when  thinking  about  the  future.   All  of  us, 
however,  have  been  shaped  in  such  a  way  that  who  we  were 
when  we  came  into  school  is  not  the  same  person  who  is 
walking  out.   We  will  be  advancing  to  the  next  chapter  of  our 
lives  with  true  life  experiences.    One  piece  of  advice  I  would  like 
to  offer,  whether  you  will  be  a  CEO  of  a  muki-million  dollar 
company,  or  whether  you  will  be  a  teacher,  or  starring  on 
Broadway   let  us  always  remember  our  Red  Hawk  Country  roots 
here  at  Montclair  State  University. 

Through  the  good  times  and  bad,  Montclair  State  has  always  fek 
like  home  to  me.   I  feel  like  I  truly  made  the  most  of  my  campus 
experience  on  a  number  of  levels  by  getting  involved  with  the 
Student  Government,  by  making  an  effort  to  have  my  professors 
and  administrators  know  me  by  name,  and  quintessentially, 
attempting  to  leave  my  mark  here  at  Montclair  State.    Growing 
up,  I  have  always  been  very  concerned  with  getting  high  grades 
and  doing  top-notch  in  school.    However,  as  the  years 
progressed,  I  have  come  to  realize  -  as  the  German  poet  Goethe 
once  wrote  so  nicely.  Things  that  matter  most  must  never  be  at 
the  mercy  of  things  that  matter  least.    Sure,  I  still  strive  in  getting 
my  As,  but  Ive  realized  that  the  college  experience  is  not  just 
inside  the  classroom,  but  with  the  people  we  meet,  the  places  we 
go,  and  the  experiences  we  encounter.   The  connections  we  have 
made  at  Montclair  State,  we  will  be  able  to  take  with  us  for  the 
rest  of  our  lives.    Our  past  surely  influences  our  future,  so  take 
whatever  you  can   take  whatever  matters  the  most   into  this  next 
chapter  of  life.    Congratulations  graduates.   You  truly  have 
something  to  be  proud  of!   I  wish  each  of  you  a  beautiful  life  and 
a  wonderful  future!!! 

Best  Regards, 

Michelle  Tomaszewski,  Editor-in-Chief  2008-2009 

B.A.  in  Humanities,  Double  Minor  in  Classics  &  Religious  Studies 

onk  you.  grados.  dziekuje.  obiigado.  ta. 

La  Campana  would  like  to  extend  a  special  thank  you  to  the 
following  people  for  their  help,  assistance,  encouragement  and 
support  in  the  publication  of  Montclair  State's  2009  yearbook: 

Jostens  Publishing 

President  Susan  A.  Cole,  Vice  President  Dr.  Pennington, 
Dean  Rose  Mary  Howell,  Dean  Coleman-Carter,  Dean  Harris, 
Dean  Fatima  deCai-valho,  Rick  Brown,  and  Gary  Rideout 

Professional  Photographers:    Mike  Peters,  our  university  photographer, 
and  contributing  photographer  Ronald  G.  Chicken 

Jim  Carroll  and  the  photographers  at  Lors  Studio 

The  Student  Government  Association  of  Montclair  State  University,  Inc, 
SGA  President  Ronald  F.  Chicken,  Vice  President  Bryan  Fucetola, 
Secretary  Amy  Brooks,  2008  Treasurer  Michael  Dengelegi,  Attorney 
General  Joe  "the  Law"  Specchio,  President  Pro  Tempore  Ross  "the  Boss" 
Fox,  President-elect  Jon  Preciado,  Vice  President-elect  Mike  Morano, 
Secretary-elect  Danielle  Fucetola,  Treasurer-elect  Arun  Bhambri,  Betty 
DeRose  and  Pamela  Mitchell 

The  Student  Board  of  Trustee  Representatives  Heather  McCarty,  Ian 
Honauer,  and  BOT-elect  Louis  Castano 

Zach  Lichtmann,  an  inspiring  poet 

Mike  Scala  and  the  Department  of  Intercollegiate  Athletics,  Scott 
Bernstein,  Liz  Collins,  Jonathan  Frederick  and  the  Department  of 
Campus  Recreation 

Contributors:    Peggy  Thompson,  Nicole  Drag,  Vaughn  McEnough, 
Frances  Taveras,  Roland  Bussiere,  Danielle  Mullins,  David  Thorn,  Erin 
Partyka,  George  De  Lahoz,  Veronica  O'Brien,  Nathaniel  "Justice"  Liberty, 
Glenn  Lucchi,  and  the  fabulous  Candace  Quinn 

itios  tM  am.  tDck  efhoristo.  a^^ 

Qsonte.  sposibo.  merci.  grozie.  donke.  tokk. 

Jostens  Printing  and  Publishing  Division,  which  is  located  in 
State  College,  Pennsylvania,  printed  the  2009  edition  of  La 
Catnpana,  the  yearbook  ofMontclair  State  University.   The 

yearbook  has  a  custom  embossed  cover  with  a  custom  die  on 
Firebrand  497  material  wrapped  around  a  150 pt  binders 

board.   There  were  3, 000  copies  printed  of  the  2009  yearbook 
with  232  pages  in  each  book. 


With  our  sincerest  appreciation  and  gratefulness  -  thank  you  a  million 
times  over  to  Tim  McGovern,  our  Jostens  Yearbook  Representative.   His 
patience,  hard  work,  dedication  and  assistance  in  helping  La  Campana 
complete  not  just  one  -  but  two  yearbooks  this  year  are  truly 
appreciated.   Tim's  support  and  hands-on  involvement  have  been 
absolutely  beneficial  in  encouraging  La  Campana  in  attaining  its  goal. 
Here's  to  you,  Tim  -  and  here's  to  a  fantastic  book!!! 

Thank  you,  Thank  you  to  -  Gieselle  Birch  [[Special  Assistant  to  the 
Treasurer]],  Krystal  "Rock  Star"  Woolston,  Andrea  Khan,  Stephen  DeRose, 
Gina  Persico,  Christine  Kadets,  Vanessa  Adames,  Sarah  Metelsky,  Mike 
Consoli,  Jen  Frank,  John  Fratella,  Lee  Michael  Holland,  Catherine 
Wisniewski,  Bridgette  Frank,  Chris  Ruli,  Payal  Mehta,  Pooja  Patel,  Jimmy 
Nye  [[Gold  Star  Awardee!]]  Asanasyous  Zakhra  and  Joann  Tomaszewski 

(omsQ  homnida.  hvda  Qiigato.  xie  xie.  \ 






(^  Barack  Obama  makes  history 
as  the  first  African-American  to 
wiR.the  presidency  of  the  United 

fes.  The  former  Illinois  senator 
^^Mises  an  era  of  change  that 
g  ;    captures  the  imagination  of 
3 ;     voters  nationwide. 

^toral  Votes 

^  Obama   365 

^  McCain    173 

In  January  2009,  president-elect  Obama  M 

attends  the  ultimate  power  lunch  in  the  White 
House,  meeting  and  getting  advice  from 
President  Bush  as  well  as  former  Presidents 
George  H.  W.  Bush,  Bill  Clinton  and  Jimmy  Carter. 






During  the  ( 

ceremony,  Malia 
Obama  captures 
the  moment  from 
a  unique  point 
of  view. 



"'    '1  f      fl 


8k.  ^"^J 

r    -^ 






fei  «s'i  yt 







^   4 


(a)  Barack  Obama  is  sworn  in  as  the  44th  president 
^^  of  the  United  States  before  millions  in  Washington, 
D.C.  Obama's  inaugural  address  calls  for  a 
"new  era  of  responsibility"  in  the  face  of  economic 
decline  and  a  pledge  to  choose  "hope  over  fear." 


AP  Photo/Pablo  Martinez  Monsivais 


Many  retailers  are  forced  to  file  for 
bankruptcy  or  go  out  of  business  after 
being  unable  to  rebound  from  the  fiarsh 
econonny  and  a  very  disappointing  fourth) 
quarter  of  2008. 

^  j^  T  fi    jJV)    American  swimmer  IVIicliael  Phelps 

*  *  .  ,  ^^  \\  ♦'•         mal<es  Olympic  history  with  eight  gold 

JtS  ^     W^  *•  medals.  Phelps  sets  three  world  records 

I  his  five  individual  wins. 

©  Chen  Kai/Xinhua  Press/Corbis 

♦♦«»».  *  ,» f 

The  Chinese  gymnasts  take  the  team 

title,  but  Americans  Shawn  Johnson 

(floor  exercise)  and  Nastia  Liukin 

(all-around)  take  individual  gold  i^H 

medals  for  the  U.S.        _  ^\i  ^  ^ 



Heisman  Trophy  winnerj 
Sam  Bradford  I 



:^     ^(ickj^^ 



Stephenie  Meyer's  runaway 
best-seller,  Twilight,  becomes 
a  hit  movie  starring  Robert 
Pattinson  and  Kristen  Stewart 
as  Edward  and  Bella. 







Slumdog  l\/lillionaire.  a  surprise  entry 
from  India  about  teen  life  in  Mumbai, 
and  Brad  Pitt's  The  Curious  Case  of 
Benjamin  Button,  about  a  man  who  ages 
backwards,  monopolize  Academy  Award 
nominations  with  a  combined  total  of  23. 

MJ  MTV  spins  off  the  reality  show 
I     The  Hills,  foilowing  Laguna 
I     Beach  star  Lauren  Conrad  and 
I     her  friends  to  Los  Angeles. 


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