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Full text of "The ladies' botany of Professor Lindley : abridged by the author, for the use of schools and young persons"

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To the Study 






Dich yerwirret, Geliebste, die tausendfaltige Mischung, 
Dieses Blumengewiihls tiber dem Garten umher ; 
Viele Namen horest du an, und immer verdranget 
Mit barbarischem Klang, einer den andern im Qhr. 
Alle Gestalten sind ahnlich, und keine gleichet der andern ; 
Und so dentet das Chor auf ein geheimes Gesetz, 
Auf ein heiliges Rathsel. O! konnt ich dir, liebliche Freundinn, 
Ueberliefern sogleich gliicklich das lisende Wort. —GérTHE. 




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Ranunculaceae I.5 
Berberidaceae II.11 
Nymphaeaceae 99 210 
Papaveraceae I.19 
Cruciferae 3.95 
Resedaceae II.36 
“Cistaceae oe 
4 Violaceae I.64 
-Droseraceae II.81 
— Polygalaceae II.30 
= Caryophyllaceae I.96 
~ Malvaceae 1.86 
Hypericaceae 1.82 
. Geraniaceae 1.36 
~ Linaceae II.129 
gs il.Caliciflorae- 
| Rhamnaceae II. 18 
Leguminosae I.123 
\ Rosaceae 1.107 
~ Ly thraceae II.66 
_ Tamariscaceae >> 78 
 Onograceae I.46 
sat Cucurbitaceae II.51 
~ Portulaceae 1.102 
“s Crassulaceae IL.106 
Grossulariaceae$Ribes) ,, 16 
Saxifragaceae 93 112 
Umbelliferae ; 1.26 
Caprifoliaceae 1.175 
Rubiaceae II.171 
- Dipsacaceae +. oe 
>, Compositae I.199 
Campanulaceae, I.170 
Ericaceae I158 

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2 OTGo 22 33 

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P.I.166 Pi,XIII Bab.49 
164 XIII 

Gentianaceae BS 51 
Polemoniaceae II 164 XLIII 52 
Convolvulaceae I 161 Xii 53 
Boraginaceae I 180 XV 54 
Solanaceae I 185 XV55 
Scrophulareacae I 194 XVI 57 
Labiatae I 191 XVI 58 
Primulaceae I 187 
II 157 XLII 61 
Plantaginaceae I 208 XVII 63 
Amaranthaceae I 133 IX 64 
Chenopodiaceae II 143 XL 65 
Poly goneaceae II 140 XL 66 
Euphorbiaceae II 124 XXXVIII 72 
Urticaceae I 148 XI 75 
Amentiferae I 155 XI 78 
Conifere@ (Oak) I 138 x 
Orchidaceae I 223 XIX 83 
Iridaceae I 219 XVIII 84 
Amaryllidaceae I 216 XVIII 85 
Alismgceae I 247 XXI 86 
' 29 II2206 XLIX 
Liliaceae I 231 XIX 88 (Asphoc 
29 I 237 XX 9, (rulig) 
Melanthaceae I 239 89 
Juncaceae I 241 xX 90 
Typhaceae I 244 XXI 92 
Araceae II 192 XLVI 93 
Lemnaceae I 249 XXI 94 


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196 Pitcher Plants P1.L Mango 



Cyperaceae Page I 262 P1.XXII Bab.97 

Gramineae I 252 XXII 

 Filices I 266 XXIII 
_Lycopodiaceae I 273 XXIII 
V6L.I (Page) VOL.I 

typ ‘ob 71 Passion Flower 
92 Orange 130 Protea 

ana Marvel of Peru. 275 Moss 

286 Jungermannia 282 Lichen 

285 Mushroom 287 Sea-Weed 
212 Distinction of Dicotyledon & Monocotyledon 

6 Magnolia 20 Vine 

26 Pittosporum 40 Caper 

44 Cactus 56 Begonia 

60 Fig Marigold 87 Venus Fly Trap 
98 Horse Chestnut 101 Walnut 

1236 Rue 150 Mezereum 

153 Cinnamon 161 Epacris 
167 Trumpet Flower 179 Jasmine 

182 Asclepis 188 Birthwort 

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Turs little book has been written in the hope that 
it may be found useful as an elementary introduction 
to the modern method of studying systematic Botany. 

There are many works, of a similar description, to 
explain or illustrate the artificial system of Linneus, 
the simplicity of which might have rendered such 
labours superfluous ; but no one has, as yet, attempted 
to render the unscientific reader familiar with what 
is called the Natural System, to which the method 
of Linnzus has universally given way among Bota- 
nists. All seem curious to know something about 
this celebrated System, and many, no doubt, take 
infinite pains to understand it; but it is to be feared, 
that a large part of those who make the attempt, are 
far from meeting with the success their industry 
deserves. On all hands they are told of its difficul- 
ties; books, instead of removing those difficulties, 
only perplex the reader by multitudes of unknown 

words, and by allusions, which, however clear they 


may be to the experienced Botanist, are anything 
rather than illustrative in the eyes of a beginner, 
who is often fairly lost in a labyrinth of resemblances, 
differences, and exceptions. One would think mo- 
dern Botany was like ‘the art unteachable, un- 
taught,” only to be understood by inspiration. 

The cause of this lies, not in the science itself, so 
much as in the books that are written concerning 
it. Since the appearance of my Introduction to the 
Natural System of Botany in 1830, several works of 
great merit have been published on the same subject, 
both in this country and abroad, so that the student 
is abundantly supplied with guides ; and if his object 
be to understand it, as an important branch of 
Natural Science, they are sufficiently well adapted 
to his purpose; but for those who would become 
acquainted with Botany as an amusement and a re- 
laxation, these works are far too difficult. Treating 
the subject, as they do in great detail, and without 
consideration for the unlearned reader, the language, 
the arguments, and the illustrations employed in them 
must be unintelligible to those who have no previous 
acquaintance with Botany; the characters of the 
Natural Groupes or Orders, into which the Vegetable 
Kingdom is divided, are not as a whole, susceptible 

of such an analysis as a young student is capable of 


following ; and I can quite understand how the whole 
system may appear to be an unintelligible mass of 
confusion. It has, therefore, occurred to me that if, 
without sacrificing Science, the subject should be 
divested of the many real and of the still greater 
number of imaginary difficulties that frighten  stu- 
dents, and if they could be taught to recognize the 
Natural tribes of plants, not by mere technical cha- 
racters, but by those simple marks of which the prac- 
tised Botanist exclusively makes use, a work in which 
such objects are attained might be found of some 

It is now admitted on all hands that the principles 
of the artificial system of Linnzeus, which were so 
important and useful at the time when they were 
first propounded, are altogether unsuited to the 
present state of science; and in the latest work that 
has been published in this country, upon that system, 
the learned and amiable author is forced to rest his 
defence of his still following it upon “the facility 
with which it enables any one, hitherto unpractised 
in Botany, to arrive at a knowledge of the genus and 
species of a plant.” But ifa system of Botany is to 
be nothing more than a contrivance to help those who 
will not master the elements of the science, to deter- 

mine the name of a plant; and if it is really neces- 


sary to have a mental rail-road on which such per- 
sons may be impelled without any exertion of their 
own; then indeed the analytical tables of the French 
are infinitely better contrivances than the Sexual 
System: because if well executed they meet every 
case and lead with certainty to positive results. 

I have, however, been always at issue with the 
Linnean school of Botany as to their system accom- 
plishing even the little that it pretends to; and if I 
may be permitted to appeal to my own personal 
experience of the difficulties of a beginner who is 
unassisted by a tutor, (and few could have had fewer 
difficulties to contend against than myself,) I should 
say that it is totally opposed to such a conclusion. I 
began with the Linnean system, which I was taught 
to believe little less than an inspired production; I 
had plenty of books compiled according to that 
system to consult, and I was fairly driven to seek 
refuge in the Natural System from the difficulties 
and inconsistencies of that of Linnzeus. 

It seems to me that there is a confusion of ideas in 
what is urged in favour of the Linnean system, and 
that its theoretical simplicity is mistaken for prac- 
tical facility of application. That the principles of 
the Linnean system are clear, and simple, and easily 

remembered is indisputable; that student indeed 

must be remarkably dull of apprehension, who could 
not master them in a day. But is its application 
equally easy? that is the point. When, for example, a 
specimen of a Monopetalous plant has lost its corolla, 
or when the stamens or pistils are absent, either acci- 
dentally, or constitutionally, as in Dicecious plants, 
what Linnean Botanist can classify the subject of 
inquiry? Or where a genus comprehends species 
varying in the number of their stamens, as for in- 
stance, Polygonum, Salix, Stellaria, and hundreds of 
others, who is to say which of the species is to deter- 
mine the classification of the rest? or when this point 
has been settled, how is the student to know what 
passed in the mind of the Botanical Systematist ? 
The latter puts a genus into Octandria, because out 
of ten species, one has constantly, and two occa- 
sionally, eight stamens, and he includes in the same 
class and order, all the other species of the genus, 
although they have five, six, or ten stamens. Sup- 
pose the student meets with one of the last, and 
wishes to ascertain its name by the Linnean system, 
he will look for it in Pentandria, or Hexandria, or 
Decandria, where he will not find it. After wasting 
his time, and exhausting his patience in a vain pur- 
suit, he must abandon the search in utter hopelessness, 

for there is no other character that he can make use 

vill PREFACE. 
of as acheck upon the first. At last some one will 
tell him that his plant is a Polygonum; he turns to 
his book, wondering how he could have overlooked 
it; and he finds Polygonum in Octandria. Should 
he inquire how this is, he will learn that his species 
belongs to Octandria, not because it is octandrous, 
but because it is so very like other Polygonums that it 
cannot be separated from them, and they belong in most 
cases to Octandria. This is the unavoidable answer ; 
and what does it really mean, except that it is not in 
consequence of its accordance with the system that 
the student’s Polygonum is to be discovered, but in 
consequence of its natural relation to other Polygonums ; 
so that it is necessary to understand the Natural 
System, to make use of the Artificial System! This is 
no exaggerated case, but one of common occurrence. 
It is undoubtedly true that in some books such incon- 
venience is guarded against by special contrivances ; 
but those contrivances form no part of the system. 
Granting, however, for argument’s sake, that these 
and other objections are overstated, and that the 
Linnean system does really facilitate the discovery of 
the class and order to which a plant belongs, let us 
next consider what advance towards the determina- 
tion of the genus and species, or in other words the 

name of a plant, a student has really made, when the 


class and order are ascertained. If this argument 
were conducted, as in strictness it ought to be, with 
reference to the whole Vegetable Kingdom, it would 
be easy to shew that the student had in fact gained 
almost nothing that is of use to him; but, in order to 
give the friends of the Linnean system every advan- 
tage in the discussion, we will confine the inquiry to 
the few hundred plants which grow wild in England. 
For this purpose take the generic characters in Dian- 
dria Monogynia, as stated in Dr. Hooker’s British 
Flora, a work in which the subject is treated with all 
the skill and perspicuity of which it is susceptible, 
and in which the Linnean system is seen to the 

greatest advantage. ‘The characters are these :-— 

* Perianth double, inferior, monopetalous, regular. 

1. Ligustrum. Linn. Privet.—Cor. four-cleft. Berry two-celled, 

with the cells two-seeded. 

** Perianth double, inferior, monopetalous, irregular. Seeds enclosed 

in a distinct pericarp ( Angiospermous ). 

2. Veronica, Linn. Speedwell.—Cor. four-cleft, rotate, lower seg- 
ment narrower. Caps. two-celled. 

3. PincuicuLa, Linn. Butterwort——Cal. two-lipped, upper lip of 
three, lower of one bifid segment. Cor. ringent, spurred. Germen 
globose. Stigma large, of two unequal plates or lobes. Capsule, one- 
celled, with the seeds attached to a central receptacle. 

4, Urricutaria, Linn. Bladderwort.—Cal. two-leaved, equal, Cor. 


personate, spurred. Stigma two-lipped. Caps. globose, of one cell. 

Seeds fixed to a central receptacle. 

*** Perianth double, inferior, monopetalous, irregular. Seeds four, 
apparently naked (closely covered by the pericarp, Gymnospermous ). 

5. Lycopus, Linn. Gypseywort.—Cal. tubular, five-cleft. Cor. 
tubular, limb nearly equal, tour-cleft, upper segment broader, and 

notched. Stam. distant, simple. 

6. Satvia, Linn. Sage or Clary.—Cal. two-lipped, tubular. Cor. 
labiate, the tube dilated upwards and compressed. Filaments with 
two divaricating branches, one only bearing a perfect single cell of an 

**** Perianth double, superior. 
7. Circa. Linn. Enchanter’s Nightshade.—Cal. two-leaved, but 

united into a short tube at the base. Cor. of two petals. Caps. two- 

celled; cells one-seeded. 

***** Perianth single, or none. 

8. Fraxinus, Linn. Ash.—Cal. O, or four-cleft. Cor. O, or of four 
petals. Caps. two-celled, two seeded, compressed and foliaceous at 
the extremity. Seeds solitary, pendulous. (Some flowers without 

9. Lemna, Linn. Duckweed.— Perianth single, monophyllous, mem- 
branaceous, urceolate. Fruit utricular. 

10. CLrapium, Schrad. Twig-rush.—Perianth single, glumaceous. 
Glumes of one piece or valve, one-flowered, imbricating ; outer ones 
sterile. Fruit a nut, with a loose external coat, destitute of bristles at 

the base. 

This extract from the British Flora makes it evi- 
dent that in determining to what genus a plant be- 

longs, a great deal of inquiry beyond the discovery 


that it has two stamens and one style, is indispensable. 
The student must be acquainted with the meaning of 
many technical terms, he must have his plant in 
different states of growth, he must procure the fruit, 
he must examine the interior of that part; in short, 
he must go through a long and careful examination, 
which is entirely independent of the Sexual System. 
In other and larger classes, such as Pentandria, Hex- 
andria, ‘Tetradynamia, Syngenesia, Gynandria, and 
Moneecia, the length and difficulty of such an ex- 
amination, are much increased. Now I distinctly as- 
sert that in determining the Natural Orders of plants 
there is no difficulty greater than that of making 
out the genera in the Linnean system. In reality it 
is the same thing, only with a different result: in 
the one case it leads to the mere discovery of a name ; 
in the other to the knowledge of a great number of 
useful and interesting facts independent of the name. 
This, which I hope will be evident from a perusal of 
the following Letters, is so strongly felt by all Bota- 
nists of any experience, that they never think of using 
the Artificial System themselves; they only recom- 
mend it to others. 

There is, however, no mistake into which the 
public is apt to fall much greater than the notion 

that Botany is a science of easy acquirement. Like 


all other branches of Natural History, it is founded 
upon a close observation of numerous independent 
facts, and can only be understood as a science after 
long and attentive study; nevertheless a certain 
amount of it may be acquired without extraordinary 
application. The following pages will, it is hoped, ex- 
plain sufficiently in what way this may best be done. 

What I should recommend to those who take up 
this work with the intention of studying it, is to begin 
with the beginning, to follow it in the same order in 
which it is written, and to procure for examination 
the very flowers that are named init; they are in 
most cases within the reach of all who live in the 
country. The specimens should be carefully com- 
pared with the descriptions and plates; and when 
they are all remembered and understood, you will be 
a Botanist;—not a very learned one—but acquainted 
with many of the fundamental facts of the science, 
and able to prosecute the inquiry to any further 
point, and to study other and more scientific works 
with ease and advantage. 

The course to be pursued by those who would push 
their inquiries beyond the information in the present 
work should be of the following nature. ‘They should 
read some Intreduction to Botany, in which the mo- 

dern views of structure and of vital action are well 


explained ; they should make themselves familiar with 
technical terms, which, although avoided in the fol- 
lowing Letters, cannot be dispensed with in works of 
amore exact and scientific character; they may at 
the same time perfect themselves in a knowledge of 
common Natural Orders, by gathering the wild plants 
within their reach, comparing them with each other, 
and with the characters assigned to them in systematic 
works. ~~ Being thus provided with a considerable 
amount of precise fundamental knowledge, they may 
apply themselves to the study of the Natural System 
in its great features. “They will then, and not till 
then, be able to appreciate the value of the modifi- 
cations of organization connecting one tribe of plants 
with another, and to understand the infinite wisdom 
and beautiful simplicity of design which is so visible 
in the vegetable world; the just appreciation of 
which, through countless gradations of form, structure, 
and modes of existence, it should be the constant aim 

of the Botanist to demonstrate. 


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Introductory Remarks—Fundamental Terms—The Crowfoot Tribe—The 
Poppy Tribe : : ° : 6 ol 

The Umbelliferous Tribe—Blanching—The Geranium Tribe—Hybrid Plants 26 


The Evening Primrose Tribe—The Myrtle Tribe : : . 46 

The Cruciferous Tribe—Double Flowers—The Violet Tribe 3 - bo 

The Passion-flower Tribe—Affinity—The Gourd Tribe—The Tutsan Tribe 71 

The Mallow Tribe—The Orange Tribe ; : . . 86 


The Chickweed Tribe— Metamorphoses of Plants—The Purslane Tribe— 
Succulent Plants——Breathing-pores . : : » 96 


The Rose Tribe—Budding and Grafting—The Pea Tribe . 5 ley 
The Protea Tribe—The Amaranth Tribe. ; 2 . 180 
The Marvel of Peru Tribe—The Oak Tribe—Structure of Dicotyledonous 
Wood . ° : Z - : . 136 

The Nettle Tribe—Woody Fibre—The Breadfruit Tribe—The Willow Tribe 148 

The Heath Tribe—The Bindweed Tribe . : - . 158 



The Gentian Tribe—The Olive Tribe—The Jasmine Tribe . . 164 

The Hare-bell Tribe—The Lobelia Tribe—The Honeysuckle Tribe—The 

Coffee Tribe . ° . : . . 170 

The Borage Tribe—The Nightshade Tribe—The Primrose Tribe. - 180 

The Mint Tribe—The Foxglove Tribe & : ° - 191 

Compound Flowers—The Ribgrass Tribe. 5 5 - 199 


Distinctions of Exogenous or Dicotyledonous, and of Endogenous or Mo- 
nocotyledonous Plants—The Narcissus Tribe—The Cornflag Tribe . 212 


The Orchis Tribe—The Asphodel Tribe 3 : : . 222 

The Lily Tribe—The Colchicum Tribe—The Rush Tribe ‘ 5 Pasir 

The Bullrush Tribe—The Arrow-grass Tribe—The Duckweed Tribe . 244 

Glumaceous Plants—The Grass Tribe—The Sedge Tribe ° . 252 

Cellular, Flowerless, or Cryptogamic Plants—The Fern Tribe—The Club- 
moss Tribe : : ° e 5 . 266 
The Moss Tribe—The Jungermannia Tribe . : + - 275 

The Lichen Tribe—The Mushroom Tribe—The Seaweed Tribe . 282 

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| (Plate I.) 

You ask me how your children are to gain a know- 
ledge of Botany, and whether the difficulties which 
are said to accompany the study of this branch of 
science, cannot, by some little contrivance, be either 
removed altogether, or very much diminished.— 
Allow me, in answer to this question, to repeat a 
fable which I remember to have read in some French 

A lady, observing some ants travelling across a 
table, dropped a lump of sugar in the midst of them ; 
but, to her surprise, although ants are noted sugar- 
| eaters, they all retreated in terror from the spot, nor 

could any of them afterwards find courage to return 

to examine the object of their dread; on the con- 

trary, they chose another track, and carefully avoided 

that which would have proved a treasure had they 

known its value. Struck by the occurrence, the lady 


placed the same piece of sugar on a part of the table 
near which the ants were in the habit of crossing, 
and when she saw one of them approaching it, she 
gently placed her finger in his way, so as to obstruct 
his passage without alarming him; the ant paused, 
looked around him. and then took a new direction, 
not exactly towards the sugar, but near it; the 
lady again opposed his passage gently, and at last, 
by making him take a sort of zigzag direction, 
tacking, as it were, at every few steps, the ant was 
unconsciously brought to the sugar without being 
frightened. Once there, he examined the glittering 
rock attentively, touched it with his antenne, broke 
off a morsel, and hastened away with it to the ant- 
hill; whence he presently returned at the head of a 
host of his comrades, by whom the rest of the sugar 
was quickly carried off. 

So it is with science and the young who have to 
acquire a knowledge of it. Let them be once alarmed 
at the aspect of their new pursuit, and it is almost 
impossible to restore their confidence ; but there are 
few who, if led to it insensibly, will not perse- 
vere till they have made themselves masters of the 

The most discouraging parts of Botany to a be- 
ginner, consist either in the numerous new and 
strange names one has to learn the meaning of, or in 
the minuteness of the parts by which plants are distin- 
guished from each other, or in the great multitude of 
species of which the vegetable kingdom consists ; and 
it must be confessed, that there is something seriously 


alarming in the mass of preliminary knowledge which 
it would appear has to be acquired before any per- 
ceptible progress can be made. 

But if we look at the subject a little more closely, 
we shall find that, of the technical names employed, 
only a small number is really necessary in the be- 
ginning; that minute parts are little consulted in 
practice, however much they may be in theory; and 
that in consequence of the perfect arrangements of 
Botanists, no more inconvenience is experienced from 
the number of species, than in any other branch of 
Natural History. 

There are certain terms, the exact meaning of which 
must be understood, and which cannot be dispensed 
with, if the science is to be studied to any good purpose; 
a sort of habit of observation has also to be acquired, 
without which the differences between one plant and 
another, can never be appreciated or remembered ; 
but these things may be gained imperceptibly and 
without any extraordinary exertion either of in- 
dustry or patience. We have only to begin with the 
beginning, and never to take one step till that which 
precedes it is secured ; afterwards, the student may 
advance to what point he pleases. ‘This appears to 
me to be the only secret in teaching Botany. 

We must, however, be careful while we attempt to 
strip the study of its difficulties, that we do not also 
divest it of its interest, and imitate those who, by the 
ingenious substitution of words for ideas, have contrived 
to convert one of the most curious and interesting of 
all sciences into a meagre and aimless system of names. 


4, LETTER If. 

Names are, no doubt, necessary for the purpose of dis- 
tinguishing one thing from another; but, as no one 
would call that man a carpenter, who only knew the 
names of all the instruments in a carpenter’s chest of 
tools, so neither can that person be considered a Bo- 
tanist, whose knowledge is confined to the application 
of a few hundred Latin names to flowers and weeds. 
Were the latter the mark of a Botanist, then would 
every gardener be so accounted, which would be a 
great and grievous mistake. 

« J’ai toujours cru,” said Rousseau, whom I would 
at once have adyised you to take as your guide, if 
his inimitable Letters were not both incomplete and 
obsolete, —‘*‘ J’ai toujours cru qu’on pourrait étre un 
tres grand Botaniste, sans connaitre une seule plante 
par son nom,”—and to a great extent he was right. 
Only to apply their names to a few plants, is a poor 
insipid study, scarcely worth the following; but to 
know the hidden structure of such curious objects, to 
be acquainted with the simgular manner in which the 
various actions of their lives are performed, and to 
learn by what certain signs their relationship, for 
they have their relations like ourselves, is indicated, 
is surely among the most rational and pleasing of 

It is only by acquiring a knowledge of the natural 
system of Botany, that you can systematically provide 
yourself with such information. If timid, or unin- 
ered: or interested persons have alarmed you with 
an account of the difficulties of this mode of study, 
let me advise you to disbelieve them, and to give 


your little people the opportunity of making the at- 
tempt. With such assistance as I shall be happy to 
give you, I cannot doubt of their succeeding. 

You need not be told, that plants have generally five 
very distinct parts, viz. ROOT, STEM, LEAF, FLOWER, 
and rruir; the application of the three first of these 
terms, in their common acceptation, is already well 
known to you; the last is applied by Botanists, not 
only to such objects as apples, pears, cherries, and the 
like, but also to any part which contains the seed ; 
so that the grains of corn, the heads of the poppy, 
the nuts of the filbert, and even the little bodies 
which are commonly called caraways, are all diffe- 
rent kinds of fruit. These terms may pass without 
further explanation for the present. 

It is in the flower that the beauty of plants 
chiefly resides ; it is there that we find all the curious 
apparatus by means of which they are perpetuated, 
and it is the spot where the greatest number of parts 
are found, the names of which are unusual, and re- 
quire to be remembered. ‘To illustrate these let us take 
a very common plant, to be found in every meadow, 
by the learned called Ranunculus, by the vulgar 
Buttercup, or Crowfoot. 

On the outside of the flower of this plant, about the 
middle of its stalk, are one or two little leaves, which 
look like the other leaves, only they are a great deal 
smaller; indeed, they are so small as to resemble 
scales; these are the Bracts (Pl. I. 1. a. a.). 

Next them, and forming the external part of the 
flower itself, are five small greenish-yellow hairy 


leaves (A. 6.), which are rather concaye, and fall 
off shortly after the flower opens ; leaves of this sort 
form the caLyx, and are called sepaLs; it is sup- 
posed that they are intended to protect the more 
tender parts of the flower, when the latter are very 
young and delicate. 

Next the sepals are placed five other leaves, 
which are much larger, and of a bright shining yel- 
low; they stand up and form a little cup, in the 
bottom of which the other parts of the flower are 
curiously arranged; these five shining yellow leaves 
form the coroixa, and are called prrats. They give 
all its gay and glittering appearance to the Crow- 
foot ; which, when they have dropped off, is scarcely 
to be distinguished from the grass it grows among. 
Their business is, in part, to prepare the honey which 
exudes from a little scale you will find on their in- 
side, near their base (jig. 1.), and, which, if secreted 
in sufficient quantity, is collected by bees for their’ 
sweet food; and it is, in part, to protect from injury 
the delicate organs which lie in their bosom. ‘These 
jast are of two sorts ; as you will soon learn. 

In a ring from which both the sepals and petals 
arise, you will find a number of little thread-like 
yellow bodies, which are thicker at the top than at the 
bottom ; they spread equally round the centre, as if 
they wished to avoid that part, and are a great deal 
shorter than the petals; we call them sTAaMENs. 
Their lower part, which looks like a thread, is called 
the FILAMENT ; their upper thickened end is named 
the anruer. ‘This last part is hollow, and will be 


found, if you watch it, to discharge a small quantity 
of yellow powder, called the potten. ‘The pollen 
has a highly curious office to perform, as will be 
shewn you presently. 

Next to the stamens, and occupying the very 
centre of the flower, are a number of little green 
grains, which look almost like green scales ; they are 
collected in a heap, and are seated upon a small ele- 
vated receptacle (fig. 3.); we call the whole collection 
of them the pistrt, and each separate one a CARPEL, 
They are too small to be seen readily without a mag- 
nifying glass; butif they are examined in that way, 
you will remark that each is roundish at the bottom, 
and gradually contracted into a kind of short bent 
horn at the top; the rounded part (fig. 4. a.) is the 
ovary; the horn (d.) is the sryLe ; and the tip of the 
style (c.), which is rather more shining and somewhat 
wider than the style itself, is named the sTiGMA; so 
that a carpel consists of ovary, style, and stigma. 
At first sight, you may take the carpels to be solid, 
and fancy them to be young seeds: but, in both 
opinions, you would be mistaken. ‘The ovary of each 
carpel is hollow (fig. 5.); and contains a young seed 
called an ovute (fig. 5. d.), or little egg; so that the 
carpel, instead of being the seed, is the part that con- 
tains the seed. 

Although the ovule is really the young seed, yet 
it is not always certain that it will grow into a seed ; 
whether or not this happens, depends upon the pollen, 
of which we have already spoken, fallmg upon the 
stigma. If the pollen does fall on the stigma, it 

8 LETTER) (1. 

sucks up the moisture it finds there, swells, and 
finally each of the minute grains, of which it con- 
sists, discharges a jet of matter upon the stigma, 
which fertilizes the ovule, and then the latter 
grows and becomes a seed. But if the pollen does 
not fall upon the stigma, then the ovule withers away, 
and no seed is produced. Thus, you see every 
one of these parts of the flower 1s formed for some 
wise purpose. ‘The sepals are to protect the petals ; 
the petals to protect the stamens and carpels, and to 
form sugary food for their support ; the stamens are 
to fertilize the ovules, and the carpels are to guard 
the young and tender seeds from injury; fertilization 
could not take place without the aid of the pollen; 
and the pollen could not produce its effect if it were 
not for the moisture and peculiar construction of the 
stigma. How admirable is the skill which is mani- 
fested in the construction of this little flower, and 
how striking a proof does it offer of the care with 
which the Creator has provided for the humblest of 
his works! 

You have now seen all the parts of which flowers 
usually consist; the fruit is merely an alteration of 
the carpels, and the seed of the ovules. So perfect 
is the adaptation of the several parts to the end they 
have to perform, that it rarely happens that in the 
Crowfoot any of the ovules miss being fertilized. For 
this reason, the fruit of the Crowfoot is almost ex- 
actly the same when ripe as when young, except 
that its parts are larger, and it has become brown, dry 
and hard (fig. 6.). Separate, at this period, one of 


the carpels from the remainder, and place it under 
the miscroscope ; it will be found to resemble a seed 
very much in appearance, and indeed is often called 
by that name; but you have already seen, from an 
examination of the carpel, that the real seed is 
hidden in its inside ; formerly fruits of this sort were 
called naked seeds; they are now called Grains; as 
for instance a grain of caraway, a grain of wheat, 
and so on. 

What remains to be seen of the structure of the 
Crowfoot is very minute, and requires some expert- 
ness in the use of a dissecting knife and microscope 
to be easily made out. It is not, perhaps, very im- 
portant that you should understand it; but, I may 
as well complete my account of the plant now that it 
is before us. I would recommend you to trust, at 
first, to the drawing that accompanies this; and not 
to waste your time in cutting up the grains, until 
you have well understood what it is you have to 
look for. 

The inside of the grain is filled up with the seed, 
now arrived at its perfect state; the shell of the 
carpel has become hard and thick, and not only 
effectually protects the seed from harm (fig. 8. a.) 
but keeps it in the dark; another wise provision, 
for without darkness the seed could not grow. ‘The 
shell thus altered is called pericarp. 

If you cut the seed through, you will, for a long 
time, discover nothing but a solid mass of white flesh, 
in which all the portions seem to be alike ; but if you 
happen to have divided it accurately from top to 


bottom, cutting through both edges of the grain, as at 
fig. 8, you will then be able to discover near the base 
of the seed a very minute oval body (fig. 8. a.), which 
may be taken out of the flesh with the poimt of a 
needle. This oval body isa young plant; it is the 
part which grows when the seed germinates, and 1s 
named the EMBRyo; the fleshy matter that surrounds 
it, called ALBUMEN, is only intended to nourish the 
young and delicate embryo, when it first swells and 
breaks through the shell. Small as is the embryo, 
so small as to be invisible to the naked eye, it also is 
constructed in a regular manner. It is not merely an 
oval fleshy body, but it has two differently organized 
extremities, of which the one is divided into two lobes, 
called coryLepons (fig. 10.), or seed-leaves, and the 
other is undivided, and called rapicLe ; the latter is 
the beginning of a root, as the former were the begin- 
nings of leaves. Let the seed fall upon the earth, the 
embryo imbibes moisture, swells and shoots forth into 
a young plant, and thus the growth of the Ranunculus 
is renewed as soon as it is completed. 

Such is the structure of a perfect flower, and such 
the principal terms which you have to remember, in 
order to understand the language of Botanists; other 
terms there are, besides these, which are equally 
essential, but they are not used so frequently, and it 
is not worth detaining you about them now. I shall 
explain them whenever we meet with them. 

Having thus minutely examined the flower of the 
Crowfoot, let us next observe the way in which its 
other parts are formed. 


The roots of this plant consist of a number of little 
taper divisions, the points of which are very tender 
and easily bruised ; from near the ends of these little 
divisions, you have a number of delicate fibres, also 
with soft and tender points. It is by these points 
that the root obtains its watery food, from out of the 
soil; and if you break off the points the plant will 
languish until the wounds are healed, and new and 
perfect rootlets formed; if it is unable to renew them 
it will die. ‘This should always be thought of when 
you wish to transplant any thing; for the same cir- 
cumstance occurs in all other plants, and the success 
of removing shrubs, or flowers, or trees, depends 
very much upon the points of the roots being pre- 
served. In the gay Asiatic Ranunculus, which is 
so often cultivated by gardeners, for the sake of the 
gaudy colours of its beautiful double flowers, the roots 
at the time when they are taken out of the ground to 
be dried, have become so hard and tough, up to the 
very points, as not to be easily injured; yet it is pos- 
sible even in this case to prevent the plants from 
producing healthy leaves, and well-formed flowers 
another season, if the roots are carelessly mutilated 
when taken up. 

The Leaves are dark-green, and very much divided 
into lobes, which are narrower in the leaves near the 
top of the stem than in those near the root. The 
business of these little appendages of the stem is not 
merely to render the face of nature pleasing to the eye 
by the charming verdure they produce; nor, as in 
such plants as have eatable leaves, to supply men and 

12 LETTER. I. 

animals with wholesome food. The plant itself could 
not grow without them; or, if it grew, could not 
bear fruit, but would totally perish as soon as it was 
born. ‘The business of the leaves is to suck out 
of the stem the watery food which the roots had 
sucked out of the soil, and the stem out of the roots ; 
and having filled themselves with it, to expose it to 
light and to air, to evaporate the superfluous part, 
and having thus in a manner digested it, to discharge 
it again back into the stem in the form of the peculiar 
matter which it may be the property of the plant to 
produce; such for instance as sugar in the Sugar 
Cane, flour in the Potatoe, gum in the Cherry Tree, 
a powerful medicinal substance in the Peruvian Bark 
tree, and poison in the Ranunculus itself. In order 
to enable the leaf to convey the watery food it sucks 
out of the stem to all parts of its own surface, and to 
return it back again, nature has furnished this little 
organ with a most curious and complicated arrange- 
ment of drains or conduits, consisting of excessively 
minute water-pipes glued together and branching in 
every direction ; these are what we call veins; which 
you see in the Ranunculus are all joimed together in 
the stalk of the leaf, but separate as soon as they enter 
the leaf itself, when they first divide into a few large 
arms, then subdivide into a number of smaller ones, 
and again divide over and over again until at last they 
form a net with meshes finer and more delicate than 
the most exquisitely manufactured lace. If you could 
examine the veins with a microscope you would find 
them still more curious in their structure than I have 



represented them to be; for in the middle of every 
little vein is a sort of windpipe which conveys vital 
air to their extremest points. 

Such is the way in which the veins of the leaf are 
disposed in the Crowfoot. It is very essential that 
you should pay attention to this netted branching 
arrangement, because one of the great natural divi- 
sions of the vegetable kingdom is to be known by that 
circumstance. One of the great natural divisions 
of plants is called Exocenous, because the stems 
grow by addition to the outside of their woody centre ; 
the same division is also called DicoryLeponous, 
because the embryo has two seed-leaves or cotyledons. 
You may generally recognize such plants by their 
leaves having netted veins; so that you see it is neither 
necessary to watch the stem to see how it grows, nor 
to examine the seed under a microscope in order to 
count the cotyledons, if you would ascertain whether 
a plant is Exogenous or not; the manifest arrange- 
ment of the veins in the leaf reveals the secret struc- 
ture of the stem. 

If you have rightly understood what I have ex- 
plained thus far, you will not only have mastered 
several terms, but you will actually have made one 
important step in the study you have taken up: you 
will have become acquainted with the essential charac- 
ters of a large and important natural order of plants, 
called the Crowroor tripe (or Ranunculaces), 
among which are some that are remarkable for the 
virulent poison which often lurks beneath their beau- 
tiful exterior. The Crowfoot genus itself contains 


some species, such as that called “the wicked” (Ra- 
nunculus sceleratus), and another called ‘the burn- 
ing” (R. acris), which will blister the skin if applied 
externally to the human body, or produce dangerous 
symptoms if taken into the stomach; these, however, 
are mild and harmless if compared with such as I 
shall presently mention to you. But first of all let us 
see in what the most essential character of the Crow- 
foot tribe consists. 

By far the greater part of the characters which we 
have seen that the Crowfoot possesses, will be also 
found in other and extremely different plants; but 
there are two characters which are what we call essen- 
tial: that is to say, such as will distinguish it and the 
other plants belonging to the same natural order, 
from other natural orders resembling it. These 
essential characters are, there being a great many 
stamens which arise from beneath the carpels, 
(which is what Botanists term being hypogynous, Pl. 
I. 1. fig. 3.); and also several carpels which are 
not joined together. If you will pay attention to 
these two circumstances, you will always know a 
Ranunculaceous plant, that is to say, a plant belong- 
ing to the Crowfoot tribe; and although you may 
not remember its name, you will know, what is of far 
more consequence, that it is, in all probability, a 
poisonous plant, and that its stem grows by addition 
to the outside of the woody centre, beneath the bark. 
A few instances of other genera, belonging to the 
same natural order, will put this in a clearer light. 

There is a little annual, with leaves cut into divi- 


sions as fine as hairs, and with small but rich dark 
scarlet flowers, called Adonis, or Pheasant’s eye. 
This plant agrees with the Crowfoot in its structure, 
in almost every point: but its petals have not a scale 
near their base, on which account Adonis is reckoned 
a plant of the same tribe, but is separated as a distinct 

Another and charming little collection of pretty 
flowers is formed by the Anemones, with their purple, 
or white, or scarlet petals, which modestly hang their 
heads, as if unwilling to expose their beauty to every 
curious eye. ‘These have the calyx and corolla mixed 
together, so that you cannot distinguish the one from 
the other; and when their flowers are gone, they 
bear little tufts of feathery tails, or oval woolly 
heads, in the place of the clusters of grains which 
you found in the Ranunculus. Such tails or heads of 
wool, are collections of the grains of the Anemone, 
and contain the seeds; the tails themselves are no- 
thing but the styles of the carpels, grown large and 
hard and hairy; they are thought to be intended by 
nature as wings, upon which the grains may be car- 
ried by the wind from place to place. If you look 
at the leaves, or the stamens, or the young carpels, or 
the ripe seeds of the Anemone, you will find all those 
parts constructed, in every essential respect, like 
the Crowfoot. Hepaticas, which you have so often 
seen thriving, when neglected, in a cottage garden, 
when, perhaps, they perished under your own con- 
tinual care, as if they were created specially for the 
pleasure of the poor, are nothing but Anemones, with 


three bracts underneath the flower, and either six or 
nine sepals and petals. 

You have seen the Globe-flowers (‘Trollius), with 
their yellow heads, in the borders among American 
plants; these have a great many sepals, which give 
the beauty to their flowers; their petals are little 
strap-shaped bodies lying on the outside of the stamens; 
and each of their carpels contains several seeds; in 
this they differ from the Crowfoots, but otherwise re- 
semble them so much, that before the flowers appear, 
you would take the Trollius for a Ranunculus. 

Marsh Marigold, again (Caltha), which grows in 
large green tufts in the meadows, and by the sides of 
ditches, differs from the Globe-flower in having no 
petals at all. Christmas Roses (Helleborus), and Winter 
Aconites (Eranthis), are also of the Crowfoot tribe ; 
each differing in one respect or other from those I 
have mentioned, but possessing the essential charac- 
ters already explained. 

All the plants yet mentioned, are so like the 
Ranunculus, that it is impossible to overlook their 
resemblance, even if it were not pointed out. But 
there are some others in which the resemblance is 
less striking at first, although it is equally great when 
understood. Who has not heard of Larkspurs? 
Rocket Larkspurs, with their spikes of white, and 
pink, and purple starry flowers; of Bee Larkspurs, 
which look as if the insect from which they take 
their name were glued to their inside; or Siberian 
Larkspurs, with their branches of blue flowers, which 
no gem nor mineral can emulate in brightness, or 



deepness of colour? These are of the Crowfoot tribe, 
but less closely allied to Ranunculus itself, than what 
I have already mentioned. We are so accustomed to 
combine in our minds the idea of Buttercups and 
yellowness; that we are apt to overlook the resem- 
blance which really exists between the Ranunculus and 
the Larkspur, because of the want of yellow in the 
latter. But setting aside this, which is of no Bota- 
nical importance whatever, let us look at the calyx 
of the Larkspur (Delphinium). It is composed of five 
leaves, or sepals, the uppermost of which has a horn 
arising from out of its back ; so is that of Ranunculus, 
excepting the horn. It has four petals, of which two 
have long tails, hidden within the horn of the petal ; 
it is they which look like the bee’s body : Ranunculus 
has nothing of this, but five common petals instead. 
The Larkspur has a great many stamens arising 
from below the carpels; this is the first essential 
character of Ranunculus ; it has also several carpels 
(two or three) which are not grown together: and 
this is the second essential character of Ranunculus; so 
that this plant has, in reality, no essential character 
by which it can be distinguished from the Crowfoot 
tribe. As for its four strange petals, they are of 
no importance; for you will remark that in Trol- 
lius, the petals are little hollow bodies, and that the 
Marsh Marigold has none whatever ; so that not only 
the form of the petals is of no consequence in the 
Crowfoot tribe, but it does not even signify whether 
they are present at all or not. 

When you have once satisfied yourself that the 



Larkspur belongs to Ranunculacez, you will have no 
difficulty in perceiving that the true Aconite (Aconi- 
tum), is also of the same natural order ; for the re- 
semblance of these two is too striking to be mistaken. 
The true Aconite, which yields to no plant in the vi- 
rulent poison of its roots, has all the structure of the 
Larkspur, except that the upper leaf of its calyx has 
not any horn, but is very large, and resembles a 
sort of helmet, overshadowing all the other parts of 
the flower. In consequence of there being no horn 
to the upper leaf of the calyx, the two uppermost 
petals, which have horns, are forced to hide them be- 
neath the helmet, instead of inserting them into it. 
With these differences the Larkspur and the true 
Aconite are formed nearly alike. 

Peonies are the last plants I need mention, as be- 
longing to the Crowfoot tribe. They have a calyx 
which resembles green leaves, and which never drops 
off ; in other Ranunculacez, the calyx often drops off, 
even before the petals; im this respect, Peeonies are 
unlike the rest of the Crowfoot tribe; but they have 
the two essential marks of distinction in the carpels 
and the stamens. 

Let me recommend you to procure, if possible, all 
the plants that have thus been enumerated, and 
to compare them with one another till you fully under- 
stand their resemblance, which you may very readily 
do; and then you will find, that to know the struc- 
ture of the common Crowfoot, is, indeed, as I said in 
the beginning, te know the properties and general 
character of a large natural order. 


The next plants I would advise you to study, are 
the Poppies; that singular genus, which, in the form 
of a few red flowered species, is the plague of the care- 
less farmer, who calls them Redweed, and, in the 
form of another, is rendered, by the folly and vice 
of man, the scourge of half the world, in the shape 
of opium. The Poppies form a genus of plants re- 
presenting the characters of a small natural order, 
very nearly related to the Crowfoot tribe, from which 
it differs in its properties, being of a stupifying, in- 
stead of a burning and blistering nature, as well as 
in its botanical characters. Like the Crowfoot, the 
Poppy has leaves with netted veins, and also a great 
many stamens, arising from under the carpels; but, 
unlike the Crowfoot, the carpels are not several, 
and distinct from each other, but have all grown 
together into a single ovary (Pl. I. 2. fig. 2.); the 
styles are wanting; and the stigmas are elevated 
hairy lines, which spread equally from the top of the 
ovary, forming a sort of star-like crown. If you 
open the ovary, you will find that it consists of 
but one cell, or cavity; and that several little plates, 
which project from the sides of it into the cavity 
(fig. 6.), are covered with very numerous and very 
small ovules, or young seeds. In course of time, the 
ovary changes to a hollow box, with a hard brittle 
shell, called a capsuLx, which is the fruit: and when 
it has become of a pale brownish colour, it, and the 
seeds it contains, are ripe; in this state it is the 
poppy-head you see in the windows of druggists’ 
shops. So hard is the shell of the capsule, and so 


20) LETTER I. 

small are the seeds, that the latter would never be 
able to get out unless nature had contrived some 
certain manner of opening the box. Lid it has none, 
for the hardened stigmas bind down the top and 
prevent its opening: but in order to remove this im- 
pediment, a number of little valves open underneath 
the edges of the stigma (fig. 5. a.), and through these 
the seeds fall out. 

You see then, that the Poppy differs from the Ra- 
nunculus, in haying the carpels united into an undi- 
vided ovary, instead of being all separate ; in the same 
way all the Poppy tribe differ from all the Crowfoot 
tribe ; but this is not all. Ifyou break the stem or leaf 
of a poppy, there runs out a milky fluid, in which the 
stupifying principle of the plant is contained; no milk 
is found in the Crowfoot tribe, the juice of which is 
always watery and transparent. This is another and 
most important mark of distinction. 

The most essential differences between the Crow- 

foot tribe, and the Poppy tribe, therefore, stand 

Crowfoot Tribe, or Ranunculacee. 

Stamens very numerous. Carpels distinct. Juice 

Poppy Tribe, or Papaveracee. 

Stamens very numerous. Carpels united into one 
central ovary, with a single cavity. Juice milky. 

Besides these marks, by which you may know the 
two natural orders, there are others. The Poppy 
has two sepals, and twice two petals; this is never 


found in the Crowfoot tribe; but as some of the 
Poppy tribe have three sepals, and twice three petals, 
the number of those parts is not sufficiently constant 
to form an essential mark. 

Having thus examined the flowers, and ascertained 
what the differences and resemblances are between 
the one tribe and the other, I would next advise 
you to compare the leaves of wild Poppies with 
those of the Crowfoots, and you cannot fail to be 
struck with their great resemblance ; and thus will 
you have become acquainted with two striking 
natural orders, neither of which will you ever be 
likely, I should hope, to forget. 

For the sake, however, of impressing the characters 
of the Poppy tribe more strongly upon your mind, I 
should advise you to take a few more examples ; 
especially as the fruit by which the Poppy tribe is 
partly known, frequently seems, until it has been 
carefully explained, to be very unlike the only instance 
we have, as yet, examined. 

On the sea-shore near Brighton, and indeed on 
most parts of the English coast, there grows a blue- 
leaved plant, which looks as if the salt of the sea 
spray had encrusted itself upon its skin; but which 
is sure to be remarked when in flower, because of its 
large bright yellow flowers, and when in fruit by the 
long stiff horns it bears in the place of a poppy head ; 
for this last reason it is called the Horned Poppy 
(Glaucium). This plant also belongs to the Poppy 
tribe. It differs from the Poppy itself, in its fruit 
being very long and slender, instead of short and 


round; but like that plant it contains only one 
cavity. The reason why the poppy head is so thick, 
is, that it is formed out of as many carpels grown 
together, as there are stigmas; in the naked-stalked 
Poppy there are seven; in the Opium Poppy 
(Papaver somniferum) there are a great many; in 
others more and in others less: but m the Horned 
Poppy the fruit is formed of only two carpels grown 
together, which will at once explain why the fruit is 
so narrow. 

Celandine (Chelidonium majus), a pale green cut- 
leaved plant, with little yellow flowers, found in groves 
and in shady lanes, or in churchyards, by no means 
uncommonly, is another plant belonging to the 
Poppy tribe. Its milk is of an orange colour, and has 
a nauseous taste; its fruit is a long pod constructed 
like that of the Horned Poppy, but when it is ripe 
dropping into two pieces called vALVEs. 

The Argemone or Prickly Poppy, and the Esch- 
scholtzia, so very remarkable for its finely cut 
bluish leaves, and bright yellow flowers, are also of 
this natural order. In the Eschscholtzia a circum. - 
stance happens which you should not omit to note, 
because it seems to explain in other plants several 
things which appear at first sight very puzzling. 
The flower of this species before it expands is enclosed 
in a taper-pointed green sheath, shaped like a hutkin, 
which is pushed off by degrees as the petals unfold, 
and at last drops to the ground. What is this singular 
part, which is so unlike any thing im the plants 
hitherto examined? it is the calyx, which, like that 


of the Poppy is formed of two sepals; these sepals grow 
so firmly together by their edges, where they touch 
each other, that when the time for them to fall off 
arrives, they are unable to separate; but as it is ab- 
solutely indispensable to the plant that the calyx 
should in some way or other be got rid of, in order to 
enable the flower to expand, nature has provided the 
calyx with the means of separating from the stalk by 
its base; and thus it is pushed off in the manner I 
have mentioned. ‘This, which is the first instance 
you have yet seen, of two parts that stand next to 
each other having grown together, is an exceedingly 
common occurrence in plants, and is one of the means 
by which the real nature of flowers is frequently so 
masqued that one can hardly discover how it is they 
are formed. I would advise you to recollect this 
occurrence, and in good time you will see how it 
explains other things. 

This letter will have found occupation enough for 
your little girls in beginning their Botany, without my 
carrying the subject further for the present. 


1. Tue Crowroor Trise.—A. A twig of the upper part of the 
stem of the Upright Meadow Crowfoot ; aa bracts, 6 calyx.—l. A 
petal seen in the inside with the scale at the base.—2* An anther 
with a part of the filament seen in front ; 2** the same more mag- 
nified, viewed sidewise.—3. The centre of a flower cut through, the 
calyx and corolla being removed ; the stamens are seen spreading 
outwards, with their filaments originating from underneath the 


carpels ; the latter occupy the centre, and are shewn to arise from 
a short conical central part, which is their receptacle.—4. One of 
the carpels; a@ the ovarium ; 4 the style; ¢ the stigma.—d. The 
same carpel cut open so as to shew the young seed, or ovule, ¢.— 
6. A cluster of ripe carpels, or grains.—7. One of the grains sepa- 
rate ; compare this with fig. 4, on the opposite side of the plate. -- 
8. The same grain cut in half, shewing @ the young plant or em- 
bryo, and 4 albumen or nutritive matter stored up for feeding the 
young plant when it begins to grow.—9. Is an embryo extracted 
from the albumen and seen from the back.—10. The same seen 
from the side, so as to shew the two minute seed-leaves or cotyle- 
dons, a. (N.B. The principal part of these figures is more or less 

2. THE Popry Tripe.—A. A flower and leaf of the naked-stemmed 
Poppy, the flower of which is turned so as to exhibit the four petals, 
the stamens, and the ovary; the natural size.—1. Is a flower-bud, 
with the two sepals by which it is covered.—2. An ovary, with its 
diverging star-like stigmas.—3. The same part cut through from 
top to bottom, with the ovules or young seeds exposed.—4. A 
stamen, with the filament and anther.—5. A capsule, or head, when 
ripe ; the little valves by which the seeds fall out are seen at a.— 
6. The capsule cut across, so as to shew the plates which project 
from its shell into the cavity, and the multitude of seeds that grow 
upon the plates.—7. A seed.—8. The same cut through; a the 
albumen ; 4 the young plant, or embryo. 



hh OY 

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; 3 ¥ 





(Plate II.) 

en nn rene 

You ask me whether the Strawberry is not a plant 
of the Crowfoot tribe; and if so, how it happens that 
it is so wholesome a fruit. It is true that the Straw- 
berry plant has, in many respects, a resemblance to 
the Crowfoot, especially in its numerous stamens 
and carpels; and I, therefore, am not surprised at 
your thinking that they must both belong to the 
same natural order. But when you are more accus- 
tomed to the making accurate observations, you will 
cease to be deceived by such resemblances. On a 
future occasion I shall introduce the Strawberry and 
its relations to your notice (see Letter VIII.) ; for 
the present I shall content myself with calling your 
attention to a difference by which they may be 
readily distinguished. ‘The Crowfoot is, as you have 
seen, a plant with the stamens arising from underneath 
the carpels, so that when the calyx drops, or is taken 
off, the stamens still remain surrounding the car- 
pels, and are, as Botanists say, hypogynous (see 
p- 14.). But in the Strawberry flower you cannot 
tear off the calyx, without bringing the stamens 

20 LETTER Il. 

away along with it; the stamens therefore arise out 
of the calyx, which is a very different affair from 
what occurs in the Crowfoot, and in this way they, 
and the natural orders to which they respectively 
belong, may be certainly known from each other. 
When stamens have such an origin as in the Straw- 
berry, they are technically called perigynous, a term 
which is so commonly used, that I could wish you to 
remember it. 

Let me now shew you a natural order of plants, 
which, although less beautiful than the Poppy 
tribe and the Crowfoot tribe, is not less interesting 
or important. Enclosed with this letter are fresh 
gathered specimens of a little plant with dark-green 
leaves, cut into many fine divisions, like parsley- 
leaves; their smell is strong and unpleasant. ‘The 
flower-stem of this weed is about a foot high, and it 
bears small greenish-white blossoms, arranged at the 
ends of the branches in a very peculiar manner 
(Pl. Il. 1. fig. 1.). From its resemblance to Parsley, 
and from its noxious qualities, for it is very poisonous, 
the vulgar call it Fool’s Parsley (Aithusa Cynapium). 
You will: find it growing wild in almost any piece of 
waste garden ground, where it has sometimes been 
mistaken for Parsley that has sprung up sponta- 
neously, and has proved fatal to unfortunate children 
who have eaten of its leaves. 

As it is rather a dangerous neighbour, you will 
not be sorry that I have taken an early opportunity 
of shewing you how to know the traitor, notwith- 
standing his resemblance to one of the most harmless 


of plants. Look at the way in which the flowers are 
arranged. You will remark that the flower-stem 
divides at the top into a number of short slender 
branches, whieh all proceed from a common point, 
just as the rays of a parasol all proceed from the 
ring which slides up the stick; this is called an 
uMBEL. Lach of these rays is terminated by a cluster 
of flowers, the stalks of which also proceed from a 
common point, and form again an umbel. So that 
the Fool’s Parsley not only has its flowers arranged 
in umbels, but in what, in consequence of their 
divided nature, are called compound umbels; the 
clusters of flower-stalks by which the branches of the 
first set of rays are terminated, are called simple 
umbels, by way of distinction. It is to this circum- 
stance of the peculiar arrangement of the flowers, 
that the natural order to which the Fool’s Parsley 
belongs is called Umbelliferous, or Umbel-bearers ; 
for all the other plants belonging to the order, have 
their flowers arranged in a similar manner ; and thus 
you have one exceedingly simple and manifest cha- 
racter by which the order is known. 

Let us next look at a separate flower ; the parts 
are very small, but your little people’s eyes are, I 
dare say, good enough for them to see all that I 
think it necessary to point out, without the use of a 
microscope. In the first place, there is scarcely any 
sign of a calyx; all that you can find is a little 
narrow border, from within which the petals arise. 
The petals are five in number (fig. 2.), of a greenish- 
white colour, and each has its point doubled inwards 

98 LETTER if. 

(fig. 3.), in such a way as to look like the spots ina 
suit of hearts in playing-cards; there are only five 
stamens, and they arise from between the petals. The 
centre of the little flower is occupied by a whitish 
fleshy body, which is divided into two lobes, from the 
top of each of which springs a style (fig. 5.). Where 
now is the ovary? Is it the whitish fleshy body from 
out of which the styles arise ? if so, young seeds must 
be found in the inside of that part; but if you cut 
it, you will find neither cavity nor young seed. 

The ovary is in this plant so concealed, that a 
beginner would not be likely to find it without assist- 
ance. Look at the top of the flower-stalk, on the 
outside of the petals; you will find a thickish deep- 
green furrowed part (fig. 5.a.), from the top of 
which the petals and stamens spring; and if you cut 
that part across you will discern two little cavities, in 
each of which hangs a young seed. ‘This then is the 
ovary, which in Umbelliferous plants seems placed 
below the calyx and the corolla, on which account it 
is called inferior, just as in the Crowfoot and Poppy 
tribes, in which it stands above the calyx and corolla, 
it is termed superior. 

These terms, like many others used in Botanical 
books, were invented long since, when Botany was 
in a rude state, and they convey an incorrect notion 
of the true nature of the parts to which they are ap- 
plied. I shall, therefore, digress a little, to explain 
to you the real nature of the difference between a 
superior and an inferior ovary. In plants, such as 
the Crowfoot, which have a superior ovary, the 


sepals, the petals, the stamens, and the pistils, grow 
separate from each other ; but in umbelliferous plants, 
whose ovary is inferior, the principal part of the 
calyx, the stalks of the petals, and the lower half of 
the filaments, grow to the sides of the ovary so 
firmly that they cannot be separated, and hence 
the ovary looks as if it grew beneath the other parts ; 
while, in reality, the parts of the flower, both of the 
Crowfoot and Fool’s Parsley spring from the top of 
the flower-stalk, beneath the pistil ; but in the former, 
they are all separate; while in the latter, they grow 
all together. 

After the petals and stamens have fallen off, the 
ovary gradually increases in size; the furrows on its 
surface become deeper; it hardens, acquires a dull 
brown colour, and, at last, a fruit (fig. 6.) is formed, 
which, in time, separates into two halves (fig. 7. a. 
b.), or grains; which are what are vulgarly and in- 
accurately named seeds. 

These are the principal peculiarities in the flowers 
of umbelliferous plants; and they will always serve 
to know them by. You may, if you wish it, render 
their characters more simple and more easy to re- 
member, by taking the essential distinction of um- 
belliferous plants to consist in flowers growing in 
umbels, and inferior fruit, which when ripe separates, 
or may be separated, into two grains. The appearance 
of this order is, however, so peculiar, that I have no 
fear of its being recognised with certainty after you 
have seen a few more instances of it. 

Let us now return to the means of distinguishing 


Fool’s Parsley from common Parsley. Observe, once 
more, the simple umbels of the former species; at the 
bottom of the flower-stalks there are a few narrow 
taper-pointed green leaves which you will, pro- 
bably, recognize by their situations to be bracts 
(see page 5. and fig. 1. a. a. a.). When bracts sur- 
round a number of flowers in aring, just as sepals 
surround petals, and petals surround stamens, they 
form what is called an INvoLUCRE; it is, therefore, 
by this name that I must speak of the bracts of um- 
belliferous plants. The involucres, then, of Fool’s 
Parsley, consist each of three leaves, which all turn 
one way, spreading towards the outside of the umbel ; 
by this easy character it may be certainly known 
from common Parsley, and from all the rest of 
our wild umbelliferous plants, the involucres of which 
are quite different. 

It would be a good thing if they could all be dis- 
tinguished from each other as easily; but, unfortu- 
nately, umbelliferous plants are often so much alike, 
that nothing but a very minute attention to the for- 
mation of the fruit, will enable you to find out their 
names and qualities with certaimty. I shall not pre- 
tend to shew you much of the manner of doing this ; 
for, if you would learn to distinguish them, you 
must peruse books on systematic Botany, im which 
umbelliferous plants are described. But, as it will 
be useful for you to know the meaning of some 
words that are, of necessity, employed in speaking 
of their fruit, I may as well explain what those are. 

The back of each half of the fruit of Fool’s Parsley, 


has four deep furrows (vallecule) which cause five 
elevated ridges to appear (fig. 10. a.); the nature of 
these furrows and ridges is very much attended to. 
The faces of the halves of the fruit, where they 
touched each other before they were separated, are 
also noticed; they are called the commissure. In the 
skin of the seed, underneath the rind of the fruit, 
you will often see very minute slender brown lines 
(fig. 10. and 9. b.), which, if highly magnified, are 
found to be bags filled with oil; they are called 
stripes, or witfe, and it is in them that the substance 
which gives so pleasant a flavour to caraways and 
coriander grains, is stored up. You may, perhaps, 
have a difficulty in finding the stripes; if so, cut a 
ripe grain across (fig. 10.), and you will see the 
ends of the stripes (fig. 10. b.) looking like little 
mouths, out of which a dark oily matter slightly 
oozes ; or if you are still unsuccessful in your search, 
then make a thin slice in the same direction, place 
it in water under the microscope, and throw light 
upon it from beneath, by means of the mirror, and 
the ends of the stripes will appear as so many holes. 
There are few tribes of plants more familiar to us 
than the umbelliferous, because of the many useful 
species that it contains. ‘The carrot, the parsnep, 
celery, eryngo, angelica, lovage, caraway, cori- 
ander, dill, anise, hemlock, fennel, and samphire, 
are all well known kinds; besides which there is a 
host of others with which the Botanist is acquainted. 
I should advise you to desire the gardener to find 
you specimens of all those I have mentioned, and, 


on learning the distinctions of them, to compare 
them with each other, and with the descriptions of 
Botanists, before you attempt to attend to the wild 
species; in that way you will familiarise yourself 
a little with the manner in which the characters are 
drawn up; a very necessary qualification for every 
one who would study umbelliferous plants like a 

The greater part of the species has white or whitish 
flowers: a good many, as the fennel for example, 
have yellow flowers, and a very few blue ones. ‘To 
the latter class belong most of the species of Eryngo, 
and the beautiful Didiscus coeruleus (Bot. Register, 
fig. 1225.), which, although a native of New Holland, 
forms so charming a hardy ornament of the flower 
garden in the summer. 

It is not a common circumstance for a tribe so 
very similar in the structure of the species as um- 
belliferous plants, to contain both poisonous and 
wholesome kinds; but here we have the Deadly 
Hemlock and Dropwort, associated with Parsley, 
Carrots and Fennel; and what seems still more re- 
markable, a species, Celery, which is unwholesome 
in its wild state, become harmless when cultivated. 
Common Celery is a native of the meadows of many 
parts of England, where it forms a rank weedy 
strong-smelling herb, which is unfit for human food ; 
how different it is mm gardens every body knows. It 
is thought that its ceasing to be noxious when culti- 
vated is owing to the greater part of its stems and 
leaves being blanched. No doubt you must be 



curious to know why blanching a plant should destroy 
its unwholesomeness, and therefore we will again 
digress from our principal subject for the purpose of 
explaining this curious fact. 

In my last letter, I told you that the business of 
leaves is to expose to light and air the sap they suck 
out of the stem. ‘The consequence of light and air 
acting upon the surface of leaves, is the forming 
in their substance, which is originally of the same 
yellowish-white that you see in seeds, a green colour, 
which is more or less deep in proportion to the 
degree in which the light is powerful; thus a plant 
which stands exposed to the sun all day long, has its 
leaves of a darker green than another which grows 
among other trees, or near a building which throws 
it into the shade for a part of the day: and the latter 
again is darker green than a plant which grows 
at the north side of a high wall, or in an enclosed 
court which the sun’s rays never enter. In like 
manner, if you cause a plant or any part of a plant 
to grow in total darkness, it will be entirely desti- 
tute of greenness; or in other words, the substance 
of the plant will remain of its original yellowish- 
white, because no green matter can be formed 
but by the action of light; and if a part already 
green is kept for a long time in darkness, it will be- 
come yellowish-white, in consequence of all its green 
bemg destroyed by the peculiar action of the atmo- 
sphere upon plants in darkness.—This is the explana- 
tion of blanching. But mere loss of colour is not the 
only consequence of plants being kept in the dark ; 



you have already been told that poisons, when it is 
the nature of plants to yield poisons, are also formed 
in leaves by the action of light; the absence of this 
wonderful agent will therefore prevent the formation 
of poison, as well as the formation of green colour ; 
and hence blanching renders poisonous plants harm- 
less. ‘Thus, in the Celery, but a small portion only 
of the leaves is exposed to light; the whole of the 
stem and of the lower part of the leaves is buried in 
the earth ; the small quantity of noxious matter that 
might be formed by the few leaves which are allowed 
to bask m the sun, has to pass down the buried 
stalks of the leaves before it can reach the stem, 
where it would be laid up; but you know the leaf- 
stalk of the Celery is very long, and any thing 
which has to filter from the upper part of such a leaf 
to its bottom has to take a long journey, in the course 
of which it is constantly under the destroying influ- 
ence of darkness; so that before it can reach the 
stem, it will all have perished. A _ similar effect 
is produced by the Italians upon Fennel, which, 
although not a poisonous plant, has too powerful a 
taste to be a pleasant food, except as an ingredient 
for flavouring sauces. The Italians, in their warm 
climate, cause Fennel to grow rapidly in darkness, 
and thus obtain it in a state very like Celery in 
appearance; the darkness destroys the principal 
part of the flavour, no more of the Fennel taste 
being left than is sufficient to give the blanched 
stems a pleasant aromatic quality, 

There are no plants which you are likely to mis- 


take for umbelliferous, if you will only attend to 
the exact nature of the characters I have already 
explained. Nevertheless, as it is exceedingly diffi- 
cult for begimners to comprehend the necessity of 
exactness in natural history, and as you have already 
been puzzled about the Strawberry and the Crowfoot, 
I may as well caution you against an error which 
you may fall into; and I cannot do better than point 
it out in the words of Rousseau himself. “If you 
should happen, after reading my letter, to walk out 
and find an Elder-bush in flower, I am almost sure 
that at first sight you would exclaim; here we have 
an umbelliferous plant. You would find a large 
umbel, a small umbel, little white blossoms, an in- 
ferior ovary, and five stamens; yes, it must be an 
umbelliferous plant. But let us look again; suppose 
I take a flower. In the first place, instead of five 
petals, I find a corolla, with five divisions, it is true, 
but nevertheless with all five joined into one piece ; 
now flowers of umbelliferous plants are not so con- 
structed. Here indeed are five stamens, but I see no 
styles: I see three stigmas more often than two; 
and three grains more often than two; but umbel- 
liferous plants have never either more or less than 
two stigmas, nor more nor less than two grains to 
each flower. Besides, the fruit of the Elder is a 
juicy berry, while that of umbelliferous plants is dry 
and hard. ‘The Elder, therefore, is not an umbel- 
liferous plant. If you now go back a little, and look 
more attentively at the way in which the flowers 

are disposed, you will also find their arrangement 
D 2 


only in appearance like that of umbelliferous plants. 
The first rays, instead of setting off exactly from the 
same centre, arise some a little higher, and some a 
little lower; the little rays originate with still less 
regularity ; there is nothing like the invariable order 
you find in umbelliferous plants. In fact, the ar- 
rangement of the flowers of the Elder is in a cyme, 
and not in an umbel. See how mistakes will some- 
times lead us to the discovery of truth.” 

You must not suppose from so much having been 
said about the umbel, that that kind of arrangement 
of flowers, always indicates an umbelliferous plant ; 
on the contrary it is only when the umbels bear infe- 
rior fruits separating into two grains that they really 
belong to plants of this natural order. ‘There are 
many other plants which bear umbels, with a different 
structure of the flower, as for instance the Geranium 
tribe (Plate II. 2.). Many species of that natural 
order have simple umbels, but the structure of their 
flowers is exceedingly different. Suppose I fill up my 
letter with some account of them; if you are weary of 
study for the moment, you can leave off at the point 
at which we have now arrived, and resume the subject 
on another day. 

Do you know what a Geranium is? if you ask the 
gardener for one, he will bring you a neat-looking 
shrubby green-house plant, with fragrant leaves and 
upright umbels of beautiful red flowers ; this however 
is not a Geranium, although it is nearly related to one, 
and belongs to the Geranium tribe; it is a Pelargo- 
nium. ‘The real Geraniums are little herbs which 


grow by the way side, or in waste places, or in the 
meadows, and some of which are often cultivated in 
the borders of the flower-garden or shrubbery, for 
the sake of their gay red or white or purple blossoms. 
One of them, the Meadow Geranium, is so very 
common that vou can scarcely fail to procure it; if 
you should fail, then almost any other kind will do as 
well for the purpose of enabling you to follow me. 
This plant has roundish leaves, divided into several 
deep lobes, with the veins branching in the manner of 
Exogenous plants (p. 13.), a circumstance which also 
occurred in the umbelliferous order, although I forgot 
to mention it. The leaves are placed upon long 
hairy stalks which are singularly swollen at the base, 
where there grows a pair of pale thin green scales 
called strputes; these parts you have not before 
seen; they are frequently not met with in any species 
of a whole natural order, but when they do occur 
they usually accompany the leaves of every plant 
in the order; their use is unknown. ‘The flowers of 
this species can hardiy be said to be in an umbel, 
for only two of them grow together, but if more were 
to appear, as is the case in other species, they would 
all diverge from one common centre; and this you 
know would make an umbel. ‘Their calyx consists 
of five ribbed sepals which spread when the flower is 
open, and when the petals have fallen off contract 
round the young and tender ovaries, to which they 
form an efficient protection. ‘The petals are five, of 
a purplish blue colour; they are very round at their 
ends, and spread in such a manner as to form a 

58 LETTER Il. 

figure something resembling a saucer ; their veins are 
unusually prominent, and give the petals a streaked 
or pencilled appearance. 

We did not see any veins in the petals of the 
Crowfoots, or the Poppies, or the Umbelliferous 
plants, and yet we might have found them if we had 
paid attention, for veins are as regularly found in 
petals as in leaves, and, what is very curious, they 
have the same structure, except that they are usually 
composed of air-vessels only. ‘The tough and flexible 
tubes, or water-pipes, which you find surrounding the 
air-vessels in the veins of leaves (p. 12.), are in those 
organs indispensable for the protection of the air-ves- 
sels, and for giving strength to the leaf, during the 
many months which it has to exist; but all this won- 
derful provision against injury, would be thrown away 
in the petals, which never live beyond a few days, 
sometimes only a few hours ; and would be prejudicial 
to that delicate and transparent appearance in them 
which we so much admire. Nature, therefore, who 
creates nothing in vain, has generally formed petals 
with veins composed of air-vessels only ; and hence the 
extreme delicacy of the fragile corolla. The petals of 
the Geranium are so well adapted to shew you this 
arrangement, and you must be so curious to witness 
the way in which the secret workings of vegetation 
take place, that I am sure you will thank me for 
teaching you how you can best view the structure. 
For this purpose place the petal of a Geranium 
upon a piece of perfectly smooth and flat glass, such 
as is usually furnished for the transparent stage of a 


microscope ; wet it with water; and then lay over it 
another flat piece of glass. Press the two glasses 
firmly together, and by degrees you will squeeze all 
the air out of the petal, and it will become transparent. 
You may then, with a pretty good magnifying power, 
observe all the air-vessels of the veins distinctly, 
looking like fine threads of silver wire twisted up 
like a spiral spring. It is on account of this appear- 
ance that the air-vessels are called technically sprra 

The stamens (fig. 2.) are ten, arising from beneath 
the pistil; that is, they are hypogynous; they are 
placed in two rows, each of which consists of five sta- 
mens. The lower part of the filament is broad, and 
rather convex ; it curves a little towards the pistil, 
and then tapers off into the part which bears the 

The pistil (fig. 3.) has a very singular appearance. 
At the base it has five roundish projections, covered 
all over with clammy hairs; from the top of these 
projections a sort of column arises, which at the 
point is five-lobed (fig. 4.); the projections are the 
ovaries, the column is composed of five styles glued 
together, and the five lobes are the stigmas. ‘The 
hairs upon the ovaries will give you a good idea of 
the nature of hairs in other plants. Cut off, with a 
sharp knife, a very minute portion of the skin of one 
of the ovaries, and lay the morsel on its side in 
water under the microscope; you will find that the 
hairs are delicate transparent projections, tapering 
to a point. Some of them are very short and 


curved downwards, as if it was their business to 
protect the surface of the ovary (fig. 11.), others 
stand erect, and have a head of a brownish colour, 
from which a clammy fluid exudes; the last are 
secreting hairs, and their duty is supposed to consist 
in carrying off the volatile matter to which the plant 
owes it smell; for they are not only found on the 
ovaries, but on almost all the other parts. 

When the fruit (fig. 6.) is ripe, it resembles, in a 
striking manner, the bill of certain birds; on which 
account the Geranium is called, in English, Cranes- 
bill, by which I would have introduced it to you, if 
the Latin name had not become the more common. 
This singular appearance is owing to a very simple 
circumstance. In most plants the styles shrmk up, 
or fall off, at the same time that the flower fades, 
and by the time the fruit is ripe, have entirely disap- 
peared. But in the Geranium, the styles continue 
to grow and harden as fast as the fruit itself; and 
when the latter is ripe, the styles project from 
the ovaries in the form of a beak. At the time 
when the fruit is ripe the seeds are shut up in the 
cavities of the ovary, so that one would wonder how 
they are to get out; if you would wish to catch the 
Geranium in the act of sowing its seed, gather a 
little branch of the ripe fruit in a fine summer’s 
morning, before the dew is off it, and put it in 
the sun. By degrees the fruits will dry, and if you 
watch them, you will be surprised by some of them, 
on a sudden, emitting a snapping sound, and you 
may see first one and then others of the ovaries 


quickly curving upwards towards the top of the style, 
opening, at the same time, by their face, so as to let 
their seed drop out (fig. 6. a.). This is caused by 
the styles contracting from dryness, and shortening ; 
they stick so close together at their points, that they 
cannot separate there, and so they actually pull the 
ovary up by the roots, and then roll up upon 
themselves, as if they were frightened at what they 
had done. ‘The seeds are often beautiful objects, 
and are sometimes curiously pitted or netted all 
over their surface. No workman ever gave such 
finishing to the setting of the most costly gems, as 
Nature has given even to the seeds of a weed. 

Among our wild flowers are two genera which 
belong to the Geranium tribe ; the Geranium itself, 
and the Storksbill (Krodium). The latter is very 
common in gravelly and sandy wastes, and looks so 
like a Geranium, that you will, most likely, mistake 
it for one. You may, however, know it by five only 
of its ten stamens bearing anthers. In the Geranium 
you will find that the five outermost of the stamens, 
are much shorter than those which form the inner 
row, and more stunted (jig. 2.), but they all have 
anthers. In the Storksbill the five outer are still 
more stunted, and have no anthers. But the most 
interesting part of the tribe is that which is cultivated 
in green-houses, and to which J have already said the 
name Pelargonium is applied. This differs from 
both the other genera in the stamens being more than 
five, and fewer than ten in number, and in the co- 
rolla being irregular, that is to say, different in dif- 

42 LETTER Il. 

ferent parts; the two upper petals are larger than 
the three lower, and stand altogether apart, so as to 
give the flower the appearance of having two lips. 
These Pelargoniums are almost entirely natives of 
the Cape of Good Hope, and have become as much 
the favourites of modern florists, as the tulip, the 
pink, the ranunculus, and the auricula were of their 
forefathers. And yet they were not originally so very 
beautiful; their leaves indeed were always fragrant 
and their colours gay, but they possessed nothing 
like the clearness of complexion, the regular features, 
and the rich variety of colour which characterise 
the present race. To what are we to attribute this 
sudden change? To cultivation? No doubt to cul- 
tivation; but to cultivation of a very peculiar kind, 
of which our ancestors never dreamed; we call it 

You are already acquainted with the singular causes 
which bring about the change of ovules into seeds 
(see page 8.); and you know, that if the pollen does 
not act upon the stigma, the ovules shrivel up and 
die prematurely. It has been discovered, that if two 
plants are very near relations, the pollen of one will 
act upon the stigma of the other, just as well as if the 
pollen was produced by the anthers of the plant to 
which the stigma belongs; but when the seeds so 
obtained are sown, they change to plants which are 
not exactly like either of those from the intermixture 
of which they sprang, but which bear a strong re- 
semblance to both. For instance, if you take the 
pollen of a plant with blue flowers, and place it upon 



the stigma of one which has red flowers, the seed will 
produce a plant having purple flowers; or, if a plant 
with a very vigorous mode of growth is thus inter- 
mixed with another of a very dwarf habit, the plants 
which spring from seeds thus procured, will be 
neither very dwarf nor very tall; and soon. This is 
the secret of the improvement of Pelargoniums, which 
happen to intermix very easily: a sort with large 
ugly flowers, is intermixed with one with small neat 
flowers, and you have, in all probability, a variety 
with large flowers, that are as neat in appearance as 
those of the small flowered kind. I need not parti- 
cularize, with more minuteness, the way in which 
plants respectively influence each other; a little 
reflection must render it apparent to you, now that 
you understand the principle. I must not, however, 
omit to tell you, that intermixture can only take 
place between plants very closely related to each 
other, and that distant relations have no influence 
the one on the other. You could not hybridize a Ge- 
ranium with a Pelargonium, nor those Pelargoniums 
which have fleshy tumours for stems with such as have 
slender stems, nor even a gooseberry with a currant ; 
but to the power of intermixing the slender stemmed 
real Pelargoniums there seems to be no limit. 

That nature acted thus, long before man discovered 
her secret, there can be no doubt; for winds and in- 
sects are as skilful hybridizers as we are; and the 
different races of apples, pears, and other fruit, 
which have, in all ages, sprung up in gardens, are, 
no doubt, indebted for their origin to such circum- 


stances; but it is only in modern times that this 
mode of proceeding has been reduced within certain 
rules, and that hybridizing has become a fixed and 
useful art. 


I. Toe UmBetuirerous Tripe.—l. A portion of the flowering 
stem of Fool’s Parsley, shewing the umbel; aaa the one-sided in- 
volucres by which the plant is especially known.—2. A flower mag- 
nified, shewing the petals, stamens, styles, and disk.—3. A petal 
separated from the rest, with its curious incurved point.—4. A stamen, 
with the filament and anther.—5. A young ovary seen from the 
side ; a the ovary itself; 4 the styles; c the line where the calyx is 
to be sought for.—6. A ripe fruit viewed from its side; at the base, 
a forked axis is just perceptible, from the arms of which the grains 
finally swing.—7. The fruit with its grains separated, and swingmg 
from the arms of the axis.—8. A back view of one of the grains; 
the five prominent ridges are distinctly visible-—9. The face or com- 
missure of the same grain; 6 one of the stripes or vittee——10. The 
same grain cut through; a@ the ridges; } the stripes; ¢ the albumen.— 
11. Half a seed taken out of the rind of the gram: @ the embryo, 
lying at the upper end of a large quantity of albumen.—12. The 
embryo very highly magnified, and seen sideways for the sake of . 
shewing its two seed-leaves, or cotyledons. 

Il. Toe Geranium Trise.—l. A couple of flowers of Meadow 
Geranium, one of which has dropped its petals; a bracts.—2. The 
ten stamens and the style-—3. The lower part of a pistil, covered 
with glandular hairs.—4. The top of the style and the five stigmas.— 
5. The lower part of a pistil spht, to shew a the ovule, and 4 a 
tapering axis, to which the styles are glued. It is this part which 
forms the hard centre of the beak in the ripe fruit, and from which 
the styles drop, after they have curled up to shed the seeds.—6. A 
couple of ripe fruit, one of which is beginning to shed its seed; 
a an ovary from which the seed has dropped.—7. A seed; a the 


hilum, or scar left by its separating from the ovary.—8. Seed split ; 
the embryo /is curiously rolled up, and plaited, and there is no 
albumen; @ is the radicle, or seed-root; 5 the cotyledons, or seed- 
leaves.—9. Is a cross section of the same seed.—l0. The embryo 
in its natural state, with the skin of the seed stripped off; the radicle 
is a taper body, hooked back at the narrow end of the embryo.— 
11. Hairs very highly magnified; the short sharp-poimted ones are 

lymphatic hairs; the long upright pin-headed ones are secreting 



wore rerrece. 

(Plate IIT.) 

oer. aed 

My last letter was so long that I fear you must 
consider me unreasonable in expecting you to be 
already prepared for another. And yet I think that 
considering the interest you say your little girls take 
in plants, I shall scarcely do wrong in profiting by 
- the present opportunity of going on with the subject, 
especially as this letter is likely to be much shorter than 
the last. They already begin to wonder where the 
terrible difficulties lie concealed, with which you have 
hitherto been frightened from allowing them to study 
Botany ; but I can venture to assure them that, as 
far as the elementary parts of the science are con- 
cerned, there are no difficulties to encounter greater 
than what they have already overcome. I feel per- 
fectly sure that Crowfoots, and Poppies, and Umbel- 
bearing plants, and Geraniums, are now familiar to 
you, together with all their relations. We will next 
take a family of quite another kind. 

In the meadows and woods of Europe, North 
America, and the colder parts of Asia, are found a 
great number of herbs which, with a great accor- 

She Evening. ee tose. tle: LET | 

fie rag - V4 A) : 
' Dprubly OVEWMATGY — Lez mtoat. * 

Ve My ae OS LZ 2. | 


Lem P71! 10 




dance in their general appearance, agree also in this 
remarkable circumstance, that every one of the parts 
of the flower consists either of four pieces or of some 
number which may be divided by four; in South 
America are many species of a similar nature, only 
they are shrubs and are much more richly coloured. 
Botanists call these Onagracee, or the Evening Prim- 
rose tribe, because the charming yellow flower which 
unfolds its bosom to the evening sun, and drinks up 
the dews of night with its petals, rendering darkness 
as lovely as noon-day, but which retires at the ap- 
proach of the sun, rolling up its petals and carefully 
protecting its stamens and pistils from the glare of 
light, is one of the tribe; it might be called the owl 
of the vegetable world, only it is more beautiful and 
delicate than that hard-hearted enemy of mice. 

If you have ever examined one of them accurately 
you will be at no loss to recognize all the rest. For 
this purpose suppose you take the Shrubby Evening 
Primrose (Osnothera fruticosa), a beautiful little North 
American plant, with an absurd name, for it is not a 

The leaves of this plant are of a narrow figure, not 
unlike the head of a lance, and their veins are dis- 
posed in a netted manner like all the preceding ; 
it has therefore a stem which mereases in size by 
addition of matter to the outside of the wood; or in 
a word it is Exogenous; the leaves do not grow 
opposite each other from opposite sides of the stem, 
but are placed one a little above the other, so as to be 
alternate ; mark this. 


The flowers are bright yellow; and are entirely 
different from those of any of the preceding tribes. 
In the first place the calyx has a long slender tube 
(Plate III. I. fig. 1. a.), from the top of which arise 
two leaves, both turned the same way, and notched at 
the point (fig. 1. 6.) ; itis in reality composed of four 
sepals, united at the base into a tube, but capable of 
being separated above the tube into four pieces, as 
you may easily see if you attempt to divide it with 
the point of a pin. 

From the top of the tube of the calyx arise four 
petals.—Observe, again,—four,—which are of a 
bright yellow, and are rolled together, except in the 
night, when the flowers are expanded. 

Twice four stamens spring from the top of the tube ; 
each has a very long anther, which swings by its 
middle from the summit of the filament, and sheds its 
pollen in such a way that it looks as if it were mixed 
with cobweb. If you magnify this pollen in a drop 
of water, each grain will be found three-cornered 
(fig. 5.), and held to its neighbour by excessively 
delicate threads; a peculiarity in the pollen which 
is rarely met with, except in the Evening Primrose 

The ovary (fig. 1. c.) is inferior, and is marked 
by eight ribs, of which four are more prominent than 
the others; it contains four cavities, in each of which 
is a great many seeds. The style is a long slender 
body, rising within the tube of the calyx, as high as 
the stamens, and then separating into four narrow 



The fruit is a dry oval case, with four angles, 
opening into four pieces, called vatves (fig. 6.). 

Thus, you see all the parts of this plant, from its 
calyx to its fruit, consist either of four, or twice four 
parts; the like happens in all the genuine species of 
the same natural order ; by which character they are 
easily known. There are many plants of very diffe- 
rent orders, that have four sepals, or four petals, or 
some of their other parts of that number; but it is 
only in the Evening Primrose tribe that all the parts 
are in fours at the same time; or some multiple of 
four, which is botanically the same thing. 

There are no Evening Primroses, really wild, in 
Great Britain, however frequent they may be in gar- 
dens. But there is an exceedingly common wild flower, 
called Willow-herb (Epilobium), one of the species 
of which, called the ‘ great hairy,” is, perhaps, the 
most noble of all our British herbs. Its stout shaggy 
stems grow five or six feet high, and are terminated 
by long clusters of bright red flowers. If you were 
to compare it with the description of the Evening 
Primrose, you would think it really must be a 
species of that genus, only the flowers are not yellow. 
This, however, is not the only difference. When the 
fruit of the Willow-herb is ripe, it sheds seeds which 
are furnished with a curious apparatus to enable 
them to fly about, and spread themselves over the 
land; each of them has a very long tuft of silk at one 
end, which is so light, that the smallest breeze is 
sufficient to buoy it up, and raise it aloft into the air, 
there to be caught and carried to a great distance. 



Nothing of this sort is found in the Evening Prim- 

Another plant, of far greater beauty than either of 
the foregoing, is the Fuchsia, an American genus, for 
which no English name has been contrived, and which 
is now one of the greatest of all the foreign ornaments 
with which our gardens are embellished in the sum- 
mer and autumn. Every body has Fuchsias; the 
poor weaver grows them in his window; many an 
industrious cottager shews them as the pride of the 
little plot of ground before his door; and even the 
suburban inhabitants of London itself, speak of the 
beautiful Fuchsias they rear, with enthusiasm and 
delight. You must, therefore, know very well what 
the Fuchsia plant is. Examine its flowers; on the 
outside of all, you have a deep crimson covering, 
divided into four firm sharp-pointed leaves; this is 
the calyx. Rolled up within it, and closely em- 
bracing the stamens, are four little dark purple leaves, 
which are not half so long as the calyx; they are the 
petals. The other parts you will easily recognise. 
But the fruit is not a hard dry case, or capsule, 
bursting into four valves when it is ripe; it contains 
four cavities indeed; but its rind is deep purple, fleshy 
and juicy ; ina word, it isa berry. ‘This, then, is a 
marked distinction from other plants of the Evening 
Primrose tribe; but, as in all other respects the 
Fuchsia agrees with them, it is not accounted suffi- 
ciently different to belong to any other natural order. 

The Evening Primrose tribe has little, except its 
beauty, to render it imteresting to mankind; for 


there is not a single species which possesses any useful 
property worth mentioning. Remember, that num- 
ber four, throughout all the parts of the flower, is its 
character; and you will be in no danger of either 
forgetting it, or mistaking it. 

I have already said that other orders have, occa- 
sionally, four parts of the calyx, or corolla, or of some 
other class of organs, and yet do not belong to the 
Evening Primrose tribe. 1 will give you an instance 
of this. 

You know what a Myrtle is. Takea sprig of that 
beautiful, but delicate evergreen, for your next sub- 
ject. It has hard shining deep-green leaves, which 
do not drop off when winter comes; but seem as if 
they were intended to make us forget that winter has 
power over vegetation; the stand opposite each other, 
and if you bruise them, emit a fragrant aromatic 
odour. If you hold them against the light, you will 
see them look as if pierced with holes, closed up by 
a green transparent substance; they are not, how- 
ever, pierced: but the appearance is owing to their 
containing a vast number of little transparent cells, 
in which the aromatic matter, to which they owe 
their fragrance, is laid up (Plate III. 1. fig. 10.). 

The flowers have a calyx of five divisions; there 
are five petals of a dazzling white; and from the 
sides of the calyx, there arises, in a ring, a very con- 
siderable number of slender white filaments, tipped 
by little roundish anthers (fig. 2.). 

The ovary, which is inferior, contains three cells, 
and a good many ovules; from its flat top springs 

E 2 

52 LETTER Vim. 

one style (fig. 2.), which ends in a stigma, so small 
that it cannot be discovered without a microscope 
(fig. 4.). 

The fruit of the Myrtle is a purple berry, so like 
a Fuchsia berry on the outside that you might mis- 
take the one for the other; but it has only three cells, 
instead of four, and has a strong aromatic taste, of 
which the Fuchsia is entirely destitute. 

You will, after reading this, ask me, perhaps, with 
surprise, what resemblance [ can discover between 
the Myrtle and the Evening Primrose tribe; for it 
seems difficult to select two objects more unlike. I 
although the Myrtle itself is not very 
like an Evening Primrose, yet there are many of the 

answer thus 

Myrtle tribe, which, having only four divisions of the 
calyx, and four petals, might be mistaken for plants 
belonging to the Evening Primrose tribe, for they 
have an inferior berry, like that of a Fuchsia; you 
would however see that the number four could 
not be traced further than the petals, and conse- 
quently, the resemblance would cease with these parts. 

The Myrtle tribe, like the last natural order, 
abounds in beautiful plants; it also contains many 
that are of great use. The spice you call Cloves, con- 
sists of the young flower-buds of a tree found in the 
East Indies (Caryophyllus aromaticus) ; and Adlspice 
is the berries of a West Indian species (Myrtus Pi- 
menta.) The pleasantfruits called the Rose Apple, and 
the Jamrosade, in the Kast Indies, are produced by dif- 
ferent kinds of Eugenia; Guava Jelly is prepared from 
the succulent berries of trees of the Myrtle Tribe, found 


in the West Indies; and, finally, the Pomegranate 
is an example of another fruit-bearing kind, which 
has migrated from Barbary into Europe. 

All these are trees with berries for their fruit; and 
they form the greatest part of the tribe. Others how- 
ever there are which have dry fruits opening at the 
top, and containing a great number of very minute 
seeds ; these, the principal part of which are natives 
of New Holland, have very often also alternate leaves. 
It is therefore neither to the fruit nor to the position 
of the leaves upon the stem, that you are to look for 
the precise character of the Myrtle tribe. The infe- 
rior ovary, the numerous stamens, the single style, and 
the dotted leaves, are what you will know it by with 
most certainty. 

To that division of the tribe in which the fruit is dry 
and many-seeded belong Melaleuca and Metrosideros, 
with their long tassels of silken stamens, purple, or yel- 
low, or crimson; and so dothe gigantic Gum Trees of 
New Holland (Eucalyptus). These last are remarkable 
for having no petals ; and for their calyx falling off like 
a lid or extinguisher. I told you, m my first letter, 
to observe what I said about the curious calyx of 
Eschscholtzia, which was pushed off by the petals in 
the form of a hutkin, in consequence of the sepals 
not being capable of separating in the usual way. So 
is it with the Eucalyptus; its calyx has all its parts 
soldered together, as it were, into a hard fleshy lid; 
when it is time for the stamens to unfold, they push 
the calyx so forcibly, that it breaks away by its base 
and drops off, leaving the stamens at liberty to ex- 
pand as fully as may be necessary. 


1. Toe EventnG Primrose Trise.—l. A flower of the Shrubby 
Evening Primrose half unfolded ; a the tube of the calyx ; 4 the divi- 
sions of the calyx ; c the ovary.—2. The same flower deprived of its 
petals, and with itssepals divided from each other, shewing the stamens 
and stigma.—3. The tube of the calyx cut open ; at the top are seen 
the bases of the eight stamens that spring out of it.—4. A stamen.— 
5. A cluster of pollen grains, with the threads by which they are held 
together ; represented as they are seen when immersed in water.— 
6. A ripe fruit, with the four openings at the top, through which the 
seeds escape.—7. The ovary cut through, before it is ripe; it exhibits 
the four cells, and the numerous seeds in them.—8. One of the valves 
of the fruit separated from the others, with the seeds sticking to it. 
—9. A seed.—10. An embryo, from which the seed-coat has been 
stripped ; it is not surrounded by albumen, but is protected only by 
the skin of the seed. 

II. Toe Myrrie Trise.—l. A flower of the Common Myrtle, 
much magnified.—2. The same cut perpendicularly, shewing two of 
the cells of the ovary, and the origin of the style and stamens.—2*. 
A cross section of the same.—3. Another with part of a filament. 
—4. The tip of the style and stigma.—5. A ripe fruit.—6. The 
same cut across, with the curved embryo seen lying within it, with- 
out any albumen.—9. A leaf.—10. A portion of a leaf magnified, 
shewing the transparent dots in it. 



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(Plate IV.) 



I am pleased, but not surprised, to find from your 
last letter, that Botany dees not prove, upon exami- 
nation, to be either so dry and technical a science as 
you imagined, or so little related to objects of daily 
interest, as others had persuaded you. Depend upon 
this truth, before all others, that knowledge is always 
useful, and that when we are unable to discover its 
utility, we have to blame our own short-sightedness, 
or incapacity, or any other cause, rather than know- 
ledge itself. 

Sir John Herschel, in that admirable treatise of his 
which should be in the hands of every human being 
who has arrived at an age to be capable of under- 
standing it,—Sir John Herschel has well remarked 
that, ‘* the question to what practical end and advan- 
tage do your researches tend? is one which the spe- 
culative philosopher, who loves knowledge for its 
own sake, and enjoys, as a rational being should 
enjoy, the mere contemplation of harmonious and 
mutually dependent truths, can seldom hear without 
a sense of humiliation. He feels that there is a lofty 


and disinterested pleasure in his speculations which 
ought to exempt them from such questioning ; com- 
municating as they do, to his own mind the purest 
happiness (after the exercise of the benevolent and 
moral feelings), of which nature is susceptible, and 
tending to the injury of no one; he might surely 
allege this as a sufficient and direct reply to those 
who, having themselves little capacity, and less re- 
lish for intellectual pursuits, are constantly repeating 
upon him this inquiry. But if he can bring himself 
to descend from this high but fair ground, and justify 
himself, his pursuits, and his pleasures in the eyes of 
those around him, he has only to point to the history 
of all science, where speculations, apparently the 
most unprofitable, have almost invariably been those 
from which the greatest practical applications have 
emanated. What, for instance, could be apparently 
more unprofitable than the dry speculations of the 
ancient geometers on the properties of the conic 
sections, or than the dreams of Kepler (as they would 
naturally appear to his contemporaries) about the 
numerical harmonies of the universe. Yet these are 
the steps by which we have risen to a knowledge of 
the elliptic motions of the planets, and the law of 
gravitation, with all its splendid theoretical conse- 
quences, and its inestimable practical results. The 
ridicule attached to ‘ Swing-swangs’ in Hooke’s time 
did not prevent him from reviving the proposal of the 
pendulum as a standard of measure, since so ad- 
mirably wrought into practice by the genius and per- 
severance of Captain Kater ;—nor did that which 


Boyle encountered in his researches on the elasticity 
and pressure of the air, act as any obstacle to the 
train of discovery which terminated in the steam- 
engine. The dreams of the alchemists led them on 
in the path of experiment, and drew attention to the 
wonders of chemistry, while they brought their advo- 
cates (it must be admitted) to merited contempt and 
ruin. But in this case it was moral dereliction 
which gave to ridicule a weight and power not ne- 
cessarily or naturally belonging to it: but among 
the alchemists were men of superior minds, who 
reasoned while they worked, and who, not content 
to grope always in the dark, and blunder on their 
subject, sought carefully in the observed nature of 
their agents for guides in their pursuits ;— to these 
we owe the creation of experimental philosophy.” 

It perhaps would not have been amiss to have 
begun this correspondence with the quotation I have 
just made ; but I was anxious that a little interest 
should be awakened in the subject before any thing 
like a formal defence of its utility should be under- 
taken by me. If I were disposed to add any Bota- 
nical instance of important results arising from ap- 
parently trifling causes, it would be easy enough to do 
so. Tor instance, the microscopical investigations by 
Grew of the nature and properties of the little cells 
and bladders that are found beneath the skin of 
plants, were the forerunners of all the valuable train 
of physiological discoveries, by which the productive- 
ness of the soil has been so much increased ; the cu- 
rious but neglected inquiries of Kolreuter into the 


possibility of intermixing the races of plants, laid 
the foundation of modern improvements in the qua- 
lities of cultivated species ; while the ingenious but 
derided speculations of Camerarius upon the relation 
that exists between the properties and structure of 
species, have put the physician in possession of a 
power of discovering the hidden uses of plants, the 
limits to the application of which no one can 

It is mentioned, that in the voyage of Lord Anson 
round the world, when new and unknown lands were 
constantly discovered, the dread which his surgeon 
entertained of the effect of strange herbs was so great 
that, from fear of poisoning the crew, he would some- 
times permit them to use no other kind of fresh ve- 
getable food than grass. At the present day there 
should be no navy surgeon who would not be able to 
point out at once, in every place, an abundance of 
plants, the use of which could not by possibility be at- 
tended by any ill effects. You have already seen that 
the Crowfoot tribe consists of burning and blistering 
species, that the Poppy tribe produces stupefaction, 
the Umbelliferous tribe is chiefly aromatic, but not 
always to be trusted, Geraniums astringent, Evening 
Primroses insipid, and Myrtles fragrant and aromatic. 
Another example of the uniform prevalence of pe- 
culiar properties in the same tribe or natural order, 
is afforded by Cruciferous plants. 

The healthy stimulating effects of Mustard and 
Cress, and the nutritive properties of ‘Turnips and 
Cabbages are well known to every body. These 


plants belong to an extensive tribe called Cruciferous, 
or Cross-bearers, because their four petals are placed 
in such a way as to resemble in some degree a Mal- 
tese cross. Unfortunately for those who have little 
power of observation, and less patience, their flowers 
are usually very small; but I am convinced that this 
circumstance will be far from deterring my young 
friends from attempting their study; it will rather 
operate as an incentive to their making themselves 
acquainted with them. 

They are already, I suspect, familiar with a mean- 
looking weed, called Shepherd’s Purse (Capsella Bursa 
pastoris), which is found every where at all seasons of 
the year, except the severest part of the winter. Its 
name was given it because it has a number of pouches 
filled with very small seeds, which you might fancy 
were fairy coms. Let us look at it botanically. 

Its leaves are veined in that netted manner which 
indicates the Exogenous structure ; and consequently 
you know that if it were ever to form a woody stem, 
its woody matter would be arranged in concentric 
circles. The form of the leaves is like that of an 
ancient arrow head, sitting closely to the stem, and 
extended downwards at the base into a sharp barb on 
either side (Plate IV. 1.). 

The flowers are arranged regularly upon a central 
stalk in the form of a raceme ; and, what is extremely 
singular, they are uniformly destitute of bracts. “This 
is so unusual a case that I do not remember any 
other instance in the whole vegetable kingdom in 
which bracts are so constantly absent; the absence of 


these little leaves is hence a mark of the Cruciferous 
tribe. Observe, I pray you, how very useful it is to 
be aware of this. Imagine yourself cast away upon 
a desert island; and there, surrounded by plants of 
unknown forms and tempting looks, none of which you 
dare use from fear of their proving poisonous. Among 
them however you remark a good many of the same 
kind, one of which is just beginning to bear its tufts 
of flowers: the blossoms are too young to be examined, 
but old enough to shew you that they grow without 
bracts ; the leaves you would easily see were those of 
Exogenous plants, and you would immediately know 
that this species at least would be not only harmless, 
but the very best kind of vegetable for you to consume ; 
a salad which might be eaten with the utmost con- 

But it is not thus alone that Cruciferous plants may 
be recognised. The structure of their flowers is of a 
very peculiar kind. ‘The calyx is formed of four little 
leaves or sepals; within which are four very small 
white petals, arranged in the manner which I have 
already stated gave rise to the appellation of Cross- 
bearers (fig. 1.). | Within the petals are six stamens 
(fig. 2.), of which two are a very little shorter and 
more spreading than the other four. To this cha- 
racter no parallel is to be found in any other than 
Cruciferous plants, and consequently it is a second 
essential character, by which they are to be known. 

The pistil is an oval green body, shaped something 
like a wedge, on the summit of which is a little 
cushion of a stigma seated on an exceedingly short 


style (fig. 2.). If you cut open the ovary you will 
find (fig. 3.) that it contains two cells, in each of which 
is a number of young seeds or ovules hanging by 
slender thread-like stalks, 

The fruit (fig. 6.) becomes a wedge-shaped flat body, 
composed of three pieces, two of which (fig. 6. a. a.), 
the valves, separate from the third (fig. 6. b.), which 
is named the partition or DISSEPIMENT (fig. 8.); it 1s 
to the edges of this third piece that the seeds stick 
by little threads (fig. 7.). In the inside of these 
seeds the embryo is bent double, after a singular 
fashion (fig. 10.), the seed-root being pressed close to 
the back of the seed-leaves. 

This has been rather a wearisome lesson, to one so 
little accustomed to the use of the microscope, to 
which you must already have had recourse several 
times; but you have now the satisfaction of knowing 
that you possess the secret of recognizing with cer- 
tainty nearly a thousand species, scattered over the 
face of the world, all of which are harmless, and 
many highly useful. 

What would the farmer do without Turnips and 
Rape, which are Cruciferous plants? or the gardener 
without Cabbages, Sea-Kail, Mustard, Cress, and 
Radishes ? or how could the florist supply the place 
of his Wall-flowers and Stocks? All these are such 
common plants, that you can have no difficulty in 
procuring specimens for examination; you will find 
that while they are all unlike in trifling circum- 
stances, they agree in having their parts arranged 
exactly in the same manner as the Shepherd’s Purse ; 


but you will remark a difference in their fruit, of this 
nature ; in some of them, as the Shepherd’s Purse 
itself, the pod is so very short, that there is not 
much difference between its length and breadth; im 
others, it is very long and slender, as in the Turnip 
and Cabbage; to the former of these fruits the name 
of Silicle is given; to the latter, that of Silique; and 
by many Botanists the whole tribe of Cruciferous 
plants is divided into two portions, of which one is 
called Siliculose, and the other Siliquose. By the more 
scientific Botanist of the present day, this distinction 
is held in less estimation, and new divisions, founded 
upon the structure of the embryo, are employed ; 
but these are so obscure, that [ will not fatigue you 
with them. 

The most beautiful species in the whole tribe are 
the Wall-flower, which sheds its sweetest odours over 
the ruined buildings of England, and the Stock, 
that, with its hoary leaves and gay flowers, gives an 
air of green old age to the rocks and cliffs of the 
Mediterranean. Both these, however lovely in their 
wild and single state, are chiefly cultivated when 
their flowers have become what is called double; 
that is to say, when the parts which are usually sta- 
mens, and pistils, and sepals, are all transformed 
into petals; by which means the quantity of gaily 
coloured parts is much augmented. There are those 
who, with an air of scientific delicacy, pretend to 
despise these beautiful objects, and call them mon- 
sters; but I would not have you follow such an 
example; for, in reality, double flowers, imdepen- 



dently of their acknowledged beauty, afford the most 
important evidence of the true nature of the different 
parts of the floral system, as you may one day know. 
To you, as to many others, it may be a subject of 
wonder how these double flowers are increased, for if 
the stamens and pistils are converted into petals, it 
would seem that no means are left for multiplying 
the race. ‘This would, doubtless, be so, if all the sta- 
mens and pistils were really thus transformed ; but 
among many flowers, some are found in which a per- 
fect stamen or two remain; and others, in which a 
perfect pistil or two can be found. If the stigmas 
of the latter are touched with the pollen of the former, 
ovules are fertilized, and seeds produced, which will 
grow into other plants, the flowers of which will be 
as double as those of their parents. No one knows 
why double flowers should be capable of being thus 
perpetuated; it seems as if any tendency which is 
once given to a plant, may be carried on from genera- 
tion to generation, by a careful attention to the stop- 
page of all disposition to depart from the new cha- 
racter: in the Stock any plant that produces flowers 
less double than usual, must have a tendency to de- 
part from the double state, and, therefore, should 
not be allowed to bear seed, or to influence the seeds 
borne by other plants, but should be carefully era- 
dicated as soon as its flowers are sufficiently ex- 
panded for their true character to be ascertained. 
By attention to such rules, Turnip-rooted and Long- 
rooted, White, and Scarlet, and Purple Radishes, 
and all the different races of Turnips, have been pre- 


served for years ; whereas, if great precautions to 
maintain them in their purity had not been constantly 
taken, they would long since have become thrown 
together, and reconverted into the wild form from 
which they sprang. I take it for granted, you are 
so much interested in the pretty flowers of your 
garden, that you would be sorry to see all the double 
ones turn single ;—you will now be able to avert 
such a sad catastrophe. 

Candy tuft (Iberis), sweet Alyssum, the snowy Arabis 
of spring, that pretty little tufted purple thmg which 
is named after the French flower-painter Aubriet 
(Aubrietia deltoidea), Honesty with its clusters of 
broad bucklers, the modest Whitlow-grass (Krophila 
verna), which springs up on the crest of every 
wall, the earliest harbinger of spring, Watercresses, 
Horse Radish, and a host of others, will be furnished 
either by the garden, or the fields, to augment your 
acquaintance with this natural order. Leaving it 
now, as requiring no further explanation, we will 
next proceed to another spring tribe. 

Violets, sweet Violets, and Pansies or Heartsease, 
represent a small family (Pl. IV. 2.), with the struc- 
ture of which you should be familiar; more, how- 
ever, for the sake of its singularity, than for its extent 
or importance ; for the family is a very small one, 
and there are but few species belonging to it in which 
much interest is taken. As the parts of the Hearts- 
ease are larger than those of the Violet, let us select 
the former in preference, for the subject of our study. 

The Heartsease is a little herbaceous plant, as you 


know, with leaves cut, as you suppose, into several 
deep divisions ; here, however, you are mistaken. 
The true leaf is a narrow oblong blade, with netted 
veins, rather notched at its edge, and tapering gra- 
dually into a stalk (fig. A.a.); it is not slashed 
or divided at all. But on each side of the leaf, 
quite at the bottom of its stalk, there is a deeply- 
cut stalkless part, which is of the same colour as 
the leaf, but shorter (fig. A. b. b.); this is a sti- 
pule (see page 37), and it is that which gives the 
lobed and lacerated appearance to the leaf. Here 
you have an exemplification of the care with which 
you ought to look at plants if you would understand 
their construction rightly ; it may be true indeed, as 
theoretical Botanists say, that stipules are only little 
leaves, but it does not follow that on that account we 
may call them leaves; for it is quite clear that what- 
ever their theoretical similarity may be, they are 
stationed by nature in a particular place, in a particu- 
lar form, for some good purpose or other. You will 
some day know that the sepals of the calyx, and the 
petals of the corolla, and the stamens, and the carpels, 
are all leaves in different states; but you must not 
on that account cease to distinguish them carefully, 
and call them by their right names, when you find 
them fixed by nature in the form of sepals, petals, 
stamens and carpels. Our own foot is a sort of 
hand, and our toes are fingers ; but we cannot on 
that account dispense in practice with the use of the 
words feet and toes. 

The flowers consist of five sepals of a narrow 


66 LETTER Iv. 

figure and extended in a singular manner at the 
base ; of these some are much larger than the others. 

The corolla is formed of five petals, which are also 
of unequal size; two of them, which are differently 
coloured, stand erect and rather above the others ; a 
third, standing in front of the rest, has a short horn 
or spur at its base. 

Then we have the stamens, also five in number, of 
a singularly irregular form (fig. 1.); two of them, 
which are in front of the others, have long tails, 
which are hidden within the horn of the front petal ; 
the other three have no tail, nor any particular irre- 
gularity of figure, but they are all terminated by a 
broad membrane of a rounded form (figs. 2. 3. a. a.), 
and bordered by a fringe of hairs; filaments there 
are none. 

The pistil is a superior roundish pale-green body 
(fig. 5.), terminated by a short fleshy style, which is 
shaped like a narrow funnel, or a taper inverted 
cone; at the top (figs. 7. 8.) it is of a bright green, 
nearly spherical, slightly hairy, and hollow, with a 
hole on one side, to which there is a minute lip; 
through this hole there is access to the stigma; no 
one has yet discovered for what purpose such a sin- 
gular conformation has been provided. The ovary 
contains but one cell; but, as in the Poppies, it has 
three projecting lines running up its shell at equal 
distances in the inside, and covered with young seeds 
(fig: 6.). 

When the fruit is ripe it is still surrounded by the 
calyx (fig. 9.), although both petals and stamens have 


dropped off; it is an oblong shining case, which splits 
into three pieces or valves, in the middle of each of 
which stick the pale chesnut-coloured shining seeds. 

There is no material difference from this structure 
in such other plants of the Violet tribe as you are 
ever likely to meet with; and therefore I shall sup- 
pose that the whole may be recognized by the cha- 
racters I have explained. 

Beautiful as they all are to look at, they would 
produce anything rather than Heart’s ease if you 
were to eat them: for their roots have the property 
of producing sickness in so powerful a manner that 
they are sometimes used in medicine as emetics. I 
would therefore advise you to confine your admira- 
tion to their beauty or their fragrance. 

The Sweet Violet will have no rival among flowers, 
if we merely seek for delicate fragrance, but her 
sister, the Heartsease, who is destitute of all sweet- 
ness, far surpasses her in rich dresses and gaudy 
colours. She has become of late a special favourite 
with florists, who cultivate I know not how many 
distinct varieties, some of which have flowers of 
yellow and purple, or all yellow, or all purple, or 
nearly white, with every. gradation of tint and depth, 
which one can well imagine. Methinks, I hear my 
young friends exclaim, are these fine plants, indeed, 
our humble Pansy, changed by cultivation? is it 
possible that the little drooping weed, which we 
have so often gathered among the stubble of corn- 
fields in the autumn, can ever become the’ gaudy 
flower of the florist? Even so indeed is it; the 



savage woad-stained Britons, were not more different 
from the well-dressed ladies of the present day, than is 
the Heartsease from its wild state, since it hasattracted 
the notice of the gardener. Those children of the 
wild Pansy, which you see in the borders of the flower- 
earden, have intermarried with strangers from other 
climates, and especially with one from the Altaic 
mountains (Viola altaica), where the race is finer and 
more vigorous than beneath our northern sky. 

Before I close this letter let me survey the ground 
we have passed over. Eight distinct Natural Orders 
have been examined, all of which are so very easily 
known from each other, that it is almost superfluous 
to repeat their characters; yet as there is no more 
certain method of fixing these matters in the memory 
than by recapitulation from time to time, I must not 
only do so, but beg of you to endeavour to get the 
distinctive characters clearly understood and remem- 
bered by our little students. 

Let me now vary the mode of distinguishing them, 
and put their characters before you in a new form. 

Of the eight orders, three have an inferior ovary, 
and five have a superior ovary ; we will take this very 
conspicuous character, as a preliminary mode of 
distinction ; for thus we shall simplify the other dif- 
ferences. Then, of the three which have the inferior 
ovary, the Evening Primrose tribe has its parts of 
fructification in fours, the Umbelliferous tribe bears 
flowers in umbels, and the Myrtle tribe has a great 
many stamens and aromatic dotted leaves. On the 


other hand, those with superior ovaries may be first 
separated into such as have a great many stamens, 
and such as have only a small and certain number. 
Of the former you have the Crowfoot and the Poppy 
tribe, the first of which has several distinct carpels, 
and the last all the carpels grown together into a 
hollow case ; of the latter the Geranium tribe has the 
carpels separating from a long hard beak-like centre, 
the Cruciferous tribe has six stamens of which four 
are longer than the others, the Violet tribe has anthers 
with a membranous crest, and a fruit splittmmg into 
three valves, to the middle of which the seeds are 
fastened. ‘This will be still clearer to you if put into 
the shape of a table. 

Parts in fours—Evening Primroses. 

Ovary inferior P Flowersinumbels— Umbelliferous Plants. 
arts not ; = 

in fours Flowers not in umbels — Myrtles. 

( carpels separate—Crowfoots. 
a great many 

stamens carpels joined into . 
a hollow case Poppies. 

Ovary superior carpels sepa- ' 
rating from ¢ Geraniums. 
a long beak 
~stamens ) carpels seta Five Stamens— Violets. 
Separahing } siz stamens, 
from a : 
fens teat of which 
are short 


This table is of no other use than to shew you how 
to analyse the characters of the subjects you examine ; 
it does not give you, as you must remark, a correct 


notion of the essential characters of any of the tribes, 
but it states clearly how they differ from each other. 
They differ from each other in many other respects, 
but it was not necessary to express any thing further 
in order to enable you to know them from each other. 


I. Tuer Cructrerovus Trise.—A sprig of Shepherd's Purse.— 
1. A flower with all its parts in their natural position.—2. The same 
flower without the calyx and corolla ; it shews the two side stamens, 
which are the shortest.—3. An ovary cut across, exposing the par- 
tition, the two cavities and the young seeds, or ovules.—4. An ovule 
apart, with the end by which it hangs from the side of the partition. 
5. The stigma, with the style and a portion of the shoulders of the 
ovary.—6. A ripe silicle ; a a@ the valves; 6 the point of the par- 
tition.—7. The partition, from which the valves have been removed, 
shewing the numerous seeds which hang to it.—8. The partition seen 
in front, with the marks of the places to which the seeds were 
attached.—9. A ripe seed, covered with fine hairs.—10. The same 
cut through perpendicularly, shewing how the embryo is doubled up 
within it.—11. The same seed, cut through horizontally; a the 
radicle ; b the two cotyledons.—12. An embryo pulled out of the 
seed-coat and straightened. 

II. Tue Viovter Trispe.—A. A piece of Heartsease ; a blade of 
the leaf ; 6 4 stipules.—1. A view of the stamens and pistil in their 
natural position, after the petals and sepals are pulled off.—2. One 
of the horned stamens seen in face; and, 3. the same seen from 
behind ; in both a represents the membrane, which is characteristic 
of the natural order.—4. A regular anther, seen in face.—5. A 
pistil.—6. The ovary cut through to exhibit the three elevated lines 
on which the seeds are placed.—7. A front view of the hole that 
leads to the stigma.—8. The head of the stigma split open, with a 
view of the stigmatic interior.—9. A ripe fruit split into its three 
valves.—10. A seed.—11. The same cut perpendicularly to shew the 
embryo lying in the midst of albumen. 

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(Plate V.) 


Wuen the Spaniards discovered America they 
found among other curious things, a flower, which 
they thought was an allegorical representation of the 
crucifixion and sufferings of our Saviour. In its 
anthers they saw his five wounds, in the three styles 
the nails by which he was fixed to the cross, and in 
a column which rises from the bottom of the flower 
the pillar to which he was bound; a number of little 
fleshy threads which spread from its cup, they com- 
pared to the crown of thorns. ‘There are cuts, says 
Sir James Smith, to be found in some old books, 
apparently drawn from description, like the hog in 
armour upon our signs to represent the rhinoceros, 
in which the flower is made up of the very things 
themselves (ftees’s Cyclopedia). 

Such travellers’ stories as this, would now find few 
persons credulous enough to believe them ; the tale 
is, however, not wholly fabulous. Like many others 
of the same sort it is composed of truth mingled either 
with falsehood or excessive exaggeration. There is 
such a flower, and a highly curious one it is; and so 


far from rare, that you are probably already well 
acquainted with it, for it is now frequently to be seen 
trained even to cottage walls. 

You are surprised at this, and I dare say wonder 
what this strange flower can be that you have so often 
seen without discovering in it any of the marvels of 
the good Spaniards. ‘They called it, in allusion to 
its mystical attributes, Flos Passionis, a Latm name 
signifying—Passion-flower, which the moderns have 

Many species with this remarkable character are 
known in gardens; they are all Passion-flowers, and 
are the representatives of the Passion-flower tribe. 
In other countries, other singular plants are also 
found, not exactly Passion-flowers, but belonging to 
the same tribe; as you are never likely to meet with 
them, I need not trouble you about the manner in 
which they are distinguished. We will satisfy our- 
selves with a botanical view of that to which so 
strange a story is attached. 

The Passion-flower is a twining plant which helps 
itself to rise upon others by tendrils like those of 
the Pea, with which it often scrambles to the tops of 
high trees, or, if it misses its hold im the ascent, or 
is by any accident separated from the prop it has 
selected, hangs down among the branches in elegant 
festoons. Its leaves are veined in the netted manner ; 
and are often divided into deep lobes, but not always ; 
their stalks bear here and there upon their upper 
edge little hard dark-green shining warts, called 
glands ; and they have a pair of stipules at their base. 


The stems when cut through, shew the Exogenous 
structure ; a circumstance you would have known 
by aid of the leaves alone, if you had not had the 
stem to cut. 

The flowers haye on the outside three large bracts 
(Plate V. 1. fig. 1. a.), which together form an inyo- 
lucre. Next these is a calyx, composed of five sepals 
(fig. 1. 6.) which are generally green on the outside, 
and differently coloured in the inside; sometimes 
blue, sometimes purple, now and then yellow or some 
other colour. Let me particularly call your attention 
to this, which is a proof that the calyx, in other 
plants as well as in the Fuchsia, is occasionally co- 
loured like petals. When you are more of a Botanist 
you will find that this fact is connected with a curious 
tale of vegetable transformations, which I may some 
day relate to you. At the base the sepals are joined 
together in a shallow cup, from which the petals and 
other parts arise. 

The petals (fig. 1. c.) are always of the same colour 
as the inside of the sepals; but are nearly alike on 
both sides, are narrower, and are without a singular 
little horn, which projects from the back of the sepals, 
just as other horns spring from the corslet of certain 

Next the petals come—the stamens, you will 
say:—not. at all. Next the petals come several 
rings of beautiful fleshy threads, which spread from 
the cup like rays, and are splendidly mottled with 
azure and crimson and white. If there be one part 
of a plant more beautiful than all others, it is this 


ray (or crown of thorns, as the Spaniards called it) 
in the Passion-flower; the crimson blotches upon 
it really do look like stains of blood. It diminishes 
gradually in size towards the inside of the flower, 
till at last it loses itself in some little rings, one of 
which often surrounds the base of the column we 
have still to examine in the centre (fig. 2. a.). Bota- 
nists themselves are hardly agreed upon the real na- 
ture of these singular rays; while some think them 
imperfect petals, others think them imperfect  sta- 
mens: a question of very little moment, and which 
you are, as yet, unprepared to discuss; they are, 
probably, parts in a state of change from one to the 

In the very centre of the flower, from the bottom 
of the cup, rises a column (fig. 2.), at the top of 
which are five stamens, each with a narrow two- 
lobed anther, swinging from the point of a flat fila- 
ment ; you will wonder to see that these anthers in- 
stead of turning their faces to the stigmas, like most 
other anthers, are so contrived as to turn their backs 
upon them; so that when they burst the pollen cannot 
fall upon the stigmas. ‘This, however incomprehen- 
sible an arrangement it may appear to us, is by no 
means an event of unfrequent occurrence, as you will 
hereafter discover; nobody has yet found out the cause 
of it. What now is the column from which the stamens 
seem to rise? The base of the filament, you say. To 
a certain extent, you are right. ‘The outside of the 
column, which is speckled like the filaments, is con- 
structed, as you imagine; but if you cut it you will 


find it is only a hollow sheath surrounding a solid 
slender cylinder, from the top of which grows the 
ovary. It is an unusual thing to find ovaries that 
have a stalk in the inside of the flower: but such a 
structure isnot found in the Passion-flower alone. 

The ovary is an egg-shaped part, which, when you 
cut it, is seen to consist of a single cavity, from three 
elevated lines in which spring the ovules, just as in 
the Violet. It is surmounted by three styles, which 
are thicker at top than at bottom, and terminated by 
thick swoln stigmas. This peculiar form, no doubt, 
suggested the idea of their representing the three 
nails of the cross. 

Thus you see, when this flower is stripped of all 
that is fabulous, there is still enough left in it to ex- 
cite our admiration. 

The fruit is, in all cases, a fleshy egg-shaped body, 
containing a number of pulpy seeds; but it varies 
exceedingly in size and colour in different species. 
In the common blue Passion-flower, it is about as 
big as a hen’s egg, and orange-yellow; in others, it 
is smaller, and quite round (fig. 3.); in others, it is 
as large as a child’s head. Fruit of the latter size are 
sometimes cultivated for the sake of the sub-acid pulp 
they contain, and are called Giranadillas ; they are 
more esteemed in tropical countries, where the 
eatable fruits are generally bad, than in England, 
where we have so many really delicious fruits of 
our own. 

If you were to look at the seed, you would say 
it was merely covered by pulp; there is, how- 

76 _-*‘ LETTER V. 

ever, something even here, beyond what you at first 
perceive. Were you to watch the ovule in its pro- 
gress to become a seed, you would remark a fleshy 
sort of jacket, gradually rising from the bottom of the 
ovule, overspreading its surface day after day, till it 
had completely enclosed it: and then, on a sudden, 
becoming soft and pulpy. Such a part as this we 
Botanists call the ar1LLus ; a part you have often seen 
in another plant without knowing what it was. The 
spice called Mace overspreads the Nutmeg, as its 
jacket does the seed of the Passion-flower, and is the 
arillus of that aromatic production. 

The seed may be easily deprived of the pulpy 
arillus, which will strip back (fig. 6.); and then you 
will discover that the seed itself is a blackish body, 
with a brittle sculptured shell (fig. 8.). 1 shall not 
trouble you about the contents of the seed, further 
than to say, that they are sweet like a nut, and as 
good to eat. 

The only plant belonging to the Passion-flower 
tribe, which you will find in the gardens, besides 
Passion-flower herself, is a genus named ZYacsonia 
(see Botanical Register, tab. 1536.), which is also 
found in South America, and is so like a Passion- 
flower, that you will hardly distinguish it, except by 
the very long tube of its flower. Its rays are short, 
so that it has, in some respects, less beauty ; but 
the richness of its colours, and the large size of all 
its parts, amply compensate for this defect. 

But, although there is no other genus of the same 
tribe within your reach, there are several belonging to 


another tribe with which your children must be fami- 
liar, without calling science to their aid. ‘They cer- 
tainly have practical Botany enough to know a Melon, 
and a Cucumber; and, probably, also a Gourd, a Ve- 
getable Marrow, and a Spirting Cucumber. Those 
things form part of a small natural order called after 
one of them, the Gourd Tribe, which is in near affi- 
nity, as we say, with the Passion-flowers. Now, this 
word affinity is one of the great practical difficulties 
in the way of the student of the Natural System of 
Botany. Not that it need be made so; for I have no 
doubt I could have taken you to the end of our in- 
tended journey, without saying a word to you about 
the matter. But to understand it is essential to those 
who would form a higher notion of Botany than what 
can be gathered from the mere power of distinguish- 
ing one thing from another; and if it could be com- 
prehended, would form a great aid to you in your 
future progress. I shall, therefore, take the present 
opportunity of saying something about the way in 
which the word is applied, in the hope that I may 
make it clearer to you than it seems to be to many. 
Nevertheless, if you do not understand me, you may 
skip all that follows upon the subject. 

Arrinity signifies resemblance in most characters 
of importance. It differs im degree just as resem- 
blances between animals, which you can see and 
understand more readily than those between plants. 
Thus a monkey or baboon are very nearly related to 
man, although totally distinct ; that is, they resem- 
ble man in most characters of importance ; and 
are therefore in affinity with him. Again, a cat and 

78 LETTER ‘Vv: 

a lion agree in a very great number of their principal 
points of organization ; and are therefore in affinity 
also. But a cat and a bird, although both of the 
animal kingdom, disagree in the greater part of their 
structure ; they therefore are not in affinity with each 

To take an illustration from plants you are now 
familiar with, compare the Crowfoots with the 
Myrtles; they both bear flowers composed of calyx, 
corolla, numerous stamens and pistils, and they both 
have leaves with netted veins and consequently an 
exogenous structure; but here their resemblance 
ceases.—Compared as to other circumstances they 
are extremely different: as you will see by studying 

the two following columns :— 

Crowroors have 

Lobed /eaves, with an acrid watery 
juice, and usually with an alter- 
nate insertion on the stem. 

Numerous stamens, arising from 
below the carpels. 

A superior pisti/, consisting of 
several carpels, either not at all 
or but slightly adhering to each 

As many styles as carpels. 

A very little embryo, which is 
furnished with a great quantity 
of albumen for its nourishment 
when young. 

They are chiefly herds. 

Myrrtes have 

Leaves not at all lobed, usually 
with an opposite insertion on 
the stem, and with a volatile 
oily juice, which is lodged in 
little transparent spots. 

Numerous stamens arising from 
the sides of the calyx. 

An inferior pisti/, consisting of 
several carpels, which are all 
grown into one solid body at 
the top of the fruit-stalk. 

Only one style, whatever the num- 
ber of carpels. 

An embryo, which is supplied 
with no albumen for its nou- 
rishment when young. 

They are all ¢rees or shrubs. 


Thus in all these six important circumstances the 
Crowfoots and Myrtles are extremely dissimilar ; 
therefore they are not in affinity with each other. 

Next let us compare Evening Primroses and 
Myrtles, which we have seen disagree in the former 
having the parts of the flower always divided by four, 
no oil spots in their leaves, and but a small number 
of stamens. Compared as to other circumstances 
they are extremely similar, as the followmg columns 
will shew :— 

EveninG Primroses have Myrt tes have 
Leaves sometimes opposite. Leaves usually opposite. 
Stamens arising from the sides of | Stamens arising from the sides of 
the calyx. the calyx. 
An inferior pisti/ with many seeds. | An inferior pzst/ with many seeds. 
Only one style. Only one style. 

A fruit which is sometimes pulpy. | A /rwt which is usually pulpy. 
An embryo with no albuminous | An embryo with no albuminous 
provision for its infancy. provision for its infancy. 

Thus in these important circumstances the Evening 
Primroses and Myrtles essentially agree ; therefore 
they are in affinity with each other. You will further 
remark, that the points of difference between them in 
structure are no greater than what I just now men- 
tioned; so that the points of resemblance are much 
more numerous than the points of difference. 

Having thus given you an idea of the meaning of 
the word affinity as used in Botany, let me resume my 
account of the Gourds, which are in near affinity with 
the Passion-flowers. 

A Cucumber, which is one of the Gourd tribe, has 
a twining, scrambling stem, and raises itself by ten- 


drils ; its leaves have a netted arrangement of the 
veins ; its flowers have a calyx which is like petals in 
colour ; its stamens grow into a central column; its 
ovary has only one cavity, with the seeds attached to 
three lines which pass up its sides; its ripe fruit is 
succulent in the inside; and its seeds have a sweet 
nutty taste. Al this reads as if I were really talking 
of a Passion-flower ; it is these numerous points of 
resemblance, in important points of structure, which 
constitute the affinity between the tribes of the Pas- 
sion-flower and Gourd. In other respects they are 
materially different. 

The Cucumber has very rough leaves; it has no 
petals; its stamens grow in one flower, and its pistil 
in another; the ovary is inferior; and there is no 
trace of the beautiful rays of the Passion-flower. All 
the Gourd tribe participates in these differences, which 
thus become the essential characters of that natural 

The Passion-flowers are all harmless, and the fruit 
of many of them is eaten. Here we have another 
similarity, you will exclaim. Not quite so fast, if 
you please; I would not advise you to adopt that 
idea practically, for if you do you may share the 
fate of the poor sailor, who lately perished, as the 
newspapers tell us, from drinking out of a gourd- 
shell. In some countries there are Gourds with a 
very singular figure ; they resemble a Florence flask, 
such as oil comes home in, and have a hard rind 
filled with soft pulp. Very useful bottles are pre- 
pared from such fruit, by cutting off the end of the 


narrow part which represents the neck of the bottle, 
and then scooping out all the inside; but it is neces- 
sary before using them that all the pulp should be 
removed, and that water should be allowed to stand 
in them, and be changed several times, till all the 
bitterness in which the rind abounds be removed ; 
owing to the purpose to which the fruit is then applied 
the plant itself is called the Bottle-Gourd. 

The bitter matter which is thus removed by wash- 
ing, is not only unpleasant, but actually poisonous, 
as the unfortunate accident I have alluded to suffi- 
ciently proved. You will be surprised to hear that 
it exists universally in the whole of the Gourd tribe, 
even in the Cucumbers and Melons which you have 
so often eaten without being poisoned; the truth is, 
that in these fruits the bitterness is dispersed through 
so large a quantity of pulp, and there is so little of it, 
that we are not sensible of its presence; while in the 
Bottle-Gourd and others, it is so highly concentrated 
as to become dangerous. ‘That it is found even in 
the Cucumber you may easily believe, if you call to 
mind how often that fruit is bitter even when upon 
the dinner table. 

You will therefore recollect that the Passion-flower 
tribe is universally harmless; but that the Gourd 
tribe is so often unwholesome, that the two or three 
instances you know of its fruit being eatable are to 
be considered exceptions to the rule. 

The length of this letter has already so much ex. 
ceeded my intention, that I must bring it to a close 


with a brief account of a little natural order of wild 
flowers, which we may dismiss without giving you 
much more to learn. 

The old herbalists had a plant which they called 
Tutsan( Hypericum); a corruptionof the French Toute- 
sain, which we might translate ‘“ Allheal”; they also 
named it Androsemum, which being translated signi- 
fies “* Mans-blood,” an odd name, which originated in 
the soft fruit staming the fingers red when bruised, 
and in a deep red colour being communicated by the 
leaves to oily or spirituous medicines in which the 
plant was often employed. This and others of a 
similar kind are common in meadows, and_ bogs, 
on heaths, in groves and thickets, and by way-sides, 
which they adorn with their bright yellow flowers. 
The species which I have selected for examination is 
a frequent inhabitant of shrubberies, but not a wild 
plant; it is called “the tall” (H. elatum); if you 
have it not at hand any other will do as well. 

Its leaves have netted veins, are of an oval figure, 
are placed in opposite pairs round the stem, upon 
which they are seated without any stalks. If you 
rub them they emit a strong penetrating disagreeable 
odour ; the cause of which you may discover by 
holding them against the ight. They will be seen to 
be filled with transparent. dots, crowded together and 
so minute that you perhaps may require a magnifying 
glass to discover them. It does not always happen 
that these dots are very small; on the contrary in 
one of our wild species they are so large that the 
leaves look as if bored full of holes, on which ac- 


count the species has acquired the name of “the 

The flowers grow in loose clusters at the tops of 
the shoots; their calyx consists of five sepals which 
are unequal in size, and which overlap each other 
curiously at the edges when the flowers are very 
young. ‘To see this arrangement, cut a young flower- 
bud across, and you will find that the two largest 
sepals are on the outside of all (Plate V. 2. fig. 1**); 
next one of these is a smaller, of which one edge is 
covered by one of the large sepals, and the other lies 
upon the edge of a still smaller one within it; the 
last is matched by a fifth of the same size as itself, 
standing on the opposite side of the flower. 

The petals are five, of a bright yellow, and very 
large for the size of the flower. At the base of the 
petals, and from below the pistil, arises a great number 
of stamens of unequal lengths, with very fine yellow 
filaments, and small roundish anthers; if you take 
hold of a few of these stamens with your fingers and 
pull them, a cluster will separate from the rest (fig. 
3.); and if you will pull the remainder they also will 
come away in four other parcels; so that the stamens 
are really united into five different parcels, although 
till you began to separate them you did not discover 
it to be the fact. This is a curious circumstance 
to which you will find few parallels in other plants. 

The pistil is an oblong body (fig. 4.) terminated by 
three styles, each of which is tipped with a little 
stigma. ‘The inside of the ovary contains three cells, 
in each of which is a multitude of ovules; to speak 

G 2 


84. LETTER V, 

very correctly this pistil is composed of three carpels 
adhering to each other. 

The ripe fruit is just hke the pistil, except that it 
is darker-coloured, larger, and destitute of styles, 
which drop off shortly after the ovules are fertilized ; 
it finally ( fig. '7.) divides into three pieces or valves, 
each of which is one carpel; so that the adhesion 
between the carpels which took place when the flower 
was exceedingly young, does not cease till the fruit 
arrives at a state of dissolution. ‘The seeds are very 
minute, but worth examining for their exceeding 
beauty. ‘They are of an oval form, and up one side 
runs a curious crest (fig. 8.) which gives the seed 
something the appearance of an ancient helmet. 

This plant represents the characters of an order 
called the Zutsan tribe (Hypericacee), into which 
enter few other genera besides that which compre- 
hends our wild flowers. Among them, however, are 
some, found in the tropical parts of America, called 
Vismias, which yield a resinous substance resembling 
gamboge. In fact, something of the same kind may 
be traced in many of the ‘Tutsans themselves. ‘True, 
gamboge is itself the produce of a tree of the 
natural order Guttiferee, to which belongs, among 
others, the Mangosteen tree, which bears the most 
delicious fruit in the world; that natural order has 
an exceedingly strong affinity with the ‘Tutsan tribe. 

I need not recapitulate the characters of the orders 
explained in this letter, as they are so very distinct 
that you may safely be left on this occasion to your 
own ingenuity. In my next letter I shall present you 
with some very interesting subjects. 



I. Tur Passton-FLower Trise.—1. A full-blown flower of the 
Laurel-leaved Passion-flower ; a the involucre, b the sepals, ¢ the 
petals.—2. A column of stamens; athe last ring of the rays.—3. A 
ripe fruit of the Red-stemmed Passion-flower.—4. The same cut 
through, to shew the manner in which the seeds are attached.—5. A 
seed, natural size, with its arillus on.—6. The same, with the arillus 
stripped back.—7. A seed magnified, with the arillus on.—8. The 
samewith the arillus off; shewing the sculptured seed-coat.—9. A seed 
cut through ; the embryo is seen lying in the midst of albumen in 
small quantity.—10. An embryo extracted from the seed, with its 
broad leaf-like cotyledons, and small tapering radicle. (N. B. These 
are copied from drawings by Mr. Ferdinand Bauer.) 

Il. Tae Tursan Tripe.—l1*. A flower-bud of Tall Tutsan, shew- 
ing the calyx.—1**. A view of the manner in which the sepals are 
respectively arranged when the bud isyoung.—2. A full-blown flower. 
—3. One of the five parcels of stamens.—4. A pistil.—5. A fruit three- 
quarters ripe.—6. The same cut through, to shew how the inside is 
arranged.—7. The ripe fruit separating into its constituent carpels; 
which leave behind three pieces of their edge, in the shape of three 
narrow plates, to which the seeds once grew.—8. A seed very highly 
magnified.—9. A section of the same, shewing the two cotyledons, 
and a, the thickness of the crest. 



Ce ean need 

(Plate VI.) 

Wet do I remember the pleasure I used to have, 
when a little fellow just sent to school, in gathering 
cheeses out of the hedges: it was my first step in 
Botany ; and it was not without pride that I found 
myself able to shew my less learned companions how 
to distinguish the plants that bore those delicacies. 
Many years after, when the cares and pleasures of 
life had blotted out all remembrance of the joys of 
childhood, I was passing a few days in Normandy, 
with my friend M. de P., when, one day, his little 
girls came running to me with their hands filled 
with fine plump fromageons ; 1 know not whether it 
was the association of ideas that the well-remem- 
bered word conjured up, or the sweet countenances 
of those dear children, joy painted in their black 
and sparkling eyes, and health in their rosy cheeks— 
but I ate their fromageons with as much delight as 
ever, and fancied them as superior to all the fruits 
of the garden in flavour, as they are in perfect 
symmetry of form. Only compare a vegetable cheese, 
with all that is exquisite in marking, or beautiful in 
arrangement in the works of man, and how poor 




< Pesstest 


WUERoHY Ur ab 

Pap SAF hee 


and contemptible do the latter appear! Not only, 
when seeing it with the naked eye, are we struck 
with admiration at the wondrous perfection and 
skill with which so obscure a point in the creation 
is constructed; but, using our micrcoscope,  sur- 
prise is converted into amazement, when we behold 
fresh beauties constantly revealed, as the magni- 
fying power is increased, till at last, when the 
latter reaches its limit, we find ourselves still re- 
garding a lovely prospect, the horizon of which re- 
cedes as we advance. Nor is it alone externally 
that this mimitable beauty is to be discovered; cut 
the cheese across, and every slice brings to view 
cells and partitions, and seeds, and embryos, ar- 
ranged with an unvarying regularity, which would be 
past belief if we did not know, from experience, how 
far beyond all that the mind can conceive, is the 
symmetry with which the works of nature are con- 

Look, then, who list your gazeful eyes to feede 

With sighte of that is faire, look on the frame 

Of this wide universe, and therein reade 

The endless formes of creatures, which by name 

Thou canst not count; much less their natures aime; 

All which are made with wondrous wise intent, 
And all with admirable beauty blent. 

I perceive, I have been talking of these curious 
productions, as if you were already acquainted with 
them ; while it is quite possible that you are not. In 
that case, step to the road-side, or to the first patch 
of weeds you can meet with, and there you will be sure 


to find what is called a Mallow; we have two very 
common sorts ; one of which has small pink flowers ; 
the other, large striped purple ones ; the latter is one 
of our handsomest wild flowers, and is called * the 
common,” or, the larger Mallow (Malva sylvestris) ; 
it is that you are to take as the subject of your 

This plant (Plate VI. 1.) grows two or even three 
feet high, in places where it is not cropped by cattle. 
It has an erect branching stem, of a very pale 
green, covered all over with longish hairs, which fre- 
quently spring from the surface of the stem in starry 
(or, as we pedantically say, stellate) clusters. ‘The 
leaves are roundish, and divided into about five shal- 
low lobes, the border of which is notched ; their veins 
are netted. Atthe base of the leaf-stalk grows a pair 
of small stipules, resembling scales. 

From the bosom of the leaves spring the flowers 
singly. Below the calyx are placed three small 
bracts, forming an involucre (fig. 3. a.). The calyx 
is composed of five sepals, joined together about 
half-way; it is quite soft, with long delicate hairs. 
Five large rosy-purple striped petals, each of which 
has almost the figure of a wedge, and is notched at 
the end, constitute the corolla, which spreads wide 
open, when its proper time for unfolding arrives ; 
before that time, its petals were curiously twisted 

The stamens are very different from any we have 
yet examined; they consist of a hollow column, 
at its upper end, a great number of anthers, 



each of which has a short filament (fig. 1.), and is of 
a kidney shape, containing only one cell instead of 
two, as is usual. Formerly Botanists were contented 
to call this column, a column, and to inquire no fur- 
ther ; as if they thought it was some new and special 
organ found only in such plants as the Mallow. At 
the present day we are too curious to be thus easily 
contented, and we must have the exact nature of every 
part explained. This column, then, is caused by the 
filaments growing fast together, when they are very 
young, without being able to separate afterwards, 
except just at the top, where they look like filaments. 
Suppose the stamens of the Tutsan were joined toge- 
ther in this way, when young, you would have exactly 
such a column as is constantly produced in the 

The next object of examination is the pistil (fig. 
2.) ; itis formed of several carpels, which grow toge- 
ther in a circle round a common centre, and so form 
a sort of flat plate, from the middle of which the 
styles arise. Like the filaments, the styles also grow 
together at the bottom into a column, but they soon 
separate again, and then you may tell, by counting 
them, that each carpel has its own style, for there is 
exactly as many styles as carpels. 

Last comes our acquaintance the cheese, in the 
shape of the nearly ripe fruit ; we will suppose it to 
be quite ripe (fig. 4.), for the sake of avoiding repeti- 
tion. It consists of a number of dry carpels which 
will separate readily from each other and from the 
central body to which they were originally joined. 


Each carpel (fig.5.) contams one seed, with an 
embryo curiously doubled up and filling the whole of 
the cavity ; hence as the carpels are all of the same 
size, and arranged with the most exact regularity on 
the same level, if a fruit is cut through it will present 
a singularly beautiful arrangement of the parts, which 
look like a vegetable star. In the centre, if the fruit 
is not ripe, is a solid circle from which eleven rays 
branch off at regular distances, each being sub-divided 
into two. Between the rays le eleven embryos, the 
various conyolutions of which, as cut through by the 
knife, exhibit eleven areas of strange patterns. The 
kaleidoscope itself can produce nothing prettier than 
this, except in colour. 

This account is that of all the Mallow tribe in most 
respects; and is quite sufficient to enable you to 
identify it: a power that it is useful to possess because 
the species are all perfectly innocent. The columnar 
stamens themselves suffice in a majority of cases. 

The species yield a large quantity of a ropy transpa- 
rent almost tasteless fluid, in all the green parts; and 
it is for this that the cheeses are sought with so much 
avidity. In India a daily use is made of the cheeses 
of a Malvaceous plant called Ochro, or in some places 
Gobbo (Hibiscus esculentus), the mucilage of which 
is in great request for thickening soups: it is even 
imported in a dry state into England. Marsh Mallow, 
which possesses this mucilaginous quality in a high 
degree, in all its parts, is a favourite material with 
many physicians, especially the French, for poultices. 

We are, however, far from exhausting the properties 


of the Mallow tribe im talking of its mucilage. It has 
many other and far more important good qualities. 
In beauty it yields to no part of the vegetable world ; 
many of the plants called Hibiscus, are trees or shrubs 
or herbs bearing flowers of the largest size, the most 
exquisite proportions and the most striking colours ; 
the common Bladder hetmia for example. One of 
them, conspicuous for the brilliant crimson of its 
flowers (Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis), is a vegetable shoe- 
black ; the petals communicate a black stain to any 
thing they touch, and the Chinese actually black their 
shoes with them. Many varieties of it are common 
in our hot-houses, so that you may try the experiment 
on your own shoes if you like. 

Cordage is also produced by several species, from 
the tough vegetable fibres of their stem. But it is 
the hairy clothing of the seeds of different plants 
belonging to a genus that Botanists call Gossypium, 
which is of such pre-eminent importance as to claim 
for the Mallow tribe a rank in the vegetable kingdom 
second only to Corn. ‘That hairy substance is Cotton, 
which for no conceivable purpose except to yield man 
the means of clothing himself, is formed in prodi- 
gious abundance upon the back of the seeds of the 
Cotton plants, whence it is torn by machinery and 
afterwards cleaned and spun into thread. Faithless 
travellers and credulous readers for a long time 
caused the existence of the Barometz, or Scythian 
Lamb, to be believed in, a creature said to be half 
animal half plant; the Cotton plant has far stronger 
claims to the name of a vegetable sheep. 


The simplicity of its characters and the remarkable 
arrangement of its stamens, render it unnecessary for 
me to dwell longer upon this natural order. 

The next to which I shall direct your attention, is 
that of the Orange, im which I hope to make your 
little pupils take as much interest botanically, as they 
already do in a more practical way. 

Oranges, Shaddocks, Limes, Lemons, Forbidden 
Fruit, and the like, are all produced by plants which 
represent a tribe perfectly distinct from the rest of the 
vegetable kingdom, and which we call the Orange 
tribe. The are all natives of countries warmer than 
this, and principally of the temperate parts of India; 
their fruit is in all cases eatable, although not always 
worth eating; their leaves and flowers all fragrant, 
and they are universally evergreens of beautiful ap- 
pearance. ‘The cells filled with oil, which you find in 
cutting the rind of an orange, are met with in both 
leaves and flowers, to which they often give the 
appearance of being covered with little blisters ; and, 
as usual, it is in them that the sweet odours are 
stored up. 

To understand the structure of this interesting | 
tribe, let us take the common sweet Orange, a plant 
or two of which is kept in every green-house, for the 
sake of the delicious fragrance of the flowers. It has 
leaves with netted veins, and filled with transparent 
spots (fig. 6.); they are always jointed just above 
the footstalk, so that each leaf will readily snap 
asunder in two pieces. The calyx is a little cup 
with five shallow teeth: so complete is the combina- 


tion between the sepals of which it is composed. 
Five white fleshy green-dotted petals are placed 
within the calyx, and within them are ten or twelve 
stamens that arise from under the pistil; these grow 
together, in a way that explains well enough the real 
nature of the column of the Mallow tribe, but that 
is not characteristic of the Orange tribe itself. 

The pistil ( fig. 4.) is a round dark-green part, ter- 
minated by a thick style and stigma: around its 
base is stretched (fig. 6. a.) a ring, out of the outside 
of which the stamens originate. If you cut into the 
ovary, you will find it contains several cells, in each 
of which is a double row of ovules (figs. 5 and 6.). 

Thus far there is nothing but a peculiar combina- 
tion of parts, with all which you are already quite 
familiar. But as soon as the ovary begins to grow 
into a fruit, a great change comes over it: numbers 
of the ovules perish; the thickest part of the rind 
begins to separate from the lining, and finally be- 
comes so loose that, as you know, it is easily peeled off; 
and at the same time a great quantity of little pulpy 
bags jut forwards into the cavity of each cell, be- 
coming more and more watery, more and more acid, 
and then more and more sweet, till at last the whole 
substance of the fruit is a mass of sweet and delicious 
pulp. The nature of these bags cannot be readily 
seen in the Oranges of the shops, but if you examine 
a bad Orange, such as is usually produced in a green- 
house, the structure becomes most obvious. 

Do not, however, suppose that the presence of 
pulpy bags in the midst of the cells of the fruit is an 


essential character of the Orange tribe; on the con- 
trary, it is peculiar to the Orange genus (Citrus) 
only. In all the other genera the fruit is fleshy and 
fragrant, but not pulpy in the inside. 

So few plants related to the Orange are ever likely 
to be met with by you, that I should only fatigue you 
unprofitably in repeating their names. Let us con- 
clude, then, for this time with the essential character 
of the Orange tribe, which, if reduced to its simplest 
form, may be expressed thus :— 

Leaves, flowers, and fruit, filled with transparent 
receptacles of fragrant volatile oil. Leaves jointed, 
once at least, above the footstalk. Stamens few and 
hypogynous. Fruit fleshy. 

To compensate for the length of some of my former 
letters this is unusually short; for which I suspect 
you will be inclined to thank rather than to blame 


1. Tue Mattow Trise.—A sprig of the larger Mallow (Malva 
sylvestris).—1. An anther with the upper part of the filament.—2. A 
pistil, shewing the ovary, column-like base of the styles, and the 
styles themselves—3. A calyx closed over the growing fruit, with 
leaves of the involucre at a.—4. A ripe fruit ready to separate into 
distinct carpels.—5. One of the carpels separated from the rest, and 
seen from its side.—6. The same, split in halves, to shew the em- 
bryo; from the position in which the embryo lies, only one of the 
cotyledons can be seen at a; 6 is the radicle. 

II. Tue Orance Trise.—A twig of the common sweet Orange. 
—1. A flower shewing the calyx, the petals spotted with oil, and the 


tips of the stamens.—2. A stamen, with the anther viewed in front. 
—3. The same from behind.—4. A pistil, with its disk at @ ; at the 
lower edge of the ring or disk are seen the scars caused by the sepa- 
ration of the stamens.—5. A cross section of the ovary, shewing the 
numerous cells and double lines of oyules.—6. A perpendicular sec- 
tion of the same ; even at this young period you may see in the rind 
of the ovary the receptacles in which oil is begmning to secrete; @ 
the disk.—7. A portion of a leaf magnified so as to shew the oil cells. 




(Plate VII.) 


From the earliest period of your familiarity with a 
garden, you must have been acquainted with those 
sweet aromatic flowers called Pinks, Piccotees, and 
Carnations, and you must have admired their beau- 
tiful stripes, and the symmetry with which their 
petals are arranged. It is also not improbable that 
you have some knowledge of a mean weed, called 
Chickweed (Stellaria media), which inhabits every 
neglected corner of your garden; Corn Cockle 
(Agrostemma Githago), Bachelors Buttons (Lychnis 
dioica), tagged Robin, (Lychnis flos Cuculi), and 
many species of Catchfly (Silene) are also pretty 
flowers, that you will easily procure either by hunt- 
ing for them in the fields, or by inquiry after them 
in gardens. 

All these agree with each other in a number of cha- 
racters which are so remarkable as to divide them 
from all other plants, and to cause them to be esta- 
blished as a distinct natural order called the Chich- 


Ahe Ohichweedl: LS Ce. 

| Me Suistane & . 
DY kn 4 | 


Large flowered Ge GE SOD 





weed tribe ; which is composed for the chief part of 
plants of little interest or beauty, among which there 
is not a single species with unwholesome properties. 
Uninteresting as many of them are, they are so com- 
mon that every one who pretends to botanical know- 
ledge must learn how to recognize them, even if it 
were not for the sake of the few kinds, which, like the 
Pink, are our familiar acquaintances. 

To understand the structure of the Chickweed 
tribe, I shall not ask you to take the Chickweed 
itself, because it is a plant with very small flowers ; 
let us rather seek some species in which all the parts 
can be easily seen ; as a Pink for instance. Here isa 
pretty species, the glaucous Pink (Dianthus glaucus) of 
Scotland; if you have it not in your garden, any 
other will do as well, provided it is not double. 

This little herb is called glaucous, from a Latin 
word signifying blueish-grey, because its leaves, like 
those of many other pinks, have such a colour in a 
remarkable degree. Its stems are very much swoln 
at the joints, where the leaves are set on. ‘The leaves 
are exceedingly narrow, undivided, and rather rough 
at their edge; they have only one single vein which 
runs through them from one end to the other. How 
then are we to ascertain whether this plant is Exo- 
genous or not? for there is nothing here to shew 
whether the veins have a netted structure; there is 
apparently only one vein to examine. I must con- 
fess this looks very like a difficulty; and I dare say 
you will now suppose that the time has come when 
you must have recourse to patience and a microscope, 



to learn whether there are two cotyledons in the 
embryo or only one (see page 13); believe me, how- 
ever, we have not yet arrived at so disheartening a 
point. ‘There are in fact many ways of shewing you 
how to determine whether this is an Exogenous plant 
or not, without counting the seed-leaves. ‘That 
which I select is one of the easiest to understand; 
but I must first mention a few matters that I have 
not hitherto touched upon. 

You are no doubt acquainted with some of the idle 
tales that are told by the ancient poets, of people 
being changed into trees, or animals, or rocks; one 
young lady for example, not only cried her eyes out, 
but was altogether changed into a running stream, 
and another was transformed into a spider, be- 
cause she dared to emulate the goddess of wisdom in 
tent-stitch ; these occurrences they called Metamor- 
phoses, a name which Botanists have borrowed for 
something of a similar nature which really does hap- 
pen in plants. Hitherto ‘I have always spoken of the 
different parts of the flower as so many totally distinct 
organs, and it is undoubtedly true that the petals, 
stamens, and pistil have very different offices to per- 
form. But, at the same time, it seems equally certain 
that all those, and several other parts, are in a very 
great degree constructed like leaves; that at a very 
early period, when they were first formed, they were 
absolutely the same as leaves of the same age; that it 
is only after they have been growing for some time 
that they begin to assume the characters under which 
they finally appear; and that consequently they are 


very often found resuming the appearance of common 
leaves if any thing occurs to interfere with their in- 
tended structure before it is entirely fixed. “Thus we 
find leaves in the place of petals, or as they say petals 
metamorphosed into leaves, in some kinds of double 
Tulips; sepals and pistils often changed to leaves in 
double Roses ; all the parts of the flower turned into 
leaves in other plants; and a multitude of similar 
cases with which the Botanist is acquamted. You 
will find all this so fully demonstrated in my Intro- 
duction to Botany, Book vi., or in other works of a 
like nature, that there is no doubt of the fact; and the 
doctrine is now the foundation of modern views of 
the real structure of flowers and fruit. It is not my 
plan to enter into such questions in these letters, but 
I could not avoid calling your attention to the cir- 

Now mark the practical application of this know- 
ledge. If the parts of the flower are only leaves 
in a particular state, any of those parts in which 
veins can be discovered will serve to shew the ar- 
rangement of the veins as well as the true leaves 
themselves. In the Pink the petals are fully ex- 
panded, and full of veins; they are therefore fitting 
objects to examine; and their structure will tell us 
whether the Pink is Exogenous or not. You will 
find them distinctly netted, and thus that question is 
set at rest. 

This then, which is an Exogenous plant, has oppo- 
site undivided leaves seated on the swoln joints of the 
stem. The calyx consists of a tube composed of five 


sepals jomed together and separated only near the 
points. Five petals arise from within them, each of 
which has a stalk and a blade; the stalks, or claws 
as they are called (ungues), are very narrow, and 
stand side by side within the calyx; the blades are 
much expanded, and irregularly lacerated at the 

Stamens there are ten, rising from beneath the 
ovary, out of a short stalk (Plate VII. 1. fig. 2. a.). 
The ovary is superior, and contains but one cell, in 
the centre of which is a slender receptacle (fig. 3. a.), 
covered with a great many ovules. The styles are 
two, each terminating insensibly in very narrow 
fringed stigmas. 

The fruit becomes a dry case or capsule, opening at 
the point with four teeth or valves (fig. 4.). The 
structure of the seed is variable, and not important 
for our present purpose. 

Such is the character of the Pink, and such to a 
great extent is that of the tribe it represents. It may 
be said to consist in these marks. Stems swoln at 
the joints ; leaves opposite and undivided ; stamens few 
and hypogynous ; ovary with many styles, one cell, and 
a central receptacle covered with ovules. Nothing 
like this has been previously shewn to you. The 
genera are very uniform in their structure, and 
are distinguished by marks that every one may ob- 
serve. Two divisions are formed, one of which has 
the sepals united into a tube, the other has them all 

In the first division is found the Pik, which is 


known by the bracts at the base of its calyx (fig. 4. 
a.); and some others, of which the following are the 
most remarkable ; Silene or Catchfly which has three 
styles and a crest at the top of the stalk of each petal ; 
it derives its English name from its often secreting a 
viscid matter in which flies are caught; the Cockle 
(Agrostemma) which has five styles and undivided 
petals; Lychnis, to which the Ragged Robin (L. flos 
Cuculi), and Batchelors Buttons (LL. dioica) belong ; 
to say nothing of the splendid Chalcedonian Lychnis of 
the gardens, which has five styles and divided petals. 

To the second division we refer Chichweed (Stellaria), 
which has three styles and two-lobed petals, Sandwort 
(Arenaria), which has three styles and undivided 
petals, and Mouse-ear Chickweed (Cerastium), which 
has five styles and a curiously shaped taper seed- 
case with ten teeth. 

So little interest attaches to these plants that I leave 
them here, and proceed to notice another order 
which resembles them in many respects ; and which 
is upon the whole more beautiful. 

Imagine you have a Chickweed with two sepals and 
one style, all the other points of structure in the flower 
remaining the same; and you will have an order 
that, while it seems to resemble the Chickweed tribe 
so much as to be almost identical with it, neverthe- 
less differs in several important particulars in the 
manner of growth. Not only are the leaves alter- 
nate instead of opposite, and the stem destitute of 
swellings at the joints, but there is a constant dis- 
position on the part of the stems and leaves to become 

, £F £ 


fleshy, or as it is usually called succulent. Plants 
thus constructed belong to the Purslane tribe, so called 
because the now-forgotten Purslane, which was once 
in much esteem as a salad, belong to it. They are 
often remarkably beautiful on account of their bright 
red or yellow flowers; are always harmless and 
wholesome in their properties; but are sometimes, 
when the petals are small, mean-looking herbs. 

You cannot take a better specimen of the Purslane 
tribe than the large-flowered Calandrima (Plate VII. 
2.), a Chilian plant that is now a good deal culti- 
vated. Its soft and succulent stems and leaves are 
exceedingly dissimilar to those parts in the Chick- 
weed tribe. The calyx is formed of two leaves (figs. 1. 
and 4..); there are five petals which pay their homage 
to the sun by unfolding their crimson drapery 
beneath his earliest beams, and rolling up again as 
soon as the light of his countenance is withdrawn. 
A considerable number of stamens succeed the 
petals ; and in the centre is an ovary with one cell 
and a central receptacle covered with ovules; it is 
surmounted with a style which ends in a broad hairy 
lobed stigma. The fruit when ripe splits into four 
valves (fig. 4.) ; which allow the escape of a number 
of black seeds (figs. 5. and 6.), altogether resem- 
bling in their internal structure the seeds of most of 
the Chickweed tribe. 

The obscure little Water Chickweed (Montia fon- 
tana); aneat looking American genus of hardy plants 
called Claytonia; the Purslanes themselves (Portulaca), 
many of which are very handsome ; and the Chilian 



Calandrinia are the most common representatives of 
the order. 

While the principal part of the plants belonging to 
the Chickweed tribe is found in meadows, or shady 
spots, or in situations and climates where they are 
abundantly supplied with moisture, the Purslane tribe, 
on the contrary, chiefly rejoices in hot dry exposed 
places, where they will flourish at a time when every 
thing else has fallen a victim to drought and heat. 
They owe this power to the peculiar nature of their 
stems and leaves; which, as I have already men- 
tioned, are succulent. They require, in consequence, 
a peculiar mode of cultivation, which I will now ex- 
plain to you. 

When I gave you in my first letter a brief account 
of the minute and beautiful arrangements by which 
leaves are able to perform their vital actions, I omit- 
ted to say anything about their breathing-pores or 
stoMATA. ‘The time has now come when I must tell 
you what they are. 

All leaves are covered by an exceedingly thin and 
delicate skin, which you may often peel off. If you 
put a small piece of this in water, and look at it with 
a microscope against the light, you will remark a 
number of very small roundish or oval spaces, through 
the middle of which a line passes. Andif you have 
patience enough to look at a great many of them, 
you will in time perceive some of them opening a sort 
of mouth at the place where the line is. ‘These are 
what are called breathing-pores; they are organs by 
which the leaves inhale and exhale air, or vapour 


suspended in air. In some leaves they are extremely 
large and numerous, and such leaves perspire through 
the breathing-pores in very great quantity, as the 
Vine ; in others they are so small or so few, as to ad- 
mit of scarcely any perspiration, as in the Purslane, 
and in succulent plants in general. It is thought, 
indeed, that the character of succulence is owing 
to leaves being unable to get rid of the water ab- 
sorbed by the roots, and so becoming, as it were, 

Attention to this difference in the power of per- 
spiring in different plants is one of the keys to a 
knowledge of the right method of cultivating them 
and it has been applied for years to succulent plants, 
by keeping them in what is called a dry stove ; that is 
to say in a hot-house, the air of which is kept dry by 
refraining from watering the floors or earthen pots in 
winter. Succulent plants are, when in a state of 
rapid growth, so imperfectly supplied with the means 
of perspiring, that they require all the assistance 
which can be obtained from a dry atmosphere, to be 
able to part, by the leaves, with the water that is im- 
pelled into them through their roots; and conse- 
quently, if ever, in a rapidly growing state, they are 
kept in a damp atmosphere, they become dropsical 
and unhealthy, or soon decay. But in the winter, 7 
the little power of perspiration which they possessed 
in the full vigour of their summer growth is very 
much diminished, and is in fact reduced to almost 
nothing. Their roots will nevertheless go on absorb- 
ing moisture from the soil as long as the soil contains 


any, and this, if the moisture is in much quantity, is 
certain to produce decay and death, because the excess 
of water, which cannot be afterwards parted with 
by the leaves, becomes putrid. Such being the case, 
it is found necessary to deprive succulent plants of all 
water at their roots in winter, and to leave them for 
support to the vapour which always will exist in the 
air at that season in a climate like that of England. 

It is for these reasons that succulent plants succeed 
so much better than others in sitting-rooms. In such 
situations, plants are killed by want of light, and 
want of moisture in the air; for the air of all sitting- 
rooms is necessarily very dry. But succulent plants 
apparently require less light than most other plants, 
and are certainly benefited rather than injured by a 
dry atmosphere. I should therefore advise you, if 
you are anxious to have a garden in your sitting 
apartment, to fill it with succulent plants, to the ex- 
clusion of all others. 

The Purslane tribe is far from being the only one 
in which succulent species are found; they might 
exist In any, and in fact do ina great many natural 
orders, the majority of whose species are not succu- 
lent ; some orders, however, abound in them more 
than others, as for example, the Houseleeks (Crassula- 
cee), the Torch-thistles (Cactacee), the Asclepiadacee, 
the Huphorbias (Euphorbiacee), and the Asphodels 
( Asphodelee). 

But it is time that an end were put to this letter, 
especially as the next must, I fear, be a very long 



I. Toe Cuickweep TriBe.—A piece of the Glaucous Pink.—1. 
A petal apart; on its stalk is a curious double raised plate.—2. The 
stamens and two stigmas, as seen when the calyx and corolla are cut 
off; a is the stalk of the ovary.—3. A perpendicular section of an 
ovary, shewing the central receptacle, a, on which the ovules grow. 
—4, The ripe fruit invested with its calyx, and having the bracts @ 
at the base.—5. A seed.—6. The same divided perpendicularly, so 
as to shew the embryo.—7. An embryo taken out of the seed.—A. 
a seed of another plant, Batchelors Buttons (Lychnis dioica), cut 
through perpendicularly, and shewing the curved embryo; a albumen. 

Il. Toe Purstane Trise.—A leaf and a portion of a flower- 
branch of Large-flowered Calandrinia.—1. A flower-bud, with the 
sepals, and the corolla peeping through it.—2. The stamens and 
pistil—3. A perpendicular section of the ovary, shewing the central 
receptacle on which the ovules grow.—4. A fruit beginning to open, 
with the two sepals by which it is protected.—5. A seed, with a 
portion of its stalk.—6. The same cut through, to shew the embryo 
and the albumen, a. 

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(Plate VIII.) 



You, perhaps, remember, when you were begin- 
ning to study Botany, how you fell into the error of 
supposing that the Strawberry belongs to the Crow- 
foot tribe, and that I then explained to you the cause 
of your mistake. In this letter I propose to take the 
Strawberry, for the purpose of illustrating the natu- 
ral order to which it belongs, which we call the Lose 
tribe, because the Rose is one of the genera com- 
prehended in it. I am sure, that the mere mention 
of this favourite plant, will ensure your attention to 
the history of its relations. 

The Strawberry (Fragaria) is a herb with three- 
parted leaves, and a pair of large membranous sti- 
pules at their base (Plate VIII. I. 1. a.). The 
veins of the leaves are netted. When the Straw- 
berry plant is about to multiply itself, it puts forth 
naked shoots of two sorts: one of them is prostrate 
on the ground, and ends in a tuft of leaves, which 
root into the soil, thus forming a new plant; or, as it. 


is technically called, a runner; the other kind of 
shoot grows nearly erect, and bears, at its end, a 
tuft of flowers, which afterwards become fruit ; or at 
least what is commonly called so. 

The calyx of the Strawberry is a flat green hairy 
part, having ten divisions ; it is, therefore, caused by 
the union of ten sepals, five of which are on the out- 
side of the others, and smaller. As you become 
more and more acquainted with Botany, you will find 
that it is an extremely common thing for the parts of 
the flower to consist each of several rows. ‘This is the 
first time I have mentioned it, and it is the first time 
it has occurred in the calyx; but you have already 
seen it in the rays of the Passion-flower, in both the 
stamens and carpels of Crowfoots, and in the stamens 
of many of the other orders we have passed by. 

The corolla consists of five petals. 

The stamens are very numerous, and are placed in 
a crowded ring round the pistil, as in the Crowfoot ; 
but, you will observe, that they grow out of the side 
of the calyx (fig. 2.), and not from beneath the 

The pistil of a Strawberry is very much lke that 
of a Crowfoot: it consists of a number of carpels, 
arranged in many rows, and with great order, upon a 
central receptacle ; each carpel has a style, which 
arises from below its point (fig. 5.), and terminates 
in a slightly-lobed stigma. In the inside of the ovary . 
is one single ovule. With the flower, the resem- 
blance between the Crowfoot and the Strawberry 



You will almost wonder, now that you know how 
the young flower of a Strawberry is constructed, how 
so singular a fruit is to be formed out of such mate- 
rials; especially if you should have chanced to meet 
with the ingenious explanation given of it by some Bo- 
tanist, whose name I forget, that it is a berry with its 
seeds on its outside. Many and strange are often the 
changes that take place in the organization of a pistil 
in the course of its transformation into a fruit: and 
they are highly curious in this case. If you would 
really understand them, you should watch the Straw- 
berry in the progress of its growth. You would then 
see that the first occurrence after the petals have fal- 
len off, and the calyx closed on the tender fruit, con- 
sists in the receptacle of the carpels beginning to 
swell; and, shortly after, in the carpels themselves 
gaining a greater size and a more shining appear- 
ance; while, at the same time, their styles begin to 
shrivel up. At a more advanced stage, the carpels 
are found but little augmented in size, while the re- 
ceptacle has increased so very much in dimensions, 
that the carpels are beginning to be separated by it, 
and the surface of the receptacle can be distinctly 
seen between them. A little older, and the carpels 
seem scattered, in an irregular manner, over the sur- 
face of the receptacle, which has become soft and 
juicy, while they have remained almost stationary in 
size. All along, the swelling receptacle has been 
pushing the calyx aside, as being no longer of use 
to it; and, at last, you scarcely remark the calyx, 
in consequence of the much greater size of the re- 


ceptacle. This part finally gains a crimson colour, 
swells more and more rapidly, acquires sweetness and 
softness, and at last is the delicious fruit you are so 
well acquainted with:—in that, its final state, the 
carpels are scattered over its surface in the form of 
minute grains, looking like seeds, for which they are 
usually mistaken. You, however, know better than 
to fall into this common error; for you have seen, 
that, at first, they had each a style and stigma, which 
seeds never have ; and you can now, by cutting them 
open (fig. 8.) detect the seed (fig. 9.) lying in the 
inside of the shell of the carpel. The Strawberry is, 
therefore, not exactly a fruit; but is merely a fleshy 
receptacle bearing fruit; the true fruit being the ripe 

Cinquefoils (Potentilla), are little herbs, usually 
with pretty yellow flowers, found growing on banks 
and on commons, among the short grass; one of them 
is called Silver-weed (P. anscrina), on account of the 
white, and almost metallic, appearance of the under- 
side of its leaves. They are so like the Strawberry in 
flower, that there is no Botanist who could tell you 
how to distinguish them in that state. But they do 
not bear Strawberries ; that is to say, after their fower 
is withered, the receptacle does not become soft and 
pulpy; but it always remains hard and dry, and is 
completely hidden by the carpels. ‘This plant, then, 
must be very nearly related to the Strawberry. 

The Raspberry and Bramble (Rubus), also claim 
kindred with the Strawberry, because of their like- 
ness to it. They are shrubby plants, having their 


stems covered with hard hooked prickles ; in this re- 
spect they differ from the Strawberry. Their leaves 
are divided, in various ways, according to their 
kinds, and have large stipules at the bottom of their 
stalks; here they agree with it. Their calyx has 
only five divisions instead of ten; which is a diffe- 
rence; but their petals are five; the stamens nume- 
rous, and arising out of the side of the calyx; and 
their pistil composed of a number of carpels arising 
out of a central receptacle ; these, again, are resem- 
blances with the Strawberry in important points. 
Let us examine the fruit. The Raspberry has a dry 
core, off which you may pull the little thimble-like 
fruit, and you will not find any of the dry grains which 
stick upon the outside of the Strawberry. But, look 
again; what are the little dry threads that you see 
rising from the centre of a multitude of little projec- 
tions with which the whole surface of the Raspberry 
is covered? Surely they are styles; and, if so, the 
projections out of which they grow, must be carpels 
in aripe state. ‘This is really the case; the carpels 
of the Raspberry, instead of remaining dry as they 
become ripe, swell and acquire a soft pulpy coat, 
which, in time, becomes red: they are crowded so 
closely, that, by degrees, they press upon each other, 
and, at last, all grow together into the thimble-shaped 
part which you eat; in order to gain this succulent 
state, they are forced to rob the receptacle of all its 
juice, and, in the end, separate from it, so that when 
you gather the Raspberry, you throw away the re- 
ceptacle under the name of core, never suspecting 


that it is the very part you had just before been feast- 
ing upon in the Strawberry. In the one case, the 
receptacle robs the carpels of all their juice, in order 
to become gorged and bloated at their expense ; in the 
other case, the carpels act in the same selfish manner 
upon the receptacle. 

Another plant very like Cinquefoil is Avens (Geum), 
one species of which, called the Herb Bennet (G. 
urbanum), is common enough in hedge-rows. It 
grows a foot or two high, and has the leaves upon the 
stem in three lobes, while those at the bottom of it 
are in many divisions. ‘The flower of this plant is so 
extremely like that of Cinquefoil, that you could not 
distinguish the two. But its fruit is a sort of bur, 
composed of innumerable stiff bristles, which all 
spring from one common centre, and are terminated 
by hooks at the point. The bristles are the styles 
which, like those of the Geranium, have grown stiff 
and long; and the hooks are the hardened points of 
them where they have curved back, and separated 
from an upper portion which drops off. The central 
part is a mass of carpels, the receptacle of which is 
hard and dry. 

A beautiful mountain plant, frequently met with in 
the Alps of Europe, called Mountain Avens (Sieversia 
montana), and often seen in gardens, where it is cul- 
tivated for its large yellow flowers, and its diminu- 
tive stems covered with large deeply-lobed leaves, 
offers a further imstance of the changes which the 
fruit of the Rose tribe undergoes between youth and 
old age. When the fruit of Mountain Avens is ripe, 


it looks like a silken plume springing out of the cup 
of the calyx, and as it waves about in the wind one 
may almost fancy it a tuft of feathers accidentally 
fastened to the flower-stalk. A botanical examina- 
tion dispels the illusion, and shews that the appear- 
ance is caused by the carpels having preserved their 
styles, which become very long and are covered all 
over with loose silky hair, which has grown since 
they were young. A similar phenomenon occurs in 
the Virgin’s bower (Clematis), and in the Pasque flower 
(Anemone); but the most remarkable instance of the 
production of hairs so as to change the whole ap- 
pearance of a part, is met with in the Venetian Sumach 
(Rhus Cotinus), which the French call Arbre a per- 
ruque or the Wig Tree. You have perhaps seen this 
plant, which is by no means uncommon in shrubbe- 
ries, ‘shaking its hoary locks” at you as the breeze 
waved the branches, and set the wigs in motion, in 
the midst of a crowd of blood-stained leaves; if you 
have not, I would advise you to seek for it in the 
autumn, at which season only it wears its wig ; in the 
spring and summer it does not want it and will not put 
iton. The explanation of its strange appearance I 
cannot give better than in the words of Professor De 
Candolle. ‘The panicle (that is the cluster of 
flowers) of Rhus Cotinus is almost entirely smooth at 
the flowering season ; after that period all the flower- 
stalks which bear fruit, continue to remain smooth 
or scarcely downy; but, on the contrary, on those 
whose fruit is not formed, and they constitute the 
greatest number, there appears a great quantity of 


scattered hairs, which give them a shaggy aspect, on 
which account gardeners have named the plant the 
Wig Tree ; it is probable that this excessive production 
of hairs is caused by the sap, which was destined to 
nourish the fruit, not having any employment in those 
stalks the fruit of which is not formed, and expending 
itself in the production of this extraordinary quantity 
of hair.” 

The genera hitherto mentioned are upon the whole 
better adapted to give a student a correct notion 
of the character of the Rose tribe, than the Rose 
itself. It is now necessary that we should examine 
this charming flower, in the construction of which 
you will find as much to admire as in its external 
attractions. ‘The leaves and stems of Roses are 
sufficiently like those of the Bramble, to render it 
unnecessary for me to insist upon any peculiarities 
in those parts. In the flower much seems to differ, 
although in reality but little essential difference 
exists between Roses and other Rosaceous plants. It 
has a calyx of five divisions, some of which are very 
like small leaves. ‘To these succeed five petals; and 
within the latter is a great number of stamens, which 
grow from the side of the calyx. You will not at 
first sight perceive any pistils: in the centre, indeed, 
is a tuft of stigmas, but no ovaries are visible; upon 
further search, however, you may discover, espe- 
cially if you press the flower forcibly between the 
finger and thumb, that the styles project through the 
neck of an oblong green body, which being below 
and on the outside of the calyx, looks like an inferior 


ovary. If you split the flower perpendicularly, you 
will then perceive that this body, that looks like an 
inferior ovary, is in reality the tube of the calyx, 
which is contracted at the place where the stamens 
originate, into a narrow orifice, through which the 
tops of the styles protrude; and that the ovaries are 
included within that tube, forming as usual the bot- 
tom of the styles. Perhaps you will gain a clearer 
notion of this if you suppose that part of the tube of 
the calyx of the Strawberry, which is included 
between the letters 6 and ¢ in the accompanying 
figure (fig. 2.) to be lengthened very much, while 
all the other parts retain their size and position; in 
that case the carpels, with their receptacle, might 
become much shorter than the tube of the calyx, 
instead of being longer, and if the latter were con- 
tracted at its mouth, no part of the carpels would be 
visible except the tops of the styles and the stigmas. 
The ripe fruit, or hep of the Rose, is nothing more 
than the same tube of the calyx turned red and 
fleshy, the sepals, and petals, and stamens having 
dropped off; in its inside will be found the carpels 
changed to bony grains, covered with coarse stiff 
hairs. : 

Thus are constructed those plants which most 
exactly belong to the Rose tribe. ‘They are all 
harmless, and when they are sufficiently agreeable to 
the palate, eatable ; very often, however, their juice 
is so very austere and astringent that no use can be 
made of them except in medicine. ‘They have some- 

times been employed in domestic medicine, especially 


Herb Bennet, the roots of which have been found by: 
some physicians as valuable in the cure of fevers as 
the Jesuit’s bark itself. 

Very nearly allied to the Rose tribe are two other 
sets of plants, which by some are reckoned mere 
subdivisions of it, though by others they have been 
considered distinct natural orders. We need not 
trouble ourselves with that imquiry; I dare say you 
will prefer to know what they are, and how they are 

The first of these is the Apple tribe, to which belong 
all those plants which agree with the Rose tribe m 
every thing but the carpels being distinct and supe- 
rior ; in lieu of which they have the carpels united 
and adhering to the tube of the calyx. Take an 
Apple tree in flower, as an example of this. It is a 
plant with leaves having netted veins, and stipules 
at their base. ‘The calyx has five divisions, the 
petals are five, and there is a great many stamens 
growing out of the sides of the calyx. In the centre 
you will find five styles; but their ovaries, instead of 
being merely enclosed within the tube of the calyx, 
adhere and form one body with it. It is this cireum- 
stance that gives rise to all the difference that you 
find in the fruit itself. An apple is a large fleshy 
body having at one end what is called an eye ; which 
is in reality the remains of the calyx surrounding the 
withered stamens. ‘The principal part of the flesh is 
the tube of the calyx, but the central part is the 
carpels, also grown fleshy, and at this period undis- 
tinguishable from the calyx itself; that their number 


was five is shewn by the five cavities in the centre of 
the fruit, each of which contains one or two seeds. 
Now it is obvious, if this description be carefully con- 
sidered, that the fruit is the only thing by which the 
Apple is known from a Rosaceous plant. ‘The same 
kind of structure is found in the Pear, and the 
Quince, and the Mountain Ash. In the Medlar and 
the Hawthorn it seems as if the fruit contained two 
or three stones instead of the open cavities of the 
Apple; but in reality the only peculiarity in those 
fruits consists in the lining of their cavities being 
bony instead of thin and papery, as you may easily 
satisfy yourself by looking at their flowers. All the 
plants of this tribe are as harmless as the genuine 
species of the Rose tribe itself. 

The other group to which I have referred is the 
Almond tribe. ‘This is less different in structure 
than the Apple tribe, but more dissimilar in sensible 
properties. It consists of species which have all the 
essential parts of structure of a common Rosaceous 
plant, but which bear fruit like that of a Plum. The 
Plum-tree itself, for example, has leaves with netted 
veins and stipules at their base; a calyx of five 
parts; five petals; and a great number of stamens 
arising out of the sides of the calyx. But in room of 
many carpels, there is only one, and that one changes 
to a fleshy body, containing one single seed, enclosed 
ina hard stone. The hard stone is the lining of the 
cell of the carpel, separated from the fleshy rind 
that is on the outside. This kind of fruit is called 
a Drupre. What is found in the Plum exists 


equally, and but little modified, in the Apricot, Peach, 
Nectarine, Almond, and Cherry, all which are species 
of the Almond tribe. They would not perhaps be 
separated by Botanists into a distinct natural order, 
upon so slight a character, as the fruit being a Drupe, 
if that circumstance were not accompanied by a differ- 
ence in the qualities of such plants. Instead of being 
perfectly wholesome, they are in many cases highly 
poisonous, as the Common Laurel (Prunus Laurocera- 
sus), the leaves of which yield the dangerous infusion 
called laurel-water. This is owing to their yielding 
a volatile principle called Prussic acid, which in its 
concentrated state is one of the most dangerous of 
poisons. It is it which gives the well known flavour 
to Almonds, Ratafia, and the liqueurs called Ma- 
raschino, Kirschenwasser, and Mandel amara, and 
which is so often employed to mix with creams. Do 
not however suppose, that on this account there is any 
real danger in eating the fruit of Cherries, Plums, 
Peaches, and the like; in those fruits the prussic 
acid exists in such very minute quantity, as to be in- 
capable of producing any deleterious effects. Nature 
has provided amply against the ill effects of such an 
insidious enemy, by rendering its presence instantly 
perceptible by an intensity of flavourthat cannot be mis- 
taken. Thereare those, indeed, who have condemned 
the whole tribe for the qualities of a few, and who have 
gone so far as to assert, that the dried leaves of the 
common Sloe were poisonous. It is not probable that 
the green leaves of that plant would produce any 
seriously bad effect ; and it is certain that when dried 


they would lose what little poison they may have pos- 
sessed when green, because the prussic acid principle 
is so volatile as to be immediately dispersed by the 
mere exposure of the leaves to heat. 

Plants of the Almond tribe have also this peculiarity 
in which they differ from the Roses; their bark yields 
gum; as you may see by the cracked branches of dis- 
eased Cherry and Peach trees. Like the Roses them- 
selves, they have also a great deal of astringency ; and 
their bark has been used in the cure of agues and 
fevers with considerable success. 

If you analyze the characters of these three orders, 
you will find that their differences may be expressed 
thus :— 
many Carpels.—The Rose Tribe. 
one Carpel.—The Almond Tribe. 

Ovary inferior - : : The Apple Tribe. 

The woody species of these three natural orders are 

Ovary superior . ; 

objects of such universal cultivation, Roses for their 
odour and beauty, Peaches, Apples, &c. for their 
utility as fruit-trees, that I cannot do better than 
explain to you the principles upon which the opera- 
tions of budding and grafting, by which they are 
propagated, are conducted. If you do not care for 
multiplying Apples and Pears, I dare say you would 
at least be amused in making one kind of Rose 
grow upon another, and in converting the wild Briars 
of the neighbouring hedges into objects of greater 

The gardener’s operations of budding and grafting, 
depend for success upon the fact, that a portion of 


one tree will grow upon another if skilfully applied to 
it. There are those who have believed that a piece 
of one plant would grow upon any other; and that 
Roses might be budded upon Black Currant bushes 
or Pomegranates; this, however, is untrue. It is 
a certain fact, that one tree will grow upon another 
only when the two are very closely allied in structure. 
Thus a Pear will grow upon a Medlar or a Mountain 
Ash, but not so well as on some other Pear; a Rose 
will grow upon any other Rose, but not upon an 
Apple. This is a fundamental rule. 

In the next place, the stems of all plants consist of 
buds, and of the part that bears them; the latter has 
no power of growing without the former, but the for- 
mer can grow without the latter. or example, if I 
plant a portion of a stem deprived of its buds, it will 
die, notwithstanding all the care I can take to pre- 
serve it; but if I take the bud of a plant without 
any stem, and place it in earth, it will grow, if due 
precautions are employed; this shews, that the pro- 
perty of increasing a plant resides in the buds ex- 
clusively. It is not, however, necessary to separate 
the bud from the stem; on the contrary, the two 
taken together are frequently employed, when they 
are called cuttings; if the bud alone is employed, it 
retains its own name. ‘These are the next points to 
attend to. 

Thirdly, both cuttings and buds will grow in other 
media than earth, as for instance, in water, or damp 
moss, or in any material which is capable of furnish- 
ing them with a constant supply of moisture and 


food. Nothing is more proper to furnish this than 
the stem of a tree in which the sap is in motion ;_ be- 
cause sap is moist, and at the same time, is the food 
of plants ready prepared for them to consume it. 

Hence, if a cutting, or a bud be carefully planted 
in the stem of a tree, they will grow; their roots will 
be insinuated beneath the bark, and form new wood, 
and so strong an adhesion will take place between 
them, that no force can afterwards separate them. 

Thus, if you would bud one plant upon another, 
the plan is this; it must be done when the sap is most 
in motion, and when the bark can be easily divided 
from the wood; you then cut a narrow slice off the 
branch which you wish to increase, taking care that it 
has a well-formed bud upon it; with a smart jerk, the 
small quantity of wood that adheres to the slice may 
be taken off, leaving nothing but the bud attached to 
the bark. Then, with a sharp knife, an incision must 
be made lengthwise through the bark of the plant in 
which your bud is to grow, and at the upper end of 
that incision, a transverse cut, so that the two will 
together form the letter T. The bark is next to be 
lifted up on each side of the longitudinal incision, and 
the bud, with its adhering bark, is to be slipped in. 
If the whole is then bound up with worsted or matting, 
a union will take place between the bud and the 
branch into which it is inserted, and a new plant will 
be created. 

If you would graft one plant on another, you must 
follow a different plan ; for grafting is effected with 
cuttings, and cuttings cannot be so conveniently slipped 


beneath bark, except at one end. ‘There are many ways 
of performing the operation of grafiing, one of which 
is the following :—You cut off the upper end of the 
branch on which you wish to insert a cutting; and 
you then pare the end of the branch flat, equally on 
both sides, till it resembles a long wedge. ‘This done, 
you slit the lower end of the cutting, and pare away 
its wood to two flat faces, which correspond with the 
faces of the branch on which it is to be made to grow, 
You are then to fit the cutting accurately to the 
branch, taking care that the bark of both touches 
exactly, and if they are bound together with worsted 
or matting, as before, the operation is completed. As 
however by this method the cutting is less readily 
supplied with sap than in the case of buds inserted 
beneath the bark, it might perish before any union 
between itself and the branch could take place; to 
prevent this, it is usual to surround it with a thick 
coating of clay, which adheres to the surface of both 
‘branch and cutting, prevents evaporation, and also 
keeps the two more firmly applied to each other. 

These are the simple means by which such impor- 
tant operations as the multiplication of rare and valu- 
able plants, by making pieces of them grow upon those 
which are worthless, are performed. If we possessed 
no such power, it would be almost useless to occupy 
ourselves with improving the quality of fruit trees, 
for we should be unable to perpetuate them. 

Here I would recommend you to pause for the pre- 
sent ; and when what relates to the Rose ‘Tribe is fully 


mastered, to proceed to the second half of this long 

There is, perhaps, no natural order which is more 
easily recognized than the Pea tribe, nor one in which 
greater interest is usually taken; it is so rich in 
plants useful for food, as the Pea, Bean, &c. or for 
forage, as Clover and Lucerne ; or dyes, as Indigo and 
Logwood ; or timber, as Brazilwood, Rosewood, and 
the American Locust Trees ; or medicine, as the Senna 
plant; or gums, as the Arabian Acacia; and attrac- 
tive for their beauty, as Lobinias, Laburnums, Bladder 
Sennas,and the noble tropical species of Butea, Jonesia, 
and Bauhinia, that it would be difficult to point out 
any group of plants in which there is more to instruct 
and delight the student. 

The Pea tribe is so vast that the last enumeration 
of the species by Professor De Candolle, occupies 
between four and five hundred closely printed octavo 
pages. It will, therefore, be impossible for me to do 
more than give you asketch of the general character 
by which this extensive assemblage is held together. 
It consists of plants bearing pods, formed upon the 
same plan as that of the Pea, and called Lecumess ; 
this is the great essential character, and the only one 
which is universal. It is, therefore, necessary to 
teach you, in the first instance, how you are to know 
a Legume with certainty. Imagine to yourself a carpel 
which grows long and flat, and usually contains seve- 
ral seeds, and which, when ripe, separates into two 
valves or halves; recollect, also, that the seeds all 
grow to one angle only of the inside of the carpel ; 


in a word, study a Pea-pod, and you will know what 
a legume is. You must not expect, however, that it 
will always be exactly like a Pea-pod; on the con- 
trary, it is longer or shorter, larger or smaller, harder, 
thinner, or differently coloured, contains more or 
fewer seeds; or, in short, may vary in many ways: 
but it will always be formed upon the same plan. 
This is what you are to take as the character which 
holds together all the subdivisions of the Pea tribe. 
The most striking feature in these plants, next to 
the legume, is the singular arrangement of the petals, 
which gives to a very large proportion of the whole 
natural order the name of Papilionaceous, or Butterfly- 
flowered. By this title, we distinguish the first divi- 
sion of the Pea tribe; as an example of which a 
common Pea flower would answer the purpose. I 
however, send you a sprig of the narrow-leaved 
Restharrow (Ononis angustifolia, Plate VIII. 2.). 
It has leaves the veins of which are at first sight 
ribbed rather than netted; you will, however, find, 
that the netted structure is what they really possess ; 
at their base is a pair of stipules as in the Roses and 
their allies. The calyx is formed of five sepals, that 
unite in a short tube (figs. 2. & 3. a.). The corolla 
consists of five petals, one of which is larger, and 
stands at the back of all the others, wrapping them 
up before the flower expands (figs. 2. & 3. b.); this is 
the standard, or vexillum. In front of the standard 
are two smaller petals (figs. 2. & 3. ¢.), which are 
placed nearly parallel with each other, converging a 
little at the point; they are the wings, or ale, and 


are carefully folded over a boat-shaped curved part of 
the corolla, which is placed in front of all the rest ; 
this part, called the eel, or carina (figs. 2. & 3. d.), 
is formed of two petals, which are slightly united at 
their lower edge, as you may discern by pulling the 
keel away from the calyx, when you will see their 
two stalks ( fig. 4.); the corolla is, therefore, formed 
of the same number of parts as the calyx, but so 
masqued that you would not have at first suspected 
such a thing. This is what is called a butterfly- 
shaped flower; some poetical Botanists having fan- 
cied a resemblance between the expanded flower and 
a butterfly at rest. 

Let us miss the stamens for the present, and pass 
on to the ovary (fig. 6.), which is a tapering green 
hairy part, gradually narrowing into a style which 
ends ina minute stigma. Its legume is a short flat 
body (fig. 7.), to which the withered style sticks. 
When ripe it splits into two halves, to each of which 
a seed or two (fig. 8.) 1s attached. 

Papilionaceous flowers may be themselves separated 
into those which have their stamens united, and those 
which have their stamens separate. To the first belongs 
the Restharrow ; which has nine of the stamens joined 
together about half-way (fig. 5.), and a tenth a little 
separated from the others. It is here, also, that are 
found nearly all those species of the Pea tribe with 
which you are likely to be acquainted. Peas, Beans, 
Vetches, Clover, Trefoil, and Lucerne, are known to 
every body; all these you can easily procure for 
examination. Laburnum, too, with its branches of 


golden flowers, Furze (Ulex europeus), and Broom 
(Spartium scoparium), which are almost too beautiful 
to be inhabitants of northern countries, French Ho- 
neysuckles (Hedysarum coronarium), with their crim- 
son clusters; and the singular Bladder Senna (Colutea 
arborescens), the pods of which explode with a loud 
report when smartly pressed between the fingers, are 
species of Papilionaceous plants of frequent occur- 
rence: all which it would be well for you to study, 
and compare with the characters you will find im 
systematic works. Indigo (Indigofera tinctoria), which 
has proved so valuable as a dye, you will not meet 
with easily in this country ; but you may procure the 
Laquorice plant (Glycyrrhiza glabra), the roots of which 
are so exceedingly sweet. 

Ths second group of Papilionaceous flowers, with 
the stamens separate, comprehends the chief part of 
the showy New Holland shrubs, called Pultenea, 
Gompholobium, Daviesia, &c., but not a single Eu- 
ropean species, nor any thing worth pointing out for 
its utility. 

The next division of the Pea tribe consists of the 
Cassias and their allies, which are remarkable for not 
having Papilionaceous flowers ;—in place of which 
they have their petals spreading equally round the 
pistil, as in other plants; their stamens are also 
usually spreading and separate. The irregularity of 
growth which causes the Papilionaceous appearance in 
the last division, also exists among these plants, so 
that you will generally find them with some of the 
petals or the stamens larger than the remainder. 


Few of them are ever seen in this country, but in 
foreign climes they are exceedingly abundant. Cassias 
themselves, some of which yield the well-known medi- 
cine called Senna, are common in all parts of the 
tropics; the Logwood, the Tamarind, the Barbadoes 
flower-fence (Poinciana), the brilliancy of whose 
orange-coloured flowers is too intense to be steadily 
looked upon, the fragrant Asoca Tree of India 
(Jonesia), which Botanists have consecrated as a floral 
monument to one of the most learned of Oriental 
scholars, and the Judas Tree (Cercis siliquastrum), 
which makes all Turkey put on a violet robe, in its 
flowering season, belong to genera of the Cassia 
division. ‘To these may be added, as other remark- 
able plants, the horrid Acacias (Gleditschias), whose 
trunks are covered with stiff branching spies, and 
which are so very remarkable in cold countries for 
the airy Mimosa-like appearance of their foliage ; 
the Carob Tree, or Algaroba (Ceratonia Siliqua), 
the sweet pods of which are used for food in Spain, 
and whose seeds are supposed to have been the ori- 
ginal carat weight of the goldsmiths, the Tonga-bean 
plant (Dipterix odorata), with the perfume of whose 
seeds you are doubtless acquainted; and, finally, 
Bauhinias, those large climbers which hang among 
the trees of tropical forests, like enormous cables, 
twisting round trunks and branches till they utterly 
destroy them. 

The third division of the Pea tribe is that of Mi- 
mosas. Figure to yourself a plant with the sepals 
and petals of the Cassia group, only so small as 


scarcely to be visible; the flowers growmg in com- 
pact clusters; and the stamens not only very nu- 
merous, but so long and slender and delicate as to 
resemble silken threads tipped with very little an- 
thers. If you can imagine such a structure you will 
have a sufficiently correct idea of the Mimosa divi- 
sion, the beauty of which, on account of the multitude 
of flowers they bear, and the gay colours in which 
they are invested, is of so peculiar an appearance, 
that one of them, a nearly hardy tree (Acacia Juli- 
brissin), is actually called by the Persians, in whose 
country it grows, the Gul ebruschim, or Rose of Silk. 
Here belong the curious Sensitive plants (Mimosa), 
whose many parted leaves shrink from the touch of 
the very wind that blows upon them, which close up 
and appear to go to sleep at night, and which seem 
as if struck with sudden death if they receive any 
rude shock; of these plants the balls of flowers are 
peach-coloured. ‘To the genus Acacia, of which 
great numbers are found in New Holland, where: 
they are called Wattle Trees, also belong the spiny 
gum trees of Arabia and Senegal; the greater part of 
the species have yellow flowers, and many of them 
broad dilated leaf-stalks, in room of the many-parted 
leaves which they bear when young. 

The differences of these three divisions of the Pea 
tribe may be expressed thus :— 
Flowers papilionaceous . . Papilionaceous Plants. 
§ Stamens few—Cassias. 

Flowers not papilionaceous * 
Stamens numerous—Mimosas. 


With this I take my leave of you for the present, 
promising that my next letter shall be shorter, if it is 
not more interesting. 


1. Tue Rose Trise.—!l. A leaf, a few flowers, and fruit of a 
Strawberry Plant ; « stipules.—2. The calyx and pistil cut through 
to shew the origin of the stamens; @ sepals, /—e tube of the 
calyx.—3. A stamen seen in front.—4. The same seen from the 
back.—5. A carpel; a the ovary, J the style, ¢ the stigma.—6. A 
fruit cut through perpendicularly to shew the fleshy receptacle, and 
the grains, a, sticking to it. Compare this with fig. 2.—7. A ripe 
grain.—8. The same cut through to shew the seed.—9. A seed 
extracted from the grain.—10. An embryo, with the radicle at the 
upper end. 

Il. Toe Pea Trise.—l. A piece of the Narrow-leaved Rest- 
harrow (Ononis angustifolia).—2. A flower seen from the side ; 
a sepals, 5 standard, c wings, d keel.—3. The same flower seen in 
front ; the letters refer to the same parts.—4. A keel apart, shew- 
ing the two stalks of the petals which form it.—5. Stamens.—6.. A 
pistil—7. A ripe legume, with the calyx adhering to it.—8. A seed; 
a the cord by which it was attached to the receptacle.—9. The same 
cut open, shewing the position of the embryo, of which one cotyle- 
don only is visible. 




(Plate IX.) 

Ir you cast your eye back over the various tribes 
we have passed in review, you will remark that 
they all agree in one circumstance, however diffe- 
rent they may be otherwise. They all have both 
calyx and corolla: that is, two distinct rows of parts 
on the outside of the stamens; and the petals are 
never joined together: on this account they are 
called Polypetalous, a name which is made by many 
Botanists to designate the large portion of the vege- 
table kingdom to which they belong. By and bye you 
will learn that another portion of considerable extent 
is called Monopetalous, because the petals are united 
by their edges into one tube or body; and I have now 
to explain that a good many natural orders, which 
have either a calyx without any petals, or no calyx 
at all, receive the name of Apetalous. ‘They are often 
also called imperfect or incomplete, with reference to 
their want of petals; it is to some of these that I 
wish next to direct your study. 

The first with which we shall begin, is what is 
called the Protea tribe, a group of exotic plants very 
much cultivated in green-houses for the sake of their 
beautiful or singular foliage, and the great masses of 

t ee ota ‘ Fiabe 

Lowe oon Checileng. 


ee a en 


minute flowers which are borne by some of them; but 
totally unknown in a wild state in Europe. It would 
be easy to name some kind with which you might 
make a personal acquaintance, by inquiring of your 
gardener after Hakeas, or Persoonias, or G'revilleas ; 
but you will probably prefer that I should in this 
instance send you a copy of a drawing by Mr. Ferdi- 
nand Bauer of one of the handsomest of the kind 
found by him in New Holland, and named Si Joseph 
Banks's G'revillea (Grevillea Banksii). 

The leaves of this plant, like those of the whole 
tribe, are exceedingly dry and hard; they are divided 
into many narrow lobes, but this is not by any means 
universally the case; on the contrary, they are fre- 
quently perfectly simple and undivided. The calyx 
(Plate IX. 1.) is a long narrow tube, slit on one side 
( fig. 1*.), and turned down at the point so as to give 
the border a very oblique and bagged appearance ; by 
disturbing the bag with the point of a pin it will 
divide into four concave lobes, each of which (fig. 2.) 
allows an anther to nestle within its cavity. ‘The 
pistil consists of a long hard style, rather abruptly 
bent above the middle, terminated by a thickened 
one-sided stigma (fig. 1**. & 1* b.), and arising from 
a hairy one-celled ovary having a jagged scale at its 
base (fig. 4. a.). This scale is one of the things 
which used to be called nectary, under the idea that 
it was formed for the purpose of secreting honey or 
nectar ; but that term is now abandoned. ‘The style 
is so long that you would wonder how it could ever 
have been confined within the calyx ; and the stigma 

K 2 


is so far off the anthers that you will find it yet 
more difficult to imagine how the pollen is to touch 
it; both these are arranged ina very simple way. 
Before the flower opens, the stigma, as the style 
lengthens, is pressed against the point of the calyx; 
but here the sepals adhere so firmly that they will not 
open; the consequence of which is that as the style 
goes on lengthening it gradually takes a bend up- 
wards, and pressing forcibly against the upper side 
of the calyx, splits it open, by separating the two 
sepals upon whose line of union it is forced. The 
pressure of the stigma upon the point of the calyx 
causes the latter to be moulded into a sort of socket, 
in which the anthers actually lie; so that as soon as 
the stigma begins to be loosened, by the growth of 
the style after the latter has slit the calyx, the pollen 
is gently taken out of the anthers by the cup of the 
stigma; which, when it finally separates altogether 
and rises up, carries the pollen away along with it. 

In time the calyx falls off, and the ovary grows 
into a hard dry fruit (figs. 5. & 6.), which opens like 
a legume, and exposes to view a couple of seeds. 

Other Proteaceous plants are formed upon a similar 
plan: their calyx is often separated into four distinct 
sepals, and then no socket is formed to hold back the 
stigma; or there are other variations of minor impor- 
tance, but in the absence of petals, in the origin of 
stamens from the face of the sepals, and in the peculiar 
fruit, they all agree. 

What causes the most striking difference in their 
appearance, is the flowers of some growing singly 


among the leaves, and of others being collected into 
compact heads. ‘Those genera which have the latter 
structure, are the handsomest and most usually cul- 
tivated; the Proteas which are found at the Cape of 
Good Hope, in dry, barren, stony, exposed situations, 
are most noble looking objects, in consequence of their 
beautiful feathery flowers being half hidden by large 
red, or white, or black-edged bracts of the purest 
colours. Banksias and Dryandras are chiefly valued 
for their handsome leaves ; some of the latter are so 
fringed with long hairs as to resemble the plumes of 
birds. They are applied to scarcely any useful pur- 
pose; but appear to be perfectly harmless: their seeds 
are sweet, and are eaten sometimes as nuts, both 
in Africa and South America; one of them, called 
Witteboom (Protea argentea), is the common fire-wood 
at the Cape of Good Hope. 

But let us leave these showy and useless strangers 
for a tribe that is known to every one who has a 
garden.  Love-lies-bleeding (Amaranthus caudatus), 
Prince’s Feathers (Amaranthus), G'lobe Amaranths 
(Gomphrena globosa), 7’ricolors (Amaranthus tricolor), 
and Cockscombs (Celosia coccinea), have been culti- 
vated as long as gardens have been prized ; they form, 
along with some others of a similar structure, what is 
called the Amaranth tribe. This natural order, like 
the last, has: no corolla. Its calyx consists of five 
crimson sepals (figs. 2. & 3.), of so dry a texture, that 
you would say they were really dead; these are sur- 
rounded by a number of bracts, of the same colour 
and texture as themselves. It is owing to the dry- 

134. LETTER IX: 

ness and thinness, and usually gay colours of these 
parts, that Cockscombs and the like owe their glossi- 
ness and beauty, and also the property they possess of 
remaining for months without fading. ‘The remain- 
der of their organs are constructed upon the simplest 
plan. A few anthers, usually five (fig. 2.), and an 
ovary with two or three styles (fig. 4.), having but one 
cell and one ovule, complete the apparatus by which 
such a plant is increased. When the fruit is ripe, the 
shell of the ovary becomes very thin, and bursts in the 
middle by a horizontal opening (fig. 4. a.); the seed 
(fig. 5.) is a little flat body, with a slender embryo 
(fig. 6.), coiled round some mealy albumen. 

It is difficult to mention an order much more simply 
constructed than this, and yet how perfectly are all 
the parts adapted to the end for which they are 
created. Even a provision for a beautiful appearance 
is not neglected, for in order to compensate for their 
smallness, we find the flowers developed in large 
masses, and aided by multitudes of shining bracts 
which contribute very essentially to their fine appear- 

With an assurance that these plants are all as 
harmless as they are beautiful, I take my leave of you 
till another day. 



I. Tur Protea Trise.—l. A flower of Sir Joseph Banks's Gre- 
villea, seen in front, of the natural size.—1*. The same magnified 
and viewed from the side ; a the socket of the calyx, 6 the stigma.— 
1**, The upper end of the style and the stigma viewed in half profile. 
2. The upper end of a sepal, with the anther a nestling in it.— 
3. An anther.—4. An ovary, with the scale, a, its base.—5. A 
ripe fruit, natural size.—6. The same burst open.—7. The seeds taken 
out, with a moveable partition that separates them just brought into 
view.—7*. The same magnified.—8. An embryo.—9. The same with 
the cotyledons divided a little. (All these are after a figure by Mr. 
Ferdinand Bauer.) 

II. Toe AMARANTH TrisE.—l. A bit of the inflorescence of 
Love-lies-bleeding, of the natural size.—2. A calyx containing stamens; 
a bracts.—3. A calyx containing a pistil; @ bracts.—4. ripe fruit; 
a the horizontal line where it opens.—5. A seed.—6. The same cut 
perpendicularly ; a the radicle, and 4 the cotyledons of the embryo. 



nnn nennnnrere 

(Plate X.) 


So accustomed are people to identify gay colours 
with the corolla of a flower, that it is always difficult 
to make them believe the ovary and red striped part 
of the Marvel of Peru, to be really a calyx. Such, 
however, is undoubtedly the fact. 

The Marvel of Peru (Mirabilis Jalapa) is the re- 
presentative of a tribe named after it, belonging, 
like the subjects of my last letter, to the Apetalous 
division of Dicotyledonous plants. It has fleshy pe- 
rennial roots ; jointed stems, which perish at the first 
attack of frost; and broad opposite leaves, with 
netted veins. Its flowers appear in compact clusters ; 
and are each surrounded at the base by a green invo- 
lucre, divided into five segments, so as to resemble a 
calyx, for which it would be certainly mistaken, if it 
did not sometimes bear two flowers within the same 
involucre ; a kind of structure that never is found in 
a true calyx. 

Each flower consists, firstly, of a funnel-shaped 
calyx (Plate X. 1. fig. 1.), divided at the end into 
five orange and red plaited lobes, and contracted at 

| he Ma reel pe Leri , So 


the base (fig. 1. a.) into a roundish fleshy ball ; 
secondly, of five stamens of unequal lengths, arising 
from below the ovary (fig. 3. a.), round which they 
form a fleshy cup, and then adhering to the sides of 
the calyx ; so that they are actually perigynous and 
hypogynous at the same time. 

The ovary ( fig. 4. c.) isa superior body, containing 
a single ovule, which grows from the bottom of the 
cavity; it is terminated by a long thread-shaped 
style, which ends in a cluster of little round warts 
( fig. 3. b.), forming astigma. ‘Thus far the structure 
is as simple as that of the Amaranth and Protea 
tribes; nor will it be found more complex in the 

As soon as the flower begins to fade, the roundish 
fleshy ball at the bottom of the calyx, swells and 
grows harder, contracting at the top, and in time 
throwing off the thin and coloured part. At last it 
acquires a woody texture, shrivels round the veins, 
and becomes an oblong brown nut (fig. 6.), with a 
little hole at its poimt (a.), where the upper coloured 
part of the calyx fell off. Upon opening it, you will 
find the fruit, with a very thin shell, and the remains 
of the style at the top (fig. 7. ¢.). Within it lies a 
single seed having an embryo (fig. 7. a. 6.), rolled 
round a quantity of mealy substance, which is the 
albumen (d.). 

Such is the character of the natural order that 
contains the Marvel of Peru, which is by far the most 
handsome genus it comprehends. Generally, the 
order consists of obscure weeds, which are rarely 

138 LETTER X. 

seen in gardens, although they are common enough 
in tropical countries. It differs obviously from the 
Protea tribe in the stamens being hypogynous ; from 
the Amaranth tribe in the calyx being all in one 
piece ; and from both in the singular circumstance of 
the lower part of the calyx becoming hardened and 
forming a sort of spurious shell to the fruit. ‘This 
last is the essential character of the Marvel of Peru 
tribe, or Nyctaginee; which I only introduce to you as 
a striking instance, firstly, of the highly coloured 
condition often assumed by the calyx, and secondly, of 
the singular manner in which one part is occasionally 
employed by nature to perform the part of another. 

Very different from these, although also belonging 
to the Apetalous division of Dicotyledonous plants, is 
that most interesting natural order, which includes 
the Oak, and the Sweet Chesnut, the Beech, the 
Hlornbeam, and the Hazel; in short, the larger part 
of our common European trees. In consequence of 
its containing the Oak it bears the name of the Oak 
tribe. Until I shall have explained to you the real 
origin of all the parts you find in these plants, and 
the singular manner in which they change between 
the infancy of their flowers, and their old age, you 
will have had but a feeble idea of the wonderful 
power the parts of plants possess of assuming un- 
usual forms after they have been once developed. If 
it be true that flowers are generally seen in a mas- 
querade dress, as some Botanists poetically assert, it 
certainly is here that their disguise is the most im- 


The Hazel is one of the most accessible to you 
when it is young, and a good illustration of the struc- 
ture of the others. At the earliest period of the 
spring you must have remarked the branches of the 
Hazel loaded with little yellow tails, which swing 
about as the wind disturbs them, and fill the air with 
a fine and buoyant powder, the particles of which 
may be seen glittering in the sunbeams like motes of 
gold. ‘These tails are called carxins (Plate X. 2. 
jig. 1. a.), and are composed of a great number of 
little scales, which are arranged one behind the other 
with the utmost regularity, as you may easily discover 
by inspecting them, before they separate. Each 
scale has on its inner face about eight anthers, that 
seem to arise out of a two-lobed flat body, which ad- 
heres to the scale (fig. 2.); no other structure is to 
be found ; apparently neither calyx, nor corolla, nor 
pistil; nothing but the two-lobed body sticking to 
the scale and bearing the stamens. Botanists con- 
sider the scales bracts, and the two-lobed body a 
calyx in an imperfect state. 

This then is an instance of a simpler kind of orga- 
nization, than any you have before met with in a 
flower. It is, however, not quite characteristic of 
the Oak tribe, for the Hornbeam has no calyx what- 
ever, while the Oak, and the Beech, and the Sweet 
Chesnut have a much more perfect one than the 

If the Hazel had none but stamen-bearing flowers, 
you would never have any nuts in the autumn; for 
there is nothing in those flowers which could by any 

140 EETTER(“X: 

possibility change into a nut. In this plant not 
only are the stamens and pistils in different flowers, 
but in different parts of the plant, and organized upon 
quite a different plan. If you observe attentively 
those buds of the hazel which grow near the catkins 
(fig. 1. b. b.), about the time when the stamens are 
shedding their pollen, you will perceive some little 
red threads protruding beyond the points of the buds, 
and spreading away from the centre; those are the 
stigmas, and the pistils are enclosed within their 
scales, where they are safely protected from accident 
and cold. At the earliest moment when the stigmas 
can be discovered, let the scales be removed (fig. 3.), 
and you will find the flowers clustered together among 
a quantity of soft hair, which seems provided as an 
additional means of shielding them from the weather, 
and to serve the same purpose as the warm lining of 
down, which the birds provide for their young when 
they first break the shell and before they are fledged. 
Kach of these flowers is surrounded by a jagged sort 
of cup (fig. 4. & 5.), which is originally much shorter 
than they are, but which in time grows considerably 
longer ; that cup is the involucre. The flower itself 
consists of a jagged superior calyx (fig. 5. a.); an 
ovary with two cells and two seeds (fig. 6.), and 
two long thread-shaped crimson stigmas. ‘Thus you 
see the calyx of the pistil-bearmg flower is much 
more perfect than that of the other kind of flower ; 
but it is still very imperfect. 

The pistils and the stamens being thus separated, 
there would be no chance of the pollen of the one 


falling on the stigma of the other, and fertilizing it, 
unless an unusual quantity of stamens was provided ; 
hence it is that in a fine day in spring the whole air 
is, as I have just said, so impregnated with particles of 
pollen, that they cover every thing as with a fine dust. 

By degrees, as warm weather advances, the pro- 
tection of the scales of the bud ceases to be necessary 
to the young flowers, which swell and burst through 
them; the involucre daily grows larger; the stigmas 
having fulfilled their destiny, shrivel up; the ovary 
enlarges; one of its ovules grows much faster than 
the other, and gradually presses upon it till it smo- 
thers it; the shell hardens, an embryo makes its 
appearance, and by degrees fills up the cavity; and 
at last you have a perfect nut, with its husk (fig. 8.), 
or involucre. At the point of the nut is to be seen 
the remains of the calyx (fig. 9. b.); but no trace 
can be found of the cell and ovule which were smo- 
thered; so that a one-celled fruit is produced by a 
two-celled ovary. You will now know why nuts 
sometimes grow in clusters, and sometimes singly ; 
if cold or accident should destroy any part of the 
cluster of pistils in the bud, but a very few nuts, per- 
haps only one, will grow and ripen; but if they are 
mostly saved, you will then have the large clusters 
which are so common in seasons which haye been 
preceded by mild springs. The nut itself affords an 
excellent illustration of the structure of a dicotyle- 
donous embryo; the two great fleshy lobes into which 
the nut separates when freed from its skin (fig. 9. ¢.), 

142 LETTER X. 

are the cotyledons; the little conical part at one end 
(e.) is the radicle, and the small scale-like body which 
lies between them in the inside (d.) is the plumule, 
or young stem. 

Still more curious than those of the Hazel are the 
changes that occur during the growth of the fruit of 
other genera of the Oak tribe. In the Oas itself the 
involucre is formed of a great many rows of scales, 
which gradually grow larger and harder, and more 
numerous, and at last become what you call the cup 
of the acorn; a part you would never have guessed 
could have been made out of a number of little leaves, 
if you had not watched their successive changes. 
The ovary at first contains three cells, and each cell 
two young seeds; but in obedience to the constant 
command of nature, one of the seeds grows faster 
than the rest, presses upon the other cells and seeds, 
gradually crushes them, till at last, when the acorn 
is ripe, all trace of them has disappeared. 

In the Beech, the involucre originally consists of a 
vast quantity of little thread-like leaves, which en- 
close a couple of pistils. These leaves gradually grow 
together, and over the pistils, so as to form a prickly 
hollow case, which completely encloses the nuts ; at 
last, the case rends open spontaneously into three or 
four woody pieces, and makes room for the nuts, or 
mast, to fall out. As in the Oak, one of the ovules 
destroys all the others, so that out of six young 
seeds, but one is found in the ripe nut; here, how- 
ever, you may generally find the five that have 


perished remaining like little brown specks, sticking 
to the top of the cell of the nut. 

In the Sweet Chesnut, alterations in character, and 
the destruction of one thing by another are carried 
still further. In that plant, the imvolucre, which, 
when full-grown, is a hollow case, covered over with 
rigid spines, was in the beginning a number of little 
leaves which gradually grew together as in the Beech ; 
they kept acquiring with their age a greater degree of 
rigidity ; their veins separated, and formed clusters 
of spines, till at last the whole surface of the husk 
was covered with little spiny stars; each star was 
in the beginning a leaf, and its rays the veins of the 
leaf. ‘The pistils each contained six or seven cells, 
with a couple of ovules in each; yet the ripe nut has 
only one seed: so that in the course of the growth 
of a chesnut no fewer than six cells, and thirteen 
ovules are destroyed by the seed which actually 

I feel sure you will now agree with me, that if any 
plants can be said to exhibit themselves in a masque- 
rade dress, these are they; for without this expla- 
nation, who could have supposed that the husk of 
the filbert, of the beech, and of the chesnut, were 
all of the same nature, and constructed upon the 
same plan as the cup of the acorn; and especially, 
who could have supposed that the chesnut, with its 
single seed, could ever have originated from an ovary 
of seven cells and fourteen ovules. 

It is among these trees that you will find the best 
specimens of the Exogenous structure of the wood of 

144 LEDTER: xX. 

Dicotyledonous plants, a subject upon which I as yet 
have said almost nothing. Get a branch of Hazel, 
Beech or Oak, and divide it horizontally, so as to 
have a view of the whole of the inside from one side 
to the other, the section forming a circle which is 
bounded by the bark. Let the section be rendered 
smooth bya sharp knife or a plane, so that all the 
parts may be distinctly seen; you will then remark 
in the centre a pale roundish spot, which a glass will 
shew to be formed of a soft spongy substance: it is 
the piru, a cellular provision of nature for the support 
of the young buds when they are too weak to obtain 
food from more distant sources. Next the pith follow 
several rings of woop, each of which is composed of 
an infinite number of tubes, and was the produce of 
one year’s growth, so that the number of the rings 
tells you the number of years the branch has been in 
acquiring its present size; the most external of the 
rings is the youngest, and also the palest, while the 
most internal or the oldest is of a deep brown colour ; 
the pale is called the sarwoop, the brown the HEARt- 
woop ; the latter, which is much more durable than 
the former, is filled with a substance of a hardening 
nature, which was originally formed in the leaves, 
and which is stored up by Providence in the centre of 
the stem, where it lies beyond the reach of accident 
or injury, until old age comes and produces decay ; 
originally the heartwood was sapwood, and that 
which is sapwood now, would have become _heart- 
wood in a few years, if you had not cut off the 
branch. It is in the sapwood chiefly that the vital 


energy of the stem resides, and it is through it that 
the sap rises in the spring for the supply of the buds 
and leaves ; an Exogenous tree can therefore lose the 
whole of its inside without suffering much diminution 
of growth, so long as the sapwood remains uninjured, 
and this is the reason why trees that are hollow go on 
growing century after century, just as if their inside 
were still sound. On the outside of the wood is the 
bark, which binds up and protects all the other parts, 
and down which the returning current of sap descends 
towards the roots. 

Next carry your eye attentively over the section, 
from the bark to the pith, and you will remark that a 
number of fine pale lines are drawn as it were from 
one to the other, forming delicate but broken rays ; 
these lines, which are composed of flattened cells, 
and named MEDULLARY RAYS, are in reality the ends 
of extremely thin plates connecting the pith and 
the bark together; they perform an important part 
in the system of vegetation, for it is they which con- 
vey the descending sap from the bark to the centre 
of the stem ; it therefore is they which are the cause 
of the production of heartwood, and all trees without 
them must be destitute of it; as is the case with 
monocotyledonous plants, which are always softest 
in the centre. 

Thus you see the sap, which rises from the roots is 
carried upwards in the sapwood, down again in the 
bark, and latterly into the hidden recesses of the 
trunk, by the medullary rays, all three currents 


146 LETTER X. 

moving at the same instant, but without the slightest 
interference with each other. 

Can any thing be more admirably adjusted than all 
this? By means of a system of tubes and cells va- 
riously arranged, the whole of the important business 
of the conveyance of food to the leaves, and of the 
peculiar properties formed there from the leaves to 
the centre of the stem, and down to the extremest 
roots, is carried on in the most certain and effectual 
manner, even in the loftiest and most gigantic forest 
trees. Only conceive what a wonderful combination 
of powers must be provided to enable a tiny leaf, not 
perhaps half an inch long, on the highest branch of 
a tree, to procure its food from roots sometimes 250 
feet off, or at a distance equal to six thousand times 
its own length. 

But I must not dwell further upon this subject, in- 
teresting as it is; to works on Vegetable Physiology 
you must refer for a full elucidation of all such 

Bearing in mind, that the Oak tribe is constantly 
known by its imperfect apetalous flowers, and its 
singular involucre, you are in no danger of forgetting 
it. Formerly, the Birch and Alder, the Poplar and 
Willow, and the Plane, were considered as also be- 
longing to it; and the whole were called Amentaceous, 
because of their stamen-bearing flowers being con- 
stantly arranged in catkins, or amenta, as they are 
technically designated. But these trees are so ex- 
tremely dissimilar in other respects, that they now 
form several independent tribes. 


Of the distinctions of these I shall by and bye give 
you some account ; for the present, I must leave you 
till you have examined for yourself, as you easily 
may, the highly singular phenomena I have explained 
to you. 


I. Tae Marve or Peru Trise.—l. A flower of the Common 
Marvel of Peru (Mirabilis Jalapa); a the thickened base of the calyx. 
—2. The same part magnified, with the upper part of the calyx cut 
away.—3. The fleshy base of the stamens a, from within which rises ~ 
the thread-shaped style, terminated by the stigma 6.—4. A perpen- 
dicular section of the fleshy base of the stamens and pistil; @ the 
base of the separate parts of the filaments; 6 the base of the style; ¢ the 
ovule seen in consequence of a part of the shell of the ovary being cut 
away.—5. Anthers.—6. A ripe nut; @ the closed up orifice of 
the calyx.—7. A perpendicular section of the nut, shewing the fruit 
standing erect in the inside of the hardened base of the calyx; ¢ the 
base of the style; « the radicle, and 4 the cotyledons of the embryo 
rolled round the mealy albumen d. 

I]. Tue Oak Trise.—l. A twig of Hazel (Corylus Avellana); @ 
the stamen-bearing catkins; } the buds containing the pistils.—2. A 
scale of the catkin, shewing the two-lobed body, and the stamens.— 
3. A cluster of pistils bearing flowers, in a very young state, with only 
one of the scales by which they are protected remaining.—4. A pistil- 
bearing flower, inclosed in its involucre.—5. The same cut open; @ 
the calyx.—6. An ovary divided perpendicularly; @ the calyx.—7. 
The same divided horizontally.—8. A ripe nut in its husk, or in- 
volucre.—9. A nut cut through perpendicularly; @ the remains of 
style; 5 remains of calyx; ¢ cotyledons; @ plumula; e radicle. 




(Plate XI.) 

rere terre ererercerecrereccrcerrere 

Tue tribes of Dicotyledonous Plants, with only a 
calyx to their flower, are far from being exhausted 
with those we have already seen. On the contrary, 
there is a great many races, the structure of which 
is extremely curious. I must, however, be content 
with selecting three of the commonest for further 
illustration, and with referring you for a knowledge 
of the remainder to the systematic works of Bota- 

Let one of these be the Nettle Tribe ; we will not, 
however, select the Nettie itself, because of its stings, 
but begin with a harmless plant called Common Pel- 
litory (Parietaria officinalis), which you may find 
every where on old walls, or in dry waste places. 
This species grows either prostrate, or erect, 1s very 
much branched, has reddish stems and leaves, and 
clusters of minute reddish-green flowers in the bosom 
of the leaves (Plate XI. fig. 1.). Over all its surface 

are scattered stiffish hairs, which do not sting, but 

Te Mellow abe 

PUR te 



which would if they were stiff enough. At the base 
of each leaf is a pair of shrivelled brownish sti- 

The flowers of this plant are of three sorts, those 
which have stamens only, those which have stamens 
and a pistil, and those which have a pistil only. As 
the first and second are constructed alike, let us 
consider them as essentially the same; especially as 
their pistil is seldom perfect. To each of these flowers 
there is a calyx with four hairy divisions (fig. 2 & 3.) ; 
opposite to each division is a stamen ; and in the centre 
is a pistil more or less imperfect. The filaments are 
worthy of examination; their lower end is firm, 
smooth and fleshy; but it abruptly alters to a 
withered shrivelled part, so dissimilar in aspect that 
you would think it must be a distinct organ. Before 
the flower opens the shrivelled part is pressed down 
by the segments of the calyx, which are finally forced 
asunder by the filaments with force, so that the 
flower opens with some degree of elasticity; a pro- 
vision, in all probability, to secure the scattering 
of the pollen, by which the distant pistils may be 

The flowers that contain the pistils are mixed 
among the others, and like them consist of a calyx 
with four divisions ; but as this contains no stamens, 
its figure is not roundish, but sharp-pointed, like 
that of the ovary, to the surface of which it is closely 
applied. The pistil consists of one ovary containing 
a single seed (fig. 7.), of a thread-like style, and of 
a pin-headed stigma, the little fringes of which 

150 LETTER Xi 

spread in all directions, and are admirably contrived 
to catch the grains of pollen floating in the air. 

The fruit is an oval shining blackish lenticular grain 
(fig. 8.), which contains a single seed, with an in” 
verted embryo lying in the midst of fleshy albumen 
(fig. 9.)- 

Such is essentially the manner in which all the 
remainder of the Nettle tribe is organized. Pistils 
and stamens in different flowers, leaves covered with 
rough or stinging hairs, elastic stamens, and lenticular 
grains, are common to them all. 

Nettles, which are so remarkable for the intolerable 
pain, and even the sometimes highly dangerous ef- 
fects caused by their stinging hairs, differ from Pel- 
litory chiefly in their pistil-bearing flowers having a 
calyx of two sepals. 

Hops have not only a twining stem, and their 
pistil-bearing flowers collected in leafy heads, but 
are also known by having five stamens in each sterile 
flower, and the pistils and stamens on different plants. 

Finally, Hemp, which also belongs to the Nettle 
tribe, has the calyx of the pistil-bearing flowers slit 
on one side, two unequal styles, and five stamens in 
the sterile flowers. ‘The peculiar tenacity of the stems 
of Hemp is not uncommon in other plants of the same 
natural order, and may even be considered charac- 
teristic of it. 

Considering the many important purposes to 
which the Hemp is applied, and the prodigious 
strength that it possesses when twisted into ropes, 
you will probably be curious to know something of 


the exact nature of the part which is capable of 
being converted to these great purposes. In that case 
you must have recourse to your microscope; be- 
neath which you may place a little tow, the threads 
of which are separated, and float in water. At first 
sight, with a weak magnifying-glass, you will discern 
no distinct organization in these threads; they will 
look like dark lines of about the thickness of a fine 
human hair; but if you bruise them and tear them 
about in the water with the point of a couple of 
needles, you will in time succeed in separating each 
of the threads into a very considerable number of 
exceedingly fine parts, which you may discern, by 
increasing the magnifying power of your microscope, 
to be transparent tubes, composed of a tough mem- 
brane, and tapering to each extremity like bristles ; 
these are glued together in bundles which constitute 
the finest threads that are visible to the naked eye. 
Their business is not simply to grow in the inside of a 
plant, in order that man may pull them out and ap- 
ply them to his own purposes; they have a far higher 
and more important office to fulfil. It is they which 
give strength and toughness to every part, and which 
enable the stem and the leaf to wave about in the 
breeze or to bend before the storm without breaking ; 
they are placed as a sort of sheath all round such 
tender parts as the spiral vessels, which are enabled 
within their safeguard to perform their delicate func- 
tions with certainty and security ; and, finally, it is 
they which act as so many water-pipes to convey the 
fluids of plants with rapidity from one part to‘ano- 


ther; up the wood, along the veins of the leaves to 
their extremest points, back again into the stem, and 
down the bark towards the roots. When plants have 
no woody fibre, they are universally so delicate and 
weak as to be unable either to raise themselves in the 
air, or to withstand any violence, as we see in mosses, 
lichens, mushrooms, and such plants. 

You will probably be surprised when I tell you 
that the ig TZree is so nearly the same in structure 
as the Nettle, that many Botanists consider it to 
belong to the same tribe; and you may possibly be 
tempted to exclaim with some who have not considered 
the subject very attentively, ‘‘ How absurd to place 
the Nettle and the Fig together in the same natural 
group!” J must admit that this does appear strange 
until the reason is pointed out; and I trust you will 
admit that itis clearly right when the reason shall 
have been explained to you. 

Let us then see what a Fig Tree is. It is an Exo- 
genous plant with leaves covered with very stiff short 
hairs, and with a pair of stipules at their base ; so isa 
Nettle. It has flowers with stamens and pistils sepa- 
rate: so has a Nettle ; its flowers have no corolla, and 
the pistil is a little simple body, which changes, when 
ripe, to a very small flat grain; all which is exactly 
what we find in the Nettle. In the essential parts of 
their structure the two plants then are alike. But 
where are the flowers of the Fig, you will inquire ; 
you can see nothing but a thick oval green body, 
which you know will turn to fruit, and which there- 
fore ought to be the flower; here, however, you must 


again be prepared to meet with natural wonders. 
The thick oval green body is a hollow box, or recep- 
tacle ; within it in darkness and obscurity are reared 
the flowers, which, like the beggars’ children in the 
caverns among the fortifications of Lille, are so de- 
formed and pallid as hardly to be recognised. Cut a 
young fig open; the whole of its inside is bristling 
with sterile and fertile flowers, the former having five 
stamens, and the latter a jagged calyx, with a little 
white pistil sticking up in the midst of it. ‘This 
pistil, when ripe, becomes a flat round brown grain, 
which is lost among the pulp of the fleshy and juicy 
receptacle, where you eat it, and call it a seed. 

The difference then between the Nettle and the 
Fig Tree consists not in the structure of the stem, or 
of the leaves, or of the calyx, or stamens, or pistils, 
or fruit properly so called ; but in the hollow fleshy 
receptacle within which the flowers are forced to pass 
through their different stages. This kind of differ- 
ence is, however, of a very unimportant kind; and 
not greater than you find between the Strawberry and 
the Rose, about whose relation to each other every 
one is agreed. 

For these reasons, both the Fig and the Nettle 
are by some considered to belong to the same natural 
order; there is, however, a difference that I have 
not mentioned, and which is important; the juice of 
the nettle is watery, while that of the Fig is milky ; 
on which account other Botanists consider the Fig to 
be the representative of a natural order, distinct from 
that of the Nettle, but in the closest affinity with it. 


To this natural order belong the Breadfrwt tree 
(after which it 1s called the Breadfruit tribe), the 
Mulberry, and many other exotic trees. For their 
milkiness they are all most remarkable ; it is usually 
of a somewhat acrid nature, as you may find in the 
Fig itself; sometimes is highly poisonous as in the 
Upas tree of Java and some Indian species of Fig ; 
or is again quite harmless and even nutritious in the 
Cow tree of South America, to the trunks of which 
the Indians repair in the morning with their jugs 
and pails, just as the milkmaids of Europe to their 
cows. It is, however, probable that in this instance 
the milk is harmless only at a certain period of the 
year, before the venomous principle is formed ; for a 
West Indian plant called Brosimum, the young shoots 
of which afford a wholesome food for cattle, 1s very 
nearly the same as the Cow tree, and its old shoots 
are poisonous. ‘The Fig itself would not be fit to eat 
if gathered green, because at that time the fruit 
abounds in milk ; but when it is ripe all the milk has 
dispersed, and then only it becomes the wholesome 
fruit with which we are so well acquainted. 

Let this be a lesson to you never to judge hastily 
of the affinities of plants, but to remember that it is 
structure alone, and not vague external resemblances 
or differences by which their relations are determined 

The last of the tribes without corolla, which I shall 
be able to lay before you, is one that is constructed 
with still more simplicity than the last. They had 
at least a calyx, but this has neither calyx nor corolla, 


nor any sort of covering to the stamens, beyond the 
seale-like bracts, out of the bosom of which the sta- 
mens or the pistils arise. ‘These plants are Poplars 
and Willows, which together form the Willow tribe 
(Plate XI. 2.). Their flowers grow in catkins (figs. 
1 & 4.)—those beautiful silky bodies, glittering as 
it were with gold and silver, which are hailed by 
northern nations as the earliest harbingers of spring, 
and gathered for festivals under the name of Palms 
near London, and of gostlings in some part of Eng- 
land. The stamens are upon one plant, the pistils 
upon another. ‘The former are one, or two, or three, or 
five, or more, to each bract (figs. 2. & 3.); the latter 
are seated singly within a bract, and consist of an 
ovary, having one cell with many seeds, and a lobed 
stigma (fig. 5.). The fruit consists of hollow cases, 
which split into two valves (fig. 6.), and discharge a 
multitude of small seeds, covered with fine hair or 
wool (fig. 7.), like the seeds of the cotton plant. On 
these downy pinions the seeds will fly to great dis- 
tances and scatter themselves over the whole face of 
the country. The Willow is absolutely without any 
trace of calyx; the Poplar has a sort of membranous 
cup, which may be considered the rudiment of one. 

In taking leave of these imperfectly formed orders, 
I would recommend you to reduce their characters to 
an analytical form, in order to see their differences the 
more distinctly. You may do this in many ways, 
of which the following will serve as an example. 

Two of them have the sepals combined into a tubu- 
lar calyx, namely, the Protea and Marvel of Peru 


tribes; of which the former has hard leaves and 
stamens placed opposite the sepals, and the latter 
soft leaves, with the bottom of the calyx forming a 
bony covering to the ripe fruit. 

Two others have their male flowers arranged in 
catkins, namely the Oak and the Willow tribes, of 
which the former has closed fruit seated in an in- 
volucre or cup, and the latter opening fruit without 
any inyolucre. 

Finally, the three that are remaining, namely, the 
Amaranth, Nettle, and Breadfruit tribes, are at once 
known by the first having smooth leaves, without sti- 
pules, while the two last have rough or stinging leaves 
with stipules. 

These peculiarities may be expressed in a tabular 
form thus :— 

leaves hard, calyx all dropping off 

seu The Protea tribe. 
or withering away. 

Calyx ' 
tubular ) jeaves soft, calyx forming with its | The Marvel of Peru 
base a bony covering to the fruit tribe. 

i i6 rey an taveluere ¢ The Oak tribe 
flowers in in an involucre 
catkins 4 
Aint wa eres : The Willow tribe. 
Calyx without an involucre 
not leaves smooth, ; 
tubular without stipules The Amaranth tribe. 
flowers not juice watery—The 
in catkins ( Nettle tribe. 
leaves rough, or 
stinging, with ” juice milky—The 
stipules Breadfruit tribe. 

Our next visit will be to far more beautiful subjects. 



I. Tue Netrie Trisr.—l. A piece of Common Pellitory (Pa- 
rietaria officinalis).—2. The calyx of a sterile flower, with the sta- 
mens projecting.—3. The same cut open.—4. An anther.—5. A 
fertile flower.—6. A pistil.—7. An ovary cut through perpendicu- 
larly, shewing the position of the ovule-—8. A ripe fruit.—9. The 
same cut through perpendicularly, shewing the position of the 
embryo within the albumen.—10. An embryo. 

Il. Toe Wittow Trise.—l. A catkin of sterile flowers of the 
Monandrous Willow.—2. A single sterile flower of the Fellow Osier 
(Salix yitellina), with the gland, a, at its base.—3. The same with 
the bract that belongs to it.—4. A catkin of the fertile flowers of the 
Yellow Osier.—5. The pistil with its gland, a, and its bract, 6.— 
6. A seed-vessel ejecting the seeds.—7. A seed with its down.— 
8. A seed without the down.—9. An embryo with the cotyledons 



(Plate XII.) 


Ler me now introduce you to an extremely beau- 
tiful set of plants, in which you will find nothing but 
the most charming colours, set off by so clear a com- 
plexion, and such perfect forms, that there is little 
comparable to them in the whole vegetable kingdom. 

Very different from the tribes we have lately seen, so 
far are they from wanting a corolla that they possess 
that part in a most highly expanded state; not, how- 
ever, consisting of several distinct petals,:as in all 
the natural orders we at first examined, but having 
the petals grown together into a cup or bell or hol- 
low body of some kind, and only separate at their 
upper ends. These corollas are technically named 
-monopetalous, or one-petaled ; a very bad designation 
because the corolla consists in reality of many petals 
in a united state; but the word was invented when 
the real nature of such a corolla was unknown, and 
custom has established what error first promulgated. 
It is to the various tribes of Monopetalous Dicotelydons 
that we are now to direct our attention. 

The Heath tribe, which iswhat I at first alluded 
to, stands pre-eminent among such plants for its love- 


be Bred wee Vibes 

Libri i> 




liness; and it is very easily known. We will say 
nothing about its leaves, firstly, because they are va- 
riable in appearance ; and, secondly, because it is now 
time we should leave off testing the Dicotyledonous 
character of a plant at every step; for you must by 
this time have begun to recognize, with certainty, the 
features of that primary class, without attention to 
its technical distinctions. It is in the flowers that 
the great peculiarities of the tribe are conspicuous. 
Let us take any Heath for an examination; that which 
I have at hand is the “ Hispid’ (Erica hispida), 
so called on account of the little stiffish hairs with 
which it is covered on every part. Like nearly the 
whole of the genus, it is a native of the Cape of Good 
Hope, where extensive tracts are covered with count- 
less species of all manner of forms and colours. ‘The 
Hispid Heath has a calyx of four sepals (Plate XII. 1. 
fig. 2. a); and a corolla looking like a hollow globe, 
with four short teeth at one end; it is of the clearest 
pink; you may see its veins through the skin, so 
transparent is every part; and their arrangement will 
reveal to you the fact of this hollow globe being in 
reality composed of four petals, so completely united 
at their edges that nothing but their points is to be 

Arising from beneath the ovary, and perfectly sepa- 
rate from the corolla, are eight stamens ( fig. 3.), each 
of which has a slender filament, and a singular pur- 
ple anther, with two distinct lobes, shaped like the 
two prongs of a fork, and opening by a hole at their 
upper end. ‘This character of holes in the end of the 

160 LETTER’ XH. 

anther is one of those that are essential to the Heath 

The ovary (fig. 6.) is a hairy body containing four 
cells and a great many ovules ; it is termimated by a 
style having a flat purple stigma, with four little 
projections on it, corresponding with the number of 
cells in the ovary. ‘This in time changes to a dry 
fruit that bursts into valves, for the escape of a count- 
less multitude of seeds as fine as grains of sand, 
they are frequently terminated by delicate crests or 
wings of different figures ( figs. 8. & 9.), and are beau- 
tiful microscopic objects. 

Now in this description you are to consider the 
hypogynous stamens, and the anthers with pores im them, 
as the most essential characters of the natural order, 
and they will, in fact, enable you to distinguish it 
from all others. It is principally in the breadth of 
the leaves, in the size and form of the flowers, in the 
texture of the fruit, and in the number of divisions 
of the corolla and stamens that the genera vary : 
they all agree in those common characters. 

For instance, the Ardutus is like a Heath, but it 
has broad leaves, ten stamens, and fleshy fruit, which 
gives rise to its common name of the Strawberry tree, 
and which renders it so noble an ornament of the 
romantic waters of Killarney. 

Andromeda again, with her countless blushing or 
snow-white flowers, and glossy or powdery evergreen 
leaves, is like the Arbutus, only the fruit is a dry 
capsule, opening by valves. 

Rhododendron and Azalea, on the contrary, have 


corollas that spread open at the mouth, with unequal 
divisions, and with stamens bent towards one side ; 
while Kalmia has cup-shaped corollas with ten little 
niches in which the anthers are nipped up, so that 
when the flower expands, the filaments are all curved 
downwards away from the pistil, as if the corolla 
was unwilling to allow them to touch it; but stir the 
filament with a pin, at the time when the anther is 
ready to shed its pollen, and in an instant the 
stamen starts up, and approaches the anther to the 

All these plants are so well known, from being 
the pride of the American garden, that I have 
only to name them to recall them to your memory. 
Considering how very handsome they are, and how 
innocent is their aspect, you would scarcely sup- 
pose that venom lurked beneath their charms ; they 
will, however, serve as an instance of how little you 
may trust to appearances, even among flowers; for 
both the Rhododendron, the Kalmia, and the An- 
dromeda, have not only noxious leaves and branches, 
but their very honey is poison; as has been too 
fatally experienced by those who have fed of the 
produce of the hives of Trebizonde. 

Extremely different from these is the tribe of Bind- 
weeds (Plate XII. 2.), of which the wild Convolvulus, 
at once the pride and pest of our English hedges, and 
the not less beautiful but more harmless Jpomea of 
the gardens are the representatives. These plants, 
like the Heath tribe, are monopetalous, but they have 
a twining stem, and corollas that are neatly plaited 


162 LETTER XIt. 

when they close, like the paper purses that are made 
for children. These corollas open and close under 
the influence of light or darkness, some opening 
only in the day, others only in the night, and in one 
case (Ipomoea sensitiva) they are so sensitive, that 
they contract beneath the touch like the leaves of 
the Mimosa. ‘The calyx of the Bindweed consists of 
five sepals, which overlie each other so sompletely, 
that you can seldom perceive more than the two 
outermost. The fruit (fig. 5.) contains three or four 
cells, and a very small number of seeds, the embryo 
of which ( fig. 7.) is doubled up in the most curious 
way, just as if there were not room enough within 
the seed for it to grow. The roots of many of them 
are large and fleshy ; they possess powerful medicinal 
properties, and are fit for food only in the case of the 
Sweet Potatoe (Convolvulus Batatas), which was so 
much esteemed before the common Potatoe displaced 
it in Europe. 

To this tribe also belongs an odd little plant called 
Dodder (Cuscuta). Have you never remarked upon 
the stems of the Heath, or Nettles, or of the Furze, 
clusters of stout reddish cords which are so twisted 
and intertwined that you would take them for a knot 
of young snakes, if the colour first, and then their 
touch did not undeceive you. If ever you have ob- 
served so strange an appearance you have seen 
Dodder, which, originally earth-born, soon lays hold of 
some neighbouring plant, twists her leafless shoots 
around it, fixes them firmly to the branches, quits her 
hold of the soil, and thenceforward, as if ashamed of 


her humble origin, feeds only upon dews and rain, 
till the frost comes, nips her tender frame, and leaves 
her dead and shrivelled form still clinging to its place : 
a monument of the punishment of vegetable ambi- 
tion. ‘This strange plant is of the Bindweed tribe ; 
but is extremely imperfect; leaves it has none, except 
a few stunted scales, and its flowers are little white 
things collected in close clusters. The fruit consists 
of membranous capsules, in each of which are two 
cells and four seeds. 

I must now leave you to hunt for Dodder, and to 
study her singular habits if you can find her, till I 
have leisure to resume my pen. 


I, Tae Heatu Trise.—l. A shoot of Hispid Heath (Erica 
hispida).—2. A flower; a, the sepals.—3. The stamens and pistil—4. 
and 5 anthers.—6. A pistil cut open, shewing the arrangement of the 
ovules within the ovary.—7. The ripe fruit of Rhododendron, natural 
size; a, a central receptacle of seeds, from which the valves separate. 
—8. A seed very highly magnified; a, the hilum, or scar where the 
seed separated from the receptacle——9. The same cut through per- 
pendicularly, shewing the embryo lying in the midst of albumen. 

I]. Tae Brnpweep Trise.—1. A shoot of Dwarf Convolvulus 
(Convolvulus tricolor).—2. The stigma.—3. A stamen.—4. The ovary 
divided perpendicularly, shewing the manner in which the ovules 
grow.—5. The ripe fruit.—6. A seed.—7. The same cut through 
perpendicularly; a, the radicle of the embryo ; 4, the hilum, or scar 
where the seed separated from the receptacle. 




(Plate XIII.) 

Ir there is any one tribe of plants in nature, the 
colours of whose flowers are more intensely vivid, 
and the foliage neater, and the whole aspect prettier 
than any other, it is that which comprehends the 
different species of Centaury, and the beautiful Alpine 
Gentians with their flowers of azure or yellow, ‘This 
which is called the Gentian tribe, belongs to the Mono- 
petalous division of Dicotyledonous plants, among 
which it is usually known by the leaves, which are 
opposite each other on the stem, being ribbed (that is, 
having two, or four, or more strong veins parallel 
with the midrib), and extremely bitter. The flowers 
are also constructed upon a peculiar plan. The 
calyx consists of four or five sepals more or less 
united, the corolla has the plaited appearance that I 
mentioned in the Bindweeds, with all its divisions 
equal to each other ; there are four or five stamens, 
and a superior ovary, with two many-seeded cells, 
and a two-lobed stigma. 

All this you will find in the Gentianella (Gentiana 





acaulis, Plate XIII. 1.), a plant that you can- 
not fail to procure from the first good garden you 
enter. It indicates the presence of the bitter sto- 
machic qualities for which the Gentian of the shops 
is so much employed, and you may be quite sure 
that they exist in any wild species in which a similar 
structure is discoverable. Thus we have in our 
marshes what is called the Calathian Violet (Gentiana 
Pneumonanthe), with narrow leaves, and a corolla 
greenish externally, but a lovely azure within; and 
on our hills, or sea-cliffs, a branchy dwarf plant with 
rose-coloured blossoms (Erythrza Centaurium), called 
Centaury ; in both these the same bitterness occurs, 
and they both may be used just as well for domestic 
bitters as the exotic drug of the shops. 

The Gentian tribe is not a very extensive one; the 
principal part of it is met with in the tropical coun- 
tries of South America ; a few species, called Chironias, 
from the Cape of Good Hope, exist in green-houses ; 
another group, of almost uncultivable habits but 
great beauty, called Sabbatias, is found in North 
America; and the remainder, which are chiefly 
Gentians, are found all over the milder and more 
alpine parts of Europe and Asia; in the Swiss Alps, 
on Caucasus, and on the Himalayan mountains of 
India, they enamel the sward with blossoms of such 
intense brilliancy, that the eye can scarcely rest 
upon them. 

From some unexplained cause the plants of this 
tribe are generally so difficult to manage in England, 
that with the exception of three or four robust species, 


the most skilful gardeners cannot keep them alive : 
were it otherwise, there are none which it would be 
so easy and so desirable to procure from foreign 

Brief as my remarks upon this tribe have been, 
you will find that they are sufficient to enable you to 
recognize it. Let me now turn to another. 

It is a very unusual circumstance for monopetalous 
plants to have only two stamens, unless the corolla is 
irregular: that is to say, unless the parts of the corolla 
are of unequal size. ‘There are, however, two natural 
orders of which the essential character consists in the 
presence of two stamens within a regular corolla. 
Of these the Olive tribe is the more remarkable, and 
that which I shall take for illustration. The Olive 
itself is so uncommon in England, that it will be more 
convenient to select the Privet for the plant by which 
your notions of the tribe are to be formed. 

The Prwet is a Dicotyledonous shrub, with opposite 
leaves. Its calyx is a four-toothed cup: being com- 
posed of four sepals united, except just at the tips 
(Plate XIII. 2. fig. 4.). The corolla consists of four 
equal petals, united half-way into a tube (fig. 1.), 
and joining, before they expand, by their edges only. 
The stamens are two, of a very common appearance. 
The ovary is superior, and contains two cavities, from 
the top of each of which hang two ovules (fig. 5. & 6.); 
it is terminated by rather a thick style, and a two- 
lobed stigma. To this succeeds a small round black 
succulent fruit (fig. 7. & 8.), which usually contains 
but one seed. This is all that you find im any others of 

the Olive tribe, the organization of whose flowers is 
remarkably uniform. 

For example, the Olive has a shorter corolla and a 
hard bony nut in its fruit; the Phillyrea, with its 
beautiful deep-green leaves, is exactly like the Olive 
in the structure of its fructification, but its nut 1s 
brittle instead of bony; and the fragrant Lilac 
(Syringa) differs from all these in its longer corollas, 
and in its fruit being dry, and splitting mto two 

Simple as is the character of the Olive tribe, and 
uniform as the genera usually are in their structure, 
there is one most remarkable exception, which I should 
not omit to notice. The Ash (Fraxinus), which you 
know by its smooth and graceful trunk, and by the 
airy appearance of its light and elegant foliage, is a 
plant without any corolla, and yet it belongs to the 
Olive tribe. It may seem exceedingly strange that a 
plant which has no corolla should be classed with 
those which have a perfect monopetalous one, and if 
such a thing were to happen in an artificial system it 
would be extremely improper, but in a natural ar- 
rangement all sengle characters are subordinate to the 
mass of characters, and, when they do not accord with 
the usual structure, form exceptions to general rules. 
Thus, as the Ash agrees with the Olive tribe in every 
character except the absence of the corolla; that 
absence is only reckoned an exception to the general 
fact that the Olive tribe has a monopetalous corolla. 
It happens that we possess a striking proof, beyond 
what the fructification affords, that the Ash and Olive 


are both very nearly related to each other. It is well 
known that no tree can be either budded or grafted 
upon another, unless they are extremely nearly related 
by natural ties; the Olive may be grafted upon the 
Ash, and consequently the inference that is drawn 
from the construction of the flowers is confirmed by 
the physical properties of the two plants. 

I told you but a short time since that there were 
two monopetalous natural orders with regular flowers, 
in which there are only two stamens. The one 
to which as yet no allusion has been made, is the 
Jasmine tribe, to which belong the many fragrant 
plants which bear that name. These are known by 
a most simple character from the Olive tribe; the 
edges of the divisions of their corolla, instead of being 
exactly fitted to each other before the flowers ex- 
pand, overlie each other m the bud, and slide off 
each other when they unfold. These differences 
give rise to two technical expressions which I cannot 
do better than explain to you on the present occa- 

We call the manner in which the parts of the 
flower are folded up in the bud the estivation ; and 
we apply the term either to the calyx or corolla, or 
stamens, or pistils, with some qualifying adjective. 
When two parts are placed together, edge to edge, so 
that one does not lie at all upon the other, those parts 
are said to be valvate, and when they do lie upon each 
other, they are said to be imbricated, or tiled, im al- 
lusion to the manner in which tiles (called in Latin 
imbrices) are placed upon the roof of a house. These 


terms are frequently coupled in speaking of the 
corolla: of which the Olive and Jasmine tribes afford 
a striking example. The former is said to have a 
valvate estivation, the latter an imbricated estivation. 


I. Toe Gentian Trise.—A plant of Gentianella (Gentiana 
acaulis).—1. The lower part of a corolla, with the five stamens at- 
tached to it.—2. A pistil—3. An anther.—4. A ripe fruit dividing 
into two valves a, and invested with the withered remains of the 
calyx and corolla. 

II. Toe Oxive Trise.—l. A flower of the Privet (Ligustrum 
vulgare).—2. The face of an anther.—3. The back of one-—4. A 
calyx with its pistil—®5. The same cut through perpendicularly, 
shewing the ovules hanging in the cells of the ovary.—6. A horizon- 
tal section of the same.—7. A cluster of ripe berries.—8. A fruit eut 
through, with a view of the single seed and the embryo within it; 
a the second cell, which is nearly obliterated by the pressure of the 
seed upon it.—9. A seed extracted from the pulp.—10. The same 
cut across.—11. The embryo taken out. 




(Plate XIV.) 

From the Olives of Italy, with their dingy foliage, 
and imperishable wood, let us turn to our own innocent 
native Hare-bells, whose modest beauty amply recom- 
penses us for the absence of the gaudy, scented, and 
often venomous flowers of more southern climates. 
In this plant we find the representative of an exten- 
sive natural order, the species of which are scattered 
over all Europe and the cooler parts of Asia and 
America, dwelling in dells and dingles, by the banks 
of rivers, in shady groves, on the sides of mountains, 
and even on the summit of the lower Alps, where the 
last lingering traces of vegetation struggle with an 
atmosphere that neither plant nor animal can well 

We know the Hare-bell tribe only in its humblest 
state, bedecked with no other ornament than a few 
blue or purple nodding flowers; but in foreign 
countries, it acquires a far more striking appearance. 
On the mountains of Switzerland, there are species 
with corollas of pale yellow, spotted with black; on 

a AES eS 

Fics LE tokls 

Ade 2 
— AL OPP ELST Money stich. 




the Alps of India are others of the deepest purple 
that can be conceived: on the rocks of Madeira lives 
one which was formerly not uncommon in our gar- 
dens (Musschia aurea), whose corollas are of a rich 
golden yellow ; and finally, in the pastures of the Cape 
of Good Hope are Roellas, the flowers of which are 
elegantly banded with streaks of violet or rose passing 
into white. 

Let us, however, confine ourselves, in the first in- 
stance, to the true Hare-bell genus. In every shady 
lane there grows a diminutive herb, with little grassy 
leaves, and a few blue bell-shaped nodding flowers ; 
this is the real Hare-bell, which Botanists call the xound- 
leaved Campanula ; you will wonder why it is so called, 
since its leaves are narrow, like those of a grass; but 
if you pull it up by its roots, you will then find that 
the lowest of all the leaves have a roundish outline, 
from which circumstance it derives its name. You 
who live in the country will take this species for ex- 
amination; but I am obliged to step into a garden 
for a subject, and I have selected a species found in 
thickets in the Ukraine, from which it is named 
Campanula ucranica; either will answer the purpose 
equally well. 

The calyx of the plant has five deep divisions 
(Plate XIV. 1.), which spread regularly away from 
the base of the corolla, and from the top of the ovary. 
The corolla has very regularly the figure of a bell, 
except that it is too narrow at the base ; its borders is 
divided into five lobes, which shew that it is made 
up of five petals, and it is veined in a pretty and 


peculiar manner. From the base of the corolla, and 
consequently from the summit of the ovary, spring 
five stamens (fig. 1.), whose filaments are broad, 
firm, and fringed (fig. 2.), curving inwards at the 
base, and bending over the top of the ovary, as if to 
guard it from injury; their points touch the style, 
and keep the anthers parallel, and in contact with it, 
till they shrivel up and fall back, which happens 
immediately after the flower unfolds. The style is a 
taper stiff column, about the length of the corolla, 
and longer than the stamens. It is covered all over, 
up to the very tips of the stigma, with stiff hairs (fig. 
4.) which nature has provided to sweep the pollen 
out of the cells of the anthers, as the style passes 
through them in lengthening; if it were not for this 
simple but effectual contrivance, as the anthers burst 
as soon as ever the corolla opens, their pollen would 
drop out of the nodding flowers and be lost before the 
stigma was expanded and ready to receive the ferti- 
lizing influence; the hairs of the style catch the 
pollen and keep it till insects, wind, or accident brush 
it down upon the inverted stigmas. 

Next let us look at the ovary. ‘This organ is in 
the Hare-bell a case containing three cavities or cells 
(fig. 3.), surrounding a central axis; im each cell 
there is a large fleshy receptacle, over which is 
spread a multitude of ovules. After the stigma is 
fertilized, the corolla and the stamens drop off, the 
sepals harden, enlarge, and collapse, all the parts 
become browner and thicker, stout ribs appear im the 
substance of the ovary, which droops still more than 


the flower itself ( fig. 5.), and at last a general dryness, 
hardness, and brownness, announce that the ripening 
of the fruit is accomplished. But how are the dust- 
like seeds ever to find their way out of this lidless box, 
or to penetrate its tough sides? Considering what 
happens in so many other plants, we should natu- 
rally expect that it would take place by a separation 
of the edges of the three carpels into valves, near 
their points; but upon looking at the top of the 
ovary between the sepals, we find that part still 
tougher than the sides, and without the slightest ap- 
pearance of an opening. It is by a rending of the 
thinnest part of the sides of the fruit, in the fork of 
the three principal ribs (fig. 5. a.), that these 
valves are produced, and that nature provides for | 
the escape of the seeds; the rending takes place 
upon the final drying of the sides of the fruit, 
when every part becomes stretched so tight, that 
any weak portion must of necessity give way. As 
the stretching takes place with uniformity, and as the 
skin at the forks of the ribs 1s always more tender 
than any other part, the opening of the valves will 
consequently occur with the same invariable certainty 
as the formation of the seeds. 

Do not, however, suppose that this curious contri- 
vance is characteristic of the Hare-bell tribe: on the 
contrary, it is only characteristic of the Hare-bell 
genus ; for in other genera, the fruit opens by-a sepa- 
ration of the points of the carpels in the usual way ; 
the tension of the sides consequently does not take 
place, and no lateral openings being necessary, none 
are ever formed. 


Among the commoner genera, allied to the Hare- 
bell, should be distinguished Phyteuma, some very 
pretty species of which are found on the Alps of 
Europe, and two, even in hedges in the south of 
England, although very rarely ; this genus is known 
from the Hare-bell by its corolla not being bell-shaped, 
but split into five very long and narrow segments. 
Wahlenbergia also, with the corolla of a Hare-bell, but 
with the fruit opening at the points, is found in the damp 
groves of Cornwall and Devonshire, in the shape of a 
charming little ivy-leaved plant, creeping among the 
turf, above which it raises its blueish drooping bells 
(Wahlenbergia hederacea) ; and finally in corn-fields, 
often enamelling the stubble im harvest time, appears 
the hybrid Looking-glass flower (Specularia hybrida), 
the corolla of which spreads flat round the stamens, 
forming little rays with its petals ; its fruit sheds its 
seeds through three slits in its angles. 

The Hare-bell tribe is as harmless as it is beau- 
tiful; the roots of some species are eaten under the 
name of Rampion, the leaves of others are used in 
Salads, and the bells afford an abundant supply of 
honey to the bee. ‘The stems and roots abound in a 
milky juice, which although in this case innoxious, 
is usually a symptom of poisonous properties, and 
which, in a neighbouring tribe, indicates the pre- 
sence of the most fearful venom. As the gardens 
contain many species of the deleterious group, called 
_the Lobelia tribe, I cannot do better than take this 
opportunity of explainmg to you how you may know 

Imagine a Hare-bell with its corolla split mto an 


irregular form, and its anthers grown together into a 
cylinder through which the stigma projects, and you 
will have a Lobelia, many of the species of which, 
such as L. Cardinalis, fulgens and splendens, are the 
admiration of gardeners, on account of their velvety 
scarlet flowers. Put not your faith in these, for they 
are all acrid in the most intense degree, and fatal 
alike to animals and man. ‘They are very common 
in tropical countries, and are chiefly American; some 
of them are herbs like those we see in the gardens, 
others are bushes, or even small trees. Two of the 
rarest of British plants are the burning Lobelia (L. 
urens) of Devonshire, and the water Lobelia (L. 
Dortmanna), which inhabits the very bottom of moun- 
tainous or northern lakes. 

Resembling the Hare-bell tribe in its inferior ovary, 
but far different in its essential characters, is the tribe 
which takes its name from the Honeysuckle. ‘To 
understand the structure of this, you cannot do better 
than study the Honeysuckle itself (Plate XIV. 2.). 
The leaves of that plant are placed opposite each 
other with great uniformity ; the uppermost even 
grow together at their base ; im no case do you find 
even a trace of stipules, or any thing like them; a 
material point, which I must beg you to remark. 

The flowers have a roundish green inferior ovary 
(fig. 1. a.), terminated by a very minute five-toothed 
calyx, and containing three cells (fig. 3.), in each of 
which hang two or three ovules. The corolla is a 
tube, the end of which divides into two lips (fig. 1.), 
one of which is narrow and undivided, the other cut 

176 LETTER XIy. 

into four rounded lobes: in reality, it 1s composed of 
five petals, one of which is separate for about a quarter 
of its length, and constitutes the undivided lip, while 
the other four are united nearly to their very points, 
and form the upper lip. Five stamens arise from the 
tube of the corolla; the style is long and thread- 
shaped, and ends in a pin-headed stigma. ‘The fruit 
is a succulent berry, containing one or two bony seeds 
( fig. 6.). 

Such is the Honeysuckle, the essence of whose 
character, consisting in having an inferior, many- 
celled, few-seeded ovary, and monopetalous flowers, 
is found in Symphoria, one of whose species bears 
balls of snow-white fruit, whence it has gained the 
name of Snow-berry ; and in the St. Peter’s Wort 
(Diervilla), the fruit of which is dry and tapering. 
It is here also that is stationed the interesting Linnea 
borealis, with its delicate rosy bells, and creeping 
stems; by which it is said that the humble and 
neglected fate and early maturity of the great Swedish 
naturalist, whose name it bears, were typified, at the 
time it received its modern title. 

Do not imagine that because the Honeysuckle 
twines, and Linnea trails, all the tribes are twiners, 
or trailers. On the contrary, if you are acquainted 
with either the Snow-berry or the St. Peter’s Wort, 
already mentioned, or with the Zartarian and Fly 
Honeysuchles of the gardens, you will already be 
aware that many species are upright branching 
bushes. This is more particularly the case with 
some other genera. The Elder, of which I long 


since gave you a description (page 35), warning you 
not to mistake it for an Umbelliferous plant, belongs 
to the Honeysuckle tribe; and so do the Wayfaring 
tree (Viburnum Lantana), and the Guelder Rose 
(Viburnum Opulus), both of which are to be met with 
in every shrubbery. At first sight, these plants seem 
to be unlike the Honeysuckle, but study their struc- 
ture carefully, remembering what it is that I have 
told you is essential to the tribe, and you cannot 
mistake their affinity. In fact, if they were twining 
you would never have doubted it. 

In North America there grows a plant of this tribe 
with broad leaves, clusters of flowers sitting close in 
their bosom, and yellow berries, called ‘Triosteum 
perfoliatum, the seeds of which have proved the best 
of all substitutes for Coffee. Knowing nothing of the 
latter plant, you cannot have suspected that it was in 
any way allied to the Honeysuckles; but the fact I 
have now mentioned may excite a suspicion that it 
may be so, as in reality it is. 

Coffee (Coffea Arabica), the infusion of whose 
seeds forms the beverage which is probably the most 
universally grateful of all that the luxury of man 
has prepared, belongs to a very extensive natural 
order, almost confined to the warmer parts of the 
world, comprehending the meanest weeds and the 
most noble flowering trees, obscure herbs with blos- 
soms that it almost requires a microscope to detect, 
and bushes whose scarlet corollas are many inches 
long ; and producing drugs invaluable to man for 
their important medicinal properties. Ipecacuanha, 



Coffee, and various kinds of fever barks, especially 
that of Peru, are among its useful products. Now, if 
you gave the Honeysuckle tribe well defined stipules 
at the base of the leaves, you would convert them into 
plants of the Coffee tribe ; for, notwithstanding many 
other differences in particular instances, the two 
natural orders, viewed in a general manner, can 
hardly be said to be absolutely distinguishable by 
any other character. I would, therefore, recommend 
you to take this as the true distinction, and not 
to trouble yourself about further differences, unless 
you intend to study Botany minutely. Coffee itself 
consists of the seeds of the plant, divested of their 
skins, and of a dark purple fleshy rind that enveloped 
them. They are formed almost entirely of albumen, 
in the base of which a very small embryo is placed. 
A seed of any commom Honeysuckle (figs. 6. & 7. 
Plate XIV. 2.) will shew you this; for, in all that 
regards the seed, the Coffee tribe and the Honey- 
suckles agree. I have said that Triosteum has proved 
the best of all substitutes for Coffee; a circumstance 
that will not now surprise you; but it is probable 
that other plants of either the Honeysuckle or Coffee 
tribes, would answer the purpose equally well, pro- 
vided their seeds are large enough, and their albumen 
of a hard horny texture. 



I. Toe Hare-sett Trise.—A few flowers of the Ukraine Hare- 
bell (Campanula ucranica).—1. The ovary a, with the stamens and 
style, in the state in which they are found after the corolla has ex- 
panded.—2. A stamen with its broad thick base.—3. A horizontal 
section of the ovary, shewing the three cells and many seeds.—4. A 
view of the hairy style and stigma, before the lobes of the latter sepa- 
rate.—5. Aripe fruit; a, the holes through which the seeds escape. 
—6. A seed.—7. The same cut perpendicularly, shewing the embryo. 

Il. Tae Honeysuckie Tripe.—A piece of the Minorca Honey- 
suckle (Caprifolium implexum).—1. A flower, with the inferior ovary. 
—2. An anther, with the upper end of the filament.—3. A horizontal 
section of an ovary, with the three cells, and the ovules cut through as 
they hung in them.—4. A perpendicular section of an ovary, shew- 
ing how the ovules hang from the top of the cavity.—). A little 
cluster of fruit.—6. A seed.—7. The same cut through perpendicu- 
larly, shewing the embryo. 



(Plate XV.) 


I nore that you will have found the distinguishing 
characters of all the Monopetalous orders we have 
examined up to this time sufficiently clear and defi- 
nite to be understood and remembered; and that as I 
have been proceeding, you have been analysing their 
distinctions after the plan of which some instances 
have been already given you. Tor I am convinced 
by long experience that this is the only sure way of 
fixing such matters in the memory. As it is my In- 
tention, after we shall have gone through the whole of 
them, to analyse for you such of the Monopetalous 
orders as I may select for illustration, it is unnecessary 
for me to dwell as yet upon their mutual distinctions. 
Let us, on the contrary, proceed, for the present, 
steadily in our examination of other natural orders. 

Of all the groups into which Botanists have di- 
vided the Vegetable Kingdom, there 1s none which 
combines uniformity of general appearance with 
similarity in structure in a greater degree than 
those rough-leavyed plants, which Linnzus used, on 

Or Ge Of ay 
She Lorage Aube 

Black Nughlshade 

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weft ELF 


that account, to call Asperifoliz, and which we know 
by the name of the Borage tribe. Leaves covered 
with rigid hairs, a regular monopetalous corolla, and 
a four-lobed ovary, which changes into four seed- 
like grains, form the peculiar character of this natu- 
ral order, of which the Violet Alkanet (Anchusa ita- 
lica) isa common and good illustration. In Botanic 
gardens, or in collections of biennial plants, this is 
an extremely common plant, so that I anticipate no 
difficulty in your procuring it. Should you, how- 
ever, be unable to procure it when this letter reaches 
you, take a shoot of Morget-me-not, by which you 
may also follow me. My reason for selecting the 
Alkanet, is the large size of all its parts of fructifi- 

The leaves of this plant have a fleshy texture and 
a mucilaginous pulp; but their skin is covered with 
hairs so stiff and sharp that they will prick the 
fingers if drawn over them against the hairs. A 
miscroscope will shew you that this is owing not so 
much to the stiffness of the hairs themselves, as to a 
hard stony base from which they arise, and which 
if your magnifying power is strong enough, will be 
found to consist of a cluster of very hard cells of 
cellular tissue. When the leaves are young, this 
hardness is less remarkable ; but as they grow old, 
it becomes very conspicuous. ‘The leaves are placed 
alternately on the stem, and the latter is round—two 
facts which I will beg you to recollect. 

The flowers are arranged in a singular manner. 

The stalk which bears them is coiled up (Plate XV. 1.) 


at the point, so that the youngest flowers are quite 
hidden by its folds; but it gradually uncoils as the 
flowers expand, till at last it becomes nearly straight. 
In consequence of this singular arrangement, the 
flowers are all forced towards one side, and when they 
are expanded, look as if they actually grew from one 
side only ; this, however, is not the fact—they are 
only turned towards one side. I think I have al- 
ready explained to you that we call the arrangement 
of the flowers upon their common stalk the wmfto- 
rescence ; and that different adjectives are added to 
this word to explain its nature. Thus, in Umbellife- 
rous plants, the inflorescence was umbelled; in 
the Borage tribe it is what is called gyrate; a fine 
word expressive of being coiled. Now this gyrate 
inflorescence will of itself enable you to recognise 
the Borage tribe, and the families most immediately 
allied to it, without recourse to any thing further. 

The calyx, which is covered with hairs, like the 
leaves, consist of five sepals jomed to each other 
more than half way, so as to form a tube (jig. 2.). 
The corolla has its border divided into five lobes, 
opposite which, at their base, are five hairy convex 
scales, which converge and close over the mouth of 
the tube, so as effectually to prevent any intruder 
from entering it (fig. 1.). From the side of the tube 
of the corolla, below the scales, spring five stamens, 
which sit close upon its surface, without any visible 
filament. The ovary is divided into four deep lobes 
(fig. 3.), from the middle of which rises a taper 
style, terminating in a double stigma. 


When the fruit is ripe it is invested with the calyx, 
which remains green for a long time (fig. 4.), only 
contracting at the point, so as to cover the fruit. Cor- 
responding with the four lobes of the ovary, are four 
grains, or rather rugged bony nuts (fig. 5.), which 
finally separate from each other, when they look like 
so many seeds, for which they used to be mistaken. 
These, along with the gyrate inflorescence, are the 
great characters of the Borage tribe, as distinguished 
from all other Monopetalous Natural Orders. 

Many of the genera of the Borage tribe are ex- 
tremely common. The most beautiful of all our wild 
flowers, Viper’s Bugloss (ichium vulgare), is one of 
them. It is known by its corolla having an unequal 
and irregular margin, and a sort of bell-shaped 
figure. ‘The deep red or purple spots and hairs of that 
plant are very remarkable. 

Then there is Forget-me-not (Myosotis), whose 
various species ornament ditches and dry banks with 
their pretty blue blossoms. It is known from Alka- 
net only by the scales of the mouth of its corolla 
being more rounded and shorter. 

Borage, too (Borago officinalis), occasionally makes 
its appearance upon banks, and in waste places; it is 
conspicuous for its azure flowers, whose corolla is 
deeply divided into five spreading lobes, which are 
much longer than the tube. 

Besides these, we have Hound’s-tongue (Cynoglos- 
sum), with long grey leaves, and dingy reddish brown 
flowers, succeeded by broad fruit, covered all over 
with stiff hooks ; Zungwort (Pulmonaria), with leaves 

184 LETTER. XV; 

spotted with green and white, and flowers of a lovely 
blue, shaped like a funnel; the mean-looking Grom- 
well (Lithospermum), which seems as if conscious of 
its worthlessness, by constantly dwelling with weeds 
and rubbish; whose very fruit is so like a stone, that 
it derives its Botanical name (Lithospermum signifies 
literally stone-seed,) from that circumstance; and 
finally Comfrey (Symphytum), with tall coarse stems, 
and tubular flowers, the scales of whose mouth seem 
as if made expressly to teach us what the real nature 
of those singular parts are in other genera. In 
the Comfrey, the scales are so exactly like the 
filaments, that if you cut off the anthers, you can- 
not tell one from the other; and consequently, as 
all other circumstances confirm the opinion of 
their being abortive stamens, the scales are so con- 

Not one of the Borage tribe is otherwise than harm- 
less; the young shoots of Comfrey have even been 
eaten as Asparagus, but they have too little taste to 
be worth cultivation; and Borage itself was once an 
ingredient in a favourite beverage of our forefathers, 
called a cool tankard. It is however for their dyeing 
properties that they are really valuable. The dye 
called Alkanet, or others of a similar quality, is fur- 
nished by the roots of Anchusa timctoria, Lithosper- 
mum tinctorium, Onosma echioides, and several other 

From this harmless natural order, let us turn to 
one, the properties of which are too often dangerous. 
Henbane, Nightshade, and ‘Tobacco, the narcotic 


Thorn-apple, with the half fabulous Mandrake, 
whose roots were said to shriek as they were torn 
from the earth to give effect to magical incantations, 
form, with a number of other plants, a large natural 
order, the prevailing quality of which is to be poison- 
ous. Many of them are common wild plants, and 
none more so than the species called black Night- 
shade (Solanum nigrum), which is sure to spring up 
wherever a spot of ground is neglected, and suffered 
to become waste. It is to this plant I shall trust 
for explaining the general character of the Night- 
shade tribe. 

Black Nightshade is a plant with broadly lance- 
shaped leaves, slightly toothed at the edge, and 
seated alternately upon the stem (Plate XV. 2.). Its 
flowers consist of a short five-toothed calyx, of a mo- 
nopetalous corolla, with five equal divisions (fig. 1.), 
of five equal stamens, and of an ovary (fig. 2**.) 
with two cells, in each of which is a number of 
ovules. The style of the ovary is thick and shagey 
at the bottom, and terminated by a thickened undi- 
vided stigma. The fruit is a small black berry, 
containing two cells, and a number of yellowish 
seeds, whose skin is covered closely with little pits 
(fig. 4.) ; inthe inside is an embryo, which is coiled 
up upon itself in the middle of a quantity of fleshy 
albumen (fig. 5.). Of these characters, the most es- 
sential ones are the superior ovary with two cells, the 
regular flower, and the alternate leaves. ‘The last point 
distinguishes the Nightshade tribe from the Gen- 
tians, and you will find, by and bye, that the two 


former separate it from other orders you have still to 

The genus Solanum is known in its tribe by the 
anthers opening by two holes or pores at their points 
(fig. 1. a.); besides Black Nightshade, it contains 
the itter-sweet (S. Dulcamara), whose red and tempt- 
ing berries present a dangerous decoy to children ; 
the Love Apple (S. Lycopersicum), or Tomato, the 
pulp of which is so much esteemed in sauces; the 
Egg-plant, or Aubergine (S. Melongena), whose fruit, 
when fried in slices, forms a delicacy in French cook- 
ery; and above all, the Potatoe (S. tuberosum). 
Here, you will imagine, is a singular assortment of 
eatable and poisonous plants in the same genus ;_ but 
in truth, the fruit of these is in all cases deleterious 
till it is cooked; ‘Tomatoes are stewed, Ege-plants 
are washed and fried before they are eaten, and it is 
not to be doubted that they would all prove mju- 
rious, if used in araw state. The fruit of the Potatoe 
is notoriously unwholesome ; and if its roots are not 
so, that circumstance is to be ascribed in part to their 
being cooked, and in part to their being composed 
almost entirely of a substance like flour, which in 
no plant is poisonous, if it can be separated either 
by heat or by washing, from the watery or pulpy 
matter it may lie among. 

Deadly Nightshade (Atropa Belladonna) belongs 
to a genus resembling the last in its berries, but hav- 
ing a bell-shaped flower, and anthers which open by 
slits in the usual way. ‘he fruit of this plant is the 
most venomous of all our wild berries ; it is of a deep 


shining black, and follows a livid brown corolla. 
The Mandrake is aspecies of the same genus (Atropa 
Madragora), but it has whitish flowers veined with 
purple; and scarcely any stems; it is only found in 
the southern parts of Europe. 

Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) lives on commons, 
especially where the soil is chalky, near old cities and 
upon banks. Its broad pale leaves have a fetid 
smell, are irregularly lobed at the edges, and are 
covered all over with greasy hairs. ‘The flower sits 
close upon the stem, and have a large dirty-yellow 
corolla, veined with brownish purple, which gives 
them a peculiar livid appearance. 

The Thorn-apple (Datura Stramonium), so cele- 
brated for its narcotic properties, is distinguished by 
its fruit being dry and covered with stiff spines; and 
Tobacco (Nicotiana Tabacum) by its long tubular 
corolla and smooth dry fruit bursting into two valves. 

To enumerate any greater number of these delete- 
rious plants would be to occupy a larger space than 
I have room for; what I have already mentioned 
will suffice to make you understand their general 
nature ; and for the rest you must consult systematic 
works. All that I beg you to recollect is, that plants 
of the Nightshade tribe, are not only monopetalous, 
but have a superior two-celled ovary, regular 5-lobed 
flowers, and alternate leaves. ‘The fruit of all such 
avoid, until it has been ascertained by the experience 
of others, that they can be eaten with safety. 

You will scarcely suspect that those prettiest of | 

spring flowers, Primroses, Oxlips, and Cowslips, can be 



in any way related to the venomous plants I have just 
mentioned; nor do they in fact belong to the same 
tribe ; but they are so similar in many respects that 
I shall have no opportunity more fitting than the 
present, to say a word to you about them. Endeared 
as they are to us all by some of the sweetest recollec- 
tions of infancy, it would almost amount to a crime 
to pass them by with neglect. Like the Nightshade 
tribe they have regular monopetalous flowers with 
five stamens, and a superior ovary; they are some- 
times similar in habit, as in the case of the Mandrake, 
which resembles a gigantic Primrose with white 
flowers marked by purple veins, and they also possess 
slight narcotic properties. ‘They are distinguished 
by one circumstance in particular, by which they 
may be at all times known among our wild flowers 

with certainty,—their stamens are not placed between 
the lobes of the corolla, as in the Nightshade tribe, but 
are opposite to them, a very curious and permanent 

This you will instantly discover by the examination 
of the Primrose, the Auricula, or the Polyanthus. 
The ovary is also constructed on a different plan : 
you will find that of the Primrose to contain only one 
cell, with the ovules collected in the centre: in the 
Nightshade tribe there are two cells; on the outside 
of the ovary of the latter, you will discover two fur- 
rows on opposite sides of it, indicating that it is con- 
stituted by the growing together of a pair of carpels : 
on the outside of the ovary of the Primrose are five 
furrows, slight indeed, but sufficiently apparent, and 


indicating its formation out of five carpels. The pe- 
culiarity in the stamens is, however, sufficient without 
referring to the fruit, except when the corolla has 
fallen off. 

With this character agree the beautiful pigmy 
Alpine plants called Aretia and Androsace ; here also 
are referred Soldanella with its little bells of blue so 
prettily notched on the border and Cyclamen or 
Sow-bread, whose fruit is forced, by the rigid coiling 
up of the flower-stalk, down upon the earth, where it 
lies concealed by the broad ivy-like leaves. Here 
too are arranged the Pimpernel (Anagallis), one of 
whose species is called the Poor Man’s Weather-glass, 
because it 1s found in every piece of waste ground, 
and will only open its tiny brick-red flowers in fine 
weather, closing them at the approach of rain; and 
Loosestrife (Lysimachia), whose creeping stems, little 
yellowish-green leaves, and brilliant yellow flowers 
are the brightest ornaments of the moss and short 
herbage that springs up in woods and shady places. 

Interesting as are the British species of this natural 
order, they are far inferior in beauty to their relations 
which live on the mountains of other countries : for the 
Primrose tribe most frequently prefers Alpine stations 
to all others. It is in the higher regions of the 
mountains of Switzerland and Germany, on the 
Pyrenees, and upon those stupendous ridges, from 
which the traveller beholds the vast plains of India 
stretching at his feet in a boundless panorama, that 
the Primrose tribe acquires its greatest beauty. 
Living unharmed beneath a bed of snow during the 


cold weather, where it is protected alike from light 
and from drying winds, as soon as the snow is melted 
it springs forth bedecked with the gayest tints imagi- 
nable ; yellow, and white, and purple, violet, lilac, 
and sky blue are the usual colours of its flowers ; 
while its leaves, nursed by the food descending from 
a thousand rills of the purest waters, and expanded 
beneath an ever genial and cloudless sky, acquire a 
green which no gem can excel in depth or bright- 
ness. It is in those regions only that the Primrose 
tribe can be studied to the greatest advantage. 


I. Toe Borace Trise.—A portion of the inflorescence of Violet 
Alkanet (Anchusa italica), shewing its gyrate disposition.—l. A co- 
rolla opened, exhibiting the stamens and the scales which close its 
throat.—2. A calyx.—3. The four-lobed ovary, style and stigma.— 
4, The calyx of the fruit.—5. The four-lobed fruit with the withered 
style still remaining.—6. One of the seed-like lobes of the fruit 
divided perpendicularly; a, the part which separated from the recep- 
tacle; 64, the organic apex; c, the organic base: these are inverted 
in the drawing so that the section may correspond with the position 
of the lobes in fig. 5. 

Il. Tue NiegutsHape Tripe.—A twig of Black Nightshade 
(Solanum nigrum).—1. A corolla laid open; a, the holes through 
which the pollen is discharged by the anthers.—2*. The pistil and 
calyx.—2**, A horizontal section of the ovary, exhibiting the nume- 
rous seeds lying in the two cells.—3. A cluster of ripe fruit.—4. A 
seed.—5. The same divided perpendicularly, shewing the manner 
in which the embryo is coiled up. 


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(Plate XVI.) 

One of the easiest of all natural orders to recog- 
nise is the Borage tribe, which formed the subject 
of part of my last letter. Its coiled or gyrate inflo- 
rescence and four-lobed ovary are so peculiar, as never 
to escape the observation of the most careless in- 
quirer. ‘There is only one way in which a mistake 
may be made by a beginner, and that I shall now 
teach you how to avoid. 

Of all the weeds of common occurrence, that which 
is perhaps the most universally distributed, and which 
appears by the strength of its constitution the best 
adapted to flourish in situations where little else can 
erow, 1s Black Horehound (Ballota nigra). Even by 
the sides of the high road, in the midst of the hot- 
test and dryest weather, when it becomes literally 
cased in a thick coating of dust, that plant flowers, 
regardless of the elements and their effects. You 
may know it by its dull dusty disagreeable smell, its 
roundish indented wrinkled dull grey leaves, placed 
opposite each other on a square stem, and its whorled 
clusters of dull purple flowers. ‘The ovary is split 


into four lobes ; its fruit consists of four black grains, 
which are the divisions of the ovary in a hardened 
state, and in fact it is so very like the fruit of a plant 
of the Borage tribe, that I am quite sure when you 
look at its monopetalous corolla, you will believe that 
it belongs to that natural order. 

But pursue your examination of it a little further, 
and see whether its other characters are also im ac- 
cordance with those of the Borage tribe. Its leaves 
for example—are they covered with stiff hairs? no— 
are they placed alternately on the stem? no—have 
they the insipid taste, &c. of the Borages ? no—are 
the flowers arranged in a coiled or gyrate inflores- 
cence ? is the corolla regular ? are there five stamens ? 
to all these questions the answer still is no, no, no. 
The Black Horehound does not belong to the Bo- 
rage tribe. 

Look then rather more exactly into the structure 
of the flowers ; for there can now be no doubt that it 
is a part of some natural order you have not yet ex- 
amined. Its calyx (Plate XVI. 1. fig. 1.) is a tube 
with five sharp-pointed teeth (a.), and is consequently 
formed of five sepals. ‘The corolla is hairy and tubu- 
lar at the base (fig. 1.), and divided at the top into 
two unequal parts called lips ; of these lips the upper 
is narrow and concave (0.), the lower is flat, and di- 
vided into three lobes (c.), of which that in the middle 
is much larger than the two side ones ; this corolla 
is therefore very irregular. ‘To see the stamens dis- 
tinctly, the best plan is to slit open the corolla (fig. 
2.); you will then find that there are four of them, 


two being shorter than the others; their anthers 
consist of two lobes which diverge very much, and 
are only connected just at the tips (fig. 3.). The 
structure of the ovary and fruit (figs. 4. & 6.) is like 
that of the Borage tribe ; but the style is uniformly 
forked at its upper end, and has a very minute stigma 
on each point of the fork (fig. 5.). 

Plants thus constructed, and there is a considerable 
number of them, form what Botanists term Labiate, 
and which may be called in English the Mint tribe. 
They are known from all, except the Borages, by their 
four-lobed ovary; and from the Borages they are 
distinguished by their opposite leaves, square stems, 
irregular flowers, and several other characters ; espe- 
cially by a total difference in their sensible proper- 
ties. While all the Borages are insipid and _ scent- 
less, the Mint tribe consists of aromatic herbs, whose 
leaves and flowers are both impregnated with a vola- 
tile matter which is continually exhaling, and which 
becomes exceedingly perceptible when the parts are 
rubbed. For instance, Lavender, Thyme, and fose- 
mary, Mint, Basil, Sage, Marjoram, and Clary, the 
common aromatic herbs of the Kitchen Garden, are 
all relatives of each other, and belong to this natural 

Of our wild flowers the most remarkable genera, 
besides those above mentioned, are the Dead Nettles 
(Lamium), with their strong-smelling leaves and flow- 
ers of purple or white; Bugles (Ajuga), with blue 
flowers and creeping stems ; Ground Ivy (Glechoma), 
that crawls over the bottoms of dry ditches and up 



the sides of banks among the grass; Woundwort 
(Stachys), which owes its name to the blood-red 
stains upon its corolla; Self-heal (Prunella), peeping 
up among the sward of commons and old pastures ; 
and Gipsy-wort (Lycopus), with its minute pale rosy 
flowers, which inhabits the banks of rivers and lakes, 
and yields a deep brown stain when its leaves are 
bruised in water. 

All these and a thousand more agree in having 
perfectly harmless properties, and are for the most 
part aromatic; their favourite places of resort are 
hedges, woods, and shady lanes; they spring up on 
the sloping face of chalky downs, and enamel the 
meadows of subalpine regions; even the scorching 
sun of Syrian deserts they can endure, but they are 
unable to support the most intense cold in which 
vegetation can exist. In Melville Island, for instance, 
situated in the Arctic Ocean, none of the tribe were 
found by Captain Parry’s officers, although Saxifra- 
ges, little Potentillas, and many other pretty flowers 
appear in the summer through the thin coating of 
soil which conceals the everlasting ice of that deso- 
late region. 

Far removed from these in their qualities, for 
many are poisonous, and all suspicious, although ex- 
tremely similar in most points of organization, are 
the beautiful plants which form the Foxglove tribe 
(Plate XVI. 2.). They are known by their fruit not 
consisting of four seed-like lobes, but being a hollow 
case, or capsule (fig. 7.), contaiming two cells (fig. 
9,), and a great number of seeds. In the irregu- 


larity of the corolla and stamens, they exactly agree 
with the last, only it is carried much farther in the 
Foxglove tribe than in the Mint tribe: for the pe- 
tals are sometimes so irregularly combined, that one 
can scarcely make out their real number and nature 
by any of the ordinary tests; as in the charming 
genus Calccolaria, the lower lip of whose corolla is 
inflated like the foot of a clumsy slipper, and in the 
still more remarkable Chilian Schizanthus, whose 
corolla is cut and slashed as if it had been clipped 
with a pair of shears. 

No better example of this order can be selected 
than the common Foxglove (Digitalis), which is so 
striking an ornament of many parts of England. Its 
corolla (fig. 1.) is a large inflated body, with its throat 
spotted with rich purple, and it border divided ob- 
liquely into five very short lobes, of which the two 
upper are the smaller; its four stamens are of un- 
equal length (fig. 2.); and its style is divided into 
two lobes (fig. 6.) at the upper end. A number of 
long glandular hairs cover the ovary (fig. 5.), which 
contains two cells, and a great quantity of ovules. 

This will show you what the usual character is of 
the Foxglove tribe; and you will find that all the 
other genera referred to it in books agree with it 
essentially, although they differ in subordinate points. 
It is chiefly in the form of the corolla, in the number 
of the stamens, in the consistence of the rind of the 
fruit, its form, and the number of seeds it contains, 
and in the manner in which the sepals are combined, 
that these differences consist. 



Thus Figwort (Scrophularia) has a globular corolla, 
with a large upper, and a very small lower lip; 
Speedwell (Veronica), with its spikes of blue, has only 
two stamens; Snapdragon(Antirrhinum) has the throat 
of the lower lip so prominent as to press against the 
upper ; Monkey flowers (Mimulus) have the angles of 
the calyx winged ; and the woolly AZulleins (Verbas- 
cum), a corolla with scarcely any tube. No genus is 
more remarkable than Pentstemon, of which so many 
fine American species adorn our gardens; in that 
plant there are actually five stamens, four of which 
are of two different lengths, as is usual, while the fifth 
is long and slender, very hairy at the point, and 
projects into the very mouth of the corolla; it is, 
however, notwithstanding its size, imperfect: for it 
bears no anther. This plant is interesting, as shew- 
ing that in such irregular flowers as those of the Mint 
and Foxglove tribes, there is a tendency to become 
regular, which is sometimes very strongly manifested. 
To render a Foxglove regular, it should not only have 
the divisions of its calyx and corolla of the same 
size, and of the same number; but the stamens 
should agree in number with those; that is to say, 
as there are five sepals and five lobes to the co- 
rolla, there should also be five stamens, instead 
of four, to constitute perfect regularity. It is con- 
sidered that in those plants in which there are only 
four stamens, the fifth is abortive or undeveloped, 
and that when two stamens only appear, the three 
others are abortive. This will explain to you why a 
fifth stamen appears in Pentstemon ; and also the 


nature of a little scale which is very often found at 
the back of the corolla in these two-lipped corollas ; 
the scale is a stamen in a rudimentary state. 

If you next compare the structure of the Foxglove 
tribe with that of the Nightshade, you will remark 
that the resemblance between them is quite as great as 
between the Foxglove and the Mint tribe; only ina 
different way. ‘They both have monopetalous flowers, 
five divisions of the calyx and corolla, and an ovary 
with two cells; but in the Nightshade tribe the 
stamens uniformly correspond in number with the 
lobes of the calyx and corolla ; while in the Foxglove 
tribe they are uniformly fewer; in a word, the flowers 
of the former are symmetrical and regular, of the 
latter, unsymmetrical and irregular, and this is the 
ereat distinction between them. 

With this I must abandon the explanation of the 
Monopetalous Dicotyledonous natural orders, which 
have more than one carpel in each flower; my next 
letter will be confined to those, the carpel of which is 
absolutely solitary and simple. 


I. Tae Mint Trise.—l. A flower of Black Horehound (Ballota 
nigra) ; a, a lobe of the calyx; 6, the upper lip of the corolla; ¢, the 
lower lip.—2. A corolla split open to shew the position of the sta- 
mens.—3. The top of a filament, with its anther.—4. A pistil; a, 
a fleshy disk, out of which springs the four-lobed ovary.—5. The 
two lobes of the style.—6. A ripe fruit before the lobes separate.~— 
7. One of the lobes apart.—8. A fruit cut through horizontally, 
shewing the four embryos at a. 


If. Tae Foxciove Trise.—l. A flower of Purple Foxglove 
(Digitalis purpurea).—2. The stamens projecting from the base of 
the corolla.—3. An anther.—4. The pistil, after the corolla has 
dropped off.—5. The same without its calyx.—6. The top of the style 
and the stigma.—7. A ripe fruit, burst into two valves, and leaving 
the receptacles of the seeds in the middle.—8. A perpendicular see- 
tion of the same, with the receptacles left.—9. A horizontal section 
of a half-grown fruit, shewing the precise shape of the receptacles 
of the seeds.—10. A seed.—11. A perpendicular, and 12, a hori- 
zontal section of the same, exhibiting the embryo lying in the midst 
of albumen. (N. B. These details are after a drawing by Mr. Francis 



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(Plate XVII.) 

Berore I come to my promised analysis of the 
orders of Monopetalous plants I must beg you to 
give your attention to two more tribes, in which there 
are many singular points of structure, and which in 
particular differs from all that have gone before in 
having only one carpel in each flower; a simple 
and obvious difference, which you will be sure to 

“Take,” says Rousseau, whom I shall here follow 
very closely, ‘‘ Take one of those little flowers which 
cover all the pastures, and which every body knows 
by the name of Daisy. Look at it well; for I am 
sure you would have never guessed from its appear- 
ance, that this flower, which is so small and delicate, 
is really composed of between two and three hundred 
other flowers, all of them perfect, that is, each of 
them having its corolla, stamens, pistil, and fruit ; 
in a word, as perfect in its species as a flower of 
the Hyacinth or Lily. Every one of those leaves, 
which are white above and red underneath, and 
form a kind of crown round the flower, appearing to 


be nothing more than little petals, are in reality so many 
true flowers; and every one of those tiny yellow things 
also, which you see in the centre, and which at first 
you have perhaps taken for nothing but stamens, are 
real flowers. If your fingers were already exercised 
in botanical dissections, and you were armed with a 
good glass, and plenty of patience, I might convince 
you of the truth of this; but at present you must begin, 
if you please, by believing me on my word, for fear 
of fatiguing your attention upon atoms. However, 
to put you at least in the way, pull out one of the 
white leaves from the flower ; you will think at first 
that it is flat from one end to the other; but look 
carefully at the end by which it was fastened to the 
flower, and you will see that this end is not flat, but 
round and hollow, in form of a tube, and that a_ 
little thread ending in two horns, issues from the 
tube; this thread is the forked style of the flower, 
which, as you now see, is flat only at top. 

“ Next, look at those little yellow things in the 
middle of the flower, and which, as I have told you, 
are all so many flowers; if the flower is sufficiently 
advanced, you will see some of them open in the 
middle, and even cut into several parts. 

‘These are monopetalous corollas, which expand, 
and a glass will easily discover in them the pistil, 
and even the anthers with which it is surrounded. 
Commonly the yellow florets towards the centre are 
still rounded and closed. ‘These, however, are flowers 
like the others, but not yet open; for they expand suc- 
cessively from the edge inwards. ‘This is enough 


to shew you by the eye, the possibility that all these 
small affairs, both white and yellow, may be so many 
distinct flowers; and this is a constant fact. You 
perceive, nevertheless, that all these little flowers are 
pressed, and inclosed in a calyx, which is common to 
them all, and which is that of the Daisy. In consider- 
ing then the whole Daisy as one flower, we give it a 
very significant name, when we call it a composite flower. 
Now, there are many genera and species of flowers 
formed, like the Daisy, of an assemblage of other 
smaller flowers, contained in a common calyx. This 
is what constitutes the sixth tribe, of which I pro- 
posed to treat, namely, that of the Composite Flowers.” 

Thus, in his admirable gossiping manner does Rous- 
seau set about explaining the structure of a composITE 
or compound flower; I shall not continue to follow him, 
but take my own way of illustrating the subject fur- 
ther ; stopping, in the first place, to notice two inac- 
curacies into which he has fallen, in common with 
all writers of the same day. The cluster of little 
flowers or florets, which he calls the flower of the 
Daisy, although qualified by the addition of com- 
posite, leads unnecessarily to a confusion of ideas, 
and is much better designated by the term flower- 
head (or head of flowers), which it really is; the 
other error is that of calling the little leaves that 
surround the florets a calyx ; he should have said 
they were an involucre. The word calyx strictly 
belongs to a single flower, and not to a collection of 
flowers ; while involucre is precisely the term that 
expresses an assemblage of little leaves or bracts 


round a number of flowers. You have already had 
an excellent instance of it in Umbelliferous plants, 
and this is another. 

Rousseau took the Daisy to explain the structure 
of Composite flowers, because it is so very common a 
plant; but it has the defect, as a means of illustration, 
that its parts are so very small, as to be distinguished 
with difficulty, and that it does not comprehend so 
many points of structure as some others. For these 
reasons, I will recommend you to take a plant equally 
common in gardens in the autumn, the french Ma- 
rigold (Tagetes patula, Plate XVII. 1.), an old- 
fashioned, but pretty flower, which is not lable to 
the same objections. 

Its flower-head (fig. 1.) is surrounded externally by 
an olive green cup, formed of several bracts which 
have grown together at the edge (fig. 6.); this cup 
is the involucre. Next the involucre are placed 
several florets (figs. 1. & 2.), whose corolla is a broad 
yellow blade, rounded at the end, and striped with 
wide streaks of chocolate brown (fig. 2. d.); it is all 
turned one way, spreading away from the flower- 
head, and only tubular at the bottom; Rousseau says, 
such corollas look as if they were gnawed off on one 
side. Technically, they are named ligulate, which 
signifies strap-shaped, because in the greater part of 
Composite flowers they are long and narrow ; they 
are also said to form the ray of the flower-head. At 
the base of the tube of the corolla you will find a few 
little narrow hairy scales (fig. 2. 6.), which stand on 
the top of the ovary, in the place of the calyx. Bo- 


tanists choose to call them the parrus; although in 
reality they are the calyx, which is only stunted and 
starved in consequence of its being developed amidst 
the constant pressure of the florets against each other: 
the pappus is often altogether absent, as in the Daisy 
for instance; but it sometimes forms a_ beautiful 
plume of feathers, which catches the wind and ena- 
bles the seed to soar into the air, and to scatter itself 
to a distance. ‘The delicate feathery balls of the 
Dandelion which children amuse themselves with 
blowing away into the air, are the fruit of that plant 
crowned by the pappus. Below the pappus is the 
ovary (fig. 2. a.), containing one single ovule; it 
terminates in a slender style, which passes through 
the tube of the corolla, and forks at the top into two 
stigmas (fig. 2. e.). In time the ovary becomes a dry 
hairy fruit (fig. 8.), crowned with the pappus, and con- 
taining one single seed (fig.9.). Such are the florets 
of the ray. 

The middle of the flower-head (fig. 1. b.), included 
within the ray, is called the pisk; it consists of 
florets constructed very differently from those of the 
ray. ‘To examine them conveniently you should pull 
one of them out (fig. 3.). In the ovary you will 
find no difference worth naming; the pappus is also 
like that of the ray, only it is more perfect, and one 
of its scales is a sort of stiff bristle (fig. 3. b.). The 
corolla is of quite another kind ; it is tubular from 
the bottom to the top; towards the top it widens, 
and at last separates into five little divisions which 
are covered all over with hairs in the inside; this 


kind of floret is called tubular. The stigmas are two 
( fig. 7.), and project beyond the mouth of a little 
hollow cylinder, which is found at the orifice of all 
the tubular florets of the disk (fig. 4. a.). At first 
sight you may be at a loss to determine what the 
cylinder is: but if you use a magnifying glass, you 
will presently discover that it is formed of five anthers, 
which grow together by their edges, im the same 
manner as petals grow by theirs, when they form a 
monopetalous corolla. It is easy to slit this cylin- 
der (fig. 5.), and then you will see that each anther 
has its filament, and two lobes containing the pollen. 
The broad flat part, out of which the florets grow 
(fig. 6. a.), is called the RECEPTACLE; it is some- 
times covered with scales, or hairs, or is even pitted 
with hexagonal depressions, which look like the cells 
of honeycomb. Can you guess to what, in other 
plants, this receptacle is analogous? for you may be 
sure it is only some very common part masqued and 
disguised, to the eyes of an ordinary observer. ‘To 
understand it, you should first compare the flower- 
head of a composite flower, with an umbel (See 
Letter II.). In the latter the flowers are all on long 
stalks, that proceed from a common point, which 
is the termination of the stem or branch; their point 
of origin is wider than the stem itself, because of the 
number of stalks, for whose bases room has to be 
found; the stalks, however, are very slender, and 
do not occupy much room. But suppose the flowers 
of an umbel had no stalks, but were seated close upon 
the stem, as sometimes happens ; it is obvious that as 


they are much stouter than their stalks, the stem 
would, in such a case, have to be expanded much 
more in order to receive them; in fact it would 
become a receptacle such as you find in a Daisy. 
The receptacle of a composite flower is therefore an 
expanded part of a stem. 

You may also look at its structure in another way. 
Take a spike of Ribgrass, an exceedingly common 
weed, about which I shall say something at the end 
of this letter ; place it by the side of a flower-head of 
French Marigold; let the letter e in both cases re- 
present the base of the inflorescence, and b the top 
of the spike of Ribgrass (Plate XVII. 2. fig. 1.), 
and the centre of the disk of the French Marigold 
(Plate XVII. 1. fig. 1.). Suppose the spike of Rib- 
grass to be very much shortened, the number of 
flowers upon it remaining the same; the distance 
from b to e will be proportionably diminished, and the 
flowers will be much more crowded. Let this shorten- 
ing be carried still further, the number of flowers 
still remaining the same, and it is obvious that in 
order to make room for the flowers, side by side, the 
stem must expand horizontally; a receptacle will 
then be produced, and a little reflection will shew you 
that the letter 6 will then indicate precisely the same 
parts in both plants: the centre of the French Mari- 
gold being the same as the point of the spike of Rib- 
grass. The receptacle of a compound flower is there- 
fore both a contracted and expanded stem. 

With regard to the involucre, Rousseau has well ob- 
served, that it has generally the property of opening 


when the florets expand, of closing when the corollas 
fall off, im order to confine the young fruit; and 
lastly, of opening again and turning quite back to 
give more room to the fruit, which increases in size 
as it grows ripe. ‘This is particularly remarkable in 
the Dandelion. 

Let us now pass from these considerations to a 
view of the sections into which Composite Flowers 
are naturally divided. 

If you gather a head of Dandelion (Leontodon 
Taraxacum), you will find that both the ray and the 
disk are composed of ligulate florets, to the total ex- 
clusion of tubular ones. Such plants are called Sue- 
cory-headed (Cichoracee), and are remarkable for 
their stems yielding a white milk, which, when con- 
centrated, has a soporific quality. The other sections 
are destitute of this property. Here are arranged num- 
bers of our wild flowers, such as Goat’s beard (‘Trago- 
pogon), Sow Thistle (Sonchus oleraceus), Wall Lettuce 
(Prenanthes), Hawkweed (Hieracium), and the shabby 
Succory (Cichorium Intybus), with its ragged leaves, 
and pale blue florets. It is also to this section that the 
Lettuce and Endive of the garden belong. 

From the last you will easily distinguish what 
is called the Thistle-headed section (Cinaracez). 
These plants have no ligulate florets; all the florets 
are tubular, generally very wide at the mouth, and 
so much spreading beyond the involucre as to give 
the flower-head almost an hemispherical form. The 
leaves of the involucre are also, in most of the species, 
hard and spiny. It is in this section that you will 


find all the Thistles, Saw-worts (Serratula), and Blue 
Bottles (Centaurea); it is also remarkable for con- 
taining the Artichoke (Cynara Scolymus), the bottom 
of which you have probably often eaten without 
thinking much about Botany. The next time you 
have one on the table, remember that the scales, 
which you suck are the imvolucre, the bottom is the 
receptacle, and the choke, which is thrown away, is 
a collection of florets, separated from each other by 
numerous stiff hairs, growing out of the receptacle. 

The third section has heads composed of both sorts 
of florets; tubular ones in the disk, and ligulate ones 
in the ray; hence they are called Radiate (Corym- 
biferee). It sometimes happens that these have no ray, 
and then the young student might naturally confound 
them with the Thistle-headed section ; but this need 
not be done if you remark that the florets of the Thistle- 
headed section are very wide in the mouth, and spread 
over the sides of the involucre, the scales of which are 
usually hard and spiny, while the florets of the Radiate 
section are narrow in the mouth, and not longer than 
the scales of the imvolucre, which are usually soft and 
leafy. A very little practice will soon prevent your 
falling into any such error. By far the greater part 
of Composite flowers belong to the Radiate section ; 
Sunflowers, Asters, Daisies (Bellis), Chrysanthemums, 
Marigolds, Wormwood (Artemisia), Cudweed (Gnapha- 
lium), Coltsfoot (Tussilago), Groundsel (Senecio) and 
Chamomile (Anthemis), with thousands of others, for 
this section is of prodigious extent, form a most strik- 
ing feature in the vegetable kingdom. 


When we were talking of Umbelliferous plants I 
cautioned you against committing the error of sup- 
posing that all plants with their flowers in umbels 
belonged to that natural order. In like manner I 
must now explain to you that although the arrange- 
ment of florets in heads is universal in Composite 
flowers, yet that there are many plants in the world 
whose florets are placed in the same manner, but 
which do not belong to this tribe. For instance, 
Eryngo, which is an Umbelliferous plant, has its 
flowers in heads, so has Sanicle, another genus of the 
same order; and Yeasel (Dipsacus) and Scabious 
(Scabiosa) are so extremely like Composite flowers 
in appearance, that you would never suspect them of 
being strangers of another family, if you were not 
apprized that no plants belong to the tribe of Com- 
posite flowers, which have not their anthers united 
into a cylinder. ‘This it is which, taken with the dis- 
position of the florets in heads, alone gives a positive 
character to the plants I have been speaking of. 
This remembered, you are mistress of the key to six 
or seven thousand species. 

A few words upon the plant called Ribgrass, to which 
I have already alluded, and I pass at once to my promis- 
ed analysis of the Monopetalous Dicotyledonous orders. 

Ribgrass (Plantago) is a weed common at the foot 
of walls, by the side of pathways, and in moist places 
generally. It derives its name from its leaves having 
remarkably strong ribs passing from the bottom to 
the top: it has no apparent stem, but the leaves lie 
flat on the ground. The flowers (Plate X VII. 2. fig. 1.) 


are white and green, disposed very closely in a 
long spike, and remarkable for their long stamens, 
the filaments of which soon become too weak to 
support the heavy anthers. Each flower has a hol- 
low bract on its outside (fig. 2. b.), and a calyx of 
four green sepals, which are also concave, and overlie 
each other very much at the edges. The corolla is a 
thin, almost transparent, greenish-white body, divided 
at the end into four lobes (fig. 2. c.) which fall back 
on the sepals. our stamens arise from the tube of 
the corolla, bearing on their filaments inverted 
arrow-shaped anthers. ‘The ovary (fig. 6.) contains 
two cells, in each of which are many seeds (figs. 7, 
8.), but it terminates in a simple hairy stigma; on 
this account it is considered to be formed of a simple 
carpel, notwithstanding its two cells. In the course of 
time, the receptacle of the ovules separates from the 
sides of the ovary, and becomes covered all over with 
seeds of a pale chesnut colour (fig. 10.); at the same 
time the style drops off the ovary, which changes to 
a little hard dry brown case or capsule (fig. 9.), sur- 
rounded with the sepals, and separating transversely 
into two parts, by giving way at its base. 

These characters entitle the Ribgrass to be con- 
sidered the representative of a very distinct, although 
very small natural order, called the Ribgrass tribe ; 
which is, however, of too little importance to make 
it worth detaining you longer about it. 

Now let us again consider the most essential distinc- 
tions of the Monopetalous orders, I have recommended 


to your study. Although they form only a part of what 
really exist, yet a clear knowledge of them is a great 
step towards that of the remainder. I think the dis- 
tinction will be sufficiently well expressed in a tabu- 
lar form, without any preliminary explanation, beyond 
this, that the number of the carpels, out of which the 
ovary is formed, is the most important fundamental 
distinction to employ. 

* Ovary formed of more carpels than two. 
Flowers regular—The Borage tribe.+ 
Flowers wregular—The Mint tribe. 

Erect bushes—The Heath tribe. 
Climbing plants—The Bindweed tribe. 

Ovary split into four lobes } 

Ovary not split into lobes ; 

** Ovary formed of two carpels. 

Milky Anthers all separate—The Harebell tribe. 
Ovary plants Anthers all united —The Lobelia tribe. 

inferior ) Not Milky sates tl UE stipules—The Honeysuckle tribe 

plants Leaves with stipules—The Coffee tribe. 
” Flowers irregular : : The Foxglove tribe. 
Ovary Stamens two : : The Olive tribe. 
Superior ) Flowers : 
riamiies Leaves opposite § The Gentian 
gular ; i 
= ( ( ribbed tribe. 
Stamens five 3 
" Leaves The Night- 
alternate shade tribe. 
#%* Ovary formed of only one carpel. 
Anthers united inacylinder_ . ; Composite Flowers. 
Anthers distinct : ‘ The Ribgrass tribe. 

+ I hope the learned reader will pardon my having placed these 
two orders among those whose ovary is formed of more carpels than 
two. My reason for doing so is that they seem as if so constructed, 
and it would be difficult to make a beginner understand that they 
are not. 



I. Composite FLrowers.—1. Halfa flower-head of French Mari- 
gold (Tagetes patula); a florets of the ray ; 4 florets of the disk ; ¢ 
section of involucre; d receptacle; e flower-stalk.—2. A floret of the 
ray; @ ovary; b pappus ; ¢ tube, and d bladeof the corolla.—3. Floret 
of the disk ; @ ovary; 4 pappus; ¢ corolla.—4. Cylinder of stamens. 
—5. The same slit open and unrolled.—6. Half an involuere ; a 
the receptacle.—7. The two stigmas.—8. A grain, ripe and crowned 
by the pappus 4.—9. A section of a seed, shewing the embryo. 

II. Toe Riscrass Tripe.—1. A spike of flowers of Broad-leaved 
Ribgrass (Plantago major).—2. A separate flower; athe calyx; 6a 
bract; ¢ the corolla.—3. A section of the calyx to shew the relative 
position of the sepals to each other; 6 the bract.—4. A sepal.—s. 
An anther with a part of a filament.—6. A pistil—7. An ovary cut 
perpendicularly.—8. The same divided horizontally.—9. A ripe fruit 
invested by its calyx.—10. A cluster of seeds upon the receptacle, as 
they are left when the shell of the fruit falls off—11. A seed.—12, 
The same cut through to shew the embryo. 




(Plate XVIII.) 

In my last letter I took leave of Dicotyledonous 
plants, whieh I am persuaded you are by this time 
able to recognize by their general aspect, as well as 
by the technical distinctions to which I have chiefly 
called your attention. It is not their netted leaves, 
nor the concentric circles in their stems when woody, 
nor the two-seeded lobes of the embryo alone, by 
which they are known, but also other characters 
in combination with those. Their leaves are usually 
jointed with the stem, so that they are thrown off at 
certain seasons: in deciduous trees in the autumn, 
in evergreens in the spring or summer ; their flowers, 
if perfect, or nearly so, are mostly divided by four or 
five; that is, have four or five sepals, and four or five 
petals, either distinct or combined ; and finally, their 
mode of growth is, in general, by branching re- 
peatedly to form round-headed trees, or broad 
spreading bushy herbs. All these circumstances are 
characteristic of Dicotyledonous plants ; but most of 
them are occasionally subject to exceptions. When 
exceptions occur in regard to any one circumstance, 

NVI/T. 7. 
. PA: . lia boop 4 ¢ 7 - 

Wy, VY a Spa tia. 




attention should then be paid to others, for the pur- 
pose of ascertaining, whether, although a plant 
may appear in some one point of structure not to 
be Dicotyledonous, it may not upon the whole 
possess the characters of that great division. For 
instance, the common garden Pink, has leaves which 
are not netted; you might suppose on that account 
that it is not Dicotyledonous; but when you find 
that it is a branching plant, with five divisions of the 
calyx, five petals, and ten stamens, you may be sure 
that it is Dicotyledonous, notwithstanding the ap- 
parent deviation of the leaves from the general rule 
of structure. 

All this will be more clear to you, when you be- 
come acquainted practically with monocoryLEDONOUS 
plants; which are quite different things. They often 
shoot up into the air without any branches, and con- 
sequently have a sharp-headed appearance when 
they form trees; there is only one seed-lobe to their 
embryo; and their stem has no trace, whatever, of 
concentric circles ; on the contrary, it presents, when 
cut across, one uniform dotted surface, as you may 
see if you take a piece of the common cane, which is 
split for the bottoms of chairs, and which is in reality 
the stem of a sort of Palm. Instead of enlarging 
their stems by the addition of new wood to the out- 
side of the old, Monocotyledonous plants only add 
new matter to the centre of that which previously 
existed, on which account they are named ENDo- 
GENOoUS (or growers inwardly). The veins of their 
leaves run in nearly parallel lines from the base to 


the point of the blade, without branching, or forming 
a kind of net work, as in the leaves of grasses or 
lilies; so that in this respect they are immediately 
known from Dicotyledonous plants. ‘Their flowers, 
moreover, are almost always divided by three, instead 
of by four or five ; you will, for instance, generally find 
three sepals, and three petals, and three, or twice 
three stamens, and an ovary made up of three car- 
pels; so that there are abundant means of dis- 
tinguishing Monocotyledonous plants, whether you 
have only their stem, or their leaves, or their 
flowers, or even their fruit to examine. Now just 
observe, how important this is; suppose you saw a 
simple-veined leaf of some plant, and nothing further ; 
although you might not be able to tell the name of 
the plant which bore the leaf, nor even its natural 
order, yet you would know that its stem must have 
grown by addition to its inside, that its embryo had 
only one seed-lobe, and that its flowers would in all 
probability be divided into three sepals, and three 
petals. Nor is this all; nearly the whole of Monoco- 
tyledonous plants are harmless; the chances would 
therefore be, that your leaf belonged to some harm- 
less plant; and if it were the leaf of a tree, you 
would be perfectly certain that it came from some 
hot climate ; for no Monocotyledonous trees are found 
in cold couutries. The inspection of a mere leaf 
would therefore lead you to a number of useful and 
interesting conclusions, at which you could never 
arrive if you studied Botany according to an artificial 


As much of the facility of distinguishing Mono- 
cotyledonous from Dicotyledonous plants depends 
upon a familiarity with the appearance of their 
leaves, let me recommend you, before we proceed 
any further to procure those of Corn or Grass, of the 
Pine Apple, the Hyacinth, the Tulip, or the Daffodil, 
and compare them with any of the Dicotyledonous 
plants, you are now familiar with. In the mean- 
while I will sketch a comparative view of Monocoty- 
ledonous and Dicotyledonous plants, which you can 
afterwards study at your leisure. 


Stems generally branched, & when | Stems generally quite simple; and 
old covered with cracked bark. when old covered with smooth 

| bark. 

Wood, consisting of concentric Wood, not consisting of concentric 
circles; the central part the circles; the central part the 
oldest and hardest; the bark youngest and softest; the bark 
connected with a central pith,,; not connected with a central 

pith by means of medullary 

by means of thin plates called 
medullary rays. rays. 

Leaves, with veins arranged in a | Leaves, with simple parallel veins, 
netted manner; usually jointed which are not netted; usually 
with the stem. not jointed with the stem. 

Flowers, usually with the parts ar- | Flowers, usually with the parts ar- 

ranged in fours or fives. | ranged in threes. 
Embryo, with two or more seed- | Embryo, with only one seed-lobe, 
lobes, or cotyledons. | or cotyledon. 

Found wild as trees all over the | Found wild as trees only in hot 
world, except in thevery highest _—_ climates, and chiefly within the 
latitudes. | tropics. 

These preliminary observations will, I trust, have 
conveyed to you some general notions of the nature 


of Monocotyledonous plants: among which you will 
find that many of the commonest and most useful 
tribes are arranged. You will scarcely, however, 
have suspected that Lilies, and Palms, and Bananas, 
with Hyacinths, Squills, Daffodils, and Orchises, were 
associated with Grasses, Rushes, and Sedges; the 
natural affinity of all these is what we have now to 
study. In order to entice my young friends onwards, 
and to prevent their getting weary of their pursuit at 
a time when I am most anxious that their attention 
should be fixed, I shall begin with a natural order, 
the species of which are so generally admired, that I 
am sure they will wish to understand it botanically. 

The Daffodil, called by Botanists Narcissus, repre- 
sents a group of plants, having fine gay flowers, 
and long narrow strap-shaped leaves arise from 
bulbs which grow under ground. It is called in Eng- 
lish the Narcissus tribe. We will not, however, take 
the Daffodil to illustrate it, for reasons that I shall 
mention by and bye. A_ beautiful Chilan plant, 
called the sharp-leaved Alstromeria, of which I send 
you a drawing (Plate XVIII. 1.), and which is now 
not very uncommon in gardens, will shew you the 
general structure of this tribe in a more satisfactory 

Its leaves are of a firm and rather fleshy texture, 
gradually tapering to the point, and are filled with sim- 
ple veins. It has an inferior ovary (fig. 1. a.) with 
three angles, three cells, and many seeds in each 
cell. From the upper end of the ovary rises a richly 
coloured reddish-orange calyx of three sepals, mside 


which are three orange-coloured petals, shaped ex- 
actly like the sepals; these are all rolled together 
so as to form a kind of bell. ‘The stamens ( fig. 2. a.) 
are six, and are remarkable for bearing blueish- 
purple anthers; a very uncommon colour for those 
parts. From the top of the ovary springs a three- 
cornered style, terminated by a three-lobed stigma 
(fig. 3.). Finally, a dull greenish-brown capsule is 
ripened, which is marked externally by six ribs (fig. 
4.), and a horizontal line, which indicates the place 
whence the calyx, corolla, and stamens fell; when 
perfectly ripe it separates into three concave valves 
(fig. 5.), each of which carries away with itself 
a portion of the receptacle (a.) of the seeds. The 
seeds are spherical (fig. 6.), and consist of a great 
mass of albumen, in which les a little cylindrical 
embryo (fig. 7.). This form of embryo is the most 
common in Monocotyledonous plants. Its upper 
end is the cotyledon, its lower the radicle, and the 
plumule or rudiment of a stem les concealed in the 

Of these characters a part is confined to the genus 
Alstromeria, and a part peculiar to the Narcissus 
tribe. The latter is briefly this: an inferwr ovary, 
calyx and corolla of the same form, and six stamens 
(or more). 

To this definition answers the Daffodil im all 
respects ; but it has, in addition, a long cup, which 
is a row of abortive stamens; and this circumstance 
marks its genus. Some very fragrant hot-house plants, 
called Pancratiums, or Sea-side Lilies, also have a 


cup, but their anthers arise from its border, which at 
once distinguishes them from the Daffodil. 

It is to this order that also belong the golden 
Sternberqna of autumn, the scarlet Amaryllises of Bra- 
zil, the Belladonna Lilies of the Cape, and Crinums, 
with their long and relaxed petals, sometimes of the 
French white, and sometimes deeply stained with 
crimson. Snow-drops, too (Galanthus), and Snow- 
flakes (Leucojum), whose names so well express their 
colour, the ruby-petaled Werines, to which belongs 
the Guernsey Lily ; and Blood-flowers (Hemanthus), 
whose juice is a mortal poison, are all allies of the 

We have often seen that venomous properties lurk 
beneath the fairest forms, and that external appear- 
ance offers no beacon to warn tue traveller of the 
plants in which danger lies concealed. The Nar- 
cissus tribe affords another instance; the bulbs of the 
Daffodil are emetic, those of the Blood-flower yield a 
deadly gluey poison, with which the African savages 
smear their arrow-heads, and the bulbs of the whole 
tribe are suspicious. Fortunately, however, its bota- 
nical characters are so precise, that there is no diffi- 
culty in distinguishing it from all others. 

So like is a Crocus to some of the Narcissus tribe, 
that a student would naturally suppose it to belong 
to it, especially when he found that it also had an in- 
ferior ovary, with three cells, and its sepals and petals 
so much alike, as to be distinguishable only by one 
being rather differently coloured, and placed on the 
outside of the other. It differs, however, in having 



only three stamens instead of six, and in the anthers 
being turned with their faces towards the sepals, in- 
stead of towards the style; a singular peculiarity, 
which in this case is found to indicate a total absence 
of poisonous properties ; so that while the Narcissus 
tribe is dangerous, the natural order, called the 
Cornflag tribe, to which the Crocus belongs, is per- 
fectly harmless. 

These plants vary a great deal in their general ap- 
pearance, owing to the different shapes of the calyx 
and the corolla, and to the size of the stem, which is 
sometimes round and subterranean, as in the Crocus, 
and sometimes long, scarred, and creeping on the 
surface of the ground, as in the Cornflag or Iris; of 
which the Orris rout which babies suck is a pre- 
paration, and the name a corruption. They may, 
however, be always known by their agreeing with 
the Narcissus tribe in every thing except their three 
stamens with the anthers turned away from the style. 
and the want of bulbs. ‘Their leaves are also very 
unusually thin, and shaped like a straight sword- 
blade, with the edge turned to the stem, on which 
account they used to be called Hnsate, or sword- 
leaved plants (Plate XVIII. 2. fig. 1.). 

Along with the drawing of the Alstromeria you 
have another, which represents a most singular plant, 
the colour of whose flowers resembles a lizard’s back. 
{It is a native of the Cape of Good Hope, and called 
the Wavy Ferraria (Ferraria undulata). Its flowers 
consists of three sepals and three petals, all of which 
are so wavy and curly at their edges, and so much 


alike that you can hardly distinguish them ; below a 
kind of cup, formed by the union of these parts, is a 
long ribbed ovary (fig. 1. a.), which contains three 
cells and many seeds ( fig. 6.). The three stamens are 
in this genus grown into a column (fig. 2.) like the 
column of a Passion-flower; but in other genera they 
are distinct ; each at its pomt curves away from the 
stigma as if to convey its anther (fig. 2. d.) as much 
as possible out of the reach of it, averting from it 
its face (fiy. 2. d.). The style is a small cylinder, 
divided at its end into three broad lobes (fig. 2. e.); 
each of which is separated into two parts (fig. 3.) cut 
cut up into five hair-like segments: these lobes are 
the stigmas. 

In Iris, the genus from which the tribe takes its Latin 
name (Lridacee), the structure is more curious than in 
Ferraria; the three sepals are broad and spreading, 
and often ornamented with a beautiful feathered crest ; 
the three petals stand erect, and curve over the 
centre of the flower; while the stigmas are broad 
richly coloured parts, resembling petals, and curve 
away from the centre, as in the Ferraria. At first 
sight you would suppose the Iris was altogether des- 
titute of stamens; but if you lift up the stigma you 
will find the runaways snugly hidden beneath their 
broad lobes, and lying close to a humid lip through 
which the influence of the pollen is conveyed to the 
ovules. This widening of the stigma is a very com- 
mon event in the Cornflag tribe ; even in the Crocus 
it occurs, only the stigmas are so rolled up that you 
do not discover it until you unroll them; they are, 


in fact, so much heavier than the power of the style 
can support, that in the Saffron Crocus, in which they 
constitute the substance called Saffron, they hang 
down on the outside of the flower like an orange 

It is to this natural order that belong those count- 
less species of Ixia, Gladiolus, Watsonia, Babiana, &c. 
which spring up at the Cape of Good Hope upon 
the commencement of the rains, and soon cover the 
parched and half naked karroos with a robe of the 
deepest green, adorned with all manner of gay and 
sparkling colours. 

Having studied these plants in the order I have 
mentioned, compare them in your mind with the 
numerous Dicotyledonous tribes you have already be- 
come acquainted with, and see whether you can 
anticipate any difficulty in recognising other tribes of 
Monocotyledonous plants, by the external characters 
I have pointed out; without the slightest necessity 
for having recourse to the examination of their stems 
or seeds. 


I. Toe Narcissus Tripe.—1. A shoot of the sharp-leaved Alstro- 
meria (A. acutifolia); @ the inferior ovary.—2. An ovary deprived of 
calyx and corolla, but with the stamens in their place.—3. An ovary 
without even the stamens; shewing the style and stigmas.—4. A ripe 
fruit of Alstromeria psittacina (the Parrot Alstromeria), just before 
it separates into valves; @ the scar whence the stamens, calyx, and 


corolla dropped.—5. One of the valves, with a part of the receptacle 
of the seeds a adhering to it.—6. A seed.—7. A section of the same; 
exhibiting the embryo a lying in the midst of the albumen. 

Il. Tue CornriaG Trise.—1. A piece of the Wavy Ferraria 
(F. undulata); @ the ovary.—2. A column of stamens; a@ the base 
of the sepals and petals; 4 the column; e the fore part of the fila- 
ments; d the anthers; e the stigmas.—3. One of the stigmas sepa- 
rated from the style-—4. An anther.—5. An ovary; a the place 
whence the sepals and petals have been removed; 6 the base of the 
column of stamens.—6. A horizonal section of the ovary. 


< ny / , a 4 
, V hts hiphodel S b4Ae 4 

ef a Ulta. 



(Plate XTX.) 

Tue last natural order of Monocotyledonous plants, 
with an inferior ovary, which I propose to mention 
to you, is the Orchis tribe, one of the most extensive 
and curious of the Vegetable Kingdom. In the end 
of May, or beginning of June, you will meet with 
great numbers of a fine common species in the pastures 
and meadows, where they rise with their spotted 
leaves, and spikes of purple or rosy speckled flowers, 
conspicuous among the herbage that surrounds them. 
The country people call them Cuckoo-fiowers, because 
they make their appearance when the cuckoo begins 
to call. Of these the commonest of all are the Male 
Orchis(Orchis mascula), and Fool’s Orchis (O. Morio), 
either of which you may gather for the purpose of 

Suppose we take Fool’s Orchis. It has a little fleshy 
root, composed of two oval knobs, and a number 
of succulent fibres; its leaves spread at the sur- 
face of the ground, are of a light green, of a narrow 
strap-shape, tapering to a blunt point, with a soft, 
rather fleshy texture. and the usual simple-veined 
structure of Monocotyledonous plants. The stem is 


erect, and about nine inches high, sometimes less, but 
seldom more; it is covered by two or three leaves 
wrapped round it, so as to form a sort of sheath; at 
its top it bears a spike of flowers, coloured with green 
and white, and having the followmg most remarkable 

From the bosom of a narrow wavy lance-shaped 
bract (Plate XIX. 2. fig. 2. f-), springs an angular 
twisted body, pure green at its lower end, but often 
stained with red near the top (fig. 2. e.); this is an 
ovary, containing only one cell, and an inconceivable 
multitude of minute ovules, arranged in double rows 
upon three narrow receptacles ; at its point it is grace- 
fully bent forward, as if to present you with its sin- 
gular green and pink flower. 

The first thing that usually strikes an observer, is 
a broad roundish notched leaf (fig. 1. and 2. a.), hang- 
ing from out of a sort of casque or helmet, the two 
sides of which expand and retreat a little (fig. 1. ¢. ¢.), 
so that they may set off the lively rose colour and 
rich crimson blotches with their own dull green 
stripes; this leaf is called the trp (labellum), and 
separates a little into three divisions, of which the 
side ones are the most notched and the largest; at 
its base is a hole (fig. 1. e.) which will prove, upon 
examination, to be the mouth of a rose-coloured horn, 
that seems to swing lightly behind the flower (figs. 
1. and 2. b.); it is usually called the spur. The 
other leaves of the flower are thus: two are concave, 
spreading, a little turned in at the point, and charm- 
ingly striped with green veins, both within and with- 


out (figs. 1. & 2. c.); another stands quite at the 
back, coloured with pure rose, and projecting for- 
ward over the lip (figs. 1. & 2. c*.); below this he 
two other leaves, narrower, and more delicate than 
the last, forming, together with it, the casque out of 
which the lip seems to hang (figs. 1. & 2. d. d.). 
These are the parts which answer to the calyx and 
corolla in other plants; at first sight, you will be at 
a loss how to determine which belongs to the one, and 
which to the other; and especially to know what the 
lip is with its spur; look, however, more attentively, 
and remark, firstly, that the whole number of leaves 
in the flower is six; and secondly, that three of them, 
namely, the lip, and two narrower and more delicate 
leaves, which form part of the casque (figs. 1. & 2. 
a. & d. d.), are placed within the three others. The 
first of these (c. c. and c*.) form the calyx, and the 
last (a. and d. d.) the corolla; a very irregular one, 
certainly, but nevertheless conformable to all the 
rules of organization ; as for their irregularity, that is 
characteristic of the Orchis tribe. A little study and 
examination by yourself, will satisfy you that, this is 
the true view of their nature, and all the strange ap- 
pearance which puzzled you at first, was caused by the 
unusual manner in which the sepals and petals are 
shaped and directed, and the disproportionate size of 
one of them. 

The next object that is to engage your attention, 
is far more singular and difficult to understand. In 
the centre of the flower, in the place of stamens and 
style, just at the back of the hole that leads down 



into the spur, half hidden by the petals, stands a 
crimson flat body (fig. 3.) having a deep furrow in 
its front. I should quite despair of explaming the 
structure of it, without the assistance of a drawing, 
which I accordingly send you: the parts are a good 
deal magnified, as is usual in the dissection of flow- 
ers by Botanists, in order to bring every thing dis- 
tinctly into view. If you look attentively at the front 
of the central body (fig. 3. a.), you will remark, in 
the first place, that it is separated into two lobes, by a 
deep channel drawn down its middle; and secondly, 
that each lobe will open, if pressed, by a suture (fig. 
3. g.) running through it from one end to the other. 
Pull asunder the two sides of each lobe, so as to lay 
open their inside (fig. 4.), and in each there will be 
seen an olive-green granular mass (fig. 4. g.), tapering 
gradually into a thin stalk, at the end of which is a 
viscid semi-transparent gland (fig. 6. a.). If you 
squeeze a portion of the olive-green granular mass in 
water, beneath a very powerful microscope, you will 
be surprised to see that it consists of infinite multi- 
tudes of grains of pollen stickmg together in threes 
or fours; it is therefore a mass of pollen in a sin- 
gular state; and this fact being taken as the basis of 
your reasoning as to the nature of the other parts 
connected with it, it will result as a necessary conse- 
quence, that the central body is an anther, and its 
sutures the lines of dehiscence, or of opening. At the 
foot of the anther is a pale whitish-green fleshy cup 
( fig. 3. d. and 4. a.), in which the glands at the end 
of the stalk of the pollen-masses are concealed; this 


which is botanically called the Hoop, or pouch (cucul- 
lus, or bursicula), is peculiar to some of the Orchis 
tribe, and is caused by a doubling upwards of the 
upper edge of the stigma. 

The stigma itself is a broad viscid shining space 
( fig. 3. e.) lying just below the hood, between it and 
the mouth of the spur. 

These things being thus made out, it follows, you 
see, that the column of an Orchis is a body formed 
of a stamen, a style, and a stigma, all grown into one 
solid body ; and this is the great peculiarity of the 
Orchis tribe. Its genera vary amazingly in the 
structure of the anther, the column, the lip, and in- 
deed of all the parts, but in the consolidation of the style 
and stamen. They are all agreed. This then is the 
characteristic of the Orchis tribe. 

If, however, there was really only one stamen, this 
curious natural order would be more at variance with 
the usual structure of Monocotyledonous plants than 
its conformity in the calyx and corolla would lead 
one to expect; and accordingly we find, that al- 
though only one stamen is perfect, there are distinct 
traces of two others in an extremely imperfect state. 
On each side of the anther, near its base, you will 
find a roundish granular knob (fig. 3. }. c.), which has 
been ascertained to be the rudiment of another 
anther; so that in reality the column is composed of 
one perfect stamen, standing between two imperfect 
ones ; a most striking proof of the harmony of design 
which is manifested in all these Monocotyledonous 



If you consider the mutual relation which all the 
parts of the Orchis bear to each other, you will scarcely 
fail to be struck with one circumstance above all 
others, namely, the apparent want of any means of com- 
munication betwen the pollen and the stigma. Not 
being in fine powder the pollen is not able to be scat- 
tered in the air, like that of other plants ; if it were to 
fall out in a mass it would hardly touch the stigma ; 
and even the possibility of this seems to be purposely 
prevented by the glutinous gland to which the stalk 
of the pollen-mass adheres, and which is itself con- 
fined within the pouch. To account for the manner 
in which the necessary contact between the stigma 
and the pollen takes place, two explanations have 
been given; one that insects, inserting their pro- 
boscis into the flower in search of honey, disturb 
and pull out, or unintentionally carry away with 
them the pollen-mass which sticks to them by means 
of the gland, and that in the latter case, buzzing from 
flower to flower they leave it behind them on the 
stigma of some neighbouring blossom ; the other ex- 
planation, which has been offered by the celebrated 
Mr. Bauer, is that the influence of the pollen is not 
communicated to the stigma, by actual contact of the 
pollen, as is usual in other cases, but that it passes 
down the stalk of the pollen-mass, into the gland, 
and thence to the humid surface of the stigma; and 
he has shewn that great probability attaches to this 
opinion, in consequence of the existence in such 
plants as the Orchis itself, of a beautiful contrivance to 
secure such a communication. He discovered that in 


the bottom of the pouch, just below the glands, are 
two little passages (fig. 4. d.), which open directly 
over exactly that part of the stigma which appears 
the best adapted for receiving the influence of the pol- 
len: and that hence the pouch, which seems to the 
superficial observer a means of preventing communi- 
cation between the pollen and the stigma, is in fact a 
most admirable contrivance of nature to ensure it. I 
leave you to form your opinion, as to which of these 
two explanations is the more plausible. 

In this country the more common or remarkable of 
the wild plants belonging to the Orchis tribe, are the 
Bee Orchis and Fly Orchs (Ophrys), whose lips re- 
semble the insects after which they are named; the 
Man Orchis, and the Lizard Orchis (Aceras), with 
their yellow or purple strap-like lips ; Neottia, with her 
russet flowers, and scaly stems, springing from a 
cluster of entangled roots, which have given her the 
name of Bird’s Nest; the Butterfly Orchis (Platan- 
thera) with its long and taper cream-coloured lip ; 
and the Ladies Slipper (Cypripedium), with its large 
yellow bladdery flowers, and twin anthers. They 
all grow on the ground in meadows, or marshes, or 
wood; and have always been considered the most 
curious and beautiful plants of a European Flora. 
But it is in tropical countries, in damp woods, or on 
the sides of hills in a serene and equal climate, that 
these glorious flowers are seen in all their beauty. 
Seated on the branches of living trees, or resting 
among the decayed bark of fallen trunks, or running 
over mossy rocks, or hanging above the head of the 


admiring traveller, suspended from the gigantic arm 
of some monarch of the forest, they develope flowers 
of the gayest colours, and the most varied forms, and 
they often fill the woods at night with their mild and 
delicate fragrance. For a long time such plants were 
thought incapable of being made to submit to the 
care of the gardener, and Europeans remained almost 
ignorant of the most curious tribe in the whole 
vegetable kingdom. But it has been discovered of 
late years that by care and perseverance they may be 
brought to as much perfection in a hot-house as they 
acquire in their native woods, and they now, under 
the name Orchidaceous Epiphytes, form the pride of 
the collections of England. 

Unfortunately they are of very little known use. 
Vanilla, which you eat in creams and other sweets, is 
the pod of a kind which, in the West Indies, creeps 
over trees and walls like ivy; and a nutritive sub- 
stance called Salep is prepared from the tubercles of 
some kinds of Orchis ; a most meagre catalogue of use- 
ful properties in a tribe of near two thousand species, 
but one to which little can be added, if we except 
what is called the Shoemaker plant (Cyrtopodium 
Andersonii), whose stems afford a glutinous extract 
employed by the Brazilians for sticking together thin 
skins of leather, 

This order, like the two preceding has, as we have 
seen, an inferior ovary, a character by which they, 
and several others which I have not time to mention, 
are readily known. In your study of Monocotyle- 
donous plants you cannot do better than take this 


circumstance as a fundamental distinction from which 
your analysis may be continued. Let us now proceed 
to some orders in which the ovary is superior. 

The Hyacinth, Squill, Onion, Star of Bethlehem 
(Ornithogalum) and Asphodel, belong to a natural 
order, called the Asphodel tribe, which is remarkable 
for the extreme simplicity of the structure of all its 
parts. Three sepals, and three petals of similar form, 
size, and colour, six stamens, and a superior three- 
celled ovary, which changes to a fruit containing seeds 
with a black brittle skin (Plate XIX. 1.), form the 
essential character, and combine a large number of 
plants, generally quite harmless, and in the majority 
of cases remarkable for either their use or their 
beauty. It is difficult to single out any one species 
better fitted than another to illustrate the Asphodel 
tribe, so uniform are they in the more important 
points of organization. I happen to have at hand 
the Streaked Onion (Allium striatum), but you may 
take with equal advantage the common Onion, or any 
of the others, I have above named, for the purpose 
of study. 

The leaves and flowering stems of this plant, rise 
from a subterranean roundish fleshy body, formed of 
scales wrapped closely over each other. ‘The scales 
are of the same nature as those of a bud, namely, the 
rudiments, or the bases of leaves ; and the body itself, 
called a BULB, is a kind of underground bud; hence 
you will perceive that when one talks of Hyacinth 
roots which are placed in glasses, or of the roots of 
Onion, Garlic and Shallots, an incorrect kind of 


language is made use of. In one respect, the bulb 
differs essentially from a bud: it is not a perishable 
part, intended merely as a protection to the young 
and tender vital point, from which new growth is to 
take place: this indeed is a part of its object, but it 
also serves as a copious reservoir of nutritive matter 
upon which the young leaves and flowers feed. On 
this account its scales are not thin and easily withered 
up, as in a common bud, but succulent, and capable 
of retaining their moisture during long and severe 
drought. In this we again see a direct manifestation 
of the all protecting care of the Deity; for bulbous 
plants are generally natives of situations which at 
certain seasons of the year are quite dried up, and 
where all vegetation would perish if it were not for 
some such provision as we find in the bulb; in places 
like the hard dry Karroos of the Cape of Good Hope, 
where rain falls only for three months in the year, in 
the parched plains of Barbary, where the ground is 
rarely refreshed by showers, except in the winter, and 
on the most burning shores of tropical India, beyond 
the reach of the tide, and buried in sand, the tempe- 
rature of which often rises to 180°, bulbous rooted 
plants are enabled to live, and enliven such scenes 
with their periodical beauty. 

You must not, however, imagine, either that all 
the Asphodel tribe have bulbs, or that all bulbs 
belong to the Asphodel tribe; of the inaccuracy of 
the latter notion you must already be aware, if you 
remember the Narcissus tribe ; the former would be 
not less a mistake; all that I meant, m thus connect- 


ing the bulbous structure with the Asphodel tribe, 
was that it is an exceedingly common characteristic. 
The Asphodel genus itself has a fleshy fingered root, 
without any trace of bulb, and some of the genera con- 
tain trees of considerable size. 

The leaves are long narrow green straps, and have 
the simple parallel veins you have been led to expect. 
The flowering stalk rises directly from the bulb, 
without any intermediate stem; as it is long, and 
destitute of leaves, and rather different in appear- 
ance from a common flower-stalk, it is technically 
named the scape. At its top it bears an umbel of 
flowers, at the base of whose long stalks are a 
number of membranous satiny scales, or bracts ( jig: 
1. a.); they are a sort of involucre, but are occa- 
sionally called a sparne. ‘The three sepals are very 
evidently placed on the outside of the petals (fig. 2.), 
but excepting in this respect, they are absolutely the 
same both in colour, size, form, and direction. Of 
the six stamens, three are a little smaller than the 
others; their anthers open by two slits which are 
turned towards the style. The ovary (fig. 5.) is an 
oblong body, with three furrows, a single style, and 
a stigma which exhibits no sign of beimg divided. 
Inside the ovary you will find three cells, in each of 
which is a number of ovules (fig. 6.). Last of all 
comes the fruit; a little brown dry case which splits 
into three valves (fig. 6*.), to allow of the escape of 
the angular black seeds, whose skin is of a very 
brittle nature. This last circumstance of the black 


brittle coating of the seed, is one of the most impor- 
tant characters in the Asphodel tribe, as you will find 
in my next letter. 

The principal differences of appearance in the 
Asphodel tribe are caused by two circumstances, the 
growing together of the sepals and petals into a tube, 
and the formation of a stem covered with leaves; the 
former alters the look of the flowers, the latter changes 
the whole aspect of the plant. You must therefore 
pay attention to this, before you discontinue your study 
of the tribe. 

To understand the first of these two circumstances 
you should endeavour to trace the gradations by 
which the growing together of the sepals and petals 
occurs. In the Onion you have seen that they are 
all distinct ; they are equally so in the Vernal Squill 
(Scilla bifolia), or in the Nodding Star of Bethlehem 
(Ornithogalum mutans) ; but in the wild Blue Hya- 
cinth, or Blue-bell, as it is often called (Hyacinthus 
non scriptus), they converge so as to form a tube; and 
in the curious Starch Hyacinth (Muscari) they are 
completely glued together. These gradations exem- 
plify most perfectly the passage from a spreading 
flower with separate segments to a tubular flower with 
all the segments united. 

The second peculiarity, that of forming a leafy 
stem, gives a much more different aspect to a part of 
the tribe. In the Asparagus, for example, which you 
perhaps only know in the state in which it is brought 
to table, the stem when full grown is repeatedly 


branched and covered with little taper green leaves ; 
the Asphodel itself has a simple stem clothed with 
very long blueish green channeled leaves; and cer- 
tain exotic plants called Dragon trees (Dracenas), 
form trees of considerable size, with stems having 
tufts of long broad leaves at their ends, in the manner 
of Palms. 

The latter, however, you are not likely to meet with, 
unless you should travel into countries more southern 
than Europe ; so that I do not anticipate any proba- 
bility of your being embarrassed by them in your 
notions of the Asphodel tribe. 

Our next subject will be Lilies, the most gorgeous, 
and Rushes the most mean, of Monocotyledonous 


I. Tae AspHopeLt Trispe.—1l. An umbel of the Streaked Onion 
(Allium striatum); a the spathe.—2. A flower spread open.—3. An 
anther viewed in front.—4. The same viewed from behind.—5. A 
pistil; a the place where the sepals and petals were cut off; 5 the 
ovary.—6. An ovary cut through horizontally.—6*. A ripe capsule, 
separated into valves; @ the remains of the flower.—7. A seed.—8. 
The same cut through, shewing the embryo, a, lying in the cavity 
of the albumen. 

II. Tue Orcuis Traise.—l. A flower of Fool's Orchis (O. Morio) 
seen in front; a the lip; 4 point of spur; ce lateral sepals; c* upper 
sepal; dd petals; e mouth of the spur; / bract covering the ovary. 
2. The same viewed in profile; a lip; 4 spur; ce lateral sepals; 
e upper sepal; d petals; e ovary; / bract enveloping the ovary.—3. 
Column of Orchis Mascula; « the anther; 4 ¢ abortive anthers; d 


pouch of the stigma; e the glutinous face of the stigma; / the mouth 
of the spur; g the suture by which the lobe of the anther opens.—4. 
An anther with its lobes forced open; apouch; &c abortive anthers; 
d passages in the pouch through which the pollen is supposed to 
communicate with the glutinous surface of the stigma; g g pollen- 
masses.—5. Back of an anther; a the passages in the pouch of the 
stigma; 4 the part where the anther was cut off.—6. A pollen-mass; 
a the gland.—(These are after drawings by Mr. Bauer.) 

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(Plate AX 2) 

Tue characters of the Asphodel tribe are so simple, 
that I see no probability of your misunderstanding 
their application in more than two cases. Let your 
next inquiry then be how to avoid committing those 

If you examine the flower of a Tulip (Plate XX. 
1.), you will find so great a resemblance between its 
structure and that of the Asphodels, that you will not 
doubt of its belonging to their tribe. It has three 
sepals (fig. 1. b. b b.), which are of the same size 
and colour as the three petals (c. c. c.); from within 
these arise six stamens (fig. 2.), and in the centre 
of all is an ovary with three angles, three cells (fig. 
3.), and a number of ovules in each cell. All this 
is quite in accordance with the structure of the As- 
phodel tribe. ‘The leaves, too, are extremely similar ; 
they are narrow strap-shaped things, with simple 
parallel veins; the underground bodies, moreover, 
from which the leaves and flowers shoot up, are true 
bulbs. Surely, then, the Tulip must belong to the 
Asphodel tribe. 


If the same accordance existed in the structure of 
all their other parts, it is clear, that to distinguish the 
Tulip from the Asphodel tribe would be unnecessary ; 
but there are distinctions in parts to which I have not 
yet adverted, and these distinctions are considered 

In the first place, the flowers of the Tulip are much 
larger, and more showy than you find in the Aspho- 
dels; and secondly, its seeds have not the same hard 
black brittle coat; but in its room you have a soft pale 
spongy integument. These are the two pomts upon 
which Botanists rely for the separation of the Tulip 
and its relations. 

It is to the Lily tribe that the Tulip belongs, toge- 
ther with the speckled Fritillaries, Crown Imperials, 
Day Lilies (Hemerocallis), and true Lzlies (Lilium), 
Dog’s-tooth Violets (Krythronium), and Twuberoses 
(Polyanthes), the most odoriferous of flowers. 

That the Lily tribe may be easily distinguished by 
the large size of its flowers, must be obvious, after 
naming such well known plants as the above, compared 
with which, the Asphodels, pretty as they are, sink 
into comparative insignificance. But the difference 
would be still more striking, if we added to the list the 
gigantic Lilies of Nipal, one of which is described by 
Dr. Wallich as growing ten feet high, with flowers 
large in proportion. 

It is, however, certain, that, notwithstanding the 
distinctions I have pointed out, the Lily tribe is very 
closely allied to that of Asphodels, with which it also 
coincides in its harmless qualities. We only know 

fi * 


its beauty ; it is in the eastern parts of Asia, among 
the Kamtchadales, &c. that it is applied to useful 
purposes. By those people, the bulbs of certain 
Lilies are used as a common food, and are stored up 
as an important part of their winter stock of pro- 

The fibres of the leaves of both Asphodels and 
Lilies are sometimes strong enough to be manufac- 
tured into hemp. Among the former is classed the 
New Zealand Hemp (Phormium), of which such ex- 
tensive use is now made in the navy; and with the 
latter are stationed the plants called Adam’s Needle 
(Yucca), because their strong sharp-pointed leaves 
have been fancifully compared to a gigantic needle. 
A better name would have been the Needle-and-thread 
Plant, for by soaking in water, the fibres of the leaves 
may be separated from the pulp, without being torn 
from the hard sharp point, so that, when properly 
prepared, the leaves do really become needles, ready 
provided with a skein of thread. 

Since both the Asphodel and Lily tribes are so 
generally harmless, it becomes highly important that 
all possibility of confounding them with a poisonous 
order, which they in some respects resemble, should 
be guarded against. Meadow Saffron, called by Bo- 
tanists Colchicum, White Hellebore (Veratrum), and 
some other plants, have a structure very analogous to 
theirs. A calyx and corolla, each of three leaves of 
similar form and texture, half a dozen stamens, and a 
superior three-celled ovary, also characterise in part 
the natural order called the Colchicum tribe, to which 

24.0 LETTER XX. 

those plants belong. Colchicum itself is very like a 
Crocus in flower, but its superior ovary prevents its 
being confounded with the tribe in which the Crocus 
is included. The species of Melanthium and Helo- 
nias are so similar in appearance to many of the 
Asphodel tribe, that they would no doubt be referred 
to the latter by a young Botanist. They, however, 
Meadow Saffron, and all the rest of the Colchicum 
tribe, may be recognised at once by three marks ; in 
the first place, they have no bulbs, but in their stead 
a solid knob or subterranean stem; secondly, their 
anthers are turned away from the stigma, splitting, 
and emitting their pollen on the side next the petals ; 
and lastly, the three carpels out of which the three- 
celled ovary is constructed, are separated at their 
points, so that there are always three styles instead 
of one style. These signs are what you must trust 
to in your determination of the Colchicum tribe; 
they may appear slight, and you may wonder why 
such trifling distinctions should serve to distinguish 
poisonous from wholesome orders; but with consi- 
derations of the causes of such a fact, we have no 
concern; all that it imports us to know is, that 
Providence has distinguished them by such minute 
marks, and has thus provided man with safe and 
unerring guides, if he will but learn-how to follow 

Between many other tribes of Monocotyledonous 
plants the distinctions are no stronger than those we 
have already examined, a proof of which I am now 
about to give you. 


Rushes have so little apparent resemblance to Lilies, 
or Asphodels, or Meadow Saffron, that no one would 
ever dream of placing them all in the same natural 
group; and yet, if you examine a Rush, you will 
be surprised to see how slight is the difference that 
really exists between them. Some Rushes are humble 
rigid leafless herbs, with stiff slender wiry stems, and 
little clusters of dingy flowers: others are still more 
dwarfish in stature, but have weil formed leaves. An 
exceedingly common plant of the latter description is 
the Field Luzula (Luzula campestris, Plate XX. 2.). 
From a fibrous root rises a stem not more than five 
or six inches high, and which you can hardly distin- 
guish from the grass that it generally grows among in 
the meadows. Its leaves are narrow and grassy, and 
clothed with remarkably long hairs. At the top of 
the stem grow a few heads of chesnut-brown flowers, 
the structure of which you will hardly make out, ex- 
cept the sun shines, for it is then chiefly that the parts 
unfold. But if at that time you watch one of the 
brown clusters, you will be able to perceive, that 
each flower has six chesnut-coloured leaves, which 
spread like a star (fig. 3.), of which three are sepals, 
and three are petals. On their outside are two or 
three bracts (fig. 2. a. a.), so like them, as to be only 
distinguishable by their position. From within the 
flower rise six stamens ; and from between the latter 
an ovary (fig. 4.) with three angles, one style, and 
three stigmas. It fruit (fig. 5.) is an ovate body, 
containing only one cell, and three seeds (fig. 6. 7.), 
with a pale soft skin. 

24.2 LETTER. XX. 

Now you will observe that in all that relates to the 
sepals, petals, and stamens, there appears to be 
nothing to distinguish a Rush from the Asphodel 
tribe; the fruit would seem essentially different, 
because of its haying only one cell; but in the true 
Rushes (Juncus) the fruit has three cells, so that that 
difference is unimportant. In fact if we neglect the 
texture, colour, and imperfect degree of develope- 
ment of the calyx and corolla, there will be hardly 
any means of separating Rushes from Asphodels, 
except the softness of the skin of their seeds. That 
the former do represent an inferior order of vegeta- 
tion, there can, however, be no reasonable doubt; we 
accordingly consider them among the most imperfect 
of regular Monocotyledons, Asphodels being an inter- 
mediate degree of developement, and Lilies the 
highest degree. 

Rushes are of so little use in any of the ordinary 
affairs of life, that it is scarcely worth occupying more 
time with their study. ‘The plants from whose stems 
are made what are called rush-bottomed chairs, rush- 
mats, and the like, are usually species of Club-Rush. 
and belong to the Sedge tribe, to which we shall now 
come very shortly. 

The orders of Monocotyledonous plants which we 
have examined, and several others that have not been 
mentioned, form what may be considered a natural 
subdivision, characterised by the perfect and com- 
plete manner in which their flowers are organized. 
In no case do they exhibit fewer than six divisions, of 
which three belong to the calyx, and three to the 


corolla. If you examine with care the distinctions by 
which they are separated from each other, you will 
find that they are of this nature. 

Stamens & style separate 5 Stamens 6—The Narcissus tribe. 
Ona ( ¢ Stamens3—The Cornflag tribe. 
sfc ce < Stamens and style grown ) 
{ together into a solid co- /. 
lumn . a ie 

The Orchis tribe. 

Seed-coat, soft and ¢ The Lily 
pale. Flowers large. tribe. 

Anthers with their ) Seed-coat black an¢Q 140 Asphodel 
facesturned towards kat d alc See 5 tribe. 
the ovary. Carpels ‘ 


Ovary firmly united. Seed-coat soft and ) 77, push 
superior pale. Flowers mi- Sie 
nute, brownand dry I 

Anthers with their faces turned away from { The Colchi- 
the ovary. Carpels partially separate § cum tribe. 


Tue Liry Trise.—l1. Leaf and flowers of Ecluse’s Tulip (Tulipa 
Clusiana); abract; 4 sepals; ¢ petals.—-2. Stamens and ovyary.—3. 
The ovary cut through horizontally, shewing the ovules. 

Il. Toe Rusu Trispe.—l1. Stem, leaves, and flowers of the Field 
Luzula (Liuzula campestris).—2. A flower separate; @ a bracts.—3. 
An expanded flower seen from above.—4. A pistil, with its single 
style and three stigmas.—5. A ripe fruit—6. A seed.—7. The same 
cut through perpendicularly. 



(Plate XXI.) 

In my last letter I mentioned that all the orders 
we have hitherto examined among Monocotyledonous 
plants have their flowers organized in a complete and 
perfect manner. ‘This letter will relate to some that 
are incomplete and imperfect. You will find that 
there are three degrees of organization in Monocoty- 
ledons, of which we have passed over one, are about 
to enter upon a second, and shall very soon arrive 
at the third. 

Bullrushes (Typha) are narrow flat-leaved tall 
plants, growing in marshes or pools of stagnant water, 
having their stems terminated by a dark cylinder, sur- 
mounted by a more slender yellow spike. ‘These plants 
represent a natural order, named after them, the 
Bullrush tribe, to which belongs a common wild marsh 
plant, called Bur-reed (Sparganium). The latter will 
furnish you with the means of studying the peculiarities 
of the natural order. 

If you regard the Bullrush ever so attentively, you 
will fail to discover, at any period of its growth, a 

Thee Yullrus hk bela 

Diuchwtta Tithe: 


es yy) ZZ oh ttl. 



Wa rhe Yt 001 =2tap. 





trace of flowers like those of the plants that have 
gone before. Upon the whole surface of the plant 
you find nothing different from leaves, except the 
dark cylinder, and the yellow spike on the top of it. 
It is at these parts that in reality the flowers are col- 
lected ; but they are so minute, and their organs are 
so delicate, that it requires a microscope, and a care- 
ful separation of them, to determine their real nature. 
The dark cylinder consists wholly of flowers contain- 
ing pistils only, or being fertile, and the yellow spike 
is composed of flowers containing nothing but sta- 
mens, or being sterile. I do not, however, propose 
to fatigue you by obliging you to anatomize a Bull- 
rush ; the same purpose will be effected, if you take 
the Bur-reed, which is similar in structure, but larger 
in all its parts. 

Branched Bur-reed (Sparganium ramosum, Plate 
XXI. 1.), is a wild plant, frequently found growing 
in ditches or pools, or by the wet banks of rivers. 
It rises to the height of two, or even three feet, and 
branches from the very ground. Its leaves, which 
are narrow, and shaped like a short straight sword- 
blade, have near the top of the stem a remarkably 
broad sheathing base. At the extremities of the 
branches appear round balls of flowers, some of which 
(b. b. fig. 1.), are bright green, and others (a. a.) 
bright yellow ; the latter being the most numerous, 
and placed above the others. The yellow heads 
consist of stamen-bearing, or barren flowers, and the 
green heads of pistil-bearing, or fertile florets. What 
happens in this case, occurs also in all instances in 


which the stamens are separated from the pistils in 
different flowers on the same plant; we invariably 
find that the stamens are placed on the uppermost 
parts of the branch above the pistils, an arrange- 
ment which is no doubt provided, to facilitate the 
scattering of their pollen upon the stigmas. If they 
were placed below the pistils, it would be much more 
difficult for the pollen to reach the stigma, and con- 
sequently, the great end of the creation of the stamens 
would be almost frustrated. We find, however, that 
every thing is foreseen, and provided for by Provi- 
dence, with the same care in these little plants, as in 
the most exalted and perfect of the works of nature ; 
and that even so apparently useless and insignificant 
a weed as the Bur-reed, contains the most convinc- 
ing evidence of the worthlessness of the opinions of 
those who, denying the existence of the Deity, would 
have the world believe that livmg thimgs are the 
mere result of a fortuitous concourse of atoms, at- 
tracting and repelling each other with different degrees 
of force. . 

If we open one of the yellow balls, we find it con- 
sists of a great number of separate flowers, each of 
which has a calyx of three long-stalked jagged sepals 
( fig. 2. a. a. a.), and six wedge-shaped anthers, which 
are heavier than the little slender filaments can well 

In the structure of their calyx, the flowers of the 
green heads do not materially differ from the latter 
(fig. 3.), the sepals are three in number, but broader 
and shorter, rolled round the pistil, and seated close 


upon the receptacle, without any stalk. The pistil is 
an oval body, terminated by a deeply lobed stigma 
(fig. 3.), and having in its ovary but one cell, from 
the summit of which hangs a single ovule. The fruit 
contains one seed (fig. 6.), consisting of a mass of 
albumen (jig. 7.), at the further end of which lies a 
minute embryo (ig. 8.). 

It is obvious that this is an organization much more 
imperfect than that of the Monocotyledonous orders 
we have before examined; in room of an evident 
calyx and corolla, we have nothing but three scales, 
there is no trace of the number three im the ovary, 
aud the stamens and pistils are separated from each 
other. In the Bullrush itself, the imperfection is yet 
greater ; even the scales, which in the Bur-reed re- 
present the calyx, are wanting, and no hing appears 
in their room but a quantity of delicate black hairs. 

Nearly allied to the Bullrushes, like them useless 
to man, as far as we know, and equally inhabiting 
wet and spongy soils, are some little inconspicuous 
plants, called by the learned Triglochin, and by others 
Arrow-grasses. ‘These, and some allied genera, form 
an order called the Arrow-grass tribe (Juncaginee, 
Plate XXI. 2.), in which incompleteness of structure 
exist in a less degree than in the Bullrushes, for they 
have a calyx and corolla, and the usual number of 
stamens; but the former are more like scales than 
sepals and petals, and the ovary, although it has the 
usual ternary structure of Monocotyledons, is never- 
theless in an imperfect state. 

Marsh Arrow-grass (Triglochin palustre), is a little 


inconspicuous plant, which does not grow above 
eight or nine inches high, and, both its leaves and 
stems being remarkable slender, is easily overlooked. 
Its curious structure will, however, amply repay 
the trouble of finding and examining it. It is 
common enough in wet meadows, or in other moist 
places, where the ground is covered with a sward of 
grass, from which you will never distinguish it, with- 
out employing all your power of observation. It is 
said to send out scaly runners, which end in little 
knobs, shaped like a scorpion’s tail. Its very narrow 
succulent leaves are of just the length and colour of 
those of many grasses, but they are taper, and not 
flat. When about to flower, it throws up from the 
midst of its leaves a little slender undivided stem 
(fig. 1.), which bears at its upper end a good many 
green flowers, loosely arranged at some distance 
from each other. Each of these flowers is constructed 
thus: On the outside are three concave blunt scales 
(fig. 2. a. a. a.), which constitute the calyx ; in the 
cavity of each of these there lies a roundish anther 
( fig. 4. 6.), the face of which is next the scale, 
and consequently in the most unfavourable position 
possible for discharging its pollen upon the stigma. 
Within the calyx are three other scales, which are 
pressed close to the ovary, and which in like manner 
contain three anthers in their hollows; these scales 
are the petals; so that an Arrow-grass has three 
sepals, three petals, and six stamens. Its ovary is a 
long three-cornered body, having no style, and for 
a stigma nothing but a tuft of little hairs (fig. 2- 


& 3.6.). It may be separated with care into three 
carpels, at the bottom of each of which lies a single 
erect ovule, a great deal smaller than the cavity in 
which it is placed (fig. 3.). The fruit is a narrow 
three-cornered dry case, which divides into three 
slender parts, each of which is partly filled with a 
taper seed (fig. 7.). In almost all Monocotyledonous 
plants, a considerable quantity of albumen is provided 
for the nutriment of the young embryo, but the Ar- 
row-grass tribe is one of those which form an excep- 
tion to this rule. The embryo of these plants lies 
immediately below the seed-coat, and consists of a co- 
tyledon (fig. 8. ¢.), having near its base a small slit 
(a.) through which the young stem is protruded when 
the plant begins to grow. 

It is evident that this kind of structure is so unlike 
what we find in the Bullrushes, as to require no 
further explanation. What does require elucidation 
is the reason of the singular arrangement of the 
anthers, which I have just described; it does not at 
all appear for what cause they are so carefully embo- 
died in two hollows of the calyx and corolla, nor 
indeed how, under such circumstances, their pollen 
is ever to reach the stigma. I must confess my inabi- 
lity to explain the matter: you cannot do better 
than reflect upon it, until you hit upon some solution 
of the mystery. 

Far more simple than the previous tribes is that to 
which the Duckweed (Lemna) gives its name. In the 
former, whatever deficiency there might be in the 
parts of fructification, there was at least a stem and 


leaves. But in Duckweed there is nothing but a 
fleshy floating green body, which looks like a green 
scale, and which is in reality a compound of both 
root and stem. Most people fancy that Duckweed 
never flowers: and many are they who have watched 
it all their lives without succeeding in discovering 
its blossoms. If, however, you will fix your eyes at- 
tentively upon a mass of it, on a still sunshiny day in 
the months of June or July, you will probably dis- 
cover exceedingly minute straw-coloured specks here 
and there on the edges of the plants; they have a 
sparkling appearance, and notwithstanding their mi- 
nuteness readily catch the eye. These are the anthers, 
and they being found, you have only to carry home 
the plants, and place them under a microscope, when 
all the secrets of their flowering stand revealed. 
Where the anthers have caught the eye, will be seen 
a narrow slit, out of which they peep; if you widen 
this slit (Plate XXI. 3. fig. 2.) with your dissecting 
instruments, you will be able to extract the blossom 
entire (fig. 3.); and you will have before your eyes 
the simplest of all known flowers, as Duckweed itself 
is the simplest of all known fiowermg plants. The 
flower consists of a transparent membranous bag, 
shaped like a water caraffe, and split on one side; 
within it are two stamens, and one ovary with a style 
and simple stigma. The fruit (fig. 4.) contains but 
one cell, in which are one or more seeds (fig. 5.) 
its shell is a thin cellular mtegument. 

Such are the simple means that Duckweed pos- 
sesses of propagating itself; means, however, which 


appear to be abundantly sufficient, if we are to judge 
from the immense quantities which rise every year to 
the surface of our ponds. In Europe we have no 
other plant belonging to the same natural order ; but 
in tropical countries its place is occupied by a plant 
called Pistia, which is a sort of gigantic Duckweed, 
with broad lobed leaves Hke some Lichens, and a 
more highly organized flower. 

With these examples of imperfect Monocotyledo- 
nous plants, I must dismiss that part of the subject ; 
in my next letter I shall introduce you to the more in- 
teresting and important tribes which furnishes us with 



I. Toe ButtrusH Trree.—l. A shoot of Branching Bur-reed 
(Sparganium ramosum); @ a heads of barren flowers; 4 4 heads of 
fertile flowers.—2. A barren flower; aa a sepals.—3. A fertile flower. 
—4. Ananther seen from the side.—5. The same viewed from the 
edge.—6. A seed.—7. The same divided perpendicularly, with the 
embryo in one end of the albumen.—8. The embryo extracted. 

Il. Toe Arrow-Grass Trise.—1. A flower-spike of Marsh Ar- 
row-grass (Triglochin palustre.)—2. A flower; aaasepals; 6 stigma. 
—3. A perpendicular section of one of the cells of the ovary; 0 stig- 
ma.—4. A scale of the calyx a; with the anther, 4, lying in it.—5. 
An anther seen on the side by which it discharges its pollen.—6. A 
ripe fruit.—7. A perpendicular section of one of its cells, shewing 
the manner in which the seed hes in it.—8. An embryo; a the slit 
through which the stem is finally protruded; 4 the radicle; c the 

Ill. Tae Duckweep Trise.—1. Plants of furrowed Duckweed 
(Lemna trisulea) floating on water.—2. A plant magnified, and in 
flower at a.—3. A flower extracted from the slit in which it laid; a 
the membranous bag.—4. A fruit.—5. A seed. 



Plate XXII. 


For the natural orders forming the two different 
degrees of developement we have now considered, 
there is no collective name ; but for the third we have 
one in such general use, that we must not pass it by 
in silence. 

There are certain plants which are called GLiuma- 
cEous, because in place of calyx and corolla they 
have nothing but green or brown scales, named glumes, 
arranged alternately round a common centre. ‘The 
most remarkable of such plants are Grasses and 
Sedges, to the former of which I propose first to call 
your attention. 

The most common and the most useful of all the 
natural orders of plants is beyond doubt the Grass 
tribe ; wherever we cast our eyes, we are sure to see 
blades of grass springing up, if any vegetation at all 
can exist ; it is they that form that universal verdure 
which gives the northern parts of the world their 
peculiar charm, and which alone may console the 
inhabitants for the want of those other advantages 






which a brighter sun and more cloudless sky are 
capable of supplying. Bread is exclusively prepared 
from the flour or albumen of the seeds of various 
kinds of corn, chiefly from wheat, and the richness 
of pastures depends essentially upon the species of 
Grasses that inhabit them. If it were not for the 
creeping subterranean stems of maritime Grasses, 
which can vegetate amidst dry and drifting sand, the 
banks which man heaps up as a barrier against the 
ocean would be blown away in the first hurricane ; 
but the Sea-reeds (Ammophila), Lyme-grasses (Kly- 
mus), Wheat-grasses (Triticum), and others, vege- 
tate rapidly on such embankments, and, piercing 
the soil in every direction with their tough under- 
ground stems, presently form an entangled web of 
living matter, which is spontaneously renewed as fast 
as it is destroyed, and which offers a resistance to the 
storm which is rarely overcome. Finally, the Bamboo 
alone is capable of supplying all the wants of savage 
man ; with its lightest shoots he makes his arrows, 
thin strips of the wood form bow-strings, and from 
the larger stems he fabricates a bow; a long and 
slender shoot affords him a lance shaft, and he finds 
its hardened poimt a natural head for the weapon. 
With the larger stems he builds the walls and roof 
of his house: its leaves afford him an impenetrable 
thatch; split into narrow slips it gives him the 
material for weaving his floor mats, and other articles 
of domestic convenience; its fibre furnishes him with 
twine, and its leaves provide him with paper, when 
he becomes sensible of the utility of such a material. 


Would he commit himself to the waves, the stems 
form the hull of his boat, which a few skins stretched 
over it render water tight; they also give him masts ; 
and thin slips of wood become cordage or are woven 
into sails. 

In tropical countries Grasses are far more gigantic 
than in England; we usually see them at their 
largest, two or three feet high, when in flower in the 
hay fields; and the reeds that in marshes or ponds 
gain a stature of seven or eight feet, are probably the 
noblest specimens of the tribe with which you are ac- 
quainted. But in equinoctial regions, where the air 1s 
damper, and the sun far more powerful and brilliant 
than with us, Grasses acquire such surprising dimen- 
sions as to rival Palms themselves in majesty of 
appearance. In Brazil we are told that the hay will 
grow seven or eight feet high, the Sugar-cane plant 
(Saccharum) averages 20 feet, and Bamboos, with 
their light imperishable stems, lance up into the air 
to the height of 30 or 40 feet. It is in such regions 
alone that we can really behold the perfection of the 
Grass tribe. 

Let us, however, be contented with examining one 
of our own species for a knowledge of the structure 
of this singular tribe ; we shall find every peculiarity 
of structure that tropical species afford, and we can 
easily imagine all that difference of size is likely 
to produce. 

One of the commonest of British Grasses is the 
Soft Brome-grass (Bromus mollis, Plate XXII. 1.); 
a plant which you will be almost certain to meet 


with in the first piece of waste ground. It is an 
annual with an erect stem, about two or three feet 
high, and covered all over with soft hairs. The stem 
requires more than mere external examination. Strip 
it of its leaves, so as to lay bare all its surface; and 
you will find it hard and thickened at every joint 
where a leaf has been torn. Split it, and instead of 
the solid centre of other plants, you will see that it is 
hollow, and consists of nothing but a cylindrical shell 
(fig. 2.); at the joints, however, the sides of the 
cylinder meet, and form a firm partition which com- 
pletely separates one part of the stem from the other. 
It is this structure that renders the Bamboo so useful 
for forming cases to hold rolls of paper: in India 
they cut a truncheon of a stout Bamboo, and scrape 
away all the partitions except one; it then becomes 
a cylinder open at one end, where the partition is 
destroyed, and closed at the other end. A short piece 
of a Bamboo of the same diameter, having a complete 
partition at one end, is then formed into a lid by scrap- 
ing away its inside, and a capital case is produced 
without farther trouble. We sometimes see such 
cases, as much as two feet in circumference. 

The leaves of Brome-grass are hairy, narrow and 
sharp pointed at their lower end, which, notwith- 
standing its breadth, is considered to be their stalk ; 
it rolls round the stem, forming a kind of sheath, 
which sometimes is not very easily unrolled. At the 
upper end of the sheath you may remark a thin 
white membrane, such as you have nowhere met 
with before; Botanists call such a membrane a LIGULA. 


Thus far then we have two peculiarities in Grasses ; 
their hollow round stems, with partitions at the joints, 
and the lgulate leaves. 

The flowers are still more unlike what you have 
before seen. At the top of the stem of the Brome- 
grass, a number of slender branches appear, turned 
chiefly towards one side, and by their weight giv- 
ing a somewhat nodding appearance to the parts 
they bear (fig. 1.); those parts (a. a. a.) are oblong 
green bodies, apparently composed of scales after the 
manner of aleaf bud; in reality they are little col- 
lections of flowers, whence they are named spikelets 
(or spiculz or locuste, as they say in Botanical Latin). 

Each spikelet is constructed as follows. Firstly, 
at its base (fig. 3. a. a.) are two green scales, each of 
which has about five ribs; these are the GLUMES 
strictly speaking ; there is no trace of either pistils or 
stamens in their bosom, on the contrary they are al- 
ways found to be perfectly empty. When the glumes 
are removed you come to some other parts, which at 
first sight look like glumes; but on a more careful 
inspection you will remark that they are composed of 
more scales than one, have a stiff bristle at their back, 
and contain some stamens, &c. in their bosom. ‘These 
are called rLoreTs ; in the Brome-grass there is about 
ten of them placed one above the other in two op- 
posite rows ( fig. 3. 0.). 

Each floret consists of two scales called paLEx 
( fig. 4. a. & b.); of which the more external (a.) is the 
larger, is covered all over the outside with soft hairs, 
and bears at its back a little below the end (c.) a stiff 


bristle, called the BEarD, or AwN (arista); the beard 
is in reality the midrib of the palea, partially sepa- 
rated and lengthened out. ‘The inner palea (0.) 
originates from above and within the base of the 
outer, is much smaller and more membranous, has 
its edges abruptly doubled inwards, and bears a row 
of stiff bristles on the angles (d.) formed by the 
doubling. ‘These two are the lower or outer, and 
upper or inner palee. 

Next the palez come, on the side of the outer 
palea, two exceedingly small scales (fig. 5. a. a.), 
which are much shorter than the ovary; they are 
called HypoGyNoUs scALES, and are supposed to be 
the rudiments of a calyx or corolla. 

From the base of the ovary arise three stamens 
(fig. 4.), whose filaments are white, and so weak and 
slender, that the long narrow anthers hang in a state 
of oscillation, in consequence of the inability of the 
filaments to support them. 

The ovary is a wedge-shaped body, apparently con- 
sisting of nothing but pulp, and crowned by a tuft of 
long hairs ( fig. 5.) ; two styles, bearing singular brush- 
like stigmas, spring from its summit. 

In this instance you have all the parts that are 
usually present in Grasses; and you cannot avoid 
remarking how widely different the whole organiza- 
tion is from any thing you have witnessed in other 
plants. The structure of the fruit is not less pe- 

I have said that the ovary seems as if it were com- 
posed of nothing but pulp; it does, however, consist 



of an ovule, and of a shell that includes it, but both 
are so soft that they grow together, and cannot be 
distinguished. Immediately after the styles wither, 
the ovary swells, gradually loses its softness, and at 
last when ripe is nearly bald, having gained a sallow 
appearance, and become longer and thinner. At the 
period of maturity (fig. 6.) there is still no means of 
separating the shell of the fruit from the skin of the 
seed, so completely are they grown together; the 
fruit looks therefore so like a seed, that it is no 
wonder it should popularly be called so; it is better, 
however, to designate it a Grain. If you crush the 
ripe grain you will find its contents of a hardish 
horny consistence, but easily reduced into the state 
of flour: from what you have seen in other instances 
you will easily recognize this for albumen. It is 
possible, that you may search in vain for an embryo, 
amidst all this flour; and I dare say, if I do not tell 
you how to look for it, you will waste a great deal of 
time in finding it, even if you should recognize it 
when found. Follow me attentively, and I shall 
easily relieve you of this difficulty. The ripe grain 
is much narrower at one end than the other, and 
more convex on one side than the other; turn the 
grain on its flat side, so that the convexity is upper- 
most, and then carry your eye to the narrowest end ; 
there you will espy a minute oval depression ( fig. 6. a.); 
if you carefully lift up the skin at this part, you will 
detect the embryo lying snugly half buried in albu- 
men. It will appear like a greenish-yellow plano- 
convex oval body, in which you can discern no marks 


of organization. But if you will divide it perpen- 
dicularly with a sharp knife, you will then be able 
to see that it has a most complete and highly de- 
veloped structure. You will find (fig. 7.) that it 
consists of a thickish scale (c.) upon which lies a little 
conical body (a.), composed of several minute sheaths 
fitted one over the other; the scale is the cotyledon, 
and the conical body the plumule or young stem. At 
the lower end of the embryo may also be made out a 
sort of sheath lying within its extreme point (0.); it 
is the rudiment of the root. 

When the embryo first begins to grow, the coty- 
ledon (c.) swells a little and attaches itself firmly to 
the albumen by the whole of its highly absorbent 
surface: the albumen at the same time softening and 
becoming partially dissolved by the moisture it has 
taken up from the soil; by this means the nutritive 
matter of the albumen is conveyed into the cotyledon 
as quickly as it is formed. ‘The food thus poured into 
the cotyledon by thousands of invisible mouths, causes 
it to swell and all its parts to lengthen. The radicle 
(b.) is pushed downwards into the soil on one hand, 
and on the other the plumule rises upwards into 
the air; both these parts are abundantly supplied 
with the materials of growth by the cotyledon, until 
the roots have established themselves in the soil, and 
are able to pump up food for themselves, and for 
the nascent stem. By the time this happens the coty- 
ledon has shrivelled up, the albumen is exhausted 
of its nutriment, aud all these temporary parts cease 
to exist. 



Such is the provision that nature has contrived to 
ensure the perpetuation of Grasses; for there is but 
little variation from this arrangement throughout the 
species of the tribe. 

Here let us pause for an instant to admire the 
beautiful adaptation of all the parts to the functions 
they have to perform. Grasses spring up with 
rapidity as soon as the earliest rains have fallen upon 
the dry ground where their grains have been de- 
posited; it is necessary that they should do so in 
order that, however imperfect the supply of rain may 
be, the earth may at all times be clothed with ver- 
dure. To ensure this, Providence has given them a 
young stem which is almost formed in the very seed, 
and which is ready upon the slightest stimulus to 
spring forth into life; but if the young stem were to 
sprout with such rapidity, the roots would be unable 
to supply it fast enough with food, and it would pre- 
sently wither and die, unless some special means were 
provided of meeting this difficulty; accordingly, a 
great abundance of albumen is stored up, as a certain 
supply of food till the roots can themselves obtain it 
from the earth. The supply of the albumen would, 
however, be useless unless some means existed of 
conveying it with rapidity to the plumule, and ac- 
cordingly we find the broad thin cotyledon, a highly 
absorbent body, placed with its whole surface applied 
to the albumen, and ready to transfer the nutritive 
fluid to the plumule as quickly as the former can 
be formed. 

Grasses are so numerous and so verv simple in 


their structure that you may well believe there is some 
little difficulty in distinguishing them into genera ; 
especially as their parts are so small. Although it is 
no part of my plan to teach you much of the distinc- 
tions of genera, that being left you to acquire from 
systematic works, when the difficulties of this intro- 
duction are mastered; yet I may as well explain how 
a few of the very commonest genera are known from 
each other. 

What has already been said of the Brome-grass 
explains its characters. Very nearly related to it are 
Fescues (Festuca), the species of which, whether high- 
landers or lowlanders, are so much and advantageously 
employed as pasture Grasses; they differ from the 
Brome-grasses only in having their beard proceeding 
from the very point of the palea, instead of from below 
its pomt. Like both these are the Meadow-grasses 
(Poa); but they have no beards at all, and are usually 
much smaller: the little annual Grass which grows 
every where, and flowers at all seasons of the year, 
lying almost prostrate upon the ground, is a kind of 
Poa (P. annua). Quaking-grasses (Briza) are Poas 
with their palez inflated. All the above have a loose 
inflorescence, and several florets in each spikelet. 

Others, haying also a branched inflorescence, are 
known by each spikelet containing but one floret; 
such as Bent-grasses (Agrostis), with thin delicate 
silken panicles and wiry stems; they have often only 
one palee instead of two, or if they have two, the 
upper one is very minute. ‘To Grasses with a similar 
structure also belong the /eather-grass (Stipa), with 


its long and plumed beards, and Catstail-grasses 
(Phleum), with two equal sharp-pointed glumes ; 
Canary-grass (Phalaris), too, with whose grains your 
Canary birds are fed, and whose glumes have each a 
flat keel like a little boat, and Foxtail-grasses (Alope- 
curus), which differ from the Catstails in having a 
beard to their single palea. In the Catstails, Canary- 
grasses, and Foxtails you will not recognize at first a 
branched inflorescence, for two of them derive their 
names from the compact appearance their flowers pre- 
sent. But if you separate the flowers gently, you will 
find that they are in reality seated upon little branches, 
which are pressed so closely together that you do not 
see them. 

Another group of Grasses has the spikelets really 
seated close to the stem; as for instance Wheat, Barley, 
and fye ; while a fourth kind has the stamens in one 
kind of flower and the pistils in another: of this kind 
is Maize, or Indian Corn. In that plant the barren 
flowers are loose yellow branches, growing at the top 
of the stem, and covered with anthers, while the fertile 
flowers are hidden among the lower leaves, and are 
only discovered by their long shining styles, which 
hang down in tufts like silken tassels. 

The other natural order of Glumaceous Monocoty- 
ledons, which I propose to mention to you is that 
which comprehends Sedges, after which it is named. 
In its general appearance it resembles Grasses; but it 
is known by its stems being solid, not hollow (Plate 
XXII. 2. fig. 2.), and by its leaf-stalks, when they 
roll round the stem, growing together by their edges 


into a perfect sheath. These distinctions are the 
more important, from being accompanied by others 
im the parts of fructification, and also by an ab- 
sence of all those useful properties for which Grasses 
are remarkable. The most common genus of the 
whole order is the Sedge (Carex); a species frequent 
on wet commons, called ‘the hairy” (C. hirta), will 
supply us with an illustration. Its solid triangular 
stem (fig. 2.), and its hairy leaves agree with what 
has just been mentioned. Its flowers are arranged 
in heads, and are of two kinds; one sort occupying 
the upper end of the stem (fig. 1. a. a.) consists of 
barren flowers only; each flower (fig. 2.) has an 
oval brownish membranous scale and three stamens, 
and the heads are composed of nothing but such 
flowers. The other kind of head (fig. 1. 6.) appears 
a little below the others, is green, and consists of 
fertile flowers only. Like the barren heads this is 
chiefly composed of imbricated scales, but in place of 
the stamens you find (fig. 4.) a hairy bottle-shaped 
body, split at the end into two lobes, from between 
which three stigmas project. Open the bottle and 
you will discover that the stigmas are connected with 
a single style, springing from the top of a three-cor- 
nered ovary. This is all that the fertile flowers 
consist of ; the bottle is formed by two scales which 
are placed opposite each other, and grow together 
at their edges, and is a mark of the genus Carex ; 
most others of the Sedge tribe are without it, and 
contain nothing but a naked pistil. When the fruit 
(fig. 6.) of the Carex is ripe, it is still enclosed in the 


bottle (fig. 5.), but it has become a hard 3-cornered 
brown nut, with a thickish shell, and one seed stand- 
ing erect in its cavity (fig. 7. a.). As for its embryo 
it is totally different from that of Grasses, it neither 
lies on the outside of the albumen, nor is it shaped at 
all like it; it is a minute roundish undivided body 
(jig. 8.), which is buried in the lower end of the 
albumen. It really would seem as if the small com- 
parative utility of these plants was indicated by the 
little care that nature has taken to ensure the growth 
of their seeds by extraordinary precautions. 

It is to the Sedge tribe that most of those plants 
which afford the materials of the manufacture of 

which are popularly considered Rushes, and 

candles, mats, and chairs; the Club-rush im parti- 
cular (Scirpus lacustris), which sometimes grows as 
much as nine feet high, is the species that is collected 
for such purposes. ‘They are chiefly found on wet 
commons, or in marshy, or swampy places. The 
most remarkable of the wild kinds is the Cotton-qrass 
(Eriophorum), the long silky white hairs of whose 
fruit look exactly like tufts of cotton blowing about in 
the wind. 

Here ends my explanation of the organization of 
those plants which, because they are increased by the 
action of an apparatus consisting of calyx, corolla, 
stamens, and pistil, and forming what we call a flower, 
are called FLOWERING. 

The remainder of the Vegetable Kingdom consists 
of species wholly destitute of flowers, and increased by 
organs totally different in their nature from fruit and 


seeds. For an explanation of the characters of these, 
I must refer you to the succeeding letter. 


I. Tue Grass TriBpE.—1. A piece of the inflorescence of Soft 
Brome-grass (Bromus mollis) ; a a spikelets.—2. A perpendicular 
section of a portion of the stem, shewing the partition at a.—3. A 
spikelet ; a a glumes; 6 0 @ florets.—4. A floret half open; a the 
lower palea; 4 the upper palea; ¢ the beard; d the angles of the 
upper palea covered with stiff hairs——5. A pistil ; a a hypogynous 
scales; 6 stigmas.—6. A ripe grain; a the place where the embryo 
lies ; 4 the piece which is cut out, and seen magnified at 7, where a 
is the plumule; 4 the radicle; c the cotyledon, and d the albumen. 

IJ. Tur Sever Trise.—l. A portion of the upper end of the 
Hairy Sedge (Carex hirta) ; a a barren flower heads ; 4 fertile flower 
head.—2. A portion of the solid stem.—3. A barren floret seen from, 
the inside, with its three stamens.—4. A fertile floret.— 5. A ripe 
fruit, as seen when enclosed in the bottle.—6. The true fruit taken 
out of the bottle—7. A perpendicular section of the same, shewing 
its erect seed a.—8. An embryo. 



Plate XXIII. 

We have now arrived at the frontiers of the third 
great province into which the Vegetable Kingdom 
is divided; we are about to visit races far less per- 
fectly organized than those of the two other provinces; 
and we shall no longer be delighted by beautiful form, 
or astonished at stupendous size, or interested by the 
many useful purposes to which the species are applied: 
We here lose sight of all traces of flowers, and of the 
singular parts that belong to them; in their room we 
find a different mode of propagation, and along with 
it, a plan of organization which is always far more 
simple than in flowering plants, and which gradually 
diminishes in complexity, till at last the component 
parts of the vegetable texture are separated, and 
nothing remains but little bladders, which are hardly 
to be distinguished from the simplest forms of 

Plants of this sort are called rLowERLESs ; they 
are also named Cryptogamic, because the parts by 
which they are by some thought to be increased 
are hidden from view; and they have, in addition, 

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the designation of ceLLtuLar plants, because their 
stems rarely contain vessels, but usually consist of 
cellular substance only. You, perhaps, do not know 
that, in nearly all plants which bear flowers, there 
are present those curious air-pipes, called spiral ves- 
sels, of which I long ago gave you an explanation 
(p. 38.); such, however, is the fact. On the other 
hand, in these flowerless plants, spiral vessels are uni- 
versally absent; some of the most highly organized 
tribes, such as those which form the subject of the 
present letter, have a particular kind of vessel in lieu 
of the spiral; but all the other tribes are destitute of 
vessels of any kind. 

Ferns, which are the most completely organised of 
Flowerless plants, and which approach nearer than 
any others to the Flowering tribes, are those to which 
I would first call your attention. In the northern 
parts of the world, they are green leafy productions, 
which die down to the ground every year; and they 
are seldom more than two or three feet high; one of 
the larger kindsis the Brake (Pteris), which is so much 
esteemed as covert for game. But, in tropical coun- 
tries, many of them far surpass these pigmy dimen- 
sions; they acquire real trunks, resembling those 
of Palms, and often rise to as high as forty or fifty 
feet without a leaf; even a more considerable sta- 
ture is spoken of by travellers. At all times they 
are graceful objects, from the slender wiry stems 
on which they bear their leaves, which wave in 
the breeze like plumes of feathers, and from the 
multitude of leaflets into which they are cut with 


the most exquisite regularity. But the Tree Ferns ofthe 
Tropics are said to be most superb objects, combining 
the grace and agreeable colour of their European 
kindred with the majestic aspect of the Palms. 

It is usual to call the leaves of Ferns by the name 
of FronD, as if their leaves were not analogous to 
those of other plants. But J see no use in continuing 
this old fashioned word, which was coined at a time 
when the leaf of a Fern was thought to be a sort of 
compound between a branch and a leaf. It is much 
better, on every account, to call it by the name that 
the same part bears in other plants. 

For the purpose of studying the organization of 
Ferns, | recommend you to take a leaf of Hart’s-tongue 
(Scolopendrium officinarum, Plate XXIII. 1.), a 
plant which is common on most damp and shaded 
banks, and within old open wells, the mouths of which 
are almost choaked up by it. All that you will 
find of the plant, is a brown scaly rootstock, from 
which grow a number of handsome lance-shaped 
leaves, of a deep green colour, placed upon a shining 
ebony-black stalk. If the leaves are newly formed, 
you will, by holding them up against the light, readily 
see their veins, which are dissimilar to those of all 
other plants. They neither resemble Monocotyledons, 
nor Dicotyledons ; are neither netted nor parallel ; 
but have a simply forked structure. You will re- 
mark, that, although now and then, one vein may 
be found running straight from the midrib nearly up 
to the margin, without dividing, yet, that the prin- 
cipal part fork very soon after the vein has left the 


midrib, and that, sometimes, one of the branches 
forks again. This kind of vein is peculiar to Ferns, 
and will enable you, at all times, to recognise them 
whether their reproductive parts are present or not. 
After the leaf has been growing some little time, 
you may remark a number of narrow pale bands 
appearing at pretty equal intervals upon some of the 
veins, and following their direction (fig. 1. a.).  Pre- 
sently afterwards the whole of the skin of the leaf, 
where these bands are, separates from the green part 
below it: in course of time, something swells and 
raises up the skin, till at last it bursts through it, 
separating the skin into two equal parts, one edge of 
which remains adhering to the leaf (fig. 2.a.a.). At 
this period this cause of the swelling is discovered ; it 
consists in a multitude of brown seed-like grains that 
are crowded together very closely, and form a brown 
ridge (fig. 3. a. a.). Botanists call the skin which 
separates from the leaf the 1npusrum, the ridge sorus, 
and the seed-like grams THeca. In order to gain a 
distinct view of all these parts, you should cut through 
the leaf across the sorus, just after the indusium has 
burst ; and then the edges of the indusium will be dis- 
tinctly visible (fig. 4. a. a.), with the ridge-like recep- 
tacle of the thece rising up between them (fig. 4. b.). 
The only means of propagating itself, which the 
Hart’s-tongue possesses, resides in the thece. It has 
no calyx, corolla, stamens, or pistillum, and conse- 
quently neither fruit nor seed; nevertheless it can 
perpetuate its kind with the same certainty as the 
most perfect plant. ‘The theca (fig. 5.) is not a seed, 


nor is it a body whose functions are of a nature similar 
to those of the seed; you require a pretty good mi- 
croscope to examine it correctly, but with such an 
instrument you will make it out to be a roundish 
compressed body, seated on a jointed stalk, which runs 
up one side of the theca (fig. 5. a.). Upon examin- 
ing a good many of the thece, you will no doubt 
remark some of them burst open (fig. 6.); and then 
you will find that they are hollow bodies, containing 
a quantity of extremely minute oval grains (fig. 6. a.), 
called spores, by Botanists. It is in the spores that 
the power of increase resides; every one of them 
will form a new plant, and consequently they are 
analogous to seeds; but, as they do not result from 
the action of pollen upon a stigma, they are not real 
seeds, but only the representatives of those organs 
amongst Flowerless plants. 

How simple is all this; how different from every 
thing we have seen in other plants! and yet no 
doubt as perfectly adapted to the multiplication 
of Ferns as any more complete contrivance. How 
prodigious too is the power that these plants possess 
of disseminating themselves! Hart’s-tongue, owing 
to its small size, is one of those in which the power 
resides only in a small degree; and yet a little com- 
putation will shew even its means to be prodigious. 
Each of its sori consists of from 3000 to 6000 thece ; 
let us take 4500 as the average number. Then each 
leaf bears about 80 sori; which makes 360,000 thecz 
per leaf; the thece themselves conta about 50 
spores; so that a single leaf of Hart’s-tongue may 


give birth to no fewer than eighteen millions of young 

The form and situation of the sori is not, in other 
genera, the same as in the Hart’s-tongue; on the 
contrary, it is upon differences in those respects that 
the genera have been established. For example in 
Shield-ferns (Aspidium) the sori are round and covered 
with a kidney-shaped indusium; in Polypody (Poly- 
podium) they are round and have no indusium; and 
in the graceful Maiden-hair-ferns (Adiantum) they 
are oblong bodies arising from the edges of the leaf. 
The most curious arrangement of their parts is in the 
Brake itself (Pteris); no matter at what time of the 
year you examine the leaves of that plant you will 
probably discover no trace of sori, and yet it would 
be difficult to find a Brake-leaf in the autumn, which 
does not abound with them. The truth is that in 
this plant they occupy so singular a position, that one 
could almost be tempted to believe that they were de- 
signedly hidden where none but the curious Botanist 
should find them. Look attentively at the under 
side of the leaves: you will remark the margin to be 
turned in and thickened, like the hem of a lady’s 
gown in which a cord in run; there lurk the thece 
you are in search of. With the point of a knife lift 
up gently the edge of the leaf, and you will at once 
discover a ridge of thece running all round it; in this 
instance the margin of the leaf acts the part of 

Another singular form of Ferns is that in which 
the whole of the segments of a leaf are contracted and 


curled up round the thece, so as to lose entirely the 
natural appearance, and to resemble a sort of inflo- 
rescence. A striking instance of this is not uncommon 
in bogs, in the form of a plant called the Osmund- 
royal, or Flowering Fern (Osmunda regalis); a minute 
species found in woods, and called Adder’s Tongue 
(Ophioglossum), because of its narrow inflorescence, 
is another British example. 

Such is the first and highest degree in the scale of 
organization among Flowerless plants. Possessing a 
system of vessels, frequently attaining a considerable 
size, having leaves intersected by veins, and having 
their surface provided with breathing pores. Ferns 
may be considered to differ from Flowering plants in 
little except in the manner in which they are propa- 
gated, and in the organs assigned them by nature for 
that purpose. Next to them is arranged a small tribe 
also possessing a system of vessels in the stem, and 
breathing pores on the surface, but destitute of veins, 
and having a remarkably different mode of repro- 
duction; you will find, indeed, that there is this 
great peculiarity in Flowerless plants, independently 
of all others, that no two tribes agree exactly in the 
nature of their organs of propagation. While in| 
Flowering plants one tribe is distinguished from 
another by slight variations in the form, or number, 
or proportions of a few organs that they all possess in 
common, you will find among Flowerless plants, on 
the contrary, that every tribe has an independent and 
peculiar provision of its own for the perpetuation of 
the species. 


This is the case in the Club-moss tribe (Lycopo- 
diacee, Plate XXIII. 2.), to which I have alluded. 
Club-mosses, in some parts of England called also 
Snake-mosses, are humble plants which grow on moors 
or heaths, or half-drained bogs, over which their scaly 
stems creep and interweave. ‘There are no veins 
in their leaves, which are for the most part narrow, 
and taper-pointed. When about to reproduce them- 
selves, they emit from the ends of their branches, 
which are usually forked like the veins in a Fern- 
leaf, a slender shoot of a paler colour than the re- 
mainder, and terminated by a yellowish thickened 
oblong, or club-shaped head. Among the hair- 
pointed leaves of the head lie, one in the bosom of 
every leaf, pale yellow cases, opening by two or three 
valves (fig. 1.), and containing either a fine powdery 
substance, or a few large grains or spores. These are 
all the means such plants have of propagating them- 
selves; and it is uncertain what the exact difference 
is in the purposes to which the powder and the spores 
are severally destined. The latter, no doubt, grow 
like seeds, but it is not quite certain that the powder 
grows also; there are those who say they have seen 
the powder grow, but their observations require to be 

Such plants seem to occupy an intermediate place 
between Ferns and Mosses, to the latter of which my 
next letter will refer. I will not detain you about them 
further than by remarking, that although they are now 
seldom more than three or four feet long, and are ge- 
nerally much smaller, it is probable that either similar 



plants, or races very closely allied to them, grew in 
ancient days, long before the creation of man, to a size 
far beyond anything that the present order of things 
comprehends; this is, however, a geological matter, 
with which we had better not interfere. 


I. Toe Fern Tripe.—l|. The upper end of a leaf of Hart’ s-Tongue 
(Scolopendrium officinarum), seen from the under side; a sori.—2. A 
portion of a leaf magnified, to show the veins and the structure of the 
sori, @ a, more distinctly.—3. A similar portion, further advanced; 
a asori.—4. A section of a portion of a leaf across the sorus; a a 
the two valves of the indusium; 6 the sorus itself, covered with 
theeze.—5. A theca; a its elastic back.—6. Another theca burst, and 
scattering its sporules, a. 

Il. Tar Cius-moss Trise.—A plant of common Club-moss (Ly- 
copodium clavatum).—1. A theca, with its two valves open, and the 
leaf out of whose bosom it grows.—2. The same leaf seen from be- 

hind.—3. A theca, as seen when closed. 

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Plate XXIV. 

RR rn nt 

Striuu lower in the scale of creation, than Ferns and 
Club-mosses are the true Mosses; plants destitute of 
all traces of vessels and of breathing pores; with no 
true veins in their leaves, and so pigmy in growth, 
that the most gigantic of them hardly equal the smal- 
lest of the Club-mosses. 

Up to the present moment, a microscope has rarely 
been necessary in our studies; whenever I have re- 
commended you to employ it, the subject would 
usually have admitted of your dispensing with its 
aid, if you had pleased. But from this time forward 
it must be constantly im your hand, and every obser- 
vation must be made with it. You will, however, 
find abundance of most curious and interesting re- 
sults, to idemnify you for the trouble it will give 

Mosses are among the smallest of plants with true 
leaves; they are often so minute that the whole spe- 
cimen, leaves, stem, fruit, and all, would escape the 
eye, if they did not grow in patches ; and they never, 
in the largest kinds, exceed the height of a few 
inches. Nevertheless, they are organized in a man- 



ner far more complete than Ferns, or Club-mosses, 
although they are destitute of air vessels and breath- 
ing pores. Mosses are usually the first plants that 
shew themselves on rocks, or walls, or barren places, 
where no other vegetation can establish itself; pro- 
vided the air is damp they will flourish there, and in 
time, lay the foundation of a bed of vegetable mould, 
in which the roots of grasses, and other stronger 
plants may find support, till they, in their turn, have 
decayed and prepared the way for shrubs and trees. 
This is the usual order observed by nature in con- 
verting the face of rocks into vegetable mould, and 
thus you see Mosses have to perform the office of 
pioneers to larger plants, an office for which one 
would have thought their Lilliputian size would 
hardly have qualified them. 

Mosses are formed upon precisely the same plan 
as flowering plants, as far as the arrangement of their 
organs of vegetation. They have, in all cases, a 
stem, or axis, however minute, round which the 
leaves are disposed with the greatest symmetry— 
(Plate XXIV. 1. fig. 2.); they have the parts that 
answer to seeds, enclosed im a case, and this case is 
elevated on a stalk, which arises from among the 
leaves. But, beyond this, analogy ceases; in all 
other points of structure, the Moss tribe is of a most 
singular nature. 

Mosses are said to be in fruit when the stems are 
furnished with brown hollow cases, seated on a long 
stalk (fig. 1. 2.). It is chiefly of this fruit, or theca, 
or sporangium, and its modifications, that we make use 


in distinguishing the genera. Let it, therefore, engage 
our attention the first. No species can be more common 
than Wall Tortula (Tortula muralis), dark tufts of 
which are found every where upon the north side of 
walls, growing out of the mortar. ‘The theca of this 
plant wears a little cap, not very unlike that of the 
Norman peasant women (fig. 2. a.), with its high 
peak and long lappets; this part is called a cazyp- 
TRA; When young it was rolled round the theca, so 
as completely to cover it over like an extinguisher, 
but when the stalk of the theca lengthened, the ca- 
lyptra was torn away from its support, and carried up 
upon the tip. After a certain time, the calyptra drops 
off; and, at that time, the theca is in the best state 
for examination. You will find it terminated by a 
conical lid (fig. 3. a.), or opERCULUM, which is thrown 
off when the spores, or reproductive parts, are fit to 
be dispersed (fig. 4. b.). When the lid has been thus 
spontaneously thrown off, a new and peculiar set of 
parts come in view; you will find that the lid cover- 
ed a kind of tuft of twisted hairs, which at first look 
as if they stopped up the mouth of the theca. But, 
if you cut a theca perpendicularly from the bottom to 
the top, you will learn from the sectional view that 
you will then obtain of the parts, that, in reality, the 
hairs arise from within the rim of the theca, in a 
single row (fig. 5.). These hairs are named in Bo- 
tany, the reeru of the fringe, or PERISTOME ; the lat- 
ter term designating the ring of hairs. ‘The nature of 
the fringe varies in different genera; sometimes it 
consists of two rows of teeth, differmg from each 


other in size or number, or arrangement ; some have 
only 4 teeth, others 8, or 16, or 32, or 64; in all 
cases, their number is some multiple of four ; a curi- 
ous circumstance which shews the great simplicity of 
design that is observed in the construction of these 
minute objects. The fringe is not, however, always 
present ; there is a small section of the Moss tribe, 
all the genera of which are destitute of that singular 
organ. What office it may have to perform, we can 
only guess; it seems to be connected with the dis- 
persion of the spores, and often acts in the most 
beautiful hygrometrical manner. If you take the 
theca of this Tortula, for example, when dry, and 
put it im a damp place, or in water, its teeth will un- 
coil, and disentangle themselves with a graceful and 
steady motion, which is beautiful to look upon. 

It is in the side of the theca that the spores are 
confined. ‘They lie there in a thin bag, which is open 
at the upper end, and which surrounds a central 
column, called the cotumeLLA. They are exceed- 
ingly minute, and not unlike the spores of Ferns. 

A superficial observer would remark no further or- 
ganization than this; but the accurate Investigations 
of Botanists, have led to the discovery, that there 
is a more minute and concealed system of organs, 
which, in many cases, precedes the appearance of the 
theca. It has been thought that these organs re- 
present pistils and anthers of an imperfect kind ; but 
you will see that, if they are to be so understood, 
they are so much more imperfect and so differently 
constructed from the parts that bear those names in 


flowering plants, as to render it extremely doubtful 
whether they can really be considered of the same 

At the end of the shoots of some Mosses such as 
Hairmoss (Polytrichum), the leaves spread into a 
starry form, and become coloured with brown. Among 
them lie a number of cylindrical whitish-green bodies 
(fig. '7.) which are transparent at the point, and filled 
with a cloudy granular matter, which it is said that 
they discharge with some degree of violence. ‘These 
are considered to be anthers. But they appear to 
exist in some Mosses only, and not to be universally 
present, as they would be if they were really necessary 
to produce fertilization. 

The second kind of apparatus is universally pro- 
vided, and is in reality the forerunner of the theca. In 
the bosom of other leaves you may find, a short time 
after Mosses have begun to grow, a cluster of little 
greenish bodies (fig. 6.), which are thickest at their 
lower end, then taper upwards into a slender pipe, 
and at last expand into a sort of shallow cup. After 
a certain time the pipe and the cup, which, by some, 
are considered style and stigma, shrivel up, and the 
lower part, or ovary, swells, acquires a stalk, and 
finally changes into a theca. 

The study of the distinctions of Mosses requires 
great care and attention, and much skill in the use 
of the microscope. It has sometimes occupied the 
undivided attention of Botanists, and cannot be at- 
tended to without much leisure and patience. ‘The 
best work we have upon the subject is the Muscologia 


Britannica of Drs. Hooker and Taylor, a valuable 
book, in which are accurate figures of nearly all the 
species found in this country. To it I refer you, if 
you wish to prosecute this branch of Botany. 

Of about the same rank in the scale of organization 
are the plants called Jungermannias, which look very 
much like Mosses (Plate XXIV. 2. fig. 1.), and 
which like them have little roundish bodies called 
anthers (fig. 4. & 5.) and a theca (fig. 2. c.) elevated 
on a stalk. They are distinguishable ; firstly, by their 
theca bursting into valves, and secondly, by their 
spores being mixed with tubes, formed of curiously 
twisted threads (fig. 9.), and called ELaTers. They 
grow in tufts and patches, in damp and shady places 
all over Great Britain, occupying the bark of trees, 
and the surface of rocks and stones, or creeping among 
the herbage on the banks of rivers, on heaths, marshes, 
and in shady woods, and even inhabiting gloomy 
caverns where scarcely any other vegetable can exist. 
A noble illustration of these tiny plants was pubished 
some years ago by Professor Hooker; it forms the 
most complete local monograph of any genus ever pub- 
lished, and is indispensable to all those who would 
occupy themselves with an inquiry into the habits 
and differences of the tribe. 

28 | 


I. Tue Moss Trise.—l. A patch of Wall Tortula (Tortula mu- 
ralis) of the natural size.—2. A single plant magnified; a calyptra.— 
3. A part of a theca with the lid a.—4. A theca from which the lid 
6 has been removed; a@ the twisted fringe.—5. A portion of the 
theca viewed from within; shewing the teeth of the fringe.—6. A 
cluster of the young thece of Encalypta vulgaris, intermixed with 
succulent fibres. —7. A cluster of the bodies supposed by some to be 
anthers, in the same plant.—The two last figures are after Hedwig. 

II. Tar JuNGERMANNIA TrIBE.—1. A plant of the Grove Junger- 
mannia (J. nemorosa), natural size.—2. A portion of the same mag- 
nified; a leaves; 6 the sheath of the theca, sometimes called the ca- 
lyx; c the theca emitting its spores.—3. A leaf, bearing little warts, 
aa, which break up into reproductive particles 4; and are called 
gemme,—A, 5, 6.—One of the bodies supposed to be anthers, in dif- 
ferent states, with the succulent filaments that are intermixed with 
them.—7. The calyptra of the theca, a little broken at its side.—8. 
Imperfect young theca.—9. Two of the elastic elaters, with the 
spores that are mixed among them.—These figures are copied from 
Hooker’s British Jungermannie, Tab. 21. 



Plate XXV. 


Ar last we have nearly reached the limits of the 
vegetable world, and find ourselves upon the confines 
of that mysterious region where animal and vegetable 
natures become so blended, that the philosopher is 
obliged to admit the weakness of his systematical dis- 
tinctions, and to abandon the attempt at drawing a 
line between vitality and volition. In explaining to 
you the structure of the three lowest tribes in the 
vegetable kingdom, I do not propose to fatigue your 
attention by the minute, and specific details in which 
they so peculiarly abound ; but I shall content myself 
with sketching out the great features by which they 
are usually distinguished. 

When we quit Mosses and Jungermannias, with 
the other plants of a similar nature, we find ourselves 
among beings in which all traces of stems and leaves 
have disappeared, and which consist of nothing but 
thin horizontal expansions of vegetable matter in 
which a few harder, and differently formed kernels 
or shields are imbedded. In some of these the colour 

, Vne Lichen . Vibe. 

VeMurhrocom Dube. 

(+p ’ ; 
lV rtled. VOICE: 

ee ae OF THE 
oo aa Wee er pS oF iLUNOIS 

a nd My, ae 

vee As 


is yellow, brown or green, the texture of the ex- 
pansion leafy, and the margin cut up mto many 
lobes; these are the most nearly related to leafy and 
more perfect plants (Plate XXV. 1. fig. 1. & 2.); m 
others the expansion is merely a thin crust, which 
readily crumbles in pieces, the species having scarcely 
vital energy enough to keep the cells of which they 
are composed in a state of cohesion. Such plants as 
these are called Lichens. ‘They are found chiefly in 
the temperate or colder regions of the earth. Some 
of them (Gyrophoras) crawl upon the surface of the 
earth, spreading their dingy, cold, and damp bodies 
over whole plains in the desolate regions of the 
north; others (Usneas, Ramalinas, &c.) spring up 
on the branches of trees, and hang down from 
them like grey and netted beards, giving the unfor- 
tunate plants of which they take possession, a hoary 
wintry aspect even in the summer; some (Parmelias, 
Lecideas, &c.) overrun old walls, stones, and rocks, to 
which they communicate those mild and agreeable 
tints, which render ancient ruins so peculiarly pleas- 
ing to the eye; and finally a fourth description of 
Lichens (Opegraphas) establish themselves upon the 
bark of living trees, occasionally burying themselves 
beneath the skin, through which their shields alone 
peep forth in the strange form of the letters of some 
eastern tongue. 

Plants of this tribe have no parts in the smallest 
degree resembling flowers; they have no certain 
mode of multiplying themselves except by the dis- 
persion of little spores, which are nothing but ex- 


ceedingly minute cells that are lodged in the centre of 
the shields. These are very difficult to find; you 
may, however, make them out if you observe the 
following directions. Take the full grown shield of 
any Lichen ; that of the Yellow wall Parmelia (P. 
parietina) is a good one for the purpose (Plate XXV. 
1. fig. 2.); with a sharp razor divide it perpendicu- 
larly ; then shave off the thinnest possible slice of one 
of the faces, and drop it into water; place it on the 
glass stage of a microscope, and illuminate it from 
below. You will then be able to perceive that the 
kernel consists of a crowd of minute compact fibres, 
planted perpendicularly upon a bed of cellular sub- 
stance (fig. 3.); and that in the midst of the fibres 
there is a great number of little oblong bags (fig. 3. 
a.) filled full of transparent cells (fig. 4.); the bags 
are thece, the cells are spores ; and it is to the latter 
that the Lichen has to trust for its perpetuation. 

The study of Lichens is probably the most difficult 
of any part of Botany; the species are scarcely to be 
distinguished, the limits of the genera are uncertain, 
and the characters by which they are separated are 
obscure. If, however, you are curious to make 
yourself acquainted with these, the best book I know 
of to recommend to you, is the fifth volume of the 
English Flora, by Professor Hooker. 

Notwithstanding their minuteness and uninviting 
appearance, several of them are of considerable im- 
portance to man and animals. The Arctic Gyro- 
phoras called by the Canadians Tripe de Roche, were 
the only food that the daring travellers Franklin, 


Richardson, and Back, were for a long time able to 
procure in the horrible countries they so fearlessly 
visited in the cause of science ; Leindeer Moss (Cla- 
donia rangiferina) is the winter food of the Rein- 
deer of the Laplanders ; Jceland Moss (Cetraria is- 
landica) furnishes a nutritive food to the invalid ; 
and finally the production of Orchil, by Roccella 
tinctoria is an indication of the value of some species 
to the manufacturer as dyes. 

Very closely related to Lichens, and standing 
almost parallel with them in the scale of organization, 
are Fungi, or the Mushroom tribe (Plate XXV. 3.), 
plants with which we are best acquainted from our 
knowledge of the common eatable Mushroom, but 
which have almost an endless diversity of form and 
organization. In this, however, they are all agreed, 
that while the thece of Lichens are placed in shields 
or receptacles, which are exposed to the air, those of 
Fungi are in all cases concealed by a covering of 
some kind. To give you any thing like an accurate 
notion of the many different appearances of Fungi, 
would be wholly impracticable in a work of this 
kind; Dr. Greville’s Scottish Cryptogamic Flora 
should be your guide, if you would dip deeply into 
the mysteries of their organization. They vary from 
simple cells that hardly adhere, to chains of cells 
which resemble a necklace, thence to hollow balls, 
infinitely minute, that are generated in the living 
substance of leaves and stems, which they afflict 
under the names of mildew or blight, these again are 
developed in subterranean masses of cellular sub- 


stance, such as the Truffle, and finally arrive at their 
most perfect state in the Agarics, or Mushrooms, 
that we eat, and in the Boleti, which grow like huge 
fleshy excrescences on the trunks of trees, or project 
from their trunks in long and ugly lobes, which have 
in one case been compared to the claws of some gi- 
gantic demon. 

Instead of occupying you about the particulars of 
all these matters, I shall content myself with explaming - 
to you the nature of the developement of one of the 
most completely formed fungi, the veiled Agaric (Aga- 
ricus volvaceus). In the beginning this plant is no- 
thing but a thin layer of cobweb-like matter, spread- 
ing among old tan; by degrees, on the surface of the 
cobwebs appear little protuberances of a whitish 
colour (Plate XXV. 3. fig. 1.); they gradually 
lengthen, and acquire a sort of stalk, and up to a 
particular period consist of only a fleshy mass of 
fibres and minute cells; if they are cut through 
at that time in a perpendicular direction (fig. 2.), 
they present one uniform face. But in a short time 
a minute cavity is formed in the fungus at the thicker 
end (fig. 3.), within which a sort of cap is gradually 
elevated upon a stalk (fig. 4.); the cap and stalk 
keep progressively enlarging (figs. 5, 0, 7, 8.), and 
stretching the skin within which they are enclosed, 
till at last the skin eracks (fig. 10.); the cap and its 
stalk rapidly enlarge, and tear a way through the 
skin (fig. 11.) and at last burst forth into light, a 
perfect mushroom (fig. 12.), with numerous cinna- 
mon brown gills or LAMELL& radiating from the 


stalk underneath the cap, and concealing the spores 
within their folds. When the Mushroom has gained 
its full size, its stalk is surrounded at the base by a 
thick fleshy sheath, called the voLva, or wrapper ; 
from what you have seen of its gradual progress, 
you will have observed that the wrapper is nothing 
but the remains of the skin within which the fungus 
was formed. I send you a copy of a beautiful illus- 
tration of these phenomena by Professor Th. Nees 
v. Esenbeck, of Bonn, by whom they were observed. 

So simple is the growth of this and such plants, 
and so remarkable are the circumstances under which 
they are formed, as to have given rise to the belief 
that they are not propagated by the agency of spores, 
which are always sure to reproduce the plant from 
which they originate, but are dependent for their 
peculiar appearances upon the different circumstances 
under which they are developed. Professor Nees v. 
Esenbeck has proved that whatever error there may 
be in such opinions generally, they are at least well 
founded in the case of the Veiled Mushroom; for 
he ascertained, by careful observation, that the same 
cobwebby matter which gave birth in hothouses to 
the Mushroom, in long and bright days when there 
is plenty of light, produced nothing but a plant called 
Sclerotium Mycetospora, in the autumn, winter, and 
spring, when the hothouses abounded with heat and 
moisture, but when the days were short, the sky 
cloudy, and light deficient. 

The last and lowest of all the tribes of plants are 
the Sea-weeds and their allies; these productions 


which inhabit water exclusively, and appear at one 
end of the scale of their developement in the form of 
enormous Fuci, many fathoms in length, but at the 
other as merely simple bladders sticking together in 
rows, are those to which I referred at the beginning 
of this letter, as forming the link between the Animal 
and Vegetable worlds. Like Lichens and Fungi, they 
have reproductive organs of the most simple construc- 
tion; in those species which have the most complex 
organization, the spores are stored up in peculiar re- 
ceptacles, as in the larger and more perfect sea-weeds ; 
but in others they are distributed vaguely through the 
whole substance of the plant, and start into life when 
liberated from their nests by the destruction of the in- 
dividual that generated them. In the Zavers, whether 
of fresh or salt water, they lie clustered in threes or 
fours, in the substance of a green membrane; in the 
true Conferve they are nothing but granular matter, 
locked up in little transparent tubes (Plate X XV. 2.). 
It is of a vegetation of this latter kind that consist the 
green slimy patches you see floating in water, or ad- 
hering to stones and rocks from which water has re- 
ceded. In Dr. Greyille’s Alge Britannice, and in the 
fifth volume of the English Flora, you will find a full 
account of the genera and species of these singular 

What is most remarkable in them is their ap- 
proach to the nature of animals, an approach which 
is not only indicated by the apparently spontaneous 
motions of the kinds called Oscillatoria, but in a much 
more unequivocal manner by other kinds, if we can 


believe the concurrent testimony of several French 
and German Botanists. No one has investigated the 
subject with more unwearied assiduity than Mons. 
Gaillon, from whose ‘“ Observations sur les limites 
qui séparent le regne Végétal du regne Animal,” I 
shall translate some details that I think cannot fail to 
amuse and surprise you. 

On the rocks that are found at low-water mark on 
the coasts of Normandy and Picardy, there grows a 
production called by Botanists Conferva comoides ; it 
consists of fine brownish-yellow threads, collected in 
the form of a hair-pencil, half an inch or an inch in 
length, and at low water spreads over the surface of 
the little round calcareous stones, to which it gives 
something of the appearance of the head of a new- 
born child. ‘These threads are loosely branched, and 
are finer than the most delicate hair; the plant owes 
its apparent solidity to the clustering and entangle- 
ment of many such threads. Viewed under a mi- 
croscope that magnifies 300 diameters, the threads 
seem to be rounded, slightly compressed, and about 
as large as fine packthread. They are of a mucous 
nature, and contain immersed within their substance 
a number of small yellowish bodies, which look at 
first like dots, afterwards become oval, and end in 
acquiring something the shape of a radish, having the 
ends transparent, and the centre marked by a patch 
of yellowish matter. If they are at that time sepa- 
rated from the mucous matter in which they are 
pressed and packed like herrings in a barrel, you may 
see them moving, expanding, contracting, advancing 



gravely and slowly, retreating in like manner, altering 
their direction, and finally possessing a spontaneous, 
incessant, measured, voluntary motion. These little 
creatures, which at most are not more than the 1000th 
of an inch long, and at the smallest hardly exceed the 
5000th, when once they are separated from the thread 
that contains them, fall down in countless multitudes, 
in the form of a chocolate-brown deposit, on the 
neighbouring rocks. Once there, they distend, and 
emit a globule of coloured particles, which are evi- 
dently their fry. Each particle gaims motion and 
volume, and the little globular mass, lengthening and 
branching, reproduces, by the developement of the 
germs that are collected together, the long green pen- 
cilled appearance, which has led Botanists to consider 
this being as a plant. 

In another production, green ditch-Laver (Ulva 
bullata, or minima, or Tetraspora lubrica), still more 
astonishing circumstances have been observed by M. 
Gaillon and others. ‘This plant appears, to the naked 
eye, a thin green membrane, within which the mi- 
croscope reveals a number of green granules, arranged 
in fours. Let this membrane be kept in quiet water, 
and at a high atmospheric temperature, and the 
granules may be seen, under a powerful microscope, 
to present at their surface certain convexities and 
depressions, which are the effect of the repeated con- 
traction and distension of these granules. If they are 
carefully watched for several days, the granules will 
be seen to be reciprocally displaced; after a certain 
time they separate from the membrane, and may 


then be perceived to have a rapid and regular move- 
ment, as if in chase of each other; cool with a drop 
of water, that in which the granules are floating, and 
their motions will become slower, they will attach 
themselves by some part of their circumference, and 
will acquire a swinging motion from right to left and 
from left to right. In this sort of imperfect reeling 
and twirling, one sees the granules approach in 
pairs, just touch each other, retreat, approach again, 
and glide away to the right or left, staggering, as it 
were, and trying to preserve their balance; at last, 
instead of pairs, fours combine to execute the move- 
ments of the dance. Imagine the field of the mi- 
croscope covered, shortly after, with a hundred of 
these animated globules, whose diameter is not, in 
reality, more than the 4000th of an inch, chasing 
each other, retreating, and intermingling, as if exe- 
cuting the mazes of a fantastic reel, and you have 
one of the most curious spectacles that the microscope 
can exhibit. When great numbers of the granules 
are collected, the motion ceases; they then collect 
in fours, and form a new membrane, and in this 
state they are considered by Botanists as a kind of 

Such are, in part, the wonders revealed by the 
microscope in these ambiguous productions; many 
others of equal interest might be named, but what 
has been said will suffice to shew you how mar- 
vellous a store of curious facts remains to be col- 
lected by those whose time and disposition are fa- 
vourable to such inquiries. ‘To these may be applied 


the lines of the French poet Delile, even better than 
to the zoophytes to which allusion was more particu- 
larly made :— 

Voyez vous se mouvoir ces vivans arbrisseaux 
Dont l’étrange famille habite dans les eaux, 

Et qui, de deux états nuance merveilleuse 
Confondent du savoir ignorance orgueilleuse. 
De Vhumile séjour ces douteux habitans 

A l ceil inattentif échapperent long-temps; 

Ils vivaient inconnus, et sujets de deux mondes, 
En se multipliant voyageaient sur les ondes. 


1. Tue Licnen Tripe.—1. A specimen of the Yellow Wall Par- 
melia (P. parietina), growing on a piece of pale.—2. A section of the 
same magnified.—3. A perpendicular section of a shield; a a, thece, 
with the spores in them.—4. The spores. 

Il. Tue Sea-weep Tripe.—1. A mass of Capillary Conferva (C. 
capillaris),—2. A thread highly magnified.—1*. Palmetta Sea-weed 
(Rhodomenia palmetta), natural size, with its masses of reproductive 
matter.—2*. A portion of the plant with reproductive particles col- 
lected in clusters of 3 or 4.—3*. A portion of the last highly mag- 
nified.—3**. Clusters separate.—4*. A bit of the plant with one 
of the masses of reproductive matter.—5*. Spores.—The latter after 

I. Taz Musnroom Trise.—}. A patch of tan, on which young 
plants of the Veiled Agaric (Agaricus volvaceus) are growing.— 
2—8. Progressive developement of a young plant.—9. A plant 
just ready to burst its wrapper.—10. The same bursting its wrapper.— 
11. A plant emerging from the wrapper, a.—12. A perfect plant; a 
the wrapper, or volya.—(After Th. Nees von Esenbeck.) 

Acacia Julibrissin 


Adam’s N. Badia. 
Adiantum a 
ZEstivation A 
Ethusa Cynapium 

iiticas volvaceus 

Agrostemma Githago . 96 



Ajuga . 193 
Ale 124 
Albumen 10 
Alder - 146 
Algaroba 127 
All-heal 82 
Allium A 231 
Allspice : 52 
Almond ; 118 
Almond Tribe ; 117 
Alopecurus - 262 
Alstromeria . 216 
Alyssum . 64 
Amaranth Tribe 133 
Amaryllis 3 218 
Amentaceous 146 
Ammophila - 253 
Anchusa - 181 
Anagallis 4 189 
Andromeda : 160, 161 
Androsemum 2 - 82 
Androsace 189 
Anemone - r 113 
Anemones 15 
Anther 6 
Antliemis - 207 
Antirrhinum 196 
Apetalous 130 


Apple Tribe 
Arbre 4 Perruque 
Arbutus 5 





Arrow Grasses 


Asphodel Tribe 
Ash 5 
Asters ~ 
Asparagus . 
Aspidium . 
Aubrietia deltoidea 


Avens, Mountain 
Awn - 
Azalea ° 

Bachelors’ Buttons 


Banksias A 

Barbadoes Flower-fence 

Barley . 
Barometz e 
Basil : 

Bean 5 
Beard r 










Belladonna Lily 

Bent-grass 5 
Bindweeds, Tribe of 
Black Horehound 
Black Nightshade 
Bladder Senna 
Bladder Ketmia 
Blue-bell c 
Boleti 4 
Borage . 
Bottle Gourd 


Bread-fruit Tribe 
Briza 5 

Bugle ° 




Butterfiy-flowered plants 

Cabbages 2 
Calathian Violet 




Campanula ° 
Candy-tuft ° 

Capsella Bursa Pastoris 


Caryophyllus ‘aromaticus 


138 Catkin 
218 Cat’s-tail 
207 Celandine : 
261 Celery 
161 Celosia 
146 Cellular Plants 
186 Centaury 
189 Cerastium 
185 Ceratonia 
123 Cercis 
91 Centaurea 
33 Cetraria falandien 
218 Chamomile A 
234 Cheeses 
207 Chelidonium Majus 
286 Cherry 
181, 183 Chesnut 
81 Chickweed Tribe 
5 Chickweed 
267 Chickweed, Water 
110 Chironias 
123 Christmas Rose 
152 Chrysanthemum 
103 Cichoraceze 
261 Cichorium 
126 Cinarocephale 
254 Cinquefoil 
154 Citrus : 
120 Cladonia rangiferina 
193 Clary 
231 Claytonia ° 
244 Clematis 
244 Clover 
227 Cloves 
123 Clnb-moss Tribe 
5 Club-rush 
124 Cockscomb 
Coffee a 
58 Colchicum 
105 Columella S 
102 Coltsfoot : 
165 Colutea ‘ 
195 Conferva comoides 
16 Comfrey 
277 Commissure 
6 Compound Flowers 
171 Confervee 3 
262 Convolvulus 
64 Corn : 
59 Corn Cockle 
19 Cornflag Tribe 
263 Corolla 
125 Cotton : 
96 Cotton-grass 
127 Cotyledons 5 
7 Cowslips . 
32 Cow-tree 
5g Crane’s-bill 
126 Cress 
96, 101 Crinum 


Crocus = 
Crowfoot - 
Crowfoot Tribe 
Crown Imperial 
Cruciferous Plants 
Cryptogamic Plants 











Day Lily 

Deadly N ightshade 
Dead Nettle - 
Dianthus glaucus 
Didiscus cceruleus 

Dipsacus ‘ 


Dodder : 
Dog’s-tooth Violet 
Draceena : 


Dryandra - 
Duckweed . 

Echium A 
Egg-plant - 
Elaters 2 

_ Elder Tree - 



Eranthis ° 
Eriophorum ° 
Erodium 5 
Erophila Vulgaris 

218 Erythrea 
5 Erythronium - 
13 Eryngo - 
238 Eschscholtzia 
58 Euealyptus 
266 Eugenia 
CE, Eulophia 
227 Euphorbias ; 
223 Evening Primrose "Tribe 
207 Exogenous 
189 Feather-grass 
36 Fennel 
207 Ferns 
183 Ferraria . 
229 Fescues 
230 Festuca 
Fig = 
216 Figwort 5 
199 Filament ‘ 
206 Flowering Fern ° 
187 Flowerless Plants 
126 Fly Honeysuckles 
238 Fool’s Parsley 
186 Forbidden Fruit 
193 Forget-me-not 
17 Foxglove Tribe 
97 Foxtails 
176 Fragaria 
13, 215 Fraxinus 
32 French Honeysuckle 
195 French Marigold 
208 Fringe of Mosses 
127 Fritillary 
61 Fromageons 
203 Frond 
162 Fuchsia 
238 Fuci 
234 Fungi 
234 Furrows 
32 Furze 
133 Galan‘ hus 
249 Garlic : 
183 Geranium Tribe 
- 186 Gentian Tribe = 
280 Gentianella 
176 Geum : 
35 Gills 
253 Gladiolus 
206 Glaucium 
219 Glechoma - 
10 Gleditschias . 
49 Globe Amaranth P 
16 Globe-flower 
159 Glumaceous Plants 
264 Glumes 
4] Glyeyrrhiza 
64 Goat’s-beard 


296 INDEX. 

Gnaphalium - ; 207 
Gobbo 5 3 90 
Gompholobium ° 126 
Gostlings : : 155 
Gossypium - ol 
Gourd 5 a 77 
Gourd Tribe 4 : 79 
Grafting ° : 120 
Grains 5 : 9 
Granadillas : 75 
Grasses 253 
Grevillea ; 131 
Gromwell : : 184 
Ground Ivy ; : 193 
Groundsel : 207 
Guava Jelly - i 52 
Guelder Rose é : 177 
Guernsey Lily . : 218 
Gul ebruschim é 128 
Gum-trees 5 Z 53 
Guttiferse 4 : 84 
Gypsy-wort : - ) 194 
Gyrophoras ° 283, 284 
Hairs E A 181 
Hair-moss 3 ¢ 279 
Hare-bells 5 Ae! (7A?) 
Hart’s-tongue . . : 268 
Hakeas F A 131 
Hawthorn ° 3 117 
Hawkweed : -/ 206 
Hazel A . 138 
Heartsease . - 64, 67 
Heartwood : 144 
Heath Tribe 4 5 158 
Hedysarum : 126 
Helleborus . ; 16 
Helonias Ss 240 
Heemanthus . . 218 
Hemerocallis : 5 Be) 
Hemlock Fi Pe 32 
Hemp 5 sy) 
Hemp, New Zealand . 239 
Henbane : 184, 187 
Herb Bennett : 112 
Hepaticas . ° 16 
Hibiscus 2 c 91 
Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis : 91 
Hibiscus esculentus 3 90 
Hieracium é ~ #206 
Hornbeam : . 138 
Horseradish . e 64 
Honesty : . 64 
Hood é o) 227 
Hops : : 150 
Honeysuckle - . 175 
Horned Poppy C 21 
Horned Acacia é « 127 
Hound’s-tongue : 183 

THouseleek 4 - 105 


Hypogynous scales 

Iceland Moss 
Indigo . 
Inferior ovary 

Ipomeea sensitiva 

Tris : 

Jasmine Tribe 

Judas Tree 

Kalmia . 

Ladies’ aw 
Larkspur ° 

Laver, Green Ditch 

Lecidea c 

Lily Tribe 


Looking-glass flower 

Lucerne . 


Lychnis dioica 
flos Cuculi 


Maiden-hair Fern 
Maize : 
Malva sylvestris 
Mandel amara 
Mandrake : 

Maraschino 5 
Marjoram : 
Marsh Marigold 

Marsh Mellow 


Marvel of Peru Tribe 

Melon : 

Mint Tribe 
Montia fontana 
Mosses . 
Mountain Ash 

Mouse-ear Chickweed 


Mushroom Tribe 








~ Musschia aurea 


Myrtle Tribe 
Myrtus Pimenta 

Narcissus Tribe 

N eedie-and-thread Plant 

Neottia ; 
Nerine : 
Nettle Tribe 
Nightshade Tribe 

Oak Tribe 

Ochro : 
CEnothera fruticosa 
Olive Tribe 





Opium Poppy 

Orange Tribe . 
Orchil 5 
Orchis : 
Ornithogalum . 
Orris root 

Osmund Royal 
Ovule : 

Ovary ° ° 

Palez 3 c 
Palms . 

Pansies - 

Papaver somniferum 

Papilionaceous ° ° 

Parietaria : - 


Passion-flower Tribe 
Peach - - 

Pea Tribe 












Pinks . 
Pistia 5 ® 




Poinciana 5 , 
Pollen . P 

Poor Man’s Weather-glass 

Poppy Tribe 



Prince’s Feather 
Prickly Poppy 


Protea Tribe 

Prunus Laurocerasus 
Prussic Acid 



Purslane Tribe 

Quaking- grass 

Radicle a 
Ragged Robin 

6 Ranunculaceze 
18 Ranunculus A 
36, 41 Ranunculus sceleratus 
148 Ranunculus acris 
196 Rape 
9 Raspberry 
26 Ratafia 
13l \| Ray 
262 Redweed 
15 Rein-deer Moss 
167 Restharrow 
262 Ribgrass 
939 | Ridges 
174 Rhododendron 
96 Rhus Cotinus 
189 Robinia 
96 Roccella tinetoria 
251 Roellas ; 
146 Rose Apple ¢ 
208 | Rosemary 
229 ~;~~ Rose of Silk 
118 Rose Tribe 
261 Rosewood 
127 Roots 
7 Rubus , 
238 Runner A 
188 Rushes 
130 Rye 
2 | 
279 Sabbatias 
53 Sage : 
189 St. Peter’s Wort 
146 Sandwort 
19 Sanicle 
102 Sapwood 
186 | Sawwort 
110 | Seabious 
206 | Scape ° 
133 Schizanthus 
22 | Scilla 
187 | Scirpus 
166 | Selerotium 
130 | Scolopendrium 
194 Scrophularia 
118 Scythian Lamb 
118 Sea-kail 
267 Sea-side Lilies 
183 Sea-reeds 
126 Sea-weeds 
102 Sedges 
261 Sempervivum 
117 Senecio 
59 Sepals 3 
61 Serratula 
10 Shaddock 
96 Shade 
283 Shallots : 
174 Shepherd’s Purse 




Sonchus - 

Specularia hybrida 


Spiral vessels 



Standard : 
Star of Bethlehem 
Stellaria media 




Strawberry : 
Strawberry Tree 


Superior ovary 

Sweet Potatoe 

Tagetes : 
Tamarind . 

Tartarian Honeysuckles 

Teasel ; 
Teeth of Mosses 
Tetraspora lubrica 
Thece 3 

271 Thyme 
230 Tobacco 
112 Tomato 
96, 101 Tonga-bean 
62 Torch-thistle 
60 Tortula 
110 Tragopogon 
273 Trefoil 
196 Triglochin 
176 Triticum 
218 Triosteum 
218 Tripe de Roche 
185 Trollius 
189 Truffle 
206 Tuberose 
269 Tulip 
189 Turnips 
206 Tussilago 
244 Tutsan Tribe 
126 Typha 
174 Ulex 3 
196 Ulva bullata 
ae | Ulva minima 
a Umbel ! 
23] |  Umbelliferous Tribe 
194 | Ungues 
6 |  Upas Tree ° 
124 Usnea 
231 | 
96 | Vanilla 
21g +|~ # 2Vallecule 
7 | Valves 
262 Veiled Agaric 
37 Vegetable-marrow 
61 Venetian Sumach 
103 Veratrum 
41 Verbascum 
107 Veronica 
160 | Vetches 
31 | Vexilluam 
7 | Viburnum 
28 { Violet Alkanet 
206 Violet Tribe 
254 | Viper’s Bugloss 
207 Virgin’s Bower 
162 | Vismia ° 
184 } Vittz A 
167 | Volva 
76 | Wahlenbergia 
202 | Water-cresses 
127 | #£«}Wattle-trees 
176 | Wall-flowers 
208 Wall Lettuce 
277 =| + Wall Tortula 
290 ;  Watsonia ° 
269 + Wayfaring-tree 
184, 187 W heat - 

- 221 


White Hellebore 
Willow Tribe 

Winter Aconite 

253 Witteboom 
239 Wood - 
64 Woody fibre 
113 Wormwood 
146 Woundwort 
49 Wrapper 
124 Yueca 

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