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Full text of "Landmarks of Toronto; a collection of historical sketches of the old town of York from 1792 until 1833, and of Toronto from 1834 to 1898"

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From 1792 Until 1833 


Toronto From 1834 to 1898 


Nearly Two Hundred Engravings of Old Houses, Familar Faces and 

Historic Places, with Maps and Schedules Connected 

with the Local History of York and Toronto. 





IBnterod according to Act of the Parliament of Canada in the year one thousand eight hundred 
and sunaty-eigbt, by J. Ross ROBERTSON, at the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. 


The Third Volume of "The Landmarks of Toronto" requires no introduction to the 
reader. A preface of some kind is considered the conventional form in which a publica 
tion may be ushered into life, and, although the Third Volume of The Landmarks of 
Toronto " needs no introduction to the reader, this occasion naturally gives to the pub 
lisher an opportunity of calling attention to the fact that the book is valuable, and unique 
in some regards. 

The first and second volumes of the series have already found favor. Not, perhaps, to 
the full measure of the publisher s desire, but sufficient to prove that there are half a 
thousand readers yet to the fore who treasure the early history of Toronto. 

Perhaps no city in the world, Old London excepted, has had eighteen hundred pages of 
reading matter devoted to its history. Certainly, no books of the kind have ever con 
tained within covers the one thousand engravings of familiar spots in and about the town 
for which John Graves Simcoe, staff in hand, went " a city hunting" over a century ago. 

This third volume contains the history of many landmarks, each chapter being complete 
in itself. The endeavor has been to make every line interesting, and at the same time to 
compile an accurate record for the guidance of those who by birth or residence claim 
Toronto as home. 

The engravings were all made specially for the publication, and are faithful copies of 
originals or reproductions in half-tone. 

In general the landmarks call for no specific mention. Some, however, are worthy of 
particular note. The history of the Cathedral Church of St. James, the first Anglican 
church of the Town of York, in which for a century the Holy Writings have been read, 
must be attractive to every Torontonian. No such collection of facts about the old church 
has ever been given before. In this volume is included an accurate list of ^every baptism 
and marriage in the church from the earliest date of record to 1896, the MSS. of which in 
their original form contain some thousands of written pages. 

This volume, as with those preceding it, is submitted to the reader in hope that some of 
the spare time of life may be pleasurably filled by the perusal of a story which will be 
interesting even in competition with an entertaining novel or a modern newspaper. 

The reading of history, some one has said, commends itself to many as the pleasant occu 
pation of stray half-hours, and, as the mental labor involved in mastering these chapters is 
at the command of all, it follows that the reader, at a very small cost, may herein find 
entertainment that will not only be pleasurable but knowledge-giving. 

This is the third volume of the series. The fourth, with a complete history of each 
church from its foundation, will be issued in the spring of 1899. 

Five hundred copies of this volume have been printed. The price is $2.00. The book 
will not be reprinted. 




"Changes and Improvements. Yonge 

and Grenviile streets 1 

Trinity University 4 

The Gwynne Cottage 13 

The Wells Residence, Colonel 

Joseph Wells , 14 

Yonge street 17 

Charles Robertson s Store.. .i 21 

Changes in Yonge Street 23 

Bartholomew Bull s House 26 

Provincial Lunatic Asylum 28 

Knox Collage 31 

Ladies School * 01 Old 3 

Two Front (Street Taverns, Eetz s 

and <; Tihe Rsssue" 35 

The Normal School 35 

Turnings Wharf 39 

Old EastEnd Houses, near the Don 39 

Judge Richards House 42 

Wellington Street East I8fif> 43 

Front, Wellington and Church 

1855-5(5 45 

A bit of Front Street 1870 48 

Yonge Street, North of King 

1872 50 

The South End of Yonge Street 

1872 52 


Toronto Street and King Street 

East 18 70 55 

Corner of King and Bays Streets 

llJGti 58 

The Great Corners of the City 

18CO-1860 62 

A Front Street West View, 1800 65 

Front Street, near Yonge, 1872... 71 

A Yonge Street Section, 1856 73 

The Market Blosk The City 

Buildings, 1872 j 79 

S. W. Corner of King and Yonge. 

1838 82 

"The Barque Swallow" One of the 

Old Stone Hooker Fleet 85 

Relics of Years Gone By From 

the Old ourt House 86 


Poplar Hall, Quesn Street West 87 


Lake Ontario, in 1757 88 


The Old Fort 90 

View of York (Toronto) in 1820... 92 

About Postal History in Canada 

Since the Sixteenth Century 97 

The Canadian Post-office Depart 
ment A Century Ago 99 

The Work of A Century. A Brief 
History of the Post-office De 
partment 102 

Canadian Parliaments. Simcoe s 

First Legislature 109 

The Old Armoury 112 



Scarboro s Centennial 115 

The Schooner "Ann Brown" 117 

A Teraulay Street Cottage 118 

Toronto Directory, 1837 119 

Directory of 1846-47 173 


Executions in Toronto 257 


Brigantine Sea-Gull 270 

The Shaw Cottage. An Old-time 

Residence 272 

Old Time Celebrations. When 

George III. was King 273 


Oundas Street Toll-Gates 274 

N. W. Corner King and Yonge 

Streets, 1897 276 

An Old Hotel Sword s. Where 

Knox College First Stood 377 

Two Old Newspapers. Copies of 

the York Gazette in 1811-12... 278 


A Yonge Street Block. The Cam 
eron Block, on the West Side 
of Yonge Street, North of 

Queen 282 

Crookshank Farm House 285 


When George IV. Was King. The 
Original Proclamation Made at 

York 285 


An Old Resident of York. An In 
teresting Story Covering Nine 
ty Years 288 


The Merchants Exchange 290 

The Block Houses 292 

The Protestant Orphans Home... 294 


Kearsney House, formerly the 
Proudfoot Residence, on 
. Yonge Street .-..^.. 296 


I The Don [Mills 297 


! Tbirty Years Changes. At Ban 
ian s Point 300 


j The Don Vale Housa. An Old-time 

Hostelry 300 

Two Quaint Cottages at the cor 
ner of King and York Streets 302 

Ships Built in This Port 803 


Spadina Avenue 307 


The St. George Reservoir 309 

An East End Hostelry on the 

Kingston Road 310 

Story of the Caroline 812 

A View in the Days of 183G 315 

Parliament Houses Since 1792 317 

The St. Lawrence Hall. Some 
thing of Those Who Have 
Met or Appeared Therein 822 

St. James Cathedral. The his 
tory of the Church from 1803 
to 1808 346 



A View of Spadina avenue, north 
of College street 

A Yonge Street View, West Side, 
Near Corner of College Street, 

Trinity College, 1852 

West Front View Trinity College, 
1891 12 

The Gwynne Cottage, Dufferin 
Street 14 

The Wells House, Davenport 
road 16 

Charles Robertson s Store, Built 
1830 22 

Yonge Street, West Side, Rich 
mond to Queen Street, 1890 ... 24 

North-east Corner Yonge and 
Richmond Streets, 1889 25 

Grantham s Yonge Street, 1860 ... 

Spring Mount, Davenport 28 

Provincial Lunatic Asylum, Erect 
ed 184G . 30 

Knox College, as it was in 1895 ... 32 

Pinehurst, Ladies School, John 
Street ...opp. S3 

Mrs. Crombie s House, on George 
Street U 

Betz s Hotel, Esplanade, Foot of 
Simcoe Street 35 

Normal School, St. James Square, 
Gould Street Front. Erected J51 37 

Tinning s Wharf, Foot of York 
Street. Built in 18E6 40 

Captain Sparks Cottage, Broad 
view Avenue 41 

The old Rising Sun Inn, Queen 
Street East ... 42, 

The Richard s House opp. 42 

Imperial Bank, formerly Ex 
change opp. 43 

Wellington Street Ea=t and West 
of Scott Street in 1870 44 

Front and Wellington Street at 
Foot of Church Street, with the 
Coffin Block in the centre. 1870. 47 

The South-east and North-weft 
Corners of Yonge and Front 
Streets in 1872 49 

The East and West Sides of Yonge 
Street, from King South, in 1856- 
72 51 

Yong Street, Ea^-t nn i We~t, from 
Front to Xing, in 1872 54 

King Street, North and South, and 
the South End of Toronto Street, 
In 1872 5(5 


King Street East and West of Bay 
in 1866 CO- 

The South-west and North-west Cor 
ners of King and Yonge Streets 
in 18G6 64 

No. I. Front Street in 1800, from 
Peter to John Street 66 

No. II. Front Street in 1821, from 
Peter Street East to the present 
Windsor Street 68 

The House of John Bsikie, Front 
Street. Stood where Windsor 

Street opens 70 

i Front Street, North Side, from 

Yonge to Scott Streets 1872 72 

The North-West and North-East 
Corners of Yonge and Adelaide 

Streets in 1856 76 

Market B oek, King Street East... 80 
South-West Corner Yonge and 
King Streets Sixty Years Ago 83 

The Baraue Swallow" 85 

Poplar Hill," Residence of the 

Late Richard Harrison 87 

View of Lake Ontario, 1757 opp. 88 

View of York in 182Q opp. 94 

Company Armoury 112 

The Old Armoury, Jarvis Street... 113 

Schooner Ann Brown 117 

Milieu s Coltage, Teraulay Street 119 

The Sea Gull, Built in 18G4 271 

The Shaw Cottage on R oor Street 

West in 1897 272 

Dundas Street Toll House 275 

The Blind Toll Gate" 276 

Suord s Hotel (now Queen s) 1857 277 
The Cameron B.ock, Yonge Street 

1857 28 

An Old Receipt of Alexander 

Woods onp. 284 

The Croo cshank Farm The Ori 
ginal Building 286 

Proclamation of George IV. in 

York opp. 287 

The Merchants Exchange ,.j 291 

The Block House, Sherbourne 

Street, 1849 293 

Protestant Orphans Home, Sulli 
van Street, 1864 i 295 

"Dnn-lonald " (formerly Kearsney 

House), built in 1848 297 

The Old Mills on the D.>n River.. 298 

Hanlan s Po : nt in 1887 :... 299 

Hanlan s Boat-house 301 

Don Vale House, 1843 j 302 

Don Vale House. 1870 orw. 30? 

The Ship City of Toronto at Quebec 303 

VI 1 1 



The Launch of the City of Toronto 
1855 301 

Spadina Avenue, between Grange 
Avenue and St. Patrick Street, 
1864 ; 303 

The Reservoir, N.E. Corner St. 
Patrick and Huron Street, 1864 S09 

Spadina Avenue, Four Other 
Views, 18(il opo. 307 and 309 

J. Shaw s Hotel, near Woodbine, 
Kingston Road, Toronto, 1849... 311 

King Street East, North. Side, To 
ronto to Church Street, 18 c 6..opp. 31^ 

The Old Fort, Toronto, 1850 31G 

The Old General Hospital, King 
(Street, N. W. Corner of John, 
as in 1858-59, when occupied 
by the Go/ernment of Canada 317 

Ground Floor Plan or Hospital 
Building with the Offices of the 
Government 319 

Upper Flour Plan, with key 319 

Parliament Buildings, Front St., 
Ground Floor Plan 1856-53 321 

St. Lawrence Hall, Toronto, erect 
ed 1800-51 opp. 322 

Parliament Buildings, Front St., 
Plan of Upper Floors 1856-59 323 

Entrance to the St. Lawrence Hall, 
built in 1850 824 

King Street East and St. Law 
rence Buildings opp. 325 

The Hall, St. Lawrence Building, 


King Street East, north end 
view opp. 326 

The Hall, St. Lawrence Building, 
south end view opp. B28 

Rear View of City Hall, 1349 
opp. 346 

The First Church of St. James 
18P3-1807 j. 348 

Pulpit Sounding Board and Desk, 
now in St. Margaret s, Scarboro , 
Ont f 351 

First Anglican Church, as re-con 
structed 1818 353 

Interior View of First Anglican 
Church after re-construction in 
1818 354 

Exterior of St. James Church, as 
re-built 1831 ^the first cathe 
dral) , 355 

Sectional View of Interim of St. 
James Church, 1831 358 

Ground Plan of St. James Church, 
1831 360 

Gallery Plan of St. James Church, 
1831 361 

The Third St. James Church, and 
second Cathedral, destroyed by 
fire, April, 1841* 365 

The Fourl L ;-t. James Church, and. 
Third Cathedra], l<&G-j3 368 

The Clergy of St. James , 17S8 to 
1898 . opp. 372 

G- :s isr in i 

A. r.\K 

Ackflrmau, Mark 48 

Agricultural Association 1282 

Agricultural Hilt 284 

Agriculture, Board of 79 

Aikens. J. C ill 

Alcock. Henry 109 

Allan, William 8, 9ti 

Alphabetical List. Toronto Inhabit 
ants 183(5-1837 127-143 

Anibre.y, John 11 

American Hotel 71 

Anderson, R. W 62 

"Ann Brown," Sshoonar 117 

Argyle Hotel . 4 

Armour, A. H 65 

Armstrong Foundry 2^ 

Armstrong, W. J 55 

Arnold, Richard 71 

Ashfisld, William 81, 62 

Assembly. HOUSJ of, 1836-1837 163 


Baby, James 109-11? 

Badgle.y, F 10 

Bagot, Charles, Sir 5-15 

Bailey & Bunting 5.1 

Baldwin House 50 

Baldwin, Robert 110 

Bank, Royal Canadian 7! 

Bay Horse Hotel 78 

Beasley, Richard 109 

Beatty & Oo 55 

Beatty, James 55, 110 

Beaty, James Ill 

Beckett, J. O. & Co 65 

Beikie, John 65-71 

Bennett, George 66 

Berczy, William 17-21 

Bernard s Circus 46 

Bernard, George 46 

Berthon, G. J 6" 

Best, Thomas 78 

Bethuna, A. N 5-1) 

Bethune, Norman 10 

Bethune, R 110 

Betley & Kay 50 

Betley, M 50 

Bettri fge, William 78 

Betz, John 35 

Bilton & Blnkely 77 

Block, Abraham & Thomas 118 

Board of Agriculture 79 

Eoarci of Health, Toronto, 18 7 115 

Body, W. E 1 

Boulton, William Henry 110 

Bostwick, Amos 4 

Boulton, Mrs., "The Grange" 8 

Bourlier, Henry 71 


Bovell, James 9 

Bowes, J. G 55, 110 

Eovvkatt, William 277 

Boyd, John 84 

Boys. A 11 

Brampton, R 4 

Broughali, A. J 13 

Broughall, J. S 13 

Brown, Ann 117 

:rovvn, J mis. Execution of 63 

Brown, George 53, 110 

Crown, P. & Co 50 

Bruyeras, R. H. 91 

Buchanan, Isaac 110 

Ru 1, B 26 

Bu.l, G. A f? 

Buntin, Reid & Co 50 

Burn?, Robert 31 

Eurnside, Alexand r 8 


Cameron Block -...282-284 

Cameron, JJuncan 803 

Cameron, J.H 10, 110 

Cameron, Miss 10 

Campbell, Rollo. 53 

Campbell, William Sir 3*, 9fi 

Cana:!a Life Building , 63 

Canadian Royal Bank 71 

Canadian Punch 55 

Capreol, F.C 43,111 

Cary, J. F. and G. W 48,75 

Cathedral, St. Jamas 34(5 

Cat .o, John & Co 55 

Caulkina, J. B } 4 

Caulkins & .Sanderson 4 

Caven, Will am 32 

Cawthra House 61 

Cawthra, Joseph 96 

CayJey, E.C 13 

Charn))er.-i, Po ;ert 82 

Chambers, Will am j 82 

Champion, Thomas 9,62 

Chewetr., Surveyor-General 9r> 

Christie, James 258 

Churches, Toronto, 18:6-1847 20t 

City Eu Iclings 79 

City Council, Toronto, 1816-1347... 205 

Clark, A. M 4 

Clark, JJr 4 

Clark, C. J 4 

Clark, William 13 

Clarke, E. F Ill 

Co te & Co 55 

Co:its:worth, E Ill 

Co-.kburn, G. R. R Ill 

Co-fin, N., Colonel 71 

Colernan & C:> 55 

Commercial Buildings 50 

Coaper, William 45 


1 AG E 

Coulter, Robert 203 

Council, Executive, 1837 107 

Council. Legislative, 1837 167 

Cowan Bro,s 74 

Cowan, J. & W. F....I..V, 77 

Cox, G. & J. W 81 

C. P. R. (completed)..,..; 10!> 

Crawford, John , 110, 111 

Crombie, Mrs 34 

Crookshank, George . 8, 65-71, 285 

Custom House. 1835 71 


Dack & Smith 5D 

Dallas, Angus 65 

Dallas. R. G * 43 

De B^nyon s Execution 258 

Denb.on, F. C Ill 

Dennis Cottage v 59 

Des-Landes, Madame...... 31! 

Dewe, John A 10o 

Dexter, E 257 

Dixoa, Alexander G 

Do:lgson, Shields & Morton 75 

Dominion Telegraph Co 73 

Dominion Parliaments, 1SG7-1896... 112 

Dow & Co 51, 83 

Dredge, Alfred 52 

DuC oursier, Robert 26) 

Duffy, Mr ., 93 

Duggan, John 8 

Dunn, J. H ,..93, 110 

Durand, Charles 4 


Edgar, J. D Ill 

Edwards, William 75 

Ekerlin, B G9, 91 

Elgin, Earl of 38 

Ellis & Co 57 

Elmsl?,y, Chief Juatics 5-13 

EspeHon C9, 94 

Executive Council, 1837 167 


French, CharJps 258 

Finlay, Hugh 103 

Fire Companies, Toronto 1E37, 

184G 125, 200 

Fisher, Alexander ^3 

Fitzgibhon, Charles 61 

Flanniry, M 257 

Fleming, William 26:! 

Forbes, H. L 4-S 

Forbss & Lownsbrough 

Forster, Mrs 

Franklin Benjamin 100 

Eraser, W. H 43 

Fulton, Michie & Co 63 


Gale, A 31 

Galley, E Ill 

Gamble, Clarke 3 ~5 

George III 273, 297 

George IV 273, 28 r i 

Gib!) & Co 

Gillyat. Robinson & Hall 

Gilmor, T. C 55 


Goedike, John 58 

Goodenough, R. A 73, 85 

Gooderham, W 

Gordon, J 

Government Officials, 1?26-18:7...169-170 

Grand, James 61 

Grantham. E. H 

Granville, Earl 106 

Grasett, H. J 6-13, 38 

Green, the Gunmaker 26 

Green, James 92 

Greenland Fishery 

Greenwood, William 264 

Griffin, W. H 106 

Griffiths & Co 45-46, 48 

Gwynne, W. C 13-14 

Gzowski, C. S -39, 59, 285 


Hagarty, J. H 10 

Hallowell, N 10-1 

Hall, St. Lawrencs. Events in...3i2 340 

Hamilton, Andrew 

Hamilton, John 

Hamilton, Robert 

Hanlan, Edward 00 

Harkness, Joseph 

Harrington, John 57 

Harrison, R. A.. 

Harrison, S. B 

Harvie, Mr Ill 

Haworth, Thomas 

Hay, R 

Helhwell, William G5, 93 

Henderson Bros 52 

i Herchmer, W. M 9 

! Heriot, George 108 

! Heward, F. H 45 

Heward, Stephen 67, 

Hewett, Jostph 80 

Hill, Solomon 109 

Hillier, Ma.;or 95 

Hodder, Dr 8-13 

Hodgins, T -. HI 

Hogan, J. S 202 

Hogg, John 62 

Holcomb, & Henderson 48 

Horns District Agricultural So 
ciety, 187 167 

Home District Savings Bank, 1837. T2 

Hookar, Fridham & Co 40 

Hooper & Co 63 

i HorwooJ, G 71 

Hoskm, R. A. & Co 45 

Hotel, American 71 

Hotel, North American 71 

Hotel, Bay Horse 81 

Hotels, Toronto, 18.77 119 

House of Assembly, 18355-1837 168 

Howard, J. G 28, 61 

Howard, J. Scott :. 28 

Hunter, A. T 311 

Hunter, R. J. & Co 81 

Huntinc-ford, E. W. 13 




Incorporation Act, Toronto, 1837 121-124 
Inhabitants, Toronto, I8S6-1837...127-14:> 

Ingles, C. L- 7 

Inglis, Dr 

Inglis, Russell 

Institutions, Toronto, 18 16-18 17.. .208-2 12 

Irving, A. S 63 ; 

Irving, the Artist 92 

Irving, G. C 10 

Irwin, J. D 


Jackson, James G.; 

Jacques, Alexander 46, 62 

Jacques & Hay I, , 

Jameson, R. S J) 

Janes. S. H 57 

Jarvis, W. B , 110 

Johnston, Robert llfi 

Jones, H. Bedford 1, j | 

Jones, Judge 

Janes, W 13 | 

Jordan & Co 43 | 

Joseph. J. G. & Co 

Jury, Alfred 11! , 


Kane, Thomas 270 I 

Kehos, M". R 

Kendall, E. K 13 

Kendri jk. John 272 

Kent Bros 2(5 

Kerr, J. K 65 

Kerr. John 111 

Ketchum, Jesse 74 

King. Andrew 31 | 

Knight. William 42 | 

Knox College 31-33 i 


Lafdlaw, George 4fi 

Lamg, John 22 

Laurie & Co 82 

Leask, Jame:; 20-77 

Legge. Alexander 96 

Legislative Council, 1837 167 

Leslie Bro^ 57 

Lett, Stephen, Rev 9 

Lewis, J. T., Rev 9 

Lewis. Rise, & Co 57 

Lieutenant-Governor and Staff, 

1837 ... 1R7 

Local Taxes, 1826-1837 170 

Lount, W. HI 

Lount and Matthews 57, 259, "1". 

Love, N. C 78 

Lo/ejoy House 61 

Lumley Bros. 4 4 

Lyall, William . . . . 33 


Mahley Bros 7R 

Macartney, Mis ? 34 

Macaulay, Chisf Justic. 8, R5 

Maciulay Captain 1*0 

Macdonald, E. A Ill 


Macdon i!d. John -43, 75, 111 

Ma^dontilL Alexander 69 

Macdonell, "ishop 69 

Macdouell, W. J. & Co 46, M. A 13 

Ma;k,n ix Lyon 23, 74, 110 

Maclear & Co 63 

-illy. Mi 4 33 

: plier.:on, Divid 39 

?,Iaddo3k, H. E. 11 

Maitland, Robert 45 

Malone, M. 4 

Mann, Gother 91 

Manning Block 73 

Van-Tiild, Robert 1 

Markland, George * 92, 94 

Marks, Grace 260 

Mechanics Institute 65, 127 

Medi ine, Upy3r Canada School of... 9 

Melville, Henry 10 

Merchants Exchange 291 

Metcalfe, Wilson & Forbes 9 

Metropolitan Hotel 61 

Michael, Georgs * 55 

Murhia, G., & Co 50 

Michie, George 4 

Mi ifcary Staff, 1837 172 

Millen, Robert 118 

Miller & Foulds 46 

Miller, Hugh, & Co 81 

Milloy, N. 71 

Mink, John 61 

Moffat, L t 9 

Molsons Bank 43 

Monro, Georga 98, 110 

Montcalm General GO 

Morgan.. Peter 46 

Morris, John 109 

Morrison. ,T. C., 38 

Morrison, J. & Jl 77 

Moss, T. C Ill 

Mowat, A. Ill 

Murdock, Juh a 258 

Murphy, Joh^i >. 45 

Myers, W. A 62 

Me. , 

McConkey, Thomas 59 

McCrosson, Thomas .. 79 

McCutcheon, James 67 

McDermott, James 259 

McDonald, Alexander fil 

McDonald, Donald 87 

McDonald, J. & W 74 

McDonell, Angus 109 

McFarlane, Walter 31 

McGee, T. D 39 

McGnl, John 67 

McGjil, Peter 57 

McGUlivray. Simoa 95 

McGrath, Charles 11 

McJvenzie, J. G. D 10 

McKenzie, Walter 86 

McLaren, William 32 


McLe-lan, A 11.1 

McMaster Bros 4>3 

NroMastsr, J. S., & Co 48 

McMurrleh, W. B Ill 

McNal. . A. N 5-13 

MttPhai!, Robert 43 

McPherson, R. !>., & Co 55 


No! 11, Robert 269 

Nelles, R 100 

Newbigging Houss 71 

Newspapers, Toronto, 1S-J7 119 

Niagara Housi 71 

Nickinson. John 59 

Normal School 35-39 

North American Hotel 71 

Nolmaii & Fras3t 57 


O Dono^huo, J Ill 

O Leary, Joiin 262 

Ontario Bmk 4H 

Osier, E. B Ill 


Page, Dr 4 

Palmer, E. J 81 

Par.i imentary Buildings and O> 

f icia s 017-322 

Parliaments, Domln on, 18(>7-18:6... 112 

Parry, E. St. John 10 

Patterson, Andsew 31 > 

Patterson & Eeatty G ) 

Patterson, P. & on 57 

Pearcey, Gi bert 26 

Pearson, Mirm::duke 7 > 

Piait, J Ill 

Po-loc t, Wi 1 am. 118 

I?o u ation H .me Counties, 183o, 

18b7 167 

Po u a ion, Toronto, l-3t, 1835, 

18 6 124 

Pos! Family 65 

Posi-Ofie Toronto, 1 ;li7 1 

Po ters Fie d 1C 

Power, M, "B 

Powell, W. D 9> 

Pres on, W. T. R Ill 

Proud oot, Dr 

Proud f opt Residence T9.i 

Provin^ al Lunatic Asylum 8- .!9 

Provincial Parliaments, 1192- 

18 1 Ill 

Provincial Parliaments, 1841 

18 r i7 I l 

Puli!ic O"f ces, Toronto, 1847 i O" 

IVper, G, A 55 


Queen s Accession i 7 1 

Cuoon s Ho el :7! 

Queen s O ,n Eifles 114 

Qv> -,>n - s O;vn lliclca, North-west 

O fibers 114 

Queen ; Riflea, Off .cars Com- 

tuacding 114 


Rattray. W. J 75 

Rescue Inn 35, 93 

Revere Hou e 59 

Richard-,, W. B 42 

Richardson, James 115 

Ridout, George 94 

Ridout. G. P 110 

i Ridout. Thomas 109 

Pintoul, William 33 

Rit-.hev. Jaliii 29 

Robertson, Charles 21, 50, 55 

Robertson, J. Ross 50, 111 

Robwtson, John, Son & Co 51 

Robinson, J. B 9, 17, 29, 95, 109, 111 

Robinson Peter 71, 109 

Robson. Thomas 96 

Rogers, Joseph ..,..< 79 

Romaine, C. E ,<..,... 59 

Roome. T. P 4 

Roper- J. C 13 

Ro s, J>hn 94 

Ross, Mitchell & Co 53 

Royal Canadian Bank 

Royal Grenadiers 114 

Royal Grenadiers, North-west Of 
ficers 114 

Royal Grenadiers, Officers Com 
manding 114 

Royal Lyceum > 59 

Russe 1 ! Abbey 96 

PU--V1. P^ter ..... 96 

Ruttan, Oharles ~ i 7 

Ryan Peter Ill 

Ryerson, E 38 

Rykert. Alfred 13 

Fanson, Alexander 9 

S -fifUlin^, Henry 6-13 

Scarboro , Centonnitl Gathering... 116 

Schnr-ider, G. A 13 

School of Medicine, Upper Canada 9 

RoobK H 38 

Sea Gull," BriTm ina 270 

Seymour. Charles, Mrs.. ..93, 97, 89-2!H) 

f^liaw, Alexander, Captain 28 

Shaw. John 45. 272 

?haw, Samuel 77 

Shaw, Tnrnbull, & Co 45 

S|)pard, Joseph 61, 74 

Sheppard, E. fi 

Sherwood, Henry 110 

Plv-rwood, Justice 95 

hipmnn, T. D 7?, 

S^Jps Built in Toronto 803-308 

c ir!K o>, Mrs 9:i 

Simnson, Ro ;-;- 1 . 26 

Suia 1 !. C. C 9fi 

?rnall, John Ill 

Smith, A. M 1. 78, 111 

Pmith & raulkina * 

fv.nivh. John 

Smith & Keiqh^ey 5<J 

Pmiih, Robert 261 

Syadina Avenue 1-4, 307 




Sparks, Captain 

Spent on, John 86 

Spragge, J. G 

Spragge, William 9 

St. Andrew s Society, 1837 127 

St. George s Reservoir 310 

St. George s So::bty, 1837 127 

St. Jaines Cathedral 348-590* 

St. James Cathedral, 188^ 369 

St. James Cathedral, Baptisms 

ia 376-395 

St. James Cathedral, B:irnt 18:J9.. 363 
St. James Cathedral, Burnt 1849.. 365 
St. James Cathedral, Churchwar 
dens of, 18:)7-189;3 372 

St. James Cathedral, Clergy of, 

18D7-J89C 372 

St. James Cathedral, First Pew- 

hoiders 349 

St. James Cathedral, First Pul- 

pil 351 

St. James Cathedral, li-.termcnts 

in 375 

St. James Cathedral, Marriages 

in 395-5% 

St. Jamc-s Cathedral, Rebuilt 1818 353 
St. James Cathedral, Rebuilt 1831 3f4 
St. James Caihsdral, Rebuilt 1830 3(i7 

St Lawrence Hall. Events 322-346 

St. Patrick s Society. 1837 127 

Stanley. Mr Ill 

Staunton, Moses 62 

Stayner, T. A 109 

Steamer Caroline ., 312r314 

Stennett, W (i 

Stewart, J. C 10G 

Stotenberg Bros 257 

Stove 1, Joseph 59 

Strauhan, Bishop 5-13 

Stiaoh;m, J. M 9 

Strangers Burying Ground 12f> 

Strings, Mrs 61 

Streets and Residents, Toronto, 

1836-1837 149-1G7 

Streets arid Residents, Toronto, 

1&46-1847 173-203 

Stuart, G. 9 

Sullivan, John 257 

Suite. Benjamin 88 

Sutherland, David 109 

Sword ; s Hotel 277 

Symonds, H 13 


Taxes, Local, 1836-1837 

Taylor, Family /., 

Terry, P , 

Thorn, John 

Thompson, T 

Thomson, Archibbald , 

Thomson, David " . 

Thomson, John 

Thomson, Mary ... 

Thorp, Justice 

Tinning, Richard 

Tinning s Wharf 






Toronto Bible Societies, 1837 125 

Toronto Board of Health. 1837 125 

Toronto Board of Trade, 1837 127 

Toronto City Council, 1846-1847.... 205 

Toronto Churches, 1846-1847 204 

Toronto Corporation, 1837 124 

Toronto Directory, Alphabetical, 

1846-1847 215-258 

Toronto Fire Companies, 1827, 

1846 ....125, 205 

Toronto Horticultural Society, 1837 126 

"Toronto Hotel" 53 

Toronto Hotels, 1837 .... 119 

Toronto Incorporation Act, 1837..121, 124 
Toronto Inhabitants, 1336-1837...127-149 
Toronto Institutions, 18 -16-1^47 ....206-212 

Toronto Literary Club, 1837 126 

Toronto Mechanics Association. 

1837 :..*.. 12T 

Toronto Military Staff, 1837 172 

Toronto Newspapers, 1837 119 

Toronto News Room, 1837 126 

Toronto Orphan Asylum, 1837 125 

Toronto Population, 1834, 1835, 

1886 <.. 124 

Toronto Post Office, 1837 120 

Toronto Public Offices. 1847 203 

Toronto Religious Tract Society... 125 

Toronto Royal Exchange 48 

Toronto S. P. C. K 125 

1 oronto Society for Converting 

Indians, 1837 125 

Toronto Stages 125 

Toronto Streets and Residents, 

1836-1837 149-167 

Toronto Streets and Residents, 

1846-1847 173-203, 213 

Toronto Teruper?.nc3 Society, 1837. 126 

Toronto Vessels 303-306 

Travis, John 264 

Trinity University 4 

Trotter, Mrs 89 

Tully, KLvas 9 

Turner Baths 51 

Turner, E 8 

Turner, John Ill 

Turney, William 260 

Tyner, Bros 74 

Tyner, John 74 


U. C. C. Cricket Club, 1837 126 

Upper Canada Mi itary Staff, 1 ?! 172 
Upper Canada Religious Tract So 
ciety, 1837 125 

Unper Canada School of Medicine. 9 

Ure, Dr 32 


VanKoughnet, P.*T 9 


Wakefiskl. William 55 

Wa ker. Divid 52* 

Wallace, John 75 

Walton. Gey :%-. 215 

Walton, Thomas 115 

Wedd. William 6 




Weeks, William 109 

Welch, E. A. , 10 

Weller s Stages 46 

Wellington Hotel 46 

Wells, Colonel F 15-17 

Wells Family T4-17 

Wells. Joseph 14-17 

Wheaton & Co 65 

Wheeler, A Ill 

White, William, Colonel 107 

Whittaker, George 10 

Wfokson. John 

Wickson, Prof 4 

Wifkes, Robert 55, 111 

William in 99 


William IV. , 274, 287 

Williams, John 265 

Willis, M 31 

Wilson, A , Ill 

Wilson, Adam, Sir 1, 63 

Wilson, Daniel 82 

Wilson, John 109 

Worrell, J. A 13 

Worrell, J. (R 7 

Worthington, B. M 4 

Wright, A. W. , Ill 

Wyatt, George H 46 


Tonge Street 17-21 

Young, George P 31 




padina Avenue as It Was Yonge and Gren- 
vllle Streets Vanished Scenes Some Old- 
time Residents. 

Whep one paes now, along Spadinai 
, venue from Queen street to Bloor street 
there is little or nothing left in the 
buildings on either side of the road to 
call to mind w,hat the now splendidly 
paved ami at night brilliantly illumin 
ated thoroughfare was like only twenty- 
five years since, in 1870. 

Everyone is familiar with the appear 
ance of the north-west corner of College 
street and Spadiua avenue as it is to 
day. Yet there are many thousands of 
Toroutonians who have but the faintest 
idea of what it was like in 1870. WLerte 
handsome houses now are and where 
thriving businesses are conducted stood 
three or four rough-cast cottages, in 
every stage of dilapidation. The fences 
were tumbling down, the stucco was fall 
ing off each house by square yards, the 
Venetian blinds in many cates hung by 
one hinge, and in others were wholly 
missing. One house had quite lost its 
chimneys, and on another they were 
partly blown down. The sidewalks were 
of three fe^t planks, and they, too, in 
many places were sadly in need of repair. 

Nor was this an isolated case by any 
means, though perhaps it was the worst. 
With very few exceptions the houses in 
Spadina avenue, north of Quei ii street, 
were of the commonest order and poorest 
construction, and in every case lacked all 
the conveniences that in 1895 can be 

found in those that are rented for $S 
and $10 a month. 

The picture given ia no fancy one. It 
is not drawn from imagination, aa will 
be seen by the accompanying cut of the 
locality as it was just a quarter of a 
century since. No better evidence caji be 
given of the wonderful progress made by 
the city than comparing Spadina avem. 
as it is now with what it was at the 
period referred to. 

Where tie branch of the Bank of Com 
merce is now was in 1870 a vacant lot ; 
there were four small rough-cast cot 
tages north of the, the third of 
which is still standing in a very much 
improved condition. The building of tl e 
Y. M. C. A. on Spadina avenue. No. 484, 
occupied the site of tin; first of the four 
cottages, private dwelling houses fill up 
the space occupied by the second, and the 
third is now No. 498. The fourth was 
just on the westerly bend of Spadina 
Crescent, and was pulled down with the 
others about fifteen years since. Robert 
Mansfield, the florist, resided there, aa 
his widow does yet. 

The residence of Sir Adam Wilson, ou 
the north-east corner of Russell street 
and Spadiua avenue, was almost tie 
only other house in the vicinity. 

The laud on which the cottages shown 
in the illustration stood was originally 
a portion of the Baldwin estate. It was 
purchased and the^e cottages erected by 
the late John Smith, a prosperous man 
of business in the city. Many jears since, 
in the "forties," John Smith was in 
partnership in the provision trad* 
with his namesake, the lately 
deceased Alexander Mortimer Smith, 
on the eastern side of 


Ktreet, just south of Richmond strset. 
Afterwards he was in business ou the 
south side of Front street, near Church 
street, in the same trade. He was a man 
who was universally respected. He was 

Spadiua avenue in the later "six 
ties," and the same place as it no*^ ap 
pears. It was a new neighbourhood, and 
great changes were naturally to be look 
ed for as time progressed. But the con- 

killed by an accident on the street rail 
way on Church street, near Isabella 
rtreet, where he resided. 

It is ndt so surprising that there should 
fee such a marked contrast between 

trasts presented between the older parts 
of the city then and now are almost as 
great. Take, for instance, the west side 
of Yonge street in 1865, between College 
avenue as it was then, College street as 

















It is now, and Grcnville street. On 
the last day of December, 1894, 
there were fourteen bouses and shops 
on that portion of the thoroughfare 
numbered from 450 to 470 there being 
in addition 450 1-2, 452 1-2, and 454 1-2. 
There was in 1865 no street railway, 
no electric lighting, no asphalted roads 
or sidewalks, the former was of macadam, 
the latter of planks, not in the best of 
repair at most times, but it must be said 
in justice to the former, that it was al 
ways, excepting just when the Irost was 
breaking up, in excellent condition, as far 
north as Bloor street, fairly level and 
during the summer well watered. Of 
course, it was very dusty, but not nearly 
o bad as other portions of the city s thor 

Where now exists a long row of excel 
lent stores and houses was one .single, 
substantial brick house, No. 432, owned 
and occupied by J. B. Caulkins, of the 
firm of Smith & Caulkins, brush and broom 
manufacturers, the manufactory itself be 
ing No. 434. As will be seen. from the il 
lustration, the whole place had a coun 
try aspect, though the iirm did a very 
extensive business. Later the firm be 
came Caulkins & Sanderson, but as late 
as 1870 no additions had been made to 
the buildings between the two streets, Col 
lege and Grenville on Yonge s western side. 
The land upon which Mr. Caulkins house 
was erected formerly belonged to James 
Macaulay. At his death it was sold to 
Dr. Clark, of Yonge street, father of Capt. 
C. J. Clark, 100th Regiment, and of Al lis 
ter M. Clark, who built the house which 
la sold sJmoflt as soon as he had put it 
up, to J. B. Caulkuw. 

To proceed further north, still on the 
western side of Yonge street, between 
Grenville and Grosvenor streets, was the 
small dairy farm of William Forbes. He 
had several cows, and pastured them in a 
field, certainly of no very extensive di 
mension*?, close to his house. There were 
no other occupiers between Grenville and 
the next street, Grosveuor, excepting 
Forbes. When the latter street was pass 
ed came the Victoria Hotel, kept by one 
Robert Haoicock ; then came Dr. Page s 
eurgery and residence, and the premises 
occupied by an all but forgotten worthy, 
T. F. Roome, the organ builder. Passing 
Breadalbane street, at No. 504, lived Mar 
tin Malone, the well-known mail officer, 
and, with the exception of his house, all 
waa waste or garden ground until St. 
Alban s street was reached. Three well- 
known men were among the occupants of 
that eide of the street ; they were B. 
Woodaworth, who had an extensive lumber 
yard on the north-west corner of St. Alban 
and Yonge streets; Charles Durand, who 
lived at 538, and who practiced and 

still practices (1895) as a barrister; and 
John Wickson, one of the same family fa 
Processor Wicksou, some time head mas 
ter of Toronto Grammar school, and who 
now, though long past the "three score 
years and ten " of the Psalmist, is hale, 
hearty and actively engaged in philan 
thropic work in London, Eng. Passing 
St. Joseph, between that and St. Cle 
ments street, were some half dozen resi 
dences of a very second-rate descript- 
tiou. The latter street is now known 
as Irwin avenue, and it was all vacant 
land from there, to Albaoiy, now called 
St. Mary s street. Czar street did r.ot 
exist then. The houses between Albany 
and Bloor streets were for the most part 
occupied by small trades people, thoug h. 
the residences of Amos Bostwick, No. 
642, and that of the wholesale clothiers, 
the Lumleys, Edward, Benjamin and 
Morris, next door, were of a mora 
pretentious character. On the south 
west corner of Bloor and Youge 
streets was Robert Bratinpton, the drug 
gist and grocer. His store waa a favour 
ite resort of many of the old-time resi 
dents in Yorkville, as Bramiptou could 
not only tell a very good story, but 
also enjoyed listening to one. 

Returning to College avenue, on the 
eastern side of Yonge street, on the south 
east corner of Yonge and Gloucester 
streets, No. 547, was Mr. George Michie w 
substantial residence, still standing. 
South of it was James Stitts, and 001 
the corner of Wellesley street lived Mr. 
Robert Cassels, cashier of the Bank of 
Upper Canada. Mr. B. M. Worthington 
occupied rooms at 483 Youge street. Ho 
was principal of what was then known 
(1863-64) as the Commercial College. 
Reaching Carlton street, opposite the 
point from which we started, several 
small houses and shops were passed, none 
of any importance, nor do any of those 
who resided there call for special notice 
in this retrospective sketch of Yongo 
street from College avenue to Yorkville 
tkirty years ago. 



Its Rise and Progress The First Provost 
and Professors The Early Governing Body 

-The Benefactor?. 

Of the many educational establishment* 
and institutions which are happily now 
Scattered throughout the length an i 
breadth of the Dominion, and not a few 
of which have their home in Toronto, 
there are none which have been so closely 
interwoven with tte political history of 
vhe country anrJ with the careers of soma 


of its statesmen than Toronto Univer- 
fity and that also of Trinity. 

To give even the most condensed his 
tory of Trinity University -without re 
ferring to King s College, now known as 
Toronto University, or more popularly 
as the Varsity, would be impossible. So 
it -will be necessary to go back for many 
years to a period of which there are 
now few, if any, survivors, and show 
how from the events which led to the 
abolition ol King s Colleg -, Trinity Uni 
versity came to be established. 

So far back as 1797, almost a century 
feince, the Legislative Council and Housy 
of Assembly of Upper Canada petitioue-d 
King George III. that "His Majesty would 
be graciously pleased to direct his Gov 
ernment in this province (Upper Canada) 
if appropriate a certain portion of the 
waste lands o c the Crown as a fund for 
the establishment and support of a re 
spectable Grammar school in each district 
thereof, and also of a College or Univer 
sity for the instruction of youth in the 
different branches of liberal knowledge." 
To this petition the Duke of Portland, 
who was then acting as Secretary of 
State for the Colonies, on November 4th, 
1797, thus replied in a despatch ad- 
dreamed to President Russell : 

" His Majesty * * * has condescended 
to express his most gracious intention 
to comply with the wishes of the Legis 
lature of his Province of Upper Canada 
in euch manner as shall be judged to be 
most effectual." 

Nothing further was done until a year 
later, when President Russell, on Novem 
ber 6th, 1798, addressed a circular to 
the Executive Council and judges of 
Upper Canada asking them for their opin 
ion as to the best means to be adopted 
so that some of the waste Crown lauds 
might " be appropriated and rendered 
productive towards the formation of a 
fund for the establishment of free gram 
mar schools in those districts iu which 
they are called for." 

The report made by the Council and 
judges was a very lengthy one, and was 
signed by Chief Justice Elmsley, for him 
self and his colleagues. Its first recom 
mendation was as follows : 

That an appropriation of 500,000 
acres, or ten townships, after deducting 
the Crown and clergy sevenths, will be a 
sufficient fund for the establishment and 
maintenance of the Royal foundation of 
four Grammar Schools and an University 
in the Province of Upper Canada." 

The report stated that in the judgment 
of its compilers 180 provincial currency, 
or $720, would be a sufficient annual 
allowance, and that " the provision for 
the establishment and maintenance of 
the University should be at least equal 

to that of four schools taken together." 
Very shortly after this date, December, 
1798, the District Grammar schools came 
into existence, but not until March 15th, 
1828, was the Royal charter granted 
which, among other things, set forth : 

" That there shall be established at or 
near our town of York, in our said Pro 
vince of Upper Canada, from this time 
one college, with the style and privileges 
of an University, as hereinafter directed, 
for the education and instruction of 
youth and students in arts and faculties, 
to continue for ever to be called King s 

The charter further set forth that the 
president of the college " shall be," note, 
! not may be, " a clergyman in holy orders 
of the Church of England." Further, it 
appointed the tiieu Archdeacon of Yo:k, 
Dr. 3ohu Strachan, the first president, 
and it enacted that the archdeacon of 
York should always be ex-officio presi 
dent of the college. 

The governing body was to be called 
the "College Council." It was to consist 
of the chancellor, the president and seven 
of the professors. These were all com- 
i polled to be member.-! of the Anglican 
church, and the charter especially set 
forth, should "previously to their admis 
sion into the said College Council, eeven- 
ally siga and subesribe the Thirty-nine 
Articles of Religion, as declared and eet 
forth iu the Book of Common Prayer." 

More than the foregoing, though, waa 
enacted, for if there were not professors 
enough to make up the requisite seven 
who were members of the Church of Eng 
land, the Chancellor had the power to 
appoint outside re who had graduated at 
the University to the vacancies in the 

No test was required from matriculants 
who only pursued an arts course. They 
could take their degrees entirely unfet 
tered; but divinity students were sub 
ject to th > same regulations as then ob 
tained in the University of Oxford, which 
were religi nn t sls of the most stringent 
order in regard to the Church of England. 

To all intents and purposes the first 
Upper Canadian University, King s Col 
lege, was to be an Anglican institution, 
maintained by public money. 

Very great dissatisfaction was soon 
manifested throughout the province when 
the provisions of the charter became 
known, and despite the fact that the 
then Lieutenant-Governor, Sir Peregrine 
Maitland, had formed the College Council 
as soon as he received the charter, no 
commencement of work had been at 

In 1836 the opponents of the proposed 
college had be>n able to bring such pres 
sure to bear upon both the Colonial and 


Home Governments that an act was paaaed 
in the Imperial Parliament making cer 
tain alterations and amendments in the 
charter of the university. These were cer 
tainly not in the interest of the Anglican 
body, tut, on the other hand, they were 
not in the interest of any other religious 
denomination; while they absolutely de 
barred either Unitarians or Jews from be 
ing professors in or members of the gov|- 
eruing body of the college Dr. Strachau 
was to retain office as president during 
his lie, and his successor was to be apt- 
pointed by the Crown. 

In due time King s College was opened, 
the corner stone being laid with great 
ceremony by Sir Charles Bagot, the Gov 
ernor-General of Canada, on St. George s 
Day, 1842. The work o! the college began 
June 8th, 1843, and SODU began to exer 
cise through its scholars an iui lueuce for 
good among the people o: the province. 
Among the first of its undergraduates 
were : Walter Steunett, afterwards the 
fourth principal of Upper Canada Col 
lege; William Wedd, for forty years one 
of the classical masters at the same in 
stitution; and Alexander Dixoii, now Angli 
can rector of St. George s church, Guelph, 
and alio an honorary olfkial of Trinity 

What has been written will clearly 
ehow the state of affairs regarding 
King s College up to 1842. Just prior to 
the laying of the corner stone of the 
university, the Reverends A. N. Bethune, 
H. J. Grasett and Henry Scadding, chap 
lains to Dr. Strachan, Bishop of To 
ronto, met together for the purpose of 
devising a scheme by which the stu 
dents in Divinity in ths diocese of To 
ronto, which meant the whole of Upper 
Canada, could be brought under a sys 
tematic course of instruction in theo 
logy before they werj admitted into 
holy orders,. This meeting was the result 
of the dissatisfaction felt by Anglicans 
at the Royal Charter given to Kiug .i 
College being interfered with, and it 
was also evidence of the fear they felt, 
that further changes still less in the 
interest of ths Anglican body might be 
brought about. 

The three clergymen who have been 
named deliberated carefully, as any one 
who ever had any acquaintance with 
either of them will know they were like 
ly to do. It is hard even to fmagiue any 
one of the three acting without the 
greatest deliberation at all times, and 
the result of their deliberations was a 
recommendation from them that it would 
be in the interest of the Anglican body 
to establish a theological college in the 
diocese. The Church of England clergy 
and laity in Upper Canada found that 
they could not hare a State aided sec 

tarian university governed by men All 
of whom were compelled to be Anglicans, 
and though Bishop Strachan was still 
president of King s College, the most 
far-seeing and sagacious men amongst 
the Anglicans felt that the day was not 
far distant when the last vestige of de- 
nosninationalism would be swept out of 
King s College. Amongst those who 
thought thus was Bishop Strachan, and 
while he was prepared to fight to the 
bitter end for all that he thought worth 
fighting for as a Churchman in the con 
trol of King s College, ha was prepared 
for the worst, and was determined that 
when the remnant of Anglican influence 
vanished from King s College, the former 
body must have a university of its own, 
controlled fay aud in the interest of that 

Once having made up his mind on any 
subject Dr. Strachan was not slow to 
act. The three clergymen named had held 
their meeting in October, 1841, and on 
November 27th, in the same year, the 
following notice appeared in the Church, 
a newspaper published in the interest of 
the Anglican body. 

The Lord Bishop of Toronto has been 
pleased to appoint the Rev. A. N. Bethune 
rector of Cobcurg and one of his Lordship s 
chaplains, to be professor of theology in 
this diocese. Candidates for Holy Or 
ders will in future be expected to place 
themselves under the Instructions of the 
professor for the purpose of passing 
through a prescribe^ course of theological 
study, but they must previously pass an 
examination before one of the Bishop s 
chaplains to ascertain their competency 
to enter with advantage on the appointed 
line of reading. At the end of the course 
such students as are approved by the 
professor, and can produce the necessary 
testimonials will be permitted to present 
themselves as candidates for ordination." 

This was p radically the birth of the 
theological department of Trinity Univer 
sity, though that institution itself was 
not actually called into existence until 
some nine years later. No blame is 
sought to be attached to Dr. Strachan for 
doia^ what he considered his best for the 
Anglican church. He had hoped to se 
cure and thought he had secured, King s 
College in that body s interest, and waa 
disappointed. He foresaw that ere long 
that college would be no longer in any 
.sense a religious* training school, and like 
the statesman he was, he prepared to put 
himself in a position to meet the evil day 
when it arrived. 

Dr. Bethune commenced his lectures at 
Cobourg on January 10th, 1842, and there 
were seven students in the first term, 
which number was increased to seventeen 
before the end of the year. The course 


was a classical and theological cue and 
lasted three years. There was of cours- 
no endowment to work with, the income 
being made up from the fees of the pupils 
and by a grant of 100 sterling from 
the Society for the Propagation of the 
Gospel iu England. During the existence 
of this school until it was merged with 
Trinity University in 1851, forty-five stu 
dents availed themselves of the opportun 
ities for study it afforded them. Amongst 
them, were the following well-known men : 
Revs. C. L. Ingles, whose sou is now rec 
tor o. St. Mark s, Parkdale ; Canon Logan ; 
J. G. D. McKenzie, formerly of Yorkville ; 
James Mockrid^e ; J. B. Worrell, now oi ; 
Oak vi ile ; Charles Ruttan, the first rec 
tor of St. George s, Toronto, now of 
Norway, and the well-known antiquar 
ian, G. A. Bull, of St. Catharines. 

King s College pursued its career, but 
it was greatly opposed by many of the 
politicians in the province, and in the 
year 1849 the end came. By an act passed 
by the Provincial Legislature on May 
30th, 1849, remodelling the university, 
under the style, no longer of King s Col 
lege, but of Toronto University, it was 
enacted, by clause xii.: " That there shall 
be no Faculty of Divinity in the said Uni 
versity, nor shall there be any Professor 
ship, Lectureship or Teachership of Divin 
ity in the same." 

The re-modelled University was to be 
an. absolutely secular institution, so it 
became and so it has remained ever since. 

The new act came into operation on 
January 1st, 1850, and then Dr. Straehan 
ielt the time for decisive measures had 
arrived. King s College as a divinity 
school, even if a poor one, was a thing 
of the past, and he must take steps to 
supply the deficiency created. The Bishop 
at once issued a letter to Anglicans 
throughout the province, in which, after 
lamenting the extinction of King s Col 
lege "as a Christian Institution," he 
asked : 

" Deprived of her University, what is 
the Church to do ? She hae now no semi 
nary in which to give a liberal edu 
cation to her youth. What is enjoyed 
by all the other large denominations in 
the province is denied >to her." The Bis 
hop then proceeded to dwell on the im 
portance of religious education, and told 
his readers that " it was surely the 
duty as well as the privilege, of every 
churchman in the diocese, to assist as 
far as he is able in supplying the want 
which the church now feels in the destruc 
tion of her University, and which, if not 
supplied, will in a short time arrest the 
happy progress she is making through 
all parts of the country." He then pro 
ceeded in the most emphatic language 
to sketch out what he believed was re 

quired. " The church ought to do no 
thing by halves," wrote the Bishop, add 
ing, " Her University must comprise an 
entire system of education, based on re 
ligion." Proceeding, he gave a descrip 
tion of what he considered the proposed 
new University should be, and announced 
his intention of proceeding to England 
to obtain help and additional contribu 
tions to those already promised in fur 
therance of the project. There is a touch 
of true pathos in the concluding words of 
the Bishop s letter, reading thus : 

" I shall have completed my seveaty- 
sccond year before I can reach London, 
of which more than fifty years have been 
spent in Upper Canada, and one of my 
chief objects during all that time, was 
to bring King s College into active oper 
ation ; and now after more than six year* 
of increasing prosperity to see it destroy 
ed * * is a calamity not easy to bear. 

" I shall not restt satisfied till I have 
laboured to the utmost to restore the 
college under a holier and more perfect 
form. The result is with a Higher Power, 
and I may still be doomed to disappoint 
ment ; but it is God s work, and I feel 
confident that it will be restored, al 
though I may ncrt be the happy instru 
ment or live to behold it. 

" Having done all in my power, I shall 
acquiesce submissively to the result, 
whatever it may be ; and I shall then 
and not till then, consider my mission on 
this behalf ended." 

The Bisnop was to sail for England 
early in April, and to bear with him a 
petition to the Queen, praying that her 
Majesty would " be graciously pleased to 
grant your Royal charter for the incor- 
portation of an University, to be estab 
lished on this clear and unequivocal prin 
ciple," that of adherence to the Church 
of England, " to be supported by means 
which the members of the church will 
contribiite from their own resources." 

This petition was signed by 11,731 per 
sons, a vast proportion of whom were 
heads of families. 

On Wednesday, April 10th. 1850, Bishop 
Straehan left Toronto by the steamboat 
America en route to England. He reached 
London early in May.and at once put him 
self in communication with Earl Grey, the 
Secretary of State for the Colonies, on 
the subject of his mission. He was cour 
teously received by that statesman, and 
received a promise that his arguments in 
favour of a Royal charter being gran-ted 
should receive every consideration. Sir 
Robert Peel, the then Prime Minister, also 
afforded the Bishop more than one inter 
view, aa also did the Duke of Wellington 
and other well-known public men. Tbe 
Bishop, though, did not succeed at the 
time in obtaining a Royal charter, 



Imperial authorities considering it im 
politic for the time being at any rate to 
grant Fuch a request. It was, though, 
granted two years later. 

While the Bishop was in England a Pro 
visional Council was appointed at a large 
ly attended meeting of the friends of the 
proposed new university, to eecure the 

j time of very small value or of no value at 
( all. Among those who contributed in 
j money were the following : 
*Dr. Alexander Burnside . . . $24,000 

Bishop Strachan 1 000 

Chief Justice Macaulay .... 200 

Hon. Wm. Allan 500 

Hon. Geo. Crookshank .... 600 

turn ? 

mam i-m : - 
. * : 





^ m 

eo-opcration of Anglican ehurchmen 
th;-oa^hout Upper Canada to obtain eub- 
criptions in aid of an endowment fund. 
Large puma of money were given, and im- 
menp quantities of land, some of the lat 
ter, it mart b* admitted, being at the 

John Duggan 200 

Mrs. Boulton, The Grange . . . 200 

Rev. H. J. Grasctt 100 

Enoch Turner 800 

William Gooderh-am 480 

This amount was payable at his death. 


William Spragge 400 

Dr. Hcdder 200 

Rev. Alex. Sanson 80 

Rev. W. M. Herchmer, Kingston . 1,000 
Those named are only a very few of 
the Jmndredp who subscribed. The donors 
of land included Chief Justice Robinson, 
Bishop Strachan, Sir Alan N. MeXab, 
Judge Draper, Alexander Dixon, P. M. 
^ ankoughnet, Euoch Turner and scores 
of others. 

In the summer of 1850 Drs. E. M. Hod- 
der anl James Bovell organized a school 
<>f medicine and with them were associat 
ed Drs. Badgley, Bethune, Hallowell and 
Melville. This school was announced as 
the "Upper Canada School of Medicine/ 
As soon a Bishop Strachan returned 
from Engla nd in November, 1850, a 
deputation from this body waited iipou 
him and tendered their services as the 
Medical Faculty of the proposed univer 
sity should it be proposed to have a 
medical school. They also promised to 
give their services gratuitously until 
there were sufficient funds in the hands 
of the governing body to warrant them 
in paying suitable remuneration for the 
servici-s rendered. This offer was accept 
ed an 1 oil November 7th, 1850, in the 
lecture h-ill of the M-schanics Institute on 
Court street the inaugural lectures were 
d livered in public, by Dr. Hodder on 
Obstetrics, Dr. Bethune on Anatomy, Dr. 
Melville; on Surgery, Dr. Bovell on Med - 
cine, and Dr. Hallowell on Mater .a 
Mediea. Th> Bishop presided and thera 
was a good attendance of the public, 
This event may be regarded as the first 
in the educational history of the uni 

On January 23rd, 1851, at a meeting 
of the Provisional Committee held at the 
Church Society s House, 5 King street 
west, now No. 10, Mr. Kivas Tully and 
Messrs. Cumberland and Ridout, archi 
tects, were requested to prepare plans 
and design^ for the propose 1 University 
buildings, the cost of which was not to 
e:;c,-el 8000 currency, or $32,000. 

The designs submitted by Kivas Tullr ! 
were adopted, and the contract for the i 
building was given to the firm of build- ! 
ers, Metcalie, Wilson & Forbes. The ! 
amount of the contract was 7,845 cur 
rency ($31,380). 

Ou St. Patrick ** Day. 1851. the first I 
re/I was turned by Bishop Strachan in 
the presence of a larg: number of sym 
pathizers and spectators. Amongst others 
who were present en the occasion was 
the Rev. J. T. Lewis, the present Arch 
bishop of Ontario. Rev. Stephen Lett, 
LL.D., at the time rector of St. George s 
in Toronto, was mother who was there, 
h-nd he, true to his nationality, wore in 

his buttonho e a shamrock, in honour 
of the day. 

Six weeks later was laid with imposing 

ceremony the corner stone of the building 

o" course by Bishop Strachan and there 

were several thousands o? people present, 

| among them great numbers of ladies. The 

| inscription on the brass plate which warn 

let into the stone was in Latin. The fol 

lowing is a translation : 

In the name of the Father, and of the 
Sou, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. 

On the 30th of April, 1851, in the 14th 
year o! the reijn of Victoria, by the Grace 
of God, Queen, Defender of the Faith, and 
while the Right Honourable the Earl of 
Elgin and Kincardine was Goveruoi -Gen 
eral o! British. North America, the Foun 
dation Stone of Trinity College, Toronto, 
an Institution established for the further 
ance of the Christian Religion and all the 
Liberal Sciences, was laid by the Honour 
able and Rijht Reverend John Strachan, 
D.D.. LL.D., Bishop of Toronto. 

The College, now commenced, is built 
by the muniiicence of those who, at his 
earnest instigation, both iu Britain and in 
i thi.-i Diocese, gave with willing minds, as 
to the Lord, gifts of money and lands, for 
the accomplishment of this object. 

To thi-s devoted and persevering pre 
late, who, throughout an extended life, 
labours that the youth of Canada may at 
all times be trained in Christian prin 
ciples, let posterity render grateful 

With the Bishop, who is deservedly the 
fii-st President of the College, have beeu 
associated the following, as the Council 
of the College : 
The Veil. G. 0. Stuart, D.l>., LL.D., Arch 

deacon of Kingston. 
The Ven. A. N. Betiruue, D.D., Archdeacon 

o! York. 
Alexander Bunnide, Es^. Hoa. J. B. Rob 

Rev. H. J. Grusett. M.A. Hox J. B. Mac- 


J. Arr.o d, Esq. L. Mo fati;, Esq. 

Ho:i. J. Gordon. Hon. J. G. Spragge. 

Philip M. Vaukouglmet, Esq. Hou. n. S. 


E. M. Holder. M.C. J. M. Strachan, Esq. 
Sir Alan N. MsNafc. 


Rr. H. J. Grasett, M.A., G. W. Allan, 
Esq., L. Moffatt, Esq. 


Hou. G. Crookshnnk, Han. W. Allan. Hon. 

J. Gordon. 
Thomas Champion, Se:retary. 

Kivas Tully, Architect. 

Metcalfe. Wil o i & Forbes, Builders. 

Gel grtiut a prosperous issue to the 

begnu labour. May He who is at oce 

the Founder and Foundation Stone of Hi 



Church be ever present "with tho^e who 
ehall, within these walls, devote them? 
;lve3 to Christian learning and the lib- 

ral aeiencea. 


The foregoing inscription was composed 
by the Rev. Henry S^adding, at tnat 
time incumbent o? Holy Trinity church, 
Toronto, ani first classical master at 
Dpj-r Canada College. By him it was 
rendered into Latin, as it is inscribed ujon 
the braes plate. 

The corner stone was then duly laid, 
and afterwards Sir A. N. McNab address 
ed the assembled clergy and spectators in 
complimentary language, dwelling on the 
success which had so far attended the 
labours of the Bishop in promoting the 

An address in Latin from the pupils 
of St. Paul s Church Grammar School was 
presented to the Bishop by John Bethuue, 
a son of the Archdeacon, and replied to 
by the aged prelate in the same tongue. 
This school carried in the procession a 
handsome white silk banner, not of very 
large dimensions, bearing on it the name 
of th^ school. The school itself was under 
the principalship of Rev. John George Dal- 
hoste McKenzie, assisted by his brother 
Valentine, and for some time also by a 
Mr. Evans. Miss Crombie, a sister-in- 
law of Mr. McKenzie, had charge of a 
few of the younger boys. The school was 
conducted in the basement of the private 
housj occupied by its principal. It was the 
uecond house east of St. Paul s church, and 
though it has been very greatly enlarged, 
is still standing. It was intended that 
St. Paul s Grammar School should be a 
training school for Trinity University, but 
about 1854 the idea was abandoned, and 
Mr. McKenzie gave up teaching. 

The financial results of Dr. Straehairs 
visit to ^ngland were very encouraging. 
They were related by the Bishop himself 
oi the opening of the College buildings on 
January 15th, 1852, in the following 
words : 

" On the 30th April (1851), I reached 
London, and lost no time in addressing 
letters to the archbishops, bishops, clergy 
and laity members of the church, telliu;i 
them that under the pressure of what I 
*elt to be a great necessity, I had ceasea, 
for a short time, my pastoral labours in 
the diocese of Toronto, to appeal, I hoped 
not in vain, to their sympathy, in behalf of 
their brethren in Canada. The full ex 
planation of the causes of my visit, my 
object and wants, was most favourably 
received, and munificent donations grant 

The Bishop then gave a list of those 

who had contributed. Among them were : 

Society for Propagation of Gospel, 

2,000 sterling. Also seven and a hoi! 

acres of land within the limits of To 
ronto, valued at 2,000 sterling. 

Society for Promoting Christian Know 
ledge, 3,000 sterling. 

Private subscriptions, including one of 
500 from C. H. Turner, of Rook e Nest 
Park, Surrey, 4,000. 

It has often been asserted that tue 
land upon which Trinity University is 
built was presented to the Bishop as a 
free gift. Such was not the case. It had 
been purchased from Mias Cameron, of 
Gore Vale. 

The professorial staff of the University 
on its opening was as follows : 

Provoat Rev. George Whittaker, M.A., 
who was by virtue of his office piofessor 
of divinity. 

Classics Rev. E. St. John Parry, M.A, 

Mathematics Rev. Geo. C. Irving, B,A, 

Faculty of Medicine Drs. E. M. Hod- 
der, James Bovell, Henry Melville, Nor 
man Bethune, F. Badgley, W. Hallowell. 

Faculty of Law J. H. Hagarty, Q.C., 
John Hillyard Cameron, Q.C., and Philip 
M. Vankoughuet, Q.C. 

Provost Whittaker was educated at 
Queen s College, Cambridge, and assum 
ed the duties of Provost of Trinity while 
still a young man. For exactly thirty 
years he remained at his post, only re 
signing on account of failing health in 
1881. He returned to England and de 
voted the short remainder of his days 
to parochial work, dying about ten years 
since. He was succeeded by the Rev. C. 
W. E. Body, late Fellow of St. John s Col 
lege, Cambridge. Provost Body was not 
only an able mathematician, he having 
been sixth Wrangler, but also was an ac 
complished classic and theologian, having 
taken a First-Class in the Theological 
Tripos. Provost Body resigned in 1894, 
having accepted the post ol lecturer on 
Old Testament History in the General 
Theological Seminary, New York. He was 
followed by the Rev. E. A. Welch, of 
King s College, Cambridge, P.. A. 1882, 
M.A. 1886. He came out in the First-Olass 
Classical Tripos 1882, and Second-Class 
Theological Tripos 18S6. Was, at the date 
of his appointment Vicar of Church of Ven 
erable Bede, Gateshead. 

Professor Parry was a graduate of 
Balliol College, Oxford, and remained at 
Trinity until 1856, when he returned to 
England and became Head Master of 
Leamington College, in Warwickshire, 
which post he held for many years. He 
etill survives, though he has abandoned 

Professor Irving was educated at St. 
John s College, Cambridge. He came to 
Canada shortly alter taking his degree 
to assume th> mathematical chair at Trin 
ity, and discharged his duties until 1856, 
when he resigned. In i860 he returned 



to Trinity as Vice-Provost, holding that 
office until 1863, when he weiit to Leu- 
aoxville. He was drowned in tne Riviere 
du Loup two years later. 

Of the medical staff, Dr. Hodder was 
F.R.C.S., England. He was one of the 
most popular and able surgeons of his 
time, and had resided in Toronto since 
1843. He continued his connection with 
Trinity until his death, which occurred 
February 20th, 1878, in his sixty-eighth 

Dr. James Bovell came to Toronto in 

1847. He was M.B.C.P. Eng., and was 
looked upon as an authority 011 physiology 
and patho ogy. He left Canada for the 
West ladies, where he became an Angli 
can clergyman in 1870. His death took 
place at NevLs, W. I., January 16th, 1880. 

Dr. Melville s connection with Trinity 
was of very brief duration, he leaving 
Toronto to; 1 England in 1853. He waa ;i 
graduate of Edinburgh. University, fully 
conversant with his profession, and a re- 
luiarkably skillul operator. He died in 
England more than thirty years ago. 

Dr. Norman Bethuue, a nephew of 
Archdeacon Bethune. was educated at 
Edinburgh and London, taking his de 
gree as M.R.C.S. at the latter place in 

1848. He lectured at Trinity on anatomy 
and physiology. He died iii Toronto on 
Octoier 12th, 1892, aged 70. 

Drs. Badgley and Hallowell lectured 
on Medical Jurisprudence and Materia 
Medica respectively, ani continued to do 
to for some years. Dr. Badgley s conneq- 
tioa with Trinity ceased about 1855, and 
that o! Dr. Hallowell several years later. 
The latter died in Toronto iu 1873. 

Of those who fdrmed the Faculty of Law 
it is hardly necessary to say anything. 
Mr. J. H. Hagarty still survives, while 
both the Hon. J. H. Cameron and P. M. 
Vankoughnet have been dead for many 

The names of the College Council have 
already been given in the inscription on 
the corner stone. To those names were 
tdded on the opening of the college those 
of Provost Whittaker, Professors Parry 
and Irving. Thomas Champion resigned 
the secretaryship on January 1st, 1852, 
and Charlee McGrath was appointed to 
the vacancy. 

Such was the staff of Trinity when its 
career opened La 1851. Of all those who 
were associated with it on its teaching 
or governing staff then, only the present 
Chancellor, Hon. G. W. Allan, Professor 
Parry and Judge Hagarty an-e still ex 
tant. Tempera Mutantur. 

Having said so much about the cir 
cumstances attending the opening of 
Trinity University, it is time to give 
some description of the building itself. 
Tbe portion of it wfeich was completed 

in 1852 iucludsd tha whole of the froat 
facing the lake, which was 250 feet long 
from east to west and fifty feet in 
depth on the eastern and western sides. 
There wera the usual lecture rooms for 
the classical, mathematical and other 
professors and rooms for forty-five un 
dergraduates. What is now the library 
was used as the College Chapel and the 
Provost resided within the precincts. The 
style of the architecture is of the 
third period, Pointed English, which ob 
tained in the motherland just prior to 
and during the reign of Henry VHI. 

The materials used in constructing the 
college were white bricks in York- 
ville and stone from Cleveland, Ohio, 
which, from its colour, harmonized with 
the bricks. The total number of apart 
ments in the building when it was open 
ed wa? about one hundred and eighty, 
the largest of which was in the ground 
floor and measured fifty by thirty feet. 

Of additions made to the college since 
its erection therJ has been Convocation 
Hall, erected in 1S77, and which con 
tains a very fine portrait of Dr- 
Strachan in his Episcopal habit, one of 
Provost Whittaker in academicals, and 
a third of Dr. E. M. Hodder. 

In 1884 the new chapel on the eastern 
side was added. It has been spoken of by 
competent authorities as a "gem of 
ecclesiastical architecture," and though 
there is a somewhat uiicomfortabla air 
of "newness" about its interior, it is a 
lovely place, and such stained glass 
windows as it possesses are works of the 
highest order. The west wiog was add 
ed in 1891 and the eastern in 1894. {At 
present (1895) the building will accom-i 
rnodate about ninety students in arts and 
divinity, the medical school being extra 
mural and the students non-residential,. 

The following list of those who are or 
have been professors in the college, not 
including those of the Medical school, will 
be scanned with interest by many, not 
only in Toronto, but in different parts 
of Canada : 


Provosts George Whittaker, C. W. E. 
Body and E. Ashurst Welch ; these gentle 
men s University careers and attainments 
have already been spoken of. 

John Ambrey, M.A., Brazen Nose Col 
lege, Oxford ; second class classical hon 
ours ; appointed 1S56, resigned 1875 ; 
died in England 1880. 

H. E. Maddock, M.A., Fellow of Clare 
College, Cambridge ; first class classical 
honours ; appointed 1875, resigned 1878; 
vicar of Patringtou, Yorkshire, England. 

A. Boys, M.A., Jesus College, Cambridge: 
second class classical honours ; appointed 
1878; died iu Toronto 1890. 





E. W. Huntiixgford, M.A., Merton Col- \ 1870-79, who is now principal of t 
lege, Oxford ; first class iu classics ; ap- ! School of Applied Science, Toronto. He 
pointed 1890, and is the present occu- I was followed by T. H. Smyth, M.A., who 
pant of the chair; as were his predeces- j is still at his duty, 
eors, is in Holy Orders. In Natural Science Rer. G. E. Haelam, 

Processor Parry has been omitted from . Dr. O Connor and H. Montgomery have ail 
the foregoing, he having been mentioned < filled the office of Fellow, lecturing regu- 
parlier. \ larly. 

MATHEMATICAL. Of the first undergraduates at Trinity. 

Pro esror Irving; 1852 to 1856; men- some forty in number, many have passed 
tkyr.ed elsewhere. j away, and all of those who are left are 

E. K. Kendall, M.A., St. Jcta s Col- fast leaving middle age behind them, 
lege, Cambridge; appointed 1856; re- Among them were Alfred Rykert, who waa 
signed 1860; died several years later. i a lieutenant in the 100th Regiment; he 

Professor Irving; re-appointed 1860-63. died in London, England, in 1860. J. E. 

W. Jones, M.A., Upper Canada College i O Reilly, sou of Judge O Reilly, of Hamil- 
and St. John s College, Cambridge; 20th ton, resides in the latter city, practising 
Wrangler; appointed 1863; resigned 1895; aa a barrister. Charles E. Thomson is 
resides in Toronto. I rector of St. Mark s Church, Toronto Junc- 

M. A. Mackenzie, M.A., Selwyn College, ! tion. John Laiigtry is rector of St. Luke s 
Cambridge; 25th Wrangler; present occu- Church, Toronto. James J. Bogart is a 
pant of the chair. j rector in Ottawa. T. D. Phillips, famous 

All of the mathematical professors were ] aa a cricketer, is in Chicago, and the re 
in Holy Orders. i maiuing survivors are scattered here and 

Reverend William Clark, Hertford Col- I there throughout the world. 
lge, Oxford, was appointed Professor of 1 In concluding this sketch it is desired 
Mental and Moral Philosophy in 1883, | to acknowledge the courteous assistance 
and still retains his office. i rendered in supplying information by 

The Provost of Trinity is, by virtue of Provost Body, Professor W. Jones, Mr. 
his office, Professor of Divinity, but for j J. A. Worrell and others. That the Uni- 
some years past there has been an ad- versity may continue in and extend its 
ditional lecturer. They have been : : career of usefu loess is the wish of all 

G. A. Schmider, M.A., Gonville and Cains who, regardless of sectarian strife or 
College, Cambridge, appointed 1882, re- political controversy, have the highest 
signed 1S85 : is now vice-principal Ridley i interests of " This Canada of Oura " at 

Hall, Cambridge. 

J. C. Roper, M.A., Keble College, Oxford ; 
appointed 1885 ; resigned 1888 ; is rector 
of St. Thomas Church, Toronto. 

H. Symoudfi. M.A., Trinity University, 
Toronto : appointed 1888 ; resigned 1892. 

E. C. Cayley, M.A., Trinity University, 
Toronto ; is a son of Rev. John Cayley, 
rector of St. George s, Toronto, and Ls 
now at the University. 

There are also among the assistant 
teaching staff Fellows, as they are term 
ed, iu Divinity and in Classics. In the 


N( te -Professor Parry died in Eng 
land in August, 1896. 


The Pleasant Home of a Wcil-hto wa Medi 
cal Practitioner DewrlpMou of tbe Hon* 
and its Snrronnaings. 

Some three hundred yards north of the 
lake on the western side of Dufferin street 

former have been numbered Rev. A. J. i stands, embedded in trees, a picturesque 

Broughall, M.A., rector of St. Stephen s, 
Toronto, appointed 1856 ; Revs. H. Sy- 

oottage, one and a half storeys in height, 
long the residence of the well known Dr. 

moods, 1886-88 ; E. E. Cayley, 1888-92, j William Charles Gwynne. 
and H. H. Bedford Jones, 1892 till present i The house resembles an Indian bung- 
time (1896). low in appearance and in its interior 

The Classical Fellows have included Mr. arrangements. It was built by Dr. 
J. A. Worrell, Q.C., Revs. J. S. Brougball, Gwynne about fifty years since, and 
1889-93; C. S. Mclnnies, 1893-94, and of mud brick, the walls being nearly 
W. H. While, wbo was appointed 1894. I two feet in thickness. The front dcor 

Rev. 0. Rigby, St. John s College, Cam- i opens into a spacious reception hall, and 
bridge; Dean of Trinity; appointed 1891; ! four doors open into different rooms. On 
in Pro efsor of History. ! three sides of the cottage is a wide 

In Modern Lajuguages the lecturers have 
been: E. C. Pernet, 1870-81; J. C. Dun- 
lop, 1881-92; A. H. Yoiwg, 1892. 

The lecturers hi Physical Science have 
been. : fi. M. Hinde, 1852-63; James Bovell, 

verandah, and tbe view over the lawn 
on the south side looking on to the lake 
fe a very lovely one. As one stands on the 
lawn, with the quaint old world looting 
cottage before thorn, on either hand beds 

M.D;, 1863-70; W. H. Elite, M.A., M.B. , of old-fashioned ilowew, while the ehruftw 



sad trees rustle in the breeze, it is hard 
to believe that you are within a few 
hundred yards of one of the largest manu 
factories in Canada, that not far distant 
from you is a great railway gcols and 
passenger depot, and that instead of be 
ing " Far from the madding crowd s 
ignob e strife," you are in the midst of 
a population of 200,000 people. 

The Gwynne cottage is the only house 
left of its kini in the city. All tlwe simi 
lar have disappeared. There are one or 
two on the south side of College street 
bearing a faint resemblance to it, but 
very faint. It remains a unique specimen, 
and to judge from appearances, will last 
: or ma-ny a year yet to come. 

Dr. Gwynne was born in 1806 in Ire 
land, being the sou of Rev. William 
Gwynne, D.D., an Irish clergyman. He 
was educated at Trinity Collage, Dublin, 

incorporated militia, and was exceedingly 
popular with bo^h offi e-s and men. He 
was also a member of the Upper Canada 
Medical Board, and took an active part 
in the medical department of Toronto 
University until the year 1854. Dr. 
Gwynne was an earnest and energetic 
man in everything relating to his pro 
fession. He could not tolerate half-heart- 
edness, and he strove to imbue his pupils 
at the University with a like energy. 

For the last twenty years of hia life 
Dr. ^ Gwynne was not engaged in active 
pro essionnl work, but spent much of his 
time on his land and in entomological 
research. He died in September, 1875, 
in his Feventieth year. His widow eur- 
vived him for nearly eight years. She 
died in May, 1883. 

Gwyiiue avenue, Parkdale, is called 
after the doctor, as Murray street com,- 



and al~o at Edinburgh, taking his degree 
in 1832. Aliro t coincident with doing 
the latter he obtains! an appointment 
as Eurgeon on board a sailing vessel 
between England and Qu3bec, and came 
out to Canada. He did not go back to 
Ireland, but remained here, and on July 
9th, 1832, was admitted to the practice! 
of medicine in Upper Canada. For a brief 
period after his arrival in this country 
he was in Kingston, but very soon came 
to York. ; 

Dr. Gwynne ma- ried in May, 1S35, Ann 
Murray, the youngest daughter of Mr. 
W. D. Powell and a granddaxighter of j 
Chief Justice W. D. Powell. By this union : 
there were feur children, one only of 
whom, a daughter, survives, residing in ; 
ttoa old home. 

During the rebellion o f 1837 Dr. Gwynne 
was Burgeon to one of the rogimeuta of 

niemorateg the second of his wife s Chris 
tian name?. Whatever Dr. Gwyuue did 
he did well. He was regarded as a skil 
ful surgeon and accomplished man, and 
where he gave tia confidence and friend 
ship as being sincerity itself. 


Colonel .Josryli Wellt< Ills Military Service* 
HI* Family Colonel Frederick Well* 
nntl the Crimean War. 

On the top of the hill overlooking 
Davenport road, about two hundred 
yards to the north-east of Bathuret 
street, is the home, for now three-quar 
ters of a century, of various members 
of the Wells family. 

The present house occupies the site of 
a very much smaller building, -which wa* 


erected early in tlie century, and was 
purchased by Colonel Joseph Wells, of 
the 43rd Monmouthshire Regiment, in 
1820. On coming into possession of the 
property, Colonel Weils determined to en 
large the house, and, having retired from 
the army, to make it his home fo? the 
rest of his life. The result of this re- 
eolve was, that the residence, as it is 
now, was constructed, it being, when fin 
ished, as it is still, one of the most com 
fortable of dwellings. 

Joseph Wells was born in England, June 
19th, 1773, and entered H.M. 43rd Regi 
ment of foot at an early age. He was 
married at the historic church of St. 
Botolph, Aldersgate, London, England, by 
the Rev. W. Trollops, on June 10th, 
1813, to Harriet King, and immediately 
after Waterloo was fought came out to 
Canada on duty. At that time Colonel and 
Mrs. Wells had one sou, George Dupont 
Wells, who afterwards took an active in 
terest in agricultural matters in this pro- 
vin e, and was for several years secretary 
to the York Township Agricultural So 
ciety. He was one of the first pupils at 
Dpter Canada College on its opening. He 
died in the Albany Chambers, Toronto, 
December 4th. 1854, in his forty-first year. 
Robert was the second son. He died at 
Davenport, July 29th, 1868, having just 
completed his fifty-first year. His widow 
married again, and continued to reside 
at Davenport until 1894. Charles was 
the third eon. He was drowned in the 
river at Ottawa, near where he was 
at school, in 182S. He was only nine years 
old. Frederick Wells, the mo?t distinguish 
ed member o? the family, of whom more 
will be said presently, was born June 
19th, 1822, and was entered at Upper 
Canada College in 1830, when he was 
only eight years old. He had as his co- 
temporaries boys from the Jarvis, Bcul- 
ton. Ridcut, Heward, Robinson and many 
other well known Toronto families. Arthur 
Wei la was the fifth eon. He was born in 
1824, is married and has a large family. 
He resides at Pueblo, Colorado Like his 
brothers, Arthur was an Up; er Canada 
Collage boy. where he entered in 1833, a 
son of Sir John Colborne entering at the 
name time. Colonel and Mrs. Wells had 
also several daughters, all of whom have 
passed away. 

Colonel Wells served with the 43r;l 
Regiment in the Peninsular campaign, 
was present at Badajoz and r3ceived the 
gold cross given for the famous siege. 
When he retired from the army he was 
for some time Bursar to Upper Canadi 
College, but the most of his time was 
taken up with his property aid its re- 
ponsibilities at Davenport. He was a 
remarkably handsome man, the very 
w?nce of courtesy and of unsullied 

honour. His diath took place at Daven- 
port on Felruary 4th, 1853. He was 
buried in the family vault in St. 
James cemetery. Mrs. Wells died March 
, 18th, 1851. 

Fred rick Wells, tha fourth son, who 
has previously been mentioned, was des 
tined for the sriny from his birth, and 
he obtained his first commission as 
! Ensign in the 1st, or Royal, Regiment, 
, October 15th, 1841, when he was a lit- 
I tie more than nineteen years of age. His 
subsequent commissions bear dite as 
follows : Lieutenant, August 7th, 1844 j; 
Captain, November 6th, 1854 ; Brevet 
Ma jor, November 2nd, 1855 ; Major. 
June 26th, 1866 ; Brevet Lieutenant 
Colonel, February 8th, 1866 ; Lieutenant- 
Colonel. November 18th, 1868. Wells 
served with his r?giment at various sta 
tions both at home and abroad until 
1854, when he accompanied it to the 
east on the breaking out of the Crimean 
or Russian war. He served throughout 
the whola campaign, was present at the 
battles of Alma, Inkernian^ and through 
the fearful siege of Sebastopol, being 
present at the final attack upon the city 
and the capture of the Redan. For his 
services he received the brevet rank of 
Major, the Crimean medal, the Turkish 
medal and fifth class of the Medjidie and 
was mrdi a companion of the French 
Legion of Honour. Tha patent conferring 
Ihis d iftirction upon him was in these 
terms : 

" His Majesty the Emperor, by a de 
cree ol June 16th, 1856, has named as a 
Knight o? the Imperial Order of the 
Legion of Honour, Major Frederick WelL ; , 
let Royal Regiment, Infantry. He to have 
precedence from the same date." 
"Paris, June 21, 1856." 
On the conclusion of the Crimean War 
Major Wells obtained leave of absence 
and visited Toronto, his native city. He 
was most warmly welcomed by every one, 
and the welcome was not confined to 
words only. The City Council presented 
him with a valuable sword, now in the 
pos ession of Major Wells only daugh 
ter, r,.nd an address, which was in these 
words : 

Major Frederick We!l>, Her Majesty s 

Firrt or Royal Regiment : 

Sir, The corporation of the city of To- 

; ronto, representing the wishes and feel- 

, in?s of their fellow-citizens, have by their, 

unanimous vote requested me to tender 

; to you their hearty congratulations upon 

your safe return to your native city, 

after undergoing the dangers and pri* 

; vations of the Crimean Campaign. 

It is with equal pridi and pleasur3 that 
we welcome home a citizen of Toronto 
whose breast displays those hononr^bla 
distinctions conferred, not alone by ki 





most gracious Sovereign, but by her 
tiugust ally, the Emperor of the Frencb, 
an emphatic proof that he holds no un 
distinguished position among the gal 
lant troops of both nations, who united 
in maintaining an arduous and successful 
struggle for the liberties of Europe. 

As inhabitants of this Province, whoso 
boast it is to be an integral portion of 
the British Empire, we feel proud of tlie 
achievements of the gallant men who so 
successfully vindicated their country s 
renown at Alma, Balaclava and Inker- 
man, and who so triumphantly planted 
the flag of their country on the capture d 
heights of Sebastopol. 

As citizens of Toronto we rejoice that 
a fellow-townsman so nobly braved those 
dreadful encounters and participated 
with such honour to himself in those 
glorious triumphs. 

The Municipal Corporation of your 
native city desire to mark their sense 
of your gallant services, and to convey 
to you some proof of their estimation 
more substantial than words. 

It becomes, therefore, my pleasing duty, 
in the name of the people of Toronto, to 
present you with this sword. Should the 
atorm of war again arise and our be 
loved Queen require your services, we feel 
that it will be drawn with distinction to 
yourself and with honour to your Coun 


Mayor of the City of Toronto. 
A. T. McCORD, 

Common Council Chamber, 

Toronto, 31st October, 1856. 

To the foregoing address Major Wells 
made a brief but courteous reply, one sen 
tence of which must be given verbatim. It 

" As the son of a soldier, well known 
to many of you, and respected by all who 
knew him, I feel I have done nothing 
more than my duty, and am convinced 
that every Canadian when called upon 
would do the same." 

The sword presented with the address 
was of simple " regulation " pattern, 
The actual "presentation" weapon 
was forwarded to Major Wells some 
time later. On ita receipt he sent the 
following letter to the Mayor : 

Wednesday, 18th Feb y, 1867. 

My Dear Robinson, I have this day re 
ceived the gratifying testimonial unani 
mously voted me by the Corporation of 
the City of Toronto, viz., "The Sword," 
but cannot accept it without endeavour 
ing to express my sinceie thanks to your- 
eelf and the committee for the very able 
manner in which you have carried out 
the wishes of the corporation, and most 
undoubtedly not the least gratifying to 

I me, is that the entire sword was mad* 
i in Toronto. The design by Mr. Arm- 
| strong (truly Canadian) has been done 
: justice to by Mr. Morrison, and would 
do credit and would stand competition 
, with anything that had been ordered 
! from the mother country, where it will 
j very shortly be my pride to wear it aa 
a good specimen of Canadian taste and 
j workmanship. 

And proud am I to have received it 
at the hands of an old Upper Canada Col 
lege boy. Very faithfully yours, 


In the early part of 1857 Major Wells 
returned to his regiment, and served with 
it in India and elsewhere until he retired 
from the army Ln 1871. 

In 1866 Major Wells became lieutenant- 
colonel in the army. He had some tinuj 
previously married Georgina Mary, daugh 
ter of Dr. Dartnell, Surgeon-Major in the 
same regiment as himself. They had sev 
eral children, two only of whom survive 
George, who is in Natal, South Africa, 
and Mrs. De Peucier, who lives in the 
old homestead on Davenport Hill, in the 
morning room of which hang th sword 
worn by Colonel Wells during the Crimea 
as well as others he used during his Ber- 
vice. There are trophies and curiosities 
scattered throughout the house, each one 
of which has a history of it own. 

Mrs. Wells died at Davenport, where 
Colonel Wells was residing after his re 
tirement, on May 11, 1873, and wa buried 
at St. James cemetery. The Colonel then 
went to England, and took up his abode 
near Leamington, Warwickshire, whera 
he died in 1877, aged 55 years. He was 
a gallant soldier and a courteous 


The Earlier Road Makers The German 
Settlers Their Energy *nd Determination 
The ICIver Veil. 

Tonge street, as everyone now is aware, 
is the direct road through the Province 
of Ontario, leading from Lake Ontario 
to Georgian Bay. For many yeara after 
it was first laid out it wa* known as 
Yonge street road. Oniy within the last 
half century has it been universally 
known as Yonge atreat only. 

It was named after General Yonge, and 
many different people had a share i 
its construction. Among these waa 
William Berczy, a German by birth, who 
came over from the State of New York 
to Canada in 1794, bringing with him 
sixty-four families of Germans, who had 
only a very brief period earlier left 
Hamburg to make their homes in 


York. When Berczy reached York (To 
ronto) it was a hamlet and no more. 
There were not more than one hundred in 
habitants. Youge street only existed on 
paper, north of Lot street, what is now 
Queen street, and "was a mere path from 
the line of Queen street to the water s 
edge. But Berczy wae not a man who 
was easily daunted. He set to work with 
his emigrants lo construct a road, and 
they did as is told in the following 

letter from him : 


A. D. 1794. During the time I was 
thus obliged to remain idle I had many 
interviews with Governor Simcoe, in 
which he communicated to me several 
plans for the improvement of the pro 
vince, and among others for the plan of 
Mr. Rocheblave, which ten led to form 
a new and shorter communication for 
the fur trade to the far distant factories 
in the North-west, through Youge street, 
the river Hollanl aud Lake Simcoe into 
Lake Huron- He endeavoured to con 
vince me of the advantages which the 
completion of this new communication 
would afford for rendering more valu 
able my lanls in Markham, and neglect- 
in? nothing that could animate me also 
in this point to co-operate in accom 
plishing the views of Government. Near 
ly midway on Yonge street, between Lake 
Ontario and Gwillimbury, the Provincial 
Government had reserved four lots of 200 
acres each, situated equally on both 
fides of the road through which the river 
Don runs, to be sold for raising a fund 
to be employed towards the making of 
Yonge street a practicable road for wag- 
Sons. These four lots he offered me for 
that purpose, ;ini although I consider 
ed that their value was not a compensa 
tion adequate to the expense required for 
that object, I accepted his offer in con 
sideration of the advantage which in 
directly would arise to me from this 
undertaking, by enhancing my own 
lanis the more, as I had already, be 
sides the 64.000 not very remote from 
it, the township of Darlington, which 
was one of those purchased of Andrew 
Pierce by me, and that I intended to 
take in the vicinity also, the second 
township, which the Governor had pro 
mised me when I consented to devote 
my first operations towards the settle 
ment of the land in the rear of York. 

I resolved not o^y to do this, but cou- 
idering myself to be the indisputable 
proprietor of a very extensive tract ol 
waste laud/, I determined immediately to 
cut through the woods at my own ex 
pense a sufficiently large and comfort 
able road lor the passage of waggons 
for( a distance of about 30 miles through 
the lands to be laid out for my first 

! settlement with all the necessary bridges 
, over the waters which I should find in 
my way, and this I executed afterwards, 
being convinced of the truth that the 
I making of roads is one of the most effi 
cient means for rendering the inhabi 
tants of any country comfortable and 
j wealthy, and that the expectations of 
i these accommodations would attract such 
! a numerous concourse of people as is 
j necessary to bring about the speedy 
population of a wilderness, without them 
even the best of such lands would never 
rise to a considerable pecuniary value. 
In the beginning of September the Sur 
veyor-General notified to me at last 
that they had sent over to York a de 
puty suveyor with orders to lay out the 
outlines of my lands, the first move im 
mediately necessary was concession lines 
with the division posts for the lots. At 
that time I sent to you the greatest 
part of the grown men among my people, 
together with about sixty hired axemen, 
ordering them all to begin the work on 
Youge- street, and to clear out a part of 
the lot where York was to be built. But 
as my lands were not yet surveyed as 
much as above mentioned, I could not 
begin the performance of the road in it 
before the 24th of October, 1794, at 
which time the Deputy-Surveyor, Mr. Tis- 
dell, gave me a draught of his work, and 
not before the middle of November I 
could bring any of my people to the place 
of their habitation. It is easy to con 
ceive to what hardships and excessive 
losses I must have been subjected before 
I could overcome in that season of the 
year all the difficulties incumbent upon 
settling a considerable number of people 
in a distant part of the woods, far from 
habitations which could afford me assist 
ance in any considerable degree, either 
of victuals or of articles of the first ne 
cessity of whatever kind. 

Belying, however, on my grant, the 
land I had acquired of Andrew Pierce, 
and the further promises I had received 
as well from the Governor in Council as 
of him in private^ I submitted cheerfully 
to all these difficulties in the fullest con 
victions, that these lands would through 
my exertions to improve them, cover by 
their acquired value all my disburse 
ments, and procure a proportionate com 
pensation for the difficulties which I had 
now to overcome, the more as I looked 
at this first and most difficult work only 
as a preparation for easier and less 
costly settlements. In the latter part of 
November the Governor came for a short 
time to York and as then I had already 
finished a great part of Youge street and 
the roads through my settlement making 
on the whole 45 miles waggon road upon 
which my waggons carried out heary 



loads for the supply of my people. He 
was extremely well pleased with my ac- 
tirity and rapid progress, and sent the 
mornhig after his arrival an express 
to my settlement \vhere I then 
was, by which he notified to 
me his aVrival and the short stay he 
should make, desiring that I would as 
soon as possible come to see him. At 
our meeting in York he manifested to me 
in the most flattering manner his satis 
faction, and as a proof o his approbation 
he desired me to accept the commission 
of a magistrate in the district of York 
and a commission of a captain of the 
militia in order to embody my people, 
as well as the fe\v neighbouring settlers, 
in a militia company. T.he first of these 
commissions I asked permission yet to 
decline until the laborious business of fix 
ing my settlers should be finished in the 
greater part, finding it almost impos 
sible, in the pressure of so much intricate 
occupation, that there should remain to 
me time enough to discharge so as it 
ought to be expected, the duties of magis 
trate. Respecting the militia commission, 
I accepted it, as it could not interfera 
very essentially with my other business, 
and I promised the Governor that until 
a regular commission should be made out 
I would embody my men and lead them 
to the knowledge of their militia duty. 
At the time when I was minutely explor 
ing my tract of land for the purpose of 
laying out the roads and to fix on the 
most eligible spot for my first settlement, 
I came to a river, which afterwards was 
called the "Nen," at a place in a direct 
line eighteen miles distant from Lake 
Ontario, which at that place I iound 
sufficiently deep to admit the navigation 
of large boats or bateaui for a consider 
able distance higher up to the north 
west, provided there should be no con 
siderable falls or very strong rapids in 
it. In order to ascertain this, I returned 
without delay to York, from whence I 
went in a bateau upon Lake Ontario to 
seek the outlet of that river. The third 
river I met along the shore of the lake 
appeared to be sufficiently large to be 
the river I wished to explore. I entered 
it, and found its outlet of sufficient depth 
to afford a harbour to the schooners 
which are ued upon the lake; but having 
continued my navigation for about four 
miles upwards in a north-west direction, 
I was prevented by fallen timber and drift 
wood from persisting in my navigation. 
I, therefore, left my bateau, and continued 
to follow on foot the shore of the river 
until I came in the evening of the second 
day to the very same place where at 
first I had met this river. Havling 
observed all along the way that it con 

tinued in a gentle course, to keep with 
out interruption the same depth as at 
first I observed, and having afterwards 
continued to walk along it for about 20 
miles higher up to the north-west, I ob 
served it always capable of affording? 
a good navigation. This observation I 
communicated to Governor Simcoe in giv- 
iag my opinion, that this Driver when 
cleared of its encumbrances of fallen tim 
ber, drift-wood and beaver dams, would 
admit of an uninterrupted navigation from 
Lake Ontario until very near Gwillim- 
bury, from whence the River Holland be 
gins to be navigable into Lake Simcoe, 
and that there would remain between 
these two rivers only a portage of a 
very few miles, which, as I conceived, 
could also easily be made navigable by 
means of a cJnal, that by an easy water 
communication goods might be carried) 
in boats from Lake Ontario without un 
loading, until the Falls of Sault Stev 
Marie, in the straits which separate Lake 
Huron from Lake Superior, a method of 
conveying the goods to and from tha 
North-west greatly more advantageous 
than the transport over Yonge street, 
as proposed by Mr. de Rocheblave. Tha 
Governor being convinced of the great 
benefit that would result to the province 
from that discovery, if advantage is tak^n 
of it, very anxiously encouraged me to 
undertake the performance of this inland 
navigation, for which purpose he offered 
to grant me a considerable spot of land 
at the outlet of the River Nen, in order 
that I might fix there at its proper 
time a harbour for the vessels coming 
from the lake, to establish a landing 
and erect the necessary buildings for the 
reception of the grods to be shipped there 
for the North-west trade, and for the 
present and future inhabitants of that 
district. A great part of my lands lying 
along the River Nen, the Governor knew 
perfectly well that, my interests being 
so closely connected with the public bene 
fit, it would not be difficult in persuading 
me to undertake this new enterprise. I 
consider that the enhancement of my 
land promised an adequate compensation 
for the expense and labour which it would 
cost me, and looked upon the land offered 
me by the Governor only as an absolutely 
necessary object and an additional ad 
vantage. I declared, therefore, to the 
Governor that if I should obtain the 
(proffered spot at the inouth of the River 
Nen for establishing the necessary com 
modities as above mentioned, I 
would without hesitation immedi 
ately go to the expense of mak 
ing that river navigable, from the 
lake to the uppermost end of my own 
lands, and that if afterwards I could 
agree with Government I would not de- 



eiat uutil by an uninterrupted inland 
navigation through Lake Simcoe I had 
connected Lake Ontario with Matchedash 
Bay in Lake Huron. In consequence of 
this declaration, so congenial with the 
sanguine views of the Governor, we came 
yery soon to the conclusion finally to 
settle this matter early in the ensuing 
spring, at which time the Governor pro 
mised to return to York from Oswe- 
gatchie, where he intended to pass the 
winter. During this time I continued to 
fix my settlers as comfortably as pos 
sible for the circumstances, although 
under great difficulties, and prepared 
hewn timber for a large frame house 
to be erected as soon as the ground 
should be free from frost and snow, at 
the very place where I had first met 
the river Nen, with a view that thia 
place should serve for an intermediate 
etop to the projected inland navigation. 
I took also care to establish settlers all 
along the river Nen throughout my tract 
of land, in order to facilitate the means 
for clearing it for navigation. At the 
eame time I began the building of a com- 
fortnble house and magazine in the town 
of York, and in my settlement on the 
riyer Don a saw-mill with a dwelling- 
house, in order that early in the spring 
my settlers might enjoy the facility of 
getting proper materials for building 
their houses, having erected only tempo 
rary huts for their first habitations dur 
ing the winter. 

In order to facilitate the settlement of 
Tonge street, I had also taken from Gov 
ernment a lot of land on the same about 
half-way between York and Gwillimbury, 
upon which I built a house and estab 
lished two Pennsylvania Germans, who 
had joined ine when I sent my people 
from Niagara over to York, one of which 
had a wife and seven children. 

Early in the spring of 1795 Governor 
Sdmcoe returned to York, and we con 
cluded our proposed scheme respecting 
the navigation of the river Nen, for which 
purpose I came with the Deputy Sur 
veyor of the district to my own house, 
where, having with him the map of the 
country, we agreed about the spot of 
land to be allotted to me at the mouth 
of the river, which he ordered the sur 
veyor to set apart for me, and having 
given me a location ticket for it, he 
urged me immediately to begin the clear 
ing of the river, the erecting of a wharf 
and of some buildings for a depository 
to store up goods which he landed there 
from the vessels coming across the lake, 
until they could be conveyed in boats 
upon the river. These buildings being, 
however, not of so immediate urgency, I 
preferred delay in erecting them until 
the possession of this spot should be con 

firmed by an Order-iu-Coimcil, and having 
communicated this objection to the Gov 
ernor, he found it but reasonable, the 
more as I promised to begin the clear 
ing of the river, which I began without 
delay a few days after the conclusion 
of our agreement. In the beginning of 
July, when I had already cleared the 
river so far that I could pass upon it 
for about 24 miles, from the lake up- 
I wards, with a boat of about a ton bur- 
I then, I went over to Niagara, where 
i the Governor was, for the purpose of ask- 
j ing by an Order-in-Couiicil, the 
j confirmation, first of the two town- 
I ships promised and set apart for me by 
| the Governor, when I acceeded to his 
i proposition to settle my people in the 
i rear of York, and at the same time to 
! take out the patent for the first grant of 
the G4,000 acres already settled, to which 
I considered myself fully entitled in con 
formity to the tenor of the proclamation 
ispued in the King s name on the 7th 
February, 1792 (a), and more especially 
in consequence of which is expressed under 
article the fifth, viz., that six months 
after the settlers should have received 
the warrant of survey a patent should 
follow if desired, and twelve months hav 
ing elapsed since I received the warrant 
of survey. 

On my arrival at Niagara I communi 
cated to the Governor the three objects 
which had induced me to come there, 
which he highly approved, but there being 
at that time not a sufficient number of 
the members of the Executive Council 
present to form a quorum, he advised 
me in the interim to present to the sur 
veyor-general my location ticket for the 
lands on the river Nen, in order to re 
ceive of him a certificate after inspec 
tion of the maps and the protocols of his 
office, that the said lands were yet wn- 
located, and afterwards all the money 
requests should be settled at once before 
the Council, which he would call as soon 
as the absent members, whom he soon ex 
pected, should arrive. 

By the Surveyor-General s examination 
I learned shortly that the lands given me 
by the Governor on the River Nen were 
already granted in the greatest part to 
another person, two years before, and 
especially that part lying immediately at 
the outlet, which he proved by showing me 
his docket book. He proposed, however, 
another unlocated spot adjoining these 
lands, but considerably higher up on the 
river. I observed to the Governor on this 
subject that I could decide nothing until 
I had examined the depth of the river 
where it ran through the tract of land 
now proposed, as it would not answer my 
purpose if this depth should not be suf 
ficient to admit the entry of the vessels 



from the lake, but at the same time I de 
clared that if this obstacle should be in j 
the way I would readily accept this ex 
change, hi order that the execution of , 
our plans, for the navigation of Lake Sim- I 
coe, might not be obstructed, the more | 
ae there remained to me some reasonable : 
expectation to purchase the former tract j 

from the original granter. 


The River Ncn, spoken of in the fore 
going paper is now known as the Rouge. 
William Berczy, it is sad to say, was 
a great loser by his enterprise. He 
erected the first saw and grist mill in 
Tork County. They were built on lot 
4, third concession, and were known as 
the German Mills. 

The Gazetteer of 1799, in a note re 
ferring to Markham, speaks of its good 
mills, also of its "thriving settlement 
of Germans." 

Berczy left Upper Canada in 1799, and 
went to Montreal. Then a year or two 
later went back to the United States, 
where he died a disheartened man in 1813. . 



>oic Reminiscences of Ibe "Fifties" Some : 
Old Time Business Men The fast and the 

Exactly opposite Toronto street, on the 
south side of King street, was erected 
in 1850 by Charles Robertson, jmuior, the 
store with d \velling home overhead repre 
sented in the engraving. Mr. Robertson 
was a Scotchman, a younger brother 
of John Robertson, the wholesale dry 
goods merchant on Yonge street, and when 
be had built this store, which was num 
bered 42 King street west, be opened 
it as a dry goods emporium, and there) 
carried on business lor many years. 
After ho retired he lived in Sharon. He 
dicd_iu 1871 and ..was buried in tha 

Next door west of Charles Robertson s 
place of business -was for many years 
in establishment in the same business 
conducted by a well known man, Samuel 
Heakes. About 1857 this business was 
given up, Mr. Heakes going elsewhere. 
His private residence was on Adelaide 
street, at that time (1850-56) a good 
residential quarter. He died in Toronto, 
at an adranced age, in 1891, leaving 
a large number of deeceadauts. : 

Below Mr. Robertson s, that is, to the 
*ast of it, was Thomas Haworth s hardV 
ware store, the sign of the circular saw, 
which hung suspended over King street, 
feeing as well known a? the Big Padlock 
of Kite Lewis was on the opposite side. 

TJiomafi Ha worth was a native of 

Rawtc-iBtall, Lancashire, England, 
where he was born in 1798. He came to 
Canada in 1825, and at first settled in 
Montreal, but shortly after his arrival 
removed to Brockville, whore he opened 
the first hardware store ever establish 
ed in that town. Tn 1835 he disposed of 
his Brockville business and came to To 
ronto, wher^ he at once commenced work 
as a retail har.lware dealer on the site 
now occupied by the restauniit on the 
western corner of Leader Lane and King 
street. The thoroughfare was in later 
years often spoken of and known as 
Post-office Ian3 from the fact that it 
was the direct route from Kin? street 
to the post-office. Mr. Haworth resided 
over his store nntil 1851, when he re 
moved to a dwelling house on the north 
side of Richmond street, near Church 
street. He continued to trade on King 
street nntil 1860, when the business was 
transferred to the corner of Yonge and 
Melinla streets. 

Mr. Haworth was 0113 of the promoters 
ani a member of the first board of di 
rector of the Bank of Toronto. He was 
also a member of the first Board of 
Trade and one of the original directors 
of the Western Insurance Company. He 
was an Anglican, an attendant during 
the whole of his resident in Toronto at 
St. James Cathedral. During the rebel 
lion of 1837 he was under arms and was 
oua of the force who inarched out to 
Montgomery s tavern. Mr. Haworth mar 
ried Frances Elliott, the daughter of a 
gentleman in the English civil service. 
By this marriage he had a large family, 
four eons and six daughters, all of whom 
it is somewhat singular to say arJ still 
alive (1895). Mrn. Hawcrih died in 1870 
aged 05. Her husband survived her un 
til 1878, when he too passed away after 
less than an hour s illness. He was in 
hfo 60th year. Both he and his wife were 
interred in St. James cemetery. 

Again, to the east, on the eastern corner 
of Leader Lane and King street, was the 
well-known store of Brewer & McPhail, 
stationers and booksellers. It was an ex 
ceedingly well-known place of business, 
and they were largely patronized by the 
boys attending the Model School, then 
(1850) on King street, a very little to 
the west, on the same side of the street 
where Government House now stan- s. 

The King street of the early fifties was 
a widely different spot to what it is in 
this, the autumn of 1895. Beyond Bay 
street on the w r est, and George street on 
the east there was scarcely a single 
place of business certainly not one in 
Che retail trade of any importance. Most 
of the store keeper*, though not quite all 
of them, lived over their places of busi- 


" ****** 



nees. Excepting from Yonge street to 
Leader Lane ou the southern side of the 
street the sidewalks were of wood. In 
the one spot just particularized they 
were stone flagged, and the roadway was 
of macadam. There was 110 delivery of 
letters, each tradesman having to send 
to the post office to obtain those that 
came for him. Iron shutters aiid plate 
glass was almost unknown, the former 
had not been introduced at all, and the 
latter waa only just coming into use. Mr. 
Robertson s store created a decided 
change in the appearance of that portion 
of the street where it was situated. It 
was in a different style of architecture 
to any of its neighbours, and it was, be 
sides, almost, if not quite, the first at 
tempt that had been made to break 
through the monotonous plain brick fronts 
that had hitherto marked the appearance 
of the street. It was a building at once 
useful and ornamental, and when it was 
pulled down in 1894 by the Messrs. Catto 
to make room for an extension of their 
premises, it was, in most respects, in as 
good condition as when it was erected. 
After the store was vacated by Mr. Rob 
ertson it was occupied by J. G. Geikie, by 
Roll & Adam, and by Adam & Stevenson, 
all booksellers and stationers. 

Of ail those who were in business on 
the south side of King street in 1850, only 
four are now represented by men of the 
same name, members of the same family, 
and carrying on the same trade. 


Hie Armstrong Foundry The Old-Time 
Tradespeople Modern Improvements 
Reminiscences of the Past. 

A very short time often suffices to 
make great changes in the appearance 
of certain localities. There are not 
many places in Toronto where the 
changes have been so great within a 
very brief period than in Youge street, 
on both sides of the road,, north of Ade 
laide street, as far as Queen street. 

Take for instance the north-east corner 
of Yonge and Richmond streets, compare 
its appearance in the latter end of 1895 
with what it was in 1888, only seven 
years earlier, and one is amazed at the 
transformation. The engravings given 
show the locality in 1888. Any reader of 
The Telegram knows what it is like now. 
True the Bay Horse Hotel is there, but 
it waa all but destroyed by the great 
fire of March, 1895, and has been pretty 
well re-built. The old store for men s 
underwear, with its Venetian jalousies, 
some of them, indeed, missing even then, 
has been razed to the ground, and so 

has the furniture warehouse which war. 
next door to it. Turning into Richmond 
street, the real estate agency of Mr. Bow- 
den, as well as the X. L. C. R. billiard 
rooms, are things of the past. So is the 
old City foundry, of which the proprietor 
for many years was J. R. Armstrong. Mr. 
Armstrong was in business there as far 
back as the early " forties," and few 
manufactories in the city were better 
known. He had his private residence for 
several years in one of the red brick 
houses on the south side of Queen street, 
about three doors from Church street. 
Later he removed to the eastern side of 
Jarvis street, living in a large stuccoed 
three-storey house, which, though alter 
ed since his time, is still standing. He 
still later removed to 88 D Arcy street, 
where he died about ten years since. 

On the corner of Richmond and Vic 
toria streets was a large frame build 
ing, latterly a cheap lodging house, but 
originally built for a hospital, and occu 
pied as such, it being the Lyiog-in Hos 
pital for a considerable number of years. 
It opened June lot, 184.8, and remained 
open until about 1860, when it was turn 
ed into a lodging-houee. Mrs. Jane Win 
ter was matron during a considerable 
portion of the time that the building was 
a hospital. In 1890 the Confederation 
Life Association acquired the whole of 
this locality, and levelling all the old 
houses, erected thereon the building 
which now adorns the site. 

Another vauished place is the tumble 
down frame building which stood at 170 
Yonge street, on the western side, be 
tween Richmond and Queen streets, next 
to the premises then occupied by Kent 
Bros., as jewellers. Edward II. Grant- 
ham kept a saloon in these premises, 
numbered 170 in 1861, but a few year 
later, about 1864, he opened them aa 
an oil and lamp store, and there contin 
ued in business until 1872, or possibly 
a very little later. Edward Grantham 
was the son of John Grantham, a native 
of Lincolnshire, England, who came to 
Toronto in the early part of 1836, and 
resided here, or in the immediate vicin 
ity, until his death, which occurred at hi* 
sou s residence, July 3, 1866. At a later 
date it was used as a rifle gallery, and 
also as a small stationer s shop. John 
Grogan, a well-kuo -rn boot and shoe 
dealer, had his store there during the 
" fifties," it being one house at th 
time. Of late it was constantly changing 
tenants, and is chiefly interesting from 
the fact that it remained standing, de 
spite the march of improvements, until 

In two years the western side of Yong 
west, liai been altered over and ovef 
again. From, the north- west corner of 
































Richmond and Youge streets to the jewel 
lery ahop of Messrs. Kent Eros., there 
kaa been little change, but passing that 
place of business, one cornea to the pal 
atial place of business erected 011 the site 
occupied by the old shooting gallery re 
ferred to earlier. Next to it again is a 
nevr building, and on the south- west cor 
ner of Yonge and Queen streets are the 
new premisses in course of erection for Mr. 
Robert Simpson. But it must not be sup 
posed that the present Simpson store su 
persedes the one pictured by the cut. It 
U the third first-class building for busi 
ness purposes that has been on the same 
place within the last two years. The 
stores shown in the engraving were taken 
down by Mr. Simpson less than two years 
ago, in the autumn of 1893 in fact, and 
quickly afterwards were larger and more 
commodious premises erected. These had 
only just been finished, everything was 
new and apparently in the best of order, 
when there came the great fire of March, 
1895, and Simpson s new store was a 
thing of the past. 

Forty years ago part of this corner was 
and had been for ten years occupied by 
James Leask, who dealt in groceries, 
wines, spirits and dry goods. At that 
time the shop on the actual corner itself 
was unoccupied. It was a very small, 
unimportant building. On the south-east 
corner was the warehouse of A. Mc- 
Glashan & Co., and over it the office of 
the Board of Agriculture. Years later 
this latter institution had its habitation 
on the north-west corner of Qeen and 
Yonge streets. 

In 1865 William Lyou Mackenzie waa 
editing and publishing the Weekly Mes 
senger, in the Elgin Buildings, 79 Yonge 
rtreet. Dodgson, Shields & Morton had 
a large grocery store on the southern. 
corner of Yonge and Temperance streets, 
and on the same side of the street, some 
two or three doors to the north of Queen 
street, was a tavern known as the Frank 
lin House, kept by one John Montgomery. 
To complete thw retrospect, let us glance 
at the occupants of the eastern side of 
the street, from King to Queen street. 
The Crown Lands office was at 46 1-2. It 
was the second house going north. Next 
to it was Green e, the gunmaker. Mr. 
Green was a noted character. He be 
came mail agent afterwards 0:1 the Allan 
line of steamers, and had the most exalted 
ideas of the importance of his office. 1 
He was a aealous officer, though, and 
did his work well. He was very fond of 
company and of joking. One of his stand 
ard ftoaets at dinners or suippers was 
this : 

"May those who are single soon marry, 
May those who are married be happy." 

Mr. Green died in Quebec in 1894. 

Hiram Piper was next door north o/ 
Green s. Who, that can carry their mem 
ories back for forty or fifty years, do not 
remember Piper s store ? It was a To 
ronto institution. Still further north was 
the Phoenix foundry of John McGee, and 
a little further on the booksellers store 
of J. C. Geikie. Crowing Adelaide street, 
on the northern corner was the hardware 
store of S. Shaw & Sons, noted for their 
axes. Then a number of small stores, 
chiefly devoted to the sale of boots and 
shoes, and at No. 92 the Bay Horse Inn, 
kept by Thomas Best. That house in 
those days was a great resort for farm 
ers from Toronto Township and Hogg s 
Hollow, as many as forty horses often 
being stabled at Best s in one day. 
the south-east corner of Richmond and 
Yonge streets was Shapter & Confbe * 
drug store, and exactly opposite F. Beth- 
ell s grocery store. Samuel Thompson kept 
the Globe Hotel at No. 118, and the re 
maining occupants up to Queen street 
were but sma.ll dealers. In Yonge street, 
as everywhere else, scarcely any of tbe 
old-time firms are now represented. Only 
j one remains in that part of the itreet 
with which this sketch deals. 


The First Brick Greeted In the Town 
ship of York Those Who IMamied Built 
and Dwelt In It. 

Just outside the city limits a Jittle 
north of Davenport Road, and at no very 
great distance from the station of the 
same nmie on the Northern, now Grand 
Trunk Railway, stood for more 
than fifty years, a substantial brick 
house, the first of that material ever 
erected in York township, and for forty- 
eight years the home of ons of the 
pionaers of the township, Bartholomew, 
or, as he was more popularly knowiv 
Bartley Bull. 

Spring Mount, for so the residence was 
named, was erected by Mr. Bull in the 

i year 1830, an l there was no other brick 

j house near it for many a year after 
wards. Aikenshaw, the Thomson resi- 

I dence, some two miles to the west, was 
not built until 1844, and George Cooper s 
mansion overlooking Davenport station, 

I was much later still. 

Thomas Metcalfe, of Toronto, was the 
builder of the house, he tioijig all the 
brick work. George H. White supplied 
the carpentering and wood work, and 
Gilbert Pearcey did the painting. Each of 
these tradesmen were well known to 
Torontouians of that period, and some 
of Gilbert Pearcey s descendants uowr 
live in or near the city. 




Bartholomew Bull waa born in Ireland. 
in County Tjpperary, ou August 17th, 
1YU1. He wa educated and epeiit the 
early years of his life iu Ireland, leaving 
there for Canicla iu 1S18. Ou arriving 
in this country he settled near York and 
commenced fariniug and in 1830 erected 
the house already spoken of. One who 
knew him well writes : "Mr. Bull was 
well and widely known to almost every 
early settler in the County of York, as 
a man o! character, industry and integ 
rity. No name was more familiar than 
that of Bartley Bull." 


The Laying of the Corner Stone Watties of 
the Commissioners Opening and Descrip 
tion of the Various Apartments. 

Though now surrounded by house? on 
all sides, and, if one takes the street 
cars, within n easy twenty minutes ride 
from Yonge street, the massive and 
familiar building on Queen street west, 
occupied for nearly fifty years as the 
Provincial Lunatic Asylum, was, when 
erected, wholly in the country. It waa 


Mr. Bull waa a member of the Metho 
dist body and did all that he could both 
in working and by donations from his 
means to further the progress of that 
denomination. It is chiefly owing to the 
exertions of Bartholomew Bull and Geo. 
Copper that the Methodist body have ob 
tained such a strong hold upon the peo 
ple residing in or near Davenport. 

Mr. Bull died in 1878, having passed 
his eighty -seventh birthday. One of his 
sons holds an official position in . the 
county, and other of his descendants are 
living in various portions of the pro 
vince. Spring Mount has been taken 

in 1S4G that the building was commenced, 
the corner stone being laid by Chief Jus 
tice Robinson with becoming ceremonial, 
on Saturday, August 22, 1846. 

Before gbing the particular* of that 
event, let a retrospective glance be 
taken at the neighbourhood of the asylum 
as it was half a. century since, that it, in 
1845. The old homestead of the Shaw 
family, a little to the north-east, waa 
then the residence of Captain Alexander 
Sha-w, he farming some fifty acres 
surrounding the house. The Girins* house 
was a little to the west of Oak Hill, and 
with the exception of a few houses on 
Queen street, one of which was a well 


known tavern, called the Blue Bell 
afterwards destroyed by fire another 
tavern on the eastern corner of Queeii 
aad Dundas streets, and Mr. Feunings 
Taylor s residence on the western cor 
ner, the whol of the reat of the land 
was either uncleared or cultivated as 
farms or gardens. Trinity College was 
not built, not even thought of, and there 
was no school, church or chapel within 
several miles north or east, and only a 
small place of worship belonging to the 
Methodists about a mile to the west. 
It is unnecessary in this chapter to refer 
to any of the families that have just 
been mentioned; they have all been spoken 
of elsewhere and hill details given re 
specting them. 

The morning of August 22nd, 1846, was 
dull and threatening, and it was feared 
that the day s proceedings would be seri 
ously interfered with by the weather; 
but it cleared up, and about two o clock 
the various bodies who were to take part 
in the day s proceedings began to a- 
t enable at the old Government Howe, on 
Kiag street west. Mr. R. L. Denison act 
ing as marshal. First came the band 
of the 81st Regiment, then stationed at 
the Old Fort; then the fire companies, 
followed by the members of the St. 
George s, St. Andrew s and St. Patrick s 
Societies, *ch society bearing its own 
banner. Then came the Home District 
nnd the City Councils, the Chief Justice 
and judges, the Oddfellows and a large 
number of citizens. 

On arrival at the grounds the com- 
pay proceeded to the north-eastern cor 
ner of the building. The architect, Mr. 
J. Q. Howard, then placed in a cavity 
lD|f ath the stone a copy of RowseU a 
almanac for 1846, Brown s City Direc 
tory, a copy of the last issue of the 
<5*ty daily papers, and the following 
coins, a sovereign, half-sovereign, crown, 
half-crown, shilling, sixpence, four- 
penny piece, penny and half-penny of the 
Victorian era, two old penny piecea, a 
billing each of George n. and George 
III., also a written account of the mid 
summer examinations at Upper Canada 
College hx 1846, and two engravings of 
Dr. Strachan s old school house at Corn 

Upon a plate which covered the cavity 
was engraved as follows : 





The inscription was a very long one 

and gave full particulars of who laid 
the stone, who were present, wfth the 
names of the commissioners, architect, 
builder and secretary. Even the name of 
the marshal of the day was engraved on 
the plate. 

The Commissioners were : Vice-Chan 
cellor Robert Sympson Jameson, Hamil 
ton Hartley Killaly, Henry Sherwood^ 
Q. C., M. P. P., Christopher Widmer, M.D., 
| John King, M. D., John Ewart Innea, 
Grant Chewitt, William Henry Boulton, 
M. P. P., Mayor of Toronto for 1846, 
William R, Beaumont, M. D., F. R. C. S., 
England, and William Botsford Jarvie, 
Sheriff of the Home district. 

Architect, John G. Howard. 

Builder, John Ritchey. 

Secretary to the Commissioners, Chas. 

A silver trowel was presented to the 
Chief Justice by Mr. J. G. Howard, which 
bore on it an inscription stating that it 
was the gift of the Commissioners for 
erecting the building. The Chief Jwtiee 
duly laid the stons and then delivered 
an address to the company. After that 
was concluded the band played " Rule 
Britannia" and the assembly dispersed. 

The building was opened in June, 1848, 
and contained in all apartments tor 204 
patients. Males were on the west and 
females OB the east. In the basement 
there were the larders aad dairies, all 
the necessary offices and dormitories for 
20 male and 20 female patients* 


were verandahs, rooms for four patients 
with separate attendants, dormitories for 
36 patients, dining rooms, etc., and sep 
arate sleeping rooms for 20 patients, be 
sides parlours for convalescent mate and 
female patients. Then there was the 
matron s chamber and private room, witi 
similar apartments for the house steward 
ad the assistant physician. 

In the principal and in the upper 
storey the accommodation was precisely 
similar to that on the first floor, with 
this addition, that there was a hall room 
and accommodation for 10 paying patients 
each, male and female. la the vipper 
storey of 


were the Anglican and the Roman Catho 
lic chapels and a chapel which was to 
be common to all denominations, anatomi 
cal room and museum attached, room 
for working patients, ten separate sleep 
ing rooms and two large dormitories- 
for two patients each. 

The dome of the asylum was covereti 
at first with bright tin, and it was 
possible on a clear, sunshiny afternoon 
to see the glittering torwer from OakvilH, 









more thaa twenty miles dis 

In concluding this article, cue amusing 
t-tory may be told in connection with the 
Lunatic Asylum. It is this : A second 
hand bookseller in Albany, N.Y., published 
H catalogue of bis wares, and in a foot 
note to the list of Canadian books re 
marked "that it appeared that the prin 
cipal building in Upper Canada was for 
the reception of lunatics, something which 
was wll suited to the inhabitants." 

Kind of the bookseller; flattering to 


Tfce *rigiM of the College-- It* Klse and Fro 
greM Cone of I he KarHer PiwtMMM HM 
BnllrftKg* wblr.h Have Been Occupied. 

In 1843, just 52 years since, occurred in 
the Church of Scotland what is alwajp 
pokea of now as the "disruption." In 
that year, owing to the vexed question 
of patronage, a great number of the 
clergy as well a of the laity belonging 
to the established Church of Scotland se 
ceded from that body and formed them 
selves into what has been known ever 
tincc in Great Britain as the Free Church 
of Scotland. 

This division unhappily wae not confin 
ed to Scotland, but soon spread to the 
colonies. A considerable number of the 
attendants at Old St. Andrew s Church. 
situated at the eouth-weet corner of 
Church and Adelaide streets, sympathized 
with their seceding brethren at home, and 
resolved to form themselves into a Free 
Church in this country. They did GO, and 
Kuox Church was one of the results of 
thfe movement. They went further than 
this, for they thought it necessary to found 
a theological college, wherein might be 
instructed young men desirous of becom- 
ig ministers in Presbyterian pulpits. 
though not necessarily in those of the Free 
Church exclusively. 

Knox College was instituted in 1844, at 
a meeting held on October 14th, of the 
Presbyterian Church in Canada. At that 
meeting it was resolved to appoint pro- 
fee^ors of divinity, literature and science, 
these professors to have their residences 
in Toronto. 

The Rev. Andrew King, who had c<-.*u* 
oat of this coumtry as a delegate from 
the Free Church of Scotland, was ap 
pointed professor of divinity pro tern, 
while the Rev. Henry Esson, of St. Gab- 
liel street church, Montreal, was the first 
professor of literature and science. The 
classes met kt a small room adjoining 
Mr. Bason s house on James Btreet, not 
far from where now stands Holy Trinity 

In the first session there were 
j fourteen students, five of whom had al- 
i ready commenced their studies at Queen s 
! College, Kingston, prior to the disruption. 
| At the same meeting Dr. Robert Burns, 
I of Paisley, who was the first minister of 
j Knox church, was appointed professor of 
theology, the appointment being subject 
to any contingency arising from the 
synod resolving at some future time to 
; separate the offices of professor au.d pas- 
! tor. 

In 1845 the appointments o! Dr. Burns 
and Professor Essoii were confirmed. 

In 1846 a committee was appointed by 
the synod to consider what means should 
be adopted to place the institution on a 
more extended and efficient basis, and 
they appointed a committee, whose duty 
j it was to consider whether it was de- 
| sirable to incorporate the college, what 
name it should bear, how many professors 
should be engaged, and what should be 
be done towards erecting a suitable build 
ing for the establishiQeBt of an academy 
for the training of young men, and also 
to consider if it was accessary to build 
a toardiag house for the students. In due 
course the committee reported that the 
college should be ca^ed Knox College, 
and that steps should, be taken to estab 
lish an academy or hi^h school. This lat 
ter came inlo being in the course of a 
year, under the superintendence of the 
Rev. A. Gale, M.A., formerly of Hamilton, 
who had as his assistants the Rev. T. 
; Watman and Mr. T. Hemiing. Nothing 
was done towards erecting buildings, but 
both college and high school were removed 
to Ontario Terrace, on the same spot 
where now, improved and enlarged, stands 
the Queen s Hotel. 

In 1847 the professorship of theology 
in Knox College was separated from th 
incumbency of Knox Church. This was riot 
that any fault wae fouad with Dr. Buasttp 

UL ttluc iue iucretitiUi3 uuauj^ u_ yu^u* 
required the undivided services of tfcs fel* 
son holding the chair. The result of this 
resolution was that the Rev. M. Willis, 
D.D., was appointed in place of Dr. Burns, 
and he fMled the office with satisfaction to 
! everybody for 23 years. 

In 1853 died Prof. Esson. He was suc- 
i ceeded by the Rev. George Paxton Young, 
j of Kuox Church, Hamilton. 

In 1854 it bociime necessary to remov 
from the premises the college occupied 
on Ontario terrace, and ELrnsley villa, 
on Yoige street, once occupied by the 
;Earl of Elgin, when be was Governor- 
i General of Canada, was purchased, and 
the necessary alterations made. Ti^e 
! Central Presbyterian church now oc- 
cupiets the site (1806). 

In 185H the Synod augmented the staff 



by appointing an additional professor in 
the person of the Rev. Dr. Burns, who 
was to lecture on church, history and 
evidence. Prof. Gale retired, dying al 
most immediately afterwards in the 
summer of 1854. He was succeeded by 
the Rev. John Laing, and afterwards by 
Mr. James Smith. 

special subjects at Kuox Callage 
been the Rev. Dr. Ure. of Gode*ib ; the 
Rev. Dr. Proadfoot, of London ; the Rev. 
Dr. Inglis, of Hamilton, afterwards of 
Brooklyn, and th Rev. Dr. Topp. Dr. 
Willis resigned his professorship in 1370, 
and in the following year Dr. D. Inglia 
was appointed to succeed him. Dr. Inglis 








Prof. Young resigned in 1864, and the 

Rev, Wm. Gaven was in 1866 appointed 

to the professorship of exegetical theo- 

lofTJ- In the interval lectures had 

been delivered by the Rev. W. Gregg, 

of Cook s church, and also by Prof. Caven. 

Among others who have lectured on 

held the chair for one year, and waa ia 
turn succeeded by the Rev. Wm. McLaren. 
It must be clearly understood that 
Knox College is a purely theological in 
stitution, and has no power of couf er 
ring academical degrees, such as is pos 
sessed by Trinity and Toronto Uaiver- 



rfties. It was incorporated in 1858, and 
hue since been affiliated with the To 
ronto University, as is the Anglican 
Theological College, at no great dis- from it, known as Wycliffe. 

In 1875 the college removed from Gros- 
venor street to the handsome pile oi 
buildings erected in Spadina crescent. 
These buildings cost about $100,000. They 
are as commodious as they are hand 
some, and have ample class rooms, chapel, 
library and students rooms. From 80 
to 90 students can be comfortably accom 

Among othens who have done good work 
at Knox College may be mentioned the 
Rev. William Rintoul, who was professor 
of Hebrew, while the Rev. William Lyall, 
in 1849 and 1850, rendered important 
services to the college as professor of 
literature and mental training. The 
staff of the college on January 1st, 1895, 
was as follows ; Chairman, W. M. Clark, 
M.A. Professor* : Exegitics, Rev. Prin 
cipal Caven, D.D.; Church History, Rev. 
W. Gregg, D.D.; Systematic Theology, 
Rev. W. McLaren, D.D.; Apologetics, Rev. 
R, T. Thomas, M.A., B.D.; Homiletics and 
Pastoral Theology, Rev. J. A. Proudfoot, 
D.D.; Oriental Languages, Rev. J. F. 
McCmrdy, Ph.D.; Elocution, A. C. Moun- 
teer, Esq., B.E.; Tutor, George Logic, 
B.A.; Librarian, Rev. W. A. J. Martin. 

The Principal and Chairman are the 
representatives of the college OH the 
Senate ol Toronto University. 


Rovae Um JBisccnces of the Ladies* Schools, 
f Those who Kept and of Those who At 
tended Them. 

Situated on Grange avenue, just east 
f the Grange, stood for many years a 
house, the occupants of which have play 
ed a by no meaiffi unimportant part in 
Toronto history. " Pinehurst," for so the 
house was called, can be seen from the 
engraving to have been a substantial 
and commodious building, well suited for 
a large establishment of any kind. The 
bouse itself was btiilt by Mr. Clarke 
Gamble, Q.C., about 1840, and was his 
home for about ten years, when he re 
moved to Holland House. Mr. J. G. How 
ard was the architect. In 1850 Monsieur 
and Madame Dee-Landes rented Pine- 
hurst from Mr. Gamble, and opened it a* 
a ladies school, continuing there, having 
a large and fashionable clientele, until 
1853, when they were succeeded by one 
of the most accomplished schoolmistresses 
and charming of women, Mrs. Forster. 

Mrs. Forster had been the wife of an 
English army officer, and she was the 

daughter of a Mr. Smith, who resided 
in, one of the northern suburbs of London, 
England, where Mrs. Forster was born. 
The Rev. Thomas Smith Kennedy, former 
ly secretary of the Toronto Churcii 
Society, was a first cousin of Mre. Fpr- 
ster, and on most intimate terms with 
her. Mr. Kennedy died nearly thirty 
years ago. 

From 1853 until 1866 did Mrs. Forater s 
school flourish, and probably no one who 
ever acted as schoolmistress was more 
liked by her pupite and more respected 
by their guardians. In 1866 Mrs. Por- 
ster s health broke down utterly anil 
completely, and she was compelled to re 
linquish her duties ; she was followed by 
another lady of a different name, in an 
other locality. For many years MTB. 
Forster was a chronic invalid, but sur 
vived until May, 1876, when she passed 
away. She was buried in St. Jams 
cemetery. When at Pinehorst Mrs. For 
ster was, with her entourage, a prom 
inent figure in St. George s church, being 
a great friend of the rector and of inairy 
of those who formed the congregation. 

Among many other prominent Canadian 
families whose daughters were educated 
at Pinehurst may be mentioned the Cum- 
mings, of Chippewa, the Fullers of Niag 
ara, the O Reillys of Hamiltoa, the Law- 
rasons f London, the BeUs of Cariton 
Place, and the Bettridges of Woodstock. 
Ot Toronto families there were, of course, 
many representatives* Pinehurst was 
pulled down about nine years ago to 
make way for the exteneion of McCanl 
street to College street. 

This establishment was on the norti 
side of Wellington street, in the Uvrge 
brick house, etill standing, east of Emily 
street. Rev. Michael WiHis, D.D., prin 
cipal of Knox College in 1866, lived next 
door. The school was kept by Misa Mae- 
Nally, a. Dublin lady, assisted by her 
three sisters, though Miss MacNally was 
the lady who was at the head oi the 
establishment and who exercised entire 
control over everything. It was in 1846 
or 1846 that the school was commenced, 
and it was carried on by these ladies for 
about twelve years, until Miss Mac- 
Nally s marriage with Mr. John Boyd, 
the sometime principal of the once fam 
ous school on Bay street. Miss Mac 
Nally was one of the most accomplished 
of linguists, speaking French, German and 
Spanish with equal facility, and it WM 
her invariable practice to address the 
various professors of these languages who 
taught in her school in their own tongue. 
Among Miss MacNally s pupil* were mem 
bers of the Gordon, Blake and Thomson 
families, of Toronto, also some of the 


Fullers, id Niagara, and the Hamiltons, 
of the aame place, besides daughters of 
the Widder aiid McGaw families from To 
ronto and its immediate vicinity respect 

Another well known ladies school was 
that at 325 King street -west, on the 
south side, in the most westerly of the 
block of three-storey brick houses on the 
south side, near John street. Miss Mac 
artney was the lady principal, and 
reigned there as such lor about six 
years, from 1854. Representatives of 
the* Macklem family, of Chippewa, the 
Granges, of Guelph; the Hodders, of To 
ronto; the Hurds, of the same place; the 
Hardiiigs, of Napanee; the Deuisons, of 
Dovercourt road and of Rusholme; the 

Mr. M. C. CrombLe, a former bead master 
of the Home District Grammar schcl 
on Nelson street. 

Mre. Crombie s school was on Georgo 
! street, in th3 northern of the two old- 
fashioned three-storey brisk houses oil the 
east side of th-3 street, in 1855, 28, now 
No 111. 

Mrs. Crombie -was assisted by two of 
her scur? and a daughter, and had a 
large number oi_ pupils. Among tham may 
be mentioned Toronto s chief of police 
in 1895, Mr. F. B. Cumberland, and one 
or two more equally pro*nm9nt citiseus. 

Next door south ol Mrs, Cromibie lired 
for eome years Mr. Robert Manners, a 
professional man, who was a scion ol 
the famous ducal family of Manner, th 
Dukes of Rutland, 


Berthous and the Hollands, also of To 
ronto, besides many more from various 
parts of the province, were educated 
there. Miss Macartney was the second 
daughter of an English officer, and her 
school was an exceedingly popular one. 
Later Miss Macartney married, and as 
Mr*. Nixon was the principal of a school 
in connection with the Anglican body. 
Some years since she retired from schol 
astic work, and is affectionately remem 
bered by all her old pupils. 

Yet another old-time scholastic estab- 
liribment was that for small boys and 
kept by Mrs. Ciombie, wioVxw ol 

The two houses, of which drawings are 
given, are interesting as being among 
Toronto s earliest brick buildings. They 
were built on land leased from Sir Wil 
liam Campbell in 1829 by fcaac Perry, 
a blacksmith, and forty years ago were 
fashionable residences. They are roomy 
and capacious still, but people prefer 
who rent houses as large as they are to 
live west or north and not so much in 
the city. The two houses sketched were 
of respectable age when most of To 
ronto s present inhabitants were in their 
cradles, and though old-fashioned are 
likely to last for many years to comet 



The Hou*e OB the Ksplanadc Kept by John 
BrU The Old Re*rne Inn and UK I anons 

About 1861 was erected on the Esplan 
ade, at the foot of Simcoe street, on the 
very edge of the bay, the hotel known for 
eome time as Betz s, and kept by a Ger 
man named John Beti, from 1861 until 
the situation was required to build the 
Union Siatiou in 1872. The house was 
then removed en bloc to the north-west 
corner of York and Wellington street*) 

The subject was the rescue of her in 
fant by a. mother from the nest of son* 
ewonaous eagles in a rocky pass at the 
head o! same apparently inacceBsibi* 
mountains. How the woman had climbed 
the mountains was a mystery, and how 
ehe was going to descend them was even 
more mysterious still. But the sign serv 
ed one good purpose, at any rate, and 
that, as far as the proprietor was com- 
cerned, was the chief one, it drew atten 
tion to the house and custom to its pro 
prietor. So long as the Rescue was in 
existence it was a favourite resort for 
the troops stationed at the Old and New 

. cC^S^&M^ 


where it still remains, altered somewhat, 
but substantially the same as when it 
stood on the bay front. In a few years 
time there will be no houses left that are 
capable of being moved from street td 
street, and the story of Betz s Hotel is in 
teresting, from the fact that it was one 
of the largest houses ever so removed. 

Another well-known Front street tavern, 
at no very great distance, was the Res- 
ewe Inn, a little to the east of the foot 
of Bathurst street, kept m the fifties by 
Mrs. Hickman, The moft noticeable feat 
ure in connection with the Rescue tav 
ern waa its conspicuous signboard, which 
was noticeable not only for its great size, 
but for the wonderful and sensational 
style of its drawing. 

j Forts, and It was always the first plae* 
| a picquet made for when soldiers wers 
j reported as being absent from "tattoo." 
, Like so many more of the o d time places, 

this inn long since disappeared, and is 
j now (1895) only remembered by those 
I who lived in or had business association* 

with the neighbourhood. 


History writs Foundation and ofThoe Who 
Were Concerned Therein The Krltr 
Rnlldingg and the Present Ones. 

In 1839 a commission was appointed 
by the Government of the day to en 
quire into the state of education ia the 


province of Upper Canada, the commis 
sioners for the purpose being the Rev. 
John McCaul, D,. D., Principal of Upper 
Canada College ; Rev. Henry James 
Graeitt, at that time assistant minister 
of St. James church, afterwards rector, 
and latterly Anglican Dean of Toronto, 
and Samuel Bealey Harrison, Esq., who 
Jn after years was so well known as one 
of the county judges. Mr. James Hop- 
kirk was the secretary. , 

The report issued by this commission 
was a meet exhaustive one. They re 
viewed the whole course of legislation 
that had been adopted from 1797 to 
1833, giving extracts from the several 
Acts of Parliament passed in the years 
1807, 1808, 1816, 1819 and 1833, this 
last year being the final one in which 
any legislation had been attempted on 
the subject prior to the issuing of the 

Respecting the District Grammar 
chooLs which had been established un 
der the Act of 1807, they recommended 
that there should be uniformity as re- 
garde the system, that all teachers should 
pass an examination as to their 
fitness (the state of education 
in the province can be imagined 
when it was necessary to make such a 
.recommendation), that where the num 
ber of pupils in each school exceeded 30 
an assistant should be engaged, that all 
school houses should be built on a uni 
form plan, that there should be a cer 
tain number of free pupils, and that all 
schools should be systematically in 

Respecting Model schools they also 
made many recommendations for their 
Improvement in the system of study and 
the subjects to be taught. 

Regarding Normal schools the report 
wa most emphatic. "No plan of educa 
tion can be efficiently carried out with 
out the establishment of schools for the 
training of teachers," and their recom 
mendation was that the Central school 
in Toronto should be a. Normal school, 
with othera to be added as occasion 
might require. 

Tlhe commLssiianerH invited opinions from 
imany of the leading men of the day on 
the question of schools and their teach 
ers, and it is worth while to giv brief 
wrtracts from the replies of some oS 
those who were consulted, Mahloa Bur- 
well wrote : "I cannot conceive anything 
more wanting in efficiency than our 
present system for common school edu 
cation." Rev. Robert Murray, who was 
the first Superintendent of Education for 
Upper Canada, wrote, describing it as, 
"Tihe present wretched system of edu 
cation." Then, suggesting a remedy, he 
continued : "It appears absolutely neces 

, to ensure the efficiency of a sys 
tem, that men of education, who them 
selves have had large experience iu the 
education of youth, should be appointed 
to superintend the whole system." 

Bishop Strachau, speaking of the bill 
drawn up by Mr. MaMoa Burwell, who*e 
opinion has just been quoted, said : "The 
Common School Bill drawn up by Mr. 
Burwcll appears to be an able perform 
ance. * * It is based on true prin 

The last opinion that it is necessarr 
to quote is that of the Hon. P. B. Ite 
Blaquiere. He was even more emph-ati-a 
than was Mr. Burwell, saying : " The 
j present condition of teachers is truly 
wretched, and reflects great disgrace upon 
the nation." 

This wan the state of educational mat 
ters when Upper and Lower Canada be 
came united in 1840. Lord Sydeuham, in 
his speech to the first Parliament, called 
together in Kingston after the union, thus 
expressed himself : 

"A due provision for the education of 
the people is one of the first duties of 
the State, and, in this province especi 
ally, the want of it is grievously felt. 
The establishment of an efficient system, 
by wlii-eh the blessings of instruction may 
be placed within the reach of all, is a 
work of diffk-ulty, but its overwhelming! 
importance demands that it should be 
nudertaJieu. I recommend the consider 
ation of that subject to your best at 
tention, and I shall be most anxious 
to afford you, in your labours, all the co 
operation in my power. If it should 
be found impossible so to reconcile con 
flicting opinions as to obtain a measure, 
which may meet the approbation of all, 
I trust that, at least, steps .may be 
taken by which an advance to a more 
perfect system may be made, and the 
difficulty under which the people of this 
3*ovince now labour may be greatly dim- 
mished, subject to *uch imiproTeene&tfl 
Ihetmafter as time and experience may 
point out." 

A School Act was passed the same ses 
sion, applicable to both provinces, only to 
be repealed in 1843 as being wholly un 
workable in the lower province, and sep 
arate acts were passed for each province, 
and on them was impl auted a scheme to 
apply to both Upper and Lower Canada 
for public and common schools, with a 
monetary appropriation of 50,000, or 
$200,000, in aid of their support. 

In a letter to Mr. I. G. Hodgius, of 
Toronto, the Hon. Isaac Buchanan, writ 
ing under date April llth, 1882, thus 
tells how it caone about that such a very 
large sum was obtained from the public 
exchequer. He wrote : 





** This first attempt of miae to get an 
endowment for education (out of the 
clergy reserve fund) failed, as there was 
no responsible government then. But fire 
years afterwards, when my election for 
Toronto had carried responsible govern 
ment, aad before the first Parliament 
met, I wa talking to the Governor-Gen 
eral (C. Poulett Thompson, Lord Syden- 
Itam). He leit under considerable obliga 
tion to me for standing in the breach 
when Mr. Robert Baldwin found that he 
eould not succeed iu carrying Toronto. 
He spoke of Canada as a drag upon the 
mother country. I replied warmly, for 
I felt sure (as I told him) that if we were 
allowed to throw the affairs of tbe pro 
vince into regular books . . . we won Id 
how a surplus over expenditure. His 
Excellency agreed to my proposal, and I 
stipulated that, if we showed a yearly 
urplus, one -half would ,be given as an 
endowment for an educational system, 
Happily, we found that Upper Canada 
had a surplus revenue of about 100,000 
($400,000) one half of which the Parlia 
ment of 1841 laid aside for education, the 
law stipulating that every district coun 
cil getting a share of it would tax locally 
for as much more, and this constituted the 
fund of your educational system." 

In the early days of the Education De 
partment the office was little more than 
an appanage of the Provincial Secretary s 
Department in Kingston, the then capi 
tal. The first office opened in Toronto 
was in Bay street, on the west side, 
north of Front street, now No. 68. 

In 1844 the office was removed to Co- 
bourg. In 1846 it was again brought 
back to Toronto, to its old quarters in 
Bay street, and in 1849 it was in the 
Albany Chambers, 011 the south side of 
King street, west of York street, now 
known as the Revere buildings. In 1852 
it was removed to the present Normal 

The Rev. Robert Murray was appointed 
Superintendent of Education for Upper 
Canada, May llth, 1842, and he was 
succeeded by the Rev. Egerton Ryerson 
on October 18th, 1844. 

The first Council of Public Instruction 
was appointed in 1846. Their names 
were as follows : Rev. Egerton Ryerson, 
D.D., Chief Superintendent of Schools ; 
Right Rev. Michael Power, D.D., Roman 
Catholic Bishop of Toronto ; Rev. Henry 
James Grasett, M.A., Rector of Toronto ; 
Hon. Samuel Bealey Harrison, Q.C., 
County York Judge ; Joseph Cur ran Mor 
rison, Q.C., M.P.P.; Hugh Scobie, Esq., 
of the British Colonist ; James Scott 
Howard, Esq., County Treasurer. 

In 1850 two additional members were 
added to the commission. They were 

Rev. Adam Lillie, D.D., a Congregational 
mmister, who was, though, anything but 
a " sectarian," being a man of very wide 
sympathies, and Rev. John Jennings, a 
well known Presbyterian preacher. 

The first Normal School was on King 
street west, in the old Government House, 
the stables of which were fitted up as 
a Model School. In 1849, when the Gov 
ernment returned to Toronto the Nor 
mal School was removed to the Tem 
perance Hall, on Temperance street, and 
in 1852 removed to the present buildings 
in St. James square. 

The corner stone of the existing Normal 
School was laid -with great ceremony by 
the Governor-General, the Earl of Elgin 
and Kincardine, on July 2nd, 1851. The 
71st Regiment, then stationed in To 
ronto, furnished a guard of honour. 
Amongst tho.-se present were the Anglican 
and Roman Catholic Bishops of Toronto, 
Colonel Sir He\v Dalrymple, Rev. H. J. 
Grasett, Dr. Ryersou, and a great many 

The stone bore the following inscrip 

"This Institution, Erected by the En 
lightened Liberality of Parliament, is de 
signed for the instruction and training of 
School Teachers up on Christian Prin 

Lord Elgin s address was a nota{Wte 
one, and has often been quoted and re 
produced. Speakiug of the spread of edu 
cation in Canada, he said how this coun 
try had been able to profit by the ex 
perience of older ones, adding that, ow 
ing to " the diligent exertions and excel 
lent judgment" of Dr. Ryerson. . . . 
" fortified by the support of the Council 
of Education, and the Government and 
Parliament of the province, has enabled 
Upper Canada to place herself in the van 
among the nations in the great and im 
portant work of providing an efficient 
(system of general education of the whole 
community. I do not think that I shall 
be charged with exaggeration when I af 
firm that this work is the work of our 
day and generation that it is the prob 
lem in our modern society which is most 
difficult of solution. . . . How has 
Upper Canada addressed herself to the 
execution of this great work ? Sir, I un- 
stand from your statements arid I come 
to the same conclusions from my own in- 
vestigation and observation that it is 
the principle of our educational system 
that its foundation be laid deep in the 
firm rock of our common Christianity. 

" Permit me to say, both as a humble 
Christian man and as the head of the 
civil government of the province, that 
it gives me unfeigned pleasure to per 
ceive that the youth of this country 


. . . who are destined in their maturer 
years to meet in the discharge of the 
duties of civil life upon terms of per 
fect civil and religious equality. I say 
it gives me pleasure to hear and to know 
that they are receiving an education 
which is fitted so well to qualify them 
for the discharge of these important 
duties ; and that while their hearts are 
yet tender, they are associated under 
conditions which are likely to provoke 
amongst them the growth of those truly 
Christian graces mxitual respect, for 
bearance and charity." 

Of the sixteen assistant counsellors ap 
pointed to assist Dr. Ryerson from 1844 
to 1876 not one survives. Their names 
were Bishop Power, of revered memory ; 
Hugh Scobie, Judge Harrison, Bishop 
Fuller, Archbishop Lynch, Reverends A. 
Lillie, John Jennings, John Ambrey, J. 
Tabarat, John McCaul, John Barclay and 
Samuel S. Nelles, Very Reverend Dean 
Grasett, Hon. William McMaster and 
James Scott Howard. It would be hard 
to find a more truly representative list. 

Dr. Ryereou continued in office until 
February 21st, 1876, when he resigned 
after thirty-two years service. He died 
in Toronto on February 19th, 1882 , 
having all but completed his 79th year. 

CHAPTER" xiv. 


The Calling Place of the American Line of 
Steamers -A Famous Boating Incident A 
Triumphal Retm n. 

One of the most well-known resorts on 
the water front fifty years since was 
the wharf of which the illustration is 
given in this paper. It was always 
known as Tinning s wharf, from the 
name of its owner and builder. 

Richard Tinning was a native of the 
cathedral city of Carlisle, in the county 
of Cumberland, where he was born in 
the year 1801. He came to Canada in 
1832, having previously married Ann 
Tiffin, daughter of a family of the yeo 
man class who had been domiciled in 
Carlisle for several generations. Set 
tling in York on his arrival in Canada, 
Mr. Tinning, though engaged in many 
other enterprises as well, was for the 
whole of his life connected with the 
shipping interests on the lakes. In 1836 
he built the wharf which bore his name 
at the foot of York street, slightly to 
the< east of its termination at the water 

The wharf was constructed, as nearly 
all wharven were in those days, of crib 
work filled vith stones, and was a sub 
stantial structure. At the north end 
wad the office, and on the wharf itself 
ware store houses and warerooms. 

For several years the Donald Bethune 
American line of steamers, the New 
York and Northerner, tied up there when 
in Toronto, and Mr. Tinning himself was 
always a persona grata with their own 
ers, officers and customers. During the 
greater portion of the time Mr. Tinning 
waa at the wharf he was assisted by his 
son, also Richard Tinning, who, though 
now fast becoming one of the -city s "old 
est inhabitants," is hale and hearty, and 
pleased to indulge in reminiscences of the 

Mr. Tinning died May 8th, 1858, and 
the business devolved upon his son, whose 
name has already been mentioned. Jn 
October, 1858, Richard Tinning achiev 
ed a very great distinction in the aqua 
tic world. A crew of Chicago rowers 
four-oared issued a challenge for the 
" championship of the lakes," and a 
purse of $2,000. This was taken up by 
Richard Tinning, who, accompanied by 
his brothers John and Thomas, William 
Dillon, Michael Teedy and Richard Tin 
ning as coxswain, went to Detroit, where 
the race was to be rowed, and beat the 
Americans off the course. Among those 
who accompanied Tinning on this occa 
sion were the Hon. David Macpherson and 
Colonel C. S. Gzowski. On returning to 
Toronto the victorious crew received a 
tremendous ovation, and were feted on 
all sides. 

The race was pulled on October 16th, 
1858, just thirty-seven years ago, and 
with the single exception of William Dil 
lon, all the contestants are still alive. 
Michael Teedy is a member of the fire 
department, in which he has been em 
ployed for several years. 

Closely adjacent to Tinning s wharf 
was the St. James Hotel, kept for some 
time by Mrs. Trotter, who had previously 
kept the hotel in Ottawa where, on April 
7th, 1868, Thomas D Arcy McGee was so 
basely assassinated just as he was enter 
ing the door. 

For just fifty years Tinning s wharf 
continued to flourish, but in 1886 the 
Canadian Pacific railway, wanting to ex 
tend, purchased the site on the Esplan 
ade. The old wharf was soon dismantled, 
the adjacent buildings on the Esplanade 
pulled down, and now (1895) it is hard 
to make out where it even was. 


A Log Cortage and an old Tavern, the First 
One of the Oldest Houses In the City Cap 
tain Sparks. 

On the west side of Broadview avenue, 
at no great distance north of Queen 
street east, stands No. 144, one of the 
very oldest houses iu the city of Toronto. 














To outward appearances it is simply a 
plain one and a half storey old-fashioned 
frame building, which may have been 
erected thirty or even forty years since. 
The cottage iu question was the resi 
dence for a great number of years of 
James Sparks, who for the whole of his 
working life was engaged in the naviga 
tion of the lakes. James Sparks was 
born in Scotland, September 27, 1808, 
and cam 1 ? to this country with his par 
ents in 1818. At a very early age 
Sparks began work as a sailor on Lake 
Ontario, and continued at that calling 
until he retired from active work. About 
1840 Sparks bought the cottage, in which 

easily kept warm in winter. It was an 
old house when Captain Sparks bought 
it, and he effected very extensive repairs. 
A few years later he clap-boarded it, 
| making its appearance what it is now. 
I There is a tradition that it was erected 
1 at or about the same time as Castle 
i Frank, and is almost the only log house 
still used as a dwelling place within the 
city limits. Capt. Sparks during the 
| winter, for many years, acted as tyler 
; for the Masonic Lodge meeting in the 
i Market Lane Hall, especially from 1822 
!to 1850. 

Captain Sparks commanded manv dif- 


42 years later he passed away. As will 
be seen from the cut which represents 
it as it was then the house is a log- 
built building, standing in its own gar 
den, and was designed more for use than 
for ornament. The ceilings are barely 
seven feet from the floor, and the walls, 
which are of squared timber, are about 
eighteen inches deep. It possesses no hall, 
the front door opens directly into the 
sitting room, which is an apartment 
about ten feet square, upon which open 
two decidedly small bedrooms. There is 
a kitchen in the rear and some sleeping 
apartments in the half storey, and the 
log house, though it is cool in summer, is 

ferent achooners upon the lakes, his last 
vessel being the Beaver, which was 
wrecked at Rochester about 1865. He 
died on September 5th, 1882, having al 
most reached his 74th birthday, and was 
buried in St. James cemetery. His 
widow still lives in the pleasant old cot 
tage, while one of his sous is in Govern 
ment employ and lives near by the home 
where he was born. 


Another old house east of the Don is 
that which, now divided into two tene 
ments and numbered C13 and 715 Queen 
j street east, stands on the south side of 
that thoroufihfare, jiust east of Broad- 


Tiew avenue. It was from about 1844 a 
well known tavern, called the Rising Sun, 
and was kept by a man named William 
Knight. Owing to the fact that the old 
race course was immediately in its rear, 
the Sun was greatly patronized by sport 
ing men and by those who followed in 
their train. For many years it was the 
only tavern between the Don river and 
Leslie s nursery, situated on Queen street 
east, then known as Kingston road, but 
in the early " fifties " other houses were 
opened, and in 1857 the race course was 

wanls Chief Justice, William Baell 

The house itself was a pleasant, roomy 
building-, built of frame rough-cast, with 
a spacious verandah on two eidea of it. 
It was built by Mr. John Crawford, who 
was Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario 
from 1873 until 1877, about 1845, and 
by him sold to Judge Richards in 185;j. 
When erected it was quite in the coun 
try, and down to 1870, or even a little 
later, may almost have been looked on 
a* * suburban residence. But ince then 


closed, and the Rising Sun found, like 
Othello, "its occupation gone. Very 
soon after the races ceased to be held on 
the Don course the tavern was " shut 
down," and now few people even remem 
ber the once flourishing hostelry. 


A Famous Canadian who Rose to the High 
est Point in the Legal Profession-Honour- 
ed by his Sovereign and his Coimtr.r. 

On the south-east corner of Ann and 
Tonge streets stood for many years the 
house occupied during the whole of his 
residence in Toronto by Judge, ai ter- 

the changes in the city have been great 
and a few years since the house was 
pulled down to make way for shops and 

William Buell Richards was a man 
who by sheer force of ability and pains 
taking industry rose from a compara 
tively humble ppistion in life to one of 
the highest positions, not only in his 
profession, but in the Dominion. 

Chief Justice Richards was born in 
Brockville in 1814, and in 1831 com 
menced the study of law under Mr. G. 
Malloch, and on> the completion of hia 
articles entered into partnership with 
that gentleman, the firm being known 
as Malloch & Richards. In 1848 he en- 



















opp. 43 



tered Parliament as member for the 
County of Leeds, defeating the late 
Mr. Ogle R. Gowan hy sixty votes. From 
1851 until June, 3853, he held the post 
of Attorney- General West in the Hincks- 
Morin Ministry, only retiring from that 
position on being appointed to a puisne 
judgeship in the Court of Common Pleas, 
rendered vacant lay the death of the 
Honourable R. B. Sullivan. In 1863 he 
succeeded Chief Justice Draper in the 
same court, and upon that eminent jurist 
being transferred from the Queen s Bench 
to the Court of Appeal, he was again 
succeeded by Chief Justice Richards. In 
1875, when the Supreme Court of Can 
ada was created, he was chosen to fill 
the important and responsible position 
of Chief Justice of the court. In 1877 he 
received the honour of knighthood "in 
recognition of his long and distinguished 
judicial career." 

Owing to failing health Chief Justice 
Richards retired from the bench in Janu 
ary, 1879, and from that date took no 
part in public affairs. The Chief Justice 
married a Mtes Muirhead 1 , a granddaugh 
ter of Dr. Muirhead of Niagara. 

The old house where they resided is 
still standing 1 , built after the war of 

After his retirement Sir William Rich- j 
ards continued to reside in Ottawa, 
where he died on January 26th, 1889* 
A writer in one of the pap?rs, speaking 
of his decease, said : "He was, both as 
a judge and as a man, a Canadian 
of whom Canadians may be proud, and 
will be remembered in history as one of 
the giants of our time." 

He was interred in the general ceme 
tery, Brockville, where he had been 
born, and where he had first entered 
upon his honourable career. 

Mrs. Richards died many years ago. 


Botb Sides of a Commercial Centre, Which 
Is Now In the Heart of the Dry-Goods and 
Financial District. 

The picture in this landmark of 1866 
gives a fair idea of the both sides of 
Wellington street east from Yonge down 
to the Imperial Bank, on the north-wes. 
corner of Change Alley. At the right, 
where the Imperial Bank stands, was 
the site of the post-office prior to its 
removal to the west side of Toronto 
street. The first building shown in the 
picture on the right is No. 30, the estab 
lishment of R, Jordan & Co., the grocers, 
while No. 28 was the first office of the 
Molsons Bank of Montreal in Toronto, 
with Mr. R. G. Dallas as manager. No. 

20 waa a small clapboard cottage* 
where Mr. Campbell, a bootmaker, lived. 
No. 24 is the Ontario Bank, then under 
the management of Mr. Alexander Fisher. 
The building Nos. 28-30 are the same 
structures, but remodelled as in the late 
sixties. The Ontario Bank is now, as 
it was then, a handsome piece of archi 
tecture. The building has been improved 
by a large addition at the rear, on 
Scott street. Across Scott street, at the 
north- west corner of Wellington, was the 
old building which many years ago wad 
(prominent as a place of resort the 
Cooper s Arms kept originally lay Mr. 
John Murphy, and afterwards by Mrs. 
Julia Murphy, his widow. From No. 13- 
to No. 16 was devoted to offices. In this 
building was the office of F. C. Capreol, 
president of the Huron Ontario Ship 
Canal Company, and David B. Pearson, 
secretary of the Travellers Association. 
This building was originally erected for 
hotel purposes, and was known as the 
Western Hotel, and occupied by the late 
Russell Inglis, prior to his removal to 
the Wellington Hotel, where the Bank 
of Toronto now stands. Nos. 12-14 were 
the wholesale warehouse of the late A. 
M. Smith & William Keighley, and at 
No. 8 W. H. Fraser had a commission 
agency. Mr. Fraser was afterwards, and 
up to the dajte of his death, Dominion 
Appraiser at Ottawa. No. 6 was a 
building directly east of the Express Com 
pany s lane. It was occupied by Leith 
& Kennedy, barristers, and others, and 
at the corner was the Bank of British 
North America, when Mr. Samuel Tay 
lor was manager. 

The principal change on this street is 
the Cooper s Arms, now occupied by the 
new building of the Western Fire Insur 
ance Company. The Bank of British North 
America has been re-built on the north 
east corner of Yonge and Wellington 

The little yellow cottage between the 
Ontario and Molsons Banks, occupied by 
Mr. Campbell, has given way to a large 
white brick building, occupied by offices, 
amongst them that of Messrs. Clarksoa 
& Cross. 

On th left of the picture, and on 
the south side of Wellington street, t!it> 
building, the pillars of which are seen 
on the immediate left, is the Royal Can 
adian Bank, Nos. 25-27. This bank start 
ed business on Toronto street, directly 
north of the original Rice Lewis build 
ing. The vacant space directly west of 
the Eoyal Canadian Bank on Wellington 
street was owned in 1872 and subsequent 
ly built upon by the late Senator John 
Macdonald, as part of his large ware* 
house. Nos. 21-23 comprised the weat- 




era part of the present John Macdonald 
& Go. s dry goods establishment, while 
No. 19 was a two-storey brick building, 
occupied in 1872 by F. J. Stewart as a 
tea broker, and is now the site of the 
Pacific buildings. 

Crossing the street is the bnilding of 
the Great North-western Telegraph Com 
pany, a building which stood on the site 
of a clapboard building, owned and oc 
cupied by Mr. Graham, in fact, for years 
it was known as Graham s Corner. The 
building west, at No. 15, was erected by 
the late Mr. John Fisken, *nd is occu 
pied as offices (E. G. Dim & Co.) while the 
row of buildings, Nos. 13, 9 and 11, Nos. 
7 and 5, were occupied respectively by 
Joseph Lawaon, commission merchant, 
Lockart & Haldane, dry goods dealers, 
Childs & Hamilton, boot and shoe manu 
facturers, and II. A. Hoskin & Co., auction 
eers. Hoskins & Clelaud were in this 
building at one period. At No. 3 Robert 
Davis & Co. had a wholesale groce.nv 
after their removal from the fiouth-weat 
corner of King and Bay streets, and the 
corner building was occupied by the Royal 
Insurance office, with Mr. F. H. Howard 
as manager. Legal firms occupied the 
upper floors, and White & Co., real lace 
dealers, a building directly east of the 
Royal offices. 

There have been few changes on this 
street since 1875. The change of the 
Cooper s Arms has already been noted. 
The other buildings are the re-modelled 
buildings of 1850. At No. 8, the second 
door east of the American Express lane 
wa-5 the warehouse of Shaw & Turnbull, 
who in 1850 had a wholesale dry goods 
business the late John Shaw, afterwards 
an official assignee, being the senidr 
partner. The changes on the south side 
have already been referred to. 

In 1856 the Quebec Bank was at No. 15, 
and John Macdooiald at No. 17, the same 
buildings occupied in 1870 by R. Jordan 
& Co., and the Molsons Bank. John Camp 
bell, the boot maker, had the cottage to 
the west of Molsons, and the Ontario 
Bank corner was vacant. Crossing Scott 
street, John Murphy had the Cooper s 
Anna, and the large red brick building, 
now offices, one door west of the Westerti 
Assurance Company, was at one time -the 
Western Hotel, kept by John Murphy, an 
other, the Wellington Hotel, removed to 
this house from the north-west corner of 
Wellington and Church streets, Russell In- 
glis being proprietor. Mr. Inglig, since 
dead, while a boy, and in business in 
Edinburgh, informed the writer that he 
had often waited on and talked to Sir 
Walter Scott. This hotel building was in 
1856 occupied as offices. West of it was 
the firm of Bowes (J, G.) & Hall, in dry 

goods, William Ross & Co., grocers, and 
Shaw, Turnbull & Co., in dry goods, 1 
Bank of British North America having its 
offices on the ground floor of the corker, 
and general offices upstairs. 

In 1856 Wellington street on the soutl 
side and west oK Church had the Grand 
Trunk Telegraph Company in the Coffin 
block, which had Miller & Foulds and 
others in business. There wore no ware 
houses on the south side to Scott street, 
the only brick building being the un 
occupied rear part of the North American 
Hotel on Front street, afterwards built 
upon by John Macdoiiald. Luke Cutler, 
at No. 20, on the southeast corner of 
Scott street, had the Steamboat Hotel. 
Across Scott street, where the G. N. W. 
Telegraph offices stand was Graham j 
frame building, a boarding house, and 
later with offices, one being that of 
Henry Hope, of The Old Countryman 
newspaper. Taylor & Stevenson ^were 
wholesale dry goods merchants, in a 
brick row still standing to the west, and 
Duncan MacDonuell, wholesale grocer, 
were the onlv business establishments to 
Yonge street, Bollo Campbell s printing 
office being at the corner now occupied 
by the Royal Insurance Company. 


A Corner That Reminds Old Residents of 
the Ways of ^Teller s Stage Line The Cof 
fin Block. 

The passenger traffic down Church 
street to Cooper s wharf as early as 1798 
to 1805 was a small percentage of what 
it was in 1845-55, when Maitland s wharf 
which succeeded the Cooper s of pioneer 
days, was the landing place of freight 
| steamers and schooners and was the city 
i Bide of the Island traffic, for it was from 
I Maitland s wharf that the old horse boat 
I and the first steam ferry ran to Privat e 
Hotel, which stood where now the eastern 
channel runs through the Toronto Is 
land. William Cooper was the first Free 
mason initiated iu York, and his life and 
business have been dealt with in another 
landmark. Robert Maitland, after his 
wharfage days, went to Port Arthur, 
where he died a year or two ago. 

The picture gives on the right the 

north-west corner of Front and Church 1 

streets, at W. R. Griffiths & Company *! 

warehouse, and the north-west corner of 

Wellington and Church Streets, where the 

Bank of Toronto stands, while the centre 

of the view shows the Coffin block and the 

Dominion Telegraph Company s office. 

! To the left is th<s south side of Wellington 

! street, and a sliffht Tiew of the same 

1 street west to Yone etfeet. 



No. 62 was occupied by W. & E. Grif 
fiths & Co., as wholesale grocers. This 
building was erected about 1845. On 
the Church street side was an entrance 
to the Ontario Chambers or offices, which 
occupied the upper floors. lu 1849-63 
this was the Royal Exchange Restaur 
ant, kept by a coloured man named 
Snow, and a large hall on the first floor 
was used for political meetings. The 
buildings to the east are known as Man 
ning s Block, being the property of Alex 
ander Manning. 

The Bank of Toronto is on the site of 
the Wellington Hotel, a once popular 
hostelry of York and Toronto. It was 
the Ontario House in 1822, with Win. 
Campbell as proprietor, and later became 
the Wellington Hotel. Oue door west, in 
a roughcast house, was the original resi 
dence of Win. Cooper, of Cooper s Wharf. 
On a vacant ejpa.ce of nearly two hun 
dred feet west of Cooper s was ground 
on which George Bernard s circus used 
to pitch its tent in the forties. This was 
before 1845. Mrs. Bernard was quite an 
equestrienne, and, consequently, a draw 
ing card. The leading members of the 
company were Cadwaller Stone, Rock 
well, Gossan, who played the clown, 
Frank Wilmot and Harry Bacheldon, and 
a boy named Frank, an apprentice in 
the athlete business. Frank was " a 
clever youth," writes the late Alexander 
Jacques, in a letter dated 1889, " a 
good horseman and tumbler. In after 
years he was the champion somersault 
thrower of the world." " Frank," writes 
Mr. Jacques, " was a great favourite 
with Mrs. Washburn, the wife of Simon 
Washburn, a prominent barrister of York 
about 1825-39. Bernard made York his 
headquarters in the winter on this lot 
on the west side of which was a lane 
known as Kelly s lane, and which, prior 
to 1840, formed part of Henrietta street, 
which ran from Wellington street north 
through Market street (Colborne) to the 
south side of King, endi ug at the 
street line in front of Lawson s old 
stand. In the spring-time Bernard put 
his tente and waggons in order and 
moved on an annual tour through 
Upper Canada, which lasted for at least 
five months. 

About 1855-57 a row of white brick 
buildings was erected on this site, in 
the east one of which was at that time 
the restaurant of Mark Ackerman, known 
for its handsome fittings and tempting 
viands, now the business house of S. 
Trees & Co. la 1872 No. 56 was occu 
pied by S. W. Farrell, commission mer- 
chant; Ti. R. Wood, insurance agent, and 
Drysdale & Co., commission merchants. 
At No. 42 was James Young, produce 

dealer, and E Bendelari & Co., import 
ers, while Nos. 88 and 40 were occupied 
by John Morrison afterwards of the Brit 
ish America Insurance the wholesale 
grocer, now in banking at Victoria street. 
The east corner of Change Alley was No. 
36, the warehouse of the late W. War 
wick, the wholesale stationer. 

The centre of the picture shows the 
Coffin Block, in which were the original 
offices of the Dominion Telegraph Com 
pany. The lower portion, at the angle 
of the streets, was occupied as a coal 
office. The %pper part of this building 
on Front street has been given in an 
other landmark. On the Wellington 
street side, Mr. George Laidlaw, so long 
known in connection with the narrow 
gauge railways, had an office for years. 
During the days of the rebellion in the 
basement of this building was the re 
staurant of a genial old Scotchman 
named Bannerman, who did good service 
in 1837 in feeding the volunteers, who 
had assembled HI the City Hall to repel 
tho invaders in December of that year. 

This spot was also prominent in the 
days of stage coaches, for in this build 
ing was the office of Weller a stage, 
which ran east between Toronto and 
Kingston. On the left-hand of the pic 
ture, just near the telegraph pole, was 
the stable, used by Weller for his horses. 
In later days the wide part of the street, 
east of Church and between that and 
the market, was used as a haymarket. 
To go back to an earlier period in this 
landmark, we find that in 1856, in the 
building on Front street, one door west 
of the Coffin block, at No. 20, Mr. Alex 
ander M. Morris and Robert Maitland, 
the wharfinger, had offices, while at No. 
21, which was the beginning of the well- 
known block, George H. Wyatt, the 
freight agent ; H. Boydell, the lumber 
measurer, and James R. Bradbury, the 
land agent, had offices. 

In No. 21, for it was a building that 
^tended down to the junction of Wel 
lington with Front, and also through 
:rom Front to Wellington, were offices 
Of leading firms. Hooker, Pridham & Co., 
of the Montreal Through Line, and Edwin 
Pridham, also in the freight business, had 
>ffices. In an upper floor of the same 
juildiug was the Montreal Telegraph of- 
ice, with Benjamin Toye as manager, 
and J. Dunn, C. Bradford and J. Hender 
son as operators. James Baine was on 
;be same floor as a commission agent, 
and W. J. MacDonell & Co. were forward 
ers. Mr. MacDonell was French consul 
it Toronto up to the time of his death. 
Miller & Foulde were wholesale dry goods 
men, and Peter Morgan, whose residence 

















on William, now Simcoe street, was after 
wards occupied by Sir Oliver Mowat, was 
a produce dealer. Mr. Morgan s family 
Was one of the best known in Toronto. 
One of hia daughters married Mr. Strick 
land, of Peterboro", and another, Walter 
Strickland, the architect, of Toronto. Mr. 
Charles Morgan, the eldest son, is con 
nected with the Merchants Bank at 
Montreal. Mrs. (Peter Morgan resides in 
[Peterboro . Andrew Drummond, the 
broker, had also an office in this build 
ing. T. C. Orchard was a commission 
merchant in the next room, and James 
Cotton, the contractor, afterwards owner 
of the Ottawa Times, had his business 
office in the Coffin block. Holcomb 
and Henderson, two names noted in 
the freight trade, were in the east 
end of the block, and the International 
Telegraph Company had its offices here, 
with J. D. Purkiss as manager. This 
company was afterwards the Dominion 
Telegraph Company. J. D. Thatcher and 
E. L. Herriugton were the operators, a|nd 
the small office at the east end of this 
peculiarly shaped building was the gen 
eral stage office of William Weller. 

In 3856 the north-west cortner of Wel 
lington and Church streets, where the 
Bank of Toronto stands, had the build 
ing formerly the Wellington Hotel. This 
building, a wooden one, had been con 
verted into tenemafuts, A coffee house 
was at the corner, and Henry King, a 
bricklayer, James Elwood, a steward on 
the lake steamers, Joseph Charbott, a 
tailor, and Mrs. Bell, mother of Mrs. 
Russell Inglis, resided in the building, 
which years before had been under the 
management of Mr. Inglis, before his 
connection with the Customs department. 
The vacant space, which earlier was a 
circus ground, was not built up in 1856, 
and Mark Ackerman had his restaurant 
in the east building of the white brick 
row that stands there to-day. Thomas 
Hutchinson, a prominent wholesale dry- 
goods house, occupied the western part 
of the row, to the east side of what 
is now Change alley, but was then Berczy 
Btreet. This name was given in honour 
of the postmaster, who had his office and 
residence to the west of the street, at 
an earlier period. The Toronto Royal 
Exchange, with James Brown, jr., as 
secretary, was the next building west 
of Bercz3 r street. It is now the east half 
of the Imperial Bank. 

On the north-east corner of Front and 
Church streets, where W. E. Griffiths & 
Co. was in 1866, was occupied in 1856 by 
the restaurant of Mr. Swoud, and the 
barber shop of Thos. F. Gary, the polite 
Tonge street tonsorial artiet of later 
days. Horace L. Forbes, afterwards of 

i Forbes & Loweaborough and the People s 
I Building Society, with Charles Stotes- 
bury, as secretary, and E. C. Mainers 
were in this building. James Moodie had 
a saloon next door east, and Geo. Smith), a 
bowling saloon or alley in the adjacent 

The ground east of this was vacant. 
It is now occupied "by Manning s block. 
In the row of brick buildings Mrs. Aim 
Diamond had the- Telegraph hotel build 
ing, with numerous tenants, and at No. 
38, Howland & Fitch were grocers, Good- 
erham, Howland & Co. were produce mer 
chants, and A. M. Smith had a large 
crockery establishment. The corner had 
a veteran publican, William Steers, who 
kept the British Coffee House, named af 
ter the original house on the south-east 
Corner of King and York streets. 


The .\ortU-west ami South-east Corners of 
Front and Wellington Streets Three or 
Four Well-Known Marts of Trade. 

Looking at the picture which belongs 
to this landmark one can hardly realize 
that as late as 1870 the ground on the 
south side of Front street, beyond the 
Custom House, was vacant, and that, a- 
one stood at the corner of Tonge and 
Front streets looking west, the most 
prominent building in view, was the im 
mense structure of Jacques & Hay, a 
few hundred feat south of the line of 
Front street, with lumber closely piled 
on the site of what is now the hand 
some row of mercantile buildings, which 
add so much to the fine appearance of 
the street. In this picture, taken in 1872, 
the tree on the right is at the corner cf 
the Bank of Montreal, and was in the 
lawn which was an original part of the 
surroundings of the bank prior to the 
erection of the present building. fFhe 
structure to the west, Nos. 4-12, is the 
handsome warehouse formerly of A. R. 
McMaster & Bros., the wholesale dry 
goods dealers, now the establishment of 
J. S. McMaster & Co., a building which 
can claim credit as being one of the 
handsomest structures upon tte street, 
or, for that matter, in the city. At No. 14 
Thomas Lailey manufactured clothing, 
and at No. 16 Robert McPhail had a 
wholesale stationery establishment. Mr. 
McPhail was originally in the retail lire 
011 King street at the south-east corner 
of Leader Lane in a red brick building, 
which was erected about seventy years 
ago and is still standing. At Nos. 18-20 
west on Front street was Thompson & 
Burns wholesale crockery establishment, 
and just beyond it. No. 24, was the 



residence of Judge Jones, which, in 1872, 
w,as used as a Custom House after the 
destruction of the Custom Hou:e by fire. 
Nos. 32-4 w.ere tbe wholesale bookselling 
establishment of James Campbell & Son, 
and at Nos. 36-40 Sessions, Cooper & 
Smith manufactured boots and shoes. In 
the old Baldwin house at the corner of 
Bay and Front streets, at tl.e north 
west corner, were the offices of the To 
ronto and Nipissiiig and the Toronto, 
Grey & Bruce railways. This houce, in 
1864, was used as a military hospital, 
and prior to that date as Ellah s Hotel. 
There were piles of lumber on the corner 
of Front and Bay and also the factory 
of Jacques & Hay. Before the days of 
the Esplanade tl.e shore line between Bay 
and Tonga streets was about 100 feet 
south of the pre. ent street line of Front 
street. The picture gives but one ware 
house on the south-east corner, that of 
George Mich. e & Co., the wholesale 
grocers. This building was erected on 
the northern part of the yard of the 
Freeland Soap factory, a picture of which 
is given in another landmark. Prior to 
1860 there were no buildings on this side 
of the street, for one or two small wooden 
erect:o:is could scarcely b3 termed build 
ings In the seme now used. From about 
1836 to 1848 a large tr. e stood opposite 
the American Hotel, and a little east of 
Smith & Keighley a present warehouse. 
It was a well known mark on the street, 
and was cut down in 1853-4 at the time 
the Esplanade was being built. Mr. George 
Michie commented business originally in 
the early forties on King street, on the 
site of the present Michie & Co. s store. 
He then went into the wholesale business 
as Ogilvy & Co., and n moved to Yonfc,e 
street in tie row of buildings that were 
erecteil iu. the fifties south of the old 
establishment of M. & L. Samuel, Ben 
jamin & Co. Then he removed to Front 
street as George Michie & Co., and even 
tually the firm went out of business. 

In 1856 the Bank of Montreal was at 
the north-west corner of Tonge and Front 
streets, while brick buildings to the west, 
for the McMaster building had not been 
erected, were occupied by John Watson, 
wine merchant; Charles Roberte-on, lum 
ber dealer, and the Grand Trunk Rail 
way offices were in the brick residence 
formerly the house of Judge Jones. Mrs. 
Muttlebery and TV A. Stayner lived in 
houses west of the Jones dwelling, and 
tha Baldwin House, on the north-east 
corner of Bay, was Ellah s Hotel, kept 
by Mrs. Mary Ellah. This was the best 
known private hotel in Toronto in early 
days. Mrs. Ellah prior to 1856 had a 
similar establishment on King street, 
where the red brick row that was origin- 

! ally Macdonald s Hotel, and afterwards, 
1 when rebuilt (1855) Avas Remain Build- 

In 1856, on the south-east corner of 

j Yonge and Front streets, where the 

Michie building, now the Canada Rubber 

j Company s warehouse, stands, was Free- 

i land & Taylor, candle manufacturers, 

while east of this was the coal yard, of 

H. G. R. Fripp. The ground east to some 

distance past Scott street had only 

wooden buildings. 


A Corner Which Has Seen Many Changes 
The Picture In This Landmark was Taken 

In 1879. 

The south-east corner of King and 
Yonge streets and the brick building 
which stood thereon was the original 
dry goods establishment of Betley & 
Brown, the late Matthew Betley being 
the senior partner. It was afterwards 
established under the name of Betley & 
Kay, and later on, after the dissolution 
of partnership of the late John Kay, in 
retail dry goods, with the addition of 
a carpet branch, which now forms such 
an extensive business on the north side 
of King street west, near Bay. The 
building on the corner of King and Yonge 
made way for that now on the site occu 
pied by the Canada Pacific railway of 
fices. To the south of this building and 
across the lane were a row of buildings 
known as the Commercial buildings, 
which, when erected, were considered 
substantial and handsome. In early days 
Lovell & Gibson, who had an office in 
the fifties across the way in Capreol s 
auction room building, occupied the store 
directly across the lane as a printing 
establishment, and in 1872 it was the 
printing office of the Express, an even 
ing newspaper, published for a few 
months by J. B. Cook. Phillip Brown & 
Co., bankers, subsequently occupied this 
building, which was No. 67, and also A. 
Lovell & Co., printers. No. 65 was the 
warehouse of Andrew Henderson, the 
auctioneer, who commenced business 
across the way about 1850, and Nos. 
63-5 were the wholesale house of Bun- 
tin Bro. & Co., afterwards Buntin, Reid 
& Co., now the site of the Traders Bank. 
In 1874-5 the Liberal newspaper, under 
John Cameron, was at No. 67, and when 
that journal passed out of existence Mr. 
Josiah Bray occupied No. 67 as an ex- 
-change office, and in 1876 J. Ross Rob 
ertson rented this building and commen 
ced the issue of The Evening Telegram. 
The building on the south-east side ol 
Yonge and Colborne streets, built for 



Ross Mitchell and occupied afterwards 
by the Bank of Commerce, has already 
been noted in another landmark. 

On the west side of Yoiige street, at 
the south-west corner in 1872 was the 
retail dry goods establishment of W. H. 

rister, and John Turner, photographer, 
Mr. Turner was afterwards proprietor of 
the Ferry line, and his wife is now lihe 
lessee of the Turner Baths on Toronto 
Island. Richards (Hon. Stephen) & Smith 
<J. F.), barristers, were also in the up- 

Dow & Co., and upstairs the office of 
T. D. Ledyard, the barrister. There were 
also in this building the offices of F. W. 
Munro, barrister, now of Chicago, Mc- 
Dafngall & Bros., lumber dealers, Fergus 
on & Ferguson, barristers, R. W. Parkiii- 
con, barrister, S. J, Vankoughnet, ba,r- 

per portion of this building. At No. 72 
TItird, Leigh & Co. were China and glass 
merchants, whose factory was in the 
rear. At No. 79 John Robertson, Son A 
Co. had a dry goods establishment in the 
building now St. Charles restaurant. The 
buildings from the corner of Kinff down 



to No. 70 were erected between 1835-3,7, 
the first occupant of the new row being 
John Robertson. In 1837 Mr. Robertson 
was connected with a business establish 
ment in the east end of the city near 
Church street, and when he entered the 
wholesale trade on Yonge street his 
friends thought he was going too far 
west, the more especially as cases of 
goods had to be hauled up three stone 
steps while being taken into the ware 
house. Nos. 68-4, the white brick build 
ings at the norths-west corner of Me- 
linda and Tonge streets, were occupied 
by T. May & Co., and Gillespie & Co., 
the wholesale furriers. 

The principal changes on these two 
blocks are the erection of the Dominion 
Bank, on the corner of King and Yonge 
streets, the late Henry Irving being the 
architect, and the Webb building at the 
north-west corner, and the Globe build 
ing on the south-west corner of Yonge 
and Melinda streets, on the site of the 
original Ross Mitchell warehouse of forty 
years ago. On the east side of the street 
part of the commercial business has 
given way to the building occupied by 
the Traders Bank, erected by S. F. Mc- 
Kinnon, while the north part of this row 
has been re-modelled and reconstructed 
the upper portions being used for offices. 

In 1856 the buildings on the west side 
of Yoiige street, south of King, were 
occupied by W. H. Dow at the corner of 
King street, while No. 43, south, on 
Yonge street, was unoccupied, and An 
drew Henderson, the auctioneer, was at 
No. 41 ; John Robertson, in dry goods, 
at No. 39, and Lovell & Gibson, printers, 
at No. 35. 

On the east side of Yonge street, from 
the corner of King, Betley & Kay" 
establishment extended along the east 
side of Yonge strest to a lane, and in 
the rear portion of Betley s building 
Oliver Mowat (Sir Oliver) had hie offices 
as a barrister, and John Helliwell was 
in the same profession on the same floor. 
The three buildings south of Betleyl s 
lune were the "Commercial Buildings." 
Lovell & Gibson and The Evening Tele 
gram (1870) were in this building. At 
No. 1 of this row Henderson Bros, were 
in wholesale dry goods. Alexander Hen 
derson & John Henderson composed the 
firm. Alexander Heud?rsou afterwards 
retired and was an alderman of Toronto, 
and John was the senior partner of the 
firm of Henderson & Bostwick, a firm 
which has since gone out of business. In 
No. 2 of the row R. Campbell & Co., a 
Montreal firm, had a carpet warehouse, 
and at No. 4 J. C. Mayer was a furrier. 
This building was afterwards occupied 
by Buntin, Raid & Co., and is now the 

site of the Traders Bank. Andrew Hen- 
dersou, auctioneer, who years before had 
been on tbe opposite side of the street, 
occupied Campbell s building in J876-78. 
The buildings south from Colborne street, 
commencing with that of Ross, Mitchell 
& Co., have ben given in another land 


The First Blocks on the Cast and West Side.* 
of the Great Thoroughfare That Runs 
Thirty Miles Into York County. 

Seventy years ago Yonge street at its 
south end was not so important a busi 
ness centre, even in Little York, as it 
was in the late fifties, in the greater 
Q\>roirto, or as, of course, it is to-day, 
in the commercial metropolis of Ontario. 
From 1800 to 1830 the business centre 
of the two was east of Church street, 
and the marine traffic was for the most 
part at the foot of the streets east 
of and including Church street; indeed, it 
was not until 1845, when Yonge street 
wharf, and Brown s wharf, at the foot 
of Scott street, commanded the lake tra 
vel, and offered a landing place for the 
steamers that plied up and down the 

Youge street was central enough iu 
1838 for the post-office, built on the 
site of the present Bank of Montreal. 
The post-office was a building that, if 
not architecturally beautiful, drew daily 
to its doors the small mercantile com 
munity that formed then the nucleus 
of the commercial interests that flourish 

The right of the picture, which was 
drawn in 1872, shows just the north-east 
corner of the American Hotel, a hostelry 
that had the call for travelling long 
before and even during the early days 
of the Queen s and Rossin Houses. Mr. 
David Walker was the proprietor of the 
American in 1872. 

The first door north, No. 35, was the 
warehouse of H. Shorey & Co., clothiers, 
a Montreal firm doing business in To 
ronto, while No. 37, a tall building, im 
proved by the re-fronting of an old 
three storey building, was occupied by 
Joseph Wey & Co., hatters. At No. 39 
G. W. Dunn was in the, hoop skirt l^ade, 
when that useful article" of female under- 
gear was popular, and Hodgson & Boyd, 
at No. 41, sold wholesale fancy and gen 
eral dry goods. R. H. Gray & Co., were 
at No. 43, in gents furnishings, and at 
No. 45 Wm. Myles & Son sold coal, giving 
a full 2,000 pounds to the ton, while 
Bravley (James) & Hay were commission 



merchants, and at the corner F. H. Hew- 
ard presided over the business of the j 
Royal Insurance Company, in a building 
erected for that purpose. Crossing Wei- . 
liugton street and keeping still on the : 
east side wae the cut stone building of 
the Bank of British North America, and 
in No. 51, Childs & Co. manufacture* ; 
boots and shoes, and at No. 53 Alfred 
Dredge did business in the wholesale j 
paper line, with the addition of a bijud- i 
ery and an envelope factory. Mr. Dredge j 
removed from Toronto some years ago 
and is now in prosperous business in New 
York. At No. 55, J. Y. Vickers had 
his Northern railway express office, and \ 
upstairs as A. W. Russell, the watchman, 
had a branch of his brother s (Liverpool) 
business in that line. Morphy, Morphy ^ 
Winchester were barristers upstairs. The 
Messrs. Morphy are dead, but Mr. Win 
chester hears motions and gives just and 
prompt rulings as Master in Osgoode 
Hall. Nos. 55-57 also had the American 
Express office, and as manager John D. 
Irwin, who has just passed away, while 
George Virtue, the agent of a London 
publishing house, was also upstairs at No. I 
57. At the south-east corner of Yonge j 
and Colborne streets the building was 
originally put up by Boss Mitchell & Co., 
was in 1872 occupied by the Bank of 

On the west erXe of Yonge street, and 
at its north-west corner, was the Bank 
of Montreal, in the building which pre 
ceded the present palatial structure. At 
No. 32 Bailey & Bunting were grocers, j 
Mr. Bunting was afterwards of the 
Mail newspaper, and died in Janu 
ary. 1896. At No. 34, Bryce, McMurrich 
<fc Co. had a wholesale dry goods house.) 
They afterwards removed to Bay street, 
near Wellington, and finally retired from 
business. At No. 36 Moffatt Bros, were 
in wholesale dry goods as successors of ; 
the old firm of Moffatt, Murray & Co., 
and at No. 38 Thomas Walls & Co. weru ; 
in the same line. At No. 40 Peach & i 
Goulding had a large wholesale trade J 
in millinery. The Messrs. Goulding are j 
in business to-day in the same trade 
on Bay street. Stalker & Ross, two care 
ful Scotchmen, were in dry goods at No. 
42, and David Arnott also at No. 44. 
J. G. Joseph & Co. were jewellers at 
the south-west corner of Yonge and Wel 
lington. The father of this firm was 
in business in the thirties on King street 
* of the Leader Lane. Old residents 
will remember his pleasant face and his 
gold spectacles. The firm has since gone 
out of business. On the north-west cor 
ner of Yonge and Wellington streets, at 
Nos. 48-50, was the most enterprising 
of Toronto s wholesale jewellers of his 

day, Mr. Robert Wilkes, a gentleman 
who e uu o.-tuuat? cleat i by drowning wad 
regretted by so maaiy. At No. 52 S. H. 
& J. Moss, a Montreal firm, had a To 
ronto branch in clothing. At No. 54 S. 
D&visou was in jewellery, and at No. 
56 McLean (Daniel) & Craig were in 
wholesale leather. At No. 58 M. & L. 
Samuel were in metal and hardware. The 
firm is now M. L. Samuel & Benjamin, 
on Front street. The building, No. 58, on 
Yonge street, was in 1844 No. 29, and 
in 1846 this building was occupied by 
the late George Brown as the Globe of 
fice. It is about thirty feet south ol 
the present office of the Globe, at the 
eouth-west corner of Youge and Meliuda 
streets. In 1872 N. & F. Roouey were 
at No. 60, the old store of Messrs. Per- 
rin, and at No. 62 were Hughes Bros., 
in a building that in the forties was 
occupied by Ross, Mitchell & Co., prior 
to their removal to the opposite south 
east corner. Crossing Melinda street, at 
No. 64 J. Gillespie A Co. were in hats 
and furs, and Thomas May & Co., of Mont 
real, in wholesale fancy goods. This 
warehouse occupied the site of Capreol a 
auction room, 1836. At Nos. 68-70 George 
Brown had the St. Charles restaurajnt* 
in the warehouse formerly occupied ae 
No. 39 by the late John Robertson, and 
at No. 72 Bacon & Phillips were whole 
sale china merchants, and W. H. Dow 
& Co. were at the corner where th* 
Dominion Bank building now stands. 

Going back forty years in the history 
of this landmark may not be uninterest- 
ing to old residenters, who can recall 
faces and localities that have alway* 
been alive in its different lines. 

In 1856 N. F. Pearson was proprietor 
of the American Hotel, and at No. 6, one 
door north, Elizabeth Fawcett had a 
smaller house, called the " Toronto 
Hotel." At No. 8 James Girvin was a 
baker and confectioner, succeeding Mr. 
Maitland, a pioneer in the same trade. 
Thomas Lailey occupied No. 10 as a 
wholesale clothing house. He afterwards 
moved to Front street west, near Yonge, 
and at No. 12 W. F. Langlois was in the 
wholesale wine trade. E. R. Paul & Co. 
were wholesale shoemsn at No. 14, and 
at No. 16, one door south of the present 
Royal Insurance corner, Duncan Mac- 
Donell was a wholesale grocer. In 
earlier years Mr. MacDonell was a part 
ner of Mr. J. F. Smith, as grocers, on 
King street, east of Leader lane. At th 
south-east corner, where the Royal 
office now stands, was No. 18, with 
Rollo Campbell, as Government printer, 
as occupant. Here Wellington street 
intersected with the Bank of British 
North America in its present location. 











At No. 24, on the site of the Commercial 
Travellers building of to-day, C. J. 
Houghton was ail auctioneer, and at the 
corner of Colborue, Ross, Mitchell & Co. 
were in wholesale dry goods. 

In 1856, on the north-west corner of 
Yonge and Front streets, was the Bank 
of Montreal, with Wm. Wilson, as cash 
ier, and at No:. 3 Wm. McMaster (after 
wards Senator,! in dry goods, with Bryce, 
McMurrich & Co. at No. 5, and Moffat, 
Murray & Co. at No. 7, and Gilmor & 
Coulson at No. 9, all in the same line 
of trade. No. 9 had also George A. 
Pyper, a wholesale grocer, a citizen who 
lost his life through an accident while 
bathing at the Island, and at No. 11 
Isaac C. Gilmor was a wholesale dry 
goods merchant. The south-west corner 
of Yonge and Wellington was the 
public house known as the Argyle 
Hotel, kept by a Scotchman a 
prominent character in Toronto, named 
McNab. He claimed descent from the 
chief of the clan, and was a popular" 
man with his patrons. The City Bank of 
Montreal was on the north-west corner, 
where Robert Wilkes was in later years. 
Mr. Hugh Woodside was cashier. He af 
terwards organized the Royal Canadian 
Bank. At No. 24 Charles B. Jarvis was 
a merchant. In a fire that took place 
in this block late in the fifties Mr. Jarvis, 
while trying to save his property, injured 
his eyes, and ever afterwards had to 
wear smoked glasses. His daughter, an 
accomplished singer, after studying at 
Milan, died while comparatively a young 
woman. At No. 26 Score & Hall were 
wholesale clothiers, J. F. Score and 
William Hall being the partners. Mr. 
Score is the father of the Messrs. Score on 
King street west, and resides in this city. 
Mr. Hall subsequently was of the firm 
of Bowes (J. G.) and Hall, on the south 
east corner of King and Church streets. 
At No. 27 A. Ogilvie & Co. were grocers. 
George Michie & Co. succeeded this firm. 
At No. 29, the building of M. L. Samuel 
& Benjamin in the later years, was oc 
cupied by P. J. O Neil, a popular whole 
sale dry goods man, and at No. 31 W. L. 
[Perrin & Co. were in the same business. 
The O Neil building was, in the forties, 
No. 29, and the office of the Globe news 
paper. The corner of Melinda street, 
where the Globe office stands, R. D. Mc- 
[Pherson & Co. s, was a wholesale grocery 
establishment. They afterwards were in 
retail in the Roesiu block, at the corner 
of King and York streets. The McPher- 
son building was, prior to 1855, occupied 
by Ross, Mitchell & Co. At No. 35, 
where the Webb building stands, was the 
old office of F. C. Capreol, its south cud 
being occupied in 1855 by Joseph Henry, 

the accountant, and Lovell & Gibson, 
printers. In the south end of this build 
ing a paper known as the Canadian Punch 
had its offices about 1850. John Robert 
son, in wholesale dry goods, was at No. 
35, and Andrew Henderson, the auction 
eer, at No. 37, the north buildings being 
unoccupied in 1856, and W. H. Dow & Co. 
being on the corner of King. 


A Central Business Section One Which Ha 
Had Few Changes In Its Buildings A. Busy 
Spot for Traffic for the Last Fifty Years. 

The picture in this landmark gives a 
section of both sides of King street, from 
Toronto street east and west to King 
street, and the south side of King street 
from the old Leader office west to R. 
Walker & Sons , with othe-r buildings fur 
ther west in the distance. 

The le t of the picture shows the Leader 
office in 1870, under the proprietorship 
of James Beatty, the principal part of 
the building being occupied as offices, 

; while the editorial and printing depart 
ments were in a large brick building in 

: the rear, a building which has since been 
converted into shops facing on Leader 

! lane. At No. 61 was the St. Nicholas 
Restaurant, occupying the building which 
had originally been erected by the late 

I Charles Robertson, jr., as a retail dry 

I goods establishment. Mr. Robertson was 
the youngest brother of John Robertson, 
wholesale merchant, on Yonge street. The 
building in its day was the most attrac 
tive on King street, and was about the 
first new building from 1840-51 in the 
block from Leader lane to Yonge street 
on the south side of King. At No. 59 John 
Catto & Co. had a dry goods establish 
ment. Since that time both Nos. 61 and 
59 have been torn down, and the large 
building now occupied by John Catto & 
Co., in the same line of business, has been 
erected. King street west, No. 57, was 
the auction room of F. W. Coate & Co., a 
firm which succeeded Wakefield & Coate, 
auctioneers, one of the pioneer auctioneers 
of Toronto being the late Wm. Wakefield. 
At No. 55, Coleinan & Co. were battens. 
Mr. Colemaii was a bright, clever me 
chanic, an Englishman, who knew all that 
man could know about the making of hate 

1 and cups. " Hats That are Hats," wa 

! a familiar sign over his doorway. Mr. 

George W. Warner subsequently succeed 
ed to the business. At No. 53 Robert 
Beatty & Co. were money brokers, and 
W. J. Armstrong, the photographer, was 
upstairs. At 51 1-2 George Michael, tbe 
optician, had an establishment, and at 



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No. 51 Jaue<s, Brayley & Newconibc, the 
dry goods men, who did an extensive, 
high-class trade. Mr. S. H. Janes being 
the senior partner, with Mr. James 
Brayley and Mr. Henry Newcombe. The 
firm was afterwards Janes & Newcombe. 
At No. 49 in 1873 Merrick Bros, were iu 
the dry goods business, but later this 
building was occupied by Glover Harrison 
as China Hall. At No. 43 James E. 
Ellis & Co. had their jewellery establish 
ment, and iu a small shop between No. 
43 and 39, known as No. 4], James Spoon- 
rr was popular with those who wanted 
pipes aud tobaccos. At No. 34 Notman & 
Fraser, photographers, had their place of 
business, in a building, which, prior to 
1850 had been occupied by Charles Rob 
ertson as a retail dry goods house prior 
to his removal farther east. Nos. 33-5-7 
are still the large house of Robert Walker 
.t Soiiis. dry goods merchants, while No. 
31 had McDonnough & James in the car 
pet line, and No. 25 had William Arthurs 
k Co., retail dry goods. At Nos. 21-23 
were W. A. Murray & Co., in dry goods, 
as successors to Wylie & Murray, 
aud at Nos. 17-19 " Copp, Clark & 
Co., the publishers, had a large re 
tail bookstore. In this building years 
before was published the British Colonist, 
under Hugh Scobie, and the shop was 
occupied by Scobie & Balfour, who were 
also publishers and booksellers. No. 15 
was and is the music store of A. & S. 
Nordheimer, and No. 13 had William 
Bryden in drugs, as successor to Francis 
Richardson, who has retired from busi 
ness and is still hale aud hearty. In No. 
11 W. L. Wilkinson & Co. were jewellers, 
and at No. 9 Charles Potter was an 
optician. Mr. Wilkinson is now with 
Ambrose Kent & Sons, 156 Yonge street, 
old 103. At No. 7 Charles and W. Walker 
were merchant tailors, and Lash & Co. 
were jewellers in the London and Paris 
House, afterwards rebuilt aud occupied 
by Willing & Wiliiamsou as a bookstore, 
and now Mr. Cousineau s establishment, 
known as " The Bon Marche," while 
Henry Graham & Co., the carpet men, 
were at No. 3, the present shop of Ren 
frew & Co., and John Kay was at the 

On the right hand side, at the north 
east corner of Toronto and King streets, 
at Nos. 52-4, was the large shop of Rice 
Lewis & Co., to-da.y probably one of the 
best known firms in Canada. The build 
ing directly to the east was part and 
parcel of the same shop, and was known 
as the Birmingham House. The buildings 
east of this have been given in another 

Directly to the north of this building 
and 78 feet from the street line of 
King street is the south wall of the 

jail, of 1834-41. About forty feet from 
King and thirty feet east of Toronto 
street, on the site of the Rice Lewis 
building, was erected the scaffold on 
which the patriots Lount and Matthews 
suffered in 1838. The south front re 
ferred to was exposed four years ago, 
when the north-east corner buildings of 
Rice Lewis & Sou were being torn down 
and re-built. A portion of the front, in 
cluding the window through which the 
patriots walked to death, may be seen 
from the small yard in rear of Walton s 
barber shop, on the north side of King 

On the north-west corner of Toronto 
and King streets was the banking house 
of H. J. Morse & Co., who were financial 
brokers, while also in this building Alex 
ander Davidson was manager of the 
Hartford Fire Insurance Company. The 
British American Commercial College, the 
pioneer college in that Hue, was started 
in this building, some years before, under 
Mr. Bates. The building west on King 
street was the shop of Mr. James Bain, 
the bookseller, No. 46, and at No. 44 
Edwin Harris & Co., were oil men and 
chemists. At No. 42 the Stock Exchange 
had its first offices, and at No. 40, the 
building now occupied by W. H. Elliott, 
the Dominion Bank was started. At No. 
38 Messrs. Pellatt & Osier were stock 
brokers, and the buildings between No. 
36 and No. 32 were occupied by men in 
different lines of business. This was 
originally the John Harrington 
building. At No. 30 were the financial 
brokers, Forbes & Lovvusborough. This 
building was originally known as the 
Leslie Bros, building, and was erected 
before 1836. Alongside of No. 30 was a 
short laue, known as the Globe lane, and 
at Nos. 26-28 was the Globe Printing 
establishment, erected in the early six 
ties. The Globe removed from the Dallas 
building on King street west, near Jor 
dan, to this new building. No. 24 was 
the retail hardware shop of P. Patter 
son & Son. Rice Lewis & Co. s present 
establishment occupies the site of the 
Leslie building. Victoria street was 
opened to King street over the site of 
the Globe building and its lane, and the 
Central Canada Loan now occupies the 
site of P. Patterson & Son s, No. 24. 
The rest of the buildings up to Yon^o 
street have been given iu another laud- 
mark of an earlier period. 

Looking at the north side ol the street, 
Rice Lewis & Co. s building has been torn 
down and re-constructed, the lower por 
tion beino: occupied as offices and the 
uppt r portion as chambers for barristers 
and agents. 

The Morse and British American Cdl- 
e buildinir has made wav for the Oue- 



bee IJank, but the buildings on this side, 
west to Yonge, with the exception of 
two or three, are about the same that 
they were years ago. 

On the south side the principal changes 
are the Catto building, the Golden Lion, 
and the buildings occupied by Renfrew 
& Co. and the C. P. R. All along King 
street east, from Church to Yoiige 
streets, while a few of the buildings have 
been torn down and re-built, nearly two- 
thirds have been re-modelled in their ex 
terior, and a email number are as they 
were fifty years ago. 


A Set- foil 

Street West Wkleli Has 

Around it Some Interesting Spots Thirty 
Years Ago In a Xow Btisy ThoroughJiire. 

Bay street up to the sixties was more 
of a residence street than any of the 
short streets of Toronto, running north 
from the Bay to Queen. The rows of 
brick buildings on both sides of the street 
which formerly were the homes of mer 
chants and business men, have in many 
cases been altered to suit business re 
quirements, while not a few have been 
torn down to make room for modern 
structures. Yet Bay street was always a 
prominent thoroughfare from King, and 
mechanics and vessel men coming from 
King street east and west and north to 
Queen street, used it freely, for Front 
street, near Bay, before the days of the 
Esplanade, and in the palmy days of the 
Jacques & Hay factory was a fairly busy 

The scene in the picture gives the four 
corners of King and Bay streets in 1866, 
although, as far as buildings are con 
cerned, with the exception of the Caw- 
thra residence ou the north-east corner, 
all the other houses shown east and west, 
on both sides of the street, were up from 

At the bouth-east corner was the three- 
storey brick building of Jacques & Hay, 
occupying about forty feet of the King 
street front, and running down a hun 
dred and fifty feet on Bay street. The 
King street front was the wareroom and 
the Bay street extension was for pack 
ing and shipping. The factory was at 
the foot of Bay street, west of the west 
line of the present street, and directly 
north of the line of Esplanade street. 
Years later the firm moved its ware rooms 
east to the south-west corner of King and 
Jordan streets, on the Bank of Com 
merce site, and the buildings on the cor 
ner of King and Bay streets were torn 
down by the Hon. John Ross estate, . aid 
a large white bri:-k building erected, now 

occupied by J. M. Treble, the rear on 
Bay street being also rebuilt with two 
shops, now occupied by J. Maloney & Son 
and J. G. Ramsay & Co. 

At No. 51, the first shop east of Jacques 
& Hay on King street, was the gentle 
men s furnishing store of D. S. & B. 
I Adams. The firm was really the first 
! exclusively in this line of business in To 
ronto. The buildings from that of Adams 
to that of Hooper & Co. were two-storey 
frame buildings. In a small, narrow, ten- 
foot shop R. S. Thompson, at No. 49 1-2, 
had a news store. The space occupied 
by this building was originally a lane 
leading under the second storey of No. 
49, but it was built up and converted 
into a shop. Mr. Thompson now resides in 
the North-west Territories. 

At No. 49 James (Park, now of the St. 

Lawrence market, had a provision store, 

and at No. 47 Philip Jacobi dealt in 

leather, while the next building, a brick 

one, was No. 43, occupied by Hooper & 

Co. This house, however, is not in the 

! photograph from which this landmark is 

| given. 

Ten years before this date (1866) 

Jacques & Hay were at the corner of 

Bay, while Thomas iPotter, a paper- 

| hanger, and Mrs. IPotter, a shirtmaker, 

j were at No. 40, one door east. James 

j Myers, a fruit man, was at No. 38, and 

: Scaudritt & Robinson were bootmakers 

at No. 36. Mr. Robinson was afterwards 

in business on Youge street with Gillyat, 

Robinson & Hall, in boots and shoes. He 

always had a polite " How do you do ?" 

for all his friends. John Higgins, the 

bailiff, was also at No. 36, and McKeand 

& Thompson, the cabinet makers, were 

at No. 34, the building now occupied by 

Hooper & Co. 

At the south-west corner of Bay and 
King streets, No. 55, stood the brick 
building occupied by E. Davis & Co. as 
grocers. It ran 57 feet back on the west 
side of Bay street. In 1879 this building 
was torn down and The Telegram build 
ing was erected. One door west of li. 
Davis & Co. was No. 57, the baby linen 
shop of John H. Swaixn. Next was a row 
of white brick buildings, occupied as fol 
lows: No. 59, Jno. Goedike, who first sold 
mineral waters in Toronto ; No. 61 was 
vacant, and C. S. Hayman, a merchant 
tailor, was at No. 63. At No. 65 Charle.s 
Bender, a well known tobacconist, did 
business, and the last of the row, No. 
67, was occupied by John Seels, an Eng 
lishman, who kept a restaurant noted for 
its cleanliness and comfort. A row of two 
s torey frame buildings occupied the space 
west on this side of the street ui< to the 
score of George Harding, the plumber, at 
No. 77. At No. 69 Samuel Hammond sold 


bread, and at No. 71 Charles Bansley, 
a Scotch resident, had a faiicy goods and 
variety shop. At No. 73 Edward Back 
had a boot and shoe etore, and at No. i 
76 D. W. Smith, the dyer, held sway. .The j 
descendants of Messrs. Dack and Smith j 
are still in business in this block. At 
No. 77 George Harding made out bills 
for all who desired the well known line 
" plumber and helper." He did a large 
business, and was candid enough on one 
occasion to admit that a plumber s bill 
was " past finding out." The east en 
trance to the Eoyal Lyceum was just 
west of No. 77, and across this lane ;r 
entrance was the shop of Hood & Laird, 
the picture dealers. Years before 1866 
J. E. Pell occupied the Harding building 
as a " gallery of art." In the dim dis 
tance of the picture may be seen the 
Remain buildings, erected by C. E. Ro- 
main in 1855. These buildings were de 
signed by Kaufmann, the architect of the 
Masonic Hall and Kossin House, and con 
sidered the best piece of architecture of 
their day and are even now much admir 
ed. The upper floors of this row were 
occupied by C. E. Gzowski & Co., and 
D. L. Macpherson, now Sir Casimir Gzow- 
ski and Sir D. L. Macpherson, as railway 
engineers and contractors, and Hon. 
J. H. Cameron, S. B. Harman and Huson 
Murray, as barristers. No. 71 Henry 
Senary sold pianos, and at No. S3 J. W. 
Randall had a saloon. No. 89 was occu 
pied by Bernard Saunders (Aid. Sauai- 
ders), who carried on merchant tailoring, 
and at No. 93 Mr. A. K. Boomer .was 
agent for the Fairbanks scales, and for 
large flour mills. There were four double 
tores on each side of the main entrance 
of the Remain buildings, and in 1866 two 
of them were vacant. At No. 95, one door 
west of the row, was the shop, No. 95, 
occupied by P. M. Clark, the merchant 
tailor, and at No. 97 Alex. Gernruell, 
while at No. 99 Geo. Coleman was a con 
fectioner, and this brings us to the west 
and main entrance of the old Royal 
Lyceum, which was in the rear of these 
King etreet buildings. 

In 1856 No. 55, the present office of 
The Evening Telegram, was No. 44, and 
Robert Davis was at the same cornor. 
The first building on this site was the 
Dennis cottage (1800), and about 1840 
a building occupied by French & Wiman 
as a chair factory. John Swann was at 
No. 46, and W. T, Atkinson, a druggist, 
at No. 48, while Hoig & Harens, tailors, 
were at No. 50. Hoig was a bright, well- 
informed Scotchman. At No. 52 "was 
Joseph Stovel, the merchant tailor. The 
nauu of Stovel and that of Gibb Co., 
whom P. M. Clark succeeded on King 
street, were household words in the 
best hom is of Upper Canada. Indeed, 

Gibb & Co. wure in business in Montreal 
over a century ago, and are atill to the 
fore to-day. Gomg further we^t in 1850, 
at No. 56 J. Lander was an upholsterer, 
and Edwin Smith kept a restaurant at 
No. 58. Smith was a small-ized, alfable 
Englishman, who had lots of custom. In 
those days George Colvman wajs at No. 
60, and at No. 62 W. & H. Bansley sold 
fancy goode, and at No. 60 Edward Dack, 
Latham & Co., dyers, and Charles Bans- 
ley also dealt in fancy goods. At No. 62 
Samuel Turner made shoos, and David 
Smith, with his son to-day, is a dyer of 
no mean repute. Then J. C. Pell, a brother 
of J. E. Pell, had an art store, and No. 
66 across a lane, which led to the rear 
of King, was unoccupied. In 1856 the 
Remain buildings were not built, and the 
old brick houses that stood on the site 
were the buildings once (1846) occupied 
by Macdonald s Hotel. At No. 68 J. B. 
Riley kept hotel. He afterwards had a 
hotel in the pre^ant Queen s Hotel build 
ings on Front street, after which he mov 
ed to the south-weit corner of King and 
York streets and kept the Revere House. 
At No. 70 King street the Misses Burns 
had a fancy store and at No. 72 Joseph 
Harknees, the old bandmaster of the 71st 
Regiment, sold pianos. In the same build 
ing were the offices of the Ontario, Sim- 
cos & Huron Railway, with Alfred 
Brunei as chief engineer. At No. 74 Gibb 
& Co. "were in the shop now occupied, 
by the new building of P. M. Clark, and 
at No. 76 Mrs. M. A. Higgina sold fancy 
goods, and Mrs. J. F. Lyon twas a 
modiste. At No. 78 Thomas McConkey, 
father of George, had a restaurant, and 
next was the Royal Lyceum entrance, 
with John Nickinson as lessee. 

At the north-west corner of King and 
Bay streets was the Metropolitan Hotel, 
occupied by Mr. Thomas Brown. This 
building was originally erected by the 
Bank of Montreal, and after its removal 
to the corner of Front and Yonge streets, 
the building was turned into apartments 
and chambers for lawyers. It was sub 
sequently purchased by the late John 
Riordan, and the present Mail building 
erected thereon. In pulling down the old 
structure the vaults of the old bank 
were discovered in as good condition as 
when erected in the thirties. The build 
ings west of the Metropolitan were three 
storey brick. Some are there to-day, al 
though those immediately west of the 
Mail building have been torn down and 
rebuilt. In 1866 Henry Lindsay had a 
fruit shop at No. 50 1-2, while No. 62 
was vacant. At No. 54 James B. Mar 
shall had a hairdressing shop, and at 
No. 56 William Roberts had a shooting- 
gallery. At No. 58 John Wilson was a 
confectioner, and at No. 60 Mre. 






sold fruit. At No. 62 Gleesoii & "Bell 
were coal oil and lamp dealers. Lamb s 
Hotel was formerly (1856) at Nos. 57 
and 69 on this side of the street, occu 
pying the site of about Nos. 58-60. 

lu 1856, or teu years earlier than the 
view giveu in the picture, the red brick 
building occupied by the Metropolitan 
Hotel in 1866, was occupied as offices, 
iu which were Alexander McDonald, solici 
tor, now of Osgoode Hall; James Grand, 
the architect, father of James Grand, of 
Grand & Toy; Charles Fitzgibbou, regis 
trar of the Court of Probate, a son of 
Col. James Fitzgibbon, of the 49th Regi 
ment; W. J. Fitzgerald, the registrar 
of the Surrogate; and Thomas Ridout, 
civil engineer. Mr. Ridout is now an in 
spector of railways for the Dominioii 
Government. He was the eldest sou of 
the late Tu Gibbs Ridout, of the Bank 
of Upper Canada. One door west, at No. 
47, George Harding was a plumber, and 
the Toronto Waiter- works office, owned 
by Mr. Furniss, had offices, G. K. Rad- 
i ord being manager. The Furniss works 
were bought by the city of Toronto. 
At No. 49 Dr. Wood, a denti<st, a, famous 
professor of the dental art, practiced 1 
his profession. All the email boys with 
tooth troubles were sent to Dr. Wood. 
Once the tooth was within tiie precincts 
of the steel ends of the forceps the 
tooth had to come out, even if it caused* 
a struggle for the tooth by the operator 
and for liberty by the boy. At No. 51 
Lewis Holmes had the Clifton saloon, 
and at No. 53 Jessie Bloomfiold was a 
milliner. At No. 55 Charles Bender had 
his tobacco shop before he moved to the 
south side of the street, and at No. 57 
and No. 59 stood the well known Lamb s 

On the north-east corner of King and 
Bay streets was the handsome cut stone 
residence of the late William Cawthra, 
and directly east, as shown in the pic 
ture, was No. 46, the shop of Thomas 
Dexter. No. 44, which is not shown, was 
vacant in 1866, and No. 42, a small 
whop, had for an occupant J. R 
Brown, a coloured man and a 
well patronized bootmaker. At No. 
40 1-2 John Mink had livery stables, and 
at No. 40 John Elgie was proprietor of 
a three-storey brick building, called 
Elgie s Hotel. In 1856 C. & J. Mitchell 
kept the Lovejoy Hotel at No. 40, and 
William Hickman, or "Bill," as he was 
better known, had a grocery at No. 42. 
Charles Baker, the tailor, had No. 46 
in 1856. "Charlie" Baker s trousers were 
always of fashionable cut, and he was 
liberally patronized. Now all is changed. 
The cut stone mansion of William Caw 

thra, designed and built by Joseph 
Sheard, has taken the place of Mrs, 
Kuott (1840) at the corner, and the 
Canada Life Building looms up upon the 
site of Baker s, Hickman s and Brown s 
buildings and the old Lovejoy House. 
The late J. G. Howard was an architect 
of repute, and as a critic his opinion 
was valued. One day, ten years ago, 
when chatting with the writer in the 
private office of The Telegram, Mr. How 
ard, who in earlier days at Upper Can 
ada College had the writer as a pupil, 
said : "My boy, do you want to see, one 
of the best designed buildings in To 
ronto ?* And on assent being given, he 
called the writer to the window, and, 
pointing to the Cawthra House, said : 
"There it is. That s Joseph Sheardrs 
work, and good work it is." 

In 1856 the Cawthra corner was 
vacant, Charles Baker being one door 
east, in No. 37, aud, continuing east, 
F. Lasher, a fruiterer, No. 85. William 
Hickman, better known as "Bill," was at 
No. 33. Christopher and John Mitchell 
had the Lovejoy House, afterwards called 
the Elgie s, and at No. 29 Charles March, 
the painter, had the shop that to-day 
is the office of the Verral Company, 
while Honoria Flinn had a small shop 
where she sold provisions, and at NOJ 
27 Nicholas Strangs, or rather his wife, 
Mrs. Strangs, was a broker, and sol<* 
second-hand clothes. What Mrs. Strangs 
did not know of every family in Toronto 
from 1830 was not worth knowing. The 
best people in Toronto knew Mrs. 
Strangs, for she was convenient, and not 
ill-liberal in buying old dresses, and fur 
ther had not only a plentiful supply of 
coin, but lots of gossip. William Ash- 
field, afterwards chief of the fire bri 
gade, was a gunmaker at No. 21, a small 
shop. He afterwards moved into the 
three-storey building now occupied by 
Clancy, while E. H. Blogg. a bootmaker; 
Miss Bolster, and Pagerit & Co. were 
cooks and confectioners. Across the lane 
east of the present Chop House, David 
i Wilson made boots at No. 19, and David 
i Davis was a grocer at No. 17, while 
J all the space from No. 17-19 was known 
as No. 11, owned and occupied by Wm. 
I Higgins, the high constable. Nb. 17-19 
| is the site of the Manning Arcade. 

The only buildings given in Jthe jrf$- 
ture of this section of the Landmark 
are the shops of Thomas Dexter and 
Charles Baker, and the Cawthra house. 




The Thoroughfares That all theYear Round 
Morning, Noon and Night, Hear the Foot- 
Falls of Busy Men. 

When early in the thirties, betweeni 
1830-4, some of the land on the nortti- 
west corner of King and Tonge streets 
was sold for a few dollars a foot, .and not 
ten at that, those who sold thought they 
were getting full value for the ground, 
while those who bought certainly never 
dreamed that twelve inches front of 
ground, about 100 feet deep, then selling 
for $4 or $5, would sell sixty years Jater 
for some thousands. And yet this is a 
fact. Nearly an acre on the north 
east corner sold in 1800 for a few hun 
dred dollars in Halifax currency, while 
the south-west and south-east corners al 
ways were looked on as the choice busi 
ness locations, neither of which have 
changed hands since the first purchase 
by the Bostwick and the Baldwins re 
spectively. The north-east corner has 
been until recent years in the possession 
of the Dennis family, while the north-west 
corner belongs to the estate of the late 
Dr. Lawlor. 

This is one of the busy corners of To 
ronto, although perhaps the sidewalks: 
on the south-west and north-west cor 
ners of Tonge and Queen streets can claim 
a greater passenger traffic, owing to the 
great retail stores in the neighbourhood. 

This landmark concerns the year 1866, 
when Moses Staunton had the building, 
Nos. 2 and 4, on the north-west corner 
of King and Yonge streets. R. W. Au- 
derson, the photographer, the same artist 
who photographs the landmarks for The 
Telegram, was at No. 6, and James Jack 
son, the China dealer was at No. 8, "Mr. 
Statiuton was a broad minded Irishman, 
full of business energy and for many 
years did a large trade on the corner. 
James Jackson in the days of the volun 
teer fire brigade, was captain of the hose 
company, or, as it was for a time -known, 
" The Jackson Hose." 

One door west of Jackson s in this row 
of brick buildings was between 1841-52 
the depository of the Church Society, and 
for some time the office of the Church 
newspaper under the management of Mr. 
Thonms Champion. The entrance of this 
office was by the lane in the rear from 
Yonge street. There were some old faces 
in his office David Sleeth, for so many 
years with the Leader, Mansfield, Archie 
Davis, William A. Myers, Wash. Clenden- 
aing, John Hogg, afterwards of Colling- 
wnod. as an apprentice, and Alexander 
Jacques was a type. All of these, John 

Hogg only excepted, have gone with their 
final revise. 

All the shops from the corner were 
three storey brick. Then came a row of 
two storey frame, with W. C. Morrison, 
the goldsmith, at No. 12, while a half 
shop, No. 12 1-2, was vacant. Next was 
the store of Carnegie & Brother, the 
watchmakers, who made the first illum 
inated clock in Toronto. This timepiece 
overhung their doorway, as seen in the 
engraving, and in the wall at the west 
side of the door was another clock 
set in the wall which gave 
the changes of the sun, the moon, and 
the stars, and other information to be 
found in clocks with extra mechanical 
contrivances. From Nos. 16 to 20 there 
was but one house, the cottage of Mr. 
William Higgins, the high constable. 
Higgins was a heavily built, powerful 
mini, one of iron nerve. The late Alex 
ander Jacques wrote iu 1889 that " no 
man ever had a hand shake from Higgins 
without remembering his energetic re 
sponse." His strength in his prime was 
noted, and he frequently, wrote Mr. 
Jacques, " would allow two men on one 
side of a Counter to grasp him by -each 
hand, while without any effort he would 
pull both across the counter with the 
greatest ease." 

In 1866 Themes Lalor, the locksmith, 
! rented the Higgin s house, while small 
shops to the west were occupied by H. 
Russell, general dealer, No. 28, N. Holmes, 
engraver, No. 28 1-2 ; Samuel Cleary had 
a carpenter shop in the rear of No. 28, 
and Mrs. Susan Wilson, widow of David 
Wilson and Joseph Catello, a labourer, 
lived in two frame houses in the rear of 
No. 28. 

At No. 30 Mr. A. Thomas had the Eng 
lish Chop Hous, a three storey building, 
now occupied by Clancy, and prior to 
Thomas, by Ashfield, the gun maker, af 
terwards chief of the fire brigade. Tlhen 
came three small two storey buildings. 
No. 32, F. Meagher sold oil and lamps. 
No. 32 1-2, used by Harry Nelson, the 
" professor in hair dressing," as a shop, 
in which the late Dick Jackson worked, 
and at No. 34, David Davis, a coloured 
man, restored clothing even when it was 
! near the sere and yellow leaf of old age. 
j The sheds further west on this side of the 
j street fronted the butcher shop of William 
! Dever, a shop, No. 36, remarkable not 
only for its good beef, but for its general 
cleanliness. The wooden slabs of other 
days gave way in this shop to marble, 
and the scales in the shop always looked 
as if they had just come from the nnaker. 
The meat was so shown as to be tempting 
to an epicure, and the weight had always 
the reputation of being on the side of 



tbe customer. At No. 38 William Charl- 
ton had a saloon, and in the rear lived 
Mrs. Margaret Grant, the widow of John 
Grant, and the mother of a Toronto at 
torney of the day. At 38 1-2 Alfred ; 
Scadding, the carpenter, a skillful 
mechanic, and so well read a man that 
the late John Ellis, the engraver, styled 
him as " the literary carpenter." Tfhen 
came Elgie s Hotel, the old Lovejo-y 
House, and to the corner the shops 
given in another landmark. 

The south-west corner is not all showm 
in the picture. The corner in 1866 was 
the shop of W. H. Dow, a dry -goods man, 
.and at No. 2 William Faulkner & Co., 
father of George Faulkner, sold toots and 
shoes. At No. 5 James Fraser, a skilled 
and experienced accountant and insurnnee 
agent, had an office, and upstairs Pat 
terson & Beatty, and J. C. Hamilton, all 
barristers, had offices. At No. 7 was the 
firm of Fulton, Michie & Co., now Michie 
& Co., and at No. 9 John Eiddell. the 
merchant tailor, and at No. 11 JohW 
Ellis, the father of Mr. Ellis at High 
Park, the engraver, and upstairs 
Octavius Thompson, the engraver, Johjn 
Hector, Q. C., a barrister, and James T. 
Smith, the architect. No. 13 was vacant, 
and at No. 15 was Joseph Robinson, in 
the Sheffield House. At No. 17 Thomas 
Maclear & Co. were in retail books, and 
upstairs Dudley & Burns, the printers, 
now of Colborne street, had an office. 
The tall building on the corner of Melinda 
street wa that of Jacques & Hay, a new 
building, the firm having removed from 
the corner of Bay and King streets. This 
shop occupied the site of the news and 
bookstore of Irving & Thompson, after 
wards A. S. Irving. This building was 
divided into three stores. In the centre 
of this building about 1856-57 was estab 
lished the firet news depot in Toronto by 
L. D. Campbell, an American, and the 
entire stock was on a shelf ten feet long 
and a counter 6x3. The shop was ten 
feet front and the site was about under 
the third window of the present Bank of 
Commerce. James Macdonald, the dyer, 
occupied the western third of the shop 
referred to in 1866. The next building 
was the old Commercial Bank building, 
afterwards the Globe. This was convert 
ed into shops about 1860. At No. 23 John 
D. Linton, a nephew of Angus Dallas, had 
a wood and willow ware shop, and at No. 
25 was vacant until May, 1866, when it 
was taken as the business office of the 
Daily Telegraph newspaper. The store to 
the west, also in the Dallas building, was 
occupied by David Wilson, the booti.iaker. 
He had removed from the opposite side of 
the street. At No. 27 William Klopp 
old pipes and tobacco, and at No. 29 

S. M. Shaw had a circulating library, 
while in rear of No. 31 was the restaur 
ant of Arthur Hogben. The Misses Bate 
were fashionable ladies hairdressers at 
No. 31, and R. T. Pocknell was a confec 
tioner at No. 33. McDougall & Co. had 
a news depot at No. 35, about 18, and 
then Waine & Hall, afterwards E. RI. Hall 
& Co., then Rogers & Clayton and George 
Boswell, and finally A. Si. Irving. It is 
the present shop of H. A. Wilson & Co. 
R,. B. Butland was in music at No. 35, as 
his family are to-day. James Bales had 
a tailor ehop at No. 41, and Wm. Win- 
deat, the photographer, and Thos. H. 
Martin, the portrait painter, were up 
stairs, and the late James McGinn had a 
billiard parlour in the ehop known as 
No. 41. Hooper & Co. were at No. 43, 
their present stand, and Phillip Jacobi 
was at No. 47 ; J. Park, No. 49 ; R. S. 
Thompson, 49 1-2 ; D. S. & B. Adams, 
No. 51 ; and the old building of Jacques 
& Hay at the corner of King and Bay 

In 1856 the north and south sides of 
Kiiug street west had some of the same 
occupants as in 1866. At the Staunton 
corner Haycraft, Small & Addison had 
a music store, and on King street, to 
the west, were the offices of C. A. Mon- 
delet, S. E. Gregory and C. Bradburne, 
the agent of the Canada Life Company. 
James Jackson was at No. 3, and at 
No. 5 was Anthony Dillon, an artist s 
colourman. At No. 7 Alexander Gem- 
mell, the shoeman, and at No. 9 Parson, 
Johnson & Co., soap and candle men, 
and next door west Thomas Beaty, a 
watchmaker, and J. C. (Pell, the gilder, 
Going west to the corner of Bay were 
the houses of Wm. Higgins, Daniel Davis, 
David Wilson, the bootmaker; Pagerit &. 
Co., James Ashfield, Mrs. Strangs, Mrs. 
Flinn, Charles March (now the Verral 
office), C. & J. Mitchell, Hickman, Lasher 
and Charles Baker. The four last men 
tioned shops are now occupied by the 
Canada Life Building. The corner was 
vacant and was afterwards built on by 
Wm. Cawthra. 

On the south-west side at the corner 
of King and Yonge streets, was, in 1856, 
W. H. Dow, dry goods (No. 2), and up 
stairs Larratt W. Smith, barrister ; Geo. 
T. Berthon, the portrait painter, and 
Stephen Richards, the barrister, had of 
fices. Mr. Berthon was the painter of 
many of the portraits in Oegoode Hall. 
Mr. Richards became the Hon. Stephen 
some years later. At No. 4 Adam Wilson 
afterwards Sir Adam and John Hector 
were in partnership as barristers, and at 
No. 6 Fulton, Michie & Go., were retail 
grocers. At No. 8 John Riddell and Mc 
Lean were merchant tailors, and John 
Ellis conducted an engraving establish- 





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mnt at No. 8. Upstairs in this building 
were the officer of Kivas Tully, the archi 
tect and civil engineer ; F. F. Passmore, 
the surveyor ; T. C. Bramly, agent of 
the Toronto Brick Company, and C. R. 
Commander, agent of a London publish 
ing company. la No. 10 Matilda Haas 
sold embroidery, and at No. 12 J. C. 
Beckett & Co., the predecessors of Hooper 
<fc Co., had the leading chemiet s shop of 
Toronto. At the corner, where Wheaton 
& Co. are to-day, -was the book shop of 
Andrew H. Armour, a well-known book- 
Beller of the peiiod. The late John Kerr 
was manager for A. H. Armour & Co., 
and Francis Nesbitt was an employe. 
Crossing Jordan street, was the boot 
store of Win. Faulkner, afterwards the 
shop of A. S. Irving, and next door was 
the first newa store in Toronto, that of 
L. D. Campbell. No. 18 was part of the 
Dallas block, and was unoccupied in 1856, 
but No. 20 had Angus Dallas in the wood- 
enware business, and at No. 22 was the 
Globe office. At No. 24 was John Godike, 
the grocer, who, ten years later, was 
west of Bay street on King, in the min 
eral water business. 

An early echoolhouse of York stood in 
rear of A. H. Armour s on the corner. It 
stood on the north-east corner of Jordan 
and Melinda streets, Mr. Thos. Thompson 
being the preceptor and guide to know 
ledge. It was also in this building that 
the Mechanics Institute was organized in 

All the original buildings from the St. 
Charles restaurant on Yonge street, 
around King street to Jordan, were 
erected in 1834-36. 

The streets that cut Into four quarters 
the large block of land from Bay street 
to Yonge street, and from King to Well 
ington, are named after Jordan and Me- 
linda Poet, who were early settlers and 
owners. iPcst was a clockmaker, and had 
in 1830 a small shop, a frame building, 
on the south-east corner of Bay and King 


The Water Front Betweeii John and Peter 
Streets and the Residence of the Hon. 
George Cruickshank. 

The two most prominent buildings on 
Front street, weat of John, from 1820- 
85, were two private residences, one that 
Of the Hon. George Cruikshanki oe the 
corner of Front and Peter, and the 
second, the dwelling of John Beikie, the 
Clerk of the Executive Council early in 
the century and at one tinp sheriff of 
tto tow of York (1811-12). These build 

ings had an unobstructed view of th 
bay, the island and the lake for nearly 
half a century, not that the view is 
much interfered with in modern days, 
but the ereotion of the waiter-works 
engine hous and of the rows of freight 
sheds, the railway round housea and the 
signal cabins of the Grand Trunk and 
Canadian Pacific to a certain extent 
disene*mt a -new, which from 1800- 
50 was one of the finest in Toronto. 

Front street is the street of all others 
that can lay claim to an antiquity not 
shared by any other in Toronto. When 
Simcoo arrived in York he not only sail 
ed down the bay and up the Don at the 
east end of the bay, but he tramped 
along the embankment that averaged a 
height of thirty and forty feet from the 
spot selected for a fort at the wast end 
of the site chosen for a city, down to a 
few hundred yards of the Don, for at 
that distance the high bank had a gentle 
slope into the bay and river after pass 
ing what was, in later days, the fair 
green, directly w,t>8t of the jail and op 
posite the foot of the present Berkeley 

The picture marked No. 1 gives Front 
street west from the north-east corner 
of Front and Peter streets to within 
seventy feet of the north-west corner of 
Front and John streets. 

The view gives on the north-east corner 
of Front and Peter streets the original 
residence of the late Hon. George Cruik- 
shank. The house was built in colonial 
cottage style, with a centre building of 
fifteen feet front, and a couple of wing* 
east and west of about twenty feet each, 
and these composed the main building, 
while from each of these winge were 
smaller extensions of about 20 feet, 
which were flanked by wings of fifteen 
feet, the gable windows of each being 
shown in the picture. The house was 
built back from the street line about 60 
feet, and the frontage of the building 
was as in the diagram. The mam en 
trance in the centre front of thia pioneer 
residence, for it was erected about 1800, 
was protected and ornamented with, a 
porch, which had not only a certain 
amount of beauty given it by the colonial 
carpenter, but, according to Mr. William 
Helliwell, who was in Toronto in 1818, 
it was in the summer time covered with 
vines. The centre over the porch was 
peaked, and a small window directly 
over the porch indicated an attic or gar 
ret room, such as was common in houses 
of that date and build. The house was of 
frame ordinary clapboard and painted 
white. Standing as It did some distance 
from the street line, there was room 
for shrube, and the large trees 



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that covered this part of Front street 
as shown in early pictures must have 
made the situation of the dwelling ex 
ceptionally pleasant for its occupants. 
The fact that this cottage residence was 
a pioneer building, erected before the 
War of 1812, is shown by a list of houses 
built before the war on Front street, 
"1, Mr. Cruikshank, 2, Mr. Beikie." In 
1821 Mr. Cruikehauk erected in front of 
the old house a more modern structure 
as given in picture No. 2. This new house 
was of frame, filled in with brick, the 
walls being very thick. It was a roomy 
two-storey residence, and occupied all 
the front of the street line for about a 
hundred feet, the original cottage of 
1805 serving as the rear of the modern 
structure. About 1850 the house (was 
covered with brown stone plaster and 
artistically blocked out a process which 
rather improved its looks. As with the 
pioneer dwelling the residence of 1821 
had a centre with two wings, with a 
large porch or vestibule ornamented in 
colonial style. It is to be noted that not 
only the best residences in York and 
Toronto, but some of the more humble 
cottage buildings, had considerable 
ornamentation about the doors and 
windows. The old porch of "The Grange," 
iiow replaced by stone, and the doorway 
of No. 26 Terauley street, are examples 
of both. The hall of the Cruikshank resi 
dence of 1821 was large and roomy, 
leading out in each side to a spacious 
room, which, for their day, were the 
best appointed in York. On the w^st 
side of the house there were two large 
drawing rooms and a spacious dining 
room and library on the east side, while 
the upper floors had a suite of sleeping 
rooms. The Hon. George Cruikshank, for 
we adhere to the Scotch orthography 
rather than the more modern "Crook- 
shank," although both spellings are con 
sidered correct, was a pioneer in the 
best sense of the term. He was born in 
New York in 1773 of Scotch parents, who 
crossed the ocean before 1770. His 
parents were United Empire Loyalists, 
and after the war of the American 
revolution they emigrated to St. John, 
New Brunswick. 

Miss Catharine Cruikshank, a sister of 
Mr. George Cruikshank, married Mr. John 
McGill, who was the first Receiver-Gen 
eral of Upp^r Canada. Mr. McGill knew 
Governor Simcoe in Virginia, and by him invited to settle in Upper Canada. Mr. 
MoGill cot only did so, but advised Mr. 
George Cruikshank to cast his lot in the 
Upper Province. Both gentlemen, there- 
lore, cam* to Yock in 1796, so that both 
had a part in the laying out of the 
embryo city. The Hoii. Fetsr McGill, of 

Montreal, was a son of a sister of Mr. 
John McGill, who married a Mr. Mc- 
Cutcheou. Mr. James McCutcheon was the 
agent of Mr. John McGill in Upper Can 

It was in the last year of Simcoe s term 
as Lieutenant-Govemor that Mr. Cruik 
ehank was appointed Deputy Commissary 
General, and after the war retired on 
half-pay. Mr. John McGill was the first 
Receiver-General of the Province of Up 
per Canada. Mr. Cruikshank was a young 
man, only 23 years of age, when he ar 
rived in Toronto, and his energy and 
business sagacity not only gave him the 
opportunity of serving the province in his 
official capacity, but also enabled him 
to advance the interests of the town in 
which he had determined to make his 
future home. During hie term in the 
commissariat he had charge of the build 
ing of the fort at Toronto, and a memor 
andum is extant showing that all the 
material furnished in 1803 for Govern 
ment buildings,including the Government 
house in the fort, were duly acknowledged 
by Mr. Cruikshank. All these buildings 
were, of course, destroyed in the war 
of 181215. On his settlement in To 
ronto Mr. Cruikshauk purchased three 
hundred acres of land, some of which was 
on the bay front, and the rest in the 
worth-western part of the city, west of 
Bathurst street, that part north of 
Queen being known for many years a 
Cruikshank s lane. 

In the records of the York County Regis 
try Office from 1797 to 1861, under the 
grants on Market street, now Wellington, 
"Lot 13, All. 1, August 10, 1801," was 
patented to "George Crookshank," and 
"No. 14, All. 1, June 10, 1801," to the 
"Hon. John McGill." This means that 
one acre on the south side of Market 
etreet (Wellib. gtota), east of Peter and 
south to Front, was patented to Mr. 
Cruikshauk, and the west lot to his 
"brother-in-law, Mr. McGill. In the ic- 
cords of October 17ith, 1843, a half-acre, 
No. 6, was patented, and 1 1-2 and 2 
acres on 10th June, 1837, both parcels; 
to "Hon. George Crookshank," and also 
one acre "south of King," to " George 
Crookshank." In 1821 Mr. Cruikshank 
married an American lady, a Miss Lam 
bert, and by her had a son, George, 
who entered Upper Canada College in 
1843, and who died in the early fifties, 
and a daughter, now the widow of the 
late Mr. Stephen Heward, now residing 
at 38 Peter street. Mr. Cruikshauk was 
a member of the Legislative Council of 
Upper Canada, but after the union of 
the provinces in 1841 he took little or 
no interest in party politics. 

During the occupation of York by tt 



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Americans, in 1813, the Cruikshank 
bouse was used by American officers. The 
house was divided in 1863 into two 
houses, and was finally pulled down in 
1881. The house of 1801, in the rear, 
which formed part of the structure of 
1821, was pulled down at the same time. 

In the directory of 1833 Peter street 
is "The last street west of the town," 
and "commences in Front street, front 
ing the bay, and runs north," and "at 
the south-east corner, Crookshank, the 
Hon. George, on the left houses build 
ing by the Honourable George Crook- 
ehftnk." These are the red brick houses 
now numbered 38, 50-2, on the west 
side of Peter Street. 

A garden to the east of the Cruik- 
shank house, enclosed within the board 
fence shown, occupied another hundred 
feet, and adjoining this garden on the 
west is shown in print No. 1, the dwell 
ing house of John Beikie, which stood 
on the site of the present Windsor street, 
which was opened about 1854-55. Some 
particulars of John Beikie s life have 
been given in another landmark (pp. 469- 
70,, Vol. I.). The Beikie house was a 
frame, clap-boarded building, with high 
steps, leading up to an open porch, a 
seat on either side, upon which of an 
evening Mr. Beikie had his ease, after 
his official duties were at an end. The 
porch was colonial in shape, like that of 
the Canada Company, on the north-east 
corner of King and Frederick streets. The 
drawing of the Beikie house is a capital 
reproduction of the primitive frame build 
ing, by Mr. Stephen He ward, son of Mrs. 
Heward, 38 Peter street, from the ori 
ginal picture made in 1810. Residents of 
Toronto up to 1860 will remember the 
house, and pioneers may recall the se 
verely plain style of architecture that 
characterized it. 

The Beikie house, given as "No. 2" in 
the list of 1815, was prominent for its 
plainness in architecture, the porch be 
ing about the only bit of carpenter work 
that relieved the monotony of old-time 
wooden buildings. In the directory of 
York for 1833, "Xo. 70," at the north-) 
east corner of Peter and Front streets, 
is "No. 70," the residence of the "Hon. 
George Crookshank," and "No. 68," the 
first house to the east, the residence of 
"John Beikie, Esq., Clerk of the Execu 
tive Council." Mr. Beikie came to York 
alxHit 1802, and from 1820-33 he was 
clerk of the Executive Council of Upper 
Canada. He married some years after 
the war Miss Macdonell, a relative of 
Mr. Alexander Macdonell, of Osgcode Hall 
(1896). Beikie was a well read man, 
and had a remarkable memory. He waa 
a marvel aa a memorizer, and was a 

leading member of the Masonic frater 
nity in Toronto in 1822-30. He was fond 
of gardening, and in front of his house 
a email plot of ground had a few choice 
flowers. He waa also fond of music, his 
favourite instrument being the flute. In 
1803 he was a pew-holder in St. James 
church, and was specially fond of the 
musical service. A story is told that 
he was so fond of music that when Bishop 
Alexander Macdouell, of York, celebrated 
the first mass in the town, that Mr. 
Beikie, notwithstanding the fact that 
he was an Anglican, aided the Bishop 
by leading the singing in connection with 
the service. His house was partly torn 
down early in the fifties. The eastern 
side of it was moved a short distance 
to the east when Windsor street was 
opened. This part of the house has now 
a shop front. Fifty feet further east thau 
the Beikie residence waa in 1810 an open 
space, a bit of the natural forest, with 
a score of tall elms that filled part 
of the acre I6t north to Market (Welling 
ton) street. 

The building on the s/treet line a hun-* 
dred feet east of Beikie s, prior to 1815, 
was that of " Esperlon, a discharged 
soldier from De Wattevill s Regiment, 
built by John Endicott, of Yonge street." 
In a list of houses given as erected be 
fore the war this house is described as 
"No. 3" on Front street. The name is 
sometimes rendered " Ekerlin." This 
house was probably the west building 
of the three given between Beikie a and 
the corner of John street. The build* 
ings at present on the site are part 
of the house. In the directory of 1833 
"Xo. 64" is given as the house of "Eker 1 - 
1 lin, B., Issuer in the Commissiariat 

The first house east of Ekerlin s was 

j the Halfway House. This house was built 

after the war for it is not given in the 

official list of houses west of Simcoa 

street. It is possible that it may have 

been added to the Ekerlin house about 

1816-17, and is shown in the picture with 

ai email porch at the front door. It waa 

a favourite place of resort for soldiers 

from the garrison. In the early days the 

Halfway Honse was occupied by officers 

of the garrison and afterwards it became 

a. tavern. The small building east of the 

Halfway House was part of the tavern. 

Between 1840-60 the bar room was in 

I the centre building with the porch. The 

writer resided fnftn 1841-56 on Simcoe 

street and knew all the buildings on Front 

] street, and the Halfway House was a 

I minor landmark in its way, called by its 

j name as indicating halfway between the 

I market and the garrison. It is peculiar 

that the Halfway is not given in the 



directory of York from 1833, although 
the house was undoubtedly in existence 
at that time. 

The houses west between the Halfway 
and the corner of John and Front streetp 

frame building painted in ordnance grey 
and contained nfflitia stoPes. Tt was en 
larged in 1840-42, and was about 
hundred and fifty feet in length. On 
top of the enbaukineut, just north of 












are not given. The military storehouse 
na the Bay shore as shown in the picture 
was built about 1810. It was there in 
1852, just before the filling in of the Es 
planade in front of the city. It was a 

storehouse, and a few feet west, almoet 
opposite the foot of John street, was a 
shed used by the military as a guard 
house, and up to 1855 a sentry alwajw 
paced in front of this small building. 



while the guard was regularly relieved 
by the soldiers of whatever regimetnt 
was stationed in the Old Fort, at the 
west end of Front street. The foregoing 
is a description of this Front street view; 
as from 1800-20. 

The original of the picture given as No. 
1 was painted about 1814 by a Mr. (Ir 
vine, a Scotchman, a cousin of Mr. Cruik- 
Khank. who was a pioneer at Detroit dur 
ing the war. 

This fact shows that the Halfway was 
standing before the war. The picture, No. 
2, was the Cruikshank residence from 
1821. This was painted by Mr. William 
Armstrong from a pencil sketch made un 
der the direction of Mrs. Stephen Reward. 
After 1830 there were quite a few 
changes in this locality. East of the 
Beikie house Mr. Peter Robinson, brother 
of Sir J. B. Robinson, erected a twx>- 
storey brick dwelling that is still to the 
fore. He occupied it till his death when , 
Mrs.Heward moved into it. About 1860 the 
late Sir James Lukin Robinson purchas- | 
ed the house,formerly the Beikie residence, 
and opened up Windsor street. The cor 
ner of Front and John streets was oc 
cupied by the Greenland Fishery Taverfu. 
The building with a couple to the east 
of it still remains. That tavern wa 
kept by Edward Wright and was No. 58 
on the Street. The first house west, 60, 
was that of Edward (Jressell, Issuer in the 
CommifliBariat, and at No. 62 William^ 
Heather, bricklayer, and a Mrs. Hutch 
ison, occupied. At No. 64 was the ori 
ginal house of B. Ekerliu, as occupied by 
him in 1812-15, and at No. 66 was a 
frame house, painted white, built prior 
to 1832, the residence of Col. N. Coffin, 
Adjutantt-Geueral of the Militia. All 
these houses in this landmark with the 
exception of the military storehouse, 
were either on or a little north of the 
street line of Front street, and stood 
abou<t a hundred and fiftf - ft-et from the 
edge of the bank that led in some places 
by a eteep incline to the shore below. 
The bank had a slope to the street from 
east to wept at the foot of Peter 
street, and also at the west end of the 
military storehouse, so that descent to a 
splendid beach was not difficiOt. 

The Greenland Fishery Tavern is given 
In a landmark at page 48, vol. I. 

The originals of the sketches from which 
:ae thie prints are made are in the pos 
session of Mrs. Stephen Howard, who 
baa not only kindly loaned the pictures 
for the purpose of re-production, but 
has also verified the description of this 
old spot of early York. 


A View That Recalls Quite a Number of th 
Old Buildings A. Busy Thoroughfare for 
the Past Sixty Years. 

Front street to the east of Yonge, es 
pecially on the north side, was a busy 
thoroughfare from 1840. The American 
Hotel, built about 1844, on the site of 
the Sherwood residence, was much fre 
quented by travellers, and when in the 
fifties the steamer trade became active 
citizens from the east end always came 
by way of Front street to Yonge street. 

On the 20th June, 1837, when Queen 
Victoria was proclaimed Queen an ox was 
roasted on the vacant space at the cor 
ner of Yonge street, where the Sherwood 
House stood, and where the American 
Hotel, which was Nos. 2 and 4, on Frofnt 
street, was afterwards built. In 1870. 
the year of this landmark, at No. 8 
Nicol Milloy was agent for lake steamers, 
and at No. 10, one door further east, JPar- 
son Bros, were dealers in oils and lamps. 
This site is now the Board of Trade 
building. Nos. 12-16, two storey brick 
dwellings were built in 1842, but 
converted into business places about 
1850. At No. 12-14 the Machine Made 
Hat Company had its factory, and at 
No. 16 W. D. Matthews & Co., the com 
mission merchants in grain, who to-day 
do one of the largest businesses in this 
line in Canada. The Grand Trunk rail 
way had Richard Arnold, a genial and 
affable man ae their agent at No. 24. 
and in the same building Henry Bour- 
lier, the pioneer agent of the Allan 
line, had his office. He is still as ener 
getic as ever for the same company. The 
building occupied by Messrs. Arnold aad 
Bourlier was a small red brick building, 
erected about 1870, on the north-west 
corner of Front and Scott streets. Be 
fore that time the fruit garden of 
Mrs. Carfrae and of Stedman B. Camp 
bell occupied this site. Across the street 
was the Niagara House, a restaurant, 
kept by Wm. Guest. This building was 
at one time a theatre. Two doors east at 
No. 32 was the Newbiggiug House, 
the building that, .prior to 1862 
was the North American Hotel kept by 
Mr. Horwood. In 1870 John Shedden A 
Co., cartage agents, were in a brick 
cottage. No. 42, that had been in the 
days of 1835-41 the Customs house. This 
site in 1872 was known as Nos. 36-38. 
and on it stood the Royal Canadian Bank 
buildings which ran through to Welling-" 
ton street. The buildings east of this on 
Front street were occupied by office*. J. 
Leckie at No. 42 and J. Bailie at th 
same number. No. 50 had Jamee Rough. 





the flour inspector, and also Douglas 
Laidlaw, corn merchant, D. Davidson, 
<rain dealer, J. Harris, grain inspector, 
E. M. Carruthers & Co., agents. Mr. 
Carruthers was a brother of the Car 
ruthers, of Inverness, Scotland, Courier, 
a leading paper, J. E. Jacques & Co., 
a,nd W. & H. Jacques, all Montreal men, 
connected with freight steamer lines. 
At No. 52 M. & L. Samuel were iin iron, 
as they are to-day, on Front street west, 
as the firm of M. L. Samuel & .Benjamin, 
and at No. 54 J. & A. Clark twerecommis>- 
eion merchants, and J. Laidlaw, also a 
merchant. At No. 56 W. B. Scarth, the 
present Deputy Minister of Agriculture 
for the Dominion, was a timber merchant, 
and at No. 58 the Dominion Telegraph: 
Company had offices, and also William 
Thorn, merchant. 

From No. 50 was the Coffin block, re 
cently torn down to be replaced by the 
handsome building of the Gooderham & 
Worts Co. 

The building in the picture to the east 
of the Newbigging House, is the rear of 
the warehouse of John Macdonald & Co. 
which fronted on Wellington street. 

On the opposite side of the street, op 
posite the Niagara House, is the building 
of Frank Smith & Co., now occupied by 
Eby, Blain & Co. The fence on the south 
west corner of Scott and Front enclosed a 
coal yard now the warehouse of E. C. Eck- 
hardt & Co., formerly occupied by Eby, 
Blain & Co., is on this site. The buildings 
in the back ground, far to the east, are 
the Manning block on the north side of 
Front, east of Church. 

It will be of interest in this landmark 
to go back to an earlier period, that 
of 1856, when the buildings were about 
the same, but the tenants were mostly 
men who were active in many business 
callings before the year 1850. 

In 1856 the corner of Front street had 
the American Hotel, with N. F. Pearson 
&8 proprietor, while in the building on 
Front street, to the east of the hotel, 
was the offices of Humphrey, Camp & 
Patterson, contractors and agents. J. 
B. Gordon was a coal agent in the same 
building. A large white brick building, 
with the sign Parson Bros, on the roof, 
was in 1856 the Royal mail steamer 
office, and in it also the office of L. H. 
Daniels, a popular steamboat agent, 
whose energy in business was leavensd 
with a manner that made him many 
friends. In build he was as straight as 
an arrow, and old time hairdressers said 
that he had the finest head of hair in 
Toronto. He is yet active as the ac 
commodating host of the leading hotel 
in Preecott, Ont. T. D. Shipman, a vet 
eran railway and steamboat man, thin 

and spare in build and a quick thinker 
in business, was also in this office. Both 
Daniels and Shipman were connected 
with the Royal mail line. In the row 
of two-storey red brick buildings to the 
east was the harbour office, with Hugh 
Richardson as harbourmaster. There i 
a small photograph of him in the Board 
of Trade office. In the centre building 
resided Samuel Sherwood, chief of police, 
who was afterwards city registrar. The 
original Corn Exchange was in the east 
of the row, with R. A. Goodenough as 
secretary, and at the corner of Scott 
street was Richard Arnold s Grand Trunk 
ticket office. William Wainwrighit and 
James Stephenson, late of the Grand 
Trunk at Montreal, are sons-in-law of the 
late Mr. Arnold. On the north-west cor 
ner of Front and Scott John Smith and 
Frank Flood, his assistant, had the In 
ternational ticket office. Flood took 
pride in always being up to the fashion 
in dress. The next building was the 
North American Hotel, which was then 
unoccupied. In the private dwelling to 
the east was the residence of the late 
William Newbigging. The portion of 
this street to the east has been given in 
another landmark. 


Tbe \orth west and North-east Corner* of 
the Great Business Thorongbfare of Forty 
Years ago. 

Forty years ago, while Tonge street 
was one of the great thoroughfares of 
Toronto, it had not the importance as 
a business street that ir has to-day. In 
the early fifties Yonge street, as far as 
the city proper was concerned, was but 
two mile^ in length, while to-day it is 
not only the busy haunt of the bargain 
hunters, but its length has been extended 
another mile or so into the County of 
York, so that from Toronto Bay to the 
south line of Mount Pleasant cemeterp- 
we have a business street that is a ^vast 
improvement on the days of half a cen 
tury ago. 

The lower end of Youge street prior to 
1866 was pre-eminently the centre of the 
wholesale dry goods district. But with 
in a few years of the period named, he 
dry goods men sought better quarters, 
and Wellington street east and west, and 
Front street, especially to the west of 
Yonge, secured in new and improved 
warehouses, not only what remained of 
the Yonge street wholesale trade, but 
that of new comers, who sought wealth 
in that particular line within the limits 
of Toronto 


Youge street, iiorth of King and up to 
Queen, shared to a small extent the dry 
goods trade of King street, east of Yonge, 
For in the latter section the retail dry 
goods men reigned supreme as early as 
1836-40, and, aided by the fact that the 
market place was east of Church, secured 
not only the trade of the farmers of York 
county, but that of the citizens of Tor 
onto, whose favorite shops were nearly 
all on the south side of King, from Yquge 
street to Church. The farmers and out 
of town people were the reliable cus 
tomers of the range of shops located on 
the south and north sides of King street, 
as far east even as the old boundary 
of the Home Distinct, known then as it 
is now, as George street. 

But business centres change and the 
dry goods man, like the pioneer of civil 
ization, has moved west. King street 
east has but few of the great shops of 
forty years ago, and when the sigu on 
the south side of King street of the vet 
eran dry goods man, James Scott, who 
now retires after a successful business 
career of over fifty years, is taken down, 
the eastern limit of the retail dry goods 
man will not be east of the Leader lane. 

Youge street, north of King to Ade 
laide, in the early fifties, had a miscel 
laneous number of dealers on its west 
ern side, clothiers, auctioneers, tailors, 
druggists, boot makers and hardware 
men, with a sprinkling of small dry goods 
men. North of Adelaide, on both sides 
of the street it was about the same. The 
stores were occupied by the various 
lines of trade, and the upper rooms of 
many of tue Lmimiugs were rented to 
printers and publishers, barristers and 
book agents at rents far more moderate 
than in tnese days of active business 

The first buildings that marked an era 
of improvement on Yonge street in 1852- 
63 were those oh. the north-west and 
north-east corners of Youge and Ade 
laide streets, the two rows which are 
prominent in the foreground of the pic 
ture illustrating this chapter. The south 
west corner of Yonge and Adelaide streets 
was early in the century occupied by 
the tannery of Jesse Ketchum. His house 
and grounds were on the north-west cor 
ner of Yonge and Adelaide streets, and 
Extended a hundred feet north. In the 
forties a row of wooden buildings oc 
cupied the site after the demolition, 
of the Ketchum dwelling, and this row, 
which was destroyed by fire, was suc 
ceeded in 1850 by the brick row shown 
and known as the Elgin Buildings. These 
-were erected by Mr. Jesse Ketchum, jr., 
and some of the southern shops in the 
row are now in the possession of the 

Sheard family, having belonged to the 
late Joseph Sheard, the architect, at one 
time Mayor of the city, and one promin 
ent in municipal reform. The name 
"Elgin" was selected in honour of Lord 
Elgin, who! in 1847-54 was the Governor 
of Upper and Lower Canada. 

The first shop on the left hand was 
that of James & William McDonald, dry 
goodf dealers, who occupied the ground 
floor of the double store, No. 79, on 
tho corner. The members of this firm 
were two brothers, who from 1852 to 
1850 carried on the business. Mr. Win. 
McDonald went subsequently to Mel 
bourne, Australia, and Mr. James McDon 
ald is still a resident of this city. His 
eon is Mr. William McDonald, of Kerr, 
McDonald & Davidson, barristers, To 

In one of the upper rooms in the build 
ing was the office of Mr. J. R. Joces, a 
barrister, a relative of the Hon. Robt. 
Jones, of L Orignal. Another portion of 
the upper offices was occupied by Wil 
liam Lyou McKenzie, the editor and pro 
prietor of the Weekly Messenger. The 
work of typesetting was performed on 
the third floor, and the Message was 
worked off every week on a Washington 
hand press, the favourite machine for 
printers who did not find it convenient 
to use the cylinder press, twhich was 
worked by steam and which was, in those 
days, considered a novelty. 

No. 81 was a double store, divided 
into single stores and occupied by George 
Balfour, a tailor, and William Hamilton, 
a boot and shoe maker, who died some 
years ago. 

The ground floor and basement of No. 
83 were leased from Mr. Ketchum by 
John nnd William Frederick Cowan, sons 
of Mr. Thomas Smith Cowan, a native 
of County Fermanagh, Ireland, who emi 
grated to Canada in 1840. 

The brothers Cowan carried on a re 
tail dry goods business at No. 83 (Elgin 
Buildings) Yonge street, under the style 
of J. & W. Cowan, from 1854 until the 
expiration of their lease in 1859, when 
they removed to premises owned by Mr. 
J. A. Smith, on the south-west corner of 
Yonge and Richmond streets, continuing 
their avocation at the latter locality 
until 1867. G orge Ridout, tbe barrister, 
Hugh Rodgora, the agent of th 
book subscription firm of Virtue & Co., 
and Patrick Russell, a tailor, also divid 
ed between them a portion of the upper 
part of the building. 

No. 85 was two single stores, the south 
one occupied by John T,yuer, the boot 
maker, father of two bright press men. 
Christopher Tyner, editor of the Hamil 
ton Times, and Adam Clarke Tyuer, of 



the Toronto Daily Telegraph. Mr. William 
Marston, an experienced gunmaker, oc 
cupied the north shop of No. 85. He 
afterwards moved to the opposite side 
of the street and carried on business for 
several years and then went out of busi 

The buildings from the north end of 
the Elgin buildings were three, built of 
red brick. These three are given in 
a sketch made by Mr. William Edwards, 
which is given with this landmark. 

The house to the left of the reader was 
built by Alex. McGlashau, and occupied by 
a grocer in 1851. It was shortly after 
occupied by the late Charles Moore in 
the grocery and liquor business, then up 
to 1895 by George Sproule, in the picture 
and art business. Mr. Moore s establish 
ment was known as " The Chequered 
Store." He removed to Wellington street 
and carried on a wholesale business 
The centre house was Duilt and occu 
pied by Matthew Shore, saddler, until 
1851, when he was bought out and suc 
ceeded by Wm. and Robert Edwards, who, 
in 1851, were succeeded by William and 
John Edwards, in the stationery and 
wall paper business. Mr. William Ed 
wards was for many years active in con 
nection with the Mechanics Institute, the 
Agricultural and Arts Association, and is 
now secretary of the Department of Pub 
lic Works of Ontario (1895). 

The south-west corner ot Xoujre nml 
Temperance streets was prior to 1851 
occupied by a Mr. Wilson as a furni 
ture store, with his work shop on Tem 
pera-nee street. Subsequently it was oc 
cupied by the late Edward Lawson, in 
the grocery and confectionery buine*, 
and succeeded in the same by Dodgson, 
Shields & Morton. 

All these stores were subsequently oc 
cupied by other parties than these above 
mentioned, until in the year 1895 all 
three were taken by and altered and fit 
ted up and occupied by the John Eaton 
Company s departmental store. 

Here Temperance street intersected, 
and crossing the roadway north was the 
shop at No. 93, of J. Belton, boot and 
shoe maker, and John Foggin, a quiet and 
easy going man, who was a dyer. Next 
in No. 95, was William Steward, a sad 
dler, and at No. 97 John Wallis carried 
on business as a leather merchant. Mr. 
Belton married the widow of the late 
John Wallis, and continued in the leather 
business for a number of years. He has 
retired from business, and now resides 
on the west side of Yonge street, near 
Agnes street. 

At No. 99 Alexander Kattray, the 
baker, father of W. J. Rattray, a clever 
newspaper writer, a man of great abil 

ity, and at 99 1-2 Richard Reynolds, the 
boot maker, who is still to the fore on 
Yonge street, at the corner of Bread- 
albane street. 

At No. 101 Robert Higiginbotham, also 
was in the boot business, and at 101 1-2 
George W. Gary, a hair dresser, after 
wards in the Ilossin House, on York 
street. Gerge W. Gary was a man of 
colour, most corteous to his customers, an 
easy shaver and noted for the excellent 
edge of his razors. 

Nos. 103 and 101, the two stores at 
the south- west corner of Yonge and Rioh- 
inond streets, were two red brick build 
ings, which were erected by a Mr. Purk- 
is, from whom George Bilton, a retired 
King street merchant tailor, had pre 
viously purchased the property with the 
iiitetitiou of opening a retail dry goods 

No. 103 contained Marmaduke Pear 
son s familiar form. Mr. Pearson who 
carried on a retail dry goods business, 
was formerly a partner of Mr. Thomas 
Thompson, of " The Mammoth," under the 
style of Thompson & Pearson. In 1853 
the premises were known as " The Large 
103," the name being given to it because 
of the large six foot figures painted on 
the front of the building. Mr. Pearsolh 
occupied this building and the corner 
building immediately north contin 
uously for thirty years, retiring in 1883. 
Mr. Pearson was born in Dublin, Ireland, 
and is one of the few pioneer merchantte 
of the city now living. 

In the shop imrnedia/tely south of 
the corner Senator John Macdonald, 
who subsequently represented West Tor 
onto in the Parliament of United Canada, 
and was eventually appointed to the 
Dominion Senate, inaugurated a few 
years prior to 1854, the first exclusively 
retail dry goods business on Youge street. 
After a short and successful career Mr. 
Macdouald, finding inadequate scope for 
the exercise of his energies within the 
limits incident to retail operations, sold 
out his Yonge street business to Marma 
duke Pearson, and thereafter devoted his 
efforts to the conduct of a wholesale dry 
goods trade, which he established on the 
north side of Wellington street, near the 
Imperial Bank, next the present Bo 
dega, and in premises owned by Mr. 
Charles Berczy, postmaster of Toronto, 
finally erecting, to meet the growing re 
quirements of his business, the imposing 
stone structure situated on the south 
side of Wellington street. 

The premises at the north-east corner 
of Wellington street and Leader Lane 
were for several years, subsequent to Mr. 
Macdouald s tenure, utilized by Messrs. 
Rolph, Smith & Co. as a lithographic 



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printing establishment, and are now 
known to f;iine as the Bodega restaurant. 

At the south-west corner of Richmond 
and Yonge streets, already referred to, 
for bare Richmond street intersects, were 
George Bilton and William Blakely, also 
dry goods men. Mr. Blakely is an active 
member of the Plymouth brethren. He 
retired from busiiie3s some years ago and 
still resides in Toronto. 

Soon after acquiring the two brick 
buildings at the south-west corner, Mr. 
Bilton conveyed the title to Mr. I. A. 
Smith (known as Yorkshire Smith) as a 
consideration, in whole or part, for the 
dry goods stock of the latter on his with- 
dra/wal from a business which he had 
for many years successfully prosecuted, 
latterly at the north-west . corner of 
King and Francis streets. Mr. Biltou re 
linquished the dry goods business after 
a, comparatively short experience. 
Messrs. Cowan, who had beea in business 
at No. S3 Youge street, succeeding Mr. 
Biltou in the occupation of the premises, 
which had remained for some time 

In 1860 \V. F. Cowan removed from To 
ronto to Oshawa, at which point and at 
Prince Albert, Ontario county, he opened 
;i branch of the business of his 
firm, a a general country store. On 
the expiration of the lease of the pren> 
ises at the south-west corner of Yonge 
an 1 ! Richmond streets, Toronto, in 18G6, J. 
& W. Cowan closed their Toronto business. 

The succeeding year, 1867, John Cowan 
also removed to Oshawa, and, withdraw 
ing from the firm, became a partner 
with Mr. A. S. Whiting, at the Cedar j 
Dale Works, in Oshawa, where the man- \ 
ufasture of scythes, hoes, forks and other | 
hand implements had previously been in- j 
augurated and conducted on an extensive 
scale by Mr. Whiting. During Mr. Cowan s 
connection with the business a portion of 
the ^product had found its way to Eng 
land, and the circumstance resulted in 
the ojieuing of a warehouse and the ap 
pointment of a resident agent at Liver 
pool, by mean of which a considerable 
export trade was created and carried on 
for a number of years. 

Abcut 1880 W. F. Cowan retired from 
the mercantile business, and since his ar 
rival iu Oshawa has. in conjunction with 
hie brother, been associated with the 
promotion of a stove foundry and milling 
business ther?., also in establishing at 
Oshawa,, iu 1872, the manufacture of mal 
leable iron castings. With the latter in 
dustry both bi other* aro still comiect- 
Sinee their removal to Oshawa, where 
lby continuo to reside, Messrs. J. and 
W. F. Cowan h:;ve become associated with 
banking .^nd IO.IM company interests, the i 

former being president of the Western 
I Bank and a director of the Ontario Loan 
| and Savings Company. Both of these in- 
i Ktitutions have their headquarters at 

W. F. Cowan succeeded the late Hon. 
T. N. Gibbs in the presidency of the 
I Ontario Loan and Savings Company and 
the Standard Bank. 

The street further north to Queen street 
has been given in another chapter, but 
in 1856 the shops were occupied as fol 
lows : No. 107, John Harrison ; 109, Thos. 
Newman ; 111, Thos. Brownscombe ; and 
No. 113, J. Grogau & Son, all boot and 
shoe makers. 

At No. 115 was Charles Roberts, a 
cabinet maker, and at No. 117 R. B. 
Joy, a confectioner, and E. & H. Hurd, 
marble dealers. At No. 119 R. B. Joy 
had a hair-dressing shop, and William 
Bell kept watches and clocks in the 
north half of this building, while Nos. 
121-3-5 were the figures over the doors 
of James Leask, grocer and dry goods 
merchant, whose name in Toronto, espe 
cially to the old Scotch families, was a 
household word. 

The brick store at the south-west cor 
ner of Yonge and Queen streets was, in 
1856, unoccupied. It had originally been 
built by William Mather, of Yonge street, 
near Eglinton, and was subsequently oc 
cupied by Timothy Eaton, who started 
his business in this shop. After 
Eaton s removal north of Queen street 
the site became the property of Robert 
Simpson, and on this site now stands the 
immense pile of buildings, which front on 
this corner south on Yonge and west on 
Queen street, and which was re-opened 
in January, 1896, after the disastrous 
fire of a year ago. 

Returning again to the place of start 
ing, at the north-west corner of Yonge 
and Adelaide streets, and crossing the 
street to the north-east corner, there 
was a sign-board familiar not only to 
citizens, but to the farmers of Upper 
Canada. Shaw s axes, as well* as the 
name of the makers, S. Shaw & Son, No. 
78, the hardware merchants, were well 
known throughout the province. The 
senior partner was Samuel Shaw, father 
of Mr. Samuel Shaw, the insurance agent, 
now of King street, near Toronto street. 
Next door north, No. 80, J. W. Millar, 
the watchmaker and jeweller, had his 
shop. After his death James and Robert 
Morrison, his nephews, carried on the 
business, and removed to King street 
east, in the Market block, and a few 
years ago to the second door west of 
Church, on the south side of King. On 
the death of Mr. Robert Morrison, a few 
mouths ago, the business, which had 



been in existence for over sixty years, 
wa closed out. 

Mr. James Jennings, au insurance agent, 
at corner of King and Youge stie.. OB 
preceded for some years Mr. Timothy 
Eaton at this stand, prior to 
commencing the wholesale dry goods 
business in partnership with a Mr. 
Brandon, of Montreal, at Wellington 
street east, near Yonge. Previous to Mr. 
Jennings tenure of the corner the firm 
of Hill & Grose occupied it for less than 
two years as a retail dry goods store. 

At No. 82 two single shops were oc 
cupied by W. E. Robertson, a clothier, 
and Robert Cathron, a dry goods dealer. 
After Mr. Cathron retired from business 
he joined the Freehold Building Society, 
as cashier, and only severed his connec 
tion with it a few mouths ago 1896. 

At No. 84 A. H. Earl carried on. a re- : 
tail dry goods business. George S. Glea- 
.son made shoes one door north, and one 
Craig, also a manuiacturer, were an in 
this one building. 

At No. 86 John Hawke, who died long 
ago, fitted customers with boots and 
shoes, while at No. 88 Charles Mabley, 
a tailor; William Kenwood, a tailor; 
and T. Lambert, a bootmaker, since 
dead, did business. 

Mabley s brothers were in business in 
the St. Lawrence block, on King street | 
east, and one of them subsequently ( 
migrated to Detroit, where he built up 
a colossal business. He died a few years j 
ago, after accumulating great wealth. 
His trade^ in Toronto was a few thou 
sands yearly. In Detroit it was consid er- 
aoly over a minion a jcttr. 

At No. 881-2 Merryfield & Shannon 
were bootmakers. The first named was 
subsequently for many years in the south 
Btore of the Cameron block, on the west 
side of Yongc, north of Queen. At No. 
90 Thomas Robinson was a clothier and 
dry goods man. One door north was the 
shop of N. C. Love, the druggist, given 
in the directory as No. 88, but it must i 
have been No. 92. Mr. Love was 
a prominent man in business and 
In municipal politics. He was an j 
alderman of the city for years, I 
was one always on the side of economy i 
and was noted for his business integrity 
and continuous watching of the interests 
of the city. It was in his shop, when on 
the south-east corner of Yonge and Rich 
mond streets, at a later period, that the 
motion wae drawn up, based on the sug 
gestion of The Telegram, that the re 
porters be admitted to the committees 
of the City Council. 

At No. 94, John Poison, a bootmaker, 
who died on his farm at Weston, and 
John Heron, a dry goods man, carried 

on business, and the last shop in this- 
row, that of William Howard, the 
grocer. All this row, from Shaw s store, 
was erected for various owners by Mr. 
Joseph Sheard, the architect. 

Then came the well known ouilding, 
with its large yard, known as the Bay 
Horse Hotel, kept by Thomas Best. This 
waa a house built in the early forties 
and kept by David Lackie, who wae suc 
ceeded by Thomas Elgie, and then by 
Thos. Best, and in turn by Thomas Best, 
jr., and finally to Brelsford. The Bay 
Horse Hotel and other Tmildmg-; ha,ve 
made way for the Yonge street arcade, 
but the buildings to the north and south 
are not much changed from those of 
1856. The watch establishment of E. M. 
Morphy wae one door north of the Bay 

At No. 100 Nudel & Acres had a dry 
goods store. Mr. Nudel (J. T.) was after 
wards Clerk of the Police Court. Nudel 
& Acres succeeded James & William 
McDonald in No. 79 Yonge street, and 
were in turn succeeded by a Mr. Wylie, 
now an insurance agent or inspector. At 
No. 102 J. Gardner was a grocer. This 
gentleman was afterwards Capt. Gardner, 
of the Highland Company. At No. 104 the 
late A. M. Smith carried on an extensive 
business in the same line. Mr. Smith was 
subsequently the senior partner of the 
firm of Smith & Keighley, on the north 
side of Wellington stre A t, near Yonge, 
and on the south side of Front street. He 
accumulated large wealth and was pro 
minent in mercantile, insurance 
and banking circles. He died last year 
(1895) at an advanced age, and by his 
death Toronto lost a leading man and 
a useful citizen. 

At No. 106 was the establishment of 
J. Cox, a dry goods dealer, and in the 
same building W. B. Clark, a commission, 
agent. At No. 108 were Charles & Co., 
grocers, and at the south-east corner of 
Yonge and "Richmond streets, Shapter & 
Coombe, the druggists, a shop that was 
efterjwards occupied by N. C. Love iu 
the seme business. > 

Prior to Shnptor air! Coombe s occu 
pation, one He^iry J. Ease, formerly a 
clerk with a Mr. Bettridge, carried on 
a drug business in this corner until 1862. 
Mr. Bettridge, a brother of the vener 
able William Bettridge, so long rec 
tor of Woodstock, Ontario, was in his 
business methods a rigid disciplinarian. 
Reserved, too, in hie deportment with his 
employes and his partners, he may in 
this as also some other features be char 
acterized ae a typical English trades 
man. Mr. Bettridge insisted upon his 
clerks, who, as not then unusual, lodged 
upon his premises, reporting themselves 



not later than ien o clock, with the ex 
ception of Saturday, when, as late clos 
ing obtained, no egress in the evening 
was practical under his regulations. After 
the closing hour on Saturdays his ap- 
|.reD.tices services were availed of for 
the treatment of his counter tops with 
a coating of linseed oil and beeswax. 
This, supplemented by a liberal expen 
diture of elbow grease, imparted in the 
course of time a rich tone to those 
portions of his shop fittings, much more, 
it is surmised toi Mr.Bettridge s satisfac 
tion and that of a few natty ooserviers,. 
than to the appreciation of the man 

At the north-east corner of Yonge and 
Queen streets not embraced in the text 
Alexander Henderson conducted a store 
(dry goods and grocery) for some years. 
Mr. John Rowland succeeded Mr. Hender 
son in the premises instanced, and nt 
least for several years (if not from the 
commencement) confined himself to the 
dry goods trade. 

The picture does not give the build 
ings north of this to Queen street, but 
the shops were occupied, at No. 112, by 
Frank Bethell & Sons, the grocers; No. 
114 by William Hill, a dry goods dealer. 
These were at the north-east corner of 
Tonge and Richmond, and with J. 
R. Armstrong & Co., the founders, alt 
No. 116, occupied the present Bite of the 
Confederation Life Building. At No. 118 
was the Globe Hotel, kept in earlier years 
by Thomas Elgie, but in 1856 by Samuel 
Thompson. It is now the Tremont House, 
although after the building of the Tonge 
Street Arcade the Bay Horse was re 
moved to this building. In an upper 
room in the north portion of this build 
ing was for years the Oddfellows Hall. 
At No. 120 was Thomas Robinson, a bar 
ber, a pleasant, quick-talking English 
man, who, it was said, could shave the 
upper lip of seven men in five minutes. 
At No. 122 was William Hogg, the gro 
cer, and at No. 124 Joseph Hodgson, a 
fine specimen of an Englishman, a tin 
smith, who did an extensive trade. At 
the south-east corner of Tonge and Queen 
streets was the store of Andrew Mc- 
Glashan & Co., who had a tannery on 
Tonge street, at Tork Mills, leading 
leather merchants, and in the upper part 
of the building James Dove, Clerk, Dunn, 
a tailor, and Hugh 0. Thomson, the cor 
responding secretary of the Board of 


"The City Bulldlngs"-A Row of Red Brick 
Shops That Less Than Fifty Years ago wu. 
the Retail Dry Goods Centre of Toronto. 

The picture in this landmark was taken 
in 1872, and the names on the signs of 
the shops will be familiar to a large 
number of citizens who to-day pass along 
the south side of King street east. This 
block is built upon leasehold property be 
longing to the corporation of Toronto, 
and extends from Church to West Market 
streets, and from King to Colborne 
streets. The buildings are a row of red 
brick, erected between 1836 and 1840. 
Owing to the fact that between 1834 
1856 there are no street keys in the di 
rectories issued, it is impossible to give 
the exact location of the shops and stores 
referred to in the landmark at an earlier 
date than 1856. In the latter year, 
which we deal with first, at the south 
east corner of King and Church streets, 
G. S. Bowes was an importer of dry 
goods. One door east, at No. 74, William 
Jamieson was also in dry goods, and at 
No. 76, the third door from the corner, 
Joseph Rogers, the pioneer hatter and 
furrier of Tork, had his shop. Mr. Rogers 
was in business in Toronto about 1817 
in the same locality. At No. 80 George 
Longman was an importer of dry goods, 
and at No. 82 Dallas & Hamilton were 
in the same line. John Tully, the archi 
tect, brother of Kivas Tully, had an of 
fice over No. 82. At No. 84 E. Cooper 
was in dry goods, and John Mulholland 
& Co. were earthenware dealers. At No. 
88 W. H. Rowe was in boots and shoes, 
and in the eastern half of the shop was 
Brown & McCrosson s establishment, the 
latter gentleman, Mr. Thomas McCrosson, 
now being the superintendent of the peni 
tentiary at Penetanguisheue. At No. 89 
E. Crawford was in millinery, and at No. 
90 Francis O Dea was a clothier. Next 
door east of O Dea s were " The City 
Buildings," a row first built on this 
ground by the corporation. No. 92 was 
occupied by Thomas Hoskins, importer of 
dry goods, and the eastern part of the 
shop by James H. Rogers, the hatter, son 
of Mr. Joseph Rogers. Mr. J. H. Rogers is 
now at the corner of Church street. At No. 
94 J. M. Campbell was in dry goods. 
At No. 96 W. B. Hamilton was in mer 
chant tailoring, and at No. 98 Robert 
W. Champion was a hardware dealer, 
and in the same building Wm. Langley, 
manufactured boots and shoes. At No. 
100 R. Hastings had a retail dry good* 
establishment, and at No. 102 J. Hut 
chison was in boots and shoes, and in the 
eastern half of the same number Wil- 





Ham Macfie had a fashionable dry goods 
etore. At the corner a well-known man, 
Walter McFarlaue. was also in retail dry 
goods. Messrs. Macfie aiid McFarlaue 
were both Scotchmen and popular with 
a large Scotch colony in Toronto in those 
days. Mrs. Baldwin Jackes, of St. Joseph 
street, is a daughter of Mr. Macfie. Mr. 
Walter McFarlaue afterwards went to 
the county of Huron, where he died some 
years ago. 

In 1866 No. 103, the third store from 
the corner, was occupied by J. H. Rogers, 
No. 105 at the corner, and No. 107, the 
second shop, being vacant. The fourth 
shop was No. Ill, that of McCrossoii & 
Co., hatters. In the upper floor of this 
building, No. 117, was E. J. IPalmer, the 
photographer, and W. Hines, also 
in that business. iPalmer was a 
pioneer in his line. He was the first 
man in Toronto to introduce pho 
tography and had the ruai of the best 
business in the city. He subsequently 
went into the trade of photographers 
supplies, and was succeeded in business 
on King street near Youge by Mr. J. B. 
Hay, now an official of the City Hall, 
and in his time an expert at his work. 
The tall building. No. 119, was the large 
retail house of G. & J. W. Cor, enterpris 
ing dry goods men, and the largest 
newspaper advertisers of the period. At 
No. 32.3 James H. Jones sold fruit, and 
on a Saturday night in the peach season 
this lucioiis fruit was, after nine o clock, 
offered at twelve and a half cents a 
basket, for, as Mr. Jones said, " It won t 
keep over Sunday." A hundred peaches 
for an English six pence was not bad 

In 1872, the year that the photograph 
from which this sketch is made, the 
south-east corner of Church and King, 
No. 105, was occupied by R. J. Hunter 
& Co., in dr3^ goods. It is now the mart 
of J. H. Rogers, the furrier. The old firm 
of Crowther & Till, the barristers, had 
offices in the first floor of this building. 
In No. 107 A. Blachford sold boots and 
hoes. Neither of these two stores is 
in the picture, the first shop shown being 
that of James H. Eogersi, the hatter and 
furrier, No. 109. Mr. Joseph Rogers, 
father of J. H. Rogers, was in business in 
this locality about sixty years anterior to 
1872. At No. Ill Thos. McCrosson, the 
batter, had his store. McCrosson went 
out of business a few years later. 

From Nos. 115 to 121 G. & J. W. Cos 
had a large dry goods house. In their 
day the Messrs. Cox were the largest 
newspaper advertisers in Toronto. In 
the top floor of this bulding was the 
Btudio of Eli J. Palmer, photographer in 
Toronto. He was succeeded a few years 

later by J. B. Hay, now an official in 
the City Hall. The shop No. 125, was 
that of James Lane & Co., boot and shoe 
dealers, and No. 127 was occupied by E. 
Pearson in dry goods. George S. Sack- 
man, the tailor, occupied No. 127, and H. 
Caldwell, the hatter, was at No. 129. 
The stores east from those occupied by 
Messrs. Cox were double shops divided. 
Nos. 137-139 comprised the fur and hat 
store of Mr. C. K. Rogers, a son of Mr. 
Joseph Rogers and brother of J. H. 
Rogers. Messrs. P. & N. Melady were in 
dry goods and subsequently conducted an 
auction business in that branch of trade. 
No. 145 was the emporium of J. Foster 
& Son, a hardware house, on this site and 
in this block for many years. In No. 
147 C. Martin & Co. were tailors, and at 
No. 149 J. Barnes dealt in boots aoid 
shoes, while at No. 151, Coun & Alison 
were tailo-s and the corner ehop, No. 
153, was vacant. This shop is now occu 
pied by C. Martin & Co., tailors aiid 
dealers in ready made clothing. This 
brings us to West Market square, and on 
the east side is the St. Lawrence build 
ings, with Lyman Bros., as druggists in 
the west wing of the building, for the 
lower part of the wing was in one shop. 
The centre had the main doorway of the 
hall and the entrance to the arcade, 
while in the east wing was a narrow 
shop where books and stationery were 
sold by Magnus Shewan, an Orkney man. 
with plenty of energy. Shaver & Bell had 
a dry goods shop in the store east of 
Shewan s, and the Toronto Tea Store wan 
on the south-west corner of East Mar 
ket square, a street which is really a 
continuation south of Jarvis street. 

In the St. Lawrence Hall building, now 
occupied ou the first floor by the Medi 
cal Health office and the Park Commis 
sioner s office, was and is on the second 
floor a fine hall, which, twenty years ago 
was the best in Toronto. The best art 
iste in song and most noted men in ora- 
j tory have appeared before a Toronto 
j audience in this hall. The building was 
, erected in 1850, after the great fire of 
1849, which destroyed St. James Cathe 
dral and the row of bouses on the op- 
poside side of the street. The wings of 
j the hall, which contain the shops, are 
| the property of private individuals, but 
I the ground is leasehold. The buildings 
; of the St. Lawrence Hall on the north- 
j east corner of East Market Square were 
! occupied as follows : No. 163, William. 
; Strachan, grocer; No. 165, Chandler & 
| Platts, in retail dry goods; and No. 167. 
| Hugh Miller & Co., druggists. 

All the buildings in this, landmark are 

j in the same condition as when built, 

nearly 8iyty years ago; indeed, the only 


buildings rebuilt is Oak Hall, 011 the fected, and the labour of "winding out 
site of the G. & J. W. Cox building; ; correspondingly lessened. 

and the large brick building owned by 
the Anglican Syvod, on the south-east 

Not a few of the dry goods .nen who 
attained to provincial prominence ; n the 

corner of East Market Square. In^the j fifties and sixties graduated at Quebec, 

early forties a lane ran from King 
street to Market lane (Colborue street) 
through the centre of the block on the 
eoutt eide of King, about the east side 

Montreal or Toronto, under the benign 
auspices of the house of Laurie. The 
Messrs. Laurie s first manager at To 
ronto was a Mr. Hargrave, that gentle- 

of the present Oak Hall, but the lane ma u being succeeded by I^aac Gilmour. 

was afterwards built upon. Passing j who is still a resident of the city. Mr. 

along the north side of King street, and 1 Gilmour, in resigning his rosition, formed 

looking at these buildings 011 the south j a partnership with a Mr. Coulson, in 

side, some have had slight ornamentations ; conjunction with whom an exclusive dry 

over the upper windows, and the shop goods trade was long conducted in prem- 

frouts have, of course, been changed; but ise . situated on the west side of Yonge 

otherwise the pioneer of 1840, if he were street> between Front and Wellington 

to promenade the street m 1896 would stree t. In the course of his active busi- 

be vividly reminded of the days when ne8s career> Mr . Gil mour as a personal 

John Richey * men were engaged m the inves tment erected on a detached plan 

buildings. several ample and sightly brick cottages 

VYTY on the south side of Bloor street, at its 

JvAlA. i j j.- -i T m, 
intersection with Jarvis street. The 


original design of the buildings, though 

doubtless carefully studied, has been much 
A Site That Wat the Home of a Prominent [ V aried bv the addition of a second storpv 

Retail Wry Goods i inn Nearly Mxty Years 

Ago- Reminiscences of an Old ScvtcliFirin and other improvements in keeping with 

The lot situated at the south- west cor- ! advanced taste or modern requirement, 
iier of King and Yonge streets, There i ? mel w i lson long occupied one of 

the Dominion Bank now stands, is said | trilmour cottages, and probably re- 

to have changed hands on easy terms ! cer his friend Dr. Robert Chambers 
at an early date in the annals of the I [ Edinburgh, thero, on the occasion of 
town of York, the consideration, In fact, i th ^ gentleman visiting him some time 
consisting of an old silver watch. subwuent to 1854. His equally dis- 

For maiiT vears prior to the sever- ! ^nguwhed brother, Dr Wilhatn Cham- 
ance of its connection with Canada, a bers made & tour of the United States 
wealthv Scottish firm. Messrs. Archibald d f: In 1858, < 

Laurie^ Co., composed of three brothers, nbhcation during the following year 

carried on an extensive wholesale and ; Things an They Are ^ in Amenc,a, 

retail dry goods bu 3 iness at the above ! he T Ork jW"? V b "7. ac . c ?* of 
C^mer Toronto and its educational institutions. 

The engraving shows the same shop Mr. William Harris Dow succeeded Mr. 
on the south-west corner of King and j Gilmour as manager at Messrs. Laurie s, 
Yonge streets, where now stands the j and on the retirement of his principals 
Dominion Bank, the entrance being on pursued the dry goods business in a re- 
King street, almost at the very spot tail way on his own account, at their 
where the door of the bank is. On the > old stand, \mder the style of W. H. Dow 
opposite, or south-east corner, was the j & Co. Rigidly conservative in his pro- 
store of Betley & Brown, afterwards j cedure, a portion of Mr. Dow s stock 
Betley & Kay. Now it is the office of ; eventually become so antedated as to 
the C. P. R. | approximate to the contents of a ver- 

The headqularters of the house in Can- i itable curiosity shop, and prove attrac- 
ada were located at St. John s gate, in i tive merely to customers possessed of 
the city of Quebec, and the success at- archaic notions OT hypercritical particu- 
tending its operations there led to the larity, who could generally succeed in 
opening of branches at Place d Armes, j "ticking off" their list of wants, how- 
Montreal, as also at Toronto. A few j ever unique, by recourse to the Dow 

years antecedent to their withdrawal 
about 1846 from Canada, possibly an- 
ticipative of that event, Messrs. Laurie 
established retail branches at Niagara, 
St. Catharines, Cobourg and Port Hope, 
partly through which expansion, what 
ever the object, n material reduction 

emrorium. Mr. Dow s trade becoming in 
active, and embarrassment setting in, he 
was compelled to abandon his business 
not long anterior to the acnuirement 
of its site by the Dominion Bank for 
the erection of a lieid office. Closely 
coincident with Mr. Dow s retirement 

in the -"o ume o? stock was ultimately ef- health declined, and death occurred after 


a abort illness. Serially Mr. Dow led 
quite an isolated existence, and was ex 
ceedingly methodical ill bis habits. Al 
though by no means iiiappreciative of 
humour, he was reserved to the verge 
of eccentricity in his intercourse with em 
ployes or the public. During a resi 
dence in Toronto covering a period of 
over thirty years, Mr. Dow is not known 
to have extended his visits in a social 
capacity to move than one or possibly 
two houses, where of a Sunday evening 
he occasionally joined the family circle 
over a cup of tea. 

of the day the circumstance of any ab 
sence at roll cail (luly noted on its 
pages, with a caution attached by the 
assistant manager, for the edification o! 
the delinquent ; to which his attention 
was pointedly directed on the following 
morning, when the journal again came 
into requisition. The doors of the resi 
dential portion of the house were locked 
by one of the younger hands at 10 p.m., 
and the keys delivered to the assistant 
manager, any irregularity in the mat 
ter of ingress on the part of employes 
being recorded by that functionary. On 

i*" 1 "* , 


WLeu Mr. Dow ha.l charge of Messrs. 
Laurie s establishment, as not unusual 
at that period, all the employee, includ 
ing the manager, were boarded and 
lodged on the premises, and although 
the proprietors were anything but in 
considerate of the comfort of their clerks, 
the business was rigidly conducted by 
" tule and liue." Every lawful morning 
at aii in summer and seven o clock in 
winter thw whole staff had to report 
personally at the retail department and 
register their names in a journal pro 
vided mainly for that purpose. After the 
expiration of fifteen minutes, the book 
was secar;l.v laid aside, and in the course 

alternate Sundays one of the two young 
est employes mounted guard at 5 p.m., 
and, in accordance with regular custom, 
all the clerks to be found in the house at 
9 p.m., including the manager, assem 
bled at that hour in the dining room to 
hear a portion of Scripture read by a 

Meals were served in that spacious 
apartment, necessarily situated in the 
third storey, at the end of a long corri 
dor, and the culinary operations per 
formed, unavoidably, at a remote dis 
tance, in the basement of the building, 
an arrangement, in the absence of ele 
vators, rather inconvenient to all con- 



eerned. To secure at all times attention 
to the calls of customers, the staff was 
divided into two detachments, known as 
the first and second parties, these weekly 
alternating. Mr. Dow, as "became the 
manager, was invariably of the first 
party, and occupied the seat of honour. 
In the cour&e of a repast Mr. Dow was 
scarcely, if ever, observed to hazard a 
remark, except on the occasion of one 
of Mr. Laurie s visits. Protracted silence 
becoming at times trying to young 
blood, it was in some instances rudely 
broken by a peal of laughter, followed 
by a general stampede ; the disturbance 
perhaps incited through a ludicrous ges 
ture of some one at table, or the refrain 
from a negro melody in the distance on 
the part of another, who, securing re 
pletion in advance of his com 
panions, had failed to stand upon 
the "order of his going." A clerk who 
had made himself conspicuous by re 
peated frivolities at table -was, by sen 
tence of the manager, relegated to the 
kitchen for his fare during a fortnight. 
As the cook, however, a buxom lassie, 
bJappened to be good-looking as well as 
good natured, the punishment, notwith 
standing the fact of its registration in 
the journal, could scarcely be deemed 
penitential. Tie genius of the rising 
generation at the period under review 
teems to have been more "ductile to 
merriment" than obtains in our matter 
of fact era, and practical joking, some 
of it decidedly (sensational, was not in 
frequent in the best regulated institu 
tions, mercantile as well as domestic. 

The Bank of England enjoys the secur 
ity incident to the possession of an 
armoury and, as befitted its importance, 
the Laurie establishment during the re 
bellion of 1837 was provided by the Gov 
ernment with a full supply of flint locks 
upplemeuted by the requisite ammuni 
tion and accoutrements. 

Mr. Laurie s junior hands were gen 
erally scions of respectable families, and 
frequently pupils of Mr. John Boyd, the 
principal of the celebrated Bay street 
academy, located immediately fto the 
south of the office of The Evening Tele 
gram. It was customary for Mr. Boyd, 
paj-ticularly in the cause of parents in 
straitened circumstances, or those of 
comparatively short residence 5n the 
city, to practice "the luxury of doing 
good" by introducing such of the sons 
KM had deported themselves creditably at 
his scholol to the notice of the leading 
merchants. S6 potent was Mr. Boyd s in 
fluence in the community that his recom 
mendation usually bore fruit, and many 
men ol mark have bean indebted in more 
Ways than one for a fair start in the 

battle of life to the good offices of that 

No porter being in the employ of Mr. 
Laurie the swesping of the store.- clean 
ing of windows, handling of ponderous 
shutters, shovelling of snow with de 
livery of parcels fell to the lot of the 
two youngest assistants, and those 
duties were considered sufficiently oner 
ous, withput attention to the item oi 
foot wear, other than that appertaining 
to their own toilet. An unwritten dom2s- 
tic enactment, as well as a feeling of 
iudepaudeuce, necessitated the perform 
ance of the latter service by the 
denizens of the establishment, each for 
himself inclusive, from the manager down 
wards. The burnishing of boots was per 
formed in the attic, and on a certain 
occasion the two youngest hands chanced 
to enter that department together for an 
application of Day and Martin to their 
pedal coverings, as usual prior to re 
tiring for the night. The process had 
just commenced when the boys were con 
fronted by the arrival of half a dozen 
figures attired in white sheets, and gar 
nished with cross-belts {and cartouche 
boxes, each carrying a large (musket. 
The fcquad, obedient to command, 
promptly grounded arms, fixed bayoneta 
and cocked their piecee. They had, how 
ever, barely time to prepare for a click of 
the triggers, ere the assistant manager, 
who had heard the racket, appeared on 
deck, his presence resulting in a hurried 
scamper of the force, some to the dark 
recesses of the loft, and others through 
a trap to the icy roof, where the latter, 
slipping from one level to another, only 
saved their lives by means of a heavy 
ladder, which they succeeded in clutching 
at the eave in their perilous descent. 

On another occasion, during the man 
ager s absence at the branches, a few 
of these reckless youngsters obtained 
access to the pot of lampblack used IB 
the department for addressing packages, 
aud running amuck at the midnight hour, 
ornamented every office sign on both. 
sides of King street, from Bay street 
to market square, winding up their noc 
turnal revels, in retaliation for a fan 
cied slight received from one of the 
clerks across the way, by addressing 
their efforts to the production of a 
series of emblems on the gable of a store 
occupying the south-east corner of King 
and Yonge streets, immediately oppo 
site to the Laurie establishment. Owing 
to the absorbent qualities of the brick, 
and the scale of the decorations, the 
wall, despite several attempts at their 
removal, exhibited (as, in the instance 
of a gigantic pad-lock which " adorned " 
at an early date the residence of one of 
our citizens) faint outlines of the draw- 



inge, snch being ultimately effaced, only 
through recourse to a couple of heavy 
coats of paint, applied for the sake of 
uniformity to the entire structure. 

And so we have reminiscences in con 
nection with an old corner, to the early 
history of which the vast majority of 
the citizens may possibly, having regard 
to the passage of time, attach about 
as much importance as to the determin 
ation of the boundaries of Utopia, or the 
location of the Castle of Indolence. 

Now, strictly speaking, a barque is a 
three-masted vessel, square rigged on the 
fore and main mast-* and with fore-and- 
aft mizzen, and as the vessel in question 
has but two masts and is fore-and-aft 
rigged throughout, it is difficult to say 
what ground there is for calling her a 
barque. But on her ettrn is seen in 
white letters "Barque Swallow, of Port 
Credit," and it was this curious name 
which caused me to make enquiries -ibout 
the vessel, and to get her history, which 
is as follows : 



of the Stone Hooker Fleet Probably 
tfie Oldest Vessel in tbnt Work on Lake 
Onto Ho. 

Of the many vessels of which the stoue 
fleet of Port Credit is made up, perhaps 
the most interesting is a white stone- 
hooker called the Barque Swallow. 

In the Intter half of the thirties, when 
York was getting ; ccustomed to her 
new name Toronto, this vessel wrs sim 
ply an open scow, carrying sand from 
the Island to fill in the water front 
near where the old jail the third one 
was shortly afterwards erected, it that 
time she had no deck, and each of her 
bilges was formed of a single tree Lol- 
loweu out. About 1850 an old salt water 



aailor named John Spontou, a mau well 
known to the older vessel men arouud 
Toronto, bought this &aud scow, t.ud 
fitteu her out as a stone-hooker. He 
had her decked over, lengthened her top- 
sides, and rigged her as a schooner, 
and r.s he was a salt water tar 
of th old school, and so naturally par 
tial to the square rig, he gave nis ves 
sel a square fore-topsail; and it was 
on this slight pretext that he called 
her the "Barquj Swallow," just as an 
other stone-hooker which formerly had 
a square topsail is called the "Brig 
Rover. All the Swallow s blocks were 
painted a bright pink colour, and she 
was as fine looking a stone-hooker as 
ever carried stoae to Toronto. 

After being owned for several \ eara 
by Mr. Stouten, the Barque S willow, 
changed hands, auJ since then almost 
every vessel owner in Port Credit has 
owned her at om; time or another. One 
of her former owners i? Cajtiiu Miller, 
of Port Credit, an 1 he ; s fie source 
from which ail t .ie information !.er i 
giver, comes. la course of time an or 
dinary gaff-to{ snil wa<* substituted for 
her square onr, her old bilges were le- 
movect and new ones jrut in, ml to-day 
she hat. very little to distinguish her 
front any other white scow-built vessel 
in the stone trad?. 

At present tho Barque Swallow is 
hauled up for rep lira at Po t Credit, 
on the eastern b ink of the river, but 
it wiL not be long before she miy again 
be seen once or twice a week .it the 
foot of West Market street or over t 
thfr eastern g ip. The accompanying 
drawing show;* her ns she is at present. 

Sucl is the history of this ves3?l,. 
which was nu lt it this port, and has 
always trader! to thi^ rort during her 
sixty years of life. She bids f ir to 
reach her "three score aii l ten," which 
is about four times thn usuaJ: age ot a 


Delving Air* ss the Dusty niul Mnsty 
ment* of til > Far Away Past What was 
Brought to Ugbt. 

On the uppsr flat of the old Adelaide 
street court house is a series of small 
rooms used as storage place for the 
official documents of the various 
County Courts, sheriffs and bailiffs 
papers, and all the odds and ends re 
presenting the accumulation of many 
years. Occasionally these dust-laden 
mouldy smeliiag and spider woven 
rooms are opened, i>ut not often. 

Recently the cotnpanis^ insuring the 

. building have given notice that these 
I old documents and books must be safe- 
| ly enclosed in boxes. Housekeeper Hull s 
men have attacked the well-nigh for- 
! gotten rooms end fought their way 
, through a mass of debris, document- 
| ary and otherwise, and brought the 
i jumble into some sort of order. 

Mr. Robertson, of the County Court 

Clerk s office, has been delving among 
the thousands of old documents in one 

i of the little rooms and unearthed some 

interesting relics. Here is a literal 
copy of a town clerk s record of a 
town meeting held at Joseph Hewett s 
Inn, Newmarket, January 6th, 1834: 
"I suppos that the may thinck it verry 

-, strange not Seeing the 2 assessors and 
; Collectors Names on the list But when 
1 they was Nominated and Cried by the 
Constable the Cry of the people was 
we want none we have no use for any 
we are not allowed to have our mem 
ber to Represent us in the housi-i of 
parliment and we think that we have 
no use for any Such oficers from thy 
obedeant Servant." 

On the back of the document is this: 
"Proceedings of a Townmeeting For 
the Clerk of the Pece Whitchurch." 

A JN orth GwiTlimbury town meeting 
held in 1830 decreed that fences "must 
i be five feet nigh, well proportioned, 
i built with logs or rails. Hogs must nov. 
run at large from May 1st to the mid 
dle of October. The rest of the year 
they may be free commoners. Boars 
and rams may be altered il found off 
the inclosures of their owners." 

Suspended from the ceiling is the 
branch of a trea used March 20th, 1871, 
as an exhibit in the suit of Power v. 
Sail 1 . It bears the signature of Wal 
ter McKenzis, Clark. For what purpose 
It was used as an exhibit no one can 
tell. But it must remain because thesa 
old paraphernalia of the court must Le 
kepi: "forever." 

Among the papers are assessment 
rolls of various municipalities for 1818, 
and the seal of the old town of York 
for 1820. Th? population returns of the 
county for 1817 may be seen there, as 
well as many other interesting and 
time-worn relics of the early days ot 
i "Mu Idy Li: 1 Yo, k." 

AUached to a faded red tape is a 
larga waxen seal, about three inches in 
diameter, bearing, on one side, the coat 
o arms of Great Britain, and on the 
other this inscription: "Sigil Prov. Nas 
Can Sup. Impari Porrecta Majestas 
Custode Rerum Caesare." Below this 
is imprinted, "Georgius III. D. U. Bri. 
Fr. et Hib. Rex. F. D. Brun et Lun. 
Lux., S. R. I., A. R., Thes et ei." 
On the lower part is a double cornu- 



copia surmounted by an anchor, with 
its appandant cable, a sword, wreath 
and battle axe. 

The seal, one might suppose, was sim 
ply ussd as a model, or was on file as 
the approved seal for the official busi 
ness of a century since; there is no mark 
showing that it was ever attached to 
any document. It is too heavy to serve 
any such purpose. 

covered the main entrance, way to the 
house The structure itself was of red 
brick, strictly conventional in design, 
and with nothing to lighten the front 
except the green window shutters, that 
always had the merit of being kept a 
colour that harmonized with a grass plot 
that, if not expensive, was at least well 
kept. Queen street west in 1864, and 
fcr twenty years before that date, had 
be?n a favourite residential quarter. The 


Rejsideneee of the Late R. chird Harrison 

, ,.,. 

~-^l^jjj^^^ ^^ggg 



An Old-Time Betllcncc that Stood nt the 
North E:ist Corner oCQueen and Yananley. 

On the north-east corner of Queen 
street west and Vanauley street stood 
from 1835 the residence of Richard 
Harrison, the father of the late Chief 
Justice R. A. Harrison. The building 
had not much of attractiveness, as far 
as its outside appearance was concerned. 
Five poplar trees guarded the middle of 
the typical wood fence, and a co 
lonial porch of decent architecture 

Hon. Donald McDonald lived on the 
south side, of the road, Captain Thos. 
Dick years before had lived on the south 
side, further west. The Hon. J. H. 
Cameron was one lot east of Harrison s. 
William Armstrong, the civil engineer, 
was west, on the north side, at No. 368, 
and at No. 386 resided Alexander Mac- 
donnell, the barrister, now of Osgoode 
Hall Mr. Richard Harrison was clerk 
of tho market. He had married Frances, 
daughter of Rev. Alexander Hall, of 
Newton Butler, Fermanagh, Ireland. 




Prmch Map or the Luke by a Military Gen- 
crnpher at Fort Frontenac, Cntaraqni, 
(Kingston) The French and English Fleets 

Among the late finds of old documents 
and drawings, perhaps the one that re 
lates to this landmark, or, rather, "lake- 
mark," is the most important, in that 
it not only gives a. map of Lake Ontario 
in 1757, but also a picture of the Eng 
lish and French fleets on the lake at that 
period. The sketch is from a photograph 
of the original hand-made drawing and 
picture in a portfolio in the King s Lib 
rary in the British Museum in London. 
The picture of the fleets is the first 
known picture of vessels on Lake Ontario, 
and, although the originals have been in 
the museum for a century, and, no doubt, 
have been examined by many, yet it fell 
to the lot of a Torontouiau to find this 
rare picture and the accompanying map. 
The latter is as accurate as any of the 
period, and, now that it is for the first 
time re-published, will prove a valuable 
addition to the literature that has al 
ready been collected concerning Toronto, 
Lake Ontario, and the country surround 
ing the lake. 

The first paragraph is the title in the 
left-hand corner of the map. Each name 
on the map has been translated, and the 
place located, so that readers of to-day 
can at once become familiar with the 

" Map of Lake Ontario recently drawn, 
with its ports designed separately on a 
larger scale,, to show the English and 
French fleets. Also showing the vessels, 
rigsi, their number of guns. Done at 
Frontenac, 4th October, 1757, by La 

Mr. Benjamin Suite, of Ottawa, ha 
kindly furnished the following ex 
planation of <the names of the ports, 
rivers,, etc., indicated on th^ mnn. T v <e 
enumeration commences at the embouch 
ure of the Niagara river, and proceeds by 
way of Burlington Bay around the north 
shore of Lake Ontario to the Thousand 
Islands, thence westward alongside the 
south shore to the place of starting. 

Fort Niaugara. The spelling show? 
that Mr. de la Broquerie followed no rule 
of orthography, as did many of his con 

P. a Mascoutin should foe Pointe aux 
Mascoutias. That nation was also called 
" Nation du Feu " by the French; and 
Astistaeronons by the Iroquois, which 
means the same thing : " The men of the 
Fire." The maps of the present day give 
no name. 

T.n piMnn an repression used by the 

French to indicate a tableland., rising 
above the riverside or the open plain. 
We le Platon de Lotbhriore and le 
Platon des Trois Rivieres, which both 
command the navigation of the St. Law 
rence on those two points. 

Batture de Niaugara The shallow 
water of the Niagara. This refers to the 
well known shoal at the mouth of the 

Point du Moralle. Perhaps Pointe de 
Montreal, (though not referring to the 
island or city of that name),. Some of 
the French-Canadians have always been 
j in the habit of saying " Moral " for 
Montreal, a contraction of the syllables. 
Marais a la Biche Roe-buck swamp. 
Le greud Marais should be le grand 
Marais the great marsh. 

The bay of Burlington is marked " Lac 
| trute." I would say " lac aux truites," 
trout lake. 

Fond du Lac was so called about 167Q, 
at a time when the Mississaguas had a 
village there. 

| R. des Deux Follie. Two Follies ^ If so, 
must be written " Folies." If " deux 
folles " " the two foolish women." This 
may have been the small creek a few 
I miles east of Oakville. Credit Credit River. 
Presille de Toronto. Presqu ile the 
peninsula of Toronto. 

From Lake Toronto (now Lake Simcoe) 
i the road to the present site of the city 
j of Toronto is indicated on the early 
j maps of the country. The site of the 
i city called Gandaseteiagon. 

Grend Ecort, petit Ecort, should be 
Grand Ecore, petit Ecore. " Ecore is a 
I place where there is no shallow wateri 
the bank coming down precipitously into 
the deep water." Clearly this refers to 
Scarborough Heights. Saumon. Salmon River. Probably 
the Rouge river. 

Canaraski Gaueraski, known by that 
nnme since 1669 at least. 
Pte au Chap au Hat Point. 
Quiutee, Keute, Queute, Quinte, all 
variations of the Indian name. 

Pte. du Detour "Where you turn sharp 
around the point of laud." Probably 
Point Salmon, Prince Edward County. 

Pte. au Gravois Gravel Point, now 
Point Petre, Prince Edward County. 

Pte a la barque Bark or ba.rge point. 
On the shore of Prince Edward peninsula, 
f According to the latest atlas it has no 
local name now. 

He an Goualan Gcelaud Seagull point. 
Now known as Point Traverse. 

He des coins dt terre The island full 
of nooks and corners. It is not shown on 
the latest maps prr^ably washed away. 
Baie des Coins This bay is calld 
"Riviere Barbu" on the map of Brehau 




] OUSrT., 

Showmg places on its shores, 1757. with piobaraa of tUB Banish and Pranoli flssts on the lake in 1756-7. Ala 

Kingston, Fort Niagara, Fort Ontario, (Oawego). From the original drawing 


Iso the territory around Port Frontenac, Cataraqui. near 
ig m the British Museum. 



de Gallinee, 1670. That t rin corresponds 
to the words "euforcem -nts," "coins," 
"recoius," "denteltares," echaucrures." It 
was the French name of part of the Bay 
of Quinte. 

Pte Latravarse should be spelled 
"Poiute de la Traverse." It means the 
point where they cross the water to 
the neighbouring islands. The uamo does 
not refer to the present Point Traverse. 

Greiid Alice, or rather Grande Ause 
Grand or Great Creek, near the present 
( ollins Bay. That name existed there in 

He Tonty Given to Henry de Tonty 
by La Salle in 1679. On the map of 1680 
that island is shown opposite the bay 
marked Toncoganignon, the same as 
Tonaguignon of the map of La Broquerie* 
now Amherst Island. 

Between Grande Anse and Fort Fron- 
tenac, the map of 1680 mentions Poiute 
Dalouue, after the name of Pierre Guig- 
uard, alias d Olouue or Dalouue, who 
appears to have been an associate of La 

He aux Cochons (now Garden Island) 
was given by La Salle about the year 
1676 to Jacques Cauchois (corruption : 
Cauchon, Cochons, pigs), who was a na 
tive of Rouen (1652), the birthplace of 
La Salle. Cauchois arrived at Fort Fron- 
tenac with La Salle in 1675, and re 
mained with him until 1684, when he 
married and settled in Montreal, whilst 
La Salle went to the Gulf of Mexico. 

Between Tonty and Cauchois lies an 
island given to Francois Dauphin, alias 
Laforet, by La Salle in 1679. Laforet, 
Tonty, Cauchois, deserve to be men 
tioned as the three best employes of La 
Salle. The modern name of the islet is 
Simcoo Island. 

"Greud lie," on the map of La Bro- 
querie, is called "Grande Isle 10 lieues," 
on the La Salle map of 1680, and on a 
maj- of 1685, or thereabout, "Ganonkoue- 
not," now Wolfe Island. 

Ho au Chevreuil, now Carieton Island, 
south of Grand Isle, is marked Isle a la 
Bichc- on the map of 1680. The island 
situate behind that one, and opposite 
Points a la Galette, marked He au 
Chevre on La Broquerie map, is not in 
dicated on the document of 1680. 

Galette is biscuit, cake or "hard tack." 
Poiute de Galette is now the small cape 
of Cape Vincent. 

The two small islands without names 
on La Broquerie map\, below Fort Frou.- 
tenac, are called lie aux Cerfs on the 
map of 1680. Their modern names are 
Howe Island and Garden Island. 

Still below these islands a river which 
flaws into the St. Lawrence is styled 

Ganauoncoui (Gauanoque). The modern 
name is the same. 

Le Mariegeau now Deadman s bay, op 
posite Wolfe Island, on the north shore 
of the St. Lawrence. 

Pte du Moralle Montreal ? At the en 
trance to Kingston harbour. 

The present Cape Vincent is called 
Grand Campenient " The Great Camping 
Grounds," in the map of 1680. 

lies de Niaoures pronounced Nia- 
weres. Islets to the westward of Cape 

Bay de Niaoures now Sackett s Har 
bour and Black Bay. Niaoure is the form 
commonly adopted by the French of the 
seventeenth century. 

Fort Villier., named after Coulon de 
Villiors, born in Canada, an officer of 
many years service,, Acadia 1747, Ohio 
1754, Niagara 1755. His brother Coulon 
de Jumonville, having been shot by or 
der of Washington, he attacked Fort 
! Necessity iu 1754 and captured it. Early 
in the summer of 1756 he was sent, with 
de Lery to Fort Frouteuac, to build the 
fort above mentioned and began to at 
tack the garrison of Chouaguen (Qswega) 
preparatory to the arrival of Montcalm. 
Fort de Villier was across the bay dir 
ectly west of the present site of Water- 
town, N. Y. 

R. a Mr. Le Conte Pi obably Black 
: River, which enters Lake Ontario at Irv 
ing, N. T. 

Cataragareu Name unknown. 

R. au Sable was audy Creek, running 
into Sackett s Harbour. Viliiers put his 
camp at the mouth of that river, and 
kept the English garrison of Choueguan 
(Oswego) constantly on the alert. 

R. a Laplauche Saw board. 

R. a la Famine Well known long be 
fore 1757. 

R. a la Grouse Ecorce Thick bark of 
a tree. These are small cuts at the 
eouth-easteru end of the lake. 

Lecabaret An inn, probably established 
by some French camp follower. 

Three leagues east of Chouaguen (Oswe 
go) was a place called Anse aux Cabane, 
where Rigaud de Vaudreuil stopped mi 
the 10th August, 1756, to commence the 
siege of the forts of Chouaguen. 

F. Ontario Also at the mouth of the 

River des Notagues Ounoutagues, now 
the Oswego River. 

Ft. de Chcueguen Where the cirty of 
Oswego is now. 

View Fort de Choaguein This refere to 
the old fort built in 1722 by the French. 

Fort au Beuf Otherwise Fort George, 
1800 feet from Fort Chouaguen. 

Les Bouceaux Sodus Point, N. T. 


R, du Chicot, Chicot Stump Not named 
on modern maps. 

Baie des Goyogouins At Rochester, N.Y. 

R. du Fort des Sable Sandy Creek. 

Pte. au Tourtes (aux tourtes, wild 
pigeons) Near Carlyon, N. Y. 

R. au Beuf (au boeuf, buffalo) A Buf 
falo river flows into Lake Ontario near 
Carltor. Hollow, N. Y. 

R. a la Fourche Fork, not indicated 
on modern maps. 

Petit Marais The small marsh. It 
still exists on the south shore of Lake 
Ontario, some ten or twelve miles east 
of the mouth of the Niagara River. 

lu 1756, early in the spring, at Fort 
Frouteuac, the French built t o barges, 
one for 12 guns, the other for 16. They 
cruised on Lake Ontario under the com 
mand of Pierre Boucher de la Broquerie 
and Hyppolite Pepin-Laforce, who suc 
ceeded in sinking some of the small ves 
sels belonging to the English, and ob 
ligee the others to remain in Chouaguen 
River. (Ferlaud : Cours d Histoire du 
Canada, 11,541.) 

A report published in tie collection 
printed by the Quebec Legislature in 1885 
(IV. 37) states the following facts : 

"Our small squadron which is on Laki 1 
Ontario and is five ships strong, having 
met the English squadron, ten ship 
strong, has fought a battle. We took tl e 
English admiral, put the rest of the ship.-s 
to flight and drove two of their vessels 
ashore under full sail near Fort Choua 

Edmund Falgairolle, in "Moutcalm Be 
fore Posterity," says (p. 64) that a 
French detachment had been posted on 
the lake, putting at its -dis 
posal " a little fleet destined 
to disturb the English barques." 
M. de Villiere had the cleverness to hide 
himself one day behind some clumps of 
trees, and to harass by the musketry ol 
liis weak trcop the frail craft of the 
etuemy. The Indians whom he had under 
his orders on this occasion were of a re 
markable and almost foolhardy energy. 
At the moment when the English vessels. 
surprised by this unforeseen attack, wish 
ed to escape by flight from the fire of 
our foldiers, the Indians threw themselves 
into the water, pursued them by swim- 
laiug, and reached some of them when 
they sank. This skirmish cost the lives 
of several English soldiers, and enabled 
us to make seine prisoners. It had one 
great effect, that of restoring the morale 
of our Indians." 

On the 4th August, 1756, Montcalm left 
Fort Fronteuac with a section of his 
>iug, and encamped on the shores 
o f Niaoure Bay Sackett s Harbour- 
where the Marquis of Vaudreuii had ap 

pointed the rendezvous of the troops. (Fe - 
land II., 541.) 

Ferland (11.553) remarks that Mont- 
calm, having taken Oswego, the great 
abundance of ammunition and provisions 
found in that place, and in addition the 
British fleet armed to maintain the 
supremacy on the lake, all fell into the 
handc of the French. 

The above i* enough to show that there 
were armed vessels on Lake Ontario the 
year of the taking of Chouagueu. 

L i Broquerie died in 1762, at Boucher- 
ville. His descendants are living amongst 
us. They are all good and intelligent 

Laforce fought again on the lakes in 
1776-82, and lived to a bright old age. 
Sir Hector Langevin is his great-grand 
son by his mother s side. 

Extract from Journal of Occurrences, 
1755-6 : 

"The navigation of Lake Ontario is an 
object of consequence and we have four 
vessels on it. The largest of these carry 
fourteen 12-potini!ers. The English have 
some craft on it also." 

June 12, 1756, Moutcalm to D Argens- 
son : 

"The navigation of Lake Ontario is 
most important. The English have thie: 
sloops with some three and five pounders. 
They are building two, which, it is re 
ported, will be of twenty gnus. We have 
four vessels, one of which carries tweidy 
four and six pounders and eighty men v 
the others have forty men and ten four 

1757, Rev. Claude G. Cocquant to his 
brother : 

"Our little fleet on Laki Ontario, in 
number about five vessels, having met 
the English fleet, amounting to ten, gave 
them bnttle. We have taken the English 
admiral. Afterwards we put tie others 
to flight and obliged two to run ashore 
with all sails set." 

1758, August 27, Dorel to Marquis de 
Belle Isle, giving account of the destruc 
tion of Fort Froutenac : 

"No precaiition was taken with our 
navy. The English, mor^ caieful than we, 
have burnt it, with the exception of two 
20 gun brigs, which they have pieserved." 


An OEilciii; document That Tells Something 
or the State of the Ol<i Fort From 1802-4. 

I l that treasury of Canadian histori 
cal knowledge, the Archives Department 
at Ottawa, are many interesting papers 
concerning early Toronto. Nearly all of 
these have been published in the Land 
marks, and it was thought that the sup- 



ply was exhausted, until two in 
teresting official documents were 
found, concerning the old York Fort, 
from 1802-4. The first ia a letter 
from R. II. Bruyeres, Capt. Royal En- 
giueers, who had charge of the work in 
connection with the erection of the fort. 
The Old Fort was originally erected 
about 1797. There were built at that 
time seven officers huts, two small huts 
for an hospital, one for a bake-house 
and one for a canteen ; there was also 
a blockhouse. The seven huts alluded 
to! were on the east side of the fort, and 
were demolished about twenty-five years 
ago. The blockhouse alluded to is the 
one that stands near the east entrance 
of the Old Fort. The blockhouse in the 
town of York stood at the Don river. 
These buildings, except the huts that 
stood on the left hand side of the east 
entrance to the Old Fort were not de 
stroyed in the war of 1812, but the 
blockhouse and other buildings in the 
fort were burned. These included the 
magazine, the carriage and engine shed 
and the storehouse for provisions for 
the troops and for the Indians. In 1797 
the huts referred to in the letter were 
those in the immediate west side of the 
Garrison Creek. The letter referring to 
these is dated 12th September, 1802. 

The second letter is dated 2nd January, 
1804, and is from Gother Mann, Colonel, 
commanding the Koyal Engineers. He 
was we l known to residents of 1797-1804. 
Prior to his departure for England in 
July of 1804 he wrote to the military 
authorities with regard to the erection 
el public buildings in York and Upper 
Canada. In 1804 the log frame covered 
buildings at the foot of Berkeley street 
were u?ed by the Legislature. These 
were burned in 1812. Plans were then 
submitted for a brick structure for the 
Legislative requirements as well as for 
the official residents. These plans had 
been given in Vol. I. of the Landmarks, 
but the buildings according to thesa de 
signs were never "built. Tihere dees not 
seem to be ai^y further reference to the 
ca-rying out of the suggestions of Gother 
Maun. The red brick buildings, an ac 
count of which is given in Vol. I., were 
erected in 1816 after the war, and were 
burned down in 1824, and in 1828-29 the 
Parliament buildings on Front street 
were erected. 

The correspondence reads : 

From Canadian Archives, Series C., Vol. 
383, P. 6, York. 

The several hutts erected for temporary 
quarters for officers and men, also the 
blockhouses and store houses, are in gcod 
repair for the number of men at present 

required to occupy them and stores to 
be lodged. There are : 

7 officers hutts for 1 capt. or 2 subs ea. 

for an hospital 

1 " bakehouse 

1 " canteen No. of 


soldiers quarters, 16 men ea..!2S 

1 blockhouse, two floors 48 

1 blockhouse, town of York 48 

Total 224 

1 hutt for guardhouse with an officers room 

and black hole adjoining. 
Magazine "\ 

Carriage and engine shed 

Provision store house f wood buildings 

Indian and commisiary stores J 

The old hutts on the west side of the 
creek are condemned and ordered to be 
pulled dowu. 

Signed by E. H. BRUYERES, 

Captain Eoyal Engineers. 
Dated 12th September, 1802. 

From Canadian Archives, Series C., VoL 
383, Page. 106. 
Quebec, 2nd Jan., 1804. 

Sir, I transmit herewith sundry esti- 
intitef. to be submitted for Lieu tenant- 
General Hunter s approbation; in fact, 
most 01 the services they are to pro 
vide for have already received the Lieu- 
t6 Hani-General sanction, and are ; u a 
great measure performed. Ail those for 
York, Fort George District and Kingston 
have been first sent here by you, ex 
cept I believe, the sum of 8 17s. 9d. 
(in No. 1) for connecting the picketting 
rouui. the Octagon Bloekhouse at Fort 
George, and which, as Capt. Nicolls re 
ports, and as it appears to me, is essen 
tial 1 7 necessary for the security of that 
building find the ammunition, etc., 

(Signed) GOTHER MANN, 

Coll. commanding 111. Eng r. 
From Canadian Archive* , Series C., VoL 
?,M, Page 169. 
Quebec. 16th July, 1804. 

Sir, The short time I have to remain 
in this country and the imperfect infor 
mation I have on the subject of the public 
buildings in contemplation to be erected 
at York, in Upper Canada, together with 
my want of experience as to the accom 
modations required in buildings of this 
sort, are circumstances which render it 
impossible, as I have already stated in 
a former letter, to comply with Lieuten 
ant-General Hunter s request that I 
would furnish mm with the plans or de 
signs far these buildings and the estim 
ate of their probable expense. To dothi-< 
would require considerable time and con 
sideration, and more knowledge in the 
details of what is necessary, than I ar- 
possessed of; I therefore cannot iultr.- 


with the requisite accuracy and confi 
dence what it would be right to propose. 
Nevertheless, as it is still the Lieuten 
ant-General s wih that I should at least 
give him some outline of what in my 
opinion may be requisite, and being de 
sirous to the utmost of my power to as 
sist in any way the public service, I shall 
endeavour on general principles to con 
vey some idea of the probable expense, 
premising however that much accuracy 
is not to be looked for, and that too much 
confidence ought not therefore to be 
placed in my calculations. 

I shall suppose that the buildings are 
to be" constructed plain, substantial, and 
of durable materials, the walls of stone 
and the arches of brick, that every pre 
caution is to be taken to guard them as 
far as possible from accidents of fire, that 
sufficient vaults or arched rooms, per 
fectly secure and dry, are to be made 
to the offices requiring them, for the de 
posit of puLlie records of every description, 
that the buildings are to be uniform and 
neat Lut without the expense of ornaments 
and that apartments will be required 
for the following services, viz.: Legis 
lative and Executive Councils, House of 
Assembly, Court of King s Bench and 
Quarter Sessions, and the proper offices 
to each, with offices for the Secretary 
of the Province, Surveyor-General and 
Auditor for Patents of Laud. Judging 
in the best manner I am able of the 
extent of room necessary for these pur 
poses, I should conceive that a build 
ing not less than from 270 to 300 feet 
long and from 30 to 40 feet broad will 
be requisite. 

Whether this shall be disposed in one 
entire line or with wings will make no 
material difference in the expense, and 
upon a due consideration of the price 
of workmanship and materials in Upper 
Canada, I am of opinion that such a 
building will cost about 16,800 cur 
rency, or 15,120 sterling, and that 
with proper attention to arrangement 
and economy this sum may be sufficient. 
I have now, sir, only to express my re 
gret in not being able to furnish Lieut. 
General Hunter with more complete and 
satisfactory information. 
I have the honour to be, sir, 
Your most obedient humble servant, 
(Signed) GOTHER MANN, 

M. Gen l. Com g. Royal Eug. 
{True Copy) JAMES GREEN, 

Mil y Sec y. 


Front St. From tbe Garrison on the West, 
East to the Market ami Along Palace St. 
to Parliament Buildings 181C-24 at Don. 

One of the most interesting of the early 
views of the town of York, now Toronto, 
is an oil painting, made by Mr. Irving, 
a Scotch artist, who, prior to 1821, was 
a visitor in York and a guest of tbe 
late Hon. George Cruickshank, who re 
sided at the north-east corner of Front 
and Peter streets. No views have been 
found of the entire front of the town of 
York prior to 1821, and this fact en 
hances the value of Mr. Irving s wiork. 
Mrs. Simcoe made a small sketch of the 
Garrison or Old Fort, as in 1796, with 
a bit of the harbour adjacent to the 
fort, and in 1803 an English officer made 
a drawing of the east end of Palace 
street, now called Front street, from 
the north-west corner of what is now 
West Market or Jarvis street, ta with 
in a few feet of the Dion river. Loosing 
gives the blockhouse at the Don in 
1800-13, with a few of the houses in 
the neighbourhood of Palace street. In 
1820 Mr. Irving made an oil painting 
from a poiut on the Island near the 
lighthouse, which ^ives an absolutely 
correct and artistic view, with the lo 
cations of all the houses on Front street 
from a hundred yards west of the Old 
Fort and Garrison to the second Par 
liament buildings, which stood in 1 
24 on the site of the jail, built in 1841, 
at the east end of what was then Palace 
street, but what is now Front street. 
The site is now occupied by the Gas Com 
pany. The buildings in Irving s sketch 
are given with so much detail as i.o be 
recognizable, and it is evident that the 
arti t, before finishing his oil, strolled, 
pencil and pad in hand, and made an 
outline of the buildings that he pro- 
po ed to show in his painting. 

The pen and ink sketch given with this 
laudmirk is made, through the courtesy 
| of Ms. Stephen Heward, of Peter street, 
1 from the orig nal oil, by her son, Mr. 
Stephen Heward, the architect, a ^rand- 
sou of the Into Mr. Cruickshank. The 
artist hs skilfully traced the oil paint 
ing, and every building shown is :i8 in 
the orig nal. The proof of the accuracy 
of Mr. Irvine s oil is shown in Mr. He- 
ward s sketch, for some of the build 
ings (riven -uch ^s the Old Fort, -vest 
of Bathurst street; the Cruickshank 
house, north-east corner of Front and 
Peter; the Greenland Fishery tavern, 
roT-th-wpgt corner of John and Front? 
Hon. George Mnrklnnd s hou^o, on Mar 
ket (Wellington) street: the McGill tot- 



tage, where the Metropolitan church now 
lauds, are familiar to many people in 
[Toronto of to-day. The origin il oil 
gives the Ivlaud, the lighthouse -md 
the bay but for the purposes of re 
production the foreground of the pic 
ture has been omitted, so as to give a 
better and closer view of the old town. 

.Where any doubt existed a* to the 
location of the buildings or the n^mes 
of owners or residents, careful .inquiry- 
has been mude amongst old residents, 
such as Mr. William Helliwell, of High 
land Creek, who arrived in Toronto in 
1818, and also from Mrs. Charles Sey 
mour, a daughter of Dr. Grant Powell, 
a resident from 1811. Mrs. Seymour was 
horn in 1806, and came with her father 
to Toronto in 1811. Her memory of the 
capture of Toronto by the Americans, 
of the burning of the first Parli im>nt 
Build ngs on the site of the old jail, 
and her recollection of the residents of 
the entire front of the city and every 
house from 1811 to 1860 is perfect. In 
an interview at Ottawa Mrs. Seymour, 
now (1898) ninety years of age, recount 
ed to the writer the names and loca 
tions of all the houses on Front street, 
with the names of the. residents, prior 
to 1820, from the Old Fort to the Don. 

The key given the location jf th 
houses on not only Front street, which 
ran from the garrison on the west to 
the north-east corner of what is now 
Front and East Market square, which 
in the early d r iys was the north-east 
corner of East Mnrket s.quare, a con 
junction of New (Nelson) (Jarvis) street 
and Palace (Front) street. 

The key alw> gives the losation of houses 
on Market street, now known as Welling 
ton street, for these houses could be seen 
from the bay, there being then but few 
houses between the present Front street 
and Market street, and in some places the 
houses on Krng street could be seen from 
the bay front. 

The key commences with No. 1 west of 
the Fort, and the reader is taken by way 
of Front street, east to the Parliament 
buildings then standing (1820), on the 
Bite of the old jail, at the south end of 
Berkeley street. 

No. 1. Commencing at the west end 
there is shown as No. 1 a house situated 
a hundred yards west of the western gate 
of the Old Fort, on the embaTilcment above 
the shore. The house, a frame originally 
and afterwards roughcast, faced the 
north. It was removed in the seventies. 
It was occupied by Mr. I>uffy, a master at 
Upper Canada College. It was built 
about 1818, and occupied by Mr. Duffy 
in 1825. 

No. 2. The Old Fort at the west side 

: of what was formerly known as the Gar 
rison Creek, was built in 1790, and was 
burnt, with the exception of eome log 
houses at the east end of the grounds, 
in 1813. The Fort was re-built in 1816. 
The row of three houses shown with three 

j chimneys each were of wood and are 
standing this day (1896). The house with 
the cottage roof, two chimneys and dor 
mer windows, was the officers quarters 
and of red brick. This was burnt in 1830. 
The block house shown is the one near 
est the east entrance to the Fort and 
still staiidiug. The depression in the 

j ground east of th block house is the low 
ground through which the Garrison Creek 
flowed, emptying into the bay at the 
King s (Queen s) wharf. From 1820 to 

j 1860 a wooden bridge some forty or fifty 

i feet long joined the east and west sides 

of the creek. 

The first building east of the Garriscvn 
Creek, not numbered, i-s apparently a oue- 
torey building, with one chimney, occu 
pied about the site of the red brick houtee 

; built by the Hon. J. II. Dunn, receiver- 
general of Upper Canada, and afterwards 
occupied by Mr. (Sir) D. L. Macpherspni 
No one has yet been able to identify the 
etraet site or the resident of the building 
shown in 1919. The Massey works now 
occupy the ground. The small building 
immediately to the welst. of this, also 
unnumbered, was a tavern, which stood 
on the< north side of Front street, at the 
liorthreast corner of what is now Bath- 
urst. It was long frequented by the sol- 

! dieris stationed in the fort. It was known 
for years as the Kescue Inn, and had a 
sign descriptive of a mother rescuing 
her child from an eagle s nest in the 

j mountains. 

Walking further east, there are three 

I houses before coming to Peter street (No. 

j 5). The occupants of these houses are 

No. 6 is Peter street, which was in 1820 
th western limit of the town. This 

i street ran north from Front street to 

i Queen. 

No. 6. This was the residence of the 
Hon. George Cruickshank, at the north 
east corner of Front and Peter streets. 
The drawing shows the building before 
the new residence was erected in 1823-4. 
The old house was removed to the back of 
the lot, and the new house, given in 
another Landmark in Volume III., erected 
on the corner. The buildiug was removed 
in 1860, and the ground is now vacant. 
No. 7. A few yards to the east of the 
Cruicki~(hank house was the residence of 
John Beikie, who was at oue time sheriff 
of York, and also clerk of the Executive 
Council of the Provincial Government of 



Upper Canada. This house stood where 
Windsor street now opens into Front. 

No. 8. The building on the shore was 
the military storehouse, which was after 
wards lengthened and enlarged, and 
tood on the srte up to 1858, when the 
Esplanade improvements were made. 

No. 9. Behind the ship and scarcely vis 
ible is the outline of the Halfway House 
or tavern, which stood about ninety feet 
west of the corner of John street, on 
Front. When originally built it was occu 
pied by officers of the garrison as quar 
ters, but finally it bscanie a tavern, 
which was resorted to by the soldiers on 
their way to and from the town, and was 
appropriately called " The Halfway 
House." It occupied the site of 294 
Front street. 

No. 10. This was Sergeant Eskerlioi s 
house, which stood directly east of the 
Halfway House. Eskerlin was an issuer 
or official of the commissariat depart 
ment. It was on the site of No. 286 
Front street west. 

No. 11. The large building on the north 
west corner of Front and John, now No. 
284, was the Greenland Foohery tavern, 
Which stands to-day as in 1820. The 
cottage, No. 8 John street, in rear of 
this house, which for many years was 
occupied by Edward Wright, who was 
the proprietor of the Greenland Fishery 
tavern, was the first building erected 
in 1817. The large building at the corner 
was erected in 1819, and not in 1825, as 
stated in Vol. I., p. 48, Landmarks, 

No. 12 shows the line of John street, 
which in those days ran from Front 
up to Queen street. At the north end 
of John street on Queen was the en 
trance to the Grange, the property cf 
Mr. Boultou. There were two large gates 
on the north side oJ Queen street, tt 
its junction with John street. John 
street was subsequently extended north 
to the present gates of the Grange. 

No. 18 shows the house of Mr. Itiley, 
on Market street, now known as Welling 
ton street. There were no homes in 1820 
between John and Graves (Simcoe) 
streets, where the third Parliament 
Buildings stand, so that from i ront 
street one could clearly see the houses 
on Market street. This house was erect- 
Ed in 1815. It is given in the list of 
that year as Riley s house, and its site 
was Nos. 264-66 Wellington street west. 

No. 14 shows a culvert on the shore, 
about 150 feet west of the line of Graves 
street. This was called Russell s Creek, 
which ran from the north-west part of 
the town across the now Spidina 
avenue, Beverley street, through Queen 
a hundred feet west of John, through 
the Macdonald property, between New- 

! gate (Richmond) street and Hospital 
I (Adelaide) street, through Upper Canada 
i Co leg? plfiy-PTGUiids and the Government 
! House grounds, east of the present Dor- 
j set street, finding an exit into the bay 
I in front of the east end of the grounds 
j of the Parliament Buildings on Front 

No. 15 is the house of Mr. George Rid- 
out, a two storey roughcast dwelling on 
Market street, known in later years as 
Dorset HCUSP, the site being on the north 
west corner of the modern Dorset street 
and Market (Wellington) street. The 
front part of the site is now No. 250 
Wellington street west. 

No. 16. Elmsley House, on the south 
west corner of King and Graves (Simcoe) 
street. It was in 1804-16 the residence 
cf Chief Justice Elmsley, and about 1816 
used as the Government house. It was 
partly brick, Ing and roughcast. It was 
burned about 30 years ago and the pre 
sent Government house was erected. 

No. 17. (Graves) Siincoe street, which 
was originally named after John Graves 
Simcoe, ran from Front street to Queen 
street, and subsequently (about 1870), 
William street, which ran from Queen 
street north, almost in a direct line with 
Simeoe, was changed to Simcoe, so that 
north to Erskine Presbyterian church is 
known as Simcoe street. 

No. 18. Thi-i was the red brick residence 
of Bishop Strachan on Front street, be 
tween Simcoe and York streets. It was 
built i,n 1818, and is now No. 140 Front 
street west. 

No. 19. To the east of Bishop Strachan s 
and north across Market (Wellington) 
i street was the cottage house of the Hon. 
i Robert Hamilton (1806), and of the Hon. 
i George Markland (1820), on the north- 
; we-t corner o? Market (Wellington) street 
! anil York street. It was Judge Draper s 
hcuse 1840-55, and in Mr. Markland a 
time was the h: use in which a few meet 
ings of the Legislature and all the meet 
ings of the Executive Council were held. 
It was also for a period the Surveyor- 
General s office, and was built in 1805-6. 
It is now the site of an hotel, and is No. 
116 Wellington street, at the north-west 
corner of York. 

The hcu^e directly east of No. 19 and 
ju t over th" figures 20, was the residence 
and shop of John Ross, the pioneer under 
taker of York. He it was who made the 
coffin for General Brock, and superintend 
ed the funeral at Queenston Heights. 
This ad led to his following the business 
of what would now be called "a funeral 
director." Ross moved in 1825 to Hospi 
tal (Adelaide) street, a hundred feet west 
rf the north-west corner of Hospital and 
(Peter streets. 



The building shown to the east of Ross 
an (uthouee of the residence of Sur- 

this cottage that the ladies of York 
sought refuse during the war of 1812 

i ir _ 

^^^^^^^^___ _ o .,, vuc > uvr xiu. 0^ ryt TviarKet street. 

residence of John McGill, the cottage No, 33. The low building shown just 
built in the centre of what is now the by tut bow of the ship was the first 
Metropolitan church grounds, on Queen, ! marke* in York. Jt occupied the eract 
Church, Bond and Shuter streets. This site of the present St. Lawrence market, 
building was erected in 1804. It was in I No. 34. Jarvis street. This street in 

1. Mr. Duffy s House West gate of 
Old Fort, 

2. Old Fort and Batteries. 

3. Officers Quarters, one storey brick 
building, dormer windows. 

4. Block House, near East entrance of Fort 

The Town of York (Toronto), Upper 

5. Peter St., west limit of town of York. 

6. Residence of Hon. George Cruikshank, 
North-east corner Front and Peter sts. 

7. John Beikie s House between Peter 
and John on Front st. 

8. Military store house on shore in front 

of Greenland Fishery Tavern. 

9. Half Way House, behind s 
feet west of Greenland Fishery. 

10. Eskerlin s House, east of 
11. Greenland Fishery Tave 

west corner John and Front stree 

wn of York (Toronto), Upper Canada (Ontario), in 1 

b of town of York, 
eorge Cruikshank, 
nd Peter sts. 
e between Peter 

on shore in front 

of Greenland Fishery Tavern. 

9. Half Way House, behind ships - - 60 
feet west of Greenland Fishery. 

10. Eskerlin s House, east of Half Way. 
11. Greenland Fishery Tavern, north 
west corner John and Front streets. 

12. John street. 

13. Riley s House, Mark 


14. Russell s Creek, Ci 
west of west line Graves (S 

15. George Ridout s h 

3 painted on the spot by Mr Irvine a Scotch artist. 

corner of Market (Wellington) st. and 

Wellington), present Dorset street. 

between Graves (Simcoe) and Y( 
19. Hon. George Markland s h 

16. Elmsley House south-west corner | corner Market (Wellington) anc 
store, 150 | King and Graves (Simcoe) st site of Gov- | 20. York street. 

e) st. 

ernment House (1896). 

17. Graves (Simcoe) st. 

18. Bishop Strachan s residence, Front st, 

21. Judge Powell s house, nort 
ner Front and York streets. 

22. Bav street. 

irtist. This reproduction is from the o riginal oil, and 

e) and York streets, 
rkland s house, n. w. 

23. Major Hillier s cottage, north-east 
corner Front and Bay streets. 

27. Church st. 

28. Residence o Samue 

igton) and York sts. I 24. Judge Macaulay s house, n. w. cor- | st., at intersection of Shu 

ner Front and Yonge sts. 
louse, north-east cor- | 25. Yonge st. 


26. Hon. John McGilFa cottage, now 
site of Metropolitan church, Queen st. 

29. Masonic Hall* Marl 

30. Ship Hotel -n.w. d 
and Front sts. 

31. Farmer s store hous 

ows Front street from the Garrison on the west to the 

I Church st. 
Jarvis, Jarvis | 32. Franck s Hotel, n. \v. corner Market 

I lane, Colborne st. and Market square. 

.ne. j 33. The Market, between East and West 

larket square I Market square. 

34. Jarvis st. , then New st. 
shore foot of 35. Thos. Robson s store, n . e. corner of 

Palace (Front) and East Market s( 

36. George street. 

37- Geo. Munro s house, north- 
ner Palace (Front) and George stri 

38. Frederick street. 

39. J. S. Baldwin s store, north 
ner King and Frederick streets. 


29 < 

to the site of the Parliament Buildings of 1824, 

; Market square. 

ise, north-west cor- 

Qeorge streets. 

tore, north-west cor- 


40. Hon. Win. Adams house, east side 
Frederick street, near Palace (Front) street. 

41. Allan s Wharf, foot of Frederick st. 

42. Attorney-Gen. J. B. Robinson s office. 
Front st. near Caroline (Sherbourne) st. 

43. Dr. Burnside s House, north side King, 

west of Caroline ( 

44. John Cawthi 
line (Sherbourne) i 

45. Caroline (Sh 

46. Russell Abb 
Palace (Front) and 


jii-sSkmjSJi^ -G#_ 
&- J ^y-^8^3a 

foot of Parliament street. 

ourne) st. 

tore n.w. cor. Caro 
irne) st. 

- north west corner 
icess streets. 

47. Princess street. 

48. Alex. Legge s house north-east cor 
ner Palace (Front) and Princess st. 

49. Ontario street. 

50. Hon. C. C. Small s house, s. w. cor 
ner King and Berkeley sts. 

51. Berkeley st 

52. Parliament 

53. Governmenl 
ment House. 

54. Parliament 
j ed by fire 1824. 

ise north-east cor- 
Priucess st. 

3 house, s. w. cor- 

51. Berkeley st. 

52. Parliament st. 

53. Government offices, north of Parlia 
ment House. 

54. Parliament House, built 1816, destroy 

ed by fire 1824. 

op. 94 



Upper Canada. This house stood where ! gate (Richmond) street and Hospital 
Windsor street now opens into Frout. : (Adelaide) street, through Ucoer Canada 

street. This was called Russell s Creek, 
which ran from the north-west part of 
the town across the now Spidina 
avenue, Beverley street, through Queen 
a hundred feet west of John, through 
the Macdonald property, between New- 

This ad led to liifi following the business 
of what would now be called "a funeral 
director." Ross moved in 1825 to Hospi 
tal (Adelaide) street, a hundred feet west 
cf the north-weat corner of Hospital and 
Peter streets. 



The building ehown to the east of Ross 
was au tuthouse of the residence of Sur 
veyor-General Chewett on the north side 
ft Market (Wellington) street, a huudred 
feet east of the east line of York. The 
original Chewett cottage stands to-day, 
incorporated in the two-storey house, 
Nos. 101-2 Wellington street west, east 
of the residence lately occupied by Dr. 

No. 20. York street, which ran from 
Front street to Lot (Quoeu) street. 

No. 21. William Dummer Powell s housa 
on the north-east corner of York street 
fcnd Front, abcut 200 feet from Front and 
on the east line of York street. It was a 
handsome, old-fashioned house, built of 
logs and clapboard. The site is now NOB. 
100-18 Front street. The house stood on 
the site of Nos. 51-3 York street. 

No. 22. Bay street, which ran from 
Front to Lot (Queen) streets. The tree 
over the figures " 22 " hides the house 
of Thomas Jobbitt, an ex-soldier of the 
Rangers, on the north-west corner of 
Bay and Market (Wellington) streets. 
Mrs. Jobbitt afterwards lived on the 
north side of Richmond street, and was 
popular as the proprietress of a small 
candy establishment. 

No. 23. On the north-east corner of 
Front and Bay streets was the cottage 
of Major Hillier, a cottage which was 
originally occupied by the Hon. George 
Markland. It was about 200 feet north 
from Front street, and about 100 feet 
east of the east line of Bay street. The 
gable under the figures " 23 " is part 
of the house of Andrew Mercer, on the 
south-west corner of Bay and Market 
(Wellington) street, now "Wyld, Grasett 
& Darling s warehouse. 

No. 24. The outline shows the gable 
of the house of Judge Macaulay, which 
was on the north-west corner of Front 
and Yonge streets, facing on Yonge 
street, about 100 feet from the west 
street line of Yonge, and 100 feet from 
the north street line of Front. It was 
in rear of No. 32 Yonge street and No. 
12 Front street west. 

No. 25. Yonge street, which ran from 
Front street north, as to-day. Partially 
hidden by a tree the outline of a build 
ing, unnumbered, and slightly to the left 
or west of No. 26 was the cottage home 
on the north-east corner of Front and 
Yonge streets, now (1896) the Board of 
Trade site, about 1830 occupied by Mr. 
Justice Sherwood. 

No. 26. The drawing shows clearly the 
residence of John McGill, the cottage 
built in the centre of what is now the 
Metropolitan church grounds, on Queen, 
Church, Bond and Shuter streets. This 
bnilding was erected in 1804. It was in 

this cottage that the ladies of York 
sought refuse during the war of 1812 
(Vol. L, p. 223). 

No. 27. This was Church street. In 
1820 this street ran north from Front 
to "Queen street. North of that was 
farm land, the Jarvis property being to 
the east of the modern Church street 
and the McGill property to the west. 

No. 28. The building shown in the 
drawing to the east of the McGill cot 
tage is the residence of Samuel Peters 
Jarvis, a brick house, which stood where 
Shuter and Jarvis streets intersect. The 
gates leading to this house were on the 
north side of Lot (Queen) and Jarvis 
streets. There was a circular drive up 
to the house. When Shuter street was 
opened and Jarvis street extended the 
house was removed. The old stable of 
this house, built in 1818, stands to-day 
at the west side of Jarvis street, about 
one hundred feet south of Wilton avenue, 
in off the street. It has a semi-circular 
window in its gable. It must be borne 
in mind that the city front to Queen 
street was entirely clear of trees, so that 
all these hou&es could be clearly seen 
from the bay front, and, by the aid of 
a powerful glass, from the Island. 

No. 29. This is the Masonic Hall on 
Market lane, now Colborne street. The 
hall was originally a one-storey build 
ing, built in 1818, and it was subse 
quently improved by the addition of a 
second storey. It stood on the south 
line of a lane that now runs between 
Church street and West Market square, 
about the centre of the block on Church 
street. The building was a famous 
scho olh ouse, and was the first place of 
worship for the Baptists in Toronto. It 
was in this building that Simon McGilli- 
vray reorganized the fraternity of Masons 
of Upper Canada in 1822. 

No. 30. The Ship Hotel. A large build-* 
ing which stood on the north-west cor 
ner of the present No. 20-22 West Mar 
ket square and Front street. 

No. 31. The Farmers Storehouse, on 

the shore near the foot of Church street, 

[ west of Mai t land s Church street wharf. 

i It was built of red brick, in 1819, and 

was used for the storage of grain. 

No. 32. Frank s Hotel, built in 1819- 
20, which stood on the north-west cor 
ner of Market lane (Colborne street) i>nd 
of the present West Market squ re. It 
wa in this hotel that the celebrated 
fancy ball of 1827 was held. The site 
is now No. 82 West Market street. 

No. 33. The low building shown just 

by tin bow of the ship was the first 

marke* in York. Jt occupied the exact 

I Bite of the present St. Lawrence market. 

No. 34. Jarvis street. This street in 



1820 ran only north to Queen street. 

No 35. This was Thorn is Robsou s 
store, a frams building on the north 
east corner of the present Eist Market 
square and Front street, which was then 
known as Palace street. This building 
ia shown in a view of 1803, and was 
built in 1800. Thtt site is now No. 29 
of Front street east, the east side. 

No. 36. George street. In 1820 this 
was the business street of the town/ 
^specially that part between Front and 
Duke streets. 

No. 37. The George Monro house. Thfa 
house stood on the north-east corner 
of Front and George streets. It was 
frame, log f:nd roughcast, and stands 
there to-day, and is now a farmers 
hotel. It has been kept in good repair, 
and, of course, has many modern im 
provements; but the original structure 
ia there as it stood 96 years ago, for it 
was erected about 1800, and is shown 
in the picture of Toronto in 1803. This 
house is now No. 114 Front street east. 
No. 38. Frederick street. This street 
ran from Front to Duke, and ended in 
front of the red brick residence of Sir 
Wm. Campbell, still istandiug. 

No. 39. J. S. Baldwin s house on the 
north-east corner of King and Frederick 
streets. The Canada Company originally 
occupied the building on the south-ea - st 
corner of the street, now occupied by 
Mr. Stinson. The building was afterwards 
the Bank of Upper Canada, prior to its 
removal to the north-east corner of Duke 
and George streets. Subsequently the 
Canada Company occupied Baldwin s 
store, and a few months ago (1896) re 
moved from that building to a more cen 
tral location in the Imperial Bank build 
ings, Change alley. This house is now 
Nos. 204 and 206 King street east. 

No. 40. The small house shown was the 
(residence of the Hon. William Allan. It 
wag on the east side of Frederick street, 
near Palace, just south of the present 
Newsboys Home, No. 59. 

No. 41. Allan s wharf, known as the 
Merchants wharf, at the foot of Frederick 
street. This was the first wharf or dock 
in Toronto. It was built in 1801. (Vol. 1., 
page 251.) 

No. 42. This shows the office of Attor 
ney-General John Beverley Eobinson, af 
terwards Chief Justice, on the north side 
of Front street, west of Caroline (Sher- 
bourne) street. The building stands to 
day, and is known as No. 158/ 

No. 43. Dr. Burnside s housJb, on the 
north eide of King street, about fifty 
feet west of Sherbourne. This building 
still stands. It has been kept in good 
repair, and this house, which was a large 
and commodious residence, has since been 

divided into two tenements. This house 
is now Nos. 216-18. 

No. 44. Joseph Cawthra s house, north 
west corner of Caroline (Sherbourne) and 
King streets. This was iu those days 
a busy corner, for everything from a 
needle to an anchor could be found here.* 
The site is no\v No. 220-22-24 King 
street east. 

No. 45. Caroline, now known as Sher-, 
bonif street. Owing to a misappr - 
hensioii on the part of those who f-ur- 
veyed the town in the fifties, the name 
"Sherbourne" was incorrectly spelt. The 
street was named after Sherborne, Eng 
land, the birthplace of the Hon. Thomas 
Ridout, and should be spelt Sherborne," 
and not "Sherbourne." It is to be hoped 
that the modern directories will make 
the change. The street was originallji 
] named after Queen Caroline. 

No. 46. Rus ell Abbey, on the north 
west corner of Palace and Princess 
streets. This house brings us once more 
to Front street. Russell Abbey was the 
residence of President Russell, and the 
offices of the Executive of the Pro 
vincial Government of Upper Canada, 
1797-1824. This site ,is now No. 184-6-8 
Front street east. 

No. 47. Princes street. This street was 
named after the sons of George III. It 
is not Princess, but "Princes " street, an 
other correction which might be made 
| In the directories. 

No. 48. Alex. Legge s house. This stood 
on the north-east corner of Palace 
(Front) street and Princes street. It 
is jow No. 200 Front street east. 

?b. 49. Ontario street. This street ran 
from Palace (Front) street to Duke 

No. 60. This shows the residence of the 
Hon. C. C. Small, which was situated 
on the south-west corner of King and 
Berkeley streets. The rear of the house 
is shown, and may be seen to-day in 
passing along the west side of Berkeley 
street. It is now No. 355-7-9 King 
street east. 

No. 51. Berkeley street. This ran from 
Front street north, but not, as origin 
ally supposed, to the bay. The direct 
ory of 1834 states that this street com 
menced at the north-west corner of 
Palace street and ran north. It was 
subsequently, about 1850, opened 
through the Fair grounds south to the 

No. 52. Parliament street. This street 
, ran from Palace street north. It was 
i called Parliament street from the fact 
that the Parliament buildings stood at 
its southern end. 

No. 53. This was a large red brict 
building, used as Government offices. It 


was built in 1816, after the \var, and 
used for Government purposes up to 
1824, when the south building, No. 54, 
was burnt. From that date until 1840 
it was used for emigration purposes by 
the Government. It is now tha site of 
Nos. 265-7-9 and 271 and other houses 
on Front street east, the buildings being 
dwelling houses. 

No. 54. This was the Parliament House 
built in 1816 and burnt in 1824. The 
Parliament House of Governor Simcoe, 
of 1797-181 , .stood ou this ?vf- 
Seymour, daughter of Dr. Powea, now 
residing in Ottawa, saw the building 
burning in 1812, and also the fire of 
1824. It is now the site o! the Gas Com 
pany works on Berkeley street, south 
of Front street west, the east side. 

This finishes the Landmark, and recalls 
many historical locations. Even "with 
the local knowledge of the writer and an 
intimate acquaintance with every detail 
of the history of York from 1792 down 
to the present time (1896), there may 
be errors in some of the foregoing loca 
tions. It is just possible that there are 
tho3e -who may be able to throw light 
upon the location of scm? of the build 
ings which are in the drawing, but from 
want of knowledge cannot be referred to. 
It is almost unnecessary to state that 
any information which will tend to im 
prove this Landmark will be most ac- 


A History of the Postal Department of 
America From the Days or the Sixteenth 

L Uniou Postale, published at Berne, ; 
Switzerland, the official organ of the I 
International Postal Convention, recent- j 
ly published some interesting papers on 
the postal service of this continent, I 
written by C. W. Ernst, of Boston, Mass, i 
The papers ore of interest in connection i 
with the same department in Canada, J 
and really contain a condensation of i 
the entire history of this important j 
branch of public service in America from i 
the earliest times. 

The Post-Office Department at Wash- j 
ington holds few records prior t~> 1789, 
and a fire destroyed in 1836 many i 
postal papers covering tl:e period from 
1789 to the year named. The records of 
the American postal service from 1775 : 
to 1789, being the period of the Con 
federation, are nearly all lost, the most 
interesting relic being a book of m5mor- 
anrla kept by Richard Bache. This book, 
erroneously published as "The Ledger of 

Doctor Benjrimin Franklin," is preserv 
ed in the Treasury Department oi tha 
United States, and contains postal 
memoranda from 1775 to 1780. For the 
earlier period WJ have the interesting 
Journal of Hugh Fiulay, which reviews 
the postal service of 1778-1774 in de 
tail, a chapter in Joyce s History of 
the (British) Po.jt-Office ; an e^say upon 
"The Early History of the Colonial Post- 
Office," by Mary E. Woolley ; a "His 
tory of the Postal Service in Boston, 
Mass., 1639-1893," by C. W. Ernst i; and 
the ecattered materials to be i oxmd in 
many American and European archives, 
in the records of tbe American colonies, 
in old almanacs, newspapers, and family 
papers. Occasionally the local histories 
give notes on postal affairs. 

The postal hittory of the United States 
of America has four periods. Up to 1693 
only municipal posts existed, though at 
tempts were made to establish inter 
colonial posts. The American post from 
1693 to 1707 stood under the Neale 
patent. From 1707 to 1774 the General 
Post-Office in London controlled. From 
1774 to 1789 is the period of transition ; 
but on the whole Congress controlled. In 
1789 the Constitution took effect, Wash 
ington was President, and the American 
Post-OfMce became a national estab 
lishment, destined to a growth not sur 
passed in postal history. The inception 
oJ this vast, service has abidiusr imer^t. 

The rates of postage in 1703 were as 
follows : 

" For every letter not exceeding one 
sheet of paper, 9d.; for two sheets, Is. 
6d.; for every packet weighing 1 ounce 
or under, 2s. 8d." 

There are several reasons why the 
early American posts were municipal. 
It should be remembered that Engla-nd 
herself had no General Post-Office until 
the Act of Parliajnuent signed by Crom 
well on the 9th June, 1657, gave the 
necessary authority. The colonies were 
not likely to have what the mother 
country lacked. 

To provide for ship letters, Massa,- 
chusetts appointed ;ui age..- ui liu.s.ou 
in 1639. He iorwurJed lett:rs not direct 
ly disposed of by the captains of vessels. 
The like arrangemaut w,as made at New 
York. In 1672, before the beginning of 
Philadelphia, Governor Lovelace ok New 
York tried to arrange a post to Boston. 
In 1684 Governor Dongan of New; York 
received authority "for setting up post- 
houses along the coast from Carolina to 
Nova Scotia," at least 10 p. c. of the 
profit to go to England. But so far were 
the colonies from having an exchange of 
mails that they could hardly be said to 
have a home post. In 1657 Virginia re 
quired planters to forward official let- 



ters ; a similar law was passed four 
years later. In other colonies official let 
ters w. re forwarded by constables, 
sheriffs, or special messengers. Of a regu 
lar post there is no trace. Private corre 
spondence was carried mainly by coast 
wise vessels or occasional travellers. 
Tradition tells of a post along the Dela 
ware river, from Trenton to Newcastle 
and Maryland ; but no record shows that 
the service was ever performed or need 
ed until 1093, when the American Post- 
Office began. 

This beginning is due to William III., 
and to the genius of Andrew Hamilton. 
History has yet to recount the merit 
of William III. in economic affairs. He 
founded the Bank of England, he sub 
sidized the post in Scotland, he gave 
England two extraordinary men for 
Postmasters-General, Cotton and Frank- 
land, and he perceived the importance 
of an American post. He carried the great 
financial, commercial and postal tradi 
tions of the Netherlands to England, and 
he was determined that the colonies 
shoiild share in the rise of the mother 
country. A happy solution was found 
for the legal and fiscal difficulties in the 
way of the American post. 

Acting under the law of 1660 the great 
King vested the American post in Thomas 
Neale, master of the mint and otherwise 
eminent for enterprise and large affairs. 
This interesting patent, the charter of 
the American post, was signed on the 
17th February, 1691. A few weeks later, 
on April 4th, Thomas Neale and -the 
Boyal Postmasters-General appointed 
Andrew Hamilton Postmaster-General of 
America. Except the king, the colonies 
had never had an officer or master in 
common. Would they accept an Ameri 
can Postmaster-General, who was given 
the postal monopoly for twenty-one; 
years ? Certainly each colony had the 
right to appoint a Postmaster-GerJeral 
of its own, to prescribe his duties, and to 
reap the rewards, if any. The patent 
itself recognized the right of the colo 
nies to prescribe what postage they 
pleased. A dozen colonies were to be 
consulted ", each was to surrender a cer 
tain right ; they were to agree for once, 
for without a certain agreement an 
inter-colonial post would be impossible. 

Hamilton, the father of the American 
post, overcame all obstacles ; he achieved 
a novelty in American legislation. Not 
only did he induce every colony to ac 
cept the Neale patent, but he led the 
legislature of each to pass substantially 
the same postal act, and he persuaded 
name of the colonies to pay him an an 
nual subsidy. Hamilton was born in Scot 
land, and became a merchant in Edin 
burgh. Ju. 1686 he was sent to New 

j Jersey to look alter the investments of 
: certain London merchants, among them 
I William Dockwra, the founder of the 
j London Penny-Post. Hamilton happened 
i to be in London when the American post 
| was proposed, and became the choice of 
, the king, of Neale, of the Postmasters- 
; General, of Dcckwra and the other mer- 
; chants. In the summer of 1692 he sailed 
for New York, and immediately upon his 
arrival visited all the colonie.3 in person 
I to win them over to his caiue. He was 
successful beyond reasonable expectation. 
All accounts unite in praising his talent 
for dealing with men ; even his oppo- 
! nents, William Penn among them, de 
sired his friendship. He was trusted im- 
; plicitly ; he endeared himself even to 
j casual acquaintances. A new element 
j seemed to have entered the American 
struggle for existence and wealth, the 
element of union, the power of colonial 
co-operation. Hamilton s diplomacy was 
exquisite. On moderate conditions he pro 
mised a weekly post from New Hamp 
shire to Virginia ; he satisfied each 
colony of his ability and resources ; and 
he kept every promise. 

New York led in granting Hamilton ^ 
request ; Pennsylvania and New Hamp- 
| shire followed ; Connecticut and New 
Jersey joined ; Massachusetts was the 
last to enter this postal union of the 
colonies, and passed a model act. Vir 
ginia alone failed. Its postal act of 1693 
looked to Virginia only, and demanded 
too much for that. Hamilton responded 
by including Virginia in bis postal ser 
vice. This service began on May 1st, 1693, 
and consisted in a weekly post from 
j Portsmouth, New Hampshire, to Boston, 
! Saybrook, New York, Philadelphia, Mary- 
! land, and Virginia. Five riders were en- 
! gaged to cover each of the five stages 
i twice a week. On an average each mail 
] rider travelled near three hundred kilo- 
j meters a week, in the beginning over 
i a country where roads were in the state 
of nature. But the service was per 
formed ; only in winter, it was fort 
nightly. The great mail route; from 
j Portsmouth to Boston, New York, and 
i Philadelphia is still the most important 
j in America. . 

The early accounts of Hamilton are 
happily preserved in London. His own 
salary was 200 a year. The post 
masters had a salary of 20 or less ; 
the mail riders received from 110 down. 
The total expense from May 1st, 1693, 
to May let, 1697, was 3,817 ; the re 
venue but 1,457. This deficit, partly 
due to Hamilton s liberality, was more 
than Neale, sometimes called the gov 
ernor of the American post, was willing 
to bear. His fortune nearer home had 
likewise declined, and to get rid of the 


American post, he assigned it, with all 
its rights and duties, to Andrew Hamil 
ton. The latter must have had igreat 
faith in his Post-office ; he took tte 
patent and all it implied. The posts Wi-re 
continued with great regularity ; but on 
April 26th, 1703, he died at Amboy in 
New Jersey. The post was still in debt ; 
but Hamilton s credit was unimpaired. 
He had b eu governor of Pennsylvania 
and New Jersey ; and in the latter colony 
or province lie owned large estates. His 
death was mourned throughout the colo 
nies. It was equally regretted in Eng 
land. Men felt that Andrew Hamilton, 
more than any other man, had united 
the colonies, had given them a postal 
service that never failed, aud establish 
ed a communion of interest* not known 
before his day. The chief American port 
ior foreign letters, in Hamilton s time, 
was Boston. All these letters were treat 
ed as ship letters, the captains receiving 
a special fee for every letter they de 
livered to the Poet-Office. In Hamilton s 
day no newspaper was printed in Am 
erica, and in New York the first printing 
press was set up at the same time as the 
Post-Office. The first Postmaster of 
New York, Sharpae, is still remembered 
faithful clerk he was, beside serving as 

In comparing the earliest postal laws 
of the American colonies it will appear 
that the postage rates they prescribed 
were not entirely uniform. This seeming 
discrepancy is partly due to the fact 
that each colony had a different cur 
rency. Each colony used Spanish silver 
dollars, but counted in pounds, shillings 
and pence. But while each colony re 
tained the English names of money, none 
retained the English currency. Some of 
the colonies had coined their own money. 
An English guinea (21 shillings) was 28 
shillings in Massachusetts, 3G in New 
York, and 34 in Pennsylvania. The postal 
service had to contend with this diffi 
culty during the first century of its 
existence. Yet the establishment created 
by the great Hamilton was theoretical 
ly perfect. It provided for all contiu-. 
gencies likely to arise. It required post 
masters to "mark every letter with a 
print " ; it required the house delivery 
of every letter not called for rwithin 
forty-eight hours after arrival ; and it 
provided for the transmission of letters 
to all parts of the world. A letter from 
Boston to Neir York cost a shilling, 
from Boston to Philadelphia 15 pence ; 
the fee for ship letters was two pence, a 
part of which was paid to the captains. 
In addition they were free to charge sea 
postage. The customary rat for a sea 
letter became" a shilling. 

Fortunately for the Post-Office, the 

country was highly prosperous from the 
inception of the service. The mail riders 
of 1693 wt nt through a wilderness ; but 
every succeeding year brought improve 
ments. Population increased, affairs in 
creased. Tl e Post-Office was still in debt 
when Andrew Hamilton died in 1703, and 
his ton John Hamilton succeeded. Yet the 
Crown was anxious to possess the ser 
vice. In 1707 it purchased tbe good-will 
of the American Post-Ofifce for 1,664, 
| continuing John Hamilton as Postmas- 
j ter-Geiieral with an annual salary of 
I 200. In the same year the parliamentary 
1 and postal union of England and Scot 
land went into effect ; William s Post 
masters-General, who began in 1690 
, with the struggling posts of England, 
j found themselves in 1707 at the head 
j of an imperial post co-extensive with the 
I British empire. They had advised the 
j purchase of the American post. The 
i logical result was the great Post-Office 
act passed by the British parliament in 
1710. That great and memorable act 
controlled to the time of Queen Vic 
toria : ,in British North America it ruled 
until the colonies, first united by Andrew 
Hamilton in 1692 and 1693, became .tLe 
United States by the declaration of 1776 
and the treaty of 1783. When the Am 
erican Post-Office, in 1707, passed under 
the management of the General Post- 
Office in London, two interesting events 
had taken place since the death oJ Hamil 
ton. The first cross-post had been estab- 
i lished from New York to Albany, and 
in 1704 the first American newspaper 
began to appear the Boston News- 
Letter, which lived until the revolution. 


The Progress of Postal Improvement on the 
American Continent from the Beginning 
of the Eighteenth Century. 

In 1707 the English Crown bought 
back the Neale patent, under which the 
great Andrew Hamilton had establish 
ed regular posts from New Hampshire 
to Philadelphia. The dismissal of Frank 
lin, in 1774, marks the end of this second 

period in the history of the North Am 
erican posts. The principal accounts of 
this period are the acts of Parliament 
passed in 1710 and 1765, respectively, 

known as 9 Annae chapter 10, and 5 
| Georg. III. chapter 25. In 1715 Herman 

Moll, a London geographer, published 
his " Map of the Dominions of the King 
i of Great Britain on the Continent of 
North America." This map, often re 
printed throughout the period under con 
sideration, indicates the post routes of 
the time, and gives in the margin " Au 



Account of ye Post of ye Continent of 
Nth America." In 1772, the London au 
thorities sent Hugh Fiulay to America 
to report on the posts. He arrived in 
1773, inspected the posts from Quebec 
to New York, as well as from Virginia 
eouth, and hie Journal, published in 1867 
gives a perfect picture of the royal 
American posts at the time of their 
transition from royal to American con 
trol. The Fiulay manuscript is in the 
library of the Post-Office Department at 
Washington. For the rest, the official 
accounts of this period are nearly all 
lost, and the postal history must be 
gathered from newspapers, almanacs, and 
the materials accidentally saved in pub 
lic archives and private collections. 

The great Postal Act of 1710, which 
controlled in North America until 1774, 
in England until Queen Victoria, was oc 
casioned by the union of England and 
Scotland, and in part by the purchase 
of the Neale patent, both these events 
having ta.ken place in 1707. A new law 
was necessary, and its postal provisions 
were suggested by Evelyn and Frank- 
land, of whom the latter was familiar 
with America. The law finally passed 
made the London Postmasters General 
the head of the postal service through 
out the British empire, and gave them 
the postal monopoly ; it made New York 
the head office in North America ; it 
gave the American mailriders free ferries; 
and it prohibited political agitation on 
the part of postal officers. The postage 
rates were to be a shilling for every 
single latter passing between London and 
New York. This rate continued until 31st 
December, 1867, and illustrates Auglo- 
Americau conservatism. Domestic post 
age in North America was fixed at 4 
peir?e per letter carried 60 miles (about 
97 kilometers) or less ; 6 pence per let 
ter carried more than 60, but less than 
100 miles (about 161 kilometers). A let 
ter from New York to Philadelphia was 
to pay 9 pence, to Boston 1 shilling, to 
South Carolina 18 pence. These rates 
were not materially changed by the law 
of 1765, and controlled virtuallv until 

The rates so established may seem high 
to our age ; they answered all require 
ments in North America from 1711 until 
1792. They produced enough revenue for 
an efficient service ; and if they did not 
yield a surplus, they sufficed to maintain 
the service. They related to letters only, 
leaving printed matter as a perquisite 
with the service. They treated every 
sheet as a single letter ; and this view 
prevailed in America, until 1845. The act 
of 1765 permitted the establishment of 
Penny-Posts, that is, of local posts for 
the collation and delivery of letters not 

transmitted by mail from one post-office 
to another. No action was ever taken 
under this provision ; but the principle 
that Penny-Posts did not conflict with 
the postal monopoly, survived until 1851. 
On the other nand, tbe ruling of the 
King s Bench, 1768 (Annual Register, 
1768, p. 65), that a delivery fee could 
not be lawfully collected on mail letters, 
was riot accepted in America as binding. 
America accepted the parliamentary post 
acts with surprising composure. The 
right of Parliament to establish Ameri 
can postage rates was not free from 
doubt ; its right to establish free ferries 
was doubtful. America yielded because 
the several colonies and provinces were 
not prepared to co-operate, and still leas 
to support a national post by local 
taxes. Moreover the Crown provided a 
good service, although the post retained 
a half-foreign character. Postage rates 
were prescribed in English sterling, while 
the American Governments had each a 
currency of their own, and the American 
public saw very little money except a 
fluctuating and depreciating paper cur 
rency. It was for this reason that post 
age rates on letters, up to 1774, were 
indicated in pennyweights and grains, a 
pennyweight of silver being the equiva 
lent of threepence sterling. The value 
of a pennyweight differed from one col 
ony or province to another, and from 
year to year. This great obstacle was 
not fully removed until 1792. But the 
postal service remained solvent by cling 
ing to sound money, and was in a posi 
tion to pay its servants well. 

The Postmaster-General of America re 
ceived an annual salary of 200, and 
whatever he saw fit to charge for the 
transmission of newspapers. Postmasters 
received a percentage of their gross re 
ceipts, and usually had the official frank. 
This led them generally into the business 
j of publishing newspapers. The mailriders, 
I who are a sort of travelling post-office, 
treated everything as a perquisite, ex- 
l ctpt the letters charged to them by post- 
; masters. On the whole, the members of 
i the service were both prosperous and re- 
) spected. 

The Postmasters-General, appointed by 
those at London, were : John Hamilton, 
1703-30 ; Alexander Spotswood, 1730-39 : 
Head Lynch, 1739-43; Elliot Benger, 
1743-53. In 1753 Benjamin Franklin and 
William Hunter were . appointed joint 
Postmasters-General ; Hunter died in 
1761, and was succeeded by John Fox- 
croft, while Franklin served under the 
Crown until his removal in 1774. Hamil 
ton was the son of Andrew Hamilton, the 
founder of the American post. He lived 
in New Jersey, he was a good officer, 
and his removal in 1730 was apparently 



due to the fact that the Crown expected 
a surplus, while Hamilton spent the 
postal revenue in perfecting the service. 
He established post-offices at Newport 
in Rhode Island, at New London in Con 
necticut, and at Annapolis in Maryland ; 
he maintained the service he inherited 
from his great father, and he establish 
ed new mail routes. The most import 
ant of these is the great route from 
New York to Albany, which began on 
the novel principle of supporting new 
lines by the postage they might yield. 
Under Andrew Hamilton the mailriders 
hugged the Atlantic coast ; under John 
Hamilton the inland service began. 

His successors, from 1730 to 1753, and 
in the case of Hunter to 1761, were Vir 
ginians. They developed the service from 
Philadelphia to South Carolina. The 
post-office at Charleston, S. C., was es 
tablished about 1740. But on the whole 
they had limited success, though Spots- 
wood left a noble record. A new era 
began with Franklin and Hunter, in 
1753. Both had postal experience. Frank 
lin having been postmaster of Philadel 
phia since 1737, while Hunter, also an 
eminent printer, was postmaster of Wil- 
liamsburg, Va. Hunter s successor, Fox- 
oroft, lived at New York, and was a 
very good officer. Franklin was a great 
man ; the work of the post-office may 
not have suited him. He was generally 
absent from his post, and was removed 
for that reasoii in 1774. 

The few postal remains of the Frank 
lin era are the interesting letters print 
ed in his works, a broadside of 1753 on 
the keeping of postal accounts by post 
masters, and the reports of the time. 
His letter to Todd, dated 29th October, 
1769, has world-wide interest as describ 
ing the Gulf stream, of which he sub 
mitted the first cha.rt and the very name. 
His letter to Potts, dated 23rd April, 
1761, is a masterpiece of ingenuity. His 
letter to Hector St. Jean do Crevecoeur, 
not dated, but probably written in 1783, 
reviews the Atlantic mail service and 
suggests the compartment system now 
in general use. The publication, in 1774, 
was in England, where he had gone ten 
years before. In fact, during the 21 years 
that he was American Postmaster-Gen 
eral under the Crown, he was absent 
from the country two-thirds of the 

Yet he marks the beginning of a new 
era. In Philadelphia he introduced de 
livery by carriers. He established new 
poet-offices ; he extended the great post 
route to Maine and Georgia ; and when 
General Braddock entered upon his fam 
ous campaign to the Ohio, to decide 
whether England or France should con 
trol the Mississippi valley, Franklin sup 

plied Braddock with waggons and estab 
lished the first field-post in America, 
from Philadelphia to Winchester in Vir 
ginia. This campaign, beginning with a 
great catastrophe to the English, occa 
sioned a postal event of the first im 
portance. Braddock a defeat convinced 
the Crown that it needed regular com 
munication with America, both to re 
ceive and supply information. The entire 
Mississippi valley was at stake ; indeed, 
both France and England contended for 
the mastery of all North America. On 
the 15th of November, 1755, the British 
post-office despatched its first regular 
mail packet for New York (2 Penusylv. 
Archives 467). The Atlantic mail service 
thus begun has never ceased. Until July 

| 4th, 1840, when the Cunard steamships 
began to carry the mails, a monthly 
mail packet had sailed from Falmouth 
and New York, respectively, without 
serious interruption since 1755. These 
exchanges of mails have rendered very 
great services. Only a great and am 
bitious power could afford such a ser 

The struggle between France and Eng 
land for American control was decided 
in favour of England. Canada was trans 
ferred from France to England, and to 
tie it closer to the English possessions 
in America, the Crown soon established 
a post route f^om New York to Mont 
real and Quebec". When Finlay was sent 
out in 1772, to inspect the American 
poets that consumed all they earned, he 
began with a survey of a mail route 
between Boston and Quebec. The Crown 
and its officers were anxious to hold 
Canada ; they knew the importance of 
regular posts ; they took large views. 
When the rupture between the Crown and 
its American possessions was complete, 
the Crown might well say that it had 
dismissed a great American from office, 
but that it had given America a postal 
service from Maine to Florida, from New 
York to Quebec, and a monthly service 
across the Atlantic ocean. It is not be 
lieved that the colonies unaided could 
have achieved so much. They might have 

i maintained municipal posts ; they enjoy 
ed a national and international service. 
In 1773 the mail between New York ;md 
Philadelphia was carried every other 
day ; between New York and New Hamp 
shire every third day ; and the mail be 
tween Boston and Portsmouth, N. IT., 
was carried by stage coach, a service 
which did not begin in England until 
1784, or after the English Crown had 
recognized the independence of the United 
States. It was the post-office that led 
in this movement for independence ; and 
this movement towards an independent 
or American post-office began in 1773, 



when Paul Revere became the confiden 
tial postrider of Massachusetts, and 
when William Goddard, of Baltimore, ad 
vocated what he called a constitutional 
as opposed to the parliamentary post. 
The dismissal of Franklin, in 1774, gave 
this movement a force which the Crown 
was unable to check. On the 25th of 
December, 1775, Postmaster-General Fox- 
croft announced the end of the royal 
post in North America ; Finlay, his as 
sociate, retired to Canada, where he 
served as Postmaster-General until the 
end of the century ; on the 4th of July, 
1776, the united colonies issued their 
declaration of independence, and became 
the United States of America. 


A Brief History of the Post Office Depart 
ment from the Founding of Confedera 

The Post-office Department of Canada 
is under the control of a Postmaster- 
General, who is i\ member of the Privy 
Council, and may be a member either 
of the Senate or House of Commons. The 
Postmaster-General is assisted in the gen 
eral management of the business of the 
department by a Deputy Postmaster- 

The post-office service is divided into 
two divisions the inside service and the 
outside service. The inside service com- ! 
prises the staff at headquarters, where j 
the business is distributed among the fol 
lowing branches : 

The secretary s branch has charge of 
the general correspondence with the pub 
lic, with foreign post-offices, and with 
the offices of the outside service. The 
secretary has charge of the establish 
ment of new post-offices, of all appoint 
ments and promotions in the staff of 
both the inside and outside service, and 
of the appointments of all postmasters. 
He has custody of the bonds given by 
all postmasters for due fulfilment of 
office. He has also charge of the en 
quiries respecting missing letters. 

The accountant keeps all books of ac 
count, and is responsible to the Post 
master-General for the prompt collection 
of post-office revenue, and for the exam 
ination of all vouchers for expenditure 
and for the payment of all accounts. 

The superintendent of the money order 
office has the supervision of all duties 

connected with the issue and payment 
of money orders, and conducts the cor- 
reepouteire connected therewith. 

Tue Savings Bank business is under the 
charge of a superintendent, to whom is 
delegated the charge of all matters con 
nected with the receipt and withdrawal 
of Savings Bank deposits. 

There is also a separate branch called 
the dead letter office, under charge of a 
superintendent, for the receipt and dis- 
posa 1 of all undelivered correspondence, 
including parcels and everything trans 
missible by post. 

Another branch of the department is 
the printing and supply branch, the su 
perintendent of which has the sole charge 
of the ordering, receipt, custody and dis 
tribution of the printed forms), stationery, 
mail bagSy locks, stamps, and all other 
stores used in the post office service. 

The charge of the mail service., includ 
ing letting, execution and general super 
vision of mail contracts and the corres- 
, jioudeuce connected therewith, is also 
l confided to a superintendent, and forms 
I a separate branch. 

The remaining branch is the stamp 
, branch, the superintendent of which has- 
charge of the ordering, receipt and issue 
of all postage stamps,, cards, wrappers, 
bands and stamped envelopes. 


To ensure a proper supervision over 
the working of the department in its 
relation with the public, the Dominion 
is divided into fifteen divisions or dis 
tricts, each of which is in charge of a 
post-office inspector, who superintends the 
performance of the ordinary mail ser 
vice, establishes post-offices, carries on 
enquiries respecting missing letters, in 
vestigates complaints, and does all those 
things which have of necessity to be done 
by local officers. 

A certain number of th? more important 
offices, such as Montreal, Toronto, and 
Ottawa, are included in what is techni 
cally known as the outside office service 
of the post-office. The postmasters and 
clerks are appointed by the Governor- 
General in Council, and are paid fixed 
salaries, come under the provisions of 
the Superannuation Act, and together 
I with post-office inspectors and their 
> clerks and the railway mail clerks, com- 
! prise the outside service of the poet- 
office. Postmasters generally are not in- 
cluded in what is known as the civil 

Number of permanent and extra em 
ployes on the staff of the outside service 
of the Post-office Department : 




Perman- Tempor- 

Rank or Class. ently arily Total 

employed, employed. 

Chief Post Office In 
spector 1 

Post Office Inspector. . 14 

Assistant Post Office 
Inspectors 20 

First-class clerks 9 

Second-class clerks 30 

Third-class clerks 31 15 46 

Messengers 11 14 

British mail clerks 2 .. 2 

Chief of Railway and 
mail clerks 10 .. 10 

First - class railway 
mail clerks 65 . . 65 

Second-class railway 
mail clerks 119 .. 149 

Third - class railway 
mail clerks 141 32 173 

Mail transfer agents . . 9 6 

Total 492 56 548 

Number of permanent and extra em 
ployes oil the staff of the outside service 
of the Post-office Department con 
tinued : 


Perman- Temper- 
Rank or Class. ently arily Total 
employed, employed. 

Postmasters 17 

Assistant Postmasters 15 

First-class clerks 25 . . 25 

Second-class clerks 80 . . 80 

Third-class clerks .... 320 64 

Letter carriers 447 91 538 

Messengers and porters 23 65 

Total 927 197 

Total postal divisions 492 56 

Total 1,419 253 1,672 

Number of permanent and extra em 
ployes on the staff of the inside service 
of " the Post-office Department : 

Perman- Tempor- 
Rank or Class. ently arily Total 

employed, employed. 
Deputy head 1 

Chief clerk 8 

First class clerk 10 

Second class clerks 36 

Third class clerks 118 

Messengers 6 

Packers 24 


Total.. . 203 






Upon the confederation of the pro 
vinces in 1867, an act known as the 
Post-office Act, 1867, was passed by the 
Parliament of the Dominion. This act 
took effect from the 1st April, 186S, and 
from that date a uniform system of post- 
office organization was established 
throughout the provinces of the new 
Dominion. The domestic rate of postage 
was reduced from five cents to three 
cents per half ounce; the rate to the 

United States was reduced from ten cents 
to six cents the half ounce, and reduc 
tions were also made in the rates of 
postage upon newspapers, periodicals and 
other miscellaneous matter. 

On 1st January, 1869, there were 3,638 
post-offices in the Dominion. The revenue 
of the department was $1,024,701. 

The money order business having been 
in operation for several years before the 
confederation of the provinces, this branch 
of the post-office service was continued 
with such changes in detail as were 
necessary to secure uniformity through 
out the Dominion. 

An act authorizing the establishment 
of a post-office savings bank was passed 
in December, 1867, and on 1st April, 
1868, eightj -one of the principal post- 
offices in Ontario and Quebec commenced 
to receive deposits on savings bank ac 
counts. As there were already in exist 
ence in the provinces of Nova 1 , Scotia and 
New Brunswick Government savings 
banks, it was not thought expedient to 
extend the post-office system to those 
provinces until some experience had been 
had of its working in Ontario and Que 

On the 1st of January, 1870, the rate 
of postage upon letters from Canada to 
the United Kingdom was reduced from 
12 1-2 cents the half ounce to six cents 
the half ounce. 

When the post-offices of the several 
provinces of the Dominion c"irne un3er 
central administration at Ottawa in 
July, 1867, it was found that there was 
great diversity of practice in the mode 
in which postmasters were compensated 
for their services, some being paid by 
a regular fixed salary, some by commis 
sion on the business of their offices, and 
some partly by commission and partly 
by ealary. 

A general scale of compensation was 
therefore adopted a minimum salary of 
$10 a year to all email offices where 
the business did not warrant a higher 
payment, and in all other cases a salary 
equal to 40 p. e. on all postal business UD 
to $800 a year and 25 per cent, on all 
business over that amount, and a special 
allowance in addition where the work 
had to be done during the nighty and 
for forwarding or distributing mails for 
other offices. This change took effect 
from the first of January, 1870, salaries 
to be raised every two years. 

Regular mail communication was first 
opened with Fort Garry (now Winnipeg) 
in 1870, the mails being sent by Chi 
cago, St. Paul and Pembiua. 

In 1871 arrangements were made for 
mail service to British Columbia. The 
mails were made up at Windsor^ On- 



tario, and sent to San Francisco, wh,ere 
they were conveyed by eea to Victoria. 

The inclusion of the provinces oS Mani 
toba and British Columbia necessarily 
involved the department in heavy ex 
penditure to maintain communication 
with the older provinces throughout the 
vast extent of country lying between 
the great lakes of Ontario and the Pa 
cific Ocean. One of the first routes es 
tablished was from Winnipeg^ then 
known as Fort Garry, to Pembina, at a 
cost of three thousand dollars ($3vOOO) 
a year ; another was from New West 
minster to Barkervillev in British Co 
lumbia, 486 miles, at an annual cost of 
sixteen thousand dollars ($16,,000.) 

Postcards were first issued to tho pub 
lic in Jnne k 1871. The convenience thus 
afforded was rapidly availed of,, and 
nearly one million and a half were is 
sued between June, 1871, and January, 
1872 . 

In 1872 the rate 01 postage upon let 
ters sent from Canada to Newfoundland 
was reduced from 12 1-2 cents to six 
cents per half ounce, and the rate of post 
age upon other matter made the same 
as within the Dominion. 

The organization of the postal service 
in Manitoba and British Columbia having 
been completed, the postal business of 
those provinces appears for the first time 
in the report for 1872. 

From July 1, 1873, all payments for 
salaries and other disbursements on ac 
count of the city post-ofi icea were made 
from a special appropriation from Par 
liament, instead of being paid out o! 
postages collected at the several offices, 
as had hitherto been the practice, the 
amount collected from postage being from 
the above date paid into the credit of the 

In 1873 an arrangement was made for 
an exchange of money orders between 
Canada and British India, and in this 
year the money order system was also 
extended to Manitoba. 

Prince Edward Island entered the Do 
minion in July, 1873, and arrangements 
were at once made for bringing the postal 
system of that island into harmony with 
the rest of the Dominion. 

The system of free delivery by letter 
carriers of letters and newspapers was 
commenced in 1874 in Montreal and To 
ronto, and preparations were made for 
extending the system to such of the other 
cities as might, by extent of postal busi 
ness, seem to be entitled to such addition 
al accommodation ; street letter boxes for 
the reception of letters were also intro 
duced in the larger cities aud towns, and 
persona to be called stamp vendors were 
authorized to sell postage stamps to the 

public. Up to this time postage stamps 
could only be obtained from postmasters. 

In 1874 an important change was made 
in the treatment of dead letters. Hereto- 
lore such letters only as appeared ta be of 
value or importance had been returned 
to the writers ; but it was decided that, 
owing to the unsatisfactory character of 
the discrimination which a cursory ex 
amination o: the letters rendered possible, 
the system should be changed, and all 
such letters should in the future be re 
turned to the writers. 

In 1874 a treaty for the formation of 
a general postal union, and the adoption 
of uniform postage rates and regulations 
for international correspondence, was ar 
ranged and signed at Berne, in 
Switzerland, by representatives of the- 
principal nations of the world, including 
the United States. 

This treaty did not include the British 
possessions beyond the sea, but Canada, 
with the concurrence of the British Gov 
ernment, at once applied for admission as. 
a member. Meanwhile the letter rate ot 
postage between Canada and the United 
Kingdom was, by an arrangement with 
the Imperial post-office, reduced to the 
international rate of 2 l-2d sterling, or 
five cents, the half-ounce. 

The Canada Official Postal Guide was 
first published in 1874. 

Post bands were first issued in 1873. 

In February, 1875, a postal conven 
tion was made between Canada and the 
United States for the reduction of postal 
charges and general simplification and 
the improvement o; the postal intercourse 
between the two countries. 

Under this convention an arrangement 
was made by which each country gave 
conveyance over its mail routes to the 
closed domestic mails of the other free of 
charge when passing in transit through 
its territory ; and letters, newspapers and 
other ordinary mail matter, posted and 
prepaid in either country in the ordinary 
domestic rates o: that country, were to- 
be delivered at destination in the other 
without further charge of postage. 

A further convention was made in June. 
1875, to take effect iroiu the 2nd August, 
1875, for a direct change of money or 
ders between the united States and Cau- 

In April, 1875, an act to amend and 
consolidate the statute law for the regu 
lation of the postal service was passed, 
to come into force on the 1st October, 

By this act changes of much import 
ance were made in the postal system 
of Canada, chiefly in the adoption of 
the principle of compulsory prepayment 
of the postage upon all letters, news* 



papers and other mailable matter pass 
ing within the Dominion, and in the 
reduction of the rates on newspaper.*, 
periodicals and miscellaneous matter. 

The new rates of postage were : Let- 
tore, three cents per nah ounce; drop let 
ters, one cent per half ounce; post-cards, 
on: cent each; newspapers and periodi 
cals from the office of publication to 
regular subscribers, one cent per pound 
buli; weight; transient papers and books, 
one cent per four ounces; parcels, 12 1-2 
centw per eight ounces. Request letters- 
thai is, letters having printed thereon 
th3 name and address of the sender, 
with the request that euch letter, if 
not delivered within a certain time 
specified thereon, might be returned 
direct to the writer without passing 
through the Dead Letter Office wero 
first recognized by the department in 
November, 1875. 

The free delivery of letters by letter 
carrier was extended to the cities of 
Quebec, Ottawa, Hamilton, St. John and 
Halifax in 1875. 

In July, 1876, the opening of the In 
tercolonial Railway afforded means of 
communication by rail between the west 
ern and the Maritime Provinces, by 
which a great acceleration in the trans- 
mission of mails to and from the West 
ern Provinces and Halifax and St. John 
was effected. 

The establishment in November, 1876, 
of a mail service between Winnipeg and 
Edmonton, a distance of nine hundred 
miles, left but little more to be done 
to complete the service from Halifax to 

The postage on letters to Newfound 
land was reduced to five cents per half 
ounce, and the registration fee on each 
registered letter passing between the 
United Kingdom and Canada was reduced 
from eight cents to five cents. 

The opening of this railway also en 
abled the Post-office Department to make 
an arrangement for embarking and laud 
ing the mails for and from Europe by 
the Canadian line of mail steamers, at 
Rimouski, a point on the Intercolonial 
Railway 191 miles east of Quebec, by 
which a very considerable saving of time 
in the transmission of these mails to 
the principal cities in the Dominion was 
effected. During the winter the mails 
were landed at Halifax, instead of being 
carried on to Portland, Maine. 

In January, 1877, an arrangement was 
made with the general post-oifice of the 
German Empire for a regular direct ex 
change of correspondence, and the rate 
of postage upon letters was reduced to 
five cents the half ounce. Reductions were 

: also made in the postage upon other 
classes of correspondence . 

By the convention oi Paris, dated 1st 
June, 1878, Canada was admitted to be 
a member of the General Postal Union 
from the 1st July, 1S7S, and in conse 
quence the rate of letter postage be 
tween Canada and all Europe oecama 
vni-i uniform charge of five cents per half 

Newspapers, printed matter and 

samples and patterns of merchandise be- 

i came subject also to uniform postage 

I rates and regulations for all destinations 

in Europe. 

The existing postal arrangements be- 
tweeu the United States and Canada 

were by mutual agreement allowed to- 
remain undisturbed by the entry of Can 
ada into the union. 

Tho postal agreement between the post- 

office of the German Empire and Can 
ada expired, however, as provided by the 

In June, 1880, an amended convention 
i was made between the Post-office De- 
! partment of the United States and the 
i Post-office Department of Canada, for the 
; purpose of making certain alterations in 
i the system under which money orders 
were exchanged between the United 
States and Canada. Under this conven 
tion the maximum amount of each money 
order was fixed at fifty dollars, with, 
power to increase the amount to one 
hundred dollars by mutual agreement be 
tween the two Post-office Departments. 
The maximum amount of a money order 
had previously been forty dollars. 

The rate of commission was fixed at 
ten cents for any sum not exceeding ten 
, dollars, and ten cents additional for 
every ten dollars or fraction thereof^ 

In 1881 an agreement was entered into 
for the establishment for direct steam 
communication between Canada, the 
West Indies and Brazil. The first steamer 
of the- line, the Comte d Eau, arrived 
at Halifax from Rio de Janeiro on the 
31st December, 1881, with mails from 
Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, Peruambuco, Para- 
and St. Thomas, West Indies, and sailed 
from Halifax on the return voyage on 
the llth January, 1882. 

On the 17th May, 1882, an act was 
passed, which came into force on the 
1st June, 1882, by which under certain 
conditions as to form and manner of 
posting newspapers and periodical* 
printed and published in Canada, and 
mailed by the publisher in the post- 
office at the place where they are pub 
lished, and addressed to regular sub 
scribers or newsdealers in Canada, resi- 
den 1 - elsewhere than in the place of pub 
lication, were transmitted by mail to> 



their respective addresses free of post- I 

OL. the let July, 1882, the charge for 
commission irt the issue of money orders ! 
in Canada, payable in the United King 
dom, was reduced to the same scale ; 
as that agreed upon in the United States j 
in the amended money order convention 
of 1880. 

A convention for the exchange of money ; 
orders between France and Canada was 
signed by Earl Granvilie, Secretary of 
Btatc for Foreign Affairs, and Mr. Wad- 
<liiigton, Ambassador of France to the 
Court o! St. James, on 20th June, 1884, | 
and went into operation on the 1st Nov- 
ember following. 

During the years 1883 and 1884 special 
money order conventions were made be- 
tweer. the post-offices of the German Em 
pire, Italy, Switzerland and Belgium and 
Canada, and arrangements were made | 
by which Canada could exchange money 
orders with Germany, Italy, Belgium, 
Switzerland, Austria, Sweden, Norway, 
Denmark, the Netherlands, Barbadoes, 
.iiiri Jamaica, Victoria (Australia), Tas 
mania, and New Zealand, and generally 
with all British possessions and foreign 
countries with which the British post- i 
office had money order arrangements. 

On 1st January, 1885, a post office ; 
and money order office was established j 
for the convenience of the large number of 1 
men engaged in connection with the con- j 
st ruction of the Canadian Pacific railway, 
the post-office and home of the postmaster 
being in a railway car, which had been 
fitted up as well as circumstances would 
permit for that purpose. As the laying of 
the track progressed the car moved west 
ward until the section o the road coming 
eastward was met, when the necessity 
for the o fice having ceased, the "end-of 
track" post-o fice became a thing of the 
past. To give an idea of the convenience 
afforded by this office, it may be stated 
that during the ten months in which it 
was in existence money orders to the 
value of .$65,304 were issued there. 

On the 1st November, 1885, the main 
line of the Canadian Pacifis railway was 
completed to "Winnipeg, and a mail ser 
vice by railway, with postal car and mail 
clerks in charge, was commenced from 
Montreal and Ottawa to Winnipeg, the 
trip being made in about sixty-six hours, 
the distance 1,430 miles. 

On Monday, the 29th June, 1886, the 
first through line left Montreal for the 
Pacific, and reached Port Moody, the then 
western terminus of the Canadian Pacific 
railway, on the 4th July. This train car 
ried a post-office car, in the special 
charge of the chief po^t-office inspector, 
Mr. John Dewe, under whose supervision 

the arrangements which had already been 
made for daily ^o;tal car service over the 
whole line of 2,892 miles, went into 

The Canadian Pacific railway thus, iu 
connection with the railways already in 
existence in Quebec and the Maritime 
Provinces afforded a continuous daily 
line of mail service by postal car over 
Canadian territory from the Atlantic to 
the Pacific, a distance of 3,740 miles. 

In August, 1885, an arrangement was 
made with the Imperial post-office for 
the transmission of closed parcels by mail 
between the two countries, no single par 
cel to exceed three pounds in weight. 

On the 1st November, 1885, the Post- 
office Savings Bank system, which had 
fo.- several years been in operation in 
the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, was 
extended to Nova Scotia and New Bruns 

The completion of the Canadian Pacific 
railway to the Pacific Ocean enable^ 
the Canadian post-offices to send mailB 
direct to China and Japan by vessel* 
sailing to and from Vancouver. 

An amended postal convention for the 
purpose of making better postal arrange 
ments between the United States and 
the Dominion of Canada was signed in 
January, 1888. One of the chief pro 
visions was the admission to the mails 
of a variety of miscellaneous articles 
so put up as to be liable to inspection, 
at a rate of postage one cent per ounce, 
an arrangement which afforded great con 
venience to the people of both countries. 

The above was amended by a further 
convention signed on the 25th April, 
1888, establishing a uniform rate of one 
cent per ounce upon all merchandise, and 
a rate of one ceat for two ounces upon 
all books, pamphlets, circulars, and all 
printed tnatter generally. 

On the retirement from office, after a 
service of forty-eight years, of Mr. H. 
A. Wicksteed, tie accountant of the de 
partment, the several accounting branches 
of the department w^re placed under the 
control of one officer, who wa.s callei 
the Financial Comptroller, but tl e change 
was not found to mset the expectations 
which had been formed of its utility, and 
on the death of Mr. J. Cunningham 
j Stewart, who had ben appointed to 
the office, the position was not, and has 
not since been filled. 

The 1st of July, 1888, was marke^l by 
the retirem.- nt of Mr. W. H. Griffin, 
Deputy Postmaster-General, after a ser 
vice of fifty-seven years ; he had been 
the permanent head of the post-office of 
Upper and Lower Canada from the time 
when the control of the department was 
handed over to the principal authorities 



in 1851, until Confederation, and Eeputy 
Postmaster-G3neral after the union. 
Lieut.-Col. William White, who had be n 
secretary of the department since 1861, 
succeeded hfim, and has done much to 
bring the department to its present state 
of efficiency. 

Colonel White s is a somewhat strik 
ing personality ; he is a Justice of the 
Peace for the County of Carleton and 
lieutenant-colonel of the 43rd Batta 
lion of Canadian Militia cad was born 
in London, England, January Gth, 1830. 
and was educated at a private fchvol 
near London, England, and shortly a.ter 
leaving school he was appointed (19th 
Feb., 1846) to the Civil Service as a clerk 
in the General post-office, St. Martin s 
le Grand. This appointment he resign 
ed in April, 1854, in which year he came 
to Canada. He remained at Goderich, 
in Western Ontario, during the sum 
mer of 1854, and in November of that 
year, entered the Civil Service of Can 
ada as chief clerk in the money order 
branch of the Post-office Department. 
This .position he retained until Janu- 
axy, 1861, when he was promoted to 
the secretaryship of the department. 
He was gazetted a lieutenant in the 
3rd Battalion of Toronto militia on 31st 
March, 1859, and transferred to the un 
attached list on the 18th May, 1860. 
At the time of the Trent affair in 1861 
he joined the Civil Service Rifle Com 
pany, and served as a non-commission 
ed officer therein until the Civil Service 
Regiment was formed, in which he com 
manded a company (commission as cap 
tain, dated 21st September, I860,) until 
it was disbanded in December, 1868. 
He was appointed to the command of 
an independent rifle company on the 
23rd July, 186!?, and promoted to the 
rank of brevet-major, 25th January, 
1872. On the organization of the Gov 
ernor-General s Foot Guards in ?J72, 
his company became No. 1 Company 
of the Guards, in which regiment he 
was appointed senior major on the 20th 
September, 1872. He was promoted lieu 
tenant-colonel by brevet, 25th Jan 
uary, 1877, and was transferred from 
the Foot Guards to the 43rd Battalion 
as lieutenant-colonel on the re-organi 
zation of the Ottawa and Carleton 
Rifles, on the 5th August, 1881. He 
commanded the Canadian team at Wim 
bledon in 1884, on which occasion they 
won the Kolapore Cup. He has 
likewise been president ot the Ot 
tawa Athenaeum and Mechanics In 
stitute, secretary of the Ottawa Natu 
ral History Society, and presi 
dent of the Ottawa Field Natur 
alists Club. Colonel White was ap 
pointed in June, 1880, a member of the 
Royal Commission to enquire into the 

Civil Service of Canada. He has never 
taken an active part in politics, and 
cannot be said to belong to either of 
the two igreat political parties. He mar 
ried at St. George s, Hanover Square, 
London, on 1st October, 1853, Eliza 
beth, daughter of George Keen, of Lam 

In June, 1889, a convention was signe 1 
with Japan for a direct exchange of 
money orders between Japan and Can 
ada, the conditions being similar to those 
in the conventions already made with 
other coiintries. 

By the Post-Office Act of 1889, the 
limit of weight of a single rate letter 
was increased from half an ounce to an 
ounce ; the rate on drop letters was fixed 
at two cents the ounce. The charge for 
registration was also made uniform and 
fixed at five cents. 

The mail service established between 
Canada, the West Indies and Brazil som^ 
years since did not answer the exp3Cta- 
tions formed of it, and was finally dis 
continued. In January, 1890, ^however, 
it was thought that as far as the West 
Indies at any rate such, a service might 
be re-established with advantage, and a 
service was therefore inaugurated be 
tween St. John, New Brunswick, and 
Demsrara, touching en route at some of 
the West India Islands. 

Through the courtesy of the Imperial 
Post-Office an arrangement was made 
by which parcels could be r&ceived from 
or forwarded to (via England) all coun 
tries with which the Unitei Kingdom had 
a parcel post. 

A convention, taking effect from let 
Octobsr, 1880, w -.s made with Japan for 
the establishment of- a parcel post be 
tween the two countries, and a similar 
convention with Barbadoes taking e. L Ct 
from 1st April, 1891. 

On the 28th April, 1891, there arrived 
at Vancouver the magnificent steamship 
the Empress of India, tie first vessel of 
the line which had be -11 established by 
the Canadian Pacific Railway Company 
under the contract with the Imperial 
Post-Office. The route taken by this line 
between Vancouver and China and Japan 
is 300 miles shorter than any other 
route from the American continent, and 
as the vessels of the line run at a high 
rate o! speed, the time hitherto taken to 
reach China and Japan has been ma 
terially lessened. 

A convention for a direct interchange 
of money orders between Canada and the 
Leeward Islands was concluded on the 
llth February, 1892. Similar conven 
tions were concluded between Canada and 
Bermuda on the Gth December, 1892, and 
between Canada and British Guiana on 
th<; 7th December, 1892. A convention 



-a made with British Guiana for^ a 
direct exchange of parcels on the 7th 
December, 1892. 

Arrangements were also made for in 
creasing the weight of parcels sent be 
tween Canada and the United Kingdom 
from seven pounds to eleven pounds, and 
for a slight reduction in the charge upon 
all parcels exceeding one pound in weight. 

The arrival at Vancouver on the 9th 
June, 1893, of the Miowera, which had 
sailed from Sydney on the 18th May, 
marks an epoch in the history of the 
Canadian post-office, which well may be 
the starting point from which a great 
future may develop, and whilst it is the 
last event to be reached in this short 
sketch of the growth of the Canadian 
post-office since the confederation of the 
Nortli American colonies, no event which 
ha*? occurred is more pregnant with in 
terest to the inhabitants of both Canada 
and Australia, or more likely to exercise 
au important influence upon the Empire 
to which we are all so proud to belong, 
because in connection with the fast ser- 
T lce across the Atlantic, and the won- 
oerfui facilities afforded by the Canadian 
Pacific railway for the transmission of 
mails and passengers between Vancouver 
and Halifax, it will make Canada the 
great highway to the Australian col 
onies and the islands of the Pacific, as it al 
ready is becoming to China and Japan. 

A comparieou of the transactions of 
the Canadian past-offices for the year 
ended 30th June, 1868, with those for 
the year ending 30th June, 1895, will 
show at a glance the enormous increase 
in the operations of the department dur 
ing the quarter of a century which Las elapsed 
since the. confederation of the provinces. 

For the year ending 30th June, 1868, 
thr revenue was $1,024,701.98. 

For the year ending 30th June, 1895, 
thn revenue amounted to $3,815,455.71, 
an incrsrso of $2,990,753.73. 

At the close of 18G8 there were in 
Canada 3,638 post-offices; on 30th June, 
1895, 8.832 nost offices were in operation. 

On the 30th June, 1869, the total 
amount standing to the credit of de- 
1-osito*" in the Post-office Savings Bank ?8K6,814.26. O-i thn 30th June, 1895, 
th amount wns $26,805,542.47. 

Classification of balances to the credit 
o? depositors on 30th June, 1895 : 

Number. Amount of Average 
Balances. Balance. 
Ami.". 3500 and 

under 104,627 $10,645,176.37 ? 101.74 

Amts. over $500 


and under $1,000 

$1,000 and over. 

6,712.482.01) 608.41. 
9,447,884.04 1,478.54 

120,628 $2fi.80")..542.4r, $222.22 
The amount paid for mail service on 

railways in 1868 WPS $196,247.94. In 
1895 it was $1,241,115.31. 

The following article, copied from a 
paper published in the Province of 
Quebec, the Journal Des Trois Riv 
ieres, dated August 16, 1869, gives 
some interesting details of the 
Canadian Postal System. From this 
paper we learn that on the cession of 
this country to Great Britain, a regu 
lar mail carrier was established be 
tween the cities of Montreal and Que 
bec. The celebrated Benjamin Franklin 
was the Deputy Postmaster-General lor 
the English colonies from 1750 to 1774. 
In 1776 this functionary, while giving 
evidence before a committee of the 
British Parliament, sta,ted that, as a 
rule, the mail carrier kept the route 
by the water highways, seldom pene 
trating into the interior. From thGs evi 
dence, also, we learn that the mail com 
munication between Quebec and Mont- 
treal was not more frequent than once 
a juaonih. For not having establisJhed 
intermediate post-offices between the 
two towns, Franklin alleged the great 
distance between the settlers on the 
banks of the St. Lawrence, the isolation 
of the Canadian villages, and the exces 
sive difficulty of inter-communication 
in his day. The fact is, however, that 
lien jam in Franklin was a great enemy 
to Canadian prosperity, and always look 
ed, with aversion upon the people of the 
newly acquired colony. 

In 1774 war having broken out be 
tween the mother country and the Eng 
lish colonies, Franklin was deprived of 
his office, and Mr. Hugh Finlay, a sub 
ordinate of the great republican phil 
osopher, was appointed Deputy Post 
master-General for Canada. Mr. Fin- 
lay had given great proofs of capacity 
under the previous regime, and 
being a man of very high 
character and probity, he was 
armed with large discretionary powers 
to put the mail system of Canada on 
a better footing, and to make its oper 
ations more extended and regular. Un 
til 190, there were added but two in 
termediate postoffices between Quebec 
and Montreal ; in the year following 
offices were opened at Three Rivers 
and Berthier. Every month, however, 
a mail messenger was sent by Halifax 
to England. At this date the local mail 
betwixt Quebec and Halifax was bi 
weekly in summer and once a week in 
winter. The local mail between Que 
bec and Montreal had increased to twice 
a week. In 1800 Mt. Hugh Finlay was 
succeeded in office by Mr. George Her- 
iot. This gentleman, being also com- 
mi"sioned as Deputy Postmaster-Gen 
eral for New Brunswick and Nova Sco- 



tia, as well as for tha two Canadas, had 
to oversee the service throughout all , 
these provinces, and to visit them from i 
time to time. In the four first years j 
of his administration he opened but one I 
new postoffice in Lower Canada, and j 
five in the upper province. Matters pro- J 
gressed slowly enough until 1816, when i 
Mr. David Sutherland succeeded Mr. 1 
Heriot. Ini 1817 he opened six addition- j 
al offices of delivery in Lower Canada, j 
which made the total number of offices 
in operation thirteen. Nova Scotia and 
Prince Edward Island were placed under 
the management of independent officers, i 
and in that year the mails were still ! 
sent but weekly to New Brunswick. In : 
1824 Mr. Sutherland Avas succeeded by 
Mr. Thomas Allen Stayner, and it was 
in this year that New Brunswick was 
endowed with an independent postal de 
partment. Mr. Stayner administered 
his important office for the space of 
twenty -seven years with great zeal, 
and giving entire satisfaction to 
the public. He greitly increased 
the number of local offices, and inau 
gurated many of the reforms which have 
since developed into that vast and safe 
system of communication with which 
our people ore Tartuliar. On the 6tb 
April, 1851, the Canadian mail depart 
ment was transferred from the Imperial 
to Provincial control, the first Postmas- 
i er-<^eneral being the Hon. John MorrLs. 
Some idea of the progress made from 
1760 to 1781, a period of twenty years, 
may be obtained by contrasting the de 
partment under which Benjamin Frank 
lin, and that over which Mr. Morris 
was called to preside. The carrier, who 
made monthly journeys on horseback be 
tween the military posts of Quebec and 
Montreal, and whose safe arrival at 
either of those then distant cities would 
no doubt cause the utmost satisfaction 
to the King s lieges, male and female, 
had been replaced by the steamboat, 
and soon would be by the railway, and 
the two primitive post-offices of Can 
ada had extended into a network of 601 
local offices, transmitting among them 
letters to the number of 2,132,000 an 
nually. In 1861 these figures had at 
tained to 1,775 offices, and the num 
ber of letters transmitted to 9,400,000; 
in addition to a weekly line of ocean 
mail steamers to Europe, over 1,200 
miles of railway, doing mail service 
from one end of Canada to the other, 
and a magnificent network of tele 
graphic wire supplementing the postal 
system. What cumber of offices were 
open and the number of letters carried 
for the year ending July, 1867, when the 
postal system of the Dominion was 
placed under one head, we have not at 

hand, but we may state that during 
the official term of the Hon. MX. Lange- 
vin, the revenus from this source at 
tained almost 900,000. In the year 1851 
the system of cheap postage was tried 
in Canada, the rate being reduced from 
an average one of fifteen cents to a 
uniform rate of five cents prepaid, and 
seven cents for unpaid letters. In the 
following year this reform resulted in 
doubling the number of letters carried, 
with the reduction of only one-third of 
the previous revenue, and in a short 
time the receip.s not only increased to 
the former figure, but grtatly exceed 
ed it. 


Slmcoe s First Legislature The Early Mem 
bers Contested Elections and Their Rr 
suits WUere the Honse Met and iien. 

The first Parliament of Upper Canada 
was elected in 1792. The infant town 
of York formed a portion of the con 
stituency of York County, the member 
being Mr. James Baby, who also repre 
sented Lincoln. He was succseded in 
1796 and in 1801 by Richard Beasley, 
and in 1805 by Solomon Hill and R. 
Nelles. In 1801 Henry Alcock represent 
ed East York, and Angus McDonellwas 
the member in 1802 and 1805. Mr. Wil 
liam Weeks sat for what is described 
as the second riding of York in 1805, 
and Justice Thcrp in 1806. In 1813 the 
West Riding of York was represented 
by John Wilson, and in the latter year 
Mr. Thomas Ridout also sat for the 
same constituency, combined with the 
county of Simcos. He appears to have 
had for his colleague Robert Nelles, 
who was also member for the First Rid 
ing of Lincoln and Haldimand. In 1817 
Peter Robinson represented East York, 
and in 1820 the town of York obtained 
separate representation, Mr. John Bev- 
erley Robinson being the first member. 
Very few of the records of the early 
Parliaments are complete, many hav 
ing been irrecoverably lost, so it is im 
possible to give a list of the members 
for the county with any great degree 
of accuracy. As far, though, as can be 
ascertained, from 1792 to 1820 they were 
as follows: 

1792 James Baby, York. 

1796 Richard Beasley, W.R 

1801 Richard Beasley, W.R. 
Henry Alcock, E.R. 

1802 Angus McDonall, E R. 

1805 Solomon Hill, W.R. 
R. Nelles, W.R. 
Angus McDonell, E.R. 
William Weeks, 2nd Riding. 



1806 Justice Thorp, 2nd Riding 
1809 John Wilson, W.R. 
1813 Thomas Ridout, W R. 

Robert Nelles, W.R. 
1817 Peter Robinson, E.R.. 
W.R. and E.R. stand for West and 
East Riding 1 respectively. 

The earliest record, as has been stat 
ed, of a member being returned to the 
Provincial Parliament by the town of 
York was in 1820, when the late Sir 
John Beyerley Robinson, after 
wards Chief Justice, was elected. 
He continued to hold the seat until 
1829, when the late William Lyon Mac 
kenzie was elected. He sat for about a 
year, when he was displaced by the late 
Hon. Robert Baldwin ; but again was 
elected in 1831, and held possession 
until 1830 , when the late Chief Justice 
Draper was elected in his place. 

A general election followed Lord 
Sydenharn s act for the union of the 
two provinces of Upper and Lower Can 
ada in 1841, when Isaac Buchanan and 
John Henry Dunn (the latter had been 
for many yeara Receiver-General of 
Upper Canada) were elected. They were 
both Reformers, while their opponents 
were George Monro and Henry Sher 
wood, Conservatives. There was a great 
deal of rioting and noise at this elec 
tion, but no very serious disturbance. 

Mr. Buchanan resigned January 2nd, 
1843, and was succeeded by Hon. Henry 
Sherwood, the elections taking place on 
March 6th, 1843. Capt. Macaulay was 
the unsuccessful candidate. Both were 

At the general election ot 1844 Wm. 
Henry Boulton and Henry Sherwood 
were returned. In 1848 there was no 
change in the representation of the city, 
the old members securing re-election. 

In 1852, though, there was a change, 
George Percival Ridout succeeding Mr. 
Sherwood, and having as his colleague 
W. H. Boulton. The latter resigned in 
February, 1853, and a new election fol 
lowed, when Mr. Sherwood once more 
came in. 

In 1854 John George Bowes and John 
Hillyard Cameron were elected. 

At the election of 1857 the candi 
dates were for the Conservatives John 
B. Robinson and W, H. Boulton, the Re 
formers, George Brown. The poll re 
sulted thus: Brown, 2,365; Robinson, 
2,303; Boulton, 2,204. 

A bye-election took place in Septem 
ber, 1858, on Mr. George Brown accept 
ing office. Mr. John H. Cameron was 
the opposing candidate. The result was: 
Brown, 2,665; Cameron, 2,510; majority 
for Brown 155. 
At the general election of 1861 Tor 

onto was divided into east and west, 
j the members being John Crawford and 
John Beverley Robinson respectively. 

The last Parliament of Upper and 
! Lower Canada was elected July 3rd, 
I 1863, when Mr. A. M. Smith and Mr. 
John Macdonald were elected respect 
ively for East and West Toronto. 

The Confederation Act of 1867 came 
| into force on July 1st, in that year, 
Toronto being divided into East and 
! West. In 1872 a Redistribution Act was 
| passed and under its provisions the con- 
j stituency of Centre Toronto was created 
thereby giving the capital of Ontario 
three members. In the last Parlia 
ment this act was still further amendh 
ed by giving West Toronto two repre 
sentatives instead of one. 

The following is a complete list of 
those members who have represented 
York and Toronto since 1820: 
1820 John Beverley Robinson, C. 
1825 John Beverley Robinson, C. 
1829 John Beverley Robinson, C. 
1829 William Lyon Mackenzie R 

1830 Robert Baldwin, R 

1831 William B. Jarvis, C 

1831 William Lyon Mackenzie, R. 
1835 William Lyon Mackenzie, R. 
1836 William Henry Draper, C.... 

1841 Isaac Buchanan, R 466 

John Henry Dunn, R 495 

Unsuccessful candidates : 

Henry Sherwood 44 j 

George Monro 435 

1843 Bye election, March 6th, 1843. 

*Henry Sherwood, C 513 

Capt. Maeaulay, C 320 

1844 *Henry Sherwood, C . . . 642 

*W. H. Boulton, C 622 

John H. Dunn, R 341 

1848 "W. H. Boulton, C . ] . 818 

*Henry Sherwood, C 722 

Beatty, R 556 

Bethune, C 325 

1852 G. P. Ridout, C 713 

W. H. Boulton, C 692 

Henry Sherwood, C 662 

A. O Neill, R gig 

F. C. Capreol, Ind 359 

1853 Henry Sherwood returned "at bye- 
election on the resignation of W. H. 

1854 *John G. Bowes, C 1209 

*John H. Cameron, C , . 1159 

Henry Sherwood, C 1010 

Geo. P. Ridout, C 393 

W. H. Boulton, C 31 

1857 *George Brown, R 2365 

Mohn B. Robinson, 2303 

W. H. Boulton, C 2204 

1858f*George Brown, R 2665 

John H. Cameron, C 2570 



1801 E. Toronto *Crawford, J. C.. 1135 

G. Brown, R. ... 944 

W.Toronto *J. B. Robinson, G 1140 

A. Wilson, R 886 

1863 E. Toronto *A. M. Smith, R. 1214 

J. Crawford, C.. 725 

W. Toronto *J. Macdonald, R. 1275 

J. B. Robinson, C 813 

Confederation Act passed July 1st, 1867- 

1867 W.Toronto *R. A. Harrison, C 1477 

J. Macdonald,!. R 1048 

E. Toronto *Jas. Beatty, C. . . 1113 

J. C. Aikens, R . 980 

R. M. Allen, Ind 1 

1872 W.Toronto *J. Crawford, C.. 1043 

A. McLellan, R.. 574 

F.C. Capreol.Ind 

C. Toronto *R. Wilkes, R... 1216 

Stanley, C 1188 

E. Toronto * Jas. Beaty, C 872 

J. Donoghue,R 775 

1874 W. Toronto *T. C. Moss, R. . . 1661 

J.B.Robinson, C. 1440 

C. Toronto *R. Wilkes, R. ... 1216 

Shanley.C 1188 

E. Toronto *J. O Donohue, R 1289 

E. Coats worth, C 1152 

On petition Mr. O Donohue was unseated 

and a new election ordered. The result 

was : 

S. Platt, C 1396 

J. O Donohue, R 982 

Mr. Wilkes was also unseated and J. 
Macdonald (Ind. ) elected by acclamation. 


West Toronto, on the elevation of Mr. 
Moss to the office of Chief Justice 

t*John B. Robinson, C 1935 

John Turner, R 1584 

1878 *W. Toronto J.B.Robinson, C. 2165 

T. Hodgins, R. . 1528 

C. Toronto *R. Hay, C 1631 

J. Macdonald, R. 1141 

E. Toronto *J. Platt, C 1743 

E. Galley, R 1052 

Mr. John B. Robinson was created Lieut. - 
Governor of Ontario in 1880, and a bye- 
election was the result in West Toronto, 
with this result : 

t* James Beaty, jr., C 2097 

Peter Ryan, R 1836 

A. W. Wright, Ind 49 

F. C. Capreol, Ind 29 

1882 *W. Toronto-Jas. Beaty, jr. , C. 2714 

R 2283 

C. Toronto *R. Hay, C 1620 

J. D. Edgar, R.. 1422 

E. Toronto M. Small, C 1792 

T.Thompson, R. 1496 

1887 W. Toronto *F. C. Denison, C . 3932 

Sheppard, L.. .. 3442 

1887 C. Toronto *G. R. R. Cock- 
burn, C 2278 

Harvie, R 1821 

E. Toronto *J. Small, C 2859 

Jury, Ind 1597 

E. A. Macdonald, 

R 164 

1891 W. Toronto *F. C. Denison, C 5048 
A. Mowat, R. .. 3291 
C. Toronto *G. R. R. Cock- 
burn, C 2414 

J. K. Kerr, R. . . 1912 

E. Toronto *E. Coatsworth, C 3520 

A. Wheeler, R.. 2056 

1896 W. Toronto *E. B. Osier, C. . . 5370 

E. F. Clarke, C. 5147 

W. T. R. Preston, 

L 4734 

A. T. Hunter, L. 4225 
C. Toronto *W. Lount, Q.C., 

L 2418 

G. R. R. Cock- 

burn, C 2130 

E. Toronto *J. Ross Robert 
son, I. C 4615 

E. Coatsworth, 

jr.,C 3046 

Those marked thus * were the successful 
candidates. t Signifies bye elections. 

The Provincial Parliaments from 1792 
until the Act of Union were as follows : 

Sept. 17, 1792, to June 1, 1797. 
June 1,1797, to May 28, 1801. 
May 28, 1801, to February 1, 1805. 
February 1, 1805, to February 2, 1809. 
February 2, 1809, to July 27, 1812. 
July 27, 1812, to February 4, 1817. 
February 4, 1817, to January 31, 1821. 
January 31, 1821, to January 13, 1825. 
January 13, 1825, to January 8, 1829. 
January 8, 1829, to January"?, 1831. 
January 7, 1831, to January 15, 1835. 
January 15, 1835, to November 8, 1836. 
November 8, 1836, to Act of Union, 1841. 

The first Parliament met in Niagara in 
1792, all the rest from 1797 until the Union 
in 1841 met in York and Toronto. 

Since the union of the provinces in 1841 
the Parliaments of Canada have been as fol 
lows : 


1st April 8, 1841 December 9, 1843. 
2nd November 12, 1844 July 28, 1847. 
3rd January 24, 1848 August 30, 1851. 
4th December 24, 1851 June 22, 1854. 
5th -August 10, 1854 June 10, 1857. 
6th January 13, 1858 May 18, 1861, 
7th July 15, 1861 May 12, 1863. 
8th July 3, 1863 July 1, 1867- 
Confederation Act passed July 1st, 1867. 




Nov. 1, 1867 to July 8, 1872. 

March 5, 1873, to Jan. 2, 1874. 

March 26, 1874, to Aug. 17, 1878. 

Feb. 13, 1879, to May 18, 1882. 

Feb. 8, 1883, to Jan. 15, 1887 

April 13, 1887, to Feb. 3, 1891. 

April 29, 1891, to April 4, 1896. 

The Parliament of 1841 to 1843 met in 
Kingston, then it was removed to Montreal, 1 
and in 1848 to Toronto, in 1852 it again 
removed to Quebec, and back to Toronto in 
the autumn of 1855. In 1859 it returned 
to Quebec and remained there until it went 
to Ottawa in 1864, where it has remained 


The History of Ihe SSuiltllng-Tue Troops 
wlio Have Occupied It Some hotauae 

On April 4th, 1895, the Royal Grena 
diers vacated their quarters in the old 
armoury in Jarvis street, and the build 
ing from that date ceased to be used for | 
military purposes. The history of the 
building is as follows: 

Owing to the fact that the roof of the 


old drill shed on Wellington street had 
fallen in, about 1875, it was deemed ad 
visable by the authorities to provide bet 
ter accommodation for our citizen sol 
diers. Indeed, at that particular date 
so bad was the accommodation that it 
is great wonder the various corps were 
kept together. Their commanding offi 
cers, though, held on. Of course, they 
expressed a*t mess and in their orderly 
rooms their very decided opinion " that 
the service was going to the devil," but 
still they stuck to their commands, and 

worried the City Council, the Provincial 
and Dominion Legislatures, and everyone 
else concerned until better quarters were 
given them. 

Early in 1876 the movement to erect 
the armoury took definite shape. The 
City Council had before them a petition 
for pecuniary aid, which was a.nswered 
as is set forth in the following para 
graph : 

Extract from Report No. 3 of the Stand 
ing Committee on Finance and Assess 
ment of the Council of the Corporation 
of the City of Toronto, February llth, 


" Since the last meeting of the com 
mittee they have had referred to them 
by the Council the petition signed by 
numerous and influential ratepayers, ask 
ing that a grant be made towards erect 
ing a drill shed for the volunteers. The 
committee would suggest to the Council 
that the site for the proposed new dr 
shed should be left in abeyance for the 
present, so as to afford the committee 
an opportunity for further conference with 
the Government and officers of the volun 
teer force. In the meantime, however, 
they would recommend that a grant, 
not exceeding the sum of $7,500, be made 
bv the Council for the purpose indicated. 

"The agitation for better quarters was 
by no means a new one, but the site 
was a vexed question. Some two years 
previously to the date referred to in the 
resolution just quoted, the City Council 
had decided to give a site, where the 
armoury was subsequently erected, and. 
this decision was adhered to. The City 
Council dealt with the matter as is here 
related : 

Extract from Report No. 7 of the Stand 
ing Committee on Finance and Assess 
ment of the Council of the Corporation 
of the City of Toronto, March 13, 1876 : 
" The committee, having had under con 
sideration the question of a site for the 
new drill shed, are of opinion that the 
interest of the city and the convenience 
of the volunteer force will be best served 
by adhering to the decision arrived at 
by the Council of 1874, viz., the appro 
priation therefor of the property in rear 
of the City Hall, formerly occupied as a 
cattle market." 

There was some little difficulty at 
first, when the site was finally decided 
upon, as additional space was required 
for the armoury. This slight obstacle was 
soon overcome by the action of the ( 
Comioil. They proceeded as is told m the 

Extract from Report No. 13 of the Stand 
ing Committee on Finance and AsseR- 
ment of the Council of the Corporatioc 
of the City of Toronto, April 29, J 
" The committee have had under cou- 






t- 1 



T jj 




sideration a communication from Lieut.- 
Col. Otter, stating that it is very desir 
able that additional laud, to the north 
of that already set apart for a Drill Shed 
lite, may be appropriated for an Arm 
oury, and beg to recommend that, as 
there is no legal difficulty in the way, 
an additional ten feet be granted for the 
purpose indicated." 

The building was at once proceeded 
with, the coat being borne by the Gov 
ernment. It was provided that, when 
ever it should cease to be used for mili 
tary purposes, it should revert to the 
city of Toronto. 

In March, 1877, the Queen s Own, then 
under command of Lieut.-Col. Otter, and 
the 10th Royals, under Lieut.-Col Boxall, 
took up their quarters in the Armoury, 
and remained there uninterruptedly un 
til April 4th, 1895. Of course, in 1880, 
when the 10th were reconstructed on 
the resignation of Lieut.-Col. George 
Alexander Shaw, and a practically new 
regiment organized under Lieut.-Col. 
Graeett and Major Dawson, there was 
a nominal change, but, in so far 
as the quarters were concerned, 
the changes in the officering and 
nomenclature of the corps did 
not affect anyone. They were the 
headquarters of Toronto s scarlet-coated 
regiment, when it was the 10th Royals, 
and the public took no interest iu the i 
fact that the corps had changed its name 
to that of the Royal Grenadiers. 

The commanding officers of the Queen s 
Own during their occupancy of the Ar 
moury were lieut.-Cols. W. D. Otter, 
A. A. Miller, D. H. Allan and R. B. 
Hamilton. Those of the 10th and the 
Grenadiers have been Lieut.-Cols. Box- 
all,W. Stollery, G. A. Shaw,/HL J. Grasett, 
G. D. Dawson and James Mason. Of the 
officers belonging to the Queen s Own, 
who were in the regiment when it was 
first quartered there were the command 
ing officer, Major Delamere, and Quar 
ter-Master and Honorary Capt. Heakes. 
Of course there were no officers in the 
Grenadiers who were there in 1877, the 
whole of the old officers of the 10th be 
ing retired in 1880. 

On March 30, 85, marched out from the 
drill hall for service in the North-west 
250 men each from the Queen s Own and 
the Grenadiers. They departed amid 
Buch a scene of excitement as has only 
been equalled once or twice in the his 
tory of the city, and has never been sur- 
passed, excepting when th^y returned 
rather less than four months later. 

The officers belonging to the Queen s 
O\m who went to the North-west were: 

Lleut.-Colonel A. A. Miller. 
, Major- D. H. Allen. 

Adjutant Capt. J. M. Delamere. 
Surgeons Drs. Leslie and Wm. Nat- 

Paymaster and Quartermaster. R. 

Captains Thomas Brown, P. D. Hughes, 
I. C. McGee, W. C. McDonald, H. E. 

Lieutenants A. T. Scott, R. J. Cas- 
sels, H. Beck and C. F. Gunther. 

Second Lieutenants H. W. Mickle, A. 
B. Lee, I. George and G. H. Baird. 

Of those officers Major Delamere, Drs. 
Leslie and Nattress, Major McGee and 
Capts. Gunther and A. B. Lee were 
still in the corps on March 31st, 1895. 

The Grenadiers were officered as fol 
lows : 

Lieut. -Col onelH. J. Grasett. 

Major George D. Dawson. 

Adjutant Capt. F. F. Manley. 

Surgeon Dr. Ryerson. 

Quartermaster Lieut. Lowe. 

Captains F. A. Caston, James Mason, 
0. L. Spencer, C. G. Haraton. 

Lieutenants D. M. Howard. A. M. Irv 
ing, W. O. Fitch, G. P. Eliot. 

Second Lieutenants A. ~C7 Gibson, Jno. 
D. Hay, F. M. Michie, John Morrow. 

When they quitted the old Armoury, 
remaining in the Grenadiers ot the 
above were Lieut.-Col. Mason, Major 
Hay, Capts. Caston, A. M. Irving, Ad 
jutant Gibson, Surgeon G. S. Ryersou 
and Capt. Eliot, the quartermaster. 

The old, and" in many respects most in 
convenient, drill shed was the scene 
of many a pleasant gathering and many 
notable excursions were made; by 
both regiments to various cities and 
towns. From that place as their starting 
point the "boys in green" and "the lads 
in scarlet " many times sallied forth 

"With their guns upon their shoulders 
And their bayonets by their sides," 

not to "capture some fair ladies, and 
make of them their brides," but to have 
"two hours drill and ten hours divil- 
ment" in Montreal, Kingston, Ottawa, 
London and other places, and if reports 
are true they "on those days did their 

The Queen s Own farewell parade was 
the strongest on record, more than 650 
bayonets, and the Grenadiers likewise 
made a record attendance. 




Those Who Settled the Township Their 
Straggles nnd Difficulties Keiitlii licences 
of the Century, 

Wednesday and Thursday, June 17th 
a-nd 18th, 1896, were red letter days in 
the history of Scarboro township, for 
they were the two days which the in 
habitants of that thriving municipality 
set apart whereon to celebrate the hun 
dredth year of the settlement of that 
part of this fair Province of Ontario. 

Just a century since one David Thom 
son, who was the youngest of three 
brothers named respectively Archibald, 
Andrew and David, who were sons of 
Archibald Thomson, a small landed pro 
prietor and also a tenant farmer in the 
County of Dumfries, Scotland, took up 
his abode on what was then forest land 
near where now stands St, Andrew s 
Presbyterian church, and fixed upon it 
as the future home of himself and his 
wife. No house stood there, no place 
other than the open air, was there 
where he could lay his head, so he and 
two or three others at once set to work 

.to fell the trees with which to con 
struct a dwelling house. This was ac 
complished within a few days, not, 
though, without increasing labour and 
peril from the wolves which then in 
fested that part of the country. As soon 
as ever the house was built David Thom 
son was joined by his wife, Mary, like 
himself a native of the " land of brown 
heath and shaggy wood," and there for 
years they dwelt until a more suitable 

.dwelling could be erected. 

For seven months Mrs. Thomson never 
saw the face of another female, and 
when she did see one of her own sex 
that woman was not of her " ain coun- 
tree," but an Indian. The sight though 
was a gladsome one, and though Mrs. 
Thomson s visitor was unable to speak 
a word of English, and Mrs. Thomson 
was equally ignorant of the Indian 
tongue, they were able by the subtle 
instinct inherent in woman s nature to 
understand that the visit was pleasure- 
able to both. Years afterwards Mrs. 
Thomson used to relate what pleasure 
this chance visit of the Indian squaw 
gave her. 

Very shortly after David Thomson 
settled in> Scarboro came not only his 
brother Archibald, but members of the 
Johnston, Elliot and Walton families, 
all of whom have now many descendants 
in the township, in Toronto and in 
many different places. 

Archibald Thomson was a U. E. Loyal 

ist, and first settled in Kingston about 
1786, after the revolutionary war, he 
having emigrated from Scotland to the 
American colonies about the yeaf 1770. 
He was a builder, and built in Kingston 
the first Episcopal church erected in 
that city. 

When he settled in Scarboro , at the 
close of the century, he took to farming. 

The Johnstons, Elliots, Waltons, 
Littles, and other of the pioneer set 
tlers all were farmers, and in iflany 
cases their descendants still hold til# 
land which their great grandfathers 
cleared nearly a hundred years ago. 

David Thomson died aged 71, on June 
22nd, 1834, and his widow on November 
8th, 1847, aged 80. On her tombstone 
in St. Andrew s churchyard she is 
spoken of as the " Mother of Scar 
boro ." 

The graveyard adjoining St. Andrew s 
church, where David Thomson and his 
wife lie buried, and where other " fore 
fathers of the hamlet sleep " well re 
pays an hour s stroll among its tomb 
stones and grassy knolls. It contains at 
least one hundred stones to the 
memory of different members of the 
Thomson family. Besides these just 
mentioned, though, there are great 
numbers of others. In the eastern por 
tion of the ground lies James Richard 
son, who died August 27th, 1825. Many 
of this worthy s descendants were at 
the celebration. 

Close to James Richardson lies John 
Skelton, another pioneer, who was born 
in 1772, and died in 1856. Near John 
Skelton reposes John Thomson, a cousin 
of David s. He was born in Scotland in 
1782, came to Canada in 1796, and set 
tled over the Don the same year on the 
river s eastern bank. He was noted as 
the man who carried the declaration 
of war in 1812 for General Brock from 
York to Penetanguishene. The whole 
journey was on foot, and Thomson was 
accompanied only by an Indian guide. 
John Thomson died in 1873, aged 91 

Besides these, there are the graves of 
Robert Johnston, who died in 1833, aged 
75. He was all but contemporary with 
David Thomson in Scarboro . William 
Devenish, born in 1772, died in 1856; 
Alexander Neilson, died aged 91, in 
1850. He came from Lanarkshire, in 
Scotland, and left children, grand 
children and great grandchildren. Then 
there is Thomas Walton s tomb. He was 
born in 1779, settled in Scarboro in 
1818, died in 1852, "leaving over 100 
descendants." Of other old pioneers 
may be noted John Thorn, born in 1791, 
died 1877, and Andrew Paterson, who 



died on March 15th, 1884, in his 87th 

The day was everything that could 
be desired for an outdoor celebration, 
such as was that of Scarboro s centen 
nial. Though it was very hot, there 
was just enough breeze to temper the 
sun s rays, and there was nothing to 
interfere with the enjoyment of those 
who came from every part of the town 
ship, from Toronto and from distant 
parts of the country. Men and women 
were there who had never seen the 
place before, but were drawn to the 
spot, being as they were the grandchil 
dren, great grandchildren, or even a 
generation later than that, of those who 
lived, worked and died in the township 
a century previously. 

The day s proceedings began with a 
service in St. Andrew s church at 10.30, 
when addresses were delivered by Revs. 
D. B. Macdonald, Drs Fletcher and 
Ball. These addresses were devoted 
principally to a comparison of the past 
with the present and to reminiscences 
of religious efforts made in the town 
ship in its earlier days. Dr. Fletcher 
for eleven years was the Presbyterian 
minister at St. Andrew s. 

Following the service came dinner, 
and then a public meeting was held, 
commencing about two o clock, in a 
large marquee, capable of seating about 
COO people, erected in the field to the 
west of the churchyard, opposite the 
site of David Thomson s house. On that 
particular spot stood a tall flagstaff, 
from which the British flag floated. 

A choir no less than 250 strong, un 
der the leadership of Mr. Stouffer, ren 
dered the hymn " Before Jehovah s 
Awful Throne," and then prayer was 
offered by the Rev. G. W. Stephenson, 
followed by another hymn from the 

Rev. D. B. Macdonald presided, and 
on the platform were: Messrs. John 
Richardson, M.P.P., Simpson, Rennie, 
Rev. Father Gallagher, J. Chisholm, 
Dr. McDiarmid, Leyi Anniss, J. A. 
Scarlett, James Ley, William Helliwell, 
J. McLeod, G. Secor, F. Armstrong, 
W. Oliver, J. Gibson, J. Buchanan, 
James Weir, James Stirling, A. W. Mal 
colm, J. Thomson, D. Thomson, T. 
Thomson, J. Chester, Fred Reesor, P. 
Reesor, W. Mason, R. Armstrong, T. 
Armstrong, C. J. Clark, George Elliott, 
Rev. J. A. Brown, and scores of others. 

Rev. D. B. Macdonald first said a 
few words and then called on Mr. John 
Richardson, M.P.P., who spoke of Scar- 
boro past and present, and of what 
great cause they ail had for th ank- 
fulnesa at the great progress the town 

ship had made, not only from what it 
was one hundred years ago, but in 
their own time. In concluding he hoped 
" that all Scarboro men would live so 
that the world would be better for 
having known them." 

He was followed by Mr. Rennie, whose 
address was principally taken up by 
contrasting the state of agricultu; il 
labour with what it was when he beg tn 
farming 50 years ago. 

Then followed . other addressea by 
Messrs. James Ley, Rev. J. A. Brown, 
Dr. McDiarmid and Levi Anniss. 

" Rule Britannia " by the choir, lustily 
joined in by the audience followed the 
speeches, then came the National An 
them and the meeting concluded with 
prayer by the Rev. Father Gallagher. 
The second and last day of the Scar 
boro centennial celebration was an un 
qualified success, and was, if possible, 
an improvement on the first day. Thfi 
weather was absolutely perfect, a trifle 
too warm, possibly, yet glorious sun 
shine, which caused the hundreds of 
visitors to appreciate all the more 
highly the leafy glades and cool spots 
to be found on the banks of the stream 
beside which David Thomson pitched 
his tent one hundred years ago. 

It would be impossible to form even 
an estimate of the numbers present. 
There were certainly three, perhaps 
even four, thousand. The vast driving 
sheds near St. Andrew s church were 
crammed with vehicles, certainly two 
hundred of them. Amos Thomson s barn 
and yard presented the appearance not 
so much of a quiet farm yard as of a 
country hotel on market day, which 
was doing a thriving business. Down 
the lanes, up the lanes, in every fence 
corner, nay, even in the churchyard it 
self, were rigs stationed or horses 

As on Wednesday, the day s proceed 
ings commenced with divine service in 
St. Andrew s church, when speeches ex 
pressing thankfulness for the past and 
hope for the future were delivered by 
Rev. Dr. McGillivray, of Kingston, 
sometime of Scarboro , and Mr. E. S. 
Caswell, of Toronto. The choir sang 
delightfully, and the congregation was 
simply enormous. 

About 2.30 arrived the Lieutenant- 
Governor, accompanied by Commander 
Law and Mr. T. C. Patteson. He was 
cheered a,gain and again on his arrival, 
and took his seat on the platform close 
by the chairman, the Rev. D. B. Mac 
donald. Others on the platform were: 
Mrs. Curzon, S.A.C., always a welcome 
guest ; Mr. O. A. Howland, M.P.P., 
Mc.ssrs. W. F. Maclean, H. R. Frank- 



land, E. M. Morphy, John Richardson, 
M.P.P., Rev. C. E. Thomson, C. J. 
Clarke, Levi Anniss, David Boyle, Elias 
Wood, D. B. Read, Q. C., and many 
more. Rev. D. B. Macdonald welcomed 
the guests, and then Mr. Stouffer s 
choir sang " Raise the Flag," and all 
the flags on the masts surrounding 
the central tent were run up to the 
summit and gaily floated in the breeze. 
There followed " Three Cheers for the 
Red, White and Blue " by the band, 
and cheer after cheer was given by the 
crowds present. 

made them all justices of the peace." 

Following the Lieutenant-Governor 
came Mr. W. F. Maclean, H. R. Frank- 
land, Mr. Elias Wood and Mr. D. B. 
Read, Q.C. Mr O. A. Howland also 
spoke, dwelling on the way in which 
history was made. Then came more 
speeches, and at 5.15 " Auld Lang 
Syne " was sung, and the most enthusi 
astic meeting ever held in Scarboro 
came to an end. Sports followed, and 
the celebration concluded with cordial 
handshakings, embraces and mutual 


The chairman then called on his 
Honour the Lieutenant-Governor to 
address the meeting, who in a brief 
but happy speech spoke of the progress 
Scarboro had made in the last century. 
His Honour in his reminiscences told, 
one very amusing story of a former 
resident of the township, Rev. Mr. Mc 
Dowell. The clergyman was a bit of a 
"sport," and liked a good horse and 
always rode one. Well, one day he was 
riding along and he met a certain Mr. 
Frazer, who had just been made a ius- 
"ice of the peace. The newly-made J.P. 
:ook upon himself to rebuke the parson 
or riding a horse, saying " His Master 
,vas meek and lowly, and rode upon an 
u." " Ah, weel," replied McDowell, 
I couldna get a jackass, for they ve 


An Old Tlinc Stoue Hooker that baa had a 
Checkered Career. 

There are few vessels in the stone 
j trade but what have centre-boards. But 
the Ann Brown, although shei ihas been 
a stone hooker for forty years, is an 
exception to this rule, having a stand- 
i ing keel, and when loaded drawing; 
1 about six feet of water. This at once 
: shows those acquainted wiith stone-hook 
ers and their ways of working that 
she was not built for: the trade she is 
now engaged in. And in truth, she was 
not. The Ann Brown was built and 
intended for trading on thd upper lakes 



with the Indians, and is one of the 
pioneer traders m those regions ; her 
history has been a chequered one, and 
not without interest in its, way. 

The Ann Brown was built about sixty 
years ago at the corner ot Front and 
Bay streets, by a day labourer, who 
worked at her in his spare time and in 
the evenings after his day s work was 
done. His wife lent him all the assist 
ance she possibly could, and received the 
reward of having the vessel named 
after her. The vessel was launched from 
where she was built, for at that time 
the Esplanade was simply the bottom 
of the bay, and the water came right 
up to Front street. She was only about 
thirty tons burden, yet small as thus 
appears now, ehe was considered a good- 
sized vessel then. She was rigged as a 
schooner, and, like all the Kchoonera 
of those days, carried a square fore* 
topsail and top-gallantsail. 

For three years she traded success 
fully on Lake Huron and Georgian Bay 
with the Indians, but one night, when 
she was in the neighbourhood of Mani- 
toulin Island, a squall struck the vessel. 
fThe captain was in the cabin at the 
time, but he abandoned the vessel Ln 
such haste that he left $500 behind 
him in the cabin locker. Together with 
his crew of two men he reached Mani- 
toulin Island in the yawl boat. Next 
morning to their surprise they saw the 
schooner riding at anchor, bottom up, 
not far from shore. When she cap 
sized the anchor had got clear of the 
cat-head, and the chain running out 
through the hawse-pipe, had taken 
firm hold of a boulder on the bottom, 
and so prevented the vessel from 
pounding herself to pieces on the shore. 
The vessel was righted without very 
much trouble and continued to trade 
with the Indians for softne time. The 
captain found his $500 quite safe, and 
on the whole may be considered to have 
cofcae off from the adventure very for 

In 1850 Willia&n Pollock, a veteran 
stone-hooker captain, bought the Ann 
Brown, but he sold her next year to 
Samuel Goldering, one of Toronto s vesr- 
sel men. He sailed her for three years 
and in 1854 sold her to Abraham Block, 
who came out to Canada in 1834 and set 
tled down at Port Credit. When he 
bought the Ann Brown she was con 
sidered an old boat, so she must have 
been built before 1840. She has remained 
in the Block family ever since her pur 
chase from Mr. Goldering, and Thomas 
Block now sails her. She was rebuilt 
in 1876, but is of practically her original 
shape. In 1876 her old transoms, which 
were rather square, were removed, and 
rounder ones substituted giving the 

stern a prettier appearance, and ma 
terially improving the vessel s sailing 
qualities. When she was built she was 
painted black, but she has been paint 
ed white with a lead colour bottom 
for many years now. Her dimensions 
are: Length over all, 36 feet; beam, li 
feet; draught when loaded, 6 feet It 
is a question whether the Ann Brown 
or the Barque Swallow is the older 
3ut the former, if not the older, is, 
perhaps, the more interesting, both- 
Irom her history and from the fact that 
her hull is built on the model of a regu 
lar sailing vessel, not on that of a scow, 
as the Barque Swallow s hull is. 


A Reildence Unlit by Robert Milieu orcr 
StTentr-flYe years ABO. 

About eighty years ago, when our 
nineteenth century was in its teens, 
Robert Millen emigrated from Belfast 
to Canada, and settled in Toronto, or 
rather York, for such it was at that 
time. He was a carpenter and cabinet 
maker, and must have known his trade 
thoroughly, for before very long he 
was able to send back for his mother 
and sisters, and had a comfortable 
home ready for them when they ar 

He bought a lot from Dr. Macaulay. 
and on this he erected a neat little 
cottage, which is now 26 Teraulay 
street. Though rather small, this cot 
tage was a very pretty one. It was 
nicely painted, kept very trim, and the 
lintel and door posts were very highly 
ornamented by Mr. Millen himself, for 
he was a very skillful carver in wood, 
and in this connection he is said to 
have told his children to igo to St. 
Michael s Cathedral, if they wanted to 
see a proof of his skill, for he carved 
the ornaments of the altar there. The 
fanlight above the cottage door waa 
composed of many small panes of glass, 
set in lead so as to form fancy patterns, 
and fastened with brass. Even to-day, 
although the old fanlight has been re 
placed by another one, by no means so 
ornamental, the elaborate carving 
above the door and on either side of 
it, shows that the little cottage must 
have been really beautiful at one time. 
The chimney was of such a size as to 
easily accommodate the most rotund 
Santa Claus without any trouble! and 
there used to be two white seats, ona 
on either side of the door, but as the 
neighbourhood became more thickly 
populated, and, we regret to add, it 
moral tone became deteriorated, the 



seats had to be removed, for they were 
too convenient resting places for loafers 
and other obnoxious individuals. 

This cottage must have been built 
seventy-five years ago, at least, if not 
earlier, for Mr. Millen s daughters, 
Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Manning, to 
whom we are indebted for a great 
deal of this information, say that their 
father lived in the cottage with his 
mother and sisters for some time be 
fore his marriage, and that they were 
both born in the bouse, and one of 
them is seventy years old. 

As Mr. Millen s family increased, ad 
dition after addition was made to the 
rear of the cottage, so that it runs 
quite a distance back, as may be seen 
in the accompanying- drawing. In the 
yard at the back of the house Mr. 
Millen built quite a large workshop, 
which is still standing, and in which 


The City as It was at the Rebellion Names 
of Old Time Official* and Institutions 
Many Interesting; Details. 

The Toronto Directory for the year 

1837 was published by George Walton, 

; and printed for him in Toronto by T. 

Dalton and W- J. Coates. It was a 

small octavo volume of some 290 closely 

j printed pages. It commenced, after the 

I title page and several indices, with an 

advertisement of the Preparatory 

| School for Young Ladies, kept at Car- 

i frae Place, Bay street, by Miss Mary 

I Ann Steward, which was followed by 

I another advertisement, that of " The 

Royal Floating Baths," of whom the 

proprietor was Mr. Cull. Strangely 

enough the advertisement does not 


he used to pass many a busy day, 
working at his trade. He died nearly 
a. quarter of a century ago, at the ripe 
age of seventy-seven. 

After his death Mr. Wright occu 
pied the cottage for some time, and it 
is now a tenement house. Small as it 
is, it is so laid out that two families 
can occupy it. Although it is rather 
faded in appearance and somewhat the 
worse for wear in reality, to the mind 
of the old residents it calls up the 
time wten all the land in the neigh 
bourhood was a field, dotted here and 
there wfth trees, when Teraulay street 
was only the road leading up to Ter 
aulay Cottage, Avhere Dr. Macaulay 
lived, and when Millen s cottage, with 
its huge, old-fashioned chimney, and 
wide door, was the only house on the 
west side of this road. 

mention the locality of these baths, 
though they were on Front street. Then 
come the following notices: 


John Cotter s New British Coffee 
House, earner of King and York street, 
at the west end of the city. 

James Hutcheson s City Hotel, Front 

David Boteford s Ontario House, Front 

William Campbell s North American 
Hotel, Front street. 

John Grantham s Old British Coffee 
House, Front street. 


Upper Canada Official Gazette Rob- 
I ert Stanton ; published on Thursday. 
Courier of Upper Canada George 



Gurnett, editor ; published Wednesdays 
and Saturdays. 

The Patriot Thomas Dalton, editor; 
published Tuesdays and Fridays. 

The Christian Guardian Ephraim 
Evans, editor ; published on Wednes 

Correspondent and Advocate W, J. 
O Grady, editor ; published on Wednes 

The Albion of Upper Canada James 
Cull, editor ; published on Saturdays. 

The Constitution W. L. McKenzie, 
editor ; published on Wednesdays. 


Duke street, near the Upper Canada 

James S. Howard, Postmaster. 

List of Post-offices in Upper and 
Lower Canada, corrected to the first 
of September, 1836, with the Postage of 
a Single Letter to or from the City of 
Toronto, and the time of despatch to 
each, showing also the Seigniory or 
Township, and the District, in which 
each office is situated, and the distance 
by the Actual Route of the Mails. 

Here follows a list of Post-offices, 
which we do not consider it necessary 
to publish. 

The Mail for Chippewa, Drummond- 
ville and Fort Erie is despatched on 
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 
from the 5th of October to the 5th of 
April and for Drummondville daily 
from the 5th April to the 5th October. 

Mails for all Offices lying North, 
West and South of Toronto, including 
the United States, are closed at 11 
o clock a.m.; and for all East at 4 
o clock p.m., except those for the North, 
which are closed at 9 o clock a.m. 

Letters can be sent after the hours of 
closing, up to twenty minutes past 9 
a.m., ten minutes to 12 a.m., and to 
ten minutes to 4 p.m., on payment of 
Three Pence with each Letter, exclu 
sive of the Postage, whether that is 
paid or not. 

The Western and Southern Mails due 
daily (except Sundays) at 1 o clock p.m. 

The Northern Mails due on Tuesdays, 
Thursdays and Saturdays at 1 o clock 

The Eastern Mail due daily, except on 
Mondays, at 6 o clock a.m. 

Letters for the United States must be 
paid to Lewiston ; and such as are in 
tended to go that way to Europe, must 
be paid to New York. Letters for Eu 
rope can be sent by way of Quebec, be 
tween the 20th of May and 1st of No 
vember, in Merchant Vessels. They can 
be forwarded by Halifax (per Falmouth 
packet) and New York at any season. 

The Postage must be paid either way. 

A Letter with one inclosure is double* 
and with two or more inclosures, if it 
does not weigh an ounce, is treble. Let 
ters weighing an ounce are chargeable 
four single rates ; and for each quarter- 
ounce over that weight, a single rate is 

Newspapers, Magazines, and other 
printed papers not subject to letter 
Postage, must be paid at the time of 
mailing, at the rate of One Penny per 
sheet, or per every 16 pages ; or they 
will be charged with full letter post 

Letters can be sent to most parts of 
the World by way of New York or 

Colonial Newspapers may be sent to 
Great Britain and Ireland, either by 
way of Halifax, or by way of New York. 
By Halifax they are free of Postage to 
both sender and receiver by New York 
the sender must pay Two Pence on 
each paper, and the receiver One Penny. 

Newspapers sent from Great Britain 
and Ireland to these Provinces, via 
Halifax, are free of Postage to both 
sender and receiver if sent within seven 
days from the date of publication. If 
mailed after that period, they are 
chargeable with full Postage, as Let 
ters. On receiving papers via New York, 
Two Pence is chargeable on each. 

It is to be particularly observed, that 
Newspapers intended to go free, via 
Halifax, must have no mark, initials 
or date on the directions, but the ad 
dress m*vily, or they will be chargeable 
with fulj Letter Postage, notwithstand 
ing that the above regulations are at 
tended to. 

This Office is open from eight o clock 
a.m. till seven o clock p.m., daily, Sun 
days excepted, on which days it is open 
from nine till ten a.m. 

4th William IV., Cap. 23. 
An Act to extend the Limits of the 
Town of York ; to erect the said town 
into a City, and to incorporate it 
under the name of the City of To 
ronto. (Passed 6th March, 1834.) 


The Preamble of the Bill recites the 
reasons for incorporating the late Town 
of York, and altering its name. 

1st. Enacting clause repeals all such 
Acts and portions of acts likely to in 
terfere with the operations of this Act, 
so far as they relate to the City of To 
2nd. Limits of the City and Liberties, 



commencing at the distance of one 
chain, on a course south 16 degrees 
east, from the south-westerly corner of 
Lot No. 2, in the first concession from 
t he Bay, in the Township of York ; 
thence southerly in the direction of the 
side line between lots 2 and 3 in that 
concession to the distance of 500 feet 
from the point at which the said 
line intersects the margin of the water 
on the shore of Lake Ontario ; thence 
westerly through the waters of Lake 
Ontario, following the curvatures of the 
shore and keeping always 500 feet from 
the margin of the water, till the point 
is attained, that is 500 feet from the 
north-westermost point of the penin 
sula, forming the harbour ; then across 
the water to a point where a line 
drawn southerly from the north-east 
erly corner of Park Lot No. 29, in the 
direction of the easterly boundary line 
of the said Park lot intersects the mar 
gin of the water on the shore of Lake 
Ontario; thence northerly along the 
said line so drawn to the north side of 
the allowance for road between the 
Park lots and the second concession 
from the Bay ; thence easterly along the 
eaid north side of the allowance for road 
to the easterly shore or water s edge 
of the river Don ; thence southerly 
along the easterly edge of the river 
Don to the point where the water s 
edge intersects the southerly side of the 
allowance for road ia front of the first 
concession ; thence easterly along the 
south side of the said allowance for 
road in front of the said first conces 
sion to the place of beginning, except 
the lands that have been conveyed to 
the University of King s College. / 
3rd. Limits of the City, commencing 
at the (distance of one chain on a course 
north, 74 degrees east from the south 
east angle of Park Lot No. 3, in the 
Township of York ; thence south 10 de 
grees east upon a continuation of the 
allowance for road between Park Lots 
numbers 2 and 3 to the water s edge 
of the Bay in front of the Town of 
York ; thence westerly along the 
water s edge of the said Bay to the 
point at which the westerly limit of the 
allowance for road between Park lots 
numbers 18 and 19 in the said Town 
ship of York being produced southerly 
intersects the said water s edge ; thence 
northerly in the direction of the said 
westerly limit of the said allowance for 
road to the distance of 400 yards north 
of the northerly boundary line of Lot 
street ; thence easterly parallel to Lot 
street, to the easterly boundary line of 
the allowance for road between Park 
lots numbers 2 and 3 ; thence south 1C 

degrees east along the easterly bound 
ary line of the said allowance for road 
400 yards more or less to the place of 
beginning, and that the said City be 
divided into five Wards, to be called 
respectively St. George s, St. Patrick s, 
St. Andrew s, St. David s, and St. Law 
rence s. 

4th. St. David s Ward, all that part 
of the City north of the north side of 
King street, and east of the west side 
of Yonge street. 

5th. St. Andrew s Ward, all that part 
of the City between the north side of 
Lot street, and the north side of King 
street, and west of the west side of 
Yonge street. 

6th. St. Patrick s Ward, all that part 
of the City north of the north side of 
Lot street and west of the west side 
of Yonge street. 

7th. St. Lawrence s Ward, all that 
part of the city south of the north side 
of King street, and east of the west 
side of Yonge street. 

8th. St. George s Ward, all that part 
of the City south of the north side of 
King street, and west of the west side 
of Yonge street. 

9th. Attaches the liberties immedi 
ately adjacent to each Ward, to such 
adjacent Ward. 

10th. City by Act of Common Coun 
cil may erect any part of the liberties- 
into outer wards, such outer wards not 
to exceed five in number. 

llth. The liberties of the ward, when 
it has as many inhabitants, and contains 
as much assessed property as the small 
est ward at the first assessment after 
the passing of this Act, must be erected 
into an outer ward, by proclamation of 
the Mayor. 

12th. From the date of the proclama 
tion such part of the liberties to be a 
separate ward, and have all the privi 
leges of a ward, but not to return 
members to the Common Council until 
the time of the next City Election. 

13th. All that portion of the Liber 
ties (commonly called the Bay) to con 
stitute the Port of Toronto. 

14th. The inhabitants of the said City 
to form a Body Corporate and Politic 
by the name of the City of Toronto, to 
have a Common Seal with power to 
change the same, to be capable of suing 
! and being sued, and of purchasing and 
holding estate, real and personal, and 
of giving and receiving Bonds, Judg 
ments, etc., etc. 

15th. Two Aldermen and two Common 
Councilmen to be chosen for each Ward, 
who shall choose the Mayor from amonr 
the Aldermen, in case of equality of 


votes that Alderman who is highest 
assessed to give the casting vote. 

36th. Qualification for an Alderman, 
to have been resident householder for 
one year next before the election, to be 
so resident at the time of election, and 
to be possessed of real property within 
the City or Liberties, rated at two hun 
dred pounds. 

17th. Qualification for a Common 
Councilman the same as that for an 
Alderman, except the property, which 
is one hundred and fifty pounds, includ 
ing additional fire-places. 

18th. That the Aldermen and Com 
mon Councilmen of the said City shall 
be elected respectively by the majority 
of votes of such persons being male in 
habitant householders within the ward 
for which the election shall be holden, 
or the liberties attached thereto, as 
shall be possessed at the time of the 
election, either in freehold or as tenant 
for a term of years, or from year to 
year of a town lot or dwelling house, 
within the said Ward or Liberties, pro 
vided always, that a portion of a house 
in which any inhabitant shall reside as 
a householder, and not as a boarder 
or lodger, and having a distinct com 
munication with the street by an outer 
door, shall be considered a dwelling 
house within the meaning of this clause; 
and provided also, that no person shall 
vote at any such election who has not 
been a resident inhabitant within the 
said City or Liberties thereof for the 
period of twelve calendar months, and 
who has not resided within the Ward 
for which the election shall be holden, 
or the Liberties attached thereto, for 
the period of three calendar months 
next before the election. 

19th. The Mayor, Aldermen and Com 
mon Councilmen, and voters at any 
election for city affairs, to be natural 
born or naturalized subjects of his Ma 
jesty, of the full age of twenty-one. 

20th. The legislative power of the City 
is vested in the Mayor, Aldermen, and 
Common Councilmen in Council. 

21st. That all legislative Acts of the 
said City are to be expressed as enacted 
by the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common 
alty of the City of Toronto, in Com 
mon Council assembled. 

22nd. The City shall have power to 
make and alter any laws for regulating 
streets, roads, walks and highways, to 
prevent cattle, etc., running at large, 
1 o tax and regulate dogs, to prevent en 
cumbering and injuring the streets, 
>tc., to prevent selling by retail in the 
rublic highways, any meat, vegetables, 
fruits, etc., to prevent the sale of in 
toxicating drink to children, to prevent 

immoderate riding, driving, or riding 
or driving horses or cattle on sidewalks, 
to regulate wharves, and to prevent ob 
structions in the harbour, to regulate 
and prevent fishing, fishery lights, 
bathing, tippling houses, etc., to enforce 
observance of the Sabbath, to regulate 
or prevent public shows, to prevent 
cruelty to animals, billiard tables, the 
atres, to regulate auctioneers, butchers, 
cartmen, and cartage, hawkers and 
pedlars, puppet-shows, etc., firing guns, 
fire-works, slaughter-houses, tanneries, 
nuisances, taverns, places of public en 
tertainment, the sale of hay, fish, coun 
try produce, coal, cordwood, juts, lime, 
bread, vegetables, fruits, etc., to regu 
late markets, party walls, chimneys, fire 
companies, dangerous manufactures^ 
alms houses, jails, etc., to appoint and 
remove city officers, police watchmen, 
to inflict penalties for refusing to serve 
in municipal offices, to regulate voters, 
to tax The property in the city provided 
that such tax shall never exceed in one 
year four pence on the pound on the 
assessed value of property lying and 
being within the limits of the city, or 
two pence in the pound upon the pro 
perty lying or being within the liber 
ties, to make all laws for the city not 
repugnant with the Statutes of the 
Province, provided that the penalty for 
the breach of any city law shall not 
exceed ten pounds or thirty days im 
prisonment, and that the fine for re 
fusing to fill any municipal office shall 
not exceed ten pounds. 

23rd. The city shall have the power 
to protract or widen the streets. 

24th. The city shall have power to 
borrow money, not exceeding the rev 
enue to accrue within the next five 

25th. Two Aldermen and two Com 
mon Councilmen to be elected for each 

26th. The Mayor is to hold his office 
from the first Monday in February to 
the same day in the following year. 

27th. Place of election for any ward 
to be in said ward ; return to be made 
to the Clerk of the City on the same 

28th. The Aldermen and Common 
Councilmen to be chosen annually, on 
the second Tuesday in January, five 
days notice to be given of any election,. 

29th. The Aldermen and Common 
Councilmen to hold office from the 
first Monday in February till the day 
before the first Monday in February 

30th. The Mayor to be chosen on the 
Thursday following the choosing of 
Aldermen and Councilmen to enter 



upon his office on the first Monday of 
February following. 

31st. Persons disqualified to be elect 
ed or to vote at elections, officer hold 
ing election, may give a casting vote. 

32nd. Persons not compelled to serve 
any Municipal office : Ministers of any 
Religious persuasion, the Judge of 
Court of King s Bench, his Majesty s 
Attorney and Solicitor-General, all prac 
tising Physicians and Surgeons. 

33rd. Until registry be made, voters 
may be required to take the oath of 

34th. After registry, voters to pro 
duce certificate of qualification, and if 
required, to take the oath. 

35th. Persons swearing falsely, guilty 
of perjury. 

36th. Ward elections. 

37th. Vacancies occurring in wards, 
by death, resignation, etc., persons to 
be elected for remainder of term. 

38th. The Mayor to swear in Alder 
men and Councilmen. 

39th. Majority of Aldermen and ma 
jority of Councilmen to form a quorum. 
40th. Mayor, or an Alderman, in his 
absence, to preside in Council and give 
casting vote. 

41st. Common Council to make rules 
and judge of the qualification of its 

42nd. A journal to be kept of the pro 
ceedings. All discussions relating to 
imposing fines, etc., to be public. 

43rd. Resolutions as to improvements, 
appropriations of public money, etc., to 
be printed and published eight days be 
fore adoption. 

44th. Yeas and Nays to be taken on 
all such resolutions. 

45th. Council to have power to punish 
its members. 

46th. No measure for raising or ap 
propriating money, etc., to pass, until 
printed and published eight days. 

47th. Rules imposing penalties to be 
published in U. C. Gazette and other 

48th. Laws of the City to be signed 
by the Mayor, and to be entered in a 
book for public inspection, at all reason 
able hours, on payment to the Clerk of 

49th. Four Sessions of the Common 
Council to commence on the third Mon 
day in February, May, August and 
November in each year. 

50th. The Mayor may call Special 
Meetings, and in case of his death, an 
other to be elected. 

51st. Salary of the Mayor not less 
than one hundred and not more than 
five hundred pounds. 

52nd. Court of Common Council to be 
a Court of Record. 

53rd. Chamberlain and High Bailiff to 
be appointed on the third Monday of 
February in each year. 

54th. Clerk of the Common Council to 
be appointed ; and to be keeper of the 
City Records. 

55th. Clerk of the Market, Assessors, 
Collectors and other officers to be ap 

56th. Rates and Assessments unpaid 
ten days after demand, may be levied 
by distress, by warrant of the Mayor 
or any Alderman, upon oath of demand 
and neglect. 

57th. Constables, Assessors and Col 
lectors Ip be appointed from time to 
time by the Council, and remunerated 
as to them shall seem meet. 

58th. Percentage to Chamberlain. 

59th. Statement of accounts to be 
published annually. 

60th. Salary of the High Bailiff as 
the court shall direct. 

61st. Clerk of the Council to be Clerk 
of the Peace within the City. 

62nd. Assessors to make returns of 
Assessment Rolls to the Clerk of the 
Common Council. 

63rd. Collectors to give security to 
the satisfaction of the Council. 

64th. High Bailiff and Constables not 
bound to attend other than the City 
Courts and the Courts of Assize for 
the Home District. 

65th. High Bailiff and Constables 
bound to obey the Mayor and Alder 

66th. The Mayor and Aldermen to be 
Justices of the Peace in the said city. 

67th. Justices for the Home District 
to have no jurisdiction within the city, 
except holding the Quarter Sessions. 
Warrants of the Justices of the Home 
District, and of the Mayor and Alder 
men, to have effect all over the district. 

68th. To license livery stables, keep 
ers, keepers of hackney coaches, etc. 

69th. Inhabitants of the city compe 
tent witnesses in trial affecting the Cor 

70th. Recovery and application of 

71st. Board of Health to be appoint 
ed with all the powers conferred oy 
3rd William the 4th, chap. 48. 

72nd. Duties of the Clerk of the Mar 

73rd. City to have the power to es 
tablish licenses and regulate ferries to 
the Peninsula. 

74th. Rogues and vagabonds to be 
committed to the jail or house of cor 

75th. Salaries of City Officers, except 



the Mayor and Chamberlain s, to be at 
the discretion of the Council. 

76th. Mayor and Aldermen to license 

77th. Mayor to hold a Court, assisted 
by the .Aldermen or any one of them, 
tot be called the Mayor s Court of the 
City of Toronto. 

78th. The Mayor s Court to have the 
same criminal jurisdiction as the Courts 
of Quarter Sessions of the Province 
79th. The meeting of the Court to be 
the second Monday after the opening 
of the four regular sittings of the 
Court of Common Council in each year 
80th. Grand jury to consist of twenty- 

81st. Petit jury to consist of not less 

than thirty-six nor more than sixty. 

82nd. Qualification of Grand and Petit 

jurors to be the same as in any Court 

of this Province. 

83rd. Clerk of the Common Council 
to be Clerk of the Mayor s Court. 

84th. Authority of the Grand jury of 
the Mayor s Court, the same power and 
authority over offences committed in 
the City of Toronto and Liberties, as 
that of the Grand Jury of the Quarter 

^ 85th. Form of proceedings in Mayor s 
Court to be the same as in the Court of 
Quarter Sessions. 

86th. Court may order costs to be 
paid out of the city funds. 

87th. Market square vested in the 
city for public uses. 

88th. City liable for the payment of 
the debt due, contracted under the au 
thority of the Magistrates of the Home 
District, for the erection of the Market 

89th. The inhabitants of the city and 
liberties, exempt from serving on juries 
at any other than the City Court, and 
the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and 
General Jail Delivery and .Nisi Prius 
for the Home District. 

90th. City Officers and members of 
the Fire Companies exempt from Militia 

91st. Officers refusing to take the 
Oath of Office liable to be proceeded 
against for refusing to serve. 

92nd. Sixty years of age an exemption 
from serving in office. 

93rd. Jail and Court House of the 
Home District to be Jail and Court 
Hbuse of the city. 

94th. Period for first election of Ald 
ermen and Common Councilmen under 
this Act. 

95th. Non-election of the Mayor, at 
the time fixexl, not to forfeit city char 
ter ; election may take place within a 

96th. City tp return one member to 
Provincial Parliament. 

97th. City of Toronto to be under 
stood wherever the name of York oc 
curs in any Act of Parliament, Deed 


Elected January, 183G. 

Thomas David Morrison, Mayor. 

St. George s Ward George Gurnett 
and John King, M.D., Aldermen; John 
Craig and George Walton, Councilmen. 

St. Patrick s Ward George T. Deni- 
son and Richard H. Thornhill, Alder 
men ; James Trotter and Thos. Cooper, 

St. Andrew s Ward Thomas David 
Morrison and John Harper, Aldermen; 
John Doel and William Ketchum, Coun 

St. David s Ward James E. Small 
and James King, Aldermen ; James H. 
Price and Edward McElderry, Council- 

St. Lawrence Ward John Eastwood 
and William Cawthra, Aldermen ; Jas. 
Beaty and William Arthurs, Council- 

Andrew T. McCord, Chamberlain ; 
Charles Daly, Clerk of the Common 
Council and Clerk of the Peace ; James 
Stitt, High Bailiff; William Phair, 
Clerk of the Market ; Matthew Hayes, 
City Inspector ; John Dempsey, Weigh 
Master ; ^Nicholas Harvey, Town Crier ; 
Michael Teeven, Josiah Kendrick and 
John Fleming, Constables. 

The Police Office is held in the City 

The Mayor s Court is held at the 
Court House four times in each year, 
viz.: The first Monday in March, June, 
September and December ; the jurisdic 
tion of which extends over the city and 
liberties, when the Mayor, for the time 
being, presides, assisted by one or 
more of the Aldermen. 


1834 1835 1836 

718 795 890 

1472 1600 1495 

1748 2049 1919 

3394 3780 3504 

1922 1541 1844 

9254 9765 9652 

Note Exclusive of the Military, per 
sons confined in the jail, and all tran 
sient persons, emigrants, etc. 

St. George s Ward 

St. Patrick s Ward .... 
St. Andrew s Ward .... 

St. David s Ward 

St. Lawrence s Ward . 




Two Engines Seventy Members 
William Musson, Captain ; John Baker, 
Lieutenant No. 1 Engine ; Daniel Mor 
rison, Lieutenant No. 2 Engine ; J. F. 
Westland, Treasurer : Charles Hunt, 


Sixty Members "Win. Ktt^hum, Presi 
dent ; M. P. Empey, 1st Lieutenant ; 
William Ross, 2nd Lieutenant ; Wm. 
Bright, Treasurer ; Gorga L. Norton, 

Note Every member of the Fire Com 
pany and Hook and Ladder Company, 
during his continuance in actual duty, 
are exempt from Military duty in time 
of peace, from serving as juryman or 
A constable, and from all other city 



Thomas D. Morrison, Mayor, Presi 
dent ; Alderman John King, M.D.. Ald 
erman George Gurnett, Alderman Jas. 
E. Small and James Beaty. 


From the Corner of Front and Market 


Between Toronto and Kingston A 
Stage leaves Toronto every day, Satur 
days excepted, at 5 o clock in the after 
noon, and on Sundays at 10 o clock for 

Between Toronto and Hamilton A 
Stage leaves Toronto every day, Sun 
days excepted, at 12 o clock noon, for 

Between Toronto and the Holland 
Landing A Stage leaves Toronto every 
day, Sundays excepted, at 9 o clock in 
the morning, and arrives at Phelps* 
Inn, Holland Landing, at 5 o clock the 
same evening, passing through New 
market on its way. 

Steam-packets and Schooners are 
hourly arriving at and departing from 
the Port of Toronto, to and from Ni 
agara, Hamilton, Oakville, Port Credit, 
Port Hope, Cobourg, Kingston, Brock- 
ville, Prescott, Ogdensburg, Oswego, 
Rochester, Lewiston and the interme 
diate ports. 

Field s Livery Stables, Henrietta 
street, and John Grantham s Livery 
Stable, Old British Coffee House, Front 
street, where can be had Horses, 
Coaches, Gigs, Waggons, Sleighs, 
ucon reasonable terms. 


His Excellency Sir Francis Bond 
Head, Patron ; the Hon. John Henry 
Dunn, President ; Peter Paterson, 
Treasurer; Rev. W. T. Leach, Rev. W. 
Merrefield, Secretaries ; Mr. Robert 
Cathcart, 147 King street, Depository. 
Subscription of five shillings annually 
constitutes a member. Annual meet 
ing of the Society, second week in Feb 



Mrs. Small, President ; Mrs. Leach, 
Treasurer ; Miss McCleaver and Miss 
McCall, Secretaries. 


His Excellency Sir Francis Bond 
Head, Patron ; the Hon. and Rt. Rev. 
the Lord Bishop of Quebec, President ; 
Rev. H. J. Grasett, Secretary ; Robert 
Stanton, Treasurer and Librarian. 

The general Depository is at the Gaz 
ette Office, 161 King street. Subscrip 
tion of ten shillings annually consti 
tutes a member. The annual meeting 
of the Society is held on Easter Mon 
day, in St. James Church, City of To 


Rev. Dr. Harris, Principal of Upper 
Canada College, President ; James Ham 
ilton, Treasurer ; William Hepburn and 
Rev. E. Maxwell, Secretaries ; Robert 
Cathcart, 147 King street, City of To 
ronto, Depository. 

Subscription of five shillings annually 
constitutes a member, and every mem- 

} ber entitled to have Tracts to the value 

i of half his subscription. 


Formed 29th October, 1830 His Ex 
cellency Sir Francis Bond Head, Patron; 
the Hon. and Rt. Rev. the Lord Bishop 
of Quebec, President ; Alexander Wood, 
Treasurer ; Rev. Charles Matthews, 




Alexander Wood, Treasurer ; the Hon. 
ana v en. Archdeacon of York, Secre- 



Opened June 5, 1830. 

At the Office of the Treasurer of the 
District, at the Court House, King 
street, City of Toronto. Open on Sat 
urdays from 11 to 1 o clock. Alexander 
Wood, Treasurer. 


Established, 1828 Re-organized, 1835. 

Marshall Spring Bidwell, President ; 
James Lesslie, Treasurer ; Rev. John 
Beatty, Corresponding Secretary ; J. H. 
Lawrence, Secretary. Number of mem 
bers, 632. 

Under the direction of this Society 
is published a monthly paper intitled 
the " Temperance Record," and issued 
from the Bookstore of Messrs. Lesslies, 
on the following terms : City subscribers 
2s. 6d. per annum ; country subscribers, 
including postage, 3s. per annum; a re 
duction made upon taking a quantity. 


Lady Patroness for 1836, Mrs. Pow 
ell. Conducted by Mrs. Strachan and 
Ladies of Toronto. Proceeds applied to 
objects of charity. 


.His Excellency Sir F. B. Head, Patron; 
John Kent, President ; Lukin Robinson, 
Vice-President ; Augustus Keefer, 
Treasurer ; Larratt W. Smith, Secre 


Rooms at Mr. Rowsell s Bookstore, 
King street. Established 24th January, 

His Excellency Sir F. B. Head, Patron ; 
the Attorney-General, President ; Thos. 
Gait, 1st Vice-President ; J. G. Spragge, 
2nd Vice-President ; J. S. Lee, Secre 
tary; W. .W. Street, Treasurer. 


Formed September, 1836. The object 
of the above Society is the reading of 
Essays on Ethical and Literary sub 
jects, and also debating on questions 
given out for discussion. Debates which 
may partake of a political or religious 
character are excluded ; and none but 
such as accord with the name of the 
Society can come under consideration. 
It is in contemplation that a Library 
and Museum be attached to the Society. 

The meetings are held every Thurs 
day evening, in the District School. 

Commonly called Potter s Field, situ 
ated on Yonge Street Road, one mile 
from the City. 

This Institution owes its origin to Mr. 
Thomas Carfrae ; it comprises six acres 
of ground, and has a neat Sexton s 
house built close by the gate; the 
name of the Sexton is John Wol- 
stencroft, who keeps a Registry of 
every person buried therein. Persons of 
all creeds, and persons of no creeds, are 
allowed burial in this cemetery ; fees 
to the Sexton, 5s. It was instituted in 
the fall of 1825, and incorporated by 
Act of Parliament 30th January, 1826; 
it is managed by five Trustees who are 
chosen for life ; and in case of the death 
of any of them, a public meeting of the 
inhabitants is called, when they elect a 
successor or successors in their place. 

The present Trustees are: Thomas 
Carfrae, jr., Thomas D. Morrison, Peter 
Paterson, John Ewart, Thomas Helli- 


Established for encouraging the in 
troduction and cultivation of the most 
esteemed varieties of Fruits, Flowers 
and Vegetables. 

Committee of Management for 1836 
James Reid, A. Blue, J. Dempsey, P. 
Armstrong, James Fleming, William 
Burn, Charles Franks, George Lesslie, 
D. Blue, John Gray, John Grainger. 
James F. Westland, Treasurer ; John 
Logan, Secretary. 


Situated at the North-east Corner of 
the Market Square. T. W. Birchall, 
President ; J. W. Brent, Secretary ; 
David McMaster, Room Keeper. 

Subscription for 12 months, 30s.; sub 
scription for 9 months, 24s.; subscrip 
tion folr 6 months, 17s. 6d.; subscription: 
for 3 months, 10s.; subscription for 1 
month, 5s. Merchant s Clerks for 12 
months, 15s. ner annum. Country mem 
bers not residing within 10 miles of 
Toronto, 20s. per annum. 

The Members and Officers of the 
Legislature not residing within 10 miles 
of Toronto, during the Session are ad 
mitted to the News Room, on entering 
their names in the introduction book. 

All Captains and Pursers of Steam 
boats allowed free access to the Rooms. 

All Strangers are permitted to fre- 



quent the Rooms for one week, upon 
either a personal or written introduc 
tion by any Subscriber. 

The Room is open every day, except 
Sundays, from 6 in the morning to 8 
in the evening, from 1st April to 1st 
October ; and from 8 in the morning to 
10 in the evening, from 1st October to 
1st April. 


W. W. Baldwin, President ; Dr. Rolph, 
William B. Jarvis, John Ewart, and 
Hon. R. B. Sullivan, Vice-tPresidents ; 
James Lesslie, Treasurer ; T. Parson 
and J. F. Westiand, Secretaries . 

Their Rooms are situated in the Mar 
ket Buildings. Subscription 5s. per an 
num. Two hundred pounds was granted 
by the Legislature, April, 1835, for the 
purchase of a collection of Instruments 
suitable and proper for illustrating the 
principles of Natural Philosophy, Geo 
graphy, Astronomy and the Mathe 


Hon. W. Allan, President; J. W. 
Brent, Secretary. 


Formed 6th September, 1836. Its ob 
jects are the protection of Mechanical 
Labour, either by petition to the Legis 
lature, or to any other branch of Gov 
ernment, for any alteration or Bxten- 
sion of duties, by inforcing the law 
againfct such as may violate it to their 
injury, by addresses to the public or 
to its own members, or by any other 
lawful means in its power. Alexander 
Hamilton, Chairman ; Charles Sewell, 
Secretary and Treasurer. The Presi 
dent, Treasurer, etc., to be chosen. 


Captain Macaulay, R.E., President; 
Grant Powell, 1st Vice-President ; R. 
S. Jameson, 2nd Vice^President ; John 
Kent, Secretary \ William Stennett, 
Treasurer. Anniversary Festival, St. 
George s Day. 


Instituted 14th September, 1836. 
Hon. Robert Baldwin Sullivan, Presi 
dent; John King, M.D., Richard Hull 
Thornhill, Alexander Dixon, Vice- 
Presidents ; George Moore, Treasurer ; 
Charles Daly, Recording and Corre 

sponding Secretary. Anniversary Festi 
val, St. Patrick s Day. 

This Society has been formed for the 
purpose of bringing together and unit 
ing in bonds of friendship and unity 
the natives of Ireland inhabiting this 
Province of preserving the recollec 
tions dear to Irishmen of their Native 
Country, and of fostering in the Sons 
of Irishmen feelings of patriotism and 
attachment to the land of their fathers. 


Motto " Nemo me impune lacessit." 
Instituted May 5, 1836. 

Hon. W. Allan, President ; Alexander 
Wood and William Proudfoot, Vice- 
Presidents ; Peter Paterson, sr., James 
Newbigging and Isaac Buchanan, Man 
agers ; Rev. Mr. Leach and Rev. Mr. 
Macaulay, Chaplains ; Dr. W. Telfer, 
Physician ; John Ewart, Thomas Car- 
frae, Archibald Macdonell and G. C. 
Strachan, Standing Committee ; C. S. 
Murray and Donald Ross, Committee of 
Accounts ; Alexander Murray, Treas 
urer ; Samuel Spreull, Secretary. Four 
Quarterly Meetings annually, second 
Thursday in February, May, August 
and November. Anniversary Festival, 
St. Andrew s Day. 


An Alphabetical List of the Inhabitants. 

Abbs, William, bricklayer, Boulton s 
Block, Lot street. 

Addy, James, carter, Ontario street. 

Adams, William, gardener and seeds 
man, Yonge street. 

Adams, Samuel, labourer, Hospital st. 

Adamson, Richard, carpenter, Eliza 
beth street. 

Adamson, John, stonecutter and mason, 
March street. 

Adams, Bennet, joiner, Spadina ave. 

African Chapel, 40 Hospital street. 

Agricultural Bank, Front street. 

Alexander, Robert, joiner, 15 Lot st. 

Alexander, Wm., carpenter, 4 Lot st. 

Alexander, Robert, grocery, etc., Lot 
street west. 

Allan, John, labourer, March street. 

Allan, Hon. Wm., Lot street east. 

Allan, Edward, tailor, Teraulay st. 

Albion of Upper Canada Office, Market 

Albion Inn, Hugh Henderson, Church st. 

Alderdice Samuel, Porter at the U. C. 

Amos, S., issuer in Commissariat office. 

Anchor Inn, Church lane. 

Anderson, Thomas, carter, Church st. 

Anderson, Charles P., labourer, York st. 



Anderson, Adam, bookbinder. Upper 

w - 

Austin, Mrs., widow, New street. 
Austin, James, printer, March street. 
Badenach, Alex., grocer, 117 King st. 


King street. 

Anderson, R. G., 1st teller Bank of U.C. 
Anderson, James, moulder, Richmond 

Anderson, ., iron-founder, Newgate 


Anderson, Lyas, labourer, March st. 

Andrews, Wm., sexton English church, j 
Richmond street. 

Andrews, George, boot and shoe maker, j 
Elizabeth street. 

Andruss, Samuel, ironfounder, longest, j 

Anthony, Francis, labourer, Market st. ! 

Antrim, Inn, S. Madden, near the Cath 
olic church. 

Archdeacon of York, Hon. and Yen. J. 
Strachan, D.D., 54 Front street. 

Archer, Widow, lork street. 

Arent & Seright, milliners, etc., York 


Armstrong, Thos., carpenter, 11 Lot st. 

Armstrong, Thomas, blacksmith, New- 
gate street. 

Armstrong, James, saddler, 31 Yonge 

Armstrong, John, merchant, JSlonge 

Armstrong & Beatty, shoemakers, 55 

and 57 King street. 
Armstrong.. J. R., dry goods merchant, 

157 King street. 
Armstrong, Philip, butcher, Yonge st. 

Ardagh, Daniel, labourer, Newgate 

, 197 

, Dr. W. W., Front street. 

Baldwin, John S., 42 King street. 

Baldwin, R., attorney, Front street- 
office 195 1-2 King street. 

Baldwin, Hon. Capt, Russell hill, Spa- 

Baldwin, William A., Spadma. 

Balfour, George, tailor, Jordan street. 

Ball, Joseph, labourer, Newgate st. w. 

Ballard, John, clerk post-office, Princes 

Bancroft, Daniel, printer, Richmond st. 

Bannerman, John, provision store, Mar- 

ITP. t 1<1 lie . 

Banks, Jared, hatter, York street. 
Bank of Upper Canada, Duke street 
Bank Commercial of the Midland Dis 
trict, 207 King street. 
Bank Farmers Joint Stock Company, 

King street west. 
i Bank Agricultural, Truscott & Green, 

Front street. 

i Bank of the People, New street. 
| Baptist Meeting-house, March street. 
Rarron F W., U. C. College. 

-*-* 1 -*- 1 - * J. TT <""1 f^y-vl 

i Barber, G. A., writing master U. O^L/O 
Newgate street. 

widow, Plospital street. 
,^x^ butcher, Duchess st. 
, John, bricklayer, Yonge st. 
>s Wm., labourer, New street. 
>t E., in the Commissariat Depart- 


Vm laljour e r . Lot street west. 

Arttos, Mrs., widow, Newgate street. 
Ashbridge, Jonathan, yeoman. Kings- 

, carpenter, Richmond st. 

223 King street 

15th Regt| 98 
. Richmond street. 

iSgsSrS^X; i %|5^5^f f 

Auldjo R- G., Government messenger, j Beamish, ?^. ^ 
Hospital street. , ^^^bert gentleman, 8 Yonge st. 

tss ss^s-ssawyfe Kg aa* .. ,.*. 




Beatty, James, British woollen ware 
house, 177 King street. 
* Beatty, Rev. John, Methodist minister, 
Hospital street. 

Beatty & Armstrong, shoemakers, 55 
and 57 King street. 

Beatty, John jr., at J. R. Armstrong, 
157 King street. 

Beatty, Mrs., widow, Ontario street. 

Bearcroft, John, gardener, Hospital st. 

Beckett, Joseph, Toronto Medical La 
boratory, King street. 

Beekman, Robert, gentleman, Spadina 

Belfast Tavern, James Madden, Mar 
ket lane. 

Bell, Aeneas, principal messenger House 
of Assembly. 

Bell, Charles, chandler, Yonge street. 

Bell, John, carter, Elizabeth street. 

Bell, John, superintendent of roads, Lot 
street west. 

Bell, Thomas, carpenter, engineer de 
partment, Lot street west. 

Bell, John, attorney, 123 King street. 

Bell, James, Toronto and Trafalgar Inn, 
Church street. 

Bell, John, waggon maker, Upper 
George street. 

Bell, Thomas, merchant, 109 King st. 

Beikie, John, Clerk of Executive Coun 
cil, Front street. 

Benford, Edward, labourer, Newgate st. 

Benjamin & Brothers, importers of dry 
goods, 161 King street. 

Bennett, Humphrey, boot and shoe 
maker, New street. 

Bennett, Mrs., midwife, March st. east. 

Bennett, John, mariner, 18 Lot street. 

Beram, George, sawyer, Lot street. 

Bergin, William, gentleman, Market 
street west. 

Bernard, H. G., horse dealer, 34 Front 

Bevan, John, cooper, King street east. 

Berry, John, labourer, Newgate street. 

Berry, George, gardener, Yonge street. 

Berry, Francis, grocery store, 72 Yonge 

Berczy, ., William street. 

Bickerstaff &. Son, house painters, 216 
King street. 

Bicket, James, gentleman, at Isaac 
Buchanan s, Front street. 

Bidwell, Marshall S., attorney, etc., 38 
Lot street. 

Bigelow, Dr., dentist, Yonge street. 

Bilton, George, tailor, Newgate street. 

Billings, T .F., treasurer Home District, 
Lot street west. 

Bishop, John, sr., Yonge street road. 

Bishop, John, jr., butcher, Kingston rd. 

Bishop of Quebec s residence, Market 
street west. 

Bishop, Paul, blacksmith, Caroline st. 

Bishop s Buildings, Newgate street. 

Birchall, T. W., managing director B.A. 

F. A. Co.,, Duke street. 
Black, Thomas, carpenter, Duke street. 
Black, James, labourer, John street. 
Black Swan Tavern, 211 King street. 
Black Bull Tavern, James Rossiter, Lot) 


Blackford, Daniel, gentleman, Eliza 
beth street. 
Blain, Wm., boot and shoe maker, 49 

King street. 

Blake, James, engineer, Teraulay st. 
Blake, Hume, student-at-law, John st. 
Blake, Wm., labourer, Richmond st. 
Blakeley, James, labourer, Newgate 

street west. 

Blighton, John, labourer, George st. 
Blenkinsopp, Thomas, Bay Horse Tav 
ern, Yonge street. 

Blevins, Robert, gentleman, 8 Lot st. 
Blue Bell Inn, Thomas Richardson, Lot 
j street west. 

Blue Bonnet Tavern, Yonge street. 
Boddy, James, labourer, Duchess st. 
Boice, Abraham, carpenter, Richmond 


Bolton, Wm., mason, Lot street east. 
Bolton, Edward C., school, Kingston rd. 
Bond, Thos., brickmaker, Lot st. west. 
Bond, Richard, labourer, Milburn s 

block, Front street. 
Bonycastle, Capt. R. H., Front street, 

near the Garrison. 

Booth, Robert, sawyer, Ontario street. 
Bostwick, Lardner, gentleman, 175 King 

Bostwick, George, gentleman, 175 King 

Bosworth, Monis, carpenter, Upper 

Georige street. 
Botsford, D., Ontario House Inn, corner 

Market and Church street. 
Botsford, J. D., blacksmith, Front st. 

on Bay shore. 

Boulton, D Arcy, Lot street west. 
Boulton, Wm. H., attorney, Lot street 


Bower, Joseph, carpenter, Elizabeth st. 
Bowman, Mrs., cowkeeper, Yonge st. 
Bowyer, Isaac, sailor, Ontario street. 
Boyce, Richard, labourer, Elizabeth st. 
Boyd, George, grocery store, March st. 

Boyd, John, Classical and Commercial 

Academy, Bay street. 
Boyd, Widow, Hospital street. 
Brandon, Thos., blacksmith, Lot street 


Brayley, John, carpenter, Lot st. west. 
Braley, Henry J., clerk in the Crown 

Brent, J. W., apothecary and druggist, 

65 King street. 

Brewer, Wm., blacksmith, Hospital st. 
Brewer, Richard, bookbinder. Bay at. 

and 168 King street. 



British Coffee House, new (Cotter s), 

King street. 
British Coffee House, old (Grantham), 

Front street. 
British America Insurance Office, Duke 

British Brass and Iron Foundry, Lot 

street west. 
Briggs, George, last factory, Market 


Briggs, Robert, carpenter, Duke street. 
Bright, Win., butcher, Kingston road. 
Bright, ., gardener, Ontario street. 
Bright, Lewis, messenger Legislative 

Council, 6 Lot street. 
Bright, Lewis, jr., blacksmith, Yonge 


Brooke, Richard, yeoman, Hospital st. 
Brooke, Philip, gentleman, Front st. 
Brooke, Daniel, gentleman, Duke st. 
Brown, John, printer, Lot st. west. 
Browne, James, .wharfinger, Front st. 
Browne s Wharf, foot of Church street. 
Brown, Peter, carpenter, 54 Yonge st. 
Brown, Misses, milliners, 54 Yonge st. 
Brown, Andrew, carter, 70 Newgate st. 
Brown, John, labourer, Peter street. 
Brown, MLss, straw bonnet maker, 29 

Yonge street. 

Browne, James C., plasterer, York st. 
Brown, John, labourer, Broad lane. 
Brown, John, labourer, Upper George 


Brown, Mrs., widow, 15 Newgate st. 
Brown, Thomas, silversmith, New st. 
Brown, Richard, labourer, March st. 
Brothers, Joseph, labourer, Church 


Bryan, Valentine, smith, Market st. 
Bryce, Buchanan & Co., dry goods store, 

163 King street. 

Buchanan, Isaac, general wholesale mer 
chant, 28 Front street. 
Buchanan, Wm., labourer, New street. 
Bugg, John, carpenter, Elizabeth st. 
Bullivar, William, bricklayer, Upper 

George street. 
Bullen, John, stonemason. Lot street 

Bull s Head Inn, Wm. Phair, 129 King 


Bunker, Thos., bricklayer, Spadina ave. 
Burgess, Rev. Mr., at tho College. 
Burgess, John, carpenter, Yonge street 


Burnham, Silas, general merchant, 67 
King street. 

Burns, David, boot and shoemaker, Hos 
pital street west. 

Burns, Widow, Market lane. 

Burns, Andrew, labourer, Newgate st. 

Barns, T., Red Lion Tavern, Yonge st. 

Barns Tavern, T. Garlick, King street 

Burke, Thos., bricklayer, Spadina ave. 

Burke & O Neil, auctioneers, 69 King 

Burk, R., baker, 48 Lot street. 

Burnside, Alex., doctor, 34 King street 

Burial Ground, the Stranger s, com 
monly called Potters Field, Yonge 
street road. 

Burial Ground, Presbyterian, Duchess 

Burton, Wm., labourer, George street. 
j Bussell, James, storekeeper, corner Spa 
dina avenue and Lot street. 

Butler, James W., labourer, Yonge st. 
| Butters, John, chairmaker, Stewart s 

j Byers, Edward, teller Farmers Bank, 

Yonge street road. 

j Bywater, R., Queen s Head Tavern, 
Sandford s corner, Lot street. 

Bywater, William, gentleman, Sand- 
ford s corner, Lot street. 
i Caldwell, Mrs. Eleanor Gore, 108 New 
gate street. 

Caldwell, J. M., clerk Surveyor-Gen, 
office, Newgate street. 

Caldicott s Classical and Commercial 
Academy, Market lane. 

Callaghan, John, labourer, 37 Lot st. 

Callaghan, John, carter, New street. 

Callaghan, Charles, labourer, New st. 

Campbell, John, cabinetmaker, 13 Yonge 

Campbell, John, boot and shoemaker, 10 
Yonge street. 

Campbell, Wm., North American Hotel, 

Front street. 

Campbell, Widow, March street. 
Campbell, Wm., blacksmith, Lot street 


Campbell, Hugh, carpenter. Lot st. east. 
Campbell, Samuel, labourer, Newgate 


Campbell, Lady, Duke street. 
Campfield, David, labourer, Newgate st. 
Cameron, the Hon. Duncan, Lot st. w. 
Cameron, Colonel, Bishop s buildings, 

Newgate street. 

Cameron, Morgan, labourer, New st. 
Cameron, John, M. A., clerk in Canada 

Company office. 

Canada Company Office, Frederick st. 
Capreol, F. C., gentleman. Walnut place, 

King street. 

Carfrae, Hugh, Bay street. 
Carfrae, Thomas, collector of customs, 

Front street. 
Carlos, James, boarding-house, Upper 

George street. 

Gary, N., barber, 99 King street. 
Carroll, George, lime burner, Lot st. 


Carroll, Thos., labourer, Kingston road. 
Carroll, Nathaniel, carpenter, Duke st. 
Carr, John, painter, Teraulay street. 
Carmichael, Hugh, carpenter and store 
keeper. 11 Lot street. 



Carlisle, George, baker, 12 Hospital st. 
Carpenter, James, provision store, King 

street west. 

Carter, Richard, carpenter, Hospital st. 
Carswell, John, watch and clock . maker, 

196 King street west. 
Castles, Henry J., land surveyor, York 


Cassidy, Patrick, carter, Bay street. 
Catholic Church, east of the city. 
Catholic Chapel of Ease, New street. 
Cathcart, Robert, general dry goods 

store, depository of the Upper Canada 

Religious Tract and Book Society and 

the Bible Society, 147 King street. 
Catterrnole, George, watchmaker, 31 

King street. 

Cation, George, carpenter, York street. 
Caverner, Sarah, Peter street. 
Cavan Arms Tavern, VV. Davis, King 

street east. 

Caldwell, J. M., Osgoode Hall. 
Cawthra, Joseph, merchant, corner of 

Palace and Frederick streets. 
Cawthra, William, merchant, corner of 

Palace and Frederick streets. 
Central or National School, New street. 
Cearnes, Barnabas, boot and shoemaker, 

5 Lot street. 

Charters, James, labourer, Bay street. 
Charles, Barnes, importer of British 

goods, 142 King street. 
Chagnon, Lewis, baker, 3 Lot street. 
Charles, Richard, carpenter, Teraulay 


Chapman, Wm., teamster, Richmond st. 
Chapman, Thos., teamster, Richmond st. 
Chapels, Wesleyan Methodist, Newgate 

and George streets. 
Chapel, Primitive Methodist, Bay st. 
Chapel, Independent Methodist, Market 


Chapel, Baptist, March street. 
Chapel, Presbyterian, United Synod, 

Hospital street. 

Chapel, Coloured People s, Hospital st. 
Champion Brothers & Co., hardware 

merchants, Yonge street. 
Chamberlain, Win., tailor, Yonge st. 
Cheney, Thos., carpenter, New street. 
Chesney, Mrs., Caroline street. 
Chewett, Wm., Registrar of Surrogate 

Court, Market street. 
Chewett, James G., Chief Surveyor and 

-Uransman, Surveyor-General s De 
partment, Market street. 
Chief Justice of Upper Canada, resi 
dence Hospital street. 
Chipperfield, John, taiJpr, Market lane. 
Child, John, joiner, Elizabeth street. 
Chilvers, Joseph, whitesmith, Lot st. 
Chisholm, Alan, general store, Market 


Chisholm, Alex., tavern, 127 King st. 
Christie, Alex., hardware store, 112 

King street. 

Christian, Wm., Baptist minister, Lot 
street east. 

Christian Guardian Newspaper Office, 
Toronto street. 

Christmas, Wm., labourer, Newgate st. 

City Hotel (late Steam Boat), Front st. 

Clark, Robert, painter, Yonge street. 

Clark, John, tailor, Duchess street. 

Clark, John, boot and shoemaker, Rich 
mond street. 

Clark, Christopher, stonemason, Toron 
to street. 

Clark, John, veterinary surgeon, Hos 
pital street. 

Clark, Mrs., straw bonnet maker, Hos 
pital street. 

Clark, Richard, boot and shoe maker, 
Jordan street. 

Clark, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, 
Market street. 

Clark, Samuel, miller, at the Windmill. 

Clarke, Henry H., Stag Tavern, Market 

Clarke, P. T., discount clerk, Farmers 

Clarkson, Thos., storekeeper, 55 Yonge 

Clayton, ., labourer, Spadina avenue. 

Cleaver, Charles, chandler, King st. w. 
I Clerk of the Peace Office, Court House. 
I Clifton, Arthur, carpenter, Lot street. 
j Clindinning, R. W., printer, Caroline st. 

Clinkunbroomer, Charles, watchmaker, 
119 King street. 

Clinkunbroomer, J., tailor, Duchess st. 

Clinkunbroomer, Exaveras, mason.James 

Cloughly, Wm., Government messenger, 
58 Lot street west. 

Clunie, David Baird, clerk, Canada Com 
pany s office. 

Coach office, corner Market and Front 
street, foot of Church street. 

Coates, Wm., Clerk House of Assem 
bly, Lot street west. 

Coates, Wm. J., book and job printing 
office, 160 King street. 

Cockburn, Mrs., Ladies Seminary, Mar 
ket street. 

Codd, Misses, dry goods store, 78 King 

Codey, Martin, labourer, Lot street. 

Cody, Mary, Elizabeth street. 

Coffee, ., brickmaker, Palace st. Park. 

Coffield, James, grocery, March st. 

Coffin, Colonel N., Adjutant-General of 
Militia, 60 Front street. 

Colcleugh, Capt. W., Cobourg steamer, 
Princes street. 

College Avenue, Lot street, near Os 
goode Hall. 

College, King s, to be built at the end 
of College avenue. 

College, Upper Canada, King st. west. 

College Land office, 222 King street, 
corner of York street. 



Collector of Customs, Thomas Carfrae, 

Front street. 

Collett, Wm., carter, Market street. 
Collins, John, waiter at North Ameri 
can Hotel. 

Collins, Jeremiah, labourer, Market st. 
Collins & Ward, printers, New street. 
Collumhes, John, blacksmith, Newgate 


Colquhoun, John, labourer, Newgate st. | 
Colton, Wm., labourer, Yonge street, j 
Comer, John, barrack sergeant, Lot st. 
Commercial Bank, Midland District, 207 

King street. 
Commercial News Room, Market sq., I 

King street. 
Commissariat Office, Front street, near { 

the Garrison. 

Conlin, Lackie, grocery, Newgate st. 
Conlin, Patrick, labourer, Duchess st. 
Conlin, Patrick, labourer, Newgate st. 
Connell, James, baker, Duke street. 
Connell, John, labourer, Newgate st. 
Connell, Wm., engraver, 182 King st. 
Connell, Mrs., manufacturer and cleaner 

of muffs, tippets, etc., 182 King st. 
Connell, Richard, labourer, Bay shore. 
Connors, Francis, carter, Market st. 
Constitution Newspaper Office, W. L. 
Mackenzie, King st., Turton s build gs. 
Con way, James, labourer, Hospital st. 
Cook, Mr. and Mrs., portrait painters, 

100 King street. 
Cook, W. C., storekeeper, Kingston rd., 

near Don. 
Cook, Henry, mason, Boulton s block. 

Lot street. 

Cooper, Thos., gentleman, Lot st. west. 
Cooper, Wm., gentleman, Palace st. 
Copeland, ., brewer, Yonge st. road. 
Cope, Wm., painter, 190 King street. 
Cope, Thos., carpenter, Boulton s block, 

Lot street. 

Copping, Edward, mason, Market st. 
Cormack & Co., wholesale and retail 

dry goods, 199 King street. 
Cornell, Edward, brickmaker, Kingston 


Cornwell, John, labourer. Duchess st. 
Correspondent and Advocate News 
paper, published on Wednesdays, 
York street. 
Cosway, Robert, general store, 84 King 

Cotton, Barnabas, carpenter, Richmond 

Cotterell, Ja.rnes, labourer, Newgate st. 

Cotter, John. New British Coffee House, 

Chewett s buildings, King street. 
Couch, John, carpenter, Newgate st. \v. 
Coupland, Thos., shoemaker, York st. 
Ooulson, Corry, gentleman, Kingston rd. 
Council, Executive Chamber, Parlia 
ment buildings, Front street. 
Court House, King street. 

Court of King s Bench, Parliament 

buildings, Front street. 
Court of Requests Office, Court House. 
Courier of Upper Canada Newspaper 
office, G. Gurnett, editor, published 
tri-weekly, Tuesday, Thursday and 
Saturday, New street, Market sq. 
Cowan, John, carpenter, Lot st. west. 
Cowan, H., blacksmith, Lot st .east. t 
Cox, Patrick, boot and shoemaker, New 

Coxwell, W. II., Clerk in Crown office, 

Lot street east. 

Craddock, Joseph, tailor, 41 Lot street. 
Craig, William, labourer, New street. 
Craig & Potts, copper and tinsmith, 105 

King street. 
Craig, John, portrait, fancy and house 

painter, 229 King street. 
Craig, James, boot and shoemaker, 

Kingston road. 

Crawford, Joshua, baker, Church st. 
Crawford, Dr., Lot street west. 
Creighton, Wm., baker, Market lane. 
Cressell, Edward, issuer Commissariat 

Department, Front street. 
Crispin, Richard, carter and grocery 

store, 44 Hospital street. 
Crisp, Thomas, Bay street. 
Croft, Edward, boot and . shoemaker, 

113 King street. 

Crookshank, Hon. George, 70 Front st. 
Cross Keys Inn, York street. 
| Crown Inn, Thos. Moore, corner King 

and New street. 
Crown Office, Parliament buildings, 

Front street. 

Crothers, James, carter, Park, St. Law 
rence Ward. 

I Crowthers, Miss, 30 Hospital street. 
I Crow, Wm., coach builder, 29 Lot st 
I Crozier, Richard, boot and shoemaker, 

Lot street. 

Crozier, Thomas, boot and shoemaker, 
" Peter street. 

Cryan, Thomas, tailor, George street, 
Cull James, sr., editor and proprietor 
of the Albion of Upper Canada News 
paper, published on Saturday, south 
east corner Market buildings. 
I Cull, Edward Lefroy, clerk, Canada 

Company s office. 

i Cull, James, jr., gentleman, Front st. 
i Cummings, Thomas, tailor. New street 
! Cunningham, David, blacksmith, 

Yonge street. 

! Cunningham, James, mason, Lot 
i Cunningham, Francis, boot and shoe 
maker, Newgate street. 
Curran, James, storekeeper, iork st. 
Cuthbcrt, Richard, bookbinder, Rich 
mond street. 
Othbert, Thos., boot and shoe maker, 

Richmond street. 

Cm.hbert, Alex., boot and shoe maker, 
York street. 



Custom House, Front street. 

Bade, Rev. C., Mathematical master, 
U. C. College. 

Daily, Timothy, provision store, Market 

Daly, Charles, Clerk City Council. 

Dalton, Thos., editor and proprietor of 
the Patriot Newspaper, published 
Tuesday and Friday, 233 King street. 

Darling, R., grocery store, Chewett s 
buildings, King street. 

Dart, W. B., carpenter and grocery 
store, King street east. 

Davidson, Rev. Mr., Wesleyan minis 
ter, Upper George street. 

Davidson, James 1 , labourer, New st. 

Davis, Calvin, 4 Lot street. 

Davis, Wm., Cavan Arms, King st. east. 

Dears, John bricklayer, Duchess st. 

Defries, Robert, gardener, Palace st. 

Deihl, Dr., 57 Lot street. 

Dell, Alex., working tanner, Bay st. 

Dell, Wm., boot and shoemaker, Bay st. 

Dempsey, Francis, currier, 41 Ypnge st. 

Dempsey, John, weighmaster in the 

Denison, Geo. T., alderman. Lot st. w. 

Denison, Geo. T., jr., student-at-law, 
Lot street west. 

Denham, C. R., brass founder and Smith, 
Lot street west. 

Denholm, Geo., dry goods store, 58 King 

Derry, Thomas, gentleman, York st. 

Devine, John, labourer, Wilmot place. 

Deval, Wm., labourer, Hospital st. 

Devlin, Arthur, labourer, Lot street. 

Dewson, Dr., King street west. 

Dew, John, engineer, Lot_ street west. 

Dillard, John, labourer, York street. 

Dick, Mrs., milliner, 161 King street. 

District School, New street. 

District Court, held at the Court House. 

Dixon, Alex., British saddlery ware 
house, 179 King street. 

Dixon, Joseph, at British saddlery ware 
house, 179 King street. 

Dixon, Wm., painter, Broad lane, York 

Dobson, J., Richmond street. 

Dodds, James, on Crookshanks farm, 
Peter street. 

Doddy, James, labourer, Marj?!^ street. 

Dodsworth, John, Y onge"* st 

Doel, John, brewer, corner Bay and 
Newgate streets. 

Dog and Duck Tavern, Thos. Smith, 
Market square. 

Dolmadge, John, labourer, Newgate s c. 

Dolan, John, sailor, Church lane. 

Donaldson, George, carpenter, Hos 
pital street. 
Donovan, John, sailor, Yonge street. 

Donovan, Cornelius, labourer, March st. 
Donelly, Patrick, labourer, Teraulay st. 

Donnelly, John, labourer, March st. 
Donnington, Geo., Cross Key s Inn, York 


Douglass, John, cow keeper, York st. 
Doyle, Garrett, grocery store, March st. 
Draper, W. H., attorney, Peter street, 

M.P.P. for Toronto. 
Drain, Widow, William street. 
Drew, Andrew, carpenter, March st. 
Drummond, Widow, Richmond street. 
Driscoll, Edward, Grocery, Yonge st. 
Duff, ., blacksmith, Newgate street. 
Duff, ., butcher, in the Market. 
Duggan, G., merchant, coroner Home 

District, 61 King street. 
Duggan, John O., student-at-law, 61 

King street. 
Duggan, George, jr., attorney, 111 King 


Duggan, Dr. Thomas, 61 King street. 
Duggan, John, student-at-law, 111 King 


Duggan, Dennis, labourer, Henrietta st. 
Dundas, Wm., turner. Lot street. 
Duncan, Wm., blacksmith, Toronto st. 
Duncan, Robert, tailor, Hospital street. 
Dunlop, Thos., tailor, King st. west. 
Dunlop, Thos., Auld Lang Syne Tavern, 

Church street. 
Dunlop, Charles, labourer, Newgate st. 

Dunlevy, Charles, printer, Newgate st. 

Dunn, Hon. John H., Receiver-General, 

Lot street west. 

Dunn, Jonathan, butcher, Lot st. west. 
Dunn, John, 34 Lot street. 
Dunn, Mrs., small grocery, Yonge st. 
Dupuy, H., manager Farmers Joint 

Stock Bank. 

Durnan, John, Front st., near Garrison. 
Durnford, Captain, William street. 
Durnford, Philip, clerk, Surveyor-Gen 
eral s office. 
Dutcher, Wm. A., ironfounder, Yonge 


Earles, John, grocery store, Lot st. w. 
Earles, Thos., Argyle Inn, and carter, 3 

Newgate street. 

Earles, Wm., Bricklajer, New street. 
Earles, Francis, constable, Lot street. 
Earles, Theophilu s, school, Newgate st. 
Earnest, John, teamster, Kingston rd. 
Earnest, Mrs., Ontario street. 
Eastwood & Skinner, paper makers, 

Market square. 

Eastwoods, Mrs., Newgate street, op 
posite Bishop s buildings. 
Edinburgh Castle Tavern, G. Hender 
son, Church street. 

Edwoods, W. H., barber, 102 King st. 
Eddington, George, gentleman, Lot st. 

Ekerlin, B., issuer Com. Department, 

Lot street west. 
Elliott, John, Bay street Market street. 



Elliott, John, assistant Clerk Common 
Council, 55 Lot street. 

Elliott, Geo., gentleman, Kingston road. 

Elliott, Christopher, butcher, Ontario st. 

Elliott, Thos., Sun Tavern, 57 Yonge st. 

Elliott, Widow, Church lane. 

Ellah, John, dry goods merchant, York 
shire store, 132 and 134 King street. 

Empey, Michael P., mason and plas 
terer, Richmond street. 

Elmsley, Hon. John, Lot street east. 

Elms, Edward, hatter, 124 King street. 

Emery, Robert, wheelwright, 32 Lot st. 

Emigrant Office, Parliament buildings, 
Front street. A. B. Hawke, superin 

Emmens, Thos., carpenter, Lot st. w. 

English Episcopal church, King street. 

English, Samuel, Duke of York Inn, 
Church street. 

Erskine, Alex., confectioner, 145 King 

Esmonde, John, tinsmith, 188 King st. 

Evans, Miller & Co., coach builders, 
King street west. 

Evans, Richard, small store, Church st. 

Evans, Samuel, general clothing ware 
house, 104 King st. 

Evans, Rev. Ephraim, editor of the 
Christian Guardian, 56 Newgate st. 

Evatt, Henry, barrack master, 47 Lot st. 

Ewart, John, 30 Front street. 

Evvart, Andrew, boot and shoemaker, 
Boulton s block, Lot street. 

Ewing, Alex., Farmers Hotel, Market 

Exchange Office, Truscott & Co., 26 
Front street. 

Executive Council Office, Parliament 
buildings, Front street. 

Fairbanks, Levi, watchmaker, Church 

Fairbanks, Mrs., milliner, Church st. 

Falls, Wm. S., printer, Richmond st. 

Falvey, John, carter, Lot street. 

Farley, Samuel, labourer, 42 Hospital st. 

Farmers Joint Stock Banking Co. office, 
King street west. 

Farmers Hotel, Market square. 

Farmers Arms Inn, J. Schofield, 88 and 
90 King street. 

Farmers Store House, on the Bay 
shore, Market square. 

Farmers and Mechanics Hall, New 
gate street. 

Farr, John, brewer, Lot street west. 

Farrell, George, yeoman, Lot street 
west, opposite Black Bull. 

Farrell, Patrick, carpenter, Bay street. 

Farreli, John, carter, Upper George st. 
Farrell, Joseph, labourer, Upper George 

Featherstone, ., carpenter, Broad lane, 

York street. 

Feehan, James, grocery store, near 
steamboat wharves. 

Feehan, George, labourer, 26 King st. 

Felstead, George, gardener, Duke street. 

Fennell, John, boot and shoemaker, Jor 
dan street. 

Fenne.ll, John, labourer. Dundas st. 

Fenwick, Mrs., mistress of the Col 
lege boarding-house. 

Ferguson, Andrew, boot and shoemaker, 
42 Hospital street. 

Ferguson, ., at Ketchum s tannery, 
Yonge street. 

Ferguson, Joseph, labourer, Duchess st. 

Ferrier, Hobert, baker, 135 King st. 

ITerris, Mrs., boarding-house, Hospital 

Field, Robert, livery stables, Henrietta 

Fielding, James, labourer, Lot st. w. 

Filer, Charles, carpenter, Market st. 

Finch, Wm., carpenter, Elizabeth st. 

Fisher, S., gentleman, near the Wind 

Fish, Moses, razor grinder, Newgate st. 

Fish Market, on the Bay, at the foot 
of the Market square. 

Fireman s Hall, Church street. 

Fire Assurance Co. (British America), 
Duke street. 

Fire Assurance Co. (Phoenix), R. Stan- 
ton, agent, King street. 

Fire Assuraoice Co. (Alliance), J. Ridout, 
agent. Newcrate. . 

Fitzgerald, Dennis, _captain,_Hospital st. 

FitzGibbon, James, Chief "Cleft House 
of Assembly, Lot street west. 

Fitzpatrick, Wm., tailor, Yonge street. 

Fitzpatrick, James, labourer, Stewart s 

Flanaghan, John, gardener, King st., 
opposite Hospital. 

Flanaghan, Win., labourer, March st. 

Flaherty, Francis, carpenter, Boulton 
block, Lot street. 

Flay, Absalom, carpenter, March st. 

Fleming, John, constable, Church st. 

Flinn, James, carpenter, Elizabeth st. 

Flock, Wm., storekeeper, 55 Yonge st. 

Floyd, _., working ironfounder, New 
gate street. 

Foley, Wm., carpenter, Kingston road. 

Foley, Michael, labourer, near the 

Foley, James, mariner, Church street. 

Foot, Francis R., Assistant Commissary 
General, Front street. 

Ford, George, coach spring maker. 
Walnut, place, King street. 

Ford, Robert, carpenter, 182 King st. 

Forbes, Henry, grocery, 209 King st. 

Forbes, Samuel, butcher, Duchess st. 

Forbes, James, labourer, New street. 

Foster, Col. A. A. G., corner of Peter 
and Newgate streets. 

Foster, William, carter, 59 King street. 

Foster, Thomas, carter, 59 King street. 

Fox, Henry, bricklayer, near the Don. 



Foster, James, boot and shoemaker, 91 
and 93 King street. 

Fozard, Wm., labourer, Front street, 
Bay shore. 

Fowler, Robert, labourer, Lot st. west. 

French, Richard, chairmaker, 223 King 

French Burr Mill Stone Factory, near 
steamboat wharves. 

Francis, J., City Toronto Tavern, Front 

Francis, James, labgurer, Ontario st. 

Franks, Charles, gardener, Yonge st. 

Freeland, P., soap and candle manufac 
turer, Front street, Bay shore. 

Fullarton, Robert, cabinet maker, New 
gate street. 

Furlong, John, carpenter, Hagerman s 
block, Market street.. 

Furnis, Joseph, carpenter, Hospital st. 

Fury, Thomas, Peacock Inn, Church st. 

Gaol, King street. 

Gale, Wm., Market ? an ?v. 

Gallego, Philip, labourer, York street. 

Galloway, Joseph, yeoman, Kingston rd. 

Galloway, Thos., labourer, Spadina ave. 

Gait, Thos., clerk In Canada Co. s office. 

Gamble, Clarke, attorney, 47 King st. 

Gardiner, Thomas, blacksmith, 25 Lot 

Garlick, Thos., Burns Tavern, 8 King 
street east. 

Garvey, John, carpenter, Market st. 

Garrison and Barracks, west of the 

Georgen, Mrs., York street. 

Geddes, Adam, tailor, Church street. 

Gibbs, Robert, carpenter, Richmond st. 

Gibson, Andrew, tinsmith, Jordan st. 

Gibson, John, bricklayer, Elizabeth st. 

Gibson, Thomas cattle jobber, 64 Yonge 

Gifford, A., clerk in Gov. office, New 
gate street west. 

Gilbert, E. B., cabinet maker, Bay st. 

Gilbertson, Henry, carpenter, Lot st. w. 

Gill, Wm., boot and shoemaker, Duke st. 

Gillmour, II., clerk at Laurie & Co. s, 
King street. 

Ginty, James, tailor, Richmond street. 

Givins, Jaines Col., chief superinten 
dent of Indian Affairs, Lot st. west. 

Ghrimes, George, carpenter, Dummer st. 

Ghrimes, Michael, labourer, Newgate st. 

Glassco, Thos., sr., boot and shoemaker, 
89 King street. 

Glassco, Thos., jr., hatter, 133 King st. 

Glendinning, Win., butcher, in the Mar 

Godfrey, Thos., turner, New street. 

Golding, E., boot and shoemaker, 214 
King street. 

Gondy, George, labourer, Hospital st. 

Gooderham, Wm., miller, at the Wind 

i Goodman, Mrs., Georgs street. 

j G or ham, James, labourer, Lot si., w. 

I Gormley, J-, labourer, Kingston road. 

Government Office, King street west, 
opposite College. 

Governor s Residence, King st. west, op 
posite the College. 

Government Office, Parliament build 
ings, Front street. 

Gouldie, Mrs., Lot street. 

Grainger, George, gardener, Yonge st. 

Graham, Wm., carpenter, James street. 

Graham, Bradshaw, gentleman, Dulse 

Graham, Thos., carpenter, Market st. 

Graham, John, labourer, 28 Lot street. 

Graham, John, butcher, in the Market. 

Grant, John, wheelwright. Lot st. w. 

Grant, John, music seller, Hagerman a 
block, Market street. 

Grant, Alex., attorney, Bay street. 

Grantham, John, Old British Coffeo 
House, Front street. 

jrassi, A. de, Don river. 

Grasett, Rev. H. J., curate English 
church, Newgate street. 

Graves, William, school, York street. 

Gray, Mrs., Ship Tavern, Market street. 
Gray, John, labourer, Lot street west. 

Gray, Thos., labourer, Lot street west. 

Gray, John, carpenter, Boulton s block, 
Lot street west. 

Gray, Richard, butcher, Ontario street. 

Gray, James, labourer, Church lane. 

Gray, John, gardener, at Sheriff Jarvis . 

Greenland Fishery Tavern, near Par 
liament buildings, Front street. 

Greenup, Henry, grocery and provisions. 

192 King street. 

I Griffith, Thos., boot and shoemaker, 137 
King street. 

Grierson, Major, 15th Regt., 226 King 

Grigory, Richard, gentleman, Richmond 

Groves, John, Canada Co. office, Fred 
erick street. 

Groundrill, Richard, carter, Milburn 3 
block, on Bay shore. 

Gunn, Adam, labourer, 22 Lot street. 

Gurnett, George, editor and proprietor 
of the Courier of Upper Canada news 
paper, published tri-weekly, Tuesday. 
Thursday and Saturday, New street. 

Gwynne, Dr. W. <J., Graves street and 
Lot street west. 

Hackett, James, labourer, Richmond st. 

Hagerman, C. A., Solicitor-General, 
Market street. 

Hagger, James, Spadina avenue. 

Half Moon Inn, Robert Horsiley, 2 New- 

Hall, John, grocery, March street. 

Hall, Miss, milliner, at Beatty s, 177 
Kiner street. 



Hall, Wm., carpenter, Teraulay street. 
Hall & Leek, candle and soap makers, 

Palace street, Bay shore. 
Halkett, Lieut., aide-de-camp to the 

Lieutenan t-Gover nor . 
Halpin, John, labourer, March street. 
Hamilton, Alex., looking-glass manufac 
turer, carver and gilder, 118 King st. 
Hamilton, George, labourer, Lot st. east. 
Hamilton, James, Carnelion Tavern, 

Church street. 
Hamilton, Wm., boot and shoemaker, 

Church street. 
Hamilton, S. S., Mansion House Hotel, 

Newgate street. 
Hamilton, Thos., carpenter, Boulton s 

block, Lot street. 
Hamilton, Thos. G., carpenter, Macaulay 

Hamilton, James, land agent, King st. 


Hamilton, Wm., labourer, opposite Bis 
hop s buildings, Newgate street. 
Hamilton, R., small store, opposite Bis 
hop s buildings, Newgate street. 
Hammell, John, boot and shoemaker, 

Yonge street. 
Hanaven, James, labourer, Hospital st. 

Handy, Patrick, auction and grocery 

store, 44 Lot street. 
Hand, B., labourer, Duchess street. 
Hanley, James, gardener, Yonge st. rd. 
Hannah, Wm., wheelwright, Yonge st. 
Hanagan, Mrs., March street. 
Harbron, George, stonemason, March st. 
Hardy, Charles, clerk at Beatty s, 17J 

King street. 

Harke, Robert, mason, Peter street. 
Harkes, John, small grocery, 37 Lot st. 
Harkness, Sarah, New street. 
Harland, John, tailor, Duchess street. 
Harley, John, William IV. Tavern, New 

street, Market square. 
Harley, John, labourer, York street. 
Harper, John, carpenter and builder, 

Newgate street. 
Harper, Richard, carpenter and builder. 

Hospital street. 

Harper, John, carpenter, Elizabeth st. 
Harington, T. D., gentleman, at Mr. 

Tuton s, Chewett s buildings, King st. 
Harrington, Jared, Bull s Head Inn, 

Kingston road. 

Harrington, Thos., carter, Market lane. 
Harris, Mrs., Lot street. 
Harris, ., carpenter, Spadina avenue. 
Harris, John, labourer, Yonge street. 
Harris, Misses, boarding-house, Yonge 


Harris, T. D., ironmonger, 68 King st. 
Harris, Rev. Mr., minister of Scotch 

church, Bay street. 

Harris, Wm., grocery store, King st. w. 
Harris, Rev. J. H., D.D., principal of 

U. C. College, at the college. 

Harrison, Simon, bookbinder, Hospital 

Harrison, Richard, grocery, Kingston 

Harrison, Robert, yeoman, Lot st. west. 

Hart, John, painter, Jordan street. 

Hart & Co., wholesale commission mer 
chants, 201 King street. 

Hartney, Patrick, late Barrack master, 
34 Market street. 

Harvey, Nicholas, bellman at Burke s, 
King street. 

Hatterick, James, printer, Patriot office. 

Hayes, Patrick, blacksmith, Church lane. 

Hayes, Matthew, Three Loggerheads 
Inn, Yonge street. 

Haythorn, Thos., tailor, Jordan street. 

Hayton, John, labourer, Richmond st. 

Haywood, Benj., carpenter, Newgate st. 

Haverty, Thos., gentleman, Har ley s 
Tavern, New street. 

Hawke, Robert, general clothing estab 
lishment, 77 King street. 

Hawke, A. B., superintendent of Emi 
grant Department, Lot street west. 

Hawkins, Andrew, Gov t messenger. 

Haydon, Wm., Yonge street road. 

Hay, John, boarding-house, 10 King st. 

Haye, De la, J. P., French master U. 
C. College, at the college. 

Heather, W., bricklayer and surveyor. 
Park, near Windmill. 

Herson, George, blacksmith, Lot st. w. 

Heathcote, George, gentleman, Hospital 

Heenan, David, labourer, Jordan street. 

Heerson, Patrick, labourer, Market st. 

Herson, Michael, fisherman, Bay shore. 

Hector, Thos., Hospital street west. 

He] li well & Brothers, brewers, Market 


[ Henderson, Edward, tailor, Yonge st. 

Henderson, Patrick, labourer, Duchess 

Henderson, Robert, boot and shoemaker, 
Stewart s block. 

Henderson, David, blacksmith, Toronto 

Henderson, Edward, tailor, 166 King st. 

Henderson, James, land agent, Chew 
ett s buildings, King street. 

Henderson, George, Edinburgh Castle 
Tavern, Church street. 

Henderson, Hugh, Albion Tavern, 
Church street. 

Henderson, Joseph, lime burner, Park. 

Henderson, Patrick, Duchess street. 

Henry, James, tailor, Newgate street. 

Henry, James, auctioneer, Church st. 

Hensleigh, J., cashier Truscott & Co. s 

Hepburn, Wm., gentleman, Lot st. west. 

Hepburn, David, tailor, Richmond st. 

Heron, George, .hair cutter, 108 King st. 



Hetherington, George, chairmaker, 158 
King street. 

Heughen, Joseph, hair cutter and per 
fumer, 136 King street. 

Heward, Henry C., clerk of the District 
Court, Caroline street. 

Heward, William, yeoman, Kingston rd. 

Heyden, Michael, labourer, Lot st. west. 

Hickman, Wm., barber, Front street. 

Hickley, Mrs., James street. 

Higgins, Wm., high constable, 148 King 

Higgins, Capt., Princes street. 

Hill, Wm., carpenter, Broad lane, York 

Hill, Joseph, carpenter, Newgate street. 

Hill, Mrs., widow, Newgate street. 

Hill, John, labourer, Elizabeth street. 

Hill, Samuel, carpenter, 38 King street. 

Hill, Misses, milliners, 38 King street. 

Hillock, Francis, cooper, Newgate st. 

Hillock, Edward, cooper, Macaulay lane. 

Hitchings, Edward, Jaw student, at 
Robert Baldwin s, King street. 

Hincks, F., bookkeeper, Farmer s bank. 

Hinds, Patrick, plasterer, Lot st. east. 

Hodgin, Wm., butcher, Yonge st. road. 

Hodgson, Joseph, tinsmith, 51 Yonge st. 

Hogg, John, labourer, Lot street west. 

Hollister, John, deputy sheriff, at the 
Court House. 

Holden, John, Four All s Tavern, March 

Holmes, Speirs & Co., wholesale mer 
chants, King street west. 

Hopkins, Capt. W. R., Lot street west. 

Hopkins, Benjamin, sailor, Duke street. 

Hopkins, James, brickmaker, Stewart s 

Hornby, Dr., 46 Newgate street. 

Horne, Samuel, boot and shoemaker, 
Wilmot place. 

Horne, R. C., Yonge street road, assist 
ant cashier, U. C. Bank. 

Horton, Col., 15th Regt., Lot st. west. 

Horsley, Robert, Half-Moon Inn, Newst. 

Hospital, west end of King street. 

Houghton, George, clerk of works, en 
gineer department, Lot street west. 

Howard, J. S., postmaster, Duke street. 

Howard, John G., architect and civil 
engineer, land surveyor, etc., and 
drawing master U. C. College, Chew- 
ett s buildings, King street. 

Howard, Robert, Race Horse Tavern, 
Church street. 

Howard, Edward, carter, Church street. 

Hudson, Wm., Market square. 

Hudson, Phineas, tailor, 18 Hospital st. 

Hudson, Wm., bricklayer, Newgate st. 

Hudson, David, merchant, Princes st. 

Hughes, James, carter, Hospital st. 

Hughes, John, bricklayer, 21 Lot st. 

Hughes, Wm., mason, Lot st. west. 

Hugill. John, 107 King street. 

Humphrey, Caleb, carpenter, Toronto st. 

Hume, Stephenson, bookseller and sta 
tioner, 21 Yonge street. 

Humphrey, Josiah, carpenter, Eliza 
beth street. 

Humphries, ., teacher of singing, Lot 
street west. 

Hunter, James, tailor, Yonge street. 

Hunter, Samuel, labourer, Yonge st. 

Hunter, James, labourer, Newgate st. 

Hunt, Thos., labourer, 42 Hospital st. 

Hunt, Charles, gentleman, 33 Newgate 

Hunter, Wilson, brickmaker, near the 

Kurd, S. P., Capt., Front street, near 
the Garrison. 

Hushen, Patrick, labourer, John st. 

Hussey, Eliza, school, 10 Lot street. 

Hutcheson, J., City Hotel, Front street. 

Hutchinson, John, blacksmith, Duke st. 

Hutchinson, Widow, Duke street. 

Hutchinson, Wm., bricklayer and mason, 
March street. 

Hutchinson, John, sailor, Market street. 

Hutchinson, Thos., carter, Hospital st. 

Huton, James, labourer, Broad lane, 
York street. 

Huton, Wm., carpenter. Broad lane, 
York street. 

Independent Chapel, Market lane. 

Infant School, Hospital street. 

Inspector General s Office, Parliament} 
buildings, Front street. 

Inspector of Licenses, Hon. A. McDonell r 
Newgate street. 

Iredale, John, tinsmith, 17 Lot street. 

Iredale, Jeremiah, tinsmith, 17 Lot st. 

Iredale, Wm., painter, 2 Yonge street. 

Iredale, Ishmael, Hospital street. 

Jackes, Wm., baker, 64 King street. 

Jackes, Wm., grocery store, 9 Lot st. 

Jackson, Francis, tailor, York street. 

Jackson, Henry, watch maker, New st. 

Jacques, John, cabinet maker, 233 King 

James, Robert, carpenter, Lot st. east. 

James, Widow, March street. 

James, Robert, drover, Hospital st. 

James, John, steam saw mills, tavern, 
Kingston road. 

Jameson, R. S., Attorney-General, 94 
Newgate street, Bishop s buildings. 

Jameson, Wm., Boulton s block, Lot st. 

Jamieson, Jarnes, boot and shoemaker, 
220 King street. 

Jarvis, W. B., sheriff of the Home Dis 
trict, Rosedale, Yonge st. road. 

Jarvis, Stephen, Usher Black Rod, Rose- 
dale, Yonge street road. 

Jarvis, S. P., Clerk of Crown in Chan 
cery, Lot street east. 

Jefferey s Academy, Toronto street. 

Jenkins, Wm., carpenter, Yonge st. rd. 

Jessopp, Henry, boot and shoemaker. 

Church street. 
i Jex, Robert, confectioner, 173 King st. 


Jewell, Richard, labourer, Broad lane, 

York street. 

Jobbitt, James, tailor, Richmond st. 
Jobbitt, Joseph, carpenter, Hospital st. 
Johnson, John, waggon maker, 33 Lot 


Johnson, Win., turner, 53 Yonge st. 
Johnson, George, painter, Broad lane, 

York street. 

Johnson, Mrs.. March street. 
Johnson, James, labourer, March street. 
Johnson, Arthur, labourer, March st. 
Johnson, Margaret, widow, Toronto st. 
Johnston, James, boot and shoemaker, 

35 King street. 
Johnston, Hugh, bricklayer, Upper 

George street. 

Johnston, Mrs. Almira, Hospital st. 
Jollands, Benjamin, tailor, 2 Yonge st. 
Jones, Thoma-s Mercer, Commissioner 

Canada Company, Front st., cor. York. 
Jones, Patrick, blacksmith, Palace st. 
Joslin, Daniel, bricklayer, Caroline st. 
Joseph, John, Esq., private secretary 

Judges Chambers, Public buildings, 

Front street. 
Kane, Patrick, White Swan Tavern, 26 

Lot street. 
Kane, Michael, spirit store, 25 Yonge 


Kearney, James, waggon maker, New 
gate street. 
Keating, Michael, tavern and chop house, 

King street west. 
Keele, W. C., attorney, land agent, etc., 

King street west. 
Kelley, M., barber and hair dresser, 

Yonge street. 
Kelly, Robert, clerk Canada Company s 

office, Palace street. 
Kelly, Widow, Market street. 
Kempt, Capt. John, Teraulay street. 
Kendrick, G. B. R., tavern, Lot st. w. 
Kendrick, Andrew, carpenter, Duchess 

Kendrick, Josiah, constable, Police 


Kennedy, Mrs., Duke street. 
Kennedy, Mrs., Richmond street. 
Kennedy, Win., gentleman, James st. 
Kennedy, James, wheelwright, Lot st. 


Kennedy, John, carpenter, 18 Lot st. 
Kenrick, J. S., shoemaker, York street. 
Kent, Mrs., 5 King street east. 
Kent, John, preparatory master L T . C. 


Kerr, John, tavern. Palace street. 
Kerr, Wm., carpenter, New street. 
Kerr, Joseph, Jabourcr, Dummer st. 
Ketch urn, Jesse, 37 Yonge street. 
Ketclium, Wm., tanner, 37 Yonge at. 
Kewan, Robert, labourer, William st. 
Kidd, James, bricklayer, 28 King st. 
Kilgore, Janitis, labourer, Newgate st. 

King, Wm., butcher, Caroline street. 
King, John, Dr., M.D., Front street, cor 
ner of Yonge street. 
King, James, attorney, Newgate st. 
King Alfred Tavern, Job Baker, 198 

King street. 

Kingsmill, George, Teraulay street. 
Kinnear, Thos., gentleman, 220 King st. 
Kinsley, Matthew, carpenter, March st. 
Kirk, Mrs., Blue Bonnet Tavern, Yonge 


Kirk, Mrs., March street. 
Kirkwood, John, shoemaker, March st. 
Kirkup, Wm., tinsmith, 59 King st. 
Kirby, Thos., at Chief Justice s, Lot st. 


Kitson, John, cabinet maker, King st. w. 
Kitson, Daniel, shoemaker, Hospital st. 
Kliser, Jacob, watchmaker, Duchess st. 
Knott, Benj., Blue and Poland starch 

factory, on the Peninsula, across the 


Knott, Elizabeth, widow, 172 King st. 
Lacup, Thos., shopman at Northcote s, 

King street. 

Lackie, Mrs., Lot street west. 
Lafferty, Wm., carter, Stewart s lane. 
Laily, Thomas, grocery and provisions, 

Richmond street. 

Laing, John, gentleman, Yonge street. 
Lake, Thos., carpenter, New street. 
Lamontaine, Charles, blacksmith, Duke 


Lampson, John, teamster, Duke street. 
Lane & McDonell, land agents, 184 King 


Lang, John, plasterer, Duchess street. 
Lang, Abraham, grocery, Yonge st. 
Lang, Rev. M., Methodist minister, New 
gate street east. 

Lang, Dr. Medical Hall, 87 King st. 
Langjey, Wm., shoemaker, 7 Lot st. 
Langin, James, labourer, New street. 
Langdrill, Francis, butcher, Ontario st. 
Langclrill, Wm., labourer, near the 

Lanson, D. H., boot and shoemaker, 

Kingston road. 
Lapsley, Wm., general store, 122 King 

Laskey, Daniel, cooper and millwright, 

Kingston road. 

Latham, Jacob, builder, Duke street. 
Latham, Henry, student-at-law with J. 

E. Small. 

Lawless, ., at Dutcher s iron foundry. 
Laurie, A. & Co., wholesale and retail 

dry goods, 195 King street. 
Law, Edmond, gentleman, at Keating s, 

Kig street. 

Lawrence, J. H., printer, Guardian of 
fice, Lot street east. 
Lawrence, Monis, York Hotel, King st 


Lawson, Joseph, carter, Lot street. 
Leary, Mrs., Yonge street. 



Lawson s general clothing establish- 

ment, 187 King street. 
Leach, Francis, painter, Broad lane, 

York street. 

Leadly, Henry, skin dresser, Lot st. w. 
Leckie, James, clerk Adjutant-General s 

office, Spadina avenue. 
~Lee, Joseph, East York store, 39 King 


Lee, John, labourer, Newgate st. west. 
Lee, John, plumber, Newgate street. 
Lee, Samuel, joiner, 51 Lot street. 
Lee, Wm. H., clerk PJxecutive Council, 

Lot street west. 

Lee, Joseph S., clerk in the U.C. Bank. 
Leek & Hall, soap and candle manufac 
turers, Palace street, Bay shore. 
Legge, Alex., grocery store, wines, 22 

King street. 

Lennard, ., at Butcher s iron foundry. 
Lennon, George, carpenter, Lot st. w. 
Lesslie, Wm., 204 King street. 
Lesslie & Sons, booksellers, stationers 

and druggists, 110 1-2 King street. 
Lester, Wm., tailor, Teraulay street. 
Leuty, Joseph, gentleman, 76 Lot st. w. 
Levie s clothing store, Market square. 
Lewis, Alex., grocery, 178 King street. 
Lewis, Wm., carpenter, Kingston road. 
Leys, John, engineer, Lot street. 
Lindsay, John, carpenter, Boulton s 

block, Lot street west. 
Lindsay, Wm., tailor, Ontario street. 
Linfoot, John, butcher, Yonge st. road. 
Linfoot, Thos., cabinet maker, Teraulay 

Lizars, Henry, assistant draftsman, Sur. 

Gen. office, Lot street west. 
Logan, ., on Hon. McGill s property, 

Richmond street. 

Logan, John, labourer, Broad lane. 
Logan, Wm., labourer, Lot st. east. 
London, Wm., labourer, Upper George 

Longmore, James, printer, 28 Hospital 


Love, Henry, sailor, Lot street east. 
Loughman, Wm., tailor, Newgate st. 

Lowry, John, boot and shoemaker, 

George street. 

Lowther, John, labourer, Ontario st. 
Lucas, Mrs. Captain, Lot street west. 
Lumsden, Mrs., provision store, 33 King 

Lyness, Richard, lath render, Berkeley 

Lyness, Kennedy, lath render, Berkeley 


Lynch, John, brewer, Ontario street. 
Lynch, John, cow keeper, Front street. 
Lyons, Wm., Toronto Inn, Ypnge st. 
Lyons, Daniel, labourer, Henrietta st. 
Lynn, Widow, Hospital street. 
Lynn, Robert, surveyor and civil en 
gineer, at Mr. Leuty s, Lot st. west. 

Lysett, John, boot and shoemaker, 97 

King street. 
Mabbitt, James, blacksmith, Hospital 


Macaulay, The Hon. J. B., one of the 
Puisne Judges K.B., 52 Front street. 
Macaulay, Capt. J. S., Peter street. 
Macaulay, Mrs., Peter street. 
Macaulay, Rev. Mr., of the District 

school, Church street. 
Maddan, Patrick, Antrim Inn, near the 

Catholic church. 

Maddan, James, Belfast Tavern, Mar 
ket lane. 

Maddan, James, labourer, Duchess st. 
Madill, John, labourer, Newgate st. w. 
Mair, Thos., teller at the Commercial 

Bank, King street. 

Maitland, John, distiller, Palace street. 
Malone, James, carpenter, Lot st. w. 
Malone, Maurice, bricklayer, Market st. 
Malony, Wm., blacksmith, Market st. 
Mansfield, Robert, gardener, Spadina 


Mantac, John, labourer, Yonge street. 
Manuel, Joseph, carter, Hospital street. 
Mara, Thos., boot and shoemaker, Lot 

street west. 
March & Church, chair makers, Yonge. 

March, Wm., boot and shoe warehouse, 

120 King street. 
Marchant, Robert, carpenter, corner 

York and Hospital streets. 
Market Clerk, Wm. Phair, 126 King st. 
Markland, Hon. G. H., 28 Market st., 

corner York street. 
Marion, Widow, King street east. 
Marriage License office, Andrew Mer 
cer, Bay street. 

Martin, Wm., labourer, Lot st. west. 
Martin, Joseph, 40 Hospital street. 
Martin, Joseph, bricklayer, 192 King st. 


Mash, John, blacksmith, Kingston road. 
Mason & Barber, engineers, Lot st. east. 
Masonic Lodge, Market lane. 
Masterson, H. C., auctioneer, 60 King 


Masterson, Michael labourer, March st. 
Mather, Wm., grocery store, Lot st. w. 
Mathers, James, merchant tailor, 81 

King street. 

Matthew, Henry, labourer, Henrietta st. 
Matthews, Henry, carter, Church st. 
Matthews, Robert, White Lion Inn, 

March street. 

Matthews, James, sailor, 25 Yonge st. 
Matthews, Rev. Charles, at the TJ. C. 

Maulson, Wm., labourer, at Lynche s 

brewery, Caroline street. 
Maxwell, Wm., gentleman, 237 Kingst. 
Maxwell, ., musician, 237 King street. 
Maxwell, J. E., Classical and Commer 
cial Academy, Market lane. 


May, Thomas, Market street. j Moore, Joseph, boot and shoemaker, 

Maynard, Rev. G., at the U". C. College, j King street east. 

Mayne, Daniel H., East York District j Moore, ., butcher, Yonge st. road. 

school. i Morgan, Wm., carpenter, Broad lane. 

Mayhew, Charles, labourer, Dundas st. j Morne, Robert, labourer, Henrietta st 

Mechanics Institute, Market square. j Morrison George, carpenter, Beverley 

Meighan, Robert, storekeeper, 76 King i street, Lot street. 

street. j Morrison, Daniel, carpenter, Richmond 

Meighan, Michael, gentleman, Princes I street. 

street. j Morrison, Dr., Mayor of city, 57 New- 
Mercer, Andrew, issuer of marriage li- | gate street. 

censes, Bay street. I Morrison, J. C., student-at-law with S. 

Meredith, John, labourer, Lot st. east, j Washburn. 

Meredith, John, carter, Market street. Morris, Edward, gardener, Hospital st. 

Messenger, Mark, brickmaker, Duchess Morrow, Robert, labourer, Henrietta st. 

street. j Morrow, "Win., labourer, York street. 

Metcalf, Tbos. bailiff Court of Requests. | Mossopp, John, farmer, near Black Bull, 

Methodist, Wesleyan, Chapels, New- | Lot street west. 

gate and George streets. j Moseley, Henry M., auctioneer, King 
Methodist, Primitive, Chape.], Bay st. street east. 

Methodist, Independent, Chapel, Market Moseley, John, clerk in U. C. Bank, 

lane. King street east. 

Middlemist, Henry, carter, Lot street. Moule, John, gentleman, Walnut place, 

Milburn, Thos., general store, 79 King ! King street. 

street. j Mulcarrow, Michael, labourer, March st. 

Millen, Robert, carpenter, Teraulay st. i Mullin, James, carpenter, John street. 

Miller, Peter, tailor, Toronto street. j Munro, Alex., tailor, Yonge street. 

Miller & Co., coach builders, King st. \ Munro, George, George and Dragon Inn, 

Miller, Henry, labourer, Wilmot s place, i Church street. 

Milligan, Mrs., New street. J Munns, George, carter, March street. 

Milligan, James, boot and shoemaker, Muns, John, Teamster s Inn, Market 

Newgate street east. 


Milligan, Joseph, tailor, Newgate st. Murchison, John, gentleman, Lot st. w. 

west. i Murchison & Co., tailors, George st. 

Mills, Thos., bricklayer, Lot st. west. Murfit, John, labourer, on the bay, 
Mills, John, bricklayer, Spadina avenue. | B ront street. 

Mills, George, gardener, Lot st. east, j Murray, Newbigging & Co., general 
Mills, John, hatter, 191 King street. wholesale and* retail merchants, 80 

Mills, Thos., coach builder, King street, j and 82 King street. 
Milne, Andrew, baker, 214 King street, i Murray, M. D., gentleman, Duke st. 
Milton, Peter, tailor, Broad lane, York j Murray, Mrs., Princess street. 

street. ! Murray, James, carter, 23 Lot street. 

Minnix, Michael, tailor, March street. Murray, Rodger, saddler, 49 Yonge st. 
Misset, Patrick, labourer, New street. J Murray, Charles S., bookkeeper in U. 
Mitchell, Rody, labourer, Henrietta st. C. Bank. 

Mitchell, Robert, carpenter, Lot st. w. 
Mitchell, Patrick, grocery, 28 Ybnge st. 

Murnahan, Francis, wheelwright, Lot st. 
Murphy, Wm., gentleman, G Hospital st. 

Mitchell, Mrs., Duchess street. j Musson, Wm., tin plate worker, 143 

Mitchell, John, plasterer, Wilmot s pi. j King street. 

Moran, Nicholas, boot and shoemaker, j Myers, Jaines, cabinet maker and up- 

Market lane. holsterer, King street west. 

Molesworth, Wm., labourer, March st. j Myers, W. A. C., printer, Graves street. 
Molloy, Mrs., Duchess street. j Myers, Wm., labourer, William street. 

Monahan, James, labourer, March st. ; McAllister, Mrs., Lot street. 
Monro, George, wholesale warehouse, ! McArthur, Peter, stone cutter, 1C New 

importer of British and India goods, j street. 

63 King street. I McBath, Temple, labourer, Lot st. east. 

Monroe, Win., gentleman, Palace st. j McBride, Samuel, labourer, Spadina 
Moore, Thos., merchant tailor, 79 King j avenue. 

street, corner Market square. \ McCastline, Robert, labourer, 37 Lot st. 

Moore, T., Crown Inn, 79 King street, j McCaffey, Patrick, boot and shoemaker, 

corner Market square. March street. 

Moore, John, wheelwright, 110 Kingst. j McCleneghan, Thos., yeoman, William 
Moore, George, grocery store, wines, | street. 

spirits, etc., King street. ; McClenchie, John, labourer, Elizabeth 

Moore, John, labourer, Newgato street. str;e f 



McClellan, Malcolm, tailor, Market sq. 
McClure, Robert, auctioneer, 161 King 

and Market street. 

McComb, James, blacksmith, New st. 
McCormack, Robert, working tanner, 

Bay street. 
McCormack, Robert, labourer, Hospital 


McCrum, Andrew, mason, Lot street. 
McCollum, George, tailor, New st. 
McCord, Andrew, city chamberlain, 

George street. 
McCord, Misses, ladies school, George 

McCracken, "Wm., boot and shoemaker, 

Church street. 
McCrandle, Robert, labourer, Newgate 


McDonack, James, labourer, Newgate st. 
McDonald, Duncan, at J. F. Smith s 

store, King street. 
McDonald, Archibald, wharfinger, 36 

Front street. 

McDonald, John, Inn, Market lane. 
McDonald, John, labourer, Jordan st. 
McDonald, Malcolm, bricklayer, Hos 
pital street. 

McDonald, John, dep. surveyor, Can 
ada Company office. 
McDonald, Hon. A., inspector of licenses, 

Newgate street west. 
McDonell, James, clerk in Government 

office, Lot street west. 
McDonough, Rev. Mr., of the Catholic 


McDougal, Peter, 10 Market street. 
McElderry, Edward, wholesale and re 
tail dry goods, 189 and 144 King st. 
McEnery, Denis, Farmers Hotel, Mar 
ket square. 

McFarlane, Finlay, baker, Iconge st. 
McFarlane, James, tailor, King st. east. 
McGhan, ., labourer, near the Wind 

McGillivray, Archibald, labourer, Pal 
ace street. 
McGlashan, Andrew, tanner, 107 King 


McGorgan, George, labourer, Palace st. 
McGregor, Alex., Rob Roy Tavern, 70 

Tonge street. 

McGuire, Wm., carter, Stewart s lane. 
McGuire, James, gentleman, Lot st. w. 
McHag, Archer, labourer, March st. 
Mcllinurray, J., doctor, 1 Lot street. 
Mcllroy, Daniel, carpenter, Teraulay st. 
Mclntosh, John, M. P. P. 4th Riding 

York, 78 Yonge street. 
Mclntosh, Capt. Robert, 84 Yonge st. 
Mclntosh, Mrs. Charles, 86 Yonge st. 
Mclntosh, Mrs. Eliza, Lot street. 
Mclntosh, Capt. Wm., Lot street east. 
Mclntosh, John L., school, Lot st. west. 
McKay, Robert, wholesale and retail 
grocery store, wines and liquors 48 
King street. 

McKenzie, William Lyon, editor of the 
Constitution newspaper, office Tur- 
ton s buildings, King street ; resi 
dence, York street. 

McKenzie, James, printer, Turton s 
buildings, King street. 

McKenzie, Walter, clerk in Government 

McKenzie, John, groceries, wines, etc., 
227 King street. 

McKay, Alex., dry goods store, 46 King 

McKewan, Wm., labourer, Newgate st. 

McKeever, &c., boarding-house, Front 

McKillop, Hugh, labourer, near the 

McKnight & Saxon, wholesale mer 
chants, Yonge street. 

McKown, Wm., blacksmith, Newgate st. 

McLafferty, James, painter, York st. 

McLean, Mrs., Church lane. 

McLeod, Thos., painter, Elizabeth st. 

McLeod, John, labourer, Yonge street. 

McLinton, John, carter, Yonge street. 

McMahon, Arthur, grocery store, March 

McMahon, Edward, chief clerk Govern 
ment office, Lot street east. 

McMannis, M., cooper, Newgate street. 

McMannis, John, labourer, Duchess st. 

McMannis, ., cooper, George street. 

McMannis, D., labourer, Lot street. 

McMasters, David labourer, Palace st. 

McMasters, James, labourer, Duchess st. 

McMasters, Win., at Cathcart s store, 
King street. 

McMichael, Robert, grocery store, New 
gate street. 

McMorris, Ann, 37 Lot street. 

McMurray, Thomas, watch and clock 
maker, 169 King street. 

McMurray, Samuel, clerk House of As 
sembly, Lot street west. 

McMullen, James, labourer, Jordan st. 

McMurtrie, James S., grocery and pro 
vision store, 39 Yonge street. 

McNamara, Matthew, carter, Lot st. w. 

McNamara, Patrick, labourer, Newgate 

McNeil, Hugh, cabinet maker, Yonge st. 

McPheal, Angus, tailor, New street. 

McStravick, Mrs., grocery, Market st. 

McTamany, Edward, .labourer, Dundas 

McVay, James, at Cormack & Co. s store, 
King street. 

McVicar, Angus. 

Nagle, Thomas. 

Nagle, Hugh. 

Nation, J-, 1st clerk Inspector General s 
office. Lot street west. 

Nealon, John, tailor, Palace street. 

Neeson, Michael, fisherman, Bay shore. 

Milburn s block. 
! Nelson, John, blacksmith, Newgate st. 



-Neptune, Inn, John Wesley, New st. 

Nesbitt, Francis, carpenter, near the 

Nesbitt, Win., labourer, Richmond st. 

Newbigging, Jarnes, merchant, Yonge 
street road. 

Newman, John, boot and shoemaker, Lot 
street west. 

News Room, Commercial, Market build 
ings, King street. 

Nicholl, George, 69 Yonge street. 

Nicholl, George, tailor, 186 King street. 

Nicholl, Thos., carpenter, New street. 

Nicholl, Robert, labourer, Market st. 

Nicholson, John, White Horse Tavern, 
King street west. 

Nixon, Wm., boot and shoemaker, 19 
Yonge street. 

Nixon, Widow, Hospital street. 

Noble, Wm., wheelwright, Lot st. w. 

Northcote, Richard, grocery store, 146 
King street. 

North American Hotel, Wm. Campbell, 
Front street. 

Norton, Amos, Union furnace foundry, 
74 Yonge street. 

Nunan, James, boot and shoemaker, 
Kingston road. 

Nunan, Charles, labourer, near the 
Windmill, Park. 

Oakes, James, butcher, Princes st. 

Gates, Richard H., grocery store, 221 
King street. 

O Brien, Thos., boot and shoemaker, 
New street. 

O Brien, Denis, cooper, 45 Lot street. 

O Beirne, M. J., clothing store, 101 King 

O Connor, Michael, Inn, Market lane. 

O Connor, Daniel, labourer, March st. 

Ogilvie, Alex., groceries, wines, liquors, 
197 King street. 

O Grady, W. J., doctor, Lot street west. 

O Hara, Col. W., Lot street west. 

O Keefe, John, Harp and Crown, New 
gate street. 

Old Countryman Inn, 127 King street. 

Oliver, Thos., cabinet maker and up 
holsterer, Market street. 

Oliver, John, tailor, Broad lane, York 

Ontario House Tavern, corner of Mar 
ket and Church street. 

O Neill, P. J., cabinet maker, 102 King 

Orr, Wm,, baker, Upper George street. 

O Roche, James, gentleman, King st. 

O Reilly, W. H., attorney, 162 King st. 

Osgoode Hall, Lot street, at the top of 
York street. 

Osborne, Wm., land agent, 203 King st. 

Osborne, Misses, milliners, 203 King st. 

Owens, Richard, coach builder, King st. 

Owens, John, labourer, 4 Hospital st. 

Owens, Richard, carpenter, 42 Hospital 

Owens, Robert, labourer, Hospital st. 

Owens, Mrs., boarding-house, York st. 

Oxley, Wm., bricklayer, Park, near the 

Oxendale, Wm., boot and shoemaker, 
Newgate street. 

Packer, Samuel, fisherman, Front st. 

Paddan, James, bricklayer, Spadina ave. 

Palin, Joseph, Hotel, on the Peninsula. 

Palmer, John, painter, March street. 

Paisley, Thos., labourer, Duke street. 

Paramore, Wm., carpenter, Lot st. east. 

Paps, Jacob, labourer, Hospital st. 

Parkinson, Reuben, wheelwright, Duke 
street east. 

Parrott, Frederick, labourer, York st. 

Parr, John, carter, Park, near the 

Parsons, Timothy, straw bonnet and 
fancy warehouse, and Mechanics In 
stitute library, 108 1-2 King street. 

Partington, Mrs., small grocery, Church 

Paterson, P. & Sons, ironmongers, etc., 
wholesale and retail, 116 King street. 

Paterson, P., jr., dry goods merchant, 
199 King street. 

Paterson, James, labourer, Teraulay st. 

Paterson, John, cabinet maker, New 
gate street. 

Patterson, Mrs., Queen s Head Inn, 
Kingston road. 

Patterson, Mrs., Hospital street. 

Pattison, Henry, boot and shoemaker, 
184 King street. 

Pattison, Wm., labourer, Newgate st. 

Patchett, John, Jabourer, New street. 

Patrick, John, labourer, Lot st. west. 

Patrick, Charles, blacksmith, Lot st. w. 

Patrick, Wm. P., clerk in House of As 
sembly, Bay street. 

Patrick, James, painter, March street. 

Patrick, Alfred, clerk in House of As 
sembly, Yonge street road. 

Patrick, David, labourer, 20 King st. 

Patriot Newspaper office, Thos. Dalton, 
editor ; published Tuesday and Fri 
day, Chewitt s buildings, King street. 

Paull, J., All Nations Tavern, 92 King 

Payne, George, plasterer, Teraulay st. 

Peacock Tavern, Thos. Fury, Church st. 

Pearse, Samuel, turner, King st. east. 

Peel, James, Church street. 

Pearson, Joseph, cabinet maker, Hos 
pital street. 

People s Bank, New street. 

Perrin & Co., dry goods store, 106 King 

Perry, Edward, King street west. 

Perry, James, blacksmith, Duchess st. 

Perry, Robert, labourer, Lot street w., 
near Blue Bell. 

Petch, James, butcher, in the Market. 



Peterson, John, butcher, James street, j 

Pettit, Wm., labourer, Duchess street, j 

Phair, Wm., Bull s Head Inn, 129 King j 

Phoenix, Fire Assurance Co., R. Stan- 
ton, jagent, King street. 

Phibbs, Mrs., March street. 

Phipps, Thos., cryer Court of King s 
Bench, Hospital street. 

Phipps, Mrs., milliner, etc., Hospital st. 

Piper, Hiram, tin, sheet iron and copper 
ware factory, 30 Yonge street. 

Place, Elias, grocery store, near Don 

Platt, Thos., grocery store, 209 King st. 

Platt, Samuel, 94 King street. 

Platt, George, sheriff s bailiff, Hospital 

Playter, Emanuel, general store, Lot 
street west. 

Piggott, Charles, labourer, King st. w. 

Police Office for the City, Market build 
ings, King street. 

Police Office for the District, Court 
House, King street. 

Pollock, Thos., gentleman, Lot st. west. 

Ponsonby, Michael, labourer, Wilmot s 

Popplewell, John, painter, 190 King st. 

Porritt, Thos., blacksmith, York st. 

Porritt, R., "boot and shoemaker, Jor 
dan street. 

Post-office, Duke street. 

Potts, George, tinsmith, March street. 

Potter s Field Burial Ground, Yonge st. 

Powell, Grant, judge of Home District 
Court, 58 Hospital street. 

Powell, John, attorney, office King st. 

Powell, Mrs., corner York and Front 

Powell, Mrs., housekeeper Parliament 

Power, John, Harp Tavern, Church st. 

Preston, Mrs. George, Lot street. 

Preston, Thomas J., tailor, 168 King st. 

Preston, Walter, tailor, Lot st. east. 

Prescott, Wm., carter, March street. 

Prescott, Wm., sr., labourer, March st. 

Presbyterian Chapel, Hospital street. 

Price, Joseph, yeoman, Yonge st. road. 

Price, Gr., sausage maker, Hospital st. 

Price, James H., attorney, 18 Yonge st. 

Priestman, Lythe, stonemason, York st. 

Primitive Methodist Chapel, Bay street. 

Proudfoot, Wm., president Bank of U. 
C.; residence, Duke street ; wholesale 
and retail store, 45 King street. 

Provincial Secretary and Registrar s 
office, Parliament buildings, Front st. 

Pullen, Hugh, small store, Yonge st. 

Purkiss, John, boat builder, James st. 

Queen d Head Tavern, Mrs. Patterson, 
Kingston road. 

Quinn, John, carter, Princes street. 

Quinn, John, weaver. Lot street east. 

Race Horse Inn, Robt. Howard, Church 

Radenhurst, John, chief clerk Surveyor 
General s office, Duke street. 

Radford, Joseph, carpenter, Kingston 

Ramsay, David, cooper, New street. 

Rankin, John, labourer, March street. 

Raper, John, steward on board Transit, 
Market street. 

Rapson, Wm., Cumberland Inn, 52 King 

Raynes, Charles, labourer, Park, near 

Raye, ., tavern keeper, Yonge st. road. 

Read, Samuel, publisher of Youth s 
Monitor, New street. 

Reardon, Donald, labourer, Park, near 

Receiver General s Office, Public Build 
ings, Front street. 

Red Lion Inn, T. Burns, Yonge st. rd. 

Red Lion Inn, W. Wallis, Market lane. 

Reed, Thomas, labourer, Maria street. 

Reed, ., clerk in Ferrin s store, King 

Rees, William, doctor, King street. 

Registry Office, 18 Newgate street. 

Reilly, Owen, labourer, Hospital street. 

Reid, H., bricklayer, Boul ton s block, 
Lot street west. 

Reid, Hugh, storekeeper and carpenter, 
Yonge street. 

Reid, John, steward, Osgoode Hall. 

Renshaw, Wm., shoemaker, Jordan st. 

Requests Office, Court House. 

Rennie, Alex., baker and confectioner, 
130 King street. 

Reynolds, Michael, printer, York street. 

Rice, Benjamin, Lot street west, Dun- 
das street. 

Richards, John, gardener, Yonge st. rd. 

Richardson, Capt. Hugh, 40 Front st. 

Richardson, Dr. Robert, 87 King st. 

Richardson, Rev. James, Bay street. 

Richardson, Thos., Blue Bell Inn, Lot 
street west. 

Riches, Samuel, carpenter, Lot st. w. 

Riddell, Thomas, baker, 80 King st. 

Ridout Brothers & Co., wholesale and 
retail ironmongers, and Birmingham, 
Sheffield and Wolverhampton ware 
house, 138 King street, corner of 
Yonge street. 

Ridout, George, attorney, Bay street. 

Ridout, Samuel, registrar of deeds, Lot 
street east. 

Ridout, Thos. G., cashier U. C. Bank. 

Ridout, John, attorney, 18 Newgate st. 

Ridout, Mrs. Mary, Duke street. 

Ridout, Edmund J., clerk King s Col 
lege Land office. 

Rigney, T., & Co., wholesale and retail 
comb manufactory and fancy store, 
165 King street. 

Ritchey, John, builder, 72 Newgate st. 



Rising Sun Inn, James Watson, New 
gate street. 

Roberts, Francis, labourer, Hospital st. 

Roberts, Joseph, Carpenter s Arms Inn, 
210 King street. 

Robertson, John, printer, 170 Lot. st. w. 

Robinson, Isaac, tailor, 191 King street- 
Robinson, Mrs., straw bonnet manufac 
turer, 191 King street. 

Robinson, the Hon. Peter, Front street. 

Robinson, the Hon. J. B., Chief Justice, 
Hospital street west. 

Robinson, James, labourer, Newgate st. 

Robinson, Mrs., Kingston road. 

Robinson, John, baker and confectioner, 
Yonge street road. 

Rob Roy Tavern, Alex. McGregor, 70 
Yonge street. 

Robson & Wilson, upholsterers and 
cabinet makers, 42 Yonge street. 

Robson, Mrs., provision store, Market, 

Roche, J. O., gentleman, King st. east. 

Rockinghain Arms Tavern, Samuel Tay 
lor, March street. 

Roddy, John, grocery store, 103 King 

Roddy, Joseph, labourer, March st. 

Roddy, Charles, carter, March street. 

Rogers, Joseph, hat manufacturer, 111 
King street. 

Rogers, Samuel, painter, 172 King st. 

Rogers, Wm., carpenter, Yonge st. 

Rogers, John F., printer, Albion office. 

Rolson, Wm., carpenter, Newgate st. 

Rolson, James, carpenter, Newgate st. 

Rolson, Thos., stonemason, Hospital st. 

Rolph, Dr. John, M.P.P for Oxford, 40 
Lot street. 

Rolph, Wm., labourer, Stewart s lane. 

Roman Catholic church, east of the city. 

Rose, Walter, second clerk. Receiver 
General s office, Lot street. 

Rose, John, bell-hanger, Hospital st. 

Roseberry, Joseph, Church street. 

Ross, David, storekeeper, New street. 

Ross, Capt. George, Duchess street. 

Ross, Wm., carpenter, Caroline street. 

Ross, George, carpenter, Lot street. 

Ross, Miss. Ladies School, Bishop s 
buildings, Newgate street. 

Ross, John, furnishing undertaker, New 
gate street west, corner of Peter st. 

Ross, John, cashier, Commercial Bank, 
207 King street. 

Ross, Donald, wines, groceries, etc., 
wholesale and retail, 149 King street. 

Ross, Wm. Chisholm, 149 King street. 

Ross & McLeod, dry goods store, 193 
King street. 

Ross, David, labrurer, New street. 

Ross, John, carpenter, John street. 

Rossi ter, James, Black Bull Inn, Lot 
street west. 

Rowand, Abraham, carpenter, Maria st. 

Rowed, Wm., carpenter, Hospital st. 

Rowe, Wm., gardener, Lot street, near 
Don bridge. 

Rowell, Robert, plasterer, Upper George 

Rowell, George, gentleman, New street. 

Rowell, Henry, brewer, New street. 

Rowell, Amos, labourer, Lot st. west. 
i Rowsell, Henry, bookseller and sta 
tioner, circulating library, King st. 
I Royal Engineer Office, John street. 

Roy, Joseph, painter, Caroline street. 

Roy, Thos., civil engineer, Peter street. 

Ruddock, Mrs., March street. 

Russell, Wm., Lot street west. 

Rutherford, Peter, stonemason, New st. 

Rutherford, Mrs., Richmond street. 

Rutherford, Alex., carpenter, 35 Lot st. 

Ryan, Thomas, Union Hotel, Market sq. 

Sampson, David, tailor, York street. 

Sanders, Thos., haircutter, Yonge street 
and Lot street. 

Sanderson, Wm., carter, 32 King st. 

Sanderson, Miss, dressmaker, 187 King 

Sandiland, Mrs., 18 King street. 

Savage, George, & Co., silversmiths and 
jewellers, 151 King street. 

Saxon & McKnight, wholesale dry goods 
store, Yonge street. 

Scadding, John, yeoman, on the Don. 

Scaling, John , saddler, Newgate street. 

Scallion, James, labourer, Richmond st. 

Scanlon, Owen, carter, Duchess street. 

Sceets, Nicholas, mould maker, 13 Lot 

Schofield, J. C., Farmer s Arms Inn, 
88 King street." 

Scholfield, Wm., plumber, painter, etc., 
King street west. 

Score, Richard, tailor, Duke street. 

Scotch Church, Church street. 

Scott, Mrs., King street west. 

Scott, Jonathan, butcher, Yonge st. 

Scott, Matthew, shoemaker, Caroline st. 

Scott? John, labourer, Hospital street. 

Scott, Adam, tailor, 180 King street. 

Scott, Robert, confectioner, 123 Kingst. 

Scott, Robert, carpenter, Dummer st. 

Scarle, Henry, Walnut place, King st. 

Secord, Stephen, teamster, Kingston rd. 

Secretary of Clergy Corporation, office 
public buildings, Front street. 

Secretary and Registrar of the Pro 
vince, offica publi:; buildings, Front st. 

Sergeant, George, bricklayer, Lot st. w. 

Sergeant, ., plasterer, Elizabeth st. 

Severn, John, brewer, Yonge st. road. 

Severs, James, labourer, Lot st. west. 

Sevens, James, assistant sexton Eng 
lish church. 

Sewers, Miss, milliner, York street. 

Sowell, Charles, watch and clockmaker, 
171 King street. 

Shannonhouse, James, saddler, at A- 
Dixon s, King street. 



Shannon, James, boot and shoemaker, 

113 King street. 

Shanklyn, Samuel, hatter, Yonge st. 
Shankland, .Robert, labourer, Newgate 


Sharp, Wm., carpenter, Elizabeth st. 
Sharp, Mrs., Spadina avenue. 
Sharp, William, boot and shoemaker, 

Yonge street road. 

Sharp, Luke, saddler, 115 King street. 
Sharp, Joseph, boot and shoemaker, 178 

King street. 

Shaw, Wm., carpenter, Richmond st. 
Shaw, Archer, cabinet maker, Upper 

George street. 
Shaw, Thomas watchmaker, at Ander 

son s, King street. 

Shaw, George, carpenter, Elizabeth st. 
Shaw, Samuel, cutler, 120 King street. 
Shaw, George, yeoman, Lot st. west. 
Shaw, Alex., yeoman, Lot st. west. 
Sheldon, Butcher & Co., foundry and 

steam engine factory, Yonge street. 
Shepherd, Paul, wood carver, Teraulay 

Shepard, Harvey, axe maker, Hospital 

Shepherd, Peter, brickmaker, Park, 

near the Windmill. 
Sherburn, Joseph, at Ketchum s, New 

gate street. 

Sheriff s Office, Court House, King st. 
Sherwood, Hon. Levius, P., one of the 

Puisne Judges of the Court of King s 

Bench, Yonge street road. 
Sherwood, Henry, M.P.P. for the town 

of Brockville, attorney, office Market 


Shields, Scott, carpenter, Market st. 
Shropshire, Charles, carpenter, Hospital 


Shore, Andrew, labourer, March st. 
Short, John, carpenter, 37 Lot street. 
Short, John, engineer, Duke street. 
Short & Connel, bakers, Duke street. 
Shuter & Paterson, wholesale and re 

tail china, glass and earthenware, 72 

King street. 
Shuttleworth, Misses, milliners, Upper 

George street. 
Sieber, Andrew, sausage maker, 106 

Newgate street. 
Sigsworth, John, wheelwright, Hospital 


Silver, John S., gardener, Spadina ave. 
Simms, Samuel J., carpenter, Hospital 

Simmons, Daniel, bricklayer, Spadina 


Simpson, Allan, bricklayer, Elizabeth st. 
Simpson, Robert, labourer, Hospital st. 
Simpson, Abraham, labourer, Lot st. w. 
Simpson, Alex., boot and shoemaker, 53 

Yonge street. 
Simpson, Wm., carpenter, Broad lane, 

York street. 

Skinner & Eastwood, paper manufac 
turers, Market square. 

Skillington, Thos., boot- and shoemaker, 
York street. 

Shillinglaw, Mrs., widow, Hospital st. 

Sleigh, John, butcher, Duke street. 

Sloan, George, groceries and provisions, 
York street. 

Small, James Edward, attorney, resi 
dence Duke street, office 237 King 
street west. 

Small, Charles Coxwell, Clerk of the 
Crown, Kingston road. 

Small, Mrs. Eliza, Duke street. 

Small, Wm., carpenter, 46 Lot street. 

Smart, Alex.<> boot and shoemaker, Yong 
street road. 

Smith, James F., groceries, wines and 
liquors, wholesale and retail, 141 King 

Smith, Charles, hair dresser, Church st. 

Smit^, Wm., Boultpn s block, Lot st. 

Smith, Ira, ^gunsmith, longe street. 

Smith, Wm., yeoman, Don bridge. 

Smith, Theophilus, at Lee s East York 

Smith, John Thomas, Dog and Duck 
Tavern, Market square. 

Smith, Thomas, shoemaker, Church st. 

Smith, John, waiter on Transit steam 
boat, Market street. 

Smith, Misses, Hospital street. 

Smith, John, tailor, York street. 

Smith, Wm., labourer, Broad lane. 

Smith, Wm., carpenter, Newgate st. 

Smith, Owen, tailor, Church lane. 

Smith, James, carter, Toronto street. 

Smith, ., boot and shoemaker, Eliza 
beth street. 

Smith, S. T., Inn, 14 King street. 

Smith, I. A., Yorkshire store, dry goods, 
114 King street. 

Smith, William Sampson, blacksmith, 
Kingston road. 

Smith, John, land agent, Kingston road. 

Smith, Edward, carpenter, Jarvis block. 
Duchess street. 

Snarr, John, plasterer, Upper George 

Snider, John, brickmaker, Berkeley st. 

Somerville, John, at the Gazette office, 
164 King street. 

Sower by & Little, blacksmiths, Lot at. 

Sparks, James, Park, near the Wind 

Spencer s Lancashire store, 108 Kingst. 

Spencer, Mrs., Lot street. 

Spence, James, carpenter, Hagerman s 
block, King street. 

Spragge, Wm., clerk in Surveyor Gen 
eral s office. 

Spragge, Joseph, master Central school, 
Lot street west. 

Spragge, J. G., attorney, office 28 New 
gate street, residence William street. 



Spragge, J. B., land agent, Chewett s 

buildings, King street. 
Spreull, Samuel, grocery, wine and 

spirit dealer, 201 King street. 
Sproatt, Henry, carter, 184 King street. 
Sproule, John, wholesale and _ retail 

grocer, wines and spirits, 53 King st. 
Stabback, Miss, milliner and dress 

maker, King street west. 
Stanley, David, tailor, Chewett s build 

ings, King street. _ 

Stanton, Robert, printer to the Kings 

Most Excellent Majesty, Upper Can 

ada Gazette office; general printer, 

stationer and bookbinder, 164 King 

street ; private residence, Peter st., 

top of Hospital street. 
Stanton, James, clerk Executive Coun 


Stanton, Win., 241 King street west. 
Stag Tavern, H. H. Clarke, Market sq. 
Staggs, Wm., gardener, Lot st. west. 
Staveley, John, tailor, 1C King street. 
Stead, George, boot and shoemaker, 115 

King street. 
Steamboat Inn, George Stephenson, Bay 

Steed, A., boot and shoemaker, 214 King 


Steed, Mrs., sta-ymaker, 214 King st. 
Steers, Thomas, Spadina avenue. 
Stegmann, George, groceries, wines, etc., 
hardware and dry goods, 66 King st. 
Steinson, Charles, Lot street west. 
Stenhouse, Peter, Blue Bonnet Tavern, 

Yonge street. 

Stennett, Wm., silversmith and jewel 
ler, 110 1-2 King street. 
Stephenson, Thomas, cabinet maker, . 

Yonge street. 
Stephenson, George, Steamboat Inn, on 

the Bay shore. 

Stevenson, John, Farmers and Mechan 
ics Hall, and saddler, Newgate st. 
Steward, ., carter, Dummer street. 
Steward, Wm., deputy collector cus 
toms, Carfrae place. 
Stewart, W. L., Royal Saloon, Church 


Stewart, Hugh, labourer Hospital 
Stewart, Alex., butcher, Elizabeth st. 
Stewart, Alex., carpenter, Newgate st. 
Stewart, Alex., fisherman, March st. 
Stewart, Henry, Bay street. 
Stewart, Alex., carpenter, Teraulay st. 
Stewart, Rev. Alex., Baptist minister, 

and house agent, 

76 Yonge street. 
Stewart, Robert, carpenter, March st. 
Btinson, Widow, Ontario street. 
Stinson, Edward, Dundas street. 
Stitt. James, high bailiff, Yonge 
Stone, Matthew, saddler, Church st. 
Stone, J., City Arms, Market lane. 
Stoue, Thos., carpenter, Richmond st. 

Stow, Mrs., Frederick street. 
Stow, ., clerk at the U. C. Bank. 
Stotesbury, Charles, candle and soap 

manufacturer, Newgate street. 
Strachan, Hon. and Ven. John, D.D., 

Archdeacon of York, 54 Front st. 
Strachan & Carey, attorneys, Chewett s 

buildings, King street. 
Strathy, John, land agent, King street. 
Strange, J. M., auctioneer and commis 
sion merchant, Yonge street. 
Street, Wm. W., clerk at the U. C. 

Street, T. S., student-at-law with W. 

H. Draper. 
Strong, John, boot and shoemaker, New 

Struthers, John, upholsterer, 235 King 


St. Lawrence Hotel, Market street. 
St. George and Dragon inn, Church st. 
Sullivan, Hon. Robert Baldwin, Duke 


Sullivan, Henry, doctor, 195 1-2 Kingst. 
Sullivan, Daniel, blacksmith, Yonge st. 
Sullivan, Jeremiah, blacksmith, Yonge 


Summers, Thos., carpenter, Ontario st. 
Summersides, Rev. Mr., Primitive 

Methodist minister, Bay street. 
Sun Tavern, corner of Lot and Yonge 


Surveyor General s Office, public build 
ings, Front street. 
Swallow, Wm., cabinet maker, Upper 

George street. 

Swann, Mrs., Upper George street. 
Swayne, John, tailor, Elizabeth street. 
Sweeney, Daniel, boot and shoemaker, 

March street. 

Sweeney, John, carter, New street. 
Sweeney, John, tailor, March street. 
Sweetman, Matthew, carpenter, March 


Swinburn, James, labourer, Church st. 
Switnum, Mrs., Upper George street. 
Sylvester, Peter, labourer, Kingston rd. 
Sylvester, Samuel, boot and shoemaker, 

45 Yonge street. 

Taff, Reuben, labourer, Newgate st. 
Tapscott, George, storekeeper, Kingston 


Tariff, Wm., moulder, James street. 
Thew, Wm., boat builder, Front street, 

Bay shore. 

Taylor, Warren, smith, 21 Lot street. 
Taylor, Mrs., grocery, Lot street west, 

near the Black Bull. 
Taylor, John, turner, Newgate street. 
Taylor, ., coach office, Front street. 
Taylor, Thomas Horatio, attorney, 1^1 

King street. 
Taylor, S. E., dry goods store, 1 

Taylo? John F., clerk in Legislative 
Council, Lot street west. 



Taylor, Samuel, Rockingham Arms, 
March street. 

Teevan, Michael, constable, Richmond 

Teevan, James, boot and shoemaker, 62 
King street. 

Telfer, Walter, doctor, 44 Newgate st. 

Telfour, Andrew, carpenter, Boulton s 
block, Lot street west. 

Temple, Captain, Peter street. 

Theatre Royal, King street west. 

Thomas, Samuel, saddler. Hospital st. 

Thomas, Francis, bell-hanger, Jordan st. 

Thomas, James, labourer, Duchess st. 

Thomas, James, tailor, Emporium of 
Fashion, 184 King street. 

Thomas, Thos., Crown and Anchor Tav 
ern, Yonge street. 

Thompson, Mrs., Lot street. 

Thompson, James, labourer, Dummer 

Thompson, James, boot and shoemaker, 
76 King street. 

Thompson, James, carter, Henrietta st. 

Thompson, Francis, boot and shoemaker, 
Kingston road. 

Thompson, Mrs., Yorkshire Arms Tav 
ern, Newgate street. 

Thompson, Win., shipbuilder, Front st. 

Thompson, John, joiner, York street. 

Thompson, Robert B., grocery and pro 
visions, 183 King street. 

Thompson, Thos., shoe warehouse, 185 
King street. 

Thompson, Thos. Samuel, Market st. 

Thorns, Win., carpenter, Spadina ave. 

Thorburn, Miss, Elizabeth street. 

Thome, Thos., bricklayer, Lot st. east. 

Thornhill, R. II., 1st cierk land office, 
Lot street wes_t. 

Thornton, Francis, labourer, Lot street 

Thornton, John, sawyer, Duke street. 

Tiffey, John, labourer, Yonge street. 

Tims, Doctor, Lot street west. 

Tims, Henry, carpenter, Peter street. 

Tinning, Richard, timber dealer, Front 
street, on the Bay shore. 

Tinsley, Jarvis, bricklayer, Newgate st. 

Todd, James, carpenter, Teraulay st. 

Todd, Henry Cook, gentleman, 35 New 
gate street. 

Tod, Andrew, clerk in land office. 

Tolfree, Joseph, painter, 16 Hospital st. 

Torance, John, boarding house, Front st. 

Toronto Inn, Yonge street. 

Toronto and Trafalgar Inn, Church st. 

Toronto Royal Saloon, Church street. 

Toronto Medical Laboratory, Joseph 
Beckett, King street west. 

Townsend, B. D., Colborne furnace 
warehouse, stoves, hollow ware, etc., 
Yonge street. 

Townsend, Samuel, carter, Market lane. 

Tost, Henry, blacksmith, Lot street. 

Tracy, Michael, tailor, Newgate street. 

Tracy, Andrew, shoemaker, March st. 
Trainor, Hugh, St. Lawrence Hotel, 

Market street. 

Treasure, J., shoemaker, York street. 
Treasurer s Office for the Home Dis 
trict, Court House. 
Trotter, James, storekeeper, corner of 

John and .uot streets. 
Truscott & Green, Agricultural Bank, 

Front street. 
Truss, M. B., boot and shoemaker, 

George street. 
Turley, Edward, yeoman, 4-mile Tree, 

Kingston road. 

Turnbull, Robert, ta/ilor, Stewart s lane. 
Turner, Enoch, brewer, Palace street, 

near the Windmill. 
Turner, John, boot and shoemaker, 

Newgate street. 
Turner, Alfred & Co., wine merchants, 

King street. 
Turner, Wm., porter at Murray, New- 

bigging & Co. 

Turner, James, bricklayer, New street. 
Turner, James, sr., brewer, March st. 
Turquand, B., 1st clerk Receiver Gen 
eral s office, Parliament buildings, 

east wing. 
Turreff, Wm., spirit and grocery store, 

10 Lot street. "" 

Turpin, Wm., painter, Yonge st. road. 
Turton, Joseph, builder, Lot st. west. 
Tuton, Richard, chemist and druggist, 

Chewett s buildings, King street. 
Tye, Timothy, shoemaker, Church lane. 
Tyerman, Wm., labourer, Market lane. 
Tyner, John, boot and shoemaker, 40 

King street. 
Tyrrell, Edward, waggon maker, King 

street east. 
Tyrrell, Wm., waggon maker, King at. 


Underbill, George, sheriff s bailiff, Court 

Union Hotel, Thos. Ryan, Market sq. 

Upper Canada Bank, Duke street. 

Urquhart, John, chemist, 87 King st. 

VanBaerle, Capt., 42 Front street. 

Vance, James, watch and clock maker, 
139 King street. 

Vansittart, John G., gentleman, Hos 
pital street. 

Vaux, Thos., clerk in House of Assem 
bly, Yonge street road. 

Veltenair & Co., pianoforte makers, 17 
Yonge street. 

Vollor, James, labourer, 20 Hospital st. 

Vollor, Richard, bricklayer, Elizabeth 

Vollor, Joseph captain, Lot street east. 

Wakefield, Charles, shoemaker, Kitson s 
buildings, King street. 

Wakefield, Wm., auctioneer and com 
mission merchant, 155 King street. 

Walker, George, merchant tailor, 125 
King street. 



Walker, Robert, shopman at Lawson s, 

187 King street. 

Walker, John, brewer, Spadina ave. 
Walker, Charles, tailor, Lot st. east. 
Walker, John, collector taxes, St. Pat 
rick s Ward. 

Walker, Lewis, carter, New street. 
Walker, William, messenger, Surveyor 

General s office. 
Wallace, John, boot and shoemaker, 

Newgate street. 

Wallis, John, mason, Lot street east. 
Wallis, Wm., Red Lion Inn, Market st. 
Wallis, Wm., cabinet maker and up 
holsterer, King street west. 
Walton, George, clerk of the Court of j 
Requests, notary public, Chewett s j 
buildings, King street ; office in the j 
Court House, King street. 
Walton, Mrs. Matthew, Newgate st. 
Ward, James, labourer, 7 Yonge st. 
Ward, ., printer. New street. 
Ward, Sheldon, brickmaker and mason, 

Berkeley street. 
NVarren, Wm., boot and shoemaker, 

Market lane. 

Ware, Wm., china, glass and earthen 
ware, spirits, wines and groceries, 
wholesale and retail, 110 King street. 
Washburn, Simon, attorney, clerk of the 
Peace for the Home District ; resi 
dence Duke street, office Court House. 
Wasnidge, Exors. &c., ironmongers, 70 

King street. 

Watkins & Harris, sign of anvil and 

sledge, ironmongers, wholesale and 

retail, 68 King street. 

Watkins, John, carter, Hospital street. 

Watson, Richard, sr., carpenter, 20 

King street east. 
Watson, Richard, jr., tinsmith, 6-1 King 

street east. 
AYatson, James, Rising Sun Tavern and 

tinsmith, Newgate street. 
.Watson, James, labourer, Stewart s 


Watson, James, carpenter, Lot st. w. 
Watson, Thos., boot and shoemaker, Lot 

street west. 
Watson, Richard, printer, Gazette ofuce, 

164 King street. 
Webb, Thos., boot and shoemaker, ] 

King street. 

Webb, Christopher, boot and shoe 
maker, Church street. 
Webster, Loron, printer, Broad lane, 

York street. 

Weeks, Samuel, druggist, 124 King st. 
Weir, Henry, boot and shoemaker, New 
gate street east. 
Wedd, ., College avenue. 
Weller, Wm., coach office, Front st. 
Wells, Lieut.-CoL, The Hon. Joseph, 

Davenport, near Spadina. 
Wells, George, student-at-law, Daven 
port, near Spadina. 

Welsh, Lawrence, provision store, March 


Welsh, Patrick, labourer, Church lane. 
Wesley, John, Neptune Inn, New st. 
Wesleyan Methodist Chapels, Newgate 

street and George street. 
Westland, James F., seed warehouse and 

store, 168 King street. 
West, John, Spadina avenue. 
Wheeler, Benson, butcher, 80 Yonge st. 
Wheeler, Mrs., Duke street. 
White, James, carpenter, Hospital st. 
White, Robert, labourer, Hospital st. 
White, John, turner, 4 Lot street. 
White, Isaac, bricklayer, James street. 
White, Wm., Yonga street road. 
White Lion inn, R. Matthews, March st. 
White Horse Tavern, John Nicholson, 

228 King street west. 
White Swan Tavern, Patrick Kane, 26 

Lot street. 
Whitlam, Thos., pump maker, Market 

Whitmore, Michael, Live and Let Live 

Tavern, 30 King street east. 
Whitney, P. F., cheap Irish store, 54 

King street. 

Whitesides, Arthur, Lot street east. 
Whitesides, \Vm., teamster, Spadina 


Widmer, Dr. Christopher, Palace st. 
Wightman & Co., straw bonnet ware 
house and dry goods, 153 King st. 
W T iggins, John, sailor, Market street. 
Wiggins, Simon, blacksmith, King st. w. 
Wigglesworth, Abraham, carpenter, 

Elizabeth street. 
Wiggs. Wm., general store. 
Wilcox, Leonard, Lot street west. 
Wiley, James, carpenter, Hospital st. 
Wilkinson, Christopher, carpenter, near 

Catholic church. 

Wilkinson, George, barber, 154 Kingst. 
William the Fourth Inn, John Harley, 

Market sruare. 
Williams & Vannatta, St. Lawrence 

Hotel, Market street. 
Williams, Reesor, blacksmith, Hospital 

cT T*ftG L 

Williams, Cornelius, toll-gate keeper, 

Lot street. 

Williams, Thos., labourer, York street. 
Williams, John, sawyer, Market lane. 
Williams, Mrs., provision store, 32 King 

Williams, Thos. 0., grocery store, 56 

King street. 

Williamson, Alexander Johnson, poet. 
Willard. Wm., carpenter Broad lane 
Willard, G. 13., Wragg & Co., 159 King 

wlllmott. II. E., cabinet maker, Peter -at. 
Willmott, Isaiah, York Recess, 1 

Avtllson Hill, constable, March street. 
Willoby, Win., coach builder, Yonge st. 



Wilson, John, waterman, Duke street. 
Wilson, Timothy, yeoman, Kingston rd. 
Wilson, John, mason, Lot street west. 
Wilson, John, carpenter, Broad lane, 

York street. 
Wilson, James, carpenter, Boulton s 

block, Lot street. 
Wilson, Stillwell, Golden Ball Inn, 

Yonge street. 

Wilson, Joseph, upholsterer, Yonge st. 
Wilson, James, labourer, George st. 
Wilson, John T., one of the masters, 

Central school, Yonge street road. 
Wilson, David, boot and shoemaker, 156 

King street. 
Wilson, James, boot and shoemaker, 156 

King street. 
Wilson, Alex., boot and shoemaker, 156 

King street. 
Wilson, John, boot and shoemaker, 217 

King street. 
Wilson, Hunter, brickmaker, Park, near 

the Windmill. 

Wilspn* John, boot and shoemaker, Hos 
pital street. 

Wilson, Mrs., Peter street. 
Wiman & ehanley, chairmakers, 194 

King street. 
Winder, Dr., Boulton s block, Lot street 


Wing, Mrs., York street. 
Winn, Misses, ladies school, York st. 
Winn, Michael, labourer, Market lane. 
Winslade, John, carpenter, Spadina ave. 
Wiseman, Howard, at Burke s auction 

mart, Richmond street. 
Wolstencroft, George, sexton, Potter s 
Field burial ground, Yonge st. road. 
Wood, Thos., labourer, 59 Yonge st. 
Wood, Mr., dentist, Newgate street. 
Wood, Alex., magistrate Home District, 

44 King street. 

Wood, Charles, labourer, Bay shore. 
Woods, Edward, bricklayer, Beverley st., 

Lot street. 

Woods, Richard, labourer, Market sq. 
Wordsworth, Richard, carpenter, 20 

Richmond street. 

Wright, John, carter, Lot street. 
Wright, Edward, Greenland Fishery 

Tavern, Front street. 
Wright, Thomas, grocery and provi 
sions, 167 King street. 
W T ragg & Co., sign of the Silver Mill 
Saw, ironmongers, wholesale and re 
tail, 159 King street. 
Wray, William, Yonge street road. 
York Auction Mart, \V. Wakefield, 155 

King street. 
York Recess, Isaiah Willmott, 100 King 


York Hotel, Monis Lawrence, King st. 

Yorkshire Arms Tavern, Newgate st. 
Young, Thos., architect and surveyor, 
54 Hospital street. 

Young, Walter, labourer, near the 

Catholic church. 
Young & Warren, milliners, 30 Lot st. 

These names have been arranged for 
The Landmarks in streets according to 
the address given in the Directory, but 
there is no " street key " in the book 
itself, simply the alphabetical list given 
preceding. They run thus : 



! Morrison, George, carpenter. 
Woods, Ed., bricklayer. 



Lyness, Richard, lath render. 
Lyness, Kennedy, lath render. 
Snider, John, brickmaker. 
Ward, Sheldon, briekmiker and mason. 

(Unnumbered.) . 

Boyd, John, Classical and Commercial 


Brewer, Richard, tobkbinder. 
Carfrae, Hugh. 
Cassidy, Patrick, carter. 
Charters, James, labourer. 
Crisp, Thomas. 
Dell, Alex., working tanner. 
Dell, Win., boot and shoe maker. 
Do2l, John, brewer. 
Farrell, Patrck, carpenter. 
Gilbert, E. B., cabinetmaker. 
Grant, Alex., attorney. 
Harris, Rev. M.., minister Scotch church. 
Mercer, Andrew, issuer of marriage 


McCo-mack, Robert, working tanner. 
Patrick, William P., clerk in House of 


Primitive Methodist chapel. 
Riofaardeota, Rev. James. 
Rido iit, George, attorney. 
Stewart, Henry. 
Summersides, Rev. Mr., minister Primi 

tive Methodist. 


Connell, Richard, labourer. 
Groundrill, Richard, carter, Milburn s 


Herson, Michael, fisherman. 
Stephenson, Geo., Steamboat Inn. 
Thew, Wm., boat-builder. 
Tinning, Richard, timber dealer. 
Wood, Charles, labourer. 
Neeson, Michael, fisherman, Milburn s 


Fenwi-jk, widd.v, mistress of College 
Boarding Plouse. 



Brayley, Henry, clerk. 

Daly, Charles, clerk. 

King s College, to be built at end of 

College avenue. 
Ridout, Edmund J., clerk Kings Gol- 

lega Land Office. 
Wedd, William. 


District Court. 

Court ot" Requests Office. 

Clerk ot the Peace Office. 

Metcalt, Thos., bailiff Court of Re 

Morrison, J. C., student-o-t-law with S. 

Police Office for District. 

Requests Office. 

Sheriff s Office. . 

Treasurer s Office for Home District. 

Underbill, George, sheriff s bailiff. 

Washburn, Simon, attorney. 

Bishop, Paul, blacksmith. 

Chesney, Mrs. 

Clendinning, R. W., printer. 

Heward, Henry, clerk District Court. 

Joslin, Daniel, bricklayer. 

King, Win., butcher. 

Maulson, Wm., labourer at Lynch s 


Ross, Wm., carpenter. 
Roy, Joseph, painter. 
Scott, Matthew, shoemaker. 


Steward, Wm., Deputy Collector of Cus 


Anderson, Thomas, carter. 
Battle, John, storekeeper. 
Bell, James, Toronto and Trafalgar Inn. 
Botsford, D-, Ontario House Inn, Mar 
ket and Church streets. 
Brown s wharf, foot of Church street. 
Crawford, Joshua, baker. 
Dunlop, Thos., Auld Lang Syne Tavern. 
English, Sam, Duke of York Inn. 
Evans, Richard, small store. 
Fairbanks, Levi, watchmake * 
Fairbanks, Mrs., milliner. 
Firemee s Hall. 
Fleming, John, constable. 
Foley, James, mariner. 
Fury, Thos., Peacock Inn. 
Geddes, Adam, tailor. 
Hamilton, James. Chamelion Tavern. 
Henderson, Geo., Edinburgh Castle tav 

Hamilton, Wm., bootmaker. 
Henderson, Hugh, Albion Tavern, 
"lenry, James, auctioneer, 
rloward, Robt., Race Horse Tavern, 
rloward, Ed., carter. 
Jessopp, Henry, bootmaker. 
Macaulay, Rev. Mr., District school. 
Matthews, Henry, carter. 
Munro, Geo., George and Dragon Inn. 
McCracken, Wm., bootmaker. 
Partington, Mrs., small grocery. 
Peel, James. 

Power, John, Harp Tavern. 
Roseberry, Joseph. 
Scotch church. 
Smith, Charles, hairdresser. 
Smith, Thos., shoemaker. 
Stewart, W. L., Royal Saloon. 
Stone, Matthew, saddler. 
Swinburn, James, labourer. 
Toronto Royal Saloon. 
Webb, Christopher, boot and shoe 


Anchor Inn. 

Brothers, Joseph, labourer 
Dolan, John, sailor. 
Elh ott, widow. 
Gray, Jamas, labourer. 
Hayes, Patrick, blacksmith. 
McLean, Mrs. 
Smith, Owen, tailor. 
Tye, Timothy, shoemaker. 
Welsh, Patrick, labourer. 
Catholic church, east of the city. 
Maddan, S., Antrim Inn. 
Maddan, Patrick, Antrim Inn. 
McDonough, Rev. Mr., of the Catholic 


Wilkinson, Christopher, carpenter. 
Young, Walter, labourer, near. 

Fenneli, John, labourer. 
Mayhew, Charles, labourer. 
McTamany, Ed., labourer. 
Price, Benjamin D., Lot street west. 
Stinson, Edward. 


Fox, Henry, bricklayer. 
1 Scadding, John, yeoman. 


De Grassi, A. 


Place, Elias, grocery store, etc. 
Smith, Wm., yeoman. 


Grimes, Geo., carpenter. 
Kerr, Joseph, labourer. 
Scott, Robert, carpenter. 



Steward, carter. 
Thompson, Jas., labourer. 


Bank of Upper Canada. 

Birchall, T. W., managing director B. A. 
F. A. Co. 

Black, Thos., carpenter. 

British American Insurance Office. 

Briggs, Robert, carpenter. 

Broake, Daniel, gentleman. 

Campbell, Lady. 

Carroll, Nathaniel, carpenter. 

Connell, James, Baker. 

Felstead, George, gardener. 

Gill, Win., boot and shoemaker. . 

Graham, Bradshaw, gentleman. 

Hopkins, Benjamin, sailor. 

Howard, J. S., postmaster. 

Hutehinson, John, blacksmith. 

Hutehinfon, widow. 

Kennedy, Mrs. 

Lamontaine, Chas., blacksmith. 

Lampoon, John, teamster. 

Latham, Jacob, builder. 

Murray, M. D., gentleman. 

Paisley, Thos., labourer. 

Po t-office. 

Proadfoot, Wm., president Bank U. C., 
residence Duke street. 

Radenhurst, John, chief clerk Surveyor- 
General s Office. 

Ridout, Mrs. Mary. 

Score, Richard, tailor. 

Short, John, engineer. 

Short & Connel, bakers. 

Sleigh, John, butcher. 

Small, Mrs. Eliza. 

Sullivan, Hon. Robert Baldwin. 

Thornton, John, sawyer. 

Washburn, Simon, attorney. 

Wikon, John, waterman. 


Parkinson, Reuben, wheelwright. 


Barnes, Robert, butcher. 
Boidy, James, labourer. 
Burial Ground, Presbyterian. 
Clark, John, tailor. 
Clinkunbroomer, J., tailor. 
Conlin, Patrick, labourer. 
Cornwall, John, labourer. 
Dears, John, bricklayer. 
Ferguson, Joseph, labourer. 
Forbes, Sam, butcher. 
Hand, B., labourer. 
Harland, Jeh?a, tailor. 
Henderson, Patrick, labourer. 
Henderson, Patrick. 
Kendrick, Andrew, carpenter. 
Kliser, Jarob, watchmaker. 
Lang, John, plasterer. 

! Maddan, Jas., labourer. 

Messenger, Mark, brickmaker. 

Mitchell, Mrs. 

Molloy, Mrs. 

J McMannus, John, labourer. 
| McMasters, James, labourer. 

Perry, James, blacksmith. 

Pettitt, Wm., labourer. 

Ross, Capt. George. 

ScanlOn, Owen, carter. 

Smith, Ed., carpenter, Jarvis block. 

Thomas, Jas., labourer. 


(Near Spadina.) 

Wells, Lieut.-Col., the Hon. Joseph. 
Wells, George, student-at-law. 



Adamson, Richard, carpenter. 
Andrews, Goerge, boot maker. 
Bell, John, carter. 
Blachford, Daniel, igentleman. 
Bower, Joseph, carpenter. 
Boyce, Richard, labourer. 
Bugg, John, carpenter. 
Child, John, joiner. 
Cody, Mary. 
Finch, Wm., carpenter. 
Flinn, James, carpenter. 
Gibson, John, ibrioklayer. 
Harper, John, carpenter. 
Hill, John, labourer. 
Humphrey, Josiah, carpenter. 
McClonchie, John, labourer. 
McLeod, Thomas, painter. 
Sergeant. , plasterer. 
Sharp, William, carpenter. 
Shaw, George, carpenter. 
Simpson, Allan, bricklayer. 
Smith, , boot and shoemaker. 
Stewart, Alex., butcher. . 
Swayne, John, tailor. 
Thorburn, Miss. 
Vollor, Richard, bricklayer. 
Wigglesworth, Abraham, carpenter. 


Canada Company s office. 
Cameron, John, M. A., C. C. office. 
Cawthra, Joseph, merchant, Palace and 

Cawthra. Wm., merchant, Palace and 

Cull, Edward Lefroy, clerk Canada 

Company s office. 
Clunie, David, Baird, clerk Canada 

Company s office. 
Gait. Thomas, clerk Canada Company s 


Groves, John, Canada Co. s office. 
McDonald, John, dep. surveyor C. C. 

Stow, Mrs. 

Clarke, P. T., discount clerk. 




Exchange Office, Truscott & Co 26 

Buchanan Isaac, general wholesale 

merchant 28 

Ewart, John 

Bernard, H. G., horse dealer 

McDonald, Archibald, Avharfinger... 36 

Richardson, Capt. Hugh 40 

Van Baerle, captain 42 

Macaulay, The Hon. J. B., Puisine 

judge, N.B 52 

Coffin, Col. N., Adjutant-General 

Militia 60 

Crookshank, Hon. George 70 


Agricultural Bank. 

Amos, S. 

Baldwin, Dr. W. W. 

Atorney-Genr .ral s office, Parliament 

Barnett, E. 

Bsikie, John, clerk Executive Council. 

Botsford, J. D., blacksmith, on bay 

Bicket, James, gentleman, at Isaac 
Buchanan s. 

Bond, Richard, labourer, Milburn s 

Bonnycastle, Capt. R. H., F. st., near 

Brooke, Philip, gentleman. 

Browne, Jas., wharfinger. *r 

Campbell, Wm., North American Hotel. 

Carfrae, Thomas, Collector of Customs. 

City Hotel, late Steamboat. 

Collector of Customs, Thos Carfrae. 

Collins, John, waiter, North American 

Commissariat Officer, near the Garrison. 

Council Executive Chambers, Parlia 
ment buildings, 

Court of King s Bench, Parliament 

Cressell. Edward, issuer Com t Dept. 

Crown Office, Parliament buildings. 

Cull, Jas., jr., gentleman. 

Customs House. 

Durnan, John, Front street, near Gar 

Durnford, Philip, clerk Surveyor-Gen 
eral s office. 

A. B. Hawke, superintendent Emigrant 
Office, Parliament buildings. 

Executive Council Office, Parliament 

Foot, Francis K., Assessment Commis 

Fozard, Wm., labourer, Bay shore. 

Francis, J., City Toronto Tavern. 

Freeland, P., eoap anl candle factory. 

Government Offices, Parliament build 
Granthan, John, Old British Coffee 


Hawkins, Andrew, Government mes 

Heneleigh, J., cashier Truscott Co. s 

Hickman, Wm., barber. 

Kurd, S. P., captain, near Garrison. 

Hutcheson, J., City Hotel. 

Inspector-General s Office, Parliament 
i buildings. 

Jones, Thos., M., commissioner Canada 

Judges Chambers, Public buildings. 
King, John W., M.D., cor. George. 

Lynch, John, cow keeper. 

Murfit, John, labourer, on Bay. 

McKeever, boarding house. 

Packer, Samuel, fisherman. 

Provincial Secretary and Registrar s 
Office, Parliament buildings, Front st. 

Receivers-General s Office, Public build 

Robinson, Hon. Peter. 

Secretary of Clergy Corporation s Office, 
Public buildings. 

Secretary and Registrar of the Pro 
vince Office, Public buildings. 

Spragge, "Win., clerk in Surveyor-Gen 
eral s office. 

Stanton, Jas., Clerk Executive Council. 

Surveyor -General s Office, Public build 

Thew, Wm., boat builder. 
i Taylor, coach office. 

Thompson. Wm., shipbuilder. 

Tinning, N., timber dealer. 

Torance, John, boarding housv.. 

Truscott & Green, Agricultural Bank. 

Turquand. B., first clerk Receiver-Gen 
eral s office. 

j Walker, Wm., messenegr, Surveyor- 
General s office. 

Weller, Wm., coach office. 

Wright, Edward, Greenland Fishery 


Myers, W. A. C., printer. 


(West of city.) 

Nesbitt, Francis, carpenter, near. 


I Blighton, John, labourer. 
| Burton, William, labourer. 
I Cryan, Thomas, tailor. 
Goodman, Mrs. 
I Lowry, John, Ixjotmaker. 
Murchison & Co., tailors. 

McCord, Andrew, city chamberlain. 

McCord, Misses, ladies school. 

McMannis, ., cooper. 

Truss, M. B., bootmaker. 

Wilson, James, labourer. 


Anderson, Adam, bookbinder. 

Bosworth, Morris, carpenter. 

Bell, John, waggon maker. 

Brown, John, labourer. 



Bullivar, John, bricklayer. 

Carlos, James, boarding house. 

Davidson, Rev. Mr., Wesleyan minister. 

Farrell, John., carter. 

Farrell, Joseph, labourer. 

Johnston, Hugh, bricklayer. 

London, William, labourer. 

Orr, William, baker. 

Rowell, Robert, plasterer. 

Shaw, Archer, cabinet maker. 

Shuttle-worth, Misses, milliners. 

Snarr. John, plasterer. 

Swallow, William, cabinet maker. 

Swann, Mrs. 

Switnum, Mrs. 


Owens, John, labourer 4 

Murphy, William, gentleman 6 

Carlisle, George, baker 12 

Tolfree, Joseph, painter 16 

Hudson, Phineus, tailor 18 

Vollor, James, labourer 20 

Anderson, William, carpenter 26 

Longmore, James, printer 28 

Crowthers, Miss 30 

Martin, Joseph, African chapel 40 

Ferguson, AndreAv, bootmaker ; 
Hunt, Thomas, lalxmrer ; Farley, 
Samuel, lalx>urer ; Owens, Richard, 

carpenter 42 

Crispin, Richard, carter and grocery 

store 44 

Young, Thomas, architect and sur 
veyor 54 

Powell, Grant, Judge Home District 
Court 56 


Adams, Samuel, labourer. 
Auldjo, R. G., Government messenger. 
Barker, Mrs., widow. 
Bearcroft, John, gardener. 
Beatty, John Rev., Methodist minister. 
Boyd, widow. 

Brewer, William, blacksmith. 
Brooke, Richard, yeoman. 
Carter, Richard, carpenter. 
Chapel Presbyterinn United Synod. 
Chapel, Coloured People s. 
Chief Justice of Upper Canada. 
Clark, John, veterinary surgeon. 
Clark, Mrs., straw bonnet maker. 
Conway, James, labourer. 
Deval, William, labourer. 
Donaldson, George, carpenter. 
Duncan, Robert, tailor. 
Ferris, Mrs., boarding house. 
Fitzgerald, Denis, captain. 
Furnis, Joseph, carpenter. 
Gondy, George, labourer. 
Harper, Richard, carpenter builder. 
Harrison, Simon, bookbinder. 
Heathcote, George, gentleman. 
Hugh?s, James, carter. 
Hutch inson, Thomas, carter. 

; James, Robert, drover. 

Infant School. 

Iredale, Ishmael. 

Jobbitt, Joseph, carpenter. 

Johnston, Mrs. Almira 

Kitson, Daniel, shoemaker. 

Lynn, widow. 

Mabbitt, Janffs, blacksmith. 

Manuel, Joseph, carter. 

Morris, Ed., gardener. 

McCorinack, Robert, labourer. 

McDonald, Malcolm, bricklayer. 

Nixon, widow. 

Owens, Robert, labourer. 

Paps, Jacob, labourer. 

Patterson, Mrs. 

Pearson, Joseph, cabinet maker. 

Phipps, Thos., crier Court of King 

I Platt, George, sheriff s bailiff. 

Presbyterian chapel. 

Price, George, sausage maker. 

Reilly, Owen, labourer. 

Roberts, Francis, labourer. 
j Rolson. Thomas, stonemason. 
! Rose, John, bell hanger. 
I Rowed, William, carpenter. 

Scott, John, labourer. 

Shepard, Harvey, axe maker. 

Shropshire, Charles, carpenter. 

Sigsworth, John, wheelwright. 

Simms, Samuel J., carpenter. 

Simpson, Robert, labourer. 

Shilling-law, Mrs., widow. 

Smith. ?vT-<ss"s. 

Stewart, Hugh, labourer. 

Tnomas, Samuel, sadiiiv-r. 

Vansittart, John G., pentleman. 

Watkins, John, carter. 

White, James, carpenter 

White, Robert, labourer. 

Wiley, James, carpenter. 

Williams, Reesor, blacksmith. 
i Wilson, John, bootmaker. 


Burns, David, boot maker. 

Hanaven, James, labourer. 

Hector, Thomas. 

Phipps, Mrs., milliner. 

Robinson, Hon. J. B., chief justice. 

Bell, Aensas, principal messenger. 


Duggan, Dennis, labourer. 

Field, Robert, livery stables. 
, Lyons, Danie], labourer. 
I Matthew, Henry, labourer. 

Mitchell, Rody, labourer. 

Morne, Robert, labourer. 

Morrow, Robert, labourer. 

Thompson, James, carter. 

(Unnumbered. ) 

Clinkunbroomer, Exaverus, mason. 



Graham, Win., carpenter. 
Hickley, Mrs. 

JIushen, Patrick, labourer. 
Kennedy, Wm., gentleman. 
Peterson, John, butcher. 
Purkiss, John, boat builder. 
Tariff, Wm., moulder. 
White, Isaac, bricklayer. 

(Unnumbered ) 

Balfour, George, tailor. 
Clark, Richard, bootmaker. 
Fennell, John, bootmaker. 
Gibson, Andrew, tinsmith. 
Hart, John, painter. 
Haythorn, Thos., tailor. 
Heenan, David, labourer. 
McDonald, John, labourer. 
McMullin, James, labourer. 
Porritt, R.. boot and sho=>. maker. 
Renshaw, Wm., shoemaker. 
Tnomas, Francis, bell-nanger 

(Unnumbered. ) 
Blake, Hume, student-at-law. 
Black, James, labourer. 
Mullin, James, carpenter 
Ross, John, carpenter. 
Royal Engineer Office. 
Trotter, James, storekeeper, cor. John 
and Peter streets. 


Anderson, Thomas, watchmaker 1 1 

Smith, S. T., inn 14 j 

Staveley, John, tailor 16 1 

San/diland 18 j 

Patrick, David, labourer 20 

Legge, Alex., grocery store!, wines 22 
Watson, R., sen., carpenter; Feehan, 

George, labourer 26 

Kidd, James, bricklayer 28/ ( 

Whitmore, M., "Live and Let Live" 

tavern 30 

Cattermole, George, \vatchmaker 31 

Williams, Mrs., provision store; San 
derson, William, carter 32 

Lumsden, Mrs., provision store 33 

Burnside, Alex., do3tor 34 

Johnston, James, bootmaker 35 

Hill, Misses, milliners; Hill, Samuel, 

carpenter 38 

Smith, Theophilus; Lee s East York 
store; Lee, Joseph, East York 

store 39 

Tyner, John, bootmaker 40 

Baldwin, John S 42 

Wood, Alex., magistrate home dis 
trict 44 

Proudfoot, William, wholesale store 45 j 

McKay, Alex., dry goods store.... 46 j 

Gamble, Clarke, attorney 47 1 

McKay.. Robert W. R., grocery store 48 j 

Blain, Wm., boot and shoe* maker... 49 
Rapson, William, Cumberland Inn... 52 
Sproule, John, grocery wines whole 
sale and retail 53 

Whitney, P. F 55 

Williams, Thomas 0., grocery store... 56 

Armstrong & Beatty, shoemakers 57 

Denholm, George, dry goods store... 58 
Kirkup, William, tinsmith; Foster , 
Thomas, carter; Foster, William! 

carter 59 

Masterson, H. C., auctioneer GO 

Duggan, G., merchant, coroner; 
Duggan, Thomas, doctor; Duggan,, 

John O., student at law 61 

Teevan, James, bootmaker 62 

Monro, George, importer wholesale 

British and India goods 63 

Watson, Richard, jun., tinsmith; 

Jackes, William, baker 64 

Brent, J. W., apothecary drug-gist 65 
Stegmann, Geo., groceries, dry goods, 

etc 66 

Burnham, Silas, genera/ merchant... 67 

Watkins & Harris, ironmongers; 

Harris, T. D., ironmonger 68 

Burke & O Neil, auctioneers 69 

Wasnidge, Exors, ironmongers 70 

Shuter & Paterson, Avhoksald ani re 
tail china, glass 72 

Thompson, James, boot and shoe 
maker; Meighan, Robert, store 
keeper 76 

Hawke, Robert, general clothing es 
tablishment 77 

Codd, Mrs., dry goods store 78 

Moore, T., Crown Inn; Moore/, Thos., 
merchant tailor; Milburn, Thomas, 

general store 79 

Murray, Newbigging & Co.; Turner, 
William, porter at Murray, New 
bigging & Co s 80 

Mathers, James, merchant tailor 81 

Murray, Newbigging, general whole 
sale and retail merchants 82 

Arthurs, William, merchant 83 

Cosway, Robert, general store 84 

Atkinson, saddler 85 

Riddell, Thomas, baker 86 

Urquhart, John, chemist; Richard 
son, Roliert, doctor; Lang, Dr., 

Medical Hall 87 

Schofield, J. C., Farmers Arms Inn; 
Farmers Arms Inn, J. C. Scho 
field 88 

Glassco, Thomas, sen., bootmaker 89 

Farmers Arms Inn, J. C. Schofield 90 

Foster, James, bootmaker 

Paull, J., All Nations Tavern 92 

Fo3ter, Jam;s, bootmaker 93 

Platt, Sam 94 

Lysett, John, bootmaker 

Cary, N., barber W 

Willmott, Isaiah, York Recess 100 

O Beirne, M. J., clothing sLorc ...... 101 



O Neill, P. J., cabinet maker; Ed- 
woods, W. H., barber 102 

Roddy, John, grocery store 103 

Evans, Samuel, general clothing 
warehouse 104 

Craig & Potts, copper and tinsmiths 105 

Reed, ., clerk in Perrin s store; 

Per r in & Co., dry goods store; 
Cook, Mr. and Mrs., portrait pain 
ters 106 

McGlashan, Andrew, tanner; Hugill, 
John 107 

Spencer s Lancashire store; Heron, 
George, hair cutter 108 

Parsons, Timothy, straw bonnet 
house; Mechanics Institute Li 
brary 1081-2 

Bell, Thomas, merchant 109 

Moore, John, wheelwright; Webb, 
Thomas, bootmaker 110 

Stennett, William, jeweller; LessKe, 
& Sons, booksellers, etc 1101-2 

Duggan, George, jun., attorney; 
Rogers, Jcssph, hat manufacturer; 
Duggan, John, student at law Ill 

Christie, Alex., hardware store 112 

Shannon, Jas., boot and shoemaker; 
Croft, Edward, bootmaker 113 

Smith, J. A., dry goodj, Yorkshire 
store 114 

Stead, George, boot and shoemaker; 
Sharp, Luke, saddler 115 

Paterson, P., & Sons t ironmongers, 
wholesale and retail 116 

Badenach, William, grocer 117 

Hamilton, Alex, looking-glass maruur 
facturer, gilder, etc 118 

Clinunbroomer, Charles, watch 
maker 119 

Shaw, Samuel, cutler 120 

Taylor, Thomas Horatio, attorney... 121 

Lapsley, William, general store 122 

Scott, Robert, confectioner; Bell, 

John, attorney 123 

Weeks, Sam, druggist; Elmsi, Ed., 

hatter 12-1. 

Walker, George, tailor 125 

Phair, Williun, market clerk; March, 

William, boot warehouse 126 

Old Country Man Inn; Chisholrm, 
Alex., tavern 127 

Phair, Wm., Bull s Head Inn 129 

Rennie, Alex., baker, confectioner... 130 

Ellah, John, dry gootls 132 

Glassco, Thos., jun.,, hatter 133 

Ellah, John, dry goods 134 

Ferrier, Robert, baker 135 

Heughen, Joseph, hair cutter and 

perfumer 130 

Griffith, Thomas, bootmaker 137 

Ridout Bros. & Co., wholesale and re 
tail ironmongers 138 

Vance, James, watchmaker 139 

Ware, William, chinat groceries, 
wines, etc., wholesale and retail... 1-;0 

Smith, James F., groceries, wines, 
etc ........................................... 

Charles, James, importer British 
goods ............................................. 

Musson, William, tin plate worker... 

McElderry, Ed., wholesale and retail 
dry goods ................................. 

Erskine, Alex., confectioner ............ 

Northcote, Richard, grocery store... 

Cathcart, Robert, general dry goods 
store, depository Tract and Bible 
Society ....................................... 

Higgins, William, high constable ... 

Ross, William Chisholm; Ross, Don 
ald, groceries, wines, wholesale and 
retail ...................................... v - 

Savage, George & Co., jeweller.^, sil 
versmiths ....................................... 

Wighfmaji & Co., straw bonnet ware 
house ............................................. 

Wilkinson, George, barber ............... 

Wakefield, Wm., auctioneer, York 
Auction Mart ................................. 

Wilson, David, bootmaker; Wilson), 
James, bootmaker; Wilson, Alex., 
bootmaker .................................... 

Beatty, John, jun. k at Armstrong s; 
Armstrong, J. R., dry goods mer 
chant ....................................... 

j Hetherington, George, chairmaker... 

Wragg & Co., ironmongers, whole 
sale and retail, sign of silver mill 
saw, Willard, G. B., Wragg & Co... 

Coates, Wm. J., job printing office... 

Dick, Mrs., milliner; McClure, Robt., 
auctioneer; Benjamin Bros., im 
porters dry goods ........................... 

O Reilly, W. H., attorney .................. 

Bryce, Buchanan & Co., dry goods... 

Stanton, Robert, printer to the 

King s most excellent Majesty, 

U. C. Gazette office; Somarville, 

John, at the Gazette office; Wat 

son, R., printer, Gazette office... 

i Rigney, T. & Co., wholesale and re 

tail comb manufacturer and fancy 

store .......................................... 

Henderson, Ed., tailor ..................... 

j Wright, Thomas, groceries and pro 
visions .......................................... 

! Preston, Thos. J., tailor; Brewer, 
R., bookbinder; Westland, J., seed 
warehouse .................................... 

McMurray, Thos., watchmaker ......... 

! Sewell, Charles, watch and clock 
maker .......................................... 

j Rogers, Samuel, painter; Knotty 
Elizabeth, widow ........................... 

Jex, Robert, confectioner ............... 

Bostwick, Lardner, gentleman; Bost- 
wick, George, gentleman ............... 

; Hall, Miss, milliner; Hardy, Charles, 
clerk at Beatty s; Beatty, James, 
British woollen warehouse ............ 

Sharp, Joseph, boot and shoemaker; 





















Lewis, Alex., grocer; Augustus, i College L^nd Office 222 

William, dyer 178 Jacques, John, cabinet maker; 

Dixon, Joseph; Dixon, Alex., British Fremh, Ri:hird, chur maker; Bar- 

saddlery 179 

Scott, Adam, tailor 180 

Taylor, S. E., dry goods store 181 

Connell, Mrs., muff maker and clean 
er; Connell, Wm., engraver; Ford, 

Robert, carpenter 182 

Thompson, Robert B., grocer 183 

Patron, Henry, bootmaker; Sproatt, 
Henry, carter; Lane & McDonell, 
land age.nts; Thomas, J., tailor, 

ron, George, Loot maker 223 

Grierson, Major, 15th Regiment 226 

McKenzie, John, groceries, wines... 227 
White Horse Tavern, by John. Nichol 


Craig, John, portrait and house 


painter 229 

Dalton, Thomas, editor and proprie 
tor Patriot newspaper 23J 

Struthers, John, upholsterer 235 

fashion" emporium 184 i Maxwell, ., musician; Maxwell, 

Thompson, Thomas, shoe warehouse 185 j Wm., gentleman; Latham, Henry, 

Nicholl, George, tailor 180 j student at law; Small, James Ed., 

Walker, Robert, shopman at Law- attorney 237 

eon s; Sanderson, Ms 3, dressmaker; 
Lawson s general clothing estab 
lishment 187 

Esmonde, John, tinsmith 188 

Stanton, William 241 


Popplewell, John, painter; Cope, | Bevan, John, cooper. 

William, painter 190 j Burns Tavern, T. Garlick. 

Robinson, Mrs., straw bonnet manu- | Dart, W. B., grocery store, carpenter. 

facturer; Robinson, Isaac, tailor; j Davis, Wm., Cavan Arms. 

Mills, Jo m, hatter; 191 i Hay, John, boarding house, No. 10. 

Martin, Joseph, bricklayer; Green- j Kent, Mrs., No. 5. 

up, Henry; grocery and provision I Lawrence, Morris, York Hotel. 

store 192 | Marion, widow. 

Ross & McL^od, dry goods store 193 j Moore, Joseph, bootmaker. 

Wiman & Chanley, chair makers ... 194 j Moseley, Henry M., auctioneer. 
Laurie, A. & Co., wholesale and re- i Moseley, John, clerk in U. C. Bank. 

tail dry goods 195 j McFarlane, James, tailor. 

Baldwin, R., Front street office; i O Heche, James, gentleman. 

Sullivan, Henry, doctor 195 1-2 ! Pearse, Samuel, turner. 

Carswell, John, watchmaker 196 Rcche, J. O., gentleman. 

Ogilvie, Alex., groceries , wines; Tyrrell, Ed., waggon maker. 

Baker, Job, King Alfred Tavern ... 197 

Baker, Job, King Alfred Tavern 198 

Paterson, P., jun^ dry goods mer- 

Tyrrell, Wm., waggon maker. 

chant; Connack & Co., wholesale ! Carpenter, James, provision store. 

and retail dry goods 199 ; Cleaver, Chas., chandler. 

Spreull, Sam, groceries,, wines; Hart i College, Upper Canada. 

& Co., wholesale commission mer- j Dewson, Dr. 

chants 201 i Dunlcp, Thomas, tailor. 

Osborne, Misses, milliners; Osborne, Dupuy, H., manager Farmers Joint 

William, land agent 203 Stock Bank. 

Leslie, William 201; Evans, Miller & Co., coach builders. 

Ross, John, cashier Commercial j Farmers S ock Banking Co. office. 

Bank; Bank, Commercial, of Mid- I Government Office, opposite college. 

land district 207 j Governor s residence, opposite college. 

Forbes, Henry, grocery store; Platt, i Hamilton, James, land agent. 

Thomas, grocery store 209; Harris, Wm., prccery store. 

Roberts, Joseph, Carpenter s Arms Hincks, F., bookkeeper Farmers Bank. 

Ian 210 Holmes, Spears & Co., whl. merchants. 

Baker, John, Black Swan Tavern 211 [ Hospital. 

Steed, A., boot and shoemaker; Steedf, Joseph, John, Esq., private secretary 

Mrs., stay maker 214 to Lieutenant-Governor. 

Milne, Andrew, baker; Golding, E., : Keating, Michael, tavern chop house. 

boot and shoemaker 214 : Keele, W. C., attorney, land agent. 

Bickerstaff & Son, house painters... 216 Kitson, John, cabinet maker. 

Wilson, John, boot maker 217 Myers, James, cabinet maker. 

Baker, Charles, tailor 219 Nicholson, John, White Horse Tavern. 

Kin-near, Thomas, gentleman; Jamie- O.vens, Richard, coach builder. 

son, Jamas, bootmaker 220 P,?rry, Ed. 

Oats, Richard H., grocery store 221 Piggott, Chas., labourer. 



Scholfield, Wm., plumber and painter. 

Scott, Mrs. 

Searle, Henry, Walnut place. 

Stabback, Miss, milliner and dress 

Theatre Royal. 

Toronto Medical Laboratory, Joseph 
Beckett. < 

Wallis, William, cabinet maker and up- 

Wiggins, Simon, blacksmith. 


Caprepl, F. C., gentleman, Walnut PI. 

Constitution newspaper office, W. L. 

Cotter, John, new British Coffee House, 
Chewett s building. 

Court House. 

Crown Inn, Thos. Moore, and New st. 

Darling, R., grocery store, Chewett s 

English Episcopal Church. 

Flanagan, John, gardener, opp. Hos 
pital street. 

Foi d, George, coach spring maker, Wal 
nut place. 


Gilmour, H., clerk at Laurie & Co. s. 

Harrington, T. D., gentleman, at Tur- 
ton s, Chewett s building. 

Harvey, Nicholas, bellman at Burke s. 

Hatterick, James, printer at Patriot 

Henderson, James, land agent, at 
Chewett s buildings. 

Hitchings, Ed., law student at Robert 
Baldwin s. 

Hollister, John, deputy sheriff at Court 

Howard, J. G., architect and drawing 
master at U. C. College. 

Lacup, Thos., chopman at Northcote s. 

Law, Edrnond, gentleman, at Keating s. 

Mair, Thos., teller Commercial Bank. 

Miller & Co., coach builders. 

&Olls, Thos., coach builder. 

Mcore, Geo., grocer, wines, spirits, etc. 

Mule, John, gentleman, Walnut place. 

McDonald, Duncan, at J. F. Smith s 

MacKenzie, Wm. Lyon, editor Constitu 
tion newspaper, Turton s buildings; 
residence, York street. 

MacKenzie, James, printer, Turton s 

McVay, Jas, at Cormacks & Co. s store. 

News Room Commercial, Market bldgs. 

Patriot newspaper office, Thos. Dalton 

Phoenix Fire Assurance Co., R. Stan- 
ton, agent. 

Pollc?, Office for city, Market^ building s. 

Police Office for district, Court House. 

Powell, John, attorney, office. King. 

Rees, Wm., Dr. 

Rowsell, Henry, bookseller, stationer, 

and circulating library. 
Severs, Jas., assistant ssxton English 

Shannonhouse, James, saddler at A. 

Dixon s. 

j Shaw, Thos. .watchmaker at Anderson s. 
Sheriff s Office, Court House. 
Sp?t c?, James, caipsnter, Hagerman s 

Spragge, J. B.. land agent, Chewett s 


Stanley, David, tailor, Chewett s build 

j Stow, clerk U. C. Bank. 
; Strachan & Carey, attorneys, Chewett s 


j Strathy, John, land agent. 
i Turner, Alfred, wine merchant. 
i Turton, Richard, chemist, Chewett s 

j Underbill, Geo., sheriff s bailiff, Court 

Wakefield, Chas., shoemaker, Kitson s 


Walton, Geo., clerk of the Court of Re 



Ajshbridge, J., yeoman. 

Beard, Joshua G., gentleman. 

Bishop, John, jr., butcher. 
| Bolton, Edward C., school. 
| Bright, Wm., butcher. 

Carroll, Thos., labourer. 

Cook, W. C., storekeepar, near Don. 

Cornell, Ed., brickmaker. 
i Coulson, Corry, gentleman. 
! Craig, James, bootmaker. 
j Earnest, John, teamster. 
: Elliott, George, gentleman. 
j Foley, Wm., carpenter. 
i Galloway, Joseph, yeoman. 
i Gormley, J., labourer. 

Harrington, Jared, Bull s Head Inn. 

Harrison, Richard, grocery. 
j Heward, Wm., yeoman. 
j James, John, steam saw mills, tavern. 
| Lanson, D. EL, bootmaker. 
j Laskey, Daniel, cooper, millwright. 
i Lewis, Wm., carpenter. 
I Mash, John, blacksmith. 
! McMaster, Wm., at Cathcart s store. 

Nunan, Jas., bootmaker. 

Patterson, Mrs., Queen s Head Inn. 

Radford, Joseph, carpenter. 

Robineon, Mrs. 

Secord, Stephen, teamster. 

Small, Chas. Coxwell, clerk of the 

Smith, Wm. Sampson, blacksmith. 
Smith, John, land agent. 
; Sylvester, Peter, labourer. 
; Tap~eott, George, storekeeper. 



Thompson, Francis, bootmaker. 
Turley, Ed., yeoman, four-mile tree. 
Wilson, Timothy. 



Allan, Hon. William. 

Barren, John, well digger. 

Boltom, Wm., mason. 

Campbell, Wm., blacksmith. 

Campbell, Hugh, carpenter. 

Carroll, George, lime burner. 

Christian, Wm., Baptist minister. 

Cowan, H., blacksmith. 

Coxwell, W. H., clerk Crown Office. 

Cunningham, James, mason. 

Elmsley, Hon., John. 

Hamilton, George, labourer. 

Hinds, Patrick, plasterer. 

James, Robert, carpenter. 

Jarvis, S. P., Clerk of the Crown in 


Lawrenc?, J. H., printer, Guardian. 
Logan, Wm., labourer. 
Love, Henry, sailor. 
Mason & Barber, engineers. 
Meredith, John, labourer. 
Mills, George, gardener. 
McBath, Temple, labourer. 
Mclntosh, Capt. Wm. 
McMahon, Ed., chief clerk Giov. Office. 
Paramore, Wm., carpsnter. 
Preston, Walter, tailor. 
Quinn, John, weaver. 
Ridout, Sam., registrar of deeds. 
Thorne, Thos., bricklayer. 
Thornton, Francis, labourer. 
Vollor, Joseph, captain. 
Walker, Charles, tailor. 
Wallis, John, mason. 
(Whitesides, Arthur. 



Abbs, Wm., bricklayer, Boulfcon s block. 
Alexander, Robert, grocery. 
Anderson, Jas., boot and shoe- maker. 
Bagnell, Humphrey, labourer. 
Barr, Wm., labourer. 
Bell, John, superintendent of roads. 
Bell, Thos., carpsnter, Engineer s dept. 
Billings, T. F., treasurer Home District. 
Blue 13ell Inn, Thos. Richardson. 
Bond, Thomas, brickmaker. 
Boulton, D Arcy. 
Boulton, Wm. H., attorney. 
Brandon, Thos., blacksmith. 
British Brass and Iron Fpundry. 
Brayley, John, carpenter. 
Brown, John, printer. 
Bullen, John, stonemason. 
Cameron, Hon. Duncan. 
Coates, Wm., clerk House of Assembly. 
Cooper, Thos., gentleman. 
Cowan, John, carpenter. 
Crawford, Dr. 

Denipon, George T., alderman. 

Denison, Geo. T., jr., student-at-law. 

Denham, C. R., brass founder and smith. 

Dew, John, engineer. 

Dunn, Hon. John H., receiver-general. 

Dunn, Jonathan, butcher. 

Earles, John, grocery store. 
| Eddington, George, gentleman. 
! Ekerlin, B., issuer commis. dept. 

Emmens, Thos., carpsnter. 

Farr, John, brewer. 

Farrell, Geo., yeoman, opp. Black Bull. 

Fielding, James, labourer. 

Fitzgibbon, James, chief clerk House of 

Fowler, Robert, labourer. 

Gilbertson, Henry, carpenter. 

Givins, James, Col., chief superinten 
dent of Indian affairs. 

Gcfiham, James, labourer. 

Grant, John, wheelwright. 

Gray, John, labourer. 

Gray, Thomas, labourer. 

Gray, John, carpenter, Boulton s block. 

Gwynne, Dr. C. W., Graves st. and, Lot 
street west. 

Harrison, Robert, yeoman. 

Hawke, A. B., superintendent of emi 
gration department. 

Herson, George, blacksmith. 

Hepburn, Wm., gentleman. 

Hey den, Michael, labourer. 

Hogg, John, labourer. 

IHopkins, Capt. W. R. 

Elorton, Col. 15th Regiment. 

Houghton, George, clerk Engineer s de 

Hughes, Wm., mason. 

Humphries, teacher of singing. 

Kendrick, G. B. R., tavern. 

Kennedy, James, wheelwright. 

Kirby, Thos., at Chief Justice s. 

Lackie, Mrs. 

Leadly, Henry, skin dresser. 

L-ee, Wm. H., clerk Executive Council 

Lennon, George, carpenter. 

Lenty, Jos., gentleman. 

Lindsay, John, carpenter, Boulton s 

Lizars, Henry, assistant draughtsman 
Surveyor-General s office. 

TLucas, Mrs. Captain. 

Lynn, Robt., surveyor at J. W. Lenty s. 

Malone, James, carpenter. 

Mara, Thos., bootmaker. 

Martin, Wm., labourer. 

Mather, Wm., grocery store. 

Mills, Thos., bricklayer, etc. 

Mitchell, Robert, carpenter. 

Mossopp, John, farmer, near Black Bull. 

Murchison, John, gentleman. 

McDonell, Jas., clerk in GIOV. office. 

McGuire, James, gentleman. 

Mclntosh, Mrs. Eliza. 

Mclntosh, John L., school. 

McKenzie, Walter, clerk in Gov. office. 



Me Murray, Samuel, clack House of As 

McNamara, Matthew, carter. 

Nation, J., first clerk Inspector-Gen 
eral s office. 

Newman, John, bootmaker. 

Noble, Wm., wheelwright. 

O Grady, W. J., Dr. 

O Hara, Col. W. ( 

Patrick, John, blacksmith. 

Patrick, Charles, blacksmith. 

Perry, Robt., labourer, near Elm Bell. 

Playter, Emanuel, general store. 

Pollock, Thos., gentleman. 

Reid, H., bricklayer, Boulton s block. 

Riches, Sam., carpenter. 

Robertson, John, printer, No. 170. 

Rossiter, James, Black Bull Inn. 

Rowell, Amos, labourer. 

JRussell, Wm. 

Sergeant, George, bricklayer. 

Severs, James, labourer. 

Shaw, George, yeoman. 

Shaw, Alex., yeoman. 

Simpson, Abraham, labourer. 

Sowerby & Little, blacksmiths. 

Spragge, Jos., master Central schpolv 

Staggs, Wm., gardener. 

Steinson, Charles. 

Taylor, Mrs., grocery, near Black Bull. 

Taylor, John F., clerk in Legislative 

Telfour, Andrew, carpenter, Boulton s] 

Thornhill, R. H., first clerk Land office. 

Tims, Dr. 

Turton, Joseph, builder. 

Watson, James, carpenter. 

Watson, Thos., boot and shoe maker. 

Wilcox, Leonard. 

Wilson, John, mason. 

Winder, Dr.. Boulton s block* 


Cloughly, William, Gov t messenger 58 
Lenty, Jos., gentleman 76 

(Unn umbered.) 

Beram, George, sawyer. 

Black Bull tavern. 

Bussell, Jas., cor. Spadina and Lot st. 

Bywater, R., Queen s Head tavern; 

Sandford s corner. 
Bywater, Wm., gentleman, Sandford ^ 


Chilvers, Jos., whitesmith. 
Clifton, Arthur, carpenter. 
Codey, Martin, labourer. 
College avenue, near Osg oode Hall. 
Comer, John, barrack sergeant. 
Cook, Henry, mason, Boulton s block. 
Cops, Thos., carpenter, Boulton s block. 
Crozier, Richard, boot maker. 
Cawdell, J. M., Osgoode Hall. 

{ Devlin, Arthur, labourer. 

Dundas, Wm., turner. 
I Earles, Francis, constable. 
1 E \vart, Arthur, bootmaker. 

Falvey, John, carter. 

Flaherty, Francis, carpenter, Boulton s 

Gouldie, Mrs. 

Hamilton, Thomas, carpenter, Boulton s 

Harris, Mrs. 

Jameson, Wm., Boulton s block. 

Lawson, Joseph, carter, 

Leys, John, engineer. 

Middlemist, Henry, carter. 

Murnahan, Francis, wheelwright. 

McAllister, Mrs. 

McCrum, Andrew, mason. 

McMannis, D., labourer. 

Preston, Mrs. George. 

Rose, Walter, second clerk Receiver 
General s office. 

Ross, George, carpenter. 

Rowe, Wm., gardener, near Don bridge. 

Reid, J., steward Osgoode Hall. 

Smith, Wm., Boulton s block. 

Spencer, Mrs. 

Sun Tavern, corner Lot and, Yonge. 

^Thompson, Mrs. 

Tost, Henry, blacksmith. 

-Wright, John, carter. 

Williams, Cornelius, keeper toll-gate. 

Wilson, Jas., carpenter, Boulton s block. 



Mcllmurray, J., doctor ~ 1 

Chagnon, Lewis, baker, 3 

Davis, Calvin; Alexander, Wm., 
carpenter ; White, John, turner... 4 

Cearnes, Barnabas, bootmaker 5 

Bright, .Lewis, messenger Legisla 
tive Council ft 

Langley, Wm., shoemaker 7 

Blevins, Robert, gentleman 8 

Jackes, Wm., grocery store 9 

Turreff, Wm., spirits and grocery 
store; Hussey, Eliza, school 10 

Carmichael, Hugh, carpenter; Arm 
strong, Thomas, carpenter 

Sceets, Nicholas, mould maker 

Alexander, Robert, joiner IB 

Iredale, Jeremiah, joiner ; Iredale, 
John, tinsmith 1" 

Kennedy, John, carpenter ; Bennett, 
John, mariner 18 

Taylor, Warren, smith; Hughes, 
John, bricklayer 21 

Gunn, Adam, labourer 22 

Murray, James, carter 23 

Gardiner, Thomas, blacksmith 25 

.White Swan Tavern, Patrick Kane; 
Kane, Patrick, White Swan tavern 26 

Graham, John, labourer 28 

Crow, Wm., coach builder .- 29 

Young & Warren, milliners 30 

Emery, Robert, wheelwright 23 

Johnson, John, waggon maker ......... 83 



Dann, John 34 

Rutherford, Alex., carpenter 35 

Callahan, John, labourer ; Harkes, 
John, small grocery ; McMorris, 
Ann ; McCastline, Robert, labour 
er ; Short, John, carpenter 37 

Bidwell. Marshall S., attorney, etc 38 

Kolph, Dr. John, M.P.P. for Oxford 40 

Craddock, Jos., tailor 41 

Hardy, Patrick, auctioneer and gro 
cery store 44 

O Brien. Dennis, cooper 45 

Small, Wm., carpenter -16 

Evatt, Henry, barrack master 47 

Burk, R., baker 48 

Inderson, John, gentleman .., 50 

Lee, Sam, joinsr 51 

Elliott, John, Common Council as 
sistant clerk 55 

Delhi, Dr 07 

Anderson, John, provision store ... 58 

Todd. Andrew, clerk 


McDougall, Peter 10 

Hartney, Patrick, late barrack mas 
ter 34 


Anthony, Francis, labourer. 

Bryan, Valentine, smith. 

Chewett, Wm., registrar Surrogate 

Chewett, James, chief surveyor nnd 

draughtsman Surveyor-General s De 

Clark, Thomas, bootmaker. 
Coach Office. Market and Front streets. 
Cockburn, Mrs., Ladies Seminary. 
Collett, Wm., carter. 
Collins, Jeremiah, labourer. 
Connors, Francis, carter. 
Copping, Ed., Mason. 
Elliott, John, Bay street and Market 


Filer, Charles, carpenter. 
Furlong, John, carpenter, Hagerinan s 


Garvey, John, carpenter. 
Graham. Thos., carpenter. 
Grant, John, music seller, Hagerman s 


Gray, Mrs., Ship Tavern. 
Hagerman, C. A., Solicitor-General. 
Heersqn, Patrick, labourer. 
Hutchinson, John, tailor. 
Kelly, widow. 

Malone, Maurice, bricklayer. 
Maloney, Wm., blacksmith. 
Markland, Hon. G. H., No. 28, corner 

York street. 
May, Thomas. 
Meredith, John, carter. 
McStravick, Mrs., grocery. 
Nicholl, Robert, labourer. 
Oliver, Tho?., cabinetmaker, etc. 

Ontario Hou^e Tavern, Market and 

Church streets. 

Raper, John, steward on board Transit. 
Shields, Scott, carpenter. 
Smith, John, steamer Transit. 
Thompson Thos. Samuel. , 

Trainor, Hugh, St. Lawrence Hotel. 
Wallis, Wm., Red Lion Inn. 
.Whit lam, Thos., pump maker. 
Wiegins, Jolin, tailor. 
.Williams & Vanatta. St. Lawrence 



Bergin, Wm., gentleman. 
Bishop of Quebec s residence 

Dempsey, John, weighmaster 
Duff. , butcher. 
Clendinning. Wm., butcher. 
Graham, John, butcher. 
Fetch, Jas., butcher. 


Atkins, William, eating house. 

Chisholm. Alan, general store. 

Clarke, Henry H., Stag Tavern. 

Commercial News Room. 

Daily, Timothy, provision store. 

Eastwood & Skinner, paper makers. 

Ewin<?. Alex., Farmers Hotel. 

Fish Market on the Bay, at the foot 
of Market square and New street. 

Harley, John. William IV. Tavern. 

Helliwell & Bro., brewers. 

Hudson, William. 

Levin s Clothing store. 

Mechanics Institute. 

McClelland, Malcolm, tailor. 

McEnery, Denis, Farmers Hotel. 

Robson. Mrs., provision store. 

Ryan, Thomas, Union Hotel. 

Sherwood. Henry, M. P. P. for the 
Town of Brockville, attorney, etc. 

Skinner & Eastwood, paper manufac 

Smith, John Thos 

Woods, Richard, labourer. 


(On King Street.) 
Albion of Upper Canada Office. 
Cull, J. A. S., senior editor of Albion 

of Upper Canada. 

Rogers, John F., printer, Albion Office. 
Kendrick, Josiah, constable, police 


Bannerman, John, provision store. 
"Belfast Tavern," James Madden. 
Briggs, George, last factory. 
Burns, widow. 

Caldicott s Classical Commercial Aca 
Chipperfield, John, tailor. 



Creighton, William, leaker. 
Gale, William, 
Harrington, Thomas, carter. 
Madden, James, Belfast Tavern 
Masonic Lodge. 

Maxwell, J. E., Classical and Commer 
cial Academy. 

Methodist Ir dependent Chapel. 
Mohan, Nicholas, bootmaker. 
Muns, John, Teamsters Inn. 
McDonald, John, Inn. 
O Connor, Michael, Inn. 
Ret Lion Inn, W. Wallis. 
Stone, J., City Arms. 
Townsend, Samuel, carter. 
Tyerman, William, labourer. 
Union Hotel, Thomas Ryan. 
Warren, William, boot and shoemaker. 
Williams, John, sawyer. 
Winn, Michael, labourer. 



Adamson, John, stonecutter mason. 
Allan, John, labourer. 
Anderson, Lyas, labourer. 
Atkinson, James, labourer. 
Austin, James, printer. 
Bapiist Meeting House. 
Bartrom, William, carter. 
Brown, Richard, labourer. 
Campbell, widow. 
Chapel Baptist. 
Coffield, James, grocery. 
Doddy, James, labourer. 
Donovan, Cornelius, labourer. 
Donnelly, John, labourer. 
Doyle, Garrett, grocery store. 
Drew, Andrew, carpenter. 
Flanagan, William, labourer. 
Flay, Absolom, carpenter. 
Hall, John, grocery, etc. 
Halpin, John, labourer. 
Hanagan, Mrs. 

Harbron, George, stonemason. 
Holden, John, Four Alls Tavern. 
Hutchinson, William, bricklayer. 
James, widow. 
Johnson, Mrs. 
Johnson, James, labourer. 
Johnson, Arthur, labourer. 
Kinsley, Matthew, carpenter. 
Kirk, Mrs. 

Kirkwoud, John, shoemaker. 
Masterson, Michael, labourer. 
Matthews, Robert, White Lion Inn. 
Minnix, Michael, tailor. 
Molesworth, William, labourer. 
Monahan, James, labourer. 
Mulcarrcn, Michael, labourer. 
Munns, George carter. 
McCaffey, Patrick, bootmaker. 
McHay, Archer, labourer. 
McMahon, Arthur, grocery store. 
O Connor, Daniel, labourer. 
Palmer, John, painter. 
Patrick, James, painter. 

Phibbs, Mrs. 

Potts, George, tinsmith. 

Prescott, William, carter. 

Prescott, William, sen., labourer. 

Rankin, John, labourer. 

Rockingham Arms Tavern, Taylor, 


Roddy Joseph, labourer. 
Roddy, Charles, carter. 
Ruddock, Mrs. 
Shore, Andrew, labourer. 
Stewart, Alexander, fisherman. 
Stewart, Robert, carpenter. 
Sweeney, Daniel, boot and shoemaker. 
Sweeney, John, tailor. 
Sweetman, Matthew, carpenter. 
Taylor, Samuel, Rockingham Arms. 
Tracy, Andrew, shoemaker. 
Turner, James, sen., brewer. 
Welsh, Lawrence, provision store. 
Willson, Hill, constable. 


Bennett, Mrs., midwife. 
Boyd, George, grocery store. 

(U nnumbered.) 
Reed, Thomas, labourer. 
Rowand.Abraham, carpenter. 
Hamilton, Thomas G., carpenter. 
Hillock, Ed., cooper. 



Horsley, Robt., Half Moon Inn.... 
McArthur, Peter, stonecutter 


( Unnumbered.) 

Austin, widow. 

Bank ot the People. 

Barnes, Wm., labourer. 

Bennett, Humphrey, boot and shoe 

Brown, Thos., silversmith. 

Buchanan, Wm., labourer. 

Callaghan, John, carter. 

Callaghan, Chas., labourer. 

Cameron, Morgan, labourer. 

Catholic Chapel of Ease. 

Central or National School. 

Cheney, Thomas, carpenter. 

Collins & Ward, printers. 

Courier of Upper Canada newspaper. 

Co::, Patrick, boot and shoemaker. 

Craig, Wm., labourer. 

Cummings, Thoe., tailor. 

Davidson, James, labourer 

District Schoal. 

Earles, Wm., bricklayer. 

Forbes, James, labourer. 

Godfrey, Thos., turner. 

Gurnett, Geo., editor and proprietor of 
the Courier of Upper Canada. 

Harkness, Sarah. 



Haverty, Thos., gentleman, Barley s 


Jackson, Henry, watchmaker. 
Kerr, Wim., carpenter. 
Lake, Titos., carpenter. 
Langin, James, labourer. 
Mayne, Daniel H., York District School. 
Milligan, Mrs. 
Misset, Patrick, labourer. 
McComb, James, blacksmith. 
McCollum, George, tailor. 
McPheal, Angus, tailor. 
Nicholl, Thomas, carpenter. 
O Brian, Thos., bootmaker. 
Patchett, John, labourer. 
People s Bank. 
Ramsay, David, cooper. 
Bead, Sam, publisher Youths Monitor. 
Boss, David, storekeeper. 
Boss, David, labourer. 
Kowell, George, gentleman. 
Bowell, Henry, brewer. 
Butherford, Peter, gtone mason. 
Strong, John, boot and shoemakei 
Sweeney, John, carter. 
Turner, James, bricklayer. 
Walker, Lewis, carter. 
Wajrd, printer. 
[Wesley, John, Neptune Inn. 


Anderson, iron founder. 

Armstrong, Thos., blacksmith. 

Arthurs, Mrs., widow. 

Askin, John, carter. 

Benford, Ed., labourer. 

Berry, John, labourer. 

Bilton, George, tailor. 

Bishop s Buildings. 

Burns, Andrew, labourer. 

Caldwell, J. M. f clerk Surveyoto^G en - 

eral s Office. 
Campbell, Samuel, laboturer. 

Campfield, David, labourer. 

Cameron, Colonel, Bishop s Buildings. 

Christmas, Wm., labourer. 

Collumbes, John, blacksmith. 

Oolquhoun, John, labourer. 

Conlin, Lackie, grocery. 

Conlin, Patrick, labourer. 

Connell, John, labourer. 

Cunningham, Francis, bootmaker. 

Dolmadge, John, labourer. 

Duff, blacksmith. 

Earles, Thos., Argyle Inn, and carter. 

Earles, Theophilus, school. 

Eastwoods, Mrs., opposite Bishops 

Farmers and Mechanics Hall. 

Fish, Moses, razor grinder. 

Fire Assurance Co. "Alliance," J- Bid- 
out agent. 

Floyd, working iron founder. 

Foster, Col. A. A. G., corner Peter and 
Newgate. < . . i , < 

Fullarton, Bobert, cabinetmaker. 
! Ghrimes, Michael, labourer. 
Gras ett, Bev. Mr., curate English- 

Hamilton, S. S., Mansion House Hotel. 
Hamilton, William, labourer, opposite 

Bishop s Buildings. 
Hamilton, B., small store, opposite 

Bishop s Buildings. 
Harper, John, carpenter, builder. 
Haywoad, Benjamin, carpenter. 
Henry, Jas., tailor. 
Hill, Jos., carpenter. 
Hill, Mrs., widow. 
Hillo:-k, Francis, cooper. 
Hudson, Wm., bricklayer. 
Hunter, James, labourer. 
Kearney, James, waggon-maker. 
Kilgore, James, labourer. 
King, James, attorney. 
Lee, John, plumber, etc. 
Moore, John, labourer. 
McCrandle, Bobert, labourer. 
McDonach, James, labourer. 
McDonell, Hon. A., Inspector of U- 


McKewan, Wm., labourer. 
McEtJwn, Wm., blacksmith. 
McMannis, M., cooper. 
McMichael, Bobert, grocery store. 
McNamara, Patrick, labourer. 
Nelson, John, blacksmith. 
O Keefe, John, Harp and Crown. 
Oxendale, Wm., boot and shoemaker. 
Paterson, John, cabinetmaker. 
Pattison, Wm., labourer. 
Bobinson, James, labourer. 
Bolson, Wm., carpenter. 
Bolson, James, carpenter. 

Boss, Miss, Ladies School, Bishops 

Scaling, John, saddler. 

Shankland, Bobert, labourer. 

Sherburn, Jos., at Ketchum s. 

Smith, Wm., carpenter. 

Stevenson, John, Farmers and Mechan 
ics Hall, saddler. 

Stewart, Alex., carpenter. 

Stotesbury, Charles, soap and candle 
factpry. i 

Taff, Beuben, labourer. 

Taylor, John, turner. 

Thompson, Mrs., Yorkshire Arms Tav 

Tinsley, Jarvis, bricklayer. 

Tracy, Michael, tailor. 

Turner, John, bootmaker. 

Wallace, John, bootmaker. 

Walton, Mrs. Matthew. 

Watson. Jas., Bising Sun Tavern, and 

Wesley an Methodist Chapel, Newgate 

and George. 
Woad. Mr., dentist. 





Ball, Joseph, labourer. 

Bayley, John, painter. 

Blakely, Jas., labourer. 

Cotterell, James, labourer. 

Coach, John, carpenter. 

Gifford, A., clerk in Gov. Office, 

Lee, John, labourer. 

Loughanan, Wm., tailor. 

Madill, John, labourer. 

Milligan, Jos., tailor. 

McDonald, Hon. A., Inspector of Li 

Ross, John, furnishing undertaker, cor. 
of Peter street. 


Ardagh, Daniel, labourer. 

Dun lop, Charles, labourer. 

Dunlevi, Charles, printer. 

Lang, Rev. M., Methoiist minister. 

Milligan, James, toatmaker. 

Weir, Henry, bootmaker. 


Brown, Mrs., widow 15 

Ridout, John, attorney; Registry 

Office 18 

Spragge, J. G., Attorney Office 28 

Hunt, Charles, gentleman 33 

Toid, Henry Cook, gentleman 35 

Telfer, Walter, Dr 44 

Hornby, Dr 46 

Evans, Rev. Ephraim, editor Chris 
tian Guardian 56 

Morrison, Dr., Mayor of City 57 

Brown, Andrew, carter 70 

Ritchey, John, builder 72 

Austin, Henry, gentleman 78 

Barber, G. A., writing master TJ.C.C. 92 
Jameson, R. S., Attorney-General, 

Bishop s Buildings 94 

Bartley, Dr. surgeon 15th Regi 
ment 98 

Sieber, Andrew, sausage maker. 106 

Caldwell, Mrs. Eleanor Gore 108 


Addy, Isaac, carter. 
Beatty, Mrs., widow. 
Booth, Robert, isawyer. 
Bowyer, Isaac, sailor. 
Bright, , gardener. 
Earnest, Mrs. 

Elliott, Christopher, butcher. 
Francis, James, labourer. 
Gray, Richard, butcher. 
Langdrill, Francis, butcher. 
Lindsay, Wm., tailor. 
Lowther, John, labourer. 
Lynch, John, brewer. 
Stinson, widow. 
Summers, Thos., carpenter. 


(Lot street.) 

Reid, John, steward. 

(Front street.) 

Powell, Mrs., housekeeper. 
Turquand, B., first clerk Receiver-Gen 
eral s Office Parliament buildings. 


Brown, John, labourer. 
j Cavemer, Sarah. 
j Crozier, Thomas, bootmaker. 
i Dodds, Jas., Crookshank s farm. 
Draper, W. H., attorney, M.PJP. for 


Harke, Robert, mason. 
Macaulay, Mrs. 
Macaulay, Capt. J. S. 
Roy, Thomas, civil engineer. 
Stanton, Robt., printer, Gazette, resi 
dence Peter street. 
Street, T. S., student-at-law. 
Temple, captain. 
Tims, Henry, carpenter. 
Willmott, H. E., cabinetmaker. 
Wilson, Mrs. 


Henderson, Joseph, lime burner. 


Ballard, John, clerk post office. 
Colcleugh, Capt. N., steamer Cobourg. 
Higgins, Captain. 
Hudson, David, merchant. 
Meighan, Michael, gentleman* 
Murray, widow. 
Oakes, Jas., butcher. 
Quinn, John, carter. 


(St. Lawrence Ward.) 
(Unnumbered .) 

Crothers, Jas., carter. 



Cooper, Wm., (gentleman. 

Defreis, Robt., gardener. 

Jones, Patrick, blacksmith . 

Kelly, Robert, clerk Canada Company s 

Kerr, John, tavern. 

Leek & Hall, soap and candle factory, 
bay shore. 

Maitland, John, distiller. 

Monroe, Wm., gentleman. 

McGillivray, Arch., labourer. 

McGorgan, Geo., labourer. 

McMasters, David, labourer. 

Nealin, John, tailor. 

Turner, Enoch, brewer, near Wind 

Widmer, Christopher, Dr. 


Coffee, , brickmaker. 



Knott, Benjamin, Blue and Poland 

starch factory. 

Palin, Joseph, Hotel on Peninsula. 

Wordsworth, Richard, carpenter 20 


Anderson, James, moulder. 
Andrews, Wm., sexton English church. 
Ashton, James, carpenter. 
Bancroft, Daniel, printer. 
Barton, Mrs., widow. 

Blake, Wm., labourer. 
Boice, Abraham, carpenter. 
Chapman, Wm., teamster. 
Chapman, Thomas, teamster. 
Clerk, John, boot maker. 
Cotton, Barnabas, carpenter. 
Cuthbert, Richard, bookbinder 
Cuthbert, Thos., boot maker. 
Dobson, J., teamster. 
Drummond, widow. 

Empey, Michael P., mason and plastorar. 
Falls, Wm. S., printer. 
Gibbs, Robert, carpenter. 
Ginty, James, tailor. 
Grigory, Richard, gentleman. 
Hackett, James, labourer. 
Hay ton, John, labourer. 
Hepburn, David, tailor. 
Jobbitt, Jas., tailor. 
Kennedy, Mrs. 

Laily, Thos., grocery, provisions. 
Logan, on Hon. McGill s property. 
Morrison, Daniel, carpenter. 
Nesbitt, Wm., labourer. 
Rutherford, Mrs. 
Scallion, James, labourer. 
Shaw, Wm., carpenter. ^. 
Stone, Thomas, carpan er. 
Teevan, Michael, constable. 
Wiseman, Howard, at Burke s Auction 


Feehan, James, groserv store. 

French, Bemamin, mill stone factory. 

Henderson. Robt., boot and shoemaker 
Hopkins, Jas., brickmaker. 

Butters, John, chairmaker. 
Fitzpatrick. Jas., labourer. 
Lafferty, Wm., fcarter. 
McGuire. Wm., carter. 
Rolph, Wm., labourer. 
Turnbull, Robt., tailor. 
Watson, Jas., labourer. 

Beamish. John, brickmaker, Park. 
3eamish, Thos., brickmaker, Park. 

Adams, Bennet, joiner. 

Baxter. James, bricklayer. 

Beekman. Robert, gentleman. 

Bunker, Thomas, bricklayer. 

Burke, Thomas, bricklayer. 

Clayton, labourer. 

Galloway, Thomas, labourer. 

Hagger, James. 

Harris, ,. carpenter. 

Leckie, James, clerk Adjutant-General s 


Mansfield, Robert, gardener. 
Mills, John, bricklayer. 
McBride, Samuel, labourer. 
Paddan, James, bricklayer. 
Sharp, Mrs. 

Silver, John S., gardener. 
Simmons, Daniel, bricklayer 
Steers, Thomas. 
Thorns, William, carpenter. 
Walker. John, Brewer. 
West, John 

Whitesides, William, teamster. 
Winslade, John, carpenter. 


Baldwin, Hon. Capt., Russell Hill. 
Baldwin, William A. 


Allan, Edward, tailor. 
Blake, James, engineer. 
Carr, John, painter. 
Charles, Richard, carpenter. 
Donelly, Patrick, labourer. 
Hall, William, carpenter. 
Kempt, Capt. John 
Kingsmill, George 
Lester, William, tailor. 
Linfoot, Thomas, cabinet maker. 
Millen, Robert, carpenter. 
Mcllroy, Daniel, carpenter. 
Paterson, James, labourer. 
Payne, George, plasterer. 
Shepherd, Paul, wood carver. 
Stewart, Alexander, carpenter. 
Todd, James, carpenter. 


Christian Guardian Newspaper Office. 

Clark, Christopher, stonemason. 

Duncan, William, blacksmith. 

Henderson, David, blacksmith. 

Humphrey, Caleb, carpenter. 

Jeffrey s Academy. 

Johnson, Margaret, widow. 

Miller, Peter, tailor. 

Smith James, carter. 

(Duke street.) 

Anderson, R. G., first teller. 

Lee, Joseph S., clerk. 

Mosely, John, clerk in U. C. B. 

Murray, Chas. S., book-keeper ui U.C.R 
1 Ridout, Thomas G., cashier. 

Stow, clerk at U. 0. B. 
! Street, William W., clerk. 



(King street west.) 

Alderdice, Samuel, porter. 

Barron, F. W. 

Burgess, Rev. Mr. 

Dade, Rev. C., mathematical master. 

Harris, Rev. J. H., D. D., principal U. 

C. C. 
Haye, De la, J. P., French master U. 

C. C. 

Kent, John, preparatory master. 
Matthews, Rev. Charles 
Maynard, Rev. G. 


Devine, John, labourer. 
Mitchell, John, plasterer. 
Home, Samuel, lx>otmaker. 
Miller, Henry, labourer. 
Ponsonby, Michael, labourer. 


Baynes, William 
Berczy, C. S. 
Drain, widow. 
Durnford , Captain. 
Kewan, Robert, labourer. 
Myers, William, labourer. 
McCleneghan, Thomas, yeoman. 
Spragge, J. G., 

Clark, Samuel, miller. 
Fisher, S., gentleman, (near) 
Foley, Michael, labourer (near) 
Gooderham, William, miller. 
Heather, W., bricklayer, surveyor, near 


Hunter, Wilson, brickmaker (near) 
Laugdrill, William, labourer (near) 
McGhan, labourer (near) 
McKillop, Hugh, labourer. 
Nunan, Charles, labourer. 
Oxley, William, bricklayer. 
Parr, John, carter. 
Raynes, Charles, labourer. 
Reardon, Donald, lalxmrer. 
Shepherd, Peter, brickmaker. 
Sparks, James. 
Wilson, Hunter, brickmaker. 


Adams, William, gardener. 
Andrew, Samuel, ironfounder. 
\Ackfield, James, gunsmith. 
Barnfather, John, bricklayer. 
Bell, Charles, chandler. 
Berry, George, gardener. 
Bigelqw, Dr., dentist. 
Blenkinsopp, Tho*., Bay Horse Tavern. 
Bowman. Mrs. cow keeper. 
Bright, Lewis, jr., blacksmith. 
Butler, Jas. W., labourer. 
Champion Brothers & Co., hardware 

Chamberlain, Wm., tailor. 

Clark, Robert, painter. 

Colton, AVm., labourer. 

Donovan, John, sailor. 

Driscoll, Ed., grocery. 

Dunn, Mrs. Small, grocery. 

Deutcher, Wm. A., ironfounder. 

^Ferguson, at Ketchum s tannery. 

Fitzpatrick, Wm., tailor. 

Hammell, John, bootmaker. 

Hannah, Wm., wheelwright. 

Harris, John, labourer. 
I Harris, Misses, boarding-house. 
i Hayes, Matthew, Three Loggerheads 
| Inn. 

Hunter, James, tailor. 
I Hunter, Samuel, labourer. 
i Kelly, M., barber and hairdresser. 
i Kirk, Mrs., Blue Bonnet Tavern. 
I Laing, John, gentleman. 

Lang, Abraham, grocery. 

Lawless, , at Deutcher s iron foundry. 

Leary, Mrs. 

Lennard, , at Deutcher s iron foundry. 

Lyons, Wm., Toronto Inn. 

Mantal, John, labourer. 

March & Church, chair makers. 

Munro, Alex., tailor. 

McFarlane, Finlay, baker. 

McKnight & Saxon, wholesale merch 

McLeod, John, labourer. 

McLinton, John, carter. 

McNeil!, Hugh, cabinetmaker. 

Potters Field Burial Ground. 

Pullen, Hugh, small store. 

Reid, Hugh, storekeeper, e-irpenter. 

Robson & Wilson, upholsterers and 

i Rogers, Wm., carpenter. 
inlanders, Tho~., haircutter, Lot street. 

Saxon & McKnight, dry-goods, whole 

Scott, Jonathan, butcher. 

Shanklin, Samuel, hatter. 

Sheldon, Dutcher & Co., foundry and 
steam engine factory. 

Smith, Ira, gunsmith. 

Stenhouse, Peter, Blue Honnet Tavern. 

Stitt, James, high bailiff. 

Strange, J. M., Auctioneer and com 
mission merchants. 

Sullivan, Daniel, blacksmith. 

Sullivan, Jeremiah, blacksmith. 

Thomas, Tho=., Crown and Anchor Tav 

Tiffey, John, labourer. 

Toronto Inn 

Townsend, B. D., Colborne, furnace 
warehouse, stoves. 

iWilloby, Wm., coach builder. 

Wilson, Stillwell, Golden Ball Inn. 

Wilson, Joseph, upholsterer. 


; Stephenson, Thos., cabinetmaker ... 1 
i Jollands, Benjamin, tailor ; Iredale 
Wm., painter, .............................. 2 



Ward, Jas., labourer ; Beard, Robt., Jenkins, Wm., carpenter. 

gentleman : 8 I Linfoot, John, butcher. 

Campbell, John, bootmaker 10 \ Moore, butcher. 

Campbell, John, cabinetmaker 18 ; Newbigging, Jas., merchant. 

Veltenaire & Co., pianoforte makers 17 Patrick, Alfred, clerk in House of As- 

Price, Ja,s. H., attorney 18 serab>ly < 

Nixon, Wm., boot and shoe maker, 19 I Price, Jos., yeoman. 

Hume, Stephenson, bookseller, 21 I Raye, , tavern keeper. 

Matthew. James, sailor ; Kane | Red Lion Inn, T. Burns. 

Michael, spirit store 25 ; Richards, John, gardener. 

Mitchell, Patrick, grocery 28 j Robinson, John, baker and confectioner 

Brown, Miss, straw bonnet maker... 29 ; Severin, John, brewer. 

Piper, Hiram, tin, sheet iron factory 30 Sharo. Wm.. boot and shoemaker. 

Armstrong, Samuel, saddler 31 Sherwood, Hon. L. P., one of the 

Baxter, Samuel, tailor 32 i puisne judges of the Court of King s 

Armstrong, John, merchant 33 ; Bench. 

Ketchum, Wm., tanner ; Ketchum, Smart, Alex., boot and shoe maker. 

Jesse 37 ! Turpin, Wm., painter. 

McMurtrie, Jas. S., grocery store.. 39 | Vaux, Thos., clerk in House of Assem- 

Dempsey, Francis, currier 41 bly. 

Sylvester, Sam., bookmaker 45 ; White, Wm. 

Murray, Rodger, saddler ; Barry \ Wilson, John T., master Central school. 

Mrs. widow 49 I Wolstencroft, Geo., sexton Potter s Field 

Hodgson, Jos., tinsmith 51 burial ground. 

Simpson, Alexander, boot and shoe Wray, William. 

maker; Johnson, Wm., turner 53 ^ 

Brown, Peter, carpenter; Brown, B f T - 

Misses, milliners 54 (Unnumbered.) 

Flock, Wm., storekeeper ; Clark- : Anderson, Charles P., labourer 

son, Thos., storekeeper 55 > Archer, widow. 

Elliott, Thos., Sun Tavern 57 ; Arent & Seright, milliners. 

Wood, Thos., labourer Banks, Jared, hatter. 

Cunningham, David, blacksmith ... R3 Brown, John, labourer. 

Gibson, Thos., cattle jobber fit Logan, John, 

Nicholl, George Browne, James C., plasterer. 

McGregor, Alex., Rob Roy Tavern. 70 Byers, Ed., teller Farmers Bank. 

Berry, Francis, grocery store 7:2 ; Castles, Henry J., land surveyor. 

Norton, .Amos, Union Furnace Foun- Catton, George, carpenter. 

dry 74 , .Correspondent and Advocate newspaper. 

Stewart, Alexander, land and house ! Coupland, Thos., shoemaker. 

agent ; Stewart. Rev. Alex., Bap- j Cross Keys Inn. 

tist 76 Curran, Jas., storekeeper. 

Mclntosh, John, M.P.P. 4th Riding Cuthbert, Alex., bootmaker. 

York 78 Derrf, Thos., gentleman. 

Wheeler, Benson, butcher Dillard, John, labourer. 

Mclntosh, Capt. Robert Dixon, Wm., painter, Broad lane. 

Mclntosh, Mrs. Charles 8(J Donnington, George, Cross Keys Inn 

YONGE STREET ROAD. Douglass, John, cow keeper. 

Armstrong, Philip, butcher Featherstone, carpenter, Broad lane. 

SBishop, John, sr. Gallego, Philip, labourer. 

Burgess, John, carpenter. Georgen. Mrs. 

Burns, S., Red Lion Tavern. Graves, Wm., school. 
Burial ground, the strangers , called Harley, John, labourer. 

Potters Field. i Hill, Wm., carpenter, Broad lane. 

Copeland, brewer. Huton, James, labourer, Broad lane. 

Dodsworth, John, labourer. Huton, Wm., carpenter, Broad Lane. 

Pranks, Chas., gardener. Jackson, Francis, tailor. 

Granger, Geo., gardener. Jewell, Richard, Broad lane. 
Gray, John, gardener at Sheriff Jarvis*. j Johnson, Geo., painter, Broad lane. 

Hanley, Jas., gardener. Kenrick. J. S., shoemaker. 

Haydon, William. Leach, Francis, painter, Broad lane. 

Henderson. Ed., tailor. Marchant, Robert, carpenter, York and 

Hodgin, Wm., butcher. Hospital streets. 
Home, R. C., assistant cashier U. C. j Milton, Peter, tailor, Broad lane. 

Bank. [ Morgan, Wm., carpenter, Broad lane. 
Jarvis. W. B., Sheriff Home District, | Morrow, Wm., labourer. 

Rosedale. McLaf forty, Jas., painter. 
Jarvis, Stephen, Usher Black Rod Ro;e- Oliver, John, tailor, Broad lane, 

dale. Osgoode Hall, top of York street. 



Owens, Mrs., boarding-house. 
Parrott, Frederick, labourer. 
Parritt, Thos., blacksmith. 
Powell, Mrs., corner York and Front sts. 
Priestman, Sythe, stonemason. 
Reynolds, Michael, printer. 
.Sampson, David, tailor. 
<Sewers, Miss, milliner. 
Simpson, Wm., carpenter, Broad lane. 
Skiliington, Thos., boot and shcernaker. 
Sloan, Geo., groceries and provisions. 
Smith, John, tailor. 
Smith, W., labourer, Broad lane. 
Thompson, John, joiner. 
Treasure, J., shoemaker. 
Webster, Loeon, printer, Broad lane. 
.Williams, Thos., labourer. 
Willard, Wm., carpenter, Broad lane. 
Wilson, John, carpenter, Broad lane. 
Wing, Mrs. 
Winn, Misses, Ladies School. 


McVicar, Angus. 
Nagle, Thomas. 
Nagle, Hugh. 
Walker, John, collector taxes, St. Pat 
rick s Ward. 
Wiggs, Wm., general store. 
Williamson, Alex. Johnson, poet. 
Halkett, Lieut., Aide-de-Camp to the 

Mules Females 

Over Under Over Under 
10 16 16 16 Total 
Whitchurcn.... 747 714 585 534 2580 
Whitby . 1104 1U28 800 916 3918 

Gore of Toronto 257 248 191 227 !>26 
Springfield and 
Streetsville .. about 500 
Toronto 1345 1209 1073 1179 4806 
*Tiny and Taa. . 186 196 383 765 
Vespra (No returns) 

York 1002 1139 1210 969 4320 

* No classification of females given. 

Following the list of townships come 
the names of the constables for the 
Home District and a clause relating 
to jurors. Then there are the names of 
the officers of the Home District Agri 
cultural Society, of which the Lieuten 
ant-Governor, Sir Francis Bond Head, 
was patron ; E. W. Thomson, M.P.P., 
president ; G. D. WeiLs, secretary, and 
William Atkinson, treasurer. 
After a table of statistical informa 
tion relating to the population of the 
Home Counties, which in 1799 was 224, 
and in 1836, 51,764, are these particu 

His Excellency Sir Francis Bond Head, 
Knight Commander of the Royal Hano 
verian Guelphic Order, and of the Prus 
sian Military Order of Merit. Private 
Secretary, John Joseph, Esq. Aide-de- 
Camp, Lieut. F. Halkett. 


Office, King street, opposite the Col 
lege. Edward MacMahon, Chief Clerk ; 
Arthur Gifford, James Macdonell, Wal 
ter Mackenzie, Clerks ; William Clough- 
ly, Office-keeper and Messenger ; Robert 
Algeo, Assistant Messenger. 

Council Office, Public Buildings, Front 
street. The Hon. Robert Baldwin Sul 
livan (Presiding Councillor), The Hon. 
William Allan, The Hon. Augustus 
Baldwin, The Hon. John Elmsley. John 
Beikie, Clerk of the Council ; William 
Henry Lee, Confidential Clerk ; James 
Stanton, Clerk; Hugh Carfrae, Door 
keeper and Messenger. Regular Coun 
cil day, Thursday in every week. 

Succeeding the alphabetical list of 
residents given in the Directory comes 
an alphabetical list of the inhabitant 
householders in the Home District, 
comprising the Counties of York and 
Simcoe. Omitting the names, the num 
bers were as follows : 
Males Females 

Over Under Over Under 
16 16 16 16 Total 
Ad jala 185 186 141 103 705 

Albion 367 368 186 312 1233 

Brock 305 368 251 316 1210 

Caledon 186 208 153 203 750 

Caledon W 185 219 153 181 738 

Chinguacousv . 482 519 417 503 1921 
Chinguac uByW 516 400 333 423 1872 
Etobicoke 546 469 417 442 1874 

Essa 30 26 19 27 102 

Gwillimbury N. 140 138 117 135 530 
Gwillimbury E. 451 400 404 409 KJ64 
Gwillimbury W 430 511 373 401 1718 
Georgina 116 100 89 101 406 

Innisfll .... 168 165 122 123 578 

King 49 37 32 35 153 

Markham 1001 1104 905 1U7 4127 

Medonte 207 186 192 152 737 

*Mono .... 184 207 353 741 


The Legislative Council hold their sit 
tings in the Public Buildings, Front st. 
The Hon. John B. Robinson, Speaker, 
Toronto ; Hon. William Dickson, Dum 
fries; Hon. George Crookshank, Hon. 
Ven. John Strachan, D.D. (Archdeacon 
1 of York), Hon. Joseph Wells, Hon. 

OrilliaN. ..... 87 57 64 :> ! 211 

Oro . 338 261 228 225 1052 

Pickering.. 820 768 649 766 3012 

Reach . 144 144 110 131 529 

Scarboro 519 547 422 508 1997 

Scott (No returns) 

Sunnydale 54 48 87 186 

Tecumseth 501 482 352 430 1768 
"Thorah 1715 162 201 639 

Uxbridge 115 130 98 119 462 

Vauerhan.. 831 789 669 750 3039 



Duncan Cameron, Hon. George H. Mark- j 
land, Hon. John Henry Dunn, Hon. Win. 
Allan, Hon. Peter Robinson, Toronto ; 
Hon. Charles Jones, Brockville; Hon. 
James Gordon, Ainherstburgh ; Hon. 
Alexander McDonell, Toronto ; Hon. j 
Zaccheus Burnham, Hamilton, New 
castle District ; Hon. John Elmsley, I 
Hon. Augustus Baldwin, Toronto ; Hon. ; 
John Hamilton, Queenston ; Hon. Wal 
ter Bo^well, Hamilton, Newcastle Dis 
trict ; Hon. Peter Adamson, Toronto 
Township ; Hon. James Kerby, Fort 
Erie ; Hon. John Kirby, Kingston ; Hon. 
James Crooks, Flamboro West ; Hon. 
Right Rev. A. McDonell, Bishop of 
Regiopolis, Toronto ; Hon. Alexander 
Grant, Hawkesbury ; Hon. Arthur 
Lloyd, March ; Hon. Abraham Nelles, 
Grimsby Hon. Thos. Alex. Stewart, 
Peterborough ; Hon. William Morris, 
Perth; Hon. John Macaulay, Kingston; 
Hon. Peter Vankoughnet, Cornwall. 

Grant Powell, Clerk; Rev. Thomas ; 
Phillips, D.D., Chapiain; D Arcy Boul- j 
ton, Master in Chancery ; Stephen Jar- 
vis, Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod ; 
John F. Taylor, Clerk ; Hugh Carfrae, 
Door-keeper ; Lewis Bright, Messenger. 

Address The Honourable the Legis 
lative Council in Provincial Parliament 


Thirteenth Parliament Elected June 
and July, 1836. 

The House of Assembly is held in 
the Public buildings, Front street, west 
of the city. 

Prescott Richard Phillips Hotham, 
John Kearns, I. Orignal. 

Russell Thomas McKay, By-Town. 

Glengarry Donald McDonell, Alex. 
Chisholm, Cornwall. 

Stormont Archibald McLean, Donald 
Ae. McDonald, Cornvall. 

Dundas Peter Shaver, Matilda ; John 
Cook, Williamsburgh. 

Lanark John A. H. Powell, Perth ; 
Malcolm Cameron, Perth. 

Carle ton John Bower Lewis, Edward 
Malloch, Richmond. 

Leeds Jonas Jones, Ogele Robert 
Gowan, Brockville. 

Grenville Hiram Norton, Prescott ; 
William B. Wells, Rrockville. 

Frontenac James Matthewson, John 
B. Marks, Kingston. 

Lennox and Addington John Solo 
mon Cartwright, Kingston; George Hill 
Detlor, Napanee. 

Prince Edward James Rogers Arm 
strong, city of Toronto ; Charles Bockus, 

Hastings Edward Murney, Belleville; 
Anthony Manahan, Kingston. 

Northumberland Alex. McDonell, 
Peterborough ; Henry Ruttan, Cobourg. 

Durham George Strange Boulton, Co 
bourg ; George Elliott, Monaghan. 

York 1st Riding, David Gibson, York 
Mills; 2nd Riding, E. W. Thompson, To 
ronto Township ; 3rd Riding, Thos. D. 
Morrison, Toronto City ; 4th Riding, 
John Mclntosh, Toronto City. 

Simcoe William B. Robinson, James 
Wickens, Newmarket. 

Halton William Chisholm, Nelson ; 
Absalom Shade, Gait. 

Wentworth Allan Napier Macnab, 
Michael Aikman, Hamilton. 

Haldimand V/illiam Hamilton Mer- 
ritt, St. Catharines. 

Lincoln 1st Riding, Richard Wood 
ruff, Grimsby ; 2nd Riding, George Ryk- 
ert, St. Catharines ;3rd Riding, David 
Thorburn, Queenston ; 4th Riding, Gil 
bert McMicking, Chippewa. 

Oxford Charles Duncombe, Robert 
Alway, Burford. 

Norfolk John Rolph, City of Toron 
to ; David Duncombe, Waterford. 

Middlesex Thos. Parke, Elias Moore, 

Kent William McCrea, Nathan Corn 
wall, Raleigh. 

Essex John Prince, Francis Caldwell, 

Huron Robert Graham Dunlop, Goue- 

City of Toronto Win Henry Draper, 
City of Toronto. 

Town of Niagara Charles Richard 
son, Niagara. 

Town of .ilamilton Colin Campbell 
Ferrie, Hamilton. 

Town of Kingston Christopher A. 
Hagerman, City of Toronto. 

Town of Brockville Henry Sherwood, 
City of Toronto. 

Town of Cor nwalJ George S. Jarvis, 

Town of London Mahlon Burwell r 
Port Talbot. 

, Speaker ; James Fitzgibbon, 

Clerk ; the Rev. T. Phillips, D.D., Chap 
lain ; Samuel Peters Jarvis, Clerk 
Crown in Chancery ; David McNab, Ser- 
geant-at-Arms ; Eneas Bell, House 
keeper and Messenger. 

Address The Honourable the Com 
mons House of Assembly, in Provincial 
Parliament assembled. 


Office, Public buildings, Front street. 

Charles Coxwell Small, Clerk of the 
Crown and Pleas; William H. Coxwell, 
John Wm. Dempsey, Henry J. Braley, 
George Elliott, Clerks in Office. 



Office, Public buildings. Front street. 
Rotert Sympson Jameaon, Attorney- 


Office, Public buildings, Front street. 

The Hon. John H. Dunn, Receiver 
General ; B. Turquand, W. Rose, W. 
Sergeant, Clerks. 


Office, Public buildings, Front street. 

The Hon. G. H. Markland, Inspector 
General ; James Nation, Raymond Baby, 


Office, Public buildings, Front street. 

The Hon. Duncan Cameron, Secretary 
and Registrar ; Samuel Peters Jarvis, 
Deputy Secretary and Registrar ; Thos. 
D. Harrington, Clerk. 

Note All public documents and in 
struments that pass the Great Seal are 
registered at this office, all of which 
can be seen by the public at a charge 
of Is. 3d. each. Copies can likewise be 
obtained by paying Is. per folio of One 
Hundred words, and if a certificate is 
wanted of the same, the charge is 5s. 


Office, Public buildings, Front street. 
Hon. Peter Robinson, Surveyor Gen 
eral ; John Radenhurst, Chief and Prin 
cipal Clerk ; James G. Chewett, Chief 
and Principal Surveyor and Draftsman, 
and Superintendent of the Drawing 
Room ; Henry Lizars, Assistant Drafts 
man ; William Spragge, John M. Cald- 
well, Henry J. Castles, Philip Durnford, 
Clerks ; William Walker, Messenger. 

Table of Fees, payable to the Sur 
veyor General : 

Reports on applications to Pur 
chase Crown Land 2s. 6d 

Reports on Petitions 2s. Od 

Certificate under the hand of 

the Surveyor General 2s. 6d 

On filing certificates of Settle 
ment Duty, on grants to indi 
viduals not privileged 2s. 6d 

Location Ticket on grants not 

privileged 3s. 9d 

Location Ticket on privileged 
persons after first Location... 3s. 9d 

On searching Plan or Record Is. 3d 

Copy of Township Plan 12s. 6d 

Office, Public buildings, Front street. I 

Hon. Robert" Baldwin Sullivan, Com 
missioner of Crown Lands and Agent 
for ihf, sale of Clergy Reserves ; Rich 
ard Hull Thornhill, Chief Clerk; An 
drew Tod, John Dean, Lewis W. Heath, 
Clerks; John McCloskey, Messenger. 


Office, Public buildings. Front street. 

Hon. Peter Robinson, Surveyor Gen 

Office, Public buildings, Front street. 
Thomas Baynes, Secretary. 

Office, Public buildings, Front street. 
Anthony B. Hawke, Superintendent ; 
Robert Beekman, ClerK. 


Office, Public buildings, Front street. 

Hon. John H. Dunn, Hon. George H. 
Markland, William Hepburn, Trustees 
to the Six Nations Indians residing on 
the Grand River ; Bernard Turquand, 
Accountant ; Col. James Givens, Chief 
Superintendent of Indian Affairs ; Wm. 
Hepburn, Acting Trustee. 


Office, corner of King and York sts. 

The Hon. Lieut.-Col. Joseph Wells, 
Registrar and Bursar ; Edmund J. 
Ridout, Clerk. 

The management of all masters con 
nected with the land belonging to the 
projected University of King s College, 
and likewise of the Upper Canada Col 
lege, are conducted here. 


Commissioners The Chief Justice for 
the time being, the Puisne, Judges for 
the time being, Hon. Robert Baldwin 
Sullivan, Hon. William Allan, Hon. 
Augustus Baldwin, Hon. John Elmsley, 
the Surveyor General for the time 
being. James Beikie, Clerk. 

Note. This is an Act to afford re 
lief to persons claiming lands in this 
Province, under Assignments from 
Heirs, Devisees, or Assignees of the 
original nominees of the Crown, incases 
where no Patents had issued, etc. The 
Commissioners sit on the first Monday 
in July in each year, continuing for six 
teen days. 

Office, 18 Newgate street. 




Eidout, Registrar for the County of 

This is an office established by Act of 
Parliament for the public registering 
of Deeds, Conveyances, Wills, and other 
Incumbrances, which shall be made, or 
may affect any Lands, Tenements or 
Hereditaments. Office hours, from 9 !tb 
2 o clock. 

Fees for entry of every Memorial, of 
100 words, 2s. Cd.; and for every 100 
words over and above the first 100, Is. 

The like Fees are allowed to the 
Registrar for every Certificate of such 
Memorial given under his own hand. 

Every search, a Fee of is. 6d. 

Powell ; Clerk of the Court, Henry C. 

Robert Stanton. Office, 164 King 
street. John Somerville, Clerk. 

Court of King s Bench Chief Justice, 
The Hon. John B. Robinson ; Puisne 
Judges, the Hon. Levius P. Sherwood, 
the Hon. James B. Macaulay ; Attor 
ney-General, Robert Sympson Jameson ; 
Solicitor-General, Christopher A. Hager- 
inan ; Reporter, William H. Draper. 


Clerk of the Crown and Pleas, Charles 
Coxwell Small. Deputies Western Dis 
trict, John L. Williams ; London Dis 
trict, John Harris ; Gore District, David 
Macnab; Niagara District, William D. 
Miller ; Newcastle District, Henry W. 
Jones; Prince Edward District, John 
McCraig ; Midland District, William B. 
Smyth ; Bathurst District, John McKay; 
Johnstown District, Thomas D. Camp 
bell ; Eastern District, George Ander 

No. 3 Division, comprising the City 

of Toronto and the Townships of York 
| and Scarborough. Commissioners John 
Ewart, George Gurnett, Peter Pater- 
: son, William Stennett, Alexander Burn- 
| side, George Duggan, jr. Clerk, George 
j Walton. Bailiffs, William Higgins and 
Thomas Metcalf. The Commissioners sit 
! on the 1st and 3rd Saturday in every 

month. The office is open every day 

fromi 10 to 3 o clock. 



Office in the Court House, is open 
I every day from 11 to 2 o clock. George 
Walton, Clerk ; William Higgins, High 


Front street, City of Toronto. Col 
lector of Customs, Thomas Carfrae ; 
Deputy Collector of Customs, William 



Held at the Court House, City of To 
ronto. Commissioners James Fitzgib- 
bon, Robert Stanton, William Hepburn. 
John F. Taylor, Clerk. Commissioners 
judgment in seizures is final under 
40 ; over that sum it must be referred 
to the Governor-in-Council. 

Office at the Court House. Sheriff, 
Home District, William Botsford Jar- 
vis ; Deputy Sheriff, John Hollister. 

Office at the Court House. Clerk of 
the Peace, Simon Washburn. 


Office at the Court House. Treasurer, 
T. F. Billings. 

Residing in Toronto, George Duggan, 
61 King street ; W. Cooper, Palace st. 

Office, Court House. Judge, Grant 

Home District Hon. Alexander Mac- 
| donell, 102 Newgate street, City of To 


The Probate Court is the supreme 
Ecclesiastical Court in the Province. 
Persons dying and leaving property in 
more than one district, these interest 
ed must prove the Will, etc., in the 
Court of Probate, which is held in To 
ronto four times in every year, com 
mencing on the first Monday in Janu 
ary, the last Monday in March, first 
Monday in June, and last Monday in 

Judge, ex officio, the Lieutenant-Gov- 
ernor ; Official Principal, Grant Powell; 
Registrar, James Fitzgibbon. 

The Surrogate Court is held in every 
district the same days as the Probate 
Court, and relates to Wills, etc., in the. 
particular district. Wills can be prove;! 



and letters 6f administration grunted 
any day at the office of the District 

Surrogate of the Home District, John 
Godfrey Spragge ; Registrar of the 
Home District, William Chewett. 

For administering the Oath of Allegi 
ance Simon Washburn, Grant Powell, 
James FitzGibbon, Robert Stanton. 



Are held at the Court House, Toronto, 
on the first Tuesday after each term 
of the Court of King s Bench. 

The four terms of the Court of King s 
Bench : 

Hilary Commences on the 1st Mon 
day in February, and ends on the Sat 
urday of the ensuing week. 

Easter Commences on the Monday 
next after the 16th of April, and ends 
on Saturday of the ensuing week. 

Trinity Commences on the 3rd Mon 
day in June, and ends on the Saturday 
of the ensuing week. 

Michaelmas Commences on the 1st 
Monday in November, and ends on the 
Saturday of the ensuing week. 

The Court of Oyer and Terminer, 
General Jail Delivery, and Nisi Prius, 
for the Home District, are held twice 
in each year, at Toronto, in April and 


The general revenue for the purpose 
of supporting the Government in Upper 
Canada, and administering of the laws, 
is raised by a duty of 2 1-2 per cent, 
on all goods and merchandise, import 
ed by sea, at the ports of Quebec or 
Montreal. Wines, liquors, and certain 
articles of luxury, have a specif ic duty 
laid upon them. This duty is paid by 
the importer, to the officer at Quebec, 
Upper Canada receiving one-third of 
the sum collected each year. This 
amount, with a duty upon shop and 
tavern licenses for vending spirits, Dis 
tillers, Hawkers, Pedlars and Auction 
eers, and a duty upon certain imports 
from the United States, which are also 
paid by the importer, form the public 
resources of the Province, and is at the 
disposal of the Provincial Legislature, 
for the payment, of public officers, and 
for such general purposes as may be 
deemed wssential to the welfare of the 
people and interest of the Province. 

The Local Taxes, or District Rates, 

are collected from each individual, ac 
cording to the quantity of .land and 
other property he may possess, agree 
ably to the assessed value fixed by law, 
viz.: s. d. 
Every acre of arable pas 
ture or meadow land 100 

Every acre of uncultivated 

land 4 

Every Town Lot 50 

Every House built with Tim 
ber squared or hewed on two 
sides, of one storey, with not 
more than two fire-places ... 20 
Do. for every additional fire 
place 400 

Every house built with square 
or flatted timber on two 
sides, of two storeys, with 
not more than two fire 
places 30 

Do. for every additional fire 
place 800 

Every framed house under two 
storeys in height, with not 
more than two fire-places... 35 
Do. for every additional fire 
place 500 

Every brick or stone house of 
one storey, and not more 

than two fire-places 40 

Do. for every additional fire 
place 10 

Every framed, brick or stone 
house of two storeys, and 
not more than two fire 
places 60 

Do. for every additional fire 
place 10 

Every Grist Mill, wrought by 

water, with one pair stones 150 
Do. with every additional pair 50 

Every Saw Mill 100 

Every Merchant s Shop* 200 

Every Store-house 200 

j Every stone horse 199 

j Every horse of the age of 3 

years and upwards.. 800 

Oxen of the age of 4 years 

and upwards 

Milch Cows 300 

Horned Cattle from 2 to 4 

years 100 

Every close carriage with four 

wheels kept for pleasure 100 

Every open carriage or cur 
ricle kept for pleasure...... 25 

Every other carriage or gig, 

with two wheels, do 20 

I Every waggon kept for pleas 
ure 15 

Every Stove erected and used in a 
room where there is no fire-place is 
considered as a fire-place. 

A Merchant s Shop is defined to be 
wboro any foreign articles are sold. 



Note. The Rate of Assessment in any 
District is limited to one penny in th. 1 , 
pound, which when collected is paid into 

i i 11 

interesting notices of the various de 
nominations ; a table of the Royal 
family, and the following list : 

the District. Treasury, and is applicable j MILITARY STAFF OF UPPER CAN- 
to local purposes within the District 
for which they are levied. 


Every person inserted on the Assess 
ment Roll is, in proportion to the esti 
mate of his property, held liable to 
work on the highways- or roads in every 
year, as follows : 

If his property be rated at : 25, 2 
days; 25 to 50, 3 days; 50 to 75, 
4 days; 75 to 100, 5 days; 100 to 
150, 6 days; 150 to 200, 7 days; 
200 to 250, 8 days; 250 to 300, 9 
days; 300 to 350, 10 days; 350 to 
400, 11 days; 400 to 500, 12 days. 
For every 100 above 500 to 1,000, 1 
day ; 200 above 1,000 to 2,000, 1 day ; 
300 above 2,000 to 3,500, 1 day ; 500 
above 3,500, 1 dfay. 

Every person possessed of a Wag 
gon, Cart, or Team of Horses, Oxen, or 
beasts of burthen or draft used to draw 
the same, to work on the highways 
three days. 

Every male inhabitant from 21 to 50, 
not rated on the Assessment Roll, is 
compelled to work on the highways 
three days. 

Persons emigrating to this Province, 
intending to become settlers, and not 
having been resident six months, are 
exempt ; and all indigent persons, by 
reason of sickness, age, or numerous 
family, are exempt at the discretion of 
the Magistrate. 

Any person liable may compound, if 
he think fit, by paying 5s. per day for 
each cart, etc., and 2s. (id. for each day s 
duty, to be paid within 10 days after 
demand made by authorized Surveyor, 
or the Magistrates can issue their dis 
tress for double the amount and costs. 

In addition to the particulars given 
there is a list of the sheriffs, the judges 
of the District Courts, clerks of the 
peace, treasurers and surrogates and 
registrars of Upper Canada. Then there 
are the names of the officials of the 
Indian, the License, the Land Registry 
and Customs Departments. After these 
come the list of directors and officials 
of the following banks, all now de 
funct : The Bank of Upper Canada, Com 
mercial Bank, Farmers Joint Stock 
Banking Company, People s Bank, 
which was on New street, now Jarvis 
street ; Agricultural Bank, on Front 
street, and Exchange Office. The Direc 
tory concludes with a Clergy list, which 
is of little value, though there are some 

Stationed at Toronto. 

Aide-de-Camp, Lieutenant F. Halkett, 
Coldstream Guards. 

Adjutant-General s Department As 
sistant Adjutant-General, Lieut. -Col. C. 
L. L. Foster, commanding the forces in 
Upper Canada ; Clerk, James Leckie. 

Royal Engineer Department Officer 
Commanding, Captain R. H. Bonny- 
castle ; Clerk of ^ orks, George Hough- 
ton ; Clerk, Michael McNamara ; Mas 
ter Carpenter, Thomas Bell. 

Barrack Department Barrack Mas 
ter. Henrv Evatt : Barrack Sergeant. 
jO iin Conner. . \ < 

Commissariat Department Assistant 
Commissary General, Francis R. Foote ; 
Deputy Assistant Commissary Generals, 
W. Stowe, W. Stanton ; Temporary 
Clerk, J. Lane ; Conductor, C. Lyons ; 
Issuers, B. Ekerlin, S. Amos, E. Cresssll. 

Indian Department Chief Superinten 
dent, Jarnej Givens ; Officiating Chap 
lain, Rev. Mr. Grasett. 

15th Regiment Officer Commanding, 
Lieut.-Col. G. Horton ; Major, William 
Grierson ; Captains, G. D. Colman, W. 
B. Smith, T. Cuthbert, H. B. Barnhain, 
J. R. Bunker ; Lieutenants, George Pin- 
der, F. W. Walker, H. Rudyard, T. S. 
Colman ; Ensigns, H. Grierson, J. R. 
Nash, H. B. F. Dickinson ; Paymaster, 
Charles Walker ; Adjutant, James Hay; 
Quartermaster, J. W. Dewson ; Sur 
geon, J. M. Bartley ; Assistant Surgeon, 
W. Wallace. Strength at present, about 
350 rank and file. 

Royal Artillery One Corporal and 
seven Gunners. 

Volunteer Artillery, City of Toronto 

This Company is fifty strong ; it has 
a good Band, and u very elegant stand 
ard which was presented to them by 
the ladies of Toronto on the 4th of 
June, 1833. They have fifty Stand < f 
Arms and two Field Pieces. The Oiii- 
cers are : Thomas Carfrae, Major ; Silas 
Burnham, Captain ; James Leckie, Cap- 
tain and Adjutant; John Craig, 1st 
Lieutenant; Peter Paterson, jr., 2nd 

Militia of Upper Canada Colonel 
Nathaniel Coffin, Colonel and Adjutant- 
General ; Colonel Walter O Hara, As- 
; sistant Adjutant-General. 



DIRECTORY OF 1846 47- 

Toronto s Residents at that l>aJe Changes 
in Street Nomenclature Institutions 
vtliicli H0 Longer Exist. 

Old directories, like old letters, bring 
back many mtemories of the past to 
those who peruse them some pleasant, 
some painful. The Toronto Directory 
of 18-Ui looked at in 1896 serves to re- 
ca.ll a, very different city to what 
exists at the later date. It is not only 
that the people have changed, that is 
only natural, but the names of the 
streets in many cases have also charg- 
ed, while hundreds of thoroughfares are 
nct.v to be/ found for which we look in 
vain in the (directory of 1846. We shall 
take no notice of new streets, but 
briefly refer to those found in. the di 
rectory under a, different name to thp,t 
which they now bear. Boulton street, 
for instance, is now Pearl street, Caro 
line is Sherbourne street, then only ex 
tending from the bay to Queen street 
east. College avenue has been trans 
formed into Queen street Avenue, 
Crookshank street is Wilton avenue, 
Dummer has been changed to William 
street, and Don street no longer exists, 
while the houses which stood on it 
have been pulled down to effect the 
Don Improvements. Hunter s lane is 
another vanished street, the present 
Hunter street having no connection 
with it. March street wag first chnr..g- 
ed to Stanley, and is now Lombard 
street. Nelson street, formerly known 
as Nefw street, running frorn King 
street east to Queen street east, now 
forms the southern extremity oi Jarvis 
street. Palace street was the eastern 
portion of wh.a,t is now Front street, 
it began a,t the south-east corner of 
the Majrket square. Paxk lane is the 
present University street, and Sa.yer 
has become Chestnut street. William 
street in 1846 was that portion of what 
is now known as Sirucxe street, extend 
ing from Queen street west north 
wards. Yorkville has no longer any 
existence. It was that portion of the 
city now lying to the north of Bioor 

The following is the list of streets 
and residents : 


(North side odd.) 

First street north of King street 
East, commences at Ycnge street, and 
runs east to Nelson street. 

Armstrong, James, innkeepsr 1 

Timpson, Thos. B. f machinist 3 

Carlin, Samuel, carter 5 

Elliot, Tom, carter 

Long, Robert, cooper 11 

Fetch, Robert, builder 13 

Dittey. Sanderson, carter 1!) 

Garfiald, John, Mansion house 21 

Jean, Thomas, (rear); Reid, Na 
thaniel, salesman 23 

Berry William, boarding house 27 

Stotesbury, Charles 29 

Coleman, Wm., tailor; Gannon, M., 

printer 31 

McLaren, Hugh, carter; Doyle, Pat., 

huckster 33 

Donovan, Daniel, timekeeper 

Doctestader, Fred., labourer 37 

McMichael, Olivia, Wellington, inn 3!) 

Connor, Charles, cabinet maker .... 41 
Welsh, H., huckster ; Sinaham, 

Rachel, huckster 43 

Leonard, Patrick, tailor; Debus, 

George, shoemaker 45 

Webb, Wm., labourer 47 

O Neil, Michael, tinsmith 51 

Stewart, Ala., carpenter 59 

Turnbull, Robert, tailor 63 

Scott, M., carter Crt 

Lyons, Wiiliim, huckster 67 

Hughes, Joseph, porter; Hayward, 
Benjamin, carpenter; Hayward, 

William, carpenter 69 

Ridout, John and Samuel 71 

McAulay, James, innkeeper 75 

Heddington, Thomas, labourer ; 

Cross, Samuel, labourer 77 

Matthews, Geo., shoemaker; Hender 
son, Robert, shoemaker 81 

Beatty, Luke, innkeeper 83 

Laffert, William, store 87 

Gibson, Garad, (rear); Clayson Wil 
liam, blacksmith; Davis, Edward, 

miller 89 


(South side even.) 
Conlin, Thomas, flour and grain 

dealer 2 

Gleekie, Geo., cabinetmaker; Little, 

E., brushmaker 4 

Hawkins, Henry, carpenter, (col 

Gates, Richard, of C. Elliott & Co. 18 

Farley, Wm., hatter 30 

Palmer, E. B., clerk, 32 

Garside. Samuel, innkeeper 34 

Grasett, Rev. H. G., Episcopal 48 

Marsh, J. W 54 


Henery, John, General Wolfe inn. 
Doland, John, labourer. 
Langley, Wm., shoemaker. 

(North side odd.) 

Commences at Yonge street and runs 
west to Bathurst street. 
Ketchum, William; Ketchum, Jesse, 

tanner 3 



Stibbs, James, accountant 19 Lee, John, plumber; Cops, Tom, car- 
Wilson, Alex., shoemaker ; Lee, penter 36 

Misses, dressmakers; Malien, Peter Hill, J., builder; Hind, Joseph, stone- 

R.; Laycock, Robert, shoemaker; cutter 38 

Robinson, James, shoemaker 21 Maddern, Oliver; Hale, John ,, polish- 
McNeil, William, shoemaker; Reid, er; Symes, T. J., polisher 42 

N., salesman 23 Hind, J., stonecutter 46 

Willoughby, M., blacksmith 27 Harper, John, builder 54 

Brown, William, labourer; Wilson* i Palmer, John, painter; Davidson, 

James, tailor 29 James, labourer, (rear) 64 

Hamilton, Joseph, M.D.; Carr, Jas., Dixon, John, carpenteer; Whitet, 

carpenter; Malien, P., labourer 31 Charles, carpenter 66 

gall John brewer ADELAIDE STREET. 

Rowed, \Villiam, carpenter o9 

Burgess, Mark, tailor 43 (Unnumbered.) 

Gooderham, James, painter; O Neil, i Costello, John and Michael, tailors. 

Mary, store; Campbell, Alex., Cummings, James, boatman. 

teacher; Allen, Jude, cabinet Laagley, William, shoemaker. 

maker 45 Tamer, John, Labourer. 

McElroy, M. E., milliner 47 Tees, William, labourer. 

Harper, John, builder 51 McDonald, Mrs. 

Brown, Andrew, carter 53 Miller, Robert, attorney. 

Nicol, W. B., professor 57 | Seiber, Andrew sausage maker. 

Ritchey, John, builder 59 Smith, John, labourer 

Hewlett, John, accountant 61 Barrett M master U C. College. 

Madill, John, porter; Turnbuil, Miss, | Evans, Matthew blacksmith. 

dressmaker 63 Eboy. Ihoinas, labourer. 

Lee, John, carter 67 tisher, Walter, tailor. 

Bowman, Samuel, carter; Elder, Flanmgan John, gardener. 

Thomas tailor 69 Flinn, Michael, labourer. 

Hill, James, labourer; Miliigaa, flowery, Ea ^ ol P h labourer, (coloured.) 

Fred., tailor; Laing, Maud Isabella, McNattty Alex., confectioner. 

seamstress; Gorley. John, labour- Rapson, William, labourer. 

er (rear); Small, Sam., labourer... 71 Ross, John, furnishing undertaker. 

Kidney, James, innkeeper 73 Sisley, Lewis, carpenter. 

Thompson, Samuel, painter 75 Smith, John, labourer. 

Esson, Rev. Henry, Pres. Ch 79 Smith Wui labourer (coloured.) 

Couch, John, carpenter 83 Strathy John, barrister 

Burrele, Michael 85 Taylor, Mathew, shoemaker. 

Murray, Rev. Robert, prof 87 Turner VVm. J., saddler. 

Pigott, James, carter, (rear); Keans, Vale, Chas., blacksmitth. 

William labourer 89 Thompson, George Ashe, paymaster 85th 

Rankin, William, M. D.; Chapman, regiment. 

James, Bishop s buildings 95 Thompson, John, 

Keele, W. C., solicitor 97 Wilcox, Leonard carpenter. 

Marling J F 99 Clayson, Wm., blacksmith. 

Pettigrew Will., carpenter; Me- Conlm, Patrick, flour and grain dealer. 

Burney carpenter 109 i Costello, John and Michael, tailors. 

Platt John, mason; Ketilworth, Cummings, James, boatmau. 

John, carpenter Ill Ksten, J. C. P., solicitor. 

Sieber, Andrew, sausage maker. 
ADELAIDE WEST. LeeSf William, labourer. 

(South side-even.) l^ 1 ^ 1 J , oh ^ ^ boi ; er - 

Macdonell, Mrs., widow. 

McBean & Withrow, builders.. 12 Murray, William, farmer. 

McLoughlin, John," laborer! Coulter, Noble, John, tailor. 

Philip 14 O Connor, Dennis, labourer. 

Parkes, Joseph & Vincent, turners; Henery John, General Wolfe Inn. 

Oxenham, James, blacksmith ; Doland, John, labourer. 

Joimson, Joseph 20 

Black, Thomas, wheelwright... ALBERT STREET. 

Henderson, David, blacksmith ^o 

O Neil, John, labourer 28 (Unnumbered.) 

Hamilton, Joseph, M. D 30 First street north of Queen West, 

Mr. Hutchison 32 commences at Yonge street and runs 

Seaton, T. W., shoemaker 34 I west to Sayer. 



Berry, James, labourer. 
Brice, John, stonecutter. 
Bryson, Alexander, pensioner 
Butcher, William, plasterer. 
Clarey, Hugh, stonecutter. 
Custaloe, Wm. J., shoemaker. 
Gibson, John, bricklayer. 
Glover, John, stonecutter. 
Jenkins, Robert, stonecutter. 
McBean, John, carpenter. 
McDonald, Daniel, builder. 
Macdougall, Dougall, printer. 
Milton, Peter, tailor. 
Mitchell, Waitman, painter. 
Moore, Henry, waiter. 
Noble, John, tailor. 
Poole, William, labourer. 
Thomas, John, tinsmith. 
Tennant, David, stonecutter. 
Taylor, James, stonecutter. 
Sweeney, Michael, stonecutter. 
Wiggins, Simon, blacksmith. 
W r iJson, David, carpenter. 
Wordsdell, William, patent medicines. 
Bugg. John, carpenter. 
Dillon, John, labourer. 
Dixon, Joseph, assessor. 
Dodd, James, shoemaker 
Martin, Robert, carpenter 
Mills, William, labourer. 
Rennie, David, carter. 
Smith, David, stonecutter. 
(North side unnumbered.) 

Fifth street north of Queen street 
east, commences at Yonge street and 
runs east. 

Abeson, William, carpenter. 
Hunter, James. 
Jamieson, James, shoemaker. 


Third street north of Queen street 
West, commences at Yonge street and 
runs west. 
Bell, James, teacher. 
Pickering, James, carpenter. 
Plenderith, John, carpenter. 
Simpson, Thomas, painter. 
Spence, John, h/icklayer. 
Simpson, George, tailor. 
Alton, Matthew, shoemaker. 
Howell, John, carpenter. 
Oulster, Peter, blacksmith. 
Ransom, Abraham, gardener. 
Sloan, James, carpenter. 
Stevens, Wm., parpenter. 


Fourth street north of Queen street, 
commences at Tonge street and runs 

Armstrong, James, cloth manufacturer. 
Baker, Charles, bricklayer. 

Banker, Abraham, carpenter. 

Bateson, Matthew, picture frame maker. 

Burrow, G. R., carpenter. 

Christy, William, baker. 

Church, Wm., labourer. 

Congdon, Wm., bricklayer. 

Cotton, James, bricklayer. 

Coxwell, Thomas, Crown office. 

Davis, Alex., labourer. 

Freeman, Wm., painter. 

Fry, George, maltster. 

Hamilton, James, plasterer. 

Hill, John, tailor. 

Hopkins, R., labourer. 

Howard, Lloyd, labourer (coloured). 

Hunt, Wm. V., teacher. 

Hunter, Andrew, millwright. 

Jackson, Thomas, labourer. 

Kenon, Samuel, carpenter. 

Kerton, John, labourer. 

Lyle, Rev. William. 

Martin, Henry, cabman (coloured). 

Martin, James, cabinet maker. 

Pearcy, Gilbert, painter. 

Phillips, Wm., carter. 

Piggott, Charles, cabinet maker. 

Plees, Arthur F., printer. 

Russell, Patrick, tailor. 

Rutherford, Alex., carpenter. 

Silver, John, gardener. 

Smith, Wm. II., carpenter. 

Stark, Willis, carpenter. 

Tinsley, John M., carpenter (coloured). 

Towns, Benjamin, labourer (coloured). 

Wilcox, Thomas, lath maker. 

Wilkinson, George, shoemaker. 

Williamson, C. T., provisions (coloured). 

Willis, John, carpenter. 

Wilson, John, shoemaker. 


Commences at the Bay near the jail 
and runs north to Queen street. 

Armstrong, James, carter. 

Brinnon, Hamilton, lake shore, near 

Cameron, John, M.A., clerk of Canada 


Day, John, labourer. 
Dunn, T. H., manufacturing chemist. 
Galbraith, James, 
McGuire, Hugh, carter. 
McLoghlLn, P. B., teacher. 
Maxwell, Mrs., widow. 
Nelson, Rebecca, market woman. 
O Keefe, John, sailor. 
Power, Right Rev. Michael, Roman 

Catholic Bishop. 
Ray, Robert, labourer. 
Reynolds, Wm., labourer. 
Shortell, James, butcher. 
Smith, Adam, butcher. 
Sparks, James, sailor. 
j Ward, Mrs. Sheldon, widow. 





Commences at the Queen s Wharf and 
runs north to Queen street. 
Cathcart, Robert. 
Connor, Thomas, stone-boatman. 
Dunn, Hon. J. H. 

Kennelly, Win., Queen s Wharf Inn. 
Lafferty, Hugh, labourer. 
Love, James, labourer. 
Neajis, Michael H., labourer. 
Quail, Robert, labourer. 
Richards, Owen, lighthouse-keeper. 
Short, John, labourer. 
Short, B., baker. 
Tracy, John, labourer. 
Trenor, Daniel, Queen Ann s Inn. 

(East side aven.) 

Second street west of Yonge street; 
commences at the Bay shore and runs 
north to Queen street. 

Crooks, Robert P., barrister 18 

Smith, John Shuter 24 

Rorke, Samuel, teller Bank B. N. A.; 
Bradbarne, E.; Phipps, W. B., com 
mission agent 28 

Preston, Thomas; Turner, Gwynne 

& Bacon, solicitors 30 

McDonald, Miss, dressmaker 34 

Jacques, John, of Jacquas & Hay... 33 

Lander, John, upholsterer 38 

Roigers, Samuel, painter 42 

Tully, Kivas, architect 43 

(West side odd.) 
Connor Skeffington, LL.D., barris- 

%-srs 9 

Beaumond, W. R., M.D 11 

Brown, James, wharfingar 16 

Turner, Col. Charles B 25 

Skirving, Misses, Ladi:s Seminary... 27 
De Fleur, Baron, professor of music. 29 
Perkins, Frederick, of F. & G. P.... 31 
Barclay, Rev. J., Church of Scot 
land ->3 

Wliittemore, E. F., of T. Bigney 

& Co 35 

Smith, James F 37 

Fiskin, John; Mitchell, James, of 

Ross, M. & Co 39 

Petsrs, Reeee 41 

Campbell, D.; Hay, Robert 45 

Fell, William, engraver 47 

Ridout, George, barrister; Scott, J., 

keeper lunatic asylum 49 

Carfrae, Mrs. Hugh, widow; Howe, 

B. C., auctioneer 51 

Ryerscra, Rev. George 53 

Richardson, Rev. James 55 

Armstrong. W., wharf-kcoper 57 

Gilbert, Elisha, cabinetmaker 61 

O Brien, Lucius, M.D., professor 
K. C. University 73 

\ Evans, John J., clerk 77 

Tolfree, Joseph, plumber 83 

Kelly, Mrs. Widow 8? 

Somerville, J., student-at-law 87 

Greer, John, labourer 89 

Brown, A. V., Lynes & Brown 91 

Blydon, John, labourer 91 

Hill, Joseph, tinsmith 93 


Bergin, Patrick, labourer. 
Cassidy, James, Tailor. 
Catreal, J., blacksmith, bay shore. 
Hurley, D., steward steamer America. 
Teenor, Patrick, M.D. 
Watson, R. & Co., printers and publish 
ers, British Canadian. 

i Munro, John, shoemaker. 


East of Parliament street, third street 
north of King street East. 
Morrison, J., labourer. 
Thompson, James, carter. 

( Unnumbered.) 

First street west of John street, com 
mences on Queen street and runs north. 
Wainwright, Sam., currier. 
Perry, Martin, carpenter. 
Bryant, Daniel, waiter (coloured). 
Connor, James, labourer. 
Small, Thomas, currier. 
Williams, Alfred, blacksmith. 

(North side--odd). 

First street north of Kincr street west, 
j runs west from Racquet Court to Sim- 
I coe street. 

I Brown, George, cabman 1 

; Desmonde, Dennis 8 

; Munro, Maekey, porter 5 

; Orris, Thos., carter 7 

Owens, Thos., labourer 9 

i Turner, Jas., jr., plasterer 10. 

Wyatt, Charles, . 13 

(North side Unnumbered.) 

Trebilcock, John, Union Inn. 

Thomas, John, sailmaker. 

Viders, Thos., carpenter. 

Sturzaker. James N., harnessmaker. 

Shanklin, Robert, labourer. 

Luscombo, Wm., bookkeeper, 

Lewis, A. labourer. 

Bone, William, carpenter. 

Brovrnlove. Wm., labourer. 

Cnlahan, Wm., blacksmith. 

Cline, George, shoemaker. 

Coarl, John, carpenter. 

Downey. Michael, labourer. 

English, Samuel, labourer. 

Flanuery- Wm., labourer. 



(South side Unnumbered.) 
Orr, Henry, painter. 
Nolan, James, Commisserat Dept. 
Murray, John, French polisher, 
McNally, Wm., blacksmith. 
Leach, Enoch, harnessmaker 
Daly, Patrick. 
Geddes, H., blacksmith. 
Halvey, Thos., labourer 
Higgins, Thos., plasterer. 
Hill, Robert, tinsmith. 
Howden, Samuel, labourer. 
Jones, Thos., shoemaker. 
King. D., labourer. 

(East side Even.) 

Forms the west side of McGill square. 
Workman, Samuel, of Workman 
Bros 4 


(Unnumbered East side.) 
Scott, Peter, stonecutter. 
Gait, John, at A. B. Thome & Co. s. 
Leslie, Joseph. 

(West side Odd.) 

Bernard, Thos. Pope ^. 3 

(Unnumbered West side.) 
Mills, Richard, labourer. 

(South side even.) 

Commences at Yonge street, near the 
College avenue, and runs east. 

Edmonds, Elisha, barber 4 

Edmonds, Thos H., merchant tailor 16 

Duggan, George, tailor 20 

(South siide unnumbered.) 
Lillie, Rev. Adam, Congregational. 
Cattley, G. W., engineer s assistant. 
Eccles, Hugh. 
Eccles, H. and W., barristers. 

(North side unnumbered.) 
Twohy, Henry, captain steamboat. 
Telfer, W. G., clerk, Montreal Bank. 
Rose, John, basket maker. 
Holland, George B., Manager Royal Mail 

Steamship Company. 
James, Robert, builder. 
Joeelin, J., of J. E. Ellis & Co. 


(East side even.) 

Third street east of market square 
on King street, commences at the bay 
and runs north, to Queen street. 

Robinson, Ezekiel, mason .. 12 

Carroll, Patrick, tailor 14 

Oliver, John, painter 16 

Kidd, C., teiloress 18 

Condry, John, labourer 20 

Bradley, Dr. O. R. 
Irwin, Archibald. 
Jewell, Robert, brewer. 
Justice, Thomas, farrier. 
Lamontaign^, Chas., cabman. 
Mullen, Edward, tinsmith. 
Quinn, Terence, maltster. 
Ross, Wm., carpenter. 
Rowenn, Henry, plasterer. 
Scott, George, carpenter. 
Wright, Mathew. painter. 


Commences at Osgoode street, in rear 
of Osgoode Hall, and runs north. 
Withrow, James. 

Woods, George, labourer (coloured.) 
Tomlinson, Samuel, labourer. 
Cantwell, Jacob, labourer. 
Cope, Wm., painter. 
Coulson, Samuel, messenger B.N.A. 
Consby, Hnry. labourer (Coloured.) 
Donohue, Patrick, labourer. 
Douglas, James, painter. 
Dunseeth, Robert, carpenter. 
Evans, James, carpenter. 
Evans, Robert, carpenter. 
Evans, William, labourer. 
Finch, William, carpenter. 
Gibbs, Robert, cook (coloured.) 
Goff, Thomas, painter. 
Hassard, Richard, painter. 
Holborn, John, tailor. 
Hunter, Wm., sailor, (coloured.) 
Jarvis, Arthur, carpenter. 
Jenkins, Samuel, plasterer. 
Johnston, Samuel, carpenter. 
Kendrick, Geo., carpenter. 
Knight, Edward, bricklayer. 
Leech, Francis, painter. 
Lilly, Wm., painter. 
McElroy, Daniel, carpenter. 
McLennan, Charles, carpenter. 
McMullen, Peter, labourer. 
Morrow, George, tailor. 
Morrow, Patrick, carpenter. 
Noble, John, painter. 
Roberts, John, labourer (coloured.) 
Smith, Wm., painter. 
Steel, George, carpenter. 
Willard, William, carpenter. 
Withrow, James. 


Commences at Yonge street, near tht 
tollgate and runs east. 
Corbier, Joseph, butcher. 
Duncan, Samuel, lather. 
Swallow, Daniel. 
Wetherell, Joseph, butcher. 
Worthy, Thomas, labourer. 

(East side even.) 
First street west of the Market, 



commences at the Bay and runs north ; Bentley, John, druggist. 

Carlton street. j Brown, Joseph, mason. 

Edmonds, ElLsha, barber (coloured) 4 j Browne, John, wharf keeper. 

Smith, Thomas, shoemaker 6 Carr, Samuei. 

Vance, James, watchmaker ; j Chapman, F., clerk B. A. F. & L. 

Steward, William, jun , saddler... 12 j & Insurance Company. 

Judge, J., shoemaker ; Ward, E., Crickmore, John, solicitor. 

jeweller 14 ; Edwards, William, saddler. 

Bell, William, watchmaker 16 j Erskine, Jane. 

Edwoods, W. B., barbar (coloured) 18 , Farquhar, James, stonecutter. 

Miller, Robert B., attorn sy 20 j Fell, Frederick, printer. 

Lindsay, J., North of Ireland Inn... 24 i Grant, Alexander, barrister. 

Alexander, Robert, fire inspector... 28 i Henderson, Margaret Jane, Edinboro 

DLxon, William, painter 80 i Castle. 

Douglas, Edward, labourer ; Lee, I Hunter, Alexander, teacher. 

Thomas, labourer 32 i Hunter, Hamilton, district superin- 

Herrick, George, M. D., prof, of tendent of education. 

midwifery 48 i Langton, David, M. D. 

Metcalf, H., of Metcalf & Cheney 52 ] McCutcheon, James, McGill square. 

Kneeshaw, K., of Lyman & Co 54 | McDonald, Arthur, of McD. & Co. 

Bilton, George, merchant tailor 56 McVeagh, Robert, carpenter. 

Anderson, T., general superintend- Maitland, John, distiller. 

ent Indian Affairs 58 Maitland, Robert, wharfinger. 

Roy John, surveyor of customs 60 i Moody, Robert, carpenter. 

Clarke, J. P., professor of music 62 Mudford, Charles, tailor. 

Rogers, Fred, bookkeeper 64 Price, Oliver, carpenter. 

Thompson, Samuel, of Rowsells & Quinn, John, steward City of Toronto. 

Thompson 68 Ramsay, William, barrister. 

Balfour, John, bookkeeper 70 Rogers, John, bookseller s clerk. 

Wyllie, George B., salesman ......... 72 Shields, Patrick, labourer. 

Hurd, Major S. P., 76 Shortt, Thomas S., bookkeeper B. N. S. 

Savigney, J. H 78 Snow, B. R., Epicurean Recess (col- 

Eccles, H., barrister 80 oured). 

Chettle, Thomas, of Hamilton, Starke, Alexander, steamboat engineer. 

Hales & Co 82 Stearns, William, provision store. 

piTn-Doti CTT3T7ITT1 Sullivan, A. B., clerk Division Court. 

Telfer, Walter, M. D. 

(West side odd.) Tamblyn, William, carpenter. 

iWright, Charles & William, barbers 1 Trotter, James, city assessor. 

Ryan, Thomas, Crown and Anchor i Welsh, Henry J. 

Inn 7 Williamson, William, bookkeeper. 

O Neil, Edward, hatter 9 j Wright, William, mason. 

Jordan, E., cabman 0.1 Young, Charles, mate steamboat. 

Allen, G. Q., Bondhead Inn (13 COLLEGE AVENUE. 

Briscoe, A. D.; Brown, James (15 (Unnumbered.) 

Gamble & Boulton, barristers ; _ 

Gamble, Clarke, barrister 19 Commences at Qrueen street west of 

Purdy, William, labourer 33 ; Osgoode Hall and runs north to the 

Collins John, waiter 35 i University, and thence runs east to 

Kerr, John, shoemaker ; Proudlove, I Yonge street. 

John 37 i Wedd, John, superintendent College 

Wilson, John, confectioner 39 j grounds. 

Cochlin, P., labourer ; O Dea, J., ; Henley, William, butcher. 

shoemaker 41 i Layton, Henry, Caer Howell. 

Dunn, James, labourer ; Ryan, E., COLBORNE STREET. 

i Q Vv~yn T*^T* 43 

McDowell, JT white s^van Inn I"::: 45 (South side-even;) 

Caldwell, J.," carter; Mitchell, P., First street south ; of King street 

carter 47 east; commences at the Market Square 

Farr, Mrs. T. J., widow 51 and runs west. 

Harte, Thomas, teacher 55 Brown, George, shoemaker; Platt, 

De Grassi, Alfred, agent .. 67 i Jo>hn, Six John Moore Inn 2) 

rmTRPH C;TT?VT?T Henderson, Pat, Sligo Inn. 

lifiKT. Campbell, Samuel, Londonderry Inn. 8 

(Unnumbered.) Wallis, James, Red Lion Inn 12 

Begg, Alexander, carpenter. Howard, G., marketman; Morris, G., 

Bell, John, barrister. labourer 1* 



Wood, Richard, provision store 

HaJlet, Win., dancing master 

(South side unnumbered.) 
Willard, G. B., of Wragg & Co. 
Poison, John, shoemaker. 
Bunbury, John, shoemaker. 
Boyle, Patrick, labourer. 
Aitken, Tom, Tarn o Shanter Inn. 


Donovan, Robert, hatter 

(North side unnumbered.) 
Toy, Win., provision store. 
Strachan, Wm., grain dealer. 
Stinson, Thomas, labourer. 
Sproule, Wm., labourer. 
Putsey, Amos, tailor. 
Nettleton, Richard, waiter. 
Crombie, M. C., teacher. 
Connell, John, labourer. 
Clinkinboomer, Joseph, tailor. 
Boyle, Charles, carter. 

(North side odd.) 

Scarlett, J., innkeeper 1 ; 

(sale., Wm., labourer 3 i Tvrrr<TJT-o< 

McCarthy, J., British Queen Inn... 5 ! CnEt=S ****** 

Bowman, John, innkeeper 9 (South side even.) 

Hutcheson, James O., Royal saloon... 11 Farrell, John, labourer 2 

(North side unnumbered.) | Murphy, N., shoemaker; Welsh, J., 


CROOKSHANK STREET. Nelson, Samuel, contractor ._.."! 12 

(South side-unnumbered.) i Hf 1 ^. T., butcher ; Barrett, Wm., 

a , , ,. labourer ; McEniry, M., shoemaker 14 

Second street north of Queen street McCabe, L., shoemaker... 16 

East, commences at Tonge street and , ROSS) George, lake captain . 18 

Bastg .; Bolger, James., shoemaker 20 

Ellis, Thomas, labourer. j Tweedy, Robert, soap boiler 22 

(North side unnumbered.) i Pells, Wm., bricklayer 24 

Davies, Thomas, painter. ar Y, is A "^ rt tinsmith 28 

Davies, Mrs., dressmaker. Coulter, Wm., carter ; Harahy, M., 

Lain, Wm., shoemaker. a ? " : ~ 

Moore, Patrick, cooper. ?^ don> Ja ^ es engineer 32 

Richardson, Wm., miller. Ludgate, J., apothecary 36 

r-T?nr>T^c!Tj A V-TT- T A -VT? Cochran, James, mason 38 

,ROOKSHANK LANE. ; Donaghi Jo h n , shoemaker; Long- 

(East side -Unnumbered.) moor, James, jr., Longmoor, Jas., 

Commences at Queen street, near \ s*- printers ; Longmoor, William, 

Bathurst street, and runs north. printer (rear; 40 

Ellis, Abraham, labourer. Kelly, Thos., carter ; Rennie, J., cab- 
Ellis, Dennis, labourer. inetmaker 42 

Murchison, John. Allen, John, market man 44 

Sullivan, Michael, turner. Hollinger, J., carter 46 

..__,,, Thompson, John, saddler 48 

JJuGLLhoo STREET. Murray, George, carter; Carruthers, 

CNorth side odd.) John, cabman 50 

Second street north of King street, DUCHESS STREET, 

on the east side of Nelson street, runs (South side unnumbered.) 

east to Parliament street. \ -,, , m ., . , . , 

McCord, A. T., city chamberlain. 

Redgriff John, painter 3 McCaslin, Wm., carter. 

Scanlan, M., carter 11 Jones, John, printer. 

Ford, John H., tinsmith 13 Davis. William. 

Smith, Wm., cabman 25 Ferrar, John, confectioner. 

Collins, Patrick, labourer; Gordon, Flannery, Thomas, pedlar. 

George, tailor 27 Heron, Mrs., widow. 

Croker, Edward, shoemaker 29 nniTR A CJTRP^T 

Kearney, B., pedlar ; McMaster, J... 31 

Magarr, J., city constable 33 (Unnumbered.) 

Towers, Thomas, tailor 35 Commences on Bathurst street north 

Smith, Wm. P., carpenter 37 of the Garrison and runs west. 

Cochrane, Jas., stonecutter ; Hegan, Armitage, J., labourer. 

Thos., tailor; Cochrane David, i Harris, Robert, labourer, 

stonecutter ; Cochrane, John, . Smith, Michael, labourer. 

sculptor 39 Sutherland, Alec, tallow chandler. 

.Willis, James, carpenter 41 Thompson, John, labourer. 





Second street west of College avenue, 
north side of Queen street. 
Beatty, James, carfctg:. 
Blair, William, carpenter. 
Farley, Thomas, gardener. 
Finch, Thomas, labourer. 
Flannigan, John, carpenter, 
Gallagher, Andrew, carpenter. 
Glinn, John, labourer. 
Graham, W. M., labourer. 
Hanen, David, carpenter. 
Hunter, John, labourer. 
Mclntosh, J. L., teacher. 
Mullens, Patrick, carpenter. 
Nickel, John, labourer. 
O Connell, Francis, carpenter. 
Stanlsy, Robert, labourer. 
Telfer, Thomas, labourer. 
Williams, John, labourer (coloured). 
Wray, George, carpenter. 
Magnan, James, carpenter. 
McCarthy, John, porter. 
Durant, Edward, bricklayer. 
Adams, Wm., baker. 


West of Don bridge; commences at 
King street and runs south. 
Sea,rson, John, teamster. 
Price, J^s?ph, labourer. 
Busby, Mrs., widow. 
Farrell, Michael, labourer. 
Gallagher, Dennis, labourer. 
Johnston, John, gardener. 
Lang, Joseph, labourer. 
Marsh, Leonatrd. 

Monkman, George, toll-keeper, Don 

(North side odd.) 

First street north of King street, on 
the east side of Nelson street; runs 
t to Parliament street. 

, Wm., baker 

McPherson, Alex., clerk 17 

Harris, Thomas D., hardware 19 

Filgiano, Catharine, widow 21 

Ridout, John, Alliance Fire Ins. ... 23 
Smith, Thompson, timber merchant 25 

O Neil, P. J., of O Neil Bros 27 

Reford, Grace, widow, Adam, Rev. 

W.: Davis, John, teacher 36 

Thomp-on, Samuel, road contractor 41 

McCarthy. T., labourer 43 

Gzowski, Casimir S., civil engineer. 73 

Foster, Thomas, carter 85 

McKee, H., tailor 87 

Dunn, Patrick 89 

Mullholland, H., labourer; Brooks, 
G., bricklayer; Lewis, D., black 
smith; Pearsall, Sam, blacksmith; 
Smith, Wm., wheelwright 93 

Parkinson, Reuben, wheelwright 97 

(South side even.) 
Hinge, Chas., labourer; McLaren, 

H., carter 2 

Bethune, Dcnald, steamboat prop.... 6 
ProudfoDt, Wm., president Bank of 

Upper Canada 

Primrose, Francis, M.D 

Graham, George, clerk 24 

McClure, R., auctioneer 34 

Baby, J., attorney; Macmrnara, cl >rk 

engineer s department 42 

Wannoll, Charles 44 

Bishop, Paul, blacksmith 46 

Little, J., shoemaker 52 

Clark, Michael, labourer 

Brassingtcm, Richard 62 

Carlile, David, bricklayer 64 

Cavell, Thomas, bricklayer , 66 


Cockburn, Mrs., Young Ladies Semin 

Lamantaigne, David, blacksmith. 
Latham, Jacob, builder. 
Ridout, Samuel, ot R. & P. 
Smith, Mrs., widow, provision store. 
Sunderland, John, huckster. 

(East side even.) 

Runs north from the toll-gate on 
Queen street for about a quarter of 
a mila and then runs west. 

Dennison, Richard L., distiller 2 

(South side unnumbered.) 

Fifth street nclrth of Queen street 
west; commences at Yonge street and 
runs west. 

Thompson, Wm., blacksmith (coloured). 
Turner, Thotmas, shoemaker. 
Stubbs, Mrs., widow. 
Stoekdale, Wm., carpenter. 
Smith, John, rope-maker (coloured). 
Simple, John, plasterer. 
Sharpe, Ri:hard, labourer. 
Severs, James, bailiff. 
Sampson, David, tailor. 
Riddell, Joseph, mason. 
Popplewell, Henry, patent scale maker. 
Pollock, Robert, stonecutter. 
Bailey, Edward, tailor. 
Barnes, Richard, carpenter. 
Beo, Thomas, lalxcurer (coloured). 
Blunt, Wm., ginger beer maker. 
Brown, John, printer. 
Captain, William, plasterer. 
Chatfield, Joseph, carpenter. 
Drew, Christopher, labourer. 
Ellis, John, bricklayer. 
Granger, John, labourer. 



(North side unnumbered.) 
Williams, Thomas, weaver. 
Peggs, Robert, labourer. 
Orr, J. O., M.D. 
Nangle, Mary Ann, widow. 
Moore, James, butcher. 
McClennan, Hugh, labourer. 
Hall, Ephraim, lath-maker. 
Halsted, George, labourer. 
Hall, Silas, labclurer. 
HcJgg, Thomas, printer. 
Howard, Nicholas, labourer (coloured). 

I Dandy, Thomas, jun., carpenter 75 

I Dandy, Thomas, sr., carpenter 77 

Duffus, Alex, carpenter; Andersonl 

Johm, labourer 

I Hearst, Thomas, carpenter 81 

Bailey, William, axe maker 87 


Carter, William, carter. 
Chambers, David, carpenter. 
Colter, John, tailor. 
Cook, John, carpenter. 

Cooper, John, labourer. 
Cope, Thomas, carpenter. 
Coupland, Thomas, shoemaker. 
Cronyn, John, labourer. 
Curl, Daniel, blacksmith. 
Cuttell, Thomas, printer. 
Dandy, James, Carpenter. 
Davis, Reece, bricklayer. 
Devall, William, blacksmith. 
Dowson, John, bricklayer. 

Johnston, Geo., painter (coloured). 
Johnston, Thomas, labourer. 
Jofllands, Benjamin, tailor. 
Large, James, labourer. 
Moore, Henry, butcher. 

(East side sven.) 

Third street west of Yonge street, 
runs north from Queen street. 

Aiken, Alex., shoemaker 6 i Fletcher, Alex., carpenter. 

Mowat, George, shoemaker; Evans 1 , : Graham, John, labourer. 

James, carpenter; Jones, William t ; Gray, Richard, axe maker. 

bricklayer, (rear) 8 Griffith, Wm., Bush Inn. 

Warner, Mrs., widow 10 Handy, Pat, store. 

Mearns, Mrs., widow 14 Harrington, Timothy, labourer. 

Laney, William, porter 16 Irving, John, labourer. 

Brown, M., carpenter; Reid/, A., i Jarman, H. W. and John, carpente 

carter 18 Joyce, John, store. 

Steel, J., labourer 20 Kennedy, John, carpenter. 

Orr, Maria, groceries 28 Kerr, William, carpenter. 

GLassford, John, carter 32 Kines, Wm., labourer. 

Johnston, Eliza, tailoress; Simpsocv Levistun, David, labourer. 

A., brickliyer - 34 Long, John, labourer. 

Harrod, John, cook, (coloured) 42 McAulay, James, labourer. 

Crawford, Hamilton, carpenter 44 Martin, J. J., provision store. 

McAulay, J., carter 46 Miller, Alex., clerk. 

Spence, J., carpenter 48 i Mitchell, John, bricklayer, (coloured.) 

Moffatt, John, carpenter. 
Needham, William, stove mounter. 
Noakes, John, labourer, (coloured.) 

(West side odd.) 

Reaghill, J., painter ........................... 3 < Organ, John, carpenter 

Wright, Charles, blacksmith ............ 5 j Qliphant, John, cabinet maker. 

Lewis, A., labourer (coloured) ......... 7 palmer, John, painter. 

Lynch, J., labourer, (rear); Mo Robertson, George, carpenter. 

Dougall, J., carpenter . ................. Robinson, William, provision store. 

Benns, William, blacksmith ............... 11 g^aw, George, carpenter. 

Mullen, F., waiter, (coloured) ............ 13 > Stanley, John, carpenter. 

Larkin, M., labourer; WhiteJiead/, ! Stevenson, Thomas, printer. 

John, cutter ................................. 15 ; street, Isaac B., 

Wheeler, James, commissariat de- i gtuart, Charles, carter. 

partment ............. , ................... 19 ; Wallace, David, bricklayer. 

Henry, William, bricklayer; Robert- j Wallace, Wm., inn keeper. 

son, John, carpenter .... .................. 41 i Willis, George, 

Kemp, John, lake captain ............... 43 j Wilson, Abraham, labourer. 

Bone, William, tailor .... .................... 45 j ELIZA STREET. 

Wilson, Henry, carpenter ............... 47 

Ferrett. Henry, carpenter .............. 49 

Flinn, James, carpenter .................. 51 

Cowen, Francis, labourer .................. od 

Dandy, William, carpenter ............... 

Crouch W. M., waiter (coloured) ...... 63 Adams, Mrs., widow. 


Rung weat out of 

Adam, ale brewer. 






(East side sven.) 

Commences at King street, opposite 
the market and runs north. 
Fitzpatrick, James, lalourer ...... 12 

(West side odd.) 

Bannerman, John, inn 1 

Lemon, J., tea dealer 5 

Saulter, Thomas, Crown Inn 7 

McGough, Thomas 9 

Fish, Moses, carpenter 11 

Cunningham, MLhatl, lalourer 15 

Malien, M., labourer 17 

Wa&eman, William, hatter; Eon- 
nelly, John, market man 19 


( Unnumbered.) 

O Neil, John, labourer. 
McEwen, Wm., labourer. 
Grasett, G. R., M.D. 
Fingletcn, James, labourer. 


( Unnumbered.) 

Second street east o the market 
square ; commences at the bay and runs 
north to Duke street. 
Forbes, James, labourer. 
Groves, John, messenger Can:i ; a Com 


(South side even.) 

Runs in front of the bay, from the 
scuth-weat corner of the market square 
west to the market. 

Grimvvxod, Wm., livery -0 

Bowes, John G 22 

Thome, B. & Co., importers i>S 

Thompson, Henry, of B. Thome 

& Co 40 

(North side odd.) 

Hammond, Wm., labourer 19 

Arthurs, W 21 

Bowes, Ewaj-t & Hall -" , 

Stone, John, innkeeper 31 

Gould, O. A., innkeeper 35 

Gray, Joseph, bookkeeper; Mason, 
Thomas, flour and meal dealers... 37 

Boys, Henry, M.D., Bursar K. C. N. 
Burns. Robert, D. D., Presbyterian 

Church of Canada. 
Cody, Jaraes, cooper. 
Colcleugh, William, captain Princess 


Courtney, Thos., labourer. 
Craig & Nisbit, carpenters. 
Crookshank, Hon. George. 
Davis, George, cabman. 
Dorsay, Matthew, labourer. 

Dwan, Michael. 

Freeland, Peter, of Freeland & Taylor. 

Gleaves, William, messenger. 

Heward, John, clerk Montreal Bank. 

Heward, Mrs., widow. 

Hickman, James, innke^npr 

Horwood, G. C., N. A. Hotel. 

Jameson, Hon. Robert c\, vice-chancel 

Jones, John, Royal Standard inn. 

Jones, Hon. Jonas, judge Queen s Bench. 

Morrow, W., messenger K. C. N. 

Nisbit, Thos., of Craig & Nisbit. 

O Dogherty, James, ship carpenter. 

Orris, Daniel, messenger K. C. N. 

Pearson, Robert, clerk Crown Office. 

Perkins, F. & G., general wholesale 

Powell, Mrs. Major. 

Radenhurst, John, land agent. 

Rennie, William, Exchange Hote*. 

Richardson, Capt. Hugh, steamboat pro 

Scott, Thos.. stage coach agent. 

Sherwood, Hon. L. P. 

Slaughter, Junius, barber. 

Small, Chas. C., clerk Crown and Pleas. 

Smith, Larrat, of Smith, Crooks & S. 

Spragg, John G.. Master-in-Chancery. 

Stanton, Robt., Collector of Customs. 

Strachan, J. M., of Strachan & Cam 

Strachan, Hon. and Rt. Rev. John, 
D.D., Episcopal Bishop of Toronto. 

Symons, W., innkeeper. 

Thomas, Thos., innkeeper. 

Tinning, Richard, wharfinger. 

Torrance, Alex., tailor. 

Torrance, A., shoemaker. 

Baldwin, Hon. Robert. 

Baldwin, W. A. 

Barfield, Samuel, labourer. 

Gardner. Mrs., widow. 

Gilkison, D., Bursar s office. 

Gilkison, Mrs., organist St. James 

Widder, Frederick, of Canada Co. 

Wright, Edward, boarding house. 

(East side even.) 

irst street east of the Market Square; 
ccttnmences at the Bay and runs north 
to Queen street. 

Walseley, Mrs., -widow f> 

Home, Mrs. R. C., widow 8 

Rocque, Francois, carter; Miller, J., 
coffee house keeper; Brown, Jas., 

cabman 16 

Brookes, Mrs., matron; Fenwyok*, 
Kenneth, theological student; 
Bayne, Thomas, theo. student; 
Geikie, John, student; Hay, Win., 
student ; Marling, F., theo. stu 
dent; Learight, T., theo. student; 
Lancashire, Henry, theo. student. 18 

McCord, Andrew T ~ () 

Austin, John, blacksmith 22 




Harrison, R., clerk of market ......... 

Graham, John, auctioneer ............ 42 | 

(East side unnumbered.) 
Woodley, Thomas, tailor. 
Stewart, Alex., butcher. 
Ridout, Thos. G., cashier B. N. C. 
McManus, J., cooper. 
Duggan, George, ST., coroner. 
Birchall, T. W., director Assurance Co. i 

(West side odd.) ^ 
Steward, Mrs., school; Steward, 

Win., clerk, B. A. F. Ins. Co .......... 

Walton, George, coroner ............... 

Lapsley, Win ............................... 

Marks, Robt., labourer; Mclntee, J., 

labourer; Malkmeis, N., cabinet 

maker; O Hara, Anthony, waiter; 

Smith, Michael, marketman ......... 

Raymond, P., saddler .................. 

Wilson, Wm_, Rose and Crown Inn. 
Tracy, Wm., shoemaker .................. 

Rogers, P., labourer ..................... 

Nisbet, Verner, baker .................... 

Swanton, Geo., sexton St. James 

Cathjidral ................................. 

Hughes, Wm., bricklayer ............... 

Welsh, R., labourer; Dixon, Wm., 

bricklayer; Stewart, Henry ......... 

Jordan, S., peddler ..................... 

Mulvey, Thcs., labourer; Taylor, 

Samuel, labourer ........................ 


25 j 
27 | 






Third street north of Queen street 
east; commences at Yonge strete and 
runs east. 

Elliott, John, clerk District Council. 
Howard, J. S., treasurer H. D. Court 


Perrin, W. L., of W. L. P. & Co. 
Keiller, J., accountant Bank of Mont 


Jackson, John, builder. 
Kellet, Joseph, bricklayer. 


Booth, William, labourer. 
Caufield, Hugh. 
Healy, Daniel, labourer. 
Machar, E.. ship carpenter. 
Reid, Siman, labourer. 
Spence, David, sailor. 
Tuttle, Robert, labourer. 
Wiggins, Wm., sailor. 


King, Wm., butcher. 
Sando, Thos., butcher. 
Welsh, James, labourer. 
Wood, Robert, butcher. 



In the Park, north of Queen street. 
Devitt, John, labourer. 
Donohoe, Joseph, carpenter. 
McAvoy, Wm., labourer. 
Morris, Michael, labourer. 
O Brien, Moses, labourer. 
Rigney, John, labourer. 
Rigney, Michael, labourer. 
Ross, Donald, sailor. 
Vatcher, David, mason. 



Continuation of Nelson street, northi 
from Queen street. 
Bain, Sam, sailor. 
Jarvis, Samuel P. 
Simpson, Richard, of J. Crossley & Co. 


Fifth street west of Yonge street. 
on King street, commences at the bay 
and runs north. 
Anderson, John, stonemason. 
Blake, William Hume, professor of law. 
Boulton, D Arcy, sr. 
Boulton, Mrs. William, widow. 
Cameron, Mrs. Col., widow. 
Cay ley, Hon. Wm., near John. 
Coppin, Mrs., widow. 
Devlin, Henry, sailor. 
Edwards, John, carpenter. 
Fortye, Mrs. widow. 
Gray, Thomas, labourer. 
Gregg, Andrew, carpenter. 
Harvey, Mrs. widow. 
Hughes, John. 
McBurney, John, labourer. 
Mullen, .tames, carpenter. 
Myers, Wm., labourer. 
Peard, John, shoemaker. 
Price, Henry, second English master 

U. C. C. 

Robinson, Lukm, barrister. 
Shortis, Thomas, clerk Crown Land s 

office, near Adelaide. 
Smith, James, carpenter. 

(West side even.) 

First street west of Yonge street, 
commences at Queen street and runs 

Jamieson, George, teacher 4 

Kerr, Robert, captain steamer Am 

Blackford, Anthony 

Forbes, William, carpenter 

Tatham, Kerr Wm 

Struthers, J., upholsterer 18 

(Ur numbered.) 

Thompson, Win., laboure*-, 
Maddock, El., plasterer. 



Hussey, Miss Jenny, Ladies Seminary. 
Dow, Robert, plasterer 

(East side even.) 

Foley, Thomas, labourer 1 

Hirschfelder, J. M., Hebrew tutor... 5 
Allen, Alex, mate, (rear); Naughlon, 
T., shoemaker; Urquhart, Hector, 
carpenter; Williamson, John, shoe 
maker (rear) 7 

Russell, D., engineer 9 

Purkiss, J., ship carpenter 11 

White, Isaac, mason 13 


(South side even.) 

The main street of the city ; com{- 
mences at Ycqage street and runs east 
to the Don bridge. 

Betley & Brown, dry goods 2 

AlcSherry, E. H., hatter; Sherwcod, 

E., law student 4 

Wheeler, Thomas, watchmaker 6 

Richardson, Francis, chemist and 

druggist 8 

Walker & Hutchinscn, clothiers 10 

CornLsh, John, shoemaker; Thomp 
son, Thos., shoe store 12 

McCord, Miss, dressmaker 14 

Walker, Charles and William, mer 
chant tailors 16 

Paterson, Peter, dry-goods 22 

Creighton, Win., Smith, Crooks & 

Smith, barristers 24 

Webb, Thomas, shoemaker 28 

Rcssin Bros., importers of jewellery 32 

Brett, R. H., merchant 34 

Ccons, N. G., dry goods 38 

Wakefield, Wm., auctioneer 04 

iWightman, George, of R. W. & Co.; 

Wightman, R. & Co 42 

Morris, H. & T., china, glass; Stev- \ 

enson, T. H., artist 41 

Cullen, Mrs., boarding house; Mc 
Donald, R., clerk; Kay, John.sales- 
man Ross, Mitchell & Co.; Spreull. 
Samuel, clerk Bank B.N.A.; KLs- 
sock, D. & W., wholesale and re 
tail grocers 46 

Brewer, R., stationer; Cleland, J., 

painter 48 

McConkey, T., confectioner 50 

Smith & Maodonell, wholesale and 

retail grocers 54 

Medley, A. O., manager B.N.A.: 
Vandersmissen, Henry, bcok- 
keepar; Vandersmissen, Mi.-:s, toys 

and fancy gcods 50 

Joseph, J. G., optician 58 

Dunlop, Eliz., confectioner GO 

Eaglesum & Co., dry goods d 2 

Rrice McMurrich & Co., dry go^-ln... (Vl 

Banlenach, Alex., grocer G(] 

McKeand, Paterscn & Co.: Pat/r- 
scn, Thomas i 8 

Braham, Alfred, clothier 

Shaw, Turnbull & Co., retail dry 

goods; Shaw, James 

Cant, George, dry goods 

Campbell & Hunter, sarWles 

I Rogers, Joseph, hatter, etc 

j O Biime, Martin J., clothier 

i Atkinsrn, William, saddler 

Hill, Miss, dressmaker, Whewall & 

Fetch, dry gcods 

I Mullholland, J. & Co., chinaware 

Stann Q .tt, Wm., watchmaker 

I Brewster, Richard, labourer 

j McGlashan, J. & J., dry goods 

i Mount joy, J. R. dry goods 

j Lyman, Kneeshaw & Co., druggists 
Foster, James, shoe store; O Dea, F., 


| Logan, F., fancy goods; Vankoug- 

net, P., of Burns & Mowat 

Morrison, Angus, barrister; Gilles- 

pie, Malcolm, dry goods 

McFarlane, Walter, dry grorls 

Henderson, Wm., grocer; O Brien, 

H. M., attorney 

Miller, Hugh, chemist 

j Dwyer, John, grocer; Lee, E. W. & 

Co., dry goods 

! Beatty & Marsh, grocers 

Cleal, D., baker 

! Kelly, W. C. & Co., grocers, whole- 

sale and retail 









i Thomson, John, wholesale and retail 
grocer 1 8 

B -unskill, Thomas, auctioneer "30 

Monro, George, wholesale merchant 134 

Denison, G. T., jr., barrister 138 

Foster, Wm.; Armstrong, Tom, shoe 
maker 140 

Beatty, James, leather merchant... 142 
; Mullaney, P., butcher; Wallis, Thos., 

grocer 144 

l Bloxom, Dan l, Ton in Coffee Hor.s- 150 
! Harris, Mrs., stay ranker 152 

St. Hilaire, Francois, hainssmakar 154 

Smith, Wm., tallow chandler 156 

O Brien, E. G., secretary T. L. H. 
Railroad Company 

Blandtn, Lucy, dressmaker; Cleal, 
Jacob, baker 

Buttery, Thomas, vet. surgeon 

Walker, John 

Lumsden, Margaret, store 

Wright, John, innkeeper 

! Knowles, Francis, labourer; Leary, 
J., labourer 

Conlin, Henry, flour and grain 

; dealer 

; McCormack, A., blacksmith 188 

Goldsmith, Henry i 90 

; Lenfesty, P., grocer 1 

Silvans, Max, harness maker 194 

i .Hftotty, Adam, innkeeper 1 

Sullivon, F., wheelwright 198 






Beaven, John W., cooper 200 

Cubitt, Wm., baker 202 

Leary, Philip, groceries, Moore, 

Wm., labourer 208 

Love, B., labourer, 210 

Pltmkett, John, tinsmith 212 

Dowd, Dennis, labourer; Leary, P., 
carter 220 

(North side odd.) 

Ridcut Bros., hardware merchants... fl 
Bethune & Blackstcne, barristers; 
Lepper, Arthur, dry goods ; Mc 
Donnell, A., barrister 8 

Hall, Wm., tailor; Love, R., druggist 5 
Saxon, J. F., barrister; Sherwood, S., 
grocer; Miller, D. G., of Muttle- 

bury & Miller, barristers 7 i 

Burgess, T. & M., merchant tailors 9 { 
Lawson, Thomas, merchant tailor ... 11 I 

Glassco, Thos., jr., hatter 13 | 

Nordheimex, A. & S., music store; 

Sullivan & Hector, barristers 15 

Mathieson, D., clothier 17 

Caspar, Samuel, general store 19 

Paterson, David, of P. &, Sons, hard 
ware 21 

Caldwell, Henry, tailor 23 

Christie, John & Son, hardware 25 

Lcsslie Bros., booksellers 27 

L?sslie, J., publisher 29 

Durand, Chas., barrister; Harring 
ton, John, hardware store 31 

Lailes, Thos., jr., tailor; Eastwood, 

John, clothier 33 

Sawdon, George, clothier 35 

Cady, Geo., Scott, H. S. & Co., hard 
ware 41 

Bilton, G. & T., merchant tailors 43 

Walker, George, tailor and draper... 45 
Payne, Geo. F., bookseller ; Thomas, 

Miss, dressmaker 47 

Campbell, Stedman, barrister; Dol- 

mage, W. B., gilder 49 

Featherstou & Townsend, daguerreo- 

typsrs; Crown, Edward, shoemaker 51 
Dempsey, Richard, attorney; Burn, 
Wm. S., accountant; Percy Mat 
thew, dry gcods; Thomas, Wm., 

architect 55 | 

Keen, Rev. Anson, Guardian office 57 j 
Nicholls, H. E., land agent; Duggan 
Brcs., barristers; Mussen, W., 

tinsmith 59 | 

O Brien, Mrs., dressmaker; O Brien, 

Wm.; Sewell, C., watchmaker 61 

Nicol, George, dry goods 63 

ONeil, T. J.; Gait, Thos., barrister; 
Harrison & Foster, barristers; Rid- 
out & Phillips, grocers 05 

O Neil, Brrs., auctioneers 67 

Gothard, Thomas, tailor P>9 

FTstings, Richard, dry gcods 71 

Cheney, George H. & Co., stove 

manufacturers 75 

Ross, W. C., grocer 77 

Romain Bros., dry goods 79 

Reynolds, Wm., baker 83 

Northcote, R., grocer 85 

Cleggett, D., shoemaker; O Higgins, 

John, clothier 87 

Givan, George & Co., grocers; Gwat- 

kin, R. C., grocer 83 

Hamilton, Andrew, gro3er; O-Dono- 

boe, J., auctioneer 91 

Murray, Alex., of Moffat, M. & Co. 95 
Clarksun, Thomas & Co., auctioneers 95 
Bladen, Aarcn (coloured), dyer; Foy 
i Patrick, Foy & Austin, grocers... 97 
Gary & Brown, grocers; Brooke, 

George, barrister 09 

Wasinidge, & Sen, hardware 101 

Langlois & Bates, growers 103 

Bond, John, cabinetmaker 107 

Teeven, James, blacksmith; Teeven, 

James, shoemaker 103 

Fester, Richard, cutler; Randolph, 

Henry, barber Ill 

Truss, M., shoemaker (coloured) 113 

Sproule, John, wholesale and retail 

grocer 115 

Doherty, John, tinsmith; Tracey, A., 

shoemaker 117 

Griffith, Thomas, shoemaker, John 
son, A., store 119 

Me Murray, T., watchmaker : Shep- 

pard, W., shoemaker 121 

Heighten, Wm.. Thames Tunnel Inn 123 
Mulligan, F.; Mulligan, Mrs., mil 
liner 131 

Thomas, Samuvl, saddler 145 

Stevenson, J., Rising Sun Inn 153 

Meson, J., shoemaker 157 

Watson, R., carpenter 161 

Ward, John, shoemaker 163 

Lgge, Alex., store 169 

Xunan. J., &"ioemaker 171 

Finn, Geo., labourer; Rayrnon- s, B., 
shoemaker; Raymonds, J., shee- 

maker 173 

Graham, John. taUor 175 

Chisholm, A., labourer; Smith, Sam- 

ul, tailor 17 

Hny, John, m?son 13 

Thimp-on, Michael, York Tavern... 18") 

Goldsmith. 1st clerk B.U.C Ifii 

Gurnett, George, clerk of the pprc? HIT 
Murray, C. S., b-okk^per B.U.C... . ^ 

Helliwell. Thomas, brewer 

Crapper. James, overseer gas works :?01 

Small, Ho-n. Jsm<\s V... hirrister 211 


(North sr!" odd.) 

Commences at Yonge street, anu runs 
w-^st to the garrison common. 
Champion, Thomas, ass. sac. Church 
Society 5 



Hillman, Thomas, cigar divan 9 

Higgins, Wm., high bailiff; Wells & 

Fitzgerald, barristers 11 

Davis, D., tailor (coloured) 17 

Wilson, David, shoemaker 19 

Metcalf, T., bailiff 21 

Wilscn, Wm., blacksmith (cole ured) 23 
Hruston, Julia, dyt:r; Nixon, Jane, 
French stay maker; Stephens, H., 

printer 25 

Heigh, Wm., tinware 27 

Caisse, Leon, Headquarters Res 
taurant 31 

Mink, J., livery stable 33 

Morrison, Thomas D., M.D.; West- 
land, J. P., seedsman and station 
er; Williamson, A. J., bookkeeper 35 
Lysaghf, J., shoemaker ; Wise, 

Henry, staticner 37 

Haigh & Drummond, cabinet makers 39 
Diamond, J., carter; Wilson, Mrs., 

widow 41 

Wilson, William, cashier, Montreal 

Bank 43 

Harcourt, George, tailor 47 

Hocken, R., stoemaker 49 

Mayor, Hoppner, artist; Pell, J. E., 
carver and gilder; Sterling, John 
Charles Lawlor, painter, ...Waterforr * 

and George, shoemakers 51 

Th mas, P., lo k^nrth 53 

Croper, R., law student: Cooper, C. 
W., srlki f or; Phillips, Rev. H. N. 55 

C lnxk, H. H., innkeeper 59 

R u., Angus, racquet c:urt keeper; 
Bateso n, Eothwell, bath keeper... 61 

Lewis, J. C., barber 63 

Howard, John, fancy silk worker 05 

Hnrris, Wm., grocer; Watts, Thos., 

upholsterer 67 

Sproatt. H., store 69 

Creed, Jamfs, pork butcher 71 

Esmnnde, John, tinsmith; Kelly, 

Jrhn. rabmsn 73 

Ne-ale, John, bookbinder; Rex, Robt., 

tailor 79 

Baker, Job, King A. Inn; Smith, S. 

A., dry gcof s 81 

R n ii, W., cabinetmaker; Dufferin, 
Henry, shoemaker; Bain, Mrs. 

stay maker 83 

H;irpe.r, Rev. Jas.; . Champii n, Jap., 

butcher: Hnrr- s, W.. bill-sticker 85 
H;>Trilton, Jarms, printer; Thomas 

J., tailor 87 

Dinmond, J. P., Iwk^r 89 

Roberts. J., Carpenters Arms Tnr,: 

Taylor. J., labourer 91 

Kent, J(s>ph, store; Kitson, J., 

Boulton Arms 93 

Parry, H., t?ilor 95 

Matthews, J., shoemaker 97 

L r ane, Wm., shomaker; Murray, 

Mrs., dressmaker 99 

Mirfield, J., Shakrspeare Inn 101 

Phipps, Geo., chair maker 103 

Rankin, Chas., surveyor; StrouJ, S., 

Rcyal George Inn 10 r > 

I Dco:Iy, J., labourer; Rainbow, M., 
blacksmith; McKay, T., cabman; 

Phipps, Mrs. dressmaker 10:) 

Wright, Joseph, shoemaker 121 

Byfieid, E., blacksmith 145 


(South side even.) 
Goram, Ambrose, barrister; Lynes 

& Brown, grocers 2 

Baldwin & Sen, barristers; Leith, 
Alex., law student; Lewis, Ira, 
law student; Wilscn, Adam, bar 
rister; Parke, Thomas, law stud 
ent; Keeg; n, George, law student; 
Sherwcod, Edward, law student... 4 
Fulton, Alex., clerk; Cruikshank, 
William, carter; Fitch, J. C., sales 
man; Michie, Geo., of A. Ogilvie & 
Co.; Smith, Janvs, bookkeeper; 
Ogilvie, Alex. & Co., wholesale and 
retail grccers; Phillips, Robert, 

salesman 6 

Ellis, J. & Co., engravers; Rid dell 

& McLean, merchant tailors 8 

Craig, George, tinsmith; Craig, 

Miss, milliner 10 

Becket, Jcseph, chemist; Hooper, 
Edward; Howarth, John, drug 
gist s assistant 12 

Crawford, John, barrister; Osborne, 

W., land agent 16 

Rowsell & Thompson, printers ; 
Rowsell, William, of H. & W. R.; 

Rowsell, H., stationer 20 

Smith, Alex., hair dresser; Whar- 

am C. P., carver and gilder 24 

Baker, John, Black Swan Inn 26 

Jackson, H<nry, jeweller 28 

Myers, J., store 32 

Baker, Chas., tailcr 34 

Steel, H. L., vet. surgeon; Lewis, F., 
bnd agent and auctkncer; Work- 

Bros. & Co., hardware 36 

Bauldry, J., grocer; Richards, S. jr., 

barrister 38 

Hanson, Wm., plumber 40 

Jacqurs & Hay, cabinet makers 42 

Davis, Rcbt. & Co., grocers; Lowe, 

F. C., engraver 44 

Kahn, Chrs, d- ntist 46 

Williams, Jrsh.un, uprobtrer 48 

Coates, W. J., editor of Star 50 

French, Richnrd, chair maker; Mcn- 

tressor & Bottrel, milliners 52 

Carnal 1, Chas., baker and confec.... 58 

Dark, Edward, shoemaker 60 

Hart, J., painter; Smith, David, dyer 62 
To~T-"nc a , B nj., wholesale grrcsr... 61 

Griffiths, Jchn, saddle rrrnu r 66 

Savage, George, watchmaker 68 

Rahn, Chas., d n ist 70 



Havoke, Robt., merchant tailor ......... 

Craig, John, painter; Evans, Sam 1, 
tailor ............................................. 

Shuttle-worth, Gtorge, grocer ......... 

Nock, J., druggist; Tuton, Mrs. R., 
druggist .................................... 

Howard, J. G., architect .......... . ....... 

Cavalry, John, shoemaker; William 
son, Thomas, labourer .................. 

Meredith, J., dentist ........................ 

Score, Richard, merchant tailor ...... 

Wcod, Samuel, dentist ..................... 

Burns, Mowat & Vankoughnet, bar 
risters ; Crickmore, John, laAV 
student; Draper, William, stud 
ent; Keinaghan, James, law stud 
ent; Springer, Oliver, law student; 
McLean, Thomas A., law student; 
Morphy, G., law student ........... .... 

Jones, S., printer; Jones, Mrs. mil 
liner; White, J., studtnt ............... 

Daltcn, Robert G., barrister; Dalton, 
Mrs., Patriot office ....................... .. 

Searle, H., paperhanger .................. 

Owen, Miller & Mills, coach makers 
Lytn, S. G., grocer ........................... 

Ince, Mrs., widow .............................. 

Miller, J., of O\ven, Miller & Mills... 
Mills, Thos., of Owen, Miller & Mills 
Thomas, John, piauoiuaker ............... 

Biyth, John, tailor .............................. 

Lamb, Daniel, blacksmith ............... 

Pocock, John, tinsmith ..................... 

Anderson, George, labourer. 
Bailey, James, teamster. 
Baldwin, Mrs., widow of J. S. B. 
Banks, Robert, labourer. 
Barron, F. W., principal U.C.C. 
Beadle, D. W., law student. 
Beal, Wm., currier. 
Beamish, Thomas, innkeeper. 
Beard, J. G., sheriff s clerk. 
Abbott, W., labourer. 
Bailey, Joseph, sLosmaker. 
Berryman, Join, butcher. 
Befctridge, Chas., grocer. 
Black, John, clerk. 
Blong, Henry, butcher. 
Boulton, Henry J., jr., barrister. 
Brown, Sohn Y., law student. 
Bright, Mrs., widow. 
Burnside, Alex., M .D. 
Cockburn, James, law studtnt. 
Ccok, Archibald, butcher. 
Ccok, W. C., innkeeper. 
Coulson, Corry. 
Craig, Robert, shoemaker. 
Daly Charles, clerk City Council. 
Cuthbertson, John, teacher. 
Davey, William, shoeniakpr. 
Dewdney, Daniel, Royal Oak Inn. 
Dagga-n, Jchn, barrister. 












Fenwick, J< ha, gardener. 

Fox, John, brickmaker. 

Fox, W. M.. White Heart Inn. 

E rancis, James, lime burner. 

Gerow, Wm., labourer. 

Goodwill, Felix. 

Harrison, John, labourer. 

Hawkins, W. M. 

Heath, C. W., law student. 

Henwcod, Edwin and R., apothecaries 

at hospital. 
Hill, Thomas. 

Hurd, Edward E. W., law student. 
Howarth, Ann, innkeeper. 
Yates, Richard, grocer. 
Wright, Wm., innkeeper. 
Winter, Edwin, sexton St. George s 


VVinstanley, J. N., law student. 
Winstanley, Rev. Chas. 
Welsh, James, labourer. 
Watson, Alex., butcher. 
Todd, Andrew, land agent. 
Huteheson, St. John H., law student. 
Jar vis, Julia. 

Johnston, James, teamster. 
Jones, Edward C., law student. 
Johnston, John, labourer (coloured). 
Juilgv, James, shoemaker. 
Lewis, Wm., storekeeper (coloured). 
McCaul, Rev. John, LL.D., vice-presin 

dent K. C. University. 
McCrea, John, brewer. 
McDermct. John, butcher. 
McLean, A., barrister. 
McLean, Wm., distiller. King east. 
Moddock, J. F., solicitor in chancery. 
Maule, A. D., law student. 
Merritt, W. H., jr., law student. 
Mnynard. Rev. G., mathematical master 

Upper Canada College. 
Monaghan, John, butcher. 
Morrison, George, carpenter. 
Nation, James, secretary to Hospita/ 


O kes, James, but her. 
Noble, Thomas, labourer. 
Park, Wm. and Robt., brewers. 
Perry, A. M., dressmaker. 
Pratt, Thomas, labourer. 
PJ ince, Charles, student. 
Tingley, Wm., paper maker. 
Rackhain, Thomas, student, Temple 


Reynolds, Asa, innkeeper. 
Read, D. B., barrister, Wellington 

Richards -n, Hugh, jr., captain steamer 

Queen Victoria. 
Ridout, G. P., of Ridout Bros. 
Ridout, J. S., of Ridout Bros. 
Rigney, Thos. & Co., whl. merqjhants. 
Ripley, Rev. W.H.,.BA.,EpiscopaI. 
Rouse, G. H., carpenter. 



Scadding, Rev. ELnry. first classical 

master, U.C?C. 
Scallion, James, labourer. 
Shuter, Joseph, carpanter 
Simpson, William, brick maker. 
Sinclair, George, steward of the hospital. 
Smith, Alex., labourer. 
Softly, R. W., sailor. 
Stanton, James, law student. 
Strachan & Camercn, barristers. 
Sutherland, James Bcag, of K., M., S. 

& Co. 

Suggett, Wm., tailor. 
Sutherland, K. M. & Co., wholesale and 

retail grocers. 
Sylvester, Peter, farmer. 
Tapscott, George, market gardener. 
Tembars, Joseph, labourer, 
Thompson, : JVLrs. widow. 


Second street north of Queen street 
west, commences at Yonge street and 
runs west. 

Allison, Adam, stonecutter. 
Brodie, John, carpenter. 
Brown, George. 
Cook, Robert, carpenter. 
Dodds Robert, plasterer. 
Endicott Louis, lithographic printer. 
Finch, John, labourer. 
Finny John, shoemaker, near St. 

Patrick s market. 

Hamilton, Alexander, Terauly cottage. 
Johnston, Matthew, plasterer. 
Kershaw, William, iron turner. 
Lindsay, James, shoemaker. 
Lister, James, carpenter. 
Livingstone, James, carpenter. 
Lyons, John, sailor. 
McCleary, Thomson, carpenter. 
McGill, Robert, carpenter. 
Morrison, Donald, carpenter. 
Owen, Richard, carpenter. 
Ross, William, carter. 
Smith, Charles, carpenter. 
Sutherland, Robert, carpenter. 
Swallow, John, cabinet maker. 
Turner, John, iron turner. 
Wadsworth, George, engineer. 


(West side.) 
Dillon, Arthur, National Hotel, G west 

Eykelbosch, James, shoemaker, 7 east 

Harley, John, Brothers Hotel, 3 east 


Hayes, Martin P. 
Humphries, George, innkeeper, 3 west 


McDonnell, Jeremiah, fisherman, Bay 
Johnston, Charles, fisherman, opposite 

M. S. 

Liddell, James, provision dealer. 

Shore, opposite Market. 
McMichael, John, Wellington Inn. 
Moore, John, attorney, 8 east side. 
Peterson, Daniel, Ship Inn. 
Platt, George, Innkeeper. 
Robertson, Charles, grocer. 
Ryan, Edward, fisherman, Bay Shore, 

opposite M. S. 

Smith, J. H., Farmers Arms Hotel. 
Smith, J. T., Masonic Arms Hotel. 
Warren, William, labourer. 


Commences at Maria street and runs 
west to Spadina avenue. 
Bell, John, carter. 
Fitzsimmons, Thomas, carter. 
Phillips, John, labourer. 
Trueman, Wm., turner. 
Willmore, Thomas, carpenter. 
(North side odd.) 

First street north of Adelaide street, 
commences in Victoria street, and runs 
east to Nelson street. 

McGuire, C., bricklayer 8 

McLean, A., porter 

Stewart, Robert, carpenter 7 

Mills, R., shoemaker 13 

Matthews, Mrs. S., Cornish Arms 

inn 15 

Pearce, J., innkeeper 23 

Turner, James, sr., plasterer 25 

Roddy, Charles, bailiff 29 

Welsh, Edward, labourer 31 

Graham, James, inn, 33 

Farmer, John, tailor 35 

Tcklen, M., tailor 39 

Elliot, Elizabeth, Cavan Arms inn 41 

Smith, R., Prince Albert inn -13 

Adams, Win., baker; Stanley, W., 

clerk; Long, H., baker 4o 

Cairns, William, stonecutter 49 

Sherwood, Samuel and John, bakers 51 

Ward, Patrick, inkeeper 33 

Cobbe, Thomas, tailor 57 

Fitzpatrick, James, labourer 59 

Sweeney, J., carter Gl 

Preston, Wm., shoemaker 87 

(South side even.) 

McFaul, W., tailor 2 

Hillock, E., Black Horse inn; Mc 
Neil, John, porter 

Farrell, Joseph, labourer 6 

Hunter, Alex., carter 8 

Gibson, Wm., labourer 10 

Brayshaw, John, innkeeper 20 

Connor, J., labourer ; Misset, P.. ap 
ple dealer 24 

Purdy, E., shoemaker; Priggs, R., 

labourer; Larkin, M., labourer 30 

Gibney, Thomas, carter; Purdy, J., 

labourer 32 

McCue, E., tailor; Wilson, James, 
tailori 38 



Brandon, D., tailor; Sallit, T., tailor 46 

Gregory, Riohard, bricklayer 50 

McCabe, John, porter; Sweetman, 

M., carpenter 52 

Healy, John, inn 54 

Flannigan, Wm., labourer 58 

Bennatt, Mrs., midwife 72 


Martin, James, hatter. 



Commences at Queen street, near 
Peter street, and runs north. 
Campbell, Robert, policeman. 
Carroll, John, butcher. 
James, Robt., horse dealer. 
James, Thos., labourer. 
Shaw, William. 
Tay, Watts, carpenter. 
Daly, Edward, labourer. 
Kelly, Francis, carter. 
Powell, James, labourer. 
Reid, Mrs., widow. 



First street south of King street 
west, commences at Yonge street and 
runs west to Bay street. 
Ashfield, gunmaker. 
Brennan, Robert. 
Byrne. John, porter. 
Charbott, Joseph, tailor. 
Croll, James, cabinetmaker. 
Goodale, John, engineer. 
Halloran, D., labourer. 
Hurd, Thos. G., wine merchant. 
Keely, Patrick, labourer. 
McCarron, James, labourer. 
McGregor, John, blacksmith. 
Miller, Henry, shoemaker. 
Molloy, Miss, dressmaker. 
O Reilly, Terence, labourer. 
Robertson, John, salesman. 
Rut ley, John. 
Scully, James, shoemaker. 
Simpson, Wm., land agent s clerk. 
Sullivan. Daniel, labourer. 
Taylor, James, cooper. 
Whelan. John, labourer. 


Fourth street north of Queen street 
east, commences at Yonge street and 
runs east. 

Sheard, Joseph, carpenter. 
Sargent, Robert, plasterer. 
Roes, John, carpenter. 
Boaar, Thomas, labourer. 
Gilding, John, plasterer. 
Hickman, Henry, tailor. 
McGill, John, labourer. 
McNeil, John, labourer. 
Nor t hard, Edward, shoemaker. 
Robertson, James, carrvjiter. 
Roljertson, Mrs. and Miss, 

Urquhart, Donald, carpenter, 
Urquhart, George, Maitland s wharf. 

(East side 3ven.) 

Commences on King street opposite 
market square and runs north. 

Post, G. W., innkeeper 2 

McMullen, , carter 4 

Shannon, J., grocer 4 

Ward, Bat., market man 6 

I Carroll, Thomas, tailor 8 

Rains, John, secretary H. D. Mutual 

Insurance 10 

Codd, M. E., exchange office 12 

Cannon, Thomas, labourer 18 

Pollock, Bryce, cabman,, (rear) 18 

Davis, "Terance, blacksmith (rear)... 20 

Rennie, D., bricklayer 20 

Scott, J., waiter 22 

Malcolm, J., plumber 24 

Rutherford, P., bricklayer, (rear)... 24 

Hannah, James, shoemaker 26 

Durham, Pat., shoemaker 26 

Murphy, D., carter 28 

Elliott, Andrew, labourer 30 

Black, Joseph, labourer 30 

| Downey, Pat., labourer 30 

O Hagan, J., huckster 32 

Spears, J., teamster 34 

Mutton, William, carpenter 36 

Ramsay, John, stonecutter, (rear)... 36 

Scott, Thomas, book-keeper 44 

McArthur, P., builder 46 

Burrows, William, painter 48 

Davis, Francis, labourer 50 

Walker, Louis, carter 52 

Cailaghan, James, teamster 52 

Chute, Thomas, cooper 54 

Parker, Henry, labourer 54 

Spears, John, labourer 54 

Duffy, Jamas, shoemaker 56 

For d, John, labourer 56 

Carscadden, William, shoemaker ... 56 

(West side odd.) 

Beekman, Robert, agent 9 

Baard, Robert, deputy sheriff 

Rolph, Wm., Black Horse Inn 13 

i Nasmith, John, bread and biscuit 

maker 57 

Lake, T., carpenter 

j Leven, J., distiller 33 

McQuillan, Patrick, steamboat en 

I Greenan, Hugh, carter 

! Kijigsmill, George, city high bailiff 41 

j Cullivern. Richard, inn keeper 43 

( Unnfumbered. ) 

Forbes, Miles, labourer. 
McHale, James. labourer. 
Mara, John, labourer. 



(South side unnumbered.) 
Fourth street north of King street, 
east side of Parliament street. 
Smith, Charles, labourer. 


(East side even.) 

Fourth street east of George street; 
commences at King street and runs 
north to Queen street. 

Bright, John, labourer 6 

Johnston, Wm., butcher 8 

Miller, Mrs., widow 10 


Anderson, R. G., teller B. N. C- 
Anderson, Daniel, tailor. 
Addy, James, carter. 
Beaver, Fred., cooper. 
Beaver, Rev. James, residence 

sity Buildings. 
Clarkson, John. 
Clock, David, carpenter. 
Gilbert, Thomas, cattle dealer. 
Joslin, Daniel, butcher. 
Kennedy, Mrs., widow. 
McGee, Alexander, labourer. 
Malone, John, labourer. 
Middleton, J., cooper. 
Nye, John, labourer. 
O Brien, James, locksmith. 
Riddell, Archibald, printer. 
Spears, John, labourer. 
Summers, Thomas, carpenter. 
Trotter, John, tinsmith. 



Back of Osgoode Hall, and returning 
west from Sayer street to Park lane. 
Baillie, Alex., carpenter. 
Faucett, Robert, carpenter. 
Oal, George, carpenter. 
Parsons, Henry, plasterer. 
Tomlinson, John, labourer. 
Wood, Wm., carpenter. 


( Unnumbered.) 
Hearnes, McDougall. 
Jackson, Benjamin, St. Leger Inn. 
Jamieson, Wm., carpenter. 
McDonald, Randall, shoemaker. 
Mclntosh, Angus, grocer. 
McKay, William. 
Mahar, Thomas, carpenter. 
Malone, James, carpenter. 
Maysent, Wm., labourer. 
Merritt, Wm., labourer. 
Moore, C., labourer (coloured), near. 
Myers, John, carpenter. 
Newton, James, labourer. 
Oliver, James, carpenter. 
Paul, George, labourer. 
Byan, Patrick, labourer. 
Ryan, Richard, labourer. 

Sanderson, Wm., carpenter. 
Semple, Robert, carpenter. 
Sharpe, Robert, labourer. 
Vest, John, labourer. 
Thompson, George, well digger. 
Watson, Henry, carpenter. 


Opposite the bay; continuation of 
Front street; commences at the south 
east corner of the Market Square and 
runs east. 
Bates, Elisha. 
Beamish, Francis, George and John, 

Bethune, Angus. 

Blackburn, Alfred, labourer (coloured.) 
Cawthra, Henry. 
Cawthra, William. 
Cawthra, Mrs., widow. 
Clarkson, Thos., of T. C. & Co. 
Collier, Thos., clerk Canada Co. 
Cooper, Mrs., widow. 
Cull, Edward L., clerk Canada ( 
Cull, John Angel, starch maker. 
Donaldson, John, labourer. 
Dormer, George, maltster. 
Fielding, John, labourer. 
Heather, Wm., Windmill Inn. 
Kerr, John, labourer. 
Kerr, Wm., carpenter. 
Kidd, John, jailkeeper. 
Long, Robert, labourer. 
McGinnis, Patrick, labourer. 
McGlashan, James, of J. & J. McG. 
McNalty, J., labourer. 
Machell, Richard, general store. 
Mahoney, James, labourer. 
Moran, Thos., peddler. 
Nunan, Charles, pork dealer. 
Owen, Robert, maltster. 
Oxley, Robert, labourer. 
Platt, Samuel, brewer. 
Power, John, innkeeper. 
Rankin, Mrs., widow, Russell Abbey, 
Robertson, George, carpenter. 
Rolston, Thomas, mason. 
Shaw, J., innkeeper. 
Shepard, Peter, bricklayer. 
Shea, John, carter. 
Stowe, Fred., clerk Bank of U. 0. 
Stowel, Mrs., widow. 
Street, Wm. R., teller branch Mont 

real Bank. 

Stuart, Charles, Russell Abbey. 
Turner, Enofoh. 
Walls, John, labourer. 
Watson, John, distiller. 
Widmer, Hon. Christopher, M.D. 
Wilkins, Wm., provision store. 
Young, Edward, maltster. 

First street west of Osgoode Hall, 
miming north out of Queeu stre.t. 



Blackburn, Thornton, cabman 
Brown, William, bricklayer. 
Byron, John, labourer. 
Dunlop, Thomas, tailor. 
Felsted, John, carpenter. 
Garlic, Thomas, city inspector. 
McBeth, Thomas, carpenter. 
Osborne, George. 
Steel, Wm., carpsnter. 


In the Park, south of King street. 
Baines, Michael, labourer. 
Connell, Owen, teamster. 
Cowan, Thomas, labourer. 
Craig, Andrew, carter, St. James st. 


Earnest, Wm., labourer. 
Flaherty, Francis, carpenter, near St. 

Patrick s market. 
Goodwin, Joseph. 
Hamilton, James, brickmaker. 
Oxley, Wm., brickmaker. 
Purr, Ubhn. brickmaker. 
Reid, George, sawyer. 
Thornton, James, labourer. 
Wait, John, well digger. 



In the Park, north of King street. 
Christmas, James, gardener. 
Ooolaghan, Patrick, labourer. 
Coolaghan, Wm., carter. 
Crothers. James. 
Hannan, Bartholomew, ST. 
Hannan, Bartholomew, jr. 
Kane,. John, carpenter. 
Lennox, Thomas, labourer. 
Neeson, Henry, carpenter. 
Phillips, Mrs., widow. 
Regan, Dan, labourer. 
Scanlan. Martin, carter. 



Commences at the bay near the jail j 
and runs north to St. James cemetery, j 
Baylis, James, labourer. 
Carney, John, keeper St. James ceme 

Clindinning, R. W., printer. 
Connell, Philip, labourer. 
Dudley, Thomas, carpenter. 
Jardine, Joseph, gardener. 
Langrill, Francis, butcher. 
Langrill, Patrick, butcher. 
McLean, Donald. 
Montgomery, J., labourer. 
Orford, James, gardener. 
Oliver, R. K., silversmith. 
Papa, Joseph. 

Rooney, Thomas, gardener. 

Fifth street west of Yonge street, on 

Front street, commences at the Bay 

and runs north to Queen street. 

Beddome, Foskett B., clerk. 

Brown, John, labourer. 

Burns, Robert E., Judge District Court. 

Carlow, Mrs., widow. 

Darby, James, teacher. 

Ellis, Joseph, civil engineer. 

Hamilton, George, shoemaker. 

Johnston, James, teamster. 

Jones, Richard, laboure r. 

Kidney, John, flour dealer. 

McDonnell, James. 

Moffatt, Lewis, of M. Murray & Co. 

Murray, Davidson M. 

Noble, Simon, blacksmith. 

Williams, George, teamster (coloured). 

(In the Park.) 
Butt, Edwin, bricklayer. 
Donohayse, Thomas, teacher. 
Foley, William, innkeeper. 
Lynch, John and Edward, ]al>ourers. 
Pafcerson, William, labourer. 
Thornton, Francis, labourer. 
Whiteside, John, lalxmrer. 


(First street.) 

East of Queen s wharf, commences at 
the Bay and runs north. 
Hayes, Michael, boatman. 
Marvin, John, shoemaker. 
Newsy, Thomas, shoemaker. 
Warren, Samuel, shoemaker. 
Commences at King street, opposite 
Trinity church, and runs north. 
Eagan, Timothy, sexton. 
Johnston, Roselea, widow. 
Joyce, Joseph, tailor. 
McCleary, William, shoemaker. 
McClusky, Mrs., widow. 
Robinson, Mrs., widow. 
Spelling, Cornelius, labourer. 
Wilkinson, Christopher, carpenter. 

(East side even.) 

Fourth street east of the Market, 
commences at the Bay and runs north 
to Duke street. 

Kane, E., labourer 2 

Meighan, Michael ~-... 4 

Higgins, Charles, gardner 

Leary. P., labourer 8 

Wallis, Isaac, shoemaker 10 

Bates, David H 

Burgess, John, carter ~. 3.8 

Kay, John, carter 20 


Dissett, George, sailor. 


(West side odd.) 
Dark, Thomas, teamster ........ .~..~... 1 


McMillen, J., writer 7 i Bernjtt, John, sailmaker; O Connor, 

Bennett, Henry, shoemaker; Me- J., carpenter 29 

Curry J., carter ; McCurry, C., I Campbell, John, cabinetmaker 31 

porter 13 McManus, M., cooper; McMurchy, 

Lawrence, Morris 15 

(North side odd.) 

Thomas, turner 33 

Ferguson, Edward; Forbes, Alex., 
boarding house; McCloy, A., sailor, 
(rear) ., 35 

Third street north of King street j McManus, P., labourer 41 

east, commences at Yonge street and ) Gray, Mrs. and Miss, dressmakers 43 

runs east to the Don. 

Gallan, John, blacksmith ; Met- 

calf, T. H., machinist 

Cowan, John, carpenter 

Deniord, Richard L., engineer 13 

Bright, Mrs. Lewis, widow 15 

Gibson, John, labourer 17 

.Butt, Ephraim, wheelwright; Mc- 
Morris, J., shoemaker; Swallow, 

Joseph, coach painter 47 

Ashton, John, paint shop; Nicolson, 

William, labourer 49 

Rolph, John, M.D. & M.R.C.S.L 55 

Peay, Austin 57 

Roaf, Rev. John, Congragationalist 59 

Carmichael, D., clerk 3 , Scott, John, M.D 61 

Innis, Thomas, labourer 21 ; Parsons, H., store 67 

Sanderson, Rev. George; Sleith, j Farrell, James, General Brock inn 69 

David, printer 25 | McCallum, Mrs., store; Small, Wm., 

Gibson, William, Markman s Inn... !i9 j carpenter i 73 

Dunn, John P., grocer ; Rossi, F., j Wolf, Charles, cabinetmaker 75 

confectioner 45 Phillips, Robert, labourer (coloured.) 77 

Boyce, George, carpenter 19 Marshall, J., tailor 79 

QUEEN STREET EAST. Abbott R. C., cabman; Robinson 

(South side even ) James, architect 83 

Wright, Charles, blacksmith 4 , Jones, Mrs. C., widow 85 

Quin, John, weaver 12 Loscombe, Chas. R., teacher; Mc- 

McBride, N., engineer It Cluskey, II., stonecutter 87 

Paramore, William, carpenter 18 Martin, Joseph 89 

Lawrence J printer 22 . Dhilver, Joseph, general blacksmith 95 

Conolly, Bernard, sailor; Ryan, i Lindsay, J., carpenter; Geake, Ed- 
William 24 ! ward, stonecutter; Larkm, F.. 

Edwards, Mrs., dressmaker ; Carter, ir W ^ er "iii j V """ ,* 97 

George, tobacconist (coloured) SO Murray, Mrs. dressmaker; Tye, Geo., 

Williams R., blacksmith (coloured) 32 : T Jl r I? ter ---- - W- ";""- " IM 

Brown Peter, editor of Banner - 28 iSSon^ te? cSStS 10S 

McBeatney, Samuel, carpenter ; j Q un ijff e> Henry, carpenter. ......... .. . 107 

U i ~rt,, j i ;. IT~;I i; i , ,.: ,,T-i _ , i /w\ 

McCaffea, J., tailor; O Brien, 
Richard, labourer 42 

Lloyd, J., cook (coloured) ; Pryor, 
Lucas, labourer 44 


(South side even.) 
Hemphill, John, Custom house 
officer 18 

Flinn, Patrick, tailor ; Brown, Thos., j Himstein, J., tailor; Wmiamsoti, 

tailor; Fogarty, Patrick, tailor... 401 ]yr rs 20 

Sutherland, Alexa,nder, tailor 74 j Devlin, Wm., labourer; Devlin, Ar- 

Allan, Hon. William. j thur, labourer 24 

QUEEN STREET WEST. McNamee, E. (> blacksmith 26 

(North side odd.) 

Tredall, J., tinsmith 34 

7^. Smith & Jamieson, carpenters 36 

Fourth street north of King street j Thompson, Wm., blacksmith 38 

west, commences at Yonge street and i Mclntosh. A., shoemaker; Edwin, 
runs west to the tollgate. Arch., labourer; Kirk, R., paint- 
Davis, Calvin, bailiff 1 ! er ,rear 40 

Miller, Mrs. and Misses, dress- j Donaldson, John, carpenter, (rear); 

makers 7 I Ross, D., salesman 

Hale, George, cabinetmaker; Wil- ! Boice, Abraham, carpenter 46 

liams, G., upholsterer & Carr, John, painter j 

Blevins, Robert 17 McLean, J., printer j 50 

Foster, Thomas, grocer 19 j McCHnton, J., carter < 52 

Forbes, Duncan, stonecutter 21 | Nicol, D., laijor 54 

Sleith, David, printer 25 

Macnamara, M., tailor; O Brien, P., 
labourer 27 

Moore, C., tailor, (rear); Stewart, 

John, labourer 60 

Westman. H., whitsmith fi2 



Ferguson, Y., engineer ; Watt, H., 
ship carpenter; Watt, Mrs., dress 
maker 64 

Dill, John, shoemaker 68 

Townsborough, Wm., shoemaker 68 

Abary George, carpenter 70 

Hughes, J., stonemason 72 

Patterson, J., labourer; Murphy, M., 
labourer ; Doherty, Thos., store ; 
Matten, J., maltster ; Robinson, 
Christopher, labourer; Steward, 

Daniel, labourer 74 

Moorehouse, Squire, store 76 

Porter, D., turner 78 

Crawley, Peter, bricklayer ; Pres 
ton, Mrs., 80 

Tiueman, John, Tyrone inn 82 

Cowley, Samuel, cooper 84 

Rogers, Daniel, Enquirer s hin 86 

Birse, Francis, carter 90 

Walker, Wm., British Lion inn 92 

Cleary. Walter, shoemaker 94 

Axford, Wm., wheelwright; Briscoe, 

William, blacksmith 96 

Newman, J., shoemaker; Wright, 

Thos., Lord Wellington inn 100 

Esmonde, John, boarding house 102 

Eritton, Robert, store; Rolston, 

Wm., carpenter 104 

Lee, Samuel, clerk 106 

(North side Odd.) 

Simpson, Geo., baker; Slinger, Thos., 

stonecutter Ill 

Rutherford, J., labourer 115 

Anderson, James, shoemaker 117 

Watson, Mrs., widow 121 

Ewart, Andrew 1125 

Bidley, Wm., painter 19 

Kennedy, E., Sportsman s Inn 1(31 

Johnston, S., shoemaker ; Mahar, 
J., carpenter ; Beatty, John, la- 
labourer (rear) ; Dafoe, Abraham, 
tailor ; Pye. Thos., labourer (rear) 183 

Moules, V., carpenter U35 

McDermott, C., labourer; Mara, J., 

shoemaker ., 1(37 

Black. George, carpenter 1/39 

Delaporte, Anthony V., grocer Ml 

Coyne, Samuel, teacher ; Mason, R., 

labourer 145 

Mara, T., shoemaker, 149 

M -Kee, William, labourer ; Vaig, 

Henry, labourer 151 

Kettle, J., Queen Street Inn 153 

Tyler, J., store 155 

Beitty, Adam, provision store 167 

Hamilton, Wm., shoemaker : Bran 
don, Thos., blacksmith . 169 

Furlong, Matthew, cabinetmaker ... 161 

Patrick, Chas., blacksmith 1)63 

Smith, W., bricklayer 1(67 

McDonald, J., carpenter 169 

Price, Geo., sausage maker If71 

Smith, Alex. M., general store 173 

Henderson, Andrew, store 181 

T.nty, Joseph 187 

Donald, H., shoemaker 189 

Browning, Joseph, cabinetmaker ... 191 

Mossop, J., Black Bull Inn 1)93 

Henry, Samuel, tailor : Mason, Wm., 

painter 197 

Wilmott, H. E., cabinetmaker 199 

Fleming, Richard, tailor 205 

McLochlin, , cooper ; Orr, Geo., 

carpenter 2111 

Ward, Wm., shoemaker 221 

Noble, Wm., wheelwright, 227 

Baird, Alex., Blue Bonnet Inn 235 

Nicoll, F., labourer 237 

Nelson, H. A., shoemaker 239 

Furlong, Michael, tailor 241 

Crafts. Benjamin, store ; Bharrell, 

Isaac, labourer 243 

Batram, James, Royal Mortar inn... 245 

(South side.) 

Beckett, Edward, moulder 112 

Woodcock, Abel, carpenter H4 

Hodder, Edward, M.D 116 

Heward, W. B., clerk to Judge-in- 

Chambers 120 

Stewart, James 138 

Paps, Jacob, labourer ; Pearson, J., 

cabinetmaker 166 

Dye, Mrs., widow; Leslie, T., la 
bourer 172 

Graham, Archibald, labourer 176 

FVVilson, Andrew, attorney 180 

Aiiken, Robert, carpenter ; Jack, A., 

carpenter 1)82 

Tiem, Christopher, oilclothmaker, 
Nutzel, J., portrait painter ; Rasch, 

H., oilcloth manufacturer 1|84 

Burke, Jesse, barber ; Hamilton, 

Geo., shoemaker 188 

Humphries, Thos., cooper TOO 

Henderson, John, store 194 

Earl, Theophilus, baker 200 

Eastwood, Mrs., widow 204 

Clements. William, labourer 206 

Tizzard, ., patent leather dresser 208 

Kennedy. J., wheelwright 2UO 

Brayley. Miss, dressmaker ; Brayley 
J., carpenter ; O Hern, T., inn 
keeper , 21E 

Buntin, Conway, labourer 216 

Walsh, Patrick, carpenter 242 


Anderson, Mrs. 
Ardagh, W., labourer. 

Armstrong, ., labourer. 

Beatty, John, labourer. 
Bell, James, attorney. 
Bell, James, deputy inspector Welling 
ton Hotel. 

Bellamore, Anthony, labourer. 
Bangough, John, labourer. 
Boddy, James, carpenter. 
Eoddy, William, bricklayer. 
Breakey, Andrew, store. 
Bright, William, butcher. 
Brown, John, milkman. 



Brown, John, verger. 
Bryns, William, shoemaker. 
Buchan, John, carpenter. 
Burke, Mrs., dry goods. 
Cameron, James, clerk. 
Cameron, Miss, Gore Vale. 
Campbell, Robert, labourer. 
Cannon, John, mason. 
Carroll, George, carter. 
Carty, Jeremiah, soap and candle maker. 
Cassan, John, labourer. 
Clark, A. M. 

Clifton, Alfred, William IV. 
Coates, William. 
Cole, James, shoemaker. 
Columbus, John, blacksmith. 
Conbn, James, labourer. 
Connor, James, shoemaker. 
Copoland, William, & Co., brewers. 
Corbritt, John, labourer. 
Coxwell, W. H., Crown office. 
Croft, Henry Holmes, professor of chem 
Cruikshank, John, carter. 

Cryan, Michael, labourer. 
DeLaney, Thomas, blacksmith. 
Dempsey, John, weigh master. 
Dempsey, J. W., Crown office. 
Denison, George T., sen., Bellevue. 
Dick, Thomas, captain City of Toronto. 
Breen, Owen, labourer, opposite Market 


Dobson, John, labourer. 
Donnelly, W. M., store. 
Donovan, David, labourer. 
Dawdle, Richard, sawyer. 
Drew, Matthew, carpenter. 
Dunn, Jonathan, butcher. 
Earls, John, Queen s Hotel. 
Durnford, John, clerk ordnance depart 

Earls, John, Queen s Hotel* Queen west. 
Elliot, Henry, labourer. 
Elliot, James, labourer. 
Ellis, Godfrey, steamboat mate. 
Emmens, Thomas, carpenter. 
Finn, Martin, labourer. 

Fitzpatrick, Mark, labourer. 

Foley, Edward, keeper 1st tollgate. 

Fullerton, John, brick maker. 

Forrester, Thomas, labourer. 

Hardy, Stephen, labourer. 

Harding, William, bricklayer. 

Harford, Robort, labourer, near St. Pat 
rick s market. 

Harrison, Hon. S. B. 

Henderson, Mrs., boarding house. 

Holwell, W., ordnance store keeper. 

Humphreys, J. D., professor of music, 
near Queen street west. 

Hynes, Patrick, plasterer. 

Jackson, John, cabinet maker. 

Irwm, "Samson, carter. 

James, H. F., Craven Heifer. 

Jones, John, carpenter. 

i Kelly, John, cabman. 
Kennedy, Thomas, wheelwright. 
LeadLey, Henry, tanner. 
Lovett, Francis, printer. 
Lovett, Patrick, labourer. 
Lyndon, John, labourer. 
McAulay, David, peddler. 
McDonald, D., clerk Canada Co. 
McDonald, Alex., with Blake & Morri 

McG-uire, Misses. 
McLean, Hon. Archibald, judge Queens 

Bench, Queen West. 
McMahon, Edward. 
Malery, David, labourer. 
Madden, Pat, lime burner. 
Manson, George, gardener. 
Maughan, J., assistant commissary clerk. 
Meredith, J., carter. 
Mills, George, gardener, east. 
Mitchell, Sam, tanner. 
Mossop, J., Black Bull Inn. 
Morrison, Mrs., widow. 
Neely, Benjamin. 
[ Noble, Jesse, carpenter. 
! Norberry, William, labourer. 
! O Hern, Nicholas, labourer. 
! Orr, John, carter. 

O Hara, Col. Walter, Lake Shore road, 
; west of toll gate. 
j Paterson, Thomas, labourer. 
1 Paterson, William, labourer. 
j Perrott, Fred., labourer, ordnance de 
I Perry, James, labourer. 

Reddick, James, bricklayer, 
j Reid, John, soap and candle maker. 
! Richmond, William, wheelwright. 
! Rogers, Luke, labourer. 

Ross, William, labourer. 

Rowe, V. it., of G. H. Cheney & Co. 

Rowelt, Joseph, blacksmith. 

Rowell, William, blacksmith. 

Scanlan, Catherine, widow. 

Shaw, John, carpenter. 

Smart, William, labourer. 

Smith, Edward, carpenter. 

Smith, Edward, stoker. 

Smith, James, blacksmith. 

Smith, Patrick, peddler. 

Spears, William, butcher. 

Stanton, William, D. A v Com. Gen. 

Stinson, Charles, teamster. 

Sullivan, John, labourer. 

Templeman, John, Blue Bell Inn. 

Sweeney, John, labourer. 

Turner, R. J., of T. G-wynne & Bacon. 

Thompson, Hugh, carter. 

Thompson, Isaac, of W. Copeland & U>, 

Thomson, James, carpenter. 

Tomb, Andrew, cooper. 

Tost, Henry, blacksmith. 

Trebilcock, John, Union Inn. 

Wadsworth, Mrs., dressmaker. 

Ward, Henry, butcher. 



Walker, Alex., mate steamboat. RICHMOND STREET EAST. 

Wiitson, George, Leer house. (South side even.) 

Welsh, James i, peddler. I Wood> j ameg , painter 6 

Watt. John, blacksmith. j Andrews, William, parish clerk St. 

Wheeler, James, labourer. James 16 

Williams, C., store keeper. j Cooper, Charles, " teamster... . 20 

Williams, William, provision store. j Auscombe, J., harnessmaker 22 

Wilson, James, shoemaker. Allcock, John, clerk; Nicolls, W T m., 

Winchester, Alex., carpenter. carpenter; Nicolls, Mrs., bonnet 

Workman, Joseph, of W", Boos. maker 24 

Young, John, brewer. Davy, Thos., carter; Spilling, Isaac, 

Young, John, shoemaker. tailor 28 

York, Michael, gardener. Harmath, Chas., brewer 

REGENT STREET. Liddell GeS." pTS^er f Shannon , 

(Unnumbered.) T., carpenter 34 

In the Park, north of King street. Clancy, Cornelius B., printer 88 

Briscoa, Andrew, storekeeper 40 

McDermott, Andrew, labourer. Armstrong, Alex., builder 42 

Mitchell, Bruce, gardener. Lailey, Thomes, store 44 

Rolph, William, chairmaker. Brooke, Dan l; Scarlett, J., labourer 46 

Welsh, Peter, shoemaker. Drinnan, John, labourer 48 

RICHMOND STREET EAST. ^^ U ^ J f ^. labour< r r JJ? 

Quigley, Robert, marketman 54 

(North side-odd.) Heffernan, Davis, teacher 56 

Second street north of King street Davis, John F., dealer in drugs 58 

east commences at Yonge street and Donlery, Chas., printer; Hamilton, 

runs north to Nelson street. R-, labourer; Hanton, John, la- 

tjotirsr* ... 60 

McMellen, J., carpenter; Norman, O Connor, Mary, store 66 

Robert, cabinetmaker 5 Q Beirne, T., pedlar; Walsh, P., 

Brummond Mrs .. auctioneer 68 

Matthew, Charles, boarding house... Gibb Charles, engineer; Leys, Wm., 

Harris, John, labourer 13 carpenter 70 

Black, John, labourer (rear); Irwin, | Griffith, Wm. ,"shoemaker; Ryan, J., 

Thomas, carter; Waite, William, peddler 82 

shoemaker 15 , Henn-ssey, "T"!"ia b"o ur er;" Keller, T!, 

Taylor, Mrs., widow 17 i tailor - 84 

Montgomer5J,Gea, porter............... 19 Brewley ," Michael, labourer 86 

r Miteheli , Wm. ir M n ,TTOk e kelp?r er ...! 21 BJCHMOND STREET WEST. 

Battin, J., carpenter; Purdy, Wm., (North! side odd.) 

cQ/rtcr 25 

King John M D 9 7 Commences at Yonge street and runs 

Hamilton, Mrs. , boarding "house!!"! 29 west to Peter street. 

Storm. Thomas, builder 35 i Wiley, James, carpenter -. 

Wilson, John ~ 37 | George, Dinah, bonnet maker 

Watkins, James, printer 41 Owen, John, labourer 

Whittemore, Mrs., widow 45 Blair, John, cabinetmaker 13 

Gordon, W., captain steamer Ad- Gale, John, shoemaker 

miral; Young, Thos., carpenter... 47 Riddell, J., milkman 

Nimmo, John, agent for periodicals 51 Cubitt, Thomas, baker 21 

Lyness, Kennedy, carpenter; Lyaess, Lee, Vernon M., provision dealer- 
Miss, milliner 53 Dill, Alex., Lord Nelson Inn 27 

Donnelly, Patrick, bricklayer; Me- Vollor, James, sailor 29 

Mullen, R. E., wharfinger 55 Miller, A., bookbinder 

Marling, J. W., bookkeeper 57 Summers, John, carpenter 

Rutherford, Edward H.; Ruther- McGregor, J., blacksmith 37 

ford, Mrs., widow 59 Hunter, J., carpenter 39 

Nobl", May, widow 61 Bain, John, bookbinder ~ 43 

Cuthbert. Richard, bookbinder 65 Morgan, G. W., shoemaker 49 

Ausiin, James, grocer 67 Turnbull, Walter, carpenter 51 

Davis, Thomas, labourer 71 Gale, Benjamin 53 

Clinkenbr comer, Chas., watchmaker 75 Duffy, Patrick, sailor 57 

Shaw, John, of S. Turnbull; Young, Wheeler, Wm., carpenter 61 

Wm., carpenter 77 Miller, J v , 69 

Elliot, Chris., of C. E. & Co.; John- Crowther, James, law student 71 

ston, G., carter -r 83 Hawkins, Henry 77 

Stark, Rev. Wm., Presbyterian 87 Laing, A., bookkeeper _......._ 81 



Wilcox, John, carpenter .- 83 RIVER STRI 

Gaskill John, painter; Sims, Samuel, (Unnumbered.; 

J carpenter ba First street west of Don bridge, run- 
Furlong, Patrick, boatman; n ^ ng nor th from King street. 

ards, H., carpenter; Bolston, J., i Allison j ames , labourer. 

carpenter , charlton, Robert, labourer. 

Copp, Wm., carpenter J Connelly, John, labourer. 

Collard, Joseph, engineer Corken John, labourer. 

Campbell Burton, printer Cornell Edward, brickmaker 

Lee, .J, labourer; Lynch, U, - i D Dav id, labourer. 

bourer; Watkins, J., tax collector 105 Drojer avi labourer 

Harper, John, carpenter, Yates, ^ T homas f brickmaker. 

Thomas, carpenter """ Hamilton, James, carter. 

Tobbitt, Joseph, carpenter, Ross, ^erring Jeremiah, labourer. 

James, carpenter J" McW i g g in, Richard, labourer. 

, 1: Sacher:..::::::::: :::::::::::: 121 SAYER STREET. 


(South side aven.) First street east of Osgoode Hall; co: 

Cormican Patrick, labourer 2 men ces at Queen street and runs north. 

Hazlehurst, B.; Segsworth, J., wag- ! Abrams> Joseph, carpenter (coloured). 

gonmaker : Alexander, Wm., cabinet-maker. 

Simpson, W., storekeeper s clerk b ; Archer> w ., bricklayer. 

Mcllmurray, J-, M.D... , | Armstrong, Alex., labourer. 

Clezie, James, cabinetmaker ie , Blacfc Johnt carpenter. 

Searight, J., machinist ^ Brookes Reuben and Noah (coloured). 

Shaw, Samuel, axemaker Brown john, labourer. 

Adams, Samuel, labourer J Brown! Stephen, labourer (coloured). 

Macnamara, Dennis.... ^6 

Courtney, Thomas, labourer bu 

TTcTmi r* n IVCrS WIQOW I^LILZ>, ? j-u.., - 

FiS Michael, carpenter 82 , Flavin, Daniel, labourer. 

RICHMOND STREET. Furlong, John, carper 

Unnumbered ) Graham, George, carpenter. 

Green, Geo, labourar (coloured). 

Bryan, Patrick, lab, Hamilton, Robert, coach-maker 

Burns, David, ^oem^ker^^^ ^^ Wm labo {co i oured ). 

Hardfield, Mrs., widow. 

Creghton James, store. 

Curran, John, labourer. 

Dempster John, carpenter. 

Earls Francis, city constable. 

Fleming Andrew, city constable. 

Fleming Martin, labourer. 

Gillaspie, John, artist 

Grimwood, Mrs., near St. Patrick s mkt. 

Head, Charles, tailor. 

Henry, James, axemaker. 

Johnston, Almira, widow. 

Kerr, John, baker. 

Moore, James, labourer. 

Robinson, Hon. John Beverley, 

Justice of the Queens Bench. 
Watson, B., of R. W. & Co. 
Wright, John, sawyer. 

s SSSBSS- cu 



Near north end of Spadina avenue. 
Dennison, Robert, farmer. 
Gorman, James, labourer. 


Hughes, Elisha, wheelwright. 
Hunter, Thos., carter. 
Hutchins, W., stonecutter. 
Johnston, John, cabman. 
McLeod, James, mason. 
Marks, John, camphire oil mafcei 
Miller, Thos., stonecutter. 
Moore> Nicholas, cook. 
Pi m Richard, carpenter. 
PJ^ Wm., carpenter. 
Porter, Samuel, carpenter. 
Skinner) James, carpenter. 
Roence Wm., carpenter. 
bpence, sho m ^r. 

^ in< 

lasterer . 

Worth, Benjamin, carpenter. 

(East side.) 
. , t t ^ t ^ Yonge street on 


19 1 : 

Frcynt street; commencing at the bay 

and running north. 

Acton, William, shoemaker. 

Bleakley, James, shoemaker. 

Buie, John, sailor. 

Campbell, Patrick, sailor. 

Gorman, Michael, labourer. 

Graham, Patrick, boarding house. 

Grindley, T., letter carrier. 

Halloran. M., tailor. 

Percy, Wm., painter. 

Shewan, M., marketman. 

Stacks, Adam, stonecutter. 

Stoddard, David, carpenter. 

Wallace, Edward, tailor. 


I Unnumbered.) 

Brotherston, Wm., blacksmith. 
Carfrae, Mrs. Thtmas, widow. 
Duncan, Thos., shoemaker. 
Murphy, James. 
Williams, R., blacksmith. 



Between Bay street and York street; 
commences at Adelaide street and runs 
north to Richmond street. 

Alderdice, Robert, carpenter. 
Alderdice, Samuel, porter U. C. C. 


Alexander, Robert, carpenter. 
Bennett, Edward, carpenter. 
Black, Henry, waiter. 
Bond, John, carter. 
Brown, Ezra, axe-maker. 
Conway, James, axe-grinder. 
Dodds, George, axe-Snaker. 
Gibson, Jeremiah, saddler. 
Halford, Mrs., boarding house. 
Leed, Wm., shoemaker. 
McNeeny, Patrick, shoemaker. 
Miller, Wm., shoemaker. 
Milligan, Arthur, tailor. 
Purcell, Edward, carpenter, 
Shaw, Archibald, pattern-maker. 
Shannon, James, carpenter. 
Stockwell, John, stonecutter. 
Todd, James, carpenter. 



First street north of Queen street 
east, commencing at Yonge street and 
running east. 

Lamb, Wm., carpenter. 

Lewis, John, clerk -to W. Gamble. 

Perry, E., keeper House of Industry. 

Hodgson, James, teacher. 

Price, James, builder. 


FoHirth street west of Yonge street 
on King street; commences at the bay 
runs north to Queen street. 

Brough, Seeker, official principal Court 

i of Probate. 

Callaway, David, shoemaker. 

De La Haye, J. P., French master U. 
C. C. 

Ford, Geo., blacksmith and founder. 

Hagerman. Hon. Christopher A., judge 

Queen s Bench. 
; Joseph, Y., clerk of Assize. 

Robertson, John, wholesale merchant. 

Tuxson, John, carter. 

Myers, W. A. C., printer. 

Wallis, Thos., sr., cabinetmaker. 

Wardrobe, Francis, blacksmith. 


Continuation of Brock street; runs 

north from Queen street west. 

Anderson, C. P., labourer. 

Bailey, James, labourer. 

Baker, John, butcher. 

Baxter, James, mason. 

Brennan, messenger Commist. Dept. 

Broomfield, James, ca.rpenter. 
j Brown, Archibald, sailor. 
I Bunker, Thos., bricklayer. 

Cowen, Charlotte, widow. 
I Crawford, John, carpenter. > 

, Cuinmings, Margaret, widow. 

Davidson, John, labourer. 

Deering, James. , 

Doody, Thomas, labourer. 

Doughty, James, labourer. 

Driscoll, Jeremiah, labourer. 
: Farley, John, labourer. 
| Falkner, Thomas, teamster. 

Farrell, Patrick, carpenter. 

Flay, Absalom, carpenter. 

Foster, Mrs. Colonel, widow. 

Foster, C., barrister. 
I GaMoway, Thomas, mason. 

Goodwin, James, labourer. 

Golding, James, sailor. 

Hamilton, Wm., labourer. 

Hardcastle, Simon, labourer. 

Hark, Robert, plasterer. 
! Hewson, Misses, Ladies Seminary, west 
of Spadina. 

Henderson, George. 

Higgins, Francis, teacher. 

Hinds, Richard, butcher. 

Houghton, G., clerk Royal Engineers 
Department . 

Hughes, James, labourer (coloured). 

Hutchinson, John, sailmaker. 

Irwin, Alex., Jaloiirer. 

Joyce, Wm., labourer (coloured) 

Kerr, John, carpenter. 

KeyMorth, Wm., labourer. 

Kilheeney, John, labourer. 

Laa, Patrick, labourer. 

Lawlor, Lawrence. 

Longstaff, R , plasterer. 

Loring, Col. Robert R. 



McClure, Andrew, bricklayer. 

McNeil, Hugh. 

Mahar, Daniel, labourer. 

Magili, Robert, labourer. 

Mansfield, Robert, gardener. 

Mather, William. 

Monaghan, Patrick, labourer. 

Morrison, Edward, labourer. 

Murphy, Patrick, labourer. 

O Brien, Dennis, laboarer. 

Paddon, James, plasterer. 

Peckham, George, labourer. 

Pendergast, Edward, labourer. 

Robinson, John, carpenter. 

Rogers, John, labourer. 

Simmons, Daniel, carpenter. 

Sloan, William, carpenter. 

Smith, David. 

Smith, Richard, labo:irer. 

Smith, Wm., carpenter. 

Sullivan, H., professor of anatomy, K. 

C. University. 

Thompson, James, carpenter. 
Verrall, J. F. marketman. 
Watson, James, labourer. 
West, John, labourer. 
Wright, Joseph, labourer. 


Second street west from Don bridge, 

running north from King street and 

south to South Park street. 

Boles, John, Richard and James. 

Bruce, William, labourer. 

Burke, John, labourer. 

Corrigan. John, labourer. 

Caulay, James, labourer. 

Chambers, James, labourer. 

Coolaghan, Joseph, carpenter. 

Grubb, William, carpenter. 

Hilliard, John, labourer. 

Tames, Wm., labourer. 

Kennev, Thos., policeman. 

Low, Patrick, labourer. 

McAulay. Leonard, labourer. 

McGaw, Mrs., widow. 

Mclntyre, J-, labourer. 

Morris. Ann. 

Neal, Thos., labourer. 

Reed, Thos., labourer. 

Sando, David, labourer. 

Sando, Edward, labourer. 

Steward. John, labourer. 

Whiteside, Arthur and Nathaniel, la 


West of Bathurst street, near the 


Dyson, Joseph, labourer. 



Second street north of King street 
west; commences at Yonge street and 
runs west. 

Butterry, Wm., tailor. 
Hornbrook, John, blacksmith. 
Husband, Wm., carter. 
Iredale, Ishmael, tinsmith. 
Jones, Wm., clerk. 
Mullen, Patrick, carter. 
Nutall, Wm., tailor. 
Rogers, Wm., carpenter. 
Stevenson, John, saddler. 

(West side Odd.) 

Second street west of Yonge street; 

commences at Queen street and rans 


Davidson, Joseph, labourer ; Grier. 
John, blacksmith ; 5 

Coleman, Thos., labourer; Power, J., 
labourer ; Browne, John, wharf- 
keeper ; rear 9 

| Storey. David, teacher 1;1 

Bird, Joseph, painter 17 

I Blancy, Robert, bookbinder ; Wil 
liams, John, candle maker 19 

! Millen Ro rt., carpenter; Troip, Jas., 

stonecutter; Wilson, Wm., cab- 

; inet maker; Allison, A., labourer; 

Burney, David; rear 21 

i Abbott. W. R 23 


i Alexander, W., carpenter. 
I Allan, Sam., carpenter. 

Angus, James, carpenter. 
! Bartlett, Richard, carpenter. 
i Benson, Robt., carpenter. 
; Brookes. James, labourer. 

Brown. Wm., labourer. 

Burgess, Jamas, tailor. 
i Burk, Edward, carpenter. 
Eyewater, Mrs., widow. 
I Campliell, W., upholsterer. 

Carey. Newton, barber, (coloured.) 

Clayton, John, bricklayer. 

Coons, Gkvorge, labourer. 

Cotton, William, plasterer. 

Craig, George, turner. 

Craig, Mack, keeper lunatic asylum. 

Dalton, Richard, carpenter. 

Dawson, Charles, bricklayer. 

Downey, John, bricklayer. 

Duncan, William, blacksmith. 

Ev.ans, Mary. 

Forbes, John, pattern maker. 

Fraser, John, carpenter. 

Graham, George, tailor. 

Gitint, Jane, widow. 

Hamilton, Maxwell, carpenter. 

Harris, John, carpenter. 

Henderson, Hewson, labourer. 

Hopkins, William, tailor. 

Jackson, David, carpenter, (coloured.) 

Jackson, Samuel, labourer, (coloured.) 

Jeffrey, George, cabinet maker. 

Johnston, William, carpenter. 

Johnston, Jane, widow. 

Kennedy, George, taiior. 


Lennox, James, carter. VICTORIA STREET. 

Lews, Isaac, tailor, (rear.) (East side sven.) 

Lyttie, John, labourer. First fc t eagt f y gtreet 

McNiven, Hope, salesman Ross & Co. ] fnrnmitn! . M nf Adol^dP rtitmE a,nd runs 

O Hara, Timothy, labourer. 

Parker, William, blacksmith. 

Parkes, Thomas, cabinet maker. 

commences at Adelaide street and runs 
sortl- to Gerrard street. 

McCarthy, James, labourer 2 

I OlJbVDf "_" *"-r*j v>c*-/ia-i.-v>ix j_ui* *i v- j. . - ,-.,. T J_ 4 

Purkiss, William, carpenter. Connor J., painter 

Rogers, George, engineer. ! Law. Wm bricklayer ; Tenley, 

Holies, Wm., tailor. George plasterer 10 

Skerry, Timothy, labourer. 
Simmooids, George, teacher. 
Snarr, Thomas, bricklayer. 
Smith, Wm., bricklayer. 
Telfer, James, grocer s clerk. 
Usher, George, cabinet maker. 
Walker, Jonas, labourer, (coloured.. 
Toy, William, provision store. 
Toy, Joseph, cabinet maker. 
Torld, James, carpenter. 
Thornton, John, bricklayer. 

Patrick, Edwin, law student. 

Runs north frotn King street to Ade- 

Brown, John, labourer ; Turpy, 

D., porter ; Miller, J., labourer... 14 
Bates, S., carter ; Lennox, J., car 
ter ; Devlin, Richard, carter 16 

Christian, Rev. Washington, 

African Baptist 24 

Bengouga, J., carpenter ; Garven, 
J., confectioner ; Wilson, George, 
carter ; "VVilcox, George, carter... 26 

Davis, Archibald, printer 28 

Hampson, William, carpenter 32 

Carney, Patrick, wheelwright ; Rea- 

hill. T., labourer 34 

McGillivray, Jane, store 38 

Buchanan, C. W., M. D 40 

, Gallagher, Alexander, bricklayer ; 
Young. John, gardener 42 

laide street, between Yonge and Church Lycm, M., teamster ; Todd, Robert, 

streets. carpenter 44 

McCloskey, J., letter carrier 5 ! Curran, Robert, tailor ; Whiteley, 

Rees, William, M. D 9 Joseph, shoemaker 46 

Clark, Mary, widow 15 Crew, W. B., auctioneer 48 

TORONTO STREET. ! Elliott, William, tailor 54 

(TJnnumlMjred.) ! Bond. Y., drug clerk ; McTeay, Geo., 

salesman 58 

Baker, Wm., livery stable. 

Turnar, Adam, engineer 60 

Ramm, Charles, carpenter 62 


(Unnumbered.) i Cuthbertson, Rev. "Samuel, Pres- 

Commences at King street east near terian church .............................. 72 

Trinity church, and runs south to the Cuthbertson, John, broom maker ... 74 

windmill. : Bink, J., machinist; Lorirner, S., 

Atkinson, William, labourer. _, carpenter ........... 

Barrett, Joseph, teamster. i orbes, John carpenter ............... 

Cameron, Archibald, dairyman. j Taylor W blacksmith ............... 


Goodwin, James, sailor. VICTORIA STRE ET. 

Gorman, David, labourer. (West side _ odd.) 

Gorman, Elizabeth, widow. , -, o 

Gordon Mrs., n.dow. | gg^ - W J = ^ Z~ 7 

Jones, James, brewer. Ro&rtson. Mary! widow ............... n 

Kemdrick, Josiah, ship carpenter. ! Miller P tailor 11 

Lundy, Patrick, labourer. Walker Dr 13 

Mason, Samuel, butcher. i Stewart, John,"shomaker ... .... . . . . . . . . 15 

Murphy, Lawrence, labourer. : Beatty, Alex., lalwurer ; Hateson, 

lerdon Dennis, labourer, Matthew, carpenter; Harvey, 

?tarks, John, shoemaker. ; Thomas, store ........................... 17 

Tedder, Robert, labourer. Fisher David, labourer; Prescott, 

Vance, John, labourer. j labourer ................................. 19 

Thorn, Thomas, mason. Lessley, T., labourer , .". ""..."".!! ..! . .! 2tt 
^orts, James, of Gooderham & Co., re- Johnston, H., bricklayer; Slee, J., 

sidence near Trinity. ; shoemaker ............. ! ...................... 23 



Fowler, Geo., carpenter ; Parker, 

Thomas, carpenter 25 

Nisbett, Robert, carpenter 33 

Loudon, William, labourer 35 

Blain, Isaac, lake captain 39 

Brown, John, builder 4-1 

Wightman, Robert 45 

Wightman, John, of R. W. &. Co... 47 

Waldron, Martin, tailor 51 

Kennedy, J., carpenter 53 

Kennedy, Thos., carpenter ; Cun 
ningham. John, millwright 55 

Hall, William, carpenter 63 

Long, R., carter ; Trott, William, 

tailor 65 

Graham, Thos., carpenter ; Mc- 

Kenzie, TL, tailor 67 

Lynch, P., shoemaker 71 

Swan, Matthew, carpenter 75 

Xoble, J., tailor ; Shearer, R., mason 77 

Gibson, Joseph, tailor 79 

Ushur, R., painter 81 

Birmingham, Edward, carpenter ... 83 j 

Spedding, J-, moulder 95 ! 


Taylor, W. D., of Freeland & Tay 
lor 29 

Coulson, A., of Gilmour & Coulson. 31 



Bell & Inglis, Wellington Hotel. 

Chewett, William. 

Grantham, John, liverv stables. 

Hamilton, Wales & Chettle, Welling 
ton buildings. 

Hartney, Henry. 

Jarvis, Wm. B., sheriff home district. 

Macdonell, Duncan, of Smith & Mac- 

Malone, Maurice, labourer. 

Mercer, Andrew, agent marriage li 

Murphy, John, Cooper s Arms Inn. 

Spragge, Joseph, sr. 

Travers, Martin, labourer. 


First street north of Front, commen 
cing at Brock street and running west 
to Portland street. 
(Unnumbered.) Thompson, T. H., assistant Com y-Gen l. 

McKee, R., Prince of Wales Inn. YONGE STREET. 

Snarr, John, builder. (Unnumbered.) 

WELLINGTON STREET EAST. Ashfield, gun maker. 

(North side even.) Bacon, Wm. Vynne, solicitor in Chan- 

First street north of Front street, | eery. 

commences at Yonga street and runs \ Ballantyne, Robert, carpenter, 
east to Church street. i Bell, William, law student. 

Jones, J. M., Tattersall s repository 12 I Bell, William, carpenter. 
Gunn Alex 16 Benbow, Edward, rope maker. 

Barnes, J. D.""agent ZlZ".""""" 18 Berczy, Charles postmaster. 

Whittam, Thomas, pumpmaker 24 illmgs, 1 I., toll-gate line. 


Boulton, Hon. Henry John, barrister. 

Bayley, George confectioner 5 goyer, Thomas. 

Phair, Wm., innkeeper 37 Bridgland, Samuel, shoemaker. 

WELLINGTON STREET WEST. ; BrLggs, Wm. and Robert, carpenters. 

(North side even.) i Brown, Thomas, labourer. 

Commences at Yonge street and runs ; Burns W., gardener, toll-gate lise 
west to Peter street. west of longe. 

Charles, James. 

McArthur, Robert, shoemaker Charlton, John, carter, Bay shore. 

McDonnell, J., carter Edwards, Robert, innkeeper. 

Carney, William, labourer 6 Elmsley Hon . j.. Clover Hill. 

Bond, John, plasterer; Mitchell, ; Ellis, H. B., store. 

M., labourer Fisher, John, bricklayer. 

Cameron. John, cashier Com. Bank 1<2 pio^ -\Vm store 

Ganton, Mrs., boarding-house Fleming, James, gardener and florist. 

Pearson, Thos., custom house broker 8 , Freeland & Taylor, soap and candle 

(South side odd.) I Fyfe, Rev. Robert A., Baptist. 

Traling, Wm., blacksmith 1 ! Gibson, Thomas, pork dealer. 

Campbell, J., shoemaker; Stone, Grainger, George, gardener. 

Daniel, chandler 15 Smith, Joseph, broom maker. 

Smith, Thomas, painter 19 Smith, Wm., Bee Hive Inn. 

Key, Miss, dressmaker 21 Somerset, John. 

O Brien, R., messenger Com. Bank. 23 Spragge, John C., grocer. 

Haigh, John 25 Sproule, Robert, provision store. 

McKenzie, W., clerk District Court 27 Stephenson, S. G. bricklayer. 



Stephenson, Mrs., bonnet maker. 
Stewart, Paul, city missionary. 
Stitt, James, carter. 
Sullivan, R. B., of Sullivan & Hector. 
Sutherland, Kenneth M., of K. M. S. 
Sweetapple, Benj., corn dealer. 
Turreff, Wm., moulder. 
Urquhart, Alexander. 
Walford, Samuel, candle maker. 
Walker, James, keeper first toll-gate. 
West, Thos., master toll-gate line. 
Webb, Thomas, baker. 
Watson, George, carpenter. 
Wiglesworth, Abraham, carpenter. 
White, George H., builder. 
Wickson, James, butcher. 
Williamson, Robert, bookkeeper. 
Wilson, George, clogmaker. 
Woodsworth, Richard, builder. 
Wood, John, carpenter. 


(East side even.) 

The main northern road of the city, 
commencing at the Custom House 
wharf and running north. 

Hall, James, inn 4 i 

Maitland, D., baker 6 

Murphy, J., Albion hotel 8 

Gilmour & Coulson, dry goods 16 , 

Strange, N., wheelwright 22 ! 

Taylor, Archibald, Sir Wm. Wai- 
lac* imr> 26 

May, H., store 28 

McNabb, D., Argyle ion , 32 

Leslie, Geo., & Co. k seedsmen, florists 34 1 

McGregor, J. &. J., blacksmiths 36 j 

Lewis, L., shoemaker; Boyd* Daniel, 

carpenter; Henderson, J., barber... 40 
Blake & Morrison, barristers; Ewart, 

Thomas, barrister 42 

Bettey, M., merchant; Price & 

Ewart, barristers*. 44 

Crossley, John & Co., wholesale dry 

goods 46 

Piper, Hiram, copper aud tinsmith; 

Swain, J., & Co., patent medicines 50 

Green, Samuel T., gunmaker 52 j 

Nixon, Wm., shoemaker 54 

Droyer, Robert, grocer 56 ; 

Catton, George, carpenter 62 j 

Cook, Robert, confectioner 64 ; 

Malcolm, Alex., grocer 66 

Garbutt, C. C., tobacconist 68 

Joseph, H. A., furrier 70 

Murphy, Wm., cooper 72 

Spread, Wm., shoemaker 74 

Roberts, George, cabinetmaker 80 ; 

Keena, Patrick, Mullingar inn 82 

Leach, Thomas, veterinary surgeon... 84 
Fraser, John, & Sons; carpenters ; 
Carmichael, M., carpenter; Hen 
derson, J., shoemaker; LeeberU 

Joseph, shoemaker 86 

Robinson, Thomas, tailor 88 

Sanders, Thomas, hairdresser 90 

Paturson, Wm., provision shop 92 

Robson, E., cabinetmaker .................. 

Elgie, Thomas, Bay Horse irn ............ 

Morphy, Edward, watchmaker ......... 

Bell, Edwin, soap manufacturer ...... 

Langton, Thomas, shoemaker, Car- 
i t-rt, Joseph; Carbert, Mrs., dress 
maker ......................................... 

Lawson, E., grocer; Morrison, Win , 
jeweller ........................... ............ 

Sabine, Charles H., druggist ............ 

B?!!, R., cabinetmaker; Morris, J., 
marble cutter ; Evans, Edward, 
marble cutter .............................. 

Bettridge, John C., drugs and gro 
ceries ........................................... 

Leak, J., grocer .............................. 

Anderson, Thomas W., watchmaker 

Armstrong, J. B., city foundry ......... 

Henderson, Alex., dry goods ............ 

Thompson, John, shoemaker ............ 

Stewart, Mrs., widow ..................... 

Mclntosh, John ................................. 

Williams, H. B ................................ 

Williams, H. B., cabinetmaker ......... 

McGlashan, A .................................. 

Ewart, John, builder; Ewart, J., jr. 

Abraham, Joseph, Green Bush inn... 

Brown, Peter, builder .................. 

Howard, Thomas, baker ............... 

Tredall, Wm., plumber .................. 

Sproul, David, cabinetmaker ............ 

McPhail, C., bookbinder .................. 

Logan, J., seedsman ........................ 

Watson, Richard, tinsmith ............... 

Horley, Richard, shoemaker ............... 

Ushur, James, shoemaker ............... 

Edwards, John, saddler .................. 

Seabury, R., cooper ........................ 


(West side odd.) 

Logan, J., sailor ................... .......... 

Harris, Richard, store ..................... 

Brown, George, editor of Globe ...... 

Perrin, W. L. & Co ........................ 

Ross, Mitchell & Co., wholesale dry 

goods ............................................ 

Capreol, F. C., auctioneer .................. 

Robertson, John, wholesale dry 

goods ........................................... 

McDonald & Co., auctioneers ............ 

McMaster, Wm., dry goods ............ 

Cooper, Edward, dry goods ............ 

Carless, Jas., U. C. Bible and Tract 

Depository ................................. 

KcDonaH, A., auctioneer .................. 

Teane, M., spirit dealer .................. 

say, J-, itoya! Arms inn ............ 

Armstrong, James, saddler; Mrs. 

C. M. Armstrong, dressmaker ...... 

Armstrong, John, storekeeper; El 

liot, Christopher ........................... 

Barnes, James, carpenter .................. 

Berthon, J. S., portrait painter ; 
" Barber, G. A., editor of Herald ; 

Strange, J. M., auctioneer ............ 

Eastwood, John & Co., papermakers 
Stephens, James, bookbinder ............ 

Fulton, John, grocer ..................... 


















Tyner, John, shoemaker; Wad dell, j Clarke, Mrs., widow. 

Carter, painter 83 Collins, John, Nag s Head Inn. 

Urquhart, S. F., patent medicine 85 Cromach, Joseph, butcher. 

Hamilton, Wm., shoemaker; l j at?r- ; Crumpton, Arthur, store. 

son, J., tailor 87 Cuthbert, Thomas, shoemaker. 

Stone, Matthew, saddler ; Daniels, Theophilus, shoemaker. 

Wilson, Jas., cabinetmaker I Daniels, Wm., store. 

Soady, James, shoemaker... 95 Dawson, John, brickmaker. 

Crawford, T., baker; Willis, John, Drew, ., ivory turner. 

store......... Dunlop, D. H., Wellington Saloon. 

Brown, Wm. E auctioneer 101 Farro Wm carpenter. 

Thomas, Wm., tinsmith 103 center. 

Harrison John, shoemaker 07 bonnet-imaker. 

&5a^fh\ 8 Sith r ::::::::::::::: m ; ****> * - ^-^ * 

Mulholland, J., shoemaker 113 x ! n p 

Acheson & Watson, leather dealers 115 lad i ls Wm., bricklayer. 

Andrews, George, shoemaker 117 Goodall, John, gardener. 

Leonard, N. R., painter 121 j Glassco, Thos., ST., shoemaker. 

Wilkinson, Miles, saddler 123 i Goad, James, iron founder. 

McDonald Miss, bonnet maker ; Hamilton, Wm., gardener. 

Simpson, R., carpenter 129 Harvard, Rev. Wm., British Methodist. 

McCracken, Wm., shoemaker 131 \ Haycosk, Wm., carpenter. 

Geddes, Adam, tailor; Cunningham, j Hayden, Wm., carpenter. 

David, blacksmith 133 Hewson, John. 

Lutroyche, H., tailor 135 Hibbert, John. 

Connall, Win., tinsmith 137 Hill, Wm., carpenter. 

Courtney, Henry, nailmaker; Dunny, Howell, John, storekeeper. 

Mrs., milkwoman 1 j Hunter, Wm., timber dealer. 

Hamilton, Sidney S., Temperance Hutchinsoa, Wm., mason. 

House...... Ml Johnston, Matthew. 

McKeen T J., shoemaker.... 1 ; Jenkms James, carpenter. 

Grave, Wm., shoemaker; Murray, J., Ke own, Robart, 

tinsmith......... 1 Kiteon, Robert, shoemaker. 

Armitage, John, baker....... 147 Lamb> rt3r R-> inding store> 

WILLIAM STREET. Leask, James, general sto.e. 

(East side even.) | Lewis, E. G., storekeeper. 

First street west of College avenue, ^ ove - B^rt, ropemaker 
commencing at Queen street and run- j Lynes, Charles, o. L. & B. 
nine north Lucas - Edward, Crown Inn. 

10 ! McAlpin, Rev. Harvey. 
Hagarty, John, barrister 12 , McBirnLe Nicholas, labourer. 

HSfer Rl Jon^Tar-rister::::..:::-"::::::::: II : McAulay, Hon. J. B., judge Queen . 

Carruthers F. F., barrister 18 ; , /r - B ncn ,,,.. 

Bolwell, Henry, of H. & W. R 20 ! McFarquar, \V illmm. 

Campbell, W. A., clerk of assize 26 i McGregor, Mrs., Rob Roy Inn. 

uriTTTATvi Tr>TTT?T McLellan, Malcolm. 

W ^elf sid^dY McLeai Lieut. Martin, late Adjutant 

15th Regiment. 

Cumberlidge, John, blacksmith-. McPhail, Robert, bookbinder. 

Barnes Thos., Government Land McTamney, Edward, carter, 

it... -;"" """"""" Margetson, Wm., innkeeper. 

\VILLIAM Marchant, Robert, carpenter. 

(Unnumbered.) Milner, Joseph, brewer. 

Beaven, George, timber dealer. Mo^fatts, Murray, & Co. 

Pretty, Henry, plasterer. Morphy, Edward, carpenter. 

Gwynne, Hugh. Morrison, J. C., of Blaie & M. 

Gwynne, James H. Musson, Mrs. Mary, widow. 

Gwynne, John, barrister. Netley, Thomas, waiter. 

Milligan, Gilbert, carpenter. Nowell, Mrs. and Miss, dressmakers. 

YONGE STREET. Porter, George, printej. 

(Unnumbered.) Price, James Harvey, M.P.P., of P. & 

Ades, Edward, cigar manufacturer. Ewart. 

Anderson, Thos., blacking maker. Reeve, Wm., fanning mill makev. 

Barnes, John, carperiter.. Richards, Henry, labourer. 

Barrow, George. Riddell, Wm., tailor. 

Barton, R. H., Rising Sun Inn. Boas, Richard. 



Ryan & Co., hardware. 

Bjiiii, Mrs., widow. 

Kowland, John, tailor. 

Saddler, Robert, bricklayer. 

Scott, Jonathan, butcher. 

Sceets, N. G., carpenter. 

Sharpe, Win., carpenter. 

Sharpe, Wm.., shoemaker. 

Sheppard, Jacob, cabinet-make*. 

Sherwood, Hon. H., of S. & Philpotts. 

Sol ici tor-Gene r al . 

Sisson, Zebediah, carpenter. 

Shields, Scott, carpenter. 

Simpson, Wm., well digger. 

Simpson, Alex., shoemaker. 

Simpson, Robert, grocery. 

Sleigh, John, butcher. 

Smith, Anderson, oyster house. 

Smith, John, steamer Sovereign. 

(East side even.) 

Second street west of Yonge street 
on Front street; commencing at the bay 

.,...( running north. 

JBickerstaff, Fred., painter 48 

^.^x^^, ^, -...^ .....i^ai Hi. Inn 50 

Gray, Richard, store 52 

Noxtheote, Charles, grocer 54 

Coites, John; Reeves, R., baker... 56 
Devlin, Daniel, carter; Smith, Fran 
cis, brass founder 60 

Hyde, C., protessor* of music 66 

Robinson, James, innkeeper 68 

Connell, Richard, axe-maker 70 

Johnson, S., shoemaker ; Tilley, 

Thomas, plasterer (coloured) 74 

Howard, Isaac, grocer; Runnick, 

George, inn 76 

Woodland, James, blacksmith 80 

Smallwood, Thomas, labourer (col 
oured) 82 

Banks, Jarad, hatter (coloured) 84 

Warren, Christopher, innkeeper 88 

(West side odd.) 

Wilkinson, Captain Royal Engineers 8 
McFaul, D., printer; Nelson, Thos., 

labourer 47 

Berry, Francis, clerk 49 

Mellick, J., cabinet-maker 55 

Backes, William, shoemaker 57 

Rankins, Boawell, cook (coloured)... 59 
Newton, George, carpenter; Webb, 

E., dressmaker 61 

Beach, John, St. George and Dra 
gon Inn 63 

Hutton, Thomas, tinsmith 65 

Smith, Elias,, cook (coloured) 73 

Jarvis, Francis, carpenter 75 

Stephens, Ann, widow; Bell, J., car 
penter; Moore, R., carter 77 

Mclntosh, R., cooper; Davis, C., cook 

(.coloured); Lamb, R., baker 81 

Waddeli, Carter, painter (coloured) 83 

Hickman, Wm., barber (coloured)... 85 
Moody, Mrs. Col.; Hickman & John 
son, innkeepers (coloured) 91 

Rintou.1, Rev. Wm., Pres. Church 

of Canada 93 

Eastwood, John, jr 95 

Cooney, Rev. R., British Methodist 97 
Scadding, Charles, at Moffatt, Mur 
ray & Qo 99 

Rankin, John, M.D 101 

Rogerson, John J., teacher 105 

Hornby, Robert, M.D 107 

Rogers, Thos., tailor 109 

(Tj nnumbered.) 

Charters, John, Tinnings Wharf 

Chewitt, James G. 

Dillon, John, bookkeeper. 

Dillon & Andrews, milliners. 

Draper, Hon. W. G., Attorney-General. 

Draper & Brongh, barristers. 

Ellah, John, British Coffee House. 

Ellicot, labourer, near St. James ceme 

Fitzgibbon, Charles, registrar Court of 

Gwynne, W. C., M.D., professor of an 

Masterson, Michael, razor grinder. 


The village at the Yonge street toll- 

Dobson. James, carpenter. 

Fairbanks, Levi, gunsmith. 

Harris & Routledge, storekeepers. 

Robinson, John, wheelwright. 

Skarow, James, Castle Frank brewery. 

Wallis, James, blacksmith. 

Young, Thomas, Red Lion Inn. 


Clerk of the Peace Court House. 

Treasurer of the Home District Court 

Sheriff of the Home District Court 
! House. 

District Council Office Court House. 

Clerk of the Division Courtbase 
ment of Court House. 

Clerk of the District Court- 
City Chamberlain New City Hall. 

Mayor s Office New City Hall. 

City Clerk New City Hall. 

Police Office head station, New City 

Police Office West end station, 
! Queen, corner of John. 

City Inspector Nevy City Hall. 

Police Court held in New City Hall. 

Mayor s Court. held in Court House. 

District Court held in Court House. 

Assizes held in Court House. 

Queen s Bench held in Osgoode Hall. 



Court of Chancery, Osgoode Hall. 

Crown Office Osgoode Hall. 

Coroner Dug gan s residence, King, 
corner of George. 

King s College at present in Old 
Parliament buildings. 

Banner Yonge street, south of King. 

British Colonist King street east. 

British Canadian Bay street, south 
of King. 

Christian Guardian King street east. 

Examiner King street east. 

Herald Yonge street, north of King. 

Globe Yonge street, south of King. 

Mirror Nelson street, north of King. 

Patriot King street west. 

Star King street west. 

Court of Probate Office- 
Surrogate s Office Wellington build 
Bible Society 47 Yonge street. 

Church Society Rooms 5 King st. w. 

News Rooms North-east corner of 
Old Market buildings. 

Athenaeum North-west corner of Old 
Market buildings. 

Commercial Bank 12 Wellington st. 

Bank of British North America Cor 
ner of Yonge and Wellington streets. 

Branch Bank of Montreal Corner of 
Yonge and Front streets. 

Bank of Upper Canada Duke, cor 
ner of George. 

H. D. Mutual Insurance Company 
10 Nelson street. 

B. A. Fire and Life Assurance Com 
pany George street, near Duke. 

Gas Company s Of f ice South-west cor 
ner of Old Market buildings. 

Water Company s Office South-west 
corner of Old Market buildings. 

Toronto and Huron R. R. Office- 
King, corner of Frederick. 

Canada Company s Office Frederick, 
south of King. 

Crown Lands Office King street, cor 
ner of Simcoe. 

Clergy Reserves Office King street, 
corner of Simcoe. 

Commissariat Office Wellington 

Ordnance Office Wellington place. 

Royal Engineer s Office Front street, 
near Peter. 

Fire Inspector s Office 28 Church st. 

Marriage License Wellington, corner 
of Bay. 

Indian Affairs Office King, corner of 

Baths King street west. 

Potter s Field At Yonge street toll- 

St. James Cemetery Head of Par 
liament street. 

Fire Engine Station- 

Fire Bell Ringer- 
Common Council Room New City 


Attorney-General s Office York st. 

Union Race Course Kingston road 
immediately beyond Don bridge. 

St. Leger Race Course Head of Bev- 
erley street. 

Cricket Ground North of St. Leger 
Race Course. 

Caer Howell Head of College ave. 

Racquet Court King street west, op 
posite Macdonald s Hotel. 

Bowling Ground Head of College ave. 


Jail Foot of Berkeley street, on 
Lake shore. 

Court House Church street, north of 
King street. 

Old City Hall Market square, King 
street east. 

New City Hall Bay shore, opposite 
Market square. 

Osgoode Hall Queen street, head of 
York street. 

Old Parliament buildings Front st., 
between Simcoe and John streets. 

King s College University Head of 
College avenue. 

U. C. College King street, west of 
Simcoe street. 

Hospital King street, west of John 

House of Industry Shuter street, 
near Yonge street. 

Post-officeWellington street, west of 
Church street. 

Old Government House Simcoe st., 
corner of King street. 

Barracks Bay shore, west end of city. 

Mechanics Institute North of the- 
Court House. 

Lunatic Asylum Toronto street, near 
King street. 

Custom House Foot of Yonge street. 

Fish Market South of new City Hall. 

Principal Market Market square. 

St. Patrick s Market Queen street 
west, near John street. 

Firemen s Hall North of the Court 


St. James Cathedral (Episcopal), King, 
corner of Church. 

St. George s Church (Episcopal), John, 
north of Queen. 

Trinity Church (Episcopal), east end 
of King street. 

University Chapel (Episcopal). 

St. Paul s Church (Episcopal), Yonge 
street toll-gate. 

Roman Catholic Cathedral, Church 
street, corner of Shuter. 



St. Paul s Church (Roman Catholic), 
Power street. 

St. Andrew s Church (Church of Scot 
land), Church street, corner of Adelaide. 

Knox s Church (Presbj terian Church 
of Canada), Richmond street west, near 

United Secession Presbyterian Church, 
Richmond street west, near Yonge. 

The Brick Church (Canadian Wesleyan 
Methodist), Adelaide, corner of Toronto. 

British Methodist Church, Richmond 
street west, near Yonge. 

Primitive Methodist Church, Bay, 
south of King. 

Congregational Church, Adelaide, cor 
ner of Bay. 

George Street Chapel (Unitarian), 
George, near Duchess. 

African Baptist Church, Queen, corner 
of Victoria. 

African Methodist Church, Richmond 
street west, east of York. 

Baptist Church, March, east of Church. 

Christian Meeting House, Richmond, 
west of Yonge. 

Disciples Meeting House, Richmond 
street west, near Yonge. 

British Methodist Chapel, Queen, west 
of Peter. 

Methodist Chapel, "XorkviJle. 


William Henry Boulton, Esq., M.P.P., 

St. David s Ward *Angus Bethune, 
Esq., Hon. Henry Sherwood, M. P. P., 
Aldermen ; *Mr. Samuel P. Mitchell, 
Mr. George Platt, Common Councilmen. 

St. Patrick s Ward *George T. Deni- 
son, jr., Esq., W. H. Boulton, Esq., M. 
P.P., Aldermen ; *Mr. Jonathan Dunn, 
Mr. James Trotter, Common Council- 

St. Andrew s Ward George Duggan, 
Esq., M.P.P., John H. Cameron, Esq., j 
Aldermen ; *Mr. Alexander Macdonald, 
Mr. John Ritchey, Common Councilmen. 

St. Lawrence Ward *Robert Beard, 
Esq., James Beaty, Esq., Aldermen ; 
*Mr. Samuel Platt, Mr. Joshua G. Beard, 
Common Councilmen. 

St. George s Ward *George Gurnett, 
Esq., Wm. Wakefield, Esq., Aldermen ; 
*Mr. John Craig, Mr. Thomas J. Pres 
ton, Common Councilmen. 

The gentlemen marked thus * retire 
from the Council on the first Monday 
in February, 1847, but may be elected 
to serve again at the Municipal Elec 
tion on the second Tuesday in January. 

The day of meeting of the Council is 
usually Monday, in the evening. 

The members of the Common Council 
are elected by a majority of the regis 
tered voters of the city of Toronto. The 

lists of persons entitled to vote for each 
ward are exhibited in the City Hall, 
from the first Monday in December 
until the day of the election (the second 
Tuesday in January). Persons interest 
ed should make a point of seeing that 
their names ane not omitted or mis 
spelt, as no alterations in such lists can 
be made unless four days notice is given 
in writing to the Clerk of the Common 
Council of the desire to have any nani" 
altered, inserted, or erased, and no one 
is allowed, to vote whose name does not 
appear on the said lists. 

Officers of the Corporation John 
King, M.D., G. Duggan, Esq., Coroners ; 
Charles Daly, Clerk of the Common 
Council ; Andrew Taylor McCord, Cham 
berlain ; George Kingsmill, High Bailiff, 
residence Nelson street ; Thos. Garlick, 
City Inspector, residence College street ; 
Richard Harrison, Clerk of the Market ; 
John Dempsey, Weigh Master and Clerk 
of the Fish Market. 

The Eastern Station House is under 
the City Hall, where two of the police 
men are always on duty, and can be 
obtained in case of necessity. 

Police Constables James Magarr, 
Duchess street ; Thomas Kenney, Su 
mach street ; Jonathan Townsend, Sher- 
bourne street ; Philip Steers, Church 

The Western Station House is at the 
corner of Queen and John streets, near 
ly opposite St. Patrick s Market, where 
constables are always on duty. 

Police Constables Francis Earls, 
Richmond street ; Robert Trotter, Sta 
tion House ; Robert Campbell, Queen 
street ; Andrew Fleming, Richmond 

Fire Inspector Robert Alexander, 
March street. 

Collectors St. Lawrence Ward, John 
R. Smith ; St. David s Ward John Wat- 
kins ; St. Andrew s Ward, Robert Brit- 
ton ; St. Patrick s Ward, John Ander 
son ; St. George s Ward, Wm. Nixon. 

Assessors Jas. Trotter, Joseph Dixon. 


Robert Beard, Chief Engineer ; Joseph 
Wilson and Thomas Mills, Assistant En 

Fire Engine Company No. 1, York 
Henry Welsh, Captain. Station Fire 
man s Hall, Church street. 

Fire Engine No. 2, Toronto Edwin 
Bell, Captain. Station Fireman s Hall. 
Church street. 

Fire Engine No. 3, British America 
David Paterson, Captain. Station Fire 
man s Hall, Bay street. 

Fire Engine No. 4, Victoria A. Da 



Grassi, Captain. Station St. Patrick s 

Hook and Ladder Company, No 1 
Toronto H. Piper, Captain. Station- 
Fireman s Hall, Church street. 

Hook and Ladder Company No. 2 
Hercules J. Armstrong, Captain. Sta 
tionFireman s Hall, T5ay street. 

In case of fire, both bells of St. James 
Cathedral to be rung. Key of the 
church at W. Atkinson, Esq s., City 
Buildings, and at the Police Station 
West Market Place. 

City Debt- 
Debentures 59,600 

City Notes 10,000 

Total 69,600 

Annual Revenue 

Assessments 5,450 

Rental 3459 

Market and Weigh-house Fees 1,175 

Licenses 350 

Fines at the Police Court 125 

Drainage into Sewers 225 

Total 10,475 



, Proprietors, Albert Furniss, Esq., and 
:Ion. J Masson ; Agent, Charles Stotes- 
r U F ; ,9 1 ? rk) Thoma s Brown ; Gas-fitter. 

j John Malcomb; Engineer, Daniel Alder- 

1 dice. 

Collector Robert Stanton, Esq Sur 
veyors, Messrs. G. A. Meilleue and John 
Roy ; Clerk, Mr. George Graham ; Land 
ing Waiter, Mr. H. Lennon. 

BOARD OF TRADE Incorporated 1845. 
Officers for 1846: President, G P 
Ridout, Esq.; Vice-President, Joseph 
Workman, Esq., M.D.; Secretary and 
Treasurer, Henry Rowsell, Esq. Coun- 
, cil Messrs. J. Mulholland, D. McDon- 
! ell, W. L. Perrin, P. Paterson, E. F. 
! Whittemore, P. Freeland, James Beaty 
T. D. Harris, Wm. McMaster, J. Mc- 
Murrich, H. Metcalfe and R. H. Brett. 
Board of Arbitration Messrs. James 
Lesslie, J. Shaw, S. Workman, W. D. 
Taylor, J. Mitchell, W. Henderson, Isaac 
Gilmor, W. C. .Ross, Andrew Hamilton, 
James Foster, D. Paterson and W. Row- 


i-l i?55O 

















fi C 

O c8 









David s . . . 









Patrick s.. 









Andrew s . 


















George s . . 








5678 2355 1752 5763 2271 1787 19,706 

Church of England, 8,367; Church of 
Scotland, 923; Presbyterian Church of 
Canada, 1,597 ; L T nited Secession, 355 ; 
Independent Presbyterians, 7 ; Church 
of Rome, 4,046 ; British Wesleyan Meth 
odists, 1,401 ; Canadian Wesleyan Meth 
odists, 924; Episcopal Methodists, 6; 
Primitive Methodists, 310 ; other Meth 
odists, 200; Congregatlonalists, 572; 
Lutherans, 2 ; Jews, 12 ; Disciples of 
Christ, 100 ; Uniyersalists, 12 ; Coven 
anters, 25; Baptists, 493; Quakers, 9; 
Unitarians, 20 ; Millerites, 42 ; Christian, ! 
1 ; Socialists, 2 ; Mormons, 2 ; No re- 
ligion, 274. 


Total population in 1814, 18,420; in 
45, 19,703; increase, 1,286. 


Superintendent of Education G. A. 
Barber, Esq. 

St. George s Ward No. 1 The bound 
aries of the Ward as at present exist 
ing. School House Corner of Front 

and Yonge streets. Teacher . 

Trustees Messrs. Rev. J. Barclay, John 
Cameron and W. A. Baldwin. 

St. Lawrence Ward No. 2 From 
Yonge street to Princess street, both 
sides, and from King street to the Bay. 

School House King street east. 
Teacher Mr. James Mair. Trustees- 
Messrs. W. Cawthra, W. Atkinson and 
D. deal. 

No. 3 From Princess street to the 
Eastern boundary of the City Liber 
ties, and from King street to the Bay. 
School House Kingston road. Teacher 
Mr. J. Dean. Trustees Messrs. Good- 
erham, Worts and S. Platt. 

St. Andrew s Ward No. 4 From 
Yonge street to Peter street, east side, 
and from King street to Adelaide street, 
both sides. School House Boulton 
street. Teacher Mr. C. Brooke. Trus 
tees Messrs. J. Doel, H. Parry and F. 

No. 5 From Yonge street to York 
street, both sides, and from Queen 
street to Adelaide street. School House 
Richmond street west. Teacher Mr. 



Tucker. Trustees Messrs. S. Shaw, Tol- 
free and J. Wilcock. 

No. 6 So much of the Ward as ex 
tends westerly, from Peter street and 

York street, and from King street to | dina avenue to the western limits of 
Queen street. School House Queen the City Liberties, and from Queen 

Teacher Mr. Samuel Coyne. Trustees 
Messrs. Rev. J. Jennings, T. Mara and 
Edward Kennedy. 

No. 15 Including both sides of Spa- 

street west. Teacher Mr. James Darby. 
Trustees Messrs. John Henderson, Jos. 
Ellis and W. Hudson. 
St. David s Ward No. 7 From King 

street to Concession line north. School 
House Queen street west. Teacher 
Mr. H. Parsons. Trustees Messrs. John 
Murchison, R. L. Denison and H. Noble. 


street to Queen street, south side, and 

from Yonge street to Church street, j 

west side. School House Richmond i (incorporated with the University of 

street east. Teacher Mr. James Bell. I jjing s College ) 

Burgess, , Principal F! W. Earron, Esq., M.A. 

Trustees Messrs. Thomas 

Thomas Lawson and James Lesslie. 

No. 8-From Church street to Nelson j A-> lst classical Master ; Rev. G. May- 
street, both sides, and from King street nard) MA Mathematical Master; Rev. 

Masters The Rev. Henry Scadding, M. 

to Queen street, south side. School 
House Central school, Adelaide street 
east. Teacher Mr. John Dodd. Trus 
tees Messrs. Rev. H. J. Grasett, W. 
C. Ross and R. Beekman. 

Roman Catholic (Separate school), 
Richmond street east. Teacher Mr. T. 

W. H. Ripley, B.A., 2nd Classical Mas 
ter ; Mr. De la Ha ye, French Master ; 
Mr. Duffy, 1st English Master ; Mr. . 
Cosens, Master of Preparatory School ; 
Mr. Barrett, 2nd English Master ; Mr. 
Howard, Geometrical Drawing Master. 


No. 9 From Nelson street to Ontario \ Chancellor The Governor-General for 
street, west side, and from King street i 4 he time ^^g visitors The Hon. the 
to Queen street, south side. School | j nAses o f the Queen s Bench. Presi- 
House-Corner of Caroline and Duchess j dcn t_The Hon. and Right Rev. John 
streets. Teacher-Mr. Boyle Trustees st rachan, D.D., Lord Bishop of Toronto. 
Messrs. W. Steward, Joseph Bates and Council The Hon. the Speaker of the 

G \T CoU !^ er ^ Legislative Council, the Hon. the 

No. 10-From Ontario street to the j Sp f aker of the House of Assembly, the 
eastern limits of the City Liberties, and i Attorney-General Canada West, the 
from King street to the Concession line J Solicitor-General Canada West, Rev. 
north. School House-Corner of Duke i John McCa ul, LL.D., Vice-President, 
and Berkeley streets. Teacher-Mr. P. and Pro f essor o f Classical Literature, 
McLaughlan. Trustees-Messrs. J. E. ^ Rev James Beaven> D.D., Profes- 
Sinall, J. G. Beard, D. McLean. j gor of Divhuty, etc.; Henry Holmes 

No. 11 From Yonge street to Ontario Croft, Esq., Professor of Chemistry, etc.; 
street, and from Queen street to the \ \Vm. C. Gwynne, B.M., Professor of An- 
Concession line north. School House Of f j atomy, etc.; John King, M.D., Professor 
Yongc street, east of Mr. Scott Shields . I o f Medicine; the Principal of Upper 
Teacher Mr. Cuthbertson. Trustees j Canada College. Henry Boys, M.D., 
Messrs. J. Elliott, W. Sharpe and W. ! Registrar and Bursar. 

L. Perrin. 

St. Patrick s Ward Xo. 12 From 
Yonge street to College street, and 
from Louisa street to Queen street. 
School House Corner of Teraulay and 
Albert streets. Teacher Mr. R. Carter. 
Trustees Messrs. Rev. J. Roaf, Gibson 
and G. Ewing. 

No. 13 From Yonge street to College 
street, and from Louisa street, both 
sides, to the Concession line north. 
School House Corner of Elizabeth and 
Pine streets. Teacher-^Mr. A. Hunter. 
Trustees Messrs. Rev. W. Fife, G. 
Simpson and James Fleming. 

. Id From College street, both 

Professors 1843 Rev. John McCaul, 
LL.D., Vice-President, and Professor of 
Classical Literature, Belles Lettres, 
Rhetoric and Logic. 1843 Rev. James 
Beaven, D.D., Dean, Professor of Di 
vinity, Metaphysics and Moral Philos 
ophy. 1843 Henry Holmes Croft, Esq., 
Proctor, Professor of Chemistry and 
Experimental Philosophy. 1813 W. C. 
Gwynne, M.B., Professor of Anatomy 
and Physiology. 1843 John King, M. 
D., Professor of the Theory and Prac 
tice of Medicine. 1843 Wm. Hn 
Blake, B.A., Professor of Law and Juris 
prudence. 1843 Wm. Beaumont. F. R. 
C. S. E., Professor of the Principles ant! 

sides to Spadina avenue, and from Practice of Surgery. 1843 George Her- 

Queen street to the Concession line rick, M.D., Professor of Midwifery : 

north. School House Queen street! m^ses of Women and Children 1843 

west? west of St. Patrick s Market. -W. B. Nicol, Esq., Professor of Ma- 



tei-ia Medica and Pharmacy. 1843 
Henry Sullivan, M.R.C.S.E., Professor 
of Practical Anatomy and Curator of 
Museum. 1841 Rev. Robert Murray, 
Professor of Mathematics and Natural 
Philosophy. 1845 Lucius O Brien, M.D.. 
Professor of Medical Jurisprudence. 

J. M. Hirsehfelder, Esq., Hebrew 

The Academical terms are three 
Michaelmas, Hilary and Easter ; and the 
Terminal Dues payable by students in 
ths Faculty of Arts are 4 currency, 
including all charges for tuition. 

Those who are desirous of attending 
particular courses of lectures, although 
not membars of the University, may be 
admitted as occasional students, but 
such attendance will not be regarded 
as a qualification for a degree. 


Incorporated by Act of Parliament 
and Royal Charter, 1826. 

Capital 100,000 sterling, with power 
to increase it to 2,000,000 sterling. 

Office in London Canada House, St. 
Helen s place, Bishopsgate street. 

Office in Canada Toronto, Frederick 

Office in Canada Goderich, Huron 

Commissioners resident in Canada 
West Thomas Mercer Jones and Fred 
erick Widder. 


Capital 500,000. 

Board of Directors Wm. Proudfoot, 
President ; Hon. Christopher Widmer, 
Vice-President ; Angus Bethune, Wm. 
Cayley, T. C. Street, Francis M. Cayley, 
James G. Chewett, Wm. Gamble, Sam 
uel P. Jarvis, Thos. Helliwell, Francis 
Boyd, Joseph D. Ridout, R. R. Lor ing, 
Hon. Capt. Baldwin, R.N. 

Discount day Wednesday. 

Cashier*-Thomas G. Ridout, 


Capital, 750,000. 

Toronto Branch Office, King street, 
corner of Bay street, Toronto. Ben 
jamin Thorne, President ; W. Wilson. 
Cashier and Agent. Discount days, 
Tuesday and Friday. 


Capital 1,000,000 sterling, paid up. 

Head Office, St. Helen s place, Lon 
don, England. 

Toronto Branch A. O. Medley, Man 
ager. Discount days, Tuesday and Fri 

Capital, 500,000. 

Board of Directors Hon. J. Macaulay, 
President; Wm. Logie, Vice-President; 
F. A. Harper, Cashier; A. Campbell, 
j Inspector. 

Toronto Office J. Cameron, Cashier. 

Capital, 100,000. 

Colin Ferrie, President; A. Steven, 

Thomas D. Harris, Agent, 4 Sit. James 
j Buildings, King street, Toronto. 

For the earnings of Journeymen, 
Tradesmen, Mechanics, Servants, La 
bourers, etc. Open every day (Sundays 
excepted) from 10 to 3 o clock, at the 
office of the British American Assur 
ance Company, George street, Toronto. 
Treasurer T. W. Birchall. 


Capital 100,000, in shares of Twelve 
Pounds Ten Shillings each. 

Board of Direction The Hon. Wm. 
Allen, Governor ; George P. Ridout, 
Deputy Governor. Managing Director, 
Thomas Wm. Birchall. Office George 
street (corner of Duke street), Toronto. 

J. H. Price, Esq., M.P.P., President; 
John Rains, Secretary and Treasurer. 
Office Nelson street. 


Agent E. G. O Brien, King street, To 


Agents Moffatts, Murray & Co., 
Yonge street, Toronto. 

Agent John Ridout, Adelaide street. 


Agent Robert Beekman, Nelson st. 

Agents T. Rigney & Co., King street. 




Agents T. Rigney & Co., King street. 


Agent Francis Lewis, King street. 


Agent John Cameron, Office Com 
mercial Bank, Toronto. 

Agent Jarnes Browne, Wharf, To 


Patrons His Excellency the Gover 
nor-General, the Venerable Society for 
Promoting Christian Knowledge, the 
Venerable Society for the Propagation 
of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. 

President The Hon. and Right Rev. 
the Lord Bishop of the Diocese. 

Land Committee John H. Cameron, 
Esq., James G. Chewett, Esq., Ogden , 
Creighton, Esq. 

Auditors William Proudfoot, Esq., } 
Lewis Moffatt, Esq. 

Treasurer T. W. Birchall, Esq. 

Secretary Rev. W. H. Ripley, B.A. 

Assistant Secretary Thomas Cham 
pion, Esq. 

Collector Mr. Thomas Ryall. 

A General Meeting is held at the So 
ciety s House, on the first Wednesday 
in every month, at three o clock p.m. 

Society s House and Depository, 144 
King street, Toronto. 


Room East wing Market Buildings, 
up stairs. 

Committee D. Paterson, A. T. Mc- 
Cord, T. D. Harris (Treasurer), Joseph 
D. Ridout (Secretary). Open from 9a.m. 
to 9 p.m. Yearly subscription, 1 5s. 
Free to strangers for one week, on in 
troduction by subscribers. 


Established, 1830. Hall in the centre 
of the Court House Block. 

President, T. G. Ridout; Vice-Presi- 
dent, Hon. Robert Baldwin ; 2nd Vice- 
President, W. B. Jarvis, Esq.; Treas 
urer, W. Atkinson ; Corresponding Sec 
retary, C. Sewell ; Recording Secretary, 
Win. Edwards ; Librarian, E. B. Palmer. 

The Library contains 800 volumes of 
books, and is open for distribution and 

reference every Monday and Thursday 
evenings. Public Lectures on Wednes 
day evenings, during the winter season. 


President, Rev. H. Scadding, M.A.; 
Treasurer, Thomas D. Harris, Esq.; 
Secretary, S. Thompson, Esq.; Commit 
tee, Messrs. Thomas Champion, _C. H. 
Sabine, A. J. Macdoneil, R. Cooper and 
D. B. Read. 

Meeting for Literary and Historical 
Discussion every Thursday evening dur 
ing the winter season, at 7 o clock ; 
Library open every Tuesday evening at 8. 


Trustees Hon. C. Widmer, President: 
Rev. H. J. Grasett, Jono Ewart, James 
F. Smith, J. A. Armstrong, Wm. Ross, 
George P. Ricjout, Clarke Gamble, Thos. 
D. Harris and Alex. Dixon, Esquires. 
Secretary James Nation, Esq. Resi 
dent Apothecary Mr. Edwin Kenwood. 
Steward Mr. George Sinclair. Head 
Nurse or Matron Mrs. E. Cooper. 

Physicians and Surgeons attending 
the Toronto General Hospital Hon. C. 
Widmer, John King. M.D., Robert 
Hornby, M.D., W. C. Gwynne, M.B., 
Walter Telfer, Lucius O Brien, M.D., 
George Herrick, M.D. 

N.B. The upper flat of the Hospital 
is occupied by the University, for the 
use of the Medical Professors, wherein 
thirty-six patients are admitted, and 
paid for by the University. 

Physicians and Surgeons attending 
this department Professors John King, 
M.D., Medical Patients; W. R. Beau 
mont, Surgical Patients; George Her 
rick, M.D., Obstetric Patients. 

Assistant Resident Apothecary Mr. 
Reginald Henwood. 


No. 75 Adelaide street east. Estab 
lished January 1st, 1846, for the pur 
pose of affording Medical and Surgical 
j Advice and Medicines to the Indigent 
sick. The Dispensary will be open daily 
for the admission of Patients, from 11 
o clock ajm.; till 1 o clock p.m., Sundays 

Medical Officers Dr. Hamilton, No. 

30 Adelaide street west, near Bay street; 

Dr. Hodder, No. 116 Queen street west, 

j opposite College avenue gate; Dr. J. E. 

I Rankin, corner of York and Richmond 

I streets ; Dr. G. R. Grasett, corner of 

! Adelaide and Francis streets. 

Medical Superintendent Dr. Walter 
Telfer. Warden and Steward R. 



Cronyn. Matron Mrs. Cronyn. Assist 
ant in Surgery-John Cronyn. Three 
nurses, five keepers, one yard man. 

Commissioners for erecting the Pro 
vincial Lunatic Asylum- Win. H. Boul- 
ton, Esq., M.P.P., Mayor of Toronto, 
Chairman; The Hon. the Vice-Chan- 
cellor, Hon. H. H. Killaly, Hon. Chris 
topher Widmer, Hon. Henry Sherwood, 
John King, M.D., John Ewart Esq., 
James Grant Chewett, Esq., William 
P Jarvis, Esq., Wm. B. Beaumont, .hsq. 
J. G. Howard, Architect. Charles Daly, 


Trustees John Ewart and Thomas 
Helliwell, Esquires. Secretary- 
Paterson. Sexton Joseph Lusty. 

Application for opening graves must 
be made to the Sexton. 


President, His Worship the Mayor of 
; Toronto; Vice-Presidents, W. B. Jar- 
i vis, Esq., Professor Croft, George Allan, 
< Esq.; Treasurer, Wm. Atkinson, Esq.; 
Committee, Messrs. Williamson, Mir- 
field, Shuttleworth, Turner, Greg, Less- 
lie Fleming, Webster, Dempsey, Logan, 
Samilent, Burns, Gordon, Yorks ; Secre 
tary, Charles Daly. 

Committee John McMurrich, John 
Tyner, David Maitland, Peter Freeland, 
R H. Brett, Thomas Paterson, Samuel 
Shaw Wm. McMaster, John Doel, Joseph 
Wilson, A. T. McCord, Capt. C. Stuart. 
! Secretaries Peter Brown and Andrew 
: Hamilton. Treasurer W. D. Taylor. 
Missionary Paul Stewart. 

Churchwardens St. James C. Gam 
ble and T. D. Harris, Esquires. Supe 
intendent and Sexton-Mr. John Kear 



President, Dr. King; Vice-President, 
Dr O Brien; Secretary ard Librarian, 
Dr G. R. Grasett ; Treasurer, Dr. Ham 
ilton ; Committee of Management, Dr. 
AM- Hodder, Dr. W. Teller, Dr. A. | 


Under the patronage of his Excellency 
the Governor-General. 

Officers for the year 1846 : President, 
Edw W. Thomson, the Warden of 
Home District; Vice-Presidents Wm. , 
B Jarvis and John W. Gamble; Secre 
tary and Vice-President, George 1 
pant Wells; Treasurer and Vice-Presi- 
dent, Franklin Jacques ; Assistant Sec- , 
rVtarv Wm. B. Crewe. Directors, W. 
H. Slton M.P-P, J- H. Price, MJP.R, 
J. P. De la Haye, G. D. Wells, W. A. 
Baldwin, Robert Cooper, Dr. Hamilton, 
Dr Connor, Alex. Shaw, Richard L. 
Denis L John Scarlett, Wm. Atkinson, 
JoJSn Scott, Jonathan Dunn, Peter 
Lawrence, J.P., George Miller. 

The Secretary and Treasurer are > es 
officio Vice-Presidents of the Home 
trict Agricultural Society. 

The President and Treasurer o 
Township Agricultural Societies are ex 
officio Directors of the Home District 
Agricultural Society; as also such ] 
trict Councillors as are or may be mem 
bers of the Home District Society. 


Depository Yonge street, Toronto. 

President, The Hon. Robert Baldwin, 
MPP.; Treasurer, Peter Freeland, Esq.; 
Corresponding Secretaries, J. S. How 
ard and Wm. A. Baldwin, Esquires; 
Minute Secretary, Wm. McMaster, I 
Depositary, Mr. James Carless. Com 
mittee-All Ministers of the Gospel who 
are members of the Society ; . Messrs. 
Peter McArthur, John Christie, John 
Tyner, Andrew Hamilton, James Hod g- 
Jn, Samuel Shaw, Andrew T. McCord, 
Dr G R. Grasett, R. H. Brett, Alex. 
McGlashan, Peter Brown, F. Thomas 
W. D. Taylor, Thomas Burgess, David 

Depository-23 Yonge street, Toronto. 

President, Rev. Wm. Rintoul, A.M., 
Treasurer, James S. Howard, Esq.; S< 
retaries, A. T. McCord, Esq and Rev. 
R A Fyfe ; Depositary, Mr. James Car 
tes Committee-All Ministers of the 
Gospel who are members of the Be 
cietv Messrs. John Christie. Wm. Me 
Master W. D. Taylor, John Ross, John 
Tvne? James Wickson, James Foster, 
Robert Walker, Alex. McGlashan, John 
Doel ,sr., Malcolm Gillespie, Joseph 

Office Bearers -President, The Hon. 
R. B. Sullivan ; Vice-Presidents, Rev. J. 
F?oaf Rev. J. Richardson, R* v - J T Mrt 
ST Rev H. Wilkinson, Rev. A. Lillie. 
jSse Ketchum, Esq.; .Treasurer, AT. 
McCord, Esq.; Secretaries, Mr. A. L 



tie, Mr. .1. Boyd. Conveners Mr. Henry j 
Leadley, St. Andrew s Ward ; Mr. Jos- j 
Rowell, St. Patrick s Ward ; Mr. T. Bur- j 
gess, St. George s Ward ; Mr. J. Stev 
enson, St. Lawrence Ward ; Rev. W. 
Tatham, St. David s Ward. 

The roll-book of the Society is kept at 
112 King street. 

Officers for 1840 President, G. P. 
Ridout, Esq.; V ice-Presidents, W. B. 
Jarvis, Esq., G. D. Wells, Esq., W. 
Wakefield, Esq.; Chaplains, Rev. H. 
Scadding, M.A., Rev. C. Winstanley, M. 
A.; Physician, Edward Hodder, Esq., 
M.D.; Managing Committee, Messrs. G. 
Bilton, J. D. Ridout, J. Moore, F. Lewis, 
S. Thompson, T. Brunskill, J. G. Beard ; 
Treasurer, H. Rowsell, Esq.; Secretary, 
W. Rowsell, Esq.; Standard Bearers, 
Messrs. F. W. Coate, T. Armstrong, A. 
Wasnidge, A. Laing. 

Office Bearers, 1846 President, J. H. | 
Hagarty, Esq.; 1st Vice-President, John i 
Duggan, Esq.; 2nd Vice^-President, John i 
King, Esq., M.D.; 3rd Vice-President, i 
Charles Stotesbury, Esq.; Treasurer, ! 
John Harrington, Esq.; Secretary, Kivas 
Tully, Esq.; Committee, Messrs. Joseph 
Bates, J. R. Mountjoy, . Ashfield, 
John Ritchey, G. L. Allen, T. McCon- 
key, James Watkins ; Chaplains, Rev. 
John McCaul, LL.D., H. J. Grasett ; j 
Physician, George Herrick, Esq., M.D.; ; 
Marshall, Mr. John Craig ; Standard j 
Bearers, Messrs. McClenaghan, Givan, j 
Cunenger and J. J. Evans. 


President, The Hon. R. Baldwin ; 1st 
Vice-President, Col. C. J. Baldwin; 2nd 
Vice-President, Skeffington Connor, 
Esq., LL.D.; Chaplain, Rev. Eugene 
O Reilly ; Treasurer, James Shannon, 
Esq.; Secretary and Physician, Dr. D. 
R. Bradley : Assistant Secretary, John 
O Donohoe ; Committee of Management, 
Messrs. Malachi O Donohoe, Francis 
Sullivan, Wm. Murphy, Charles Don- 
levy, D. Heffernan, Edward Croker, 
Patrick Mullany; Standard Bearers, 
Messrs. Michael Hayes and Edward 


Officers for 184G President, The Hon. 
Justice McLean ; Vice-Presidents, John 
Cameron and Thomas G. Ridout, Esq s.; 
Managers, Messrs. Wm. Wilson, John { 
Robertson and James Shaw ; Chaplains, I 

Rev. John Barclay and Rev. John Jenn 
ings ; Physicians, Doctors Telfer and 
Primrose ; Standing Committee, Messrs. 
Wm. M. Gorrie, Win. Colcleugh, John 
Watson and Duncan McDonell ; Com 
mittee of Accounts, Messrs. George Den- 
holm, John Shaw and Thomas Paterson; 
Treasurer, Mr. Alex. Badenach ; Secre 
tary, Mr. Angus Morrison ; Standard 
Bearers, Messrs. Robert Maitland, Hugh 
Miller, James Leask and John Riddell ; 
Marshal, Mr. Stedman B. Campbell. 

Banner, George Brown, publisher ; 
every Friday. British Canadian, R. Wat 
son & Co., publishers ; every Saturday. 
British Colonist, Hugh Scobie, pub 
lisher ; every Tuesday and Friday. 
Christian Guardian, Methodist Commit 
tee publishers, every Wednesday. Ex 
aminer, James Lesslie, publisher ; every 
"Wednesday. Globe, George Brown, pub 
lisher ; every Tuesday. Herald, George 
A- Barber, publisher ; every Monday 
and Thursday. Mirror, Charles Donlevy, 
publisher ; every Friday. Patriot, Mrs. 
Dalton, publisher; every Tuesday and 
Friday. Star, Wm. J. Coates, publisher; 
every Wednesday and Saturday. 

President, The Mayor of the City, W. 
H. Boulton, Esq., M.P.P.; Vice-Presi 
dent, The Sheriff of the Home District, 
W. B. Jarvis, Esq.; Stewards, Hon. 
Henry Sherwood, M.P.P., R. P. Crooks, 
Esq., Dr. T D. Hume, 82nd Regiment, 
0. F. Tiniins, Esq., S2nd Regiment ; 
Treasurer, C. Thompson, Esq.; Secre 
tary, G. D. Wells, Esq.; Proprietor, R. 

President, Dr. F S. Primrose ; 1st 
Vice-President, Angus Morrison, Esq.; 
2nd Vice-President, Alex. Badenach, 
Esq.; Managers, Messrs. Thos. Aitkin, 
John Ewart, sr., Robert Mitchell, 
George Denholm, Robert G. Anderson, 
John Helliweli ; Skips, Messrs. Francis 
S. Primrose, George Denholm, Angus 
Morrison, Thomas Aitkin, Robert G. 
Anderson, George II. Gillespie; Secre- _: 
tary and Treasurer, George H. Gilles- , 


President, W. H. Boulton, Esq., M.P. 
P.; Vice-President, J. M. Strachan, Esq.; 
Committee of Management, G. A. Bar 
ber, J. F. Maddock and G. A. Philpott, 
Esqs.; Secretary and Treasurer, James 
Muttlebury, Esq. The Club is composed 
of 30 or 40 members, and have a beau- 



tiful ground adjoining the Caer-Howel 
pleasure grounds. 



President, Rev. John McCaul, D.D.; 
Vice-President, F. Primrose, Esq., M. 
p.; Secretary, Thomas Gait, Esq., bar 


(Incorporated by Act of Parliament.) 
Capital, 500,000 in 100,000 shares of 
5 each. 

Board of Directors, elected July 14, 
1845: President, The Hon. Wm. Allan; 
Vice-President, George P. Ridout, Esq.; 
Clarke Gamble, Esq.; Wm. B. Jarvis, 
Esq, Sheriff of the Home District ; John 
Ewart, Esq.; the Hon. Henry Sherwood, 
Solicitor-General, member of the Pro 
vincial Parliament; Win. H. Boulton, 
Esq., Mayor of the City of Toronto, 
membsr of the Provincial Parliament ; 
Wm. Proudfoot, Esq., president of the 
Bank of Upper Canada : Frederick Wld- 
der Esq., Commissioner of the Canada 
Company; George Ridout, Esq.; Wm. 
Atkinson, Esq. Secretary, pro tern, Ed 
ward George O Brien, Esq. Bankers, 
the Bank of Upper Canada. 


Officers of the Provincial Grand 
Lodge, for Canada West Brothers Sir 
Allan Napier MacNab, Knight, R.W. 
PGM Thomas G. Ridout, R.W.D.P. 
G!M.; Francis Richardson, P.S G.W.; 
Sir Richard Bonnyca-stle, P.J.G.W.; to. 
C. Richardson, P.G. Treas.; R. G. Bease- 
ley P. G. Registrar ; Richard Bull, 
P G Secretary; Richard Watson, 
Assistant P.G. Secretary; Rt. McClure, 
PS.G.D.; C. H. Webster, P.J.G.D.; W. 
M Shaw, P. G. Supt. Works; J. G. 
Fitzgibbon, P. G. Director of Ceremon 
ies W. M. \\ilson, Assistant P.G.D.C.; 
The Hon. R. S. Jameson, Wm. A. 
Campbell, S. B. Campbell, A. Buck- 
well, D. Myers, R. D. Duggan, P. G. 
Stewards; John Morrison, P.G. Tyler. 
St John s Chapter No. 4 Companions 
Robert SIcClure, H.P.; William B. Jar- 
vis, K.; George C. Horwood, S.; Hiram 
Piper, C.1L; Stedman B. Campbell, P. 
S.; Charles March, R.A.C.; Edward M. 
Hodder, M. 3rd V.; Richard H. Oates, 
M. 2nd V.; Wm. Gooderham, M. 1st V.; 
Duncan Macdonell, Treas.; John McA. 

ameron, Sec.; Charles Daly, St d.; 

Jtorge Cant, J.J.; Donald McLean, O.J. 

Regular communications of the Chap- 

er, on the third Thursdays in January, 

April, July and October. The subordi 

nate lodges meet on the first Thursday 
in every month. 

St. Andrew s Lodge E. R. No. 487 ; 
P. R., No. 1 : Brothers Francis Richard 
son, W.M.; T G. Ridout, P.M.; Hon. R. 
S. Jameson, S.W ; W. A. Campbell, J. 
W.; D. Macdonell, Treas.; A. B. Sulli 
van, Sec.; E. M. Hodder, S.D.; Kivas 
Tully, J.D.; S. B. Campbell, M.C.; G. 
C. Horwood, J. T. Smith, Stewards ; 
Aemilius Irving, I.G.; Donald McLean, 



Court of Appeal Governor, Lieuten- 
ant-Governor, or person administering 
the Government in that part of the 
Province of Canada, formerly Upper 
Canada; two or more Executive Coun 
cillors; Vice-Chancellor; Chief Justice, 
and Puisne Judges of the Court of 
Queen s Bench. Clerk, Jos. C. Morrison, 
Esq. Sitting Terms-lst, Third Mon 
day in February ; 2nd, Fourth Monday 
in Jijae; 3rd, Second Monday in Aug.; 
4th Third Monday in November. 

Court of Chancery Chancellor, His 
Excellency the Governor-General ; Vice- 
Chancellor, The Hon. Robert S. Jame 
son ; Master and Registrar, John G. 
Spragge. Sitting terms 1st, Begins 
first Monday in March, and ends on 
Saturday week following; 2nd, Begins 
fourth Monday in May, and ends on 
Saturday week following; 3rd, Begins 
third Monday in July, and ends on 
Saturday week following; 4th, Begins 
first Monday in December, and ends 
on Saturday week following. Sitting 
days Every Tuesday and Friday. Long 
vacation From first September to fif 
teenth October. 

The Court of Queens Bench Chief 
Justice, Hon. John Beverley Robinson; 
Puisne Judges, Hon. James Buchanan 
Macaulay, Hon. Archibald McLean, Hon. 
Jonas Jones, Hon. Christopher Alex. 
Hagerman. Term of sitting-Hilary 
Term Begins 011 the first Monday in 
February, and ends on the Saturday of 
the week following. Easter Term Be- 
eins on the second Monday in June, and 
ends on the Saturday of the week fol 
lowing. Trinity Term -Begins on the 
last Monday in July, and ends on the 
Saturday of the week following. 
Michaelmas Term Begins on the 
Monday in November, and ends on t 
Saturday of the week following.. 

Court of Probate-Official Principal, 
Robert E. Burns, Esq.; Registtar, Chas. 
FitzGibbon, Esq. 

Charles Berczy, Postmaster. 
Office Hours During week dajs, f] 



8 a.m. to 7 p.m. (When steamers are 
due, the office is kept open until 8 
o clock p.m.) On Sundays, between the 
hours of 9 and 10 a.m., and 5 and 6 p.m. 

All letters to the United States must 
be post paid to the lines. 

General rule for rating letters : 

s. d. 

Distance 60 miles and under 4fc 

61 " to 10U inclusive.. 7 

101 " to 200 " ..09 

201 " to 300 " . . 11J 

301 " to 400 " ..1 0^ 

401 " to 500 " ..14 

501 " to 600 " ..1 6 

601 " to 700 " ..18 

701 " to 800 " ..1 10i 

801 " to 900 " .. 2 0^ 

901 " to 1000 " ..2 3 

1001 " to 1100 " ..2 5 

1101 " to 1200 " ..2 7i 

1201 " to 1300 " . . 2 9^ 

1301 " to 1400 " ..3 

1401 " to 1500 " ..3 2 

1501 " to 1600 " ..3 4 


Adelaide street east First street 
north of King street, east, commences 
at Yonge street, and runs east to Nel 
son street. 

Adelaide street west Commences at 
Yonge street, and runs west. 

Agnes street Fourth street north of 
Queen street west, commences at Yonge 
street, and runs west. 

Albert street First street north of 
Queen street west, commences at Yonge 
street, and runs west to Sayer street. 

Alice street Third street north of 
Queen street west, commences at Yonge 
street, and. runs west. 

Ann street Fifth street north of 
Queen street east, commences at Yonge 
street, and runs east. 

Bathurst street Commences at the 
(Queen s Wharf, and runs north to 
Queen street. 

Bay street Second street west of 
Yonge street, on south side of King 
street, commences at the Bay shor**, and 
runs north to Queen street. 

Beach street East of Parliament 
street, third street north of King street 

Berkeley street Commences at the 
Bay, near the Jail, and runs north to 
Queen street. 

Beverley street First street west of 
John street, commences on Queen street, 
and runs north. 

Bond street Forms the west side of 
McGill square. 

Boulton street First street north of 

King street west, runs west from 
Racquet Court to Simcoe street. 

Brock street Commences at the Bay, 
and runs north to Queen street, and is 
thence continued as Spadina avenue. 

Carlton street Commences at Yonge 
street, near the College avenue, and 
runs east. 

Caroline street Third street east of 
Market square, on King street, com 
mences at the Bay, and runs north to 
Queen street. 

Centre street Commences at Osgoode 
street, in rear of Osgoode Hall, and 
runs north. 

Charles street Commences at Yonge 
street, near the Toll-gate, and runs east. 

Church street First street west of 
the Market, commences at the Bay, and 
runs north to Carlton street. 

Colborne street First street south of 
King street east, commences at the Mar 
ket square and runs west. 

College avenue Commences at Queen 
etreet, west of Osgoode Hall, and runs 
north to the University, and thence 
runs east to Yonge street. 

Crookshank street Second street 
north of Queen street east, commences 
at Yonge street and runs east. 

Crookshank s lane Commences at 
Queen street, near Bathurst street, and 
runs north. 

Don street First street west of Don 
bridge, commences at King street, and 
runs south. 

Douro street Commences on Bath 
urst street, north of the Garrison, and 
runs west. 

Duchess street Second street north 
of King street, on the east side of Nel 
son street, runs east to Parliament 

Duke street First street north of 
King street, on the east side of Nelson 
street, runs east to Parliament street. 

Dummer street Second street west of 
College avenue, north side of Queen 

Dun das road Runs north from the 
Toll-gate on Queen street for about a 
quarter of a mile, and then runs west. 

Edward street Fifth street north of 
Queen street west, commences at Yonge 
street, and runs west. 

Eliza street Runs west out of Spa 
dina avenue. 

Elizabeth street Third street west of 
Yonge street, runs north from yueen 

Francis street Commences at King 
street, opposite the Market, and runs 

Frederick street Second street east 
of the Market square, commences at. 
the Bay, and runs north to Duke street. 



Front street Runs in front of the 
Bay from the soi th-west corner of the 
Ma rket square, west of the Garrison. 

George street First street east of the 
Market square, commences at the Bay, 
and runs north to Queen street. 

Gerrard street Third street north of 
Queen street east, commences at Yonge 
street and runs east. 

James street First street west of 
Yonge street, commences at Queen 
street and runs north. 

Jarvis street Continuation of Nelson 
street, north from Queen street. 

John street Fifth street west of 
Yonge street, on King street, commen 
ces at the Bay and runs north. 

Jordan street First street west of 
Yonge street, commences at King street 
and runs south to Wellington street. 

King street east The main street of 
the city, commences at Yonge street 
and runs east to the Don bridge. 

King street west Commences at 
Yonge street and runs west to the 
Garrison Common. 

Louisa street Second street north of 
Queen street west, commences at Yonge 
street and runs west. 

McGill street Fourth street north of 
Queen street east, commences at longe 
street and runs east. 

Maple lane Commences at Maria 

etreet and runs west to Spadina avenue. 

March street First street north of 

Adelaide street, commences in Victoria 

street and runs east to Nelson street. 

Maria street Commences at Queen 

street, near Peter street, and runs 


Melinda street First street south of 
King street west, commences at Yonge 
street and runs west to Bay street. 
Nelson street Commences on King 
street, opposite Market square, and 
runs north. 

Oak street Fourth street north of 
King street, east side of Parliament 

Ontario street Fourth street east of 
George street, commences at King 
street, and runs north to Queen street. 
Osgoode street Back of Osgoode Hall, 
and returning west from Sayer street 
to Park lane. 

Palace street Opposite the Bay ; con 
tinuation of Front street ; commences 
at the south-east corner of the Market 
square, and runs east. 

Park lane First street west of Os 
goode Hall ; running north out of Queen 

Park street south In the Park south 
of King street. 

Park street north In the Park, north 
of King street. 

Parliament street Commences at the 
Bay, near the jail, and runs north to 
St. James cemetery. 

Peter street Fifth street west of 
Yonge street, on Front street, com 
mences at the Bay, and runs north to 
Queen street. 

Pine street In the Park. 
Portland street First street east of 
Queen s Wharf, commences at the Bay 
and runs north. 

Power street Commences at King 
street, opposite Trinity church, and 
runs north. 

Princess street Fourth street east of 
the Market, commences at the Bay and 
runs north to .Duke street. 

Queen street east Third street north 
of King street east, commences at 
Yonge street and runs east to the Don. 
Queen street west Fourth street 
north of King street west, commences 
at Yonge street and runs west to the 

Regent street In the Park, north of 
King street. 

Richmond street east Second street 
north of King street east, commences 
at Yonge street and runs east to Nel 
son street. 

Richmond street west Commences at 
Yonge street and runs west to Peter 

River street First street west of Don 
bridge, running north from King street. 
Robert street Near north end of Spa 
dina avenue. 

St. James street In the Park; north 
of Queen street. 

Sayer street First street east of Os 
goode Hall, commences at Queen street 
and runs north. 

Scott street First street east of 
Yonge street, on Front street, com 
mencing at the Bay and running north. 
Shepard street Between Bay street 
! and York street, commences at Ade- 
| laide street and runs north to Rich- 
] mond street. 

| Shuter street First street north of 
Queen street east, commencing at Yonge 
i street and running east. 
i Simcoe street Fourth street west of 
I Yonge street, on King street, commen 
ces at the Bay and runs north to Queen 

Spadina avenue Continuation of 
Brock street ; runs north from Queen 
street west. 

Sumach street Second street west 
i from Don bridge, running north from 
King street, and south to South Park 

Tecumseth street West of Bathurst 
street, near the Garrison. 

Temperance street Second street 


north of King street west, commences 
at Yonge street and runs west. 

Teraulay street Second street west 
of Yonge street, commences at Queen 
street and runs north. 

Toronto street Runs north from 
King street to Adelaide street, be 
tween Yonge and Charch streets. 

Trinity street Commences at King 
street east, near Trinity church, and 
runs south to the Vv indrnill. 

Victoria street First street east of 
Yonge street, commences at Adelaide 
street and. runs north to Gerrard. 

Walnut place Runs south from No. 
90 King street west. 

Wellington street east First street j 
north of Front street, commences at i 
Yonge street and runs east to Church 

Wellington street west Commences 
at Yonge street and runs west to Peter 

Wellington place First street north 
of Front, commencing at Brock street 
and running west to Portland street. 

William street First street west of 
College avenue, commencing at Queen 
street and running north. 

Yonge street The main northern 
road of the city, commencing at the 
custom house wharf and running north. 

York street Second street west of 
Yonge street, on Front street, com 
mencing at the Bay and running north. 

Yorkville The Village at the Yonge 
street Toll-gate. 


The numbers are those put upon the 
houses in chalk, by Mr. George Walton, 
in conformity with a plan adopted by 
the Corporation, as follows : 

All those streets which run the full 
length of the City, and cross Yongo 
street, are divided into two, east and 
west ; the numbers of both divisions 
begin at Yonge street, and strike off 
east and west ; thus the store of Messrs. 
Ridout Bros., Is No. 1 King street east ; 
and that of Messrs. Sutherland, the op 
posite corner, is No. 1 King Street west; 
the next houses each way, are Nos. 3 
east and west, respectively the odd 
numbers being on that side, and the 
even ones on the opposite ; thus Betley 
& Brown s establishment is No. 2 King 
street east ; and that of Messrs. Lyns.s 
& Brown, No. 2 King street west, and 
so on. 

. In all the streets running in the 
same direction as King, although not 
crossing Yonge street, the numbers 
begin at the end nearest Yonge street, 
and rise as they advance east or west. 

In all ins streets running east and 
west, parallel with the Bay, the odd 
numbers are on the north side, and the 
even ones on the south ; and in all those 
running north and south, at right 
angles with the former, the odd num 
bers (beginning at the end at or nearest 
the Bay) are on the west side, and the 
even ones on the east. 

By a plan of the Corporation, where 
vacant lots occur, a given space is al 
lowed for a number, to prevent any 
disturbance of the order arising from 
the erection of new houses upon such 
lots. In some instances, this plan has 
not been strictly adhered to ; indeed it 
was almost impossible for a person, 
without accurately measuring the 
ground, to place the numl>ers properly ; 
but they are sufficiently correct for all 
the purposes of this work. 


Alphabetically Arranged. 
Abbott Peter Charles, cabman, 83 Queen 

street west. 
Abbott, Wm., labourer, King street 

east, near Sumach. 
Abbott, W. R., 23 Teraulay, corner of 

Abraham, Joseph, Green Bush Inn, 152 

Yonge, near Shuter. 
Abrams, Joseph (coloured), carpenter, 

Sayer street. 
Acheson & Watson, leather dealers, 115 

Yonge, north of Richmond. 
Acton, Wm., shoemaker, Scott street. 
Adam, Rev. Wm. (Unitarian), at Mrs. 

Reford s, 36 Duke street. 
Adams, John, carpenter, Agnes, near 

Adams, Samuel, labourer, 38 Richmond 

street west. 

Adams, Wm., baker, 45 March street. 
Adams, Wm., baker, Dummer street. 
Adams, Mrs., widow, Eliza street, near 

Spadina avenue. 
Addy, James, carter, Ontario, corner of 

Ades, Edward, cigar manufacturer, 

Yonge, north of Edward. 
Aiken, Alex., shoemaker, 6 Elizabeth st. 
Aitken, Robert, carpenter, 182 Queen 

street west. 
Aitken, Thomas, Tarn O Shanter Inn, 

Colborne street. 
Alderdice,, Robert, carpenter, Shepard 


Alderdice, Samuel, porter U. C. Col 
lege, U. C. C. buildings. 
Alexander, Robert, fire inspector, office 

28 Church street. 
Alexander, Robert, carpenter, Shepard 

! Alexander, Wm., cabinet maker, Sayer. 

near Agnes. 



Alexander, Wm., carpenter, Teraulay st. 

Allan, Samuel, carpenter, Teraulay st., 
in rear. 

Allan, Hon. Win., Queen, head of Caro 

Allcock, John, clerk, with Ridout Bro. s, 
24 Richmond street east. 

Allen, Alex., mate steamboat, 7 James 
street, in rear. 

Allen, G. L., Bond Head Inn, 13 Church 

Allen, John, market man, 44 Duchess st. 

Allen, Jude, cabinet maker, 45 Ade 
laide street west, in rear. 

Allison, Adam, stonecutter, Louisa st. 

Allison, Andrew, labourer, 21 Teraulay 
street, in rear. 

Allison, James, labourer, River street. 

Alton, Matthew, shoemaker, Alice st. 

Anderson, Charles P. (coloured), la 
bourer, Spadina avenue. 

Anderson, Daniel, tailor, Ontario street. 

Anderson, George, stonemason, Ade 
laide street, north of John. 

Anderson, George, labourer, King, near 
Sumach street. 

Anderson, James, shoemaker, 117 and 
119 Queen street west. 

Anderson, John, labourer, 79 Elizabeth 

Anderson, John, tax collector, 103 Queen 
street west. 

Anderson, R. G., teller, B. U. C., On 
tario, corner of Duke street. 

Anderson, T. G., superintendent Indian 
Affairs, 58 Church street, office old 
Government office. King, corner of 
Simcoe street. 

Anderson, Thos. W., watchmaker, 114 
Yonge, residence 9 Richmond street. 

Anderson, Thomas, blacking maker, 
Yonge, near Wellington street. 

Anderson, Mrs., widow. Queen, east of 
George street. 

Andrews, George, shoemaker, 117 Yonge 

Andrews, Wm., parish clerk St. James 
Cathedral, 16 Richmond street east. 

Angus, James, carpenter, Teraulay st., 
corner of Alice street. 

Anscombe, James, harness maker, 22 
Richmond street east. 

Archer, Wm., bricklayer, Sayer street. 

Ardagh, Wm., labourer, near Queen 
street east (Park). 

Armitage, John, labourer, Ordnance de 
partment, Douro street. 

Armitage, John, baker, 147 Yonge st., 
north of Queen. 

Armstrong, Alex., labourer, Sayer st. 

Armstrong, Alex., builder, 42 Richmond 
street east. 

Armstrong, James, cloth manufacturer, 
Agnes street. 

Armstrong, James, innkeeper, 1 Ade 
laide street east. 

Armstrong, James, carter, Berkeley st. 
Armstrong, James, saddler, 55 Yonge 

Armstrong, John ,storekeeper, 57 Yonge 

Armstrong, J. R., City Foundry, 116 

Yonge, residence 36 Queen street east. 
Armstrong, Thos., shoemaker, 140 King 

street east. 
Armstrong, Wm., wharf-keeper (Tin- 

ning s), 57 Bay street. 
Armstrong, Wm., labourer, Queen, near 

Armstrong, Mrs. C. M., dressmaker, 55 

Yonge street. 

Arthurs, William, 21 Front street. 
Ashfield, James, gun maker, Yonge, 

near Wellington. 
Ashfield, Wm., gun maker, Melinda, 

near Bay street. 
Ashton, John, paint shop, 49 Queen st. 


Atkinson, Wm., labourer, Trinity st. 
Atkinson, Wm., saddler, 82 King street 

east, 12 City buildings. 
Austin, James, grocer, 67 Richmond 

street east. 

Austin, John, blacksmith, 22 George st. 
Avary, George, carpenter, 70 Queen st. 

Aveson, Wm., carpenter, Ann street, 

east of Yonge. 
Axford, Wm., wheelwright, 96 Queen 


Baby, James, attorney, 42 Duke street. 
Backes, Wm., shoemaker, 57 York st. 
Bacon, Wm. Wynne, solicitor in (. Ivn- 

ce ry, Barnstable, Yonge street, office 

Temple Chambers. 
Badenach, Alexander, grocer, 66 King 

street east, 6 Victoria row. 
Bailey, Edward, tailor, Edward street. 
Bailey, James, teamster, King street 

east, near the Don. 

Bailey, James, labourer, Spadina ave. 
Bailey, Joseph, shoemaker, King street 

east, near the Don. 

Bailey Wm., axe-maker, 87 Elizabeth st. 
Baillie, Alex., carpenter, Osgoode street, 

corner of Sayer street. 
Bain, John, bookbinder, 43 Richmond 

street west. 

Bain, Samuel, tailor, Jarvis street. 
Bain, Wm., cabinet maker, 83 King st. 

Bain, Mrs., French stay-maker, 83 King 

street west. 
Baines, Michael, labourer, Park, near 

the Marsh. 
Baines, Thomas, Government land 

agent, 21 William st., office old Gov 
ernment office, King street west. 
Baird, Alex., Blue Bonnet Inn, 235 

Queen street west. 
Baker, Charles, bricklayer, Agnes, near 




Baker, Charles, tailor, 34 King st. w. 

Baker, Job, King Alfred Inn, 81 King 
street west. 

Baker, John, Black Swan Inn, 26 King 
street west. 

Baker, John, butcher, Spadina avenue. 

Baker, Win., livery stable, Toronto st. 

Baldwin, Hon. Robert, Front, cor. of Bay. 

Baldwin, W. A., Front, corner of Bayst. 

Baldwin, Mrs. (widow of J. S. B.), King, 
corner of Frederick. 

Baldwin & Son, barristers, 4 King st. w. 

Balfour, John, bookkeeper, 70 Church st. 

Ballantyne, Robert, carpenter, Yonge, 
near 1st Toll-gate. 

Ballard, John, Commissariat clerk, Rich 
mond street, west of John street. 

Banker, Abraham, carpenter, Agnes st., 
near Teraulay 

Banks, Jarad (coloured), hatter, 84 
York street. 

Banks, Robert, labourer, King street, 
corner of River 

Bannerman, John, Scottish Arms Inn, 
1 Francis street. 

Barber, G. A., editor of the Herald, and 
city superintendent of education, John 
st., north of Queen, office 61 Yonge. 

Barclay, Rev. J. (Church of Scotland 
in Canada), 33 Bay street. 

Barnes, James, carpenter, 59 Yonge st. 

Barnes, John, carpenter, Yonge street, 
north of Agnes. 

Barnes, J. D., agent McKay s ale, office 
18 Wellington street east. 

Barnes, Richard, carpenter, Edward st. 

Barfield, Samuel, labourer, Front st., 
near Bathurst. 

Barrett, Joseph, teamster, near Trinity. 

Barrett, Wm., labourer, 14 Duchess st. 

Barrett, M., master U. C. College, Ade 
laide street, west of York. 

Barron, F. W., principal U. C. C., King 
street, west of Simcoe. 

Barrow, George, Yonge, north of Carl- 
ton street. 

Bartlett, Richard, carpenter, Teraulay 
street, corner of Alice. 

Barton, R. H-, Rising Sun Inn, Yonge 
street, near 1st Toll-gate. 

Bates, David, 14 Princess street. 

Bates, Elisha, Palace street. 

Bates, Samuel, carter, 16 Victoria st. 

Bateson, Boswell, bath-keeper, 61 King 
street west. 

Bateson, Mathew, picture frame maker, 
Agnes street. 

Bateson, Mathew, carpenter, 17 Victoria. 

Batram, James, Royal Mortar Inn, 245 
Queen street west. 

Battin, John, carpenter, 25 Richmond 
street cast. 

Bauldry, John, green grocer, 38 King 
street west. 

Bayley, George, confectioner, 5 Welling 
ton street east. 

Baylis, James, labourer, Parliament st. 
Bayne, Thomas, theological student, 1& 

George street. 

Baxter, James, mason, Spadina ave. 
Beach, John, St. George and Dragon 

Inn, 63 York street. 
Beadle, D. W., law student, office King, 

corner of York. 
Beal, Wm., currier, King street east, 

near Don. 

Beamish, Francis, George and John, la 
bourers, Palace street. 
Beamish, Thomas, innkeeper, King st. 

east, near Sumach. 
Beard, J. G., sheriff s clerk, residence 

King street east, near Don. 
Beard, Robert, deputy sheriff, residence 

11 Nelson street. 
Beatty, Adam, innkeeper, 196 King st. 

Beatty, Adam, prov. s on store, 157 Qu en 

street west. 

Beatty, Alex., labourer, 17 Victoria st- 
Beatty, James, carter, Duinmer street. 

Beatty, John, labourer, 133 Queen st. 

west, in rear. 
Beatty, Luke, innkeeper, 83 Adelaide st. 

Beatty & MarsTi, wholesale and retail 

grocers, 120 King street east. 
Beatty, Mrs., dressmaker, 162 King st. 

Beaty, James, leather merchant, 142 

King street east. 
Beaty, John, labourer, Queen st., near 

Beaumont, Wm. R., M.D., 11 Bay st. 

Beaven, Frederick, cooper, Ontario st. 

Beaven, Rev. James, professor of divin 
ity, King s College University, resi 
dence in the University buildings. 

Beaven, John W., cooper, 200 King st., 
corner of Princess. 

Beckett, Edward, moulder, 112 Queen 
street west . 

Beckett, Joseph & Co., chemists and 
druggists, 12 King street. 

Beddome, Foskett B., clerk, Peter st., 
south of Richmond. 

Beekman, Robert, agent and accountant, 
9 Nelson street. 

Begg, Ale.*:., carpenter, Church street,. 
north of Shuter. 

Bell, Edwin, soap and candle manufac 
turer, 100 Yoiige street. 

Bell, James, attorney, Queen, west of 
Bathurst street. 

Bell, James, deputy inspector of licen 
ces, Wellington Hotel. 

Bell, James, teacher, Alice street. 

Bell, James, carpenter, 77 York street. 
Bell, John, waggon maker, 7 Victoria. 
Bell, John, carter, Maple lane, near 

Maria, Queen street west. 
Bell. John, barrister. Church street. 



corner of King, residence Church, cor 
ner of Richmond. 

Bell, Richard, cabinet maker, 108 Yonge. 

Bell, Win., law student, Yonge street, 
near Gerrard. 

Bell, Wm., carpenter, Yonge street, 
near Gerrard. 

Bell, Wm., watch-maker, 16 Church st. 

Bell & Inglis, Wellington Hotel, Well 
ington street, corner of Church. 

Bellamore, Anthony, labourer, Queen 
street, near 1st Toll-gate. 

Bengough, John, carpenter, 26 Victoria. 

Benbow, Edward, ropemaker, Yonge st., 
near 1st Toll-bar. 

Benbow, John, labourer, Queen street, 
corner of Parliament. 

Bennett, Edward, carpenter, Shepardst. 

Bennett, Henry, shoemaker, 13 Princess 
street and 38 Nelson street. 

Bennett, John, sailmaker, 29 Queen st. 

Bennett, Mrs., midwife, 72 March st. 

Benns, Wm. blacksmith, 11 Elizabeth. 

Benson, Robert, carpenter, Teraulayst. 

Bentley, John, druggist, Church street, 
near Shuter. 

Beo, Thomas (coloured), labourer, Ed 
ward street. 

Berczy, Charles, postmaster, Welling 
ton street, west of Church. 

Bergin, Patrick, labourer, Bay street, 
near Richmond. 

Bermingham, Edward, carpenter, 83 
Victoria street. 

Berry, Francis, clerk in Good s foundry, 
49 York street. 

Berry, James, labourer, Albert st. 

Berry, Win., boarding-house, 27 Ade 
laide street east. 

Berryman, John, butcher, King street 
east, near Sumach. 

Berthon, G. S., portrait painter, 10 Wil 
liam street, office 61 Yonge. 

Besnard, Thomas Pope, 3 Bond street. 

Bethune, Angus, Palace street, near 

Bethune, Donald, steamboat proprietor, 
residence 6 Duke street. 

Bethune & Blackstone, barristers, office 
3 King street east. 

Betley, Matthew, merchant, residence 
44 Yonge street. 

Betley & Brown, dry goods, 2 King st. 
east, corner of Yonge. 

Bettridge, Charles, grocer, King street 
east, near Berkeley. 

Bettridge, John C., drugs and grocer 
ies, 110 Yonge street. 

Beven, George, timber dealer, William. 

Bharrell, Isaac, labourer, 243 Queen st. 

Billing, Samuel, assistant druggist, 112 
Victoria street. 

Billings, F. T. f toll-gate line, east of 

Bickerstaff, Frederick, painter, 48 York. 
Bilton, George, merchant tailor, resi 
dence 56 Church street. 
Bilton, G. & T., merchant tailors, 43 
King street east, 2 Wellington build 

Binney, David, baker, 21 Teraulay st., 
in rear. 

Birchall, Thomas W., managing direc 
tor B. A. F. & L. Assurance Company, 
George street, near Duke. 

Bird, Joseph, painter, 17 Teraulay st. 

Birse, Francis, carter, 90 Queen st. w. 
Bishop, Paul, blacksmith, 46 Duke st. 

Blachford, Anthony, salesman Ridout 
Bros., 8 James street. 

Black, George, carpenter, 139 Queen st. 

Black, Henry, waiter, Shepard street. 

Black, John, c<jfrpenter, Sayer street. 

Black, John, clerk, corner of King and 
York streets. 

Black, John, labourer, 15 Richmond st. 
east, in rear. 

Black, Joseph, labourer, 30 Nelson st., 
in rear. 

Black, Thomas, wheelwright, 22 Ade 
laide street west. 

Blackburn, Alfred (coloured), labourer, 
Palace street. 

Blackburn, Thornton, cabman. South 
Park street. 

Bladen, Aaron (coloured), dyer, 97 King. 

Blain, Isaac, lake captain, 39 Victoria. 

Blair, John, cabinet maker, 13 Richmond 
street west. 

Blair, Wm., carpenter, Dummer street.. 

Blake & Morrison, barristers, office 42 
Yonge street. 

Blake, Wm. Hume, professor of law 
King s College University, residence 
John street, south of Queen; office 
42 Yonge street. 

Blanden, Lucy, widow, dressmaker, 162 
King street east. 

Blaney, Robert, bookbinder, 19 Terau- 
ley street. 

Bleakley, James, shoemaker, Scott st. 

Blevins, Robert, 17 Queen street west, 
corner of James. 

Blong, Henry, King street east, 
near Don. " 

Bloor, Joseph, toll-gate line, east of 

Bloxom, Daniel, Tontine Coffee House, 
150 King street east. 

Blue, Angus, Racquet Court-keeper, 61 
King street west. 

Blunt, Wm., gingerbeer maker, Ed 
ward street. 

Blydon, John, Labourer, 91 Bay street. 

Blyth, John, tailor, 144 King st. east, 

Boddy, James, carpenter, Queen street, 
near George. 

Boddy, Wm., bricklayer, Queen street, 
near George. 



Boice, Abraham, carpenter, 46 Queen 

street west. 

Boles, John, Richard and James, Su 
mach street, corner of Oak. 
Bolger, James, shoemaker, 20 Duchess. 
Bonar, Thomas, labourer, McGill st., 

near Church. 

Bond, John, carter, Shepard street. 
Bond, John, druggist s assistant, 58 Vic 
toria street. 
Bond, John, cabinet maker, 107 King 

street east. 
Band, Joseph, plasterer, 8 Wellington 

street west. 
Bone, Win., carpenter, .Boulton st., near 


Bone, Win., tailor, 45 Elizabeth street. 
Booth, Wm., labourer, Hunter s lane, 

foot of Tonge street. 
Bostwick, Mrs., widow, Yonge st., near 

1st toll-gate. 

Boulton, D Arcy, sr., head of John st. 
Boulton, Hon. Henry John, barrister, 
Holland House, Wellington, west of 

Boulton, Henry J , jr., barrister, office 
Temple Chambers, King st., west of 
Boulton, Wm., carpenter, 105 Richmond 

street west, in rear. 

Boulton, Wm. H., jNl.P.i 3 ., barrister (of 

Gamble & Boulton), office Church st., 

near King, residence head of John st. 

Boulton, Mrs. Wm., widow, John st., 

north of Queen. 
Bowes, Ewart it Hall, wholesale dry 

goods, 23 Front street. 
Bowes, John G., residence 22 Front st. 
Bowman, John, innkeeper, 9 Colbornest. 
Bowman, Samuel, carter, 69 Adelaide 

street west. 
Bown, John \., law student, office King 

street, corner of York. 
Boyce, George, carpenter, 49 Queen st. 


Boyd, Daniel, carpenter, 40 Yonge st. 
Boyer, Thomas, clerk, toll-gate line, east 

of Yonge street. 

Boyle, Charles, carter, Duchess st. east. 
Boyle, Patrick, labourer, Col borne st. 
Boys, Henry, M.D., bursar K. C. U., 

Front street, west of Simcoe. 
Bradburn, John, labourer, 12 Elizabeth. 
Bradburne, E., 28 Bay street. 
Bradley, Dr. D. E., Caroline street. 
Braham, Alfred, clothier, 70 King st. 

east, 8 Victoria Row. 
Brandon, Daniel, tailor, 40 March st. 
Brandon, Thos., blacksmith, 159 Queen 

street west. 

Brawley, Michael, labourer, 86 Rich 
mond street east. 
Brayley, John, carpenter, 212 Queen st. 


Brayley, Miss, dressmaker, 212 Queen 
street west. 

Brassington, Richard, 62 Duke street. 

Brayshaw, John, innkeeper, 20 March. 

Breakey, Andrew, general store, Queen, 
corner of Spadina avenue. 

Breen, Owen, labourer, Bay shore, op 
posite Market square. 

Brennan, ., messenger, Commissariat 
department, Spadina avenue. 

Brennan, Robert, Melinda st., west of 

Brett, R. H., general wholesale mer 
chant, 34 King street east. 

Brewer, Richard, stationer and book 
seller, 48 King street east. 

Brewster, Richard, labourer, 90 King 
street weat, 6 Walnut place. 

Brice, John, stonecutter, Albert street. 

Bridgland, Samuel, shoemaker, Yonge 
street, north of Agnes. 

Briggs, Robert, labourer, 30 March st. 

Briggs, Wm. and Robert, carpenters, 
Yonge street, near Gerrard. 

Bright, John, labourer, 6 Ontario st. 

Bright, Wm., butcher, Queen st., west 
of Bathurst. 

Bright, Mrs., widow, King street east, 
near Don. 

Bright, Mrs. Lewis, widow, 15 Queen 
street west, corner of James. 

Brinnon, Hamilton, labourer, Lake 
shore, near Berkeley. 

Briscoe, A. D., shop, 15 Church street. 

Briscoe, Andrew, storekeeper, 40 Rich 
mond street east. 

Briscoe, Wm., blacksmith, 96 Queen st. 

Briscoe, Mrs., dressmaker, 40 Richmond 
street east. 

Britton, Robert, provision store, 104 
Queen street west. 

Brodie, John, carpenter, Louisa, near 

Brooke, Daniel, 46 Richmond st. west. 

Brooke, George, barrister and attorney, 
office 99 King street east. 

Brookes, George, bricklayer, 93 Duke. 

Brookes, James, labourer, Teraulay st., 
corner of Alice. 

Brookes, Reuben and Noah (coloured), 
labourers, Sayer street. 

Brookes, Mrs., matron Theological Sem 
inary, 18 George street. 
Broomfield, James, carpenter, Spadina 


Brotherson, Wm., blacksmith, Scott st. 
Brough, Seeker, official principal Court 
of Probate, Simcoe st., corner of Ade 
laide; office King st., corner of York. 
Brower, Ezra, axe maker, Shepard st. 
Brown, Andrew, carter, 53 Adelaide st. 


Brown, A. V. (of Lynes & Brown), resi 
dence 91 Bay street. 
Brown, Archibald, sailor, Spadina ave. 
Brown, George, cabman, Boulton, west 
of York. 



Brown, George (editor of Globe), prin 
ter and publisher, 29 Yonge street; 
residence 38 Queen street east. 

Brown, George, Louisa street. 

Brown, George, shoemaker, Colborne st. 

Brown, James (coloured), Prince Albert 
Recess, 17 Church, street. 

Brown, James, cabman, 16 George st. 

Brown, John, milkman, Queen st., near 

Brown, John, verger, Queen st., cor 
ner of Brock. 

Brown, John, labourer, Sayer street. 

Brown, John, printer, Edward street. 

Brown, John, labourer, 14 Victoria st. 

Brown, John, builder, 41 Victoria st. 

Brown, John, labourer, Peter street, 
south of Richmond street. 

Brown, Joseph, mason, Church street, 
near Shuter. 

Brown, Malcolm, carpenter, 18 Eliza 
beth street, in rear. 

Brown, Peter, editor of Banner, 38 
Queen street east, office 29 Yonge. 

Brown, Peter, builder, 164 Yonge st., 
near Shuter. 

Brown, Stephen (coloured), labourer, 
Sayer street. 

Brown, Thomas, tailor, 46 Queen st.east. 

Brown, Thomas, labourer, toll-gate line, 
east of Yonge street. 

Brown, Wm., bricklayer, Park lane, 
near College avenue. 

Brown, Wm., labourer, Teraulay street, 
corner of Louisa. 

Brown, Wm., labourer, 29 Adelaide st. 

Brown, Wm. E., auctioneer, 101 Yonge. 

Browne, James, wharfinger, Front st., 
residence 15 Bay street. 

Browne, John, wharfkeeper, Church st., 
near Shuter. 

Browne, John, printer, 9 Teraulay st., 
in rear. 

Browning, Joseph, cabinet maker, 191 
Queen street west. 

Brownlove, Wm., labourer, Boulton st., 
east of York. 

Bruce, Wm., labourer, Sumach street. 

Brunskill, Thomas, auctioneer and com 
mission merchant, 130 King st. east, 
residence 187 King street east. 

Bryan, Patrick, labourer, Richmond st., 
west of John. 

Bryant, Daniel (coloured), waiter, Bev- 
erley street. 

Bryce, McMurrich & Co., dry goods 
merchants, 64 King street east, 3 vVic- 
toria row. 

Bryns, Wm., shoemaker, Queen street, 
near Bathurst. 

Bryson, Alex., pensioner, Albert street, 
near James. 

Buchan, John, carpenter, Queen street, 
east of Church. 

Buchanan, C. W., M.D., 40 Victoria st. 

Bugg, John, carpenter, Albert street, 

corner of Teraulay. 
Buie, John, sailor, Scott street. 
Buik, James, machinist, 84 Victoria st. 
Bullivar, Wm., bricklayer, 109 Rich 
mond street west. 

Bunbury, John, shoemaker, Colborne st. 
Bunker, Thomas, bricklayer, Spadinaav. 
Buntin, Conway, labourer, 216 Queen 

street west. 

Burgess, James, tailor, Teraulay st. 
Burgess, John, carter, 18 Princess st. 
Burgess, Mark, tailor, residence 43 Ade-< 

laide street west. 
Burgess, T. & M., merchant tailors, 9 

King street east. 
Burk, Edward, carpenter, Teraulay st., 

near Agnes. 
Burke, Jesse (coloured), barber, 188 

Queen street west. 

Burke, John, labourer, Sumach street. 
Burke, Mrs., dry goods, Queen st. west, 

near Yonge. 
Burn, Wm. S., accountant, Front st., 

near Brock, office 55 King street east. 
Burns, David, shoemaker, Richmond st., 

west of John. 
Burns, Robert, D.D. (Pres. Church of 

C.), Front street, near York. 
Burns, Robert E., judge District Court, 

Peter street, south of King. 
Burns, Wm., gardener, Toll-gate line, 

west of Yonge street. 
Burns, Mowatt & Vankoughnet, bar 
risters, 100 King street west. 
Burnside, Alex., M.D , King street east, 

near Caroline. 

Burrell, Michael, 85 Adelaide st. west. 
Burrow, G. R., carpenter, Agnes street, 

near centre. 

Burrows, Wm., painter, 48 Nelson st. 
Busby, Mrs., widow, Don. 
Butcher, Wm., plasterer, Albert street. 
Butt, Edwin, bricklayer, Pine st. (Park). 
Butt, Ephraim, wheelwright, 47 Queen 

street west. 
Buttery, Thos., veterinary surgeon, 166 

King street east. 

Butterry, Wm., tailor, Temperance st. 
Butters, Mrs., market woman, Rich 
mond street west. 
Eyewater, Mrs., widow, Teraulay, north 

of Louisa. 
Byfield, Edward, blacksmith, 145 King 

street, corner of Simcoe. 
Byrne, John, porter at Globe office, Me- 

linda street, near Jordan. 
Byrom, John, labourer, Park lane, near 

College avenue. 
Cady, George, with H. S. Scott & Co., 

41 King street east. 
Cairns, Wm., stonecutter, 49 March st. 
Caisse, Leon, Head Quarters Restaur 
ateur, 31 King street west. 
Calahan, Daniel, blacksmith, Bouiton 

street, east of York. 



Caldwell, Henry, tailor, 23 King st.east. 
Caldwell, John, carter, 47 Church st., 

corner of March. 

Calenso, Win., builder, Dummer street. 
Callaghan, James, teamster, 52 Nelson. 
Callaway, David, shoemaker, Simcoe st., 

north of Adelaide. 
Cameron, Archibald, dairyman, near 

Trinity street. 
Cameron, James, clerk, Queen st., west 

of George. 
Cameron, John, cashier Com. Bank, 12 

Wellington street west. 
Cameron, John H., barrister, King st., 

corner of York; residence Queen st., 

west of Spadina avenue. 
Cameron, John, M.A., clerk of Canada 

Company, Berkeley street. 
Cameron, Mrs. Col., widow, John street. 
Cameron, Miss, Gore Vale, Queen st. w. 
Campbell, Alex., teacher, 45 Adelaide 

street west. 

Campbell, Burton, printer, 101 Rich 
mond, west of York. 
Campbell, D., of Campbell & Hunter, 

residence 45 Bay street. 
Campbell, John, cabinet maker, 31 

Queen street west. 
Campbell, John, shoemaker, 15 W.ell- 

ington street "sast. 
Campbell, Patrick, sailor, Scott st. 
Campbell, Robert, labourer, Queen st., 

near George. 
Campbell, Robert, policeman, Maria st., 

near Peter. 
Campbell, Samuel, Londonderry Inn, 6 

Colborne street. 
Campbell, Stedman B., barrister, 49 

King street east, residence Scott st. 
Campbell, Wm., upholsterer, Teraulay 

street, corner of Albert. 
Campbell, Wm. A., clerk of Assize, 26 

William street. 
Campbell & Hunter, saddlers, 76 King 

street east. 

Canham, Thomas, mason, Trinity st. 
Cannon, John, mason, Queen street, 

west of Brock. 

Cannon, Thos., labourer, 18 Nelson st. 
Cant, George, dry goods, 74 King street 

ea&t, corner of Church ; residence 43 

Richmond, street east. 
Cantwell, Jacob, labourer, Centre st. 
Capreol, F. C., auctioneer, 35 Yonge st., 

south of King. 

Captain, Wm., plasterer, Edward st. 
Carbert, Joseph, 102 Yonge street. 
Carbert, Mrs., dressmaker, 102 Yonge. 
Carey, Newton (coloured), barber, Ter- 

aalay street. 
Carfrae, Edward, labourer, Richmond 

street, west of York. 
Carfrae, Mrs. Hugh, widow, 51 Bay st. 
Carfrae, Mrs. Thomas, widow, Scott st., 

Bear Wellington. 
Carkeek, John, moulder, 94 Victoria. 

Carless, James, U. C. Bible and Tract 
Depository, 47 Yonge street. 

Carlile, David, bricklayer, 64 Duke st. 

Carlin, Daniel, carter, 5 Adelaide st. 

Carlow, Mrs., widow, Peter street, op 
posite Wellington. 

Carmichael, Daniel, grocer s clerk, 19 
Queen street east. 

Carmichael, Robert, cooper, 86 Yonge. 

Carnall, Charles, baker and confec 
tioner, 58 King street west. 

Carney, John, keeper St. James ceme 
tery, Parliament street. 

Carney, Partick, wheelwright, 34 Vic 
toria street. 

Carney, Wm., labourer, 6 Wellington 
street west. 

Carr, James, carpenter, 31 Adelaide st. 

Carr, John, painter, 48 Queen st. west. 

Carr, Samuel, hardware, 3 west wing 
new Market buildings, residence head 
of Church street. 

Carrigan, John, labourer, Sumach st. 

Carroll, George, carter, Queen st. east, 
near Power. 

Carroll, John, butcher, Maria street, 
Queen street west. 

Carroll, Patrick, tailor, 14 Caroline st. 

Carroll, Thomas, tailor, 8 Nelson street. 

Carruthers. John, cabman, 50 Duchess. 

Carruthers, F. F., barrister, residence 
18 William street. 

Carscaden, Wm., shoemaker, 56 Nel 
son street. 

Carson, Michael, Richmond st., west of 

Carter, George (coloured), tobacconist, 
30 Queen street east. 

Carter, Wm., carpenter, Elizabeth st. 

Carty, Jeremiah, soap and candlemaker, 
Queen street, east of Nelson. 

Gary & Brown, grocers, 99 King street 

Caspar, Samuel, general store, 19 King 
street east. 

Cassan, John, labourer, Queen street, 
east of George. 

Cassidy James, tailor, Bay street, north 
of Richmond. 

Cathcart, Robert, Bathurst street, cor 
ner of King. 

Catreal, J., blacksmith, Bay shore, near 
Market square. 

Cattley, G. W., engineer s assistant, 
Carlton street, near Yonge. 

Catton, George, carpenter, 62 York st. 

Caulay, James, labourer, Sumach st. 

Caulfield, Hugh, Hunter s lane, foot of 
Yonge street. 

Cavalry, John, shoemaker, 90 King st. 
west, 4 Walnut place. 

Cavell, Thos., bricklayer, 66 Duke st. 

Cawthra, Henry, Palace street, owner 
of Frederick. 



Oawthra, "Win., Palace street, corner of 

Cawthra, Mrs., widow, Palace street, 

corner of Frederick. 
Cayley, Thos., miller, Palace street. 
Cayley, Hon. Wni., near John street, 

north of Queen. 

Chaml>ers, David, carpenter, Elizabeth. 
Chambers, James, labourer, Sumach st. 
Champion, James, butcher, 85 King w. 
Champion, Thos., assistant secretary 

Church Society, 5 King street west. 
Chapman, F., clerk B. A. F. &, L. Ins. 

Co., Church street, near Shuter. 
Chapman, James, 95 Adelaide st. west. 

Bishop s buildings. 
Charbott, Joseph, tailor, Melinda street, 

near Bay. 
Charles, James, Yonge st., north of 

Carl ton. 

Chariton, John, carter, Bay shore, op 
posite Market square. 
Chariton, .Robert, labourer, River st., 

north of King. 
Charters, John, Tinning s wharf, foot 

of York street. 
Chatfield, Joseph, carpenter, Edward 

street, corner of Sayer. 
Cheney, George, of Metcalf & Cheney, 

75 King street east. 
Cheney, George H. & Co., stove manu 
facturers, 75 King street east. 
Chettle, Thomas, of Hamilton, Hales & 

Chettle, residence 82 Church street. 
Chewett, James G., York street, south 

of King. 
Chewett, Wm., Wellington st., corner 

of York. 
Chilver, Joseph, general blacksmith, 95 

Queen street west. 
Chisholm, Alex., labourer, 177 King st 

Christian, Rev. Washington (African 

Baptist), 24 Victoria street. 
Christie, John & Son, hardware, 25 

King street east, residence Crook- 
shank, corner of Victoria. 
Christmas, James, gardener. North 

Park street. 

Christy, Wm., baker, Agnes street. 
Church, Wm., labourer, Agnes street. 
Chute, Thomas, cooper, 54 Nelson st. 
Clancy, Cornelius B., printer, 38 Rich 
mond street east. 
Clark, A. M., Queen street, west of Spa- 

dina avenue. 

Clark, H. H., innkeeper, 59 King st. w. 
Clark, Michael, labourer, 53 Duke st. 
Clark, Mary, widow, 13 Toronto street. 
Clarke, J. P., professor of music, 62 

Church st. 
Clarke, Mrs., widow, Yonge street, near 


Clarkson, John, Ontario street. 
C .irkson, Thomas & Co., auctioneers 

95 King street east. 

Clarkson, Thomas, of Thomar* Clarkson 
& Co., residence Palace street. 

Clary, Hugh, stonecutter, Albert st. 

Clayson, Wm., blacksmith, Adelaide 
street, near Nelson. 

Clayton, John, bricklayer, Terai>riy st. 

Cleal, D., baker, 122 King street east. 

Cleal, Jacob, baker, 102 King st. east, 

Cleary, Walter, shoemaker, 93 Queen 
street west. 

Cleggett, David, shoemaker, 87 King 
street west. 

Cleland, James, printer, 48 King street 
east, residence 22 Queen west. 

Clements, Wm., labourer, 200 Queen 
street west. 

Clezie, James, cabinet maker, 18 Rich 
mond street west. 

Clindinning, R. W., printer, Parliament. 

Cline, George, shoemaker, Boulton st., 
east of York. 

Clifton, Alfred, William IV. Inn, Queen 
street west, near Beverley. 

Clinkunbroomer, Charles, watchmaker, 
75 Richmond street east. 

Clinkunbroomer, Joseph, tailor, Duchess 
street, near Ontario. 

Clock, David, carpenter, Ontario street. 

Coad, John, carpenter, Boulton street, 
east of York. 

Coates, John, 5G York street, corner 
of Adelaide. 

Coates, Wni., Queen street, west of Spa- 
dina avenue. 

Coates, Wm. J. (Editor of Star), prin 
ter, 50 King street west. 

Cobbe, Thomas, tailor, 57 March st. 

Cochlin, Patrick, labourer, 41 Church. 

Cochran, James, mason, 38 Duchess st. 

Cockburn, James, law student, King st., 
corner of York. 

Cockburn, Mrs., Young Ladles Semin 
ary, Duke street, corner of George. 

Cochrane, David, stonecutter, 39 Duch 
ess street. 

Cochrane, James, stonecutter, 39 Duch 
ess street. 

Cochrane, John, sculptor, 39 Duchess. 

Codd, M. E., exchange office, 12 Nelson. 

Cody, James, cooper, Front st., west 
of Simcoe. 

Colby, Thos., labourer, Jordan street. 

Colcleugh, Wm. (captain steamer Prin 
cess Royal), Front st., west of Yonge. 

Cole, James, shoemaker, Queen st., west 
of Brock. 

Coleman, Thomas, labourer, 9 Teraulay. 

Coleman, Wm., tailor, 31 Adelaide st. 

Collard, Joseph, engineer, 99 Richmond 
street west. 

Collier, Thomas, clerk Canada Co., Pal 
ace street, corner of Princess. 

Collins, John, waiter, 35 Church street. 

Collins, John, Nag s Head Inn, Yonge 
street, corner of Edward. 



Collins, Patrick, labourer, 27 Duohess. 
Colter, John, tailor, Elizabeth street. : 
Columbus, John, blacksmith, Queen st., . 

west ot Spadina avenue. 
Condry, John, labourer, 20 Caroline st. 
Congdon, Wm., bricklayer, Agnes st. 
Conlin, Henry, flour and grain dealer, 

184 King street east. 
Conlin, James, labourer, Queen st., east 

of Nelson. 
Conlin, Patrick, flour and grain dealer, 

Adelaide street west. 
Conlin, Thomas, flour and grain dealer, 

2 Adelaide street east. 
Connar, Charles, cabinet maker, 41 Ade- | 

laide street east. 
Connell, John, labourer, Duchess st., | 

corner of Parliament. 
Connell, Owen, tejunsier, Park. 
Connell, Philip, labourer, Parliament st. ; 
Connell, Richard, axe-maker, 70 York. 
Connell, Wm., tinsmith, 137 Yonge st. | 
Connelly, John, labourer, River street. | 
Connor, James, shoemaker, Queen st., ; 

near Ontario. 

Connor, James, labourer, Beverley st. 
Connor, John, labourer, 24 March st. ; 
Connor, Skeffington, LL.D., barrister, \ 
42 Yonge street, residence 9 Bay st. | 
Connor, Thomas, stone-boatman, Bath- ; 

urst street. 
Conolly, Bernard, sailor, 24 Queen st. ; 


Conway, James, axe-grinder, Shepardst. | 
Cook, Archibald, butcher, King st., east 

of Trinity. 

Cook, John, carpenter, Elizabeth st. 
Cook, Robert, confectioner, 64 Yonge. 
Cook, Robert, carpenter, Louisa st. 
Cook, Wm. C., innkeeper, King st., near 

Coolaghan, Joseph, carpenter, Sumach 

st., south of King. 
Coolaghan, Patrick, labourer, North 


Coolaghan, Wm., carter, North Park. 
Cooney. Rev. R. (British Methodist), 97 

York street. 
Coons, George, labourer, Teraulay st., 

corner of Albert. 

Coons, N. J., dry goods, 38 King st. east. 
Copp, Wm., carpenter, 97 Richmond st. 

Cooper, C. W., solicitor in Chancery, 55 

King street west. 
Cooper, Charles, teamster, 20 Richmond 

street east. 

Cooper, Edward, dry goods, 45 Yonge. 
Cooper, John, labourer, Elizabeth st. 
Cooper, Robert, law student, 55 King 

street west. 

Cooper, Mrs., widow, Palace street. 
Cope, Thomas, carpenter, 36 Adelaide 

street west. 

Cope, Thomas, carpenter, Edward st., 
corner of Elizabeth. 

Cope, Wm., painter, Centre street. 
Copland, Wm & Co., brewers, Queen st. 

west, near first toll-bar. 
Coppin, Mrs., widow, John street, north 

of Adelaide. 
Corbier, Joseph, butcher, Charles st., 

near Yonge. 
Corbritt, John, labourer, Queen street 

east, near River. 

Corken, John, labourer, River _ street. 
Cornell, Edward, brickmaker, River st. 
Cornish, John, shoemaker, 12 King st. 


Cormican, Patrick, labourer, 2 Rich 
mond street west. 

Cosens, C. N. B., master preparatory 
school, U. C. C., res. College buildings. 
Costello, John & Michael, bailors, Ade 
laide street, west of Portland. 
Cotton, James, bricklayer, Agnes st. 
Cotton, Wm., plasterer, Teraulay st. 
Couch, John, carpenter, 83 Adelaide st. 


Coulson, A. (of Gilmor & Coulson), resi 
dence 31 Wellington street. 
Coulson, Corry, King street, east of 

Coulson, Samuel, messenger Bank B.N. 

A., Centre street. 

Coulter, Philip, 14 Adelaide street west. 
Coulter, Wm., carter, 30 Duchess st. 
Coupland, Thos., shoemaker, Elizabeth. 
Courtney, Henry, nailmaker, 139 Yonge. 

street west. 
Courtney, Thos., labourer, 60 Richmond 

street west. 
Courtney, Thos., labourer, Front, near 

| Cousby, Henry (coloured), labourer, 

Centre street. 
Cowan, John, carpenter, 9 Queen st. 


Cowan, John, carter, 12 Duchess street. 
Cowan, Thos., labourer, Park. 
Cowen, Charlotte, widow, Spadina ave. 
Cowen, Francis, labourer, 53 Eliza; >eth. 
Cowley, Samuel, cooper, 84 Queen si. w. 
Coxwell, Thos., Crown office, residence 

Agnes street. 
Coxwell, W. H., Crown office, residence 

Queen, east of Parliament. 
Coyne, Samuel, teacher, 147 Queen st. w. 
Crafts, Benjamin, provision store, 243 

Queen street west. 
Craig, Andrew, carter, St. James st. 


Craig, George, turner, Teraulay, cor 
ner of Alice. 
Craig, George, copper and tinsmith. ] 

King street west. 
1 Craig, John, painter and glass stainer, 

76 King street west. 
Craig, Mark, keeper of Lunatic Asylum, 

residence Teraulay street. 
Craig, Robert, shoemaker, King street 
east, near Don. 



Craig, Miss, milliner, 10 King st. w. 
Craig & Nisbet, carpenters, Front, near 

Crapper, James, overseer gas works. 

residence 201 King street east. 
Crawford, Hamilton, carpenter, 44 Eliz 
abeth street. 
Crawford, John, barrister, etc., 16 King 

street west, res. Yonge, near Ann. 
Crawford, John, carpenter, Spadina av. 
Crawford, Joshua, baker, 99 Yonge st. 
Crawley, Peter, bricklayer, 80 Queen 

street west. 
Creed, James, pork butcher, 71 King 

street west. 
Creighton, James, provision store, Queen 

street west, near Toll-bar. 
Creighton & Hall, dry goods, 24 King 

street east. 
Creighton, Wm. (of C. & Hall), res. 24 

King street east. 

Crew, W. B., auctioneer, 48 Victoria st. 
Crickmore, C. G., law student, 100 King 

street west. 
Crickmore, John, solicitor, Church st., 

north of King. 
Croft, Henry Holmes, professor of 

chemistry, King s College University, 

residence Queen, near Bathurst. 
Croker, Edward, shoemaker, 29 Duchess. 
Croll, James, cabinet maker, Melinda, 

near Jordan. 
Cromach, Joseph, butcher, Yonge st., 

near Toll-bar. 
Crombie, M. C., teacher, Duchess st., 

corner of Nelson. 

Cronyn, John, labourer, Elizabeth st. 
Crooks, Robert P., barrister, (of Smith, 

Crooks & Smith), residence 18 Bay, 

corner of Wellington. 
Crookshank, Hon. George, Front, cor 
ner of Peter. 
Cross, Samuel, labourer, 77 Adelaide st. 

Crossley, John & Co., wholesale dry 

goods, 46 Yonge, residence Jarvis. 
Crothers, James, South Park street. 
Crouch, Wm. (coloured), waiter, 63 

Elizabeth street. 
Crown, Edward, shoemaker, 51 King 

street east. 
Crowther, James, law student, res. 71 

Richmond street west. 
Cruickshank, John, carter, Queen, west 

of Ontario. 
Cruickshank, Wm., carter (Ogilvie & 

Co.), 6 King street west. 
CroBiley, Joseph, carpenter, near Trin 
ity street. 
Crumpton, Arthur, general store, Yonge 

street, near 1st Toll-bar. 
Cryan, Michael, labourer, Queen, corner 

of Power. 

Offoltt, Thos., baker, 21 Richmond W. 
Cubitt, Wm., baker, 202 King st .east, 

comer of Princess. 

Cull, Edward L., clerk Canada Com 
pany, Palace street, near Frederick.. 

Cull, John Angel, starch maker. Palace 
street, near Frederick. 

Cullen, Mrs., widow, boarding-house, 
46 King street east. 

Cullivan, Richard, innkeeper, 43 Nel 
son street, corner of Richmond. 

Cumberlidge, John, blacksmith, 11 Wil 
liam street. 

Cummings, James, boatman, Adelaide 

street, west of Peter. 
I Cummings, Margaret, widow, Spadina. 

Cunliffe, Henry, carpenter, 107 Rich 
mond street west. 

Cunningham, David, blacksmith, 133 
Yonge street. 

Cunningham, John, millwright, 55 Vic 
toria street. 

Cunningham, Michael, labourer, 15 
Francis street. 

Curl, Daniel, blacksmith, Elizabeth st. 

Curran, John, labourer, Richmond st., 
i west of John. 

Curran. Robert, tailor, 46 Victoria st. 

Custaloe, Wm. J., shoemaker, Albert st. 

Cuthbert. Thos... shoemaker, Yonge at., 
near Gerrard. 

Cuthbert. Richard, bookbinder, 65 Rich 
mond street east. 

j Cuthbertson, John, teacher, King street, 
near Don. 

Cuthbertson, John, broom-maker, 74 
Victoria street. 

Cuthbertson, Rev. Samuel (Presbyter 
ian Church of Canada), 72 Victoria. 

Cuttell, Thos., printer, Elizabeth st. 

Dabb, James, carpenter, Sayer street. 

Dack. Edward, shoemaker, 60 King st. 

Dafoe, Abraham, tailor, 133 Queen st. 

Dall, John, brewer, 33 Adelaide at. w. 

Dalton, Richard, carpenter, Teraulay, 
near Queen. 

Dalton, Robert G., barrister, 104 King 
street west. 

Dalton. Mrs., Patriot office, 104 King 
street west. 

Daly, Edward, labourer, Maria street. 

Daly, Patrick, Boulton, near Simcoe. 

Daly, Charles, Clerk of City Council, 
residence King street west, near Gar 
rison Common. 

Dandy, James, carpenter, Elizabeth st. 

Dandy, Thos., ST., carpenter, 77 Eliza 
beth street. 

Dandy, Thos., jr., carpenter, 75 Eliza 
beth street. 

Dandy, Wm., carpenter, 57 Elizabeth st. 

Daniels, Theophilus, shoemaker, Yonge, 
opposite Edward. 

Daniels, Wm., provision store, Yonge, 
opposite Edward. 

Darby, Jaaies, teacher, Peter st., near 



Dark, Robert, teamster, 1 Princess st. 
Davey, \Vm., shoemaker, King st., near 

Davidson, James, labourer, 64 Adelaide 

street west, in rear. 
Davidson, John, labourer, Spadina ave. 
Davidson, Joseph, labourer, 5 Teraulay. 
Davies, Thos., printer, Crookshank st., 

near Yonge. 
Davies, Mrs., dressmaker, Crookshank, 

near Yonge. 
Davis, Alex., labourer, Agnes st., near 


Davis, Archibald, printer, 28 Victoria. 
Davis, Calvin, bailiff, 1 Queen st. west. 
Davis, C. (coloured), cook, 81 York st. 
Davis, D. (coloured), tailor, 17 King st. 

Davis, Edward, miller^ 89 Adelaide st. 


Davis, Francis, labourer, 50 Nelson st. 
Davis, George, cabman, Front st., near 

Market square. 

Davis, John F., dealer in drugs, 58 Rich 
mond street east. 

Davis, John, teacher, 36 Duke street. 
Davis, Reece, bricklayer, Elizabeth st. 
Davis, Robert & Co., grocers, 44 King 

street west, corner of Bay. 
Davis, Terence, blacksmith, 20 Nelson 

street, in rear. 
Davis, Thos., labourer, 71 Richmond st. 


Davis, Wm., Duchess, cor. of Berkeley. 
Davy, Thos., carter, 28 Richmond st. E. 
Davy, Wm., carpenter, Sayer street. 
Dawson, Charles, bricklayer, Teraulay. 
Dawson, John, brickmaker, Yonge st., 

near 1st Toll-bar. 
Day, John, labourer, Bay shore, near 

Berkeley street. 
Dean, Thos., 23 Adelaide street east, in 

Debus, George, shoemaker, 45 Adelaide 

street east. 

Deering, James, Spadina avenue. 
De Flour, Baron, professor of music, 

29 Bay street. 
De Grassi, Alfred, agent, 57 Church st., 

corner of Queen. 
De La Have, J. P., French master U. 

C. C., King street, west of Simcoe. 
Delaney, Thos., blacksmith, Queen st. 

Delaporte, Anthony V., grocer, 141 

Queen street west. 
Dempsey, John, city weigh-master, 

Queen street, corner of Parliament. 
Dempsey, Richard, attorney, 55 King 

street east, corner of Church. 
Dempster, John, carpenter, Richmond 

street, west of John. 
Deniord, Richard L., engineer, 13 Queen 

street east. 
Denison, George T., ar., Bellevue, Queen 

street west. 

Denison, G. T., jr., barrister, 138 King 

street west; res. Rusholm, Dundas st. 
Denison, Richard L., distiller, Dundas 

street, north of 1st Toll-gate. 
Denison, Robert, farmer, Robert st., 

Spadina avenue. 

Desmonde, Dennis, Boulton, near York. 
Deval, Wm., blacksmith, Elizabeth st., 
Dempsey, J. W., Crown Office. 

corner of Agnes. 
Devitt, John, labourer, St. James st. 


Devlin, Arthur, labourer, 24 Queen w. 
Devlin, Daniel, carter, 58 York street. 
Devlin, Henry, sailor, John st., near 


Devlin, Richard, carter, 14 Victoria st. 
Devlin, Wm., labourer, 24 Queen st. w. 
Dewdney, Daniel, Royal Oak Inn, King 

street, corner of Berkeley. 
Diamond, James, carter, 41 King st. w. 
Diamond, J. S., baker, 89 King st. w, 
Dick, Thomas (captain City of Toronto 

steamboat), res. Queen, west of Brock. 
Dill, Alex., Lord Nelson Inn, 27 Rich 
mond street west. 

Dill, John, shoemaker, 66 Queen st. w. 
Dillon, Arthur, National Hotel, 6 west 

side Market square. 
Dillon, John, labourer, Albert street. 
Dillon, John, bookkeeper, York street, 

corner of Boulton. 
Dillon & Adams, milliners, York street, 

corner of Boulton. 

Dinahan, Richard, huckster, 43 Ade 
laide street east. 

Dissett, George, sailor, Princess street. 
Dittey, Sanderson, carter, 19 Adelaide 

street east. 

Diver, James, labourer, South Park st. 
Dixon, Alex., saddler, 53 King st. east, 

7 Wellington Buildings. 
Dixon, John, carpenter, 66 Adelaide st. 

Dixon, Joseph, city assessor, Albert st., 

near Yonge. 

Dixon, Wm., painter, 30 Church St. 
Dixon, Wm., bricklayer, 47 George st., 

in rear. 

Dobson, James, carpenter, Yorkville. 
Dohson, John-, labourer, Queen st., east 

of Nelson. 

Dockstader, Frederick, labourer, 37 Ade 
laide street east. 

Dodd, James, shoemaker, Albert street. 
Dodds, George, axe-maker, Shepard st. 
Dodds, Robert, plasterer, Louisa st., 

near Elizabeth. 
Doherty, John, tinsmith, 117 King st. 

east, corner of George. 
Doherty, Thos., provision store, 74 Queen 

street west. 
Doland, John, labourer, Adelaide st., 

west of Portland. 

Dolmage, W. B., gilder, 49 King st. E. 
TV>na*rh. John, shoemaker, 40 Duchess. 



Donaldson, John, labourer, Palace st. 
Donaldson, John, carpenter, 42 Queen 

street west, in rear. 
Donelly, John, labourer, 50 Richmond 

street east. 

Donelly, John, market man, 19 Francis. 
Donelly, Patrick, bricklayer, 55 Rich 
mond, street west. 
Donelly, Wm., provision store, Queen 

street west, near Toll-gate. 
Donlevy, Charles, printer (Editor of 

Mirror), Nelson street; res. 60 Rich 
mond street east. 
Donohoe, Joseph, carpenter, St. James 

street (Park). 

Donohoe, Patrick, labourer, Centre st. 
Donohayse, Thos., teacher, Pine street 

Donovan, David, labourer, Queen st., 

near Don. * 
Donovan, Daniel, innkeeper, 35 Adelaide 

street east. 

Donovan, Robert, hatter, 43 Duchess st. 
Doody, John, labourer, 109 King st. w. 
Doody, Thos., labourer, Spadina ave. 
Dormer, George, maltster, Palace st. 
Dorsay, Mathew, labourer, Front street, 

near Market square. 
Doughty, James, labourer, Spadina ave. 
Douglas, Edward, labourer, 32 Church. 
Douglas, G., Sir Walter Scott Inn, 5 

Queen street west. 

Douglas, G. W., labourer, 12 Victoria. 
Douglas, James, painter, Centre street. 
Douglas. Wm. (coloured), labourer, 

Sayer street. 

Dow, Robert, plasterer, James street. 
Dowd, Dennis, labourer, 220 King st. 


Dowdle, Richard, sawyer, near St. Pat 
rick s market. 
Downey, Michael, labourer, Boulton st., 

east of York. 
Downey, Patrick, labourer, 30 Nelson 

street, in rear. 

Downey, Thos., carpenter, Teraulay st. 
Dowson, John, bricklayer, Elizabeth st. 
Doyle, Patrick, huckster, 33 Adelaide 

street east. 
Draper, Hon. W. II., Attorney-General, 

office York street ; residence York st., 

corner of Wellington. 
Draper, W. J., law student, 100 King 

street west. 
Draper & Brough, barristers, York st, 

corner of King. 

Drew, Christopher, labourer, Edward. 
Drew, Mathew, carpenter, Queen street, 

west of Brock. 
Drew, , ivory turner. Yonge street, 

near 10t Toll-gate 
Drinnan, John, labourer, 48 Richmond 

street east. 

Driecoll, Jeremiah, labourer, Spadina. 
Drummond, Mrs., widow, 9 Richmond 

txeet east. 

Dudley, Thos., carpenter, Parliament st. 

Duffin Henry, shoemaker, 83 King st. 

Duffus, Alex., carpenter, 79 Elizabeth. 

Duffy, James, shoemaker, 56 Nelson st. 

Duffy, Patrick, sailor, 57 Richmond st. 

Duggan, George, ST., coroner, George st., 
corner of King. 

Duggan, George, jr., barrister, 59 King 
street east, residence 51 Adelaide st. 
west, corner of Shepard. 

Duggan, George, tailor, 20 Carlton st. 

Duggan, John, barrister, 59 King st. 
east, residence 20 Bay. 

Duggan Bros., barristers, 59 King st. E. 

Duncan, Samuel, lather, Charles street, 
near Yonge. 

Duncan, Thos., shoemaker, Scott street. 

Duncan, Wm., blacksmith, Teraulay st. 

Dunlop, Eliz., confectioner, 60 King St. 
east, 3. Victoria Row. 

Dunlop, D. H., Wellington Saloon, 
Yonge street, corner Wellington. 

Dunlop, Thos., tailor, Park lane, near 
College avenue. 

Dunn, James, labourer, 43 Church st. 

Dunn, Hon. J. H., Bathurst, near Front. 

Dunn, John P., grocer, 45 Queen street, 
corner of Teraulay. 

Dunn, Jonathan, butcher, Queen street, 
west of Spadina avenue. 

Dunn, Patrick, 89 Duke street. 

Dunn, T. H., manufacturing chemist, 
Don bridge, res. Berkeley street. 

Dunn, Mrs., milkwoman, 139 Yonge st. 

Dunseeth, Robert, carpenter, Centre st. 

Durand, Charles, barrister, 31 King st. 
east, res. Charles, near Yonge. 

Durant, Edward, bricklayer, Dummer. 

Durham, Patrick, shoemaker, 26 Nelson. 

Durnford, John, clerk Ordnance Depart 
ment, Queen street west, near Spa 
dina avenue. 

Dwan, Michael (at Browne s wharf), 
Front street, near Church. 

Dwyer, David, labourer, River street. 

Dwyer, John, grocer, 218 King st. east. 

Dwyer, Robert, grocer, 56 Yonge st. 

Dye, Mrs., widow, 172 Queen st. west. 

Dyson, Joseph, labourer, Barrack De 
partment, Tecumeeth street. 

Eagleeum & Co., dry goods, 62 King st. 
east, 4 Victoria Row. 

Earl, Theophilus, baker, 200 Queen st. 

Earls, Francis, city constable, Rich 
mond street, near Peter. 

Earls, John, Queen street Hotel, Queen 
street west, near Toll-gate. 

Earnest, George, boatbuilder, Trinity st. 

Earnest, John, inn-keeper, Trinity st., 
corner of King. 

Earnest, Wm., labourer, South Park st. 

Eastwood, John, clothier, 33 and 69 
King street east. 



Eastwood, John, jr., (of E. & Co.), res. ; 

95 York street. 
Eastwood, John & Co., papermakers, 63 

Yoruge street. 
Eastwood, Mrs., widow, 204 Queen at. 

Eccles, H., barrister (of H. & W. E.), 

residence 80 Church street. 
Eccles, Hugh, Carlton, east of Church. 
Eccles, H. & W., barristers, Church st., 

corner of King. 
Edmonds, Elisha (coloured), barber, 4 

Church street. 
Edmunds, Thomas H., merchant tailor, 

16 Church street. 

Edwards, John, saddler, 196 Yonge st. 
Edwards, John, carpenter, John st., 

north of Queen. 
Edwards, Robert, innkeeper, Yonge st., 

near Wellington. 
Edwards, Wm., saddler, Church street, 

near Shuter. 
Edwards, Mrs., dressmaker, 30 Queen 

street east. 
Edwoods, Wm. H. (coloured), barber, 18 

Church street. 
Egan, Timothy, sexton, R. C. church, 

Power street. 

Elder, Thos., sailor, 69 Adelaide st. w. 
Elgie, Thos., Bay Horse Inn, 96 Yonge. 
Ellah, John, British Coffee House, York 

street, corner of King. 
Ellicott, Patrick, labourer, near St. 

James cemetery. 
EUiot, Chris, (of C. E. & Co.), residence 

83 Richmond street east. 
Elliot, Henry, labourer, Queen st. east, 

near George. 

Elliot, Christopher & Co., Phoenix 
Foundry, 58 Yonge street. 
in rear. 
Elliott, James, labourer, Queen st. w., 

near Toll-gate. 

Elliott, Andrew, labourer, 30 Nelson st., 
Elliott, John, clerk District Council, of 
fice Court House; residence Gerrard 
street, near Church. 
Elliott, Thos., carter, 7 Adelaide st. E. 
Elliott, Wm., tailor, 54 Victoria st. 
Elliott, Elizabeth, Cavan Arms Inn, 41 

March street. 
Ellis, Abraham, labourer, Queen st. w., 

Crookshank s lane. 
Ellis, Dennis, labourer, Queen st. west, 

Crookshank s lane. 
Ellis, Godfrey, mate steamboat, Queen 

street, east of Church. 
Ellis, Henry B., general store, Yonge 

street, near Toll-gate. 
Ellis, John, bricklayer, Edward street. 
Ellis, Joseph, civil engineer, Peter st., 

north of Richmond. 
Ellis, Thos., labourer, Crookshank st., 

near Yonge. 

Ellis, John & Co., engravers, 8 King 
street west. 

Ellis, Wm., labourer, Sayer street. 
Elmsley, Hon. J., Clover Hill, Yonge 

north of College buildings. 
Emmens, Thos., carpenter, Queen st., 

west of Spadina avenue. 
Endicot, Louis, lithographic printer, 

Louisa street. 
English, Samuel, labourer, Boulton st., 

east of York. 
Erskine, Jane, widow, Church street, 

near Carlton. 
Erwin, Archibald, labourer, 40 Queen 

street west. 
Esmonde, John, boarding-house, 102 

Queen street west. 

Esmonde, John, tinsmith 73 King st. w. 
Esson, Rev. Henry (Pres. Ch. of C.), 

79 Adelaide street west. 
Esten, J. C. P., solicitor in Chancery, 
111 King street west, Temple Cham 
bers; residence Adelaide, cor. of Peter. 
Evans, Edward, marble cutter, 108 

Yonge street. 

! Evans, James, carpenter, Centre st. 
j Evans, James, carpenter, 8 Elizabeth. 
| Evans, John J., merchant s clerk, 77 

Bay street. 

j Evans, Mary, Teraulay, cor. of Agnes. 
Evans, Mathew, blacksmith, Adelaide 

street, near Portland. 
Evans, Robert, carpenter, Centre st. 
| Evans, Samuel, tailor, 76 King st. east. 
> Evans, Wm., labourer, Centre street. 
j Evoy, Thos., labourer, Adelaide street, 

near Portland. 

Ewart, Andrew, 125 Queen st. west. 
j Ewart, John, builder, 148 Yonge st. 
j Ewart, John, jr. (of Bowes, Ewart & 

Hall), residence 148 Yonge street. 
Ewart, Thos., barrister (of Price & 

Ewart), 42 Yonge street. 
Eykelbosch, James, shoemaker, 7 east 

side of Market square. 
Fairbanks, Levi, gunsmith, Yorkville. 
Falkner, Thos., teamster, Spadian ave. 
1 Farley, George, labourer, Spadina ave. 
Farley, Thos., gardener, Duinmer st. 
Farmer, John, tailor, 35 March street. 
Farquhar, James, stonecutter, Bay 

shore, foot of Church street. 
Farr, Mrs. T. J., widow, 51 Church st. 
Farrell, James, General Brock Inn, 69 

Queen street, corner Elizabeth. 
Farrell, John, labourer, 54 Richmond r 
street west. JC 

Farrell, John, labourer, 2 Duchess st. f. 
Farrell, Joseph, labourer, 6 March st. 
Farrell, Michael, labourer, Don street. 
Farrell, Patrick, carpenter, Spadina. 
Farrow, Wm., carpenter, Toll-gate line, 

west of Yonge street. 
Faucett, Robert, carpenter, Qsgoode st. 
Featherston & Townsend, daguerreo- 

typers, 51 King street east. 
Fell, Frederick, printer, Church street, 
north of Shuter. 



Fell, Wm., engraver, 47 Bay street. 
Felsted, John, carpenter, Park lane. 
Fenwick, John, gardener, King street, 

corner of Frederick. 
Fenwick, Kenneth, student of theology, 

18 George street. 

Ferguson, Edward, 35 Richmond st. w. 
Ferguson, John, engineer, 64 Queen st. 

Ferguson, Mrs., widow, 72 Richmond 

street east. 
Ferrah, John, confectioner, Duchess st., 

east of Caroline. 

Ferrett, Henry, carpenter, 49 Elizabeth. 
Fielding, John, labourer, Palace st. 
Filgiano, Catharine, widow, 21 Duke st. 
Finch, John, labourer, Louisa street. 
Finch, Michael, carpenter, 82 Richmond 

street east. 

Finch, Thos., labourer, near Dummer st. 
Finch, Wm., carpenter, Centre street. 
Fingleton, James, labourer, Francis st. 
Finn, George, labourer, 173 King st. E. 
Finn, Martin, labourer, Queen st., near 


Finney, John, shoemaker, near St. Pat 
rick s market. 

Fish, Moses, carpenter, 11 Francis st. 
Fisher, David, labourer, 19 Victoria st. 
Fisher, John, bricklayer, Toll-gate line, 

east of Yonge street. 
Fisher, Walter, sailor, Adelaide street, 

west of Brock. 
Fisken, John (of Ross, Mitchell & Co.), 

residence 39 Bay street. 
Fitch, James C., salesman, with Ogilvie 

& Co., 6 King street west. 
Fitzglbbon, Charles, registrar Court of 

Probate, York street, corner* King. 
Fitzpatrick, James, labourer, 12 Fran 
cis street. 

Fitzpatrick, James, labourer, 59 March. 
Fitzpatrick, Mark, labourer, Queen st. 

west, College avenue. 
Fitzsimmons, Thos., carter, Maple lane, 

near Queen street west. 
Flaherty, Francis, carpenter, near St. 

Patrick s market. 
Flannery, Thos., pedlar, Duchess st., 

neax Nelson. 
Flannery, Win., labourer, Boulton st., 

near York. 

FlannJgan, John, carpenter, Dummer st. 
Flannigan, John, gardener, Adelaide st., 

corner of Portland. 

Flannigan, Wm., labourer, 58 March st. 
Flavin, Daniel, lalxmrer, Sayer street. 
Flay, Absalom, carpenter, Spadina ave. 
Fleming, Andrew, city constable, Rich 
mond street, near Peter. 
Fleming, James, gardener and florist, 

Yonge street, north of Edward. 
Fleming, Martin, labourer, Richmond 

street, west of John. 
Fleming, Richard, tailor, 205 Queen st. 


Fletcher, Alex., carpenter, Elizabeth st., 

corner of Albert. 

Flinn, James, carpenter, 51 Elizabeth 
Fhnn, Michael, labourer, Adelaide st., 

near Simcoe. 

FJinn, Patrick, tailor, 46 Queen st. east. 
FJock, "VVjSi., shoe store, Yonge street, 

corner of Richmond. 
Flowery, Randolph (coloured), labourer, 

Adelaide street, near Bathurst. 
Fogarty, Patrick, tailor, 46 Queen st. E. 
Foley, Edward, keeper 1st Toll-gate, 

Queen street west. 

Foley, Thos., labourer, 1 James street. 
Foley, Wm., innkeeper, Pine, corner St. 

James (Park). 
Forbes, Alex., boarding-house, 35 Queen 

street west. 
Forbes, Duncan, stonecutter, 21 Queen 

street west. 

Forbes, George, labourer, River street. 

Forbes, James, labourer, foot Frederick. 

I Forbes, John, pattern maker, Teraulay 

street, corner of Agnes. 
Forbes, John, carpenter, 88 Victoria st. 
Forbes, Miles, labourer, Nelson street, 

north of Richmond. 
Forbes, Wm., carpenter, 10 James st. 
Ford, George, blacksmith and founder, 

Simcoe street, near Adelaide. 
Ford, James, labourer, Trinity street. 
Ford, John, labourer, 56 Nelson street. 
Ford, John H., tinsmith, 13 Duchess st. 
Forrester, Thomas, labourer, south of 

Queen street, near Bathurst. 
Fortye, Mrs., widow, John street, near 

Foster, C., barrister (of Harrison & 

Foster), residence Spadina avenue. 
Foster, James, shoe store, 98 King st. E. 
Foster, Joseph, plasterer, Teraulay st., 

north of Albert. 

Foster, Richard, cutler, 111 King st. E. 
Foster, Thos., carter, 85 Duke street. 
Foster, Thos., grocer, 19 Queen st. w. 
Foster, Wm., 140 King street east. 
Foster, Mrs. Colonel, widow, Spadina. 
Fowler, George, carpenter, 25 Victoria. 
Fowler, Robert, carpenter, Yonge st., 

near Crookshank. 
Fowler, Mrs., bonnet-maker, Yonge st., 

near Crookshank. 
Fox, John, brickmaker, King st. east, 

near Don. 

Fox, Thos., brickmaker, River street. 
Fred. Cox, 20 King street east; W. H. 
Fox, Wm., White Hart Inn, King street 

east, near Don. 
Foy, Patrick (of Foy & Austin), 97 King 

street east. 

Foy & Austin, grocers, 97 King st. east. 
Francis, James, limeburner, King st., 

east of Berkeley. 
Franklin, Henry (coloured), labourer, 

Jordan street, 
i Freeman, Wm., painter, Agnes street, 



Fraser, John, carpenter, Teraulay st., 
near Edward. 

Fraser, John &, Sons, carpenters, 86 
Yonge street. 

Freeland, Peter (of Freeland & Taylor), 
Front street, near Yonge. 

Freeland &, Taylor, soap and candle- 
makers, foot of Yonge street. 

French, Richard, chairmaker, 52 King 
street west. 

Fry, George, maltster, Agnes street, 
corner of Sayer. 

Fullerton, John, brickmaker, Queen st. 
west, near Toll-bar. 

Fulton, Alex., grocer s clerk, 6 King 
street west. 

Fulton, John, grocer, 67 Yonge street. 

Furlong, John, carpenter, Sayer st., 
near Osgoode. 

Furlong, Mathew, labourer, 161 Queen 
street west. 

Furlong, Michael, tailor, 241 Queen st. 

Furlong, Patrick, boatman, 89 Rich 
mond street west. 

Fyfe, Rev. Robert A. (Baptist), Yonge 
street, near Edward. 

Gaddes, H., blacksmith, Boulton street, 
west of York. 

Galbraith, James, labourer, Lake shore, 
near Berkeley street. 

Gale, Benjamin, 53 Richmond st. west. 

Gale, John, shoemaker, 15 Richmond st. 

Gale, Wm., labourer, 3 Colborne street. 

Gallagher, Alex., bricklayer, 42 Vic 
toria street. 

Gallagher, Andrew, carpenter, Dummvr. 

Gallagher, Denis, labourer, Don street. 

Gallan, John, blacksmith, 5 Queen st. E. 

Galloway, Thos., mason, Spadina ave. 

Gait, Thos., barrister, 65 King st. east, 
residence Church st., cor. of Queen. 

Gamble, Clarke, barrister, (of Gamble 
& Boulton), 19 Church street; resi 
dence near John, north of Queen. 

Gamble & Boulton, barristers, 19 Church 
street, near King. 

Gannon, Michael, printer, 31 Adelaide 
street east. 

Ganton, Mrs., boarding-house, 16 Well 
ington street west. 

Garbutt, C. C., tobacconist, 68 Yonge st. 

Gardner, Mrs., widow, corner 6l! Front 
and Church streets. 

Garfield, John, Mansion House Hotel, 
21 Adelaide street east. 

Garlic, Thos., city inspector, Park lane, 
near College avenue. 

Garside, Samuel, innkeeper, 34 Adelaide 
street east, corner of Toronto. 

Garvin, James, confectioner, 26 Vic 
toria street. 

Gaskill, John, painter, 85 Richmond st. 

Geddes, Adam, tailor, 133 Yonge st. 

Geake, Edward, stonecutter, 97 Queen 

street west. 
Geikie, John, student of theology, 18 

George street. 

George, Dinah, bonnet maker, 7 Rich 
mond street west. 
Gerow, Wm., labourer, King st. east, 

near Sumach. 
Gibb, Charles, engineer, 70 Richmond 

street east. 

Gibbs, Robert, cook (coloured), Centre. 
Gibney, Thos., carter, 32 March street. 
Gibson, Jarad, labourer, 89 Adelaide st. 

east, in rear. 

Gibson, Jeremiah, saddler, Shepard st. 
Gibson, John, bricklayer, Albert st. 
Gibson, John, labourer, 17 Queen st. w. 
Gibson, Thos., pork dealer, Yonge st., 

near Edward. 

Gibson, Wm., labourer, 10 March st. 
Gibson, Wm., Markman s Inn, 39 Queen 

street, near Bay. 
Gilbert, Elisha B., cabinet maker, 61 

Bay street, corner of Adelaide. 
Gilbert, Thos., cattle dealer, Ontario st., 

north of Duchess. 
Gilding, John, plasterer, McGill street, 

east of Yonge. 
Gilkison, D., bursar s office L^niversity, 

Front street, west of Scott. 
Gilkison, Mrs., organist, St. James 

cathedral, Front street, west of Scott. 
Giliespie, John, artist, Richmond street, 

west of John. 
Giliespie, Malcoim, dry goods, 102 King 

street east. 

Gillson, Joseph, tailor, 79 Victoria st. 
Gilmor, Isaac C. (of Gilnior & Coulson), 

Toll-gate line, east of Yonge. 
Gilmor & Coulson, wholesale dry goods, 

16 and 18 Yonge street. 
Givan, George & Co., grocers, 89 King 

street east. 
Gladish, Wm., bricklayer. Toll-gate line, 

east of Yonge street. 
Glassco, Thos., sr., shoemaker, Yonge 

street, opposite Edward. 
Glassco, Thos., jr., hatter, 13 King st. E. 
Glassford, John, carter, 32 Elizabeth. 
Gleavcs, Wm., messenger, engineer of 
fice, Front street, near Peter. 
Gleezie, George, cabinet maker, 4 Ade 
laide street east. 

Glinn, John, labourer, Dummer street. 
Glover, John, stonecutter, Albert st. 
Goff, Thomas, painter, Centre street. 
Goldsmith, Edward, 1st clerk B. U. C.. 

189 King street east. 
Goldsmith, Henry, East York road of 
fice, 190 King street east. 
Good, James, iron tounder, Yonge st., 

near Queen; residence Bond street. 
Goodale, John, engineer, Melinda st., 

near Bay. 
Goodall, John, gardener. Toll-gate line, 

west of Yonge. 



Golding, James, sailor, Spadina avenue. 

Gooderham, James, painter, 45 Ade 
laide street west. 

Gooderham, Wm., steam mills, foot of 
Trinity street. 

Goodwill, Felix, King street east, near 
Sumach street. 

Goodwin, James, sailor, near Trinity. 

Goodwin, James, labourer, Spadina ave. 

Goodwin, Joseph, South Park. 

Gordon, George, sailor, 27 Duchess st. 

Gordon, James, engineer, 32 Duchess st. 

Gordon, W. (captain steamer Admiral), 
47 Richmond street east. 

Gordon, Mrs., widow, near Trinity st. 

Gorham, Ambrose, barrister, 2 Kingst. 

Gorley, John, labourer, 71 Adelaide st. 
west, in rear. 

Gorman, David, labourer, near Trinity. 

Gorman, James, labourer, Robert st., 
Spadina avenue. 

Gorman, Michael, labourer, Scott st. 

Gorman, Elizabeth, widow, near Trin 
ity street. 

Gothard, Thomas, tailor, 69 King st. E. 

Gott, Hugh, shoemaker, 6 Duchess st. 

Gould, O. A., innkeeper, 35 Front st. 

Graham, Archibald, labourer, 176 Queen 
street west. 

Graham, George, carpenter, Sayer st. 

Graham, George, custom house clerk, 
24 Duke street. 

Graham, George, tailor, Teraulay st. 

Graham, James, tailor, 46 Queen st. E. 

Graham, James, Princess Royal Inn, 
33 March street. 

Graham, John , labourer, Elizabeth st. 

Graham, John, tailor, 175 King st. E. 

Graham, John, auctioneer, 42 George st. 

Graham, Patrick, boarding-house, Scott 
street, corner of Wellington. 

Graham, Thos., carpenter, 67 Victoria. 

Graham, Wm., labourer, Dummer st. 

Grainger, George, gardener, Yonge st., 
near 1st Toll-gate. 

Grainger, John, labourer, Edward st. 

Grant, Alex., barrister, 61 Yonge st., 
residence Church, corner Shuter. 

Grant, Jane, widow, Teraulay street. 

Grantham, John, livery stables, Well 
ington street, near Church. 

Grasett, G. R., M.D., Francis st., corner 
of Adelaide. 

Grasett, Rev. H. J. (Episcopal), 48 Ade 
laide street. 

Grave, Wm., shoemaker, 145 Yonge st. 

Gray, Joseph, bookkeeper with B. 
Thorne & Co., 37 Front street. 

Gray, Richard, axe maker, Elizabeth st. 

Gray, Richard, provision shop, 52 York. 

Gray, Thomas, labourer, John street. 

Gray, Mrs. and Miss, dressmakers, 43 
Queen street west. 

Green, Rev. Auson, Guardian office. 57 
King street ea^t. 

Green, Samuel T., gunmaker, 52 Yonge. 

Greenan, Hugh, carter, 37 Nelson st. 

Greene, George (coloured), labourer, 

Sayer street. 

I Green, John, labourer, 98 Bay street. 
| Gregg, Andrew, carpenter, John st., 
north of Adelaide. 

Gregory, Richard, bricklayer, 50 March. 

Grier, John, blacksmith, 5 Teraulay st. 

Griffith, Thos., shoemaker, 119 King E. 

Griffith, Wm., shoemaker, 82 Richmond 
street east, in rear. 

Griffith, Wm., Bush Inn, Elizabeth st. 

Griffiths, John, patent saddle manu 
facturer, 66 King street west. 

Grimwood, G. W., sausage maker, 100 
Victoria street. 

Grimwood, Wm., livery stable keeper, 
20 Front street. 

Grimwood, Mrs., widow, near St. Pat 
rick s market. 

Grindley, T., latter carrier, near Scott 
street, north of Wellington. 

Groves, John, messenger, Canada Com 
pany, Frederick street. 

Grubb, Wm., carpenter, Sumach st. 

Gunn, Alex., 16 Wellington st. east. 

Gurnett, George, Clerk of the Peace, 
residence 191 King street east. 

Gwatkin, R. C., grocer, 89 King east. 

Gwynne, Hugh, William street. 

Gwynne, James W., law student, Wil 
liam street. 

Gwynne, John, barrister, William st. 

Gwynne, W. C., M.D., prof, of Anatomy, 
King s College University, residence 
York street, near Front. 
i Gzowski, Casimir, civil engineer, 73 
Duke street. 

Hagarty, John, barrister, 63 King st., 
corner of Church st.; residence 12 
William street. 

Hagerman, Hon. Chris. A., judge of the 
Queen s Bench, Simcoe street, corner 
of Wellington. 

Haigh, John (of H. & D.), residence 25 
Wellington street west. 

Haigh, Wm., tin and japanned ware, 27 
King street west. 

Haigh & Drummond, cabinet makers, 
39 King street west. 

Hale, George, cabinet maker, 9 Queen 
street west. 

Halford, Mrs., boarding-house, Shepard. 

Hall, Ephraim (coloured), lath maker, 
Edward street. 

Hall, James, Old Post-office Inn, 4 
Yonge street. 

Hall, John, French polisher, 42 Adelaide 
street west. 

Hall, Silas, labourer, Edward st., corner 
of Elizabeth. 

Hall, Wnv carpenter, 63 Victoria st. 

Hall, Wm., tailor, 5 Kinff street east. 

Hallet, Wm., dancing master, 18 Col- 
borne street. 



Halloran, Daniel, labourer, Melinda st., 
near Jordan. 

Halloran, Michael, tailor, Scott street. 

Halsted, George, labourer, Edward st. 

Halvey, Thos., labourer, Boulton street, 
near York. 

Hamilton, Alex, (of H., Hales & Chet- 
tle), res. Teraulay Cottage, Louisa st. 

Hamilton, Andrew, groceries and china- 
ware, 90 King street east. 

Hamilton, George (coloured), shoemaker, 
188 Queen street west. 

Hamilton, George, shoemaker, Peter st., 
near Richmond. 

Hamilton, James, printer, 87 King w. 

Hark, Robert, plasterer, Spadina ave. 

Harley, John, Brothers Hotel, 3 east 
side of Market square. 

Harley, Wm., hatter, 30 Adelaide east. 

Harney, Wm., labourer, Sayer street. 

Harper, Rev. James, (Methodist) (col 
oured), 85 King street west. 

Harper, John, builder, 54 Adelaide w. 

Harper, John, carpenter, 107 Richmond 
street west. 

Harrington, John, hardware store, 31 
King street east. 

Harrington, Timothy, labourer, Eliza 
beth street, corner of Agnes. 

Harris, J., tailor, 13 Richmond st. east. 

Hamilton, James, carter, River street, j Harris, John, labourer, 13 Richmond E. 
Harnrlton, James, brickmaker, South Harris, John, carpenter, Teraulay st., 

Park street. near Louisa. 

Hamilton, James, plasterer, Agnes st. Harris, Richard, provision store, 19 
Hamilton, Joseph, M.D., 30 Adelaide w. | Yonge street. 

Hamilton, Maxwell, carpenter, Terau- 

Harris, Robert, labourer, Douro street. 

lay street. Harris, Thomas D., general hardware, 

Hamilton, Robert, labourer, 60 Rich- agent of Montreal City Bank, 73 King 

mond street west. street east ; residence 17 Duke st. 

Hamilton, Robert, coachmaker, Sayer st. I Harris, W. H. (coloured), bill-sticker, 
HamiJton, Sidney S., Temperance House, ! 85 King street west. 

141 Yonge street. i Harris, Wm., groceries and chinaware, 

Hamilton, Wm., labourer, Spadina ave. ! 67 King street west. 
Hamilton, Wm., shoemaker, 87 Yonge. j Harris & Routtledge, storekeepers, 
Hamilton, Wm., shoemaker, 159 Queen Yorkville. 

street west. ! Harris, Mrs., stay-maker, 152 King E. 

Hamilton, Hales & Chettle, grocers, 49 i Harrison, John, shoemaker, 107 Yonge, 

King street east, Wellington build- j corner of Richmond. 

Harrison, John, labourer, King street 

east, near Power. 

Harrison, Hon. S. B., of Harrison & 
Foster, residence Denison avenue, 
Queen street west. 

Hammond, Win., labourer, 19 Front st. j Harrison, Richard, clerk of market, 
Hampeon, Wm., carpenter, 32 Victoria, j residence 24 George street. 

Hamilton, Wm., gardener, Clover Hill 

Lodge, Yonge street. 
Hamilton, Mrs., boarding-house, 29 

Richmond street east. 

Handy, Patrick, provision store, Eliza 
beth street, corner of Albert. 
Handy, Wm. (coloured), la tourer, Sayer. 
Hanen, David, carpenter, Dummer st. 

Harrison & Foster, barristers, 65 King 
street east, corner of Church. 

Harrod, John (coloured), cook, 42 Eliza 
beth street. 

Hannah, James, shoemaker, 26 Nelson. Hart, John, painter, 62 King st. west. 
Hannan, Bartholomew, sr., North Park. ; Harte, Thomas, teacher, 55 Church st. 
Hannan, Bartholomew, jr., N. Park st. j Hartney, Henry, Wellington st., near 
Hannath, Charles, brewer, 30 Richmond Simcoe. 

street east. , Hartry, Wm., carter, 48 Duke street. 

Hanson, Wm., plumber, 40 King st. w. I Harvard, Rev. Wm. (British Methodist), 
Hanton, John, labourer, 60 Richmond j Yonge street, near Agnes. 

street east. I Harvard, Wm., maltster, Queen street 

Harahy, Michael, Wheat Sheaf Inn, 30 j west, near Toll-gate. 

Duchess street. i Hassard, Richard, painter, Centre st. 

Harcourt, George, tailor, 47 King st. w. i Hastings, Richard, dry goods store, 71 
Hard, Wm., shoemaker, 221 Queen st. w. \ King street east. 

Hardcastle, Simon, labourer, Spadina. | Hawke, Robert, merchant tailor, 74 
Hardfield, Mrs., widow, Sayer street. King street west. 

Hardy, Stephen, labourer, Queen st. w., \ Hawkins, Andrew, labourer, Sayer st. 

near Toll-gate. Hawkins, Henry, 77 Richmond st. w. 

Harding, Stephen, labourer, Sayer st., Hawkins, Henry ^coloured), carpenter, 

corner of Agnes. , g Adelaide street east. 

Harding, Wm., bricklayer, (Park) near Hay, John, mason, 183 King st. east, 

Queen street east. corner of Ontario. 

Harford, Robert labourer, near St. Pat- Hay, Robert, of Jacques & Hay, resi- 

rick s market. dence 45 Bay street. 


Hawkins, Win., King st., west of Brock. Henderson, Mrs., boarding-house, Queen 
Hay, William, theological student, 18 , street, corner of Simcoe. 

George street. j Henderson, Margaret Jane, Edinburgh 

Haycock, Win., carpenter, Yonge st., j Castle, Church street, cor. Colborne 

north of Edward. i Henery, John, General Wolfe Inn Ade- 

Hayden, Wm., carpenter, Yonge street, I laide street, corner of Church. 

near 1st Toll-gate. Henley, Wm., butcher, Toll-gate line, 

Hayes, Martin P., grocer, north-east ; head of College avenue. 

corner Market square; res. Bond st., Hennessey, James, labourer, 84 Rich- 
corner of Shuter. mond street east. 
Hayes, Michael, boatman, Portland st., Henry, James, axemaker, Richmond et., 

near Adelaide street west. west of York. 

Hayes, Patrick, labourer, Jordan street. Henry, Samuel, tailor, 197 Queen west 
Hayward, Benjamin, carpenter, 69 Ade- Henry, Thos., provision store, 17 Vic- 

laide street east. toria street. 

Hayward, Henry, with B. Thome & Co., , Henry, Wm., bricklayer, 41 Elizabeth. 

residence 42 Nelson street. Kenwood, Edwin, apothecary at hos- 

Hayward, Wm., carpenter, 69 Adelaide ! pital, King street, west of John. 

street east. Henwood, R., apothecary at hospital, 

Hazelhurst, Benjamin, 4 Richmond w. King street, west of John. 
Head, Charles, tailor, Richmond street, i Heron, Mrs., widow, Duchess street, near 

west of John. Ontario. 

Healy, Daniel, labourer, Hunter s lane. ; Herrick, George, M.D., professor of mid- 
foot of Yonge. wifery, K. C. University; residence 48 
Healy, John, Erin Go Bragh Inn, 54 Church, corner of Queen. 

March street. , Herring, Jeremiah, labourer, River st. 

Hearnes, McDougall, near St. Patrick s Hervey, Mrs., widow, John, near Front, 

market. Hevvard, John, clerk Montreal Bank, 

Hearst, Thos., carpenter, 81 Elizabeth. : residence Front street, near John. 
Heath, C. W., law student, King, cor- Hewaxd, W. B., clerk to judge in Chain- 

ner of York. bers, 120 Queen street west. 

Heather, Wm., Windmill Inn, Palace st. Reward, Mrs., widow. Front, near John. 
Hector, John, barrister, of Sullivan & Hewlett, John, accountant, 61 Adelaide 

Hector, residence 16 William street. street west. 
Heddington, Thos., labourer, 77 Ade- Hewson, John, Yonge st., near Agnes. 

laide street east. Hewson, Misses, ladies seminary, west 

Heffernan, Denis, teacher, 59 Richmond of Spadina avenue. 

street east. Hibbert, John, Yonge st., near Agnes. 

Hegan, Thos., tailor, 39 Duchess street. Hickman, Henry, tailor, McGill street, 
Heighten, Wm., Thames Tunnel Inn, 123 near Yonge. 

King street east. Hickman, James, innkeeper, Front st., 

Helliwell, Thos., brewer, west side of , near Bathurst. 

Market square; res. 197 King east. Hickman, Wm. (coloured), barber, 85 
Hemphill, John, custom house officer, ; York street. 

18 Queen street west. Hickman & Johnston (coloured), inn- 

Henderson, Alex., dry goods, 128 Yonge keepers, 91 York street. 

street, corner of Queen. Higgins, Charles, gardener, 6 Princess. 

Henderson, Andrew, West Toronto , Higgins, Francis, teacher, Spadina ave. 

Store, 181 Queen street west. Higgins, Thos., plasterer, Boulton st., 

Henderson, David, blacksmith, 26 Ade- east of York. 

laide street west. Higgins, Wm., high bailiff for district, 

Henderson, George, Spadina avenue, n King street west. 

near Queen street. Hill, James, labourer, 71 Adelaide west. 

Henderson, Henson (coloured), labourer, Hill, John, tailor, Agnes street. 

Teraulay street, corner of Agnes. ; Hill, Joseph, builder, 38 Adelaide west, 
lltmderson, James, barber, 40 Yonge st. Hill, Robert, tinsmith, Boulton street, 
Henderson, John, shoemaker, 86 Yonge. eas t of York. 
Henderson, John, general store, 194 Hill, Miss, dressmaker, 84 King st. east. 

Queen street west, corner of Peter. Hill, Thos., King st. east, near Power. 
Henderson, Patrick, Sligo Inn, 4 Col- Hill, Wm., carpenter, Yonge street, near 

borne street. i Edward. 

Henderson, Robert, shoemaker, 81 Ade- Hilliard, John, labourer, Sumach at. 

laide street east. Hillick, Edward, Black Horse Inn, 4 

Henderson, Wm., grocer, 114 King st. March street. 

east, corner of Market square! resl- Hind, Joseph, stonecutter, 46 Adelaide 

dence 15 Nelson street. , street west. 



Hillman. Thos., Cigar Divan, 9 King E. 

Hinds, Richard, butcher, Spadina ave. 

Hinge, Charles, labourer, 2 Duke st. 

Hirschfelder, J. M., Hebrew tutor, K. 
C. U., 5 James street. 

Hocken, Richard, shoemaker, 49 King 
street west. 

Hockridge, Thos., City Arms Hotel, 7 
west side Market square. 

Hodder, Edward, M.D., 116 Queen west. 

Hodgson, James, teacher, Shuter st., 
corner of Victoria. 

Hodgson, Joseph, tinsmith, 111 Yonge. 

Hogg, Thomas, printer, Edward street. 

Holborn, John, tailor, Centre street. 

Holland, George B., R. Mail Steamboat 
office, residence Carlton street. 

Holland, Terence, butcher, 14 Duchess. 

Hollinger, John, carter, 46 Duchess st. 

Holwell, W., ordnance store keeper, 
Queen street, near Bathurst. 

Hooper, Edward, apothecary, 12 King 
street west. 

Hopkins, R., labourer, Agnes street. 

Hopkins, Win., tailor, Teraulay street. 

Horley, Richard, shoemaker, 192 Yonge. 

Hornbrook, John, blacksmith, Temper 
ance street. 

Hornby, Robert, M.D., 107 York street. 

Home, Mrs. R. C., widow, 8 George st. 

Horwood, G. C., North American Hotel, 
Front street, near Scott. 

Houghton, G., clerk Royal Engineer De 
partment, residence Spadina avenue. 

Houston, Julia, dyer, 25 King west. 

Howard, George, marketman, 14 Col- 
borne street. 

Howard, Isaac J., grocer, 76 York st., 
corner of Richmond. 

Howard, John, fancy silk worker, 65 
King street west. 

Howard, J. G., architect, 82 King west. 

Howard, J. S., treasurer H. D., Court 
House; residence Gerrard street. 

Howard, Lloyd (coloured), labourer, 
Agnes street. 

Howard, Nicholas (coloured), labourer, 
Edward street. 

Howard, Thos., baker, 168 Yonge street. 

Howarth, John, druggist s assistant, 12 
King street west. 

Howarth, Ann, innkeeper, King street 
east, corner of Power. 

Howcutt, John, Brock street, near Ade 
laide street. 

Howden, Samuel, labourer, Boulton st., 
east of York. 

Howe, B. C., auctioneer, 51 Bay street. 

Howell, John, storekeeper, Yonge st., 
near Crookshank. 

Howell, John, carpenter, Alice street. 

Hughes, Elisha, wheelwright, Sayer st. 

Hughes, Henry, carpenter, 114 Victoria. 

Hughes, James (coloured), labourer, 
Spadina avenue. 

Hughes, John, John st., near Adelaide. 

Hughes, Joseph, porter, 69 Adelaide E. 
Hughes, Joseph, stonemason, 71 Queen 

street west. 

Hughes, \Vm., bricklayer, 43 George st. 
Humphreys, J. D., professor of music. 

Queen street, east of Caroline. 
Humphreys, George, innkeeper, 3 west 

side of Market square. 

Humphries, Thos., cooper, 190 Queen w. 

Hunstein, John, tailor, 20 Queen west. 

. Hunt, Wm. V., teacher, Agnes street. 

1 Hunter, Alexander, teacher, Church st., 

near Gerrard. 

Hunter, Alex., carter, 8 March street. 
Hunter, Andrew, millwright, Agnes st. 
Hunter, Hamilton, District Superin 
tendent of Education, res. Church st.. 

near Gerrard. 

Hunter, James, Ann st., near Yonge. 
Hunter, James, carpenter, 39 Richmond 

street west. 

Hunter, John, labourer, Dummer st. 
Hunter, Thomas, carter, Sayer street. 
Hunter, Wm., timber dealer, foot of 

Yonge street. 

I Hunter, Wm. (coloured), sailor, Centre. 
Hurd, Edward E. W., law student, King 

street, corner of York. 
Hurd, Thos. G., wine merchant, Melinda 

street, corner of Bay; residence 27 

Wellington street west. 
Hurd, Major S. P., 76 Qhurch street. 
Hurley, D, steward steamer America, 

Bay street, near Adelaide. 
Husband, Wm., carter. Temperance st. 
Hussey, Miss, Youog Ladies Seminary, 

James street, near Queen. 
Hutcheson, James O., Royal Saloon, 11 

Colborne street. 
Hutcheson, St. John H., law student, 

King street, corner of York. 
Hutcheson, Mrs., widow, 32 Adelaide w. 
Hutchins, Wm., stonecutter, Sayer st. 
Hutchinson, John, sailmaker, Spadina. 
Hutchinson, Wm., mason, Yonge street, 

near Alice. 

Hutton, Thomas, tinsmith, 65 York st. 
Hyde, C., professor of music, 66 York st. 
Hynes, Patrick, plasterer, Queen, near 


Icklen, Michael, tailor, 39 March st. 
Ince, Mrs., widow, 134 King street \v. 
Innis, Thos., labourer, 21 Queen east. 
Tredale, Tshmael, tinsmi h, Temperance. 
Iredale, Jeremiah, tinsmith, 34 Queen w. 
Iredale, Wm., plumber, 170 Yonge st. 
Irving, John, labourer, Elizabeth st. 
Irwln, Alexander, labourer, Spadina ave. 
Irwin, Archibald, Caroline street, near 

Irwin, Samson, carter, Queen st., east 

of Nelson. 
Izzard, , patent leather dresser, 208 

Queen street west. 
Jackson, Benjamin, St. Leger Inn, St. 

P.itric.k s market. 



Jack, Alex., carpenter, 182 Queen west. 

Jackson, David (coloured), carpenter, 
Teraulay street, north of Louisa. 

Jackson, Henry, jeweller and watch 
maker, 28 King street west. 

Jackson, John, cabinetmaker, Queen st., 
east of Parliament. 

Jackson, John, builder, Gerrard street, 
east of Church. 

Jackson, Sam. (coloured), labourer, Ter 
aulay street, corner of Agnes. 

Jackson, Thos., labourer, Agnes street. 

Jacques, John, of Jacques & Hay, resi 
dence 36 Bay street. 

Jacques & Hay, cabinetmakers, 42 King 
street west, corner of Bay. 

James, Henry F., Craven Heifer, Queen 
street, corner of Yonge. 

James, Robert, horse dealer, Maria st., 
Queen street west. 

James, Robert, jr., builder, Carlton st., 
east of Church. 

James, Thos., labourer, Maria street, 
Queen street west. 

James, Wm., labourer, Sumach st., near 

Jameson, Hon. Robert S., Vice-Chan 
cellor, Front street, near Brock. 

Jarnieson, George, teacher, 4 James st. 

Jamieson, James, shoemaker, Ann st., 
near Church. 

Jamieson, Wm., carpenter, near St. Pat 
rick s market. 

Jarman, H. W. and John, carpenters, 
Elizabeth street. 

Jardine, Joseph, gardener, Parliament. 

Jarvis, Albert, tinsmith, 28 Duchess st. 

Jarvis, Arthur, carpenter, Centre st. 

Jarvis, Francis, carpenter 75 York st. 

Jarvis, Samuel P., Jarvis street, head 
of Nelson. 

Jarvis, Wm. B., sheriff Home District, 
office Court House; residence Well 
ington street, near Simcoe. 

Jarvis, Julia, King street east, near Su 

Jeffrey, George, cabinetmaker, Teraulay 
street, near Queen. 

Jenkins, James, carpenter Yonge st., 
near Toll-gate. 

Jenkins, Robert, stonecutter, Albert st., 
near Sayer. 

Jenkins, Samuel, plasterer, Centre st. 

Jennings, Rev. John (United Secession 
Presbyterian), 201 Queen street west. 

Jewell, Robert, brewer, Caroline street, 
near Duchess. 

Jobbit, Joseph, carpenter, 111 Rich 
mond street west. 

Johnson, Arthur, provision store, 119 
King street east. 

Johnson, Joseph, 20 Adelaide st. west, 
in rear. 

Johnson, Samuel, shoemaker, 74 Yorkst. 

Johnston, Charles, fisherman, Bay shore, 
opposite Market square. 

Johnson, Samuel, carpenter, Spadina 
Johnston, George, carter, 83 Richmond 

street east. 
Johnston, George (coloured), painter, 

Edward street, near Elizabeth. 
Johnston, Hugh, bricklayer, 23 Victoria. 
Johnston, James, teamster, King st 

west of Peter. 

Johnston, John, gardener, near Don st. 
Johnston, John, cabman, Sayer street. 
Johnston, John (coloured), labourer, 

King street, near Sumach. 
Johnston, Mathew, Yonge street, near 


Johnston, Mathew, plasterer, Louisa st. 
Johnston, Samuel, carpenter, Centre st. 
Johnston, Simon, shoemaker, 133 Queen 

street west, in rear. 
Johnston, Thomas, labourer, Edward st. 
Johnston, Wm., butcher, 8 Ontario st. 
Johnston, Wm., carpenter, Teraulay st., 

near Albert. 
Johnston, Almira, widow, Richmond st., 

corner of John. 

Johnston, Elizabeth, tailoress, 34 Eliz 
abeth street. 
Johnston. Jane, widow, Teraulay st., 

corner of Albert. 

Johnston, Rosella, widow, Power st. 
Jollands, Benjamin, tailor, Edward st., 

near Yonge. 
Jones, Edward C., la-* student, King 

street, corner of York. 
Jones, James, brewer, east of Trinity st., 

south of King. 
Jones, John, carpenter, Queen street, 

east of Parliament. 
Jones, John, Royal Standard Inn, Front 

street, near Church. 
Jones, John, printer, Duchess st., east 

of Caroline. 
Jones, J. M., Tattersall s repository, 12 

Wellington street east. 
Jones, Hon. Jonas, judge Queen s Bench, 

Front street, west of Yonge. 
Jones, Richard, labourer, Peter street, 

near Richmond. 

Jones, S., printer, 102 King st. west. 
Jones, Thos., shoemaker, Boulton street, 

east of York. 
Jones, Wm., grocer s clerk, Temperance 

street, west of Bay. 
Jones, Wm., bricklayer, 8 Elizabeth 

street, in rear. 

Jones, Mrs., milliner, 102 King st. west. 
Jones, Mrs. C., widow, 85 Queen west. 
Jordan, Edward, cabman, 11 Church st. 
Jordan, Simon, pedlar, 47 George st., in 

Joselin. J*., of J. Ellis & Co., residence 

Carlton street, west of Church. 
Joseph, H. A., furrier, 70 Yonge street. 
Joseph, J., clerk of Assize, Simcoe st., 

corner of Wellington. 
Joseph, J. G., optician, 58 King st. east, 

2 Victoria Row. 



Joslin, Daniel, butcher, Ontario street, 

corner of Duke. 
Joyce, John, provision store, Elizabeth 

street, corner of Albert. 
Joyce, Joseph, tailor, Power street. 
Joyce, Win. (coloured), labourer, Spa- 

dina avenue. 
Judge, James, shoemaker, King street, 

east of Berkeley. 

Judge, James, shoemaker, 14 Church st. 
Justice, Thos., farrier, Caroline street, 

near Duke. 

Kahn, Charles, dentist, 46 King west. 
Kane, Edward, labourer, 2 Princess st. 
Kane, John, carpenter, South Park st. 
Kane, Michael, spirit dealer, 51 Yonge. 
Kane, Wm., labourer, 89 Adelaide west. 
Kay, John, salesman Ross, Mitchell & 

Co., 46 King street east. 
Kearney, B., pedlar, 31 Duchess st. 
Keegan, George, law student, 4 King w. 
Keele, W. C., solicitor in chancery, 97 

Adelaide st. west, Bishop s Buildings. 
Keely, Patrick, labourer, Melinda st., 

near Jordan. 
Keena, Patrick, Mullinger Inn, 82 

Yonge street. 
Keiller, James, accountant Bank of 

Montreal, Gerrard st., op. Victoria. 
Keller, Jeremiah, tailor, 84 Richmond E. 
Kellet, Joseph, bricklayer, Gerrard st., 

east of Church. 
Kelly, Francis, carter, Maria street, 

Queen street west. 
Kelly, John, cabman, Queen st., east 

of Parliament. 

Kelly, John, cabman, 73 King st. west. 
Kelly, Thomas, carter, 42 Duchess st. 
Kelly, W. C. & Co., wholesale and retail 

126 King street east. 
Kelly, Mrs., widow, 85 Bay street. 
Kemp, John, lake captain,- 43 Elizabeth. 
Kendrick, George, carpenter, Centre st. 
Kendrick, Joeiah, ship-carpenter, east 

of Trinity. 
Kennedy, Edward, Sportsman s Inn, 131 

Queen street west. 
Kennedy, George, brickmaker, Queen 

street west, near Toll-gate. 
Kennedy, George, tailor, Teraulay st. 
Kennedy, James, wheelwright, 210 

Queen street west. 

Kennedy, James, carpenter, 53 Victoria. 
Kennedy, John, carpenter, Elizabeth st. 
Kennedy, John, innkeeper, 3 Church st. 
Kennedy, Thos., carpenter, 55 Victoria. 
Kennedy, Thos., wheelwright, Queen st. 

west, near Bathurst. 
Keittoedy, Mrs., widow, Ontario street. 
Kennelly, Wm., Queen s Wharf Inn, 

Bathurst street, corner of Douro. 
Kenney, Thos., policeman, Sumach st., 

north of King. 

Kenon, Samuel, carpenter, Agnes st. 
Kenrick, John P., Toll-gate line, west 

of Yonge. 

Kent, Joseph, provision store, 93 King 

street west. 
Keown, Robert, labourer, Toll-gate line, 

west of Yonge. 
Kernaghan, James, law student, 100 

King street west. 

Kerr, John, shoemaker, 37 Church st. 
Kerr, John, baker, Richmond st., west 

of Simcoe. 
Kerr, John, labourer, Palace st., foot 

of George. 

Kerr, John, carpenter, Spadina avenue. 
Kerr, Joseph, shoemaker, 47 York st. 
Kerr, Robert (capt. steamer America), 

residence 6 James street. 
Kerr, Wm., carpenter, Elizabeth st. 
Kerr, Wm., carpenter, Palace st., foot 

of George. 
Kershaw, Wm., iron-turner, Louisa st., 

near Yonge. 

Kerton, John, labourer, Agnes street. 
Ketchum, Jesse, tanner, 3 Adelaide w. 
Ketchum, \V\n., 3 Adelaide st. west. 
Kettle, John, Queen Street Inn, 153 

Queen street west, corner of John. 
Kettleworth, John, carpenter, 111 Ade 
laide street west. 

Key, Thos., bricklayer, 21 Wellington w. 
Key, Miss, dressmaker, 21 Wellington w. 
Keyworth, Wm., labourer, Spadina ave. 
Kidd, John, jail-keeper, Palace street, 

corner of Berkeley. 

Kidd, Catharine, tailoress, 18 Caroline. 
Kidney, James, innkeeper, 73 Adelaide 

street west. 
Kidney, John, flour dealer, Peter st., 

near Richmond. 

Kilheeney, John, labourer, Spadina ave. 
Kines, Wm., labourer, Elizabeth street. 
King, D., labourer, Boulton st., west of 


King, John, M.D., prof, theory and prac 
tice of medicine, K. C. University ; 

residence 27 Richmond street east. 
King, Patrick, porter, Colborne street, 

near Scott. 

King, Richard, Jordan street. 
King, Wm., butcher, near St. Jamea* 

Kingsmill, George, city high bailiff, 41 

Nelson street. 
Kirk, Robert, painter, 40 Queen west, 

in rear. 
Kissock, D. & W., wholesale and retail 

grocers, 46 King street east. 
Kitson, John, Boulton Arms, 93 King w. 
Kitson, Robert, shoemaker, foot of 

Yonge street. 
Kneeshaw, Richard, of Lyman, Knee- 

shaw & Co., residence 54 Church st. 
Knight, Edward, bricklayer, Centre st. 
Knowles, Francis, labourer, 180 King 

street east. 
Kollmyer, Walter, ironmonger s clerk, 

21 Richmond street east. 
Lay, Patrick, labourer, Spadina avenue. 



Lafferty, Hugh, labourer, near Bath- 
urst street. 

Lafferty, Win., provision store, 87 Ade 
laide street east. 

Lailey, Thos., provision store, 44 Rich 
mond st., corner of Church. 

Lailey, Thos., jr., tailor, 33 King east. 

Laing, Alfred, book-keeper, 81 Rich 
mond street west. 

Lam, Wm., shoemaker, Crookshank st. 

Lamb, Daniel, blacksmith, 146 King w. 

Lamb, Peter R., finding store, Yonge 
street, corner of Temperance. 

Lamb, Robert, baker, 81 York street. 

Lamb, Wm., carpenter, Shuter street, 
corner of Victoria. 

Lamontaigne, Charles, cabman, Caroline 
street, near Duchess. 

Lamontaigne, David, blacksmith, Duke 
street, near Berkeley. 

Lancashire, Henry, theological student, 
18 George street. 

Lander, John, upholsterer, 38 Bay st. 

Laney, Wm-., porter, 16 Elizabeth st. 

Lang, Joseph, labourer, Don street. 

Langley, Wm., shoemaker, Adelaide st., 
corner of Yonge. 

Langlois & Bates, grocers, 103 King E. 

Langrill, Francis, butcher, Parliament. 

Langrill, Patrick, butcher, Parliament. 

Langston, Thos., shoemaker, 102 Yonge. 

Lapsiley, Wm., 5 George street. 

Large, James, labourer, Edward st. 

Larkin, Michael, labourer, 30 March st. 

Larkin, Michael, labourer, 15 Elizabeth. 

Larkin, Thos., waiter, 97 Queen west. 

Larner, John, labourer, Adelaide street, 
west of Portland. 

Latham, Jacob, builder, Duke street, 
east of Berkeley. 

Law, Wm., bricklayer, 10 Victoria st. 

Lawlor, Lawrence, Spadina avenue. 

Lawrence, J., printer, Guardian office ; 
residence. 22 Queen street east. 

Lawrence, Monis, 15 Princess street, 
corner of Duke. 

Lawson, Edward, grocer, 104 Yonge st. 
Lawson, George, shoemaker, 109 Yonge. 
Lawson, Thos., merchant tailor, 11 King 

street east. 

Laycock, Robert, shoemaker, 21 Ade 
laide street west. 
Layton, David, M.D., Church st., north 

of Shuter. 
Layton, Henry, Caer Howell, College 

Leach, Enoch, harness-maker, Boulton 

street, east of York. 
Leach, Thos., veterinary surgeon, 84 

Yonge street. 
Leadlay, Henry, tanner, Queen street, 

west of Spadina avenue. 
Leak, John, grocer, soap and candle 

maker, 112 Yonge street. 
Leake, Thos., carpenter, 33 Nelson st. 
Lear7, James, labourer, 180 King east. 

Leaney, Margaret and Isabella, seam 
stresses, 71 Adelaide street west. 

Leary, Patrick, labourer, 8 Princes* st. 

Leary, Patrick, carter, 220 King east 

Leary, Philip, groceries, 208 King east. 

Leask, James, general store, Yonge st., 
corner of Queen. 

Lee, James, labourer, 105 Richmond w. 

Lee, John, plumber, 36 Adelaide west. 

Lee, John, carter, 67 Adelaide st. west. 

Lee, Joseph, lime works, King st., cast 
of Berkeley. 

Lee, Patrick, teacher, 121 Richmond w. 

Lee, Samuel, clerk to J. Ritchey, 106 
Queen street west. 

Lee, Thos., labourer, 32 Church street. 

Lee, Vernon, M., provision dealer, 25 
Richmond street west. 

Lee, E. W. & Co., dry goods, 118 King w. 

Lee, Misses, dressmakers, 21 Adelaide w. 

Leebert, Joseph, shoemaker, 86 Yonge. 

Leech, Francis, painter, Centre street. 

Leed, Wm., shoemaker, Sbepard street. 

Lees, Wm., labourer, Adelaide street 
west, near Simcoe. 

Legge, Alex., general store, 169 King 
street east. 

Leith, Alex., law student, 4 King w. 

Lemon, James, tea dealer, 5 Francis st. 

Lenfesty, Peter, grocer, 192 King east. 

Lennox, James, carter, Teraulay st., 
corner of Louisa. 

Lennox, Joseph, carter, 16 Victoria st. 

Lennox, Thos., labourer, Park, near 
Queen street east. 

Leonard, Noah R., painter, 121 Yonge. 

Leonard, Patrick, tailor, 45 Adelaide E. 

Lepper, Arthur, dry goods, 3 King E. 

Leslie, George & Co., seedsmen, florists, 
34 Yonge street. 

Leslie, Thos., labourer, 172 Queen w. 

Lessley, Thos., labourer, 21 Victoria st. 

Lesslie, James, of Lesslie Bros., pub 
lisher of Examiner, 29 King st. east. 

Lesslie, Joseph, Bond st., cor. of Shuter. 

Lesslie, Brothers, booksellers, 27 and 
29 King street east. 

Leuty, Joseph, 187 Queen street west. 

Leven, James, distiller, 33 Nelson st. 

Levistun, David, labourer, Elizabeth st. 

Lewis, Alex., labourer, Boulton street, 
west of York. 

Lewis, Anthony (coloured), labourer, 7 
Elizabeth street. 

Lewis, Daniel, blacksmith, 93 Duke s,t. 

Lewis, E. G., storekeeper, Yonge street, 
near Wellington. 

Lewis, Francis, land agent and auction 
eer, 36 King street west ; residence 
20 James street, corner of Albert. 

Lewis, Ira, law student, 1 King west. 

Lewis, J. C. (coloured), barber, 63 King 
street west. 

Lewis, John, clerk to W. Gamble, resi 
dence Shuter street, corner Victoria. 

Lewis, Lisburne, shoemaker, 40 Yonge. 



Lewis, Win. (coloured), storekeeper, 

King street, near Power. 
Lews, Isaac, tailor, Teraulay st., near 

Louisa, in rear. 

Leys, Win., carpenter, 70 Richmond E. | 
Liddell, George P., teacher, 34 Rich- j 

mond street west. 

Liddell, James, provision dealer, south 
east corner Market square. 
Lillie, Rev. Adam (Congregational), j 

Carlton street, east of Jarvis. 
Li-lly, Wm., painter, Centre street. 
Lindsay, James, shoemaker, Louisa st. 
Lindsay, John, carpenter, 97 Queen w. 
Lindsay, John, North of Ireland Inn, 24 

Church street. 
Litster, James, carpenter, Louisa st., 

near Yonge. 

Little, Edward, brushmaker, 4 Ade 
laide street east. 

Little, James, shoemaker, 52 Duke st. 
Livingston, James, carpenter, Louisa st., 

neaj Yonge. 
Lloyd, Jeremiah (coloured), cook, 44 

Queen street east. 

Loane, Wm., shoemaker, 99 King st. w. 
Logan, Francis, dry goods, 100 King E. 
Logan, John, seedsman, 186 Yonge st. 
Ix>gan, John, sailor, 1 Wellington st. w. 
Long, Henry, baker, 45 March street. 
Long, John, labourer, Elizabeth st. 
Long, Robert, labourer, Palace st. east. 
Long, Robert, cooper, 11 Adelaide st. 

ease, corner of Victoria. 
Long, Robert, carter, 65 Victoria st. 
Longmoor, James, sr., printer, 40 Duch 
ess street, in the rear. 
Longmoor, James, jr., printer, 40 Duch 
ess street, in the rear. 
Longmoor, Wm., printer, 40 Duchess st., 

in the rear. 
Longstaff, Robert, plasterer, Spadina 


Lorimer, Samuel, carpenter, 84 Vic 
toria street. 
Loring, Col. Robert R., Spadina avenue, 

near Queen. 
Loscombe, Charles R., teacher, 87 Queen 

street west. 

Loudon, Wm., labourer, 35 Victoria st. 
Love, Bernard, labourer, 210 King east. 
Love, James, labourer, near Bathurst 

street west. 
Love, Robert, ropemaker, Yonge street, 

near Toll-gate 
Love, Robert, druggist, 5 King street 

east ; residence 16 James street 
Lovett, Francis, printer, Queen street, 

east of George 
Lovett, Patrick, labourer, Queen street, 

east of George 

Low, Patrick, labourer, Sumach street. 
Lowe, F. C., engraver, 44 King street 

west, corner of Bay. 

Lownsborough, Wm., shoemaker, 68 
Queen street west. 

Lucas, Edward, Crown Inn, Yonge st., 
opposite Edward. 

Ludgate, John, apothecary, 36 Duchess. 

Ludlow, Wm., baker, 3 Duke street. 

Lumsden, Margaret, provision store, 174 
King street east. 

Lundy, Patrick, labourer, Trinity st. 

Luscombe, Wm., bookkeeper, Boulton 
street, east of York. 

Lutwyche, H., tailor, 135 Yonge street. 

Luxson, John, carter, Simcoe st., near 

Lyle, Rev. William, Agnes street. 

Lyman, Kneeshaw & Co., druggists, 96 
King street east. 

Lynch, Cornelius, labourer, 105 Rich 
mond street west, in rear. 

Lynch, John and Edward, labourers, 
Pine street (Park). 

Lynch, John, labourer, 9 Elizabeth st., 
in rear. 

Lynch, Patrick, shoemaker, 71 Victoria. 

Lyndon, John, labourer, Queen street, 
near George. 

Lynes, Charles (of L. & B.), res. Yonge 
street, near Crookshank. 

Lynes &. Brown, wholesale and retail 
grocers, 2 King st. west, cor. Yonge. 

Lyness, Kennedy, carpenter, 53 Rich 
mond street east. 

Lyness, Miss, milliner, 53 Richmond E 

Lynn, S. G., grocer and provision dealer 
132 King street east. 

Lyon, Millory, teamster, 44 Victoria st 

Lyons, John, sailor, Louisa street. 

Lyons, Wm.. huckster, 67 Adelaide E. 

Lysaght, John, shoemaker, 37 King E, 

Lyttle, John, labourer, Teraulay st. 

McAlpin, Rev. Harvey, Yonge st., near 

McAulay, Daniel, pedlar, 14 Queen E 

McAulay, James, labourer, Elizabeth st, 

McAulay, James, innkeeper, 75 Ade 
laide street east. 

McAulay, Hon. J. B., judge Queen s 
Bsnch, Yonge st., near College ave. 

McAulay, Joseph, carter, 46 Elizabeth. 

McAulay, Leonard, labourer, Sumach 
street, south of King. 

McArthur, Peter, builder, 46 Nelson st. 

McArthur, Robert, shoemaker, 2 Well 
ington street west. 

McAvoy, Wm., labourer, St. James st. 


McBean, John, carpenter, Albert st. 
McBean & Withrow, builders, 12 Ade 
laide street west. 
McBeth, Thos., carpenter, Park lane, 

near College avenue. 
McBirnie, Nicholas, labourer, Yonge st., 
near Toll-gate. 

McBratney, Samuel, carpenter, 40 Queen 

street west. 

McBride, Neil, engineer, 14 Queen w. 
McBuraey, John, labourer, near St. 
George s church. 



McBurney, ., carpenter, 109 Adelaide 
street west. 

McCabe, John, porter, 52 March st. 

McCabe, Lawrence, shoemaker, 16 
Duch-ass street. 

McCaffra, James, tailor, 42 Queen east. 

McCallum, Mrs., provision store, 73 
Queen street west. 

McCarron, James, labourer, Melinda st., 
near Bay street. 

McCarthy, Callaghan, labourer, Jordan. 

McCarthy, James, labourer, 2 Victoria. 

McCarthy, John, porter, Dummer st. 

McCarthy, John, British Queen Inn, 5 
Colborae street. 

McCarthy, John, labourer, Jordan st. 

McCarthy, Timothy, labourer, 43 Duke. 

McCartney, Thos., shoemaker, Palace st. 

McCaslin, Wm., carter, Duchess st. E. 

McCaul, Rev. John, LL.D., vice-presi 
dent K. C. University; residence King, 
west of Simcoe. 

McCleary, Thomson, carpenter, Louisa. 

McCleery, Wm., shoemaker, Power st. 

McClennan, Hugh, labourer, Edward st. 

McClinton, John, carter, 52 Queen w. 

McCloskey, John, letter carrier, 3 To 
ronto street. 

McCloy, Alexander, sailor, 35 Richmond 
street west, in rear. 

McClure, Andrew, bricklayer, Spadina. 

McClure, Robert, auctioneer, 34 Duke. 

McClusky, Henry, stonecutter, 87 Rich 
mond street west. 

McClusky, Mrs., widow, Power street. 

McConkey, Thos., confectioner, 50 King 
street east. 

McCord, Andrew, 20 George street. 

McCord, A. T., city chamberlain, Duch 
ess street, east of Caroline. 

McCord, Miss, dressmaker, 14 King E. 

McCormack, Andrew, blacksmith, 188 
King street east. 

McCracken, William, shoemaker, 131 
Yonge street. 

McCrea, John, brewer, King st. east, 
near Sumach. 

McCue, Edward, tailor, 38 March st. 

McCurry, Charles, porter, 13 Princess. 

McCurry, James, carter, 13 Princess st. 

McCutcheon, James, McGill square, 
Church street, corner of Queen. 

McDermot, John, butcher, King street 
east, near Trinity. 

McDermott, Andrew, labourer, Regent 
street (Park). 

McDermott, Charles, labourer, 137 
Queen street west. 

McDevitt, Bernard, labourer, near St. 
Patrick s market. 

McDonald, Alex., with Blake & Morri 
son, residence Queen, west of Brock. 

McDonald, Alex., auctioneer, 49 Yonge 
street, residence 55 Adelaide st. west. 

McDonald, Arthur (of McD. & Co.), resi 
dence Church street, corner of Queen. 

McDonald, Daniel, builder, Albert st. 
McDonald, D., clerk Canada Co., Queen 

street, west of Brock. 
McDonald, Hugh, shoemaker, 189 Queen 

street west. 
McDonald, James, carpenter, 169 Queen 

street west. 
McDonald, John, McDonald s Hotel, 72 

King street west. 

McDonald, John, 110 Victoria street. 
McDonald, Randall, shoemaker, corner 

St. Patrick s market. 
McDonald, Robert, clerk Ross, Mitchell 

& Co., residence 46 King street east. 
McDonald & Co., auctioneers, 41 Yonge. 
McDonald, Miss, bonnetmaker, 129 

Yonge street. 

McDonald, Miss, dressmaker, 34 Bay st. 
McDonell, Alex., barrister, 3 King E. 
McDonell, Jas., Peter st., south of King. 
McDonell, John, carter, 4 Wellington 

street west. 
McDonnell, Jeremiah, fisherman, Bay 

shore, opposite Market. 
Macdonell, Duncan (of Smith & McD.), 

residence Wellington, corner of Scott. 
Macdonell, Mrs., widow, Adelaide st., 

corner of John. 
McDowell, J., White Swan Inn, 45 

Church street, corner of March. 
Macdougall, Dougall, printer, Albert w. 
McDougall, Lachlan, carpenter, 9 Eliz 
abeth street. 

McElroy, Daniel, carpenter, Centre st. 
McElroy, M. E., milliner, 47 Adelaide w. 
McEniry, Michael, shoemaker, 14 Duch 
ess street. 

McEwen, Wm., labourer, Francis sT. 
McFarlane, Walter, dry goods, 104 King 

street east, cornmer Market square. 
McFarquhar, Wm., Yonge, near Alice. 
McFaul, Daniel, painter, 47 York street. 
McFaul, Wilson, tailor, 2 March st. 
McFeely, Edward, bricklayer, Colborne. 
McGan, Mrs., widow, Sumach street. 
McGee, Alex., labourer, Ontario street. 
McGill, John, labourer, McGill street, 

near Church. 

McGill, Robert, carpenter, Louisa st. 
McGillivray, Jane, provision store, 38 

Victoria street. 

McGinnis, Patrick, labourer, Palace st. 
McGlashan, Alex., 144 Yonge street. 
McGlashan, James (of J. & J. McG.), 

Palace street, near Berkeley. 
McGlashan, J. & J., wholesale dry goods, 

92 King street east. 
McGough, Thomas, 9 Francis street. 
McGregor, James, blacksmith, 37 Rich 
mond street west. 
McGregor, John, blacksmith, Melinda 

street, near Bay. 
McGregor, J. & J., blacksmiths, , 

Yonge street. 
McGregor, Mrs., Rob Roy Inn, Yonge 

street, corner of Queen. 



McGuire, Colin, bricklayer, 3 March st. 
McGuire, Hugh, carter, Berkeley st. 
McGuire, Misses, Queen st., near Parlia 
McHale, James, labourer, Nelson street, 

near March. 
Mcllmurray, James, M.D., 16 Richmond 

street west. 

Mclntee, James, labourer, 19 George st. I 
Macintosh, Alex., shoemaker, 40 Queen 

street west. 
Mclntosh, Angus, grocer, Queen street, 

corner St. Patrick s market. 
Mclntosh, John, 138 Yonge street. 
Mclntosh, J. L., teacher,. Dummer st. j 
Mclntosh, Robert, cooper, 81 York st. j 
Mclntyre, James, labourer, Sumach st. ; 
McKay, Adam, ale brewer, Eliza st., 

Spadina avenue. 

McKay, George, salesman, 58 Victoria. 
McKay, Wm., near St. Patrick s market. ! 
McKeand, Paterson- & C!o., dry goods, j 

68 King street east, 7 Victoria Row. I 
McKee, Hamilton, tailor, 87 Duke st. 
McKee, R., Prince of Wales Inn, Vic 
toria, corner of Richmond. 
McKee, Wm., labourer, 151 Queen st. 

west, corner of John. 
McKeen, James, shoemaker, 143 Yonge. 
McKenzie, Hugh H., tailor, 67 Victoria. 
McKenzie, W., clerk District Court, 27 

Wellington street west. 
McKey, Thos., cabman, 109 King west. 
McLain, Andrew, porter, 5 March st. 
McLain, David, tinsmith, 2 Duke st. 
McLaren, Hugh, carter, 33 Adelaide E. 
McLean, A., barrister, King street w., 

Temple Chambers. 
McLean, Hon. Archibald, Judge Queen s 

Bench, Queen st. west, near Brock. 
McLean, Donald, Parliament street. ( 
McLean. John, printer, 50 Queen west. 
McLean, Thomas A., law student, 100 

King street west. 
McLean, Wm., distiller, King st. east, 

near Sumach. 
McLellan, Malcolm, Yonge street, near 


McLennan, Charles, carpenter, Centre. 
McLeod, James, mason, Sayer street. 
McLeod, Lieut. Martin (late adjutant 

15th Regt.), Yonge, near Crookshank. 
McLochlin, , cooper, 211 Queen west. 
McLochlin, John, labourer, 14 Adelaide 

street west, in rear. 
McLochlin, P. B., teacher, Berkeley st., : 

corner of Duke. 
McMahon, Edward, Queen street east, 

near Ontario. 
McManus, J., cooper and innkeeper, 

George street, corner of Palace. 
McManus, Michael, cooper, 33 Queen w. 
McManus, Philip, labourer, 41 O.^een w. 
McMaster, James, 31 Duchess street. 
McMaster. Wm., wholesale dry goods, 
43 Yonge st.; res. 66 Church. 

McMellen, John, carpenter, 5 Rich 
mond street east. 

McMichael, John, Wellington Inn, 2 
west side Market square. 

McMichael, Olivia, Wm. III. Inn, 39 
Adelaide street east. 

McMillen, James, writer, 7 Princess st. 

McMorris, James, shoemaker, 47 Queen 
street west. 

McMullen, Peter, labourer, Centre st. 

McMullen, Robert C., wharfinger, 55 
Richmond street east. 

McMullen, , carter, 4 Nelson street. 

McMurchy, Thos., turner, 33 Queen w. 

McMurray, Thos., watchmaker, 121 King 
street east. 

McNabb, D., Argyle Inn, 32 Yonge st. 

McNally, Wm., blacksmith, Boulton st., 
east of York. 

McNalty, Alex., confectioner, Adelaide 
street east. 

McNalty, John, labourer, Palace street, 
corner of Parliament. 

Macnamara, Dennis, 56 Richmond w. 

Macnamara, Malachy, tailor, 27 Queen 
street west. 

Macnamara, M., clerk Engineer de 
partment, 42 Duke street. 

McNamee, Charles, blacksmith, 26 
Queen street west. 

McNeeny, Patrick, shoemaker, Shepard. 

McNeil, Hugh, Spadina avenue. 

McNeil, John, porter, 4 March street. 

McNeil, John, labourer, McGill street, 
near Church. 

McNeil, Wm., shoemaker, 23 Adelaide 
street west. 

McNiven, Hope, salesman Ross & Co- 
residence Teraulay street. 

McPhail, Edward, bookbinder, 180 
Yonge street. 

McPhail, Robert, bookbinder, Yonge st., 
near Agnes. 

McPherson, Alex., clerk, res. 19 Duke. 

McQuillan, Patrick, steamboat engineer, 
35 Nelson street. 

McSherry, E. H., hatter, 4 King east. 

McTamney, Edward, carter, near west 
ern Toll-gate. 

McVeagh, Robert, carpenter, Church 
street, near Gerrard. 

McWiggin, Richard, labourer, River st. 
Machar, E., ship-carpenter, Hunter s 

lane, foot of Yonge. 
MaclviU, Richard, general store, Palace 

street, near George. 
Madden, Patrick, lime-burner, Queen 

street, corner of Parliament. 
Maddern, Oliver, carpenter, 42 Adelaide 

street west. 
Haddock, Henry, plasterer, James st., 

north of Albert. 

Haddock, John F., solicitor in chancery. 
King street, corner of York ; resi 
dence 12 William street. 
JSiadill. John, porter, 63 Adelaide west. 



Magarr, James, city constable, 33 Duch 
ess street. 

Magill, Robert, labourer, Spadlna ave. 
Magnan, James, carpenter, Dummer st. 
Mahar, Daniel, labourer, Spadina ave. 
Mahar, James, carpenter, 133 Queen st. 

west, in rear. 

Mahar, Thos., carpenter, near St. Pat 
rick s market. 
Mahoney, James, labourer, Palace st., 

near Market square. 
Maitland, David, baker, 6 Tonga st. 
Maitland, John, distiller, Church street 

Maitland, Robert, wharfinger, foot of 

Church street ; residence Frederick. 
Malay, David, labourer, Queen street, 

near Toll-gate. 

Malcolm, Alex., grocer, 66 Yonge st. 
Malcolm, John, plumber, 24 Nelson st., 

in rear. 

Malieu, Michael, labourer, 17 Francis. 
Malieu, Peter, labourer, 31 Adelaide st. 

in rear. 
Malkmeis, Nicholas, cabinetmaker, 19 

George street. 

Malone, James, carpenter, near St. Pat 
rick s market. 

Malone, John, labourer, Ontario street. 
Malone, Maurice, labourer, Wellington 

street, near Yonge. 
Maloney, Thos., labourer, Jordan st. 
Mansfield, Robert, gardener, Spadina. 
Manson, George, gardener, Queen st., 

near Bathurst. 
Mara, John, labourer, Nelson street, 

north of Richmond. 
Mara, John, shoemaker, 137 Queen w. 
Mara, Thos., shoemaker, 149 Queen w. 
March, Charles, painter, 29 King w. 
Marchant, Robert, carpenter, Yonge st., 

near Toll-gate. 
Margetson, Wm., innkeeper, Toll-gate 

line, west of Yonge. 
Marks, John, camphine oil maker, 

Sayer street. 

Marks, Robert, labourer, 19 George st. 
Marks, Wm., carpenter, 32 Richmond 

street east. 
Marling, Francis, theological student, 

18 George street. 
Marling, John F., 99 Adelaide st. west, 

Bishop s buildings. 
Marling, J. W., bookkeeper, residence 

57 Richmond street east. 
Marsh, John W., 54 Adelaide st. east 
Marsh, Leonard, near the Bay, west of 


Marshall, John, tailor, 79 Queen west. 
Martin, Henry (coloured), cabman, 

Agnes street. 

Martin, James, cabinetmaker, Agnes st. 
Martin, James, hatter, March street. 
Martin, Joseph, 89 Richmond st. west. 
Martin, J. J., provision store, Elizabeth 

street, corner of Agnes. 

, Martin, Robert, carpenter, Albert st. 
j Marvin, John, shoemaker, Portland st., 

near King. 

! Mason, John, shoemaker, 157 King E. 
| Mason, Richard, labourer, 145 Queen w. 
I Mason, Samuel, butcher, Trinity st. 
| Mason, Thos., flour and meal dealer, 
; 37 Front street east. 
Mason, Wm., painter, 197 Queen west. 
Masterson, Michael, razor-grinder, Bay 

shore, near York street. 
> Mather, Wm., Queen street, west of 

Spadina avenue. 
Mathew, Charles, boarding-house, 11 

Richmond street east. 
Matthews, George, shoemaker, 81 Ade 
laide street east. 

j Matthews, John, shoemaker, 97 King w. 
! Matthews, Mrs. S., Cornish Arms Inn, 

15 March street. 

! Mathieson, Donald, clothier, 17 King E. 
| Matten, James, maltster, 74 Queen w. 
I Maughan, J., asst. commissariat clerk, 

Queen street, west of Brock. 
Maule, A. D., law student, King street, 

corner of York. 
Maxwell, Mrs., widow, Lake shore, near 


May, Henry, provision store, 28 Yonge. 
Maynard, Rev. G., mathematical mas 
ter, U. C. College ; residence King st., 
west of Simcoe. 

Maysent, Win., labourer, near St. Pat 
rick s market. 

Mearns, Mrs., widow, 14 Elizabeth st. 
Medcalf , Francis H., machinist, 5 Queen 

street east. 
Medley, A. O., manager Bank B. N. A., 

56 King street east. 
Meighan, Michael, 4 Princ- -ss street. 
Mel lick, James, cabinet maker, 55 York. 
Mercer, Andrew, agent marriage li 
censes, Wellington street, corner Bay. 
Meredith, John, carter. Queen st., near 


Meredith, Joseph, dertist, 92 King w. 
Merritt, Wm., labourer, near St. Pat 
rick s market. 
Merritt.. Y> T ni. H., jr., law student, King 

street, corner of York. 
Metcalf, Horace (of M. & Cheney), res. 

52 Church street. 
Metcalf, Thos., bailiff, 21 King st. west, 

in rear. 
Metcalf & Cheney, stove manufacturers, 

75 King street east. 
Meyer, Hoppner, artist, 51 King west. 
i Michie, George (of A. Ogilvie & Co., 

grocers), 6 King street west. 
Middleton, John, cooper, Ontario st. 
Millen, Robert, carpenter, 21 Teraulay. 
Miller, Adam, bookbinder, 33 Richmond 

street west. 
Miller, Alex., clerk, Elizabeth street. 

Miller, D. G. (of Muttlebury & M.), 7 
i King street east. 



Miller, Henry, shoemaker, Melinda st., 

near Bay. 

Miller, Hugh, chemist, 116 King east. 
Miller, John (of Owen, M. & Mills), 136 

King street west. 

Miller, John, labourer, 14 Victoria st. 
Miller, John, p9 Richmond street east. 
Miller, John, coffee-house keeper, 16 

George street. 

Miller, Peter, tailor, 11 Victoria street. 
Miller, Robert B., attorney, 20 Church 

street ; residence Adelaide, west of 


Miller, Thos., stonecutter, Sayer street. 
Miller, Wm., shoemaker, Shepard st. 
Miller, Mrs., widow, 8 Ontario street. 
Miller, Mrs. and Misses, dressmakers, 

7 Queen street west. 
Milligan, Arthur, tailor, Shepard st. 
Milligan, Frederick, tailor, 71 Adelaide 

street west, in rear. 
Milligan, Gilbert, carpenter, William st. 
Mills, George, gardener, near Queen 

street east (Park). 
Mills, John, mason, Spadina avenue. 
MilLs, Richard, labourer, Bond street, 

near Shuter. 

Mills, Robert, shoemaker, 13 March st. 
Mills, Thos. (01 Owen, Miller & Mills), 

residence 138 King street west. 
Mills, Wm., labourer, Albert street. 
Milner, Joseph, brewer, Yonge street, 

north of Shuter. 

Milton, Peter, tailor, Albert street. 
Mink, J., livery stable, 33 King st. west. 
Mirfield, James, Shakespeare Inn, 101 

King streejt west, corner of York. 
Misset, Patrick, apple-dealer, 24 March. 

Mitchell, Bruce, gardener, Regent st. 

Mitchell, James (of Ross, M. & Co.), 

residence 39 Bay street. 

Mitchell, John (coloured), bricklayer, 
Elizabeth street. 

Mitchell, Michael, labourer, 8 Welling 
ton street west. 

Mitchell, Patrick, carter, 47 Church st., 
corner of March. 

Mitchell Samuel, tanner, east end of 
Queen street, at the Don. 

Mitchell, Waitman, painter, Albert st. 

Mitchell, Wm. M., bookkeeper, 21 Rich 
mond street east. 

Moffatt, John, carpenter, Elizabeth st 
Moffatt, Le wis (of M., Murray & Co.), 

residence Peter street, south of King. 
Moffatts, Murray & Co., importers, 

Yonge street, near Front. 
Molloy, Mies, dressmaker, Melinda st., 

near Bay. 
Monaghan, John, butcher, King street 

east, neax Trinity, 

Monaghan, Patrick, labourer, Spadina. 
Monkman, George, toll-keeper at the 

Don bridge. 

Monro, George, wholesale merchant, 134 
King street east, corner of George ; 
residence Palace, corner of George. 

Montgomery, George, porter, 19 Rich 
mond street east. 

Montgomery, John, labourer, Parlia 
ment street, near Queen. 

Montressor & Bottrall, milliners, 52 
King street west. 

Moody, Robert, carpenter, Church st., 
north of Gerrard. 

Moody, Mrs. Colonel, widow, 91 York st. 

Moor, C. (coloured), labourer, near St. 

Patrick s market. 
Moore, Charles, tailor, 60 Queen street 

west, in rear- 
Moore, Henry, butcher, Edward street, 

near Yongte, 
Moore, Henry, waiter, Albert street, 

near Teraulay. 
Moore, James, labourer, Richmond st., 

near Peter. 
Moore, James, butcher, Edward street, 

near Yonge. 

Moore, John, labourer, Jordan street. 
Moore, John, attorney, 8 east side of 

Market square ; res. 39 Nelson st. 

j Moore, Nicholas (coloured), cook, Sayer. 
Moore, Patrick, cooper, Ccookshank st., 

near Yonge. 

Moore, Robert, carter, 77 York street. 
Moore, Wm., labourer, 208 King east. 
Moorhouse, Squire, provision store, 76 

Queen street west. 
Moran, Thomas, pedlar, Palace street. 
Moran, Wm., shoemaker, Richmond st., 

west of John. 
Morgan, G. W., shoemaker, 93 Yonge 

street ; res. 49 Richmond st. west. 

Morphy, Edward, watchmaker, 98 Yonge. 

Morphy, Edward, carpenter, Yonge st., 
near Carlton. 

Morphy, G . law student, 100 King w. 

Morris, George, labourer, 14 Colborne. 

Morris, James, marble cutter, 108 Yonge. 

Morris, Michael, labourer, St. James- 
street (Park). 

Morris, Ann, Sumach street (Park). 

Morrison, Angus, barrister, 102 King E. 

Morrison, Donald, carpenter, Louisa st. 

Morrison, Edward, labourer, Spadina. 

Morrison, George, carpenter, King st. 
west, near Bathurst. 

Morrison, John, labourer. Beach street 

Morrison, J. C. (of Blake & M.), resi 
dence Wood Lawn* Yonge street. . 

Morrison, Thos. D., M.D., 35 King st. w. 

Morrison, Wm., jeweller, 106 Yonge st. 

Morrison, Mrs., widow, Queen st. east, 
near Nelson. 

Morrow, George, tailor, Centre street. 
Morrow, Patrick, carpenter, Centre st. 

Morrow, W., messenger, K. C. U., Front 
street, west of Simcoe. 



Mossop, J., Black Bull Inn, 193 Queen 
street west, corner of Maria. 

Moules, Valentine, carpenter, 135 Queen 
street west. 

Mountjoy, J. R., dry goods, 94 King E. 

Mowat, George, shoemaker, 8 Eliza 
beth street, in rear. 

Mowat, Oliver, barrister, of Burns, M. 
& Vankougnnett, residence McDon 
ald s Hotel. 

Mudford, Charles, tailor, Church st., 
north of Shuter. 

Mulholland, Henry, labourer, 93 Duke. 

Mulholland, James, shoemaker, 113 
Yonge street. 

Mulholiand, John &, Co., china ware, 86 
King street east. 

Mullaney, Patrick, butcher, 143 King E. 

Mullen, Edward, tinsmith, Duchess st., 
east of Caroline. 

Mullen, Francis (coloured), waiter, 13 
Elizabeth street. 

Mullen, James, carpenter, John street, 
near Richmond. 

Mullen, Patrick, carter, Temperance st. 

Mullens, Patrick, carpenter, Dummer. 

Mulligan, Francis, 131 King st. east. 

Mulligan, John and Joseph, labourers, 
Sumach street (Park). 

Mulligan, Mrs., milliner, 131 King east. 

Mulvey, Thos., labourer, 49 George st. 

Munro, John, shoemaker, Bishop st. 

Munro, Mackay, porter, Boulton s t. 

Munro, Robert, shoemaker, 13 March st. 

Murchison, John, Crookshank s lane. 

Murphy, Daniel, carter, 28 Nelson st. 

Murphy, James, labourer, Scott street, 
aorth of Wellington. 

Kurphy, John, Albion Hotel, 8 Yonge. 

Murphy, John, 214 Queen street west. 

Murphy, John, Coopers Arms Inn, 
Wellington st., corner of Scott. 

Murphy, Lawrence, labourer, Trinity st. 

Murphy, Michael, labourer, 74 Queen w. 

Murphy, Nicholas, shoemaker, 4 Duch 
ess street. 

Murphy, Patrick, labourer, Spadina ave. 

Murphy, Wm., cooper, 72 Yonge st. 

Murray, Alex, (of Moffatts, M. & Co.). 
residence 9-i King street west. 

Murray, Charles, 99 Queen st. west. 

Murray, C. S., bookkeeper Bank U. C., 
residence 193 King street east. 

Murray, Davidson M., Peter street, cor 
ner of Adelaide. 

Murray, George, carter, 50 Duchess st., j 
in rear. 

Murray, James, tinsmith, 145 Yonge st. 

Murray, John, French polisher, Boulton 
street, east of York. ^ 

Murray, Rev. Robert, professor of 
mathematics and natural philosophy, j 
K. C. University ; residence 87 Ade- j 
laide street west. 

Murray, Wm., farmer, Adelaide st. w., 
ooruex of Portland. 

Murray, Mrs., dressmaker, 99 Queen 
street west. 

Musson, W., tinsmith, 59 King st. east, 
9 Wellington buildings. 

Musson, Mrs. Mary, widow, Yonge st., 
near Carlton. 

Muttlebury & Miller, barristers, 7 King 
street east. 

Mutton, Wm., carpenter, 36 Nelson st., 
in rear. 

Myers, James, provision store, 32 King 
street west. 

Myers, John, carpenter, near St. Pat 
rick s market. 

Myers, Wm., labourer, John st., near 
St. George s church. 

Myers, W. A. C., printer, Simcoe st., 
near Adelaide. 

Nangle, Mary Ann, widow, Edward st. 

Nash, Richard, 14 William street. 

Nasmith, John, bread and biscuit baker, 
17 Nelson street. 

Nation James, secretary to Hospital 
Board, Old Government office, King 
street west ; residence Queen street, 
near Bathurst. 

Naughton, Thos., shoemaker, 7 James. 

Naylor, T., Gardeners Arms Inn, Yonge 
street, near Toll-gate. 

Neal, Thos., labourer, Sumach street. 

Neale, John, bookbinder, 79 King west. 

Nealis, Michael, labourer, near Bath 

Needham, Wm., stove-mounter, Eliza 
beth street. 

Neely, Benjamin, labourer, Queen st., 
east of George. 

Neeson, Henry, carpenter, North Park. 

Neeson, Michael, Peacock Inn, 2 Church. 

Nelson, H. A., shoemaker, 239 Queen w. 

Nelson, Samuel, Government contractor, 
12 Duchess street. 

Nelson, Thos., labourer, 47 York street. 

Nelson, Rebecca, market-woman, Bay 
shore, near Berkeley. 

Netley, Thomas, waiter, Yonge street, 
opposite Shuter, in rear. 

Nettleton, Richard, waiter, Duchess st., 
east of Caroline. 

Newman, John, shoemaker, 100 Queen 
street west. 

Newsy, Thos., shoemaker, Portland st. 

Newton, George, carpenter, 61 Yorkst. 

Newton, James, labourer, near St. Pat 
rick s market. 

Nicholson, Wm., labourer, 49 Queen w. 

Nickel, John, labourer, Dummer st. 

Nickols, Wm., carpenter, 22 Richmond 
street east. 

Nickols, Mrs., bonnet-maker, 22 Rich 
mond street east. 

Nicol, David, tailor, 54 Queen st. west. 

Nicol, George, dry goods, 63 King east. 

Nicol, W. B., prpA of materia medfca, 
K. C. University, residence 57 
laide street west. 



Nicoll, Francis, labourer, 237 Queen \v. 
Mcolls, H. E., land, agent, 59 King east. 
\immn, John, agent for periodicals, 55 

King street east ; residence 51 Rich 
mond street east. 
Nisbet, Thos. (of Craig & Nisbet), Front 

street, foot of Bay. 
Nisbet, Verner, baker, 37 George st._ 
Nisbitt, Robert, carpenter, 33 Victoria. 
Nixon, Wm., shoemaker, 54 Yonge st. 
Nixon, Jane, French stay-maker, 25 
Noakes, John (coloured), labourer, Eliz- 

King street west. 

abeth street. 
Noble, Jesse, carpenter, Queen street 

west, near Toll-gate. 
Noble, John, painter, Centre street. 
Noble, John, tailor, Albert street. 
Noble, John, tailor, 77 Victoria street. 
Noble, Simon, blacksmith, Peter street, 

near Adelaide. 
Noble, Thos., labourer, King street, east 

of Power. 
Noble, Wm., wheelwright, 227 and 229 

Queen street west. 
Noble, Wm., Stag Inn, King street easti 

corner of Ontario. 

Noble, Mary, widow, 61 Richmond west. 
Nock, James, assistant druggist, 80 

King street west. 

Nolan, James, Commissariat Depart 
ment, residence Boulton, near Simcoe. 
Ncrberry, Wm., labourer, Queen st., 

east of George. 
Nordheime?, A. & S., music store, 15 

King street east. 

Norman, Robert, cabinetmaker, 5 Rich 
mond, street west. 

Norris, Thos., labourer, Jordan street. 
Norris, H. & T., china and glass, 44 

King street east. 
Northard, Edward, shoemaker, McGill 

street, near Yonge. 

Northcote, Charles, grocer, 54 York st. 
Northcote, Bichard, grocer, 85 King E. 
Nowel, Mrs. and Miss, dressmakers, 

Yoflge street, near Edward. 
Nuna-n, Charles, pork dealer, Palace st. 
Nunan, James, shoemaker, 171 King st. 

east, corner of Princess. 
Nutall, Wm., tailor, Temperance st. 
Nutzil, John, portrait painter, 184 Queen 

street west. 

Nye, John, labourer, Ontario street. 
Oakes, James, butcher, King st. east, 

near Don. 

Oal, George, carpenter, Osgoode street. 
Gates, Richard (of C. Elliott & Co.), res. 

18 Adelaide street east. 
O Beirne, Thos., pedlar, 68 Richmond E. 
O Beirne, Martin J., clothier, 80 King 

street east. ( . 

O Brien, Dennis, labourer, Spadina ave. 
O Brien, E. G., secretary T. and L. H. 

Railroad Co., 158 King street east, 

corner of Frederick. , , . . 

O Brien, H. M., attorney, 114 King st, 
east ; residence 32 Richmond west. 

O Brien, James, locksmith, Ontario st, 

O Brien, Lucius, M.D., professor medical 
jurisprudence K. C. University, resi 
dence 73 Bay street. 

O Brien, Moses, labourer, St. James st, 
(Park). w 

O Brien, Patrick, labourer, 27 Queen w. 

O Brien, Richard, labourer, 44 Queen E. 

O Brien, R., messenger Commercial 
Bank, res. 23 Wellington st. west. 

O Brien, Wm., 61 King street east, 

O BrLen, Mrs., dressmaker, 61 King E. 

O Connell, Francis, carpenter, Dummer. 

O Connor, Dennis, labourer, Adelaide 
street west, near Bathurst. 

O Connor, James, carpenter, 29 Queen w. 

O Connor, John, painter, 4 Victoria st. 

O Connor, Mary, provision shop, 66 Rich - 
mond street east. 

O Dea, Francis, clothier, 98 King east. 

O Dea, James, shoemaker, 41 Church st. 

O Dogherty, James, _ ship -carpenter. 
Front street, near lork. 

O Donohoe, John, auctioneer, 91 and 93 
King street east. 

Ogilvie, Alexander, & Co., wholesale and 
retail grocers, 6 King street west. 

O Hagan, James, huckster, 32 Nelson st. 

O Hara, Anthony, waiter, 19 George st. 

O Hara, Col. Walter, Lake road, west 
of Toll-gate. 

O Hare, Timothy, labourer, Teraulayst. 

O Hern, Nicholas, labourer. Queen st., 
west of Brock. 

O Hern, Thos., innkeeper, 212 Queen w. 

O Higgins, John, clothier, 87 King E. 

O Keefe, John, sailor, Bay shore, near 
Berkeley street. 

Oliphant, John, cabinetmaker, Eliza 
beth Street. 

Oliver, James, carpenter, near St. Pat 
rick s market. 

Oliver, John, painter, 16 Caroline st. 

Oliver, Joseph, labourer, 36 Victoria st. 

Oliver, R. K., silversmith, Parliament. 

O Neill, Edward, hatter, 9 Church st, 

O Neill, John, labourer, 28 Adelaide w. 

O Neill, John, labourer, Francis street. 

O Neill, Michael, tinsmith, 51 Adelaide 
street east. 

O Neill, P. J. (of O N. Bro. a), residence 
27 Duke street. 

O Neill, T. J. (of O N. Bro. s), residenc* 
65 King street east. 

O Neill, Bro. s, auctioneers, 65 and ffl 
King street east. 

O Neill, Mary, provision shop, 45 Ade 
laide street west. 

O Reilly, Terence, labourer, Melinda st., 
near Bay. s y 

Orford, James, ga_dener, Parliament st 

Organ, John, carpenter, Elizabeth st 

Orr, John, carter, Queen St.. east oi 



Orr, George, carpenter, 211 Queen w. 

Orr, J. O., MD., Edward street. 

Orr, Henry, painter, Boulton street, east 

of York. 
Orr, Maria, groceries, 28 Elizabeth st., 

corner of Albert. 

Orris, Daniel, messenger, K. C. U., 
Front street, west of Simcoe. 

Orris, Thos., carter, Boulton st., east of 

Osborne, George, Park lane, near Col 
lege avenue. 

Osborne, Win., land agent, 16 King st. 
west, corner of Jordan. 

Oulster, Peter, blacksmith, Alice st. 

Owen, John, labourer, 11 Richmond w. 

Owen, Richard, carpenter, Louisa st. 

Owen, Robert, maltster, Palace street. 

Owen, Miller & Mills, coachmakers, 128 
and 130 King street \vest. 

Owens, Thos., labourer, Boulton street, 
east of York. 

Oxen ham, James, white and blacksmith, 

20 Adelaide street west. 

Oxley, Robert, labourer, Palace street. 
Oxley, Wm.i brickmaker. South Park st. 
Paddon, James, plasterer, Spadina ave. 
Palmer, Edward B., clerk, residence 32 

Adelaide street east. 
Palmer, George, painter, Elizabeth st. 
Palmer, John, painter, 64 Adelaide w. 
Pape, Joseph, Parliament street. 
Paps, Jacob, labourer, 166 Queen st. w. 
Paramore, Wm., carpenter, 18 Queen E. 
Park, Wm. and Robert, brewers, King 

street, near River. 

Parke, Thos., law student, 4 King west. 
Parker, Henry (coloured), labourer, 54 
* Nelson street. 

Parker, Thos., carpenter, 25 Victoria. 
Parker, Wm., blacksmith, Teraulay st. 
Parkes, Joseph & Vincent, turners, 20 

Adelaide street west. 
Parkes, Thos., cabinetmaker, Teraulay. 
Parkinson, Reuben, wheelwright, 97 

Duke street. 

Parr, John, brickmaker, South Park st. 
Parry, Henry, tailor, 95 King st. west. 
Parsons, Henry, provision shop, 67 

Queen street west. 

Parsons, Henry, plasterer, Osgoode st. 
Paterson, David (of P. & Son), residence 

21 King street east. 

Paterson, James, tailor, 87 Yonge st. 
Paterson, Peter, dry goods, 22 King E. 
Paterson, Thos. (of McKeand, P. & Co.), 

residence 68 King street. 
Paterson, Thos., labourer, Queen street, 

near Ontario. 
Paterson, Wm., labourer, Queen street, 

near River. 
Paterson, Wm., labourer, Pine street 

Paterson & Son, general hardware, 21 

King street east. 

Patrick, Charles, blacksmith, 163 Queen 
street west. 

Patrick, Edwin, law student, Temple 

Patterson, Wm., provision shop, 92 
Yonge street. 

Patterson, James, labourer, 74 Queen 
street west. 

Paul, George, labourer, near St. Pat 
rick s market. 

Payne, George F., bookseller, 47 King 
street east, 4 Wellington buildings. 

Pearce, James, innkeeper, 23 March st, 

Pearcy, Gilbert, painter, Agnes street. 

Peard, John, shoemaker, John st., near 

Pearsall, Samuel, blacksmith, 93 Duke. 

Pearson, Joseph, cabinetmaker, 166 
Queen street west. 

Pearson, Robert, clerk Crown office, 
Front street, west of Simcoe. 

Pearson, Thos., custom house broker, 18 
Wellington street east ; residence 39 
Richmond street east. 

Peay, Austin, 57 Queen street west. 

Peckham, George, labourer, Spadina ave, 

Peggs, Robert, labourer, Edward st. 

Pell, John E., carver and gilder, 51 
King street west. 

Pells, Wm., bricklayer, 24 Duchess st. 

Pendergast, Edward, labourer, Spadina. 

Percy, Mathew, dry goods, 55 King st. 
east, 8 Wellington buildings. 

Percy, Wm., painter, Sayer street. 

Perkins, Frederick (of F. & G. P.), resi 
dence 31 Bay street. 

Perkins, F. & G., general wholesale 
merchants, Front st., near Church. 

Perrin, W. L. <pf W. L. P. & Co.), resi 
dence Gerrard street. 

Perrin, W. L. & Co., wholesale dry 
goods, 31 Yonge, south of King. 

Perrott, Fred., labourer, ordnance de 
partment, Queen st., near Bathurst. 

Perry, A. M., dressmaker, King street, 
east of Trinity. 

Perry, E., keeper House of Industry, 
Shuter street, near Yonge. 

Perry, James, labourer, Queen street 
west, near Toll-gate. 

Perry, Martin, carpenter, Beverley st. 

Petch, Robert, builder, 13 Adelaide st. 
east, corner of Victoria. 

Peters, Reece, 41 Bay street. 

Peterson, Daniel, Ship Inn, Bay shore, 
opposite Market square. 

Pettigrew, Wm., carpenter, 109 Ade 
laide street, near Simcoe. 

Phair, Wm., innkeeper, 37 Wellington 
street east, near Church. 

Phillips, Rev. H. N., at Mr. Cooper s, 
55 King street west. . 

Phillips, James, Queen Victoria Inn, 
101 Queen street west. 

Phillips, John, labourer, Maple lane, 
near Spadina avenue. 



Phillips, Robert, salesman A. Ogilvie & 

Co., 6 King street west. 
Phillips, Win., carter, Agnes street. 
Phillips, Mrs., widow, North Park st. 
Phipps, George, chair maker, 103 King 

street west, corner of York. 
PMpps, W. B., general commission 

agent, 28 Bay street. 
Phipps, Mrs., dressmaker, 109 King w. 
Pickering, James, carpenter, Alice st. 
Piggott, Charles, cabinetmaker, Agnes. 
Pigott, James, carter, 89 Adelaide st. 

east, in rear. 

Pirn, Richard, carpenter, Sayer street. 
Pan, Wm., carpenter, Sayer street. 
Piper, Hiram, copper and tinsmith, 50 

Yonge street, near King. 
Platt, George, innkeeper, east side of 

Market square. 

Platt, John, mason, 111 Adelaide west. 
Platt, John, Sir John Moore Inn, 2 

Colborne street. 
Platt, Samuel, brewer, Palace st., near 


Plees, Arthur F., printer, Agnes street. 
Plenderlith, John, carpenter, Alice st., 

near Teraulay. 

Plunkett, John, tinsmith, 212 King st. E. 
Pocock, John, tinsmith, 148 King east. 
Pollock, Bryce, cabman, 18 Nelson st., 

in rear. 

Pollock, Robert, stonecutter, Edward st. 
Poison, John, shoemaker, Colborne st., 

near Church. 
Poole, Wm., labourer, Albert st., near 

Popplewell, Henry, patent scale maker, 

Edward street. 

Porter, David, turner, 78 Queen west. 
Porter, George, printer, Yonge street, 

near Agnes. 

Porter, Samuel, carpenter, Sayer st. 
Post, G. W., innkeeper, 2 Nelson street, 

near King. 

Powell, James, labourer, Maria street. 
Powell, Mrs. Major, Front street, west 

of SLmcoe. 

Powell, Mrs. Dr., 117 Richmond west. 
Power, John, innkeeper, Palace street, 

corner of Berkeley. 

Power, John, labourer, 9 Teraulay st. 
Power, Right Rev. Michael, R. C. Bis 
hop, Berkeley street. 
Pratt, Thos., labourer, King, near Don. 
Prescott, John, labourer, 19 Victoria. 
Preston, Thos. J., 30 Bay street. 
Preston, Wm., shoemaker, 87 March st. 
Preston, Mrs., widow, 80 Queen west. 
Petty, Henry, plasterer, near William. 
Price, George, sausage maker, 171 Queen 

street west, corner Beverley. 
Price, Henry, 2nd English master, U. 

C. C., residence John street. 
Price, James, builder, Shuter st., east 

of Victoria, 
Price, Joseph, labourer, near Don st. 

Price, Oliver, carpenter, Church street, 
north of Gerrard. 

Price & Ewart, barristers, 44 Yonge st., 
near King. 

Price, James Hervey, M.P.P- (of Price 
& Ewart), residence Yonge street. 

Primrose, Francis, M.D., 22 Duke st., 
corner of Frederick. 

Prince, Charles, student, Temple Cham 
bers, King street, west of York. 

Proudfoot, William, president Bank of 
Upper Canada, residence 8 Duke st., 
near George. 

Proudlove, John, 37 Church street. 

Pryor, Lucas (coloured), labourer, 44 
Queen street, east of Church. 

Purcell, Edward, carpenter, Shepardst. 

Purdy, Wm., labourer, 32 March street. 

Purdy, James, labourer, 32 March st. 

Purdy, Edward, shoemaker, 30 March. 

Purdy, Wm., carter, 25 Richmond east. 

Purkiss, John, ship-carpenter, 11 James. 

Purkiss, Wm., carpenter, Teraulay st., 
near Agnes. 

Putsey, Amos, tailor, Duchess street. 

Pye, Thos., labourer, 133 Queen west, 
in rear. 

Quail, Robert, labourer, Bathurst st. 

Quigley, Robert, rnarketman, 54 Rich 
mond street east. 

Quigley, Win., paper maker, King st. 
east, near River. 

Quin, John, weaver, 12 Queen st. east, 
near Victoria. 

Quin, Terence, maltster, Caroline street, 
near Duchess. 

Quin, Thos., carter, 15 Richmond east. 

Quinn, John, steward City of Toronto, 
Church street, near Gerrard. 

Rackham, Thos., student, Temple Cham 
bers, King street west. 

Radenhurst, John, land agent .Front 
street, junction of Wellington ; resi 
dence Duke st., corner of Parliament. 

Rahn, Charles, dentist, 70 King west. 

Rainbow, Michael, blacksmith, 109 King 
street west. 

Rains, John, secretary H D. Mutual 
Ins. Co., 10 Nelson street. 

Ramm, Charles, carpenter, 62 Victoria. 

Ramsay, John, stonecutter, 36 Nelson 
street, in rear. 

Ramsey, James, Royal Arms Inn, 53 
Yonge street. 

Randolph, Henry (coloured), barber, 111 

King street east. 
Rankin, Charles, surveyor, 105 King st., 

west of York. 
Rankin, John, M.D., 101 York street, 

near Richmond. 
Rankin, Wm., M.D., 95 Adelaide west, 

Bishop s buildings. 
Rankin, Mrs., widow, Russell Abbey, 

Palace street. 

Rankins, Boswell (coloured), cook, 59 
York street. 



Ransom, Abraham, gardener, Alice st. 
Rapson, Win., labourer, Adelaide st., 

near Pe^er. 
Rasch, Henry oilcloth manufacturer, 

184 Queen street west. 
Ray, John, carter, 20 Princess street. 
Ray, Robert, labourer, Bay shore, near 

Ramsay, Win., barrister, Church street, 

corner of King ; residence Carlton st., 

corner of Church. 

Raydon, Daniel, labourer, Jordan st. 
Raymond, Philip, saddler, 21 George st. 
Raymonds, Burrows, shoemaker, 173 

King street, corner of Princess. 
Raymonds, John, shoemaker, 173 King 

street, corner of Princess. 
Read, D. B., barrister, Wellington build 

Reaghill, John, labourer, 3 Elizabeth st. 
Reahill, Thos., labourer, 34 Victoria st. 
Redditt, Jarnes, bricklayer, Queen st., 

west of Spadina avenue. 
Redgriff, John, painter, 3 Duchess st. 
Reed, Thos., labourer, Sumach street. 
Rees, William, M.D., 9 Toronto street. 
Reeve, Wm-, fanning mill maker, 1^ onge 

street, corner of Carltou. 
Reeves, Richard, baker, 56 York st., 

corner of Adelaide. 

Bedford, Grace, widow, 36 Duke street. 
Regan, Daniel, labourer, North Park st. 
Reid, Archibald, carter, 18 Elizabeth st., 

in rear. 
Reid, George, sawyer, Park street, near 

Reid, John, soap and candlemaker, 

Queen street, west of Spadina ave. 
Reid, Nathaniel, salesman, 23 Adelaide 

street east. 
Reid, Robert, labourer, Park street, 

near Palace. 
Reid, Simon, labourer, Hunter s lane, 

foot of Yonge street. 
Reid, Mrs., widow. Maria street. 
Rennich, George, Odd Fellows Inn, 78 

Yonge street, corner of Adelaide. 
Rennie, Alex., Yoage st., opp. Edward. 
Rennie, David, bricklayer, 20 Nelson st., 

in rear. 

Rennie, David, carter, Albert street. 
Rennie, John, cabinetmaker, 42 Duch 
ess street. 
Rennie, Wm., Exchange Hotel, Front 

street, near Church. 
Rex, Robert, tailor, 79 King street w. 
Reynolds, Asa, innkeeper, King street, 

near Don. 
Reynolds, Wm., labourer, Berkeley st., 

south of King. 
Reynolds, Wm., baker, 83 King st. east, 

corner of Francis. 
Richards, Henry, labourer, Toll-gate 

line, west of Yonge street. 
Richards, Henry, carpenter, 89 Rich 
mond street west. 

Richards, Owen, lighthouse keeper, 
Queen s wharf, Bathurst street. 

Richards, Stephen, jr., barrister, 38 
King street east. 

Richardson, Francis, chemist and drug 
gist, 8 King street east. 

Richardson, Capt. Hugh, sr., steamboat 
proprietor, Front street, near Scott. 

Richardson, Hugh, jr., (capt. steamer 
Queen Victoria), residence King st., 
west of Brock. 

Richardson, Rev. James (Episcopal 
Methodist), 55 Bay street. 

Richardson, Wm., miller, Crookshank. 

Richmond, Wm., wheelwright, Queen 
street, corner of William. 

Riddell, Archibald, printer, Ontario st. 

Riddell, James, milkman, 19 Richmond 
street west. 

Riddell, Joseph, mason, Edward street. 

Riddell, Wm., tailor, Yonge street, op 
posite Shuter. 

Riddell & McLean, merchant tailors, 8 
King street west. 

Ridley, Wm., painter, 129 Queen west. 

Ridout, George, barrister, 49 Bay st.; 
residence Maria st., Queen st. west. 

Ridout, G. P. (of R. Bros.), residence 
King street, corner of Peter. 

Ridout, John, Alliance Fire Ins. office, 
71 Adelaide east ; residence 23 Duke. 

Ridout, J. D. (of R. Bros.), residence 
King street, corner of Peter. 

Ridout, Samuel, registrar County of 
York, 71 Adelaide street east ; resi 
dence Queen st., east of Caroline. 

Ridout, Samuel, jr. (of R. & P.), resi 
dence Duke st., east of Berkeley. 

Ridout, Thos. G., cashier B. U.C., George 
street, corner of Duke. 

Ridout Bro s, hardware merchants, 1 
King street east, corner Yonge. 

Ridout & Phillips, grocers, 65 King st., 
corner of Church. 

Rierden, Dennis, labourer, near Trin- 
ity street east. 

Rtgney, Jno., laborer, St.Jaimes st, Park. 

Rigney, Michael, labourer, St. James 
street, Park. 

Rigney, Thos. & Co., wholesale mer 
chants, King st. east, cor. of Toronto. 

Rintoul, Rev. Wm. (Presbyterian Ch. 
of Canada), 93 York street. 

Rinley, Rev. W. H., B.A., (Episcopal), 
Idng street, west of Simcoe.* 

Ritchey, John, builder, 59 Adelaide w. 

Roaf, Rev. John (Congregationalist), 59 
Queen street west. 

Rolierts, George, cabinet maker, I 
Yonge street. 

Roberts, John (coloured), labourer, Cen 
tre street. 

Roberts, Joseph, Carpenter s Arms Inn, 
91 King street west. 

Robertson, George, carpenter, Palace st. 
* Classical Master U. 0. O. 


Robertson, Charles, grocer, north-east 
corner of Market square ; residence 
Nelson street, near King. 

Robertson, George, carpenter, Elizabeth 
street, corner of Edward. 

Robertson, James, carpenter, McGill st. 

Robertson, John, wholesale dry goods, 
39 Yonge street ; residence Simcoe st., 
near Queen. 

Robertson, John, carpenter, 41 Eliza 
beth street. 

Robertson, Jokn, salesman, Melindast., 
near Jordan. 

Robertson, Mrs. and Miss, McGill st., 
near Yonge. 

Robertson, Mary, widow, 9 Victoria st. 

2^obinson, Christopher, labourer, 74 
Queen street west. 

Robinson, Ezekiel, mason, 12 Caroline. 

Robinson, James, architect, 83 Queen w. 

Robinson, James, innkeeper, 68 York st. 

Robinson, James, shoemaker, 23 Ade 
laide street west. 

Robinson, John, carpenter, Spadina ave. 

Robinson, John, wheelwright, Yorkville. 

Robinson, Hon. John Beverley, Chief 
Justice of the Queen s Bench, Rich 
mond street, corner of John. 

Robinson, Lukin, barrister, residence 
John street, near Queen. 

Robinson, Thos., carpenter, Beverley st. 

Robinson, Thos., tailor, 88 Yonge street. 

Robinson, Wm., provision store, Eliza 
beth street. 

Robinson, Mrs., widow, Power street. 

Robson, Edward, cabinet maker, 94 
Yonge street. 

Rocque, Francois, carter, 16 George st. 

Roddy, Charles, bailiff, 29 March street. 

Rogers, Daniel, Inquirer s Inn, 86 Queen 
street, corner of York. 

Rogers, Frederick, bookkeeper, 64 
Church street. 

Rogers, George, engineer, Teraulay st. 

Rogers, James, painter, Temperance st., 
west of Bay. 

Rogers, John, labourer, Spadina ave. 

Rogers, John, bookseller s clerk, Church 
street, near Gerrard. 

Rogers, Joseph, hatter, 78 King east. 

Rogers, Luke, labourer, Queen street, 
near River. 

Rogers, Patrick, labourer, 29 George st. 

Rogers, Samuel, painter, 42 Bay street. 
Rogers, Thos., tailor, 109 York street. 

Rogers, Wm., carpenter, Temperance st., 

west of Bay. 

Rogerson, John J., teacher, 105 York. 
Rolles, Wm., tailor, Teraulay street, 

north of Louisa. 
Rolph, John, M-D. and M.R.C.S.L., 55 

Queen street west. 

Rolph, Wm., Black Horse Inn, 13 Nel 
son street, opposite Duke. 
Rolph, Wm., chairmaker, Regent street 

Rolston, John, carpenter, 89 Richmond 

street west. 

Rolston, Thos., mason, Palace street. 
Rolston, Wm., carpenter, 104 Queen w. 
Romain Bros., dry goods, 79 King east. 
Rooney, Thos., gardener. Parliament st. 
Rorke, Samuel, teller Bank B.N.A., resi 
dence 28 Bay street. 
Rose, John, basket maker, Carlton st., 

near Yonge. 

Ross, David, salesman, 42 Queen west. 
Ross, Donald, sailor, St. James street 


Ross, George, lake captain, 18 Duchess. 
Ross, James, carpenter, 111 Richmond w. 
Ross, John, furnishing undertaker, Ade 
laide street, west of Peter. 
Ross, John, carpenter, McGill street, 

near Yonge. 
Ross, Richard, Yonge street, north of 

Ross, Wm., labourer, Queen street, west 

of Spadina avenue. 
Ross, Wm., carter, Louisa street. 
Ross, Wm., carpenter, Caroline street, 

near Duchess. 

Ross, W. C., grocer, 77 King st. east. 
Ross, Mitchell & Co., wholesale dry 

goods, 33 Yonge st., cor. of Melinda. 
Rossi, Francois M., confectioner, 45 

Queen street west. 
Rossin, Bros., importers of jewellery, 

32 King street east. 
Rouse, G. H., carpenter, King street, 

near Don. 
Rowe, V. R. (of G. H. Cheney & Co.) 

residence Queen st., west of Church. 
Rowed, Wm., carpenter, 39 Adelaide 

street west. 
Rowell, Joseph, blacksmith, Queen st., 

head of Bay street. 
Rowell, Wm., blacksmith, Queen street, 

head of Bay street. 

Rowenn, Henry, plasterer, Caroline st. 
Rowland, John, tailor, Yonge street, 

north of Crookshank. 
Rowsell, Henry (of H. & W. R.), resi 
dence 20 William street. 
Rowsell, Wm. (of H. & W. R.), residence 

20 King street east. 
Rowsell, Henry & William, stationers, 

20 Kioig street east. 
Rowsell & Thompson, printers, 20 King 

street east. 

Roy, John, surveyor of customs, resi 
dence fiO Church street. 
Russell, David, engineer, 9 James st. 
Russell, Patrick, tailor, Agnes street. 
Rutley, John, Melinda street, corner of 


Rutherford, Alex., carpenter, Agnes st. 
Rutherford, Edward H., 59 Richmond 

street east. 
Rutherford, James, labourer, 115 Queen 

street west. 



Rutherford, Peter, bricklayer, 24 Nel 
son street, in rear. 

Rutherford, Mrs., widow, 59 Richmond 
street east. 

Ryan, Edward, labourer, 43 Church st. 

Ryan, Edward, fisherman, Bay shore, 
opposite Market square. 

Ryan, John, pedlar, 82 Richmond east. 

Ryan, Patrick, labourer, near St. Pat 
rick s market. 

Ryan, Richard, labourer, near St. Pat 
rick s market. 

Ryan, Thomas, Crown and Anchor Inn, 

7 Church street. 
Ryan, Wm., 24 Queen street east. 
Ryan & Co., hardware, Yonge street, 

corner of Adelaide. 
Ryan, Mrs., widow, foot of Yonge st. 
Ryerson, Rev. George, 53 Bay street. 
Sabine, Charles H., druggist, 106 Yonge. 

Saddler, Robert, bricklayer, Yonge st., 
near Toll-gate. 

Sallit, Thos., tailor, 40 March street. 

Salt, John, at B. Thorne & Co. s, resi 
dence Bond st., corner of Shuter. 

Sampson, David, tailor, Edward street. 

Sanders, John A., drawing master, 51 
King street west. 

Sanders, Thos., hair dresser, 90 Yonge. 
Sanderson, Rev. George (Canadian 

Methodist), 25 Queen street east, cor 
ner of Bond. 
Sanderson, Wm., carpenter, near St. 

Patrick s market. 
Sando, David, labourer, Sumach street 

Sando, Edward, labourer, Sumach street 

Sando, Thos., butcher, near St. James 

Sargent, Robert, plasterer, McGill st., 

near Yonge. 

SauJter, Thos., Crown Inn, 7 Francis. 
Savage, George, watchmaker, 68 King 

street west. 

Savage, Mrs., widow, Jordan street. 
Savigney, J. II., 78 Church street. 
Sawdon, George, clothier, 35 King east. 
Saxon, J. F., barrister, 7 King east. 
Scadding, Charles, at Moffatts, Murray 

& Co., residence 99 York street. 
Scadding, Rev. Henry, 1st classical mas 
ter U. C. College, residence King st., 

west of Simcoe. 
Scallion, James, labourer. King street, 

west of Brock. 

Scanlan, Martin, carter, North Park st. 
Scanlan, Michael, carter, 11 Duchess st. 
ScanLan, Catharine, widow, Queen st., 

near Power. 
Scarlett, James, labourer, 46 Richmond 

street east. 

Scarlett, James, innkeeper, 1 Colborne. 
Sceets, N. G., carpenter, Yonge street, 

corner of Edward. i 

Scobie, Hugh, stationer (Editor of Bri 
tish Colonist), 18 King street east. 
Score, Richard, merchant tailor, 96 King 

street west. 
Scott, George, carpenter, Caroline st., 

near Duchess. 
Scott, James, keeper Lunatic Asylum, 

residence 49 Bay street. 
Scott, James, waiter, 22 Nelson street, 

in rear. 

Scott, John, M.D., 61 Queen st. west. 
Scott, Jonathan, butcher, Yonge street, 

near McGill. 

Scott, Mathew, carter, 65 Adelaide east. 
Scott, Peter, stonecutter, Bond street, 

near Shuter. 
Scott, Thos., stage coach agent, Front 

street, near Scott. 

Scott, Thos., bookkeeper, 44 Nelson st. 
Scott, H. S. & Co., hardware, 41 King 

east, corner of Toronto. 
Scully, James, shoemaker, Melinda st., 

near Bay. 

Scurrah, Joseph, cooper, 3 Victoria st. 
Seaberry, Richard, cooper, 198 Yonge. 
Searight, James, machinist, 24 Rich 
mond street west. 
Searight, Thos., theological student, 18 

George street. 
Searle, Henry, paper-hanger, 110 King 

street west. 

Searson, John, teamster, Don street. 
Seaton, T. W., shoemaker, 34 Adelaide 

street west. 

Semple, Robert, carpenter, near St. Pat 
rick s market. 

Severs, James, bailiff, Edward street. 

Sewell, Charles, watchmaker, 61 King 

street east, 10 Wellington buildings. 

Shanklin, Robert, labourer, Boulton st., 

east of York. 
Shannon, James, grocer, 4 Nelson st., 

corner of Duchess. 

Shannon, James, carpenter, Shepard st. 
Shannon, Thos., carpenter, 34 Richmond 

street east. 

Sharpe, Richard, labourer, Edward st. 
Sharpe, Robert, labourer, near St. Pat 
rick s market. 
Sharpe, Wm., carpenter, Yonge street, 

near Toll-gate. 
Sharpe, Wm., shoemaker, Yonge st., 

north of Carlton. 

Shaw, Archibald, pattern-maker, Shep 
ard street. 

Shaw, George, carpenter, Elizabeth st. 
Shaw, James, innkeeper, Palace street, 

corner of Market square. 
Shaw, James (of Shaw, Turnbull & Co.), 

residence 72 King street east. 
Shaw, John, carpenter, Queen street, 

corner of Ontario. 
Shaw;, John (of Shaw, Turnbull & Co.), 

residence 77 Richmond street east. 
Shaw, Samuel, axe-maker, 3C Richmond 
street, cor. of Shepard ; res. 75 Bay st. 



Shaw, Wm., Maria street. 

Shaw, Turnoull & Co., retail dry goods, 
72 King st., corner of Church, whole 
sale warehouse No. 12 Yonge street. . 

Shea, John, carter, Palace street, near 

Shea, Timothy, labourer, Jordan street, 
corner of Melinda. 

Sheard, Joseph, carpenter, McGill st., 
near Yonge. 

Shearer, Robert, mason, 77 Victoria st. 

Shepard, Peter, bricklayer, Palace st. 

Sheppard, Jacob, cabinet maker, Yonge 
street, near Gerrard. 

Shepperd, Wm., shoemaker, 121 King E. 

Sherwood, Edward, law student, 4 King 
street west. 

Sherwood, Hon. H. (of Sherwood & Phil- 
potts), Solicitor-General, residence 
Elmsley Villa, Yonge street. 

Sherwood, Hon. L. P., Front st., near 

Sherwood, Samuel, grocer, 7 King east. 

Sherwood, Samuel <fc John, bakers, 51 
March street. 

Sherwood & Philpotts, barristers, 65 
King streelt east, cor. of Church. 

She wan, M., market man, head of Scott. 

Shields, Patrick, labourer, Church st., 
corner of McGill. 

Shields, Scott, carpenter, Yonge street, 
corner of Crookshank. 

Short, B., baker, Bathurst st., corner 
of King. 

Short, John, labourer, Bathurst street. 

Shortell, James, butcher, Berkeley st., 
north of King. 

Shortis, Thos., clerk Crojvn Lands of 
fice, residence John, near Adelaide. 

Shortt, Thos. S., bookkeeper B. U. C., 
residence Church st., near Carlton. 

Shuter, Joseph, carpenter, King street, 
near Berkeley. 

Shuttleworth, George, grocer, 78 King 
street west. 

Sieber, Andrew, sausage maker, Ade 
laide street, near Peter. 

Sigsworth, John, waggonmaker, 4 Rich 
mond street west. 

Silvans, Max, harness maker, 194 King | 
street east. 

Silver, John, gardener, Agnes street, 
near Centre. 

Simmonds, George, teacher, Teraulayst. 

Simmons, Daniel, carpenter, Spadina. 

Simple, John, plasterer, Edward st. 

Simpson, Alex., shoemaker, Yonge st., 
near Crookshank. 

Simpson, Allan, bricklayer, 34 Eliza 
beth street. 

Simpson, George, baker, 111 Queen w. 

Simpson, George, tailor, Alice street. 

Simpson, Richard (of J. Crossley & Co.), 
residence Jarvis street. 

Simpson, Robert, grocery, Yonge street, 
near Crookshank. 

Simpson, Robert, carpenter, 129 Yonge. 
Simpson, Thomas, painter, Alice street. 
Simpson, Wm., land agent s clerk, res. 

Melinda street, near Bay street. 
Simpson, Wm., well-digger, Yonge st., 

near Toll-gate. 
Simpson, Wm., brickmaker, King east, 

near Sumach. 
Simpson, W., storekeeper s clerk, res. 

6 Richmond street west. 
Sims, Samuel J., carpenter, 85 Rich 
mond street west. 

Sinclair, George, steward of the hos 
pital, King st., corner of John. 
Sinnott, George, shoemaker, 46 Rich 
mond street east. 
Sisley, Lewis, carpenter, Adelaide st., 

corner of Francis. 
Sisson, Zebediah, carpenter, Yonge st., 

near Alice. 
Skarow, James, Castle Frank Brewery, 

near Yorkville. 
Skerry, Timothy, labourer, 21 Terau- 

lay street. 

Skinner, James, carpenter, Sayer st. 
Skirving, Misses, ladies seminary, 27 

Bay street. 

Slacks, Adam, stonecutter, Scott st. 
Slaughter, Junius, barber, Front st., 

east of Church. 

Slee, Jonathan, shoemaker, 23 Victoria. 
Sleigh, John, butcher, Yonge st., north 

of Toll-gate. 

Sleith, David, printer, 25 Queen west. 
Slinger, Thos., stonecutter, 111 Queen w. 
Sloan, James, carpenter, Alice street. 
Sloan, Wm., carpenter, Spadina ave. 
Small, Charles C., clerk Crown and 

Pleas, Front street, west of Simcoe ; 

residence King st., corner of Berkeley. 
Small, Hon., James E., barrister, 114 

King st. east ; residence 211 King st. 

east, corner of Berkeley. 
Small, Samuel, labourer, 71 Adelaide 

street west. 

Small, Thos.., currier, Beverley street. 
Small, Wm., carpenter, 73 Queen west. 
Smallwood, Thos. (coloured), labourer, 

82 York street. 
Smart, Wm., labourer, Queen st., west 

of Spadina avenue. 
Smith, Adam, butcher, Berkeley st. 
Smith, Alex., labourer, King st. east, 

near Sumach. 

Smith, Alex , hairdresser, 24 King 
Smith, Alex. M., general store, 173 

Queen street west. 

Smith, Anderson, oyster house, 79 York. 
Smith, Charles, labourer, Oak st. (Park). 
Smith, Charles, carpenter, Louisa si .. 

near Elizabeth. 
Smith, David, Spadina avenue. 
Smith, David, stonecutter, Albert street, 

near James. 

Smith, Edward, carpenter, Queen st., 
of Georcre. 



Smith, David, dyer, 62 King st. west. 
Smith, Edward, stoker, Queen street, 

east of George. 

Smith, Elias (coloured), cook, 73 Yorkst. 
Smith, Francis, brass-founder, 60 York. 

Smith, I. A., dry goods, 81 King st. east; 
residence Church st., cor. of Gerrard. 
Smith, James, porter, 12 Duchess st. 

Smith, James, William III. Inn, 50 York 
street, corner of Boulton. 

Smith, James, blacksmith, Queen west, 
near Toll-gate. 

Smith, James, carpenter, John street, 
north of Queen. 

Smith, James, bookkeeper, A. Ogilvie 
& Co., 6 King street west. 

Smith, James F., residence 37 Bay st. 

Smith, John, steward steamer Sover 
eign, Yonge street, near Gerrard. 

Smith, John (coloured), ropemaker, Ed 
ward street, near Sayer. 

Smith, John, labourer, Adelaide street, 
near Simcoe. 

Smith, John Shuter (of Smith, Crooks 
& Smith), residence 24 Bay street. 

Smith, Joseph, broom-maker, Yonge st., 
corner of Gerrard. 

Smith, J. H., Farmers Arms Hotel, 4 
west side Market square. 

Smith, J. T., Masonic Arms Hotel, 5 
west side Market square. 

Smith, Larrat (of Smith, Crooks & 
Smith), res. Front st., corner of Brock. 

Smith, Michael, market-man, ]9 George. 

Smith, Michael, labourer, Douro st. 

Smith, Patrick, pedlar, Queen st. east, 
near George. 

Smith, Richard, labourer, Spadina ave. " 

Smith, Robert, Prince Albert Inn, 43 
March street. 

Smith, Samuel, tailor, 177 King st. east. 

Smith, Thos., shoemaker, 6 Church st. 

Smith, Thos., painter, 19 Wellington w. 

Smith, Thompson, timber merchant, 25 
Duke street. 

Smith, Wm., cabman, 25 Duchess st. 

Smith, Wm., carpenter, Spadina ave. 

Smith, Wm., wheelwright, 93 Duke st. 

Smith, Wm., Bee Hive Inn, Yonge st., 
opposite Edward. 

Smith, Wm., bricklayer, 167 Queen w. 

Smith, Wm., painter, Centre street. 

Smith, Wm., bricklayer, Teraulay st., 
north of Albert. 

Smith, Wm., tallow chandler, 156 King 
street east, corner of Frederick. 

Smith, Wm. (coloured), labourer, Ade 
laide st., near Bathurst. 

Smith, Wm. H., carpenter, Agnes st. 

Smith, Wm. P., carpenter, 37 Duchess. 

Smith & Jamieson, carpenters, 36 Queen 
street west. 

Smith, Crooks & Smith, barristers, 24 
King street east. 

Smith & Macdonell, wholesale and re 
tail grocers, 54 King street east. 

Smith, Mrs., widow, provision store. 

Duke street, corner of Ontario. 
Snarr, John, builder, Victoria street, 

opposite Crookshank. 
Snarr, Thomas, bricklayer, Teraulay st. 
Snow, B. R. (coloured), Epicurean Re 
cess, Church st., corner Colborne. 
Soady, James, shoemaker, 95 Yonge st. 
Softly, R. W., sailor, King street east, 

near Sumach. 
Somerset, John, Yonge st., north of 

Carl ton. 

Somerville, John, student at law, resi 
dence 87 Bay street. 
Sparks, James, sailor, Bay shore, near 

Berkeley street. 

Spears, John, labourer, 54 Nelson st. 
Spears, John, teamster, 34 Nelson st., 

in rear. 

Spears, John, labourer, Ontario street. 
Spears, Wm., butcher, Queen st., near 

western toll-gate. 

Spedding, John, moulder, 94 Victoria. 
Spelling, Cornelius, labourer, Power st, 
Spence, David, sailor, Hunter s lane, 

foot of Yonge street. 
Spence, James, carpenter, 48 Elizabeth. 
Spence, John, bricklayer, Alice street. 
Spence, Wm., carpenter, Sayer street. 
Spilling, Isaac, tailor, 28 Richmond east. 
Spragg, John C., grocer, Yonge street, 

north of Richmond. 
Spragge, John G., Master in Chancery, 

residence Front st., near Bathurst. 
Spragge, Joseph, sr., Wellington st., 

west of York. 

Spread, Wm., shoemaker, 74 Yonge st. 
Spruell, Samuel, clerk Bank of B. N. A., 

residence 46 King street east. 
Springer, Oliver, law student, 100 King 

street west. 
Sproatt, Henry, provision store, 69 King 

street west. 

Sproul, David, cabinet maker, 176 Yonge. 
Sproule, John, wholesale and retail 

grocer, 115 King st., cor. of George. 
Sproule, Robert, provision store, Yonge 

street, north of Agnes. 
Sproule, Wm., labourer, Duchess st., 

east of Caroline. 

Stanley, John, carpenter, Elizabeth st. 
Stanley, Robert, labourer, near Dum- 

mer street. 

Stanley, Wm., law clerk, Temple Cham 
bers, residence 45 March street. 
Stanton, James, law student, King st., 

corner of York. 
Stanton, Robert, collector of customs, 

Front street, foot of Yonge ; residence 

Peter street, opposite Richmond. 
Stanton, Wm., D. A. Com. Gen., Queen 

street west, near Bathurst. 
Stark, Willis, carpenter, Agnes street, 

near Sayer. 
Starke, Alexander, steam!>oat engineer, 

Church street, near Gerrard. 



Starke, Rev. Win (Presbyterian), 87 

Richmond street east. 
Starks, John, shoemaker, near Trinity. 
Steel, George, carpenter, Centre st. 
Steel, H. L., veterinary surgeon, 36 King 

street west. 

.Steel, John, labourer, 20 Elizabeth st. 
Steel, Win., carpenter, Park lane. 
Stennett, Wm., watchmaker, 88 King 

street east. 

Stephens, Henry, printer, 25 King w. 
Stephens, James, bookbinder, 65 Yonge. 
Stephens, Ann, widow, 77 York street. 
Stephenson, H. J., bricklayer, Yonge st., 

near Alice. 

Stephenson, Thos., printer, Elizabeth st. 
Stephenson, Mrs., bonnet maker, Yonge 

street, near Alice. 
Sterling, George, shoemaker, 51 King 

street east ; residence Jarvis street. 
Sterling, John, shoemaker, 51 King st. 

east ; residence Jarvis street. 
Stevens, Wm., carpenter, Alice street. 
Stevens, Wm., provision store, Church 

street, corner of Carlton. 
Stevenson, John, saddler, Temperance. 
Stevenson, J., Rising Sun Inn, 153 King 

street east, corner of Caroline. 
Stevenson, Thos. H., artist, 44 King st., 

corner of Bay ; res. Bishop s buildings. 
Steward, Daniel, labourer, 74 Queen w. 
Steward, John, labourer, Sumach st. 
Steward, Wm., clerk B. A. F. Insurance 

Co., residence 1 George street. 
Steward, Wm., jr., saddler, 12 Church. 
Steward, Mrs., preparatory school, 1 

George street, 
Stewart, Alex., carpenter, 59 Adelaide 

street east. 

Stewart, Alex., butcher, head of George. 
Stewart, Francis, tailor, 92 Victoria st. 
Stewart, Henry, 46 George street, near 


Stewart, James, 158 Queen st. west. 
Stewart, John, labourer, 60 Queen w. 
Stewart, John, shoemaker, 15 Victoria. 
Stewart, Paul, City Missionary, Yonge 

street, north of Crookshank. 
Stewart, Robert, carpenter, 7 March st. 
Stewart, Mrs., widow, 136 Yonge st. 
Stibbs, James, accountant, 19 Adelaide 

street west. 
Stinson, Charles, teamster, Queen st. 

west, near Toll-gate. 
Stinson, Thos., labourer, Duchess st., 

near Ontario. 

Stinson, Miss, dressmaker, 26 Welling 
ton street east. 
Stitt, James, carter, Yonge street, near 


Stockdale, Wm., carpenter, Edward st. 
Stockwell, John, stonecutter, Shepardst. 
Stoddard, David, carpenter, Sayer st. 
Stone, Daniel, chandler, 15 Wellington 

street west. 
Stone, John, innkeeper, 31 Front st. 

Stone, Mathew, saddler, 89 Yonge st. 
Storey, David, teacher, 11 Teraulay st. 
Storm, Thos., builder, 35 Richmond E. 
Stotesbury, Charles, Gas office, res. 29 

Adelaide street east. 
Stowe, Frederick, clerk Bank Upper 

Canada, Palace st., cor. of Frederick. 
Stowe, Mirs., \vickm, Palace street, cor 
ner of Frederick. 
Strachan, Hon. and Rt. Rev. John, D.D., 

Episcopal Bishop of Toronto, Front 

street, near York. 
Strachan, J. M. (of S. & Cameron), res. 

Front street, corner of York. 
Strachan, Wm., grain dealer, residence 

Duchess street, east of Caroline. 
Strachan & Cameron, barristers, King 

street, corner of York. 
Strange, J. M., auctioneer, 61 Yonge 

st.; res. Church st., corner of Shuter. 
Strange, Nicholas, wheelwright,, 22 

Yonge street. 
Strathy, John, barrister, Adelaide st., 

corner of Church ; res. 55 Church. 
Street, Isaac B., leather dealer, Eliza 
beth street. 
Street, Wm. P., teller branch Montreal 

Bank, residence Palace st., corner of 

Stroud, Stephen, Royal George Inn, 105 

King street east. 

Struthers, John, upholsterer, 18 James. 
Stuart, Charles, carter, Elizabeth st. 
Stuart, Charles (late capt. H. East In 
dia C. S.), Russell Abbey, Palace st., 

corner of Princess. 
Stubbs, Mrs., widow, Edward street. 
Sturzaker, James W., harDess maker, 

Boulton street, east of York. 
St. Hilaire, Francois, harness maker, 

154 King street east. 
Sugget, Wm., tailor, King street east, 

near Sumach. 
Sullivan, A. B., clerk Division Court, 

Church street, near King. 
Sullivan, Daniel, labourer, Melinda st., 

near Bay. 
Sullivan, Henry, professor of anatomy 

K. C. University; res. Spadina ave. 
Sullivan, Francis, wheelwright, 198 King 

street east. 
Sullivan John, labourer, Queen st., east 

of Nelson. 
Sullivan, Michael, turner, Crookshank s 

Sullivan, R. B. (of S. & H.), residence 

Yonge street, north of Edward. 
Sullivan & Hector, barristers, 15 King 

street east. 
Summers, John, carpenter, 35 Richmond 

street west. 

Summers, Thos., carpenter, Ontario st. 
Sunderland, John, huckster, Duke st., 

near Berkeley. 
Sunderland, Alexander, tallow chandler. 

Douro, corner of Tecumseth. 



Sunderland, Alex., tailor, 74 Queen w. 

Sutherland, James Boag (of K. M. S. 

& Co.). residence King, cor. Yonge. 

Sutherland, Kenneth M. (of K. M. S. & 

Co.), res. Yonge, near Carlton street. 

Sutherland, Robert, carpenter, Louisa 

street, near Yonge. 
Sutherland, Win., shoemaker, 40 Queen 

street, west. 

Sutherland, K. M. & Co., wholesale and 

retail grocers, King west, cor. Yonge. 

Swain, John & Co., patent medicines, 50 

Yonge street. 
Swallow, Daniel, Charles street, near 

Yonge street Toll-gate. 
Swallow, John, cabinet maker, Louisa 

street, near Yonge. 
Swallow, Joseph, coach painter, 47 Queen 

street west. 

Swan, Mathew, carpenter, 75 Victoria. 
Swanton, George, sexton, St. James 

cathedral, 41 George street. 
Sweeney, John, labourer, Queen st., 

head of George. 

Sweeney, John, carter, 61 March street. 
Sweeney, Michael, stonecutter, Albert. 
Sweetapple, Benj., corn dealer, Yonge 

street, north of Crookshank. 
Sweetnam, Mathew, carpenter, 52 

March street. 
Sylvester, Peter, farmer, King st. east, 

near Trinity. 
Byrnes, Thos. J., French polisher, 42 

Adelaide street west. 
Symons, W., innkeeper, Front street, 
south-west corner of Market square. 
Tamblyn, Wm., carpenter, Church st., 

north of Shuter. 
Tapscott, George, market gardener, 

King street, near River. 
Tatham, Rev. W., teacher, 14 James st. 
Tay, Watts, carpenter, Maria street. 
Taylor, Archibald, Sir William Wallace 

Inn, 26 Yonge street. 
Taylor, Archibald, blacksmith, Sayer st. 
Taylor, James, stonecutter, Albert st. 
Taylor, James, labourer, 91 King west. 
Taylor, James, cooper, Melinda street, 

neaj Jordan. 
Taylor, Mathew, shoemaker, Adelaide 

street, west of Simcoe. 
Taylor, Samuel, labourer, 49 George st. 
Taylor, Warren, blacksmith, 92 Victoria. 
Taylor, Wm., shoemaker, Sayer street. 
Taylor, W. D. (of Freeland & Taylor), 
residence 29 Wellington street west. 
Taylor, Mrs., widow, 17 Richmond east. 
Tedder, Robert, labourer, near Trinity. 
Teevin, James, blacksmith, 109 King 

street east. 

Teevin, James, shoemaker, 109 KingE. 
Telfer, James, grocer s clerk, residence 

Teraulay street. 

Telfer, Thos., labourer, Dummer street. 
Telfer, Walter, M.D., Church st., corner 
of Richmond. 

Telfer, W. G., clerk Montreal Bank, 

residence Carlton street. 
Tembers, Joseph, labourer, King street 

east, near Sumach. 
Templeman, John, Blue Bell Inn, Queen 

street west. 

Tenley, George, plasterer, 10 Victoria. 
Tennant, David, stonecutter, Albert st., 

near James. 

Thomas, Francis, locksmith, 53 King w. 
Thomas, James, tailor, 89 King west. 
Thomas, John, tinsmith, Albert street. 
Thomas, John, pianoforte maker, 140 

King street west. 
Thomas, John, sailmaker, Boulton st., 

west of York. 

Thomas, Samuel, saddler, 145 King east. 
Thomas, Thos., innkeeper, Front street, 

west of John. 

Thomas, Wm., tinsmith, 103 Yonge st. 
Thomas, Wm., architect, 55 King east, 

residence 5 York. 

Thomas, Miss, dressmaker, 47 Kim? E. 
Thompson, George, well-digger, near St. 

Patrick s market. 

Thompson, George Ashe, paymaster, 

85th Regt., Adelaide, cor. of Peter. 

Thompson, Henry (of B. Thorne & Co.), 

40 Front street. 
Thompson, Hugh, carter, Queen street, 

near Ontario. 
Thompson, Isaac (of W. Copland & Co.), 

Queen street, west of Bathurst. 
Thompson, James, carpenter, Spadina. 
Thompson, James, carter, Beach street 


Thompson, John, labourer, Douro st. 
Thompson, John, shoemaker, 134 Yonge. 
Thompson, John, Adelaide, w. of John, 
Thompson, John, saddler, 48 Duchess. 
Thompson, Michael, York Tavern, 185 

King street east. 
Thompson, Samuel, painter, 75 Adelaide 

street west. 
Thompson, Samuel, road contractor, 41 

Duke street. 
Thompson, Samuel (of Rowsells & T.), 

residence 68 Church street. 
Thompson, Thomas, shoe store, 12 King 

street east. 
Thompson, Wm., blacksmith, 38 Queen 

street west. 
Thompson, Wm. (coloured), blacksmith, 

Edward street. 

Thompson, Wm., labourer, James st. 
Thomson, James, carpenter, Queen st. 

east, near Nelson. 
Thomson, John, wholesale and retail 

grocer, 128 King street east. 
Thomson, T. H ., Asst. Corny-Gen., Well 
ington place. 
Thomson, Mrs., widow, King st. east, 

near Trinity. 

Thorn, Thos., mason, Trinity street 
Thorne, B. & Co., importers, 38, 39 and 
40 Front street. 



Thornton, Francis, labourer, near Pine 

street (Park). 

Thornton, James. labourer, South Park. 
Thornton, John, bricklayer, Teraulay 

street, near Queen. 
Tiem, Christopher, oilcloth maker, 184 

Queen street west. 
Til ley, Thos. (coloured), plasterer, 74 

York street. 
Tilt, John, storekeeper. 81 Queen west, 

corner of Sayer. 

Timpson, Thos. B., machinist, 3 Ade 
laide street east. 
Tinning, Richard, wharfinger, Front st., 

foot of York. 
Tinsley, John M. (coloured), carpenter, 

Agnes street. 
Tod, Andrew, land agent, King street, 

near Berkeley. 

Todd, James, carpenter, Shepard st. 
Todd, James, carpenter, Teraulay st., 

near Albert. 

Todd, Robert, carpenter, 44 Victoria. 
Tolfree, Joseph, plumber, 83 Bay st. 
Tomb, Andrew, cooper, Queen st. west, 

near Bathurst. 

Tomlinson, John, labourer, Osgoode st. 
Tomlinson, Samuel, labourer, Centre st. 
Torrance, Alex., tailor, Front st., near 

Tinning s wharf. 
Torrance, Andrew, shoemaker, Front 

street, near Tinning s wharf. 
Torrance, Benj., wholesale grocer, 64 

King st. west ; residence 26 Bay st. 
Torrance, John, engineer, Front street, 

near Tinning s wharf. 
Tost, Henry, blacksmith, Queen street, 

west of Spadina avenue. 
Towers, Thos., tailor, 35 Duchess street. 
Townley, Alfred B., land agent, 7 King 

street east. 
Towns, Benjamin (coloured), labourer, 

Agnes street. 

Toy, Joseph, cabinet maker, Teraulay. 
Toy, Samuel, butcher, Duchess st., east 

of Caroline. 

Toy, \Vm., provision store, Teraulay st. 
Tracey, Andrew, shoemaker, 117 King E. 
Tracy, John, labourer, near Bathurst st. 
Tracy, Wm., shoemaker, 27 George st. 
Traling, Wm., blacksmith, 1 Wellington 

street west. 

Travers, Martin, labourer, Spadina ave. 
Trebilcock, John, Union Inn, Queen st., 

corner of Victoria. 
Trebilcock, John, carpenter, Boultonst., 

east of York. 
Trenor, Daniel, Queen s Arms Inn, 

Bathurs: street. 
Trenor, Patrick, M.D., Bay street, near 


Trimball, H., labourer, 79 Adelaide east. 
Troop, James, stonecutter, 21 Teraulay 

street, in rear. 
Trotter, James, city assessor, Church 

street, corner of Colborne. 

Trott, Wm., tailor, 65 Victoria street 
Trotter, John, tinsmith, Ontario st. 
Trueman, John, Tyrone Inn, 82 Queen 

street west. 
Trueman, Wm., turner, Maple lane, 

near Maria. 
Truss, Mathew (coloured), shoemaker, 

113 King street east. 
Tully, Kivas, architect, 46 Bay street. 
Turnbull, Robert, tailor, 63 Adelaide E. 
Turnbull, Walter, carpenter, 51 Rich 
mond street west. 
Turnbull, Miss, dressmaker, 63 Adelaide 

street east. 

Turner, Adam, engineer, 60 Victoria st. 
Turner, Col. Charles B., 25 Bay street, 

near Wellington. 
Turner, Enoch, Palace street, east of 


Turner, James, sr., plasterer, 25 March. 
Turner, James, jr., plasterer, Boulton 

street, west of York. 
Turner, John, iron turner, Louisa st. 
Turner, R. J. (of T., Gwynne & Bacon), 

residence Queen st., west of Brock. 
Turner, Thos., shoemaker, Edward st. 
Turner, Wm. J., saddler, Adelaide st., 

west of Portland. 

Turner, Gwynne & Bacon, solicitors-in- 

chancery, 30 Bay street. 
Turpy, David, porter, 14 Victoria st. 
Turreff, Wm., moulder, Yonge street, 

opposite Edward. 

Tuton, Mrs. R., druggist, 80 King w. 
Tuttle, Robert, labourer, Hunter s lane, 

foot of Yonge street. 
Tweedy, Robert, soap boiler, 22 Duch 
ess street. 
Twohy, Henry, captain steamboat, res. 

Carlton street. 

Tye, George, printer, 99 Queen st. west. 
Tyler, John, provision store, 155 Queen 

street west. 

Tyner, John, shoemaker, 83 Yonge st. 
Urquhart, Alex., Yonge street, near 


Urquhart, Donald, carpenter, McGill st. 
Urquhart, George, Maitland s wharf. 
Urquhart, Hector, carpenter, 7 James. 

Urquhart, S. F., patent medicine agent, 
85 Yonge street. 

Usher, George, cabinet maker, Terau 
lay street. 

Usher, James, shoemaker, 194 Yonge. 

Usher, John, labourer. King st., near 

Usher, Richard, painter, 81 Victoria st. 

Vaig, Henry, labourer, 151 Queen west. 

Vale, Charles, blacksmith, Adelaide st., 
west of York. 

Vance, James, watchmaker, 12 Church 
street ; residence River street. 

Vance, John, labourer, Trinity street. 

Vandersmissen, Henry, bookkeeper, res. 
56 King street west. 



Vandersmissen, Miss, toys and fancy 
goods, 56 King street west. 

Vankoughnet, P. (of Burns, Mowat & 
V.), 100 King street west. 

Vatcher, David, mason, St. James st. 

Verrall, J. H., marketman, Spadinaave. 

Vest, John, labourer, near St. Patrick s 

Villars, Thos., carpenter, Boulton st., 
east of York. 

Vogel, Christian, cabinet maker, Jor 
dan street. 

Vollor, James, sailor, 29 Richmond st. 
west, corner of Bay street. 

Vollor, Joseph, lake captain, residence 
Sayer street. 

Vollor, Richard, plasterer, Sayer street. 

Waddell, Carter (coloured), painter, 83 
York street. 

Wadsworth, George, engineer, Louisa st. 

Wadsworth, Mrs., dressmaker, Queen 
street, corner of Spadina avenue. 

Wainwright, Samuel, currier, Beverley. 

Wait, John, well-digger, South Parkst. 

Waite, Win., shoemaker, 15 Richmond 
street east. 

Wakefield, Wm., auctioneer, 40 KingE. 

Wakeman, Wm., hatter, 19 Francis st. 

Waldron, Martin, tailor, 51 Victoria st. 

Walford, Samuel, candle maker, Yonge 
street, near Gerrard. 

Walker, Alex., mate steamboat, resi 
dence Queen street, near Nelson. 

Walker, Doctor, 13 Victoria street. 

Walker, George, tailor and draper, 45 
King street east, 3 Wellington build 

Walker, James, keeper 1st Toll-gate, 
Yonge street. 

Walker, John, 172 King street east. 

Walker, Jonas (coloured), labourer, Ter- 
aulay street, near Albert. 

Walker, Louis, carter, 52 ISlelson street. 

Walker, Win., British Lion Inn, 92 
Queen street west. 

Walker & Hutchinson, clothiers, 10 King 
street east. 

Walker, Charles & Wm., merchant tail 
ors, 16 King street east. 

Wallace, David, bricklayer, Elizabeth 
street, corner of Agnes. 

Wallace, Edward, tailor, Scott street. 

Wallace, Wm., innkeeper, Elizabeth st., 
corner of Albert. 

Wallis, Isaac, shoemaker, 10 Princess st. 

Wallis, James, blacksmith, Yorkville. 

Wallis, James, Red. Lion Inn, 12 Col- 
borne street. 

Wallis, John, provision store, 97 Yonge. 

Wallis, Michael, labourer, Sayer st. 

Wallis, Thos., grocer, 143 King street, 
corner of Simcoe. 

Wallace, Thos., sr., cabinet maker, Sim 
coe street, near King. 

Walls, John, labourer, Palace street. 

Walseley, Mrs., widow, 6 George street. 

Walsh, Patrick, auctioneer, 68 Rich 
mond street east. 

Walsh, Patrick, carpenter, 241 Queen w. 

Walton, George, coroner, 3 George st. 

Ward, Charles, jeweller, 14 Church st., 
residence 12 Princess street. 

Ward, Henry, butcher, Queen st. east, 
near Parliament. 

Ward, John, shoemaker, 163 King east. 

Ward, Patrick, marketman, 6 Nelson st, 

Ward, Patrick, innkeeper, 53 March st. 

Ward, Mrs., Sheldon, widow, Berkeley 
street, corner of Duchess. 

Wardrobe, Francis, blacksmith, Simcoe 
street, south of Richmond. 

Warmoll, Charles, 44 Duke street. 

Warner, Mrs., widow, 10 Elizabeth st. 

Warren, Christopher, innkeeper, 88 
York street. 

Warren, Samuel, shoemaker, Portland. 

Warren, Wm., labourer, Bay shore, op 
posite Market square. 

Wasnidge & Son, hardware, 101 KingE. 

Watkins, James, printer, 41 Richmond E. 

Watkins, John, tax collector, 105 Rich 
mond street -west. 

Watson, Alex., butcher, King st. east, 
near Sumach. 

Watson, George, beer-house, Queen st. 
west, near Bathurst. 

Watson, George, carpenter, Yonge st., 
opposite Edward. 

Watson, Henry, carpenter, near St. Pat 
rick s market. 

Watson, James, labourer, Spadina ave. 

Watson, John, distiller, Palace street, 
near gas works. 

Watson, Richard, tinsmith, 188 Yonge. 

Watson, Richard, carpenter, 161 King E. 

Watson, R. (of R. W. & Co.), residence 
Richmond street, west of John. 

Watson, R. & Co., printers and publish 
ers British Canadian, Bay street, cor 
ner of Melinda. 

Watson, Mrs., widow, 121 Queen west. 

Watt, Hamilton, ship carpenter, 64 
Queen street west. 

Watt, John, blacksmith, Queen st. west, 
near Bathurst. 

Watt, Mrs., dressmaker, 64 Queen west. 

Watts, Thomas, upholsterer, 67 King w. 

Webb, Thos., baker, Yonge st., corner 
of Agnes. 

Webb, Thos., shoemaker, 28 King east. 

Webb, William, labourer, 47 Adelaide 
street east. 

Webb, E., dressmaker, 61 York street. 

Wedd, John, College avenue. 

Wells & Fitzgerald, barristers, 11 King 
street west. 

Welsh, Edward, labourer, 31 March st. 

Welsh, Henry J., Church, near Shuter. 

Welsh, James, pedlar, Queen st., head 
of Georcre. 



Welsh, James, labourer, King st. east, 
near Don. 

Welsh, James, labourer, near St. James 

Welsh, John, shoemaker, 4 Duchess st. 

Welsh, Lawrence, huckster, 43 Adelaide 
street east. 

Welsh, Peter, shoemaker, Regent street 

Welsh, Robert, labourer, 45 George st. 

West, John, labourer, Spadina avenue. 

West, Thomas, mason, Toll-gate line, 
east of Yonge street. 

Westland, J. F., stationer and seedsman, 
35 King street west. 

Westman, Henry, whitesmith, 62 Queen 
street west. 

Westruan, Joseph, bellows maker, Sayer. 

Wetherell, Joseph, butcher, Charles st., 
near Yonge. 

Wharam, C. B., carver and gilder, 24 
King street west. 

Wheeler, James, labourer, Queen street 
west, near Bathurst. 

Wheeler, James, Commissariat depart 
ment, 19 Elizabeth street. 

Wheeler, Thos., watchmaker, G King E. 

Wheeler, Wm., carpenter, 61 Richmond 
street west. 

W T helan, John, labourer, Melinda street, 
near Bay street. 

Whewall & Fetch, dry goods, 84 King 
street east ; residence Shuter street. 

Whit, John, student, 102 King st. west. 

White, Charles, carpenter, 66 Adelaide 
street west. 

White, George H., builder, Yonge st., 
near Toll-gate. 

White, Isaac, mason, 13 James street, 
corner of Albert. 

Whitehead, John, cutler, 15 Elizabeth, i 

Whiteley, Joseph, shoemaker, 46 Vic 
toria street. 

Whiteside, Arthur and Nathaniel, la 
bourers, Sumach street. 

Whiteside, John, labourer, Pine street 

Whitlarn, Thos., pump-maker, 24 Well 
ington street east. 

Whittemore, E. F. (of T. Rigney & Co.), 
residence 35 Bay street. 

Whittemore, Mrs., widow, 45 Richmond 
street east. 

Wickson, James, butcher, Yonge street, 
near Alice. 

Widder, Frederick (of Canada Co.), resi 
dence Front street, near Brock. 

Widmer, Hon. Christopher, M.D., Palace 
street, near Berkeley. 

Wigelsworth, Abr m, carpenter, Yonge 
street, north of Crookshank. 

Wiggins, Simon, blacksmith, Albert st. 

Wiggins, Wm., sailor, Hunter s lane, 
foot of Yonge street. 

Wightman, George (of R. W. & Co.), 
residence 42 King street east. 

Wightman, John (of R. W. & Co.), resi 
dence 47 Victoria street. 

Wightman, Robert, 45 Victoria street. 

Wightman, Robert & Co., importers, 
etc., 42 King street east. 

Wilcock, Thos., lathmaker, Agnes st. 

Wilcox, George, carter, 26 Victoria st. 

Wilcox, John, carpenter, 83 Richmond 
street west. 

Wilcox, Leonard, carpenter, Adelaide St., 
west of Brock. 

Wiley, James, carpenter, 3 Richmond 
street west. 

Wilkins, Wm., provision store, Palace 

street, corner of Trinity. 
Wilkinson, Christopher, carpenter,. 

Power street. 

Wilkinson, George, shoemaker, Agnes st. 
Wilkinson, Miles, saddler, 123 Yonge st. 
Wilkinson, Capt., Royal Engineers, 3 

York street. 

Willard, G. B. (of Wra,gg & Co.), Col- 
borne street, near Church. 
Willard, Wm., carpenter, Centre street. 
Willex, James, carpenter, 41 Duchess. 
William, Alfred, blacksmith, Beverley. 
Williams, C., storekeeper, Queen west, 

near Toll-gate. 
Williams, Daniel (coloured), labourer, 

Sayer street. 
Williams, George W., upholsterer, 9 

Queen street west. 
Williams, George (coloured), teamster, 

Peter street, near King. 
Williams, H. B., cabinet maker, 140 and 

142 Yonge street. 
Williams, John (coloured), labourer, 

Dummer street. 
Williams, John, candle maker, 19 Ter- 

aulay street. 
Williams, Jo-; <, upholsterer, 48 King 

street -west. 
Williams, R., blacksmith, Bay shore, 

foot of Scott. 
Williams, Reason (coloured), blacksmith, 

32 Queen street east. 
Williams, Thomas, weaver, Edward st. 
\Villiams, Wm., provision store, Queen 

street west, near Bathurst. 
Williamson, A. J., bookkeeper, 35 King 

street west. 
Williamson, C. T. (coloured), provisions, 

Agnes street, near Elizabeth. 
Williamson, John, shoemaker, 7 James 

street, in rear. 

Williamson, Robert, bookkeeper, Toll- 
gate line, east of Yonge. 
Williamson, Thos., labourer, 90 King w. 
Williamson, Wm., bookkeeper, Church 

street, north of Shuter. 
Williamson, Mrs., widow, 20 Queen w. 
Willis, George, Elizabeth street. 
Willis, John, carpenter, Agnes street. 
Willmore, Thos., carpenter, Maple lane. 

near Maria. 



Willmott, H. E., cabinet maker, 199 

Queen street west. 

Willoughby, M., blacksmith, 27 Ade 
laide street west. 

Wilson, Abraham, labourer, Edward st. 
Wilson, Adam, barrister, 4 King street 

west ; residence 104 King st. west. 
Wilson, Alex., shoemaker, 21 Adelaide 

street west. 

Wilson, Andrew, pattern maker, Sayer. 
Wilson, David, carpenter, Albert street. 
Wilson, David, shoemaker, 19 King w. 
Wilson, George, clog maker, Yonge st., 

near Toll-gate. 

Wilson, George, carter, 26 Victoria st. 
Wilson, Henry, carpenter, 47 Elizabeth. 
Wilson, James, shoemaker, Queen west, 

near Toll-gate. 

Wilson, James, tailor, 29 Adelaide west. 
Wilson, James, tailor, 38 March street. 
Wilson, John, shoemaker, Agnes street. 
Wilson, John, confectioner, 39 Church. 
Wilson, John, 37 Richmond street east. 
Wilson, Jos., cabinet maker, 91 Yonge 

street, corner of Temperance. 
Wilson, Wm., cabinet maker, 21 Terau- 

lay street. 
Wilson, Wm. (coloured), blacksmith, 23 

King street west. 
Wilson, Wm., cashier Montreal Bank, 

43 King street, corner of Bay street. 
Wilson, Wm., Rose and Crown Inn, 25 

George street. 
Wilson, Mrs., widow, 41 King street, 

corner of Bay street. 
Winchester, Alex., carpenter, Queen st., 

east of Nelson. 

Winn, the Misses, Young Ladies Sem 
inary, 50 Adelaide street west. 
Winstanley, Rev. Charles (Episcopal), 

King street, corner of Peter. 
Winstanley, J. N., law student. King 

street, corner of York. 
Winter, Edwin, sexton St. George s 

church, residence King, west of Peter. 
Wise, Henry, stationer, 37 King west. 
Withrow, James, Centre street, corner 

of Osgoode. 
Wolf, Charles, cabinet maker, 75 Queen 

street west. 

Wood, Charles, sawyer, Jordan street 
Wood, James, painter, 6 Richmond east. 
Wood, John, carpenter, Yonge street, 

near Toll-gate. 

Wood, Richard, provision store, 16 Col- 
borne street. 
Wood, Robert, butcher, near St. James 


Wood, Samuel, dentist, 98 King west. 
Wood, Wm., carpenter, Osgoode street. 
Woodall, J. W., bookbinder, 17 Adelaide 

street east. 

Woodcock, Abel, carpenter, 114 Queen w. 
Woodland, James, blacksmith, 80 York. 
Woodley, Thos., tailor, George st., near 


Woods, George (coloured), labourer. 

Centre street. 

Woods, Mrs., widow, Beach st. (Park). 
Woodsworth, Richard, builder, Yonge 

street, near Edward. 
Workman, Joseph (of W. Bros.), resi 
dence Queen street, near Caroline. 
Workman, Samuel (of W. Bros.), resi 
dence 4 Bond street. 
Workman, Brothers & Co., hardware, 

36 King street east. 

Worsdel, Wm., patent medicines, Al 
bert street. 

Worth, Benjamin, carpenter, Sayer st. 
Worthy, Thomas, labourer, Charles st., 

near Yonge. 
Worts, James (of Gooderham & Co.), 

residence near Trinity street. 
Wragg & Co., hardware, Colborne st. 
Wray, George, carpenter, Dummer st. 
Wright, Charles, blacksmith, 4 Quten E. 
Wright, Charles, blacksmith, 5 Eliza 
beth street. 
Wright, Charles & William, barbers, 1 

Church street. 
Wright, Edward, boarding-house, Front 

street, corner of John. 
Wright, Francis, sawyer, Richmond st., 

west of York. 
Wright, John, sawyer, Richmond st., 

west of York. 
Wright, John, innkeeper, 176 King st. 

east, corner of Caroline. 
Wright, Joseph, labourer, Spadina ave. 
Wright, Joseph, shoemaker, 121 King 

street west. 

Wright, Mathew, painter, Caroline st. 
Wright, Thos., Lord Wellington Inn, 

100 Queen street west. 
Wright, Win., innkeeper, King street, 

corner of Power. 
Wright, Wm., mason, Church street, 

north of Shuter. 
Wyatt, Charles, carpenter, Boulton st., 

west of York. 

Wyllie, George B., salesman, 72 Church. 
Yates, Richard, grocer, 52 King st. east. 
Yates, Thomas, carpenter, 107 Richmond 

street west. 
York, John, plasterer, Yonge st., near 

York, Michael, gardener, Queen street 

east, near Parliament. 
Young, Charles, mate steamboat, resi 
dence Church street, north of Shuter. 
Young, Edward, maltster, Palace st. 
Young, John, shoemaker, Queen street 

east, near Parliament. 
Young, John, gardener, 42 Victoria st. 
Young, John, brewer, Queen street 

west near Bathurst. 
Young, Thomas, Red Lion Inn, York- 
Young, Thomas, carpenter, 47 Richmond 

street east. 

Young, William, carpenter, 77 Richmond 
street east. 




The First Man Executed Strange Scene on 
the Scaffold The Klnuear ami Other Mur 
dersSome Sad Memories. 

Among the many emigrants who 
arrived in the infant town of York 
between the years 1793 and 1807 
\vas a young Irish tailor, named John 
Sullivan. He was accredited with being 
a good workman, but was very ignorant 
and dissipated. In the beginning of the 
year he fell in with a man named Plan- 
uery, who was nicknamed "Latin Mike," 
because of his penchant for making Latin 
quotations, learned probably at church. 
The two occasionally got on the sprej 
together. In June, 1798, Flannery 
wrote out an order for thie3 shillings 
and ninepeuce, and put the name of one 
Fisk to it, then prevailed upon Sullivan 
while he was intoxicated, to get the 
order cashed. They then spent the money 
iu whiskey, and Flanuery finding that 
the forgery had been found out, fled 
across the lake, leaving poor illiterate 
John Sullivan to pay the penalty. The 
latter was arrested, pleaded not guilty, 
but was convicted of having uttered the 
note, knowing it to have bean a forgery, 
and was sentenced to death. He was 
confined in the "old log jail," a primi 
tive looking structure situate on the 
south side of King street, on the site of 
the Leader building, nearly opposite To 
ronto street, until about October 11, 
when he was led into the yard, the place 
of execution. The scal foU cousLvt- d of 
two pieces of scantling bet upright with a 
stout cross-piece nailed, over which 
a rope was thrown, while one end 
was held by the executioner, a man 
named McKuight, the other was adjust 
ed in a noose around the doomed man s 
neck. The common, for the whole vicinity 
was but sparsely settled, was crowded 
by men, women and children, who were 
dressed up in holiday attire and looked 
as if they intended to thoroughly enjoy 
the occasion. At a given signal tl.e hang- 
nrin pulled on the rope, and with a sud- 
deii jerk suspended Sullivan in the air. 
It w,as but for a moment, however, the 
rope having broken or the knot having 
got twisted. The executioner coolly pro 
ceeded to readjust the rope, and as he 
finished Sullivan as coolly exclaimed, 
"McKnight, I hope to goodness you ve 
got the rope all right this time." And 
the ix his soul was launched into eternity, 
without prayer, and without hope, for 
having uttered a forged order for less 
than a dollar. 

Three years after the above occurrence 
the Stotenburg brothers began to trouble 
the neighbours by their depredations, 

and finally they were arrested and con 
victed on a charge of having btoleu two 
horses from Mr. Thomas Bright, uncle 
of Mr. Thomas Bright, who for thirty- 
five years was an official of 
the County of York. The brothers were 
sentenced to death, and every prepara 
tion was made for the execution, but on 
the day previous to that on which they 
were to be hanged a reprieve arrived, 
and they were allowed to spend their re 
maining years in prison. 

In 1816 the next murder occurred in 
"Muddy York," the criminal being a far 
mer named Elijah Dexter, and his victim 
James Vanderburg. The two men had a 
quarrel, and for several months were 
deadly enemies. Finally, on the 8th or 
9th of July, the two met on 
Yonge street, near the Rosedale ravine, 
and after an exchange of some hot word* 
and a blow given by Vanderburg, Dex 
ter presented a gun and shot Vander 
burg dead on the spot. There was a 
great deal of excitementt over this trial, 
many being of the opinion that Dex 
ter acted in self-defence. However, he 
was bonvicted, and was sentenced to die 
on the 10th August following. A scaf 
fold, the first proper one that had 
j ever been built in the neighbourhood, 
was erected, and on the day of the exe 
cution Dexter was led forth by the jailer, 
the Rev. John (afterwards Bishop) 
Strachan accompanying him. There waa 
a great crowd of people surrounding the 
yard, and when Dexter was led out a 
great cheer went up. Farmers had driven 
their families for miles to witness the 
sight, and business for the time was en 
tirely suspended. When Dexter reached 
the foot of the scaffold he paused, and, 
eyeing the dread structure, solemnly 
shook his head. The jailer tried to pre 
vail upon the doomed man to ascend,, 
but the latter firmly refused. Rev. John 
Strachan then approached, and in a ten 
der, sympathetic voice exclaimed, "Oh, 
Mr. Dexter, do please come up; do come 
up, please." But Mr. Dexter remained 
obdurate, and the jailer was in a quan 
dary, not wishing to use force on such 
a solemn occasion. However, a happy 
thought struck him, and procuring a horse 
and cart, placed Dexter in the vehicle 
with his back to the scaffold, and con 
veyer) him under it. The noose was then 
adjusted around his neck, and when all 
wa< ready the horse was lashed, and, 
starting forward, left the unfortunate 
murderer hanging by the neck. When 
the jail yard was being extended, some 
time afterwards, the remains of a man 
, were found in a pine box, and they were 
; :;>po?ed to be those of either Sullivan 
or Dexter. 



For some years after the execution of 
Dexter things in this district were very 
quiet, but on the morning of the 15th ( 
February, 1819, the community was hor- j 
rified by hearing of a most diabolical ! 
murder which occurred near "Whitby. The 
murderer was a Frenchman named 
De Benyon, a dissipated farm hand, 
who lived in a log cabin on a side 
road. With him lived a step-son about 
13 years of age, and one bitterly cold 
night this demon first turned his step 
son out of the house, and when he crawl 
ed in half frozen, De Benyon tied him 
in front of the fireplace, and, piling more 
wood on the fire, literally roasted him to 
death inch by inch. When the poor lad s 
legs were burned almost black and were 
unable to support him, the inhuman step 
father pushed him forward into the flames 
until his hair caught fire, and in this 
position he was roasted, the murderer all 
the time gazing ooa his work. De Benyon 
attempted to escape, but was captured 
near the Don, where the G. T. R. bridge 
now crosses the river, and was sum 
marily disposed of by being hanged to 
a tree. This is the only case of Judge 
Lynch which is known to have occur 
red in Ontario. 

In the year 1828 Charles French and 
James Christie were hanged in the rear 
of the second, or what was then known 
as the new, jail, near the corner of _King 
and Toronto streets, opposite the site of 
tbe old log jail, and on the former site 
of the establishment of Messrs. Rice 
Lewis & Son. There were present at the 
execution over ten thousand people, and 
the greatest excitement prevailed. They 
ascended to the platform together, and 
their souls entered into eternity simul 

Charles French was a printer, in the 
employ of William Lyon Mabcenzie, and, 
but for his sporting proclivities, would 
have made a steady workman. He was 
in the habit of attending the theatre on 
Church street regularly, and one even 
ing meeting with a man named Thos. 
Joslin, tbe two had some drinks togeth 
er, and before the performance was con 
cluded bad a quarrel. The fight was re 
newed near Colborne street, in which 
French drew a pistol from his pocket and 
deliberately shot Joelin. He then ran 
away and took refuge in a tavern on 
Queen street west, where he was arrest 
ed. A great deal of influence was used 
to secure his acquittal, but in spite of 
thte influence he was convicted and sen 
tenced to death. Wm. Lyon Mackenzie 
did everything in his power to get a re 
prieve, and he was not the- only one who 
Struggled for the unfortunate printer. 
Attorntey-General Robinson and Dr. 

Strachan, of the Executive Council, refus 
ed a reprieve, and upon this being 
announced, the night before the execu 
tion Sir Peregrine Maitlaud, the Govern 
or, roused up his butler, a man named 
Raper, in the middle of the night, and 
succeeded in securing a midnight session 
of the Executive Council. Still the re 
prieve was not granted, and French went 
to his death without a murmur or ap 
parent fear. 

James Christie and his wife lived with 
a farmer named Wood, near Whitchurch, 
on Yonge street, but, determining to 
go to the States, the farmer paid him 
all his wages. Mr. Wood also offered to 
allow his eon Charles, a boy about 14 
years of age, to drive him into town. 
The offer was accepted, and the three 
started in a "waggon, with a pair of 
horses. Not satisfied with his own prop 
erty, Christie envied his late employer 
his horses, and determined to become 
possessed of them, and so determining, 
concocted a devilish plan. When they 
arrived at a place known as the Oak 
Ridges, Christie turned to the boy and 
refmarked : 

" Charles, do you see that squirrel over 
there ? Let s go and get a shot at him." 
The unsuspecting lad jumped from the 
waggon with his gun, and when they 
had travelled a short distance through 
the woods he bent forward to get a shot, 
when Christie stole up behind him and 
knocked his brains out with the butt of 
hie rifle. The inhuman monster then 
threw the body behind a decayed log 
and returned to his wife, making some 
excuse to account for the boy s absence. 
He then came to town, drove around by 
Hamilton to Lewiston, and crossed to 
the United States. Meanwhile the mother 
of the lad, when he did not return next 
day, became anxious, and set out on 
horseback to find him. Upon arriving 
at the Oak Ridges the horse would go 
no further, but attempted to break 
through the fence. At first the mother 
endeavoured to make her horse go ahead, 
but finally she gave him. the reins, and 
leaping the fence the faithful and intelli 
gent beast carried her to where her son s 
body had been hidden. Bills containing 
a description of Christie were sent in 
every direction, and finally the murderer 
was captured in Albany by the jailer, 
who noticed him driving about with the 
stolen team of horses. He was brought 
back, tried, when the whole plot was 
revealed, found guilty and was hang 
ed at the same time as French. 

On the 14th December, 1837, Julia 
Murdoch was hanged for having wilfully 
murdered her mistress. The murderess 
was a woman about 21 years of age, 



unmarried, aiid worked as a servant for 
a Mrs. Harriet Heury. She was well 
thought of by the family, and when Mrs. 
Heury became ill Julia was called in to 
wait on her. For a time everything 
progressed favourably with the invalid, 
but one evening ehe died very suddenly. 
At the time it was not suspected that 
Mre. Henry had been murdered, but 
shortly after Julia Murdoch was dis 
covered selling some silver spoons and 
other articles, which had belonged to her 
mistress. .She was arrested for larceny, 
and it was then that the first suspicion 
of foul play was entertained. It cannot 
now be ascertained if Mrs. Henry s re- 
mainh were buried and the body exhumed, 
or whether the burial had not taken 
place; but at any rate, a post-morteni 
examination was made, when it was dis 
covered that Mrs. Henry had been 
poisoned with arsenic. The girl was 
charged with the crime, and although 
ehe strenuously denied all knowledge of 
the poisoning, yet it was brought home 
to her. The poison had been mixed in 
eome fish which had been prepared for 
dinner. The girl Murdoch denied her 
guilt. The day of execution was cold, 
snow on the ground, and the scaffold 
was erected on Toronto street, where 
now stand the York Chambers, near the 
old jail. The day before her execution 
ehe stated that she considered the 
dreadful circumstances in which she was 
placed as a merciful arrangement of 
Divine Providence for the purpose of lead 
ing her to a true repentance of her 
misimprovement of early religious ad 
vantages. She readily submitted to be 
pinioned. The Christian Guardian of 
that date Bays that the utmost decorum 
marked the conduct of the vast assem 
blage of person;* who witnessed the fatal 
result "It was, however, exceedingly re 
volting," says the Guardian, "to see 
among the spectators a large number 
of females." On the day of her execu- 
tioa fully four thousand people congre 
gated about the jail yard, a large! 
proportion of them being women and 
children. The prisoner was dreadfully 
agitated, and as she walked to the gal 
lows leaned for support on her spiritual 
comforter s arm. When she arrived at 
the platform she appeared to regain cour 
age, and after prayer had been offered 
up she knelt on the trap-door, and was 
hurried into eternity. A portion of Mc- 
Grath s troopers surrounded the scaffold, 
and by hard work succeeded in keeping 
the crowd away from the structure. This 
was the first and only woman hanged 
in this district. .^ 

The Christian Guardian of April, 1838, 

contains the following: account of thf 
execution of Samuel Louut and Peter 
Matthews, in the presence of an im 
mense concourse of spectators. The Guar 
dian says : "The drop was erected in 
the open space between the jail and 
court house. Early in the morning per 
sons began to assemble to witness the 
awful exit of the unhappy men who had 
forfeited their lives by the prominent 
part which they took in the late un 
natural rebellion. A highly creditable 
degree of commiseration for them ap 
peared to prevail almost universally, but 
not the slightest indication was given 
of any intention to interrupt the admin 
istration of the laws. An armed force 
composed of the volunteer companies in 
the city was in readiness under the di 
rection of the civil authorities to pre 
serve order; but we are happy to say 
their interference was not required. The 
criminals were attended to the place of 
I execution by the Revs. James Eichard- 
son and John Beatty, the former of whom 
offered np an impressive prayer on the 
scaffold, in which the unhappy men ap 
peared to join, highly suited to their 
awful circumstances. It affords us un 
feigned satisfaction to state that we 
learn from the rev. gentlemen who at 
tended them subsequently to their con 
demnation, that they were brought to 
acknowledge the enormity of their of 
fence, and with every indication of true 
repentance to acquiesce in the justice of 
their sentence. During the last few days 
of their earthlj- existence they appeared 
to possess a considerable measure of re 
ligious comfort and hope." 

Their bodies were eommitted^to their 
friends and were interred in the 
Potter s field and afterwards in 
the Necropolis. Petitions praying 
for pardon were presented to the 
Lieut.-Goveruor but he declined to inter 
fere on the ground that Louut was the 
leader of the first band of rebels who 
marched to Montgomery s, beyond York- 
ville, on the night that Col. Moody was 
murdered, and that Matthews was the 
leader of the party who burned the pro 
perty of Mrs. Washburn, attempted to 
burn the Don bridge, killed a. man and 
fired at a woman. This statement was 
afterwards declared disproved. 

On July 30, 1843, Thos. Kinnear, a 
Scotch gentleman of good family and 
fortune was found brutally murdered in 
his home at Richmond Hill, and suspicion 
fell on one of the stablemen named James 
McDermott, and a female servant named 
Grace Marks. The murder was discover 
ed by Mr. Francis Boyd, who was going 
to Kinnear s to keep an appointment. 
On going to the house he saw signs of a 



struggle, and upon investigation found 
Kiuoear s body in the cellar. He also 
found the body of the housekeeper, Ann 
Montgomery, in a wash tub, doubled up, 
with a handkerchief tied over her mouth, 
showing that elie had been strangled , 
Kinuear was in the rity on Saturday and 
had drawn money from the bank, and 
was murdered that night on his return. 
The fact having been ascertained that 
McDermott and Grace Marks had taken 
a eteamer for Lewiston, Mr. F. C. Cap- 
reol, an intimate friend of Mr. Kinnear s, 
engaged another eteamer and with Mr. 
Kiugsmill, the High Bailiff, left Toronto 
at 1 a. m. on Monday in pursuit. Laud 
ing at Lewistou they eoou had possession 
of both prisoners. At the trial conclusive 
evidence was brought against McDer 
mott and he was sentenced to death, 
which sentence was carried out at the 
old jail on Berkeley street. Grace 
Marks was convicted as an accessory and 
was sentenced to the penitentiary for 
life, but some few years afterwards re 
ceived a pardon and went to the United 

If Wm. Turney had not received a 
good education he probably never would 
have been hanged, bat his fondness for 
letter writing betrayed him as a miser 
able murderer, and he expiated his 
crime on the gallows in the year 1847. 
at the old jail on Berkeley street, hoot 
ed and jeered at by a crowd of over 
three thousand people. The executed man 
wa a discharged soldier, and resided 
at Markham, where he spent the greater 
portion of his time in consuming bad 
whiskey and quarrelling with his neigh 
bours. One day he called at a store 
kept by a Mr. Logan, and instructed 
the clerk, a man named Walter McPhil- 
lips. to draw him a jar of whiskey. The 
latter stooped down to the barrel to 
get the liquor, and while in this posi 
tion Turney quietly clipped up behind him 
and struck him on the back of the head 
with a heavy club, killing him instant 
ly, his brains being scattered over the 
barrel. Turney then stole about $11 
from the till and escaped from the store 
unnoticed. Shortly afterwards the mur 
der was discovered, out at the time the 
authorities were at a loss on whom to 
fix the guilt. Turney, who had 
been drinking to excess, was suspected, 
and was taken into custody. A few days 
before the trial he managed to have 
delivered to his wife a letter, in which 
he informed her that she would find the 
money he had taken from Logan under 
the floor of a water closet on the prem 
ises, and to use it in his defence. The 
wife was unable to read, and took the 
letter to n neighbour to read for her. 

This neighbour at once informed the 
authorities of the contents, and on these 
statements, backed by a chain of circum 
stantial evidence, Turuey was adjudged 
guilty, and suffered on the gallowe, along 
with Jamea Hamilton, another murderer. 
In his dying speech Turuey stated that 
he had been a trooper in Sir De La<\\ 
Evans corps in Spain, and stated that he 
aiil four other troopers some years be 
fore went to the house of a Spanish 
grandee, and forced the wife and two 
daughters to get them something to eat. 
While- they were carousing one of the 
troopers attempted to kiss one of the 
daughters, and the son resented the in 
sult and struck him. The troopers, half 
crazed with liquor, then murdered the 
whole family and escaped. 

I;i 1846 Robert Hamilton hired out to 
a iarmer named Noah Eaton, who lived on 
lot 9, 5th concession of Toronto Town 
ship, new survey, and was well thought 
of. He effected an arrangement that he 
was to supply Eaton with all the neces- 
sariee of life, keep him in comfort on the 
farm, pay him 10 annually, in 
exchange for which he was to have con- 
troi of the property, and at the death 
of Eaton was to receive the title deeds. 
Thej were getting along nicely until 
Kobert one day came to the city, be 
came Hi with cholera, which was at that 
time prevalent, and in two days died. 
Hi;> brother James conveyed the news 
of Robert s death to Mr. Eaton, and 
after some trouble stepped into Robert s 
place. But failing to receive the stipu 
lated 10 hie neglected his business, 
and Mr. Eaton became dissatisfied with 
him. One day Hamilton came to the city, 
and, securing the companionship of a 
young man named Brown, sou of a black 
smith, proceeded to the residence of Mr. 
Eaton. After talking with the old man 
foi a few minutes the two young men 
left, but they had not proceeded far down 
thb road before Hamilton turned and ran 
back to the house, saying that he had 
forgotten something. When James en 
tered the house Mr. Eaton was 
in the act of stirring up the fire. Pick 
ing up a poker, James struck bis vic 
tim on the head, the blow stunning 
him. The would-be murderer fled, 
leaving the old man s body lying across 
the red-hot coals. This occurred on Sat 
urday afternoon, and as the neighbours 
cculd see no smoke coming from the chim 
ney, they forced open the door, and 
found Eaton s body lying on the fire 
place, burned to a crisp. Hamilton then 
ioined Brown, but the latter, upon hear- 
IIIF of the murder, became frightened, 
and fled with his companion to Trafal 
gar Township, where they were arrest- 



ed. They were tried in the Court House 
on Church street, when Brown was de 
clared innocent, and Hamilton was con 
demned to death, he being hanged along 
with Turney. On the gallows he could 
hardly stand, and he died a pitiable 

On the 14th day of November, 1849, 
Robert Smith, a private in the Rifle 
Brigade, stationed at the Old Fort, 
was hanged at the jail on Front 
and Berkeley streets, for the 
murder <TS Richard Eastwood, a pri 
vate in the same regiment. It appears 
that these two men were not on friendly 
terms, and were continually "chaffing" 
each other. Eastwood was spoken of as 
a well-behaved soldier, but Smith was 
somewlmt dissipated, and of a jealous 
disposition. It was proposed to draft 
Eastwood into the Royal Canadian 
Rifles, and upon hearing this on the 
13th August previously, Smith said 
sneeringly to the other, " So you ve 

got to go in with the Canucks! 

I m, well glad we re rid 

of you." Eastwood made some 
retort to the effect that Smith was 
not fit to be in a Canadian regiment,- 
and then left the guard room. He re 
turned in a-bout an hour, and as he en 
tered the room Smith got behind him, 
and, raising his rifle, deliberately shot 
him through the back, the bullet pass 
ing through the unfortunate man s body, 
and lodging in the bed-post. Smith was 
immediately taken into custody, and was 
handed over to the civil authorities. 
He was tried, convicted and sentenced 
to death, the sentence being carried oujt 
on November 14. Before his execution 
Smith made a confession, blaming whis 
key as th cause of hia ruin. He ascended 
the scaffold with a firm step, and when 
he reached the platform he drew up to 
" attention," and saluted the great 
crowd beneath him, who were shoving 
and jostling one another to get near the 
doomed man. He muttered something in 
audible, and then, turning to the fatal 
trap door, drew himself up to his full 
height, and gave a signal of readiness. 
He neither blanched nor quivered, and 
looked more like a soldier on parade than 
a man about to face his Maker. 

On Tuesday, October 24, 1854, Martin 
Richard Kehoe was placed on hie trial, 
charged with the murder of his wife, 
Ellen Kehoe, on the 30th July, 1854. The 
trial took place before the late Mr. Jus 
tice Burns. The -prisoner resided on 
Power street with his wife. The woman s 
throat was cut in three places- in such a 
manner that it would have been impos 
sible for her to have committed the act 
herself. No evidence wae called for the 

defence. Mr. Dempsey, in defending the 
! prisoner, claimed that it was most im- 
| probable that in the middle of the day, 
! with a slight partition dividing the 
| house from the next one, and no prop- 
i erty or money to induce the prisoner to 
; murder, that Kehce should have commit- 
I ted the deed. Mr. Dempsey urged the 
! stronger cases of circumstantial evidence 
| which had been tried befoie and acquittal 
i secured ; he, however, admitted that the 
I medical testimony was strong. The jury 
I found a verdict of guilty. 

On Saturday, November 4th, Kehoe was 
placed at the bar and asked what he had 
to say prior to sentence. The prisoner 
said : " I call upon the Supreme God, be 
fore whom I am probably shortly to ap 
pear, to acknowledge my innocence. I had 
neither hand, act nor part in the matter, 
notwithstanding the evidence of the medi 
cal gentlemen to the contrary. I know 
not how the act was committed. 1 

His Lordship The jury have found you 
guilty of the crime with which you were 
charged, and I have no doubt they came 
to a proper conclusion. The crime is 
that of murdering her whom you 
led to the altar and promised to 
love, honour and cherish. There 
is no discretion allowed to the 
court, no punishment, save one. It is only 
by that which your life is forfeited. I can 
hold out no chance of mercy this side of 
the grave. That could only be thought 
of, if a certain kind of evidence was pro 
duced in relation to the crime with which 
you were charged. But in this matter I 
can hold out no hope to you whatever on 
this earth. Only this remains with me 
to give you time to make your peace with 
God. A month, I hope, will be sufficient 
for that purpose. To that God now look 
for mercy, for there is none to be expect 
ed from the offended laws of your coun 
try, and I hope and trust that you will 
make use of your time, so as to obtain a 
complete and successful atonement for all 
your misdeeds in this world. Employ your 
remaining time in condoning for future 
punishment for all your offences, as well 
as for this. The sentence of the court 
is that you be removed to the common, 
jail, and from that, on the 4th December, 
you shall be brought to the place of exe 
cution, and there hanged until you are 

Upon the conclusion the prisoner again 
protested his innocence. 

On Monday, 4th December, Kehoe wa 
led to execution. The scaffold was erect 
ed on the west wall of the old jail on 
Front street. The execution was a pub 
lic one, and thousands were present, not- 
I withstanding the extreme cold weather. 
Shortly after 10 o clock Kehoe. accom- 



panied by two Roman Catholic clergy 
men, the sheriff, the governor of the 
jail and others, was pinioned in his cell 
and led out for execution. He walked 
to the gallows with a firm step and an 
unflinching look that betokened none of 
the bearing of a hardened criminal, or 
a would-be hero, but the demeanour of 
a humble penitent. He ascended the steps 
which led to the scaffold, and standing 
on the front part addressed those assem 
bled. He stood boldly forth, with the 
air of an injured martyr, and addressed 
the people beneath in a voice no way 
shaky with emotion. He spoke for sev 
eral minutes ; said he was innocent of or 
unconscious of having committed the 
crime for which he was now about 
wrongfully to suffer. He exhorted all 
Catholics and others who were present 
to pray for his soul and be liberal to 
him in their opinion ; spoke of the course 
of hie past life as one that should be 
guarded against ; thankful to the gover 
nor of the jail for his considerate and 
suitable treatment ; begged them to be 
good men and temperate, and said it 
was to liquor he owed his present mis 
fortune. Having concluded his " dying 
words," which he delivered with a flu 
ency and theatrical manner that ill be 
fitted the occasion, he bowed his head, 
and the executioner immediately covered 
him with a cloth, a.djueted the fatal 
noose and led him back to the trap door. 
Here he knelt down composedly, and the 
clergyman bent toward him, and after 
he had uttered Koine inaudible words 
they retired to the rear of the wood 
work. The spring bolt was pulled by 
the hangman and Kehoe was in the other 
world. While the body dangled in the 
air the blood spurted from Kehoe s 
mouth and eyes, to the horror of all 
present. He confessed to having been 
imprisoned in the States for having stab 
bed the wife he afterwards murdered. 

John O Leary was executed on March 
4th, 1859. He had teen tried on the 28th 
October, 1858, for the murder of Hugh 
Kelly, in the township of Georgina, on 
the 26th July previous, but the jury, 
being unable to agree after being locked 
up for one night, were discharged. Prior 
to this trial he attempted to escape from 
the jail. Kelly had given evidence fa 
vourable to one Cole, who had a law 
suit with O Leary, that prompted the 
murder, which was accomplished by 
stabbing with a dirk. The evidence 
was partially circumstantial. Mr. 
Justice Hagarty charged the jury to find 
him guilty of manslaughter if the evi 
dence showed that he had done the sta.b- 
biug in the heat of passion and without 
premeditation. If he did it coolly and 
vindictively they .should bring in a ver 

dict of murder, but if they were not con 
vinced of his identity they should acquit 
him. At the next Assizes he was con 
victed at the time, and sentenced by 
Mr. Justice McLean. O Leary said Kelly 
was on top of him and he pulled out 
a knife and struck him in the arm. 
Hte had not had a fair trial, as the 
Government had refused to pay his 
witnesses. On the scaffold he made the 
following statement: 

" My Dear Friends, As reports are 
going abroad in the newspapers that I 
have not expressed a contrition for my 
sins, neither have I, they say, made any 
confession, I beg leave to contradict it 
before you all. With my whole heart I 
do feel contrition for my sins, and par 
ticularly for that crime for T am 
going to offer up my life, and would a 
thousand lives if I had them, for what 
use is this life for that in the "world 
to come ? I also tell you, my dear friends, 
that I have made my confession witM 
as good a disposition as I am capable 
of. And, besides, I rvould not at this 
moment change my situation for that of 
the Queen of England, because I feel 
confident that I am prepared. 1 hope 
to meet my Creator with a clear con 
science, and therefore I trust in his 
great mercy that I will participate in 
His glory before the setting of the sun. 
1 humbly beg, therefore, my dear friends, 
that you will pray to the Lord that the 
Lord may have mercy on my soul." 

William Fleming was executed on the 
same day (March 4, 1859), hour and 
scaffold, as John O Leary, for the 
murder on (3th December, 1858, of 
Thomas Maddigan, or Riordan, by 
which name he was better known, 
as he had been adopted and 
reared by a person of that name. The 
murder was committed in the lane in 
rear of Mr. Hawkes then residence, on 
the north-east corner of Bay and 
Wellington streets, now in rear of 
Gwatkin s warehouse, where a scuffle 
occurred between Maddigan and 
Fleming. One, William Scott, rushed be 
tween the two, and saw a dirk in the 
hands of Fleming. Maddigan fell, and 
Scott thought he was drunk, but it was 
subsequently discovered that he was 
stabbed and was dead. His body was 
then conveyed to Welch s tavern, on the 
corner of Bay and Wellington streets, 
where the party had been drinking pre 
vious to the murder. Fleming was after 
wards arrested in the Young Canada 
saloon, on the corner of Church and Front 
streets, though the landlord tried to hide 
him. When arrested he feigned drunken 
ness. A number of abandoned females, 
who had been carousing at Welch s with 



Fleming, Maddigaii and Scott, were also 
arrested. Maddigaii was 18 or 20 years 
of age, and a salesman in the employ of 
Mr. Laidlaw, King street, dry goods 
merchant. Fleming was but 19 years of 
age, and wae employed as an operator 
by the Montreal Telegraph Company. The 
weapon with which the murder was com 
mitted was a bowie knife, with an ivory 
handle. A coroner s jury found that the 
deceased had come to his death by a 
stab inflicted by Fleming, and he was 
subsequently convicted and executed 
on the same scaffold with O Leary. 
Strong efforts were made by Alex. 
Manning, H. P. DvvigM and others 
to get the death sentence commuted, on 
the ground that Fleming was so young 
and that the blow which caused death 
was an accidental one, but they were 
unsuccessful. An immense number wit 
nessed the dual execution at the old jail, 
a large proportion of which were women. 
James Brown was executed at the old 
jail on Monday, the 10th March, 1862, 
for the murder of Mr. J. S. Hogan, 
M. P. P. The latter had disappeared 
about the 1st December, 1859, and the 
{Jovermuent subsequently offered a re 
ward for his discovery, or that of his 
bod} , and commissioned Detective War- 
tell, of the Toronto police force, to trace 
his movements. He went to several 
American cities, but could find no trace 
of him, and the matter was almost for 
gotten. About sixteen mouths after hie 
disappearance a human skeleton, having 
yet some flesh on the bones and envelop 
ed in male attire, was found in the 
marsh. The clothing was identified as 
that of Mr. Hogan, and an abandoned 
woman, one of the old Brooks bush gang, 
named Ellen McGillick, made a state 
ment to Detective Colgau which led to 
the arrest of Brown. She stated that she 
had witnessed the murder of Mr. Hogan 
on the King street Don bridge one night 
in December, 1859, by another aban 
doned woman named Jane Ward, Brown, 
and two other men named Sherrick and 
McEutameny, the last-mentioned of iwhoin 
had meanwhile died. Brown, Shorrick 
and Ward werearrested, and McGillick s 
evidence wa,s to the effect that Ward 
had struck Mr. Hogau on the head with 
a stone tied in a handkerchief, when 
Brown and Sherrick robbed him and 
threw him into the river. Her evidence 
was partially corroborated by Maurice 
Ma lone, Dr. Gamble, and others. Police 
Magistrate Gurnett committed the three 
for trial, which took place before the 
late Chief Justice Draper in April, 1861. 
Mr. James Doyle, counsel for the prison 
er, succeeded in establishing an alibi for 
Sherrick, several witnesses swearing thai 1 

at the time at which the murder was 
alleged to have been committed he wae 
living at Clover Hill, 50 miles from To 
ronto. The result was that the jury ac 
quitted Sherrick and Ward. Mr. Doyle 
offered the same evidence to show thafc 
McGillick s statement was unworthy of 
credence, but the Chief Justice ruled it 
out. The jury found Brown guilty, but 
Mr. Doyle succeeded in getting a new 
trial, when Brown was again found guilty 
and sentenced by Mr. Justice Burns to 
be hanged on March 16, 1862. The 
late Mr. Henry Eccles prosecuted at the 
first trial, and the late Chief Justice 
Morrison and the late Mr. Richard Demp- 
sey at the second. When sentence was 
passed upon him Brown declared his inno 
cence. He had a dogged and sullen as 
pect, which was made more obnoxious 
byi a scar on his nose caused l>y (disease. 
Hei was born in Loulam, Cambridgeshire, 
Eng., and was 32 years of age when pxe- 
cuted. He expressed contrition before 
hi& death, and declared his innocence un 
swervingly to the last, and with such- 
earnestness that the ministers who at 
tended to him, among whom were Rev. 
H. J., afterwards Dean Grasett, and 
Revs. Edmund Baldwin and S. J. Boddy, 
expressed their belief in his innocence. 
He was executed at the old jail, before 
an immense concourse of people, whom 
he addressed as follows : 

" This is a solemn day for me, boys. 
I hope this will be a warning to you 
against bad company. I hope it will be 
a lesson to all young people, old as well 
as young, and rich and poor. It ;was 
that brought me here to-day to my last 
end, though I am innocent of the mur 
der I am about to suffer for. Before 
my God I am innocent of the murder. 
I never committed the murder. I know 
nothing of it. I am going to meet my 
Maker in a few minutes. May the Lord 
have mercy on my soul. Amen. Amen." 

The " amen " was echoed by a few 
near the scaffold. When he. was launched 
into* eternity three or four strong spasm s 
shook his frame and then all was over. 
The body was delivered at tlu request 
of decease:! to Mr. Irish for burial. The 
crowd was not as large as that which 
witnessed tl:e execution of Fleming aud 
O Leary. The fair tex was largely re 

Robert Coulter was convicted on 17th 
April, 1883, of having murdered James 
Kenny on the night of the 18th November, 
1861. and sentenced to he hanged on the 
1st June ensuing by the late Chief Justice 
Draper. During a light between Coulter 
and Kenny, on the south-west corner of 
Edward and Yon-ge streets on the night 
mentioned, the latter had six ribs broken 



and received such further injuries that 
he died some days thereafter. It was 
proved that the deceased was an habitual 
drunkard, and Dr. Sipple swore that he 
died from natural causes, while Dr. Aikiiis 
gave the opinion that hie death was 
caused by inflammation of the lunge, re 
sulting from the injuries he received. 
Coulter was born in County Ferman 
agh, Ireland, and was 35 yeans of age 
when executed. He married at 30, and 
settled in the village of Angus. Subse 
quently he left his wife and came to To 
ronto, where he lived a loose aud dissi 
pated life. A mistress of his who lived in 
Yorkville disappeared, and never was 
heard of after, while he was suspected 
of killing an Indian about ten years 
previous to his execution ; had served 
two years in the penitentiary for a mur 
derous assault on a policeman, and after 
wards joined a gang of horee thieves in 
the vicinity of Barrie ; also killed 
a man named Coots, of Angus, on the 
occasion of a quarrel caused by Coulter s 
intimacy with Coots wife. He escaped to 
the woods, and, so desperate was he : 
known to be, that no one could be got 
to follow him, especially as he was known 
to be armed with a rifle. Rewards hav- ! 
ing been offered, he was subsequently ar- : 
rested and tried, but, strange to say, i 
was acquitted. He was, however, con- j 
victed of robbery, and sentenced to 1 
three years in the penitentiary therefor, 
which vyas commuted to two years, on 
the expiration of which he joined the 
Brooks bush gang. In the fall of 1861 a \ 
man named Rebbell died on Centre street, 
his death being attributed to a kick re 
ceived from Coulter, There was a woman 
at the bottom of the Kenuy murder, after 
which he escaped to the county of Huron ; 
and got married a second time. He then . 
went to Michigan, where he was after- ! 
wards arrested. He was a powerfully*- ; 
built man, and died hard. He made no j 
confession. Between 2,000 and 3,000 wit- ! 
nessed the execution, being a much j 
smaller crowd than attended that of j 
O Leary and Fleming. 

William Greenwood, who committed 
suicide while under sentence of death, 
wa.s convicted of having mnrdere 1 
Catharine Walsh at a cottage on the 
west side of Sayer st. (now Chestnut), ; 
two doors north of Elm street. He was 
the late Mr. J. Hillyard Cameron s gar- ! 
dener, and lived in a cottage on Mr. j 
Cameron s grounds, Queen street west, 
but subsequently tbe cottage was re- I 
moved and his wife went to live with j 
her mother on the Kingston road, while j 
Greenwood remained at Mr. Cameron s. 
Catharine Walsh had also bnc:i a servant 
at Mr. Cameron s, but had got married 

to one McNuty, who afterwards left her 
and went to the States. According to evi 
dence of Dr. Aikeas death was caused by 
strangulation, the marks of a man s 
thumb being visible on deceased s cheek, 
as if a hand had been held firmly across 
her mouth, until she was quite dead. She 
was enciente by Greenwood, which was 
proven by one George Stayes, who swore 
that she told him so. The body of a child 
was also found in the cupboard of the 
, house, which was found after the deed 
: was done. The medical evidence went to 
i show that the child was smothered. He 
\ was tried on October 3, 1863, before 
! the late Chief Justice Adam Wilson 
| and a jury. Mr. Stephen Richards, 
Q. C., afterwards Chief Justice, 
prosecuted, and Mr. M. O. Cam 
eron, afterwards Chief Justice, 
; defended the prisoner. Mr. Cam 
eron made a lengtby and powerful 
speech, and the jury returned a verdict 
of not guilty, but he was detained in 
custody on the charge of being accessory 
to the death of the child of 
Agues Marshall. Mr. Duckett, a 
coloured man, who lived next 
door to where the murder occurred, 
swore that the prisoner had a peculiar 
: tooth, whereupon Mr. Cameron instruct 
ed the pri-iOLer to open his mouth, which 
he did, but there was no peculiar tooth. 
Mr. Cameron dwelt on this discrepancy, 
and it no doubt had a great effect on 
the jury. After the trial it was discover 
ed that two teeth had been extracted 
prior to the trial, one of which might be 
the peculiar one. At the next Assizes he 
was tried for arson, convicted and sen 
tenced to seven years in the penitentiary. 
On the 22nd January, 1864, he was 
tried for the murder of the child of Agnes 
Marshall, and was convicted and sen 
tenced to be hanged on the 23rd Febru 
ary following. He declare:! that he was 
innocent. On the night before the day 
fixed for his execution he hanged him 
self by means of a towel, thus cheating 
the gallow--, as in the De Coursier case. 
In order to kill himself he had to crouch 
on the floor, the bar to which the towel 
Was attached not being sufficiently high 
to enable him to produce death other 

John Traviss was convicted of the mur 
der of John Johnson, on the 23rd No 
vember, 1871, near Queensville, in the 
township of East Gwiliimbury. He was 
tried here on the 10th and llth of Jan 
uary, 1872, before the late Chief Jus 
tice Wilson a,nd a jury, which was 
locked up all that night, and the trial 
concluded next day. He was sentenced 
to be hanged on the 23rd February 
following. Mr. Kenneth (afterwards 



Gounty Judge) Mackenzie prosecuted, 
and the late Mr. R. A. Harrison (subse 
quently made chief justice) defended the 
prisoner, who had shot Johnson in the 
back of the neck while they were riding 
together in a sleisrh. The motive to 
which the murder was ascribed was that 
Traviss was engaged, or at least was 
in love with one Miss Nicholl, and that 
Johnson had effected an estrangement 
between them. On being sentenced, he 
said : " I have one favour to ask the 
sheriff, and that is that I may see my 
friends before I go to jail." His request 
was complied with. On the 22nd Novem 
ber, 1871, Traviss called at Johnson s 
lionse, on the 5th concession of East 
Gwillimbury, but his victim was not 
then at home. That he went there with 
the set purpose o! taking Johnson s life 
he afterward* admitted on the scaffold. 
After he shot Johnson he went to the 
house of his sister, Mrs. Wilson, and ex- 
ultingly announced that he had ehot 
Johnson, and had had his revenge. 
Though he was but nineteen years of 
nge he was a symmetrical giant, stand 
ing six feet two inc aea in his stockings. 
On the day prior to the execution there 
was a parting scene of a most distress 
ing character between Traviss and his 
brother-in-law and two sisters, and Miss 
Xicholl, for whom he had sacrificed his 
life. Before the bolt was drawn he said 
it was his wish that all present should 
know that it was he who killed John- 
won, and that he intended to kill not 
only him, but also his wife, and had gone 
to his house for that purpose, but God 
had saved him from that further crime. 
He admitted that it was a, dreadful 
thing to do to shoot a man like that. 
For himself he was quite resigned to his 
fate, ajid felt the hope that he was 
going to his God. He felt that Jesus 
had hold of one of his arms and his 
mother the other, and bid them adieu. 
His death was instantaneous, his weight 
being over 200 Ibs. 

The case of John Williams, of Weston, 
is the next on the list. On the night 
of the 21st September, 1877, an iinfortu-" 
nate woman named Annie Williams, nw 
Bennett, was virtually pounded to death 
by her drunken husband, John Williams, 
in a humble cottage in the vicinity of 
Weston. Williams was a Welshman, 
who was employed by Mr. Eagle, of W T es- 
ton, in making bricks, at a price per 
1,000. He was very frequently undefr 
the influence of liquor, and when so, in- 
Tariably thrashed his poor, patient, hard 
working wife, the blows inflicted on her 
on the night mentioned having been but 
the finishing touch of numerous pound 
ings sh had previously received at the 

hands of her inhuman husband. Whe 
arrested he brutally remarked, " She s 
a goner this time." The bod3 r of the un 
fortunate woman, when found next moan 
ing:, presented a horrible spectacle, hav 
ing been pounded black and blue, her 
features being 1 smashed out of 
recognition. She was the mother 
of fifteen children, all living 
except one. A man named Stone, who 
wns employed by Williams, had an alter 
cation wain him in the cottage, 
both being driwik, and also a scuffle, 
when Stone went to the hay loft near 
the cottage, where it was his custom to 
sleep. Williams, maddened by his dis 
pute with Stone, then turned 011 his un 
fortunate wife, and at intervals during 
the night bestowed blows and kicks on 
i her which caused her death. The chil 
dren were powerless to prevent him, and 
Stone and one Chapman were lying in 
the hay loft hard by stupefied witb 
liquor. The actual cause of death was 
a rupture of the liver, effected, it ia 
surmised, when Williams jumped on 
his wife, as stated by a child of ten 
der years. He was convicted at the 
Assizes neld here on the 29th and 30th 
October, 1877, before Chief Justice 
Hagarty and a jury, who made a 
strong recommendation for mercy. He was 
sentenced to be hanged on the 30th 
November following. He was executed on 
that morning at the jail, being the* sec 
ond execution a,t that edifice, that of 
Traviss being the first. The hangman on 
that occasion, a man named England* 
1 scorned to wear a mask. The execution 
1 was witnessed by about 150 persons, ad 
mitted by passes procured from the 
sheriff. At midnight preceding the exe 
cution Rev. Mr. Johnston wrote a letter 
to Williams children and his friends, at 
his dictation, in which he inculcated the 
duty of attending church, the violation 
of which had brought him to the gal 
lows. Some days before the executioi? 
his four daughters, only one of whom 
was of tender years, bade him a last 
and tearful farewell, which was described 
by Governor Green as the most affect 
ing he had ever witnessed. He was at 
tended on the scaffold by Rev. Mr. John 
ston, who linked arms wit 1 ! him as he 
was escorted from his cell to the scaf 
fold, where, with the aid of some prompt 
ing by Mr. Johnston, he spoke as follows : 
"I would wish to thank the Governor 
of the jail, the Deputy Governor and 
all the officers under his charge for the 
kindly way they have used me. I also 
wish to thank my counsel for the way 
they have defended me. lam happy that 
I got a fair trial, and I thank the pub 
lic at large for what they have done 



lor me. I ain also deeply grateful to 
iny clergyman. That s all." 

Aud then, he was launched into etern 

Ine Du Coursier murder threw the 
residents of the neighbourhood of 
Lambton Mills into a state of 
horror. Robert a-nd Edward Du 
Coursier, two brothers, who were 
continually quarrelling, met at Lamb- 
ton Mills on the 26th September, 
1879, on the roadway, and Robert, rais 
ing his shotgun, deliberately fired a 
cJiarge of buckshot into Edward s 
body. Be then stepped up to 
iis victim and fired a second 
time, being so close that the 
burning powder set fire to Edward s 
clothing. Robert then went home, ewal- 
lowed a dose of poison, and laid down 
to die; but was found in time to pre 
vent death from ensuing. He was tried* 
found guilty, and was sentenced to be 
hanged on the 16th of June, 1880. 
On the day before the execution was 
to take place he, by some means at pres 
ent unknown, secured a phial of poison, 
and, swallowing a portion of it, died 
In two minutes, thus cheating the gal 
lows of a victim. 

At an early hour on July 23rd, 1880, 
George Bennett, also known under the 
alias of George Dixon, made expiation 
on the gallows for the murder of Hon. 
George Brown, managing director 
of the Globe Printing Company. 
When Bennett secured work as 
assistant engineer at the Globe office 
he was living with a young woman 
named Mary McGowau, who alleged that 
he was married to him. He was in the 
habit of abusing her, and finally, after 
they had separated several times, fihe 
had him arrested for having neglected 
to support her. Previous to this it had 
been stated that Bennett was the son 
of a coloured man, and on this point 
he was exceedingly sensitive. He accused 
Banks, the chief engineer of the Globe, 
of having "given him away," and cher 
ished against him a feeling of deadly 
enmity. When Bennett was discharged 
on account of his carelessness and drunken 
habits, he blamed Banks for having secur 
ed his discharge, and be openly threat 
ened that nothing less than Banks 
death would satisfy him. For several days 
previous to the shooting of Mr. Brown, 
and after he had been released on bail 
in the case of neglecting his wife, Bennett 
had been drinking to excess, and had 
haunted the Globe lane with the avowed 
intention of killing some one. On Thurs 
day, the 25t i March, at about four- 
o clock in the afternoon, he entered 
the Globe o fice by a side door, and im 

mediately proceeded to Mr. Brown s pri 
vate room, from which shortly after 
wards came the report of a revolver. 
When the employes ran to see what 
was the matter they found Mr. Brown 
and his assassin in a deadly struggle, 
(he revolver lying ou tie floor. It re 
quired but a few momenta to over 
power the assassin, but the ballet had 
sped, and accomplished its deadly work 
after Mr. Brown had suffered a long and 
(painful illness. The coroner s jury sent 
Bennett to the Assizes, and on 22nd June 
he was sentenced to death. Upon 
hearing his doom pronounced the prisoner 
did not appear to be greatly concerned, 
but, quietly folding his arms across his 
breast, remarked : "I have nothing to say 
except I would rather you would make 
the sentence a little shorter; it would 
suit me better." A very strong feature 
of the evidence against the prisoner as 
to the felonious intent was a letter found 
with others on him at the time of the 
arrest, in which he threatened to kill 
Banks and his late master for fancied 
ill-treatment and to complete the tra 
gedy by committing suicide. 

The unfortunate man did not seem to 
have many friends, or, if he had, they 
were very careless as to his couui- 
tion. His brother and two sisters 
called at the jail for the purpose of 
taking a last farewell with him, but he 
refused to see them, saying that he had 
taken leave of all things earthly, and 
did not wish his attention to be dis 
tracted from what was before him. Ho 
wished to be certain of his peace with 
God. During the early hours of the even 
ing he spent mo>t of his time in w reading 
and writing and occasionally addressing 
a commotni-place remark to the two 
watchmen. All the officials who had any 
thing to do with him were very kind, 
which fact he appeared to appreciate. 
At midnight he retired, and for a time 
slept quit? soundly. He occupied the cell 
in the east wing, from the windows of 
which could be seen the scaffold, and 
although Bennett did not seem the least 
concerned, Governor Green considerately 
had him removed to the west wing, and 
placed him in the cell known as the 
debtors room. At about two o clock the 
doomed man started suddenly up from 
his bed and commenced to rub his neck 
vigorously, and then with a ghastly 
smile and a muttered word sank back 
on his pillow and was soon asleep again. 
He had been dreaming thrst he had been 
hanged. Just as fie first streak of light 
dispersed the shadows from the room 
he again eat up and repeated the mo 
tion of rubbing his neck, his head falling 
to one side as if he had already taken 



the fatal drop. Although but half awake, 
he seemed to a,t once detect the delusion, 
and the look of relief which overspread 
his face showed how much he apprecinted 
the ehor,t reprieve. : At five o clock he 
arose, and, making a careful toilet, took 
his Prayer Book and commenced to read 
his prayers in an earnest manner, occa 
sionally varying his position by walking 
up and down the room. He was dressed 
in a suit of black broadcloth and blue 
silk necktie, his beard, which had been 
allowed to grow, half covering the lat 
ter. At 5.30 he was notified that his 
breakfast was ready, but he declined to 
eat anything, saying that he felt perfect 
ly well and in good spirits without par 
taking of any nourishment. ;Aibout G aim. 
his spiritual advisers arrived, and they 
continued in prayer with him until the 
arrival of the sheriff. England, the 
hangman, had arrived at the jail the 
night before, axid was accommodated 
>vith> a cell. At seven o clock he 
commenced his preparations. When 
he hanged Williams he neglected to wear 
a mask, but walked out before the spec 
tator.? and coolly pulled the lever which 
sent the doome:! man to eternity and 
then turned his face to the spectators as 
if for approval. A few days afterwards 
a mob attacked him -with bricks and 
stones, near the Don, and he had to flee 
Tor his life. On this occasion he probably 
remembered the lesson, as when he ap 
peared in the corridor he "wore over his 
head a mask of black glazed linen with 
fmall apertures made for his eyes. "With 
n couple of leather straps in his hand, 
which he swung jauntily as he walked, 
ho proceeded to the debtor s room, ap 
parently little moved by his surround 
ings or by thoughts of his part in the 
approaching scene. 

At 7.45 Mr. Sheriff Jarvis entered the 
condemned man s room, followed by the 
executioner, Mr. Langmuir, the Govern 
ment Inspector of Prisons, Dr. McCol- 
Inm, the jail surgeon, and the repreJ 
scntatives of the Glob: 1 , Mail and Tele 
gram. Bennett, as the door wus opened 
by Governor Green, wts taking a few 
short steps up and down the floor and 
conversing with his spiritual advisers. 

The sheriff said : 

"Well, Bennett, my poor f.-llow, nre 
you ready ?" 

"Yes, sir, q\iite ready." The hangman 
then brought his arm straps out, and 
pinioned the arms of the doomed man. 
When it was nearly done, Bennett 
said : 

" Don t make it so tight ; it s not ne 
cessary, is it, to hurt a fellow?" 

" It s all the better for you, iny friend," 
said the hangman. 

" All right, if you think it necessary," 
replied the prisoner, and the pinioning 
was completed. 

Bennett had in his right hand an ebony 
crucifix. All being ready, Mr. Bright, 
who had gone outside to lengthen the 
rope a foot, as Bennett intended to stand 
on the drop, returned and reported to 
the sheriff, who directed the procession 
to the gallows to move on, the sheriff 
leading, followed by Mr. Langmuir, Rev. 
Fathers Eagan and Sheehan, Turnkey 
Allen and the condemned man, the hang 
man, Mr. Green, the governor of the jail; 
Dr. McCollum, the deputy governor, Mr. 
Ewan, and the reporters of the press. 
The procession moved out of the room in 
the west wing, and across the main hall 
of the jail to the east wing, and down a 
stairway to the basement, out into the 
prison yard. In the walk Bennett was 
firm, and stepped out as confidently 
as 1 if the occasion was an everyday one. 
As the solemn procession passed through 
the winding corridors, a few of the spec 
tators who had not gone into the yard, 
crowded forward tc catch a glimpse of 
the doomed man. Few there were who 
did not feel a thrill of admiration for 
the manner in which the murderer con 
ducted himself. Linked to the arm of a 
constable, he walked with his head 
thrown back, not a trace of fear being 
discernible in either his deportment or 
in his features. For fully an hour before 
the doomed one left his cell members of 
the press, officials and spectators had 
been arriving, and even up to the last 
five minutes the door bell continued to 
tinkle, announcing fresh visitors. Hardly 
a word was spoken above a whisper, and 
all the spectators appeared to be deeply 
impressed with the sombre surroundings. 
When the sheriff appeared at the top 
of the stone steps leading to the yard, 
followed by the r&verend fathers, a low 
murmur went up from the spectators, and 
more than one face blanched as they 
caught sight of the hapless victim, who 
continued to walk with firm and unfal 
tering step. At the foot of the gallows 
he paused a moment, and, sighing heav 
ily, he turned his head to one side. Tak 
ing a momentary glance at the specta 
tors, who numbered about seventy, he 
proceeded upwards, not failing to change 
his step so as to walk in time with the 
constable. Immediately upon reaching 
the floor of the scaffold, Bennett stepped 
forward and addressed those present, 
speaking without faltering, and holding 
a crucifix upraised in his hand : 

Gentlemen, I am going to die, and I 
am innocent of the crime. By no words 
that I can possibly say can I clear 
myself, and I cannot say more than that 



I am innocent, as the act was beyond 
my control. The act by which Hon. 
George Brown met his death was done 
in an excited moment. I suppose he could 
uot foresee the consequences. He thought 
I was going to use the revolver when I 
drew it from my pocket, and he grasped 
at it, and it caused the act which caused 
his death. His hand must have struck 
the trigger, as the shot was fired simul 
taneously with his catching it. I am 
going to meet my God now, and it would 
be a foolish thing for me to die with a 
lie on my lips. What I say here you 
may accept as a fact. I would not like 
ly speak false when I am about to die. 
I am possessed of spirit enough to have 
acknowledged the crime if I did it. The 
blood does not tingle in my veins that 
would let me Jo such an act. I am not 
false at heart nor a coward. It would 
have been a shameful thing to have done 
such an act, a8 Mr. Brown did not de 
serve it. He was a most popular man 
throughout the world, and deserved it, 
and he went to his death through an 
oversight on my part. I went to him 
for a very eimpife reason, and not to com 
mit a crime. I could not control the 
event. There was liquor in me, and the 
accident occurred, and the result was 
the fatal act. 

Bennett then turned his back to the 
spectators, am!, motioning with his right 
hand, in. which he held a crucifix, re 
marked quite coolly, " I am prepared to 
die. All I have to say is, May God have 
mercy on my eoul. " 

Quietly stepping on the trap door, Ben 
nett made a motion with his hand, and 
the hangman stepped forward, secured 
his legs by placing a strap around them 
between his knees and ankles ; the noose 
was faateued about his neck ; the sheriff 
gave the signal ; rapidly England drew 
back the bolt, and, a moment later 
Bennett s boxly was suspended in mid air, 
having taken a drop of about eight feet. 
For a moment the body remained limp and 
motionless, turning round and round, then 
there was a, convulsive twitching and 
drawing up of the legs, repeated at in 
tervals for about eight minutes, and then 
all was still. Dr. McCollum examined the 
body, and, iinuiug life extinct, ordered 
the corpse to be lowered. A constable 
untied the rope from above, and Mr. 
MoCabe, undertaker, lowered the body 
into the plain stained pine coffin. 

Dr. H. H. Wright had a jury empanel 
led, and after the usual formalities had 
been gone through, a verdict of death 
by dislocation of the neck was returned. 
There was no post-mortem examination. 

Immediately behind the scaffold there 
was a stone in the wall marked " J. T., 

1872," showing where Traviss was exe 
cuted. His body was buried on the 
north side of the scaffold. ..Williams 
was interred next to him, and to the 
south, of this Bennett s body was in 

Bennett before death handed to Gov 
ernor Green the following letter : 

Toronto Jail, July 22nd, 1880. 

Warning to Young Men. 

The sands of time are continually cramb- 
ling beneath our feet, and we are drawing 
towards that awful moment which marks 
the boundary between time and eternity. 
In general we know not the day nor the 
hour * tut when by man the day, the hour 
and the place are fixed, then the mortal 
must seriously reflect on the past, the pre 
sent and the dark mysteries that lie be 
fore him. It is appointed for man once 
to die, and after that the judgment. I 
must soon present myself before the bar 
of that judgment which is just, to give 
an account of my stewardship. Now I be 
hold the earth which at one time! I would 
have been sorry to leave, now I see how 
false are the charms of the world, how 
powerful Its attraction^, how dreadful its 
allurements, how sweet its honey appears 
though it has the sourness of vinegar. In 
the days of my childhood I wag brought 
up in the Catholic faith, and though for 
years I have, to my grief, wandered like 
a stray sheep from the precepts, wise 
counsels and frequently the sacraments of 
the church, yet I Sfrish to die in her bosom, 
and my greatest corisol*tion at the last 
moment will be to be fortified by the sacra 
ments which Christ has left in his Church. 
Too soon, alas, I lost best friends, my dear 
parents, who would no doubt, have brought 
me up in the fear and love of God, and ih 
the practice of approaching the sacraments. 
The result was that I soon fell an easy vic 
tim, of evil associates. 

Among my new companions I learn 
ed to regard the practice of going 
to confession as an intolerable slav 
ery, but in abandoning its restraining 
Influences I fell into a slavery of a dif 
ferent kind the slavery of (passion and sin 
and any career downwards .wa s very rapid. 
Now that I am on the brink of eternity, 
bow vain and wicked do the*> "maxims 
oif bad .companions :;pp?ar to me. Those who 
t>oast o f liberty, of free thought, artl who 
wouM banish awaj the thought of Go3, of 
a future life and man s superiority, whait 
tk> they offer instead to heal the wounds 
of society, to h.3a>l the wounds of a sinful 
soul and make It resolve on a better course ? 
Nothing- tout false anaxSmis and the (pleasure 
of isin without restraint or remorse. If . 
had attended tny religious duties I would 
not t><3 here to-day, occuipyirtg- my pireeerttx 
unenviable {position! The confessional would 
have saved me from the tyranny at 
passion, ami woul" have prevented the 
habit of sin to become a second na 
ture. I was taught all this in my boy 
hood. I was made fully aware that one who 
ffiprcochss the .saeranients must resolve on 
1-ai ing- a good, moral and Christian life. 
i "abandoned tho sacraments, and now I mm 
rp.f.ipin fr the bitter fruit. I courted the vain 
!? le-asi<res of life, and became acqunintei 
with sin. I went about from day to day 
with a weight of trouble on my heart, 



that was eating 1 rny Ufa away. Through i 
my late misfortunes I shaped my course 
alone. I felt that I had been grievously I 
wronged by man, and every day some ad- j 
(litional causa would arise to fan the flames \ 
already making a hell within my breast. | 
If before this feeling obtained control of 
me I had unburdened myself in the tri- - 
bunal of penance of the load of sin and 
trouble which I was unable to bear alone 
and obtained the wise counsels of one in ; 
whom. I could confide, things would be dif- j. 
ferenti with me now. Instead of doing this j 
I brooded over it alone and endeavoured to : 
drown my feelings in the current of human | 
pleasures , and without such counsel to 
aid me or the grace of God to guide me . 
I came to grief. I have no motive in ap 
pearing before ine Jauj? of the living and 
the dead with a lie upon my lips. It j 
would serve no purpose here, and would \ 
confine me hereafter with a full con- ! 
sciousness of the position in which I am ! 
placed. I say that I never intended to 
injure Mr. Brown ; he never deserved it i 
from me, and I am morally innocent of , 
the crime for which I am doomed to die. \ 
I have enough besides that to atone for to j 
the justice of God. I am resigned to my [ 
doom, and would offer now, if I had them, j 
a thousand lives in atonement for my sins, i 
I freely and from my heart and soul for- I 
give my enemies and all who have injured ; 
me, a I hope that God, in His great i 
mercy, will forgive me in my offences j 
against Him. The sun which rises in the 
horizon hnstens his course and pursues the 
night, and tho light solicits the light of 
day ; the riverfc flow on to the ocean, as 
If the ocean, which is their centre, ought 
to give them repose ; the winter deprives 
the 1 trees of their foliage in order to give 
us a lesson on death. I am no longer 
attached to earth toy any tie o r affection; 
I havo resigned all my desires in the hands 
of God. The sentiments of the world, which 
are now dead hi me, have taught me a 
lesson of death. The rivers flow into the 
sea ; the seasons of the year follow one 
another in invariable order. Oh ! Great 
God, I nvuet now renOr an account. Thy 
judgments make me fear, but Thine in 
finite mercy makes me hope. I cast my 
self into Thy arms and implore pardon. 
Good people, "pray for me. May God have 
mercjt on my soul. 

Toronto Jail, July 23, 1880. 

I here express my sincere thanks to the 
officials of Toronto Jail. I have received 
from them the kindest attention and ut- 
moist civility in contributing to my wants 
during- my confinement here. It is re- 
mnrkatole the discipline that is exercised in. 
the discharge of the various duties to be 
performed, and the caution, promptitude 
and despatch which accompanies all vrork 
done within the building. The persistent 
watchfulness with which innocent and guilty 
aJike are regarded when once beneath the 
shadow of this roof makes Toronto Jail a 
credit to the city and the country at larirev 
I have found Mr Green a kind, shrewd, ob 
servant man. Nothing can escape his no 
tice. The manner in which the business of 
the place is conducted is worthy of all 

Farewell, Toronto Jail. 


The following letter was received from 
tbe young woman Mary McGowan, 

whom the executed man repudiated as 
his wife, but who said she was married 
to him. at Yorkville about five years 
before :; i 

Sir, I take the liberty of writing these 
few lines to express my sorrow th,t my 
husband has spoken so " falsely about mp. 
I see by the papers that he says I wps 
false to him ; but the God in the Heaven 
knows thot I was not. He will certainly 
be punished for the wrongs he has done 
to me, and any sins that are on my soul 
he has driven me to it. 1 have done no 
wrong to him or to my sister that they 
should try to ruin me for ever, and I 
hope God will forgive them. While with 
him my Ufa was a burden, and although 
I endured terrible sufferings I fcJung to 
him till he. cast me asirle. an 1 then attempt 
ed to toak3 my lif?. He s.kl thit after we 
parted that I tried to get him out of his 
situation, but he knows that to be un>- 
true. After I have gone down to the Glotbe 
office with his srjiper, In the pouring- rain, 
and after he had taught me the gauge of 
steam, I rsed to put coal in the tum&pp 
and light the gas, while he lay drunk on the 
table. This is a terrible confession for a 
wife, to make against her doomed husband, 
but in Justice to myself I must tell the 
truth, and show the public how he has 
treated me. He denied his own father and 
mother because one of them was coloured, 
and would he not deny me ? 

For the murder of John Rutledge, a 
; guard at the Central Prison, Robert 
1 Neill was executed in the eastern jail 
! yard on Tuesday, February 28th, 1888. 
On that occasion a new form of scaf- 
foid was used. The old drop scaffold 
i was superseded by an arrangement 
i worked by releasing a suspended heavy 
i weight, which in dropping lifted the 
I victim into the air with sufficient force 
i to server the vertebral column or pro- 
i duce strangulation. Neill was about 
twenty-one years of a,ge, and had 
vicious criminal instincts. He had a 
! bad record, and before commit 
ting the crime for which he forfeited 
his life to the demands of the law he 
was suspected of having robbed and 
murdered a citizen. At the time he 
murdered Guard Rutledge Neill _ was 
serving out a long term of imprison 
ment in the Central Prison for theft. 
An intractable convict most of the 
time, he had been condemned to soli- 
1 tary confinement for gross miscon 
duct. On one occasion he hurled a heavy 
iron template at a guard, and the fol 
lowing day threatened to murder an- 
! other guard. For these serious breaches 
i of the discipline of the institution he 
was flogged. For a minor offence he 
, was subsequently ordered to solitary 
confinement, and^while undergoing his 
punishment planned an attack on the 
I unsuspecting guard. On the morning 
of January 13th Guard Rutledge step- 
pel into Ncill s cell to remove a bucket. 



whem Neill plunged the keen blade of 
a broom maker s knife into his abdo 
men. Rutledge died two days later 
from the effects of the wound. Neill 
was tried at the Criminal Assizes in 
Toronto before Judge Falcon bridge and 
a jury on Thursday, January 26th, 
1888, and the evidence being of the 
most straightforward character, the 
jury returned a verdict of wilful mur 

As the outcome of a drunken de 
bauch, Thomas Kane, a labourer, mur 
dered his putative wife in a small 
house at 150 Defoe street, on the even 
ing of Saturday, Noveimber 16th, 1889. 
The pair when under the influence of 
liquor were quarrelsomely inclined, and 
their domestic brawls were usually un 
noticed by the neighbours. The follow 
ing evening, however, the woman was 
found lifeless, her face battered almost 
beyond recognition. Kane was pres 
ent when the discovery was made, but 
too drunk to appreciate his position. 
When his attention was called to the 
bruised and bleeding corpse he mut 
tered something about the deeds of 
whiskey drinking and walked out of 
the house. Two hours afterwards Kane 
was captured on Chestnut street. The 
crime was a most brutal one. The in 
terior of the house resembled the 
shambles. The woman had apparently 
retreated from one room to another 
to escape the brutality of her paramour, 
until exhausted and weak from the 
loss of b/Lood she sank on the kitchen 
floor helpless. Kane then kicked her 
on the head with his heavy boots. The 
walls, the floors and the furniture were 
all bespattered with blood. Kane had 
also used a carpenter s hammer and 
flatiron on his victim. He was convict 
ed of wilful murder at the Criminal 
Assizes on Tuesday, December 12th, 
and sentenced by Judge Street to be 
hanged on Wednesday, February 12th, 
1890. On that day, in the western yard, 
Kane paid the penalty of his crime, the 
scaffold being the one used at the exe 
cution of Neill two years previously. 


One of the Few Lake Trader* that Hailed on 
Salt Water Fortune* of a Famous 

"The sixties" aire looked back to by 
many vesselmen as the Golden Age of 
lake shipping. Those were the days, 
they will tell you, when every little 
lake port owned its fleet of sailing 
vessels, and lots of money was being 

made un the carrying trade. They will 
tell you of the mamy different vessels 

1 which were once the pride ot the lake, 
and among these you will hear them 

mention the "brig" Sea Gull. She is 

: remembered, not on account of her size, 
or her beauty, or her speed, for in none 
of these particulars was she remark 
able, but because of a voyage she made, 

: in the year 1865 down the river St. 
Lawrence and south-eastward, over 
the broad Atlantic, across the line to 
Fort >,atal, in Cape Colony, South 
Africa. This voyage never was at 
tempted before, or accomplished since 
by a lake vessel. 
The Sea Gull was built in Oakville, in 

1864, by John Simpson, who with his 
brother built a great many of the 
once famous Oakville schooners, some 
of which are still afloat. The vessel 
vas owned, by John Murray, of Oak 
ville, and Frank Jackmau, sr., of To 
ronto, and was registered in this port. 
When she first came out she was a 
fore-and-aft centreboard schooner, of 

j 201 tons register. These were her di- 

j mensions: Length over all, 105 feet; ex 
treme beam, 42 feet; draught, when 
loaded, ten feet; when light, 4 feet 6 
inches. She had the peculiarity of most 
Oakville vessels .her masts had quite 
a "spread." The raking mainmast \vas 

! stepped rather far aft, and the fore 
mast pretty well forward. Siie is said 

i to have cost her owners some $15,000. 
There was a brisk trade in those 

| days between Toronto and Oswego, lum 
ber and grain being carried down the 
lake and coal on; the return trip. The 
Sea Gull was engaged in Obis trade for 
the first season. 

In the spring of 1865 Mr. Davids, 
of Toronto, chartered her to take out 
a consignment of Lumber, buggies and 
sundries to a man, named Lyslie, at 
Port Natal, South Africa. Alterations 
were made in her rig, to fit her better 
for her long voyage, and she was 
changed from a schooner to a brig- 
antine, this rig being considered 
handier for use on salt water. She car 
ried fifteen different pieces of canvas, 
there being five square sails on the 
foremast. Her crew amounted to ten 
men all told. There were four men 
and two boys before the mast. 

She left for Port Natal in June, 

1865, and after a three months voy 
age, in which she met with no mishap, 
or, in fact, anything at all extraor-> 
dinary, reached her destination. She 
crossed "the bar" at Port Natal under 
canvas, without the assistance of a tug, 
a thing very seldom done. She excited 
considerable comment in that, port by 
the length of her voyage, and by the 
fact tbat. sie was the smallest vessel 



\vhicJi up to that time had entered 
the harbour, aua the only Great Lake 
trader which had ever made the voy 
age. The cargo was delivered to the 
consignee, and it might be mentioned 
that the lumbar was sold at the mod 
est price of 8d. per foot. After dis 
charging her cargo, the Sea Gull lay 
in the harbour for three months, wait 
ing for a charter and making repairs 
and alterations, for experience had 
taught the fresh water sailors that 
several improvements might be made. 
Among the changes was a reduction 

this port after a voyage of thirteen 
nuoniths aind was placed on exhibition 
at Yomige street wharf, where great 
crowds tlocked to see her. The voyage 
had been a very fortunate one ; none 
of the crew were lost, the vessel suf 
fered no damage, and there were no 
mishaps whatever. Frank Jackman, 
sr., was captain, and his nephew, James 
Jackman. mate. Captain May, a salt 
water sailor, acted as navigator. About 
$9,000 was paid for the trip, and after 
all bills were settled there was $2,000 
profit. A sample of South African rum 


of eight feet in the height of the main 

In. January, 1866, t&e Sea-GulI sailed 
for Boston wiifchi a cargo of sugar, mo 
lasses, pepper, arrowroot, ivory and 
some thirty-seven passengers, and. ar 
rived at her destination after a voyage 
ot mruety-eighit days. There she dis 
charged her cargo and loaded flour for 
St. Johm s, Newfoundland, sailing from 
that port in ballast for Sydney.Cape 
Hretcca, and there received a cargo of 
coal for Montreal. She came up lighit 
from Montreal to Kingston,, and tihiere 
got a cargo of wood for Toronto. 

In. July, 1866, tftue Sea-Gull arrived m 

was brought back, and kept on tap in 
the captain s cabin. Verily, a little of it 
went a long way thousands of miles 
and old marines declare it was strong 
enough! to knock a man down. 

After this remarkable voyag* the 
Sea Gull continued to earn money for 
her owners in the lake trade. Sh car 
ried grain and coal from Chicago to 
Kingston for a couple of years, bt in 
1870 she was sold to tlhe well known 
firm, of ship owners, Smith & Post, 
of Oswego. They kept her for about a 
dozen years, and she was very success 
ful as a lake trader. Her American 
owners changed her rig as the square 



canvas wore out. and Americanized her, 
making fer a Tol-e-amd-aft sohcomer 
once more. 

Years passed by, and the Sea Gull, 
though remarkably well built, com 
menced to show signs oif wear. How 
well she was built may be judged from 
th-3 following facts. Wlbile passing 
through the old Wellamd canal she 
ram. unto one of the gates near Port 
Colborne. The water from the higher 
level immediately rushed in and drove 
thie vessel backwards till it crashed into 
tihia gates at t,hje northern end oi the 
look. "With su h fo<rce did it strike tha. J 
tte stern, was crushed in.. So solidly 
was tihe vess3l b Uilt, however, that she 
did noit teak a drop or have to go o.i 
like diry-do:-k afterwards. 


An Old Time Resilience When and hj 
Whom Erected Its Past an<l Present 

A pretty little low-roofed cottage 
$till stands on. the north side of Bloor 
street west, a little to the west of 
Avenue road, known as No. 222, which 
rresistibly reminds one when tney look 
alt it of a roadside cottage in rural 
England. It is more or less covered 
vvith pretty climbing plants, and all 
around it are beds filled with blooming 
ilowers, radiant in almost every colour. 
The garden is by no means a small 
one, even for a large house, but it ap- 


As has beein saM tibia Sea Gull began 
to show signs of wear. Accordingly, 
Smith & Post sold her in 1882 to Geo. 
E. Mapas, of Cetxoit. He rebuilt her, 
gave her smaller spars, turned her into 
a ium ber barge and placed her in the 
lumber trade on the upper lakes. She 
afterwards was sold to J. G. Miller 
of Marine City, wfoo conven-fed her mil o 
a steambnrge, and she continued ir. 
the lumber trade. Her eventful career 
was closed in 1888, when she was de 
stroyed by fire at Tawas, Michigan. 

pears very large in comparison with 
the almost tiny residence to which it 
s an adjunct. Besides the flowers and 
shrubs of different kinds with which 
he garden abounds, there are several 
fruit and shade trees, some of the lat- 
r being of very considerable beauty. 
This old time house was built about 
1818, or possibly a year earlier, by 
Robert Shuw, who was a som of the la^lie 
Mr. George Slhaw, builder, ot this city, 
and brother of Aldermam Shaw, who 
now resides in tins cottage. Up to about 
1885 a similar cottage, built by Mr. 
Joha, stood to the east of the 
SOiaw cottage on the opposite sid-e of 
the alight ravine which ran there, and. 



ot w-hi ih some traces still remain.. This ; 
oot .agtj was removed en bloc to Prisnce ! 
Arthur avenue, on its southern side, | 
ami now exists, though very greatly 
altered as No. 11 in that thorough 

The land ou which the Shaw cottage 
stands formed originally a portion of 
the Baldwin estate, and was* deeded by 
Mr- W. A. Baldwin, c Mashquoteh, as 
a Contribution to the endowment of the 
Church of the Redeemer. 

Tfh 3 first occupants in this quaint old 
rest !em e were Mr. Jb h/n Kem irick and 
his wife, who had been Miss Susan 
Jackson. Mr. Kendrfck was an Eng 
lishman, a shoemaker by trade, though 
h:3 farmed in a small way after com- 
iing to Cainiada. His wife had two sis 
ters, one of whom married Mr. Jolin 
Dempsey, a well-known Toronto man, 
an-1 t!hi3 othor was the wie ot Mr. 
George Shaw, already referred to. 
Mrs K c iniri-jk was a woman who left 
many p. easant memories behind her. 
Si-e hal no children herself, but de 
lighted to entertain and amuse those 
p! her .friends, and there are now liv 
ing in the city those who remember 
with the keenest pleamre, the happy 
hours they as children passed nn the 
o -d cottage, with Mrs. Kendrick as the 
kindest of hostesses. Mr. Kendrick died 
in the sixties, and Mrs. Kendrick sur 
vived him until 18~i>. Mr. John ShaAV 
purchased the lease in 1877 and has re 
sided there uninterruptedly since. This 
o d cottage is the last one left of the 
very earlier residences on Bioor street 
west. When, it was built th6 ground 
opposite to it wa^ all forest Ian4. Bloor 
street was a sand road, known for its 
dust in summer and j.ts mud in the 
spring and auUimn. To the east of the 
co tage, on the corner of Yong-e street, 
was the Potter s Field burying ground, 
a ul, standing on the verandah of thus 
co rage, any one could watch the 
funerals taking place in this cemetery. 
There were not half-a-dozen houses 
wast of the cottage until George Coop 
er s house on Dundas street was reach 
ed, and no school or place of worship 
nearer than St. Paul s Anglican, on 
Bloor street ea<t, nearly a mile dis 
tant. St. George s church, on Jjhn 
s reet, was the nearest church to the 
south. A very short time longer and 
the Shaw co/ttage, in. the march of imod- 
ern improvement, will be taken down 
aarl its site occupied probably by far 
more pretentious dwellings, but there 
will not be the interest attached to 
them that is connected with this old- 
time forest residence. 


"When George 112. v>w king" How tbe 
AccessJen of George IV. ami Ills Successor 
w as Observed. 

The Jubilee festivities in the Do- 
mirioin having come to an enl it will 
be interesting to call to mini tiua in- 
ci !ents attending former celebrations 
Ln thra province, on the accession ox 
coronation o~. the various sovereigns 
who have occupied, the thrane since the 
Constitutional Act aH 1791. 

George III. hsd been King of Eng 
land for more thin thirty years when 
the province of "Upper Canada was 
created, out of what was vaguely call 
ed Canada previous to the time named. 
The country thus designated was that 
portion now included in the province of 
Quebec and Ontario, which, by the Act 
of 1791, became Lower and Upper Can 
ada, respectively. 

The first public celebration of which 
there is any record Avas that by the 
Legislative Council and Commons 
House of Assembly at their meetings 
on the 5th a(id 6th day of February, 
1803, when they passed a loyal con 
gratulatory address to King Georg 

III. on the naval victory of Lord Nel- 
son at Trafalgar in the previous Octo 
ber. It may be noted that it took more 
thin three months for the news of 
Lord Nelson s victory and death to 
travel from Europe to York, Upper 
Canada, it not being received in the 
latter plaice until February 1st, 1806. 
Trafalgar was fought October 21st, 

There are no records of any celebra 
tion of Waterloo s victory in 1815, be 
ing held in Upper Canada, probably 
Canadians had enough to do in repair 
ing the effects of their own struggle 
with the United Sta,tes, then oniy just 
conclude!, to have much heart or lin- 
clination to be joylul over anything. 

George III. died January 29 tb, 1820, 
and was succeeded by his son, George 

IV. The news arrived in lork ia the 
following Marcb, and the new King s 
proclamation was duly real in the mar 
ket place and at Government House by 
Sheriff Samuel HI lout. There are no 
records tot any public rejoicings a year 
later, on the occasion of his Majesty s 
coronation, though it mlay safely be 
teJkenl for granted that a royal salute 
was fired irom the battery at the Old 
Fort on the occasion. 

George IV. died June 26 tb, 1830, and 
his next brother, WiHiim IV. (the sail 
or king) reigned 1,1 his stead. When 
the news reached lork it was at once 



publicly announced by tihe crier, and 
the then sheriff, W. B. Jarvis, pro 
claimed William IV. as King. 

The- .Patriot, then published in Kings 
ton by Thomas Dalton, had the follow 
ing remarks on tih,e occasion: 

"George IV. (has cl osed his illustrious 
career amidst the regrets of his affec 
tionate subjects." After several para 
graph ot regret foo/ the deceased mon 
arch, the article goes on: "William 
IV. is now cur lawful Sovereign; to him 
is due our undivided kwaJty, which let 
us manifest by keeping tihe closest 
watch, upon whoever imy be his Secre 
tary! of Stata few: th Colonies for the 
titne being." 

It does mat appear that any public 
celebratioa <D( William IV. s coronation 
tooii place either in ork or in \Kings- 
ton, and ths Miooitreal papers are si 
lent on the point. The coronation took 
piaca June 28, 1831. 

All but seven years elapsed when on 
June 20th, 1837, William. IV., like his 
predecessors, also died, and his niece, 
our present Queen, ascended the throne. 
The- intelligence arrived in Toronto- 
no longer York on August 2nd, 1837, 
and was then and there announced, and 
again did Sheriff W. B. Jarvis read | 
the young Queen s proclamation. This 
was somewhat of a ceremony, the sheriff 
accompanied by various officials going 
in. an open conveyance, first to the 
City Hall then to Government House, 
in front of each place reading the pro 
clamation. Among those with him were 
the local members of Parliament, the ; 
clerk to the Executive Council, Mr. j 
John Beikie, the Mayor of Toronto, Mr. j 
Powell, and others. 

The Queen s coronation took place at ; 
Westminster Abbey on June 28th, 1838, ! 
amidst great pomp and ceremony, and . 
was not by any means allowed to pass ; 
unnoticed in Toronto. Here a grand 
procession of the firemen took place 
under the direction of the then Chief 
of the Brigade, the late Mr. Thomas 
Denny Harris. The order of the pro- : 
cession was as follows : First came j 
the bands of the two local militia regi- i 
ments, the Queen s Rangers and the 
Queen s Foresters, then the chief offi 
cers of the brigade, viz., T. D. Harris, 
chief engineer, Richard Woods-worth, 
assistant engineer, Robert Beard, 
David Paterson and James F. Westland, 
the first two of whom were chiefs of i 
the Hook and Ladder Company and 
Toronto Fire Engine Company, and the ; 
latter was the secretary. 

Following the officers was a fireman 
who carried a mace, gilded from top ; 
to bottom and surmounted by a lion, j 
Then came "two silk banners with em 

blematic devices, one having the word 
Victoria " in its centre, surrounded 
by a wreath of the rose, shamrock and 
thistle, and underneath "British su- 
j premacy." The other banner had a 
i representation of the British-American 
, fire engine on it, and the name of the 
company underneath the engine. Forty 
firemen were with the engine, which 
was gaily decorated. The firemen were 
arrayed in scarlet jackets and white 
trousers. These banners were painted 
by Alexander Hamilton. On the engine 
was a painting representing the death 
of Wolfe and the taking of Quebec. 
Then came two more flags, the work of 
Hart & March, and the hook and lad 
der waggon, followed by six axemen 
and twenty-eight firemen, then was 
borne the Royal Standard, and the 
rear was brought up by more firemen. 
The route of the procession was along 
Yonge and King streets to the Garri 
son common, where it dispersed. Royal 
salutes were fired from the Old Fort, 
and a public banquet took place in the 
evening and fireworks. 

In Kingston the day was observed 
by the ladies of that place presenting 
the 1st Frontenac Militia Regiment 
with a stand of colouxs, the ceremony 
taking place near Block House No. 3, 
in front of Colonel Bonnycastle s resi 
dence. Mrs. Kirby presented the flags 
for the ladies committee, and Lieut.- 
Col. Marklaud, commanding the regi 
ment, accepted them and thanked the 
ladies. A display of fireworks took 
place at night, and during the day 
there was a boat race at Barriefield. 

In Montreal and Quebec the day was 
celebrated by military parades, and all 
through the two provinces the occasion 
was not allowed to pass by unnoticed. 
Few of those Avho were present then 
are witihi us in, 1897, yet it is mot umant- 
terestunig once more to recall tihe 
events of Auld Lang Syne connected 
witihi the Victorian era. 


The Check Gate at Lnmbton The " Blind" 
Toll Gate at Rloor Street Some Reminis 
cences of a Toll Taker s Troubles. 

The old building depicted in the cut 
represents the check toll-gate which 
for exactly forty years stood on thie 
north side of Dundas street at its junc 
tion with the concession now known 
as St. Glair avenue, which extends from 
Dundas street on the west to Youge 
street on the east. Forty years ago, 



that is, in 1857, toll-gates abounded 
in every direction west, north and east 
of the city. As in England, they are 
now things of the past; but whether 
rightly or wronigly, they were the 
source of constant trouble, quarrels 
and annoyance while they did exist. 
Tihe gates on Dundas street within 
ten miles of Toronto at the time re 
ferred to were : No. 1, at Brockton, on 
thie north side of the street, about half 
way between Sheridan and Brock 
avenues ; No. 2, always known as the 
"Blind toll-gate," on the north-east 
corner of the concession now known 
as Bloor street and Dundas street. This 

I was built, for the purpose of catch- 
ing those people who, corning from To 
ronto, drove along Dufferin street 
north to the concession, thence pro- 
, ceeding west to Dundas street, thus 
: avoiding the Brockton gate-. It often 
happened that a teamster going to the 
city would turn out of the way and 
{ proceed east along the concession, so 
as to escape, or in the hope of escaping, 
Brockton toll. The keeper of the 
I "blind" gate rarely missed noting the 
! occurrence, and looked out for the re 
turn of this man. If he came by him 
self, he was all but certain to find 
the bar down and passage impossible. 


was a peculiar construction of two 
storeys, with a covered way extend 
ing across Dundas street. No. 3 gate 
was the one first mentioned in this 
article, and the fourth was the Mimico 
gate, some little distance to the west 
of St. George s church, Islington. Teams 
proceeding to Toronto from beyond the 
fourth gate paid toll at the fourth 
and the first, being free of the two 
intermediate ones; but those who came 
from places between the fourth and the 
third paid at the latter and also again 
at the first. The "blind" toll-gate 
never exacted a toll from teams pro 
ceeding direct along Dundas street, but 

Then would follow a war of words, 
and "langwidge" flowed that would be 
extremely forcible even from a Lon 
don cabby s point of view. Sometimes 
even blows were struck, which occa 
sionally resulted in a meeting before 
thte magistrates, with sometimes a con 
viction for assault. AS a pretty gen 
eral rule, though, the toll taker settled 
his own quarrels. Neither he nor his 
employers had much likimg for Police 
Court proceedings. They knew fJhat to 
a great extent they were Islnnaelites; 
every man s hand was against them. 
Precisely such scenes as have been de 
scribed as happening at the "blind" 



gate took place over and over again at 
No. 3 gate with delinquents who tried 
to dodge the toll by going along St. 
Clair avenue. 

The "blind" toll-gate disappeared 
when the city boundaries were extend 
ed in the north- vest, as also did the 
B -ockton gate, and in 1897 the old 
check gate at Lamibton followed suit. 
Of them it may safety be said they \s ere 
"unwept, unhonoured and unsung." 

ered with scrub and undergrowth, and 
haying no other owner than the Crown. 

On September 4th, 1800, the land on 
which these buildings stood was patent 
ed by the Hon. Peter Hunter, Lieuten- 
alnt-Go"ernor of the Province of Upper 
Canada, to William Bowkett as a free 
gift, subject to no other dues thaia the 
paitent fee to the Crown. 

Upon, this land Mr. Bowkett erected 
a dwelling house, which was probably 



An Account ol the Owners of the Land. th 
Builder ofthc Huscs and Some of Their 
Occupants Value of the Land In 1837 
nnd In 1897 

The row of brick buildings on the 
north-west corner of King and Yonge 
streets, which were pulled down in 
1897, to re-erect on their site hand 
somer and more modern structures, 
were among the earliest, though not the 
very earliest, of Toronto s brick houses. 

It will surprise not a few readers of 
The Landmarks to learn that, although 
it was one hundred and four years 
since Major-General Simcoe laid out the 
infant town of York, now the city of 
Toronto, that the lot on the corner of 
King and Yonge streets, so long known 
as fiine&n s, and previously to that 3s 
Sutherland s corner, was in the year 
1800, seven years after the foundation 
of the town, still unpatented land, cov- 

of very modest pretensions, and there 
is nothing to show that any other 
house occupied the site, save that of 
Bo-wkett s, until the year 1832. Wil 
liam Bowkett, by a, will made in 1832, 
bequeathed the property to his wife for 
her life, and upon her death it was to 
pass abso utely to Mr. Laurence Law 
lor a relative of Mr. Bowkett s proba 
bly. Mr. Lawlor duly succeeded, and 
in turn willed his interest in the pro 
perty to his son, Dr. Michael Lawlor, 
who for some years occupied a cottage 
on the western side of Spadina avenue, 
north of Queen street west. Later Dr. 
Lawlor lived aaid practised at 187 Rich 
mond street west. 

Upon the death of Dr. Michael Law 
lor the property descended to his son, 
the present owner, John Laurence Law 
lor, who is an officer in H. M. 6th In- 
niskilling Dragoons. 

William Bowkett, the original owner, 
do3s not appear to have made any use of 
his land for some years after obtaining 



his patent from the Crown, for in 1805 
he was not even resident in York. He 
was a mariner by profession, and in 
1828 was part owner and al^o captain 
of the schooner Canadian. Whether he 
resided here at first is of little conse 
quence. He certainly did a few years 
laiter, and it is evident he took an in 
terest in the welfare of the young town, 
for in 1801 his name appears as a sub 
scriber of six dollars in aid of the pro 
jected improvement of Yonge street. 

In the year 1832 William Bowkett 
leased the land, which is the subject of 
this article to John Ewart, for the 
space of 21 years, at an annual ground 
rent of $240 per annum. Mr. Ewart 
thereupon built the houses which have 
just disappeared from the site. In 1853 
the lease was renewed to Mr. Ewart at 


BnlH for Dwelling Houses Sixty Years Ago 
and I sed as Ihc First 8lteof Kiiox College 
Other < lnnges In Its History. 

The late Captain Thomas was a man 
famous as being oms of the pioneer 
steamboat men. In the thirties his 
name is frequently mentioned in the 
newspapers, in relation to steamboat 
matters. It was he wh o commanded 
the lake steamer Experiment, and was 
afterwards appointed to the steamer 
Queen Victoria when she first came 
out. Captain Dick was not only famous 
as a sailor, but he acquired promi 
nence by his increasing wealth. He 
made considerable money as a steam- 
bjoat captain, and purchased a lot on 


on advanced rental of four times the 
original amount, narueiy, $H60. In 1874 
the leas was again renewed to the 
Messrs. Stau.ii; on for 21 years, at a 
rental of (6,000 per annum, just twelve 
and a half times more than it was first 
rented at, 42 years previously. 

Of well-known business firms who 
have occupied this noted corner, may 
be mentioned Kenneth. M. Sutherland 
& Co, the old-time grocers; Haycroft, 
Small & Addison, ruusio dealers; Moses 
Staun .on, paperhanger; and Messrs. 
Dineen, the well-known furriers. Other 
firms on King street have been John 
Jackson, chinaware ; A. Gemmell, boots 
and shoss ; Carson Bros., and R. W. An 
derson, both photographers. 

the north side of Front street, and here 
he built the large brick structure now 
known as the Queen s hotel. 

This was in 1828. The buildings 
formed a row of three-storey dwelling 
houses, four in number. In the rear 
of the buildings for many years a frame 
house stood. This was the Toronto Aca 
demy, at the head of which was the late 
Rev. Alexander Gale (Landmarks of To 
ronto, Vol. I., page 295), who for some 
time h ld (he position of secretary for 
Knox College. 

The Luildings were used for some 
years as dwelling houses, one of them 
being occupied by the late W. B. Jar- 
vi3, Sheriff of Toronto. In 1844, when 
Knox College was founded, the four 
: dwellings were thrown into one. and 



formed the finst Knox College build 
ing. In 1856 Knox College was removed 
to Elmsley Villa, situated at what is 
npw the corner of Grosvenor and St. 
Vincent streets. This place had at one 
time been occupied as the Government 
House, and was ths home of Chief Jus 
tice Elmsley, from whom it took its 

After the removal of the college, the : 
buildings which form the subject of the i 
landmark, were turned into a hotel. 
A Mr. Sword was the first to occupy 
them in this capacity. In 1839, on the 
removal of the =e n t of Government from 
Toronto, Mr. Svvord gave up business, 
at this place, and was succeeded by 
Mr. J. B. Riley. Tha IKK el was carried 
on under his management up to 1832. 
In this year Captain Dick, who had 
built and owned the buildings, took 
the management into his own hands. 
The buildings were considerably alter 
ed and enlarged, and the whole place 
was refitted with all the requirements 
of a modern hotel. It had hitherio 
been known as Sword s or Riley s hotel, 
according tot he name o r i s proprietor 
for the time being. Since 18o2, when 
the management passed into the hands 
of Captain Di^k, it has been known as 
the Queen s Hotel. 

In 1874 the Queen s was sold to 
Messrs. McGaw and Winnett. It has 
remained in their hands ever since, al 
though many alterations and inprove- 
ments, both in the building itself and 
its equipment have been made. 

Thus the structure has been occu 
pied at different times as dwelling 
houses, a college site, and as a hotel 
building. No one would think that the 
present white fronted structure, with 
its long balconies and verandah, many 
windows, shaded by noble chestnut, 
trees, and cool lawns, had a record of 
being sixty years in use. The surround 
ings have changed even more than the 
hotel itself. Even in 1856, which is not 
so very long ago, there were no other 
buildings, with the exception of this 
one. on Front street, between Bay and 
York streets. From the windows of 
the present Queen s Hotel there was, 
even up to the fifties, an uninterrupt 
ed view of the bay and the Island be 
yond it. The south side of Front street 
had not yet been built up, and the 
present Esplanade, with its net-work 
of railway tracks, then had no exist 
ence, the nearest approach to it being 
Tinning s wharf and Hayes brothers 
ship j r ard. 


Copies of ihe " York Oazotle" In 1811 13 
( outniiting: Same Ort;l \ows Concerning 
tlie Town off ark Before the War. 

Mr. Joshua Adams, barrister, of 
Sa,rnia ha3 two single copies ot "The 
York Gazette," published in York (To 
ronto) in 1811-12, and he ha,s kindly 
loaned them for inspection. "The York 
Gazette" wa@ originally "The Uppea 
Cana,da, Gazette, or American Oracle," 
first published a,t Niagara in 1792. It 
was subsequently published in York 
under the name of "The York Ga,zette." 

The files of this paper "between 1809- 
1822 are very incomplete, in fact no per 
fect file from 1792 exists. Partial sets 
are in ths Parliamentary Library in 
the Queen s Park, but the best file is 
in the Public Library at Toronto. The 
latter, however, is lacking in the num 
bers indicated. 

It is rather peculiar that of all the 
papers published in the early days ot 
Upper Canada there is no complete 
file of the official paper of the province. 
This is accounted for by the fact that 
the fire which destroyed the Parlia 
ment Buildings in 1813, and again in 
1824, and that a.t Montreal in 1849, de 
stroyed a,lso the files of this paper. It 
is understood tha,t no search has been 
made in England for the "York 
Gazette," and it is believed that if an 
examination were made in the Colonial 
Office complete files of this paper 
might be found. 

The two copies of the York Gazette 
referred to are of date 13th November, 
1811, a.nd 15th January, 1812. This paper 
was the official paper of Upper Canada, 
and the first page has at its head the 
Royal Arms, with the letters G. R. at 
the right and left hand lower corners 
of the arms, the title "The York 
Gazette" being across the page. 

The papsr is four columns in width, 
the sheet, exclusive of the margin, be 
ing nine and a, half inches by fifteen 
inches. The date line gives the number 
as "Vol XXI., Wednesday, November 
13, 1811, No. XV11L, 4 Dols. per ann." 

The first column contains a : pro 
clamation by Isaac Brock, President of 
Upper Canada, convening Parliament 
a,t York, on the 2nd December. 

The second article is the proclamation 
of Isaac Brock on his assumption of the 
duties ot Tresident or Administrator 
of the Province during the absence of 
Lieu ten nnt-Governor Francis Gore. 

The third article is a proclamation 
issued by Governor Gore, warning t he- 
public against cutting timl:er on the 



public lands. This had leen done in J 


A fourth proclamation concerned 
purclmse, of hemp by the Government* : 
and the appointment of commissioners. ; 
A fifth notice, signed by John , 
P-eikie, the Sheriff, warned tenants on | 
she Glefae lands to pay up all arrears. 
The sixth article is an advertisement! 
by George Crookshank, the Deputy i 
Assessment Commissiary-General, ask- 
in o; for tenders for timber for the 
King s service. 

The last notice on the fourth col 
umn and on the. first page was the 

The Editor regrets to ftate that his 
repeated, notifications to many of hii 
Printing Office Cuftomers has been fo j 
long ineffectual he therefore again 
requefts that payments may be made 
without unfeafeonable delay. From 
difappointments he has reluctantly \ 
bean obliged to adopt a rule in \ 
which he \vill invariable perfift, which 
is that few orders will be hereafter 
executed unlefs accompanied with pay 
ment." York, Aug. 11, 1811." 

The. second page had its first column 
devoted to "Hancock s Abstract of the 
King s Taxes," which duties, it is pre 
sumed, prevailed in Upper Canada. 

The tax for one horse for either rid 
ing or driving was 2 13s. 6d., and \for 
a four-wheeled carriage 11 5s Od. 
Then followed the duty on carts and 
clo^-s, with the "New Stamp Act" in 

The second column had despatches 
from New York, Charleston, Philadel 
phia and Boston, and one from Halifax 
announcing the arrival of the Sceptic 
transport, with officers and part of a 
company of the Royal Artillery. The 
despatch contained other shipping 

The last column had despatches from 
London, England, dated 20th Sspt. 

The third page i* filled with des 
patches concerning the war on the 
Continent. Tine third page had in its 
fourth column a small heading: The 
York Gazette," with date, followed 
by an account of the weather, and the 
last two inches of space on the page 
are devoted to a notice of the sale <of 
articles at the House of William 
Firth, Esquire, by "Tiros. Mosley, 
Auctioneer." Mosley s auction room 
was in the building, still standing, on 
King street, north side, two doors east 
c<f George street. 

The fourth pa-ge had at the head of 
the first column a, notlae from W. 
Allan," as ageat of the. Phoanix As 
surance Company. Mr. Allan was the 
father of Hon. G. W. Allan. 

This is followed by an advertisement : 

"Found A few days ago. between the 
printing office and Miller s Tavern, 
the two laft joints of a German flute, 
with silver band. The owner may ob 
tain it by applying to the printer here 
in the next advertisement it will be 
seen that "a small Hog" had been doing 
much damage to gardens in York. The 
advertisement reads: 

"NOTICE A small Hog. mixed black 
and white colour, having become a 
nuisance by rooting and various tres- 
paffes on the Garden and other parts 
cf the premises in this town, now occu 
pied by Capt. Chambers of the 41ft 
Regfc. " His owner is therefore requef- 
ted to claim him, pay expenses of adver 
tising and remove him from the faid 

"Ycrk. 4th Nov.. 1811." 
The next advertisement was for the 
sale of lots in Whitby. 

Then there are three notices of sale 
by the sheriff, John Beikie, one of the 
lands of John Henry Kahman, at the 
suit of Samuel Heron. The lots were 
en Duke street, and the> sale was to be 
at " Roche s Hotel, in the town of 

Roche s Hotel was near the Market 

The second, notice was for the sale 
of land in Vaugban, belonging to John 
H. Hudson, at the suit of William Al 

Yhe third was for the sale of lands of 
"Resolved Cleaveland," at the suit of 
John Macdonell, to be sold "at Stoyles 
Hotel, in the town of York." 

This hotel was on ths north side of 
King, near Berkeley street. 
The next advertisement offers: 
"For sale, on the Lowest Terms, Lot 
No. 9, Eaft fide Yonige street; on the 
Premifes there are a Saw Mill and a 
Grift Mill, both in good order, and a 
Still-House with two Stills, capable of 
making eighteen gallons of Whiskey per 
day. The Mills, witlh a portion of Land 
wil I be sold fepirate if required or all 
together. There is a large Improve- 
la-jiit en faid lot. For particulars en 
quire of "the Subforiber, 

York. 15th July, 1811. 
Mr. Heron was town warden of York, 
and a brother of Andrew; Heron, the 
steamboat owner. 

An early scnoolhouse was that of 
Charles McDonnell, on Duke street. The 
a iv sfrtiseinent reads : 


"The Subfcriber returns his grateful 
and fincere Thanks to the Public for 



their countenance and patronage. He 
has juft built a large Room for the 
comfor .able reception of their Chil 
dren; and hopes through his fteady at 
tention to the Morai s and Education 
of the Pupils placed under his care, 
will ftill gain their future approbation 
fund encouragement. 

"N. B. Evening School will commence 
preoifely on the firft of September. 
"Charles McDonnell. 

"Duke street. York, Aug. 10, 1811." 

The first rector of St. James Cathe 
dral died m 1811, and Dr. Strachan 
preached his funeral sermon. It was 
afterwards printed, for we find it was 

"For sale at this office (price Is. Hali 
fax). A Sermon on the Death of the 
Rev. John Stuart, D.D., Preached at 
I^ingsfori, 25th August, 1811, by the 
Rev. John S rashan, D.D." 

The second column of the fourth p age 
hiaid a notice of probate of the estate 
of one Ka haniel Herriman, by Peter 
Grant, of Kingston. 

An advertisement " To Ba Let " at- 
tratots attention, for it is one issued by 
a pioneer settler, Mr. Bostick. It reads : 

"To Be Let: 

"The Subscriber wants to Jet the 
House opposite the Printing Office, 
which he occupied. The rent will be 
moderate to a careful Tenant and im 
mediate possession given. Apply at the 
Printing Office or to the Subscriber. 

"La Inor Bostick. 

"York, 30th Octr., 1811." 

The location of the house wa,s on the 
north, side of King, at the north-west 
corner of Victoria and King. 

The next advertisement ia the offer 
of lands for sale, belonging to " John 
Gray, Esquire, of Lower Canada." These 
were in Scarborough, Markham, Whit- 
by, and also 

"The House and Lot, No. 8, north 
side of King Street, and Lot, No. 11, 
north side Hospital Street." 

The King street lot would be near 
the corner of Yonge- and King streets, 
and the Horpltal (Richmond) street lot 
near the corner of Yonge and Rich 
mond streets. 

Mr. D. Tiers had a shop in York, 
And in May, 1812, occupied the house 
formerly occupied by Mr. Glen." 

Messrs. W. & J. Crooks, of Niagara, 
in an advertisement informed the pub 
lic that the firm was going out of 
business. These gentlemen were ances 
tors of th>3 late Hon. Adam and R. P. 

Alex. Wood, a well known merchant, 
whose place of business was on the 
north- west corner of King and Fred 

erick streets, offers lands for sale in 
different parts of the province. 

Abel Coona also announces lands for 
sale in the District of Newcastle. 

The printer of the paper also has 
lands for sale in Pickering, 
i In the third column of the fourth 
! page we have an announcement by 
; Alexander Legge, merchant. His store 
i was on Palace street, at the north-east 
! corner of Palace (Front) and Princess 
I streets. 

He commences his advertisement by 
i stating that : 

i "The Subscriber takes the Liberty of 
informing his Friends and the Public 
that he has opened a Store in his 
Houfe on Palace Street, near Miss 
Ruffel s, where he offers for sale i 
large supply of the following Articles, 

He then gives a list of articles, and 
concludes his adverti?ement by stating 
that : 

"He expects by the next veffel from 
Kingfton. a fafh onuble supply of Wool 
len and Cotton Goods, they having ar 
rived at Quebec by the Jaft veffel ; 
from England r,.lfo a further supply 
of Ironmongery." 

Following this advertisement is an 
offer of "a farm for saia within four 
miles and a half of this town." Thrj 
locality is not given, but th ere is on ii 
a "good mill seat on the lot and several 
living springs of fins water." 

The printer of the paper announces 
in the same column : 

"For sal 3 at the Printing Office a 
few Copies of the Provincial Statutes, 
Letters from an American loyalist; the 
Infpeetion or Review (a Military TracU 
Common Bonds; Arbitration ditto: 
Deeds of Conveyance with the Bar of 
Dowar and Judge s Certificate; Me 
mo iul.3 for Do., Common Deeds of Con 

The fourth column of the fourth page 
has fi r st a notice from Elizabeth Hen 
derson, Executrix, and William Allan, 
Executor, of the estate of Robert Hen 
derson, brewer of York. 

Then an advertisement by tho Hen 
derson estate offering for rent for one 
year" a "house and lot," and a malt 
house, Brew House, &c., with all the 
implements and utensils for carrying 
on the brewing." 

The location of the brewery is not 

Another advertisement announced 
the sale of lands an I buildings on 
Yonge street by "Thomas B. Gough." 

Mr. Daniel B. Wallis was a leading 
boot and shoe maker at York in 1811. 
II; states in ,his advertisement that 

"The Subfcriber begs leave to inform 
the Public generally that he has remov- 



ed to the Houfe which he formerly oc 
cupied, where he now carries on the 
Boot and Shoepmaking Bufinefs. 

"Thofe Ladies and Gentlemen who 
may be pleaded to favor him with their 
cuftom, may depend upon having their 
work cone in the neateft and moft 
fafhionable manner. Hie is provided 
with an excellent (f upply of Xieather. 
"Daniel B. Wallis. 

"York, April 5, 1811." 

The last advertisement in the paper 
is a notice .of the proposed sale of a 
saw mill on Dund#s streat by Aaron 

This concludes the contents of this 
copy of the York Gazette. 

The York Gazette of Wednesday, 15th 
January, 1812, has a similar heading 
to that of November, 1811. 

The first page contains four royaJ 
proclamations one calling the Legisla 
ture at York on 3rd February, 1812; 
the second concerning tie leave of ab 
sence of Governor Gore; the third re 
garding the cutting of timber limits; 
and the fourth, about the sale of hemp. 
Three other announcements fill this 
page one of the sale of a stock of 
stationery at the printing office; the 
second the sale of lands on Yonge street 
within eight miles of York, by Daniel 
Tiers. This land was at the Plumber, 
and also sundry lands and houses in 

The second page is devoted to "Latest 
Intelligence" from the Morning Chron 
icle, of London, England, da-ted IGth 
Novemlber, all concerning the war on 
the continent. 

The third page devotes three and a 
half columns to war news, while the 
last column contains six announce 

The first is by W. W. Baldwin, Agent 
for W. Firth, stating that the "elegant 
and extensive collection of books" of 
the late Mr. Firth will be sold by pri 
vate sale. The advertisement reads: 

"The Subscriber begs leave to inform 
the Public that attendance will be given 
every Saturday during the approach 
ing Sefsion of the Provincial Legisla 
ture, from Eleven O clock till Three, 
at the Library of William. Firth, 
Esquire, at the Houfe in which he re 
sided at York, when his Elegant and 
Extenfive Collection of Books will be 
exposed to sale by privaie contract on 
the moft reaf enable terms. It is need 
less to remark thart this very exten 
sive Library offers ample gratification 
to the Historian, the Politicain, the 
Divine, the Poet, the Lawyer, the Mer 
chant and the Novelift; there is also 
a rich collection of all the moft cele 
brated Greek and Latin Claffics. It is 

the intention of the Subscriber to send 
all the Books remaining unsold in the 
Spring to Lower Canada. 


"Agent for W. Firth. 

"York, 14th Jan., 1812." 

"N. B. Two Elegant Bedfteads with 

| Eeds, Mattresses, Boulftera, Hangings, 

&c., complete, with some other Articles 

of Household Furniture, and a large 

! double Cario. e and Harnefs, are also 

i for fa,le at the sa,me p ace. W. W. B." 

Mr. Firth was Attorney-General for 

Upper Canada,. 

The second notice reads: 

"Wanted Two fober fteady young 
Men, to clear off 20 Acres of New Land; 
it is light Timbered, for which the Cafh 
will be paid as foon as the wtork is 
done. They will be boarded and lodged. 
Enquire of Doctor Price on Queen 1 
Street, near the Friends Meeting 
House. Any perfon haying loft a, two 
yeir old Heiffer may hear of her by 
enquiring at the fame place. 

Fork, Jan. 15 ,1812." 

The location of this house is un 

The third is the notice to sell "the 
next, roomy and well situated House 
in this town" belonging to "J. Glen- 

The fourth relates to the sa,!e of land 
by Col. St. John in Anra,ster. 

The fifth offers for sale "a, handsome 
serviceable chestnut horse" and a 
"neat pleasure sleigh and harness." 

In the sixth notice 

"The Editor begs leave to remind his 
Country Friends that common Coun 
try Produce will be acceptable in pay 
ment for Siibfcriptions to the Gazette." 

The fourth page has its first adv. a 
sale of lots in different parts of Upper 
Ca,na,da by Quetton St. George, and 
"Two a.cre iots nearly opposite the 
Gaol in this town, also a house and lot 
south side of King st., west of Van- 

The first lots would be on the present 
north-east corner of King and Toronto 
streets. The gaol stood at the entrance 
to the present Lea,der Lrvne. 

A notice of "Wanted a. pair of younu- 
oxen" follows, and then a, sheriff .* 
sale adv. of the lands of Hill and Law- 
ranee in Whitchurch, to be sold at the 
house of Thos. Stoyles. 

Mr. Andrew O Keefe was a fashion" 
able clothier, for in his advertisement 

"Begs leave to inform, the inhabitants 
of York and its vicintiy that be has 
taken the houfe, north fide, of Queen 
ftreet, lately occupied by Mr. P. Mil 
ler as a tavern, where he intends carry- 



lug on the tailoring business in all its 
branches, with neatnsfs and in the 
mcft fafhionable manner. As his char 
ges wall be found moderate, and a f trict 
adherence to punctuality, he hopes the 
public will favour him with a fhare of 
their commands in the above line, 
which he will make his particular care 
to merit. 

"Ladies peliffes and habits, and uni 
forms for the gentlemen of the Army 
and Navy, made on fhort notice and in 
the modern ftyle. York, Dec. 4, 1811." 

The second column of the fourth 
page has a notice of sale or rent of 
the house of Stephen Jarvis. 

This is followed by "Lands for Sale," 
belonging to "John Gray, Esquire, of 
Lower Canada," and house and lot No. 
3, north sidle of King street, and Lot 
No. 11, north side of Hospital street. 

Mr. George Crookshank advertises for 
claims against the estate of the late 
Hugh McLean, an official of the Exe 
cutive Council, and Messrs. W. & J. 
Crooks advertise their Niagara busi 
ness to be closed, while Alex. Wood 
f f York advertizes a large lot of wild 

Mr. Archibald TJhomson, of Scar- 
boro , offers five acres and Lot No. 10, 
east side of Gth con., Markham, and 
Samuel Heron offers Lot No. 9, east s de 
of Yonge street, with a still "capable 
c.f making eighteen gallons of whiskey 
per day." 

The Nathaniel Herriman advertise 
ment of November, 1811, is repeated, as 
w(el[ as that of Thos. 13. Go ugh in the 
same issue. 

The printer, in order to be comfort 
able in the winter. "Wanted at the 
printing office 20 cords fire wood." D. 
Tiers repaats his advertisement of 
store opening at the house of Mr. Glen. 
An advertisement offering for sale a 
"farm 4 miles and a half from this 
town" is repeated. The printer has 
still stationery and law Wanks for sale. 
Alex. Legge again te lls the public 
about his stock of goods; Abel Coonat 
offers lands, 40 miles from York "to be 
sold or let"; Aaron Stevens has yet his 
land in Trafalgar for sale, and the last 
advertisement in the paper is a notice 
for "P. Selby, Receiver-General, U. C.," 
stating that 

"All perfens entitled to receive sal 
aries or other public monies, and who 
cannot attend perfonally to discharge 
their warrants, are in future to fur- 
nifh their agants with powers of at 
torney in duplicate before they can 
receive payment." 


The Cameron Block on the West Side ol 
Youge sit. N,>rtii o 1" Queen Trade as it was 
on this Part or Yonge Street in the Fifties 
and in llio riuties. 

It is not so many years since the cor 
ners of Yonge and Queen .streets had 
j but little prominence as a business 
! centre. Indeed up to the middle of the 
sixties, King street east, from Yonge 
street to the market, had the call in 
dry goods, millinery and groceries. 
To-day all is changed, and the great 
dry goods stores which attract the 
multitude, are on Yonge street, and 
I anywhere from the corner of King and 
j Yonge street up to Albert street, 
there is a continuous moving mass of 
people, who fill the shops and make 
i use of the sidewalks. 

The blosk referred to in this land 
mark is the old Cameron block, a large 
portion of which is now the home of 
the immense departmental store of the 
T. Eaton Co y. 

Prior to 1826 the only building of 
prominence on the west side of Yonge 
street, north of Queen street to Albert 
street, was the Sun Tavern (Land 
marks, Vol. I., Page 113). It was af- 
; terwards called "The Falcon," and sub- 
i sequently the "Craven Heifer." The 
! last occupant was a Mr. Fulljames. 
The house was destroyed by fire in 
1839, and the ground was vacant for 

In 1833-34, the north-west corner of 
i Yonge and Queen streets, was No. 57, 
i and the house was "The Sun Tavern." 
North of the yard of this house was 
I the blacksmith shop (No. 59), of Wil- 
| liam Campbell, and the shop of John 
Brice, a butcher. No. 61 was empty, 
and No. 63 had David Cunningham as 
blacksmith, and John White, a wooJ- 
: turner. No. 65 was occupied by James 
Malone, a carpenter, and Robert Cook, 
in the same trade. At No. (37 Hugh 
Morrison had The Golden Bill Tavern, 
and at No. 69 Mr. George Nichol lived. 
About the present corner of Albert 
street. No. 71, Robert Johnstone car- 
, ried on business as a boot maker, and 
i Mr. John Bugg, a prominent builder. 
Then came Macaulay Lane, now Al 
bert street. 

The Provincial Agricultural Associ 
ation, after the fire in 1859, erected 
i a building fo" offices, shops and _ a 
public hall. The association had its 
offices upstairs, and Fleming & Co., 
seedsmen, had the main si ore on the 
corner. This shop was af .ervrards oc- 



cupied by %Ir. P. Jamieson, who con 
tinued there until the fire of 1893, and 

in the rebellion of 1837. North of this, 
and part of it was the store of Win. 

continues in the building now on this Harrison, boot and shoe .maker. No. 
comer. 143-5 was the shop of R. Beauchamp, 

A small two story building to the 1 while near the corner of Albert was 
north of this corner on Tonga street, ; No. 147, the store of Robert Taylor, 





was occupied in 1856 by John Ttonow- 
deto, a tailor, and by Wilson & Mishaw, 
furniture dealers (No. 139), while a 
large frame building to the north was 
the Franklin House Hotel. (No. 141), 
kept by John Montgomery, well-known 

grocer and confectioner. 

These houses were all of frame. From 
No. 139 they were torn down to make 
way in 18 ,:>/ for the Cameron block, 
for the property had passed into the 
hands of the late Hon. J. H. Cameron. 



[t was of white brick, with twelve 
single shops in the block, having a 
frontage of about 120 feet on Yonge 

The ground where the Fulljames 
Ho! el stood was vacant in 1861-62, and 
the other stores \vere occupied as fol 

No. 190 Merryfield, Robert, boot 

No. 192 Stali-er, Jchn, dry goo Is. 

Nos. 194-196 Page, Charles, dry goods. 

No. 198 Whiieside, John, porter, G. 
T. R. R. 

No. 20C Unoccupied house. 

No. 02 Watson, Richard, tinsmith. 

Nos. 201, 206, 208 Three unoccupied 

Here commences Albert street. 

In 1862 the Agricultural building 
was erected, and in this building Flem 
ing & Co., seedsmen, ha,d a, shop at 
the corner. There wa ; s a vacant spot 
between Fleming s place and Merry- 
field s, which was occupied by W. E. 
Chapman, photographic artist, and Mrs. 
Catharine Humphreys, a washer 
woman. The numbers from ISO to the 
corner of Albert ran as follows: 

No. 190 Merryfield, Robert, boots 
and ehces. 

No. 192 Stalker, John, dry gcods. 

Nos. 192-196 Page, Charles, dry 

No. 198 Casci, V., grocer. 

No. 20C Lorsch, Da,vid, fancy gcods. 

No. 0- Watson, Richard, tinsmith. 

No. 01 Hounsfield, W. H., hoop 
skirt maker. 

No. 208 Tragaar, James, fruiterer. 

No. 208 Clark, R. H., tailor. 

No. 210 Williams, H- B., stables. 

Nos. 212-211 Williams, H. B., black 
smith shop. 

Here Albert street commences. 

In 1866 Fleming vvas still at the cor 
ner, Mr. William Bllton having a small 
store, shown to the left of the pic 
ture. Then came Mr. Merryfield, the 
first of the Cameron Block, followed 
by : i 

No. 194 Stalker, J., dry goods. 

No. 196 Page, Charles, & Co., dry 

No. 198 Thornton, J. B., books. 

No. 2 CO Galloway & Co., fancy goods. 

No. 202 Dunn, G. W., dry goods. 

No. 204 Reading, Mrs. J., millinery. 

No. 206 Dunn, G. W., hoop skirt 

No. 208 Gibbs, M., fancy goods. 

Vacant land. 

Here Albert street commences. 

In 1867-68 the Board of Agriculture 
were si ill at 1 he corner. 

No. 192 John Stalker. 

No. 194-196 Charles Page. 

No. 198 James B. Thornton. 

No. 2(0 David Galloway. 

No. 202 Mary & Eleanor Reed. 

No. 204 Mrs. M. Reading. 

No. 2C6 G. W. Dunn. 

No. 208 Vacant. 

No. 210 Malcolm Gibbs. 

No. 212 Vacant. 

No. 214--George Noble. 

In 18 8-69 the Agricultural Hall was 
occupied by Fleming & Co., No. 180, 
and John Holmes, shoe store, No. 182. 
Tho stores immediately north of the 
now Jamieson building were then being 
built. No. 188 was occupied by William 
Bllton and Robert Merryfield was in 
the first of the Cameron Block. Then 
came : 

No. 192 Stalker, John, dry goods. 

No. 194-196 Page & Pannell, dry 

No. 198 Thornton, J. B., works. 

No. 20C Robinson, J. D., dry goods. 

No. 202 Resd, M. & E., milliners. 

No. 20-1 Reading, John, hoop skirts. 

No. 206-0. 8 Dunn, G. W., hoop skirts. 

No. 210 GLbbs, M., dry goods. 

No. 212^Galloway, D., dry goods. 

No. 214 Noble, G., & Co., dry gcods. 

Here Albert street commences. 

In 1870 the T. Eaton Co. were- on the 
scuth-west corner of Queen and Yonge 
j streets. On the north side the Agricul- 
i tural Hall building, Nos. 180-182, was 
j occupied by the Agricultural Associa 
tion offices and James Fleming & Co., 
while in a po^rt of the store Mr. J. 
Holmes had boots and shoes. The 
stores to the north from the corner 
j until Albert street was reached were 
i occupied by 182, John Holmes, boot and 
slice maker. 

No. 182 O Donnell, M., dry goods. 

No. 18 Williams, W. M., dry goods. 

No. 16 Toronto Tea Company. 

No. 188 Dilton, Wm. 

Nc. 188 Chute, Mrs. E. 

N.>. 19C Merryfield, Robt. 

Nr. 192 Stalker, John 

N?. 191-116 Page & Pannell 

N ..-. 198 Frisby & Eartlett, tailors. 

N . : 00 West, Wm. & Co,, boots. 

N;:. 02 Reed, M. & E., milliners. 

Nr. iOi Reading, John, hoop skirts. 

Nc-. 106 Dunn, G. W., hoop f-kirts. 

No. 208 Beatty, M. A. milliner. 

No. 210 Gibbs, M., dry gooc s. 

No. 212 MoSymon, J. C., dry goods. 

No. 214 Noble, G. & Co., dry goods. 

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History of One or the First Building* In 
York anil Some of the Change* It has Ex 
lrJf!itcod in finely Years. 

Bathurst street, with, its crowds of 
people and continual traffic of noisy 
electric; cars, silent, but swift, bicycles, 
and vehicles of alii descriptions, drawn 
by horses, is on-3 of the last places in 
the city that would bo thought to 
have at any time been a farm lane. 
Such, however, is the case. In the 
very early directories of York it is 
called Grookshank s lane, and a verit 
able lane it was not in the ordinary 
city acceptation of the term, how- 
over. It was a semi-private thorough 
fare, connecting the farm of the late 
Hon. George Crookshank with the 
city, or rather small tovvn of that 
period. Its southerly portion received 
the name of Bathurst street in the 
twenties, in honour of Earl Bathurst, 
who was Secretary for the Colonies in 
the reign of George IV. Even as late 
as 1860 the upper portion of it was 
still called Orookshank s lane, however. 
The Crookshank farm extended from 
Queen street to the north of the Daven 
port road, and contained about 200 
acres of land. The present Bathurst 
street ran through the eastern half 

Somewhat south of the centre o p the 
farm stood the cofttage which forms 
th* 1 subject of this Landmark. It was 
built in the first decade of the present 
century, and is one of the few build 
ings in the city that date from be 
fore the war of 1812. It was occupied 
by Mr. Orookshank before he bui t the 
house at the present corner of Front 
and Windsor streets in 1815. Mr. 
Crookshank and his family occupied it 
a second time in 1820, when the house 
at the north-east corner o,f Front and 
Peter streets was being re-built. 

The farm house and all the adjoining 
land remained in the hands of Mr. 
Crookshank up to 1851, when it and 
some other acres that surrounded it 
were sold to Robert A. Goolemougih. 
H; held the property for eight years, 
when it passed into the hands of Cap 
tain Strachan. This gentleman was 
the son of the Honourable and Right 
Reverend John Strachan, D.D., first 
.TVshop of the See of Toronto Caohu n 
Sti-adham far years occupied a villa on 
tflie norttw-east corner of York and 
Front streets, built in 1833 by Mr. J. 
G. Howard for the use of Thomas Mer 
cer Janes, one of the qpmniissioners of 
the Canada Company. Captain Strachan 
bought the whole Crookshank farm. 
and occupied the farm-house for several 

years. During hLs term of ownership 
the property was greatly altered, being 
so .d in different blocks, and cut up by 
freshly-plan.ra>d streets. The house and 
the three-acre lot on which it stood 
were, sold to Mr. Phiftp Brown in 1864. 

( Up to that time the building had not 

. undergone any very extensive changes. 

\ When Mr. Brown bought it, however, 
he had it moved about a hundred yards 
eastward, nearer the former lane, which 
had some time previous been dignified 
with the name of Bathurst street. Solid 
ly built as the house was, the moving 
proved rather destructive to it, and it 
was found to be in need of extensive 
repa rs and alterations. These were 
made, with the result that the house 
was greatly changed. It was made 
somewhat, larger, and it is very doubt 
ful if one of the ejarly residents of York 
would recognize it to-day as the farm 
house of ninety years ago. The aocom- 
pa/nying illustration is from a pen and 
ink sketch of the homestead by Mr. 
Stephen Heward, whose mother is a 
daughter of the late Mr. Crookshank. 
The sketch shows the house as it was 
originally. It is still standing, remote 
from the street and hidden from view 
by the trees and shrubs and vines that 
aibound in the garden and lawn that 
surround it. Mr. Brown is the present 

| owner and occupant. The house is known 
as 396 Bathurst street, and is oppo 
site the house of Sir Casimir Gzowski, 
which is built on a site that at one 
time formed a part of the Crookshank 

: farm 


i A Fac Simile of the Original Proclamation 
at York (Toronto) by the Government of 
Upper Cannd:: on the Accession of George 
the Fourth to the Throne o? Great Britain. 

The fac-simile reproduction from the 
original copy of the proclamation by 
the Government of Upper Canada of 
the accession of George IV. to the 
throne of Grea,t Britain gives a public 
view of a, document belonging to a; 
period in Canadian history when news 
papers, official records and old docu 
ments were scarce. The fire of 1813, 
which destroyed the Parliament build 
ings a,t the east end of Palace, now- 
Front street, wiped out nearly all the 
newspaper files from 1792-1813. Wha.t 
the fire did not do in 1813 it accom 
plished effectively in 1824, when the 
second Parliament House in York, and 
located on the same spot, was burned, 






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and if anything belonging to official 
history remained, it was almost obli 
terated as far as documents are con 
cerned by the destruction of the Par 
liament buildings by fire in Montreal 
in 1849. 

George IV. was the eldest son of 
George III., and was born on 12th 1 
August, 1762, and ascended the throne 
on the 29th January, 1820, and died in 
June, 1830. 

The news of the death of George III. 
must have been some weeks in reaching 
America), for King George IV. was not 
proclaimed at York until the 3rd ot 
May, 1820. The, Legislature of Upper 
Canada, was in session until 7th March, 
1820, and up to tha,t date there is no 
mention of the death ot George III. nor 
of the accession of George IV. The new 
Parliament of Upper Canada met on 
the 31st January, 1821, a,nd in the 1 
Speech from the Throne is a, reference 
to the dea,th of the King and the acces- 
sion of George IV. 

The; proclamation. Is signed by the 
Hon. Samuel Smith, who was admin 
istrator of the Government of Upper 
Canada during the absence ot Sir 
Peregrine Maltla.nd, the Lieutenant- 

The document is countersigned by D. 
Cameron (Duncan Cameron) the Secre 
tary of the Executive Council. 

There is no official record of the 
reading of this proclamation. There axe 
no Upper Canada, newspaper files for 
1820, and none of the Lower Canadian 
papers of that date refer to the pro 
claiming of the King at York. 

George III. had been King of Eng 
land for more than thirty years when 
the province of Upper Canada was 
created, out of what was vaguely call 
ed Canada previous to the time named. 
The country thus designated was that 
portion now included in the province of 
Quebec and Ontario, which, by the Act 
of 1791, became Lower and Upper Can 
ada respectively. 

The first public celebration of which 
there is any record was that by the 
Legislative Council and Commons 
House of Assembly at their meetings 
on the 5th and 6th day of February, 
1806, when they passed a loyal con- 
graitullatory address to King George 
III. on the naval victory of Lord Nel 
son at Trafalgar in the previous Octo 
ber. It may be noted that it took more 
than three months for the news of 
Lord Nelson s victory and death to 
traivel from Europe to York, Upper 
Canada, ift not being received in the 
latter place until February 1st, 1806. 

Trafalgar was fought October 21st, 

George IV., died June 26th, 1830, and 
his next brother, William IV., (the Bail 
or king) reigned in his stead. When 
the news reached York it was at once 
publicly announced by the crier, and 
the then sheriff, W. B. Jarvis, pro 
claimed William IV. as King. 

The Patriot, then published in Kings 
ton by Thomas Dalton, had the follow 
ing remarks on the occasion: 

George IV. has closed his illustrious 
career amidst the regrets of his affec 
tionate subjects." After several para 
graphs of regrets for the deceased mon 
arch, the article go-es on : " William 
IV. is now our lawful Sovereign; to him 
is due our undivided loyalty, which let 
us manifest by keeping the closest 
watch upon whoever may be his Secre 
tary of State for the Colonies for the 
time being." 

It does not appear that any public 
celebration of William IV s coronation 
took place either in York or in Kings 
ton, and the Montreal papers are si 
lent on the point. The coronation took 
place June 28, 1831. 

All but seven years elapsed, when on 
June 20th, 1837, William IV., lik ehis 
predecessor, also died, and his niece, 
our present Queen, ascended the throne. 
The intelligence arrived in Toronto- 
no longer York on August 2nd, 1837, 
and was then and there announced, and 
again did Sheriff W. B. Jarvis read 
the young Queen s proclamation. This 
was somewhat of a ceremony, _ the 
sheriff accompanied by various officials 
going in an open conveyance, first to 
the City Hall, and then to Government 
House, in front of each place reading 
the proclamation. Among those with 
him were the local members of Parlia 
ment, the clerk of the Executive Coun 
cil, Mr. John Beikie, the Mayor of To 
ronto, Mr. Powell, and others. 

The Queen s coronation took place at 
Westminster Abbey, on June 28th, 1838, 
amidst great pomp and ceremony, and 
was not by any means allowed to pass 
unnoticed in Toronto. Here a grand 
procession of the firemen of the city 
under the direction of the then Chief 
of the Brigade, the late Mr. Thomas 
Denny Harris, paraded the streets. 
The order of the procession was as 
follows: First came the bands of 
the two militia regiments, the 
Queen s Rangers and the Queen s 
Foresters, then the chief officers of 
the brigade, viz., Thomas D. Harris, 
chief engineer; Richard Woodsworth, 
assistant engineer; Robert Beard, 
David. Paterson and Jas. H- Westland, 
the first two of whom were chiefs of 
the Hook and Ladder Company and 



Toronto Fire Engine Company, and the 
la ter was the secretary. 

Following the officers was a fireman 
wiio carried a rctase, gilded from top 
to bottbm and surmounted by a lion. 
Then came two /silk bannsrs with em 
blematic devices, one having the word 
"Victoria" in its centre, surrounded 
by a wr eath of the rose, shumroc c and 
thistle, and underneath "British Su 
premacy." Tiie other banner had a 
representation o! the British-American 
fire engine on it, and the name OL the 
company underneath the engine. Forty 
firemen were with the engine, which 
was gaily decollated. The firemen were 
arrayed in scarlet jackets and white, 
trousers. These banners were painted 
by Alexander Hamilton. On the engine 
was a painting representing the death 
of Wolfe an i. the taking of Quebec. 
Then came two more flags, the work of 
H irt & March, ani the hoo : and lad- 
dier waggton, followed: by six axemen 
and 28 fir^nien then was borne the 
Royal Standard, and the rear was 
brought up by more firemen. The route 
of the procession was along Yonge and 
King streets to) the Garrison common, 
where it dispersed. Royal salutes were 
fired from the Old Fort, and a public 
banquet tooi placa in the evening, and 

In Kingston th/e day was observed 
by the ladies of that place presenting 
the 1st Fronltenac Militia Regiment 
with a stanl (Of colours, tha ceremony 
tahing place nK^ar Birch H ousa No 3, 
in front of Colonel Bonnycastle s resi 
dence. Mrs Kirby presented the flags 
for the ladies committse, and Lieut. - 
Co . Markland, commanding the regi 
ment, accepted them ani thanked the 
ladies. A display of fireworks took 
place at night, and during thi day 
there was a boat race at Barnefield. 

In Montreal and Quebec the dav was 
celebrated by military parades, and all 
through the two provinces the occasion 
was not allowed to pass by unnoticed. 
Few ot thos-} who were present then 
are with us no%v, yet it is not uninter 
esting once more to recall the events 
of Auld Lang- Syns connected with the 
Victorian reign 


An Interesting Story, Covering Ninety 
Years, by Mr. Charles Si-ymonr, t Ot 
tawa, who Resided In the Town of York 
(Toronto) In 1811. 

Mrs. Charles Seymour, of Ottawa, is 
the only person alive who resiled in 
York, now Toronto, in 1811. Mrs. Sey 
mour Ls the eldest child of the late Dr. 

. Grant Powell, the third son of the late 
Chief Justice Powell. Mrs. John Pow 
ell, of Toronto, is a younger sister of 
: Mrs. Seymour. 

The story told by Mrs. Seymour is 

| an interesting one, and it is wonderful 

to hear her, sitting in a comfortable 

armchair in her residence on Vittoria 

! street, Ottawa,, recount tie events of 

; her lifetime. 

Mrs. Seymour was born at Balstor. 
Spring, N. Y., in 1806, and was the 
eldest child of Dr. Grant Powell, the 
third son of Chief Justice Powell. The 
Powells are of Welsh extraction. 
I When Detroit, then the county of 
Heese, with other British possessions 
in America, was ceded to the United 
States authorities in 1784, Chief Jus 
tice Powell s father, who at that time 
resided there, left the country, but 
his son ; Chief Justice Powell, after 
Peace was proclaimed between the two 
I countries, returned to America, mar- 
; rie.l in Boston Miss Anne Murray, a 
j Norwich lady, who was visiting rela- 
! tives there, and eventually with her 
settled in York (Toronto), and, as a 
U. E. Loyalist, became the possessor of 
several grants of land in different parts 
of the province. His son, Dr. Grant 
Powell, however, remained behind in 
England, for the purpose of finishing 
his me Ucal studies, and after obtaining 
hLs diploma, also came out to America, 
but settled in the United States, where 
he for some years practised his profes 
sion at Balston Springs, N. Y. in 1805 
he married Miss Eliza BJeecker, eldest 
daughter of Major John R. Bleecker, 
of Albany, whose ancestors came to Al 
bany from Amsterdam in Holland in 
1610, and bought large tracts of land, 
which include a portion of the present 
site of New York. 

When their daughter was about three 
years of age Dr. and Mrs. Powell left 
Balston Springs for Canada. 

Their first resting place was at Mont 
real, where they remained for about 
two years, coming to Toronto in 1811 
by batteaux, and landing at the King s 
(now r tha Queen s) wharf, and then at 
Allan s wharf, at the foot of Sher- 
bourne (Caroline) street. 

In less than a year after their ar 
rival at York war was declared between 
the two countries, and Mrs. Seymour, 
although at the time not quite six 
years of age, has still a distinct re 
membrance of the taking of York by 
the American troops. Mrs. Grant Pow 
ell, her mother, had issued invitations 
for a party to be held on the 27th 
April. Mrs. Seymour says she well 
rememoers the guests were slow 




in arriving. One or two ladies 
came, but not a gentleman, and all 
present were feeling excited and un 
comfortable, dreading they knew not 
what. The suspense was at last ended 
by tile hurried entrance of her father, 
who informed them that the American 
fleet had been sighted. He told his 
wife to take the child and maid ser 
vants and go at once to Mrs. McGill s 
cottage, which stood in the centre of 
the now Metropolitan church square. 
This they did without loss of time. Dr. 
Powell also said that what was most 
required by the Canadians was food, 
they not having been prepared for the 
attack. Consequently, the following 
morning, Mrs. Seymour says, all the 
ladies at Mrs. McGill s were hard at 
work preparing provisions for the 
troop,?, some making bread, while she 
and Bishop Strachan s son, James, were 
first sent out to pick up chips to keep 
the fire alight while the provisions 
were being cooked. 

The following morning Miss Powell 
went with her mother and nurse to 
their home, which they found a scene 
of desolation. The supper table, which 
had given her so much pleasure to 
admire the night before, had evidently 
been well appreciated by the invaders. 
The house had been ransacked by the 
Americans, who, she presumed, were 
looking for public papers, mistaking it 
for that of her grandfather, Chief Jus 
tice Powell. 

At one of the doors a six-foot Am 
erican lounged, breaking- pieces off a 
cone of lump sugar. Bessy Walters^ 
the nurse, walked up to the man and 
snatched it away from him, at the 
same time berating him for stealing 
her mistress property, adding that she 
wished he would go home and mind 
his own business. "I guess I wish I 
could," was the reply. "Where is your 
home?" asked Mra. Powell. "Down to 
Stillwater, New York," was the reply. 
"I ve one of Major Bleecker s farms." 
AJI answer which caused some amuse 
ment to them both, when Mrs. Powell 
told him that Major Bleecker was her 

Mrs. Seymour, when a girl, went to 
school in York. The school house was on 
the west aide erf Gjoorge street, "a* long 
wooden house" painted blue and kept 
by a Mrs. Goodman. A Miss Russell 
taught music, a*id a Miss Sherman, a 
teacher, had chcwrge of the house. Mrs. 
Goodmajv had a son, a doctor, who 
livd and poractwad in St. Catharines. 

In 1831 Miss PowN married Mr. Sey- 
, an officer of tie Cominissiai uMj 
fc, and with him left at once 

for the West Indies, where he was sta 
tioned. They arrived at Barbadoes the 

j day after a great hurricane which 
nearly devastated the island, and she 
says that the state) of chaos and desola 
tion that greeted them was almost 

| beyond description. On Mrs. Sey 
mour s arrival she was taken to the 
Garrison, and there found several of 
the of f iceTs wives marvellously arrayed, 
but Mrs. Smith s costume bore aiway 
the pa|m. She was a, pretty, bright- 
eyed, curly-haired brunette, and her 
dress consisted of a: pair of her hus 
band s trousers, turned well up at the 
ankle, showing two Jittle feet in slip 
pers and stockings much too large ior 
her; a shell jacket, belonging to one 
officer, a dressing gown of another and 
a, forage cap, belonging to a third, com 
pleted her costume. One unfortunate 
woman, whose little son was born dur 
ing the storm, had the baby blown out 
ot the nurse s arms into a prickly hedge, 
alive, but with a thorn through its 
cheek. Fifteen years afterwards Mrs. 
Seymour, who was then a widow, liv 
ing at GueJph to be near her brother. 
Judge Powell, noticed in front of her 
in church a singularly pJain lad, with 
a. peculiar scar on his cheek, and on 
enquiry discovered that that was the 
identical baby, whose parents had come 
to reside in. Canada. 

Shortly before Mrs. Seymour and her 
husband went to Barbadoes a circum 
stance occurred in one of the adjoin 
ing islands which may be of interest 
\ here. 

A vessel, more than suspected, of be 
ing a pirate ship, for which the au 
thorities had been on the look-out for 
some months, was seized and her cap 
tain and crew taken into custody. Cir 
cumstantial evidence was strong against 
the men, but in consequence of there 
being no ship s papers found nothing 
could absolutely be \fcroved against 
them, and they, of course, strongly pro 
tested their innocence and complained 
bitterly of the injustice to which they 
were subjected. At Last It was decided 
that unless further proof of their guilt 
could be procured by a certain date 
they should be set at liberty. But the 
day prior to the date fixed for their 
release a shark was caught off Ja 
maica, in the stomach of which, on it 
beitag out open, was found the missing 
paper and other evidence ot importance. 
The pirates, knowing there wae no fur 
ther hope for their release, made a full 
confession of all their misdeeds, and the 
captain was sentenced to be hanged. 
The document taken from the shark s 
stomach hae been framed, and 



hangs on the walls of the Public Insti 
tute in Kingston, Jamaica, where i 
was seen in 1896 by the wnter or this 
iinrberview. The officer in command: at 
the wretched man s execution, and to 
whom he had previously surrendered 
his sword, presented that sword to Mr. 
Seymour. But the story does not 
end here. The event above narrated 
occurred somewhere about 1831. In 
1859, years after Mrs. Seymour s return 
to Canada and subsequent widowhood, 
her niece, Miss Stuart, married Mr. 
Wyndham, a Wiltshire gentleman, who 
had come out to settle in Canada and 
bought land opposite Belle Ewart, on 
Lake Simcoe, on which stood a pretty 
house. As the young people decided to 
spend the first year ot their married 
life in England, amongst Mr. Wynd- 
ham s people, and did not care about 
leaving their handsome new furniture, 
etc., entirely to the care of servants, 
Mrs. Seymour and her daughter, who 
had been living for some time in Nia 
gara, decided to move up to Lake Sim 
coe and occupy the Wyndhams house 
until their return. One day a farmer 
called to ask whether they, as the only 
gentlepeople in the neighbourhood, 
would have any objection to receive as ; 
their guest the Methodist minister, who 
was to hold mission services in that 
part of the country. Of course, no ob- 
jeotioa \vas made, and they consequent 
ly had the pleasure of entertaining a 
most charming man a clever gentle 
man, and possessed of a large fund of 
anecdote. Amongst other things, he 
told them the story above related, say 
ing, moreover, that he, at that time 
a clergyman of the Church of England, 
had been with the pirate captain, pre 
paring the poor fellow for his death. 
His astonishment can be imagined wihen 
Mns. Seymour produced the sword and 
told him how; it had come into her pos 
session. This sword, in a dinged and 
dinted steel scabbard, with its blade 
notched, stained and rusted, was un 
fortunately lost in 1868, somewhere be 
tween Montreal and Ottawa. Mrs. Sey 
mour was at that time living with her 
son, Grant Seymour, who, as secretary 
to the Adjutant-General, had been sta 
tioned in Montreal. When they re 
moved to Ottawa the* sword was lost. 
After seven years spent in the West 
Indies, Mrs. Seymour, whose 1 health 
had been siufferimg from the climate, 
was sent home to Camada. 

She arrived in Toronto in 1838, just 
after the rebellion, and. later on her 
husband, who was obliged to leave the 
service on account of ill-health, joined 
her, and ere long they removed to 

Streetsyiile, where, in 1843, Mr. Sey 
mour died. 

Mrs. Seymour returned to Eoronto 
and resided in the cottage which stood 
on the north side of Richmond street, 
midway between Simcoe and York 
streets. She left Toronto to 1859. ajnd 
joined her son, Grant, in Quebec, he 
having 1 given up his law studies fpi* 
the sake of a position) in the civil ser 
vice, which enabled him to provide a 
home for his mother and sister, which 
he did until the date of his death, in 
September, 1893. Since then Mrs. Sey 
mour and her daughter have lived in 
Ottawa. Mrs. Seymour will be ninety- 
one, years of age Tuesday , 24th August, 


The Building in Which the Corn Exchange 
and Board of Trade Met for Many Years. 

The picture shows what is now the 
north-west corner of Wellington street 
and Leader lane. Wellington street 
was originally Market street. Hhe lane 
or alley to the east of the Exchange 
was originally kmown as Berczy street. 
The sixth post-office, before its removal 
to the west side of Toronto street ftthe 
Receiver-General s office) stood on this 
corner. Mr. Berczy was the postmas 
ter. He gave the property that made 
this lane or alley, and the name should 
never have been changed. 

This corner was a busy centre on 
| week days, a.nd on Sunday mornings, 
I when the post-office was opened for an 
hour or so, it was frequented by al. 
the business men in Toronto. To the 
east, at the delta of Wellington and 
Church streets, the stage lines, which 
ran from Toronto to Kingston, and also 
to Hamilton, had their starting points. 
This building was one of the finest 
architectural ornaments of the city. 
The design was by Mr. Joseph Grand, 
the architect, under whose superm- 
: tendence it was built. Tihe following 
i architectural description, giving 
dimensions of the whole and parts of 
the building, read in connection with 
our engraving, will furnish an accurate 
conception of the structure. Tbe budd 
ing has two frontages that on Wel 
lington street of 54 feet, and that on 
Berezy street of 140 feet and consists 
of basement, ground, first and sec 
ond floors. It is entered from Welling 
ton street by a fligtht of steps under a 
receding portico of the Grecian IJorie 
order, leading to a spacious landin*, 
communicating directly on either side 
with rooms intended for the Montreal 



Telegraph Company s offices, being ac- 
sible at all hours without entering the 
main building. In the centre of the 
tending is the principal entrance, 8 
feet wide, leading to a corridor, (130 
feet long, ,12 feet wide, by 15 feet in 

spacious apartment of 50 feet long by 
20 feet wide, well lighted by seven 
large windows on Wellington and Berc. 
zy streets. At the distance of 70 feet 
from the main entrance on Wellington 
street, is an attached portico of two 





height, communicating on either side ! 
with a range of first-class offices. At 
the distance of 12 feet from the en- , 
trance are two grand staircases, one on | 
each side, which lead directly to the 
upper corridor and reading room a I 

stories the lower of which ia of the 
Doric order, and the upper of the Ionic. 
The centre of this portico has a prin 
cipal entrance, 12 feet wide, into the 
corridor, and on either side inferior en 
trances to the basement and refresh- 



ment rooms. From ^is principal en 
trance there are two flights of steps 
of 24 feet wide, leading direct to 
upper corridor before mentioned, mer 
chants exchange room, millers assc 
elation rooms, brokers offices, .commit 
tee room, and eight private offices^ 
Exchange is 50 feet by 30 of -in 
oval form, by a height of about 
feet, and lighted by a circular orna 
mental glass dome. From this floor 
there are three staircases leading to 
the corridor on the second floor; the 
arrangement of private offices on this 
floor being similar to that of the firs 
floor. At the north end of the corridor 
there is the entrance to a handsome 
gallery surrounding the inner wall ot 
the Exchange, and communicating 
therefrom with private offices, com 
mittee rooms, and a suite of rooms set 
apart for the meetings of the Board ot 
Trade. The basement is approached by 
four entrances (two on Wellingtoi 
street and two on Berezy street), an 
was occupied as a refreshment saloon, 
with bathrooms, barber s shop, Private 
offices and Housekeeper s rooms. Each 
floor has water closets and other con 
veniences, and were always thoroughly j 
supplied with water from cisterns hold- j 
ing in the aggregate three thousand 
gallons of water. The public portions < 
of the building are heated by furnaces, 
and each corridor has two hydrants and 
hose, which, in case of fire, can be at 
tached and brought to bear upon any 
part pf the building. Each office has 
a fire-proof vault; water led on to sup 
ply & wash hand basin in each room, 
and water pipes to carry foul water 
away; and is also furnished with gas 
pipes. The building covers an area of 
nearly 8,000 superficial feet, and art 
composed oi a rusticated basement, A) 
feet high, on each side of the portico, 
supporting the cornice, which is sur 
mounted by Ionic pilasters and entabla 
ture, finished on the top by balustrad- 
ing, the piers at each end ornamented 
with vases, and the centre with the 
royal arms. 

The Exchange was occupied as such 
until 1877, when the lower por 
tion of the building was altered and 
tenanted by the Imperial Bank. 
189(5 the bank added a large building 
to the west of the original building, and 
remodelled the entire old structure, 
turning the upper parts of the build 
ing into suites of offices, and making 
it altogether a most modern and at 
the same time a convenient and com 
fortable building for tenants. 


The Log Fortifications t lint Served for the 
OeJencc of Toronto from 1793 to 1837. 

The first fortifications at Toronto, or 
rather York, were built in 1793-4 by 
Governor Simcoe, when the Fort at 
the west end of the city wus laid out. 
Batteries were erected, commanding 
the entrance to the harbour, and 
within the fort grounds a block house 
was erected. This block house was de 
stroyed by the Americans in 1813, but 
it was re-built about 1815, and between 
1820-25 a second block house, to the 
eiast of the first one, was erected. 

In a plan of York Harbour, made 
in 1813, and published by Bouchette in 
1832 a block house is shown on the 
east side of the creek, known as the 
Garrison Creek, which ran from the 
northern limits of the city down on 
the east side of the Fort entrance, but 
there is no evidence of such a block 
house as late as 1845. and the oldest 
inhabitant cannot remember it. 

The second block house, built prior 
to 1800, was at Gibraltar Point, now 
Hanlan s Point. This block house stood 
about midway between the man-hole 
of the water-works at Hanlan s and the 
cribwork now used by the Ferry Com 
pany as a promenade. An original 
of this is showa in Irving s picture of 
York, 1818-20, now in possession of 
Mrs. Stephen Heward. 

To the south of Heber s wharf five 
hundred feet, stood a storehouse, built 
by Governor SLmcoe. Supplies for the 
block house were kept in this building, 
which was also used as a barracks for 
a dozen men. 

Of the city block houses the most 
important was one on the bank of the 
Don, near the site of the old jail now 
the site of the Gas works. This block 
house was destroyed by the Americans 
in 1813. 

There has been some dispute as to 
the exact spot on which this block 
house stood. Some writers claim that 
it was on the east side of the Don, but 
the best authorities state that it was 
on the west side of " The Little Don 
for in 1796-1815 the Don was a delta 
at its mouth, one entrance being known 
as "The Little Don" and tie other 
as " The Don." The block house stood 
in the line of Berkeley street, south of 
Palace (Front) street southwards, < 
the point where the Little Don enter 
ed the Bay. It was designed to protect 
Se road o y r track leading to the penin 
sula., where there was a landing place 



.W. law. . 











fc/ m t 

IL^ /<; -v ,v 



on the south shore. There is now no 
double 1 entrance or delta at the Don, as 
the river by dredging has been made 
to flow in one str&am into Toronto Bay. 

Another block house, which was built 
prior to 1800, was located on a steep 
mound, which overlooked a creek that 
was part of the Garrison Creek at Gore 
Vale, on Queen street, near Niagara 
street. This block house was destroyed 
before 1820. 

The modern block houses which sur 
rounded the city were those at the 
head of Sherbourne street, a picture 
of which is given with this Landmark. 
It stood on the exact line of Bloor 
street going east, at the east end of 
this road and in the middle, just over 
the steep descent to the valley of the 
Don, to avoid which precipitous de 
scent the road turned aside southwards 
towards Sherbourne street. Mr. Hirsch- 
felder s hofose and grounds were imme 
diately south of this block house. It 
was built in 1837-8, at the time of the 
rebellion troubles, so as to protect the 
city from the north. 

Another block house stood at the 
head of Spadina avenue, on the site of 
the preseint Broadway Tabernacle, and a 
third stood on the east side of Yonge 
street, directly opposite BeJmont street, 
and overlooking the ravine. 

All these block houses were built on 
the same plan and were designed to 
protect the city in the trying days of 

An earth-work stood for years, from 
1812-20, at the junction of King and 
Queen streets, in the delta now occu 
pied by a frame building. Mr. William 
Helliwell, writing in June, 1896, says : 

" There was at the junction of King 
and Queen streets, on the west side 
of the Don, the remains of an earth 
work battery, said to be armed with 
a twelve-pound cannon during the war 
at 1812. There was no stockade, but 
simply the remains oJ an earth-work. 
The land surrounding it was bush. I 
enclose you a rough sketch of the lo 
cality as I first knew it in 1821." 

This sketch shows the earthwork and 
bush on each side of it. The gun faced 
the Don bridge. 

This battery was not finally demol 
ished in 1850, remains of it still being 
visible up to that year. 


A Latttac MBHinrat the Swcdlth Xljrhf- 
f ! Tk rtglnal Building n Bevtr 
|r T treet n1 What Cam* of It 

directory for the city of To 

ronto in 1864 states that Sullivan 
street commences at Beverley street 
and runs west to Spadina avenue, and, 
furthermore, that only the north side 
had buildings on it, the first being 
the Protestant Orphans Home, of 
which Mrs. Mary Holmes was mat 
ron, and west of this the house of 
Samuel Coyne, at that time head mas 
ter in Phoebe street Public school. The 
rest of. the land, north and west, was 
uncleared, or, as the directory puts it, 
"vacant lote." This was also the con 
dition of the laoid on the south side 
of the street. 

Such, then, was Sullivan street in 
i 1864. The directory for 1897 shows that. 
here, as everywhere else in Toronto, 
the march of improvement is manifest. 
Where once the Orphans Home stood 
there is a row of modern dwelling 
houses. The residence of Mr. Coyne 
has been supplanted in like manner. 
The "vacant lots" have vanished. Upon 
the one situated wes:, of the Orphans 
Home, in the sixties, Beverley street 
Baptist church has been built. The 
south side of the street has been built 
up, amd the lots on the north side 
have also been utilized as "building 

But, "to return to our mutton." The 
Protestant Orphans Home was origin 
ated in 1851. WJhen Jenny Lind visited 
Toronto on her musical tour through 
America she gave a concert in St. 
Lawrence Hall, the proceeds of which 
\\ere 1o be devoted to the founding 
of some charity i ommemorative of the 
| event. Mr. J. G., then Mayor 
! o the city, having entertained tin.- 
; Swedish nightingale at his own house 
| during her stay in the city, was en 
trusted with the application of the 
money. After consultation with some 
friends, it was resolved to found an 
Orphans Home and Female Aid So 
ciety. The preliminary steps having 
been taken, a temporary home wa 
opened in 185i2, in a building on Bay 
street, for the reoeption of that class 
of persons for whom the charity had 
been established. In 1854 a site was 
presented by Hon. Robert Baldwin and 
Hon. William Cayley jointly, through 
the kindly intercession of the Jat Dr 
Rees, a prominent physician, a per 
manent home was erected on Sullivan 
street in thte year in whiuh (.he site 
was presented. The building origin 
ally was a large, square, three-storey 
affair, and was calculated to accommo 
date about thirty childreo, with their 
attendants. It was found necessary to 
add a two-si orey win.? on the west side 




r Z 








in 1861. Three years later a second 
wing was adde.l, giving the building 
the appearance shown in the cut, and 
affording altogether accommodation 
for about seventy children. The build 
ing was pleasantly situated, and the 
grounds which contained it were at 
the time of its erection of ample size 
for the requirements of the institu 

The last wing was added in conse 
quence of the need there was felt for 
an infirmary. Early in the year 1864 
an epidemic of measles and similar dis 
eases broke out among the inmates, 
and in one month eighteen children 
died. This showed the necessity of hav 
ing an infirmary, so the wing was 

This gave the institution amH 
capacity for the care of all the inmates 
of the place at the time. As yea; < 
went by, however, the Home s circle 
of usefulness increased, and soon the 
management saw that the institution 
was be.oinins overcrowded. 

Accordingly, in 1882, a new site was 
selected, and a much larger and more 
capacious building was erected on the 
wes! side of Dovercourt road, south 
of College street. Thie original build 
ing on Sullivan street was then sold 
a.nd torn dovvn not long afterwards. 
It was from the proceeds of the sale 
of this property, coupled with don 
ations from friends of the society, that 
the present site was bought and the 
home built. 

The management of the institution 
is entrusted to a committee of ladies, 
chosen annually at a meeting of the 
members of the society. The home was 
at its commencement supported and 
conducted by Protestants of various 
denominations indiscriminately. Con 
tributions came in from men of all 
opinions. The Freemasons of Toronto 
in 1855 contribute! $80. Many of the 
Orange Lodges in the province con 
tributed various sums. Rev. John 
Strachan, Bishop of Toronto, in 1857 
contributed $600. 

The institution subsequently be 
came decidedly Episcopalian in char 
acter, owing in a great measure to 
the energy of the chaplain. It was 
determined to have the new home 
opened by the bishop of the diocese, in 
order to determine its character; but 
owing to a communication received 
from the secretary, a young lady be 
longing to the Presbyterian denomin- 
aUon, his Lordship refused to comply 
with the resolution that had been 
passed, providing that "a school shall 

always form part of the establishment, 
and religious instruction of the Church 
of England shall be included in the 
; daily education of the school." 

In consequence of expressions of dis- 
i approval of her action, the secretary 
; resigned her office. The Bishop was 
j asked to reconsider his decision, but 
I refused to do so; so that the institu- 
; tion was not opened with any public 
ceremony. Tame, however, has soothed 
the animosity excited by injured feel 

The matron of the original build 
ing was Mrs. Mary Holmes. In 1865 
: Mrs Large succeeded to her position. 
i In 18-38 Miss Wheelwright was appoint- 
: ed matron. She occupied the position 
! for twenty-eight years. In 1897 the 
: matron of the home was Miss Deacon. 
The first directress in 1852 was Mrs. 
Widder, who held the position for two 
years. Mrs. John Cawthra was the first 
; directress for 1817. 


The Residence 01 a Well Known Bait!;, 
President and Toronto Merchant oi t!u- 
Earlier Time. 

The large white brick housr 1 on the 
I east side of Yonge street, known as 
No. 591, was built by the late Mr. Wil 
liam Proudfoot in 1848, and named by 
him Kearsney House. When built it 
was entirely in the country and was 
surrounded by several acres of arable 
land. The only other britok residence, 
in its immediate vicinity was a small 
brick cottage, still remaining, on the 
south-east corner of Yonjge and Wo>l- 
lesiey streets, ocouipted in 1850-51 by 
Mr. Alley. Mr. Michie s house, on the 
same side of Yonge street as Mr. 
Proudfoot s, was built about the same 
time as the latter. 

Mr. Proudfoot was a Scotchman by 
bitrth, and came to Canada in his youth. 
For many years he was in business 
on the south-west corner of Ktag and 
Frederick streets, at that time an 
important business centre. He dealt in 
"wines, groceries and dry goods, 
wholeile and retail." So ran his ad 
vertisement. Up to 1843 he resided at 
No. 8 Duke street, closely adjacent, 
to, and almost opposite 1 what was then 
the .Bank of Upper Canada, now La 
Salle Institute. For many years Mr 
Proudfoot was a director of the Bank 
of Upper Canada, and for some Time 
its president. Mr. Proudfoot resided 
in Kearsney House until about Bz, 
when the residence passed into the pos 
session of Mr. Robert Ca-ssels, who m 



1869 disposed of it to its present oc- 
cujiant, Mr. Donald Mackay. 

In former years Kearsnsy House was 
often the scene of the most hearty hos 
pitality, and. for those days, sumptuous 
entertainments. On one occasion Mr. 
Proudfoot presided, over quite an ex 
tensive fancy fair, which was held in 
the drawing room, a magnificent apart 
ment seventy-five feet in length by 
twenty-five wide. It was in 1850, not 
very long after Mr. Proudfoot had 
gone into possession. During the pre 
sent occupancy of Mr. Mackay, that 
gentleman on one occasion entertained 
the whole of the members of the Gen 
eral Assembly of the Church of Scot 
land in Canada, a total of rather more 
than four hundred guests. 

! This was the first saw mill erected in 
! or near Toronto and was built by Par- 
; shall Terry, who had. been a lieutenant 
j in Butler s Rangers, and served all 
! through the Revolutionary war. Par- 
i shall Terry was one of a very large 
I family of sons and daughters, his father 
also Parshall Terry, came from the New- 
England State of Connecticut, and set 
tled, afterwards in the Wyoming "VaJlety. 
Parshall Terry, jun., was the only one 
of his family who did not espouse the 
cause of the American colonists, he re 
mained steadfast in his allegiance to 
King George III., and on the disband- 
ment of Butler s Rangers came to 
Canada, and for some little time resid 
ed in Kingston. About 1794 he came 


Both Mr. and Mrs. Proudfoot died 
many years since, and the only sur 
vivors of the family now reside in Great 
Britain, far from the scene of their 
early years. Kearsney House, when 
first erected, was the finest residential 
building in the city, and even now, 
after fifty years, it still retains its 
character, as one among the best of our 
citizen s homes. 


Tbe First Mills ami Their Builder His 
Tragic End Tbe Neighbourhood Tbeii 

The picture illustrating this article 
represents the old saw mill erected on 
the Don Flats a little to the north-east 
of where the present extensive paper 
mills of Messrs. Taylor & Co. now stand. 

to York, and about the same time mar 
ried Rhoda Skinner, the daughter of 
an Englishman, and had a very large 
family of sons and daughters. Of the 
former none ^subsequently settled in 
Toronto or York, but Ms daughters all 
married Canadians and went with tl^eir 
husbands to various parts of the pro 
vince. The eldest married Edward Wil 
liam Thomson, of Toronto township, an 
other married George Thomson of Scar- 
boro , another Dr. Lee of London, Ont., 
a fourth was the wife of Lieutenant- 
Colonel Farquharson, and a fifth that of 
Tames Cornell, of Soarboro . 

Parshall Terry was drowned in the 
river Don, just north of the Kingston 
road bridge, while attempting to ford 
it on horseback, one night in July, 1808. 

After Terry s death the mills were 
mo longer used for the purpose they 
were built for, and after a little time 
pa -sad into the hands of the Eastwood, 



Skinner and IJelliwell families. Thejy 
were then, converted into paper mills 
and were the forerunner of the build 
ings toow standing, not on the actual 
site of Terry ? old. mill, but in its im 
mediate vicinity. 

Nat a vestige remains now of the old 
building, though the course of what 
was the mill race is plainly to be traced, 
as is the spot w*hich formerly was cover 
ed by the waters of the mill pond. The 

named. About 1843 Mr. George Tay 
lor, an Englishman from the neighbour 
hood of Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, pur 
chased the business, and from that date 
to the present it has been conducted by 
has family on a much more extended 
scale than was ever even thought of 
probably, by the original proprietors. 
Mr. Taylor married a Miss Bright, 
daughter of James Bright, and grand 
daughter of Lewis Bright who was in 


bridge seen in the drawing is still ex 
tant, though it has been renewed and 
altered many times. 

TJbe Eastwoods and their relatives, 
the Skinners, the latter of whom were 
related to Parshall Terry s widow 
(afterwards Mrs. Cornell, died 1832) 
commenced the paper making trade 
early in the twenties, and were fairly 
successful. William Lyon Mackenzie in 
his "Sketches of Canada," published in 
1832, refers to this industry as being 
profitably carried on by the people 

the employ of the first Legislature 
convened by Governor Simcoe in 1798. 
Mrs. Taylor died March 27th, 1868, and 
is interred in the family burying 
ground in Todmorden. Mr. Taylor died 
on May 17th, 1894, being in his 82nd 
year, and was buried in the same plaoe 
as his wife. 











-__ I 

At Haitian s Point l"hc Old Hanlaii Home [ 
lead and It* Fate fled Hanlan .s Boat 
home and Places In the Xelghbonruood. 

Toronto Island is made up of shifting 
materials, and the marks of habitati . 
upon it seem to shift quite as much as 
the very sand of the Island itself. The 
smaller cut accompanying this land- ; 
mark gives a good idea of Hanlan s j 
Point thirty years ago, but very few 
will recognize the locality shown. The 
long wharf Qccupted almost the same 
site 1 as that of the old wharf running 
out into Blockhouse Bay from the 
Island electric power house, just north 
of the Banian Ferry Company wharf. 
Of the! long low building at the head 
of the wharf few traces remain. It was 
built by Ned Banian s father in 1862, 
and it was here that John Hanlan, the 
boathouse keeper, aaid his brother 
Edward, the famous oarsman, were 
raised. The " old homestead," as they 
speak of it, was torn down a dozen 
years ago; part of it was moved back 
to the shore of the lagoon, and is now 
used as a boathouse. Rather amusing 
is the account of the choosing of this 
home. Mr. Hanlan, ST., at first lived in 
a house down near the eastern gap. 
During a terrific gr/le this place was 
washed away by the roaring waters of 
thei lake. As soon as the storm was 
over the family, nothing daunted, gath 
ered their scattered timbers together, 
built a raft, on which they placed their 
property, and drifted up the bay, with 
a fair east wind. They ehaneeo to 
ground at the present Ha,nlan s Point, 
and here they built their home and 
left a name. 

The wharf shown In the cut was de 
stroyed, by the Ice, one spring. A huge 
ice barrier, fifteen feet high at^ the 
lowest place, was piled up against it by 
the wind and waves, and next morning 
the wharf was gone. 

The small building in the centre of i 
the picture was used as a shooting 
gallery. It also has disappeared. The 
gabled house adjoining it is still stand- 
ing, in nearly the same position, though i 
somewhat altered. For a long time^it ! 
was occupied by Mrs- Durnan, the sis- ! 
ter of John Hanlan, sr. It is now used i 
as a restaurant. Near it there used to j 
be a small shed, where boats were \ 
kept for hilre. It has also been torn 

Th small building in the extreme 
]ft of the cut was also used as a boat- 
house. It was here that Ned Hanlan 

use! to keep his shells, when he was 
champion oarsman. A separate view of 
it, with the shells referred to, is shown 
in the larger picture. The building was 
torn down some years ago. 

The wreckage on the beach, in the 
left of the smaller picture, formed part 
oi" a large scow. It formed the play 
ground of the young Hanlana and 
their companions. 


An Old Time Hostelry and Kesorl of the 
Sporting Fraternity It* HUtory and 

The two cuts given with this article 
represent an old-tfime tavern once the 
frequent resort of the sportilnig fra 
ternity of the, city, alnd where many 
contests in tihe now obsolete spOrt of 
cock figihting were not only arra-nged 
but brought off in the sheds adjoining 
the taivern. 

Tihe Don Vale House tavern was 
erected as a dwelling house about sixty 
years ago, towards the end of the 
"forties," and was soon, after turned 
into a public house. In 1855 the land 
lord was Da,vid Priestley, and the 
thoroughfare whetreon it stjotod on the 
north side being a continuation of 
Winchester street, was known as Don 
Road. No other hojuse was very near 
it, Priestley s next neighbour being a 
widow named Moore, wh(o resided in a 
cottage about one hundred yards dis 
tant. Mr. Priestley continued to oc 
cupy the tavern until 1860, when he 
was followed by John Htolgg, who con 
tinued as the proprietor for about 
five years. After Hogg gaive> up the 
tenancy the tajverta. passed into the 
possession of Gedrlge Fox, who in ad 
dition to keeping the tavern was also 
a slater and contractor. In 1870 Mr. 
Fox gave up the tavern and removed 
his other business to 68 Queen street 
east. Then for a considerable time the 
house remained un tenanted, and even 
tually about 1875 or 1876 was pulled 
down, and the old place passed away, 
nothing being left to tell of it, ex 
cepting a woocton sign, recording that 
on that spot, the extreme north-east 
corner of Winchester street to the 
south-east of the Necropolis, stood the 
Dtn Vale House. This old-time hos 
telry was onte/ of a class of taverns 
common enough in tihe suburbs of the 
city forty years ago. They were places 
where men went in the evenings, 
after their day s work, being just 
far enough reanoved from the centre 
of the city to give their patrons a 
short walk to reach theim, with an all 










but certataty of congenial company i 
within their walls. Boxing contests : 
were often iT orldefr in some of them, i 
to the Don Vale House especially, which 
was always the resort, more or less, ! 
of sporting men. Another of these 
suburban taverns was the Queen s i 
Head, on Queen street west and Don- 
das street, fully described in Volume 
II. of the landmarks of Toronto. No- 
was ever allege-d against either ! 

stood on the comers of King and Y ork 

The buildings, although in the cot 
tage style, had a severe, if not a l>usi- 
ness look, for they were buildings at 
much importance. 

One bhat on the south-west corner 
of York and King streets was the 
office of the Secretary and Registrar 
for the Province. The official in charge 
was the Hon. Duncan Cameron, of Gore 


tihem ox their proprietors, though 
possibly some of bha scenes enacted 
within their precincts would now be 
deemed illegal and ucosuited to the 
times. But the last fifty years have 
seen many changes, none greater, per 
haps, than the con-duct of the pro 
prietors and frequenters of taverns, 
both in town and country. 


A. ruple omalldiBKs *f Importance that 
Stood Once Upon a Time on Tw of the 
Corner* of Kins and York Streets. 

Not many yeara ago about forty- 
there were two pretty cottages, which 

Vale, "who resides near Farr s Brew 
ery," on Lot (Queen) street west. The 
building was of red brick, with a couple 
of windows on eaich side of a doorway 
that was partly hidden by a porch. 
There was a window on each side, pro 
tected by worn shutters, and the build 
ing was supposed to be fireproof. This 
was in 1837, and the directory of that 
date states that "this office is about to 

. be removed to the office adjoining the 

l JParliament House." 

After the removal of the Registrar s 
office to the Parliament Buildings on 
Front street, the cottage was occupied 
by Mr. Jarvis, (the Clerk of the thrown 
in Chancery, and Chief Superintendent 
of Indian Affairs, Col. Bruce, who 
was Secretary to Lord Elgin, also had 










his office in the building in later years. ; 
This cottage was torn down about 1845 ; 
and a row of buildings, known as "The ; 
York Chambers," was erected. These ! 
buildings were afterwards the Revere 
House, now the Kensington Hotel. 

The building or cottage on the north 
west corner was the College Land Of 
fice, the Hon. Lieut.-Col. Joseph Wells 
being the secretary, and about 1856 be 
came a city police office, and was final 
ly removed to make room for a block 
of stores, which eventually became an 
hotel, now known as the Palmer House. 
Col. .Wells occupied this office in 1837. 

commanded the British garrison, or 
dered her destruction, to prevent her 
capture by the eoiemy. 

Such was the fate of Toronto s first 
great sailing vessel. The last one was 
built In 1854. Both before and since 
that date many schooners were built 
at this port, some of which are still 
afloat. They were, as a rule, only in 
tended for lake navigation, and were 
mostly of comparatively small tonnage. 
Very few of them were of above three 
hundred tons register. 

In Vol. EL of Tlhe Landmarks, pages 



AB Account of the First Large Ship and ! 
LJM i Hulling YeMl ot Great Size Built In 


Trading vessels have been built at 
this place ever since it was made a 
British trading post. It was not until 
1812, however, that a snip, in the more 
restricted sense of the word, was built. 
The vessels constructed prior to 
this were all small traders sloops, 
cutters or schooners, varying from 
thirty to fifty feet in length, and never 
exceeding one hundred tons in burden. 
The ship mentioned was intended for 
military purposes. She never reached 
her element, WJhen the town cap 
itulated to the Americans in the 
spring of 1813, this vessel was still on 
the Mocks, and General Sheaffe. who 

982-9, will be found a fairly complete 
list of vessels built in York and 

On Saturday, September Hth<, 1799, 
the U. C. Gazette says: "The Toronto 
yacht, Capt. Baker, will in the coarse 
of a few days be ready to make her 
first trip. She is one of the handsomest 
vessels of her size that ever swam upon 
the Ontario; and if we are permitted 
to judge from her appearance, and to 
do her justice, we must say she bids 
fair to be one of the swiftest sailing 
vessels. She is admirably calculated for 
the reception of passengers, and can 
with propriety boast of the most ex 
perienced officers and men. Her master- 
builder was a Mr. Dennis, an Ameri 
can, on whom, she reflects great hon 
our.** This was Mr. Joseph Dennis. The 
vessel was built on the Humber River. 
The name Dennis is carelessly given 
in the Gazette as Denuison. The first 






was therefore the Toronto yacht, 
1799; then the Bella Gk>re, in 1809, 
followed by the Dove and Reindeer in i 
1814. The tonnage of these vessels is 
unknown, but it was not more than 
50 tons. The Jane, 1815; John Walker s, - 
90 tons, 1819; Lady Sarah, 100 tons, 
1819; and ihe Richmond, 100 tons, 1819. 
In 1824 tiie Toronto, 200 tons, was built, 
and in 1828 the Canadian, 70 tons; the i 
George IV., 80 tons, in 1828; and the 
George Canning, of 80 tons, in 1828. A 
to\vboat, called the City of Toronto, i 
500 tons, was built in 1840, and the | 
Scotland, of 500 tons, in 1847. The Cigar, i 
a ferry boat, was built in 1849, and j 
the Peninsula Packet in 1849. The last 
two used steam ; The Citizen, ferry 
steamer, was built in Toronto in 1853, 
and the Victoria in 1853; the City of 
Toronto (Hayes Bros.) in 1854; the 
King of Algiers, a towboat, in 1856; 
the Alliance and Union, two schooners, 
were built about 1853-5 ; the Ripple 
and Princess of Wales were built in 
1864; the Garden City in 1892; the Prow- 
ctt Bey about 1890; the Luella in 1879; 
the Canadian in 1882; and the Kath 
leen, Gertrude and Mascotte in 1886; 
the Mayflower and Primrose in 1890 
the last eight were ferry steamers 
the W. J. Tymon in 1892; the Ongiara 
in 1885; the Chippewa in 1896. 

In 1854, however, Messrs. Hayes Bros., 
who had a ship yard on Front street, ; 
then at the water s edge directly op 
posite the Queen s Hotel, laid the keel 
of a vessel of more than usual size, 
mtended for use on salt water. This 
idea coi*ld scarcely be said to be original 
with them. Two years before a 300- 
ton vessel called the Cherokee was 
built at Kingston, and came up to this 
port and sailed from here for Liver 
pool A couple of years later two 
more vessels were built in Cantlin s 
yard, Kingston, for Captain Gaskin. 
They also were intended for salt water. 
But these vessels could not compare 
in any particular with the City of 
Toronto, as Messrs. Hayes Brothers 
called their ship. 

The picture of the launch shows the 
shipyard below Front street, on what 
is now the Esplanade. Tiie Queen s 
Hotel ia to the left, the yard in the 
centre, and Jacques & Hays factory 
to the right. The drawing was made 
on the spot by William Armstrong, C.E. 

She was of a thousand tons burden, 
and although of comparatively light 
draught, her size precluded all possi 
bility of her being employed in the 
lake trade. The view published with 
this landmark, shows her just a few 
minutes before the launch. Tihe "News 

of the Week" of June 2, 1855, says ot 
the new ship : 

"We publish to-day a view of the 
launch of the ship City of Toronto from 
the yard of the builders, Messrs. 
Hayes Bros. & Co. This vessel being the 
first ever built fn Toronto for ocean 
navigation, a good deal of interest has 
been evinced by our citizens generally 
in her progress from the first. The 
corporation unanimously passed reso 
lutions, highly complimentary to the 
enterprise df the Messrs. Hayes, in 
thus inaugurating a new and very im 
portant branch of industry in Toronto, 
and voted them (a complete set of col 
ours for their jnew ship. 

"The keel of the City of Toronto was 
laid in May, 1854, and she was launched 
on the 3rd April, 1855. thus occupying 
twelve months in construction, and she 
is pertainly an admirable specimen Df 
what our good city is capable of pro 
ducing in marine architecture. She has 
been built under the superintendence 
of Mr. A. MacPhie, formerly of Quebec, 
and under the inspection of Lloyd s 
surveyor, and the builders expect that 
she v^ill class Al for ten years in 
Lloyd s books, although no colonial 
built ships have vet been classed for 
more than eight years. There is no 
good reason, however, why a vessel 
built in U ( pper Canada, if she be con 
structed of good material and the 
workmanship be of an equally good 
character, should not rank as one built 
on the Thames. A very strong preju 
dice exists against Canadian timber for 
shipbuilding purposes in England, 
much of which arises from the preva 
lence /of dry rot, and we are strongly 
impressed with the conviction that the 
tendency to this particular form of 
disease in Canadian timber arises in a 
great measure from two causes, which 
we will mention; the first is that much 
of the oak and elm. timber, which ia 
used in our lower ports, is cut at . the 
wrong sfeason, when the sa*p is out ot 
the tree; the second and most effectual 
eause of dry rot is that heretofore the 
great bulk of Canadian oak, which baa 
reached the shores of Great Britain, 
either In the log or in the shape of 
vessels, has been, none less than two 
years, and most of it for a longer pe 
riod, exposed to the alternate action 
of water and air in the process ol trans 
port through the western rivers and 
lakes and in the tide way at Quebec. 
The consequence is that it becomes 
thorough 13- impregnated with Animal- 
cula, and dry rot inevitably follows. 

"To avoid th)e evils arising from these 
causes and give Canadian oak a fair 
trial, the builders of the City of To 
ronto selected a timber growing in the 
woods near Newmarket, on the line 



of the Northern railway, had it cut 
and hauled to the cars in the winter 
of 1853, and they feel confident that 
the greatest advantages will be found 
from this plan in the strength and 
durability of the ship. We hope their 
expectations will r oe realized, and that 
the committee of Lloyd s will appreci 
ate the advantages which such a ves 
sel must possess over those built in the 
usual manner. 

"The City of .Toronto ia constructed 
entirely of selected upland white oak. 
She is fastened with Long Island locust 
trenails and yellow metal bolts from 
stem to stern. The scantling of her 
timbers, beams and plank and sizes of 
bolts and other fastenings are all some 
what fuller than are required by 
Lloyd s specifications for a ship of her 
size, her builders being determined to 
make an exceedingly strong and ser 
viceable vessel. Her dimensions are: 
Length of deck, 168 feet; length of 
keel, 1561-2 feet; depth of hold amid- 
ship, 18 1-2 feet; height between deck, 
61-2 feet; breadth of beam for tonnage, 
321-2 feet. 

"She has a spacious poop cabin aft, 
which will afford good accommodation 
for passengers, and a roomy topgallant 
forecastle for the crew. She is fitted 
with a large patent windlass of great 
power, and two corpstairs, and is to be 
a full rigiged ship. The cordage was 
manufactured in Belfast, from the best 
Bussian h<emp. The canvas is from the 
celebrated Gonrock Mills, in Scotland, 
and ie the same as that used in the 
Royal Navy. The sails were made by 
Messrs. Bobeson & Sons, of this city. 

"The ship now lies alongside Tinning s 
wharf, where she is being fitted for 
sea, and on the Queen s Birthday 
formed an object of great attraction 
to country visitors to the city." 

This was the first sea-going vessel 
built here, and, up to her time, the 
laargeat ocean vessel built in UppefrCan- 
alda. Thousands witnessed the launch, 
which was not entirely successful, the 
ways spreading just as the vessel took 
the water. She was quickly floated off 
however. After the launch a select 
party was invited to lunch on board 
the ship, and the Mayor (Hon. G-. W. 
Allan.) presented Mr. Hayee wiith a set 
of colours on behalf of the Council, as 
a publio testimony for the firm s enter 
prise in originating a new branch of 
industry o:ean ship-building. 

The following are extracts from offi 
cial minutes of the City Council 6f the 
Corporation of the City of Toronto, con 
cerning the presentation of colours to 
the steamer City of Toronto: 

"Monday, April 2nd, 1855. Aid. Smith, 
seconded by Councillor McConkey, 
moves thfeut it fbe resolved that this 
Council, highly appreciating the enter 
prise and public spirit of our respected 
townsman, M. P. Bayies, Esq., evinced 
in his construction, of the splendid ship 
now ready to be launched in this /har 
bour, being the first ever built here 
for ocean navigation, do present him 
with a complete set of colours for the 
sa ( id ship, and that the 21st rule of 
this Council and the order of the day 
be dispensed with so far as relates to 
this motion, which was ordered. 

"Aid. Smith, seconded b Aid. Good, 
moves that it be resolved that a select 
committee be appointed to purchase 
the colours authorized by the forego 
ing resolution ; that the said commit 
tee be requested to use their influ 
ence with M. P. Hayes, Esq., to have 
the ship na,med The City of Toronto, 
a.nd that such committee do consist of 
His Worship the Mayor, Aid. Carr, 
Romain, Dunn and the mover, which 
wa$ ordered." 

"Monday, May 14th, 1855. Aid. Carr, 
seconded by Councillor McConkey, 
move s that it be resolved that the 
Chajmberlain be authorized to pay the 
a^nount of tie account of Mr. Robertson 
for colours furnished for the ship 
City of Toronto, as per resolution of 
this Council, which was ordered." 

Owing to a difficulty in obtaining 
part of her equipment, it was not un 
til the beginning of August that the 
ship left Toronto. Messrs. Hayes Bros. 
had built another sea-going vessel, the 
barque Reindeer, at Coldwater. The 
Reindeer and the City of Toronto were 
both intended for sale in the British 
market. They Left Toronto in cpmpany, 
with cargoes of wakiut. The City of 
Toronto, the larger vessel, having taken 
ais much cargo aboard as the depth of 
the St. Lawrence canals would admit, 
completed loading at Quebec. She was 
to have been, taken out by Gaptain Kidd, 
a veteran salt-water captain, but ow 
ing to some failure in arrangements, 
a Captain Clark took command of her. 
Besides her cargo of walnut, the ship 
carried several passengers. 

The City of Toronto made a record 
run from Quebec to Liverpool, cover 
ing the distance in a little over two 
weeks. She then went into, the timber 
trade, for which she was calculated, be 
ing fitted with bow and stern ports. 
On her second voyage, in the fall of 
j 1856, when returning to Quebec for an- 
! other cargo of timber, she was wreck- 
i ed on the coast of Nova Scotia, and 
I the greater part of her crew perished. 










: i 3r:s* r v . 


-. "SK 








pp. 307) 




The Widest Street in Toronto and Its Early 
Resident* A Thoroughfare that Is a Bny 
Centre Traversed I>T Thousands. 

Spadina Avenue was laid out by the 
late Dr. W. W. Baldwin between 1813- 
18. The word Spadina is from the In 
dian, and signifies a sudden rise of 
land, and on that elevation at the head 
of the street Dr. Baldwin built about 
1820, Spadina House, as the family re 
sidence. The original structure was 
burned down in 1835. 

The street is 160 feet wide and it was 
originally a mile and a quarter long, 
measuring from the neck or the head 
of the original street, where now runs 
Bloor street, ending at south end of 

At Qfueen street south to the Bay 
shore Spadina Avenue is continued as 
Brock street, also retaining the width 
ot 160 feet. 

Queen street at the foot. and 
to the east of Spadina is ninety 
feet in width to within a few 
feet of Beverley street. Tbis increase 
in the width of Quieen street from 
Spadina east to Beverley, is caused by 
t h)a fact that it was so laid out by fir. 
Peter Russell, who had the park lot 
known as Petersfie Id, where the family 
ot the late Mr. Justice McLean re 
sidein a house originally built by the 
Receiver-General iX Upper Canada, 
Hon. J. H. Dunn. 

The map of York (Toronto) made June 
1797, only shows as far west as Peter 
street, and from Queen to the Bay 
shore west of Peter were "ten acres 
submitted for a college," and about 
five acres "submitted as burying 
ground." The college was, however, 
located one block east between John 
and Graves (Simcoe) street, and the 
burying ground was not laid out. The 
land bounded by John, Peter, King 
Hospital (Adelaide) street, was "Rus 
sell Square," intended as a recreation 
ground for the people. 

Gotherman s map or pian of Decem 
ber, 1788, gives the plan of Toronto 
harbour with the proposed town and 
part of the settlement. This shows (p. 
385, Vol. I.) how the intention was to 
lay out the town west as far as the 
site of Fort Rouille, north to what is 
now the Davenport road, and east to 
the Don. 

In 1836-7 the following weri residents 
erf Spadina avenue : 
Bennett, Adam, joiner. 

Baldwin, Hon. Capt. Russell Hill, Spa- 
dina. who died aged 90, January 5th, 

Baldwim, Wm. A., Spadina, afterwards 
of Mashquoteh, who died June 14th 
Baxter, James, father of the late Aid. 

John Baxter, Spadina avenue. 
Beekman, Robert, gentleman, Spadina 
j avenue. Mr. Beekman was at a later 
datei an auctioneer and commission 
merchant on Yonge street. He af 
terwards removed to Park lane (Uni 
versity street). 

Blinker, Thomas, bricklayer. He after 
wards lived on Vanauley street. 
! Burke, Thomas, bricklayer. 
Russell, James, storekeeper. 
i Clayton, H., labourer. 
Galloway, Tfaomas, labourer. 
Harris, , carpenter. 
Leckie, James, clerk Adj.-Gen. office. 
Mansfield, Robert, gardener. A daugh 
ter-in-law of Robert Mansfield re 
sided on Spadina avenue in 1896. 
McBride, Samuel, labourer. 
| Paddan, James, bricklayer. 
Silver, John S. 

Simmons, Daniel, bricklayer. 
Green, Thomas. 
; Thorns, William, carpenter. 
I West, John. 

i Whitesides, William, teamster. 
I WLnslade, John, carpenter. 

No. 186, at the south-west corner of 
Spadina avenue and Oxford street was 
vacant in 1864, but had been occupied. 
Even in 1864 Spadina avenue had but 
few residents. On the east side, north 
of Queen, was Maple lane, and then 
No. 21, a cottage where George Hen 
derson, a clerk Ln the custom house, re 
sided, and at No. 25, a few doors north, 
was the house of Mr. John Phipps, 
while at No. 27 resided Henry DolJery, 
a fireman on the Northern Railway. 
These were the only residents from 
Queen to Bloor street, except the 
house 1 of Mr. Justice, afterwards Sir 
Adam, Wilson, on the north-east cor 
ner of Spadina avenue and what is now 
Russell street. On the west side, com- 
; menacing at the north-west corner of 
i Queen, were residences No. 2, and fur- 
i niture store, No. 4, of Hartill & Lock- 
| ington, cabinet makers At No. 20 Rob 
ert McGillivray, the mail agent, resid 
ed. Mr. McGillivray used to tafee the 
English mails from Toronto to New 
York, and return with the British 
! mails. This system was discontinued 
over twenty years ago. Joseph Blake- 
; ley lived at No. 22. At No. 52 Mrs. 
Charles Holiwell had a ladies school. 
Mr. Holiwell was a cleirk in the Colon- 
i ist newspaper office, and afterwards 




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U Z 



resided at Quebec. At 72 lived Lemuel 
Hatfield, a commercial traveller, and 
at No. 76 Alexander Sutherland, a 
candle maker, resided. 

No. 88, the house given in the pic 
ture. of Spaditoa avenue, between 
Grange avetoue, formerly Bfgh street, 
and St. Patrick street,* is shown on the 
south-west corner, the house of J. H. 
H ickman, of the Water-works Depart 
ment. This house was at one time 
occupied by the late Sir John Hay, and 
also by the late Dr. Diamond. 

No. 96, on the north-west corner of 
High street (Grange avetnue) was oc 
cupied by James Cunningham, and the 
cottage on thte south-west corner of 
St. Patrick street, No. 98, was that 
ol Joseph T. Rolph, the engraver. 

RtatRvo i R 

N L Con Sf PATHIC.K. -j 
5 64- 

and Spa din a avenue, No. 167, was the 
cottage of H. T. Young, a boat build 
er. The next house north was No. 180, 
that of Thomas Rogers/ tailor; No. 182, 
Christopher Brew; No. 184, R, Nash, a 
railway baggagemaster; and No. 186, 
the house of John Pike, a plasterer. 
This brings us to Oxford street. 

Between Oxford and College streets 
in 1864 there was but one house, No. 
200, that of WLnniett De Grassi, a son 
of Alfio De Grassi. The land to the 
south of the house was vacant, and a 
stretch of green fields occupied all the 
territory north of College street. The 
few cottages observable to the morth- 
west, were on the north side of College 
street, on a line with the present Hope 


On the north-west corner of St. Pat 
rick was No. 108, the residence of the 
late James Johnston, assistant secre 
tary of the Canadian Institute. 

No. 112 was vacant, and at No. 116 
Alexander Baird resided. These were 
the two semi-detached frame bouses 
in the centre of the picture. The 
next house north was that of Mr. Law- 
lor, and thei corner house that of 
Mr. Bdward Hardmajn, of the Grand 
TjrunS Railway. 

Proceeding 1 north, at the corner of 
St. Andrew s street, was the residence 
of George T. Berthon, the artist who 
painted many of the portraits of the 
judges in Osgoode Hall. 

At tihe north-weisit corner of Spa- 
dina and Nassau streets was the cot 
tage of John Rolstoin, builder, while at 
tihe corner of Nas^aiu street was the 
home of John Muldoon. 

At the north-west corner of Nassau 


I An Old Landmark A Belle of the Flril 
Water-Work* In Operation In Toronto. 

At the north-east corner of St. Pat- 
: rick and Huron streets, now occupied 
by Nos. 94 to 96, on the former street 
stood in 1864 the St. George s reservoir, 
one of the supply stations of the Fur- 
! niss Co., that owned the Toronto water 
works from 1841 to 1851. Then they 
were sold to a joint stock company, 
but re-purchased by Mr. Furniss m 
1853 and continued until 1858. The sup 
ply was for the purpose of serving the 
western part of the city. 

The structure was built in 1843 of 
red brick surmounted by a metal cov 
ered top, ornamented by a diminutive 
flag staff. 



The house to the left was that of 
John M. Wftalen, the keeper. The re 
servoir was called St. George s from its 
proximity to St. George s square, now 
Beverley street. 

In the directory of 1864-65 the St. 
George s reservoir is described as be 
ing on the north side of St. Patrick 
street, west of Beverley street. It was 
actually on the north-east corner of 
where now runs Huron and St. Pat 
rick streets. The site is now occupied 
by private residences. It was one of 
the supply stations of the Furniss Com 
pany, who owmed the Toronto water 
works from 1841 until 1851, when they 
were sold to a joint stock company, but 
TCHpurchiased by Mr. Furniss in 1853, 
who continued to manage the company 
from that year until June 10th, 1858, 
when* he disposed of it to the Metropo- 
litam Gas and Water Company. It was 
supposed to serve the whole of the city, 
but it was miserably inadequate for the 
purpose, and authentic statement was 
mode in September, 1858 that "while 
we," the City of Toronto, "having near 
ly 100 miles of street opened, there 
is not now in all more than from 15 to 
20 miles of pipe laid, and a great por 
tion of that even is comparatively use 

The structure was built about 1843 
of red brick, surmounted with a flag 
staff . Anew rising 1 main was construct- 
ei- in 1853 and a powerful engine added, 
and further improvements were pro 
jected by Mr. Furniss. The reservoir 
was abandoned about 1855. In 1875 to 
the front were dwelling houses and 
shops Nos. 50 to 64 St. Patrick street 
and the first house on Huron street, 
No. 64, built on the site, was occupied 
by James Sheldon, a conductor on the 
G. T. R. 


A Reminder of the Good Old Times One of 
the Many Kingston Koad Taverns Fre 
quented by the Sf loneer Settlers. 

There is nothing 1 very remarkable 
aibout the two-storey red brick build 
ing at 1010 Queen street east, occupied, 
in this year or grace eighteen hundred 
and ninety-seven, by John Gibbs, milk 
man. The only thing unusual in the 
surroundings of the building is the 
fact that there is a well of fresh water 
at the western end of it, so that, if 
need be, the residents can snap their 
fingers at the Toronto water-works 
syste-m. And it is this well that is the 
sole link between past and present at 

; this particular spot on Queen street 

Fifty years ago tlhat well amd a 
clumsy, home-made jpump, formed part 
j of tfoe equipment ot a roadside tavern 
yard. The tavern itself was a long, 
! low building, always painted a dazzling 
white, wit.h( a cottage roof, and greeoi 
; shutters an Ms four front windows, 
j which, two an either side, f lamked a door, 
; also painted green, in tflbie centre. 

A few yaros distant Irorn the west- 
j ern end of the tavern was a low red 
: building, used as a driving shed. Be- 
i tween the hotel and shed was the well 
! referred to. At the eastern end of the 
| hotel, and somewhat to the south of it 
j stood two substantial uprights, be- 
! tween which hung a heavy wooden 
! signboard, explaining to the world at 
i large and teamsters in particular, the 
j purposes for which the building was 
i intended. The hostelry stood about 
! fifty feet back from, the roadway, then 
called the Kingston road, and now 
known as Queen street east. In front 
of it were three heavy posts, that the 
aforesaid teamsters might there se 
cure their horses, while they them- 
j selves partook of liquid comfort at the 
i bar, "which was at the western extrem 
ity of the hostelry, in convenient 
proximity to the pump. 

The tavern, and much of the land 
surrounding it, was owned by a pioneer 
settler named Charles Watkins, who 
came out from England early in the 
thirties. The hotel was built in U835, or 
the year previous. Watkins liked farm 
ing better than hotel-keeping, and fol 
lowed the former pursuit, while he 
rented the tavern. The first landlord 
was known as Sandy Watson. He kept 
hotel there for a dozen years, and 
then James Shaw rented the place. 
Tavern-keeping in that locality was 
then in its palmiest days. 

There was an almost continuous 
stream of traffic passing by during 
the winter, great, comfortable farmers 
sleighs bringing in loads of produce to 
the rising young city; rough, heavy 
wood sleighs, piled high with sweet- 
scented pine and rough cordwood; be 
sides vehicles conveying passengers and 
the mails, for in those days the Kings 
ton road was one of the mail routes. 
All year round, but particularly during 
the winter, the many taverns in this 
locality Shaw s was the most easterly 
one at this time did a roaring /trade. 
Mr. Shaw was very fond of horses, and 
it was /one of the sights of the neigh 
bourhood to see the black hostler, an 
old escaped slave known as "Doc," 
trot out Mr. Shaw s team to water 
every morning. 
But in 1856 there came a change. Mr. 





Watkins, who had amassed considerable 
wealth, pold his property and went to 
England. James Boulton and Thomas 
Sa-ulter bought the hostelry a.t a, #4,000 
figure, paying f 1,000 down. James 
Sha,w retired from the business, and the 
tavern, became known as Smith and 
Cook s. Things did not seem to prosper. 
The new owners of the property could 
not pay for it, and it came back on Mr. 
Watkins hands. Messrs. Smith and Cook 
became dissatisfied with the locality, 
aoid next year they went into the 
"Uncle Tom s CJaibin," a new hostelry 
near the present corner of Leslie street 
and Queen street east. The old tavern 
pa,ssed into the hands of John Jobson, 
who occupied it for a year or two. It 
finally lecame tenant! ess, and was de 
stroyed by fire in 1661. 

The lot, with its blackened ruins, was 
unoccupied then for three or four 
years. In 1865 Alderman Russell bought 
the hotel site and some of the sur 
rounding property for $1,800, and on 
it he erected the present two-stoirey 
brick building. 


AaAeccuntot How the SUamer Carllii 
Was Sent Over the Fail* of Niagara in 

Lieut.-Col. John Mewburn, of Lon 
don, England, on being interviewed by 
the London correspondent of The Tele 
gram, gives an interesting account of 
his services and experiences in 1837- 
38, during the rebellion. 

Lieut.-Col. Join Mewburn, command 
ing the 6th Lancashire Artillery Vol 
unteers, having completed twenty-five 
years service in the volunteer force, 
is now promoted to the rank of col- 
onieil. Col. Mewburn commenced his 
career in the Cobourg Rifles in 1837, 
the year of the outbreak of the old 
Canadian rebellion. In this company, 
composed of gentlemen of the pro 
vince, Col. Mewburn assisted in the 
operations against Navy Island, and 
was engaged in the cutting out of the 
piratical steamer Caroline on the Ni 
agara River. In February, 1838, he 
was gazetted junior ensign in the 
Queen s Own, one of the regiments 
raised for active service, which was 
chiefly officered by retired British of 
ficers of the line, who at the time had 
settled in Canada. Col. Mewburn has 
testimonial letters from the late Lord 
Seaton, then Sir John Colborne, Com- 
mander-in-C-hief of the Forces and Ad 
ministrator of the Province; Colonel 

Kiagsmill, a Peninsular officer, com 
manding the Queen s Own ! Capt. Pur- 
dein, also a Peninsular officer, v^ith 
whom Colonel Mewburn was ejisiign > 
and from Sir Allan Macnab, comman 
der on the Niagara frontier. In 1859 
Col. Mewburn joined the 5th L. A. V. 
as a private, when Col. Crosby was 
ensign. Early in 1860 he assisted in 
the formation and organization of the 
6th (then 15th; L. A. V., and on 1st 
April the same year was gazetted as 
lieutenant ; 16th June, 1860, captain ; 
12th November, 1865, major ; 24th Feb 
ruary, 1875, lieutenant-colonel ; and 
24th April, 1885, was promoted to the 
rank of honorary coloned. Col. Mew- 
burn s name stands in the official Army 
List among the officers of the English 
army with war services, and with the 
distinguishing mark of " crosse-l 
swords." Col. Mewburn retired Apiil, 
1890, with rank and uniform. 

On being asked to give a few per 
sonal reminiscences of the Canadian 
rebellion of 1837-8 on the Niagara 
frontier, chiefly during the operations 
against Navy Island, Col. Mewburn 
said : 

On my return home to Stamford, near 
Niagara Falls, where my father, Dr. 
Mewburn, resided, after an autumn 
cruise in a large schooner on Lake Erie 
and Lake St. Clair, I joined a company 
of militia then passing through . ur 
village on its way to join the forces 
concentrating nt Toronto, or to hold 
Queension He ^ iits against an attack ot 
the American sympathizers who were 
mustering in large numbers along the 
borders of the Niagara river. We were 
ordered to remain at Queenston, and 
at once, on arrival after dark, I had 
my first experience of "Sentry Go" at 
the foot of Queenston Heights, below 
the monument of General Brock. News 
soon reached us of the defeat and de 
pression of the rebels under Mackenzie 
;it. Montgomery Hill, a few miles from 
Toronto. In the course of a day or two 
the well known rifle company, the 
CobDurg Rifles, a corps formed almost 
entirely of young gentlemen of the 
place from which it took its name, un 
der the command of Captain Warren, 
a retired line officer, Lieut. Macdonald, 
formerly of a Highland Regiment, and 
Ensign Cha.tterton, a, civilian, came up 
en route to Firt Erie, and this corps, 
by permission of my captain, I was 
allowed to join. We marched the same 
day to Fort Erie, immediately opposiie 
Black Rock, and close to Buffalo, ar 
riving late at night, and being warned 
thi,t the combined rebel and sym 
pathizer forces would cross the river 



a,t this narrow part, remained several j 
hours under arms. The night wa so 
dark tha,t we could see nothing of the 
gathering on the other side, but dis 
tinctly leard the sounds which attend j 
the movements of undisciplined bodies 
of men. They did notma:e the attempt 
to cross, aiS they were no doubt well 
informed by their spies of the position 
being occupied by our company. We 
were re-inforced in the morning by 
some companies of militia* and in one 
of these I recognized my brother Tom, 
a Ia4 just turned sixteen, standing in 
the ranks, the commissariat being then 
not properly organized. I well recollect 
his look as if he were somewhat suffer 
ing from want of a, good meaL He 
served afterwards in a cavalry troop 
and was noted for pluck and dash. As 
one of the Cbllectors of Customs for 
Ontario Thomas C. Mewburn was after 
wards well known for energy and 
courage. He died in 1892 in his 71st 

But to return from this digression. 
Winter had set in early, and snow was 
already on the ground. We soon ascer 
tained that the enemy had marched 
down from Buffalo, where they ob 
tained large stores of arms and am 
munition, to Port Schlosser, about two 
and a half miles above the Falls, and 
had at once proceeded to occupy Navy 
Island. We were ordered to escort a 
couple of guns from Fort Erie to Chip- 
pewa. A trying march it was, a dark 
night, and the rain coming down in 
torrents, so that we struggled through 
deep melting snow, drenched to the 
skin, having some little experience of 
the discomforts of soldiering. Our bil 
let was a roomy Methodist chapel, of 
which the interior was occupied by 
moveable seats with backs, so that with 
judicious arrangement the floor was 
divided into capital sleeping berths. 
holding four or five men, and a good 
supply of straw made us comfortable 
enough. In the centre was ;i large 
stove. The pulpit was utilized for our 
stores. Aftd as to the table, having 
some keen whist players amongst us, I 
leave the use made of it to the im 
agination of my readers. The rebels 
lost no time in throwing up works of 
logs and earth, cutting down small 
trees and branches, and forming in 
front of these works a regular cheval 
de frise, on which field guns stolen 
from American arsenals were soon 
mounted. A continued flow of recruits 
from the rebels friends set in, chiefly 
composed of frontier loafers of all kinds 
and sorts, many of them no doubt ard 
ent enthusiasts in the cause of free 

dom. On our part we were not idle. 
Volunteer companies and militia regi 
ments soon reinforced us from all quar 
ters. Early in the autumn all the re 
gular troops had been sent down to Sir 
John Colborne (Lord Seaton), in the 
Lower Province, fighting at St. Denis, 
St. Charles and St. Eustace, to put 
down the French habitants. A mile or 
so above Navy Island a flotilla was 
formed of schooners, scows, boats, etc., 
brought down from the small harbours 
on the Canadian side of Lake Erie and 
the port of Ontario through the Wei- 
land canal and down the Chippewa 
River, which debouches on the Niagara 
just ajbove the Falls. Guns were soon 
mounted on the small craft of the flo 
tilla and on the batteries on the river 
bank facing Navy Island. The enemy 
obtained a small steamer called the 
Caroline at Buffalo, and in her con 
veyed men. guns and stores to Navy 
Island. Colonel Allan McNab had then 
assumed command of the forces, and 
many old line and naval officers had 
come to the front from their farms 
and residences scattered through the 
province. A council of war was held, 
and Captain (afterwards Admiral) Drew 
was asked if it were possible to destroy 
the steamer. An affirmative answer 
was given. The same night, Decem 
ber 29, 1837, she was cut out from 
her moorings and sent burning over the 
falls. As one of the party engaged 
sixty years ago in this expedition, one 
probably of very few survivors, it may 
interest some of my readers if I relate 
my personal experience in the affair. 
That evening, between 9 and 10 
o clock a party of officers came* to our 
quarters at the chapel to ask for vol 
unteers. Being one of the orderlies of 
the day, I was busy with mess work. 
The chance of a "cutting out" expe 
dition for a youth airtxious to see ser 
vice was one not to be lost. I vol 
unteered, of course. Outl asses with 
beckets -were served out to us, and we 
wesre. marched, down to boats lying 
ready at the bank otf the little canal 
leading to the Niagara River, just 
above the Rapids. Seven boats, with 
ten mien or a dozen each, formed the 
party. Captain Drew informed us in a 
few words of the object of the expe 
dition, strongly enforcing strict si 
lence and obedience. The boats were 
towed through the canal and them the 
punters cast off; we befean to pull 
across the swift current of the Nia 
gara between the lower front of Navy 
Island and the foaming rapids. At one 
moment the impression prevailed that 
we were drifting towards the Falls. 
Captain Drew says in his report that 



his anxiety for the( fate of the expe 
dition was extreme, until he saw that 
we were holding our own against the 
stream (running seven or eight knots 
an hour) and gradually nearing the 
other side. I was double manning the 
bow oar, and until we rested under 
the lee of a spit of land in front of 
the wharf at which the steamer was 
moored fore and aft, did not teel at 
all anxious, as Captain Drew says in 
his report the roar of the cataract was 
certainly awful, and during the sus 
pense one felt somewhat toned down." 
As we pulled round t he point the sentry 
on the steamer challenged, "Boat, 
ahoy I Who comes theore ?" and then 
bang went his rifle. Two boats stood 
clear as reserve, two took the star 
board quarter gangway, and the boat 
was in, the starboard bow. Tlwo of our 
boats I must notice pulled up 
the river and engaged the attention 
of "the Navy Island upper point bat 
teries. There was what may be called 
a scrimmage, a few minutes before the 
suprised defenders were flriven on to 
the wharf, retreating to a warehouse 
where we understood a large force of 
recruits for Navy Island, were passing 
the niight. A few of our men were 
placed on the wharf, while otherewere 
engaged in setting the steamer on fire, 
and cutting her moorings. In the lat 
ter duty I was engaged. Her aft moor 
ings were a warp; her bow a chain 
cable. Capt. Drew makes a singular 
mistake in saying that the chain cable 
was made fast to a pillar of the wharf, 
below the water, which was frozen over, 
and that in order to get at it, a vol 
unteer, a young Irish gentleman, stood. 
on the ice and broke it with the end 
of an oar, so as to geit ait the cable. 
This little incident is, I don t hesitate 
to say, purely imagination on the part 
of the gallant captain s informer. I 
happened to be one of those who un 
fastened the chain, which was above 
the water. The steamer had been moor 
ed during the evaning, and the frost, 
though severe, had not time to pro 
duce the effect described, but in fact 
the cable was above, not below the 
water. I only mention this little cir 
cumstance to show how commanders of 
affairs carried on at night, are depend 
ent upon information of details which 
have not come under thier personal 
notice. In a very short time all was! clear, 
and we had lowered her into the cur 
rent, she was enveloped in flames. 
Singularly enough, instead of at once 
taking the American channel and going 
over the American Falls, ahe stood 
across the river, until about the centre 
at the rapids and went over the Can 

adian or Horse Shoe Falls. No time 
was lost in re-crossing the river, hug 
ging as close as we dared the lower 
point of the island, so as to keep a good 
distance from the dreaded rapids. On 
landing we received the congratula 
tions of our comrades, and to use a nau 
tical phrase, after "the main brace had 
been spliced," turned into our straw 
beds and were given an extra allowance 
of sleep. The "Cutting out of the 
Caroline" had a depressing effect on 
the sympathizers. The Navy Islanders 
still maintained their position, but did 
not receive so much support as before 
from the mainland. In the meantime 
our little flotilla was rapidly getting 
organized. A large fore and aft 
schooner was armed with an 18 pound 
aft and a small 9 pound mid 
ship gun (compared to our pre 
sent guns, ours of those now 
far off days were but mere pop-guns), 
and to this man-of-war schooner the 
Cobourg Rifles were transferred, to act 
as gunners, marines and boat s crews. 
This vessel was commanded by Hon. 
John Elmslie, and to his "four-oared 
gig" I, with four others, was appoint 
ed. We were engaged carrying de 
spatches to and from headquarters at 
Chippewa, and, with other boats, in 
night patrolling the river above the 
Island, as an attack in force was ex- 
pe t id It om Buffalo. A day or two after 
coming on board, the schooner dropped 
down thie river and anchored opposite 
the upper point log and earthwork bat 
tery, and with our 18 pound stern gun 
plunged shlot after shot into it. Their 
shots ricocheted to the right and left of 
us, but they (never got the range. We 
i were fortunate in having an old "man- 
of-war s man," who in his early days 
! fought at Copenhagen, as the "layer" 
of our gun. This was my first ser 
vice as a marine artillery man. I stood 
by to man the "bowing tackle." 1 dis 
tinctly remember the excitement; a 
well directed shot from the battery 
could have raked us and swept away 
half the gun detachment, and then no 
doubt this excitement would have as 
sumed a different aspect. We returned 
to our anchiorage higher up the river, 
1 and the following day the Lieut-Gov- 
! ernor, Sir Francis Bond Head, came on 
I board. We brqughtt him, on shore in 
the captain s gig; he spoke very cheer 
ily to us, and ga,vie us to understand 
tlSat the Cobourg Rifles would have 
the honour of leading the advance ID 
, boats in the .attack on the Island. The 
! plan was prepared and the boats and 
scows all told off. The attempt was 
to be made before daylight next morn 
ing, and I can never forget that night 
of waiting for the signial to look out 
for the boats coming ouMfcf to take off 









r; o 








the men, many of the thoughtful fel 
lows amongst Us fully realizing the 
difficulties of landing and the cer- | 
tainty of severe loss of life in the 
event of a stubborn resistance. About ; 
midnighit the captain received a de- 
.spatch from Col. M oNabb that on the i 
strong recommandation of the Lieuten 
ant-Governor a council of war had 
just decided to cancel the order for the 
attack, on aqoount of this great loss 
of Iff 3 which it would involve, and that 
the operations would be confined to a I 
bombardment of the earth works fac- | 
ing the Canadian shore, and cutting j 
off their supplies from the opposite or i 
American shore. Great disappoint- | 
mteivt was expressed by all our men, 
including even those who had been any 
thing but sanguine as to the result ot 
the attempt. With one little incident 
I wall bake leave c*f ray Navy Island 
experience. The gig with three of 
ficers and the coxswain in the stern 
sheets was on its way from the schooner 
to headquarters. We had to run the 
gauntiet of the batteries facing our 
store, the distance between the Island 
and the bank being about 500 yards. 
"We expected to pass these batteries 
with the strong current at a speed 
which woul d rendef it very unlikely 
they woul d have a chance of hittinjg 
us. It was, however, blowing a stiff - 
ish gale again|3t the curren|t, so that 
we did not start down stream so rap 
idly as we expected. The enemy 
opened fire, shof after shot flying over ! 
the boat as we passed the Una of bat- 
tferies. i pulled the oar nexit to the j 
stroke; one shot came between us, close j 
to thie psak of miy cap a shade nearer 
and I sliould certainly not now be 
{writing these reminiscences. Ensign 
Chatter ton was one of the officers 
in the boat", if still alive he 
well remembers the incident, for 
some five-ami - twenty or thirty 
years afterwards he called on. me in 
Liverpool and spoke about it, as we 
talked over our early days before Navy 
Island. We had many stirring events 
in the stream on board the schooner 
the one in which I made my cruise on 
Lake Erie before joining the Cobourg 
Rifles^-and on shore patrolling or 
escorting guns and doing work of vari 
ous descriptions, but must now bring 
this personal narrative to a close. The | 
Island was vacated and on the Cobourgs 
being 1 disbanded I wag gazetted as 
junior ensign in the Queen s Own In 
corporated Militia Regiment, raised in 
active service and commanded by Col. 
Kingsmill, formerly 25th Regiment, an 
old Peoiinsular officer. Oapt. Purdon.who 
fought at Albuera, Ln Spain, commanded 
my company. The rank and fUe of the 

regiment were splendid men, chiefly 
from the Glengarry district. Captain 
Moody, who v/as wounded and fell in 
the ditch at the attack on Bergen of 
Zoon in 1813, was one of our officersV 
Long ere this he must have joined the 
grea,t majority. Our field officers and 
all the captains of companies were men 
who had seen service either in Europe 
or in Canada, during the war of 1812- 
13-14. The junior commissions were 
given to young gentlemen of the pro 
vince. My old friend Finlaison, who was 
with me in the Cobourg Rifles and a,t 
the cutting out of the Caroline, was 
also with me 1 in the Queen s Own. He 
was ally s a few years ago, and is, I 
hope, still in the land of the living. 


North Side of King St. from the N.E. Corner 
of Toronto St. to St. .James C nthrdrNl. 

This landmark is taken about 1836, 
aJnd represents the north side of King 
street, from the north-east corner of 
Yonge and King, to the north-east co- 
ner of King and Church streets, where 
stands St. James Cathedral. The 
building to the left of the picture at 
the corner of Toronto street, is the jail, 
which stood Ln, off the King street line 
aibout sixty feet, but about 40 feet from 
the street line of Toronto street. The 
front of this building was exposed for 
the first time in seventy years for it 
was built in 1826 when the RidR, 
Lewis building, on the corner of Toron 
to! aSxd King streets, was torn down to 
make way for the r&d brick structure 
now on t hat site. A portion of the front 
showing the windows of the building, 
may yet be seen from the rear of Wal 
ton s barber shop, a few doors east of 
the corner. The scaffold upon which 
the patriots, Lount and Matthews suf 
fered, was erected, in the centre of the 
ground m front of the building. The 
building in the rear centre, with a (cup 
ola, was the firehall on Church street. 
It stood directly south of old St. An 
drew s church. The building to the 
right, similar in architecture to the 
jail, was the Court House. There were 
apparently two entrances to this build 
ing, one from Church street, and the 
other from King street. The picture 
shows a King street entrance, but. the 
entrance since 1841 60 has been on 
Church street. The massive building 
with the short tower was St. James 
Cathedral, which was burned in J839. 
The original drawing of this picture 
was made by a Mr. Young, a Toronto 
architect of considerable repute. 





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The Meeting Places ! the Parliament of 
Cppnr Canada at Niagara, 179*-5 At 
York, 1796-1813 and 1818-24. 1835-28, 

The first Legislature or Parliament i 
of Upper Canada met on the 17th Sep- ! 
tember, 1792, at Niagara. There is no I 
certainty as to the building in which j 
this body of men assembled, but it was j 
probably in Navy Hall, the residence j 
of Governor Simcoe. Some think that I 
it met in the Freemason s Hall, a build- \ 
ing at the east end of the town near i 
the river, and this is not improbable. 
The Freemason s Hall was convenient 
to Navy Ball, and it contained two 
rooms of reasonable size for such pur 
poses. The lower room was for public 
meetings, such as those of the Agricul 
tural Society, and the upper rooms 
were occupied by the Craft of Masons. 
This was from 1792-1796. 

In June of 1796 the Legislature met 
in York. The meeting place was in the 
Parliament Buildings, which stood on 
the south side of Palace (Front) 
street, between the street and the bay, 
and on the site of the old jail, now the 
Toronto gas works. These buildings 
were destroyed by fire on the 27th 
April, 1813. 

It is stated in Dr. Scadding s book 
on "Toronto of Old" that the first 
Houses of the Legislature were 
"humble but commodious struct .ires of 
wood, built before the close of the 
eighteenth century." In Vol. I., page 
352 of "The Landmarks of Toronto" 
this statement is repeated, and an ex 
tract from an old guide book is given, 
which states that these buildings "were 
of wood." An examination of docu 
mentary evidence, however, proves 
that the buildings were of brick and 
not of wood. 

We have the exact location of these 
buildings and a small drawing of the 
front, looking towards the west, in a 
picture of the east end of the harbour 
and town, made in 1803 by an English 
officer. The buildings were on the site 
of the preseint gas works, and the ele 
vation of the buildings as given in 
modern reproductions is accurate, but 
the description i inaccurate, in that 
the buildings were not of wood, but 
of brick. Heriot, in his " Travels in 
Canada in 1806," published in 1807, 
states that he visited " York, or To 
ronto, the seat of Government in Upper 
Canada." He then describes Gibraltar 
Point, now Hanlan s Point, and refers 
to the Garrison and the house in which 













i i 






the Lieutenant-Governor lived. With 
regard to the Parliament Buildings he 
wrote: "Two buildings of brick at the 
eastern extremity of the town, which 
were designed as wings to a centre, 
axe occupied as chambers for the Upper 
and Lower Houses of Assembly." 

Such evidence admits of no contro 
versy. Then, as late as 1819, Peter 
Robinson and Grant Powell, who were 
"managers of public buildings," re 
ported to the Legislature concerning 
the erection of two new buildings, 
stating that " they proceeded without 
delay to close with the lowest propos 
als for such a building, together with 
the old brick buildings repaired," and 
that some progress had already been 
made " in the repairs of the old build 

This should settle all doubts as to 
the question of brick or wood in the 
original buildings. The Upper Canada 
Gazette of July, 1794, contained an ad 
vertisement which read: Wanted, 
carpenters for the public buildings to 
be erected at Yotrk," but this does not 
indicate, as some would have it, that 
the buddings were of wood. 

TDae statement that the first home 
of tiie Legislature was of brick having 
been sustained, tihe assertion that the 
first brick building m York was tihat 
of titoe Canada Compaoiy, on the north 
east cornea: of King and Frederick 
streets, us disposed of. It was the se 
cond brick building in York. 

After the fixe the Legislature met 
in 1814, at Jordan s Hotel on King 
street east. One session was beld in 
Jordan s, and for several years a rough 
cast, commodious cottage building on 
the noxth-east corner of Wellington and 
York streets, served as a legislative 
home. It was the residence of the Hon. 
George Markland, and afterwards that 
of the late Chief Justice Draper. 

In 1818, new buildings, also of brick, 
were erected, immediately adjoining the 
exact site of those destroyed in 1813, 
at the east end, of the city at the foot 
of Berkeley street. The site is now 
occupied by the Gas works. These 
buildings were two in number, two 
storeys in heilght, and are showing in 
a painting of York, in 1819-20. The 
north* buildiinig was used for Govern 
ment offices, the south building as the 
Legislative Chambers. H?his latter 
was destroyed by fire on the 20th De 
cember, 1824. 

The sessions of 1825-8 were held 5m 
the Toronto General Hospital build 
ing, on the north-west corner of King 
and John streets, a site now occupied 
by the rear part of the Arlington hotel, 
street. Tine hospital building 

was required for its original purpose in 

1828, and the Court-house on Church 

street, near the north-west corner of 

King and Church streets, was occupied 

LQ. lo^cf QJW. 

In 1832-41 tjiie buildiogs on Front 
street, between Johm and Peter 
streets, were occupied by the Legislar- From 1841 to 1849 the buildings 
were utilized for university purposes; 
in 1848-9 as an asykrai for tbe insane, 
and ito 1849-51 the Houise was again 
re-opened for the sessions of ParHa- 
ment for the united provinces. From 
1856-59 the sessions of the TJtnited Par 
liament were held in the building, and 
in 1861-66 it was used as a military 
barracks, and from 1867-92 by the 
LegLslaitnitre of Ontario, when removal 
wai^ made to the buildings in the 
Queen s Park. 

34a in the letter press shows the 
windiow that was said to have beetn 
entered about 1858, when the agency 
was burglarized. 

The engraving given represents the 
Hospital buildings, in "which the ses 
sions oif the Legislature from. 1825-28 
were held. The Legislature met in the 
north-east corner of the ground floor 
(marked No. 10 in. the plain), with No. 
9 afe an aarte-iroom. 

In 1856-59 the Hospital building was 
occupied by Government departments, 
a.nd the floor plains given! show the oc 
cupants of the various rooms during 
the time of the MacdonaLd-CJartier 

The following is the key to the ground 
floor plan : 

1 Lunch room for the Privy Council. 

2 A. R. Roche, Provincial Secretary s 

3 Morreli Higgins, Clerk Ex. Conn- 
oil ; Henry Alexander. 

4 Solicitor-General East ; Dunbar 
Ross ; Sir John Rose. 

5 Capt. Rettalack, 16th Regt., A.D. 
C., and Military Secretary. 

6 Governor-General s room Sir E. 
W. Head. 

7 W. A. Hinsworth, confidential clerk 
Ex. Council. 

8 President of the Council , Sir A. N. 

9 W. H. Lee, clerk Ex. Council. 

10 Executive Council Chamber. 

The following is the key to the 
upper floor plan : 

11 Hon. J. A. Macdonald, Attorney- 
General for Upper Canada. 

12 Robert A. Harrison, Clerk of 
Crown Law Department, Canada West. 

13 David Alexander, Assistant Clerk, 
Crown Law Department, Canada East. 

14 Library of the Law Department. 

15 Geo. Futvoye, Clerk Crown Law 





Department, Canada East; George 
Baby, Assistant Clerk Crown Law De 
partment, Canada East. 

16 Hon. L. T. Drummond, Attorney- 
General, Canada East. 

17 T. D. Harmgton, Provincial Secre 
tary s office, Chief Clerk. 
1T> Messengers. 
18 Grant Powell and Henry E. Steele, 

Provincial Secretary s office, Canada 

19 Sabin Tietu; H. R. Glackmeyer 
and G. S. Bertrand, Provincial Secre 
tary s office, Canada East. 

20 E. A. Meredith., Assistant Pro 
vincial Secretary s office. 

21 Etienne Parent, Assistant Secre 
tary, Canada East. 

22 Office of Provincial Secretary. 



The old houses on Front street have 
often been reproduced in all forms of en 
graving, but the floor plans have not, 
aind therefore, wiith a view of preserv 
ing the memory of buildings so intim 
ately connected with the history of 
Canada m general and of the province 
of Ontario in particular, floor plans 
have been made by Mr. S. G. Curry, 
architect, of Toronto, and, having a 
thorough acquaintance with the build 
ings at that period, a key has been 
prepared, showing by whom the rooms 
were occupied from 1856-59. This key 
has been verified by Mr. McGillivray 
and Mr.W. C. Bowles, the only two offi 
cials alive in 1897, who worked in the 
Houses of Parliament at Toronto and 
the Hospital plan by Mr. H. J. Morgan, 
of Ottawa, who was an officer of the 
GoverTjonent as early as 1857. 

The ground and upper floor plans, 
with the key shows the rooms and 
ocouipants during the sessions of the 
Legislative Assembly and Legislative 
Council of the Province of Canada, 

The following is the key to the 
ground floor plan of the Parliament 

1. The steps aind platform at maim en 

trance, centre f>uUiding, Front 

2. Tihe maim, corriidor of the Assembly 


3. The Chamber of the Legislative 


(a) The erttraince to the Chamber. 

(b) The bar of the House. 

(c) Tfhe seat of the Sergeant-at- 

(d) The Mace; Jt was laid lengthwise 
on the table. 

(e) Tihe Clerk of the House. 

(f) Tjhe dadii of the Speaker. 

(g.g.) The desk of the members 65 

on each, side of the Chamber. 
Oh) The exit leading to the Speaker s 

(i) Tihe exit leading to the north 


(j) The Speaker s gallery, 
(k) The Speaker s gallery for the 

Legislative Councillors. 
(1) Mrs Biltom s refreshment table, 
(m) Tihe entrance to the Legislative 

Council Chamber corriidor. 

4. The Speaker s parlour. 

5. The Speaker s bedroom. 

6. The private eotramce to the Speak 

er s corridor from Front street. 

7. Entrance to the refrestoment bar in 

the basement of the House. 

8. Tihe Speaker s corridor. 

(8a) Tihe sta&rcaae leading to the 
press gallery in north-east corner 
of chamber. 

9. Tihe store room and pasting room. 

10 and 11. Messengers rooms. 

12. Tihe post office Robert Defries, 
Jos. Blaie. 

13. General office, W. B. Ross and Herr- 
man Poetter, juintor clerks. 

14. Law Department G. W. Wicksteed., 
Law Clerk. 

15. Translators Department Frank A. 
Badgley, English Translator. 

16. G. M. Muir, English Journal Clerk. 

17. Thomas Vaux, accountant , Charles 
Langevin, assistant accountant. 

18. Wm. Spink, clerk of Routine and 
Records ; Farquhar MacGillivray, 

19. Henry B, Stuart, English writing 
clerk ; Edward Denechaud, French 
writing clerk; A. G. D. Taylor, 
Paul Smith, J. F. Gingras. 

20. W. P. Patrick, chief office clerk; 
Henry Hartney, assistant office 

21. W. B. Lindsay, sr., clerk of the As 
sembly ; W. B. Lindsay, jr., assist 
ant clerk. 

22. William Ross, sr., deputy assistant 

23. 24 and 25. Suite of rooms occupied 
by D. W. Macdonell, Sergeant-at- 

26, 27, 28 and 29. Store rooms connect 
ed with the library and stationery, 

30. Paper room. 

31. Writing room of members of the 
Legislative Council. 

32. C. E. Anderson, Deputy Receiver 

33. Sorting room for documents Legis 

lative Council. 

34. J. F. Taylor, Clerk and Master-bi- 

34a. Agency of Bank of Upper Canada. 
The letter A shows the window re 
ferred to in letter press. 

35. Michael Keating, Chief Messenger of 

the Legislative Assembly. 

36. O. Taylor. 

37 and 38. Speaker s Chambers Legisla 
tive Council. 

39. Fennings Taylor, additional assist 
ant clerk and chief office clerk. 
40 The Chamber of the Legislative 

Caa) The throne for the Governor- 

(bb) The seat of the Speaker. 

toe) The Clerk of the Council. 

(dd) The Usher of the Black Rod. 

Ore) The Sergeant-at-Arms. 

(fff) The seats of the Legislative 
Councillors on the east and west 
si-fit s of the Chamber. Single desk. 

(fgjg) The Bar of the Council, at which 
tlw Speaker of the Assembly stood 
when summoned. 















fo " 
O H 


I 1 











(hh) The entrance to the Chamber 

leading from the Council corridor. 
(Li) The Council corridor, 
(jj) Exit to north corridor, 
(kk) Passage-way behind seats. 

41. John Langton, Auditor of Public 


42. Ante-room. 

43. J. B. Stanton and William Hedge 
and Theodore Dufort, warrant 
clerks in Receiver-General s office. 

44. Robt. L^moine, deputy clerk Legis 

lative Council. 

45. North corridor of the Legislative 

Council Chamber. 

46. North corridor of the Legislative 

Assembly Chamber. 

47. Hallway and vestibule leading to 

48. Store! room. 

49. The courtyard at the rear of the 
centre building and between the 
rast and west wings of the Legisla 
tive buildings. 

50. The s>pace under the archway over 
which was the Legislative Li 

51. iThe gateway or entrance from the 

north side of the Legislative build 

The following is the key to the 
plan of the upper floors of the Parlia 
ment Buildings : 

1. William Dickinson, Deputy Inspect 


2. Davil A. Ross, Book-keeper, Inspect- 

or-^General s office. 

3. Archibald Carey, Inspector-General s 


4. Not known. 

5. James Adamson, Clerk of English 

Journals, Legislative Council. 

6. Rev. W. A. Adamson, D.C.L., Chap 

lain and Librarian, Legislative 

7. James Adamson. 

8. E. L. Mwntizambert, Law Clerk and 

English Translator. 

9. Not known. i 

10. W. A. Maingy, Assistant French 
Translator, Legislative Council. 

11. Not known. 

12. Gallery in Legislative Council. 
12a. The Legislative Chamber extended 

trom the ground floor to the roof. 

13. Reading-room, Legislative Assem 


13a. Strangers Gallery, Legislative As 

14. Ladies Gallery, Legislative Assem 


14a. Press Galleries, 
lib. The Legislative Chamber extended 

to the root from the ground floor. 

15. Press reporters room. 

16. The Secretary ot tne Speaker, Leg 

islative Assembly. 
17 and 18. Railway Committee Room 

-Thaddeus Patrick, Assistant Clerk 

Private Bills office. 
? and 20. The French Translators. 
22. W. B. L\ndsay, jr., Assistant Clerk 

Legislative Assembly. 

22. W. B. Lindsay, jr., Assitsant Clerk 
Legislative Assembly. 

23. J. P. Leprohon, Assistant Clerk ot 

24. Altred Todd, Clerk Private Bills. 
E5. William Wilson and W. P. Power, 

Assistant English Translator, L.A. 
26. G. W, Wicksteed, Law Clerk, L.A. 
T A nk Bad S ele y. -English Translator, 

l.j . .i . 

28 and 29. Second suite of additional 
rooms used as the L brary. 

30. Reading-room. 

31. The original Library as it was 
from 1832-59. 


A C itj Building thai It a* IJreii (ho Scene of 
Notable EveBU met king f Those who 
Have (sung and Spoken In the Old Hall. 

The St. Lawrence Hall was built in 
1850 and 1851, after the great fire of 
April 7th, 1849, which had destroyed 
the north side of King street, from 
the Cathedral of St. James east to 
Nelson (Jarvis) street. The old Town 
Hall, or Market House, which was built 
of red brick, and which stood on this 
site, fronting the Market, was also 
partially destroyed by fire in 1849. 

The new buildings were erected by 
the corporation and by private individ 
uals. The centre buildin g is the pro 
perty of the corporation, while the two 
wings to the east and west of the Ar 
cade and hall entrance are private pro 

A description of this building, pub 
lished in 1851, isays : 

"This magnificent building was erect 
ed in 1850 to mjeet the pressing exi 
gencies of the citizens. The hall is 
appropriated for meetings and public 
exhibitions, and is capable of accom 
modating a thousand persons. The 
principal object of the talented design 
er of this edifice, W. Thomas, Esq., 
was to ensure its complete usefulness 
as well as ornamentality, for, while the 
hall is used for public purposes, in its 
rear runs the St. Lawrence Market, a. 
range of arcade 200 feet in length by 
39 feet in breadth, with neat stores on 
each side, at the end of which is an 
other frontage, south, consisting of 
general stores. The iKing street front 
age of the St. Lawrence Hall is 140 feet 
in extent. The entraaoe to St. Law- 









IT 1 























rence [Market, in the rear, is in the 
centre of the frontage, by a noble 
archway, forming a line of shops on 
each side and a transverse piazza 100 
feet l"n depth, over which are, on the 
first floor, public rooms. On the upper 

1 ;ceiling is boldly covered with rich 
pannelled centre and emblematical en- 

richments. The front is wholly of cut 

j stone, of the Roman Corinthian order, 
from the example of Jupiter Stator; 

1 the centre being tetrastyle portico of 

,-~Sf~, ^* * * V >Ffl"W.l.^ M *% I 


--**-" ^ 


story is the hall, 100 feet in length by 
38 feet 6 inches wide, and 34 feet high; 
the entrance to the hall from the public 
staircase is under the gallery at the 
north end, with a saloon, etc. The 
finishing of the interior is in good 

three-quarter columns, with sculptured 
tympanum of the pediment, surmount 
ed with a rich attic; the carved work 
throughout the enrichments is of a 
rich and varied character. The cupola 
forms a circular open temple of the 

/style, with dado and rich cornice; the Corinthian order, which contains a 





fine-toned large alarm bell, weighing 
2,130 pounds. The aggregate cost of 
these buildings was a trifling sum 
above 7,000." 

No public ceremony took place when 
the St. Lawrence Hall was completed 
and ready for use. The first time it 
was occupied was when George Thomp 
son, M.P., of England, lectured there 
in on April 1st, 1851, taking as his sub 
ject "Slavery;" the Rev. Dr. Willis pre 
sided. He lectured again in the same 
place on April 4th, and 5th, on India. 

Frederick Douglas, the noted colour 
ed abolitionist, lectured on the same 
subject, referring more particularly to 
American slavery, on the evenings of 
April 2nd and 3rd, to moderately sized 
audiences. Mr. Thompson delivered the 
final lecture on the subject on April 

The Mechanics Institute held its an 
nual soiree at the hall on Friday, April 
18th. Professor Croft presided over a 
large gathering. 

On April 23rd the St. George s So 
ciety s ball took place and proved most 
successful, both as a social event and 
in a pecuniary point of view. 

Queen s birthday of 1851 was cele 
brated by a concert given by Mr. Prin 
cipal Barron and some of the pupils 
from Upper Canada College, on the 
evening of May 23rd, in St. Lawrence 
Hall. A dance followed the concert, 
and as the clock struck twelve and 
May 24th broke, a curtain at the north 
end of the hall AVUS drawn on one side 
displaying a transparency of " God 
Save the Queen," over it an illuminated 
crown and the letter V. R. At the 
same moment Mr. Barron led off with 
the first words of the national anthem, 
which was heartily joined, in by the 
whole of the company. 

Under the patronage of the Ladies 
Anti-Slavery Society a concert took 
place in the hall on June 6th, in aid 
of the destitute fugitives from slavery 
who had taken refuge in this country. 

The Anti-Clergy Reserve Associa 
tion called a public meeting for July 
8th, at which the Hon. Adam Fergu 
son presided. The object of the gath 
ering was to denounce the Reserves and 
to demand their unconditional with 
drawal. When the meeting was called 
to order by the chairman it was found 
that the people were by no means 
unanimous and that there were quite 
as many supporters of the Reserves 
present as there were opponents. The 
result was that an amendment to the 
first resolution, which called for the 
abolition of the Reserves, was carried, 

and the meeting broke up in great con 

On July 15th and 16th the hall was 
engaged by the Rev. Morris J. Raph 
ael, to deliver therein two lectures on 
the "Poetry of the Old Testament." 
These lectures only attracted very 
moderate audiences. 

Mademoiselle Teresa Parodi, assisted 
by Mademoiselle Ainalia Patti, gave a 
concert in the hall on July 17th, of 
the merits of which the papers of the 
period spoke favourably. 

The Anti-Clergy Reserve Associa 
tion held another meeting on July 
23rd, which caused even greater tumult 
than the first. No one was allowed to 
speak at this meeting excepting in 
favour of the object for which it had 
been called, consequently, inside the 
hall it was orderly enough. Outside, 
though, the case was different. There 
the opponents gathered in force, held 
a counter demonstration, and eventu 
ally became involved in a quarrel and 
blows with those who were leaving the 
ball. The Riot Act was read and the 
troops sent for, but by the time they 
arrived all was quiet. No one was seri 
ously injured and the whole affair was 
soon forgotten. 

The Aztec Lilliputians, Maxima and 
Bartola were on exhibition at the hall 
from August 4th to 9th, and were 
visited by large numbers of people. 

A celebrated ball was held on the 
night of Wednesday, October 15th, 
1851, in honour of the cutting by her 
Excellency the Countess of Elgin, wife 
of the Governor-General, of the first 
sod on the Northern Railway, when 
guests to the number of about four 
hundred Avere present, including the 
Governor-General, Honorables F. Hincks 
and J. Ross. 

Just a week later, o*n Tuesday, Oc 
tober 21st, Jenny Lind, " the Swedish 
nightingale," gave the first of her two 
concerts in Toronto to a crowded as 
semblage, " numbering," to quote a 
Toronto paper of the time, " perhaps 
about a thousand." If there were so 
many present it is rather difficult to 
see where they were accommodated, 
even with the additional room afford 
ed by the gallery. This, though, is cer 
tain, that every possible inch of space 
was made available, and that scores of 
people were disappointed in obtaining 
tickets, none of which were disposed 
of for less than three dollars each. 
The concert was repeated on October 

Tuesday, December 27th, 1851, also 
saw ?. large gathering in the hall, 
about three hundred in all, when a 



service of plate was presented to Mr. 
Alderman R. Beard by the corporation 
and fire companies of the city, in token 
of their appreciation of his long, ardu 
ous and gratuitous services as cMef 
engineer of the fire department. 

A promenade concert took place on 
Thursday, January 8th, 1852, which at 
the time caused very considerable com 
ment, on account of its object, which 
was the aid of coloured fugitives from 
slavery in the United States. The presi 
dent of the gathering was Mrs. Arnold, 
and the secretaries Mrs. Henning and 
the well-known Miss Maca,uJay. "Cof 
fee and other refreshments were serv 
ed from r i to 8 o clock in the supper 
room, and during this time the splen 
did band of the 71st Regiment played 
in the hall." So related one of the To 
ronto papers, adding that " the Rev. 
S. R. Ward (coloured) delivered dur 
ing the evening an address suitable to 
the occasion." 

The festival of the Toronto and St. 
Lawrence Division Sons of Temperance 
was held on January 29th, 1852, when 
great numbers of people interested in 
teetotalism were there. 

On Monday, February 23rd, 1852, a 
public dinner was given in the St. 
Lawrence Ball by the R-eformers of 
the city of Toronto, in honour of Hon. 
Malcolm Cameron. Dr. Workman (he 
died as recently as 1895) occupied the 
chair, and among those present were 
James Leslie^, of the Examiner news 
paper; Captain Hon. Aemilus Irving, 
Ezekiel F. Whitemore, Thomas G. Rid- 
out, J. P. De La Have, Charles Lind- 
sey and about 150 others. This 
gathering was one of very great im 
portance, or at least, it was so con 
sidered a-t the time. Its proceedings 
occupy no less than eight columns of 
newspaper space. 

Rev. Dr. Willis presided over the 
annual meeting of the Anti-Slavery 
Society, held in the hall on the after 
noon of March 24th, 1852. 

On March 25th a public meeting, at 
which the Mayor presided, was held, to 
protest against the English fiscal pol 
icy of Free Trade. Among the speak 
ers were Honorable William Cayley, 
Messrs. George Percival Ridout, M.P. 
P., Ogle R. Gowan, and William Henry 
Boulton, of the Grange. It was not a 
unanimous gathering by any means, 
and there were some warm verbal com 
bats between the opposing parties. 

The Mechanics Institute held its an 
nual soiree in the hall on April 12th. 
The band of the 71st Regiment was 
present, and there was an excellent 

The St. George s Society held a ball 

In the hall on April 23rd, 1852, which 
was very largely attended. 

The celebrated cantatrice Catherine 
Hayes gave two most successful con 
certs in the hall on May 24th and 26th. 
She was assisted by the noted violinist, 
Herr Griebel; by Menzies, the well 
known baritone; by KyJe, the flautist, 
and Lavenu on the piano. 

The Germania Musical Society, assist 
ed by Alfred Jaell, the pianist, gave a 
concert on June 25th, which, despite 
the hot weather then prevailing 1 , had 
many attendants. 

An excellent panoramic display, that 
of P. T. Barnum s "Crystal Palace il 
lustrated," occupied the hall from Au 
gust 10th to 28th, 1852. Large crowds 
of persons amended every day, and 
these were composed quite as much 
from country residents as from Toron 
to people. 

September 17th was the date when 
the hall was well filled, under the 
presidency of Hon. J. H. Price, to de 
mand that a more stringent Sabbath 
observance statute should be passed. 

What was described as a " Scottish 
Musical Entertainment," under the 
direction of Mr. Clireh-ujgh, was held 
in the hall on the evening of October 
18th. It proved a decided success. T\vo 
days later, on October 20th> a Masonic 
ball, under the patronage of the vari 
ous city lodges, was also held in the 
same place, and was very largely at 

A noteworthy meeting was also held 
in one of the rooms adjoining the 
hall on October 20th. It had been in 
tended to hold it in the hall, but 
owing to the fact of the ball it was 
held in an adjoining apartment. This 
meeting, presided over by the Mayor, 
was for the purpose of raising 
funds for a memorial in Toronto 
to the memory of the Duke of 
Wellington then recently deceas 
ed. A resolution of condolence 
with her Majesty in the nation s 
loss was passed, and it was decided to 
do something. Nothing was ever 

Another anti-slavery meeting took 
place in the hall on December 16th, 
Dr. Willis again presiding. 

The pupils of Upper Canada College, 
under the direction of the late Mr. 
F. W. Barron, M.A., the then princi 
pal, gave a most successful concert 
on the evening of December 22nd. 1852. 

The first entertainment of the sea 
son in 1853 was a concert given by 
the Toronto Vocal Music Society, on 
January 10th, followed on January 
2fith by a soiree in aid of the funds of 






the Sunday schools in connection with 
the Rev. Robert Irvine s congregation. 
This body of Presbyterians met on 
George street, in a building bought | 
from the Unitarians. Tney afterwards 
removed to their present site, corner 
Queen and Mutual streets. 

A public festival in connection with 
the Early Closing Association, under 
the patronage of the merchants of 
Toronto, was held in the hall oa Tues 
day evening, January llth, 1853, the 
Mayor in the chair, which was ad 
dressed by Messrs. T. J. Rpifrtsfon], 
of the Normal School; Geo. Brown, 
M.P.P.; Thomas Clarkson, George Per- 
cival Ridout, M.P.P., and F. W. Cum 
berland. After the speechmaking was 
over, the proceedings coincluded with 
supper and a dance, both of which 
appear to have been very greatly ap 

A subscription concert, organized by 
Mr. R. G. Paige, which proved a very 
great success, was held in the hall on 
January 27th. 

A series of lectures by Dr. Hy. Goad- 
by on " Insects, Their Structure and 
Functions," were commenced in the St. 
Lawrence Hall on February 10th and 
continued on each Tuesday and Thurs 
day evening succeeding that date for 
two weeks following. There was an 
additional lecture also given on Wed 
nesday, Marcii 16th. 

A second subscription concert, also 
got up by Mr. R.. G. Paige, was held 
upon March 10th, and, like the one on 
January 27th, was very successful. 

The Toronto Anti-iSlavery Society 
held an enthusiastic meeting in the 
hall on Wednesday, March 23, 1853, the 
Rev. Dr. Willis being in the chair. "The 
capacious room was filled to overflow 
ing, and the deepest interest appeared 
to be felt in the important cause for 
which the society was established." 
Such WON the report which appeared 
in the daily papers of the time. 

A ball took place in the hall on April 
8th. It was organized by Mr. Macindoe 
Robertson, in connection with a series 
erf small dances held in private houses. 

On April 23rd the St. George s So 
ciety s ball took place as usual, and 
was also, as usual, very well attended. 

Mr. Paige s third subscription con 
cert was held upon April 21st, and a 
promenade concert in aid of the col 
oured refugees from slavery who had 
taken refuge in this province, follow 
ed, it, on April 2 ( Jth. 

A very successful concert, known as 
" The Scottish Concert," took place on 
May 17th, and was very largely attend 
ed. Mr. and Miss Fraser were the 
principal executants, and the papers of 

the time speak very highly of the man 
ner in which the programme was exe 

The celebration of her Majesty s 
birthday took place on May 24th, by 
a festival bah given under the patron 
age of the national societies, namely, 
those of St. Geonge, St. Patrick and 
St. Andrew. It proved most successful, 
and daylight was streaming in at the 
windows before the last of the com 
pany departed. 

Alfred Jaell gave two concerts in 
the hall on July 5th and 7th, and, de 
spite the season and the many other 
attractions, tbere were fairly good au 

Madame 1 Bishop gave a con 

cert, followe^ , iy a costume ball, on 
August 31st. The entertainment was 
exceptionally popular so much so that 
it was repeated on October llth. 

The British and Foreign Bible So 
ciety held its jubilee meeting, preced 
ed by a public breakfast, on October 
12th. Among those present were the 
Rev. H. J. Grasett, Dr. Barclay, the 
Rev. Alex. Sanson, Dr. Willis, Dr. Jen 
nings, E. W. Thomson, and many 

A panorama of Uncle Tom s Cabin 
was exhibited in the hall on October 
12th, 13th and 14th, Mr. Malone Ray 
mond being the lecturer. 

Another panorama, called " An Hour 
in Ireland and Other Lands," was ex 
hibited on October 25th and Novem 
ber 3rd! while a third, of " The Upper 
Mississippi River," was opened on Oc 
tober 31st, and, with the exception of 
November 3rd, continued on exhibition 
until November 20th. 

Madame Julien and Prof. J. K. Good- 
all gave two most successful concerts 
on November 21st and 2-nd. 

Ole Bull, assisted by Madame Adelina 
Patti and Maurice Strakosch, gave his 
farewell concert in Toronto on Novem 
ber 23rd, when one of the largest au 
diences ever assembled in the hall were 

St. Andrew s Society celebrated St. 
Andrew s day by giving a ball in the 
hall on November 30th. There was a 
large company, who thoroughly en 
joyed themselves. 

The annual ball of No. 5 Company, 
Toronto Fire Brigade, " Deluge," took 
place on December 2Uth, and proved a 
most enjoyable affair. 

A series of three lectures by Mr. A. 
O Leary took place on December 21st, 
24th and 29th. They were on the 
"Education of Children, Both Physi 
cally and Mentally." 

A bazaar and soiree for the nuroose 



of raising funds to erect a church at 
the corner of Mutual and Queen streets, 
under the care of the Rev. Robert Ir 
vine, was held on December 27th and 
28th. It was fairly successful. 

Madaone Son tag gave a most suc 
cessful concert on January 2nd, 1854 
which was followed on January 6th by 
another concert, organized by Mr Geo 
F. Hayter, of Toronto, assisted by 
local amateurs and professionals. 

A panorama of Uncle Tom s Cabin 
was exhibited in the hall and drew 
large audiences from. January 18th 
until the 22nd. 

On January 20th a promenade con 
cert in aid of the destitute coloured 
fugitives from slavery took place in 
the hall, and a fair sum- was raised in 
aid of the work. 

The A. F. & A. M. of Toronto gave a 
ball in the hall on February 2nd, which 
was very largely attended, not only by 
members of the craft and ladies ac 
companying them, but by great num 
bers of others. 

Mr. Robertson s second assembly took 
place on February 10th. It was alto 
gether a private affair. 

A series of subscription concerts was 
inaugurated on February 15th and 
continued, the second on February 
27th, the third on March 21st. They 
were under t^be management of Mr. J. 
D. Humphries, Herr Griebel and G. F. 
Hayter. The vocalists were Miss Paige^ 
Mr. R, G. Paige, Mr. Jules Hecht and 
Mr. J. D. Atkins. They proved a great 
success to all concerned from first to 

A complimentary breakfast to the 
Rev. Mr. Duff, a well-known mission 
ary, was held on April 12th, Mr. John 
Arnold in thie chair. 

An exhibition of Ceramic Art took 
place in the hall on April 18th, 19th 
and 20th. 

G. W. Stone gave a course of lec 
tures on " Electro-Biology " from May 
15th to the 20th. These lectures took 
place in the afternoon. 

Herr Griebel, assisted by the Philhar 
monic Society, gave a violin recital on 
May 18th, which attracted a very large 

Brewer s grand mirror panorama was 
exhibited in the hall on May 25th, 26th 
and 27th, and the papers of the time 
say that it was fairly well attended. 

Davidson s panorama of the St. Law 
rence and the Lakes was on exhibition 
from June 3rd until the 20th, and dur 
ing the whole time there was a con 
stant succession of visitors. Mr. David 
son, afterwards removed to Hamilton. 
Another anti-slavery bazaar, in aid 

^Frederick Douglass paper, the Abo 
litionist, was held on June 22nd 

The Peake family, vocalists and bell- 
ringers, gave a very pleasing exhibi 
tion of their skill on July 10th llth 
and 12th. 

Bisley s views of the River Thames 
occupied the hall from August 14th 
until September 1st, without inter 

Madame Rosa Devries, assisted by 
Martin Lazare, gave her farewell con 
cert on October 5th. 

The Oddfellows soiree was held on 
October llth. There was a very large 

The Madden family brass band, com 
posed entirely of females, gave a 
musical entertainment on October 16th 
and 17th, which was fairly well at 

IA meeting of great interest to the 
citizens took pLace on Monday, Novem 
ber 13th, 1854, the Mayor, Mr. G. W. 
Allan, beinsc m the chair, the object 
being "to adopt means to set a limit 
to our enormous taxation, and espe 
cially m view of the, Esplanade expen 

Mr. Donovan lectured on Phrenology 
on November 1st, and he was followed 
by the celebrated traveller and poet 
Bayard Taylor, on November 16th, 
17th and 18th, on Japan and the Jap 
anese, the Arabs and India. 

Madame Frances Maria gave a con 
cert, which was very largely attended, 
on November 27th and 28th. She was 
assisted by her father and Professor 

The first anniversary soiree of the 
Young Men s Christian Association 
took place in the hall on December 

A lecture on " The Phrenology of 
Noted Criminals," by Mr. Donovan, was 
given on December 12th, followed by 
a series of lectures on <; Science and 
Art," by Prof. Owen, on December 18th, 
19th , LCth, 21st and 23rd, and one on 
"Popular Delusions," by Dr. Hy. Goad- 
by, on December 27th. 

Macallister, the great magician, gave 
an entertainment of conjuring and 
sleight of hand on the evenings of De 
cember 26th, 29th and 30th. It being 
the holiday season, there were large 
audiences, principally of young people. 

The Toronto Philharmonic Society 
gave a most successful concert on the 
evening of December 28th, which drew 
together an exceedingly good audience. 

A panorama of the Crimqan war was 
on exhibition ia the hall from Janu 
ary 1st to 6th, 1855, which, as was to 
be expected, drew very large audien- 



ces The excitement regarding the 
eastern campaign was then at its 
height, and everything connected with 
the war created interest. 

On January 8th, 1855, St. Lawrence 
Hall was crowded to th utmost of its 
capacity, the occasion being a meet 
ing for the purpose of raising funds in 
aid of the widows and orphans of those 
killed during the Eastern war, and 
assisting those who had been wound 
ed and disabled. The chairman was the 
Honourable John Hillyard Cameron. 
He was supported by the following 
well known public men: The Bishop of 
Toronto, Revs. Dr. Willis, Burns and 
Lillie, Rev. J. Jennings, Prof. Wilson, 
Hon. H. J. Boulton and J. Gordon, 
Judges McLean and Draper, James 
Shaw, John McMurrich, G. W. Allan, 
Alex. Macdonald, John Watson, A. H. 
Armour, J. Arnold, Walter Macfar- 
lane, Samuel Spreull, James Leask, 
Win. McFie, Hugh Miller, John Shaw, 
John Laidlaw, G. A. Pyper, Alex. Mac- 
pherson, John Ewart, W T m. M. Gorrie, 
John Bell, Oliver Movvat and Dr. Tel- 
fer. The speakers were : The Bishop 
of Toronto, John Shaw, Dr. Burns, 
Alex. Macdonald, Dr. Willis, Prof. 
Wilson, Judge Draper, Judge McLean, 
Dr. Lillie and G. W. Allan. It is nearly 
forty-three years now (1897) since this 
meeting took place, and of all those 
whose names are given only Mr. G. W. 
Allan, Hugh Miller, John Laidlaw and 
Sir Oliver Mowat now survive. 

Herr Griebel, the famous violinist, 
gave a subscription concert on Janu 
ary 9th. 

On he 10th of January the Phil 
harmonic Society held a, meeting for 
the purpose of taking into considera 
tion a proposal made to give a concert 
for the benefit of the patriotic fund. 
Burton s panorama of the Eastern 
war, which had already been exhibited 
on the 1st and 6th of the month, was 
again on exhibition from the 12th to 
,the 16th. 

Herr Griebel s second concert took 
place on January 25th, and it was fol 
lowed on January 30th by a soiree of 
the Orange societies, the proceeds of 
which went to the widows and orphans 
of deceased Orantemen. 

On January 31st, a concert given by 
the Stanley minstrels proved a great 
success. Probably this was owing to 
the fact that the proceeds were devot 
ed to the Patriotic fund. 

Herr Griebel -gave his third concert 

on February 8th, and, like the two 

preceding ones, it was very successful. 

On February 14th the Masonic ball, 

the proceeds of which went to the To 

ronto charities, took place in St. Law 
rence Hall. It was most successful in 
every point, and was very largely at 

The Stanley minstrels gave a con 
cert for the charitable institutions of 
the city on February 22nd. 

The Toronto Philharmonic Society s 
concert, the proceeds of which were de 
voted to the Patriotic fund, was held 
on February 27th. The Rev. John Mc- 
Caul, LL.D., presided! Mr. J. P. Clarke 
was conductor, and Herr Griebel was 
leader of the band. Among others tak 
ing part were Mrs. John Beverley 
Robinson, Mr. Principal Barron, Mr. 
H. J. Haycraft, Mr. Hecht, Mr. G; F. 
Hayter, Mr. J. D. Humphries and 
others. The result of this concert was 
that a very large sum was contributed 
to the fund. 

The Stanley minstrels gave another 
entertainment, consisting of a concert 
and masquerade ball, on the evening 
of March 12th. 

Mrs. Lucy Stone lectured on " Wo 
men s Rights," on the evening of March 
14th and 15th. 

Dr. Lewis, on behalf of the Canadian 
Prohibitory Liquor Law League, lec 
tured on " The Maine Liquor Law," in 
the hall, on April 3rd, 7th and 
| 10th. Miss Emily Clarke, of New 
j York, under the auspices of the same 
I society, also lectured on the same sub- 
1 ject. " 

On April 12th Henry J. Haycraft 
gave a concert, which was very well 
attended, and on April 15th Dr. Lewis 
lectured upon " Homeopathy." 

The fourth anniversary meeting of 
the Anti-Slavery Society of Canada 
was held on May 3rd. As usual, it was 
very well attended. 

The Toronto Philharmonic Society, on 
May llth, gave a concert in aid of 
the funds of the society, at which the 
principal performers were Mrs. John 
Beverley Robinson and Mr. Haycraft. 
Bisley s panorama of the River 
Thames was exhibited on the evenings 
of May 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21. 22, 24, 25 
26, and on June 5th. 

Under the auspices of the Toronto 
Protestant Alliance, Rev. A. H. Mar 
ling lectured in the hall on May 23rd, 
taking as his subject "The Church of 
Rome, Fallible or Infallible." The Rev. 
J. Borland, a Presbyterian clergyman 
of the city, occupied the chair. 

On May 24th, her Majesty s birth 
day, a meeting of St. George s Society 
was held in the hall at noon, for the 
purpose of voting a congratulatory and 
loyal address to her Majesty on the 



occasion of her 36th birthday. It is 
almost needless to record that it was 
carried, unanimously and with loud 

The Toronto Horticultural Society 
held its first exhibition for 1855 on 
May 31st. 

Professor S. B. Britton, editor of the 
Spiritual Telegraph and champion of 
spiritualism, of New York, lectured on 
" Spiritualism " in the hall on the even 
ings of June 13th, 14th and 15th. The 
proceeds from these lectures went to 
the Patriotic fund. 

On July llth, the Toronto Horticul 
tural Society held its second exhibi 
tion of the season. 

Mademoiselle Theresa Parodi gave 
two operatic concerts on the evenings 
f July 14th and 16th, Herr Strakosch 
acting as conductor. Among other art 
ists were Madame Amaiia Patti and 
Sigoor Giovanni Leo Lardi. 

Thomas D Arcy McGee lectured on 
July 20th and 23rd, respectively, on 
" Ireland as I Found It in 1855," and 
" Emigration as a Source of National 

Burton s panorama of the Eastern 
war was* exhibited in the hall from 
July 30th until August 6th, attracting 
a " large and delighted audience." 

Paul Julian, assisted by August 
Gockel, pianists, gave two concerts on 
August 9th and 14th. 

From August 22nd until September 
1st another panorama of events in the 
Russian war was on exhibition in the 

Mr. A. O Leary delivered a course 
of lectures on " Phrenology," on Sep 
tember 3rd, 5tb, 6th, 7th and 10th. 

Pearce s Ethiopian opera troupe gave 
two entertainments, on September llth 
and 12th, respectively. 

On September 13th, the Toronto Hor 
ticultural Society held its third exhi 
bition for the season. 

James Nichol lectured on " Slavery 
as it Exists in the United States of 
America," to a large audience, on the 
evening of September 14th. 

On October 5th, Mr. Haycraft gave 1 a 
concert, the proceeds of which were de 
voted to the " widows and orphans of 
the heroes of Sebastopol," at which Airs. 
John Beverley Robinson, Messrs. Hay- 
craft, Griebel and Martin Lazare as 

On October 16th and 17th a bazaar 
on behalf of the First Congregational 
church took place in the hall. On the 
ever*ig of the 17th it was brought to 
a close by a very enjoyable soiree. 

On November 2nd, 1855, Sir E. W. 
Head, the newly appointed Governor- 

General, made his first visit to Toron 
to, and was presented with an (address 
by the M^yor and corporation at St. 
Lawrence Hall. A platform was erect 
ed at the southern end of the room, 
and from there the /corporation s ad 
dress was read to his Excellency, who 
made a suitable reply. 

A complimentary concert to Mr. 
Griebel, the eminent violinist, was 
given in the hall on November 7th, 
1855, by a number of Toronto s pro 
fessional singers and musicians, among 
them being Messrs. J. D. Humphreys, 
H. J. Haycra^t, G. F. Hayter, Jules 
Hecht and M. Lazare. The song 
"What Will They Say in England?" 
a pathetic effusion, rendered by Jules 
Hecht, caused tumultuous applause, as 
also did Mr. Humphreys song, the 
"Queen s Letter. (This last began, 

"There came a tale to England, 

M was ot a battle won. 
And nobly had her warriors 

ll hat day their duty done." 
CThe words proceed for one or two 
more verses, until this versa comes: 

"Then wrote the Queen of England, 
And God s blessing on her pen." 

As Mr. Humphreys sang the s?cond 
line the audience rose, and cheers, 
again, and again renewed, were given 
for her Majesty and the allied armies 
in the Crimea. 

Sir Edmund Head held his first 
levee after coming to Toronto as Gov 
ernor-General, at the hall on Monday, 
November 19th, 1855, when about 400 
gentlemen paid their respects to his 
Excellency. A fulll list of their names 
is given in the papers of the time ; now, 
forty-two years later, scarcely a dozen 

Curran s Ethiopian opera troupe gave 
two concerts, at which large audiences 
gathered, on November 19th and 20th. 

The St. Andrew s Society ball took 
place on November 30th, 1855, prov 
ing an immense success, followed by 
the Toronto Hose Company s dance on 
December 14th. 

Mr. Haycraft gave a concert in the 
hall on Tuesday, December 18, 1855, 
which was attended by Lady Baad and 
a very large and fashionable audi 
ence." The executants were Herr 
Griebel, violinist; Mrs. Hayter, Mr. J. 
D. Humphreys and Mr. Harkness, of 
the Royal Canadian Rifles band. 

The officers and members of No. 2 
Rescue Fire Engine Company held 
their annual ball in St. Lawrence Hall 
on January llth, 1856, and on the 22nd 
of the following month the Loyal 
Orangemen of the district of Toronto 
gave a grand soiree, the proceeds of 


which were applied in aid of the erec 
tion of an Orange Hall, with a library 
and reading rooms attached, for the 
use of the Orangemen of Toronto. 

The Germania Musical Society gave 
two vocal and instrumental concerts 
in the hall on the evenings of January 
18th and 19th, 1856. They were popu 
lar gatherings, at a low rate of admis 
sion, and some of those who gave their 
services were amateurs. The band was 
a professional one, though, and the 
general results proved most satisfac 
tory, so satisfactory ,ia fact, that a 
third concert was given on the evening 
of January 23rd, with the additional 
attraction of Herr Griebel, as violinist, 
which was equally a success with those 
which had preceded it. 

Madame Rose Devries gave two con 
certs in the same building on Febru 
ary 1st and 5th, both under the patron 
age of her Excellency Lady Head. 
Madame Devries was assisted by M. 
Lazare, Herr Griebel and a small 

Colonel E. G. O Brien presided over 
a public meeting in the hall on Friday 
evening, February 8th, 1856, of "Irish 
men disapproving of the immigration 
of Roman Catholic Irishmen from the 
United States to Canada." The cause 
of the protest was the fact that a con 
vention hod been held in the city of 
Buffalo, composed of delegates from the 
several cities of Canada, with the view 
of facilitating the wholesale transmis 
sion into the province of the Roman 
Catholic population claiming Irish 
birth, then resident in and citizens of 
the United States. 

Among the speakers were Mr. J. S. 
Hogan, Rev. R. Johnstone, Rev. Ste 
phen Lett, LL.D., and Dr. O Meara. One 
report of the proceedings says that 
" there could have been no fewer than 
two or three thousand persons pres 
ent." Comment on such an estimate 
is needless, when it is well known that 
such, a number couhi not by any pos 
sible chance have obtained even stand 
ing room. 

On Friday, February 22, 1856, a 
" Grand Orange Soiree " was given in 
the St. Lawrence Hall, the object be 
ing the erection of a new Orange Hall, 
with a library and other appurtenan 
ces, in the city of Toronto. The G. M., 
Ogle R. Gowan, presided, and among 
those present were : Rev. Stephen 
Lett, Alderman Dempsey, John Holl 
and, Rev. Gilbert Armstrong, Rev. 
Nassau Gowan, Colonel E. G. O Brien, 
John Sheridan Hogan, John Hillyard 
Cameron, P. M. Vankoughnet, D. B. 
Raad, Q.O., and many others. The To- 


ronto Leader, speaking of this meet 
ing, says: " Taking all things into con 
sideration, the meeting was the "best 
of the kind ever held in the St. Law 
rence Hall." 

A public dinner, in honour of Sir 
William E. Logan, took place in the 
hall on Saturday evening, April 12, 
1856, the Mayor, Mr. John Beverley 
Robinson .being in the chair. Among 
those present were: His Excellency the 
Governor-General, Sir E. W. Head; 
Hon. G. E. Cartier, Hon. R. Spence, 
Hon. J. Hamilton, Charles Lindsey, 
Colonel De Rottenburg, C. S. Gzowski 
D. L. Macpherson, Rev. John McCaul, 
O. Mowat, John Laidlaw, Christopher 
Robinson, etc., etc. The stewards were 
John Hillyard Cameron, George Brown, 
G. W. Allan, Professor Wilson, Profes 
sor Chapman, A. H. Armour, G. Park 
ins, F. H. Reward, R, P. Crooks, T. D. 
Harris, D.. McDonald, T. J. Kerby, W. 
A. Campbell and Mr., now Sir Sandford 

A complimentary concert to Mrs. 
Hayter, a well-known music teacher, 
was given to that lady prior to her de 
parture from the city, on April 18th. 

Victoria L. O. L., 588, gave a soiree 
in the hall on Friday, April 25th, for 
the benefit of the widow and orphans 
of Robert Corigan, of St. Sylvestre, who 
had been a prominent member of the 

A public meeting, in accordance with 
a requisition presented to the Mayor, 
was held on Thursday, July 17th, to 
protest against the dismissal from the 
Education Department of a man named 
WilJiam Howe, of 140 L. O. L., for join 
ing in the Orangemen s procession on 
July 12th, 1856. The result of the 
meeting was that Howe was restored 
to his position. Among the speakers 
at this meeting were Ogle R. Gowan, 
D. B. Read and George Burton Holland. 
It must have been a very gross case 
of injustice which induced this last 
named gentleman to take part in a 
controversial public meeting, as he was 
essentially one " who lived peaceably 
with all men." 

A public meeting of the citizens of 
Toronto was held in St. Lawrence 
Hail, on Thursday, July 24th, presided 
over by the Mayor, to discuss the pro 
priety of petitioning his Excellency 
the Governor-General to dissolve the 
Parliament of the Province then ex 
isting, so that an appeal might be made 
to the ,-ountry. The principal speakers 
were John McMurrich, John Holland, 
John Wilson, Cgle R. Gowan, George 
Brown and John George Bowes. The 



meeting passed all but unanimously a 
resolution condemning the conduct of 
the Conservative Government and ask 
ing for a dissolution of Parliament. 
The advice of the meeting was not 
taken by " the powers that be " at this 
particular moment, nor for some little 
time afterwards. 

Mrs. John Eeverley Robinson gave 
a " soiree musicale " in St. Lawrence 
Hall, on the evening of Monday, May 
5th, 1856, in aid 01 " The City Indus 
trial Farm," which, it is pleasant to 
note, turned out very successfully. 

Two grand vocal and instrumental 
concerts were given in the hall on 
Tuesday and Thursday, 2nd and 4th 
September, by " the celebrated French 
Mountaineer Singers, who have per 
formed before all the sovereigns of 
Europe for the past 22 years." So ran 
the advertisement. The prices of ad 
mission were only 25 and 50 cents. 

Mile. Parodi gave a concert in the 
hall on Monday, November 3rd, 1856, 
assisted by Signors Tiberni and Mor- 
ini, and the celebrated violinist Paul 
Julien. Herr Strakosch was the con 

On Thursday, November 12th, and 
for four days after, the hall was the 
scene of " Dr. Barclay s photographic 
view of Jerusalem and the Holy Land." 
It was simply a panorama. 

The corporation of the city on Oc 
tober 31st assembled at St. Lawrence 
Hall for the purpose of presenting a 
sword of honour and complimentary 
address to Captain and Brevet-Major 
Frederick Wells, 1st Royal Regiment 
of Foot, on his return from the Crimea, 
where he had greatly distinguished 
himself. On November 25th, a ball in 
joint honour of Major Wells and Mr. 
Alexander Roberts Dunn, V.C., late of 
the llth Hussars, who had also dis 
played conspicuous gallantry in the 
same campaign, took place. It was an 
immense success. 

A very large audience gathered in 
the hall ov Friday, December 5th, 1856, 
to hear Piofessor "\Vilson deliver his 
lecture on " The Primitive Sources of 
Historical Truth." The lecture was 
under the auspices of the Mechanics 

Mrs. A. McEwen, of Hamilton, gave 
an entertainment under the auspices 
of the St. Andrew s Society in the 
hall on Wednesday evening, December 
10th, 1856. entitled " Twa Hours in the 
Land of Cakes." It did not prove a 
very great success. 

Professor Wilson, who was unable to 
conclude his lecture on the 5th inst., 
finished his subject on the 15th. 

For two nights only, an agreeable 
entertainment by Native Indians," Mr 
Ma-zaw-ke-yaw-se-gay and Mr. and Mrs. 
Mah-koonce, took place on Thursday 
and Saturday, December 18th and 20th. 
The lady named here was a " grand 
daughter of the famous brave and war 
like, yet generous and hospitable, Cap 
tain Brant." Thus was she described 
on the programme. 

On January 5th, 1857, the Honourable 
John H. Cameron presided over a 
meeting called for the purpose of rais 
ing funds to assist in erecting a monu 
ment in Scotland to the Scottish hero 
Wallace. It was a successful meeting, 
as its result was a subscription list 
of more than $1,200. 

Miss Julia Hill s vocal and instru 
mental concert took place on January 
7th, and appears to have been fairly 

No. 5 Company, " Deluge," of Toron 
to firemen, held their ball in the hall 
on January 13th, and on the 14th an 
entertainment by Mr. A. McKeown, 
described as " Twa Hours in the Land 
o Cakes," also took place. Both of 
these gatherings were a success, in 
point of numbers at anyrate. 

A course of lectures under the aus 
pices of the Machanics Institute was 
held in the hall on the following dates: 
January 10th and 23rd, by Professor 
J. Y. Hind, on the subject of " Manu 
facturing and Various Gases Used "; 
January 30th and February 6th, by 
Professor Croft, on " Electricity and 
Galvanism "> February 13th and 20th, 
Professor Hind lectured again on the 
" Mineral Wealth of Canada," and on 
February 27th and March 6th Profes 
sor Ormiston lectured on " Natural 

On January 28th, G. F. Graham gave 
a concert in the hall. He had for his 
assistants Mr. Maule, Mr. Noverre and 

Following the last named, on the 
next day, January 29th, was the Ger- 
mania Society concert and ball. It was 
well attended and a very successful 
social gathering. 

Another panorama, which also drew 
a large number of visitors, was exhib 
ited from February 9th until 16th. It 
was entitled " Scenes in the Baltic," 
and was also related to the Russian 

1 war. 

A Mr. Oscanyon the name is pecul- 

iar lectured in the hall on February 
28th, but in the ^advertisement an 
nouncing the event no mention what 
ever is made of the subject, and no re 
port of the lecturer s remarks subse 
quently appear in any of the papers. 



Mr. Maitland s "Scottish Entertain 
ment" was held in the hall on March 
1st, and on the 3rd and 4th of the 
same month Messrs. Kergan & Stew 
art s panorama of the City of London 
was exhibited to admiring 1 audiences. 

Miss Greenfield, under the " noon de 
theatre " of the " Black Swan," assist 
ed by Mr. G. F. H. Lawrence, gave an 
admirable concert on March llth, 
which was greatly appreciated by all 
those who heard it. 

Eliha Burritt, " the learned black 
smith," of whom it was remarked 
"that he could be silent in nineteen 
different languages," lectured in St. 
Lawrence Hall on March 9th, on " A 
Plan of Brotherly Co-partnership of 
the North and South for the Peace 
ful Extinction of Slavery." A news 
paper report of the lecture records: 
" The hall was filled to overflowing 
and the lecturer was greeted with 
warm applause all through his re 

The Mayor, Mr. John Hutchison, pre 
sided at an Orange demonstration and 
soiree held in the hall on March 10th. 

The Mayor s ball, of which the lady 
patronesses were Mesdames J. B. Rob 
inson, Crooks and Philpotts, came off 
with the utmost eclat in the hall on 
April 24th. This social event was an 
immense success and elicited the fol 
lowing flattering comment from the 
press: " We speak but the universal 
opinion when we aay that the Mayor s 
ball was the most successful ever given 
in Toronto." Mr. Hutchison, it may 
here be remarked, was a bachelor, 
hence the appearance of the ladies 
named aa patronesses. 

The Georgian Bay canal was discussed 
at a public meeting presided over by 
the Mayor, on May 4th, the object of 
the requisition ists to his Worship be 
ing, so they stated, " to devise ways, 
means and plans to complete the sur 
vey of the Toronto and Georgian Bay 

The Toronto Fire Brigade mustered 
in the hall on Monday, May 25th, pre 
paratory to their demonstration and 
procession throughout the city in hon 
our of tha Queen s birthday, which that 
year fell on Sunday. 

Thalberg, the world-famed pianist, 
gave his second concert in Toronto on 
June 17th. Like his first concert, which 
had been held in the City Ball, the 
event was most successful, audience 
and entertainer being alike satisfied 
with each other. 

Howarth s varieties occupied the hall 
from June 22nd to 27th. They were 

followed by Brewer s panorama on 
June 29th, 30th and July 1st. 

Emma Stanley, "vocalist and imi 
tator," in her " Seven Ages of Woman 
and Polymelos," was the occupant of 
the room on July 6th, 7th, 10th, llth, 
14th, 15th, 16th and. 17th. This enter 
tainment drew crowded houses from 
first to Last. 

The Toronto Horticultural Society s 
exhibition took place on July 9th, and 
Mr. Crawford, Scottish vocalist, with 
profit to himself and great enjoyment 
to his hearers, had possession of the 
hall from July 24th to 27th inclusive. 

The Mayor presided over a most en 
thusiastic gathering on August 25th, 
thus described in the circular by which 
it was called: 

"Public Meeting for the purpose of 
taking into consideration the present 
aspect of affairs relative to the con- 
tinuence of the " Hudson s Bay Co. 
Monopoly" and also to petition Her 
Majesty that she will be pleased to 
withhold her consent to any renewal 
of the license of the exclusive trade to 
said company in any part of British 

_The European and Anacreontic So 
ciety gave three excellent concerts, all 
of which were very well attended, on 
September 15th, 17th and 18th. Mrs. 
Macready, the dramatic reader, fol 
lowed on September 22nd, 23rd and 
24th, and Mr. George Henry Russell 
gave a concert on September 29th. 
None of these affairs appear to have 
evoked any special enthusiasm from 
those who were present at them. 

From October 15th until November 
4th the Bunyan tableaux, representing 
scenes from the " Pilgrim s Progress," 
were exhibited with great success to 
excellent audiences. This was one of, if 
not the longest times the hall was ever 
occupied continuously by the same en 

The Mechanics Institute lectures be 
gan for the season of 1857-58 on No 
vember 26th, with a lecture by Pro 
fessor Daniel Wilson, LL.D., on "The 
Infancy of Anglo-Saxondom and the 
Origin of the Language." He contin 
ued his subject on December 4th, and 
was followed by Professor H. H. Croft 
on the llth and 18th, on "Heat and 
Light " and the " Chemistry of Iron 
and Copper." 

Rescue Fir Company No. 2 held its 
annual ball in the room, on November 
30th, and the St .George s Society gave 
a concert in aid of the prevailing dis 
tress among emigrant Englishmen on 
December 10th. 

A militia festival, under the presi- 



dency of Colonel the Baron de Rotten- 
burg, in aid of tbe funds of the Mili 
tary Asylum at Quebec, was held on 
December 3rd. This assemblage was 
very popular and was well attended, 
the result being a considerable acces 
sion to the funds of the charity. 

The first public performance of Han 
del s oratorio of the Messiah took place 
on December 17th, 1857, John Carter, 
organist and choirmaster of St. James , 
being the conductor. Among the in 
strumentalists were Herr Griebel, 
Mons. Noverre, Maule, Schmidt, Lazare 
and E. A. Hastings. Amongst the 
vocalists were Jacob Wright, Sam. 
Thompson, G. B. Wyllie, Sugden, F. 
W. Barron, Charles Grasett, James 
Baxter and Lang. The success achiev 
ed was wonderful, there being a greater 
demand for places than it was possible 
to fill. Among the audience was the 
Governor-General, Sir E. W. Head, the 
Bishop of Toronto, Sir John Beverley 
Robinson, and many more of the city s 
leading residents. 

On December 28th the members of 
the A. F. & A. M. held high festival, 
it being St. John s day, and celebrated 
the occasion by a ball, which was most 
numerously attended, not only by the 
members of the craft in Toronto, but 
by visiting brethren from a great dis 

The Loyal Orange Cadet Lodge, No. 
7, danced the Old Year out and the 
New Year in on December 31st, the 
hall being very crowded all through 
the evening. 

The Hose Company of the Toronto 
Fire Brigade gave their ninth annual 
ball in St. Lawrence Hall on January 
6th, and, as was usual on such occa 
sions, it proved a success. 

The Mechanics Institute lectures for 
1858 were delivered in the hall on the 
following subjects and dates : On " Op 
tics," by the Rev. Prof. E. K. Kendall, 
on January 8th and 15th ! on " The 
Past and Present History of the Bri 
tish in India," by Major A. G. A. Con 
stable, on January 22nd; on "English 
Literature," by Prof. T. J. Robertson, 
on January 29th and February 5th J 
on "Sound," by Prof. Gherryman, on 
February 12th; on " Astronomy," by 
Col. De Rottenifurg, on February 19th, ; 
and the concluding lecture of the series 
by Prof. Hind, on " The Indians of 
Lake Superior and Lake Winnipeg," 
on February 26th. 

A civil and military soiree and ball, 
under the patronage of Cols. De Rot- 
tenburg, A. G., and Bradford, of the 
Royal Canadian Rifles, was held on 
January 14th, the proceeds of which 

were devoted to the Indian relief fund 
t proved very successful. The band of 
the Royal Canadian Rifles was engaged 
and other musical talent secured. The 
consequence was a large addition to 
the relief fund. 

The Cadets of Temperance held their 
festival on January 18th, which prov 
ed fairly successful. 

A ball and concert of considerable 
historic interest took place on January 
25th and 27th respectively. They were 
in honour of the Princess Royal s mar 
riage to Prince Frederick William of 
Prussia, and the proceeds of both en 
tertainments were devoted to the re 
lief of the distress which unhappily 
existed among great numbers of the 
newly arrived emigrants from Great 
Britain and the continent. This ball 
and concert was under the patronage 
of Sir Edmund Head, the Governor- 
General, Col. De Rottenburg, A.G., the 
Bishop of Toronto, and other leading 
ministers of religion. It is pleasant to 
know that the result of both was a 

Horace Sydney gave a conjuring en 
tertainment on February 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 
4th and 6th. 

An amateur concert under the 
patronage of Mrs. John Beverley Rob 
inson, of Sleepy .Hollow, took place on 
February 9th. The music, both vocal 
and instrumental, was of a high order, 
and the newspapers of the time speak 
flatteringly of the manner in which 
the amateurs rendered the programme. 

On the 15th and 16th of February a 
panorama of the scenes of the Crimean 
war and Indian mutiny was exhibited. 

The Hook and Ladder Company of 
Toronto Fire Brigade held their an 
nual ball on February 18th. 

Mr. Ferguson, the Irish minstrel, 
gave a concert on March 4th. In the 
announcement it was stated that Mr. 
Ferguson " purposes giving a concert 
on the Irish Union Harmonic Pipes." 
The papers of the time dp not give any 
report as to whether this concert was 
a success or otherwise. 

A public meeting, presided over by 
his Worship the Mayor, for the pur 
pose of raising funds to alleviate the 
distress among the poor, was held in 
the hall on March 1st. It was repre 
sentative of all classes and creeds, 
among those on the platform being the 
Bishop of Toronto, Rev. Dr. Willis, Dr. 
Jennings, C. E. Romaine and others, 
whose opinions generally were as far 
asunder as the poles. A large sum was 
raised for the fund in consequence of 
the exertions made by this meeting. 



" Kawshawgance and troupe " gave 
an entertainment in the hall on March 
30th and 31st, illustrating the "Man 
ners and customs of the Rocky Moun 
tain Indians." 

The performance of the "Messiah," 
which had attracted so much attention 
on its first production on December 
17th, was reproduced to an excellent 
audience in the hall on April 13th, the 
cast of executants differing very little 
on th is occasion from the first. 

The Young Men s St. Patrick s Asso 
ciation gave what was described in the 
programme as a " Grand Concert and 
BaU," on ^be evening of April 5th. It 
was very well attended. 

On April 23rd, under the patronage 
of the committee of the Mechanics In 
stitute, Dr. Charles Mackay lectured 
to an appreciative audience on Scottish 
and Irish popular songs. 

Vieuxtemps and Thalbergs grand 
combination concerts took place on May 
8th and 10th. They were largely 
patronized by Toronto lovers of music. 

A panorama entitled a " Tour in Ire 
land and a Visit to Lakes Killarney 
and the Giant s Causeway," with Mrs. 
Alexander Gibbs as vocalist, was ex 
hibited on the evenings of May 15th 
and 17th. 

Handel s oratorio of Judas Macca 
beus was given in the hall on June 8th, 
before a very large audience. Among 
the patrons of this concert were the 
Chief Justice of Upper Canada Sir John 
Beverley Robinson, ex-Chief Justice 
MacauLay, Chief Justice Draper, Mr. 
Justice Hagarty and Richards, Hon. H. 
J. Boulton, Hon. Narcisse Francois 
Belleau, Hon. John Ross, P. M. Van- 
koughnet, Sydney Smith, P. M. G.; 
Henry Smith, Speaker P.L.A.; John A. 
Macdonald, John Beverley Robinson, 
M.P.P..; W. H. Boulton, Wm. Proud- 
foot, Thomas Clarkson, president Board 
of Trade, and Colonel Irving, Provin 
cial A.D.C. The band and chorus con 
sisted of about two hundred perform 
ers, including twenty violins, two vio 
loncellos, three dou j ble basses, one base 
horn, choir of trombones, two French 
horns, two trumpets, three clarion- 
ettes, three flutes, cymbals and drums. 
The principal instrumental perform 
ers were Prof. Bi^sell, of Boston I 
Messrs. Noyerre, Clark, Klinger, 
Schenke, Shirley, Selby, Toulmins, 
Maul, Habastock, Williams, with Mr. 
Noverre leader of the bend. The solos 
and choruses were sustained by about 
one hundred and fifty vocalists, of 
which the. principal were: Madame and 
Miss Wookey, Mrs. Dualever, Mr. J. 
Dodsley Humphries, Mr. Rriscx>e, Mr. 

O. J. Machia, late lay vicar of Salis 
bury Cathedral, England; Mr. Sugden 
and others. 

A new organ, built by Norton ,of 
Toronto, was erected in the hall for the 
occasion at which Mr. C. F. Graham 
presided. The Rev. G. Onions officiat 
ed as conductor. So great a success 
did this oratorio prove that it was re 
peated on June 12th and 25th. 

The Toronto Horticultural Society 
held its first exhibition for the season 
in the hall on June 10th. It was visit 
ed by Lady Head, wife of the Governor- 
General, during the day. 

Dr. Desola, professor of Hebrew and 
Oriental languages in McGill Univer 
sity, delivered two lectures in the hall 
on June 22nd and 24th, respectively on 
the " History of the Jews in England" 
and " The Ancient Hebrews as Promot 
ers of Art and Sciences," and on June 
26th and 28th, Lucian Tremlet gave 
dramatic readings entitled the "Wreath 
of Gems" and "Macbeth." 

Madame D Argi gave a concert in 
the hall, assisted by Henri Vieuxtemps, 
Ernest Perring and Signer AbeUa, on 
July 3rd. On August 5th and 6th Hoi- 
man s juvenile opera troupe occupied 
the room, and on August 10th was ex 
hibited a panorama of scenes in the 
Sepoy rebellion. 

A celebrated election contest is called 
to mind by the meeting which was held 
in St. Lawrence Hall on August 9th by 
the Hon George Brown, to advocate 
his candidature for the representation 
of Toronto by himself in the Provincial 
Parliament. The meeting was both en 
thusiastic and unanimous. 

The Catholic electors of Toronto held 
a meeting in the hall on August 17th, 
" To take into consideration the course 
most advantageous to be pursued at 
the parliamentary election." This 
was the election of 1857, when Hon. 
George Brown was opposed by Mr. 
John Beverley Robinson. 

Under the patronage of her Excel 
lency Lady Head, the ladies of St. Paul s 
church organized a concert for the 
purpose of obtaining funds wherewith 
to re-build the church on Bloor street. 
This was held on October 1st, and a 
considerable sum of money was raised. 

The celebrated and ill-fated Thomas 
D Arcy McGee, M.P.P., delivered a 
lecture to a large number of very at 
tentive hearers on the evening of Sep 
tember 17th, his subject being " The 
Political Morality of Shakespeare s 

The Metropolitan Choral Society gave 
a series of concerts in the hall in the 
seasou of 1858-59, producing Haydn s 



oratorio of the " Creation " on Sep 
tember 28th, 29th and 30th. Under 
the patronage of the Masonic fra 
ternity, and for the benefit of the 
Craft charities this was repeated 
on October 5th. A social entertainment, 
concluding with a dance, was held by 
the society on November 16th, and the 
oratorio of Spohr s " Last Judgment" 
was rendered by them on December 
24th. This was followed by two miscel 
laneous concerts on January 6th and 

Mr. Carter s sacred harmonic choir 
rendered the oratorios of the " Crea 
tion " and the " Messiah " on Septem 
ber 25th and October 4th, and held a 
rehearsal on October 7th for the per 
formance of Toronto s united choirs, 
which subsequently took place in the 
Crystal Palace. 

October 19th witnessed the perform 
ance by a choir of young people of a 
cantata known as the " Flower Queen." 
The performance was a very success 
ful one, numerically and financially. 
Mr. E. K. Blount, an elocutionist, gave 
a public recital ia the hall on October 

Signor Jerome Blitz, " the great 
Moravian wizard," gave a conjuring 
and legerdemain exhibition on October 
25th, 26th and 27th, followed by the 
Swiss bell ringers on November 3rd. 

Miss Julia Hill, a well-known pian- 
iste, gave what was advertised as a 
" Grand Soiree Musicale " on Novem 
ber 9th. There was a fairly good at 
tendance, according to the published 

Ball s Boston brass band, assisted by 
Miss Emma Davis, a well-known 
soprano vocalist, gave two concerts, 
which appear to have been very suc 
cessful, on November 19tb and Decem 
ber 1st. 

The St. Patrick s Association held a 
literary gathering in the hall on the 
evening of December 8th. 

In connection with missionary effort 
in the then scarcely known Province 
of British Columbia, a breakfast was 
given to the Rev. Joseph Evans, D.D., 
and his colleagues in the enterprise, on 
December 17th. 

The old year was brought to a con 
clusion with performances on December 
30th and 31st by Father Kemp s Old 
Folks Concert Company, these proving 
most attractive. 

The concerts on January 6th and 
18th, 1859, of the Metropolitan Choral 
Society have already been referred to 
and do not need further mention. 

On January 19th,, 1859, took place the 
Masonic ball, which was a most elabor 

ate affair, to quote a report in the 
papers of the time. " The ball succeed 
ed in every respect and eclipsed any 
previous effort in Toronto of this influ 
ential body, which stands unrivalled 
for the costliness and magnificence of 
its ceremonials." 

The Burns centennial festival was 
held in St. Lawrence Hall, with Mr , 
afterwards Sir, Adam Wilson in the 
chair, on January 25th. It was under 
the auspices of the Toronto Burns 
Club, and consisted first of a banquet 
and afterwards a ball, which lasted 
until the small hours. The whole af 
fair was an unqualified success. 

The police force, which had just been 
re-organized, was inspected in the 
hall by the Mayor and Council on Feb 
ruary 2nd. 

The charming Italian singer, Mile. 
Piccolomini, gave a concert on Febru 
ary 17th; which, as was to be expect 
ed, drew a very large number of 

Madame Eliza Biscaccianti, assisted 
by Signor W. H. Dennet, a noted basso, 
gave a concert in the hall on the even 
ing of February 23rd. 

On February 26th, a concert under 
the patronage of Mrs. Widder and 
other ladies interested in St. John s 
church, Portland street, took place in 
the hall, and on March 1st the St. 
George s Society gave a concert for 
the benefit of distressed emigrants. 

Madame Dunlevie gave a concert, fol 
lowed by a ball, on the evening of 
March 3rd, which was most numerous 
ly attended, and also most successful 

A ball for the benefit of the family 
of Mr. Joseph Price, who had been 
the leader of the Union brass band, 
took place in the hall on March 14th. 

On March 17, the St. Patrick s Asso 
ciation held their annual demonstra 
tion in the hall. A very large audience 
assembled to listen to the speeches 
which were made by adherents of the 

On April 9th and llth Birch and 
Donniker s minstrels gave entertain 
ments in the hall, which proved enter 
taining and amusing to all who heard 

Laborde and Formes Italian opera 
troupe gave two performances in the 
hall on April IBth and the 21st. They 
were excellent audiences on both occa 

An old-time ladies school is brought 
to mind by the notice that on April 
27th the pupils of Mrs. Poetter s school 
trave a concert and ball, both of which 



it is pleasant to know, passed off most 

On May 3rd, Mrs. Dunlevie gave an 
other concert, this time followed by a 
costume ball. 

A fine art exhibition was held in the 
hall on May 5th and tith. It was follow 
ed by an exhibition of dissolving views 
on May 23rd and 24th. 

Miss Agnes Sutherland, a well-known 
music teacher of the time, gave aeon- 
cert on May 27th, which attracted a 
fairly good audience. She was enabled 
to repeat the same on June 3rd. 

The Toronto Horticultural Society 
held their exhibition of fruit and flow 
ers on June 2nd. It was largely and 
fashionably attended. 

A classical concert, at which was pro 
duced Haydn s "Creation," under the 
direction of Mr. H. C. Cooper, was held 
on June 27th. There was a large and 
appreciative audience. 

A panorama, illustrative of Dr. 
Kane s Arctic voyages, was on exhibi 
tion in the hall from August 3rd to 
the 17th. 

A concert and ball, the proceeds of 
which were to be applied to the erec 
tion of a public drinking fountain, 
took place and was well attended on 
August 24th. 

Two grand concerts by the French 
Operatic Company, which included 
Mademoiselle Sophie W. Steinbrecher, 
the famous eleven-year-old pianiste; 
Mademoiselle Bertha Collier, Marcia, 
Tosso and others, took place on August 
30th and 31st. 

The next exhibition, which was held 
in the hall from September 5th to the 
10th , was in striking contrast to the 
entertainment last mentioned. It was 
an " Exhibition of Industrious Fleas," 
and great numbers of people went to 
see the decidedly novel entertainment. 

On September 15th, a Scottish ball 
took place, at which there was a very 
great number of dancers, and which 
did not break up until an early hour 
on the 16th. 

Prof. Jacobs, " The World Renowned 
Wizard," gave an exhibition of his 
skill on the evenings of September 21st, 
22nd, 23rd, 26th and 27th, to a great 
nuaniber of admirers. 

A public banquet in honour of the 
famous Thomas D Arcy McGee, M.P.P., 
took place in the hall on September 
28th. About 200 people sat down to 
dinner, and the speeches made, includ 
ing that of the guest of the evening, 
were of a high order. 

Prof. Fowler lectured on phrenology 
from October 24 to November 1st, then 

gave two extra lectures on the 4th and 

On the afternoon of Thanksgiving 
day, November 3rd, 1859, there was a 
public meeting of the Bands of Hope 
in the hall. The room was so crowded 
that, it was impossible for many of 
those young people who wished to take 
part in the proceedings to do so, and 
these were obliged to hold their de 
monstration in the open air outside 
the hall. 

The Cooper Opera Company gave 
musical entertainments on November 
14th and December 2nd and 3rd. 

A bazaar got up by the ladies of 
Cooke s church was opened on the 
morning of Thursday, November 24th, 
and continued the whole of that day 
and the one succeeding it. A goodly 
sum. was thus raised towards the 
building fund. 

A civil and military ball, under the 
patronage of the officers of Companies 
I, 2 and 3, Toronto Volunteer Rifles, 
was held on December 9th, when every 
body who was present thoroughly en 
joyed themselves. . 

A grand Orange soiree took place on 
December 16th, and proved a very 
enjoyable entertainment. 

Horace Greely lectured for the On 
tario Literary Society on " Great Men," 
on the evenings of December 27th and 
28th. These two lectures appear to 
have been the last entertainments 
given in the hall that year. 

A bazaar and concert what would 
be now called a fancy fair in aid of 
the poor, without any reference to 
creed, under the patronage of Mrs. 
Elmsley and other ladies, took place 
on the afternoon and evening of Janu 
ary 3rd, 1860. 

A grand military ball, under the 
patronage of the active militia force 
of the city of Toronto and county of 
York, was held on January 6th, and 
was a most brilliant gathering. 

On January 10th the St. George s So 
ciety gave a concert and ball for the 
benefit of the distress which then ex 
isted in the city. 

On Burns birthday, January 25th, 
the Burns Club gave a ball in the 
hall, which attracted a very great 
number of dancers. As usual, it was 
kept up until an early hour on the 

Under the auspices of the Ontario 
Literary Society, the Rev. E. H. Chapin, 
D.D., lectured on " Woman and Eter 
Work," on January 31st. 

A public meeting of the Society tor 
the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb 



and also of the Blind, was held on Feb 
ruary 7th, when Mr. McGann s School 
for Deaf Mutes gave an interesting 
exhibition of their training. 

Bayard Taylor, the well-known trav 
eller, whose name has so frequently 
been mentioned, lectured on " Life in 
the North " for the Ontario Literary 
Society, on the evening of February 

J. C. Fredericks, tragedian and elo 
cutionist, gave what was described as 
a Shakespearean entertainment, that is, 
readings from some of Shakespeare s 
plays, on the evening of February 15th. 

On March 26th, an examination of 
blind pupils, trained by Dr. Howe, of 
Boston, took place in the hall. 

Bayard Taylor gave a second lecture 
on " Life in the North," on March 29th. 
He was followed on April 25th by Mr. 
G. Vanderhoff, who gave a series of 
dramatic readings, and by the Rev. W. 
F. Clarke, who lectured on " Vancou 
ver s Island and British Columbia," on 
May 22nd. 

The celebrated cantatrice Mademoi 
selle Adelina Patti, assisted by Madame 
Amalia Strakcsch, Signer BrignoJi, with 
Herr Strakosch as conductor, gave a 
concert in the hall on May 28th, which 
was thus spoken of in one of the local 
papers the day following : " The con 
cert was altogether a success, as well 
as productive of vociferous applause. 
We would like to ask Herr Strakosch, 
however, why since Jenny Lind visited 
America, we get no new ballads in the 
concert room? Within a Mile of 
Edinboro Town and Home, Sweet 
Home are very well, but ten years of 
perpetual repetition is rather too 
much. The charming Patti would raise 
a furore with some of the new English 
ballads judiciously selected." 

Woods minstrels occupied the hall 
on the evenings of June 4th, 5th and 

The Toronto Horticultural Society 
held their annual summer exhibition 
of fruit and flowers on June 7th, 
which, as was always the cae, wass well 

Mr. Martin Lazare, assisted by Miss 
Miller, Mr. H. C. Cooper on the violin, 
and Mr. Carter as accompanist, gave 
an excellent concert on June 21st. 

A public meeting for the purpose of 
receiving and considering the report 
of the committee appointed by the citi 
zens respecting the arrangements re 
commended to be made for the recep 
tion of H. R. H. the Prince of Wales, 
took place on June 28th. There was a 
very large attendance of the citizens 

The original Blisdell Brothers, Swiss 
bell ringers, gave an exhibition of 
their skill on the evenings of July llth 
12th and 13th. 

The Toronto Horticultural Society 
held their second exhibition, which 
which, as was always the case, was svell 
one, on July 10th. 

Mr. Samuel Cowell, the well-known 
musical comedian, gave a pleasing en 
tertainment on the evenings of July 
16th and 17th. The audiences do not 
appear to have overcrowded the room. 

The General Committee for the Re 
ception of H. R. H. the Prince of Wales 
met in the hall on July 19th, 27th, 
and on August 7th, and met daily in 
the latter building from the latter 
date until the day previous to the 
Prince s visit. 

On September 3rd and 4th Ham 
burger, the Royal wizard, gave an ex 
hibition of legerdemain and conjuring 
on these evenings. 

Madame Anna Bishop, assisted by F. 
Rudolphsen, the famous baritone, 
gave two concerts, on September 5th 
and 6th respectively, at which large 
numbers of people were present. 

A concert of sacred and secular music 
by amateurs of Toronto, was held in 
the haD on September 10th. 

The celebrated " Black Swan," who 
has been before referred to, returned 
to Toronto and gave a concert on Sep 
tember 19th, at which there was a 
very good audience. 

Samuel Cowell, the musical enter 
tainer, gave a series of entertainments 
commencing on October 17th and con 
cluding on this 20th of the same month. 

Under the auspices of the Ontario 
Literary Society, the opening lecture 
of the session was delivered on the 
evening of October 24th, by the Rev. 
J. Travers, LL.D., of Brockville, now 
Archbishop of Ontario, on " Induce 
ments to Literary and Scientific Pur 

A concert in aid of the necessary re 
pairs to the church of St. John the 
Evangelist took place the following 
evening, October 25th. Among the 
vocalists were Mrs. John Beverley 
Robinson, Miss Kemp, Messrs. Cooper, 
Armstrong and Stewart. Among ttje 
instrumentalists, Mr. and Mrs. Seif- 
fert, Messrs. H. Noverre, F. E. Dbcon, 
Thomas and Ellis. 

A week la f er, commencing November 
21st, a widely different exhibition 
took place, when Miss Dolly Dutton, 
described as the smallest girl in the 
world, was on exhibition until Novein- 



The St. Andrew s Society gave their 
annual ball on the evening of Novem 
ber 30th. Like its predecessors, it was 
a great success. 

A complimentary dinner to the Hon. 
John A. Macdonald took place in the 
hall on November 2lst, the Hon. W. 
S. Robinson occupying the chair. The 
speeches made after dinner elicited 
loud applause and commendation from 
those who heard them. 

Professor Kergan, the great wizard 
king and ventriloquist, gave an exhi 
bition of his skill on November 26th 
and 27th. He was followed by Camp 
bell s minstrels, from December 3rd to 
8th inclusive. 

No. 6 Company, " Provincial," To 
ronto Fire Brigade, gave a ball in the 
hall on December 28th, at which a large 
company assembled. 

Henry Giles, of Boston, lecturing for 
the Ontario Literary Society, on " Cur- 
ran," occupied the hall on the evenings 
of December 12th and 13th. 

On December 20th, the last enter 
tainment for the year 1860 took place. 
It was a concert and soiree, the pro 
ceeds of which were for the benefit 
of the Toronto Brass Band. 

On January 3rd, 1861, the St. John s 
Agricultural College, a Roman Cath 
olic institution, held a banquet in the 
hall, at which the Right Rev. Bishop 
Lynch presided, with the Honourable 
John ELmsley in the vice-chair. Among 
the speakers were Mr. J. C. Moylan, 
Mr. C. P. Higgins, Messrs. Atkinson, 
Hudson and others. 

A concert of sacred and secular music, 
at which Madame Wookey, Miss Waller, 
Professor J. C. Wilson, Professor Lash, 
Mr. James McCarroll, flautist, and 
Miss Mary McCarroll, p^iniste, were 
the principal performers, took place on 
January 10th, with very satisfactory 
results. Mr. McCarroll was the well 
known " Jerry Finnigan." 

The Ontario Literary Society s lec 
tures for 1861 were as foil ows : Janu 
ary 9th, Thomas D Arcy McGee lectur 
ed on " The Growth and Power of the 
Middle Class." On the 16th and 19th, 
Miss Grace Greenwood lectured on 
" The Heroic in Common Life " and 
" Home and Homeless," respectively. 
On the 23rd, Elihu Burritt (the learned 
blacksmith), on " Benevolent Societies 
of the Age, their Philosophy and 
Power." On January 15th., Garrett 
Smith, on behalf of the Anti-Slavery 
Society, delivered a lecture in which 
the horrors of American slavery were 
vividly depicted. 

On February 4th, the Toronto Vol 
unteer Rifles, Companies 1, 2, 3, and 

the Highland Company, held a ball in 
the hall, which was a very great suc 

The Society for the Instruction of 
the Deaf, Dumb and Blind held a pub 
lic meeting on February 5th for the 
examination of pupils and an exhibi 
tion of the methods pursued in their 

On February 6th, Bayard Taylor, who 
has already many times been mention 
ed, lectured on " Moscow and the 

On February 7th, the I. O. O. F. 
held their annual social party, at which 
very large numbers of the order and 
their lady friends were present. 

On February llth, the St. George s 
Society gave their annual ball, under 
the patronage of Lady John Beverley 
Robinson, Mrs. J. B. Robinson, Mrs. 
Proudfoot, Mrs. G. W. Allan, Mrs. F. 
W. Cumberland, Mrs. H. Rowsell, Mrs. 
C. S. Gzowski, Mrs. C. Widder and 
Mrs. W. Wakefield. 

On February 20th, the final meet 
ing of the committee appointed to re 
ceive H. R. H. the Prince of Wales 
was held, and all accounts ordered to 
be paid. 

On February 26th, the Rev. George 
Gough Gubbins gave a numerously at 
tended lecture on " The Castles and 
Monasteries of Ireland in the Middle 

On March 5th and Gth, Mr. Alexander 
A. Young lectured on " Mental Phil 
osophy," being followed on the 7th by 
Mr. F. C. Flood on "Life in New- 
York "J on the 20th by the Rev. E. H. 
Chapin, D.D., on " Mian and His Work ." 
on the 28th and 30th by M!ra A. L. B- 
j Blackwell on " Man and Woman " and 
on "Man and Woman s Rights." 

On March 15th and 16th, a dioramio 
exhibition, illustrating the search for 
Sir John Franklin in the Arctic re 
gions, occupied the hall and drew a 
great number of visitors. 

On April 3rd, Madame Griebell gave 
a concert and ball, at which there were 
large numbers of visitors. 
1 On April llth, a bazaar and sale of 
ladies work on behalf of the Queen 
street west Presbyterian church took 
place in the hall. 

From April 18th until Mjay 1st there 
was a continuous exhibition of Thio- 
bon s mechanical and pictorial royal 
exhibition of arts. 

On Mfciy 4th, Madame Inez Fabbri 
gave her farewell concert in Toronto, 
assisted by Miss Rosetti, Mr. Adams 
and others. Madame Fabbri s former 
concerts had been held in the Temyer- 
i ance Hall 



Professor Anderson, the wizard of 
the north, gave au exhibition of his 
skill in the hall from May 6th to 18th, 
and attracted very large audiences 
throughout the whole of his stay. 

On May 28th, the Rev. Mr. ELierby 
delivered a lecture in aid of the Boys 
Home, describing its aims and objects. 

On May 29th, Professor Frobisher s 
class gave, in one of the smaller rooms, 
some readings and recitations. 

On May 30th, the Horticultural So 
ciety s first exhibition of fruit and 
flowers for the season, took place in 
the hall. 

June 7th, 8th and 10th, Christy s 
minstrels were in the room, and large 
audiences enjoyed their performances. 

From, June llth to the 15th, the 
Holman troupe of parlour opera artists 
gave a series of entertainments, which 
appear to have been very successful. 

On June 17th, the Honourable George 
Brown held what was described as "the 
largest indoor political meeting ever 
held in Toronto, when St. Lawrence 
Hall was filled to its utmost capacity, 
every inch of standing- room, having 
its full quota of occupants, and many 
unable to enter were obliged to re 
trace their steps homeward. When 
Mr. Brown made his appearance he was 
cheered to the echo." Mr. William 
Henderson occupied the chair. Among 
the speakers were the Honourable 
Oliver Mowat, Mr. Thomas Brunskill, 
Mr. James Metcalfe, and Dr. C. H. 
Connon, of Upper Canada College. 

A second meeting was held by Mr. 
Brown on July 4th, and again it is re 
ported, " The hall was filled to its ut 
most capacity. When Mr. Brown en 
tered and went forward towards the 
platform, he was received with deafen 
ing cheers, again and again repeated." 
Mr. John Boyd occupied the chair, and 
besides Mr. Brown the speakers were 
John O Donohue, J. J. Vance, W. J. 
.Watkins and others. 

Carlotta Patti, sister of Adelina 
Patti, assisted by Amalia Strakosch and 
Signor Ettore Barili, gave a concert 
in the hall on June 18th. 

Mr. Samuel Cowell, assisted by Mr. 
Geary and Miss Geary, otherwise known 
as " The Irish Nightingale," gave three 
concerts, on the 20th, 21st and 22nd of 

From July 15th to August 3rd, a 
panorama of the Bible was exhibited 
each evening. 

On July 23rd, Signor Fossati, assist 
ed, by Madame Gomez DeWolowska, 
gave a. matinee musicale, which was 
very numerously attended. 

On August 13th, Mr. C. Ferguson, 

who on several previous occasions had 
appeared in Toronto, gave an enter 
tainment on " The Irish Union Har 
monic Pipes." 

A combined cyclorama and concert, 
entitled " A Tour in Ireland," occupied 
the hall from August 21st to 31st. 

On September Cth, the Rev. T. I>. 
Gregg, D.D., lectured on " The Posi 
tion and Prospects of Protestantism." 

A concert, at which Mrs. John Bev- 
i erley Robinson was the principal vocal 
ist and Mr. John Carter the conduc 
tor, was held on behalf of the Boys 
Home, on September 9th. 

On September 10th, for the first 
time in the history of Toronto, the 
street cars ran from Yorkville to St. 
Lawrence hall, the latter place being 
at the time the city terminus. 

On September 10th a grand soiree 
and exhibition for the benefit of the 
orphans in the House of Providence 
took place. During the evening Pro 
fessor McEvoy exhibited his cyclorama 
of " Views in Ireland." 

Mr. H. Gratton Guiuness, the noted 
evangelist, delivered a, series of ad 
dresses in the hall on the evenings of 
September 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20th. 

The Toronto Musical Union met in 
the hall on September 16th, and on 
every subsequent Thursday throughout 
the season, for practice. 

Miss Isabella Hinckley, assisted by 
Signor Brignoli, with Signor Musio as 
conductor, gave two concerts, at which 
good audiences assembled, on October 
8th and 9th. 

Christy s minstrels were again in the 
hall from October 14th to the 17th, 
and the Swiss bell ringers from, the 
18th to the 19th. 

"General" Tom Thumb held four 
receptions on October 21st, 22nd, 23rd 
and 24th, respectively. 

Larne s panopticon of the war in 
India was exhibited from. October 25th 
to November 2nd, and again from No 
vember 4th to November 9th. 

A panorama of the Holy Land was 
on exhibition on the evenings of No 
vember 14, 15 and 16th, and again from 
November 18th to the 23rd. 

November 27th, the Merchants Rifle 
Company met for drill in their Arm 
oury in the building, and continued to 
do so for several weeks afterwards. 

Craven s original minstrel and opera 
troupe gave entertainments on Novem 
ber 28th, 29th and 30th. 

The Ontario Literary Society opened 
their season on December 23rd, Dr. 
Cheever lecturing on "English Opin 
ion on the American War." 

On December 24th, the flag at St. 



Lawrence Hall, as on all other public ! 
buildings, was hung at half-mast, in 
consequence of the news received that 
day of the death of H. R. H. the Prince ! 

On December 2Gth, 27th and 28th, a 
bazaar for the purpose of raising funds 
to establish a Female Industrial School 
took place, a ad was liberally patron 

On the 27th a public meeting was 
held ia the Board of Trade room, for 
the purpose of taking- steps to estab 
lish a Soldiers Institute, a large num 
ber of Imperial troops having just then 
been ordered to the province. 

A complimentary concert to Mr. J. 
D. Humphries took place in the hall 
on December 30th, at which a very 
great number of friends, former pupils 
and admirers of the veteran musician 
were present. 

The New Year was opened in 18C2, 
so far as St. Lawrence Hall was con 
cerned, by a banquet held therein on 
behalf of the Female Industrial Home. 
The Mayor presided. 

The Victoria Volunteer Rifles had 
the west room in St. Lawrence Hall 
every Thursday evening in the early 
months o,f 1802, commencing January 
llth-, for their drill room. 

On February 11; th, a concert in aid 
of the House of Providence took place, 
at which Mr. LeBuskv was the director. 

The fourth annual ball of the To 
ronto Volunteers took place on Febru 
ary 27th. A report of this gathering 
says: "A large company assembled 
and the hall presented quite a martial 
aspect ; it was military all over. The 
band of the 30th Cambridgeshire Regi 
ment supplied the music." 

On April 18th, a military parade, 
comprised of volunteer companies Nos. 
1 and 2, known respectively as the 
Merchants and Victoria Rifles, Nos. 3, 
f> and the Highland Company, mustered 
at the hall under the command of 
Lieut.-Col. Durie 

On May 30th, Colonel Coffin, under 
the auspices of the Canadian Rifle As 
sociation, lectured on the " Defences 
and Defence of Canada from a Cana 
dian Point of View." The proceeds of 
this lecture -were devoted to defray 
the expenses of the teaim selected to 
represent the province in the Queen s 
Prize competition at the Rifle Ranges, 
Wimbledon, England. 

On May 29th, 30th and 31st, the New 
England glass blowers gave an exhibi 
tion of their handiwork, which attract 
ed large numbers of visitors. 

A public meeting took place on Au 
gust 1st, for the purpose of presenting 

the scholarships in the Grammar 
school, as well as the prizes and cer 
tificates just then awarded a tthe an 
nual examination. On the platform 
were his "\Vbrship the Mayor, Prof ess-- r 
Daniel Wilson, Rev. John McOaul, D. 
D., Dr. Beaven, Dr. Jennings, Dr. 
Lillie, Dr. Green, Dr. Richardson, Alex 
ander Sanson, Aldermen Jarvis and 
Sterling and many others. 

From August 7th to 12th the hall 
was occupied by La Prince s Panopticon 
Pictorial Exhibition. 

From this diate the hall began to be 
used somewhat less than had previ 
ously been the case, and on August 
27th a notice appeared in the papers 
that it would be leased by public auc 
tion to the highest bidder from the 
first day of September in that year 
until the 31st day of August, in 1863. 
The rooms to be leased were the hall 
itself and the adjoining rooms known 
as the News room and Board of Trade 

From September 3rd to the 6th, in 
clusive, the Campbell minstrels gave 
a variety entertainment. 

From September bth to 20th, a pano 
rama entitled " The Grand Tour of the 
Holy Land," Mr. Louis Duflocq being 
the proprietor, was daily exhibited. 

On September 21th, a ball given by 
the citizens of Toronto to Lord Monck, 
the Governor-General, an:l Lady Monck 
took place. Among the ball committee 
were Honourable J. B. Robinson, M. 
P. P., Honourable John Ross, John 
Crawford, M.P.P., George Michie, Aid. 
J. E. Smith, John Bell, William Hen 
derson, Sheriff Jarvis, John Cameron, 
J. D. Merrick, with Lewis Moffatt as 
chairman, and the well known George 
Anthony Barber as secretary. At this 
ball there were about 350 people pres 
ent, and the newspaper reports of the 
day say: "The ball will long be re 
membered in Toronto as among the 
best the city has ever seen." The Gov 
ernor-General s party consisted of 
Lord and Lady Monck, with their two 
daughters, Earl Mulgrave and his 
daughter, the Lady Laura Phipps, 
Major-General Napier, Major Dillon 
and most of the officers from the Gar 
rison, the Honourable J. S. Macdonald, 
W. McDougall, Robert Spence, G. W. 
Allan. J. Hillyard Cameron, T. D Arcy 
McGee, Judges Richards and Morrison, 
Sheriff Davidson, of Berlin ; Sheriff 
Macdonald, of Goderich ; Lieut.-Col. F. 
W. Cumberland, Major Brunei, Capt. 
McMaster and scores of others. 

I On September 26th, an Orange soiree, 



in aid of the sick fund of the order, 
took place. 

On September 25th and 27th, Prof. 
G. W. Strathy, assisted by the cele 
brated boy pianiste, Willie Pape, gave 
two concerts. 

The Juvenile Opera and Concert Com 
pany gave two concerts in the hall on 
September 29th and October 10th re 

A most important public meeting 
took place on October 9th. the object 
being to determine what steps should 
be taken to aid in the relief of the dis 
tressed operatives of Lancashire, Eng 
land, in consequence of the dearth of 
cotton caused by the American civil 
war. The Mayor presided, and he was 
supported by the Honourable John 
Hillyard Oamerou, S. B. Harman, Wm. 
Kingsford, William McMaster, John 
Fisken, G. A. Birber, A. S. Ncrdheimer, 
J. McMurrich, L. M of fat, James Beaty, 
John Beverley Robinson, John Cam 
eron, Andrew Henderson, Dr. Strachnn, 
the Anglican Bishop of Toronto 5 Dr. 
Lynch the Roman Catholic Bishop, 
the Rev. John McCaul, D.D., the Rev. 
John Barclay, D.D., of at. Andrew s 
church, and many more. 

On October 28th, the annual meet 
ing of the Boys Home took place in 
one of the smaller rooms. 

On November l f Jth, Mr. Frank Mar 
tin the Irish minstrel, gave a musical 
entertainment, which only attracted a 
very moderate audience. 

Mr George Henry Russell exhibited 
a panorama of the bombardment ol 
Fort Sumter, which was a striking in 
cident of the American civil war, on 
the afternoon and evenings of Novem 
ber 20th, 21st and 22ud. 

From November 25th until Decem 
ber 10th the hall was again occupied 
with a panorama of the American 
civil war, called "North and South 
also under the direction of Mr. Russell. 
From December llth to the 19th, a 
diorama of the Sepoy rebellion was ex 
hibited under the patronage of 
Andrew s Society, while three extra 
performances took place on December 
22nd, 23rd and 24th, at the request of 
tho4 who had been unable to attend 

^No meetings appear to have been 
held in the hall in 1863 until Febru 
ary 6th, when the Royal Humane So- 
Siety had fts annual gathering, the 
Savor Mr. J. G. Bowes, being in the 
S Among others present were the 
R^v John McCaul, D.D., Col. Jar. 
Dr. Morris, Messrs. G. P. Ridout, Wm, 
Henderson. Hugh Miller, Robert Mc- 
eillivrav and others. 

The citizens ball to celebrate the 
marriage of H- R. H. the Prince of 
Wales with the Princess Alexandra of 
Denmark took place on the evening of 
March 10th, and was attended by great 
numbers of the leading residents in 
the ci ty. 

On March 12th, 13th and 14th, an 
entertainment, which is described as 
being " Vocal Terpsichorean," took 
place under the direction of Madame 
Cerita. Professor Hamburger, the con 
juror, at this gathering gave an exhi 
bition of what he described as " magic." 

A promenade concert, in aid of the 
building fund of St. John s Anglican 
church, took place on the evening of 
April 8th, with the result th.a,t a con 
siderable sum was added to the funcis. 

On May Gth, 7th and 8th, Buckley s 
serenaders and burlesque opera troupe 
occupied the room. 

La Rue s panorama of the Southern 
Rebellion was exhibited in the aft^r 
noon and evenings of June 3rd, 4th, 
5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th, llth, 12th and 


A public meeting to present prizes 
and certificates to the successful schol 
ars in the Public school examination;, 
which had just then occurred, took 
place on the evening of July 31st. me 
Mayor presided. 

On August 4th a public meeting was 
held to take into consideration the 
propriety of calling upon the Govern 
ment to carry out the good faith ot 
the country pledged to hold the seat 
of government alternately between 
Quebec and Toronto every four years 
until the final removal to Ottawa, the 
time hiving expired for its remaining 
in Quebec. The Mayor presided. Mr. 
i John Ritchie, jr., was secretary, am, 
among others present were Aldermen 
Sterling Metcalfe and Moody, Sheriff 
Jarvis, Messrs. J. D. Ridout, H. A. 
Henderson, the Honourable, George 
i Allan and the Honourable John ML 
i Murrich. 

Professor Everitt lectured on Eep- 
1 tember 22nd and October 12th, on 

Teoo Templars held a grand 
soiree, which was very numerously : 
I fended by friends of the society, on 
; the evening of .November 5th 

eoirpe of friends of the loronto 
n the 


T D Arcy McGee lectured 
Future of Canada." 



Meetings now became less a,nd Jess 
frequent in St. Lawrence Hall. Not 
until April 1st, 1864, were there any 
gatherings there, when from April 1st 
to the 5th, Ramsay s minstrels were 
in occupation of the haLl. 

The Shakespeare Tercentenary was 
celebrated by a dinner en the night of 
April 23rd, Mr. W. Kingsi ord, presi 
dent of the St. George s Society, be 
ing in the chair. The band of the 10th 
Royals supplied the music, and about 
150 people sat down to dine, among 
whom were many of the most promi 
nent men in the city. 

Mr. Gottscbalk, the famous pianist, 
assisted, by Amalia Patti, Hterr Stra- 
kosch and Signor Carlo Patti, gave two 
concerts, on May llth and 12th. 

Sam Sharpley s minstrels gave en 
tertainments in the room on Queen s 
birthday, Mtiy 24th, and the day fol 

On June 28th a public meeting in 
aid of the Soldiers Institute took place, 
the Honouraole Chief Justice Draper 
being in the chair, supported by the 
Rev. Canon Baldwin, the Honourable 
R Spence, Professor Wilson and others. 

On September 12th. and 13th, La Rue s 
panorama of the American civil war 
was again on exhibition. 

On October 6th, 7th and 8th, the Cool 
Burgess and Haverly Minstrels gave a 
combination show, which proved, re 
markably popular. 

A -panorama of King Solomon s Tem- 
-ple was exhibited on the evenings of 
November 15th to the 21st, inclusive. 

On November 30th the I. O. O. F. 
gave their annual ball, which was very 
Largely attended and passed oil with 
great eclat. 

On December 1st a concert in aid of 
the Boys Home, under the patronage 
of Major-General Napier, took place, 
and was very successful. 

On the Gth of the same month a con 
cert was held on behalf of the Girls 
Home and Public Nursery, at which 
there was a large audience. 

On December ( Jth, Mr. William Stev 
enson, of Simcoe, gave a lecture en 
titled " Our Politics and Our Future." 

On December 30th and 31st, 1864, 
and. on January 2nd and 3rd, 1865, 
Farini, champion wire rope walker of 
Niagara Falls fame, gave an exhibition 
of his wonderful agility, nerve and 
presence of mind. 

The annual meeting of the House oi 
Industry was held in the Board of 
Trade room on January llth. 

On January 17th, a demonstration in 
favour of Confederation took place in 
the hall under the ausuices of the Re 

form. Club. Among the speakers were 
the Honourable John McMurrich, 
Alexander Mackenzie, Hope Macken 
zie, W. MacKellar, Alderman Vance, 
Messrs. TT*-wij<xins 4 ex r) ndr Manning, 
K. B. Sullivan and J. D. Edgar. 

Under the auspices of tue Toronto 
Curling Club, Mr. J. D. Humphries 
gave a very successful concert in the 
hall on January 19th, 1865. 

On January 31st. a dramatic read 
ing was given by Mr. E. Ludlow, for 
the benefit of the Boys Home. 

On February 6th, a public meeting 
to enable the citi/ens to express their 
opinion upon, i.e., to condemn, a. bill 
sanctioning a grant of $50,000 from 
the public money of the Province 
of Upper Canada to the citizens 
of a foreign state, and further 
for the purpose of enabling the 
citizens to express their opinion 
upon, i. e., to condemn, a bill 
then before the Legislature for the 
purpose of giving the Executive un 
usual and extraordinary powers, hith 
erto uncalled for and unknown to the 
constitution. This referred to the com 
pensation paid the United States on 
account of the St. Alban s raid. The 
result of the meeting was that an 
amendment was carried against con 
demning the proposal, and the papers 
of the next day were unanimous in 
supporting the conduct of those who 
had moved the amendment. 

On February 2ith, a concert and ball 
under the auspices of the Loyal Orange 
Lodge No. 40i took place, and \va.s 
very successful. 

On April 6th, the Liliputian King 
and Scottish Queen exhibited them 
selves to an admiring public. 

On the evenings of January 8th and 
9th, 186(1, the Mocking Bird "minstrels 
and brass band, of whom the manager 
was J. E. Greens, occupied the hall. 

The Toronto Home Guard were in 
spected in the St. Lawrence Hall by 
Brigade Major Denison, on March 20th, 
and turned out very creditably. 

During the summer of I860 no meet 
ings or entertainments of any import 
ance took place in the hall. Commenc 
ing September 24th and continuing 
| until the 29th, there was a series of 
Miltonian tableaux, entitled "Paradise 
I Lost and Regained," which attracted 
considerable audiences. 

Howarth &. Ratlrw ell s tableaux of 
: the Holy Land were on exhibition from 
I November 8th until the 15th. The 
proceeds from this entertainment were 
for the benefit of the sufferers by a 
great fire which had then recently 
nlace in Quebec, and it was 



under the patronage of the Mayor and 
City Council. 

In 1867, on February 13th, a festival 
was held in aid of the orphans in the 
House of Providence. 

On February 20th and 21st, Skiff & 
Gaylord s minstrels gave an entertain 
ment, both vocal and instrumental. 

The non-commissioned officers and 
men of the 10th Royals gave their an 
nual, ball in the hali on March 15th. 
It was very well attended, not only by 
the members of the active militia, but 
by a large number of the sergeants 
of the 13th Hussars, who were then 
stationed in this city. 

From March 23rd to the 26th, Pro 
fessor Palmer, a conjurer, gave a series 
of afternoon and evening entertain 

From March 27th until April 1st, the 
Howarth and Rathwell exhibition of 
the Holy Land, again occupied the hall. 

Ben Cotton s California minstrels 
gave a three nights entertainment, 
commencing on May llth. 

On August 27tb, the friends and sup 
porters of the Honourable M. C. Cam 
eron met at the St. Lawrence Hall, 
to arrange for a political campaign. 

A charitable festival, in aid of t,V>*i 
Society of St. Vincent de Paul, took 
place on September 2i>th. It was 101- 
lowed on the 27th and 28th by the 
Alleghenian Swiss bell ringers enter 

On October 28th, the city hackmen 
gave a ball, at which his Worship the 
Miayor and Mr. F. W. Cumberland were 
present. The proceeds were equally di 
vided between the Protestant Orphans 
Home and the House of Providence. 

On November 5th., Loyal Orange 
Lodge 375 gave a ball, at which large 
numbers of the order were present. 

On December 31st, Loyal Orange 
Lodge No. 140 also had an entertain 
ment in the same place. 

The New Year of 1868 waa opened, 
so far as the hall is concerned, by the 
gayer street Methodist church holding 
therein a New Year s festival. 

On January 22nd, a public meeting 
to consider the steps to be taken to 
relieve the distress among the fisher 
men of Nova Scotia was held. His Wor 
ship the Mayor, Mr. James E. Smith, 
was in the chair. He was supported by 
Rev. Dr. Jennings, Dr. Willis, Mr. A. 
M. Smith, C. J. Campbell, J. McNab, 
J. D. Edgar, G. Beardmore, and Mr. 
Keefer, of Nova Scotia. It was decid 
ed, that a public subscription list snould 
be opened for the benefit of the dis 
tressed fishermen, and among the 
committee were the following: The 

Mayor, Mr. J. E. Smith; the Honour 
able George Brown, James Beaty, M.P., 
Honourable M. C. Cameron, M.P., John 
Wallace, M.P.P., the Rev. Drs. Willis 
and Jennings, John Macdonald, J. G. 
Worts, Honourable John McMurrich, J. 
D. Edgar. A. M. Smith, G. W. Allan, 
Honourable W. McMaster and others. 
The Legislature had. already granted 
$5,000 in aid of this object, but this 
was not considered sufficient, hence 
this meeting. 

On the same day, January 22nd, in 
one of the committee rooms of the 
hall, was held the third annual meet 
ing of the Dental Association of On 

On February 3rd, a concert and fes 
tival in aid of the Sisters of Charity 
was held. 

On February 6th, a public meeting, 
for the purpose of considering the best 
means of promoting the immediate con 
struction of the Toronto, Grey and 
Bruce Railway and Toronto and Nipis- 
sing Railway, was held. On the plat 
form, were J. G. Worts, George Laid- 
law, C. W. Fox, Aldermen Baxter, 
Boulton and others, the Mayor being 
in the chair. It was unanimously re 
solved, after many speeches, " That 
while this meeting is unanimously in 
favour of railway accommodation be 
tween Toronto, Grey & Bruce, the great 
terests involved in the railway service 
of the city require that hostilities 
should be avoided and that endeavours 
should be made to reconcile all con 
flicting differences before the project 
is submitted to the Legislature." 

The 10th Royals, or rather the non 
commissioned officers and men, gave 
a reception and dance on February 
14th, the proceeds of. which were de 
voted to relieving the distress among 
the fishermen of Nova Scotia. 

On March 17th, a minstrel show was 
given in the hall for the benefit of W. 
J. Gibson, a well-known delineator of 
African character. 

On April Oth, a new flag-pole was 
erected on the dome of the St. Law 
rence Hall, ia place of one which had 
then been recently blown down during 
a heavy gale. 

On May 15th, the annual ball of the 
Orange Young Britons took place, and 
passed off successfully. 

On September i8th, a public meeting 

to hear Mr. F. C. Capreol s report 

touching the success of his mission to 

| Europe in connection with the Huron 

and Ontario Ship Canal, was held. The 

! Mayor was in the chair, supported by 

i Mr. F. C. Capreol, Mr. Thomas Fergu- 

son, Mr. James Beaty and others. 



On September 2!}th, a public meet 
ing for the purpose of advocating the 
early closing of the shops and ware 
houses on Saturday afternoons took 
place. The Mayor was in the chair. 
Among the speakers were Professor 
WiLson, tha Rev. William Stephenson, 
Dr. Caldecott and several clergymen. 

On October 5th, Gth and 7th, Banlon 
Bros. Transatlantic Combination Vau 
deville performances took place in the 

The New Orleans Minstrels gave 
three concerts in the hall on October 
15th, 16th and 17th, and Miss Laura 
Keene gave a theatrical entertain 
ment in the same place on November 
3rd and 4th. 

Professor Fowler gave lectures in 
the hall on " Phrenology," on the af 
ternoons of November ISth, 19th, 20th 
and 22nd. 

Howarth s tableaux of the Holy Land 
were aga ; n on exhibition, from Novem 
ber 30th until December 5th. 

Loyal Orange Lodge 375 gave a ball 
on December 7tji. 

On December 22nd, a public meeting 
to inquire into the action taken by the 
committee appointed at a former meet 
ing to wait upon the Honourable M. 
C. Cameron to request the exercise of 
his influence to induce the Government 
to submit to the consideration of the 
Legislature the people s petitions for 
land warrants for ths construction of 
the Huron and Ontario Ship Canal, was 
held. Mr. Alexander Manning was in 
the choir, and Mr. R. Maitland acted 
as secretary. 

A Christmas dinner was given on 
Christmas day to the boys and girls of 
the Protestants Home and to the lit 
tle arabs of the streets. Professor Wil 
son was in the chair. 

On December 31st, Loyal Orange 
Lodge 731 gave a ball, which proved 
very successful. 

In 1869, from January 14th to the 
17th, Professor G. Reynolds delivered 
a series of lectures on " Prophecy." 

A grand festival in aid of the House 
of Providence took place in the same 
building on January 26th. 

On March 4th, Mr. Henry M. Hooke, 
an evangelist, of England, preached in 
the hall to large congregations. 

The fjrst annual ball of the band of 
the 10th Royals took place in the hall 
on March 5th. 

From March 15th, and until the end 
of April, the hall was occupied as a 
velocipede riding school, and exhibi 
tions of skill in velocipede or bicycle 
riding were given daily. 
Veary s panorama was exhibited from 

May 1st to May 5th, and on May 22nd 
McVeigh & Nailor s minstrels gave an 

A concert and distribution of prizes 
to the pupils in the Christian Brothers 
Commercial Academy took place on 
July 20th. 

Professor Anderson, the Wizard of 
the North, was in the occupation of 
the hall from September 20th to the 
25th inclusive, while it was again occu 
pied by Howarth s tableaux of the 
Holy Land from October lyth to the 

On November 7th, the Young Bri 
tons ball, in commemoration oi the 
Gunpowder Plot, took place. 

El don Loyal Orange Temperance 
Lodge, No. 13C, gave their annual soiree 
and concert in the hall on December 

On January llth, 1870, the House of 
Providence held a grand festival 
in the St. Lawrence Hull, the smaller 
rooms also being used, in aid of the 
orphans and poor under their care. 

A public meeting on the subject of 
enlarging and extending the canal 
communications of the Dominion, was 
held on February 12th, Mr. S. B. Har- 
rnan being in the chair. 

On March 25th, a public meeting, 
the Mayor presiding, was held in favour 
of an alteration of the tariff and cus 
tom duties of the Dominion. 

On April 6th, a public meeting to 
denounce the anarchy which then ex 
isted in the Red River, and which had 
resulted in the murder of Scott, took 
place, the Mayor presiding. Very short 
ly afterwards the Red River expedi 
tion was organized. 

Another public meeting, at which the 
Mayor also presided, to protest against 
the granting of an amnesty to Louis 
Kiel, of Red River notoriety, was held 
on July 22nd. 

On September 17th , yet another 
public meeting was held, with the ob 
ject of devising means to relieve the 
distress among the survivors from the 
late fire in the county of Carleton and 
Ottawa valley. 

From October 3rd to the 8th, the 
Carlotti Comedy Company occupied the 

On October 24th> the Rev. Father 
Nugent lectured on behalf of the Juve 
nile Immigration Society, and secured 
an excellent audience. 

Howarth s panorama ot the Holy 
Land was on exhibition from Novem 
ber 21st until the 24th, and appears 
to have been very well attended. 

On December 1st, a concert and so 
cial assembly, for the benefit of Alex- 



ander Smith, a workman in the employ 
of Messrs. Jackes & Hay, who had lost 
his sight, was held. 

Ford & Perkins female minstrels 
gave three entertainments on Decem 
ber 15th,, 16th and 17th. 
t On March 7th, 1871, J. G. Worts pre 
sided over a public meeting in favour 
of the candidature for parliamentary 
honours of the Honourable M. C. Cam 

On March llth, a public meeting in 
favour of the Huron and Ontario Ship 
Canal was held, the Mayor being in the 

On May 1st and 2nd, Whiston, hum 
ourist and musical freak, gave t\vo en 

The York Pioneers held a quarterly 
meeting of their association in the 
hall on July 10th, R. L. Deni&on being 
i nthe chair, when it was decided to 
aid in erecting a memorial on the bat 
tle field of Crysler s Farm, near Pres- 
cott, to those who bad fallen in that 
famous conflict during the war of 1812. 

On September 27th, Jem Mace, the 
champion boxer of the world, together 
with a variety troupe, gave an exhi 
bition of boxing, with vocal and in 
strumental music afterwards. 

On October 27th and 28th, the Alle- 
ghanian Swiss Bell Ringers occupied 
the room, and on December llth, 12th 
and l&th, Watson Bros, vaudeville and 
musical performances took plfit-e. These 
latter drew very large audiences. 

The Davenport Bros, and Professor 
Fay, magician, united in giving one of 
their entertainments in the hall on 
December 22nd and 23rd. 

On December 27th, a concert for the 
beenfit of the orphans and poor in the 
House of Providence took place. 

Mr. Santley, the great English bari 
tone singer, gave a grand concert in 
the hall on Monday, January 8th, 1872. 
Hte was assisted by Madame Patey, 
Miss Edith, Wynne, Mr. W. H. Cum- 
mings and Mr. J. G. Patey, with Mr. 
Lindsay Sloper as pianist and director. 
It was " a grand success. Hundreds of 
tickets could have been sold beyond the 
capacity of the room." 

On January 9th,, Skiff & Gaylord s 
Albino Minstrels, twenty-five in all, 
appeared, but there was not a very 
large audience. 

The pupils of the De la Salle Insti 
tute and other young amateurs, gave 
a concert in the hall on the evening of 
January 10th. There was a fair at 

Rosa, D Erina, Erin s prima donna, 
gave a concert in the hall on January 
17th., including her celebrated Marl- 

borongh House programme, entitled 
" Music f roan many lands," which con 
tained selections from, seven different 
Lingua ges. The concert was repeated 
on January 24th and 29th. 

L. O. L. Temperance Lodge held a 
soiree and concert in the St. Lawrence 
Hall on February 22nd. Mr. Ogle R. 
Gowan delivered an address. 

After this date the holding of meet 
ings and entertainments became less 
and less frequent in this building, 
very few being held therein. Other 
hallsi had been erected, and as the city 
was spreading northwards and west 
ward, caterers for public amusement 
preferred to follow their patrons. Year 
by year meetings in the hall of any 
description became more and more 
rare, until they all but ceased. It is 
now several years since any meeting 
of any kind took place in the old his 
toric room., but from its erection until 
1870, an account of the public enter 
tainments which took place in St. Law 
rence Hall reflects very fairly the 
amusements and public life of the city 
of Toronto. 


Th Illxtory of I he Cliurch Since II* Incep 
tion lu 1803 i:;ll 1898 wllli 111* Pnrrli 
Inl Berunls. 

The history of the Cathedral Church 
of St. James commences with the year 
1803, for then the movement originated 
to erect a church for the Episcopalians 
resident in the little town of York. 
The first regular religious services, of 
which there are any records, were held 
in the Parliament Buildings at the 
foot of Berkelej r street, south of Palace 
(Front) street, when the Rev. Dr. 
Addison, of Niagara, frequently preach 
ed. Prior to the appointment of the 
Rev. George O Kill Stuart, or in his 
absence, a layman, Mr. William Cooper, 
a wharfinger, used to read the service. 

An early notice of religious services 
is in the Upper Canada Gazette and 
Oracle of 9th March, 1799. A day of 
general thanksgiving had been order 
ed, and the newspaper notice reads : 
" Notice is hereby given that prayers 
will be read in the North Government 
Building in this Town, on Tuesday, 
the 12th instant, being the day appoint 
ed for a General Thanksgiving 
throughout the Province to Almighty 
God for the late important victories 
over the enemies of Great Britain, ser- 



vice to begin half after eleven o clock." 
The north Government building was 
one of the two brick buildings at the 
foot of Berkeley street, used by the 
Legislature and officers of the Gov 

In the year 1797, President Peter 
Russell granted a lot of six acres bound 
ed by New, now Jarvis, King, Church 
and Adelaide streets, was set apart as 
a church plot. In the map, the south 
east corner of this was marked for the 
"parson." This kind was then 
covered with a dense forest of pine 
trees. On the 8th of January, 1803, a 
meeting of the male attendants at the 
Anglican services was held for the pur 
pose of raising funds to erect a church. 
The proceedings at this meeting are 
thus given in the Upper Canada Gaz 
ette of January 22 : 

" At a meeting of the subscribers to 
a fund for erecting a church in the 
town of York, hoLden at the Govern 
ment Buildings on Saturday, the 8th 
day of January, instant, the Hon. Chief 
Justce Elmsley in the chair, resolved 
unanimously : That each subscriber 
shall pay the amount of his subscrip 
tion by three instalments, the first 
being one moiety in one month from 
this day; the second being a moiety 
of the residue in two 1 months, and the 
remainder in three months; that Mr. 
William Allan and Mr. Duncan Cam 
eron shall be treasurers, and shall re 
ceive the amount of the said subscrip 
tions, and that they be jointly and 
severally answerable for all moneys 
paid into their hand upon the receipt 
of either of them; that his Honour the 
Chief Justice, the Honourable P. Rus 
sell, the Honourable Captain McGill, 
the Rev. Mr. Stuart, Dr. Macaulay, Mr. 
Chewett and the two treasurers, be a 
committee of the subscribers, with full 
power and authority to apply the 
moneys arising from subscriptions to 
the purpose contemplated; provided, 
nevertheless, that if any material dif- 
ferp.nce of opinion should aris among 1 
them, resort Shall be had to 
a meeting of the subscribers to 
decide; that t!he church be built ot stone, 
brick or framed timber, as the commit 
tee may julge most expedient, due re 
gard being had to the superior advan 
tages ot a stone or brick building, if 
not counterbalanced by additional 
expense; that eight hundred pounds of 
lawful mniney be the extent upon whi"h 
the committee shall calculate their 
plan, but in the first instance they 
sh-i.ll not expand beyond the sum of six 
hundred inouinds, if the amount ot this 
subscribed and paid into the hands 

ot the treasurers, together with the- 
moneys which may be allowed by the 
British Government amount to so 
much, leaving so much of the work 
as can most conveniently be dispensed 
with, to be completed by the remaining 
two hundred pounds; provided, how 
ever, t hat this sail six hundred pounds 
be fail out un such manner that Divine 
won-ihip cain be performed with decency 
101 the church; that the committee do 
request tlhte opinion of Mr. Berczy re- 
vspevtttng the probable expenses which 
will attend \he> undertaking, and re 
specting t:hi3 materials to be preferred, 
<lu3 regard beojnig had to the amount 
of fhe fund as afmresail, and that after 
obtaiimnig his opinion they do adver 
tise their readiness to receive propos 
als (.onlormable theielo. N. B The 
propriety of receiving contributions in 
labour or materials is suggested lo the 
committee. A. Macdonell, secretary of 
the meeting. - 

In the Gazette of June 4, of thte same 
year, appears the following advertise 
ment ; 

"Wa/nted, a quantity of boards and 
scantling, stones and lime, for build- 
iinig a tihurch in this town. Any person 
in lined to furnish any of these articles 
will please to give la their proposals 
at the lowest prices to the subscribers, 
to be laid before the committee. D. 
Cameron,, W. Allan. Tork, Jume 1, 

It was at first determined to build the 
church of stone, and the Gazette of July 
9, says: " On Wednesday last, the 6th 
instaint, a meeting of tlhe subscribers 
to the fund for erectiag a church in 
this towm Was held at the Governimjemi, 
Tuildings, on wihich occasion it was 
unanimously resolved; Tliat tihe said 
church should be built of stone; that 
one hundred tc.Lse of stone, should ac 
cordingly be contracted for without de 
lay; tlhat a quantity of two inch pine 
plank, not exceeding 6000 feet, sh* .01 Id 
also be iaid un. and a reasonable quan 
tity ot oak studs and oak plank for the 
window frames and sashes. A further 
meeting, we understand, 1 adds ihe Ga 
zette, "will be held i.n. the course of 
tlhe season, at which when (he differ 
ent estimates and proposals have been 
examined, and the extemt which the 
fund will reaclh has been ascertained, 
soiruet!ainjg decisive will be settled." 

At P siibpeqrent meeting to this it 
was definitely decided t hat the church 
v.iji i to, of wood. The pine trees at 
the south-west corner of the plot were 
cut down, and tere tha prumftive- 
dhiureh of York arose, the soldiers oi 


- - v ^-,"=37 7 ~ ;*r, "TTv-T* : T-*T 














. **:;. 



the garrison, by order of Col. Sheaffe. 
the commandant, raising the frame. | 
The church, as first erected, was j 
a plaun. structure of Wood, placed soTie ; 
yards bads from tihe road. Its gables 
faced east and west, its solitary door 
was at its western end, and approadhed 
from Church street. * Its diimeinsioins 
weire fifty by forty feet. Ttas sides of 
tlh.3. builciitng were pierce! by two rows 
ot ordinary windows, four aboye and 
four below. Altogeitiher it was in its ( 
outward appearance as a contemporary 
American " Georgaphical View of the 
Province of Upper Canada" describes 
it, simply " a meeting house for Fr>is- 
copahans." In tlh aceompamyinig illus- j 
tratiKm, from a sketch takeia early in < 
fcha pireiseuit centAiry, the Building is 
repreeemted as being in tihe madst at a 
great grove, amd stumps of various sizes 
are visible un Tine focegroaiad. 

The pew holders in St. James from 
1803 were as follows : President Peter 
Russell, Judges Cochrane and Boulton, 
Solicitor -General Gray, Receiver-Gen 
eral Prideaux Selby, Christopher Robin 
son. George Ciookshank, William 
Che-wett, J. B. Robinson, Alexander 
.Wood, William Willcocks, John Beikie, 
Alexander Macdonell, Ch ef Justice 
Elms ey, Ch ; ef Justice Osgoode, Chief 
Justice Scott, Chief Justice Powell, 
Attorneys-General Firth, William Jar- 
vis, Aeneas Shiw, Colonel Smith, D Arcy 
Boulton, WLllia,m Allan, Duncan Cam- 
eron, John Small, Thomas Ridoat, Wil 
liam Stanton, Stephen Heward, Donald 
McLean, Stephen Ja,rvis, Captain Mc- 
Gill, Colonel James Givins, Dr. J. B. 
MJaeanlay, Dr. Gamble, Dr. W. W. 
Baldwin, Dr. Lee, Q. St. George, John 
Denison, S. Playter, D. Brooke, Jos. 
Caiwthrat, Mr. John Scadding, Jesse 
Ketch um, Wm. Cooper, J. Ross, John 
Jordan. J. Kendrick, Joseph Hunt, 
John. EEggins, Mr. Anderson, Mr. 
Murchison, Mr. Bright, Mr. O Keefe and 
Ca,le,b Humphrey. The churchwardens 
for 1807-8 were D Arcy Boulton and 
William Allan. The. first incumbent of 
the church was the Rev. George O Kill 
Stuart, sulTsequently of St. George s, 
Kingston. Occasionally was to be heard 
Charles James, the second Bishop of 
Quebec, long a missionary in the east 
ern townships of Lower Canada before 
his appointment to the Episcopate. 

Other very early pew holders were 
Donald McLean, William Hamilton, 
Allan McNabb, Joshua Leach, T. Bingle, 
John Beikie, George Duggan, Alexan 
der Legge and John Scarlett. 

Though the church originated in 1803, 
it does not appear to have been opened 
for divine service until early in 1807. 

On February 28th, 1807, appears an 
advertisement in the Gazette notifying 
that the pews would be offered for sale 
by public auction on March 4th follow 
ing, and that when sold they would be 
subject to a ground rent of two dollars 
per annum for a single Pw and four 
for a double one. The first accounts 
show that from March 4th, 1807, until 
March 4th, 1808, the sum received for 
rents was "36 4s. Cd, Halifax cur 
rency," about 145. 

In 1810 a, portion of the church plot 
was enclosed a,t an expense of 1 5s. 
for ra.ils, of which five hundred were 
required for the purpose. At the same 
tune the ground in front of the west 
end entrance was cleared of stumps at 
a.n expense of 3 15s. In tha same year 
the cost for heating the building and 
the charges connected with the Holy 
Communion amounted to 1 7s. 6d., 
Halifax currency. In 1811 Dr. Strachan 
succeeded Dr. Stuart as incumbent of 
(hft church, and in 1818 he induced the 
congregation to effect some alterations 
an i additions in the structure. 

Dr. Scadding, in his " Toronto of 
Old," thus describes the first Episcopal 
clergyman of York : 

" Dr. O Kill Stuart, formerly rector 
j of this church, i.e., York, but subse- 
! quently of Kingston, used occasionally 
! when visiting York to officiate a very 
j tall, benevolent and fine-featured 
i ecclesiastic, with, a curious delivery, 
characterized by unexpected elevations 
and deprevssions of the voice, irrespec 
tive of the matter, accompanied by 
long- closings of the eyes, and then a 
sudden re-opening of the same. Wheto- 
i ever this preacher ascended the pul- 
I pit, one member of the congregation, 
j Mr. George Duggan, who had had, it 
i was understood, some trivial disagree- 
i ment with the doctor during his in- 
i cuooibency in former years, was always 
i expected by onlookers to rise and walk 
; out, and this he accordingly always did. 
! The movement seemed a regular part 
of the programme of the _day, and 
never occasioned any sensation." 

Another curiosity among the old 
i records Ls the entry of tne payment of 
I 3 7s. 9d., Halifax currency, on April 
! 4th, 1809, to Joshua Leach as paxt pay- 
| ment for the erection of the pulpit. 
I What the total cost was is not given. 

John Hayes was appointed sexton of 
the church at a yearly salary of 10, 
, or $40, on January 20th, 1813, and 
among h s duties was "digging the 
; graces, attending upon the door of th 
; dhuich a,t a,U times during divine ser- 
vice and to keep out dogs." A memo. 



is inserted thit he might charge $2 
for digging a, 

Another item in the early a,ccounls 
Is t!he receipt of 24 as pew rent for 
(lie two pews set apart for the use of 
the House of Assembly. It is dated 1811 
On March 18th, 1813, it was resolved 
at a meeting of the congregation that 
the burial ground should be fenced 
when the wardens ha,ve the money." 

The first record relating to the musi 
cal portion of the church services is 
dated Easter Monday, 1819, when it was 
resolved to pay Mr. Hefherington the 
sum of 20 annua,Uy for singing. From 
subsequent entries it would seem that 
this gentleman was the choir master. 
To return to the proposed alterations 
in the church. The first proposal was 
to extend the building eastward, not 
southward ; to have the belfry placed 
at the we&t end, not at the south > 
then the pulpit was to have been placed 
on the north side of the church and a 
south porch erected. An advertisement 
in the Gazette, of the early part of 
1818, reads: "Plans and estimates for 
enlarging and repairing the church will 
be received by the subscribers before 
the 20th of March, on which day a de 
cision will be ma4e, and the contractor, 
whose proposals shall be approved of, 
must commence tie work as the season 
will permit. The intention is, first, to 
lengthen the church forty feet towa,rd 
tie east with a, circular end, thirty of 
which to form part of the body of the 
church, a,nd the remaining ten an altar 
with a small vestry room on. the one 
side, ajid a, Government pew on the 
other ; second, to remove the pul 
pit to the north side, and to erect two 
galleries, one opposite to it and an 
other on the west end; third, to alter 
the pews to suit the situation of the 
pulpit, and to paint and number the 
same throughout the church ; fourth, 
to raise a belfry on the west end, and 
make a handsome entrance on the 
south side of the church, and to paint 
the whole building on the outside. 
Thomas Ridout, J. B Robinson, church- 
v.ardens; William Allan. Feb. 18, 1818." 
The intentions here detailed were not 
carried into effect. On the north and 
south sides of the old building addi 
tional space was enclosed, which 
brought the axis of the church and 
its roof into a north and south direc 
tion. An entrance was opened at the 
southern end, toward King street, and 
over the gable in this direction was 
built a square tower, bearing a circu 
lar bell turret, surmounted by a small 
tin-covered spire. The whole edifice, 
as thus enlarged and improved, was 

painted of a light blue colour, with 
the exception of the frames around 
the windo.vs and doors and tue casings 
at the angles, imitating blocks of stone 
alternately long and short, v, hichwere 
painted white. The original v.estern 
door was not closed up. It was sed al 
most exclusively on Sundays end other 
occasions when Divine worship was 
performed, to admit the troops, whose 
benches extended along by the wall on 
that side the whole length of the 
church. The upper windows on all the 
four sides were now made circular 
headed. On the east side there was a 
difference. The altar window of the 
original building remained, only trans 
formed into a kind of triplet, the cen 
tral compartment rising above the 
other two and made circular-headed. 
On the north and south side of this 
east window were two tiers of lights, 
as on the western side. In the bell 
turret was a bell of sufficient weight 
to jar sensibly the whole building at 
every one of its semi-revolutions. In 
the interior a central aisle or open 
passage led from, the door to the south 
ern end of the church, while on the 
floor was situated a pw of state for 
the Lieutenant-Governor, with small, 
square pillars at its four corners, sus 
taining a fiat canopy over it. Immedi 
ately utfder the ceiling of the gallery, 
and below the distinctive covering just 
mentioned, suspended aigainst the Avail, 
were the Royal Arms emblazoned on 
a black tablet. Half way up the central 
aisle.on the right side.was an open space, 
in whicn were placed the pulpit, read 
ing desk and clerk s pew, in the old 
orthodox fashion, rising by jgradations 
one above the other, the whole over 
shadowed by a rather handsome 
sounding board, sustained partially by 
a rod from the roof. Behind this 
mountainous structure was the altar 
lighted copiously by the original east 
window. Two narrow side-aisles run 
ning parrjlel with the central one gave 
acccess to corresponding rows of pews, 
each having a nr-imeral painted on it 
door. Two passages for the same pur 
pose ran westward frt>m the space in 
front of the pulpit. To the right and 
left of the. Lieutenant-Governor s seat, 
and filling uip with the exception of 
two square-corner pews the rest of 
the northern end of the church were 
two oblong pews; the. one on the west 
j appropriated to the officer of the 
I garrison, the other on the east to the 
i members of the Legislature. Round 
i the north, west and south sides, of the 
interior ran a gallery divided like the 
area below into pews. This structure 
was sustain** top a row of pillars of 



turned wood, and from it to the root 
above rase, another row of similar sup 
ports. The ceiling over the parts ex 
terior to the gallery was divided into 
four shallow semi-circular vaults, 
which met at a central point. The 
pews everywhere were painted of a buff 
or yellowish hue, with, the exception 
of the rims at the top, which were 
black. The pulpit and its appurten* 
ances were white. The rims or cor 
nices on the pews just referred to, 
throughout the whole church, exhibit 
ed at regular intervals small gimlet 
holes; in these were inserted annually 
at Christmas-tide small sprigs of hem 
lock spruce. The. interior, when thus 
dressed, wore a cheerful, refreshing 
look in keeping with the festival com 

How the money wa^ obtained for the 
(enlargement of the church is told by 
the Christian Recorder for 1819. It says 
tha-t "a very respectable church was 
built at York, in the Borne District, 
many years ago, which at that time ac 
commodated the inhabitants, but for 
some years past it had been found too 
small, and several attempts were made 
to enlarge and repair it. A t length 
in April, 1818, in a meeting ot the 
whole congregation, it was resolved to 
enlarge the church, and a committee 
was appointed to suggest the most ex 
peditious and economical method of 
doing it. The committee reported that 
a subscription in the way of loan, 
to be repaid when the seats were sold, 
was th most promising method no 
subscription to be taken- under twenty- 
five pounds, payable in four instal 
ments. Two gentlemen were selected 
to carry the subscription paper round, 
and in three hours from twelve to thir 
teen hundred dollars were subscribed. 
Almost all the respectable gentlemen 
gave in loan fifty pounds, and the 
Hon. Justice Bpulton and George 
Crookshank, Esq., contributed one 
hundred pounds each to accomplish so 
good an object. The church was en 
larged, a steeple erected, and the 
whole building, with its galleries, 
handsomely finished. In January last 
when everything was completed, the 
pewis were sold at a year s credit, and 
Drought more money than the repairs 
and enlargement cost. Therefore the 
inhabitants of York erect a very hand 
some church, at a very little expense 
to themselves, for every one may have 
his subscription money returned, or it 
may o-o towards payment of a pew, and, 
what is more, the persons who sub 
scribed for the first church, count the 
amount of their subscription as part 
of^ the price of their new pews. This 
fair arrangement has been eminently 
successful and gave great satisfaction. 

George Crookshank, Esq., notwith 
standing |he greatness of. his sabacrip- 

; tion and the pains which he took in 
getting tha church well finished, has 
presented the clergyman with cushions 
for the pulpit and reading desk cov 
ered with the richest and finest dam 
ask, and likewise cloth for the com 
munion table. Thias pious liberality 

i cannot be too much commended; it tells 
us that the benevolent zeal of ancient 
times is not entirely done away. The 
congregation were so much pleased that 

I a vote of thanks was unanimously of 
fered to Mr. Croofcshank for his muni 
ficent present." 


The pulpit, sounding board and desk 
had been a gift of Governor Gore to the 
original church, and had cost the sum 
of one hundred dollars. The Hon. John 
Henry Dunn provided the Communion 
plate, and in tha Loyalist of March 1, 
1828, is found the following acknow 
ledgment: "The undersigned acknow 
ledges the receipt of 112 18s 5d from 
the Hon. Henry Dunn, being the price 
of a superb set of communion plate 
presented by him to St. James church 
at this place. J. B. Macaulay, church 
warden. York, 23rd February, 1828." 

A history of St. James would 
be incomplete .without further 



mention of the clerks and the music, the parties being at Paris, the lady ran 
Tlha first clerk was Mr. Hetherington. away from her fathers home and fled 
His habit was afcer giv ing out a psakn to t ha lodigimgs of her lover. The up- 
to play the air an a bassoai and then 
to accpmipainiy with fantasias on the 
same instrument sucih vocalists as fait 
inclined to take part in the singing. 
A choir from time to time had been 
formed. Once two rival choirs were 
heard on trial in the church, one of 
them strong in instrumental resources 
having the aid of a bass viol, clarionet, 
and bassocxn, the other more dependent 
on its vocal excellences. The instru 
mental choir triumphantly prevailed, 
and as has been stated, in 1819 an al 
lowance of was paade to Mr. Bet.her- 

to the lodigin^s of her lover. 
shot ot tha whole affair was a mar 
riage and a reconciliation. The Duke 
of Richmond came to Canada as Gov 
ernor-General, and Sir Peregrine as 
Lieutenant-Governor. On the sttaff of 
the latter was his son, Peregrine, by 
a former marriage. The Duke of Rich 
mond met a horrible death. At Sorel, 
while on a tour of inspection, he was 
bitten by a pet fox, and at a place 
subsequently callod Richmond, near 
Ottawa, hydrophobia set in with fa 
tal results. Berei, too, was to be seen 
Sir John Colborne his right shouldeo* 

ington for singing and giving instruc- j shattered by a cannon ball at dudad 
turn in ehjurch music. One ot the pi in- Rodrigo. In the gallery, at the south- 


cipai emcouragers of the vocalist parly 
was Dr. Alexander Burnside. But. all 
expedients for doing what was in rteali;y 
the work of the congregation itslt 
were unreliable, and tlhe clerk or 
dhjoiirmaster often, found himself a soli 
tary performer. Mr. He thering ton s 
successor was Mr. John Fenton, a 
rather small, shrewd featured person, 
not deficient in self-esteem. Not in 
frequently Mr. Fenton, after giving out 
the portion o>t Taie and Brady, which 
it pleased him to select, would execute 
the whole of it as a solo to some ac 
customed air, with graceful variations 
o has own. All this would be done 
with great coolness and apparent selt- 
Ba tisfaction. "VVinile the discourse was 
goomg on in Iihe pufpit albove him it 
was his way joFten to lean himself re 
signedly back in a corner ot his pew 
and throw a wnlte cambric handker 
chief over his head ani face. Mr. Fen- 
ton s emo/ployment as official mouthpiece 
ot the English church did not stand in 
the way of his. making himself useful 
as a class leader among ttoe Wesleyan 
Methodists. Mr. Fenton afterwards re 
moved to tha United States, where he 

ern end of the church, alao, was 
Long, narrow, enclosed pew, with Its 
high sreen at the back, occupied by 
Chief Justice Powell. To his place, in 
the body of the, church, was regularly 
assisted the white-haired, venerable 
Chief Justice Scott. The long pew, 
on the west side of the Governor s seat, 
was allotted to the military, and here 
were to be seen, from time to time, 
the officers more or Jess noted, who 
made York their temporary abiding 
place. The compartment, on the east 
side of the Governor s pew, was set 
apart for the members* of the Legisla 
ture when in session. Here, in win 
ter, were to be observed all the politi 
cal notabilities of the day, for Non 
conformists as well as Conformists at 
tended worship at St. James . Here 
sat Colonel Nichol, afterwards killed 
by driving over a precipice at Queen- 
ston; Mr. Homer, Dr. Lefferty, Haon- 
net Pinhey, MahLon Burwell, Absolom 
Shade, Speaker Sherwood and William 
Lyon Mackenzie. Mr. Chisholm, of Oak- 
ville, used facetiously to object to the 
clause in the Litany where "heresy 
and schism" are deprecated^ it so hap- 

obtamaai Holy Orders iin the Episcopal ! pening^that the last word was usually 


Wilihin this first church of St. James 
used to asseuruble representatives ot 
every class iin Tork. In the Governor s 
pew, at the so-uth end of the church, 

was to be seen during his stay here 
Sir Peregrine Maitland, ever am ob- 
ject of curiosity from tne romance con 
nected with his marriage. Sir Pere 
grin and Lady Sarah Lennox were 
both at that famous ball given at 
Brussels by the Duchess of Richmond, 
an the night before the battle ot 
Waterloo. Lady Sarah was the- daugh 
ter ot t)ha Duke of Rishnnoad who op 
posed (her marriage to Sir Peregrine. 
Soon after the "UHaterloo ca*nroaie-n. all 

a Scotticism pronounced Chisholm. 
Here and there wasi one who had been 
out" for satisfaction. In the eastern 
portion of the north gallery sat the 
young ladies af the school of Misses 
Purcell and Rose, objects of admira- 
yoiuths of the congrega 
tion. Throughout the church were to 
be observed the forms of the founders 
of York in their (to us) quaint dress 
partially cut-away black coats and up 
right collars, small clothes and buckled 
shoes, frilled shirt bosoms and. white 
cravats, with powdered hair and 
smoothly shaven faces. Such was the 
picture which was presented at St. 
James every Sunday. 



Besides the appointed clergyman 
there were to be heard in the pulpit 
and reading desk, from time to time, 
the Rev. Joseph Hudson, the military 
chaplain at this post; Mr. Addison, of 
St. Mark s Church, Niagara, chaplain 
of the first Provincial Parliament, who 
used to walk to and from, church in his 
canonicals, in the old-fashioned way, 
recalling the period when the clergy 
wore the cassock and gown in the 
streets. Mr. Addison presented his 
library to the rectory at Niagara, 

ways endeavoured to conform to the 
old English custom of turning to the 
east, but to do this in the desk of the 
old church was difficult. 

As will be gathered from this his 
tory, the first Anglican church of 1803- 
1807 was little more than a "meeting 
house," constructed of wood, standing 
nearly ctn the same site as the present 
St. James Cathedral does, but, unlike 
that edifice, which runs north and 
south, it faced east and west, which, 
according to the ideas obtaining among 


where it still remains, of interest chief 
ly as showing the line of reading of 
a. theologian of the last century. The 
chaplain to the Legislative Assembly, 
the Rev. William Macaulay, was a 
preacher always listened to with 
attention. Another divine was Dr. 
Thomas Phillips, a well-read cleric, in 
personal appearance very clerical, in 
the old-fashioned sense. He was one of 
the last wearers of hair powder in this 
vicinity. In reading the creed he al- 

Anglicans, Roman Catholics and fol 
lowers of the Greek church, is the only 
way in which a church should be built. 
A cut of the first building is given, as 
is also one of what the building was 
like after its enlargement in 1818-19 
under the direction of the Rev. John 
Strachan, the then rector of York, he 
having sutveeded Archdeacon G. O K. 
Stuart in 1811. 

A reproduction of the interior of 
the building Ls also given. Th 



large pew at the southern end, 
which is surmounted by the royal 
arms, was thai of the Lieutenant-Gov 
ernor, while the first of the three 
large square pews, just underneath 
the pulpit, was that se,t apart for mem 
bers of the Legislature. When the al 
terations were finally completed, the 
outer windows had circular heads given 
to them, and galleries, which do not 
appear to ever have been used much, 
were also added. 

The benches at the back of the pews 
were then used by such of the soldiers 
of the garrison as attended the ser 
vices of the Anglican church. 

This edifice remained in use until 
1830, when it was replaced by a stone 
building. The pulpit was removed to 
St. Margaret s Anglican church in Scar- 
boro , where it is still to be seen. 

if they demanded the same, be credited 
oae-third of the price of the pews that 
they purchased in the new church, no 
exceeding in number those which they 
possessed in the old church; that no per 
son be entitled to the privilege grant 
ed by the last resolution who shall not 
have paid up the whole purchase money 
of his pew in the old cljurch; that the 
present church remain as it is till the 
new! one is finished; that after the new 
church is completed the materials of the 
present one be sold to the highest bid 
der, and the proceeds of the same be 
applied to the liquidation of any debt 
that may be contracted in erecting the 
new church or furnishing the same, and 
that the upset price of pews in the new 
church be twenty-five pounds cur- 

Tenders were invited for the build- 


There are not many of those who wor 
shipped in the building from 
1830 remaining, though Dr. Scaddmg, 
G W. Allan, Mr. Clarke Gamble, 
Colonel D Arcy Bpulton, of Cobourg, 
Lieut -Col. R. B. Denison, and possibly 
onl or two more are still living in 

18 S n April 20th., 1829, at a meeting of 
St James congregation it was resolv 
ed , with only "one dissentient VOK* 
that it was necessary to build a new 
church. In fact the growth of the town 
and congregation necessitated 
tionj of a, more commodious church edi 
fice. As a part of the scheme for rais 
ing funds for the new building, it was 
decided by the congregation: 
the pew-holders of the present churcn.. 

ing of the new church, and on October 
22, 1831, the following contract was e 
tered into reading: 

"An agreement made and ent- 
into the twenty-second day of 
in the year of our Lord, one thousand 
eieht hundred and thirty-one. 
" Between D Arcy Boulton, junior,, of 
the town of York, in the Home District 

George Duggan, of the f^ 
merchant, of the first part; m 
chey, of the same place, carpenter 
builder of the second part Jae 
chum oC York aforesaid, Inquire, 

Silverthorn, of the township. 



Toronto, in the District aforesaid, yeo 
man, of the third part: Whereas at a 
public meeting of the parishioners of the 
parish of St. James, in the town of York 
aforesaid, it was determined on rebuild 
ing the Church of St. James in the said 
parish; and whereas at the said meet 
ing the above-named D Arcy Boulton, 
Robert Stanton, William Henry Drap 
er, James Grant Chewett and George 
Duggan, were by the said parishioners 
appointed a committee for superintend 
ing the building of the said church, 
and were authorized to advertise for 
and enter Into a contract, or contracts 
for rebuilding the said church ; 

"And, whereas, at a meeting of the 
said committee, a proposal or tender 

of the work to be performed by the 
said John Ritchey in re-building the 
said church; novv these presents wit 
ness, that for carrying the said agree 
ment into execution the said D Arcy 
Boulton, Robert Stanton, William 
Henry Draper, James Grant Chewett 
and George Duggan, in behalf of 
themselves and of the parishioners, on 
the one part, and the said John Ritchey, 
on the other part, do hereby mutually 
contract, declare and agree as follows : 
"First The said John Ritchey doth 
covenant and agree with the said 
D Arcy Boulton, Robert Stanton, Wil 
liam Henry Draper, James Grant Chew 
ett and George Duggan, and the sur 
vivors and survivor of them and the 


from the said John Ritchey was re- [ 
oeived for the erecting and building 
the said church; and of the whole of ; 
the said work to be done thereto, ac- I 
cording to the drawings, plans and j 
specifications made out and now in the 
possession of the said committee, for 
the sum of seven thousand four nun- | 
dred and twenty-five pounds currency; j 
and such proposal and tender were j 
agreed to by the said committee upon 
tba terms and conditions hereinafter 
mentioned ; 

"And whereas the said Jesse Ket- j 
chum and Thomas Silverthorn have 
consented and agreed to become bound 
as sureties for the due fulfilment of 
the contract hereinafter mentioned and 

executors and the administrators of 
such survivor, that he, the said John 
Ritchey, in consfderation of the sum 
of seven thousand four hundred and 
twenty-five pounds, hereinafter agreed 
to be- paid to him, shall and will, at 
tb& to*vn of York aforesaid, on such 
spot as shall be pointed out to him 
by the said D Arcy Boulton, Robert 
Stanton, W.illiam Henry Draper. James 
Grant Chewett and George Duggan, at 
his own expense in every respect, erect 
and build, cover-in and glaze, paint, 
plaster, stucco and completely finish 
with all necessary stone-work, brick 
work, carpentry, joinery, iron-work, 
plastering, stucco, and in every respect 
make .fit for the use of the said con- 



gregation, agreeable to the specifica 
tions hereto annexed, all and singular 
* said ci urch or building mentioned 
or specified in the plan hereunto an 
nexed; the whole to be completed on 
oTbefore the first day of September 
in the year of our Lord one thousand 
eight hundred and thirty- three 

Secondly-That, in consideration of 
the said sum of seven thousand fou 
hundred and twenty-five pounds to be 
SS. to the said John Ritchey, as here- 
Ster mentioned, to, the *** 
Ritchey doth hereby agree with 
SS. parties of the first part, that he 
will lund and provide every material 
oi every nature and description ot the 
?ry bek kiiLd to be used in arcd abou 
3 erection of the said church at his 
own proper COB* and charge. 

"Thlrdly-That he, the mid John 
/ cball and will erect the said 
u^der the immediate superm- 
ot the said parties hereto ot 
the fun* part; or of suohi architect 
the time being appointed by th* >m or 
the survivor oil hem; and that 
partaes hereto ot the first part or such , 
Stect to be by them appointed I 
sfhiall have full power and authority ; 
to give directions for and regulate the | 
bringing in proper materials to be used s 
Direction and completing at the, 
saaid c hurch; and also the mode am. 
aasmner of performing thie several 
works wi and about the same, anl 
SSVto shall think fit full power , 
to reject any improper materials as 
aforesaid of every description, and 
require the said John Ritchey to sub- 
sSme better materials in lieu of such , 
as they should think improper; and 
Snerally to take care that every part j 
of the work in the erecting the sain 
chiurdh be dome in a good and wo 

"jvourtiiiv ^.-uw. the sei l D Arcy Boul 
ton Robert Stanton, William Henry 
Draper, James Grant Chewett and Geo. 
DoffBtem, do hereby agree to and wit 
the said Johin Ritchey. his .executors 
administrators and assigns }* manner . 
following; that is to * ** tney 
the sail D Arcy Boulton, Kobart Sta* 
ton, William Henry Draper, Jame 
Grant Chewett and George Duggan, as 
Sh committee for the building of the 
said tlhurch as aforesaid, shall and will \ 
my unto 1;he said John Ritchey the said , 
Si ot seven thousand four hundred 
and twenty-five pounds in manner 1 
lowing; Utot is to say, the sum of on 
thousand pounds immediately on tr 
signature of these presents; and whe 
the sum of one thousand pounds 
been expanded in work and materials 

for the. said church, and delivered on 
the ground whereon the same is to i be 
built, to be ascertained either by the 
parties of the first part, or certificate 
ot a n arcihiiitect to be by them appointed! 
as aioresail, the residue of the said sum 
ot seven thousand four hundred and 
twenty-five pounds, in manner follow 
ing ; that is to say, the sum ot eighty 
pounds per centum upon tihe value of 
so much of the said church as shall 
at the end of every month, from and 
after the expenditure of the said_ one 
thousand pounds be completed in a 
workmainlike manner; and on the value 
of su.-h materials as shall then be pro 
vided aind delivered over aind above thA 
value ot the said one thousand pounds, 
or ot the last moiutihly valuation, and 
the residue of tine said sum of seven 
fchousaind four hundred and twenty- 
five pounds, when the said building or 
church shall be completely finished 
and delivered over; provided, always, 
nevertheless, that no such payment 
as last aforesaid shall be made to the 
said John Ritchey without the consent 
amd approbation of tihe said Jesse 
Ketcihum and Thomas Silverthorn, first 
provi ed in writing to tihe said D Arcy 
Boulton, William Henry Draper, James 
Grant Clhewett and George Dugigan. 

"Fifthly And It iis hereby declared 
and agreed upon by and between the 
sail parties Iieireto of the first part, 
and the said John Ritchey, that in case 
tlhey, the said, parties hereto or 
first pa;rt, or the survivors or survivor 
ot them or the executors or admin 
istrators of tne said survivor should 
direct any more work to be performed 
or done in and a,bout the said church 
t(ha<n is ooin tained in tihe schedule here- 
under written or annexed, tlhen 
such, case the parties of the first part 
OT tihe eoirvivors o>r survivor OL them, or 
the executors or administrators of 
survivor slhall or will pay, or cause: tato" 
pjld, to tihe said John Ritchey, his exe 
cutors, administrators or assigns, so 
inuclh money as tin* said exitra work aind 
the materials used therein shall reasor 
ably be wortih, cost or amount to; any- 
tthimg before contained to the contrary 
thereof notwithstanding; subject neve, 
theless, to this proviso, that such direc 
tion and payment for any such extra 
work shall not be in any manner < m- 
strued into a waiving or breaking oi 
the*e articles of agreement in any i 

-And it is hereby covenant- 
difference should ha,ppen to < 



tween them touching the said church 
hereby agreed to be erected and built 
as aforesaid, or couching or concern 
ing other matter or thing whatsoever 
relating to the work hereby contracted 
to be done, or such additional or extra 
work, if a,ny, or touching, or concern 
ing the construction or meaning of 
these presents ; then such dispute or dif 
ference shall be left to the determina 
tion and award of three indifferent 
rersons, one to be named by the parties 
hereto of thjs first part, or the sur 
vivors or survivor of them, or the ex 
ecutors or administrators of such sur 
vivor ; another by the said John 
Ritchey, his executors, administra^ 
tors or arssfigns, and the third by the 
lersons so first chosen, immediately or 
within ten days after notice of such 
dispute or difference ; and if either of 
the, said parties of the first and second 
paxts shall by any writing under their 
or his hand or hands request the other 
party to refer any such dispute to 
arbitration, and to nominate any fit I 
person or persons to be arbitrator or j 
arbitrators on their or his part and j 
lehalf, and the party to whom such > 
request shall be made shall for the , 
space of ten days after such requests 
shall be made refuse or neglect so to do, j 
or refuse or neglect to execute a paper ; 
a,s arbitration bond, then, and, in j 
either such case, it shall and may l . 
la.wful to and for the person or person* i 
chosen ais arbitrator or arbitrators by | 
ihe party making such request as afore- ! 
said by a.ny writing under his or their j 
hand or hands to choose some person I 
to apt aft arbitrator for the party so j 
neglecting or refusing ; and the per- j 
sans so chosen arbitrators as herein- i 
before is mentioned thereupon, and i 
with n three days afterwards proceed | 
to choose an umpire ; and the major j 
part of such arbitrators or umpire i 
shall within one weak from the time j 
of such reference a.n award in i 
the matters to be referred to them, 
with power, .nevertheless, for the sadd ; 
miajor part of the said arbitrators and j 
umpire from time to time to enlargft 
tie time for making their said award ; j 
so as the said enlarged time shall not i 
exceed one calendar month from the i 
time of such arbitration first commenc- I 
ing; arid the said a,ward shall Ve final and i 
conclusive on ail parties thereto, ajid in 
particular if either of the said parties j 
shall have refused, declined or neglect- j 
ed to become) a party to such reference i 
after such nature as afomsaid, the I 
parties PO refusing or neglecting shall i 
I* bound and concluded by all the pro- j 
oeedlngs therein, and by the award to 

be made therein in the some manner to 
all intents and purposes as if the said 
party, had been, actually a party to the 
said reference and joined therein; and 
for the further and better enforcing 1 
the performance and observance of every 
or any award so made a<3 aforesaid the 
reference or submission for, or in re 
spect of the same, shall from time to 
time be made a rule of His Majesty s 
Court of King s Bench for Upper Can 
ada, according to the statute in such 
case made and provided. 

"Seventhly And; it is hereby further 
agreed by and between the said parties 
of the first and second part, that the 
act or determination of the majority 
of the persons herein- before named of 
the first part shall be considered and 
taken as the act of the whole of the eaid 
parties of the first part. 

"Eighthly And it is hereby further 
covenanted and agreed by and between 
the parties of the first and second part 
hereto that in building the said church 
the said party of the second part shall 
be at liberty to make use of all such 
ground as shall be open and not in use 
for graves, but that in no respect shall 
he allow any materials or other things 
to be placed in or upon any graves or 
ioanbs within the church-yard. 

"And the said Jasse Ketchumj and 
Thomas Silverthorn do hereby for them 
selves, and for, in and on behalf of their 
executors and administrators, covenant, 
grant and agree to and with the said 
parties of the first part, and the sur- 
vivors and survivor of them, and the 
executors and administrators of such 
survivor in manner following; that is 
to say, that the said John Ritchey shall 
and will well and truly expend in work 
and materials for the said church the 
said sum of one thousand pounds, so to 
be advanced as aforesaid; and further, 
that he shall and will within the eaid 
time above limited for so doing, well, 
truly and faithfully build and in all 
things complete the said church ac 
cording to this agreement hereinbefore 
contained, and according to the plans 
and specifications hereto annexed. 

"In witness whereof the parties of 
these, presents have hereunto set their 
hands and seals the day and year first 
above wrilten, and in the second year 
of his Majesty s reign.. 

"Signed, sealed and delivered in the 
preseance of 

"John Strachan, S. Washburn, George 
Dugcan. John Ritchey, D. Boulton, jr., 
Robt. Stanton, AVan. H. Draper, J. C. 
Chewett, Jesse Ketch urn, Thomas Sil- 



(The name of Mr. Chewett having 
been throughout interlined.) 

"Dimensions. The size of the eaid 
church to be (exclusive of the projec 
tion, of the plinth) one hundred and 
forty 1 feet long the body of the church 
by eighty feet wide. The tower is to 
project, (beyond the one hundred and 
forty feet), nine feet six inches by 
twenty feet six inches square. 

"Excavations The foundations for 
all the exterior walls to be excavated 
four feet deep below the ground line 
and of sufficient width for building the 
walls. Interior foundations to be ex 
cavated three feet below the ground 
line and of sufficient width for build 
ing the walls. 

imches thick at the footing, and from 
footing to ground line three feet two 
inches thick; from ground line to ground 
f oor line two feet eleven inches thick. 
Partly formed choir walls to be three 
feet below below the ground line, and 
from ground line to ground floor line, 
four feet high and two feet thick. 
Ten piers for columns to be built three 
feet square from foundation to floor 
line, and ten piers to be built for the 
sleeper beams two feet square from 
foundation to floor line; all these foun 
dation walls are to be built of good 
rubble work of lake stone to be laid on 
their natural beds and well bedded and 
banded in good strong mortar. 
"Walls The tower walls to be four 


^ snurv e rr^ c? csnf i-j F5 


"Masonry. Foundations of exterior 
walls to be four feet below the ground 
line. The footings to the foundation of 
the tower to be four feet ten inches 
thick, and about ten inches high, from 
said footing to ground line four feet, 
six inches thick, and from ground line 
to ground floor line four feet three 
inches thick. 

"Sid walls to have a footing three 
feet ten inches thick, and about ten 
inches high from eaid footing to ground 
line, three feet six inches thick from 
ground line to ground floor line, three 
feet four inches thick. 

"The end walls to be three feet six 

feet thick, from the ground floor lin 
to the top of the entablature then two 
set-off to be made at the top of the 
bass of pedestal of six inches each ; 
each leaving the thickness of the walls 
of the pedestal three feet thick. The 
tower to rise- one foot above the ridg? 
of the roof and the stone cornice, an;l 
bricking course above that, making the 
whole height of the tower sixty-two 
feet, six inches from the floor line. 

"Side walls to bp. thirty-six feet high 
from floor line to the eaves, to be 
three thick opposite the piers,_and two 
feet six inches between the piers. 

"End walls to be two feet eight 



inches thick opposite the piers, and 
two feet two inches thick between the 

"Gable walls to be one foot six inches 
thick. The whole of the above walls 
above the ground-line are to be built 
on the outside with regular courses 
Kingston-hammered stone, and the in 
side with lake stone, all well bedded 
and bonded, and kept straight and 

"The inside partition walls to be 
built of brick, eighteen inches thick 
the first storey and fourteen inches 
thick on the second storey. 

"Water table A cut stone water 
table to be put all around the build 
ing sixteen inches thick, well weathered 
down from the face of wall, well tooled, 
jointed and set. 

"Windows, etc. The jambs, heads and 
sills of all the windows to be/ cut stone. 

"The. base moulding and cornice of 
the pedestal of the tower, the recess 
for the clock, the door sills and chim 
neys above the roof all to be of cut 
stone, well dressed, cut fair and square, 
well set and bedded and bonded into 
the walls in a proper manner. All this 
cut stone to be Burlington stone. 

"Wing walls and larding Excavate 
for the wing walls, for steps and land 
ing, four feet deep, the whole of the 
side of the wing walls to bei built in 
the same manner as the .walls of the 
buildings, four feet below the grr>ut>d 
line, built up with stone rubble \ >rk 
to receive the steps and landings. The 
whole of these steps and landings to 
the five entrances to be of Kingston 
cut stone, well worked, the landings 
to be laid in regular courses, well 
bedded and jointed. 

"Plastering The whole of the plas 
tering" to be done in gcod, three-coat 
work, and the outside walls of the 
body of the church to be furred and 
lathed, proper cornices; and entabla 
ture to be worked, and the niche head 
of the communion recess to be pan 
elled; lathing 1 and plastering of ceil 
ings, partitions, etc., to be of igood, 
double, narrow-split pine or cedar laths. 

"Painting and glazing All the paint 
ing necessary for the inside of the 
church to be three-coat work ; (he glaz 
ing to be done in a neat manner, well 
bedded with black putty. 

"Carpentry To prepare and fix four 
tiers of sleeper beams, ten by sixteen 
inches, to run lengths ise of the church, 
and to 1 be well bedded on the stone 
piers built for that purpose, and pre 
pare and fix ground floor wall-plates, 
two and a half by eight inches, bedded 
on the walls. Prepare and fix a good 

floor of joists, three and a half by 
fourteen inches, and two feet from 
centre to centre, and gained down to 
sleeper -beams, and bedded on (he wall 
pla,te -a,ll to be well laid s.nd level ; pre 
pare a sufficient number of wood blocks 
ajid bond -timber s for all the openings, 
wheire (necessary for the fixing of all 
the joiners work, and delivered to the 
mason, in time to te built in the walls. 
Make and fix ajl thle centres for the 
masons, and proper lintels for the aper 
tures where necessary ; prepare and. fix 
tlen p ine pasts to be set on the oak 
tetmplets, well bedded on stone piers, 
which sa,i;d posts are to run up and 
frame into tile principal rafters ; pre 
pare and fix a tier of wall-plates for 
gtaj eries, six by ten inches, and to be 
well l^edded on, the wajl. Prepare pro 
per timbers for tha two sides and end 
gallery, and well f ram s said timibers 
i,nto the principa,! posts and cocked on 
to the wall-p La,tes, and filled in with 
joists framed two feet from centre to 

"Tha roof to be framed with six pairs 
of principals and properly trussed, withi 
King and. Queen posts, collar beams, 
etc., snd to he well framed and secured 
with iron, suitable to the size of the 
building, and to be covered with 1 one 
inch and a ( quarter inch boards, square 
jointed, and eighteen inch good pine 
sh .ngles, laid four and a half inches 
to the wea,ther and painted with tw r o 
coat dark colour ; good bold moulding, 
horizontal and raking cornices ; to pre 
pare a,nd properly fix to timbers built 
i.n for that purpose, and the parapeij 
to be of wood properly prepared a.nd 
fixed ; put two tier of oak beams in the 
tower, 3,nd two beams in each tier, cock 
ed ctn to the wa,ll, plates of oa,k also 
framed at the angles. A floor of joists 
with c.n/e and a ha,lf inches rough floor, 
laid an the top tier of the sa,id beams. 
Twelve windows to be made and fixed 
in the two sides and west end of the 
church, with proper boxed frames and 
sunk sills; two inch sashes, franked 
and donel ed, to be made in three 
heights; <nd tbe top and bottom sashes 
to ttei humg- with iron weights, brafel 
pul lies, ajDtd parent lines; to be eight 
f-yiunres wide and twelve high to the 
springing, ten by fourteen glass, with! 
circular heads a,ll properly wrought 
and thle frames well bedded in the walls. 
A circular headed window to be made 
and fixed in the communion recess with 
mullion transom rail, sunk and moulded 
piaster, proper boxed frame and sunk 
sill, two inch sashes properly made 
twelve squares high and nine do. wide, 
eleven by fifteen inch gla3s, the top 





sash in the centre part to be hung same 
as the other sashes. The four windows 
east end to be twenty-four heights, each 
ten by twelve glass ; the upper two 
windows to be circular heads, to be 
properly made and single hunig two 
small windows to be. mad and fixed in 
tihe tower aJbove the roof with solid 
frames huiag with butthinges and fas 
tened witlh two bolts. Prepare amd fix 
angle beads to all the windows to re 
ceive fine plaster, jambs, as high as the 
springing of tine arch. And prepare and 
fix proper grounds for tine plastering 
where necessary throughout thebuild- 
wng. Prepare and lay a cunyi and a half 
unkth batten floor, wrought, grooved and 
tongued and well nailed throughout 
tihe grcnnd fit or. And prepare and fix 
two good substantial staircases to lead 
to galleries; the steps to be twelve 
indues wide and rise about six and a 
half inches, well blocked and framed 
carriages and done in a substantial 
manner. Prepare and fix one, one and 
a half inches skirting , ten inches deep 
throughout where necessary, with a 
good, bold moulding; frame in and fix 
proper beures and risors for the step- 
piaigs in the galleries throughout; and 
prepare aimd lay a one amd a half inch 
floor, wrought, grooved, amd tongued 
throughout said galleries, all well 
nailed aind secured. Prepare and fix 
stout rabbited dcor frames. Eo all 
the outside entrances with two and a 
naif inch doors, moulded both sides with 
good "bold moulding and raised panels, 
fxriashied with one and a half inch jaflnb 
tuning and soffit to correspond with the 
doors amd proportionable doubled faced 
architraves, and bold band mouldings 
fims"hed on plinths; prepare and fix a 
good proportionable frontispiece to each 
of the side doors, and a suitable iro>n 
rimmed kx-k with brass knots put on 
each, amd to be _properly hung with 
suitable (hiniges. The principal entrance 
doors to be made folding; tihe centre 
doors between ttue tower and centre 
aisle to be made folding also, and tihe 
whofe of the* inside doors to be two- 
inch fraoned panelled and moulded, 
jaunib linings and soffit to correspond, 
and the finashings all to be the same. 
Tibs four inside, dcoirs at the east end 
to have a seven inch Took on each, and 
tine three doors at the other end to 
have a door-spring and handle on each. 
Prepare and fix proper ribs for the 
centre ecliptic ceiling, amd also over 
tine- satLd gallery, twelve inches apart, 
to receive the fathing; frame and fix 
a, studded partition to form a proper 
curve tor the. communion recess. Pre 
pare and fix proper ribs from, top oi the 

said partition, to form tius niche-head 
and ribs for fch/a panelling ct the same 
to be got to it. True curve and put 
up in a proper maininqr a platform to be 
raised in the said recess, with two mould 
steps in Trout and a fie or laid tihiough- 
out. Prepare and fix a pulpit, neatly 
framed and panelled and moulded, sup 
ported by Ionic coiumns with carved 
capitals and moulded bases, and geo 
metrical staircase, moulded handrail, 
to be fitted up with walnut and finish 
ed in a neat, workmanlike manner and 
well secured. The reading desk and 
clerk s ditto to be framed and panelled 
with walnut and correspond to the pul 
pit and finished in a neat manner. 
Prepare and fix ten Ionic columns pro 
perly glued up, of sufficient thickness, 
and well blac ked, properly wrought 
and diminished, each to have proper 
carved capitals; two half ones sides of 
eommunion to have moulded bases; 
and prepare and put up two small Col 
umns under the end gallery to be 
wrought solid and to be finished in the 
same style as the large ones. Prepare 
and fix a moulded plancier over top 
of large columns to be continued round 
the building; and prepare and fix pro 
per bracketing for the plaster entab 
lature over the same, and prepare and 
fix a framed and panelled plancier 
round under the gallery beams; and 
put a proportional entablature all 
round the bottom of tha gallery front; 
prepare and put up the gallery fronts 
of walnut, about two feet nine inches 
high, framed, panelled and moulded, 
with a neat cornice to be continued 
round the side and end galleries; fit 
up the gallery pews to correspond to 
the height of the fronts; the outside 
framing and doors next to the aisles 
to be framed, panelled and moulded 
of one and a quarter inch walnut; the 
backs and partitions, etc., to be framed 
and panelled of one and a half inch 
pine, finished with sea/t, book-board, 
etc., and walnut cappings, and the 
doors to be hung with ja.panned, pro 
jecting hinges. A platform to be 
framed for organ-loft, enclosed with 
proper doors, etc., with a lock on 
each; prepare and fit up the whole of 
the lower pews, the outside framing 
and doors, etc., next to the aisle to 
be framed, panelled and moulded of 
one and a hal f inch walnut, the backs 
and partitions, etc., to be framed and 
panelled of one and a half inch pine, 
finished with seat, book-boards, etc., 
and walnut cappings; the doors to be 
all well fitted and hung with japanned, 
projecting hinges. And all to be fin 
ished in a good and proper mann&r, 



and according to the true spirit and 
meaning of the aforesaid agreement, 
plans and specifications, whether any 
thing shall have been omitted, either 
in the said agreement or specifications 
or pians." 

The names of the various parties to 
the contract are all f as familiar as 
household words" to old iTorcin- 
tonians. D Arcy Boulton was son 
of Judge Boulton, and resided 
at the Grange. His widow afterwards 
crave the land upon w r hich the Anglican 
church of St. George was built, and of 
which church his grandson, the Rev. 
J. D Arcy Oayley, Ls now th rector, 
while his great grandson, the Rev. Pro 
fessor Cayley, is one of the "Dons" at 
Trinity University. 

Robert Stanton was the Queen s 
printer, a man whose- character was 
of the highest. William Henry Draper 
was the Ghief Justice, His bust in 
marble now adorns the- interior of the 
building which has succeeded the one 
he assisted to build. James Grant Che- 
wett was a prominent Government offi 
cial in the Surveyor^General s depart 
ment, a son of Lieutenant-Colonel Che- 
wett, of the 3rd York Militia. His 
name, with that of his father, was ap 
pended to the address of welcome pre 
sented to Lieut.-Governor Gore when 
he re-assumed the reins of power in 
Upper Canada after the war of 1812. 
It is not necessary to say who George 
Duggan was, he and his doings are so 
well known to every one. Many even 
of those of th younger generation can 
remember him. If he was somewhat 
eccentric, he was exceedingly kind- 
hearted, and ha3 left many pleasant 

The next three names, those of John 
Ritchey, Jesse Ketchum and Thomas 
Silverthorn, are all well known. The 
first named erected many of the earlier 
buildings in Toronto, and his name is 
commemorated by Ritcbey s Terrace on 
Adelaide street. Jesse Ketchum was 
Jesse Ketchum, a man "sui generis, to 
slightly alter the words of. the poet, 

" Each, morning saw some task begun, 
Each evening saw it done." 

Thomas Silverthorn was a prominent 
agriculturist, many of whose descend 
ants are still in the neighbourhood of 
Toronto. H> was an out and out Tory, 
and a most uncompromising church 

There is little more to add to the 
foregoing reminiscences; it is not a 
history of the congregation that as 
sembled in St. James , and their doings 
that is being written, but of the 
buildirijr ttaelf, and of those concerned 
in erecting it. For rather more than 

eight years this, tha second St. JamesV 
wa,s iu use whsn the end came. 

About 8.30 on January 5th, 1839, a 
dense volume of smoke was seen issu 
ing from one of the chimneys of the 
church. Shortly after the flames burst 
through the roof and quickly spread 
their devastating ravages throughout 
the sacred pile. The rest of the story 
will be best told in the following ex 
tract from a private letter written at 
the time and published in the Pallad 
ium, describing the occurrence : 

"The appearance was botn awful 
I and sublime as the flames caught the 
| pillars and the galleries. There were 
| but few things saved from the de- 
; vouring element, which continued its 
i devastating course until it left the bare 
! walls a sad and frightful spectacle of 
I this grevious calamity. 

"All classes of the people vied with 
1 ^ach other to assist in saving the edi 
fice from destruction, but their lab 
ours were unavailing. The number of 
i spectators was immense. The miiitia 
maintained excellent order by their ad 
mirable management in keeping the 
: roads open for the supply of water. 
j The Joss of the organ was deeply and 
i bitterly deplored. The building was 
I insured for $30,000." 

On this occasion it is said Dr. Strach- 
j an, was seen standing by watching the 
. destruction o his beloved temple, and 
| whistling the while as a means of re- 
; lieving his sorrow. Another loss, not 
! mentioned by the Palladium, was the 
: ; destruction of a very large triplet win- 
; dow of stained glass over the altar of 
[ the church, containing three life-size 
; figures by Mr. Craig, a local, histori 
cal and ornamental painter, not well 
skilled in the ecclestiastical style. As 
home productions these objects were 
, tenderly eyed, but Anna Jameson, ac 
customed to the cathedrals of Europe, 
in her work on Canada, denounced them 
; as being "in a vile, tawdry taste." 

Dr. Strachan and the people of the 
cotagregation, put their shoulders to 
the wheel, and at once began the con 
struction, of a. new church, the body of 
which was of stone, though the spire 
was of wood. This was opened for 
divine service in 1839, and continued in 
use until its destruction by fire on 
April 7th, 1849. Chief Justice William 
H. Draper was the chair man of the 
Building Committee, the builder be 
ing J. Worthington. A sad accident oc 
curred on October 31st, 1839, during the- 
rebuilding William Butcher, one of the 
workmen, fell from the steeple to the 
roof of the building, he being killed 



instantly. In its interior arrange 
ments the church was much the same 
as its predecessor. It i s greatly to be 
regretted that many of the records of 
St. James" church from 1834 or there 
abouts, up to 1842, were, with other 
papers of value, destroyed in the fires 
of 1838 and 1849, rendering it impos 
sible t give many details respecting 
the third parish church of St., 
and the first cathedral of the diocese of 

In the chancel, which was square, 
not semi-circular, were three windows 
with circular heads. The centre one 
of these contained coloured glass repre 
senting Christ bearing a lamb, emble 
matic of the parable of the Good Shep 
herd. The western one was filled by 
a representation of Moses standing be 
fore the Burning Bush, the great 
Israelite being attired in a robe of 
vivid blue, and he was gazing intent 
ly on the sight before him. Galleries 
ran round the western, eastern and j 
southern sides and end, in the latter ; 
lieing placed the organ, around which j 
the choir sat. A rail and curtain hid 
the vocalists from the view of the i 
congregation during the reading of the j 
psalms, lessons, and during prayer 
time. This latter was drawn aside 
when the preacher ascended the pul 
pit, and remained so during the ser- : 
mon. The pulpit was a huge " three ; 
decker," while immediately beneath it, j 
on the western side of the aisle, was j 
the pew of the Governor-General, and 
in the eastern row of seats was the 
pew reserved for the officers of the , 

Fox many years previous to 1845 a I 
iraw 6f Lombardy poplars stood along 
King street, in front of the church j 
edifice. Mr. George Duggan wa,s the 
donor and planter of these, and as tbey j 
flourished with a good, sturdy growth, : 
he took gre^t interest in them, in 1845 
it wa<3 decided by the vestry tha,t the. ; 
poplars must go. The question aroused 
a heated discussion, which was carried j 
on verbally and through the columns ; 
of the press. Mr. Duggan warmly re- | 
sented the removal of the trees, and it j 
was a t t thie risk of grievous bodily harm j 
th %1 the churchwarden of the da.y, Mr. ! 
T. D. Harris, carried into effect thi3 re- | 
[solution of the vestry. We subjoin a ; 
letter published in the Patriot after the ; 
decision to remove the trees wag arrived ! 

"Audi alteram partem." 

To the Editor of the Patriot : 

Dear Sir, Your paper (along with 
otiners) has Leen very severe in its 

animadversions against the parties who 
were instrumental in haying the poplar 
trees in front of the cathedra,! cut down. 
My object in troubling you is to show 
th%t the churchwardens, to whom the 
crime is generally attributed, are not to 
blaime in (he transaction, and also that 
the act itself was necessary and justifi 

In the first place the cutting down 
was not merely a suggestion of the 

Qa,thedrail officials. It was proposed at 
a meeting of the vestry on Easter Mon 
day, and carried without opposition ; 
it is therefore unfair tha,t the onus 
of the transactions of a body should 
rest on individuals, whose office it 
is merely to act according to the vote of 
that body. In the next plaoe the poplar 
iii a species of tree, or rather overgrown 
weed, very dangerous in the vicinity of 
any thoroughfare, from its unsound- 
ness; and branches from he trees in 
question were frequently falling to 
the great risk of passers-by. Many 
will recollect the narrtow escape the 
family of a lady on Wellington street 
had last winter from one of those trees, 
which, though healthy in appearance, 
broke near the root, and fell, striking 
off the eavetrough in its progress. 
Most providentially it did not fall di 
rectly on the house, or there would 
have been woeful cause to regret the 
planting of so frail an ornament. 

In conclusion, the poplar trees in 
question, exclusive of their vermin- 
harbouring propensities, and blight 
ing injury done to the rising genera 
tion of better shrubs, which they over 
shadowed, were not at all in keeping 
with the sacred edifice they stood be 
fore. The Catholic faith should have 
everything in connection with it seem 
ly and in order. Oar pious forefathers 
knew this, and therefore, planted their 
churchyards with yews and oaks, em 
blematic, as far as trees could go, of 
that holy religion which the Almighty 
will be with until the end of time. 
Now the poplar has associations of a 
far different nature. It was the French 
tree of liberty, and a more appropriate 
symbol of a democracy could not be 
found. Oh ! rapid growth and as rapid 
decay, externally flourishing but rot 
ten at heart. Truly the sans culottes 
evinced as much discrimination in the 
selection of emblems as our neighbours 
across the lake did in choosing their 
eagle as a crest, a bird noted for its 
rapacity and plundering instinct. Fin 
ally, in the hope that the other papers 
which have criticized "the barbarous 
conduct of the wardens," may take the 
trouble of inserting these few remarks, 



6T. JatnfS GatWral (840 


and. likewise change their censures into | stroyed by fire. The Globe of that 

date thus tells the story : 

"About half-past one this morning 
a fire was discovered in some out 
houses in the rear of Graham s tavern, 
King street, and Post s tavern, Nelson 
street. The fire speedily extended to 
the main part of Nelson street on the 
east, consuming Post s tavern, the 


I remain, clear sir, 

Truly yours, 

Toronto, May 1, 1845. 

On the morning of April 7th, 1849, 
the building just referred to was de- 



Patriot offica, and turning into King 
street, to the east, where it burn, all 
to Mr. Sproule s building, where it 
stopped. The fire extended to the 
all the back buildings and the office 
of the Savings Bank. It then crossed 
to the- west side of Nelson street, to 
Rolf s tavern, destroying the whole 
south of Duke street, consuming nearly 
block, including the Mirror office, to 
Mr. Nasmith s bakery. Proceeding 
from Rolf s tavern, the flames laid hold 
of the corner building, occupied by Mr. 
O Donohue, which was speedily con 
sumed, and then they ran along the 
whole block to Mr. O Neill s, consuming 
the valuable stores of Messrs. Hayes, 
Harris, Cheney, O Neill and others. 
About three o clock the spire of St. 
James Cathedral took fire, and the 
building was entirely destroyed. About 
the same time the flames broke out 
in the old City Hall, consuming the 
greater part of the front buildings, 
including Mr. McFarlane s small store. 
The fire extended from the cathedral 
across to the south side of King street, 
where a fire lately occurred. The 
shops of Mr. Rogers and others were 
with difficulty saved. All that block, 
extending to Mr. Walter McFarlane s 
store, was in great danger ; some of 
them had most of their goods removed, 
and great injury to property was sus 
tained. About five o clock the flames 
were in a great measure subdued. The 
exertions of the firemen were for a 
long time, as usual, retarded by the 
want of water. The soldiers of the 
Rifle Brigade from the garrison were 
extremely active, and deserve the high 
est gratitude of the citizens. The loss 
is estimated at 100,000, but this must 
be within the mark. The insurance 
offices are heavy sufferers." 

The next week s paper gave the 
losses and insurance as follows : Church 
of England Cathedral insured for 
8 000, cost of building from 11,000 to 
13,000; O Neil Brothers, building in 
sured for 1,500, stock 4,900; Camp 
bell & Hunter, saddlers, goods re 
moved, no insurance ; T. D. Harris, 
hardware, total loss, the building be 
lieved to have been fire-proof, insur 
ance on building 1,500, ditto on stock 
7,000; Cheney & Co., hardware, insur 
ance 2,150. stock and valuable furni 
ture entirely destroyed ; Thomas Hayes, 
hardware, stock mostly destroyed, in 
surance 8 JO ; M. P. Hayes, groceries, 
goods mostly destroyed, insurance 
1,8.30; Thomas Thompson, Mammoth 
House, large stock of dry goods de 
stroyed, insurance on building 1,000, 
on stock 1,000, heavy loss ; Walker 

& Hutchinson, goods saved; T. 
Glasco, insured 450 ; loss cov 
ered ; Sabine and Hi^gins, in 
sured 150, will cover loss; M. O Dono 
hue, insured 1,700; Patriot office, 
Messrs. Rowsel l and Thompson, insur 
ed 1,100; William Hall, dry goods, 
burnt out a few months ago, insured 
750; stock partly saved; Foy & Aus 
tin, insured on stock 1,500; Gary So 
Brown, insured 650; will cover loss; 
Mead & Co., insured, 900; R. C. Gvvat- 
kin, agent, and Covey s hotel, no in 
surance; Mr. Brookes, solicitor, books 
and papers saved, 1,500; insured on 
the house belonging to Mr. Brookes, 
sr.; Post s hotel in Nelson street, in 
surance 625; Duke street Savings 
Bank, books and papers saved. On the 
north-west side of Nelson street, Chas. 
Robertson, insurance, 525; loss be 
yond it, 200; Charles Dunlevy, Mirror 
office, all lost; insurance, 250; Sam 
uel Platt, tavern keeper, insurance on 
house and stock, 1,125; loss 300 
above. Mr. Crapper s foundry, all lost 
but tools; building insured for 400; 
H. Macniven, dry goods; stock insured 
for 100; furniture and stock entirely 
consumed; William Henderson, dwell 
ing house; insurance 100; John Na- 
smith, baker, furniture saved; insur 
ance, 400. The external effect of the 
building when comtpleted by raising 
the walls a few feet would be very 
greatly imp-roved. It seems that an 
insurance to the amount of 5,000 had 
been effected in England upon the 

Francis street, east side, containing 
several offices, shops and small houses, 
including Messrs. McLean & Jones 
chambers; R. Northcote s shop, Swain 
& Co. s medicine shop, and Platt s 
stables. On the north side were Mr. 
Northcote s dwelling house, Bell & 
Lemon s tavetrn, and several empty 
houses. The toss on the City Hall ia 
estimated at 3,000; insurance on Wal 
ter McFarlane s stock in the City Hall, 
1,000; building and stock seriously 
injured, but the 1,750 of insurance 
will more than cover the loss. Among 
other objects which fell a prey to the 
flames in this conflagration was the 
clock in the belfry of St. James , placed 
there by the Hon. William Henry Dra 
per, on his retirement from public life 
several years before. 

During the fire Richard Watson, late 
publisher of the Canadian, and of the 
IPpper Canada Gazette, lost his life 
in the performance of a friendly act 
to the proprietors or the Patriot office. 
Anxious to save some of the types, 
which no one but a practical printer 



can properly handle, he rushed up 
stairs to the highest storey of 
the office, and, remaining too 
l;ong, the floor gava way with 
him. One young man, who was 
actively engaged in the same occupa 
tion, called to Mr. Watson that it was 
time to go, but he replied that it was 
time enough yet. This is the last which 
was heard of him in life. Engines were 
played on the burning ruins of the 
Patriot office, and a,t length, in the 
afternoon, were found the remains of 
this unfortunate gentleman, but so 
mutilated as not to be recognized. The 
dea,th of Mr. Woifcon is a subject of 
universal regret, and it has this dis 
tressing bjggrayation that it leaves a 
widow and family entirely unprovided 
for. The journal with which he wais con 
nected was not a, prosperous one, and 
the Upper Canada. Gazette was about 
to be abolished when Mr. Watson was 
appointed printer of the Gazette ; at 
i h, Teeniest of Mr. Stan ton, in the year 
1844, it was expressly stipulated tha,t 
no compensation siould be given him, 
if the government found it necessary 
to discontinue the Gazette or withdraw 
the emoluments. For twenty years Mr. 
Watson had the management, as prin 
cipal and confidential foreman in tha 
government office of th.3 Gazette, and 
for five years on his own account. 

(The Vestry meeting of April 9th, 
1849, owing to the church having been 
destroyed by fire on April 7th previ 
ously, was held in the Central District 
school house. 

At this meeting the following mem 
bers of the congregation were appoint 
ed a committee for re-building the 
church : The wardens, Chief Justices 
J. B. Robinson and W. Draper, Freder 
ick Widder, Peter Paterson, J. G. Hag- 
arty, J, G. Howard, G. Percival Ridout, 
William, Wakefield, Charles Berczy, 
"William Proudfoot, J. E. Small, W. At 
kinson, James Blown, Philip M. Van- 
koughnet, Henry Sherwood, Alexander 
Dixon, Thomas Helliwell, John Dug- 
gan, Sheriff Jarvis, and the Mayor of 
Toronto. On December 31st, 1897, the 
only survivor of these gentlemen was 
Sir. J. G. Hagarty. 

After the great fire of 1849 the work 
of building was again commenced, and 
tha result of it is the St. James cathe- 
drLil of tc-day. The edifice was com 
pleted for worship in 1853, from the 
designs of Mr. F. W. Cumberland, a 
leading Toronto architect, but many 
details in Mr. Cumberland s plan re 
mained unrealized for a long time. The 
tower and spire were absent, as also 
the fine porches on the east, west and 

south sides, the turrets at the an 
gles, and the pinnacles and filials or 
tha buttresses. 

The corner stone of the present build 
ing was laid November 20th, 1850, and 
the church occupied three years later. 
The transepts, spires, pinnacles and 
porches were not finished, however, 
until 1874. The tower was also built in 
this progressive style, additions being 
made until it attained, with the spire, 
j to the top of the vane a height of 310 
i feet. It is not the highest spire on this 
! continent, as is generally believed, be 
cause the spire of the Fifth Avenue 
Roman Catholic Cathedral of New 
York city measures 325 feet to the top 
of the cross; Trinity Church, of that 
, city, runs up 2?o feett. The chimes of 
1 eight bells cost $12,000, and their 
| sweet music rings out the hours that 
i tell of days rapidly passing by and 
< doubtless carries the thoughts of 
many a man bacfc to the old Englia(h 
home and its fond memories and ten 
der attachments. 

The total length of the building is 
198 feet, and its extreme width 108 
feet. It cost about $223,000. Of this 
amount $75,000 remains unpaid. It is 
built of white brick, with stone mould 
ings and facings, and combines a mod 
ern spirit of adornment with the se 
vere simplicity of the eaxly English 
gothic in such sympiestry and harmony 
as to make iti not only a massive, but 
a graceful and beautiful structure, and 
one which is very properly a matter 
of pride not only to the immediate 
parishioners, but to the city at large, 
and it is always visited by those who 
come to see the special features of 
this thriving city. 

In the churchyard, north-west of the 
church, is the school-house, where the 
Anglican Synod holds its sessions. This 
building, with its furniture, is worth 
$15,500. A rectory, on Adelaide street, 
was valued in 1885 at $8,700, and there 
are valuable park lots connected with 
the establishment. The assets con 
nected with St. James cemetery are 
valued at $40,337.27. The total value 
of all the buildings* and land is about 

The congregation s clergy comtprise 
the rector, curate and cemetery chap 
lain. There are fifteen organizations 
| to carry on the work of the church, 
j which are thoroughly organized and 
! faithfully engaged. One by one the 
j links that bind St. James to the as- 
I sociations of the past are broken by 
. death, and the buli of the present con- 
gregation (1897) have little in com- 






noon with the early worshippers in the 
historic building. 

The following account of the ser 
vices in St. James in 1885 is taken 
from a newspaper sketch of the church 
and congregation published in that 
year. It will be read with interest 
not only by old, but by present wor 
shippers. The old galleries were then 
in the church, and the surpliced choir 
had not been introduced. 
"The rector of the parfsh, Canon Du- 
moulin, conducted tlile service as far as 
the end of the lessons, and from that 
point, Mr. Hobson, tfae> curate, officia 
ted. The service was read witih dignity, 
and this propriety befitting a service 
that is so r ieih and expressive in itself. 
Familiarity with it oin account ot its 
constant reipetitiotn engenders a mon 
otonous style of reading that sometimes 
overlooks the emphasis necessary to de 
velop its beauty, and thus deprives it of 
tShat interest m It om this part of the 
hearer which is essential to its practi 
cal benefit. The last sentence of the 
Lord s Pnayeir is not used in this ser 
vice, for the reason tlhat it is not a 
part of the prayer as Jesus first ut 
tered it. After a preliminary service 
ot three-quarters of an. hour, Rev. P. 
H. DuMbulin ascended tihfe pulpit, to 
the right of the chancel, and delivered 
a sermon of 25 minutes length. He is 
a ^ gentleman a little past middle life, 
with stately bearing, a fine presence 
and an exceedingly rich voice, and in 
his earlier life undoubtedly possessed 
the possibilities of oratory. While his 
sermon on this occasion was not dis 
tinguished by any great originality of 
thought yet it was couched in well- 
chosein language and brought within 
the easy comprehension of the 450 
listeners. His style of delivery becomes 
more natural as he loses thought of 
the surroundings and it is attended 
with considerable animation and some 
expressive gesticulation; but the mono 
tone predominates and has a tendency 
to produce a soothing effect upon the 
hearer. And this, with the distress- 
inigly uncomfortable heat in the build- 
rng, or, act least, in the gallery, in 
duced a popular condition of somnol 
ency. Many were seen asleep and 
others resorted to all those little 
tricks which are used to convey the 
impression of wakefulness while the 
pnima facie evidence convicts them of 
tihe contrary condition. 

The following excerpts from the ser 
mon may be somewhat interesting ; 

"Let us search and try our ways amd 
turn again to tlxe Lord." This was Mr. 
Dumoulin s text and from it he deduct 

ed, in pfaflrn, practical, earnest style, 

I the necessity of the Christian s selr- 

i examination. 

"There are seasons profitable for 
spiritual examination. While this is not 
a ca st iron rule or applicable to every- 

I one, yet the public seasons of Lent and 
Advent are always good. 
"Try your condition by your domin- 

j ant passion. Are you still its obedient 

amd most miserable slave? Is it as 
powerful now as when you began your 
Christiana, ways? These are questions 
of w M h every Christian can take stock 
beftxre has God to-night. 

"Try yourselves by tihe matter of 
service. There are 15 organizations for 
work in this church; To. which do you 
work ? If you walk about tihe streets 
and lanes of tlhis cathedral church and 
never put forth a finger to help and 
lift up from sin and degradation and 
make the poor your brothers amd sis 
ters, you haven t heard the voice of 
Jesus Cihrist, and your life is not one 
of service and devotion to your Master. 
If you can t do anything give somie- 

"If your spirituaf supply is not kept 
up your spirit will become ba/nkrupt 
and danger will come. 

"There is so much more of con 
science than consistency in us that we 

: pass sentence and inflict just punish- 

: ment on ourselves. 

The object of self-examination is not 

! to dishearten us, but to turn us again 
to God." 

" Some of the pews in the church, 
i which has a seating capacity of about 
2,000, are owned as freehold property; 
! others are rented, and those seats in 
: the central aisle and chancel are free 
at all times to anybody; in this re 
spect St. James follows an ancient 
English parish custom. Any stranger 
i has the privilege of taking a seat in 
the chance L, the very best location in 
the building . It is a rule to make 
j all the pews free at the evening ser- 
i vice; hence the regular worshippers 
rather give place for "outsiders, " and 
the evening congregations are largely 
| composed of other Church! of England 
| people and strangers. The congrega 
tion last Sunday evening was very 
largely of this character; rich people, 
so far as dress goes, and people in very 
moderate circumstances, were there; a 
i great many _ young men were present, 
and seemed interested in the ritual; a 
few came in half an hour late, and a 
! few Left before the end of the service; 
the gallery contained many little chil- 
; dren, who were soothed to sleep by th 
i monotone running from the chancel 



down the nave, and even through the 
musical portion of the service. The 
singers numbered 25, and were led by 
a choirmaster buried behind the clock 
and vigorously beating time with the 
only part of him) visible, viz.. a kid- 
.glovel tond waving above his head. 
But it was a* reverent congregation; 
save the usual choir inspection of the 
people below d/uring prayer there was 
universal decorum and attention; and 
as the clear, melodious tones of the 
reader called forth the people s re 
sponse, and echo of the united Amen" 
of choir and peopie rose to the vaulted 
roof and seemed to linger about its 
graceful curves and lines, a restful 
and elevated influence uplifted the 
spirit into a purer atmosphere." 

" No criticism of the organist could 
be made except that of the most fa 
vourable kind. Be played with pre 
cision and taste and with excellent ar 
rangement of stops. The music during 
the offertory was fine, but the post- 
lude was especially brilliant." 

"Correctly speaking, St. James is not 
a cathedral, because it has neither the 
officiating ministers nor thei ritualism 
which properly entitles a church to 
this name. As the principal and the 
oldest Anglican church in the city, and 
as an architectural copy, on a limit 
ed scale, of the Salisbury and Lincoln 
cathedrals of England, it has been given 
the title. Its historic associations are 
far-reaching and valuable; its relation 
to some of the leading citizens of To 
ronto in the times gone by, and the 
general style of the building itself, 
about which are clustered so many 
memories, invest it with that spirit of 
reverence we always feel when we 
stand in th presence of any object 
that links the throbbing life of the 
present to the pulseless life of the 

"This feeling is aroused in the visitor 
who stands at the entrance of the 
nave and looks up to the arches 70 feet 
above his head; a glance along the nave 
for 112 feet brings the eye to the chan 
cel to tha arched dome, richly carved 
stalls and altars, and its three illum- 
inated and beautifully decorated stain 
ed glass windows. The nave is 44 feet 
wide, and the body of tha church 75 
feet; the chancel, the desks and the 
choir furniture are finished, in oak and 
the other woodwork of the building is 
pine and grained oak, which gives the 
church a rather sombre appearance 
and that yet seems to fall in with the 
massive sta-teliness that is so im 
pressive. The style of architecture is 
early English gothic with additions 
that materially depart from the sim 
plicity of that ancient style, and yet 

these departures are so harmonized 
with the pure gothic that a beautiful 
effect is produced, and the beholder is 
not startled by the innovations. The 
I most noticeable contrast is afforded by 
the magnificent chancel windows, 
which seem out of place when compared 
with the severe and simple architec 
tural character of the building. 

" The graveyard is long since disused, 
yet in many parts may be. seen slabs 
of stone and marble, covering bodies 
long since buried, and when excava 
tions were made for the foundations 
of the present building, a great quan 
tity of bones was turned up. Very 
many bodies, however, have been re 
moved to St. James cemetery, and no 
burials are now made in the yard, al 
though it is the privilege of a dean 
to secure sepulture under the church 
itself. The first dean of this church, 
Henry James _Grasett, who was con 
nected with it as curate and rector 
46 years, and who was a man of sin 
gularly gentle, scholarly and reverent 
character, lies buried beneath the 
communion table in the chancel. The 
1 central memorial window was erected 
| as a tribute to him, and testifies the 
1 affection and esteem in which he was 
| held. A marble bust of him is placed 
| above the dean s stall, while the north- 
west memorial window is commemora- 
! tive of his wife, Sarah Martha, who 
i died in March, 1886. 

"Above the bishop s throne is a bust 
I of white marble with a slab of dark 
i sloae below bearing an inscription in 
gilded letters which reads : 

"Near this ppot rest the mortal re- 
; mains of John Strachan, first Bishop 
j of Toronto, who departed this life No 
vember the 1st, 1867, in the 90th year 
j OL his age and the 29th of his episco 

"The north-east window is a memorial 
] to Canon Edmiond Baldwin, who died 
May 31, 1870; there is abso a marblje 
tablet erected to his memory under the 
east gallery. A number of memorial 
tablets are inserted in the walls un 
der the gallery, among them one to 
Chief Justice Wm. Henry Draper and 
one to Sir Henry Parker, fifth baronet 
of Hatburn, Warwickshire. A beauti 
ful inlaid brass tablet near the west 
door keeps in grateful remembrance the 
name of Lieut. Wm. Chas. Fitch, killed 
in action at Batoche, N.W.T., May 121 
1885. It was put there by his brother 
officers of the Royal Grenadiers. Near 
it is another bearing .the name of Col. 
George T. Denison. Another brass tab 
let is especially remarkable because the 
man who engraved it has given hfes 
ftwn name greater prominence than the 



names of the dead heroes it is designed 
to honour; still another speaks of Cap 
tain J. H. Gamble, a young soldier who 
fell in her Majesty s service in Afghan- 

"Standing in this massive church with 
the immensity of it all about him, with 
the "dim religious light" falling upon 
the life-like marble and. suggesting the 
repose of tbe sleepers beneath his feet 
it seems to the visitor as if there were 
a very close relation between the liv 
ing and the dead. 

"Yes, it is appropriate," said an old 
lady of St. James church, "and it La 
pleasant to feel that those who have 
gone are so near to us." 

"In 1872 a fund for the completion 
of the edifice, in accor dance with Mr. 
Cumberland s plans, was initiated, and 
in 1873 the building was brought to 
its present state of perfection. In 
1866 the sum of $14,945 was expended 
in the purchase of a peal of bells and 
a clock and for their reception in the 
tower. In 1870, to do honour to the 
memory of the then recently deceased 
iBishop Strachan the chancel was 
beautified at a cost of 7,500, by sur 
rounding the spacious apse with an ar 
cade of finely-carved oak, adding seats 
for the canons, a deaconal stall, a 
bishop s throne, a pulpit and desk, all 
in the same style and material, elabo 
rately carved with a life-like bust in 
white marble of the departed prelate, 
by Eraser, of Montreal, in a niche con 
structed for its reception in the west 
ern wall of the chancel. Besides 
Bishop Strachan are also entomibed in 
the chancel Dean EP. J. Grasett and 
his wife. St. Jami&s church is of white 
brick with stone mouldings and fac 
ings. The architecture is early Eng 
lish, niodified. The body of the church 
consists of a nave with low transepts, 
and, until recently, galleries. The 
aisles are lighted by triplet windows, 
and the chancel does not face the east, 
but turns to the north, the least 
ecclesiastical of all points of the com 
pass as it was in mediaeval times re 
puted to be the residence of Satan him 
self. The chancel is apsidal, adorned 
without by heavy buttresses. Between 
these are windows with elaborate tra 
cery. The central window has a triple 
light, and is of rich and luxuriant de 
sign. The floral opem work roof is an 
exaggeration of the simlple style of 
first pointed Gothic. The King street 
entrance has a profusion; of ornamen 
tation. The body of the church con 
tains one thousand two hundred and 
twenty sittings, and there were five 

hundred additional sittings in the gal 
leries before they were removed dur 
ing the past year. The spire of St. 
James is a credit to the city, and 
it is no less pleasing to English church 
men to think that from the rude build 
ing of 1803 has risen the lovely church 

of 1889." 

* * * * * * * 

Since the foregoing sketch appeared 
the galleries in St. James have been 
taken down and some few alterations 
effected on the floor of the church also. 
The choir now occupy the chancel, aa 
do the organ and the organist. The 
following additional notes may be 
added respecting the history of St. 
James . Rev. Henry James Grasett 
presided at the Easter meeting of 1847 
for the first time as rector, in succes 
sion to the Right Rev. John Strachan, 
D.D., which office he filled for nearly 
forty years. 

On April 24th, 1848, a new font was 
given to the church, the old one, which 
had been presented to the congrega 
tion by the R&v. W. M. Shaw, M. A., 
having been sent to Cobourg. 

April 9th, 1858, was the date of the 
Easter Vestry meeting in that year, 
when a special vote of thanks was 
passed to J. Tarratt, Esq., of Down- 
ton Castle, Shropshire, England, for 
the gift of a stained gloss cleristory 
window. On May 9th, 1859, a similar 
vote was passed to Rev. H. J. Grasett, 
Thomas Gibbs Ridout, Lewis Moffatt. 
Thomas Dennie Harris, George Taylor 
Denison and Frederic William Cum 

At the Vestry held on April 18th. 
1864, a cordial and unanimous vote of 
thanks was passed to Thomas Dennie 
Harris for his services as church-ward 
en for twenty-five years. Mr. Harris 
retired from office that year. 

At the Easter vestry meeting, taking 
place on April 17, 1876, it was reported 
that the Vienna prize clock, purchased 
by the committee of citizens of To 
ronto of all denominations, had been 
placed in the tower of the church, the 
vestry duly recorded that they looked 
apon this act as "a pleasant, practical 
exhibition of generous Christian liber 
ality on the part of members of other 
religious bodies in the city, and could 
not but be hailed by the congregation 
of St. James as a delightful recog 1 - 
nition of the very agreeable relations 
which have so long existed between 
that congregation and the other re 
ligious bodies in Toronto." 

When the Easter vestry took place 
in 1882 a vote of condolence on t^ie 
death of the Very Rev. Dean Grasett 



was passed by the assembled parish 
ioners, and ordered to be transmitted 
by the vestry clerk to the family of 
the late Dean. 

In 1888 it was decided by the con 
gregation of St. James that the whole 
of the. galleries on the eastern and 
western sides of the building should 
be removed, and the nave and aisles re 
seated. This was done, and the organ 
placed in the chancel of the church. 
A surpliced choir was introduced, which 
took its place in the chancel instead 
of in the southern gallery, as had 
hitherto been the custom. 

In 1895 covered additions and alter 
ations were in the adjacent school 
house, and the rectory was rented to 
the Children s Aid Society, after hav 
ing been used as the rectory for more 
than half a century. 

It is somewhat remarkable that, al 
though St. James has a history of 
very nearly a century, it has in that 
time had only five rectors, w r ho were : 

Rev. George O Kill Stuart, J 8 0-1811. 

Venerable Archdeacon John Strachan, 
1811-1839. Consecrated Bishop 1839. 
Rector 1839-1846. 

Rev. Henry James Grasett, 1846- 

Rev. Philip DTI Moulin, 1882-189G. 

Right Rev. E. Sullivan, 1896. 

Assistant Clergy - - Rev. H. J. Gra 
sett, 1836-1846; Rev. H. Soadding, 1840- 
1847; Rev. Edmond Baldwin, 1850-1876; 
Rev. H. J. Boddy, 1858-1863; Rev. H. 
H. Waters, 1873; Rev. E. Greene, 1876- 
1884; Rev. W. S. Rainsford, 1878-1883; 
Rev. Dyson Hague, 1884; Rev. W. Hob- 
son, Rev. J. H. Winterbourne, 1892- 
1893; Rev. A. H. Manning, 1893; Rev. 
C. J. Boulden, 1893-1896; Rev. J. C. 
Mockridge. There were some few others 
who only remained for a brief period. 

The churchwardens of St. James 
since 1807 have been these: 1807-08, 
D Arcy Boulton and William Allan; 
1808-09, Thomas Ridout and William 
Allan; 1809-10, Samuel Jarvis a*d Wil 
liam Allan; 1810-11, D. Cameron and 
Willfam Allan; 1811-12, D. Cameron and 
John Denison; 1812-15, John Beverley 
Robinson and H. J. Boulton; 1815-18, 
Alexander Wood and Thomas Ridout; 
1818-23, John Beverley Robinson and 
H. J. Boulton; 1823-30, J. B. Macaulay; 
no second warden during this period; 
1830-32, J. Washburn and R. Stanton; 
1832-41, R. Stanton and C. C. Small; 
1841-49, Clarke Gamble and T. D. Har 
ris; 1840-55, Lewis Moffatt and T. D. 
Harris: 1855-62, Joseph T. Ridout and 
T. D. Harris; 1862-64, George Duggan 
and T. D. Harris; 1864-66, George Dug 
gan and Thomas Gait; 1866-68, Clarke 

Gamble and G&arge Dniggan; 1868-69, G. 
W. Allan and George Duggan; 1869-72, 
E. H. Rutherford and Clarke Gamble; 
1872-81, J. K. Kerr and Clarke Gamble; 
1881-83, Col. C. S. Gzowski and J. K. 
Kerr; 1883-84, W. R. Brock and J. K. 
Kerr; 1884-90, W. R. Brock and O. A. 
Howland; 1890-92., H. J. Grasett and O. 
A. Howland; 1892-98, H. J. Grasett and 
R. N. Goooh. 

Up to the date of the incorporation 
of the city the wardens of St. James 
were ex-officio on the governing body 
of the then town of York. 

The Rev. Philip DuMoulin was ap 
pointed to the see of Niagara as its 
Bishop in the spring oi 1896, and was 
consecrated in the Church of St. James, 
where for nearly fourteen years he had 
been rector, on June 22nd, 1896. The 
consecrating prelate was the Arch 
bishop of Ontario, Dr. Lewis, assisted 
by the Bishops of Huron, Algoma and 
Ottawa. The sermon was preached by 
the Very Rev. Dean CarmichaeL, of 
Montreal. The scene in St. James was 
a most impressive one. There were 
about a hundred clergymen present, 
and representative Laymen from 
every part of the province. The con 
gregation was an enormous one, great 
numbers being unable to obtain ad 

Canon DuMoulin s successor at St. 
James was the Right Rev. E. Sulli 
van, Bishop of Aligomja, who resigned 
his episcopal charge to assume the 
rectory of St. James . He preached 
his first sermon as rector on October 
4th, 1896. 

The Rev. C. J. Boulden resigned the 
curacy of St. James on August 31st, 
1896, going to Berthier, Quebec, as head 
master of St. Alban s school. He was 
succeeded by Rev. E. C. Wallace, for 
merly a C. M. S. missionary in the 
Klondike, and with Mr. Wallace came 
the Rev. Richard Ashcroft. 

Among those who in former and 
later years have done much in connec 
tion with the musical services of St. 
James must be mentioned Mrs. Gilki- 
son, who was organist in the latter 
" forties " and earlier " fifties." Mr. 
John Carter, also organist for a very 
great number of years. Dr. J. Stocks- 
Hammond, who was a most accom 
plished musician, as well as a careful 
and conscientious choir leader. He 
only lived about twelve months after 
accepting the post, dying in June, If 
He was succeeded by Dr. Albert Ham, 
of Dublin University, who at the time 
of his appointment to St. James was 
organist of the parish church, Taun- 
ton, Somersetshire, England. Mr. E. 


opp. 372 

G. O Kill Stuart, Rector, 1798-1811. 
H. J. Grasett), D.D., Rector, 1848-82. 

E. Sullivan, D.D., 1896-99. 
H. Scadding, M.A., Apst., 184047. 

John Strachan, D.D., Rector. 1811-46. 
P. DuMoulin, D.C.L., 1882-9S. 

E. Baldwin, M.A., Asst., 1850-76. 



W. Schuch was also a prominent fig 
ure for a long time in the choir of St. 
James , of which he was the master 
and leader. Under Mr. Schuch s care 
the choir attained a great degree of 

Yet a; few more words may be 
sod describing tlhe grave yard 
surrounding tfie church known 
iuince 1839 more familiarly as the Cathe 
dral. Shortly after the first church 
was comme need it was decided tihat the 
grouaid immedialely surrounding t hie 
l-uilding should be set apart as a 
graveyard and for that purpose was it 
used for about 33 years. Wh>n St. 
James cemetery to the north-east of , 
the city was opened interments entire- I 
ly ceased in the church yard, while 
a little later, during the earlier "for 
ties, *m.a ny of tJie bodies already bur- j 
ie JL in iihe church yard wiere removed 
to tftue cemetery. 

Maoiy of the stones which marked 
tins graves in the church yard were re 
moved at tftue same time as this bodies; 
of tlhose left some were ^astroyed at 
i hift same time the building was burnt 
uown in 1849, while others have suc 
cumbed to the ravages of time, wind i 
a nd weatlher. Those tablets still re- I 
manning fn tine church yard inasmuch 
as they contribute by their mscrip- i 
tions to the history of the city, present 
objects of TOO little note to all those 
who take a,n interest in Toronto s 

entering iihe enclosure by the south- 
Western gate the first stone one meets 
wiih is irn.medio.teiy uuaer a vvindo.v t/.i 
the west side of thie church a little to 
the south of the vestry. It is in mem- , 
ory ot Isaac Newton S-mh and his wife, j 
who daed in 1832 and 1834 respectively. ] 
The inscription which is extremely 
laudatory (is entirely in Latin with a 
quotation rn lireek) and is as plainly 
to be read as when first en 
graved more than sixty years 
ago. Mr. Such was a gentleman 
am Englishman, resident in Toronto 
froai the latter "twenties until his 
death, who constituted himself a kind 
o - "censor nxx urn" to the community. 
He was especially severe on tlhe mode 
o: introduced at Upper Can 
ada College (founded in 1829) at the in- 
stain e oi the Principal, the Rev. J. Har 
ris, D.D. By his criticisms he brought 
d^wn upon himself the wrath of the 
Rev. Charles Mathews, one of the classi 
cal masters at the college. The con 
troversy was short-lived, while Mr. 
Su?h s proposals, which were only in 
.advance of the time, have long since 
.been adopted. One of them was the 

very sensible one, that th>e Eton Latin 
Grammar, with English notes, should 
be substituted for the grammar with 
notes wholly in Latin- It was opposed, 
though why it is now impossible to 
asjertaiin. Perhaps, for the credit of 
the intelligence 6t" our predecessors, it 
is as well the "reasons 1 are not known. 
There axe no oTtuer stoiaes close to 
tine church on the western side, aaid 
but oae in tihe north-western corner, 
cin whi^h the inscription can be read. 
It is Tin memory of John Polly, who 
was tihe father of a well-kniowm dry- 
goods salesman., in business oa King 
street forty-five years ago. 

On the eastern side oi the church 
yard, close underneath the wall to 
wards the northern transept, is the 
stone marking the grave of Frederick 
Halkett, lieutanant and captain Cold- 
stream Guards, who died at the age 
of z 8, on October 25, 1840. 

Captain Halkett was A. D. C. to Sir 
George Arthur, the Lieutenant-Gover- 
nor, and hie military secretary. He 
died in Toronto after a very brief ill 

Close to Captain Halkett s grave is 
that of Simon E. Waibburn, who died 
on September 29, 1837, aged 44 years. 
His residence was on tha north-west 
corner of Duke and George streets. He 
was a prominent lawyer in the town 
of York from 1820 until the time of his 
death. Two broken stones adjacent, to 
the last named mark the last resting 
r; laces of "Margaret, the wife of 
John Hart," died February 2nd, 1837, 
tged 2V, and John Homer Winn, late of 
London, Eng. This last named stone 
is undated, though it is probably about 
1835. Mr. Winn s daughters were well 
known school teachers in Toronto 60 
years ago. One of them still survives 
and one was ths wife of Robert Brit- 
ton Denison. She died many years 
ago, leaving severs.1 children. 

Another interesting tablet is that 
to the memory of James Martin Caw- 
dell It was erected by the Law So 
ciety of Upper Canada,, to whom Mr. 
Cawdell was secretary and librarian for 
several years prior to his death, which 
took place August 13, 1842. 

Yet more memories are stirred by 
another stone womewhat to the south 
east of the Cathedral, the inscription 
on which is fast becoming obliterated. 
It is to the memory of Harriet Throck- 
morton, wife of Dr. Alexander Burn- 
side, a well-known medical practitioner, 
who resided on Yonge street, on its 
west side, north of Richmond, for many 
years. It is not possible now to make 
the date of her death out accurately, 
but it appears to be 1839 At Dr. Burn- 



side s death, In 1855, a certain public 
institution in the city was very great 
ly bemefitted by the provisions of his 
will. It does not seem too much to 
suggest that this institution, which has 
& friend of the doctor s or, at any ra1\>, 
one who knew him well at its head, 
should put this stone in repair and have 
the inscription re-cut. The cost would 
be very trifling. 

There are three stones close to the 
northern end of St. James which re 
call the earlier history of the province. 
These are to the memory of John Mon- 
ro, who died May 27, ISSCf, aged 42 ; 
Mtrs. Mary Magill, who died October 
llth, 1822, aged 55 yearsi, and Char 
lotte Fothergill, who died November 
3rd, 1822, aged 32 years. The first 
named of these, John Monro, was a 
Scotchman by birth, and his place of 
business was on the south side of King 
street east, not far from Frederick 
street. He was a brother of the well- 
known George Monro. Mrs. Magill 
was the .widow of Captain Magill, of 
the Canadian Fencibles. This gentle 
man must rot, be confounded with Cap 
tain John McGill, of the Queen s Rang 
ers, who lived where now stands the 
Metropolitan church. Mrs. Fothergill 
was the wife of Charles Fothergill, the 
Queen s Printer, and publisher of the 
Toronto Almanac and Royal Calendar. 
He also issued a pnper known as the 
Palladium. His o r ficas were on York 
street. He resided in the eastern por 
tion of the city, at no great distance 
from where Trinitv church now stands. 
He flourished in Toronto from a little 
after 1 the close of the war of 1812 until 
about 1844. 

In the north-eastern corner of the 
church-yard is a stone, to the memory 
of Mary, the wife of Michael lOating, 
who died on November 24th, 1832, aged 
84. This stone is in an excellent state 
o? preservation, and the inscription is 
almost a clear as when it was fi r st 
cut sixty-five years since. Mrs. Keat 
ing was the proprietor of the British 
Coffee-house on Front street, a well- 
known refreshment house in York 
seventy yea rs s i nee . 

Near by Mrs. Keaitins s grave is thit 
of Lorinna,, wife of Stephen Secord, who 
kept the George and Dragon Inn on 
the eaist side of Church street, near 
King street. She died, aged 34, on De 
cember 2nd, 1834. Stephen Secord was 
a brotjuer-in-law of the famous Laura 
Secord, whose name is indissolubly con 
nected with, the history of the wa,r of 
1812, by her famous journey to apprise 

FitzGibbon of his danger at Beaver 

Thie stone which marks the grave of 
William Jackes, who died, aged 71, on 
August 29th, 1840, is still fairly wall 
pjrciserved. Mr, Japkes wajs one of the 
pioneers of York ai century since, and 
ma,ny of the family still reside in the 
city or its neighbourhood. 

In the north-eastern portion ol the 
gra,veya,rd are stones marking the 
graves of Emily, tie wife of Dr. Min- 
ga,y, died December 17th., 1834, aged 41 ; 
Phoebe, who was Thomas Dandy s wife, 
and who died in 1839, aged 36, and also 
thi%t of Mary, the wife of James Jame 
son, who died April 9th, 1837, a the 
early a ( ge of 26 years. Several children 
born to Mr. and Mrs. Jameson are in 
terred in the same place. A plain stone 
in the same locality records tha;i. then 1 
lies Da.niel Ardagh, died January 31st, 
aged 60. Dr. Ming/iy was probably at 
tached to the g-nrrison and only a 
transient resident. No mention of him 
is to be found in any directories or 
alma,na,as of th period. James Jamesr>:t 
was a well known boot and shoe dealer, 
whose residence and place of business 
wa,s on the south side of King streec 
east, a.lmost apposite to St. Jam-as 
nhurch Kent hern door, but a, little to 
the east. 

The 13th Regiment of Infantry were 
evidently quartered in York in 1841, 
for there is a stone in the extreme 
north-east corner to the memory of 
Mary Cragg, who was wife to the Ser 
geant Master Tailor of that corps. She, 
at the age of 40, died on October 4th, 
18 il. Very close to Mrs. Cragg s last 
resting place is that of Mary Sayre, 
wife of Mr. Clarke Gamble, who died 
August 23, 1837, aged 21 years 5 
months and 13 days. Mrs. Gamble ha 
been a Miss Boulton. Mr. Gamble, hale 
and hearty, despite his beirig almost a 
nonogcnarian, is still amongst us. 

A little to the south of the last-named 
grave is a slab covering a vault, 
u herein is interred Charlotte, the wife 
of tha Hon. John Henry Dunn, and four 
of her children. Tae inscription sim 
ply states that the bodies were de 
posited there in 18~0. No specific dates 
are given, but it is well known that 
Mrs. Dunn died in the year named. 

Near the Dunn vault is the grave 
cf David Stegman, who died in 1834, 
at the age of 35 years. Tae last named 
was a son of David Stegman, who had 
his place of business on the north side 
of King street, two or three doors to 
the east of New street (Jarvis street). 
David Stegman, the older, was a very 
prominent man in York in its early 



days, and was one of the magistrates 
for the Home District. 

Another notable grave was that of 
Stephen Jarvis, who was born in 17-56, 
and died in 1840, being one of the very 
last survivors of the U, E. Loyalists. 
Mr. Jarvis joined the Queen s Rangers 
under Colonel Simcoe, in 1774, as an 
ensign, and served all through the 
Revolutionary war. On peace being 
concluded, he came to Canada, and sub 
sequently settled in York. He was for 
many years Gentleman Usher of the 
Black Rod in the Legislative Council, 
and subsequently Registrar of the 
County of York. His residence was in 
Rosedale, in the old homestead. He was 
father of the late sheriff, William 
Boisford Jarvis. His wife, who pre 
deceased her husband by twenty years, 
is buried in the same grave. 

Very near the grave just referred 
to, is Emily Sarah, the wife of Dr. 
Widmer. born 1780, died August 31st, 
1833. Dr. Widmer at the time of his 
wife s death, resided on King street, 
and was in partnership with Dr. Diehl, 
but he subsequently removed to a 
large house on Front street east, now 
No. 222, which is still standing, but 
in a most dilapidated condition. Dr. 
Widmer himself died in 1855, and is 
interred in St. James cemetery. 

There are two stones near here (with 
all but illegible inscriptions) to the 
memory of younger members of the 
Radenhurst family, and one to John 
Kidd, who died in 1841, aged 42. 

Mr. Kidd was the Governor of To 
ronto jail. One of his daughters, mar 
ried to a prominent citizen and city 
official, now resides in Toronto (1897). 

Another stone close to those last 
named marks the grave of a man as 
notable in his time as was Stephen 
Jarvis, already referred to. It is that 
of Thomas Ridout. The following is 
the inscription it bears: 

" Sacred to the memory of the Hon- 
ourabje Thomas Ridout, of Sherbourne, 
Dorsetshire, England, late Surveyor- 
General of this Province, and member 
of his Majesty s Legislative Council, 
who departed this life on the 8th Feb 
ruary, 1829, in the 75th year of his 

Mr. Ridout s descendants to the fifth 
generation now reside in Toronto and 
in many different parts of the Do 
minion. Though it is sixty-eight years 
since he died, there are still living in 
Toronto two or three people who can 
remember him. Next to Mr. Ridout s 
grave is that of his son John, whose 
death occurred on July 12th, 1817, when 
he was but 18 years of age. His life, 

though short, had been eventful, for 
he had been a midshipman in the 
Provincial Navy during the war of 
1812, and had distinguished himself in 

. He fell in a duel, fought in a field 
on the west side of Yonge street, near 
where Elmsley Villa subsequently 
stood. This was almost the last duel 
foulght in Canada, 

Near by the grave of Mr. Thomas 
Ridout is the slab covering the grave 
of William Butcher, formerly of Wai- 
pole, Norfolk, England, who was killed 
on October 21st, 1839, while engaged 
in erecting the steeple of the church 
(St. James), which was destroyed by 
fire ten years later. Batcher, who was 
27 years of age, fell from the spire to 
the roof of the church, a distance of 
70 feet, and was taken up dead. 

Next to this grave is that ot Jane, 
the wife of John Jefferson, who died 
aged 39, May 29th, 1837. Mr. Jeffer 
son was a private citizen, and a mem 
ber of St. James congregation. 

With only a few trifling exceptions, 
this concludes the story of the stones 
and their inscriptions in St. James 
churchyard. It is to be lamented that 
the records of where many of the 
pioneers of the city were buried in 
the first twenty years of its existence 
appear to have been utterly lost. As 
regards scores of the old-time worthies, 
"no man knows their sepulchre," not 
even their direct descendants, while 
the graves of some who did noble ser 
vice for their king and country are 
not marked by even the slightest me 
morial. Sic transit gloria mundi. 

Ecclesiastical records to many peo 
ple present a most fascinating study, 
as they generally throw a some 
what different light on historical in 
cidents than that in which these are 
often pourtrayed by secular historians. 
Records of births and baptisms, of mar 
riages and of deaths to be found in all 
church archives, though in the great 
majority of cases bare statements of 
fact, are interesting to read, as they 
carry the readers back, in imagination, 
at least, to the times when their an 
cestors were in the flesh, busy as them 
selves in the pleasures and responsi 
bilities of life. 

Our Ontarian ecclesiastical records are 
none of them of much greater antiqufty 
than a century ! in Kingston they date 
from 1786 ; in Niagara from about the 
same date, and in Toronto, formerly 
York, from 1807. The following records 
of baptisms, as they are entered in the 
vestry books of St. James church, To 
ronto, will recall to the memory of 


many, people who once played .a pro 
minent part in the affairs of the pro 

_ 1. On the 24th day of March, 1807, Wil 
liam, son of Lewis and Margaret Bright, 
in tihe presence of the sponsors, William 
and Sar-a-h Myers and Michael Dovle, bv 
me, George O Kill Stuart. 

The officiating clergyman in this 
case was the rector of St. James , the 
Venerable Archdeacon Stuart, after 
wards, in 1811, removed to Kingston, 
Lewis Bright, named here, was for 
many years principal messenger in the 
Provincial House of Assembly. The boy 
William was in after life a prominent 
Toronto business man. 

2. On Sunday, the 5th day of April, 1807, 
was baptized Anne, daughter of Patrick 
and Sarah Heron, in presence of the spon 
sors, Hugh Oarfrae, Anne Oarfrae and 
Catherine Davis, by me, George O Kill 

Two well-known families are here re 
ferred to, the Herons and the Carfraes. 
Hugh Carfrae had formerly served in 
the Queen s Rangers, under General 
Simcoe, and the Heron family were 
among our earliest settlers. Both the 
Carfraes and the Herons have, in 1897, 
many descendants in Toronto. 

3. On Sunday, the 5th day of April, 1807. 
was baptized William, son of John and 
Elizabeth Belford, in presence of the spon 
sors, Robert Molineaux and William Hill 
by me, George O Kill Stuart. 

4. On Sunday, the 26th day of April, 
was baptized Catherine, daughter of Sam- 
uei Smith, Esq., and Jane Smith, in pres 
ence of the sponsors, Alexander McDonell, 
Esq., Anne McDonell and Jeanet Cameron 
by me, George O Kill Stuart. 

Mr. Samuel Smith was administrator 
of Upper Canada in 1818, during the 
absence on leave of Sir Peregrine Mait- j 
land, the Lieutenaut-Governor. Mr. ! 
McDonell had been a meniber of the 
Provincial Legislative Assembly, and j 
represented Glengarry at this date i 

5. On Sunday, the 10th day of May, was < 

baptized Jane Ann, daughter of : 

and Jemima Davidson, in presence of the 
sponsors. Anne Powell, Rachel Crooksh.-uik 
and William Allan, by me, George O Kill 

The families of Chief Justice Powell, 
of Caer Howell ; of Hon. G. Crookshank, j 
of Front street west, and the Allans, 
of Moss Park, here are represented. In 
this entry, by same oversight, th_e 
name of the child s father has been left 
blank in the register. 

6. On Sunday, the 7th day of June, was 
baptized Joseph Kendrick, son of Forbes 
and Jane Mitchell, in presence of the spon 
sors, Joseph and Sarah Kendrick, by me, 
George O Kill Stuart. 

. On Sunday, the 21st day of June. 
1807. was baptized, John, son of John and 


Rachel Os tore, In presence of the spon- 
sois, Jacob Keffer and John and Rachel 
Ostere, by me, George O Kill Stuart. N. 
J.5. -The child aged four months and six 

John Ostere was an ex-soldier of the 
Queen s Rangers. 

8. On Sunday, the 21st day of June, 1807, 
was bapti/ed Sarah, daughter of John and 
Dorothy Fox, in presence of the sponsors 
John Doggett, Mary Lamsdale and Dor- 

thv Fox, by mo, George O Kill Stuart. 

inn ? " Sunil y> *& 25th day of October, 

, ^ as ba P tlz J John,, son of George 

and Elizabeth MacDonald, in presence of 

ho sponsors, Michael ad Catherine Dovle 

Daniol Stewart, by me, Georg-e O Kili 

o C U>fVi* t 

10. On Sunday, the 29th day of Novem- 
ber, in this church, George O Kill, eon of 
George O Kill and Lmcy Brooks Stuart, in 
presence of the sponsors. Alexander Wood 
and Duncan Cameron, born on the 12th 

1S07> by me George 

The child here registered was a son 
j of the rector. Alexander Wood and 
Duncan Cameron were well known resi- 
j dents in York, and zealous Anglicans. 

11. On Sunday, the oth day of Decem- 
| ber. was baptized William, son of D Arcy 

Boulton, Esq., ana Elizabeth Boulton 
(born on the 1st day of December, 1806), 
in presence of the sponsors, John B. Rob 
inson and Hannah Jarvis, by me, Georee 
O Kill Stuart. 

It is hardly necessary to make any 
comments on this entry, all the par 
ties being so well known then and now. 
This Mr. Darcy Boulton was the builder 
of " The Grange." 

12. On Sunday, the 6th day of Decemi- 
ber, was baptized in tliis church Benjamin 
son of Thomas and Jane Haynes (born the 
1st. day of November, In the" year 1807), In 
the presence of tho sponsors, Thomas 
Haynes and John Hunter and Anne Hun 
ter, by me, George O Kill Stuart. 

This concludes the entries for 1807. 
Commencing in 1808 the first entry is: 

13. On Wednesday, the 13th day of Janu- 
ary, 1S08, was baptized Charles Robinson, 
son of Stephen and Mary Heward (born 
the 9th day of September. 1808), in the 
presence of the sponsors. John Robinson, 
D Arcy Bouiton and Sarah A. Robinson, by 
me. George O Kill Stuart. 

This is the first reference to the 
Heward family, long prominent resi 
dents in York and Toronto. 

14. On Sunday, the 17th day of Janu 
ary, 1808, was baptized in this church 
Catherine, daughter of Valentino and 
Hannah Fishor (born the 7th day of No. 
vember, 1800), in the presence of the spon. 
sors, Joseph and Catherine Shepherd, by 
me, George O Kill Stuart. 

15. On Sunday, the 17th day of Janu 
ary, 1808, was baptized in this church 
Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph and Oath- 
en ne Shepherd (born the 31st day of May, 
1807), in presence of txho sponsors, Valen- 



tine awl Hannah Fisher, by me, George 
O Kiil Stuart. 

It will be noticed in these two pre- j 
ceding notices that Mr. and Mrs. Shep- j 
herd acted for Mr. and Mrs. Fisher s 
child, and vice- versa. 

16. On Sunday, the 8th day of May, Jn 
the year or OUT Lord 1808, was baptized 
1m this church Danief, son of Daniel and 
Margaret Tiers, in the presence of the 
sponsors, Edward Wright and John Bas- 
sill, by me, George O Kiil Stuart. 

Daniel Tiers was the proprietor and 
builder of the once well known " Red 
Lion Hotel," Yorkville. 

17. On Monday, the 6th day of March, 
ln> the year ot onr Lord 1808, was baptized 
In this church James Jar vis Scott, son of 
William and Mary Myers, l|i the presence 
of the sponsors, William Jarvis and Thomas 
Soott, Esq., by mo, George O Kiil 

18. On Sunday, the 3rd day of April, 
in, the year of our Lord 180&, was baptized 
Joseph, son ot Peter Pettier and Cather 
ine his wife, in the presence of the spon 
sors, Francis and Mary Belcour (born Au 
gust 4th, 1806), by mo, George O Kiil 
Stuart, minister. 

19. On Wednesday, the 6th day of April 
In the year of ou-r~Lord 1808, was baptized 
in this church Mary, daughter of Joseph 
and Ann Haines, in the presence of the 
sponsors, Charles Cameron and Ann Haines 
and Henry Clark, by me, George O Kiil 

20. On Sunday, the 10th day of April, 
1808, was baptized in this church Cath 
erine Daggett, daughter of , in 

the presence of the sponsors, Eleazar Dag- 
pett and Catherine Moody, by me, George 
O Kiil Stuart. 

The- name of the parents has been 
omitted in the register. 

21. On Sunday, the 1st day of May, 1808, 
were baptized in tins church Peter, John, 
David, Sarah, Elizabeth, Rachel, children 
of Peter and Sarah Long, in presence of 
the sponsors, Albert Hagerman and Char 
lotte Tiebout, by me, George O Kiil Stuart. 
N.B. The six children in the above regis- 
tiry ure the offspring of parents who are 

22. On Sunday, the 1st day of May, was 
baptized in this church, Eliza, daughter 
of Albert and Nancy Long-, in presence of 
the sponsors, Charlotte Tiebout and Al 
bert Hagorma-n, by me, George O Kiil 

X.B.-It Is to be noted that the Eliza, 
in tJi above registry is the offspring of 
parents who are Africans. 

Why the archdeacon should go out of 
his way to note in the register that 
these were coloured children, it is very 
difficult to understand. 

23. On Sun-day, the 15th day of May, 
Ira the yea/r of our kord 1808, was baptized 
in this church, Jane, daughter of Wil 
liam and Cecilia Slrar, In presence 01 the 
Sponsors, John Hi<r?ins and Jane Brooke, 
by me. George O Kiil Stuart. 

"24. On Sunday, the 29th day of May, 
was baptized George Wil iam, son of Georgo 
and Anne Skeldon, of His Majesty s 49th 

Regiment, In presence of the sponsors, 
George Orookshank, William Allan, Esq., 
and Rachel Crooks-hank, by me, George 
O Kiil Stuart. 

Mr. William Allan, of Moss Park, is 
one of the gentlemen here mentioned. 

25. On Sunday, the 10th day of July, 
was baptiz&d in this church, Henry, son 
of Henry and Mary Jackson, in the pres 
ence of Isaac and Margaret* Mitchell, 
(born the 6th February, 1808), by ma, 
George O Kiil Stuart. 

26. And on the same day, John, son ot 
Isaac and Margaret Mitchell, in the pres 
ence of the sponsors. Henry Jackson, 
Chartes Cameron and Thomas Arms worth 
and Sarah Cameron (born the 8th day of 
June), by me, George O Kiil Stuart. 

27. On Thursday, August the 4th, was 
baptized Mary, daughter of Thomas and 
Elizabeth For far, in presence of the spon 
sors, Mary Thompson and Joh McBeath 
(born Thursday, the 14th January, 1808), 
ly me. George O Kiil Stuart. 

28. On Sunday, the 7th day of August, in 
the year 1808, was baptized in this church 
Saltern Hill, eon of James and Angelica 
Givins. in presence of ttie sponsors, Alex 
ander McDonnell, Esq., and Duncan Cam 
eron, Esq. (born on the 21st day of April, 
1808), by mo, George O Kiil Stuart. 

Saltern Givins, whose baptism is here 
recorded, was for a great number of 
years rector of St. Paul s Anglican 
church, Toronto. 

29. On Sunday, the 7th day of August, 
in, 1803, was baptized in this church James, 

| son of Michael fl-nd Catherine Doyle, in 
presence of the sponsors, Joseph Shaw, 
Green Despard and Susan Ross (born the 
16th day of January, 1808), by ma, George 
O Kiil Stuart. 

30. On Sunday, the 7th day of August, 
in tfoe> year of our Lord 1808, was bap 
tized Jamas Robertson and Charles Honry, 
twin brothers, and sons of William and Mar 
garet Stanton, ii presence of the spon 
sors. D Arcy Boulton, sr., Esq., D Arcy 
Boulton, jr., Sarah Boulton, Lucy B. Htu- 
art, Commodore John Steel and Nancy 
Ridout, by me. George O Kiil Stuart. Born 
March 1st, 1807. 

Mr. William Stanton was the. King s 
Printer in York. Lucy B. Stuart was 
the wife of the Archdeacon, and Com 
modore- John Steel, an officer of the 
Royal Navy on service in Canada. 

31. On Sunday, the 18th day of Septera- 
j ber, in the yeao- of our Lord 1808, was 
! baptized in this church, Nancy, daughter 
i of Lewis and Margaret Boulton, in the 
| presence of the sponsors, Thomas Deary 

and Maria Cameron. Margaret Bright in 
stead of Jane Hunter tnorn the 16th ot 
May, 1808). by mo. George O Kiil Stuart. 

32. On Sunday, the 2nd day of October, 
in the year 1808, were baptized In this 
hurch, Augusta Deborah and Sarah 
Maria, twin sisters, daughters of Parshall 
and Rhoda Terry, in presence of the spon 
sors, William and Hannah Jarvis, Maria 
Lavinia and Augusta Honprina Jarvis 
(born 22nd day Decembor, in the year 
1796, a god 11 years and upwards), by me, 
George O Kiil Stuart. 

Parshall Terry was an ex-lieutenant 



in Butler s Rangers. Of these two chil 
dren, Augusta died early in the forties. 
Sarah became the wife of Edward W. 

On Sunday, the llth day of December., 
1808, was baptized In this church, Han 
nah Eliza, daughter of Thomas and Sarah 
W-augh. in presence of the sponsors, Wil 
liam Hallo way aail Elizabeth Halloway, by 
me, George O Kill Stuart. 

On. Sunday, fche 38th day of December, 
to, ttoe year of OUT Lord 1808, was baptized 
Allan,, son of Alexander McDonnell, Esq., 
and Anne McDonnell, In presence of the 
sponsors, Duncan Cameron, Esq., Allan Mc 
Lean and Isabella McLean, by me. Geors e 
O Kill Stuart. 

The spelling of the names in these ; 
registers is often defective. McDonnell 
ought to read McDonell. 

On Sunday, the 10th day of April, in 
the year of our Lord 1809 was baptized 
In this church George D Arcy, son of 
D Arcy Boultora, Jr., Esq., and Sarah Boul- 
ton, in presence of the sponsors, D Arcy ; 
Boulton, ST., Esq., D Arcy Boulton, jr. Esq. 
and Lucy B. Stuart, by me, George O Kill 

These were the Boultons of Holland ! 
House, already referred to several 

The register does not appear to have 
been entered up at the time of the bap 
tism in all cases. Many entries were 
evidently made from private memo 

The mode of entering now alters. 

Child s name. Alfred Hale : parents, Al 
fred and Philinda Barrett : sponsors. Henry 
and Mary Hale ; when baptized, 21st No 
vember, 1807. 

Alfred Hale was an hotel-keeper on 
the north-west corner of King and 
Jarvis streets. He afterwards removed 
to Thornhill. 

Child s name, Amanda Simon ; parents, 
Simon and Margaret Druyard ; sponsors, 
Francis Rolanuoin and Mary Oreshaw ; 
When baptized, January 20th. 1S03. 

Child s name, James Henry ; parents, 
Jonas and Rachel Sypes : sponsors, James 
Everson and Elizabeth Burns ; when bap 
tized, January 30th, 1808. 

Child s name, Margaret ; parents, Alex 
ander Marshall and Mary ; sponsors, Lewia 
Bright and Margaret Bright ; when bap 
tized, January 1st, 1809. 

This child was the daughter of Alex 
ander and Mary Marshall. 

Child s name, Eliza ; parents, Charles and 
Saiah Cameron ; sponsors. Philip Hayues and 
Ann Haynes ; when baptized, February 1st, 

Child s name, Anne ; parents, Henry and 
Mary Jackson ; sponsors, Charles and Sarah 
Cameron ; when baptized, April 2nd, 1809. 

Child s Name, John ; Parents, John & Eli 
zabeth Meredith; Sponsors, John Oallis (or 
Cane.?) & Jane Haynes; When baptized, April 
2nd, 1809. 

record, profoibly a private memoran 
dum book of Dr. Strachan s. 

Child s name, Hiram; parent?. Jacob and 
Cynthia Sitnith : sponsors, William Casted 
and Elizabeth Cameron ; when baptized, 
June 4th, 1809. 

Child s name, Elizabeth Jane; parents, 
John and Frances Murchison ; sponsors, 
Sarah Bowkefrt and Brooke, Joseph 
Hunt ; when baptized, June 4th, 1809. 

Mr. John Murchison resided on the 
south-east corner of Duke and George 
streets. He was an early business man 
in the town of York, and one of the 
first seat holders in St. James . Sarah 
Bowkett was the wife of Captain Bow- 
kett, of the lake service. Their resi 
dence was a _ cottage on the north-west 
corner of King and Yonge streets. 

Child s name, Benaiah ; parents, Benaiah 
and Margaret Rouse ; sponsors, Joseph 
Clock and Susannah Anderson ; when bap 
tized, June 23rd. 

Child s name, Elizabeth ; parents, Joseph 
and Mary Wilcox ; sponsors, Susannah An 
derson and George Anderson ; when bap 
tized, June 23rd. 

in ail probability this name should 
be Willcocks. Their is no Wilcox to be 
found in ?~y.y records of the period, and 
Joseph Wilicocks was well known. 

Child s name, Mary Ann ; parents, Joseph 
and Ann Harvey ; sponsors, John Dalton 
and Sarah Heron ; when baptized, July 16th, 

Child s name, Charles : parents, Peter and 
Catherine Pettier ; sponsors, Madeline Bel- 
cour and Jean Deblain ; when baptized, 
July 16th, 1809. 

Child s name, John Brooks ; parents, Rev. 
George O Kill S : tuart and Lucy B. Stuart; 
sponsors. William Jarvis, Esq.. Charles Stu- 
art and Hannah Jarvis ; when baptized, 
July 16th, 1809. 

William. Jarvis, here mentioned, was 
Provincial Secretary. 

Child s niarmo, James ; parents, David and 
Susannah Wilson ; sponsors, Henry NorrJa 
and Susannah Brown ; when baptized, Aa- 
g-ust 6th, 1809. 

Child s nama, William ; parents, James 
and Ross ; sponsors, --- Wallis 

and Thomas Mosoley and --- Olinger ; 
Whon baptized, August 13th, 1809. 

Child s name, George and William ; par 
ents, John and Elizabeth Ellson ; spon 
sors, none ; when baptized, February 1st, 

There were two children baptized. 
Whether twins or not, the register 
fails to state. 

The seven preceding entries appear 
to have been entered from some other 

Child s- name, Lucy ; parsxa, Abraham 
Elizabeth VanHorne : sponsors, none; 
when baptized, February 10th, 1810. 

Child s name, Elizabeth, Nancy, John, 
Ba-rbara ; parents, John and Elizabeth 
Fear-holder ; sponsors, Albert Spring and 
Barbara Spring ; when baptized, Febru 
ary 12th, 1810. 

Here were four children baptized 

and registered under the one heading. 

Child s name, William Green ; parents, 



James anil Ellen Fonwick : sponsors, Hugh 
O. Thompson and Mary Thompson ; when 
baptized, March 7th, 1810. 

The spelling here is again at fault. 
Thompson ought to be Thomson. 

Child s name, William and. James : par 
ents, Thomas and Elizabeth Williams ; 
sponsors, Elizabeth Halloway, John Dog- 
gett, Samuei Faircloth and Thomas Tibbs; 
when baptized, May 6th, 1810. 

Here again are two children register 
ed in one entry. Elizabeth Holloway 
was a connection of the first light 
house keeper on Toronto Island. 

Child s na*me, Elizabeth ; parents, Fran 
cis and Judith Brock ; sponsors, none ; when 
baptized, May 14th, 1810. 

Child s name, Badger Robins an adult ; 
parents, sponsors or witnesses, Frederick 
Herrick and Elizabeth Herrick ; when bap 
tized, June 30th, 1810. 

Child s name, Euphrosyne Holen ; par 
ents, William, Firth, Esq., and Anne Firth ; 
sponsors, noue ; when baptized, November 
25 tin, 1810. 

Child s 1 name, William John ; parents, 
John and Sophia Martin : sponsors, William 
Firth, Esq., iuid Ann Firth ; when bap 
tized, March llth, 1808. 

Child s name, George & Henry : parents, 
John and Hannah Haache; sponsors (none); 
when baptized, February 12th, 1811. 

Child s name, James ; parents, Isaiah and 
Rachel Wilmot ; sponsors (none) ; when 
baptized, 10th June, 1810. 

Isaiah "Wilmot was a relative of John 
Ross, the undertaker who interred 
Brock. He lived near the corner of 
Peter and Front streets. 

Child s Name, Sophia & Plemy, were born 
23rd October, 1809; Parents, William Stan- j 

Note by Dr. Strachan : " Stanton 
twins born 23rd October, 1809. Spon 
sors, John Reverley Robinson, Sarah 
Boulton, Isabella Jarvis. June 10th, 

Child s Name, Mary ; Parents, Charles & 
Sarah Cameron : Sponsors, Marv & John 
Bury: When baptized, Feb. 14th. 1811. 

Child s Name. John; Parents, liirhard & 
Anne Howe; Sponsors. Matthew Mounting, 
John Kirby & Elizabeth Meredith; When 
baptized, September 16th. 1811. 

Child s Name, Jane; Parents, Thomas & 
Sarah Waugh: Sponsors, William Halloway 
& Sarah Jobbitt; When baptized, Sept. 
16th. 1811. 

Child s Name, Ma -y Catherine Eve; Par 
ent,, Abraham & Elizabeth Oort; Sponsors, 
Isaac Cook. Abraham Cook. Marv Bellinger; 
When baptized, October 23rd, 1811. 

The Oorts were o f Dutch extraction, 
and nV tervvards settled in Markham. 

Child s Name, Thomas; Parents. Thomas 
& Elizabeth Collier ; Sponsors, William Lane. 
David Henderson & Mary I lvn; When bap 
tized, November llth, 181L 

Child s Name, Lucy Jane : Parents, Opo. 
O Kill Stuart & Lucy Brooks Stuart; Spon 
sors. John B. Robinson, Eliza H. Jarvis & 
Marianne Campbell; When baptized, May 
31st, 1812. 

Marianne Campbell, here mentioned, 
was the wife of Mir. Justice Campbell, 
whose home was on Doike street. 

Child s Name. Eliza Ann; Parents, Sam 
uel Ridout & Eliza Ridout; Sponsors, John 
Small ik Eliza Small; When baptized, June 

Mr. Samuel Ridout was sometime 
sheriff of York. He died June 6th, 
1855, aged 77. 

Child s Name, William Henry Robinson; 
Parents. D Arcv Boulton & Sarah Boul 
ton; Sponsors, Peter Robinson, Arch. Mc 
Lean <fc Eliza Jarvis; When baptized, June 
7th, 1812. 

Mr. Peter Robinson, mentioned in 
this entry, was the Tounder of Peter- 
boro . 

Child s Name, Sydney Smith: Parents, 

Thomas. Hamilton, Hamilton; Sponsors, 

Thos. Deary fc Sarah Deary ; When bap 
tized, June 7th, 1812. 

Child s Name, Sarah ; parents, Steb- 

bings ami S"tebbmgs ; sponsors, none. 

The date o f this baptism is not en 

Child s iba/me, William ; parents, Michael 
and Mary Koffer ; sponsors, John and Ra 
chel Oes~ter ; when baptized, June 14th, 

Qhill s name, Frmieia Harris ; parents, 
Stephen and Mary Heward : sponsors, A. 
McLea, Robert Stanton, Isabella Jarvis ; 
when baptized, 14th June, 

Mr. F. H. Heward, whose baptism is 
here recorded, was long a well-known 
resident in Toronto.. 

Child s nwrne, Sarah, an adult and Af 
rican ; parents not given ; witnesses, Mar- 
gaTet H. Shaw aivd Sophia Shaw ; when 
baptized, June 21st, 1812. 

The sponsors o f Sarah, " an adult and 
African," the Misses Shaw, were daugh 
ters of Major-General Aeneas Shaw, 
who resided at Oak Hill, in the north 
west portion o f the city. 

Child s name, John James ; parents, Be- 
noni and Hannah La-mson; sponsors, Peter 
Ernst and Johii Wye k hart ; when bap 
tized, February llth, 1812. 

Child s naone. Eleanor : parents, Thomas 
and Elizabeth Forfar ; sponsors, none ; when 
baptized, March 14th, 1812. 

Child s name, Lewis, Samuel, John ; par 
ents, Samuel and Mary Wilmot : sponsors, 

Quettori St. George and Miles ; when 

baptized, March 18th, 1812. 

Child s na<m. f>, Harriet Ann Pentz ; par 
ents, John Johnston, lieutenant in the 
Canadian Regiment, and his wife Catherine 
Johnson : sponsors, none ; when baptized, 
March 25th, 1812. 

ChiH .s name, Matilda ; parents, William 
and Esther Barber ; sponsors, Benjamin 
Cozens and Susan Ross ; when baptized, 
April 22nd, 1812. 

Mr. Benjamin Cozens, one o f the spon 
sors referred to here, is credited with 
having erected the first house in York. 
It is only right to add that more than 
one person claims this honour. 



Cbild i rauu, James Alexander and Mar 
garet Leah : parents, Ool. Samuel Smith 
and - - Smith ; sponsors, William Allan, 
I-Ia-nmah Ja.rvis. Aug-usta N. McOoi-mJck, 
Duncan Cameron ; when baptized, June 
24th, 1812. 

These were the children of Colonel 
Smith, afterwards Administrator of the 

Child s name, Helen McPherson : parents, 
Colonel McPherson and Mrs. McPherson ; 
sponsors, none ; when baptized, June 21st; 
born, April, 1812. 

This entry was made some months 
a /ter the baptism. 

Child s name, Mary Ann ; parents, George 
and Mary Duggan : sponsors, Frances Mur- 
ohison and Murray ; when baptized, 

June 29bh, 1812. 

Few people were better known in To 
ronto than was Colonel George Duggan. 
He was a strong supporter of St. 
James , and in 1818 gave a row of 
poplar trees to be planted in front of 
the church, and greatly resented their 
necessary removal many years later. 
He resided on the south-east corner of 
George and King streets. 

Child s name, Mary Duggan, an adult ; 
witnesses, Frances Murchison and Mur 
ray ;when baptized, June 29th, 1812. 

Child s name, Francis Gore ; parents, 

William and S tanton ; sponsors, John 

Robinson, Augusta McOormick ; when bap 
tized, Juno 29th, 1812. 

This child of Mr. Stanton s was call 
ed after the Lieutenant-Governor, 
Mr. Francis Gore. The male sponsor 
should be described as John B. Robin 

Ohdld s name, Isaac Brock : parents, Wil 
liam and Stanton ; sponsors, A. Mac- 
Lean and Selbv ; when baptized, June 

29th, 1812. 

Chill s name. William Eneas Fuller ; par 
ents, Major Thos. Richard Fuller and his 
wife Mary Fuller ; sponsors, Major-General 
Eneas Shaw and Margaret Shaw ; when 
baptized, August 2nd, 1812. 

The names here are all familiar in 
Canadian history. Major Fuller, like 
Major-General Shaw, had served in the 
revolutionary war, and also in that of 

Child s name, Elizabeth Kean ; parents, 
Michael Kean and Elizabeth Kean, alias 
Hunt ; sponsors. Francis Elizabeth, alias 
P.owland Hullo-rani, Ric-hard Company, 
Eleaner Company, alias Hunt ; when bap 
tized, November 15th, 1812. 

Child s name, Cha<rles Grigg ; parents, 
John Grigg and Eliza Grigg, 41st Regi 
ment : sponsors, John Scott, William Fox 
and Elizabeth Scott ; when baptized, De 
cember 20th, 1812. 

Child s name, William Needham ; parents, 
William Needham and Catherine Needham, 
of the Artillery ; sponsors, Daniel Swee 
ney, Giver and Martha Sweeney ; 
when baptized, December 20th, 1<812. 

Oh51rT.= n-a-me, Samuel McMurray ; par- 


ents, Bradshaw McMurray and Mary Mc 
Murray ; sponsors, Joseph Shaw. Daniel B. 
Wallie, Jiiti/o Wallis ; when baptized, De 
cember 27th. 1812. 

Ohild : s name, Elizabeth ; parents, William 
Allan, Esq.. and" Leaih Allan, his wife ; 
sponsors, Thomas Scott, Rachel Orook- 
ehanik and Ann Selby ; when baptized, 
January 17th, 1813. 

The sponsors for Colonel Allan s 
daughter were Chief Justice Scott, Mrs. 
Grcokshank, who was a sister of Mrs. 
Allan, and Miss Selby, sister to the 
Receiver-General, Prideaux Selby. 

Ohdld s name, George ; parents, Freder 
ick and Elizabeth Qirnntz ; sponsors, Geo. 
Quantz, Frederick Helmky and Mary Ba 
gel : when baptized, 21st January, 1813. 

Child s name, Frederick ; parents. George 
and Mary Quantz ; sponsors, Frederick 
Quantz, Frederick Helmky, Elizabeth 
Quantz ; when baptized, January 21st, 

Child s name, William Halton ; parents, 
James and Angelica Givins : sponsors, 
George Orookshank, William Watson and 
Ann Selby ; when baptized, January 31st, 
1813 ; born March 8th, 1812. 

The child here mentioned was a son 
of Colonel James Givins, who played 
a prominent part in the war of 1812. 
The oplonel resided in the north-west 
portion o f the city, where now stands 
St. Barnabas church. 

Child s Name, Jean ; Parents, James and 
Mary Millar, of the 49th Regiment ; Spon 
sors, William Needham, Royal Artillery, 
Helen Brown and Cecilia Gerrard ; When 
baptized, 31st January, 1813 ; born, 1st 

Child s Name George Charles ; Parents, 
Thos. and Mary Ward ; Sponsors, D Arcy 
Boulton, Stephen Heward and Hannah 
Platter ; Date, February 27th, 1813. 

Child s Name, Margaret Susannah ; Par 
ents, Jacob and Elizabeth Anderson ; Spon- 
sors, Jacob Clock a-nd Eva Olook ; Date, 
23rd March, 1813. 

Child s Name, Elizabeth Ann ; Parents, 
Joseph and Susannah Lieecourt ; Sponsors, 
Elizabeth Pirault, George Anderson ; Date, 
23.rd March, 1813. 

Child s Name, Sarah Saigien, a grown up 
person. ; Sponsors, Ma bel Saigien ; Date, 
29th March, 1813. 

Child s Name, Goerge Lentz Saigien ; 
Parents, Michael and Sarah Saigian ; 
Sponsors, could obtain no sponsors ; Date, 
29th March, 1813. 

Child s Name, William McGinnis : Parents, 

! Barnabas & Mary McGinnis, 49th Regt.: 

Sponsors. Ann Harvey, no Godfather could 

be obtained, the Regt. having left the 

place : Date, 4th April, 1813. 

Child s Name, Mary ; Parents, Adam & 
Maria Davis, 49th Regt.; Sponsors, Pat 
rick Hartney, Ann Hastings & Lottie Con- 
way ; Date, 18th April, 1813. 

Mr. Hartney was Barrack Master at 
York. He married in January, 1814, 
Mrs. Mary Marshall, a widow. 

Child s Name, Thomas William ; Parents^ 
Robert & Mary Elder, Royal Artillery ; 
Sponsors William Jenkins, Mary Dockhart ; 
1 Date, April 25th, 1813. 


Child s Name, John Glegg ; Parents, John Francis Murcliison ; Sponsors, Eleanor 

& Catherine Johnston, the former lieu- Brown & Sarah Murchison ; Date, 6th 

tenant Canadian Rogt.; Sponsors, Major February, 1814. 

Gl&gf 49th Regt., John Small. Esq., Child s Nam, Mary ; parents, Donald Mc- 

Bridlet Burns ; Date, 2nd May, 1813. Arthur, Susan his wife ; Sponsors, Rev. G. 

, \ f - A O. Stuart & Mary Mosely ; Date, 6th Feb- 

Major Glegg was for some time A. rujary 1814 

D. O. to Major-General Brock. He re- Child s Name, Mary ; Parents, John & 

turned, to England with bis regiment Eliza Campbell ; Sponsors, Mary Moore & 

after the yeace. John Small was the William Barter ; Date, 7th February, 

,v A fn rrnwn his rpsidpnce be- Child s ]Same, fcucy Edith; Parents, 

Clerk of tue Crown, nis res ->e Thomas Ridout, Esq., and -- Ridout ; 

ing at Berkeley House, King stre Sponsors, (none) ; Date, 3th February, 1814. 

eas t- The following note after these last 

j "^.^ R n <f R tn S in 8 oT ATOlUm four entries appears in the register: 

Hu^^EHzabetT Huffr Date S " N. B.-The four above baptized in ab- 

May 1813. sence off Rev. John btracuan by me, 

OMId s Name, Eliza; Parents, William & G eor ge O Kill Stuart." 
Plizaboth Porter of 49th Rest.; fepon- 

sors Thomas Pope, Mary March & Fanny Child s Name, Charlotte Eliza, March 

Moss; Date, 20th June, 1813. 2Obh, 1814; Parents William & Ann 

Child s Name Elizabeth ; Parents, John Cooper ; Sponsors, barah Deary and Thomas 

& Jean Sparrow, Royal Newfoundland Regt. Deary, Francis Murchison. Susannah. 

Spon-ors dames JVang, Elizabeth Lang, Ann O Keefe and John Murchison. John 

McKonzie; Date, 27th June, 1813. Strachan, Min. 

The Royal Newfoundland Regiment This entry refers to two children, and 

was a corps raised in the c olonies for is the only one in many pages to which 

colonial military service, paid by -. the officiating clergyman s signature i 

Great Britain, and partly officered by attached. 

Imperial soldiers. Child s Name, Eliza ; Parents. Thomas & 


Ann Ketchum was the wife ot Jesse S , OTS) EMzabeth Proudfoot, Janet Petrie & 
Ketchum the owner of the well-known Allan Taylor ; Baptized at Mires Creek on 
tannery on Richmond street, Toronto. . nth ^-^1814. John ; parentg> James 

& Ma.rt.ha Jackson, Royal Artillery ; Date, 

Child s Name, Charles ; Parents, Barnet . 2 oth February, 1814. 

& Ann McGeogh, 49th Regt.; Sponsors, i 2 . Child s Na-me, Elizabeth ; Parents., Pat- 
Richard Wright. Ann Jordan & Catherine rii , k & Helen Holland ; Date, 21st February, 
Rowe ; Date, 10th August, 1813. Il814- 

Child s Name, Sidney; Parents, Jacob & 3> cShiU s Namo. Archibald Hucrh ; Par- 
Cynthia Smith : Sponsors, William Hallo- ent j,a,mee & Ellen Fenwick ; Date, Feb- 
way. Hannah Washer ; Date, 25th August, ruary 24t>h, 1814. 
D1813. 4. Child s Name, Han.nah ; Parents(, James 

Child s Name, William ; Parents, Thomas & Jane Reld . Date , 26th February, 1814. 
& Mary Miseley ; Sponsors James Kw * 5. Child s Name, Ann; Parents. Daniel & 
Elizabeth Ross ; Date, 29th August, 1813. : AUce Harwl D , at lfit Maroh ,. 1814. 

Child s Name, John ; Parents, Peter & 6> Chn , rs ^ajne, Richard Henry ; Par- 
Hannah Plunket, 49th Regt.; Sponsors Richard & Dorothy Whitesides ; 

Miles Tilgara, William Ginn & Mary Oavan, . Dat ^ 5rd Marcb 1814 . 
Date. 21st September, . 7- child s Name, Euretta ; Parents, 

Child s name, John Francis ; Parents, Wil . Th & Ann Hamilton ; Date, 6th March. 

Item & Sarah Mires: Sponsors, John Ross, | cMWa Name, Jonah ; Parents, John 

DaCer 3 ; Parents, Edward *. &**sl % 

<f <*&? && ? date 12th 

Donnahuef Date, 13th November, 1813. 

Child s Name, William Lipson ; Parents, | Note in register in handwriting - 
William & Ann Lipson, 1st Batt., 41; Spon- , j) r strachan : "The above nine bap- 
sors, Sergt. John Higgins, Elizabeth Ret- I fc .^ , tfae Rey _ Mr _ Addison, who has 
ford ; Date, 23rd of November, 1813. J .,.._ f u_ ^omoc nf flip nnn- 

Ohikl s Name, Harriet ; Parents, William omitted taking the names 
& Saraih Hill ; Sponsors, Cecilia Walan ; j sors." 

Date. 10th December, 1813. Child s Name, D Arcy Edward ; Born 2nd 

nT, .. prl , . 

This was the child of Colonel George ! Child s^ Xamo, Thomas McMurray ; Par- 
T. 11 n^r, ^ f^ ;,, f h^ct ents, Bradsbaw McMurray & Mary Mc- 

Duggaii, already referred to in these Mw 4 ay . 8p(>n80rs> oharfcs Baines ; Date, 

records. April 24th, 1814. 

Child s Name, Sarah ; Parents, John & i Child s Name, Charlotte Bleeker ; Par- 



onts, Grant Powell & Eliza Powell : Spon 
sors, Rachel Orookshank, Eliza Powell & 
Peter Robinson ; Date, May 29th, 1814 ; 
Born 15th March, 1814. 

This child was a granddaughter of 
Chief Justice Powell. Mrs. Crookshank, 
one of the sponsors, was a daughter of 
Dr. Gamble, of the Queen s Rangers. 

Child s Name, Mehetabel, Peter. Christo 
pher, Johnson ; Parents, Peter Whitney & 

Whitney ; Sponsors, Samuel Mercer, 

Jacob Milter, Nancy Humberston ; Date, 
Mehetabel ten years oW, Peter seven, Chris 
topher 3 years. Johnson two months ; all 
baptized llth June, 1814. 

Chill s Name, Ann Moore ; Parents, Wil- 
liaanj Moore & Sally Moore ; Sponsors, Sam 
uel Heron & Nancy Humbers ton ; Date, 8 
Months old ; Baptized, llth June, 1814. 

Chill s Name, Pamela & Thomas Humbert- 
son : Parents, Mr. Humbertson & Nancy 
H umber tson ; Sponsors. William Moore. 
Sally Moore, Thomas Mercer ; Pamela 5 
month old, Thos. 5 years old; Baptized 
llth June, 1814. 

In all probability these two preced 
ing entries refer to the Humberstone 
family, who resided on, Yonge street, 
north of Hogg s Hollow. Mr. Humber 
stone was a lieutenant in the East 
York militia, and saw considerable ser 
vice during the war off 1812. 

Child s Name, Sarah Heven ; Parents., 

Samuel Heven & Heven ; Sponsorsi, 

William Moore, Maria Harrison ; Date, 7 
weeks old ; Baptized llth June, 1814. 

Child s Nam-% James Stephen Lewis ; Par 
ents, Benjamin Lewis & Hannah Lewis 
Sponsors, William Keiidrick, Godfather, 
Miriam. De Harris, Godmother ; 16th June, 
1814 ; 8 weeks old. 

Child s Name, John Ellis Troughton ; Par 
ents, Felix Troughton, Lieut. R. A.. & 
Isabella Troughton ; Sponsors, Richard 
Armstrong & Surgeon Ogilvie, R. A.; Date, 
18th June, 1814 ; 4 weeks old, beinsr born 
26th May, 1814. 

Child s Name, Catherine Hannah Hamil 
ton ; Parents, George Hamilton & Maria 
Hamilton ; Sponsors, James Kirby, Hannah 
Jarvis & Ann Jarvis ; Date, 26th June, 

The Hamiltons here mentioned were 
a branch of the well-known family, resi 
dent at Niagara. 

Child s Name, Catherine Stoneburgh ; 
Parents, Hannah Stoneburgh & Peter 
Stoneburgh ; Sponsors, Catherine Young ; 
Date, 4th July, 1814, at the Carrying 
pla<je. head of the Bay of Quinte. 

Child s Name, Hellener Ann Wilson ; Par 
ents, John Wilson & Ann Wilson ; Sponsors, 
John Weller. Baptized at the Carrying 
place. 4th July, 1814. 

Child s Name. EJias Peter Smith, David 
Stmith. James Smith & John Shuter Smith; 
Parents, John David Smith, & Susannah 
Smiti ; Sponsors, Elias & Catherine Smith, 
John & Sarah Shuter. These four children 
one family, baptized at Smith s Creek, 

Shuter street, Toronto, is called after 
the Mr. John Shuter here mentioned. 

Child s Name, John Allan ; Parents, Wil 
liam Allan, Esq., & Leah Allan ; Sponsors, 

John Robinson. Esq.. Margaret McGill ; 
Date, 10th July, 1814. 

Margaret McGill was the wife of 
Captain John McGill, formerly Queen s 
Rangers. They resided where, in 1897, 
stands the Metropolitan church. 

Child s Name. Mary Ann Mortimer ; Par 
ents, Patrick Mortimer, of the 8th Rgt. 
of Foot. & Mary Mortimer : Sponsors, Rich 
ard Ellison, 8th or King s Regt., Mary 
Trowenson & Helen Howson. 13th July, 
1814. Born 2nd May. 

Child s Name, Joseph ; Parents, Nicholas 
Hayes, Sergeant of the 8th or King s Regt. 
& Sarah Hayes ; Sponsors, Sarah Binus, 
Andrew Dick, Corporal, 23 July, born ana 
baptized 27 July, 1814. 

Child s Name, R,obert Thompson ; Par 
ents, Robert Thompson & Madeline Thomp 
son ; Sponsors, Lisette Percan, Justine 
Berthray. 6th August. Born 9th July, 

Child s Name. Louis Rochambeau ; Par 
ents, Louis Rochambeau & Jesette Rocham 
beau ; Sponsors, Justine Berthrav & Lisette 
Berthray. 7th Aug. Born the same day. 

Child s Name, Lucy Bettiat ; Parents, 
Aaron Leonard & Ann Leonard; Sponsors, 
Ann Tibbit & Ed. Wright. 8th Aufcuait 
born 20th May, 1814. 

Child s Name, Adolphus ; Parents, James 
Givirus & Angelica Givins ; Sponsors, Eliza, 
beth Wallace Smith ; 10th August, 1814. 

Child s A T am.a, George; Parents, John 
Henry & Ann Henry ; Sponsors, Mary 
Murray ; August 16th, 1814 ; eight days 

Child s Name, Mary Ann ; Parents, Eneas 
Langelee, Mury Langelee ; Sponsors, Mary 
Rolla, Sally Langlee & William Gruette ; 
Date, 21st August, 1814 ; Born 17th April, 

Child s Name, Helener Crin ; Parents 1 , 
Peter Crin & Elizabeth Crin ; Sponsors), 
Mary Hoffrruan & Stephen Bellair ; 25th 
August, 1814 ; (born) 13th December, 181.3 

CufU d Name, John McLauchlin ; Parents, 
John McLauchlin & Helener (sic) McLauch 
lin : Sponsors, John Campbell & Margaret 
McDoneU ; 27th August, 1814 ; born 9th 

Child s Name, Louisa Stobbins ; Parents, 
Amasa, Stebblns, Catherine Stebfbins ; 
Sponsors, Rudolph Post, Elizabeth Post ; 
Date, 23th August, 1814. 

This entry is the first in which the 
family of Jordaoi Post is referred to in 
these records. They resided on the 
south-east corner of King and Bay 

Child s Name, Mary Louisa ; Parents, Jo 
seph Renau, Mairy Louisa Reneau ; Spon 
sors, Justin Bertthray, Lisette Berthray, 
Joel Judd ; 2nd Sept., 1814 ; Born 1st 
Sept. 1814. 

Childs Name, Catherine; Parents, Wil 
liam Shaw, Elizabeth Shaw; Sponsors, Ann 
Glennon; 8th September, 1814; born 2nd. 
October, 1812. 

Child s Name, Aleutian (sic); Parents, 
Joseph Abbit, Christian Abbit; Sponsors, 
Shriatian Abbit; llth September, 1814. 

Child s Nome, John Presley; Parents, Pat 
rick Benson & Catherine Benson; Sponsors,, 
Helener McLauchlin, Mary Himes, Stephen 
Bollair; 24th September. & Born 17th., 

Child s Name, Thomas Ralph Hamilton; 



Parents. Christopher Hamilton, Ool. in the 
Army & Frances Hamilton; Sponsors, Ann 
Powell, Drummoad Powell & Thom 
as Scott, Chief Justice; Date, 28th. Sep 
tember, Born 26th. August, 1814. 

There is evidently a mistake here in 
the name William Drurnmond Powell. 
It ought to be William Dummer. 

Child s Name, "William Benson; Parents, 
Esekiel Benson & Ann Benson; Sponsors, 
Haynea Benueb, Hannah Meley, 1st. Octo 
ber, 1814. 

Child s Name, Robert Keirman : Parents, 
George Keirman, Quarter Mr. 8th Regt., 
Ellinor Keirman ; Sponsors, Patrick Hart- 
ney & Ann Hartaey ; 3rd October, 1814. 

Child s Name, George : Parents, Abed- 
nego Matthew, Sergeant of 89 Regt., & 
Bridget Matthew ; Sponsors, James Mc- 
Mullin, Sergt. 89 Regt.. & Mary Lang ; 
9th October ; Barn, 30th Sept., 1814. 

Child s Name, Amelia Catherine Moore ; 
Parents, Thomas Moore, Asst. Surgeon 41st 
Regt., & Mary Moore ; Sponsors, Benoit 
Bender & Catherine Smith ; 16th Octo 
ber, 1814. 

Child s Name, James Hake Wheeler ; Par 
ents, Calvin "Wheeler, Elizabeth Wheeler, 
Glengarry Regt.; Sponsors, James Mc 
Lean, Mary Flake ; 16tti October, 1814. 

Child s Name, Louisa ; Parents, Louis Fon. 
taine, Mary Fontaine ; Sponsors, Xorlan 
Depuis & Fanny Jannes ; 18fch Oct., 1814. 

Child s Name, Thomas Patrick McGravr ; 
Parents, Patrick McGravy, late Sergt. in 
the King s or 8th Regt., Mary McGravy ; 
Sponsors, George Oarr, Mary "Oarr, David 
Mclntosh ; 38th October ; Born 22nd, 1814. 

Child s Name, Jolwi ; Parents, James 
Hasleden, Sergt. of Royals, & Sarah Haslo- 
den ; Sponsors., John Smith, Sergt. Royals, 
8arah Palmer ; Date, 6th November , 1814. 

Child s Name, Richard Shaw ; Parents, 
Joseph Shaw, Mairy McKinlay ; Sponsors, 
Benjamin Cousins, William Harley, Eliza 
beth McMurray ; 9th November ; Born in 
May, 1814. 

Child s Name, Isabella ; Parents, Patrick 
Hartney, Barrack master, Mary Hartney ; 
Sponsors, Edward Hartnsy, Sarah Devry & 
Frances Murohison ; 20th November, 1814. 

Frances Murchison was wife of Mr. 
Jobn MurchLson, who resided in To 
ronto until his death, in 1870. 

Child s Name, Margaret ; Parents, Pat. 
rick Mullins, private in the 89th Regt.j, 
Oatherrino Mullins ; Sponsors, John Jones, 
Sergt. 89 Regt., Catherine Suunet ; 20 N.; 
born 13, 1814. 

Child s Name, Mary Ann ; Parents, James 
Millar, Colour Sergt. 2 Batt. 89 Regt* 
Mary Millar ; Sponsors, Alexander Lang, 
Colour Sergeant 2nd Batt. 89tii Regt., 
Catherine Dun & Elizabeth Warran ; 24th 
Novr.; Born 12th Novr., 1814. 

Child s Name, James Outer ; Parents, 
Jamea Houten, Ma.ry Houten ; Sponsors, 
Thomas Sherden, Corporal, 89 Regt., 2nd 
Batt., John McCormdck ; 1st Deor.; Born 
20tii of November, 1814. 

Child s Name, Frances Amelia ; Parents, 
Lieut. Ool. Maul & Frances Maule ; Spon 
sors, Star Jarvis, William Jarvis & Betsy 
& Isabel Jarvte ; 5t*h December, 1814. 

Spelling here is again at fault in the 
name of Star Jarvis. It ought to be 

Child s Name Dorothea McGregor LamP- 
son ; Parents, Hannah Lam/peon, Benonl 
Lannpson ; Sponsors, Henry Chine, Hannah 
Cummins ; llth December, 1814. 

A note is added to this entry by Dr. 
Strachan : " Sent the above to Dr. 
Mevill in my annual letter." 

Child s Name, Ann Elizabeth Fitzgerald ; 
Parents, Dennis Fitzgerald, Officer in the 
41st Reg-t., Maria Fitzgerald ; Sponsors, 
Mary Fitzq-Ibbon, Daniel Brooks ; 14 De 
cember, 1814. 

Mrs. Fitz-Gibbon, one of the spon 
sors, had been a Miss Washburn, sis 
ter of Simon AVashburn. Daniel Brooke, 
not Brooks, was the ancestor of a fam 
ily, in 1H97, still members of St. James 

Child s Name, Eliza ; Parents, Forbes 
Mitchell, Glenga-ry Regt., & Jean Mitch 
ell ; Sponsors, James Webber ; 22 Decem 
ber, 1814. 

Child s Name, Elizabeth ; Parents. Thomas 
Early, 89th Regt., Mary Early ; Sponsors, 
Thomas Edwards, Bridget Milken ; 24th 
December, 1814 ; Born 16th. 

Child s Name, Mary Ann ; Parents, Pat 
rick Gilliker, corporal 6th, Regt., Mary 
Gilliker ; Sponsors, Catherine Ury. Wil 
liam Small, Small, oth Rogt., Corporal 
John Riley, 6th Regt.; 24 Deeamiber, A 
Born 18, 1814. 

Child s Name, Walter : Parents, William 
Moody & Elizabeth Moody ; Sponsors , Mary 
Mat tic & Walter Moody ;i 5 January, 1815. 

Ohilds Name, Jobn ; Parents, John Good- 
man & Sarah Goodman ; Sponsors, Mary 
Marsh ; 7 January, 1815. 

Ohilds Name. Daniel Godfrey ; Parents, 
Dennis Kelly, Color Sergt. of 41st. & Dolly 
Kelly ; Sponsors, Stephen Iron & Mary 
Bannister : 9 January, 1815. 

Child s Name, Enoch ; Parents. Thomas 
Price, Corporal 89 bh Regt., & Elizabeth 
Price : Sponsors, Joseph Broadbent. Sergt., 
Elizabeth Millar : 9th January, 1815, 

Child s Name, Jobn Cochrane ; Parents, 
Robert M. Coclirane, Gapt. of the Glen 
garry Regt., & Harriett Ooohrane : Spon 
sors, James Lynar, Esq., Lieut. William 
L^var. 103 Regt.. & Mrs. Grace Fawcett ; 
13th Janiiary, 1815. 

Mrs. Fawcett was the wife of Lieut. 
Fa\vcett, an officer of the Imperial 

ChiH s Name, Jean ; Parents, Timothy 
Dillon, 89 Regt., PrI.. Helen Dillon : Spon 
sors, Mary Arkirk & Michael Macklem ; 
Date, 15 Janyj, 1815. 

It is all but impossible to decipher 
the names in this entry. Mary Arkirk 
may be incorrect, the writing in the 
original being so bad. 

Child s Name, Jean ; Parents, Lewis 
Bright, Margaret Bright : Sponsors. Bar 
nard McGuire, Sergt. Major Glen. Regt., 
Ann McGuire; Date, 15th January, 1815. 

Child s Name, John Raffol ; Parents. An. 
tony Raffol, Gten. Regt., & Josette Raf- 
fel ; Sponsors, Francis Duke, Margaret 
Shllor : Date, 15th January, 1815. 

Child s Name, Harriett : Parents, Wil 
liam Minions, Sergt. Majcw in the 89th 
Rest., 2 Eatt., OharBotto Minions ; Spon- 



SOTS, Robert C-ips, Lee. Sergt., 89, 2nd 
Batt., Elis. Heron fe Ann Tumperry ; Date, 
29th January, 1815. 

Child s Name, Isaac ; Parents, Francis 
Brock & Judith Brock ; Sponsors, David 
Mitchell & Francis Brock ; Date 4th Feb 
ruary, 1815; Born 19th September, 1814. 

This child was called after Major- 
General Brock. 

Child s Name, .Sarah, nearly 8 years, 
Charlotte 4 past, Mairy Ann 1 past ; Par 
ents, John Vainhorn, Mary Vanhorn ; 
Sponsors, David Coom. Lucy Kenrick ; Date, 
7th February, 1815. 

Child s Name, Ann Elizabeth ; Parents, 
Georg-e Wajiet, Mary Wanst; Sponsors, 
Frederick Wanst, Ann Woahorn: Date, 10th 
February, 1815, from Markham. 

Child s Name. Daniel John; Parents, John 
Sculley, private 89, 2nd. Batt., Anil Scul- 
ley ; Sponsors, Ja.ines McMullen, 89 sgt., 
Morrice Highland, 89 Sgt., & Mary High 
land ; Date, 10th Feb., 1815; Born 30th i 
January, last. 

Child s Name, Mary ; Parents, John Diver, > 
Mary Diver ; Sponsors, Jacob Clock, Ste- I 

r\Y*j*_ n TITt. I A . A J> T j 

17, and just going , 

sa-nnah & Daniel Gamble, of the town- 
shap of King ; Date, 4 June, 1815. 

Child s Name, John ; Pa-rents, John and 
Sarah Ashbridge, Township of York 
Date, 4 June, 1815. 

The family of Ashbridge were farm 
ers in East York. From them Ash- 
bridge s Bay, to the east of Toronto, 
received its name. 

Child s Name, Susannah Mercer ; Par 
ents, Henry & Mary Carpenter ; Sponsors, 
Soneca Ketchum,, Ann Ketchum & Susan 
nah Gamble ; Da to, 4 June. 

Seneca Ketchwm was a brother of 
Jesse Ketchum. He had considerable 
property in Toronto. He was a son of 
Joseph Ketchum, died June 8th, 1803, 
aged 85. 

Child s tfame, Adam ; Parents ,i Adam and 
Mary fci verson ; Sponsors, Seneca Ket- 
cfaium ; Data, 4 June. 

Oliiid s Name, Joseph ; Parents,, Jonathan 
; Sponsors, Dorcas Burns ; Date, 4 

Nan*. Nancy; Parents, Archi- 

is in the place of 
the date. This jvas probably in Febru 
ary or March, 

_Name, Catherine ; Paj^its, Jacoh 

An entry appears in the registry 

after the six preceding names, that 

! " These si^c above baptized out nine 

i miles OB 

12th ApriY, . 

Cliild s Name, Chas. William ; Parents, 
Thomas McOormick, Esq.. Augusta Me- 
Oormick ; Sponsors. James Hamilton, Rob- 
ej-t Nichol, Ksq., Maria Lavinia Hamilton, 

Child s Name, Leonard ; Parents, Leonard 
Marsh & Mary Marsh ; Sponsors (none) ; 
When baptized, York Township, 1 May, 
1 815; 1 5monthis okl. 

Child s Name, Ueo-gre ; Parents, Charles 
A Louisa Riamount Drivnte in O-M, Vii -Tt 
U1 ~ a Claude ^Garter ? Mary 

Child s Name, Mary Ann ; Parents, Cath- 
! erirae Doyle, father dead ; Sponsors, Maria 
i Wilcox, Alice Baldwin & George Detlor ; 
Date, 11 June. 
, The Detlors mentioned here were a 

J well-known Kingston family, where 
! they carried on a large business as 

general dealers. 


: hlld r t^ Margaret; Parents, James 
Ross . Elizabeth Koss ; Sponsors, Maj-tha 

Cllneer Maria. Wills, Philip O linger ; Date, 

- , 

; Robert Brig>ht, Sarah Bright : Sponsors, 

The Canadian Regiment so often re- ! Margaret Bright & John. Bright ; Date, 13 
ferred to in these registers was the 
Canadian Fencibles, organized during 
the war of 1812. 

Child s Nam, Jhn Bedanois : Parents, 
John Bedanois, private in Canadian Regt., 
& Maria Louise Bedanois ; Sponsors, Alex- 
ander Galubois & Mary Bedanois ; Born 
10 April, 1815: baptized 10 June, 1815. 

Cftuld^ Name, Helen; Parents, Andrew 
McGla&hen & Alteon McGlashen ; Spon- 
sore, the father stood alone, the mother 
d*d : the child three years old ; bap- 
tized 1 

i These were the Brights who resid- 
j ed to the east of the Don. John Bright, 
i mentioned here, died in 1889, at a 
great age. 

rw,?i^ TVT^ -cr, i^*i, . r. -HTM 

r Ohi1 ^ s Naaiw> Elizabeth ; Parents, Wil- 

!ara awrenc 

The name of Mrs. McGlashen, name- 
ly, Alison, is correct, it is not Alicia, 
ai Tnkrht hp minnrvsprl 

Child s Name, John ; Parents, John Bow- 
man. Mary Bowman ; Sponsors, William Mil- 
101 R Knight; One year old, 2 July, 

Name, Mary; Parents,, David Fer- 
rior Mary Ferrier ; Sponsors, Mary 
iV-iiF yea " T old ba P tlzed 3 July, 

Child s Name, Thomas ; Parents, Su- 

P n 

K- ^1 August, 1815. 

* ***% i M f rla ; Pareata X . 
Mary Pab3t ; SP^s^s, Cati,erin 

Child s Nam.->, Joh.u, : Parents, John 

| Stractian, Recto-r of York, Ann Strachan; 

Sponsors George Orookabattika, E3sq., Commis- 

s ary, John B. Robinson, Solicitor General, 

Frances Small, Godmother ; Date, York, 26 

! Aug., 1815. 

j Child s Name, Sarah ; Parents, Alex- 
j amder McLeod & Jannet McLeod ; Spon- 
i sors, Catherine McMulHn ; Date, Age 15 

months; baptized 13th Defer., 1815. 
! Child s Name, .Kfery Bright; Parents, 
Thomas Bright & Jean, Bright ; Sponsors, 
Joim Bright & Elizabeth Hunter ; 
15 Octr., 18315. 



Child s Name, Joseph ; Parents, Samuel 
Rldpoit, - - Kidout ; Sponsors, John Small, 
Junior, Esq., & Frances Small ; Date, 22 
October, 1815. 

Child s Name, Richard Oliver Duggan ; 
Parents, George Duggan & AMI Duggan ; 
Sponsors, John Burke, Thomas Duggan, 
Margaret Diver ; Date, 5( Noyr., 1815. 

Child s Name, Mary Sophia ; Parents, 

John Powell, Powell ; Sponsors, Richard 

Shaw, Mary Powell, Sophia Shaw ; Date, 
17 December, 1815. 

Child s Name, Clara Rainsoin ; Sponsors, 
John Henry Somerwelt, Margaret Somer- 
welt ; Parent, Sarah Thomas ; the g-irl aged 
181-2, 1815. 

Child s Name, Maria : Parents, John & 
Mary Marlett ; Sponsors, Susannah 
O Keefe aad Andrew O Keefo ; Date, 31 
Deer,, 1815. 

Child s Name, Aiktn Mercer ; Parents, 
Tresive Mercer & Pascall Mercer ; Spon 
sors, Polly Miletet ; 5 Jany., 1816. 

Child s Name, Augusta Ma<ria ; Parents, 
Benjamin Gale, Esq., Margaret* Ann Gale ; 
Sponsors, Janet Cameron, Duncan Cam 
eron ; Date, 6Janoary, 1816. 

Mr. Duncan Cameron was a member 
of the Legislative Council, and resid 
ed a.t Gore Vale, Queen street west. 
Trinity College now stands on a por 
tion of the land surrounding the house. 
Janet Cameron, named here, was his 

Child s Name, Mary, from Markham ; 
Parents, Frederick Quanst, Elizabeth 
Qonst ; Sponsors, George and Mary 
Quanst ; Date, 19 Jany., 1816 ; Infant near 
ly a year old. 

Child s Name, John, McKewn ; Parents, 
James McKewn & Aan\ McKewn ; Sponsors, 
Sergeant Samuel Wait, John Hannager- Ar 
mourer, Glengary Corps ; Date, 18 Janu 
ary, 1816. 

Child s Name, George and "William Gold- 
tfoorp ; Parents, George & Margaret 
Goldthorp ; Sponsors, could find no spon 
sors : Date, 3 Ma<reh,, 1816. 

Two children are here included in 
the one entry. 

Child s Name, Diadema ; Parents, Pilby 
Diver, John Diver ; Sponsors, Jacob 
Cloak. Orinard Cloak, Nancy Cloak ; Date, 
13 March, 1816 ; aged 16. 

Child s Name, Jane Markham ; Parents, 
Thomas Forfar, EMzabeth Forfar : Spon 
sors, Elizabeth Thomson, Edward W. Thom 
son ; Date, 21 March. j 1816 ; ten months. 

The Forfars were from Markham, 
where matay of their descendants are 
stfll to be found. In all probability the 
second name, " Markham," was merely 
a memorandum of Dr. Strachan. It 
seems to have been entered at a dif 
ferent time to the rest of the entry. 

Child s Name, John Bailey ; Parents, Sam- 
nel Bailey, GJengro-y Regt., & Elizabeth 
Badfey; Sponsors, Alexander Mitchell, Arch 
McNeil & Maa-y Quail ; Date, 10 March, 
1S16. , 

Child s Name, Samuel, Joseph, James, 
John. & Sarah Ann Goodwin ; Parents!, 
Jesse Goodwwra, Sarah Ann? Goodwin ; Spon 
sors, Parents & Mary Marah ; Date, 2nd 
April, 1816. 

Chill s Name- Robert McGinnis ; Parents. 
John McGinnis, Gk-ngary LJ I., & Barbara 
McGinnis ; Sponsors, Ja-mes Wian & Sarah 
i Wiani.; Date, 7 April, 1816. 

j Robert McGinnis was a large store- 
! keeper on the north-east corner of 
I Front street, adjoining: Palace street. 
Child s- Name, Francis John Bruoe Jack- 
| s-on ; Parents, Francis Jackson & "Marg. 
i Jackson ; Sponsors, John Miles Jackson <fe 
j Lt. John Bruce ; Date, 15 Apr, 1816. 

Child s Name, Eliza Fox : Parents, Wil- 
i Mam Fox, Glengary Regt., Mary Fox ; 
> Sponsors, William Watson,Ma.ry Watson ; 
! Date, 28 April, 1816. 

Child s Name, John ; Parents, Abraham 
Banker, Ruth, Banker ; Sponsors, Charles 
; McLean & Sally Tibbitt ; Date, 5 Mav, 
i 1816. 

j Child s Name, John Adamsoii ; Parents, 

I John Adamson, Sergt. G. L. I., Christina 

j A-damson ; Sponsors, James McLean, Mary 

! Quail, Samuel Wood ; Date, 19 May, 1816. 

Child s Name, Margaret Mowat ; Parents, 

William Allan, Esq., Leah; Allan ; Sponsors, 

Jane Gamble, Isabella Home, Cbas. Rieh- 

a<r<l Horne ; Date, 3Ctn May, 1816. 

Chas. Richard Horne is a mistake. 
The Christian names ought to be re 
versed. Dr. Horne was for many years 
surgeon in the Glengarry Light In- 
j fantry, and on the disbandment, of that 
I corps in 1817 entered into business and 
I became editor and publisher of the 
j York Gazette, continuing until 1821, 
i when he became principal teller in the 
Rank of Upper Canada. During the 
rebellion of 1837 his house at Yorkville 
was burned by the insurgents, to whom 
he had made himself obnoxious. BRs 
wife, Isabella, was a daughter of Dr. 
Gamble and a sister to Jane Gamble, 
also to Mrs. Allan, referred to in this 

Child s 1 Name, Charles Richard ; Parents, 
Charles Richard Horne, Surgeon. Isabella 
Horne; Sponsors, William Allan. Esq., Leah 
Allan, John Gamble ; Date,** 30 May, 1816. 

Dr. Home s names are again mis 
placed in this entry, as in the last. 
John Gamble was engaged in business 
in York with Mr. T. W. Birchall, after 
wards resided at Pine Grove, and for 
many years was a member of the Pro 
vincial Parliament. 

Child s Name, Mary ; Parents, Roberto 
I Oocittra.Tie, Capt. Gleng-ary Regt., & Har 
riett Oodirane ; Soon&ors, Lieut. Kemble, 
I Glen. R^gt., & Mro. Kembte ; Date, 26 
I May, 1816. 

Child s Name Mary Lizzie ; Paren.ta 
Darcy Boulton & Sally Boulton ; Spon 
sors, Elizabeth Berner & Peter Robiaon ; 
Date, 29 May, 1816. 

The original writing is extremely 
difficult to decipher. There is scarcely 
any doubt that Peter Robison means 
Peter Robinson. 

Child s Name, Stephen : Parents, Abra 
ham Phoenix, Eleanor Phoenix ; Sponsor*. 
William Hodkeaon. ; Date, 6 August, 1816, 



Child s Nam, John. Joseph ; Parents, 
JohitL Murchison, Frances Murchisojn ; 
Sponsors, Barbary Murciheeon, John H. 
Campbell, Duncan Muroheson : Date, 13 
August, 1816. 

Child s Name, William Secord ; Parents, 
John Secord & Janet Secord ; Sponsors, 
Joseph. B. Clench,. Abraham Secord & Se- 
*ena Clench ; Date, Ancastar 5 June, 1816. 

This is the family to which the fam 
ous Laura Secord, of Beaver Dams 
fame, belonged. Joseph B. Clench was 
also a member of a Niagara family. 

Child s Name, Elizabeth Marsh ; : Parents, 
Lieut. Col. Maule, Mrs. Maule : Sponsors, 
William Henry Robinson, commissary Gen 
eral. Catherine Robinson ; Date, 6 July, 

Many of the descendants of Colonel j 
and Mrs. Maule, in 1897, still reside in [ 
or near Toronto. 

Child s Name. Hercules Burwell, Isaac 
Brock Burwell & Alex. BurwteJ! ; Parents, 
Mahlon Burwell, Sarah Burwell ; Sponsors, 
John Purvis. Stephen Backus & Lydia Pat - 
*erson ! Date, Port Talbot, 9 June, 1816. 

Mahlon Burwell was not a Toronto j 
man at this date, but resided at Port ; 
Talbot. He was a Government land j 
surveyor, duly licensed and appointed I 
25th April. 1805. 

Child s Name, William Henry, Robinson [ 
Arnold ; Parents, Thomas Arnold, Com 
missary. Mary Arnold : Sponsors. Lt. Col. j 
Nath. Coffin. Adjt. Genl. Militia, James | 
Coffin, Asst. Com.; Date., August 18, 1816. 

Thomas Arnold was an official in the 
commissariat department. Colonel Cof 
fin was A. G. of militia in Upper Can 
ada for a lengthened period. He resid 
ed on Front street, in the house at 
one time occupied by Captain Bonny- 
castle. R. N. 

Child s Name. Joseph, Walter, Mary, 
Hannah. Catherine Ann, Paterson : Par 
ents, Leslie Paterson & Lydia Paterson ; 
Sponsors, Mahlon Burwell, Sarah Burwell ; 
Date, Port Talbot, 9 June, 1816. 

Child s Name, William, Leslie, Catherine, 
Richard, Mary Ann & John Pearce : Par 
ents, John Pearoe & Francis Pearce ; Spon 
sors, Leslie Paterson & Lydia Paterson ; 
Date. Port Talbot, 9 June, 1816. 

Child s Name, Andrew Backus, Joseph 
Backus ; Parents, John Backns & Ann 
Backus : Date. Port Talbot, 9 June, 1816. 

Child s Name. Nelson Pajrker, Hyder 
Parker : Parents. Sitephen & Ann Parker ; 
Date, Port Talbot, 9th June, 1816. 

Child s Name, John & James Harrison ; 
Parents, Lovel Harrison, Margaret Har 

Child s Name, Amelia, John, Rebecca, 
Alexander Roas ; Parents, Alexander Ross,, 
Rebecca Roes ; Date, Port Talbot, 10 June, 

Child s Name, Margaret, Dorothy, Rob 
ert, Sarah Mitchell ; Parents, John Mitch 
ell, Jean Mitchell ; Date, Port T albot, 10 
June. 1816. 

Child s Name, James, John, Charles, 
George Keaaie ; Parents, Edward Keaue, 
J. Keaaie ; Date, Port Talbot, DO June, 

Child s Name. Alexander Govt, a young 
maji, on the 6th & 7th of June stopped 
a,t the Indian village on the Grand River. 
& baptized 74 Children & A dults. 

Dr Strachan was evidently on a 
missionary tour through a portion of 
the archdeaconry, which included the 
whole of Upper Canada. A few days 
later he is at " Yonge street," which 
means anywhere on that street between 
York a,nd Penetanguishene. 

Child s Name. Jacob ; Parents, Michael 
Keffer, Mary Keffer ; Sponsors, Elizabeth 
Keffer : Date. 14 July, 1816. 

Child s Name, Charlotte : Parents, John 
Berthray. Mary Clarke ; Sponsors, Norbel 
Depuis. Jan Depuis ; ate, 16 July, 1816. 

Child s Name. Thomas, Elizabeth Mulhol 
land ; Parents, Henry Mulholland, Jane 
Mulholland ; Sponsors, Rjchard Heron, Har 
riett Heron ; Date, Yonge Street, 27 
July, 1816. 

Two children were here entered. The 
Herons referred to were probably a 
family residing in Markham. 

Child s Name, George, Jane, William 
Hill ; Parents, William Hill. Margaret Hill; 
Sponsors, George Bond, Margaret Hill ; 
Date. 27 2July, 1816. 

Child s Name. Elizabeth. Thomas, Nancy; 
Parents, Richard Heron, Harriett Horon ; 
Sponsors. E-ben. White, Grace Mclntosh ; 
Date, 272 July, 1816. 

These two entries, three children in 
each, were also on Yonge street. 

Child s Name, Margaret ; Parents, Fran- 
cte Lee, Priscilla Lee ; Sponsors, Peter 
Whitney, Margaret Whitney ; 27 July, 

Child s Name, Michael, Dye ; Parents, 
Michae. Whitman, Mary Whitman ; Spon 
sors, Michael Dye, Mary Dye ; 27 July, 

These two last entries conclude the 
Yonge street list, which included ten 

Child s Name, Ma.ry Scarlet Thompson ; 
Parents, Edward Thompson & his wife 
Sarah Maria Thompson ; Sponsors, Eliza 
Lee, John Scartot, Mary Scarlet ; Date, 
8 October, 1816. 

Child s Name, Edward Christopher Scar 
let ; Parents, John Scarlet, Mary Soar- 
let ; Sponsors, Saraih Maria Thompson, Ed 
ward William Thompson, William Hands ; 
Date, 8 Oct., 1816. 

In these last two entries the spell 
ing is wrong. Thompson should be 
Thomson, and Scarlet Scarlett. E. C. 
Scarlett died in 1895, and was interred 
in St. James cemetery. John Scarlett 
was a well-known Government official 
at this date, who resided near the num 
ber. He died in I860, at a great age. 
His wife, Mary, was a sister of E. W. 
Thomson, who died in 1865. 

Child s Name, William Christian; Par 
ents, Ann. Henry Stever : Sponsors, Wil 
liam Waggoner, Christian Smith *, Date, 29 
January, 1817, Markham. 

Child s Name, Anna Sophia; Parents, 
Sophia Smith & Christian Smith; Sponsors, 



William "Waggoner. Anna S.teyer; date, 29 
January, 1817, Markham. _ 

Child s Name, Henry i^uanze; Parents, 
Frederick Quanze, Elizabeth Quanze; Spon- 
eore, Catherine Langhest, George Laug- 
beet; Date, 8 February, 1817, Markham. 

Child s Name, Phoebe Hehnaker; Parents, 
John Hehnaker, Mary Hehnaker; Sponsors, ! 
Frederick Quanze & Elizabeth Quanze; 8 \ 
February. 1817, Markham. 

Child s Name, Isaiah Whitesides; Parents, [ 
Samuel Whitesides, Dolly Whitesides; Spon- j 
eors, Isaiah Wilmot, Rachel Wilmot; Date, j 
8 February. 1817. Markham. 

Child s Name, Mary Ann Helmkey; Par- , 
entw, Anil Helmkey & Frederick Helmkey; j 
Sponsors, Ann Lena, Mary Helmkey; Date, i 
8 Feb.. 1817. 

Child s Name. Mary Fitzgibbon , Par- 
ents, Capt. Fitzgibhon & Mary Fitzgib 
bon ; Sponsors, John Sexton, Phoebe Bald 
win, Margaret Fitzgibbon. 

This was the child of the well-known 
hero of Beaver Dams, in the war of 

Child s Name, Mary Isabella ; Parents, Fitzgerald, Sally Ann ; Sponsors, 
Date, Born, 1 January ; Baptized 5th Sep- j 

This entry is a doubtful one, as it j 
is oartly scored through in ink. 

Ohil l s Name, Thomas Abbott ; Parents, 

Abbott, 37 Regt.j Mrs. Abbott; Spon- 

sors, George Anderson, James Millar, Oath- [ 
erine Burke : Date, 16 Feb., 1817. 

Child s Name, George ; Parents, Thomas 
Joyce, Elizabeth Jojce; Date, 2 Jain. 

Another date is attached to this en 
try, which it is impossible to make out, 
and it may mean anything 1 or nothing. 

Child s Name, Robert Lackey, ft young 
man. baptized 2nd March, 1817. David 
Lrtu-k^y, a young man* baptized 2nd March, 

Child s Name. Salina Serviner : Parents, 
Thomas Pool Catherine ; Sponsors, Jere 
miah Schran, ChriS tianna Abbot ; Date, 
From the Thames, March 3, 117. 

Child s Name, Mary; Parents, Captain 
Fitzgerald, Mrs. Fitzgerald; Sponsors, 
Samuel Jarvia, Miss Eliza Powell, Miss Mary 
Powell; Date, 22 March, 1817. 

Capt. Fitzgerald was an officer in 
the Glengarry Light Infantry. He had 
married Sally Ann, daughter of Lieut.- 
Col. Chewett, 3rd East York Militia. 

Child s Name. Sally Ann McGuire Thom 
as; Parents. Christian Thomas, Sully Ann 
Thomas: Sponsors, Barney McGuire, Wal 
ter Moody, Margaret McGuire, Elizabeth 
Bright; Date, 31 March, 1817. 

Child s Name, Nancy Mumberston, Mariah 
Wills, Willi-un Harrison. These three per 
sons were of ripe years and came voluntari 
ly forward to be baptized; Date, 27 April, 

Child s Name, Catherine Humlberston; 

Parents. Hum berston & Ann Humber- 

s tone; Sponsors, William Moore, Sarah 
Moore; Date, 27 April, 1817. 

Immediately following the last entry 
is one of a child s baptism, that of Jane 
Ann Wills. No parents names are 
given and no date. James Wills and 

Ann Humberstone are named as wit 
nesses. The name of Humberston is 
evidently Humberstone, but has been 
written as it is here printed. 

Child s Name, Joshua Harrison; Parents, 
Willia-m Harrison, Charlotte Harrison; Spon 
sors, Ulet Wright, Jemima Wright; Date, 
18 May. 

A note is appended to the foot of 
this register of Joshua Harrison, that 
on the same date " Charlotte Harrison, 
riper years," was baptized. 

Child s Name, Richard Lambert Fitzger 
ald : Parents, Dennis Fitzgerald, Maria 
Fitzgerald ; Sponsors, Francis Jackson, 
Margaret Jackson ; Date, 18 May, 1817. 

Child s Na,ma, Angus Duncan ; Parents, 
Alexander McDonell, Mrs. M. McDonell ; 
Sponsors, John Beikie, Robert Dickson, jun 
ior ; Date, 23rd June, 1817. 

This entry contains the first refer 
ence to Mr. John Beikie, sometime 
sheriff of the Home District, after 
wards clerk of the Executive Council. 
He was a leading militia officer and 
prominent Freemason. Robert Dickson 
belonged to Niagara. 

Child s Name, Henrietta ; Sponsors, Hon. 
Thomas Clarke, Mrs. Clarke & Miss Ann 
Smith ; Date, 23rd June, 1817. 

This last entry is also that of a child 
of Alexander McDonell s. Hon. Thomas 
Clark (the name is spelt incorrectly in 
the register) was a resident of Queens- 
ton itnd a member of the Legislative 
Council, appointed October 7th, 1815. 
Miss Smith was a sister of Colonel 
Smith, sometime Administrator of the 
i province. 

Child s Name, Elisa Ann ; Parents, Thomaa 
; Cooper, Mary Pap.s ; Sponsors, Frederick 
I Fredack & Elizabeth Fredack ; Date, 25 
June, 1817. 

Child s Name, Margaret ; Parents, John 
Doyell, Margaret Doyell : Sponsors, Ann 
! Sharp, Jean Stewart ; Date, 26 June, 
i 1817. 

Child s Name, Eliphabet Henry Cummions 
i Barrett ; Parents, Alfred Barrett & Pbl- 
I Hnda Barrett : Sponsors, James McMullejn, 
Clarissa Rushm&re ; Date, 14 August, 1817 ; 
; Born, 26 Nov., 1817. 

Child s Name, William: Parents, Robert 
] Chambers, private in 70th Regt., Sarah 
; Chambers; Sponsors, Thomas O Donnel, 
I Samuel Johnson. Susan Chapman, Elisa 
i Best Hollis; Date, 27 August, 1817. 

Child s Name, Hannah; Parents, Thomas 
Hicklev, Isabel Hickley; Siponsors, William 
Washer, Hannah Waeher, Sarah Knot; 
Date, 13 August, 1817. 
Child s Name, James William; Parents, 

Bridgeland; Sponsors, Mary Weader 

(or Treader). James Hagner: Date, 13 Aug- 
guet. 1817: Born 9 April, 1817. 

Child s Name, Riobert Wells; Parents, 
Lieut. -Col. Welte, Mrs. Wells; Date, 25 Sep- 
1 tamber, 1817. 

This was the eldest son of Lieut.-Col. 
Joseph Wells, of Davenport. A grand 
daughter of Colonel Wells, in 1897, oc 
cupies the homestead. 



Ohilld a Name. Caroline Maule; Parents, 
Lieut.-Ool. John Maule, Frances Maule ; 
Sponsors. William Jarvis, Caroline Maule, 
Caroline Grant. 

Child s Nam, Esther Border Dennison, 
aged 26 years ; John. Dennison, Sophia Den 
nison, witnesses ; Date, 16 Sept., j.817. 

The spelling here is wrong, it should 
be Denison. The woman whose baptism 
is here recorded was the wife of George 
Taylor Denison, and John and Sophia 
Denison were her father and mother- 

Child s Nfjme, Charles Thomas Fitzgib- 
bon : Parents . Oapt. Fitzg-ibbon, Ann Fitz- 
gibbon. ; Sponsors, Thomas Gugy, George 
Thomas Fred Ireland, Ann Ireland : Date, 
3 October, 1817. 

Charles T. Fitz-Gibbon,, for so the 
name ought to be written, was in after 
years an official in the provincial civil 
service. His widow still survives (1897). 

Child s Name, Elizabeth Knott, Hannah 
Knott ; Parents, William Knott, Elizabeth 
Knott his wife ; Sponsors, Sarah Lancas 
ter, Sarah Sheldon, John Ross, Martha 
Murray, Jan Murray ; Date, 30 Septem 
ber., 1817. 

William. Knott was a sergeant in 
the York Volunteers, and was with 
Brock when he fell at Queenston 
Heights. Of these children registered, 
Elizabeth married, in 1833, Samuel 
Rogers, the painter, of Bay street. 

Child s Name, Sophia Taylor Denison ; 
Parents, Esther Dennison, George Den- 
ndson ; Sponsors, Sophia Dennison, Maria 
Dennison, Thomas Dennison ; Date, 30 Sep 
tember, 1817 ; the child 8 years. 

This child, Sophia Denison not Den 
nison married John Fennings Taylor, 
her first cousin. 

Child s Name, Eliza Margaret Dennison ; 
Parents, Estiher Dennison, George Denni 
son. ; Sponsors, Sophia Donnison, Eliza Lee, 
John Dennison ; Date, 30 September ; the 
cMld 5 years old. 

These entries are wrong in some of 
their details. The children baptized 
were those of George Taylor Denison 
and Esther Borden Denison, the latter 
a daughter of Richard Lippincott, 
whose name was very prominently con 
nected with the Avar of 1812. Mrs. 
Eliza Lee was the wife of Dr. Lee, a 
parliamentary official, and who resid 
ed for some time on the south-east 
corner of George and Duke streets. 

Child s Name, Richard Lippincott Denni 
son ; Parents, Sophia Dennison, Geo. Den 
nison ; Sponsors, John Dennison, George 
Taylor Dennison, and Esther P. Dennison ; 
Date. 30th Septernnber ; aged three years- 
Child s Name, George Taylor Dennison ; 
Parents. Sophia, George Dennison ; Spon 
sors, William Lee, Esq., John, Dennisotn, 
Sophia Dennison ; Date 30 Sept.; aged 15 
months. i 

In both of these entries the name of 
the mother of the children is entered 

wrongly. It ought to be Esther Borden 
Denison. Respecting these two boys in 
after life, Richard Lippincott Denison 
resided at Dovercourt, on Dundas 
street, died 1878; and George Taylor 
Denison, jr., at Rusholme, also on Dun- 
das street, died 1873. Their father, 
George Taylor Denison, resided at 
Belle Vufe, on Queen street west, died 
1853, and their grandfather, John Deni 
son, first at Castle Frank, then at 
Petersfield, on Queen street west, near 
Richmond street, afterwards at Wes- 
ton. died 1826. 

Child s Namo, Elizabeth Playter ; Par 
ents, John & Sarah Playter ; Sponsors, 
Eliza Lee, John. Houghton ; Date 6th, 

Elizabeth Playter was the daughter 
of Captain John Playter, whose resi 
dence was to the north-east of the 
city, over the Don. 

Child s Name, Eliza Amu Philpot ; Par- 
ents, George PMIpot, Philpot ; Spon 
sors, Ann Philpot, Eliza McNabb ; date, 
October, 1817. 

The next six entries, numbered from 
1 to 6, are all children of John Playter 
and his wife. The entry of Eliza Ann 
Philpot s baptism is sandwiched in 
among them. 

1. Child s Name, Emmanuel Playter & 
Charlotte Playter ; Parents, John & Sarah 
Playter ; Sponsors, John Dennison, Sarah 
Playter, Jane Smith, James Che wet t ; 
Date, 6 Oct., 1817. 

2. Child s Name, William Playter ; Par 
ents, John & Sarah Playter ; Sponsors, 
Sophia Playter, William Ellesback ; Date, 
6 Oct., 1817. 

3. Child s Name, Amelia Playter ; Par 
ents. John & Sarah Playter ; Sponsors, 
Sophia Donnison, Geo. Dennison ; Date, 6 
Oct., 1817. 

4. Child s Name, John. Playter ; Parents, 
John & Sarah Playter ; Sponsors, John 
Ellesback, Elisa Ellesback ; Date, 6 Oct., 

5. Child s Name, Richard Ellesback Play 
ter ; Parents, John & Sarah Playter ; 
Sponsors, Richard Ellesback, Hannah Elles 
back : Data, 6 Oct., 1817. 

6. Child s Name, Sally Ann, P^ayter ; Par 
ents, John & Sairah Playter ; Sarah EJles- 
back, James Ellesback ; Date,! 6 Oct., 1817. 

Parents, William Carroll. Nancy Car 
roll; Sponsors, Edward Wright, William 
Hamilton & Jane Mclntosh; Date, 6 Oct., 
1817. I 

It is impossible to say what this 
entry means. No child s name is given. 

Child s Name, Anna Henrietta; Parents, 
Robert Lering, Major in Army, Mary Anna 
Lei-ing; Sponsors, Thomas Scott, Mrs. Anna 
Loring & Mrs. Henrietta Loring; Date, 27 

This last registration is followed by 
a note in Dr. Strachan s handwriting : 
" Letter to Rev. A. Hamilton, 2nd Jan 
uary, 1818." Major Loring, as A.D.C. 
to Gen. Drummond, had served with 



great distinction in the war of 1812, 
being taken prisoner at Lundy s Lane. 
Chief Justice Scott was one of the 

Child s Name. Elizabeth; Parents, Jacob 
Snyder. Hannah Snyder; Sponsors, John 
Richardson; Date, 7 Feby., 1818. 

Child s Name, George William; Parents, 
Philip Haines, Ann Haines; Sponsors, Wil 
liam Nitt, Sen., William Myers. William 
Cooper, Sarah Deary & James Tibbitt; 10 
Feby., 1818. 

Child s Name. Mary Ann; Parents, Philip 
Haines, Ann Haines; Sponsors, Elisa Coop 
er, Ann Cooper, William Nott; Date, 10th 
Feby., 1818. 

Child s Name, Conrad Gram (30 years 
old), Thomas Fisher, Henry Fisher, Mary 
Ann ; Parents, Valentine Fisher, Hannah 
Fisher; Sponsors, Joseph Shepherd for Con 
rad Gram, Joseph Shepherd, Catherine 
Fi=her; Date, February, 1818. 

Child s Name, Sarah Fisher ; Parents, 
Jasob Fibber, Catherine Fisher ; Sponsors, 

f Hannah Fisher, Valentine Fisher. 
Child s Name, Catherine Gran ; Conrad 
Gram, Catherine Gram ; Sponsors, Cath 
erine Fisher, Jacob Fisher. 

The three preceding entries are un 
dated and in a strange handwriting, 
*not that of Dr. Strachan. 
Child s Name, John ; Parents, David 
Clock & Dia " ma Clock ; Sponsors, John 
Clock, Mary Clock ; Date, lt> Feb., 1818. 

Child s Name-, Robert Marsh ; Parents, 
Robert Marsh, Mary Marsh ; Sponsors, 
Martha Swift, John Swift ; Date, 15 
March ; Born, 31st January. 

Child s Name, Robert Bruce, Mary Maria ; 
Parents , David Bridgeford, Lucy Bridge- 
ford : Sponsors , James Tatter, Esq., D*iviJ. 
Steggman, Benjamin Burrand, Maria Stegg- 
Doau ; Date, ITMarch, 1818., 

David Bridgeford had served in the 
York Volunteers during the war of 
1812. David Stegman was a well-known 
tradesman of York. The name is, like 
so many more, spelt incorrectly in the 

Child s Name, Thomas Johnson Grover, 
Almira, Tryphirie, Mary, John, Marian & 

Peregrine ; Parents, Grover ; this 

family baptised down the Country , but the 
names sent up afterwards ; Sponsors, Wil 
liam Ruttan, Zachous Burnham, Miss Jones; 
Date. 31 January, 1818. 

In all probability, judging from the 
names of the sponsors, the Grover fam 
ily resided near Cobourg. 

Child s Name.Maitland Grover Fox ; Par- 
eTt ts, Wllllcun, Mary Fox ; Sponsors, Henry 
Myers, Patrick Turrell, Mrs. Myers ; Date, 
Feb.. 1818. 

Chill s Name (omitted) ; Parents*, Michael 
Mealy, Margaret Mealy : SponsorSt Ed 
ward Wright & Sophia. Wright. 

This entry is absolutely unintelli- 
gilbe, no child s name, no date given. 

Child s Name, Mary Howard ; Parents, 
Eulac Howard, 70th Regt., sergeant, Eliza 
beth Howard : Sponsors, Thomas Austin, 
Elizabeth Christie ; Date, 18 June, 1818 ; 
Born 13 April, 

The date, 18 June, 1818, appears in 
the register clearly enough, but four 
entries further on are two entries 
dated May, 1813, showing that the bap 
tisms could not in all cases be entered 
up at the time of their occurrence. 

Child s Name, Elvira Smith ; Parents, 
Hon. Samuel Smith, administrator Govt., 

] <& Smith his wife ; Sponsors, Mrs. 

Emma Robinson, Miss Mary Powell, John 
I Robinson, Att. General. 

Child s Name, Samuel Boise Smith ; Par 
ents, Samuel Smith & Smith ; Spon 
sors, Chlof Justice Scott, J. Smith Boise. 
Qbild a Name, Charlotte Augusta Smith ; 
Parents, Samuel Smith & - Smith his 
| wife ; Sponsors, Mrs. Chief Justice Powell, 
j Mrs. Ann Strachan, Jamas Baby. 

These thre last entries, all relating 
to the children of the Hon. Samuel 
Smith, are, strange to say, all undated. 
This is the first entry where Mrs. 
Strachan, the wife of the rector, ap 
pears as a sponsor. James Baby also 
appears for the first time. He was a 
member of the Legislative Council and 
a lieutenant of the county of Kent. 
The date was probably in May, 1818. 

Child s Name, John Lawrence Dennison ; 

Parents, George Dennison ; Sponsors, 

John Denni-on, Senior. Thomas John Den- 

ri on, Sophia Dennison; Date, 31st May, 

j 1818. 

This ought to be Denison. 

Child s Name, James Lukin Robinson ; 
Parents, John B. Robinson, Attorney Gen 
eral, Mrs. Emma Robinson, Godfather, etc., 
Rev. Johm Strachan, James W. Lukim, 
Esq., Mrs. Elizabeth Merry; Date, May, 
1818; Born in March.. 

This was the eldest son of Sir John 
Beverley Robinson, and afterwards the 
second baronet. He died in 1895. 

Child s Name, omitted ; Parents. D Arcy 
Boulton, Junior, a,nd Mrs. S. Boulton. 

This is the whole entry. It appears 
here as it does in the original record. 

Child s Name, Mark Burnham, Elizabeth 
! Bnnmhiam: Parents, Zacheufl Burnham, Mrs. 
Burnham ; Sponsors, Mrs. Goodman, Mrs. 
Strao-han : Date, 2 October, 1818. 

Child s Name, William ; Parents, Richard 
Landrail, Hannah Langrail ; Date, Bap. 10 
August, 1818. 

Child s Name, John. Thomas Ogd^n ; Par 
ents, John & Jane Ogden. York ; Spon 
sors, Benja,mln, Hardman, Jones ; Bap. 18 
Jn v 1818. 

Child s Name, William Dummer Powell ; 
Paivins, Grant Powell, E?q., Mrs. Pow 
ell ; Sponsors, Col. Nftfch. Coffin, John Pow 
ell, Esq.. Miss Mary Powell ; Date, 9th Aug 
ust, 1818. 

Child s Name, William Henry Parker ; 
Parents, James Parker, Maria Parker ; 
Sponsors, William Micklam & Jean Mick- 
lam : Date, 13 August, 1818. 

Child s Name, Adam ; Parents, George 
Wilson, Margaret Wilson. Emigrants ; 1 
y&aict oM ; 7 Septemberi, 1818. 

Child s Name, Joseph Leonard ; Parents, 
Aaron Leonard, Nancy Leonard ; S-pon- 



sore, Thomas Deary, Siarah Dearv ; Date, ! 
16th September, 1818. 

Child s Name, George ; Parents, James ! 
Fitzgibbon, Mary Fitzgibbon ; Sponsors, I 
iDenij Fitzgerald. Daniel Brooke, Rebecca , 
Kemp ; Date, 20th Steptember, 1818. 

Daniel Brooke, memtioned here, will 
be well remembered. He was father of 
Daniel Brooke, jr., and George Brooke, 
and has many descendants. 

Child s Name, Mark ; Parents, Zaccheus 
Burnham & Mrs. Burnham ; Sponsors, John 
Strarhan, Ann Str.ichan, Thomas Ridout ; 
Date, llth November, 1818. 

It is very difficult to understand 
this entry, comparing it with that also 
relating to the Burnham family, dated 
2nd October, 1818. 

Ch ll s Name, Thomas Shaw; Parents, 
Willi.un Shaw, Mrs. Shaw ; Sponsors, Pat 
rick Hcrtr.ey ; Date, 27th September, 

ChiLl j Name, Carrall ; Parents, Wil- ; 

lia,m Carrell & Ann Cur roll ; Sponsors, Peter 
Douglass, William Douglass, Jan Mcln- j 
tosh ; Date, 6 Dec., 1818. 

In this case the Christian name of j 
the child is lelt out altogether. It was 
presumably a boy, but there is no evi- j 
dence to show that such was the case. | 

Child s Name, Agnes Emma ; Parents, I 
Francis Jackson, Lieut. R,. Navy, & Mrs. ; 
Jackson ; Sponsors, M ss E> Jackson, Mr. ; 
Oustbest,, John M. Jackson, Esq.; Date, 
1 Jaoi., 1819. 

Mr. John M. Jackson, mentioned here 
as one of the sponsors, resided at 
Springfield Park, on Yonge street, to 
the &ast of where now stands Christ 
church, Deer Park. He w-as an Eng 
lishman by birth, from Downton, in 
Wiltshire, and came to York about 
1805. Being greatly dissatisfied with 
the way in which affairs were managed 
he returned to England and published 
a pamphlet containing some severe at 
tacks on Canadian officials and official 
life. He returned to Canada, though, 
and settled here, Jackson s Point and 
Jackson s Bay being called after him. 

Child s Name, Eliza Ann ; Parents, George 
Dug-gan, Mary Duggan ; Sponsors, John 
Monroe, Eliza, & Nancy Cooper ; Date, 31 
Jan., 1819. 

John Monroe ought to be John 
Monro, who was a merchant on the 
south side of King street east, near 
Frederick street. He died about 1822, 
and is interred in St. James church 

Child s Name, Sarah Weaton; Parents, 
William Hill, Jane Hill ; Sponsors. James 
McMullin, MilUesin McMullin ; Date, 14 
Feb.. 1819. 

Chill s Namo, Catherine Hartney ; Par 
ents, Patrick Hartney, Catherine Hartney ; 
Sponsors, William Cooper, Ana Cooper, Elea 
nor Hartney ; D-ate, 21st February, 1819. 

Captain Hartney was the Barrack 
master at York for a great number 

of years. His name appears frequent 
ly in these registers. 

Child s Namo, William Keanny ; Parents, 
Andrew Keanny, Pr. 70 Regt.. & Jane 
K a::ny : Sponsors, Thomas Patesfield, 
Sarah* Miller. 

Chili s Namo, Mary Enticott ; Parents, 
John Entteott, Elizabeth Enticott ; Spon 
sors. Thomas Ooopsr, Ann Cooper, Sarah 
E.nti?ott : Date, 14 Feb., 181. 9 

Child s Namo, Amy ; Pa.rents, John Enti- 
cott J-Mi/absth Enticott; Sponsors, Wil 
liam Cooper, Ann Cooper, Elizabeth. Enti 
cott : Date, 14 Feb., 1819. 

Child s Namo, Margaret ; Parents, John 
Enticott, Elizabeth Enticott ; Sponsors, 
John Montgomery, ELLsa Cooper, Elizabeth 
Enticott ; Date, 14 Feb.. 1819. 

Child s Namo, Sophia ; Parents, John En. 
ti?ott, Elizabeth Enticott ; Sponsors, 
Cliarl-s Dm on, Agnes Enticott; Date, 
4th Feb., 1819. 

Child s i\amo, John: Parents. John, 
Elizabeth E.ticott ; Sponsors, Thomas 
Coot) r, Charlott^ Cooper, John Enticott ; 
Date, 14 Feb., 1819. 

Child s Namo, Simeon Willm Enticott ; 
Parents, John & Elizabeth Enticott ; 
Sponsors, Ohas. D?isoii, Thos. Denniaon & 
Sarah Enticott ; Date, baptized 26th De 
cember, 1818. 

Child s Namo, Mary Elizabeth Summer- 
sett ; Parents, Jo nn Summersett. Jane 
Summc-rsett ; Spo nsors, Alexander Mo- 
Kenny, Jane Heiruty, Mary E. Fingels ; 
Date, 20 April, 1819. 

Child s Namo, John Higgins : Parents, 
Jo hiii Higgins, Janet Higgins ; Sponsors, 
Eneas S<haw, Ana Shaw, 1 , George Anderson ; 
Date, 30 May, 18819., 

Chill s Namo, Charles Wells : Parents. 
Col. Wells, & Mrs. Wells ; Sponsors, John 
Wells, Joseph Wells, Elizabeth Harris : 
Dafcei 6 June, 1819. 

Chill s Namo, Thomas Ross ; Parents, 
Jam s Ross, E izabeth Ross ; Sponsors, Rob 
ert Ross, Mary Miseley ; Date, 6 June, 

Thill s Namo, James Misf>ley ; 
Thomas Misetey, Mary Miseley ; Sponsors. 
Robert Ross, Elizabeth Ross ; Date, 6 
Juno, 1819. 

Chill s Name, Jane Fitzgerald; Parents, 
Dennis Fitzgerald, Maria Fitzgerald; Spon 
sors, Ri -hd. Brooke. Jane Brook, Elizabeth 
Brooke; Date, 20 June, 1819. 

Ch H s Name, William S.Stevenson; Par 
ents, William SStevenson, Margaret Stev- 
enson; Sponsors, George Duggan, Ellen Mc- 
S weeny; Date, 20 June, 18J9. 

Child s Name, Marv Elizabeth Dennison: 
Parents. George Denuison, Esther B. Den 
nison; Sponsors, Chas. DenniBon, Eliz. Plat 
er, Elizabeth Dennisou; Date, 27 June, 1819. 
The name here spelt Plater, should 
be Playter. 

Child s Name, John Williams, Parents, 
Father absent, a soldier, Mother dead 
I Sponsors, John Ro?s, Will Km Nott, Alin 
Nott; Date, 27 June, 1819. 

Child s Name, Francis Thomas; Parents, 
William Knaggs, Sarah Knggs; Sponsors, 
Thomas Bright, R,obert Bright, feallv 
li-iirht: Date, 7th July, 1819. 

Child s Name, Isabella; Parents, Wilnam 
Allan, Esq., Sarah S. Allan ; Sponsors. 
Radi-d Gamble, Ann Elisha Smith, Robt, 
Dk-kson; Date, 18 July, 1819. 



Here, again, is a palpable error in! Chill s Namo, George; Parents. Thomas 
Mrs. Allan s Christian name, which was g| c ?. Ehabeth Joyce ; Date, Jap. 2, 
Leah, not Sarah. Chill s Namo, Mary Ann; Parents, Sarah 

Child s Namo, HMrriet .Sarah ; Parents, Morrison,, Martin Morrison ; Sponsors. 
Samuel Ridout, E, isha Ridout ; Sponsors, James Bertry, Sarah Armstrong ; Date, 12 
Harriet Kidout. Eleanor Ouxwell, Geo. Rid- , Jan.. 1820. 

out; Date, 18th., 1819. I Chill s Namo, Margaret Andrews; Par- 

Child s Name, Samuel George Ridout; emts, William & J lino Andrews ; Sponsors, 
Parents, Samuel Ridout, Esq., Elisa Rid- : George Stewart, Flora Burk ; Date, 9 
out; Spjn>rs, John Radeuhur^t, Thomas O. ; Jan.. 1820. 

Brent, Elizabeth Huber; Date, 18 July, i Chill s Namo, Mary Ann Dexter ; Par- 
1819. I ents, Elijah & Christiana Dexter ; Sppn- 

Samuel George Ridout lived on Lot I r Aiaader Burward^Kate Stebbius, 
street (Queen street east). He was sue- I (jy^ Name David"; Parents, Conrad 
cessiveiy sheriff and registrar for the oiarko, Leanny, Clark; Sponsors, David 
Home District. Died June 6, 1855, Clarke, JMadena Clarke ; Data, 10 Feb., 

i 1820 ; nearly 3 yoaj-s old. 

Chill s Nam. George Simeon ; Parents, 

RMniit Mind Oonra-1 O a.rke, Leau.ny Clarke; Sponsors, 
idoiit. Mind. fk a Anderson, Mary Anderson ; Date, 
10 Feb., 1820 ; 14 months. 
Chili s Namo, Conrad Clarke ; Parents, 


Child s Name, 

Samuei Ridout, Esq., Elisa, Ridout, Mind- 
nell Cronk. 

The names in this entry are so very 
badly written in the register that it i OIsrkE>, Diadema Clarke; Sponsors, 

nnitfl imnossihlp to sav if thev are ! Conrai Ola rfce, Leanny Clarke; Date, 10 
is quite impobbibie to tn ey a ^ 1820 3 m , onths- 

given correctly. JNo date to this bap- 

Chill s Namo, Catherine Fox; Parents, 
William Fox, Mary Fox ; Sponsors, John 

Lrak\ Ma.ry Fieeman ; Dat3, 13 Feb., 1820. 


Child s Name, Frances; Parents, Simon 

Kerion, Eea Kerion. ! Chill s Namo, Mary Ann Margaret ; Par- 

, .. . v* i onts, Major Lorlng & Mary Ann Loring ; 

This entry is copied verbatim et liter- j Ppor ; sors Grortre k. E,-iq., Mrs. 
atim from the register. ; Justice Campbell; Date, 27 Feb.. 1820. 

Child s Name, Mary Ann, Parents, Han- Child s Name Jane Wilson ; Parents, 
nah Fflrn-vt, reputed father Frauds J.ees: David, Susannah., Wilson ; Sponsors, James 
Sponsors, James Murray. Rachel Earnest; Thompson. Mary Thompson ; Date, 27 
Dat 10 Aug., 1819; almost 3 months old. ; Feb.. 1820. 

Child s Name, James & Mary ; Parents, Chili s Nama, Willam Henry Keui ; Par- 
Mir-.ha"-l Daley, Mary Daley ; Sponsors, ents, Thomas, Jane Kells ; Sponsors, Mary 
Oath rine Harvey, Phoebe Kendrick, Kells, Hugh Davis, Charles Gh-ty. 

Thomas Carey, Peter Fitzpatrick. 

This is another undated entry and 

No date is appended to this entry 
in the original. 

appears to have been copied from some Qmra N Wimam Humphrey . Par . 

Other DOOK. cnts pranr-Is, E izabeth Humphrey : Spon- 

Ohild s Name, William John ; Parents, sors, Robert Brunn, Elizabeth Beeley ; 

Captain & Mary Ann Fitzgerald ; Date, Dat-\ 12 March, 1820. 

Born 27 July; Baptized 5 Sept., 1819. Chill s Name, Nancy Fawcett ; Parents. 

n",, (ira-nt Powell ; Parents, Nancy Fawcett ; Sponsors, Thomas Sum- 

Grant Powell, Elizabeth Powell ; Sponsors, niiers Jane Eliot ; Date, 12 March, 1820. 

Chill s Namo, Catherine; Parents, Henry 
Philip^ & Nancy Philips ; Sponsors, Eliza- 
b^th Wilcox. George Rosenbrugh ; Date, 
16 March. 1820. 

Hon. D. Cameron, Miss Jennet Cameron ; 
Date, Born, 2nd Sept.; 17 Oct., 1837. 

The date of this entry, namely, 1837, 

is that given in the original. How the j "child s "Namo, " Elisa Ja-ne : Parents, John 
error, as it is, occurred, it is impossible i gj Z3j Elizabeth Size ; Sponsors, Jean 

to say. 

Child s Namo William ; Parents, Benjamin 
Ma 111, Ann Madili ; Sponsors, Elizabeth M. 
Dui f , William Duff, George Campbell ; Date, 
Three mon.ths old, 15 Nov., 1819. 

Child s Namo, Anin ; Parents, William 
Qui^ly, Elizabeth Quigly ; Sponsors, Wil- 
Qliam Yonnig, Jolun Robert ; Date, 1 Dec., 

Child s Namo, Elizabeth Tester ; Par 
ents, Darcy Boulton, Sally Boulton ; Spon 
sors. Mrs. Eli Boulton.. Elisa Powell, Wil 
liam. Robinson ; Date, 12 Dec., 1819. 

The second Christian name of this 
child is so illegibly written in the or- 

, Jean Joi-da-u, Jacob Pingle ; Date, 

Name, Ann : Parents, Eneis & 

Ann Shaw ; Sponsors, William Higgins, Jane 
Tyl^r : Date, 20 March, 1820. 

Child s Nam, Elisa Sophia : Parents, 
Thomas & Maria Dennteoa : Sponsors, John 
Dennisori, Elizabeth Sophia Dennison ; 
Date, 20 March, 1820. 

Thomas Denison resided at Weston, 
where he died and where he is interred. 
He was a brother of George T. Denison, 
of Bellevue, and the second son of 
John Denison. 

that it Is difficult to know ex Ohil 1>s Nam - Jane Fox : p ^ ente > 8 

Mary Fox ; Sponsors, Brian Gibbons, 

T_;,I^*- TTrt 1.r\^ T*+^ Qfl ATf^I- 

actly what is meant. 

Bridget Haley ; Date, 20 March, 1820. 

Child s Name, David Oanlwell ; Parents, Ohild s Name, Mary Beaty : Parents. 
Thom/as Oa-ulwell, Margaret Caulwoll ; CJeo.rge & Fanny Beaty ; Sponsors, Robert 
p,pSpon,sors, Davll Wood. William Thomp- Robinson, John McOormick, Margaret Me 

son ; Date, 19 Dec., 1819. 

Connie k : Date. 31 Maroh. 1820. 



Chill s Name, James McGuire ; Parents, 
Bernard & Margaret McG-uire : Sponsors 
Robert Nelson, Catherine Bright ; Date, 
2 April, 1820. 

Child s Name, John, B. Robinson ; Par 
ents, John Robinson, Esq., Emma Rob 
inson ; Sponsors, Stephen Heward, Esq. 
Darcy Bo-alton, Esq., Mm Howard ; Date, 
13 May, 1820., 

This was the Hon. John Beverley 
Robinson (second son of Chief Justice 
Robinson), sometime Lieutenant-Gover 
nor of Ontario. Died June, 1896. In 
terred in St. James cemetery. 

Child s Name. Margaret Sparks ; Par 
ents, John & Sarah Sparks ; Sponsors, 
John Banfield, Saaan Squires, Margaret 
Kennedy ; Date, 7 May, 1820. 

Chill s Namo, Clement ; Parents, James, 
Mary Hu tchinson : Sponsors, Isaac Hutch 
inson, Jacob Hu/tchinson, Marv Charlter 
Date, 16 May, 1820. 

Chill s Name, Michael Wilson ; Parents, 
Walter, Sally Wilson; Sponsors, James 
HuitcMnson, Thomas Mooro, Mary Hutch 
inson ; Dete, 16 May, 1820. 

Child s Name, Thomas Hutchinson; Par 
ents, John Hutchiuson, Elizabeth Hutchin 
son; Sponsors, William Simson, George 
Hetherington, Emma Hetherington; Date, 
11 June. 1820. 

cniid s Name, George Pelgrave; Par 
ents, John & Frances Murchison; Spon 
sors, K. K. Murr-hison, D. Murchison; 
Date, 2 July, 1820. 

Child s Name, Rebecca: Parents, John 
Bird, Mrs. Bird: Sponsors, Thomas Mier, 
Luenna Eualy, Mary Ann Swan; Date, 2 
July, 1820. 

Child s Name, Mary: Parents, George 
Goldthorpe & Mary Goldthorpe; Date, 5 
July, 1820: Nearly 2 years old. 

Child s Name, Jane Bright; Parents, 
Thomas & Jane Bright; Sponsors, Thomas 
Hunter, Eliza Bright, Mary Bright; Date, 
4 June, 1820. 

Child s Name, Robert Miselv; Parents, 
Thomas & Mary Misely; Sponsors, Robert 
Ross, John Ross, Susan Me Arthur; Date, 
4 June, 1820. 

Dr. Strachan appends to these two 
last entries this note: "These two 
names out of their order. J. S." 

Child s Name, Enoch French ; Parents, 
John, French, Elizabeth French ; Sponsors, 
William Ibbett, James Killdireath, Mar- ! 
garot Roberts ; Date, 23 July, 1820. 

Ohild si Name, Joha Riley ; Parents. John i 
Riley, Elizabeth Riley ; Sponsors, William 
Andrews ; Date, 23 JuJy, 1820. 

William Andrews, mentioned here as 
sponsor, was the builder of St. James 
rectory, on Adelaide street east. He had 
intended it for an hotel. 

Child s Namo Thomas William ; Parents, 
John French, Elizabeth French ; Spon 
sors, Thomas Ibbett, Mary Ibbett ; Date, 
23 July, 1820. 

Child s Name, Phoebe Halbruck ; Par 
ents, Robert & Henrietta Halbruck ; 
Sponsors, John Leak, Catherine Leak ; 
Date. 23 July, 1820. 

Child s Namo, George Mackle ; Parents, 
John Ledriff, Charlotte Gero ; Sponsors, ! 
Francis Poor, Sarah Gillenland ; Date, 6 
Auc.. 1820. 

Chill s Name, Allan ; Parents, Wil 
liam Allan, Esq., Leah Allan; Date, 16th 
i A Uig., Io20. 

The Christian name of this child is 
omitted, and no clue exists as to 
whether it was a boy or a girl. 

Child s Name, Thomas; Parents, Thomas 
Catherine Wiley : Date, Aug. 20, 1820 

Child s Namo, Elizabeth; Parents, Isaac 
.lizabeth Hutchinson ; Sponsors, Thomas 
MUtoum, Sarah Bond, Fanny Dixon ; Date 
Aug. 20, 1820. 

Child s Namo, George Bowman,; Parents, 
Willm. & Mary Bowman ; Sponsors, John 
Hay, Henry Wheatley, Hannah Kelts ; Date 
1 Oct., 1820. 

Child s Name, Margaret Jane ; Parents, 
John & Hannah Mooro ; Sponsors, John 
Modland, Elisa Moore, Jane Moore ; Date 
1 Oct., 1820. 

Child s Name, Levy Moore; Parents, 
John and Margaret Mooro ; Sponsors, Ann 
Ervins ; Date, 1 Oct.,, 1820. 

Child s Name, Mary Ann; Parents, Thomas, 
Elizabeth Nat trass; Sponsors, Joseph Har- 
wood, Margaret McLean; Date, 17 Dec., 

This name should be Nattress. The 
family afterwards settled in the Gore 
of Toronto. They were of English 
origin, from the county of Durham. 

Child s Name, Sarah; Parents, David & 
Sarah McBurney: Sponsors, John Speres, 
(or Spence); Date, 17 Dec., 1820. 

Child s Name, Elisa Fitzgerald; Parents, 
Thomas Fitzgerald, Si. A. Fitzgerald: Spon 
sors, Jaanes Simpson, Hannah Winslow, 
Janet Cameron; Date, 24 Dec., 1820. 

Child s Name, Jane Fitzgerald; Parents, 
Thomas, S. A. Fitzgerald; Sponsors, (none) 
Date, Born llth April: baptized June, 1825. 

This date, 1825, is perfectly correct, 
as it appears in this original. 

Child s Name, Margaret Bleeker; Par 
ents, Grant Powell, Esq., Elisa Powell; 
Sponsors, Hon. J. B. Robinson, Mrs. Sam 
uel P. Jarvis, Mw. John Powell; Date, Born 
17 April, Baptized 29 Mav, 1821. 

Child s Name, Sarah; Parents, William 
Nuggs, Sarah Nuggs; Sponsors, Sarah Bond, 
Ann Dawsou, Thomas Lascelles; Date, 4 
June, 1821; 3 months old. 

Child s Name, Jean; Parents, John Ben 
son, Joan Benson; Sponsors, Jean Paislev, 
John David; Date, 5 June, 1821; 4 mouths 

Child s Name, Elizabeth; Parents, George 
Campbell, Susan Campbell; Sponsors, Bern 
ard Rhody, Dolly Lindsay, Ann Brown; 
Date. 3 Jany., 1823; 15 months old. 

Child s Name, Mary Ann ; Parents, Michal 
Dwire, Isabella Dwire; ate, 29 January, 
1829; 13 months old. 

Child s Name, John William; Parents, 
George & Ann Tisdale; Date, Thoruhill, 13 
Feby., 1831, by Rev. Chas. Matthews. 

Child s Name, Sarah; Parents, James & 
Elizabeth Mather Date, Thornhill, 13th 
February, 1831, by Rev. O. Matthews. 

Mr. Matthews was vice-principal of 
Upper Canada College, and he also of 
ficiated at St. James and in the coun 

Child s Namo, Andrew Kennedy, E izabeth 
Smith ; Parents, Thomas & Ann Ken- 



nedy ; Date, Scarboro, 6 Fob., 1831; by 
Rev. C. Matthews. 

Both of these children here register 
ed were alive and resident in Scarboro 
in 1894. 

Child s 1 Name, Mary ; Parents, John, 
Elizabeth Breker : Date, At York, 21 Feb., 
1831 : by J. S., from Oaledjon. 

Child s Name, Joseph ; Parents, Simon, 
Elizabeth Cain ; Date, 2 February, 1826 ; 
child three months old ; born 20 Oct. 

Child s Nain^, Mary Ann : Parents, Tim 
othy Wilson., Mary "Wilson ; Sponsors. James 
Wilson. ; Da,t3, 2 Feb.; 1826 ; Born, 24 Nov., 

Child s Name, Hen.ry ; Parents, John 
Trelford, Mary Trelford ; Sponsors, John 
McNeil, Richard Ryan, Betsy McKay : Date, 
Born. 4 Maj-ch, 1827 ; Baptized 20 Dec., 

Child s Name, Mary ; Parents, Andrew 
and Mary Shore ; Sponsors, Mary Ruddy ; 
Data, Born, 28 August ; Baptiz&d 3 May, 

Child s Name, Stephen ; Parents, Stephen 
McLean, Elizabeth McLean ; Date, Born 
22 Aug., 1827, a,nd Baptized 16 Jan., 1828. 

OhiliAs Name, Gabriel ; Parents, Archi 
bald Lock, Ann Lock : Dato, Born, 22 Jan., 
1827 : a.nd Baptized 30 Jan., 1828. 

Chili s Nam-a, Margaret ; Parents, John 
it Margaret Shore ; Sponsors, Andrew 
SjHH-o, Jane Bradley ; Date. Born 26 Oct., 
1827. a,ud Baptized 1 Feb.. 18:8. 

Child s Namfi, Robert George ; Parents, 
George & E tih Armstrong ; Spon 
sors. From Toronto ; Date, Robert near 
ly three old, George only six months. 

Child s Name, Robert ; Parents, John 
Irvine, Elisa Irvine ; Sponsors, Jottm Letts, 
witnrsr; ; Date, four months old ; brought 
in from Brock ; 25 March, 1829. 

Child s Name, John ; Parents, Joseph & 
Rachel Beekon; Sponsors, William Colts & 
The Mother; Date, Scarborough, 28 Nov., 
1830; Clias. Dade. 

Mr. Dade was mathematical master 
of Upper Canada College. He passed his 
life in Canada and died here. 

Child s Name, Robert, Elizabeth. Wilks; 
Parents. George; Sponsors, Susan Highland; 
Date, Tecumseth: Born 14 Sept.; Bap 
tized, 28 April, 1831. 

Two children are included in this 
entry, apparently, named Wilks. 

Child s Name, Ann McGee, James McGee; 
Parents, William & Elizabeth McGee; Date, 
Ann McGee, Born 12 Deer., 1828, & Jaines, 
12 Dec., 1830; Baptized 14 June, 1831. 

Child s Name, James Griffith; Parents, 
John & Alice Griffith; Sponsors, Margaret 
McOague, Thomas Griffith, Matthew Grif 
fith; Date, June 19, 1831; Chas. Dade, Off. 

Child s- Name, Mary Ann : Parents, James 
& Mairy McCandlas ; Snonsotrs, Margaret 
D Umcam ; Date, Scarborough, June 26, 1831; 
by Mr. Dade. 

Chili s Name, John St-rachan ; Parents, 
Jsjnes Baalhe, Ann Baillie ; Date, Baptized 
15 July, 1831 ; 3 months old. 

Child s Name, Mairg-aret Strong : Parents, 
John & Mairy Strong ; Date, Just from 
Dublin ; Big-tit davs old ; Baptized 13 Au 
gust. 1831. 

Child s Name, Elizabeth ; Parents, Fran- 

cis & Mairia Hewison ; Dato, Born Innis- 
field, 15 September, 1830 ; Baptized Au 
gust 10, 1830, by Mr. Hudson. 

Mr. Hudson was the military chap- 
j lain at York at this period, and very 
often took duty at St. James . 

Child s Naimo, Mary Ann ; Parents, George 
j Stepbenson, Helen Stephenson ; Da-te, 16 
months old ; 25 August, 1831. 

Child s Name, Henry ; Parents, Robert 
Facon, Catherine Bacon : Sponsors, Helen 
Rye, Robert Lochine ; Date, Six weeks ; 
Baptized 15 September, 1831. 

Child s Name, Jean ; Parents, Richard 
! McGinnis & Francis McGinnis ; Sponsors, 
; John Mclntyre, Hannah Cob ; Date, 25 
Nov.. 1831 ; Baptized, 5 Dec., 1831. 

Chill s Nam?, James ; Parents, John & 
Elizabeth Lafferty ; .Sponsors, Margaret 
Webb ; Date, Baptized 19 January ; aged 
; 7 months. 

Child s Naone, Sarah ; Parents, Francis & 

Ann Qviin, Emigrants ; Date, From the 

County of Arma-gii & Parish of Eggles ; 

Child bora 31 May at sea, 1832, and bap- 

: tiz-d 24 July, 1832. 

Child s Name, William Thomas : Parents, 

: Joseph & Ma,ry Lions ; Dato, 12 July, 1833, 

j at Pickering ; Baptized 26 October, 1333. 

Child s Name, Anna ; Parents, John & 

\ Ann Smith ; Date, Born in May, 1834, and 

Baptized July 9, 1835. 

Child s Name, Mary Catherine ; Parents, 
Grant Powell and Elisa Powell ; Sponsors, 
Rev_. W. MacauJay, Mrs. Van.ranslaer, Mrs. 
S. Ja.rvis ; Dato, Born 11 January, 1825 ; 
Baptized 14 Fedruary, 1825. 

The Rev. W. Macaulay was the son of 
a well-known U. E. Loyalist, John Mac 
aulay, who settled in Kingston. He was 
rector of Picton, where he died in the 
" seventies." He was no relation to 
the Toronto family of the same name. 

Child s Name, Jean: Parents, Thomas Trot 
ter, Jean Trotter. Mother dead: Sponsors. 
John Richardson. Sally Rowe; Date, 23 Feb.; 
baptized 26 April. 1833. 

Child s Name, William James; Parents, 
George Gestai, Mary Ann Gestad: Spon 
sors, Margaret Willock, Thomas Trotter; 
Date, Born 23 Nov., 1832; baptized 26 April, 

Child s Name, Mary Helen; Parents, 
George Gestad, Mary Ann Gestad; Spon 
sors, Margaret Willock, Thomas Trotter; 
Date, Born 18 Feb., 1831; baptizes 26 March. 

Child s Name. William: Parents, William 
and Jean Smmders: Date, Born 15 April; 
Baptized 2 May, 1833. 

Child s Name, Thomas Willcox; Parents, 
Thomas & Lucy Ann Saunders, going to 
Guelph: Date, Born 14 May; baptized 25 
May. 1833. 

Child s Name, Alexander Thomas; Par 
ents, Abraham & Elizabeth Odlam; Spon 
sors, Alexander Dixon; Date, Borii 7th 
March; baptized 3 July, 1C33; Mr. Odlam 
lives in the Gore of Toronto. 

Mr. Alexander Dixon was an iron 
monger and saddler, on King street 
east. He came to Toronto in 1830 ; died 
here 1855. 

Child s Name, William Earles, Frances 
Earlee; Parents, Margaret (,4c); Sponsors, 



Jean Earlas; Date, Born 3rd August, 1831; 
baptized 5 of July, 1823; live on 15 Lot, 1 
concession, North of Dundas St., Nelson 

Child s Name, Susannah; Parents, Robert 
Bacon, Catherine Bacon; Sponsors, Susan 
Highland, John Bums; Date, Born 16 of 
March, 1833, and baptized 9 of August, 
1833; the parents live in Oxbridge. 

Child s Name, Mary; Parents, Ephorain 
(sic), Mary Levieu; Mary Clarke; 
Date, Born 30 July; baptized 14 Sept.; 
beloner to the township of Caledou. 

Child s Name, John; Parents, John Hal- [ 
lard, Mary Hallard; Date, Born August and 
baptized 15 Nov.. 1833. 

Child s Name, Margaret; Parents, John 
& Sarah Oallajfhan; JJato. Born 8 Nov.; ; 
baptized 16 November, 1333. 

Toromto (late York). March 20, 1834. 
This (Jay was baptized Edward, son of Wil 
liam. EJarles and Frances Earles, his wife, 
of the township of Nelaon ; Godfathers, 
John Earias and Ilichard Cronner. 

John, Strachan, Minister. 
City of Toronto, 24 March, 1834. 
This day was baptized Emily, daughter 
of Eitvocn. and Oath -i-ino Brad, both of To 
ronto City ; Godfather, Stephen Brad ; 
God Mothers, Jean Mickham, and Helen 

John Strachan. 

City of Toronto, 24 March, 1834. 

This day was baptized Margaret, daughter 
to Jamas Campbell and his wife Margaret 
Campbell, both of Etobicoke ; ago seven 
mmonths. Tho father of the child died five i 
weeks before the child vras born. 

Johni Strachan, Minister. j 

Toronto, 5 May, 1834. 
This day was baptized James, son to Wil 
liam and, Ann Anderson ; born tihis day ; 
God Father, John Hugh ; God Mother, | 
Margaret Coyle. 

John Strachan. 
Toronto, 19 Juno, 1834. 

This day Was baptized Robert John John- 
Bon ; father Joseph and Rachel Bolton ; 
Godfathers, John Savage, James Spiers, 
Margaret Spiers, Thomasena Baskets ; child 
born 2nd January, 1834. 

John Strachan. 

Toronto, 20 June, 1834. 

Was baptized John, a foundling laid at 
Mrs. Oockbuirn s door on the evening of 
tii 8th inst. 

John Strachan, Min. 
Toronto, 29 June, 1834. 
William., son of Isaac and Sarah Bailey, of 
Chinguii-aisgnas (sic.) ; baptized this day ; 
born in June. 

John Strachan. 

Toronto, 27 August, 1334. 
This day was baptized Matilda, daughter 
of Janifs and Elizabeth Havel. The said 
James Havel was late a colour Sergeant 
in. the 71st Regiment ; God Fathers, John j 
Mon-tritih ; God Mothers, Louisa Monteith 
and Mary Cody. 

John Strachan, Min. 

Toronto, 28 August, 1834. 
Thi= day was baptized John Josiah, son 
of John and Bridget Wilkinson ; God 
Mother, Maria Stock da lo. 

John Strachan, Min. 

Toronto, 10 December, 1834. 
This day was baptized Robert, son. of 
Robert Dates and his wife Sarah Dales, 
from Uxbridgei, 5 Concession, lot 29, Home 

John Strachan. 
Toronto. 14 February, 1834. 
This day was baptized Jean,, daughter to 
Joton and Viokst Doyte, of the township 
of Brock, Homo District ; the child thir 
teen months^ oM. 

John Strachan, 
Toronto, 14 February, 1835. 
This day was baptized Elizabeth, daughter 
of Richard Uncols & Helen Uncels, in the 
township of El Ion ; Godfather, William 
Ruyland ; Godmother, Catherine O Comner. 

John Strachan. 

Toronto, 26 March, 1835. 
This day was baptized John., son of Wit- 
Mam Montgomery and Elizabeth. Montgom 
ery, of Giincagushi (aic.) ; Godfather, 
James Baillie ; Godmother, Mary Cherry. 

John Strachan. 
Tofronto, 8 April, 1835. 
This day was baptized Henry, son of 
Catherine Hevel, spinster. and William 
Atcheson, the reputed father ; Helen Hin- 
ton, Godmother. 

John Strachan. 
Toronto., 6 May. 1835. 

This day was baptized Martha, daughter 
of Samuel Sluder, and Elizabeth Sluder his 
wife. No friends in this country. 

John. Strachan, Minister. 
Toronto, 18 May, 1835. 
This day was baptized Catherine Stout, 
a foundling ; Godmother, Mary German. 

Toronto, June 1, 1835. 
This day was baptized Samuel, son of 
Samuel and Margaret Ireton, of the town 
ship of Moro, the child about nine mouths 
old; God Mother, Esther Early. 

John Strachan, Min. 

Toronto, June 6, 1835. 

This day was baptized James, son of James 
and Margaret Gibson, of the township of 
\\Yiitchurch. The child was born 2 No 
vember, 1834. 

"John Strachan, Min. 

Toronto, 26 June, 1835. 
This day was baptized Frances, daughter 
to Michael and Maria Island, of the town 
ship of Mono; born 1st of Nov.; Godmoth 
ers, Jean Thompson and Fanny Island. 

John Strachan. 

Toronto, 28th June, 1835 
This day was baptized Susannah and 
Margaret, twins, daughters of William and 
Margaret Purdy ; Godfather, Matthew 
Black; Godmothers, Helen R.obinsou anj 
Sarah Wallace. The twins three weeks old. 

John Strachan. 

Toronto., 22 July, 1835. 
This day "was baptized Ann,, daughter to 
William and. Jean Terrier. 

John Strachan, Min. 

Toronto, 8 Sept.. 1835. 

This day was baptized Sophia, dau.ght.or 
to William antd Catherine Caldwell ; the 
father dead ; born on the 23 August. 

v John Strachan. 

Toronto, 10 September, 1835. 
This day wa^ baotized Erasmus, son, of 
William & Elizabeth! Bell, from the town- 



sihdg> of Esea ; Godfather, Joha Carter <fc j 
Edward Carter ; Godmother, Alice Bell 
Born hitter end of July last. 

Joha Strachan. 

Toronto, 3 Decenuber, 1835. 
This day was baptized George, son of 
Thomas a-nd Maa-y Ashman, oi tho rown- 
sibip of EJwe-a ; Godmother, Mary Denogheui. 

John Strachan. 
Toronto, 26 Jan., 1836. 
Thfe day was baptized Martha Ann, 
daughter of Henry and Mary Aaa Downing, ! 
of the township of Albion : Godfather, Alex- ] 
aiider Wilson, aad Godmother. Sarah Wilson. 

John, Strachan. 

Toronto, 30 Jan., 1836. 

This day was baptized Ann Jean, daug-h- ; 
ter to Jota and Ann Martin. 

John Strachan. 

Toronto, 12 Feb., 1836. 
Thfe day was baptized Elizabeth, daujjh- | 
ter of Thomas and Margaret Merritdidj, 
of ttoe township of Scartofrough ; God 
father, Edward Nixon/,; Godmother, Amelia 
Nelson ; both of Toronto. 

John Strachan. 

Toronto, 25 July, 1836. 
This day was baptized John Brown, son 
of John Brown and Eliza Fee ; the child 

John, Strachan. 
Toronto, 31 July, 1836. 
This day was baptized George, son to 
George and Eliza Ann Wataoii; born 24 
February, 1836, and Baptized 31 July, 
1836, from the Gore or Toronto. 

John Strachan. 

Toronto, 9th Aug., 3836. 
This day was baptized Hamnah Clarke, 
a year-old daughter of Henry and Hannah 
Carpenter, of Scarborough. 

John Strachan. 

Toronto, 12 Aug., 1836. 
This day was baptized James, three 
months old son of Isaac and Sarah Bailey, 
of Chiniguacuehy. (Sic.) 

John Strachan. 

Toronto, 10 August, 1836. 
This day was baptized Mary, daughter 
of David and Eliza Barner, of the town- 
snip of Oaledon. 

John Strachan. 

Yet other most interesting records 
connected with. St. James are those 
contained in the Marriage registers, 
which extend from 1800 to 1896, both 
years inclusive. In these registers are 
many thousand entries, and in the 
earlier ones more especially are found 
the names of those who helped to build 
up Canada West and make our city 
what it is to-day. 

In many cases the entries are signed 
in the original by one or other of the 
contracting parties, sometimes by both, 
with a mark. In every such case the 
mark has been omitted, but that is 
the only deviation which has been 
made from the original. The first en 
try is in 1800, and is as follows : 

L On. the ninth/ day of September, in the 

year of our Lord oa& thousand eight hun 
dred, were married by licence Jepe Ben 
nett and Catharine Hoover, of the town 
ship of Vaugh-an, l)v me, George O Kill 
Stuart, Minister, Missionary at York. 

2. On the twenty-sixth day of October, 
one thousand efrrht hundred, were mar 
ried Edward Turoer, of His Majesty s Re 
giment of Queen s Rangers, and Mary Rot>- 
iason, after publication of banns, b v me, 
George O Kill Stuart. 

3. On th thirtieth day of October, in 
the year of our Lord one thousand eiirht 
hundred, were married by license Daniel 
Tiers and Margaret Stuart, of the town 
01 York, by me, George O Kill Stuart, Min 
ister, Missionary at York. 

4. On the twenty-sixth day of March, in 
the year of ou.r Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and one, were married by licen-o 
Samuei S. Wl mot and Mary St^crmann. by 
me. George OTHll Stuart/ Minister, Mis 
sionary at York. 

This name, Mary Stegmann, is vari 
ously spelt, sometimes Steggman, again 

5. On the twentieth day of May, in the 
year of our LorJ ona thousand eight bun- 
dred amd on, were married by Licence, 
John Caien and Catherine La i?oiate. by 
me. George O KiLl Stuart, Minister & Mis 

6. On the twentieth day of November, 
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and one, were married Joshua L. 
Cozens and Susannah Page*, by License, by 
me, George O Kill Stuart, Minister & Mis. 

7. Oa the fourth any of December, in the 
year of our Lord one thousand eight hun 
dred and one, were married by license 

! James Ru>gglcs, Esq., anil Esther Dunham, 
by me, George O Kill Stuart, Minister, Mis 
sionary at York. 

Mr. Buggies, mentioned here, was 
one of those who some years later were 
drowned in the wreck ol the Speedy, 
off Brighton, Ont. 

8. On the sixth, day of January, in the 
year of oar Lord one thousand eight hun 
dred and two, were married by lie-ease, 
Daviil MaeGregor Rogers. Esq., aii l S irah 

I r lay ter, by me, George O Kiil Stuart, Min 

9. Oa tho seventh day of January, in the 
| year of ou.r Lord one thousand eight hun- 
j dred and two. were married, after pu. ulica- 
| tion of Baans, Adam Empey and Anna 
| Hoover, by me, George O Kill Stuart, Min- 
i ister and missionary. 

10. On the twenty-fourth day of April, 
, in the Year of our Lord one thousand 

eight huiwlre-d and two, were married by 
License Joseph Harrison and Mary Me- 
| Dougall, by me, George O Kill Stuart, Min 
ister & Missionary. 

11. On the sixth day of June. One thou 
sand eight hundred and two. wore married, 
after publication, of Banns. Thomas Bol- 
ton Soldier and Susannah Hoover, by me, 
George O Kill Stuart. 

12. On the twenty-fourth day of June, 
in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight 
hundred and two, were married, after the 
publication, of Banns, Thomas Johnson and 
Hannah Dennis, by m.3, George O Kill 
Stuwrt, Minister & Missionary. 



13. On the fifth day of September, in 
the year of our Lord One thousand eight 
hundred and two, were married by Li 
cense, Elisha Beman and Mrs. Esther Rob 
inson, by me, George O Kill Stuart. Min 
ister & Misy. 

14. On the sixteenth, day of September, 
la the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and two, were married by License, 
James Elliot and Jemnv Thompson, by me 
George O Kill Stuart. " 

James Elliot was one of the first 
settlers in Scarboro , and is buried in 
St. Andrew s churchyard, in that town 
ship. His wife was the second daugh 
ter of Archibald Thomson, also of Scar 
boro . The name of the bride is spelled 
incorrectly in the register. Many of 
James Elliot s descendants still live in 
Scarboro and Toronto. 

15. On the twelfth day of October, In 
the Year of O Uir Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and two-, wore married by License, 
Augustine Bolt-on and Sarah Eugenia Wil- 
oox, by me, George O Kill Stuart. 

16. On the seventh day of November, in 
the year of our Lord One thousand .eight 
hundred and two, were married, after pub 
lication, of Banns, Zecha-rias Galloway and 
Mary Smith, by me, George O Kill Stuart. 

17. On, the seventeenth day of November, 
in the year of our Lord one thousand 
eight hundred and two, were married, after 
publication of Ranns, Nathan Chapman and 
Susannah Faghler, by me, George O Kill 
Stuart, Minister & Missionary. 

18. On the seventeenth day of November, 
In the year of our Lord one thousand, eight 
hundred and two, were married, after pub 
lication of Banns, John Berry and Mary 
Cameron, by me, George O Kill Stuart. 

19. On the eighteenth day of November, 
in the Yea,r of OUT Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and two, were married, after the 
publication of Banns, Peter Ruheen and 
Mary Muir, by me, George O Kill Stuart, 
Minister & Mis. 

20. On the sixth- day of December, in the 
Year of our Lord one thousand eight hun 
dred and two, were married, after publica 
tion of Banns, William Pearce and Elizabeth 
Johnson, an afrlcan woman, bv me, George 
O Kill Stuart, Minister, Miss. 

21. On. the tenth day of December, in the 
year of our Lord one thousand eight hun 
dred and two, were married by License, 
Samuel Heron and Sarah Conott, by me, 
George O Kill Stuart, Minister & Mission 

22. On the twenty-second day of Decem 
ber, in the year of our Lord one thousand 
eight hundred and two, were married, after 
publication, of Banns, John Arnold and 
Elizabeth Miles, by me, George O Kill 

23. On the thirtieth day of January, in 
the year of our Lord one thousand eisrht 
hundred and three, were married by "Li 
cense, Thomas "Ward and Mary Playter, by 
me, George O Kill Stuart. 

24. On the tenth day of February, in 
the year of o>ur Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and three, were married, after pub 
lication of Banns, Frederick Herrick and 
Catherine Van Seyes, by me, George O Kill 

26. On the tenth day of February, in the 

year of our Lord one thousand eight hun 
dred and three, were married, after publi 
cation of Banns, John Dehart and Anna 

o? yes b J" nle George O Kill Stuart. 

BO. On, the twenty-second day of Fetor u - 
a ?y "Y thl0 yea r of ur Lord one thousand 
eight hundred and three, were married, 
3 fter PU bhoation, of Banns, Isaac Mitchell 
nnd Margaret Hooton, by me, George O Kill 

27. On the eighth day of March, in thte 
year of our Lord one thousand eight hun 
dred and three, were married, after puibli- 
ratiim of Banns. George Rippebarrack and 
Catherine Clock, by me, George O Kill 

The name of the bridegroom is in 
the register exactly as it appears here. 

2/3. on tne Fourteenth, day of March, In 
the year of ou,r Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and three, were married by Li- 
cense, Joshua Leach and Mary Dexter, by 
me, George O Kill Stuart, Minister & Mis. 

Joshua Leach was a well known mas 
ter carpenter, and built the first pul 
pit in St. James church. 

The earlier marriage registers are 
all numbered. Through a clerical 
error, though, on the part of Dr. 
Stuart, the numbers jump from 28 to 
31, leaving out the two intermediate 

31. On, the seventh day of April, in the 
year of our Lord one thousand eight hun 
dred and three, were married by License, 
Jonathan Hale and Margaret Carey, by me 
George O Kill Stuart, Minister & Mission- 

32. On the eleventh day of April, in the 
year of our Lord on thousand "eight hun 
dred and three, were married by License, 
Joseph Shepherd and Catherine Fisher, bv 
me, George O KIH Stuart. 

Jonathan Hale (31) and Joseph Shep 
herd (32) were both prominent men in 
York s early days. The former was for 
some time pathmaster, and as also 
did Joseph Shepherd, filled other pub 
lic offices. 

33. On the nineteenth day of April, one 
thousand eight hundred and three, were 
married, after publication of Banns, Henry 
Ha-le and Catherine Stewart, by me. George 
O Kill Stewart. 

34. On the flrs,t day of May, in the year 
of OUT Lord one thousand eight hundred 
and threa, were married, after publication 
of Banns. Joseph Johnson and Catharine 
Gowers, by me, George O Kill Stuart, Min 
ister & Miss. 

Joseph Johnson was also a Scar 
boro man. Some of his family after 
wards lived near Weston, Ont. 

35. On the nineteenth day of April, in 
the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
humired and three, were married, after pub 
lication of Banns, Francis Po-llard and Sophia 
Hate, by me, George O Kill Stusart, 

36. On the four t a day of Ma-y, in the 
year of OUT Lord one thousand eight hun 
dred and three, were married by License, 
Thomas Smith and Hannah Cornwall, by 



me, George O KIII Stuart, Minister and 

Hannah. Cornwall was one of the 
Cornell family. Some of the latter 
spell their name as it appears in the 
register, others Cornell. 

37. On, the third day of July_, in the- 
year of ou/r Lord one thousand eight hun 
dred and three, were married, after pub 
lication of Banns, John Disiere and Mari 
anne Berh-uo, By me, George O Kill Stuart. 

38. On. the twenty-sixth -day of, in 
the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and three, were married by Li 
cense, William. Warren Baldwin, Esq., and 
Phoebe WUcox, by me, George O Kill Stuart, 

This was the well-known Dr. Bald 
win. He resided first at the north 
west corner of Front and Frederick 
streets, then at Russell Abbey, after 
wards a t Spadina House, still later on 
the north-east corner of Front and 
Bay streets, where he died in 1844. The 
name of the doctor s bride is spelt in 
correctly ; it should be Willcocks. 

39. On the twenty-ninth day of December, 
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and tlki-ee, ware married, after 
publication, of Banns, Georga Kremer, of 
Markhium, and Mary Strode, by me-, George 
O Kill Stuart. 

40. On the third day of January, in 
the year of our Lord housand eight 
hundred and four, were married, after pub 
lication of Baruns, John Smith and Re 
becca Chapman, by me, George O Kill 

41. On, the twenty-fourth day of Janu 
ary, in, the year of our Lord one thousand 
eight hundred and four, were married, after 
publication of Banns, Jesse Ketchum, 
Jim., and Nancy Love, by me, George O Kili 

The bridegroom, was the well-known 
Jesse Ketchum, of " The Tannery on 
Richmond street." Vol. I., pp. 30-34, 

42. On the thirty-first day of January, 
In the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and four, were married, by Li 
cense, Reuiben Richardson and Ehizabeth 
Stiles, by me, George O Kill Stuart, Min 

43. On the fourteenth day of February, 
in. the year o-f our Lord Oine thousand 
eight hundred and four, were married, after 
publication of Banns, Richard Heron and 
Harriot HiH, oy me, George O Kill Stuart. 

44. On the twenty-second day of Febru 
ary, in the year of o-u<r Lord one thousand 
eight hundred and four, were married by 
license, Thomas Moeely and Mary Ross, by 
me George O Kill Stuart. 

45. On tne eighth day of March, in 
the yoar of our Lord one thousand eiirht 
hundred and four, were married by "Li 
cense, WiYUam Marsh and Sarah Montgom 
ery, by me-, George O Kill Stuart. 

46. On tbe thirteenth day of May, in 
the year of our Lord one thousand tight 
hundred and four, were married, after pub 
lication of Banns, George Brethwith and 
Mary Whealon, by me, George O Kili Stuart. 

47. On the fifteenth day of May, in 
the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and Four, were married, after pub 
lication of Banns, David Smith and Rebecca 
Wilson, by me, George O Kill Stuart. 

48. On, the twenty-seventh day of July, in 
the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hiMicired and four, were married by Li 
cense, John Jeffrie and Mary McDougall, 
by me, George O Kill Stuart. 

49. On th twenty-first day of August, in 
the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and four, were married by Li 
cense, James Morton Gibson and Clarissa 
Fiske, by me, George O KiHl Stuart. 

50. On, the tenth day of July, in 
the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and four, were married by Li 
cense, Francois Beic,ou,r and Madeluine 
Olaise, by mo, George O Kill Stuart. 

51. n, the twentieth day of November, Oin 
the year of O Ur Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and four, were married by Li 
cense, Leonard Marsh and Mary Kendrick, 
by me. George O Kill Stuart. 

52. On the twenty-seventh day of Novem 
ber, in the- .year of ou<r Lord one thousand 
eight hundred and four, were married by 
License, Adney Bates and Abigail Watson, 
by me, George O Kill Stuart. 

On. the twenty-first day of December, in 
the Joar of our Lord one thousand eight 
hxmdred and four, we-re married, after pub 
lication of Banns, John Grateman and Mary 
Martin, by me, George O KiU Stuart. 

54. On, the fourth, day of January, in 
the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
humdred and five, were married, after pub 
lication, of Banns, John Salter and Cather 
ine Lewis, by me, George O Kill Stuart. 

John Salter should be John Saulter. 
Be was a farmer on the eastern bank 
of the Don, beyond where Broadview 
avenue now runs, to the south of the 
Kingston road, now Queen street east. 
Saulter and Lewis streets take their 
names from this family. 

55. On. the eighth day of January, In 
the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and five, were married by Li- 
cease, Alexander Macdcmnell, Esq., and 
Anne Smith, by me, George O Kill Stuart. 
Witnesses, Samuel Smith, Esq., Donald 
Mcl^ean, Esq., Jean Isabella Smith. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Alex 
ander Macdonnell and Anne Smith. 

This is the first marriage where the 
witnesses names are given. Samuel 
Smith was afterwards Administrator of 
the Province, the bride was his daugh 
ter. The bridegroom was a member of 
the Provipcial Parliament. 

56. On Tuesday, the fifteenth day of 
January, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and five, were married, 
after publication, of Banns, Frederick 
Wauntz and Elizabeth RitteT, by me, 
O Kill Stuart. 

57. On the seventeenth day of January, in 
the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and five, were married by Li 
cense, Caleb Humphrey and Sarah John- 
stone, by me, George O Kill Stuart. 

Caleb Humphrey lived on the south- 



west corner of Adelaide and Toronto 

58. On. the seventeenth, day of March, in 
the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and five, were married, after pub 
lication of Banns, William Connor and 
Eleanor Bassfle, by me, George O Kill 

39. On the second, day of April, in 
the year of onr Lord, one thousand eight 
hundred and "ffve," were married, Jonathan 
Wilcot and Refoecoa Gray, after publication 
of Barms, by me, George O Kill Stua-rt. 

60. On the twentieth day of April, in 
the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred a^d five, were married by Li 
cense. Philip Oiiuger and Martha Cameron, 
by me, George O Kill Stuart. 

Philip Clinger was a well-known 
Toronto (York) blacksmith, of early 

61. On the twenty-eighthof April, in the 
year of our Lord one thousand eight hun 
dred and five, were married, after publica 
tion of Banns, Henry Taille and Mary 
Weaver, by me, George O Kill Stuart. 

62. On the fifth day of May, in the 
year of our Lord one thousand eight hun 
dred and five, were married, after publica 
tion of Banns, John Dehart and Catherine 
Hagerman, by me, George O Kill Stuart. 

63. On the thirtee-nth day of May, in the 
year of our Lord one thousand eight hun 
dred and five, were married William Still- 
Ing and Margaret Wilkins, by License, by 
me, George O Kill Stuart. 

64. On the twenty-fifth day of May, in the 
year of our Lord one thousand eight hun 
dred and five, were married by License, 
Samuel Ridout and Eliza Parsons, by me, 
George O Kill Stuart. 

Mr. Samuel Ridout was afterwards 
sheriff. His residence was on the north 
side of Queen street east, to the east 
of Sherbourne street. 

65. On the third day of June, in the 
year of our Lord one thousand eight hun 
dred and five, were married, after publica 
tion of Banns, George Port and Elizabeth 
Knowles, by me, George O Kill Stuart. 

66. On the eighteenth day of September, 
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and five, were married by License 
John Wilson and Catherine Wilson, by me, 
George O Kill Stuart. 

67. On the twentieth day of September, 
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and five, were married by License 
John Hill and Abigail Montgomery, by me, 
George O Kill Stuart. 

68. On the twenty-sixth day of September, 
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hunored and five, were married, after pub 
lication of Banns, Benoni Samson and Han 
nah Kahman, by m, George O Kill Stuart. 

69. On the twenty-third day of October, 
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and five, were married, after pub 
lication of Banns. Peter Brooks and Sarah 
Hull, by me, George O Kill Stuart. 

70. On tbe twenty-eighth day of October, 
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and five, were married by License 
Hiram Harrison and Elizabeth Hollinshead, 
by me. George O Kill Stuart. 

7L. On the thirty-first day of October, in 
the year of our Lord oae thousand eight 

hundred and five, were married, after pub 
lication of Banns, Anthony Hollinshead and 
Eleanor Crossley, by me, George O Kill 

72. On the twelfth dav of November, in 
the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and five, were married by Li 
cense. Jesse Goodwin and Sarah Kendrick, 
by me, George O Kill Stuart. 
; 73. On Saturday, the twenty-third day of 

November, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and five, were 
married, after publication of Banns, Jacob 
McKay and Elizabeth Wilcox, by me, George 
O Kill Stuart. 

74. On Friday, the twenty-seventh day of 
December, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and five, were 
married, after publication of Banns, John 
Hamilton and Elizabeth Stover, by me, 
George O Kill Stuart. 

75. On the eleventh day of January, in 
the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
huncli-er 1 . and six, were married by License, 
George Cutten and Rebecca Oaborne, by 
n:e. George O Kill Stuart. 

76. On the twenty-first day of January, in 
the year of our Lord one thousand eight 

hundred and six. were married, after pub 
lication of Banns, Samuel Arnold and Dor 
othy Storrlng. by me, George O Kill Stuart. 

77. On Sunday, the twenty-sixth day of 
January, in the year of our Lord one thou- 

sand eight hundred and six, were married, 
: after publication of Banns, Daniel Munn 
and Millicent Post, by me, George O Kill 

i 78. On Monday, the twenty-seventh day of 
January, in the year of our Lord one thou- 
sa/nd eight hundred and six, were married, 
after publication of Banns, Joseph Mapes 
and Anna Stover, by me, George O Kill 

79. On Wednesday, the fifth day of 
February, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and six. were married, 

; Henry McOary and Bathsheba Marsh, after 
: publication of Banns, by me, George O Kill 

80. On Monday, the 28th day of April, in 
the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and six. were married by License, 
Dennis Fitzgerald, Sergeant in his Ma 
jesty s 41st Regt. 01 Foot, and Maria 
Brooke, by me, George O Kill Stuart. 

81. On Tuesday, the thirteenth day of 
May. in the year of our Lord one thousand 
eight hundred and six, were married, Ann 
P.urris, relict of George Burris, and John 
Hughes, private soldier in his Majesty s 41st 
regiment of Foot, by me, George O Kill 

82. On Monday, the nineteenth day of 
May. in the year of our Lord one thousand 
eight hundred and six, were married by 
License. William Clackett, private soldier 
in his Majesty s regiment (41st) of Foot, 
and Julia Brant, by me, George O Kill 

83. On Sunday, the fourth day of 
May, in the yeso- of our Lord one thousand 
eight hundred and six, were married, after 
publication of Banns, Thomas Colohan and 
Catherine Maur, by me, George O Kill 

84. On Thursday, the fifty day of June, 
were married by license, William Walker and 
Rebecca Kcndrick. in the yew of our Lord 
one thousand eight hundred and six, by me, 
George O Kill Stuart. 



85. On Thursday, the seventh day of Aug 
ust, in the year of our Lord one thousand 
eight hundred and six, were married by 
License, James Lamsdale and Mary Taylor, 
by me. George O Kill Stuart. 

86. On Monday, the eleventh day of Aug 
ust, in the year of our Lord one thousand 
eight hundred and six, were married by 
License, Thomas Forfar and Elizabeth 
Thompson, by me, George O Kill Stuart. 

Thomas Forfar was a Scarboro man, 
and many of the descendants of this 
marriage are resident in or near To 
ronto in 1898. 

87. On Sunday, the fourteenth day of Sep 
tember, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and six, were married 
by License, Paul Mauans and Jane Bat- 
terfield, bv me, George O Kill Stuart. 

88. On Tuesday, the twenty-fifth day of 
November, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and six. were mar 
ried, after publication of Banns, William 
Anderson and Catherine Grev, by me, 
George O Kill Stuart. 

89. On Tuesday, the twenty-fifth day of 
November, in the year of our Lord "one 
thousand eight hundred and six, \\ere mar 
ried by License, Gilbert John Batchelor and 
Mary Osborn, by me, George O Kill Stuart. 

90. On Thursday, the twenty-seventh day 
ef November, were married" by License, 
Stephen Reward and Mary Robinson, in 
the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and six, by me, George O Kill 

Mr. Stephen Reward was afterwards 
Clerk of the Peace for the Home Dis 
trict, but previous to filling that ap 
pointment he did gallant service dur 
ing the war of 1812. His residence was 
on King street east, near Sherbourne 

91. Oil Thursday, the twenty-seventh day 
of November, in the yeair of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and gix, were mar 
ried by License, Eli Playter and Sophia 
Beman, by me, George O Kill Stuart. 

Eli PJayter was the son of George 
Playter, one of the original onwers of 
the first park lots in the town of 
York. Eli Playter himself was for 
some time M.P.P. for the North Riding 
of York. 

92. On Thursday, the eighteenth day of 
.December, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and six, were mar 
ried by License, George Dennison and Es 
ther B. Lippincott, by me, George O Kill 

The name of the bridegroom should 
be George Taylor Denison. He at the 
time of his marriage was residing at 
Weston. He afterwards built Belle 
Vue, on the north-east corner of Deni 
son avenue and Denison square, where 
he died in December, 1853. 

93. On Sunday, the eleventh day of Janu 
ary, in the year of our Lord one thousand 
eifht hundred and seven, were married, 
after publication of Banns. John Feight- 
ner and Mary Hopkins, by me, George O Kill 

94. On Tuesday, the third day of Febru 
ary, in the year of our Lord one thousand 
eight hundred and seven, were married by 
License, Jcrdan Post and Melinda Wood 
ruff, by me, George O Kill Stuart. 

Jordan Post was the well known 
watchmaker, who came to Toronto 
from the New England States. He 
carried on business on the north side 
of Duke street, near Jarvis, then New 
street. He also was the owner of the 
whole of the land bounded by the 
south side of King street from Yonge 
to Bay streets, on the east and west, 
and Melinda street on the south. His 
name is commemorated in Jordan, and 
his wife s in Melinda, street. 

95. On Monday, the sixteenth day of Feb 
ruary, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and seven, were mKir- 
ripil. after publication of Banns, Jacob Be 
long and Mary Jillson, by me, George O Kill 

Many of the Delong family went to 
the United States, but some are still 
in Toronto in 1898. 

96. On Monday, the sixteenth day of 
Ma-rch, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and seven, were mar 
ried, after publication of Banns, Francis 
Descarras and Mary Scott, by me, George 
O Kill Stuart. 

This is the last marriage where the 
names of the contracting parties are 
unsigned on the register. 

97. William Meyers, of the town of York, 
and Sarah Chambers, of the game place, 
were married in this church by license this 
twenty-fourth day of March, in the year of 
our Lord one thpusand eight hundred and 
seven, by me, George O Kili Stuart, Rector. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
William Meyers and Sarah Chambers, in the 
presence of "Lewis Bright and Michael Doyle. 

98. George Quantz, of the township of 
Markham, and Mary Anne Badger, of the 
same township, were married in this 
church, after due publication of Banns, this 
eighteenth day of May, in the year of our 
Lord one thousand eight hundred and seven, 
by me, George O Kill Stuart. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, George 
Quantz and Mary Anne Badger, in the pres 
ence of Henry Quantz and Hendrick Ringer. 

99. Albert Hagerman, an African, of tho 
town of York, and Nancy Lpng, an African, 
ol the same place, were married in this 
church, after publication of Banns, this 
second day of June, in the year of our 
Lord one thousand eight hundred and seven, 
by me, George O Kill Stuart. This mar 
riage wae solemnized between MS, Albert 
Hagerman and Nancy Long, in the presence 
of George Long and Patty Williams. 

100. On Tuesday, trie fourteenth day of 
July, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and seven, Hiram Ken. 
drick and Esther Vanderburgh were mar 
ried in this church by license, by me, 
George O Kill Stuart. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Hiram KendrFck and 
Esther Vanderburgh, in the presence of 
John Campbell and Joseph Hunt. 

Joseph Hunt was the first clerk to 



the church. He collected pew rents 
and did what little clerical work was 

101. On Monday, the seventeenth day of 
August, in the year of ourLord one thou 
sand eight hundred and seven, Francis 
Frider and Sarah Barry, were married in 
this church, alter the publication of Banns, 
by me, George O Kill Stuart. This mar 
riage was soiemaiized between us, Francis 
Frider and Sarah Barry, in the presence of 
Joseph Hunt and Robert Lockie. 

102. On Tuesday, the eighteenth day of 
August, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and seven, Samuel 
Whitesides, ol the township of Markham, 
and Margaret Venton, of York, were mar 
ried in this church by license, by me, George 
p Kill Stuart. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, Samuel Whitesides and 
Margaret Venton, in the presence of John 
Bennett and Joseph Hunt. 

103. On Tuesday, the twenty-ninth day of 
September, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and seven, were 
married in this church by license, Thomas 
Waugh, of the township of York, and Sarah 
Giles, of the same place, by me, George 
O Kili Stuart. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, Thomas Waugh and Sarah 
Giles, in the presence of John Hayes and 
Samuei Giles. 

104. On Friday, the twenty-third day of 
October, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and seven, were mar 
ried in this church by license, William 
Washer and Hannah Beck, both of the town 
of York, by me, George O Kill Stuart. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
William Washer and Hannah Beck, in the 
presence of John Hayes and Sarah Ele- 

It is impossible to say with certainty 
what this last name really is, the 
writing being all but undecipherable. 

105. On Tuesday, the third day of No 
vember, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and seven, were mar 
ried in this church by License, Henry Car 
penter and Mary Mercer, both 01 the 
Township of York, by me, George O Kiil i 
Stuart. This marriage was solemnized be- j 
tween us, Henry Carpenter and Mary Mer 
cer, in the presence of Samuel Mercer and 
Joseph Hunt. 

106. On Monday, the twenty-third day of I 
November, in the year of our Lord one j 
thousand eight hundred and seven, were 
married in this church, after publication 
of Banns, Isaac Davies and Elizabeth Cope- 
land, both of the township of Toronto, by 
me, George O Kill Stuart. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, Isaac Davies 
and Elizabeth Oopeland, in the presence j 
of Joshua Oldfield and Joseph Hunt. 

107. On Sunday, the twenty-ninth day of 
November, in the >ear of our Lord 1807, 
were married in this church by License, \ 
Moses Dewar and Nelly Morrow, both of | 
the Township of York, by me, George O Kill 
Stuart. This marriage was solemnized be- ! 
trreen us, Moses Dewar and Nelly Morrow, | 
in the presence of Arba Stimsori and John ! 

108. On Thursday, the twenty-fourth day 
of December, in the year of our Lord 1807, j 
were married in this church by License, ! 

Ethan Allen Daggett and Fanny Kendrick, 
both of the Town of York, by me, George 
O Kih Stuart. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, Ethan Allen Daggett and 
Fanny Kendrick, in the presence of Joseph 
Kendrick and Stinson Kendrick. 

109. On Tuesday, the twenty-ninth day 
| of December, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and seven, were 

married in this church, after publication 
of Banns, Peter Stiver and Nancy Spring, 
both of the Township of Markham, by me, 
Geoa-ge O Kill Stuart. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Peter Stiver and 
Nancy Spring, in the presence of Henry 
Hebnet and Hinreh Pingel. 

110. On Tuesday, the twenty-ninth day 
of December, in the year of our Lord one 

i thousand eight hundred and seven, were 
married in this church by License, Jairus 
Ashley and Dorothy McDougall, both of 
the Township ol York, by me, George O Kili 
Stuart. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Jairus Ashley and Dorothy Mc- 
Dougall, in the presence of Joseph Ken 
drick and Jonathan Hale. 

111. On Wednesday, the sixth day of 
January, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and eight, were mar 
ried in this church by License Charles Carn- 

j ero ii and Sarah Houghton, both ot the 
Township of York, by me, George O Kill 
Stuart. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Charles Cameron and Sarah 
Houghton, in the presence of Lewis Bright 
and John Berry. 

112. On Thursday, the seventh dav of 
January, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and eight, were mar 
ried in this church by License Thomas Kil- 
leen, Soldier in tho 41st Regiment of Foot, 
and Margaret dunes, of the Township of 
York, by me, Ueorge O Kill Stuart. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Thos. 
Killeen and Margaret Clunes, in the pres 
ence of John Martin, Segt. 41st Regt., 
and Thos. Mayner, private 41st Regt. 

113. On Thursday, the seventh day of 
January, in tiie yeur of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and eight, were mar 
ried in this church by License Valentine 
Effnor and Catherine Brown, of the Town 
ship of York, by me, George O Kill Stuart. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Valentine Et fner and Catherine Brown. 

114. On Wednesday, the thirteenth day of 
January, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and eight, were mar 
ried at the home of Blisha iieman, Esq., by 
License, D Arcv Boulton, Junior, Esq., and 
Sarah Ann Robinson, by me, George O Kill 
Stuart. This marriage wa ssolemnized be 
tween us, D. Boulton, Jun., and Sarah Ann 
Robinson, in the presence of John B. Rob 
inson and George Ridout. 

D Arcy Boulton was a son of Mr. 
Justice Boulton. His bride was a sis 
ter of the late Chief Justice Sir John 
Beverley Robinson, who signs the 
register. George Ridout was a son of 
Surveyor-General Thomas Ridout. 
Elisha Beman should be Beaman. He 
had extensive mills at Newmarket. 

115. On Tuesday, the twenty-sixth day of 
January, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and eight, were mar 
ried in this church, after publication of 
Banns, Francis Rolannoir and Mary Orcsho, 



both of the Town of York, by me, George 
O Kill Stuart. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, Francis Rolannoir and 
Mary Qresho, in. the presence of Louis 
Ginioz and Simon Druyard. 

1117. On Thursday, the fourth day of 
February, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and eight, were mar 
ried in this church by License, James Chest- 
ney and Catherine Davis, both of York, 
lay me, George O Kill Stuart. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, James 
Chestney and Catherine Davis, in the pres 
ence of Lewis Eright and Thomas Simpson. 

118. On Thursday, the seventeenth day of 
March, in the year ot our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and eight, were mar 
ried in. this church by License, James Finch, 
of the Township of Gwillimtoury, and Mar 
garet Reynolds, of the Township of York, 
by me, George O Kill Stuart. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, James 
Finch and Margaret Reynolds, in the pres 
ence of Lwis fright and John Bassett. 

119. On Tuesday, the twenty-second day 
of March, In the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and eight, were 
married in this church, after publication of 
Banns, James Ihgrahan and Wealthy Hall, 
both of the Township of York, by me, 
George O Kin Stuart. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, James Ingrahan 
and Wealthy Hall, in the presence of 
Amasa F. Grant and Eleanor Daggett. 

120. On Wednesday, the sixth day 
of April, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and eight, were 
married in this church by License, Philip 
Haines, of the Township of York, and Ann 
Cameron, ot the said Township, by me, 
George O Kill Stuart. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Philip Haines and 
Ann Cameron, in the presence of John Berry 
and Joseph Haines. 

121. On Monday, the eighteenth day ol 
April, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and eight, were 
married in this church by License, Davis 
Wilson, private Soldier in her Majesty s 
41st Regt. of Foot, and Susannah Stone, 
of the Town of York, by me, George O Kill 
Stuart. This marriage wa ssolemnized be 
tween us, David Wilson and Susannah Stone, 
in the presence of John Higgins and John 
D Uyui. (Query. Duval). 

122. On Thursday, the twenty- first day of 
April, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and eight, were 
married in this church, after publication of 
Banns, Samuel Lewis and Elizabeth Mc- 
Grath, both of the Town of York, by me, 
George O Kill Stuart. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Samuel Lewis and 
Elizabeth McGrath, in the presence of 
Thoe. Willcox and John Massell. 

123. On Thursday, the twenty-eighth day 
of April, In the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and eight, were 
married by License John Campbell, of the 
Town of York, and Eliza Bbuville, of the 
same place, By me, George O Kill Stuart. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
John Campbell and Eliza Bouville, in the 
presence of Ben Dozens andMary Moore. 

124. On Sunday, th eighth d ay of May, 
In the year ot our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and eight, were married John 
Langstaff and Liioy Miles, by License, both 
of the township of Markham, by me, George 
O Kill Stuart. This marriage was s-olemu- 

ized between us, John Langstaff and Lucy 
Miles, in the presence of Thos. Stoyell and 
Wm, Domauss. 

125. On Thursday, the twelfth day of May, 
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and eight, were married In this 
church, by License, Thomas Williams and 
Elizabeth Jobbett, both of the Tfc>wn of 
York, by me, George O Kill Stuart. Thia 
marriage was solemnized between us, 
Thomas Williams and Elizabeth Jobbett, in 
the presence of us, John Dogjret and David 

126. On Monday .the thirtieth day of May, 
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and eight, were married by Li 
cense, John Murchison and Frances Hunt, 
both of the Town of York, by me, George 
O Kill Stuart. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, John Murchison and Fran 
ces Hunt, in the presence of us, George 
Duggan and Jane Brooke. 

Mr. Murchison, who died in 1870, 
a resident of Bathurst street, lived 
first on the north-west corner of 
George and King streets. 

127. On Tuesday, the twelfth day of July, 
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and eight, were married in this 
church, after publication of Plains, Jacob 
Nail and Helena Trimmer, of the Township 
of Etobicoke, By me, George O Kill Stuart. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Jacob Nail and Helena Trimmer, In the 
presence of us, William Willson and Arba 

128. On Monday, the twenty-fifth day of 
July, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and eight, were mar 
ried in this church by license, Michael 
Froyer, of the Township of Walsingham, 
and Mary Holly, of the Town of York, by 
me, George O Kilt Stuart. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, Michael Froyer 
and Mary Holly, in the presence of David 
Jolii and J. Gully. 

129. On Monday, the eighth day of Aug 
ust, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and eight, were 
married by License, John Powell, Esq., of 
Niagara, and Isabella Shaw, of York, by 
me, George O Kill Stuart. . 

The bride in this case was a daugh 
ter of Major-General Aeneas Shaw, of 
Oak Hill. 

130. On Sunday, the fourth day of Sep 
tember, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and eight, were 
married by License, James Ross and Eliza 
beth Wells, both of fork t by me, George 
O Kill Stuart. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, James Rcss and Elizabeth 
Wells, in the presence of us, William, Wells 
and Susan Ross. 

131. On Tuesday, the thirteenth day of 
September, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and eight, were 
married Hugh Howard and Eliza Muir, by 
License, by me, George O Kill Stuart. 

Mr. Huigh Heward was a son of 
Hugh Heward, a clerk in the Lieuten 
ant-Governor s office, who died at 
Niagara in 1803. 

132. On Thursday, the twenty-nintk day 
of December, In the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and eight, were 



married by License, James Fenwick, of the 
Township of Markham, and Eleanor Thomp 
son, of the Township of Scarborough, by 
me, George O Kill Stuart. 

The bride s name should be spelled 
Thomson. James Fenwick was an offi 
cer in the 3rd York Militia. His de 
scendants to the fifth generation are 
to be found in Toronto in 1898. 

133. On Monday, the sixteenth day of 
January, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred a<nd nine, were 
married John Wilson and Mary Oumer, of 
Yonge Street, by me, George O Kill Stuart. 

134. On Thursday, the second day of 
February, hi the year ot our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and nine, were 
married in this church, James Fulton and 
Elizabeth Munshaw, of Yonge Street, by 
License, by me, George O Kiil Stuart. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, James 
Fulton and Elizabeth Munshaw, in the 
presence of us, John Munshaw and Win- 
throp Crothy. 

135. On Thursday, the second day of 
March, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and nine, were 
married by License, James Woodward, of 
the Township of Toronto, and Mary Hale, 
widow, of the Town of York, by me, George 
O Kill Stuart. 

136. On Tuesday, the seventh day of 
March, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and nine, were 
married by License, John Jordan and Jean 
Newman Moon, of the Town of York, by 
me, George O Kill Stuart. 

137. On Monday, the thirteenth day of 
March, in. the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and nine, were 
married, after publication of Banns, Ed 
ward Philips and Mary Clock, of the Town 
ship of York, bv me, George O Kill Stuart. 
This marriage was soJemnized between us, 
Edward Philips and Mary Clock, in the 
presence o.f John Bruman and John Clock. 

138. On Tuesday, the fourteenth day 
of March, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and nine, were 
married by License, William Kalp and 
Phoebe Dexter, of the Township of 
Vaughan., by me, George O Kill Stuart. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
William Kalp and Phoebe Dexter, In the 
presence of us, Winthrotm, Orothy and Jos- 
lens Leach. 

139. On Sunday, the twenty-sixth day 
of March, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and nine, were 
married, after publication of Banns, Thomas 
Ellis and Mary Jones, of the Township of 
Scarboro , by me, George O Kill Stuart. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Thomas Ellis and Mary Jones, in the pres 
ence of us, D. Buttonhekn and James 

140. On Thursday, the sixth day of 
April, In the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and nine, were 
married in this church by License, John 
Dwyne, Private Soldier in his Majesty s 41st 
Regt. of Foot, and Anne Cboley, of the 
Town of York, by License, by me, George 
O Kill Stuart. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, John Dwyne and Anne 
Oooley, in the presence of us, Corp. P. 
Ooakley and Thos. Hillun. 

141. On Thursday, the sixth day of 

April, in the year of our Lord one- 
thousand eight hundred and nine, were 
married in this church by License, Richard 
House, Drummer in his Majesty s 41st 
regiment of Foot, and Anne Sytes, of the 
Town of York, by me, George O ; Kill Stuart. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Richard House and Anne Sytes, in the 
presence of us, Wm. Young and Thomas 

142. On Sunday, the sixteenth day ot 
April, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and nine, were 
married in this church by License. Nicholas 
Hagerman, of the Township of Markham, 
and Polly Ketchum, of York, by me, George 
O Kill Stuart. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, .Nicholas Hagerman and 
Polly Ketchum, in the presence of us, 
Jesse Ketchum, junior, and Seneca Ketchum 

143. On. Wednesday, the nineteenth day of 
April, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and nine, were mar 
ried by License, Thomas Simpson, of the 
Town of York, and Elizabeth Smith, of 
said place, bv me, George O Kill Stuart. 

144. On Thursday, the fourth day of 
May, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and nine, were married 
by License, Thomas Adams and Sarah Milc-s, 
of the Township of York, by me, George 
O Kill Stuart. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, Thomas Adams and Sarah 
Miles, in the presence of us, Jonathan Ash- 
bridge and James McClure. 

145. On Saturday, the thirteenth day of 
May, in the year 01 our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and nine, were married 
after publication of Banns, John Ulsan and 
Elizabeth Turner, Dy me, George O Kill 
Stuart. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, John TTlsan and Betsey Turner, 
in the presence of us, Michael Keffer and 
Thomas Tibbs. 

There is no entry numbered 146 in 
the registers, they jump from 145 to 

147. On Tuesdav, the twentieth day of 
June, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and nine* were married 
by License. John Ashbridge and Sarah Mer 
cer, by me, George O Kill Stuart. 

The bridegroom here belonged to the 
family from whom Ashbridge s Bay 
takes its name. 

148. On Wednesday, the twenty-first day 
of June, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and nine, were married 
by License, Jonathan Ashbridge and Han 
nah Barton, on the Township of York, by 
me, George O Kill Stuart. This marriage 
was solemnized Between us, Jonathan Ash- 
bridge and Hannah Barton, in the pres 
ence of Thomas Adams and James McClure, 

149. On Sunday, the second day of July, 
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and nine, were married by License, 
John Evans ol the Township of White- 
church, and Mary Linning, of the Town- 
ship of Vaughan, by me, George O KiH 
Stuart. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, John Evans and Mary Linning, 
in the presence of us, T. C. M. Walker and 
Elizabeth Benson. 

150. On Saturday, the fifteenth day of 
July, in the year of our Lord one thousand 
eight hundred and nine, were married by 



License, Orran Hale and Hannah Barrett, 
by me, George O Kill Stuart. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, Orran 
Hate and Hannah Barrett, in the presence 
of Alper Bennett andHenry Hale. 

151. On Tuesday, the eighteenth day of 
July, in the year of our Lord one thousand 
eight hundred and nine, were married by 
License, Henry Oastedder and Mary Kaf- 
fer, of the Township of Vaughaii, by me, 
George O Kill Stuart. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Henry Oastedder 
and Mary Kaffer, in the presence of us, 
Win. Drmousy and Jofermun Yminner. 

152. On Sunday, the sixth day of August, 
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and nine, were married by License, 
Henry Drean and Jane Brooks, by me, 
George O Kill Stuart. 

153. On Wednesday, the twenty-third day 
of August, in the year of our Lprd one 
thousand eight hundred and nine, were mar 
ried by License, John Huff and Elizabeth 
Millar, bv Rev. John Sfrrachan, of Corn 
wall. George O Kill Stuart. 

This is the first entry where the 
name of Dr. Strachan appears. He was 
probably on a visit to York. 

154. On Wednesday, the thirtieth day 
of August, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and nine, we<re mar 
ried by Licemse, Peter Miller, of the Town 
ship of, a>nd Susannah Gilbert, 
widow, of the Town of York, by me, George 
O Kill Stuart. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, Peter Miller and Susannah 
Gilbert, in the presence of Benj. Barrett 
and S. Barrett. 

155. On Sunday, the fifteenth day of Oc 
tober, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and nine, were married, 
after publication of Banns, Henry Coon and 
Catherine Everson, both of the Tiownship 
of YYork, by me, George O Kill Stuart. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Henry Coon and Catherine Everson, in the 
presence of John Willson and Adam Ever 

156. On Monday, the eleventh day of De 
cember, in the year ofour Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and nine, were mar 
ried by License, David Francis Burke, of 
the Township of Darlington, and Sarah 
Kno-wles, of Scarborough, by me, George 
O Kill Stuart. This marriage was solemn 
ized between, ua, David Francis Burke and 
Sarah KnowJes, in the presence of J. Burke 
and John Burke (junior). 

157. On Thursday, the fourteenth day of 
5December, in the vear of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and nine, were 
married by License, John Thompson and 
Ann Smith, both of the Town of York, 
by me, George O Kill Stuart. This mar 
riage was solemnized between ua, John 
Thomson aaid Ann Smith, in the presence 
of us, Prime Fobey and Andrew Thomson. 

John Thomson, as it ought to be, 
was long a resident on the eastern 
bank of the Don. His wife was a sister 
of William Smith, whose first resi 
dence was on the north-east corner of 
King and Caroline, now Sherbourne, 

158. On Monday, the fifteenth day of 
January, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and ten, were married 

in this church By License. Sylvester Denip- 
sey, sergeant in His Majesty s 100th Regi 
ment ot Foot, and Louisa Haynes, of tiie 
TO W-u of York, By me, George O Kill Stuart. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Sylvester Dempsey and Louisa Haynes, in 
the presence of us, Thos. Haynes and Thos. 

159. On Wednesday, the twenty-first day 
of January, in the year of our Lprd one 
thousand eight hundred and ten, were mar 
ried by License, John Millard and Mary 
West lev, boch of the Township of Whit- 
church! by me, George O Kill Stuart. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, John 
MillarU and Mary Westley, in the presence 
of us, Benj. Cozens and Jesse Seath. 

160. On Tuesday, the fourteenth day of 
February, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and ten, were mar 
ried after publication or public notice, Wi - 
liam, Morris and Kesiah Trowbridge, both 
of the township of Trafalgar, by me, George 
O Kill Stuart. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, William Morris and Kesiah 
Trowbridge, ta the presence of us, John 
Jones and David Trowbridge. 

161. On Friday, the twenty-third day of 
February, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and ten, were mar 
ried by License, John Geyster and Mary 
Palmer, Both of the Township of Markham, 
by me, George O Kill Stuart. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, John Ge v \- 
ster and Mary Palmer, in the presence of 
us. Samuel Wbitesides and S. L. Gunau. 

162. On Saturday, the twenty-fourth day 
of February, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and ten, were mar 
ried by License, William, Wilson, of the 
Township of Markhani/, and Elizabeth Van- 
derburgh. of the aforesaid township, by me, 
George O Kill Stuart. 

163. On Friday, the eighth day of March, 
in the year ofour Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and ten, were married by License, 
Andrew Thomson, of the Township of Scar- 
boro , and Sarah Smith, of the Town of 
York, by me, George O Kill Stuart. 

Sarah Smith was a daughter of Win. 

Smith, who resided on the north-east 

corner of King and Caroline streets. 

He died in 1819. Mrs. Thomson died in 

| 1879. 

164. On Thursday, the fifteenth day of 
: March, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and ten, were married, 
after publication of Banns, Isaac Morris, of 
the Township of Markham, and Elizabeth 
Crosley, of the Township of Whitchurch, by 
me, George O Kill Stuart. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, Isaac Morris 
and Elizabeth Crosley, in the presence of 
us, Anthoiiv Hollinshead and Moses White. 

165. On Tuesday, the twentieth day of 
! March, in the year of our Lord one thou- 
! sand eight hundred and ten, were married 
I by License, John Paul Radermiller, of the 
I Town of York, and Magdalene Borkholder, 

of the Township of Yaugha.ii, by me, George 
O Kill Stuart. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, J. P. Radenniller and Mag 
dalene and Henry Borkholder. 

166. On Friday, the thirtieth day of 
March, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and ten, were married 
by Licence, Isaac Pilkington, of the Town 
of York, and Sarah McBride, by me, George 



O Kill Stuart. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, Isaac Pilkington and Sarah 
McBride, in the presence of us, Sarah Clay 
ton and John Kendriek. 

167. On Sunday, the thirteenth day ot 
May, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and ten, were married 
ried by License, James Lockwood and Mar 
garet Owen, both of the Town of York, by 
me, G&orge O Kill Stuart. 

168. On Thursday, the twenty-fourth day 
of May, in the year* of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and ten, were married 
by licoinse, Daniel Herrick and Anna Cor 
nell, both of the Township of Scarboro , by 
me, George O Kill Stuart. This marriage 
\vas solemnized between us, Daniel Herriok 
and Anna Cornell, in the presence of us, 
M. L. Davis amd George Duggaii. 

170. On Monday, the eleventh day of June, 
in the year of ourLord one thousand eight 
hundred and ten, were married, after pub 
lication of Banns, tia-muel Morton and Be 
lief Welder, both of the Township of Mark- 
ham, by me, Gecrge O Kill Stuart. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Sam 
uel Morton and Relief Welder, in the pres 
ence of us, George Cutter and Jonathan 

171. On Thursday, the fourteenth day of 
June, in the year of our Lord one thousand 
eight hundred and ten, were married by 
License, James Keed and Mary Jane Tay- 
Icr, both of the T&wuship of York, by me, 
George O Kill Stuart. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, James Reed and 
Mary Jane Taylor, in the presence of 
George Winter bottom and Prine Foley. 

17ii. On Thursday, the fifth day of July, 
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and ten, were married by license, 
John Scarlett, Gentleman, of the Town 
ship of York, and Mary Thomson, of the 
Town of York, by me, Geprge O Kill Stuart. 

Mr. Scarlett was an official in the 
Provincial civil service. Afterwards he 
was largely engaged in the timber 
trade, his home being at Runymede, 
Dundas street (now Toronto Junction) 
His wife was the eldest daughter of 
Archibald Thomson, of Scarboro . 

173. On Sunday, the twenty-ninth day of 
July, in the year of our Lord one* thousand 
eight hundre d and ten, were married by 
license, William B, Patrick and Elizabeth 
Gilbert, both of the Town of York, by me, 
George O Kill Stuart. This_ marriage was 
solemnized between us, Wiliiam B. Patrick 
and Elizabeth Gillert, in the presence of 
us, Ira Gilbert and George O Kill Stuart. 

This is one of the few instances 
where the rector signs both as offici 
ating minister and as a witness. 

174. On Thursday, the twenty-third day 
of August, in the year of our Lord one 
thousa-nd eight hundred and ten, were 
married, after publication of Banns, David 
Sales and Elizabeth Bison, widow, of the 
Township of Markham, by me, George O Kill 
Stuart. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, David Sales and Betsey Elscii, 
in the presence of us, Samuel Mercer and 
John Vanhorn. 

175.. On Friday, the thirty-first day of 
August, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and ten, were married 
by license, George Goldthorpe and Mar 

garet Stuart, both of the Township of 
Etobicoke, by me, George O Kill Stuart. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
George Goldthorpe and Margaret Stewart, 
in the presence of us, D. Stewart and 
Richard Wilson, 

176. On Friday, the fourteenth day of 
September, in the year ofour Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and ten, were mar 
ried by license, William Barber and Esther 
Kendrick, both of Yonge street, by me, 
George O Kill Stuart. 

177. On Monday, the tenth day of De 
cember, in the year of ourLord one thou 
sand eight hundred and ten, were married, 
after publication of Banns, Jacob Anderson 
and Elizabeth Olook, both of the Tiownship 
of York, by me, Ofeorge O Kill Stuart. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Jacob Anderson and Elizabeth Clock, in 
the presence of us, Moses McGrath and 
Joseph Clock. 

178. On Monday, the thirty-first day of 
December, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and ten, were mar 
ried by licejise, Cornelius Glen and Rebecca 
Humphreys, both of the town of York, by 
me. George O Kill Stuart. 

179. On Sunday, the thirteenth day of 
January, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and eleven, were mar 
ried, after publication of Banns, Daniel 
Cookland and Elizabeth Austin, Africans, 
both of the Towm of York, by me, George 
O Kih Stuart. 

180. On Monday, the fourteenth day of 
January, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and eleven, were mar 
ried, after publication of Banns, Henry Ar 
nold, private soldier in His Majesty s 100th 
regiment of Foot, and Emma Armstrong, by 
me. George O Kill Stuart. 

181. On Wednesday, the twenty-third day 
of January, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and eleven, were 
married by license, Francis Smith and 
Sarah iSipes, both of the Township of Mark- 
ham, by me, George O Kill Stuart. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Fran 
cis Smith and Sarah Sipes, in the presence 
of us, Jonas and George Quasntz. 

182. On Thursday, the twenty-first day 
of February, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and eleven, were 
married by License, Isaac Cornell and Amy 
Terry, both of the Township of Soarboro , 
by me, George O Kill Stuart. This mar- 
rfage was solemnized between us, Isaac Cor 
nell and Amy Terry, in the presence of 
us, Isaac Pancough and Robt. Addison. 

Amy Terry was a daughter of Par- 
shall Terry, who resided on the Don, 
and who died in 1808. Isaac Cornell 
has many descendants now in Toronto. 

183. On Tuesday, the twenty-sixth day 
of February, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and eleven, were 
married by license. Charles Judge, soldier 
<f the 100th Regiment, and Mary Robi- 
taille, cf York, by me, George O Kiil Stuart. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Charles Judge and Mary Robitaile. 

184. On Monday, the eighth day of April, 
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and eleven, were married by li 
cense, John P. Rice and Sarah Stewart, 
of the Town of Yprk, by me, George O Kill 

185. On Saturday, the thirteenth day of 



April, In the year of our Lord one thousane 
eight hundred and eleven, were married 
bv license. Robert Henderson and Eliza 
beth Hunter, both of the Town of York, 
by me. George O Kill Stuart. 

186. On Tuesday, the thirtieth day of 
April, in the year of our Lord one thousand 
eight hundred and eleven, were married, 
after publication of Banns. James J\evin3, 
of York, a.nd Mary Avery, of Trafalgar, 
by me, George O Kill Stuart. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, James 
Nevins and Mary Avery, in the presence 
o fus, Ellas Swattan and Samuel Fraser. 

187. On Tuesday, the seventh day of May, 
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and eleven, were married, after 
publication of Banns, John Clauson , of 
Whitby, and Paulina Palmer, of Scarboro , 
by me, George O Kill Stuart. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, John 
Clauson and Paulina Palmer, in the pres 
ence of us, Seneca Palmer and fearah 

188. On Thursday, the sixteenth dny of 
May, in the yea<r o f our Lord one thousand 
eight hundre d and eleven, were married, 
aft^r publication of Banns, Daniel Frim- 
iner and Elizabeth Holley, both of the 
Township of Etobiooke, by me, George 
O Kill Stuart. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, Daniel Primmer and Eliza 
beth Holley, in the presence of us, Levi 
Devins and David Smith. 

189. On Thursday, the thirtieth day of 
May, in the year of our Lord one thousand 
eight hundred and eleven, were married by 
license, Samuel Mercer and Nancy Ander 
son, both of the township of York, by me, 
George O Kill Stuart. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Samuel Mert-er and 
Nancy Anderson, in the presence of us, 
Seneca Ketchuim and Thomas Tibbs. 

Seneca Ketchum was brother and 
some time partner of Jesse Ketchum, 
the tanner. 

190. On Saturday, the first day of Jnne, 
in the year or OUT Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and eleven, were married by li 
cense, Aaron Leonard and Ann Favors, both 
of the town of York, by me, George O Kih 

191. On Monday, the tenth day of June, 
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and eleven, wero married, after 
publication of Banns, John Peeler and Mar 
garet Mitchell, both of the Township of 
Etobicoke. by me, George O Kill Stuart. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
John Peeler and Margaret Mitchell, in the 
presence of us, Charles Cameron and Wil 
liam Nootxm. 

192. On Monday, the tenth day of June, 
in the yea-r of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and eleven, were married, after 
publication of Banns. Nicholas Long and 
Rebecca Borkholder. both of the township 
o.f Etobicoke. by me, George O Kill Stuart. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Nicholas Lomg and Rebecca Borkholder, in 
the presence of us, J. Kosey and James 

On Tuesday, the eleventh day of June, 
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and eleven, were married, -after 
publication, of Banns, Ryer Reynolds and 
Ann Robnett, both of the Township of To 
ronto, by me, George O Kill Stuart. This 
marriage" was solemnized between us, Re,, er 

Reynolds and Ann Robnett, in the pres 
ence of us, Allen Robinett and Thomas 

194. On Tuesday, the twenty-fifth day of 
June, in the year of our Lord one thousand 
eight hundred and eleven, were married by 
license, the Reverend Robert Addison, of 
Niagara, and Miss Rebecca Plummer, of 
the said place, by me, George O Kill 
O Kill Stuart. 

The Rev. Robert Addison was rector 
of St. Mark s, Niagara, and chaplain to 
the Provincial Parliament. 

195. On Tuesday, the second day of July, 
in. the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and eleven, were married by li 
cense. William B. Sheldon and Jane John 
ston, both of the Township of York, by me, 
Geo.rge O Kill Stuart. 

196. On Thursday, the eighteenth day of 
July, in the year of our Lord one thousand 
er ght hundred and eleven, were married by 
license, Barnet Vanderburg and H-mnah 
Soiiles, both of the tjownship of Vaughan, 
by me, George O Kill Stuart. This mar 
riage was solemnized, between us, Barnet 
Vanderburg and Hannah So-u!es. 

197. On Thursday, the eighteenth day of 
July, in the year of our Lord one thousand 
eight hundred and eleven, were married by 
license, Robert Christie and Catherine 
Peeck, both of the Township of Pickering, 
by me, Gecrga O Kill Stuart. 

Peeck is the name in the register, 
but it ought to be Pack. 

198. On Friday, the second day of Aug 
ust, in the year of our Lord one thousand 
eight hundred and eleven, were married at 
church in York, by license, George Hamil 
ton, Esq., of Queenstown, and Maria La- 
vinia Jar vis, of the Town, of York, by me, 
George O Kill Stuart. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, George Hamilton, 
and Mary Lavinia Jar vis, in the presence 
of us, Hannah Jar vis, Samuel Jarvis and 
Augusta H. Jarvis. 

The Hamiltons were a well-known 
Niagara family, afterwards largely in 
terested in the lake traffic. His wife 
was a daughter of Mr. Secretary Jar- 

199. On Thursday, the nineteenth day 01 
September, iu the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and eleven, were 
married by license, Joseph L. Reeve and 
Sarah A. Pearce. both of the Township 
of York, bv me, George O Kill Stuart. 

200. On Saturday, the twenty-first day of 
September, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and eleven, were 
married bv license. John Doggct and Mary 
Squires, both of the Town of York, by me. 
George O Kill Stuart. 

201. On Sunday, the twenty-second day of 
September, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and eleven, were 
married by license, George Duggan and 
Mary Jackson, both of the Township of 

, York, by me, George O Kill Stuart. 

Mr. Dugpran was the well-known Col. 
! Duggan. He owned considerable pro 
perty on the corner of King and George 

202. On Sunday, the twenty-ninth day of 
September, in the year of our Lord one 



thousand eight hundred and eleven, were 
married by license, Andrew Bingham, of 
the Township of York, and Mary Cleve 
land, of the Township of Tpronto, by me, 
George O Kill Stuart. 

203. On Sunday the tenth day of Novem 
ber, in the year of our Lord one thousand 
eight hundred and eleven, were married, 
after publication, of Banns, John C. Hart 
shorn and MichaT Baynes, both of the Town 
ship of Pickering, by me, George O Kih 
Stuart. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, John C. Hartshorn and Michai 
Baynes, in the presence of us, James Jones 
and Jonas Jones. 

Michai appears a strange name for 
a woman, but so it appears on the 

204. On Thursday, the fourteenth day of 
Xovember, in. the year one thousand eight 
hundred and eleven, were married by li 
cense, Joseph B. Abbott and Christina 
Papst, both of the Town, of York, by me, 
George O Kill Stuart. 

205. On Wednesday, the twentieth day of 
Kovember, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and eleven, were 
married, after publication of Banns, Ben 
jamin Reynolds and E.unice Peck, both of 
the Township of Etobiooke, by me, George 
O Kill Stuart. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, Benjamin Reynolds and 
Eunice Peck, in the presence of us, Moses 
McGrath and Thomas Tibbs. 

206. On Thursday, the twenty-first day 
of November, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and eleven, were 
married, after publication of Banns, Eras- 
tus Howard, of Toronto, and Mary Wilcox, 
of Etobicoke, by me, Georga O Kill Stuart. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Augustus Howard and Mary Wilcox, in the 
presence of us, Anna Wilcox and Isaac Wil 

A branch of the Wilcox family now 
reside in Whitby, as also a branch 
of the Howards. 

207. On Thursday, the nineteenth day of 
December, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and eleven, were 
married by license, Seth Tucker and Surah 
Bennett, both of the Town of York, by me, 
George O Kill Stuart. 

208. On Monday, the twenty-second day 
of December, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and eleven, were 
married, after publication of Banns, Alex 
ander Gray, of the Township of York, and 
Hannah Beyer, of the Township of Mark- 
ham, by me, George O Kill Stuart, This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Alex 
ander Gray and Hannah Boyer, in the pres 
ence of us, Jonathan Walcott and George 

209. On Wednesday, the twenty-fifth day 
of December (Christmas), in the year of 
our Lord one thousand e ght hundred and 
eleven., were married by license, Thomas 
Anderson and Betsey Bonsallee. both of the 
Town of York, by me, Gen:g? O Ki.l Stuart. 
This marriage was solenr:i/od between us, 
Thomas Anderson and Eliz ibeth Bonsellee, 
in the presence o-f us, Joseph Jellie and 
Joseph Godmiaru 

209. On Friday, the twenty-seventh day 
of December, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and eleven, were 

married by license, John Hunter and Han- 
, nah Stem, by me, George O Kill Stuart. 

This marriage was solemnized between us, 
: John Hunter and Hannah Stem, in the 

presence of us, Wm, T. Turner and Thomas 


210. On Sunday, the twenty-ninth day 
of December, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and eleven, were 
married by license, Michael Fisher, of 
vaughan, and Susannah Holly, of Etobi- 
ooke, by me, George O Kill Stuart. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Mich- 
aei Fisher and Susannah Holly, in the pres 
ence of us. Johanna Holly and Thomas Tibbs. 

211. On Wednesday, the twenty-ninth day 
of January, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and twelve, were 
married by license, Joseph Le Oompte and 
busannah Anderson, both of the Tiownship 
of York, by me, Goforge O Kill Stuart. This 

! marriage was solemnized between us, Jo- 
j soph Le Compte and Susannah Anderson, in 
the presence of James Fleck Witness and 
; John Clock. 

212. On Monday, the seventeenth day of 
February, in the year of our Lord one 

; thousand eight hundred and twelve, were 
[ married, after publication of Banns and 
i with consent of the Commanding Officer, 
William Schofield, private soldier of His 
Majesty s 41st Regiment of Foot, and Sarah 
i Waugh, widow, of the Town of York, by me, 
1 George O Kill Stuart. 

213. On Tuesday, the third day of March, 
; in the year of our Lord one thousand eight 

hundred and twelve, were married bv li 
cense, Henry Whits and Mary Hunter, both 

I of the Township of Vaughan, "by me, George 
O Kill Stuart. This marriage" was solemn 
ized between us. Henry White and Mary 
Hunter, in the presence of us, Moses White 

i and Colin Drummond. 

214. On Wednesday, the eleventh day of 
j March, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and twelve, were mar- 

j ri3d by license, William Lawrence and Marv 
| Holiday, both of the Township of York, by 
j me, George O Kill Stuart. This marriage 
i was solemnized between us, William Law 
rence and Mary Holiday, in the presence of 
us, Colin Drummond and Elizabeth Law 

I 215. On Saturday, the fourteenth day of 
i March, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and twelve, were mar 
ried by license, William, Shaw and Eliza 
beth Henderson, widow, both of the Town 
of York, by me, George O Kill Sffuart. 

216. On Tuesday, the twenty-first dny of 
April, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundreJ and twelve, were mar- 

, ried by license, Jarnes Penny and Mary 
Snider, of the Township of York, by me, 
George O Kill Stuart. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, James Penny and 
Mary. Snider, in the presence of us, George 
Rice and Hannah HilL 

217. On Tuesday, the fourteenth day of 
May, in the ye tr of our Lord one thou- 

sand eight hundred and twelve, were mur- 
j riet bv license, Peter R. Lawrence and 
| Elizabeth O.umme<r. both of the Township 
of York, by me, George O Kill Stuart. 

218. On Tuesday, the nineteenth day of 
May, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and twelve, were mar 
ried, after publication of Banns, Henry Le- 
m-ars and Dorothy Prentiss, both of the 
Township of Etobictoke, by me, Georgo 



O Kill Stuart. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, Henry Lemars and Dor 
othy Prentiss, in the presence of us, John 
Duit, Lucy B. Stewart, Isabella, Jarvis. 

219. On Monday, the fifteenth day of 
Juaie, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred and twelve, were mar 
ried by license, William Ennis, of Scarbor- 
borough, and Fannv Ooonat, of Darling 
ton, by me, George O Kill Stuart. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Wil 
liam, Eiinis, of Scarborough, and Fanny 
Ooomat, in the presence of us, Jeremiah 
Ooonat and Rhoda Ennis. 

220. On Sunday, the thirteenth day of 
Julv, in the year of our Lord one thou 
sand eight hundred aJid twelve, were mar 
ried bv license, William Jackson Nutter and 
Hannah Willis, both of the Township of 
York, by me, George O Kill Stuart. 

220. On Thursday, the twenty-fifth day of 
June, in the year of our Lord one thousand 
eight hundred and twelve, were married 
by license, Adam Brown, of the Township 
of Niagara, and Mary Mattoise, of the 
Township of York, by me, George O Kill 
Stuart. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Adam Brown and Mary Mattoise, 
in the presence of us, Robert Moore and 
Mary Moore. 

221. On Friday, the twenty-sixth day of 
June, in the year of our Lord one thousand 
eight hundred and twelve, were married by 
license, Joseph Burton Yeoman and Fanny 
Brunmage, both of the Township of York, 
by me, George O Kill Stuart. 

222. On Tuesday, the seventh day of July, 
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
hundred and twelve, were married by li 
cense, Samuei Kennedy, of Scarboro , and 
lllc -anor Press, of Markham, by me, George 
O Kill Stuart. 

Many of the Kennedj family, de 
scendants of this marriage, still reside 
in and near Toronto. 


1. On Thursday, the twentieth day of 
August, in the year of our Lord one thou- 
eand eight hundred and twelve, were mar 
ried by special license, John Foodham and 
Mary McMuIIen, both of the Township of 
Markham, by me, John Strachan. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, John 
Toodha.m and Mary McMulIen, in the pres 
ence of ua, William Johnson and James 
Woo dan. 

This was the first marriage cele 
brated by Dr. Strachan after he be 
came rector. 

York, 21st January, 1813. This day were 
married, after publication of Banns, George 
Buckendan and Ann Ellmickey, bo-th of the 
Township of Markha.m. by me, John 
Strachan. This marriage was solemnized 
between us. George Buckendan and Ann 
Kllmickey, in the presence of us, Frederick 
Ellmickey and Frederick Quantis. 

York, 31st January, 1813. This day were 
married, after regular publication o Banns, 
liavid Lick a.nd Sarah Millar, both of the 
township of Markbaim. John Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
David Lick and Sarah Miller, in the pres 
ence of ua. John Smith and Rebecca Smith. 

York. 8th February, 1813. This day were 
married bv special license, William De:-- 
eiicy and Elizabeth Selby, both of the 

Township of York ,by me, John Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us. 
Wm. Derency and Elizabeth Selby, in the 
presence of us. George Orcwkshank, Thos. 
Scott and W. Allan. 

Miss Selby was a relative, probably 
daughter, of the Receiver-General, 
Prideaux Selby. Mr. Crookshank at 
one tame filled the same office. Mr. 
Scott was judge Scott, and W. Allan 
was of Moss Park. 

York, 18th February, 1813. This day were 
married by special license, William Moore 
and Sarah Harris-oil, in the presence of us, 
Thomas Humberstono and Samuel Heron. 

Thomas Humberstone lived on Yonge 
street, on the west side, near Hogg s 
Hollow. Samuel Heron also lived in 
Hogg s Hollow. His first home, though, 
was on Duke street. 

York, 14th March, 1813. This day were 
maa-risd bv special license, Joseph Grenette 
and Millicent Bruce, both oi this Parish. 
John Strachan, This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, Joseph Grenette and Mil 
licent Bruce, in the presence of us, John 
Vattier and Peter Meyers. 

York, 21st March, 1813. This day were 
married by special license, Wi.liam Harrison 
and Elizabeth Wright, both of the town 
ship of York. John Strachan. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, William 
Harrison and Elizabeth Wright, in the 
presence of us, SamuelHeron and Francis 

York. 3rd April, 1813. This day were 
married by special license, William Osban 
and Elizabeth Lawrence, both of the Town 
ship of York. John Btrachafl, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us. 
William Osbun and Elizabeth Lawrence, in 
the presence of us, William Lawrence and 
John Willson. 

York. 26th April, 1813. This day were 
married bv special license, Donald McAr- 
thur and Susannah Ross, both of the Town 
ship of York. John Strachan. This mar- 
I riage was solemnized between us, D. Mc- 
j Arthur and Susannah Ross, in the pres- 
1 nece of us, Alex. Legge and John Ross. 

Alexander Legge was an early pew 
holder in St. James , and resided on 
Palace street. John RXJSS was the well- 
known undertaker, who had buried 
General Brock. 

York. 20th May, 1813, This day were 
married bv special license, WilliamHughes 
and Elizabeth Ross. the former of the 
township of King and the latter of York. 
John Strachan. This marriage was so emn- 
izd between us. William Hughes and Eliza 
beth Ross, in the presence of us, Thos. 
Moslev and Joseph Hunt. 

York, llth July, 1813. This day were 
married, after regular publication of Banns, 
John Johnstone and Mary Edmend. both 
of the Township ofYork. John Strachan. 
This mnrriage was solemnized between us, 
Joseph Johnstone andMary Edmend, in the 
presence of us, Thomas Johnstone, Hati- 
iiah Johnstone. 

York. 15th July, 1813. This day were 
married bv special license, Jeremiah Brown 
and Frcelove Brown, both of the Township 



of York. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween, us, Jeremiah Brown and Freelove 
Brown, in the presence of Wan. Shaw and 
Fred Willsoii. 

York, 20th July, 1813. This day were 
married, after regular publication of Banns, 
Joseph Hety and Eva Fisher. Etobicoke 
Township. John Strachan. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, Joseph 
Hety and Eva Fisher, in the presence of us, 
Mussoin Fissense and Margaret Barret. 

York, 26th July, 1813. This day were 
married, after regular publication, of Banns, 
Luther Wallims and Silvey Oornnell, both 
of the Township of Soarbtoro . John Stra 
chan. This mamriage was solemnized be- 
wean us, Luther Walling and Silvey Oorn 
nell, in the presence of us, George Oorn 
nell and Emma Gorinnell 

The naine of the bride was Sylvia, 
not as it is spelled in the register. 

York, 16th September, 1813. This day 
were married by special license Barnabas 
McGuiu of the Glengarry regiment of 
Sharp Shooters and Margaret Bright of 
this parish. John Sitrachan. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us Barnabas 
McGuiu and Margaret Bright, in the pre 
sence of us, Jas. McLean and Alex. Mc- 

York, 10th November, 1813. This day 
were married by special license, Richard 
iDerran, sergeant of the King s or 8th 
regiment of Foot and Mary Lucas, widow 
of a sergeant formerly belonging to the 
eame regiment. John S<trachan. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Rich 
ard Derran. and Mary Darran, in the 
presence of us, Peter Rice and Sara Hayes. 

York, 22nd November, 1813. This day 
were married by special license Obedeah 
Huff and Ann Mill, both of this parish. 
John Sitrachan. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, Obediah Huff and Ann 
\filt. Witnesses, Thomas Adams and James 

York, 26th November, 1813. This ""day 
were married by special license, Francis Lee 
and Cecilia Harrison, both of the Town 
ship of York. John Strachan. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, Franc s 
Lee and Cecilia Harrison, witnesses, Win. 
Moor a-nd Samuel Heron. 

York, 14th December, 1813. This day were 
married by special licensa, Robert John- 
stone and Margaret Lawrence, both of the 
Township of York. J.ohn St<rachan. minis 
ter. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween, us. Robert Johnstone and Margaret 
Lawrence, witnesses, John Johns tone and 
Thomas Johns tone. 

York, 9th July, 1814. This day were 
married, after regular publication of Banns, 
Wait Swut and Fanny Archibald, the 
former of this parish and the latter of 
Vaugha.n,. John Sti-achan. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, Wait Swut and 
Fanny Archibald, witnesses, CorneLus Van- 
nestcand and Catherine Vannestrand. 

York, 12th January, 1814. This day were 
married by special license, Patrick Hart- 
ney and Mary Marshall, both of this Town 
ship. John Strachan. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, P. Hartney and 
Mary Marshall, witnesses, Jos. Shaw and 
John B. Robinson, Gefjrga Duggari. 

Patrick Hartney was barrack mas 

ter for a great number of years at 

Yo.rk. 8th February, 1814. Marr ed in 
the absence of the Rev. John Strachan, 
on Thursday, the 3rd day of February, 
1814, Captain Robert R. Loring, of his 
Majesty s 104th Regiment, and Mary Ann 
Campbell, daughter of William Campbell, 
Esq., o*n.e of his Majesty s judges in Up 
per Canada, by license, by me George 
O Kill Stuart, Eccles, Commissioner of Up 
per Canada and Minister of Kingston. 

This entry needs no expJanation. 

Many of Captain Loring s descendants 

I still survive. Captain Loring was A. 

i D. C. and private secretary to General 


Married by license the 7th day of Feb 
ruary, Monday, Leonard Ashley and Sarah 
Macdougall, of the Township of York, in 
the absence of the Rev. John Strachan, 
by me George O Kill Stuart, Minister of 

York, 15th February, 1814. Were mar 
ried by special license, John Smith, 41at 
Regiment, and Sarah Anderson, 8pin ; t?r, 
of this parish, by the Rev. Mr. Addison. 

York. 21st February, 18i4. This day v,e:-e 
married Russel Whitakor, (Bachelor), Ann 
Libson, (Widow), by the Rev. Mr. Addi- 


York, 23rd Feb., 1814. This day were 
married John Berry, (Widower) and Mary 
Dockhart, (Widow), by the Rev. Mr. Ad- 
is on. 

York, 13th March, 1814. This day were 
marrisd Arba Stinson and Catheriii - Hu .- 
tw-burg, (Spinster), by the Rev. Mr. Ad- 
disO n,. 

York, 13th Feb., 1814. This day were 
married George Bard and Hannah Hill, bv 
the Rev. Mr. Addison,. 

York, 21st April, 1814. This day were 
married by special license, Robert Bright, 
(Bachelor) a.:id Sarah Bond, (Spinster), both 
ol the town of York. John Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
R-obt. Bright a.nd Sarah Bond, witnesses, 
John Bright and W. D. Fount. 

York, 27th April, 1814. this day were 
married by special Jicenss, William Smith, 
(Bachelor), private of the 41st Regiment, 
and Sarah Hayes, (Spinster), of the Town 
of York. John Sfrracha-n. This marriaga 
was solemnized between us. Wm. Smith and 
Sarah Hayes, witnesses, John Andrews and 
Hannah Washen. 

Yo.rk, 29th April 18;4. Wer3 mm-risd this 
day by license, James Mclvennie, colour 
sergeant of the 41st Regiment, and Eliz 
abeth Cameron, of the Town ol York. 
John Strachan,. This marriaga was solenm- 
ized between us. James McKennie, Ojlour 
Sergeant 41st Regt., and Elizabeth Cam 
eron. Witnesses, Timoti Kemp, sergt 
major of the 41st regt., N. Burcel of the 
41st Regt. 

York, 3rd May, 1814. This day were 
married by special license, Wi.liam Siymonds, 
paymaster sergeant of the 41st regt., and 
Maria Cameron, of York. John Sitrachan. 
This marriage wass olemuized between us 
William. Symoiids and Maria Cameron. Wit 
nesses, John Bell, Wm. Tey, 41st Regt., 
W. Robinson, Sergeant Major of 41st Regt. 

York, 5th May, 1814. This day were mar 
ried by special license, David Budgeford, 



ef Markham, in the Home district, and 
Lucy Stigmau of the same place, (Spinster). 
John Sitrachan. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, David Budgeford and 
Lucy Sitigman. Witnesses, James Fulten, 
Junior, and Sarett Stigman. 

Stegman was the name of the bride, 
but in many places the spelling in the 
register is more than erratic. 

York, 17th May, 1814. This day were 
married, by special license, John Butts, 
(Bachelor), of the township of Markham, 
and Ann Parker, widow, of same place. 
John Strachan. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, John Butts and Ann 
Parker. "Witnesses, Isaac Aiiderburgh and 
Mercv Fish. 

York, 26th May, 1514. This day were 
married by special license, Thomas Silver- 
thorne (Bachelor), of the Township of To 
ronto, and Mary Anderson, of the Town 
ship of Etobicoke (Spinster). J]>hn 
Striachan, This marriage was solemnized 
between us, Thomas Silverthorne and Mary 
Anderson. Witnesses. Aa-ron Silverthorne 
and Cornelius Anderson. 

Mr. Silverthorne was a very pro 
minent farmer near Weston. He died 
at an advanced age. 

York, . May 31st, 1814. This day were 
married by special license, Thomas Young, 
private, 41st regt., amd Maria Burden (spin 
ster), of the Town of York. Joha Strachan, 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Thomas Young and Maria Burden. Wit 
nesses, Thomas Smith, private in the 41st 
Regt. Elisabeth Smith. 

York, 7th June, 1814. This day were 
married by special license, Thomas Davis, 
of Scarboro , widower, and Ann Webster 
(Spinster), of the same place. John 
S trachan, This marriage was solemnized 
between us, Thomas Davis and Ann Web 
ster. Witnesses, Wm. Devenish and John 

York, 13th June, 1814. This day were 
married by special license, James McNabb, 
(Bachelor) of the Township of Toronto, and 
Sarah Marsh of the Township of York. 
John Sitrachan. This marriage was solemn- 
feed between us James McNabb and Sarah 
Marsh. Witnesses, Maria Harrison and 
Leonard M. Marsh. 

York, 28th June, 1814. This day were 
married by special license, Henry Brock- 
holder and Catherine Trover, both of 
Vauighau Township. John Strachan. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Henry 
ISrockholder and Catherine Troyer. Wit 
nesses, John Stenster and Ullery Brock- 

York, 18th July, 1814. This day were 
married by special license, William Taylor, 
Whitechurch, and Jean Higgins of this 
Township. John Sitrachan. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, William Tay 
lor and Jean Higglns. Witnesses, Anad 
Smalley and Elizabeth Fitzgeral 1. 

York, 19th July, 1814. This day were 
married by special license, Siamuel Lyon, 
uf the Township of Vaughan and Emma 
Butt of Markiham. John Sitrachan. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Sam- 
uei Lyon and Emma Butt. Witnesses, 
Henry White and Sially Lyon. 

York, 19th Atiig. 1814. This <lay were 
married by special license, Ezekiel Post of 
Trafalgar, widower, and Phoebe Fish of 

Markham, widow. John Strachan. ThI* 
marriage was solemnized between us, Eze 
kiel Post arid Phoebe Fish. Witnesses, Eli 
zabeth Butt and Ephraim Post. 

York, 22nd 1814. This day were mar 
ried by special license, Paul Willcutt of 
Scarboro and Sarah Yuenglove. John 
Strachan. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, Paul Willcutt and Sarah 
Yuenglove. Witnesses, James McClure, 
Hannah Mills. 

York, 8th Sept., 1814. This day were 
married by special license, Corporal James 
j McGary, 100th Regt., and Mary Porter, 
widow of the same regt. John Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
James McGary and Mary Porter. Witnes 
ses, Osborne Cpx, and Samuel McGary. 

York. 16th Sept., 1814. This day were 
! married by special license, Hugh Darby, 
j sergeant in the King s or 8th regt., and 
I Elizabeth Langster, widow, at present of 
York. John Sitrachan. This marriage was 
j solemnized between us Hugh Darby and 
[ Elizabeth Langster. Witnesses, John Dun- 
lop and Avon Davies. 

York, 17th, 1814. This day were mar 
ried by special license Charles Thomas 
Siweetmau, Esq., paymaster, of the Regt. 
De Walkerville and Elisa, Maria Isabella Mc 
Donnell, spinster, of the town of York. 
John Strachan. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, Chas. Thomas Sweet man 
and Elizabeth MclDonnell. Witnesses, Jane 
McDonnell and Robert McDonnell, M. Fan 

York, 28th, 1814. This day were married 

by special license, John Martell, purser in 

the Royal Navy, and Mary O Keefe, of this 

parish, "spinster. John Strachan, Minister, 

| This marriage was solemnized between us, 

John M>a-t2li and Mary O Keefe. Witnesses, 

! B. O Keefe, C. Bainesl 

Yo-rk. llth Oct., 1814. This day were 
married by special license, Richard DeClute, 
of this parish, amd Mary Timi, of the same. 
John Strachan. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us. Richard DeOlute and Mary 
Tim.. Witnesses, Allan Davis, 41st Regt., 
and Thomas Moore, 41st Regt. 

York, 18th October, 1814. This day were 
married by special Iioes3. Michael Whit- 
man and Mary Fisher, both of the town- 
j ship of Vaughan. John Strachan. This 
i marriage vraa< solemsnizod between us. Mich- 
j ael Whitman and Mary Fisher. Witnesses, 
! M. Dye and Oonval Gram-. 

York. 28th October, 18L4. This dav were 
married by special license, Colin Drum- 
miond, of York, and Catherine Chesney, 
widow, of the same place, Jobn Strachan. 
This marriage was soiemnized between us, 
Colin. Druznmond and Catherine Chesney. 
Witnesses, William Smith and H. Oarfrae. 

Colin Drummond was a builder; he 
lived at the north-west corner of Rich 
mond and Victoria streets. Hugh Car 
frae was an early resident and a pub 
lic official in 1823. 

York, 31st October, 1814. This day were 
married by special license. Peter Spring 

i and Angelica Oolombes, both of Markham. 

1 John Strachan. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, Peter Spring and Angelica 
Oolombes. Witnesses, Daniel Spring and 
Desive Heniy. 

York, 6th November, 1&14. This day were 
married by special license, James McCary, 
private of the Royal Scots, and Content 



.Robtos, of the Town of York. John 
Sitrachan, This marriage was solemnized 
between, us. James McGary and Content 
Robins. Witnesses, Jonathan Hale and 
Charfes i?tratt. 

York, 7th November, 1814. This day were 
married by special license. Isaac Nellie, pri 
vate of Provincial Drivers, and Mary La 
Franboose, of York. John Stracha-n. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Isaac 
Nellie and Marv La Fraaboise. Witnesses, 
Ethin Arba and Pegg Lucas. 

York, 26th November, 1814. This day were 
married Aaron Eyres, a black man, and 
Elizabeth Lomg, a black woman, by special 
license, both of the Town of York, John This marriage * f as solemnized 
between us, Aaron Eyres and Elizabeth 
Long. Witnesses, John Lewis and Rachel 

York, 29th November, 1814. This day were 
married by special license, Jolin Sinittser 
und Mary Butterbogt, both of Vaughan 
Township. John Strachan. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, John Smittser 
and Mary Butterbogt. Witnesses, Jacob 

York, 28th December, 1814. This day were 
married by special license, Thomas Hebmer, 
Sergeant of Incorporated Militia, and 
Sarah Cameron, of York, Spinster. John 
S.trachan. Thh marriage was solemnized 
between us, Thomas Hebmer and Sarah 
Cameron. Witnesses, Eid. Win. McBesie and 
John McGloghton. 

York, 15th January, 1814. This day were 
married by special license, Edward Graham 
and Isabel Sheffield, both of this parish. 
John Strachan. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, Edward Graham and Isa 
bel Sheffield. Witnesses, Jarkee Mills and 
Elizabeth Mills. 

York, 12th January, 1815. This day -wore 
married by special license, John Henry 
Priugle of Markham, and Barbara McKay 
of Scarboro. John Strachan. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, John H. 
Pringle and Barbara McKay. Witnesses, 
Anne Thomson and Edward W. Thorn- 

York. 22nd Januarv, 1815. This day were 
married by special license, \Villiam Sou!e3 
and Hannah Graham, both of Gwillimbury. 
John Strachan. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, William Souljs and Hannah 
Graham. Witnesses, Thus. Selby and 
Lydia. Evans. 

York, 31st January, 1815. This day were 
married by special license, Ransom Dexter, 
df the Town of Markham. and Lydia Wilder, 
of Gwiliimburv. Joh/ii Strachaii. This mar 
riage was so-feminized between us, Ransom 
Dexter aaid L; dia Wilder. Witnesses, Sophia 
Leach and Sarah Martha Walett. 

York, 7th February, 1815. This day were 
marridd by special license, Dat i 1 Spring and 
Desive Emery, both of the Town of Mark- 
ham. John "Strachan. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Daniel Spring and 
Desive Emmery. Witnesses, Joseph Ozbu.rn 
ujiid William, ii. Temple. 

York. 13th, 1815, This day were married 
by special license, Robert "rt e ls and Maria 
HHarrison. both of the Township of York. 
John Strachan. This marriage was solenvi- 
ized between us, Robert Wells and Maria 
Harrison, Witnesses, Thomas Humberstone 
and John Wells. 

York. 14th March. 1815. This day were 
zaarried by special license, Joto Clock and 

Mary Diveni, of the Township of York. John 
Strachan. This marriage was solemnized 
betweam. us. John Clock and Mary Diven. 
Witnesses, Jacob Clock and Stephen Whit- 
1 ney. , , 

i York. 19th Ma-rcn, 1815. This day were 
married by special license, William Ooetead 
and Elizabeth Cody, both of Tpronto. John 

York, 21st March, 1815. This day were 
married by special license, Nathan Martin 
and Elizabeth Devins, of the Township of 
York. John S:tracha-n. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Nathan Martin and 
Elizabeth Devins. Witnesses, John En- 
teiith and John Chapman. 

York, 23rd March, 1815. This day were 
married by special license, Edward W. 
Thomson and Sarah Maria Terry, both of 
the Township of Sicarboro. John Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Edward W. Thomson and Sarah Terry. 
Witnesses, Wm. M. Jarvis, G. H. Detlor 
i and H. O. Jarvis. 

Edward W. Thomson died in Toronto 
in 1865. His wife was a daughter of 
Parshall Terry. She died about 1827. 

York, 27th March, 1815. This day were 
married by special license, John Smith of 
Pickering, Widower, and Elizabeth Turner 
of Markham, Spinster. John Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
John Simith and Betsey Turner. Witnes 
ses, Samuel McMerry and William Mac- 

York, 28th March, 1815. This day were 
inariried by special license, Jacob Brook, of 
Markham. and Elizabeth Jones, of Scar- 
bO i-o . Jobn Strachan. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Jacob Iroo.s anri 
Elizabeth Janes.. AVitnesses, John Hunter 
and Mary Ellis. 

fork. 15th April, 1815. This day were 
married Sdemer Perrie and Mary Hernes, 
both of this Township, after regular pub 
lication of Ba.nns. John Strachan. This 
lication of Banns. John Strachan. 

The Christian name of this Mr. Per 
rie is very difficult to decipher. It is 
printed as it appears. 

York, 7th May, 1815. This day were 
married John Turner and Catherine Law 
rence, both of the Township of Markham, 
aft-r regu&r publication of Banns. John 
Stracha.n. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, John Turner and Catherine 
Lawrence. Witnesses, David Fussier and 
| Hannah Hollinshead. 

York, 17th May. 1815, This day were 
! married by special license, Jonathan Wilcott 
and Sarah Edyd, o.f the Township of York. 
John Strachan. This marriage was solemn 
ized betweeoi us Jonathan Wilcott and 
Sarah Edyd, Witnesses, Samuel Witnides 
and Joseph Woolcutt. 

York, 18th May, 1815. This day were 
married by special license, William Am- 
bridge and Jane Hughes, both of the 
Township of Sialtfleet, Niagara District. 
John Strachan. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, Wm. Ambridge and Jane 
Hughes. Witnesses, John Monro and Mat 
thew Bruasha. 

York, 24th May, 1815. This day were 
married John Wells and Siusannah Lount, 
of Whitchu.rch, by special license. John 
S.trachau. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, John Wells and Susannah 



Lou lit. Witnesses, John Ross and Mary 

York, 25th May, 1815. This day were 
married John Keluer and Margaret Stiner, 
both of Scarboro, by special license. John 
Strachan. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, John Kelner and Margaret 
.Stiner. Witnesses, John Stiner and Eliza 
beth Kelner. 

York, 15th June, 1815. This day were 
married by special license, Samuel Sinclair 
and Ann Skinn&r, both, of the Tpwnship 
of York. Johii S trachan. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, Samuel Sinclair 
and Ann Skinner. Witnesses, Ambrose De- 
Farev and Sally Hoffman. 

York, 18th July, 1815. This day were 
married by special license, William Robin- 
sou and Sophia Pollard, both of the Town 
ship of York. John Bethune, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
William Robinson and Sophia Pollard. Wit 
nesses, G. S. Walenau and Charlotte Kend- 

cial liossise. John Strachan. This mar 
riage was s ileaiuized bstween us. David 
Gohn and Lucy Hedcick, Witnesses, John 
Clarkaon and Abigail Robins.. 

York. 1st Ja.n.uu.ry, 1816. This day were 
married by special license, Benjamin Slater 
ad Maria Johnson, both of the Town 
ship of York, by special license. John 
This marriage was solemnized 
us, Benjamin Slater and Maria 
Witnesses, John Willson, Mary 


W ills otn. 

6th January, 1816. 
by special license, 

York, 3rd August, 1815. This day were 
married after due publication of Banns, 
Benjamin Pittsdodge and Margaret Shaver, 
both of the Township of Markham. John 
Strachan. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, Benjamin Pittsdodge and Mar 
garet Shaver. Witnesses, Margaret Philips 
alia John Shaver. 

York, 13th August, 1815. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
Peter Nobodto and AT charge Neven, widow 
both of York, John Btracban. This mar 
riage was soJemmized between jis, Peter 
N Obodo and Arohsuge Xeven. Witnesses, 
John Curican and Amable Perere. 

York, 15th August, 1815. Th e day were 
married, after due publication of Bairns, 
John Kake, of the Township of Etobicoke, 
and Barbary Michlow, of Vaughan. John 
Strachan, This marriage was solemnized 
between us, John Kake and Barbary Mich- 
low. Witnesses, David Ha-nly and Fanny 

York, 22nd August, 1815. This day were 
married, after due publication ol Banns, 
William Wright and Susannah Munshaw, 
1-oth of the Township of Vaughan. John 
S-trachan. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, William Wright and Susannah 
Munshaw. Witnesses, James Fulton and 
Elizabeth Fulton, 

York, 17th September, 1815. This day were 
married by special lice.nse, David Gent, ship 
wright, of York, and MaryMather, of the 
same, Spinster. John Strachan. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, David 
Gent and MaryMather. Witnesses, Eneas 
Shaw and Chimham Himay. 

York 27th September, 1815. This day 
were married by special license, Alexander 
Montgomery and Rebecca Smith, of the 
Township ofYork. John Strachan. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Alex 
ander Montgomery and Rebecca Smith. 
Witnesses, Win* Ohaurun, Statina Mont 

York, 21st Xovembeir, 1815. This day were 
married by special lie-ens?, Samuel Forster, 
of Gwillkftbury, and Mary Evans, of York. 
John Strachan. This nuwriage was so emn- 
izod between us Sa.muel Forster and Mary 
Evans. Witnessed, Exeklel Benson and &. 
E. Howard. 

York, 1st January, 1816. This day were 
married, David Gohn and Lucy Hedrick, 
both of the Township of Markbun, by spe 

This day were 
Robert Lackey 

and Margaret McDoannel, both of York. 
John This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, Robert Lackey and Mar 
garet McDoninet. Witnesses, William Smith, 
Jr., -and Oalvin Davis. 

York, 8th February, 1816. This day were 
married by special license John T. Elra.dy of 
Markham, and Elizabeth Saunders, of the 
same place. John S-tra chain. This mar 
riage was so lemwiized between us, John T. 
Eli-ady, of Markhani. and Elizabeth Saun 
ders. " Witnesses, Thos, Thompson, Hannah 

York, 8th February, 1816. This day were 
married bv special license, Edward McBride 
and Ann Jibbitt, both of the town of York. 
John Strachan. This marriage was solemn 
ized between, us, Edward McBride and Ann 
Jibbitt. Witnesses, G. Tinuurmo.un and 
Robert Munjiey. 

York, 4th February, 1816. This day were 
married bv special licensa, Anthony Ander- 
s-oia, of Charlotteville, and Elizabeth Tay 
lor, of the Township of York, Spinster. John 
Ptruohatu This marriage was soJemnized 
between us, Anthony Anderson and Eliza 
beth Taylor. Witnesses, John Bright, Sally 

York, 13th. 1816. This day were married, 
after due publication, of Banns, George 
Henry Summervillo a<nd Ciara Mnrsoin, both 
of the Township of Markham. Jtohn 
Strachan, This marriage was sJlemnized 
bet\se:-n us, Georga Honrv Summervi le and 
Clara Marson, vVitaiessea, Jacob Pengret 
and Rowland Bruce. 

York, 2nd M.a.rch, 1816. This day were 
married by special license, Mc.-ses Dewar, 
Widower, and Mary Berry, widow, both of 
the Township of Etobicoke.. John Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Moses Dewar and Mary Berry. Witnesses, 
Arba S tins on and Catherine Stinson. 

York, 25th March, 1816. This day were 
married after due publication of Banns, 
Timothy Webster and Elizabeth K.tiner, 
both of Scarboro . John Strachan. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, 
Timothy Webster and Elizabeth Stiner. 
Witnesses, Peter Pilkey and Margaret Lut- 

York, 25th March, 1816. This day were 
married by special license, Thomas Fitz- 
gorald, Captain in his Majesty s regiment 
of Light Infantry, Glengarry, and Sally 
Ann Chewitt, spinster of York. John 
Strachaii, minister. This marraige was sol- 
omnized between us, Thomas Fitzgeralil and 
Sally Ann Chewitt. Witnesses, Grant 
Powell and N. Coffin. 

Miss Chewitt was a daughter of 
Lieut. -Col. Chewitt, 3rd York Militia. 

York, S8th March, 1816. This day were 
married by special license, James Thom 
son, of Scarboro , and Isabel Johnston, of 



the same place. John Sitrachan. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, James 
Thomson and Isabel Johnston. Witnesses, 
Isabel Thomson and Andrew Johnston. 

Many of the descendants of this mar 
riage now reside in Scarboro . 

York, 30th. April, 1816. This day were 
married by special license, Robert Duff, 
corpora.! to the Sappers and Miners, and 
Catherine Moody, of this place. John 
8>trachan. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Robert Duff and Catherine 
Moody. Witnesses, H. Oarfrae, George 

York, 1st May, 1816. This day were 
married William Oarrell and Nancy Mcln- 
tosh, both of this parish, by special li- 
oense. John Sitrachan. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, William Oarrell and 
Nancy Mclntosh. Witnesses, John Mcln- 
toah, James Carrell. 

York, 9th. May, 1816. This day were 
married by special license, John Oleaver 
Burr, of Gwillimbury, and Mary Marsh, of 
Markham. John S.trachan. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, John C. Burr 
and Mary Marsh. Witnesses, Lisette Steg- 
mann and James Marsh. 

York, 31st May, 1816. This day were 
married by special license, John McDougali 
and Mary Porter, both of the township of 
York. Jobn Stirachan. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, John MeDougall and 
Mary Porter. AYitnesses, Benjamin Cozens 
and Dorothy Ashley. 

York, 17th June, 1816. This day were 
married, Isaac Vacaderburgh, of this Par 
ish, Bachelor, and Margaret Frederica 
Summer felt, of the same, spinster, by spe 
cial license. John Strachan. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, Isaac 
Vaiiiderburgh and Margeretta Frederica 
Summerfelt. Witnesses, Sarah Marsh and 
James Marsh. 

York, 17th June, 1816. This day were 
married, Isaac Arnold, of Markham, Bach 
elor, and Amelia Vande.rburgh, of the 
frame, spinster, by special license. John 
Strachan. This marriage was solemnized 
betv. ean us, Isaac Arnold and Amelia Van 
derburgh. Witnesses, Richard Vander 
burgh and Hannah Piayter. 

York, 28th July, 1816. This day were 
married by special license, William Steven 
son, a-nd Margaret Oliver, both of this 
Parish. John Strachan. This marriage 
was solemnized between us. William Steven 
son, Margaret Oliver. Witnesses, George 
Duggaii and JoJin Munturn. 

York, 29th July, 1816. This day were 
married by special license, Peter Stirier, 
bachelor, and Polly Secord, spinster, both 
of the Township" of .Scarboro . John 
.Strachan. This marriage was solemnized 
between, us, Peter Stoiaer and Polly Secord. 
Witnes 63, Joshua Secord and Lydia Secord. 

Another branch of this family, also 
resident in Scarboro , spell the name 

York, 2nd August, 1816. This day were 
raarriod by special licensa, Thomas Hickley, 
a. Menial servant of the 82nd regiment, 
and Isabel Winchester widow, both of the 
township of York. John Stracham. Thii 
marriage was solemnized between us, 
Thomas Hickley and Isabel Winchester. 
Witnesses, John Hughes and Isabella Wai- 

York, 25th August, 1816. This day wece 
married by special license, Jobn Brecken- 
bridge, Esq., and Mary Warren Baldwin, 
both of this Parish. John Strachan. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, John 
Breckenbridge and Mary W. Baldwin. Wit 
nesses, Wia. Baldwin and Anna Maria Bald 
win and W. Baldwin. 

The bride was the daughter of Dr. 
W. W. Baldwin, so often referred to 
in early Toronto history. 

York, 21st September, 1816. This day were 
married by special license, James McMil- 
laa, tailor," amd Mi lanicum Ha!e,bothof this 
Parish. John Strachan. This marriage was 
solamodzed between us, James McMillan and 
Millie Ha:e. Witnesses, Pat. Strange and 
Ann Kobe. 

York, 22nd September, 1816. This day were 
married, after r^gu ar publication, of Banns, 
Lewis Murray and Elizabeth Fraser, both 
of this parish. John Strachan.. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, Lewis 
Murray and Elizabeth Fraser. Witnesses, 
Louise Gunn and Peter Leva&k. 

York, 14th. October, 1816. This day were 
married by special license, John McPher- 
son and Nancy Clark, both of Vaughan. 
John Sitrachan. Witnesses, James Ashley 
and Statina MMontgomery. 

York, 17th. October, 1816. This day were 
married by special license, Richard Vander 
burgh and Elizabeth Fulton, both of Mark- 
ham. John Sitrachan. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Richard Vander 
burgh and Elizabeth Fulton. Witnesses, 
James Mil s and Lisetta Haymann. 

York, 20th. October, 1816. This day were 
married after publication of Banns, George 
Honwood, private of 37th. regiment, and 
Mary Ann Barstum, both at present of 
this parish. John S.trachan. This mar 
riage wa.s solemnized between us, George 
Kenwood and Mary Ann Barstum. Wit 
nesses, Edward Watts and Marian Kurke. 

York, 30th. October, 1816. This day were 
married after due publication of Banns, 
Marcus Carter and Jane Fraser, both of 
York. John f.trn.ehan. This marriage was 
piolomni zed between us, Maa-ous Oarler and 
Jane Fraser. Witnesses, Jermiah De Olute 
and Simon Fraser. 

Oak Hill, York. 1st. Xov. 1816. This day 
were married by special license, J<v,e : >n 
S.cott, surgeon Royal Navy, and Ann Shaw, 
daughter of the late Major-General SJiaw, 
spinster, both at present in_ the parish. 
John Sitrachan. This marriage was sol- 
emnlzed between us, Joseph Scott and Anne 
S,ha,w. Witnesses, M. H. Shaw and George 

York, 5th. November, 1816. This day 
wore married after regular publication of 
Banns, Jonathan Baker an 1 Eli^.ab^th Cob- 
<T, both of the Township of Vaughan. 
John S.trachan. This marriage was sol- 
omuized between us, Jonathan Baker and 
Eiizabeth Cobor. Witnesses, Ezekiel Ben 
son and Nicholas Cober. 

York, 7th November, 1816. This day were 
married by special Ifcenss, William Joraes 
n,nd Janet Thomson, both of Scarboro . 
John Strachan. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, Wm,. Jones and Janet 
Thomson. Witnesses, Jam?s Jon3S and An 
drew Thomson,. 

York, 3rd December, 1816. This day were 
married by special/ license, Seth Wisder and 
Sai-ah Jibbet, both of the Town of York. 



John Strachan. This marriage was sofemn- 
isied between us, Seth Wieder and Sarah 
Jibbet. Witnesses, Won. Winnett and James 

York, 9th December, 1816. This day were 
miai-ried by special license .Joseph Lee and 
Mary Settisbett, of this parish, but lately 
from Nova Scotia. John Strachan. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Jo 
seph Lee and Mary Settisbett. Witnesses, 
Jonas Crafts and Joseph Cratts. 

York, 15th December, 1816. This day were 
married by special license, Joseph Rush- 
man and Clarissa Hale, both of this parish. 
John StrachaJi, Minister. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Joseph Rushman and 
dar-i&sa Hale*. Witnesses, James McMillan 
and Anna Kobe. 

York, 22nd December, 1816. This day were 
married bv special license, William Hill, of 
York, tailor, and Jane Wright, living In 
York, spinster. John Strachan, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
William Hill and Jane Wright. Witnesses, 
Aaron Leonard and Anne Leonard. 

York, December 29th, 1816. This day were 
married by special license, James Thorn, 
labourer, and Ann Eliott, spinster, both 
of this parish, John Strachan. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, James 
Thorn, Ann Elliott. Witnesses, John Pfolley, 
John Elliott. 

York, 30th December, 1816. This day were 
married. John Ellis andHannah Stiner, by 
special license, both of Scarboro . John 
Strachan. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, Jobn Elite and Hannah Stiner. 
Witnesses, John Stiner and Rosanna Dev- 

York, 31st December, 1816. This day were 
married by special license, Stilhvell Will- 
son and Slatina Montgomery, both of the 
Township of York. John Strachan. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Stilt- 
well Willsion. and Slatina Montgomery. 
Witnesses, John Montgomery and Cather 
ine Cummer. 

Stiilwell Willson was for some time 
landlord of the Waterloo House, York. 
He, in 1821, commanded a vessel plying 
from York to Niagara. 

York, 9th January, 1817. This day were 
married by special license, John Ross, car 
penter, and Mary KinO tt, spinster, both of 
this pariah. John Strachan. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, John Ross and 
Mary Knott. Witnesses, James Ross and 
.Wm. Thompson. 

This was John Ross, the undertaker, 
His wife was the daughter of a retired 
Boldier from the Queen s Rangers. 

York, 28th January, 1817. This day were 
married by special license, James Marsh, of 
Markham, and Sarah Burn, of the Town 
ship of East Gwillimibury. Jobn. Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
James Marsh and Sarah Burn. Witnesses, 
David EruljfefOTd and Sarah Marsh. 

York, 5th February, 1817. This day were 
married by special license, John Barrel, 
private soldier, and Janet Rubbta, widow, 
both of this place. John Sferachan. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, John 
Barrel and Janet Rubbin. Witnesses, Wm. 
Unbbin and Hannah Washed. 

York, llth February, 1817. This day were 
uwrried by special license, Henry Philip 

and Ann Clock, both of this parish. John 
Strachan. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, Henry Philip and Ann Clock. 
Witnesses, Stephen Whitney and Mary 

York, llth February, 1817. This day were 
married, after rcguiar publication of Banns, 
John Barton, of the 37th Regt., private, 
and Helen Seymour. John Strachan. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, John 
Barton and He-ten Seymour. Witnesses, 
Rub. Watts and Samuel Shannon. 

York, 1st March, 1817. This day were 
married by special license, James Ken- 
drick and Phoebe Varder, both of York. 
Jobn Strachan, This marriaigo was solemn 
ized between us, James Kendriok and 
Pboebe Varder. Witnesses, Walter Moody 
and Ann White. 

York, 9th March, 1817. This day were 
married by special license, Edward Wright 
and Sophia Gilbert, both of this Parish. 
John Strachan, Minister. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, Edward Wright 
and Sophia Gilbert. Witnesses, Harvey Gil 
bert and A. Leanest. 

York, 4th March, 1817. This day were 
married by special license, Tbomas John 
Dendson and Maria Lawrence, both of this 
Parish. John, Stracha/n. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Thomas John Deni- 
son and Ma.ria Lawrence. Witnesses, Ohas. 
Dendson and Peter La-wrence. 

This family of the Denisons resided 
at Weston. There are no male mem 
bers of the family now alive. 

York, 14th April, 1817. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
John Cramp, of the 37th Regiment, Corp 
oral, and Catherine Hig-gins. Jo-hn Strachan. 
I This marriage was solemnized between us, 
John Cramp and Catherine Biggins, Wit 
nesses, James Hillard and Jane Hillard. 

York, 14th, 1817. This day were mar 
ried, after due publication of Banns, 
Michael Terrel, of the 37th Regt., foot, 
private, and Bridget Lyford. John 
Strachan. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, Brddget Lyfoird and Michaet 
Terre/. Witnesses, Patrick Murphy and Ann 

York, 17th April, 1817. This day were 
married, after regular publication of Banns, 
Robert Marsh, of the Royal Military, 
Corporal, and Mary Ann Burke, Spinster. 
John Strachan. This marriage was Bolemn- 
I ized between us, Robert Marsh and Mary 
Ann Burke. Witnesses, Martha Surft and 
John Surft. 

York, 1st May, 1817. This day were mar 
ried by special license, Samuel Munger, o-f 
the Township of York, widower, and Lydia 
Grant, o*f the Township of Whitby, widow. 
John Strachan. This marriage was solemn 
ized between. us, ( Samuel Munger and Lydia 
Grant. Witnesses, Wm. Huntiiigton and 
James Jones. 

York, 2nd Mav, 1817. Th.i day were mar 
ried by special license, Enoch Shaw and Ann 
Higgins, both of this Parish. John S-ferachan. 
Witnesses, O. Baynes and Wm. Tyter. 

York, 7th May, 1817. This day were mar 
ried by special licejiee, Thomas Mercer, of 
this Parish, and Catherine O Neelly, of the 
Township of Etobicoke, Spinster, Jobn 
Strachan. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, Thos, Mercer and Catherine 
O Neelly. Witnesses, Samuel Mercer and 
Ann Mercer, 



York, 17th May, 1817. This day were mar 
ried by special " license, Joshua Pitt and 
Isabella Lockie, spinster, both of this par 
ish. John Strachan. This marriage was 
solemnized, between us, Pitt and 
Isabella Lockie. Witnesses, David Lockie and 
W. B. Powell. 

York, 22nd May. 1817. This day were 
married by special license, William Wright, 
widower, of the Township of Vaughan, a-nd 
Sophia Cleveland, spinster, of Gwillinibuiry 
Township. John Striachan. This marriage 
was sleminiize.d bstween us, Wil.iam Wright 
and Sophia Cleveland. Witnesses, Zyelia 
Huight and Hiram Cleveland. 

York, 28th May, 1817. This day were mar 
ried by special license, Moses White, of 
the Township of Va/ughan, and Sarah Wil- 
mot, spinster, Township of Markham. John 
Strachan. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, Moses White and Siarah Wil- 
mot. Witnesses, Cornelius Vanestrome and 
Michael White. 

York, 3rd June, 1817. This da-y were mar 
ried after publication of Banna, Alexander 
Carom and Smsan Trimmer, spinster, Etobi- 
ookB Township. John Sitrachan. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, Alex. 
Caron and Siusan Trimmer. Witnesses, 
Leany Trimmer and Wm. Holloway. 

YorK, 16th. June, 1817. This day were 
married by special license, John Higgins, 
of this Township of York, and Jouth S.huba, 
of the Township of Toronto, spinster. John 
Sitrachan. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, John Higg-ins and Jouth Sihuba. 
Witnesses, Robert Gunn and Francis Holls. 

York, 17th June, 1817. This day were 
married by special license, George Carey, 
of this Township, and Mary John-ion, spin 
ster, of the Township of Etobicoke. John 
Strachan, This marriage was solemnized 
between us, George Carey and Mary John 
son. Witnesses, Jonathan Hale arid Lilly 

York, 24th July, 1817. This day were 
married, William Orr, carpenter, and Ann 
Armstrong , Spinster, of the town of York. 
John Strachan. This marriage was solemn 
ized between, us, William Orr and Ann Arm 
strong. Witnesses, James Shannon and John 
MAW ray. 

York, 28th. July, 1817. This day were 
married, after due publication, of Banns, 
James Edmunson, yeoman, and Margaret 
Graham, spinster, both of the Township 
of Markhata. John Strachan.. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, James 
EdmuBson and Margaret Graham. Wit 
nesses, B. Graham and David Soules. 

York, 10th Attg-uat, 1817. This day were 
married James GJila.jrber, a private of the 
70th regft., a-nd Mary Harper, by special 
license^ John Stvaoban. TUte marriage was 
sofcmnized between us, Jas. Gallagher and 
Mary Harper. Witnesses, William, McKay 
and Thoa. Houston. 

York, 10th August, 1817. This day were 
married, after due publication, of BaJuns, 
David Ferrier and Elizabeth Butts, both of 
Markham. John. StrachaiL. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, David Ferrier 
and Elizabeth Butts. Witnesses, Phoebe 
Butts and James Ferrier. 

York, 15th August, 1817. This day were 
married bv special license, Benjamin Owens, 
Elizabeth Crank, both of this Parish. John 
Strachan. This marriage was solein>nized 
between, us, Benjamin Owens and Eliza 

beth Crank. Witnesses. Edward Middle- 
hurst and Margaret Jibbet. 

York, 31st. Aug., 1817. This day were 

married by speciaf license, Harvey Gilbert, 

carpenter, and Siarah Bigelow, spinster, 

both of this parish. John Strachan. This 

: marriage was solemnized between us, Har- 

! vey Gilbert and Siarah Bigelow. Witnesses, 

James Bigelow and Sophia Wright. 

York, 13th. September, 1817. This day 
were married by special license, Henry 
Myers and Rebecca Frey, widow, both of 
the Town of York. John Strachan. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Henry 
Myers and Rebecca Frey. Witnesses, Ben 
jamin Owens and Elizabeth Owens. 

York, 2nd. October, 1817. This day were 
married by special license, James Ghristner, 
of Etobicoke, fireman, and Margaret Philip, 
of the same place, spinster. John Sitrachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
James Christner, Margaret Philip. Wit 
nesses, James Wellant and Levi Devins. 

York, 12th. October, 1817. This day were 
married by special license, John Brown, 
carpenter, and Mary Skelding, both of this 
i Township. John Sitrachan. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, John Brown 
and Mary Skelding. Witnesses, C. Crook- 
shank, E. Powell. 

York, 22nd, October, 1817. This day were 
I married by special license, William German, 
j of the Township of Markham, trader, and 
i Dianthe Caswell, of the Township of Whit- 
church, spinster. John Strachan. This 
I marriage was solemnized between us, Wil- 
; liam German and Diana Caswell. Witnesses, 
] H. Patterson and Panuta Patterson. 

The bride s name in the register and 
in her signature differ slightly. 

York, 22nd October, 1817. This day were 
married by special license, William Jones, 
of the Town of York, soldier, and Helen 
Owen of the same place, spinster. John 
Strachan. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, William Jones and Helen Owen. 
, Witnesses, J. D.Morrison and Catherine 

York, 10th November, 1817. This day were 
merried by special license, James Macaulay, 
Inspector General of Hospitals, widower, 
and Rachel Orook&haiak, both of York. 
John Strachan. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, James Ma.caulav and Ra- 
chei Crookshank. Witnesses, J. S. Mc- 
Oauley and George Orookshank. 

Dr. Macaulay was one - ot those gen 
tlemen who, on January 8th, 1803, 
formed the first building committee of 
St. James church. His wife was daugh 
ter of Dr. Gamble. 

York, 27th December, 1817. This day were 
married by special license, George Snider 
andHannah Hu-cking, spinster, both of the 
Township of York. John Strachan. This 
marriage was sofemnazed between us, Geo. 
Snider and Hannah Hucking. Witnesses, 
Isaac White and Mary Snider. 

York, 18th February, 1818. This day were 
married by special license, John Palmer and 
Elizabeth Stephens, both of the Township 
of Scarboro . John Strachan. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, Johin 
Palmer and Elizabeth Stephens. Witnesses, 
Seneca Palmer, Webster Stephens. 

York, 2nd March, 1818. This day were 
married, after due publication, of Banns, 


4] 5 

JoJm Stiner and Hannah Secord, both of 
Scarboro . John Strachan, Minister. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, John 
Stirier, Hannah Sec-ord. Witnesses, Tim 
Webster, Elizabeth Webster. 

York, 5th March, 1817. This day were 
married, Hiram Martin, of Mount Plea 
sant, near the Grand River District, and 
Hannah Hollinigstead, of York, by special 
license, John Strachan. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, HiramMartin 
and Hannah Hollingstead. Witnesses, Geo. 
Bond and Hannah Bond. 

York, 12th March, 1818. This day were 
married by special license, Andrew John 
ston, ba-chelor, and Janet Thomson, spin 
ster, both of Soarboro . John Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Andrew Johnston and Janet Thomston. Wit 
nesses, David Thomson and Frances John 

David Thomson, the witness men 
tioned here, was the first settler in 
Scarboro . The bride was his daughter. 

York, 17th K&rch, 1818. This day were 
married by special license, Benjamin Bar 
nard, schoolmaster, and Maria tit ey man, 
spinster, of Markham. John Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Benjamin Barnard, Maria Steyman. Wit- 
nBeses, Wmi. Scott, James Fulton. 

York, 27th March, 1818. This day were 
married by special license, Jara Lester Hud- 
eon and Susannah Thompson Hunnegar, 
both of Vaughan. John Strachan. This j 
marriage was solemnized between us, J. L. j 
Hudson and Susannah Hunnegar. Wit 
nesses, John J. Kurry and Leah Hunnegar. 

York, llth. May, 1818. This day were 
married by special license, Jacob Miller and 
Mary Tench, both of this Township. iJohn 
Strachan. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Jacob Miller and Mary Tench. 
Witnesses, Samuel Tench and Pater Mil 

York, llth. May, 1818. This day were 
married by special license, James Miller 
and Mary Fuller ton, both of this Town- 
ship. John. Sitrachan. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, James Miller and 
Mary Fullerton. Witnesses, Samuel Tench 
and Peter Miller. 

York, 14th. May, 1818. This day were 
married by special license, George B. R. 
Keiidrick and Anna Robe, both of this 
parish. John Sitrachan. This marriage was 
solemnizedb etween us, George B. R, Ken- 
drick and Anna Robe. Witnesses, Ira Ken- 
drick and H. Barber. 

York, 2nd. June, 1818. This day were 
married by special license, Alexander Stew 
art Thomson, of the Township of Scarboro , 
and Anne Pingle, of the Township of M \rk- 
ham, spinster. John Strachan. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, Alex. 
Thomson and Anne Pingle. Witnesses, 
John Thomson and Oellest F. Pingle. 

York, 9th. June, 1818. This day were 
married by special license, Edward Middle- 
hurst, of York, carpenter, and sarah Will- 
eon, of the Township of Etobicoke, spinst 
er. John Sitrachan. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Edward Middle- 
hurst and Sarah Willson. Witnesses, Ann 
Papst and Hugh Smith. 

York, 15th. Juno, 1818. This day were 
married after due publication of Banns, 
Philip Philip and Mary Ker, both of this 
,1towiuehif>. John Sitrachan. This marriage 

was solemnized between us, PUlip Philip 
and Marv Ker. Witnesses, John Hough an. I 
Eve Philip. 

York, 29th. June, 1818. This day were 
married after due publication of BaniLs, 
Seneca Palmer and Jane Jacques, of Scar 
boro . John Sitrachan. This marriage was 
solemnizedb etween us, Seneca Palmer and 
Jane Jacques. Witnesses, James Palmer and 
Andrew Thomson. 

York, 9th. July, 1818. This day were 
married by special license, John Gorton, 
of the Town of York, and Mary Burch- 
master, spinster, of the same place. John 
Sitrachan. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, John Gorton and Mary Burch- 
miaster. Witnesses, Dolly Saultz and Au 
gustus Patterson. 

York, 8th August, 1818. This day were 
married by special license, Allan Otty, Esq., 
Captain of the Royal Navy, at present 
of this parish, and Miss Elizabeth Orook- 
shank, of the same plaoe. John Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Allan Otty and Elizabeth Qrookshank. 
Witnesses, George Orookshank and James 

Captain Otty was an officer of the 
Royal Navy, at the time serving and 
reisdent in Canada. 

York, 21st August, 1818. This day were 
married by special license, Jober Lewis, 
bachelor, and Betsy Farnsworth, spinster, 
both of this parish. John Strachan, This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Jober 
Lewis and Betsy Faraswoirth. Witnesses, G. 
Famworth and Henry Meigz. 

York, August 27th, 18^8. This day were 
married by special license, David Porter, 
bachelor, "Mairkhaan, and Nancy Pratts, 
spinster, of Vaughan. John Strachan. This 
marriage was soJeonnized between us, David 
Porter and Nancy Pratts, Witnesses, Dan 
iel MeDougaU and Sarah Munshaw. 

York, 2nd September, 1818. This day were 
married by special license, David Morrison, 
bachelor, and Abba Gilbert, spinster, both 
of this parish. John Strachaoi. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, D. Mor 
rison and Abba Gilbert. Witnesses, Will P. 
Patrick, Wni. Hands, ST., and John Monro. 

York, 24th Septeau-ber, 1813. This day were 
married by special license, James McOlure 
and Dehlia Barton. Witnesses, John Hen- 
son and Samiiuei Mills. 

York, 1st October, 1818. This day were 
married by special license, Samuel Peters 
JarviS , Esq., Bachelor, and Miss Mary 
Boyl<?s Powell, spinster, both of this parish. 
John Strachan. This marriage was solemn- 
between us, Samuel P. Jarvis and Mary 
]:<i. I s Powell. Witnesses, Wm_ M. Jarvis, 
Sophia Shaw and Amn Elizabeth Jarvis. 

Mr. S. P. Jarvis was a son of Secre- -. 
tary William. Jarvis. He lived on 
Queen street, then Lot street, on the "" 
north side, west of George street. 

York, 4th October, 1818. This day were 
married by special license, David McBride, 
bachelor, and Amanda Hate, spinster, both 
of this parish, John, Stra-chan. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, David Mc 
Bride and Amanda Hale. Witnesses, Wm. 
A, Robinson and Soul Hate. 

Soul Hale was a lady, probably a sis 
ter of the bride. 



York, 6th October, 1818. This day were 
married by special license, Thomas Ke Is, 
of York, * bachelor, and Jane Henry, of 
Markham, spinster. John Strachan. This 
marriage was solemnjzed between us, Thos. 
Kells and Jane Henry. Witnesses, John 
Henry and Henry Pingle. 

York, 8th October, 1818. This day were 
married in. consequence of publication of 
Baains, Abraham Deviins, of Etobicoke, 
bachelor, and Pamela Wyatt, spinster, of 
York. John. Sfcraehan. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Abraham Devina 
aa.d Pamela Wyatt. Witnesses, Jacob Pren- 
tis and Hannah Devins. 

York, 19th. October, 1818. This day were 
married by speoiaJ, license, John McMillan, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Mills, spinster. 
John Strachan. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, John McMillan and 
Elizabeth Mills. Witnesses, John Hever and 
Chas. Huff. 

York, 10th. October, 1818. This day were 
married by special license, Jacob Pengel and 
Jane Armstrong. Witnesses, Wm. Oalonde 
and Henry Pingle. 

York, 2nd. November, 1818. This day were 
married after due publication of Banns, 
Jacob Prentice, bachelor, and Hannah Dev 
ins, spinster, both of the township of Eto 
bicoke. John Strachan. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Jacob Prentice and 
Hannah Devins. Witnesses, Abraham Dev- 
ius and Pamela Devins. 

York, llth November, 1818. This day were 
married by special license, Amos Wilcox, of 
the Township of Toronto, and Ann Papst, 
of the Township of Efobicoke,. John 
Strachan. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, Amos Wilcox and Anna Papst. 
Witnesses, Bar>ny McGuire and Catherine 

York, 19th November, 1818. This day were 
married by special license, Michael Murphy, 
bachelor, and Margaret Johnston, Spin 
ster, both of this Township of York. John 
Strachan,. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, Mk-hael Murphy and Margaret 
Johnston. Witnesses, John Wm. Fulton 
and Mary Brock. 

York, 30th November, 1818. This day were 
married by special license, George Wells 
Cotton, of Darlington, bachelor, and Pa 
mela- Bates, both of Scarboro , spinster. 
John! Strachan. This was solemn 
ized between us, George W. Cotton and 
Pamela Bates. Witnesses, Anna Bates and 
Anna. Stevens. 

York, 2nd December, 1818. This day were 
married by special license, Robert Cope- 
laad and Elizabeth Gray, both of the 
Township of Etobiooke. John Strachan, 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, Robert Oopeland and Eliza 
beth Gray. Witnesses, William Cook and 
Sarah Oapeland. 

York, 8th December, 1818. This day were 
married by special license, George Hender 
son, bachelor, a.nd Margaret Rain, widow, 
both of this To w-ns hi . John Straohan, 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized 
between, us, George Henderson and Mar- 
Rain. Wifrnieeees, Robert Anderson and 
Diadema Clock. 

York, 8th December, 1818. This day were 
married Alexander Bodoin and Jenetto 
Page, both single, and of the Township of 
Vaughan. John Strachan, Minister. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Alex 

ander Bodoin and Jenotte Page. Witnesses, 
John Furfer and Aaron Munshaw. 

York, 17th December, 1818. This day 
were married by special license, Frederick 
Sabeton Sheldon, bachelor, and Harriet 
Cuehman, spinster, b oth of this parish. 
John S.trachan, Minister. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, Frederick Sab- 
etou Sheldon and Harriet Oushman. Wit 
nesses, Jonathan Oushman and Thomas 

York, 15th December, 1818. This day 
were married by special license, John Burke, 
of this parish, bachelor, and Francis Mur 
ray, of the same place, widow. John 
Strachan, Minister. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, John Burke and 
Francis Murray. Witnesses, Wm. Siteven- 
sou and Thomas Duggan. 

York, 22nd J>ecember, 1818. This day 
were married by special license, Samuel 
Sherwood, bachelor, and Catherine Owens, 
. -pinstcr, both of this town. John Sitrachan, 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, Siainuel Sherwood and Cather 
ine Owens. Witnesses, EHzabeth Owens 
and George Playter. 

York, 29th December, 1818. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
William Bright and Mary Mack, single per 
sons, both of this parish. John Strachan, 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, William Bright and Mary Mack, 
Witnesses, Peter Mack and Sally Mack. 

York, 29th December, 1818. This day were 
married by special license, Isaac Secocr, the 
younger, widower, and Eitethean Fergu 
son, both of Scarboro . John Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Isiaiac Seoor, Elefchean Ferguson. Witnesses, 
John Jordan and James Jones. 

York,6th January, 1819. This day were 
married by special license, Elijah Dexter, 
bachelor, and Christiana Abbott, widow, 
both of this parish. John S-trachan. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Elijah 
Dexter and Christiana Abbot. Witnesses, 
Alexander Binnids and Ransom Dexter. 

York, 7th January , 1819. This day were 
married by special license, Josiah Cleve 
land, of Whitby, bachelor, and Martha 
Dearborne, spinster, of Scarboro . John 
Strachan. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, Josiah Cleveland and Martha 
Dearborne. Witnesses, Wm. Mcore and Ash- 
lin McFarewell. 

York, 12th January, 1819. This day were 
married by special license, John Luke An 
drews, of the Town of Niagara, bachelor, 
and Sally Baker, of this parish, spinster. 
John Strachan, Minister. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, John L. Andrews 
and Sally Baker. Witnesses, Josiah Cush- 
man and Thos. J. Queen. 

York, 21st January, 1819. This day were 
married by speciai iicense, Abraham Ouritz, 
bachelor, and Esther Kendrick, widow, both 
of Markham. John Strachan. This mar- 
riago was solemnized between us, Abraham 
Ouritz and Esther Kendrick. Witnesses, 
Peter Vanderburgh and T. McPherson. 

York, 22nd January, 1819. This day Mere 
married, Thomas Sweeting, bachelor, of 
this Parish, and Elizabeth Burton, of Scar 
boro- Township. John Strachan. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, Thomas 
Sweeting and EJizabeth Burton. Witnesses, 
James Hunter and Eliza Burton. 

York, 25th January. 1819. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 



Jno. Baptfei Parrier, bachelor, and Elizabeth 
Berthray. both of this parish. John 
Stra-cha-n- This marriago was solemnized 
between us, John Baptin Perrier and Eliza- 
beth Berthray. Witnesses, John Berthray 
and Francis Rutheve. 

York, 25th January, 1819. This day were 
married by special license, John Holmes, 
bachelor, and Hannah McDougall, spinster, 
both of York. John Strachan, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
John Holmes and Hannah McDougall. Wit 
nesses, Daniel McDougall and W. Barber. 

York, 28th January, 1819. This day were 
married by special license, Reuben Root, 
of Scarboro , bachelor, and Elizabeth Has 
tings, of this parish, spinster. John 
Strachan, Minister. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Reuben Root and 
Elizabeth Hastings. Witnesses, Wm. Daven- 
ish and Mary Ann Hastings. 

York. 2nd February, 1819. This day were 
married by special license, Jacob Troyer, 
bachelor, and Catherine Orter, spinster, 
both of Vaughan. Jjohn Strachan, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Jacob Troyer and Catherine Orter. Wit- 
nessss, Henry Borkholder and John Higgins. 

York, 2nd February, 1819. This day were 
married. Daniel Oummer, bachelor, and 
Sarah Bntecott, spinster, both of this par 
ish. John Strachan. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Daniel Oummer and 
Sarah Entecott. "Witnesses, John dimmer 
and Elizabeth Entecott. 

York, 14th February, 1819. This day were 
married, Calvin Davis, bachelor, and Eliza 
beth McDonald, spinster, both of this par 
ish. John Strachan. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Calvin Davis and 
EJizabeth McDonell. Witnesses, Catherine 
Herron and Bernard Herron. 

York, 15th February, 1819. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
Charles Lavois, bachelor, and Catherine 
Depuis, spinster, both of this parish. Jfohn 
Strachan, Minister. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, Cbas. Lavois and Cath 
erine Depuis. Witnesses, Jonathan Bethony 
and Halybeard Depuis. 

York, 16th February, 1819. This day were 
married by special license, Benjamin Fish, 
bachelor, and Mary Yeamans, both of 
Markham. John Strachan. Tnis marriage 
was solemnized between us, Benjamin Fish 
and Mary Yeamans. Witnesses, David Lovell 
and Rebecoa Yeamans. 

York, 17th February, 1819. This day were 
married by special license, Peter Little, 
bachelor, and Isabella Thompson, spinster, 
both of Searboro . John Strachan, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Peter Little and Isabella Thompson. Wit 
nesses, Richard Thomson and Francis John 

York, 20th March, 1819. This day were 
married by special license, Isaao Simpson, 
of this parish, bachelor, and Hannah Jones, 
spinster, of the same place. John Strachan. 
Tbis marriage was solemnized between us, 
laaao Simpson and Hannah Jones. Witnesses 
Wm. Hudson and Elizabeth Shore. 

York, 25th March, 1819. This day were 
married, James Hart, of Etobicoke, "bache 
lor, and Mary Jackson, of the same pte.ce, 
spinster, by special license. John Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
James Hart and Mary Jaokson. Witnesses 
Henry Jackson and Margaret Puller. 

York, 4th May, 1819. This day were mar 

ried by special license, John Willson, bache- 
, lor, and Mary Inghram, widow, both of this 
parish. John Strachan. This marriage was 
i solemnized between us, John Willson and 
j Mary Inghram. Witnesses, Edward Middle- 
| hurst and Wm. Middlehurst. 

York, 15th May, 1819. This day were 
I married by special "license, Samuel McMur- 
ray, widower, and Mary Stewart, widow, 
: both of this town. John Strachan. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Sam 
uel McMurray and Mary Stewart.. Wit 
nesses, Beun Melklan, John Bishop and Rich 
ard Harper. 

York, 27th May, 1819. This day were 
married, Malcolm Wright, bachelor, and 
Mary Stephens, both of Scarboro , by spe 
cial license. John Strachan. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, Malcolm 
Wright and Mary Stephens. Witnesses, An 
drew Thomson and Clara Stephens. 

York, 9th July, 1819. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
John Matheson, private, Rpyal Artillery, 
and Ann Voller, of thds town, spinster. 
John Strachan. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, John Matheson and Ann 
Voller. Witnesses, James Myers and Eliza 
beth Martin. 

York, 15th July, 1819. This day were 
married by special license, Andrew W. 
Thomson, Bachelor, and Clarissa Stephens, 
spinster, of Scarboro . John Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Andrew W. Thomson, and Okwfesa Stephens. 
Witnesses, Richard Thomson and Simon 

York, 22nd July, 1819. This day were 
married by special license, Samuel Smith, 
of York, bacholoir, tund Sophia Smith, spin 
ster, of the same Township. John Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Samuel Smith and Sophia Smith. Wit 
nesses, Mina Stafford and Daniel Stafford. 

York, 1st August, 1819. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns. 
Peter Fisette, bachelor, and Elizabeth 
Herne, both of this Township. John 
Strachan. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, Peter Fisette and Elizabeth 
Herne. Witnesses, Peter Lavlsn and Joseph 

York, 6th August, 1819. This day wer 
married by special license, Francis Willson 
and Catherine Stedman, spinster, both of 
this town. John Strachan, Minister. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Fran 
cis Willson and Catherine Stedman. Wit 
nesses, M. Morrison and George Brown. 

York, 9th August, 1819. This day were 
married, after due publication, of Banns. 
Joseph Markwell and Elisa Patrick, both 
unmarried persons, belonging to this par 
ish. John Strachan. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, Joseph Markwell and 
Elisa Patrick. Witnesses, William Allaway 
and Sarah Patrick, 

York, 22nd July, 1819. This day were 
married -by special license, David Her 
man, bachelor, and Mary Reynolds, spin 
ster, both of Etobicoke. John Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
D. Herman and Mary Reynolds. Witnesses, 
Washington Peek and Charlotte Stenten- 

York, 10th August, 1819. This day were 
married by special license, Thomas John 
ston, of York, bachelor, and Mary Ann 
Lawrenoe, of Long Point, London District, 
spinster. John Sitraohan. This marriage 



was solemnized between us, Thos. John 
ston, and Mary Ann Lawrence. "Witnesses, 
Robert Koss and Thomas Carroll. 

York, 24th August, 1819. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
Nicholas Winter, bachelor, and Sarah Win 
ter, spinster, both of Etobicoke township. 
John Strachan. This marriage was solemn- | 
ized between us, Nicholas Winter and Siarah 
Winter. Witnesses, Sarah Mattice and 
John Mattice. 

York, 8th September, 1819. This day were j 
married by special license, John Bird, 
bachelor, and Jane Swan, both of the Town 
of York. John Strachan. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, John Bird and I 
Jane Swan. Witnesses, William Lee and j 
Thomas Moore. 

York, 19th September, 1819. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
Joseph Quseneus, bachelor, and Margaret 
Herne, spinster, both of York, John 
Strachan. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, Joseph Quseneus and Margaret 
Berne. Witnesses, Peter Fisette and Wit- 
tiam Tioe. 

York, 21st September, 1819. This day were 
married by special license, Christopher 
Baker and Margaret La Oarbin, spinster, 
both of Markham. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, Christopher Baker and 
Margaret La Oarbin. Witnesses, Susannah 
Hudson and James L. Hudson. 

York, 4th October, 1819. This day were 
married by special liqeuse, Rowland Burr, 
bachelor, of the Township of Vaughan, 
and Hester Lamerause, spinster, of fecar- 
tooro. John Sitrachan. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Rowland Burr, and 
Hester Lamerause. Witnesses, Joseph Her 
mit and Jean Lamerause. 

York, 5th October, 1819. This day were 
married by special license, John Sanborn, 
bachelor, and Susannah Johnson, spinster, 
both of this parish. John Sitrachan., 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
John Sanborn and Susannah Johnson. Wit 
nesses, George Bond and Hannah Bond. 

York, 16th October, 1819. This day were 
married by special license, John Lake, 
bachelor, and Catherine Dunn, spinster, 
both of tbis parish. John Sitrachan. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, John 
Lake and Catherine Dunn. Witnesses, 
Henrietta Dalbrook and John Lose. 

York, 14th October, 1819. This day were 
married by special license, Samuel Munroe 
Garter, bachelor, of Scarboro , and Mary 
Huff, spinster, of York. John Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Samuel M. Carter and Mary Huff. Wit 
nesses, Joseph Hough and Phoebe Webie. 

York, 36th October, 1819. This day were 
married, at publication of Banns, Joseph 
HewBoo, bachelor, of York, and Nelly Cake, 
.spinster, of ttie township of Etobicoke. 
Johai Strachan. This marriage waa solemn 
ized between us, Joseph Hewson and Nelly 
Cke. Witnesses, Jacob Philips and Sally 

York, 1st November, 1819. This day were 
married by special license, William Allaway 
of this place, bachelor, and Martha Patrick, 
spinster, of same place. John Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
William Allaway and Martha Patrick. Wit 
nesses, Sarah Patrick and Joseph MarkwelL 

York, 3rd November, 1819. This day were 
married by special license, Cornelius An 
derson, of the Tpwnship of York, junior, and 

Phoebe Fish, of the township of Trafalgar, 
spinster. John Strachan. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, Cornelius An 
derson and Phoebe Fish. Witnesses, Louis 
Mercer and Samuel Mercer. 

York, 16th November, 1819. This day were 
married by special license, George Camp 
bell, bachelor, and Susannah Lindsay, spin 
ster, both of York. John Strachan. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Geo. 
Campbell and Susannah Lindsay. Wit 
nesses, Henry Malhlend and Benjamin Me- 

York, 16th November, 1819. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
Ronald McLellan, bachelor, and Mary Obn- 
olly, spinster, both of this parish. John 
Straeham. This marriage was s-olemnized 
between us, Ronald McLellan and Mary 
Oonolly. Witnesses, Arth/u/r Hughes and 
La men Atkins. 

York, 18th November, 1819. This day 
were married Lewis Algeo, bachelor, and 
Mary Armstrong, sprtaster, both of this 
place, by special license. John Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between Ui, 
Lewis Algeo and Mary Armstrong. "Wit 
nesses, George Duggan and Robert Arm 

York, 25th November, 1819. This day 
were married by special license, Nicholas 
Johnson of Vaughan, bachelor, and Mar 
garet Myea. Witnesses, Benjamin Sdatar 
and Maria Slatar. 

York, 30th November, 1819. This day 
were married after regular publication of 
Banns, Burgoyne Wyant, bachelor, and 
Esther Brundage, spinster, both of this 
parish. John Sitrachan. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Burgoyne Wyant 
and Esther Brundage. Witnesses, Abra 
ham Boinly and Delilah Wyant. 

York, 2nd January, 1820. TbAs day were 
married by special license, Daniel Brooke, 
bachelor, and Charlotte Playter, spinster, 
both of this parish. John Strachan. This 
marriage was solemnized between ua, Daniei 
Brooke, junior, and Charlotte Playter. Wit 
nesses, Elizabeth Brooke and Elizabeth Play 

York, 5th January, 1820. This day were 
married by special license, Robert Bos- 
field, widower, and Eliza Nixon, widow, both 
of this parish, John Sta-achan. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, Robert 
Bosfteld and E iza Nixon. Witnesses, George 
Brown and Robert WoodelL. 

York, 8th January, 1820. This day were 
married by special license, Robert Ross, 
bachelor, and Maria Smith, spinster, both 
of this parish. John Strachan, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Robert Ross and Maria Smith,. Witnesses, 
Sidney Smith and O, M. Benet-t. 

York, 20th January, 1820. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
Jaines Smith, bachelor, and Christiana Ti- 
murs, spinster, both of this parish. John 
Strachan, Minister. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, James Smith and 
Christiana Timurs. Witnesses, Maria Sims 
and Daniel McLean. 

York, 23rd January, 1S20. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
John Hay, builder, and Sarah Johnston, 
widow, both of this parish. John Strachan, 
minister. This marriage was solemnized 
between ue, John Hay and Sarah Johnston. 
Witnesses, Helen Watson and Thos. Hickley. 

York, 23rd January, 1820. This day were 



married by license, John McCorinick and 
Lucy Heron, widow, both of this parish. 
William Macaulay. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, John McCormick and 
Lucy Heron. Witnesses, Walter Moody and 
Maria Wells. 

The Rev. William Macaulay was a 
brother of John Macaulay, of Kings 
ton, and was for many years rector of 
Picton, on the Bay of Quinte, dying at 
an advanced age. 

York, 30th January, 1820. This day were 
married Thomas Mair, Penetanguishene 
road, and Mary Pearson, of this parish, by 
special license. John Sitrachan, Minister. 
Thte marriage was solemnized between us, 
Thomas Mair and Mary Pearson. Witnes 
ses, Thomas Balderson and James Breekon. 

Penetanguishene road probably re 
fers to the northern limit of Yonge 
street, beyond Richmond Hill. 

York, 31st January, 1820. This day wero 
married by special license, Major George 
Hillier, of His Majesty s 74th Regt. of 
Foot, and Miss Caroline Ann Givins, both 
of this parish. John Sitrachan. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, George 
Hillier and. Caroline Givins. Witnesses, 
Isabella Hill and Cecil Givins. 

Mrs. Hillier survived her husband for 
nearly fifty years. He died in 1846, 
and Mrs. Hillier in 1894 Major Hillier 
waa A. D. C. to Sir Peregrine Mait- 

York, 1st February, 1820. This day were 
married by special license, Edward Siwayve, 
bachelor, and Sarah Ourry, spinster, both 
of this parish. John Sitrachan. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Ed 
ward Stwayve and Sarah Ourry. Witnes 
ses, Henry Myers and Peter Fitzpatrick, 

York, 3rd February, 1820. This day were 
married by special license, William Max 
well, bachelor, and Ann Langham, spinster, 
both of the township of Vaughan. John 
Btrach&n. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, William Maxwell and Ann Lang- 
ham. Witnesses, Jane Brook and John Smith 

York, 7th February, 1820. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
Michaei Berthray, bachelor, Mid Cath 
erine Pollock, spinster, both of this parish. 
John Strachan, minister. This marri g^ was 
solemnized between us, Michael Berthray 
and Catherine Pollock. Witnesses, Joseph 
Pollock and Elizabeth Berthray. 

York, 8th February, 1820. This day were 
married by special license, Michael Keffer, 
bachelor, and Rachel Fisher, spinster, both 
of Vaughun. John Strachan. Thks mar- 
riago was solemnized between us, Michael 
Keffor and Rachel Fisher. Witnesses, Mich 
ael Whitmore and Jane C. Fisher. 

York, 15th February, 1820. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
John Hawn, bachelor, and Mary Ann Mc- 
Grutt, spinster, both of the township of 
Etobicoke. John Strachan. This mar- 
rJage v as solemnized between ua, John Hawn 
and Mary Ann McGrutt. Witnesses, Eliza 
beth WUcox and John Porter. 

York, 0th February, 1820. This day were 
married, by special license, Andrew McKen- 
dry, bachelor, and Eliza Christie, widow, 
both of Vaughan. John Strachan. This 

marriage was solemnized between ua, An 
drew McKendry and Eliza Christie. Wit 
nesses, Hugh Davis and Beatty Howard. 

York, 1st April, 1820. This day were 
married by special license, James Grafton, 
bachelor, and Frances Wheelock, spinster, 
both of York. John Strachan. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, Jag. Graf- 
ton and Frances Wheelock. Witnesses, Hugh 
Davis and Eliza Wheelock. 

York, 14th April, 1820. This day were 
married by special license, John Cheyne, 
widower, and Elizabeth Mara, spinster, both 
of the township of Toronto. John Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between ua, 
John Cheyne and Elizabeth Mara. Wit 
nesses, John Mason and Andrew Ohevne. 

York, 10th May, 1820. Tbis day were 
married by special license, James Rennel, 
bachelor, and Mary Anderson, spinster, 
both of this piacc. John Strachan. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Jas. 
Rennel and Mary Anderson. Witnesses, 
Thomas Lascelles and James Hopkins. 

York, 10th May, 1820. This day were 
married, James Hopkins, widower, and Bella 
Brown, spinster, both of York. John 
Strachan. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, James Hopkins and Bella Brown 
Witnesses, Thomas Lanelles and James Ben- 

York, 16th May, 1820. This day were 
married by special license, William Knott, 
bachelor, and Jane Merrogh, spinster, both 
of York. John Strachan. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, Wm. Knott and 
Jane Merrogh. Witnesses, John Bright 
and Ann Morrow. 

York, 22nd May, 1820. Th/is day were 
married, John Belleman,. bachelor, and 
Angelique Depuis, spinster, both of thia 
parish, after due publication of Banns. 
John Strachan. This marriage waa solemn, 
ized between us. John Belleiuan and Angei- 
ique Pepuis. Witnesses, Silvester Wells and 
Elizabeth Berthray. 

York, 22nd May, 1820. Thas day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
Peter Mackina, bachelor, and Sarah Ash- 
bridge, spinster, both of this parish. Jiohn 
Stracban, Minister. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, Peter Mackina and 
Sarah Ashbridge. Witnesses, Joseph De- 
mavey and Maria Mills. 

York, 23rd May, 1820. This day were 
married by special license, Herbert Wright, 
bachelor, of the Township of Scarboro , and 
Elizabeth Enbutt, of this Township. Jiohn 
Strachan, Minister. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, Herbert Wright and 
Elizabeth Enbutt. Witnesses, John Mont 
gomery and Agnes Enbut. 

York, 29th May, 1820. This day were 
married by special license, Daniel Staggs, 
bachelor, and Jane Smith, spinster, both 
of this parish. John Strachan, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Daniel Staggs and Jane Smith. Witnesses, 
John Barry and Ann Skelton. 

York, 1st June, 1820. This day were 
married by special license, Thomas Farr, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Dawson, spinster, 
both of the township of Etobicoke. John 
Strachan. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, Thomas Farr and Elizabeth 
Dawson. Witnesses, Elizabeth Farr, and 
Jacob Matthews. 

York, 5th June, 1820. This day were 
married after due publication of Banns, 
Heiiry Walker, Royal Artillery, and Isa- 



bella Morrison, spinster, both of \ork. 
John Strachan. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, Henry Walker and Isa 
bella Morrison. Witnesses, Peter Lawson 
and Jean Laselles. 

York, 20th June, 1820. This day were 
married by special license, Elijah McKen- 
ney, of the township of Bayhani, bach 
elor, and Catharine Hone, of Toronto. John 
Strachan, Minister. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Elijah McKenny and 
Catherine Hone. Witnesses, Wm. Lyons 
and Ann Lyons. 

York, 22nd June, 1820. This day /were 
married by special license, John Hamilton, 
of the Township of Toronto, bachelor, and 
{Deborah Hastings, of this parish, spinster. 
John S-trachan. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, John Hamilton and De 
borah Hastings. Witnesses, Elizabeth Ham 
ilton and James Hamilton. 

York, 28th June, 1820. This day were 
married by special license, John Liddel, 
bachelor, of York, and Sarah Skeldon, spin 
ster, of Vaughan. John Strachan, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
John Liddel and Sarah Skeldon. Witnesses, 
William Skeldon and Elizab-eth Scott. 

York, 30th June, 1820. This day were 
married by specia.1 license, William Morton, 
of Oavan, "bachelor, and FLorenda Burke, of 
York, spinster. John Strachan, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
William Morton and Florenda Burke. Wit 
nesses, Ann Eliza Millen and Hugh Davis. 

York, 5th June, 1820. This day were 
married by special license, William Bannis 
ter, bachelor, and Frances Oushman, spin 
ster, both of York. John Strachan. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Wil 
liam Bannister and Frances Oushman. Wit 
nesses, A. Penfield and James Bigelow. 

York, 10th July, 1820. This day were 
married bv special license, Joseph Secor, 
bachelor, and Ann Stevens, spinster, both 
of Scarboro. John Strachan, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Joseph Secor aaid Ann Stevens. Witnes 
ses, Gideon Cornell and Hannah Stephens. 

York, 24th July, 1820. This day were 
married after due publication of Banns, 
John Keid, bachelor, and Elizabeth Herser, 
spinster, both of York. John Sttrachan. 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, John Keid and Elizabeth Herser. 
Witnesses, Hugh Davis and Bridget Me- 

York, 26th Julv, 1820. This day were 
married bv special license, William John 
ston, lower corporal 08th Light Regt., and 

Marv Daley, widow, of York. John 
Strachan. This marriage was solemnized 
between, us, Wm. Johnston and Mary 
Daley. Witnesses, James Lynch and 
Margaret Hellias. 

York, 1st August, 1820. T^iis day were 
married bv special license, Alexander Mc- 
Kenzie, of 70th regiment, private, and 
Charlotte Skinner, spinster, both at pres 
ent in Y"ork. John Strachan, Minister. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Alex. 
McKenzie and Charlotte Sktaner. Wit 
nesses, Michael Lorner and Mary Cameron. 

York, 19th August, 1820. This day were 
married, James Leokie, of tbo Royal Ar 
tillery, bachelor, and Agnes \3ibson, spin 
ster, of York, by Jfahn Strachan, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
James Leckie and Agnes Gibson. Witness?s, 
James Mears and Mary Aitken. 

York, 4th September, 18 9 0. This day were 
married, after due publication of JBanns, 
John Giles, bachelor, of EJtobicoke, and 
Sarah Patrick, spinster, of York. John 
Strachan, Minister. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, John Giles and Sarah 
Patrick. Witnesses, Eliza Macwell and Wil 
liam Allaway. 

York, 14th September, 1820. This day 
were married, John McLachlan, bachelor, 
and Catherine Sinclair, spinster, both of 
York, by special license. John Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
John McLachlan and Catherine Sinclair. 
Witnesses, Alex. Sinclair and John Sinclair. 

York, 18th September, 1820. This day 
were mia.rried by special license, Thomas 
Watta, bachelor, and Catherine Bennet, 
widow, both of Vaughan. John Strachan, 
minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Thomas Watts and Catherine 
Bennet. Witnesses, Nathaniel Pennock and 
John Frank. 

York, 7th November, 1820. This day were 
married by special license, John Chase, of 
the township of Heward, in the Western 
district, bachelor, and Elizabeth Wilcox, of 
the township of York, spinster. John 
Strachan. Thas marriage was solemnized 
between us, John Chase and Elizabeth Wil 
cox. Witnesses, George Reisenburg and 
John Lever. 

York, 16th November, 1820. This day were 
married bv special, John Burkholder, 
bachelor, of the Tpwiiship of Vaughan, and 
Sarah Wilcox. of the township of Toronto, 
spinster. John Strachan. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, John Burk 
holder and Sarah Wilcox. Witnesses, Susan 
Burkholder and Daniel Wilcor. 

York, 18th November, 1820. This day were 
married by special license, Michael Lind 
say, of the township of Trafalgar, bache 
lor, and McKenney, of York, spin- 
star. John Strachan,, Minister. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, Michael 
Lindsay and Phoebe McKenney. Witnesses, 
John Wallace and Isabella Crawford. 

York, 20th November, 1810. This day were 
married, William Stokers, of West Gwil- 
limbury, bachelor, and Margaret Wilson, 
of York. John Straohan. This marriage 
wa-3 solemnized between us, William Stoders 
and Margaret Wi son. Witnesses, William 
Andrews and Robert Robinson. 

William Andrews, mentioned here as 
a witness, was clerk at St. James for 
some time. He resided on Adelaide 
street east, to the north of the church. 

York, 20th November, 1820. This day were 
married John Evans, of the T/ownship of Te. 
sumseth, and Mary Tavis, of West Gwil- 
limbury. spinster. John Straohaii, Minis 
ter. This marriage was solemnized between 
us, John Evans and Mary Tavis. Witnesses, 
Robert Robinspn and Wm. Armstrong. 

York, 26th November, 18:0. This day were 
married by special license, John Poger, 
bachelor, "and Susannah Pogul, spinster, 
both of this parish. Jhhn Strachan, This 
marriage was solemnized between us, John 
P<ig-ar and Susannah Pogul. Witnesses, Wil 
liam Andrews and Robert McCannell. 

York, 27th November, 1820. This day were 
married by speoia-i license, James Graham, 
of Toronto, bachelor, and 4 Tane Graham, 
of York, spinster. Jtohn Strachan, minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 



James Graham and Jane Graham. T\ it- 
nesses, James Beaty and John Hawkins. 

York, 5th December. 1820. This day were 
married by special license, James Cunning 
ham, private in His Majesty s 70th regi 
ment of Foot, now at York, to Sarah Ho- 
baxt, of the same place, spinster. John 
Strachan, Minister. This marriage was so - 
emnieed between us, James Cunningham and 
Sarah Hobart. Witnesses, John Barry and 
Effey McKiomon. 

York, llth December, 1820. This day were 
married by special license, Alexander Me-. 
Gregor, gunner, Royal Artillery, now sta 
tioned at York, in sid Province, bachelor, 
and Anne McLean, spinster. John Straehan, 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be- 
tween us, Alex. McGregor and Anne Mc 
Lean. Witnesses, James Lectkie and Agnes 

York, 31st December, 1820. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
Jeremiah Dogherty and Hannah Carriage, 
both of YorK. John Strachan, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Jeremiah Dogherty and Hannah Carriage. 
Witnesses, Thomas Hill and Elizabeth Ou/r- 
t is. 

York, 14th January, 1821. This day were 
married by special license, Christopher \\ il- 
liams, of the Township of York, in tho Home 
District, bachelo-r, and Mitecent Van !Nos- 
fcramd, of the same place, spinster. Wit 
Macualay, Minister! acting for 
Stria* ban. 

York, 14ti Jaiuisiry, 1821. This day were 
married by speoia.1 license, Cornelius Van 
Vostrand, of the T.ownship of York, in the 
Home District, Bachelor, and Mary "ft il- 
kinaon, of the same place, spinster. \\ i- 
liam Macaulay, minister. 

York, 14th January, 1821. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
Gershom Owen and Maria Time, both of 
this parish. William Macauley, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized botween us, 
Gershom Owen and Maria Tim?. Witnesses 
Leonard Shepard and Eliza Hamilton. 

York, 14th. January, 1821. Tuis day were 
married by special license, John Cawthra. 
of Newmarket, in the township of Whit- 
church, in the Home District, bachelor, and 
Anne Willson, of the Town of York, spin 
ster. William Macauley, .Minister, 
marriage was solemnized between us, Jonn 
Cawthra and Anne Willson. Witnesses, 
John King and Helen Watson. 

John Cawthra was son of Joseph 
Cawthra, one of the early merchants 
in York. 

York, January 15th., 1821. This day were 
married by special license. Lieutenant John 
Radenhurst, half pay 8th. Regiment of 
Foot, of the Town of York, in the Home 
District, bachelor, and Mary Ridout, of 
the same place. William Macaulay, Min 
ister. This marriago was solemnized oetween 
us, John Radenhurst and Mary Ridout. 
Witnesses, James Small and Thos. G. Rid- 

All the names here are very familiar. 
Mr. T. G. Ridout was the cashier of 
the Bank of Upper Canada, and Mary 
Ridout was his sister. 

York, January 24th., 1821. This dav were \ 
married by special license, Joseph Hough, [ 
of the township of Scarboro , in the Homo 

District, bache .or, and El ziboth. Devonian, 
of the snino place, spinster. William Mac- 
aulav, Minister. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, Joseph Hough an< 
li lizibeth Devenish. Witnesses, John Hough 
and Rosanna Devenish. 

York, January 30-rh-.. 1OU TJns /day 
were married by special Tcense, John Mod- 
land, of the Town of York, Home District, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Moore, of tho 
same place, spinster. William Macaulay, 
Minister. This marriage was so .emnizcd be 
tween us, John Modland and Elizabeth 
Moore. Witnesses, Thomas Moore and 
Louisa English. 

York, 8th. February, 1821. This dav were 
married, James Tilgate, of 68th. Regt. of 
Foot, private, now in garrison, and Mary 
Thompson, spinster, both of York. John 
Strachan, Minister. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, James Tilgate and 
Mary Thompson. Witnesses, Thoa. Ralie- 
sori and "John Heley. 

York, 9th. February, 1821. This day were 
married by special license, David Gray, 
bachelor, and Deborah Linsey, spinster 
both of York. John Strachan, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
David Gray and Deborah Linsey. Wit 
nesses, James Cunningham and Wiiliani 

York, llth. Febsruary, 1821. This dav 
were married after Banns published, John 
Battraw and Mary LeForm, both of thU 
parish. William Macaulay. 

York, 14th. February, 1821. This day 
were married by special. l.cens-, Samuel Wur- 
burton Hardy, "bachelor, and Elizabeth Farr, 
spinster, both of York. John Strachan, 
Minister. This marriage was g-.jemnized 
between us, Samuel Hardy and Elizabeth 
Farr. Witnesses, John Farr and Helen Wt- 

York, 14th. February, 1821. This day 
were married by special license, Stephen 
Sherman, bachelor, and Frances Latorwell, 
widow, both of York. John Stracha,n. 
This marriage was solemn zed between us. 
Stephen Sherman and Frances Latorwell. 
Witnesses, Samuel M. Benson and Oliva 

York. 22nd. February, 1821. This day were 
married by special license, William Wemt, 
of Earnest Town, bachelor, and Mary Stope- 
ley, of the Township of York, spinster. 
John Strachan, Minister. Th ; s marriago 
was solemnized between us, William Wemt 
and Mary Stopeley. Witnesses, John Wil 
son and Elizabeth Stopeley. 

York, 9th. March, 1821. This dav were 
married by special license. Clement Charles 
Todd, As i itant Surgeon Royal Navy, bach 
elor, and Eliza E. Caldweli, of Markham, 
spinster. John Straehan, Minister. Thii 
marriage was solemnized between us. 0. C. 
Todd and E. E. Caldweli. Witnesses, W. 
N. C. Caldweli and George Chiles. 

York, 20th. February, 1821. This day 
were married by special license, Daniel Mel- 
lay, bacelor, and Mary Robinett, spirnter. 
both of Toronto. John Strachan, Minis 
ter. This marriage was solemn- zed 
tween us, Daniel Mellay and Mary Rob 
inett. Witnesses, A. Robinett and W. 

York. 12th. March, 1821. This dav were 
married by special license, gunner William 
Petttit, 3rd. Battalion Royal Artillery, 
now in this garrison, and Do rothy Wi kee 
widow, of the township of Toronto. John 


Strachan, Minister. This marriage was tween us, W. Bauchier and Amelia Jack- 

solemnized between us, William Pettit and f*on t . Witnesses, John Mills Jackson, P. 

and Dorothy Wilke-s. Witnesses, George Robinson and Geo:-giana Jackson. 

Walton and Ann McGregor. Mr . John Mills ja^son gave his 

S& Sr^u^puSti^of Vn e n S 6 name to Jackson s Point, on ake Sim- 

Richard Heron, widower, and Helen Henry, coe, where he had considerable pro- 

widow, both of York Township. John perty. 

Strachan, Minister. This marriage was York zoth _ A n 1821> This d 

solemnized between us, Richard Heron marrled b spe cial license, Bartholomew 

and Helen Henry. \Vitnesjes, George Bond E kerlin, bachelor, and Mary Ann Swam, 

and Hannah Bond. i both of York. John Strachan. This mar- 

York, 20th. March, 1821. This day were riaga was solemnized between us, B. Eker- 

jiiarried after due publication of Banns, lin and Mary Ann Swan. Witnesses, John 

Heran Prentice, bachelor, Etobicoke, and Bird and Jane Bird. 

Eve Keggar, spinster, of York. John York, 12th. April, 1821. This day were 

tracban, Minister. This marriage was married by special license, Simon Waahs- 

solemnized between us, Heran Prentice and burn, Esq., bachelor, and Margaret Fitz- 

Eve Keggar. Witnesses, William Mattice gibbon, spinster, both of this township. 

and Dolly Prentice. John Strachan, Minister. This marriage 

York, 21st. March, 1821. This day were was solemnized between us, S. Washburn 

married by .special license, John Richard, and M. Fitzgibbon. Witnesses, W. Bald- 

bachelor, and Anne Henderson, spinster, win, A. M. Baldwin and Robert Addison. 

both of this parish. John Strachan, Min 
ister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, John Richard and Anne Hender- 

Mrs. Washburn was sister to Lieut.- 
Col. Fitzgibbon. Her husband was a 

Wit nesses, Robert Peton and Mar- ! resident on the north-west corner of 
garet Crawford. i George and Duke streets. He died 

York, 24th. March, 1821. This day were about 1837 and is buried in St. James- 
married Hugh McCullough, private 68th. ph Iir( ,y,varH 
Regt. of Foot, and Bridget McManus, of c ^nya.a. 

York, spinster. John Strachan. This mar- York, 24th. April, 1821. This day were 
riage was solemnized between us, Hugh Me- married after due publication of Banns, 
Cullough and Brioget McManus. Witnesses, j James Nettleton, of Toronto, bachelor, 
Thos. Pattison and Cornelius Scanlan. I and Betsy Dennismere, of Etobicoke, spin- 
York, 27th. March, 1821. This day were ster. John Strachan, Minister. This mar- 
married by special license, Levi Heath riage was solemnized between us, James 
Mercer bachelor, and Anne Elizabeth Ross, Netttleton and Ijetsy Dennismere. Wit- 
both of Etobicoke, spinster. John Strachan. , nesses, Aaron Root and Eliza Dennismere. 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized York, 30th. April, 1821. This day were 
between us, Levi Heath Mercer and Anne married by special license, Bethuel Comp, 
Elizabeth Ro^. Witnesses, Alexander Ross bachelor, and Mary Hunter, widow, of this 
Elizabeth Hamilton. pariwh. John Strachan, Minister. This 

York, 3rd. April, 1821. This day were marraige was solemnized between us, Bethuel 
married after due publication of Banns, Comp and Mary Hunter. Witnesses, Henry 
George Viney, bachelor, of Toronto, and Bossenil and Isabella Crawford. 
Jane Langstaff widow, of same place. John York 6th M 1821 Thls d 
Strachan Minister. This marriage was ried AJ1 Napier Macnabb, half pay 49th. 
solemnized between us, George \iney and R fc and Elizabeth Brooks, spinster, both 
S*H g ? ri fitnesses, John Hogg of York, by special license. John Strachan, 
a v t 1 "^* *W n tool Thi* /in Minister. This marriage was solemnized be- 

York, 7th. April, 1821. This day were tween us A> N . Macnabb and E. Brooks, 
married after regular publication m Banns, W}t A McNabb w . B . Macaulay and 

Robert Patch, bacelorc, and Elizabeth Rus- Daniel B ^ ooke Senior. 
sel, spinster, both of this parish. John 

Strachan, Minsiter. This marriage was This was the well-known politician 
solemnized between us Robert Patch and and soldier, long famous in Canadian 
Elizabeth Russel. Witnesses, William Patch public life and annals. 
M nd A_t)h O Qrr v I 

York, 7th. April, 1821. This day were York 19th. May, 1821. This Cray were 
married by special license, Joseph John- married by special license John Lee, bach- 
ston, 68th. Regiment, and Catherine Waters, e o1> , and Sarah Stewart, spinster, both 
widow, of this parish. John Strachan. This of . tlus Parish. John Strachan, Minister. 
marriage was solemnized between us, Joseph S * rrla 8 e ., ^-f- 3 solemn;zed^ between us 
Johnston and Catherine Waters. Witr 
nesses, th Lea and Thos. Griffin. 

York, 9th. April, 1821. This day were 
married by special license, William Bird- 

John Lee and Sarah Stewart. Witnesses 
Samuel Rogers and Margaret Musk. 

York, 21st. May, 1821. This day were 
married after due publication of Banna, 

call, of Toronto, bachfilor, and Rachel Rob- ! John Compton, bachelor, and Debeh Prl- 
inettt, of sajne place, spinster. John ! r". spinster, both of this township. John 
Strachan, Minister. This marriage was Strachan. This marriage was solemnized be- 
solemnized between us, William Birdsall and tw >en us, John Compton and Debeh Pri- 
Rachel Robinett. Witnesses, Mary Bird- r . oost - Witnesses, R-obt. Anderson, George 
sail and Fean John Bunt. ! Anderson. 

York, 8th. April, 1821. This day were j York, 26th. May, 1821. This day were 
married by special license, William Bauchier, I married by special license, James Edward 
Esq., Captain Royal Navy, now in Geor- Small, barister at Law, bachelor, and Fran- 
giana township, bachelor, and Amelia Jacck- els Eliza, Ridout, spinster, both of this par 
son, of this township, spinster. JoWov * John Strachan, Minister. Thij mar- 
Strachan. This marriage was solemnized be- riage was solemnized between us, James 



E. Small and Francis Eliza Ridout. Wit 
nesses, Thos. G. Ridout and Rachel Gamble 
and W. Radenhtirstt . 

Mr. James E. Small was a son of the 
the first clerk to the Executive Coun 
cil, Mr. John Small. He was educated 
at the Home District School, under Drs. 
Stuart and Strachan. 

York, 31&t. May, 1821. This day were 
married after due publication of Banns, 
Peter Lavishe, bachelor, and Susan Larose, 
widow, both of Etobicoke township. John 
Strachan, Minister. This marriage was so 1 - 
emnized between us, Peter Lavishe and 
Susannah Larose. Witnesses, Heran Pren 
tice and Dolly Prentice. 

York, 2nd June, 1821. This day were 
married by special license Timothy Dunn, 
bachelor, and Martha O Neal, spinster, both 
of thfe town. John Strachan, Minister. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Tim 
othy Dunn and Martha O Neal. Witnesses, 
George Howard and James Humphreys. 

York, llth June, 1821. This day were 
mairried, after due publication of Banns, 
Joseph Frampton, bachellor, and Mary Har 
rison, spinster, both of this parish. John 
Strachan,. Minister. This marriage was so 1 - 
emnized between us, Joseph Frampton and 
Mary Harrison. Witnesses, John Oxtoby and 
Jean Wilkinson. 

York, 29th June, 1821. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
William Freeman, bachelor, a man of Ool- 
ouir, and Rachel Long, spinster, a woman 
of colour. both of this parish. John 
Straoh nn, Minister. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, William Freeman and 
Rachel Long. Witnesses, Anna Powell and 
Richard Robison. 

York, 30th June, 1821. This day were 
married by specia-1 license, Alexander Rev- I 
n<olde, of York, bachelor, and Alice Camp- I 
bell, o? the same place, spinster. John ! 
Strachan, Minister. This marriage was so r - 
emnized between us, Alexander Reynolds 
and Alice Campbell. Witnesses, Robert i 
Brown and Ann Pyke. 

York, 30th June, 1821. This day were 
married, Archibald Riddle, bachelor, town 
of Westminster, and Battioe Marr, sp ngter, 
of York, late of Aberdeen, N. Britain, by i 
special license. John Strachan, Minister. | 
This marriage was solemnized between us, j 
Archibald Riddie and Battice Marr. Wit- : 
nesses, H, Carfrae and Katharine Hewson. 

York, 5th July, 1821. This, day were ; 
married by srpecial license, Joseph Davis, ; 
East Gwillimbury, widower, and Jane Pals- | 
ley, of York, w*M<ow. John Strachan, Min- j 
Jster. This marriage was solemnized be- 
tween us, Joseph Davis and Jane Paisley, j 
Witnesses, James Morrow and Thos. Hurst. ! 

York, 20th July, 1821. This day were i 
mairried by special license, Alexander Stew- i 
art, Esq., Barriister-at-law, of Niagara, 
bachelor, and Miss Mary Anderson, of this 
place, spinster. John Strachan, Minister, j 
This marriage was solemnized between us, < 
Alex. Stewart and Mary Anderson. Wit- 
meases, A. Warffe and H. Campbell. 

York, 31at July, 1821. This day were ! 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
William Hallaway, widower, and Elizabeth 
Oca-tea, widow, both of this parish. John 
Strwchan, Minister. This marriage was soT- 
eraaized between us, William Hollaway and 

Elizabeth Goates. Witnesses, John Orr and 
Siisannah Washet. 

York, 7th. August, 1821. This day were 
niiarried by special license, Cornelius Scan- 
Ian, bachelor, and Ann McKer, spkister, 
both of this pariah. John Strachan, Minister 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Cornelius Scanlan and Ann McKer. Wit 
nesses, Ann Eliza Millen and John Neman. 
York, 15th August, 1821. This day were 
married by special license, Pa-trick McKen- 
ney, private 68th Foot, bachelor, and Ann 
Gillie, spinster, both at present of this 
parish. John Strachan, Minister. Thi? mar 
riage wa solemnized between us, Patrick 
McKenney and Ann Gillie. Witnesses, Jas. 
Hug ling and Isabella Walker. 

York, 16th August, 1821. This day were 
married by special license, Chester Calver 
(silversmith), bachelor, and Susannah Fraser, 
spinster, both of this parish. John Strachan, 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us. Chester Calver and Susannah 
Fras?r. Witnesses, John Lockwood and Mary 

York, 20th August, 1821. This day were 
married by special license, William Parker, 
Widower, township of Albion, and Jane 
Kerr, of the same place, spinster. John 
Straohan. Minister. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us*. Wm. Parker and Jane 
Kerr. Witnesses, Eli Playter and Thomas 

York, 23rd August, 1821. This day were 
married by special license, Francis Brock, 
bachelor, of this township, and Elizabeth 
Him>3 Chilian, of the township of Chingua- 
cousy, spimster. John Strachan. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, Francis 
Brock and Elizab-eth Hime Chilian. Wit- 
nenes, Henry Johnston and Alexander Cul- 

York, 24th August, 1821. This day were 
married by special license, John Thompson, 
bachelor, and Charlotte Ryan, spinster, 
both of this parish. John Strachan, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
John Thompson and Charlotte Ryan. Wit 
nesses, John Corma and Ann Kelly. 

York, 25th August, 1821. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
Matthew Oarr, bachelor, and Margaret 
Gantay, spinster, both of this parish. John 
Straohan, Minister. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, Matthew Oarr and 
Margaret Ganlay. Witnesses, Thomas Gan- 
lay and John Oozford. 

York, 4th October, 1821. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
John Chapman, bachelor, and Mary Garbet, 
spinster, both of York. John Strachan, Min 
ister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, John Chapman and Mary Garbet. 
Witnesses, Mullen Garbet and Ann Garbet. 

York, 6th October, 1821. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
Alfred Rice, bachelor, and Sarah Gam- 
butt, spinster. John Strachan, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Alfred Rice and Sarah Gambutt. Wit 
nesses, Sam.uei Mellon and Jane Viney. 

York, 6th October, 1821. This day were 
married, James Elliott, bachelor, and Mary 
Lee, spinster, both of York. John Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
James Elliot aawi Mary Lee. Witnesses, 
George Garnid and Robfaia Garnid. 

York, 13th October, 1821. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns. 
James Milbwin, bachelor, and Esther Arm- 



strong, spinster, both of York. John 
Straelian. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, James Milbwin and Esther Arm 
strong. Witnesses, Margaret Crawford and 
William Armstrong-. 

York, 15th October, 1821. This da.y were 
imarried by special license, Joseph Wads- 
worth, bachelor, and Amelia McDonnell 
spinster, both of York. John, Min 
ister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us Joseph \Vadsworth and Amelia 
McOonnell. Witnesses, Thomas Richardson 
and Timothy Damn. 

York, 27th October, 1821. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
John Huggins, bachelor, and Sheba Marsh, 
spinster, both of York. John Strachan, 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
John Huggiuis and Sheba Marsh. Witnesses, 
Charlotte Augusta Kendrick and Thomas 
Hug gins. 

York, October 30th, 1821. This day were 
married by specia.I license, Thomas King, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Judson, spinster, 
both of York. John Stra.cha.n. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, Thomas 
King a.nd Elizabeth Judson. Witnesses, 
Louise English and Christopher Elliot. 

York, 2nd November, 1821. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banna, 
Ba/ltasar Lowtrg y, bach 1 >r, and Mar 
garet Moore, spinster, both of York. John j 
Strachan, Minister. This marriage was soi- ; 
eiruwzed between _U3 Baltasar Lowergey and 
Margaret Moore, witnesses, Matthew li-ener ] 
and Anne Brown. 

York, 12th November, 1821.. This day were I 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
John Matttce, bachelor, township of Eto- 
biooke, and Rebecca Smith, spinster, of j 
York township. John Strachan. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, John Mat- 
tioe and Rebecca Smith. Witnesses, Sarah : 
Matt joe and William Smith. 

York, 19th November, 1821. This day were i 
married by special license, John Dutcher, ; 
Etobicoke, bachelor, and Mary Gordon, of i 
the same place, spinster. John Strachan, 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized : 
between us, John Dutcher and Mary Gor- ; 
don.. Witnesses, Sally Gordon and" John 

York, 21st November, 1821. This day were 
married by special license, Robert Bradln, 
bachelor, and Margaret Rus>k, spinster, ; 
both of York. John Strachan, Minister. ; 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Robert Bradin and Margaret Rusk. Wit- I 
nesses, Ann Campbell and John Bradin. 

York, 1st December, 1821. This day were 
married, James Buchanan Macaulay, Esq., ; 
bachelor, and Rachel Orookshank Gamble, 
spinster, both of this parish. John : 
Strachan. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, J. B. Macaulay and Rachel C. 
Gamblo. Witnesses, W. Allan and W. 

The bridegroom was the well-known 
Dr. Macaulay, his bride being a daugh 
ter of Dr. Gamble, formerly of the j 
Queen s Rangers. The witnesses were ! 
William Allan, of Moss Park, and Wm. i 
Gamble, the eldest brother of the bride. | 
The latter sat for many years in the j 
Provincial Parliament. 

York, 3rd January, 1822. This day were 
married by special " license, Duncan Mur- 

chison, bachelor, and Ann Cooper, spinster, 
both of this township.. John Strachan, Min 
ister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Duiioan Murchison and Ann 
Cooper. Witnesses, Thomas Cooper and 
Eliiaa Cooper. 

York, 10th January, 1822. This day were 
married by special license, James Gray, 
bachelor, and Margaret Craig, spinster, both 
of this parish. -John Strachan, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
James Gray and Margaret Craig. Wit 
nesses, William Silvester and Hellen Wat 

York, 28th January, 1822. This day were 
married by special license, William Bowkett, 
bachelor, and Agnes Lawreli, spinster, both 
of this parish. John Strachan, Minister. 
This ma.rriage was solemnized between us, 
William Bowkott and Agues Lawreli. Wit. 
nesses, Ann Knott and John Murchison. 

William Bowkett was a lake sailor 
and a very prosperous business man 
for those days. He resided in a cottage 
on the north-west corner of King and 
Yonge streets. This cottage was pull 
ed down about 1835, and the brick 
buildings, demolished in 1886, erected in 
its place. 

York, 28th January, 1822. This day were 
married by special license, Joseph Graham, 
bachelor, and Margaret Fraser, spinster, 
both of Toronto. John Straelian, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Joseph Graham and Margaret Fraser. Wit 
nesses, John Hamilton and Wil.iam John 

York, 28th January, 1822. This day were 
irKvried, after due publication of Banns, 
William Watson, widower, and Elizabeth 
Gala, spinster, both of this parish. John 
Strachan. This marriage was solemnized 
iz3d between us, William Watson and Eliza 
beth Ga.Ie. Witnesses, James Gale and Thos. 

York, at church, Yonge st., February 
10th, 1822. Thw day were married! by spe 
cial lioenso, Martin Justin, bachelor, and 
Eliza. WheelO Ck, spinster, both of York 
township. John Strachan. This marriage w;ss 
solemnized between us, Martin Justin and 
Eiftza WheclO Ck. Witnesses, M. Jones and 
Robert Miller. 

York, 17th February, 1822. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
Merk Martin, bachelor, and Catherine 
Luno, spinster, both of Msu-khara. John 
Strachan, Minister. This marringa was so - 
emnized between us, Meria Martin and 
Catherine Lime. Witnesses, James Martin 
and Christiana Luuo. 

York, 17th February, 1822. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns. 
Alexander Nixon, bachelor, and Elizabeth 
Mnraulay, widow, both of Ohtnquacenchy. 
John Strac-han, Minister. Thi? marriage w;is 
solemnized between us, Alexander Nixon and 
Elizabeth Macaulny. Witnesses, Alex. Ham 
ilton and Alex. Brodie. 

The bride s residence is spelled ex 
actly as it appears in the register. It 
is almost needless to say that it is 
not the modern way of spelling the 


York, 18th February, 1822. This dny were 
married by special license, Daniel Sairs, 
bachelor, and Mary Papst, spinster, both 



of York. John Strachan, Minister. This 
marriage wa;i .solemnized between us, Daniel 
Star a aniiVVtary Papst. Witnesses, Alexander 
Buirnside and Oatherine Stebbins. 

Alexander Burnside was the medical 
practitioner of that name who was an 
ardent supporter of Dr. Strachan in his 
ministerial work. 

York, 18th February, 1822. This day were 
married by special "license, William Brody, 
bachelor, and Margaret Donnevan, widow, 
both of Ohinquaicosay. John Strachan, 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween, us, William Brody and Margaret 
DotLraevan.. Witnesses, Alexander Hamilton 
and Alexander Brodie. 

York, 19th February, 1822. This day were 
miarried, after due publication of Banns, 
Manuel Cake, bachelor, and Betsy Christ- 
ner, spinster, both of the township of Eto- 
bicoke. John Strachaoi, Minister. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Man 
uel Oaice and Betsy Ohiristner. Witnesses, 
Sally Philips and Andrew Oake. 

York, 21st February, 1822. This day were 
married by special license, Thomas Rich- 
airCson, bachelor, and Mary Henderson, spin 
ster, both of York, John Strachan. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Tims. 
R-icharuson and Mai-y Henderson. Wit 
nesses, JS ancy Ohamlien and John Stringer. 

York, 25th February, 1822. This day were 
married by special license, George Tibb 
Elliott, o Qavaa, bachelor, and Catherine 
Agilte, of York. Johin Sttrachan, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
G. Tibb Elliott and Catherine Agille. Wit 
nesses, William Taylor and Ttoos Burk. 

York, 27th February, 1822. This day were 
married by special license, John Spread 
Baldwin, Esq., bachelor, and Anna Scott, 
"idow, both of thie parish. John Strachan, 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, John S. Baldwin und Anna Scott. 
Witnesses, A. Baldwin and Robert Baldwin 
wad, R. Shiavr. 

John Spread Baldwin resided at the 
florth-east corner of King and Fred 
erick streets. He was father of the 
Rev. Canon Edmund Baldwin, for so 
many years assistant minister at St. 
James church. 

York, 28th February, 1822. This dayw ere 
marrisd, after due publication of Banns, 
John Snyder, bachelor, and Mary Heron, 
spinster, both of this parish. John Strachan, 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, John Snyaer and Mary Heron. 
Witnesses, William Snyder, Sarah Snyder 
and George Bond. 

York, l^th. March, 1822. This day were 
married after due publication of Banns, 
Andrew Oake, bachelor, and Zebra Pren 
tice, spinster, both of the township of 
Etobicoke. John Strachan, Minister. This 
marriage was solemnized- between us, An 
drew Oake and Zebra Prentice. Witnesses, 
Hannah Prentice and Adam Cake. 

York, 18th. March, 1822. This day were 
married by special license, James Pitcher, 
bachelor, and Sophia York, spinster, both 
of _ this parish. John Strachan, Minister. 
This marriage was solemn zed between u ; , 
James Pitcher and Sophia York. Witnesses, 
Patrick MeKenney and Ann McKenney. 

York, 19th. March, 1822. This day "were 

I married after due publication of Banns, 
| James Upthegrove, bachelor, and Delehia 
I Wyant, spinster, both of this township. 
John Strachan. This marriage w~as sol 
emnized between us, James Upthegrove and 
Delehia Wyant. Witnesses, Sarah Mat- 
tice and Silema Mattice. 

Delehia is a decidedly original mode 
of spelling the name of Delia, but so 
Miss "\Vyant spelled her name and en 
tered it in the Marriage register. 

York, 20th. March, 1822. Th ; s day were 
married by special license, Thomas Car- 
erll, bachelor, and Jane Mclntosh, spinster, 
both of his parish. John Strachan, Min 
ister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Thos. Carroll, Jane Mclntosh. 
Witnesses, Charles Mclntosh and Caroline 
M. Hamilton. 

York, 30th. March, 1822. This day were 
married by special license, Peter Fitzpat- 
rick, bachelor, and Sarah Pitch, spinster, 
both of York. John Strachan, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Peter Fitzpatrick and Sarah Pitch. Wit 
nesses, Benjamin Lunu and Ann Hamblise. 

York, 2nd. April, 1822. This day were 
married after due publication of Banns, 
Adam Cake, bachelor, and Hannah Pren 
tice, spinster, both of the township of 
I Etobicokke. John Strachan, Minister. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Adam 
Cake and Hannah Prentice. Witnesses, 
And. Oake and Zebra Cake. 

Adam and Audrew Cake married sis 
ters. They were small farmers, not far 
from Lambton village. 

York, 3rd. April, 1822. This day were, 
married by special license, James Raymend, 
of York, bachelor, and Anne Hamb!er, spin 
ster, of same place. John Strachan, Min 
ister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, James Ravmend, Anne Hambler. 
Witnesses, Samuel Gillert and Helen Mc- 

York, 8th. April, 1822. This day were 
married by special license, George William 
Moule, Esq., bachelor, and Isabella Butter. 
;\pinster, both of York. John Strachan, 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, G. W. Moule and Isabella Butter. 
Witnesses, Ann Stukar, Margaret Munro 
and William McDonald. 

York, 9th. April, 1822. This day were 
married after due publication, of Banns, 
i John Patrick, bachelor, and Ann Hug-el, 
| .spinster, both of York. John Strachan 
, Minister. This marriage was solemnized 
; between us, John Patrick and Ann Hug-el. 
; Witnesses, John Giles and Anne Kelly. 

York, 9th. April, 1822. This day \vere 
n-firried by special license, Thomas Car- 
frae, junior, bachelor, and Margaret Jane 
Brooks, spinster, both, of York. John 
Strachan, Minister. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, Thomas Carfrae, 
Junior, and Margaret Jane Brooks. Wit 
nesses, Susan Kemp and E. L. Denison. 

Thomas Carfrae was for some time 
collector of customs at York (Toronto). 
E. L. Denison, one of the witnesses, 
was Mrs. Denison, of Bellevue. 

York, 28th. April, 1822. This day were 
1 married after due .publication of Banns, 
Francis Kennedy, bachelor, of Toronto, ami 
At t tice Kelly, of York, widow. J 



Strachan, Minister. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Francis Kennedy and 
Atttice Kelly. Witnesses, Thomas McGouil 
and James Bright. 

York, 12th. May, 1822. This day were 
married by special license, John R. Spoon- 
er and Ann Kidout. Witnesses, Samuel Bid- 
out, Chas. Small, Eliza Small. 

York, 30th. May, 1822. This day were 
married by special license, John Lockwood, 
bachelor, and Mary Berry, spinster, both 
of this parish. John Strachan. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, John Lock- 
wood and Mary Berry. Witnesses, Paul M. 
Thoin and Ann Berry. 

York, Istt June, 18212. This day were 
married by special license, James Robinson, 
of Toronto, bachelor, and Sarah Burbank, 
of the same place, widow. John Strachan, 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, James Robinson and Sarah Bur- 
bank. Witnesses, Joseph Melburn and Des- 
demona Post. 

Miss Post, the last named witness, 
was a daughter of Jordan Post, who j 
has been previously referred to. 

York, 23rd. June, 1822. This day were 
married after due publication, of Banns, ; 
Peter Tibido and Margaret Meadow, both 
of this place. John Strachan, Minister. ; 
This marriage was solemnized between us, ! 
Peter Tibido and Margaret Meadow. Wit- 
nesses. Vincent Stengel and John Meadow, i 

York, 1st. July, 1822. This day were mar- j 
ried by special license, John Bright, bach 
elor, and Anne Knott, spinster, both of 
this J ohn Sft radian, Miirtfltter. j 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
John Bright and Anne Knott. Witnesses, , 
Mary Bright and Samuel Gilbert. 

Mr. Bright resided on the Kingston 
road, now Queen street east, just west 
of Broadview avenue. The house was 
pulled down in 1894-95. His wife was 
daughter of an ex-member of the 
Queen s Kangers. 

York, 9th. July, 1822. This day were mar 
ried by special license, John, Stringer, bach 
elor, and Ann Chambers, spini |;er, both 
of this parish, John Strachan Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
John Stringer, Ann Chambers. Witnesses, 
Fanny Johnston, Win. Johnston. 

York, 23rd. July, 1822. This day were 
married by special license, William O Neil, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Redmond, spin 
ster, both of this parish. John Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
William O Neil and Elizabeth Redmond. 
Witnesses, John Hardy and Mary Thomas. 

York, 24th. July, 1822. This day were 
married after due publication of Banns 
Alexander Rosa, bachelor, and Lydia Cull- 
ham, spinster, both of Etobicpke. John j 
Strachan, Minister. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Alexander Ross and ] 
Lydia Cullham. Witnesses, Levi Mercer and 
Martha Cullham. 

York, 29th. July, 1822. This day were 
narried by special license, Guy Carleton 
Wood, bachelor, of the town of Cornwall, 
and Margaret Munro, of York, spinster. 
John Strachan. This marriage was solemniz 
ed between us, G. O. Wood and Margaret 
Munro . Witnesses, Ann M. Powell, Alex 

ander Bethune., R. G. Anderson and James 
McGill Strachan. 

Mr. Wood had been a pupil of Dr. 
Strachan s in the old Cornwall days, as 
also had been Alexander Bethune, one 
of the witnesses. 

York, 30th. July, 1822. This day were 
married by special license, William Thomas 
Eagan, of this town, bachelor, and Eliza 
beth Ann McConnel, spinster, of the same 
place. John Strachan, Minister. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, William 
Thomas Eagan and Elizabeth Ann Mc 
Connel. Witnesses, John Noaley and James 

York, 16th. August, 1822. This day were 
married by special license, George Sloan, 
of this town, bachelor, and Jane Hether- 
ton, of the same place^ spin^tjj i% Wil- 
liafln M-acte/ualyf. This marriage was (so > 
emnized between us George Sloan and Jane 
Hethertoni. Witnesses, George Robinson, 
Regld. Shaw and John Fenson. 

York, August 18th., 1822. This day were 
married by special license, Richard Darker, 
of the township of York, bachelor, and 
Margaret Skelton, of the same place, spin 
ster. William Macaulay. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Richard Darker and 
Margaret Skelton. Witnesses, Mathew 
Priestman and Martha Priestman. 

York, 23rd. September, 1822. This day 
were married by special license, John Wil 
liam Gamble, bachelor, and Mary Mac 
aulay. spinster, both of this parish. John 
S.trachan. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, J. W. Gamble and Mary Mac- 
ajulay. Witnesses, W. B. Jarvis and H. 
B. Macaulay. 

Mr. Gamble was the eldest son of 
Dr. Gamble, of the Queen s Rangers. 
He was for many years a member of 
the Provincial Legislative Assembly. 

York, 28th. September, 1822. This day 
were married by special license, John Ward, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Garbutt, spinster, 
both of this parish. John Strachan, Min- 
i(ter. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, John Ward and Elizabeth Gar- 
butt. Witnesses, John Chapman and Mary 

York, 3rd. October, 1822. This day were 
married by special license Thomas Stoyell, 
widower, and Rhoda Matthews, widow, both 
of York . John Strachan, Minister. fThjs 
marriage was solemnized between us, Thos. 
Sttoyell and Rhoda Matthew* Witnesses, 
William Patrick and Margaret Crawford. 

York, October 16th., 1822. This day were 
married by .special license, Samuel Castle, 
bachelor, and Mary Shepherd, spinster, both 
of this parish. John Strachan, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Samuel Castle and Mary Shepherd. Wit 
nesses, John Cumner and Elizabeth Shep 

York, 17th October, 1822. This day were 
married Robert Campbell, bachelor, of E- 
quesey, and Mary fc loane, spinster, of York. 
John Strachan, Minister. This meariagpe was 
solemnized between us, Robert Campbell 
and Mary Sloane. Witnesses, James John 
ston a.n/d Willie-mi Johnston, 

Yoo-k, 18th October, 1822. This da-y were 
married John, Terry, bachelor, of ttfe par. 
ish, and Elizabeth Silverthorne, of Eto- 
bicoke, spinster. John Straichan, Minister. 



This nua.rri.ag3 was solemnized between us, 
John.- Terry and E lizab^th Silve.rtb.orne. 
Witnesses, George fc-ilverthorno and Sally 

York, 29th October, 1822. This day were 
miarried by special: license, William Sharpe, 
bachelor, and Catherine Rose. spinster, 
Witnesses, John Rodey and Ann Berry. 

York, 30th. October, 1822. This day were 
married by special license, Andrew Hadrian, 
bachelor, and Catherine McKay, spinster, 
both of this parish. John Strachan, Min 
ister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Andrew Hadrian and Catherine 
McKay. Witnesses, Holmes Jepkinn and 
Thomas Richardson. 

York, 8th. November, 1822. This day 
were married by special license, Henry Ear- 
<nes(t, bachelor, and Ann Gerbutt, spin 
ster, both of this parish. John Strachan, 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, Henry Earnest and Ann Ger 
butt. Witnesses, Robert E. Mosa and Rob 
ert McConnell. 

York, 19th. November, 1822. This day 
were married by special license, John Roddy, 
bachelor, and Anne Wlllson, widow, both 
of this parish. John Strachan, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
John Roddy and Mary Anne Willson. Wit 
nesses, William Sharpe and John Bredin. 

York, 24th. November, 1822. This day 
were married after due publication of Banns. 
Jajmes Myles, of Toronto, widower, and 
Elizabeth Lindsay, spinster, of York. John 
Strachan, Minister. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, James Myles and 
Elizabeth Lindsay*. Witnesses, Alexander 
Cuthbert and James Johnston. 

York, 21st . November, 1EV22. This dny 
were married by special license, Isaac Rut- 
ter, bachelor, and Elizabeth Mobbs, spin 
ster, both of this parish. John S-trnf iTi 
Minister. This marrfage was solemnized 
between us, Isaac Rut tor and Elizabeth 
Mobbs. Witnesses, John Ford and Cather 
ine Grudy. 

York, 26th. November, 1822. This day 
were married after due publication of Banns 
fcUmuel Brown, bachelor, and Catherir-o 
Boyle, spinster, both of this parish. John 
Strachan, Minister. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us Samuel Brown and 
Catherine JJoyJe* Witnesses, Daniel Pat 
rick and William Easton. 

York, 23rd December, 1822. This day were 
married by special license, Thomas McLeod. 
bachelor, and Mary Percy, spinster, both 
this parish. John Strachan, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us 
Thomas McLeod and Mary Percy. Wit 
nesses, Edward Missop and Bartholomew 

York, 26th December, 1822. This day were 
married by special license, James Beaty. 
bachelor, and Sarah Ann Armstrong, spin 
ster, both of this parish. John Strachan, 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be- 
tween as, James Beaty and Sarah Ann 
Armstrong. Witnesses, William Beaty and 
Mary Morrison. 

York, 1st Jkuiuary, 1823. This day were 
married by special license, Hiram Drown, 
becbedor, and Susannah S tin son, spinster, 
both of this parish. John Strachan, Min- 
fe ter. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Hiram Drown and Susannah St!n- 
9oa. Witnesses, John Tivea and Ann Mor- 

York, 4th January, 1823. This day were 
married by special license, William Beard, 
bachelor, and Mary Bruaslea, spinster, both 
of tote parish. John Strachan, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
William Berd and Mary Brusslea. Wit- . 
nesses, W. Libby and I. Molloy. 

York, 28th January. 1823. This dayw ere 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
Joseph Tolfree, of the township of Ohenqua- 
cushey, bachelor, and Dorothy Ross, spin 
ster, of York. Jtohn Strachan, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between ua, 
Joseph Tolfiee and Dorothy Ross, Wit 
nesses, David Collins and Lev i Mercer. 

York, 1st February, 1823., This day were 
married by speciad license, John Hayes, 
bachelor, and Mary Ann Skinner, spinster, 
both of Yorl". John Strachan, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
John Hayes and Mary Ann Skinner. Wit 
nesses, Joseph Skinner and Timothy Terry. 

Joseph Skinner, his sister, the bride, 
Mary Ann Skinner, and Timothy Terry 
were cousins. John Hayes and his wife 
left Toronto soon after their marriage. 

York, 8th. February, 1823. This* day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
William Hutchison, bachelor, and Elizabeth 
Turner, spinster, both of York. John 
Strachan, Minister. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, William Hutchison and 
Elizabeth Turner. Witnesses, Sarah Bond 
and George Hutchison. 

York, 6th February, 1823. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
Thomas Hollingshead, bachelor, a.nd Amelia 
Matthews 1 , spimster, both of this parish. 
John. Strachan, Minister. This marri g3 was 
solemnized between us, Thomas Huilings- 
head and Amelia Matthews. Witnesses, 
Anthony Hollingshead and Daniel Mc- 

York, 13th February, 1823. This day were 
married by special license, William Hossley, 
bachelor, and Jane Wilkinson, spinster, both 
ot this parish. John Strachan, Minister. 
This ma.rriugo was solemnized between us, 
William Hossley and Jane Wilkinson. Wit 
nesses, John Oxtoby and John Wilkinson. 

York, 13th February, 1823. This day were 
married by special license, John Bradin, 
bachelor, and Catherine Moirphy, spinster, 
both of this parish. Jtohn Strachan, 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, John Bra dim and Catherine Mur- 
phv. Witnesses, Elizabeth Reilly and Jlohn 

York, 18th February, 1823. This day were 
married by special license, Daniel Stafford, 
bachelor, ajid Elizabeth Lee, spinster, both 
01 this parish. Jlohn Strachan., Minister. 
Thii marriage was so lemnized between us, 
Daniei Stafford and Elizabeth Lee. Wit 
nesses, Thomas MUb-urn and John Hutohin- 

York, 20tt February, 1823. This day were 
married by special license, John Lesley, 
widower, of Esquesing township, and Mar- 
ga.ret Hoane, widow, of York. John 
Stra-chan, Minister. This marringa was sol 
emnized between us, John Lesley and Mar 
garet Hoane, Witnesses, John Hawkins and 
Frances Johnston, 

York, 21st February, 1823. This day were 
married by speoiai license, Richard Mossop, 
bachelor, and Sarah Percy, spinster, both 
of this parish. John Strachan, Minister. 



This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Richard Mosaop and Sarah Percy. Wit 
nesses, James Dunn and Bartholomew Bull. 

bachelor, and Mary Bishop, spinster, both 
of York. John Strachan., Minister. This 

Mr. Bull, the last named witness, 
was a well-known resident of Daven 
port road, to the north-west of the 

York, 24th February, 1823. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
William McGroffoii-, bachelor, and Charlotte 
Coulter, spinster, both of this parish. John 
Strachan, Minister. This marriage was so- 
emniJzed between us, William Mcdraffori and 
Ohia.rlot.te Coulter. Witnesses, Joseph Skin 
ner and George Niohol. 

York, 28th February, 1823. This day were 
married by special license, Thomas Fuhan, 
ba^chelor, and Ainne Kelly, spinster, both 
of this parish. John Strachan.. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, Thomas 
JTulwni and Anne Kelly. Witnesses, Iran S. 
Collins and Margaret Blutney. 

York, 13th March, 1823. This day were 
married by speciad license, John Hutchin- 
son, widower, and Mary Oharltbn, spinster, 
both of this parish. John Strachan, Minister. 
Jolm Huitchimson and Ma,ry Charlton. Wit 
nesses, Jacob Hutcliimson and Isaac Hutch- 

York, 2nd April, 1823. This day were 
married by specia.1 license, Samuel Price, 
bachelor, and Mary Parker, widow, both 
of Toronto. John Straohan, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Samuel Price, Junior, and Mary Parker. 
Witnesses, OJunixer Austin, and Frances 

York, 16th April, 182.3. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
Alexander Thompson, bachelor, and Helen 
Docket, spinster, both of the township of 
Etobi-coke. John This marriage 
was aoilemnized between us, Alex. Thomp 
son and Helen Docket. Witnesses, Janies 
Thompson and William Johnston. 

York, 16th, April, 1823. This diay were 
married by special license, William John 
ston, bachelor, of Etobicoke, and Anne 
Stewart, spinster, of Toronto. John 
Strachnin, Minister. This marriag-a was so - 
emmized between UBJ, William Jolnnston and 
Anno ^Stewart. Witnesses, Maria Fraser 
and Frances Johnston. 

York, 1st May, 1823, This day were mar 
ried by special license, Charles Thompson, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Mclntosh, spin- 
ster, both of this parish. Jtohn Strachan, I 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be- i 
tween us, Charles Thompson iind Elizabeth j 
Molntoflh, Witnesses, Charles Mclntosh and 
Caroline M. Hanlit.tory. 

York, 14th May, 1823. This d*ay were mar* 
ried by special license, George Harrison, 
bachelor, and Martha Cutter, spinster, , 
both, of York, John Strachaia, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, ! 
George Harrison and Martha Cutter. Wit 
nesses, Heniry Wede and Ben.iamin Wilson. 

York, 26th June, 1823. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
Jam-ee TeJford, Royal Artillery, bachelor, 
and Alice Allan., sipinstar, both of this parish 
John Straehan, Minister. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, James Telford and 
Alice Allan. Witnesses, R. Ma.rsh, Marian 

York, 13th July, 1823. This day were 
mairried by special license, Johia Farr, 

. *" *T* *.!.* IS^u ci. i JL 1113 

ma,rriage was soiemnized between us John 
Farr and Mary Bishop. Witnesses, John 
Bishop and John Bishop, Junior. 

York, 19th July, 1823. This day were 
married by special license, Levi Parsons, 
West. Gwi Ilhnbuiry, widower, and Maria 
Mills-, of York, spinster. John Strachan, 
Minister. This mairriage was solemnized be 
tween, us, I^evi Paj-s-oias and Maria Mills. 
Witnesses, Hellen Watson and Joseph Wash- 
b UJrm, 

York, 3rd August, 1823. This day were 
married, after clue publication of Banns, 
Solomon Ma.ttioe, bachelor, of Etobicoke, 
and Jean Stuart, spinster, of Toronto. 
John Strachan, Minister. This marrings wag 
solemnized between us, Solpmon Mattice 
and Jean Stua.rt. Witnesses, Geo. Stuart 
and Frances Johnston. 

York, October 26th, 1823. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
Georg-a Riserburgh, bachelor, and Eliza 
beth Sander, spinster, both of this parish. 
John Strachan, Minister. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, George Riserburgh 
and Elizabeth Sanders. Witnesses, John 
Fen ton and David B. Bolee. 

York, 30th October, 1823. Thia day were 
ma.rried by specia.1 license, Christopher 
Cheyne, bachelor, and Jane Ann Hamilton, 
spinster, both of Toronto. John Strachan, 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be- 
emnized between us, Christ o-pher Cheyne 
and Jane Ann Hamilton. Witnesses, Fran 
cis Johnson and John Mara. 

York, llth November, 1823. This day were 
married by special license, William Clarke, 
I bachelor, and Mary Ann Reid, spinster, 
both of York. John Strahan, Minister. 
Thia marriage was solemnized between us, 
William Clarke and Mary Ann Reid. Wit 
nesses, Thomas Reid and John Clarke. 

York, 19th November, 1823. This day were 
married by speciaJ, license, Samuel Swain, 
widower, and Nancy Bradsfeiw, widow, both 
of this parish. John Strachan, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
S am US.i Swruj.n arid Nancv Bradshaw. Wit 
nesses, R,w>hard Carter and Rosa Kelly. 

York, 30th November, 18 ?3. Thfo day were 
married by special licenise, Stephen Morris, 
of Niagara, bachelor, and Sidney McKav, 
of this Pairiah, spinster. John Strachan, 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Stephen Morris and Sidney Mc 
Kay. Witnesses, Jeremiah McNurdie and 
Fra.iiicfe Berry. 

York, 1st December, 1823. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns., 
John Bales, bachelor, and Elizabeth Scott, 
spinster, both of this parish. John Strachan, 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, John Bales and Elizabeth Scott. 
Witnesses, Arthur McNeil n.nd Jane Scott. 

York, 3rd December, 1823. This day were 
married by special license, John Sander 
son, bachelor, a.nd Maxgaret Crawford, 
spinster, both of York. 4ohn Straohan. 
Tills marriage was solemnized between us, 
John Sanders/on and Margaret. Crawford. 
Witnesses, John Fenson and John Beatty. 

York, 16th December, 1823. Thfe day were 
miai-rled, after due publication of Banns, 
Benjamin Reynolds, widower, and Dolly 
IvO i-mes, widow, both of Etobicoke. John 
Strachan, Minister. This marriage was so r - 
emnized between us, Benjamin Reynolds 



and Dolly Lormes. Witnesses, Andrew Cake 
and Sebry Cake. 

In former registers Mrs. Cake s Chris 
tian name was spelled Zebra. In this 
instance there is a change. 

York, 20tii December, 1823. This, day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
Allan Gray, bachelor, and Mary Eller, spin 
ster, both of York. John. Stra-chan, Minis 
ter. This marriage was solemnized between 
us, Allan Gray and Mary Eller. Witnesses, 
William Reoket oaid Miary McLennan. 

York, 24t<h December, 1823. This day were 
married by special license, James Johnston, 
bachelor, and Margaret Stinson, spinster, 
both of this parish. John,Stracha.n, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
James Johnston and Margaret Stinson. 
Witnesses, Robert Oa.thcart and Henry Muo- 
hiO land. 

York, 29txh December, 1823. This day were 
married by special license, Frances Gava- 
ntagh, bachelor, and Lucinda Jones, spin 
ster, both of Scarboro . John Strachan, 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Francis Oavanagh and Lucinda 
Jones. Witnesses, Eliza- Bevis and James 

York, 6th Janiu/ary, 1824. This day were 
married, alter due publication of Banns, 
Joseph Smith, bachelor, and Tindlay Keii- 
driok, spinster, both of this parish. John 
Strachan, Minister. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, Joseph Smith and 
Tindlay Keaidrick. Witnesses, Samuel Whit- 
andis and Jeess Goodman. 

York, 8th Janiuary, 1824. This day were 
miairried, after due publication of Banns-, 
Jo?ph Skta/ner, bachelor, and Sarah Ander 
son, spinster, both of this parish. John 
Strachan, Minister. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, Joseph Skinner and 
Sarah Anderson. Witnesses, John Anderson 
and John Harp. 

York, 10th Janiuary, 1824. This day were 
married by speciaa license, George Ridout, 
barrister-at-Iaw, bachelor, and Dorothy 
Oookburn, widow, both of this parish. John 
Strachan, Minister. This marriage was so - 
emndzed between us, George Kidout and 
Dorothy Qookburn. Witnesses, Wm. Camp 
bell and John Berkie. 

George Ridout was a prominent pro 
vincial official for many years. John 
Beikie was clerk of the Council, also 
sheriff, and a prominent militia offi 

York, 20th Jamuary, 1824. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banna, 
Jonathan Peacock, bachelor, and Catherine 
Gray, spineter. of Etofcicoke. John 
Strachan, Minister. This marriage was sol 
emnized betwean ua, Jonathan Peacock and 
Catherine Gray. Witnesses, Tno-mas M US- 
son and Catherine Heard. 

York, 27tt January, 1824. This day were 
married by special Mcenee, John Mclntosh, 
bachalsr, of this parish, and Catherine Os- 
waJd Stewart, of Esquesney, spinster. John 
Straobafl., Mdraieter. This marriage was sot. 
emndsed between us, John Mclntosh and 
Catherine Oswald Stewart. Witnesses, 
Charles Molntwsh ar-d Caroline M. Hamil 

York, 27th January, 1824. This day were 
married by speoiaJ license, William Cooper, 

bachelor, and Mary Langrill, widow, both 
of this parish, uohu Strachan, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Wm. Cooper and Mary Langria. Witnesses, 
Joseph French and Anne Garmsay. 

York, 27th JaJiu-ary, 1824. This day were 
mau-riect by special license, John Nichoi, 
bachelor, aiid Anne Oarnody, spinster, both 
of this parish. John Strachaiii, Minister. 
This marritige was solemnized between ua, 
John Nichoi and Anne Garnmly. Witnesses, 
George Cooper and John Willmott. 

York, 3rd February, 1824. This day were 
married James Curry, of Ctoinquacousy, 
baohelor, and Anne Murray, spinster, both 
of this parish. John Strachan. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, James 
Cu/rry and Anne Murray. Witnesses, Mary 
Morrow and Sani<uel Curry. 

The Banns of marriage were published be 
tween Isaac Reid, bachelor, and Catherine 
Tip, spinster, both of the township of York 
on the three underwritten Sundays, and no 
impediment offered. On Sunday, February 
1st., 1824, February 8th., 1824, and Feb. 
15th., 1824. 

Isaac Reid, bachelor, and Catherine Tip, 
spinster, both of the township of York, 
were married by Banns this sixteenth day 
of February, one thousand eight hundred 
and twenty-four, by me, W. R. Brown, A. 
M., acting for Dr. Strachan. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, Isaac Reid and 
Catherine Tip. In the presence of John 
VanNostrand and Elizabeth Shepherd. 

This is almost the only entry where 
the notice of the publication of Banns 
is thus given. 

George Adamson, bachelor, and Levina 
Hopkins, spinster, of the Township of York 
were married by special license In York, this 
twenty-third day of February, in the year 
of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred 
and twenty-four, by me, W. R. Brown, A. 
M., acting 1 for Dr. Strachan. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, George Adam- 
son and Levina Hopkins. In the presence 
of Daniel Hopkins and John Pyman. 

The Banns of marriage between S.terry 
Arnold, bachelor, and Elizabeth Phillip, 
spinster, having been regularly published In 
the church of York, and no impediment 
offered, Sterry Arnold, bachelor, and Eliza 
beth Phillip were married this twenty-fourth 
day of February, one thousand eight hun 
dred and twenty-four, by me, W. R. Brown. 
A.M., acting for Dr. Strachan. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, Sterry 
Arnold and Elizabeth Phillip. In the pres 
ence of Mark Burnham and Sally Arnold. 

Alexander Cuthbutt, bachelor, and Ann 
Campbell, spinster, both of the township 
of York, were married by special license at 
York this fifteenth day of March, one thou 
sand eight hundred and twenty-four, by me, 
W. R. Brown, .A. M., acting for Dr. 
Strachan. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, Alexander Cuthbutt and Ann 
Campbell. In the presence of Margaret 
Bredin and Thomas Rolph. 

Hugh Gillespi, of the Cavan District of 
Newcastle, bachelor, and Mary Carbott, of 
the township of York, widow, were mar 
ried by special license at York, this twen 
tieth duy of March, one thousand eight 
hundred and twenty-four, by me, W. R. 
Brwon, A.M.. acting for Dr. Strachan. 
This marriage was eolemaized between ua, 



Hugh Gillespie and Mary Carbott. In the 
presence of Henry Argise and Margaret 

Henry Sproat, of the township of York. 
bachelor, and Mary Williams, of the same 
township, spinster, were married by spe 
cial license at York, this twentieth day 
of March, one thousand eight hundred and 
twenty-four, by me, W. R. Brown, A.M., 
acting for Dr. Strachan. This marriage wao 
solemnized between us, Henry Sproat and 
Mary Williams. In the presence of George 
Adamson and John West. 

William Loveless, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Hannah Holt, of the same 
township, widow, were married by special 
license at York, this twenty-fifth day of 
March, one thousand eight hundred and 
twenty-four, by me, W. R. Brown, A.M. 
acting for Dr. Strachan. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, William Loveless and 
Hannah Holt. In the presence of James 
Dicker and Henry Sproat. 

James Jobbit, of the township of Nia 
gara, bachelor, and Elizabeth Bright, of the 
township of York, soinster, were married 
at, York, by special license, this fifteenth 
day of April, one thousand eight hundred 
and twenty-four, by me, W. R. Brown, A. 
M., aofcmg for Dr. Strachan. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, James Jobbit 
and Elizabeth Bright. In the presence of 
Lewis Bright and L. Bright. 

tJSfLii 1111 *!. l ma "-Iage between Jamea 
Densmere, bachelor, and Mary Hamilton, 
inster of the township of Btobico, were 
regularly published in the church of York 
and no impediment offered. James Dens- 

StrrLrf ? r and Mar * Hamilton were 
married by banns at York, this twent yl - 
fifth day of April one thousand eight hun 
dred and twenty-four, by me, W. R Brown 
A.M., acting for Dr. Strachan. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us -Tames 

The Rev. W. R. Brown was evidently 
only a transient visitor. There is no 
thing to show where he came from nor 
where he subsequently officiated. 

Nearly all the marriage registers of 
St. James , from 1824 to 1831, were de 
stroyed in the fire which occurred in 
the year 1839. Only some half dozen 
remain, and their preservation is owing 
to the fact that they were entered 
separately on loose sheets of paper and 
were folded between the leaves of books 
which were preserved. 

The first of these entries does not 
occur till 1828, and reads thus: 

York, 6fch January, 1828. Thte day were 
mia-rried by special license, William Cooper, 
widower, and Isabella Watson, spinster, both 
of tifls pew-fell. John Strachan, Minister. 
This, marriage was sofemnized between ua, 
William Cooper and Isabella Watson, Wit 
nesses, Elizabeth. Strachan, John Bishop and 
TV,,, MHvian. 

11Ul Febr-oary, 1829. This day were 
* b 3L 8 P ec * aJ license, Henry William 
, of the township of Grimeby, ba,che- 
Sl d 4 aQe Smttb, of York, spinster. 
fctrachau, Minigter. This marrifga was 
Otemnized between us, H, W. Nellw and 

Anne Smith. Witnesses, James McOonell. 
, A. Nellie a.nd James Smith. 

York, 16th September, 1829. Tbw day were 

1 married, after due publication of Banns, 

James Wilson, bachelor, and Betsey Bates, 

spinster, both of the township of Albion. 

John, Strachan, Minister. This marriage was 

; Boletmiteed between us, James Wilson and 

j Elizabeth, Bates. Witnesses, Matthew 

| Pniestenan and Martha Priestman. 

York, 16tt September, 1829. This day were 
married by special license, Joton Lee, bache 
lor, and R<ysannaJi Christal, spinster, both 
of York.. John Strachan, Minister. This 
marriage was solemnized between ua, John 
Lee amd Roeannah Ohriista.1. Witnesses, 
Louiis Bates and John Wedge. 

Yo>rk, 30t!h June, 1830. Thi day were 
married by special license, Arthur John 
ston Jones, Esquire, Lieutenant in His 
Majesty s Seventy-first Regiment of Light 
Infantry, now stationed at York, in the 
Home District, of the Province of Upper 
Canada, baehetor, and Isabella Adamson, of 
the township of Toronto, in the said dis 
trict, spinster, dia-ughter of Michael Adam- 
son, of the same place. John Strachan, 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Arthur Jones, Lieutenant 71st, 
| and Isabella Adameom. Witnesses, P. Adam- 
son, A. Jones, 71st Light Infantry. 

Henry Stpriatt, of the town of York, in 
the Home district, widower, and PhilHs 
Leak, of the same place, spinster, were 
married by license this fourteenth day of 
8 eptembor, 1830, by me, J. Hudson, A. M. 
Chaplain to the Forces. This marriage was 
siO temnized between us, Henry Sproatt and 
Phd llis Leak. Witnesses, Richard Ouisfisir 
and Mary Thomson. 

York, 23rd December, 1830. This day were 
miarried, after due publication of Banns, 
Joseph Ward, bachelor, of the township of 
Etobiooke, and Elizabeth Jenkinson, spin. 
star, of the township of Toronto. John 
Strachan,, Minister. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, Joseph Ward and 

Elizabeth Jenikinson. Witnesses Jane 
Wa,rd and H. E. Mares. 

York, 29th Marcli. 1831. This day were 
married by special, Homar Jacques, 
bachelor, and Jane Robinson, spinster, both 
of this pa.rish. John Strachan,. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, Homar 
Jacques and Jane Robinson. Witnesses, 
Man-y Ann Robinson and Gep. Diiggan. 

Married July 30th, 1831, William Wright 
and Jane Chapman, both of Markham, by 
Charles Dade, Minister. 

Mr. Dade was mathematical master 
at Upper Canada College, and often 
officiated, at St. James , as well as at 
various places near York. 

York, 17th September, 1831. This day were 
ma.rried by special license, John Dawson, 
Esq., of tine township of West Gwillim.bu.ry, 
widower, and Elizabeth. Richard, spinster, 
of the township of East GwrHimb.u<ry. John 
Strachan, Minister. This marriage was BOJ- 
enuidzed between us, John Dawson and 
Elizabeth Richard. Witnesses, J. G. Beard 
and Mercy Smith. 

York, 10th October, 1831. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banna, 
Thomas Peri-it t, bachetor, and Mary Aan 
Dowm, sprnsterr, both of York. John 
Stpachjae,. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, Thomas Perot t and Mary Ann 



Dowon. Witnesses, William Damly and Jean 

York, 1st November. 1831. Thfe day were 
ma,rrted by special license, Thomas William 
BfrchaU, Esq., bachelor, and Magdalene 
Catherine Gamble, spinster, both of this 
parish,. John Strachan, Minister. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Thos. 
William Birchall and M. Gamble. Wit 
nesses, Wm. Gamble, Elizabeth Allan, Har 
riett Smith, 

Thomas William Rirchall was for a 
great number of years the manager 
of the R A. Insurance Company. His 
residence was on the south-west cor 
ner of Duke and George streets. His 
wife was a daughter of Dr. Gamblfo 
and sister of Mrs. William Allan, Mrs. 
Benjamin Whitney, Mrs. Home, Mrs. 
Macaulay, Mrs. Geddes and Mrs. Sin 

York 28th November. 1831. This day were 1 
married by special license, Thomas Platt. ; 
bachelor, & Asina Ma-ria Hawke, spinster, , 
both of this parish. This marriage was ; 
eo.lemmiteed between us, Thomas Platt, Anna ; 
Maria Hawk. Witaeases, Alexander Dixon, j 
Esther Ddxom. 

York 9th. February, 1832. Thiss day were j 
married after due publication of Banns, j 
William Wallace, bachelor, & Mary J. Fer- i 
guson, spinster, both of Chenguacushie,. 
John Strachan, Minister. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, William Wallace, 
Mary J. Ferguson. Witnesses, Elisa Shank- 
lin & Samuel Henderson. 

York, 14th. February, 1832. This day were i 
married by special license, Christopher ; 
Turner, bachelor, and Rosamond Carle, spin- ; 
ster, both of York. John Strachan. This : 
marriage was solemnized between us, Christ- j 
opher Turner, Rosamond Carle. Witnesses, j 
George Boyd, Edward Wood. 

York. February 15th.. 1832. This day were 
married by special license, Arad Smalley, i 
of the township of North Gwillimsbury, 
bachelor, & Mary Ann Mossing ton, of the 
township of Georgiana, spinster, by me, J. 
Hudson, Assistant Minister. This marriage 
was solemnized between us Arad Smalley, 
Mary Ann Mossington. Witnesses, Thomas 
Mossington, Thomas H. Taylor, John Fen- 

York, Feb. 20th., 1832. This day were 
married by special license, George Monkman, 
of the township of Vaughan, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Braithwaite, of the same town 
ship, spinster, by me, J. Hudson. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, George 
Monkman, Elizabeth Braithwaite. Wit 
nesses, James Braithwaite, Sarah Pexton. 

York, March 1st., 1832. This day were 
married by special license, Thomas Hug- 
gins, of the township of Whitby, widower, 
and Hannah Pierson, of the same town 
ship, spinster, by me, J. Hudson, Asst. Min 
ister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Thomas Huggins, Hannah Pier- 
K>n. WJtne-ses, Edward Hugging, Elizabeth 

York, March 1st , 1832. This day were 
married by special license, Samuel Thom- 
linson. of the Gore of Toronto, bachelor. 
Mid Elizabeth Nostrawser, of the township j 
of Chinguacoasy, spinster, by me, J. Hud- ! 
on. This marriage waa solemnized between ! 
us, Samuel Thomlinson, Elisabeth Nostraw 

ser. Witnesses, Anom Noatrawser, Eliza 

York, 4th. March, 1832. This day were 
married after due publication, of Banns, 
William Sanderson, of the town of York, 
bachelor, and Eliza Barnett, spinster, 
of the town of York, by me, J. Hudson, 
Asst. Minister. This marriage was solemniz 
ed between us, William Sanderson & Eliza 
Barnett. Witnesses, David Lotons, John 

York, March 6th., 1832. This day were 
married b> license, Samuel McCindleys, of 
the town of York, bachelor, and Isabella 
Carson, of the same place, spinster, by me. 
J. Hudson. This marriage waa solemnized 
between us, Samuel McCindleys, Isabella 
Carson. Witnesses, James Murray & Mary 

York, 7th. March, 1832. This day were 
married by license, George Dunning-ton, of 
the town of York, bachelro, and Elizabeth 
Willson, of the same place, spinster, by me- 
J. Hudson, Asst. Minister. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, George Dunn- 
ington. Elizabeth Wilson. Witnesses, Rich 
ard Nosthrote, Mary Willson. 

York, March, 9th., 1832. This day were 
married by license, Thomas Armstrong, of 
the township of West Gwillimsbury, bach 
elor, and Catherine Campbell, of the same 
township, spinster, by me, J. Hudson, Aest. 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Thomas Armstrong, Catherine 
Campbell. Witnesses, Robert Campbell, 
Willaim Wardman. 

York, March 16th., 1832. This day were 
married after due publication of Banns, 
Slynn Whitewell, Bachelor, and Ann Tools, 
spinster, both of the township of Etobicoke, 
by me, J. Hudson, Asst. Minister. This mar 
riage was solemnized (between us, Slynn 
Whitewell, Ann Tools. Witnesses, William 
Black, Jane Hamilton. 

York, March, 16th., 1832. This day were 
married by license, William Martin, of the 
Gore of Toronto, bachelor, and Catherine 
Brettt, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
J. Hudson, Asst. Minister. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, William Mar 
tin, Catherine Brett. Witnesses, James 
Brett, Elizabeth Brett. 

York, March 26th., 1832. This day were 
married by licensa, Van. Ransselace Van 
Norman, of the town of York, bachelor, 
and Eliza Kearns, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, J. Hudson, Asst. Minister. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Van 
Ransselace VanNorman and Eliza Kearns. 
Witnesses, John Kearns, Anno Degge. 

York. March 31st., 1832. This day were 
married by license, Robert Sanderson, of 
the township of York, bachelor, and Mary 
Gilbroath, of the same township, spinster, 
by me, J. Hudson, Asst. Minister. This mar- . 
riage was solemnized between us, Robert f :. 
Sanderson, Mary Gilbroath. Witnesses. <". 
Arch. Rechnie, Mary M. Rechnie. V 

York, April 2nd., 1832. This day were 
married by license, William Johnson, of the 
town of York, bachelor, and Elizabeth Road- 
house, of the same place, by me, J. Hud 
son, Asst. Minister. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, William Johnson, Eliza 
beth RourUiou?e. Witnesses, Christopher 
Johnson, William Field. 

York, 2nd. April, 1832. This day were 
married by special license, Alphonso S. Al 
lan, of the town of York, bachelor, and 
Susannah Johnson, of the same place, sp n- 



ster, by me, J. Hudson, asst. Minister. This 
marr fours was solemnized between us, A. b. 
Allan, Susannah Johnson. Witnesses, Wil 
liam Grice, J. Heinry Peterson. 

York, April 2nd., 1832. This day were 
married by license, John Glassforrt, of the 
township of York, bachelor, and Mary Ann 
Kherrard, of the same place, spinster, by 
me J. Hudson, Asst. Minister. Thin mar- 
ri ige was solemnized between us, John Glass- 
ford, Mary Ann Sherrard. Witnesses, John 
Henderson, Henry Hamilton. 

York. April 24th., 1832. This day were 
married by license, James Fludder, of the 
town of York, bachelor, and Mary McNa- 
mara, of the same place, spinster, by me. 
J. Hudson. This marriage was solemnized 
between us. James Fludder, Mary McNa- 
mara. Witnesses, Henry Fludder. 

York, April 25th., 1832. This day were 
married by license, Robert Bowman, of the 
township of Markham, bachelor, and Mar 
garet Reynolds, of the same township, spin 
ster, by me, J. Hudson, Asst. Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Robert Bowman, Margaret Reynolds. Wit 
nesses. Henry Reynolds. 

York, April 27th., 1832. This day were 
married by Jicense, Jam^ Martin, of the 
township of York, bachelor, and Anna Mc- 
Murray. of the same township, spinster, by 
me, J.* Hudson. This marriage was solemniz 
ed between us, James Martin, Anna McMur- 
ray. Witnesses, Robert Houth, Matilda 

York, April 30th., 1832. This day were 
mm-ricr" 1 by license. Thomas Trotter of 
th 5 townshijT of York, widower, and Jane 
Rowe of the town of York, spinster, by 
me, J. Hudson, Asst. Minister. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, Thomas 
Trotter, Jane Rowe. Witnesses, George 
Lemmon, Hannah Ryan. 

York, May 1st., 1832. This day were 
married by license, Richard Dancy. of the 
town of York, ba&helor, and Matilda Mc- 
Oausland, of the township of York, spin 
ster, by me, J. Hudson. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Richard Dancy, Ma 
tilda McOausland. Witnesses, Luke Sharp, 
Charles, Roddy. 

York, May 6th., 1832. This day were mar 
ried by license, David Way, of the town of 
York, bachelor, and Margaret Pickering, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, J. Hud- 
eon. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, David Way, Margaret Pickering. 
Witnesses, Nathaniel Savage, Thomas Foy. 

York, May 6th. ,1832. This day were mar 
ried by license, Robert Linton, of the town 
ship o f York, bachelor, and Anne O^lesby 
of the same place, spinster, by me, J. Hud 
son. This marriage was solemnized between 
us, Robert Linton, Anne Ogiesby. Wit 
nesses, William Tansley, Sarah Cradock. 

York, May 6th., 1832. This day were mar 
ried by license, William Oosgrave, of the 
township of York, bachelor, and Marv Hud 
son, of the town of York, spinster, by me- 
J. Hudson, Asst. Minister. This marriage 
was solemnised between us, William Oos 
grave, Marv Hudson. Witnesses, Joseph 
OOrchard, Sarah Orchard. 

York, 8th. May, 1832. This dav were mar 
ried by special license, John Kilson, bach 
elor, and Jean Wiseman, spinster, both of 
this parish. John Strachan. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, John Kilson, 
Jean V, i-:eman. Witnesses, George C. 

Strachan, Elizabeth Strachan, William 

York, May 10th., 1832. This day were 
married by license, John Grabham Culver- 
well, of the town of York, bachelor, and 
Mary Anne Davis, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, J. Hudson. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Jno. G. Culverwell, 
Mary Ann Davis. Witnesses, John Davis, 
Jane Davis, John Fenton. 

York, May 10th., 1832. This day were mar 
ried by license, Andrew McKay, of the town 
of York, bachelor, and Alice Newman, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, J. Hud- 
eon. This marriage was solemnized between 
Us, Andrew McKay, Alice Newman. Wit 
nesses, Christopher Turner, Jamea John 
ston, John Fenson. 

York. May 12th., 1832. This day were 
married by license, James Stevens, bach 
elor, of the township of York, and Matilda 
Seeds, spinster, of the same township, by 
me, J. Hudson. This marriage was solemniz 
ed between TIS, James Stevens, Matilda 
Seeds. Witnesses, William Freele, Mary 

York, May 14th, 1832. Thta day were mar 
ried by license, Andrew Clate, oi the town 
ship of York, Widower, amd Catherine 
Leichty, of the township of Mfarkhain, 
widow, by me, J. Hudson,. This marriage 
war, sotsmnized between us, Andrew OaJce, 
Catherine Leichty. Witnesses, Sarah Har 
rington, James Freeman, 

York, May 15th, 1832,. This day were mar 
ried by license, Robert Harvey, of the 
township of Etobicoke, bachelor, Barbara 
Christni&r, of the same township, by me, 
J. Hudson., Asst. Minister. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, Robert Har- 
VPV, Barbara Ohrisitner. Witnesses, James 
Devins & Lancy Devins. 

YoTk, 4th. Jiume, 1832. This day were 
married by licemse, Robert Hoath, of the 
township of York, bachelor, and Julia 
Ferris, of the township of West Gwillim- 
bury, spinster. J. Hudson!, Asst. Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Robert Hoath, Julia, Ferris. Witnesses, 
Jamee Farfel & Eleamor Kidd, 

Yoirk, llth J Uinie, 1832, This day were 
married by Moenisa, David Lansing, bacae- 
lor, and Joba.runa Sullivan, spinster, both 
of tlris parish. John Stracham, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
David Lansing- and Johanna Sullivan. Wit 
nesses, Andrew McKay and Elizabeth Mc 

York, June 17th, 1832. Thisi day were 
married by licenss, Thomas Lowins, of the 
town of York, bachelor, and Marion Weaver 
of the same pkwse, spinster, by me, J. Hud 
son. This matrriag O was solemnized between 
us, Thomas Lowing, Ma.rion Weaver. Wit 
nesses, Ttoomias Weaver, James Weaver. 

York, Jume 18th, 1832. This day were 
married by Mceinse, Frances McFarlane, of 
the township of Y,o>rk, bache.lor, and Mar 
garet Oottreil, of the town of York, by me, 
J. Hudson. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, Fpamces McFarlane, Marg-aret 
Oottrell. Witnesses, Matthew Henderson & 
John Meredith. 

York, July 2nd, 1832. This 1 day were 
married by license, Henry Smith, of the 
townehap of Oaitedon., bachelor, & Sarah 
Moore, of the town of York, spinster, by 
me, J. Hudson,. This marriage was solemn 
ized b3tween us, Henry Smith, Sarah Moore, 
Vitnesess, Diamiei Heajy, Alicia Bradin. 



York, 2nd Joi y, 1832. This day were 
married by special license, John Kennedy, 
bachelor, and Jane Wallace, spinster, both 
of this parish. John Stracham. This mar 
riage was SK>Le amazed between us, John 
Kennedy and Jane Wallace. Witnesses, 
George Mason and Margaret Brophey. 

York, Juily 4th, 1832. This day "were 
married by license, Paul Hylaind, of the 
town of Y,O rik, bachelor, and Ann Watson, 
of the same place, widow, by me, J. Hudson. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Paul Hykmd, Ann Watson. Witnesses, Jas. 
Burins & Martina Armstrong . 

York, July 4th, 1832. This day were 
married by fioemse, Hug.h Morrison, of the 
Gore of Ttoron to, bachelor, and Mary Mor- j 
nisoin, of the same pla/ce, spinster, by me, 
J. Hudson. This marriage was solemnized i 
between us,. Hugh Marrteoo, Mary Marrison. i 
Witnesses, John Ltadsey, Joseph Lindsey. 

York, July 8th, 1832. This day were ! 
married by license, Patrick Dumdoss, of the 
town of York, bachelor, and Eliza Johnson, 
of the same place, spinster, by me, J. 
Hudson, This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Patrick Dundoss, Eliza Johnson. 
Witnesses, Patrick Patton & Hannah Dun- : 

York, July 12th, 1832. This day were j 
married by license, Arthur Clifton, of the j 
town of York, bachelor, and Christina i 
Smith, of the same place, widow, by me, 
J. Hudson. This marriage was solemnized . 
between us, Arthur Clifton, Christina j 
Smith. Witnesses, William Steen, Sarah ! 

York, July 18th, 1832. This day were \ 
married by special license, Thomas Smith, : 
of the township of Etobicoke, - bachelor, i 
and Anne Smart, of the same township, 
spinster, by me, J. Hudson.. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, Thomas 
Smith, Ann Smart. Witnesses, Robert 
Jackson and Mary Sonar t. 

York, 21st July, 1832. This day were 
married by special license, John "Hooper, 
of the township of Georgiana, bachelor, 
and Elizabeth Thomson, of the town of 
York, spinster, by me, J. Hudson. This 
marraige was solemnized between us, John 
Hooper, Elizabeth Thomson. Witnesses, ; 
John Mason, Thomas Lawson. 

York, July 30th, 1832. This day were 
married by license, John Marks of the town , 
of York, bachelor, and Louisa Whatley of j 
the same place, spinster, by me, J. Hud- i 
son. This marriage was solemnized between 
us, John Marks, Louisa Whatley. Wit 
nesses, Richard Whatley, Kezia Whatley. ! 

York, August 2nd, 1832. This day were 
married by license, William Alexander ; 
Chambers Myers, of the town of York, 
bachelor, and Anna Hatch, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, J. Hudson. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Wil 
liam A. C, Myers, Anne Hatch. Witnesses, i 
James Wilson & Mary A. Myers. 

York, August 10th, 1832. This day were ! 
married by license, Samuel McGiH of the 
town of York, widower, and Catherine Tra- ! 
vor of the same place, widow, by me, J. i 
Hudson. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Samuel McGill, Catherine Tra- 
vor. Witnesses, James Madder, Marv Mad 

York, Aug. 13th, 1832. This day were 
married by license William Hampson, of the 
town of York, bachelor, and Elizabeth Sun- ! 
ley, of the townahip of Markham, spinster, 

by me, J. Hudson. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, William Hampson, 
Elizabeth Smiley. Witnesses, Robert Sun- 
ley & Sarah Watson. 

York, U. O., Aug. 15th, 1832. This day 
were married by license James Willson of 
the town of York, bachelor, and Catherine 
Harley, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
J. Hudson. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, James Willson, Catherine Har 
ley. Witnesses, E. Burnham & Sarah Will- 

York, August 16th, 1832. This day were 
married by license, William Clifford of the 
township of Vaughan, bachelor, and Anne 
Raymond of the same township, widow, by 
me, J. Hudson. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, William Clifford, Anne 
Raymond. Witnesses, Leonard Douglass, 
Johnson & Maria Raymond. 

York, August 20th, 1832. This day were 
married by license, Henry Wise of the town 
ship of Markham, bachelor, and Martha 
Sanderson of the same township, spins 
ter, by me, J. Hudson. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Henry Wise, Martha 
Sanderson. Witnesses, Robert Sanderson, 
Hannah Lund. 

York, August 23rd, 1832. This day were 
married by license, William Gerow of the 
town of York, bachelor, and Catherine Kane 
of the same place, spinster, by me, J. Hud- 
eon. This marriage was solemnized between 
us, William Gerow, Catherine Kane. Wit 
nesses, Patrick Sweeny, Mary Sweeny. 

York, August 27th, 1832. This day were 
married by license, George Parkin of the 
town of York, bachelor, and Elizabeth 
Smith of the same place, spinster, by me, 
J. Hudson. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, George Parkin, Elizabeth 
Smith. Witnesses, John Boker, William 

York, 3rd September, 1832. This day were 
Married by license, William Mattesoa, of 
the township of Bipok, widower, and Eliza 
beth Lee, of the same township, widow, 
by me, J. Hudson. This marriage was sol 
emnized between u, William Matteson, 
Elizabeth Lee. Witnesses, Samuel Rice, and 
Jonathan Lee. 

York, 8th September, 1832. This day were 
ma.rried by lioeinise, James Atkinson, of the 
township of York, bachelor, and Mary 
Hodgson, of the same township, spinster, by 
me, J. Hudson.. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, James Atkinson, Mary 
Hodgson.. Witnesses, Thomas Atkinson, Mar 
garet Hodgson. 

York, 8th September, 1832. This day were 
married by license, George Pkitt, of the 
town of York, bachelor, and Jane James, 
of the same plaoe, spinster, by me, J. Hud 
son. This marriage was so jemnized between 
US , George Platt, Jame James. Witnesses, 
G. W. Thompson, Miary Mills. 

York, September llth, 1832. This- day 
were married by license, Peter Ounning- 
hiani, of the town of York, widower, and 
Bridget MJaJwwi, on the same place, widpw, 
by me, J. Hudson;. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, Peter Cunningham, 
Bridget Mahion, Witnesees, Patt. Hender 
son, Catherine Meysett. 

York, U. O., Sept. 20th, 1832. This day 
were married by licence, Daniel McQann, of 
the town of York, bachelor, and Mary Ann 
McDermot, of the same place, spinster, by 
me, J. Hudson. Thau marriage was sow 
emmized between UB, D. MoOswm, Mtwy Ann 



MeDermot. Witnesses, John Linn, Mary 

York, 27th Sept., 1832. This day were 
married by license, John Kar ring, ton, of 
the township of Markham, bachelor, and 
Sarah Heaty, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, J. Hudson. Th/ia marriage was soi- 
enwiiized between us, Jo<hn Harrington, 
Sarah Heosty. Witnesses, William Lapsley, 
Jane Heaaty. 

York, Oot- 4th, 1832. This day were mar 
ried by license, John Roe Pafron, of the 
town of York, bachelor, a.nd Caroline At 
kinson, of the sa-me place, spinster, by me, 
J. Hudson. This mia<rrkige was solemnized 
between as, J. R., Cairo-line Arm 
strong. Witnesses, Henry Fowler, Matilda 
Atkinson, John Fen ton. 

York, Got, 6th, 1832. Thio day were 
married by license, William Lang, of the 
township of Caiedon, widower, and Anne 
Ooruielly. of the town of York, spinster, by 
me, J. Hudson. This mairriiaga was solemn 
ised between us, William,, Ann Con 
nelly. Witnesses, Thomas Cuthters, Mary 


York, Oct. 16th, 1832. This day were 
married by license, Martin Swan, of the 
town of York, bachelor, Letitia. Fowler, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, J. Hudson. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Martin Swan, Letitia Fowler. Witnesses, 
John Roddy & Meury Roddy. 

York, Oct. 16th, 132. This day were 
married by Banns, Martin Bransby, of the 
town of York, bachelor, and Mary Ann 
Aldred of the same place, spinster, by me, 
J. Hudson. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, Martin Bransby, Mary Ann 
Aldred. Witnesses, William Stockdale, 
Marv Anne Ball. 

York, Oct. 17th, 1832. This day were 
married by license, Samuel Sylvester, the 
elder, of the township of Scarboro , widow 
er, and Elizabeth Graham, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, J. Hudson. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Sam- 
Tiei Svlvester, Elizabeth Graham. Wit 
nesses, William Graham, William Donald. 

York, 17th Oct., 1832. This day were 
married by license, Andrew Graham, of the 
township of York, bachelor, and Mary 
Stinson, of the same township, spinster, 
by me, J. Hudson. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Andrew Graham, 
Mary Stinson. Witnesses, William Blkin, 
Elias Stineon. 

York. 23rd. Oct., 1832. This day were 
married by Banns, Henry John Grover, of 
the town of York, bachelor, j& Elizabeth 
Ann Hall, of the same place, spinster, by 
me, J. Hudson. This marriage was solemniz 
ed between us, Henry John Grover, Eliza 
beth Ann Hall. Witnesses, John Somerset. 
Jane Prentice. 

York, 24th. Oct., 1832. This day were 
married b,y license, James Goodwin, of the 
town of York, bachelor, and Margaret In- 

5lodoo, of the same place, spinster, by me 
. Hudson. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, James Goodwin, Margaret In- 
gtedue. Witnesses, J. H. Kendrick, Eliza 
beth Kendrick. 

York, 25th. Oct., 1832. This day were 
married by Banns, Thomas Smith, of the 
township of Etobicoke, bachelor, and Han 
nah Eller, of the same township, spin 
ster, by me, J. Hudson. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Thomas Smith, Han 
nah Eller. Witnesses, Wiiliam Eller. 

York, 25th. Oct., 1832. This day were 
married by license, Solomon Mattice, of the 
township of Etobicoke, widower, and Jane 
Howdon. of the same township, spinster, by 
me. J. Hudson. This marriage was solemniz- 
; ed between us, Solomon Mattice, Jane How- 
don. Witnesses, Thomas Hill, Maria Hill. 
I York, 25th. Oct., 1832. This day were 
married by license, William Whitesides, of 
the township of York, bachelor, and Eliza 
beth Moore, of the same township, spin 
ster, by me, J. Hudson. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Thomas Whitesidea 
Elizabeth Moore. Witnesses, Amos Rowel!, 
Maria Lee. 

York, 30th. October, 1832. This day were 
married by license, John Day Pinch, of the 
township of Markham, bachelor, and Mary 
Thome, of the town of York, spinster, by 
me, J. Hudson. This marriage was solemniz 
ed between us, John Day Finch, Mary 
Thome. Witnesses, Henry Sproat, Jane 

York, 3rd. November, 1832. This day were 
married by special license, Thomas Mercer 
Jones, Esq., of the town of York, bach 
elor, and Elizabeth Mary Strachan, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, O. J. Quebec. 
I This marriage was solemnized between us, 
| Thomas M. Jones, Elizabeth Mary Strachan. 
i Witnesses, Elizabeth Brunskloy, Cecil Glv- 
ins, Alexander Wood, G. C. Strachan, John 

The bride was a daughter of Dr. 
Strachan, rector of York, while the 
bridegroom was a resident on the 
north-west corner of York and Front 
streets, and one of the founders of the 
Bank of British North America. 

The officiating clergyman was the 
Bishop of Quebec. 

York. 6th. November, 1832. This day were 
married by license, James Todd, of the town 
of York, bachelor, and Lucy Lawrence, of 
the same place, widow, by me, J. Hudson. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
James Todd, Lucy Lawrence. Witnesses. 
John Betteridge, Mary Betteridge. 

York, Nov. 6th., 1832. This day were 
married by Banns. Isaiah Fleming, of the 
township of Markham, bachelor, and Mar 
garet Smittledon, of the town of York, 
widow, by me, J. Hudson. This marriage 
was. solemnized between us, Isaiah Fleming 
anl Margaret Smittledon. Witnesses, John 
Fleming, Mary Ryan. 

York, November 8th., 1832. This day were 
married by license, James Jarvis Scott 
Myers, of the town of York, bachelor, and 
Anne Mason, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, J. Hudson. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, James J. S. Myers 
Anne Mason. Witnesses, JoBeph Jobbett 
Marv Ann Myers. 

York, 13th., 1832. This day were mar 
ried by Banns, Solomon Harrison, of the 
township of Etobicoke, bachelor, and Martha 
Kidd, of the same township, spinster, by 
me, J. Hudson. This marriage was _ sol 
emnized between us, Sojomon Harrison 
Martha Kidd. Witnesses, Robert Castle, 
Robert Benson. 

York, Nov. 17th., 1832. This day were 
married by license, Thomas Anderson, of the 
town of York, bachelor, and Mary Ann 
Swaine, of the same place, widow, by me. 
Byrns J. Hudson. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, Thomas Anderson. 



Mary Ann Swaine. Witnesses, James An 
derson, George Andrews. 

York, November 30th, 1832. Thfe day were 
married by license, Robert Stephens, of 
the town of Y&rk, widower, and Anne Hug- 
iriins, of the some piaoe, widow, by me, J. 
Hudson. This maarki.g-e was solemnized be 
tween us, Robert Stephens a-nd Anne Hug- 
g-ins. Witnesses, Geroge Faxrel, Margaret 

York, Dec. 1st, 1832. This day were mar 
ried by license, Thomas Hodgson, of the 
township of Whitby, bachelor, and Anne 
Brums kill, of the township of York, spin 
ster, by me. J. Hudson. Tbis marringo was 
solemmiized between us, Thomas Ho<Ig- ;on 
and Anne Brunskiil. Witnesses, William Hel- 
tos, Mary Brunski ll. 

York, Dec. 5th, 1832. This day were mar 
ried by license, Richard Pallis, of the 
township of York, bachelor, and Dorcas 
Buoh,;iinia.n, of thu same township, spinster, 
by me, J. Hudson,. Tbis marrkige was sol 
emnized between u, Richard Fallis and 
Doroas Bucbainan. Witnesses, R. Crozier, 
Thomas Orozksr. 

York, December 9th, 1832. This day were 
married by license, Leonard Thompson of 
the town of York, bachelor, and Amelia 
Perry of the same place, spinster, by me, 
Byrne J. Hudson. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Leonard Thompson, 
Amelia Perry. Witnesses, John Baker, 
Elizabeth Baker, John Fenton. 

York, Dec. 12th, 1832. This day were 
married by license George West, of the 
town of York, bachelor, and Hannah Hart, 
of the same place, by me, J. Hudson. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Geo. 
West, Hannah Hart. Witnesses, Willson 
Johnston Hart & Barbara W. Hudson, 

York, 20th Dec., 1832. This day were 
married by special license, John Laing of i 
the town of York, bachelor, and Martha | 
Bmgham of the same place, spinster, by j 
mo, J. Hudson, This marriage was solemn- i 
Ized between us, John Laing, Martha Binsr- i 
ham. Witnesses, John Bingham, Elizabeth 
Bmgham, John Fenton. 

York, Dec. 27th, 1832. This day were i 
married by license, John Seth of the town- j 
ship of Scarboro , bachelor, and Sarah i 
Beswick, of the same township, spinster, I 
by me. J. Hudson. This marriage was I 
solemnized between us, John Seth, Sarah I 
Beswick. Witnesses, Richard Beswick, Eliza 
beth Beswick. 

York, Dec. 27th, 1832. This day were i 
married by license John Sproule, of the 
town of York, bachelor, and Hannah Clark, I 
of the same place, spinster, by me, J. Hud- 
eon. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, John Siproule. Hannah Clark. 
Witnesses, Joseph Clark. 

York, U. O., January 3rd, 1833. This day 
were married by license, John Thompson 
of the i own of York, widower, and R.osannah 
Lerr, of the same place, spinster, by me, J. 
Hudson. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, John Thomcsou, Rosannah Kerr. 
Witnesses, Patrick Byrne & Anna Degg. 

York, U.O., January 5th., 1833. This day 
were married by license, Thomas Jackson 
bachelor, and Hannah Burn, spinster, both 
of the town of York, by me, Thomas Phil 
ips, D.D. This marriage was solemnized 
between us Thomas Jackson, Hannah Burn. 
Witnesses, Isumaei IredsUe, Elizabeth Burn. 
Dr. Phillips was rector of Mimico, re 

siding on the south side of Lambton 
1 Hill. His house is still standing in 

i 1898. 

York, Jan. 3rd., 1833. This day were mar- 
j ried by Banns, Henry Elliott, bachelor, of 

the town of York, and Ellen McOlockief. 
! widow, of the same place, by me, J. Hud- 
i son. This marriage was solemnized between 
| us, Henry Elliottt, Ellen McClockie. Wit- 
! nesses, John James, John F. Matt the w. 

York, 15th. December, 1832. On this day 
! matrimony was solemnized according to the 
form prescribed by the cchurch of England, 

by special license, by me, William Boulton. 

Between John Flanagan and Mary Barker. 

In the presence of J. Pyke, Catherine 


The Reverend William Boulton, who 
ofifciated at this marriage, was one of 
the masters at Upper Canada College. 
He died while yet a young man, but 
his widow survived until 1888. 

York, Jan. 14th., 1833. This day were 
I married by license, Thomas Wilson, of the 
township of York, bachelor, and Mar 
garet Hart, of the town of York, spin- 
; ster, by me, J. Hudson. This marriage was 
i solemnized between us, Thomas Wilson, 
i Margt. Hart. Witnesses, James Murray, 
1 Elizabeth Barnfather. 

York, January 15th., 1833. This day were 
married by Banns, John Swanton, of the 
town of York, bachelor, and Elizabeth/ 
Aikens, of the same place, spinster, by me 
J. Hudson. This marriage was solemnize-! 
between us, John. Swanton, Elizabeth 
: Aikens. Witnesses, Thomas Germvn 
I Michael O Reilly. 

York, U.O., January 16th., 1833. This day 
| were married by Banns, John Deary, of the 
township of Beverley, bachelor, and Dounda 
I Fry, of the town of York, spinster, by me 
j J. Hudson. This marriage was solemnized 
I between us, John Deary, Dounda Fry. Wit- 
: nesses, William Knott, William Clarke. 

York, U.O., Jan. 17th., 1833. This day 
i were married by license, Nathaniel John- 
, ston, of the township of Toronto, bach- 
, elor, and Mary Ann Steen, of the same 
township, spinster, by me, J. Hudson. This 
marriage was solemnized between us Na 
thaniel Johnston and Mary Ann Steen. 
Witnesses Martin Morrison, H. Eumponey. 
York Jan. 17th., 1833. This day were 
town of York, and Mary Hutchinson Flynn 
married by license, Thomas Cokely, of the 
of the same place, widow, by me, J Hud 
son This marriage was solemnized between 
us James Burn and Ellen Clark. 

York, TJ .0 Jan. 28th., 1833. This day 
were married by license, Jame* Adams, of 
Ann *n ? ? Scarboro , bachelor, and 
Ann Ellis, of the same township, spinster 
by me, J. Hudson. This marriage wa" sol 
emnized between us, James Adams, Inn E - 
A?d am\ S8eS/ Edward Joe eph Ford, Sarah 
York. Jan. 18th., 1833. This day were 
marries by Banns, John Bullen. of the town 
of York, bachelor, and Ann Jones of th* 
same place., spinster, by me, J. Hudson 
?nh S , m n a " ia * e A was solemnized between us 
John Bullen Ann Jones. Witnesses, Wil 
liam Jones, Louise Jones. 

York, Jan. 2lt., 1833. This dav were mar- 
T v by , Ban! l s Andrew Pearce, 6f the town 
o.f York, u Mower, and Mary Ann ElKft of 



the same place, widow, by me, John Hud- 
eon. This marriage was solemn z d bstween 
us, Andrew Pearce, Mary Ann Ellis. Wit 
nesses George Rule and Ann Rule. 

York, Jan. 21st, 1833. This day were j 
married by banns, George Bullock, bach- j 
elor, of the township of Arons, and Ann i 
Holland, of the same township, widow, by j 
me, J. Hudson. This marriage was solemn- j 
ized between us, George Bullock and Ann 
Holland. "Witnesses, Ruche! Alexander. 

York, Jan. 28th, 1833. This day were | 
married by special license, John Taylor, of ; 
the township of Scarboro , bachelor, and i 
Leonora Cameron, of the town of York, j 
spinste by Samuel J. S. Lockhart, Of- , 
f ici > Minister. This marriage was solemn- : 
izad between us, John Taylor, Leonora | 
Cameron, Witnesses, David Browne, Reuben j 
K.o Mason, John Fen ton. 

Mr. Lockhart, who officiated, was a ! 
missionary employed to work in Can- J 
ada by the S. P. G. 

York, U. O., Jan. 28th, 1833. This day 
were married by license James Augustus 
Alexander, of the village of Streetsville, 
bachelor, and Mary Reid, of the same place, , 
widow, by me, J. Hudson. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, Augustus Alex- : 
atider and Mary Reid. Witnesses, John Bar- 
nett, Al-xander Hamilton. 

York, Jan. 29th, 1833. This day were 
married by license W r il!iam Johnson of the 
township of Nelson, in ths district of Gore, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Hyde, of the same 
township, spinster, by me, J. Hudson. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, W. 
Johnson, E. Hyde. Witnesses, Thomas 
Hyde, Jane Lapthan. 

Y .rk, Fob. 2nd, 1833. This day were mar 
ried by license, Richard Hocking Dates, of i 
the town of York, bachelor, and Isabella 
Wrierht Roddy, of the same place, spins- 
ter/by me, J Hudson. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Richard H. Gates, 
Isabella W. Roddy. Witnesses, William 
Crawford, John Roddy. 

York, Feb. 3rd, 1833. This day were mar 
ried b- license, Thomas Bell of the town 
of York, bachelor, and Catherine Kendrick, 
of Newmarket, spinster, by me, J. Hudson. 
This marri.-ig-e was solemnized between us, 
Thomas Bell and Catherine Kendrick. Wit 
nesses, James Bell, Thomas H. Taylor. 

York, Feb. 6th, 1833. This day were mar 
ried by license, Thomas Stephens Thorn, 
of the" town of York, bachelor, and Cath 
erine Hanan, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, J. Hudson. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Thomas Stephens 
Thorn, Catherine Hanan. Witnesses, Wil 
liam Taylor, Mary Taylor. 

York, Feb. llth, 1833. This day were mar 
ried by license, Francis Jackson, of the 
town of York, widower, and Mary Chad- 
wick, of the same place, spinster, by me, J. 
Hudson. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Francis Jackson, Mary Chadwick, 
Witnesses William Walker, Sarah Chadwick. 

York, U. C., Feb. 14th, 1833. This day 
were married by license, William Walker, of 
the town of York, widower, and Sarah 
Chadwick, of the same place, spinster, by 
me, J. Hudson. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, William Walker, Sarah 
Chadwick. Witnesses, George Walker. 

York, 4th March, 1833. This day were 
married by special license, George Taylor 
Denison, of the township of York, jn the 

Home district, widower, and Elizabeth 
Eleanor Todd, of the town of York, widow, 
by me, John Sitraohan. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, George T. Denison, 
E. E. Todd. Witnesses, E. J. Ington, J. 
Hudson, John Fenton. 

This is almost the only entry where 
the name of the Rev. J. Hudson ap 
pears as a witness. 

Thomas Steel, township of York, Rebecca 
Trimmer, of Etobicoke, married by license 
March 3rd, 1833. Charles Dade, Officia 
ting Minister. 

Mr. Dade s mode of entering the mar 
riages at which he officiated was de 
cidedly peculiar. lie does not appear 
to have thought it necessary to append 
the names of witnesses. 

York, March 5th, 1833. This day were 
married by license, William Pexton, of the 
township "of Whitchurch, bachelor/ and 
Margaret Beal, of the township of Mark- 
ham, spinster, by me, J. Hudson. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Wil 
liam Pexton, Margaret Beal. Witnesses, 
Ann Beal, Thomas Sitephenson. 

York, 8th March, 1833. This day were 
married by special license, George Ridler, 
of the tow n of York, bachelor, and Harriet 
Ylolett Snook, of the sarnie- place, spinster, 
by me, J. Hudson. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, George Ridler, 
Ha.rriet Viofett Snook. Witnesses, John 
.S .nook, Mary Ann Violet t Snook, John Fen- 

York, 8th March, 1833. This day were 
married by special license, John Lacey, of 
the town of York, bachelor, and Emma 
Violet Suiook, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, J. Hudson. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, John Lacey, Emma 
Viok tt Snook. Witnesses, John Snook, 
Mary Ann Viofctt Snook, John Fenton. 

Violett is evidently the proper way 
of spelling the second name of the 
Misses Snook. It is a surname, not a 
Christian name, in these instances, 
though Mr. Hudson evidently took it 
for the latter. 

York, 16th March, 1833. Thfe day were 
married by license, Humphrey Jessop, of 
the town of York, bachelor, and Margaret 
Stephens, of the same place, spinster, by 
me, J. Hudson. This mairriage was solemn 
ized between us, Humphrey Jessop, Mar 
garet Stephens. Witnesses, Matthew Parke, 
An.n Sapetia. 

York, 20th Mia<rch, 1833. This day were 
married by special license, Thomas Cooper, 
of the township of York, in the Home Dis 
trict, bachelor, amd Anna Maria Ellis, ot 
the town of York, in the said District, 
spinster, bv me, J. Hudson. This maj-riage 
was solemnnzed Oetween us, Thomas Oioper, 
Anna Maria Ellis. Witnesses, Oh-as. Stotes- 
bury, James E>Uis, John Fenton. 

York, March 21st, 1833. This day were 
iTuairried by BaMis, John Craig-, bachelor, 
of the township of York, and Mtury McLean, 
of tho same towmship, spinster, by me, J. 
Hudson. Thds marriage was solemnized be- 
tweea us, Joiwi Oradg, Mary McLean. v\ it- 
nesisss, Maria Oook. 

York, April, 1st, 1833. This day were 
married, after publication of Banne, James 



Oteirke, of the town of York, bachelor, and 
Ann Hug-hes, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, J. Hudsoni. This mairrisige was so!- 
emnized between us, James Cia,rk, Ann 
Hughes. Witnesses, EH D. Gown & Eliza 

York, April 3rd, 1833. Thte day were 
married by license, James Carroll, of the 
town of York, bachelor, and Sarah Cham 
bers-, of the same place, widow by me. J. 
Hui son. This miairriage was solemnized be 
tween ua, Jaanes Cain-all, Sarah Chambers. 
Witnesses, Humphrey Bennet, James Wi - 

York, April 9th, 1833. Thte day were 
married by license, Robert Pierson, of the 
township of York, bachelor, and Mary 
Anne Gross, of the sa^me township, spinster, 
by roe, J. HudisoiQ. This marriage was so. r - 
emn,i;el between us, Robert Pierson, Mary 
.Ann Cross. Witnesses, Thcs. Cross, Bridget 

York, April 17th, 1833. This day were 
married, after publication of Banns", Rich- 
aid Smith, of the township of York, bache- 
!r, amd Elizabeth Keanan, of the same 
township, spinster, by me, J. Hudson. This 
marriage was sofemnized between us, IMch- 
a>rd Smith, Elizabeth Keanan. Witnesses, 
S. Preston and W. Eller. 

York, April 17th, 1833. This day were 
married by special licence, Samuel "Towns- 
end, bachelor, and Margaret Philipsi, spi;i- 
sitar, both of York. John Strachan. 
Tliis marriage was solemnized between us, 
Samuet Tow: s> nd, Margaret Philip:-. Wit 
nesses, Jaimes McMuVlin, Mary Kean. 

Yo>rk, 6th May, 1833. Th s day were mar 
ried, after due publication of Banns, 
John Barne, bachelor, and Elizabeth Samp 
son., widow, both of this parish. John 
Strstchan. This marriage was Ko/,emrv z:>d bc- 
tweem us, John Ba.rne, Elizabeth Sampson. 
Witnesses, Edwa.rd Wood, Isabella, Mc- 

York, 8th May, 1833. Thi-* day were mar 
ried, after due publication of Banns, 
Dudley Root, ba-cheltar, n.nd Sarah Meek- 
ham, widow, both of this parish. John 
Striachain. This marring? was solemnized le- 
t\vee.n us, Dudley Root, Sun.h Mte hnm. 
Witnesses, Sa-mmei Voin, Catherine Boyd. 

York, 8th May, 1833. Thli day were mar 
ried by specia.1 license, Peter Adam, bache 
lor, of York, and Jane Brodle, spinster, of 
the same place. John Strachan.. This mar 
riage was- solemnized between u?, Peter 
Adam, Jane I rodle. Witnesses, Tluos. Law- 
rio. Cooper W ard. 

Yo.rk, 21st May, 1833. This day were 
married by 9poiu,[ license, Henry * Supple, 
bachelor, aaid Margaret Ferguson, ^p .nster, 
both of York. John Stracham, Muiister. 
This marriage was sotemnize-d between us, 
H-eniry Supple, Margaret Ferguson. Wit 
nesses, William Oarswell, Susan Highland. 

York, 23rd Ma-y, 1833. Th s day were 
mia-rried, Samuel Henderso.n, of the to\v_ 
ship of Cheng-uia-eousy, widoweir, and A ice 
I ays-t ad, of x ork, sjpirLster. John Strachnn, 
Minister. This marriage was so e:rmized be- 
twee-n ua, SamueJ Henderson, .Mice Lnnp-- 
stead. Witnesses, Eliza Ba-ight, John Mere 

Yo-rk. 25th Mriy, 1833. Thin day were 
married by speckw license, William Proud- 
foot, bach pSor, and OaroLjne B.rooks Stow, 
spkistcr, luith of Y<n-k. John Strach.m, 
Ministc-r. This marriage was so emri^o^ i. - 
twee>n ue, William Proudfqot, Caroline Stow. 

Witnesses, Wi Uam 
Anne M,. Po \\ell. 

G^amblo, Alex. "Wood, 

Mr. Proudfoot resided first on Duke 
; street, almost opposite the Bank of 
Upper Canada, of which he was a di 
rector. Afterwards he lived in "Kears- 
ney House," on the east side of Yon.^e 
street, near Wellesley street. The 
house now, in 1898, is known as " Dun- 

York, 30th Miay, 1833. This day were 
married by speciiai "license, John Hunter, of 
the township of MaTkham, bache tor, and 
Mry Ann Hunt, o-f tha same township, 
spinster. John Strachan, Minister. This 
marringa wasi solemnized between ua, John 
Hunter, Mary Ann Hunt. Witnesses, George 
Hunter, Ami Hunter. 

York, llth June, 1833. This day were 
miarried by special license, Richard Palmer, 
bachelor, and Sarah Nigh, spinster, both 
of Markhom. John iStrachan, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Richard Pa/mer, aoid Sarah Nigh. Wit 
nesses, Jona than Nigh, Jean Conlijw. 

York, 19th. Jiume, 1833. This day were 
married by s*pec/iia.l license, Jwiathan At 
kinson, bachelor, and Sa.rah Hayes, spinster, 
both of Mairkham,. John Straohan, Minister. 
This, marriage was soiLemndzed between us, 
Jor.iathan Atkinson and Sarah Hayes. Wit 
nesses, Thomas Hayes, Margaret Little. 

York, 12th July, 1833. This diay were 
ma.rried Bernard Co-tter, bachelor, aJid 
JTavy Wj ndersi, widow, both of the town 
ship of York, by special license. John 
tri .chian., Minister. This marriage was so - 
cmin.ize .1 between us, Bernard Cotter and 
Mary Winders. Witnesses, Aniene Shore and 
John Austin. 

York, 15th Ju y, 1833. This day were 
ma,:-r;ed by speotail license, James Ward, 
\\iilower, "and. Mary Muinday, sipinster, 
both ot York. John Struchan, Minister. 
This ma.rrmg3 was solemnized between us, 
James Wa.rd, Mary Munday. Witnesses, 
Thoma-s Stevenson, Jane Stevenson. 

York, 25th Ju y, 1833. ThiB clay vere 
marriad by i:,>eriai license, Edward W 
bachelor, and Sarah Flynn, both of tlrs 
pairish. John Stra<?han, Minister. 
mairrtege was solemnized between us, . 
wan-d Wood, iSarah Flynn. Witn; 
Thomas Watson, Samuel Heniry. 

York, Ju y 30th, 1833. Th la day 
maa-ried by special license, Christopher John- 
on, v.klowe.r, of the township of York, and 
Elizabeth Wilkinson, of the township of 
Vaughnn, ppinstpr. Jolr han. M: 

teir. This marriii^v.- \va-; so r-Minized between 
us, Christopher Johnson, EMzab?th Will iu- 
son. \\ "itnt-ss-. s, Thomas AlJjui, ^.u.lna A l.ui. 

York, 27th August, 1833. This day were 
!i:.irri>ed by yp-ciat license, Patrick Dunbar, 
of tho towin h .ip of Mino, bachelor, and 
f- iarah Jane ytiLa.rt, of the township of 
York, widow. John Strachain, Minister. 
This ma.rri;:go was solemnized between us, 
Patrick B -Ui!;b:r. Sarah J:in." Stuart. Wit- 
niEiSB" "., floiir;. Miller, Mary Couollv. 

York. 9th September, 1833. Th is day were 
miarried by special license, Og. in Qreighton, 
Esq., of Clifton-, ia the Niagw.i-a District, 
bachelor, and Helena El;s:i Dyett, of y. 
i-pwistipr. John Sitrachan, Minister. This 
ir.arrii-g-> n . izcd between u^, Ogi in 

r , igh\... n., K:ea:i.(.r Elba Dyett. Wit- 



nesses, John B. Robinson, H. Marsh 
land, Mary Giileapie, Elizabetn Bruiiikiey. 
York, 10th October, 1833. This day \\ere 
married by special license, John Clarke, 
bachelor, and Hannah Perch, widow, 
both of York. John Strachan., Minister. 
This UMirrtega was solemnized between ue, 
John O.arke, Hainnah Perch. Witnesses, 
John Kilison, Simeon Wisiemian. 

York, 7th November, 1833. This dav were 
married by special license, Thomas " Siade 
Robinson, Esq., of the Falls of Niagara, 
in the district of Niagara, bachelor, and 
Mary GjUespte, of the town of York. John 
Straehon,, Minister. This marriage was sol 
emnized b&tween us, Thomas Robin 
son,, Mary Gillespie. Witnesses, John GL- 
leepie, Mairy Wliiite, Mary Si. Boultoa, Wm. 
H, Draper. 

Yoirk, 10th November. 1833. This day were 
married, after due publication of Bann.s, 
James Watson, bachelor. <& Lucy McOar- 
te.r, both of York. ,Vm,. Boultom. This 
mairriag* was Bodemnized between us, Jas. 
Watson., Lucy McOarter. Witnesses, Wi.- 
li/ain Hinds, Isaac Watson. 

York, 13th November, 1833. This* day were 
married, after due publication of iianns 
John Webb, of the town of York, bachelor, 
mid Elizabeth Stpelane, of the same p,ace. 
spinster, by me, William Boulton, This 
marriage was solemnized between us, John 
Webb, Elisabeth Spelane. Witnesses, Thos. 
Germyn, Jwhai Spelane.. 

York, 10th December, 1833. This day were 
married by s>pecial license, William Gamble, 
of th>9 town of York, bachelor, amd Eliza 
beth Brenchley, O f the siame pla.ce, by spe 
cial license, by me, John Sitrachau. * Inis 
mswria ge was solemnized between us, Wil 
liam UambLe, Elizabeth Bowles Brenchley. 
AVitnesses, Alexander Moore, H. L. Smith, 
Wm* Rowan, Joht:i K 

ried by special license, Thomas Bishop MI - 
ler, of Une town of York, bachelor, and Isa 
bella. Lindsay, of the same place, spinster. 
George J. Gwynne. Witnesses to this mar 
riage, William Kir kpa trick, Robert Ham- 

Mr. Gamble resided at Mimico, where 
he had extensive flour mills. He had 
one daughter, who subsequently mar 
ried Mr. John Boulton. 

Yo.rk, 10th December, 1833. This day were 
married by special license, Clarke Gamble, 
Esq., of the town of York, bachelor, a.nd 
Mairy Savers Boulton, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, John S.traha.n, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
O. Gamble, M. ,S . Boulton. Witnesses, 
Gharles Geddes, Emma Boulton, John l< eii- 

William and Clarke Gamble were 
brothers ; the latter survives in 1898. 

York, December 2nd, 1833. This day were 
married by special license, Richard Care- 
foot, of the township of Toronto, ia the 
Gore, in. the Home District, bacheli/r, and 
Mairy Parr, of the same place, spiiaster. 
George J. Gwynne. 

York, lOtJi December, 1833. This day were 
married by special license, John Sloane. of 
the town of Yoirk, bachelor, and Anne 
Boucher, of the same pla.ce, spinster. 
George J. Gwynaie. \\itnesue.i to this miar- 
rdag-e, John Bright & Miargaret Gallagher. 

\ork, December 14th, 1833. This, day were 
married by special license, Edward Cooper, 
of the towns-hip of Toronto, a.nd Susannah 
Hyfead, of the town of York, spinster. 
George J. Gwynine. Witnesses to this mar 
riage, James Shannon, Richard Hvland. 

York, Dec. 17th, 1833. This, day v ere mar- 

York, December 29th, 1833. Thij day were 

; married by specia-l license, John Robinson 

i and Klisa Hunt, both of the town of York. 

George J. Gwynine-. This maj-ria-ge was so:- 

emn,ized between ua, John Robinson, Elasa 

Hunt. Witnesses, John White, George 


York, December 30th, 1833. This day were 
married by Banns, Robert. Leech, bachelor, 
and Julia Aume Sullivan, spinster, both of 
the town of York. George J. Gwynne. 
This mairriage was solemnized between us, 
Robert Leeoh, Julia, Anne Sullivan. Wit 
nesses to this marriage, John Smajt. 

York, 1st, 1834. This day were 
married by Banms, Geo-rge Wright, bache 
lor, an.d Elizabeth Apple. >y, spinater, both 
of the township of Etobicoke. George J. 
Gwynne. Thus marriage was so temnized be 
tween us, George u right, Eidza.beth Ap- 
p!eby. Witnesses to this marriage, Sarah 
McVane, Robart Wright. 

York, U. C.. January 8th, 1834. This day 
were married by speoi:i.l license, Timothy 
Rogers, in the township of King, Home 
DrJswict, bachelor, and Aane Lloyd, or the 
township of West Gwillinrbuiry, spinster. 
George J. Gwynne. This- marriage was sol 
emnized between us, Charles Liovd, Sarah 
O&trom. Witnesses to this marriage, David 
Lloyd, Uriah Brit ton, 

York, Jamuiary 16th, 1834. This day were 
married by special license, William Lelllot, 
of the towniship of M.airkham, in the Home 
district, ba^jhetor, and Fra-ncis Braith- 
waiite, of the same township, spinster. 
George J. Gwynne. This marriage was so- 
cmriiized between usi, William Lei iott, Fran 
cis Braithwfiite. Witnesses to this mar-, H. Cooper, William E. Dunn. 

York, U. C., Jainuary ]8th, 1834. This* day 
wore miaj-ried by special license, Edward 
Sit ubbs, of the township of Galedon, in the 
Homa distirict, widower, and Hannah. Hes- 
se^y, of the township jf Gairafraxa, in the 
district of Gore, spinster. George J. 
Gwynne, This nna,rri;(yj was sotemnized be 
tween u, Edward S-aibbs, Ha.n.nah Hesey. 
Witnesses to this marriage, John Stubbs, 
William Dillus. 

Yoxk, U, C., January 23rd, 1834. Thib day 
were married by special license, William 
S wanton, of the town of York, in the Home 
d istrict, bachelor, and Elle.n Beamish, of 
the township of Etobicoke, spinster. George 
J. Gwynine. Tlife niiarriags was so Iemnized 
between us, William Swauito<n, Eilen Beajn- 
ish. Witnes3s to tnis inia-rria.g-e, Thomas 
Germyn, James Swan,ton. 

York, U. O., Ja.aiun.ry 30tih, 1834. Thi day 
were married by special license, James 
Xiglitingate, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Eilen Nightingale, of the 
i-ame place, spinster. George J. Gwynne. 
This ma.rria.jrs was solemnized between us, 
James Nightingale, E.lan Nightingale. Wit- 
nvssjs to n.airriage, Thomas Cook, Eldza- 
li-ath NJightkigaile. 

James Nightingale for many years 
was the proprietor of the " Peacock " 
tavern, on Dundas street, just five 
miles from the city. 



York, U. O., 31t January, 1834. This day 
were married by special license, John Top- 
pin, of the township of Miar-khani, in Home 
district, widower, and Mkuy Collins, of the 
same township, spinster. George J. Gwynne, 
This marriage was sofemnizeu between us, 
Jofan, Mary Oollins-. Witnesses to 
this marriage, William Stanley, John Dloky. 

The Rev. G. J. Gwynne was a brother | 
of Judge Gwynne. He was a friend of | 
Dr. Strachan s, and occasionally offici 
ated at St. James . 

York, 26th Jiaanua.ry, 1834. This day were 
married by specdiaJ license, James Newbig- 
g-ang, Esq., of the town of York, in the 
Home Dit,rict, bachelor, and Anne Louise 
Htag-ermafli, of ttue same place, spinster, : 
John Strachan, Minister. This marriig3 was 
soLeminized between us, James Newbig- . 
g-ing, Anne Lo*u>i93 Hagerman. Witnesses, 
Ma.ry R, Mackenzie, Alexander Murray. 

Mr. Newbigging was a Toronto mer 
chant. His wife survived in 1898. His 
eldest son, Colonel Robert Newbigging, 
died in Toronto in February, 1898. 

York, 16th February, 1834. This day were j 
married, after due publication of Latins, 
Michael Wood, widower, of Oxford West, 
London District, and Jane Robinson, widow, 
of York, John Strachan,, Minister. This 
marriag-o was solemnized between us, Mich 
ael Wood and Jane Rjobinson. Witnesses, 
M. Keating and John Munns. 

York, 16th February, 1834. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, ! 
Thomas Stinyer, bachelor, and Mary E!- ; 
son, spinster, both of York. John i 
Strachan, Minister. This marriage was so- 
enmized between us% Thomas Minyer and 
Mary Elson. Witnesses, E. Eison and John 

Toronto, Marob 25th, 1834. This day were : 
married, after due publication of jJa.uns, i 
Isaac Winter, and Mary Chris tner, spin- i 
ster, both of Etobicoke, by me, George J. : 
Gwy.nne. Thu ma-rrkig^ was solemnized be 
tween us, Isaac Winter, Mary Ohriste-ner. 
Witnesses to this marriage, Moses Ohrist- 
ner, Elisabeth De virus. 

Toronto, 13th April, 1834. This day were 
married William M uller, bachelor, and Ji lii 
Dwye.r, spinster, after due publication of 
Panns, berth of thfe parish. John Strachan, 
Minister. Witnesses, John Murphy, Thomas 

Toronto, 24th October, 1835. This day 
were married, James Sharpe, of the town 
ship of Leeds, in the Johnston District, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Middle ton, of the 
City of Toronto, spinster. John Strachan. 
Thfe marriag-e was solemnized between us, 
James Sharpe and Elizabeth Middleton. 
Witnesses, William Svoaff and John Battle. 

Toronto, 13th April, 1834. This day were 
marriod, after due publication of Banns, 
Andrew Wilson, bachelor, and Julia Plun- 
kett, widow, both of this p!a.ce. John 
Stracitan, Min-Jstcr. Witnesses, John Mur 
phy, Tho<mias> Gray. 

Toirontio, llth MMV, 1834. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
John Moore, widower, and Mary Macaulay, 
spinster, both of this parish. John 
Straohan, Minister. Witnesses, Charles 
Moore, Bridget Carroll. 

Toronto. 16th. May, 1834. This day were 
after due publication of Banns, 

John Surth. bache .or, of Markham, and 
Mary Sparkhall, spinster, of Toronto. John 
^traehan. This marriage was so.enm z^d be 
tween us, John Smith, Mary Sparkhall. 
Witnesses, Joseph Chiloes, Maria SparK- 

Toronto, 14th. May, 1834. This day were 
married after due publication of Banns, 
John Sedgeworth, bachelor, and Mary Simp- 
son, spinster, both of this parish. John 
Strachan, Minister. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, John Setlgeworth 
and Mary Simpson. Witnesses, Thomas 
Williams, Rachel Bilton. 

Toronto, 15th. May, 1834. This day were 
married by special license, Thomas Scales, 
bachelor, and Maria McDonald, spinster, 
both of this parish. John Strachan, Min- 
isrter. This marriage was solemnized between 
us, Thomas Scales, Maria McDonald. Wit 
nesses. Thomas Mara, Susannah Ornet. 

Toronto, May, 29th., 1834. This day were 
married after due publication of Banna, 
Kerr Bruce, bachelor, and Maria Merling. 
spinster. John Strachan. Minister. This 
marriage was solemnized between us. Kerr 
Bruce, Maria Merling. Witnesses, Thomas 
Hamilton, Susanna Arlet. 

Toronto, June 2nd., 1834. This day were 
married by special license, George Barry, 
bachelor, and Mary Fisher, spinster. John 
Strachan, Minister. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, George Berry, Mary 
Fisher. Witnesses, Sarah Fisher, John Pet 
er Fisher. 

Toronto, 9th. June, 1834. This day were 
married after due publication of Banns, 
William Carswell. bachelor, and Margaret) 
Craig, spinster, both of this parish. John 
Strachan. Minister. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, William Carswell. 
Margaret Craig. Witnesses, El za Craig, 
Henry Swock. 

Toronto, llth. June, 183*. This dav were 
married by special license, John Stuart, Esqj., 
of the town of London, in the district 
of London, bachelor, and Elizabeth Van 
Ranssa. ae.r Powell, of the city of Toronto, 
spinster. John Strachan. Minister. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, John 
Stuart, Elizabeth V. Powell. Witnesses, 
Charlotte Bloeker Powell, G. C. Strachan. 
Toronto, 14th. June, 1834. This day were 
(married by special license, Major Braith- 
waite, of the township of Markham, bach 
elor, and Ann Mathews, of the same place 
spinster. John Strachan. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, Major Braith- 
waite. Ann Mathews. Witnesses, .Samson 
Braithwaite, Mary Mauleson. 

Toronto, 17th. June, 1834. This day were 
married after due publication of Banns, 
Henry Swock, bachelor, and Catherine 
Obrier, spinster, both of the township of 
York. John Strachan. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Henry Swock, Cath 
erine Obrier. Witnesses, James Wallie. 
Thomas Fin gale. 

Toronto. 22nd. June, 1834. This nay were 
married after due publicat- on of Banns Wil- 
! liam Higijins, bachelor, and Mary McGuire, 
spinster, both of this parish. John Strachan, 
Minister. This nvirriaoro was solemnized be 
tween us, Wiil!! . ii H gcrins, Mary McGuire. 
Witnesses, S, McStmvick. 

Toronto, July 8th., 1834. This day were 
(uarried by special 1 crnse John Re l, bach 
elor, and Mary Jane Brown. Witnesses^ 
John I ike and George Bell. 



Toronto. 14th. July, 1834. This day were 
married by special 1 c^nse James Win- 
grove, bachelor, residing in St. Catharines, 
fcliatrict of Niagara, and Sarah Bell, spin 
ster, of this city. John Strachan, Minis 
ter. This marriage was solemnized between 
us, James WIngrove, Sarah Bell. Witnesses, 
Richard Grey, Elizabeth Thompson. 

Toronto, 14th July. 1834. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
Rob-art Smd th, bachelor, aaKl Ann Michaei, 
spinster, both of this city. John, Strachan, 
Minister. This marriage was so emnized be 
tween U*, Robert Smith and Ann Michael. 
W,itn-PS6~-s, Da\id Burn, Mary Ann Hunter. 

Toronto, 15th July, 1834. This day were 
married by spockin licemee, Robert McCol- 
lum, of this towitrahiip of Toronto, bachelor, 
aod Jane Stevenson, of the city of To- 
rointo, spinster. .John Straohan. This mar- 
r agr? was solomiiiized between us, Robert 
McCO llum, Jame Stevenson. Witnesses, 
Mary AMI Stevenson, Thomas Guinty. 

To i-onto, 15th July, 1834. This day wore 
married by specki>I license, Honry G. Papst, 
of ttvo townshap of York, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Burke, of the same place, spin 
ster. John Strachan. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Henry G. Papst, 
Elizabath Burke. Witnesses, Daniel Papst, 
Emma Snider. 

Toronto, 15vh Ju y, 1834. This day were 
married by special license, Robert Johnston, 
of Toronto, bachelor, and Catherine Taylor, 
ot the same place, spinster. John Strachan, 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Robert Johnston and Catherine 
Taylor. Witnesses, Mary Scott, James 

Toronto, 16th July, 1834. This day were 
married by special license. John Bishop. 
se>n.r., widower, and Robiiia Garsede, wido^, 
both of tl\i&i parish. John Strachan, This 
marriage was solemnized between, us, John 
Bishop, Robin,a Garsede. Witnesses, Joseph 
Price, Maria, Price. 

Toronto, 16th July, 1834. This day wore 
married by special license, Thomas Smith, 
bachelor, and -Jane Thompson, s: in-t r, loth 
of ihis> parisn. John Stracha.ii. Thh mur- 
nia<?e was sofcmn.ized between us, Thomas 
Smith. Jane Thompson.. Witnesses, Ei/.a- 
beth Biaker, John Baker. 

Toronto, 16th July, 1834. This day w^ve 
married by special license, Joseph Clarke, 
bachelor, and Mary Ann Bloor, spinster, 
both of this parish. John Strachan, 
Minister. This marriag-3 was so emnized be 
tween us, Joseph Clarke, M<i,ry Aim Bloor. 
Witnesses, Sarah. Bloor, S. Amos. 

Toronto, 19th Ju y. 1834. This day wove 
married by special license, Thomas Mere 
dith of the township of W -stiti inster, Lon 
don district, bachelor, and Catherine Towel , 
of the city of Toronto, spinster. John 
Stracha.n, Minister. This marriage was so f- 
emniiz.?d between us. Thomas Meredith, 
Catherine Powell. Witnesses, John Shaw, 
Margaret Henderson. 

Toronto, July 22nd, 1334. This day wore 
married by special license, Lennox Rudyerd, 
paymaster to the ]{,: a, 1 . Canal, of By- 
town, bacheur, and Caroline Laura Co - 
man, of Tor/onto, spins t .r. John Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
L. Rudyerd, Carolii iie L. Colmti.n. Wiv- 
neases, Thomas Coilman, M. T. Colman. 

Toronitu, July 22nd, 1834. Tlite day were 
marrted- by s^cia.I license, Robert iSwa e , 
bachelor, of the townahip of Toronto, H in 

district, and Haiuiah Hoyell, of the same 
place, spinster. Jobn Strachan. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, Robert 
Swale*, Han,nah Hoyell. Witnesses, James, S, Brook. 

Toronto, July 23rd, 1834. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banna, 
Thomas Aider, widower, and Isabella Cam 
eron, spinster, both of Toronto. John 
Strachan,, Minister. This marriage was so?- 
oniiiwzed between u, Thomas Aider, Isabella 
Cameron.. Witnesses, John Robins, Wil 
liam Bea.tie. 

Toronto, 30th July, 1834. This day were 
married bv special license, Th/omas Burke, 
bachelor, and Catherine Dohey, spinster, 
both of Toronto. John Strachan. This 
marriage solemnized between us, Thos. 
Burke, Cathi?rine Dohey. Witnesses, John 
Ed tnoinide, Robert F owler. 

Toronto, 28th Aug., 1834. This day were 
rr.i -ried, after due publication of Banns, 
William La.uder, bachelor, and Mary Ann 
Seaman, spinster, both of the township of 
Toronto. John Strachan. Th!; nmrriago 
was sol > mrwze!l between us, Wiliam LauJer, 
Mary Ann Sc-anmn. WitnS 3?s, John Mc- 
Candlew Cathea-Jne SJown. 

Toa-ontn, 6th fc ept embor, 1834. This day niiiu-ricd by special license, Thomas 
C;ib:>s Kiilout, widower, and Matilda Ann 
B-ramLey, spwister, both of the city of T. 
ronto. J ohn Strachan. Thiu ino.rria.g 3 uc;S 
sole-mmazed between us, Thonia.-; (J. Ividout, 
J.Iiat.ildu Anin Bram ey.^s W. A. 
raldwia, Go Son.ith, Ma.ry Ridout. 

Mr. Ridout was son of Surveyor-Gen 
eral Ridout. He served in the war of 
1812, and for more than 40 years sub 
sequently was cashier of the Bank of 
Upper Canada. He died in 1861. 

Toronto, 8th September, 1834. This day 
were married by special license, Joseoli 
Boatty, bachelor, andJane Cinvpbell, spin- 
it r, both of tlws parish. John Strachan, 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Joseph Beatty, Jame Campbell. 
Witnesses, Ellen Beatty, Wm. E. Smith. 

Toronto, 18 h September, 1834. Thi? day married by special licensa, Will. 
Sf-orloy, bachelor", and Anno Brown, spin 
et. !, both of this parish. John Strachan. 
Ihi*. marri.:gv \\as solemnized between us, 
A\ illiam, Anne Brown. Witnesses, 
~\, iliiam Ormond, George lirowii. 

Toronto, 22nd September, 1834. This d.-y 
were married by speoki l license, Robert 
T urk. of th.T to-.\mhjp of Cava.r, Newcastle 
(jisLrict, and Mary Murdoch, of Toronto, 
::pinstcr. John Stra.chan. This marriagJ 
was s:jl--mi:iiized between us, Robert Puric, 
Ma-y Murdoch. Witnesses, Francis Wes,, 
.\i uri -aret McLean,. 

Toronto, 27th September, 1834. This day 
v-ove married by license, Thomas 
. v ,:;i - ba-cii. lor, and Aim Cotton, spinster, 
both of this parish. John Strncha.n. This 
ina.-ria gs was solemnized between us, Thos. 
May, ^nn Cotton. Witnesses, E.liza, Cotton, 
Jar!i"s Todd. 

Toronto, October 7th, 1834. This <lay 
were married by specia.l license, James 
Sv. itzer, of Ksquisjy, Goi-o District, 
!or and Maria Kent, of the ime township, 
spinster. John Strachan. This marri:;ge 
v, -AS sol muiize,! between us, James Switzer, 
Maria Kent,. V r itneisae3, Francis Kent, Jo 
seph Mithatnd. 



Toronto, 9th October, 1834. This day 
were married by ipectol license, 
Gaa-ruithers, bachelor, and Elizabeth Webb, 
widow both of the township of York, John,. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Robert Oarruthers, Euizabet. 
Weto-b. Witnesses, H. PaT-mer, 

x W i WW , 10th October, 1834. This daj 
were married by special license, William 
Jeffe,ry, of the township of ^Vhitby, wid 
ower and Ann HaM, of the same piace, wiJow 
John Strachan. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, William Jeffrey, Ann Hull. 
Witnesses, George Jackson, JVilkajn Hall, 

"Toronto? llth. October, 1834. This day 
were married by special license, William 
Simpson, widower, and Mary Connor, spm- 
ster7both of this parish. John Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
William Simpson, Mary Connor. Witnesse . 
Eliza Cotton, Benjamin Mills. 

Toronto, 13th. October, 1834. This day 
were married by special license Ephraim 
William Burkley, widower, and Maria Stev 
enson widow, both of this parish. John 
Strachan. This marriage was solemn z?d be 
tween us, E. W. Burkley, Maria Stevenson. 
Wittnesses, Thomas .Matthews, Charlotte 

Toronto, 15th. October, 1834. This day 
were married by special license, William 
Beverley Reward, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Mary Cockburn, of the sa:uo 
place, spinster, both of this parish, by me, 
John Strachan. This marriage was solemn z- 
ed between us, Wm. B. Reward, Mary Cock- 
bUTn, Witnesses, Wm,. A. Campbell, E 
L. Licare, H. C. Reward, John Fen ton. 

Toronto, 16th. October, 1834. This day 
were married by special license, Thomas 
Walker, bachelor, and Elizab th Johnson, 
spinster, both of the township of Toronto. 
John Strachan. This marriage was FO - 
emnized between us, Thomas Walker, Eliz 
abeth Johnson. Witnesses, William John 
son, Martha Beatty. 

Toronto, 17th. October, 1834. This day 
were married bv special 1 cense, John Grant, 
bachelor, and Catherine Partington, widow, 
both of this parish. John Strachan. Th s 
marriage was solemnized between us. John 
Grant, Catherine Partington. Witnesses. 
James Hamilton, John Ormonde. 

Toronto. 29th. October, 1834. This day 
were married after due publi"at on of Bann s 
James Taylor, bachelor, and Sarah Smith, 
spinster, both of this parish. John Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between i.s, 
James Taylor, Sarah Smith. Witnesses^ 
Elba Smith, John Pirritte. 

Toronto, 3rd. November, 1834. This day 
were married by special license, John Mc 
Millan, of the township of Lancaster, East 
ern district, widower, and Grac McCal- 
lum, of the township of Erie, Gore Dis 
trict, fipinster. John Strachan. Th s mar 
riage was solemnized between in. John Mc 
Millan, Grace McCallum. Witnesses, Al2x- 
ander McPherson, John McKenzie. 

Toronto, 7th. November, 1834. This day 
were married by special license, John Park, 
of this township of York bachelor, and 
M;iry Jane Taylor of Toronto, spinster. 
John Strachan. Tliii marrhign was rolrim z- ! 
ed between us, John Park, an:l Mary Jane ; 
Tajlor. Witnesses, John Cunningham, John 

Toronto, 9th. November, 1834. This day- 
were married by special license, Thomas M. 
Radenhurst, Esq., barrister at law, of the 
town of Perth, Bathiurs t district, in t-his 
province, baoheJwr, and Lucy Edith Rid- 
out of the city of Toronto, spinster. John 
Stnaohain. This "marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Thoonus M. Radenhurst, Lucy 
Edith Ridout. Witnesses. Wm. Ridout. 
Mary RJdwit, James E. Small. 

The bride in this case was a daugh 
ter of Surveyor-General Ridout, and 
sister of Thomas Gibbs Ridout. 

Toronto, 10th. November, 1834. This day 
were married by special license, Joseph 
Kirkly, of Toronto, bachelor, and Maria 
Wilby, of the same place, spinster. John 
Strachan. This marriage was solemn z^d be 
tween us, Joseph Kirkly, Maria Wilby. 
Witnesses, William Learning, Majory Ander 

Toronto, 13th. November, 1834. This day 
were married bv spscial license, Joseph Kerr, 
bachelor, and fileanor Short, spinster, both 
of this parish. John Strachan, Minister. 
This marriage was solemi z^d between us, 
Joseph Kerr, Eleanor Short. Witnesses. 
Jean McCullough, Patrick Foy., 15th. November, 1834. Thi; day 
were married by special license, James 
Thompson, of the town of Kingston, bach 
elor, and Winnifred Gilray, of Toronto 
widow. John Strachan. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, James Thompson. 
Winnifred Gilray. Witne ; ses, Isaiah Kenny, 
H. Renson. 

Toronto, 20th November, 1834. This* day 
were married by special license, George 
Hopper, bachelor, and Margaret Coultes, 
spinster, both of Sca,rboro . John 
Stra.chan. This marriage was solemnized be- 
tweea ue, Geo>rge H::pper, Margaret Coultej. 
Witnesses, Wi.iiam Ooultes, June Beaswick. 

Toronto, 20th November, 1834. This day 
were married by special license, Geo-ge 
Rawson, bachelor, and Julia AAnn Parker. 
spinster, both of this parish. John 
Strachan.. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, George Riawson, Julia Ann Par- Witnesses, Edward Baker, Elizabeth 

Toronto, 10th December, 1834. Th- 
were married by special license, Joseph 
Brown, of Etoblooke, and 
Toronto, spinster. John 
marriage was solemnized 
S Oph Brown, Mary II;igar. 
Sii iilr>y, Howurd Orowley. 

Toronto, 12th December, 1834. Th 
were married by sped.-!.: license, William 
Walker, widower, and KHz-lvtli Armstrong, 
spinster both of thi; pa-is i. -John Strachan. 
Thl S niarri.-ig" w>as soNMiinixf 1 between 
William Walker, Eiizni etli Armstrong. 
Witnesses, Martha Arni.sirO "g, Allen Rose. 

Toronto, 15th December, 1834. This day 
were married by special license, James 
Todd, bachelor, inud KL si.i Cotton, spinster, 
both of th pa>rish. John Strachan. 
Thrlu niaii i 4 i:ige was solemnized between us, 
Janvs Todd, E lza Cotton. Witnesses, Thos. 
Heniy, John Bull. 

Toronto, 15th December, H834. This dy 
were married by special license, Arthur 
Brock, of the township of York, bachelor, 
rad Mary Burns, of the city of Toronto, 
i. linste.r. John Strachan. This nvirringa w^s 
solemnized between us. Arthur Brock, am] 

M.ary, of 

Strachan. This 

bet^weeii us, J - 

Witnesses, Geo. 



Mary Burns. Witnesses, David Burns, Jas. 

Toronto, 15th December, 1834. This day 
were married by special license, William 
Campbell, Esq., bachelor, an>d Harriett 
Grace Foot, spinster, both of the city of 
Toronto. John Strachan. This marri.-ige was 
Botemindzed between ue, Wm. OampbeL, Har 
riett Foot. Witnesses, William Campbell 
Loring, Lavinia Foot. 

Toronto, 18th Dec., 1834. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
Ohiarles Lewis, bachelor, and Ann Under 
wood, s-ptaster, both of this parish. John 
Strachatn.. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Obarrles Lewis, Ann Underwood, 
Witnesses, Isabella Thompson, Francis Old- 

Toronto, 18th Dec., 1834. This day were 
married by specia.! license, Richard Wood, 
bachelor, and Mary Phibbs, spinster, both 
of this patrish. John Strachan. This mar 
riage was sofernnazed between us, Richard 
Wood, Mao-y PhAbbs. Witnesses, William 
William Murray, Myles Boyd. 

Toron.tft, Dec. 24th, 1834. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
Adam Geddes, widower, and Margaret 
Wright, spinster, both of this parish. John 
Strachan,. Tbfe marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Adam Geddes, Mflirg-aret Wright. 
Witnesses, Arch, Wright, Isabella Wright. 

Toronto , 25th December, 1834. The day 
were married, Philip Hu/ll, single, and Mary 
Starr, spinster, after due publication of 
Ba.n,ns, both of this pa.rish. John Strachan. 
This miarriage was solemnized between us, 
Philip Hull, Miary St.-i.rr. Witnesses, Wil 
liam Shaw, Harriet Wilson. 

Toronto, 27th December, 1834. This day 
were married by special license, Charles 
You-ng, widower, and Isabella Anderson, 
spinster, both of this parish. John Strachan 
This marriage was 8O fem<nized between us, 
Charles Young, Isabella Anderson. Wit 
nesses, Mary O.imip, Charles Bell. 

Toronto, 5th Jaimua<ry, 1835. Thia day 
were married by special license, James Rot- 
eon, bachelor, mriid Anne Jane Jesop, spin 
ster, both of this parish. John Stracha-n. 
Thi marriage was solemnized between us, 
Jam?s Ketsooi, J ? Jesop. Witnesses, Mary 
Henry, George Ketsom. 

Toronto, 5th Jwrnursiry, 1835. This day 
were married, Hugh. Stewart, widower, and 
Miargaret Farre.ll, widow, both of this par 
ish, by speciait license, John Stcrachan. This 
rroairriage was sofemndzed between us, Hugh 
Stewavc, Margaret Farrell. Witnesses, Pat 
rick Wesli or, William Bi:!igland, 

Toronto, llth January, 1835. This day 
were married by special licenee, Enocii 
Turner, widower, and Hinnah Lookett, 
widow, both of Toronto. John Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Enoch Tui-n.r, Hannah Lockett. Witnesses, 
J. G. Beard, Sarah Moore, Tho.Moore. 

Mr. Turner was a well-to-do brewer 
and a very liberal man. He built, at 
his own expense, the parochial schools 
attached to Trinity church, and at his 
death, which occurred in 1866, he left 
large sums to the Anglican parishes 
of Trinity, St. Peter s and St. Paul s, 
in Toronto. 

Toronto, January 13th, 1835, This day 
were married, after due publication of 
Banms, William Farrow, bachelor, and Sa ah 

D>a T ev s-p .inster, both of this parish. John 
Stra.cha.n, Tlru majTin.jfe was so emnize-d Ve- 
twoen us, William Fa.rrow, Sarah Dales. 
Witnesses, Jane Ta-yloir, Richard FlewelL 
Ton-oato. 15th Januaa-y, 1835. Thi; day 
wore married by license, William Chisholm 
H-033, Esq., widower, aitid Eiiza-beth The- 
rosia LeSiavves, spinster, both of this parish. 
John StrachiUi. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, W. O. Ross, Elizabeth 
Le Sievvee. Witnesses, Thomas Mair, Eliza 

Toronto, 15th January, 3835, This day 
were married by special license, Thomas 
Edward Cope, bachelor, and Ann Miunns, 
spinster, both of this pa.rish._ John 
Stria chan. This- mia.rriag 3 was so emnized be 
tween us, Thomas E.. Cope, Ann Munns. 
Witmesses, Margaret Graw, Jo-Inn Munro. 
Toronto, 25th. January, 1835. This day 
were married by special license, Thomas 
, Thomas, bachelor, and Mary Ann Caroline 
Stevenson, spinster, both of this parish. 
John Strachan, Minister. This marriage 
was. solemnized between us, Thomas Thomas, 
Mary Ann Caroline Stevenson. Witnesses, 
Sarmiel Clarke, Jane Rutlidge. 

Toronto, 26th. January, i835. This day 
were married, William Parker, bache .or, and 
Martha Brown, spinster, both of this par 
ish, by special license. John Strachan. Thii 
marriage was solemnized between us, Wil 
liam Parker, Martha Brown. Witnesses, 
William M. Powell, J. Strachan, Junior. 
i Toronto, 2nd. February, 1835. This day 
were married by special license, John Lee, 
bachelor. Mary Warren, spinster, both of 
this parish. John Strachan. Th s nmr"i < ir p 
I was solemnized between us, John Lee, Marj 
Warren. Witnesses, John Uorcing, o^ 
beth Warren. 

Toronto 2nd. February, 1835. This, day 
were married after due pubiication of Banns, 
Robert Watson, bachelor, and Jane Gra 
ham, spinster, both of this_ parish. John 
Strachan. This marriage was "solemnized be 
tween us, Robert Watson, Jane Graham. 
Witnesses, Henry McCauley, Matilda Gra 

! Toronto. 10th. February, 1835. This day 
were married by special 1 cenee, Joseph Peg-g, 
of East Gwillimbury, widower, and Mar- 
gnret Ann Clubive of Whitchurch, widow. 
John Strachan. Thi^ marr age was solemn ; z 
ed between us, Joseph Pegg, Margaret Ann 
Clubive. Witnesses, Elzabeth Fletcher. 
John Fletcher. 

Toronto, 14th. February, 1835. This day 
were married, Thomas Achinson, bachelor, 
and Charlotte Coleman, widow, both of this 
parish, by special license. John Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Thomas Achinson. Charlotte Coleman. 
Witnesses, Nehemiah Rice, Anne S oane. 

Toronto, 14th. February, 1835. This day 
were married by special license, James Rose- 
land, bachelor, and Sophia Cliristmas, spin- 
: ster, both of this parish. John Strachan. 
1 This marriage was solemn z?d between us, 
i James Roseland, Sophia Christmas Wit- 
j ne^es, Mary Simpson, William Christmas. 
Toronto, 14th. February, 1835. This day 
! were married by special l ; cense, Robert 
Lougheed, bacholbr, of the Gore of Toron- 
. to, and Elizabeth Wilson of the city of To- 
j ronto, spinster. John Strachan. This nrir- 
! ringe was solemnized between us, Robert 
Louffheed. El z.ibi-th Wi : .on. Witnesses, 
Rebecca Raly Andrew Wilsor* 
i Toronto, 14th. February, 1835. Thias day 



were married by special license, John Cook, 
of the township of Vaughan, widower, and 
Elizabeth Dunnett, of the same township, 
widow. John Strachan. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, John Cook, Eliza 
beth Dunnett. Witnesses, Thomas Thorne, 
Mary Cook. 

Toronto, 14th February, 1835. This day 
were married, Charles Thropshise, bach 
elor, and Elizabeth Smith, spinster, both of 
this parish, after dne publication of Banns. 
John Strachan. Tftis marriage was sol 
emnized between us. Charles Thropshise, 
Elizabeth Smith. Witnesses, Daniel Bree- 
ton, Caroline Ball. 

Toronto. 28th February, 1835. This day 
were married after due publication of Barm 
Joseph Howard, bachelor, and Jeanotta 
Giles, spinster, both of thris parish. John 
Strachan. This marriage was solemn zod be 
tween us, Joseph Howard, Jeanetta Gi .es. 
Witnesses, William Fraser, Jean Gi .l. 

Toronto, 5th Feb., 1835. This day were 
married by special license, John Hi 1, ser 
geant of liis Majesty s 15th. Regt. of Foot, 
Stationed at the city of Toronto bachelor, 
and Jane Beg-gens, of the said city, spin 
ster. John Strachan. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, John Hili, Jane Beg- 
gens. Witnesses, George Phillcox. 

Toronto, 9th March, 1835. This day were 
married after due publication of Banns. Ar 
thur Jarvis, bachelor, and Elizabeth Ho g- 
son, spinster, both of this parish. John 
Strachan. This marriage was solemn z d be 
tween us, Arthur Jarvis, Elizabeth Hodg- 
sion. Witnesses, Peter Wood, Mary Ann 

Toronto, 13th March, 1835. This day were 
married by special license. Edward Grun 
dell, bachelor, and Elizib th Musson, spin 
ster, both of this pirish. John Strachan. 
Thi* ma riag-> was solenvi zsd betwee i u;. 
Edward Grundell, Elizabeth Mu-=son. Wit 
nesses, Joton Ra.nn, Catherine McDona-kL 

Toronto, 19th March, 1836. This day 
married by special 1 cen e, John Hngill, 
bachelor, and Mary Jones, spinster, both 
of this parish. John Strachan. Tlvs mar- 
vinge was solemnized between us, John Hn- 
gill, Mary Jones. Witnesses, Jonathan Hu- 
gill, Mary Harrison. 

To onto 3 st March, 1835. ThI? day were 
married by special license, William Rolph, 
bachelor, and Eleanor McDonald, spin 
ster, both of this parish. John Strachan. 
This marring e was solemn zed between us, 
William Rolph, Eleanor McDonald. Wit- 
nesses, Roy Tuly, Willinm Robinson. 

Toronto, 2nd April, 1835. This day were 
married by special license, Henry Swans- 
town, of the town of Whitby, widower, and 
Eleanor Moore, of the township of Picker 
ing 1 , fplnster. John Strnchnn. This m: r- 
riage was solemn zod between m Henry 
Swanstown, Eleanor Moore. Witnesses, 
David Moore, J. Strachan, Junior. 

TO -onto 3rd April, 1835. This d:iy were 
married, William Ca-sed:iy, bachelor, of tho 
township of Adjala. an.. H >lc:i M< D<>n ! , 
of this parish, spinster. John Strachnn. 
This marriage was solemn z-^d bctveon u-, 
Willinm Oasseday. Helen McDonnell. Wit- 
nesses Thomas Robinson, Mary Hutton. 

Toronto, 6th. April, 1835. This day wore 
married by . pecial 1 cense, Arthur Shaw, 
ot Chfi iuguiaoouffy, bachelor, and Jane Chnni- 
ters, of the city of Toronto, spinster. 
John Strachan, Minister. Th s irairia"e 

was solemnized between us, Arthur Shaw, 
Jane Chambers. Witnesses, Samuel Shaw, 
James Carroll. 

Toronto, 7th April, 1835. This day were 
married by special license, George Irwin, 
of the township of Albion, bachelor, and 
Mary Stinson, of the city of Toronto, spin- 
j ster. John Strachan. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, George Irwin, Mary 
( Stinson.. Witnesses, George Spence, F. 

Toronto, 14th April, 1835. This day were 
married by special license, Anthony Burge, 
bachelor, and Mary Henry, widow, both of 
this parish. John Strachan. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, Anthony Burge, 
Mary Henry. Witnesses, Robert Smith 
Arthur Wood. 

Toronto, 15th April, 1835. This day were 
married by srocia.i license, William Bower, 
of tho township of Miubuur, aind Eleanor 
Montgomery, of Mono, spinster. John 
Straehan. This marriage was solemnized 
betveen us, William Bower, Eleanor Mont 
gomery. Witnesses, John Wright, Chariotte 

Toronto. 16th April, 1835. This day were 
married by special licenao, James Basseli, 
bachelor, an<l Lydia Brown, Phipps 1 , spon- 
ster, both of this pa.rish. John Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
James Basre I, Lyrlia Brown Phipps. Wit 
nesses, Thomus D. Phipps, Wiillam Little. 

Toronto, 25th April, 1835, This day were 
married, after d-ue publication of Banns>, 
George Fowl.r. bachelor, and Mary Dun- 
lop, spinster, both of this parish. John 
Strachan. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, George Fowler, Mary Dun- 
lop. Witnesses, Robert Fowler, Mary Mc- 

Toronto, 26th April, 1835. This day were 
married by special license, Joel Flesher 
Robiratson, widower, and Mnry Anne Belt- 
houso, spinster, both of this parish. John 
Strachan. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, Joel Fle^her Robinson, Mary 
Anne Belllwuise. Witnesses, Jane Brown, 
Isaac Wilkinson. 

Toronto, 3rd May, 1835. This day were 
married, after due publication of Banns, 
James Dudy, bachelor, and Margaret. Mc 
Donald, widow, both of thisi parish. John 
i Strachan, Minister. This marriage was SOL - 
[ rmnized between us, James Dudy, Margaret 
McDonald. Witnesses, Frances Stevenson, 
H-oien B-ailey. 

Toronto, 4th Miay, 1835. This day were 

1 man-ried by special license, William Charges 

j Gwynne, Esq., B.A., of thio city of To- 

! ronto, U. C., bachelor, and Ann Murray 

Powell, of the same place, spinster. John 

Strachan. This marriage was solemnized 

- betveen us. Win. O. Gwynne, Ann Murray 

Powell. Witn sits Grant P.iwcll Ohor otta 

! B. Powell, Maria Jane Hector, Jo?.jn Peter 

; Craig. 

Dr. Gwynne s cottage in Parkdale, on 
Dufferin street, is standing in 1898. 
| See Landmarks, Vol. III. 

To ponto, 7th May, 1835. This day were 
| married by sipecfcu license, Richard Clarke, 
| baobeior, and Judith Demipsoy, widow, both 
| of t.hiis> parish. John Strachan. This mar- 
: riiaigp was solemnized between us, Richard 
id.-ke. Jurinih Demip&ey. Witnesses, James 
: Lams en, Mary Ann McGan. 

Toronto, iO:h May, 1855. Th n> day wore 
married by special license, Robert Deacon, 



bachelor, of Kfeiigston, and Amanda MaL- 
viima Thatcher, spinster, both of this parish. 
John Strachan. This marriage was solemn- 
errm.ized between us, Robert Deacon, 
Amanda M. Thatcher. Witnesses, D. Mac- 
Domr-11, ArQh. McDonell. 

Toronto, 10th May, 1835. This day were 
married by special license, John Holliday, 
private in" IStfa Regt., bachelor, and Cath 
erine Saunders, widow. both of this parish. 
John Strachan.. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, John HoUidny, Catherine 
Saumders. Witnesses, William Wallis, Daniel 
Newton, Elizabeth Newton. 

Toronto, 14th May, 1835. This dray v.or 
married, after due publication of Beams, 
Thomas Stewart, bachelor, and Catherine 
Isaac, spinster, both of this parish. John 
&tracha<u, Minister. This marriage was so. f - 
eminized between us, Titos. Stewart, Cath 
erine Isaac, Witnesses, Robert Weir, .David 

Toronto, 14th May, 1835. This d*.r were 
married by special license, James Luunsden, 
bachelor. and Mary Ann McGann, spin 
ster, both of this parish. John Straoha.n, 
Minister. This marriage was so ernnized be 
tween u, James Lumsden, Mary Ann Mc 
Gann. Witnesses, Mary Anne Nelson, Ghas. 

Toronto, 15th May, 1835. Thro day were 
married by apeciaJ. license, John Bartholo 
mew Boyoe, Esq.. of London district, bache 
lor, and Eliza Ann Hawke, of this parish, 
spinster. Jota Strachan. This marriage 
was soteniinize d between us, John B. Boyce, 
Eliza Ann Hawke. Witn:a;es, M. Hender 
son, John McMillan. 

Toronto. 16th May, 1835. This day were 
married by special iice-nae, John Daw sun, 
bachelor, and Mary Ellis 1 , spinster, both of 
this parish. John "Stracham, Minister. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, John 
Daw-sou, Mary E.llis. Witnesses, William 
Palmar, Joton Cr: s:sr. 

Toronto, 23rd May, 1835. Thia day were 
married bv special license, Christopher 
Walte, bachelor, and Sarah Jacques, sp - 
ster, both of the township of Scarboro . 
John Strachan. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, Cbi-iat cipher Walls, Sarah 
Jacques. Witnesses, Mti i-y Jacques, John 

Toronto, 23rd May, 1835. Thfe day were 
married by special idcenso, Thomas McRey- 
nold, bachelor, and France McGwire, si li 
ster, both of this parish. John Strachan, 
Minister. This nwirri; gj was soemnized be 
tween us. Thomas Me Reynold, Francis Mc 
Gwire. Witnesses Joaoi Bright, Agnes 
Straoliam, Elizabeth Hag rm.m, Mary Jano 

Toromto, 25th May, 1835. This dsiy were 
marrfed by spenkii license, John Anderson, 
f.-acihcloir, "and Ellea Freemian, spinster, 
hotJi of this parish. John Stra<cha,n, Minister 
This marrt-ige was solemnized between us, 
,;<ihn A.nd^rson, E len Freeman. Witnesses, 
Elien Cranley, Henry L.-V wlees. 

Toroii to, 6th Juno, 1835. This day were 
marrieil by specicM lice;ee. Wi.liain S-tauto-n, 
Ssq., Dept. Apt. Company General, ami 
Ann Elizabeth Dn.vinia I^ee, sfpinste.r, i.oth 
of this parish. John Strachan. This mar- 
r; ag:; w-aa soilemaiized between us, William 
Sta.nton, Ann Elizabeth I>. Lee. Wit- 
iiess s, Wm. Lee, Amy Sba.nto<n, John Feu- 

Toronto, 14th June, 1835. This day were 
married, after due publication of Uanns, 

Lewte VaaLnakin, of the city of Toronto, 
and Frances Freal, of the same place, spsn- 
stor, by me, Charles Matthews, A.M., O f- 
ficia.ting Minister. This marriage was so:- 
emniizeu between \i, Lewis Vannakin and 
Frances Freel. Witnesses, James Sevens, 
Join Feoton. 

The R-ev. Charles Matthews, who offi 
ciated in this instance, was one of the 
classical masters at Upper Canada 

Toronto, 29th. June, 1835. This day were 
married, after due publication of Barms, 
Thomas Roach, bachelor, and Margaret 
McLean, widow, both of th s parish. John 
Strachan, Minister. This marriage was aoi- 
emnized between us, Thomas Roach, Mar 
garet McLean, Witnesses, Mary Ann Roturfi, 
S. D. Straohanu 

ToTOnto, 2nd Jwly, 1835. This day were 
married by special license, William Martin, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Crafts, spinster, 
both of this parish, John .S-trachan, This 
miairriago was solemnized between us, Wil- 
li-a tn Martin, Elizabeth Crafts. Witnesses. 
Francis Goldin, Anne Galdin. 

Toronto, 9th July, 1335. This day vvero 
maivried by special: liceuise, John Pinkney, 
bachelor, and Tamer Johnson, spinster, both 
of the townisjhip of Toronto. John Straohan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
John Pinkney, Tanieir Johnson. Witnesses, 
William Johnson, Thomas Walker. 

Toronto, 9th July, 1835. This day wero 
married by special license, Ishmael Iredalo, 
bach/e-lor, and Elizabeth Burn, spinster, 
both of the city of Toronto. John Strachwi. 
This marringe WM solemnized between us, 
Ishmael I re unto, Elizabeth Burn, Wit 
nesses, Martin Dews, Jane Burn. 

Toronto, 13th July, 1835. This day were 
married by special license, James Stuart, 
of the township of Montague, bachelor, 
nnd Marv Caini, of the city of Tjoronto, spin 
ster. John Strachan, Minister. This mar- 
r ao-3 was Boienmized between us, James 
J3.tiia.rt, Mary Cain. Witni-s:es, Wm. Clarke, 
Anne Phibbs. 

Toronto, 14th July, 1835. This day were 
married by speewil license, Thomas Mills, 
bachelor, "and Elizabeth Cockstand, spin 
ster, both of the township of York, John 
Strachan. This marriage was solemnized 
betv.e^n us. Thorny s MiiiL*. Elizabeth COC -T- 
S tand, Wi-tness. S, Nathaniel Davis, Ludlice 

Torc-n-to, 14t a Ju y, 1335. This day wc>e 
marrkul by sveoki.i license, William Dpne .ly, 
. aoh-lor, and H .i/ Ashfkl i, cpingter. 
oth of this pariah. John Straclian, Minister 
This marriaev was sofemiiized between u.s, 
\\illiam Donellr, Eliza-b -th Ashfield. Wit- 
nvsaes, James Ashfjekl, A.i dy Ardagh. 

Elizabeth Ashfield was a sister of 
James Ashfield, for many years chief 
of the Toronto Fire Brigade. 

Toronto, 16th Juiiy, 1835. This clay were 

n-:a:-ricd bv specfcu Uewse .James McCallum. 

L-achc-lor, "aJid Ewzaheth Hatchler, spinster, 

h of the towiisiiip of Oxford, lyondon 

iiistrict. John S.tracb;x. This marriage vms 

nuized Iiotween us, Jwmes ~M< 
l-:r tJi Hatchley. \Vitnses, F. E. Mf- 
uin, Matthew Houston. 

Townto, 18th July. 1835. This day 
married, after d-ue publication of Banns. 
Isaiah KeJiJiy, widoww. and Mary 



>v<iow both of this parish. John Strachasi. 
Mandate*. This miarri.iffa solemnized be 
t-wean us, Isaiah Kenny and Mtury fc niKh. 
Wiwiesses, Ptolert McMichaol, Bridget Uai- 

to fri.t. 21st July, 1836. This day were 
married bv special license, Robert Mopre, 
of tte township of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Sau-ah Lani jnig, of the towtnship of Ohmqua- 
cor,cv, spinst.r, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.A., 
Assistant Minister. This marriage was so - 
c=mr- ; iiei between us, Robert, M<*>re- Sarah 
laming. Witnesses, John MoCwrt, Joan An- 
John Fenton. 

This is the first entry signed by Rev. 
H J Grasett, who was first assistant 
minister of St. James , then rector and 
finally dean. He died in 1B82. 

Toronto, 22nd July, 1835. This< day were 
married bv special license, William Kersey, 
of W towiushlp of Vaugha,a, in the Home 
District, bachelor, and Margaret Camp 
bell of the same place, widow, by me, H,. J., usst. Minister. This rnarria S e was 
solemnized between us, \Vm. Kersey, M.a 
garet Campbell. Witnesses, Hector Beaton, 
W. Andrew*. 

Toronto, 28th July, 1835. This aay were 
married by special license, Thomas Purcaase 
of the township of Vaughan, in the Home 
cintrict, bachelor, and Mary Rodney, ol the 
township of King, spinster, by n.e, H. J. 
Grasett, B.A., Asst. Minister. Th e mar 
riage was solemnized between us, Thomas 
Purchase, Mary Kojney. Witnesses, John 
Scree ton, W. Andrews. 

Toronto, 1st August, 1835. This day were 
married by special license, Henry Rowsell, 
of the city ol Toronto, bachelor, and Eliza 
beth Lewis, late of the city of London, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. B.A., Asst. 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Henry Rowsell, Elizabeth Lewis. 
Witnesses, William Wakefield, C. Sevners 
Ann Wakefield. Francis Lewis, Margaret 
Wakefield, W. Rowsell. John Fenton. 

Mr. Henry Rowsell was for many 
year.* a prominent bookseller in To 
ronto, and lived to a great age. 

Toronto, 17th August, 1835. This day 
were married after due publication of Banns, 
Peter Brown Wood, of the city of Toron 
to, bachelor, and Mary Ann Sullivan, ol 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra- 
eett, B.A., Asst. Minister. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, Peter Brown 
Woo:i, Mary Ann Sul ivan. Witnesses, Arch 
ibald McLachlan, Catherine Kerr. 

Torooto, 19th August, 1835. Jeffrey to 
jPalen. This day were married by license 
William Jeffrey, of the Peninsula, in the 
liberties of the city of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Anne Palen, of the same place, by fine 
H. J. Grasettt, B.A., A?st. Minister. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Wil- 
1 am Jeffrey, Anne Palen. Witnesses. Josepu 
Palen, Eliza-beth Spendley. 

Toronto, August 20th , 1835. This day 
were married by license, Thomas Hunt, of 
the city of Toronto, bachelor, and Mary 
Drew, of the same place, spinster, by me. 
H. J. Grasett, B.A., Asst. Minister. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Thom 
as Hunt. Mary Drew. Witnesses, Robert 
Keslow, John Fenton. 

Oodv to Kearney. Toronto. 29th Aug- 
u*t, 1835. This day were married by license, 

! James Oody, of the city of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Esther Kearney, of the same p ace, 
rfpinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.A., Aset. 
Min. This marriage was solemnized between 
us James Oody, Esther Kearney. Wit 
nesses. S. Hart, Hugh Carmichael. 

Simpson to Burney, Toronto, 2nd 
: September, 1836. This day were married 
] I) v license, William Simpson, of Newmarket, 
"ia the Home District, ba.cb.elor, and Jane 
Burney of the township of West GwiLhm- 
1 U.ry spinster, by me, H, J. Grasett, B.A. ; 
Asst M*nastar. This marriage was sotemn- 
z- 1 between us, William Simpson, June Bur 
ney. Witnesses, Andson Woods, Thomas 
Mo are. ... _ _ 

C.wwoll to McLean, Toronto, 4th feep- 
tember, 1835. This day were married oy 
I cesiss, William Gaswell, or the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, aoid Mary Anne McLean, 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, B.A., Asst. Miin. This paa-riaga 
was soiaminized between us, William Oas- 
well amd Mary Anne McLean. Witnesses, 
Stnatt Oox, Patrick McArdte. 

Burgess to Filstead. Toronto, 8th ospt., 
1835. This day were married by license, 
i Mark Burgess, of the city of Toronto, bach- 
! elor, and Mary Jane Filstead. of the same 
I place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Mark Burgess, Mary Jane Fi 
; ntead. Witnesses, John Erskme, Robert 

T~\ rt f 1 fipS 

Hughes to McBride. Toronto, 9th Sept., 
i 1835 This day were married after due pub- 
\ lication of Banns, James Hughes, widower, 
i and Mary McBride, spinster, both of the 
| township of York. H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
! M nsiter. This marriage was solemnized 
i tween us, James Hughes, Mary McBride. 
i Witnesses, Robert Tate, Andrew Parker. 

Megg to Lowther. Toronto, 16th Sept.. 
1835 "This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, John Mogg-, bachelor, and 
Mary Lowther, spinster, both of Scarooro, 
in the Home district, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
B.A., Asst. Min. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, John Mogg, Mary Low 
ther. Witnesses, James Silvester, El!za 

Pennington to Jackson. Toronto. 17th 
Sept., 1835. This day were married by li 
cense, Edmund Pennington, of the city of 
Toronto, bachelor, and Sarah Jackson, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, B.A., Asst. Min. This marriage was 
aolemnized between us, E. Pennington. 
Sarah Jackson. Witnesses, Peter J. O Neill, 
Mary Ann Jackson. 

Lee to Ewart. Toronto, 23rd Sept., 1835. 
This day were married by license, George 
. I.PO bachelor, and Mary Ewart, spinster, 
,both of the township of York, by me, John 
! Sti-achan. Minister. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, George Lee, Mary 
Ewart. Witnesses, James Bail?y, Samuel 

Asihfi-rld to Ardogh. Toronto, 25th Sept., 
1835. This day were married by license, 
Tames Ashfiedd, of the oity of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Maa-y Ardagh, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, John Strahan. 
TMs mjaiiriag-e was solemnized between us, 
James AshfisM, Ma-ry Ardagh. Witnesses, 
Kiiaa Donelly, Jannes Oallaghan, 

James Ashf ield was afterwards chief 
of the Toronto Fire Brigade. Land 
marks, Vol. II., pp. 581-612. 



Davies to Jones. Toronto, 26th Sept., 
1836. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Davies, bachelor, and FideV:a Jones, 
f^pinster, both of the township of York, by 
me, John Strachan, Minister. This marriage 
was solemnized between us. Thomas Davien, 
Fidelia Jones. Witnesses, Nathani 1 Davies, 
Eliza Jones. 

McKenzie to Cotton. Toronto, 26th Sep 
tember 1835. This day were married by li 
cense, John McKenzie, bachelor, and Phoebe 
Cotton, spinster, both of the city of To 
ronto by me, John Strachan, This marriage 
was solemnized between us, John McKenzio, 
Phoebe Cotton. Witnesses, Robert Hardy, 
James Glass. 

.Spence to Lockie. Toronto. 28th Sept., 
1835. This day were married by license, 
James Spence, bachelor. and Elizabeth 
Lockie, spinster, both of the city of Toron 
to^ by me, H. J. Grasett, B.A.. Asst. Mm. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
James Spence, Elizabeth Lockie. Witnesses, 
T. McMurray, Wm. Kerr. 

Wilson to Oummings. Toronto, 1st Octo 
ber, 1835. This day were married by license, 
Cornelius Beverley, of Beyerley, in the town 
ship of East Gwillimbury, bachelor, and 
Saarh Cummingrs, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.A., Asst. Min. 
-I his- marriage was solemnized between us 
Cornelius Wilson, Sarah Cummings. Wit 
nesses. Rensselaer McOarty, John A. Kemp. 
Lyttle to Armstrong. Toronto, 8th Oc 
tober, 1835. This day were married by li 
cense, George Lyttle, bachelor, and Alice 
Armstrong, widow, both of the city of To 
ronto, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.A., Asst. 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, George Lyttle, Alice Armstrong-. 
Witnesses, James Me Williams, W. Andrews. 
Evans to Moody. Toronto, 12th October, 
1835. This day were married by license 
James Evans, of the township of East Gwil 
limbury, bachelor, and Jane Moody, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
B.A., Asst. Min. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us. James Evans, Jane 
Moody . Witnesses, John Evans, Josiah B. 

Stimson to Thomson. Toronto, 24th Octo 
ber, 1835. Thiis day were married by la- 
cense, Robert Stinson, of the township of 
York, baciuetor, aud Isabella Thomson, of 
the city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Min. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, Robert Stinson, Isa- 
boHa Thomson. Witnesses, Thos, Thompson, 
James Johns ton, 

Sharpe to MiddJeton, TVwonto, 24th Oc 
tober, 1836, This day were married by li 
cense, James Sfcair-pe, of the township of 
teeds, Jo*istow-n district, bachelor, and 
EJdzaJbeth Middle ton, of the city of To 
ronto, sfvinster, by me, jjohii Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
James Sha.rpe, Elizabeth Middleton, Wit 
nesses, William, Swa-ff. John Battle. 

Gibson to Meekiiam. Toronto, 30th Oc 
tober, 1835. This day were maarried by li 
cense, Geoa-ge Gibson. Sarah Jane Meek- 
naim, stptaster, both of this parish, by me, 
John Straban. This marriage was sotemn- 
aed between us, George Gibson, Sarah Jane 
Meekbam. Witnesses, Witie Sohofield. Ma.ry 

Swanton to Beamfafa, Ttoronto, 9th No- 

wnoer, 1835. This diay were married by 

enae, Jtuaes Swaobon, of the city of To- 

rooto, bachelor, and Susannah Beamish, oi 

! the township of Etobicoke, spinste,r, by me. 

; H, J. Grasett, B.A., Asst. Minister. This \\&3 solemnized between us, James 

Swwaton, S-iisannah Bea-mish. Witnesses, 

John. Lea-rson, William Wesley. 

McMuHnn to Girty. Toronto, 13th No 
vember, 1835. Thus day were married by 
Mcense, James McMullini, of the city of 
Toronto, bachelor, and Maj-y Girty, of the 
i same place, spinster, by me, H, J. Grasett, 
i B.A., Asst. Minister. This marriage was 
solemnized between -aa, James MoMullin, 
Mary Girty. Witnesses, Andrew Elliott, 
Sus&nnah McMullin. 

McCu.-n to Austin. Tartonto, 19th> Novem- 
I be-r, 1835. This d-a>y were married by license, 
i James McCueia, of tJie township of Essa, in 
i Home District, bachelor, and Mary Austin, 
I of the city of Tproiito, stpinster, by me, 
j H. J. Grasett, B.A., Asst. Mjnister. This 
| mairr-kif o was soifemnized between us, James 
i McOuen, Mary Austin. Witnesses, Jatnes 
j McBurney, Margaret Ann McLean. 

Clark to Sadler. Toronto, 24th Novem 
ber, 1835. This day were married by license, 
Robert Clark, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Isabella Sadler, of tho city 
of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
B.A.. Asst. Minister. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Robert Clark. Isa 
bella, Sadler. Witnesses, Jane Baird, Susan 
nah Sadler. 

Evans to Hall. Toronto, 27th Novem 
ber, 1835. This day were married by license 
Samuel Evans, of the city of Toronto, wid 
ower, and Isabella Hall, of the same place 
widow, by me, H. J.. Grasett. B.A.. Asst. 
Min. This marriage was solemnized between 
us, Samuel Evans, Isabella Hall. Witnesses. 
James Beatty, Joseph Dixon. 

Devlin to Stinson. Toronto, 5th Decem 
ber, 1835. This day e\v< rt> married by li 
cense. John Devlin, of the city of Toronto 
bachelor, and Anne Stinson, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.A.. 
Asst. Min. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween u< J.)iin Devlin. Anae Stinson. Wit 
nesses, Matthew^arn, J. S. W. Brown. 
Reid to Wanhope. Toronto, 8th Decem 
ber, 1835. This day were married by li- 
con=e, Thomas Reid, of the liberties of the 
city of Toronto, bachelor, and Elizabeth 
Wanhope, of the said Liberties, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, B.A., Asst. Min. fThis 
marriage was solemnized between us, Thom 
as Reid. Eiizabeth Wanhope. Witnesses, 
Samuel Reid, Mary Hillock. 

Leech to Fleming. Toronto, 10th Decem 
ber, 1835. This day were married by li 
cense, Edward Leech, bachelor, and Mary 
Anne Fleming, widow, both of this city, 
by me, H. J. Grasott, B.A., Asst. Min. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Edward Leech. Mary Anne Fleming. Wit 
nesses, Wm. Thompson, William Mo till. 

Wilson to Lockwood. Troonto, 10th Deo., 
1835. This day were married by license, 
George Wilson, of Oakville, in the district 
of Gore, bachelor, and Mary Lockwood, of 
the city of Toronto, widow, by me. H. J. 
Grasett, B.A., Asst. Min. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, George Wilson. Mary 
Lockwood. Witnesses, John Bond, Cather 
ine Bond. 

Savage to Wilkinson. Toronto, 14th Deo., 
1835. This day were married bv license. John 
Savage, bachelor, and Bridg-et Wilkinson 
widow, both of this parish, by me, John 
Strachan. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween as, John Savage, Bridget Wilkin- 


son. Witnesses, Jame Braithwaite, Maria quacency spinster, by me, H. , J. 
Stockd-ile B.A., Asst. Mm. This marriage was sol 

McDonell to Smith. Toronto, 19th Dec., emnized between us, John Lougheed, E!iz 
1836 This Any were married bv special 11- both Burns. Witnesses, James Hamilton. 
cense, James McDonnell, Esq., bachelor, and Richard Ryan. 

Margaret Leah Smith, spinster, both of th!s Mahattv to Ross. Toronto 29th Jan., 
parish, by me, John Strachan, Minister. 1836. This day were married by license 
This marriage was solemnized between us, i John Mahaffy of the Liberties of the city 
James McDonell, Leah Smith. Witnesses. G. of Toronto bachelor, and Elizabeth Rose, 
O. Strachan, Catherine Smith, Allan Mac- , of the said city of Toronto 3 pmster. by 
na jj ., | me, H. J. Grasett, B.A., Asst. Mm. This 

._ oe*% T> /. marriage was solemnized between us, John 

to Thompson. ror0 . n *> 1 26t ^ n e q C ; Mnhafiy Elizabeth Ro^s. Witness^, James 


. 1 

1836. This day wer e married by ^ , Hurs t Margaret Connoham. 

Thomas Philips, of the township of Whit- Q h ^ Gahart Toronto, 3rd Feb- 

by, in the Home District, bachelor and * 1836 T fa ^ marr i e d by 11- 

Sarah Anne Jane Thompson of the . It, cens * y h Gongh, of the township of Cale- 

of Toronto, Pjnster by me H. J. Uraw ,tt don bachelo Delia Gahart/, of this 

B.A., Asst. Mm. This marriage was nol- _<.%, Dv Tnhn Rfc,.., r v,., n This mar- 

^^*^^1*** S2? w "WSw *S-Sti^!t John 
Anne Jane Thompson. Witnesse.^Wi J> j Gongh, and Delia Gahftrtv. Witnesses, Mar- 
Thompjon Joha fatrathy, frarah Thompson, gnre * t Mf , Glein Mar{fare t Centre. 

mil to HnVklnnfl Toronto 29th Dec Po6ter to Humphreys. Toronto, 4th Feb- 

Hill tO JUaCKlana. lOrOUtO, ^atll JJCC., rl]nrv IRVl Thi* rlav \rpiro marriorl hv 

1835. This day were married after due pub- ?J& ^ OoHev TY^M L^ Foster 
lication of Banns, William Hill, bachelor, ff A gt Ad^tanT G/neral& Lieut 
and Mary Hackland spmster both of this &mtndin/ ffi^MllSS^Fo rcJ:. 6 ta 
parish, by me. H. J. UraseCV. B.A., Asst. p^ov*,,,^ n f TTnnor OanHfla nnw of 
Min. This marriage was solemnized between ^T h ^jdoweV Ind Entn Hurn^hr^s o 


Tl Annl 

Baker, Anna Maria Baker. , Minister . ^^ fringe was solemnized 

Snowdon to Hart. Toronto. 31st De n ., between us, C. "Foster, Ellen Humphreys. 

1835. This day were married by license, Witnesses, S. Warntown, J. D. Humphrey, 
Thomas Snowdon, of Newmarket, in the . E. C. Humphrey, C. Foster. 

Home district, bachelor, and Ellen Hart, i 

of the same place, widow, by me, H. J. Colonel Foster and nis bride, Miss 

Gra>ett. B.A., Asst. Min. This marr ; age wan Humphreys, were well known in. To- 

solcmmzed between us, Thomas Snowdon. ron to, many members of both families 

Ellen Hart. Witnesses, John Walsh, Wil- t : n Kftiriof raii?ATit here 

Ham Graham. ein resident Here. 

_ Trowell to Holmes. Toronto, January Tomlinson to Rattenburg-. Toronto, 4th 

1835. This day were married after due Feb., 1836. This day were married by 

publication of Banns John Trowell, bach- special license, James Parnell Tomlinaon, o f 

elor and Mnry Jane Holmes, qpinster, both the township of Toronto, bachelor, and 

of this parLni by me, H. J. Grasett, B.A.. Elizabeth Rattenburg-, of the same place, 

Asst. Mm. This marriage was uolemnized spinster. John Strachan. This marriage 

between us, John Trowell, Mary Jane > was solemnized between us, James Parnell 

Holmes. Witnesses, Selina Thomson, John , Tomlinson, Elizabeth Rattenburg-. Wit- 

Brridwin. i nesses, Maria Stockdale, Martha Townley. 

Brtabazo-n to Stevenson. Toronto. 12th i Edmonds to Gilmore. This day were 

Jan,, 1836. TMs day weremarried by li- rmrried, after due publication of Banns, 

cenge. George Brabz.on, of the township William Edmonds, of the township of York, 

of Brock, baxibetor, amd Sarah Stevenson, bachelor, and Ann Gilmore, of the city of 

of the piame townsbip, spinster, by me, H. J. i Toronto, spinster. John Strachan. This 

Grasett, B.A., Asst. Min. This marriage marriae-e was solemnized between us, Wil- 

wart Bofemnized between us, George Braba- li^m Edmonds, Ann Gilmore. Witnestees, 

zon. Sarah Steverisinn.. Witnesses, Samuel Thomas Blenkensop, Savinia Garbot. 

Stevenson, .Samniei Johnson. Anderson to Sparkes. Toronto, llth Feb., 

BrrJggs to Iye",vis. Toronto, 21st Jamuary, 1836. This day were married by special 

1836. This day were married, after due pub- license, Robert Anderson, bachelor, and 
Boat-ton of Banns, Ro^beirt Briggs, bache- Jane Sparked, spinster, both of Toronto. 
lar, and Hannah Lewis, ?j>inster, both of John Strachan. This marriage was solemn- 
the ai.ty of Toroaato, by me, H, J. Grasett, IZG< ^ between us, Robert Anderson Jane 
B,A., Asst. Man. This mao-xla^o was so:- Sparks. Witnesses, R. F. Finis, James 
emmiizeil between us, Robert Briggs, Han- Jorres. 

nah Lewis. Witnesses, John Gibson, John Kinnear to Vanbearle. Toronto, 18th Feb., 

Hutchiinsoia. 1836. This day were married by license, 

Brown to McOudHoUigh. Toronto Jan. 25th, David Kinnear. of the city of Montreal, - 

1836. Tbfe day were married by, ; T.ower Canada, Bachelor, and Mary Caro- 

Jotun Brown, bacheSor, and ^Lnrg-aret Me- in. 6 Vanbearle of the city of Toronto, 

OuHoug-h, of -the same pJtijie, spinster, by ; spinster. John Strachan. This marriage 

me, H. J. Gnasett, B.A., Asst. Mira. This was solemnized between us, David Kinnear, 

marriiag-e was so-lemnized between us, John Mary Caroline Vanbearle. Witnesses, Alex,- 

Brown. Ma-rg-airet ^TcOullough, Witnesses, andor Kinnear, H. J. Grasett. 

Hug-h Henderson, Charlotte Brown. O>op<?r to McLean. Toronto, 22nd Feb., 

Loughj oil to Burns. Toronto 26th Jan- 1836. TMs day were married by license 

uary 1836. This day were married by li- Thomas Cooper, and Bridget McLean, spln- 

censo. John Longheed, of the township of stor, both of this city of Toronto. John 

Albion, in the Home district, bachelor, and Strachan. This marriage was solemnized 

Klabeth Burns, of the township of Chin- between us, Thomas Cooper, Bridget Me- 



Lean. Witnesses. John Trcndlove, John 

Orr to Mucklehose. Toronto, Feb. 23rd, 
1836. This day were married by license John 
OOrr, of the city of Toronto, bachelor, and ; 
Eliz i Mucklehose, of the same place, spin- j 
ster, bj me, H. J. Grasett, B.A., Asst. ! 
Min. This marriage was solemnized be- , 
tween us, John Orr, Eliza Mucklehose. } 
Witnesses, Alexander Saull, Sarah Orr. 

Graham to Smith. Toronto, 29th Feb- ] 
ruary, 1836. This day were married after I 
due "publication of Banns, Mark Graham, i 
bachelor, and Sarah Smith, spinster, both i 
of the city of Toronto, by me, H. J.Gra- j 
sett, B.A.. Asst. Min. This marring wan j 
solemnized between us, Mark Graham, : 
Sarah Smith, Witnesses, Robert Hamilton^ i 
Ann Smith. 

Blackshaw to Smith. Toronto, 1st j 
March, 1836. This day ,were married after j 
due publication of Banns, Samuel Black- ! 
shaw, bachelor, of the township of Caledon. 
and Ann Smith, spinster, of the same place, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, B.A., Asst. Min. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Samuel 
Blackshaw, Ann Smith. Witnesses, Wm. H. 
Boulton, Robert Noble. , 

Campbell to Long. Toronto, 2nd March, . 
1836. This day were married by license, | 
Robert Campbell, of the township of West , 
Gwallimbury, bachelor, and Amelia Long, ; 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Graeett, B.A., Asst. Min. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, Robert Camp 
bell, Amelia. Long. Witnesses, Robert At- , 
kens, Mary Atkens. 

Hawkins to Bryan. Toronto 5th March, | 
1836. This* day were married by license, j 
Henry Hawkins, of the city of Toronto, i 
bachelor, and Emma Bryan, of the same , 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.A., > 
Asst. Min. This was solemnized 
betwean us, Henry Hawkins, Emma Bryan. ! 
Witnesses, Vatentine Holt Bryan, T, An- j 
dreus, F. Biokenatuff. 

Straghan to King. Toronto, 16th March, j 
1836. This day were married by license, ] 
Joseph Straghan., of the township of York, | 
bachelor, and Rachel King, of the town- I 
sWp of Ebobiooke, spinster, by me, H. J. i 
Grasett, B.A., Asst. Man. This marriig? was , 
solemnized between us, Joseph Straghan, 
Rachci King. Witnesses, George Jackson, 
T. OaMwell. 

Rolston to Small. Toronto, 22nd March, i 
1836. This day were married by license, j 
John Rolston, of tR city of Toronto, j 
bachelor, and Catherine Small, of the same | 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B. 
A., Asst. Min. This marirage was solem 
nized between us, John Rolston, Catherine 
Small. Witnesses, Robert Todd, Eliza j 
White. i 

Trott to Granger. Toronto, llth April, 
1836. This day wore married by license, 
Job Trott, of the township of York, bache 
lor, and Jane Granger, of the township of 
Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
B. A., Asst. Min. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, Job Trott, Jane Gran 
ger. Witnesses, John Lixfoot, Mary Cook. 

Cayley to Boulton. Toronto, 13th April, 
1836. This day were married by special 
license, William Cayley, Esq., bachelor, and 
Emma Robinson Boulton, spinster, both of 
this parish, by me, John Strachan, Minis 
ter. This marriage was solemnzed between 
us, William Cayley, Emma R. Boulton. Wit 
nesses, Anne Cook, Wm. H. Boulton. 

Mr. William Cayley was father of the 
Rev. Canon Cayley, rector of St. 
George s Anglican church, Toronto. His 
wife was a daughter of Mr. Boulton, 
of the Grange. 

Gant to Dippor. Toronto, 12th April, 
1836. This day were married by license, 
Edward Gant, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Roxana Dipper, of the city 
of Toronto, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
B. A., Asst. Min. This marriage WAS sol 
emnized between us, Edward Gant, Roxana 
Dipper. Witnesses, Philip Gallgo, Wm. R. 

Ingerton to Paine. Toronto, 17tti April, 
1836. This day were married, after due 
publication of Banns, William Ingerton, of 
the city of Toronto, bachelor, and Ellen 
Paine, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, B. A., Asst. Min. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, WiHiam 
Ina-erton, Ellen Paine. Witnesses, Alfred 
Range, John Fenton. 

Irvine to Rose. Toronto, 18th April, 
1836. This day were married by license, 
William Irvine, of the township of Toronto, 
widower, and Anne Rose, of the city of 
Toronto, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, B. 
A., Asst. Min. This marriage was solem 
nized between us, William Irvine, Anne 
Rose. Witnesses, Wm. A. Campbell, W. 
A. Dinie. 

Sweeney to White. Toronto, 22nd April, 
1836. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Sweenev. bachelor, and Eleanor 
tt r hite, spinster," both of Oakville, Gore Dis 
trict, by me, John Strachan, Minister. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Thom 
as Sweeney, Eleanor White. Witnesses, 
John Sweeney. 

Brent to Parker. Toronto, 28th April, 
1836. This day were married by license 
Benjamin Brent, of the city of Toronto, 
(bachelor, and Maria Parker, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B. 
A., Asst. Min. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, Benjamin Brent, Maria Parker. 
Witnesses, W. Andrews, Julia Pigot. 

Butcher to Jefferson. Toronto, 29th 
April, 1836. This day were married by li 
cense, William Butcher, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Eliza Jefferson, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
B.A.. Asst. Min. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, William Butcher, Eliza 
Jefferson. Witnesses, Harriett Campbell, 
John Fisher. 

Alloock to Riggs. Toronto, 7th May, 
1836. This day were married by Kcense, 
Thomas Alloock, of the township of Etobi- 
coke, bachelor, aaid Jane RAg-gsi, of the 
township of Toronto, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Gras ett, B.A., Asst. Minister. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Thos. 
Allcock, Jane Raggsu Wit-nesses, Wm. O. 
Burn, Thomas Hag-fe. 

Harris to Wallis. Toronto, 10th May, 
1836. This day were married by license, 
William Harris, of the township of Va-uighan, 
bachelor, and Arm Wallis, .of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.A., 
Asst. Min. This marriage was solemnized 
between us. WitUJarn Hm-rris, Ann Wallis. 
Witnesses, George McChesney, W. Androws, 

Chambers to MuJligan. Toronto, 13th May, 
1836. This day were married by license, 
James Chambers, of the township of Otan- 
abie, in the district of Newcastle, bache 
lor, and Mary Anne MulMtgan, of the city 



of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
B.A.. Asst. -Mia. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, James (Chambers, Mary 
Anne Mulltean. vv itnesses, Joseph Mulli- 
g-aai, Catherine Brown. 

Palmer to Euis. Toronto, 18th May, 

1836. This day vore married after due 
publication of Banns, John Palmer, bach 
elor, and Mary Ellis spinster, both of this 
parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, B. A., Asst. 
Miu. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, John Palmer. Mary Ellis. Wit 
nesses, John Ellis, W. Andrews. 
Braithwalte to Sponce. Toronto, ^.btn May, 
1836. This day were married by license, 
James Braithwaite, of tohe city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Eliza Sipence, of 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
B. A., Asst. Miu. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, James Braithwaite, 
Eliza Spenco. Witnesses, John Savage, 
Bridget Savage . 

Kellv to Oawfcra. Toronto, oOth Mny, 
1836. " Thus day were married after due 
publication of Banns, Michael Kelly, wid 
ower, and Ellen Crawford, spinster, both of 
this parish, by me, II. J. Grasett, B. A., 
Asst. Min. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, Michael Kelly, Ellen Crawford, 
Witnesses, John Hunt. W. Andrews. 

Ferreby fro Copeland. Troonto, 31st 
May, 1836. This day were married br li 
cense, John Ferreby, bachelor, and Eliza I 
Copeland, widow, both of tbls parish, by 
me, H. J. Grasettt, B.A., Asst. Min. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, John 
Ferreby, Eliza Copeiand. Witnesses, Robert , 
Hinson, John Thomas Arrow. 

Dunn to Beswick. Toronto, 31st May, 
1836. This day were married by license, Ed 
ward Dunn, of the Garrison of Toronto 
bachelor, and Mary Anne Beswick, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
B.A., Asst. Min. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, Edward Dunn, Mary 
Anne Beswick. Witnesses, John Comer, W. 
Andrews;. * 

Gommarson to Brooks. Toronto, 16th 
June, 1836. This day were married by li 
cense, Thomas Gommarson, of the township 
of Tecumseth, widower, and Sarah Brooks. 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, B.A., Asst. Min. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, Thomas Gom 
marson, Sarah Brooks. Witnesses, Jona 
than. Brooks, James Brooks. 

Brooks to Holmee. Toronto, 16th June, 
1836. This day were married by license, John 
Brooks, of the city of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Elizabeth Holmes, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, John Strachan, Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us 
John Brooks. Elizabeth Holmes. Witnesses, 
Mary Jane Trowell, John Bradburn. 

Williamson to Pearson. Toronto, 20th 
June, 1836. This day were married by li 
cense, Matthew Williamson, of the city of 
Toronto, bachelor, and Sarah Pearson, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. {Gra 
settt. B.A.. Asst. Min. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Matthew William 
son, Sarah Pearson. Witnesses, John El 
liott, John Mouteon. 

Crawford to Brothers. Toronto, 21st 
June, 1836. This day were married by li 
cense, William Crawford, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Sarah Ann Brothers 
of the same place, spinster, by me. H. 8. 
Grasett, B.A., Asst. Min. This marriage 
waa solemuized between us, William Craw 

ford, Sarah Ann Brothers.. Witnesses, David 
Ramsey, James S. Boddy. 

Harley to Finch. Toronto, June 26th , 
1836. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Harley, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Mary Finch, of the same p^ace, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.A., Asst. 
Minister. This marriage was solemuized be 
tween us, Thomas Harley. Mary Finch. Wit 
nesses, Thomas Is ogle, Henry Evans. 

Jackson to Harrison. Toronto, June 
28th , 1836. This day were married by li 
cense, George Jackson, of the township of 
York, bachelor, and Margaret Harrison, of 
the same township, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grafett, B.A., Asst. Min. This marr : age was 
solemnized between us, George Jackson, 
Margaret Harrison. Witnesses, James 
Powell, William Chapman. 

Hunt to Brownlee. Toronto, July, 4th , 
1836. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, John Hunt, Bachelor, and 
Jane Brownlee, spinster, both of this par 
ish, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.A., Asst. Min. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
John Hunt, Jane Brownlee. Witnesses, 
Daniel Mackenzie, Maria Fitzpatrick. 

Gray to Laniraen. Toirpnto, Ju.y 5th, 
1836. This day were married by license, 
Jiames Gray, of the township of Markham, 
bachelor, and Anne Lannen, of the same 
place, spimster, by me, H, J. Grasett, B.A., 
Assfc. Min. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, James Gray, Anne Lannen. 
Witnesses, Thomas Ferman, Thomas Ralston 

Johnston to Anderson, Toronto, 7th July, 
1836. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Johnston, of the oity of Toronto, 
bachelor, and M/ary Anderson, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
B.A., Aast. Min. This msurriage was solemn 
ized between us, Thomas Johnston, Ma\ry 
Anderson. Witnesses, John Scott, Ehiza Mc- 

Graham to Holton. Toronto, 18th July, 
1836. This day were married by license, 
John Graham, of the township of Esquisey, 
bachelor, and Margaret Holton, of the 
township of Toronto, spinster, by me, John 
StrachafU. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, John Graham, Margaret Holton. 
Witnesses, James Pirice, Fanny Price. 

Workmen to Irvine. Toronto, 22nd July, 
1836. This day were married by special li 
cense, John Workman, bachelor, and Ann 
Irvine, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
John Strachan. This marriage was BOl- 
emnized between us, John Workman, Ann 
Irvine. Witnesses, William Davison, Ann 
McDermid. ( 

Hatfield to Holmes. Toronto, 30th July, 
1836. This day were married by special li 
cense, John Hatfield, of Et obi coke, bach 
elor, and Sarah Holmes, of Toronto, spin 
ster. John Strachan. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, John Hatfield. 
Sarah Holmes. Witnesses, Elizabeth Basket, 
Patrick Hannague. 

Bottes to Lynch. Toronto, 30th July, 
1836. This day were married by special li 
cense, Joseph Bottes, of Brighton, New 
castle district, bachelor, and Jean Lynch, 
of the city of Toronto, spinster. John 
Strachan. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Joseph Bottes, Jean Lynch. Wit 
nesses, A. G. Sacket, Ellen Lynch. 

Clarke to Thompson. Toronto, 4th Aug 
ust, 1836. This day were married by special 
license, Thomas Clarke, bachelor, an 1 Jano 
Thompson, spinster, both of the Gore of 



Toronto. John Stracha-n. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, Thomas G arke, 
Jane Thompson. Witnesses, Joiin Grainger. 
Isaac Thompson. 

Thompson to Smyth. Toronto, 9th Aug 
ust, 1836. Tliis day were married by special 
license, Hugh Thompson, bachelor, and Eliza 
beth Smyth, spinster, both of the township 
of York. John Strachan, Minister. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Hugh 
Thompson, Elizabeth Smyth. Witnesses, 
Ann Phibbs, Robert Thompson. 

Smith to McGallum. Toronto, 9th Aug 
ust, 1836. This day were married after due 
publication of Banns, Thomas Smith, wid 
ower, and Mary McCallum, both of the 
township of York. John Strachan, Minister. 

This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Thomas Smith, Mary McCalium. Witnesses, 
Matthew Priestman, Martha Priestman. 

Hatch to Hagerdon. Toronto, llth Aug 
ust, 1836. This day ewere married after due 
publication of Banns, Stephen Hatch, wid 
ower, and Mary Hagerdon, widow both of 
Toronto. John Strachan, Minister. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Ste 
phen Hatch, Mary Hagerdon. Witnesses., 
William Oaithera, Bridget Cotton, Jas. Mo- 

Brandon to Creighton. Toronto, 12th 
August, 1836. This day were married by 
special Jicense, "William Brandon, bachelor, 
and Jane Oreighton, spinster, both of To 
ronto. John Ktrachan. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, William Brandon, 
Jane Oreighton. Witnesses, James Wallace, 
James Oreighton. 

Payne to Whitney. Toronto, 13th Aug- 
gust, 1836. This day were married by spe 
cial license, Charles Payne, bachelor, of the 
township of Whitby, and Jane Whitney, of 
the township of Pickering. John Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us 
Charles Payne, Jane Whitney. Witnesses, 
John Welch, Charlotte Whitney. 

Ernes to Proctor. Toronto, 15th August, 
1836. This day were married by special 
license, Sdlas Ernes, junior, of the township 
of North Gwillimbury, bachelor, and Hen 
rietta Proctor, of East Gwillimbury, spin 
ster. John Strachan, Minister. This mar 
riage was Bolemmized between us, Siilas Ernes, 
Jr., Henrietta Proctor. Witnesses, Thomas 
Evans, Amelia Wakefield. 

Heney to Muns. Toronto, 20th August, 
1836. This day were married by special 
license, Henry Heney, of Pickering, bach 
elor, and Eliza Muns, of Bowmanvill-e, New 
castle district, spinster. John Strachan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Henry Heney, Eliza Muns. Witnesses, 
James Muns, John Sullivan. 

Ferguson to Glasset. Toronto, 25th Aug 
ust, 1836. This day were married by li 
cense, Torance Ferguson, of the city of 
Toronto, bachelor, and Elizabeth Glasset, 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Min. This marriage was 
solemnized, between us, Torance Ferguson, 
Elizabeth Glasaet. Witnesses, John Sween 
ey, Mary Davine. 

Wilson to Wilson. Toronto, 30th August, 
1836. This day were married by license, 
Moses Wilson, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Eliza Anne Frances Pat tie 
Wilson, of the sajne township, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Graaett, B.A., Asst. Min This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Moses 
Wilson, Eiiza Ann Frances Pat tie Wilson. 

Witnesses, George W. Wilson, George Mc- 

Gordon to Hall. Toronto, Sept. 1st, 
1836. This day were married by license, 
John Gordon, of the township of West 
Gwillimbury, bachelor, and Hannah Hall, 
of the same township, spinster, by me, H. 
J. Grasett, B. A., Asst. Min. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, John Gor 
don, Hannah Hall. Witnesses, William. Muns 
William McKenzie. 

Welsh to McGee. Toronto, September 3rd 
1836. This day were married by license, 
Robert Welsh, of tthe city of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Jane McGee, of the same place, 
spinster by me, H. J. Grasett, B. A., Asst. 
Min. This marriage was eolemnized be 
tween us, Robert Welsh, Jane McGee. Wit 
nesses, David Williamson, James Foy. 

Kreider to Bennet. Toronto, SeptemDer 
5th 1836. This day were married by li 
cense, Ephraim Kreider, of the township of 
Pickering, bachelor, and Elizabeth Bennet, 
of the township of York, spinster, by me. 
H. J. Graaettt, B.A., Asst. Min. This mar- was solemnized between us, Ephraim 
Kreider, Elizabeth Bennet. Witnesses, Wil 
liam Chapman, James Powell. 

Atkinson to Strange. Toronto, 7th Sep 
tember, 1836. This day were married by 
license, Thomas Atkinson, of the township 
of York, bachelor, and Eliza Strange, of 
the same place, spinster, by me H. J. .Gra 
sett, B.A., Asst. Min. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Thomas Atkinson, 
Eliza Strange. Witnesses, John Kirkwood, 
Thomas Atkinson. 

Brown to Moore. Toronto, Sept. 12th, 
1836 This day were married by license 
William Brown, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Mary vAnne Moore, of the 
same place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
B.A., Asst. Min. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, Win. Brown, Mary Anne 
Moore. Witnesses, G. Berry, Sarah Fisher. 

Arksey to Hord. Toronto, Sept. 21st. 
1836. This day were married by license, 
John Arksoy, of the town of West Gwil 
limbury, bachelor, and Mary Hord, of the 
same place, spinster, by me H. J. Grasett. 
B.A., Asst. Min. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, John Arksey, Mary 
Hord. Witnesses, John Elliott, Thomas 

Smith to Dwyer. Toronto, 26th Sept. 
1836. This day were married by Jicense 
Jacob Smith, of the city of Toronto, wid 
ower, and Maria Dwyer, of the same place 
widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.A., Asst. 
Min. This manage was solemnized between 
us. K. Jacob Smith, Maria Dwyer. Wit 
nesses, Wm. Norborough, W. Andrews. 

Weston to Wheeler. Toronto, 27th Sept., 
1836. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, George Weston, bachelor, 
of the township of Scarboro , and Louisa 
Wheeler, Spinster, of the same place, by 
me, H. J. Grasett, B.A.", Asst. Min. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, George 
Weston, Louisa Wheeler. Witnesses, W. T. 
Eagan, Eleanor Thomson. 

Spring to Strong. Toronto, 27th Sept., 
1836. This day were married by license, 
David Spring of the township of Scarboro 
bachelor, and Freelove Strong, of the town 
ship of Markham, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, B.A., Asst. Min. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, David Spring, 
Freelove Strong. Witnesses, John M. Lin- 
sey, John Geister. 


Brown to Barnes. Toronto, 28th. Sept., | This day were married by license, John. At- 
1836 This day were married after due pub- kins of the township of York, bachelor, 
licatio-n of Banns, Wilifam Brown, widower, and Sarah May. ot the city ot Toronto b_v 
and Anne Barnes, widow, of the township . me, H. J. Grasett, B.A. Asst. Mm. This 
of Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.A. i marriage was solemnized between us John 
Asst Mln This marriage was solemnized ! Atkins, Sarah May. Witnesses. George 

between us, William Brown, Anne Barnes. 
Witnesses, John Pealing, Sarah Thompson, 
John Baker. 

Badder to Wilson. Toronto. 3rd Octo 
ber, 1836. This day were married after due 

Webber, Elizabeth Cowry. 

Ford to Knig-hts. Toronto, 12th Nov., 
1836. This dny were married after due pub 
lication pf Banns, Samuel Ford, bachelor 
and Sarah Knights, both of this parish, by 

publication of Banns, Samuel Badder, of the! me, H. J. Grasett, B.A., Asst. Min. This 
township of York bachelor, and Mary Wil- ; marriage was solemnized between us, Samuel 
son of the same place, spinster, by me ! Ford, S*irah Knights. Witnesses, James 
H. J. Grasett, B.A., Asst. Min. Thin mar- Hewett, Henry Bomily. 

riijre was solemnized bet-ween us, Samuel! Bacon to Maoauilay. Toronto, 14th JSo- 
Badder Marv Wilson. Witnesses. Uichard vember, 1836, This day ware married by 
Dunbar W Andrews. Moenae, Joshusi BacoJi, of the township of 

Bain to Bone. Toronto, 8th Oct., 1336. : Uxbridge, widower, and Margaret Macau- 
This day were married by license, Samuel ay, of t<he e*ty of Toronto, spinster, by me, 
B-jJn o f the city of Toronto, bachelor and ; H.. J. Graeett, B.A., Asst. Minister. This 
Jawe Bone Of the same place, spinster, by marriage was solemnized between, us, Joshua 
me H J Grasett, B.A., Asst. Min. This Bacon, Margaret Macauiay. Witnesses, 
uii T-iat-c was solemnized between us, Samuel ; Jolwi Bums, W. Andrews. 
Bam, JMQ Bone. Witnesses, William Bone. | Hobotson to Dixon, Toronto, 16th No- 
Hrt a Henderson i vember, 1836. Tlrs day were married by 

Sutherland to C eaver. Toronto, 13th lioense, Daniel Hobotsfon, of the township 
Oct 1836. This day were married by li- J Toronto, widower, amd Jane Dixon of 
cense, Thomas Sutherland, the younger, of same township, spinster, by me, H. J. 
the city of Toronto, bachelor, and Anne . Grass tt, B.A., Asst. Mm. This marriage 
Cleaver, of the same place, spinster, by me, * BOtemndzed between us, Daniel 
H. J. Grasett, B.A., Asst. Min. This mar- | >n, Jane Dsxon. Witnesses, W. Hiain Dixon, 
riage was solemnized between us, Thomas ; Jane toono field. 

Sutherland Anne Cleaver. Witnesses.! Pemberton to Jermyn. Toronto, 19th No- 
George Sutherland, Mary Cleaver. yembar, 1836. This day were married by 
Johnston to Orr. Toronto, 13th Octo- license Jeremiah. Pemberton, of the town- 
ber, 1836. This day were married by license, <jp of Vauig-han,, and Susannah Jermyn, 
James Johnston, of the city of Toronto. <* H township of Toronto, in the Gore, 
bachelor, and Christiana Orr. of the same spinster, by me, K. J. G.rasett, BA... Asst. 
place spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. B. Ml This marriage was solemnized between 
A. Asst. Min. This marriage was nolemniz- u . Jeremiah Pemberton, Susannah Jermyn. 
ed between us, James Johnston, Christiana " itaesses, Thiomns Jermyn, John Jermyn. 
Orr. Witnesses, Arch. Shaw, Flora Hair. , C a rke . to P^flP- Toronto, 20th Nov., 
Holderman to Saunders. Toronto, 19th f 836 - This day were married, after due puj- 
Oct 1836. This day were carried by li- wtloo of Banns, Thomas Clarke, or 
cense. Abraham Holderman, pf the town- townslufp of Etobicoke, bachelor, and Caro- 
ship of Markham, widower, and Mary Saun- Philips, of the same township, spinster, 
ders. of the same- township, widow, by me, b T me - H- * Graset^t, B. A., Asst. Mm. 
H. J. Grasett, B.A., Asst. Min. This mar- Thas marriag-e was sofemmzed between ue, 
riage was solemnized between us, Abraham Thomas Clarke, Carobne Philips. Wifc- 
Holderman, Mary Saundei*. Witnesses, Ed- nesses Mama Cooper, William Cane, 
ward Saunders, Adam Elliot. vF? r ^ U ^ Hearn - Tor-onto 27th Nov., 
Weller to Smith. Toronto, 25th Oct.. J. 8 ^- T ^ f day were marnecL after due pu*- 
1836. This day were married by license, hcation of Banns, Thomas Tua-nbull, bache- 
John Weller, of the township of Toronto, 05, and Honxxra Hearn, spinster, both, of 
bachelor, and Jane Smith, of the same th-aa parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.A., 
township of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. As ?t- Mm - This marriage was oJemnteed 
J. Grasett, B.A., Asst. Min. This marriage between us, Thomas Turnbull, Honors 
was solemnized between us, John Weller, Hearn.. WJtneasei, D. Lamond, W. Andrewe. 
Jane Smith. Witnesses, W. Andrews, Wil- Bannerman to McKay. Toronto, 29th No- 
liam Featherstone vembeir, 836. Thus 1 day were married by 
Mason to Johnson. Toronto, 5th No- *p."se Alexander Batmerman, of the town, 
vcmfcer, 1836. This day were married by li- 9hn l ) * West jwillimibury, widow, and R**- 
cense. John Mason, of the township of **y McKay, of the sa-me townehjp, spin- 
Mar kham, bachelor, and Sarah Johnson, of "w, by me, H, J. Grasett, B.A., Asst. Mjn. 
the same township, spinster, by me, H. J. This ma.rriflg e was solemnized between us, 
Grasett, B.A., Asst. Min. This marriage AIex - Bawnerman, Rpber ty McKay. 
was solemnized between us, John Mason, nesses, Frederick Charles Thornbury, John 
Sarah Johnson. Witnesses, George Atkin- MatMBBOO* 

son, W. Andrews. Buirge to Goldran, Toa-onto, 29th Nov., 

Wardman to Walker. Toronto, 9th Nov., 1836. This day weore married after due pub- 
1836. This day were married by license, Hoatk>n of Banns Thomas Burgees, bachelor, 
Ralph Wardman, of the township of West and Anne GokJdin, spinster, both of this 
Gwillimbury, bachelor, and Jane Walker, of parish, by me, H, J. Grasefct, B.A., Asst. 
the same place, spinster, by me. H. J. Gra- Min, This marriage was so emnized between 
sett, B.A., Asst. Min. This marriasre was us, Thomas Burg.-s, Anne Goldin. Witnesaea, 
solemnized between us, Ralph Wardman. G. Humphrey, Kebecoa Baird. 
Jane Walker. Witnesses, Wm. Beatty. Wil- Ooxwell to RAdonit. Toronto, 29th N<w 
Bam Walker. , vember, 1836. Thns day were married by 

Atkins to May. Toronto, llth Nov., 1836. special license, William Henry Coxwe.l, 



bachelor, and Mary Ja-rae R&dauit, spinster, 
both, otf thas parish. John Stra cha/n, Minis 
ter. This m/arri_ig-.3 was sodemnazed between 
us. W. H. Corwell, Mary Jane R-idouit. Wit 
nesses, G. O. Straohaffi* Harriet Ridio<ut, J. 

Perrin to Patrick. Toronto, 3rd Dec., 
1836. Thfe day were married by license, 
William) Leaidley Perrin, of Liver potol, Eng- 
iajid, bachelor, and Mary Patrick, of the 
city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, B.A., Asst. Miim. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, William Leau- 
ley Perrin,, Mary Patrick, Witnesses, A. 
Patrick, D. O. W. Rose, Win. P. Patrick. 

Logan to McKiliip. Toronto, 5th. Dec., 
1836. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Robert Logan, widower, j 
and Mary Anne McKillip. widow, both of 
this parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.A.. 
Asst. Min. This marriage was (solemnized 
between us, Robert Logan, Mary Anne Mc- 
Kiliip. Witnesses, Samuel Kenny. Thomas i 

Hooper to Binley. Toronto, 8th. Dec., 
1836. This day were married by license, 
Edward Hooper, of Dundas, in the district 
of Gore, bachelor, and Elizabeth Catherine 
Binley, of the town of Kingston, in the ; 
Midland district, widow, by me, H. J. Gra- : 
sett, B.A., Asst. Min. This marriage was j 
solemnized between us, Edward Hooper, j 
Elizabeth, O Binley. Witnesses, Joseph Buc- 
kett, William Miller. 

Gilbert to Thompson. Toronto, 10th. 
Dec., 1836. Tills day were married by li 
cense, Thomas Gilbert, the younger, of the 
city of Toronto, bachelor, and Maria Thomp- ) 
son, of the same place, spinster, by me. ! 
H. J. Grasett, B.A., Asst. Min. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, Thomas 
Gilbert, Maria Thompson. Witnesses, James [ 
McComb, Anne McComb. 

Metcalf to Wilson. Toronto. 10th. Dec., i 
1836. This day were married by special li- j 
cense, Thomas Metcalf. bich^or, am! Snrnh ! 
Wilson, spinster, both of Toronto. John ! 
Strachan. Minister. This marriage was .-o - 
emnized b -tween us, Thomsis Metcalf. Sarah 
Wilson. Witnesses, Alex. Wilson, Elizabeth 

Garruthers to Gray. Toronto, 12th 
Dec., 1.836. This day were married by - 
oemse, John Garruthers, of the township 
of York, bachelor, and Mary Anne Gray, 
of the city of Toronto, widow, by me, H. 
J. Grasett, B.A.. Asst. Min. This marriage 
was solemnized between us. John Oarruth- , 
era, Mary Anne Gray. Witnesses, William i 
Carter, William A. Moss. 

Shaw to Irwin. Toronto, 14th. Dec.. ,1836. i 
This day were married after due pub lica- 
tion of Banns, George Shaw, of the town 
ship of Toronto, bachelor, and Jane Irwin. 
of the township of Albion, spinster, by !n<>, 
H. J. Grasett, B.A., Asst. Min. This mar- 
riage was solemnized between us. George 
Shaw, Jane Irwin. Witnesses, Wm. Mur- 
chison, Wm. Atchison. 

He the ring ton to Peters. Toronto, 15th 
Dec., 1836. Thins day were married, after 
due publicat-km of Banns, William Hether- 
inig-twi, of the township of Scarboro , 
bachelor, and Margaret Peters, of the 
township of Miarkhaia, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Graeett, R.A., Asst. Minister. This j 
nwMTiaijpe was solemnized between us, Wil- i 
Ham Heth Srfcgtoii, Margaret Peters. Wit- I 
"3, John Pattison, Janet Pattison. 

Vint to Stewart. Toronto, 20th Dee,, 
1836. This day were married by license, 
James Vint, of Oro, bachelor, and Mar 
garet Stewart, of the township of York, 
spinster, by me, John Strachan. This mar- 
irjaga was solemnized between us, James 
Vint, Margaret Stewart. Witnesses, Rob- 
, ert Smith, Agues A, Strachan, 

Ellah to Chiibb. Tortmto, 26th Dec.", 

1836. This diaj were married by license, 
Joton Ellah, of the city of Toronto, widower, 
uind Mary Ghubb, of the same place, spin- 

i ster, by me, H, J. Grasett, B.A., Asat. Min. 
Tlnis 1 marriage was solemnized between us, 
John E-llah, Mary Chubb. Wituiicsisss, Rich 
ard Korthcot, Mary DavMynn. 

Graham to Taylor. Toronto, 4th Jan., 

1837. This day were married by license, 
William Graham, of the township of 
Vaugiia n, bachelor, and Matilda Taylor, 
of tine township of York, spiin,ster, by me, 
H, J. Grasett, B.A., Asst. Miinister. This 
marriage was sotemnized between us, Wil 
liam Graham, Matilda Taylor. Witnesses, 
Thomas Hodgson., John Brown. 

Drake to Mack. Toronto, 4th Jan., 
18o7. This day were married by license, 
William Diratke, bachelor, amd Julia Anne 
Ma ok, BptMter, both of this parish, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, B.A., Asst. Minister. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Wil 
liam Dirake, Julia Anne M.ack. Witnesses, 
Anne Soot t, Joton Wheat ley. 

D.avi bo Street. Toronto, Eth Jan., 
1837. This day maa-ried by license, 
George Davits, of the township of Scar- 
boro-, bachelor, a.nd Margaret Street, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, B.A., Asst. Min. This marriage 
was sotemnJized between us, George Davis, 
Margaret Street. Witnesses, Richard 
Honck, Seneca Palmer. 

Benson to Yates. Toronto, 30th Dec., 

1836. This day were married by license, 
William Beoisom, bachelor, and Jane Yates, 
widow, both, of Toronto, by me, John 
Straohan. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, William Benson, Jane Yates. 
Witnesses, M. Keating, HaimaJi Heron. 

Burrows to Sollitt. Toronto, 12th Jam., 

1837. This day were married by license, 
William Burrows, and Mary Sollitt, spin 
ster, both of the city of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, B.A., Asst. Minister. This 
marriage was solomnize-d between us, Wii- 
liam Burrows, Mary Sollitt. Witnesses, 
John Charltoa, MJary A. Myers. 

William Burrows was for many years 
a resident of Jarvis street, on the 
east side, north of Queen street. He 
was a painter and glazier, in a good 
way of business. 

Mosstagton to Comer. Toronto, 12th Jan., 
1837. This day were married by license, 
Mark Mosskigton, of the township of Gepr- 
gina, ba-ch!e>lo.r, aJid Elizabeth Georgina 
Ooimer, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. G-rasett, B.A : . Asst. Minister. This 
marriage was soitemmized between us, Mark 
Mossing-ton, Elizabeth. Geoirgina Oomer. 
Witnesses, Jota Comer, Eldz-a Barber. 

Ingram to Sears. Toronto, 12th Jan., 
1837. This day were married by license, 
Daniel Ingram, of Oakville, baoheloir, and 
Hannah Sears, of the same pEace, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Gnaeett. Asst. Min. This 
marriage was sofemnized between us, Daniel 



Ingram, Hannah, Sears. Witnesses, James 
Charles Ingrain, William T. Godd. 

Chearinfcy to Phiipps. Toronto, 22nd Jan., 
1837. Tt-iij day were married by license, 
William Ghaarnley, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Mary Anne Phippa, of the 
game place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Ass-t. Mia. This nuarria.g e was solemnized 
between us, WiJlsam Chea.nnley, Mary Anne 
Phipps. Witnesses, W. N. Phipps, Bridget 

Gurren to Phippa. Toronto, 22nd Jan.. 
1837. This da<y were married by license, 
Jonathan Cu,rren, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Ma.ry Anne Xelson, of the 
some place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasect, 
Asat. Mia. This miairria.g>3 was solemnized 
between us, Jonathan Gurren, Mary Anne 
Nelson.. Witnesses, Robert Cameron, Rich- 
ard Ohearniley. 

Carter to Bell. Tor an to, 25th Jan., 
1837. Thiis day married by license, 
Jotin Garter, of the township of Teeum- 
seth, bachelor, and Ellen Bell, of the t own- 
ghip of Essa, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Asst. Min. This marriage was solemn 
ized, between us, John Carter, Wllen Bell. 
Witnesses, James Hamilton, John Sothern. 

Trugen to Watson. Toronto, Jan. 6th, 
1837. This day were married by license, 
Richard Trudgen, of the township of Mark- 
ham, btuchelor, and Martha Watson, of the 
same pla.ce, spinstar, by me, H. J. Grasect, 
Ast. Min. This muirria-go was sotemnized 
between us, Riohard Trudgen, Martha Wat- 
8O n, Witnesses, G. D. RiKiy, Daniel Mewse. 

Graham to Shaw. Toronto, 26th Jan., 
1837. This day were married by, 
Andrew Graham, of the township of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Maria S-naw, of the 
township of York, spiiister, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Min. This was so 1 - 
emnd zed between us, Andrew Graham, Maria 
Shaw. Witnesses, Thomas Graham, George 

Lawrence to Armstrong. Tioronto, Jan. 
26th, 1837. This day were married by In 
cense, John Lawrence, of the township of 
Vespra, bachelor, and Clarissa Armstrong, 
of the same place, widow, by me, H. ,i. 
Graeett, Asst. Min,. This marriage was so - 
emnikzed between us. Joihn Lawrence, Clir- 
fcsa Armstrong. Witnesses, Jane Beatty, 
William La r kin, 

Soott to Hamina. Toronto, 2nd Feb., 
1837. This Say were married by license, 
Robert Scott, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Margaret Hanna, of the 
township of Albion, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grose tt, Asst. Mta. This mmrriago wa.s sol 
emnized between us, Robert Scott, Mar 
garet Hia.nip.a_ Witnesses, John Hanna, Wii- 
Baim. Kennedy. 

Oa,rro41 to Pateraon. Toronto, 6th Feb., 
1837. This day were married by license, 
Patrick OarroH, of the Garrison of To 
ronto, bachelpr, sergeant in hi3 Majesty s 
15th Regiment, to Elizabeth Patter 
son., of the city of Toronto, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min. This mar 
riage was 9otem>n,ized between us, Patrick 
Garroil, Sergt. 15th Regt., Elizabeth Pat 
terson. Witnesses, Bryan Stratford, lT<_nrv 
Hugh. O NeiL 

Howdeei to Speince. TJoronto, 9th Feb., 
1837. This day were married by license, 
Jaimes Howden, of tiLO township of Albion, 
bachelor, and Anne Spence, of the town 
ship of Gate-don, widow, by me, H&nry Hugh 
O Neal, A. B. This was solemn 

ized between us, Jas. HowJen, Anne Spen-^e. 
Wituf ss^s, James Dori.l:]sjii, Win. Atohason. 

Co-nlon to Engl sh, Toronto, 13th 
Feb., 1837. This daiy \ married, alter 
due publ3cait.i<n of Banns. Michael Gonlon, 
widower, and Anne English, widow, btoth of 
ttuis parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
Mta. This marriage was so lemnized be 
tween us, Michael Comion, Anne English. 
W&trbesses, James Harris, Ann Harris. 

Howarth to Patterswn. Toronto, 19th 
Feb., 1837. Thie dny were married, after 
due publdca/tton of Banns, John Howarth, 
widower, aaid Mary Anne Patterson, widow, 
both of this parish, by me, H. J. Gras^tt, 
Aset. Mtn. This marriage was so lemni/ -d 
between us, Joton Howarth, Mary Ann Pat 
terson. Witnesses, Robert Hodgson, W. An 

Rowe to Beamish. Tjorointo, 23rd Feb., 
1837. Th js day were married by lirenne, 
Henrv Rawe, o f the township of Toronto, 
im the Gore, baohetor, and Catherine Beam- 
isfe, of the saone place, spinster, by me, 
H, J. Grasett, B.A., Asst. Minister. This 
marriage was s>0 L3mnrzed between us, Henry 
Rowe, Oatberdne Beamish, Witnesses, John 
Jermyn, J. Gamble Geddes*. 

Wigglesworth to Smith. T*>ronto, 1st 
March, 1837. This day were married by li 
cense, Richard Wiggiesworth, of the town 
ship of Toronto, baichelor, and Anne Smith, 
of the sarnie pteoe, spinste.r, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Min* This mnrriaga was so> 
emmized between ue, Riobaird Wiggiesworth, 
Anm/9 gmitih. Witnesses, Jeremiaii Jordan, 
Geonge Wiggiirs.vortih. 

Foster to Humphreys. Toronto, 2nd 
March, 1837. This day were married by !i- 
censs, Oolley Foster, junior, Esq., barri- 
ter- at-feiw, and Elizabeth Charrington 
Humphreys, spinster, both of Toronto. John 
Strachan, Minister. This marria,ge was so;- 
pnwi ized between us, Colley Foster, jr., 
Ehdzabeth Cbarrington Humphrey. Wit 
nesses J. Doimiley Humphireys, S. Wushdown, 
J-ulia Foster, Ettzebetih Faster. 

Armstrong to Armstrto,ng. Toronto, 3rd 
Mairc-h, 1837. This day were married by li 
cense T-homas Armstrong, of the township 
of Pittsburg, in. the Midland district, 
bachelor, and Matilda Armstrong, of the 
same township, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, B.A., Asst. Min. This marriage was 
so-temriiized between us, Thomas Armstrong, 
Matilda Armstrong. Witnesses, O. Strong, 
Philip Mayershiffe. 

Nash to Cojofc. Dttvemport Township, York, 
7th March, 1837. This day were married 
Richard Xaah. Esq., of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Ann Cook, of the town 
ship of York, spinster. John Stra.chan. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
R., Airun Cook. Witnesses, Wm. Sppr- 
taug. J. D. Wells, Cecil Giving, Macy Ann 
Billin gs, 

Mr .Xash was a well-known man in 
Toronto. lie was in business as a 
brewer on Front street west. 

to Loos?.. Toronto, 9th March, 
1837. This day were married by license, 
CTwv.rl T s Huinit, of the city of "Toronto, 
bactooior, and Harriet Loose, of the same 
]> iace, spinster, by me, H. -J. Grasett, Asst. 
Min. This men-rl g^ was BOtemnized between 
us Charles Hunt, Harriet Loose, Witnesses, 
J O bn Meek, Sarpah Meek. 
Mitchell to Oarr. Toronto, llth March, 



1-837. This day were married by license, 
John Mitchell, of the -town of Hamilton. 
in the d-ietiict of Gore, bachelor, fund Char 
lotte Ca>rr, of the towmsbiip of Trafalgar, 
in. the same district, spinster, by me, 
Grasett, B.A., Asst. Miri. This marriage 
rj&g? wae solemnized by us, Jtxtun Mitchell, 
Charlotte Carr. Witnesses, George Baker, 
David Oarir. 

Weathe-i- ley to JtacdcaoiL. Toronto, 13th 
March, 1837. This d-ay were miarried by li 
cense, John We>a>the-rley, of the city of To 
ronto, bacteioT, and Mary Anne Jackson, 
of til same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Gmaetit, Asst. Man. This mnrriag; was so - 
ecwuteed between us, John Weatherley, 
MJairy Anne Jaokson, Witnesses, Thomas J. 
Piv.-sboii, Maxy Anne Preston, Waiter Pres 

Ortdg-hton to McLean. Toronto, 16th 
March, 1837. This day were married by li- 
eemse, James Ore g-hton, the younger, of 
the township of York, bia.oheior, and Mar 
garet McLean, of the same towmshi p, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Mini. 
This miarriiaig J wsw sote<m>n-izd between us, 
Jaan-es Cpeiiig-htoo., Margaret McLean. Wit 
nesses, James Wough, James McLean. 

Black to Wallace. Toronto, 17th March, 
1837. This day were married by license, 
Matthew Black, bachelor, aaid Sarah Wal 
lace, spinster, both of Toronto. John 
Stra-ehan, Minister. This marriage was so - 
eomniized between us, Matthew Biack, Surah 
Wallace. Witnesses, Helen Bailey, Agnes A. 
Striaohan,, Jc-hn Wallis. 

Irwin to Scott. Toronto, 23rd March, 
1)837. This day were married by license, 
Thoirua? Irwain, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Anne Scott, of the same 
place, 9p-;i,steir. by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
Man. This- mairriHge was solemnized between 
u, Thomas IrwAu, Anne Scott. Witnesses, 
Edward Lamders, Anne Irwin. 

Banibridge to Cooper. Toronto, 24th 
March, 1857. Th.iB day were married by li 
cense, Francis BaJiiibridg d, of the township 
of Tecumseth, bachelor, and Susannah 
Oooper, of the same plaoe, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Graisett, Asst. Mim. This marriage 
was* solcmr.iize.l between us, Frunc.s Bain- 
bridge, Susu>n.tKi,h Coi>ia-. Witnesses, Wm. 
Oaaiipb?!!, Gec-rgs Clampie. 

Scaiiks to Quuiie. Toronto, 27th March, 
1837. This day were married by license, 
Winston Scanka, of the township of Eto- 
bicoke, bachelor, and Elizabeth Quaile, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Asst. Min. This marriage was sol 
emnized between un, Winston Scanks, Eli 
zabeth Quaile. Witnesses, John W. Dun- 
kins, James Fulton. 

Dixon to McLean. Toronto, 27th March, 
1837. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Robert Dixon, of the 
township of York, bachelor, and Sarah Mc 
Lean, of the same place, spinster, by me 
H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. Thin mar 
riage was solemnized between us, Robert 
Dixon, Sarah McLean. Witnesses, Henry 
Livock, Catherine LiTock. 

Woodall to Beatty. Toronto, 4th Apnl, 
1837. This day were married by license, 
William Henry Woodall, the younger, of 
the city of Toronto, bachelor, and Jane 
Beatty, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. "Grasett. Asst. Min. This marriage waa 
solemnized between us. W. H. Woodall, 
Jane Beatty. Witnesses, Onavle.- G. Parks, 
Ransom Woodall. 

Maclde to Law. To-onto, 6th Apri , 1837. 
This day were married by license, William 
Mackie, of the township of West 
bury, bachelor, and Anne Caroline Law, of 
the township of Tecumseth, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minsiter. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, William 
Mackie, Anne Caroline Law. Witnesses, 
George Sloan, Thomas Hurst. 

Carter to Manning. Toronto, 5th April, 
1837. This day were married by license, Ed 
ward Carte", of the townshin of Tecumseth, 
bachelor, and Mary Jane Manning, of the 
city of Toronto, spinster, bv me. H. J. 
Grasett. Asst. Minister. This marriage 
was sofomindized between us, Edward Carter, 
Mary Jane Manning. Witnesses, J. D. Orr, 
Thomas M. Manning. 

Cooper to McKay. Toronto, llth April, 
1837. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Baans, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min 
ister. This marriage wa=? solemnized be- 
j tween us, James Cooper, Catherine McKay. 
Witnesses, Edward Blevins, Jane B.ev.nis, 
| Catherine Sloan. 

Nicholson to Orowley. Toronto, 15th 
| April, 1837. T. n L9 day were mia-rried by li 
cense, John N,;cho flii, of the city of To-, widower, anwl Mnnry Crowley, of the 
same piaoe, spinster, by me, H, J. Grasett, 
Asst, Miin. This mairriaigo was solemnized 
between us, John Nicholson , Mairy Orow- 
j ley. Wl ttiesses, William Bolton, Richard 
! Tinning. 

Esmonde to Wan-rein. Toronto, 29th 
i April, 1837. This day were married by li- 
; cense, John Esmionde, bachelor, and De- 
I bO rah Warren, widow, bo th of Toronto, by 
! me, John Stimoba>n. This marria.gj was PO- 
enwiized between us, John Esmonde, De- 
; borah Warren. Witnesses, A. Jane Baiey, 
; Frederick Bickerstaff. 

Parks to Johns ton Toronto, 1st May, 
1837. This day were married by license, 
| Ohiairles Garner" Parks, of the city of To 
ronto, bachetor, and Mary Anne John- 
! ston, of the aani9 pfaice, spinster, by me, 
I H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. This ma,r- 
i r,ia.go was soiteminized betiween us, O. G. 
Pairks, MJary An;ne Johns.ton. Wi-tnesses, 
Sidney S. tan., Miairy Ann Doyle. 

GiLkinson. to Lang. Toronto, 20th May, 

1837. This d-ay were miairried after due pub- 

i lioation of Baraasi, Joseph Gil vinson, ba.che- 

lor, aad Mary Lang-, widow, both of To- 

romto, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Main. 

This marriaige was s-olemnizc-d between us, 

Joseph Gilkinso.n, M,airy Lang. Witnesses, 

1 Jane Alexander, Cordelia Towngi. 

Piggott to Garbutt. Toronto, Muiy 24th, 
| 1837. This day were married after due pub- 
; lioati-on of Ba.n&, Januss Piggott, of tha 
oiity ol Toronto, bacheJor, and Lavinia Gar- 
butt, of the towusihiiip of Toronto, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasistt, Asst. M.-Jnister. This 
mia/TM-.i was so iemnized between us, James 
Paiggott, Lavimia Uarbutt. Witnesses, Chas. 
Pig-got t, Mairy Ga.rbutt. 

Smith to Timsj ey. Tononto, Miay 24th, 
1837. This dia.y woi-e mu.rried bv licence, 
Joten Smiith, of the oity of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Elizabeth Timsley, of the same 
p aioe, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, Ast. 
^^ilniste^. This marriage was sotomnized be 
tween us, John Smith, Elizabeth Tinsley. 
TVitu-ss?s, Wm. Bolton, Francis Olajkson. 

Mulkn to Turton^ Toronto, May 24th, 
1837. This dav were married by, 
James Mullen, "of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and IIa<:iuah Turton, of the same 



ptece, spinster, bv me, H, J. Brnsett, B.A., 
\ss-U Mtariste.r. This nwrriujrs was solemn 
ized between us, James Mullen, Hannat 
Turton. Witnesses, "William Turton, Maria 

M, to Ross. Toronto, 1st June, 
1837 This day were married by license, 
Thomas William McGrath, Esq., of the 
township of Toronto, bachelor, and Vt ii- 
he-lmina Fredexica Aug-usta Rose, of tl 
citv of Toronto, spinster. John Strachan, 
Minister. This marriage was so.temni zed be 
tween us, Thomas Win. McGrath, Wolhel- 
mirua Rose, Witnesses, Rebecca Dunn, Ohas. 
McGrath, James McGrath. 

Howe to Hote. Toronto, 2nd June, 
1837 Th s day were married by license, 
Thomas Howe, of the township of _York, 
bachelor, and Mary Hole, of the city of 
Toronto, spinster, by me, H, J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. This marriig3 was solemn 
ized between ue, Thomas Howe, Ma.ry Hole. 
Witnesses, Thomas Phipps, Robert Hole. 

Platt to Lookha.rt. Toronto, 3rd June, 
1837 This day were married by license, 
Samuel Platt, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Eliza Lockhart, ot the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
Minister. This marriage was solemmz-d 
tween us, Samuel Platt, Eliza Lockhart. 
Witnesses, John Smith, Sarah Smith. 

Leatch to Young. Toronto, 5th. June, 
>837. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Robert Leatch. of the 
city of Toronto, bachelor, and Margaret 
Y"oung, of the same place, spinster, by me 
H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. Tim mar 
riage was soelmnized between us, Robert 
Leatch, Margaret Young. Witnesses, Anne 
Phibbs, John Figain,. 

Splatt to Ernest. Toronto, 7th June, 
1837. This day were married by license, 
William Splatt, of the township of Pi -le 
ering, widower, and Anne Ernest, of the 
city of Toronto, widow, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Asst. Minister. This marriage was 
solemnized between us. William Splatt, Anne 
Ernest. Witnesses, Thomas Garlick, Mary 

Thompson to Hamilton. Toronto, 13th 
June. 1837. This day were married after 
due publication of Banns, Edward Thomp 
son, bache or, and Mary Hamilton, widow, 
both of this parish, by m_<3, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, Edward Thompson, 
Mary Hamilton. Witnesses, Richard Mit 
chell. Fanny Lewis. 

Bailey to Bailey. Toronto. 16th June, 
1837. This day were marris l after due pub 
lication fo Banns, James Ba : ley, bachelor, 
and Mary Bailey, spinster, both of the city 
of Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized bs- 
tween us, Jumes Bailey, Mary Bailey. W r it- 
nes^es. Andrew Keilly, Mary Ann Gray. 

Bosworth to Howell. Toronto, 17th June,, 
1837. This day were married by license, 
Alfred Bosworth, of Fitzroy Harbour, in 
the district of Bathurst, bachelor, and 
Sarah Howell, of the township of Picker 
ing, in the Home district, spinster, by me, 
II. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us. Alfred 
Bosworth, Sarah Howefi. Witnesses, 
Nicholas Howell. jr. 

Mr. Bosworth died in 1850. His only 
son bpf-avne a prominent man in Strat 
ford, Ont. 

HiUlmiain to B.rodie. Toronto, 18th June, 
1837. Th- s day were married, after due pub 
lication of Banns, Edwin, corporal 
to His Majesty s 24th Regt., Toronto Gar- 
r:son. Bachelor, amd Joanna Brodie, of i 
parish, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.A., 
acting chaplain. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, Edwin Hilkman, Jo-nnna 
Brodiie. Witnesses, F. Ma.lin, J. Wallace. 

Roddy to Owen. Toronto, 24th June, 
1837. This day were married by license, 
John Roddy, the younger, of the city of 
Toronto, widower, and Alice Owen, of the 
same place, widow, by me, K. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Ma.n : ste.r. This marriaig S was solemn 
ized between us, John. Roddy, Alice Owen. 
es, Thomas Moore, Sa.rah Moore. 

to Dudley. Toronto, 2nd July, 
1837. This day were married, after due puu- 
Ir.oatJon of Banna, John Laughlin, bache 
lor, and Phoebe Dudley, spinster, both of 
this parish, by me, H, J. Grasett, Asst. 
Minister. This marrings was solemnized be 
tween us, Joihn Lau^hlin, Phoebe Dudley. 
Witnesses, Joiiin Kelly, Janet Hall. 

McKeand to Kelly. Toronto, 3rd July, 
1837. This day were married by license, 
Thomas McKeamd, of the city of Toronto, 
widower, aid Bridget Kelly, of the same 
place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us Thomas M.cKea.nd and Bridget 
Kelly. Witiruesses, William Wallis, Eliza Jol- 

OarnpJom to Law. Toronto, 12th July, 
1837. Tin s diay were married by license, 
Joseph Campion, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Anne Law, of the Gore of 
Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, Joseph Campion, Anne 
Law. Witnesses, Francis O^arkson, Richard 

A firRtTi 

EgMin to Chrisholm.. Toronto, 15th July, 
1837. This d ay were married by license, 
Nathan Eglin. of the township of Esque- 
s> <ng< in the district of Gore, ba-che!or, and 
Joann Ohrisholm, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H, J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
This nuarrlag 9 was solemnized between us, 
Nathan Eglr. ti. Jo-ann Chrlsholmi. Wit 
nesses, Thomas Ohrisholm, Jr., Martha Bell. 

Atkinson to Foster. Toronto, 17th July, 
1837. This day were married by license, 
John Atkinson, of the township of Mark- 
ham, bachelor, and Jane Foster, of the 
samo place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Asst. Minister. This marriage was 
s>oiemn.ized between us, John Atkinson, J 11 
Foster. Witnesses, John Thompson, William 

Joseph to Hagerman, Toronto. 19th July, 
1837. This day were married by license, 
John Joseph, of the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Ann Elizabeth Hag^rrrfcan, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, John Strachan, 
Minister. This m/arri.ig-e was solemnized be 
tween us, Jodun Joseph, Anne Elizabeth 
Ha< r M - mian. Wiitmesses, Madeline Sampson, 
Harriet Soott, F. B. Head, F. Halkett. 

Mr. Joseph was clerk to the Execu 
tive Council. His wife was a daughter 
of Hon. C. Hagerman and a sister of 
Mrs. John Beverley Robinson. Among 
the witnesses were Sir Francis Bond 
Head, the Lieu tenant-Governor, and 
his A. D. C., Caut. Halkett. The last 



of these two died in Toronto, and is 
interred in St. James churchyard. 

Harries bo Taylor., 22nd July, 
1837. This day were married by license, 
John Harries 1 , of the township of Etobi- 
oo-ke, baohetor, and Sarah Taylor, of the 
city of Toronto, sipnster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, B.A., Asst. Mini. This marriage 
was S i?<mn,i.zed between us, John Harries, 
Sarah Taylor. "Witnesses, Helen Valentine, 
WiHJaan Harries. 

Muina to Gordon. Toronto, 25th July, 
1837. This day were married by license, 
W,i,115iam MUMS, of the city of Toronto, 
bactoe-lor, and Elizabeth Johanna Gordon, 
of the township of Ktag, spinster, by me, 
H, J. Grasstt, Minister. This 
rsage was solemnized between us, William 
Mums, Elizabeth Johanna Gordon. Wit- 
no sue 3, James Oxford, Elizabeth Bennett. 

Smith to Carroll. Toronto, 27th July, 
1837. This day were married, after due pub- 
Meatio ii of Bamnsi, Joseph Smith, of the 
town of B-rantford, ba.oh.elor, and Laioinda 
Oairroll, of the oJty of Toronto, sp taster, 
by me, H, J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. This 
nravria.gB was solcnvnized between us, Jo- 
sephi Smith, Lucinda. Carroll. Witnesses, 
Wm. R. Abbott, W. B. Harris. 

Friend fro Rainbow. Toronto, 33 a t July, 
1837. This day were married, a,fter due pub- 
Ipoation of Banns, John Friend, bachelor, 
and Elizabeth Rainbow, spinster, both of 
this parish, by in/a, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us>, John Friend, Elizabeth Rain 
bow. Witnesses, Alexander Lewis, William 

M owe to Wi llison.. Toronto, 5th August, 
1837. Thas day were married by license, 
Jtohn MotOTe, of the township of Piekea-in.g-, 
widower, and Hannah, WiHison, of the same 
place, widow, by ima, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
Mfltiiister. This marriage was BOitemnlzed be 
tween us, Johia Moore, Hannah Willison. 
Witnesses, John (X Sohofiold, Ma.ry Man- 

Hani lin to Warren. Toronto, 6th August, 
1837. This day were married by license, 
John S-qurare Hamilin, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Elizabeth Warren, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Asst. Minister. This ma,rri:i g3 was sol 
emnized between ugi, J. S. Ham-in, Eliza 
beth Warren,. Witnesses, W. HannLin, Mary 

Arford to Dyer. Toronto, 12th August, 
1837. This- day were married, after due pub 
lication of Baom*, Kbert Arford, of tb3 
township of York, bachelor, and Sarah Dyer, 
of the olty of Toronto, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, As.3t. Minister. This m,,i-L- 
riiaige waa so-I-Pinnized between us, Robert 
Arford, Surah Dver. Witnesses, George 
Farley, Elizabeth Miles. 

Brit tan to Elliott. Toronto, 14th Aug-ns t, 
1837. Thiis day were married by license, 
Robert Brittotn. of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, ajid Eliza Elliott, of the lib 
erties of the saikl city, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasctt, Asst. Minister. This mar- 
rJa^ge was. solemnized between us, Ro ert 
Britten, Eiiz-i Elliott. Witnestses, John 
Bond, Sarah, Bond. 

Bkiok to Stevenson. Toronto, 18th .Auigust, 
1837. Thus day were niiirried by license, Bla-ok, of the oity of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Isabella Stevenson, of the same 
place, spinster, by m.e, H. J. Grasett, B.A., 

Asst. Maai.ister. Thi a marriage was solemn 
ized between, us, Jobn Bfecic, Isabella Ste 
venson. Witnesses, Thomas Armstrong, John 

MeCord to Beatty. Toronto, Sept. 3rd, 
1837. This day were married, after due pub 
lication of Banns., James MeCord, of the 
city of Tormito, baicholor, and Jaae Beatty, 
of the siam-9 pto CS, widow, by me, George 
Mackie, officiating Minister. This nva.r- 
r. iagr? wa s-oilcmnized between us, James 
MeGord, JaiLO Eeatty. Witnesses, J:-mes Mc- 
Stavi.-k, Georgie McStavick, Rosalie Mc- 

j Stavick. 

Humphrey to Todd. Toronto, Sept. 7th, 
18o7. This day were married by licen^^ 
Jos ia.h Humphrey, bachelor, of the city of 

I Torcxnitio, ici the Home district, and Lu- 
ctoda Todd, of the same place, spinster, by 
me, Oharfea Miathews, A. M., Oxf. Minis 
ter. This mirri ag3 was so-lemnized betwren 
us, Jos Jah Humphrey, Lucdtnda Todd. Wit- 
nesses, Laura Howard, P. Humi ;hroy. 
Thompson to Allen,. Toronto, Sept. 7th, 

| 1837. Tilda day were married by lirsrse, 

Edward Thompson,, of the township of To 
ronto, Hn,9 d srrict, bachelor, a,nd Rr.u-y 
All-.-n, of the name plae, spinster, by me, 
Cha,:-le Ma.thews A. >!., Oi f. Minister. r - i iago was soJ&mnlzed between us, E-1- 
\i ;ii-(i I hoimipswn,, Mary Alien. Witness c-s, 
Thomiais Red-J, John. Allen. 

PalLiiaair to Green^ Toronto, llth Sept., 
1837. This day were married, after due pub 
lication of Banns, Thomas Palliser, ui<l- 
o - >\er, amd Mary Green, spinster, both of 
the township of York, John S-trftOhan, 
M. ini stiCir. JTlii-i miarrfciige was solemnized be- 
tucein us, Thomas Pall ser, Mary Gr 
V. itne sses, Andrew Tallanoe, James Hi :h- 

I Phibbs to Sewiard. Toronto,, 7th Sept., 
1837. TMs day were married by license, 
George PMbbe, bachelor, and Ann Seward, 

! spins&er, both of this pairish. John Stradian, 

: r rh! V nuaiTTi.Migo was sol emnized between us, 
GeoTge PbJbbs, Amn, Sewiaird. Witnesses, 
Anine Phibbs Win. Axlsy. 

Caesar to Ca beck, Toronto, 12th Sept., 
1837. This day were married by license, 

: John O.iea.r, bachelor, of the township <>f 
Chiinguacousy, and E,!fea Calbeck, of the 
fity of Toronto, spinster. John Strachan. 
Th/3 irja.rrisige was solemnized between us, 
Jolun Oaesuir, E .iza Calbeok. Witnesses, Ann 
Ma.r-. a Perry, Wil.iam Galbeck. 

Joyce to Best. Toronto, 28th Sept., 
1837. Thi is day were married by license, 
William Joyce, bachelor, awl Helen Best, 
wi:!ow, both of Toronto. John Strachan, 
Minister. This mia,rri:!igs was solemnized be 
tween us:, Wil liiam Joyce, Helen Best. Wit- 
n^-sses, Ja-mes Thi!t !| n, M.ry Hutom.. 

Kniphts to Purdy. Toronto, 30th Sept., 
1837. This day were married, after due pub- 
1 cation of Banns, James Knights, bacheliir, 
and Sarah Purdy, spinster, both of this 
parish. John Stva.chan. This marriage was 
siO Iemniized between us, Jiames Knights, 
Sairah Purdy. Witnesses, Mary Agnes l r ar- 
ker, Robert Oa.rmian. 

Hardy to Taylor. Toronto, Sth Oct., 
1837. This day were married, after due pub 
lication of BaiW e Matrmaduke Hardy, bac-h"- 
I Wr, and IscubelLa Taylor, both of York 
township. John Straohan. Minister. This 
marri g3 was solemnized between us, Mar- 
miai lU k.j Htur;iy, i.snibjlla Taylc-r. Witnesses, 
William Ha.rciv, Marmaduke Gej-rard. 
Hunt to Miilos. Toronto, Oct. 7th, 



1837. Tlife diay were marri-ad, after due pub 
lication of B anns. William Hunt, bachelor, 
and, Marks, spinster, both of this 
lfcriBh. John Sto-a Cfeaai, Minister. This mar- 
rJae<e was solemnized between us, William 
Hunt, ElhsaJDetti. Miles. Witnesses, George 
Fairly, Jeam. Fairly. 

Robinson to Townrow. Toronto, 10th Oct., 
1837. Tihie day were married, James BOD- 
inson, bactok>r, and Mary Townrow, spin 
ster , both of the township of Chiinguaoousy. 
John Stra-chan, Minister. This marriage was 
Sioleminazed between us, James Robinson, 
Mary Towmrow. Witnesses, Thomas Town- 
row, Aoidrew New come. 

Cameron to Drean. Toronto, lota < ct.. 
1837. Tluiis day were married by license, 
Jamee Owneron, Esq., bachelor, and Re- 
beooa DTean, spinster, both of this parish. 
John Stra-chan, Minister. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, James Cameron, Re- 
becoa Drean. Witnesses, Mary Powell, 
Stira-cluan, Mary Seweil, Alexander 
i, James Pat-i.rson. 
inerain to A-rmetrong. Toronto, 24th 
Oat., 1837. This day were married by spe- 
crisui license, Rictard Hutchinso-ii, of the 
townshjp of Vau>g-han, bachelor, and 
bebh Armstrong, of the same township, 
wiidio>w. John Straohan, Minister. This mar 
riage was soitemiiLized between us, Richard 
Hutchins on, Elizabeth Armstrong. ^\ it- 
messes, Joiun ArmBt-rong, Susan Armstrong. 
Whitmoire to Glodfrey. Toronto, 24th Oct., 
1837. Th,i0 day were married, Jacob Whit- 
more, bachelor, of the township of YorK, 
and Mary Ann Godfrey, spinster, afso of 
the township of York, after due publioa- 
t&m of Bainos. John Stirachan, Minister. 
Thite marriaiga was so teminized between us, 
Jaioob Whetmore, Mary Aim Godfrey. Wit 
nesses, William MoGaiusland, Harriet Clark, 
Batitey to Long. Toronto, 27th Oct., 
1-837. Tfciis day were muirrvad, after due pub 
lication of Banaia, Francis Shelley Bailey, 
township of York, bachelor, Sarah Anne 
Long, of fche same place, spinster. John 
Stnaohamu This nnarriag.e was soiemnized be- 
t.ween us>, Francis Shelley Bailey, Sarah 
Amine Long. Witnesses, A. Xeilly, Ann 

Wri gh t to Roberts. Toronto, llth >ov., 
1857 Thiis day were married by license, 
Thomas Wrflghb, of the city of Toronto, 
UtcheLoir, a<nd Matilda Roberts , of 
same place, sp.inter, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asstu Min, This nua.rriaige was sotemnized 
between us, Thiomas Wnight, Matilda Rob 
erts. Witnesses, Richard OuidmiOffe, John 

Alderdice to Bennett. Toronto, loth. 
Nov., 1837. This day were married by li 
cense, Robert Alderdice, of the city ot To 
ronto, bachelor, and Isabella Bennett, of 
the same place, spinster, by me H. J. Gra 
sett, Asst. Min. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, Robert Alderdice, Isa 
bella Bennett. Witnesses, Humphrey Ben 
nett, James Bennett. 

Hurci to Pratt. Toronto, 18th. Nov., 
1837. This day were married by special li 
cense, Samuel Proudfoot Hurd, Esq., wid 
ower, and Anne Mary Pratt, spinster, both 
of this parish. John Strachan. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, S. P. 
Hurd, Anne Mary Pratt. Witnesses, Fra- 
loince Hurd, J. M. Singer, William Haw 

Brown to Heartfield. Toronto, 22nd. 
Nov., 1837. This day were married by li 

cense. William Brown, ol" the city of To 
ronto, widower, and Mary Heartfield^ of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Asst. Min. This marriaae wae sol 
emnized between us, William Brown, Mary 
Heartfield. Witnesses, John Nott, Emma 

"W alMs to Hodgson. Toronto, 30th Nov., 
\ 1837. Thite day were married by license, 
1 James WalLia, of the township of York, 
widiower, and Esther Hodgson, of the city 
Ox Toronto, spinster, by me, K. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. This niurrkige was solemn 
ized between us, James Wallis, Esther 
Hodgson,. Witnesses, Thpmias Spots wood, 
John Graham. 
McKay to Berry. Toronto, 30th Xov., 

1837. Thiiis day weire mnrried, after due pub 
lication of "BaMis, Anthony McKay, wid 
ower, and Mary Berry, spinster, both of 
the township of York, by me, K. J. Gra 
sett, Asst. Minister. This imwriage was 
SK>kMirnirzed between us, Anthony McKay, 
Mau-y Berry. Witnesses, Charles C. Mall, 
William Spring. 

Bacn to Boice. Toronto, 1st Jan., 

1838. This day were married by license, 
John. Bain, of the town of Cobouirg, 
bachelor, and Harriet Boice, of the city 
of Toronto, sptosteir, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Asst. Min. This nuairxiage was so>!- 
eminized between us, Joton B.ain, Harriet 
Boice. Witnesses, J no. Lawrence, R. Brown. 

Wynder to Butler. Toronto, llth. Jan., 
1838. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Bamis, Sarnruel Wynder, bache- 
k).r, and Mary Butler, widow, both; of 
this parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, B. A., 
Asst. Min. This rmwri age was solemnized 
between us, Samuel Wynder, Mary Butlef. 
Witnesses, James B. Small, Jota Smyth. 

Orris to Ghiiknian.. Toroii to, 21at Jan., 
1838. This day were married by lice.: je, 
Daniel Orris, of tfoe city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Ann Elizabeth Chilman, of 
j the same place spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, B.A., Asst. Miin. Tbis marriage 
was solemnized between us, Daniel Orris, 
Elizabeth Chihimian, Witness :s, Richard 
No.rth-wa.te, WiililtoJoa Rasper. 

Danbv to Brack. Toronto, 22nd Jan., 
1838. Thee day were married by license, 
John Daniby, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Jane Brack, of the game 
place, spiinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
As-3t. Min. This ina.rriage was go emnized 
between, usi, John Dauby, Jane Brack. 
Witnesses, John Brack, E .t y Brack. 

McKit trick to Armstrong. Toronto, 23rd 
January, 1838. This day were married by 
License, Cha.rles McKittrick, of the town 
ship of Pickering, bachelor, and Margaret 
A i-mistroing, of the city of Toronto, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Graaett, Asst. Minister. 
Tb;-s marriage was so cmnizod between us, 
Chiarfes McKittrick, Margaret Armstrong, 
^"itnesses, Edward Bowes, Saorah Grasett. 

Peten-s to KeJIy. Toronto, 25th Jain., 
1838. Tlm is day were married by license, 
Reece Peters, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Anne Kelly, of the sam place, 
spams ter, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 
TbAs 1 miarriag-a was soJiemnized between us, 
Reece Peters 1 , Anne Kelly. Witnesses, H. 
G. Bernard, Dav,id Boteford. 

Holliins to Patterson, Toronto, 1st Feb., 

1838. Thii day were nuarri-eci after due pub- 

tioin of llii.nns, David Bollins, bachelor, 

j and Luoy Patterson, spinster, of this par- 

isih,, by mie, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min. This 


mB.rria.g-e was solemnized between us, 
David Hoillims, Lu-cy Patterson. Witnesses, 
Gumuteighain R. Truss, James Johnston. 

HJaninani to Knott. Ttorouto, 2nd Feb., 
1838. This day were married by license, 
EMsha. Hamhami, of tike township of Etobi- 
ooke, baohie.k>ir, and Mary Ami Knott, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Graeett, B.A., Asst. Mm. This marriage 
was sofemmaeed between us, Elfehja Han- 
bami, Mary .Ann Knott. Witnesses, William 
Knott, Eiimbe th Bright. 

Bairnard bo Batch. Toronto, 7th Feb., 
1838. This day were married by license, 
WilliBiTni Bamnard, of the township of Onia- 
g-uiacO Usy, widower, atnid Mary Balch, of 
ttoe oity of Tori into, widow, by me, H. J". 
Grasett, B.A., Asst. Min. This marriage 
was sioleiminiiaed between us, William Ba.r- 
niaird, Mary Balch. Witnesses, John Web 
ster, John, Oomej-. 

Clarke to Mctiouldrick. Toronto, Feb. 8, 
1838. This day were married by license, 
ThiO mus dark, of the township of Caledon, 
bachelor, amd Mary McGoukiriek, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. .Mikin. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, Thomas Clark, Mary Mc- 
GoaildTiJok. Witmssijea, William. Ash,, Bernard 

Usher to M aars. Toroiato, 16th Feb., 
1838. This day wore married by license. 
Johin Frederick Usher, of the township of 
OPO, bachelor, and Hammah Majrs>, of the 
townsihc/p of Vespra, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, . B.A., Asst. Min. This marriage 
wiaGi soilamiiLized between us, J. F. Usher, 
Hannah Msirs. Witnesses, Jonathan Lane, 
Thomas Miada-s. 

Ritebey to Wright. Toronto, 20th Feb., 
1838. This day were married by license, 
John R,itchey, of the city of Toronto, \vid- 
O wer, amd Adelaide Hiaww Wrig ht, of ti;e 
same place, spinistar, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Mfon. This marriage was sotemnized 
between us, John Kitchey, Adelaide Wright, 
Witnesses, W. Andrews, F. Hill, M. Hill. 

Mr. Ritchey was a well-known To 
ronto builder. His name is commemo 
rated in Ritchie s Terrace, on Adelaide 

P h.rriill to Steward. Toronto, 22nd Feb., 
1838. This day were jnarried by license, 
Adinia PherriH, of the township of JSc^r- 
boro , baohe*3r, aind 3Iary Anne Steward, 
of tthe oity of Tjorointo, sptoster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, As-st. Minister. This m;iT- 
riiai^e was solemnized between us, Adna 
Pheirrill, Mary Awne Steward. Witnesses, 
Williiam Stewttrd, William Atkinson. 

Wells bo Hailey. Toilomto, 25th Feb., 
1838. Thdis day were married after due pub- 
BeatKHi of Banns, William W-Ll .s, bachil n-, 
and Nora-h Haitey, spinster, both of the 
city of Toronto, by me, Thomas Phillips, 
D.D. ThiW miarriui:^ > was sol.-min zed batwe n 
us, WSlliam Wells, N-oraih. Hailey. Witnesses, 
W. James, Anne HJO WeMitt. 

Reyniatr to Gra.nt. Toronto, 25th Feb., 
1838. Thiia day were married after due pub- 
Wcaatioin of Bainns., John Reynair, of the 
township of Albion, bachelor, and Eliza 
Grasut, spinster, of the oity of Toronto, 
by me, Thomas Phillips, D.D. This nmr- 
rtiaigne waig sotemtnized between us, John Rev- 
mar, E.lizu Grant. Witnesses, James Robb, 
: - /illiaitt Feas low. 

Nelson to Cudmtore. Toronto, 6th Feb., 

3.838. This day were married by license, 
John Ferris Ne son., erf the oity of Toronto, 
bachelor, an,d Keziah Ouidmore, of the s>ame 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
AsU Mtoin. Thiis marriage was solemnized 
between us, Joton F. Neteon, Keziiiah Oud- 
JIKM-O. Witnesses, Riciuaird Cuidmore, Jane 

Gra- iff to McCuiloch. Ttoronto, 27th Feb., 
1838. This day were married by license, 
John Oraaig, the younger, of the township 
O f Adjala, bachelor, and Jane McOulIoch, 
of the same plaice, spimater, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, B.A., Asst. Mta. This marriage 
was so temmized between, us, John Craig, 
McOullooh. Witnesses, William Peony, 
Maria Grasett. 

to Fulleir. Toronto, 27th Feb., 
1838. This day were married after due pub 
lication of lianms, John Barnes, sergeant 
in the Queen s Rainigers, and of the oity 
of Tomnto, widower, and M^urtha Fuiller, 
of th- j saane place, spinater, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Man. This marriage was 
stole mini: zed between us, John Barnes, Martha 
Fuller. Wi tinesises, John Ginn, Catherine 

The Queen s Rangers, mentioned 
here, must not be confounded with 
Simcoe s famous corps. They were a 
local militia regiment raised for ser 
vice during the rebellion of 1837, and 
disbanded in 1838-39. 

Tickers to JU dah. Toronto, 27th Feb., 
1838. This day were married by license, 
Jujnes Vickeivs, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Sarah Judah, of the same 
p a.ce, spinster, "by nie, H. J. Grasett, 
A sat.. Mijina. This marriage was solemnized 
bet wen us James Vickers, Sarah Judah. 
Witnesses, John Manuel, Anne Mellow. 

Shuter to Reid. Toronto, 3rd March, 
1838. This day were married by license, 
Joseph Shuter, oi the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Jane Reid, of the same 
place, sptosteir, by nue, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
M:.nister. This marriage was soiemnized be 
tween us, Joseph fc huter, Jane Reid. Wit 
nesses, John i hibl/s, Bertie fihepherd 

Shuter street, Toronto, was called 
after the bridegroom mentioned here, 
he owning some of the property near 

Graham to Morrism Toronto, 5th March, 
I 1838. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Graham, of the Township of To- 
ron>to, ba>ohelor, and Jane Reid, of the 
same pla-ce, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. M.iniister. This miarriaig S was soileonn- 
ized between us, Thomas Grahaan, Mary 
Ann Mo rrison. Witnesses, David Haylor, 
Geo pge Morris|0 ni. 

Cook to Tayior. Toron,tp, 7th March, 
1.838. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Oo,0 k, of the township of Vaiu^han, 
bacheiio.r, and Margare t Taylor, 01 the 
township of York, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Gras-^tt, Asst. Mnn. This marriaffe was 
s il mind/.ed between us, Thomas Cjook, Maay 
t Ta.vlor. Witneisises, Johin Taylioo:, Jas 

Kallcett to Moodfe. Toronto, 7th March, 
5838. This clny were miturried by Boerhse. 
Frederick Halkett, captain in the Oold- 
stream Guards, bachelor, and Elizabeth Mar- 
garet Moodie, spiJister, both of this parial . 



by me, John Strachan, Minister. This mar- 
riaga was solemnized between us, F. Halkett, 
E. M. Moodie. Witnesses, F. B. Head, Alex 
ander Wood, James M. Strachan. 

Captain Halkett only survived his 
marriage a very brief period. In addi 
tion to Sir Francis Bond Head s signa 
ture to the marriage is that of Capt. 
Strachan, a son of Bishop Strachan. 
Sleight holm to Fftx. Toronto, 8th March, 
1838 This day were married by license. 
William Sleigihtbolm, of the Gore of 
rxmto, bachelor, and Mary Fox, of 
township of Ohiniguacousy, widow, by me, 
H. J. Grasott, Asst. Minister. This mar- 
rtojre was Botemnlzed between us, William 
SleTghtholm, Ma.ry Fox. Witnesses, John 
Yemen, Sarah, M. Grtte&t. 

MoTtson to Benns- Toronto Oth Maron, 
1838. This diay were married after due pub 
lics t ion of Banns, John Moi-ts m, bachelor, 
and Sarah, Benns, spinster, both pi this 
parfefe, by me, H, J. Grasett, Asst. Mm. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
John Mortso-n, Sarah Benus. Witnesses, 
John L::gs"vorth, Ellen McDonnell. 

Nattresa to Watson. Toronto, 14th, 
March, 1838. This day were married by _ li 
cense, Thomas Nattress, of the to\\i.M .> 
of Toronto, in the Gore, bachelor, and Anne 
Watson of the township of Vaughan, .=p n- 
ster by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
This marriag-e was solemnized between us, 
Thomas Nat tress, Anne Watson. Witnesses, 
James Powell, John Motherwell. 

Nicol to Topham. Toronto, 22nd March, 
1838. This day were married by license, 
John Nicol, of the township of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Margaret Topham, of iho 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
A&st. Minister. This marriage was sol 
emnized between, us, John Nicol, Margaret 
Topham. Witnesses, William Topham 
Joseph Ward. 

Lowry to Smyth. Toronto, 24th March, 
1838. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Joseph Lowry, bache or, 
and Anne Smyth, spinster, both of this 
parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min 
ister. Tliis marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Joseph Lowry, Anne Smyth. 
Witnesses, John Guinan, James Smyth. 

Wright to Bell. Toronto, 27th March, 
1838. This day were married by license, 
John Wright, of Amherstburgh, in the 
Western district, and Elizabeth Anne Bell, 
of the city of Toronto, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us. John 
Wright. Elizabeth Anne Bel . W?tn-~ - "*, 
John Bell, George Houghton, Thomas Bell 
jr., R. B. Miller, G. Ironside. 

McGuire to Butler. Toronto, 12th Ap 
ril, 1838. This day were married after due 
publication of Banns, William McGuire, 
bachelor, and Harriet Butler, spinster, both 
of this parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
Minister. Thi* marriage was solemnized 
between u*. William McGuire, Harriot llut- 
ler. Witnesses. Joseph Smith, William Pre 

Pearsall to Lewis. Toronto, 14th April, 
1838. This di^y were married by license, 
Samuel Pearsall, of Hoggs Hollow, bach 
elor, and Amelia Lewis, of the same place, 
spinster by me, H. J. Grasett, A*t. Min 
ister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Samuel Pearsall, Amelia Lewis. 

Witnesses, Dan el Lew s E izabeth Siiiith. 

Graham, to Towntey. Toronto, 17th April, 
1838. This day were married by license. 
Thomas Graham, the youtn.ger, of the 
township of Toronto, bachelor, and Martha 
Tiowtni jey, of the same township, spinster, 
by me, H. J. &, Asst. Minister. This 
ma.rrj.i g 8 was solemnized between us, Thos. 
Graham, Martha Tow.n.tey. Witnesses, 
George Gran-ami, George Rut edge. 

Bes.t to McMuaJeo. Toronto, 20th April, 
1838. This day were married by license. 
Henry Best, of the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Susunnan McMnllea, of the same 
place, sp- taister, bv me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
Mtoieter. This ma rringe was solemnized be 
tween us, Henn-y Best, Susannah McMuIlen. 
Witnesses, Pete r A. Mo^s. Wm. Fredson. 

Armstrong to Brown. Toronto, 25th April, 
1838. Tbis day were mu.rrioJ by iicense. 
\vidUiaim Armsta-ong, of the city of To 
ronto, widower, a-ii d Catherine Brown, of 
the same plw.ce, wiidow, by me, H. J. Gra- 
sett, Asst. ate.r. This was sol 
emnized between us, William Armstrong , 
Catherine Brown,. Witnesses, Robert H. 
Trotter, Edwaird Smyth. 

Leven to Webb. Toronto, 3rd M.ay, 
1838. This day were married by license. 
Georige Levens, of ttie township of Adjala, 
ba-ctoior, and Anne Webb, of the same 
place, is pimster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. This marriaga was solemn 
ized between us, George Levens, Anne 
Webb. Witnesses, Martin Burns, Swraih 
Ma,nia Grasett. 

Wilkinson to Presqott. Toronto, 3rd May, 
1838. Tluis day were nuacrried by license. 
Joihn Wil kinsori, of Prescott, in the dis 
trict of Johnston, bachelor, and Anne 
Presoott, of the citv of Toronto, spinster, 
by me, H. J., Asst. Minister. This 
marriage was soLemnized between us, John 
Wilkinson,, Anne Presoott. Witnesses, Wil 
liam Hariris, Mary Ann Henderson. 

Hall to M/eo,lly. Toi-wnto, 5th May, 
1838. This day were married by license. 
Richard Hall, o<f the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, and ElJza.betn. Meally, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H, J. Grasett, Asst. 
Miimistcr. This was so -emnized be 
tween us, Richard HiKll, Elizabeth Meally. 
Witnesses, Andrew Gibson, James Arford. 

Pa-ton to Beckwith, Toronto, 9th May. 
]838. Th!s day were ma.rried by license. 
Januesi Barton, of the township of Toronto, 
BachaloT, am.d Mary Beckw,it.h, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
Minister. This miaa-Tiing-e was solemnized be 
tween us, Jaanes Bu.rto n, Mary Beakwith. 
Witniessies, H. D a.n.jaH, James Daniel. 

Northcote to Dnnnimiington. Toronto, 9th 
May, 1838. Thw day were married by li- 
cenise, Ohw.rJes Northcote, of the crty of 
Torot|o, bachelor, an.d Elizabeth Duinning-- 
ton, of t he sanio pla-oe, w.idnw, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst.,. Tliis marriage was 
sol mi. .czed between us, Charles Northcote, 
Eliza^betih Dumnlngton. Witnesses, Thomcis 
Whitlaw, Ha.rTiet WhitLaw. 

Ash to Mairks. Tor.oato, 12th May, 
1838. This day were nua.rried by license. 
Will iara Ash, of the city of Toronto, wid 
ower, and Hauraa,h ^laxk, of the same place, 
sipinstor, by mo, H. J. Gnatsett, Asst. Man- 
Kiitor. This was solemnized be 
tween us Wiilra*n Ash, Hannah Mar ^s. Wit. 
m-se-e^, Bernard Oearnesa, Wi-Uiam Hoare. 

Rusk to McGaL, 12th May, 
1838. Tho3 day were married by iicense. 



James Rusk, of the town.shap of Cavan, in 
the district of Newcastle, bachelor, ser 
geant to the Queen s Own MiT.itia, and 
Mary Ami McGill, of tho city of TtoTonto, 
spinster, by in-, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min 
ister. Thfe marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, James Husk, Miry Anne MoGi 1. 
Witnesses, Sajruuea McGill, Joshua Rev- 

Moore to Barry. Toronto, 14th May, 
1838 This day were married after due pub 
lication of I Jumna. Gew.g-3 Moore, of 
township of Ort>, bachelor, Corporal in the 
Royai Forresters Muitiu, and Margre1 
Bawry o>f the city of Toronto, spinster, ,>y 
roe H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
marriage was solemnized between us, George 
Moore, Margaret Barry. Witnesses, Qen*.ga 
Moore, John Jonee. 

Hennessy to Nowlatu Toronto, 14th May, 
1838 Thus day wore married after due pub- 
Lioatdotti of Bazma, Dennis Hennessy, of the 
towtnshdip of Emily, wictower, corporal in 
the Queen s Militia, and Anne Chris- 
titaa Davidson, Now Ian, of the city of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H. J. tt, 

\SBfc. Minister. This luarrimg-e was solemn 
ized between ug<, Dennis Hcnnessy, Anne 
Ctoris tinia Davidson Nowlan. Witnesses, John 
O Oominon, Mark Connolly. 

Speers to Snell. Toronto, 18th _ May, 
1838 This day were married by license, 
Thomas Speers, the younger, of the town 
ship of Oaledon, bachelor, and Martha 
Smell, of the township of Mono, spinster, 
bv me, H. J- Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
This marriaere was solemnized between us, 
Thomas Speers, Martha Snell. Witnesses, 
George Smell, Jane Speers, 

Purdy to Yarham. Toronto, 18th May, 
1838 This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, William Purdy, of the 
township of Vai;ghan, bachelor, and Mary 
Ann Yarham, of the same townsmp, cpm- 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. Asst. Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
William Purdy, Mary Anne Yarham. Wit 
nesses, William Yarham, Sarah Bright. 

Robinson to Jackson. Toronto 22nd May, 
1838 This dav were married by license, 
Thomas Robinson, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Anne Jackson, of the same 
Dlace, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, Thomas Robinson, Anne Ja 
son. Witnesses, William Wilson, Jane Flan- 

to Bird. Toronto, 23rd May, 
1838 This day were married by license, 
William Hopkins, of the city of Toronto. 
bachelor, and Rebecca Bird , of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asiit. 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, William Hopkins, Rebecca Bird. 
Witnesses Robert Broadley, Jane Rooney. 

Blair to Wainwright. Toronto, 24th May, 
1838 This day were married by license, 
Archibald Blair, of Cayuga, in the district 
of Niagara, widower, and Emma A\ am- 
wright of the same place, spinster, by me 
H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. Thie mar 
riage was solemnized between us, Arch bill 
Blair. Emma Wainwright. Witnesses*, James 
Geo-ge, George Wainwright. 

Whitesules to Cooper. Toronto, 27th 
May, 1838. This day were married by li 
cense. Thomas Whiteside;. of the township 
of Dumfries, in the district of Gore, bach 
elor, and A!tt;e Cooper, of the township of 
Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett . 

Asst. Minister. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us. Thomas Whitesides, 
Alice Cooper. Witnesses, James Price, 
James Cooper. 

Pudjiey to Maries. Toronto, 20th May, 
1838. This day were married by license, 
John Pudney, of the city of Toronto, wid 
ower, sergeant in the Queen s Rangers, and 
Elizabeth Marks, of the sume place, spin 
ster. H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, John 
Pudney, Elizabeth Maries. Witnesses, John 
White," William Ash. 

.Switzer to Curry. Toronto, 7th June, 
1838. This day were married after due 
publication of Banns, William Switzer, of 
the township of Medonte, corporal, in the 
Roval Forresters, Militia, bachelor, and 
Sarah Curry, of the city of Toronto, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Wiiliam Switzer, Snrnh Carry. Witnesses, 
Thomias Boyd, W. B. D. Maor. 

Rackhani to Yarham. Toronto, 1 no. Jun 
1838. This day wore married after due 
publication of Banns, Robert Rackham, 
bachelor, and Mary Yarham, widow, both 
of the township of Toronto, by me, H. J- 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. This marriage 
was solemnized between us, Robert Rack- 
ham, Mary Yarham. Witnesses, John 
Yarham, Sarah Purdy. 

Foster to Minnis. Toronto, llth June, 
1838. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Foster, of the city of Toronto. 
Bachelor, and Elizabeth Minnis, of th same 
place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Thomas Foster, Elizabeth Min 
nis.. Witnesses, John Abbott, David Wier. 

Smyth to Wilkinson. Toronto, 22nd 
June, 1838. This day were married by li 
cense, John Smyth, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Isabella Wilkinson, of ( the 
same township, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Asst. Minister. ThiH marriage was 
solemnized between us, John Smyth, Isa 
bella Wilkinson. Witness -s, William Mont 
gomery, Richard Wilkinson. 

Matthewson to Elliot. Toronto. 30th 
Ju:;c, 1838. This day were married after 
due publication of Barm* Andrew Afitii w- 
son, widower, and Mary Elliot, spinster, by 
mo. H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, An 
drew Mathewsoa, Mary Eliiot. Witnesses, 
James Henderson. Ann Henderson. 

Clargo to Marjoran. Toronto, 1st July, 
1838. This day were married after due pub 
lication fo Banns, Henry Ciargo. of the 
township of Toronto, widower, and Mary 
An:ie Marjoran. of the same township, 
widow, by me, H. J. Grasettt, Asst. Min 
i-tor. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween u*.. Henry Clargo, Mary Ann Mar- 
lornn. Witnesses, Conrad McPheily, Em 
ma Tipling. 

Harrison to Dawson. Toronto, 2nd July, 
1838. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Harrison, of Newmarket, bachelor 
and Ann Dawson, of the township of West 
Gwillimbury. spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
B.A.. A a st. Minister. This marriage wan sl- 
emnized between us, Thomas Harrison, Ann 
I.Viw*on. Witnesses, Peter Rbind, Robert 
j Wilkinson. 

Lewis to Ray, Toronto, 2jid July, 1838. 
j This day were married i fter due publica 
tion of "Banns Anthony Lewis, of the city 
of Toronto, private of the Queen s Rangers, 



Militia, bachelor, and Mary Anne Ray. of 
the same place, spinster, by me H. J. Gra 
sett. Asst. Minister. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, Anthony L-jvvis M:n-y 
Anne Ray. Witnesses, William Handy, 
Dorothy Banks. 

Brock to Craig. Toronto, 5th July, 1838. 
This day were married by license, John 
Brock, of the township of Chinguacoucy, 
bachelor, and Margaret Craig, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, John Brock, Margaret Craig. 
Witnesses, Joseph Craifir, David Clegg. 

Dawson to Craske. ^Toronto 7th July, 
1838. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, John Dawson, of the city 
of Toronto, private in the Queen s To 
ronto Guards, widower, and Pheobe Oraske, 
of the same x>lace, widow, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, John Dawson, 
Phoebe Craske. Witnesses, Robert Colby, 
Mary Holme. 

Owen to Maliey. Toronto, 7th July, 1838. 
This day were married by license, Richard 
Owen, of the city of Toronto, widower, and 
Esther Maliey, of the same place, widow, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Rich 
ard Owen, Esther Malley. Witnesses, 
Ralph Smith, Francis Berry. 

Smith to Howe, Toronto, 7th July, 
1838. Thife day were married by licenee. 
William Smith/, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, a.d Sarah Rowe, of t>he same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, William Smith, Sarah Rowe. 
Witnesses, James Austin, James Conmay. 

Xixon to McNIcoI. Toronto, 12th July, 
1838. This day were married by license. 
Edwiard Nixon, bachelor, and Ehiza Mo 
Niool, spinster, both of Toronto. John 
Straohan, Minister. This marriage was so<!- 
emnifeed between us, Edward Nixon, Eliza 
MoN rooL Witnesses, Margaret Swell, N. 

Lougheed to Quta, Toronto, 18th July, 
1838. This day were married by license. 
Charles Lom.gheed, Sergeant in the Queen s 
Rammers Militia., of tihe township of Al 
bion, baohelor, ajid Mary Quin, of the city 
of Tortxnito, gpiiinsterr, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Aseth. Miindster. This miaariage was solemn 
ized between us, Charles Lomgheed, Mary 
Quiki. Witnesses, Samuel Henry, Robert 
Longhee d, v 

Beyer to Cull., 21st July, 
1838. This day were married by license. 
George Boyer, of tihe city of Toronto, 
bachelor, wad Anne Gibbs Cull, of the same 
place, spinster , by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized 
between ue, George Boyer, Arune Gibbs 
Outt. Witnesses, Edward Lefroy Oull, Anna. 

Bowser to Shookerhill. Toronto, 21st July, 
1838. This day were married by license. 
Matthew Bowser, of the township of Mn.rk- 
ham. bachelor, and Oa,therrne Shoiokerhill, 
of tihe same place, spinster, by me, H. J". 
Gnasett, Asst. Min. This was 
aoteminized. between us, Matthew Bowser, 
da-theme Sihookerhill. Witnesses, Robert 
WiHLamsoai, Mary O Brien,. 

Armstrong to Riddle, Toronto, 24th July, 
1*38. This day were married by license. 
Ttoomae Armstrong, of "the township of 
Varughan, bachelor, and Mary Riddle, of 

i the aamis p.iace, spinster, by me, K. J. 
Gnasett, Asst. Min. This was 
sole mini zed between us, Thomas Armstrong, 
M,ary Riddle. Witnesses, Isaac Riddle, Sarah 
Maria Grasett. 

Ooa-tesi to Jod ce. Toronto, 26th Juily, 
! 1838. This day were married by licenee. 
! John Coa.tes, of the oity of Toronto, 
i bachelor, and Bridget Joice, of the same 
plaice, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
I Minister. This marriage was solemnized be- 
1 tween us, John Ooa-tes, Bridget Joice. 
Wtnesses, {Richard Latty Joanna Rowan. 
Heaffy to Ga-llagher. Toronto, 7th Aug 
ust, 1838. This day wea-e married by li 
cense, John Heaffy, of the oity of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Mary Gallagher, of 
the same plaice, spinster, by me, EL J. 
Grasett, Asst. Min. This marriage was 
sKxtemmifeed between us, John Heaffy, Mary 
GalLagher. Witnesses, Win>. Hegoter, Alex 
ander Ahern. 

MoKee to O Neill. Toronto, 9th August, 
1838. This day were ma-rried after due pub- 
publcataion of Banne, Joseph McKee, wid 
ower, private, in the Queen s Toronto 
Guards, and Anne O Neill, of the city of 
Toronto, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asat. Mndiister. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, Joseph McKee, Anne 
O Neill. Witnesses, David Sa-nds, Grece Fer- 

Keele to Cleaver. Toronto, 14th August, 
1838. This day were married by license, 
William Conway Keele, of the city of To 
ronto, and Mary Cleaver, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min- 
l~ter. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, William C. Keele, Mary .Cleaver. 
Witnesses, Henry James Caetle, Anne Suth 
erland, Sophia Matilda Castle, Martha Fat- 

Mr. W. C. Keele was a provincial 
solicitor and the author of more than 
one legal handbook. He lived in To 
ronto township, west of the city, where 
Toronto Junction now is. Keele street 
in the Junction is named after him. 

Wright to Burgess. Toronto, 16tb Aug- 
gust, 1838. Th s day were married by li 
cense, William Wright, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Margaret Burgees, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett. Asst. Minister. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, William Wright. Mar 
garet Burgess. Witnesses, Richard Church, 
Nancy McCann. 

Harrison to Lamb. Toronto, 16tb Aug 
ust, 1838. This day were married after due 
publication of Banns, John Harrison, of the 
township of Esquesing. bachelor, and Cath 
erine Lamb, of the city of Toronto, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
John Harri-on, Catherine Lamb. Witnesses, 
Robert Ha-wke, Joseph Dixon, Janifls Mack- 

Woon to Hurd. Toronto, 21st August, 
1838. This day were married by license, 
Richard Woon, of the township of Whitby, 
bachelor, and Barbara Hurd, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
Asat. Minister. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, Richard Woon, Bar 
bara Hurd. Witnesses, Robert Wilcockson, 
Sarah M. Grasett. 

Gaskins to Keeler. Toronto, 21st Aug 
ust, 1838. This day were married after due 



publication of Banns, Edward Gaskins, 
bachelor, and Mary Keeler, spinster, both 
of this parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, ij.A., 
Asst. Min. This marriage was solemnized 
between us, Edward Gaskins, Mary Keeler. 
Witnesses, Joseph Timbus, Anne ~Edwards. 

Craig to Petipice. Toronto, 26th. Aug 
ust, 1838. This day were married after due 
publication of Banns, Andrew Craig, bach 
elor, and Jane Petipice, both of this par 
ish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst Minister. 
This marriage was solemn : zed between us, 
Andrew Craig, Jane Petipice. Witnesses, 
Michael Nunegle. John Phibbs. 

Boulton to Heath. Lenton Park, Town 
ship of York, U.C., 29 Aug., 1838. This 
day were married by special license, D Arcy 
Edward Boulton, Esq., of Cobourg, district 
of Newcastle, bachelor, and Emily May 
Caroline Heath, of the township of York, 
Home district, spinster, youngest daugh 
ter of the late Colonel Charles Heath, 7th. 
Begt., East India Native Infantry, deceased. 
John Strachan. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, D. Boulton, Emily M. 
O. Heath. Witnesses, Wm. T. Boulton, G. 
W. Heath, Elizabeth Heath, Sarah Anne 

The bridegroom was for many years 
a prominent militia officer, and when 
he retired in 1896 had more than 60 
years service. He was father of Sen 
ator C. A. Boulton. 

Jones to King. Toronto, 1st Sept., 1838. 
This day were married after due publica 
tion of Banns, William Jones, bachelor, and 
Eliza King, spinster, both of this parish, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, Wil- 
liniri JOIIPS Eliza K ng. Witnesses, James 
Waudle. Elizabeth King. 

Swallow to Caswell. Toronto, 2nd Sep 
tember, 1838. This day were married by 
license, John Swallow, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Sarah Caswell, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Aast. Minister. This marriage wa solpmniz- 
ed between us, John Swallow, Sarah Cas 
well. Witnesses, John Lark, Margaret Mc- 

Simpson to Madden. Toronto, 4th Sept., 
1838. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns. John Simpson, bachelor 
and Catherine Madden, spinster, both of 
this parish, by me, H. J. Grasett. Asst. 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, John Simpson, Catherine Mad- 
den. Witnesses, William McKee, Daniel 

Elgie to Blenkinsop. Toronto, Sept. 12th, 
1838. This day were married by license, 
John Elgie, ot the city of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Anne Blenkinsop, of the same 
place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, John Elgie, Anne Blenkinsop. 
.witnesses, Francis Tierson, Fanny Jack 

Martin to Brett. Toronto, 17th Septem 
ber, 1838. This day were married by li 
cense, Stephen Martin, of the township of 
Mono, bachelor, and Mercellia Brett, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Uraeett, Asst. Min. This "marriage was 
solemnized between us, Stephen Martin, 
Merer-Ilia Brett. Witnesses, Abraham Mar- 
tto, Elizabeth Brett. 

Wilson to Ryan. Toronto. 17th Septem 

ber, 1838. This day were married by li- 
i oense, William. Wilson, of the city of To- 
| ronto, widower, and Anne Ryan, of the 
same place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
: Asst. Minister. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, William Wilson, Anne 
Ryan. Witnesses, William Harper, Sarah 
! Lennox. 

Little to Thompson. Toronto, 19th Sept. 
1838. This day were married by license, 
Hugh Little, of Hamilton, of Gore District, 
widower, and Elizabeth Thompson, of the 
same place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. This marriage was olemn- 
ized between us, Hugh Little, Elizabeth 
Thompson. Witnesses, Anne Parsons, Mary 
Anne Clarke. 

Granger to Shunk. Toronto, 20th. Sept., 
1838. This day were married by license, 
Robert Granger, of the township of To- 
i ronto, bachelor, and Phoebe Shunk, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, Robert Granger, 
Phoebe Shunk. Witnesses, William Granger, 
Joseph Granger. 

Mason to Bailey. Toronto, 27th Sept., 
1838. This day were married by license, 
Richard Mason, to the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Ellen Bailey, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, John Strachan, Min 
ister. Thi3 marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Richard Mason, Helen Bailey. 
Witnesses, James M. Strachan, Agnse A. 
Sitrachan, Jabez Barber, Anne Jane Bailey. 
MnCaig to Black. Toronto, 27th Sept.. 
1838. This Say were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Alexander McOaig, of 
the township of Toronto, bachelor, and 
j Margaret Black, of the same township, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min 
ister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us. Alexander McCaig, Margaret 
Black. Witnesses, Andrew Fleming, Thom 
as Hardy. 

Williams to Donovan. Toronto, 2nd Oct., 
838. This day were married by license, 
William Williams, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Anne Donovan, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, William Williams, Anne Donovan. 
Witnesses, Patrick O Rouke, James Walsh. 
Tuck to Crown. Toronto, 3rd Oct., 1838. 
This day were married by license, James 
T-uek, of tibe city of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Anne Grown, of Yonge street, in the 
liberties of the said city, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasefrt, Asst. Minister. This msr- 
riag-e was aofeiminfoed between us, James 
Tuck, Anne Crown, Witnesses, Ann McCut- 
loug-h, Edwiaird Grown. 

Timbus to Edwards. Toromto, Stbi Oct., 
1838. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Ba,nns. JJoseph Timbus, of the city 
of Tortonto, bachelor, and Anne Edwards, 
of the same p.Iaoe, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Griasctt, Asst. Min. This marriage was 
s>o feminized between us, Joseph Timbus, 
Anne Edwards. Witnesses, Edward Gaskins, 
Mary Aan GaskJins* 

XrchO la to Boiowai. Toronto, 6th Oct., 
1838. This day were married by Mceaise, 
Jmes Nichoils, of the township of Whit- 
church, bachelor, and Jane Brown, of the 
city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Q.rasett, Asst. Min. This marriajg-e was 
solemnized between us, James Ni>ohols, Jnns 
Brown. Witnesses, Ric&affd Robinson, Mary 



Ridout to Humiphireysi. Toronto, 9th Ort., 
1838. This day were married by license, 
Samuei Ridout,, Esq., of tto city of To 
ronto, widower, and Mary Hardwioke 
Humphrey , of the same place, widow, by 
me, John Stn-achain, This marria,ge was sol- 
etQiaized between us, Samuel Kid-out, Mary 
H. Humphreys. Witnesses, George Ridout, 
Thoiinias G. RMout, Chair lies G. Small, Julia 
Foster, EMmbeth, Foster, Jjo-hin, Foster. 

Mr. Samuel Ridout was for some 
time sheriff. His residence was on 
Queen street, east of Sherbourne street. 

She.w to Andrews. Toronto, 18th Oct., 
1838. This day were married by license, 
John Shaw, of the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, amd Eliza Andrews, of tlhe same place, 
spinster, by me, EL J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 
This mia-rriage was solemnized between us, 
Joim Sha.w, Eliza. Andrews. Witnesses, Thos. 
Coyne, Gha-rlee McDeirmiott. 

Spillett to Gla-diGih, Toronto, 20th Oct., 
1838. This day were married a-fter due pub 
lication of Banns. Samuel Spillett, of New 
market, baicluetor, and Lydia Gladish, of 
tihe city o>f Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Min. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Samuel Spillett, 
Lydia Glavdish. Witnesses, Henry Day, Caro 
line Day. 

Baldwin to Rich. Toronto, 24th Oct., 
1838. This day were married by license, 
William Baldwin, of tihe township- of York, 
baciuetor, aind Elizabeth Rich, of the same 
fcownshiip, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. Thas marriage was so.- 
emnized between us, William Baldwin, 
Elizabeth Rich, Witnesses, John Findale, 

Bolbon to Godbolt. Toronto, 25th Oct., 
1838. This day were married by license, 
Jiaiu-9 liu-it Uii, the yo Uinigeir, of the town- 
S hip of Albion,, bachelor, a,nd Ellen God- 
bolt, of the same place., spinster, by me, 
H. J. Gnaeett, Asst. Minister. This mair- 
ri/ was solennniized between us, James 
Bolton, Ellen Godboit. Witnesses, William 
Noble, George Godboit. 

Colby to Nicjolls. Toronto, 3rd Nov., 
1838. Thle day were married after due pub 
lication of Bianiis, William, Colby, bachelor, 
and Mary Anne Nicolls, spinster, both, of 
this parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
Minister. This nuarriage was solemnized be 
tween us, W-illiiaan Colby, Mary Anne Nio- 
olte. Witnesses, John Frither, Susan Nicoll:. 

Smith to Carter. Toronto, 6th Nov., 
1838. This day were married by license, 
Antler-son Smiihh, of the oity of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Henrietta Carter, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H, J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. This marriage was so.- 
emnteed between ua, Anderson Smith, Hen 
rietta Carter. Witnesses, A. Hamilton, 
Rachel Thomas. 

Barrett to MoCallumu Tortomto, 6th Nov., 
1838. This day were married by license, 
Mkhaei Barrett, Quarter Master 1st Regt. 
of Simcoe Militia, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Ellen Martha McGallum, .[ 
tiie same place, spimster, by me, H. J. 
Grasftt, Asst. Min. This maa-riage was 
so-lenuiized between us, Michael Ba.rrett, 
Ellen Martha MoCallum,. Witnesses, James 
McOallum, Richard Gregory. 

Michael Barrett afterwards "studied 
medicine and became a master at 

Upper Canada College. He died at an 
advanced age. 

Givin to Burns. Toronto, 7th, Nov., 
1838. This day were married by license, 
James Givin, of tthe city of Toronto, wid 
ower, and Mary Burns, of the same place, 
widow, by m>3, K. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
TJiiis miarriiage was soilenrndzed between us, 
Jiames G.ivin, Miairy Burns. Witnesses, Ed- 
waird MeGiibbon, Ann Gratham. 

Jones to SewelL Tioironto, 7th, Nov., 
1838. This day were married by license, 
Charles Jones," Esq., of Fort Erie, in the 
district of Niagara, bachelor, and Mary 
Sewell, of ttoe oicy of Toronto, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Griaeott, Asat. Minister. This 
marriage was solemniized between us, Ohas. 
Jtun,- Mary Sewell. Witnesses, Kenneth 
Cameron., E. 

Wainwright to Darling. Toronto, 8th Nov., 
1838. ^Th i.s- diny mi:i.rried by license, 
Samuei Waan.WT ig h.t, of Port Ho pe, in the 
district of Newaasile, b&etkeiar, and Mary 
Jane Diarldiiig, of tihe city of Ttoironto, spin- 
sit>?T, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
Tills marriage was soteimnized between us, 
S amuei Wantniwrigtot, Mary Jane Darling. 
WiUioese6, Robert Daa-iing, Carry Coulaon. 

Pi Okertaig to Abriatuam. Toronto, 14th Nov. 
1838. Tims day were married b^y licenee, 
Joiwi Pickerinig, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Elfea Abraham), of the town 
ship of Scairborp , spinster, by me, H. J. 
Gitas?tt, Asst. MMsteir. This marriage was 
sioleiruniized. between^ us, John Pickering, 
Eliza AbTahanL. \v itntsses, Henry James 
We!sti, Mia-rgaret Abraha-m. 

Cole to Noble, Toronto, 14th, Nov., 
1838. This day were married by license, 
James Cote, of the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, atnd Isabella Noble, of tihe same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 
This iruarriag e ws sotem-nized between us, 
JanueB Goto, Isa-bela Noble. Witnesses, Wil 
liam, SwitzeT, Bernard Oearne. 

Little to Barbeir. Toronto, 15th Nov., 
1838. This day were miarried by license, 
JiOihin Little, of the towiitship of Chinguia- 
oousy, ba:chielor, and Anne Barber, of the 
saaac place, spinster, by me, H, J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. This marriage was sol 
emnized between, ue Jolin Littla, Anne Bar 
ber. Witnesses, George Wilson, George 

Baker to Crown,. Toronto, 22nd Nov., 
1838. This- day were married by license, 
William Baker, of tihe city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and. Sarah Crown, of the same 
p ace, spinster, by me, H, J. Grasett, Asst. 
Minister. This miajrriage was solemnized be 
tween us, William. Baker, Sa<raiii Crown, Wit 
nesses, Edw.ard Crown, Mary Baker. 

Ftetoher to Chasa. Tononto, 27th Nov., 
1838. This day were married by license, 
Dickinson Fletcher, of the Gore of To- bachelor, and Sarah Chase, of the 
township of Vau.ghnn, widjow, by me, H, J. 
Gnasett, Asst. Minister. This marrige was 
SK>lemin zed between us, Dickinson Fletcher, 
Fia.rah Chase, Witnesses, Hugh Robinson, 
Julia Bower. 

Armstrong to Fails. Toronto, 28th Nov., 
1838. This day were married by license, 
Jlota 1 .g. of the township of To- 
romto, becbedbr, and EUeabeth Fa!lsi, of the 
oity of Toronto, spinster, by me, H, J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, John Armstrong, 


Elizabeth Fal s. Witnesses, John Crawford, 
Elizabeth Crawford. 

Duffv to Virtue. Toronto, 29th Nov., 
1838. This day were married by license, ! 
Peter Duffy, "of the township of Teoum- j 
seth, bachelor, and Jane Virtue, of the | 
same p>Jaoe, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, > 
Asst. Minister. This marriage was so:- 
emjruized between us, Peter Duffy, Jane 
Virtue. Witnesses, John Fleming, Sianiuei 

Qud nin to He>rso<n. Toronto, 1st Dec., 
1838. This d^y were married by licemse, 
Jota. Quinn, of the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, amd Jane Heraon, of tine same place, 
siptaster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 
This marriage was so temnized betwean us, 
Jo hui Quinn, Jane Herson. Witnesses, Wi. - 
Mam Whdtelaw, Ellen Quinn. 

Taytor to Demson, Toronto, 5th Dec., 
1838. Thds day were married by license, 
John Fenmdngs. Taylor, the younger, of the 
city of Toronito, bachelor, an>d Mary Eliza 
beth Denison, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Gnaisett, Asst. Minister. This 
marriage was solemnized between us, J. 
FeniningS Taylor, Jr., Mary Elizabeth Deni 
son. Witinesses, George T. Denison, Wm. J. 

Mr. Taylor lived for many years on 
the Lake Shore road, now the north 
west corner of Dundas and Queen 
street west. He was in the provincial 
service all his life. His wife was a 
daughter of G. T. Denison, of Bellevue. 

Ohiapill to Elliot. Toronto, 6th Deo., 
1838. Thiis diav were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, William Ohapill, of the 
township of York, bachelor, and Anne El 
liott, of the same pi-ace, spinster, by me, 
H, J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. This mar 
riage was s-oJieminiized between us, William 
Obia-pill, aind Anne Elliott. Witnesses, Wil 
liam Foster, Eiiaabetih Foster. 

Wtooh to Gopk. Toronto, th Dec., 
1838. Thas day were married by license, 
Thomas Winch, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Martha Ootot, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Graeett, Asst. 
Minister. This miarria-ge was solemnized be 
tween us, Thomas Winch, Martha Cook. 
Witmtesses, William- Wood, Alice Wood. 

Praser to EJl&js, Toronto, 7th Deo., 
1838. Tnds day were married by license, 
Archibald Frasier, of the township of Scar- 
bo ro , baxaheitor, ain.d Maria Elliss, of the 
same pJa.ce, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Aest. Minister. This marriage was soi- 
ecnmdzed between us, Archibald Fraser, 
Mtair - a Elliss. Witmesses, B. L. Far roll, Jas. 

Denason to Devvgom. To.ronto, llth Dec., 
1838. This day were married by license. 
George Taylor Dendaon, bachelor, Lieut. 
Queen s- Military Cavalry, and Mary Ann 
Dewsou, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
Joim Stracban, Minister. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Gearge Taylor 
Denason, Mary Ann Dewsoii. Witnesses, M. 
Dewson, G. T. Dendson, Grant Powell. 

G. T. Denison, the bridegroom, was 
the builder and OAvner of Rusholme, on 
Dundas street. He died in 1873. 

Seaberry to Sina.thw Toronto, 18th Dec., 
1838. This day were married by licemse, 
Richard Seaberry, of the city of To 
ronto, baohetor, and Maria Smith, of the 

siaime place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. This marriage was sot- 
emmiized between us, Riciha.rd Seaberry, 
Maria Smith. Witnesses, Charles Foliis, Geo. 

Bairker to Snuith. Tooranto, 20th Dec., 
1838. This diay were married by licemee, 
BairthO lomew Barker, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Jane Smith, of the 
same place, spimster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. This marriage was so-t- 
e.mmized between us, Bartholomew Barker, 
Jane Smitdi.. Witneseee, Wm. S. Boddy, 

McQuilien to Clifford. Toronto, 29th Dec., 

1838. This diay were married by license, 
Michael McQuilien, of the township of 
Etobiooke, bachelor, and Mary Clifford, of 
the township of York, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, Michael 
McQuilien, Mary Clifford. Witnesses, E. W. 
Eluvins, Biddy Donnelly. 

Peters to Hetheriiigtoii. Toronto, Jan. 
25th, 1839. This day were married after 
due publication of Banns, William Peters, 
of the township of Markhani, widower, and 
Anne Hetherington, of the township of 
Sc-arboro, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, William Peters, Anne He- 
thoi-ington. Witnesses, James Donaldson, T. 

Barwick to Tarleton. Toronto, Feb. 6th, 

1839. This day were married by license, 
John Barwick, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Mary Anne Tarleton, of the 
same place, spinster, by me. H. J. Gra 
sett, Asst. Minister. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, John Barwiok, Mary 
Anne Tarleton. Witnesses, William Mun- 
shaw, Mary Collins. 

Attotaswi to Ckurk. Ttoa-onto, Feb. llth, 
1839. This day were murried by Hcense, 
John Atkinson, of the township of Scar- 
boro , bachelor, amid Margaret Clark, of the 
siame place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us, John Atkinson, Miar- 
giaret Clark. Witnesses, Jota Law, Priiscilla 
GdlmiO Ur. 

Ken-nedv to Jaiakson. Toronto, 12th Feb., 
1839. This day were married by license, 
Jota Kennedy, of the township of Tecium- 
seth, bachelor, and Jane Jackson, of the 
township of York, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. This marriage was 
solemindzed between us., John Kennedy, Jane 
Ja-ckson, Witaessc-s, Sophia Stevenson, Sam- 
uel Colbert* 

Dowdial to Ross. Toronto, 16th Feb., 
1839. Thds day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Richard Do-wdal, bachelor, 
and Maria Ross, spinster, both of this par- 
isih, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
This nuarriage was solemnized bet-ween us, 
Richard D-owclpJ, Maria Ross. Witnesses, 
Henry Wateom., Sunlon Gibbsw 

Johnson to Alexander. Toronto, 19th Feb., 
1839. This diay were married by license, 
William Robinson Johnson, of the city of 
Toronto, bacihetor, and Anne Alexander, of 
the siame place, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
Minister. This menrriage was solemnized be 
tween us, William R. Johnson, Anne Alex 
ander. Witnesses, George Williams, Mary 
Stephens. _ . 

Soper to Frank. Toronto, 21gt -b.. 
1839 Thiie day were married by aoemse, 
Harvey Soper, of the to-wnship of Darbngw 



ton, in, the district of Newcastle, bache 
lor, and Jane Frank, of tho ciuy of Toronto, 
spinster, by me. H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Harvey Sopj.r, Jane Frank. Witnesses, Leo 
nard Curt., Clymene Stinson. 

Curtis to Stiiisoin. Toronto, 21st Feb., 
1839. Thus* day were married by license, 
Leonard Curtis, of the township of Hope, 
in the district of NewoastLe, bachelor, a.nd 
Clymene teitd.nst>n, of the same place, spin 
s-tar, by me, H, J. Gmsett, Asst. Minister. 
Thisi mairriMg-e was sofomriiized between, us, 
Leonard Curtis, C;ymene Stinson. Wit 
nesses, HJa-rvey Soper, Jane Soper. 

These two entries are somewhat 
amusing. In the first Miss Stinson is 
a witness to the marriage of her friend 
Miss Frank to Harvey Soper ; in the 
second, Mrs. Soper, the Miss Frank of 
a few minutes previously, witnesses 
Miss Stinson s marriage. 

Pa,isley to Rutiedg-e. Toronto, 22nd Feb., 
1839. TIBS day were married by license, 
Jaed Paisley, of tih city of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Rebecca. Rutledge, of the same 
place, spfcisteu-, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, JIaired Pafeley, Rebecca Rut- 
ledge. Witnesses, Rtahaird L. Denison, Henry 

Dew to Duffield. Toronto, 25th. Feb., 
1839. Thus day were married bv license, 
Maartta Dew, of the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Betsy DufJield, of the township of 
York, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us 1 , Man-tin Dew, Betsy BuffiekL 
Witmss- s, Henry Duffiekl, Susannah Dew-. 

Broatihiour to Stevetngi vn. Toronto, 8th 
Ma.roh, 1839. Th s diay were married by li 
cense, Arnold Brea.thour, ol the township 
of Georgwiia., baohezor, and Jane Stevenson, 
ol the township of Brock, spinster, by me, 
H, J. Grasstt, Asst. Minister. This mar 
riage war-) solemnized between 113, Arnold 
Br;at houT, Jane fe T tevensK>n. Witnesses, 
Samual S!eoman, R-obert H. Trotter. 

M,a,rs.h to MoKeown. Toronto, 19th March, 
1839. Thus day were married by license, 
Lewis Roofce Marsh., of the township of 
Oxford, fa. the district of London, bache 
lor, an/d Diana Caroline MeKeown, of the 
city of Toronto, spinster by me, H. J. 
Gnasett, Asst. Minister. This mairriag-e was 
sol -mmiized between us, Lewis Rooke Mii.rsh, 
Dn ana Oaroiine MeKeown. Witnesses, James 
Beatty, Beatty. 

Mr. Marsh was a brother of Arch 
deacon Marsh, and survived until 1894. 

Reid to WaJLis. Toronto, 21st March, 
1839. This day were mairried by license, 
Jkrfm Reid, of the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Matulda Wallis, of the same place, 
spim-ster, by me, H. J. Gra>sett, Asst. Min. 
This miaa-ria^e was sc-feimuzed between us, 
John Reid, Matilda. Wivllisu Witnesses, John 
Co iTigan, Ja.mes Ralston. 

Slna..v to Shaw. Toromto, 29th March, 
1839. This day were married by license, 
Janiiog Shaw, of the township of Chatham, 
in the Western district, bachelor, and Jane 
Shiaw, of the GOTO of Toronto, spamster, by 
me, H. J. Gi-asst-t, Asst. Min. This mar- 
r : jg^> was solemndzed between us, James 
Misi A, Ja.n- Shaw. Witoesses, Sannuel Shaw, 
Robert Duffy. 

Gravett to McDonald. Toronto, 1st Apr l, 
1839. Thisi day were mM-rieJ after due piib- 
l.cia.tion of Ijumis James Gravett, widower, 
an.d Bridget McDonald, spinster, both of 
tihii parish, by nns, 1. J. Grasett, Asst. 
Mtoteter. This marria,gv3 was solemnized be 
tween us, Ja-mes G,ra.vett, Briciig-et McDon 
ald. Witnesses, Peter Delamon. Mary Henry 

Fimoh to Whatiey. Toronto, 3rd April, 
1839. This day were married by 11, 
Rlohard Finch, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, n-nd JaJie Whatley, of the siime 
place, sroimater, by me, H. J. Greieett, Asst. 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Finch, Jane What Ley. 
Witnesses, Thomas Hairly, James What ley. 

Saul to Dutton. Toronto, 5th, April, 
1839. This day were married after doie pub 
lication of Bti.nns , Alexander Saul, bachelor, 
and Esther Button, spinster, both of this 
parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min, 
This marriage was sofemndzed between us, 
Alexiaader Saul, Bsitiher Dutton. Witnesses, 
Robert Ingrmn, James Ra.Lston. 

Wa-rdrop to Armstncwiig. Toronto, 8th 
April, 1839. This diay were married by li 
cense, Francis Wardrop, of the city of To- 
ronito, bacliie^r, and Catherine Armstrong, 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. d. 
Gnasstt, Asst. Miinister. This maa-riage was 
solemmdzed between us, Francis Wurdrop, 
Ca.tther.ine Armsitrong. Witnesses, Robert 
Ingraiin, Thomias Cuzie. 

Ahern to Vaaigha.n. Toronto, 9th April, 
1839. Thiis day were married after due pub- 
I lica.tioin of Bainns, John Ahern, bachelor, 
und Oatberlne Vaughan, sipinster, both of 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasi3tt, Asst. Min. 
Thiis miarriage was sotemniized between us, 
John Ah :>rn, Catherine Va.rghan. Witne.-ses, 
John Whitasll, Hug-h Stewart. 

Pukit to Porria. Toronto, llth, April, 
1839. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, John Pukit, bachelor, 
and Elizabeth Pe.rrin, spinster, both of 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Graeett, Asst. Min. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
John Pukit, Elizabeth Perrin. Witnesses, 
Joseph Pearce, Isabella France. 

Jermyn to Webb. Toronto, 13th AprX 
1839. Tims day were married after due pub 
lication of Bating, Thomas J rmyn, bache 
lor, and Max.v Webb, spiins-tei-, both of 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grass tt, Asst. Mi -i. 
Thto nia.rriiag-8 was solemnized between us, 
Thomas Jermyn, Mary Wcb;>. Witnesses, 
R, Sophia Stevenson, Thonna.s Webb. 

Howden to Robinson. Toronto, 20th April, 
1839. Tha s day were married by license, 
Samuel Howdeu, of the township of Albion, 
baciheloT, and Jane Robinson, of the city 
of ToTOQto, spinster, by ma, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Mi-nister. This man-iiijjo was so - 
enimized between us, Samuel Howden, Jane 
Robinson. Witnesses, Chaniks Kenny, Sam 
uel Robinson, 

ArmsitTong to Porter. Toronto, 25th April, 
1839. ThJs day were married by license, 
Thomas Armstrong, w,idpwor, a.nd Sarah 
Porter, spinster, both of the township of 
West Gwillinnbury. Jo bn Straehan. This 
mttrrteffa was sol -mniized between us, Tbos. 
Armstrong S arah Porter. Witnesses, Mar 
garet Davis., Samuel Davidson. 

Evan to Oairbeirry. Toronto, 25th April, 
1839. This day were married by license, 
George Evans, of the township 6f Albion, 
widower, and Jane Cnrborry, o-f the city 
of Toronto, widow. John Strachan, Min. 
This marriage was solemnized between us. 



George Evans, Jiaine Ca-rbej-ry. Witnesses, 
"William Mums, Catherine Stewart. 

Bowea to Laverty. Tioronto, 26th April, 
1839. This d.ay wore married by license, 
James Bowes, ba-ohslar, anid Dorothy Lav 
erty, spinster, both, of Mono. John 
Stra chan. This, mar-riags was sofemnized be- 
twee.ii. i:. Jaimes Bowes, Dorothy I/uverty. 
Witoiesaes, Jotun Sanosty, Jane Webb. 

Owen to MoD onuid. Tioronto, 30th April, 
1839. ThiJs diav were married by license, 
William O.vem, "widoweir, a.nd Mary McDon 
ald, spinster, botli of this parish. John 
StraeinwL Minister. This nuurriaffd was so.- 
fim.!i.i.zel between us, WiUiam Ovven, Mary 
McD onald. Witnesses, Cull McDonald, David 


.--a" to Hockney. Toronto, 25th. May, 
1839. This day were married, William 
Mason, bachelor, and Fanny Hockney, spin 
ster both of the township oi York. John 
S.trachan. This marriage was solemn. Zdd 
between us, Willi-im Mason, Fanny Hock 
ney. Witnesses, John Segsworth. 

Wilkinson to Hult. Toronto, May 7th., 
1839. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns. Richard Wilkinson, bach 
elor, and Marv Unit, spinster, both of the 
township of S arboro, by me, Henry bead- 
ding, officiating Minister. Tliii marriage 
was .solemnized between us, Richard Wilkin 
son. Mary Huit. Witnesses, i,oyd Sylvester, 
David Hasina. 

Hensleigh to Vanstone. Toronto, itti. 
June, 1839. This day were married by li 
cense H nry John Henslelgh, of the town 
ship of Norwich, in the district of Lon 
don, bachelor, and Elizabeth Vanstone, of 
the city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. B.A., Asst. Min. This marriage 
was solemnized between us. H. J. Hensieign, 
Elizabeth Vanstone. Witnesses, Anne 
Frederick Esten, James O. P. Esten. 

Izzard to Bond. Toronto, 9th. June, 1839. 
This day were married by license, James 
Richard lzzard, of the city of Toronto, and 
Elizabeth Frances Bond, of the same place, 
spinster, by me. H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
James Richard Izzard, Elizabeth Frances 
Bond. Witnesses, Samuel George, Sarah 
Dunn Bond. 

Kettle to Wild. Toronto, llth. June, 
1839. This day were marfied by license, 
John Kettle, of the town-hip of Elos, bach 
elor, and Margaret Wild, of the township 
of York, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us. John Kettle, Margaret 
Wild. Witnesses, Frederick O Brien, Mary 

Ellis to Stoner. Toronto, 17th. June, 
1839. This day were married bv lice.-H.-, 
James Ellis, of the township of Scarboro , 
bachelor. anS Elizabeth Stoner. of the fame 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, A c st. 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, James Ellis, Elizabeth Stoner. 
Witnesses, George Ellis, Mariah Fraeer. 

Duncan to Brush. Toronto, 19th. June, 
1839. This day were married by license, 
William Duncan, of the city of Toronto, 
widower, and Isabella Brush, of the same 
place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, William Duncan, Isabella Brush. 
Witnesses, Alexander Forbes, Mary Moore. 

Martin to Peers. Toronto. 22nd. June, 
1839. This day were married by license, 

Elijah Martin, of the township of Whltby, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Peers, of the same 

: place, spinster, by me, H. J". Grasett, Asst. 

: Minister. This marriage wns scKemnizd be- 

: tween us, Elijah Martin, Elizabeth Sneers. 

j Witnesses, Thomas Ray, Willinm HawHns. 

McMahon to Daniels. Toronto, 25th 

June, 1839. This day were married ti.ier 

due publication of banns, William McMahon, 

bachelor, and Jane Daniels, spinster, both 

I of this parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asat. 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be- 

; tween us, William McMahon, Jane Daniels. 
Witnesses, Charles Bondheed, John Mc 

Barnes to Brockville. Toronto, 27th 
June, 1839. This day were married by li 
cense, Michael Barnes, of the citv of To- 

1 ronto, widower, and Mary Brockville, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. ura^utt, 
Asst. Minister. This marriage wae sol 
emnized between us, Michael Barnes, Mary 
Brockville. Witnesses, Eiias B:am, George 

Maveety to Meally. Toronto, July 1st , 
1839. This day were married by license, 
James Maveety, of the township of Toron 
to, bachelor, and Mary Anne Meally. of 
the same place, spinster, -by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Asst. Minister. This marriage was 

I solemnized between us, James Maveety, 
Mary Anne Meally. Witnesses, Robert Ram 
sey, Andrew Stewart. 

Alliss to Hutchinson. Toronto, 4th July, 
1839. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Alliss, of the township of Tork, 

| bachelor, and Lucy Ann Hutchinson, of the 

j same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 

! Asst. Minister. This marriage was sol 
emnized between us.. Thomas Alliss, Lucy 
Jane Hutchinson. Witnesses, Samuel Sid- 
dons. Hagarel Saddon^. 

Buchanan to Robinson. Toronto, 6th 
July, 1839. This day were married by li 
cense. John Stewart Buchanan, ot the 
township of Adelaide, bachelor, and Mabel 
Anne Robinson, of the city of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, D. E. Blake, Rector of 
Adelaide. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us., John S. Buchanan, M. A. Rob 
inson. Witnesses, William Hume Blake, W. 
A. Baldwin. 

The Reverend Dominic Edward Blake, 
who officiated here, was uncle to Hon. 
Edward and Samuel Blake and brother 
of Chancellor Blake. In later years 
he was rector of Thornhill. 

Elliott to Francis. Toronto, 27th June, 

1839. This day were married by license, 

Christopher Elliot, of the city of Toronto, 

bachelor, and Eusebia Francis, of the same 

! place, widow, by me, H. .Scadding, Off. 

| Minister. This marriage was solemnized b o- 

I tween us. Christopher Elliot. Eu^ob a 

I Francis. Witnesses, George Cooper, Mary. 

1 Cooper, John Elliot, Edith Eil.ot. 

Laskey to Secord. Toronto, 10th July, 
1839. This day were married by license, 
John kaskey, of the Kingston Road, in the 
Liberties of the city of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Phoebe Secord, of the township of 
Oiinguacousy, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra- 
I sett, Asst. "Minister. This marriag 
I solemnized between u^ John Lnskfy, Phoebe 
i Secord. Witnesses, Henry Howtop, Martha 

inomd fco Boweirmain. Toronto, 13th 
July, 1839. Tliis day were married by li- 



cemse. Richard Richmond, of the township 
of Piokerin.g , baohetar, and Laura F. 
Bowerm-atn., of tho township of Nottawa- 
Kuga, spJnsteir, by roe, EL J*. Grasett, Asst. 
M)iadate*r. This m*rria.g-s was solemnized be 
tween us, R.iohiaird Richmond, Laura F. j 
Bowermian. Witnesses, John M-cDermott, 
Ruth D-emott. 

Brunskill to Cooper. Toronto, 13th July, 
1839. TMs diay were married by license-, 
John Bru-nskiLI, of Thoa-nhi .l, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Ooope,r, of the township of York, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst, Min. 
Tihis> mia.rria-ge was solemnize*! between us, 
John Bru::skjll. Elizabeth Cooper. Wit 
nesses, Th-cmias Oooper, Mary Cla-rkson, 

Richardson to Wright. Toronto, 15th 
July, 1839. This- day were insirried by li 
cense William], of the township 
of White hurch, widower, add Elizabeth 
W-r. ig ht. of D a.vidtow.n, in the township of 
GwiTlimbury Eaist, widow, by me, H. J. 
Grasrtt, Asst. Minister. This marriage was 
solemm.ized between us, William Ric hard- 
8on, Elizabeth W^ght, Witness, John Baker. 

Gates to Ince. Toi-o.ii to, 17th July, 
1839. This day were morried by license, 
George Frederick Gates, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, a.nd Mary Ince. of the 
same plaoe, by me, H, J. Grasett, Asst. 
jMinijister. This ma.rriage. was solemnized be 
tween us-, Geo. F. dates, Mary Ince. Wit 
nesses. A. H. Oates. Margaret* In.ce. 

Dew to RobJiism. Toronto, 19th July, 
1839. Tb:e day were married by license, 
Jcxhin Dew. of the township of York, bache 
lor, and Ellen Itobhiaon, of the city of To 
ronto spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
Minister. This m-arriaigs was solemnized be 
tween ue, John Dew, Eilen Robinson. Wit 
nesses, Fnanoiis Shirley Bailey, Ann Long-. 

Willson to Rollie, Toronto, 23rd July, 
1839. Tb-Js day were married by license, 
William Willso-n, of Woodstock, in the Lon 
don district, bachelor, and Jane RolHe, of 
the city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Gras tt, Asst. Minister. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, W. Willson, Jane Rol- 
lie. Witnesses, R. Kirk, Christiana Dunken. 

Mara to Smytih. Toronto, 8th August, 
1839. This day were married by license, 
J ohn Miaira, of the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Anne Snrytih, of the sianie place, 
spinster, by me, H" . J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 
This irjarri-M-ge was solemnized between us, 
-John Mara. Anno Smyth. Witnesses, Charles 
Walker, Join McCaaroIl. 

John Mara met with a melancholy 
end, being drowned at Port Hope in 
September, 1859, as he was coming on 
board the Kingston steamer. 

Kerten to Edgnr. Toronto, 12th August, 
1839. Thus day were married after due pub- 
Ikaation of Bajvca John Kerton, bachelor, 
and Charlotte Edgar, spinster, both of this 
parish, by m>\ H. J. Grasett, Asst. Mim. 
T-liis mirri;ige was sofcmn.ized between us, 
John Ke-rton, Charlotte E-^g-ir,. M itnesae^ 
J. P. MiMMtos, R-. SophiLa. Stevenson. 

Davisr.n to Humter. To-ronto, 16th Aug., j 
1839. Thos day were married by Iicene, | 
John Davison, of the city of Toronto, i 
bachelor, and Susannah Hunter, of the 
same p-nico, spansteT, by me, IT, J. Grasett, I 
Asst. Minfetor. This min.rri:i.n-s wr.s soi- j 
emr.d/p 1 between us, John Davison, Pus- 
animJ-i TTi:p.t"M-. Witnesses, David Burns, Wil 
liam, Davison. i 

Ward to Hendersiom. Tbtronto, 22nd Aug., 
1839. Thus day were m:nrrie-d by license, 
David Wa.rd, o- the city of Trtronto, bache- 
loir, a:n>d Anne Henderson, of the same place, 
spins-tor, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 
This mia.rringe was solemnized between us, 
David Wa.rd, Anine Henderson. Witnesses, 
William. Strowgrr, Agneg Melville. 

Mills to Gridlay. Toronto, 28th Aug., 
1839. Thils day were married by license, Mills, O f" tto3 city of Toronto, bache 
lor, a;nd Ma.ry Gri-dley, of the same place, 
spinster , by m/3, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Mim. 
T-lws iniair.riaig a was solemnize:! between us, 
James MrMls, Ma.ry Gridley. Witoesses, Chas. 
Roddy, Anne P re j.ton . 

Jo-bus- to Bennett. Toii-onto, 3rd Sept., 
1839. Thus- ( .ay were married by license, Johns, of the township of Mark- 
ham, bachelor, and Emma Bennett, of the 
t-o warship of Pickering, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. This mar 
riage was solemmized between us, Thomas 
Jlouiitis, Emima. l^eniiett. Witnesses, R. Sophia 
StevensoiL, Williaiin Bennett. 

Willson to Brash. Tioronto, 9th Sept., 
1839. Thna ( \i,y were married by license, 
J a.m-es Willson, of the city of Toronto, 
ba-ohelor. auul Isiabella Brash, of the same 
plia.ce, spimyter, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
Minister. Thds marrinige was solemnized be 
tween us, James Wiliaon, Isabella Brash. 
W T ,iitness-es, Jeremiaili Doyle, Elizatoeth Ben- 
net t . 

Ellison to Oullen. Toronto, 10th/ Sept., 
1839. This dn.y were ina.rri.ed by license, 
William Ellison", of the township* of York, 
widower, aJid Jane Cullen, of the city of 
Toronto, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Mimiste-r. This_ marriage was so- 
em.r.ized between us, Wiillinm Ellison, Jano 
Cullem, Witnesses, M. Keating, Esther 

Shank to Shank. Toi-onto, 17th Sept., 
1839. This diay were ma.rried by icetvse, 
Ja.cob Sbainik, of the townsihip of Pickering, 
widow, am.d Barbara Shank, of the town 
ship of Mia.rkham-, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grase-t-t, Asst. Minister. This marriage was 
soleminized between us, Jacob Shank, Bar 
bara Shank. Witnesses, Robert Patterson, 
Frederick A. O Meara.. 

Ridou t to Powell. Toronto, 19th Sept., 
1839. Tih! day were mi.nrried by iicwise, 
Joliiri Ridout., of the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, an-d Oluu,riotte Bleecker Powell, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asist. Minister. This mairrin-ge was solemn 
ized between us, John Ridout, Chair J.otte 
B. Powell. Witnesses, Heiiiry Sullivan, John 
W. Gwynne, Wm,. D. Powell. 

DunJdiu to Jones. Tpronto, 19th 5?ept., 
1839. This diay were ma.rried by license, 
Berry D Uinkm, of the city of Toronto, b-iche- 
lo.r, aod Mrv Jones, of the same plrce, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grcisett, Asst. Min. 
This mairrlaige was sofem-nized between ua, 
Berry Daiinikiin, Min.ry Jones. Witnesses, 
Ja:mieo As htoai, William R. Johmson. 

Hutty to Gna.y. Toronto, 2,3rd Sept., 
1839. This diay were ma.rried by lioetms-e, 
Peter Hutty, of the township of York, 
bachelor, ain.d Marg-aj-et Gray, of Yonge 
sitreet, in the liberties oi the city, of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
M -n.hst. r. This m<arri:i,ge was solemnized be 
tween us, Peter Hutty, Margaret Gray. 
Yv itncsses, Joh;i Robinson, Thos. Vaux. 

Peter Hutty was long a prominent 


business man in the city. Thomas 
Vaux, one of the witnesses, was an 
official ?n the Provincial civil service. 

G-wla>n,d to Orane. Toronto, 26th Sc-pt., 
1839" This- diay were married by license, 
William Gowlanid, of the township of Eto- 
biooke baohe-lwr. and Frances Orane, o-t the 
saimis place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
\ss>t. Minister. This marrteffe was soJemn- 
5zod between, us. Wffiia.m Gotland, Frnnoes 
Crane. Witneaaes, John E g-ie, Wm .Wcloa. 

Anderson to Fleming-. Toronto, 28th, 
> 839 This day were married by 1-iceinse, 
/vn^T^w Anderson, of the township of ro- 
romto barih:-i;;)ir, a.nd Dorothy Fl^miin.g, of 
the townisujp of tT..i! guia-cuusy, si,inst--r, by 
me, H. J. Wrass-tt, Asst. Mfeitoter. 
mairriaire wasi soi^nuidzed between us, An- 
drew Ande.rson, Dorptihy Fleming. Wit 
nesses, K-o-bert Oaiwell. Mai-gparet liea . 

Dioker to Bingilnanii. Toro-nto, 2nd_ Oct.,- 
1839 This d& v were married by license, 
Jiaines Dicker, oi tlie townuhip of Med-onte. 
toiachPloT amid Sarah Btnighami of the city 
of Torwroto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
*sst. M-inister. This miarria-ge was soteinn- 
i r z"d between u. J.a.mes Dicker, Sarah Bing- 
tuaanm., John Bingham, Elaabetn 

Boiton. to WMtager. Toronto, 7th Oct., 
1839. Thus day were maa-ried by license, 
Hemrv Boito a, of the township of Albron 
bacheioT, and BHaa. ^hita ff eT. of the 
ip of Kimg-, spinster, by nue, 1. J. 
t Asst. Minister. This ma.rriage was 
between us, H>na-y i^olton, 
gor. Witnesses, William bniitn, 
Francis Whitaiger. 

Da-ndv to VN ill iams. Toronto, 8th Oct.. 
18?9 a . This d.y "W.-^I^^SSSC: 

Witnesses,,r Dandy. Jane Heary. 

Leoper to McDonaid. Toronto, 9th Oct., 
1839 Th4 dav were married by license, 

l > p a.ce, s-pitidtar, by me, II. . 
. Minister. This mia.rria-e was sojemn- 
/ -d b-tween us, Art bur Lepper, Mary Ann 
McD (wi;ald, WJtocsaes, Ricba.rd HOT toil, John 

"tS^to Longhced. Toronto 10th. 
Ort 1839. This day were married by li- 
?en.s , jfimes McNeece, of the township of 
Chingnacoucy, bachelor, and Jane Long- 
heed of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H J. Grawtt, At. Minister. This mar 
riage was solemnizod between us. James Mo 
Nefc^ Jine Lor.gheed. Witnesses, John 
McElroy, Hush Lonffheed. 

Swain to Thew. Toronto 11th. Oct., 
1839 This day were married aftei aue pu 
lication of nann, Samuel Swain, widower 
and Anne Thew, widow, both ol this par 
ish, by me, H. J. Graaett.Aast. Minister. 
Thi* rnarriag-e was solemnizad between us, 
Samuel Swlin, Anne Thew. Witnesses. 
Richard Roach, Mary Thew. 

March to Robson. Toronto, 15th. ; t., 
18*39 This day were married by license, 
William March, of the city of Toronto, 
widower, and Margaret Robson. of the same 
place widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
M r.i-itcr. This marrliffe was solemnized be 

tween us, Wm. March, Margaret 

Witnesses, Wm. P. Patrick, George Wil 

McCaul to Jones. Toronto 17th. Oct., 
J.839. This day were married by license, 
John McCaul, clerk, L.L.D., of the city of 
Toronto. bachelor, and Emily Augusta 
Jones fo the same place, spinster, by me- 
H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, John Mc- 
Oaul. Emily A. Jones. Witnesses, L. P. 
Sherwood. H. J. Boulton. 

Dr. McCaul was the second principal 
of Upper Canada College, and the first 
president of King s College, afterwards 
Toronto University. 

Eadds to Perkins. Toronto. 17th. Oct., 
1839. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Joseph Eadds, of the 
township of Markham, bachelor, and Ma 
tilda Perkins, of the same township, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Joseph E-idds, Matilda Perkins. Witnesses, 
James Perkins, Clarissa Perkins. 

-Jonso-i to Richardson. Troonto, 19th. 
Oct.. 1839. This day were married by li 
cense, Thomas Jonson, of the townsh.p of 
Scarboro . bachelor, and Fets^y Rich-\rd- 
Fon of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. This mar 
riage was solemnized between us, Thomas 
Jonson. Betsey Richardson. Witnesses, 
Thomas Dunmon, Mary Alegners. 

Ouinn:5-ngh,aim> to Jackson. Toronto, 22nd 
Oat.. 18o9. Thais diay were nuaa-ri&d by li 
cense, Joseph Gumm tog bairn, of the town 
ship of Trafalgar, bachelor, an<d Mary 
Anna J,ac>ksoii, of the saimne place, spinster, 
by mis, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
This mia.rri.-iigo was solemnized between us, 
Joseph Gu;<aim. Mary Anne Jaokson. 
Witnesses, Joseph Jackson, John Jackson. 

CMiiLO to Watts. To,ronto, 25th Oct., 
1839. ThiJs day were married by license, 
Ransom, OUne, of Barton, bachelor, and 
Eleainou- W-attsi, of the township of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H, J. Grasett, Asst. 
Minister;. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween usi. Ransom OJtne, Eleanor Watts. 
Witness-OS, S. D-amioill, Eliza Trevor. 

Brown to, Toronto, 5th, JSov.. 
1839 T-hi day were married by license, 
John B-i-own, of the city of Toronto, bache- 
IOT, amd Anne Prid^eon, of the township 
Yoirk, spinster, by me, H. J. &ras( tt, 
Asst. Minister. This marriage was solemn 
ized between us, Joton Brown, Anne Frii 
geon, Witnesses, Frank Bickerstaff, Gillian* 

Longheed to Dunlop. Toronto, l lt! ?- 
Nov., 1839. This day were married bv li 
cense, Abraham Longheed, of the town; 
of Chinguacou-jy, bachelor, and Sarah Dun 
lop of the city of Toronto spinster 
me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. This 
marriage was solemnized between us Abi-a- 
ham Lougheed, Sarah Dunlo-p. Witnesses, 
Edward Armstrong, John Dunlop. 

Huff to Waldron. Toronto, 12th. Nor., 
1839 This day were married by license, 
James Huff, of the city of Toronto, bach 
elor and Mary Anne Waldron, of the same 
place, rpinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. Asst. 
Mini=ter. This marriage was solemnlzec 
tween us, James Huff, Mary Anne Waldn 
Witnesses, Alexander McDonald, Jo 

Walker to Mooney. Toronto, 15th. Nov.,. 



1839. This day were married by license, 
Robert Walker, of the township of King, 
bachelor, anil Jane Mooney, of the city 
of Toronto, spinster, bv me, H. J. Gra 
sett. Asst. Minister, This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Robert Walker, 
Jane Moor.ey. Witnesses, James Wardrop, 
Wiliiam Walker. 

Spence to Uoake. Toronto, 18th. Nov., 
1839. This day were married by license, 
John Spence, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Anne Boakf, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Aset. 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, John Spence, Anne Boa-ke Wit-, 
nesses, Timothy Wilson, Elizabeth WiUon. 

Duggan to Armstrong 1 . Toronto, J9th. 
Nov., 1839. This day were married by li- 
cense, George Duggan, the younger, 01 the 
city of Toronto. bachelor, and Phoeba 
Anne Armstrong of the same place, spin 
ster, by ine, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
George Dug-gan, Phoebe Anne Armstrong. 
Witnesses, John Crawford, Augusta Sptn- 

McCarroll to Taylor. Toronto, 19th. Nov., 
1839. This day were married by license, 
John McGarroll, of the city of "Toronto, 
Tmchelor. and Margaret Taylor, fo the same 
place spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, John McCarroll, Margaret Tay 
lor. Witnesses, William Wil.-.on, Wil.iam 

Bradshaw to Edwards. Toronto, 19th. 
Nov., 1839. This day were married after 
due publication of Banns, Charles Brad 
shaw, bachelor, and Melinda Edwards, spin 
ster, both of this parish, by me, H. J. iGra- 
sett. -Asst. Minister. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, Charles Bradshaw, 
Melinda Edwards. Witnesses, John Robin 
son. Maria Hart. 

Mason to Crozier. Toronto, 19th. Nov., 
1839. This day were married by license, 
Mark Mason, of the city or Toronto, wid 
ower, and Margaret Crozier. of the same 
f, by me, H. J. 

Hen de-son fco McOrerigfot. Toronto, 19th 
Dec.., 1839. ThJs> day were married by li 
cense, Joseph Henderson, of Maarkh&mi Vil 
lage, widower, and Sartuh MoGreight, of the 
townsihip of .Soairboro , spinster, by me, 
H, J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. This mair- 
r.iaigo w>ai3 solemnized between us, Joseph 
Henderson, iSar-ah McCrevg ht. Witnesses, 
William, Maxwell, Ja-mee MtOreigfet. 

McCallum to Beatty. Toronto, 23rd. Dec., 
1839. This day were married by license, 
Pete- Turquand McCallum. of the township 
of Chinguacousy, bachelor. and Rachel 
Beatty, of the township of Caledon, spin 
ster, by me. H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
This marriage was solemnized between us, 
Peter T. McCallum. Rachel Beatty. Wit 
nesses. Robert McCallum, George Beatty. 

Rolston to Bowes. Toronto, 23rd. Dec., 
1839. This day were married by license, 
William Rolston, of the city of "Toronto, 
bachelor, and Sarah Bowes, of the town 
ship of York, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett. Asst. Minister. This marriage was 
solemnized between us, William Rolston, 
Sarah Bowes. Witnesses, William Young, 
Emmanuel Bowes. 

Cameron to Boes. Toronto, Dec. 23rd., 
1839. This day were married by license, 
Robert Cameron, of the city of Toronto, 
widower, and Margaret Boes, of the same 
place, spinster, by me. H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
Minister. This marriage was solemnized be 
tween us, Robert Cameron, Margaret Boes. 
Witnesses, John Boddy, John Murphy. 

W-aili to D unm. Toitonto, 24th Dec., 
1839. This day were married by license, 
James Wallis, of the village of Hope, 
baiobjeilioir, and Sairah D<uinn, of the city of 
ToiromtD, spinster, by mi9, K. J. Grasett, 
Ast. M kiister. This marriage was so Iiemn. 
ized between us, James Wallis, Sarah Dunn, 
WHn/etsses, A. MoD omaM, Thomas Wallis. 

Forbes to Carman. Toronto, Dec. 24th, 

rbes, of the city of To- 
, and Mary Anne Carman, 
the township of York, spinster, by me, 

X Minister. 


Forsyth to Alexander. Toronto, 3rd. 
Dec., 1839. This day were married after 
solemnized between us, Alexander Forsyth, 
private in her Majesty s 85th Regt. of 
Foot, bachelor, and Eliza Alexander, of the 
<-ity of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
-Grasett. Asst. Minister. This marriaere wvs 
*Olemnfz9d bstwee i us, Alexan !er Forsyth, 
E .-iza Alexander. Witnesses, Wiliiam Alex 
ander, Robert Alexander. 

Bennett to Foy. Toronto, 4th Dec., 
1839. T br s day were married by license, 
James Bennett, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Eil.izabetii For, of the same 
pla>ce, spinster, by me, H, j". Grasett, Asst. 
Minister, This marriage was solemnized be 
tween usi, James Bennett, Elizabeth Foy. 
Witnesses, Frances Earls, Wm. Leaney. 

Stuart to Lacs ter. Toronto, 13th Deo., 
1839. Thr day were married, by license, 
Matthew Nix-on Stuart, of the ci-ty of To 
ronto, bachelor, aind Elizabeth La foter, of 
tJie same plaoe, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. This marriage was 
Bolemnri-zed between us, Matthew Stuart, 
Eliza bo tin La s-ter. Witnesses, Wm. Savigny, 
Samuel CompLLn. 


William Duncan. 

After this date, December 24th, 1839, 
the signatures of the contracting par 
ted, in order to bring the matter into 
easier form for reference. 

Hortrop to Wise. Toronto, 7th Jan., 
1840. This- day were married by license, 
Heniry Hortrop, of Milton Mills, in the 
township of Etooicoke, bach/or, and 
Elizabeth Wise, of the township of York, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Mio. 

Lynch to St"u-rt. Toronto, 13th Jan., 
1840. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Dennis Lynch, bachelor, 
and Maj-ttia Stwo-t, widow, of the city ot 
Toronto, by me, EL. J. Grasett, Asst. M,in. 

Etwell to McCoy. Toronto, 16th Jan., 
1840. This day were married by license, 
E.d-mond Etwell, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Mary McCoy, of the same 
pla*ee, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, As^t. 

Robinson to Phiffips. Toronto, 30th Jan.. 
1840. Th day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Lawrence Robinson, of 
tih,e township of Etobiooke, bachelor, and 



Ma.ry Annie Pihilliiiys, of the same towns-hip, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 

Hufftooi to Butt. Toronto, Feb. 4th, 
1840. This day WOT a married a.fter due pub- 
li cat.ioin of Banais, Luke Huston, of the 
township of Ybrk, bachelor, ana Eiiy.alietn 
Ann Butt, of the same township, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Gra&e tt, Asst. Minister. 
"McDonald to Soier. Toronto, 5th Feb., 
1840. This day wore married by license, 
Atoxiynde.-.- McDionaJd, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Jane ScAerss of the 
same place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst, Miinister. 

OockbUirn to Lawrence. Toronto, Fell. 16th 
1840. This day were married by iicense, 
William Oockbu.rn, of the township of 
Gwdllimbiwy West, bachelor, and Mar 
garet Lawreiaoe, of the same township, 
spinster, by 1013, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 

Emitter to Edwards*. Toronto. Feb. 14th, 
1840. This day were married by license, 
Alexander Powell Hitter, widower, and 
Mary Anne Edwards, spinster, both of the 
city of Toronto, by me, Richard Atthill, 
Officiating Min. 

Ma.r. gold to Murray. T!orointo, Feb. 17th, 
1840. This day were married by license, 
Duiti Cian Miairfgoild, of the township of To 
ronto, in the Horns district, bachelor, nnd 
Ma.ry Ainne Murray, of the city of To 
ronto, in tihe said district, spinster, by me, 
Richard Atthill, Off. Minister. 

Ross to Caster. Toronto, Feb. 18th, 
1840. This day were married by license, 
Lewfe Ross, of the township of Toronto, 
in the Home district, widower, a>nd Sus 
annah Caster, of the same place, widow, 
by me, Richa.rd Atthi,!!, B.A., Off. Min. 

Baird to Whaling. Toronto, 22nd, Feb., 
1840. This day were married by license, 
John, of the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, auid Elizabeth Whaling, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. d. Grasett, Asst. 

Lewis to field. Toronto, 27th Feb., 
1840. This day were married by iicense, 
Framcfe Lewis, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Margaret. Wakefield, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H, J. Grasett, 
t, Minister. 

Meredith to Ardagh. Toronto, 3rd March, 
1840. This day were married by license, 
John Meredith, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Sarah Ardagh, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H, J. Grasett, Asst. 

Anderson to Mahaffy. Toronto, 4th 
March, 1840. This day were married by li 
cense, George Anderson, of the township 
of York, bachelor, and Elizabeth Mahaffy, 
of the same place, widow, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Johnson to McBrian. Toronto, Feb. 27th , 
1840. This day were married by license, 
Arthur Johnson, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Jane McBriaoi, of the same 
township, spinster, by me, Henry Scadding. 
B.A., Off. Min. 

Davies to Hartley. Toronto, 9th March, 
1840. This day were married by licpn f, 
Nathaniel Davies, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Mary Hartley, oi the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J^ Grasett, Asst. 

Li lley to Campbell. Toronto, 10th March, 
1840. This day were married by license, 
William Lilley, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Margaret Campbell, of the 

same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett,, 
Asst. Minister. 

Bickerstaff to Bailey. Toronto, 18th 
March, 1840. This day were married by li 
cense, Frederick B ickers taff, of the citv 
of Toronto, bachelor, and Anne Jane Bailey,, 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. j. 
Gpa-sett, Asst. Minister. 

Gill to Ferguson.. Toronto, March 2,0th, 
1840. This day were married by license, 
John Gill, of the township of Tecumseth. 
ba-ahekwr, and Sally Anne Ferguson, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett,. 
Asst. Minis te.r. 

Evans to Shore. Toronto. 20th. March, 
1840. This day were married by license 
John Evans, of the township of Albion, 
bachelor, and Mary Anne Shore, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Smith to Kenny. Toronto, 22nd. March, 
1840. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, John Smith, bachelor, 
and Mary Kenny, .spinster. both o; f i ; 
parish, by me, H. J". Grasett. Asst. Min 

Ivnox to Armstrong. Toronto, 25th 
March, 1840. This day were married by li 
cense, Arthur Knox. of the township oi To 
ronto, bachelor, and Elizibeth Armstrong , 
of the .same place wido.v, by me, Kichar i 
Atthill, Officiating Min. 

Early to Creech, Toronto, 25th March,. 
1840. This day were married by Mcenee. 
John Early, of the township of E tobicoke,, 
bachelor, and Catherine Creech, of the 
township of York, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Miinister. 

Cole to Smith. Toronto, March 26th, 
1840. This day were married by licenso, 
George Cole, of the city of Toronto, bache- 
lor, and Agnes Smith of the s.i.m ; : , 
spinster, by me, Richard Atthill, Off. Min 

Day to Goulding. Toronto, March 26th,, 
1840. This day wore married by :i cense, 
John Day, of the township of Toronto, 
bachelor, arfiid Sa.rah Anne Goulding, of 
the same plac^, spinster, by me, Kichard 
Atthill, Off. Minister. 

Simpson to GriudeL Toronto, 1st April, 
1840. This day were married by .iceinse, 
Robert Siim^soui, of the city of Toronto, 
baclielor, and Elozabeth Grindel, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Oartwr iglit to Hare. Toronto, 27th ApriY 
1840. This day we re married after due pub 
lication of Banns, John Oairiwrig-ht, of the 
towns-hip of Ciii - .g uacousy. widower, 
Sally Ann Hare, of the city of Toronto, 
sphiater, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 

McGregor to Fox.. Toronto, 2nd M.-:y, 
1840. Thrs day were married by license, 
George McGregor, of Yanig-e street, in. the 
township of York, bachelor, and Dorothy 
Fox, of the swine place, spoinster, by me, 
H, J. Grasett, Asst. Mimfeter. 

Donelly to Pettiford. Toronto, 13th May, 
1840. Thde d-ay wei-e married by iicense, 
John Doiie.l y, of the city of Toronto, bache 
loir, and Elizabeth Pettiford, of the same 
place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Brown to BamoLton.. Toronto, 16th May. 
! 1840. TbiB day were married by license, 
| William/ Brown, of the city of Toronto, 
i baohetoir, and Anne Hamilton, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Matthews to Boaj-dmaoi, Toronto, 25th, 



May, 1840. This day were ma-rried by ii- 
cense, Edward Matthews, of the town of 
London, in the district of London, widower, 
and Catherine Boardman, of the city of 
Toronto, widow, by roe, EL J. Grasett, Asst. 

Armstrong to Steers. Toronto, 27th May, 
1840. Th.B day were married by license, 
William Armstronig, Lieutenant in the 2nd 
Regt. ot the United States Artillery, of 
Buffa,k>, in the United StatsS , bachelor, 
and Charity Steers, of the city of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, EL J. Grasett, Asst. 
Minds tor. 

Blong to Leigh. Toronto, June 8th, 
1840. Th : 6 day were married by license, 
Thomas Blong," of the city of Toronto, 
Gunner and Driver, 1st Battalion, Royal 
Artillery, bachelor, and Lo.u si Leigh, or 
the same pLace, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Campbell to Brown.. Toronto, llth June, 
1840. ThI s d>a.y were married after due pub- 
Ixjaticn of Banns, Nelson Oami&eU, bache 
lor, a.iid Jane Brown, widow, both of this 
parish, by me, EC. J. Grasett, Asst. Mtoister. 

Martin to Brett. Toronto, 18th June, 
1840. This day were married by license, 
Abraham Martin, ot the towmhip of Mono, 
bachelor, and Elizibeth Brett, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Aset. 

Graham fco Graham. Toronto, 23rd June, 
1840. This day were married by license, 
George Graham, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Sarah Graham, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. Asat. 

James to Earls. Toronto, 26th June, 
1840. This day were married by license, 
Robert James, the younger, of the city of 
Toronto, bachelor, and Frances Earls, of 
the samo placo, spinster, by me. H. J. Gra 
sett, Asst. Minister. 

Mulveney to Johnston. Toronto, 30th; 
June, 1840. This day were married by li 
cense, John Mulveney, of the citv of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Margai et Johnston, 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asjt. Minister. 

Thomp-on to Jacobs. Toronto, 2nd Ju y, 
1840. This day were married by license, 
James Thompson, of the city of Toronto. 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Jacob*, of th same 
place, late of Buifalo. in the United States, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasset, Aest. Min 

Wiiliam 1 ; to Boulton. Toronto, 3rd July, 
1840. This day were married by license, 
Jiiine^ William-!, of the city of "Toronto, 
bachelor, and Emily Jane Boulton. of the 
same placo. spinster, by me H. J. Grasett, 
A^st. Minister. 

Booer to Wat kin. Toronto, 4th JuJy, 
1840. Th s day were married by license. 
Rjchard Booer, of the city of "Toronto, 
bacheloir, and Sarah Watkkug, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asat. 

McKettrtck to Starling. Toronto, 5th July 
1840. This day married after due pub 
lication, of Barms, Samuel McKettrick, 
bachelor, and Mary Anne Starring, spin 
ster, bo-th, of this parish, by me, EC. J. 
Gna-sett, Asst. Minister. 

Davidson to Mo rain. Toronto, llth July, 
1840. Ths day were married by license, 
James Davidson, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Jane Moran, of the sume 

place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

GaLagher to At .;, in son.. Toronto, 13th July, 
1840. Th ! day were married by license, 
Alexander Gallagher, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Mary Atkinson, of 
the sume place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grais,-tt, AS jt. Minister. 

Ball to Fox. Toronto, 15th July, 
18-10. Thjs day were married by license, 
John Ball, of the ci ty of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Mary Anne Fox, of the samo place, 
spinster, by me, EL J. Grasett, Asst. Mi<n. 

Moy to Troy. Toronto, 20th July, 
1840. This day were married by license, 
James Moy, of "the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Margaret Troy, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, A;=st. Min. 

Baker to Mulrs. Toronto, 21st Jaly, 
1840. This day were married after due pub 
lication of B.anns, Robert Baker, widower, 
and Margaret Muirs, spinster, both of this 
parish, by me, EC. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Evans to Hillock. Toronto, 30th July, 
1840. This day were married by iicemse, 
Richard Evans, of the <jity of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Mary Hillock, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Hajn.Mn to Ellis. Toronto, 1st August, 
1840. Th:s day were married by license, 
Peter Hamlm, of the township of Soar- 
boro , bachelor, and Sarah Ellis, of the 
game place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Mahon to Powell. Toronto, 1st August, 
1840. This day were married by license, 
Colour Sergeant John Mahon, 32nd R< g - 
ment of Foot, bachelor, and Mary Anne 
Powell, of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Gras"tt, Asot. Minister. 

Welsh to Triniible. Toronto, 1st Aug., 
1840. Th s day were married by license, 
George Welsh, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Jane TrianbLe, of the same 
p.lace, widower, by me, EL J. Grasett, Asst. 

Foy to Donald*. Toronto, 10th August, 
1840. This day were married after due pub 
lication, of Barsais, George Foy, bachelor, 
and Mary Donalds, spinster, both of this 
parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Miai. 

GiJdings to Ban-ry. Toronto, 11th, August, 
1840. This day Were married by license, 
John Giddings, of the towra of London, 
bachelor, and Margaret Barry, of the 
city -of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, As;t. Minister. 

Hyde to McVittie. Toronto, 21st August, 
1840. Thvs day were married by license, 
Chark James Hyde, of the city of To- 
pcnto, bachelor, and Rebecca Frances Mc 
Vittie, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H, J. Gr.-vsett, Asst. Minister. 

Smith to Lewis. Toronto, 21st August, 
1840. TlrJ3 d ay we,re married after due pub 
lication of Ba.nns, John Smith, bachelor, 
and Caroline Lewis., spinster, both of this 
parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Afst. Minister. 

Cotton" to llouan. Toronto. 22nd August, 
1840. This day were married by icense, 
James Cotton, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Joanna Ronan, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, IL J. Grasett, Asst. 
: Minister. 

Stanley to McDowell. Toronto, 3rd Sept., 
1840. Th s day were married by license, 
John Stanley, of the oity of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Jame McDowell, of the samo 



place, spinster, by mo, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

OoitnaoL y to Lunny. Toronto, 4th Sept., 
1840. Th : s day were married by Meense, 
Bernard Connolly, of the oJty of Toronto, 
Ixictholoir, and Bridget Lun.ny, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

King to I oilean. Toronto. 7th Sept., 
1840. Thiis flay were married after due pub 
lication of Ba. i<ng, John King-, bachelor, and 
J ulia Anne Boilean, spinster, both of the 
township of Yorli, by m.e, II. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Oal to Reynolds. Toronto, 7th Sept., 
1840. Th is diay were married by license, 
George Oal, of the township of Iscturboro , 
bachelor, a<nd Elizabeth Reynolds, of the 
city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Trewell to Minthan,. Toronto, 7th Sept., 
1840. This day wore married by license, 
Frederick Trowel!, o<i the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Soiphia Mirithoii, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Scott to b S. John. Toronto, ItOh Sept., 
1840. This day were married by license, 
John Scott, of the township- of Orillia, 
bachelor, and Margaret St. John, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
A.s^t Minister. 

Shaw to Huson. Toronto, 10th Sept., 
1840. Th. s day were married by license, 
George Slinw, of Yonge street, im the town- 
stuip o( York, bachelor, and Ellen Huson, 
O f the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasrtt, Asst. Minister. 

The bridegroom was a grandson of 
Major-General A. E. Shaw, of Oak Hill, 
to the extreme west of the city. 

Hamiiiltom to Lattimore. Toronto, 10th 
Sept., 1840. This day were married by li 
cense, Robert Hamilton, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Sarah Lattbnore, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Graaett, Asst. Miniister. 

"FHstwood to Ellis. Toronto, 14th Sept., 
1840. This day were married by license, 
Anthony Eastwood, of the oJty of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Ellen Lucy ElUn, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
Minister. l 

The Eastwoods were a well-known ; 
Toronto family. Another branch set- | 
tied in Lloydtown. 

Boilean to King. Toronto, 16th Sept., 
1840. Th s day were married by license, 
Lou s Boilean,, of Dund,3 street, in the 
townshup of York, bachelor, and Hannah 
Kiim,g, of the same pluos, spinster, by me, 
H, J. Grasstt, Asst. Minister. 

McMa.ster to McMaster. Toronto, 16th 
Sept., 1840. Tin s day were married by li 
cense, James McMaster, of the township of 
York, baoheior, and Esther McMaster, of 
the city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Gras Ott, Asst. Minister. 

G a-rke to Webster. Toronto, 17th Sept., 
1840. Thr s day were married by license, 
Samuel C arfte, of the township of Scar- 
boro , bachelor, amid Catherine Webster, of 
the same p ace. spinster, by me, H. J. 
GrasS tt, Asst. Minister. 

Pettit to Gardner. Toronto, 22nd Sept., 
1840. This day were married by license, 
William Pettit, of the township of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Martha Gardner, of 

the oity of Toronto, spinster, by me, H, J". 
Gmsett, As^t. Minister. 

White to McGrath. Toronto, 29th Sept., 
1840. Th s day were married by license, 
Henry White, of the city of "Toronto, 
bachelor. and E iiza McGra th, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H, J. Grasett, A^st. 

Batemian to Ross. Toronto, 23th Sept., 
1840. Tlus day w-re married after clue pub 
lication of Banns, James Bateman, bache 
lor, and Margaret Ros<s, spinster, both of 
this parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Cuddy to Trueman.. Toronto, 5th Oct., 
1840. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Cuddy, of the township of Ade 
laide, iin the district of London, bachelor, 
and Esther Tru-eman,, of the city of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Browne to Bloor. Toronto, 8th Oct., 
1840. This day were married by license, 
Michael Browne, of the town of Hamilton, 
bachelor, and Eliza Bloor, of the town 
ship of York, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
As-t Minister. 

Chapman to Hani lit on,. Toronto, 8th Oct., 
1840. This day were married by license, 
Frederick Cha.pman, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Mary Hamilton, of the 
same p ace, spinster, by me, H J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Dal ton to Hawkins. Toronto, 15th Oct., 
1840. This day were married by license, 
John Dalton, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Anne Hawkins, of the city 
of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Blanshard to Sparks. Toronto, 19th Oct., 
1840. Th is day were married by license, 
George Blanshard, of the oity of Toronto, 
bachelor and Margaret Sparks, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Sohettler to Rider. Toronto, 27th Oct., 
1840. This day were nrarried by license, 
Simon Sohetter, of the township of 
Vaug nan, bachelor, and Margaret Rider, 
tu the same p. a.ce, wiidow, by me, H. J. 
Grasett. Asst. Minister 

Russei: to Craanip, Toronto, 29th Oct., 
1840. Th .s day were_ married after due pub 
lication of Banns, James R.uisssll, bachelor, 
and Sophia Cramp, spinster, both of the 
township of York, by ma, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Farrow to Martins. Toronto, 29th Oct., 
1840. This day were married by license, 
William Farrow, of Yonge street, In the 
township of York, bachelor, and Susan 

Da.raibrO Ugh to Chester. Toronto, 31st Oct, 
1840. This day were married by license, 
Peter Daimb roagh, of the city of "Toronto, 
bachelor, and Anne Chester, of the town- 
sdiiip of Soarboro , spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asat. Minister 

MediM to Reynolds. Toronto, 31st Oct., 
1840. This day were married by license, 
John, Medill, of the township of Clarke, ia 
thie district of Newcastle, bachelor, iuul 
Matilda Reynolds, of bhe same place, spin 
ster, by me, K. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Goldring to Wellwood. Toronto, 2nd Nov., 
1840. Tlus day were married by license, 
Jaanes Goldiron.g, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Anne Wellwood, of the su.;ne 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, As.;t. 



Fisher to Allen. Toronto, 3rd Nov., 
1840. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Alexander Fisher, bache 
lor, and Margaret Allen, spinster, both of 
this parish, by me, EL J. Grasett, Asst. 

Neale to Townsley. Toronto, 3rd. Nov., 
1840. This day were married by license, 
Henry NeaJe, of street, in the town 
ship o-f York, bachelor, and Miriam Towns- 
ley, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Aast. Minister. 

Tuer to O NieL Toronto, llth Nov., 
1840. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Tuer, Elizabeth O Niel, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Douglase to Underwood. Toronto, lltl* 
.Nov., 1840. Thiis day were married by li 
cense, Wj>iLia.m/ Do Uglass, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, a-rwl Anne Underwood, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Duffy to Duffy. Toronto, 14th Nov., 
1840. This day were married by license, 
Domi-nick Duiffy, of the township of Ma.rk- 
bam, baohek>r, an>d Anne Duffy, of the 
city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister 

Hall to Tlndall. Toronto, 16th Nov., 
1840. This day were married by license, 
William Hall, of the township of Ghingua- 
cousy, bachelor, and Sarah Timdall, oi the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister 

Crosier to Brown. Toronto, 17th Nov., 
1840. ThJfl day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, John Orosier, bachelor, 
and Jane Brown, spinster, both of tho 
township of York, by me, H, J. Grasett, 
Asst. M-incster. 

Stafford to Smith. Toronto, 17th Nov., 
1840. This day were married by license, 
Joseph Stafford, of the township of York, 
"bachelor, and Lucy Smiith, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Gaster to Platt. Toronto, 1st Dec., 
1840. This day were married by license, 
Erasmus Caster, of Bond Head, bachelor, 
and Jaine Platt, of fche city of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 

Hunt to Oathca.rt. Toronto, 2nd Dec., 
1840. This day were married by license, 
Philip Hunt, of the township of Fiam- 
Aorough East, bachelor, end Elizabetii 
Oathcart, of the city of Toronto, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Williams to Gilbert. Toronto, 5th Dec., 
1840. This day were married by license, 
Joshua John Wiiliaans, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Mary Anne Gilbert, 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Longon to Roteton. Toronto, 9th Dec., 
1840. This day were married by license, 
Patrick Longon/, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Isabella Rolston, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Smiith to S.tewairt. Toronto, 10th Dec., 
1840. This day were married by licence, 
-Theophilus Hilt Smith, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Elizabeth Kianan 
Stewart, of Richmond Hill, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Gmsott, Asst. Minister. 

Armstrong to Knights. Toronto. 15 f h Dp". 
1840. This day were married after due pub 
lication "f Banns, Irxvin Armstrong, i>;\- 
rate 85kh. Regt., widower, aad Mary 

Knights, of the city of Toronto, widow, by 
me H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Forsyth to Armstrong. Toronto, Dec, 
1840. This day were married by license, 
Andrew Forsyth, of the city of Toronto, 
bacbekxr, and Margaret Armstrong, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Ast, Minister. 

Ford to Cowan* Toronto, 15th Dec., 
1840. This day weie married by license, 
Alexander Ford, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Susannah Cowan, of the city 
ot Toronto, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Christner to Prentis. Toronto, 22nd Dec., 
1840. This day were married after due pub 
lication, of Banns, Jonas Ghristner, of the 
township of Etoblcoke, bachelor, and 
Nancy Prentiis, of the same place, spinster, 
by me. H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Starke to Taylor. Toronto, 22nd Dec., 
1840. Th s day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Willij Starke, bachelor, 
and Hannah Taylor, spinster, both of this 
parish, by me, H, J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 

Hyland to Watson. Toronto, 23rd Dec., 
184U. This day woie married by license, 
Richmond Hyland, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Mary Watson, of the 
township of York, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Teller to Keeler. Toronto, 24th Dec., 
1840. Thiis day were married after due pub 
lication of Banna, James Telfer, bachelor, 
and Alice Keeler, spinster, both of this 
pa,ri ; sh, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 

Mills to Cahill. Toronto, 26th Dec.. 
1840. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banna, Bernard Mills, of New 
market, baoheior, and Anne Oah- ill, of the 
city of Toronto, spinster, by ms, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Price to Bailey. Toronto, 28th Dec., 
1840. This day were married by, 
Thomas Price, of the to-.vnship of York, 
bachelor, and Sarah Bailey, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Taylor to Henderson,. Toronto, 29th Dec., 
1840. This day were married by license, 
James Douglas Taylor, of the eiiy of To 
ronto, bachelor, and France? Henderson, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasect, Asst. Minister. 

Morrison to Graham. Toronto, 31st Dec., 
1840. This day were married by license, 
George Morrison, bachelor, and Mary Gra 
ham, spinster, both of the township of 
Toronto. H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

McDo U-gali to Webster. Toronto. 31st Dec, 

1840. This day were married by license, 
Daniel McDougall, bachelor, and Margaret 
Webster, widow, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, AS St. Million tea 1 . 

Winskel to Truiemain,. Toronto, 2nd_ Jan., 

1841. This day were marriad by license, 
Thomas Winskel, of the township of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Anne Trueman, of the 
same place, spinater, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Peregrine to Rowlands. Toronto, 5th Jan, 
1841. This day were married after dole pub 
lication of Banns, David Peregrine, bache 
lor, and Rosanna Rowlands, spinster, both 
of the township of Toronto, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Matchet to Lawrence. Toronto, 7th Jan., 
1841. Th s day were married by license, 
John Matchet, of the township of West 
I achelor, and Eleanor Law. 



rence, of the saime place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, AEHt. Minister. 

Grauford to Graham. Toronto, 7th Ja.n., 
1841. This da.y were married by license, 
John Crawford, of the township of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Mary Aruie Graham, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasstt, 
Asst. Minister. 

Gowper to Dwire. Toronto, 12th Jan., 
1841. This day were married by license, 
John Oowper, of the towuiship of York, 
bachelor , aind Bridget D \viire, of the city 
of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister 

Chew to. Seller. Toronto, 20th Jan., 
1841. Tin s day were married by license, 
Samuel Chew, "of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Sailer, of th 3 EM me pl.-uv>, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Gr;is3tt, Asst. Min. 

Crawford to Beatty. Toronto, 26th Jan., 
1841. This dav were married by license, 
Jolwi, Crawford, of StreetsvMe. bachelor, 
and Rachel Beatty, of the city of To- 
rointo spinster, by me, H. J. Grusstt, Asst. 

Oruig to Owen. Toronto, 28th Jan., 
1841. This day were married by license, 
James Ona : g, oi the city of Toronto, bache. 
lor, tuid Harriet Owen, of the same place, 
spinster, bv me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 

Caldwell to Phibbs. Toronto, 3ru. l<\;b., 
1841. This dav were married by license, 
J.ihn Caldwell. "of the city of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Ellen Phibbs, "of the same place, 
spinster, by me, Thomas E. Wetby, Off. 

Rutledge to Matthews. Toronto. 4th. 
Feb., 1841. This day were married by li 
cense, Henry Rutledge, bachelor, and oi the 
township or Chingnacousy, and Margaret 
Matthews, of the same p ace, spinster, by 
me. Thomas E. Wetby, Off. Minister. 

Silk to Beaty. Toronto, 4th. Feb., 1841. 
This day were married by license, JooJi S; : i k. 
bachelor, of the township of Scarboro, and 
Jane Beaty, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, Thomas E. Wetby, Off. Minister. 

Plees to Pearce. Toronto, 8th. Feb., 
1841. This day were marriod by license, 
Frederick Plees, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Belinda Prarce, of Brnnt- 
ford, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asr.t. 

Betteridge to James. Toronto, llth. 
Feb., 1841. This day were married by li- 
cense, John Betterldge, of the township of 
Etobicoke, bachelor, and Martha James, of 
the same place, spinster, by ma H. J. Gra 
sett, Asst. Minister 

Dixon to Pearson. Toronto 25th. Feb., 
1841. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Gco-ge Dixon bacho or, 
and Mary Pearson, spinster, both of the 
township of Etobicoke, by me, H. J. Gra- 
eett, Asat. Minister. 

Hart to Chapman. Toronto, 25th. Feb., 
1841. This (lay were married by liceiu-se, 
John Hart, of the city of Toronto, widow 
er, and Emma Chapman, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasott, A=6t. Min 

Taylor to Whitesides. Toronto, 26th 
Feb., 1841. This day were married by li 
cense, John Taylor, of the township of 
Brock, bachelor, and Margaret Whitesides. 
of the city of Toronto spinster, by me, 
H. J. Gra&ctt, Asst. Minister. 

Sifton to Hemsworth. Toronto, 27th. 
Feb., 1841. This day were married by li 
cense, Robert Sifton, of the city of" To 

ronto, widower, and Anne Hemsworth, of 
the same place, spinster, by me. H. J. Gra 
sett. Asst. Minister. 

Gold-ing to Jackson. Toronto, 3rd March, 
1841. This day were married by, 
Edward Goildr.nlg, of the township of Eto- 
biiooike, bachelor, and Eliza Jackson, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett r 
Asst. Minister. 

McCarlin to Irvine. Toronto, 3rd March, 
1841. Th s day were married by license, 
Edward McCart ia, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Mary Anine Irvine, of the 
some place, spinster, by me, H, J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Millyard to WMey. Toronto, 6th Maxch, 

1841. " Thr s day were married by license, Miliyard, of Thornhill, bachelor, and 

Rebecca Jane Wifey. of the same place, 

spinster, by me, II. J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 

MoEnery t - Smith. Toronto, 18th. Mnr h. 

1841. This day wore married by license, 

Dennis MoEnery, the younger, of the city 

of Toronto, bachelor, and Margaret Smith. 

I of the River Don, in the Liberties of the 

i snid city, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 

Asst. Minister. 

! Shaw to Keerans. Toronto. 17th. March, 
i 1841. This day were married by 1 conse, 
Arthur Shaw, "of the township of Chingua- 
| cou-fy. widower, and Anne Krerans, of the 
| township of Albion, widow, by me, H. J. 
1 Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Duguid to Thompson. Toronto, 29th. 

I March, 1843. This day were married after 

i due publication of Banns., Alexander Du- 

I guid. bachelor, and Margaret Thompson, 

spinster, both of this parish, by me, H. J. 

Grasett, Aest. Minister 

Doherty to Beatty. Toronto. 13th. Ap 
ril, 1841. This day were married by li 
cense, Thomas Doherty. of thf r-ity o To 
ronto, bachelor, and Ellen Bnatty, of the 
ame place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Browning to Adair. Toronto, 20th. Ap 
ril. 1841. This day were married by license, 
Joseph Adams Browning of the city of To 
ronto bachelor, and Jane Adair, of the 
township of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. 
J. Grnsett, Asst. Minister. 

Caddv to Yarnold. Toronto, 21st April, 
841. This day were married by license. 
Wi linm Hf-ring Caddy, of the township of 
Oro, bachelor, and Emma E.iza Yarnold, of 
the 5:imo place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra- 
f-ett As^t. Minister. 

Graham to Mason,. Toronto, 21st April, 
1841. This day were married by license, 
Arohatoald Graham, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Anne Mason, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H, J. Grasett, Asst. 

Fisiher to Fos. Toronto, 23rd April, 
1841. Tlir is day were married by license, 
John Peter Fisher, of the city of To 
ronto, widower, a.nd Elizabeth Fo x, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasstt, 
Asst. Minister. 

Bainks to Thomas. Toronto, 27th April, 
1841. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Jan-ad Banks, bachelor s 
and Racbol Thomas, spinster, both of this 
parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
Wilson to Da.lton. Toronto, May 1st, 
1841. Tin s day were marked by license, 
Adam, Wilson., Esq., barrister-at-law, of 
the city O f Toronto, and Emma Dalton, 
second daughter of the late Thomas Dalton^ 



Esq., of the same, by me, Hen.ry 
Scadding, Officiating Minister. 

The bridegroom, Adam Wilson, was 
Mayor of Toronto in 1860, when the 
Prince of Wales visited the city. He 
was one of her Majesty s judges, and 
received the honour of knighthood. His 
residence was on the north-eastern 
side of Spadina crescent. to Buxton.. Toronto, 1st May, 
1841 Tin s day were married by license, 
Joihii, of the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Oathorfee Emma Buxton, of the 
towns-hup of York, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grusett, Asst. Minister 

McCutcheon to Lasceiles. Toronto, May 5, 
1841. This day were married by license, 
Alexander Mcbutcheon, of the township 
of Wihitchurch, bachelor, and Anne Lfls- 
celles, o<f the city of Toronto, spinster, by 
me Thomas- Earfe Wetby, Off. Mim.ister. 

Thombaok to Tew. Toronto, 5th May, 
1841. This day were married by license, 
Richard Thwra back, of the township of 
Sca.rboro , bachelor, and Anne Pew, of the 
township of York, spinster, by me, Thomas 
Earle Wetby, Off. Minds ter. 

Whiitlocke "to Dunn. Toronto, May 10th, 
1841. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Hanns, John Whitlocke, private 
in her Majesty s 34th Regt., bachelor, and 
Catherine Dunn, of the city of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Off. Ohap- 

Cutler to Merr^ck. Toronto, May 10th, 
1841. Thi B day were married by license, 
Luke Cutler, oi the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, aaid Mary Anne Merriick, of the same I 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. j 

Moray to Wilkinson. Toronto, llth May. 
1841. Th ; 8 day were married by license, 
William Mony, of the township of Essa, 
Bachelor, and Matilda Wilkinson, of the 
name place, spln/ster, by mo, H. J. Grarsntt, 

Hodgson to Ffoig. Toronto, 13th May. 
1841. Tin s day were married by license, 
Robert Hodgson, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Sarah King, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Gibson to Thompson*. Toronto, 14th M:;y, 
1841. This dsiy were married by license, 
Jeremiah Gibson, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Thompson,^ of the 
same p:ace, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Stevenson to Taylor. Toronto, iEth May. 
1841. This day were married by license, 
Charles Stevenson, private soldier in Her 
Majesty s 34th Regt, O f Foot, bachelor, 
and Isabella Taykr, of the city of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Off. 
Guaplaiin to H. M. Forces . 

Oliver to Taylor. Toronto, 17tb May, 
1841. This day were married by icense, 
Jota Oliver, private soldier in Her Ma 
jesty s 34th Eegt. of Foot, bf.cheJor, a.nd 
Eliza Taylor, of the city of Toronto, spin 
ster, bv me, II. J. Grasett, Off. Chaplain! 
to IL M. Forces. 

Maxwell to Turner. Toronto, 25th Mny, 
1841. This dy were married by license, 
James Maxwell, of the oity of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Eloza Turner, of the sumo 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 
Kellkuler to Johnson. Toronto, 27th May, 

1841. Thi B day were married by license, 
William Keilinder, of the township of Scajv , bachelor, and Elizabeth Johnson, of 
Uie same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister 

Brewer to Baker. Toronto. 27th May. 
1841. This day were married by license, 
James Brewer of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Mary Baker, of the same 
phice, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister, 

For tier to Duke. Toronto, 2nd June, 
1841. This day were married by license, 
Charles Gaspe Fortier, of Amherstburg, 
bachelor, and Charlotte Duke, of the city 
o-f Toronto, spinster, by me, H, J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

i- arliey to Wild. Toronto, 5th June, 
1841. This day were married by license, 
Bombardier Wiliia.m Farley, of the Royai 
Artillsry. bachelor, and Mary Wild, of To- spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Lumbers to Dwyer. Toronto, 9th June, 
1841. This day were married by license, 
William I/umbers, private soldier in, the 
Band of JL M. 32nd Regt., bachelor, and 
Anno Dwyer, of Toronto, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Off. Chaplain to H. M. 

Heap to Little. Toronto, 10th June, 
1841. Th s day were married by license, 
George Heap, of the oity of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Anne Little, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H, J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 

Noble to McAulay. Toronto, 16th June, 
1841. This day were married by license, 
Arthur Nofole, of the oity of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Ellen McAulay, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Williams to McMaho.ii, Toronto, 19th June, 
1841. This day were married by license, 
George Woo ten Williams, of the city of 
Toronto, bachelor, and Laura McMahon, 
of the same place, spiuister, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Hennessey to Trimble. Toronto, June 22, 
1841. Th : s" dnv weve married by license, 
Michael Hennessey, of the township of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Mary Anne Trimble, 
of tho of Chiinguacousy. widow, 
by mo, K. J. Grrosett, Asst. Minister, 

Watersom to Murray. Toronto, June 23, 
1841. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, James Wa.te.rson, bache 
lor, and Jane Murray, spinster, both of 
this parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Kennedy to Laird. Toronto, 24th. June. 
1841. This day were married by license, 
William Kennedy, of .Sydonham, in the 
township of Toronto, bachelor, and Jane 
Laird, of the same place, spinster, by me- 
H. J. Grasott. B.A., Asst. Minister. 

Grogan to Stewart. Toronto, 27th June, 
1841. This day were married by license, 
John Edward Knox Grogan, of the city 
of Toronto, Esq., late a Lieutenant in H. 
M. 32nd. Regiment of Foot, b.-ichelor, and 
Elizabeth Van Renyselaer Powell, and late 
wife of John Stuart, of the town of Lon 
don. Esq., by me, H. J. Grasett, B.A., Asst. 

Walley to McCullough. Toronto. 3rd. 
July, 1841. This day were married by li 
cense, John Walley, Gunner and Driver, 
Royal Artillery, now stationed at Drum- 
mondville, in the district of Niagara, bach 
elor, and Eliza McCullough, of the city of 



Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett 
Ast. Minister. 

Henery to Thompson. Toronto 8th. 
July, 1841. This day were married by li 
cense, John Henerj, of the township of 
Vaughan, widower, and Elizabeth Thomp 
son, of the same place, widow, bv me, A. 
N. Bethune, Off. Minister. 

Horsey to Morgan. Toronto, 9th. July, 
1841. This day were married by license, 
Samuel Horsey, of the township of Scar- 
boro, bachelor, and Mary Morgan, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra- 
sett. Asst. Minister. 

Reid to Dickinson. Toronto, 10th. Ju y, 
1841. This day were married by license, 
John Reid, of "the town of Hamilton, baf h- 
elor. and Elizabeth Dickinson, of the city 
of Toronto, -spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
B.A., Asst. Min. 

Clifford to Kaitting. Toronto, 12th. 
July, 1841. This day were married by li 
cense, John Cii/ford, of the township of 
York, bachelor, and Mary Kaitting, of the 
township of Etobicoke, spinster, by me, H. 
J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Ellis to Leslie. Toronto, 17th. July, 
1841. This day were married by license 
-John Ellis, of che township of York, bach 
elor, and Catherine Leslie, of the same p ace, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.A., Aset. 

Hambly to Butson, Toronto, 19th July, 
1841. This day were married by license, 
Joseph HamWy, the younger, of the town 
ship o>f Yovk, bachelor, and Mn.ry Butson, 
of the township of Whitby, spinster, by me, 
H, J. Grasett, B. A. , Asst. Minister. 
Tice to Porritt, Toronto, 20th. July, 
1841. This day were married by license, 
Richard Tice, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Sarah Porritt, of the city 
of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Fox to Webster. Toronto, 20th July, 
1841. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Thomas Fox, bachelor, 
and AMce Webster, spinster, o*f the town- 
s.Mp of York, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Richards to Cowitch. Toronto, 29th Jui y, 
1841. This day were married by license, 
Henry Richards, of Thornhill, bachelor, 
and Cather .ine Jane Covvitch, of the same 
place, spinster, by rn, H. J. Grasett, B.A., 
Asst. Minister. 

Smith to Wynn. Toronto, 3rd August, 
1841. This day were married after diie pub 
lication of Banns, Samuel Smith, bachelor, 
and Emma Wynn, spinster, both of this 
Tiflirish, by me, H. J. Graaetfe, B. A., Asst. 

Powell to Drynan. Toronto, 5th Aug., 
184L Tliis day were married by license, 
Richard Powell, acting Bombardier Royal 
Artillery, now stationed at the city of 
Toronto, bachelor, and Joanna Drynan, of 
the said city, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Off. Ghiaplaiiin, to H. M .Forces. 

Mudford to Bowen. Toronto, 9th. Aug., 
1841. This day were married after due pub 
lication of B anni, William Mudt ord, wid- 
.ower, and Annie Bowen, spinster, both of 
this parish, bv me, H. J. Grasett, B.A., 
Asst. Min. 

Henry to Reynolds. Toronto, llth. Aug., 
1841. This day were married by license, 
Samuel Honry, of the township of Al- 
pion, a corporal in the 1st. Incorporated 
Militia Dragoons, stationed at Toronto, 

I bachelor, and Rebecca Reynolds, of the sa. : 
j city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
I Grasett, Minister. 

Sanders to Reed. Toronto, llth August, 

! 1841. This day were married by license, 

! Henry Sanders of the city of Toronto, 

bachelor, and Harriet Reed, of the same 

! place spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Aset. 


Me Court to Black. Toronto, 12th. Aug- 
1 ust, 1841. This day were married by li- 
i cense, Hugh McCourt, of the town of Brock- 
] vi;le. bachelor, and Black, of the c .ty 
j of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra- 
I sett B.A., Asst. Minister 

Wilford to Wilson. Toronto, 12th. Aug 
ust, 1841. This day were married by li 
cense, Ernest Wi ford, of the townsh p of 
Scarboro, bachelor, and Eliza Anne Wilson, 
of the township of York, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett B.A., Asst. Minister. 

Scadding to Baldwin. Toronto, 14th. Aug-- 
j ust 1841. This dny were married by li- 
i cense, Henry Scadding, M.A., bachelor, and 
Harriet B, Baldwin, spinster, both ot the 
city of Toronto, Home district, and Pro- 
! vince of Canada. John Strachan. 

The bridegroom was the Rev. H. 
Scadding. Kis bride was a daughter 
| of John Spread Baldwin, who signed 
j the register, as did the Rev. H. J. 
j Grasett, a life-long friend of the bride- 
1 groom. 

Simon to Scott. Toronto, 19th. August, 
, 1841. This day were married after due pub- 
! lication of Banns, Charles Simon, bachelor, 
j and Elizabeth Scott, spinster, both of the 
township of Scarboro. by me, T. H. M. 
I Bartlett, B.A., Off. Minister. 

Howard to Smith. Toronto. 19th. Aug., 
! 1841. This day were married after due pub- 
i licatio-n of Banns, Nicnolas Howard, a bach- 
! elor. and Matilda Smith, a sp nster, both 
! of this city by me, T. H. M. Bartlettt, 
I B.A., Off. Min. 

Lowney to Caffry. Toronto, 3rd Sept., 

1841. This- day were married by license, 

Th<oma,s Lowney, of the city of Toronto, 

i bachelor, and Anne Caffry, of the same 

| place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

! Minister. 

Fleming to Boddy. Toronto, 3rd Sept., 
1841. This day were married by license, 
Andrew Fleni iag, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Mary Anne Boddy, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister 

Rumohir to Smith. Toronto, 7th Sept., 
1841. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, John R.umohr, bachelor, 
and Susan S unit hi, spinster, both of the 
townsibi p of Mairkham, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Johnson to Lennon. Toronto, 8th Sept., 
1841. This day were married by license, 
Samuel Johnson, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Catherine Lennon, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
Asst. Minister, 

Coxwell to Marchant. Toronto, ]0th. 
Sept., 1841. This day were married by li 
cense, Thomas Coxwell, of the city of To- 
roonto, widower, and Mary Mercy Mar- 
chant, of the same place, spinster, by me 
H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Aylmer to McDonell. Toronto, 13th. 
Sept., 1841. This day were married by li- 
censs. George Edward Aylmer, captain 93rd, 



c ?V, Snster daughter of Alexander Mc- 
Donell, of the same place, [Esq. John 

The McDonells lived on the north 
east corner of Adelaide and John 
streets. The house was pulled down 
about 1890. Mrs. Aylmer only survived 
her marriage three years. 

Gallego to Waddal. Toronto 14th. Sept 
1841 This day were married by lir . en Tf 
Peter Galleffo, of the citv of Toronto, bach 
elor and fla ry Waddal, of thesameplace, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett.B.A., Asst. 

Sparks to Muirfit. Toronto, 15th Sept., 
1841 This dav were -married by license, 
Thorns Sparks , of the city of Toronto 
bachelor, and Margaret Murfit, of the 
same place, spinster, by me. H. J. <^vas( tt, 
Asst. Minister. 01 

McMullen to Rowlands. Toronto, Sept. VI, 
1841 This dav were married by acei se, 
John McMullen", of the township of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Sarah Rowlands, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Jacobs to Corbett. Toronto, 23rd Sept., 
1841. This day were married by license, 
John Jacobs, of the River Dan, in 
township of York, bachelor, and Jennett 
Corbett. of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Gurnett to Darby. Toronto, 23rd _bept., 
1841 This day were married by license, 
Geoirge Gurnett, of the city of Toronto, 
Esq widower, a,nd Catherine Darby, of t 
township of Trafalgar, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grastt, Asst. Minister. 

Mr. Gurnett was Mayor of Toronto 
in 1837, and for maay years the Ptolice 

Snider to Murr. Toronto, 30th Sept., 
1841. This nay were married by license, 
Samuel Snider, of the township of York, 
widower, and Anne MUTT, of the city of To 
ronto, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Thornhill to Hornibrook. Toronto. 30ih 
Sept., 1841. This day were married by li 
cense Richa.rd Hull Thornhill. E;q., 
Kingston, widower, and E i/.abeth Bels 
Hornibrook, of the township of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 1 

Pullen to Bone. Toronto, Sept. 30th, 
1841. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Edwin Pullen, bachelor, 
and GaroMne Bone, spinster, both of 
par sh, by me, II. 0. Grasett, Asst. Mm. 
Wandby to Crane. Toronto, 6th ot., 
1841. This day were married by license, 
Panvuei Wandby, ot the township of Al 
bion,, bachelor, and Emma Crane, of the 
city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Patersnn to Lautber. Toronto, 15th Oct., 
1841. This day were married by license, 
Adam Pateraon.. of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Margaret Lauther, of the 
same p ace, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
A9=it. Minister. 

Wilson, to Butler. This day were mar 
ried by bainns Timothy Wilson, widower, 
of the townshiip ot Soarboro , acid Maria 
Butlor, spinster, of the township of York, 

by me, J. Gamble Geddes, Off. for Rev. 

ll Howard "to 1 Richards. Toronto 19th Oct..- 
1841. This day were married by Bcera^, 
Joshua Howard, of the caty of ^ ew ^ 
in the United States ot A merica *idowei -. 
and Harriett fUatords, af the city of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

ucrun to Htatop. Toronto, 1st Nov., 
1841 This day were married after due puo- 
rcaUon of Banns, William Sutherland. 
baeheV, and Margaret Its top, spider, 

, both of this parish, by me, H. J. Gras< 
Asst. Minister. 

Cooper to McMullen. Toronto, 4th Nov., 
1841 This day were married by license, 
Thomas Cooper* of Thornhi.U, bachelor, and 

i Manama MeMuilan, of the city of To- 

; ronro, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

i Minister. ,,. x . 

Watson to Hughes. Toronto, 17th .No\., 

1 1341 This day uere married by license, 
Henirv Watso.:il, of thie city of Toronto, 
E;ior, and Jane Hughes, of the same 
place, spinster, by m.9, H, J. Grasett, Asst. 

Minister. 1Q ,. ,. 

Evatt to Bailey. Toronto, , >th Nov., 
iRII This drtv were married by license, 
Francis Evatt , of the city of Toronto. 
bachelor, oowi Anne Bailey, of the same 
place, spWer, by me, H. d. Grasett, Asst. 

Rotherer to Patrick. Toronto, :N T ov. 22, 
1841 This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Thomas Rotherer, wid 
ower, and Anne Patrick, widow, both ot 
this parish, by me, H. J. G-rasett, Asst. 

uoiiwjvadi to Chambers. Toronto, Nov. 
1841 This day were married by license, 
Robert Donovan,, of t,he city of Toronto 
ba.helor, and Margaret Chambers, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gras. 
Asst. Minister. 

Stone to Law tor. Toronto, 29th Nov., 
1841 This day were married by license, 
Matthew Stone, of the city of Toronto 
bachelor, amd Juiia. Lawler, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasi tt, Asa 

Ba.ll to Hussey. Toronto, SSWi -> 0% " 
1841 This dav were married after due pu 
llcatloo of Banns, Henry B^J*?? 6 ^ 
and Sophia Hussey, spinster, both of this 
pa.rish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Mta. 

Smrral] to Luxsonu Toronto, 9th_ Dec., 
1,841 Th s dav were married by license, 
William Spurail, ot the city of Toronto 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Luxson, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 

A Giichrist to F Ford. Toronto, 14th. Dec., 
1841 Thi* day were married alter due pu 
lication of Banns. Thomas Gilchrist, pri 
vate in H. M. 43rd. Regt., bachelor, and , 
Harriett Ford, of the city of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, 1^ J. Grasett, Asst. Mm- 

Edwards to Barber. Toronto, 16th. Dec., 
1841 This ilny wore married by lice n se, 
Robert Edwards, of the township of To 
ronto bachelor, and Mary Barber, of 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
A^t. Minister. 

i-itt to Dempsey. Toronto, 31st. Dec.. 
1841. This day were married byl ic> 
John Marritt, of the city of Toront 
bachelor, and Mary Dempsey, of the e 



place, .spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Richardson to Wright. Toronto. 6th. 
Jan., 1842. This day were married by li 
cense, William Richardson, of the township 
of Pickering-, in the Home district, bach 
elor, and Margaret Wright, of th same 
place, spinster, by me, George O. Street, 
Off. Minister. 

Phillips to Sweeny. Toronto, 15th. Jan., 
1842. This day were married by license, 
Charles Phillip s, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Sarah Sweeney, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Frelig-h to Camber. Toronto, 20th. Jan., 
3842. This day \vere married after due pub 
lication of Ba nns, Charles Stewart Freligh, 
bachelor, and Lucy Camber, spinster, both 
of the township of Etobicoke, by me, H. 
J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

C.irrar to Dufffy. Toronto, 21st Jan., 
1842. This day were married by license, 
William Curraa, of the township of To 
ronto, wi.lower, :md Gathering Duffe.v. of 
thr> city of TOT on to, widow, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister 

Wi;ty to Couitur. Toronto, 22nd Jan., 
1842. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Charles Witty, widower, 
and Anne Jane Coulter, spinster, both of 
this parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Rock to Bennet. Toronto, 27th Jan., 
1842. Thin day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Thomas Rock, bachelor, 
and Susannah Beniiet, spinsteri both of this 
parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Assc. Minis 

Brown to Cox. Toronto, 28th Jan., 
1842. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, George Brown, bachelor, 
and Honor Cox, spinster, both of this par 
ish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Dandy to Irwin,. Toronto, 7th Dec., 
13 ,2. Th : is day were married by license, 
Thomas Dandy, of the city of Toronto, wid 
ower, and Ma rtha Irwin, of the slime place, 
spinster, by me, H, J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 

Ryan to Hales. Toronto, 13th Feb., 
1842. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Edward Ryan, bachelor, 
and Sophia Hales, spinster, both of this 
city, bv me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Walker to Wyatt. Toronto, 23rd Feb., 
1842. This day were married by Hpeti se, 
James Walker. Bombardier, Royal Arti.lery, 
now stationed at Toronto, bachelor, and 
Mary Wyatt, of the same place, spin 
ster by uie, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Handy to Cooper. Toronto, 24th Feb., 
1842. This day were married by license, 
William Handy, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Cooper, of the 
same place, widow, by me, H, J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

McKeniny to Johnston. Toronto, 25th Feb, 
1842. This day were married by license, 
An/drew McKenny, of the township of 
Ohfa.guac ousy, bacheJbr, nnd Elizabeth 
Johns toil, sp i tister, of the some place, by me 
H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Wat?on to Gamble. Toronto, 28th. Feb., 
1842. This day were married by license, 
William AVat.son. of Yonge street, in the 
township of Vaughan, bachelor, and Ma 
tilda Gamble, of the city of Toronto, spin 
ster, by me. H. J. Grasett. Asst. Min 

Elgie to Sr-holfield. Toronto. 3rd. March, 
:842. This day were married by license, 

John Elgie, of the city of Toronto, widow 
er, and Jane Scholfield, of the sime place, 
widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min 

Morris to Thorn. Toronto, Feb. 18th, 
1842. This day were marriad by license, 
John McMorris, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Catherine Thorn, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J- Grasett. Asst. 

Abbott to Myers. Toronto, 8th. March, 
1842. This day were married by license, 
Peter Charles Abbott, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Mary Anne Myers, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Asst. Minister. 

Navlor to Pimlotte. Toronto 14th. 
March, 1842. This day were married by li- 
onsec, Thomas Naylor, of Yonge street, in 
the limits of the city of Toronto, widower, 
and Jane Pimlotte, of the said city, spin 
ster, by me, H. /.. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Ulyott to Elford. Toronto, 17th. March, 
1842. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Ullyott. of the township of Whitby, 
bachelor, and Mary Elford, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. Asat. 

Whitesides to Boles. Toronto, March 17th, 
1842. This day were married by license, 
John Whiteside, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, atnd Margaret Boles, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Ma-thewa to Brown,. Toronto, .23rd March, 
1842. Thiis day were married after due pub 
lication, of Banns, Thomas Mathews, private 
in H, M. 43n"d Regt., bachelor, and Martha 
Brown, of the city of Toronto, spinster, by 
me. H. J. Grasett, Assistant Minister. 

Mara to Graham, Toronto, 23rd March, 
1842. Thvs day were married by license, 
Andrew Mara, of the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Margaj-et Graham, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

U row*i to Toronto, 24th March, 
1842. This day were married alter due pub 
lication of Barms, Michael Brown, private 
in H, M. 43rd Regt., bachelor, and Mary 
Crane, of the city of Toronto, spinster ,by 
me, K. J. Grasett, Off. Chap-la in to H. M. 

Randolph to Tra-yner. Toronto, March 24, 
1542. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Henry Randolph, bache 
lor, an.d Mary Trayner, widow, both of this 
pairish,, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 

Pa.r9oms to Lindsay. Toronto, 2Sth March, 
1842. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Parsons, of the to win of London, 
bachelor, and Jane Lindsay, of the city 
of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Wright to Madden. Toronto, 29th. March, 
1842. This day were married by license, 
Henry Wright, of the township of Pick 
ering, bachelor, and Margaret Madden, of 
the city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. 
J. Gra-sett, Asst. Minister. 

Creighcon to McKeweii. Toronto, 5th, 
April, 1842. This day were married by :i- 
cciise, Thomas Oreighton, of the township 
of Essa, Bachelor, and Mary M -TC^- - of 
the same place, widow, by me, H. J. Gro 
se tt, Asst. Minister. 

Stockdale to Erwin. Toronto 9th. Ap 
ril 1842. This day were married by license, 
Winiiim Stockdale, of the city of Toronto, 
widower, and Anne Erwin, of the same plac?, 



spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. Asst. Min 

Trimble to Earls. Toronto, 12th. April, 
1842. This day were married by license, 
Robert Trimble, of the township "of Chin- 
guacousy, bachelor, and Elizibetn Earls, of 
the city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. 
J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Loose to Toice. Toronto, 14th. April, 
1842. This day^ were married by license, 
Isaac Loose, of the city of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Jane Toice, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min 

Berry to Burns. Toronto, 16th. April, 
1842. This day were married by license, 
Robert Berry, of the town of Kingston, 
bachelor, ami Elizabeth Burns, of th ; city 
of Toronto, Spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Whitcomb to Bradburn. Toronto, 39th. 
April, 1842. This day were married after 
due publication of Banns William Whitcomb 
private in H. M. 43rd. Regt., bachelor, and 
Fanny Bradburn, of the city of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Off. Chap 
lain to H. M. Forces. 

Hunter to Cluney. Toronto. 27th. Ap 
ril. 1842. This day were maiT-ed by li-ense 
Samuel Hunter, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Catherine Cluney, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
4?st. Minister. 

Jones to Harrington. Toronto, 28th. Ap 
ril, 1842. This day were married by lirense, 
James William Jones, of the city of To 
ronto, b.ichelor, and Sarah Harrington, of 
the same placn. spinster, by me, H. J. .Gra 
sett. Asst. Minister. 

Wade to Oudmore. Toronto, 28th April, 
This day were married by license 
Henry V, ade, of the town of Niagarn, bache- 
toiv and Jemima Cudmore, of Thornhill, 
Home district, spinster, by me, H. J 
Grasett. Asst. Minister. 

Rottsell to Lewis. Toronto, 30th April, 
wiiii S da J were marr ied bv license, 
h:i.m Rowsell, of Kingston, bachelor, and 
Marm Lewis, of the city of Toronto, spin 
ster, by me, H, J .Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
Htewa,rt to Kirkpatrick. Toronto, 30th 
Apru, 1842. This day were married by li 
cense Alexander Stewart, of the city of: 
rick W1 dower> and Esther Kirkpat- j 

Beatty to McDowell. Toronto, April 30th, 
i^. rh:s day were married bv license, 
James Beatty, of the city of Toronto 
bachelor, ^and Sarah McDor.ell, of the same I 
by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

wMTT mC " Ba.ker. Toronto, 2nd May, 

H2 This dray were married after due pub- 

oatloia of Banns, John Martins, bachelor, 
""Jane Baker, spinster, both of the city 
by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Ti.nd.ate to Cook. Toronto, 14th Mav. 
IB Y- This day were married by license, 
Robert _Ti,ndale, of the township of To 
ronto, in the Gore, bachelor, and Sarah i 
t/ook of the same p.laco, widow, bv me, ; 
H, J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

D alton to Warbrick, Toronto, ]8th May 
Th:s day wore married bv licepisp > 
William Homy Dalton, of Aaowtw. In the ! 
district of Gore, bachelor, and Susannah 
Esther Wai-brick, of the township of 4.1. 
Mon la the Home district, spinster, bv me 
H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Price to Spotten. Toronto, 18th May, 
1842. This day were married by license, 
John Price, of Toronto, in the Home dis 
trict, widower, and Jane Spot ten, of the 
same place, widow of the late J. Spotten, 
of EnnisluMen, Ireland, deceased, by me, 
Alexander Saneon. 

Myers to Moore. Toronto, 18th May, 
1)842. This day were married by license, 
John. Francis Myers, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, aaiid Francis Moore, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Smith to Owens. Toronto, 18th. May, 
1842. This day were married by license, 
Adam Smith, of Yonge street, in the city 
of Toronto, bachelor, and Matilda Owens, 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. <J. 
Grasett, B.A., Asst. Min. 

Sharpe to Maysant. Toronto, 19th. May, 
1842. This day were married by license, 
Robert Sharpe, "private in H. M. 43rd. Regt. 
of Foot, now stationed at the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Eliza Maysent, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, Alexander San- 
son, Oi f. Minister. 

Eagle to Dixon. Toronto, 25th. May, 
1842. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Eagle, bachelor, and Rebecca Dix 
on. widow, both of the township of Etobi- 
coke, by me, T. H. M. Burtletc, B.A., IO . 

McMillan to Crawford. Toronto, 28th May, 
1>842. This day were married by license, 
James McMillatn, of the township "of York, 
bacheLoir, and Margaret Crawford, of this 
city spinster, by me, T. H. M. Bartlett, 
B.A., Off. Min. 

Joiunstone to Speers. Toronto, 31st May, 
1842. Edward Johnstons, of the township 
of Mono, widower, aind Elizabeth Arnold 
Speers, of the township of CaJiedon, widow, 
were married bv license this day, by me, 
T. H. M. Bartlett, B.A. 

Sextos to Rumble. Toronto, June 3rd, 
1842. James Sexton, bachelor, and Eliza 
beth Rumble, spinster, both of the town, 
ship of York, were married by license this 
day, by me, T. H. M. Bartlett, B.A. 

WUtmott to Bright. Toronto, June 9th, 
1842. This day were married by license, 
John Wilhnort, of the township of Etobi- 
coke, bachelor, a-nd Harriet Bright, of 
this city, spinster, by me, T. H. M. Bart 
lett, B.A. 

Forking to Bolton,. Toronto, 15th June, 
1842. Th s (Jay were married by license, 
James, Lieut. Ool. Commanding 
H, M. 43rd Hegt. Light Infantry, bache 
lor, and Sophi a BouJtori, second daughter 
of Henry John Boulto.ii, Esq., Holland 
House, In this city, spinster, by me, John 
McCanil, LL.D. 

Colonel Forlong, who was a Water 
loo veteran ami a kraigbt of Hanover. 
Some years later he lived at Gore Vale, 
on Queen street west, where he died. 

M"orborou,gh to Madden. Toronto, June 
18th. 1842. This diiy were maoried after 
publication of Barnns, Willi-mi Xorborough, 
widower, and Marv Ma.dde>m, widow, both of 
this city, by me, T. H. M. Bartlett, B.A. 

Denton to Riddell. Toronto, 20th June, 
1842. This day were married by license, 
Jamas Denton, Colour Sergeant in H. M. 
43rd. Regt. L.F., and Elizabeth Riddell, of 
this city spinster, bv me, T. H. M. Viart- 
lett, B.A., Off. Chaplain to the Forces. 



Todd to Hartncy. Toronto, July 7th., 
1842. This day were marrieu by license 
Alfred Todd, of the town of Kingstone, 
Canada, a bachelor, and Cartherine Hart- 
ney, of this city, a spinster, by me, T. 
H. M. Bartlett, B.A. 

Morgan to Hanna. Toronto, June 28th., 
1842. The Holy Banns of Matrimony were 
this day entered into by us, John Mor 
gan, Elizabeth Hanna, by me, Henry S cad- 
ding, Oi f. Minister. 

Wray to Anderson. Toronto, July 12th.. 
1842. This day were married by licence 
John "Wray, of the township of York, bach 
elor, and Sarah Anderson, of this city, sp n- 
ster, by me, T. H. M. Bartlett, B.A 

Tufts to Moore. Toronto, 14th. July, 
1842. This day were married by license, 
Stephen Tufts, a bachelor, nnd Margaret 
Moo:-e a spinster, "both of this city, be He 
solemnized between us, Stephen Tuits 
T. H. M. Bartlett, B.A. 

Newman to Fox. Toronto. 14th. July, 
1842. This day were married by license, 
Philip Newman, bachelor, and of the town- 
ehip of To k and Margaret F ^x o the is~ni3 
place, spinster, by me, T. H. M. Bartlett, 

Mills to Marks. Toronto, July 15th, 
1842. This day were married by" license, 
WiUlam Mills, of the township of Chinerua- 
couisy, H. D., bachelor, and Mary Jane 
Marks, of this city, si T ster, by me, Alexan. 
der Samson., Off. Minister. 

Rooth to Hepburn. Toronto, July 19th, 
1842. Tlr s day were married by ilrenai, 
William Anthony Rooth, of the township 
of Bertie, district of Niagara, bachelor, 
and Anne Eliza Hepburn, of the city of 
Toronto, spinster, by me, John Anderson, 
Rector of North Bine. 

Miss Hepburn was a sister of Mrs. 
R. L. Denison, Hepburn street, To 
ronto, takes its name from the family. 

Bell to Anderson. Toronto, 23rd July, 
1842. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Barms-, Henry Bell, of the town 
ship of York, bachelor, and Susan Anderson, 
of th-3 same towmsh p. spinster, by me, Alex 
ander Sa,no:n, Off. Minister 

Harm tun to Huson. Toronto, 26th July, i 
1842. This day were married by license, 
Samuel Bicker ton Harman., of the Island 
of Bairbadoes, bachelor, and Goorpiina Hu- 
SOTI, of th township of York, spinster, bv 
me, T. H. M. Bartlett, B.A. 

Mr. S. R Harman was sometime 
Mayor of Toronto, and afterwards City 

"Wright to Blankinship. Toronto, 26th. 
July, 1842. This dav were married bv li 
cense, Edward Wright, of the township of 
East Gwillimbury, bachelor, and Sarah 
Blankinship, of the township of King, spin 
ster, by me. T. H. M. Bartlett, B.A. 

Wild to Kaiser. Toronto, Angr"=t fith.. 
William Wild, a bachelor, and Elizabeth ; 
Kaiser, a spinster, both of this parish, were ; 
married this day, after due publication of | 
banns, by me, T. H. M. Bartlett, B.A 

House to Jones. Toronto. August 8th.. 
1842. This day were married by 1 cr.n^o. 
George House, a bachelor, and Marianna 
Jones, a widow, both of this city, by mio. 
T. H. M. Bartlett. B.A. 

McBurney to Snodden. Toronto, Aug. 
9th., 1842. This day were married by license, , 

Nicholas McBtirnev, widower, and Ros^nnab 
Siiodden, widow, both of this citv, bv me, 
T. H. M. Bartlett, B.A. 

Henry to Johnstone. Toronto, August, 
10th., 1842. This day were married by li 
cense, James Henry, bachelor, and Anne 
Johnstone, spinster, both of the township- 
of Chinguacousy, by me, T. H. M. Bart 
lett, B.A. 

Smith to Gabes. Toronto, August, 15th., 
1842. This day were married after due pub 
lication of banns, Robert Smith, a bach 
elor, and Elizabeth Gabes, a spinster, botli 
of this city, by me, T. H. M. jBartlet t ,\B. 

Bell to Kennedy. Toronto, Aug. 20th., 
1842. This day were married by license, 
Charles Ruddick Bell, bachelor, and Mar 
garet Kennedy, a spinster, both of this 
city, be me, T. H. M. Bartlett, B.A. 

Dixon to Phillips. Toronto Aug. 25th.i 
1842. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns. James Dixon, a bach 
elor, and Eliza Phillips, a spinster, both 
of the township of Etobicoke, by me, T. 
H. M. Rartlett B.A. 

Dormer to Baty. Toronto, Aug. 25th., 
1842. This day were married by license, 
George Dormer, of tins city, bachelor, and 
Marv Baty. of Ohio, United States, widow,, 
by me T. H. M. Bartlett, B.A. 

Mar.- hal] to Pannel. Toronto, August, 
29th., 1842. This day were married after 
due publication of Banns Thomas Mar 
shall, widower, and Mary Pannel, both of 
this city, by me, T. H. "M. Bartlett, B.A. 
Lee to Smith. Toronto, September, 1st., 
1842. This clay were married bv license, 
William Henry Lee, Esq., of Kingston, a 
bachelor, and Harriet Louisa Smith, of this 
city, a spinster, by me, T. H. M. Bartlett, 

Humphreys to Ridout. Toronto, Sppt. 
7th., 1842. James Dodsley Humphreys, 
Lieutenant 3rd. Battalion Incorporated 
Militia, a bachelor, and Caroline Amelia 
Ridout, of tbis city, a spinster, were mar 
ried this day by license, by me, T. H. !M. 
Bartlett, B.A. 

Mr. Humphreys was well known in 
Toronto as a professional musician, 
and also as a horticulturist. 

Pillow to Hamilton. Toronto, Sept. 10th., 
1842. This day were married by lic^, 
Alexander Pillow, a bachelor, and Jane 
Hamilton, a spinster, both of this citv bv 
me. T. H. M. Bartlett, B.A. 

Cozens to McCance. Toronto, 19th. S >pu, 
1842. This day were married by licence, 
William Cozens, of the township of Vaughan, 
a bachelor, and Rosanna McUanee. of toe 
township of Markham, spinster, by mn T 
H. M. Bartlett, B.A. 

Coulter to Orr. Toronto, Sept. 20th., 
1842. This day were married by license, 
Philip Coulter, a bachelor, and Jane Orr 
a widow, of this city, by me, T. H. L 
Bartlett, B.A. 

Wilson to Brinnon. Toronto, Oct. 3rd. 
L842. This day were married by licei 
Thomas Wilson, a bachelor, an,d Anne Brin- 
neii, a spinster, bn>th of this oitv, i>r 
T. H. M. Ba,rtiett, B.A. 

Whittier to Phoenix. Toronto, 7th Oct.. 
1842. This day were married after duo pir.- 
Meatiom of Bajons, William Whittier, blache- 
IOT, a.nd Chiristian.a Phoenix, a spinsr 
both of the township of Sciairboro, by ii>e. 
T. H. M. Bua-tlett, B.A. 



Troyer to Bennett. Toronto, Oct. llth, 
1842. This day were married by license, 
John Troyer, of the township of York, a 
bachelor, "amid Sarah Aime Bennett, of the 
township- of Vaiuighaui, a spinster, by me, 
T. H. M. Biwtfett. 

Oak to Pudney. Toronto, Oct. llth., 
1842. This day were married by license, 
Ambrose Oak, of the township of Mark- 
ham, widower, and Elizabeth Pudney, of 
this city, widow, by me, T. H. M. Bart- 
ictt, B.A. 

Collum to Kerr. Toronto, Oct. 13th., 
1842. The Holy Banns ol Matrimony w*.-re 
this day entered into by us, William Col 
lum, Ellen Kerr. Witnesses, Joseph Lawson, 
John Flanagan, Lettice Rawson. By me, 
Henry Scadding, Off. Minister. 

Dixon to Andrews. Toronto, Oct. 17th., 
1842. This day were married by license, 
Joseph Dixon, widower, and Elizabeth An 
drews, spinster, both of this city, by me, 
T. H. M. Bartlett, B.A. 

Mr. Dixon was a well known busi 
ness man in Toronto ; his wife was a 
daughter of the vestry clerk of St. 
James church. 

Hyatt to McMahon. Toronto, 29th. 
Oct., 1842. This day were married by li 
cense, John Hyatt, of the township of 
Chinguacousy, widower, and Mary McMa 
hon. of the same place, widow, by me, H. 
J. Grasett, M.A., Asst. Miaister. 

Whitney to Fisher. Toronto, 29th. Oct., 
1842. This day were married by license, 
Frederick Augustus Whitney, of Carillon, 
in the district of Mo-ntreal, bachelor, and 
Mary Harriett Fisher, of the township of 
Etobicoke, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
M.A., Asst. Minister. 

Mr. Whitney settled in Toronto after 
his marriage, and was in business on 
Toronto street. His wife was a daugh 
ter of Thomas Fisher, of Millwood, 
Etobicoke. She died in 1853. 

Bottrili to Nichols. Toronto, 29th. Oct., 
1842. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Paxton Bottrili, bach 
elor, and Elizabeth Nichols, spinster, both 
of this parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, M.A., 
Asst. Miuister. 

Howson to Kerwan. Toronto, 31st Octo 
ber, 1842. This day were r^irried after due 
publication of Banns, William Howson, wid 
ower, and Eliza Kerwan, both of this parish, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, M.A., Asst. Minister. 

Brockbank to Burrows. Toronto, 2nd. 
Nov., 1842. This day were married by li 
cense, Thomas Brockbank, of the town 
ship of York, bachelor, and Mary Burrows, 
of the same place, widow, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Townsend to McMillan. Toronto, _4th. 
November, 1842. This day were married by 
license, Jonathan B. Tow nseiid, of the city 
of Toronto, bachelor, and Louisa McMillan, 
of the same place, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
A- K st. Minister. 

Trueman to Moore. Toronto, 7th. Nov 
ember, 1842. This day were married by li 
cense, Hugh Trueman, of the township of 
Innisfil, bachelor, and Jane Moore, of the 
city of Teronto. spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Whatley to Black. Toronto, 8th. Nov., 
1842. This day were married by license, 
James Whatley, of the city of Toronto, 

bachelor, and Helen Black, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Scott to Thompson. Toronto, 9th. Nov.. 
1842. This day were married by license, 
William Robert Scott, of Marshvills, in tho 
dictrict of Niagara, bachelor, and Char 
lotte Thompson, of St. Catherines, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Whitlcck to O Hara. Toronto. 10th., 
1842. This day were married by 1 cen^o, 
John Whitlock, of the township of Toron 
to, in the Gore, bachelor, and Martha 
O Hara, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister 

Dale to McClelland. Toronto, 12th. Nov., 
1842. This day were married by license, 
Lawrence Dale, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Anne McClelland, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Aset. 

Williams to Jones. Toronto, 13th. Nov., 
1842. This day were married, Daniel Wii- 
liams, bachelor, and Frances Jones, spin 
ster, both of this parish, after due publi 
cation of Banns, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Armstrong to Fraser. Toronto, 17th. 
Nov., 1842. This day were married by li 
cense. George Armstrong 1 , the younger, of 
the township of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Fraser, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me. H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Houghtpn to Bell. Toronto, 17th. Nov., 
1842. This day were married by license, 
Joseph Houghton, of the township of Scar- 
boro, bachelor, and Anne Bell, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Aset. 

Hetherington to Parker. Toronto, 18th. 
Nov., 1842. This day were married by li 
cense, James Hetherington, of the town 
ship of Vaughan, widower, and Abby Park 
er, of the same place, widow, by me. H. 
J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 

Powell to Gibson. Toronto, 20th Nov., 
1842. This day were married by license, 
Georg-e Powell, of the city of Toronto, 
widower, and Eliza Gibson, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Madill to Abbott. Toronto, 29th Nov., 
1842. This day were married, after due 
publication of Banns, William Madill, of 
ihe to.wnship of Pickering-, bachelor, and 
Martha Abbott, of this parish, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Moore to Moore. Toronto, 1st Dec., 
1842. This day were married by license, 
John Moore, of the city of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Margaret Jane Moore, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Graaett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Corston to Bitter. Toronto, 8th Dec., 
3842. This day were married by license, 
William Corston, of the city of Toronto, 
widower, and Mary Anne Rifcter, of the 
same place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Ryan to West. Toronto, 13th Dec., 1842. 
This day were married after due publica 
tion of BaTins, AVilliam Ryan, private, H. 
M. 83rd Reg-t., bachelor, and Tane West, 
of this city, spins tea-, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Strickland to McElroy. Toronto, 13th 
Dec., 1842. This day were married by 
license, John Palmer Strickland, of the 
city of Toronto, bachelor, and Sueaanali 



McElroy of the same place, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Hockridge to Ormerod. Toronto, Dec. lo, 
1842. This day were married by license, 
Richard Hockriclge, of tho city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Ormerod, of the 
townshio of Scarborough, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Ci.Kisett. Asst. Minister. 

Britton to McTainav. Toronto, 20th Dec., 
1842. This day were married by license, 
John Britton, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Margaret McTamay, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Slaughter to Hall. Toronto, Oct. 25th, 
1842. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Junius Slaughter, of the 
city of Toronto, bachelor, and Anna Hall, 
of "the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst, Minister. 

Johnson to Myers Toronto, 22nd Dec., 
1842. This dav were married by license, 
John Johnson," of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Matilda Myers, of the same 
palce, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
Minister. r 

Mnrhead to Mutart. Toronto, 26th Dec., 
1842. TMs day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, John Alorhead, bachelor, 
and Louisa Mutart, spinster, both of this 
parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Mm. 

Dority to Gorman. Toronto, 31st Dec., 

1842 This day were married by license, 
William Dority, of the city of Toronto, 
.bachelor, and Anne Gorman, of the same 
place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Moffett to Campbell. Toronto, 4th. Jan., 

1842. This day were married by license, 
Andrew Moffett, of the township of Al 
bion, widower, and Anne Campbell, of the 
city of Toronto spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Wallace to Brett. Toronto, 6th. Jan., 

1843 This day were married by license, 
Arthur Wallace, of the city of Toronto 
bachelor, and Letitia Brett, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Johnston to Hillock. Toronto, 7th. Jan 
uary, 1843. This day were married by li 
cense, Thomas Johnston, of the township 
of Hope, in the district of Ne\ycastle, bach 
elor, and Margaret Hillock, of the city of 
Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Dixon to McLaughlin,. Toronto, llth Jan 
uary, 1843. This day were married by li 
cense, Anthony Dixon. of the township of 
Etobicoke, bachelor, and Mary McLaughlin. 
of the town-ship of Adjala, spinster, by me, 
II. J. Grasott, Asst. Minister. 

Edey to Thornton. Toronto, 14th. Jan., 

1843. This day were married by license, 
John Edey, of Thornhill, widower, and Jane 
Thornton, of the same place, spinster, by 
me. H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Hudie to Elliott. Toronto, 16th. Jan., 
1543. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Robert Hudie, bachelor, 
and Dorothy Elliott, spinster, both of this 
parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min 

Loaney to Bennett. Toronto, 18th. Jan., 
1843. This day were married by license, 
William Leaney, bachelor, and Mary Anne 
Bennett, spinster, both of the city of To 
ronto, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minis 

Longheed to Sanderson. Toronto, 20th, 

Jan., 1843. Thi.s day were married by li 
cense, William Longlieed, of tho township 
of Chinguacousy, bachelor, and Anne San 
derson, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. Asst. Minister. 

Lindsey to Collins. Toronto, 23rd. Jan., 
1843. This day were married by license, 
James Lindsey. of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Catherine Collins, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
A3t. Minister. 

McOallum to Miller. Toronto, Jan. 24th, 
1843. This day were married by license, 
Henry McOallum, of the City of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Georgina Cecilia Miller, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J- 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Gwatkin to Todd. Toronto, 25th Jan., 
1843. This day were married by license, 
Robert Colin Gwatkin, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Mary Theresa Todd, 
of the township of York, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasctt, Asst. Minister. 

Lawson to Colbv. Toronto, 27th Jan., 
1843. This day were married by license, 
Joseph Lawson, of the township of York, 
widower, and Sarali Colby, of the same 
place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Steward to Watson. Toronto, 1st. Feb., 
1843. This day were married by license, 
William Steward of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Joanna Charlotte Watson, 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Watson to George. Toronto, 1st Feb., 
1843. This day were married by license, 
George Watson, c-f the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Mary Anne George, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Heslop to Corwcll. Toronto. 15th. Feb., 
1843. Thi.s day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns. Cuthbert Heslop, private 
in H. M. 83rd. Regt., bachelor, and Jane 
Corwell, of the city of Toronto, spinster, 
by me. H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Garsido to Humphrey. Toronto, 15th. 
Feb., 1843. This day were married by li 
cense. Samuel Dyson Garside, of the city 
of Toronto, bachelor, and Arabella Hum 
phrey, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Giasett, Asst. Minister. 

Lennox to Lennox. Toronto, 18th. Feb 
ruary. 1843. This day were married by li 
cense, James Lennox, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Amelia Lennox, of the 
same placo, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Spener to McUen. Toronto, 20th. Feb 
ruary, 1843. This day were married by li 
cense, William Spener, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Eliza McUen, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst Atinister. 

Symons to Given. Toronto, 21st. Feb 
ruary, 1843. This day were married by li- 
, cense, William Field Symons, Sergeant in 
H. M. 83rd. Regt., bachelor, and Elizabeth 
Given, of the city of Toronto, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Martin to Maloney. Toronto, 22nd. Feb 
ruary, 1843. This day were married by li 
cense, Bernard Martin, of the city of To 
ronto, widower, and Mary Maloney, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Coxwell to Powell. Toronto, 23rd. Feb., 
184-3. This day wore married by license, 
William Henry Coxwell, of the city of To- 



TOnto, widower, and Mary Sophia Powell, 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Thompson to Wallace. Toronto, 24th. 
February. 1843. This day were married by 
license, Thomas Thompson, of Port Credit, 
Bachelor, and Mary Wallace, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Culham to Rowland. Toronto, 28th. Feb., 
1843. This clay were married by license, 
Joseph Culham, of the township of Eto- 
bicoke. bachelor, and Sage Rowland, of the 
township of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Cull to Cull. Toronto, 2nd. March, 1843. 
This day were married by license, John 
Angell Cull, of the city of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Bolla Anne Cull of the si me place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Aset. Min 

Tansley to Koon. Toronto, 7th. March, 
1843. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, John Tansley, of the 
township of York, widower, and Sarah 
Burnham Koon. of the city of Toronto, 
widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minis 

Robimon to Goodall. Troqnto, 7th March, 
184u. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Robinson, of the township of Mark- 
ham, bachelor, and Harriott Goodall, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst.. Minister. 

Wallace to Beckwith. Toronto. 9th. 
March,. 1843. This day were married by li 
cense, John Wallace, of the township of 
Toronto, bachelor, and Susannah Beckwith, 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Graaett, Asst. Minister. 

Elgie to Cook. Toronto, 9th. March, 
1843. This day were married by licence, 
Thomas Elsie, of the city of Toro nto, bach 
elor, and Elizabeth Cook, of the township 
of Yo-k. spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Sadler to Parke. Toronto, 13th. March, 
1843. This <lay were married by license 
Thomas Sadler, of the city of Toronto, 
(bachelor, and Elizi Parke. of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Aset. Min 

Allan to Taggart. Toronto, 22nd. March, 
1843. This day were married by license, 
Robert Allan, of the township of Toronto, 
bacheor. and Mary Jane Tagg-art, of the 
same plac^ spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
Asst. Minister. 

Scrafford to Drew. Toronto, 23rd. March, 
i843. This day were married by license, 
Robert Srafford, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Sophia Drew, of the same 
place spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Aset. 

Smith to Rose. Toronto, 23rd. March, 
e43. This day were married by license 
Francis Smith, of the city of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Hannah Rose, "of the same p : ace, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min 

Pearee to Mark. Toronto, 24th. March, 

843. This day were married by license 
Richard Pearce, of the township of Mari- 
p.-. -a. bachelor, and Elizabeth Mark, of the 
Kumo Place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

-,^ ve to Glerm - Toronto, 28th. March, 
1843. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Martin Marion Love 

widower, and Phoebe Glenn, spinster, both f 
of Toronto, by me_, H. J. Graaett, Asst. 

Markwell to I/askey. Toronto, llth. Ap 
ril, 1843. This day were married by li 
cense. Stephen Markwell. of the township 
of Etobicoke, bachelor, and Martha Las- 
key, of the city of Toronto, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Reed to Mathamer. Toronto, 12th April, 
1843. This day were married by license 
Abner Reed, of the city of Toronto, bache- 

j lor, and Betsy Mathamer, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

I Minister. 

Stevenson to Sparks. Toronto, April 13, 
1843. This day were married by license, 

I John Langley Stevenson, of the city of 

| Toronto, bachelor, and Ellen Sparks, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Heggen to Murphy. Toronto, 13th April, 
184*. This day were married by license, 
Joseph Heggen , of the township "of Chin- 
guacousy, bachelor, and Mary Anne Mur 
phy, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H, J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Box to Ruck. Toronto, 15th April, 
1843. This flay were married by license, 
William Lord Box, of Streetsville, bache 
lor, and Harriette Raiok, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, xi.sst. 

Jackson to Nelson. Toronto, 16th April, 
1843. This day were married by Iicei:s3, 
Isaiah Jackson, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Rachel Nelson, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Elsworth to Sullivan. Toronto, April 18, 
1843. This day were married by Iicens3, 
Abraham Elsworth, of Thorn], ill, bachelor, 
and Margaret Sullivan, of the city of To 
ronto, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Noble to Weston. Toronto, 18th April, 
1843. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, John Noble, bachelor, 
and Rebecca Weston, spinster, both of the 
city of Toronto, by me, HH. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Miinfcter- 

Hassard to Johnstone. Toronto, 9th May, 
1843. This day were married by license, 
John Hassard, bachelor, and Mary Anne 
Johnstone, spinster, both of the city of 
Toronto, by me, Alexander Sanson , Off. 

Thorn to McTartlan. Toronto, 13t hMay, 
1843. This day were married by license, 
Robert Thorn, bachelor, and Mary Mc 
Tartlan, spinster, both of the city of To 
ronto, by me, Alex. Sanson, Off. Minister. 

Marsh "to McDougall. Toronto, 17th May, 
1843. This day were married by licens-J, 
James Marsh, "of the town of Markham, 
widower, and Mary McDougall, of the town 
of Niagara, spinster, by me, Alexander San 
son, Off. Minister. 

Boulton to Fortye. Toronto, 18th May, 
1843. This day were married by license, 
James Boulton, Esq., of Niagara," widower, 
and Margaret N. Fortye, spinster, of the 
tity of Toronto by me, John McCaul, LL.D. 

Siggins to McCabe. Toronto, 19th May, 
1843. This day were married by Iicens3, 
William Cornelius Siggins, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth McCabe, spinster, both of To 
ronto, by me, Alex. Sanson, Off. Minister. 

Gamble to Boulton. Toronto, 22nd May, 
1843. This day were married by license, 



^Clarke Gamble, of the city of Toronto, 
widower, ami Harrietts Eliza Boulton, of 
the same place, spinster, by rue, if. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Lamb to Shaw. Toronto, 23rd May, 
1843. This day were married by lictns 1 , 
William Lamb, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Susanna E. Shaw, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

McGee to Henry. Toronto, 23rd May, 
1843. This day were married by Iicens3, 
James McGee, "of the township of Albion, 
widower, and Sarah Henry, of the city 
of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Burnard to Morris. Toronto, 28th May, 
1843. This dav were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, William Burnard, bache 
lor, and Henrietta Morris, spinster, both 
of the township of York, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Smith to Dunn. Toronto, 9th June, 
1843. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Thomas Smith, bachelor, 
and Sarah Dunn, spinster, both of this 
parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 

Weston to Bayneil. Toronto, 25th June, 
1843. This day were married by licensa, 
John Black Weston, of the city of To 
ronto, widower, jand Martha Bayneil, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Bates to Tole. Toronto, 19th May, 
1843. This day were married by license, 
Samuel Bates, bachelor, and Jane Tole, 
spinster, both of Toronto, by me, Alexan 
der Sanson, Off. Minister. 

Doyle to McDonell. Toronto, June 25th, 
1843. This dav were married by Iicens3, 
Andrew Doyle," of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Oitherine McDonell, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett 
Asst. Minister. 

Armstrong to McNicol. Toronto, July 1, 
1843. This day were married by license, 
Edward Armstrong, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Matilda McNicol, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Cameron to Boulton. Toronto, 6th Ju y, 
1843. This day were married by license, 
John Hillyard Cameron, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Elizabeth Boulton, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister 

Tindel to Banting. Toronto, 8th July, 
1843. This, day were married by license, 
Richard Tindel, of the township of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Isabella Banting, of 
the same place, widow, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Vila to Shenton. Toronto, llth July, 
1843. This day were married by license, 
Augustine Vila, of the town of Hamil 
ton, widower, and Ann Shenton, of the 
same place spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Watson to McBrine. Toronto, 13th July, 
1843. This day were married by license, 
John Watson, of Windsor Bay, bachcl -r, 
and Isabella McBrine, of the townhship of 
Whitby, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Oxenham to Swift. Toronto, 13th July, 
1843. This day were married by license, 
Eichard James Oxenham. of the city of 
Toronto, bachelor, and Eemor Swift, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

1 Papst to Little. Toronto, 13th July, 

1843. This day were married after due pi<b- 

, lication of Banns, Daniel Papst, of the 

township of York, widower, and 
! Little, of the same placi>, spinster, by me, 
; Alexander Sanson, Off. Minister. 

Dickinson to Snider. Toronto, Aug. 14th, 
1843. This day were married after due pub- 
lication of Banns, Henry Thomas Dickin- 
| son, bachelor, and Anne Snider, widow, both 
I of this parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asat. 

Williams to McMullen. Toronto, Aug. 19, 
1843. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Williams, of the township of le- 
cumseth, bachelor, and Mary Margaret Mc- 
Mulleii, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H, J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Harrison to Price. Toronto, 21st Aug., 
1843. This day were married by hcensJ, 
John Harrison, of Church street, in the 
liberties of the city of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Abigail Price, of the same place, _spi:i- 
ster by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
Goodall to Garbett. Toronto, 28th Aug.. 
1843. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, John Goodall, o ft he- 
township of York, bachelor, and Rachel 
Garbett, of the city of Toronto, _ spin 
ster by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
Kettlewell to Brown. Toronto, 1st .Sept., 
1843 This day were married by license, 
John Kettlewefi, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Brown, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Nugent to Cubitt. Toronto, 1st Sept., 
1843 This day were married by license, 
John Nugent," of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Susannah Cubitt, of the same 
place, spinster, by iiie, H. J. Grasett, Asst; 

Doughton to Bulger. Toronto, kept, t tn, 
1843. This day were married by 
Michael Doughton, private in H. M. 
(or Royal Scots) Regiment of Foot, now 
stationed at the city of Toronto, bachelor. 
arid Mary Bulger, of the liberties ol the 
said city, widuw, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Hagarty to Grasett. Toronto, Sept. atn. 
1843 ThJh day were married by license, 
John Haslcins Hagarty, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Anne E Izubath < 
sett of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

All these names are familiar in To 
ronto The bride was a sister of 
Rev. H. J. Grasett. The bridegroom 
was afterwards Chief Justice. 

Charters to Egan. Toronto, 1th Sept., 
1843 This dav were married after due pub 
lication of Ba nns, Joseph Charters, widower 
and Mary Anne Egan, spinster, both 
this parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Kitche v to Solomon. Toronto, 12th. Sept.. 
1843 This day were married by license, 
William Jlitchev, of the city fo Toronto, 
bachelor, and Martha Solomon, of the sain 
pi ace, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Blair to Archer. Toronto, 14th. Sept.. 
1843. This day were married by license, 
John Blair, of the city of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Charlotte Archer, of the .<-ame 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Martin to McHcnry. Toronto, 20th. Tcpt.. 



1843. This day were married by license, 
Gilbert Mastin, of the township of WMtbj, 
widower, and Catherine McHenry, of 
same place, epinster, by me, H. J. Grase 

McKiliop to Brooks. Toronto, 21st. Sept. 
1843. This day were married by 1 cei 
John McKiliop, of Buffalo, in the United 
States widower, and Martha Brooks, oi 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasetl 
Asst. Minister. 

Scotchmer to Duncan. Toronto 27th. 
Sept 1843. This day were married by li 
cense John Scotchmer, Mary Duncan. \Vit- 
ne^ses, John Anderson, J. Hemphill. 

Cooper to McKenny. Toronto, 9th. Oct.. 
1843. This day were married by license, j 
John Cooper of the township of Chingua- j 
cousy bachelor, and Mary McKenny, of the 
same place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Carley to Hutchinson. Toronto 10th. 
OOctober. 1843. This day were married by 
license. Joseph Carley, of the township of 
Scarborough, bache .or, and Sarah Hutchin- 
on of the lownBh p of York, spinster, by 
ir.e H. J. Grasett, Afist. M:nister 

Henderson to Brown. Toronto, 12th. Oct., 
1843. This day were married by license, 
James Henderson, of the city of Toronto, 
widower, and Eliza Brown, of the same 
p^ace. yplneter, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Bennett to Hannon. Toronto, 21st. Oct., 
1843. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Bennett, of Yonge Street, in the 
township of Gwillimbury East, widower, and 
Mary Hatinon, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
Garner to Wilson. Toronto, 24th. Octo 
ber, 1843. This day were married by li 
cence, William Garner, of the township of 
Scarborough, bachelor, and Lucinda Wil 
son, of the township of York, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Grasett, Aest. Minister. 

Aikin to Rowland. Toronto. 24th. Oct., 
1843. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Alexander Aikin, bachel 
or, and Mary Rowland, spinster, both of 
this pariah, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Henderson to Watson. Toronto, 25th. 
Oct.. 1843. This day were married by li 
cense, James Henderson, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Martha Watson, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
Asst. Minister. 

Dawson to Brooks. Toronto, 29th Oct., 
1843. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Dawson, of the township of Scar 
borough, bachelor, and Mary Brooks, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Martyn to Tabatls. Toronto, Oct., 
1843. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Henry Martyn, bache 
lor, and Elizabeth Tabatis, spinster, both 
of the city o fToronto, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Knox to Cook. Toronto, 31st, Oct., 
1843. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, James Knox, bachelor, 
and Mary Cook, spinster, both of the city 
of Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Johnson to Hill. Toronto, 3rd Nov., 
1843. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns. Georgo Johnson, bache 
lor, and Elizabeth Hill, spinster, both of 

the township of York, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Armstrong to Playter. Township of York, 
9th Nov., 1843. This day were married by 
license, Robert Armstrong, of the city of 
Toronto, bachelor, and Sarah Playter, of 
the township of York, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Murphy to Snowdon. Toronto, 9th Nov., 
1843. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, John Murphy, bachelor, 
and Josephine Snowdon, spinster,, both of 
this parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Knight to Lewis. Toronto, 10th Nov., 
1843. This day were married by license, 
Henry Knight, of Chicago, in the State of 
Illinois, in the United States of America, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Jay Lewis, of the 
city of Toronto, in the Home district, and 
province of Canada, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Walker to Lewis. Toronto, J.5th Nov.. 
1843. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Jonas Walker, widower, 
widower, and Ohloe Lewis, widow, both of 
this parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Brittain to Buckston. Toronto, 21st Nov., 
1843. This day were married by license, 
John Fisher Brittain, of Oakville, in the 
district of Gore, bachelor, and Harriett 
Buckston, of the city o fToronto, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
Stewart to Arthurs. Toronto, 22nd. Nov 
ember, 1843. This day were married by li 
cense, Andrew Stewart, of the township of 
Toronto, bachelor, and Anne Arthurs, of 
the citty of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. 
J. Grasett, Asst. Minister 

Lehman to Lehman. Toronto, 28th. Nov 
ember, 1843. This day were married by li 
cense, John Lehman,of the township of 
Markham, bachelor, and Barbara Lehman, 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Hudson to Earle. Toronto, 29th. Novem 
ber 1843. This dav were married after due 
publication of Banns, William Pick Hud 
son, widower, and Louisa Earle, spinster, 
both of this parish, by me, H. J. Grasett 
Asst. Minister. 

Champion to Diamond. Toronto, 5th. 
December. 1843. This day were married by 
license, Edwin Champion, of the city of 
Toronto, bachelor, and Catharine Diamond, 
of the same place, by me H. J. Grasett,, 
Asst. Minister. 

Morrison to Mime. Toronto, 7th. Decem 
ber. 1843. This day were married by li 
cense, Hugh Morrison, of the Goro of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Anno Muns, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Allen to Morrison. Toronto Rth. Porem- 
ber. 1843. This day were married by li 
cense, John Allen, of the Gore of Toron 
to, bachelor, and Catharine Morrison, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Williams to White. Toronto, 10th Dec., 
1843. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns. Charles Williams, bache 
lor, and Sarah White, spinster, both of this 
paiish, by mo, H. J. Grasett, Asst .Minister. 
Stewart to Martin. Toronto, 12th Dec., 
1843. This day were married by license, 
William Stewart, of the township of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Jane Martin, of the 



city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
Ormsbv to Brawley. Toronto, 15th Dec., 

1843. This day were married by license, 
Richard Ormsby, of the township of King, 
bachelor, and Martha Brawley, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Portm to Wyce. Toronto, 18th. Decem 
ber. 1843. This day were married by li 
cense. Samuel Portus, of the township of 
Markham, bachelor, and Phoebe Wyce, of 
the same place spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister 

Noble to Gray. Toronto. 1st. January, 

1844. This day were married by licence, 
Je*se Noble, of the city of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Mary Anne Gray, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Maltas to Francis. Toronto 9 rul. J;in- 
ary, 1844. This day were married by li 
cense, Charles Maltas, of the townsh.p of 
York, hacheor, an 1 Rebecca Francis, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Oster to Eag-an. Toronto. 4th. January, 
1844. This day were married by licence, 
Valentine Oster, of the township of Vaug-h- 
an, bachelor, and Matilda Anne Eajran, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Asst. Minister. 

Locke to Clarke. Toronto. 5th. January, 
1844. This day were married by liceme, 
Joseph Locke, of the township of Oro, bach 
elor, and Mary Clarke, of the same plare, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min 

White to Willson. Toronto. 8th. January, 
1844. This day were married by licence, 
Henry White, of the township of Thorah, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Willson, of the 
same place spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Morrison to Sargent. Toronto 10th Jan., 
1844. This day wero married by license, 
John Morrison, of the Gore of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Eliza Sargent, of the same 
place spinster, by me, II. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Hartne^v to Kil T er. Toronto, 13th Jan., 
1844. This day were married by license, 
Edward Hartney, of Richmond Hill, bache 
lor, and Julia Killer, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Assistant 

Spunner to Mack. Toronto, 14th Jan., 
1844. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, John Spmmer, bache or, 
and Maria Mack, spinster, both of To 
ronto, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Scott to Lyons. Toronto, 16th January, 
1844. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Charles Scott, bachelor, 
and Providence Lyons, spinster, both of the 
township of Etobicoke, by me, H. J. Grasett 
Asst. Minister. 

Stark to Cloonoy. Toronto. January 17, 
1844. This day were married by license, 
John Stark, of the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Mary Anne Clooney, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Perkins to Moore. Toronto, 22nd Jan., 
1844. This day were married by license, 
Frederick Perkins, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Sophia Moore, of the 
same place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Oalloway to Luxon . Toronto, 28th Jan., 

1844. This day were married nfter due pub 
lication of Banns, David Galloway, bache 
lor, and Mary Luxon, spinster, both of tMs 
parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 
Grubb to Chambers. Toronto, 29th Jan. K 
1844. This day were married by license, 
William Grubb, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Chambers, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Clarke to Moscrop. Toronto, 30th Jan.,. 
1844. This day were married by license, 
Edward Clarke, of the city of Toronto,, 
bachelor, and Catherine Moscrop, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett,. 
Asst. Minister. 

Stroud to Willson. Toronto, 1st Feb., 
1844. This day were married by license, 
Stephen Stroud, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Sarah Willson, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Hugo to Beddard. Toronto, 1st Feb.,. 
1844. This day were married by license. 
James Hugo, "of Thornhill, wido wer, and 
Eliza Beddard, of the city of Toronto, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
Stewart to Evans. Toronto, 8th Feb., 
1844. This day were married by license, 
William Stewart, the elder, of the city of 
Toronto, widower, and Mary Marietta 
Evans, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister, 

Bowles to Harrison. Toronto, 8th Fob , 
1844. This day were married after due pr.b- 
lication of Banns, Alexander Bowles, wid 
ower, and El en Harrison, spinster, both of 
this parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Blackstone to Henderson. Toronto, Feb. 15, 
1844. This day were married by license, 
Henry Blackstone, of the township of East 
Gwilfimbury, bachelor, and Margaret Ann 
Henderson, of the city of Toronto, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
Edward* to Watson. Toronto, 02th Feb., 
1844. This day were married by license, 
William Edward? of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and E iz;:b3th Watson, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasott, Asst. 

McCreight to Daniels. Toronto, 28th Feb., 
1844. This day wero married after due pub 
lication of Banns, John McCreight, of the 
township of Scarborough, bachelor, and 
Sarah Daniels, of the township of Mark- 
ham, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

McMichael to Moore. Toronto, 29th Feb., 
1844. This day were married by license, 
John McMiehael, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Martha Moore, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Brunskill to Keogh. Toronto, 4th March, 
1844. This d:n were married by license, 
Thomas Brunskill, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Fr.inccs Anne Mary Keogli, 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H .J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister 

Wilson to McOort. Toronto. 5th March, 
1844. This day wero married by licence, 
Thomas Wilson, of the township of Cale- 
don, bachelor, and Martha McOort, of tha 
township of Albion, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister- 

Bone to Butt. Toronto, 12th March. 
1844. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, William Bone, bachelor* 



and Caroline Butt, spinster, both of this 
parish, by mo, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Mln. 

Whitteri to Ferguson. Toronto, March 15, 
1844. This day were married by license, 
Robert Whitteh. of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Ferguson, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Nealo to Lattimer. Toronto, 15th Mnrch, 
1844. This dav were married by license, 
Daniel Neale, * of the township of King, 
bachelor, and Mary Jane Lattimer, of the 
city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Laxton to Farley. Toronto, 20th March, 
1844. This dav were married by lice:i--e, 
Henry Laxton," of Caer Howell, in the lib 
erties of the city of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Jane Farley, of Yongo street, in the liber 
ties of the said city, spinster, by mo, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

McCormick to Latham. Toronto, March 16, 
1844. This day were married by license. 
Robert McCormick, of the township of 
York, bachelor, and Elizabeth Latham, of 
the samo place, spinster, by mo, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Ramsay to Hoay. Toronto, 26th March, 
1844. This day were married by license, 
James Ramsay, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Jane Hoay, of the same pi: ce, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Mln. 

Sisler to Gilmore. Toronto, 3rd April, 
1844. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Lewis Sisler, bachelor, 
and Eliza Gilmore, spinster, both of this 
parish by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Peirsoii to Hutchinson. Toronto, April 8, 
1844. This day were married by license, 
Georgo Peirson, of the township of Toronto, 
in the Gore, widower, andd Anne Hutchm- 
son, of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Head to Sullivan. Toronto. 8th. April, 
1844. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Ambrose Head, widower, 
and Anne Sullivan, widow, both of this 
parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min 

Mutttlebury to Ellah. Toronto, llth. Ap 
ril, 1844. This day were married by li 
cense, Rutherford Muttlebury, of the town 
ship of Blandford, in the Brock District, 
bachelor, and Hannah Foster Ellah, of the 
city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Aast. Minister. 

Polley tc McGee. Toronto I6th. April, 
1844. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Richard Polley, bach 
elor, and Mary McGee, spinster, both of the 
township of Etobkoke, by me, H. J. Grasett 
As*t. Minister. 

Hodgln to McNamara. Toronto. 16th. 
AprJl, 1844. This day were married by li 
cense, John Hodgin, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Anne McXamara, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Asst. Minister. 

Stephens to Hodgson. Toronto, 17th. Ap 
ril, 1844. This day were married by license. 
Daniel Stephens, of the township of Pi -k- 
ering, bachelor, and Mary Hodgson, of the 
samo place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
Aset. Minister. 

Hicks to Reynolds. Toronto. 25th. Ap 
ril 1844. Thi< day were married by licenpe, 
William Hicks, of the township of York, 
Bachelor, and Martha Reynolds, of the name 
p ftco. Fp nfter, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

C arkson to Helliwell, Toronto, 2nd May, 
1844 This day were married by liceme, 
Thomas Clarkson, of the city of Toronto 
widower, and Sarah Helliwell of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Watson to Shuttleworth. Toronto 3rd. 
May, 1844. This day were married by li 
cense. William Watson, ot the township c 
Van "-ban. bachelor, and Margaret fchutt 
worth of the same place, spinster, by me. 
H. J. Grasett. Aest. Minister. 

Reese to Young. Toronto 7th. May, 
i 1844 This day were married by license, 
Lewis Reese of the city of Toronto, bach 
elor ami Elizabeth Young, of the township 
of Scarboro. spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
Asst. Minister. 

Davison to Bass. Toronto. 9th. May, 
1844. This day were married by license, 
Samuel Davison. of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Eleanor Bass, of the same 
p ace. spinbter, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Sturgeon to McKibben. Toronto, llth. 
May, 1844. This day were married by li 
cense. Andrew Sturgeon, of the township 
of Etobicoke, and Susannah McKibben, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra- 
sett, Asst. Minister. 

Govett to Crown. Toronto, 13th. May, 
1844. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Govet, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Hannah Rebecca Crown, of 
Yorkville. spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

McGirr to McFarlane. Toronto, 14th. 
May, 3844. This day were married after 
due publication of Banns, Samuel McGirr, 
of the town-hip of Vaughan. bachelor, and 
Jane McFarlane, of the city of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min 

Miller to Bell. Toronto, 18th. May. 1844. 
This dav were married by license, Robert 
Bell Miller, of the city of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Susannah Bell, of the same place, 
spinster, by mo, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min 

Smith to Atkinson. Toronto 22nl. May, 
1844. This day were married aftnr due pub 
lication of Banns. James Smith, bachelor, 
and Elizabeth Atkinson, spinster, both of 
this parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Ellison to Patten. Toronto. 23rd. May, 
1844. This day were married by license, 
Benjamin Ambler Ellison, bachelor, of 
Thcrnhill. and Mary Patten, of the city 
of Toronto, spinster, by mo, H. J. Grasett > 
Asst. Minister. 

Playtor to Armstrong. Toronto, 27th. 
May, 1844. This day were married by li 
cense. Watson Playter, of the township of 
Whitehurch, widower, and Harriett Arm 

Cliarllon to Pee er. Toronto, 28th. May, 
1844. This day were married by license, 
John Charlton, of the city of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Mary Anne Peeler, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Bowler to Fish. Toronto, 3rd. Juno, 
1844. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns. William Bowler, bachelor, 
and Hannah Fish, spinster, both of this 
parish, by me. H. J. Grasett. Asst. Minister. 

Rea to Harrown. Toronto, 5th. June, 
1844. This day were married b.v license. 



James Rea, of tha city of Toronto, wid 
ower, and Sarah Harrown, of the same 
place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasettt, Asst. 

Sykes to BIrbeck. Toronto, 17th June, 
3844. This day were married by license, 
John Sykes, of the city of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Mary Anne Birbe^k, of the same 
piace, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Fulton to Flood. Toronto 20th. June, 
1844. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, James Fulton, wiJovver, 
and Margaret Flood, spinster, both of the 
township of York, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
AsBt. Minister. 

Walsh to Saulter. Toronto, 1st July, 
1844. This day were married by license, 
Thomas James Walsh, of Pine Grove, in 
the township of Vaug-han, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth .Saulter, of the city of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min 

Douglass to McLennan. Toronto, 9th. 
July, 1844. This day were married by li 
cense, James Douglass, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Margaret McLennan. 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Ross to St. John. Toronto, llth. July, 
1844. This day were married by license, 
David Ross, of the city of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Joanna St. John, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Aast. 
Mini ter. 

Armstrong 1 to St. John. Toronto, llth. 
July, 1844. This day were married by li 
cense, William Armstrong, of the city of 
Toronto, bachelor, and Frances St. John, 
of thp same place Bpinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Davidson to Hamilton. Toronto. 13th. 
July, 1844. This day were married after 
due publication of Banns, Alexander David 
son .bachelor, and Emily Hamilton, ppin- 
ster both of the citv of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett Asst. Minister. 

Leonard to Vance. Toronto, 15th July, 
1844. This clay were married after due pub- 
licatuon of Banns. Anthony Leonard, bach 
elor, and Mary Vance, spint-ter, both of 
this parish, by me, H. J. Grasett Asst. 

Revill to Anderson. Toronto, 15th. July, 
1844. This day were married by license, 
James Revill, of the township "of York, 
bachelor, and Margaret Anderson, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
AsBt. Minister. 

Moffett to Jackson. Toronto, lth. Ju y. 
1844. This day were married by license, 
John Alfred Moffett, of the c t y of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Harriett Jackson, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Asst. Minister. 

Fox to McLaughlin. Toronto, 19th. July, 
1844. This day were married by licence, 
Robert Fox. of the city of Troonto, wid 
ower, and Margaret McLaug-hlin, of the 
^ame place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett 
Asst. Minister. 

Burden to Cameron. Toronto, 23rd. July, 
1844. This day were married by license, 
Joseph Weston Burden, of the city of New 
York, in the United States of America, and 
Maria Cameron, of the same place, form 
erly of the town of York, now city of To 
ronto, in the Province of Canada, bv me, 
H. J. Grasett. Ai,st. Minister. 

MoClort to Catherwoo L Toronto, 26th 

July, 1844. This day were married by li 
cense, Hugh McOort. , of tho township of 
Albion, bachelor, and Ellen Catherwood, of 
the same place-, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra- 
seLt, Asst. Minister. 

Morrison to Vance. Toronto, 2Qth July, 
1844. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Robert Morrison, of the 
township of Scarborough, bachelor, and 
Hannah Vance, of the city of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 
Reed to Wagstaff. Toronto, 2Qth July, 
1844. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Robert Reed, of the 
; township of York, widower, and Elizabeth 
I Wajrstalf, of the city of Toronto, widow, 
: by mo, H. J. Grasett, Assistant Minister. 
! Kennedy to Nolan. Toronto, 31st July, 
1844. This day were married by license, 
John Kennedy, of the city of * Toronto, 
i bachelor, and Anne Nolan, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, Alexander Sanson. 
VV alton to Searle. Toronto, 1st August, 
1844. This day were married by license 
John Walton, of Springfield, bachelor, and 
Mary Anne Searle, of the city of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H". J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 
Richardson to Otway. Toronto. 1st Aug., 
1844. This day were married by license, 
Francis Richardson, of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Harriet Elizabeth Otway, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, George Maynard, 
Off. Minister. 

Croft to Shaw. Toronto, August 3rd, 
1844. This day were married by license. 
Henry Holmes Croft, Esq., bachelor, and 
Mary Ann Shaw, spinster, both of the city 
of Toronto, by me, Henry Scadding, >I. A., 
Off. Minister. 

Bono to Grief. Toronto, 4th August, 
1844. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, George Barnabas Bone, 
bachelor, and Isabella Hamilton Hanslip 
Grief, spinster, both of this parish, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister, 

Cook to Blake. Toronto, 5th August, 
3844. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Archibald Cook, bache 
lor, and Elizabeth Blake, spinster, both of 
this parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Smith to Murray. Toronto, 6th August, 
1844. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Thomas Smith, of the 
township of Etobicoke, bachelor, and Polly 
Murray, of the township of Albion, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
Rendle to Workman. Toronto, 12th Aug., 
1844. This day were married by license, 
Francis Rendle, bachelor, and Mary Work 
man, spinster, both of this parish, by me, 
A. Sanson, officiating Minister. 

Small to Newton. Toronto, 18th August, 
1844. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Thomas Sma l, bachelor, 
and Susan Newton, spinster, both of this 
parish, by me, II. J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 

Gordon to Redding. Toronto, Aug. 24th, 
1844. This day were married by license, 
James Gordon, of the town of Niagara, 
bachelor, and E^izn Redoing, of C >bourg, 
widow, by me, W. H. Ripley, Off. Minister. 

Wright to McQueen. Toronto, 30th Aug., 
1844. This day were married by license, 
James Wright, of Sydeiiham, in the home 
district, and Province of Canada, bache 
lor, and Jane McQueen, of the township 
of Esquesing, in the gore district, spinster, 
by me. W. II. Ripley, Off. Minister. 

MacGeorge to Grant. Toronto, 5th Sept., 



1844. This day were married by license, 
Robert Jackson MacGeorge, of the township 
of Toronto, clerk, widower, and Elizabeth 
Mclntosh Grant, of the city of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 

Rev. R. J. MacGeorge was for many 
years editor of the Streetsville Review ; 
his nom de plume was " Solomon." He 
died in Scotland about 187z 

Reynolds to RIvington. Toronto, Sept. 9, j 
1844." This day were married after due pub- j 
lication of Banns, Thomas Reynolds, of ; 
Kingston, bachelor, and Anne Rivington, 
of the city of Toronto, spinster, by me, j 
H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister, 

Coulter to Witty. Toronto, 15th Sept., 
1844. This day were married by license, 1 
Thomas Coulter, of the township of Etobi- 
coke, bachelor, and Martha Witty, of the i 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, I 
Asst. Minister 

Ouppag-e to Caddell. Toronto, 15th Sept., \ 
1844. This day were married after due pub- j 
lication of Banns, John Cuppage, bachelor, 
and Matilda Caddell, spinster, both of this 
citv, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
Stutt to Armstrong. Toronto, 18th Sept., 
1844. This day were married by license, 
James Stutt, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Armstrong, of the 
city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Orasett, Asst. Minister. 

Farewell to Cook. Toronto, 25th Sept., 
1844. This day were married by license. 
Moody Farewell, of the township of Whitby, 
bachelor, ana Jane Oook, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minis 

Alport to Musson. Toronto, 25th Sept., 
1844. This day were married by license, 
Edwin Swaine Alport of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Isabella Musson of the same 
place, spinster, by me. H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Colbert to Johnson. Toronto, 25th Sept., 
1844. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, John Henry Qolbert, bach 
elor, and Mary Anne Elizabeth Johnson, 
spinster, both of the township of York, 
by me, H. J. Graaett, Asst. Minister. 

Oook to Tippiri. Toronto, 2nd October, 
1844. Tin* day were married by license, 
Joseph William Cook, of the township of 
York, bachelor, and Mary Tippin of the same 
pltice, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Long-heed to Irvine. Toronto, 7th Octo 
ber, 1844. This day were married by li 
cense, Joseph Loufe heed of the township of 
Albion, bachelor, and Catharine Irvine, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Asst. Minister. 

Jackson to Gray. Toronto, 10th October, 
1844. This day were married after due 
publication of Banns, William Jackson, 
bachelor, and Hannah Gray, spinster, both 
of this parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Madole to Best. Toronto, 14th October, 
1844. This day were married by license, 
Nathaniel Madole, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Mary Best, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 
Evans to Clarke. Toronto, 14th October, 
1844. This day were married by license, 
George Evans, of the township of Albion, 
bachelor, and Margaret Clarke, of the same 
place spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Robinson to Austin. Toronto, 17th Oct., 
1844. This day were married by license, 
Christopher Robinson, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Anne Jane Austin, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Watson to McAllister. Toronto, 21st. 
October, 1844. This day were married by 
licence, Eaton Watson, of the township of 
Whitby, bachelor, and Margaret McAllis 
ter, of Drummondville, in the Niagara Dis 
trict, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett Asst. 

Johnston to Odium. Toronto, 28th. Octo 
ber, 1844. This day were married by li 
cense, John Johnelon, of the township of 
Toronto, in the Gore, bachelor, and Mar 
garet Odium, of the same place, ^pinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Malowney to Siggins. Toronto, 28th. Oct., 
1844. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, John Malowney, Gunner 
and Driver, 1st. Battalion Royal Artillery, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Siggins, of the city 
of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
M.A.. Off. Chap ain. 

Laing to Crawford. Toronto, 30th Oct., 
1844. This day were married by license, 
Alfred Laing, o f the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Ellen Crawford, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 
Strachan to Robinson. Toronto, Oct. 31, 
1844. This day were married by license, 
James McGill Strachan, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Augusts Anne Rob 
inson, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister, 

The bridegroom was a son of the 
Bishop of Toronto, the bride a daugh 
ter of Sir John Beverley Robinson. 

Richmond to Hughes. Toronto, 5th Nov., 
1844. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Ba nns, Robert Richmond, bache 
lor, and Eiiza Hughes, spinster, both of 
the city of Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Armstrong to Bowman. Toronto, Nov. 7, 
1844. This day were married .by license, 
the Rev. George Mortimer Armstrong, of 
the township 01 Louth, in the district of 
Niagara, bachelor, and Octavia Bowman, of 
the city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

The bridegroom wius a clergyman who 
was officiating near Port Dalhousie. 

Abraham to Sewell. Toronto, 14th Nov., 
1844. This day wore married by license, 
Henry Abraham, of the township of Scar 
borough, bachelor, and Ada Sewell, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister 

Moore to Mellon. Toronto, 14th Nov., 
1844. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Moore, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Maria Mellon, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Coupland to Boyle. Toronto, 14th. Nov 
ember, 1844. This day were married by li 
cense, Thomas Coupland, of the township 
of Markham, bachelor, and Marv Boyle, of 
the same place, widow, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Aust. Minister. 

Price to Watson. Toronto, 16th. Novem 
ber, 1844. This day were marrie 1 by license, 
Henry Price, of the city of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Sarah Watson, of the name place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min 


Smith to Armstrong. Toronto, 20th. Nov- John Graham, of the city of Toronto, bache- 
ember 1844 This day were married by II- i lor, and Elizabeth Brunskill, of the same 
cen<e James Smith, of the city of Toron- j place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
to, bachelor, and Rebecca Armstrong, of Minister. 

the same place spinster, by me, H. J. Gra- | Miner to Board. Toronto, llth December, 
sett, Aest. Minister. | J*44. This day were married after due pub- 

Fenn to Dunnet. Toronto, 25th Nov., lication of Banns, Antony Miner, bachelor, 
1844 This dav were married, after due I and Elizabeth Jane Beard, spinster, both 
publication of Banns, Thomas Fenn, of the i of _ this city, by me, W. H. Ripley, B.A., Off. 
township of York, bachelor, and Sarah Jane i Minister. 

Dmvnet, of the township of Markham, spin- ] Bateson to Campbell. Toronto, 13th Dec., 
eter, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 1844. This day were married by license, 

Ookely to Williams. Toronto, 25th Nov., 
1844. This day were married, after due 

Matthew Bateson, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Anne Campbell, of the same 

publication of BannY, Daniel Cokeley, of place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
tihe township of Oro, widower, and _ Jane j Minister. 

WUHams, of the city of Toronto, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister 
"Arete* to Donaldson. Toronto, 26th 

Summers to Anderson. Toronto, 13th Dec., 
1844. This day were married by license, 
John Summers, of the city of Toronto, 

Nov 1844 This day were married by li- | bachelor, and Jane Anderson, of the same 
cense, George Archer, of the city of To- ; place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
ronto. widower, and Jane Donaldson, of Minister. 

the same place, widow, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Asst. Minister. 

Lindzey to S^eator. Toronto, 28th. Nov 
ember, 1844. This day were married by li 
cense, James Lindzey. of the township of 
Albion, bachelor, and Rachel Sleator, of the 

Playter to Lea. Toronto, 19th December, 
1844. This day were married by license, 
Richard Ellerbeck Playter, of the town 
ship of York, bachelor, and Mary Margaret 
Lea, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister, 

same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, ! Agar to Pearson. Toronto 23rd Dec., 
Asst Minister 1844. This day were married atter due pub- 

Austin to Bright. Toronto, 28th. Nov- lication of Banns, George Agar, of the 
ember. 1844. This dav were married by li- Goru * Toronto, bachelor, and Sarah 
cense, Jarne* Austin," of the city of To- Pearson of the. township of York, widow, 
ronto, bachelor, and Susan Bright, of the by me, H. J. Grasett, Assistant Minister, 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Mighton to Foster. Toronto, 24th Dec., 
Asst. Minister. ; 1844. This day were married after due pub- 

Mr. Austin was afterwards president i "cation of Banns, George Mighton, bache- 

. *_ In r o TI tl MB 1*0 n T^/-t?f at* OT\I no rr Kri n nr 

of the Dominion Bank. He died in 1896. 

lor, and Sarah Foster, spinster, both of 
Scarborough, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Trebilcock to PangAan. Toronto 30th. ; Minister. 

November, 1844. This day were married by j Spariin to SMomofl. Toronto, 24th Dec., 
license, John Trebilcock, of the city of To- 1 1844. This day were married by license, 
ronto, widower, and Mary Anne Pangmnn, ! Christopher Sparlfn, of the township of 
of the township of York, spinster, by me. i Trafalgar, bachelor, and Ann Solomon, ot 
H. J. Grasett, Aest. Minister. ! the city of Toronto, spinster, by me, II. J. 

Hall to Bartram. Toronto, December 4, ; Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

1844. This day were married after due pub- i Key to Hackshaw. Toronto, 24th Dec., 
lication of Banns, James Hall, bachelor, and 1814. This day were married by license, 
Elizabeth Bartram, spinster, both of To- Henry Key. of the township of York, bache- 
ronto, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min. I lor, and Elizabeth Hackshaw, of the same 
Wilso.n to Spear. Toronto, 5th December, j place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
1844. This day were married by license, I Minister. 

James Wilson, of the city of Toronto, bache- Smyth to Turner. Toronto, 26th Dec., 
and E iza Jane Spear, of fhe same place, 1814. This day were married by license, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min. Charles Smyth, of Pine Grove, in the town- 
Johnson to Cradwlck. Toronto, 5th Dec., ship of Vaughan, bachelor, and Emma 
1844. This day were married after due pub- Preeco Turner, of the same place, spii-s er, 
lication of Banns, Warren Johnson, bache- I by me, H. J. Grasett, Assistant Minister. 
lor and Martha Ann Cradvyick, spinster, ! Furk) ng t o Bell. Toronto, 26th December, 
both of Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett, , 1844 _ T f lig day were married by license, 

M ; i ! r ^r- Patrick Furlong, ol the city of Toronto, 

10 )\ lately to Wardrobe. Toronto 5th Dec., bacne i or> and s ? irah B ell, of the same place, 
1844. This day were married by license, S p lnste r, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 
Joseph Whitely, of the city ot Toronto, i 

bachelor, and Jane Wardrobe, of the same ! Softley to Dogherty. Toronto, 28th Dec., 
place, spinster, by mo, H. J. Grasett, Asst. , 844 - This day were married by license, 
Minister twcen us. Robert William Softley, of the 

Marshall to Keenan. Toronto, 6th Dec., ^ity of Toronto, bachelor, and Rebecca 

1844. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, John Marshall, bache 
lor, and Anne Keenan, spinster, both of 
this city, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 
Purvis to Purvis. Toronto, 9th Dec., 

Dogherty, of the same place, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Grasett, Assistant Minister. 

Hawthorn to KPVS. Toronto, 31st Dec., 
1844. This day were married by license, 
James Hawthorn, of the township of To- 

1844. This day were married after due pub- i ronto, bachelor, and Elizabeth Keys, of the 
lication of Kanns, Henry Purvis, bachelor, same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
and Jane Purvis, spinster, both of the Asst. Minister, 
township of Scarborough, by me, H. J. Baker to Bnrn&tt, Toronto, 1st Jan., 

Grasett, Asst. Minister 

1845. This day were married by license, 

Graham to Brunskfll. Torontto. 9th Dec., Henry Baker, of tho township of York, 
1844. This day were married by license, bachelor, and Tamson Burnett, of the same 



place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Bell (o Hartley. Toronto, 2nd January, 
1845. This day were married by license, 
John Bell, of the township of Markham, 
bachelor, and Aime Hartley, of the same 
place, spinster, by mo, H. J. Grasett. Asst. 

Young- to Hurst. Toronto, 2nd January, 
1845. This day were married by license, 
John Young, of the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Elizabeth Hurst, of the sume place, I 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Mri. 
Sharpe to Jennings. Toronto, 2nd Jan.. 
1845. This day were married by license, 
William Sharp, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Mary Jane Jennings, of the 
same place, spinster, bv me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Duncan to Acton. Toronto, 13th January, 
1845. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Thomas Duncan, widower, 
and Fanny Acton, spinster, both of this 
parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 
Fox to Hallowed. Toronto, 14th Jan.. 
1845. This day wero married after due pub 
lication of Banns, at the North Toll Gate 
Church, John Fox, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Anne Hallowed, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grtisett, Asst. 

The North Toll-gate Church, proba 
bly refers to St. Paul s, Bloor street, 
then just erected; though it may mean 
York Mills. 

Betley to Brown. Toronto, 16th Jan., 
1845. This day were married by license, 
Matthew Betley, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Diana Emily Brown, of the 
same place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Mr. Betley was the head of the firm 
of Betley & Kay, south-east corner of 
King and Yonge streets. 

Jones to Willson. Toronto, 23rd Jan., 
1845. This day were married by ifcouse, 
William Jones, of the District of Gore, 
widower, and Mary Willson, of the city of 
Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Anderson to Summers. Toronto, 24th Jan. 
1845. This day were married by tteenso, 
Daniel Anderson, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Mary Summers, of tho same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Price to Matthews. Toronto, 24th Jan., 
1845. This day were married by licenso, 
Henry Price, of the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Jane Matthews, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min. 
Sebbin to Howe. Toronto, 24th January, 
1845. This day wore married by license, 
John Sebben, of the township of Downie, 
In the London district, bachelor, and Eliza 
Rowe, of the city of Toronto, spinster, 
l>y me, H. J. Grasott, Assistant Minister. 
Hutcheson to McKee. Toronto, 26th Jan., 
1*15. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, William Hutcheson, bache 
lor, and Mary Anno McKee, spinster, both 
of this city, by mo, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Western to Whitty. Toronto, 26th Jan., 
1845 This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, William Western, bache 
lor, and Jane Whitty, spinster, both of 

the city of Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Valentine to McEvoy. Toronto, Jan. 27, 
1845. This day were married by aeerjse, 
Joseph Valentine, of the township of Pick 
ering, bachelor, and Hannah McEvoy, of 
tho same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Brayshaw to Harley. Toronto, Jan. 27, 
1845. This day were married bv license, 
John Brayshaw, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Mary Harley, of tho same 
place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, Assl. 

Hanna to Scott. Toronto, 2th January, 
1845. This day were married by flcanao, 
William Hanna^ of the township of Albion,, 
bachelor, and Mary Scott, of the city of 
Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Mulholland to Bcare. Toronto, 29th Jan., 
1845. This day were married by Hcens3, 
Thomas Mulho lland, of the Gore of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Joanna Beare, of tho 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Earls to Kenorick. Toronto, 3rd Feb., 
1845. This day were married by license, 
Francis Earls, ot the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Emily Kendrick, of the %ame 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Arthurs to Olaike. Toionto, ,4th Feb., 
1845. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Arthurs, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Jane Clarke, of the same 
place, widow, bv nie, II. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Galliford to Hyssopp. Toronto, Fob. 10th, 
1845. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, John Galliford. bachelor, 
and Frances Hvssopp, spinster, both of the 
city of Toronto, by me, II. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Robinson to Hoey. Toronto, 13th Feb., 
1845. This day were married by licersc, 
James Robinson, of tho city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Mary Hoey, of the samo 
place, spinster, by me. H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Chapman to Duff. Toronto, 17th Feb., 
1845. This day were married by license, 
James Chapman, of the township of Essa, 
bachelor, Annette Duff, of the town 
ship of Tecurnseth, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Gibson to Brantford. Toronto, 18th Feb., 
1845. This dav were married by license, 
Thomas Gibson, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Eleanor Brantferd, of tho 
samo place, spinster, by uio, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Kerney to Doady. Toronto, rjDth Feb., 
1845. This day were married by licetisa, 
Francis Kerney, of the township of To 
ronto, bachelor, aud Helen Deady, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Hibbert to Hutchesou. Toronto, Bob. 20, 
1845. This day were married by licenws. 
John Hibbert, the younger, of the city of 
Toronto, bachelor, and Jane Howell Hutche 
son, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister, 

Smith to Moody. Toronto, 21st Feb., 
1845. This day were married by licens >, 
William Smith, of the township of Seneca, 
in tho Xiagara district, bachelor, and Emma 
MooOy, of the same place, spinster by me, 
H. Jl Grasett, Asst. Minister, 



Miller to Anderson. Toronto, Feb. 21st, 
1845. This day were married by license, 
James Miller, of the township of York, 
"bachelor, and Judith Anderson of the same 
pltifv spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Hiiidt, to Baston. Toronto, 22nd Feb., 
1845. This day were married bv license, 
Richard Hinds, of the city of" Toronto, 
widower, and Sarah Easvon," of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Butcher to McDowell. Toronto, March 3, 
1845 This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, William Butcher, wid 
ower, and Margaret McDowell, widow, both 
of the city of Toronto, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Oxley to Cathcart, Toronto, 4th March, 
1845. This day were married by license, 
William Oxley, of the city of Toronto, 
widower, and Elizabeth Jane Oathcart, of 
the township of York spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister, 

Gwi!t to Sweetapple. Toronto, March 8th, 
1845. This day were married by license, 
Frances Dominie Gvvilt, of Woodside, in the 
township of Whitchurch, bachelor, and 
Emma Sophia Sweetapp .e, of Sharon, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasstt, Asst. Minister. 
Steven to Thompson. Toronto, March 22, 
1845. This Jay were married by license, 
William Steven, of the city of* Toronto, 
bachelor, and Mary Anne Thompson, of the 
same piace, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst Minister. 

Brown to Gardner. Toronto, 24th March, 
1845. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Thomas Brown, of the 
tovrship of York, bachelor, and Cather 
ine Gardner, of the city of Toronto, spi.i- 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
Kei.yuti to AshfioM. Toronto, 24th M uvh, 
1845. This day were married by license, 
Jacob Kenyon, of the city of" Toronto, 
bachelor, and Eleanor Ashfield, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Lougheed to Gibson. Toronto, March 31, 
1845. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Loagheed, of the township of Al 
bion, bachelor, and Charlotte Gibson, of 
the some place, spinster, bv me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Maxwell to Farrell. Toronto, March 31, 
1845. This day were married bv license, 
Sergeant Thomaj Maxwell, 82nd*Req-t. of 
Foot, now stationed at Toronto, bachelor, 
and Mary Farrell, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. ! 
Morrison to Harrold. Toronto, 1st Apri , j 
1845. This day were married after due pnb- i 
lication of Banns, John Morrison, bachelor, I 
and Anne Harrold, spinster, both of this I 
city, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister, i 
Carberry to Foster. Toronto, 3rd April, i 
1845. This day were married bv license, i 
George Oarberry, of the township of To- j 
ronto, in the Gore, bachelor, and Rosanna ! 
Foster, of the same place, spinster, by me, i 
H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Malcolm to Power. Toronto, 5th April, 
1845. This day were married by license, i 
Alexander Malcolm, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and ITrith Power, "of the same ! 
place, widow, bv me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Scarlett to Gibson. Toronto, 8th April, ; 
1845. This day were married bj- license, i 
James Scarlett, of tho city of Toronto, 

I bachelor, and E izabath Gibson, of the same 
place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Duguid to Stutt. Toronto, 10th April, 
1845. This day were married bv license. 
Alexander Duguid, of the township of 
York, widower, and Jane Stutt, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Bates to c:iff. Toronto, 10th April, 
1845. This day wero married bv license. 
David Ferguson Bates, of the town of Co- 
bpurg, bachelor, and Corde la Cliff, of the 
city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister 

Stanton to Newbigging. Toronto, April 14, 
1845. This day were married by license. 
Robert Stanton, of the city of Toronto, 
widower, and Anne Louisa JSfewbigging, of 
the same place, widow, by me, John To 

Isaac to Armstrong. Toronto, 16th April, 
1845. This day were married by license. 
Wilh am Isaac, of the township of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Hannah Armstrong, 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Lund to Lewis. Toronto, 21st April, 
1845. This day were married bv license. 
Edward Lund, of the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Harriot Lewis, of the sume place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasott, Asst. Min. 
Law to Young. Toronto, 22nd April, 
1845. This day were married bv license. 
Robert Law, of the city of Toronto, but 
now of Chicago, United States, bachelor, 
and E iza Jemima Young, of the said citv 
of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Brown to Dodda. Toronto, 22nd Aprii, 
1845. This day were married by license. 
George Brown, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Charlotte Dodds, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Dunlop to Carey. Toronto, 1st May, 
1845. This day were married by license. 
Nathaniel Dunlop, of the city of Toronto, 
widower, and Mary J;me Carey, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Soaton to Hudson. Toronto, 6th May, 
1845. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns. Thomas Wells Sea ton, 
bachelor, and Louisa Hudson, widow, both 
of this city, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Scott to Hemstock. Toronto, 8th May, 
1845. This day were married by license. 
William Scott, of the city of * Toronto, 
bachelor, and Anne Hemstock, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Hillock to Fox. Toronto, May 9th, 
j845. This day worn married after duo pub 
lication of Banns, Edward Hillock, widower, 
and Catherine Fox, widow, both of this 
city, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
Johnston to McBrien. Toronto, 10th May, 
1845. This day were married by license. 
Christopher Johnston, of the township of 
York, bachelor, and Jemima McBrien, of 
the city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 

Shore to Anderson. Toronto, 12th May, 
1845. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Robert Shore, of the 
townshin of Albion, bachelor, and Jane An 
derson, of the township of York, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, Assistant Minister. 



Denison to Winn. Toronto, 14th May, 
1845. This day were married by license. 
Robert Brittain Denison, of the city of 
Toronto, bachelor, and Emily Anne Winn, 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

The bridegroom was Lieut.-Col. Jl. 
B. Denison ; his wife was principal of 
a well-known ladies school in Toronto. 
Spencer to Tielcar. Toronto, 14th May, 
1845. This day were married by license. 
Henry Spencer, of the city of Toronto, wid 
ower, and Thomaszine Treloar, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Kendrevr to Smith. Toronto, 15th May, 
1845. This day were married by license. 
"William Kendrew, of the city of Toronto, 
widower, and Aime Smith, of the same 
place, widow, by rue, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Wyly to Bolton. Toronto, 16th May, j 
184-5. This day were married by license. 
Thomas Wyly, "of Streetsville, bachelor, smd 
Elizabeth Bolton, of the city of Toronto, j 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min. j 
Stinson to Clarke. Toronto, 20th May. | 
1845. This day were married by license, j 
"U iiliam Stinson. the younger, of the town- I 
ship of King, bachelor, and Jane Clarke, j 
of the township of Tecumseth, spinster, j 
bv me, H. J. GrAsett, Assistant Minister. ; 
"Kingston to beamish. Toronto, 02th Mny, 
1845. This day were married by license. 
John Kingston, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Anue Beamish, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. ! 

Tyo to Flay. Toronto, 22nd May, | 
1845. This day were married by license, i 
George Tyo, of the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Ruth Flay, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
Jones to Peebles. Toronto, 24th May, 
1845. This day were married by license. 
Samuel Isaac Jones, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, aiid M;xry Anno Peebles, 
of the suine place, spinster, by me, H. J. 

Luff to Garbutt. Toronto, 26th May, 
1845. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, John Luff, bachelor, and 
Ann Garbutt, spinster, both of this par 
ish, hv me-. H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
Windell to Harrington. Toronto. 4th June. 
1345. This day were married by license. 
John Windell, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Matilda Harrington, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

\Vi;ton lo Reynolds. Toronto, 4th J"""., 
1845. This day were married by license. 
William Wilton, of the (-icy or Tor. iii..-), 
bachelor, and Catherine Reynolds, of the 
same place spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Armstrong to Rettallick. Toronto, Junr 5, 
1845. This day were married by license. 
Joseph Armstrong, of the township of 
Scarborough, widower, and Grnce Rettal 
lick, of the city of Toronto, widow, by me, 
H- J- Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

McKay to Lane. Toronto, 6th June, 
1845. This day were married by license. 
Alexander McKay, of the township of 
Woodhouse, district of Ta n .b )t, widower, and 
Harriot Lane, of the township of Oro, dis 
trict of Simcoe, spinster, by me, H. J". 
Grasett, Asst. Minister 

Breyden to McGillivray. Toronto, June 7. 
1845. This day were married by license. 
Robert Breydeu, of the township of 
bicoko, bache:or, and Elizabeth McGilhvray, 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Fothergill to Blanchard. Toronto, Juno 10, 
1845 This day wore married by hec.i 
Georgo Alexander Fothergill, of the town 
ship of Pickering, bachelor, and Margaret 
Blanchard, of tho same placs, widow, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Cathcart to Sanderson. Toronto, du i , 
1845. This day were married by Heei so. 
Alexander Cathcart, of the city of 
ronto, bachelor, and Jane Sanderson, o 
same p;ace, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Fox to Stark. Toronto, llth. June, 1 
This day were married by licence, Thomas 
Fox of Yorkville, in the township of York, 
widower, and Margaret Stark, of the c 
of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grase 
Aset. Minister. 

White-lie to Fields. Toronto, 16th June, 
1845 This dav were married by licente, 
Robert Whiteside, of the township ot 
Esquesing, in the district of Gore, bacn- 
elor, and Catherine FieMs, of the township 
Chiiiffuacousv, in the Home district, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
Shore to Shore. Troonto, 17th. June, 
1845. This day were married by license, 
Edmund Shore, of the township of Aflbion, 
bachelor, and Maria Shore, of the same 
P aco. spineter, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Stonehouse to Canning. Toronto, 18th. 
June, 1845. This day were married by li 
cense, Joseph Stonehouse, of the town 
ship, of Etobieoke, bachelor, and Jane Can 
ning, of the -same place, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett Aest. Minister. 

Taylor to Bright. Toronto. 19th. J"ne, 
1845." This day were married by license, 
Geonro Taylor, of the River Don, in the 
township of York, bachelor, and Caroline 
Br ght of the city of Toronto, spinster 
by me, W. H. Ripley, B.A., Off. Minister. 
The bridegroom was the proprietor of 
the paper mills on the Don; his bride 
was one of the well-known family liv 
ing on Kingston road, east of the Don. 
Hammond to Walker. Toronto, 21st. 
June, 1845. This day were married by li 
cense John Hammond, of the township of 
Seneca, in the Gore District, bachelor, an.l 
Marv Walker, of the township of York, in 
the "Home District, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Lewis to O Sullivan. Toronto. 24th. Juno, 
1845. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Ba nns, William Lewis, bachelor, 
an 1 Bridget O Sullivan, spinster, both of 
this city, by me, H. J. Graoett, Asst. _ 

Cotter to McDiarmiil. Toronto, 24th. Juno, 
1845. This day were married by license, 
William Cotter of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Eliza McDiarmid, of the same 
p ace spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett Asst. 

Williams to Benson. Toronto, 3rd Julv. 
1815. This dfcy were married by lIcettBO, 
Alfred Williams, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Arine Benson, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 



Splane to Webb. Toronto, 5th July. 
1845. This day were married by license. 
John Splaue, of the Gore of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Mary Webb, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Assistant 

Nelson to Atkinson. Toronto, 5th July, 
1845. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, John Nelson, widower, 
and Anne Atkinson, widow, both of the 
township of York, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Ped .ow to Day. Toronto, 9th July, 
1845. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, David Pedlow, bachelor, 
ml Ann Day, spinster, both of this 
city, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Fox " to Allison. Toronto. 12th July, 
1845. This day were married by license. 
John Fox, of the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Mary Allison, of the same place, 
spinster, by mo, H. J. Grasett, Assistant 

Collins to East. Toronto, 12th_ July, 
1845. This dav wore married by license. 
Joseph Collins, "of the city of Toronto, wid 
ower, and Sophia East, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, 1. J. Grasett, Assistant 

McFadden to Hamilton, Toronto, July 14, 
1845. This day were married by license. 
Robert McFadden, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Jane Hamilton, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Morton to Dover. Toronto, 18th July, 
1845. This day were married by license, 
Robert Morton, of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Mary Ann Dever, of the same place, 
spinster, "by me, H. J. Grasett, Assistant 

Xorton to Fox. Toronto, 19th July, 
1845. This day were married by license, 
Davil Xorton, of Yorkville, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Fox, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

"Butler to Norbury. Toronto, 21st July, 
1845. This day were married by license, 
John Butler, of the town of Cobourg, 
bachelor, and Mary Norbury, of the city 
of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

McCartney to McParle on. Toronto, 28th 
July, 1845." This day were married after 
due publication of Banns, Thomas Mc 
Cartney, bachelor, and Ann McPartelon, 
spinster, both of this city, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister 

McCrea to Neely. Toronto, 29th July, 
184-5. This day were married by license, 
John McCrea, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Neoly, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Askin to Fox. Toronto, 31st July, 
1845. This day were married by license, 
John Askin, of the township of Trafalgar, 
Gore District, bachelor, and Bridget Kox, 
of the city of Toronto, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Chrisholm to Burns. Toronto, 5th Aug., 
1845. This day were married by license, 
Alexander Chrisholm, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Julia Burns, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Eveston to Brown. Toronto, 7th Aug., 
1845. This day were married by license, 
Harvey Eveston, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Honora Brown, of the same 

place, spinster, by me, II. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Finney to Durnion. Toronto, 8th Aug., 
1845. This day were married by license, 
James Finney, of the city of Toronto, pro 
vince of Canada, widower, and Elizabeth 
Durnion, of the same place, spinster, daugh 
ter of Charles Durnion, of the county of 
Fermanagh. Ireland, bv me, W. H. Ripley, 
B.A., Off. Minister. 

Bell to Fitzgibbon. Toronto, 12th Aug., 
1845. This day were married by license, 
William Bell, of the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Margaret Fitzgibbon, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Eilwood to Brown. Toronto, 14th August, 

1845. This day were married by license, 

I Mark Ellwood, of the township of Chin- 

| guacousy, bachelor, and Anne Brown, of 

I the township of Toronto, spinster, by me, 

H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Creig to Boyle. Toronto, 18th August, 
1845. This day were married by license, 
John Creig, of the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Mary Boyle, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Assistant 

Gardner to Graham. Toronto, 28th Aug., 
1845. This day were married by license, 
j Richard Gardner, of the township of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Anne Graham, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Stretten to Holmes. Toronto, 1st Sept., 
1S45. This day were married by license, 
John Stretten, of the township of Esque- 
sing, in the Gore District, bachelor, and 
Margaret Holmes, of the township of To 
ronto, in the Gore, in the Home district, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Assistant 

Corscaden to McCann. Toronto, 1st Sept., 
1845. This day were married by license, 
William Corscaden, of the city of Toronto, 
widower, and Sarah McOann, of the same 
place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Evans to Arbuthurst. Toronto, 2nd Sept., 
1845. This day were married by license, 
John Evans, of the, township of East Gwil- 
h mbury, widower, and Betsy Arbuthurst, 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasott, Asst. Minister. 

Hubbard to Pells. Toronto, 4th Sept.. 
1815. This day were married by license, 
James Hubbard, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Mary Anne Pells, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Carty to Robinson. Toronto, 4th Sept., 
1845. "This dav were married by license, 
Jeremiah Carty. of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Mary Robinson, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Mr. Carty was long in business on 
the south-west corner of Queen street 
and George street. 

Baird to Hetherington. Toronto, Sept. "8, 
1845. This day were married by license, 
William Baird, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Mary Hetherington, of the 
township of York, spinster, b-r me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister 

Galbraith to Trimble. Toronto, 8th Sept., 

1845. This day were married by license, 

James Galbraith, of the city of Xew York, 

j in the United States of America, bache- 



lor, and Jane Trimble, of the city of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Morris to America. Toronto, 9th Sept., 
1845. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, George Morris, bachelor, 
and Ann America, spinster, both of this 
parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Assistant 

The surname of the bride is very 
remarkable. Very probably she was a 
coloured woman. 

Switzer to Ritcbey. Toronto, 13th Sept., 
1845. This day were married by license, 
Henry Morris Switzer, of the Village of 
Palermo, in the district of Gore, bachelor, 
and Martha Ritchey, of the city of To 
ronto, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Brown to Diver. Toronto, 22nd Sept., 
1845. This day wore married after due pub 
lication of Banns, .Joseph Brown, widower, 
uid Ellen Dive<r, spinster, both of this city, 
by me, H. J". Grasect, Asst. Minister. 

"Parke to Lindsay. Toronto, 22ud Sept., 
1845. This day were married by license, 
James Parke, of the township of Pickering-, 
bachelor, and Mary Lindsay, of the city 
of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Secor to Ryan. Toronto; 23rd Sept., 
1845. This day were married by license, 
Joseph Secor, of the township of Scar 
borough, widowor, and Bridget Ryan, of 
the same placo, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Hill tb Johnson. Toronto, 23rd Sept., 
1845. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Thomas Hill, private in 
H. M. 82nd Regiment of Foot, now sta 
tioned in the Garrison of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Jane Johnson, of the said city of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Thurnham to Hernmings. Toronto, Sept. 26 
1845. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Jeremiah Thurnham, 
bachelor, and Lydia Hemmings, spinster, 
both of this city, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Palm to Cooper. Toronto, 25th Sept., 
1845. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Charles Palm, bachelor, 
and Charlotte Cooper, spinster, both of this 
city, by me, H. -I. Grasott, Assistant Mln. 

Sharp to Knight. Toronto, 30th Sept., 
1845. This day were married bv, 
John Sharp, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Aniie Knight, of the same 
place, spinster, bv me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Lehany to West. Toronto, 30th Sept., 
1845. This day were married after Jue pub 
lication of Banns, James Lehany, of the 
township of York, bachelor, and Elizabeth 
West, of the city of Toxonto, spinster, by me 
H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Sanford to Thompson. Township of York, 
2nd Oct.. 1815. This day were married by 
license, Sidney Morohouse Sanford, of the 
town of Barrie, bachelor, and Sarah Ann 
Thompson, of the township of York, spin 
ster, by me, H. J". Graaett, Asst. Minister. 

Montgomery to Sturgeon. Toronto, Oct. 4, 
1845. This day were married al ter due pub 
lication of Banns, William Montgomery, of 
the township of Scarborough, bachelor,* and 
Amelia Sturgeon, of this city, spinster, 
by mo, II. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Hazlewood to IVothardt. Toronto, Oct. 4, 
1845. This day were married by, 
John Hazlewood, of the township of Chin- 
guacousy, bachelor, and Sophia Xothardt, 
of the township of Toronto, in the Gore, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Assistant 

Waiters to Lee. Toronto, 8th Oct., 

i 1845. This day were married by license, 

| George Waiters, of the township of King, 

bachelor, and Jane Lee, of the same place, 

I spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Assistant 

! Minister. 

Wiisoii to Pimlotte. Toronto, 8th Oct., 
1845. This day were married by license, 
John Wilson, of Sydenham, in the township 
of Toronto, bachelor, and Sarah Anno Pirn- 
lotto, of Yonge Street, in the liberties of 
the city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 

. Grasott, Asst. Minister 

Helliwell to Jones. Toronto, 9th Oct.. 
1845. This day were married by license, 
Charles Lord Helliwell, of the town of Ham 
ilton, bachelor, and Eliza Jones, of the city 

: of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 

; Asst. Minister. 

Xcedham to Oattel. Toronto, llth Oct., 
1845. This day were married by license, 
William Xeedham, of the city of Toronto, 
widower, and Alice Oattel, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Weils to Ridout. Toronto, 13th Oct., 
1845. This day were married by license, 
Arthur ^Vells, of Davenport, Gentleman, 
and Geo.-gina Dora Ridout, of the city of 

i Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 

! Asst. Minister. 

Arthur Wells was a son of Colonel 
i Wells, of Davenport road, and a brother 
! of Lieut.-Col. Wells, 1st Royal Regi- 
j ment. 

Girvin to Love. Toronto, 14th October, 
1845. This day were married by license, 
James Girvin, of the city of Toronto, 
; and Elizabeth Love, of the same place, 
spinster, by ine, H. J. Grasett, Assistant 

Weir to Dyson. Toronto, 15th October, 
1845. This day were married by license, 
Henry Bartholomew Weir, of the city of 
. Toronto, bachelor, and Theresa Amelia" Dy 
son, of the same place, widow, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Parham to Sampson. Toronto, 19th Oct., 
1845. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, James Parham, bachelor, 
and Elizabeth Sampson, spinster, both of 
tho township of York, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Campbell to Papst. Toronto, 20th Oct., 
1845. This day were married by license, 
Barton Campbell, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Charlotte Anne Papst, of the 
same pla,oe, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Wallis to Elson. Toronto, 20th Oct., 
1845. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Wallis, of tho city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Matilda Ebon, of the sumo 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Sheridan to Crozier. Toronto, 20th Oct., 
1845. This day were married after duo pub 
lication of Banns, Alexander Sheridan, 
bachelor, and Mary Crozier, spinster, both 
of this city, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Fish to Elor.goway. Toronto, 21st Oct., 



1845. This day wore married after due pub 
lication of Banns. Giles Fish, of the town 
ship of Etobicoke, bachelor, and Mary 
Mag-daleno Elongeway, of the township of 
Mouo, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Fish to Elongeway. Toronto, 21st Oct.. 
1845. This day ere married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Charles Fish, of the town 
ship of Etobicoke, bachelor, and Julia 
Ann Eiongeway, of the township of Mono, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Assistant 

Swinburn to Carr. Toronto, 21st Oct., 
1845. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, James Swinburn, wid 
ower, and Hose Ann Carr, widow, both of 
this city, by me. To.. J. Grasett, Assistant 

Parkinson to Edmondson. Toronto, Oct. 23, 
845. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Thomas Parkinson, bache 
lor, and Jane Edmondson, spinster, both of 
the township of Btobicoke, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

James to Butt. Toronto, 23rd October, 
845. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Joseph James, widower, 
and Ann Butt, widow, both of this city, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

\\iiloughby to Richardson. Toronto, Oct. 
29th, 18+5. This day were married by li 
cense, George Edmund Willoughby, of tho 
city of Toronto, bachelor, and Mary Rich 
ardson, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister 

The bridegroom and groom in this 
case were both friends of Bishop 
Strachan, who signed the register, as 
a witness, with his official signature. 

Ritchey to Nelson. Toronto, 29th Oct., 
1845. This day wore married by license, 
Samuel Ritchey, of the city of" Toronto, 
bachelor, and E izabeth Nebon, ot the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Greer to Boyd. Toronto, 30th October, 
1845. This day were married bv license 
Charles Greer, of the city of" Toronto, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Bo,"d, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Strachan to Jones. Toronto, 6th Nov., 
1845. This day were married bv license, 
John Strachan, of Goderich, in Che Huron 
district, bachelor, and Margaret Anne 
Jones, of the city of Toronto, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

John Strachan was a son of Bishop 
Stxachan ; he was a barrister, subse 
quently a judge. 

Hamilton to Allison. Toronto, 6th Nov.. 
1845. This day were married by license, 
Maxwell Hamilton, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Elixabeth Allison, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Ing:is to Carroll. Toronto, 8th Nov., 
1845. This day were married by license, 
Peter Inglis, of Owen Sound, in the Wel 
lington district, and Anne Carroll, of the 
city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister 

Ferryman to Clarke. Toronto, 10th Nov., 

Wo. This day were married bv license, 
Thomas Ferryman, of the township of Mark- 
ham, bachelor, and Eliza Clarke, of the 

j city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H J 
! Grasett, Asst. Minister 

i 1Q B c arbe m, - to Poweli - Toronto, 13th Nov., 
1845. This day were married by license, 
James Barber, of Owen Sound, bachelor, and 
Agnes Powell, of the city ot Toronto 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Assistant 
Keegan to Boyd. Toronto, 15th Nov 

if^lv This day were married by license, 
i Matthew Keegan, of the city of Toronto, 
bacnelor, and Anne Boyd, of the township 
of Scarborough, spinster, by me, H J 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
McCann to Oonnaghen. Toronto, Nov. 15, 
845. This day were married by license 
Thomas McCann, of the city of" Toronto. 
i bachelor, and Catherine Connaghen, of tho 
| same place, spinster, by me, ^\ . H. Riplev, 
B.A., Off. Minister. 

Pearson to Berry. Toronto, Nov. 17th, 
1845. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Joseph Pearson, wid 
ower, and Ann Berry, spinster, both of 
this city, by me, W. H. Ripley, B.A., Off. 
Maguire to Alderdice. Toronto 19th Nov 

Jir/S; T , his day were married by license, 
\Vilham Maguire, of the township of WhitbT, 
bachelor, and Sarah Alderdice, of the city 
Toronto spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
j Asst. Minister. 

Moore to McOosh. Toronto, 19th Nov., 
845. This day were married by license 
James Moore, of the township of Erin, in 
j tho district of Wellington, bachelor, and 
Agnes McOosh, of the township of Gara- 
fraxa, in the same district, spinster, bv me, 
H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
Sutton to Watson. Toronto, 19th Nov., 
145. This day were married by license, 
John Sutton, of the town of "Hamilton, 
i bachelor, and Julia Watson, of the town- 
j ship of York, spinster, by me, H. J 
I Grasett, Asst. Minister 

Parkinson to Hind. Toronto, 20th Nov., 
45. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Christopher Parkinson, 
the township of Etobicoke, and Nancv 
Hind, of the township of York, spinster, 
i by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Evitt to McClure. Toronto, 20th Nov., 
845. This day were married by license 
i Francis Evitt, of the township of Vaughan 
1 bachelor, and Margaret McClure, of the 
same place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Ross to Foster. Toronto, 20th Nov., 

145. This day were married by license, 
James Ross, of the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Frances Foster, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Assistant 

Mitchell to Shaw. Toronto, 24th Nov., 
1845. This day were married by license, 
Alexander Mitchell, of the town of Ham 
ilton, bachelor, and Mary Shaw, of the city 
of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett", 
Asst. Minister. 

Sinamon to May. Toronto, 24th Nov., 
1845. This day were married by license, 
Samuel Sinamon, of the township of Albion, 
bachelor, and Mary May, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. Assistant 

Richardson to Smith. Toronto, 25th Nov., 
1845. This day were married by Ecenae, 
Thomas Richardson, of the .iwnship of 
York, bachelor, and Martha Smith, of the 



same p ace, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

O Brien to Middleton. Toronto, Nov. 25th, i 
1845. This day were married after due pub- j 
lication of Banns, Charles O Brien, corporai 
in Her Majesty s 52nd Regt. of Foot, now j 
stationed at tbo Garrison of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Eleanor Middleton, of this ; 
city, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasott, Off. | 
Chaplain to the Troops. 

Evans to McMillan. Toronto, 1st Dec., 
1845. This day were married by license, 
William Evans, of the city of Toronto, 
widower, and Catherine McMillan, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, ; 
Asst. Minister. 

Postle to Archibald. Toronto, 1st Dec., 
1845. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, James Postle, bachelor, 
and Margaret Archibald, spinster, both of 
the township of Toronto, by me, H. J. j 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Hales to Graham. Toronto, 7th Dec., ; 
1845. This day were married after due pub- 
lication of Banns, John Hales, bachelor, | 
and Isabella Graham, spinster, both of the . 
township of York, by me. H. J. Grasett, ! 
Asst. Minister. 

Cassaday to Caldwell. Toronto, 10th Dec., ! 
1845. This dav were married by license, j 
Robert Cassaday, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Hannah Oaldwell, of the 
same place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, | 
Asst. Minister. 

Brittain to Rose. Toronto, 15th Dec., 
1845. This day were married by license, 
William Brittain, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Jane Rose, of the township 
of Etobicoke, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, j 
Asst. Minister. 

Hemsworth to Palmer. Toronto, Dec. 16, ; 
1845. This day were married by license, 
Edward Hemsworth, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Charlotte Palmer, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Spcers to Anderson. Toronto, 17th Dec., 
1845. This day were married by license, 
William Speers, of the township of Mono, 
bachelor, and Margaret Anderson, of the 
township of York, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Campbell Jo Walker. Toronto, 18th Dec., 
1845. This day were married by license, 
R-obert Campbell, of the town of Hamil 
ton, bachelor, and Mary Walker, of the city 
of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Bowe to Richardson. Toronto, 18th Dec., 
1845. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Fieldy Bowe, of the town 
ship of York, bachelor, and Anne Richard 
son, of the township of Markham, widow, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Bowo to Snowden. Toronto, 18th Dec., 
1845. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, William Bowe, bachelor, 
and Hannah Snowdeii, spinster, both of the 
township of York, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Aset. Minister. 

Beveridge to Hance. Toronto, 22nd Dec., 
1845. This day wore married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Adam James Beveridge, 
private in the 82nd Regiment, bachelor, 
and Bridget Hance, of this city, widow, 
by mo, h. J. Grasott, Asst. Minister. 

*E liott to Heatly. Toronto, 22nd Dec., 
1845. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Henry Elliott, widower. 

and Hester Heatly, widow, both of th s city, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Kernaghan to Lyle. Toronto, 26th Dec., 
1845. This day were married by license, 
James Kernaghan, of the city of Toronto, 
widower, and Elizabeth Lyle, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Boynton to Johnson. Toronto, 27th Dec., 
1845. This day were married by license, 
John Boynton, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Anne Johnson, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Marshall to Simpson. Toronto, 30th Dec., 

1845. This day were married by license, 
Witherhill Marshall, of Yorkville, bache 
lor, and Anne Simpson, of the city of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasott, Asst. 

Baker to Burnett. Toronto, Jan. 1st, 

1846. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Baker, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Sophia Burnett, of the town 
ship of York, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasott, Asst. Minister. 

Kelly to Atkinson. Toronto, 2nd Jan., 
1846. This day were married by license, 
James Kelly, of the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Isabella Atkinson, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Wright to Nangle. Toronto, 5th Jan.. 
1846. This day were married by license, 
George Wr%ht, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Mary Anne Nangle, of the 
same place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
Asst. Minister. 

Longman to Whitlock. Toronto, 5th Jan., 
1846. This day were married by license, 
James Longman, of the township of To 
ronto, in tfte Gore, bachelor, and Cather 
ine Anno Whitlock, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Assistant 

Turner to Williams. Toronto, 5th Jan., 
1846. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, George Turner, bachelor, 
and E:izabeth Williams, spinster, both of 
this city, by me, H. J. Grasett, Assistant 

Xelson to Pettigrew. Toronto, 5th Jan., 
1846. This dav were married by license, 
John Xe;son, of the city of Toronto, wid 
ower, and Mary Anne Pettigrew, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. ML<TSTsr. 

Rayn/r to NSampbell. Toronto, 7th Jan., 
1846. This da\- were married by license, 
Jo3(/>h Rayner, of the township of Al- 
bic/i, widower, ami Rebecca Campbell, of 
the city of TorotivX, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Miniver. 

Hughes to Brown. Toronto, 8th Jan., 

1846. This day were nS}.rried by license, 

Thomas Hughes, of the Njty of Toronto, 

i widower, and Fanny Brown, of the same 

! place, widow, by me, H. J. Gr&sett, Asst. 

j Minister. 

Park to Hollingshead. Toronto, Jan. 12th, 

| 1846. This day were married by license, 

| Alfred Park, of the township of East Gwil- 

1 Hinbury, bachelor, and Jane Hollingshead, 

of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 

Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Ady to Matthews. Toronto, 12th Jan., 
1846. This day were marked after due pub 
lication of Banns, Henry Ady, bachelor, 
and Alwena Mathews, spinster, both of the 


township of Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Stinsoii to McTemeny. Toronto, 12th Jan., 
1846. This day were married "by license, 
Robert Stinson, of the township o fAlbion, 
bachelor, arid Susannah McTemeny, of the 

first incumbent of St. George s church, 
Toronto. For many years later was 
rector of St. John s church, Norway. 
He retired from active work in 1896. 
Killen to Gale. Toronto, 4th February, 

baciieior aria QUS-UIUUII ivj.^ A eiiicn,v , v mw ~ f - -- 

dtv of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 1846. This day were married by license, 
GrLett, Asst. Minister. ! Richard Killen, of the city of Toronto, 

Tavior to Jobbitt. Township of York, 15th i bachelor, and Louisa Gale, of the same place, 
Jan. 1846. This day were married by li- spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Assistant 
cense, Thomas Taylor, of the River Don, ! Minister. 

in the township of York, "bachelor, and I Moore to McBride. Toronto 5th Feb., 
Henrietta Jobbitt, of the same place, spin- 1846. Tins day were married by ttcenae, 
ster, by me, H. T. Grasett, Asst. Minister. , John Moore, ot the township of Erin, in 

Crozier to McCartney. Toronto, Jan. 15, Wellington District, bachelor, and Sarah 
1846 This dav were married by license, | McBride, of the city of Toronto, spinster. 
Samuel Crozier, of the township of To- ; by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister, 
ronto, bachelor, and Mary McCartney, of i Heath to Mason. Toronto, 7th February, 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. ] 1846. This day were married by license, 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. | Albion Heath, of Berwick, in the township 

Trebi .cock to McGill. Toronto, Jan. 15th, o f Vaughan, widower, and Sarah Mason, ot 
1846. This day were married by license, I the sa me place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
John Trebilcock, of the city of Toronto. Grasett, Asst. Minister, 
bachelor, and Jane McGill. c the township Trevail to Maysent. Toronto, 8th Feb.. 

of York, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Acton to Doble. Toronto, 15th January, 

1846. This day * were married by license, 
William Charles Trevaille, of the city of 
Toronto, bachelor, and Charlotte Yaysent,. 

xx^uvyi*. *-w j- v/w*^- ~t t - - i oronto Dcn.eiur nun wuai IULLO i j OCU-LI 

1846. This day were married by ^ense, , spinster, by me, H. J. 

John Acton, of^ the township of ick, Grasett( Asst. Minister. 


James Pegjrs of the city of Toronto, bache- ; same place, spinster by me , H. J. Grasett, 
lor, and Bridget Callaghan, of the same : Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

place, spinster, byy me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. [ Maillene to MacDermott. Toronto, Feb. 11. 
Minister. 1846. This day were married by license, 

Dye to Johnston. Toronto, 17th Jan., George Alfred Maillene, of the city of To- 
1846*. This dav were married by license, ronto, bachelor, and Bedelia Harriett Mac- 

. _ _ 1 _.C m _ -. t ^> 1^ A n \\ *-v T- . V 1 1 . . . r. j-> rv\ n T\ 1 O ftf\ B Til Tl U f" O T* V\17 1Y1 O . 

George Dye, of the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Sophia Johnston, of the Gore of 
Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett 

Dermott, of the same place, spinster, by 
H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
Dixon to fhibbs. Toronto, llth February, 

Asst. Minister. I ig46. This day were married by license, 

Squire to Stephens. Toronto, 17th Jan., Tllomag ,i XO n" of the city of Toronto, 

1846. This day were married by hcenso, bache i or and Catherine Phibbs, of the same 

James Squire, of the city of Toronto, bache- , spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Lor, and Mary Stephens, of the same place, MIni8 te r 

widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. , y oung . to Smith. Toronto, 12th Feb., 

Blgie to Freer. Toronto, 22nd January, ig46 , f j lig ( j av were marr ied bv license, 

1846. This day were married by license, Joh ^ Y oung, of the township of York, 

John Elgie. of the city of Toronto, wid- bache i or ail( j Harriet Smith, 01 the same 

ower, and Eh zabeth Freer, of the township place 8p i ns ter, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

of Whitchurch, spinster, by me, H. J. Mi nis ter 

G T a uflv t to 8 Watn iSte Toronto 31st Jan.. Ramsay to Eccles. Toronto. Fob, 14th, 

s a.. . . b license! j 1846; This day **** . 
T^V Aonimvuii Tiiiiv of thp oitv of To- ^V ilham Ramsay, bachelor, or tne city 
mnto ^chelor, ^Anna Helen^ Watson, , Toronto and Frances Boclw j, of t-e .same 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. ! place, spinster, by me. John McCaui, LL.D., 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. ; King s College. 

Falkner to Maracle. Toronto, 2nd Feb., Hammond to Hutton. Toronto, 14tr beo., 
1846 This day were married bv license, 1846. This day were married by license, 
Jeremiah Falkner, of Sydenham, in the Robert Hammond, of the township of Mark- 
township of Toronto, bachelor, and Caro- ! ham, bachelor, and Catherine Mutton, of 
line Maracle, of the same place, spinster, the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
bv ine, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Bell to Lester. Toronto, 2nd February, Schnell to Lapp. Toronto, 18th Feb., 
1846 This day were married bv license, i 1846. This day were married by license, 
Charles Bell, of the city of Toronto, bache- j j o hn Schnell, of the township of Markham. 
lor, and Mary Lester, of the same place, j bachelor, and Elizabeth Lapp, of the same 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Assistant i place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 
Minister. I Minister. 

Smith to McKittrick. Toronto, Feb. 3rd, , Ferris to Wallace. Toronto, 3rd March, 
1846. This day were married by license, ; 1846. This day were married by license, 
James McKittrick, of the township of York, , Arthur Ferris, of the township of Dar- 
bachelor, and Ellen Smith, of the same , lington, in the district of Newcastle, and 
place spinster, by me, C. Ruttan, Officiat- j Agnes Wallace, of the same place, spinster, 
ing Minister. - by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

The Rev. Charles Ruttan was the i "Collins to Oarr. Toronto, llth March. 



1846. This day were married by license, 
James Coiling, of the township of Erin, in 
the We.Ungton District, bacholor, and Eliza 
Carr, of the city of Toronto, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Fox to Hutchinson. Toronto, 12th March, 
1846. This day were married bv license, 
Alvey Fox, of the township of Darlington, 
in the district Zi Newcastle, bachelor, and 
Mary Jane Hutchinson, of Yorkville, in 
the Home District, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Alexander to Freeman. Toronto, March 21, 
1846. This day were married by license, 
Alexander Alexander, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Mary Jane Freeman, 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Avis to Bell. Toronto, 2Sth March, 
1846. This day were married by license, 
Edmund Avis, of the township of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Catherine Bell, of the same 
place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Seattle to Moore. Toronto, 2nd Aprif, 
1846. This day were married by license, 
Mark Beattie, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Alice Moore, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Umpleby to Vaughan. Toronto, 9th April, 
1846. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Thomas Umpleby, bache 
lor, and Bridget Vaughan, spinster, both 
of this city, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Layton to Farley. Toronto, 9th April, 
1846. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Layton, of the city of Toronto, 
bacheior, and Emma Farley, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Irwln to Trimmins. Toronto, 14th April, 
1846. This day were married by license, 
Henry Irwin, of the township of Pickering, 
bachelor, and Anne Trirnmins, of the city 
of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Scott to Priestman. Toronto 14th April, 
1846. This day were married by license, 
Alexander Scott, of the city of Toronto, 
bacheior, and Catherine Priestman, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Baines to Colhoon. Toronto, 14th April, 
1846. This day were married bv license, 
William Baines, of the township "of Mark- 
ham, bachelor, and Marv Colhoon, of the 
township of York, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Lefroy to Robinson. Toronto, 16th April, 
846. This day were married by license, 
John Henry JT^erroy, Esq., Captain Royal 
Artillery, of the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Emily Mary Robinson, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

The brides in both this and the next 
entry were daughters of Chief Justice 
John Beverley Robinson. 

Allan to Robinson. Toronto, J.6th April, 
1846. This day were married by license 
George \Villiam Allan, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Louisa Matilda Rob 
inson, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
John Toronto. 

Carruthers to Young. Toronto, April 25, 
184-6. This day were married by license, 
David Carruthera, of the township of York, 

bachelor, and Susannah Young, of the same 
piaoe, spinster, bj me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Cooper to McGaw. Toronto, 27th April,, 
1846. This da\- were married by license, 
William Cooper, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Catherine McGaw, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Grant to Radenhurst. Toronto, April 28, 
1846. This day were married by license, 
Alexander Grant, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Annie R-adenhurst, of the 
same place, spinster, bY me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Hollin to McKeever. Toronto, 50th April, 
1846. This day were married by license, 
David Hollin, of the town of Hamilton, wid 
ower, and Lucretia McKeever, of the city 
of Toronto, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Winter to Hearne. Toronto, 30th April, 
1846. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns. Edwin Theophilus Winter, 
bachelor, and Mary Rhoda Hearne, spin 
ster, both of this city, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Cotterell to Jones. Toronto, 4th May, 
1846. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, William Sturgis Cottereli, 
bachelor, and Emma Reed Jones, spinster, 
both of this city, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Torze to Morris. Toronto, 5th May, 
1846. This day \\ere married by license, 
Thomas Torze, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Emma Morris, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Wallace to Shells. Toronto, 6th May, 
1846. This day were married by license, 
John Wallace, of the township "of York, 
bachelor, and Mary Shells, of the city of 
Toronto, .spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Baker to Haydon. Toronto, 8th May,, 
1846. This day were married by license,, 
William. Baker, of the township of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Matilda Anne Haydon, of the 
same piace, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Patterson to Richardson. Toronto, May 8, 
1846. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Patterson, of the township of Al 
bion, bachelor, and Sarah Richardson, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Bryns to Bamfora. Toronto, 14th May s ~ 
1846. This day were married by license. 
William Bryns, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Margaret Bamford, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Taylor to Mason. Toronto, 19th May,, 
1846. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, John Taylor, bachelor, 
and Margaret Jane Mason, spinster, both 
of this city, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Stubbs to Hallowell. Toronto, 19th May, 
1846. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, William Stubbs, widower, 
and Anne Hallowell, widow, both of the 
township of Etobicoke, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Hewitt to Rusk. Toronto, 21st May, 
1846. This day were married after lue pub 
lication of Batms, James Hewitt, bachelor, 
and Elizabeth Rusk, spinster, both of this 
city, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister 


Pery to McKec. Toronto, 21st May, 1846. This day were married by licerso, 
1846. This day were married by icerse, William McAdam, of the township of Sen- 
John Pery, of the township of York, wid- eca, in the district of Gore, bachelor, and 
-ower, and Rhoda McGee, of the city of Mary Ann Evans, of the city of Toronto, 
Toronto, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
Minister. Patterson to Lyness. Toronto, 22nd June, 

Gibbons to Waldron. Toronto, 21st May, 1846. This day were married by license, 
1846. This day were married by license, Benjamin Ralph Patterson, of the city of 
Benjamin Gibbons, Drum Major 82nd Regt. Toronto, bachelor, and Mary Lynrss, of tho 
-of Foot, now stationed at the city of To- same p ace, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
ronto, bachelor, and Mary Waldron, of tho I Asst. Minister. 

said city, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, | Powell to Hurd. Toronto, 23rd June, 
Off. Chaplain to the Troops. | 1846. This day were married by license, 

Lawson to Rennardson. Toronto, May 25, : Grant Powell, of the city of Montreal, Gen- 
1846. This day were married by license, | tleman, bachelor, and Elizabeth Mary Hurd, 
George Lawson, of tho city of Toronto, of tho city of Toronto, spinster, by me, 
bachelor, and Susannah Rennardson, of tho John Toronto. 

same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, J Clapham to Anderson. Toronto, 23rd June, 
Asst. Minister. j 1846. Tbi~ day wore married by, 

Wheeler to Lindsay. Toronto, 25th May, ; Thomas Olapham, of the township of 
1846. This dav were married by license, Vaughan, bachelor, and Harriot Anderson. 
Thomas Wheeler, of the city of Toronto, i of tne township of Markham, widow, by me, 
bachelor, and Anne Lindsay, of the same j H . J. Grasett, Asst. Mb 

Dlace, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. j Hill to Ashbridge. Toronto, 24th June. 
Minister 1846. This day were married by licence, 

Giynn to Phair. Toronto, 30th May. j Samuel Hill, of the township of York, bache- 
1846. This day were married by license, I lor, and Anne Mercer Ashbridge, of the 
Patrick Glynii, of the Village of Brant- same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
ford, in the District of Gore, bachelor, Asst. Minister. 

and E izabeth Phair, of the township of C O to tt ilhamson. Toronto, 29th June, 
Brantford, in said district, spinster, by me, \ M *>. This day were married by lipen ,,.-. 
H J Grasett Asst Minister Jonn Cole > of Hamilton, m the District of 

Unwin to Foster. Toronto, 2nd June, : ^ ore ^ bac * e ^ or> ^ E - ll6 f n w * 1)iamso ; of 
1846. This day were married by license, the city of Toronto spinster, by me, H. o. 
Charles Unwin, of the city of Toronto, I Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Foster, of the same .J? 16 " to ? "toman. Toronto, 30th June, 

lster - by me> H - J - Grasett Asst - > 


"Hector to Parker. Toronto, 3rd June. | church, bachelor, and LydiaUideman, of 

1846. This dav were married by license, I the township of Markham spinster, by rue, 

John Hector, of the city of Toronto, bache- j H. J. Grasett Asst. Minister 

S er a b n r ^H?Z*$&t^AA < *&*&?& XS SJKS ft iXJ. 

St Wilder to%Sr^Odf ToVo^ofB^June; j Samuel Armstrong of the township of Tra- 

1846. This dav were married by license, ! t&lgB.r, m the district of Gore, bachelor, 

John Wilder, of the township of Toronto! and Jane Oochran, of the same place, spin. 

bachelor, and Mary Sherwood, of the same : st ^-^^TVn V^mnf Tn^fn^ Tn.t fi" 

crinsf-or hir mn H T Grasptt Asst \\hitaker to Hamilton. Toronto, dulj o, 

M?nfYr 1846 - Tnis dav were married by license, 

Toronto 6th June Thomas Whitaker, of the city of Toronto, 


ronto, bachelor, and Susannah Witty, O f 

the same p ace, spinster, by me, H. J. i Middlebrook to Prindle. Toronto, July 7, 

Grasott, Asst. Minister. 1846. This day were married by license, 

Westmacott to Dixon. Toronto, June 9th. Wi.liam Middlebrook, of the township of 
1846 This day were married by Jicerso, Etobicoke, bachelor, and Jane Prindle, of 
Wi l am Montague Westmacott, of the city ; the township of Toronto, spinster, by me, 
of Toronto bachelor, and Frances Dixon, ! H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Toei to Johnston. Toronto, 13th July, 
J-Jras-tt Asst Minister. i 1846. This day were married by license, 

Mr Vestal aoott was an official of | Robert^ Tog o, the city^of^Toronto. 
the Bank of Upper Canada , he resid- ; game p ,^ 00 spinsteri by me , H. J. Grasett. 
ed on Gerrard street, north side, just Asst- Minister. 
west of Jarvis street. Henderson to Vance. Toronto. July 14, 

Jones to Brown. Toronto, 10th June, \ 1846. This day were married by license, 
1846 This day wore married after due pub- William Henderson, of tbe city of To- 
licat ion of Banns, John Alexander Jones, ronto, bachelor, and Ellen Vance, of the 
bachelor, and Ju ia Emmel .no Brown, widow same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
both of this city, l}y me, H. J. Grasett. Asst. Minister. 
Asst Minister. Coons to Murcluson. Toronto, July >th, 

Bason to Elliott. Toronto, June 15th, 1846. This day were married by license, 
1346. This day were married by license, Reuben Coons, of Brantford, bachelor, and 
Georgo Eason, of the township of Whilby Frances Emily Murchison, of the city of 
in the Home District, bachelor, and Jane . Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Elliott of the town of Hamilton, in the Asst. Minister. 

Gore District, spinster, bv me, H. J. Timrnon to McManns. Toronto, 18th July, 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. ; 1846. This day were married by license, 

McAdam to Evans. Toronto, 19th June, Robert Tlmmon, of the township of York, 



bachelor, and Catherine McManns, of the 
city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Kingston to Graham. Toronto, July 23rd, 
1S46. This day were married by license, 
Paul Kingston," of Thornhill, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Graham, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
Bolarid to Shyer. Toronto, 28th July, 
1816. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Matthew Boland, bache 
lor and Am-lia Shyer, spinster, both of j 
this parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Ruttan to Cameron. Toronto, 29th July, 
1846. This day were married in St. George s 
Church bv Iic3nse. Charles Ruttan .Clerk, 
bachelor, and M irgaret Jane Cameron, spin 
ster, both of this city, by me, T. H. M. 
Bartlett, M.A., Oliaplain to the Garrison 
at Kingston. 

This was a marriage taking place 
in St. George s, yet registered in St. 
James , as the parish church. 

Stobie to Young. Toronto, August 6th, 
1846. This dav were married bv license, 
William Stobie", of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Sophia Young, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, Arthur Palmer, A.B., 
Rector, of Guelph. 

The officiating minister in this case 
was many years later the well-known 

Taylor to Park. Toronto, August 8th, 
1846. This day were married by license, 
Robsrt Taylor, of the citv of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Anne Park, spinster, of the 
city of Toronto, by me, R. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Giilbee to Gardner. Toronto. 8th August, 
1846. This day were married by licenses, 
Earle Edward "Gilbee, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Maria Gardner, of the 
same p aoe, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Agst. Minister. 

Mrs. Gardner, the bride, was mother 
of the late E. \V. Gardner, a well- 
known resident of Toronto. 

Crawford to Glenn. Toronto. 10th Ai;gust, 
1846. This dav were married by license, 
Andrew Crawford, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Edza Glenn, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Theakston to Johnson. Toronto, Aug. 13, 
1846. This day were married by license, 
John Theakston, of the township of Eto- 
biooke, bachelor, and Mary Johnson, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Smith to Powell. Toronto, 15th August, 
1846. This day were married bv license, 
Geor-ge Whitf .e rd, Lawrence Smith, of Troy, 
State of Xew York, in the United States 
of America, bachelor, and Anno Francis 
Powell, of the city of Toronto, in the pro 
vince of Canada," spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

This was another of the very few 
cases where Bishop Strachan s name 
appeared as a witness. 

Richmond to Co!e. Toronto. 15th August, 
1846. This day were married by license, 
Jam s uielimouid, bachelor, and Mary Cole, 
spinster, both of the township of York, 
by me, H. J.. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Parker to Kenney. Toronto, 15th August, 
1816. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, James Parker, bachelor, 
and Margaret Kenney, spinster, both of 
this city, by me, H. J. Grasett, Assistant 

Rennardson to Charlton. Toronto, Aug. 19 
1846. This day were married by license, 
Robert Rennardson, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Mary Charlton, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Brown to Humphrey. Toronto, 20th Aug., 
1846. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Brown", of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Hannah Humphrey, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Watson to Freckleton. Toronto, Aug. 20, 
1846. This day were married by license, 
James Watson, of the city of Toronto, 
widower, and Mary Freckloton, of the same 
place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Bernard to Jarvis. Toronto. 25th Aug., 
1846. This day were married by license, 
Luke Fitzgerald Bernard, Esq., of the towii 
of London, Lieutenant in H. M. 82nd Regi 
ment of Foot, bachelor, and Anne Ellen 
Jarvis, of the city of Toronto, spinster. 
by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

"Cox to Hall. Toronto, 25th August, 
1846. This day were married by license, 
James Cox, of the township of Wellesley, 
in the District of Wellington, bachelor, and 
Anne Hall, of the city of Toronto, spinster. 
by me. H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

"Halliburton to Johnston. Toronto, 27th 
Aug., 1846. This day were married by li 
cense, John Halliburton, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Anne Johnston, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Richey to Bell. Toronto, 3rd Sept., 
1846. This day were married by license, 
John Huston Richey, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Martha Elizabeth Bell, 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Elliott to Prejho. Toronto, 3rd Septem 
ber, 1846. This day were married by li 
cence, John Elliott, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Sarah PreMiu, of the said city, 
city, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Prtcr to Bottrall. Toronto, 7th Sept.. 
1846. This day were married by license, 
Phiiip Porter, of Port Hope, bachelor, and 
Grace Bottra!!, of the city of Toronto, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 
Trott to Johnston. Toronto, 10th Sept., 
1846. This day were married by license, 
John Trott, of Thornhill, widower, and 
Mary Johnston, of the same place, widow, 
by me. H. J Graseit, Asst. Minister. 

Looker to Polbrock. Toronto, 12th Sep 
tember, 1846. This day were married by li 
cense, John Looker, of the township of 
York, bachelor, anl Mary Po .brock, of the 
sarns place uplnster, by me. H. J. Grasett. 
AsBt. Mini-tor. 

McKenze to Crombie. Toronto, 14th Sept.. 
1846. This day were married by license, 
tlio Reverend " John George Dalhoste Mc- 
Kenzie, clerk of the city of Toronto, bach 
elor and Catherine Eliza Crombie, of the 
. -aid city, npinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
. Minister. 

I Mr. McKenzie was for some time reo- 



tor of St. Paul s, Yorkville. His bride 
was a daughter of Mr. Crombie, who 
was head master of Toronto Grammar 

Leo to Crombie. Toronto. 14th Sept.. 
1846. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Lee, of the town of Cobourg, 
bachelor, and Clarisaa Sophronia Crombie, 
of the same place spinster, by ine, H. J. 
* Gra ett, Asst. M. nister. 

Mrs. Lee and Mrs. McKenzie were, 


SSnall to LeLfevre. Toronto, 15th Sep 
tember. 1846. This day were rnnrriel by ii- 
. cense the Honourab e James Edward Small, 
of the city of Toronto, widower, and Sophia 
LeLievre. of the same place, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Grasott, Asst. Minister. 

Creech to Taylor. Toronto, 15th SepU ! 
1846. This day were married by license, i 
Richard Creech, of the township of Eto- : 
bicoke, bachelor, and Jane Taylor, of the 
city of Toronto spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett. Aest. Minister. 

Smith to Mohun. Toronto 16th Sept.. 
1846. This day were married by license, 
Charles Smith, of the townehip of Toronto, j 
bachelor, and Jane Mohun, of the f-ame 
township, npinster, by me, Henry S. adding-, 
TVf.A., Off. Minister. 

Turner to Orchard. Toronto, 17th Sept. 
1846. This day were married after duo pub- : 
lication of Banns, Thomas Turner, bach- ! 
elor, and Marv Anno Orchard. spinster, ; 
both of the township of York, by me, H. J. ! 
Grasett. Asst. Minister. 

Bennett to,.t. Toronto ,17th Sept., 
1846. This day were married by license, i 
Edward Bennett, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Mary Hewitt, of the same 
place, spinster, bv me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. j 

Trevjii i to Peard. Toronto ,17th Sept., 
1846. This day were married by license, 
John Trevaill, of the city of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Catharine Peard, of the said city, I 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min- j 

Irvin to McClure. Toronto, 21st Sept., 
1846. This day were married by license, 
James Irvin, of the township of York, bach 
elor, and Margaret McClure, of the same i 
township of York, spinster, by mo, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Sturgeon to Watts. Toronto 21st Sept., 
1846. This day were married by license, 
John Sturgeon, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Mary Watts, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, II. J. Grasutc, Asst. , 

Erwin to Hannah. Toronto, 23ru Sept., j 
1846. This rjay were married by license, | 
Thomas Erwin, of the township of Albion, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Hannah, of the city 
of Toronto, spinster, by mo, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Mullen to Maxwell. Toronto, 23rd Sep 
tember, 1846. This day were married by ! 
license, John Mullen, of the township o f ! 
York, bachelor, and Margaret Maxwell, of i 
the city of TcPonto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett. Asst. Minister. 

Farquhar to Ward. Toronto, 28th Sept., 
1846. This day were married by licence, 
Alexander Farquhar, of the citv of To 
ronto, widower, an^t Mary Anne" Ward, of 
the same place, widow, by me, H. J. Gratett. 

Metcalfe to Hug ll. Toronto. 28th Sept., 
^- This day were married by license 
W iliiam Metcalfe, of the township of Mc- 
T*U!lvrv, in the Huron di tri. t, bachelor 
and Anne Hugill. of the township of York 
in the Home district, spinster, by me, H. J. 
; Grasott, Asst. Minister. 

! Pallister to Kirkpatrick. Toronto 29th. 
Sept., 1846. This day were married by li 
cence, David Pal:ir,ter, of the township of 
Uobicoke. bachelor, and Elizabeth Kirk 
patrick of the same place, widow by me 
H. J. Gra?ett. Aust. Minister. 
Van Nostrand to Lockwood. Toronto, 
9th Sept.. 1846. This day were married by 
license Cornoiiug Van Nostrand, of the 
town h p of York, widower, ana Mary Lock- 
woo:! of the city of Toronto, widow, by 
, me. H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

iQ^ ick rn^ to Bere Toronto, lnt October, 
1S46. rins ,lay were married by license, 
Jjreorge V\ ickers, of the township of Toron 
to, bachelor, and Mary Bere, of the town 
ship of Toronto in the Gore, spinster bv 
me, H. J. Gra-ett, Anst. Minister. 

io Reynolls to A:lcn - Toronto, October 2nd 
1846. Ihis day wore married by ,icense, 
George Reynolds, of Buffalo, int the Unit 
ed States, bachelor, and El zabet i Fulcher 
Allen^ of the citv of Toronto, pineter, by 
me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

iJMfi^V*- efcch - Toronto, 3rd October, 
1846. This day were married by lioenpe 
Robert Read, of the city of Toronto, bach 
elor and Matilda Petch, of the said city 
spinfter, by mo H. J. Grasett, ,Asst. Min- 

IS 1 61*. 

io G / ee L to Mur Pliy- Toronto, 5th October, 
if/. ,": Thi | day were married by license! 
V\ilham John Greer, of the township of 
Alb on, bachelor, and Mary Anne Murphy, 

b > me H - J - 

10 H l ls to Thompson. Toronto, 7th Oct., 
T846. This dav were married bv license, 
Thompson Hillis, of the Township of Darl 
ington, in the district of Newcastle, bach 
elor and Elizabeth Thompson, of the same 
place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Macdonakl to Chris topherson. Toronto, 
13th Oct., 1846. This day were married by 
ucense, John Macdonald, of the citv of 
Toronto, bachelor, and Eliza Christopher- 
son, of the township of York, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Giasett, Asst. Minister. 

Tipp to Perkins. Toronto, 14th October, 
146, This day wore married by license, 
Daniel Tipp, of the township of Markham, 
bachelor and Sarah Perkins, of the said 
township, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

Binghair. to Presher. Toronto, 15th Oct., 
1346. This day were married bj license, 
James Binghain, of the township of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Jane Prosher, of the 
city of Toronto, sr>i i=ter, bv me, W. H. 
Riptey, B.A., Off. Minister. 

DoanAge to Young. Toronto, 17lh Oct., 
1846. This day were married by license, 
John Henry Summerfield Dolmg-o, of the 
city cf Toronto, bachelor, and Julia Eliza 
beth Young, of the said city, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Orcig-hton to Lennox. Toronto, 19th Oct., 
1346. This dav were married by license, 
W r illiam Creighton, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Eleanor Lennox, of tho 



same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 

eeesllv. Toronto. 20th October, 
1846 This day were married by license, 
Edmund Deedes, Esq., of th township 
Oxford West, in the district of liro, k. bach 
elor. and Anne Kelly, of the city of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, John Toronto. 

Bowman to Walker. Toronto, 21st. Oct.. 
1846 This day were married by license, 
Mark Bowman, of the township of York. 
.bachelor, and Margaret Walker, of the c;ty 
of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasetl 
As t. Minister _ , _.. 

Gri30n to McCormick. Toronto, < ct. 21, 
1846 This day were married by license, 
Wlliam Crosson of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Sarah McCormick, of TT th T e 
township of Vaughan, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett. Asst. .Minister. 

Reddon to McKenz : .e. Toronto, 23rd Oc 
tober, 1846. This day were married by jl- 
cen^e Georgo Reldon, of the towneh p of 
King, bache.or, and Eleanor McKenzie, of 
the ;=ame township, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
AsBt. Minister. 

Wallace to Anderson. Toronto zotn 
toerb, 1846. This day were married by h- | 
cense W l lain Wallace, of the city 01 lo- 
ronto, bachelor, and Jano Anderson of t: e 
same place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Atst. Minister. 

Heath to Boulton. Toronto. 27th O tob- 
er 1846. This day were married by li 
cense, Charles Wallace Heath, Esq., of the 
city of Toronto, bachelor, and Sarah Anne 
Boulton, of the said city, spinster, by me 
John Toronto. 

MacLennan to Foster. Toronto, 28th Oc 
tober, 1846. This day were married by li 
cence, Roderick MacLennan, of the town 
ship of Whitchurch, bachelor, and Eliza 
Foiter, of the same place spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

McKibben to Scarlett. Toronto, 29th Oc 
tober, 1846. Thus i!ay were married by ii- 
ccnse. Joseph McKibben, of the town 
ship of York, bachelor, and Martha Scar 
lett, of the city of Toronto, spinster, by 
me. H. J. Gra=ott, Asst. Minister. 

Nunn to Moody. Toronto. 2nd Novem 
ber. 1846. This day were married by li 
cence, Jonathan Nunn, of the townth.p of 
Albion, bachelor, and Harriet Moody, of the 
city of Toronto, s-pinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Beamish to Parker. Toronto, 7th Novem 
ber, 1846. This day were married by li 
cense, Francis Eeamish, the younger, of the 
city of Toronto, bachelor, and Mary Anne 
Parker, of the same place, spinster, by me. 
H. J. Grasett. Asst. Minister. 

Scott to Thompson. Toronto, 7th Nov 
ember, 1846. This day were married by li 
cense. William Scott, of the city of Toron 
to. bachelor, and Mary Thompson, of the 
same r>lrir^ Frvnster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Ant. Minister. 

Kentut- 10 Henley. Toronto, 10th Nov 
ember, 1846. This dny were imirrie by ! - 
cen?e, James Ronnie, of the township of 
York, bachelor, and Marv Honey, ot r e 
city of Toronto, spinster, by mo, H. J. Gra 
sett. As?t. Minister. 

Love to Doupe. Toronto, llth Novem 
ber, 1816. This day were married after due 
publicaM i" of Banns .AKxanr er Lo e p i- 
vato in TTor Majesty s 81st Regt. of r.- ot 
bachelor. :sd Mary Anne Doupo, of the 

city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Hunter to Barton. Toronto, 14th Nov 
ember, 1846. This day were married by 
cense/Robert Hunter, M.D., of the town 
ship of Markham, bachelor, and Sarah Ear- 
ton of the city of Toronto, spinster, by me. 
H. J. Grasott, Aest. Minister. 

VanKonghnet to Turner. Townsh.p/f 
York Nov., 1856. This day were married 
by Hcen-e, Philip Michael Matthew Scott, Esq., of the city Of 
ronto, bachelor, and El za Marv Turner, 
of the township of York, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Montgomery to Smerf t. Toronto 
Nov., 1846. This day were married by li 
cense Joseph Montgomery, or IOIKV 1.--, 
bachelor, and Mary Smerfit, of the same 
p aoo p nster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Holmes to Reynolds. Toronto, 19th Nov 
ember, 3846. This day were mnrriel after 
due publication of Banns. Beniamm Pol 
lard Ho mes. widower, and Cecilii Jne Rey 
nolds, spinster, both of the city of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, Aest. Minister. 

Younghusband to Jones. Toronto, 23rd. 
Nov. 1846. This day were married by li 
cense, Charles Wr : ght Younghusband, Roy 
al Artillery, bachelor, and Mary Elizabetl 
Jones, of Toronto, spinster, by me, John 
McCaul, LL.D., King s College. 

Timbua to Gusterson. Toronto, Nov. <i6, 
1846. This day were married after duo pub 
lication of Banns, Joseph Timbus, widower, 
and Mary Anne Gusterson, widow, both of 
this city, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min 

O-sbourno to Sannders. Toronto. 24th 
Nov., 1846. This day were married by li 
cence Thomas Osbourne, of the township 
of Vaughan, bachelor, and Mary Anne Saun- 
ders of the township of York, spinster, by 
mo H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Slack to Moore. Toronto 24th. Nov., 
1846. This day were married by license, 
Georgo Slack, of the township of Markham, 
bachelor, and Bl zabeth Moore, of the town 
ship of Pickerintr. spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Dickin-on to Trirge. Toronto, 25th Nov., 
1846. This day were married by licence 
Mo B Kent D : ctJr.son of Prescott. In the ( r- 
tr ct of John-town, bachelor, and Elizabeth 
Mary "Trigge. of the city of Toronto, spin 
ster bv me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Craven to Reid. Toronto 28th Nov., 
1846. This day were married by licenre, 
! James Craven, of the townfih p of Toron- 
I to, in the Gore, bachelor, and Barbara Reid, 
j of the fame townh : p widow, by me, H. J. 
i Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Long to Farley. Toronto. 28th Nov., 
1 1846. This day were married by license, 
i William Long, of the city of Toronto, bach- 
elor and Mary Farley, of the same place. 
, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, Afst. Minister. 
Sproat to Moran. Toronto, 30th Nov.. 
1846. This day were married by license, 
Robert Sproat of the city of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Mary Anne Mornn, of the same 
p ace, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

Drake to McGeary. Toronto, 30th Nov., 
1846. This day were married by license, 
Patrick John Drake, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Catharine McGeary, of the 
somo place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
Af-st. Minister. 


Warm to Moffatt. Toronto, 1st Decem- cen-e, William Smith, of the township of 

bpr 1486 This (lav were married by li- E.^quesing. in the district of Gore, bach- 

cen ^e John Wann," of the city of Toron- elor, and Sarah Pexton, of the township of 

bachelor, and Mary Jane Moffatt, of Markham. in the Home district, spinster. 

the same place spinster, by me, H. J. bv me, II. J. Grasett, Aest. Minister. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. ! Roger* to Elliott. Toronto, ISth January, 

Cuttell to Butt. Toronto, 3rd December, 1847. This day were married after due pub- 
1846 This day were married after due pub- lication of Banns. John Rogers, bachelor 
lication Banns, John Cuttell, bachelor, ani an i Sarah Elliott, spinster, both of this 
Mary Anne Rebecca Butt, spinster, both city, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister, 
of this city, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Macldn ler to Has .am. Toronto. 19th Jan- 
Minister, uary 1847. This day were married after due 

Armstrong to Lattiiner. Toronto, _ 11th publication of Banns, Joseph Mackin-Ier, 

December. 1846. This day were marrie by Bachelor and Mary Anne Haslum ,p n- 

license, John Armstrong-, ot the cit ot gter both of thig cit by me H j Grasett, 

Toronto, widower, and Susannah Lattijner, Ai . et Minister. 

of the same place spinster, by me, H. J. NpJ Qn to Bmin> ,_ Toronto ]9 th Jnn-ary. 

Gra , s , et1 >n< - n 11Hl Dpppm- I 84 ?- This day were married by license, 

hpf T846 S dlV ^ere maJJted by U- Thl - ma * NolB0 "- of the towmb/p of west 

ber, 1846. ; This day were marriea DJ I G wil!iinbury, bachelor, and Thirza Billincr. 

cense, William Allen, ot the townsnip , ,, .,.~,ii,t, n f r^ino- n\n<tt^r hv n 7> 

Mono bachelor, and Mary Jane Bennett, g j 16 GlaS ettA^t Minister 

of the same place, spinster, bv me, H. J. 

Grasettt, Asst. Minister. Lambert to Mc\\ hirter. Toronto. 19th 

Armstrong to S. inenton. Toronto 16th January, 1847. This day were married !>; 

Dec 1846 This day were married by li- licence, Thomas Lambert, of the township 

cense William Armstrong, of the township of Scarborough, bachelor, an 1 Mary Jan- 

of Toronto bachelor, :m i Marsaret Simon- McYVhlrter, of the same place rpinster. 1 ; 

ton. of the same place spinster, by me, me, H. J. Grasett, Aest. Minister. 
H. J. Grasett, Arst. M ; nister. j Jones to Hay wood. Toronto 2ist Jan .v- 

Buchanan to Read. Toronto, 16th Dec., ary, 1847. This day were married by i- 

1846. This day were married by license, cense, Henry Jones, of the city oi Toron- 

John Buchanan of the city of Toronto, to. bachelor, and Anne Maria Elizabeth Hav- 

bachelor, and Sarah Read, of the tame voort, of the same place, spinster, by r,.& 

place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. H. J. Grasett, Aest. Minister. 

Minister. Winder to Sewell. Toronto, 21st Jan., 

Parramore to Gould. Toronto, 23rd Dec.. 1847 Thig dav wore married aftor due plll ,_ 

1846. This day were married by license, ii catio , n of B anns> Samuel Winder. wM- 

William Parramore. of the city of Toronto, ower _ and Marla s e well, spinster, both ft 

widower, and Martha Gould of the same this city by m(3f H j_ Grasett, Assistant 

place widow, by me, II. J. Grasett, Aest. Minister. 

Minister. Parker to Hector. Toronto. 27th Jan., 

Blashford to White. Toronto, 24th Dec.. 18 j 7 . Th i s dar wero married bv license 

1846. This day were married by licence, Henry Parker, Esq., of Oookevilte, bachr- 

Richara Blashford, of the city of Toronto, lorj and Maria Jan Hector, of the city of 

bachelor, and Anne White of the fame Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 

place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. Asst. Asst. Minister. 

Minister. Parker to Hector. Toronto, 27th Jan., 

Turner to Rose. Toronto, Dec. 26th Dec,, isf?. This day were married by license, 

1846. This day were married by ieense, Melville Parker, Esq., Oooksville, bache- 

Robert John Tnrner, of the city of Toronto, i or an j j eg3 i e Hector, of the city of To- 

widower, and ]Vora Dorothea Rose, of the ron to, spinster, by me, II. J. Grasett, Asst. 

same place widow, by me, O. Ruttan. Off. Minister. 

^nlT to %homp, g o e n! Toronto, 28th Dec.. Henry and Melville Parker were. 

1846. This day were married by licence, brothers and married signers. A tablet 
William Jones, of the citv of Toronto, has been erected in the present St. 
bachelor, and Lucinda Thompson of the j ames church to the memory of the 
same place, spinster, by me. H. J. Grasett, , r 

Afst. Minister. lormer. 

Brooke to Sampson. Toronto, llth Jami- Black to Wallis. Toronto, 27th January, 

arv 18"7. This ilny were marr pd afte*- - no 1847. This day were married by licenso, 

pubMcatlon of Banns, Richard Brooke, bach- Wi liam Black bachelor, and Margaret Wa - 

elor and Caroline Sump on, spinster, b. th lis. spinster, both of this city, by me, H. J. 

of the town^h : > of York, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Grasett, Asst. Minister. McCuughy to Beilby. Toronto, 28th Jan., 

Baker to B:irlo\v. Toronto. 14th January, 1847. This day were married by licerse, 

1847. This dav were married by lir-eme James McCaughy, of the township of Chin- 
Edward Baker* of tbo M vnsb-n i^ T" -^^- guacousy, bachelor, and Elizabeth Beilby, 
to, widower, and Jtine EUen Barlow, of the of the said township, spinster, by me, H. J. 
same township, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra- Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

sett Asst. Minister. Dunn to Kay. Toronto, 28th January. 

Walton to Morley. Toronto, 14th Janu- 1847. This day wore married by license, 

ary, 1847. This clay were married by li- John Dunn, of the township of Etobicoke, 

cense John Wa ton, of Yorkville. bachelor, bachelor, and Bridget Kay, of the samo 

and Harriett Morley of the same place, place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. 

spinster, bv me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min- Minister, 

later. Walsh to Marshall. Toronto, 29th Jan.. 

Smith to Pexton. Toronto, 18th Jan i- 1847. This day were married by license, 

ary, 1847. This day were married by ii- Patrick Walsh, of the township of ^ orfc. 



bachelor, and Mary Jane Marshall, of the 
said township, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

McKibbin to P^ce. Toronto, 10th Feb., 
1847. This day were married by license, 
William McKibbin, of the township of Mul- 
mur, i:i the district of Simcoe, bachelor, and 
Eliza Price, of the city of Toronto, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Stark to Pettifore. Toronto, 13th Feb., 
1847. This day were married by license, 
William Stark," of the city ,pf Toronto, 
bachelor, and O-itherine Pettifore, ^of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Asst. Minister. 

McLaughlin to Huston. Toronto, Fob- 16, 
1847. This day were married by license, 
James McLaughlin, of the townslr^ of 
Vaughan., bachelor, and Elizabeth Huston, 
of the said township spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. Asst. Minister. 

Murray to Oassiday. Toronto, 19th Feb., 
1847. This day were married by, 
John Murray, "of the township of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Eliza Cassiday, of the town- 
ghip of York, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Homewood to Thompson. Toronto, Feb. 25, 
1817. This day were married by license, 
Wa ter Homewood, of Hamilton, in the Gore 
district, bachelor, and Mary Ann Thomp 
son, of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

May to Carcfoot. Toronto, 1st March, 
1847." This day were married by license, 
John May, of" the township of Albion, 
bachelor, and Sarah Oarefoot, of the s imo 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asjt. 

Armstrong to Fras3r. Toronto, 4th March, 
1847. This day were married by !i -e s^. 
John Armstrong, of the township of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Anne Fmser, of tho 
same township, spinster, by me. H. J. 
Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Kay to Dixon. Toronto, 5th March, 
1847. This day were married by license, 
John Kay, of the city of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Mary Dixon, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J". Grasett, Asst. Minister. 

Black to McClinchey. Toronto, March 10, 
1847. This day were married by lice"se, 
George Black, of the townsMp of Pickering, 
widower, and Susannah McCdnchey, of the 
ame towns .iip, spinster, by me, Adam 
Townley, Incumbent, Port Maitland. 

The officiating minister here was for 
many years rector of Paris, Ont. He 
died in 1887. 

Price to Sharp. Toronto, 15th March, 
1847. This day were married by license, 
Frederick Price, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor and Margaret Sharp, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, M.A., 
Rector of St. James. 

This is the first marriage signed by 
Rev. H. J. Grasett as rector of St. 
James . 

Andrews to Roe. Toronto, 23rd March, 
1847. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, William Andrews, biche- 
lor, and E izab. th Roe, spinster, both of 
this city, by me, II. J. Grasett, M. A., 
Rector of St. James. 

Pulford to Pettiman. Toronto, March 2.5, 
1847. This day were married by license, 
William Pulford, of the townsMp of York, 
bachelor, and Sarah Pettiman, of the same 

township, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Rector of St. James. 

Devins to Wilson. Toronto, 29th March, 
1847. This day were married by license, 
John Devins, "of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Joanna Willson, of the town 
ship of Vaughan, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. James, 

Addison to Gowland. Toronto, March 31, 
1847. This day were married by lif. 
James Addison, of the township of Vaughan, 
bachelor, and Sarah Gowland, of the town- 
slip of Etobicoke, spinster, b,y me, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. Ja-nes, 

Jacques to McXale. Toronto, 6th Ap i , 
1847. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Alexander Jacques, wi 1- 
ower, ajid Louisa Caroline MoXale, spin 
ster, both of this city, by me, H. J. Grasott, 
Rector of St. James. 

Devine to O Reilly. Toronto, 12th April, 
1847. This day were married by license, 
Cornelius Devine, of the townhsip of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Ellen O Reilly, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Rector of St. James. 

Gibney to Flack. Toronto, 13th April, 
1847. This (lav were married by license, 
Johnston Gibney, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, arul Sarah Flack, of the said city, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector of 
St. James. 

Sherwood to Sharpe. Toronto, 17th April, 
1847. This day were married by liut- :> 
John Sherwood, of tho city of Toro:-;o, 
bachelor, and Ellen Sharpe, of the s.i"ie 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Rector of St. James. 

Coate to Winn. Toronto, 20th Apri, 
1847. This day were married by license, 
Frederick William Ooate, of the city of 
Toronto, bachelor, and Anue Maria Winn, 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. James, 

Hastings to Spurgeon. Toronto. April S3. 
1847. This day were married by license, 
Edward Hasting*, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and E iza Spurgeon, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Rector of St. James. 

Mason to Stutt. Toronto, 26th April, 
1847. This day were married by lice s , 
John Mason, of the township of Scarbor- 
borough, bachelor, and Eliza Stutt, of the 
township of York, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. James, 

Ford to Harvey. Toronto, 2l9th April, 
1847. This day were married by license, 
Davil R. Ogden Ford, of BrockvlLe, bac - 
lor, a,nd Jane H-irvey, of Toronto, spinster, 
by me, John McL aul, LL.D., King s 

Abraham to Cowans. Toronto, 3rd May, 
1,847. This day were married by lice 
Wi.liam Abraham, the younger, of the 
township of Scarborough, bachelor, and 
Elizabath Cowans, of the city of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, M. A., 
Rector of St. James. 

Walmsley to Walmsley. Toronto, May 3, 
1847. This day were married by license. 
Joseph Walmsley, of the townsnip of York, 
widower, and Isabella Walmsley, of the same 
place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Rector of St. James. 

Hutton to C.iff. Toronto. 4th May, 
1847. This day were married br license, 
Charles Henry Bobbott Hutton. of the ir.y 
of Toronto, bachelor, and O-iroline Clil f, o.f 



the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Hector of St. James, 

Felstead to Kingston. Toronto, 6th May, 
1847. This day were married by license, 
George FBlstead, of the township of York, 
ftachelor, and Anne Kingston, ol the city 
of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Hector of St. James. 

Street tr> Henderson. Toronto, May 12th, 
1847. This day were married by license, 
Warren Porter Street, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Sarah Henderson, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, C. Rut- 
tan, Minister St. George s. 

King to Julian. Toronto, 12th May, 
1847. This day were married by license, 
Doode-s King, of the city of Toronto, wid 
ower, and Mary Julian, of the same place, 
widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, Asst. Min 

Pattison to Pratt. Toronto, 14th Mav, 
1847. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Pattieon, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Anne Pratt, of the said city, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector of 
St. James. 

S.tewart to Dougherty. Toronto. 14th i 
May, 1847. This day were married by li 
cense, Charles Stewart, of the township of 
North East Hope, in the district of Huron 
widower, and Bridget Dougherty, of the 
township of Scarborough, in the Home dis 
trict, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. Rec 
tor of St. James. 

Haines to Garrick. Toronto, 14th May, 
1847. This day were married by licence, 
Ebenezer Haines, of the township of Chin- 
guacousy, bachelor, and Catherine Car- 
rick, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Henry to Sinclair. Toronto, 14th May, 
1847. This day were married by license, 
"William Henry, of the township of Chin- 
guacou^y, bachelor, and Margaret Sinclair, 
of the same place, widow, by me, H. J. 
Gra?ett, Rector of St. James. 

Henry to Young. Toronto, 15th May, 
1847. This day were married by license, 
William Henry, Sergeant Royal "Artillery, 
now stationed nt the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Jane Young, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Off. 
CbaplaVn to the Troops. 

Proctor to Kollmyer. Toronto, 17th May, 
1847. This d:iy were married by license, 
Charles Dag-go tt Proctor, of the city of 
Montreal bachelor, and Maria Amelia. Koll- 
rnyer, of the city of Toronto, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James . 

Ashtield to Stewart. Toronto, 27th May, 
1847. This flay were married by license, 
William Ashi ield, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Margaret Stewart, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Rector of St. James . 

Martin to Patterson. Toronto, 28th May, 
1847. This day were married by license, 
Robert Martin, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Margaret Patterson, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Rector of St. James . 

Brown to Rutherford. Toronto, 29th Mny, 
1847. This day were married by license, | 
Edward Brown, of the city of Kingston, 
bachelor, and Maria Louisa Rutherford, of 
the city of, spinster, by me, H. 
J. Grasett, Rector of St. James . 

Morrison to Neelands. Toronto, 7th June, ! 
1847. This day were married by license, ] 
Ja-raes Morrison, of the township of To- 

ronto, bachelor, and Eliza Jane Neelands, 
of the township of Chingu,aconsy, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James . 

Bolton to Parker. Toronto, 7th June, 
1847. This day were married by license, 
William BoJton, ol the township of Albion, 
bachelor, and Amelia Ruth Parker, of the 
samo place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Rector of St. Jamos. 

Sharp to Smith. Toronto, 9th June, 
1847. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, George Sharp, bachelor, 
and Margaret Smith, spinster, both of this 
city, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. 

Oaldbeck to Boyd. Toronto, 12th Juno, 
1847. This day wore married by license, 
James Caldbcck, oi the township of York, 
bachelor, and Sarah Boyd, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector, 
of St. James. 

Watson to Wilson. Toronto, 17th June, 
1847. This day were married by license, 
John Watson, of the township of Albion, 
bachelor, and Tane Wilson, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Rector of St. James. 

Hyde to Flaunlgan. Toronto, 17th June, 
1847\ This day were married by license, 
Michael Hyde, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Margaret Flannigan, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Rector of St. James. 

Kerrigan to Godfrey. Toronto, 24th June, 
1847. This day were married by license, 
William Kerrigan, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Godfrey, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Rector of St. James. 

Hughes to Carley. Toronto, 24th June, 
1847. This day were married by license, 
Stewart Hughes, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Marv Anne Carley, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
Rector of St. James. 

Adams to Wiggana. Toronto, 24th June, 
1847. This day were married by licence, 
John Adams, of the city of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Sarah Wiggans, of the name 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rec 
tor of St. Jame.s. 

Robinson to Hagerman. Toronto, 30th 
Juno, 1847. This day were married by li 
cense, John Bever ey Robinson, the young 
er, Esq., of the city of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Mary Jane Hagerman, of the said city, 
spinster, by me, John Toronto. 

The bridegroom was the second son 
of the Chief Justice. He was for many 
years in the Provincial Parliament, 
also Mayor of Toronto in 1855. After 
confederation he was Lieutenant-Gov 
ernor of Ontario, 188C-92. He died in 
June, 189C, very suddenly. Mrs. Robin 
son predeceased her husband about five 

Hollywell to Cord. Toronto, 1st July, 
1847. This day were married by license, 
Samuel Hollywell, of Weston, bachelor, and 
Mary Anne Cord, of the same place, spin- 
.ster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Hector of St. 

Hunter to Trueman. Toronto, 13th July, 
1847. This day were married by licence, 
Joseph Hunter, of the township of York, 
bacehlor, and Isabella Trueman, of the c tv 
of Toronto .--pinetor, by me H. J. Orasott. 
Rector of St. James. 



Castel to Fallon. Toronto, 14th July, 
1847. This day were married by licenpe, 
Robert Castello, of the city of Toronto, 
bacehlor, anil Margaret Fallon, of the same 
place, fp nster. by me, H. J. Grasett, Rec 
tor of St. James. 

Leitch to .Bryant. Toronto, 15th July, 
1847. This day were married by license, 
Of,orgo Leitch, of the Village of Dundas, 
in the district of Gore, bachelor, and Susan 
Bryant, of the township of York, in the 
Home District, spinster, by me, H- J. Gra 
sett, Rector of St. Jamos. 

Btewardfon to Dixon. Toronto, 19th July, 
1847. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, William Stewardson, 
widower, and Elizabeth Dixon, spinster, 
both of the township of Etobicoke, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Richardson to Ford. Toronto, 20th July, 
1847. This day were married by license, 
William Richardson, of the township of To 
ronto, in the Gore, bachelor, and Mary 
Ford, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Reet-.r of St. James. 

Rowland to Park. Toronto. 28th July, 
1847. This nay were married by license, 
John Rowland, of the township of West 
Gwillimbury, bachelor, and Catharine Park, 
of the city of Toronto, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Smith to Robarts. Toronto, 28th July, 
1847. This day Here married by license, 
Edward Smith, of Thornhill, bachelor, and 
Frances Rooarts, of the same place, spinster, 
"by me, II. J, Gra36tt, Rector of St. James. 

Macartney to Long. Toronto, 29th July, 
1847. This day were married by license, 
Robert Benton Macartney, of the city of 
Toronto, bachelor, and Hannah Long-*, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Rector of St. James. 

Phillips to Gardiner. Toronto, 2nd Au 
gust, 1847. This day were married, after 
diie publication of Banns, William Phillips, 
bachelor, and Sarah Gardiner, spinster, 
both of this city, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Rector of St. James . 

Hopkins to McHaie. Toronto, 2nd Au 
gust, 1847. This day wore married by li 
cense, Charlas Patterson Hopkins, of the 
city of Toronto, bachelor, and Eliza Laura 
McHaie, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James . 

Arnott to Rjchardson. Toronto, 3rd Au 
gust, 1847. This day were married by li 
cense, James Arnott, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Anne Richardson, of j 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. James . 

Hole to Flay. Toronto, 4th August, 
1847. This dt<y were married by license, 
Joseph Hansford Hole, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Eliza Flay, of the said 
city, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rec 
tor of St. James*. 

Joslin to Roney. Toronto, 5th August, 
1847. This day were married by license, 
Daniel Joslin, of the city of Toronto, 
widower, and Frances R.oney, of the same 
place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector 
of St. James . 

Oarkerk to Elliott. Toronto, 7th Au 
gust, 1847. This cli y were married by li 
cense, John Oarkeek, of the city of To 
ronto, widower, and Eliza Elliott, of the 
samo place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Rector of St. Jamas . 

Jefferson to Ohoorette. Toronto, Aug. 10, 
1847. This Jay were married by license, 

! Robert Jefferson, of the city of Toronto, 
j bachelor, and Caroline Ohoorette, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Rector of St. James. 

Bird to Tureff. Toronto, llth August, 
> 1847. This day were married by .ic me, 
Joseph Bird, of "the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Mary Tureff, of the 9 id city, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector od 
St. James. 

Livingston to Williamson. Toronto, 12th 
Aug., 1847. This day were married by li 
cense, Henry Livingston, of the townshir, 
of York, bachelor, and Elizabeth William 
son, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Shaw to Brunskill. Toronto, 14th Aug., 
1847. This day were married by license, 
Lancelot Shaw, of the township" of Chin- 
guacousy, widower, and Mary Brunskill, of 
the township of Etobicoke, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. James, 

Conron to Gowan. Toronto, 16th Aug., 
1847. Thia daj were married by license, 
James Conron, bachelor, of Springmount, 
in the township of York, and Ellen Gowan, 
of the city of Toronto, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Moore to Eppeson. Toronto, 16th Aug., 
1847. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Samuel Moore, bachelor, 
and Bridget Eppeson, widow, both of this 
city, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector of 
St. James. 

Lindsay to Madill. Toronto, 18th Aug., 
1847. This day were marri.M.I by icerne, 
David Lindsay, of the city of" Toronto, 
bachelor, and Esther Jane Madill, of ths 
same place, spinster, by me, C. Rut tun, 
min- ster, St. George s. 

Hilex to Dool. Toronto, 18th August, 
7847. This day we e married by, 
John Hilex, of the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Jane Dool, of the samo place, spin 
ster, by me, C. Ruttan, Minister, St. 
George s. 

Griffith to Gatchell. Toronto, Aug. 19th, 
1847. This day were married by .iconse, 
Arthur Griffith, of the township of 
Vaughan, bnchelor, and Susannah Gate-hell, 
of tne township of King, spinster, by me, 
C. Ruttan, MIn ster, St. George s. 

Arbron to Cane. Toronto, 19th August, 
1847. This day were married by license, 
William Arbron, of the city of Hamilton, 
bachelor, and Jane Oano, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, C. Ruttan, Minister, St. 
George s. 

Mc.vluilen to Atkinson. Toronto, Aug. 21, 
1847. This day were married by license, 
"William McMuIIen, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and E tzu Atkinson, of the samo 
place, spinster, by me, O. Ructan, Minister, 
St. George s. 

Stevens to Lambert. Toronto, 31st Aug., 
1847. This day were married by license, 
George Stevens, of Queenston, widower, 
and Anne Lambert, of the snm^ p!;M:e, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector of 
St. James. 

Parkii-.aon to Trimble. Toronto. Sept. f-, 
1847. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, -Toseph Parkinson, bache 
lor, ami Elizabeth Trimble, widow, both of 
the V\vnship of Etnbicoke, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. James, 

Melvin to Campbell. Toronto, 3rd Sept., 
1847. This dav were married by license, 
John Melvin. of the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Rebecca Campbell, of the same 



place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Rector of St. James. 

Gray to Hull. Toronto, 18th September. 
1847. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, James Gray, bachelor, 
and Sarah Anne Hull, spinster, both of 
the township of York, by me, George Bourn, 
Asst. Minister of St. James. 

Whiteiev to Hewitt. Toronto, 13th Sept., 
1847. This day were married by license, 
John Whiteiev, of the township of Etobi- 
coke, bachelor, and Ruth Hewitt, of the 
city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. James, 

Phiilpotts to Davidson. Toronto, Sept. 14, 
1847. This day were married by license, 
George Alexander Phiilpotts, Esq., of the 
city of Toronto, bachelor, and Mary David 
son, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Poppfewcll to Doughtle. Toronto Sept. 14, 
1847. This day were married by license, 
Henry Popp ewell, of the city of Toronto, 
widower, aad Hannah Do ghlij, of the same 
place, widow, by me, H. <j. Graaett, Rector 
of St. James. 

Jeremyii to Tlilson. Toronto, 19th Sept., 
1847. This day were married by license, 
William Jeremyn, of the township oi Eto- 
bicoke, bachelor, and Martha Ti Ison, of the 
city of Toroato, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. James, 

Horlden to Morrison. Toronto, 20th Sept., 
1847. This day wore married by license, 
George Horlden, oi the township of York, 
bachelor, and Sarah Morrison, of the city 
of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Rctor of St. James. 

Adams to Bennett. Toronto, 22nd Sept., 
1847. This day were married by license, 
Edwin Adams, "of the township of Whitby, 
bachelor, and Sarah Bennett, of the said 
township, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasott, 
Rector of St. James. 

Moore to Long. Toronto. 25th Sept., 
1847. This dav were married by license, 
Thomas Moore," of the township of Picker 
ing, bachelor, and Sarah Long, of said 
township, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 
Rector of St. James. 

Oaytey to Boulton. Toronto, 5th October, 
1847. This day were married by license, 
John Oayley, Esq., of the city of To 
ronto, widower, and Clara Louisa Boulton, 
of the sariie piace, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. James, 

Masoii to Bradford. Toronto, 5th Oct., 
1847. Tins day were married by license, 
James Mason, Ot the city of "Toronto, 
bachelor, and Catherine Bradford, of the 
township of York, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. James, 

Little to Barbar. Toronto, llth Oct., 
1847. This day were married by IHOI se, 
Robert Little, Bachelor, of the township 
uf Chinguacousv, and Jane Barber, of the 
\it.v of Toronto, spinster, step-daughter of 
Robert Hamilton, of the same place, by me, 
i;oorg3 Bourn, Asst. Min. of St. James. 

Carbert to Harris. Toronto, Oct. 21st, 
1847. This day wore married after due pub 
lication of Barms, Emanuel Oarbert, bache 
lor, of the township of Toronto, and Mary 
Harris, -spinster, -f the same place, by me, 
George Bourn.. Asst. Minister. 

Burdett to Henderson. Toronto, Oct. 21, 
1847. This clay were married by license, 
Joseph Burdett. of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Hirjiett Henderson, of the 

same place, spinster, daughter of John Hen 
derson, late of the said city, by me, George 
Bourn, Asst. Minister. 

Thompson to Farrell. Toronto, 22nd Oct., 
1847. This dav were married by license, 
William Thompson, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Eliza Farrell, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, George Bourn, Asst. 

Grosj to Dunkin. Toronto, Oct. 25th, 
1847. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Benjamin Gross, of the 
citv of Toronto, bachelor, and Anne Sop i i 
Dunkin, of the same place, spinster, by 
mo. George Bourn, Asst. Minister. 

Vague to Booth. Toronto, October ith, 
1847. This day were married by lictrso, 
Henry Vague, " of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Eliza Booth, of the same 
p:ace, spinster, daughter of William Booc-h, 
, also of the same place, by me, Geo. Bourn. 

Sloan to Heath. Toronto, Nov. 1st, 
1847. This day were married after due pub- 
lication of Ba nns, Jacob Sloan, of the town 
ship of York, bachelor, and Margaret 
Heath, of the same township, spinster, by 
me Georg3 Bourn, Asst. Minister. 

Sander to Wagstaff. Toronto, Jsov. 2nd, 
1847 This day were married by license, 
Christian Sander, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Caroline Wagstaff, of 
same place, spinster, stepdaughter oi Rob 
ert Road. alsJ o? tho same place, by mo, 
George Bourn, Asst. Minister. 

Flaniiagun to Kane. Toronto, Nov. -Srd, 

1847. This day were married "by license, 

Timothv Flannagan, of the city of Toronto, 

bachelor, and Mary Kane, of ths same place, 

I spinster, by me, George Bourn. 

Smith to Bath. Toronto, November -th, 
1847 This day were married by license, 
Thomai Smith," of Berwick, widower, and 
Anno Bath, of the township of Toronto, 
in tho Gore, sp nster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Huston to Litiie. Toronto, 10th Nov., 
1847 This day were married by license. 
Thomas Huston, of the township of 
Vaughan, bachelor, and Elizabeth Little, 
of the said towns&Ip, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. James, 

Sargent to Wray. Toronto, 10th Nov., 
1817 This day were married by license, 
William Sargent, of the township of To 
ronto in the Gore, bachelor, and Frances 
Wray , of the towns-hip of York, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

"Fisher to Lockwood. Toronto, 10th Nov., 
1847 This dav were married by license, 
Joseph Fiaher. of the city of Toronto, bach 
elor and Anne Lockwood, of the same 
p:ace, sp nster, by me, H. J. Grasett. Rec 
tor of St. James. 

Fawcett to Dodd. Toronto, 15th I\ov., 
1847. This < ay were married by license, 
William Fawce tt, of the township of Scar 
borough, bachelor, and Harriett Dodd, of 
the saki township spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett Rector of S4:. James. 

Dean to Shera. Toronto. 17th Nov., 
1847. This day were married by license, 
James, Dean, of the townsh .p of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Shera, of the same 
place, f-pineter, by me, H. J. Grasett. Rec 
tor of St. James. 

Irvin to Shaw. Toronto, 18th November, 
1347. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Irvin, of the to-nhi"> "f Trafal 
gar, widower, and Catherine Shaw, of the 
city of Toronto . widow, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Rector of St. James. 



Duddcn to Whale. Toronto, 22nd Nov.. 
1847. This day were married by licence, 
Jacob Dudden, of tho township of Trafal 
gar, bachelor, and Kate Mortimer W .u o, 
of the city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. 
J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Parker to Poole. Toronto, 6th December, 
1847. This day were married by licence, 
Samuel Parker, of the city of. Toronto, 
bachelor find Deborah Poole, of the said 
city, spinster, by me, II. J. Grasett. Rec 
tor of St. James. 

Carmicliael to Mathers. Toronto 8th De 
cember, 1847. This day were married by 
license, Robert Carmichael, of the city of 
Toronto, bachelor, and Ab guil Mathers, of 
the fame place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Rector of St. James. 

Johnston to Johnston. Toronto. 9th Dec., 
1847. This day were married by license, 
William Johnston, of the township of Eto- 
bicoke. bachelor, and Anne Johnston, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Rector of St. James. 

Smith to Handlin. Toronto, 10th Dec., 
1847. This day were married by license, 
William Smith . of the city of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Catharine Handlin, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rec 
tor of St. James. 

Bone to Luscombe. Toronto, 10th Dec., 
1847. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Edwin Bone, bachelor, 
ana E iza Anne Luscombe, spinster, both 
of this city, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector. 

Beatty to Mulligan. Toronto, 13th Dec.. 
1847. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns-, Alexander Beatty, wid 
ower, and Letitia Mulligan, widow, both 
of this city, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector. 

Brockwell to Wagstaff. Toronto, Dec. 14, 
1847. This day were married by Jicense, 
George Brockwell, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Louisa Wagstaff, of the t<*wn- 
ship of York, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. James, 

Hawer to Monkman. Toronto, 15th Dec., 
1847. This day were married by license, 
Jacob Hawer, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Slarv Monkman, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Bates to Foster. Toronto, 15th Dec., 
1847. This day were married by license, 
Joseph Bates, of the city of "Toronto, 
widower, and Mary Jane Foster, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Kennedy to Oliver. Toronto, 16th Dec., 
1 847. This day were married by license, 
John Kennedy, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Catherine Oliver, of the same 
widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector. 

Reed to Vatcher. Toronto, 16th Dec., 
L847. This day were married by license, 
Henry Sills Reed, of the township of Chat 
ham, bachelor, and Mary Vatcher, of the 
city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. James, 

Watkin to Askey. Toronto. 23rd Dec., 
1847. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Henry Watkiii, of tho city of To 
ronto, widower, and Mary Anne Askey, of 
tho same place, widow, by mo, H. J. Grasett. 

Foston to Miller. Toronto, 23rd Dec., 
1847. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, James Foston, bachelor, 
and Maiia Miller, spinster, both of tl is city, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Fahy to Ear s. Toronto, 27th Dec., 
1847. This day were married by license, 
Peter Fahy, of the township of Soar- 

i borotigh, widower, and Mary EnrTs, of the 
, city of Toronto, widow of William Earls, 

lato of the said city, deceased, by me, Geo. 

Bourn, Asst. Minister. 
Irwin to Clyde. Toronto, 28th Dec., 

1847. This day were married after due pub- 
I lication of lianns, George Irwin, bachelor, 
I and E izabeth Clyde, spinster, both of this 
i parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector. 

Sparks to Fielder. Toronto, 28th Doc., 
! 1847. This day were married after due pub- 
j lication of Banns, William Sparks, bachelor, 
! and Sophia Fielder, spinster, both of this 
! parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector. 

McKee to Stuart. Toronto, 28th Dec., 
1 1847. This day were married by license, 
John McKee, of the city of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Margaret Stuart, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
Jardine to Farreli. Toronto, 6th Jan., 

1848. This day were married by license, 
Arbuckle Jarc ine, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Farreli, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Matthews to Johnstone. Toronto, Jan. 6, 
1848. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, John Wesley Matthews, 
of tho township of Scarborough, and Caro 
line Johnstone, of the city of Toronto, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector. 

Wright to Miller. Toronto. 6th .fn.mvr;. 
1848. This day were married by license, 
Frlward Wright, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Margaret Miller, of the said 
city, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rec 
tor of St. James. 

McDonald to Rogers. Toronto, 7th Jan., 
1848. This day were married by license, 
William McDonald, of the township of To 
ronto, widowaer, and James Rogers, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Rector of St. James. 

Somerv lie Co Mathers. Toronto. 7th Jan 
uary, 1848. This day were married by li 
cense, Thomas Somervil .e, of the township 
of York, bachelor, and Margaret Mathers, 
of the city of Toronto, spinster, ,by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Jacobs to Avard. Toronto. 13th January, 
1848. This day were married by license, 
Septimus Jacobs, of the township of Pick 
ering, bachelor, and Sarah Avard, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Rector of St. James. 

Taylor to McCabe. Toronto, 18tb Janu 
ary, 1848. This day were married by li 
cense, Wiliiam Taylor, of the city of To 
ronto, bache or. and Catherine McCabe, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra- 
sett. Rector of St. James. 

Higgins to Edwards. Toronto, IPth Janu 
ary, 1848. This day were married by li 
cense, John Higg-ins, of the city of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Belinda Edwards, of 
the fame place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Rector of St. James. 

Kiley to Clements. Toronto, 18th Jan., 
1488. This day were married after duo pub 
lication of Banns, John Kiley, bachelor, and 
Margaret Clements, spinster, both of this 
parish, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector. 

Smith to Ross. Toronto, 18th January, 
. 1848. This day were married by license 
| David Smith, of tho city of Toronto, wid 
ower, and Mary Ross, of tho same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector. 

Glroux to Booth. Toronto, 20th January, 
1848. This day v.ore married by license 
Eugene Giroux, of the city of "Toronto, 
bachelor, and Mary Anue Booth, of the 



same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
Cook to Myers. Toronto, 24th January, 
1848. This day were married by license, 
Henry Cook, of the city of Toronto, wid 
ower, and Priscilla Myers, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rec 
tor of St. James. 

Kerr to Nixon. Toronto, 25th January, 
1848. This day were married by license, 
Atcheson Korr, of the city of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Catharine Nixon, of the same 
place, .-pinster, by me, H. J. Grasett Rec 
tor of St. James. 

Markle to Brayley. Toronto, 26th Janu 
ary, 1848. This day were married by li 
cense, Abraham Markle, the younger, of 
the town.ship of Toronto. bachelor, and 
El zabeth Anne Brayley, of the city of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rec 
tor of St. James. 

Courtney to Varcoe. Toronto, 26th Jan., 
1848. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Courtney, of the township of Te- 
oumseth, bachelor, and Patience Susannah 
Varcoe, of the township of King, spinster- 
by mo, H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 
Crawford to Madole. Toronto, 27th Jan., 
1848. This day were married by license, 
Charles Crawford, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Letitia Madole, of the same 
place, v- pinster, by me, H. J. Grasett Rec 
tor of St. James. 

Colby to McDonald. Toronto, 29th Jan 
uary, 1848. This day were married bv li 
cense, James Colby, of the city of Toron 
to, bachelor, and Margaret McDonald, of 
the same place, spinster, by me H. J. Gra 
sett, Rector of St. James. 

Fraoer to Dill. Toronto, let February, 
1848. This day were married bv license, 
James Frasor. of the city of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Elizabeth Dili, of the same place, 
widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector. 

Welsh to Bell. Toronto, 4th February, 
1848. This day were married by license, 
William Welsh, of the township of Picker 
ing, bachelor, and Jane Bell, of the same 
place, spinster, and daughter of John Bell, 
of the same township, by me, Georg-e Bourn. 
Gray to Rorke. Toronto, 5th Feb.. 1848. 
This day were married by license, Robert 
Gray, of the city of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Mien Rorke, of the same place, spinster, 
by mo. H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James! 
Smith to McCabe. Toronto, 8th Fnb., 
This day were married by license 
John Smith, of the city o f Toronto, b;i<v>- 
elor, and Margaret McCabe, of the same 
place -spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rec 
tor of St. James. 

DeGrasai to Neill. Toronto, 9th Feb., 

This day were married by license, 

Philip DeGrassi, of the township of York, 

widower, and. Anne Neill, of the same place, 

Bpinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector. 

Meighan to Willson. Toronto, lit): Feb. 
This day were married by license, 
William Mcig-han, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Anne Wilison, of the same 
place spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rec 
tor of St. James. 

,o?? nn ^. to Pox - Toronto, 12th February, 
1B4. rhis day were married by license 
Philip Bennus, of Yorkviae, bachelor, and 
Mary Fox, of the same place, spinster, by 
me. H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Sparks to Gammell. Toronto 17th Feb 
ruary, ]848. This day were married bv li 
cense, William Sparks, of the city of * To 

ronto, bachelor, and Elizabeth Gammell, of 
the fame place, widow, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Rector of St. James. 

Surplis to Dalton. Toronto, 18th Feb.. 
1848. This day were married bv license, 
Hugh Surplis, of the city of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Mary Dalton, of the same place, 
widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector. 

Richmond to Dixon. Toronto, 22nd Feb 
ruary, 1848. This day were married after 
due publication of Banns, Robert Rich 
mond, widower, and Margaret Dixon, spin 
ster, both of thig city, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Rector of St. James. 

Ash to Riddle. Toronto, 22nd Feb., 
1848. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, James Ash, bachelor, and 
Mary Jane Riddle, spinster, both of this 
city, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector. 

Peel to Wadsworth. Toronto, 24th Feb., 
1848. This day were married by license, 
Spencer Peel, of the city of Toronto, 
Lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Rifles, 
bachelor, and Mary Wadsworth, of the city 
of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett 
Conn to Armstrong. Toronto, 26th Feb., 
1848. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, John Conn, bachelor, and 
Mary Anna Armstrong, spinster, both of 
this city, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector. 

Nixon to Abbott. Toronto. 29th Feb.. 
1848. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, William Nixon, bachelor, 
and Mary Anne Abbott, spinster, both of 
this city, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector. 

Dormer to Wilison. Toronto, 4th March, 
1848. This day were married by license, 
George Dormer, of the city of Toronto, 
widower, and Margery Wilison, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rec 
tor of St. James. 

Hanna to Alexander. Toronto, 7th March, 
1848. This day were married bv license 
William Hanna, of the township of Albion, 
bachelor, and Anne Alexander, of the cJty 
of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
Little to Halvey. Toronto, 14th March, 
1848. This day were married bv license, 
David Little, of the township of Trafal 
gar, bachelor, and Mary Halvey, of the 
township of York, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of S.t. James. 

Neil to Fleming. Toronto, 16th March, 
1848. This day were married by license, 
William Neil, of the township of London, 
achelor, and Mary Fleming, of the city of 
Toronto, spinster, daughter of Richard 
Fleming, of the same place, by ine, Georg-e 
Bourn, Asst. Minister. 

Rogers to Long. Toronto, 17th March, 
1848. This day were married by license, 
William Rogers, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Sarah Long, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rec 
tor of St. James. 

Saxton to Carson. Toronto, 23rd March, 
1848. This day were married by license, 
John Saxton, of the city of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Catherine Carson, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rec 
tor of St. James. 

Flint to Waters. Toronto, 24th March, 
1848. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Joseph Flint, Bugler, Roy 
al Canadian Rifle Regiment, bachelor, and 
Sarah Waters, of this citv, widow, bv me, 
H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Chafee to Stotesbury. Toronto, March 25, 
1848. This day were married by license, 
McGregor Chafee, of Tullamore. Home 


district, bachelor, and Frances Anne Stote - place widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rec- 

bury, of the city of Toronto, spinster, by , tor of St. James. 

me, H. J. Grasett. Lupton to Seliery. Toronto, 19th April, 

Rolf to Wiley. Toronto, 27th March, , 1848. This day were married by lifeline. 
1848. This dav were married by license, i Bailey Lupton, of the township of Etobi- 
Joseph Harper "Rolf, of the township of To- coke, bachelor, and Jane Seliery, of the 
ronto, in the Gore, bachelor, and Rebecca same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gru- 
Wiley, of the same place, spinster, by me. sett. Rector of St. James. 
H. J. Grasett Rector of St. James. Sampson to McCorkindale. Toronto, 27th 

McGann to McNeal Toronto 27th March, i April 1848. This day were married after 
1848. This day were married by license, j due publication of Banns, Joseph Sampson, 
William McGann, of the city of Toronto, bachelor, and Margaret McCorkindale, .spin- 
bachelor, and Mary McNeal, of the same ster. both of the township of York, by me, 
place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett Rec- H. J. Grasett Rector of St. James, 
tor of St. James. Heisse to Hay den. Toronto, 27th April, 

Milligan to Hill. Toronto, 29th March, 848. This day were married by license, 
1848. This dav were married by license, William Hei?se, of the township of Amar- 
Alexander Millfgan, of the city of Toronto, anth, bachelor, and Mary Hayden, of the 
bachelor, and Sarah Louisa Hiil of the same city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett Rec- j Grasett Rector of St. James. 
tor of St. James. Boddy to Willson. Toronto, let May, 

Leach to Douglas. Toronto. 29th March, : 1848. This day were married by license, 
1848. This day were married by license, : William Boddy, of the township of Scarbor- 
Thomas Leach, of the city of Toronto, ough, bachelor, and Rebecca Willson, of the 
widower, and Mary Douglas, of the Fame city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rec- Grasett, Rector of St. James, 
tor of St. James. Mai tin to McKinley. Toronto, 3rd May, 

Garbutt to Mode. Toronto, 30th March, 1848. This day were married bv license, 
1848. This day were married by license, Edward Martin, of the citv of Toronto 
Thomas Garbutt, of the townehip of York, ; bachelor, and Anne McKinley, of the same 
widower, and Christiana Mode, of the city i place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. Rec- 
o Toronto, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. ] tor of St. James. 

O Rielly to Dempsey. Toronto, March 31, j Kennedy to Law. Roronto 3rd. Mav 
1848. This day were married by license, ! 1848. This day were married bv license 
Edward O Rielly. of the city of Toronto, Thomas Kennedy, of the city of Toronto 
bachelor, and Susannah Dempsey, of the > bachelor, and Eliza Law, of the same place 
same place, spinster, daughter of the late ; spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector. 
William Dempsey, of the said city, de- j Canning to Anderson. Toronto 4th May 
ceased, by me, George Bourn, Asst. Mm. 1848. This day were married by license, 

Piper to Rusk. Toronto, lt April, 1848. Matthew Canning, of the township of Eto- 
This day were married by Hcenee, Robert bicoke, bachelor, and Jennet Anderson, of 
Piper, of the city of Toronto, bachelor, and j the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Sarah Rusk, of the same place, spinster, i Grasett, Rector of St. James. 
by ^f P J V Gra ^tt, Rector of St. James. | Coulter to Cunningham. Toronto. 4th 
10 ^ n ^ Kelly Toronto . 4th April, ; May, 1848. This day were married by li- 
1848. This day were married by license, cense, Thomas Coulter, of the citv of To- 
James Fullarton of the city of Toronto, ron to, widower, and Anne Cunning-ham, of 
bachelor and Jane Kelly of the same the same place, spinster, bv me, H. J. 
place spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rec- Grasett, Rector of St. James." 

Jame~. Westhall to Lonjrheed. Toronto. 8th May, 

M 1B K ll|r J i t0 Toronto 7th Apr,!, 18 48. This day were married bv license 

. This day were married by license George Westhall, of the citv of "Toronto 
Samuel Armstrong of the city of Toron- bachelor, and Anne Longheed, of the same 
to, bachelor and Jane Kells of the same place, spinster, by me, Alexander Sanson, 
place, spvnster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rec- Rector of St. John s, York Mills, 
tor of St. James. Kidney to Stiason. Toronto, llth May, 

Tenney to Sloane. Toronto. 10th April, 1848. This day were married by license, 
1848. This day were married after due pub- Thomas Kidney, of the city of Toronto, 
lication of Banns, Charles Tenney, of the bachelor, and Eleanor Stinson, of the same 
township of Etobicoke bachelor, and Eliza- place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rec- 
beth Anne Sloane of the township of York, tor of St. James, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector. Cowan to Rogers. Toronto 15th May 

Cochran to McDonoug-h. Toronto ;2th 1848. This dai- were married after due pub- 
1848. This day were married by license, lication of Banns, Henry Cowaii, bachelor 
Thomas Cochran, of the city of Toronto, and Margaret Rogers, spinster, both of the 
bachelor, and Bridget McDonough, of the township of Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra- i Blach to Burrows. Toronto 19th Mav" 
Se 555 tor , f St James - 184 8- This day were married by license 

Mattthews to Mulholland. Toronto. I4th George Blach, Esq., of St. John, New 
Apri.. 1848. This day were married by II- Brnuswick, widower, and Mary Frances 

nse, John Matthews, of the city of To- Burrows, of the city of Toronto, spinster 
ronto, bachelor, and Elizabeth Mulholland, bv me H. J. Grasett. Rector of St James 
^"A/??"?, Place spinster, daughter of Campbell to Rob : n<=on. Toronto 21st May 
Hugh Mulholland, of the -ame city, by me, 1848. This day were married after due pub- 
George Bourn, Asst. Minister. lication of Banns. William Campbell, bach- 
r-i i m ^ r ^. t0 , MlllIOy - Toronto - "th Ap- elor, arid Mary Robinsoii. spinster, both of 
rj, 1848. Tjls day were married by licenee. this city, by me. H. J. Grasott 

h, n^fn m S f L tl J? City of Toron to, Thompson to Lloyd. Toronto, 23rd Mav 
bachelor, and Ellen Mulloy, of the same 1848. This day were married by license] 



I aac Thompson, bachelor, and Lou s.i Sarah 
L ovd spinster, both of the city of Toron 
to "by me, C. Ruttan, Min. St. George s. 

Buxton to Kyle. Toronto, 24th May, 
1848 This day were married by license, 
Thomas Buxton of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Kyle, of the fame 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Orpen to Carbon. Toronto, 20th Mav, 
1848. This clay were married by license, 
Samuel Orpen, of the city of Toronto, bach 
elor and Sarah Carson, of the same place 
pinster, by me, H. J. Grasctt. 

Todd to Fitzgerald. Toronto, 31st Mar, 
1848. This day were married by license, 
Andrew Thornton Todd, Esq., of the city 
of Toronto, bachelor, and El za Fitzgerald, 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Rowell to Sleigh. Toronto, 31st May, 
1848. This day wore married by licence, 
W 1 iam Row H of Ihe city o Tor<n o b ca- 
elor and Mary Sleigh, of the township of 
York, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Parsons to Roberts. Toronto, 3rd June. 
1848. This day wore married by license, 
John Parsons, of the city of Toronto, wid 
ower, and Mary Roberts, of the same 
place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Locker to Dawson. Toronto, 5th June, 
1848. This day were married after due pul - 
lication of Banns, Henry Locker, of tho 
township of York, widower, and Johanna 
Dawson of the city of Toronto, bpinstar. 
bv me, H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Wilder to McAulay. Toronto, 5th June, 
1848. This day were married by license, 
George Wilder, of the city of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Phoebe McAulay, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

WTJams to Roberts. Toronto, 6th June, 
1848. This day were married after duo pub 
lication of Banns, William Richard Williams, 
of Sandufky, in the United States of -Am 
erica, bachelor, and Miriam Roberts, of this 
citv, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasctt. 

Scales to Woods. Toronto, June 7th. 
1848. This day were married by liceni-c, 
Alexander Scales, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Anne Woods, of the same 
place, tpinster, by me, R. B. Rogers, Min. 
of St. James, Kingston. 

Cunningham to O Brien. Toronto, June 13, 
1848. This day were married by license, 
John Cunningham, of the township of York, 
widower, and Anne O Brien, of the city of 
Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Latter to Legg. Toronto, 17th June, 
1848. This day were married by license, 
Joseph Latter, of the township of Whit- 
church, bachelor, and Oaro:ine Logg, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasott. 

Prior to McCTuskey. Toronto, 20th June, 
1848. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Richard Prior, Private, 
Rifle Brigade, bachelor, and Anne Mac- 
Oluskey, of this city, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Off. Chaplain to the Troops. 

Belcher to Fury. Toronto, 24th June, 
1848. This day were married by license, 
John Belcher, the younger, of Sydenham, 
in the township of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Marv Jane Fury, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasell, Rector of St. James. 

Humphrey to Buttery. Toronto, 29th June, 
L848.I This day were married by license, 
Georgo Humphrey, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Sophia Buttery, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Atkinson to McDuffie. Toronto, July 4th, 

1848. This day were married by license, 

John Atkinson, of the township of Chin- 

guacousy widower, and Eliza Lilly McDuf- 

i tie of the township of Pickering, spinster, 

i by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Salvidge to Armstrong. Toronto, July 8, 

1848 This day were married by license, 

Moses Salvidge", of the city of Toronto, 

bachelor, and Hannah Armstrong, of 

same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Styles to Shaw. Toronto, 13th July, 
1848 This day were married by license, 
Richard Styles, of the township of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Margaret Shaw, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett 

Brown to McCabe. Toronto, 17th July, 
1848 This dav were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Oliver Brown, widower, 
and Mary McOabe, spinster, both of 
city, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Cullen to Dye. Toronto, 23rd July, 

1848. This day were married by license, 

1 Richard Oullen, of the city of Toronto, 

bachelor, and Henrietta Dye, of the same 

place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Ormsby to Holmes. Toronto, 27th July, 

1648 This day were married by license, 

i James Ormsby, of the city of Montreal, 

! bachelor, and Dora Holmes, of the city of 

! Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Jones to Innes. Toronto, 27th July, 
1848 This dav were married by license, 
Edward O. Jones, of the city of Toronto 
bache or, and Margaret Ginter Innes, of the 
i same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett 

Ourlis to Shore. Toronto, 27th July, 
! 1848. This day were married by license, 
i William Curlis, of Albion, bachelor, and Jan( 
I Shore, of the same place, spinster, by me. 
I Richard Mitchell, B.A. 

Green to Suton. Toronto. August, let, 
i 1848 This day were married by license, 
i Charles Green, of this city, bachelor, and 
! Rosamond Cullington Suton, of the same 
place, spinster, daughter of the late Rich- 
; ard Siuton, of the said city, Chemist, de- 
! ceased, by me, George Bourn, Asst. Mm. 

Youl to Glynn. Toronto, August 1st, 

1848 This day were married after due pub- 

i lication of Banns, Alexander Youl, private 

R. O. Rifle Regt., bachelor, and Jane 

Glynn. widow, of this city, by me, Richard 

Mitchell, B.A. 

Mr. Mitchell, the officiating minis 
ter here, succeeded the Rev. W. H. 
Ripley as incumbent of Trinity church, 
Toronto, on the decease of the latter. 
Dower to Sloane. Toronto, August 1st, 
1848. This day were married, by license, 
William Dower, of this city, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Sloane, of the same place, spin 
ster, daughter of George Sloane, of the 
said city, by me, George Bourn, Asst. Min- 
. ister. 

Tindall to Baker. Toronto, August, 9th. 

1848. This day were married by license, 

j William Tindall. of the township of Vaugh- 

an, bachelor, and Frances Baker, of the 

fame place, spinster, daughter of Georgo 

Baker, of the raid township, by me, George 

| Bourn, Asst. Minister. 

L!ckner to Keith. Toronto, August, 10th, 
! 1848. This day were married after due pub- 
j Mention of Banns, William Lickner, private 
i R fle Brigade, bachelor, und Ellen Keith, 
! of this city, ppinster. by me, George Bourn. 
j Kull to Moore. Toronto, August 17th, 
; 1848. This day were married by license, 


Harcourt Burlane Bull, of the city of Ham- cense, Thomas Sommerville. of the city of 
ilton. bachelor, an I Mary Moore, of the city Toronto, bachelor, and Elizabeth Th<>mp- 
of Toronto, spinster, daughter of the late son, of the tame place, spinster, by me. 
John Moore, of the same place, deceased, Richard Mitchell, B.A. 

by me, George Bourn, Aset. Minister. P^-rrigo to Peaco k. Toronto, 23rd Sept., 

Moore to Drew. Toronto. 19th August, 1848. This day were married by license, 
1843. This day were married by license, Benjamin Franklin Perriiro, of the city of 
William Moore, of the township of York, ; Toronto, bachelor, and Tiiomasina Peacock, 
Canada West, bachelor, and Harriet Drew, of Cook.v lie, spinster, by me, Richard Mit- 
of the same place, spinster, by me, Rluh- chell, B.A., Aset. Minister St. James. 
ard Mitchell, B.A. Howe to R:gg?. Toronto, 28th Sept., 

Wilson to Nesbltt. Toronto, 21st August, 1848. This day were married by license, 
18. This day were married after due pub- William Howe, private Royal Canadian 
lication of Banns. Andrew Wilson, bachelor, Rifles, bachelor, and Catherine Riuge, ->i 
Eliza Nesbitt, spinster, both of this ! this city, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
nty, by mo, Richard Mitchell, B.A. White to Young. Toronto, October 1 t, 


. , , 

1 o^" olls to Orr Toronto, 22nd August, | 1848. This day were married by license, 
1348. This day were married by Ik-enee, : William White of the city of Toronto, bath- 
James Lyons, of Pme Grove, township of elor, and Elizabeth Young, of the same 
Vaughan, bachelor, and Margaret Orr of I place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
Berwick, in ?aid township, spinster, by me, ! Madili to McCnnn. Toronto, 2nd Oct., 
Richard Mitchell, B.A. j 1848. This day were married by license, 

Pocock to McDermott. Toronto 23rd "WiMam Madili, of the township "of York, 
August, 1848. This day were married by bachelor, and Elizabeth McCann, of the 
lccn i; e John Henry Pocock, of the city -ame place, spinster, by me, Richard Mit- 
of Toronto, bachelor, and Fannv McDer- chell, Aset. Minister. 

mott of the same place, spinster, by me Dack to Nixon. Toronto, 2nd October, 
Richard Mitchell, B.A. 1848. This day were married by licence, 

* iii ^ 1 It/11, t J-Jli/^Cl T->1 T y-, 

Anne Leonard, sp neter, of the same town- Elliott to Cox. Toronto, 4th October- 
ship, by me, II. J. Grasett, Rector. 1848. This day were married after due rub- 
Allen toWiddis. Toronto, 31st August lica L tl ^ of Banns, George E,liott, bachelor, 
1848. This av were married bv 1= "no ? nd Hannah Cox . widow, both or this city, 
Robert Allen, of the townsh- p of Chin. .-,] b v, me H J Gras ett, Rector of St. James, 
cousy, bachelor, and Mary Anne W.ddi" of i 1B |S Itr v- tO ? ss T oronL .. f>lh October, 
the same place, spinster bv me Elcharrl Thls day were marrled by license, 
Mitchell, B.A. i John Saltry. of the township of Albion, 
Snowden to Hunter Toronto 4th <^pn wil!ow| 3r, and Jane Hogg, of the said town- 
tember. 1848. This day were married affpr ship - w;dow - by me, H. J. Grasett. 
due publication of Banns Stewart Snow n ^ etman to Burn-. Toronto 10th O. tvber, 
den, widower, and Marv Hunter widow hnth 1848 Th:s (Iajr were married by license, 
of this city, "by me, H G?arett ^Rector Jose P h ^etman, of the town-hto of Brant- 
SJierwoo l to Turner. Toronto 7th PeY.- ^ rrt> in the Gore District . bachelor, and 
tember, 1848. This day were married by li- Margaret Burns, of the same jnace, s,,m- 
cense. Edward Sherwood. hn^hir ."j st " by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Foster to Campbell. Toronto, 13th Octo 
ber, 1848. This day were married by li 
cense, John Foster, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Anne Campbell, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Geovier to Mecombes. Toronto, 20th Oct.. 
1848. This day were married by license, 

Sherwood, bachelor, and 
Isabella Penelope Turner spinster, both of 
tnis city, by me, John McCaul, LL.D. 

ioTo 0m n p v n to D - vneB - Toronto, 7th Sept., 
T i rA h! - s day wcre married by license 
J Un Thomp on, biche or, and Mary Dvnes 
spmater both of the township of York, by 
me H. J. Grasett. Rector r>f 5U .Tnrnoo 

. , 

C to Strmfl Tn eCt T Ol 7f t t -, a ja ! lie8 - George" GeovTer. of The -^ nshVof Tm-on": 
1848 This dnv\vor - ?t ? K ep ^ mber t0 bachelor, and Margaret Mecombes, of 

vor - K , , 

nrv wm r, e , marr 1 lerl by license, the township of AlbioS, spinster, by me, 

Str,ml ^rJS S * fc * fi OTl -^ Mary Klf h ar l Mitchell Aat. Minister. 

roVto hv P nt w T 0t r Ot fV 16 City f To ~ X;chols to ^Hitehead Fewster. Toronto, 

Horiden ^ w lo Glasett - , 21st Oct.. 1848. This day were married by 

1848 This dnvvv J;. Toront ? v 8th Sept., license, Henry Nichols, of the township of 




bachelor, and Mary Jane Joice, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Kearney to Morgan. Toronto, &ih Oct., 
1848. This day were married by license, 
John Kenney, of the city of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Deborah Morgan, of the same 
place, fipinsliT, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Robins to Roberts. Toronto, 28th October, 
1848. This day were married by license, 
William Robins, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Mary Roberts, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

W.Tiamion to McFarlane. Toronto. 30th 
October. 1848. This day were married by 
I .cen o. S.imuel Williamson, of the township 
of Etobicoke, bachelor, and Janet McFar- 
lane. of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Pellett to Armstrong. Toronto, 1st No 
vember, 1848. This day were married by 
licence, Robert Pe.lett, of the township of 
York, bachelor, and Anne Armstrong 1 , of 
the fame place, epinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. Jamri-. 

Selby to Brown. Toronto, 6th Nov., 
1848. This day were married by license, 
Wil.iani S?lby, of Hogjr .s Hollow, Home Dis 
trict, bachelor, and (Sarah Brown, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, Richard Mit 
chell, Asst. Minister. 

Cox to Dona li son. Toronto, 6th November, 
1848. This day were married by license, 
Robert Cox, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Mary Donaldson, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Mills to Ward. Toronto, 8th November, 
1848. This day were married by license, 
James William Mills, of the city of To 
ronto, badie.or, and Sarah Ward, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Lenox to Ha.l. Toronto, 13th November, 
1848. This day were married by license, 
Robert Lenox, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Esther Hall, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Gordingley to Gilpin. Toronto, 14th Nov., 
1848. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, William Oordingley, 
bachelor, and Ruth Gilpin, spinster, both 
of this city, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Gray to Gavill. Toronto, 48th Nov., 
1848. This day were married by license, 
John Gray, of the township of York, bache 
lor, and Rebecca Anne Oavill, of the city 
of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Todd to Elliott. Toronto, ,20th Nov., 
1848. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Robert Money Todd, 
bachelor, and Margaret Elliott, spinster, 
both of this city, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Taylor to Solalor. Toronto, 50th Nov., 
1848. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, William Henry Taylor, 
bachelor, and Sarah Solalor, spinster, both 
of this city, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Monkhouse to Reynolds. Toronto, 4th De 
cember, 1848. This day were married by 
license, William Monkhouse, of the city of 
Toronto, bachelor, and Alice Reynolds, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Rector of St. James. 

Brockelbank to Brown. Toronto, 7th Dec., 
1848. This day were married by license, 
Townley Brockelbank, of the township of 
Toronto, bachelor, and Mary Brown, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hartley to McGill. Toronto, 9th Decem 
ber, 1843. This day were married by license 
George Hartley, of the township of York, 

bachelor, and Mary McGill, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Randle to Boage. Toronto, 13th Decem 
ber, 1848. This day were married after due 
publication of Banns, John Randle, Lance 
Corporal, Royal Canadian Rifle Regiment, 
bachelor, and Mary Anne Boage, of the 
city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Rector of St. James. 

Finlay to Woods. Toronto, 13th Decem 
ber, 1848. This day were married by li 
cense, John Finlay, of the city of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Kachael Woods of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

McLaughlin to Chari .oii. Toronto, 14th 
December, 1848. This day were married by 
license, Michael McLaughlin, of the city of 
Toronto, bachelor, and Elizabeth Oharlton, 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Johnston to McGuire. Toronto, 14th De 
cember, 1848. This day were married by 
license, Robert Johnston, of the city of Tor 
onto, bachelor, and Rose McGuire, of the 
::-nm-j p.ace, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hogg to Hogg. Toronto, 14th Decem 
ber, 1848. This day were married by license 
John Hogg, of the township of Chingua- 
cansy, bachelor, and Anne Jane Hogg, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Rector of St. James. 

Hopkins to Oassidy. Toronto, 21st De 
cember, 1848. This day were married by li 
cense, David Hopkins, of the township of 
York, bachelor, and Margaret Oassidy, of 
the city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. James, 

Gray to Hutty. Toronto, 26th December, 
1848. * This day were married by license, 
William Gray, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Rebecca Mercy Hutty, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Moffat to Moran. Toronto, 2.8th Dec., 
1848. This day were married by license, 
James Moffat, of the city of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Bridget Moran, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

McWade to Henderson. Toronto, 29th Dec., 

1848. This day were married by license, 
Thomas McWade, of the township of Etobi- 
cuku, bachelor, and Anne Henderson, of the 
township of Albion, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Smelser to Abraham. Toronto, January, 

1849. This day were married by license, 
Daniel Smelser, of the township of King, 
bachelor, and Lena Jane Abraham, of the 
same place, spii:sier, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Armstrong to Morison. Toronto, Jan. 9th, 
1849. This day were married by license, 
William Armstrong, of the township of Al 
bion, widower, and Elizabeth Mirison, of 
the city of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

O Dell to Soanlln. Toronto, January 10, 
1849. This day were married by license, 
Henry O Deil, of the township of Anoaster, 
widower, and Pen Scanlin, of the tame placs, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasott. 

Thompson to Brown. Toronto 10th Jan 
uary, 1849. This day were married by li 
cense, John Thompson, of the township of 
Toronto, in the Gore, bachelor, and Siirah 
Brown, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Soules to Moore. Toronto, 10th Jan.. 
1849. This day were married by license, 
Peter ,Soules, of the township of Gwillim- 
bury East, bachelor, and Phoebe Moroe. of 



the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Rector of St. James. 

Korr to Buchanan. Toronto, 22nd Janu 
ary, 1849. This day were married by li 
cense, Samuel Kerr, of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Elizabeth Buchanan of tho same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Gra-sett. 

Gant to Miner. Toronto, 26th January, 
1849. This day were married by license, 
Lewis Gant, of the township of York, bach 
elor, and Anne Miner, of Toronto, spin- 
eter, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Long-heed to Irwin. Toronto. 8th Feb., 
1849. This day were married by licence, 
John Long-heed, of Eimhrasia. bachelor, anl 
Elizabeth Irwin, of Albion, spinster, fay me, 
H. J. Grasett. Rector of St. Jameb. 

Scully to Blackstock. Toronto, 8th Feb 
ruary, 1849; This day were married by li 
cense, James S;ully, of Toronto, widower, 
and Sarah Black- tuck, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hostrawser to Woodhall. Toronto, 14th 
February 8- 9. " h s day were married by 
license, William Hostrawser, of the town 
ship of Chinguacousy, bachelor, and Anne 
Woodhall, of the same place, spinste t , -by 
me, H. J. Grasett, Rector of S! ^mes. 

Ho>eley to Wood. Toronto. Feb-u:uy j7th. 
1849. This day were married by license, 
John Hoseley, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Sarah Wood, of the same pluce, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Lannin to Jennings. Toronto, 20th Feb 
ruary, 1849. This day were mairied by li 
cense, Thomas Lannin, of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Annabelia Jennings, ol the tame 
place, spinster, bv me, H". J. Grasett. 

Boddy to Waiker. Toronto. 22nd Feb., 
1849. This day were married by license, 
William Boddy, of the township of West 
Gwillimbury, bachelor, and Jane Walker, of 
the Gore of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Armstrong to McNamara. Toronto, 27th 
Feb., 1849. This day were married after 
due publication of Banns, William Arm 
strong, of the township of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Eliza McNamara, of this city. 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Davison to Duffy. Toronto, let March. 

1848. This day were married by license, 
Francis Davison, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Sarah Duffy, of the township of York, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Manning to Miilen. Toronto, 3rd March, 

1849. This day were married by license, 
Anuo Jane MiUen, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Muter to Cameron. Toronto, 6th March, 
149. This day were married by license, 
Robert Muter, Esq., Royal Canadian Rifle 
Regiment, of the town of Niagara, wid 
ower, and Anne Knowles Cameron, of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, John Toronto. 

Colonel Muter, the bridegroom here 
named, was afterwards commanding 
officer of the R. C. Rifle Regiment. 
His wife was a sister of John Hillyard 
Cameron. Colonel Muter was a Water 
loo veteran. 

Hunter to Taylor. Toronto. 6th March, 
1849. This day were married by license, 
Robert Hunter, of Toronto, bachelor, an 1 
Anne Maria Taylor, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Platt to Gracy. Toronto, 13th March. 
1849. This day were married by license, 

George Platt, of Toronto, widower, and 
Anne Gracy, of the township of Etobicoke, 
spinster, bv me, H. J. Grasett. 

Brown to Houston. Toronto, 16th March. 
1849. This day were married by license, 
Samuel Brown, of the township of Oro, 
widower, and Juiia Houston, of the town 
of Baxrie, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Rogers to Beckit. Toronto, 9th April, 
1849. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Rogers, the younger, of the town 
ship of York, bachelor, and Sarah Beckit, 
of the said township, spinster, by me, H. 
J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Webster to Roberts. Toronto, 14th April, 
1849. This dav were married "by license, 
George Hood "Webster, of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Sarah Roberts, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Wanghop to Reid. Toronto, 16th April, 
1849. This day were married by license, 
James Wanghop, of the townehip of York, 
bachelor, and Anne Reid, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Tt?rry to Bell. Toronto. 19th April. 
rcrTo". This day were married by license, 
John Berry, of the township of King, bach 
elor, and Elizabeth Bell, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, Richard Mitchell, Asst. 

Tolman to Weeks. Toronto, April, 25th, 
1849. This day were married by Banns, 
George Tolman, bachelor, and Mary Weeks, 
spinster, both of the township of Toronto, 
bv me, S. B. Ardagh, Rector of Barrie. 

"George to Palmer. Toronto. 30th April, 
1849. This day were maSried after due pub 
lication of Banns, Frederick George, bach 
elor, and Mary Anne Palmer, spinster, both 
of the township of Pickering, bv me, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Ward to Brooke. Toronto, 1st May, 
1849. This day were married by license, 
John Alexander Ward, of Port Hope, bach 
elor, and Jane Brooke, of the same place, 
st>mste.r, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
"Sullivan to Morrison. Toronto, 2n 1 May, 
1849. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, John Sullivan, bach 
elor, and Mary Anne Morrison, spinster. 
both of this city, by mo, H. J. Grasett. 

McLevin to IRo lless. Toronto 8th May, 
1849. This day were married by license, 
Donald McLevin, of the township of Scar 
borough, bachelor, and Margaret Hoo llesa, 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Trovorra to Rowe. Toronto, 8th Mny, 
1849. This day were married by license, 
Willaim Trevorra, of Norval, in the .H~trict 
of Gore, bachelor, and Elizabeth Rowe, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Rector of St. James. 

Oonway to Henery. Toronto, 15th May, 
1849. This day were married by license, 
Roebrt Conway, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Maria Henery, of the town 
ship of Vaughan, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Rector of St. James. 

Robert Conway was long a prosper 
ous and prominent auctioneer in York 
township, and a very well known man. 

Hexter to Connolly. Toronto. 6th June, 
1849. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, William Hexter, Corpor 
al in the Rifle Brigade, bachelor, and Mary 
Oonolly. of this city, spinster, bv me, H. 
J. Grasett, Officiating Chaplain to the 



Dollery to Benns. Toronto, 7th _ June, 
1849 Tills (lav were married by license, 
Jamc3 Dollery, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Mary Anne Benns, of To 
ronto spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Scott to Khlpatrick. Toronto, 9th June, 
1849. This day were married by license, 
"William Scott, of the township of Scarbor 
ough, bachelor, and Margaret Klllpatrlck, 
of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, Rector of St. James. 

McCrea to Jackson. Toronto, 13th June, 
1849. This day were married by license, 
John McCroa, of Toronto, widower, and 
Mary Jackson, of the same place, spin- 
st- T. bv me, H. J. Grasett. 

McBrien to Mig-han. Toronto, 15th Juno, 
1849. This clay were married by license, 
John McBrien, of the vi .lage of Jarvis, in 
the district of Niagara, widower, and Mar 
garet Mighan of Toronto spinster, by me 
H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Goold to Berczy. Toronto. 18th June, 
1849. This day were married by license, 
James Knight Goold, Deputy Assistant Com- 
mi-ssarv General, bachelor, and Ctiarl >tte De 
Maul Berczy. of Toronto, spinster, by me, 
H J. Grasett. Rector of St. James. 

Carseadden to Le-.rg. Toronto, 19th June, 
1849. This day were married by license. 
James Caricadden. of the township oi 
King , bachelor, and Thirza Legg. of the 
same place, spirster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Lloyd to French. Toronto, 20th June, 
1849. "This day were married by license, 
John Loyd. of the town-hip of York, bach 
elor, and Marr Anne French ni the -ame 
township, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Grey to Fleming. Toronto, 21st June, 
1849. " This day were married by license, 
Thomas Grey, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Catharine Fleming, of the f&me place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasott. 

Dick to McOreight. Toronto, 22nd June, 
1849. This day were married by license, 
David Dick, oi the township of Pickering-, 
bachelor, and Margaret McCreig-ht, of the 
township of Scarborough, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Moncrioff to Pollock. Toronto 25th Jure, 
1849. This day were married by license, 
David Moncrieff. of the township of . 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Pollock, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Scott to B afford 1 . Toronto, 27th June, 
1849. This day were married by Ik-Tvo 
Thomas Scott, of the township of Scar 
borough, bachelor, and Jane Bafford, of the 
township of Markham, widow, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Christmas to We sii. Toronto, 29th June, 
1849. This flay were married by license, 
Alfred Christmas, of the township of Scar 
borough, bachelor, and Catharine Welsh, of 
the same place, by me, Richard Mitchell. 
Asst. Minister. 

Steele to Morgan. Toronto, 17th July, 
1849. This day were married by license, 
George Steele, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Catharine Morgan of the .same fplace,s pin- 
ster, bv me, H. J. Grasett. 

Apploby to Burrell. Toronto, 19th July, 
1849. Thi.s day were married by license, 
William Appleby, of the township of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Mary Anne Burrell, 
fo the township of Toronto, in the Gore, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Gra-sett. 

Petipiece to Young. Toronto, 27th July, 
1849. This day were married by license, 

Richard Petipiece, of Toronto, bnc ie or, and 
F.I za Young, of the .-aid city, rpinster by 
me H. J. Grasett, Rector ol St. -Jamer,. 

Dixon. to Blans-aard. Toronto, llth Au- 
18C9. This day were manied n tec diva i ub- 
1 cation of Banns, Richard Dixon, bachel 
or, and Elizabeth Blanshard, i piaster, both 
of the township of Etobicoke, by mo, H. 
J. Grasett. Rector of St. James. 

Nichols to TlltinHhapd. Toronto lltH Au- 
gu.-t, 18-19. This day were married by li 
cense. France >"ichols, of the townshi of 
Etobicok widovi-r. and Ellen Blanah-ard, 
of the same place, widow, by ine, H. J. Gra 
sett, Rector of St. Jaiuos. 

McKay to Duggan. Toronto, 14th July, 
1849. This day were married by licence, 
John Matheson McKay, of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Anne Jane Dugg-an, of the ;-ame 
place, spinster, by me, Kichard Mitchell, 
Asst. Minister. 

McDuffio to Noble. Toronto, 22nd Au- 
gu-it, 18"9. This (lay were married by li 
cense. Donald McDuffie, of the township 
of Pickering, bachelor, and Sarah Anne 
Noble, of the said township, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Ritchie to Scott. Toronto. 27th August, 
1849. This day were married by license, 
Gideon Ritchie, of Toronto, bacte or. and 
Margaret Scott, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Waddtnjrton to Sullivan. Toronto, 28th 
August, 1849. This day were married by 
ii -ense, Riehnrd VVaddingto-n, of the town- 
>hip of Toronto, bachelor, and Catherine 
Sullivan, of the same place, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James . 

Bcrkinshaw to Cornwell. Toronto, 30th 
August, 1849, This day were married by 
license, Thcffna? Berkinshaw, of Toronto, 
b-ir-heJor, and Catherine Cornwell, of the 
said city, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Cranston to Campbell. Toronto, 30th 
August, 1849. This day were married by 
license, James Cranston, of the township 
of Trafalgar, bachelor, arid Mary Campbell, 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. James . 

Best to Tindale. Toronto, 31st August, 
1849. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Best-,, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Tindale, of the township ot To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Johnstone to Brislane. Toronto, 4th 
Sept., 1849. This doy were married by 
license, Alexander Johnstone, of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Mary Jane Brislane, of the 
same pl tce, spinster, by me, Elliott Gra 
sett, Officiating Minister. 

The Reverend Elliott Grasett was a 
brother of the dean s and a beneficed 
clergyman in Toronto diocese. 

Fistoer to Wayling. Toronto, 6th Sept., 
1849. This day were married by license, 
Charles Fisher, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Anno Wavling, of the same place, widow, by 
me H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James . 

Mitchell to McCleary. Toronto, 7th Sep 
tember, 1849. This day were married by 
license, William Mitchell, of Toronto, bache 
lor, a-nd Nancy McCleary, of Oooksville, IT 
the Home District, spinster, by me, Elliott 
Grnsett, Officiating Mm. 

Robson to McMillan. Toronto, 12th Sep 
tember, 1849. This day were married by 
license, George Robson, of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Mary .McMillan, of the same yiace, 
spinster, by mo, H. J. Grasett. 



Smith to Jackson. Toronto, 17th Sep 
tember, 1849. This day were married by 
license, John Smith, of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Catharine Jackson, of the said city, 
spineter, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Lewis to Pearson. Toronto, 18th Sep 
tember, 1849. This d;iy were married by 
license, Henry Lewis, oi Toronto, bachelor, 
and Elizabeth Pearson, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Buckle to Clayton. Toronto, 20th Sept., 
1849. This day were "married by license, 
Georg-e Buckle, oT Lambton, Canada \Vest, 
bachelor, and Eliza Clayton, of the same 
place, .spinster, by me, Richard Mitchell, 
Asst. Minister. 

Porter to Vance. Toronto, 25th Sep 
tember, 1849. This day were married by 
license, D Arcy Porter, of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Maria Anno Vance, of the same 
plaoo, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Morrison to Birse. Toronto 25th Sept., 
1849. This day were married by license, 
Robert Morrison, of the Gore of Toronto, 
bachelor and El za Rime, of the same 
pl.a.03,. widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Henderson to Po.lock. Toronto. 26th Sept., 
1849. This day were married by license, 
John Henderson, of Toronto, bache or and 
El zaboth Pollock, of tho samo place, epiii- 
=t;-r. by me, H. J. Gra-sett. 

McDowell to Doujrhert". Toronto, 29th 
Sopt., !8 9. Tb> flay v jre mnnio 1 by li- 
ccn^e. Robert McDowell, of the township 
of Toronto, bachelor, and Mury Anne 
Dougherty, of the same place, ep.nster. by 
me, H. J. Grasett. Rector of St. Janiei. 

Long 1 to McLean. Toronto. 2nd October, 
1849. This day were married by licence, 
John Long 1 of Toronto, bachelor anl Mary 
McLean of the . ame place tp nster. bv me, 
H. J. Grasett Rector of St. Jamen. 

Bartl"tt to Nixon. Toronto. 2 ill October, 
1849. This day were married by license, 
John Yiart ett, of the town>h : p of York, 
bach lor. sin I Martha N xon, of the same 
township, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

M Goi 2 h to Brown. Toronto. 8th October, 
1849. This day were married by license, 
Widiam McGoug-h, of tho town-hip of York, 
bachelor, anil Anne Brown, of the same 
plac,. , spinster, by me, H. -T. Grasett. 

Croz r-r to Wright. Toronto. 13th October, 
1849. This day were married by license, 
John Croz er, of Streetsville, bachelor, and 
Jane Wright, of the ; ; ame place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Elliott to Henry. Toronto 14th Oct.. 
1849. This dav were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Henry Elliott, of Toron 
to, widower, an! Mary Henry, of the :ame 
plac--", spinster, by me, II. J. Grasett. 

Madolaw to McLaug-hlin. Toronto 15th 
October, 1849. This day were married by 
license. James Madeluw, of Toronto, bach 
elor, an ! Matilda MoLaughlin, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Murro!! to Stanton. Toronto, 16th OC- 
tober, 1849 This day were married by li 
cense, Will am Murrell, of the townshi p of 
Scarborough bachelor, and Isabella Stan- 
ton of the same place, spinster, by me, H. 
J. Grasett Rector of St. James . 

Bennett to Lewer. Toronto, 16th October, 
1849. this day were married by license, 
Thomns Bennett, of the township of Whitby, 
widower, and Matilda I.ewcr, spinster, bv 
me, H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James . 

Lee to Mir:i.n. Toronto. October 18th, 1849 
This day were married by license, diaries 

Lee. of the City of Toronto, bachelor, and 

Ma ffiret Moran of the samo p!are. spinster, 

by mo, H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James . 

LJO to Mullony. Toronto 20th October, 

i 1849. Thii day were married by license, 

1 Thomas Lee, of the township of Yorl^, bache- 

j lor, and Mora Mullony, of the same place, 

, spinster, bv mo, H. J. Gra?ett. 

Ferris to Presho. Toronto. 22nd October, 

i 1849. This day were married by license, 

I V. i Tarn Ferris, of the township of Walpole, 

! bachelor, and Martha Presho, of the City 

of Torojit, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Waistell to Cook. Toronto, 23rd October, 
1849. This day were married by license, 
Richard ^ aistoll, of the township" of York, 
bachelor, and Susmnah Oook, of the same 
; ao , spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Heal to Pratt. Toronto,. 24th October, 
1849. This day were married by license, 
George Heal, of the City of Toronto, widow 
er, and Ann Pratt, of the sime place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Buchanan to Frizzfe. Toronto, 25th Oct., 
1819. This day were married by license, 
j TViTam Buchanan, of Toronto, " bachelor, 
I Wand Catharine Friz/Jo, of the ssim^ place, 
; spinst r, by me, H. J". Grasett, Rector of 
I St. James. 

Francis to Gamble. Toronto, 29th October, 
1849. this day were married niter duo publi 
cation of banns, Thomas Francis, of the 
City of fTorcmto, bachelor, and Maria 
Gamble, of the paid city, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James . 

Tanlaver to Kelly. Toronto, 5th Nov., 
1819. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Lewis Tanlaver, of the 
township of York, bachelor, and Phoebe 
Anne Kelly, of Toronto, widow, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. Rector of St. James. 

Frazer to McMullen. Toronto, 6th Nov., 
1849. This day were married by license, 
John Frazer, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth McMullen, of the samo place, 
spinster by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Tanner to Patrick. Toronto, 8th Nov., 
1849. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banna, Thomas Tanner, of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Elizibeth Patrick, of 
same place, spirs;or, by " e, H. J. Gra^ 1 . 

Gray to Henderson. Toronto, 9th Nov., 
1849. This day were married by license, 
Joseph Gray, of the township of Etobicoke, 
bacbe!o r a-nd Jane Henderson, of the same 
p!ao3, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Graham to Patterson. Toronto, 13th Nov., 

1849. This day were married by license, 

j Johnson Graham, of the township of 

: Whitby, bachelor, and Mrry Patterson, of 

Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Humphries to McGuire. Toronto, Nov. 15, 
1849. This dav were married by license, 
Richard Humphries, of the township of 
Gwi limbury West, bachelor, and Mary Mc 
Guire, of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Woods to VanSickler. Toronto, Nov. 15, 
1819. This day were married by license, 
Jacob Wood, of Oshawa, bachelor, and E iza 
Anne VanSickler, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Gra.sett. 

Hugging to Lamasney. Toronto, Nov. 15, 

! 1849. This day were married bv license, 

; Edward Hugg-in/?, of Oshawa, bachelor, and 

Margaret Lamasney, of the same place, 

I spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Gibbon to Davidson. Toronto, 15th Nov., 
I 1849. This day wore married bv license. 



John Gibbon, of the township of Chingua- 
t cousy, widower, and Isabella Davidson, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Acton to EHis. Toronto, 22nd Nov., 
1849. This day were married by license, 
John Acton, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Sarah Ellis, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 
"Haughey to Mclntyre. Toronto, Nov. 26, 
1849. This day were married by license, 
Robert Haughey, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Mary Mclntyre, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, Hector of St. James. 

Henderson to Shore. Toronto, 6th Dec., 
1849. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Henderson, of the township of Ai- 
bion, bachelor, and Mary Shore, of the 
same place, spinster, by ir.e, H. J. Grasett. 

Rogers to Moran. Toronto, 6th December, 
1849. This day were irarried by license, 
John Rogers, of Toronto, widower, and 
Sarah Moran, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Oolgan to McLaren. Toronto, 10th Dec., 
1849. This day were married by license, 
Daniel Colgan, ol the township "of Euqe- 
sing, bachelor, and Sarah McLaren, of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Liscard to Hampshire. Toronto, llth Dec., 
1849. This day were married by license, 
Bellom Liscard, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Maria Frances Hampshire, of the township 
of York, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Woodland to Craig. Toronto, 13th Dec., 

1848. This day were married by license, 
Joshua Woodland, of the township of Ghin- 
guaoousy, bachelor, and Catherine Craig, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Morrison to Coigler. Toronto, 13th Dec., 

1849. This day were married by license, 
Joseph Morrison., of the township of To 
ronto, bechelor, and Jane Coigler, of the 
saon place, spinster, by me, H. J". Grasett. 

Quigley to- Thompson. Toronto, 17th Dec., 
1849. This day \vere married by license, 
George Quigley, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Jane Thompson, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 
Brooks to Falling. Toronto, 18th Dec., 
1849. This day were married by license, 
Horace Brooks, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Rose Falling, of the same 
plaoe, spinster, by me, H. .1. Grascti. 

Johnson to Taylor. Toronto, 18th Dec., 
1849. This day were married by license, 
Francis Johnson, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Sarah Taylor, of the same 
plaoe, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Burk to Jefferson. Toronto, 18th Dec., 
1849. This day were married by license, 
Jesse Burk, of Yorkville, bachelor, and Amy 
Jefferson, of the same place, widow, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Grey to Davis. Toronto, 19th December, 
1849. This day were married by license, 
John Grey, of the county of Simcoe, bache 
lor, and Anne Davis, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Dawson to Watson. Toronto, 20th Dec., 
1849. This day were married by license, 
Robert Dawson, of the towarijp of To 
ronto, in the Gore, bachelor, and Anne 
Watson, of the township of Chinguacousy, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Graaett. 

Cook to Dawson. Toronto 20th Dec., 
1849. This day were married by licence, 
Robert Coot, VK the township of" Toronto, 

to the Gore, and Elizabeth Dawson, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Aljoe to Matthews. Toronto, 21st Dec., 
1849. This day were married by license, 
Robert Aljoe, of the Village of Churchville, 
bachelor, and Anne Matthews, of the same 
place, spinster, by me .Richard Mitchell, 
Asst. Minister. 

Mr. Mitchell was afterwards incum 
bent of Trinity church, Toronto. 

Buttery to Taylor. Toronto, 24th Dec.. 
1849. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Buttery, of Pine Grove, bachelor, 
and Eliza Buttery, of Toronto, spinster, 
bv me, H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

"Baker to Taylor. Toronto, 24th Dec., 
1849. This day were married by license, 
Charles Baker, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Catherine Clifford Taylor, of the same 
plaoe, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Batty to Walsh. Toronto, 26th Dec., 
1849. "This day were married by license, 
Thomas Batty, "of the township of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Mary Walsh, of the same 
place, spinster, bv me, H. J. Grasett. 

Brown to Carroll. Toronto, 27th Dec., 
1849. This day were married by license, 
John Brown, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Carroll, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Cubitt to Ford. Toronto, 31st _ Dec., 

1849. This day were married by license, 
John Cubitt, o f Toronto, bachelor, and 
Jane Ford, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Hood to Laird. Toronto. 2nd January, 

1850. This dav were married by license, 
William Hood, of the tpwnsbin of Etobicoke, 
bachelor, an 1 Mary Laird of the same p"a"e, 
spinster, by me, ET. J. Grasett. 

Montgomery to Brown. Toronto. 4th Jan 
uary, 1850. This day were married by li- 
cen e. Charters Montgomery, of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Charlotte Brown, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Anderson to Lindsay. Toronto. 8th Janu 
ary, 1850. This day were married by It- 
cense, Alexander Albert Anderson, of 
ton, in tho County of York, bachelor, and 
Isabella Lindsay, of tho township of To 
ronto, in said County, spinster, by me, H. 
J. Grasett, Rector of Sit. James. 

M-Morris to Power. Toronto, 9th Janu 
ary, 1850. This day were married by li 
cense, Robert MoMorrlg, of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Anne Power, of the same place 
spinster, by me, ETdm. Baldwin, Asst. Min. 

Week* "to Johnson. Toronto January 
24th, 1850. This day were married by li 
cense. John Weeks, of Toronto, widower, 
and Mary Johnson, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin, Asst. Min. 

Kolly to King--bury. Toronto, 24th Janu 
ary, 1850. Thi.s day were married by If- 
cense. Robert Kelly, of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Jane Kingsbury, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, E"dm. Baldwin, Asst. Min. 

Berry to Saw ell. Toronto, January, 24th. 
1850. Thi.s day were married by licence, 
James Berry, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Mary Anno Sewell. of the township of York, 
spinster, by me, .ETdni. Baldwin, Asst. Min. 

Bunbury to Bray. Toronto, 26th Jan., 
1850. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, John Bunbury, of To 
ronto, widower, and Honora Bray, of the 
fame place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra- 
sett, Rector of St. James. 

Brown to Fiorrety. Toronto. 29th Janu 
ary, 1850. This day were married by li~ 


cen s e, Francis Brown, of the township of 
York, bachelor, and El zabsth Flerrety, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra- 
sett, Rector of St. James. 

A-hford to Elvis. Toronto. 29th January, 
1850. This day were married by license, 

the township of York, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasctt, Rector of St. James. 

O Malloy to Parks. Toronto, 22nd March, 
1850. Tliis day were married by license, 
John O Malley, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Parks, of the same place, spinster 

Josepph Ashford, of Toronto, bachelor, and j by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector of ht. James. 
Marv Elvis, of the same place, spinster, by I Middleton to Smith. Toronto, March th, 
me. H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 1850. This day were married by license, 

FieM to Tindale. Toronto, 31?t January, ! George Middleton, of Yorkville, bachelor, 
1850. This day were married bv license, j and Grace Smith, of the same place, spin- 
Joseph Field, of Toronto, bachelor, and ! ster, by me, Edm. Baldwin, Asst. Minister. 
Mary Tindale, of the same place, spinster, ! Elgdo to Wiles. Toronto, 27th March, 
bv me. H. J. Grasett. Rector of St. James. ! 1850. This day were married by lloensi 

Thompson to Rutherford. Toronto, Feb. 7, ! Robert ElgSe, of Toronto, bacheior, and 
1&50. This day were married by license, E izabeth Wiles, of the same place, spinster, 
David Thompso"n, of the township of Mono, bv me, H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 
Canada West, bachelor, and Anne Ruther- ; Gamble to Colley. Toronto, 2nd April, 
ford, of the city of Toronto, spinster, by j 1850. This day were married after due pub- 
me, Edm. Baldwin, Asst. Minister. i lication of Banns, Robert Gamble, of 

The Rev Edm Baldwin was for ront0 bachcetor, and Mary Anno Oolley, 
.L^ 1 i. / of the same piace, spinster, by me, H. J. 

more than twenty-two years assistant Grasett, Rector of St. James, 
minister at St. James church. He was Healop to Leng. Toronto, April 3rd, 
the eldest son of John Spread Bald- 1850. This day were married by license, 
win, whose residence was on the north- Thomas Heslop. of Thornlii bachelor, and 
* -rr- j T-I i IWnrv Anin<3 Lena 1 of the townsliip ol flCK- 

east corner of King and Frederick j ** $aster, by me, Edm. Baldwin, 
streets. Wllklnaon to McGinnis. Toronto, 6th April, 

Munns to Morrison. Toronto, Feb .llth, 1850. This day were married by license, 
1850. This day were married by license, | Sergeant Thomas Wilkinson, 2nd Battalion 
Hugh Miuiins, of the township of Toronto, Rif..o Brigade, now station at the city of 
bachelor, and Sarah Morrison, of the same i Toronto, bachelor, and E izabeth McGinnis, 
place, widow, by me, Edm. Baldwin.. of the same place, spinster, by me, Edm. 

Phillips to Martin. Toronto, Feb. llth, ! Baldwin, Asst. Minister. 

1850. This day were married by license, i Gates to Grasett. Toronto, April th, 
James Phillips, of the city of Toronto, i 1850. This day were married by license. 
and Ellen Martin, of the same place, spin- ; William Gates of Hamilton, bachelor, and 
ster, bv me, Edm. Baldwin, Asst. Minister. Mary Hannah Grasett, of Toronto, spinster, 

Leverty to Oullen. Toronto, Feb. 12th, by me. H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 
1S50. This day were married by license, \ Brown to Odium. Toronto, llth April, 
James Leverty, of the city of Toronto, 1850. This day were married after due pub- 
bachelor, and Margaret Ouilen, of the same lication of Banns, James Brown, of the 
place, widow, by me, Edm. Baldwin. township of York, bachelor, and 

Ford to McFarland. Toronto, 18th Feb., ; Odium, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
L850. This day were married after due pub- ; H. J. Grasett. Rector of St. James, 
lication of Banna, Jonathan Ford, of To- 1 Crawley to Johnson. Toronto, 16th April, 
ronto, bachelor, and Martha McFarland, of > 1850. This day were married by license, 
the same place, spinster, bv me, H. J. i John Crawley, of the township of Scar- 
Grasett, Rector of St. James. I borough, widower, and Elizabeth Johnson, 

Morrison to Morrison. Toronto, Feb. 21st, ] of the same place, widow, by me, H. J. 
1850. This day were married by license, | Grasett, Rector of St. James. 
R-obert Morrison, of the township of To- j Hastings to Crawford. Toronto, April 19, 
ronto, bachelor, and Mary Morrison, of the 1850. This day were married by license, 
same piaco, spinster, bv me, H. J. Gmset . James Hastings, of Toronto, bachelor, and 

Mooro to IJacon. Toronto, 5th March, Elizabeth Crawford, of the same place, 
1850. This day were married by license, j spinster, by me, FT. J. Grasett. 
Samuei Moore, of Bronte, Canada West, j Sheppard to >*e son. Toronto, 23rd April, 
bachelor, and Anne Bacon, of Toronto, . 1850. This day were married by license 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. I Robert Sheppard, of Toronto, bachelor, and 

Watson to Hoare, Toronto, 12th March, ! Grace Nelson, of the same place, spinster, 
1850. This day were married by license, \ by m*>, H. J. Grasott, Rector of St. James. 
John. Watson, of the township of Vaughan, Williams to ITmry. Toronto, 28th April, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Hoare, of the same : },850. This day were married after due pub- 
place, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. i lication of Banns Joseph Williams, Corporal 

Horley to Harrison. Toronto, March 14, i n the Rifle Brigade, bachelor, and Jano 
1850. This day were married by license, iiPTiry, of Toronto, spinster, by m<~-, H. J. 
William BtOey "Morley, of Toronto, bache- Grasett, Off. Chaplain to the Troops, 
lor, a-riid Mary Hiirrison, of the same place, ; Hawthorn to Golding. Toronto. May 2, 
widow, by mo, Edm. Baldwin, Asst. Min. 1850. Thi-s day were married by license, 

Turner to Farrell. Toronto, 15th March, i Thomas Hawthorn, of Toronto. bachelor, 
Ii850. This day were married after due pub- anil Mary Golding, of the same place, 
lication of Banns, James Turner, of the spinster, by me, H". J. Grasett. 
township of York, bachelor, and Eliza Mathews to Leary. Toronto, 3rd May, 
Farrell, of the same place, spinster, by me, 1850. This d-ay were married by license, 
H. J. Grasett. Rector of St. James. j James Mathews, of Toronto, bachelor, and 

Tisdell to McKibbin. Toronto, March 16, i Catherine Leary, of the same piace. spinster, 
1850. This day were married by license, | by me, Edm. Baldwin, Asst. Minister. 
John Tisdell, of thn township of Etobi- i Mllburo to Patrick. Toronto, 10th May. 
coke, bacheior, and Elizabeth McKibbin. of 1RHO. This dav wnre married bv license 



\Villiam Milburn, of the township of | the dean. She survived her husband 
Vaughan, buchelor, and El en Patrick, of i f or manv vears dvino- in IPO") 
Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. rs> cl J ln 8 

Westicott to Dart. Toronto, llth May, ! Thomas to Wooleock. Toronto, June 27, 
1850. This day were married nftor due pub- i S5 - This day were married by license. 
lication of Banns, George Westicott, of the Richard Thomas, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
township of York, bachelor, and Grace E.iza Jano Woolcock, of the same place, 
Dart, of the same place, spinster, by me, spinster, by me, fi. J. Grasett. 
H. -I. Grasett, Rector of St. James. Panning to Sioane. Toronto, 29th June, 

Skelton to Galloway. Torr-.nto llth May, : - 8&0 - This day were married by license, 
1850. This day were married by license < William Fanning, of the township of Kin- 
William Skeltotn,, of the township of Mark- ! eardine, bache or, and Afrgail Bloane, of 
ham. bachetor, and Rachel Galloway, of the i Toronto, spinster, by me, 1. J. Grasett, 
township of Scarborough, spinster," by me, i Rector of bt. Jame&. 

H. J. Grasett. Rector of St. James. Faulkner to Fox. Toronto, 1st July, 

Auburn to Fawcett. Toronto 12th May, I 385 - Tnla <1;l - v woro married after clue pub- 

1850. This dav were married by license ! ^cation of Banns, John James Faulkner, of 

Robert Auburn", of the township of Mark- I tn e township of Oaledon, bachelor, and 

bam, bachelor, and Eliza Fawrott, of the ! Anne James Fox, of the same place, spinster. 

samp place, spinster, bv me, H. J. Grr.sett. ! b J nle H- J - Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Crispin to Luscombe. Toronto 13th Mav, i Ralph to Busby. Toronto, 2nd July, 

1850. This day were married by license, 185 - This da - y wore married by license, 

John Crispin, of tlin township of To- Jsiah Ralph, of Toronto, bachelor, and 

ronto, widower, and Elizabeth Luscombe, of : Mary Anne Busby, of the same place, spin- 

the same place, widow, by me, H. J. 8ter - b ? me> H - J - Gras ett. 

Grasett, Rector of St. James. Argue to Benin. Toronto, 9th July, 

Walker to Robinsom. Toronto, 16th May, i 1850. This day were married by license, 

This day were married by license. John Argue, of Toronto, bachelor, and 

James Walker, of Toronto, widower, and Anne Benn, of the same place, spinster, 

Ellen Robinson, of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, R-ector of St. James. 

by mo, H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James, i Brown to Mitchell. Toronto, July llth, 

Burns to Stewart. Toronto, 21st May, i 1850. This day were married by license, 

1850. This day were married by license, i Widiam Brown, of Toronto, bachelor, and 

James Burns, of Toronto, bachelor, and Jane Mitchell, of the same place, spinster, 

Frances Ag-nes Eliza Hugh Stewart, of the i by me, H. J. Grnsett, Rector of St. James. 

same place, spinster, by me, K. J. Grosett. Crease to Winder. Toronto, 16th July, 

Wilson to McCort. Toronto, 30th May, < 1850. This day were married by license, 

.850. This day were married by license, ; Anthony Reynolds V. Crease, Esq., 1st 

Hpgh Wilson, of the township of Caledon, lieutenant. Royal Engineers, bachelor, and 

widower, and McCort, of the town- Ellen Amelia Gifford Winder, of Toronto, 

ship of Toronto, in the Gore, widow, by me, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Off. Ohap- 

H. J. Grasett. Rector of St. James. lain to the Forces. 

ip?,? 11 - ^ F y- Toronto, 3rd June, Sparling to Ashbury. Toronto, 17th July, 

This day were married nfter due pub- 1350. This day were married by licensa, 

lication of Bantu. Michael John Bell, wid- Christopher Sparling, of the township of 

Anne Foy, spinster, both of the York, bache or, and Fannv Ashburv, of the 

Gore^of Toronto, by me, Edrn. Baldwin. j same p i ace . sp i ; -scrr, bv rue, IT.. J. G nsett. 

10 V^ algl m ^ Gordon - Toronto llth June, i Harden to Otway. "Toronto, 18th July, 

3 day were married by license, ! i860." This clay were marj-iod by license, 

-raig, of the township of Scar- William Harden, the younger, of "Toronto, 

borotign, bachelor, and Isabella Gordon, of bachelor, arid Matilda Otway, of Yorkvillc, 

the same pace, spinster, by me, H. J. spinster, by me. H. J. Grasett. 

Rector of fet. James. McMurdie to Logan. Toronto, 19th July, 

Torn ! ee Tor o nt o. 13th June, : 18SO. This dav ivore married br license, 

i dav were married by linen re. William McMurdie, of Toronto, widower, 

George Williams, of Stratford, b ichelor, and an 1 Marv Jane Logan, of the same place, 

Annie Rankin Lee, of Toronto, spinster, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Grasett, Rector of St. James. . Mudfor d to Jackson. Toronto, 2.0th July, 
i ofj ase mJ ^ ewalL Toronto. 13th June. i860. This dav were married by licence, 
5 day were married by license. Charles Mudfor d, of Toronto, widower, and 
Fraaer, of Toronto, bache or, and Anne Jackson, of the township of Scarbor- 
Margaret Newell, of the same place, spin- ough, spinster, bv me, H. J. Grasett. 
ster, by me, H.J. Grasett. BurkholOer to " Will on. Toronto 22nd 

10 ?n US J m,- Tr , ebllcoc k - Toronto, 17th June, j u]v 18 50. This -ny were mnle ! bv li- 
This day wor married by license cen e, John Burkholder, of the township 
Ohartefl RUTO, of Hamilton, bachelor, and of Vaughan, bachelor, ana Franco* \VilUon, 
BIzabeth Treb-lcock of Toronto, spinster, o fthe .^ame place, widow, by me, H. J. Gra- 
-VTv, V ^aoett. Rector of St. James. se tt, Rector of St. James. 


to Bennett. Toronto, 20th June, Sc anlan to McKeown. Toronto, 22nd 

Thi< day were married by license, j u i y i860. This day were married after 

S W U Hutcheaon, of Toronto, t i ue publication of Banns, John S-anlan, of 

eame 9 la ee^s i?4ter bv" 8llnst r T of j ho Toronto, widower, and Anne McKeown, of 

B.aMwin f ri,^;t/ Toronto, ^h June, i sett.^&ctor oTstT Jama*- 5 ^ 

by license. hortt to McNally. Toronto, 23rd July, 

aldwm, Clerk, of i860. This dar were married bv liceneo, 

atu Frances Jemima Thomas Spunner Shortt, of Toronto, wid- 

t he same place, spinster, by me, O wer, and Jacqueline McNally, of the same 

Th h I f^- r f St JameS - P^cc ^pinBter. bv me, Jonathan Shortt 

ine bride in this case was a sister of Rector of Port Hone. 



Cinnamon to Elwis. Toronto 31ft July, 
1850. This day wore married after duo pub 
lication of BannJ, Alexander Cinnamon, of 
the townslrp of Lxbri ge bachelor, and 
Anno Elwis, of the township of York, spin 
ster, bv me, H. J. Grasett. 

Kennedy to Braden. Toronto, 7th Au- 
gu-t, 1850. This day were married by li 
cense, Joseph Kennedy, of the townsh p if 
Whitby, bachelor, and Ellen Braden, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra- 
sett. Rector of St. Jamon. 

King-ton to Johnston. Toronto, August 
9th. i850. This day were married by li 
cense, Paul Kingston, of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Martha John-ton, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Straith to McAdam. Toronto, August 9th. 
1850. This day were married by licom-e, 
John Straith. of Toronto. bachelor, and 
Sarah Jane McAdam of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Graham to Cunningham. Toronto, Aug. 
llth, 1850. This day were "inrried by li 
cense, Robert Graham, of iorpnto, bach- 
eoor, ami Margaret *!unn : n t rham, of the 
same place, epinstcr, by me, Edmund Bald 
win, Asst. Minister. 

Castlo to Cockburn. Toronto, August 13th, 
1850. This day were married by licen O, 
George Elphie Castle, of Toronto, bachel 
or, and Margaret Corklmrn o* the same 
place, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Gilclersleeve to Draper. Toronto 14th 
August, 1850. Th : o day were married by 
licence, Ovcrton Smith Gildersleeve, Esq., 
of the city of Kingston bachelor, an-I 
Louisa Anno Draper, of Toronto spinster, 
by mo, H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. Jamot-. 

Donovan to Parkinson. Toronto 58th 
August, 1850. Tire dry wore irmrri^ 1 ly 
license, Robert Donovan, of Toronto, wid 
ower, and I abolla Park non. 01 the 
place, spinster, by m<s H. J. Grasett. 

Fenwiek to Tiurkholiler. Toronto, August 
20th. 1850. This day w-ere married by li- 
een-o John Fenwiek, of the township of 
Tiiaghan. bachelor, and Anno Burkhol "er, 
of the samo place ep nster, by me, Edmund 
Baldwin, Asnt. Minister. 

Davis to Thompson. Toronto, llth Sept. 
1850. This day were married by license, 
William Liavis, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
M- .r^iret Thompson, of (he t<->wn-hii> of 
Blanchard,, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Dyett to Melntosh. Township of York, 
16th Sept., 1850. This day were married 
by license, Georg-e Dvett, of Bytown, bach 
elor, ar- 1 r^r MPp Mnrin M"Tntoih. of To 
ronto, sid nst or, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Page to IVitigje. Toronto, ITLli Sept., 
1850. This daj were married by license, 
John Page, of Toronto, bachelor, and Sarah 
Printrle, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J Grasett. Rector r.f St. Jnrnns. 

Smith to Rltchey. Toronto, 17th Sept., 
1850. This day were married by license, 
Robert Smith, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Sarah Ritchey, of the same 
pla-o.^. spinster, by me, H. J. Grnsett. 

Gilpir. ;< Gould. Toronto, 20th Sept., 
1850. This day wero married by license, 
Thomas Gilp^n, of the township of Chin- 
g-nacousy. widower, and Sarah Gould, 01 To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Burns to Bucknell. Toronto, 20th Sept.. 
1.850. Thia day were married by licensu, 
James Burns, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Susan Bucknell, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Mitchell to Rea. Toronto, 21st Sept.. 

1850. This day v, ere married by license, 

James Mitchell, of Toronto, bachelor, and 

i Eliza Jane Rea, of the same place, sp .nster, 

by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

i Connell to Swanto-n. Toronto, 24th .Sept., 

1,850. T!;is day were married by license, 

; Thomas Co.nnali, of Toronto, bachelor, and 

i Anne Swanton, of the same place, spinster, 

by mo, H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

>Sbaw to Sterrltt. Toronto, 26th Sept., 

1850. This day were married by license, 

i William Shaw, of the township of Chin- 

guaoousy, bachelor, and Sophia Sterritt, of 

the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 

; Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Holmes to Strong. Toronto, 3rd Oct., 

1850. This day wore married by, 

Andrew Holmes, of the township of York, 

I bachelor, and Sarah Strong, of the samo 

place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Agan to Mullen. Toronto, 3rd October, 

: 1850. This day were married by license, 

William Agan,, ot the township of York, 

bachelor, and M"Mig:irot Mullen, of the samo 

piaco, spinster, by me, II. J. Grasett. 

Carter to Jeweil. Toronto, 3rd October, 

! 1850. This day were married by license, 

I HHenry Carter, ol Toronto, bachelor, and 

Catherine Jewell, of the same place, spinster, 

by mo, H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Ridout to Gould. Toronto, 8th October, 

i 1S50. This day were married by license, 

Joseph Davis Ridout, Esq., of Toronto, 

bach-olor, and Jullnna Elizabeth Gould, of 

the same place, widow, by me, H. J. 

i Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Lennox to Baxter. Toronto, 9th Oct., 

1S50. This day were married by license, 

John Lennox, of Toronto, bachelor, and 

Mary Baxter, of the same plaoo, widow, 

by me, H. J. Grnsett, Rector of St. James. 

"Allen to Dewidgo. Toronto, 12th Oct., 

1850. This day were married by license, 

I Richard Allen, ot Toronto, bachelor, and 

Ellon Fanny Dewidge. of the same place, 

: spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Irvine to Livingston. Toronto, Oct. 15th, 
j 1850. This day were married by license, 
i William Irvine," of the township of Bin- 
j brook, bachelor, and Martha Livingston, of 
i the township ot Cliinguacousy, spinster, 
i by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 
| Baxter to Finneg-an. Toronto, 18th Oct., 
i 1850. This daj- were married by license, 
i Henry Baxter, of the township of To- 
I ronto, bachelor, and Ellen Finnigan, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Campbell to Ashonhurst. Toronto, Oct. 18, 
185O. This day were married by license, 
J<nseph Oampboil, of the township of Eto- 
foicokc, bache or, and Sarah Ashenhurst, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Irwin to Lawler. Toronto, L8th Oct., 
1350. This day were married by license, 
Richard Irwin, of the township of Chin- 
guacousy, bachelor, and Mary Lawler, of 
th" snme piace, spfnster. by me, H .J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. James, 

Cook to Carter. Toronto, 2Lst Oct., 
1850. This day were married by license, 
Robert Cook, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Jane Carter, of the s<me place, spinster, 
by mo, H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 
Oliver to Brooks. Toronto, 22nd Oct., 
1850. This day were married by license, 
William Oliver, or tiie township of Toronto, 
in the Gore, bachelor, and Mary Brooks, of 



the same place, spinster, by me, H J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Tyrman to Kennedy. Toronto, 25th Oct., 
1850. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Tyrman,, or the township of Ohin- 
guacousy, "bachelor and Elizabeth Jane 
Keraiedv, of the Township of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Roberts to Elliott. Toronto, 26th Oct., 
1850. This day were married by license, 
George Roberts, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Atkins Elliott, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Oielford to Lukin. Toronto, 27th Oct., 
1850. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, William Clelford, wid 
ower, and Anne Lukln, widow, both of this 
city, by me, H. J. Grasett. r 

White to Lowe. Toronto, 29th October, 
1850. This lay worn married by licen=e 
John White, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Jane Lowe, of the same place, spinster, 
bv me, Edmund Baldwin, Assi. Mirujtuf. 

Roberts to Diamond. Toronto, 31st Oct., 
1,85-0. Tin s day were married by license, 
Charles Roberts, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Alicia Diamond, of the same place, spinster, 
bv mo, H. J. Gras:tt, Rector of St. James. 
McKnown to Irwln. Toronto, Oct. 31st, 
11850. This day were married by license, 
John McKnown, of Lakevllle, near Roch 
ester, in the L ui icl Statej of America, 
bachc or, and Mars-ret, of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, Edmund Baldwin. 

Harris to Hockou. xoronto, lind Novem 
ber, 185 O. Tlii-i clay were married by li 
cense, Samuel HarrU of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Anno iiooken, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Klllmartiu to Waters. Toronto, 5th ]No- 
vember, 1850. This day wore married by 
license, John Killmartin, of tho township 
of Ohinguaconsy, bachelor, and Mary V\ aters 
of the same place, spinster, by mo, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Greer to Boles. Toronto, 5th November, 
1850. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Greer," of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Mary Anne Holes, of the same place, spin 
ster. by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Windsor to Canham. Toronto, lth .No 
vember, 1850. This day were married Miter 
due pnublication of Banns, James Wind 
sor of Toronto, bachelor and El zabeth 
Canham of tha same place, spinster by me 
H J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Campbell to Craik. Toronto, 13th No 
vember, 1850. This day were married by 
license, Robert Campbell, of Toronto, bach 
elor and Jomim-i CraiV. of the same place, 
widow, by me, H. J. Graeett. 

Bright to Wilson. Toronto, loth Nov., 
1850. This dav were married by licence, 
John Bright, ol Toronto, bachelor, and Jano 
Wilson of the name place spinster, by mo 
H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Tfouten to Crowley. Toronto, 18th Nov., 
1850. This day were mariiod by license, 
Willnm Trout- n, of Toronto .bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Crowley, of tho .-ame place, spin 
ster, bv me, H. J. Grasett. 

Carpenter to Vickery. Toronto, 19th Nov., 
1850. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Baun<, Henrv Carpenter, of the 
township of Scarborough, bachelor, and Isa 
bella Vickery. of tho same place, .winter, 
bv me, H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. Jjimes. 

Fielder to Cornell. Toronto. 19th Nov.. 
1850. This day were married by liccm o, 
Thomas Fielder, of Toronto, bachelor, and 

Elizabeth Cornell, of the .-ame place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Redding to Pollard. Toronto. 20th No 
vember, 1850. This day were married by 
license, John Redding, of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Maria Pollard, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J". Grasett. 

Peel to McKinnoii. Toronto. 21st No 
vember, 1850. This day were married by 
license. William Peel, of the township of 
York, bachelor, and Eliza McKInnen. of tho 
fame place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett Rector of St. James. 

McKay to Thirst. Toronto. 19th Nov., 
1850. This day were married at ter due pub 
lication of Bann^, Donald McKay, private 
in the Royal Cana i.m Rillo Rygiment, bach 
elor, and EIlz-iln. th Thirst, of Toronto, 
widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Miller to Johnston. Toronto, 28th Nov., 
1850. This day were married by licence, 
William Millor. of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Francos Johnston of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Reynold* to Marks. Toronto, 2nd Dec., 
1850. This day were married bv licence. 
John Reynolds, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
El zabeth Marks, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Bell to Woods. Toronto, 5th Dec., 
1850. This day were married l.y license. 
Thomas Boll of tho township of Chingua- 
cousy, bichclor, and Rachel Wo >ds, of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Cook to Cramp. Toronto. 5th December, 
1850. This day were married by license, 
William Clamp Cook, of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Eliza, Cramp, of the same pluc-\ spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Kleiser to Wilson. Toronto, 4th Dec., 
1850. This day were married by license, 
John Kloiser, or Toronto, bachelor, and 
Eleanor Wilson, o-f the same place, spinster, 
by me, V. Philip Mayerhoffer, Off .Min. 

Mabley to Secor. Toronto, 24th Dec., 
1850. This day were married by license, 
Charles Mabley, of the township of Scar 
borough, bachelor, and Anne Secor, of the 
same pace spinster, by me, Elm. Ba dwin. 

R< i I to McGee. Toronto, December, 
1850. This day were married by license, 
James Reid, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Grace McGee, of Toronto, 
spi"stcr, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Fair to Martin. Toronto, 27th Dec., 
1850. This day were married after due pub- 
licut on of Banns., tjeorgo Fair, of O .-.ippewa, 
buf-he or, and Elizabeth Martin, of Toronto, 
spinster, bv me, H. J. Grasett. 

\! xander to HI! I. Toronto, 30th Doc.. 

1850. This day were married by license, 
Wi I am James Alexander, of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Martha Hill, of the prime place, 
by mo. II. J. Grasott, Rector of St. James. 

Morri!! to Martin. Toronto, 1st Jan., 

1851. This dar were married by license, 
John Merrill, of the township of Chingua- 
cousy, widower, and Mary Martin, of the 
same place, spinster, by ire, H. J. Graso :t. 

Slater to Wallington. Toronto, 7th Jan., 
1851. This (lav were married by license. 
John Thornton Slater, of the Village of 
Richmond Hill bachelor, and M iry Wai ing- 
ton, of the same place, widow, by me, 
H, J. Grasett, Rector of St. Jn;;.: *. 

Brockvillo to racy. Toronto, 8th Jan., 
1851. This day were married by license, 
Thomas BrockvIIIe. of Toronto, widowor. 
and Jane Gracv, of the same piarc, 
by me, H. J. Grasott, Rector of St. 



Jackson to Howden. Toronto, Jan. 16th. 
1851. This day were married by license, 
James Jackson! of the township of Mono, | 
bachelor, and Mary Jane Howden, of the : 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. i 

Nelson to Hayes. Toronto, 20th Jan., 
1851. This day were married by license, 
John Nelson, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Margaret Hayes, of the same place, spinster, 
b<v me, K. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

"Duke to Luc*. Toronto, 22ud January, . 
1851. This dav wero married by iiwiise. i 
Robert Duke, "of Toronto, widower, and 
Catherine Lucy, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 
*Row to Ramsay. Toronto, 29th Jan., 
1851. This day were married by license), 
Peter Row, of Streetsville, bachelor, and 
Mary Ramsay, of Toronto, widow, by me, 
II. J. Grasett, Kector of St. James. 

Armstrong to Falkland. Toronto, 29th Jan. 
1851. This day v,ert>. married by license, ; 
William Armstrong 1 , of Toronto, widower, 
and Eliza Falkland, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Ivor to Deady. Toronto, 30th Jan., 
1851. This day were married by license, 
John Ker, of the Village of Streotsvillc, 
bachelor, and Margaret Doady, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Ross to Baldwin. Toronto, Feb. 4th, 
1851. This day were married b^ liceuso, 
the Honorable John Ross, of the town of 
Belleville, widower, and Augusta Elizabeth 
Baldwin,, of Toronto, spinster ,by rne, Edm. 
Baldwin, Ourate of St. James. 

Ben-nett to McKiro. Toronto, 5th Feb., 
1851. This day were married by license, 
William Bennett, of the township of Mono, 
bachuku-, and Hannah McKim, of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Jefferson; to Joilands. Toronto, 12th Feb., 
1851. This day were married by license, 
James Moore Jefferson, of Toronto, bache 
lor, a.n>d Jane Jollunds, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Smith to Tindale. Toronto, 18th Feb., 
1851. This day were married by lice-rue, 
Joseph Smith, of the township of Scarbor 
ough, widower, and Mary Tindaie, of the 
same p aee, spinster, by me, H. J. Gnte . 

McGuire to Hudson. Toronto, 21st Feb., 
1851. This day were married by license, 
James McGuire, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Martha Hudson, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Morrison to Morrison. Toronto, 25th Feb., 
1851. This day were married by license, 
Robert Morrison, of the township of Ar 
thur, bachelor, and Rebecca Morrison, of 
Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hodgson to Smith. Toronto, 26th Feb., 
1851. This day were married by lice-use, 
Or. gory Hodgson,, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Caroline Smith, of the same 
p", spinster, by mo, H. J. Grasett. 

Howard to Dade. Toronto, 3rd March, 
1851- whis day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, John Howard, of Toronto, 
bachelor, aai-d Anno Dado, of the same 
placo, spinster, by me, II. J. Grasett. 

Marshall to O.-;tig. Toronto, 4th March, 
1851. This day were married by license, 
George Marshall, of Toronto, widower, and 
Margaret Oralg-, of the same place, spinster, 
by isie, H. J. Grii&ett, Rector or ;?t. .lames. 

White to Hurst. Toronto, 12th March, 
1351. This day were married by lice 
George WTiito, of the township of Aibi >;i, 

bachelor, and Hannah Hurst, of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Duke to Orr. Toront, Ibth March, 
1851. This day were married by license, 
John Duke, of the towmhip of Toronto, in 
the Gore, bachelor, and Eleanor Jrr, of 
Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Graseti 

Lyttle to Robinson. Toronto, 19th March, 
1851. This day were married "by license, 
William Lyttto, of the township of Dur 
ham, bachelor, and Mary Anne Robinson, 
of Toronto, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett.^ 

Herron to Flniay. Toronto, 24th March, 
1851 This dav were married by license, 
John Herron, of Toronto, widower, and 
Mary Amn-e Finlay, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Wright to Hewlett, Toronto, 24th March, 
1851 whis day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Joseph Wright, of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Matilda Hewlett, of 
the some place, spinster, to me, J. 

Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Wi son to Brown. Toronto, 29th March, 
1851 This day were married by license, 
Hugh Wi:son,, o f the township of York, wid 
ower aaid Anne Brown, of Toronto, widow, 
bv me, H. J. (rrusett. Rector of St. James. 
Goodwin to Eaton. Toronto, 1st April, 
1851. whis day were married alter due pub 
lication of Banns, William Goodwin, of 
ronto widower, a.nd Mary Eaton, of the 
township of Vaughan, spinster, by me, Ed 
mund Baldwin, Curate of St. James. 

Sanders to Barber. Toronto, 3rd April, 
1851 This day were married by license, 
Thomas Sanders, of the township of Scar- 
boro bachelor, and Nancy Barber, of the 
saone pjaoe, spinster, b. mo. H. J. Grasett. 

Haslip to Harrison. Toronto, i>th April, 
5851. This day were married by license, 
James Hafilip of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Su-an Harrison, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Morrison to Hill. Toronto, 9th April, 
1851 This day wero married by license, 
William Morrison of Toronto, bachelor, an-.l 
Louisa Hannah Hill, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Cole to Bland. Toronto, Ota April. 1 
This day wero married by licence, Thomas 
Cole of the township of Chinguacouey, bach 
elor an-l El z- beth lilan-.l. oi the town hip 
of Toronto, spinster, by me, EJm. Baldwin. 

Tailor to Smith. Toronto 17th April, 
1851." Thi> day wero married by license, 
Francis Tailor, of Toronto. \\i;Ov\er, an. I 
Marsraret Smith, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Reddet to Burtram. Toronto, April SOth, 
1851. This day were married by license, 
Robert Reddet, of Toronto, bache or, and 
Sarah Ann Burtram. of the same ;>lace, 
spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Scboales to Kobiton. Toronto, May 2nd, 
1851. This day were married by licem e. 
Frani-Ls Hamilton S^hoak-B. of Markbam 
Village, bachelor, ami Jane TCobLsou. of tho- 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Whitoltfy to Sproales. Toronto, ^r \ May, 

1851. Thus day were married by license, 

1 John Whiteley of (ho township of Vaughnn. 

bachelor, and Letitia Sproaies, of the same- 

plaoe, spinster, by me;, H. J. Grasett. 

Ooert ke to Carson. Toronto 6th May, 
1851. This day were marrieil by license 
John Goedike, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Mary Carson, of tho tiamo place sjvnster. 
b;,- mo. H. J. Grasott, Rector of St. James. 

Venn to Turner. Toronto, 121 >T"r 



1851. This day wore marriod after duo pub 
lication of Harm;, John Venn, of Toronto, 
widower, and Mary Anne Turner, of the 
same; place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra- 
sett. Hector of St. James. 

Treloar to Doig. Toronto, 18th May, 
1851. ThL ? day were married bv license, 
John Treloar, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Jane Doig, of the >aino place, npinster, by 
ine. H. J. Gra-ett, Hector of St. James. 

Nichols to Waters. Toronto, 14th May, 

.851. This day were married by license, 

Robert Nichols, the younger, of Toronto 

bachelor r.nd Mary Waters, of the name 

place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

For! to i ,oyle. Toronto, 37th Miiy, 1851. 
This day were married by ii-eme, William 
Ford, of the township of York, bachelor, 
an ! Rachel Boyle, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, Edm. Baldwin* 

Colo to Howard. Toronto, 17th May, 

Thus day were married by licenKe 

James Colo, of Toronto, widower, and Mar- 

g-arot Howard, of the same place, i<pin- 

stor, by me, H. J. Gra-sett. 

Krollman to Fogg. Toronto, 19th May, 
1851. This day \M_ro married bv licenKe 
Gustave Krollman of the city of" New Or 
leans. in the United States of America 
bachelor, and Mary Shaw Fo.-g- o f tho c tv 
Baltimore, ii tho sai 1 United States 
widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

iw D L o Have to Dil nod. Toronto. 261 h 
851. This day were married by li 
cense, John De La Haye, of the township 
of Markham., bachelor an I Hannah D niond, ; 
of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Tlrasett. 

Sproat to Boddy. Toronto, 3rd Juno, 

This day were married by license. 
William Sproat, of the township of Pick 
ering-. bachelor, and Mary Anne Boddy of 
the ,nme place, ppinster, by me, H. J. Gra- 
etl Rer-tor of St. Jamoe. 

Burckholder to Keffer. Toronto 9th 

Juno, 1851. This day were married bv i- 

censo David Burckholder, of the town- 

Pickering, bachelor, an 1 Elizabeth 

VaUt han ^ 

| George ^ Black, of Toronto, widower, and 

Arme Gegg, of the same place, spinster, 

by me, H. J~. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

; McAndrew to HSluilony. Toronto, 7th July, 

I 1851. This day were married bv license, 

I James McAndrew, of Toronto, bachelor, anc 

Bridget Mu :lon,y, of the same place, spinster, 

H.. u. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Mitchell to Rowell. Toronto, 7th July, 

; 1851. This day were married by license, 

! James Scott Mitchell, of Toronto, bache- 

[ lor, and Jane Eloise Mitchell, 01 the same 

p.ace, spinster, by ine, H. J. Grasett. 

Hessey to Gilbert. Toronto, 26th July, 
1851. This day were married by license, 
John Hes-sey, of the township of "Chingua- 
cousy, widower, and Fanny Gilbert, of To 
ronto, widow, by me, Ed m. Baldwin. 

Burke to Ferguson. Toronto, 2Sth July, 
._851. whis da;.- were married after due pub- 
Ucatlon of Banns, Georgo Henry Burke, of 
tho township of Scarborough, bachelor, and 
Phoebe Ferguson, of the township of Chin- 
guacousy, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Hopkins to Vollor. Toronto, 31st July, 
1851. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Gowan Hopkins of Toronto, bache 
lor, a,nd Mary Ann Vollor, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Hunt to Brayley. Torojito, 2nd August, 
J 851. This day were married by license, 
Vere John Hunt, of Toronto, "bachelor, 
and Ju ia Anne Crnyley, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Stephens to Finn. Toronto, 5th August, 
1851. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Stephens, of the township of 
York, bachelor, and Fanny Finn, of the 
township of Scarborough, spinster, by me. 
Edm. Baldwin, Asst. Minister. 


ii, to K 2- an - Toronto. 9th June, 
1. Ihi.s day were married after duo pub- 
Icatlon of Banns, James McMahon, of the 
town -hip of York, widower, and Marv Anno 
Kog-an. of the *ame piare. widow bv me 
Edmund Baldwin, Curate St. James. 

ia?i avi * . Johneon - Toronto. 12th June, 
1851. This nay wore mar; led after duo pub 
lication of Bannv William l)avj R O f Toron 
to. widower, and EJiza Johnon, of the 
eame piace, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

iR?i ayn - t0 , Shar P e - Toronto. 14th June, 
IBS! This day were married after du,- pub 
lication of Banns, George Bavnen, of the 
tov.n^p of York. bac-holor. an-l Anne 
BMiarpo of the .<-ame place, widow, bv mo 
H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. Jame*! 

. Huton - Toronto, June 30th, 
This day were married by licenxo 
es Weir, of Toronto, bachelor, and L<a- 
Huton of the same place, Bpinster, 
nT- H> / rasptt . Kfictor of St. Jamo*! 
ilSi Bri !3 ^ PoIIarcI - Toronto, 1st Juh-, 
i - whls da - v ^ere married after due pub- 
*. Jhn O Brien, of the 
, ^ widowo -. and Margaret 
rd of the same place, spinster, bv me. 
, <irasett - Hector of St. James. 

W * SB ~ Toront . 2nJ July, 
This day were married by 

Gibson to Hewlett. Toronto, 5th August, 
1851. This da.y were married by license, 
Joseph Gibson, of Toronto, widower, and 
Sarah Eizfibetfi Howlett, of the same place, 
by m/e, Edm. Baldwin, Asst. Minister. 

Forsyth to Ooraiell. Toronto, lth Aug., 
1851. This day were married by license, 
Francis Forsyth, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Catherine Goinnell, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, Kilm. Baldwin, Asst. Minister. 
Wiley to Wiley. Toronto, 27th August, 
1851. This day were married by license 
Hugh Nesbitt Witey, of the township of 
Fu:larton, bachelor, and Elizabeth Wiley, 
of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
AS Illaoj] to Sewell. Toronto, 28th Aug., 
1851. This day were married by license, 
Robert Willson, of the township "of York, 
bachelor, and Sarah Sewell, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Canh/am to Be!I. Toronto, 28th August, 
18-51. whis day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, William Canham, of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Jane Bell, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Foster- to Wlllson. Toronto. 29th August, 
1851. This day were married by license, 
James Foster, of the Village of Markham, 
bachelor, and Mary Anne Wlllson, of the 
same place, spinster, b^ me, H. J. Grasett. 

Smith to Gibson. Toronto, Sept. 1st, 
1551. This day were married by license, 
Mathew Smith, of Pickering, widower, and 
Marti** Gfbson., of the same place, spinster, 
by mt\ Edm. Baldwin, Asst. Minister. 

Dukes to De Olute. Toronto, 3rd Sept., 
1851. This day were married bv license, 
Thomas Dukes, of Trafalgar, bachelor, and 
Mary Maria De CTute, of the township of 
Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 



Smith to Ojwie. Toronto, 4th Sept., 
1851. whis da;- were married after duo pub 
lication of lianas, Robert Smith, of the 
township of TorR, widower, and Margaret 
Oowie, of tlio same pvnee, spinster, by me, 
Edm. Baldwin, Asst. Minister. 

Awrlll to Beanigea. Toronto, 4th Sept., 
1851. This day were married by license, 
Jumps Awrttf, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Margaret Beangea, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, Edm. Baldwin, Asst. Minister. 

SwantO n to Brown. Toronto, 5th Sept., 
1851. This day wore married by license, 
Benjamin Swanton, of Trafalgar, bachelor, 
amid Brown, of Toronto, spinster, by 
m Edm. Baldwin., Asst. Minister. 

Dundas to Long. Toronto, 6th Sept., 
1851. This day were married by license, 
Francis Dundas, of Toronto, widower, and 
.lane Long, of the same place, widow, by me, 
Edm. Baldwin. Asst. Minister. 

r i kins to Wilson. Toronto, 8th Sept., 
1851. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Daniel "Wilkina, of this 
city, bachelor, and Alicia Wilson, of the place, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Drummond to Lindsay. Toronto, Sept. 11, 
1851. This day were married by license, 
Andrew Drummoind , of Toronto, widower, 
and Louisa Adelaide Lindsay, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Barnes to Delany. Toronto, 13th Sept., 
1851. This day were married by license, 
John Barnes, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Mary Delany, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, Edm. Baldwin, Asst. Minister. 

Mills to Laurin. Toronto, 16th Sept., 
1851. This day were married by license, 
John Mills, of Toronto, bachelor, and Mary 
Laurin, spinster, of the same place, by me, 
H. J. Grusett, .Rector of St. James. 

Jarvi.s to Mead. Torontto, 18th Sept., 
1851. This day were married by license, 
Charles Beverley Jarvis, of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Elizabeth Mead, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, IT. J. Grasett. 

Franco to Oaldweil. Toronto, 22nd Sept., 
1851. This day were married after duo pub 
lication of Banns, John France, of the town 
ship of Ohinguaco;i8y, widower, and Mary 
Aniie Cald well, of the same township, widow, 
by me, H. J . Graselt. Rector of St. James. 

Davidson to Thompson. Toronto, Sept. 22, 
1851. This day were married by licence, 
James Henry Davidson, of Streetsville, 
bachelor, and Jane Thompson, of the samo 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Thompson to McArthur. Tornnto Sept. 27, 
1851. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Thompson., of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Christiana McArthur, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, S. J. Grasett. 

Ritchie to Little. Toronto, 29th Sept., 
1851. This day were married by license. 
William Ritchie, of the township of 
Vaughan, bachelor, and Margaret Little, 
of the same pface, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Tico to Wiggins. Toronto, 1st October, 
1851. This day were married by license, 
James Tice, of Hamilton, bachelor, and 
Eiiza Anno Wiggins, of Toronto, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Gnisett, Rector of St. James. 

Atkinson to Skirrow. Toronto, 2nd Oct., 
1851. This day were married by license, 
Joseph Atkinson., of the township of Es- 
quesing, bachelor, and Margaret Skirrow, 
of th<; same township, spinster, by me, H. J. 
GrasMt, Rector of St. James. 

Skirrow to Atkinson. Toronto, 2nd Oct., 

1851. This day were married by license, 
Rimes Skirrow, of the township of Esque- 
sitig, bachelor, and Sarah Ann Atkinson, 
of the same townchip, spinster, by me, 
fl. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Ashbridge to Mitchell. Toronto, 2nd Oct., 
1851. This day were married by license, 
Levi Heath Ashbridge, of the township of 
York, bachelor, and Mary Mitchell, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H J. 
v rasott, Rector of St. James. 

Sloggett to Mantle. Toronto, 4th Oct., 
1851. This day were married by license. 
\\illiam Slrggett, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Sarah Clarissa Mantle, of the same place, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Borrett to Farmer. Toronto, 6th Oct., 
1851. This day were married by license, 
Samuel Ward Borrett, of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Sarah Farmer, of Montreal, spinster, 
by mo H. J. (trasctt, Rector of St. James. 

Bcattie to Armstrong. Toronto, 7th Oct., 
1851. This day were married by license, 
Joseph Beattie, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Armstrong, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Whitney to Mara. Toronto, 10th Oct., 
1851. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns. Alexander Whitney, of 
the township of Tork, bachelor, and Jane 
Mara, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Benns to Wood. Toronto, 13th October, 
1851. This day were married by license, 
Henry John Benns, of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Frances B Iza Wood, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Campbell to Reaman. Toronto, 14th Oct., 
1851. This day were married by license, 
John Campbe ll, of the township of 
Vaughan, bachelor, and Catherine Reaman, 
of the same place, widow, by me, S. B. Ar- 
dagh, Officiating Minister. 

Bravender to Ferris. Toronto, 16th Oct., 
1851. This day were married by license, 
Christopher Bravender, of the township of 
Markham, bachelor, and Jane Ferris, of the 
same place, widow, by me, H. J. Grr.sstt. 

Watson to Devltt. Toronto, 17th Oct., 
1851. This day were married by license. 
George Watson, of Toronto, widower, and 
Ellon Devitt, of the place, spinster, 
by me, Edmund Baldwin, M.A. 

"McLcIland to Galloway. Toronto, Oct. 18, 
1851. This day were married by license, 
James Thomas McLelland, of the township 
of Scarboro , bachelor, and Lucinda Gallo 
way, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
Edm. Baldwin, Asst. Minister. 

Jenkinson to Steph*nson. Toronto Oct. 18, 
1851. This day were married by license, 
James Jenkinson, of tho township of Ed- 
wardsburgh, bachelor, and Ellen Stephen- 
son, oi Toronto, spinster by me, Edm. Bald 
win, Asst. Minister. 

Stewart to Patterson. Torontl, 26th Oct., 

1851. This day were married by license, 

"illiam Stewart, of Yorkville, bachelor, and 

E izabeth Patterson, of Toronto, spinster, 

; by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector of St. James. 

Uoeswoatherick to Cook. Toronto. 27th 
| Oct., 1851. This clay aere married by li 
cense, Jamen Beesweatherick, late of the 
town-hip of Whitby, bachelor, and Rebecca 
Cook, of the .^aid township of Whitby, spin- 
| ster, by me, H. J. Graeett, M. A,, Rector. 

Nixon to Ross. Toronto, 28th Oct.. 1851. 

I This day were married by ;i<-on e George 

I Nixon, Private in Her Majesty s 7lst Reg!., 

of Toronto, bachelor, and Anne Bella Rosa, 


of the said citv, spinster, by me, H. J. Amelia Chatwin, of Toronto, spinster by 
Grasett, Off. Ohaplaji to the Forces, i in - H. J. Grasett. Rector. 

Grey to Johnson. Toronto, 30th Oct., } Knox to Ryan. Toronto, 30th December, 
1851. This Oav \\-re married by license, : 1851. This <;ay were married by licence, 
Thomas Grey, of Toronto, widower, and Smon Knox, 01 Toronto, bachelor, and Brid- 
Mary Johnson of the same place, spin- get Ryan, of the .-ame place, spinster, by 
ster, by me, Edmund Baldwin, Asst. Min. me. H. J. Grasett, Rector. 

Cocbran to Bates. Toronto, 1st Novem 
ber, 1851. This day were married by li 
cense, Alexander Cochran, of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Httnnah Hates, of the same 

S~aberry to Nolan. Toronto, 1st Janu 
ary. 1852. This day were married by ;i en O. 
Richard Seaberry, of Toronto, widower, and 
Anno Nolan, of the same place, spinster 

place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. j by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector. 

Limpshire to Collins. Toronto, 1st Nov., i Murray to Davis. Toronto, 2nd January, 
1851. This day were married by license ! 1852. This day were married by license, 
Mark Limpshire, of Toronto, bachelor, and ; John Murray, of the township of Scarbor- 
Ellen Collins, of the same place, spinster, ongh, bachelor, and CharJntto P^ms. of 
by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector. Toronto, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Turley to Rogers. Toronto, 6th Novem- i Matthews to Fisher. Toronto, 6th Janu- 
ber, 18ol. This nay were married after due : arj-, 1852. This day were married after due 
publication of Banns, Edward Turley, of the i publication of Banns, Stephen Matthews, of 
township of York bachelor, an 1 Mary Anne j Toronto, widower, and Kachei Fisher, of the 
Rogers, of the fame place, spinster, by me | eame place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
H. J. Grasett M.A., Rector. Bowden to Jewell. Toronto, 7th January, 

Bright to Morrow. Toronto, llth !Nov., [ !852. This day were married bv license 
1851. This day were married by license, : John Bowden, of Toronto, widower, and 
David J3nght L of ^the^ ^township of Eto^bi- Jane^Jewell, of the same place, widow, by 



i 51 - ^ n T ls , Ga i were marrieu uy license, j onn Watson, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Wilford Locke, of the township of Picker- Catharine Winkficld Miller, of the same 
ing, bachelor, and Sarah Anne Ozburn, ot place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
tho same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra- - Sherlock to Merdick. Toronto lith Jan- 
sett M. A. Rector. I uary, 1852. ThLs day were married bv li- 

Richards to Shears. Toronto, 12th >,ov., , cen-o, William Sherlock, of Toronto, \wid- 
day were married by license, ; ower, and Margaret Merdick. of the same 
George Richards, of Toronto, bachelor, and place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

ster by me H. J Grasett Harrison to Foster. Toronto, 13th Janu- 

Caldwell to McCallum. Toronto. 13th j a l y 18 2 This _ day ^^ married by 11- 
Nov., 1851. This day were married by li- ^ ,vi f in^r ^viF H 1 arr , 16on * TOT n - 
ccn-e, George Caldwell, of Toronto, Wid- i t U "? df L* er and iUlen Foster, ot Toronto, 
ower, and Agnes McCallum, of the same p ^t^r"^ % i r51 ett t , T ,, 
place, spinster, bv me, H. J. Grasett. iVo ^dmgly. Toronto, 13th Jan- 

Sanderson to McElroy Toronto 17th y } \ , day were marnei1 after 

Nov., 1851. This day we re married by li- ! gj? ff J"?" on .. Ba _ nn . s . J hn Mc aw . - of 
cense, Joseph Sanderson, of Toronto, bach-. wA^ & ir, ba f helor ? n | Ma ^ 

eolr, and Mary Anne McElroy, of the same S,/ d i? gly> r r * f , s S me t place 8 P inster - b ? 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. H " J " Graa e, Rector. 

Davis to Graham. Toronto, 17th Nov., Coupland to Farr. Toronto, 21st January, 
1851. This day were married by license, Tn is cla y were married, by license, 

Thomas Davis, of the township of Vaughan, James Coupland, ot the township of Albion, 
bachelor, and Ellen Graham, of the town- abchelor, and Jane Farr, of the township 
ship of Albion, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra- of ^ork, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 
sett, Rector. Boon to Hunwick. Toronto, 22nd Jan., 

Curran to Codlin. Toronto, 25th Novem- 1852 - This da y wer e married by license, 
br-r, 1851. This day were married by license, > J spn Boon, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Thomas Curran, of the township "of Eto- Susannah Hunwick, of the same place, 
bicokc, a-nd Margaret Codlin, of the same spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
place, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. Stewardson to Preston. Toronto, Jan. 22, 

Irvine to Bellas. Toronto, 26th Xovem- 1852. This day were married after due pub- 
ber, 1851. This day were married by li- lication of Banns, William Stewardson, of 
cense. Bryan Irvine, of the Village of the township of Etobicoke, widower, and 
Weston. bachelor, and Hannah Bellas, of Jane Preston, ot" the same township, widow, 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra- ; H. J. Grasett, Koctc-r 

sett, Rector. XocI to Smith. Toronto, 22nd January, 

Barnett to Taylor. Toronto, Nov., 29th, 1852. This day were married by licorrge, 

.851. This day were married by license, George Washington Noel, of Yorkville, 

Michael Matthew Barnett, of Toronto, bachelor, and Almira Smith, of the towij* 

bachelor, and Mary Taylor, of the same ship of Orillia, spinster, by me, H. T. 

place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. i Grasett. 

Flint to Wngstaff. Toronto 6th Decem- Brunt to Brunt. Toronto, 26th January, 

ber, 1851. This day were married by license, 1852. This day were married by license, 

Edwin Flint, of Toronto, bachelor, and William Brunt, of Springfield, bachelor, and 

Elizabeth Wagstaff, of the same place, spin- Mary Ann Brunt, of the township of Toron- 

ster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector. to spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector. 

Fry to Chatwin. Toronto, 30th Dec., Wiley to McCarty. Toronto, 2t8h January. 

351._ This day were married after due pub- 1852. This day were married by license, 

lication of Banns, Daniel Fry, Gunner & Leonard Wiley, of the township of Toron- 

Driver of the Royal Artillery, bachelor, and to, in tho Gore, bachelor, and Elizabeth 



MeCarty. of the rame place, spinster, by 
mo. H. J. Grasott, Rector. 

Young to Connelly. Toronto, 30th Jan., 
1852. This day were married by license, 
James Young-, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Catherine Connelly, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, Rector, 
tie-. 25-0 l William st reel; there only; tolo- 

Dixom to Caslin. Toronto, 2nd Feb., 
1852. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Dixon, of the township of Etobi- 
cokc, widower, and Ellen Gaslin, of the 
same placo, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Shore to Hazelton,. Toronto, 2nd Feb., 
1852. This day were married bv license, 
Andrew Shore, of the township of Albion, 
bachelor, and Mary Hazciton, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hales to Harrison. Toronto, 5th Feb., 
1852. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, William Hales, of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Jane Harrison, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Yeo to Bay ban.. Toronto, 5th February, 
1852. This day were married by license, 
Samuei Yeo, of Toronto, bachelor, and Anno 
Bayhan, of the same place, spinster, by me 
Edm. Baldwin. 

Doyle to Cody. Toronto, 7th February, 
1852. This day were married by license, 
Edmund Dovle, of the township of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Margaret Cody, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasotf.. 

Bennett to Gibson. Toronto, 7th Feb., 
1852. This day were married by license. 
Thomas Bennett, of the township of East 
Gwillimbury, widower, and Bridget Gib 
son, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
Edm. Baldwin. 

Alderson to Walsh. Toronto, 17th Feb., 
1852. This day wei o married by license, 
Isaac Alderson,, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Mary Walsh, ot the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Ix>ngheed to Alexander. Toronto, Feb. 20, 
185J. This day were married by license, 
John Long-heed, of the township of Al 
bion, bachelor, and Mary Ann Alexander, 
of the sam.3 place, spinster, by me, Edm. 

Thomson to McBrfde. Toronto, Feb. 24th, 
1852. This d. iy were marri -d by license, 
David Thomson, ot the township of Scar 
borough, bachelor, and Jane McBride, of the 
Banif place, spinster, by gie, H. J. Grasett. 

Parkes to Sempie. Toronto, 27th Feb., 
1852. Thi* ay wefo married by license. 
Joseph Parkes, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Mary Sempie, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Mclsaac to Harklsoti. Toronto. 1st March, 
1852. This day were married :ifter due pub 
lication of Banns, John Mclsaac, of To 
ronto, widower, a.ncl Mary Harkison, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Perrigo to Peacock. Toronto, 2nd March. 
185"!. This day were married br !ii:onso 
Benjamin Perrigo, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Rachei Peacock, of the game place, spinster, 
by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Do-Image to Fanner. Toronto. 3rd March, 
1852. Thi.- clay were married by license, 
Robert Doknage, of the village of Palermo, 
bachelor, and Frances Palmer, of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Forge to Welch. Toronto, 5th March, 
1852. This lax wi-ro married by license 
Richard Forge, of Torkville, wido wer, and 
Honor Welch of Toronto, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Anderson to Makings. Toronto, 6th March, 
1852. This day were married by license, 
Shadforth Andorson, M.B., of the township 
of Scarborough, bachelor, and Deborah 
Makings, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. to Gillcsjiie. Toronto, March 9, 
185?. This day were married by license, 
William Carlton, of the township of Pick 
ering, bachelor, and Mary Gille-s<pie, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Reynolds to Armstrong. Toronto, March 16 
1852. This day were married by license, 
Xelson Gilbert Reynolds, of the town of 
Belleville, widower, and Frances Eliza Arm 
strong, of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 

Fell to R.utley. Toronto, 8th April, 
1.852. This day were married by license, 
Edmund Frcdorick Joshua Fell, of Toronto, 
widower, and Mary Margaret R-utley, of the 
same p. ace, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Dixoui to Kirby. Toronto, 13th April, 
1852. This day were married by license, 
William Dixon,, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Jane Kirby. of the same pla-ce, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hopkins to Graham. Toronto, 20th April, 
1852. This day were married by license, 
John Hopkins, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Margaret Caroline Graham, of the same 
plao, widow, by me. H. J. Grasett. 

Carefoot to Harrison. Toronto, April 22nd, 
1852. This day were married by license, 
Richard Oarefoot, of the township o fTo- 
ronito, in the Gore, bachelor, and Mary 
Jiano Harrison, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Wright- to Stratford. Toronto, 24th Ap 
ril, 1852. This day were married by license, 
Frederick William Wright, ot Toronto, 
bachelor, and Frances Anne Stratford, of 
the same place spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 

Berzley to Baylus. Toronto, 29th April, 
1852. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Augustus Berzley, of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Anne Baylus, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Welsh to Rogers. Toronto, 30th April, 
1852. This day were married by license, 
Abraham Welsh, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Eliza Rogers, of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Peurice to Chamberlain. Toronto, 14th 
May, 1852. This day were married by li 
cense, Thomas Peurice, of the township of 
Scarborough, bachelor, and Anno Chamber 
lain, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Martin to Dillon. Toronto, 17th May, 
1852. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Martin, of the town of Barrie, 
bachelor, and Letitia Mary Dillon, of Toron 
to, spinster, by me, H. J. Graaett. 

Atkinson to Holmes. Toronto, 20th M;vy, 
1852. This day were married by license, 
John Atkinson, of the township of Mono, 
bachelor, and Anne Holmes, of the town 
ship of Albion, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 

Burrowes to Radcliffe. Toronto, 22nd 
May, 1852. This day were married by li- 
conso, Edwin Annesley Burrowes, of the 
city of Kingston, bachelor, and Florinda 
Anne Radcliffe, of Toronto, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Holliwell to Marsh. Toronto, 26th May, 
1852. This da-y were married by license, 
John Helliwell. of the townshin of York. 



bachelor, and Hannah Marsh, of TorontOi 
spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Grafto.n to Swanton. Toronto, 31st May, 
1852. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Ba,nns, Honry Grat ton, of To 
ronto, bachelor, an.l Carolino Swanton, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra- 

Anderson to Potter. Toronto, 3rd June, 
1852. This day were married by license, 
William Anderson, of Toronto, bichelor, and 
Allena Potter, of the same place, spinster, 
txy me, H. J. Grasett. 

Ro.jjer>on to Yenning. Toronto, 3rd June, 
1852. This day were married by license, 
William Rog-erson, of the township of Pick 
ering, bachelor, and Margery Yenning, of 
the samj place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 

Addis on to Irvine. Toronto, 10th June, 
1852. Thte day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, William Addison, of the 
township of Scarborough, bachelor, and 
Sarah Irvine, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Pudsey to Bone. Toronto, 3rd July, 
1852. This day were married by license, 
George Pudsey, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Mary Bone, of the same place, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Thompson to Jefferson. Toronto, 3rd 
July, 1852. This day were married by li 
cense, Archibald Thompson, of the- town 
ship of Etobicoke, bachelor, and Mary Jef- 
ferso-n. of the township of Toronto, spin 
ster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Cook to Chosney. Toronto, 7th July, 
1852. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Gourde Cook, of the 
township of York, bachelor, and Margaret 
Chesney, of the same place, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Brown to Brown. Toronto, 7th July, 
1852. This day were married by license, 
Oliver Brown, of the township of Esques- 
injj, bachelor, and Rebecca Jane Brown, of 
Toronto, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 
Lynton to Usher. Toronto, 13th July, 
1852. This day were married by license, 
William Henrv Lj-nton, of the city of 
Rochester, bachelor, and Martha Eliza 
beth Usher, of Toronto, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Patchett to McCartnev. Toronto, 26th 
July, 1852. This Any were married by li 
cense, Abedneg-o Patchett, of Spring-field, 
bachelor, and Mary McCartney of the same 
plnce, spinster, bv me, H. J. Grasett. 

Bailey to Whitworth. Toronto, 28th July, 
1852. This day were married by licence, 
William. Bailey, of Tullamore, in the town 
ship of Albion, widower, and Elizabeth 
Catherine Whitwortn, of the township of 
Chlnguaoousy. widow, by me, H. J. Gra^ott. 
Sparks to Hastings. Toronto, 28th July, 
1862. This day were married by license, 
James Sparks, of the township of York, 
widower, and Eliza Hastings, of Toronto, 
widow, by mo, H. J. Grasett. 

Hughes to Trainer. Toronto, 6th Aug-uat, 
1852. This day were married by license, 
Daniel Hughes, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Catherine Trainer, of the 
same place, spinster, bv me, H. J. Grasett. 

Willcox to Knotl. Toronto, 9th August, 
1852. This day were married by license, * 
Ainos Willcox, of the township of" Toronto, i 
wldcrwer, and Eliza Knott, of Cooksville, 
widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Doyell to Purvis. Toronto, 12th Ano-iist. 

1852. This day were married by license, 
! Samuel Doyell, of tho city of Toronto, 
bachelor, arid Mary Purvis, of the saiae 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Johnson to Watson. Toronto, 12th Au- 

rnwt, 1852 This day were married by 

license, Barnes Johnson, of Cleveland, 

; in tho State of Ohio, in tho United Siates 

. of America, bachelor, and Jane Watson, of 

1 the township of York, Canada West, widow, 

by me, H. J. Grasett. 

White to Forbes. Toronto, 16th August, 

I 1852. This day wore married by license, 

William White, of the township of Vaughan, 

bachelor, and Rebecca Jane Forbes, of the 

same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Gibson to Humphreys. Toronto, 17th Au- 

giiot, 1852. This day were married by 

license, John Gibson, of the township of 

Orillia, bachelor, and Mary Humphreys, of 

Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra--!t. 

Moran to McGuire. Toronto, 18th Aug., 
1852. This duy wore married by license, 
James Moran, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Margaret McGuire, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Poulter to Vaughan. Toronto, 24th Aug-., 
1852. This day were married by license, 
John Poulter, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Mary Vaughan, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Gaskin to Hawiishaw. Toronto, 25th Aug., 
1852. This day were m-arried by license, 
Robert Gii-skln, of Toronto, widower, and 
Mary Anne Hawnshaw, of the samo place, 
spinster, by me- If. J. Grasett. 

Wilson to Bell. Toronto, 28th August, 
1852. This day were married by Iicen--e, 
William Wilson, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Anne Bell, of the same place, widow, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Monoypsnny to Connors. Toronto, Sept. 11, 
185.. This day wore married by license, 
Thomas Moneypenny, of Toronto, bachelor, 
i .n.d Mary Co -n. rs. of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasott. 

Scurrah to Manuel. Toronto, 13th Sept., 
1852. This day were married by license, 
Joseph Scurrah, of the Vi lige of Columbus, 
C. W., widower, ami Jane Manuel, of the 
samo place, wictow, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Heard to Bartland. Toronto, 13th Sept., 
1&52. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Heard, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Ma-ry Anno Bartland, of the same place, 
spinster, by ine, H. J. Grasett. 

Fuller to Grasett. Toronto, 14th Sep 
tember, 1852. This day were married by 
license, John Fuller, Esq., lieutenant in 
Her Marty s 71st regiment, bachelor, and 
Alicia Sophia Grasett, of Toronto, spinster, 
by me, John Toronto. 

Willis to Madill. Toronto, 14th Septem 
ber, 1852. This day were married after 
due publication of banns, William Willis, 
of the township of York, bachelor, and 
Mary Anne Madill, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Thompson to Johnson. Toronto, Septem 
ber, 1852. This day were married by li 
cense, Joseph Richard Thompson, Esq., of 
tho township of Brock, bachelor, and Jean 
Johnson, of the township of Georgina, spin 
ster, by me, Richard Garrett, Missionary of 

Robb to Fitzpatrlck. Toronto. 17th Sept., 
1852. Thi.-? day wore married by, 
Alexander Itobb, of the Village of St. An 
drews, bache or, and Catherine Fitzpatrick. 



of the same place, spinster, by ine, H. J. 

Mink to Adams. Toronto, 18th Sept., 
1852. This day were married by license, 
George Mink, of Kingston, widower, and 
Mary Jane Adams, of Toronto, spinster, 
by me, H. J". Grasett. 

Haystead to Robinson. Toronto, Sept. 18, 
1852. This day were married by license, 
William Haystead, of the Village of Bur- 
wick, bachelor, and Anno Robinson, of the 
township of Albion, spinster, by me, H. J. 

Bae to Dundas. Toronto, 20th Septem 
ber, 1852. This day were married by li 
cense, Adam Rae, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Margaret Dun das, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Moncton to Trenor. roronto, 21st Sep 
tember, 1852. This day were married by 
license, Samuel Haskett Moncton, of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Catherine Trenor, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, J. J. Gra- 

Wiggins to Hannam. Toronto, 22nd 
September, 1852. This day were married 
by license, Peter Wiggins, of the town 
ship of York, bachelor, and Mary Hannam, 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 

Bailey to Oapp. Toronto, 24th Septem 
ber, 1852. This day were married by li 
cense, William James Bailey, of the town 
ship of Medonte, bachelor, and Mary Anne 
Capp, of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 

Close to Wilkinson. Toronto, 27th Sep 
tember, 1852. This day were married by 
license, John Close, of the township of Tra 
falgar, bachelor, and Mary Wilkinson, of 
Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Clarke to Bell. Toronto, 28th Septem 
ber, 1852. This day were married by li 
cense, William Clarke, of the township of 
York, bachelor, and Sarah Bell, of Toronto, 
widow, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Holmes to McCburt. Toronto, 29th Sep 
tember, 1852. This day were married by 
license, Thomas Holmes, of the township 
of Etobicoke, bachelor, and Mary McCourt, 
of the township of Toronto, in the Gore, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Montgomery to Underwood. Toronto, 29th 
September, 1S52. This day were married by 
license, Robert Montgomery, of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Hannah Underwood, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 

Grainger to Ward. Toronto, 30th Sep 
tember, 1852. This day were married by 
license, Edmund Grainger, of Yorkville, 
bachelor, and Harriet Ward, of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Chalcroft to Ward. Toronto, 30th Sept., } 
1852. This day were married by license, 
Prank Ohaloroft, of Yorkville, bachelor, and j 
Frances Ward, of Toronto, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Hawaiian, to Wilkie. Toronto, 30th Sept., 
1852. This day were married by license, 
Conrad Hawiuan, of the township of King, 
bachelor, a>nd Margaret Wilkie, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Munsihaw to Oowam. Toronto, 1st Oct., 
1852. This dyy were married by license, 
Nicholas Munshaw, of the township of 
Vaughan, bachelor, and Hannah Cowan, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 

Duncan to Bogue. Toronto, 3rd Oct., 

1852. This day were married a fter due pub 
lication of Banns, Willi >.m Duncan, bache 
lor, and Margaret Bogue, spinster, both of 
the township of York, by me, H. J. Gra 

Ledger to Murray. Toronto, 4th Oct., 
1852. This day were married by license. 
John Ledger, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Anne Murray, of Port Credit, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Simpson to Doherty. Toronto, llth Oct., 
1852. This day were married by license, 
WilVain Simpson, of Toronto, widower, and 
Catherine Doherty, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Littlefield to Shaw. Toronto, 13th Oct., 
1852. This day were married by license, 
Nelson Littlefield, of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Mary Shaw, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Carter to Hunter. Toronto, 13th Oct., 
1852. This day were married by license, 
Richard Carter, of the township of Mark- 
ham, bachelor, and Frances Hunter, of the 
same place, spinster, bv mo, H. J. Grasett. 

Ritchie to Wright. Toronto, 18th Oct., 
1852. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Ritchie, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Dora Wright, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Sprigs to Anderson. Toronto, 20th Oct., 
1852. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Alexander Sprig?, of the 
township of York, bachelor, and Sarah An 
derson, of the same place, widow, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Fox to Betterldge. Toronto, 21st Oct., 
1852. This day were married by license, 
William Fox, of the to.wnship of Etobicoke, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Betteridge, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Gardner to Bradley. Toronto, 24th Oct., 
185 2. This day were married after due pub 
lication, of Banns, Henry Gardner, of To 
ronto, widower, and Elizabeth Bradley, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 

Xeville to Monro. Toronto, 27th October, 
1852. This day were married by license, 
Brent Xeville, Esq., Lieutenant in Her Ma 
jesty s 71st Regt., bachelor, and Frances 
Jane Monro, of Toronto, spinster, by me, 
John Toronto. 

Stupart to Lee. Toronto, 27th Oct., 
1852. This day wore married by license, 
Robert Douglas Ktupart, of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Eiiza Lee, of the same place, spin 
ster, by mo, H. J. Grasett. 

Mansfield to Rogers. Toronto, 2nd Nov., 
1852. This day were married bv license, 
John Mansfield, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Margaret Rogers, of the same place, widow, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Smith to Jackson. Toronto, 2nd Novem 
ber, 1852. This day were married after 
due publication of Banns, Henry Francis 
Smith, of Toronto, bachelor, and Virginia 
Jackson, of the same place, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Barrett to Canning. Toronto, 3rd No 
vember, 1852. This day were married by 
license, George Barrett, of the townsnip 
of Etobicoke, bachelor, and Catherine Can 
ning, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
Edm. Baldwin, Assistant Minister. 

Adwen to Breslen. Toronto, 4th Novem 
ber, 1852. This day were married by li 
cense, Joseph Adwen, of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Honora Breslen, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Graaett. 



Tremble to Smith. Toronto, 9th Novem 
ber, 1S52. This day were married by li 
cense, Charles Tremble, of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Jane Smith, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Todd to Young. Toronto, 10th Novem 
ber, 1852. This day were married by li 
cense, George Todd, of Hamilton, bachelor, 
and Christiana Emma Young, of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Kissock to Anderson. Toronto, llth No 
vember, 1852. This day were married by 
license, David Kissock, of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Annie Anderson, of the samo place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasott. 

Dinning to Allen. Toronto, llth Novem 
ber, 1852. This day were married by li 
cense, James Dinning, of the township of 
Vaughan, bachelor, and Anne Allen, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Caswell to Hoeshaw. Toronto, llth No 
vember, 1852. This day were married by 
license, Henry Caswell, of the township of 
St. Vincent, widower, and Hadacher Hoe- 
ehaw, of Toronto, widow, by me, H. J. Gra 

Hardy to Hayes. Toronto, 12th Novem 
ber, 3852. This day were married by li 
cense, Thomas Hardy, of the township of 
Vaughan, bachelor, and Margaret Hayes, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra- 

Orulokfibaolc to Wallace. Toronto, Nov. 13, 
1852. This day were married by license, 
James Cruickshanfi, of St. Andrew s, in the 
county of York, bachelor, and Anne Wal 
lace, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Weatherhead to. Herbert. Toronto, Nov. 13, 
1852. This da.v were married by license, 
James Weathernead, of the township of To 
ronto, widower, and Susannah Herbert, of 
Torontoi, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Lee to Smyth. Toronto, November 18th, 
1852. This day were married by license, 
Hiram Chisholm Lee, of the township of 
Westminster, bachelor, and Harriett Maria 
Smyth, of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 

Foster to Walter. Toronto, 22md Nov., 
1852. This day were married by license, 
Robert Foster, of Toronto, widower, and 
Anne Walker, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grssett. 

Nelaon to Shrubb. Toronto, 23rd Nov., 
1852 . This day were married by license, 
Henry Nelson, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Emma Shrubb, of the town 
ship of Scarborough, spinster, by me, Edm. 
Baldwin, Asst. Minister. 

Lee to Young. Toronto, 29th Nov., 
Ii852. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, James Lee, of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Young, of the same 
place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Shaw to Pollard. Toronto, 30th Nov., 
1852. This day were married by license, 
Joseph Shaw, of Port Credit, bachelor, and 
Kezia-h Pollard, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Cornell to Maroh. Toronto, 3rd Dec., 
1852. This day were married by license, 
Walter Cornell, of the township of Scar 
borough, bachelor, and Jane March* of tUe 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grase*t. 

Hazelton to McOormick. Toronto, Dec. 8, 
1852. This day were married by license, 
Joseph Hazetton, of York\ille, ba<&el r, and 
Susannah McCormick, of Toronto, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Boyett to Duncan. Toronto, 16th Dec., 
1852. This day were married by license, 
William Henry Boyett, of Toronto, wid 
ower, and Mary Anne Duncan, of the same 
piaee, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Cass to Allfnson. Toronto, 22nd Dec., 
1852. This day were married by license, 
John Oass, of Toronto, widower, and Jane 
AlliriBOiu, of the same place, widow, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Duke to Morrison. Toronto, 23rd Dec., 

1852. This day were married by license, 
Edward Duke, of tne township of Albion, 
bachelor, and Jane Morrison, of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

McLaujghlin to Oharlton. Toronto, 23rd 

December, 1852. This day were married by 

license, Henry McLaughlm, of Toronto, 

bachelor, and Anne Charlton, of the same 

j place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Jacques to Cole. Toronto, 1st January, 
; 1853. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Jacques, of Chinguacousy, bache 
lor, and Elizabeth Cole, of the eanie place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. tJrasett. 

Henderson to Preston. Toronto, 4th Jan 
uary, 1853. This day were married by li 
cense, William Henderson, of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Rosanna Preston, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
Davidson to Huey. Tjoronto, 6th January, 

1853. This day were married by license, 
William. Davidson, of the township of Scar 
borough, bachelor, and Mary Huey, of the 
same place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Loft to Walmsley. Toronto, Gth January, 
1853. This day were married by license, 
Luke Beale Loft, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Anne Jane Walmsley, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 

Langrill to Walmsley. Toronto, Gth Jan 
uary, 1853. This day were married by li 
cense, Francis Langrill, of the township of 
York, bachelor, and Mary Alice Walmsley, 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 

Reynolds to McBrine. Toronto, 6th Jan., 
1853. This day were married by license, 
Richard Reynolds, of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Eiiza McBrine, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett, 

Liley to Ward. Toronto, 12th January, 
1853. This day were married by license, 
James Llley, Gunner and Driver in the 
Royai Artillery, now stationed at To 
ronto, bachelor, and Mary Anne Ward, of 
the same city, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Tomlinson to McMullen. Toronto, Jan. 13, 
1853. This day were married by license, 
Goo. Tomlinsom, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Mary Anne McMullen, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Baynes to Andrew. Toronto, 26th Jan., 
Charles Baynes, of the township of To 
ronto, in the Gore, bachelor, and Caroline 
Andrew, of the township of Toronto, spin 
ster, bv me, Edm. Baldwin, Asst. Minister. 

Witeo n to CoIgaJi. Toronto, 27th Jan., 
1853. This day were married by license, 
Joseph Wilson, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Rosa.nna Colgan, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Brinikman to Macomb. Toronto, Feb. 1, 
1853. This day were married by license, 
William. Brinkmam, of the township of To 
ronto, in the Gore, bachelor, and Hannah 
Macomb, of the same place, spinster, by me. 
H. J. Grasett. 

Clark to Mills. Toronto, n2d Feb., 
1853. This da-y were married by license, 



John Clark, of Mary borough, bachelor, and 
Mary Milk, of West Gwiilimbury, spinster, 
by me, H. J". Grasett. 

Lennox to Island. Toronto, 5th Feb., 
1853. This day were married by license, 
John Lennox, of the township of Innisfil, 
widower, and Sarah Island, of Toronto, 
widow, by me, H. J. Graaett. 

Dallas to Morrison. Toronto, 14th Feb., 
1855. This day were married by license, 
Angus Dallas, of Toronto, widower, and 
Catherine Morrison, of Toronto, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Irwin to Strong. Toronto, 16th Feb., 
1855. This day were married by license, 
Alexander Irwin, of Port Sarnia, bachelor, 
and Mary Strong, of Toronto, spinster, by 
me, Edm. Baldwin, Aest. Minister. 

Hakney to Kirby. Toronto, 23rd Feb., 
185i3. This day were married after due pub- 
Hcation of Banns,, James Hakney, of the 
township of York, bachelor, and Hannah 
Kirby, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
Edm. Baldwin,, Asst. Min. 

Willis to Francis. Toronto, 23rd Feb., 
1853. This day were married by license, 
Henry Willis, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Hephzibah Francis, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, Edm. Baldwin, Asst. Minister. 

Death to Tho-ropswn. Toronto, 1st March, 
1853. This day were married by license, 
Daniei Death, of the township of Etobi- 
eokc, bachelor, and Ellen Thompson, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

McKinley to Carry. Toronto, 14th March, 
1853. This day were married by license, 
Da.vid McKinley, of the township of Al 
bion, bachelor, and Alice Curry, of To 
ronto, widow, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Hewson to Boyd. Toronto, 16th March, 
1853. This day were married by license, 
Hediry Hewson, of the township of Vaughan, 
bachelor, and Anne Boyd, of the township 
of York, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Corbett to Smith. Toronto, 17th March, 
1853. This day were married by license, 
James Corbett, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Margaret Smith, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, Edm. Baldwin, Asst. Minister. 

Gould to Pascoe. Toronto, 24th March, 
.853. This day were married by license, 
William Gould, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Maria Pascoe, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, Edm. Baldwin, Asst. Minister. 

Cooper to Fuller. Toronto, 26th March, 
31853. This day were married by license, 
James Cooper, of Toronto, widower, and 
Jane Fuller, of the same place, spinster, by 
me. Edm. Baldwin, Asst. Minister. 

Shannon to Priestley. Toronto, April 8, 
1853. This day were married by license, 
Michael Shannon, of the village of Wes- 
ton, widower, and Letitia Priestley, of the 
eamc, place, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Kettleton to Hogg. Toronto, April llth, I 
1853. This day were married by license, 
John Kettleton, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Sarah Hogg, of the aime place, spinster, ! 
by me, Thomas Smith Kennedy. 

Brown to Adams. Toronto, April 18th, 
1853. This diay were married after Banns, 
Robert Brown, widower, of Toronto, and 
Eliza. Jane Adams, of the same place, widow, 
by me, Thomas Smith Kennedy. 

The Rev. Thomas Smith Kennedy 
came to Toronto about this date, and 
for some time was rector of St. Phil 
lip s, Weston. Later rector of St. 
John s, Toronto. 

Legg to Elliott. Toronto, 18th April, 
1853. ThiB day were married by license, 
Potor Newkirk Legg, of the village of 
Montgomery, in the State of New York, 
in the United States of America, bachelor, 
and Elizabeth Elliott, of Toronto, upinster- 
by me, Edm. Baldwin, Asst. Minister. 

Ship to Crow. Toronto, 21st April, 1853. 
This day were married by license, Job Ship, 
of the village of Weston, bachelor, and 
Jane Crow, of Toronto, widow, by me, Edm. 
Baldwin, Asst. Minister. 

Berry to Beamish. Toronto, 21st April, 
1853. This day were married by license, 
John Berry, of ETtobiooke, bachelor, and 
Susannah Beamish, of Toronto, spinster, by 
me, Thomas Smith Kennedy. 

Hillier to Langdon. Toronto, 25th April, 
1853. This day were married by license. 
Henry Hillier, of Weston, and Mary Jane 
Langdon, of Lambton, spinster, by me, 
Thomas Smith Kennedy. 

Long to Wilders. Toronto, 25th April, 
1853. This day were married by license, 
David Long, of the township of Vaughan, 
bachelor, and Jane Wilders, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Mathews to Robinson. Toronto, 3rd May, 
1853. This day were married by license, 
John Mathews, of Toronto, bachelro, and 
Eliza Robinson, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, Thomas Smith Kennedy, Rec- 
tor of St. John s church, Darlington. 

Fowler to Davis. Toronto, May 3rd, 
1853. This day were married by Banns, 
Charles Fowler, of Toronto, bachelro, and 
Mary Davis, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, Alexa-nidier Sanson. 

Holley to Parks. Toronto, 5th May, 
1853. This day were married by license, 
William Robert Holley, of the township of 
York, bachelor, and Mary Parks, of the 
village of Weston. spinster, by me, Edm. 
Baldwin, Asst. Min. St. James . 

Smith to Green. Toronto, 23rd May, 
1853. Thie day were married, after due 
publication of Banns, Jeremiah Smith, of 
Toronto, bachelor, and Eliza Green, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Hopley to Purdy. Toronto, 23rd May, 
1853. This day were married by license, 
Joshua Hopley, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Martha Purdy, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Ohilds to McFlggen. Toronto, 1st June, 
1853. This day were married by license, 
William Childg, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Camilla McFiggen, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Ross to Brockbank. Toronto, 13th June 
1853. This day were married, after dua 
publication of Banns, John Ross, of the 
township of York, bachelor, and Mary 
Brockbank, of the same place, widow- by 
me, JSdm. Baldwin, Asst. St. James . 

Hall to Bailey. Toronto, 24th June, 
1853. This day were married by license, 
Robert Hall, of the township of Trafalgar, 
bachelor, and Jane Ba ley, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Murray to Hadden. Toronto, 27th June, 
1853. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Murray, of the township of York, 
widower, and Ann Hadden, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Marks to Davis. Toronto, 27th June, 
1853. This day were married, after due 
publication of Banns, James Marks, of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Catherine Davis, of 



the same place, spinster, by me, Edm. 
Baldwin, Asst. Minister. 

Baker to Earls. Toronto, 27th June, 
1853. This day were married by license, 
Norman Baker, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Emily Earl, of the same place, widow, by 
me, Edm. Baldwin, Asst. Minister. 

Beamish to McCoates. Toronto, 28th 
June, 1853. This day were married by li 
cense, Henry Beamish, of the township of 
Etobicoke, bachelor, and Susannah Mc- 
Coatee, of the same place, spinster by me, 
Alex. Sanson. Incumbent Trinity Church. 

Dale to Gunston. Toronto, 28th June, 
1853. This day were married by license, 
James Dale, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Catherine Gunston, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Smell to Nash. Toronto, 28th June, 
1853. This day were married by license, 
John Snell, of the township of Trafalgar, 
bachelor, and Ellen Nash, of Toronto, 
widow, by me, Edm. Baldwin, Asst. Min. 

Fox to McCann. Toronto, 4th July, 
1853. This day were married by license, 
Anthony Fox, of the township of Trafalgar, 
widower, and Mary McCann, of the same 
place, spinster, by me Edi% Baldwin. 

Carruthers to Oliver. Toronto, 7th July. 
1853. This day were married by license, 
Edward Maltby Carruthers, of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Annie Oliver, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Millar to Galbraith. Toronto, 7th July, 
1853. This day were married by license, 
Moses Miller, of the village of Brampton, 
Canada West, bachelor, and Letitia Gal 
braith, of the vilage of Tullamore, O. W.. 
spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Wolf to Veiner. Toronto, 1st August. 
1853. This dav were married, James Wolf, 
of Bolton Village. C. W., bachelor, and 
Annie Veiner, of Toronto, spinster, by me. 
Edm. Baldwin. Asst. Minister. 

Collins to Bell. Toronto, 3rd August, 
1853. This day were married by license, 
George Collins, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Mary Ann Bell, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Coolahan to Warin. Toronto. 5th August, 
1853. This day were married by license 
Joseph Coolahan, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Charlotte Warin, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me. Edm. Baldwin, Asst. Minister. 

Karr to Moore. Toronto 9th August, 
1853. This clay were married by licence, 
James Ka-rr, of Ktobicoke, bachelor, and 
Nancy Moore, of Toronto, spinster, by me, 
Edm. Baldwin. Asst. Minister. 

Comerford to Stead. Toronto, 30th Au 
gust. 1853. This ilny were married by li- 
eonse, William Comerford, of Lloydtown, 
C. W., bachelor, and El : zabeth Stead, of 
the name place sp ; nster, by me, Edm. Bald 
win, Asst. Minister. 

Honham to Johnston. Toronto. 30th Au 
gust. 1853. Th : s day were married by li 
cense. William Henry Bonham, of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Margaret Johnston, of the 
same place, sp nster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Colling to Henderson. Toronto, 1st Sep 
tember, 1853. Th ; s day were married by 
license. Hugh Gokling, of Toronto, widower, 
and Eliza Henderson, of the same place, 
spinster, by me. Edm. Baldwin, Asst. Min. 

Courcey to Tucker. Toronto. 5th Sept., 
1853. This day were married after Banns, 
John Courcey, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Emma Tucker. o.f tTi.e same place, spinster, 
by mo, Edm. Baldwin. 

Thompson to Skelton. Toronto, 10th Sep- 
i tomber, 1853. Tlr s day were married by 
j license, Walter Thompson, of Markham, 
j widower, and Elizabeth Skelton, of oarbor- 
i ough, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Glass to Allenn. Toronto, 19th Sept., 
1853. This day were married by license, 
Jamea Glass, of the township of Vaughan, 
bachelor, and Dorothy Allen, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Fair to Mitchell. Toronto, 20th Sept., 
1853. This day were married by license, 
John. Fair, of Toronto, bachelor, and Eliza 
beth Mitcheii, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Baker to Smith. Toronto, 27th Sept., 
1853. This day were married after Banms, 
Ca-to Baker, of Richmond Hill, bachelor, 
and Martha Smith, of Toronto, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasott. 

McKenney to Rowlan. Toronto, 27th 
Sept., 1853. This day were married, after 
Banns, Benjamin McKenny, of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Belinda Rowlan, of the earn 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Legg to Gale. Toronto, 6th October, 
1853. This day were married by license, 
John Legg, of the township of Whitchurch, 
bachelor, and Hannah Gale, of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Carton to Shook. Toronto, 10th Oct., 
1853. This day were married by license, 
Charles Carton, of the township of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Christine Shook, of the same 
place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Major to Cambie. Toronto, llth Oct., 
1853. This day were married by license, 
John Major, of the township of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Jeanie Cambie, of the same 
place, bv me, J. W. Boomer, Incumbent 
Trinity Church, Gait. 

Stanby to Townsend. Toronto, 16th Oct., 
1853. This day were married by license, 
Ralph Stanby, of Yorkville, bachelor, and 
Emr#a Townsend. of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Seaton to Delong. Toronto, 18th Octo 
ber, 1853. This day were married by li 
cense. Alfred Seaton, of Scugog, bachelor, 
and Elizabeth Delong, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Davidson to Carr. Toronto, 19th Octo 
ber, 1853. Thio day were married by li 
cense, John Davidson, of Chinguacousy, 
bachelor, and M-;rfa Carr, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Pammeni to Tipling. Toronto, 19th Octo 
ber. 1853. This dav wore married by li 
cense, John Pamrnent, of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Emma Tipling, of the same place, 
widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Moore to Nolan. Toronto, October 22nd, 
1853. This day were married by license, 
John Moore, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Eliza Nolan, of the eame place, spinster- 
by me. H. J. Grasott. 

Andrews to Law. Toronto 27th Octo 
ber, 1853. This day were married by li 
cense, Charles Andrews, of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Mary Ann Law, (ft the same place, 
spinster, bv me, H. J. Grasett. 

Foster to Shurdon. Toronto, 1st Novem 
ber, 1853. This day were married by li 
cense, William Foster, of the township of 
York, widower, and Elizabeth Shurdon, of 
the same place, widow, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, M. A. 

Cameron to Buell. Toronto, November 
2n I, 1853. This day were married by li 
cense, Alexander Cameron, of Toronto. 



bachelor, and Medora Buell, of the eame 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

McClu8k->y to Fullard. Toronto, 15th No 
vember, 1853. This day were married by 
I cense, John McOluskey, of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Matilda Fullard, of the same p!a: e, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

McGillivray to McGillivray. Toronto, 17th 
Nov., 1853. Thie day were married by li 
cense, Daniel McGillivray, of the township 
of Vaug-han, bachelor, and Catherine Mc 
Gillivray of the same place, spinster, by 
me. H. J. Grasett. 

Hulse to Moore. Toronto, 22nd Novem 
ber, 1853. This day were married by li 
cense. John Hulse, or the township of King-, 
bachelor, and Letitia Moore, of the name 
p ace, epinster. by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Stewart to Turner. Toronto, 23rd No 
vember, 1853. This day were married bv 
Hcanse, Samuel Stewart, of York, bachelor, 
and Eiilza Jane Turner, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Shaw to Hall. Toronto, 23rd Novem 
ber, 1853. Thie day were married by li 
cense, William Shaw, of Toronto, widower, 
and Ellen Hall, of the same place, spinster, 
bv me, II. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Robertson to Manners. Toronto. 24th 
November, 1853. This day were married by 
license, James Robertson, of Bowmanville, 
C. W., bachelor, and Fanny Matilda Man 
ners, of Toronto, spinster, by me, Edm. 
Baldwin, Asst. St. James . 

Holiday to McGeachy. Toronto, llth No 
vember," 1853. This day were marriel by 
license, James Holiday, of King, bachelor, 
and Mary Mcfroachy, of York, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Wilson to Leslie. Toronto. 25th Novem 
ber, 1853. This lay were married by li 
cense, Andrew WHson, of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Margaret Leslie, of the same place, 
widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Newman to Shaw. Toronto, 29th No 
vember, 1853. Thii- day were married by 
license, Thomas Newman, of Toronto, 
lor, and Mary Shaw, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Scales to Winter. Toronto. 30th Novem 
ber, 1853. This day were married by li 
cense, Samuel Scales, of the township of 
Etobicoke, bachelor, and Hannah Winter, 
of the same place, spinster, bv me, H. J. 
Grasett. B.D. 

Liddell to Beilamore. Toronto, 6th De 
cember, 1853. This day were married bv 
license, John Liddell, of the township of 
York, bachelor, and Susan Bellnmore. of 
the same place. sp nster. by me, Edm. 
Baldwin, Asst. St. James . 

Cuthl.ertson 1o McLean. Toronto. 8th 
December, 1853. This day were married 
by license, Robert Scott Cuthbertson, of 
Toronto, bachelor, and Annie McLean, of 
the eame place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra- 
ett, B.D. 

Krett to Hamilton. Toronto, 10th Dec., 
1853. This day were married by license, 
Samuel Brett, of Toronto, widower, and 
Janet Hamilton, of the rame place, spin- 
eter, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Ourliss to Shore. Toronto. 12th Dec., 
1853. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Curliss, of Bolton Village, bache 
lor, nnd Elizabeth Shore, of the township 
of Albion, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Marshall to Moran. Toronto, 12th Dec., 
1833. This day were married by license. 

John Marshall, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Marv Moran, of the same place, spinster, 
bv me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Helton to Cuinns. Toronto, 17th Dec., 

I 1853. This day were married by license, 

Abraham Hilton, of the villatre of Weston, 

! bar-helor, and Mary Cull ns of the same 

piace, spinster, by me,H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Delahay to Queree. Toronto, 19th Dec.. 

I 1853. This day were married by license, 

i Joseph Delahay", of Markham, bachelor, and 

Mary Joanna Queree. of the same place, 

| spinster, byy me, H. J. Grasett. 

Kitchen to Arthurs. Toronto, 2:st Dec.. 

I 1853. This day were married by license, 

! Thomas Kitchen, of Toronto, bachelor, and 

Marj- Arthurs, of the same place, .spinster, 

! by mo. H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Jacobs to Maguire. Toronto, Dec. 2!st, 

; 1853. This day were married by license, 

Henry Jacobs, of Toronto, bachelor, and 

Mary* Jane Maguire. of the same place, 

i spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Mapes to S ott. Toronto, 28th Decem- 
bsr, 1853. This day were married by II- 
I cense. Hiram Mapes, of the township of 
| Whitehurch, bachelor, and Lucy Scott, of 
i the eame place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra- 
I sett B.D. 

Wilson to Henry. Toronto, 29th Decem- 
i bor, 1853. This day were married, after 
j due publication of Banns, William James 
i Wilson, of Toronto, bachelor, and Anna 
i Maria Henry, of the same place, spinster. 
| by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Crothers to Reilly. Toronto, 9th Jan.. 
| 1854. This day were married by license, 
j John Crothers. of Toronto, bachelor, pnd 
j Mary Anne Reilly. of the same place, spin- 
1 ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Cole to Fletcher. Toronto, 12th Jan.. 
1854. This day were married by license, 
John Ward Cole, of the townh ; p of Chin- 
guacousv, bachelor, and Charlotte Fletcher 
of the township of Vaug-han, si inster, bv 
me. H. J. Grasett, .B.D. 

Draper to Wrav. Toronto, 18th January. 
1854. This day were married by license, 
Joseph Sheppard Draper, of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Rcbeeca Wrav, of the same place, 
spinster, bv me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Eedy to Brian. Toronto. 24th January, 
1854. This day were married by license, 
Richard Eedy. of the townehin of Toronto, 
in the Gore, bachelor, and Ellen Brian, of 
the name place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 

Connor to Lygg. Toronto, 27th January. 
1854. This day were married by licence, 
William Connor of the township of King-, 
bachelor, and Jane Legg, of the township 
of Marl-iam, spinster, bv me, H. J. Gra- 
sctt, B.D. 

Watkins to Worthington. Toronto, yst 
January, i54. Tlrs day were married by 
license, Rouert Watkins, of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Anne Worthington, of the same 
place spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Benson to Pryer. Toronto. 2nd Feb.. 
1854. This day were married by license, 
Henry Benson of the town of Chatham, 
bachelor, and Henrietta Prrer, of Toronto, 
widow, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Galloway to Lark y. Toronto, 5th Feb., 
1854. This day wore married by license, 
William Galloway, of tho township of Scar 
borough, bachelor, ami Ellen Laskev. of 
tho came place, spinster, by me, Edm. Bald 
win, Apst. St. James , Toronto. 



Hoilee to Hall. Toronto, 14th February. 
1854. This day were married by license, 
William Hoiles, of the township of Vaug-han, 
bachelor, and Anne Hall, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Orasett. 

Do Long- to Palmer. Toronto, 14th Feb., 
1854. This day were married by license, 
William De Long 1 , of Westoin, bachelor, and 
Catherine Emma Palmer, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Bishop to McGagh. Toronto, 14th Feb., 
1854. This day were married, after due 
publication of Banns, Warren Bishop, of 
the township of York, widower, and Mary 
McGag-h. of the same place, spinster, by 
me. H. -T Srasett. 

Tufner~~tb Hodgins. Toronto, 16th Feb., 
1854. This day were jnarried by license, 
Henry Turner, of Millbrooke, Durham, 
bachelor, and Charlotte Hodgins, of To 
ronto, spinster, by m<# H. J. Grasett. 

Wood to Fitzpatdck. Toronto, 27th Feb., 
1854. This day were married by license, 
Charles Wood, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Eilza Fitzpatrick, of the same place, spin 
ster, bv jne, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Piper to Myers. Toronto, 28th Feb., 
1854. This day were married, after due 
publication of Banns, Arthur Piper, of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Mary Ann Myers, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, B.D. 

Blckerstaff to Moore. Toronto. 4th Mar.. 
1854. This day were married by license, 
Joseph Bickerstaff, of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Elizabeth Moore, of the same place, 
spinster, bv me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Dodds to Wilson. Toronto, 7th March, 
1854. This day were married, after due 
publication of Banns, George Dodds, of the 
township of Calodon, bachelor, and Martha 
Wilson, of the same place, wHow, by me, 
Edm. Baldwin, Asst. at St. James . 

Ellis to Blackburn. Toronto, 20th March, i 
1854. This day were married after Banns, 
Francis Ellis, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Mary Blackburn, or the same place, spin- 
eter, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hadden to Morra,. Toronto, 28th March, 
1854. This day were married by license, 
James Hadden, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Morra, of the town 
ship of Etobicoke, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, B.D. 

Plaxton to Rogers. Toronto, 7th April, , 
1854. This day were married by license, i 
George Plaxton.- of the town of Tlnrri". I 
bachelor, and Jessie Rogers, of Holland 
Landing, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

McBrien_ to Gullen. Toronto, llth April, 
1854. This day were married by license, 
Henry McBrien, of Hamilton, widower, and 
Rosa Oullen, of Toronto, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Orr to Davis. Toronto. 18th April, 1854. 
This day were married by license, James 
Arthur Orr, of the town of Brantford, 
bachelor, and Jane Eliza Davis, of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Trevail to Armstrong. Toronto, 18th 
April, 1854. This day were married bv li 
cense. Edwin Trevail, of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Ellen Armstrong, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Bowden to Purdy. Toronto, 20th April. 
1854. This day were married bv license, 
John Wilson Bowden, of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Margaret Purdy, of the name 
place, spinster ; by me, H. J. Grasett. 
Armstrong to Fitzpatrick. Toronto, 20th 

April, 1854. This day were married by li 
cense, Henry Armstrong, of Toronto, wid- 
[ ower, and Catharine Fitzpatrick, spinster 
by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Brown to Browne. Toronto. 27th Ap- 

I ril, 1854. This day were married by II- 

cense, John Gordon Brown, of Toront 

| bachelor, and Sarah Anne Browne, of the 

| same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Snerth to Farrell. Toronto, 27th April, 

1854. This day were married by license, 

John Snerth, of Toronto, bachelor, and 

1 Eliza Farrell, of the same place, spinster, 

by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Flack to Reynolds. Toronto, 27th Ap 
ril. 1854. This day were married by li 
cense. Dg,vid Flack, of Toronto, widower, 
i and Joanna Reynolds, of the same place, 
I spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Wooding to Looney. Toronto. 5th May, 
.854. This day were married by license, 
j Mark Wooding, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
i Margaret Looney, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Pellatt to Holland. Toronto, 9th May, 

1854. This day were married bv license, 

Henry Pellatt, of Kingston, bachelor, and 

Emma Mary Holland, of Toronto, sp : n- 

eter, by me, H. Brent, Rector of Clarke. 

Bland to Hornshaw. Toronto, 9th May, 

854. Thia day were married bv license, 

William > Bland, of Toronto, bachelor, and 

Thomasina Hornshaw, of the same place, 

spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Noble to Beamish. Toronto, 10th May, 

1854. This day were married by license, 

George Noble, of the village of Bolton, 

C. W., bachelor, and Sarah Beamish, of the 

same place, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Miller to Burke. Toronto, 16th May, 

1854. This day were married by license, 

John Miller, of the township of Markham, 

bachelor, and Anne Burke, of the samo 

place, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Defries to Barrett. Toronto, 16th May, 
1854. This day were married by license, 
Henry Defries, of the township of York, 
bachelor, the younger, and Alice Barrett, 
of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
Barchard to Wilson. Toronto, 3rd June, 
1854 This day were married by license, 
John Barchard, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Mary Wilson, of the same place, spinster, 
by me,, Edm. Baldwin, Asst. St. James. 

Collins to Irwin. Toronto, 5th June, 
1854. This day were married by license, 
Robert Collins, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Maria Irwin, of the villa "r. nf Streetsville, 
spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Carrick to Sinclair. Toronto, 10th June, 
1854. This day were married by license, 
James Cariick, of Chinguacousy, widower* 
and Euphemia Sinclair, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Graaett. 

Morrison to Maxwell. Toronto, 19th 
June, 1854. This day were married by li 
cense, Thomas Morrison, of the township 
of Tecumseth, bachelor, and Eliza Jane 
Maxwell, of the same place, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Draper to lladenhurst. Toronto, 22n<I 
June, 1854. This day were married by li 
cense, William George Draper, of King 
ston, bachelor, and Catherine Ellen Raden- 
hurst, of Toronto, spinster, by me, Edm. 
Baldwin, Asst. St. James. 

Fitzgerald to Maxwell. Toronto, 22nd 
June, 1854. This day were married by li 
cense, James Fitzgerald, ofthe township- 
of Scarborough, bachelor, ani Elizabeth 



Maxwell, of the same place, spinster by 
ma. H. J. Graeett, B.D. 

Hoskin to Hawke. Toronto, 22nd June, | 
1854. ThiB day were married by license I 
John Hoskin, of Toronto, widower, and 
Maria Hawke, of the same place, widow, 
bv me, H. J. Graoett. 

Farrell to JarviB. Toronto, 24th June 
1854. This day were married by license. 
Sidney Baynto n Farrell, Lieutenant Royal 
Engineers, bachelor, and Ernily Elizabeth , 
JarviB. of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. > 

Ord to JarviR. Toronto, 24th June, 1854. 
This day were married by license, Lewis 
William Ord, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Sarah Harriett Jarvis. of the same place, j 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Clark to Howard. Toronto, 24th Juno, | 
1854. This clay were married by license, ; 
Wiliam Clark, of Toronto, bachelor, and i 
Helen Howard, of the same place, spinster 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Roney to Goldthorpe. Toronto, 10th : 
July, 1854. Th s day were married by ;i- 
cense, John Roney, of Port Credit, wid 
ower, and Mary Goldthorpe, of the eame 
place, widow, by me, H. J. Graeett. 

Lindsay to Richardson. Toronto, 10th 
July, 1854. This day were married by li 
cense, James Lindsay, of Toronto, Wid 
ower, and Margaret Richardfon, of the 
same place, spinster, bv me H. J. Grasett. ; 

Harwood to Wallace. Toronto, llth July, 
1854. ThiB day were married by license, ; 
Robert Harwooi, of the village of Wei-ton, 
bachelor, and Isabella Wallace, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
Nicholson to Harshaw. Toronto 12th 
July. 1854. Th B day were married by li 
cense, Obadiah Nicholson, of Weston, bache 
lor, and Margaret Harshaw, of the samo 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Harris to Jackson. Toronto, 12th July, 
1854. Thin day were married by license, 
Parmena* Harris, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Anne Jackson, of the same place sp nster. 
by rm, Elm. Baldwin, A*st. St. Jnmes . 

Sloan to Tedford. Toronto, 14th July, 
1854. This day were married by license, 
John Sloan, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Mary Anne Tedford, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Morris to Graham. Toronto, 22n 1 July, 
1854. This day were married by license, 
William Morris, of Toronto, bachelor anl 
Rachel Graham, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Smith to Ferguson. Toronto, 24th July. 
1854. This day were married by license 
Joseph Smith, of Innisfil, widower, and 
Elizabeth Ferguson, of Weston, widow, by 
ma, H. J. Grasett. 

Smith to Greenflies. Toronto, 29th Julv, 
1854. This day wore married by license, 
William Smith, of Port Union, C.W., bache 
lor, and J in j Grecneides. of the same place. 
spinster, by mo, Edm. Baldwin. 

Davis to Murray. Toronto, 1st August. 
1854. This day were married by license. 
James Davis, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Mary Jano Murray, of the same place, spin- 
6t-=r, bi me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Hammond to Greer. Toronto. 1st Au^u^t. 
1854. This day were married, after duo 
publication of Banns, James Hammond. 
Lance Corporal of the Royal Canadian Hi le 
Regt., bachelor, and Sarah Greer, of To 
ronto, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Walker to MeFarlane. Toronto. 4th Au- 
p-uat, 1854. Th : s day were married by li 
cense, Thomas Walker, of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Jane McFarlane, of the township 
of York, spinster, bv me, H. J. Grasett. 

Metcalf to Duplex. Toronto, 8th Aug., 
1854. This day were married by license, 
George Metcalf, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Eliza Duplex, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grafett. 

Edward? to Humphreys. Toronto, Avg. 10, 
1854. This day were married by license, 
James Edwards, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Maria Humphreys, ot the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Brant to Miller. Toronto, 19th August, 
1854. This day were married by license, 
ge Brant, "of the Village of Streets- 
\ill-;, bachelor, and Sarah Miller, of the 
snim p. ace, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Floyd to Reeves. Toronto, 19th August, 
1851." This day were married by license, 
Henry Floyd, of Toronto, widow er, and 
Christine Reeves, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Boyd to Wright. Toronto, 3rd August, 
1851." This day wero married by license, 
Robert Boyd, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth wY. ght, of the township of Scar 
borough, spinster, by me, II. J. Grasett. 

Campbell to Nugent. Toronto, 28th Aug., 
1854. This day were married by li sense, 
Archibald Campbell, of the village of Port 
Credit, bachelor, and Mary Nugent, or tha 
same place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Johns to Gibson. Toronto, 28th August, 
1854. This day were married by license, 
William Johns," of the township of Pick 
ering, bachelor, and Isabella Gibson, of the 
township of Scarborough, spinster, by me, 
i H. J. Grastt. 

Simpson to Hellhvell. Toronto, Sept. 6, 
1 1854. This day were married by license, 
! George Simpson, of Toronto, bac- k>r, and 
I Sarah Jane Helliwell, of the township of 
Scarborough, spinster, by me, H. J. Gru- 
! sett. 

Jenkins to Cameron. Toronto, 8th Sept., 
185 i. This day were married by license, 
Fa.nmcl Benjamin Jenkins, of New Orleans, 
; U. S., bachelor, and Mary Cameron, of 
1 oint Mara, Canada West, spinster, by me, 
j H. J. Graaettt 

Emerson to Simpson. Toronto, Sept. 12, 
j 1854. This day were married by license, 
Ro-bort EmmerJon, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
: Anne Simpson, of the same place, spu:- 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Ward to Donnelly. Toronto, 18th Sept.. 
! 1854. This day were married by license, 
James Ward, private in. the Royal Cana- 

diau Riflo Regiment, bachelor, and Mar 
garet Donnellv, of Toronto, widow, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Johnson to Smith. Toronto, 18th Sept., 

1854. This day were married by licei::-;, , 

! Benjamin Johnson, of Toronto, bachelor. 
and Harriett Smith, of the aiime place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Thomp.sotu to Bradley. Toronio, Sept. 19, 
1854. This day wero married after due pub 
lication of Banns John Thompson, of the 
township of York, bachelor, and Cather 
ine Bradley, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H." J. Grasett. 

Clark to Bleakley. Toronto, Spt. 20th, 
1854. Thid da.y were married by license, 
John Johnston Clark, of the village of In 
diana, bachelor, and Eleanor Bloakley, of 
Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 



Lomas to Laird. Toronto, 20th Sept., 
1854. This day were married by license, 
Edward Lomas, of the township of Ohin- 
guacousy, bachelor, and Eliza Laird, of the 
same piace, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Dynes to Irwin. Toronto, 20th Wept., 
1854. This day were married by license, 
Richard Dynea, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Anne Irwin, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Crawford to Upsrjall. Toronto, Sept. 21, 
1854. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Crawford, of the township of Chin- 
guacousy, bachelor, and Mary Anne Up- 
ehali, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Wracket to Dufoot. Toronto, 22nd Sept., 
1(854. This day were married by U^nse, 
Richard Wracket, of the township of Mark- 
ham, bachelor, and Anne Dufoot, of 
Va-ughan, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Cunningham to Anderson. Toronto, 22nd 
September, 1&64. This day were married by 
license, Hugh Cunningham, of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Margaret Anderson, of the 
township of York, spinster, by me, H. J. 

Kens well to Thompson. Toronto, 3rd 
September, 1854. This day were married 
by license, James Kersweil, of Vaughan, 
bachelor, and Anne Thompson, of AVhit- 
ohurch, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Mossop to Beamish. Toronto, 27th i? ept., 
1854. This day were married by license, 
John Mossop, Toronto, bachelor, and Jano 
Beamish, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
J. Gamble Geddes, rjctor, of Hamilton. 

BalJock to Medley. Toronto, 3rd October, 
1854. This day \vere married by license, 
Thomas Baldook, of the township of Etobi- 
ooke, bachelor, and Mary Anne Medley, of 
Weston, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin, 
Assistant, St. James. 

Rowland to Arkaey. Toronto, 4th Oct., 
1854. Thie day were married by license, 
William Rowland, of the village of Colling- 
wooi, bachelor, and Mary Arkfiey, of To 
ronto, npinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. B.D. 

Howard to Gordon. Toronto, 5th Oct.. 
1854. This day were married by license, 
John O Brien Heward, of Toronto, bachelor, 
and El:za Christina Gordon, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, John Toronto. 

Walmsley to Morell. Toronto, llth Oct. 
1854. Thi8 day were married by license, 
Thomafl Wslmsley, of the village of Thorn- 
hill, bachelor, and Sarah Morell, of the 
townehip of Markham, spinster, by me. H. 
J. Graeett, B.D. 

Gibeon to Dewson. Toronto, 12th Oct. 
1854. This day were married by license, 
the Reverend Joseph Chambers Gibson, 
clerk of the town of Woodstock, bachelor, 
jini Marcella Dewson. of Toronto, spinster, 
by me, John Toronto. 

Nichols to Willis. Toronto, 13th Oct.. 
1854. Thin day were married by license, I 
Valentine Nichols, of the township of ] 
Vaughan, bachelor, and Mary Jane Willis, j 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. i 

Cornell to Bennett. Toronto, 18th Oct., j 
1854. This day were married by license, ! 
William Cornell, of the townehip of Sicar- j 
borough, widower, and Ellen Bennett, of ! 
the Bame place widow, by me, Edm. Bald- i 
win, Afist. St. James . 

Stow to Mackenzie, Toronto, October 19, 
1854. This day were married by license, 
Frederick Phipps Stow. Toronto, bachelor. 

and Catharine Mackenzie, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, John Bethune, D. D., Dean 
of Montreal. 

Sanderson to Kaiser. Toronto, 24th Oct., 
1854. This day were married "by license, 
Thomas Sanderson, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Catherine Kaiser, of the town- 
j ship of Vaughan, spinster, by me, Edm. 
Baldwin, Assistant, St. James. 

Durand to Usher, Toronto, 31st Oct., 
1854. This day were married by license, 
Charles Alfred Durand, of Berlin, bachelor, 
and Emily Augusta Usher, of Toronto, spiiw 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Mead to Hacaulay. Toronto, 2nd Nov., 
1854. This day were married, after due pub 
lication of Banns, Matthew Mead, private of 
the Royal Canadian Rifle Regiment, bach 
elor, and Jane Macaulay, of Toronto, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grase tt, B. D. 

Branton to YVride. Toronto, 9th Nov., 
1854. This day were married by license, 
Henry Branton, of the township of Soar- 
borough, bachelor, and Hannah Wride, of 
the same place, by me, H. J. Grasett, B. D. 
Quia to Elliott. Toronto, 10th November, 
1854. This day were married by license, 
Robert Quin, of CImiguacousy, bachelor, 
and Mary Anno Elliott, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Fitchew to Clark. Toronto, 13th Novem 
ber, 1854. This day were married after 
due publication of Banns, Samuel Fitchew, 
of the township of York, bachelor, and 
Mary Clark, of the same place, widow, bv 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Ridout to Cumberland. Toronto, 16th No 
vember, 1854. This day were married by 
license, Joseph Davis Ridout, Esq., Toron 
to, widower, and Caroline Cumberland, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, B. D. 

McKee to Timney. Toronto, 17th No 
vember, 1864. This day were married by 
license, Samuel McKee, of the township of 
Ching-uacousy, bachelor, and Anne Timney, 
of Toronto, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 
Wallace to Anbnrn. Toronto, 21st No 
vember, 1854. This day were married by 
license, James Wallace, of the township o*f 
York, bachelor, and Eliza Auburn of the 
same place, widow, by me, Edrn. Baldwin. 

Oarmichael to Fog. Toronto, 22nd No 
vember, 1854. This day were married by 
license, Keys Oarmichael of Toronto, widow 
er, and Rosarmah Fog, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Irwin to McCormick. Toronto, 23rd No 
vember, J854. This day were married by 
license, Win. John Irwin, of Mono, bachelor, 
and Mary McOormlcfc, of Caledoin, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Smith to Tapscott. Toronto, 23rd Nov., 
1854. This day were married by license, 
Charles Frederick Smith, of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Susannah Elizabeth Tapscott, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, B. D. 

Thompson to GI?ason, Toronto, 28th Nov., 
]854. This day were married, after due pub 
lication of Banns, James Thompson, of To 
ronto, widower, and Ellen Gleason, of the 
same place, widaw, by me, H. J. Grasett, 

Thornbsck to Tfarrls. Toronto, 29th Nov., 
1854. This day were married by license, 
John Thorribeck, ot Scarborough, widower, 
and Caroline Harris, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

White to Priest. Toronto, 30th Nov., 
1854. This day were married by license, 



William White, of the township of Scarbor 
ough, bachelor, and Sarah Priest, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Low to Wallace. Toronto, 30th Nov., 
1854. This day were married by .license, 
Richard Low, of the township of York, 
ba-chelor, and O.iroline Wallace, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin, As 
sistant, St. James. 

Long-staff to Ellis. Toronto, 4th Decem 
ber, 1854. This day were married by li 
cense, George Longstaff, of Weston, bach- 
(1 >r. and Isabella Ellis, of Toronto, spinster, 
b v me, H. J. Grasett, B. D. 

Godley to Wright. Toronto, 6th Dec., 
1854. This day were married by license, 
Christopher Henry Godley, of the town 
ship of Toronto, bachelor, and Sarah Ann 
Wright, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Richmond to Davlson. Toronto, 7th Dec., 
1854. This day were married, after due 
publication of Banns, Robert Richmond, of 
Toronto, widower, and Jane Dav;sjn, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Armstrong to Sparrow. Toronto, 9th 
Dec., 1854. This day were married by li 
cense, Richard Armstrong, of Toronto, 
vidower, and Jane Sparrow, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Mendeoihall to Manning. Toronto, 12th 
Dec., 1854. This day were married by li 
cense, Adam Mendenhall, of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Elizabeth Manning, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Vanhnrn to Koblnson. Toronto, 14th Doc., 
1854. This day were married by license, 
Isaac Vanhorn, of the township of King, 
bachelor, and Deborah Robinson, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Cook to Gluss. Toronto, 18th December, 
1854. This day were married, after due 
publication, of Banns, William Cook, of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Eliza Glass, of the 
same place, spinster, by me. H. J. Grasett. 

Patterson to Rogers. Toronto, 22nd Dec., 
1854. This day were married by license, 
John Patterson, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Mary Ann Rogers, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Crawford to Pollard. Toronto, 26th Dec., 
1854. This day were married by license, 
Hiram Crawford, of the township of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Mary Pollard, of the game 
plaee, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

House to Pollard. Toronto, 26th Dec., 

1854. This day were married by license, 
Edward Prew House, of the township of 
Trafalgar, bachelor, and Sarah Anne Pol 
lard, of the township of Toronto, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

McGee to Irwin. Toronto, let January, 

1855. Thin day were married by lieen-e, 
Thomas McGee, of Toronto, bachelor, anil 
Catherine Ir\vin, of the fame place, ^pin- 
ster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Gates to Rig-gins. Toronto, 4th January, 
1855. This Jay were married by li< ense, 
Rosel! Gates of the township of Scar 
borough, ba hclor, and All ia Hiuginn, of 
Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Vance to Allen. Toronto. 4th January, 
1855. This day were married by license, 
John Vance, of Albion, bachelor, and 
Mary Jan? Allen, of Mono, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Hutchison to Esten. Toronto, 6th Jan., 
1855. Thin day were married by license, 
Frederick Joseph Hutchison, Lieutenant in 
Her Majesty s 64th Regt. of Foot, bache 

lor, and Harriet Charlotte Esten, of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Kirkham to Sherriff. Toronto, 10th Jan., 

1855. This day were married by license, 

John Kirkham. of Toronto, widower, an-1 

! Frances Sherriff of the same place, widow, 

! by me, Edm. Baldwin, Asst. St. James. 

Mitchell to Baker. Toronto, 17th Jan., 
1855. This day were married by license, 
John Mitchell, of the town of Barrie, bache 
lor, and Anne Baker, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Henderson to Meredith. Toronto. 18th 
January. 1855. This day were married by 
license, William Henderson, of Mono, bache 
lor, and Ann; Meredith, of Amaranth, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Tease to Newlove. Toronto, 19th Jan., 

1855. This day were married by licensa, 

John Toase, of the township of Albion, 

bachelor, and Mary Jane Newlove, of the 

i same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra?ett. 

Gracy to Henderson. Toronto, 20th Jan., 
1855. This day were married by license, 
John Gracy, of the townphip of Etobi^oke, 
bachelor, and Anne Henderson, of the town 
ship of Mono, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 

Charlton to Fletcher. Toronto, 3rd Feb.. 

1855. This day were married by license, 

Henry Charlton, of Toronto, bachelor, and 

Jana Fletcher, of the eame place, spinster, 

i by me. H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Calgey to Boyd. Toronto, 5th Februarv. 
1855. This day were married by license, 
Hugh Ca gey, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Louisa Boyd, of the same place spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Cameron to McCaskill. Toronto, 14th 
February. 1855. This day were married bv 
license. John Cameron, of the village of 
Beaverton, bachelor, and Jane McCaKk ll, 
of Thorah, spinster, by me, II. J. Grasett. 

Mercer to Powell. Toronto, 15th Feb., 
1855. This day were married by license, 
Lawrence William Mercer, of Niagara, wid 
ower, and Catharine Mary Powell, of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

McCabe to Parker. Toronto, 16th Feb., 

1855. This day were married by license, 

Alexander McGnbe, of Albion, bachelor, and 

Matilda Caroline Parker, of the same place, 

I spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Smith to Moore. Toronto, 20th Feb., 
[ 1855. This day were married, after due 
I publication of Banns, .Samuel Smith, of To 
ronto, widower, and Mary Moore, of the 
eame place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Huberties to Gillespie. Toronto, 1 lst 
February, 1855. This day were married 
by license, William Lucien Huberties, of 
Unionyille, bachelor, and Mary Antoinette 
Gillespie, of the same place, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Pierson to Leacy. Toronto, 22nd Feb 
ruary, 1855. Thi-i day were ]:i rrir-fi by 
license, Joseph Pierson", of Derry AVest, 
bachdor, and Catharine Leacy, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Mclntyre to McLean. Toronto, 8th March, 

1855. This day were married by license, 

Peter Mclntyre, of Toronto, bachelor, and 

] Mary McLean of the same place, spinster, 

by me, H. ^. Gra.sott. 

Donovan to Laslcey. Toronto, March 14, 
1855. This day were married by license, 
Edward Denovan, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Jennet Laskey of the same 
township, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Barber to Parr. Toronto, 14th March, 



1855. This day werp marrid by license, 
Robert Barber, of Toronto Gore, bachelor, 
and Elizabeth Parr, of the eame place, spin*. 
eter, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Whiteley to Brown. Toronto, 19th March, 
1855. This day wore married by license, 
James Whiteley of the township of Vaughan, 
bachelor, and * Mary Brown, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Ivey to Hawthorn. Toronto, 20th March, 
1855. This day were married by license, 
William Ivey, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Eliza Jane Hawthorn, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Heyden to Lang. Toronto, 22nd March, 
1855. This day were married, after due 
publication of Banns, John Heyden, of To 
ronto, widower, and Jane Lang, of the 
same place, sprnster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Smith to Chapman. Toronto, 2nd April, 
1855. This day were married, after due 
publication of Banns, Thomas Smith, of To^ 
ronto, bachelor, and Elizabeth Chapman, of 
the same place, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Willoughby to Proctor. Toronto, 3rd 
April, 1855. This day were married by li 
cense, David Wi lo .ighby. of Caradoc, wid 
ower, and Caroline Proctor, of Sturgeon 
Bay, spinster, by me, 11. J. Grasett. 

Mulligan to Chambers. Toronto , 7th 
April, 1855. This day were married by li 
cense, William Mulligan, of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Anne Chambers, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Grigor to Leonard. Toronto, 10th April, 
1855. This day were married by license, 
Charles Grigor, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Charlotte Leonard, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Peacock to Heron. Toronto, 24th April, 
1855. This day were married, after due 
publication of Banne, Thomas Peacock, of 
Toronto, widower, aJid Sarah Heron, of the 
township of York, widow, by me, H. J. Gra 

Sawdon to Oowperthwaite. Toronto. 30th 
April, 1855. This day were married by li 
cense, George Sawdon, of the village of 
Thornhill, and Mary Cowperthwaite, oi the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Kinsman to Donigan. Toronto, 30th 
April, 1855. This day were married by li 
cense, William Kinsman, of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Rosa Donigan, of the village of 
Yorkville, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Carton to Graydon. Toronto, list May, 
1855. This day were married by license, 
John Carton, of the township of York, wid 
ower, and Anne Graydon, of the same 
place, by me, Alex. Sanson. 

Gilliland to McGregor. Toronto, let May, 
1855. This day were married by license, 
John Gilliland, of Toronto, widower, and 
Mary McGregor, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Francis to Main. Toronto, 3rd May, 
1855. This day were married by license, 
George Francis, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Catharine Main, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Matthews to Johnston. Toronto, 7th May, 
1855. This day were married by license, 
John Matthews, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Eliza Johnston, of the same place, widow, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. i 

Jolliffe to Davis. Toronto, 15th May, 
1S55. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Jolliffe, of the township of Tecum- 
seh r bachelor, and Elian Davis, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 


Nanton to Jarvfs. Toronto, 16th May, 

i 1855. This day were married by license, 

| Augustus Xa.ato.n, of Toronto, bachelor, and 

I Mary Louisa Jarvis, of the same place, 

spinster, by me, John Toronto. 

Wilson to Sanvege. Toronto, May 20th, 
1855. This dav were married, after due 
publication of Banns, Albert John Wilson, 
of Toronto, bachelor, and I hoob^ Jane&in- 
vege, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Baird to Lawler. Toronto, 22nd Mav, 
1855. This day were married by license, 
Robert Baird, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Joanna Lawler, of the same place, spin- 
eter, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Gordon to Parkinson. Toronto, 25th Mav, 
1855. This day were .married by license, 
Thomas Gordon, of the township of York, 
bachelor, aii l Isabella Parkinson, of the 
township of Vaughan, spinster, by me, H. J. 

Webster to Dunn. Toronto, 28th May, 
1855. Thin day were married by litonso. 
John Webster, of the township of Sear- 
borough, bachelor, and Anne Elizabeth 
Dunn, of the Eame place, spinster, bv mo, 
H. J. Granett, B.D. 

Westacott to Waltenbury. Toronto. 29th 
May, 1855. This day were married by li 
cense, William Westacott, of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Anne Waitenbury. of the 
Eame place, sjiinstor, by me, H. J. Grasott. 

Nelson to Rogers. Toronto, 3rd June, 
1855. This day were married after Banns, 
Charles Nelson, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Ell^n Rebecca Rogers., of the same pl.jco, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasott. 

Hunt to La -celles. Toronto, 6th June 
1855. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Hunt, of Toronto, bachelor. an! 
Mary Lascelles. of the same place, spinster, 
by mo, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

McVey to Rennicks. Toronto, llth June, 
1855. This day were married by license, 
Samuel McVey. of Toronto, bachelor, an 1 
Elizabeth Rennicke. of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Clark to GolJBmith. Toronto, llth June, 
i!855. This day wore married by license, 
John Clark, of Toronto, bachelor, ami Anne 
Goldsmith, of the same place, spinster, 1-v 
me, H. J. GraBett. 

Cooley to Listen. Toronto, 12th June, 
1855. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Cooley, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Mary Listen, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Graaett. 

Badgley to Drummond. Toronto, 14th 
June, 1855. This day were married by li- 
oonso, Frank Houghton Badgley, of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Margaret Drummoind, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Davis to Drake. Toronto, 14th June, 
1855. This day were married, after due 
publication, of Banns, Edward Davis, of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Jane Drake, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Greenfield to Cook. Toronto, ISlh June, 
1855. This day were married by license, 
James Greenfield, of the township of Mark- 
ham, bachelor, and Delila Cook, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Glen to Richmond. Toronto, 20th June, 
1855. This day were married by license, 
.James Glen, of Markham, and Eliza Rich 
mond, of the saino place, bv me, H. J. 

Armstrong to McCallig-an. Toronto, June 
21st, 1855. This day were married by li- 



cense, James Armstrong 1 , of York, widower, 
and Rcsey McOaIHgu, of Scarborough, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasolt. 

Rlnii to Nixon. Toronto, 21st June, 
1855. This day were married by license, 
James Rion, of Toronto, Gore, bachelor, 
and Sarah Nixon, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. T. Grasett. 

Connolly to Connolly. Toronto, 30th June, 
1855. This day were married by license, 
Arthur Connolly, of Oakville, bachelor, and 
Anne Jane Connolly, of the same village, 
widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hogg to Williams. Toronto, 2nd July, 
1855. This day were married by license, 
William Hogg, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Margaret Williams, of the same place, 
widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Mackay to Ferguson. Toronto, 12th July 
1855. This d*v were married by license, 
John McKay, of St. Vincent, bachelor, and 
Eliza Jane Ferguson, of Collingwood, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Parker to Hemsworth. Toronto, l<$th July, 
1855. This day were married by license, 
Charles Parker, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Mary Anne Hemsworth, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Wardrobe to Kane. Toronto, 17th July, 
1855. This day were married, after due 
publication of Banns, John Wardrobe, of 
Toronto, bachelor, and Mary Kane, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Dunlop to Steele. Toronto, 21st July, 
1855. This day were married by license, 
Robert Dunlop, of the township of Euph- 
rasia, bachelor, and Mary Jane Steele. lato 
of New York, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Wilke to Prout. Toronto, 30th July, 
1855. This day were married by license, 
Robinson Wilks. of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Eliza Prout. of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Wilton to Green. Toronto. 2nd Aug-uet 
1855. This day were married by license, 
William Curtis Wilton, of Toronto, bache 
lor, aud Anna Barren Green, of the game 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Aslcin to Cosens. Toronto, 4th September. 
1855. This day were married by license, 
Duncan McGregor Askin, of Westminster, 
bachelor, and Maria Augusta Cosens, of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hodsson to Willson. Toronto, 4th Sept.. 
1855. Thifl day were married by license, 
William Hodgson, of the township of Pick 
ering, bachelor, and Mercy Almedia Will- 
eon, of the same place, spinster, by ine, 
Edm. Baldwin, Asst. St. James . 

Caulfield to Booth. Toronto, 5th Sept.. 
1855. This day were married by license, 
Francis Caulfield, of Toronto, widower, and 
Mary Anne Booth, of the same place, widow, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Walker to Charters. Toronto, 10th Sept., 
1855. This day were married by license, 
John Walker, of Oakville, bachelor, and 
Mary Charters, of Toronto, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Brnnett to Ronan. Toronto, llth Sept.. 
1855. This day were married by license, 
Joshua Bennett, of the township of Innis- 
fil. bachelor, and Mary Ronan, of Toronto, 
ipinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Bennett to Ronan. Toronto, llth Sept.. 
1855. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Bennett, of the township of Innis- 
fil. bachelor, and Catharine Ronun. of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Rutherford to Brewster. Toronto, 15th 

September, 1855. This day were married 
ronto, bachelor, and Anne Brewster, of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Ganton to Richardson. Toronto, 20th 
September, 1855. This day were married 
bv license, .Stephen Ganton, o the town 
ship of Msrkham, widower, and Anne Rich 
ardson, of the same place, widow, by me,. 
Edm. Baldwin, Asst. Minister. 

Duffey to Thompson. Toronto, 21st Sept., 
1855. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Duffey, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Catherine Thompson, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Martin to O Malley. Toronto, 24th Sept., 
1855. This day were married, after du& 
publication of Banns, William Martin, of 
the township of York, widower, and Dora 
O Malley, of the same place, spinster, by 
me. Edm. Baldwin, Asst. .St. James . 

Winter to Prissi. Toronto, 24th Sept., 
1855. This day were married by license, 
Charles Winter, of Toronto, widower, and 
Bridget Prissi, of the same place, widow, 
by me, Edm. Baldwin, Asst. St. James . 

Baldwin to Ross. Toronto, 25th Sept., 
1855. This day were married by license, 
Morgan Baldwin, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Frances Ross of the same place, 
spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Mr. Baldwin was for some time an 
alderman of the city and for many 
years Harbour master of Toronto, re 
signing in 1896. He died in Toronto in 
March, 1898. 

McMichael to Killway. Toronto, 28th 
September, 1855. This day were married 
bv license. Daniel McMichael, of the vil 
lage of Markham, bachelor, ,and Margaret 
Killwai . of the came place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

King to Davison. Toronto, 23th Sept., 
1855. This day were married by license, 
Joseph King, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Marv Jane Davison, of the 
same place, spinster, bv me, H. J. Grasett. 

Lavory to McKibbon. Toronto, 23th Sept., 
1855. This day were married by license, 
John Lavery, of the township of Etobicoke. 
bachelor, and Jemima McKibbon, of the 
same place, spinsteif bv me. H. J. Grasett. 

Wilson to Wig-gins. Toronto. 28th Sept.. 
1855. This day were married by license, 
Charles Wilson, of Cooksville, bachelor, and 
Mary Wiggins, of tho township of York. 
widow, by mo, H. J. Grasett. 

Nash to Kerr. Toronto, 2nd October. 
1855. This day were married, after due 
publication of Banns. John Na*h. of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Margaret Kerr, of the- 
same place, widow, by me. H. J. Grasett. 

Phair to Burns. Toronto. 10th October, 
1855. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Phair, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Eliza Burns, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Johnston to Stewart. Toronto llth O.-t., 
1855. This day were married by license, 
Wallace Johneton, of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Margaret Stewart, of the township of 
Albion, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Hull to Watorson. Toronto. 13th Oct., 
1855. This dav were married by license, 
Richard Hull, of the village of Thornhill, 
widower, and Mary Waterson, of the town 
ship of York, spinster, bv me. II. J. Grasett. 

Smith to Bond. Toronto. 14th October, 
1855. This day were married by license. 



James Smith, of the township of York 
bachelor, and Mary Bond, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Hamilcon to Fleming-. Toronto, 15th Oct. 
1855. This day were married by license 
John Hamilton, ol Toronto Gore, bachelor, 
and Hcssy Fleming, of Chinguacousy, spi::- 
eter, by ine, H. J. Grasett. 

Hodgson to O Brien. Toronto, 15th O.-t., 
1855. This day were married by license 
Mark Hodgson, of the village of Weston 
bachelor, and Aniie O Brien, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. . Grasett, B.D. 
Shortis to Wakefielci. Toronto, 17th Oct.. 
1855. Thin day were married by license 
Thoman Shortis, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Hester S. Wakcfield. of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Sherwood to Mitchell. Toronto, Oct. 18, 
1855. This day were married bv license, 
John Sherwood, of Toronto, widower, and 
Margaret Mitchell, of the same piaca, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

McGee to Connelly. Toronto, 19th Oct., 
1855. This day were married by license, 
John McGee, of Richmond Hill, " bachelor, 
and Elizabeth Connelly, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

TiLson to Stewart. Toronto, 23rd Oct., 
1855. This day were married by license, 
Richard Tilson. of the township "o fYork, 
bachelor, and Isabella Stewart, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

McGreg-or to LIvock. Toronto, 25th Oct., 
1555. This day were married by license, 
Joseph McGregor, of the village "of York- 
villo, bachelor, and Lydia Livock, of the 
same place, sRiuster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Graham to McGarr. Toronto, 26th Oct., 
1855. This day were married by license, 
John Graham, or the township of Vaughan, 
widower, and Jane McGarr, of the same 
place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Howe to Breadon. Toronto, 30th Oct., 
1855. This day were married by license. 
"William Howe, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Anne Breadon, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Smith to Retallick. Toronto, 31st Oct., 
1855. Thin clay were married by license, 
Gilbert Smith, of the township of York, 
bachelor, nnl Maria Retalli-k, oi the town 
ship of Scarborough, spinster, bv me, H. J. 

Cameron to Gilchriat. Toronto, 9th 
November, 1855. This day were married 
-John Cameron, of Thorold, bachelor, and 
Mary Giichrist, of Mara, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasott. 

Knowles to Barry. Toronto, 10th No 
vember, 1855. This day were married by 
license, John Knowles, of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Mary Barry, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Dixou to Canham. Toronto, llth No 
vember, 1855. This day were married by 
license Wi liam Dixon, of Toronto, bach"- 

Hunter to Carefoot. Toronto. 1st Nov., 
1855. This day were married by license, 
Edward Hunter, of the township of Brint- 
ford. bachelor, and El zab^th Ann Carofont, 
of Toronto Gore, spinster, by me, H. J. 

Sanderson to Lackey. Toronto. 1st Nov., 
1855. This day were married by license, 
William Sanderson, of the town of .Chat 
ham, wi lower, and Marii La; key, ot To 
ronto, upinster, by me, H. J. Gri s^tt. 

Hamilton to Draper. Toronto, 8th Nov., 
1855. Thin day wore married by license, 
John MacPherrftn Hamilton of Toronto 
bachelor, and Eliza M. Draper, of York- 
ville, spinster, by mo, H. J. Grasett. 

Cornish to Pierce. Toronto 8th Nov., 
1855. This day wore married by license, 

elor, and Mary Ann Canham, of the same 
fipinster, by me H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Taylor to Macklem. Toronto. 14th No 
vember, 1855. This day were married by 
license, Arthur John Taylor, of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Helen Maria Macklem, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, B.D. 

Mapes to Elvadge. Toronto, 14th No 
vember, 1855. Thin day were married by 
license, Jesse Mapes, of the township of 
Markham, bachelor, and Lavina Elvadge, 
of the same place, widow, by me, HJ. J. 

Jacobs to Ward. Toronto, 16th No 
vember, 1855. This day were married by 
license, James Jacobs, of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Mary Jane Ward, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Gates to Secor. Toronto, 22nd Novem 
ber, 1855. This day were married by li 
cense, Jonathan Gates, of the township 
of Scarborough, bachelor, and Mary Secor, 
of the same place, spinster, by me. Edm. 
Baldwin, Assistant, St. James. 

Fair to Mitchell. Toronto, 23rd Novem 
ber, 1855. Thin day were married by li 
cense. David Fair, of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Catharine Mitchell, of the same plate, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasott. 

Boyd to MacNally. Toronto, 26th No 
vember, 1855. This day were married by 
license John Boyd. of Toronto, widower, 
and E.iza Luanda MacXally. of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Miss MacNally, prior to her marri 
age, was long the principal of a ladies 
school in Toronto, on Wellington street 
west. Her husband was the well-known 
schoolmaster of Bay street. 

Hatten to Pinner. Toronto, 10th De 
cember, 1855. This day were married by 
license, John Hatten, of the township of 
Tecumaeth. bachelor, and Jane Pinner, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett, B.D. 

Evans to Caulfield. Toronto, llth Dec., 
1855. This day wore married by license, 
John Lana Evans, of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Ellen Caulfield, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Pilkington to Crozier. Toronto, 18th Dec., 
1855. J.his day were married by license, 
John Pilkington, of Port Credit, C. W.. 
widower, and Rosy Crozier, of the town 
ship of Toronto, spinster, bv me. Edm. 
Baldwin, Asst. St. James . 

John Cornish, of Toronto, bache lor, nnd I Hunter to McCarty. Toronto 22nd Dec., 
ri?I y u-. ic L r . c . e> ,? f the^township of York, spin- 1855. This day were married by license, 

flter, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Jones to Baker. Toronto, 8th Nov., 
55. This day were married by Banns, 

Henry Jones, of Toronto, widower, and 

Martha Baker of the same place, widow. 

\r mo, Alex. Sanson. 


David Hunter, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Mary McCarty of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Malei- to Boyd. Toronto 24th Dec., 
1855. This day were married by license, 
Allan Malay, of the township of Essa, 



bachelor, and Eliza Anne Boyd, of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hutchinson to Ditty. Toronto, 25th Dec.. 
1855. This day were married by license, 
Hug-h Hutchineon, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Rachel Ditty, of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

KearnB to Wilson. Toronto, 26th Dec.. 
1855. This day were married by license, 
Joshua Kearns. of the township of Albion, 
bachelor, and Harriet Wilson, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasott. 

Madill to Stonehouse. Toronto, 27th Dec., 
1855. This (lay were married by license 
Samuel Madill, of Etobicoke, bachelor, and 
Sarah Stonehouse, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasstt. 

Smith to Scott. Toronto, 31st December, 

1855. This day were married after Banns, 
George King- Smith, of Toronto, widower, 
and Mary Scott, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Perfect to Hars-haw. Toronto, Jan, 1st, 

1856. This day were married by license, 
Robert Perfect, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Eliza Harshaw, of Yorkville, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Simpson to Purdy. Toronto, 3rd Jan., 
1856. "This day were married by license, 
Thomas Simpson, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Susan Purdy, of the same place, spinster, 
byi me, H. J. Grasett. 

Flood to Turner. Toronto, 5th Jan., 
1856. This day were married by license. 
Thomas Flood, " of Toronto, widower, and 
Jane Anne Turner, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hawthorn to Dawson. Toronto, 6th Jan., 

1855. This day were married by license, 
Daniei Hawthorn, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Hannah Dawson, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Taylor to Brown. Toronto, 9th Jan., 
1866. This day were married by license, 
Frederick Taylor, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Browr, of the same place, spin*, 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Black to Newborn. Toronto, 14th Jan., 

1856. This day were married by license, 
Edward Black, of London, Canada, widower, 
and Francos Harriett Newborn, of Etobi 
coke, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Moore to Ourry. Toronto, 16th January, 
1856. This day were married by license, 
Joseph Moore, cf the township of York, 
bachelor, and Anne Curry, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Suderow to Prezler. Toronto, 0th Jan., 
1866. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, George Frederick Su 
derow, of York\ille, bachelor, and Whil- 
helmina Caroline Elizabeth Prezler, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Parkes to Thompson. Toronto, 26th Jan., 
1856. This day were married by license, 
Vincent Parkes, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Thonvpson., of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasott. 

Addison to Brown. Toronto, 29th Jan., 
1856. Tliis day were married by license, 
George Addison, of township of Vaughan, 
bachelor, and Catherine Brown, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Kelly to Manlet. Toronto, 30th Jan., 
1856. This day were married by license, 
John Kelly, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Cetta Mariet, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Gains to De Vol. Toronto, 31st Jan., 
1856. This day were married after due pub 

lication of Ba.nna, Albert Gains, of the 
township of York, widower, and Lavima 
De Vol, of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Wiley to Bland. Toronto, 5th Feb., 

1855. Thda day were married by license, 
William Wiley, of the township of Toronto, 
in tho Gore, bachelor, and Anne Isabella 
Bland, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Wilson to Kubridge. Toronto, 13th Feb., 
1-855. This da;" were married by license, 
Eustace S. Wilson, of Quebec, bachelor, and 
Jane Kubridge, of Toronto, spinster, by me, 
W. A. M. Arianwni, D.O.L., Chaplain to the 
Legislative Council. 

Conn to Allen. Toronto, 18th Feb., 

1856. This day were married by license, 
Charles Daniel" Simons Oorin, of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Rebecca Allen, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Campbell to Burns. Toronto, 8th Feb., 
1-856. This day were married by license, 
William Campbell, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Sarah Burns, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

"Thompson to Hansell. Toronto, 25th Feb., 
1856. This day were married by license, 
William Thompson, of Etobicoke, bache 
lor, and Charlotte Hansell, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Dales to Hutohtnson. Toronto, 29th Feb., 
1,856. This day were married by license, 
James Dales, of the township of Euphrasia, 
widower, and Susannah Hutohinson, of the 
same place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Lonjeway to Murray. Toronto, 29th Feb., 
1856. This day were married by license 
Michael Lonjeway, of the township of Mono, 
baehclro. and Mary Murray, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Outram to McLeod. Toronto, 3rd March, 
1856. This day were married, after due 
publication of Banns, Thomas Outram, of 
Toronto, widower, and Mary McLeod of the 
same place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Begg to Ainsley. Toronto, 4th March, 
1856. This day were married by license, 
William Begg, of the township of Scar 
borough, bachelor, and Sarah Aineley, of 
the same place, widow, by me, H. J. Gra- 

Sparks to Halliburton. Toronto. 5th Mar., 
1856. Th: s day were married by license, 
James Sparks, of the township of York, 
widower and Anne Halliburton, of Toronto, 
widow, by me-H. J. Grasett, B,D. 

Sutton to Fitzpatrick. Toronto, 19th 
March, 1856. This day were married by 
license, Thomas Sutton, of the village of 
Weston. C. W., widower, and Margaret 
Fitzpatrick, of the same place, spinster, br 
me, Edm. Baldwin, Aest. Minister. 

Brittain to Swan. Toronto, 21st March, 
1856. This flay were married by license, 
i Henry Brittain, of Victoria Hill, in the 
township of Tiny, bachelor, and Jane Swan, 
of the township of Flos, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Power to Gilbert. Toronto, 24th March, 
1856. This day were married by license, 
Edward Power, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Maria Gilbert, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Thedford to Milton. Toronto, 26th Mar., 
1856. This day were married by license, 
Edward Thedford, of the towftehip of York, 
widower, and Mary Anne Milton, of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, E-lm. Baldwin. 
I Cook to Kelly. Toronto, 26th March, 



1856. This day were married by license, 
Georg-e Thomas Cook, of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Eliza Jane Kelly, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Gary to Sloan. Toronto, 2nd April, 1856. 
This day were married by license, Francis 
Gary, of Toronto, bachelor, and Anne 
Sloan, of the same place, widow, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, B. 1). 

Smallwood to McCarty. Toronto, 6th April 
1856. This day were married, after due 
publication of Banns, Joseph Smallwood, of 
Toronto, widower, and Margaret McOarty, 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
Grasett. B. D 

Jacobs to Arthurs. Toronto, 10th April, 
1855. This day wore married by license, 
Henry Jacobs, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Mary Arthurs of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Clpughley to Crossley. Toronto, llth 
April, 1856. This day were married by li- 
<sense, William Cloughiay of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Catharine Orossley of the same 
place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hill to Spence. Toronto, 15th _ April, 
1855. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Hill, of the Villag-o of Weston, bach 
elor, and Maria Spence. of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Van Wyck to Low. Toronto, loth April, 

1855. This day were married by license, 
Gilbert Van Wyck of the township of Cbin- 
guacotisy, widower, and Anne Low, of the 
same place, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Taylor to Little. Toronto, 18th April. 

1856. This day were married by liceinse, 
William Taylor, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Maria Little, of the same place, widow, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Fidler to AJIan. Toronto, 18th April, 
1856. Thfe day were married by license, 
Humphrey Fidler, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Mary Allan, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Francis to Moon. Toronto, 19th April, 
1856. This day were married by license, 
James Francis, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Emma Eliza Moon, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Wyatt to Harris. Toronto, 23rd April, 
1 856. This day were married by license, 
George Henry Wyatt, of Toronto, bachelor, 
and. Elizabeth Townsend Harris, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Goleman to Sterling. Toronto, 23rd April, 
1856. This dia-y were married by license, 
Reuben. Golemaa, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Jane Sterling, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Loaseau to Primeau. Toronto, 28th April, 
1856. This day were married by license, 
Francois Loiseaii,. of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Fteur Primeau, of the same place, widow, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Evans to Devenport. Toronto 1st May, 
1856. This day were married by license, 
John Parry Evans, of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Sarah Devenport, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Anderson to Wooding. Toronto, 1st May, 
1856. This day were married by license, 
Robert Anderson, of Trafalgar, bachelor, 
and Janet Nelson Wooding-, of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, EC. J. Grasett. 

Moran to McKay. Toronto, 12th May, 
1856. This day were married, after due 
publication of Banns, Thomas Moran, pf 
the township of York, bachelor, and Cath 

erine McKay, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Graeett, B.D. 

Webber to Stone. Toronto, 13th May. 
1856. This day were married by license 
William Webber, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Stone, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Small to Boulton. Toronto, 15th May, 
1856. This day were married by license. 
John Small, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Susanna Margaret Boulton, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, John Toronto. 

Peacock to Wag-got. Toronto, 16th May, 
1856. This day were married by license, 
Hug-h Peacock, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Bilen Wagijot. of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Newman to Fletcher. Toronto, 20th Mav. 
1856. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Newman, of Toronto, widower, and 
Caroline Fletcher, of the eame place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Battersby to Dunlop. Toronto, 22nd May, 
1856. This day were mpjpried by license, 
Gordon Battersby, of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Jane Dunlop, of Hamilton, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Fox to Hardwick. Toronto, 23rd Mav, 
1856. This day were married by license 
Charles Fox, of the township of Vaughan, 
widower, and Anne Hardwick, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Anderson to Potter. Torntoo, 23rd May, 
1855. This day were married by license, 
James Anderson, of Milton, in the County 
of Halton, bachelor, and Mary Ann Pot 
ter, of the township of Toronto, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, B. D. 

Bejl to MadiH. Toronto, 26th May, 

1855. This day were married by license, 
Samuel Bell, of the township of Etobicoke, 
bachelor, and Margaret Madill, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

McLaugnlin to Taylor. Toronto, 27th May 

1856. This day were married by license, 
Edward McLaughlin, of Toronto, widower, 
and Mary Ann Taylor, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, A. Stewart, A. M. 

McCall to Rooney. Toronto, 2nd June, 
1856. This day were married by license, 
Hugh McCall, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Margaret Rooney, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Jenkins to Cassidy. Toronto, 9th June, 
1856. This day were married by license, 
William Jenkins, of the Village of York- 
ville, bachelor, and Margaret Cassidy, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra- 

Ross to Cook. Toronto, 14th June, 1856. 
This day were married by license, William 
Ross, of the township of Etobicoke, bach 
elor, and Elizabeth Cook, of the same place, 
widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Leech to O Brien. Toronto, 16th June, 
1856. This day were married by license, 
John Leech, of Toronto, bachelor, and Mar 
garet O Brien, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

McMahon to Dwyer. Toronto, 19th June, 
1856. This day were married by license, 
Jeremiah McMahon, of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Winnifrod Dwyer, of the same piace, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Sieber to Rocke. Tbronto, 25th Jnne, 
1856. This day were married by license, 
Andreas Sieber, of Toronto, widower, and 
Margaretta Rocke, of the same place, widow, 
by me, V. P. Mayerhoffer, M. A. 
"Snowdon to Yeoman. Toronto, 25th June, 



1856. This day were married by license, i Shipley to Pearson. Toronto 12th Aug., 
Jesse Snowdon, of Toronto, bachelor, and 1856. This day were married by 
Emma Yeoman, of the same place, spin- James Shipley, ot Owilhmbury East, bache- 
Bter, by me, H. J. Grasett, B,D. ! lor, and Anno Pearson, ot the same place, 

Thompson to Ough. Toronto, 26th Juno, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

;56 Thio day were married by license, Devlin to Johnston. Toronto, 15th Aug., 

" _ M j_i_ _ * n r fL mo. -* .-. .!., -*im-vt\ -mo T-T-ICH! nV llPPTI^O. 

1856. __ ... . 

Jacob Thompson, the younger, of the 
township of Gwillimbury East, bachelor, 
and Selina Ough. of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. i Grasett. 

Evans to Kennedy. Toronto, 26th Tune, 
1856. This dav were married by license, 
William James Henry Evans, of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Anne Maria Kennedy, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Barney to Wate. Toronto, 28th June, 
1856. This day were married by license, 
Beneaiah Barnev, of Chicago, widower, and 

1856. Thit- day were married by license, 
Robert Devlin, of Machell s Corners, King, 
widower, a-ad Rcee:ia Johnston, of Toronto, 
widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Beattie to Puttemans. Toronto, loth 
August, 1856. This day were married by 
license, John Beattie, of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Virginia Puttemans, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Abondruth to Styles. Toronto, 23rd 
August, 1856. This day were married by 
license, Andrew Abendruth, of Toronto, 

JJClA^tlltlH O-t*A A-l*^ , - i Wi*iv^* & w, n*vnw*l 4.1,.. r, ^ m f\ 

Vmanda Lavinia Wate, of the same place, j bachelor, and Jane Styles, of the same 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. j place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Baird to Armstrong. Toronto, 30th June, | Davis to Read. Toronto. 30th August, 
1856 This day were married by license, 1856. This day were married 
Andrew Baird of Toronto, bachelor, and I John Davis, of Hamilton, bachelor, anc 
Ellen Armstrong, of the same place, spin- 1 Elizabeth Eleanor Maria Read, ot the same 
ater, bv me, H. J. Grasett. ! place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Overebv to Colley. Toronto, 9th July, i Cunningham to Worthy. Toronto, 1st 
1856 This dav were married by license, i September, 1856. This day wore married 
George Oversby", ot Scarborough, bachelor, : by license William Patterson Cunningham 
and Mai sraret" Colley, of the same place, ot the township of Toronto, bacnelor, and 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. Mary Strong Worthy, of the same place. 

Price to McCarty. Toronto, 9Lh July, j spinster, by me. H. J. Grasett, B.D. 
1856. This day were married by license, | Ilulme to Whitlem. Toronto, ISth^pt., 
Henry Price, of Toronto, bachelor, and 1856. This day were married by license 
Mary McCarty. of the same place, spinster. George Hulme. of Toronto, bachelor, and 
by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. Harriet Whitlem. of the same place, spm- 

Fraser to Simmons. Toronto, llth July, ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

1856. This day were married by license, Cluson to Erikson. Toronto, 13th Sept., 
John Fraser, of Toronto, bachelor, and 1856. This day were married by license, 
Mary Field Simmons, of the same place, [ Clans Cluson, of the township of York, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. ; bachelor, and Torina Erikson, of Toronto, 

Tanner to Grey. Toronto, 21et July, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 
1856. This day were married by_ license, , Webster to Fulford. Toronto. 22nd Sept.. 

Thomas Tanner, of the village of Burwick. 
bachelor, and Charlotte Grev, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

1856. This day were married by license, 
George Webster, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Graco Fulford. of the same place, widow, 

- - . . _ i . 

Tilson to Arthurs. Toronto, 21st July, j b H j Grage tt, B.D. 

1856. This day were married by license, i H OUg . h to Shipman. Toro 

Joseph Tilson, or Torkville, bachelor, and . ijiu> Boio ___ Uf _ 

Elizabeth Jane Arthurs, ot the same place. , wuliB Byard Hough, of the township of 

H OUg . h to Shipman. Toronto, 25th Sept., 
. married 

widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

McElroy to IJeaelip. Toronto, 24th July, 
1856. This day were married by license, 
John McElroy. of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Matilda Heaslip, of the same place, spin- 
eter, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Morton to Gorman. Toronto, 31st July, 
1856. This day were married by license 
William Morton, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Catharine Gorman, of the same place, spin- 
eter, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Williams to McAndrew. Toronto. 7th Aug.. 
1856. This day were married by license, 
Henry Williams, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Margaret McAndrew, of the same place, 
spinster, "by me. H. J. Grasett. 

Johnston to McCormack. Toronto, 8th 

Mariposa bachelor, and Sarah Shipman, of 
Brock, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Harris to Kerr. Toronto, 1st October, 
1856. This day were married by license, 
William Robert Harris, of Toronto, bache 
lor. and Georgina Kerr, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Young to Loudon. Toronto, 2nd Oct.. 
1856. Thif day were married by license, 
Jacob Young, of Toronto, widower, and 
Esther Loution. of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Patterson to Johnston. Toronto, 16th 
October, 1856. This clay were married by 
license, George Patterson, of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Mary Johnston, of the same 

August, 1856. This day were married by I place, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin, 

liceiree, William Johnston, of Toronto, I Appieby to Robinson. Toronto, 20th 

bachelor, and Mary McCormack. of the ] October, 1856. This day were married by 

same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. j license, George Hall Appieby, of Pine 

Jewell to Nethercott. Toronto, 
August, 1856. This day were married by 
license, Frederick Jewell, of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Mary Anno Netheroott. of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Calcutt to Boice. Toronto, 12th Aug., 
1856. This day were married by license, 
James Calcutt, of the town of Cobourg, 
widower, and Jane Anne Boice, of the 

Grove. County of York, widower, and Mary 
Robineon. of the same place, widow, by me, 
Edm. Baldwin, Asst. Minister. 

Watkins to Steward. Toronto, 21st Oct., 
1856. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Watkins, of the township of Te- 
cumscth, bachelor, and Elizabeth Steward, 
of Toronto, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Junniss to Lowla-n. Toronto, 22nd Oct., 

ame place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. I85o. This day were married by license, 



John Junniss, or Barrie, bachelor, and 
Ellen Lowlan, of Toronto, spinster, by me, 
Edm. Baldwin. 

Hajidoock to Benson. Toronto, 22nd Oct., 
1856. This day were mar.ied ~bv licence, 
Samuei Handcock, of Yo>rkville, "widower, Emily Ann Benson, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Sellers to Delaney. Toronto, 27th Oct., 
J85C. Thjs daiy wero married by license, 
Obarlcs Sellers, of the village of Bradford, 
ba_chelor, and Mary Delaney, of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Maughfam to Mclnoiis. Toronto, Oct. 30, 
1856. This day were married bv licenso, 
John Kenrv Maughfam,,. of Orillia, "bachelor, 
and Joanna Mclnnts, of Beaverton, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Richards to Wilson. Toronto, 1st Nov., 
1856. This day were married by license, 
Emanuol Richards, of the township of Oeor- 
gin,a, bachelor, and Eleanor Jane Wil e >n, 
of the town&hip of North Gwillimbury, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Gra.sett. 

Reiersen to Olsen. Toronto, 1st Nov., 
1856. This day were married after due pub 
lication of Banns, Jeris Reiersen, of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Olline OLsen, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Kinsman to Spankte. Toronto, 5th Nov., 
1S56. This day were married by license, 
Daamel Kinsman, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Mario Spaakie, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Graeett. 

Henderson to Henderson. Toronto, Nov. 8, 
1856. This day were married by license, 
James Henderson, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Jane Henderson, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Cholwell to Heighton. Toronto, Nov. 10th, 
1SS6. This day were married by license. 
John, Cholwell, of London, Canada West, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Anne Heighten, of 
Yorkville, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Evans to Neeson. Toronto, 18th Nov., 
1856. This day were married by license, 
Lewis Evans, of Port Credit, bachelor, and 
Margaret Anno Noeson, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Rogers to Hogan. Toronto, 18th Nov., 
1856. This day were married by license, 
Edwin Rogers, of the village of Yorkville, 
bachelor, and Bridget Hogan, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

De Grassi to Crapper. Toronto, Nov. 19, 
1856. This day were married by license, 
Alexander William James De Grassi, of To 
ronto, bachelor, and Annie Crapper, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Balarick to Stobbart. Toronto, Nov. 21, 
1856. This d^y were married by license, 
John, Baldrick, of the village of Weston, 
bachelor, and "Jane Stobbart, of Etobi- 
coke, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Dawson to Nelson. Toronto, 22nd Nov., 
Ij856. This day were married "by license, 
Thomas Dawson,, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Nelson., of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Russell to Reed. Toronto, 4th Dec., 
1856. This day were married by Hcenso, 
Francis McManus Russell, M.D., of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Theresa Reed, of the same 
palce, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Magner to Ross. Toronto, 5th Dec., 
1856. This day were married by license, 
James Magner, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Mary Ross, of the same place, spinster, by 
me, Edm. Baldwin. 
Marshall to Graham. Toronto, 6th Dec., 

1856. This day were married by license, 
William Marshall, of the township of York, 
bachelor, and Nancy Graham, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Norbury to Hems worth. Toronto, Gtb. 
Dec., 185(5. This day were married by 
license, Robert Norbury, of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Charlotte Hemsworth, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Power to Howard. Toronto, llth Dec,, 
1856. This day were married by license, 
Maurice Power, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Annie Howard, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Graeett. 

Armstrong to Allan. Toronto, 12th Dec., 
1850. This day were married by license, 
James Armstrong, of Toronto, widower, and 
Catherine Allan of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, B. D. 

T?onoy to McGann. Toronto, 15th Dec., 
1856. This day were married by license, 
John Roney, of Port Credit, widower, and 
Ellen McC-um, of Toronto, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Leonard to Dexter. Toronto, 23r(? Dec., 
185G. This day were married by license, 
Joseph Leonard, of Markham Village, bach 
elor, and Matilda Dexter of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Anderson to Oorbett. Toronto, 5th Jan., 

1856. This day were married by license, 
Colin Drummond Anderson, of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Corbett, -of the 
uamo place, spinster, by rne, Edin. Baldwin, 

Gutthrey to Crawford. Toronto. 8th Jan., 

1857. This day were married by license, 
Richard Gutthrey, of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Margaret Crawford, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Blackwill to Jackson. Toronto, 18th Jan., 
1857. Thfe da;- were married after Banns, 
Thomas Black will, of Toronto, widower, and 
Alice Jackson, of the samo place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Ellis to Mu lge. Toronto, 19th January, 
1857. This day were married by license, 
John George Jiillin. of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Charlotte Jane Mudge. of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Truman to Naylor. Toronto, 20th Jan., 
1857. This d;y were married by license, 
Joseph Truman, of Ofuolph, and Ellen Nay., 
lor, of Scarborough, spinster, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Wilgress to Boulton. Toronto, 21st Jan., 
1857. This day were married by license, 
George Wilgress, of Montreal, bachelor, and 
Caroline Boulton, of Toronto, spinster, by 
me John Toronto. 

Spoors to Rea. Toronto, 21st January, 
1857. This day were married by license, 
Robert Spoors, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Mary Anne Rea of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Dublin to Wilcox. Toronto, 28th Jan., 
1857. This day were married by license, 
Joshua Dublin, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Wilcox, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Taylor to Dallimore. Toronto, 28th Jan.. 
1857. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Taylor, of Toronto, widower, and 
Kl zabeth Dallimore. of the same place, 
spinster, by mo, H. J. Grasetl, B.D. 

Gibson to Hossack. Toronto, 30th Jan., 
1857. This day were married by license, 
Jnrnes Gibson, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
El zabeth Hossack, of the same place, spin- 
ster by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 
Murray to Cooper. Toronto, 30th Jan., 



1857. This day were married by license 
James Murray, of Toronto, bachelor, ani 
Agnes Cooper, of the same place, widow, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Frewen to Curneil. Toronto, 5th Feb.. 
1857. This day were married by license 
Charles Frewen, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Eliza Curneil, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Turner to Oorin. Toronto, 9th Fe ., 
1857. This day were married by licenso, 
William Turner, of ToEonto, bachelor, and 
Euphrasaa Elfrida Corin of the same place, 
spinster, bv me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

.Sanderson to Ho!ling sliead. Toronto 13th 
Feb.. 1857. This day were married by li- 
cenFe, Richard Sanderson, Gwillimbury 
East, bachelor, and Julia Anne Holiings- 
ad, of the same place, spinster, bv me, 
H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Metcalfe to Branter. Toronto, 17th Feb., 
1857. This day were married by license, 
Henry John Metcalfe. of Toronto, bache 
lor and Elizabeth Branter, of the came 
place, spinster, by me. H. J. Grasett. 

"Ward to Ward. Toronto, 17th February, 
1357. This day were married by licens 3. 
John Ward, of Brock, bachelor, and Mary 
Ward, of Toronto, spinster, by me, Edm. 
Baldwin, Aest. Minister. 
Wear to Robins. Toronto, 18th Feb., 
Th B day were married by license, 
William Wear of Oshawa, bachelor, and 
El zabeth Robins of Bowmanville, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Groen to Lucas. Toronto, 18th Feb., 
1857. This day were married by license, 
Daniel Green, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Anne Lucas, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Graeett. 

Hall to Armstrong . Toronto, 26th Feb., 

857. Th ; s day were married by license, 

David Hall of the township of Trafalgar, 

bachelor, and Isabella Armstrong-, of the 

same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Smith to Coyne. Toronto, 5th March, 

_8o7. This day were married by license. 

Thomas Smith, of Toronto, bachelor, and 

Catharine Coyne, of the same place, widow 

by me, H. J. Graeett. 

Butler to Wood. Toronto. 5th March, 
1857 This day were married by license, 
Charles Butler, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
fajusannah Wood, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
10 ^ undj y to Sellers. Toronto. 6th March, 
This day were married bv license 
Keuben Hundey, of Vaughan, bachelor, and 
Harriett Sellers, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

< ^ rrlg an to B fes- Toronto, 9th March, 
3/857. This day were married by license, 
Arthur Cardigan, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Jane Boles, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

iQ^r rd!!l to ^lowlton. Toronto, 10th March, 
This day were married by license, 
William Reuben Ardill, of Gwillimbury 
Aorth, bachelor, and Bnsaona Anne Knowl- 
torL, of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 

August to Phalr. Toronto, 13th March, 
1S57. This da* were married by license, 
Alfred August, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Mary Anne Phair, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Plewes to Mealey. Toronto, March 16th, 
This day were married by license 
William Plewes, of the township of To 

ronto, bachelor, and Anne Mealey, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Lull to Stewart. Toronto, 16th March, 
1857. This day were married "by license, 
John Henry Lull, of Dubuque, "State of 
Iowa., United States, bachelor, and Sarah 
Anne Stewart, of Toronto, spinster, by me, 
Edm. Baldwin. 

Skewing; to Bens. Toronto, 15th March, 
1857. Thi:3 day were married by license, 
George Skeldfa*?, of Scarborough, bache 
lor, and Almira Bens, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Sillip to Xixou. Toronto, 26th March, 
1857. This day were married by license, 
Henry Sillip, of the township of Vaughan. 
bachelor, and Jane Nixon, of the eame place, 
spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Malouin to Aitkens. Toronto, 28th March, 
1857. This day were married by license, 
Lewis Joseph Alfred Malouin, of "Toronto, 
bachelor, and Martha Isabella Aitkens, of 
the same place, spinster, by me, Edm. Bald 
win. x 

Cook to Robinson. Toronto, 31st March, 
857. This day were married by license, 
Isaac Cook, of the township of Trafalgar, 
widower, and Elizabeth Anne Rx3bin=x>n, of 
same p ace, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
io2:* 8 it to Go dwill. Toronto, -ith April, 
18o7. This day were married by license, 
John Wreg-git, of the township of East 
Gwillimbury, bachelor, and Ann Goodwill, 
of the same place, spinster, by me, H. J 
H. J. Grasett. 

Northgraves to Huett. Toronto, 8th 
April, 1857. This day were married by 
license, William Xorthgraves, of the town 
ship of King, bachelor, and Esther Huett, 
of the township of Vaughan, spinster, bv 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Montgomery to Bruce. Toronto, 8th 
April, 1857. This day were married by 
license, Alexander Montgomery, of the 
township of Xottawasaga, widower, and 
Eliza Bruce, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hassard to Skimin. Toronto, 9th April, 
857. This day were married by license, 
Alexander Hassard, of the township of To 
ronto, in the Gore, bachelor, and Char 
lotte Selina Skirnin, of the town of Brant- 
ford, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B. D. 
Graham to Donovan. Toronto, 9th April, 
8o7. This day were married by license, 
William Graham, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Sarah Donovan, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me. H. J. Grasett, B. D. 

Lees to Walton. Toronto, 13th April, 
1S57. This day were married by license, 
William Lees, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Sarah Walton, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Thompson to Webster. Toronto, April 14, 
.857. This day wore married by license, 
TVilliam Thompson, of Whitchurch, bache 
lor, and Mary Webster, of Markham, spin- 
eter, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hodgotts to Bouchette. Toronto, April 14, 
This day were married by license, 
VV ilham Ilodgotts> of Toronto, bachelor.a nd 
Harriett Constance Bouchette, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
^oSP"*^* 10 Hwl ^ cs - Toronto, 14th April, 
L5/. This day were married by license 
Richard Hodges, of Oro, bachelor, and 
Mary Jane Hodges, of the same place, spto- 
eter, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

1 ^ or = n . to , IVcagIe - Toronto, 20th AprM, 
1857. This day were married by license 



William Morgan., of Eqnc-ing-, bachelor, and 
Ancie Xeag-Ie, of Toronto, spinster, by mo, 
H. -J. Grasott. 

Jones to Mills. Toronto, 23rd _ April, 
1857. This day were married by license, 
William George Jones, of Hamilton, bache 
lor, and Eliza Mills, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

.Sherwood to Press. Toronto, 27th Apr! 1 , 
1857. This clay were married by license, 
John Morris Sherwood, of King-, bachelor, 
and Jane Eliza Press, of Albion, spin 
ster, bv me, H. J. Grasett. 

DtivM to Thomson. Toronto. 28th April, 
1857. This day were married by license, 
tho Rev. William David, dork, of St. Fn- 
gtais, Cardiff, Wales, bachelor, and Mar 
garet Harriott Thomson., of Toronto, spin 
ster, by me, John Toronto. 

Elliott to Irwin. Toronto, 28th April, 
1857. This da-y were married by license, 
John Elliott, of Cooksvillc, bachelor, and 
Anoae Irwin, of the same place, spinster, 
by mo, H. J. Grasctt. 

Drinlcwater to IVeUon. Toronto, April 28, 
1857. This clay were married by license, 
James Exeil Drinkwater, of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Eliza A elson, of the same place, 
spinster, bv me, H. J. Grasett. 

Sweet to McGuIre. Toronto, 5th May, 
1.857. This day were married by license, 
Jnhri Sweet, 6T Toronto, bachelor, and 
Maria McGuiro, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Rock to Robinson. Toronto, 7th May, 
1857. This day were niank-d by license, 
John Rock, of Cobourg, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Anne Robinson, of Markham, 
spinster, by mo. H. J. Grasott. 

Hurley to Buttery. Toronto, 24th May, 
1857. This da.v were married by license, 
Charels Harloy, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Rachel Elizabeth Buttery, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Paul to MoLaughlln. Toronto, 3rd June, 
1857. This day were married by Jicenso, 
Samuel Paul, of Toronto, widower, and 
EILn MoLnug-hlln, of the same place, widow, 
by rm 1 . Bdm. Baldwin. 

1/eeming to ClarkS Oii. Toronto, 4th June, 
1857. This day were married by license, 
John Loeming, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Jane Olarksom, of th o s-ame place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Graeett. 

Russoll to Burwfck. Toronto, llth June, 
1857. This day were married by license, 
Benjamin Russell, of Vaughan, widower, and 
Jano Burwick, of tho samo place, widow, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Church to Laugton. Toronto, llth June, 
1857. This day were married by license, 
John Church, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Langton, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Bradley to Hogan. Toronto, 22nd June, 
1857. This day were married by license, 
William Bradley, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Margnrot Hogan, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Dugga-n to Love. Toronto, 1st July, 
1857. This clay were married by license, 
Joseph Duggan, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Susan Love, of York, spinster, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

B a Wing to Glover. Toronto, 2nd July, 
1857. This day wore married by license, 
Thomas Batting, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Day Glover, of thp same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasott. 

Elliott to Elliott. Toronto, July 3rd, 

1857. Thiq da.y were married by license, 
Patrick Elliott, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Margaret Elliott, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, II. J. Grasott. 

Davis to Richardson. Toronto, 6th July, 
1857. This day were married after Banns, 
Job Davis, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Lucy Richardson, of the same place, spin- 
et -r, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Torrance to Chewett. Toronto, July 7th, 
1857. This day were married by license, 
Hoiiry Torrance, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Mary Elizabeth Chowett, of the sime place, 
spinster, by me, J". Torranco, Off. Min. 

Lowe to Slernin. Toronto, 21st July, 
1857. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Lowe, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Slemin, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Cathcart to Scott. Toronto, 22nd July. 
1857. This day were married by license, 
Carleton Cathcart, of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Mary Jane Scott, of Jarvis, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Dawson to Godwin. Toronto, 27th July, 
1857. This day were married by license, 
William Dawsoa, of York * Me, bachelor, and 
Mary Godwin, of the eame place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hooper to Miniile. Toronto, 29th July, 
1857. This day were married by license, 
Charles Hooper, of Thornhill, widower, and 
Mary Anne Minifie, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Jones to McGutre. Toronto, 5th Aug., 
1857. This day were married by license, 
James Jones, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Charlotte McGuire, of the same place, spin* 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Lehotsky to JXesbit. Toronto, 6th August, 
1857. This day were married by license, 
Andrew Lehotsky, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Anne Jane Xes>blt, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Furbish to Copley. Toronto, 8th Aug., 
1857. This day were married by license, 
Henry Furbish, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Copley, of the same place, spin 
ster, by mo, Edm. Baldwin. 

Scott to Parker. Toronto, 12th August, 
1857. This day were married by license, 
Robert Scott, of Etobicoke, bachelor, and 
Phillma Parker, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Dixon to Embley. Toronto, 12th Aug., 
1857. This day were married after Banns, 
Robert Dlxon, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Embley, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Graaett. 

Ward to Rutherford. Toronto, 20th Aug., 
1857. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Ward, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Annie Rutherford, of the same place, spin 
ster, by m/e, Edm. Baldwin. 

Xorth to Elnifl He. Toronto. 22nd August, 
1857. This day were married by license, 
Thomas Frank North, of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Mary ElmsIIe, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Xorthcote to Hocken. Toronto, Aug. 22, 
1857. This day were married by license, 
Henry Xorthcote, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Julia Hocken, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, J. Gamble Geddaa. Rector of Hamil 

Richford to Craig. Toronto, 26th Aug., 
1857. This day were married by license, 
Patrick Richford, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Sarah Craig, of the same place, spinster, by 
me, Edm. Bald win. 



Hill to Martin:. Toronto, 29th August, 
1857. This day were married by license, 
William John. "Hill, of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Catharine Martin, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Bell to Read. Toronto, 1st September, 
1857. This day were married by license, 
George Bell, of Toronto, bachelor, and. 
Eliza Read, of the same place, spinster, 
by mo, H. T. Grasett. 

Chapman to Robertson. Toronto, Sept. 3, 
1857. This day were married by license, 
G-eorge Tho-mas Chapman, of Toronto, wid 
ower, an,a Allison Cecilia Robertson, of the 
same place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Proud to McCartney. Toronto, 4th teept., 
1&57. This day were married by license, 
Richard Henry " Froud, of Trafalgar, bache 
lor, and Annie McCartney, of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Spurr to Moore. Toronto, 7th Sept.. 
1857 This day were married after Banns. 
James Spurr, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Soisan Moore, of the same place, widow, 
by me, Alex. Sanson. 

Talama to Lee. Toronto, 10th Sept.. 
1857. This day were married by license, 
Anthony Talamo, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Minnie Lee, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Graeett, B.D. 

Laver to Sperring. Toronto, 15th Sept.. 
1857. This day were married by license, 
Aciam Laver, of York, bachelor, and Eliza 
beth Sperring, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Johnson to Steel. Toronto, 17th Sept., 
1857. This day were married by license, 
James Johnson, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Sarah Steel, of the same place, spinster. 
by mo, H. J. Grasett. 

Johnston to Mack. Toronto, 21st Sept., 
1857. ThiB day were married by license, 
Adam Johnston, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Catherine Mack, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

McAndrew to Lee. Toronto, 24th Sept., 
1857. This day were married by license, 
Thomas McAndrew, of Toronto, bachelor, 
an l Mary Jane Lee, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Carnegie to Dow. Toronto, 26th Sept., 
1857. This day were married by license, 
William Carnegie, of York, bachelor, and 
Mary Dow, of the same place, spinster, by 
me. H. J. Graeett, B.D. 

Scott to Anderson. Toronto. 29th Sept., 
1857. Thfe (Say were married by license, 
Aj-chibaM Douglas Scott, bachelor, and 
Ann Anderson, spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Ellacott to Taylor. Toronto, 3rd Oct.. 
1857. This day were married by license, 
George Ellacott, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Taylor, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Annis to Worden. Toronto, 6th Oct., 
1857. This day were married by license, 
Ezra Annie, of Whitby, bachelor, and Marv 
Worden, of Darlington, spinster, by me, H. 
J. Grasett, Reotor. 

Fiset to Salt. Toronto, 20th Oct., 1857. 
This day were married by license, George 
Fleet, of Toronto, bachelor, and Susan Eliza 
Salt, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
Edm. Baldwin, Asst. Minister. 

Scott to Prim. Toronto, 20th Oct.. 1857. 
This day were married by license, Thomas 
Scott, of Etobicoke, bachelor, and Eliza 

Prim, of the eame place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, Rector. 

Frauor to McDonald. Toronto, 20th Oct.. 
1857. This day were married by license, 
Donald Saint George Frauer, of Acton, 
bachelor, and Janette Macdonald, of Es- 
quesing, spinster, by me, John Toronto. 

Granley to Mahoney. Toronto 28th Oct.. 
1857. This day were married by license, 
Patrick Oranley, of Gwillimbury East, 
bachelor, and Ellen Mahoney, of the same 
place, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Ranney to Grant. Toronto, 31st Oct.. 
1857. This day were married by license, 
Malcolm Ranncy. of Sharon, O. W., bache 
lor, and Marion Grant, of Toronto, spinster, 
by me Edm. Baldwin. 

McOaghey to Acheaon. Toronto, 3rd No 
vember, 1857. This day were married by 
license, John McOaghey, of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Jane Acheson, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B. D. 

Kibell to Sullivan. Toronto, 7th No 
vember, 1857. This day were married by 
license, John Kibell, of Oakville, bachelor, 
and Mary Sullivan, of Toronto, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Mullins to O Brien. Toronto, 9th No 
vember, 1857. This day were married by 
license, John Mullins, of Toronto, widower, 
and Eliza O Brien, of the same place, widow, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Ardington to Brown. Toronto, 12th Nov., 
1857. This day were married by license, 
: Henry Ardington, of the township of Ohin- 
i guacousy, Bachelor, and Sarah Brown, of 
1 the same place, spinster, by me, H. J. 
i Grasett, B. D. 

i Powers to Scott. Toronto, 17th Nov., 
i 1857. This day wero married by license, 
, John Powers, of Vaughan, bachelor, and 
1 Rhoda Anne Scott, of King, spinster, by 
i mo, H. J. Grasett. 

Finlay to Cook. Toronto, 18th Nov., 
I 1857. This day were married by license, 
i William Finlay, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
| Caroline Cook, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Young to Dalton. Toronto, 21st Nov., 
1857. This day were married by license, 
Frederick Young, ol Etobicoke, bachelor, 
and Elizabeth Dalton, of Vaughan, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

White to Allan. Toronto, 26th Nov.. 

1857. Thie day were married by license, 

, Patrick White, of Toronto, bachelor, and 

! Mary Allan., of the same place, spinster. 

by me, H. J. Grasett. 

O Dell to Crulckshani. Toronto, Nov. 2*. 

1857. This day were married by license, 

; John O Dell, of Weston, bachelor, and 

Elizabeth Cruickshank, of the samo place, 

spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Coleman to Cratg. Toronto, 26th Nov., 

1857. This day were married by license, 

George Ooleman, of Niagara, widower, and 

Maria Craig, of Toronto, widow, by me, 

: H. J. Grasett. 

Bennett to Macaulay. Toronto, 26th Nov., 
1857. This day were married by license, 
Henry Edward Bennett, of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Louisa Birchall Macaulay, of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Orr to Orr. Toronto, 27th November, 
1957. This day were married by license, 
John Orr, of Toronto, bachelor, and Jane 
Orr, of the same place, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Woneh to Fitzgerald. Toronto, 7th Dec.. 
1B47. This day were married by license. 



Fr dc.i -k V. ovsli, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Ann Hi.zgc.Tuld, of the same, spin 
ster, by me, II. J. Grasctt. 

Lynch to Corbet. Toronto, 8th _ ec., 
1857 This da.v were married by license, 
Francis Hardwick Lynch, of Saugeen, bache 
lor, and Victoria Oorbett, of Toronto, spin 
ster, by me, John Toronto. 

Young- to Shunli. Toronto, llth Dec.. 
1857. This day were married by license, 
George Young, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Margaret Slmnk, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Dunn to Holmes. Toronto, 15th Dec., 
1857. This day were married after Banns, 
John Henry Dunn, of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Mary Anne Holmes, of the same place, 
spinster, bv me, H. J. Grasott. 

Britton to Hewitt. Toronto, 17th Dec., 
1857. This clay were married by license, 
Robert Brlttoo, of Toronto, widower, and 
Susan Hewitt, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

". haw to tirainger. Toronto, 18th Dec., 
1857. This day were married by license, 
Benjamin Shaw, of Port Credit, bachelor, 
and Mary Jane Grainger, of the same place, 
spinster, "by me, H. <l. Grasett. 

Allen to Brown. Toronto, 22nd Dec.. 
1857. This day wore married by license, 
Thomas Allen., of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Marcrirot Brown, of the same place, spin 
ster," by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Rudd" to Tolforcl. Toronto, 28th Dec., 

1857. This day were married after Banns, 
Ambrose Rudd, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Telfnrcl, of the same place, spin- 
stt r, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Ingledew to Oaneyworth. Toronto, Dec. 29, 

1657. This day were married by license, 
William Ingledew, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Susanna Cuneyworth, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasott. 

Earls to" Cluff. Toronto, December 30th, 
1867. This CUIA were married by .iee<:iso, 
Edward Earls, "of JStrcetsville, bachelor, and 
Jan.3 Cluff, ol Toronto, spinster, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Dartn,:dl to Hawke. Toronto, 4th Jan., 

1858. This day were married by license, 
George Henry Dartnell, of Whitby, bache 
lor, a.nd Louisa Maria Hawke, of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hall to Kennecrv. Toronto, llth Jan., 
1858. This day were married by license, 
James Hall, of" York, bachelor, and Mary 
Kennedy, of the same place, widow, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

TJrok;siher to Paramom. Toronto, Feb. 4, 
1858. This day were married by license, 
William Brokenaber, of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Martha Paramore, of the same place, 
wi. low, by roe, H. J. Graeett. 

Johnston to Graham. Toronto, 13th Feb., 
1858. This day were married by licence, 
Joseph Johnstoii, of Toronto, bachelor-, and 
Martha Graham, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Graeett. 

Dunlevy to Anderson. Toronto, Feb. 16. 

1658. This da.y were married by licence, 
Jos ph Dunlevy,, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Anno Ander.?on, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Campbell to Gowaii. Toronto, 22nd Feb., 
1858. This day were married by license, 
Jam-.s Campbell, of Ttoumseth, bachelor, 
a.nd Sidney Gowan, of Toronto, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Graeratt. 

Ayers to Jones. Toronto, 27th Feb., 
1858. This day were married by license, 

Thomas Ayers, of Rich view, bachelor, and 
Margaret Jones, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Mullin to Lamb. Toronto, 4th March, 
1858. This day were married by licen-e, 
John Turner Mullin, of St. George, C. W., 
bachelor, and Mary Anne Lamb, of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Jones to Ma tier. Toronto, 4th March, 
1858. This day were married after BaJi>ns, 
Joseph, bachelor, and M- .ry Matier, 
spinster, both of York, by me, Edm. Baldwin 

Brandon to Nelson. Toronto, 12ih March, 
1858. This day were married by license, 
John. Brandon," of Brock, bachelor, and 
Isabella Nelson., of Toronto, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

McKco to Walker. Toronto, 15th March, 
1858. Thii day were married after Banraa, 
Chatl. d McKee, widower, and Annie Walker, 
v.ii ow, both of Toronto, by me, Edm. Bald 

Semplo to Hurley. Toronto, 19thMarch, 
1858. This clav were married by license, 
Robert William. Semple, bachelor, and Cath 
arine Hurley, spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

"Driscoll to Driscoll. Toronto, March 20, 
1858. This day were married by licerse, 
Dennis Drisooll, bachelor, and Frances Diii. 
coll, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Lowe to Pooler. Toronto, 26th March, 
1858. This day were married by "Jic&nse, 
Frederick Lowe", bachelor, and June Pooler, 
spinster, both of Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Dixon to Macaulay. Toronto, 8th April, 
1858. This day were married by licen-e, 
Benjamin Home r Dixon, bachelor, and Kr.e 
McGill Macaulay, spinster, both of To 
ronto, bv me, John Toronto. 

King to Lyinch. Toronto, 8th April, 
1858. This day were married by license, 
Nicholas King, " bachelor, and Elien Lynch, 
spinster, both of Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Whittet to Tucker. Toronto, 8th April, 
1858. This dav were married by license, 
William Whittet, bachelor, and Phillippa 
Tucker, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Smith to Gibbs. Toronto, 10th April, 
1858. This day were married by license, 
Joseph Smith, "of Etobicoke, bachelor, and 
Emma Gibbs, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Oalver to Bernard. Toronto, 12th April, 
1858. This day were married by license, 
John Calver, of" Toronto, bachelor, and El 
len Bernard, of the same place, spinster, 
by me, H- J. Grasett. 

"Taylor to McCabe. Toronto, 19th April, 
1858". This day were married by license, 
John Hyson Taylor, of York, bachelor, and 
Mary Anne McOabe, of the same place, 
spinster, by me, H- J- Grasett, B. D. 

Morrison to Nickinson. Toront, April 22, 
1858. This day were married by license, 
Daniel Morrison, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Charlotte Nickinson, of (.he same place, 
spinster, by in, A. N. Bethune, D. D., 
Rector of Oobourg. 

Darby to Bemrose. Toronto, 22nd April, 
1858. "This day were married by license, 
William Darby, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Frances Bemrose, of the same place, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Gratt. 

Hunter to Bell. Toronto, 2?.rd April, 
1 858. This day were married by license, 
George Hunter, of Toronto, bachelor, and 


Maragret Bell, of the same place, spinster, ! Graham to OirroII. Toronto June 8, 1858. 
bv me, H. J. Grasett. ! John Graham, bachelor. ;;na dune Carroll, 

Rodger.? to Maodonald. Toronto, April 24, j spinster, both of Toronto, by me, Edm. 
1858. This da.y were married by license, ! Baldwin. Asst. Minister. 

William Rodger.3, bachelor, and Margaret , Laidl iw to Middteton. Toronto, 11 i June. 
Maodonald, spinster, both of Toronto, by ; 1858. George l/aldlaw, bachelor, and Anne 
me, H. J. Grasett. ! MiddletoJi, spinster, both of Toronto, by 

Rich to McCiure. Toronto, 24th April, , me, Edm. Baldwin. 

1858. This day were married by license, I L an bam to Brown. Toronto, June 11, lew. 
William Rich, of Scarborough, bachelor, and j Charles Lanhnm, of the Royal Canadian 
Maria Jane McCiure, of Toronto, spinster, j Rifle Regiment, bachelor, and Honora 
by me, H. J. Graeett. ! Brown, of Toronto, spinster, by me, Edm. 

Harris to Anderson, Toronto, May 1, 1858. Baldwin. 

William Henry Harris, bachelor, and Har- I Seaborn to Beatty. Toronto, 14th June, 
riet Anderson, spinster, both of Toronto, ] 1858. Thomas Seaborn, bachelor, and Jane 
by me, H. J. Graeett. j Beatty, spinster, both of the same place, 

Black to Kennedy. Toronto, 4th May, ; j,y me> jj. j. Qnasett. 

1858. John Black, bachelor, and Ellen j Clarke to Froudman. Toronto, 22nd June, 
Kennedy, spinster, both of Toronto, by me ; jgSS. George Clarfie, bachelor, and. Elizabeth 
H. J. Grasett. | Proudman, spinster, both of Toronto, by 

Ross to Mead. Toronto, 6th May, 18o8. | me Edm. Baldwin. 

Donald Proctor Ross, Belleville, bachelor, j Npwton t p ar ker Toronto, 2nd June, 
and Liviula Mead, Toronto, spinster, by 

1858. Robinson Wilks, widower, and Anne 
Hawkins, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Knanman to Martin. Toronto, 29th June, 
1858. Samuel John Knapman, bachelor, and 
Sarah Jane Martin, both of Toronto, spin 
ster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Kennedy to Date. Toronto,, July 1, 1858. 

T> Ifi * | -LOJ O. YY llllitilll i OilL 11U.I Ol. -H V " tV711 WMVUWkw 

Toronto, 7th May, ! and Fanny Bckle |^ 1 ar j^^ n nsteri both c 

Jane Bustard, iplnster, both of Toronto, wilk=l tn Hawkins. Toronto, 22nd June, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Meanwell to Lee. Toronto, 7th May, 18o8. 
William Mean-well, widower, and Mary Anne 
Lee, widow, both of Toronto, by me, H- J. 

Gilchrist to Rolston. Toronto, 8th May, 
1858. Thomas Gilchrist, bachelor, and 

Anne Roljton, spinster, both of Toronto, 

by me, H. J. Grasett. I Hugh Kennedy, of Toronto, bachelor, and 

Ford to Adams. Toronto, 10th May, | Jane Dale, of the same place, spinster, by 
1858. William Frederick Ford, bachelor, me, H. J. Grasett, B. D. 

and Elizabeth Webb Adams, spinster, both Tagrlle to Donohoe. Toronto, July 1, 1858. 
of Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. James Tag-elle, of Toronto, widower, and 

Shorts to Tay or. Toronto, llth May, | jjarriett Donohoe, of the same place, spin- 
1858. John Wm. Shorts, widower, and Phoebe ] ster> by m6f H j. Grasett. 
Ann Taylor, widow, both of Toronto, by me, j GoUfing to Madison. Toronto, 1st July, 
Edm. Baldwin, Asst. Minister. j 1858. George Go Idling, bachelor, and Jessie 

Waddy to Penroee. Toronto, 13th May. Hanson, spinster, both of Toronto, by me 
1868. Joseph Waddy, bachelor, and Eliza i H. J. Grasett. 

Bowis Penrose, spinster, both of Toronto, i Thomas to Clarke. Toronto, 8th July, 1858. 
by me, H. J. Grasett. i William Henry Thomas, of Barrie, bache- 

Batcs to Goldthorpe. Toronto, 17th May, 
1858. James Bates, of Toronto, bachelor, 

lor, and Caroline Clarke of Toronto, spin 
ster, by me. H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

and Isabella Goldthorpe, of Etobicoke, ; Hicks to Maude. Toronto. 17th July, 1858. 
widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. > John Hicks, of Scarborough, widower, and 

Smith to Pfaff. Toronto, 20th May, M arv Anne Maur e of Toronto, spinster, by 
1858. James Edwr<rd Smith, bachelor, and \ me *Edm Baldwin, Asst. Minister. 
Josephine Piatt, spinster, bothol Toronto, j ^ t Bennett. Toronto, 17th July, 1858. 
by me Edm Baldwin Aast. St. James. , George Dunn, bachelor, and Fran- 

Abraham to Love ess. Toronto, 20th ~"" 1 ,. |> pnn( ,t t spinster both of 
May, 1858. Elijah Abraham, bachelor, and * 

Mary Anne Love e.s sp.nscer, both of o t oero 26li July, 1858. 
Scarborough by mo, Edm Baldwin, Ast. | Th c bache or, and Mary Walker, 

Gray to Nye. Toronto, 2^tb May. 1858. , . ;,<._ VmiiV n f Toronto bv me H J 
William Gray, bachelor, and Mary Anne s * e [- ^^ ae 

Nye Bplnater. both of Burwiek, by me, j GilbranBO n to r>pll> Toronto, 31st July, 
*%> ii V. o-iv. ,T I 1858 >Tartin Gi hranRon. bachelor, and 

ISS*^ g^o J^ both of T - onto 

bachelor, and Graham, of Toronto, b v me - H " J ^sett. 

spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. i Reward to Crookehank. Toronto, 12th 

Di&kson to Draper. Toronto, Juno 2, 1858. Aug-ust. 1858. Stephen Howard, bachelor. 

William Dickeon, of Niagara, bacnelor, and and Oatharlno Crookuhank, spinster, both of 
Emma Georgina Draper of Toronto, spin- j Toronto, by me, John Toronto. 

ster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. Smith to Smith. Toronto, 19th Aug., 1858. 

Hicks to Cox. Toronto. 2nd June, 1858. Larratt William Smith. widower, and 

Samuei Hicks, bachelor, and Martha Oox, Minnie Smith, spinster, both of Toronto, 

widow, both o-f Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra- by me, H. J. Graeett, B.D. 

eett. Ann s to O Leary. Toronto, 19th Aug- 

Vass to Alfred. Toronto, June 7, 1858. ust. 1858. William Annis, bachelor, and 

John Vass, widower, and Winnifrel Alfred, Mary O Leary. spinster, both of Toronto, 

spinster, both of Toronto, by me, Edm. by me, H. J. Grasett. ; 

Baldwin, Asst. Minister. Lendrum to Hegan. Toronto, 19th Aug- 



ust, 1858. John Watts Lendrum, bachelor, 
an 1 Susan Began, spinster, both of Toronto, 
by mo. H. J. Grasett. 

Duffy to Burke. Toronto, 23rd Aug., 1858. 
James Duffy, bachelor, and Mary Burke, 
spinster, both of Toronto, by me, H. J. 
Grasett, B.D. 

Johnston to Siver. Toronto, 27th August, 
1858. Robert Johnston, bachelor, and Eliza 
Siver, Kpinster, both of Toronto, by me 
John McLean, M.A., Asst. Minister. 

Churchman to Cox. Toronto, 29th Aug., 
1858. William Churchman, bachelor, and 
Emma Cos, spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Smith to Perkins. Toronto, 30th Aug., 
1858. Thos. Smith, Hamilton, bachelor, and 
Emma Perkins, of Toronto, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Grasett, B. D. 

Foster to Johnston. Toronto, 10th Sept., 
1858. Jas. Foster, bachelor, and Elizabeth 
Johnston, spinster, both of Albion, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Fotherby to Webster. Toronto, llth Sept. 
1858. John Fotherby, bachelor, and Jane 
Webster, spinster, both of Scarborough, by 
me, John McLean. 

Russell to O Dea. Toronto, 13th Sept., 
1858. Wm. Russell, Don Mills, widower, and 
Eleanor O Dea, of Toronto, spinster, by me, 
John McLean, M. A., St. James, Toronto. 

Sanderson to Morrison. Toronto, 16th 
Sept., 1858. John Sanderson, bachelor, and 
Alicia Morrison, spinster, both of Markham, 
fry me, John McLean. 

Bast to Moore. Toronto, IGth Sept., 
1858. Wm. Best, bachelor, and Ellen Moore, 
epinster, both of lung, by me, John Mc 

Stewart to Madill. Toronto, 18th Sept., 
1858. Gharlos Stewart, bachelor, and Sarah 
Anne Madill, spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me, H. J. Graeett, B.D. 

Russell to Camp on. Toronto, 23rd Sept.. 
1858. John Partington RUKsoll, bachelor, 
and El zabeth Campion Kpinster, both of 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Foster to Cahill. Toronto, 26th Sept., 1858. 
John T. Foster, of York, widower, and 
Mary Jane Cahill, of Toronto, spinster, by 
me. H. J. Grasett. 

Curry to Brunt. Toronto, 1st October. 
1858. Robert Curry, bachelor, and Cath 
arine Brunt, spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me. H. J. Grasett. 

Kelly to Ford. Toronto, 4th Oct.. 1858. 
William Kelly, widower, and Mary Ford, 
widow, both of Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra- 
eett, B..D. 

Bell to Hasty. Toronto, 5th Oct.. 18f8. 
Mitchell Bell, bachelor, and Margaret Hasty, 
spinster, both of Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Burrell to Newburn. Toronto, 6th Oct., 
1858. William Burrell. of Thornhi l, wid 
ower, and Dinah Newburn, of Toronto, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Davies to Patrick. Toronto, 12th Oct., 
1858. Henry William Davieu of Cornwall, 
bachelor, an-1 Emi]y Todcl Patrick, of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, John Toronto. 

DavJes to Reed. Toronto, 13th Oct., 1858. 
Morgan Davies, bachelor, and Martha Reed, 
spinster, both of Toronto, by me, II. J. 

Smith to Short. Toronto. 16th Oct., 
1858. Joseph Hutrhinson .Smith, bachelor, 
and El zabeth Short, rpinsler, both of To 
ronto, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Agar to Mohun. Toronto, 23rd Oct., 1858. 

George Agar, bachelor, and El zibetb. Mo 
hun spinster, both of Toronto, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Gardner to Walker. Toronto, 23rd Oct., 
1858. James Gardner, widower, and Eliza 
beth Walker, widow, both of Toronto, by 
i me. H. J. Grasett. 

Hill to Smith. Toronto, 28th Oct., 1858. 
William Hill, widower, and Jane Smith, spin 
ster, both of Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Weldon to Mclloeen. Toronto, 30th Oct., 
i 1858. Andrew Weldon. of Darlington, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Mclloeen, of 
Chinguacouey, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 

Haddex to Armftrong. Toronto, Nov. 
3rd, 1858. John Hadaox, bachelor, and 
Jane Armstrong, spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Allen to Leonard. Toronto, 5th Nov., 
1858. Robert Allen, bachelor, and Mary 
Leonard, spinster, both of Toronto, bv me, 
H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Beaty to Beaty. Toronto, llth Nov., 
1858. James Beaty. bachelor, an i Fanny 
Beaty, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Parsons to Taylor. Toronto, 15th Nov.. 
1858. George Parsons. bachelor, and 
Agnes Taylor, spinster, both of Scarboro 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Evans to Fitzgerald. Toronto, 17th No?., 
1858. George rOvanu. bachelor, and Jane 
Fitzgerald, Hjiinster, both of Toronto, by 
me, John Toronto. 

Drinkwater to Fowler. Toronto 22nd 
Nov., 1858. Jonah Drinkwater, bachelor, 
and Elizabeth Fowler, spinster, both of To 
ronto, by me, H. J. Grai ; ett. 

73oyd to Woodl^y. Toronto, 23rd Nov.. 
1858. James Boyd, bachelor, and Mary 
Jane Woodley sji nster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Gracett. 

Hunter to Kim-man. Toronto. 3rd Dec., 
1858. Benjamin Hunter, of Hullett. bache 
lor, and Mary Kinsman, of Toronto, spin 
ster, by mo, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Littlcfield to .Sleeper. Toronto, 7th Dec-. 
1858. Charles Littlefield, of Toronto, 
ba helor, and Adelia Sleeper, of York, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Trump to Williamson. Toronto, 17th 
Dec., 1858. William Trump, widower, and 
El zabeth Williamson, spinster, both of 
Markham, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Freela to Mackin. Toronto, 20th Dec., 

1858. John Frcels, of Niagara, bachelor, 
and Alice Mackiu, of Toronto, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

McFarlen to Barrett. Toronto, 21st De 
cember, 1858 William McFarlen, bachelor, 
and Jane Barrett, spinster, both of To 
ronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Thome to Mclntosh. Toronto, 22nd Dec., 
3858. William Henry Thome, of St. Al- 
bans, and Isabella Elliott Mclntosh, of To 
ronto, by me, Samuel J. Boddy. 

Guttrie to Kennedy. Toronto, 3rd Jan., 
1S59. William Guttrie, bachelor, and Mar 
garet Kennedy, spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Richmond to Brown. Toronto, 13th Jan., 

1859. John Richmond, bachelor, and Anne 
Brown, widow, both of Toronto, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Rcos to Hughes. Toronto, 2nd Feb., 
1859. Dan John Reos, of Montreal, bach 
elor, and Anna Marin Hughes, of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Dale to Hassard. Toronto, 9th, February. 



1859. George Dale, bachelor, and Anne 
Jane Hftisard, spinster, both 

of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 
ir Toronto, oth 

Be Halo to Harley. Toronto, 15th March, 
18* William Sale, of Etobicoke bache 
lor, and Mary Harly, of Toronto, spa 
T^r mr- H J. Grasett, 13.JJ. 

Fel^t eatl to Palmer. Toronto, 21st March, 
1859 William Felstead, 
Palmer, spinster, both of York, by me, 

Toronto, 21st March 

1859 John James Ross, bache or, and 
Elizabeth Armour .Sampson, spinster, bocb. 
of Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Townsond to Horsley. Toronto, 2 

Hicke to Gamble. Toronto. 4th Juno, 
1859 Matthew Baker Hick*, bachelor, an, 
Ma- garet Gamble, spinster, both ol 
to by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Cooper to Botterell. Toronto, 9th June, 
1859 Alfred Cooper, bachelor, and 
beth Botterell, spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, Samuel J. Boddy, M.A. 

Barker to Idle. Toronto, llth June, 
1859 Nicholas Barker, widower, and 
Johannah Idle, spinster, both of Toronto, 
bv me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hoskins to Harris. Toronto, 14th June. 
1859. Richard Hoskins, bachelor, and 
T.uc : llr> Amrutn, Hani- -nin.^r-v, both ot 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Cullen to Kegans. Toronto, 1st July, 
1859. Stephen Cullen, widower, and da 
Ttegens widow, both of Artemesia, by me, 

Rutherford to Wilson. Toronto, 2nd 
Julv, 1859. Alexnnr er Rutherfor >. w:d 
ower, and Ellen Wilson, spinster, both ol 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Urquhart to Irving. Toronto, 2nd July, 
1859. James S mon Urquhart. bachelor, and 
Mary Anne Irving, spinster, both of Toron 
to, by me, H. J. Grasett. 


by me, H. J- Graeett. 

Mlddloton to Noverre. Toronto, 1 
April 1859. William Middleton, bachelor j 
and Mary Anne Noverre, spinster, both of , 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Davison to McGarvoy. Toronto, 
April 1859. Robert Davfeon bachelor, 
Ann" McGarvey, spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Winnett to Loane. Toronto, 28th April, : 
1859. John Edward Winnett, of Toronto, 
ba-helor, and El zubeth Loane, of York, 
epinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. _ 

Lorsch to Lannin. Toronto, t \ : 
1859 David Lorech, bachelor, and Mary 
Lannin, Bpinster, both of Toronto, by at;, 
H. J. Grasett. ., 

Norris to Walker. Toronto, 5th Mas , 
1859. John Norrie, bachelor, and Kmliy 
Walker, spinster, both of Weston, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Jones to Duffill. Toronto, 10th May. 
1859. John Robert Jones, bachelor, and 
Georgina Christie Duffill, spinster, both 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hawkins to Duffill. Toronto, 17th i 
1859. Geoffry Hawkins, bachelor, and mi - 
riett Annie Duffi.l spinster, both ol 
ronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hoscheit to Schringer. Toronto, 1 
May, 1859. John N. Hoscheit, bachelor, 
and Constantino Sehringer. widow, both 
Kinp-, by ms. H. J. Graeett, B.D. 

Sekocb to Murphy. Toronto, 28th May, 
1859 John Charles Theodore Schoch, 
bachelor, and Margaret Murphy, spinster, 
both of Toronto, by me, H. J. GraBoU. 

Hall to Kennedy. Toronto, 31st May. 
1859. John Hall, of Toronto, widower, and 
Flora Kennedy, of York, widow, by me, H. 

J Wy I n 3 dham to Stuart. Toronto. 1st June, 
1859. Alfred Wyndham, of Gwlllimbury 
North, bachelor, and Caroline Stuart of 
Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Harrtoen to Muckle. Toronto. 2nd Jane, 
1859 Robert Alexander Harrison, bache 
lor and Anna E. Miield-. spinster, both of 
Toronta, by me. John Toronto. 

, y , . . . 

Campbell to Arnold. Toronto, 6th July. 
1859. Alexander Campbell, widower, ana 
Mary Jane Arnold, spinster, both of Rich 
mond Hill, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Bell to Walsh. Toronto, 6th July, leoa. 
John Bell, bachelor, and Bridget Walsh., 
spinster, both of Vaughan, by me, H. J. 
Grasett. _.,. 

Lvddiard to Cracknell. Toronto. 30th 
Julv, 1859. John Lyddiard. of Toronto 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Cracknell, ol 
York, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Clarke to Searle, Toronto, 5th August, 
1859. Hugh Archibald Clarke, bachelor, 
and Jane Maria Searle, spinster, both of 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Carroll to Burt. Toronto, 31st August. 
1859 John Carroll, bachelor, and Amelia 
Hurt, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Fawctt to H pwell. Toronto, olst Aug 
ust 1859 Edward Augustus Fawcett, 
bachelor, and Mary Anne EHpwell, spin 
ster, both of Innisfil, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
Stoner to Richardson. Toronto, 7u 
Sept., 1859. Henry Stoner. bachelor, and 
Eliza Richardson, widow, both of Toronto, 
bv me, H. J. Grasett, B,D. 

Moxon to Mullen. Toronto, 12th Sept,. 
1859 Henry Moxon, bache or, and Mar 
garet Mullen widow, both of Toronto, by 
me H. J. Grasett. 

Wheatly to Kelly. Toronto, 22nd Sept., 
1859. James Wheatly, of York bachelor. 
and Elizabeth Kellv, of Toronto, spinster, 
by me, II. J. Grasett. 

Galbraith to Grogan. Toronto, 29ti 
Sept., 1859. Robert Harcourt, of Bramp- 
ton. bachelor, and Eliza Grogan. of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Cooper to Newburn. Toronto, 29th 
Sept., 1859. Mahlon Cooper, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Newburn, spinster, both of To 
ronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Peel to McFarlane. Toronto, 30th Sept., 
1859. Richard Peel, bachelor, and Cathar 
ine McFarlino. spinster, both of Toronto, 
br me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hunter to Tiiloy. Toronto. Oct. 4, ] 159. 
John Adolphus Hunter, bachelor, and Su- 
eajinah Victoria Tilley, spinster, both ol 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 



Abbey to Rutledge. Toronto, 4th Oct., 
1859. \Villin-m Abbey, bachelor, and Cath 
erine Rutledge. spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Strothers to Steols. Toronto. 10th <"V>t.. 
1869. Win. Stro-th-ars, bachelor, a*d Mary 
Steele, spinster, Tori, bv me, ii. J. Grajeic. 

Ross to George. Toronto, Oct. 13, 1859. 
Charl s Hammomd Ross, of Barii?, bachelor, 
acud Mary Cowan George, Mansfield, U. S., 
epwiGter, by ms, H. J. Grasett. 

Shophard to Hayward. Toronto, 14th Oct., 
1859. Samuel She-phard, b:ich<jlir, and Maiia 
Hayward, spinster, both of York, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

McMaboa to Ro-bineon. Toronto, Oct. 25, 
1859. John McMahon, bachelor, and Mary 
Anne Robinson, spinster, both of York, 
by roe, H. J. Grasctf. 

Graham to St. John. Toronto, 7th Nov., 
1859. John Graham, of Albion, bachelor, 
and Frances St. Jol*, of the Gore of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Cow is to Stead. Toronto, Nov. 10, 1859. 
Horton Gowie, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Caroline Stead, of Llovdtown. C. W., by me, 
Samuel J. Boddy. 

Stua,rt to Coulter. Toronto, 12th Nov., 
1859. Nathaniel Ktuart, of Brampton, bache 
lor, and Anne Coulter, of Etobicoke, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Graaett. 

Harrison to Brown. Toronto, 17th Nov., 
1859. Robert Alexander Harrison, bach 
elor, and Eliza Huellen Brown, spinster, 
both of Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Carson to Oassiday. Toronto, 20th Nov., 
1859. John Carson, of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Eilen Cassiday, of Chicago, U. S., widow, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Shiek to Maccourd. Toronto, 23rd Nov., 
1859. Christian Andrew Shiek, bachelor, 
and Heniietta Lwisa Maccourd, spinster, 
both of Toronto, by me, Edit). Baldwin. 

Ji?wol1 to Wood- Toronto, "".vl N<~>v.. "* 8~><\ 
TJiomas Jbweir, bachelor, to Mary Ann Wood, 
spinster, Toro..t >, J>y me, H- J. Grasett. 

Street to Gov&om. Toronto, Nov. 20, 1859. 
Richard Finch Street, bachelor, and Mary 
Anne Godson, spinster, both of King, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Townsend to Young. Toronto, 1st Dec., 
1859. Edmund Townsend, bachelor, and 
Harriett Young, spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

McKay to Milligan. Toronto, 1st Dec , 
1859. William McKay, bachelor, and Mary 
Jane Milligan, spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Ardagh to Durie. Toronto, Oth ec., 
1859. Samuel Browne Ardagh, of Oro, 
widower, and Helena Durie, spinster, of To 
ronto, by me, John Toronto. 

Sipp to Bowen. Toronto, 12th Dec., 1859. 
John Sipp, of Markham, widower, and Mar 
tha Bowen of Toronto, widow, by me, H. J. 

Dnff to Etching-ham. Toronto, in HI P^n , 
1859. James Duff, bachelor, and Margaret 
Etchingham, spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Dunlin.r to Scott. Toronto, 15th Dee., 
185S. Richard Dunbar, bachelor, and Sarah 
Ann Scott, spinster, both ot Toronto, by 
mo, H. J. Grasett. 

Cuff to Johnson. Toronto, 21st Dec., 
1859. Robert Charles Cuff, bachelor, and 
Jan- 1 Jo in.-ion spinster, both of Toronto, 
byline, H. J. Grasett. 

Graham to Armstrong. Toronto, 23rJ 
Dec., 1859. Jiichard Graham, bachelor, and 

! Mary Armstrong, spinster both of Mark- 
ham, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Jones to Ashbury. Toronto, 26th Dec.. 

i 1859. George Jones, bachelor, and El za 

Ashbury. spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 

H. J. Grasett. 

Eichhorn t_a Totten. Toronto, 31st Dec.. 

1859. August Eichhorn, bachelor, and 
Mary Anne Totten, spinster, both of To- 

, ronto. by me, H. J. Ckasett. 

Tinning to Sumner. Toronto, 2nd Jan. 
: 1860. Thomas Tinning, of Toronto, bacrie- 
; !or, and Catharine Mary Sumner, of Grims- 
i by. spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Leslie to Graham. Toronto, 6th Jan.. 

1860. Samuel Leslie, of Wallace, bachelor, 
and Matilda Grahstm of Toronto, spins lor, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

! Alexander to Sanders. Toronto, 9th 
i Jan., ]860. Thomas Alexander, widower, 
j and Anne Sanders, widow, both of York, 
| by me, H. J. Grasett. 

McFarlane to Hoigshaw. Toronto, 10th 
| Jan., 1860. Malcolm McF.-irlun , bachelor 
! and Mary Hoigshaw, spinster, both of To- 
i ronto by nn, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Swan to Canham. Toronto, 18th Jan.. 
IS O. Thomas Swan bachelor, and Maria 
Canham sp nster, both of Toronto, by me. 
H. J. Grasett. 

Stewart to Sinclair. Toronto. 19th Jan., 
1860. George Stewart, of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Elizabeth Sinclair, of Chingta- 
cousy, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Graham to McCarthy. Toronto, 20th 
January, 1860. Silas Graham, bashelor, and 
Bridget Theresa McCarthy, spinster, both 
of Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Thompson to Henry. Toronto, 21st Jan., 
1860. Alexander Thompson, of Bond Head, 
bachelor, and Mary Henry, of Hamilton, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasott. 

Ellesby to Hooper. Toronto, 21st Jan., 
1860. Peter Eilftsby, widower, and Mar- 
Hooper, widow, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Marks to Kilpatrick. Toronto, 4th Feb., 
1800. John Marks, bachelor, and Eliza 
Kilpatrick, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
Edm. Baldwin. 

Morgan to McCarthy. Toronto, 8th Feb., 
1860. Edward Morgan, bachelor, and Clara 
Matilda Hope McCarthy, spinster, both of 
Barrie, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Sheldon to Walsh. Toronto, 9th Fob, 
John Sheldon, of Manchester, Eng., bach 
elor, and Susannah Cochrane Wahh, of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H J. Grasott. 

Jameson to Mullen. Toronto, J3th Feb., 
1860. William Octavius Jamoson, of York, 
bachelor, and Mary Jane Mullen, of Toron 
to, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Bishop to Prinn. Toronto, 18th Feb.. 
1860. Robert Bishop, bachelor, and Annio 
Prinn, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasott. (. 

Smith to Armstrong. Toronto, 20th Fob.. 
1860. James Smith, bachelor, and Ellen 
Armstrong sp nster, both of Toronto, by 
mo, H. J. Graeett. 

Hasty to Botsford. Toronto, 29th Fob.. 
1860. John DeMerit Hasty, bachelor, and 
Maria Botsford. spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Graeett. 

Rolst to Harvey. Toronto. 1st March, 
1860. Jram^s R^>lst, of Uxbridge, bachelor, 
and Po-i Hnrvoy of Vau<ghan, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hull to F.sUi/r. Toronto. 15th Mirth, 
1860. Goors-e Bull, bachelor, and Elizi- 



both Snyley Fisher spinster, both of To 
ronto by m?, H. J. Grasett, B. D. 

Shaw to Johnstoto. Toronto 7th April, 
1860. Richard .Shaw, of Whitby, widower, 
and Isabella Johnston, of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grauett B.D. 

Hunter to Elliott. Toronto, 17th April, 
1860. Alexander Hunter, of Toronto, bach 
elor, and Margaret Elliott, of York, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasott. 

Plowright to Belsham. Toronto, 23rd 
April 1860. Samuel Plowright, bachelor, 
and Emma Belsham spinster, both oi This- 
t .etown, by me, H. J. Grasett, B. D. 

Lippi to Mclntosh. Toronto, ?6th Mr*;.-, 
I860. Luig-i Lippi, bachelor, and Nancy Mc 
lntosh, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Ewing to Little. Toronto, Mar SO.- 18 -0. 
Thomas Ewing, bachcdor, and Jane Litfl-3, 
spinster, both of Chinguacousy, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Fullard to Rice. Toronto, 15th June, 
i860. Samuel Fullard, bachelor, and Mary 
Jane Rice, widow, both of Toronto, by me, 
II. J. Grasett. 

Love to Kilburn, Toronto, 19th Juno, 
1860. Benjamin Love, of York, "bachelor, 
and Emma Caroline Kilburn, of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hunter to Elliott. Toronto, 20th June, 
1860. Edward Hunter, bachelor, and Mary 
Anne Elliott, spinster, both of York, by me, 
H. J. Grae3tt. 

Harri? to Lindsay. Toronto, .8th Jun?, 
1850. Edwin Harris, bachelor, and Sarah 
Laura Lindsay, spinster, both of Toronto, 
bj" mo, H. J. Graaott. 

Gibb to Smith. Toronto, 2nd July, 1860, 
John Gibb widower, and Anne Smith, 
both of York, by me, H. J. Grasett, B. D. 
Maunder to Hopley. Toronto, 2nd July, 
1860. John ilaundor, wHo .ver, and Martha 
Hopley widow, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Thompson to Boulton. Toronto 7th July, 
1860. Henry Denham Thompson, bachelor, 
and Maria Boulton spinster, both of To 
ronto, by me, H. J. Grasett, B. D. 

Paterson to Farrell. Toronto, 20th July, 
1860. John Paterson, bachelor, and Eliza 
Farrell spinster, both of Toronto, bv me. 
H. J. Grasett. 

Field to Ferg-uson. Toronto, 30th Julv, 
1860. Charles F:eld. bachelor, and Isabella 
Ferguson, sp nster, both of Toronto, bv me, 
H. J. Grasott. 

Rumney to Caldwell. Toronto, 31st Jnl;-, 
1860. Georg-e William Rumney, bachelor, 
and Jane Culdwell spinster, both of To 
ronto, by mo, H. J. Grasett. 

Cunningham to Heaslip. Toronto, 20th 
August, 1860. David Cunning-ham, J>arh- 
elor. and El zobeth Heaslip, spinster, both 
of Toronto, by mo, H. J. Graset^. n. D. 

Sparke to Delaney. Toronto, 25th Aug., 
1860. Albert Sparks, bachelor, an I i r <1 et 
Delaney spinster, both of Toronto, bv me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Brettell to Robson. Toronto 29th Aug., 
1860. Thomas Brettell. bachelor, an 1 Isa 
bella Rob- on sp nster, both of London, O 
"W., by me, H. J. Grasett, B. D. 

Hazlehnrst to Devine. Toronto, 23rd 
April, 1800. Benjamin Hazlchurst, widow 
er, and Margaret Devine, spinster, both of 
Toronto, by me, FI. J. Grasott. 

Kirby to Campbell. Toronto, 14th May, 
I860. John Kirbv, widower, and Elizabeth 

Campbell, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
; H. J. Grasett. 

Hill to Smith. Toronto, 15th May, 1860. 
George Hill, bachelor, and Mary Ame 
f- mith, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
Edm. Baldwin. 

Crosier to White. Toronto, 15th May, 
18GO. David Crosier, widower, and Mary 
, Anne White., spinster, both of Toronto, 
\ by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Nelson to A llinghain. Toronto, 22nd May, 
1860. John Stewart Nelson, bachelor, and 
Eliza Francoj 1 aulkner Allingham, spinster, 
; both of Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Durham to Stowell. Toronto, 24th May, 
1860. George Durham, bachelor, and Anne 
Stowell, spinster, both of Caledon, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Taylor to Smart. Toronto, Sept. 7, 1860. 
Jioeoph Tailor, ba-chelor, and Isabella Smart, 
spinster, of Albion, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
i Ashfield to Berry. Toronto, llth Sept., 
1860. James Aalifleld, widower, and Mar 
garet Berry. \\Itow, both of Tojonto, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Faughner to Hdckman. Toronto, Sept. 14, 
1860. Matthew Brown Faughner, bachelor, 
of Omagh, and Klizabeth Hickman, of Bol- 
ton, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Horsman to Worsfold. Toronto, 28th 
Sept., 1860. John Horsman, of Guelph, 
bachelor, anl El zabeth Wors old, of Era- 
moss, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B. D. 

Hill to Keerans. Toronto, 24th Sept., 
! 1860. John Hill widower, and Honor Keer 
ans, spinster, both of Weston, by me, H. J. 
Graeett, B.D. 

Torb3t to Johnston. Toronto, 21th Sept., 
1860. James Torbet, bachelor, and Agnes 
Johnston ?p nster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasott. 

Fay to McOulloch. Toronto, 2nd Oct., 
1.860. Stephen Fay, of Albion, bachelor, and 
Bridget McOuHoch, of Adjala, widow, by 
i me, Edm. Baldwin.. 

Boulton. to Ridout. Toronto, 6th Oct., 
1860. George D Arcy Boulton, bachelor, 
and Juliana Mary Ridout, spinster, both of 
I Toronto, by me, Johin Toronto. 

Secor to Bates. Toronto, llth Oct., 1860. 
Joseph Secor, widower, and Betsy Anne 
Batt-s spinster, both of Scarborough, by 
me, Edm. Baldwin, 

Pcarce to Fisher. Toronto, 20th Oct., 
1860. John Pearco, widower, and Mary 
Fisher, spinster, both of Scarborough, by 
rao, Edm. Baldwin. 

WaJe-h to Brady. Toronto, 22nd Oct., 
1850. Lawrence Walsh, widower, and Anne 
Brady, widow, both of Toronto, by me?, 
Samuel J. Boddy. 

Rowland to Pt>sg. Toronto, 24th Oct., 
1860. William Edward Rowland, bachelor, 
and Philanda Pegsr, spinster, both of East 
Gwillimbury, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Watson to Y. atson. Toronto, 24th Oct., 
1 860. James Watson, bachelor, of Vaughan, 
and Mary Watson, spinster, of King, by 
me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Taylor to Bailey. Toronto, 24th Oct., 
I860. Samuel Taylor, bachelor, of Al 
bion, and Anne B. Bailey, spinster, YI-T-IC. 
i by me, Snmiv^l J Bri-v 1 -- 

Maynard to Mnynard. Toronto, Oct. 30th, 
1860. John M-a: ii:ird, bachelor, and Anne 
Maynard. spin^r both of li:ie Grove, by 
me, H. J. Grasott. 

Andrew i 1 . j,ui:i..u;. Toronto, 31st Oct., 
1860. Walter Andrews, bachelor, and Emma 



Buinpus, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

McDonald to Docksteader. Toronto, 1st 
Nov., 3860. Archibald McDonald, bache 
lor, and Elizabeth Docksteader, spinster, 
both of Vaughan, by me, H. J. Grasctt. 

Barwise to Cootes. Toronto, Slh Nov., 
1860. John William Barwise, bachelor, and 
Mary Cootes, widow, both of Toronto, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Oathcart to Beaty. Toronto, 12th Nov., 
1860. John Oathcart, bachelor, and Ma 
tilda Beaty, widow, both of Toronto, by 
me, H. J. G-rasett. 

Mishaw to Prittie. Toronto, 14th Nov., 
1860. Thomas IJonnean Mishaw, bachelor, 
and Catherine Prittie, spinster, both of To 
ronto, by me, JEdm. Baldwin. 

Webster to Leeeon. Toronto, 19th Nov., 
1860. William Webster, Toronto, bach 
elor, and Mary Leeson, late of Gasport, 
Niagara, IT. S., widow, by me, H- J. Grs-ott. 

Wesley to Keeler. Toronto, llth Dec., 
I860. John Wesley, bachelor, and Elmira 
Keeler, spinster, both of Roug-e Hill, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Harris to Foxley. Toronto, llth Dec., 
1860. William Thomas Harris, bachelor, and 
Julia Foxi:-y, spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Moore to Rowe. Toronto, 13th Dec., 18:0. 
Robert Moore, of York, widower, and Mar- 

girot Rowe, of Vaughan, spinster, by me, 
. J. Graeett. 

Miller to Grabs m. Toronto, 18th Dec., 
1860. Joseph M Her, of Streetsville, bache 
lor, ana S-irah J ne Graham, of Toronto. 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Thompson to Mitchell. Toronto, 25th Dec., 
1860. Andrew Thompson of Thornton, 
bachelor, and El za Mit hell, of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

McGawris to Hilts. Toronto, 27th Dec., 
1860. Nelson McGawr ; e of Acton, widower, 
and Sarah Catherine Hi t* of Toronto, spin 
ster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Thompson to Knowlton. Toronto, 27th 
Dec., 1850. Hug-h Thompson, widower, and 
Eliza Kno .vlton Tlnster, both of Toronto, 
by me,. H. J. Grasott. 

Parkes to Rolley. Toronto, 29th Dec.. 

1860. Charles Richard Parkes, bachelor, 
and Maria Rolley, spinster, both of Toron 
to by me. H. J- Grasett. 

Cornish to Collins. Toronto, 5th Jan., 

1861. Francis Cwrnish, widower, and Lea- 
nora Collins widow, both of Etobicoke. by 
me. H. J. Grasett. 

Hudie to Patterson. Toronto, 8th Jin.. 
1861. John Hudie bachelor, and Sarah Pat 
terson, spinster, both of York, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Bell to Patton. Toronto, 9th Jan., 1861. 
Robert Bell, bachelor, and Rebecca Patton, 
spinster, both of Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett B.D. 

Bushby to Hayes. Toronto, 15th Jan., 
!"861. Thomas Bushby, bachelor, and Anne 
Hayes sp uster, both of Toronto, by me, 
Edm. Baldwin, Asst. Minister. 

Johnston to Myles. Toronto, 17th Jan., 
1861. Robert Johnston. of Amaranth, 
bachelor, and Susannah Myles, of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Foster to Sturgeon. Toronto, 24th Jan., 
1861. John Foster, bachelor, and Jessie 
Sturgeon, spinster, both of York, by me, 
Edm. Baldwin. Asst. Minister. 

Dobson to Ellcoat. Toronto, 2nd Feb.. 
1861. Georere Dobson, bachelor, and Mary 

Ellcoat. spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Burrows to Smith. Toronto, 4th Feb., 
1861. Francis Burrows, bachelor, and Anne 
Smith, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
Edm. Baldwin. 

Bland t > Davfee. Toronto, 6th Feb., 1861. 
Thomas Walker Bland, widower, and Ellen 
Davi s spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Graestt. 

Ripley to Small. Toronto, 12th Feb., 
Jeremy Pembertom Kipley, of Wootton Bus- 
sett, Wiltshire, bachelor, and Eiiza Small, 
of Toronto, spinster, by me, John Toronto. 

Anderson to CJallfgen. Toronto, 12th Feb., 
1861. Jossph Anderson, of Marknam, bach 
elor, and Bridget Elizabeth Galiigen. of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Shier to Rowntree. Toronto, 18th Feb., 
1861. Joseph Shier, bachelor, and Eliza 
beth Rowntree, spinster, both of York, by 
me, H. J. Graeett. 

Newlove to Deacon. Toronto, 21st Feb., 
1861. George is ewlove, of Edmonton, bach 
elor, and Jane Deacon, of King, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

McDonald to Pangman. Toronto, 2 lit 
Feb., 1861. John McDonald, bachelor, and 
Harriet Pangman, spinster, bo-th of Ca.edon, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Pangman to McDonald. Toronto. 21st 
Feb., 1861. Reuben Pangman, bachelor, 
and Anne McDonald, spinster, both of Calo- 
don, by me, H. J". Grasett. 

Wright to Smith. Toronto, 22nd Feb., 
1861. Thomas Wright, bachelor, and El oa 
Margaret Smith, spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Henry to Doyle. Toronto, 2nd March, 
1861. "William Henry, baphelor, and Mary 
Doyle, spinster, both of King, by mo, H. J. 

Hudson to McOausland. Toronto, 6th 
March, 1861. John Burley Hudson, of St. 
Mary s, bachelor, and Margaret McOaus- 
land", of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 

Wallis to McKelvey. Toronto, 6th March, 
1861. George Worsley Walls, bachelor, and 
Margaret McKelvey, spinster, both of 
Bronte, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Rice to .Shepherd. Toronto, 2nd April, 
1861. William Rice, bachelor, an > Jane 
Shapherd, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Graaett, B.D. 

Stone to Johnson. Toronto, April 10th, 
1861. Alfred .Stone, bachelor, and Jane 
Johnson, sp nster, both of Toronto, by me, 
Samuel J. Bodily, M.A., Asst. Min. 

Darragh to Smith. Toronto, 16th April, 
1861. Alexander Darrag-h, bachelor, and 
Jana Smith, spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me. H. J. Grasett. 

Snider to Spurring. Toronto, 17th April. 
1861. Joel Snider, of Vaughau, bachelor, 
and Elizoboth Spurling, of York, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Finder to Stuart. Toronto, 19th April, 
3861. Samuel Finder, widower, and Mary 
Anne Stuart, widow, both of King, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Littledale to Harnett. Toronto, 22nd 
April. 1861. Joseph Littledale, bachelor. 
and Elizabeth Harnett, spinster, both ot 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. B.D. 

McConvill to Ward. Torontp, 25th April, 
1861. Patrick McConviil, bachelor, and 
Sarah Ward, spinster, both of Trafalgar, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Sievert to Reilly. Toronto, 25th April, 



1861. Louis Sievert, bachelor, and Mar 
garet ReHiy, spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me. H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Mathews to Brown. Toronto, 2nd May, , 
1861 Thomas Mathews, bachelor, and 
Anne Brown. sp:nster, both of Toronto, by , 
me. H. J. Grasett. 

Mullins to Hickey. Toronto, 7th May, i 
1861. William Mnllins, of Noryal, bache- | 
lor, and Helen H.ckey, of Toronto, spinster, ; 
by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Chapin to Hershaw. Toronto, 14th May, | 
186L Joseph Chanin of Newmarket, bache- i 
lor and Eleanor Hershaw, of Toronto, sp.n- 
gter, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Harris to Wellar. Toronto, 22nd May. 
1861 James Burgman Harris, bachelor, and 
Caroline Wellar, spinster, both of Newtown : 
Robinson, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Bvan to Fisher. Toronto, 23rd May, , 
1861. Owen TheopMtus Bevan, bachelor 
anil Susannah Louisa Fisber, spinster, both 
of Toronto, by me, H, J. Graaett. . 

\nderson to Allen. Toronto, 23rd Maj , 
1861. Robert Anderson, bachelor, and Jane 
Allen, epinster. both of Etobicoke, by me, 

Thompson 6 to Duffy. Toronto, 24th May, 
1861 John Thompson, bachelor, and bu- 
qannah Duffy, spinster, both of Toronto, 
bv me, H. J. Grasctt. 

Denlord to Connor. Toronto, 25th May, 
1861 Hiram Denlord, bachelor, and Mar 
garet Connor, spinster, both of Toronto, 
bv me H. J. Grasett. 

Maaremn to Cyor. Toronto, 28th May, 
1861 Andrew Maurga-n, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Cyer e -Mster, both of Toronto, 
by me, Atex. Sansotu 

MacGregor to" Walsh. Toronto, 30th May, 
1861 Darnel MacGregor, of York, bachelor, 
and Mary Anno Walsh, of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasjtt. 

Hewitt to Latter. Toronto, 1st Juno, 
1861. Robert Hewitt, bachelor, and Mary 
Elizabeth Latter, spinster, of Whitcnurch, 
bv me, H. J. Grasett. 

"Rogers to Orooksiiank. Toronto 5th July, 
1861 Joh-n Rogers, bachelor, and Jessie 
Orooksha-nk. spinster, both of "\\eston, by 
me, H. J. Grasatt. 

Kite to Whale.ii. Toronto, 6th July, 1 ol. 
Ambrose Kite, Bachelor, and Joanna 
Whalen, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Gra3tt. 

Woolgar to Carroll. Toronto, 8th July, 
1861. George Woolgar, bachelor, and Mary 
Amne Carrol spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Peacock to Capon. Toronto, llth July, 
1851. Cha.rl3S Peacock, bichelor, and IMIZ 
beth Capon, spinster, both of York, by me, 
Edm. Baldwin. 

Ferrett to Walker. Toronto, 20th Aug., 
1861. William Ferrett, of Toronto, widow 
er, and Mary Ann Walker, of Yorkville, 
widow, by me, Samuel J. Boddy. 

Brant to Oochrane. Toronto, 23rd Aug., 
1861. Charles Brant, bachelor, arid Hannah 
Cochrano sp : n<ter, both of Toronto, by me, 
Samuel J. Boddy. 

Cartis to Pooier. Toronto, 12th < Pt., 
1861. Charles John Curtis, of Toronto, 
bachelor, and I/zzio Hannah Pooler. ot 
Rutland, U. S., epinste-r, by me f Edm. 1. 

Small to Stanley. Toronto, O-t. llth. 
1861. Joshua Small, bachelor, and Macey 
Stanley, spinster, both of Hamilton, by me, 
Benjamin Huron. 

Martin to Cleland. Toronto, IJ^, . 1 " 
1861 Rob-rt Mart n. of Wallace, bachelor, 
and Jane Clelnn-1, of Toronto, spinster, by 
m->, Edm. Baldwin. 

Wright to Eslor. Toronto, 1st Nov., 1861. 
Edward Wright, bachelor, and Mary Jane 
Esl>r widow, both of Toronto, by me, Ixlm. 
Baldwin. _ T 

Gren to Thistle. Toronto, 6th ^ov.. 
1861 George Green, bachelor, ana iyiran 
Anno Thiste, spinster, both of Brampton, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Sweet to Duff. Toronto, 6th Nov., 1861. 
Charles Sweet, of Youngstown, bachelor, 
ani Margaret Jane Duff, of Toronto, sp n- 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

McHenry to Booth. Toronto, 20th 
1861. James McHenry, bachelor, and Mary 
Booth, spinster, both of Scarborough, by 
mo. H. J. Grasett. 

Blakey to Jones. Toronto. 22nd >ov.. 
1861. John Major Blakey, bachelor, and 
T^rznb.-th Jones, spinster, by me, Edm. 

Greer to Madgett. Toronto, >th Doc.. 
1861. John Greer bachelor, and Ellen Mad 
gett spinster, both of Etobicoke, by me, 
H. J. Grasstt. 

Brown to Slinger. Toronto, 7th Dec.. 
1861. Joseph Brown, widower, and Mary 
S inger, widow, both of Toronto, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

K ; ngston to Spurgeon. Toronto, 13th 
Dec.. 1861. Jonathan Kingston, bachelor, 
and Amelia Spurgeon spinster, both of To 
ronto by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Roo-ney to Kelly. Toronto, 16th Dec., 
1851. James Rooney, bachelor, and Julia 
Kolly, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
IT. J. Grasett. 

Casci to Lenlt. Toronto, 16th Dec., 1861. 
Vincenzo Casci. bachelor, and Henrietta 
, Lonk. spinster, both of Toronto, by me, H. 
! 3. Grasctt, B.D. 

Gtirnl-nm to Card. Toronto. 18th Dec., 
1851. Wiiliim Cf: rnh am, of Guelph, bar-helor, 
and Jane Card, of the township of Guelph, 
spinster, by mo, H. J. Grasett. 

Grinton "to Good. Toronto, 23rd Dec.. 
: 1861. John Grinton. bachelor, and Rosetta 
i Gool, sp nster, both of Toronto, by me, 

H. J. Grasrtt. 

Rvan to Wilson. Toronto, 2Uli Dec., 
i 1861. Hopo Ryan bachelor, and Elizabeth 
: Y/Uson wUow, both of Toronto, by me, H. 
. J. Grasett. 

Hoben to Anderson. Toronto. 3r 1 Jan.. 
I :862. John Wi.liam Hoben, widower, and 
! Leonora Anderson widow, both ol" Toronto, 
bv mo, H. J. Grasett. 

Peer to Anderson. Toronto, 4th Jan.. 
1862. James Peer, bachelor, and Emma 
Andfrson, spinster, both of Toronto by me, 
H. J. Grasett B.D. 

Smith to McBurney. Toronto, 13th Jan.. 
1862. William Henry Smith, of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Jane McBurney, of Trafal 
gar, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
" Wilson to Adams. Toronto, 15th Jan., 
1862. Henry Wilson, widower, and Mar- 
g-aret Adams, widow, both of Albion, by 
me. H. J. Graeett. 

Honey to Sanders. Toronto. 15th Jan., 
1862. James Honey, of Colborne bnchelor, 
nnl Jan" San^e-s, of Toronto, spinster, by 
me. H. J. Grasett. B.D. 

Bln.kloy to Parkes. Toronto, 15th Jan., 
1862. John Blakley, bachelor, and Mar- 
r-iivt Parkes w dow, both of Toronto, by 
me, Samuel J. Boddy. 



Talbot to Cane. Toronto, 27th Jan., 
1862. Thomas Talbot, bachelor, and 1 rit - 
-3t Cane, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Elliott to Button. Toronto, 30th Jan.. j 
1862. James Ell ott, bachelor, and Mary 
Anno Button, spinster, both of Markham, 
by me, Edna. Baldwin, Asst. St. James . 

Burr to Bell. Toronto, 30th Jan., 1862. 
Stephen Burr, of Markham, widower, and I 
Jane BeH, of Scott, widow, by me, Edm. 
Baldwin, Asst. Minister. 

Haviland to McFadden. Toronto, 30th 
Jan., 1852. Samuel Haviland, bachelor, and 
Mary McFadden, spinster, both of Toroii- j 
to by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Sowerby to Connors. Toronto, 3rd Feb., ! 
1862. Thomas Sowerby, bachelor, and Alice j 
Connors, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, I 
H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Dean to Elliott. Toronto, 4th Feb.. j 
1862. Adam Dean, bachelor. and Mary | 
Jano Elliott, spinster, both of Chingma coutevi, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Briggs to Palin. Toronto, 22nd Feb.. ! 

Palin. spinster, both of Toronto, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 
^Simpson to Kent. Toronto, 24th Feb.. 

Erwin to Hunter. Toronto, 29th April, 
1852. John Erwin, bachelor, and Mary 
Jane Hunter, spinster, both of Toronto 
Gore, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Magiil to White. Toronto, 29th April, 
1862. Ja.mos Maglir, bachelor, and Mar 
garet Anne White, widow, both of To 
ronto, by me, H. J. Graeett. 

Baker to Webb. Toronto, 29th April, 
1862. Henry Baker, bachelor, and Re 
becca Webb, spinster, both of Toronto, bby 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Stobbart to Peacock. Toronto, April 30, 
2-862. Robert Stobbart, widower, and Mary 
Peacock, spinster, both of Etobicoke, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Rogers to Lfiidon. Toronto, 30th April, 
1862. Francis Rogers, bachelor, and Mary 
Lindon, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Scholea to GIffuy. Toronto, May 6. 1862. 
Joseph Scholes, bachelor, a-nd Catherine 
Giffuy, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Graeett. 

Jackeoji to Oulbert. Toronto, 10th May, 
1562. William Jackson, bachelor, and Essy 
Oulbert, widow, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett.. 

Xagle to Bell. Toronto, May 14th, 1862. 

Hoar to Wakefield. Toronto, 26th Feb.. 
1862. John Hoar, bachelor, and Caroline 
Wakefield, spinster, both of Brant, by me. 
H. J. Grasett. 

Martin to Carty. Toronto, 6th March. 
1862. Robert Martin, widower, and Mary 
Carry, spinster, both of Tecumseth. by me, 
H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Scholfield to Green. Toronto, Mar. 12th. 
1862. William Scholfield, M.D., of Bramp- 
ton, bachelor, and El zabeth Green, of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, Henn Hope. 

Elder to Robinson. Toronto, 12th March, 
1862. John Elder, bachelor, and Sarah 
Robinson, spinster, both of Toronto, be me, 
H. J. Graeett. 

Tebbet to Dickinson. Toronto, 20th 
March. 1862. Frank Tebbet, of Belleville, 
bachelor, and Charlotte Dickinson, of To 
ronto, vpinster, by me. H. J. Grasett. 

Parkes to Parkes. Toronto, 31st March 
1862. John Parkes, of Cartwrig-ht, Bache 
lor and Mary Anne Parkes. of Toronto 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Clark to Kincaid. Toronto, 1st April 
1862. George Clark, bachelor, and Jane 
Kincaid. spinster, both of Toronto, by me, i 
H. J. Grasett. ; 

Renntok to Lewis. Toronto, 4th April, \ 
Thomas Rennick, bachelor, and i 
Elizabeth Lewis, spinster, both of Toronto. I 
by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

1c ?o erry - to ! Pherri11 - Toronto, 10th April. 
862. William Derry, bachelor, and Eliza- 
beth PherriTl, spinster, both of Scarboro , I 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Birchall to Macaulay. Toronto, 12th < 
April. 1862. Thomas Shivers Birohall, 
bachelor. and Mary HeJenn Mi^jmliv : 
widow of Toronto, by me, Edm. Baldwin." ; 
M tram to Boyd. Toronto. 28th April, 
Thoiaafi Bartrem, bachelor, and ~Mar- 
Boyd. sutnstnr. both of Toronto, by 

Martha Robinson, spinster, both of Bond 
Head, by me, Edm. Baldwin, 

Thompson to Spanton. Toronto, May 17, 
1862. John Edward Thompson, bachelor, 
of Toronto, and Sarah Jane Spanton, of 
Dunbarton, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 
Manson to Crothers. Toronto, May 24, 
1862. William Clownae Ewlng Manson, bache 
lor, and Mary Anne Crothers, spinster, both 
. of Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Benning to Webb. Toronto, 24th May, 

1 1862. George B-eiMnng, bachelor, and 

Sophia Webb, spinster, both of Toronto, by 

me, H. J. Grasett. 

Baldwin to Bellfs. Toronto, 6th June, 
1862. William Baldwin, of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Anne BelHs, of Ghinguaoousy, spinster, 
by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Henley to Wilson. Toronto, 12th June, 
1862. Alfred Henley, bachelor, and Mary 
Anne Wilson, spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me, H, J. Grasett. 

Turner to Heath. Toronto, 13th June, 
1862. Solomon Turner, bachelor, and Me- 
hitabel Heath, spinster, both of York, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Orr to Donejran. Toronto, 13th June, 
1862. John Orr, bachelor, and Anne Done- 

5 an, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, H. 
. Grasett. 

Meteatfe to Beardmore. Toronto, 24th 
June, 1862. Wharton Metealfe, of Kama- 
ton, bachelor, and Elizabeth Pine Beard- 
more, of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 

Walton to Searle. Toronto, 3rd July, 
1862.* Alfred Makepeace Walton bache 
lor, and Emma Anne Searle, spinster, both 
of Toroato, by me, H. J. Grasett. B.D. 

Boyd to Smith. Toronto, llth J^y, 
1862. William Boyd, bachelor, and Mary 
Anne Smith, spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me. H. J. Grasatt. 

Hayward to Sides. Toronto, 12th July, 



1862. S rln?y Hyward. baohelo-, al Mary 
Anno S:dcs, spinster, both of York, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Cogswell to Gouldlng. Toronto, 17th July, 
1852. Mason Cogswell, bachelor, and Ellen 
Goulling spinster, both of Vaugaan, by 
me. H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Raycroft to Beamish. Toronto. 17th 
July. 1862. Richard Raycroft, bachelor, and 
Charlotte Eeamish. spinster, both of To 
ronto, bv me, H. J. Grasett. 

Gray to Ellison. Toronto, 21st July. 
1862. William Gray, bachelor, and Mar 
garet Ellison, spinster, both of Markham, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Robb to Patton. Toronto 21st Jn y. 
1862. Robert Rob .i, of K ng, bachelor, and 
Matilda Patton, late of County Down, Ire- 
Ian 1. spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Haggard to Cowan. Toronto 13th Aug., 
1862. George Haggard, bachelor, and Jane 
Cowan, spinster, both of Weston, bv me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Lennox to Boyd. Toronto. 15th August. 
1862. William Lennox, of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Elizabeth Boyd, of York, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Riches to Harris. Toronto, 18th August, 
1862. Richard Riches, widower, and Sarah 
Harris, widow, both of Yorkville, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. B.D. 

Setcbell to Cervan. Toronto, 21st Aug-.. 
1862. James .Setchell, of Sunnidales, bache 
lor, and Anno Cervan. of Toronto, sp n- 
8ter, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Brown to Clark. Toronto, 23rd August. 
1862. Thomas Brown, of Bowmanville, wi 1- 
ower, and Martha Clark, of Whitby, widow, 
by me H. J. Grisett. 

Hutchison to MV> tlK-ws. Toronto. Aug. 23, 
1862. Matthew H -tchinron, bachelor, and 
Mary Ma thews, "Tins tor, both of Toronto, 
by mo, H. J. Grasett. 

Lylo to McCoiirt. Toronto, 28th Aug-., 
1862. Enoch Lyfe, of Barrio, bachelor, and 
Ja-no McCourt, of Etofcicoke, spinster, by 
me. H. J. Grasett. 

Hutchlnson to Boggs. Toronto, Aug. 28, 
1862. Matthew Kutchin/yon, bachelor ,and 
Margaret Bogga, spinster, both of Tork- 
vill", by me, H. J. Graeett. r 

W. IU to Henderson. Toronto, Aug. 58th, 
1&52. Honry Marshall Wells, of Port Hope, 
bachelor, anid Catherine Henderson, of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

West to Boddy. Toronto, Sept. 3, 1862. 
Richard Wept, bachelor, and Mary Jane 
Boddy, spinster, both of Toronto," by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

McCrra to Campbell. Toronto, Sept. 3, 
1862. James McCrea, bachelor, and Jane 
Canrpb?!!. spinster, Doth of Toronto, by me, 
H. J". Grao^tt. 

Bland to Dunlay. Toronto, 10th Sept., 
1962. Robert Curunlngham Bland, bachelor, 
and Sarah Dun-lay, spinster, both of 
Braro>ptan, by me, H. J. Graeett. 

Butler to Walker. Toronto, 10th Sept., 
1862. William Thomas Butler, bachelor, and 
SCary Anne Walker, spinster, both of To 
ronto, by me, H. J. Gnaeett. 

Smith to Knox. Toronto, Sept. 14, 1862. 
Tbomas Smith, bachelor, and Mary Jane 
Kn/ox, spinster, both ol Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Gra3tt, 

Bennett to Murphy. Toronto, llth Sent.. 
1862. William Bennett, widower, and Hon- 
ra Murphy, spinster, both of Etobicoke, 
by me. H. J. (Irasett, B.D. 

Alexander to Lennan. Toronto. 18th 

Sept., 1862. Julius Alexander, bachelor, 
and Susannah Lennan, spinster, botii of 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Gras^tt. 

Gray to Johnson. Toronto, Sept. 24th, 
1862. William Gray, of Holland Landing, 
widower, and Eleanor Johnson, of LJarrie, 
widow, by me, Benjamin Hurou. 

Pillem to Serjeant. Toronto, 24th Sept.. 
1862. Henry Pillem bachelor, and Mary 
Jane Serjeant, spinster, both of Innisfi!, by 
me. H. J". Grasett, B.D. 

Mcaley to Eakins. Toronto, 2itli Sept., 
1862. William Mealey, bachelor, an-.! Ellen 
Eakins. spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Mason to Lee. Toronto, 2ith .Septem 
ber, 1862. John Mason, bachelor. and 
Frances Ann Lee, spinster, both of Mor- 
peth, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

McCann to Fitzpatrick. Toronto, 27th 
Sept.. 1862. William Mr-Cann. bachelor, 
and Mary Fitzpatrick, soinster, both of To 
ronto by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Hagg-orty to Gamble. Toronto, 1st Oct., 
1862. William Haggerty, of Belleville, 
bachelor, and Rachel Gamble, of Mono, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grusatt. 

Hare to Walm=ley. Toronto, Oct. 2nd, 
1862. Joshua Hare, and Margaret Walm- 
sley, widow, of York, by me, .It. V. Rogers, 
Incumbent St. James , Kingston. 

Harman to Banker. Toronto, 8th Oct., 
i 1862. George Harman, bac helor, and Han 
nah Esther .Hanker, spinster, both of King, 
: by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Foster to Foreman. Toronto, 9th Oct., 
1862. James Foster, bachelor, and Kate 
; Louisa Foreman, spinster both of Daven- 
- port, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Arnott to Fullard. Toronto, 10th Oct.. 
1862. Peter Ariiott. bachelor, and Mary 
Anne Fullard, sp n^ter, both of Port Credit, 
: by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Bell to Napier. Toronto, 16th Oct.. 1862. 
John Frederick Bell, Lieut. 47th Regt., 
bachelor, and Maria Aletta Napier, spin 
ster, both of Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
Rasberry to Satterthwaite. Toronto, 3rd 
I Nov., 1862. William Rasberry, bachelor, 
and Jane Anne S-atterthwtiite, spinster, 
both of Flamborough West, by me, H. J. 

Walsh to Willson. Toronto, 4th Novem- 
I bor, 1862. James Walsh, bachelor, and 
Margaret Willson, spinster, both of Toron 
to, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Woodruff to Bnckenstose. Toronto. 5th 
Nov., 1862. Walter William Woodruff, of 
: Clifton, bachelor, and Sue Backenstose, of 
i Toronto, spinster, by me. H. J. Grasett. 

Cranclle to Edwards. Toronto, 10th No- 
I vember, 1862. David Crandle, of Scar 
borough, bachelor, and Annie Edwards, of 
Toronto, sp nster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Brown to Corbett. Toronto, 13th Nov., 
i 1862. William Brown, o-f Whitchurch. 
bachelor, and Eliza Corbett, of Toronto, 
spinster, by me. H. J. Grasett. 

Briton to McElroy. Toronto, 18th Nov.. 
1862. Henry Wellington Bilton, bachelor, 
and Matilda McElroy, widow, both of To 
ronto, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

S.cott to Little. Toronto, 25th Novem- 
b^r. 1862. George Scott, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Little, spinster, both of Toronto, 
b; r me H. J. Grasett. 

"Smith to Doyle. Toronto, 26th Nov., 
1862. James Smith,, baohelor, and EUec 
Doyle, widow, both of Etobicoke, by me, 
H. J. Graaett. 



Hornbrook to Welsh. Toronto, 1st Dec., 
1862. Henri,- Hornbrook, bachelor, and Mary 
Welsh, spinster, both of Burwiok, by me, 
Edm. Baldwin. 

Smith tri Klein. Toronto, Dec. 3, 1862. 
Edward Smith, Sergennt, Grenadier Guards, 
bachelor, and Katherine Kloi i, of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J". Grasett. 

La-wrenc* to Chambers. Toronto, Dee. 4, 
1862. William. Hour..- Lawrence, of V.-niijhan, 
bachelor, and Mary Chambers, of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Beamish to Ode II. Toronto, llth Dec., 
1862. William Boamish, Toromto, widower, 
:ui;l Ann > Odell, of Weston, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Graeett. 

Marshall to Shu.nk. Toronto, 13th Dec., 
1862. Jaix?5 Marshall, widower, and Mary 
Shun-k, widow, both of Oaj-teton West, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Scott to B-uruham. Toronto, 20th Dec., 
1862. John Henry Scott, bachelor, and 
Annie Btirnham., spinster, both of Co- 
bourgr, by me, H. J. Graaett. 

Spring to Johnston. Toronto, Dec. 25, 

1862. Ja.mos Hugh Spring, bachelor, nnd 
Elizabeth Johnston, spinster, both of To 
ronto, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Little to Peters. Toronto, Dec. 31, 1862. 
William Little, bachelor, and Ellen Peters, 
spinster, both of Pickering, bv me, Edm. 

Adanr* to Waites. Toronto Jan. 1, H863. 
John, Adamra, bachelor, and Eleanor Waites, 
spinster, both of Toronto Gore, by me, H. 
J. Graaett. 

Gregg- to Watson. Toronto, 5th Jan., 

1863. George Itelr*eck Greg-g-, bachelor, and 
Hajwiah Louisa Watson, spinster, both of 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Woodcock to Norton. Toronto, 7th Jan., 
1863. James Woodcock, bachelor, and Ann 
Maria Norton., spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Doyle to Connors. Toronto, Jan. 9th, 
1853. James Doyle, bachelor, an.d Mary 
Anne Connors, spinster, both of Toronto, 
b-v me.. Edm. Baldwin. 

Harris to Stevenson. Toronto, 16th Jan., 
1863. George Harris, bachelor, and Mary 
Jane Stevenson, spinster, both of To 
ronto, by me, H, J. Grasett. 

Gray to Nye. Toronto, 22,n.d Jan., 1863. 
John, Gray, bachelor, and Maria Ann& Nye, 
spinster, both of Burwiek, by me, H. J. 

Jones to Tremialne. Toronto, 2nd Feb., 
1863. Anthony <Tones, bachelor, and Emily 
Jto-hneon Tremalne, spinster, both of To 
ronto, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Dane to Doug)as. Toronto, 2nd Feb., 
1863. John Dan.^, bachelor, and Jane Doug-- 
laa, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Bennett to BaU. Toronio, 9th Feb., 
1863. Samnei Beanett, bachelor, and Mary 
Anne Ball, spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Trevere to Jenlsins. Toronto, &th Feb., 
1863. William Trefers-, bachelor, and Eliza 
beth Norman JenMns, spinster, both of 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Harold to Pegg-. Toronto, 15th Feb., 
1863. Nelion Haro*3, bachelor, and Louisa 
Pegg, spinster, both of GwiTHmbury Bast, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Snrfth to MoNaugnt. Toronto, 17th Feb., 
1363. William Smith, bachelor, and Eliza 
beth MoNught, spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

McMullin to Toronto, 5th March, 
1863. Thomas McMu .Iin, bachelor, and Re 
becca Guthrie. spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Reoce to- Goodwin. Toronto, 13th March, 
1863. Jona-3 Reeco, Corporal E. Battery, 
R. A., bachelor, and Jane Goodwin, spinster, 
both of Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

BurriU to Newborn. Toronto, 18th March, 
1863. Francis Burrlll, bachelor, and Mary 
Anne Xewborn, spinster, both of Etobi- 
coke, by me, IL J. Grasett. 

Arthurs to Austin. Toronto, 8th April, 
1863. George Allan Arthurs, bachelor, and 
Anne Jane Austin, spinster, both of To 
ronto, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Bain to Duncan. Toronto, 8th April, 
1863. James Bain, widower, and Deaby 
Duncan, widow, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Oarruthera to Campion. Toronto, 14th 
April. 1863. James Carruthers, bachelor, 
and Hannah Campion, spinster, both of 
York, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hughes to Hughes. Toronto, 15th April, 
1863. James Spalding Hughes, bachelor, 
an 1 Matilda Willilts Hughes, spinster, both 
of King-, by me, Eclm. Baldwin. 

Armstrong to Goldin?. Toronto, 23rd 
April. 1863. William Armstrong, bachelor, 
nnd Eliza Jane Golding, spinster, both of 
Toronto, by mo, H. J. Grasett. 

Mclnnes to Robinson. Toronto, 30th 
April, 1863. Donald Mclnnes, of Hamilton 
bachelor, and Mary Amelia Robinson, of 
Toronto, spinster, by me, John Toronto. 

Ferris to Ballard. Toronto, 30th April, 
1863. William Henry Ferris, bachelor, and 
Annie Ballard, spinster, both of Toronto 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Pearce to Luther. Toronto, 4th May, 
1863. William Pearce, widower, and Anio 
Luther spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Colley to Complin. Toronto, .25th May, 
1863. John Colley, bachelor, and Ab gail 
Complin, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

10 ^ abl ^ to Cheshire. Toronto, June 1st, 
&3. Samuel Orabb, of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Elizabeth Bickerton Cheshire, of York- 
ville, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Taylor to Newton. Toronto, 2nd June, 
1863. Henry Dickinson Taylor, of Buffalo, 
U.S., bachelor, and Esther Isabella New 
ton, of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 

Smith to Booth. Toronto, June 6, 1863. 
William Smith, of Motmt Forest, widower, 
nnd Elizabeth Booth, of Toronto, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Graaett. 

Dove to Stocks. Toronto, 10th June, 
1863. Matthew Dove, widower, and Mary 
Stocks, widow, both of King, by me, Edm. 

Allijn to Sanderson. Toronto, llth June, 
1863. Daniel Allen, of Gait, bachelor, and 
Isabella Jane Sanderson, of Cliinguaoousy, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Graaett. 

Hope to Dallyn. Toronto, June 23, 1863. 
William Hope, widower, and Elizabeth 
Dallyn, widow, both of Scarborough, by me 
H. J. Grasett. 

Hughes to Curtain. Toronto, June 2Sth, 
1863 . James Hugbes, of Oakville, bnohelor, 
and Ellen Curtain, of Toronto", spinster, by 
me, H. J. Graeett. 

Damer to Warnett. Toronto, 10th Jnly, 



1863. Jo ha D:un:r, of Scratford, bachelor, 
and Mary Warnott, of Toronto, spinster, 
by mo, II. J. Grasett. 

Backus to Winter. Toronto, 15th July, 
1863. Charles Aylmor Backas, bachelor, and 
Emily Jane Winter, spinster, both of To 
ronto, by me, H. J. Grasott. 

Moss to Sulliva.n. Toronto, 2Sth July, 
1863. Thomas MoiS, bachelor, and Amy Sul 
livan, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Graeett. 

Osborno to Smart. Toronto, 30th July, 
1863. \\ilUam Osborno, widower, and Mary 
Smart, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
O. E. Cartwright. 

Oluoiiie to Daily. Toronto, July 31, .tbo5. 
Walker Clubine, of Vv hitechurch, bachelor, 
and Ann Daily, of King, spinster, by me, 
C. E. Cartwright. 

Gilmoro to \V~aIIace. Toronto, 17th Aug., 
1863. John Gilmore, bachelor, and Han 
nah Wallace, spinster, both of Toronto ,by 
in-o, H. J. Grasett. 

Weaviiiuuth to Watson. Toronto. Aug. 19, 
1865 "John Weaymouth, of Barne, bache 
lor, and Jennett Watson, of Uro, sinister, 
bv me, H. J. Grasett. 

"Mussoa to Baliour. Toronto, Aug. 20, 
]8:>3 George Woodley Mu^ou, bachel r, and 
Agnes Balfour, spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Turner to Gzowski. Toronto, 20th Aug.. 
1863 Edmund Penrose Bingham Turner, 
Captain in H. M. Royal Artillery, bachelor, 
ana Helen Gzowski, of Toronto, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Littlejohns to Kent. Toronto, Aug. 27th. 
1863 David Littlejohns, bachelor, and 
Prtecilla Kent, spinster, .both Yf Pickering, 
bv me, H. J. Grasett. 

Mc-Faddeii to & i.ipson. Toronto, 28th 
August, 1863. John McFadden, of Kincar 
dine, bachelor, and Amelia Simpson, of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Carson to Wyllie. Toronto, llth Sept.. 
1863. William Allen Carson, bachelor, un;l 
Mary Anne WylKe, spinster, both of To 
ronto, by me. H. J. Grasott. B.D. 

Palmer to Watson. Toronto, 17th Sept., 
1863. John Palmer, bachelor, and Anno 
Watson, spinster, both of Vaughan, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Rivett to Williams. Toronto, 24lh Sept., 
1863. John Rivett, widower, and Deborah 
Rebecca Williams, spinster, both of Picker 
ing, by mo, H. J. Grasett. 

Walker to Stone. Toronto, 2Sth Sept., 
1863. John Waiker, bachelor, and Mary 
Stone, spinster, both of York, by me, H. 
J. Grasett, K.D. 

Hutchinson to ZIpp. Toronto, 3rd Oct., 
1863. Ralph Hutchinson, of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Mary Zipp, of Lemonville, spinster, 
by me. H. J. Grasett. 

Whaley to Pattillo. Toronto, 7th Oct., 
1863. Albert Whaiey, bachelor, and Eliza- 
b"th Pattillo, wi- ow, both of Toronto, by 
mo H. J. Grasett. 

Kirby to Griffin. Toronto, 8th Oct., 
1863. John Kirby, of Nottawa, bachelor, 
and Jane Griffin, of Colling wood, widow, 
by mo, O. E. Cartwright, Asst. Minister. 

Rouse to Upton. Toronto, 8th Oct., 1863. 
Charles Rouse, bachelor, and Catharine Up 
ton widow, both of Blenheim, by me, H. J. 

Beecroft to Coxvline. Toronto, 8th Oct., 
1863. Jamr-s Heecroft, bachelor, and Anne 
Cowling spinster, both of King,-, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Keens to Bngley. Toronto, Sth Oct., 
1863 Henry Keens, bachelor, and Mary 
Bag-ley, spinster, both of Woodstock, by 
me H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Hays to Marshall. Toronto, 10th ., 
1863. Owen Havs, of Toronto, bachelor. 
and Jano Marshall, of York, spinster, by 
me H. J. Grasett. 

Eciui to Gossling. Toronto, 13th Oct., 
1863. John Equi, bachelor, and 
Joanna Louisa Gossling .spinster, both of 
Toronto, by mo, H. J. Grasett. 

Jarvis to Beaumont. Toronto, 17th Oct., 
1863. Edgar John Jarvis. bachelor, and 
Charlotte Teaumont. spinster, both of To 
ronto, by mo, H. J. Grasett. 

Cunningham to Murray. Toronto, 20th 
Oct., 1863. James Cunningham, bachelor, 
anl Ellen Murray, spinster, both of Oak- 
ville. by me, C. rt. Cartwriirht. 

Ross to Creis liton. Toronto. 22nd Oct., 
1863. Thomas Ross of Quebec, widower, 
anl Ellen El>.a Creighton. of Toronto spin 
ster by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Mai-tin to Pearsoll. Toronto. 22nd Oct.. 
1863. Frederick Martin, bachelor, and 
J^m Pearsoll, sp nster, both of Toronto, 
by me. H. J. Grasott. 7^-D. 

Bevins to Ross. Toronto, 27th Oct., 1863. 
Robert Bevins, bachelor, and Margaret 
Ross spinster, both of Lamb ton, by me. 
H. J. Grasett. 

Thompson to Hewitt. Toronto, 28th Oct.. 
1863. John Thompson, bachelor, and Mary 
Ho\vitt spinster, both of Albion, by mo, 
H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Sherwood to Zimmerman, Toronto, Oct. 
9, 1863. John Diddoll Sherwood, of New 
York bachelor, aiwl Emmeline Zimmerman, 
of Toronto, widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Johnston to Tilt. Toronto, 31st Oct., 
1863. Alexander Johnston, of Vaughan, 
bachelor, and Anne Tilt, of Toronto, epin- 
st^r, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Farquhar to Farquhar. Toronto, Nov. 12, 
1853. William Farquhar, bachelor, and Jano 
Bell Farnuh ir, spinster, both of Toronto, 
by mo, H. J. Grasett. 

West to Hayward. Toronto, 14th Nov., 
1863. John West, bachelor, and Jemima 
Hayward, spinster, both of York, by me, 
Edm. Baldwin. 

Triganne to Crawford. Toronto, Nov. 19, 
1863. Zephirim Romnald Triganne, wid 
ower, anid Ja,ne Crawford, spinster, both of 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Menary "to Cotton. Toronto, 21st Nov., 
1863. William Menary, of Orangeville, 
bachelor, a-nd Sarah Jane Cotton, of Port 
Credit, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Down to Walsh. Toronto, 25th Nov., 
1863. Thomas Walter Down, bachelor, and 
Eliza Walsh, spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me, H. J. Graeett. 

Russell to Kilpa-trick. Toronto, Nov. 26, 
1863. John Russell, widower, and Mary Kil- 
patrick, widow, both of Equesing, by me, 
H. J. Gras*tt. 

Russell to Smith. Toronto, 1st Dec., 
1863. John Russell, bachelor, and Mary 
Smith, spinster, both of York, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Marshall to Lyons. Toronto. 18th Dec.. 
1863. George Marshall, of York, bachelor, 
and Elizabeth Lyons, of Etobicoke, spin 
ster, by me, II. J. Grasett. B.D. 

Creasor to Lowrie. Toronto, 23rd Dee., 
1863. John Creasor, widawer, and Luclnda 
Lowrie, widow, both of Barrio, by me, C. 
E. Oartwricht, Asst. Minister. 



Short to Add son. Toronto, 23rd Dee., 
1863. William Short, widower, and Marv 
Addison, spinster, both of Toronto, bv me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

McKcown to Houx. Toronto. 29th Dec., 
1865. William Johnston McKcown. bache 
lor, and Maria Houx, spinster, both of 
Sheridan, by me, H. J. Grasett. B.D. 

Hutchinson to Coates. Toronto, 31st Dec., 
1863. James Hutchinson, bachelor, and 
Nancy Coates, sp. nster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Jones to Fry. Toronto, 7th Jan., 1864. 
William Jones, bachelor, and Elizabeth 
Maria Fry, spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me. H. J. Grasett. 

Fitzpatrlck to Brassington. Toronto. 21st 
Jan., 1864. James Fitzpatrick, bachelor, 
and Catherine Brassington. spinster, both 
of Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Spencer to Ross. Toronto 25th Jan., 
864. Rupert Spencer, bachelor, and Mary 
Anne Ross, spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me, Alex. Hanson. 

, ?, Unte T r to Hurr y- Toronto, 25th Jan., 
.864. Lewis Hunter, widower, and Caro 
line Hurry, spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me. H. J. Grasett. 

Hewett to Biscoe. Toronto, 4th Feb., 
1864. Edward Osborne Hewett, Captain 
Royal Engineers, of Halifax, N.S., bache 
lor, and Catharine Biscoe. of Toronto, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

torf ayt ? n t to H P k;ns - Toronto. 8th Feb., 
1864. John Nathan Crayton. of Hamilton! 

bachelor, and El zabeth Charlotte Hopkins 
of Toronto, s P ? nster, by me. H. J. Grasott. 

Martin to Se/ers. Toronto. 22nd Feb. 
1864. George Martin, of Bradford, bache 
lor, and Anne Sabers, of Toronto, spinster 
ronto, by me, H. J. Grasett, RD! 

Barber to Gavogan. Toronto, 25th Feb., 
lb4. John Barber, widower, and Anne 
Oraveg-an, splinter, both of Toronto, bv me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

i a? a * * - Has.mrd. Toronto, 24th March, 
>4. Peter lioss, bachelor, and Matilda 
Hasard, smnster, both of Toronto. bV me. 
Jtt. J. G-rase tt. 

ic Warn0 T 0k to AValker - Toronto, 28th March 
Bb4. James Warnock, Toronto, and Anne 
Walker-, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
ft. J. Grasett. 

io% ni< V n to K^s^ll- Toronto, 29th Mch., 
18b4. Brown Allerston Denton, bachelor, 
and Julia Anne Kerswill, both ofl Vaug-han, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Smith to Johnston. Toronto, 30th Mch., 
64. James Smith, widower, and Eliza 
beth Johnston, spinster, both of Toronto 
by me. H. J. Grasett. 

T>avis to Busteed. Toronto, 2nd April, 
>4. Oliver Delep Davis, bachelor, and 
Anne Bnsteed, spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Postlethwaite to Gustln. Toronto, April 
13, 1S64. Oolin W. Postlethvraite, bachelor, 
ami Adelaide B. Guetin, spinster, both of 
Toronto, by me, John Herbert Plowman. 

Browne to Quton. Toronto, 14th April, 
1864. John. Browne, bachelor, and Cath 
erine Jane Quinn, spinster, both of To 
ronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Ells-ton to Bo3anko. Toronto, 15th April, 
1834. Benjamin Elision, of Th-omhlll, 
widower, and Alice Bosanko, of Aurora, 
by me, H. J. Grase-tt. 

Tsylor to Hodgson.. Toronto, 28th April, 
1864. Alfred Taylor, bachelor, and Caro 

line Ho-ls-son, spinster, both of Toronto, bv 
mo, Elm. Baldwin. 

Le Grand to Dulieaume. Toronto, Mny 4. 
1864. Philip Le Grand, bachelor, and Jane 
Dubeaume, spinster, both oi Oarronbrook, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Anderson to Lawson. Toronto, 5th May, 
864. John Anderson, bachelor, and Sarah 
Matilda Lawson. spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Graaett. 

Potter to Heony. Toronto, Mdy 5, 1854. 
David Potter, of Toronto, bachelor, . nd 
Matilda Hc-ony, of York, spinster, bv me, 
O. E. Cartwright. 

Story to Martin. Toronto, May 14, 1864. 
Wilber Shory, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Helen Martin, of York, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Partridge to Cnappel. Toronto, May 24, 
John Thomas Partridge, widower, and" Ha r- 
riette Chappel, spinster, both of Oro. by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Smale to Ross. Toronto, 25th May, 1864. 
John Smale, bachelor, and Emma 1, o-s, 
widow, both of Toronto, by me. H. J. Gra- 
eett, B.D. 

Corin to Young. Toronto, 30th M.iy, 
1864. John Charles Lit tie Johns Corin, 
bachelor, and Mary Jane Young, spinster, 
both of Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Wood to Forbes. Toronto, 31st May, 
1864. Marshall Wood, widower, and Esther 
Anne Forbes widow, both of King, by me, 
Edm. Baldwin, Asst. St. James . 

James to Maione. Toronto, May 3:st. 
1864. Eli James, of Whitchurch, bachelor, 
and Mary Anne Maione, of Newmarket, 
spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Bell to Gibbs. Toronto, 1st June, 1864. 
John Bell, of Gwillimbury East, widower, 
an i Elizabeth Gibbs. of Tecumseth, wi-Jo-v. 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Greig to Fairen. Toronto. 24th Jnno, 
1864. Andrew Gre g. widower, and E iza 
Fairen, widow, both of Toronto, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Montgomery to Rynehart. Toronto, 25th 
June, 1864. William Monte-ornery, bachelor, 
and Anne Rynehart. spinster, both of To 
ronto, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Ohadwick to Bnatty. Toronto. 28th June, 
1864. Edward Mar on Ohadwick, bachelor, 
and E!lr>n Byrne Beatty. spinster, both of 
Toronto by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hincs to Northeast. Toronto, 7th Jn y, 
864. William Hines. bachelor, and Enrly 
Northeast, sp nster, both of Toronto, by 
me. H. J. Grasett. 

Burrows to Hawksby. Toronto, Aug. 4, 
64. James Burrows, bachelor, and Mar 
garet Hawksby. spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Morrism to Gordon. Toronto, 4th Auc-., 
1864. John Morrison, bachelor, and Bella 
Gordon, spinster, both of Toronto, by me 
PL J. Graeett. 

Armstrong to Irwin. Toronto, Aug. 10, 
1864. Wi flam Armstrong, bachelor, t nd 
Lucinda Irwin, spinster, both of To 
ronto, by mo, H. J. Grasett. 

Bartram to Wilkon. Toronto. Aug. 10th, 
1864. David Bartram. Toronto, bache or. 
and Susan Wilisom, of Stjarboro , spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Moorsom to McOutcheon. Toronto, Aug. 
11, 1864. Obartee John Moorsom, cnptain In 
Hor Majesty s 30th Regt.. bachelor, and 
Bertha Gildersleeve McCutcheon of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
Rig-bye to Hoakes. Toronto, 16th 



1864. "William Owen. Rig-bye, of Montreal, j 
bachelor, and Martha Louisa Heakcs, of j 
Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Graaett. 

Thompeou to MoKinnon. Toronto, Aug. 
16, 1864. John Thompson, bachelor, and 
Sarah McKinnon, spinster. both of To- 
ro-nto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hull to Cox. Toronto, Aug. 30th, 1864. 
Robert Hull, bachelor, and Kate Cox, spin 
ster, both of Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

HuLse to- Doyle. Toronto, 8th Sept., 1854. 
Henry Hulse, bachelor, and Alice Doyle, 
spinster, both of Lloydtown, by me, H. J. 

Andrews to Hutchison. Toronto. Sept. 14, 
1864. Henrv C. Andrews, of New York City, 
bachelor, an,d Mary Elizabeth Hutchison, of 
Toronto, spinster, by me, H. Brent. 

Da.y to Raven. Toronto, Sept. 14, 1864, 
Timothy Day, widower, and Anne Raven, 
spinster, both of Etobicoke, by me, Edm. 

Barker to Pitt. Toronto, Sept. 15, 1864. 
Christopher Barker, bachelor, of South 
DumfiLs, and Lydia Elizabeth Pitt, of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, Adam Townley. 

HarrH to De Grassi. Toronto, bept. LO, 
1864. Richard Homan Hani?, clerk, of Me- 
donte, bachelor, and Adolphine Coliinette 
Do Grassi, of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. 

"Scott to Dow. Toronto, Sept. 20, 1854. 
Thomas Scott, bachelor, and Ellen Dow, 
spinster, both of York, by me, H. J. Gra 

Hopcroft to Barber. Toronto, Sept .22, 
1864. Henry Hopcroft, bachelor, and Eliza 
JaJie Barber, spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Stepheneon to Patterson. Toronto, 24th 
Sept., 1864. Joseph Stephenson, bachelor, 
sunl Mary Ann Patterson, spinster, both 
of Vaughan, by me, H. J. Graeett. 

Walker to Foote. Toronto, Sept. 29th, 
1864. Tlonrv Walker, bachelor, and Ann 
Foote, spinster, both of Markham, by me, 
H. J. Grasatt. 

Applebe to Robertson. Toronto, Sept. <-, 
1864. "Robert Swanton Applebe, of Oakville, 
barh;l ,r,;:<na Eliza Clementine Frances Rob 
ertson, of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 

Long to Nelson. Toronto, 13th October, 
1864. Horatio Nelson Long-, of Port Credit, 
bachelor, and Ruth Nelson, of Toronto, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Stork to Osborne. Toronto, 15th Oct.. 
1864. George Stork, bachelor, and Mary 
Anne Osborne, widow, both of Toronto, by 
me. H. J. Grasett. 

Marshall to O Connell. Toronto, 15th 
Oct., 1864. James Marshall, bachelor, and 
Margaret O Connell, both of Toronto, by 
mo. Edm. Baldwin, Asst. Minister. 

JuMam. to Lewis. Toronto, 19th Oct., 
1864. Henry George Julian, of New York, 
widower, and Sarah Lewis, of Toronto, 
pinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Kerr to Blaek. Toronto, Oct. 19th, 1864. 
James K. Kerr, of Toronto, bachelor, and 
Anne Margaret Blaek, of York, spinster, 
by me, Benjamin Huron. 

Martin to Carson. Toronto, Oct. 25th, 
1864. Philip Sandford Martin, of Lindsay, 
bachelor, and Mary Lou sa Carson, of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, Thomas W. Allen. 

Stevenson to Harris. Toronto. Oct. 26th. 
1864. Pillaus Searth Stevenson, widower 
land Annie Story Harris, spinster, both of 
Toronto, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Perkins to Palmer. Toronto, 31st Oct., 
1864. John Perk ns, bachelor, and Julia 
Palmer, sp;nster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Island to McMichael. Toronto. 9th Nov., 
1864. John Island, widower, and Frances 
McMichael, spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Stephenson to Patterson. Toronto, 24th 
Sept., 1861. Joseph Stephenson, bach 
elor, and Mary Ann Patterson, spinster, 
both of Vaughan, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Walker to Foote. Toronto, 29th Sept., 
1864. Henry Walker, bachelor, and Ann 
Foote, spinster, both of Markham, by me 
H. J. Grasatt. 

Appelbe to Robertson. Toronto, 29th 
Sept., 1S64. Robert Swanton Appelbe, 
bachelor, Oakville, and Eliza Clementina 
Frances Robertson, Toronto, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Grasott. 

Cannon to Gibson. Toronto, 17th Nov., 
1864. George Sa.ndefer Cannon, of Penn 
sylvania, U. S., bachelor, and Harriet Louise 
Gibson, of To ronto, spinster, by me, Edrn. 

Newell to Dumond. Toronto, 7th Dec., 
1864. Elijah Brown Newell, bachelor, and 
Ja-ne Dumoiid. widow, bo>th of Toronto, by 
me, H. J. Giasett. 

Edgertan to Scholes. Toronto, Dec. 15, 
1864. Samuel Edgerton, bachelor, and 
Eliza Scholes, spinster, both of Toronto 
Gore, by me, H. J. Gras-ett. 

Moffatt to Lament. Toronto, 16th Dec., 

1864. Janies Moffatt, widower, and Nancy 
Anne Lament, spinster, both of Toronto, 
by mo, H. J. Graaett. 

Baird to Hipwell. Toronto, 12th Jan., 

1865. Robert Smith Baird, bachelor, and 
Hester Hipwell, spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Eamea to Henderson. Toronto, 18th Jan., 
1865. Walter Eames, bachelor, and Susan 
Henderson, spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Chapman to Loii^. Toronto, Feb. 23rd, 
1865. James Chapman, bachelor, and 
Jemima Long 1 , spinster, both of Toronto, 
by mo, H. J. Graaett. 

Irwin to Blakeley. Toronto, 20th March, 
1865. Richard Irwin, bachelor .and Fanny 
Blakeley, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Clarke to Pollard. Toront, 27th March, 
18G5. Richard Parsons Clarke, bachelor, 
and Frances Pollard, widow, both of Whitby, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Mclver to Betteridge. Toronto, 6th Ap 
ril, An^ua Mclvor, bachelor, and Nancy 
Betteridge, spinster, both of Etobicoke, by 
me, H. J. Graaett. 

Little to Blewitt. Toronto, llth April, 
1865. John Little, bachelor, and Susan 
nah Blewitt, spinster, both of Vaughan. 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Taylor to Wilson. Toronto, 17th April, 
1865. John Taylor, bachelor, and Helen 
Rachel Wilson, spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Carnegie to Hallowell. Toronto, llth 
April, 1865. John Carnegie of Brantford, 
bachelor, and Maria Hallowell, of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Blackball to Busteed. !HTo>ronto, 18th 
April, 1865. Edward Wakefield Blackball, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Susannah Busteed, 
vpinstor. both of Toronto, by me H. J. 

.Slaney to Thompson. > fToronto, 18th 



April, 1865. Frank Slaney, bachelor, and 
Atme Thompson, widow, both of Toronto, 
bv roe, H. J. Grasett. 

Grier to Little. Toronto, 19th April, 
1856 William Henry Grier, of Essa, bach 
elor, and Anne Knox Little of Toronto, 
(spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

TVyloT to Whitesides. Toronto, 21st 
April, 1865. Joiui Taylor, of Brock, bach 
elor, and Eliza Whlteeides, of Toronto, 
widow, by me, O. E. Oartwrigbt. 

Cronen to Doolcy. Toronto, 28t<h April, 
1865. Michael Cronen, bachelor, and Mary 
Dooley, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Gnwett. 

Robinson to Freeman. Toronto, April 28, j 
1865. John Robinson, bachelor, and Mary ; 
Frocman, widow, both of Toronto, by me, i 
H. J. Grasott, 

Crocker to Ftodlay. Toronto, 3rd May, 
1865. Robert Henry "Crocker, b^chcl^r, and 
Is-ib ila Mai ion Findley, spinster, both of 
Toronto, bv me, H. J. Graaett. 

Pell to Freeman. Toronto, May 17, 186.5. 
Isaac Thompson Pell, bachelor, and E iza- 
beth Fieemaji, spinster, both of Toronto, 
bv me, H, J. Graeett. 

Freer to darter. Toronto, May 29, 1865. 
William Mulc-neter SYeer, of Montreal, 
bachelor, and CatheiJae J^lia Gaiter, of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

McMRster to Wyllie. Toronto, Juno 1st, 
1865. Samuel Fesuon MoMaster, bachelor, 
and E.izaboth Janet Wyliie, spinster, both 
of Torofuto, by me, Wm. Logman. 

Fitzsimmons to Hill. Toronto, 6th June, 
1865. James BIg-gs Fitzsimmcns, bachelor, 
Wtid Susan Hi ,1, spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, Ed*n. Baldwin. 

Bole to Haworth. Toronto,. 7th June, 
1865. Andrew Oreig-hton Bole, bachelor, 
and Charlotte Haworth, spinster, both of 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Cornell to Roland. Toronto, 14th June. 
1865. James Cornell, bachelor, and Cath 
erine Roland, both of East Gwillimbury, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Herring to Bell. Toronto, 21st June, 
1865. Henry Le Strange Herring. Lieuten 
ant 30th Regt., bachelor, and Mary Eliza 
beth Bell, of Toronto, spinster, by me, 
George O. Williams. 

White to Hyiliai-a. Toronto, 21st June, 
1865. Robert White, bachelor, and Mary 
Jane Hylliard, spinster, both of Kleinberg, 
by me. H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

McBrine to Guthrie. Toronto, 22nd June, 
1865. Patrick McBrine, bachelor, and 
Catherine Gutbrie, spinster, both of Toron 
to, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

McCaulay to Irwin. Toronto, 3rd July, 
1865. Francis McCaulay, bachelor, and 
Mary Jane Irwin. spinster, both of To 
ronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hayward to Rolph. Toronto, 5th July, 
1865. Lyster Hayward, bachelor, and Sarah 
Frances Rolph, spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Nicholson to Cooper. Toronto, 6th July, 
1865. John Nicholson, bachelor, and Caro 
line Cooper, spinster, both of York, by me. 
H. J. Grasett. 

Windsor to Marshall. Toronto, 17th July, 
1865. William Windsor, of Cincinnati, Ohio, 
U. S., widower, and Anna Marshall, of Co- 
bourg, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

James to Murrell. Toronto. 31st July, 
1865>. Michael James, of New York, bache- 
amd Kate Elizabeth Murrell, of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Reynolds to Denbam. Toronto, Aug. 9,. 
1865. James Reynolds, of Nichol, bachelor, 
and Martha Marion Denhain, of Weston, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Bell to Arthurs. Toronto, 9th August,. 
1865. Richard BeH, widower, and Mary Ar 
thurs, widow, both of Toronto, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Allasi to Graham. Toronto, llth Aug., 
1865. Richard Allan, widower, and Eleanor 
Graham, spinster, both of Toronto, by mo. 
H. J. Grasett. 

Cruicksha.nk to Snow. Toronto, Aug. 23, 
1865. John Oniiokshank, bachelor, and Agnes 
Snow, widow, both of London, Canada W., 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Leys to Arthurs. Toronto, August 24th, 
1865. Johm Leys, bachelor, and Helen Emma 
Arthurs, spinster, both of Toronto, bv me, 
W. E. Cooper. 

Blong- to Loner. Toronto, Sent., 180"). 
James Blong, bachelor, and Marv Long, 
spinster, both of Port Credit, C. W.," by me, 
Edm. Baldwin. 

Reed to Joyce. Toronto, 13th Sept., 
1865. William Reed, bachelor, and Isa 
bella Victoria Joyce, spinster, both of To- 
,ronto, by me Edm. Baldwin. 

Leeder to Fulton. Toronto, 21st Sept., 
1865. Frederick Leeder, bachelor, and 
Mary Fulton, spinster, both of York, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Ferguson to Hill. Toronto, 25th Sept., 
1865. Robert Ferguson, widower, and Mar 
garet Hill, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
Edm. Baldwin. 

Baxter to Beamish. Toronto, 26th Sept., 
1865. William John Baxter, bachelor, and 
Ellen Beamish, spinster, both of Toronto by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Piercy to Rees. Toronto, 28th Sept., 
1865. Joseph Piercy, of Muskoka, widow 
er, and Isabella Ellen Rees, London, Eng., 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett, B. D. 

Westwood to Nicholson. Toronto, 29th 
Sept., 1865. Charles Westwood, bachelor, 
and Catherine Nicholson, spinster, both of 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Otter to Porter. Toronto, 3rd Oct., 1865. 
Wiilliam Dillon Otter, bachelor, and Mary 
Anne Porter, spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Auchincloss to Boyd. Toronto, 16th Oct., 
1865. John Auchinclos?, bachelor, and 
Alice Boyd, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Burnett to Harris. Toronto, 17th Oct., 
1865. Edward Sydney Burnett, bachelor, 
and Marion Graset t Harris, spinster, both of 
Toronto, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Graham to McKay. Toronto, 19th Oct., 
1865. Thomas Gutteriilge Graham, bach 
elor, and Catherine McKay, spinster, both of 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Oharbott to Corr. Toronto, 28th Oct., 
1865. Anthony Oharbott, bachelor, and 
Matilda Gorr, spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me, H. J. Grasett 

Johnson to Leary. Toronto, 30th Oct., 
1865. Joseph Johnson, of Elderslie, bach 
elor, and Sarah Leary, of Toronto, spinster, 
by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Conwath to Pearson. Toronto, 31st Oct., 
1865. George Conwath, bachelor, and 
Rachel Pearson, spinster, both of Uxbridge, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Armour to McVicar. Toronto 2nd Nov., 
1865. John Armour, of King, bachelor, and 
Annie McVicar, of Rochester, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 



House to .Simpson. Toronto. 8th Nov., 
1865. Frederick James House, bachelor, and 
Margaret Simpson, spinster, both of Chin- 
guacousy, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Hardie to Reid. Toronto, 2Ist Nov., 1865. 
John Hardie, of Oro, widower, and Ann 
Reid, of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 

Cherry to Sylvester. Toronto, 7th Dec.. 
1865. Samuel Cherry, of York, bachelor, 
and Clarissa Adelaide Sylvester, of Scar 
borough, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Leeson to Wright. Toronto, 9th Dec., 
1865. James Leeson. of Erin, widower, and 
Elizabeth Wright, of Orangeville, spinster, 
by mo, II. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Fitzpatrick to Sylvester. Toronto, 14th 
Dec., 1865. Duncan Andrew Pitzpatrick, 
bachelor, and Isabella .Sylvester, spinster, 
both of Scarborough, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
Chester to Bens. Toronto, 20th Dec.. 
1865. Henry Chester, bachelor, and Martha 
Bens, spinster, both of Scarborough, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Morrison to Ewart. Toronto, 23rd Dec., 
1865. William Morrison, bachelor, and 
Dorothy Ewart, widow, both of Albion, by 
me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Anderson to Kelly. Toronto, 25th Dec. 
1865. Henry John Anderson, of York 
bachelor, and Frances Kelly, of Toronto 
spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Fan-ell to Taylor. Toronto, 26th Deo., 

1865. Francis Farrell, bachelor, and Annie 

T T a r;. or - - spin ? ter both of Toronto, by me, 
ti. J. (jrasett. 

-, ?f lan ^ to Elliott - Toronto, 30th Dec. 
I?, 6 . 5 -,. Thomas Pclan, widower, and Marv 
Elliott spinster, both of Toronto, .by me, 
H. J. Grasott. B.D. 
ifi?fi VaIn T to Thornton. Toronto, 10th Jan., 

1866. Jacob Swalm, of Nottawasagai bache- 

f Markham > 

to Bailey. Toronto, 14th Jan. 
James Green, widower, and Margaret 
Bailey spinster, both of Toronto, by me 
H. J. Grasett. 

Ellston to Ellis Toronto, 15th January, 
f, ;I oh " E "^on, of Thornhill. bachelor 
a Catharine Ellis, Toronto, spinster, bv 

to Kennedy. Toronto, 20th Jan., 
Thomas King, bachelor, and Hester 
~ter, both of Toronto, by me, 

Inch to Murphy. Toronto, 8th Feb., 1866. 
K ^ aeh ? lo X ajld B "d-et Murphv. 
Oshawa, by me, H. J. 

1Sftft Wt rr t0 Sh art - Toronto, 12th Feb., 
>6^ Henry Stowt, of Toronto, bachelor 

H J. Sett f Lindsa y- b - v me > 

r r tc , L B <*8-ood. Toronto, 15th 
Vn t H v P , C^rte" Munzinc-er, of New 
York, bachelor, and Charlotte Bloodgood, of 
Alabama e P ins ter, by me, H. J. 

R ry G^or J h TTo t0n Toron * 1(? th Feb., 
Rebecca Johnston, sri nste?, of* TO- 
ronfeo spinatOT. by me, H. J. Grasett. 

to Ash. Toronto, 19th Feb., 1806. 
-r-~V b ?? helor an d Jane ElL-.abeth 
rJX ster> both of Weston, by me, H. J. 

Toronto, 20th Feb., I860. 
. of Hamilton, widower, and 

r -^ nne Vvo* of Toronto, widow, by me. 
ti. J. Grasett. 

. P lkey to Martin. Toronto, 6th March, 
866. Peter Pilkey, of Innisfil, widower, 
and Annie Martin, of Toronto, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

-io^ iffht to Hiurgins. Toronto, 29th March, 
I860. Edward Bright, bachelor, and Marion 
Hig-gms, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Graaett. 

Johnson to McCoy. Toronto, .,rd April, 
1866. William Johnson, bachelor, and 
Maria McCoy, spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

McKnig-ht to Howard. Toronto, 3rd April, 
L866. George McKnig ht, bachelor, and 
Harriett Howard, spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Puddefoot to Doibson. Toronto, 5th April, 
866. William George Puddefoot, or Oak- 
viile, bachelor, and Mary Jane Dobson, of 
Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Leake to Dawson. Toronto, 6th April, 
1866. Joseph Leake, bachelor, and Har 
riett Dawson, spinster, both of Toronto, bv 
me, H. J. Grasett, 

Oatherwood to Dobson. Toronto, 18th 
April, 1866. Alexander Oatherwood, bach 
elor, and Barbara Dob.son, spinster, both of 
Albion, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Perry to Shaw. Toronto, 25th April, 
1866. Thomas Perry, bachelor, and Sarah 
Shaw, spinster, both of King, by me. H. J. 
Grasett, B.D. 

Auchincloss to Creighton. Toronto, 26th 
April, 1866. Alexander Auchin^loss, bache 
lor, and Mary Creighton, spinster, both of 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Moore to Lamb. Toronto, 28th April 
1866. Carrie Moore, of Sisell, Mexico 
bachelor, and Susannah Lamb, of Toronto 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Merrett to Williams. Toronto, 30th April, 
1866. George Merrett, bachelor, and Sarah 
Barber Williams, widow, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 
Madgette to Rose. Toronto, 2nd May 
866. Robert Madgette. bachelor, and Su 
sannah Rose, spinster, both of Etobicoke 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Palmer to Moffatt. Toronto, 8th May 
866. George Palmer, bachelor, an<l Mary 
Moffatt. spinster, both of Toronto, by me 
H. J. Grasett. 

Milligan to Mann. Toronto, llth May, 
1866. James M : l!icran, widower, nnd M; r~ 
g-aret Mann, widow, both of Toronto by 
me. H. J. Grasett. 

Furnass to Allen. Toronto. 16th May, 
Bbb. William Furnass, of Nelson, wid 
ower, and Elizabeth Allen, of Toronto 
widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Maunder to Gibney. Toronto. 18th May 
1866. William Maunder, bachelor, and 
Mary Gibney, spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me. H. J. Grasett. 

Charters to Johnson. Toronto. 24th 
May, 1 George Charters, bachelor, and 

Mary Ann Johnson, spinster, both of York 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

10 ?c ack t 1 ne i t $, Miles - Toronto, 26th Mav. 
Robert Evelyn Thompson Blackstone, 
of Buffalo, bachelor, and Ellen Miles of 
Toronto, spinster, by me. H. J. Grasr- ft. 
^-n Whitr omb - Toronto, 28th May, 
William Husoy. bachelor, and Mary 

both of Toronto 

T t0 Oa le - v - Toronto, 7th June, 
James Strachan Cartwrig-ht, of 



Kingston, bachelor, and Harriett Anne Cay- 
ley, of Toronto, spinster, by me, John To 

Mann to Dancy. Toronto, 21st June, 
I860. Tuhomas Mann, bachelor, and Mary 
Jane Dancy, ispiuster, both of Etobicoke, 
by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

J?>ckman to Kennedy. Toronto, 2nd July, 
I860. James Jaciunan, bachelor, and An 
nie Kennedy, spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Sullivan to Scadding. Toronto, 3rd July, 
1806. Robert Sullivan, bachelor, and Hen 
rietta Milicent Scadding, spinster, both of 
Toronto, by me, John Toronto. 

Horton to Hayden. Toronto, 6th July, 
I860. John Nelsey Horton, bachelor, and 
Louisa Hayden, spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

McDonnell to Walsh. Toronto, llth July, 
I860. James George McDonnell, bachelor, 
and Anne Walsh, spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Miller to Downie. Toronto, 12th July, 
1860. James Livingston Miller, of Vaugh- 
an, bachelor, and Elizabeth Jane Downie, 
of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Strader to Greenwood. Toronto, 
July, 1866. John Strader, bachelor, and 
Charlotte Greenwood, widow, both of To- 
,-vonto, by me, H. -T. Grasett. 

Roe to Smith. Toronto, 26th July, 1866. 
"William Henry Roe, bachelor, and Christo 
pher Anno Smith, spinster, both of To- 
sronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Palmer to Davis. Toronto, 28th July, 
1866. Hamilton John Palmer, of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Hannah Davis, of Bradford, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Col^on to Hall. Toronto, 28th July, 1866. 
Henry Colson, bachelor, and Margaret 
Sophia Hall, spinster, both of Guelph, by 
me. H. J. Grasett. 

Reesor to Cornwall. Toronto, 1st Aug., 
1866. Christian Reesor, of Markham, wid 
ower and Melissa Ann Cornwall, of Scar 
borough, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Smith to Brooks. Toronto, 2nd August, 
1866. John James Smith, bachelor, and 
Mary Brooks, spinster, both of Brougham, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Orr to MeCallum. Toronto, 7th August. 
1866. Samuel Orr, bachelor, and Sarah 
Ann McCallum, spinster, both of Trafalgar, 
bv me, H. J. Grasett. 

Ross to Gagnon. Toronto, 18th August. 
1866. John Hutchison Ross bachelor, nnd 
Mary Gagnon, spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Harrison to Styles. Toronto, 20th Aug., 
1866. Thomas Harrison, bachelor, and 
Mary Styles, spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me. H. J. Grasett. 

Glascott to Cayley. Toronto, 23rd Aug., 
1866. William Glascott, Captain H. M. 30th 
R( gt., now stationed at Quebec, bachelor, 
and Mary Cay ley, of Toronto, spinster, by 
me. H. J. Grasett. 

Cook to Kennedy. Toronto, 23rd Aug.. 
1866. James Cook, widower, and Amelia 
Kennerlv, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Graham to Mills. Toronto, 3rd Sept.. 
1866 Nicholas Graham, of Toronto, bache 
lor, and Elizabeth Mills, of Weston, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Stephenson to Arnold. Toronto, 5th Sep 
tember, 1866. James Stephenson, bachelor, 
and Agnes Arnold, spinster, both of To 
ronto, by me, Edm. Baldwin 1 . 

Ponssett to Brunsklll. Toronto, 6th Sep 
tember, 1866. Henry Maddox Ponssett, of 
Sarnia, bachelor, and Mary Louisa Bruns 
kill, of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 

Montgomery to Peelar. Toronto, 8th 
Sept., J866. Alexander Montgomery, of 
York, bachelor, and Mary Anne Peelar, of 
Etobicoke, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Green to Garrett. Toronto, 10th Sept., 
1866. Monroe Green, of Keithburgh. Illin 
ois, U. S., bachelor, and Emma Harriet 
Garrett, of Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 

Hunter to Orr. Toronto, 13th Sept., 1866. 
Robert Hunter, bachelor, and Sarnh Orr, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Ferris to Neely. Toronto, 14th Sept., 
1866. John Ferris, bachelor, and Sarah 
Neely, widow, both of Toronto, by me, H. 
J. Grasett, B.D. 

Dewick to Gustin. Toronto, 17th Sept., 
1866. Charles Francis Dewick, of Boston, 
Mass., TJ. S., bachelor, and Sarah Anne 
Gustin, of Toronto, spinster, by me, Edm. 
Baldwin. Asst. St. James . 

Rame to Wall. Toronto, 18th Sept., 1866. 
William Rame, bachelor, and Mary Wall, 
spinster, both of Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Maw to Smart. Toronto, 28th Sept.. 
1866. Newton Maw, bachelor, and Jane 
Smart, spinster, both of King, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Symington to Camin. Toronto, 8th Oct., 
1866. John Symington, widower, and Har 
riett Camin. widow, both of Toronto, by 
me. H. J. Grasett. 

Widdis to Stratton. Toronto, 9th Oct., 
1866. Robert Widdis. bachelor, and Mary 
Anne Stratton, spinster, both of Ennis- 
killen Oil Springs, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Lewis to Jackson. Toronto, 10th Oct., 
1866. Job. a Lewis, bachelor, and Martha 
Jackson, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. B.D. 

Mayor to Garvin. Toronto, 13th Oct., 
1866. John Harman Mnycr. widower, and 
Catharine Garvin, spinster, both of Toron 
to by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Spafford to Wallace. Toronto, 16th Oct., 
1866. John Edward Spafford, of Pilking- 
ton, bachelor, and Mary Jane Wallace, of 
Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Campbell to Fyfe. Toronto, lth Oct., 
1856. George Campbell, of Equesing, bache 
lor, and Annie Fyfc, of Toronto, spinster, 
by me, Edm. Saldwin. 

Hoskin to McKpnzie. Toronto, Oct. 16, 
1866. Johm Hos>kin. bachelor, and Mary 
Agnes McKenzie, spinster, both of To 
ronto, by me, S. B. Ardagh. 

Kennedy to Wey. Toronto, 17th Oct., 
1866. James Kennedy, bachelor, and Han 
nah Wev. widow, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Morloy to King. Toronto, Oct. 23, 1866. 
William" Francis Morley, bachelor, and 
Betsy Kin,g. spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me, ~H. J. Graeett. 

Nash to Griighton. Toronto, 25th Ont., 
1866. Frederick Nash, of Montreal, bache 
lor, and Gertrude Buller Crrig-hton, of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

O Brie-n. to Mason. Toronto, Oct. 31st, 
1866. James Augustus O Brien, bachelor, 
and Elizabeth Mason, spinster, both of To 
ronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Foster to Spene. Toronto, 31st Oct., 
1866. John Foster, bachelor, and Saraa 



Jane Spence, spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Cleland to Freeman. Toronto, let Nov., 
1866. Robert C.ela.nd, bachelor, and E iza- 
beth Freeman., spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Graeett. 

Wade to McCartney. Toronto, 8th Nov., 
1866. Robert Wade, ba-chelor. and Ma- 
tildia McOartnev spinster, both of To 
ronto, by me, H. J. Graeett. 

Barton to Wallace. Toronto, 62th Nov., 
1866. John Barton, of Scott, bachelor, and 
Jemima Wallace, of York, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasstt. 

Brown to Oook. Toronto, Dec. 3, 1866. 
William Gough Brown, of Toronto, bachelor, 
and Sarah Jane Cook, of Etobicoke, cpin- 
eter, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Carlylo to Malomey. Toronto, 19th Dec., 
1866. Joseph Carlyle, bachelor, and. Anne 
MaUxnie.T, widow, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Gra3tt. 

Willoug-hby to Aspinall. Toronto, 24th 
Dec., 186G. Henry Willoujfhby, of Esques- 
ing, bachelor, and Elizabeth Aspinall of 
Toronto, spinster, b>* rne. H. J. Grasett. 

Babe to Jetfers. Toronto, 24th Dec., 
11866. James Babe, bachelor, and Mar 
garet Jeffers, spinster, both of Esquesing, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

P.aine* to Hicks. Toronto, 25th Dec., 

1866. John Austin Balnea, bachelor, and 
Adelaide Hicks, spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Clegg to Viney. Toronto, 27th Dec., 
1860. John Clegg, bachelor, and Harriett 
Viney, spinster, both of York by me, H. J. 

Squirrel to Ainger. Toronto, 9th Jan., 

1867. George Squirrel, bachelor, and 
Sarah Ainger, spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Flaherty to Crorabie. Toronto, 9t:h Jan., 
1867. James Flaherty, bachelor, and Mar 
garet Crombie. spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Newlove to Piggott. Toronto, 21st Jan., 
1867. Charles Frederick Newlove, bach 
elor, arid Alary Jane Piggott, spinster, both 
of Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

McLaughlin to Lundy. Toronto, 4th Feb., 
1867. Patrick McLaughlin, bachelor, and 
Mary Anno Lundy, spinster, both of Toron 
to, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Price to Price. Toronto, 5th Feb., 1867. 
Thomas Holton. Price, of Vaughan, bach 
elor, and Mary Price, of Toronto, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Gibson to Taylor. Toronto, 7th Feb., 
1867. William John Gibson, bachelor, and 
Susannah Taylor, spinster, both of Toronto 
by me, J. S. Baker. 

Tiffin to Gibsoa. Toronto, 7th Feb., 
1867. Arthur Tiffin, bachelor, and Mary 
Jane Tiffin, spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me, J. S. Baker. 

Hart to Noble. Toronto, 7th Feb., 1867. 
Robert Hart, bachelor, and Mary Jane 
Noble, spinster, both of Toronto, by me 
J. S. Baker. 

Hay to Rutherford. Toronto, 20th Feb.. 
1867. John Hay, bachelor, and Agnes 
Rutherford, spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me. H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Finch to McDonald. Toronto, 25th Feb., 
1867. John Finch, bachelor, and Kate 
McDonald, spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me H. J. Grasett. 

Marshall to Cline. Toronto, 5th March, 

1867. Joseph Marshall, bachelor, and An 
nie Clino. spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
J. S. Baker, Asst. St. James . 

Rob nson to Booth. Toronto, 7th March, 
1867. William Robinson, of Binbrook, 
bachelor, and Sarah Booth, of Scarboro 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Fifield to Loader. Toronto, 20th March, 
1867. Edward Fifiold, Sergeant Royal Ar 
tillery, now stationed at Toronto, bachelor, 
and Emma Loader, of Toronto, spinster, by 
me. H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Badger to Taylor. Toronto, 29th April, 
1867. Thomas Badger, of Carrville, wid 
ower, an;l Mary Taylor, of Toronto, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Gilkerson to Butler. Toronto, 30th April, 
1867. Thomas Gilkerson, Soldier in H. M. 
17th Regt. of Foot, now stationed at To 
ronto, bachelor, and Margaret Butler, of 
Toronto, spinster, by me. H. J. Grasett. 

Ablitt to Trebileock. Toronto, 2nd May, 
1867. William Ablitt, bachelor, and Sophia 
Trebllcock widow, both of Toronto, by me, 
Edm. Baldwin. 

Franklin to Hannon. Toronto, 3rd May, 
1867. William Henry Franklin, Bombadier 
Royal Artillery, now stationed at Toronto, 
bachelor, and Catharine Hannon, of Toron 
to, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Gilchrist to Heenan. Toronto, 8th May, 
1867. James Gilfhrist, bachelor, and Eliza- 
b?th Heenan, spinster, both of Brampton, 
by me, H. J- Grasett. 

Webster to McCarty. Toronto, 13th May, 
1867. Benjamin Webster, widower, and 
Mary McCarty. widow, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Greenwood to Johnson. Toronto, 23rd 
May 1867. Joseph Greenwood, bachelor, 
and" Mary Lavinia Joh i nsion r spinster, both of 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Sterne to Sterne. Toronto, 30th May, 
1867. William Thomas Sterne, of Boulton, 
bachelor, and Susan Maria Sterne, of Whit- 
by spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Hyde to Benson. Toronto, 4th June, 
1867. William Hyde, bachelor, and Har 
riett Benson, spinster, both of St. Loui, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Blennorhassett to Hall. Toronto, 18th 
June, 1867. Herman Blennerhassett, of 
Brooklyn, bachelor, and Caroline Hall, of 
Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Bolton to Nurse. Toronto, 2Oth June, 
1867. Charles Robert Augustus Bolton, 
bachelor, amd Sarah Jane Nurss. spinster, 
both of Toronto, by me, H. J. Graeett. 

McGoHam to McClear. Toronto.* June 21, 
1867. Thomas McCollam, of Hornby, C. W., 
widower, and Rebecca McOJear, of Toronto, 
widow, by me, Edm. Baldwin, 

Swam/ton to Tove-y. Toronto, 24th June, 
1867. James Swantom,, widower, and Anno 
Tovey, widow, both of Toronto, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Strattan to Irwin. Toronto, 24th June, 
1867. Isaac Smith Strattan, widower, and 
Caroline Irwin, spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Sheppard to Davis. Toronto, 1st July, 
1867. James Shoppard, bachelor, and Mary 
Emily Davis, spinster, both of Niagara, by 
me, H. J. Grasott. 

Latham to Martin. Toronto, 2nd July, 
1867. Joseph Latham, widower, and Eliza 
i Martin, widow, both of Toronto, by me, H. 
! J. Grasett. 

McBride to Dale. Toronto, 2nd July, 



1S67. John McBride, bachelor, and Emily 
Dale, spinster, both of York, by me, H. J. 
Grasett. Ji. D. 

Sinclair to Warrilow. Toronto, 4th July, 
1867. Christopher .Sinclair, of Carl ton, bach 
elor, and Hannah Warrilow, of Etobieoke, 
spinster, by mo, II. J. Grasett. 

Burrows to Hunter. Toronto, 4th July, 
1867. Frederick Burrows, bachelor, and 
Jane Hunter, spinster, both of Brampton, 
by me H. J. Grasett. 

Winfield to Durant. Toronto, 10th Ju!y, 
3867. Thomas Winfield, widower, and 
Emily Durant, spinster, both of Toronto, 
bjr me. H. J. Graaott. 

Burgess to Arcoat. Toronto, 30th July, 
1867. John Burg-ess, widower, and Mary 
Ann Arcoat, spinster, both of Toronto, bv 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

McLean to McLean. Toronto, 6th Auf., 

367 Neil Alexander McLean, bachelor, 
and Hannah Swan McLean, spinster, both 
of Osprey, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
-, oT. e - nny ^ r to Wilson. Toronto, 8th August, 
I ,- T. W , alter Moo <lie Tenny. bachelor, and 
Alice Wilson, spinster, both of Toronto, bv 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Rockwood to Palmer. Toronto, 10th AUP-- 
iifi t, 1867. Cassius Rockwood, bachelor, and 
Margaret Palmer, spinster, both of To 
ronto, by me, J. S. Baker. 

Hamnrerton to Davis. Toronto, loth Aug-- 
net, 1867. Herbort Hammerton, bachelor, 
and Fanny Davis, spinster, both of To 
ronto, by me, S. B. Ardagh, rector of 
Barne, County of Simooe. 

Dillon to Stone. Toronto, 21st August, 
180 <. Edward William Dillon, widower, and 
Jane Stone, widow, both of Toronto, by me 
H. J. Grasett. 

Pettigrew to Allen. Toronto, 3rd Sept., 
38G(. Robert Pettigrew, bachelor, of Es- 
quesing, and Elizabeth Allen, spinster, of 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Tackabury to Watson. Toronto, 7th Sep 
tember, 1867. William Leonard Tackabury, 
bachelor, and Margaret Watson, spinster, 
both of Toronto, by me, Edm. Baldwin, 
urran to Mead. Toronto, llth Sept., 

157. William Bannin<rton Ourran, of Mont 
real, bachelor, and Georgiana Mead, of 
Toronto, spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Wainwrig-ht to Arnold. Toronto, 26th 
Sept., 1867. William Wainwright, bach 
elor, and Rosabelle Hilda Arnold, spinster, 
both of Toronto, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Jackson to Battersby. Toronto, 1st Oct., 
867. George Jackson, bachelor, and Eli 
zabeth Battersby, widow, both of Toronto 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Haggerty to Goodwin. Toronto, 5th Oct., 
1867. John Haggerty, bachelor, and Eliza 
beth Goodwin, spinster, both of Toronto. 
by me, H. J. Grasott. 

Smith to Atcheson. Toronto, 7th Oct., 
1867. Thomas Logan Smith, bachelor, and 
Mary Jane Atcheson, spinster, both of 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Park to McVity. Toronto, 19th Oct., 
867. Ernest Gustaviis Park, of Amherst- 
burg, bachelor, and Caroline Theresa Mc 
Vity, of Oro. spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Moore to Farley. Toronto, 21st October, 
L867. Alexander Moore, bachelor, and 
Ann Farley, spinster, both o f Toronto, by 
me, H. J. Grasott. 

Dunlevie to Oowper. Tbronto, 24th Oct., 
1867. Horace Gerald Dunlevie, of Ottawa, 
bachelor, and Alice Annie Oowper, of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Graaett. 

Nesbitt to Schiller. Toronto, 24th Oct., 
! 1867. Arthur Nesbitt, bachelor, of Gra- 
| hamville, and Eliza Schiller, spinster, of 
| Oboksville, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Mossep to Brown. Toronto, 2nd Nov., 
1867. Jonathan Mossop, widower, an! Ja;ie 
Brown, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Hands to Needle. Toronto, 5th Nov., 
1867. Oharlas- Hands, widower, and Helen 
Neeille. spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

McDonald to Cavena. Toronto, 6th NOT.. 
1867. Alexander McDonald, of Bolton, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Cavena, of Kline- 
burg, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Gardner to Breen. Toronto, 12th Nov.. 
1867. Darid Gardner, bachelor, and Mary 
Ann Breen. spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me. H. J. Grasett. 

Oakley to Jeffers. Toronto, 12th Nov., 
1867. George Oakley, bachelor, and Ann e 
Jeffers. spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Secord to May. Toronto, 20th Nov., 
1867. Horatio Secord, of Owen Sound, 
bachelor, and Rebecca May, of Toronto, 
spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Brown to Johnston. Toronto, 20th Nov., 
1867. Edward Brown, bachelor, and Annie 
Johnston, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Winfi"ld to Trevnill. Toronto, 23rd Dec., 
1867. Henry Winfield, bachelor and Julia 
Hannah Williams Trevaill. spinster, both of 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Willox to Cowan. Toronto, 26th Dec., 

1867. Peter Willox, of Detroit, bachelor, 
and Annie Cowsin, of Toronto, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Booth to Maddaford. Toronto, 1st Jan., 

1868. William Booth, bachelor, and Mary 
Maddaford, spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Rolph to Hill. Toronto, 7th Jan., 1868. 
Frank Roiph, bachelor, and Eliza Hall, 
spinster, both of Toronto, by me. Edm. 

Jacobs to Holloran. Toronto, 28th Jan. 
1868. Angus Jacobs, bachelor, and Mary 
Anne Holleran. widow, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Crawford to Humphries. Toronto, 10th 
Feb., 1868. William Crawford, of Adjala, 
bachelor, and Eleanor Humphries, of To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Howson to May. Toronto, 17th Feb., 
1868. Alfred Hewson, widower, and Har 
riet May. spinster, both of Brantford, by 
me. H. J. Grasett. 

McGlaughlin to Cave. Toronto, 18th 
Feb., 1868. Neal McGlaughlin, bachelor, 
and Maria Cave, spinster, both of Etobi 
eoke, by mo, H. J. Grasett. 

Nicholson to Palmer. Toronto, Feb. 22, 
1868. William. Nicholson, bachelor, find 
Mary Anne Palmer, spinster, both of To 
ronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

McMillan to Hawthorne. Toronto, Feb. 27, 
1868. David Hcowy McMillan, bachelor, and 
Eliza Hawthorn, spinster, both of To 
ronto, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Taylor to Mawhdnney. Toronto, March 4, 
1868. Peter Taylor, bachelor, and Jane 
Mavvhinney, spinster, both of York, by me, 
H. J. Grasott. ( 

Dack to Bolster. Toronto, 25th March, 
1868. Thomas Benjamin Dnck, of Toronto, 
bachelor, and Sarah Ada Bolster, of Cree- 
mo<re, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 



Bcndclari to Worthington. Toronto, April 
2ml, 1&68. Erne,) Bendelari, of New York, 
baciiolw, and Marly Olivia Worthingtooi, of 
Toronto, spinster, by m&, A. J. Broughall. 

Elliott to Oharlton. Toronto, April 8th, 
1868. John Elliott, bachelor, and De&saw 
Mary Cbarlton.,, widow, both of Toronto, by 
m,~H. J. Graaott, B.D. 

McCiUikiy to Jackson. Toronto, April 16, 
1868. Micba-el McCaailay, bachelor, and Su- 
&n.njiah Jackson, spinster, both of To 
ronto, by me, H. J. Grasott. 

Hogerty to Biscoe. Toro-ato, April 16th, 
1868. John Hediry Graeett Hagarty, and 
Sophia Harriott Biscoe, spinster, both of 
Toronto, by mo, H. J. Grasett. 

Steudl to Hillor. Toronto, 26th April, 
1S68. Ben Steudl, bachelor, and Christina 
Hiilsr, pinMer, both of Toronto, by me, 
Edm. Baldwin. 

Watson to Maaonholder. Toronto, May 19, 
1868. Samuel Wataon, bachelor, and Anne 
Masomfcolder, spinster, both of Toronto, by 
ine, H. J. Graeett. 

Gilkinso-n to Smith.. Toronto, May 22nd, 
1868. Thomra James Gilkinson, bachelor, and 
Margaret Smith, spinster, both of To 
ronto, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Hibbsrt to O Bara. Toronto, 9th June, 
1858. Francis Gordon Kibb-rt, of Kingston, 
bachelor, and OomstancJ JcsapMne OTIara, 
of Toronto, spnidter, by me, A. IS". Toronto. 

Gooderham to Lewis. Toronto, Juno lOLh, 
1858. Robert Turner Go-oxJerhiam, bachelor, 
an-d Margaret Lewis, spinster, both of To 
ronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Sleep to Front. Toronto, July 2, 1868. 
William Sleep, of Whitby, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Anne Promt, of Toronto, spinster, 
bv me, H. J. Grasett. 

"Parloy to Home. Toronto, 8th July, 
1868. William Farley, of Mono Mill?, bache 
lor, and Anne Home, of Toronto, widow, by 
xn, H. J. Grasett. 

McDonald to Rogers. Toronto, 8th July, 
1368. Alexander jkcDonald, bachelor, and 
Eliza Roger.*, spinster, both of Toronto, by 
mn, H. J. Graeett. 

Byrne to Swam Toronto, July 10, 1368. 
Alfred Byrne, Lance Sergeant, 13th Regi 
ment of Hussars, now stationed at Toronto, 
bachelor, and Sarah Swan, or Toronto, opin- 
eter, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Westman to Abtftt. Toronto, July 13th, 
1868. Jossiph Westman, the younger, bache 
lor, and Mary Anne Ablitt, spinster, both 
of Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Nixon to Owens. Toronto, 18th July, 
1868. Rob-art Dixon., of Chinguacousy, wid 
ower, and 1 Elizabeth Owens, of Toronto, 
wi< ow, by mo, H. J. Grasett. 

Jsunos to Lundy. Toronto, 18th July, 
1868. Samuel James, bachelor, and Cath 
arine Lundy. spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me. H. J. Grasett. 

Patterson to Percy. Toronto, 18th July, 
1868. John Patterson, widower, and Eliza 
Percy, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Crute to Harrison. Toronto, 21st July, 
1868. Samuel Crute, bachelor, and Jane 
Elizabeth Harri- on. spinster, both of To 
ronto, by me, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Crowe to McLear. Toronto, 24th Ju y, 
1868. Edward Crowe, bachelor, and Mar- 
ifaret McLear, spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Murray to Marshall. Toronto, 1st Aug., 
1868. George Murray, bachelor, and El zu 

Marshall, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Higginson to Stephens. Toronto, 7th 
Aug., 1868. William Higginson, widower, 
ana Mary Stephens, widow, both of To 
ronto, by mo, H. J. Grasett, B.D. 

Thompson to McKay. Toronto 10th Aug., 
1868. Tho-mas Tloii/pson, bachelor, and 
Jcs.sie McKay, spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Dicks to Boulton. Toronto, llth Aug., 
1868. George Dicks, bachelor, and Ellen 
P.oulton. spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasott. 

Draper to Peacock. Toronto, 17th Au*., 
1868. Henry Draper, bachelor, and Kate 
Peacock, spinster, both of Toronto, bv me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Learmouth to Thomas. Toronto 20th 
Aug., 1868. John Learmouth, bachelor, and 
Susan Thomas, spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Morrison to Coulter. Toronto, 26th Aug.. 
1868. Robert Morrison, bachelor, and 
Mary Coulter, spinster, both of Toronto 
Gore, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Chattorton to Colbert. Toronto, 1st 
Sept.. 3868. Jacob Chatterton, bachelor, 
and Isabella Colbert, spinster, both of New 
York by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Widgery to McBride. Toronto, 14th Oct.. 
1868. Frederick John Wi Igery, bachelor, 
and Johanna McBride. widow. both of 
Montreal, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Ovens to Kennedy. Toronto, 15th Oct., 
1868. John Ovens, bachelor, and Elizabeth 
Kenne !y, spinster, both of Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grass tt. 

Crosby to Robertson. Toronto, 2?th Oct.. 
1868. George Crosby, bachelor, and Sarah 
1 Rob nson, widow, both of Vaughan, bv me, 
I H. J. Grasett. 

Lowrie to Keena. Toronto, 27th Oct., 
1868. John Lowrie, bachelor, and Eliza- 
bath Keena. spinster, both of Toronto, by 
me H. J. Grasett. 

Wallace to Summers. Toronto, 31st Oct., 
1803. Robert Wallace, bachelor, and Brid 
get Summers, spinster, both of Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Telford to Lockhart. Toronto, 9th Nov., 
18f8. John Telford. bachelor, and Jane 
Lortkhart, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

l>own to McLauyhlin. Toronto, llth Nov., 
3868. Charles Brown, bachelor, an-1 Rosv 
McLaughlin, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Bull to Kingsrnill. Toronto, 18th Nov., 
1868. Bartholomew Bull. York, bicl-.el-ir, 
an 1 Mary Amelia Kingsinill, Toronto, spin 
ster, by me, Edra. Baldwin. 

Petho br dge to Rapson. Toronto. 23rd 
Nov., 1866. William Pethybri }ge, bachelor 
and Margaret Rupson. spinster, Searboro 
by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Leonard to Fish. Toronto. 10th Dec., 
1868. Abraham Leonard, bachelor, and 
Marv Anne Fish, spinster, Markham, bv me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Evans to Leonard. Toronto, 17th Deo., 
1868. James Evans, bachelor, an-1 MMPV 
Leonard, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Parr to Johnston. Toronto, 22nd Dec.. 
1868. John Parr, bachelor, and Martha 
Emeline Johnston, spinster, Toronto, by me, 
Edm. Baldwin. 

Williamson to Lennox. Toronto. 25th 
Dec., 1868. Robert Williamson, bachelor, 



and Mary Jane Lennox, spinster, Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Wadsworth to Sullivan. Toronto, 28th 
Dec., 1868. Thomas Pag-e Wadsworth, Eto- 
b coke, bachelor, and Annie Geraldine Sul- ; 
livan, Toronto, spinster, by me, Edm. Bald 

Clayton to Steward. Toronto, 29th Dec., 
1868. Charles Clayton, Lambton, bachelor, 
and Mary Steward, Etobicoke, spinster, by 
mo. H. J. Grasett. 

Stratford to Harris. Toronto, 

Mary Pearcy, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Pridg-en to Hewitt. Toronto, 24th March, 
1869. Thomas Pridfj-en, bache or, an 1 Eliza 
beth Hewitt, spinster, York, bv me, H. J. 

ioPo ead y to Bonner. Toronto, 29th March, 

869. Martin Deady, widower, and Marv 

Bonner, spinster, Guelph, by me, H. J. Gra- 

sot t . 

Hussars, Toronto, bachelor, and Margaret 
> spinster > b - v me A 

Northey to Gzowski. Toronto, 21st Jan., 
Francis Vernon Northey, Captain 
50th Rejrt., bachelor, and Charlotte Belin 
da, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Blain to Harrington. Toronto, 27th Jan., 
David Blain, bachelor, and Eliza 
Harrington, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Macfadden to Moffatt. Toronto, 28th 
Jan.. 1869. Robert Macfadden, Saug-een, 
widower, and Anne Jane Moffatt, Toronto 
sp nster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Downes to Doyle. Toronto, 4th Feb., 

.869. William Downes. bachelor, and Chris- 

*ma Doyle, spinster, Toronto, by me, H 

Robinson to Mitchell. Toronto, llth Feb. 
l?it 9 ? r ? (1 ,, Edwin Robinson, bachelor, and 
H J CJra s t Spinster Toronto, by me, 

,oln wry r to Ora <5 w eli. Toronto, 16th Feb., 
1B59. John Patterson Lowry, bachelor, and 
Mary Anne Gradwell, spinster, Toronto, bv 
mo. H. J. Grasett. 

io?n mpl>e11 to Ethier - Toronto. 17th Feb. 
* A e , xanr er Vas Campbell, bachelor, 
and Matilda Josephine Ethier, spinster To 
ronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 


j Grasett. 

,o?,? iley * to H S- an - Toronto, 24th April, 
| 1869. Samuel Bailey, bachelor, and Johan- 
: na Ho^an, spinster, Toronto, bv me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Teasdale to Porter. Toronto, 28th April, 
Thomas Teasdale, Chinguacousv, 
bachelor, and Anne Jane Porter, Toronto 
Gore, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

fcandham to Gzowski. Toronto 29th 

April. 1869. Robert Sandham, Captain 

Royal Artillery, bachelor, and Maria Askin 

Gzowski, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

, Grasett. 

, R! ind 2, s to owan. Toronto, 13th Mav, 
1869. Edward Dundas, bachelor, and Sarah 

| Cowan^ spinster, Toronto, by me, II. J. 

j Grasett. 

! j In s - v? Clements. Toronto,. 29th May, 
1869. -R ightman Spinks, bachelor, and Emma 
i Cl-ments, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Rous-3 to WaTsTi. Toronto. 29th Mny, 1869 
Joseph HOTXTV Rouse, bachelor, and Marv 
Jane Walsh, spineter, Toronto, bv me, H 
J. Grasett. 

i5o ake ? i, to ^^inson- Toronto, 9th June, 
1869. Johm Baker, bachelor, and Sarah 
Maria Atkinson, spinster, Toronto, bv me, 
Edm. Baldwin,. 

aS^^iTu* M T e0utcheo n " Toronto. June 14, 
869. T\ilham Henry Gourley. bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Oitheri-ie McCutcheon, spinster, 
._ by ^^ H j Grasett. 


EMm. Baldwin. y me I H( : nr - v Ml1 " bacb?Jtw. and Emily Mitchell, 

Newborn to Copeland. Toronto 24th Feb | s PI n . st . er - Tor o n to, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
1869. Richard Robinson N -borS E?obl- h^" t, nberg ^ Wrf S^.- Toronto, June 8. 
coke, bachelor, and Susan Cone] nd TnrnT, t 86 ?. , Sajnuel Henry Lindenber^, Toronto, 
to township, spinster ^ me. ^ J. " ** Richmond 

lor and 

Leslievllle, bache- 1869. George Lee Gave, st Andrews, 

Etobicoke, spinster, 

beth 1M 
J. Grasett." 


to Christie. 

Sy - dnfiy Smlth 

, . 18e8 . 
n d Eliza Oakley; 

, * "**J J_TJIV iit>x_/il f <l-i i(l JLJJJli/Cl Vtlli. 

by me, H. spinster. Toronto, by jne, Edm. Baldwin. 

White to Goran,. "Toronto, Antr- 4, 1869 

int *i . *nri :j. s** __ T+ -r* - ^ - 


March, i 

a? Pparcy. Toronto, 23rd March. 
Stephen Houghton, bachelor, and 

to Lennox. Toronto. Aug-. 13, 1869. 
William Joniee bachelor, ani Mary Lfvnnox^ 
spinster, Toronto, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 



Brown to Hughes. Toronto, Sept. 6. 1869. 
Leslie Brown, bachelor, and Jane Hughes, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, A. G. L>. irpvv. 

Robinson to Ellison. Toronto, Sept. 15 

1868. William Robinson, widower, and "san 
Ellison, spinster, Toronto, by me, &dm. 

Baldwin. a-nt- on 

Pickering to Carson. Toronto, Sept. 20, 

1869. John Pickering, bachelor, and Mar 
garet Carson, spinster, Toronto, by me, 
Edm. Baldwin. 

Palmer to Draycott. Toronto, Sept. Si, 
1869. Thomas Palmer, widower, and Ma 
tilda Draycott, widow, Toronto, by me, 
Edm. Baldwin. 

Messiter to Bayard. Toronto, bept. &J, 
1859 Charte* Alston Messiter, Barwick, 
Somerset Em*., bachelor, and Lucy Ash- 
ton Bayard, Philadelphia, U. S., spinster, 
bv me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Bromley to Armstrong. Toronto Sept. 30, 
1869. James Bromley, Whitby, bachelor, and 
Sarah Armstrong, Toronto, spinster, by me, 
Edm. Baldwin. 

Dennison to Graham. Toronto, Oct. Ath, 
1869. Joseph Hartley Dennison, bachelor, 
and Florence Alice Graham, spinster, To 
ronto, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Tingle to Gardhouse. Toronto, Oct. 4th, 
185S. John Tingle, bachelor, and Mary Jane 
Gardhouse, spinster, Toronto, by me, H,dm. 

Buchanan to Armstrong. Toronto, Oct. 
14 1869 Ogla Robert Buchanan, bachelor, 
and Sarah Armstrong, spinster, Toronto, by 
me, E<lm. Baldwin. 

Hudson to Howard. Toronto, Oct. 21st, 
1869 Thomas Hudson, bachelor, and Sarah 
Anne Howard, spinster, Eto-bicoke, by me, 
Edm. Baldwin. 

Brown to Hunter. Toronto, 27th Oct.. 
1869. Andrew G. Brown, Whitchurch. 
bachelor, and Helen Hunter, Toronto, spin 
ster, by me, Edin. Baldwin. 

Dibbs to Madox. Toronto, 28th Oct., 1869. 
Joseph Dibbs, widower, and Caroline Mary 
Anne Madox, spinster, Toronto, by me, 
Edm. Baldwins 

Benson to Ankatall. Toronto, 5th Nov., 
1869. William Benson, bachelor, and Ann 
Ankatall, spinster, Toronto, by me, Edm. 

Bradford to Bronte. Toronto, 17th Nov., 
1869. John Bradford, bachelor, and Jane 
Bronte, spinster, Toronto, by me, Edin. 

Orris to Craig. Toronto, 29th Nov., 1869. 
Frederick Orris, bachelor, and Margaret 
Craig, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J- Gra 

Ault to Edwards. Toronto, 2nd Dec., 1869. 
John Ault, widower, and Maria Edwards, 
widow, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Cottrell to Clarke. Toronto, 3rd Dec., 
1869. Mkbael Cottrell, bachelor, and 
Prances Ckirke, Toronto, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Mathicson to Alderdice. Toronto, Dec. 9, 
1869. James Graham Mathieson, widower, 
and Jane Emily crammings Alderdice, To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Johnston to Maxr. Toronto, 23rd Dec., 
1869. David Johnston, Toronto, bachelor, 
and Edna Marr, Markham, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Porter to Glass. Toronto, Jan. 1st, 1870. 
Edward Porter, bachelor, and Ellen Clara 
Glass, TjOironto, widow, b-v me H. J. Gra- 

Pollard to Salter. Toronto, 10th Jan., 
1 870. Henry Pollard, bachelor, and Ohar- 
)otto Salter, Toronto, spinster, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Tress to Sheen. Toronto, 27th Jan., 1B7U. 
Robert Beale Tress, bachelor, and Elizabeth 
Rosina Sheen, Toronto, spinster, by me. H. 
J. Grasett. 

James to Kellow. Toronto, 27th Jan.,. 
1870. Henry James, widower, and Elizabeth 
Kellow, widow, Oshawa, by me, H. J. Gra 

Co llis to Bartlett. Toronto, 8th Feb., 
1870. Thomas Collis, bachelor, and Eliza 
beth Bartlett, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Browne to Calverley. Toronto, 10th Feb., 
1870. Alexan-ler Montgomery Browne, 
bachelor, and Caroline Calverley, spinster, 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Key to Rattle. Toronto, 17th Feb., 1870. 
Henry Key, widower, and Maria Rattle, 
widow, Scarborough, by me, II. J. Grasett. 

Hicks to Warren. Toronto, 19th Feb., 
1870. George Lyell Hicks, bachelor, and 
Lizzie Warren, spinster, ^oronto, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Bartrfp to Haynes. Toronto, 24th Feb., 
1870. (Jeorg-o llartrip, bachelor, and Mary 
Anne Haynes, spinster, Toronto, by me, H, 
J. Grasett. 

Gonnin to Gardner. Toronto, 3rd Mar., 
1870. Matthew Gonniii, bachelor, and Mar 
garet Gardner, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Jackson to Mcllmurray. Toronto, 5th 
Mar.. 1870. Thompson Jackson, bachelor, 
and Margaret Gilmore Mcllmurray, spinster, 
Scarborough, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Bentley to Ferguson. Toronto, 5th Mar.. 
1870. George Bentley, bachelor, and Eliza 
Ferguson, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Burk to Dir. Toronto 10th Mar., 1870. 
David Samuel Burk and Martha Anne Dix, 
spinster, Searborooigh, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Frost to Lynch. Toronto, 10th Mar.. 1870. 
George James Fros3, and. Isabella Lynch, 
spinster, Toronto, bv me, H. J. Grasett. 

Grady to Arthurs. Toronto, 21th Mar., 
1870. Joseph Levier Grady, bachelor, and 
Margaret Arthurs, spinster, Toronto, by me, 
IT. J. Grasett. 

Brown to Kent. Toronto, Ap. 7, 1870. 
Josaph Brown, bachelor, and Mary Kent, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Abbitt to Clarke. Toronto, Ap. 13, 1870. 
Francis Abbitt, Toronto, bachelor, and 
Francos Cl rko. Georgetown, spinster, by 
me, H. J". Graestt. 

Neeloy to Hastings. Toronto, Ap. 14, 1870. 
Thomas iVeeley, bachelor, and Maria Has 
tings spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Williamson to Willi ime n. Toronto, Ap. 25, 
1870. Thomas Williamson, bachelor, and Anno 
Williamson, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Allen to McOIeary. Toronto, May 3, 1870. 
Ma^kelyne Allon, bachelor, and Anne Jane- 
McOlpary, spinster, Toronto, by me, Edm. 

Hat ley to Beerllng. Toronto, May 4, 1870. 
James Jethro Hat ley, Orillia, bachelor, and 
Eliza Beerling, spinster, Toronto, by me,. 
H. J. .Grasett. 

Menery to Gleaaon. Toronto, May 17th, 
1870. William Menery, bachelor, and Anne 
Gleason, spinster, Toronto, by me, H, J.. 
Grasett. , ) 



Patterson to Herring. Toronto, May 23, 
1870. John Pattrrs >n Bradford, bachelor, 
and Annie Jano Harding, Toronto, spinster, 
by mp, Edin. Baldwin. 

Bell to Haborstock. Toronto, May 23rd, 
1870. Robert Bel], bachelor, and Barbara 
Haberstock, spinster, Toronto, by me, II. 
J. Grasett. 

MacMutm to Routlodgc. Toronto May 24 
1870. Charles MacMunn, Weston, bachelor, 
and Margaret Routledg-o, Oak Ridges, epin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasott. 

Sim3 to Sadlar. Toroaito, May 27, 1870 
Joseph Sime, bachelor, and Mary Sadler 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Pharo to Beale. Toronto, Juno 4, 1870 
George Pharo, Gait, bachelor, and Emma 
Beale, Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 

,oi^ ss11 to McCHnchey. Toronto, June 10, 
1870. James McDavid Rossell, Woodbridge, 
bachelor, and Marv McClinchev, Woodbridge 
spinster, by ma, H. J. Grasett. 

Kelley to Kearney. Toronto, June 14, 1870 
Charles Kelley, bachelor, ajid Christina 
K&nney, spinster, Toronto, bv me, H J 

Johnson to Van Allan. Toronto, June 14, 
1870. \\ ilham Johnson, Bondhead, bachelor, 
and E:izabeth Van Allan, Bradford, widow 
by mo, H. J. Grasett. 

oi 81 ! 1 ? 6 1 - 1 , 1 ,? to Bu n nan. Toronto, June 
70. (Wilham Summerville, bachelor, and 
Isabella Buchanan, spinster, Newmarket, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Smedley to Sale. Toronto, June 30, 1870 
Joseph Smedtey, bachelor, and Eliza Sa e 
epinuter, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

ln berts(M1 to Parr - Toronto, June 30th. 
18/0. Neil Robertson, bachelor, and Marv 
Parr, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra~- 

Smart to Sears. Toronto, July 6, 1870. 
William Francis Purdy Smart, Godonch, 
bachelor, and M*ry Belle Sears, Toronto 
spinster, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

-R t ? raito *S. Grci S- Toronto, July 12, 
i870. Thomas Douthwaite, bachelor, and 
Anne Greig, spinster, Richmond Hill, bv 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

is t0 ^ewart. Toronto, July 12th. 
1870. Thorns Brown,, Sheffield. Ont., bache 
lor, and Margaret Jane Stewart, Hillier, 

spinster, by ni-e, H. J. Grasott. 

iQ a mu to Cockerltae. Toronto, Julv 15th, 

1870 Thomas Head, Pickering, bachelor, and ! 

^nwly Oockorliiie, York, spinster, by me, j 

,J5f at 1 . on to Hunter. Toronto, July 16th. 
;/,? A,r rt j? Hoaton, Montreal. bachelor, 
and Mary Emily Huntor, New-market, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Booth to Baldwin. Toronto, Aug. 13, 3870. i 
Thomas Booth, .bachelor, and Margaret Jane I 
Baldwin. Spln6ter> Toron to. by me, Edm. j 
iR7n a ^ir to Stuh TOfln- Toronto, 22nd Aug 
TwV, |., : o v -n 111 , ^fcgy Shaw , bachelor, and 
S IdTSffifa. fetuhlman "Pter. To. 

?5th Aug., 

and E;iz-ib3th Roderick, spinster, Toronto, 
by m.3, H. J. Grasett. 

Leo to Bradley. Toronto, Sept. 8, 1870. 
Ralph Lee, baohelor, and Mary Anne Brad- 
ey, spinster, Toronto, by me. H. J. Grasett. 

Oox to Marsh. Toronto, Sept. 10, 1870. 
ripiinry Cox, bachelor, and Sarah Marsh, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

>ixK>n to Gregg. Toronto, Sept. 17, 1870 
John Henry Dixon, bachelor, and Jean 
Gregg, spinster, Toronto, bv me, H. J. Gra 

i JSf an T to ,? to J " onns o n - Toronto, Sept. 21st. 
lo/y. John Heanton, bachelor, and Annie 
b-eflna Johnson, spinster, Toronto, br me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Gpforth to Brumel. Toronto, Sept. 22nd, 
1870. Alexander Gofortii, Fergus, bachelor, 
and Helena Brunei, Toronto, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Grasott. 

, ostovor to Ford - Toronto, Sept. 23rd. 
1870. John Westover, bachelor, and Har 
riet Ann Ford, spinster, Port Burwell, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Neville to Stubbs. Toronto, Sept. 29th, 
1870. Edmund Neville, Hamilton, widower, 
and Elizabeth Stubbs, Toronto, epinster, by 
me, H. \T. Grasett. 

Clarabut to Cohooi. Toronto, Sept. 29th, 
1870. Dauiiel Clarabut, bachelor, and Cath- 
lerine Mary Cohen, spinster, Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Bailey to Gunrdtouse, Toronto, 4th Oct., 
1870. Thomas Bailey, bachelor, und Annie 
Guardhouse, spinster, ptobiooke, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Cousins to Maude- Toronto, Oct. 4, 1870. 
William Oousi na, bachelor, and Margaret 
Maude, spinster, Essa, bv me, H. J. Gra 

R-ead to Homeyfield. Toronto, 6th Oct., 
1870. William Light Re^d, Bayden, bache 
lor, and Emily Honeyfield, epinster, To 
ronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Grainger to Crosson. Toronto, 6th Oct. 
1870 William Mason Grainger, bachelor, 
and barah Anne Crosson, spinster, Vuu-han 
b.v me, H. J. Grasett. 

Whitesides to Reading. Toronto, 6th 
Oct.. 1870, William Whitesides, Brock, wid 
ower, and Louisa Reading, Toronto, widow, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Allen to Mead. Toronto, 10th Oct., 1870. 
Joseph Blain Allen, Malton, bachelor, and 
Anne Jane Mead, Toronto, spinster, by me, 
ti. J. Grasett. 

,oy ersfield to Morris. Toronto, 15th Oct., 
170. Thomas Eversfield, bachelor, ami 
Mary Morris, spinster, Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

dg3 to Dowzard. Toronto, 22nd Oct. 
l>avid Aldridge, bachelor, and Mary 
, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 


- Br o me - Toronto, Sept. 3, 1870. 
WI %* m * Bu *U n - bachelor, and Sophia 
6plnster> Toronto, by me. H J. 

1870 hn tOI \, to TT R o*rick. Toronto, Sept. 8, 
1870. Hugh Hamilton Johustan, bachelor, 

to Farre11 - Toronto, 24th Oct., 

rancis Forsyth, bachelor, and Eliz- 

v T S arr U. Minster, Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

m5ft ttle iirm? Bader - Toronto, 31st Oct.. 
r,i AT llh T am Little - Mulmur, bachelor, 
and Mary Bader, Toronto, widow, by m, 
H. J. Grasetr. 

ifi^n aW T PhiJ T M P s - Toronto, 16th Nov.. 
1870 James Law, bachelor, and Margaret 
Phillips, spinster, Toronto, by me, H J. 

iflvn 11 w-,v raham " Toronto, 22nd Nov., 
1870 William Hill bachelor, and Isabella 
Graham, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 



King to Birchall. Toronto, 24th Nov. 
1870. Frank King. Colborne, bachelor, an<1 
Mary Louisa W. Birchall, Toronto, spinster. 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hops to Foster. Toronto, 29th Nov. 
1870. Robert Hope, bachelor, an 1 Mary 
Anns Foster, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Bell to Wilson. Toronto, 1st Dec., 1870. 
John Charlos Bell, bachelor, find Jessie 
Eleanor Wilson, spinster, Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Black to L3four. Toronto, 1st Dec., 1870. 
Oolin Ni.iol Bl.ick, Toronto, bachelor, and 
Catherine Lefour, Memphis, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Graham to Richardson. Toronto, 7th 
Dec.. 1870. George Graham, bachelor, an 1 
Sarah Richanlson, spinster, Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Hardy to DaVs. Toronto, 9th Doc.. 
1870. William Harcly, bachelor, and Anne 
Davis, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Konnely to Cornish. Toronto, 27th Dec., 
1870. Edward Kennedy, vidower, and 
Martha Cornish, widow, Toronto, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Stewart to Kingston, Toronto. 31st Deo.. 
1870. William Temple Stewart, bachelor, 
and .Sarah King-ston, spinster, Toronto, by 
me. H. J. Grasett. 

King-ston to Beamish. llth Jan., 1871. 
John Kingston, bachelor, and Ellen Beam 
ish, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Neilly to Wilson. 1st Feb., 1871. Samuel 
Neilly, bachelor, and Alice Amelia Wilson, 
spinster, of Gilford, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Kightley to Kightley. 2nd Feb., 1871. 
George Kig-htley, bachelor, and Esther 
Kightlay, spinster, of York, by me, H. J. 

Holley to S mpson. 8th Feb., 1871. Tho?. 
HoIIey. bachelor, and Helen S mpson, spin 
ster, Weston, by me. H. J. Grasett. 

Thompson to Mosirnan. March 2nd, 1871. 
William Thompson, bachelor, and Clara 
El>zab3th Mosiman, spinster, Toronto, bv 
me. H. J. Grasett. 

Parry to Heley. 13th March, 1871. Ed 
ward Colston Parry, bachelor, and Helen 
Holey, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra- 


Long-rill to Campbell. March 15th. 1871. 
Richard Long-rill bachelor, and Valeria 
Campbell, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Pantlin to MacFnrlane. 18th Mar., 1871. 
Henry Pantlin. bachelor, and Margaret 
MacFarlane, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

To<M to La Favour. Mar. 21st, 1871. 
Joseph Hodgson Todd, bachelor, and Emma 
kustaehia La Favour, spinster, Toronto, bv 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Lennox to Mayill. 29th March, 1871. Wil 
liam Crooks Lennox York, bachelor. an 1 
Anne Augusta Mnylll, Toronto, spinster, by 
me. H. J. Grasett. 

Ron<TaI! to Brog-din. Mar. 30th, 1871. Ar 
thur William Rondall, bachelor, and Elizi 
Bro2-r ; ; n , v j,i OW) Toronto. bv m~, IT. J. 

Jacfewn to Bur*. Ap. 7th, 1871. Georee 
Jackson., widower, and Anne Burk, widow, 
Toronto by m .., H. J. Grasett. 

Magffett to Rose. Ap. 8th. 1871. Henry 
Mag-n-ett, bachelor, rind Brittanlev Rose. 
spinster, Etoblcoko, J[>y me, H. J. Grasett. 

Bluff to Johnston. Ap. 10th, 1871. George 
Bluti. bachelor, an,d E izabeth Johnston. 
spinster, Torontoi, by mo, H. J. Grasett. 

Pattern to DOJVI. Ap. llth, 1871. Joseph 
Patton, bachelor, and Mary Anne Doylo, 
.spinster, Thornhl. I, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Westlake to Jordan, Ap. 25th, 1871. 
Thomas Wcsll- ko, bachelor, and Sarah Jor 
dan, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gras^tt. 

Jones to Jones. Ap. 26, 1871. Wi.liam 
Henry Jones, bachelor, and Mary Jones, 
spinster, Gravenhurst, by nvs, H- J- Grnsett. 

Walton to Maude. Ap. 25, 1871. Robert 
Walton, bachelor, tuid Alice Elizabeth 
Maude, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Hassett to Sherwood. May 17, 1871. Wil 
liam Henry Hasaett, Woodbridge. bachelor. 
fnd Mary" Elizabeth Sherwood, Rochester. 
U. S., spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Wilson to Tane. May 23. 1871. William 
Wilson, bachelor, and Rosa Tane, spinster, 
Markham., by mo, H. J. Grasett. 

Robinson to Freel. May 23, 1871. Wesley 
Robtnaon, bachelor, und Elizabeth Arvilla 
Freel, spinster, Markham, by me, H. J. 

Patterson to Williams. May 23, 
Thomas Patterso.!!, bachelor, and Jane Wll- 
li-ims, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra 

Boak to BehnnHI. Mfty 24, 1871. Sam 
uel Bonk, Cooksvilie, bachelor, n-nd Anne 
B-eharriell, Dixis, widow, by me, H. J. Gra- 

Wilsoji to Calvorksy. May 24, 1871. David 
Wilson, bach-olor, and Hannah CiKerley. 
spinster, Toronto, b.v me. H. J. Grasett. 

Hutchinson to Black. May 24th, 1871. 
Thomas Hutchinson, bachelor, and Mary 
Anno Black, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Short to Jiidee. May 23, 1871. William 
Shorl, Pe-el, widower, and Mary Anne Judge. 
Cal- don, ppinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Fisher to Jlusseli. May 30, 1871. Baptist 
Noel Fisher, bachelor, and Emma Russell. 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Boyd to Mills. Jura? 5, 1871. John Boyd, 
bachelor, and Sarah Mills, spinster, To 
ronto, by mo, H. J. Gnu-re tt. 

Thompson to Wi llamson. June 13th, 1871. 
Andrew Thompson, Bradford, bachelor, and 
Mary Jane \Villir.nnun, Toronto, epinsier, 
by me, Edm. BaUhviiL. 

Munshaw to Kotidy. June 21, 1871. David 
Suttoii Mun.ib.v\v, iKa-helor, and Mary Anno 
Roddy, widow, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra 

Welsh to Evans. June 22, 1871. Robert 
Welsh, widower, and Eliza Evans, spins. or. 
Tor o n>t o, by me, Ed in. Baldwin. 

Mclntosh to Forbes. 30th June, 1S71. 
Allan Mclntosh. bachelor, :\nd Mary Ann 
Forbes, spinster, Toronto, by mo, H. J. 

Williams to McGrath. 1st July, 1871. 
Charles Williams, Oakville, braholor. an ! 
Isab -Ha McGrath, Toronto, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett.. 

Morrison to Green. 4th July, 1871. Jos. 
Morrison, bachelor, and Charlotte Sophia 
Gr-en. spinster, by me, Edrn. Baldwin. 

Cook to Hicko. 5th July, 1871. Samuel 
A inms O(;ok, bachelor, an 1 Jane H cke, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Ferris to 1 aton. lllh July. 1871. John 
Forris, \vi owe?-, and Eliza Paton, spinster, 
by mo, Eom. r,al>iwin. 

Sinclair to Moore. 9th Aujr., 1871. Wil- 


liam Augustine Siiiclair, bachelor, and Ade- Ellison to Murray. Oct. 13, 1871. Eph- 
laide Moore, spinster, Pickering, by me, H. raim Ellison, b iclielbr, and Sarah Ann Mur- 
J. Grasett. : ray, spinster, Toronto, by mi3, H. J. Gra- 

Moore to Bartram. 18th Aug., 1871. sett. 

Thomas Moore, bachelor, and Margaret Musson to Noverre. Oct. 18, 1871. Charles 
Bartram, widow, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra- So we 11 Mu.son, bachelor, a-nd Louisa Robin- 
sett. son, Noverre, Bpinster, Toronto, by me, H. 

"Walker to Fitzgerald. 22iid Aug-., 1871. J. Grasett. 

Georg-e John Lumsdino Walker. bachelor, Marshal to Doorley. Nov. 2, 1871. Wil- 
and Mary Fitzgerald, spinster, Toronto, by Mam Marshal, bachelor, and Mary Doorley, 
mo . J. Grasett. spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Smith to Brophey. 26th Aug., 1871. Henry Graham to Morrison. Nov. 6, 1871. James 
Smith, bachelor, and Mary Brophey, spin- Graham, King, bachelor, and Sarah Morri- 
ster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. < son. EtoMookd, widow, jy me, H. J. Gra- 

Bywater to Kerr. 31st Aug., 1871. Joe sett. 

By water, bachelor, and Mary Jane Kerr Craig to Delmage. Nov. 7, 1871. Joseph 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. Craig. Hamilton, bachelor, and Sarah De - 

Brldle to Marshall. 2nd Sept., 1871. Sam- lu " -? Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra- 
ucd Bridle King, bachelor, and Ruth Mar- eett. 
shall. York, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra sett. Elder to Roy. Nov. 7, 1871. Robert El- 

Wilson to Coulter. 5th Sept., 1871. Chris- : dor, bachelor, a-nd Jessie Roy, spinster, To- 
topher Wilson, bachelor, and Margaret Jane ronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
Coulter, spinster, Toronto, by me H. J. I Gillman to Kingston. Nov. 14, 1871. Wil- 
Grasett. i liam Franci? Groomb k!g Gi I .nan, bache- 

Burt to Watson. 9th Sept.. 1871. Philip lor> alLl J aj ie Ann Kingston, Bpinster, To- 
Bart, bachelor, and Margaret Watson spin- ronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
ster. Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. Nordheimer to Boulton. Nov. 38!h, 873. 

Hopcraft to Complin. 9th Spt.. 1871 Samuel Nordheimer, bachelor, a<uJ EdiJi 
John Sh .ilffe Hopcraft, York, bachelor, and I-ouisa Boultoiu, spinster, Toronto, by me, 
filiza Miriarn C,^nt,Un, Toronto, spinster bv n - J - Grasett. 
me, H. J. Gra,sett. Knight to Barrett. Nov. 20, 1871. Da- id 

Delanej to Henderson, llth Sept 1871 Knight, bachc-lor, and Mary Barrett, sai~- 
Jam^s Delaney bachelor, and Sarah" Ann" ster> Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
fenderson, spinster, Toronto, by me H J Mills * Graham. Nov. 21, 1871. Charles 

Mills, widower, and Frances Graiiam, spin- 

CHueokJey to Gardner. S^pt. 19. 3871 Mark stor Albion, by aue, H. J. Graeott. 
Oheokley. bachelor, anri Mary Gardner Good to Harc 

, Gardner Good to Harcourt. Nov. 23, 1871. S^pti- 

Wf ow, Toronto. j> ; - m -, Edm. Baldwin. IT1U3 Good, Artomerla, bicholir, and Eli a- 

K3 W8to n to Hirolic iff.?, Sept. Oh, 1871 i beth Anne Harcourt, Toronto, spinster, I)..- 
Rob?rt H.?ws f on., bachelor, n.rn! Marv EQz&I lm Ellm - Baldwin. 

beth Hanchcliffe, spinster, Toronto, bv me Mumford to Vans. Nov. 25, 1871. James 
H. J. Girasett. ; Mumford, widower, a,nd Emi v >"ar,s, epi:,- 

Ca lender to Walton. Sept. 9i, 1871 Rob- 6tt r To^ oato, by me, H. J. Graaott. 
ert Oal?inKli3r, bachelor, a.nd Elizabeth Wai. ; Dan.dy to Farrell. Nov. 27, 1871. Sanrucl 
tom, spinster, Scarboro , by me, Edm Bald Dandy, bachcl ir, and Sarrh Fa r *11, t piu_ 
win " ; ster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Houghlon to Hig-pins. Sept. 22nd, 1871. Howell to Head. Nov. 29, 18/1. U illi -m 
Charles Houghtoa, bachelor, a-nd Eliza Hie J ame . s Howell, New York, bachelor, and 
gins, spinster, Toronto, by me, H J Gra Harriet Head, Pickering, spinster, b / me, 
tt. H. J. Grasett. 

Smith to Pears on.. Oct. 2, 1871. Richard Morgan to Kerr. Dec. 21, 1871. Benjamin 
Smith, widower, fwid Emily Pearson spin- Morgan, bachelor, and Marv Ann Kerr, 
ster, Toronto, by nie, H* j! Grasett vMow, Toronto, by ane, H. J. Grasott. 

Kingston,? to Griisett. Oct. 3. 1871. Fred- Blakeley to Shoad. Dec. 26, 1871. Wi - 
enck William Kin,gstone, bachelor, and Plen- i |; n Bl,k"ley, oachelor, and Sarah Shrad, 
netta Genrg-inn Grasett, spinster, Toronto spinster, Scarboro , by me, H. J. Graseit. 
by me, Edm. Baldwin. Boothby to Penhall. Dec. 27, 1871. Bcn- 

f^lUagham to Ivoliick. Oct. 5, 1871 James ? amin Boothby, bachelor, and Sar.ih Pen- 
Belh ngham, widower, and Christina Kel- nall< 8I*B*ter, Pickering, by me, H. J. Gra- 
iok. spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra- : sett - 

Gramtham to Myles. Jan. 2, 1872. Charles 

U taan to Hedges. Oct. 6, 1871. Charles Henry Grant ham, bachelor, and Sarah E ve 

in. bachelor, and Elizabeth Hedges, lecn M.vl-s, Toronto, by me, R, Shanklin. 

Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. Brown to Webb. Jan. 2, 1872. William 

B ennan to Burke. Oct. 10, 1871. Richard Brown, bachelor, and Rachel Webb, epin- 

Brennan, bachelor, and Oitharine ster, Markham, by me. H. J. Grasett. 
JJwye.r Mirke, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. Switzer to Qtiinn. Jan. 3, 1872. Tobias 

On~ wliz : r - bachelor, and Ros? Qui-ui, spinster, 

--- "" - ; ^t- *i ion. oamiLei , seer, Ma,ritamai, oy me, a.. <]. uraseit. 

3Uomb, bachelor, and Jane Stewart, spin- Kennedy to Smith. Jan. 22, 1872. Francis 
ter. Toronto, by me, Edm. Baldwin. j Kennedy, widower, and Catharine Smith. 

Bowser to Hearns. Oct. 12, 3871. Matthew widow, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

er, bachelor, and Fanny Maria Hearns, Jones to McAllister, Jan. 27, 1872. John 
? .- f er ., Toro nto< by (me> H - J - Grasett. Jones, bachelor, and Margaret McAllister. 

Oliiiord to Lowry. Oct. 13, 1871. Patrick spinster, Toronto, by mis, H. J. Grasett. 

rd, bachelor, and Eliza Jane Lowry, Russell to Grant. Ja.ii. 31. 1872. James 
spinster, Bradford, by me, H. J. Grasett. : Thomas Russell, bachelor, and Ann Jaii 



Grant, spinster, Etobicoke, by me, H. J. 

Morrison to Webb. Feb. 5, 1872. Hugh 
Morrison, bachelor, and Anne Webb, spin 
ster. Toronto Gore, toy me, H. J. Grasett. 

Dowldng to Morgan. Feb. 6, 1872. William 
Dowling, bachelor, and Jl.u-y Morgan, spin 
ster, Toronto, by Me, H. J. Grasett. 

Howard to Blosa. Feb. 7, 1872. John How 
ard, bachelor, and Mary Blose, spinster, To 
ronto, by me, IT. J". Grasett. 

Thompson to Smythe. Feb. 12, 1872. John 
Thompson, widower, and Margaret Anne 
Smythe. spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Buttery to Markley. Feb. 15, 1872. Wil 
liam Thomas Buttery, bachelor, and Fanny 
Markley, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Martin to Xixon. Feb. 24, 1872. Wilhnm 
Martin, bachelor, and Phoebe Is ixon, E ; i;:- 
ster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hull to Quinn. Feb. 29, 1872. Robert 
Hull, widower, and fSarah Jane Quinn, epin- 
ste.r, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gracett. 

Lloyd to Sauriders. Mar. 6, 1872. Arthur 
Lloyd", bachelor, and Lucinda Jane Saunders, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Gooke to Xicot Mar. 11, 1872. William 
Thomas Cooke, Toronto, bachelor, and Agnee 
Arnott Mcol, Woodstock. Pi luster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Pinkney to Jackson. Mar. 14, 1872. Rob 
ert Pinkney, bachelor, and Elizabeth Jack 
son, spinster, Toronto township, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Davidson to Mills. Mar. 19, 1872. Robert 
Davidson. Osprey, bnchclor, and Martha 
Mills, Essa, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Booth to Luke. Mar. 20, 1872. John Booth, 
bachelor, Jiin^ L-ukr, sinister, Scarbor 
ough, bv me, H. J. Grasett. 

Wright to Moore. Mar. 27, 1872. William 
Wright, bachelor, and Cecilia Moore, spin 
ster, Toronto, by one, H. J. Grasett. 

Gray to Oaufmani. Ap. 8, 1872. C!i:fl -.s 
Thomas Gray, bachelor, and Lena Elizabeth 
Gaufmnn., spinster, Toronto, by me H- J- 

Oliver to Gait. Ap. 16, 1872. William Sil- 
ver Oliver, Staff Burg-eon to H. M. Forces, 
bachelor, and Elizabeth Alice Gait, spin 
ster, Toronto, bv me. H. J. Grasett. 

Simpson to Hoilglns. Ap. 17, 1872. William 
Simpson, bachelor, and Catherine Hodgins, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Willard to Hanlon. Ap. 22, 1-872. George 
WillHril, bachelor, and Catheiine Hanlon, 
8pi--.^t--r, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Robinson to Ohrfoty. Ap. 25, 1872. Ed- 
wi.< ivobinson, ba-ohtlor, and Mary Christy, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Cuppler to Peters. Ap. 25, 1872. Benjamin 
Oupplor, bachelor, and Elizabeth Peters, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Stratham to Ohiddy. Ap. 29, 1872. Fran 
cis William Obarlra Stratharn, bachelor, i*nd 
Augusta Rose CMddy, spinster, Toronto, by 
me, Arundel O. Hill, M.A. 

Ourry to Purdoni. May 23, 1872. James 
Luck Ourry, bachelor, and Mary Jane Pur- 
dom, spinster, Torotato, by me, H, J. Gra 
sett. { 

Thrall to Parchment". May 27, 1872. Al 
bert Thrall, bachelor, and Emily Parch 
ment, widow, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Chambers to Robinson. June 1, 1872. John 
Chambers, bachelor, jwid Elizabeth Robinson, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Meredith to Symons. June IS, 1872, 

Charles Meredith, bachelor, and Florence 
Symons, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 
Grasett. - 

Parker to Murton,. June 20, 1872. Robert 
Dean Parker, bachelor, and Alice Mary 
Murton, spinster, Guelph, by me, Arthur 
pplmer, M.A. 

Clifford to Smedfey. June 20, 1872. John 
Clifford, widower, and Mary Smedloy. spin 
ster, Toronto, by (me, H. J. Grasett. 

Cross to Capreol. Juno 25, 1872. Frank 
Osborne Cross, bachelor, and Katherine 
Capreol, spinster, Toronto, by me, A. X. 

Tlvomlinson to Priestley. Juno 27, 1872. 
Frederick Thomllnson, bachelor, and Mary 
Priestley, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Stoke-s to Burke. June 27, 1872. John 
Fryer Stokes, bachelor, and Jano Burke, 
widow, Toronto, b v me, H. J. Grasett. 

Rook to Ca,rr. June 29, 1872. John Rook, 
bachelor, and Mary Carr, spinster, Scar- 
boro , by me, H- J. Grasett. 

Elliott to Wo oiTs. June Z&, 1872. Alexan 
der E.liott, bachielor, and Mary Jane W< ods, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Ford to Stevenson. 1st July, 1872. Wil 
liam Frederick Ford, widower, and Eliza 
Stevenson, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 
I Grasett. 

Hurst to Morton. 6th July, 1872. Ed 
win James Hurst, bachelor, and Mary Jane 
Morton, spinster Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Gamble to Sproule. 9th July, 1872. Xa- 
thaniel Allen Gamblo, Xewmarket, bach 
elor, and Matilda Sproule, Toronto, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Kennedy to Sleeth. 10th July, 18 1 2. 
William James Kennedy, bachelor, and Re 
becca Sleeth, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Peters to Clements. 16th July, 1872. 
Charles Peters, bachelor, and Agnes Jane 
Clements, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Cox to Wilks. I5th July, 1872. Samtwi 
Cox, bachelor, and Emma Wilki. spinster. 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Graaott. 

Woodgate to Ceres de Balzac, 20th July, 
1872. William Woodgate, bachelor, and 
Mane Ceres de J3alzac, epinster, Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Boyno to Deverell. 29th July., 1872. 
William Boyne, bachelor, and Margaret 
Louisa Deverell, widow, Toronto, by me. H. 
J. Grasett. 

Maltby to Kew. 31st July, 1872. Rich 
ard Maltby, widower, and Mary Kew, spin 
ster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

McWilliams to McDonell. 1st Aug., 1872. 
William McWiliiams, bachelor, ana Emily 
Isabella McDonell, spinster, Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Hetherington to Penhall. 6th Aug., 1872. 
William Hetherington. bachelor, and Han 
nah Sophia Penhall, spinster, Pickering, by 
me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Thompson to Lee. Aug. 15th, 1872. Harry 
Ernest Thompson, bachelor, and Louisa Lee, 
spi-nstar, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Phillips to Bacon. Aug. 20th, 1872. Fran 
cis John Phillips, bachelor, and Annie 
Bacon, spinster, Toronto, by me, Edm. Bald 

McXab to Henry. 24th Aug., 1872. Sam 
uel McNab, bachelor, and Elizabeth Henry, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Pacfe to Fowler. Aug. 24th, 1872. James 



Pace, bachelor, and Mary Ann Fowler, sp n- 
stcr, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Worrell to Peardon. Aug. 26th, 1872. 
Thomas Worrell, bachelor, and Elizabeth 
Peardon, spinster, Toronto, by me. H. J. 

Raynor to Hodgins. 16th Sept., 1872. 
Allen Raynor, bachelor, and Marv Ann 
Hoggins, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Hiller to Ellis. 17th Sept., 1872. Wil 
liam Hiller, Aurora, bachelor, and Charlotte 
Ellis, iTork, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Thwaites to Taylor. 23rd Sept.. 1S72. Ed 
ward Thwaltes, bachelor, and EIl?n Taylor, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Armour to Hoilingshead. 25th Sept., 3872. 
Daniel Armour, bachelor, and Susan Hol- 
linjfshead, spinster, King, by me, H. J. 
Martin to Mathews. 26th Sept., 1872. 

Charles Martin, bachelor, and Sarah Ma- 
thews, spinster, Toronto, bv me, H. J. 

Carter to Hall. 26th Sept., 1872. Ed 
ward Thomas Carter, bachelor, and Lou sa 
Carr Hall, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Robertson to Blumhart. 26th Sept., 1872. 
Charles Robertson, bachelor, and Lizzie 
Blumhart, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Taylor to Montgomery. Sept. 30th, 1872 
John Tay or, Toledo, Ohio, bachelor, and 
Matilda Montgomery, Toronto, spinster, by 
me. Edm. Baldwin. 

Bass to Connors. 1st Oct., 1872. Edward 
Bass, Watford, bachelor, and Bridget Con 
nors, Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 

Mathers to Gibson. 3rd Oct., 1872. Wil 
liam John Mathers, bachelor, and Maggie 
Gibson, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Johnson to Dalby. Oct. 7th, 1872. Rob 
ert Johnson, Ca edon, bachelor, and Jane 
Dalby, Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra 

Benson to Ball. 7th Oct., 1872. Adam 
Benson, bachelor, and Rebecca Ball, widow. 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Bluff to Smithson. 7th October, 1872. 
Henry Bluff, Toronto, bachelor, and Eliz- 
beth Smithson, Niagara, spinster, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Kendall to Green. 19th Oct., 1872. 
Thomas Kendall, widower, and Harriet 
Green, widow, Tornto, by me. H. J. Gra- 

Mr-Donald to Charters 24th Oct., 1872 
Donald McDonald, widower, and Mary 
Charters, widow, Toronto, by me, H. J 

Pearce to Stuhlmann. 25th Oct., 1872. 
John Sobey Pearce, bachelor, and Augusta 
Wuhrlmina Stuhlmann, spinster, Toronto 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

28th Oct., 1872. 

Jupp to King. 4th Nov., 1872. James 
Jupp, bachelor, and Harriet King, spinster,. 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Fanning to Madill. 12th Nov., 1872. 
John Joseph Fanning, Thornbury, bach 
elor, and Mary Ann Madill, Toronto, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Wiliiams to Kirwen. 23rd Nov., 1872. 
Sidney William?, bachelor, and Sarah Kir- 
wen, spinster, Toronto, by me. H. J. Gra 

Ballard to Brown. 2Gth Nov., 1872. 
Henry Bsllard, widower, and Itebeoca 
Brown, spinster, Pickering-, by me, H. J. 

Death to Pattigon. 

2nd "Dec., 1872. 

George Death, bachelor, to Eanily Maud 
Pattison, spinster, Torpnto, by me, H. J. 

Giiffith to Ritchie. 3rd Dec, 1872. 
Fra:ici< Wiiram Griffith, bachelor, and Mary 
Anne Ritchie, spinster, York, by me, EL J. 


Russell to Elliotson. 7th Dec., 1872. 
Charles Russell, widower, and Mary Jane 
Eiliotson, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Atkinson to Cunningham. 9th Dec., 1872. 
John Atkinson, bachelor, and Eilen Cun 
ningham, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Collier to Ferguson. 21st Dec., 1872. 
Alfred Collier, bachelor, and Mary Anno 
Ferguson, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Snow to Irving. 24th Dec., 1872. Wil 
liam Barclay Snow, widower, and Elizabeth 
Irving, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Avis to Loose. 24th Dec., 1872. Rich 
ard Avis, bachelor, and Susan Dixon 
Loose, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Feddery to Harris. 2nd Jan., 1873. John 
Feddery, widower, and Ann Harris, widow 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Bronnert to Sprules. 8th Jan., 1873. 
James Bronnert, Barrie, bachelor, and Car 
oline Sprules, London, Eng. , spinster, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Kingston to Squires. loth Jan., 1873. 
Henry Hin.gjton, bachelor, and Mary Squires, 
spinster, Hamilton, bv me, H. J. Grasett. 

Codman to Whittier. 15tb Jan., 1873. 
Abigail Whittier, spinster, Consacon, by me. 
Abigail Whittier, spinster, (Jonsccow, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Jacobson to McKinne. Jan. 18th, 1873. 
Hermann Jacobson, New York, bachelor, 
and Hattie Lu< -i.lo McKinne, Toronto, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Webb to Doyle. Jan. 29th, 1873. George 
Webb, Watford, Diichelor, and Bridget 

Kt., - - 

bachelor, and Annie Lawson, spinster. 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Ingham to Sibley. 30th Got., 1872. 
James William Ingbam, widower, and Isa 
bella Jane Sibley, spinster, Toronto, by me. 
H. J. Grasett. 

Cook to Blirff. 31st Oct., 1872. Ralph 
Cook, widower, and Annie Bluff, spinster, 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

" eeh to 

4th Nov., 1872. 

T v . v., . 

John ireeth, widower, and Ellen Cummins, 
.spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

, Norway, spinster, by H, J". Grasett. 

Seager to Fralick. Jan. 29th, 1873. Wil 
liam Hi ager, Toronto, bachelor, and Jane 
Fralick, Uxbridge, spinster, by me, H. J. 

Rawlings to Thompson. Jan. 30th, 1873. 
John Rawlings. bachelor, and Mary Thomp 
son, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Theinert to Moore. 12th Feb., 1873. Gus- 
tay Theinert, bachelor, and Annie Moore, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H, J. Graaett. 

Fox to Tomlinson. 19th Feb., 1873. Wil 
liam Fox, York, bachelor, and Sarah Ann 
Tomlinson, Etobicoke, spinster, by me. H. 
J. Grasett. 

Brooks to Graham. 3rd Mar., 1873. John 



Brooks, bachelor, to Annie Graham, spin 
ster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

TV ood to Thompson. 12th Mar., 1873. 
Thomas Wood, widower, and Marg-aret 
Thompson, widow, Scarboro . by me, H. J. 

T ckburn to Houston. 21st Mar., 1873. 
William George Pickburn, bachelor, and 
Mary Ann Houston, sp:nster, Toronto, by 
me. H. J. Grasett. 

Daneil to Rowe. Mar. 24th, 1873. Jas. 
Daniel, bachelor and Christina Rowe, spin 
ster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Robinson to .Smith. Mar. 27th, 1873. 
John Robinson, bachelor, and Elizabeth, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Woodrow to Moore. 17th April, 1873. 
Henry Woodrow, bachelor, and Louisa 
Moore, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

K-Vghley to Worthington. 17th Ap., 1873. 
William Walker Keig-hley, wHower, and 
Fannie Maude Worthing-ton, sp nster To 
ronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Ti B t0 1 Mla ,: v 22ml Ap " 1873 Charles 
Thomas Bell, bachelor, and Frances R.OSS, 
sp-nster, Toronto, by me, H. P. Walus. 

Bowker to Gamble. 22nd Ap., 1873 
Charles Edward Bowker, Duuro, bachelor, 
and Elizabeth Sophia Gamble, Toronto 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Dring- to Merrington. 15th Mav. 1873. 
Robert .Driuer, St. Thomas, bachelor, and 
Eliza Merrinrton. Toronto, spinster, by me, 
i. J. Grasett. 

Millar to Williams. 17th Mav, 1873 
James Isaac Millar, bachelor, anil Emma 
Williams, spmster, Toronto, by mo, H. J. 

is5o tGh1nson to McOaulay. 22nd Mav, 

ijo Joseph Hr-n-y H ltelvnson. bachelor 
and Emma McOaulay, spinster, Toronto, by 
me, H. J. Graaett. 

Trowbridcr to It-win L 2nd Mpv. 1873 
John Trowbridge, bachelor, and Jane Ir- 
wm, spinster Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
to Paistey. 2Gth May, 18~3. Wil- 
ill. widower, and Vnne Pai^lov, spin 
ster, Eglinton, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

O. oker to Bowea. 9th June, 1873. Thomas 
Croker, bachelor, and Rachel Bowes, spin 
ster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Sutherland to Donahoe. 9th June, 1873. 
Edward Sutherland, bachelor, and Elizabeth 
DonaJioe, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Fitch to Turner. 21st June, 1873. Wal- 
Gharlos Fitch, bachelor, and Hannah 
Turner, spinster, Toronto, bv me, H. J. 

GiUesple to Nichols. 12th July, 1873. 
uam Ulllespie, bachelor, and Annie Nich 
ols spinster, Toronto, by mo, H. J. Grasett. 

Hog-an to Walker. 17th July, 1873. John 
Hog.m, bachelor, and Emma Walker, spin 
ster, Toronto, by lae, H. J. Grasott. 

Wallis to White. 19th July, 1873. Vin 
cent Joseph Wallis, bachelor, and Eliza 
Fanny White, spinster, Toronto, by me, H 
J. Grasett. 

Cunningham to Crooks. 14th Aug., 1873 
Granville Carlylo Canning-ham. London 
Ont., bachelor, and Frances Bothune Crooks 
Toronto, spinster, by me, A. N. Toronto. 

Emerson to Blake. 21st Aug., 1S73 
CTiarlas Emerson, bachelor, and Matm-io 
Blake, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Cira- 
sef t. 

>n to Taylor. 27th Aug., 1873 
Henry Boston, bachelor, and Margaret Ann 

Tavlor, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J- 

Robinson to Watson. 1st Sept., 1873. 
John Robinson, bachelor, and Elizabeth 
Watson, spinster. Toronto, by me, M. J. 

Robinson to McDonell. 3rd Sept., 1873. 
John Beverley Robinson, bachelor, and Mar 
garet Jane "McDonnell, spinster, Toronto, 
bv me, H. J. Grasett. 

Comlin to Sloat. 6th Sept., 1873. Adam 
Oomliu, bachelor, and Jeru.sha bl .at, wid 
ow, Toronto, bv me, H. J. G-rai 

Kdding-ton to Walker. 9th Sept., 1S73. 
William Edding-ton and Martha Walker, spin 
ster, Toronto, by me, H. H. Waters. 

Mitchell to Finn. Sept. 25. -a. 1H73. Jas. 
Mitchell, widower, and Catherine Finn. 
widow, Toronto, by ma, H. J. Grasett. 

Hall to Starks. Sept. 24th, 1C73. John 
Hall, bachelor, and Mary Jane Starks, spin 
ster, Toronto, bv me, H. H. \Vaters. 

Gross to Fisher. 7th Oct., 1873. John 
Gross, New York, and Martha Jane Fisher, 
Orono, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Haukammer to Keif. 7th Oct., 1875. Wil 
liam Haukammor, bachelor, ami Annii Relf, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hill to Webster. 7th Oct., 1873. Thomas 
Hill, bachelor, an-1 .Sarah Webster, spin 
ster, Toronto, bv me, H. J. Grasett. 

Stari lish to Baffle. 8th Oct., 1873. Wil 
liam Joyce Standish, Georgetown, bachelor, 
and Martha Lina Hal fio, Toronto, .spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Oakley to Bartlett. Sept. 16th, 1873. 
James Oakley, bachelor, and Mary Anne 
Bartlett, spinster. .Toronto, by me, H. H. 

Blodffett to Newton. Sept. 18th. 1873. 
Henry Oole Bio ! g-ett. Seneca Fal.s, N. Y., 
wilower, and Elizabeth Jane Newton, New 
York, spmster, by me, H. H. Waters, 

Cave to Dolby. 1st Oct., 1873. William 
Cave, ThoroW, bachelor, and Hannah Dolby, 
Gore, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

McDonald to Icobinson. Oct. iOt i, 1873. 
Francis McDonald, bachelor, and Ana Eliza 
Robinson, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Hawker to Nag!e. Oct. 14th, 1873. Wil 
liam Hawker, bachelor, and Masrg-io Nagle 
spinster, Dundas, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Bath to Hooper. Oct. 20th, 1873. George 
Henry Butli. Vaughan, J3a< helor, ;\n<l Mary 
Elizabeth Hooper, Thornhill. spinster, by 
me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Patterson to Doan. 30th Oct., 1873. Sam 
uel Patterson, Newmarket, bachelor, and 
S>arah Doan, Sharon, spinster, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Swiderski to Jannison. 31st Oct., 1873. 
Paul Swiderski, bachelor and Elizabeth 
Jannison, widow, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Waring to Frizelle. 1st Nov., 1873. David 
Waring, bachelor, and Mary Anne Frizolle, 
widow, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Branton to Jemison. Nov. 7th, J873. 
Honry Branton, bachelor, and Anno Jane 
Jamison, spinster, Yorkville. by me, H. J. 

McQuarrio to McGillivray. Nov. 17th, 
Alexander McQuarrie. Vaug-han, bachelor, 
and Christina McGillivray, King-, spinster 
by mo, H. J. Grasett. 

Pace to Brennan. 24th Nov., 1873. Wil 
linm Thomas Pace, bachelor and Elizabcf 
F, - .man, spinster, Toronto, by me. H. .1. 



Clarkson to Jarvis. Dec. 3rd, 1873. Ben- 
jam : n Rial CJarkson, bachelor, and Mar 
garet Isabella Mavile Jarvis, spinster, To 
ronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Lanclon to Hunter. 9th Dec.. 1873. Wil 
liam L;m Ton, bachelor, and Matilda Hunter, 
spinstrM- Toronto, by me, H. J. Grsisett. 

Reng-stad to Armstrong 1 . Dec. llth, 1873. 
Lowoi Reng-stad, bachelor, and Cecila Arm 
strong, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra 

Wright to Mllligan. Dec. S3, 1873. George 
Wright, bachelor, and Sarah Millig-an, spin 
ster, Toronto, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Beasley to Knight. Doc. 24, 1873. Willi-nm 
B-easley, b:t<-h< I-T, anid Helen Jane Knight, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Higginson to Bell." Dec. 25, 1873. William 
Higglnson, bacheloir, find Susan Bel!, 
vl ow, Toronto, by me, Edm. Baldwin. 

Timminu to Wasdcll. Jan. 13, 1874. Thomas 
Tlmminfi, St. Tho-mae, bachelor, and Mary 
Louisa Wasdell, Qrlllia, gpmster, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Bauldry to Bertram. Jan. 15, 1874. Wil 
liam Bauldry, ana OTarsraret Bertram, spin 
ster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Cairns to Graying. Jan. 21, 1874. James 
Cairns, bachelor, and Charlotte Grayling-, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Morrison, to Hatiick. Jan. 21, 1874. Henry 
Mori is on, bachelor, and Martha Hatrick, 
spinster, Toronto-, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Nichols to Darling-ton. Feb. 2, 1874. Rich 
ard Charles Nichols, bachelor, and Hannah 
Darlln.srton, spineter, Toronto, bv me, H. 
J". Grasett. 

Bro<w,n to Hate. Feb. 3, 1874. James 
Brawn, bachelor, and Susan Hale, spinster, 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Clouston to Haldon. llth Feb., 1874. 
Robert Glouston, bachelor, and Caroline 
Anne Haldon, spinster, Toronto, by mo, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Dean to Mary-gold. llth Feb , 1874. 
Thoma.3 Dean, bachelor, and Minnie Mary- 
gold, spinster, Orangeville, by me, H. JJ. 

Shcpparrt to Tnntv. 17th Feb., 1874. 
Richard Meade Sheppard, bachelor, and 
Charlotte Amelia Innes, spinster, Haldimand, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Lane to Bowers. X7fh Feb., 1874. James 
Lane, widower, and Maria Bowers, spin 
ster, Toronto, by mo, H. J. Grasett. 

Beer to Fitzpatrick. 18th Feb., 1874. 
John Isaac Beer, bachelor, and Annie Fitz 
patrick, spinster, Toronto, by me, Rich 
ard W. E. Green, assistant. 

Crozier to Rutledge. 24th Feb., 1874. 
Archibald Orozior, bachelor, and Isabella 
Rutledge, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Hi!yno3 to Dunn. 24th Feb., 1874. .Tnhn , 
Haynes, York, widower, and Ruth Emily i 
Du.rm, Toronto, spinster, bv me, H. J. Gra- i 
sol t 

Williams to O Neill, llth March, 1874. 
Thomaj Williams, bachelor, and Clara 
O Neill, spinster, Toronto, by mo, H. J. 

Woods to Jessop. 17th March, 1874. \ 
Thomas Woods, bachelor, and Emma Louisa 
Jessop, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 


Elliott to Ferguson. Mar. 21, 1874. Wl - 
liam Mosgrove Elliott, bnche or, and Alice :, Giinster, Toronto, bv me, H. J. ! 
Graflett. I 

O )!isU-r to Abell. Mar. 25, 1874. Francis 

William Conslcr, bachelor, and Fannie -A 
Abell, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra 

Nott to Beatty. Ap. 2, 1874. Frederick 
Xott, bachelor, and Ann Jane Beatty, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Brydges to BreaKenreid. Ap. 16th, 1874. 
Alfred Frederick Brydges, bachelor, and 
Isabella Breakemreld, spinster, Toronto, by 
me, H. H. Waters. 

Smart to McDonald. Ap. 16, 1874 . Thomas 
Smart, bachelor, and Charlotte Jeanette 
McDonald, spineter, Toronto, by me, H. 3. 

Softley to Wiseman. Ap. 23, 1874. Henry 
Softley. Toronto, bachelor, and Sarah Wise- 
man, Gait, spinster, by me, H. H. Waters. 

Moor to Barsdiilo. Ap. 25, 1874. William 
Moor, bachelor, and ."vlarg-aret Barsdale, spin- 
I ster, Toronto, by (me, H. J. Grasett. 

Woodhouse to Faln:er. May u, .a/4. Henry 
Woodhouse, widower, and Elizabeth Jane 
Palmer, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra 

Hayes to Rush ton. May 6, 1874. Henry 
Hayes, bachelor, and Hannah Ruahton, 
wiaow, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Binyon to Walters. May 7, 1874. Edward 
Binyon, bachelor, and <Eliza Ellen Walters, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Bertram to Lemon. May 11, 1874. David 
Bertram, bachelor, and Mary Lemon, spin 
ster, Toronto, b v me> H. J. Grasett. 

Darwin to Gloctlinig. May 16, 1874. John 
Darwin, bachelor, and JVIary Glockling, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

King-dom to Toomes. 23rd May, ;874. 
William Kingdom, bachelor, and Mury Ann 
Toomes, spinster, Toronto, be me, H. J. Gra 

Leech to Gamble. 23rd May, 1874. Fred 
erick Francis Leech, bachelor, and Eliza 
beth Gamble, spinster, Toronto, by me, K- 
J. Grasett. 

Brown to Dixon. May 26th, 1874. Jas. 
Brown, bachelor, and Eliza Dixon, widow, 
Toronto, by Hie, H. J. Grasett. 

Grant to Cardinell. May 26th, 1874. 
Alexander Chewett Grant, Kingston, bache 
lor, and Ellen Jane Cardinell, Toronto, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Parker to Craig. June 1st, 1874. Ed 
mund Ilenrv Parker, bachelor, and Mariu 
Cra g, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra 

Williams to Shine. June 6th, 1874. Jas. 
Williams, bachelor, and Elizabeth Shine, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Martin to Scadding. 17th June, 1874. 
John Martin, Lone on, Ont., bachelor, and 
Sopphia Scaddtncr, Toronto, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Burrows to Brown. 17th June. 1874. 
Stuart Burrows, bachelor, and Johanna 
Brown, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Bennyworth to Rhodes. June 18th, 1874. 
Joseph Bennyworth, bachelor, and Frances 
l\ho;;es, widow, Toronto, by me, Richard W. 
E. Greene. 

Williams to Brown. June 27th, 1874. Wil 
liam Henry Williams, widower, and Annie 
Brown, sp.nster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Macartney to Morris. 30th June, 1874. 
Robert Macartney, widower, and Annie 
Morris, widow, West Gwiliimburv. bv me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Laveity to Webster. June 30th, 1874. 
William Laverty, bachelor, and Christina 



Webster, spinster, Toronto, bv me, H. H. 

W Few r ster to Barnes. June 30th 1874 
Richard Fcwster, bachelor, and Elizabeth 
Barnes, widow, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Bowskffl to Brannigan. July 1st, 1874. 
Joseph Bowskill, Slower, and Sarah Bran 
nigan, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. t 

Mere.lith to Reid. July 1st, 1874. Wi. 
I am Edward Meredith, bachelor, and Maria 
Reid, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
Baker to Hug-hcs. Ja;y 3rd, 1874. Alne< 
Baker, bachelor, and Harriett Hughes, spin 
ster Toronto, by me, II. J. Grasett. 
Laird to Wood. July 4th, 1874. Thomas 
Lnird \vi lower, and Martha Wood, spinster, 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Lan-mulr to Ridout. July 7th, 1874. 
John Wooilburn Langmuir, widower, and 
Elzabsth Harriet Ridout, spinster, Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Stevenson to Philips. 8th July, 
Allen Stevenson, bachelor, and 
Phillips, spinster, Vaughau, by me, H. J. 

Dicks to Holden. July 8th, 1874. Wil 
liam Dicks, bachelor, and Isabella HoMen. 
spmstor, Toronto, by me. II. J. Grasett. 

Peacey to Nash. July 14th, 1874. Chas. 
Henry Peace v, bachelor, und Mary Ann 
Nash, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra 

Ellison to Mann. July 14th, 1874. Rob 
ert Ellison, bachelor, and Margaret Mann, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Powson to Cassidy. July 15th, 
Georg-o Nicholas Dowson, bachelor, and 
Margaret Louisa Oassitly, spinster, Toron 
to by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Stevens to Cuthbertson. July 16th, 1874. 
Charl js Henry Stevens, bachelor, and Eliza 
Cuthb?rlsou, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Scott to Watson. July 18th, 1874. Ed 
mund McRitr-hie Scott, bachelor, and Char 
lotte Aiigusta Watson, spinster, Toronto, 
by me, H. II. Waters. 

Staunton to McDonald. 24th July, 1874. 
John Staunton, bachelor, and Susan Mc 
Donald, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Klein to Peters. 29th July, 1874. Rich 
ard Klein, bachelor, and Adelaide Peters, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Kennedy to Scully. 8th Au<_r.. 1874. Wil 
liam Sylvester Kennedy, Toronto, bachelor, 
and Mary Jane Scully, St. Catharines, 
widow, by me, H. J. Grasott. 

Samme to Hill. Aug. 10th, 1874. Wil 
liam Henry Samme, bachelor, and Sarah 
Ann Hill, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Pogelman to Beamish. 19th Aug., 1874. 
Francis Fogelman, bachelor, and Mary Jane 
Beamish, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Gall to Davis. Aug. 19th, 1874. John 
Francis Gall, bachelor, and Sarah Davis, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Bellamy to MuMrew. Sept. 2nd, 1874. 
Goorge Bellamy, bachelor, an l Sarah Jane 
MuMrew. spinster, Clarke township, Durham 
county, by me, H. H. Waters. 

Ellison to Cox. S3pt. 2nd, 1874. Mathew 
Ellison, bachelor, and Mary Cox, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Ellis to Hambl^tt. 5th Sept., 1874. Thos. 

Ellis, bachelor, and Sarah Ellen Hambloy, 
sp nsjtar. Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

O Brien to Spollan. Sept. 7th, 
John O Brien, bachelor, and Margaret Spoi- 
lan widow, Toronto, by me, H. H. Waters. 

Hummel to Irwin. Sept. 8th, 1874. Henry 
Hummel, bachelor, and Mary Ann Irwin, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Brown to Lennox. 16th Sept., 1874. Wil 
liam Alexander Brown, bachelor, and Mar 
garet Lennox, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Lsaman to Bralthwalte. 18th Sept., 1874. 
Daniel Peii-ce Leaman, bachelor, and Eliza- 
b tli BraithwaUe, ipiuster, Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Coupo to Codd. 23rd Sept., 1874. Samuel 
Coupe. Markham, widower, and Catharine 
Lyne Codd, Scarborough, widow, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Bagshaw to Wilson. Sept. 23rd, 1874. 
Moses Bagshaw, widower, and Susannah 
Wilson wiiow, Georgina township, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Gully to Hirst. Sspt. 25th, 1874. Thomas 
Gully, Guelph, bachelor, and Annie Hirst, 
Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hurst to Magaley. Sept. 30th, 1874. Geo. 
Charles Hurst, bachelor, and Essy Magaley, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, T. W. Magahy. 

Conroy to Corkren. Oct. 1st, 1874. Wil 
liam Conroy. bachelor, und Annie Corkren. 
spinster, Melancthon, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Green to Stock. Oct. 3rd, 1874. Rich 
ard Green, bachelor, and Charlotte Eliza 
beth Stock, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Buchanan to Johnston. 10th Oct., 1874. 
Albert Buchanan, bachelor, and Mary Jane 
Johnston, spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard 
W. Greene. 

Holley to Thompson. 14th Oct., 1874. 
Robert James Holley, bachelor, and Ellen 
Thompson, spinster, York, by me, H. J. 

Abbott to Kirkpatrick. 14th Oct., 1874. 
Samuel Wilson Abbott, bachelor, and Kate 
Kirkpatrick spinster, Wolf Island, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Lumbers to Cooper. Oct. 15th, 1874. Jno. 
Lumbers bachelor, and Matilda Ann Coop 
er, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Toplis to Matthews. 15th Oct., 1874. 
Charles Samuel Churchill Toplis, bachelor, 
an<l Eliza Aim Matthews, spinster, Toronto, 
bv me, Richard W. E. Greene. 

Burton to Thompson. Oct. 20th, 1874. 
John Burton, Hamilton, bachelor, and Sarah 
Ellen Thompson, Toronto, spinster, by me, 
i H. J. Grasett. 

Mitchinson to Richardson. Oct. 22nd, 1874. 
i Thomas Clarke Mitchinson, bachelor, and 
| Agns Mary Richardson, spinster, Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Wright to Brennan. Oct. 30th, 1874. 
Henry Thomas Wright, bachelor, and Maria 
| Brennan, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Fitzgerald to Cooper. Oct. 31st, 1874. 
i Thomas Fitzgerald, bachelor, and Emma 
Cooper, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Anderson to Magahy. Nov. 3rd, 1874. 
E.I ward Anderson, Wallace, widower, and 
El zaboth Magahy. Toronto, spinster, by 
nv Thomas W. Magahy. 

Stoele to Loveys. Nov. 4, 1874. George 
St^ol-., a-n-d Keziah Sally Loveys, 
spinster, Toronto, by pae, Richard W. E. 



Faulbnwr to Stewart. Nov. 4, 1874. Crosby 
Faulkner, bachelor, and Jennie Stewart, 
Bpl iist T, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

RAthwoIl to Sturgeon. NOV. 01, 1874. John 
Rathwt II, bachelor, and Mary Jane Stur 
geon, spinster, Toronto, by ine. H. J. Gra- 
eott. < 

Wilson, to Smith. "Nov. 26, 1874. Thomas 
"William Wilfloa, bachelor, and Mary Jane 
Smifh, spinster, Toronto, "by me, H. J. 

Bnrtey to Culteti. Deo. 10, 1874. George 
Burl. y, bachelor, and JCmlly Louisa Cuilcn, 
epineter, Toronto, by me, H. J. Graaett. 

Killen to Gerrard. Dec. 29, 1874. Arthur 
KiiL n, bachelor, and Armenia. Gerrard, spin 
ster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Dyer to Harden. Jan. 2nd, 1875. George 
Roberts Dyer, bachelor, and Louisa Har 
den, spinster, Detroit, by me, H. J. Gra 

Trees to Dixon. Jan. 14th, 1675. Samuel 
Trees, bachelor, and Jane Frances Dixon, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, Edm. .Baldwin. 

Leonard to Wickes. 19th Jan., 1875. 
Patrick Leonard, Toronto, bachelor, and 
Catherine "Wickes, Hamilton, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Edwards to KeHy. Jan. 26th, 1875. Wil 
liam Edwards, bachelor, and Henrietta 
Kelly, spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard W. 
E. Greene. 

AAhitehouse to MeLeod. Feb. 1st, 1875. 
Edward William Whitehouse, widower, and 
Isabella McLeod, spinster, Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Gee to Hurley. Feb. 3rd, 1875. William 
Gee, bachelor, and Ellen Mary Hurley, 
spinster. Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Nie-htinjfale to Bowman. 23rd Feb., 1875. 
Thomas Nightingale, Belleville, bachelor, 
and Annie Bowman, Toronto, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Graset-t. 

Ward to Ford. 24tfc Feb., 1875. Willia,m 
Ward, Toronto, bachelor, and Charlotte 
Ford, Village of Holland Landing, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Co-leman to Craven. March 1st, 1875. 
Charles Colemaoi, bachelor, and Selina^Ann 
Craven, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Merrifield to Brock. Mar. 2nd, 1875. 
George Merrifleld, bachelor, and Mary Ann 
Brock, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra 

DavMge to Morgan. Mar. 6th, 1875. Da 
vid Edwin Davidge, bachelor, and Mary 
Ann Morgan, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Heron to Wright. 8th Mar., 1875. Thos. 
Heron, bachelor, and Mary Ann Wright, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Alexander to Cross. May 10th, 1875. 
John Alexander, bachelor, and Harriet Cross, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, Kdm. Baldwin. 

Leaver to Cavanagh. 17th Mar., 1875. 
Ebonezer Leaver, Toronto, bachelor, and 
Eleanor Annie Oavanagh, Ingersoll, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hymes to Callander. Mar. 24th, 1875. 
James Hymes, Scarboro bachelor, and An 
nie Callander, Toronto, spinster, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Hamilton to Hunt. Mar. 28th, 1875. Jas. 
Hamilton, bachelor, and Sarah Ttosetta 
Hunt, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra 

Bolton to Bartlett. Ap. 10th, 1875. Henry 
Bolton, bachelor, and -Susannah Bartlett, 
piaster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Strange to Joseph. Ap. 13th, 1875. Ohas. 
Orlande Strange, bachelor, .and Catherine 
Joseph, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Armstrong to Milne. A p. 17th, 1875. 
John Edward William Armstrong, bachelor, 
and Ann Jane Milne, spinster, York, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Gunsall to Conway. Ap. 27th, 1875. John 
Gunsall. widower, and Cecily Conway, 
widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Pinkney to Rutledge. Ap. 28th, 1875. 
George James Pinkney, bachelor, and Isa 
bella Rutledge, spinster, Sttreetsville, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Wpodhouse to McFadden. May 5th, 1875. 
William George Woodhouse. .bachelor, and 
Mary McFadden, spinster, Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Taylor to Holmes. May 24th, 1875. Al 
fred Taylor, bachelor, and Margaret Holmes, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hulme to Cusson. 28th May, 1875. Ralph 
Hulme, widower, and Bridget Cusson, spin 
ster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Parker to Nicholson. 29th May, 1875. 
Thomas Parker, bachelor, and Mary Jane 
Nicholson, widow, Tpronto, by me, H. J. 

Alcock to McLean. June 2nd, 1875. Jon 
athan Alcock, bachelor, and Caroline Mc 
Lean, spinster, Toronto, by me. H. J. Gra- 

Burt to MacKonzie. June 8th, 1875. Tur 
ner Waner Burt, Middle River, bachelor, 
and Eliza Nicholson MacKenzie, Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Jeffrey to Shields. June 8th, 1875. Rob 
ert Jeffrey, bachelor, and Ag-nes Shields, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Turner to Barbean. June lOtJh, 1875. 
Charles Tjurner, bachelor, and Amelia Ad- 
leadio Barbean, spinster, Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Clayton to Sharratt. June 14th, 1875. 
Thomas Clayton, bachelor, and Jetty Shar 
ratt, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra 

Baxter to Corine. 14th June, 1875. 
George Baxter, bachelor, and Mary Jane 
Corine, widow, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra 

Thomlinson to Kevs. June 18th, 1875. 
Frederick Thomlinson, bachelor, and Mary 
Lorinda Keys, Toronto, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Patterson to Leach. 28th June, 1875. 
James Patterson, widower, and Frances 
Leach, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gras- 

Stocks to Spaulding. July 1st, 1875. David 
Stocks, bachelor, and 1 Mary Spaulding, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Tedman to Thompson. 5th July, 1875. Eli 
Edwin Tedman, bachelor, and Matilda 
Thompson, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Hills to Greey. July 7th. 1875. Frederick 
Hills, bachelor, and Annie Isabella Elizabeth 
Greey, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra 
sett. / 

O Hara to Bishop. July 7th. 1875. Bart 
O Hara bachelor, and Martha Bishop, spin 
ster, Vaughan, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Rose to Mechan. July 24th, 1875. William 
Rose, bachelor, and Mary Mechan, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hinton to BMiop. 29th July, 1875. Wil 
liam John Hinton, bachelor, and Hannah 
Bishop, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 



Parkinson to Einchey. Aug. 10th, 1875. 
Robert Wilson Parkinson, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Jane Kinehey, widow, Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Chick to Sims. 1-ith Aug., 1875, Henry 
Chick, bachelor, and Alice Agnes Sims, 
spinster, Toronto, by me H. J. Grasett. 

Noyes to Lea. 19th Aug., 1875, Hiram 
Noyes, bachelor, and Margaret Lea, widow, 
York, by me. H. J. Grasett. 

Steele to Dickson. Aug. 24th, 1875. 
Richard Clark Steele, bachelor, and Kate 
Frances Dickson, spinster, Toronto, by me. 
H. J. Grasett. 

Ovens to Morrison. Aug. 24th, 1875. 
John Ovens, bachelor, and Eliza Morrison, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Anderson to Johnston. Aug. 28th, 1875. 
John Anaerson, bachelor, and Ellen John 
ston, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra 

Hill to O Sullivan. Sept. 2nd, 1875. Chas. 
Hill, bachelor, Stratford, and Ellen O SuJ- 
livan, spinster, Torouto, by me, Ghas. E. 

Leary to Armstrong 1 . Sept. oth, 1875. 
Samuel Leary, bachelor, and Alice Ada Arm 
strong, spinster, oy me, O. R. Matthew, 

Cowley to Tunny. Sept., 7th, 1875. 
Samuel Cowley, bachelor, and Alice Eliza 
beth Tenny, spinster, Toronto, by me, Rich 
ard W. E. Greene. 

Pratis to Scott. 22nd. Sept., 1875. John 
Pratis, bachelor, and Clara Scott, spinster, 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Anthoney to Tone. 29th Sept., 1875. 
James Anthoney, bachelor, and Henrietta 
Tone, spinster, Markham, by me, H. J. 

Campbell to DeGrassi. 30th Sept., 1875. 
Archibald Campbell, bachelor, Coltorne; and 
Hannah Maria DeGrassi, spinster, Toronto, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Patterson to Drennan. Oct. 2, 1875. Ricli- 
ard Patterson, bachelor, 0nd Lydla Dren 
nan, spinster, Toronto, by mo, H. J. Grasett 

Gruber to Jefiriee. Oct. 7, 1875. Johm 
Gruber, bachelor, and Maria Jefferias, spin 
ster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Cunningham to Campbell. Oct. 7, 1875. 
Dajii >i Ounninghsimi. widower, and Margaret 
Campbell, spinster, Torooito, by me, H. J. 

Hill to Joh-neon. Oct. 13, 1875. James 
Edmond Hill, bachelor, and Emily Johnson, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Peck to Lull. Oct. 21, 1875. John James 
Pcok, bachelor, and Emily Bull, spinster, 
Toronto, by me, JH. J. Grasett. 

Foster to Gillen. Nov. 4, 1875. John Fos 
ter, bachelor, and Annie Gillen, spinster, 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Graeett. 

Graham to Crawford. Nov. 8, 1875. Abra 
ham Graham, bach t-r, arid Catherine Craw 
ford, spinster, Whitchurch, by me, H. J. 

McKenzle to Heelehan. Nov. 15th, 1875. 
Alexander McKenzle, bachelor, and Mary 
Heelehan, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Lowes to Blythe. Nov. 18, 1875. Edward 
Lowee, baohx lt.r. and Agno.-i. Ann 1:1. 
epinst- r, Toronto, bv me, 7-1. J Grasftr. 

Fischer to Smith. Nov. 25, 1875. Charles 
FLsc-hcr, bachelor, and Anna Smith, spinster, 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Robson to Hazard. Dec. 7, 1875. John 
Robson. ba-cb -li-r, and Mary Ann Hazard, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Brown to Carson. Dec. 13, 1875. Charles 

Brown, widower, and Lnuisa Carsou, widow, 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Moore to Peters. 24th Dec., 1875. John 
Moore, bachelor, and Margaret Jane Peters 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Paul to MusselL Jan., 1876. Jas. Paul. 
bachelor, and Emily Mussell, spinster, To 
ronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Bailey to Twamley. Jan. 6th, 1876. Wil 
liam Bailey, bachelor, West Whitby, and 
Mary Twamley, spinster, Pickering, bv mo. 
H. J. Grasett. 

Harvey to Caraon. Jan. 19th, 1876 
Chas. Harvey, widower, and Louisa Carson, 
widow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hughes to Mann. Jan. 21st. 1876. Edwin 
Hughes, bachelor, Oakville, and Mary Jane 
Mann, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra 

Endean to Purvis. Feb. 3rd., 1876. John 
Endean, bachelor, and Rachel Purvis, widow 
by me, H. J. Graaett. 

Jackson to Moffatt. Feb. 17th, 1876. 
Henry Jackson, bachelor, and Margaret 
Moffatt, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

V;uisicklcr to Jameson. Feb. 22nd, 1 
Robert "Vans letter, bachelor, &Hd Agnea 
Jameson, spinster, Port Perry, by me, H- 
J. Graaett. 

Thomson to Martin. Feb. 23rd, 1876. 
Ralph Thomson, bachelor, and Barbara Mar 
tin, spinster, Whitchurch. by me, H. J. 
I Grasett. 

Jones to Oonnon. Ap. 1, 1786. Alph"nse 
I Frederick Jones, bachelor, and Alice Bar- 
bara Oonnon, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. 
i J. Grasett. 

Wood to Hughes. Ap. 1, 1876. Charles 
I John Wood, bachelor, and J< hanna Hughes, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Tayles to Phillips. Ap. 5, 1876. John 
: Matthew Tayles, bachelor, and Hattie Phi .- 
i Ups, widow, Tcxrointo, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Lucas to Macaulay. Ap. 20, 1876. John 
Lucas, bachelor, and Susan Macaulay, 
widow, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Sharp to Lovett. Ap. 20. 1876. John 
i Sharp, widower, and: Mary Anne Lovett,. 
spinster, Vaughan, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

O Laughkui to Lundy. May 1, 1876. San*. 
; uel O Laughlun, bachelor, and Charlotte 
Lundy, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 
Grasett. c 

Obadwick to Beatty. May 4, 1876. John. 
: Graven Chadwick, Guelph, widower, and 
Elizabeth Ko-itty, Toronto, spinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Brokooski to Scott. May 15, 1876. Edwin 
Frederick Th-omaa Brokooski, widower, and 
Helen Onm"ron Scott, spinster, by me, Chas. 
R. Matthews. 

Davidson to Davis. June 13, 1876. Edward 
Sylvester Davidson, bachelor, and Sarah 
Ann Davis, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Rally to Owen. June 14th, 1876. Wil 
liam Augustus Rally, Ne v York, bachelor. 
; and Jeanette Owen, Toronto, spinster, by 
me, William Buchanan Rally. 

Later to Shields. June 14th, 1876. Thos. 
Later, bachelor, and M<iry Shields, spinster. 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Connolly to Byrne. June 24th, 1876. 
Henry Connolly, bachelor, nn.l Julia Byrne, 
spinster, Youngstown, U. S., by me, H. J. 

Beales to Lane. 3rd July, 1876. George 
Thomas Beales. bachelor, and Eliza Lane, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 



M -Lonnan to McDonald. 4th July, 1876. 
John McLennan bachelor, and MJLI-V An i 
McDonald, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Blabar to Abraham. July 5th, 1876. 
Travton Blabor, bachelor, and Angelina 
Marv Eliza Abraham, spinster, Toronto, by 
me "H. J. Graseit. 

Bryans to Moore. 12th July, 1876. John 
Brya ns, bachelor, and Mary Ann Moore, 
spinster, Cart"-ri _rht, by H 

Lacey to Pickings. July 12th, 1876. 
Thomas Lacey, bachelor an, ..iars; 
Pickings, spinster, Pickering, by me, H. J. 

Jones to Riddell. July 17th. 1876. 
Thomas Wntk ns Jones, bachelor, and Agnes 
Riddell. spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Dashwool to Stubbs. July 18th. 1876. 
H nry Philip Plantagenet Arthv Dashwood, 
wi- lower, and Anna Bella Stubb?, spinster, 
Toronto,, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Lynde to O Toole. 27th July. 1876. James 
Lynde, bachelor, and Mary O Toole, spin 
ster. Toronto, by me. H. J. Grasett. 

Couch to Kiszer. Aug. 9th, 1876. Thomas 
Couch, and Elizi Kiszer, widow, Thornhill, 
b3 me, Richard W. E. Greene. 

Flay to Cane. 14th Aug.. 1876. W 
Play, bachelor, and Mary Cane, spin-tor, 
Tor onto. by mo, H. J. Gra.sett. 

Farrell to Hobson. Aug. 16th, 1876. 
Thomas Timothy Farrell. bachelor, and Jane 
Hobson, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Toet to Hudson. Aug. 18th, 1876. Charles 
Teet, widower, and Mary Ann Hudson, 
vvj "ow. Garafraxa, bv mo, H. J. Grasett. 

Hodges to Segwvorth. Sept. 5th, 1876. 
Henry" Frederick Hodg-os, bachelor, and 
Emma S gs worth, aiinstor, Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Whitmore to Devlns. Sspt. 6, 1876 .Aaron 
Whitmore, bachelor, and Elmira Devjn^, 
Bpin-ter, Vanphan, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Brook to Glllwple. Sept. 6, 1876. Jeffrey 
Hall Br-->okj bachnror, and Louisa Adel i In 
Clara Gill aple, spinster, Toronto, by m , H. 
J. Graaett. 

Smallpeice to Marriott. Sept. 13, 1876. 
William R.obert Smallpeico, bachelor, and 
Amelia Marriott, spinster, Toronto, by me, 
Richard W. E. Greene. 

Peterson to Lang-lols. Sept. 16th, 1876. 
Peter Alexander Peterson, bachelor, and 
Mary Isnbella Ln.ngl-ois, srinster, Toronto, 
bv me, H. J. Gratsett. 

Elton to Ban S ck. Sept. 16, 1876. Fowler 
Elton, wi lower, and J >ne Newton Barrick, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Lendon to Neil. Sept. 21st, 18TG. Wil 
liam Hen-y Lendon, bachelor, and Mary Ann 
Neil, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra 

Macklem to Macklem. 26th Sept., 1876. 
Sutherland Macklem, Niagara, bachelor, and 
Charlotte Elizabeth Macklem, spinster, To 
ronto, by me, T. B. Niagara. 

Jennings to Townsley. Sept. 30th, 1876. 
Edwin Jennings, bachelor, and Emily Towns- 
ley, spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard W. 

Wainwriyht to Shirlock. Oct. 2nd, 1876. 
Samuel Wainwright, bachelor, and Jane 
Shirlock, spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard 
W. E. Greene. 

Gadd to Trevarton. Oct. 14th, 1876. Wil 
liam Wool;tenc;o.t Gadl, b.ichelor, and Ada 

Kezia B az^r Trevarton, spinster, by me 
H. J. Grasott. 

Forsyth to G.orman. Oct. 19th, 1876. 
Andrew Forsyth, bachelor, and Adclian Gor 
man, spinster, Scarboro, by me, H. J. Gra 

Scndder to Cia-ncy. 21st Oct., 3876. 
Francis Joseph Scudder, bachelor, and E.Ian 
Clancy, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Trumbull to Hoodless. Nov. 1st, 1876. 
Alexander Trumbull, widower, Hamilton, 
and Mary Ann Hoodless, widow, Toronto, 
bv me, H. J. Grasett. 

McSpadden to Hancock. Nov. 2nd, 1876 
William McSpadden, bachelor, Bowman- 
ville, and Minnie Hnncock, spinster. To 
ronto, by me. H. J. Grasett. 

Rice to Sutherland. Nov. 8th, 1876. 
Charljs Rice, bachelor, and Mary Suther 
land, sp nster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra 

Winn to Gordon. Nov. 14th. 1876. Wil 
liam Winn Captain H. M. 1st Foot, bache 
lor, and Helen Maria Gordon, spinster, To 
ronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Townsl^y to Lancaster. Nov. 18th 1876. 
John Thomas Townsl^y. bachelor, and Mary 
Lancaster, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Ellis to Laverty. Nov. 24th, 1876. 
Charles Ellis bachelor, and Rebecca Lav 
erty, spinster, Toronto, by H. J. Grasett. 

Piummor to Wallace. Dec. 6th, 1876. 
Stewart Grafton Plummer, Goclerich, wid 
ower, and Jane Wallace, Charlestown, 
wHow, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Walton to Tiffin. Dec. 6th, 1876. Joseph 
Walton, bachelor, and Mary Tiffin, spin 
ster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Cameron to Wright. 27th Dec., 1876. 
Irving Howard Cameron. bachelor, and 
El z.ibsth Amelia Maria Wright, spinster, by 
me H. J.. Grasett. 

Huu-hill "to Mulholland. Jan. 1st, 1877. 
Richard Hughil, bachelor, and Ellen Mul- 
hodand. spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Doust to Fortzer. Jan. 6th, 1877. David 
Henry Doust, bachelor, and Emma Fortzer, 
spinster. Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Murdy to Willis. Jan. 15th. 1877. John 
Murdy, bachelor, and Ellen Willis, spinster, 
York by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Carruthers to Brines. Feb. 1st, 1877. 
John Carruthers. bachelor, and Matil-Ta 
Brines, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra- 

Bell to Ford. Feb. 10th, 1877. -Samuel 
Bell, bachelor, and Mary Madeline Ford, 
spinster. Toronto, bv me, H. J. Grasett. 

Ellis to Boyce. Feb. 14th, 1877. George 
Ellis, wi lower, and Minerva Boyce. widow, 
Markham, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Longheed to Wilson. Feb. 22nd. 1877. 
Joseph Longheed, bachelor, and Martha 
Wilson, spinster, Chinguacousy, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Goldring to Montgomery. Feb. 26th, 1877. 
John Henry Goliring, bachelor, and Helen 
Montgomery, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Pethvl>ridtre to ffirlehey. f7th Feb., 1877. 
Wllliim Pothybridge, bach- 1 >r, an! Joanna 
HIrlehoy, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Bunkall to Oannell. 1st March, 1877. 
Robert Bunkall, bichelor, and Margaret 
Cann^ll, spinster, Toronto, by me, Rochard 
W. E. Greene, Assistant St. James. 



Talcs to Oametron. 3rd March, 1877. Jo 
seph Take, bachelor, and Euphemi* Cam 
eron, spinster, by roe, H. J. Grasett. 

Gold to Crr. 10th March, 1877. Adplphua 
Goi-.I, widower, and Harriet ,Orr, spinster, 
Toronto, by nue, R. W. E. Greene. 

Ridley to Kane. 2Oth March, 1877. Wil 
liam. Ridley, bachelor, a-nd Nellie Kane, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, R. W. E. Greene. 

Winn to Armstrong. 28th March, 1877. 
William Henry Winn, bachelor, and Serena 
Armstrong, spinster, Toronto, by me, R 
W. E. Greene. 

Dickson to Morrison. 12th April, 1877. 
Robert Georga Dickson, Canterbury, bach 
elor, and Mary Catherine Morrison, To 
ronto, spinster, by me, A. H. Toronto. 

Welsh to Kydeor. 5th May, 1877. George 
Weteh, bachelor, and Oatheiine Ryder, s ; in- 
ster, Toronto, by me, R* W. E. Greene. 

Lane to Bowers. 7th May, 1877, Jairues 
Lane, bachelor, an<f JSMza Bowers, epinster, 
Toronto, by m>e, .Richard W. E. Greene. 

Coughtrey to Saun<iers>. 24th May, 1877. 
Ohaj-k 3 Coughtrey, bachelor, and Martha 
Saunders, epinster, Toronto, by me, R~ W. 
E. Greene. 

Dawes to Mager. 29th May, 1877. Ed 
ward Dawes, widower, and Hannah Mager, 
spinster, Toronto, by true, R. W. E. Greene. 

Baldwin to Walter. 51st May, 1877. 
Robert Baldwin, widower, and Elizabeth 
Mary Walker, spinster, Toronto, by me, W. 
S. Rains ford. In charge of Cathedral. 

Winn to Pye. 5th June, 1877. Freder 
ick Walter Winn, bachelor, and Mary Anne 
Pye, spinster, Toronto, by nue, Richard W. 
E. Greene. 

Ritchey to Mulrane. 26th June, 1877. 
Samuel Ritchey, bachelor, and Sarah Mul- 
raaie, spinater, Dixie, by me, B. W- E. 

Herbert to Maughifsin. 28th Jnne, 1877. 
Herbert Herbert, Qakville, widower, and 
Joanna Maughfjiln, Belle Ewart, widow, by 
me, Joe. Williams, Assistant Minister. 

Harrison to Kiley. July 25th, 1877. John 
William Frederick Harrison, bachelor, Mont 
real, and Susan Frances Riley, spinster, To- 
roto, by me, W. Harrison Tilley. 

Haeltins to Parker. July 31st, 1877. 
George Hcskins, bachelor, and Mary Parkes 
spinster. Toronto, by me. W. H. Tiiley. 

Steggall to Pettit. Aug. &th, 1*77. 
George Edgar SttggalL widower, and Mar. 
tha Pettit, spinster, Toronto, by me, W. 
Harrison Tilley. 

Campbell to Clarke. Aug. 15th, 1877. 
Joseph Alonzo Campbell, bachelor, and 
Maty Ann Clarke, spinster, Toronto, by 
me, Joseph Williams. 

Wilson to Adamson. Aug. 22nd., 1877. 
John Wilson, widower, and Ellen Adamson, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, W. Harrison iil- 

Dean to McOarroll. Sept. 8th, 1877. 
Edward Dean, bachelor, and Mary McCUr- 
roll. spinster, Toronto, i>y me, W. Harrison 

House to Banks. 24th Sept., 1877. Harry 
House, bachelor, Yorkville, and Elizabeth 
Ann Banks, spinster, ^Toronto, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Graves to Clyne. Oct. 2nd, 1877. John 
Graves, widower, and Fredericka Olyne, 
widow, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Deering to Fleming. Oct. 8th, 1877. Hor- 
ner Deering, bachelor. Oobourg, and Eliza 
beth Fleming, apinatsr, Toronto, by me H- 
J. Grasett. 

Lambe to Clarkson. Oct. 10th, 1877. Har 
old Lambe. Hamilton, bachelor, and Alice 
Elizabeth Clarkson, Toronto, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Quance to Brown. Oct. 31st, 1877. Jacob 
Quance, bachelor, and Catherine Brown, 
spinster, Vaug-han, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Aston to Connor. Nov. 5th, 1877. John 
Whitmore Aston, bachelor, ani Maria C< n- 
nor, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra 

Lightfoot to Fisher. Nov. 15th, 1877. 
William John Lightfoot, bachelor, and Min 
nie Amelia Fisher, spinster, Toronto, by 
me. Richard W. E. Greene. 

Campin to Ro^siter. Nov. 22nd, 1877. 
Benjamin Campin, bachelor, and Catherine 
Rossiter, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Charlton to Clarke. 13th Dec., 1877. 
Wcstley Phelps Charlton, London, bachelor, 
and Adelina Clarke, Toronto, spinster, by 
me. H. J. Grasett. 

Hasting to Hazzard. Dec. 24th, 1877. 
William Hasting, bachelor and Jane Haz- 
zard, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra 

McAfee to Baker. Dec. 26th, 1877. Rob 
ert McAfee, K : ng, bachelor, find Margaret 
Eliza Baker, Bolton, spinster, by me, H. J. 

Sulivan to Marshall. Jan. 8th, 1878. 
Henry Sulivan, bachelor, and Catherine 
Marshall, widow, Toronto, by me, Rjchard 
W. E. Greeno. 

Hoult to Lane. Jan. 21st, 1878. George 
Hoult. bachelor, and Martha Lane, spin 
ster. Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Whitney to Symes. 27th Feb., 1878. 
Forbes Whitney. Toronto, bachelor, and 
Agnes Symes, Meaford, spinster, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Chester to Dav s. 28th Feb., 1878. Harri 
son Chester, bachelor, and Mary Anne 
Davis, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra 

Bhiff to R^Id. l*th March, 1878. Thorns 
Bluff, bachelor, and Jennie Reid, spinster, 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Flanae-^n to Fltzmawice. 18th March, 
1878. Edmund Dante Flanagan, bachelor, 
and Ida May FItzmavu-ice, epinster, Toron 
to, by me, H. J. G-rasett. 

Davis to Kerry. Z9th March, 1878. David 
Davis, oachelor, and Annie Fl ir:ncn K r-v, 
epineter, Toronto, by me, John Lang-try, 
Incumbent St. Duke s church, Toronto. 
_ Grant to Fuller. Ap. 15, 1878. David Wil 
liam James Grant, .Georgetown, bachelor, 
and Edith Annie Fuller, Orillia, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Graaett. 

Dixo-n to Joseph. 17th April, 1878. Hill- 
yard Cameron DIxon, bachelor, and Han 
nah Joseph, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Ascott to Bevan. 18th Apiil, 1878. Ce rge 
Ascott, bachelor, arwl Grace Bevan, BJ in- 
eter, Cobourg, by jr.e, H. J. Graeett. 

Podmore to Patterson. 24th Ap il, 1878. 
John Podimorp, bachelor, and Martha Ann 
Patterson, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Watson to Parks. 24th April, 1878. Rob 
ert Watsan. bachelor, and Margaret Pnrke, 
epineter, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Boyd to Mortimer. 15th May, 1878. Wi - 
liam Thomas Boyd, bachelor, and Harriett 
Mortimer, s-pinister, Toronto, b-y me, H. J. 

Graham to Eibbit. 23rd May, 1878. Rob. 



ert James Graham, widower, and Sarah 
Louisa Hibbrt, spinster, Toronto, by me, R. 
W. E. Greene. 

Denning to Buchian. 23rd May, 1878. 
Frederick Janice Danning, bachefor, and 
Charlotte Buohan, eplnater, Toronto, by mo, 
H. J. Graeatt. 

McBriiie to Thompson. 24th May, 1878. 
Thomas McBride, widower, and Hannah 
Thompson, widow, Toronto, *iv me, H. J. 

Bowen to Grange. 28th May, 1878. John 
Bowan, bachelor, arid Charlotte Grange, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, R, W. E. Greene. 

Hammell to Keaa-ns. 29th May, 1878. 
William James Kammell, bachelor, and El 
len Keorns, spinster, Tecumseth, by me, H. 
T. Grasett. 

Moore to Little. Z9th May, 1878. George 
Moore, bachelor, and Mary Edna Liitlo, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, R. W. E. Greens. 

Cooper to Haynes. "20th May, 1878. 
George Ham Cooper, bachelor, and Annie 
Hayn-36, spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard 
,W. E. Greene. 

Bedley to Barber. 4th June, 1878. Wli- 
Ham Bodtey, York, bachelor, and Ruth 
Bai-ber, Toronto, spinster, by me, H. ,J. 

Graham to Teomane. 6th June, 1878. 
Jamee Graham, Malton, bachelor, and 
Sarah Yeomans, Scarboro , epiuster, bv me, 
H. J. Gcaaett. 

La Fraugh to Knibbs. 10th June, 1878, 
John Wesley Wouch La Fraugh, bachelor, 
Scott, and Eilen Knibbs, spinster, Ox 
bridge, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Whistlo to Moore, llth June, 1878. John 
Whistle, bachelor, and Ann Jane Moore 
spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard W. E. 

Davidson to Montgomery. 19th June, 
1878. William Henry Davidson, bachelor, 
and Sarah Montgomery, spinster, Streets- 
ville, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Nevltt to Beaty. June 22nd, 1878. Rich- 
and Bannington Nevitt, bachelor, and 
Eleanor Beaty, spinster, Toronto, by me. 
Richard W. E. Greene. 

Wedd to Barnes. June 25th, 1878. Geo. 
Flint Wedd, bachelor, and Martha Barnes, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Sellers to Lovell. June 27th, 1878. 
Thomas Sellers, bachelor, and Elizabeth 
Lovell, spinster, by me, Richard W. E. 

Auscombe to Blakey. 12th July, 1878. 
Joseph Auscombe, bachelor, ani Frances 
El!z ib^th Blakey, spinster, Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Hulme to Burns. 15th July, 1878. Wil 
liam Thomas Hulme, bachelor, and Maggie 
Burns, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra 

Ryder to Mullin. 18th July, 1878. 
Thomas Ryder, bachelor, and Emily Mullm, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Batt to Donnelly. July 25th, 1878. Wil 
liam Holmes Batt, wilower, and Margaret 
Donnelly, spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard 
W. E. Greene. 

Cameron to Kirby. July 29th, 1878. 
Angus Cameron, bachelor, and Charlotte 
Alice Kirby, spinster, Toronto, by me, 
Richard W. E. Greene. 

Walsh to Hurley. 30th July, 1878. 
Allan Walsh, bachelor, an1 Catherine Hur- 
lay spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Dobin to Wifaoii. Aug. 8th, 1878. Joseph 

Charles Dobin, bachelor, and Mary Wilson, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. tJrasett 

Carey to Nichols. Aug. 19th, 1878. Peter 
Carey, bachelor, and Maria Nichols. ?pin- 
ster, Allaaburgh, by mo, H. J. Grasett. 

McGor.i to Chambers. Aug. 21st 1878 
David Ross McCor 1, Montreal, bachelor, 
and Letitla Caroline Chambers, Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Lawrence to Wi son. Aug. 22n1. 1^78. 

John Lawrence, bachelor, and Rachel Wil- 

on, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Qra- 

Monckton to Cox. Aug. 28th, 1878. Al- 
phonso Monckton, Montreal, bachelor, and 
Caroline Elizabeth Cox, Toronto, spinster 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Marriott to Holland. Aug. 29th, 1878 
Joseph Marriott, bachelor, and Caroline 
Ho land, widow, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra 

Beswick to Millett. Sept. 4th, 1878 
Jnm-s Edward Beswick, bachelor, and Emily 
B.anche Sarah Millett, spinster, Toronto 
by me, Richard W. Groene. 

Moore to Browne. Sept. 4th, 1878. Wil 
liam Henry Moore, bachelor, and Mary 

Toront * y me - 

Collins to Nott. S ? pt. llth, 1878. John 
INickenson Collins, bachelor, and Mary Ann 
Nott, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra- 

Duke to Camplwll. Sept. 16th, 1878. Ed 
ward Duke, bachelor, and El zabeth Ann 
Campbell, spinster, Scarboro , by me, H. J. 

MeKeazie to Davis. Sept. 18th, 1878. 
Daniol McKenzie. bachelor, and Alice Maud 

^Y y w Da is >. wll<m Toronto > by me, Rich- 
Hi, Greene. 

McGinnis to Taylor. Sept. 19th, 1878. 
William McGmnis, bachelor, and Annie 
Taylor, widow, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra- 

M gntigomery to McBrien. Sept. 23rd, 
1878. James Montgomery, bachelor, and 
Eliza McBrien, spinster, Markham, by me 
Richard W. E. Greene. 

O-andall to Morris. Sept. 26th, 1878. 
George Washington Orandall, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Morris, spinster, Scarboro. by me. 
H. J. Grasett. 

Campbell to Brings. Oct. 3rd, 3878, 
William Campbell, bachelor, and Annie 
Briggs, widow. Toronto, by me, Richard W. 
E. Greene. 

Tolmney to Welsh. 7th Oct.. 1878. Jas. 
Tolmney, bachelor, and Johannah Welsh, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Wear to Dunn. Oct. 15th, 1878. John 
Wear, bachelor. an,d Ann Jane Elizabeth 
Dunn, spinster, York, by me, H. J. Gra 

Orombie to Gwynne. Oct. 16th, 1878. 
Ernest Orombie, bachelor, and Elizabeth 
Gwynne, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Heaslip to Meara. 22nd. Oct., 1878. Sam- 
uel Ramsay Heaslip, bachelor, and Mar 
garet Mara, spinster., Toronto, by me, H- 
J. Grasett. 

Bain to Hawthorn. 30th Oct., 1878. David 
Bain, bachelor, .and Sarah Hawthorn, sjin- 
st -M-, Toronto, by me, Richard W. E. Greo^e. 

Hamilton to Teller. Nov. 5th, 1878. 
Alexander Hamilton, bachelor. Stratford, 
and Tillie Maud Teller, spinster, Simcoe. 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Husssy to Mooney. JVov. 9, 1878. William 



Husaey, bachelor, and EUzab?th Mooney. 
spinster, Toronto, by In/e, H. J. Orwell. 

Saundera to King. N>V. 11, 1878. Joseph 
Sounders, bachelor, and Mary Ann Ivans?, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard W. & 

G <Sark" to Hodgmon. Ifov. 28, 1878. John 
Francis Clark, bachelor 1 , and Nettie Hodg- 
mon, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra 

Gill-spie to How land. Dec. 11, 1878. John 
Gill-spie, widower, und Julia Howland. 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Goodison to Umpleby. Dec. 11, 1878. Pdch- 
ard Goodison, Kerhamthorpe, bachelor, 
and Susanna TTmpteby, Lambton Mills, spin 
ster, bv me, Richard W. E. Greene. 

Baker to Ryan. Dec. 17, 1878. ^Vilham 
Baker, bachelor, and Annie Ryan, spin 
ster, by me, H. J. Graestt. 

Pennington to Sylvester. Dec. 19th, 1878. 
Henrv Albert Grave Penndngton, bachelor, 
and "Mairgaret Sylvester, spinster, Mark- 
iLam, by me, Richard W. E. Greene. 

Seymour to Pry. Dec. 19, 1878. James 
Thomas Seymour, bachelor, and Emily Fry, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard W. E. 

Banner-ton to Hunton. Dec. 26, 1878. Eu 
gene Thomas Bannerton, New York, "bache 
lor, and Eliza Hud on Hunton, O i -ago, spin 
ster, by me, Richard W. E. Greene. 

Egh "to Avenengo. Dec. 51, 1878. Emil 
Egh, bachelor, and Jlliaa Avenengo, widow, 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Graaett. 

Robarts to Job. Jan. 7, . 1879. George 
Bre-reton Robarts, bachelor, and Louisa 
Jane Job, spinster, Toronto, by me, T. T. 

Ella to Wise. Jan. IS, 1879. John Ella. 
Etobicoke, bachelor, and Alice Louisa Wise, 
West York, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

He-vs to Parks. Jan. 28, 1879. Charles 
Heys", bachelor, and Mary Ann Parks, spin 
ster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Ohanner to Grasett. Feb. 4th, 1879. 
Christopher Henry Irving Channer, baohe 
lor, and Kenile-tta Alicia Oharlottte Gra- 
fiett, spinster, SImcoe, by me, H. J. Gra- 

Sutton to Laverty. Feb. 26, 1878. Frank 
Louis Sutton, bachelor, and El en Laverty, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard TV. E. 
Greene- \ > 

Bancroft to Chadwick. Mar. 4th, 1879. 
Jaims Bancroft, bachelor, and Eliza Chad- 
wick spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard W. 
E. Greene. 

Shunk to Sawdon. 5th Mar.. 1879. Jonas 
Shunk bachelor, and Marv Sawdon, spin 
ster. Vaughan, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Cameron to Noble. 5th Mar., 1879. 
John Cameron, bachelor, and Elizabeth 
Noble, spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard 
VT. E. Greene. 

Early to Brownell. Mar. 22nd, 1879. Al 
bert Early, bachelor, and Martha Brownell, 
spinster, Toronto, by me," Richard W. E. 

Gouinlock to .Strachan. 24th Mar.. 1879. 
William Chalk Gouinlock, Seaforth, bache 
lor, and Margaret Gilchrist Strachan, To 
ronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Grnsett. 

Hnghes to Cook. Ap. 3th, 1879. Thomas 
Hug-hes. bachelor, and Annie Cook, spinster, 
York, by me. H- J. Grasett. 

Yonng to Smith. Ap. 24th, 1879. James 
Young, bachelor, and Mary Ann Smith, 
fij>:nster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Thompson to Harcourt. Ap. 30th, 1879. 
Henry Leggett Thompson, bachelor, and 
Florence Harcourt, spinster, Toronto, by 
me. W. S. Rainsford. 

Sbanklin to Cook. May 1st, 1879. 
ert Shanklin, Thornhiil, widower, and Alice 
Ann Cook, Vaughan, spinster, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Delf to Flint. May 1st, 1879. George 
Samuel Delf, bachelor, and Maria Elizabeth 
Flint, widow, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Riml to Colder. 2nd May, 1879. Romel 
Riml. Hull, bachelor, and Sarah Maria Gol- 
der, Ottawa, spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Albsrstadt to Herschbruner. M"y 3rd. 
1879. August Albertstadt, bachelor and 
Elzaboth Herschbruner, spinster, , ^oronto, 
bv me H. J. Grasett. 

"Routledge to ISVwell. May 28, 1879. Wi!- 
i-im E Iward Routl. Ctge, bachelor, and Mary 
Fl",r no> X w-If, spinster, Toronto, by me, 
W. S. Rainsford. 

Gibson to Thorndyke. May 31st, 1879. 
Henry Gibson. Bachelor, a-nd Charlotte Anne 
Thorndyke, spinster, Oavan, by me, H. J. 

Henderson to Grant. June 2, 1879. James 
McKean Henderson, Montreal, bachelor, and 
Annie O\tberine Grant, Toronto, spinster, 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Sewell to Davis, /une 4, 1879. Langley 
Sewell, Clifton, bachelor, and Emily Jane 
Davis, Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. 

Gerald to Armstrong. June 4, 1879. As- 
chel Scott Gerald, Prescott, bachelor, and 
Margaret Armstrong, Toronto, spinster, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Mann to Lemon. June 10, 1879. James 
Bertram Mann, bachelor, and Jemima 
Lemon, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Whistle to Hay. June 18, 1879. David 
Whistle, bachelor, and Armi> Hay, spinster, 
Toromto, by me, tt. J. Grasett. 

Cosmer to Beatty. Jume 20, 1879. Morris 
Cosm-r, bachelor, and Annie Beatty, spin 
ster, Toronto, by me, Richard E. Greene. 

Billingsley to Kirby. June 25, 1879. An 
drew Archibald Billings-ley, bachelor, and 
Olivia Jane Kirb:-, epmster, Toronto, by me, 
Pdchard E. Greene. 

Lindley to Carter. June 30, 1879. Joseph 
Lindley, bachelor, and Alicia Onrter, spin 
ster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Garland to Barbe-r. July 23, 1879. Xicholas 
Surry Garland, Ottawa, bachelor, and 
Catherine Winnifre-d Frier Barber, Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Tane to Feeney. July 29, 1879. Walde- 
g-rave Tane, bachelor, and Catherine Fee 
ney, spinster, Marfcnam, by me, H. J. Gra- 

Rust to Preston. July 30, 1879. OLa-Ios 
Henry Rust, Toronto, bachelor, and Alice 
Preston, York, spinster, by me, Richard W* 
E. Greene. 

Trainer to Aug. 2, 1879. Thomas 
Trainnr, bachelor, to Emma McOann, spin 
ster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Graeett. 

David to Mclntyre. Aug. 5th, 1879. 
Thomas Jamce Davis, Detroit, bach 1 .r, and 
Marv Mclntyre, Stratford, jjpinster, by me, 
H. J. Grasatt. 

MacPherson to MacDonald. 27th Aug., 
1879. William MaePhorson, bachelor, and 
Charity Hope MacDonaM, spinster, Toron 
to by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Graing-er to Sheady. Aug. 30th, 1879. 



Frederick Graing-er, bachelor, and Amby 
Sheady, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Skene to Bertram. Sept. 1st, 1879. Geo. 
Skene, bachelor, and Mary Bertram, spin 
ster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Stock to Rutledge. Sept. 4th, 1879. 
George Lincoln Stock, bachelor, and Julia 
Rutledge, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Macnabb to Long-, llth Sept., 1879. Don 
ald Angus Macnabb, bachelor, and Marv 
Long, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra 

Hunt to Doner. Sept. 17th, 1879. Albert 
Hunt, bachelor, and Elizabeth Ann Doner, 
spinster, Markham, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
Hill to Steele. 23rd Sept., 1879. James 
Matthew H 11, bachelor, and Martha Amelia 
Stee e, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Hopkins to Lorsch. 22nd Oct., 1879. Ed 
ward Robert Hopkins, widower, and Mary 
Amelia Lorsch, spinster, Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Bell to Dibb. 29th Oct., 1879. William 
Bell, bachelor, and Emma Dibb, spinster, 
Bond s Lake, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Field to Fawcett. 5th Nov., 1879. Al- 
Field, bachelor, and Dinah Fawcett 
spmstor, Pickering, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
Hatcher to Trench. 15th Dec., 1879. 
James Hatrher, bachelor, and Katie Trench, 
spinster, Onmnock, by me. Richard E. 

Larkin to Sykes. 18th Dec., 1879. John 
Larkm, widower, and Annie Sykes, widow, 
Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett: 

Smith to Allan. 20th Dec., 1879. Edwin 
Smith, bachelor, and Thamar Allan, spin 
ster, Etobicoke. by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Buchanan to Kelley. 6th Jan., 1880 
Charles Buchanan, bachelor, and Margaret 
Kelley, spinster, Toronto, by me. Richard 
W. Jbi. Greene. 

Marriott to Helliwell. 8th Jan., 1880. 
Charles Marriott, bachelor, and Sarah Hel- 
j!* 611 spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Verrall to Hushes. 17th Jan., 1880. Al 
bert Verran, bachelor, and Mary Hughes, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Baldwin to Gwynne. 22nd Jan., 1880. 
.Henry Grasett Baldwin, bachelor, and Hel 
ena Lee Gwynne, spinster, Toronto, by me 
H. J. Graeett. 

Temple to Alexander. 22nd Jan., 1880. 
Cha:les Vesey Macdonald Tempie, widower 
and Margaret Jane Adelaide Alexander, 
spinster, Quebec, by me, F. D. Algoma. 

Todhunter to McManus. 20th Jan, 1880. 
James Todhunter, bachelor, and Jessina 
McManus, widow, Toronto, by me, W. S 

Fawcett to Learning-. 9th Feb., 1880. 
Benjamin Fawcett, bachelor, and Ann 
Learning, spinster, Pickering, by me, H. J. 

Fatten to Makinson. 19th Feb., 1880. 
Alexander Patton, King, widower, and Jane 
Makinaon, Toronto, widow, by me, Richard 
w . n,. Greene. 

, Taylor to Steel. 2nd March, 1880. Fran 
cis Jam.-;; Taylor. widow*-, and Elizabeth 
Steel spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard 
w. is. Lrreene. 

Ros3 to l.i inter, llth March, 1880. Don- 
d Mackenzie Roes, bachelor, and Catherine 
Hunter, spinster, To>nto, by me, H. J. 

McCann to Brennan. 16th March, 1880. 
James McCann, Yorkville, bachelor, anfcj 
Jane Brennan, York, spinster, by me, H. 
J. Grasett. 

Murphy to Morrison. 12th April, 1880. 
Richard Murphy, bachelor, and Margaret 
Morrison, widow, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Grant to Miller. 21st April, 1880. Wil- 
l.un .Grant, bachelor, and Vercne Davis 
Miller, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra- 

Kavanagh to Dougherty. 23rd April, 
1880. l>ar:iel Kavan^h, bacncltir, uiid 

Ma sarot J --n-> Dougherty, spingfer, Toron 
to, by me, RiohardJ "W. E. Greene. 

SJiaw to Bonncr. Ap. 26th, 1880. John 
Shaw, bachelor, and Christina Bonner, spin 
ster, Toronto, bv me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hellmuth to Gamble. 27th Ap., 1880. 
Isidore Frederick Hellmuth, bachelor, and 
Harriet Emily Gamble, spinster, Toronto, by 
me, I. Huron. 

Woods to Fleming-. May 5th, 1880. John 
Woods, bachelor, and Mary Fleming-, spin 
ster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Lewis to Miller. 10th May, 1880. Daniel 
Lewis, Toronto, bachelor, and Cora Mil er. 
Canton, O., spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 
Grant to Glen. May llth, 1880. John 
Grant, bachelor, and Agnes Glen, spinster, 
Toronto, by me, Richard E. Greene. 

Martin to Fitzgerald. 19th May, 1880. 
Frederick Martin, bachelor, and Margaret 
Fitzgerald, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Redford to Abraham. June 1st, 1880. 
George Starkey Redford, Don Mount, bach 
elor, and Sarah Ruth Abraham, Toronto, 
spinster, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Mayer to Morphy. June 2nd, 1880. 
George William Meyer, bachelor, and Marv 
Emelino Morphy, spinster. Toronto, by me, 
H. J. Grasett. 

Griffiths to Smith. June 9th, 1880. 
Harry Edwin Griffiths, bachelor, and Bel- 
linda Smith, spinster, Toronto, by me, 
Richard E. Greene. 

Silverthorne to Browne. 16th June, 1880. 
John Silverthorne. Sunnldale bachelor, and 
Martha Browne, Nottawasaga, spinster, by 
me. H. J. Grasett. 

Wilson to Hill. 21st June, 1880. John 
William Wiison. bachelor, and Emily Sarah 
Hill, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra 

Whitney to Wareing. 3rd July, 1880. 
James Warhani Whitney, widower, and 
Belle Nott Wareing, widow, Buffalo, by 
me, H. J. Grasett. 

Cavers to Wiggenton. July 7th, 1880. 
James Robert Cavers, bachelor, and Jennie 
Wigg-enton, spinster, Brantford, by me, 
Richard W. E. Greene. 

Quarrington to Ryan. 13th Jnly, 1880. 
Joseph Quarring-ton, bachelor, and R*ehel 
Ryan, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Gra 

Stanley to Taylor. July 21st, 1880. Rob 
ert Stanley, bachelor, and Samh Taylor, 
spinster, St. Catharines, by me, W. S. 

Walter to Newman. 9th Attgnst, 18SO. 
Louis Walter, bachelor, and Anna Rosa 
Newman, spinster, by me. Richard W. E. 

McGinley to Kennedy. 2nd Sept., 1880. 
Alexander McGinley, bachelor, and Mary 
Ann Kennedy, widow, Toronto, by me, H. 
J. Graaett. 



Duffy to Dohoney. 2nd Sept., 1880. 
James Duffy, bachelor, and Mary Ann 
Dohoney, spinster, Toronto, fry me, H. J. 

jtiourne to Murphy. 15th Sept., 1880. 
James Bourne, widower, and Frances Mur 
phy, widow, Peterborough, by me, J 

E McKemie to Wilaon. 15th Sept., 1880. 
WilBam McKenzie, bachelor, and Anni 
Helen Wilson, spinster, Toronto, by me, 

race 10 ^juppt-ii. " Sept., 1880. Fred 
erick Arthur Pace, bachelor, and Maggie 
Obppell, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. 

Itarke to Burns. Sept. 16, 1880. Joseph 
Rorke, bachelor, and Bridget Burns, Brlnr 
ster, Graveninirst, by me, H. J. Graset 

Tucker to L*n . Sept. 17, 1880. William 
Tucfcrr, bachelor, and Elizabeth Lang, Blu 
ster, O4van, by me. Richard W. B. Greene. 

Thompson to Snerm. Sept. ttn, 180. 
Grorge Thompron, Freecott, bachelor, and 
E lza ShsrTln, Peterborough, ^pin8ter, by me, 

e.. Sept. 21, 1880. Alfred 
Baker, bachelor, and Caroline Lynch, spin 
ster, Port Credit, by me, H. J. Graeett. 

Oterko to French. Sept. 23, 1880. Mat- 
thew Clarke. bachelor, and Mary Mar 
garet French* widow, Toronto, by me, W. 

wifflanK to Cfoldring. Sept. 28, 1880. ^Jo 
seph Williams, bachelor, and Sarah Oroldrmg, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Goldring to Swan. 28th Sept., 1880. Ed 
mund Goldring. Toronto, bachelor, and 
Elizabeth Caroline .Swan, Barrie, spinster. 
by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Hodgins to Macklem. 29th Sept., 1880. 
Frank Egerton Hod gins, bachelor, and Anna 
Maria Macklem, spinster, Toronto, by me, 
T. B. Niagara. 

Gordon to McNabb. 29th Sept., 1880. 
Thomas Henry Gordon, bachelor, and Mag- 

$le McNabb, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. 
. Grasett. 

Fuerst to Trotter. 30th Sept., 1880. 
Frederick Fuerst, bachelor, and Emily 
Trotter, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

Konkfo to Oakes. 6th Oct., 1880. Israel 
Konkle, Toronto, bachelor, and Eliza Jane 
Oak<:-s, Manvers County, spinster, by me, 
Richard W. E. Greene. 

Sutherland to Spence. 26th Oct., 1880. 
David Sutherland, bachelor, and Ellen 
Spence, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. 

B-<rkholder to Kinnee. Oct. 2t7h, 1880. 
William Arthur Bondholder, bacheior. ana 
Maggie Kinnee, spinster, Vaughan, by me. 
H. J. Grasett. 

Conron to Calbeck. Oct. 29th, 1880. 
William John Conron, bachelor, and Mar 
garet Oalbeck, spinster, Weston, by me 
H. J. Grasett, Dean of Toronto. 

Cook to Kin-. November 2nd, 1880. 
Charles Cook, widower, and Hannah King, 
widow, Toronto. by me. Richard W. E. 

Parker to Balg-ue. Nov. 4th, 1880. Oh as. 
Parker, bachelor, and Eliza Balgue, spin 
ster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Ovens to Ellison. Nov. 24th, 1830. Robt. 
Ovens, widower, and Annie Ellison, spin- 
ater, Toronto, by me, Richard W. E 

(X-aven to Smith. Nov. 29th, 1880. Geo. 

James Graven, bachelor, and Isabella Smith- 
widow, Brampton, by me, H J Grasett 

Wrlgbt to Cox. Dec. 8, 1880. Wllnam 
Jebb Wright, bachelor, to Wilhelmiiui Oox, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard W. fc. 

Hardwell to Roddy. Dec. 15, 1880. James 
Hardwell, bachelor, and Florence Ready, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard \\ . IIS. 


Roberts to West. Dec. 15, 1880. Edward 
Henrv Roberts, bachelor, and Phoebe Jane 
West 1 ; spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard 

Go.rb"tt to "midge. Dec. 29, 1880. Alex 
ander Oorbett, Chicago, bachelor, and Annie 
Budge, Toronto, sipinster, by me, H- d. 


May to Lovett,. Dec. 29, 1880. Lewis 
Luke" Mav, bachelor, and Eliza Marie Lo\- 
ett, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Needle to Andrews. Jan. 5, 1881. Thomas 
Needle, bachelor, and Kate Andrews, spm- 
eter, Toronto, by me, R. W. E. Greene 

Loring to Banks. Jan. 13th, 1831. Rich 
ard Lorin*-, bachelor, and Sai-ih Banks, 
spinster, Toronto, By me, R W. E. Greene. 

Kna^s to "Hickey. 14th Jan., 1881. Wil 
liam Ixiiaggn, Village of Summerville. bach 
elor, and Josephine Mickey, Village of Dixie, 
ipineter, by me, Richard W. E. Greene. 

Brading to Gage. Jan. 19th, 1881. 
Geora-e M. Bxading, widower, and Ellen 
GageT widow, Toronto, by me, Richard L. 

T Muttieb-ury to Gillespio. 20th Jan., 1881. 
George Augustus Muttlebury, Winnipeg, 
bachelor, and Fannie Lucretia Wynne I 
lespie, Toronto, spinster, by me, H. J. Gra- 

Pool to Michlor. 26th Jan., 1881. Thomas 
Pool, bachelor, and Annie Michler, spinster, 
township of Vaughan, spinster, by me* 
Richard E. Greene. 

Scott to *aylor. 3rd. Feb., 1881. Joseph 
Scott, bachelor, and Margaret Taylor, 
widow, Toronto, by me, H. J. ** r a*5*-- . _ 

Forhan to Goodman. 3rd Feb., 1881. John 
Forhan, bachelor, and Sarah Goodman, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Wilson to Wilding. 5th Feb., 1881. Wil 
liam Charles Wilson, bachelor, and Alice 
Wilding, spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard 
W. E. Greene. 

Hummel to Barclay. 14th Feb., 1881. 
Henry Hummel, widower, and Mary Bar 
clay, widow, Toronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

Baldwin to Goodman. 16th Feb., 1681. 
John Henry Baldwin, bachelor, and Eliza 
beth Goodman, spinster, Toronto, by me, 
Richard W. E. Greene. 

H-n*on to Thetford. 25th Feb., 1881. 
Waller Thomas Henson, bachelor, and Eliza 
Thcti ord, spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard 
W. E. Greene. 

Thorpe to Cornley. 10th Mar., 1881. Rob 
ert Thorpe, bachelor, and Annie Cornley, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard Greene. 

Stewart to Barnes. 15th Mar., 1881. Sam 
uel Richard Stewart, bachelor, and Louie- 
Barnes, spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard 
W. E. Greene. 

Slean to Dunsford. Mar. 30, 1881. James 
Ilrnry Slean, bachelor, and L lian Dunsford. 
spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard W. E. 

Schofield to Wilson. Ap. 23. 1881. Fred 
erick Stanley Schofield, Barrie, bachelor, 
and Edith Wilson, Toronto, spinster, by me 9 
H. J. Grasett. 



__ Pearson to Barber. Ap. 28, 1881. Robert 
Stephen Pearson, bachelor, and Jessie Bar 
ber, spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard W. 
E. Greene. 

Smith to Flynn. May 29, 1881. Marcus 
lenry Smith, bachelor, and Elizabeth Anne 
Flynn, spinster, Westou, by me, H. J. 

Ridout to Boyer. June 2, 1881. Walter 
Lmch RHout, Toronto, bachelor, and 41ice 
Boyer. Colborne, spinster, by me, H. J. 

_ Hunt to Hurat. July llth, 1881. Wil 
liam Thomas Hunt, bachelor, and Marv 
Ellen Hurst, spinster, Toronto, by me 
Hichard W. E. Greene. 

Scott to Wood. July 12, 1881. William 
George Scott, bachelor, and Matilda Diana 
Wood, spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard 
W. E. Greene. 

Black to Stephenson. July 28, 1881. Wil 
liam Henry Black, bachelor, and Ellen Ste 
phenson, widow, Toronto, by me. W. S 

Leacock to Vickers. Aug. 6, 1881. Ed 
ward Philip Leacock, bachelor. Winnipeg 
and Goorg-ina Eliza Vickers, spinster, To 
ronto, by me, H. J. Grasett. 

This was the last time the Very Rev. 
H. J. Grasett officiated at a wedding 
in St. James Cathedral, and the last 
time his signature appears. 

Bolton to Denny. Aug-. 8, 1881. John 
Bolton, bachelor, and Rachel Dwiny, spin- 
fiter, York, by me, H. H. Waters. 

Scholes to Kerr. Aug-. 18, 1881. John 
inomas bcholes, bachelor, and Mary Ann 
Kerr, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. H. 

Stajisbury to Harrison. Aug. 24. 1881. 
Jamos William Stansbury, bachelor and 
Elizabeth Louisa Harrison, spinster, To 
ronto, by me. H. H. Waters. 

Hughes to Oorke. Sept. 7, 1881. John 
Hughes, bachelor and Ann Oorke, widow 
Toronto, by me, Richard W. E. Greene. 

Oroil to Irving Sept. 14, 1881. Arthur 
Wellesley Oroil, bachelor, and Nettie Irvine 
epmster, Toronto, by me, Richard W. E 

Strathy to Grasett. Sept. 22, 1881. John 
Alexander Strathy, Barrie, bachelor, and 
Ag-nes Strachan Grasett, Toronto, spin- 
Bter, by me, H. H. Waters. 

Oaslor to Black. Oct. 12, 1881. John 
Caslor, bachelor, and Hannah Black, spin 
ster, Streetsville by me, Richard W. E 

Mally to Brown. Oct. 24, 1881. Henry 
Wilham Mally, bachelor, and Deborah 
Brown, spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard 
W. E. Greene. 

McMeans to Andrews. 28th Oct., 1881. 
George Delifield MoMeans, bachelor To 
ronto, and Fanny Andrews, widow, Brant- 
ford, by me, Richard W. E. Greene 

Hughes to Sharen. Nov. 7, 1881. John 
Ryan Hughes, bachelor, Tamworth. an/1 
Sarah Jane Sharen, spinster, Putnam, by 
me, Richard W. E. Greene. 

Guest to Barber. Nov. 10, 1881. John 
S??7 Gl S? 8t> Bachelor, and Ellen Barber, 
<Jreene r> Oronto b - v me Richard W. E. 

Smith to Burton. NOV. 26, 1881. Joseph 

Wellington Smith, bachelor, and Jane 

Burton, spinster, Toronto, by me. Richard 

r. Jtt. Greene. 

Adams to Moulton. Dec. 15, 1881. Al- 

fred Adams, bachelor, and El zabeth Moul- 
ton, spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard W. 
i E. Greene. 

Hoerr to Schadel. Dec. 17, 1881. Jacob 
Hoerr, bachelor, and Bertha Schadel, spin- 
! ster, Toronto, by me, Richard W. E. 
i Greene. 

Harman to Doherty. Dec. 21, 1881. Thos. 
, Harman, bachelor, and Sarah Doherty, spin- 
: ster, Toronto, by me, Richard W. E. Greene. 
Joslion to Noble. Jan. 10, 1882. Robert 
] Joslion, bachelor, and Martha Jane Noble, 
i spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard W. E. 
j Greeno. 

Hunter to Hart. Jan. 19, 1882. James 
Hunter, bachelor, and El zabeth Jane Hart, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard W. E. 

Wilkinson to Cru-k. Feb. 6, 1882. Alfred 
j Jamos Wilkinson, bachelor, and Arny Maria 
i Crick, spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard W. 
E. Greene. 

Ford to Rutherford. Feb. 20, 1882. Alex 
ander Ford, bachelor, and Martha Emme- 
lina Rutherford, spinster, Toronto, by me. 
Arthur Toronto. 

Moore to Donnely. Feb. 28, 1882. John 
Moore, widower, and Mary Donne] v, widow 
Alliston, by me, Richard W. E. Greene. 

Irvine to Frogley. May 11, 1882. Jared 
Irvine. Toronto, bachelor, and Mary Frog- 
ley, Yorkville, spinster, by me, Richard W. 
E. Greene. 

Gauthier to Fountain. Mav 23, 1882. 
Joseph Gauthier widower, and* Alcira Lav- 
inia Fountain, widow, Toronto, by me, Rich 
ard W. E. Greene. 

Doble to Hoshel. May 25, 1882. William 
Doble, TJxbridge, bachelor, and Elizabeth 

Sr s ^? I J VIarkham spinster, by me, Richard 
W. E. Greene. 

McCaffrey to Same. June 1, 1882. James 
Robert McCaffrey, widower, and Ida Mary 
Same, spinster, Toronto, by me. W. S 

McFadden to McTagg-art. June 21, 1882. 
Hugh McFadden, bachelor, and Martha Mc- 
Tag-gart spinster, Caledon, by me, Richard 
W. R. Greene. 

Lunn to Dunn. June 21, 1882. John 
Thomas Lunn. bachelor, and Jennie Dunn 
smnster, Toronto, by me, Richard W. E 

Brown to Young-. June 28, 18S2. John 
Brown. Toronto, bachelor, and Eliza Eliza 
beth Tcoung-, of Newtown, N. Y., spinster, 
by me, Richard W. E. Greene. 
Bryant to Bevan. July 14, 1882. Fran- 
Leslie Bryant, bachelor, and Grace Ellen 
Bcvan, spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard 
w. ji. trreene. 

Reade to Coleman. July 18, 1832. Fred 
erick Murray Reade, fTurtle Mountain, Man., 
bachelor, and Marianna Cecilia Coleman, 
Toronto, spinster, by me, Richard W. E. 

Yielding to Little. July 18, 1882. Thomas 
William Yielding-, bachelor, and Maggie 
Little, spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard 
W. E. Greene. 

Hoey to Smith. July 25, 1882. Alexan 
der Hoey, bachelor and Mary Smith, spin 
ster, Toronto, by me, Richard W. E. Greene. 
Johnson to Ryan. July 26, 1882. Lionel 
Johnson, widower, and Catherine Ryan 
spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard W. E. 

UMsdnl9 to Wright. July 30, 1882. Pres- 
rpn Thomson Rr sdaK bachelor, and Kite 
Bright, widow, Kentucky, U. &. by me, 
Richard W. E. Greene. 



McKay to Thorpe. Aug. 21, 1882. Law 
rence Byron McKay, bachelor, and Annie 
Bromhali Thorpe, spinster, Toronto, by me, 
H. H. Waters. 

Kennedy to McMullen. Aug. 29th, 1882. 
James Frederick Kennely, bachelor, and 
El z absth Frances McMullen spinster, To 
ronto, by me, Richard W. E. Greene. 

Conover to Goldner. Aug. 29, 1882. Geo. 
Samuel Conover, bachelor, and Rosa Gold 
ner, spinster, London, by me, Richard W. 
E. Greene. 

MacDonald to Frost. &3pt. 5, 1882. Geo. 
Simeon MacDonald, widower, and Almira 
Alma Frost, spinster, Toronto, by me, Ralph 
O. Brydges, 

Brown to Andrews. Sept. 13, 1882. John 
Thomas Brown, bachelor, and Ann e Strol- 
0r Andrews spinster, Richmond Hill, by 
me. Alfred Osborne. 

Blair to Robinson. .Sept. 14, 1882. 
James Burns Blair, widower, and Elizabeth 
Harriet Robinson, spinster, Hamilton, by 
me. Alfred Osborne. 

Kersteman to Ridout. Sept. 19, 1882. 
William Kersteman, bachelor, and Jessie 
Ridout, spinster, Toronto, by me, Arthur 

Porter to Ridout. Sept. 19, 1882. Ed 
ward Porter, Portage La Prairie, bachelor, 
and Louie Abigail Ridout, Toronto, spin 
ster, by me, Arthur Toronto. 

McMurrich to Vickers. Sept. 20, 1882. 
James Playfair M<Murrich. Guelph. bache 
lor, and Katie Moodie Vickers, Toronto, 
spinster, by me, Arthur Toronto. 

Howe to Bowman. Oct. 2. 1882. John 
Wilson Howe, Trenton, bachelor, and Jane 
Davison Bowman. Toronto, spinster, by me 
Richard W. E. Greene. 

Miller to Russell. Oct. 11, 1882. Wil 
liam Henry Miller, bachelor, and Mary 

Bright to Brown. Oct. 14, 1882. Levi 
3nght, wi lower, and Eliza Brown, widow 
Toronto, by me, Richard W. E. Greene. 

Piper to Green. Oct. 17, 1882. Augustus 
Martin Piper, bachelor, and Laura Matilda 
Greene spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard 
. Ii/. Greene. 

Mossop to Holderness. Oct. 24 188 
Frederick William Mossop, bachelor, and 
Jenn e Holderness. spinster, Toronto bv 
me, Richard W. E. Greene. 

Burke to MacKay. Nov. 9., 1882. Ar 
thur Wellington Burke, Bowmanville, bach 
elor, and Madge Margaret Hamilton Mac-, 
Kay, Toronto, spinster, by me, Richard W. 
E. Greene. 

Price to McBride. Nov. 21, 1882. Sam- 
*f o- J 106 bachelor, and Francis Elizabeth 
McB ride, spinster, Toronto, by me, Rich 
ard W. E. .Greene. 

Cowan to Quirk. Nov. 23, 1882. James 
Oowan, bachelor, and Mary Quirk, spin 
ster, Toronto, by me, R. W. E. Greene. 

Brooke to MacDonald. Nov. 29, 1832 
toarles Edmund Brooke, bachelor, and 
Alice Maud Macdonald, spinster, Toronto, 
by me, Richard W. E. Greene. 

Tolchard to Campbell. Dec. 6, 188 He-- 
Tolchard, bachelor, and Barbara Ann 
r . Toronto, by me. Rfch- 

Erwood to Sallaway. Deo. 24, 1882. John 
illiam Erwood, bachelor, and Sarah Cath 

erine Sallaway, spinster, Toronto, by me, 

Richard W. E. Greene. 

Noverre to Papps. Dec. 27, 1882. Phil 
lip Edward Noverre, bachelor, and Mary 
Ann Pappa, spinster, Toronto, by me, Rich 
ard W. E. Greene. 

Davis to Rickey. Jan. 1, 1883. George 
Davis, bachelor, and Mary Ann Rickey, 
spinster, Peterborough, by me, Richard "VV. 
E. Greene. 

Teskey to Wilson. Jan. 25, 1883. Rich 
ard "Teskey, bachelor, and Jane Wilson, 
widow, Toronto, bv me, R. W. E. Greene. 

Wilks ,to Totterdale. Jan 30, 1883. 
Charles Richard Wilks, bachelor, and Ellen 
Totterdale, widow, Toronto, by me, Ralph 
L. Brydges. 

Beli "to Dundas. Feb. 8, 1883. Edward 
Bell, bachelor, and Eliza Dundas, spinster, 
bv me, Richard W. E. Greene. 

Johnston to Sockettt. March 14, 1883. 
Robert (Johnston, Brant, bachelor, and 
Mary Eliza Sockett, Guelph, spinster, by 
me, Richard W. E. Greene. 

Robinson to Marshall. March 26, 1883. 
Percy George Horke Robinson, bachelor, 
i and Charlotte Marshall, spinster, Toronto, 
by me, Richard W. E. Greene. 

Stong to Lawrence. March 28, 1883. 
Christopher Albert Stong, iUxbridge, bach 
elor, and Ida Lawrence, Dnnnville, U. S. A., 
spinster, bv me, Richard W. E. Greene. 

Adams to Williams. April 4, 1883. Wil- 
I liam Percy Adams, .Brooklyn, bachelor, and 
Martha Matilda Williams, Toronto, spinster, 
by me, Richard W. E. Greene. 

Denne to Wilbee. April 5, 1883. Fred 
erick Denne, bachelor, and Elvina Louisa 
Wilbee, spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard 
W. E. Greene. 

Morris to Baxter. April 5, 1833. Wil 
liam Marshall Morris, St. Catherines, bach 
elor, and Susan Baxter, Toronto, spinster, 
j by me, Richard W. E. Greene. 

Long to Telford. April 12, 1883. John 
! Long, bachelor, and Mary Telford, spinster, 
Toronto, by me, Richard W. E. Greene. 

Forrester to Scobell. May 5, 1883. Fred 
erick Forrester, bachelor. and Augusta 
Helena Scobell spinster, Toronto, by me, 
J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Lee=on to Collins. May 23, 1883. Wil 
liam Leoson. Toronto, b -ichol T. nn A Tl on 
Collins, Severn, by me, J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Woodruff to Read. -May 26, 1883. Wash 
ington G. AVoodruff. bich^lor, and Xol ie 
Read, spinster, Markham, by me, J. Philip 

Earls to Baker. May 29, 1833. Thomas 
Edward Earls, Woodbridge, bachelor. and 
Sarah Ann j^aker, Boltoii, spinster, bv me. 
Richard AV. E. Greene. 

Deacon to Bell. June 2, 1883. James 
Deacon and B^mily Matilda Bell, Toronto, 
by mo, Dyson Hague. 

Roberts to Hill. June 9, 1S83. James 
Roberts, bachelor, and Bridget H:ii. v,i!o,\, 
Toronto, by me, Richard W. E. Greene. 

Grasett to Todd. June 14. 1883. Fred 
erick Le Maitre Grasett, bachelor, and Jane 
Stewart Todd, "pinster, Toronto, by me, J. 
Philip DuMoulin. 

Philnott to McCullough. July 1, 1S83. 
William Philpott, bachelor, and Marv Mc 
Cullough, spinster, Toronto, bv me. J 
Philir. DuMoulin. 

L ; bby to Davey. July 2, 1883. Matthew 
Henry Libby. bachelor, an 1 Louisa Letitla 
Davey, spinster, Toronto, by mo, J. Philip 

Clare to Plater. July 4. 1883. Frederick 



Henry Glare, bachelor, and Sarah Jane 
Plater, spinster, Toronto, by me, J. Philip 

Hope to Gilbert. July 9. 1883. Frank 
Hope, and Annie Wallace Gilbert, Toronto, 
by me, Dyson Hague. 

Harris to Deegau. July 19, 1883. John 
Harris, bachelor, and Margaret Deegan, 
widow. Toronto, by me, H. H. Waters. 

Swaisland to Cummins*. July 31, 1883. 
Charles William Swaisland, Niagara Falia, 
bachelor, and E len Gumming, South End, 
England, spinster, by me, H. H. Waters. 

Bills to King. July 31, 1883. Timothy 
Bills, bachelor, and Louisa King, spinster, 
Toronto, by me, H. H. Waters, 

Gibson to Stubbs. July 31, 1883. Rob 
ert Gibson, bachelor, and Elizabeth StubPs, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. H. Waters. 

Tilley to Wilkey. Sept. 1, 1883. Henry 
Tilley, bachelor, and Mary Wiikey, ---pin- 
ster. Garafraxa. bv me, J. P. DuMoulin. 

Chappell to Bell." Sept. 5, 1883. William 
Chnppell. bachelor, and Frances Bell, spin 
ster, Toronto, by me, J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Dodds to Graham. Sept. 13. 1883. Rob 
ert Dodds bachelor, and Ellen Graham, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard W. E. 

Wyness to Xord. Sept. 18, 1883. Alex 
ander Wyness, bachelor, and Annie E-iza- 
beth Furbish Word, spinster, Toronto, by 
me, Richard W. E. Greene. 

Stephenson to Archibald. Sept. 19, 388?. 
John Tyndall Stephenson, K ncr, bachelor, 
and Margaret Maudle Archiba d, Vaughan, 
spinster, by me, Richard W. E. Greene. 

Dinner to Mutch. Sept. 19, 1885. Wil 
liam Dinner, Hope, Bachelor, and Charlotte 
Mutch, Clarke, spinster, by me, Richard W. 
E. Greene. 

Price to MiCcheir. Sept. 25, 1883. George 
Price bachelor, and Emma Mitchell, spin 
ster, Toronto, By me, J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Walker to Byrne. Sept. 29, 1883. Phi ip 
Henry Walker, bachelor, and Bridget 
Byrne, spinster, Toronto, jby me, J. Philip 

Rutledge <to Grace. Sept. 30, 1883. 
Charles Joseph Rutledge, Brampton, bach 
elor, and Louisa Ethel Grnce, Sagineau, TJ. 
S. A., by me, Richard W. E. Greene. 

Carter to Plater. Oct. 2, 1883. Alfred 
Ernest Carter, widower, and Emily Pl->tT, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, J. P. DuMoulin. 

Brown to Matham. Oct. 2, 1883. Horace 
Brown, Hamilton, widower, and Susan 
Matham, Toronto, spinster, by me, Richard 
W. E. Greene. 

Stitt to Protheroe. Oct. 13, 1883. Wil 
liam Stitt, bachelor, and Myra E. Proth 
eroe, spinster, Toronto, by me, J. Philip 

Beh to Falloon. Oct. 16, 1883. Edward 
Bell, bachelor, and Letitia Falloon, spinster, 
Toronto, by me, Richard W. E. Greene. 

Burns to Barker. Oct. 23, 1883. James 
Burn?, bachelor, and Hannah Maria Barker, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, R. W. E. Greene. 

Vndd to Meakin. Oct. 25, 1883. Thomas 
Vudd, bachelor, and Mary J.-me Meakin, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, R. W. E. Greene. 

Barber to Kells. Oct. 25, 1883. Tim 
othy Barber, bachelor, and Eleanor Han 
nah Kells, spinster, Toronto, by ine, Rich 
ard W. E. Greene. 

Dixon to Henderson. Oct. 31, 1883. Wil 
liam Thomas Dixon, bachelor, and Charlotte 
Henderson, pp ; nster, Toronto, t>y me, J. 
Philip DuMoulin. i 

Ardagh to Birt. Nov. 2, 1883. Charles 
Oscar Ardagh, bachelor, and Sarah E len 
Birt. spinster, Toronto, by me, J. Philip 

Allcard to Wilson. Nov. 3, 1883. Albert 
Allcard, bachelor, and Clara TViJson, spin 
ster, Toronto, by me, J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Farmery to Samme. Nov. 5, 1883. Al 
bert Edward Farmery, Toronto, bachelor, 
and Ellen Samme. Oboksville, spinster, by 
me, J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Brown to Egifinton. Nov. 5, 1883. Rich 
ard Brown, bachelor, and Sarah Egginton, 
spin?ter, Toronto, by me, J. Philip Du- 

Maho n to Budden. Nov. , 1883. John 
1 Mahon. bachelor, and Bessie Budden, spin- 
; ster, Toronto, by me, R. W. E. Greene. 

Griffiths to Trotman. Nov. 17, 1883. 
| Frederick John Griffiths, bachelor, and 
! Fmelina Augusta Trotman, spinster, To 
ronto, ! me. Richard W. E. Greene. 

Anderson to Killiminster. Nov. 22, 1883. 
Robert Anderson, bachelor, and Alice Maud 
Killiminster, widow. Toronto, by me, Rich 
ard W. E. Greene. 

Brooks to Cole. Nov. 22, 1883. Thomas 
John Brooks, bachelor, and Frances Colo, 
spinster, Toronto, by rnc, Richard W. E. 

! Farrell to O Halloran. Nov. 22. ]f83. 
! James Faroruhi .r Farrell, bachelor, and M n- 
i nie O Halloran. s- inster, Toronto, by me, 
: J. Plrdip DuMoulin. 

Holme to Strangward. Dec. 3 1883. 
James Holme, widower, and Jane Strannr- 
, war 1 !, spinster, Toronto, by me, J. Phi;ii> 

Dalbey to Lascelles. Dec. 10, 1883. 
j James Dalbey, bachelor, and Elizabeth Las- 
j colles, spinster, Carlton West, by me, J. 
Philip DuMoulin. 

Smith to Taylor. Dec. 15, 1883. Thomas 
Smith, bachelor, and Annie Lyilia Taylor, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, J. P. 
Rilpy Co Morton. Dec. 18, 1833. Thomas 
Ril y, bachelor, and Margaret Morton, s; in 
ster. Toronto, by me, J. Phi io DuMoulin. 
White to Jones. Ap. 1, 1884. Edward 
Cartwr ght White, bachelor, and Sophia 
Oiive Jones. Toronto, spinster, Toronto, by 
me. J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Ogg to Thomson. Ap. 8. 1834. James 
j Ogg, bachelor, and Martha Thomson, spin 
ster, Markham, by me, J. P. DuMoulin. 

Birker to Parker. An. 10. 1884. John 
| Barker, bachelor, and Emily Parker, spin- 
I ster. Toronto, by me, .J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Pantry to Switzer. Ap. 14, 1884. Henry 
Pantry, bachelor, and Margaret Swilzor. 
spinster, Toronto, by me, R. W. E. Greene. 

Armstrong to Bromley. Ap. 27, J884. 
James Armstrong, bachelor, and Mary Anne 
Bromley, spinster, Toronto, by me, J. P. 

Payne to Creighton. Ap. 23. 1884. John 
Payne. bachelor.,aii l Frances Em ly Creigh- 
ton spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard W. 
E. Greene. 

Powell to Palmer. Ap. 30, 1884. Robert 
Powell bachelor, and Annie Palmer, spin 
ster, Toronto, by me, R. W. E. Greene. 

Nugent to -Stamford. May 21, 1884. 
Richard Nuirent bachelor, and Helen St.". m- 
ford spinster, Toronto, by me, J. Philip 

Yielding to Wilson. May 29, 1884. Wil- 
! am John Yielding-, bachelor, and Mart 
Wilson, spinster, Toronto, by ine, J. Philip 




ster Toroato, by me, R, W. E. I 

Fmbree to Fry. June 11, 1884. Rufu 
Effibree bachelor, and Margaret Fry, spm- 
le Brampton. by me. J. Philip DuMoulin. 
fnglis to* Griffin. June 27, 188! James 
Watfon Inglis, bachelor, and Phoebe Ann 
Griffin, spinster, Wingham, by me, J. P 

D gS?-to Kelly. July 1- I84. 

Gledhill, widower, to Daisy Alice Brodie, 
spinster, Toronto, by me. J. * D**?^ H! 

Brophj to Smith. Sept. 18, 1834. Oeralu 
Francis Brophy, Winnipeg, bachelor, and 
Kate Smith, Toronto, spinster, by me, d. 
Philip DuMoulin. _ . 

Graham to Walker. Sept. 25, 1884. TV il- 
liam John Graham, bachelor, and Elizabeth 
Walker, spinster, Toronto, by me, 

C1 De k sroches to Cullen. Sept. 25 188 i. Geo. 
Desroches, bachelor, and Mary Frances 
Oull.-n spinster, Toronto, by me, J. Pnmp 

g mon to Boyd. Sept. 25, 1884. Ste- 
fano Agmond. bachelor, and Rose Boyd, 
spinster. Toronto, Dy me. J. P. DuMoulin. 

.MeCullen to O Leary. Oct. 2, 1884. An 
drew McCullen, widower, and Jos 
O l^ary, spinster, Toronto, by Die, J. 

Long to Wilson. > IBS: WiUiam 
Long, bachelor, and Mary Ann Wilson, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, Rachard W. E. 

Sheahan to Hodgkin. July 3, 
John Sheahan, bachelor, and Annie SpWgen 
Ho Igkin. spinster, Guelph, by me, J. Philip 

D $hea J rd a to Stanton. July 10. 1884. Charles 
Sh oard M.D., bachelor, and Virna Stanton, , 
sp nster, Toronto, by me, R. W- E. Greene. 

Farley to Brown. July 15, 1884. George , 
William Farley, Winnipeg, bacheior, and 
Sarah Sophia Rrown, Toronto, spinster, by 
me, Richard W. E. Greene. 

Cruise to Roberts. July 27, 1884. John | 
Crui e, and Jennie Roberts, spinster, To- j 
ronto, by me, Dyson Hague, Assistant. 

Breckon to Street. July 30, 1884. Rich- 
ard Breckon, bachelor, Markham, and Ma- , 
tilda Ann Street, Cbckburn Island, spin- ; 
ster, by me, Dyson Hague, Assistant. 

Daniels to Jones. Aug. 4, 1884. Wil 
liam Henry Daniels, bachelor, and 
beth Mary />nn Jones, spinster, Toronto, by 
me, J. P hilip DuMoulin. 

Owen to Bull. Aug. 6, 1884 Joseph 
Gardiner Owen, Btreetaville, bachelor, anc 
Mary Amelia Bull, Toronto, widow, by me, 
J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Squires to Padrton. Aug. 18, 1 84. V, i.- 
liam Henry Squires, bachelor, and Alice 
Jane Paddon, spinster, Toronto, by me, J. 
Philip DuMoulin. QQ . 

Buchanan to Blakeley Aug. 18, 1884 
Robert Buchanan, widower, and M.TV 
Blflk ley, spinster, Toronto, by ie, 
Philip DuMoulin. 

Nelson to Home. Aug. W^M*JSSE 
Nol on, bachelor, and Har 
ster, Toronto, by me, J. 

St y reetsville, by me, J". Ph. 

McNeill to Parker. Aug. 41, .---,>--;: 
uel McNeill, bachelor, and Sarah Parker, 
spinster, Wellington County, by me, J. P. 

Hollman to Taylor Sept. 16, 1884. Jesse 
Hollman, Hanover, bachelor and 
Ann Taylor, Toronto, spinster, by me, J. 

Pollltt. Oct.3 1884 James 
Francis Isaacs, bachelor, and Martha Pol 
lltt, spinster, Toronto, t>y me, J. i U* 

M Ho-g to Tye. Oct. 7, 1884. James Hogg, 
, ana F.-hel Tye, spinster, Toron,- 

Hague to Baldwin. Oct. 6, 186* 
Hague, b-u-hslor, an-1 Jemim-t 
spinster. Toronto, by me, A. Toronto. 

HUl to Ma thews. Oct. 30, 1834. George 
Edward Hill bachelor, and Rebecca Mathews, 
tpinster, Toronto, by me, Richard W. fc. 

to Parr. Nov. 4, 1884. Thomas 
Roberts, bachelor, ^ d - S ^ *& r n r ir *i?lS 

ster, Toronto, by me, J. Ph-P. ? u ^ 1 U o 1 8 t 
Nicholson to Oharlesworth. Nov. 8, 1884. 
John Senior Nicholson, widower, and Sarah 
inn O Ch Ti-swortn. spinster, Weston, by 
me, J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Anthony tto Mc^iullen. Nov. 12, . 
Charle-s Anthony, bachelor, and Harnett 
McMudlen, .^inster, Toronto, bj me, J. 

- Sept. 17, 1881 Frederick 
Dibb bachelor, and Fanny Rebecca Dibb, 
Jp Mtor. Vaughan, by me J. P. DuMouiln. 

AJh to SizeT Sept. 17 1884. Robert Ash 
bachelor, and Mary Ann S/ze, spinier, \ ork 
County, by me, J. Philip DuMoulln. 

Gledhill to Brodie. Sept. If, 1884. Edwin 

[fts to Cook. Nov. 21, 1884. Frederick 
Hilts, Pickering, bachelor, and Mrv Oonk, 
Whitchurch, spinster, by me, J. I 

M Green to Forsayeth. Dec. 24 1884. John 
Green, widower, nd Hannah Isabella For- 
snyeth, widow, Toronto, by me, Ricnard 

E RocklrTto Myers. Dec. 3. 1884. rharles 
Rockert. bachelor, and Annie Victoria 
My rs spinster, Toronto, by me, J. J 

D HaUiSfl to Oroves. Dec. 4. 1884. Thomas 
H^ligan bachelor, and Fredriette Groves, 
widow, Toronto, by me, J. P. DuMoulin. 

ROTOM to Acton. Dec. 21, 1881. Robert 
Ro"- rs " bachelor, and Jennie Acton, spinr,- 
st- r Toronto, by me, Dyson Higue. 

Pittman to Burk. Dec. 31. 1881. Joseph 
Pittman, bachelor, and Margaret Burk, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard W. E. 

Burk to Willoughby. Jan. 5. 1885. Davl j 
Campbell Burk Toronto widower, and Ada 
Willoughby Detroit, spinster, by me, J. 

Shaw to FoV-y . Jan. 15, 1885. Frederick 
H nry Shaw, bachelor, and Katie Josephine 
Frances Foley spinster, Toronto, by me, J. 
Philip DuMouiiii. 

Kerrison to Carswell. Jan. 31, 188o. John 



Davenport Kerrnon, Toronto, ;widpwpr, and 
Alice Mary Carswefi, Oshawa, spinster, by 
me. Richard W. E. Greene. 

Wilkinson to Rutter. Feb. 11, 1885. Geo. 
Edward W Ikinson, Markham, bachelor, iind 
Emily Caroline Rutter, Toronto, spinster, 
by me, Richard W. E. Greene. 

Drysdale- Younger to Elliott. Feb. 13, 1885. 
James Drysdale- Younger, bachelor, and 
El-zabsth Marion Elliott, spinster, Ottawa, 
by me, J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Browne to Nichols. Feb. 16, 1885. Henry 
John Hugh Browne, bachelor, and Emma 
Nichols, spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard 
W. E. Greene. 

Conley to Craven. Feb. 18, 1885. William 
John Conley, bachelor, and Sarah Letitia , 
Craven, spinster, Toronto, by me, J. P. Du 

Douglas to Lipsett. Feb. 24, 1885. James i 
Alexander Pouglas, bachelor, and Eliza i 
Jane Lipsett, spinster, Toronto, by me, J. : 
Philip DuMoulin. 

Jarvis to Johnson. Mar. 4, 1885. Thomas 
Henry Jarvis, bachelor, and Edith Kato 
Johnson, spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard 
W. E. Greene. 

Bell to Howe. Mar. 4, 1885. Roland Ed- 
ward Bell, bachelor, and Isabella J;:ne Howe, j 
spinster, Toronto, by me, R. W. E. Greene. { 

McLaren to Fowler. Mar. 11, 1885. Thoi 
James Smith McLaren, Mitchell, bachelor, ! 
and Emily Louisa Fowler, Toronto, spins. er, j 
by me, Richard W. E. Greene. 

Banks to Beaumont. Mar. 1885. Thomns 
Banks, bachelor, and jEJliza Jane Beaumont, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, R. W. E. Grrono-. i 

Hague to Wyatt. Mar. 23, 1885. Charles i 
Henry Hague, bachelor, and Edith Juliet \ 
Wyatt, spinster, Toronto, by me, Richard 
W. E. Greene. 

Pearce to O Rourke. Ap. 1, 1885. George ! 
Pearce, bachelor, and Anna O Rov ; rke, spin- 
ster, Toronto, by me, J. P. DuMoulin. 

Lee to Foy. Ap. 14, 1885. William James 
Lee, bachelor, and Deborah Margaret Foy, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, R. ,W. E. Greene. 

Simpson to McCIosRey. Ap. 15, 1885. Alex 
ander Stewart Simpson, bachelor, and 
Martha Jane MoOloskey, spinster, Toronto, 
by me, Richard W. E. Greene. 

Joliffe to Brown. Ap. 16, 1885. Ernest 
Bernard Joliffe, bachelor, and Lotta May 
Brown, spinster, Toronto, Jby me, J. Philip 

Augusta Ryder, spinster, Toronto, by me 
Rjciiard W. E. Greene. 

Delahavo to Wright. June 24, 1885. 
Gideon Delahaye, bachelor, Pembroke, and 
Ma:garet Louisa Wriglit, spinster, Toronto 
by me, Richard W. E. Greene. 

Staunton to Hamilton. June 27, 1885. 
Albert Aaron Staunton, widower, to Char 
lotte Hamilton, widow, Toronto. by me. 
Arthur Toronto. 

Presnail to Hynes. June 29, 1885. Rich 
ard Presnail, bachelor, and Annie Hynes. 
spinster, Toronto, by me. Dyson Hague. 

Watson to McGuire. July 1, 1885, Sam 
uel Watson, widower, Toronto, arid Matilda 
McGuire, spinster, Orangeville. by me Ar 
thur H. Baldwin. 

Hawkins to Edwards. 13th July, 1885. 
William Harry Hawkins, widower, and Susan 
Edwards, spinster, Dixie^ by me. J. Philip 

Clark to Keefer. Aug. 10, 1885. David 
Clark, widower, Thornhill and Martha 
Keefer, widow, Vaugban. by me. Richard 
W. E. Greene 

Irving- to Skelton. Aug. 31, 1885. An 
drew Maxwell Irving, bachelor, and Marie 
Louisa Skelton, spinster, Toronto, by me, 
Richard W. E. Greene. 

Young to Stacey. Sept. 9, 1E83. Robert 
Urichols Young, Detroit, bachelor, and Me 
lissa Jane Stacey. Hamilton wi low, by me, 
J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Biggar to LeBarre. Sept. 10, 1885. Asa 
Albert Biggar, bachelor, and Emily Lc- 
Barre, spinster, Toronto, by me, J. Phiiip 

Peachey to Lannan. Sept. 15, 1885. Ed 
ward Peachey and Mary Ann Lannan, Co- 
bourg. by me, J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Lo Meurier to Todd. Sept. 16, 1885. 
George Geddes Le Mesurier, bachelor, and 
Wilhelmina Elizabeth Todd, spinster, To 
ronto, by me, J. Philip DuMoulin. 

MacDonaM to Nichols. Sept. 16, 1885. 
Donald MacDonald, Albany, N. Y., bache 
lor, and Florence Bleeker Nichols, Toronto, 
spinster, by me, J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Pretty to Cooper. Sept. 18, 1835. Al 
fred Pretty, bachelor, and Annie Cather 
ine Cooper, spinster, Toronto, by me, J. 
Philip DuMoulin. 

Walliss to Lawrence. Sept. 24. 1885. 
Harry Walliss, bachelor, and Marianne 
Lawrence, spinster, Baysville, by me, J. 

Bowin, spinster, Peel, by me, J. Philip Du 

Kirby to Ritchie. May 2-6, 1885. Edwin 
John Kirby, bachelor, tind Annie Ritchie, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, J. Philip Du 

Liiaborne to Heinsworth. June 3rd, 1885. 
Francis Herman Gfsborne, bachelor, and 
Edith Douglas Hernsworth, Toronto, spin 
ster, by me, J". P. DuMoulln. 

Johnston to Watts. June 4, 1885. Curtis 
A. Johnston, bachelor, and Margaret J. 
Watts, spinster, Ontario, by me, J. P. Du 

Backus to Drake. June 10, 1885. Rich 
ard Backus, bachelor, and Harriett Drake 
spinster, Caledon, by me .;. Philip DuMoulin. 

Jones to Bell. June 12, 1885. William 
Jones, widower, #nd Margaret Bell widow 
Toronto, by me, J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Morrison to Ryder. June 18, 1885. Fred 
erick William Morrison, bachelor, and Mary 

Helliweli to Fitzsimmons. Oct. 1st. 1885. 
Grant Helliwell, bachelor, and Annie Maria 
Fitzsimmons, spinster, Toronto, by me, J. 
Philip DuMoulin. 

Wylie to Maddigan. Oct. 7, 1885. William 

I Wylie, bachelor, and Margaret Maddigan, 

! spinster, Toronto, by hie, J. P. DuMoulin. 

MacLean to Bretherton. Oct. 8th, 1885. 

John MacLean, bachelor, and Sarah Breth- 

j erton, widow, Toronto, by me, J. Philip 

i DuMoulin. 

Fuerst to Taylor. Oct. 8, 1885. Byron 
Fuerst, bachelor, and Eliza Taylor, ppm- 
ster, Toronto, by me, J. Philip "DuMoulin. 
Nell to Bawden. Oct. 27, 1885. William 
Neil, bachelor, and Annie Bawden, widow, 
Toronto, by me, H- P. Hobson. 

Lumsden to Whitney. Oct. 29, 1885. Hugh 
David Lumsden, bachelor, and Mary Frcd- 
i erica Whitney, spinster, [Toronto, by me, 
! J. Philip DuMoulin. 



Beatfy to Wallace. Nov. 4, 188o. Alex- ; 
ander Beatty, bachelor, and Mary Eliza 
beth Wallace, spinster, ^Toronto, by me, . 

Saundora to Irvine. Nov. 11, 1885. Robert 
Thomas Saunders, bachelor, and Jane Ir 
vine, spinster, Toronto, by me, J. 

Best to Drowley. Xov. 28, 1885. James 
Best, bachelor, and Caroline Drowley, spin 
ster, Weston, by me, H. P. Hobson. 

Ewan to O Xeil. Dec. 16, 1885. John Alex- j 
ander Ewan, bachelor, and Elizabeth Ann 
O Neill, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. P. ; 

Nelson to Olarkson. Dec. 17, 1885. William ! 
James Nelson, bachelor, and Mary Logan 
Olarkson, widow, Toronto, by me, J. Phi ip 
DuMoulira. >. 

Dean to Miller. Dec. 23, 1885. James G. ; 
Dean, bachelor, and Grace Miller, spinster, 
Toronto, by me, J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Stanway "to Robson. Dec. 24, 1885. John 
Richard Stanway, Minneapolis, bachelor, 
and Esther Robson, Toronto, spinster, by 
me, J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Bernard to Van Kempen. Dec. 24, 188o. J. \ 
William Bernard, bachelor, and Mry Lovi^a , 
Tan Kempen, spinster, Toronto, by me, J. 
Philip DuMouliu. 

Williamson to Hutchison. Dec. 24th, 1885. 
William Herbert Williamson, Toronto, bncha- 
k>r, and Marguerite Georgma Hutchison, 
St. Olair, New York, spinster, by me, J. 
Philip DuMoulin. 

Pipon to Rutherford. Dec. 29, 1885. John 
Hodges Pipon, Winnipeg, bachelor, and 
Emily Louisa Rutherford, Toronto, spinster, 
by me, J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Worfolk to Leslie. Jan. 13, 1886. James 
Worfolk, bachelor, and Jennie Leslie, spin 
ster, Whitby, by me, J. P. DuMoulin. 

Kent to Smith. Feb. 17, 1886. William 
.Tames Kent, bachelor, and Edith Maud 
Smith, spinster, Toronto, by me, J. Philip 

Snell to Halford. Feb. 22, 1886. Daniel 
Pnell, bachelor, and Agnes Halford, spin 
ster, Toronto, by me, J. Philip DuMoulin. 
Armstrong to McCreight. Feb. 24, 1886. 
William Armstrong-, widower, and Jane Mc- 
Oreight, spinster, JVTarkham, by me, J. P. 

Gamble to Pero. Ap. 14, 1895. Thomas 
Gamble, bachelor, and Esther Pero, spin 
ster, Toronto, by me, J. Philip DuMoulin. 
Gilmor to Leigntbody. May 11, 1886. John 
Gilmor, bachelor, ami Eliza Leightbody, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. P. Hobson. 

Halbhans to Bush. May 26, 1886. Louis 
Halbhans, bachelor, and Sophia H. Bush, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. P. Hobson. 

Jackson to Reeves. July 1, 1886. James 
Jack- on, Chinguacousy, bachelor, and Sarah 
Ann Reeves, Toronto, spinster, by me, H. 
P. Hobson. 

McPhee to Murray. July 20, 1886. Alex 
ander McPhee, of St. Paul, IT. S., bache 
lor, and Louisa Murray, Montreal, spinster, 
by me. J. Philip DuMoulin. 

*Norris to Strothers. July 23, 1886. Jo 
seph Norris, bachelor, and Ruth Stothers, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, J. Philip Du 

Sweeney to Hanses. Aug. 14, 1836. James 
Belmont Sweeney, Toronto, bachelor, and 
Minnio Hames. Knffnlo, IT. S., spinster, by 
me, J. Philip DuMoulin. 

MidtUeton to Hazelwood. Aug. 18th, 1836. 
George Hodgson Middleton, Farnham, bache 

lor, and Nannie Father Hazlewood, Toronto, 
spinster, by me, J. P ln lip DuMoulin. 

Wrong to Blake. Sept. 14, 1886. George 
McKinnon Wrong, bachelor, and P n i a 
Hume Blake, spinster, Toronto, by me, Rich 
ard W. E. Greene. 

Miller to Banford. Sept. 28, 1886. Walter 
James Mii:ev, Toronto, bachelor, and Cath 
arine Banford, Oobourg, spinster, by me, 
J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Schofiell to McPberson. Oct. 4, It86. 
John Schofield, bachelor, and Mary Mc- 
Pherson, spinster, Toronto Junction, by me- 
J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Payne to Todd. Oct. 6. 1886. Hugh Ver- 
non Payne, bachelor, and Frances Letitia 
Todd. spinster, Toronto, by me, J. Philip 

Stafford to Withrow. Oct. 8, 1836. Ezra 
Hurlburt Stafford, bachelor, and Ellen 
Rachel Withrow, spinster, Toronto, by me, 
William Grant. 

Dug-gan to Duggan. Nov. 16, 1885. 
Charles Henry Duggan, bachelor, and Alice 
Maude Diiirgan, spinster, Toronto, by me, 
J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Mains to Androns. Dec. 24, 1886. Archi 
bald Marquis Mains, bachelor, and Isabella 
Androns, spinster, Toronto, by me, J. Philip 

Weeks to Bills. Dec. 29, 1886. Charles 
Hiram Weeks, bachelor, and Alice Elizabeth 
Bills, spinster, Toronto, by me, J. Philip 

Warin to Warin. Jan. 3, 1887. George 
Warin, bachelor, and Sarah Ann Warin, 
widow, Toronto, by me, H. P. Hobson. 

Bailey to Saunders. Jan. 7, 1887. Wil- 
Ham Bailey, bachelor, and Mary Ann Saun- 
ders, spinster, by me, J. Philip DuMoulin. 
Macdonald to Wyld. Jan. 26, 1887. Wil 
liam Campbell Macdonald, bachelor, and 
i Caroline Emilie Wyld, spinster, Toronto, by 
; me. J. Philip DuMoulin. 

McCracken to Grey. Feb. 25, 1887. Jas. 
McCracken, bachelor, to Margaret Grey, 
spinster, Toronto, by ime, H. P. Hobson. 

Martin to Lester. Mar. 18, 1887. Wil 
liam James Martin, bachelor, and Annie 
Selena Lester spinster, Toronto, by me, H. 
P. Hobson. 

Daviea to McCarthy. April 13, 1887- Rich 
ard Davit s, bachelor, and Margaret Ger 
trude McCarthy, spinster, Toronto by me 
J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Bioletti to Pembroke. April 19, 1887. Al 
bert Bioletti, bachelor, and Ellen Pem 
broke, spinster, Halton, by me, J. Philip 

Thompson to Gardiner. April 28, 1887. 
David Thompson, bachelor, to Mary Gardi 
ner, spinster, Toronto, try me J. Philip 

Oarr to Shea. April 30, 1887. William 
John Carr, bachelor, and Norah Shea, spin 
ster, Toronto, by me, Francis M Baldwin. 
O Brien to Hancock. May 24, 1887. Hugh 
O Brien, bachelor, Detroit. U.S.A.. and 
Janet Mary Hancock, spinster, Toronto, by 
me, H. P. Hobson. 

Melross to Couch. May 24-, 1887. Thomp.s 
Melross, bachelor, and Ada Josephine Oouch 
spinster, Toronto, by me. H. P. Hobson. 

Axson to Faulkland. June 1, 1887. Fran- 
cias Axson, bachelor, and Harriett Faulk 
land, spinster, Toronto, by me. J. Philip 
I DuMoulin. 

Carr to Cromai ty. June 16, 1887. Ed 
mund Oarr, bachelor, and Maria Cromarty. 
spinster, Gait, by me. J. Philip DuMoulin. 


Grandfieli to Hewlett. June 16, 1887. 
James Grandii-ald, bachelor, and Louisa 
Ma y Rowtett, spinster, Toronto, by me 

g-ar Havelrett Croft, bachelor, to Jane 
p"rtow>". spinster, Gueiph. by me. J. 
Philip DuMouiin. 

J Philip DnMoulin. Macara to MacDermott. Nov. 16, 1887. 

Merritt to Howland- June 28, 1887. j Wi.Uam Elliot Maoara, bachelor, Winnipeg 
Henry Kebl3 Merritt, bachelor, and Flor- ! and Mary Alicia MacDermott, spinster, To- 
enc Matilda Howland, /spinster, Toronto. ronto, by me, J. Philip DuMouiin. 
bv me, Robert A . Merritc D. I>i Falkne-- 1o Moore. Nov. 10. 1887. Oh as. 

"Bolton to Teaman. June 30, 1887. Joshua Evelyn Falkner, bachelor, Acton, to Annie 
John Bolton bachelor, Toronto, and Ell?n Moore, spinster, JBrampton, by me J. 
Teaman, spinster, Gateshed. England, by : Philip DuMouiin. 

Penny to Long. Nov. 23, 1887. Samuel 
Penny, bachelor, Kleinburg. to E iza Long. 
spinster, Reddellville, by me. J. Philip Du- 

Taylor to Norton. Nov. 23, 1887. Archi- 
Furse to Connors. July 6, 1887. Wil- bald Taylor, York,, bachelor, and Elizabeth 
liam Purse, bachelor, and Catharine Con- ; Ellen Norton, Scarboro , spinster, by me, 

me, H. P. Hobson. 

Wilson to O Donovan. July 6, 1887. Wil 
liam Wilson, bachelor, and Agnes O Dono 
van, epinster, Toronto, by me. H. P. Hob- 

, spinster, Toronto, by me. H. P. Hob- j J^P^D^uta. Dec . 22 , 1887 . Geor ge 

ster, by me, J". Philip 

Forsyth to Wadsworth. Dec. 28th, 1887. 

8 Brprkpls to Rainer Julv 2G 1887 Wil- ! OrandaH, wMower,~and Isabella Hoag, splh- 
llam GeoVe ? Breckei,. bachelor, and Rose ter. Scarboro by me, J P. DuMouiin. 
Rainer, snfnuter. Toronto, by me. ^ Philip j ? m r mon < to Dougherty. Dec. 
DuMouiin . 

Allt to KinjTdon. July 26, 1887. Rich 
ard Allt, bachelor, and "Elizabeth Kingdon 
spinster, Toronto, by me. John" J Alexander 1 "" JorSrthr WheioV, ""to 

Smith to Marks. Aug. 10, 1887. John B e ,tha Wadsworth, spinster, Toronto, by me, 
Smith, ibachelor. and Charlotte Louisa jj. P. Hobson, 

Marks, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. P. Hob- , Beaoock to Johnston. Jan. 25, 1888. Sam 
son. I uel Beacock, Oartwright, bachelor, to Bella 

Hooper to Murphy. Aug. 11, 1887. James j Ann Johnston, Toronto, spinster, by me, 
Hooper, bachelor, and Cithcrine Murphy, H . P. Hobson. 

widow, Toronto, by me, H. P. Hobson. Macartney to Belton. Feb. 22, 1888. Rob- 

Milne to Smith. Aug. 29, : Thomas ; ert Bolton Macartney, Meaford, widower, 

Arthur Milne, bachelor, iand Florence An- , to Annie Charlotte Belton, St. Louis, U. 
gelim Smith, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. ; g -f W idow, by me, J". Philip DuMouiin. 
P. Hobson. Blong to Taylor. Mar. 5, 1888. James 

Brodie to Montgomery. Sept. 7th, J87. | Henrv Blong, bachelor, to Susan Taylor, 
John Brown Brodie, bachelor, and Lena S pi ns ter, Toronto, by me, J. Philip Du- 
Montgomery, spinster, Toronto, by me, J. Moulin. 
Philip DuMouiin. Brain to Robinson. Mar. 28, 1888. Charles 

Campbell to Cowie. Sept. 16, 1887. Donald wnuam Brain, bachelor, and Catherine Rob- 
Campbell, bachelor, and Annie Cowie, spin- j nsnn , spinster, Oakville, by me, J. Philip 
ster, Cambridge, by me, J. Philip DuMouiin. DraMoulia. 

Payne to Lane. S-pt. 17, 1887. Charles > Spence to Wilson. Ap. 4, 1888. George 
Payne, Goderich, widower, And Matilda An- : Henry Spence, Toronto, bachelor, to Lilfie 
nie Lane, Tamworth, Widow, by me, J. P. ; Wil-o n, Scarboro , spinster, by me, J. P. 
DuMouiin/. t DuMouiin. 

Hudson to MoOormack. Sept. 19th, 1887. j Doty to Pearce. Ap. 26, 1888. Frank Henry 
Stephen Daniel Hudson, widower, and Eliza- > o ty, widower, to Amanda Jane Pearce, 
beth McCo-rmack, spinster, ^Toronto, by me, i spinster, Toronto, by me, H. P. Hohson. 
J. Philip DuMouiin. Walter to Smith. May 15, 1888. Charles 

Sewall to Tickers. Sept. 21, 1887. Henry : Walter, bachelor, to Annie Charlottte Eliz- 
Sewali, Ann Arbor, U. S., bachelor, and ; a beth Smith, spinster, Toronto, by me, J. 
Isabel Josephine Tickers, Toronto, spin- p. DuMouiin. t 

ster, by me, iT. Philip DuMouiin. Leppington to Ethell. May 19th, 1888. 

Gates to Clarke. .Sept. 29, 1887. William Thomas Leppington, bachelor, to Mary 
Gates, bachelor, and Mary Ann Clarke, Ethell, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. P. 
spinster, Toronto, by me, J. P. DuMouiin. Hobson. 

Norton to Felstead. Oct. 20, 1887. Pat- Woodhouse to Couch. May 23, 1888. Wil- 
rick Norton, widower, and Jane Felste&d, u^ni Woodhouse, widower, * to Mary Jane 
epinster, Toronto, by me, H. P. Hobson. Couch, spinster, Toronto, by me, H. P. 

McOlement to Shether. Oct. 22nd, 1887. Hobson. 

James McOlement, bachelor, and Chris- O Brien to Gutteridge. May 29th, 1888. 
tina Elizabeth Shether, spinster, King, by j ames O Brien, Denver, TJ. S., bachelor, to 
me, J. Philip DuMouiin. Nellie Gutteridge, Toronto, spinster, by 

Spencer to King. Oct. 26, 1887. Platt 
Logers Spencer, Detroit, TJ. S., widower, 

u .. _ . 

and Louisa King, Cleveland, U. S., spinster, 
by me, J. Philip DuMouiin. 

me, J. Philip DuMouiin. 

Swanston to Banks. June 2, 1888. Thomas 

Swanston, bachelor, to Charlotte Banks, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, J. P. DuMouiin. 

French to Tooke. October 29, 1887. Smellie to Royle. June 7, 1888. James 
Charl.-s Albert French, bachelor, Aljoma. 1 Smellie, bachelor, to Annie Louisa Royle, 

and Helen Louisa Tooke, spinster, Cobourg. 
by me, J Philip DuMouiin. 

Allen to Scott. Nov. 9, 1887 . Thoma.? 

spinster, Toronto, by me, J. P. DuMouiin. 
McCaffrey to Barkley. June llth, 1888. 
Robert McCaffrey, bachelor, to Elian Bark- 

Allen, bachelor, and Fannie Scott, spin- j ley, spinster, Toronto, by me, J- Philip Du 
ster, Toronto, br me. H. P. Hobson. Moulin. 

Croft to Sanderson. Nov. 1-1, 1887. Ed i Williams to Williams. June 13, 1888. Lee 



Williams, bachelor, to Bonella Harriett Wi - 
liam , spinster, Toronto, by me, J. Philip 
D u Moulin. 

Burt to Shepherd. June 23, 1888. Alfred 
James Burt, bachelor, to Mabel Annie 
Shepherd, spinster, Toronto, J>y me, J. P. 

Green to Oharlton. June 25, 1888. James 
Green, widower, to Alice Oharlton, spinster, 
Toronto, by me, ,T. Philip DuMoulin. 

Cooper to Walker. June 26, 1888. George 
Cooper, widower, to Ann Wa ker, spinster. 
York, by me, J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Panabaker to Hnyward. Juno 27th, 1888. 
Arnold T. Panabaker, bachelor, and Wh- 
helmina A!ice Hay ward, B\ inster, Hespeler, 
by me, J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Wellsteed to Ire;on. June 27, 1888. Henry 
WelLiteed, bachelor, to Emma Ireson, spin 
ster, Toronto, by jne, Anthony Hart. 

Kilbank to Jackman. July 9, 1888. Thos. 
Charles Kilbank, bachelor, to Mury Ann 
Jackman. spinster, Toronto, by me, J. P. 

Arnold to Treen. July 25, 1888. Francis 
Charles Arnold, bachelor, to Ellen Treen, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, T. K. Powell. 

Sharatz to Deturler. Aug. 10, 1888. Allan 
Rudy Shan z bachelor, to Louim Deturler, 
spinster, Berlin, Ont., by me, J. K. Powell. 

Brown to Hall. Aug. 13, 1888. Henry 
Brown, bachelor, to Susan Amelia Hall, 
spin-iter, Markham, by me, J. K. Power. 

Humphrey to Welman. Aug. 16, 1828. WiF- 
liam Humphrey, widower, to Ada Welman, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. P. Hobson. 

Carpenter to Meyer. Aug. 22nd, 1888. 
Francis Will m Carpenter. Toron o, bache 
lor, to Alice Meyer, Capetown, South Africa, 
spinster, by me, H. P. Hobson. 

Blackwood to Aldwell. Sept. 5, 1888. Don. 
aid Mackintosh Blackwood, Winn peg, wid 
ower, to Marion Louisa Aldweil, Toronto, 
spinster, by me, J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Klnney to Richardson. Sept. 10th, 1888. 
Reilev Wright KJnney, bachelor, to Lizzie 
Mary Rich.irdson, spinster, Toronto, by me, 
J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Mahan to McOlellan. Sept. 17th, 3888. 
John Albert Mahan, bachelor, to Mary 
Jane McCleUnn, spinster, Toronto, by me, 
J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Parker to Moore. Sept. 20, 1888. William 
Oarr Parker, widower, to Ellen M r >ore, ?pin- 
ster, Artemesia, by me, J. P. DuMoulin. 

Robinson to Robinson. Oct. 8, 18,8. John 
Robinson, bachelor, to Annie Robinson, 
sp nster, Toronto, by me, J. P. DuMoulin. 

Cole to Boyd. Oct. 19. 1888. Alfred 
Thomas Cola, bachelor, to Elizabeth Lottie 
Boy 1, spinster, Toronto, by me, J. Philip 

Thompson to Earley. Oct. 29, 1888. Jacob 
Thompson, widower, to Mary Barley, widow, 
York County, by me, J. Philip DuMoulin. 

O Brien to Parker. Nov. 17, 1888. Lucius 
Richard O Brien, widower, to Katherine 
Jnaa Parker, widow, Toronto, by me, J. 
Philip DoMoulin. 

Burns to Blaney. Nov. 28, 1888. Wil 
liam Jeffrey Burns, Whitby, bachelor, to 
Alborta Winnie Blaney, Oshawa, spinster, by 
e, J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Luker to Den^son. Dec. 1, 1888. Rjchard 
Arthur Luker, bachelor, to Mary Jane Deni- 
son spinster, Toronto, by me, J. Philip Du- 

Bourdon to Somors. Dec. 10, 1888. Paul 
Joseph Valmir Bourdon, widower, to Mar 

garet Anastasia Somers, gpinster, Toronto, 
bv mo, J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Mitchell to Wills. Dec. 18. 1838. Henry 
Mitchell, bachelor, to Mary Wills, spinster, 
Toronto, by me, J. K. Powell. 

Bond to Patton. Dec. 22 1888. Edwin 
Bond, Toronto, bachelor, to Minn e Bu 
chanan Patton. North Bay, spinster, by 
mo, J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Williams to O Keefe. Dec. 25, 1888. 
Charles Bodman Williams, bachelor, to 
Marie O Keefe. -spinster, Toronto, by me, J. 
Philip DuMoulin. 

gjiiTer to Halloway. Dec. 27, 18S8. John 
Sniper bachelor, to Rose Halloway, spin 
ster, Stoufville, by me, J. P. DuMoulin. 

Sacor to Keoler. Jan. 3, 1883. Norman 
Alexander Secor, Michigan, U. S., bache 
lor, to Mary Jane Keeler, Melancthon, spin 
ster, by me, J. Philip DuMouiin. 

Manning to Wilson. Feb. 12, 1889. John 
Moore Manning-, Detroit, widower, to Mary 
W l-on, Whitby, spinster, by me, J. Philip 

Collins to Bryan. Mar. 27, 1889. Mathias 
Whitney Collins, bachelor, to Ada Emily 
Bryan, spinster, W r hitby, by me, J. K. 

S:mmonds to Parkins. Ap. 10, 1889. Wil 
liam Simmonds, bachelor, to Annie Parkins, 
sp : nster, Toronto, by me, J. K. P -well. 

Fulton to Ktaggalf. Ap. 24, 1889. Jo- 
yeph Fulton, Streets viTle, bachelor, to M ry 
Steggalf, Toronto, spinster, by me, J. P. 
DuMoulin. . f < 

Williamson to Long. Ap. 29, 1889. Albert 
Williamson, Orlllla, bachelor, to Mary Ann 
Long, Carleton, spinster, fry me, J. Philip 

Ma-on to Simmington. May 15, 1889. Rich 
ard Mason,, Bachelor, to Caroline Simming- 
ton, spinster, Toronto, by me, J. K. Powcl:. 

Junes to Kelly. Sept. 4, 1889. William 
Junes, bachelor, to iEdza Anne Kelly, spin 
ster, Toronto, By me, J. Philip DiiMoulin. 

Blackman to doles. Sept. 10, 1889. John 
Blackman, bachelor, to Annie Cbles. spin 
ster, Toronto, Dy jno, J. Philip DuMou in. 

Brennand to OlarK. Oct. 2, 1889. Thomaa 
Brennand, bachelor, to Elizabeth Cl.rlc, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, J. P. DuMoulin. 

MacDougah to Hawke. Oct. 22nd. 1889. 
James Charles MacDougall, bachelor, to 
Hannah Josephine Hawke, spinster, Toronto, 
j by me, J. iMiilip DuMoulin. 

Williams to HewaroT. Oct. 20, 1889. Hugh 
Bruce Williams, Aldershott, Eng., bach lur, 
to Mabel Augusta Jieward, Toronto, spin 
ster, by me, J". Fhilip DuMoulin. 

Col iina to Christie. Oct. 3J, 1889. Joshua 
Wallace Collins, Montreal, bachelor, to Eliza 
Fleming Onu- tfe, Winnipjg, widow, by me, 
J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Ennis to Sargent. Nov. 4, 1889. John 
Ennis, Point Edward, bachelor, to Mar 
garet Sargent, Brampton, epinster, by me, 
J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Smythe to Obnstantlne. Dec. 19th, 1889. 
Albert Ernest Stafford Smythe, Toronto, 
bachelor, to Mary Adelaide Constantino, 
. Manitoba, spinster, by me, J. Philip Du 

Blake to Manning. Dec. 31, 1889. Hume 
Blake, Barrister, bachelor, to Georgie Edna 
Manning, spinster. Toronto, by ine, Geo. 
M. Wrong. 

King to Kelly. Jan. 1, 1890. Harry King, 
bachelor, to Mary Kelly, spinster, yoronto, 
1 by me, J. Philip DuMoulin. 



Maw to Serjjent. Jan. 14, 1S90. Alfred 
Mav7, bachelor. Caljjry. Jo Maria Sargent, 
spinster, Branipton. by me, J. Philip Du- 
Mo :lin. 

Siiverthprne to Wilson. Jan .15, 1890. 
Fraaicis Silverchorue, widower, to Sarah A. 
Wilson, widow. Dixie by me, H. J. Winter- 

Roberts to Tozcr. Feb. 10, 1890. Sam 
uel Edmund Roberts, widower, to Francis 
Tozer, widow, Toronto, by ine, J. Philip 

Robinson to Lawrence. Feb. 19, 1890. 
John Robinson, bachelor, to Essie Law 
rence, spinster. Whitby. by me, J. Philip 

Campbell to Ixcwton. Feb. 24, 1890. John 
White Campbell, bachelor. Brooklyn. N.Y., 
to Nena Newton, spinster, Toronto, by me, 
J. Philii) DuMoulin. 

Macartney to Eynon. Men. 11, 1890. Jo- 
fipr>h T,onf MncartT^y. bafliolor, Niasrara 
Falls, to Carrie EVeline Eynon, spinster, 
Thorold, by me. J. i hijip uiiMoulin. 

Lovell to Adams. Mch. 3, 1890. George 
John Lovell, bachelor. to Mary Bethel 
Adams, spinster. Toronto, by ma. J. Philip 
Dr Moulin. 

Crowe to Bennett. May 22, 1890. John 
Crowe, bachelor, to Martha Bennett, spin 
ster, Toronto, Dy me, J. Philip D -Monlin. 

Horroc&s to Hamilton. May 26, 1890. O?cn 
Samuel Ellis Horrocks, bachelor, to Mary 
Crooks Hamilton, apinater, JToronto, by me, 
J. Philic DuMouim. 

Olllespie to Herson. June 4, 1890. William 
Gille-pio, widower, to Elizabeth Herson, 
widow, Toronto, Dv me, J. P. DuMoulin. 

Bullock to Ryan. June 7. 1890. Albert 
James Bullock, bachelor, to Mary A. Ryan, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, J. P. DuMoulin. 

Sellfont to Tre-milllng. June 21, 1>8:0. Wil 
liam George SsII- ont, Bachelor, to Eliza- 
be h Jnne Tromilling, epinster, by me, J. 
Philip DuMouliu. 

Oowan to Crozfer. June 24, 1890. Samuel 
Switzor Oowan, Halton, bachelor, to Favah 
Jane Orozior, Peel, spinster, by me, J. P. 
DuMoulln. I < 

Iiwiu to Wallter. Sept. 1, 1890. William 
Irwin, bachelor, to Enza Wnlker, widow, 
Toronto, by me, p. Philip DuMoulin. 

McGregor to Legter. Sept. 2. 1890. James 
McGregor, bachelor, to Ellen Lcgicr, epin- 
ete , Toronto, Dy pie, J. P. DuMoulin. 

Mills to Hubbard. Sept. 16, 1890. Harry 
Ed t ?ar Mill^j England, bachelor, to Lili;ii 
Mab3i H. bbard, Detroit, V. S., epinster, by 
inr-, J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Browster to Webb. Sept. 19, 1890. James 
B:\wster, widower, to Fannie Webb, spin 
ster, by me. J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Spoiford to Montgomery- Oct. 8, 1890. 
Ingrain Oprey S potl ord, bachelor, to Mary 
Em Iv Montgomery spinster, Toronto, by 
mo J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Aldridge to Bel her. Dec. 4, 1890. Al- I 
freii Aluridg-e. bachelor, to Hamilton Doy i 
B 1 her. spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. i 

Tait to Cockburn. Dec. 10, 1890. Thomas j 
Jamss Tait, bachelor, to Emily St. Aubert I 
Cockburn, spinster, Toronto, by me, Arthur 

Oarloton to Heslop. Dec. 24, 1890. Ed 
mund Mcllwaine Carleton, bachelor, to 
Fran~os Hos on ->p nster, Toronto, by rne, 
J. Philip DoMoTilin. 

Gray to barton t. Jan. 13, 1891. Wil 

liam Gray, Peel County, bachelor, to Ann 
Jane Sal-rent, Brampton, spinster, by me, 
J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Ramsay to Fowler. Jan. 15, 1891. Wil 
liam Everett Ramsay, bachelor, to Asenath 
Fowler, spinster, Toronto, by me. James G. 
i Lewis. 

Scadding- to Walton. Jan. 15, 1891. 
Charlos Alfred Scadding, bachelor, to Mag 
gie Walton, spinster, Toronto, by me, Jas. 
G. Lewis. 

Armstrong to Barry. Feb. 10, 1891. Wil 
liam Samuel Armstrong, Peterboro , bache 
lor, to Sarah Jane Barry. Lindsay, spin 
ster, by me, J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Terrill to Johnston. Feb. 18, 1891. Arch- 
, elans Soutnard Terrill, Chicago, bachelor, 
to Helen Maud Oole Johnston, Picton ,Ont., 
widow, by me, ,r. Philip DuMoulin. 

Gray to Lackey. Ap. 8. 1831. George God 
frey Gray, Chinguacousy, to Jemima Lackey, 
Toronto, by me, James G. Lewis. 

Herrman to McFarlane. May 9th, 1891. 
Charles Ernest Herrman, bachelor, to Bella 
McFarlane, spinster, Toronto, by me, J. P. 

Fisher to Fox. May 18, 1891. Stephen 
Fisher, bachelor, to Sarah Ann Fox, spin- 
I ster, Toronto, Dy me, J. Philip DuMouiin. 
Disney to Burrough. May 27, 1891. Har 
old Disney, JVew .Westminster, bachelor, to 
Mary Burrough, London, Eag., spinster, by 
me. J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Bach to Gibson. Ame 10, 1891. William 
Bach, bachelor, to Hattie Gibson, epin 
ster, by me, James G. Lewto. 

Brock to Oawthra. June 16, 1891. Henry 
Thompson Brook, bachelor, to Anna Maud 
Cawthra. spinster, Toronto, by me, J. Philip 
DuMoulin. ( 

Parcels to Payne. .Tune 26, 1891. William 
Parcels, bachelor, to Susan Payne, spinster, 
Hope, by me, J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Fhouret to Shoard. July 8, 1891. Adison 
Eujene Fhouret, bachelor, to Annie Mary 
Shoard. spinster, Toronto, J>y me, H. J. V, i:i- 

Taylor to Baker. July 22, 1891. Joseph 
Henry Taylor, bachelor, to Mary Ann Baker, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, H. J. Winter- 

Dancy to Welch. July 30, 1891. Henry 
Xehemiah Dancy, bachelor, jto Eva Welch, 
spinster. Toronto, by iiie, Henry J. Winter- 

Sunter to O Connor. Sept. 4, 1891. Alex- 
andor Sunter, b.tcaelor, to Annie O Conm-r, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, J. P. DuMoulin. 

Bowles to Small. Sept. 10, 1891. Georpe 
Bowles, bachelor, to .Frances Mary Sm;;lt, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, J. P. DuMoulin. 

Wallace to Thompson. Sept. lith, 1891. 
James Edward Wallace, bachelor, to Mar 
garet Emeline Thompson, spinster, To 
ronto, by me, iT. Phi.ip DuMoulin. 

Biggs to Welsh. Sept. 16, 1891. George 
Alfred Biggs, bacheloir, to Margaret WeLh, 
spinster, Brookville, by me, J. Philip Du 

Everist to Whyte. Oct. 6, 1891. Arthur 
Everi-t, bachelor, to Clara Whyte, epiii- 
sle:-, Toronto, Dy me, James G. L-;wis. 

Kelly to Howard:. Oct. 28, 1891. Robert 
Barclay Ke ly, bachelor, to Florence Anne 
Howard, spinster, Toronto, by me, fL. J. 

Hali to Quick. Wov. 7, 1891. James Hall, 
bachelor, to Elizabeth Quick, spinster, Oak- 
ville, by me, J. Philip DuMoulin. 
Ewing to Victors. Tov. 11, 1891. Samuei 


William Ewinx, Montreal, bachelor, to ert James Lennox, bachelor, to Lillian Lu- 
Ethei Roosina Vickers. Toronto, spinster, by | cetta Coitson. spinster, Toronto, by me, J. 
me, .T. Philip DuMoulin, j Philip DuMoulin. 

Oxton to Nicholson. Dec. 16, 1891. Stephen i Frazor to MacGiven. Nov. 9, 1892. Archie 
Clit fo d Oxton, Montreal, ]t>uchelor t to Eiiza j Frazor, bachelor, to Hannah Cowen Mac- 
Nicho ron.," Toronto, spinster, by me, James j Given, spinster, Toronto, by me, Arthur H. 

G. Lewis,. 

Winter to Lamb. Dec. 23, 1891. Harry 
Winter, Buffalo, widower, to Christina 


Williams to Ketchum. Nov. 13, 1892. 
Aubrey Walyn Williams, St. Lambert, 

Lamb, Montreal, spinster, by me. James G. bachelor, to Ann- e Emma Ketchum, spin- 
Lowis i ster, by me, J. Philip du Moulin. 

Gilbert to Sullivan. Dec. 30, 18(91. George j Bee to Clark. Nov. 24, 1882. David 
Gilbert, bachelor, to Maggie Sullivan, spin- i Jt em , y Bee, bachelor, to Catherine Jane 
ster, Toronto, by me, J. Philip DuMou in. spinster, Toronto, by me Arthur H. 

Middleton to Britton. Jan. 13, 1892. Albert ! Manning. 

Middleton, bachelor, to Margaret Ann Brit- j Fet; a n to Sproul. Dec. 3, 1892. John 
ton, f pinster, Toronto, by me, J. Philip Du- [ Alexander Fegan, bachelor, to Annie M;iria 
Moulin, i s P rou L spinster, Barrie, by me, J. Philip 

Bethune to Moss. Feb. 3. 1892. Henry J. ! DuMoulin. 

lando Orr, bachelor, to Georgina Platt, 
Spinster, Toronto, by me, J. Philip Du 

\ v hittaker to Winterbourne- Ap. 12, 1892. 


McGaw to Palen. Jan. 5, 1893. John 
Howard McGaw, bachelor, to K lte Palen 
spinster, Toronto, Dy me, A. H. Manning. 

William Wnfttafcer, Pfnoonnlng, to Mary; ^ance to O Neil. Jan. 17, 189o. ,,,,i i;i iu 
Ann Winterbourne, pariah of St. James vance. Guelph, bachelor, to Sarah O Neil 
Cathedral, by me, H. J. Wiaterbourne. 

Copied to Harvey. Ap. 14, 1892. Al 
bert Edward Coates, bachelor, to Clara 
j-^ KTv>y. spinster, Toronto, by me, J. 
Philip DuMoullo. 

Orosskuiu to Belcher. Ap. 26, 1892. Er- 
r.est Ford Crossland. bachelor, to Mar- 

_*--] - 7 w *^ *u w* ** ^s A^ o > a. 

Toronto, spinster, by me, Arthur H. Man 

Muldrew to Haskett. JFeb. 8, 1893. Milton 
Arthur Muldrew, Bachelor, to Annie H;>- 
kett, spinster, -Toronto, by me, J. Philip 
DuMoulin. , , 

.. , - ,, M ? rk ,. to R oWason. Feb. 24, 1893. Alfred 

earet Belcher, epinater, by me, James G. ] Mark, bachelor, to iEdith Maud Robinson, 
Lewis. ( spinster. Toronto, Dy me, Arthur H. Man- 

Hill to Toworsey. June 7, 1892. Charles i ning. 

James Gerry Hill, Toronto, bachelor, to J Norton to BIokfor<r. Mar. 25, 1893 Charles 
Jessie Ada Towersey, Hamilton, spinster, Edward Norton, Captain R. E. bachelor 
by me. J. Phil in Du Moulin. i to Beatrice Loutse Bickford, spinster, To- 

Acheson to Gooderham. June 8th, 1892. ron to, by me, Arthur Toronto. 
Edward Campion Acheson, Middleton, I). S., Hutchinson to Simmons. June 20(h 188 
bachelor, to Eleanor Gertrude Gooderham, , Walter Hutchinson, Dachelor, to ] Ilizabeth 
Toronto, spinster, by me, J. P. DuMoulin. .Simmons, spinster, Toronto, by me, J. P 

Gladstone to Yielding. June 25th, 1892. DuMoulin 

Alexander Gladstone, bachelor, to Mary Boyd to Baldwin. June 29, 1893. John 
Yielding, spinster, Toronto, by me, J. P. Richard Shields Boyd, to Oatherino Maria 

jKSjTto Blake July 15 1892. Herbert ^ B& r ]S ^C^ooT J^ SS^S* 

Edmund Bowers, Qu Appelle, to EnnLe William Lount, Dan Uter-at- law wi ow P r t 

El ndeli Blake, Toronto, by me. Arthur H. fiiK ^T. . HornttrookrbTnster? T 

Mannlnsr. ronto, by me, Septimus Jones. 

Murphy to Downey. July 20, 1892. John- : _^ 

ston Murphy, to Rose Downey, Omemee, Doran to Brook. Sept. 6. 1893. William 

by me, Arthur iff. Manning. Doran, widower, to Annie Book, widow. 

Bamford to Peck. July 25, 1892. Thomas N S?5T* ^ alls *>* rae J- P- DuMoulin. 

Bamford. Oollingwood, bachelor, to Alice T , Mc f ve "^ le *? Yoiiatt. Sept. 9th, 1893. 

Peck, Toronto, spinster, by mo, Arthur H. ^ r nk vVyndham aictvenzie, bachelor, to 

Manning. f* 1 ^!* YpuaU, spinster, fTorontu. by me. 

\,ilo,L to Whyte. Aug. 30, 1892. Benja- ^vfrr 1 ? DuMoulin. 

min V\il:on, bachelor, to Margaret Whyte, . P H* t ^^"- BePt. 28, 1893. John Platt. 
epingter, Toronto, by me, Arthur H. Man- bachelor, to Rose Pratt, spin-tor. To 
ning ronto, by me, T. Philip DuMoulin. 

..uuir to Brunskill. Sept. 1st, 1892. Bliss to DuMourin. Oct. 81.1883. Thomas 

Thwaites John Muir, widower, to Annie A . 1( * er Dickson Bliss. Ottawa, widower, to 

Fitzpatrick Brunskill, spinster, Orillia, by ^ ate Fleury DuMouIm, Toronto, spinster, 

me, Arthur H. Manning. y me J - PWMp DuMoulin. 

Quirk to Castle. Sept. 20, 1892. Fred- Fisk to Beardmore. Jan. 6, 1894. Henrv 

crick Thomas Quirk, bachelor, to Minnie Julius Fisk, Montreal, widower, to Ade- 

Clark Castle, spinster, Toronto, by me, Ar- laide Augusta Hea dmore. Toronto, .spinsier. 

thur H. Manning-. by me, J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Mott to Gordon. Sept. 20, 1892. Henry Baxter to Shields. Jan. 24, 1S94. William 

Mott. AJburgh, Vt.. widower, to Martha Duncan Baxter, Goderich, bachelor, to 

Cole Gordon Toronto, spinster, by me, Ar- Annie Jane Shields, Toronto, spinster, by 

thur H. Manning-. , me , J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Robinson to Cooke. Oct. 18, 1892. John Olaxton to Beer. Peb. 1, 1894. Richard 

Beverley Robinson to Eleanor Biggar Beer, bachelor, to Jeannie Olaxton, epln- 

Oooko, Toronto, by me, Arthur Toronto. Bter, Toronto, Dy me. O. J. Boulden. 

Lennox to Coltson. Nov. 1, 1892. Rcb- Dunbar to Hunter. Mar. 1, 1894. John 



Dunbar, Victoria, bachelor, to Nancy Eliza- 
beth Hunter, Manitoba, spinster, by me, J. 

widow, Toronto, by me, J. P. DOU 

Waterhouse to Steward. June 



. Sept. 

, 1894. 


Scarboro , by me, 

.v Richey, Toronto, spm 


t James 

DcE Nundeltoid, widower, to Mary Jane 

Ray, Victoria, spinster, by -me, Chas. J 

Boulden. -i/^fv, -ISQ^ Snm- 

Snrigge to Moss. Sept. 16th, 3 i9o- s>s 
UP! Sauire Sprigge, London, Eng., bach- 
efor, tTMar? P Ad! Beatrice Moss, Toronto, 

Stone to Pyke. April 23, 1896. Harry 
Campbell Mybrea Stone, bachelor, to Alice 
Barton Pyke, spinster, Toronto, by me, 
O. J. Boulden. 

Dunning to Allen. June 20, 1896. Her 
bert Heath Dunning, bachelor, to Sarah 
Letitia Allen, spinster, Toronto, by me, O. 
J. Boulden. 

Morrow to Cameron. July 8, 189o. John 
Morrow, bachelor, to Catherine Lyon Cam 
eron, widow, Toronto, by me, J. Philip 

Lang to Fairbanks. Aug. 12, 1896. John 
Lang, jr., bachelor, to Ethel Marie Fair 
banks, Toronto, by me, G. J. Boulden. 

Hill to Foxwell. Sept. 3, 1896. William 
Henry Price Hill, Toronto, bachelor, to 
Marion Foxwell, Lambton Mills, by me, 
Charles H. Mockridge. 

Green to Yund. Sept. 7, 1896. William 
Anthony Green, Buffalo, N. Y., widower, 
to Elizabeth Yund, Buffalo, N. Y., spm- 
ter, by me, Charles H. Mockridge. 
Beatty to Gooderham. Sept. 29, 
Charles William Beatty, bachelor, to Lil 
lian May Gooderham, spinster, Toronto, by 
me, J. "Philip DuMoulin. 

Troop to Temple, Oct. 7, 1896. Jared G. 
Carter Troop, bachelor, to Minnie P. 
Temple, spinster, Toronto, by me, G. Os- 

P?axtonto Wright. Nov. 18, 1896. Charles 
Wellington Plaxton, bachelor, to Alice 
Elizabeth Wright, spinster, Toronto, by me, 
Charles H. Mockridge. 

Mulraiii to Rundle, Dec. 28, 1896. Andrew 
Mulrain, bachelor, to Elizabeth Run die, 
spinster, Toronto, by me, Charles H. Mock 

Maynard, spinster, Uxbndge, by me, Ohas. 

to Bunting. Jan. 11, 1895 Henry 

bv me, J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Rentoii to Cawthra. Jan. 22, 1 
ert Chartes Campbell Renton, Berwickstino 
Icotfand, bachelor, to Charlotte Grace Caw 
thra, Toronto, spinster, by me, J. P. I 

M BHU? to Ferguson, Mar. 19, 1896 Charle 
Shuttleworth Ellis, widower, to Lizzie Por 
ter Ferguson, widow, Toronto, by me, . 

iarton to uoie. April 8, 1896, Arthur 
William Barton, bachelor, to Matilda Saun- 
ders Cole, spinster, Toronto, by me, J. J 

DuMoulin. ., Q-i a <- 18Q6 

McCarthy to Robinson. April 2 1st, imo. 

D Alton Lally McCarthy, bachelor, to Mar 

jraret Mary Robinson, spinster, Toronto, 

by me, J. Philip DuMoulin. 
Saunders to Graham. April 23, 189b. 

Herbert Henry Saunders, bachelor, to ]V 

Elizabeth Graham, spinster, Toronto, by me, 

J. Philip DuMoulin. 

Note. Since the account of St. James 
Church was written and printed the 
death occurred of the Right Reverend 
Edward Sullivan, D. D., Rector of St. 
James . The event took place on Fri 
day morning, Jan. 6th, 1899, at 5 o clock, 
after an illness of rather more than 
three weeks. The funeral was on Mon 
day, January 9th, from St. James 
Cathedral, where the body lay in the 
chancel in state from 10.30 a m. until 
1 30 p m. The deceased was habited as 
he lay in his coffin in his Episcopal 
robes and all around were floral tn- 
1 butes from members of the congreg 
! tion, the clergy and friends of 
i deceased. The service was taken by 1 
Right Reverend Bishop Sweatnmn, 

assisted by the Reverends G. C. Wa 
! and R. Ashcroft, assistant clergy ol 
i St. James . The interment was t 
i James Cemetery beside his late daugh 
ter Miss Kathleen Sullivan, who died 
December 29th, 1897.