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reway (gat wa) n. something that serves 
an entrance or access to a path or road: 
ceway to our future 

As anather year has walled ly, the eyes af 
Susquehanna ’s students have seen the 
wadd in unique and special Ways. We 
have seen the powerful effects of Wlather 
Vlatue, felt the energy af aur awn pride 
and qi uta the future af aw cauliuy 
c ! iJ 1 1] Af J 1] Af 
We haue gone from clase calls: uv faathalt, 
ta qeat laskethall heights. “We have wit- 
nessed the tension af finals and the zelaxa- 
tian of leaky, 

“Whether you travelled five an five-hundred. 
miles. ta attend Susquehanna, the Univer- 
sily we call hame, has shawn and prepared 
each and every ane of us Uv a special way. 
At SU. we ave all individuals, we are 
never last, never fargatten and never goa 
unheard. We ave Crusaders: 

“With it’s headline zeputation the time has 
never licen better ta feel the“ Susquehanna 
auch.” We naw haue all seen the wadd 
Wa different light, which shines drightest, 
“nly At SU” 




een en 

ere gee Ue er 

PPO rr 


te ad a teed ae Pe ee ee 

a ae Sa 

ee a 


oi. ~ 

a5 i by Sp ball 
~- vs ‘= 
rl ay een “-- - 
B'S BY 6 


ES ampus 

Making your way in the wardd 
taday takes everything you ue got- 
“Caking a leak from all you 
wariies, swe wauld hele a lat 
“Wouldn't you like ta get away- 

> . 
Sometimes yaw gatta ga. 
E p f 
Where eveusliady knows your 
v t v 

And theiv always glad yow came 

= Jaw want ta be where eveuplady 

knows you name. 

Ch CEU — 


Founded 1858 by the Evangel 
ical Lutheran Church as the 
Missionary Institute and Sus- 
quchanna Female College. 
The present corporate title 
was adopted in 1895, 

Spread Created ly Mare é Alofs, Wruian‘ l Joung or Jacquie 


nta Braves win World 

Hootie & The Blowfish 
named best new artists: 

MGV Music Awards 

Unprecedented shutdown of 
Us. Government operations 
due to uncompromise on the 

federal budget 

France resumed under- 
ground nuclear testing 

Prime Minister Yitzhak 
Rabin assassinated by Jew- 
ish extremist 

Shannon Falkner won battle 

"Million Man March’ in 

for admission to Ghe Citadel 

Graf defeats Seles for 1 seat 
in women’s tennis 

Dallas Cowboys win 
Superbowl XXX; Jimmy 

Johnson siqns with i 


US. sends troops to ‘Bosnia : 

Amtrak train derailed in Ar- 
izona desert 

OJ Simpson acquitted 

‘Pope visits U.S. 

Hurricane Opal devastates 
Florida's Gulf Coast : 

GWA Flight 800 crashed 
r Force Captain Scott from an explosion into the 
O'Grady returns safely from Atlantic Ocean off the coast 
i of Cong Island killing all 
"ER" and “Friends,” a new 230 passengers aboard. 

generation of Gelevision 

Christopher ‘Reeves left pary 
alyzed due to a horseback Olympic error at the Atlanta 
; Summer Games. ‘Pipe-bomb 
explision killed 1, injured 


Susan Serandon and Nich- 
olas Cage win Best Ac- 
tor/Actress at the Grammy 

riding accident 

Gwo feet of snow from — First Cady Hillary Clinton 
North Carolina to Maine ac~ subpoenaed to trial for 
cumulated in 30 hours Whitewater hearing 

“Goy Story’’ the silver 
screen's first computer~ 
animated movie 

Republican Newt Gingrich Congress gave states the 
named Gime Magazine's — right to requlate their speed 
. “ . 

sa Marie ‘Presley and Mi- 

acl Jackson divorce 

"Man Of Ghe Year” limits 
Brad Pitt named sexiest 
man alive 
' George Burns died at age 

WhatEVER! Alicia Silver- 
stone stars in “Clueless” 

peaple especially awa special accasian ta a 
place farmally frequented. 

Chat is just what happened an Cctalier 
6th and 7th of this year's hamecaming. 
After lats of time and devation was pout 
inta alumni and friends, the only thing that 
everyone was Wailing GW Was the weather. 
Faxtunately, it tuned aut ta be aw mast 
uuuiting weekend with lats of sunshine and 
wauw weather. 

“Che festivities legan an Friday evening 
with the hamecaming parade, * Putting 
the Pieces “Cagether. ” which marched 
through the tawn of Selinsgrove. As al- 
ways, the flaats were entedtaining for par- 
ticipants and antaokers. Che parade 
zaunded its last carnev at Degenstein 
Campus Center where the annual peje 
wally started wyz. 

After days: of anticipation, the 1995 
hamecaming cawd was annaunced. Fresh- 

maw “Victaria Lang and Vd Minto, 

> 4 ? a 
Saphamares Brian Anderson and 

DL omecoming 

/ , ) , \ 
Ktamecaming: the vetwuv af a quo a 

Camara € yall, and y Juniors Pete E }UOMCN 
and PRachel Andersan were the under- 
classmen an the caw, and hamecaming 
crowns were presented ta seniars “Wendy 
‘Marin and MBryan Deninger. 

On Saturday the foattall fans were nat 
disappainted when the Crusaders defeated 
Lellanan Valley 39-26. At half time 
spectatars were entertained ly an excellent 
latan twirling perfarmance ly Weather 
Parent.“ Valleytall shut aut Allright with 
@ scare of 3-0 while Cennis, Crass- 
“Countuy, Saccer and Field Mackey gave 
their appanents: a wn far their money with 
same taugh clase games. 

Che Pulilic Relatians Student Saciety 
of America held its first annual Great 
Pall Race in which numerous prizes 
were awarded. Participants purchased galf 
falls ta wa down the pathway in hapes 
uerall it was an eventful, leautiful 
weekend which pleased students, faculty, 

friends: and of cause, Alumni. 

< i] GJ « 4 
Sectian created ty Denine Cimmans: & Amy Ulagadich 

‘ Right: 1995 Ptamecaming Caourt- eff Rumbaugh, Wendy Martin, Leanard Clel, Cheryl Quine, uan Weninger, 

Sarah ‘Manga, Bari Lang and Vad Minta 

Saturday, Wctaber 7, 1996 

8 30a.m.-1:00p.m. PReqistratian 
© Iam. Campus Caurs 
10a.m.- 11:00a.m. APAV' Warkshap 
10:30a.m. Alumni Assac. Exec Meeting 
10:30a.m. Callegiate Jaurnalists Wunch 
1la.m.- 1:00p.m. WHamecaming Warchecuc 
12:30pm. § PRSSA € jveat Ball Race 
4:00 p.m. -5 :00p.m. Legacy Past Game Get bagether 
7:30pm. ‘ Porfarmance ‘ Prajec t 

8-00p.m. SAC Comedy Shaw F John % Jaseph 

avents’ Weekend 

Parents’ weekend is the ane time during the year 
when Susquehanna students don't mind having Parents’ Weekend was a qeeal SUCCESS 
their parents: — diap in” aw them. From the time despite the annual threats of vain and the 
parents and family auiuved an Friday, Cctoler 27th « wild’ tehaviar of aur Pies / 

until hugs were made gaodlye Sunday, CWctaler 
29th students were well fed, had clean sheets and 
fe tl wallets. 

Parents were inuited ta attend everything aw cam- 

pus from simulated classes ta lunch in the cafe. 
Friday and Saturday night parents attended the play 
Some thing’ S« Afoat’ “and vadous padies av cam- 
pus. Students were quite impressed with just how 
‘sacial”’ their patents and iw same cases even 
grandparents cauld be. 
Saturday aftemaon was filled with trips ta the 
laokstoxe, shopping in tauw and a 21-14 victouy 
an the foathall field aqainst langtime vival 
“Lyco”’ : After the game, students, pees zel- 
atives and friends fought the crowds at bath V7)'s 
and Frant Street tying ta get a cald beevand a good 


Spread created ly Shewl Olirsch, Keuin Caake & z Jacquie Lisa 

tallaween is the only time of the year that 

students can bust aut af theiv shells ta 
puxpasely laak weird, scarey av ever just 
alain stupid. At Susquehanna veqardless 
of haw strange we laak Dtallaween night, 
a qaad time is had ly all. Che Uni- 
versity 's’ Schalav Olause students com- 
memarated the haliday ly cauung pUmye- 
kins tagether. “Castumes an CANYUS anged 
fram leer cans, ta devils and bikers. Other 
members of the Susquehanna “Community 
used the haliday as aw excuse ta let laase 
and pady lath an and off CAMPUS. Owe ta 
Susquehanna’s awn uniqueness, students 
spared na shame, creatitly, ar dallar in 
showing up with the ultimate castume. 
Another Qtallaw’s Eve passed at Sav 
and as usual the night was full of funny 

Ni) - 
moment and Mave callege MeEMQAUNLS. 

Bas Ge La 


Spread created ly Eliza Daltan dc Steue Postinsky 

he camedy, uvutten ly : James WieDanald, Pater 
Cyerlach and Dauid Ves, was performed in Weller 
Chapel during the 1995 Parents’ Weekend. Directed 
ly Lavy Augustine, the cast entectained parents, stu- 
dents, and quests with the camical musical alaut a 
weekend stay ata hause where the hast mysteriously died. 
Chiaughaut the play, the cast tried ta piece tagether the 
clues and deteumine the killer. Cast members included : 
seniars brevav Paremla and Mutch Diminica, juniors 
Gre Cannar, Altisan “Egger, 9D. Fitzpatrick, Chiis- 
tapher Vlewcamer, Mare Skarecki, Melanie buch- 
entiiad, and “Wendy buniziani, as well as saphamaxe 
Deindre Vewlald. Che perfarmance was widely at- 
"tended, having nearly filled Weller Chapel during bath 
the Friday and Saturday night perfarmances. 
Pehind the scenes stage wark made this play the success 
it was. bhe crew was vequired ta simulate everything 
from a falling chandeliew ta the explasian of @ staiiwase. 
he musical wequired dance waz, musical talent, and 
hard work aw the par of lath the acta, and the 

suppaiting stage Crier. 

Spread created by Ware Alafs, Fink DéMarca & Steve Centalanza 


usic Events 

Psychedelic ‘Kitchen, Ptectic Ped, “Wan- 
derlust, Pappy “Van CGragh, Dichy Fin- 
gems Va, these aven't items an the menu 
dawn at PB" )’s they ae just a sample af the 
lands: that played ta the Susquehanna cam- 
munity this year. “When yaw stay ta think 
aliaut it, music plays a significant vale an 
CAMPUS A week daesn't ga ly ab SU 
without samething musical Gaing aw. “Whether 
it'san Aist Series event, a student recital, a 
university ensemble perfaumance, av even a 
student hand set -LYy2 autside a dawm, music: is 
alive here at Susquehanna. 

Fav a small schaol, SU is fartunate ta have 
such a wide vauety of musical events. “bhe 
Auist Series, far example lought the “Kieu 
Chamber Orchestra ta CAMPUS this year. On 
addition, SAC lings a vauely of performers 
and lands ta CAMPUS throughout the entire 

. i] . 2 9)_- . 
year including Dave Vainder, Chiistine 

Kane, Where's the Wand, and Ptectic Red. Cal- 
lective Saul was SAC’s lig cancext event far the 
year. “With Wanderlust, Callective Saul perfarmed 
a sald-aut cancert in Welev Auditorium. ther 
axganizatians count an lands ta draw crowds ta 
theiv events. Students gathering far the Enuira Fair 
and thase wha pout tagheter peteces far the ADDS 
Quilt were entertained ly various: lands. 

While music is a faum of entedainment, far many 
an campus music is an education and * way of life. 
Susquhuchanna students may be invalued in several 
different musical axganizauians including Univer- 
sity Chair, Chamber Singers, 7 lniversity Charale, 
FROVCLINGE, Symphanic Mand, Stadium 
Wand, and athev waadwind, tiass, and stung 

Che cambined offarts of student perfaumers and 
campus arganizations provide Susquehanna stu- 
dents, faculty and staff and the suviaunding cam- 

ge of = Fy i) = 4 
munities with a wide variety af musical events. 

“Che strength of the Project 
Pause System and the thanks 
we vecelue fram the community, 
will enable us: ta continue ow 
wark far another 
“Emily Uae, Oy 
SUN. Cauncil President 

20 years!” 

Since 1976, Susquehanna ‘© University students 

have valunteered avev 186,000 hawis af sewice 
; > =, 

Yause System. bhe year 

through the Project S 

marks: the 20th Anniversary of the valunteer 
Praject Cause System. he system has qrown 
ta 12 student-initiated projects vespanding ta the 
needs: an campus and in the suviaunding cam- 
munities far valunteer sewices. €allectively the 
12 projects gather undev the Susquehanna Uni- 
versity ; Vleightarhaad (SU: a) Council. 
As a means ta shave ideas and infaxmatian, as 
well as caardinate large valunteer events, wep2- 
vesentatives fram the 12 projects: meet veqularly 
with SUN. Cauncil’s executive offic ers. Dn 
additian ta individual project wark, as a whale 
SUN. Cauncil warked tagether this year in 
ais ree 

providing help and assistance ta victims af the 

Che 1995-96 Praject Plause System cansisted 
Acts 29: Acts 29 is 

) ; ) ) ) 
made wz af teams of students wha thiough 

of the fallawing projects: 

singing, puppetry, clawning, drama, and 
preaching declare the CGjaad ‘ Vlews. his year 
Acts 29 celebrated theiv 15th anniversauy. Aus 

versity and swvaunding communities, Aus 

S, ° ff. 4 0 . 
oOeuwing as @ liaisan between the uni- 

Alive! promates university events and SPONSOAS 
special events such as students at shaws and 
warkshopas for ava children. eG Wrath- 
exs/ Wig Sisters: « Affiliated with ‘ Big Wrath- 

Cus / Wig Sisters of Amexica this project p zauides: 
children in the cammunily with appropiate 
camaraderie, SsuyZpart, guidance gnd understand- 
ing in veqard ta’ theiv variaus sacial and ema- 
tianal needs. Computer Cansultants: Dw their 
offart tap zavide information and assistance ta the 
faculty, staff, 

eye . ) 1] 
cammunities aw a variety af camputer zelated 

students, and swvounding 
en , € et a i Wh id 
topics, “Camputer Consultants uur w hotline ar 
4 ° 1] Af ° i] 4 
aw electranic tulletin baad system, and hald 

warkshaps and luilauing Sessions. 

Aets 29: Michael Cheeca 
Allisan Watch : Jim 9laltan 

Amy Swift Aus Alive!: Vate ‘ 

Kathuyn Narmsher 
Amanda Sera 
Fegley bracey Lynne Otaskell * Anna Wazlett 
‘Kiuvan * Deli Kline 
Melanie buckentrad 

Sistews: Wlarwy Adams 

Otannah fLeuin 
WMleq Piewe * Andy’ Menauld 
Michelle Wall i Jay “Walters 
Vlatalie ‘ Beckley 
Cardiella * Amanda “Crissinger : Julie Danha 

Scatt allman a Jennifer ester *O (ans Kneller 

: Vlewlbeg us Emil Povrelli 
U Y 

Gerald Gagan, Dv. * Kirk 

R. Michael Leasure * 
‘Kathy Dtadder 
David Laamis 
Wa uy “Kate Scally 
: y Jacilyn “Winzer 
Wlaca rena : Bawks d Jane : Brawn 
Dan Deitzel ; Jackie Daran 
*Calleen Kahan *Cauie Martin * j Nadi Minnich 

Forkett * Rabin Ford * Chris: a Funny * ared Starrs * 

im Mark: 28 
Del Carter 

Go YL 

Christina Mushing 

/ ? 1 kam £ 
Giuseppe De Wardala * ash 


Wlauy ‘ Papp *Wuan 

ekki Karess 
* Fash Mucher 
Oeatherv Staut 

Jay Keener 
Chis Master 
‘Kim Sell 
: Jess Kullinger aed Big : Brathers/ Mig 
P Alley Byrnes Michelle 
Michelle Warman 

* Andwea Cramiley " 

z Vide Hanga 

Allison Quillen * Pteidi Richards * Juliana Rizk * Amy Smith * Jennifer Smith * ‘Kathleen Veety * Dauid “Wiest 
Mentors Maryellen Held * Christina Fury * Grin Kennedy * Jayann Smith * Kristin Gedler * Julie Skeltan Stacy Velen 
Kimberly Muller * Nilay Barnett * Mroke Henning Cary Daeringer Welissa Dayle y Jessica “Kennedy é Amy Shaudis 

Christapher lerdman * Mak’ Ruzicha * é Adam Summer Bimathy Mah * Kevin Wilsan bravis Called * Keith McCallister 
f Y 
. Jason Petlack * Adam Wavis * Ablile Werhanu * Jay biewney ‘Meghan Quinn Grin MeNeice : Jamie Willer * Linda 

Heuing * Dan Lea * Andrew Spears * Edward Spayd * Christopher Authur * 0eidi Richards Emily Miller Camputer 

=) c 4 ” c \, — ag y) 7 >) ) OVE py) 7 
Consultants Jash Abfiime Jason Aults t wacy Menninger €hiistine Wawman bhervesa € jenuly Kathy Nadder Dana 
SYN 4 ) ee) oa LAGys oe.g¢ a 1 ; 1 om => 

Ptill Pat Garman “Emmett Kiuvan Cail Olunsinger Guc Knepye Drwa Kiaft *Lawen Lezak Viian Ludwig * bam 

McCarthy Keara Melody * Adam Millard *' rian Millspaugh Z Jel Minnier * Kim shin * Steve Schuler * Mattheur Scaut 

*Hiz Sampson * Cunt Smith Michelle“ Woaading Dylan Roeigler Clayton Synder Penn Lutheran Village Steue Kirk 

7 pe erage. Cala ls ener ap Se ee ee Ae Py air js Orit Vee. tea aeey DY 
Kevin Dahnev * Paul Sachouvka * Dan Dubly Jasan Semaski Jahn Jaseph Wh Paurch bim Suchanek 

Right: Members of SA- F 
CA shave a cultural sta wy fy 
and craft haw with same hy 
childien at Pine Wead- 

aws | 

Penn Lutheran’ Village: Members of this project 
seek ta cantinue and develop newt velationships 
with the zesidents of Penn Lutheran “ Village. 
Selinsq cave Center: Members af this project seek 
la encawiage the vesidents of Selinsgrove Center 
ta participate ww vauous activities and ta enrich 
theiv lives ly providing new and enjayalle friend- 
ships Seniav Friends: his qu of wamen 
provide activities and companionship far thase 
cammunity senior citizens wha attend the Se- 
linsg zave Seniar Citizen's Center and thase seni- 
ave citizens wha are canfined ta theiv homes: 
Student Assaciation far Cultual Awareness: 
S.A€C.A. advacates multicultural awareness 
and sewes as a multicultural StYyzpoart Grauy2 where 
miaxities and athev cancemed students may share, 
cultivate, promatle, and poresewe theiv culture at 
Susquehanna University. Student Awareness of 

hh S ori) ) sf Oo . ~ (eyie4 U 
the Value of the Enuivonment: SAVE. works 

ait ) 5) c 1 oy - ) > ~ | 
with the Physical Plant in the cantiuation af 
A oo ay) < 4 
campus: wecycling. Ohe project alsa sewes as an 
. 4 A ) | 
enuivarunental awareness qraiyy seuing the cam-' 
pus and swuaunding cammunities. Students 
c A oe ces i] >¢ U Ce Sen; 
Pelping Our “Gldedy: SOC. Chis group: 
1) es: : > = = . 3 5 - : py 
af mew jain Seniow Friends in interacting with 
Hl ) D > 4. De ee Dass >| 
members af the Selinsqrave Seniav Citizen's 
Gy Cc i] i] . . eye Py 
Center. Members alsa assist senian citizens with 
. i] : bean f ~) gG2 Q2 
add jals in theiv homes. Study Muddy: My 
' sae i] v 
presenting a pasitive vale made, enhancing study 
a) : ) 4 2c > 
skills and academic pexfarmance, the SU. Study 
9. . . 4 iW) ‘ i 
Mauddies pramate pasitive self-esteem fav students 
\ Neon WW Moye) , 
fronv the Selinsqiave Middle Schaal thiough a 
Pet | C ] 4 cr). 
stuctured tutarial program. Wamenspeak: his: 

: - a) x 4 < 
peraject is concemed with expanding the sewices of, 

p C } ; CY. G? «Je 
the Wamen’s “Resaurce Center, providing lead- 
A. a \ ‘ Q . . 
ership appardtunities fav wamern af the university, 
f . af . . i] . 
and warking with adminstiatian ta be proactive: 

. ? J - . 
weqarding women's concems at the university. 

+e ‘ Dey) > 2) 1, ON ales ‘ ep ) 4 ? r 
Selinsqrave Center “Guelyne beng* Cheryl White*P leather Wlintz*Sharene Raiq Danielle Meam™* bricia 

Boun* Ashley CiracatLari Kachanski*€adka ‘ Pavuy *Allisan Recard* Ann Schwalm*%ati Wimer* Vikki 
Wrenneman* Jen ‘ Phitlops *Alisan Otess**Seniav Friends: Sheviie Vaauer e Jalene Maumer “Candy Wrwn™ bricia 
Biun*Kayn Chamledkain*theuyl Craaker ae Jani Heck a Janet “ Gauger *Cheresa “ Gerity *Katherine Waui- 
man Jennifer Waris * Stacey Wedi*Parlara : Janes”. Amy Kastnev*™ Nichelle Kaullman*. Andrea Kraft *K ris Lack- 
ey ‘Carian Weals* Carrie ‘ Regan tAshli Riggs 7 Jenn‘ Najek *VWelinda Rass* Ann Schmehl 2 Jennifer Smith *) Cape 
Steuens* Aline Champsan ies Jennifer Voigt “ Jennifer Withelm* Chiis Williams "9 Jennifer‘ Walny ** Student Assaciatian 
fav Cultural Awareness (Sc AC.A._): Macarena Mawhks* uth Bulluinkle* Erin Curann® Anne Qtadman 5 | 
: Jayawardena *Lari Kachanshi* eda ‘ Pinkney “Emily Quah *Sharene* Naiq "Vat Sutaludra “Guelyne Geng *Wlelanie 

7¢ wuchkentiad* Chel “White*)asan “Walle m April : Vacka ++ Student Awareness af the “Value af the Gnuixonment 

(S AVS.):-Kiisten Anderson*€ hristine Weaver*Kimbedky Mieunan* ChristapherCatheunan*Dauid Diews* Varian 

"hee | "i , 1) 46 
Ptackman™ Amy Mimmelberger Jamie 

Susquehanna University 


ars HOUSE 

, 4° 5 wy 5 r > Ape ) > 4 4 c otek © i) wa Via, 
Krauss* Kristin Paterson* Rebecca Preuvenis “Amy Rill aseph Spies “Annelisa Vaung Students Ptelping Cur Gldeuly 

(SOLE ZG) Brian Auten*29an Duummand a Jash Wlartin 24 Jaeseph Richardsan*Keuin Spatts *Daue Salaman* Vick Ste- 
shensan* Ryan bimmans 7M yan “Waaqner* * Study NWuddy Cherie « Ainsley *Kristen Andewsan*Shevie Bauer* Maggie Nechk- 
v Kim Vaieunan*Lisa Cardella *)asan Carnier*Staci Cesari*Katie Clautman*Kiistin Castentader*Anissa DeCapria *Kenny 
Dalan Wg Julie Edmister*Emily Caqler*Hhisa Fultan* Matt Gilleu* Amy < Gillam* Cami Call Carlee Maneluvy ie Jexemy 
Martman* Allison Otatch*Steph Wauser* April Kantz* Rebecca Karess* Karen ‘King "Christy Knou* Melanie Leech*Matt 
Lenahan ennifer Lachke*Vicale Lundqren™ Brett Mar Yy 2 Jennifer Mariana*barian Weals*6llen WMitarda*Sara 
Muhuich*Chris' Pantalea*Maddalena Pennine*Emily, Peretti*Dana Peil*Kate ‘ Patinshi* Michele “Reynolds * Andrea 
Riedel*Linda Ratinsan*: Amy Smith*6Ed Spayd aa yler banner by Jay “Walters *Ganya Walfe* Kristen‘ Uunaska "Welissa XKelen- 
shy* Stephanie Reshanshi *#Amy <immeunan** Wamenspeak “Chastity Aunold*Adam VWassard* eft D; Beiter anine Leah Cap- 
sawas* Kate Dixan* bara Crawer* Marta Guhl tAmy Otlandelsman Kristen VW Dtautind tAmanda Kimble*bara 

Martz*Nicale Purcell*Jawn Staneuch*€ hiistine Vacatwia*)aAnneVurcata 

he Spring Cheatie seasan at Susque- 
hanna tuwmed aut ta be a ues successful 
ane. Ohe season apened in WMarch with the 
j2 f a Y , 
‘Chee Virds Alighting Cn A Field.” 
Chis play wutten ly Cimledake Weuen- 
laker presented issues that wlated ta the 
aids and patitics. Dt was directed ly Wa uf 
? Ja Sadd. Chis play is the last perfaumance 
May ; Ja will be invalued with at Sus- 
quehanna ‘TMlany of the actars that par- 
ticipated in this production felt lath sad and 
proud that they were pad of Sadd’s final 

the bheatie Praductian class liegan 
warking aw the set fav“ bhiee Mirds” in 
January and did nat end until apening 
night. All of their offarts ultimately paid 
off i a beautiful set desiqned ly Ket 
O'Dell. Same of the stars of the play 
were: Kristi Gripe, Anita Anan, Cwitis 

, oe —a 4 wp. c , 
Duke, “Katie iegler, Chiis Ptansan, 

Annette Crasparvia and “Jasan Milner. 

Che last weehend of Apiil cancluded. the 
play seasan with the production of ‘SA 
Wlidsumme Vlight ‘xs Dweam,”” directed ly 
Avel ‘Kleinsarg. “he play was uvutten ly 
“William Shakespeare in 1596 and has been 
presented fav 400 years. 

“ SA Midsummerv' Night's Dwam” isa play 
within a play, nt presents deceptian, betrayal, 
devatian and the understanding of lave all 
with a sense of huunar. Che play 's’ set de- 
signer was again Medi O'Dell, with sceneuy 
praductian done ly the bheatre Praductian 
class. bhis perfa umance was alsa presented ta 
sellat high schaal audience. 

Students wha perfaumed in the leads of this 
shaw included: Grevar Paremba, Kut 
Duliink, Shannan Wawersarx, Crearge 
Cullinan, Mare Skarvecki, Grice Conner, 
Melanie Cuckentiad and Chiis Vlewcam- 


ce 5 Cc BAe). = AerACITA - 
A Midsummer Night's Dream, was a wonderful learning 
. AA i] ah 1] A sip ’ 
experience. D was alle ta work with many talented individuals, 
Q A A x 
and we produced a shaw we cauld te proud af. 

€ jiuseppee Delartala ‘99 

“Chiee Birds Alighting On A Field, was a qea expeuence 
for me. Dt was my first shaw hee at SU and it will be the mast 
wanderful memary because D had the hanar ta wary with May 
a Sadd and an extraardina uy cast of talented actars.”’ 

c “ “ cay Lr, A « - 
Katie Xieqler 97 

When students aviived tack ta 

laad of 96 

quehanna s usually tranqiuutl atmasyhere 

after a five week‘ Christmas break, they tawn af Selinsqrave, hame ta Sus- 
faced a small town stuck with disaster. quehanna “University, and its 
Che Susquehanna PRiver, which was neighlar Suntiuy, were vestared 
always ane af the area's mast beautiful lack ta velative nawmality. Che 
attrilutes, lecame the ava’s biggest Hlaad af *96 vwminded us all just 
nightmare With vecard snaufall of ap- haw powedul Wlather Nature can 
proximately thiee ta five feet just twa be, 

weebs le fore, the me lting ice averfl lowed 
the vivev inta the tawn af Sel: linsqrove. 
Many students: were faxe ed aut of their 
aff AUNUS! 1 »sidences an the Dsle of Q, 
and alternative vaadways inta taww had 
| ta be found. Reads weve lacked, shaps 
were clased, and classes canceled, tut 
mast af all peaple were afraid. 
As weeks went ly slawly the small 

ep - = : ) ) Cf. > 4 sl wf ) f_ 
his spread is dedicated ta the vesidents af Selinsquave and Suntuwuy, and all thase wha last 24 

4 4 = s ) 
homes and businesses: in the area. 

Spring Break 

Fram March 9th ta March 16th many of counling pesos ta get a dus vide hame and 

, Susque hanna’s students taok the appardti- learning the Macarena dance. 
““ nity ta travel ta wauv places, relax and All in all mast students needed @ vacation 
gat | unwind fram mid-teuns, (ut mast af all after theiv vacation, but it was wardh it! 
een yl they went ta party! 

Lota | Students: went ta Cancun, ‘Key “West, 

Panama € ity, Daytona, “Jamaica, and 
re the Wahamas. During the days Spring 
Wreakers enjoyed l aying aut an beautiful 
leaches, stading Mappy ‘ Dlauv at noon, 
sculla diving adventures, and sated hatel 

catastraphie s. At night students danced the 
night away at vadous clulls and tars, same 
even found their way onta WEG. 

Chere were many qat memories of 
Spring “ Mreak “96 including: Oey, in 
aixpardts at all hawis of the night, UDtaul 
vides, bargaining fav silver, 

Center, students enjayed a live band, camnival 

Susquehanna s Sp UNG Weekend was a qual 
success de sprte mauwung wa. Although 
many students’ were disappointed ta heav the 
annual CAMPUS fe stivities would te held in- 
daazs, Susquehanna’ 's students wse ta the 
accasian and made theiv awn fun. 

Cn campus in the Siri in Campus 

games and Rea foad. On the mean time, 
whiffle ball games an range Street, 
WB Qs at the greek hauses, hat tulls, nud- 
fill led ene cauch launging in pick -Up2 
tucks, padying lehind< University Ave. and 
hanging aut dawn town were the activities of 
chaice away fram Degenstein. 

Che weekend, although full of WMlay shawers, 
tuned aut ta le nathing duct food, fun, fiends 
and “ Alun.’ ’ Spring‘ Weekend was an ex- 
cellent antidote ta the antic ipated stiess’ stu- 
dents felt taward an upcaming week of finals / 

» Je} 


COnange Street, Nigh Street, Che Warehause, 
and bhe Mill are just a few of the places aff - 
campus where students have migrated in ardev ta get 
away fram the moanoatany of ON-CAMPUS living. 
Mast Juniors and Seniars of Susquehanna mauve 
off-campus ta get quay fram quiet-hauis, com- 
munal living, and the natural Gassyy Cie les that 
suwrviound the walls af aurv well-laved darmitaries. 

Other popular and promising aff- —CAMPUS la- 
cations include: bhe Island of Q.< Like uty « Al lley, 
Allave the Sul, Water Street, Market Street, and 
Chades Street. “Upean aw off-c ampus prenuses, 
students’ na langer have to deal with RAs on 
cafe tera food. OQnstead they naw have ta live with 
neu protilems such as‘ Land Lards and the poreja- 
avatian of fine cuisine. 

Although aff-campus students’ miss the ex- 
perience af tuly lieing pad of campus life; the new 
attriluites of living iv aw apadment or hause have 
theiv awn luxuries. Chese include everything from 

barbecuing, la playing a friendly game of autdaar 

a veally doesn't matter whether students dwell 
alang the SuaqRAI a iver av live allave Ws, 
Selinsgrove i s filled with places ta live ta meet 
anyones lifestyle Se linsqrave students and lacals have 
lived tagether iv @ pasitive communal Seay far 

several years, and will cantinue far several mare ta 


pee HH 

at | 





Dawntawn..Vathin® tut trau- 

Daryn Creqgan 96 

“Quy ' , ‘ 
Where else in the world can you get 
Banga Manga sa hat, Pambers sa 
4 2 Pp 
large and Meam and Cakes sa 

Jacquie Lisa ‘97 

“What usually cames ta mind when you 
hear Kamikaze, Wlaw jot, Wrain 
hemannrage, aw Mind eraser? Well, it 
daesn't have anything ta da with “Japanese 
fighter pilots, sexual cannatatians, av lain 
SWIgely hese sametimes peweded, same- 
times: just plain sick drinks are usually the 
weasan for the peilaus cries heard from 
within the walls of the Selingrave's n- 
famous dawntaww area. 

he idea of going downtown may mea a 
lat of different things, ta a lot of different 
peaple. Dawntawn in “ the quae” may 
mean casually sipping a “Bamlev’’ with 
same friends, av ta athers, it may be thiow- 
ing back a fou 50 cent drafts. Ov it cauld 

Nae , \ , 
le the appartunity ta play a feu pranks an 

. . 4 
naive and ignorant newly twinned 

AWE Sei ee ee ipa 
27 year alds. “bhis feadul neuw diinkev has ta 
‘ 4 4 f 6 0 es 
wavuy allaut the faded memaxies af “Prairie 
Ys ” oo) ” «cG 4A 4 
{i1es, bhiee wisemen,” and Jally vancher 
, Quy artis 
shats. “When we think lack ta awv 21st 
ne ay ; ‘ : , 
birthday, the thoughts af passing-aut early ar 
° q . > A Ag 
wading the American Standard lalel may came 
ta mind. 
op ) ray, ) d jae ey 
Regardless af the whopping chaice af the faw 
4 i ) \ a) 
lai ane has ta chaase from, we've all faund a 
i] 2 IG ? Qf Qn? 
hame in V3) s, Wat! s, Me. Kelly's and Rus- 
tA oa) 4 wT ey | , 
sells. he time spent at these estallishments has 
. Uy . . 4 Q 
given us each time ta unwind, relax, hang-out, 
‘4 4 Cc ' 4 4 “ 
av even quest larend. “We have had the ay2- 
. ; . Af 
pandunity ta enjay aw small campus downtown 
tagether. One can almast quarantee the sight ofa 
4 Ae 4 ) ) ‘ 4 p 4 
familiar face, whether it be a Professar av a 
oT i] Peay 7} 
Freshman neightar. 
> ’ y Ap 1 CY2G ae) 
Sa whether yaw walk aut of D3°)'s av get help 
hp. f . . 4 J 
walking aut, ane thing is aways tue, the 
, f ; iJ ; ° . 
dauntawn area leads us ta take pride Uv aut 
1] 1] - i] 4 . UJ . yf 
lacal watering hates, despite wha is with us ar 

, emt 4 4 Af 
where it lands us at the dveaded last call. 




: ~s as 
b mm ye 2 


New York Style 


Ph 374-1950 





MN Ta is 


coli aati 


Akt ol tAC TLD LLMOINASY taf a 

herrrrerty NUT aE yy Ww 
Sreertertatpereyerinrct nen Pe bec hEa Ean ATT Raa] 
Stretcher Stree iy ime ie arte tee te : 
_ Sharpe rtrener ren 

x sehry 

or SET 

So be ahs 103 

0 ceseeEbsies senatersics 


23. DPhi Sig doar were vapened 

24. Parking decame a bigger prokilem 

25. State Caps were allawed an campus 

3. Che first G wat Wall Race 26. Ginko Berries smelt warse than er 

4. Che Hload af * 96 27. Reegineering 

a, Dean Bellas left FU 28. Che upper parking lat became a bax 

6, PBs gota face li ing 

6. WalMart was the hattest place in toun 29. Mare Schalais Olause uumors 

8. Dee ea maker in the Eafe 30. Ghe urestling team was dissolved 

9. A Mexican vestawrant at Days Dun 37. Rallecklading was the most J20f2ut 
10. Indoor Spring Weekend past time 

11. First fried chicken wing was di / Mey temperatures between 52 and 

an a Graduation cap preg 
12. Rumors about everything f duation- 104 degrees 

13. Sholewt became the coalest ow . Me ground was hidden ly SNOUY UW 

campus: tov live 
14. Anather golf cat was stolen 3F Small numbex of Fraternity pledges 
15. Che faces down town kept getting 36. Parking tickets vemained high 

younger and younger 37. Chicago Steak favarite good meal 
16. Men's Bashetlall dunked inta the 38. Bonga Banga favarite cheap meal 
; 40. Front Stwet fox wings 

17. Graci's Horist was put undeuvater 41. Water overtook diplomas on C qu 
18. Chaplain Chomford loft SU uation ? 

19. Goon Squad got biggev 42. Snapple Deed ea still the favo 

20. “Guition went wy (again) dink 

“at: Che Aste of Q decame part of the viuev 43. Champs Gyn op opened 

22. Mare toilet paper than ever was taken 44. Spring Break was Peak Week 

from 305 University Ave. 45. Men's Lacrosse got new unifarms 


‘(appened.. . in 1996 

s wplaced 90210 69. Graduates ave still 

UY had the toughest security on 70. Veep, Cherokee, Vetta sie aren 
caw: of choice 

lle hit aiuvaves re Gym facilities still lacking 

leat aut Weis 72. 1st spectator penalty at a lacrosse game 

ass of 2000 entered SU 73. Fratewnity/Sorority rivalries continued 
1 in US News & Wold 74. Intemnships at “Cop 10 Fiums’” 
75. Campus: AIDS testing 

lent Cunningham last his és “Worse school colors again 

ny the Chaplain’s garage be- me 7s #1 to dunk oudly 

yy of the past 79. Vatt’s #1 ta drink late 

yy parking behind the } 
ny still the #1 beer 

still couldn't fiqure 

wstin Onion attended 
Mattle nights at Watt Jf #1 of 1996 left 

nt é summev 

lee new heq leew of choice 86. Si divided fans 

LL packed the SU punch! 87. Students invalued in campus activities 
ung a vound the Warehouse 88. View av in town 

street #1 for Beers 89. Rima was out 

Alley vemained Gils Only 90. Dee beers were in 
9 behind the qym became 91. Rumorw of Micro-treweries 

- 92. Another new store front at Kluckers 

watched its calories . 93. PFugies were #1 

dlees, made “* America’s Cop 94, We finished this yearbook 
95. Chis yearbook came out 

inoad . (Pets are being takew on when next 
ng Christmas break ’s will be dane!) 
vs got jobs 96. We made it ta 1997 

‘Shere are good times: and there are 
bad tumes, but the gaod definitely aul 
weigh the bad Wy zaammates. and. 
share a band that could anly be cre~ 
ated by living tagether and. will last 
far beyond aw years here at Susque- 


i.e ee ee 
Caroline Mradley 97 

«ae , 4 ’ 
Sametimes: we go out, but ather 
times: we have just as: much fun slay- 
- , a a ‘ . 2 4 ” 
ing home together sitting in a circle. 

Dab » Dinsmare “96 

“We laue each athev at the patch!” 

‘Mare Alofs “06 


here's never a dull mament!” 
Cheul Duine 96 

2 ' , 4 , 
Keamning does nat always happen in the 
c Ip « QA re A “e 
When Wlarcus” Valerius Madialis wate, 
of | . fi. « of -,f 
Ohere is no living with yau, av without 
” , Co... 2 ee 4 4 
you, uwhis Cpiqrams, he must have teen 
wer " , foe) ce 4 
vefeviing ta his (.aammate. Gueuane wha 
has shared a vaem with sameane has: their 
‘ A 4 4 4 A . 
shave at bath wanderful memaries and 
' OV ) , ) 
haa staries. Ptauv cauld yaw farget the 
time the twa af yaw stayed aut partying 
-/ ) 4 P 
until the sun came we av the time your 
ao? 4 : ) p = 
Vraammate luvist inta the waam at thee in 
) é ) ) ) ; 
the marning whew yaw had a huge test in 
four hows? 
Cc 4 J . 4p 
Vlaw may wmemlier that sametime before 
> ) 
yaw came ta Susquehanna as a neu stu- 
dent, yaw veceiued a questionnaire veqard- 
. . 1] . i] 4. 
ing yaw interests, sleeping halits and pre- 
4 “ MS 
fevences cancevning smaking-neon 

) . 1] . i) 
smoking, cleaw ar MesSYY TOQGM, and single 

sex av caed dauns. Upon auival you discaver 
you have been paired with a wammate wha 
suppasedly answered thase whapping five 
questions with similav answers. bhe wal- 
izatian that you are going ta be living with a 
camplete stianger hits You all at ance. Vlaw 
Yow ae UV @ Pac. “What am 2 suppased ta 
say? “Why daes my zaammate get the lap 
dunk? Am 9 taking wy toa much space? 

As you laok back aw this awkward mament 
at the end of the semester, it is hard ta believe 
that your new lest friend av waist enemy Was 
a complete stranger five manths aga and naw 
you know your “Raanunate inside and out. 
By the end of the year you have leaned a lat 
abaut yourself and haw ta deal with all walks 
of life. Che lessan you learned iw that first 
year helped you decide an a campatille 

eo \ ) ) 
Maammate fav the next thiee Years. 

‘t's difficult nat ta make special 
friendships when you are with 
peaple all the time. Plaw can you 
nat became clase when you are 
warking, studying, sacializing and 
bushing your teeth tagether ie 

‘Karin Chempsan 96 

When we chase Susquehanna ta lle AW Alma 
Wlatev we laaked at the education we wauld 
veceiue, but lang after qraduatiow it will be the 
peaple we met here that will be mast zemembered 
bhe peaple we naw call friends 

Chiaugh the goad times and the tad, it is aw 
friends. that laugh with us and lend us a shaulder 
la cup an when we need it. Friends are the peaple 
yaw can always caunt an, whether it be talking 
th vaugh all hawis af the night ar laaning you that 
perfect autpit fav a date. A friend isa person wha 
helps you au whew there is: a prolilem and wha 
suppaus what yow ave tying ta accomplish 

At Susquehanna many of us ave far fram home 
and laak taward awe friends ta be aur family Mm 
times af need. bhe friends that we have met will 
farever be in our memaries and always have a 
place in aur heart She friends we make at SV) 
aie very special peaple, each unique in theiv awn 
way, and each lringing samething different ta owt 
lives. he CXPCUCNCES’ We ue shared with aux 
friends can nat be campared ta anything else. 

——7 , , > , 4 
Chey are what make Susquehanna sa special. 

foo) 4 , 4 if. si74 
Mememlier the newaus luttedlies yaw felt 

pulling wy tar your freshman dawn far the 
fi wt lime... ar walking inta your fi wt SU. 
pady, nat mentian buying ta find your first 
class) Ov the fear of dropping your tay in 
the middle of the caf and the excitement of 
hearing the phone daulle ving? 

Chat was a lang lime aqa, hut unfar- 
tunately pictures fram Freshman year still 
haunt aur allums. bhese skeletans tell the 
tale of a time when auwv ladies were fifteen 
paunds lighter, auv haiv a little bigger and 
aur brain a little smaller. 

It’s always frightening ta laak tack at the 
Waly We Were, lut somehaw the memazies 
that came wishing back make the embar- 
zassment altagether wah it. Sa when 
you ‘ve ald and qiey, pull aut thase archives 

4 p . Af A 
and tuy ta member hau: it all began. 

> =) ces 4 ce 
Spread Created dy Gliza Daltan & “Erica 

: Reed 

UL Dvessed 

Sacial life here at SU. can va fim an 
campus saivees, ta kicking tack dauntawn 
‘ , , Wy, 
with a cald pitcher af beer and qaad campany. 
Mut eveup nau and then there are a few 
faunal events that vequire us ta kick aff, awr 
) - i] 
sneaks and diq aw test duds 
tar the mew aw campus getting wady far a 
A 4 Q . A AA 
faumal av qaing samewhere special usually 
invalues a quick shawev, khakis, and ushing 
ta get ta theiv date, that is if they don't wait 
' Af \ 
tive minutes lefare ta find ane 
bhe wamen hawever take a different ap- 
4 4 5 f A A Aye 
proach, ane that requires careful planning. 
oC , 1 4 , , , 
eae qius caw le faund weeks ahead (ofa 
4 4 . 4] . . 
faumal) at tanning satans, ta insure winter 
j 4 1 . 4 4 y Q2 , 
paleness daesn't win the laak. Vout the 
: Q -/f ee 
primping daesn't end there, nails and hair 
, \ : ay 
must te perfect, nat ta mentian match the 
a =, 1 ./f -AA AA 
bhe preparation while vew different still 

, 1A \ ) 
produce the same memaralle vesults. CGyaad 

\ : , . a 
faad, qreat dancing and exciting {idhds make the 
. q 4A AA 4 
night memaratle as well as funny. 
Grit > , , , 
We may nat dress-up at Susquehanna that aften, 

, , i iar ' ) 
but when we da, we da it with style and a tauch 

af CLASS. 

Spread Created ly Eliza Dattan & Steve Wastinshi 









“Cap ben Chings Alaut Seiler 

c 4 a) 
10. Vaw have yawr awn computer lal 

c per 4 ) A cAbTe ) 
9. Vjaw dant have ta leave the tuilding far 


» G . C q . a 
. Cantinuaus 24 PCr. quiet time 

7. Apaitment set-up2 with na heating dill 

on toe ‘ 
Dall games in the atrium 

- ¢ 4 h. : i] 
_ Prafessars live in the daum 

. Paid aiv canditioning 

—y ‘ i] - = 
3. Che windows apen taward the inside 

Hisvsee oP ce ‘ , 
2's like Cheers: Guerlady knaws your 


Seo ) ) 
1. It’s the anly daum an campus that vesem- 

bles the White Dlause! 

> C Meee J < o2 
Section created ty HKisa Delualle & Men Maange 





eo ene aees 

“bap “Gen “Chings Al;aut Mini 
10. It’s weal name is Vauth 

7] = 2 |) . 
9. “Cautian: “Quiet befare entering 

—— ae 
3S. Che walks have ears 

Ye Veau letter like all types of mu- 

. i] AN . 
sic, because yaw W hear it! 

Ce i} . 
6. omtaviassing mamems may 

A q A 
happen when yaw least expeact 


>. Chey anly knau of three aut of 
fawi RA’s 
Va, they did nat vequest ta live 




=>) ) 7 F I) - 
. Chey have disappearing Chiist- 

mas: trees 


Na quys live here... As if 
they d want ta” 

1. Aladdin's Genie wauld te 
happy here..." ity, bitty living 

Space | és 


' co 

Cap en “Chings Alaut Schalar Qlause 

10. “bhey have theiv awn lidnary 

wy. Luxwy of a single zaam 

8. Du. Sadt 

7. Known far having peaple scream until 1 

6. “Guesday night mavie clul: Mauve Quer 
Warmer Mathers! 

5. Che building is (rand new: Va mald in 
the shawers, yet! 

4. West pa thing in town 

3. Place with the highest Gi PA an CAMPUS 

2. Dts a hop, ship and a stumble fram the 


1. Che first anes ar campus ta spot a pady an 
“Che Dill” 



Wy. ltastand ff 

Cap en “Chings Allaut Aikens 

10. Shartest walk an campus ta the 

9. Private tennis and lasketlall cawits 

8. Che smell 

= Gf ) As 
7. €lasest ta the maillaxes 

Ce ) 
6. Gneare, sa clase! 

ee ee, , , 
>. Ohe smell af pasta sause thiaugh 

Q f 
the windaws 
4, Na Freshman Allawed! 

oe ans 
3. Clase ta Frats 

. Prant vaw seats at Saccev games 

2 f . 
. Clase parking 


Cap ben “Chings Alaut Smith 

= 5 = + = | 
Freshman, Fishman, Freshman! 
=F T- f1a/s 4 
Front caw seats ta Field Dlackey games 
}. Ohe music never staps 
- oy 4 : } "boa , a 
Vaays leaning ta da wash faw the first 

Cc ' , A e 
_“Wamen’s undergarments always disap- 

= ew ; 4. 
. Pizza is cansidered a major foad qraup 

._ Late night chats 
ay : s 4 
RA is a four letter ward 

34 eT ae 
2. Shawer pressure, 1 aut of 4 iswt lad 

1. €lasest an campus: ta the Gym! 

“Cap Cen Chings Alaut West 

10. Va ane ever knaws the RAs 
9. Clase ta the Fuats 
Seal (pperclassmen 
7. Che music keeps gaing and qgaing 
and gaing 
6. Aerial view af Saccer games 
D). Great parking 
Che launduy vaan has ears 
Che winter sleding/spring mud - 
Lie Langest walk an campus: ta class 

>>) , , A. /) ) . 
. Ohe place has a life af its awn! 


“Cap Gen “Chings Allaut Shabed 






Ww bd 


7. 4 peaple ta a tathioan: 

2's the newest and the cleanest 

j Privacy 

OL CAMPUS feel withaut the electric hills 
ff f ; | 

First ta use the new furnature 

. Kwame 

Che jealous staves 

: Chey have Kithens!!! 

Far cu from the dawns 

AQ (pperclassmen 

i, ©& ¥ 

“bap en Chings Alaut Reed 

10. Che sacial life 
S Scaping Freshman from the win- 
Rall aut of led and your prac- 
tically at class 
Che music entetainment fram next 
daav at Dleilman 
Mird’s eye Welw of Spring Weeh- 
end activities 
. Shan “Walk of Shame” between 
Smith and Aikens 
. Ddeal cawdyard fox sunbathing 
Friant vow to autdaar campus center 


Ce i ) \ 
? “Gueupliady wants shawerv #2 

. he centew af everything! 

““MIOR J0nN 



Cop Gen Chings Alaut WHassinger 

10. Getting paper cuts fram the paper thin 

9. Gathquakes fram 3d {laa unestling 

8. Che inability ta vaccum 

7. Che elevatar 

6. Friday night dance parties 

>. Sparadic quiet hours, sametimes enfaxced 
4. Free airconditioning 

3. Va need far wgs 
2. Wax seats ta the Faathall games 
if bing 10QMS filled with nathing dud 





Erica Andersen 
Kristin Atwood 

Brooke Bartholomay 

Kimberly Bautz 
Amanda Bergh 
Dulcie Bishop 
Dana Brenner 
Lisa Clapper 
Sarah Davis 
Lisa Del Valle 
Krista Depew 
Mandy DiPolvere 
Maura Doonan 
Allison Egger 
Denise Evans 
Maribeth Fives 
Julie Gicking 
Jacey Greider 
Ginger Hartman 
Lorraine Hay 
Carol Jones 
Larissa Kerpchar 

Kourtney Lanzaro 
Amy Lasurdo 
Melanie Leech 
Michelle Leichty 
LeeAnn Linsey 
Jen Locke 
Shelley Marshall 
Megan Masonius 
Robin Newbegin 
Jonelle Pall 

Amy Peters 

Kate Polinski 
Missy Powell 
Erica Reed 
Stephanie Rohner 
Maggie Sheehy 
Julie Skelton 
Stacey Sperling 
Dena Strawser 
Kimberly Walsh 
Lisa Weinder 
Tara Wolcott 

' 7) on — = ‘ 
Sectian created ly Shannan Voawe bany Cuda 

The Gamma Omicron chapter of Alpha Delta Pi was 
established at Susquehanna University in 1957. Our 
motto is, ‘We liver for each other.”’ The colors of 
Alpha Delta Pi are azure blue and white. The 
philanthropy for our chapter is the Ronald McDonald 
house in Danville, PA. Each year, the entire sisterhood 
participates in the Ron-A-Thon, in which we raise 
money for this cause. In addition to the money raised at 
the Ron-A-Thon, all of the money raised at the Hit-A- 
Pi-With-A-Pie also goes to the Ronald McDonald 
house. Besides our philanthropy, ADPi and fratemities 
on campus hold Easter and Halloween parties for the 
underprivileged children in the area. 

Our chapter holds special events for our parents on 
Parents Weekend. We hold a Harvest Open House for 
faculty and staff of Susquehanna University. Our 
sisters participate in many campus activities; including 
various clubs, sports, and other organizations 

ADP? also takes part in many sisterhood activities; 
slumber parties, house clean-up, and TIPS training to 
name a few. In addition to everything, we also have 
formals, date parties, and mixers. Some of our annual 
events include the hayride, Theta Chi Wedding, Golf 
Mixer and the Beach Party with Sig Ep 



Amy Allen 
Cheryl Bauer 
Shannan Bowersox 
Marie Camp 

Jill Carty 

Denine Cimmons 
Julie Cook 

Dara Cutrone 
Knisten Dame 
Julie Daws 

Julie Demola 
Karen Donoughue 
Steph Dowling 
Caroline Forbes 
Barbara Graseck 
Care Green 
Aimee Haug 
Melissa Haley 
Michelle Hoffman 
Chery] Irvine 
Karen King 

Lis] Kludsweit 
Allison Kollar 
Jennifer Krincek 
Gina Lamana 

Jennifer Lukach 
Katy Mackin 

Sarah Mango 
Wendy Martin 
Wendy Mashburn 
Courtney McDaniel 
Jessica McGlaughlin 
Tina Parks 

Diana Pierson 
Megan Quinn 
Sarah Ranck 

Kim Santillo 
Tammy Shutters 
Colleen Supinski 
Kim Tavares 
Jeanne Theuerkauf 
Karin Thompson 
Jen Tietgen 

Terry Tuffhell 

Noel Ulikowski 
Joey Ulrich 

Amy Vogel 

Betsy Welther 
Wendy Wesoloskie 
Rachel Wiest 
Amy Yagodich 

Kappa Delta sorority is comprised of 

52 unique individuals. Together we 

form a strong sisterhood with common 
beliefs and goals. 

Along with our national organization 

we help sponsors the National Committee 
for the Prevention of Child Abuse. Our 
local philanthropies include Rafthons, 
Christmas and Halloween parties and 

Our many social activities include a South 
of the Border Party with Sigma Phi Epsilon, 
Halloween Party with Phi Mu Delta, 
Seventies Party with Theta Chi and Around 
the World Party with Phi Sigma Kappa. 
Our indivuals are active on campus in sports, 
clubs, and other special interest groups. 
When brought together, our unique 
personalities combine beautifully to help us 
Strive For That Which Is Honorable, Beautiful 
And Highest! 



Rachel Anderson 
Rebecca Audet 
Lisa Barella 
Missy Becker 
Alison Belli 
Jennifer Bernat 
Carrie Boyce 
Rebecca Brown 
Emily Burns 
Laura Costello 
Cheryl Crooker 
Jennifer Elkins 
Colleen Engle 
Sue Gaylor 
Tami Goll 

Jodi Growitz 
Melissa Hahn 
Rebecca Hamm 
Laurie Hare 
Christy Hudson 
Karen Jarocki 
Kim Kane 
Kristy Kent 
Heather Klinger 
Christina Knorr 


Jennifer Mitchell 
Amity Lavella 
Meredith Libby 
Jennifer Malarik 
Molly Martin 
Michelle Mazzucco 
Erin McNiece 
Nicole Moraski 
Julie Morrison 

Sara Muhvich 
Heather Newbegin 
Heidi Richards 
Stacey Peterson 
Carrie Pires 

Ashley Smith 
Susan Swatski 
Wendy Turriziani 
Stephanie Vermillio 
Doreen Walsh 
Andrea Weaver 
Kerry Weeks 

Dee Yankoskie 
Christel Yudt 
Caroline Zayas 

If one phrase can describe Sigma Kappa, it is “One 
Heart, One Way.” Our colors are lavender and maroon 
and the pearl and violet are our symbols. 

Our sisters are involved in a variety of activities 
ranging from varsity sports to pre-professional 
organizations. Sigma Kappas make their mark on 
Susquehanna’s campus by working on the Orientation 
Team, lollipop sale fundraising for Penn Lutheran 
Village, participating in a Walk-A-Thon, and bowling 
with Phi Sig for charity. 

On the lighter side, Sigma Kappas can be found 
enjoying mixers around campus. Some of our mixers 
include a Grease mixer with Theta Chi and a Christmas 
Party with Sig Ep. We also took the first place in the 
Homecoming Parade float competition with Sig Ep. 

Sigma Kappa’s “Week of Giving’ shows the pride 
we take in sisterhood. Being a Sigma Kappa is 
knowing that, “if we weren’t sisters we would still be 


Kathleen Almond 
Kristina Back 
Lynn Baker 
Megan Bogar 
Melissa Bordogna 
Shannon Boyd 
Lynn Castaldo 
Laura Cook 
Candy DeSimone 
Marisa Dottore 
Jamie Doyle 

Lisa Fulton 

Amy Grenoble 
Jennifer Grisan 
Heather Hamlin 
Amanda Hancock 
Michelle Harmon 
Anna Hazlett 
Cassie Henry 
Sarah Herchik 
Deb Hollinshead 
Sara Jesse 

Becky Jonas 
Donna Klug 
Audrey Kobel 


Darcie Kurtz 
Jamie Leamer 
Dyan Lepley 

Jen MacDonald 
Stacey Mancine 
Tara McCourt 
Sherry McNitt 
Emily Miller 

Jen Mosko 
Colleen O'Donnell 
Meg Pierce 

Jen Phillips 
Allison Quillen 
Kerry Rosen 
Elayne Saladuchin 
Holly Sivic 

Kim Smith 

Beth Staron 
Ashley Tomlinson 
Chris Vocaturo 
Kristin Wolfe 
Stacey Yellen 
Heather Zellers 
Sarah Zetto 
Johanna Zizelman 

Zeta Tau Alpha is the third largest sorority and we 
are comprised of diverse women involved in a wide 
variety of activities. Some of these include being 
residence life staff members, presidential scholars, and 
student advisors; participating in varsity and intramural 
athletics, Orientation Team, and theatrics. ZTA also 
has the highest GPA on campus. 

Going beyond campus activities, ZTAs can be found 
supporting our national Susan G. Komen Foundation 
for Breast Cancer, by distributing shower cards and 
raising funds through our cup sale, carnation sale, and 
dress down days. We can also be found serving the 
community by lending a helping hand to the women at 
the Haven House, cleaning up Sassafras Street for 
Adopt-A-Highway, supporting Women In Transition, 
and holding various food drives. 

Being a part of Zeta also means having the 
opportunity to experience different social activities 
For instance, ZTA holds formals in the spring and the 
fall, while also having theme mixers with fraternities on 
campus. We also have haunted hay ride date parties 




Mike Angelo 
Brian Anderson 
Ryan Bailey 

Joel Berman 
Jeremy Bouman 
Mike Bradley 
Rob Brechka 
Aaron Brighenti 
Kevin Brodzinski 
Brian Burchell 
Chris Bums 
Brian Christiana 
Eric Conner 
Brian Diaczun 
Chris Dipiazza 
Ken Dolan 
Geoff Dudick 
Josh Feury 

J.D, Fitzpatrick 
Mike Flor 

Doug Friel 
Dylan Gallagher 
Greg Glick 

Jim Glucksman 
Jason Gregory 
Dave Gwozdz 
Bobby Jandreau 
Josh Lininger 
Bill Lutz 
Ryan McGee 
Scott McGee 


Bob Meckley 
Mac Miller 
Steve Meyer 
Ben Muchler 
Chris Newcomer 
John Oksen 
Chris Pantaleo 
Jeff Pascoe 
Chris Persing 
Trevor Poremba 
Kent Rife 

Eric Ritter 

Ira Robbins 
Seth Robbins 
Todd Shaffer 
Kevin Sinn 
Rob Sizelove 
Ian Smith 

Rob Somes 
Jeff Spaldi 
Mike Stefanick 
Adam Summer 
Pete Throndson 
Evan Warble 
Steve Wheeler 
Andy White 
Kevin Wilson 
Doug Williams 
Dave Wolf 
Mike Zisa 

Phi Mu Delta is comprised of 61 
individuals. All brothers are very 
involved on campus in anything from 
SGA to sports. 

Our philanthropies include the 

American Red Cross blood drive, 
American Heart Association, Apple Tag 
Day, Ronald McDonald house Walk-A 
Thon, American Cancer Society, Market 
Street Festival and borough clean-up. 

Our social activities include Toga parties 
with Zeta Tau Alpha, Halloween party with 
Kappa Delta, Easter party with Alpa Delta 
Pi, Formals, Mixers and Intermural sports. 


Scott Barr 

Brian Bonder 
Tony Buda 
Mario Cimino 
Andrew Danilott 
Matt Dean 

Dave Diem 
Derek Dobson 
Greg Ewanitz 
Neil Fore 

Tom Fraim 

Pete Geyelin 
Doug Goldblatt 
Pete Grover 
Rob Hall 

Chris Hanson 
Brian Harlen 
Brian Henninger 
Alistair Hodgson 
Matt Johnson 
Chris Kem 
Todd Kovacs 
Gary Landis 
Dave Leeds 

Dave Llewellyn 
Shane McConnell 
Kevin McGuire 
Jacob MclIntire 
Mike Miller 

Ken Peffer 

Steve Porter 

Jeff Puglia 

Emie Rehrig 
Mark Ruzicka 
Joe Savaria 

Brian Schroer 
Mike Signoriello 
Mark Skarecki 
Derek Smith 
Gavin Smith 

Jay Tiemey 

Brett Thompson 
Chris Todt 
Anthony Vicinanza 
Anthony Volpi 
Craig Watkins 
John Zembruski 
Jamie Ziller 

Phi Sigma Kappa brotherhood is 
comprised of 48 unique members.Our 
brothers are very involved on campus 

in their special interests. 

Our Philanthropies and services include 
Adopt-A-Highway, and a Bowl-A-Thon 
for Muscular Distrophy. 

Our activities include the Greek Olyplmics, 
brotherhood auction, Intermural Sports, 
Formals, haunted hayrides, Alternative 
mixers with Kappa Delta, 70’s mixer with 
Alpha Delta Pi, Buffet Beach Bash with Sigma 
Kappa and South of the Border party with 
Zeta Tau Alpha. 

Jeff Angelo 
Allen Amdt 
Brian Auten 

Joe Bianco 

Karl Bittner 
Alton Crooks 
Eric Davis 
Adam Drapzuck 
Jerry Dundore 
Tony Durborow 
Mike Falat 
Todd Frantz 
Kevin Gawblick 
Jim Gross 
Jason Guilford 
Ken Hancock 
Bob Joppa 
Trevor Lightner 
Clint Lubrecht 
Brett Marcy 

Josh Martin 
Mike Maunello 
Brett Michaels 
Ben Millspaugh 
Matt Ollikainen 
John O'Reilly 
Nick Rago 

Joe Richardson 
John Salazar 
Mark Schell 
Chris Schock 

Gene Schwendeman 

Jeremy Snyder 
Kevin Spotts 
Tyler Tanner 
Ryan Timmons 
Steve Ulicny 
Dave Vargason 
Ryan Wayne 
Jon Zlock 

Since 1901, Sig Ep brothers have lived by the 
principles of Virtue, Diligence, and Brotherly Love. 
Together we work to achieve pride through excellence. 

At Susquehanna, Sig Eps have been striving to make 
a difference since 1984. On the athletic side, our 
brothers participate in sports ranging from football to 
crew. We are also actively involved in intramural 

Sig Eps volunteer on and off campus. Many of our 
brothers are members of the S.H.O.E. project house. 
We work very closely with SUN Home Health Services 
to increase awareness of children’s health issues. Our 
national philanthropy is the Multiple Sclerosis 
Foundation. We also participate in the Adopt-A- 
Highway program. Together with Kappa Delta, we 
sponsor a Christmas party for the benefit of local 

Sig Ep also gets involved on the social side by 
planning mixers with the sororities. This year we 
enjoyed our Island Paradise mixer with ADPi, Marriage 
mixer with Zeta, and our Christmas Party with Sigma 
Kappa. You can always find brothers roadtripping to 
local Sig Ep chapters or getting together to play 
paintball, or going to a Hershey Bear’s Game 

Our brothers continue a tradition of excellence as 
shown by our Greek Week Championship two years 
running. We also took first place in the Homecoming 
Parade with Sigma Kappa. 

We stand together as Sig Ep brothers-” loved or 
hated, but never ignored.” 

Wovbsd3 bd KMODLS 

Brian Altimare 
Chris Arthur 
Donnie Augustine 
Jim Avigliano 
Jason Bailey 
Dave Barton 
Pete Bergonzi 
Ralph Blessy 
Anthony Borguetta 
Mike Brennan 
Brian Caffery 
Jamie Connell 
Kevin Cook 
Dan Cregan 
Jason Fritz 
Brendon Gery 
Trevor Gilotti 
John Green 
Chuck Hanna 
Mike Hardy 
Chris Herdman 
Scott Howarth 
Matt Johns 
Craig Kehl 
Zeb Kenyon 
Dan Leo 


Brad Loeb 

Brian Lybarger 
Jake Markezin 
Ryman Maxwell 
Thane McCann 
Simon McFall 
John Moore 
Eric Nagy 
Robert Norman 
Scott Normington 
David Papalia 
Todd Pavlovich 
George Plasteras 
Brad Shofran 
Jason Sidney 
Chad Smith 

Jeff Smith 

Ed Spayd 
Andrew Spears 
Drew Stansfield 
Jason Stipe 
Scott Stuck 
Jason Swartz 
Tim Urban 

Mike Walkawicz 

Theta Chi has 51 uniquely diverse members. 
Our brothers are very active on campus in 
anything from sports to special organizations. 
Our Philanthropies include the Phon-A-thon, 
Cancer Society, Habitat for Humanity, Toys 
for Tots, Children’s Discovery Workshop, 
Adopt-A-highway, Valentines Dance with the 
elderly and working at the Selinsgrove Center 
Our Social activities include a Halloween 
Party with Alpha Delta Pi, the Wildemess Party, 
Seventies Mixer with Kappa Delta, Jam at the 
Grove, Grease Mixer with Sigma Kappa, Fight 
Night and the Wedding Party. 




“OL we played evey 

game at hame this: year, 

we would have teen 9 - 
1. Qn ardev ta be a 
championship team, you 
must win aw the wad.” 

Mike Barrett 97 


bhere has teen quite a 
change fax the Susquehanna 
Foathall Crusaders. Sixth year 
head caach, Steve PM riggs 
thaught his 1995 team cauld 
change a 1994 6-4 finish, duct 
unfortunately he was Uviany. 
his 1995 seasaw had a 5-5 
finish. Dt was disappointing far 
the team, but same impordant 

4 ‘ 4 ozs 
factars came inta play. bhe 

re ; ; 
“Cxusaders had anly ten stat- 

ew, 5 offensive and 5 defensive 
veturned fram last years editian. 
As the seasan praqressed, 
many Uywies acewued amang 
the players. 

Che team may not have 

Raw 1- Don Dully, Steve Kirk, Chris Walle, Andy Lefeuerv, Jae Balint (captain), Dennis Weaudet (captian) , “ Ray Mlinarovic (captian), 

lived uz ta us expectalians, 
haweuer, the players haue. 
Chis 1995 MAC 

? 1,/ AA 
Cammanwealth Leaque Alt- 


Stars far the first team can- 
sisted af Lenny Glel- De- 
Kamief Jen- 



fensive Mack, 
hins -Wide 

Qo Cc J. ). 4 q 
Mager “Weist- Linebacker. 

Co? ° 

She secand cansisted af “Jae 
Watint- Offensive Line, 
Deon Duffy- Halflack and 
Erich Maerz- Outside Line- 

MAC Fall Academic Otan- 
av Rall consisted of Lenny 
Glel and i Jeremy Camaschik- 

mal wadectack. 

Buan Vaung, Chris LaScalza, Rab WRhaads, ‘ John Mantague, Lenny Ebel 


our 2: Guc Jawyniak 

21 Western Wlaugland 14 
28 Delaware) alley 
24 “Withes 

6 Dickinson 

39 Lebanon) alley 


3 ‘Wlaravian 
Lycan ung 

‘| Videnex 


Brad 9tallman, Matt Batley, B.9. Oawkins, Mob Lanham, Eric Maerz, RagerWeist, Have Plausman, Jere 
y y ’ 

Gamaschil:, Mosh Lininger, Dim Moran, Jeremy Reisloft, John Marker 
Tae 4 > Y 
é ; y , " j 2 ‘on OL ¢ > 1 (Od ee . wn 
Rau 3: Wike Barrett, Kevin Dohnerv, John Joseph, « Aaron Jayman, Mruan Christiana, Jason Semanshi, Jahn Chawansky, Bill Burch, 

Paul Sachauka, Cyrone Croom, Kamiel Jenkins Buan Andean, Yohn lite Sembuski, Dennis Simms 

Rau 4: add Shaffer, Adie Owens, Eric Reed, Mike Pietlack, Sean Kelly, Jon € father, Wlike Piazza, Marty ‘ Pinter, Adam DP rapezuh, 
Rusty Vast, 9). Graham, Jeremy “Wells, Judd’ Wright 

Raw 5: Bill Deaett, Chris DiPiazza, Casey Clark, Cam Gearge, bim Suchanek, Gadd Wenches, Ryan Ritter, Ken Gisenhard, badd Flynn, 
Pat Matti, Adam Horst, Matt Maretti, Plarald Faifclaugh 

Bryan Foster, Lee Cohen, Matt Kazmie zak, Vick Quaglia, Mash Hall, Scatt Rushanan, Chis Pallack 

Sunday Gonzalez, Mike Marbarita 

Gay Amish, Jimmy VWlargans, Vlate Davidson 

tes”, 1 
hank: Arenetla 



Euc Bauer, Mike Graham, Scatt Miles 

lacy Mickley, Steue Lehman, Qeremy Wlevold, Gade Schwartz, Jason Plevald, Mate‘ Wichlinshi, Bim Cumer, Ray Shank 
ki, Steve Richel, Erique Figueroa, 6.9 Lane 

lay “Ulbike 
Coach Greg Christadulu, Coach Corey Goff, Coach Eric Hancock, Coach Mike Klembara, Coach Rick Reichner, Head Coach 
aach q1eg hustodulu aach awy yout aach Giuc tancochk oach Jee Atembarw, aach Wick Wreichner, ~/Ceaa 0 

Briggs, Coach Bab Pittella, Coach Rick Schuck, Coach Glenn Fausey, Coach Bill Purnell 

Right- Guie Maerz, Lenny Gllel 
and “ash Lininger hel the refs: de- 
cide the tauchdawn 

Loft- Sean ‘Kelly listens attentively Wattam — bhe defensive: line tests 
as coach Wxiggs plans his next stat-  Lellanan‘ Valles 's Offensive Line 

Sectian created ly ‘Wleqan Danahae, Pat Kadel, Cyane Croan & Erie Mac 


Ci ross Country 

- ee Golan ha. deta 
bhe men and wamen af the Math the team and caach feel 

; F ; ; - ca) | ae re nD 
€x1ass- Cauntyy teams warvhaid they have a stianq chance at a Women’s “Results 
‘ eo » 2 A A, ° 
1) ) neatl, ; a) econ, So Lelanan Vally, Druit. 
and wan well in this 1995 sea- yveatly improved wecard next é 

Baltist Bille Dnuit. 
SU. Dnuit 


— , 
saw. Ohe year apened with men 
linishing 21/26 and the wom- 

en finishing 24/27 at the 

‘Wlessiah 17/2 
Dichinsan Inuit. 15/21 

Allentaun Druit. 13/23 

4 Qs. AA 2 an (? 
Kelana Valley Callege In- 
A ¢ y > ; 4 , i , 
vitatianal. Wath the men’s and 
: an, A city 
wamen's team displayed high 
cancentiatian and qreat enthu- 

Fla Vi SY MY ID | , ' 
With the lass af any 

Che t led b 
ane seniav we can anly SLASIN. ve teams were led ly 

53 ! OY” GP Q ey é : 
impraue next year fiist year Plead Caach Dick Men's Results 
Ral Dicerta tess and participated in seven Lelanan Valley Onuit.21/26 

Baltist Mille Dnuit. 64 
SU. Dnuit. 9/10 


° . A Ai > 
inuitationals this seasan. Sus- 

quehanna hasted its aun in- 

2 : 4 > 4 22 
vitatianal aw September 23. 4. q 
Uf Glizalethtawn 

Dichinsan nuit. 

Allentown Dnuit. 

Right: Meredith Lilly 


oy? J Q? c ! Gs oy i] > 4 « < Vi ae | OAc > 4 GP i 
Mack ww: Vrian Waqnar, Cally Mralkuist, Rater Jappa, Jeriy Dundare, eff Calerica, Vat LeSatire, Caach\, 



< ; ce ¢ 
wan Tau Jan « Amarasa, ouc Dauis 

Bach ww: Marileth Fives, Christel Vudt, Shelly Lathrap, ‘Wleredeth Lilly, alleen Supinshki, Coach Wess 

Front waw: Jady Ciswerh, Angela Htappel, Ashley amlinsan, Allisan Kuchhkawski, “Canya M Relger 




“We had a vet SUC- 
cessful seasan and au 
loaking fauvard to the 
upcaminyy Seasan / 

Stacey Depew '98 

he 1995 women’s Valleylall 
team had a qual seasan Chey 
finished with a 24-13 auerall 
vecard, 4-3 with in he MAC 
Cammanwealth © Feaque Che 
team is made wp of twa seniars, 
Wlichelle Lie hty and Wlissy 
A sha 

Liechty, ane af the team cap- 
tains, led the Crusaders with 

mare than 1,000 spikes. 

cy. ¢ OR 
Prught Daminique Poand qaes up 

fav the vetuin 


hanklin & “Marshall 

aming Coumey 


Delaware C 

ing’ s 

u and ‘Marshall 
Salishury St 



- 7 ' , , 20 ’ ‘ 7 O48 
Fant raw left ta ight — Daminique* Mand, Laraine Nay, € /urisly Dtevmann, Vlicale Crescenza, Lari Jakiela, 

Jessica enniy 

, Go P , =~ = 1 e ; , c o> Ym" > 2 va a) 
Yack Raw left ta ight — Plead Caach Mill Suitala, Stacey Depew, Grin Kennedy, Kelly Rackwell, Michelle 


Amy Shults, Missy Fetska, Asst. Coach Craig Dyer, War. Jasan Guilford 

Cap Heft — HLiechty gets high in 

the sky ta spike a veluuning shat Battam — Weead Coach Bill 
Cap Right — Depew sets the ball Switald and his\team showing Sue 
fax fellow teamate ta spihe pan fox each ath Ud 

cererenereescermea ia tnrerenay 



F ield Hockey 

ur 95 team had a 
lat af talent, but D think 
well saanev wmemlber 
the fun we had just le- 
ng tagether of 

ces F ; 
liza Daltan ‘96 

Ohe numbers and CXpeu- 
ence praved ta be pasiive 
ta Sls taughest sched- 
ules ta date. Che field 
hackey leam went far a 
6-9 averall and 3-9 in 
the WAC. What the 
numbers da not shaw is 
the teams depth. here 
ave many secand year 
players wha were veady 
ta ster ue and file the 
emply spats. Che team 
was led ly three seniar 
captains Cheryl Dusine, 
Cassie Men and An- 
drea Weaver. 

Right Gliza Dalton waits far 

hewv Pass 

wha added nat anly shill but 
CXPOUCNCE AS well ta the team. 
Chere were many neu fresh- 
maw an the team this year wha 
naw haue the fundamentals 

; vy, , , 
they will need ta strive far a 

teller seasaw next Year. 

‘King 's 
u Jark 
Wiktiam Smith 
“Willian Smith 
Lellanan | alley 




Dun tata 

> ) 

lacey Ulrich, Dutie Coal, Cheryl Duine, ¢ Andrea Weaver, Cassie Plenu, Eliza Daltan 

7 — ‘ 1€ 1.) = Ye - ov 2 , or ay) 
Amy xSimmeman, Vlael “Ulikawshki, Kristen Janes, Wecky Olamm, April Kantz, Calleen 9 


d lug, Julie Skeltan, ay Ann Smith, . Nahin Feuara, Jen Swape 
4 é Y ‘ ' 


wWeMwedDdWwwWwnaddhy oO Bb 


Asst. Coach Van 7 Millger, Cavie Wilt, Jen Qlause, Melissa Cemplet, Angie Jax, Pape Altman, 


, , < f J f « « 2 
hay Wlets, Kruysten Atwaad, Ginger Qtauman, Dill Olen, Stacey Oleui, Den Janes, "randy “Cum, 


} Cy 9 Ved 
Cannie Plaumun, PMA « Awana 

Weather Cunningham, Alexis Richardsan, ‘Matly Gainarid, Weather Fazekas, Alexandra Menu, - Jenny 

le, Sally : Brady, Carvie Sullivan, ‘Kelly Echer 


yim, ’ 


Wilt, tiza Dalton, 
; Right Sally : Mady, Anda Wea- and Cassie Plex y have theic sticks 

ver, and Caviie Wilt are focusing an zeady ta defend 

bap “bhe team is getting it tagether Alaue: Carnie 

the teams play 

“Ot was my Seniar year an 
the team, and although we 
did nat da as well as we 
expected, Neb never forget 

Jahn ingaman 06 

> inteteieiaienneianen telnet 





“With four lasses by 

ane qaal awry team had a 

lat af determinalian. Dt 

was nob shauuw ty aut 

final vecard but we cer- 
sg - 

tainty had it 

p Amy‘ Vagel 96 

» ] 
omen’s Soccer 

wry 7 

bhe Wamen's Saccev team 
held a 3-11 auverall and 2-3 
We AE vecard Fawr qames 
this: seasan were last ly ane 
goal Che gidls had a taugh 
seasaw but never last the faith. 
Caach Kwame Llayd has 
taken this yeav as a learning 
experience. COn the field de- 
tewmunattar Was stiang and 
goals were set high. Gach year 
this praqiam has improved 
mare and mare. With the salid 
wake ethic this Caach and 
beam has only goad things can 

came Ww the future. 

: Right anya Schneck quides the 

ball dawn the field 

oye ee my Se ay see > We 1a ‘ 
Ist vow: Kelly Sincavage, Amy Vagel, Cada Pavuy, Saal’ Ranck, Canya Schneck, Vicale Fueman, Maddalena 


2nd ww: banya Walle, Carviie Fark 


3d vow: Coach “Kwaime LlyadWilliams, Ambev Emery, Megan Walsly, Karen Dayle, Amanda Raenigh, 

Keuka Cau mey 
K ing ’s 
< Lycoming 
% Juniata 
Delaware alley 

‘ — Sid A ; ge Ouse 
les, “Jen bietgen, Stephanie Dautling, Diana Piewan, Chuistina Williamsan, 

lex Weanev, Rachel ‘ Williams, ; Jady Velsan, Kate Ralinsan 

Katrina Leuien, Kristin Preihl, Sterhanie Xeshanski, PCeather Desiderid, Wlarissa adrasich 

Kwaime Llyad-Williams 

qives his: team a pee talh the ball 

p, Gp? p é c hp 
ft: Christina Williamsaw waces ta 

meet the ball. 

en's Soccer 

o a , > 4 ) : 
bhe Wlen’s Saccev team ended ta be a cantender fav a uun- 
ye ; 9_3 > 2, in, O 

the seasan with a 0-9-5 aver- ning seasaw iv 70 

all and 2-4-1 NAC vcard. 

Ohis seasan was an exciting 


2 : 4 St. Joesph’s 0 
ane as Susquehanna battled the 0 Gettysburg 3 
‘A , . { 
nationally vanked 0 Allentawn 2 
COA 4 , 4 ~).p 2 
Glizatethtawn team. Al- 6 Caldey Meacam 0 
995 " ] , , 4 - ? c ,, 
/ I, vegan thaugh the team last 3-5 it was < York 
; ‘ , saa ‘ A : f 
shawed a lat ad skit ur 4 ff i} 1 Allright / 
é SA av example af the stianq effadt ; Peas. 
a heated tattle aqainst ; | r / j hi ld 3 Juniata 0 
" ,1 oP that was displayed aw the filet 4): 
natianally vanked “6- ° ii ; 4 : 0 “Widener | 
towunon Wet. Sif. Chis all seasan. bhe team cantinued 3 King’s 2 
was the kind af skill la display high enthusiasm 1 Dichinsan 2 
; ’ 4 ; 4 , 4 py 4 ris 
that shawld have made throughout the season. Vath 1 Philadelphia Mille ye 
? ca r = Py ‘ 4 ‘ , « 2 -~nfhoth - 
us 12-6 rather than 6 coaches and players feel they 3 Glizabethtaun 5 
lee hg , eae - = 2 “Withes 2 
a ; have qatten the experience with 2 ae 
Jan Paingaman ° 96 co A hi 0 Messiah 9 
‘ : a@ tough seasaw such as this ane. 2 
q 1 Lebanan® Valley 4 
/ Wlaravian 0 
/ Beaver / 

oy: 2 a) G2 
Vuight- “Jaw Vouqamar qaes in 

aw the sneak 

Raw! (fram lap) Caach‘ Reinhardt, Pattie’ Vash, Watt Wlenald, t evrence ~). Wlartin, Guic Hawers, Dim Wass, 

Jan Paingaman, Caach Chad Smith, Coach Deft 
« > ? « f r Pp « ? iA “yf 62-4 Ul oy? A Cc f 
Mau 2- Brent Qlavisan, Ware Caniad, Damie Cannell, Dannie Auqustine, Frank Klapinshi, Rat Qlavisan 

Pag cose =. ¢ ‘ 
Chiis Dlerdman, bim~Udlan 

Naw 3- Daug Galdilat, Paul Detweiler, Alan Mrakate, Made Chandler, Qasan Olacelius 


Left- amie Cannel. laaks fox the 
Right- Chris Qlerdman shawing 

camptete extensian 

Wattam- Otavisan leads the tall 

away fram his: opponent 


+ al 

rack and Field 

Mead Caach, im Cbaylar Mlen’s), 
} Y 

4 y , ait.) 4 4 
knew he had a strong team ght from the 

star. Caylar knaws haw ta call them 
after directing his program ta eight 
MAC autdaar titles and caached 29 
Division IDI All-Americans. Ve is 
just ane wiv away from cracking the 
100-win plateau. Qtlead Coach Dick 
Mess (Women ‘s) folt equally as stiong 
aliaut the wamew this: season. 

Che Wamen’s teanv had thirteen velwuuing 
letter-winners and displayed geal en- 
thusiasun and skill during campetitian. 
Alike, men shawed a swift foot and 

strong wun. 

— se 


“We Rack! Che team wally came tagether geal this year “We were a 

, \ ' 4 : 
family an land and a tevior in the water 

oY oO A 
Karen atbins 

- “Kirsten Mayer (Manager), “Capt's- ‘Katie Rabhins, Mike Mauiella, Cammy Shutters, Matt Nelsan, Karen 

as, Jennifer Masha, Linda Ratinsan, Lynn McLachlan, Megan Rarich, Deli Qtallinshead 

Aneiheut, Xach Murnay, Lisa Marella, VaelUlikawski, Kristina Qtaden, Saral‘ Wright, Jennifer Elhins, 

Altan Crooks, Josh Manin, Milly Wiga, Anthony Valpi, Jaca MeDntyre, Cyler Banner, bam VWuaakes 

vach Craig Dyer, Cheugl Croahker, ; Jason Aults, Pete Ghiandsan, Amanda Sera 

Record Breakerst 
Gammy Shutters. 100756 
200 BRK. ‘ 

Karen Danskin~ 1000 FR. - 

Gammy Shutters, Jennifer © 
Elkins, Karen Danskin @ 
- || ‘Heather Fazekas. 400 Fi 
| Relay : 

— 4 7) 4 a) 
bhe Lady Cusaders had a successful 
Cc j v : : \ E i) 
year. Ulndew the directian of ninth-year 

“ , 4 CLA vi) . 
head caach Make Oitar, the team fin- 
suf sf - 422 < ) 
ished with a 15-9 zcard, losing in the 
? Cavas 4 > 
MAE semi-finals ta Scrantan. 
9 i] ary ial pf 4 4 , 
Caach Dtrillav halds the vcard far the 
. . . > y ay he 
most winnings in Susquehanna history 
yy | ‘ 7) z an: 
with a carev vcard af 149-76. Kay 
vA) aay met s 
Czap supported ‘Kiilav as wakie As- 
5 Q f. 
sistant €aach this seasan. 
a ; ; ; ; 
Che team has alsa had excellent acknawl- 
Avi Cc , 
edgements. Wristen Venne was named the 
/ v-) 7 ) = 
MAC Cammanweatth Leaque 
Qn Q. MIG ” 2 ~ Qn. 
Maakie af the Var.” Sandy Jenkin, 
GQ Mavi ; ae (Yh 
Kavah Penuy, and Kuisten\Venne were 
4 Pan, ‘e or =a »o> 
alsa named ta the “ Alt bamey beam 
e oS A AA A 4 e] A : c=, 
in Cip-off hasted by Susquehanna. he 
5 ate AN A : 
Lady Cusaders will be lasing twa stat- 
5 a erin fia 
exs next seasan, ca-captains Orish Kunge 

and ‘Kelly Wlann. 


S— nti 

¥ OW estes ey ory 2 

Ist Rau (ZL ta) - Caach Mak Wailar, Grin MeDntyre, WMichele* Reynalds, ‘Kelly Mann, 

ist TO oe > poy ? 2 
Orish Kringe, Olally “Kanaay, Steph Mauser, Varandy “Cuan 

op — > =r tars oa; : 1.2 oY 407 
2nd Raw- Dina Farnatara, Sandy Jenkin, Kristen” Venne, Nichi Darenneman, Karah Olen, 

of c LAA 
Chuistina Williamsan 



“We last a lat af games we 
shouldn't have, tut we were 
there when it caunted.”’ 

Gam Dempsey 97 

£ ta‘ ®) - Ass 
ke Salaman, 
r- Mlanager Wud Minta, 7 

, bam Dempsey, 

But in 
ah what a show it was! Che men’s 

Of you cau straight Cas and lasses, 
Men’s Basketball 
maved slaue and steady ta the finals. 

Susque hanna 

team wacked lauts <Cyymnasium cansistently 
this: season with dunks, fakes and jumps that 
kept the the vaam pac hed with fans screaming 
fav mare. 
Che earth shaok fram the cheers when the 
team defeated, undev the directian of seventh- 
year Plead Coach Frank Mareinek, lang- 
time Susquehanna vivals, Lycaming iv the 
semi-~ -finals 73-66 an Felunary 22nd. Al- 
thaugh the team last in the finals: ta Wilkes, 
the team put a fight that will nat be faxgatten. 
Cap vetuming players Seniav Matt 
Heimbach, Seniar® Captain Jeff“ Rumbaugh, 
uniars Kamief, | Jenkins, Scatt © Need and 
Gerald P Rass led the team, alang with im- 

portant newcomers, Dan 



a g@stttEly >a 
Bi k, S 


aviad © Veill, 

Fe ae 


Gy ‘c ? ul 
Caach Rick 

Craig, Kehl, Mariette, 

Brad Swineshurg, 

Caach Funk Marcinak 

tn * \ 

> yy, 

Sean MWuckley, 
) 7 ? J 

Pete Lang, Gerald Rass, 

ens Basketball 

DMamner and Jariad © Veill. Che men 
displayed the visual definition of team wark. 
Che team ended the season with a 14-2 
we cand. VY lany belicue the lass of Seniar and 
“Cap Matt Meimbach, far five 
games hui the team’s scaung perfaumance 

A A 1 
late in the seasan. 


° X ol A tty, 
g(UHLt, oy 7 


any Mennita, “Kamie} Jenkins, 
Ass. Coach Wat Prater 

Scatt Reed, Dan 

Jeff ‘ Rumllaugh, Matt 0leimbach, 

Chis year was the 30th and final season for the 
wrestling team. Che spart has been dissalved at 
the“ University due ta ludget cuts. We'll miss: the 
tea and the spoe greatly. 
cach Mills Eure retuned eleven Letter- 

winner: this seasan fram last year ’s undewman- 
ned team. “Expectations fram Eure, and Ca- 
captains WMike Badey and Mike Hardy were 
set high vight from pre-season. Chey were aut ta 
prove samething this year. Che team was cam- 
peting nat only fox themselues, dut far the spat. 
Despite all the hard warky and detewninatian 
from the athletes and caaches, the “W: vestling 
Ceam will na langex have the appantunity ta 
campete at Susquehanna. 


“We suyprised a lat of pe 20/- 
ple this year. Chey didn't 
expect much of us wher the 
seasaw started. We came ta- 
gether as a team and made, 
evewane take notice.’ 

Jae Fadley 07 

u (£ la RR) - 
Watt Kazmierwzak, 
- Caach Mease, ‘ 
eistaft, Wike ‘ 

of ‘ > 
Chris Persing, Guic Ritter, 

Chis year 's team had same lig shaes. ta fill 
afte v last year 's team MAC crown: 

Che team started fast hut stuggled up Vlaxth 
far a while lefare finishing stiang down the 
stretch ta end the seasan 21-12. 

Chis was the first time in Susquehanna his- 
tauy a team finished lack-ta-back 20-win 
seasans. Ohe team last in the finals, unable ta 
defeat “ Glizalethtaun in a tie-breaker, and 
cauld nat maintain the MAC. crown. 

Che seasan was filled with qieat ball playing 
and goad team dynamics. 

Dym Miller, 
) Lane 

reve 7 
Alox lUsaq, WMandera, 
Otadelius, C 

Bal Se rafin, Bill Lutz, 

Caach « Gaff 

z Jasan 


Brad Chamtan, € 
Wradzinshi, Gealt Dudich, 

Aaron 9 righenti, Caach Chiistahulu, Chad Derch, ‘ Mal Meckley, 



Che Susquehanna Soafilall beam finished this 
year s seasan, under the directian af Nead 
Caach Vince Anselma, with a 17-16 vcard. 
“bhe team had. its ups and dawns. When the 
weathev was nat a factar, an yu WAS. 5 Juniar 
starter, “Jessica Vlaughtan tare hev ACE. in 
the leginning af the seasaw and the Cwusaders 
last a valualle player for the vest of the seasan. 
During a tup ta Cacaa Peach Hlarida the 
ladies had a 4-4 finishing vecarnd in a far fram 
hame tawmament. 

io . : Fy i 4 4 4 A 
Junior, Dina Fomatara, brake twa schaal 

wecards this seasan. bhe first was mast stalen 
lases.’’ Farnatara stale 25 bases (eating the last 
vecard set in 1997. 

=], : Pay oy th tat haeone 
Famnataw alsa had the mast hits: this seasaw and 
was: the first Susquehanna Softhall player ta le 
named IMAC * Player of the Week.” Cn the 
autlaak far next seasan the team is canfident they 
will cantinue ta perfaum well, perhaps even 
SUWY2ASS theiv awn expectalians. Che team will 
anly lase ane player this year, Seniar Sarah 

AP Mis 

bapeRaw PP ta RR) - « Ass. Coach Mahn Wendt, Qlead Coach Vince Anselma, Ass. Coach Chip Mall, Yessica 
if: } f é 

Naughton, Dina Fornatara, Kruysin Atwoad, Missy Forse, Shevuy MEV itt 

5 ) 2 _c¢ , > oe later er . ) ) Pt... vay) 
2nd Raw — Stacy Coulda, Gamea Weer, Sarah Olerhil, Diana Piewan, Ginger Gaad, Calleen Mess, Kelly 

; a ‘ ‘ 39 SS ey lee] 1 > " ef gp 
Sud “Nauw — “Kanal Olen, « Amy Skaudis, Kimledy Auiles, bennille Shenk 


“Che other teams in 
the MACs witk be 
ueuy sucprised next sea~ 

Cassey Henny 96 


> ] 
omens Lacrosse 

Chis year's) Vomen’s Lacrosse beam has wal- 
ly taken a twur around. Undev twa new caaches, 
Mead Caach “Vlancy Milger and Assistant 
Caach Kuame Llyad, the team finished with a 
3-6 vcard and finished third in the MA€s. 
the team was excited lecause of the undev- 
classmen patential that was displayed ven early 
an iw the seasan. 

During the pove-seasan the wamen traveled 
dawn ta the prestiqious “William and Mau 
Cauinament. Che teanv has alsa had four play- 
exs named ta the MAC All-Stars, Senior 
Captain Cheul Dwine, Seniar Captain Cassie 
Deny, “Junior Wlegan Danahae, and Fresh- 
man Vas udy % Jenkins: 

Chaugh the team will be lasing thee seniars, 

Chel Duine, Cassie Menuy and Heli Mar- 

p Af pf . Cc J . sp 
vaur, they will have many vwtwuning Varsity Let- 

lew next seasan. 

bap Raw (Z taR) — ; Jennifer Chaikivisky, Fou Weaner, Sandy Jenkins, Laila Dtaddad, Apiil ‘ Vacka, Katie 

‘ Winship, Lynda Wlaniscalca, Katie Clautman, Jen Swope, Jen ¥ Janes 

2 Oss, GA jie ' s ay) , Y 2 - ate 
2nd Raw — Carnie Wilt, Christine Dlughes, ¢ Alex: Ptenuy, Sally‘ Mrady, Kim Carsan, Amy XSimmeunan, Julie Daws, 

isan Kuchkawski 

> > G ‘ P af > ) 4, 9 Ge he < n« 2 Pp , r 
3d Raw — Aessica Mc&Laughtin, Sarah Dombach, Chel Duine, Coach Nancy Bilger, Cassie Plenuy, Del Marviaw, 

Baylin Jinneqan Vat Pictured — Wegan Danahae 

Gateway to 




“Secounting Club Alpha Epsilon Rho + Alpha Lambda Deltas A Psi Omega « Amnesty Qntenational + Astronomy 
Club EIR Beta Weta Weta « Williards Club Biolog Chad ° BGLASS © Klack Student Unian 
Che ratherhaad « ° Cathalic Campus Ministry « Chapel Council « oc CMEMN Ce CARS « 
Conditioning Club. « Creu Clubs © Che Crusader ° Cycling Club Sere French Club « * Gealagy Clul » Geman Club « 
Habitat For Humanity» HOPE + « HOLA - * Historical Saciety « daar Saccev Clute FFC « Dnternational Clu « FDVCF « 
Dnuestment Clu « Kappa Mw Epsilon « Karate Clul « Che Lantharn ° Lang Distance Students Club « ° Marketing Club. « Math 

A A she” | aa EH Se ape* Spncctone Moragorr 


@utdoor Clul « 
Eauncil « Phi 
Alpha Cheta « 
Phi Mw Alpha 
Sinfonia « Phi 
S ii y Pata e 
Phi Delta Phi « 
Pi Gamma Mu 

Alpha © Pro- 


Clue Prwe- 

Law Society e 

Psi Chie 




SDAC « Sigma 

Review « SU. 

yi] © Weightorhoad 
‘ouncil © 

hw \j 

wR oS ‘ r 1 . 
Weak } i 4 WQSU Radio 
NR NATL Secon 

eae Accounting 

toha Ersilan Kho-« Alpha Lambda Delta» Alpha Psi ye Amnesty Intemational» Astronomy Club « Athletic 

Tang El egal Billiards Clul « Bi Club » SS © lack Student Union « Che Wrotherhood 
Cabs Che Gace Cy Chapel Council « Charlie's « Cluh « CMEEN Ce CARS « * Conditioning’ Club « Creu 
"lng Cid English Clu « © French Clu « ° Geology Clul ° Geuman Clul « Habitat For DPtumanity 

HOPE « HOLA « Wistorical Saciety Dndoar Saccev Club « FFC « Dnternatianal Clul. « FVEF © Dnuestment Club « ° Kappa 

Mi Epsilon « Karate Club « Che Lanthorn « Long Distance Students Club « ° Marketing Club. « Math Clu © Men's Lacrasse 

Men'sVolleyball « © Omicron Delta Epsilon ° Omicron Delta Kappa C@perations Management Clul « Order Of Omega 

Club» ieee Hae ees Rice piers * Biology Clu « Big pare 6 Hilal Sade a ‘Che Wrotherhoad » Catholic 
Cusader » Cycling Clik» English Club» French Club Jealogy Bieb« Coonan Clee Nealiar te tne oe 
HOLA ¢ Historical Society * Indoor Saccev Clubs» * International Club « FVEF © Druestment Clute KappaMu 
Epsilones anata la» “he —Lanihiow + Lony Distances SuadegieElul - Mah 3 
Men's Volleyball » Omicron Delta Epsilon Omicron Delta Kappa Operations Management Clu « GQider Of 

Outdoor Clul » Panhellenic Council » Phi Alpha Cheta « Phi Mw Alpha Sinfonia Phi Sigma Dota» Phi Delia Phi» Pe 

Club « CNCEN Ee CARS « 
i volish Clad. French Clk « ° Geology Club» guna Sabites eel a 

HOPE » HOLA + iste Society» Ondo OE ae IFC « Ontesnaitonal BA is nuestra big 

@utdoor Club « Panhellenic Council Phi Alpha Cheta Phi Whe Alpha, Sinfonia Phi Sigma Dota e Phi Delta Phi Pi ot ale 

Catholic Ministuy « Chapel Council » Charlie's » Chemistuy Club» CMENC CARS « Conditioning Club» Creu 
Lhe Che Censors Cipling Pluk » English € 

© Pi Sigma Alpha « Pve-Health P i Clube P. v Saciety « Psi Chi 2 PR 

oS Caw AEC « Sigma 
Delta Che Alpha Qota 
Sistechaad « Sigma Fi Sigma 
Saciety Fou © Si Caw 
Callegiate Delta e Che 
Journalists e Sistechoad e 
Saciety of Physics Society For 
Students « i 
ications © Physics Students 
SAC e SEAC e e Sociology Club 
A « PSEA » Sterling 
oVCTEW e Communications 
Susquehanna °e SAC 0 
Review « SU. SEAE © 
Neightarhaod HAs 
WSU Radio NEW « 
Station © Susquehanna 
prem 4 Club Review « SU. 
» Alpha Epsilon Neighborhood 
Rhae Alpha te 
Lambda Delta » WOSU Radio 
Alpha Psi } Station 
Omega ° Amnesty 3 A 
Dnternational ‘ Clute Alpha 
Clube 4 Epsilon Rha 
Athletic raining 2 Aleha Lambda 
Clul « Beta Weta | Deltas Alpha 
Beta « Billiards : Psi Omega + 
Clul « Biology : Amnesty 
Club « Pnternational « 
SS © Astronomy Club 
lack Student e Athletic 
Unian « Che Craining Club « 
Wratherhoad « Beta eta eta 
Catholic Campus: » Billiards Club 
Ministuy (i ° Chapel © Wi wy Clucls 
Council» ‘ ORO LASS 
Saale De lack Student 
hemistuy ° Union « Ghe 
CNEEN Cs Wrotherhaad « 
CARS « €Cathalic Campus 
Conditioning Club Ministuy « 
© Crew Club « Chapel Council 
Che Crusader ’ Charlie’s 

Seni Age ° CMEENCe CARS © Canditioning Club « Crew Clubs « Che Cusader « Cycling Club « English Club « 
French Club « Club» Geman Club « Habitat For Humanity * HOPE « HOLA + Historical Society * Indoor - 
Soccer Club « FFE © Dnternational Club « FVEF ¢ Dnuestment Clu, « Kappa Mu Epsilon « Karate Club « Che Lantharn « 
Long Distance Students Club. « Marketing Clul « Math Clul. «Men's Lacrosse * Men'sVolleyball » Omicron Delta Epsilon « 
C@micion Delta Kappa @perations Management Clut © @ider Of Omega ¢ @utdoor Clul « Panhellenic Council « Phi Alpha 
GCheta* Phi Mw Alpha Sinfonia s Phi Sigma Data» Phi Delta Phi « Pi Gamma Mu Pi Sigma Alpha » Pue-~Health 
DPruolessionals Clube Pue-Law Society « Psi Chie Psychology Clulie PRSSA © Ruglhy Club» SHAE + Sigma Alpha Dota 

HOPE » HOLA © Historical Saciety * Indoor Soccer Clu « FFE + Mnternational Cul © FVEF © Qnvestment Clu © Kappa 
Mw Epsilon + Karate Clu. © Che Lanthawn » Long Distance Students Club « Marketing Clut « Math Club « Men's Lacrosse 
Men's Volleyball » Omicron Delta Epsilon « Omicion Delta Kappa « Operations Management Clu» Order Of Omega 
Outdoor Clu © Panhellenic Council » Phi Alpha Cheta » Phi Mw Alpha Sinfonia « Phi Sigma Data» Phi Delta Phi » Pi 

i reph Pi Sigma Alpha» Pe-WHealth Professionals Clul.« Pue-Law Saciety + Psi Chie Psychology Chul.» PRSSA 
°Rugly Clube SHAE © Sigma Alpha Dota e Sigma Pi Sigma Sigma Caw Delta » Che Sisterhood = Socially dae, Colima 

“Dlimanity = HOPE »« HOLA + Historical Saciety * Indoor Soccer Clute FFC © Mnternational Club « FVEF « Mruestment 
“Chik « Kappa Mw Epsilon « Karate Club * Che Lanthorn « Long Distance Students Club « Marketing Club. « Math Club 
Mens Lacrosse « Men's Volleyball» Omicron Delta Epsilon « Omicron Delta Kappa + Operations Management Clute @rder 
Of * @utdoov Club « Panhellenic Council » Phi Alpha Cheta « Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia « Phi Sigma Bata + Phi Delta 
Phi» Pi Gamma Mw Pi Sigma Alpha ¢ Pre-~Plealth Professionals Club « Pre-Law Society + Psi Chi» Psycholagy Club « 
PRESA » Rughy Clube SHAE « Sigma Alpha Dota * Sigma Pi Sigma oyme Caw Delta * Che Sisterhood + Saciety For 

re 0 pee Stdenio’e Sociology Club 5 j icati SACs SEALS FGA» 

; ee YF) va oh MO st . Susquehanna 
ee, ita! : by” Review * SU. 
nC, ‘aes S/ATT ei Neighborhood 
Rho» Alpha ite a | , oO ey ci WSU Radio 
Lamlida Delta « we er ; 5 TS. Station © 
Alpha Psi Account 
Omega Clube Alpha 
Dnternational« - Epsilon Rho 
Astronomy Club « Alpha Lamlida 
=e aad ie Alpha 
° Beta Veta Psi Omega 
Beta « Billiards Amnesty 
Club « Biology Qnternational « 
Club» eg Astronomy Club 
° © Athletic 
Black Student Cuaining Club « 
Union « Che Beta Beta Weta 
Brotherhood « e Billiards Clu 
Catholic Campus, * Biolog yClul 
ane * Chapel e SS e 
Charlie’s Unian « Che 
Chemistuy Clu « Wratherhoad « 
ECMEN EC» Catholic Campus 
CARS e Ministuy 
Soe Chapel Council ° 
e Club e i G harcie’s e 
Che Crusader Chemistuy Club ° 
Le sre Ore CNCEN Ee 
French Club « itioni 
Geology Clubs Club» Crow 
Ceunan Clubs Club» The 
Wabitat For Crusader e 
Dtumanity Cycling Clul « 
HOPE English Clul. 
VWOLA « French Club « 
Mistorical S Gealagy Clul 
= Dndaar Saccev Geuman Club ° 
Club « FFE Mabitat For 
Dnternatianal Plumanity « 
Dnuestment Club « é Y HOLA « 
Kappa Mw ae =a | Plistorical 
Epsilon ° Karate Saciety ° Qndoor 

Saccev Clube FFE * Dnternational Club « FVEF © Dnvestment Club « Kappa Mu Epsilon « Karate Clu « Che Lantharn 
Long Distance Students Clul. « Marketing Club « Math Club + Men's Lacrosse «Men's Volleyball» Omicron Delta Epsilon « 
Omicron Delta Kappa Operations Management Clu © Order @mega * Outdoor Club « Panhellenic Council « Phi Alpha 
Cheta » Phi Mu Alha a Phi Sigma Data « Phi Delta Phi» Pi Gamma Mw ¢ Pi Sigma Alpha « Pee-Health 
Professionals Club. « Pre~ Saciety * Psi Chi + Psychology Club + PRESA ¢ Rugly Club» SAAC © Sigma Alpha Dota 
+ Sigma Pi Sigma Sigma baw Delta » Che Sisterhood + Society Far Collegiate Journalists « Saciety of Physics Students 
| Sacialogy Clu « Sterling Cammunicatians « SAC © SEAC + SGA © PSEA « NTW « Susquehanna Reuieu © SU. 

Clubs » Che Lanthor fern Distance Sealine a * Marketing Club » Bea tenes Mas ee 5 Mes 
Panhellenic Council « = Phi Alpha Theta « Phi Mu Adaha Sinfonia e Phi Sigma Pota « Phi Delta Phi» Pi Gamma Mus «Si 
ene Pre-Health Professionals Club « Pre-Law Society * Psi Chi ° Psycholagy Club PRSSA ¢ Rughy Clubs 
sae aioe ae Sigma Pi Sigma » Sigma Caw Delta ¢ Che Sisterhood « Se For i Journalists 
Sty of Pg Side ociology Club Sterling Communications SAC © SEAC» KOA g. e VGEW e 
SU. Maphl bond Caner WQSU Radia Station « Accounting Club Alpha Epsilon Rha» Alpha 

alts Coc Phi SUlphe Theta Phi Mac Alpe Sinfonia Phi Sigma Dota» Phi Delta Phi PiGamma Mus Pi 
igna Alpha Pee-Health Professionals Clul « Pre-Law Saciety » Psi Chi » Psychology Clubs» Clie Founda 

site. Si aia dime Cidee Se Sigma Caw Delta» =the ee ey a i tees 


r. Joel Cunningham 


Jacl Luther “Cunningham was inaugurated 
as the thideenth President of Susquehanna 
“University an September 29, 1985. Pte came ta 
Susquehanna in 1979 as Vice President of 
Academic Affairs, Dean of Faculty, and Pa- 
fessar of Wathematics. Since he has vecently 
completed his tenth year here as’ President, we 
wauld like ta acknawledge his cance and 
deuation ta aur school and the students. Pes- 
ident “Cunningham is veuy well vespected ly lath 
the faculty and student badies. Ois presence an 
CAMPUS has the ability ta mativate peaple ta 
vealize their full potential. Chank yout, Prs- 
ident Cunningham, and here's ta anather ten 

Yeas | 

Dr. Laurie Crumpacker 

Dorothy Anderson Dean, Schaal of Aus 
Dean of Students: and Sciences 

arl Bellas 

Dr. Henry Diers 
ot picured OCHOOL of Fine Aus and Cammunications 

Chere is samething ta be said of the relationship between the faculty and the students at Susquehanna 
=) lniversity. Wecause the University has undew twa thausand students an its CAMS, the enwixonment 
provides then with the interaction they need when lieing taught at a campetitive callege level. “bhe 
faculty is dedicated and willing ta help and sty2zpan each individual ly being availalile and vachalle 
during times of need. “Chis: has proven ta be extremely impadant, and attrilutes ta the success of 
Susquehanna students. We want ta dedicate this section ta the faculty ly offering aw thanks and 

- ie ; ; , 
appreciation far making us veady ta face the wartd. 

Political Science 

Y lanagement 

Gcanami S 



Marcia 2 Diamond died Cuesday evening, May 14, 1996, at Hershey Medical Center 
where she was being treated far CANCE. Marcy had sewed as Assistant Prafe SSA of 
French at Susquehanna since August 1997. 

At Susquehanna, Marcy was Advisor to the French Club, Pi Delta Phi Natianal 
French Dtanor Society, and Alpha Lambda Delta Freshman Wonor Saciety. She was 
Caardinatar of the S' =) Film tee and a member of the Wamen’s Studies ® Wark ung 
Croup, and the WMudticultuxal Affairs Cammittee. She was a member of the Academic 
Computing Cammittee and Faculty Secretary last fall. May was a schalav af 19th 
Centwuy French literature and French film. She was an outstanding teacher wha was laved 
and respected ly hev students and colleagues: Mev enthusiaste and viliiant personality 
enriched the University community and we will miss: hev dearly. 




re owe y ‘ 
ee TaN ri 
a? he | IK 



ies A Sue « 

A) 0 

as meiti ot oe 
ohn AX ; 
Rak 4 » ye Apes, Meth ay 

nig v a y's wy. Mbit 4 Miya! 

+) a Bia 

had § 
ie ee 

RA vi 2 

S4, te ste! elt oS 

‘ 4 ’ ‘ 
a ’ \ 
44 ts 
An ee n, PY , >) 

bhamas Acciarda Mary Adams Mustaqw Ali 
: . . . SG) “3° F >. = . . . . 
Business Administiatian Political Science Wusiness Administration 

Mark Alofs Weather Andersan ‘Kristen Adlagast 

ry Ly (oy Ons 5 Pel peices | ete WY en & vo Je Jc 
whlic Relations Political Science Pulllic Relatians 

c 4 Q. cy fs Gyr tae 2 4 

Matthew Atkinson Relecca Audet Kristina Mack 
OY: B Af. Cy f . ce ce . 
Dlistauy Pulllic Relations Slementary Education 

¥ ¥ 

Ce, .- ey) p p ; Q?2 ; J 
Chiin Varker Wlatthew Madey 
ce ray) Cys: SL Pape eer 
onglish VYousiness Administiation 

nd 4 . = - 


TLS pT] 3 2 ) ap 2 
ather Peal eyWUSs Beaudet Melissa Vechker 
Cc f. ? a o 2 =) f'< 
Jawmalism Business Administiatian Mista 


Cy? ) - NG aT , aii . 
Amanda Bergh Fact Meuman Aaseph Mianca 


4. By ff. Cy 9 > 5 
Mistary Pullic Relations sy Cammuncations 

Janathan WBingaman Ralph Blessey 
Pulllic Relations Political Science 

4, ] legan Maga U | 4 ] lelissa Wardogna 

a Sexe Af: CO poy: 
Cammunications wllic Relations 

Cc « > QQ? ; >A Dos ; 
Jexemy Vdauman Gracy Mawen Shannan Mawersax 

Cc . ces J ce = ee W Beet vg Jey Je AS 
Jawmalism Glementary “Gducatian Pulllic Relatians 

mn : Cc cy , - ~>y Cy? = @y = . ? 
f MacAvena Mlilagras Bawks De La Rasa Cariie Wayce Danita Wayce 
ce f- p 2? 5 - apa . p f : 
Gnglish Musiness Administratian Psychalaqy 

Guan MBayd Michael Wadley Dyan Mande 

ae A. p O22: f (S% \. p 
Enqlish Literature Wialagy onqlish 


4) 12 oq 2 oy A Cy? wh 
Wendy Wrattan Knute VM rayfard Naledt Mrechka 
iness: Admir NMistau 


ustiatian Accaunting 

Cy?" Q = ‘ G ? ? Z -y? 
qin DV righenti Jane Mrawn Gearqgia : Mryner 

7 occ : < (SR) Sle} 
Wusiness Administration Wialagy Wialaqy 

Io? A BOT Alan oO a) Gyre 2 
Ruth Mullvinkle PBrian Murchell Keuin Vaurd 
Sic Co - Af- Cy fs . 
Geunan tinance Gcanamics Pulllic Relations 

paar p 2 Da ogi 
Ch vistiagher Bums Christina Caspe 7san 

Physi s Engl ish 

Steven Centalanza Jason Cries 
wh.lic Relations : = Ps ] 

Scatt Clad: ulie Caok Jevuy Cxaig 

ces ce : € ). a 
Glementary “Gducatian Jawmatism Wistary 

\ Ss 

-_4@QZ i . Ce /- = iy 
Daniel Creqan Daven Cxegan Gliza Dalton 
eer ay pee 7) 4 - 2 - 
Sacialaq Wass Cammunications MW raadcasting 
or q 

- f . Pp? f - ; 1) 
Daniel Deitzel €ynthia Delong 
2 r , co any ‘ 
“Cammunications English 

“Tas : oO... 
Christine Dearia Krista Depew 

ce , 4 “Ee ces ce : 
Cruvasrunental Science Glementauy Cducation 

cI 7 . 
§ Sa 4g Te 
ss on * « 
ce vs - 

Scatt Dillman Jaseph DiMinica Jacal. Dinsmare 


= ey BAS (ens ‘ ee, ; A 4 > 
Political Science Wlusic Education Gnuttarmnental Science 

Amanda DiPalvere Marisa Dattare Jamie Dayle 
Political Science Wlass Cammunicatians Business Administration 

Kut DuV3 rink Jevuy Dundore Michelle Durham 
wi) zaadcasting “Gnuicanmental: Science Psychalagy 


> ce 
Denise DUGHUS. 

: TS; 7; 
Leanard Clel Ceatfiy Saxyniak 
Q2:./ € AEE le: A ri fed Je 
Votatagy aNnuniUUcauans 


utie Fentan Melissa Fetsha Shannan Fincke 
Psychalagy Accaunting Studia Au 

G - Cif q G -f CT a Ce 
Jani Fleck Veit Fare Gerrie Freeman 
B : 

- = ey ah z as) ii > - ff 
Business Administration Camputer Science Sacialaqy 

Whale : SES RY, Ny Sy 
David Fuling sa fFultan Vlicale Fuwreman 
5 ? hs < =) = > Pi} 4 > . 
Wlusic Gducatian Political Science Political Science 

: ; Y): ) . , 
Carolyn Gatiiel Ylicale Gaghan Annette Gashavia 


-) WT Past 4 = Gy. 4 
Pulilic tians Mialag. 
ee ~ ae i? 5 = oe ae 


Say wy) 12 2 Sey a 
euin Crawlilick Vorendan Cyeu Kristen G ipe 
OR: oR CAL Ne 14 

Mialaqgy Sacialagy Cheater Arts 

e sky ibnp y) Snes Y 
James Glucksman Anita Gnan bara Gawer 

2 A n tered - Abs ) . 
Sacialagy Music Educatian Wiachemistyy 

G 2 1) 2) p) ? g ? 

Warhara Grseck ana & waysen Jasan Gregory 

@ Saag Sh y a a ae 
ammunicatians French Jinance 

Ap 2 e : e ? 
Amy Grenalle y t Grisan ames G 108s 
Si of pee Py) g Says 
Saciala jy “Gnqlish Cammunication 


yy) : fay ay! 4 7B yf f 
asan Gjuilfard Adam Ptackenlerg Welissa Maley 
“Gyan pete ee ce F "Meroe aes 2 ~ PS aie ‘ 
Viachemistuy Gnuivanmental Science Business Administration 

= > q > g AA : Cc ? A a f AA Cc y - 4 g 
Darathy Vall Natert Pall Charles Hanna 
a “dept Fe 7) ; : 7 Bek Z en : 
English ZOMUNUNUCAMLONS Business Administiatian 


Wichael Hannan Lawrie Mare Michelle Htarman 
Physics Pullic Relations Psychalagy 

: rome 7 RBREY RY Ey Hay, 
avied Wlarris Jennifer Dlarris Patrick Wlartmann 

J >. Cras % hun T , 

¢ ampiuer Sicence One zasunental Science French 

3 ef" r eC : hif'= Sd oa ; : . ~~ ys 
ee j wage eee 4 t 

a eel 

a ‘ ; ; FS ed : ‘ae e- ; 

Class of 1996 — 

j 7 REE 2 y 
Aimee Dlaug VM uyan Dlenninger Cassandra Mlenuy 

aed] ce eee F vee al ‘ = a, y 

Glementauy Gducatian Marketing Psychalaqy 

“- . - 
evin Dliestand 
Accaunting Accounting Pullic Relations 

Sarah Wlerchik She ul Nirsh 

— & OS) as ae 
ys S) 4 4 oy 4 ay 4 
Mradley Plaffman Scatt Plaffman Christina Wlallentach 
ae "tea | . z) ; : 
Sacialagy Political Science “Cammunicatians 

Cheryl Fuvine Jayanthi ayawa udena 
Athletic © a Se (S 70n ees hae 
Athletic brining Vaiachemisty 

é . 

os agree | ; MENGE ER TGS 


ail y oe. 
- f « G J A. f =) 
saw Jedrick Mlaxqavet Johnson Kimberdy Kane 
yg” 4 Ste ony Ino Ces ‘oe = 
sychataqy Political Science Glementauy Education 

2 RR = Vig oY. gz CJA ae 
Vraake Kennedy Kristy Kent ell Kenyan 
D a) : O/;, Ce > 
Psycholaqy Dlistary Enuizonmental Science 

Cp ~ A c 5 e - > 7 hl 
€ hvustapher 1 Cristan ‘Keyes Steven Kirk 

4 2 « q . . 
French Wiachemist uy Operations W lanagement 


ce oO. ? Wits v7 f ] oy). 
Gmmett Kiuwan Bevedly Kline Weather “Klinger 
GP : : . co j oe : 3 
“Cammunicatians ‘Wlusic “Gducatian Musiness Mlanagement 


2-3 A 


ZERINS 7) 5 7 Or" i : Rae Soe 
Kristie Klinger List Kludzuweit Glise Knappenterger 
yf > A aaa! d 
Psychalaqy Psychalaqy Voialaqy 

Wrian Knepp Audey Kalel Karen Kobziewicz 
F (é A Ce . Pp . 
Accaunting Music Education Chemistuy 

= Cc “ A c “ A 
Lari Kachanshi Shawn Kohiman Allisan Kollar 

a4 - ff > -._f Fx ff. rf : 
English Sacialagy Pulllic Relations 

4 ¥ . 
qie Kreitzer Jennifer ‘Krincek Patricia ‘Kringe 
Accounting ¢ Psychology ¢ Psychology 
mal a ae ‘5g Fe, ten 7 n-* e ae a : 
* f-% ra e " = ate esi f ~ 167 Z 

~ ; . z é ics 


or ) 2 oe 

Darie Kwuz : Gau Landis 

: CON 8 ce hee tS, 5 
Accounting Cnuizanmental Science 

« ) > cs 
Kawitney Lanzaro Amy © Deena Lea uy 
= eae ? , 4 e ce 5 ) (a0 
Pullic Relations ‘Wlarketing Gnuivonmental Science 

. % € 
fouer Matthew Lehahan 

Psycholaqy : Neligian 

[ 1] - 
bimathy Leane 



Amy © Mak Lenker 

Da choal, Jinance 
Psychology en <= ee , =. an WE Rei. 
eas relat Wi tes 7 “ 

Wleredith Lilly Nichelle Liechty 
WMialagy Accaunting Sacialaqy 

bamara Litts 

David Loamis Christopher Lascalza Clint Luliecht 

c son Se 32 (oS 2 ayo) ake aK 5 cor . 
Music Gducatian Musiness Administration OCONOHUCS 


Jennifer Lukach Wendy Lunt “badd Lynady 

Political Science Psychology Accounting 

ee \ 

Jennifer MacDanald Jennifer Malarik Stacey ‘Wlancine 
—Yusiness: Administration d Mista uy “Cammunications 

Saral-Jane ‘Wlange 
eF Wie rE 
Snternatianal Studies 

Dimathy Marks 
WB ialag f 

Christa Marini 

Wleqan ‘Wlasanius 

2 a oo. 

Sacialagy = 

‘Kelly VWlann 

Scatt Wartin 
Camputer Science 

bar Martz 

C2: f 

? ~ae 
Campiuter Science 


Jan ‘Markey 

VU ondy Wlartin 

Wendy Mashluin 

WNichael Mauriella 


Sarah Maus 
Wlusic Gducatian 

Cau ney VN icDaniel 
Pullic Relations 

5) A 
Ralle uw NW leckly 
Pulllic Relations 

Wichelle Mazzucca 

ce fA. 

co = 
Matthew WMeKenzie 

L.A. Music/Musiness 

Bruian Mehner 
Intemational Studies 

WMitzie Miller 


Cbhamas McCarthy 
Oheatre Arts 

bara McManus 
Pilllic Relations 

Paul Mesich 

Ce J. p 

Shaye Miller 
Wlusic “Gducation 

pee Ae 
Yasan Nitner Cherie ‘Wlineemayer 
—, 4 ¢ 
Cheater As Accaunting 

Jeffrey Minnier Weather Mintz Jennifer Mitchell 
Dnfarmatian Systems ‘Mathematics Psychalagy 

Ylicale Marashi Delarah Mariaw Cimathy Mass 
ars ota : = 
Accounting Gnuivanmental Science “Camputer Science 


7 -f € f 1 C A . Cy ul "CO 
“Emily Mlautsas eather Vlewlegin Natext Vlauman 
. 0) Pe 7) Sree Cyr h 
tion Pulilic KR s » Relations 
a: a r . z o~ ‘wna ~ 7 a bs —Y¥ ~~ 


ces is ce 
6lementauy Gduca 
oe “ ap ES FGI! 2» at 

€Calleen O'Dannell Shelly Cldt Patricia Oust 
Cammunications Accaunting Political Science 

W lady Osmun Janelle Pall Christopher Pantale 
w vaadcasting Gi iglish Ecanamics 

Maw Alexandra Papp Cina Parks Carla Pavy 

Wlusie Education Elementary Education Psychalaqgu 
Y Hy} GY 

} flor Pascae 

Business Admi 

‘Wlaupanw § 2S (my Peters “‘Marqaret Piewe 
7s 4 9 ° . 4 sa, 
Wialagy “Cammunications Cheatwee Aus 

Carrie Pires breuar Paremba Yicale Purcell 

? ‘ A ) Af- Cy fp . GQ?- iJ . 
Cammunicatians Pulllic Relatians Miachemisty 

4 “Teeny | > 1cy 1] co. (ae) 
‘Mathew Quigley Sarah Ranck Guica Reed: 
re ‘ A ts oO2: 2) : : 
lecaunting Mialagy Cammunications 



A 4 

CG Q Gy 4 c : 7) 4 Cc If amy PO 

John Renauld Raleat Rhaads < (my Ricker 

‘on , ; Os: he eH 
Miachemist uy ; Ptistau Wass Cammunications 

oa BST over by ie he ates 4 A Cte Qu geS 

ce... cy : . (@ 9) 1f- 

Gue (ritter Katrina Raltins 
5 ited 

Accaunting } Wialaqgy 

Se) S = 
Seth Ralkhins Stefanie Rahner 
Political Science Wa cketing 

i : a ; : ont a . : 2 —_ : ie. 
Coy 2 os) ZB \ C 4 i] 
eviy Rasen Shevy Rasen 4) {prey Aumtaugh 

es . . ? C . . 
Cammunicatians W zaadcasting Accounting 

¢ )OUVUVUY Sawyer 

Vestax Aahn Salazar Neather Sargeant 
Wialag Physi: “English 

¢ ss Z hae m a a 

Oe , > 
Ganja Schneck Darzeen Scatt 
- fA- Cy A = re . @ “4 5 
Pullic Relations Mlusie Gducatian 

z > ay 

Vlancy Sener Jennifi DL Shaffer Keather Sheldan 
>2 = j A nic = ois 
Business Administration Sociology NMistary 


NMingchaa Shen Wrad Shafran “Cammy Shutters 
Wiac hemistyy Accaunting Ma cketing 

a fa >. 
Jason Sidney ‘Kelly Sincavage Holly Sivec 
2. f 
Palitical Scie nce Pca Bialag ye English 


shley Smith Pwitis: Smith Derek Smith 

Co” co - Pp a ) 27) 
Glementauy “Gducatian Camputer Science Psycholaqy 

= = Se sy) 2) Se " 
Jennifer Smith Sharaw Smith 
4 4 ce a 
Ptuman Resaurce Management Gnqlish 

Nicale Salis Andwew Samers Edward Spayd 

Ce . : J. (ae , i] = 
Gnuitonmental Science Nistor OMe zammental Science 

(ndiew Stansfield Kick Stauffer Stefanie Stutzman 
whilic “Welations : xe ‘Mathematics =o ee G 


a = Ppp San ae ji EC ‘| 
Krista Sumner €alleen Supinski Marin Sutatutra 
En 4 a oe 9) - Cc . f eye Ce . 
Political Science Dusiness ntemnational Politics and Gconamics 

~~ 4 

> > are aoe 4 TS 2 oa) 4 
Susaw Swatski ‘Kimledy Cavers Jeanne Cheuerkauf 
: > A Cries ig eae 
ntenatians Studies Finance Sacialagy 

QO. . oY a : Zz. — = j 

Karin Ghampsan asan 6 rautman bevy Cuffnell 
Sl Educati ~ Marketi Sacial 
6lementary “Gducation la cketing Oaciatagy 


y Cc f- f = ) aes KS) -ff- Pp.: . 
aey Ulrich Patricia Vermillian Christina 
>” f S > 4 c e 4. 4 = A 
“Glementauy Gducatian onglish : Psychalag 

| _* 

Amy Vagel David Wagner Kimbedy Walsh 

Public Relatians Sacialagy sychalaqy 

Ryan 4 Vayne Andrea Weaver Jeffrey Welch 


CT: Ce 4 ? . we) f. pf 
Finance Glementary Education onglish 

Stephen Wheeler Che ul “White 
Finance Accaunting 

Sean Whitelauich Jennifer Wilhelm 
ahs y % 
English Biko 
z ve Oe SE a EEG IER a 5 ey (ae. aes 

a an rs * 
Z* be tat 
@ 4... a 

. fs 


Ch vistapher NY alfe Kristen) Valfe Williams Dennifer VU alny i 

ce . 1] aaa . ¢ . 
Cnuizanmental Science Accaunting Miolagy 

* 5; ; > 
Per Rachel Waadward James Waaster Stacey LY Jellex 
y NHistou f Pa pchalag. f Wraadcast ng 
ae , 

Pp. ). oye c lend 4 
Caroline ayas Made agly 
? f. p ane "ek <a 
English Palitical Science 

Late Auivals ... Parents’ Pride 
Tran Le N. Baker 

o , , iy , 
bran Le, may you always enjoy your purists and share your qrace with friends and kin 

Kevin Elberson 
We've ve proud af you, Keuin, Best af tuck always -WMam, Dad & alt the family 

Robert R. Hall Jr. 

ws , ‘ , c © , Tc yf 
ak, you ve brought mare jay ta awe tives: than yaw can ever unaqine Vfaur success at SU is icing an a very delicious cake Vaux future will be sweeter 

Andy Lefever 
Canqratulations « Andy. We are veup proud of you, and know you will da well in the future. Chere was never a doubt! We've with you all the way 

Dad, Paula, Chris and Lindsay 

Tamara Litts 
Damm , lats af success and happiness 
f PF 

Lave Mam, Dad, ran & Erich 

Jeffrey Rumbaugh 
Nel - Cangratulatians an your high achievements in lath academics and Maskethall at Susquehanna University - 
4 f } } d 
Proud Parents 

May 19,1996 was a ve wy Spec ial day in 
the lives of 319 Susguchanna graduates 

that can now call themselves, ‘Alumni.’ 

fn this unseasanalle hat 103 deqree 
Spring Sunday, water was mare impatant 
ta the graduate s than diplomas. 

Parents, Grandparents, students, vla- 
tives, faculty and friends all gathered an 
the lawn between Seibert and Selinsgrave 
Wall ta celelnate the achievements of the 
138th graduating class fram the Uni- 
versity. After the cere many students 
papped champagne dattles, drenched their 
heads with cald watev and gave hugs ta the 
lest friends they will ever have, in frant of 
Degenstein Campus Center. 

Che new “Alum spent the « eventing after 
the ce vemony dawntawn and at aff-c ampus 
gatherings. And at the end of the day 
many spent theiv last night at Susque- 


Dvharnc ah eee ' 
enhaps the mast important pad af 
graduation day was nat the ceremany ar 
the pieces af paper the graduates taak 
away, duct the 1460 ather days af mem- 
aries and challenges it taak far them ta 
get there- 

) Z= 






DParents’ Pde 

U your life cantains just a small fraction of the jay you have brought us, you tl be a fortunate 
fave, Wlam & Dad 
Kristen Arbogast 
Congratulations, Sweetheart!Ufau did it! 
Rebecca Audet 
Lau have accomplished sa much. From singing, dancing, and friendships, ta knowledge and 

e are very proud. “Keep that drive alive. Laue, Wlam & Dad 

Kristina Back 
Vlau ave a shining stav and will be fav many others 
Ehrin L, Barker 
tL lave you and will be farevé v proud 
'Faue, Wlam 

Thomas Andrew Ac 

man. “We've sa proud af you 

Laue Vfau, Wlam 

Ehuin, Va matter what yau do, av wha you became 

af you. Ufau ave my sunshine and the qwatest valentin 
Amanda C. Bergh 
Amanda, Vfaur happiness: has always: been paramount. Way all your dreams came tue 
Gaad tuck in all yaw da, Lave, Dad & Mair 
Joseph Bianco 
laseph, we are sa proud af you. Cangratulations, Gad Mless you always. Laue, Mam & 
Jonathan Bingaman 
Ba liv your life in your auu way - la wac h fav the goals you haue: set fax yourself - ta be 
the you that you want ta be - that is success." Cangratulatians, Janathan, fram your Wlam, 
Dad, Peter, Adam, Amy, & Ellie Way this be the beginning af a life lime af dreams: came 
Ralph Blessey 
ur congratulations an your ace oamplishments at Susquehanna, ath academic and athletic, 
which exceeded our expectatians. We are sa veu proud of you and hope that you will cantinue 
your successes throughout life. Our lave ta you always Mom & Dad 
Ken Borthwick 
Ken, Cangratulatians an the teqinning af yaur greatest aduenture Lave Mam & Dad 
Shannan Bowerson 
ur hears smile when we think af you’ ‘ 
Carrie Boyce 
Cangratulations !With all aur lave and best wishes. Mam, Dad, Eric, Jahn 
Danita Boyce 

Danita, the magic wards were always “ yaw can da it” and yaw did! Cangratulations and 

ave, Wlather & Dad 


thanks. fav giving me so many opportunities: ta brag about you. Wlyliu, muy tia! Wama 
Dyan R, Brandt 
Cangratulatians ta the brightest, dearest, sweetest daughter a mather could have. ° Vou have 

made your whale family uve proud of you 

Robert Brechka 

oes av] , 7) ‘ , 1 OQ) , ‘ 
Rab, “We can't believe hauv your callege years have flown ly! We are proud af evergthing 

you've accamplished and we'll be laaking far you in the U.S. Senate! We lave you! Mlam, 
Dad, & Amy 

Aaron Brighenti 
Cangratulations Aaran! Dm sa proud af you! D know you tl Dlave a qreat future ! Fauve, 

Kevin Burd 
Way ta ga, Keuin Burd! Congratulations! We lave you ‘Mam, Dad, & ¢ Angela 
Lynn Castaldo 
Congratulations! “We are sa proud of you and lave you! Wlam, Dad, & Sisters. 
Steven Centalonza 

Gp ' > EY , , Fi c 
Cangratulations, Steue!“Wards can't express hau proud we are of you! “>? 

hemember~ live far 
- learn fram the yesterday! Laue, Wlam & Dad 

Lisa Clapper 

Lisa, Laake back with pride; fauvard with jay; wz far help Lave, Mam & Dad 

taday - dream fav tamavow 

Lisa, “Vfaw'ue qu, you ‘ve changed; you ue accamplished; we've proud! Wlam &< Dad 
Julie Cook 
“We've vewy proud of all you've done sa well. Lave, Wam & Dad 
Darren M. Cregan 

Dear Darren: We are sa proud af yau and your accamplishments. Lave, Mam & Dad 

Eliza Dalton 
“Laur mountain is waiting Sa get an your way! Dr. Seuss “Cangratulations! Lave, 
Mam & Alan 
Karen Danskin 

We take pride in your accomplishments. “Ujaur winning attitude will tan your education into 

Matthew C. Dean 
rect your motivation and hard war. We know you will soar with the eagles! 

Cynthia DeLong 

Cindy, Congratulations! Mest af tuck, Love, Mam & Chet 


Joseph “Butch” Diminico 
Butch, Congratulations! You never cease to amaze us. It is such a blessing 
for us to be your parents. We are your #1 fans. Love, Dad & Mom 
Jake Dinsmore 
Success: is getting what you want in life; Happiness is liking what your get “Cangratulations an 

this happy accasian. We're all proud af you Snake! Laue, Mam, Dad, and Ben 

Mandy DiPolvere 
‘Wlandy, We are bursting with prude at all your accomplishments these last four yeas. 
Cangratulatians ta you and eu uyane iv your class. Lave, Mam, Dad, & Cony 

Kenneth Dolan 

“Cangratulations! Maw quickly these last four years have gane Vou and SU. were a goad 
match. We've ve proud of all you ue ace amplished May the vaad vise to meet you and the wind 
be always at your back. With lave forever. Mlam & Dad 

Kurt M. DuBrink 

“Cangratulatians ta Kut Du¥®unk tram Wlam & Dad 

N elle D. Durham 

“We are ueup proud of you.“ Vjau have shawn Your drathers and sister that they can be whatever they 

want ta be. We laue you for that.‘ l Jou gave a your dest and it paid aff “We're sa proud ta say 4 
WMichelle’s in callege 7 Of you feel that you must ga further ta get that dequee than yaw go girl. 
Che vad will get tough, and you might feel that you want lar qiue up, but D know that You Won t 
. y yaw ever get that feeling, Gules US: a call and we will cheer you an “We laue You ven much and 
We Ate SQ We Uy LeUY proud Lave, Mam, Dad, Raleu, Cammie, . Jevuy, Lianel, and Princess 
Lenny Ebel 

“Congratulations yaw ac amplished your goal nou sel puarties and chase your dwams! Laue, 
Mila & Wlam 

Richard T. Fanella 
D am sa proud af you Che future is yours D lave you, Wlam 

Julie Anne Fenton 

a , ‘ , A oO, , 
Our canqratutatians. and test wishes: ta YOu A Your graduation {rom catlege We wish you all 


there happiness you desewe. L Jaw are fresh, B uight and full af life, and with the hand af Gad an 
your shoulders, you can da all things wanderful “We are sa proud af you All aur lave and 
support. Wlam, Dad, ‘ Vlany, & ‘ Rusty 
Melissa G. Fetsko 
Cangratulations, Melissa Fetska, a beautiful waman. With lave & pride, Wam, Dad, Michael, 
Janathan pe Gram 
Lisa Fulton 
Vou ae autstanding “We are ueuy proud af you, now and always Laue, Mam & Dad 
Kristen Gipe 
We are sa proud af your grawuth and accomplishments Vfau will be a beautiful addition ta ang 
stage an frant af the lights ar behind them 
James Glucksman 
Congratulations! Ufou ‘ue made us proud. hank you Coad luch in gelling a jal PS. Dan't 

’ ‘ r c =) , 
come hame withaut ane! Lave, Wam, Dad, Cyuanny, Dinks 

Amy C. Grenoble 
Rases are ved, vialets are llue, cangratulatians Amy, haw proud we are of you! 
Jennifer Ann Grisan 
Reflecting upan watching yaw blassam inta the wonderful persan yaw are taday, we have 
always had a great sense of pride, admixatian, and rspect fax all af yaw efforts: and 
accamplishments. Chank yow fox Sa many wanderful memaues. Our lave and support ae 
with yaw in all yaw da - taday, tamariow, and always! Lave, Mam & Dad 
Jason D. Guilford 
We are sa proud af all your accomplishments. May you always: le happy and successful. 
Melissa Haley 
Melissa yaw are awesame in evew way, we are hanaxed ta be yauv parents. LER 
Dorothy Hall 
Dat-We hope you'll always keep your camera focused, ear tuned ta the teat and passpaxt 
weady far whatever course you chart in life. an Voyage! Lave, Mam & Dad 
Michael Hannan 
Mike: Far all your hard work, struggles, and stress, we wish yaw great success. Vaw've 
dane a super, super-qreat jal. Cangratulatians: as: you Graduate fram Susquehanna U. 
Laue, Dad, Mam, Kelly 
Laurie Hare 
Laur, We lave you and are very proud of yau. A special time in your life is ending asa 
special time is just beginning. Always: vememlier we'll be here fax you. Mam, Dad, & 
Matthew S. Heimbach 
Matt, Congratulations, we've vew proud of you. Laue, Mam & Dad 
Bryan L. Henninger 
Cangratulations SU. graduate! We are sa proud of you. Lave, Dad, Mam, & anya 
Margaret E. Johnson 
Dt has been aur qreatest jay ta watch you became a fine young woman. Dis with lave and 
pride that we wish yaw future successes. Mam & Dad 
Kimberly Lamont Kane 
Girls and New Viark ta womanhood and England. auch the next generation. Lave, 
Mam, Dad, Muyan, Andrew 
Kristy Kent 
Dntelligent, caring, educated, hardwarking, and beautiful. Vaw've accamplishes it all Dim 
saooa Proud. Best wishes. Lave, Mam 
Christopher J. Kern 
Chris, Ist the labar, delivery, & the haspital lill; next traces and axthadantist bill; now 
the final tuitian bill. We lave yaw but we sald your vam. Cangratulations, we've proud of 
you. Lave, Mam & Dad 
Audrey Kobel 
Audrey, In spite of it all yaw did it. €Cangratulations Cyaad Luck Laue, Mam, Dad, 
Allison Kollar 
Look aut warld- hev she comes. Playtime is: aver. Yaw: it’s time for the wal thing. 
Chank you for making me sa proud. Much Laue Always, Mam 
Jennifer Krincek 
May your future be as: bright as: your smile, we lave you, Sanny, Jaey & Dad 
Gary G. Landis 
Gay Landis -Cangratulatians - we wish yaw happiness fallawing your dieams Laue, 
Mam, Andrea & Glenn 
Kourtney Lanzaro 
“While faith makes all things passille, lave makes: all things: easy.” Lave, Dad & 
Scott Leiser 
Congratulations. Che whole wardkd is yours! Go far it. Lave, Dad, Mam, Stefani 
Timothy A. Leone 
Cangratulatians Cim! We are veuy proud of all your accamplishments. Lave, Mam, 
Dad, & Emily 
Clint Lubrecht 
Cangratulatians. Vau auercame many aduersities: ta: graduate. We are veuy proud. Lave, 
Dad & Alice 
Jen Lukach 
Cangratulations Den. We're veuy proud and we lave you. We wish you anly happiness 
and success as: you travel dawn the path of life. Dad, Mam, Andy, & Amanda 
Wendy Lunt 
€Cangratulatians Wendy Lunt! Vaw've made us sa veuy proud. Cantinue fulfilling your 
dwams with aur lave and suppart. Lave, Mam & Dad 
Todd Lynady 
add, In whatever directian life may take yau, we know yaw will succeed! All aur lave, 
Mam, Dad, Nicale, & Marissa 
Jennifer MacDonald 

Jen Mac “Cangratulatians an a jal well dane! Che ward awaits! Lave, Mam & Dad 
Jennifer Malarik 
Congratulations Jen, We are proud of you! Best wishes for the future. Lave, Wam & Dad 
Wendy Martin 
Cangratulatians! Lats of luck and happiness in the future Lave Mam & Dad 
Megan Masonius 
Congratulations Meg - We axe sa proud af you! We all lave you Wlam, Dad, Keui, G.9)., 
Ellen, Daqy: Grace, Elle, Chris, & Michelle 
Thomas McCarthy 
Dam - Cangratulatians - we are wally proud of yau! 
Courtney McDaniel 
Cautney - Believe in yourself! Wherever you qa, aur lave and pride ga with you. Lave, Mama, 
Dad, & Brooke 
Steven Meyer 
Cangratulatians! We wish you nathing but the weuy best €ape Diem! Lave, Mam, Dad, 
Gadd, & Pamela 
Shaye A. Miller 
Anather slage iw your evalutian is campletes, and we've duxsting with pride at yaw ac~ 
Jodi Minnich 
Cangratulatians, an all yaur accamplishments, a jal well done. We've sa proud of you. May 
Gad tiles yaw always. All aur lave, Mam, David, Gue, Grandma, Grandpa, & Randy 
Jeffery E. Minnier 
Jeffery: aur san and my drather - Congratulations! ur lave & aur hearts yaw take with you 
wherever De leads you; ~ Ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find. "(Luke 11:9) 
We lave yaw sa much, Mom, Dad & Jennifer 
Deborah J. Morrow 
Congratulations Delarah Marraw! We are ve proud of you and your accamplishments. “We 
lave yaw veuy much and Suppo You always. Cjaad luck in the future: Lave, Mam, Dad, & 
Heather Newbegin 
Weather: We are proud proud proud proud proud Love, Mam, Dad, Rabin, Grandparents, and 
Rob Norman 
Rall, it would take this complete laak far us ta tell you how proud we are af yaw and all that you 
have achieved during the educational peviad of yaur life. As. yaw enter the next phase af your life 
and encounter anather of the many hurdles befare yaw, we will alays be there, as your family, tar 
help lift yaw and keep yaw an your way. We lave yaw very much, Dad, Mam, ‘Kiistine, Deuyn, 
‘Kari, and ess: (Nee; ) 
Colleen M. O’Donnell 
Dear Calleen, Yaw are an the brink af change, of chaice and of vespansibility. ust the integrity 
of your ideas, yaur independent style and tust dreams da: come tue. All yaw have ta be is: you. 
Great things lie ahead. Lave your proud Mam & Dad 
Mark Osmun 
Congratulations an your graduation 
Vow spent faur years in callege, ta bank aur maney flowed 
Sa qa and eam a living, get aud and hit the zaad 
Dust hidding, We lave you. 
Jonelle Pall 
Congratulations ta aur beautiful daughter, Janelle. Vaw are the pride and jay af aur laves and we 
lave yaw mare than words can say. Mam & Dad 
Chris Pantaleo 
Chis Pantalea - Congratulations. an your mauntain climbing and your choices. Dim sa veuy 
proud. Much lave, Mam 
We lave yaw, are proud of yow and wish yaw the best 
Mary Alexander Papp 
Maw Alexander - Laue your dream. The future belangs ta you. Laue, Mam & Bad 
Carla Parry 
Cada, All throughout your life you have giver us precious: memanes: that anly aw heart can 
appreciate. Chase memories will stay Uv the warmest, mast faving pad of aur heart fax us ta heep 
forever. Lave, Mom & Dad 
Carrie Pires 
Nea one has achieved mare than you, cangratulations an your perseverance and hard work. Vour 
family is filled with pride and lave far you. Look aut world - here she cames! 

Trevor lan Poremba 

Orevar Vlau've the tops” and wmember ” all beqims with a dveam ease fallow that 

ke “} lana 

Sheldan, ¢ 
Nicole Purcell 

We hope that your future is as bright and pleasant as yaw are. “Wi 
Amy Rickert 

Amy, your success makes us proud, your enthusiasm and wisdom will make all things passible 

Robert P. Rhoads 

is €4ad s gilt 

, } GY 
dream aue, Illam, ad 

re sa proud 

Wha you ave What you became is your gift ta him 

~ Congratulations, lave & pride, ‘Nlam 
o 2 Congratulations Gpraduate! We lave you and feel great pride on your accamplishments. - Dad 
i & Candy 
i, Katrina Robbins 
7 Katie - Vow can do anything! May all your deams came tue! Lave always, Your Family 
Stefanie A. Rohner 
~ - Cangratulatians Stef! We celebrate your achievements and hope fav your fulfillment in the 
os , future. With lave and pride. Wlam, Dad, Caly, & Wiad 
ars. Sherry Rosen 
th Congratulations! We knew. you could do it! Love, Mam, Had, DHauid, & Rosebud 
a Heather A. Sargeant 

We lave you and we've proud of yau. Lave, Wlam & Dad 
Tammy Sawyer 
te best af everything fav tammy, wha is all we dreamed of. 

Dori Scott 

Wutstanding calleqe career! 

We pray far 

Che future promises NAPPANness. and 

Mam & Dad 

Jennifer Shaffer 
ang ratulatians Jenny.“Ufaurg randfathers aw smiling dawn an you é A true family pioneer ~ 

Mam & Dad 

fulliliment af dveams 

Heather Sheldon 
All the wanders you seek ave within yourself "We lave you Wlam & Daug 
Mingchao Shen 

Dear Mingchaa Shen: We are wew proud of you studying at SU. and having a lat af 

Dear Heather 

friendships with people of theU.S.Muc jy lave and cangratulatians!“Vlour parents, Shanghai, 
PR. China 

Brad G. Shofran 
Brad, Remember 99% perspiration, 1% inspiration Va D in team. Laue you, Mather & 

Tammy Jo Shutters 
Ke your memaues and accomplisjments clase ta your heau. “We gladly gave you this 
opportunity and ave proud of you. Lave, Wlam & Dad 
Kelly Sincavage 

P ; ov 1" F —c j 
Vlow ve made us proud! Dappiness and success. in all your endeavors! Mam, Pars, & “Uncle 


“Vlaur dueams will tecame vality. Dntelligence, deteuninatian, && hard works = success! 

“Cangatulations, Dad & Wam 
Holly Sivec 

Life's adventure is just beginning. Cya find your treaswies and dan’t fear the 

Dear Holly 

obstacles. We believe in you. Lave always - Mom, Dad, & 
Harin Sutabutra 

Che best victouy is ta canquev self, you have found your aun way ta success, keep it up we are 


all behind you Laake ahead and enjay eveuy minute of it “Cangratualtians! 
Ashley Smith 

“y, ‘ , ca a5 ay, 
Ashley, we've watched you mature and grow ober the years - now you'll enter the classvaam as 

a significant pat of others’ maturation and gq rowth. We've proud af Yau, « Ashley, and wish the 
vew best. All aur lave goes with you always Lave, Wlam & Dad 
~~. Derek J. Smith 

_ ~ Congratulations Derek! Vfau've achieved your dweam! Che ward's your doarstep. We've sa 
proud af you! Mluc vf happiness and gaad luck in the future !SLaue, Mam, Dad, Kim, Brett, 

Sharon Smith 

4 - Congratulations, Sharan! We've ver proud af you!! Lave, Mam & Dad 
Drew Stansfield 

Dru comes though! Congratulations san. As you move fouvard always laok ta match the 

a hatch and watch that ting of the rise. Dad 
:* : Kirk Stauffer 
e On your field eveusthing adds up, you've the perfect sum. Lave, Dad & Mam 

24 Stefanie Stutzman 

; Congratulations Stef! We've proud of you! Vau're the best & we lave you very much 
Krista Sumner 

Krista, congratulations! Vjou've met your goals, go forth with confidence and the knowledge 

Lave, Dad, Wlam, & Gang 
Colleen Supinski 

Lave you Colleen; 4 year graduate; chadev member women’s 


that you ave laved. We wish you all of lifes blessings 
cross cauntuy ~ MWlam, Dad, 

Kimberly A. Tavares 

four years was a blur. “jour accomplishments weve beyand expectation. “We lave you. Wom & 


“Llauw came, saue and conquered. “Cangratulations ana jot’ well-done” Wlam-mam & Pop-pop 
Karin Thompson 
“@anqratulations Karin! We're proud of the wark you ‘we dane. Laue, VWlam, Dad, Keith, 
Amy Vogel 

ld hac hey 

Kappa Delta, saccer, lacrosse, and 

OW. Z "WA i) ” , : 
your studies!" We knou: you will be successful in all your future endeavors. “Cangatualtions Amy 

“We ate so proud aft your college achievements 

Ne ane / 

David B. Wagner 
Cangratulations Dave. We are all sa proud of your academic success and student goveuumnent 
leade uship Fallow your dwams! Lave, Mam, Dad, Christi, and Delf 

Ryan T. Wayne 
Oauving a grandson lights every moment with happy MEMOUES, Ryan is sameane wha smiles and. 
makes. me smite “Ryan is: sameane wha’s thaugh{ul and thought af sa much Ryan is someone 
wha cas and is caved about always My Ryan is special and especially laued. Laue, 


fo7) oY rey) > ’ F 
Canqratuatians Ryan an your accamplishments, at Susquehanna and cantinued success in 

graduate schaal. Laue, Mrent “99 

Dauing a san like Yow is knowing the jay of wat hing the bay you were twuy ita the man YOU A 
Mauing a san like you, is knowing a special hind af closeness that we can anly know. Mauing a 
san like you though four years af hard wark: and deteuminatian to be your best, it’s a special pride 
having you, Ryan as aur san. Lave, Mam & Dad 

Andrea Weaver 

Cang ratuatians Andwa !CGraad luck in se ung Your first teaching pasilion “Vou will make @ 

qeat elementary teacher. “We are eu proud of you Lave ya, Mom & Dad 
Jeffery Welch 

We knew you cauld da well in callege, hut you suprised even us and stayed in the universilyy 
wcagnized schalars, all through schaal. ‘ Your family is proud of you ts the best inuestment 9 
have made in my life -‘ Vaux future “Cangratulations, Lave Dad 

Amanda Williams 
Va tua parents cauld have mare pride in their daughter than we have in you, ‘Mandy Vfou have 
proved your intelligence, strength af character and sensdiuly to athers wepeatedly “Cangratulations 
fram us and fram Guy / 

Jennifer L. Wolny 
Jennifer - We knew you would be extremely successful in schaal and know your future will be 
just as vewarding Hard wark pays aff and you ue proven it! Laue ta you from Wlam, Dad, 
Matt, & € 4 vandparents 

Rachel E. Woodward 

Rachel, We're extremely Pp roud af all your accamplishments and we are confident Yau will succeed 
in whatever wad you chase ta fallow Laue, Mam, Ray, & Stefanie 

Dim extremely proud af all your hard warky in callege, including CO-Opr studies and tennis: team, 
‘May you be rewarded in life fox your accomplishments € jaad luck, Rachel. Lave, Dad 
Caroline Zayas 

Sissy - Fallau your heat & wmemberv your dams. Goad luck! D lave you, Pooie 

Kudas Caraline. Proud af you, bran teacher, cherish all memaxies, friends, we will. Fallow your 

dreams wherever they lead you Chanks, qeeal limes “We lave you, ‘Mam & Dad 

‘See page 180 far additianal messages) 
pag ig 

Special hanks ta Dina Faratara & arin Sutabutra 

Fata an | Capea ee. FADS 



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2 Weerrer 

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be Stieiias 





PS er 

ce a eed 


‘ Assistant, Gliza Dalton; he 19 96 up 
lim. Sadt; “Gditar in Chief, G 

; + 1O/ - 
Phatoquphy Cditar, Sheryl Dtirsch 

ow" 2 ) ani > , 
Where in the ward is Susquehanna? 

Like many students: at this lniversity, in the past thee years D have been asked this question a millian times. Alang with 
camments such as, Susque what?, Isn't that a river), and Ds that an an Indian Resewatian? Vv ly WSPOANSE Ls always the same, 
“Ya, Susquehanna is a small Liberal Aus schaal in Central Pennsylvania. "D2 haue stopped adding that it isin Selinsqrave 
because nat many peaple knaw where that is either. 

As 2 sit at my computer, which J might add, PD would nat know haw ta twuv an if it wasn't fav the small university of 
Susquehanna, D am in Veu: a Jark City pursing my career goals in Public Relations as a summer intew at a tap financial 
campany. 9 begin ta walize that it is nat where Susquehanna is, ut vather what it allaws its students ta achieve bath sacially and 
professionally, that is tudy the significant question. 

€ ‘aming ta Susquehanna in the fall of 1993 DF was prepa zed ta make mare of my callege expenence than 2 did of my high schaal 
career. My the fall af 1995, D faund myself achieving my goal and was chasen as the Editar-in-Chief af the 1996 Lantharn 
Vieartaok. What 9 valize naw and did nat then, is 9D would spend my Juniar year warking clasely with a qrowyr of people wha 
were hright , talented, hard wa ching and all products of the Susquehanna OXPLLUCNCE. 2D naw understand what a tudy special place 
Susquehanna is and that the lifeline of this uniuersity is nat wv us beautiful luildings, well manicured lawns, ar personalized 
educatian, tut rather in its peaple: D have in three years: at Susquehanna met wandexful friends, innavative classmates and 
dedicated P zafessa 18). Susquehanna has affaxded me the oppadtiuuty to understand my talents, fine tune my skills and given me the 
cannectians: ta achieve my goals. 


. - > . Q J ee . . > p a? . A ae f , 
Vlaw gaing inta my Seniav yeav when asked, Where in the ward is Susquehanna? a) veply canfidenily, tame. 

5 ‘ 4.2 , 1 OT 4 ‘ : E > > 4 NY ey de > CE - —y) 4 > 4 

9 wauld like ta thank Faculty Aduisav Dim Sadt, baylar Pullishing’s Ed Patiick Dv. and a staff af twenty Susquehanna 
f ¢ f id p + of p f f . 4 a) y 4 4 ox) , : 

students whan D have had the privilege ta wark with an this yearbook far the past eleven manths. “bhe team’s dedicatian and 

; , 4 4 = 5 4A 7 4 4 . of 
talents shauld te cammended. D appreciate all yaw efforts. 2 could nat have dane it withaut yau. 

Jacquie Lisa 

1996 Editar-in-Chief 

<-hy Sean